McCulloh, Loose Papers Folder 8Family Iee Maker I User Home Pages HornQ Ineemet FamiiyFinder Agents CL39sifieds Message Boards Geneaiogy How -To � �®rch FamlVi nfer Index Hacord Leokup Genealogy Mali Uwr Home Pages World Family T ae Alphabetized List of Relatives of Stephen & Gregory _ Page I I of 22 [ Home Page I First Page I Previous Page I Next Page I Last Page I Index of Pages ] Name Birth date Death date Souse Cora Beatrice McCulloch 18 Feb 1903 Dorothy Evelyn McCulloch 16 Mar 1928 20 Mar 1985 Ogle, Harry Webb Edgar Godfrey McCulloch 13 Aug1895 Patty Ervin Wesley McCulloch 5 Jan 1924 Russell, Miriam Kathleen ulna Rebecca McCulloch 9 Aug 1890 Freddie Holton McCulloch Aug 1886 1887 Grace Henrietta McCulloch 28 Nov 1908 Angell, Brady L. Ida Jane McCulloch 24 May 1888 8 Jul 1902 Jacqueline Mildred McCulloch 1 Oct 1925 8 Mar 1987 Donahue, Richard Michael James Marshall McCulloch 13 Aug1895 Jun 1896 Laura Veigh McCulloch 28 Aug1906 Peggy Louise McCulloch 0 Aug1931 1989 eston Franklin McCulloch 22 May 1898 16 Jun 1966 Rosa Isabelle McCulloch 4 Sep 1884 24 Apr 1933 Vestal Vespucci McCulloch Se 1900 9 Jul 1937 Howard, Mildred Alma Alfted McCulloh Feb 1794 Jun 1865 Daniel, Jincy Goshen McCulloli Apr 1853 15 Jul 1928 Gobble, Laura Francis James McCulloh 8 Oct 1818 0 May 1892Holland, Lenora Adeline McGee 8 Dec 1861 8 Aug1933 Annie Alice McGee 11 Feb 1877 18 May 1896 lizabeth McGee 18 Oct 1872 114 Nov 1934 ayworth, Robert H. eorge McGee am McGee 21 May 1829 1859 5 Mar 1882 11933 ISpoon, Malinda Jane IPermelia Davie County Public Llb'M mooksville, KG /oFZ/ Zrp 'T* Jw 0 JOT .0 n* -z.....� . �� — ��-. - ���' -�—-----------. �- _ _ _._.._._ zy OF a, -__ 3� -9 7 Q�-'' 3 I loee d ._z . ... ... loof"19op ;Ay, #3 - _.. _ ____ ____..___...._-_--- ZA 's IA .._Davie Cou.nty..P..uWic.Ubraq mooksvgle, NC d' aft D"1 `,,. '1 �,.e�., wwr t1-o-we.a►�� , a -v.. N .•�, vin � �� 2„a=t�,�,� -�. �.-�....o. w�'4 �..9s a.A.. , I"A-L e�C Q.A� �1�.t�� L&re.r.'k U -7- aPAXE v� UA,,* W .o.A 4,94 Lop - Dd.AJM . - ..,cam• -.1. , 7.c ": /�-. �a.V:r Edia, G e t� ra _. -., _ x -- AM" 4 05' j�g,,,,a- O � � e:St4. ,v�n.�.�r u.rc+•�. lid•-�. o ANL v J ^ U Z \k04 -A.. Nil� 0 % rAa /3 r. t-* kCmp�re- —br wnorI3r.L V I m / ��� / / �/ e , i � � � i � i / � � �� � i �i � . 1 \ f ► / /. � 1 � � � � � � fi ' / i i � r i r / / �' � ' ' / i � � / � i , i / i � / / / ' � � � i i i � i i i � � � i � / / � � i � / / / / i � / / � i / i i . � � � � / i i � � i / � / � i � �� i � �� � / � � / / � � i i i � G•_ � � � . , -� 1 -Id, A- 4;1,4 d41 /yah )-le- 41 J 77 31) ..� �' �G.-• .elf -. ... .. ... � .. 410-, Prya dMA/. /��•O-�� GAO [��!'�bjU rlSE g rr-//,•/O/L��iq g �g G�2SYT/f 34 /ftC �'s'yn`• -� � �• V. �/i t"!^^'� � �/ qct. Q•V JCi AZI 2 ( U 'i ao 2 '� •` 5_ o. I f 3 Itz Al DA�i 0 Q = A�A 41 ¢ ,y nti• 4. r(e /2- ygr�g3 "17, Av� ���"j Rf1G-/ 'JAv E • � �-a,.�' s '12...x✓ RLisi9a� '•(��I �7� �ppX/s� l�duNwKAa l A7—�l� _ /9L� IJ�ee 4 1#0 17 , 5J, d. 22 Aug 1 ' zc Alfred McCulloh b. 7 Feb 1794 MeWAv James W. McCulloh d. 7 Jun 1865 aa✓lc- b. 8 Oct 1818 OW44J f k -anklin McCulloh tl. 20 May 1892 Mtr / Henry Eustace McCulloh Charles McCulloh b. 23 Jun 1806 b. 9 Jun 1853 d. 11 May 1945 Amy McCulloh S McCulloh —! 3 Elizabeth MCCulloh F -f 5 John McCu11]ih . Mc ul oh Penelope McCulloh + !�� . 'Aar McCu,lloh W. McCulloh Rebecca McCulloh Rebecca McCulloh 3.e2 zL ` h d. SepS1952 93�L/ Kermit (Monk) MCCu110h d. 20 APP 1937 7� �$ A. 'Gallie' MCCulloh Mar FX Moselle McCulloh" 6/ ./m fylo *Sfd Geor i MCCul1oh :b. 28 Sep 19te 11 Nov 19 Feb d. 22 Jun 1913 1 PIC Uan 1 b. 26 Dec 17 �.fR4,;.! d. 8 Feb 1849 m. 26 Feb 1814 b. Walker Howard d. b. 3825 d. 1899 - E: b. d. Sarah Sp( b. 1827 d. 1899 Z •+ J x i d b N ® o '•d U 9 rya N 11 Nov 19 Feb d. 22 Jun 1913 1 PIC Uan 1 b. 26 Dec 17 �.fR4,;.! d. 8 Feb 1849 m. 26 Feb 1814 b. Walker Howard d. b. 3825 d. 1899 - E: b. d. Sarah Sp( b. 1827 d. 1899 9.15 Primrose Drive Shreveport, La. 71108 - July 13, 1976 Mrs. Alice H. Eidson 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem N. C. Dear Alice Your letter released a flood of memories and how I wish Mother were here to take a part in it all. She loved her family dearly even though there was little opportunity for close contact with those so far away. She loved to talk about her McCulloh kin and said she and her daddy were very close. The past few years I have tried to write down a few things as she told them so the enclosed is from jumbled notes and, t heref ore ,' incomplete. I have put addresses where I could and I am sending a copy of your letter to my sister, Flora, to see if she can send you the information. Dates, etc., become dim when we are so scattered and I would rather for your information to be as correct as possible. 1. James Morgan is the one to contact relative to Josephine Dunnaway's marriage to Charles G. He may have pictures. 2. Mildred Burks Elms. is the one to contact regarding her family. As you can see, it is a large one. Mildred also goes to A lderbrook often to see to the graves and she can complete some of the birth and death records for you. 3. My brother, Mason, and sister, Adilou, may be of help. A dilou has a picture of MariahMcC ulloh and she knows who got the picture of Charles G. - I just can't remember and I was not there when Uncle Claud died. The McCulloh home place in Locust Grove was sold a few years after Aunt Ora died - it had been left to her and Uncle Claud sold it. The people who bought it resold it later on and the new owners tore the old house down and built a little house on V% the property. It no longer remotely resembles the old , place. There was a square log, large room, at the rear of the;house, had a stone fire place. I always understood Mother to say the logs had come from a barn on the North Ca:A,,:ina property but I U never knew -the purpose of bringing them at�i that way. 0 vi You might contact Mr_ Wilson Powell, c/o Independence County Historical Societ , Box 1112, Batesvi e r . , to see w e er they ve any McCu o i ormation in their files. D ;vii County Public Library ockvFlle, NC IlLoa AO%N I don't know anything about Amy McCulloh, the aunt of Charles G. - Mother said he was from a large family but the only really familiar name to me is his brother, James. I talked with Adilou last night and she said our sister, Anna Dene, has the picture of Mariah now and that Preston in Memphis has a picture of Charles G. so you can contact them about copies. This is all the information I have but if I can help in any way, I will be glad to. Sincerely, f � Afterthoughts: The t'Family Tree of Jas. McCullohtt was copied from papers in the possession of the Morgan family - I think Lowell had them at the time so now possibly James Morgan or Lowell t s daughter may have them. The original you may already have had access to in N.C. as I am sure that is where the Morgan's must have gotten their copy. anyway, I am enclosing it in the event you dont t have one. The name spellings keep changing, as you will notice. The Mormon Church has a program of microfilming genealogies to assist their members and for a fee non --members ,can rent the film for a given time. I understand from one of may acquaintances the film is housed in the Salt 'Lake _City church headquarters. They also give instruction in searehing and compiling genealogies. 01 �- Davie County Public UbfaY Mocklcvdl�s, NC CAPT. CHAS. G. MCCULLOH A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF A MOST EXCELLENT MAN Capt. Chas. G. McCulloh, who died recently at his home in Greenbrier township, this county, was born in Salisbury, N.C., October 14th, 1833• He lived there until 26 years of age, when he came to Arkansas, landing in Batesville on January 14, 1859. There he kept books for two years for a Mr. Hersh. The war coming on, he enlisted in Company D. 7th Arkansas Battalion, andserved on the Con- federate side. He was known for his bravery and patriotism, and there never was a more gallant soldier. When the war closed, he came to Greenbrier town- ship, where he spent the balance of his life. Capt. McCulloh was married to Miss Josephine Dunaway on February 2, 1874, and to them two children were born - Mrs. Vic. Johnson of this township . and Mrs. Kate Morgan of Little Rock. Mrs. McCulloh died March 12, 1$$1, and on January 10, 1$$4, Capt. McCulloh was again married, to Miss Mariah Warnack of this County, and four children were born to them ---Mrs. Ora Lovell of Jamestown and Misses Jim and Ura, and John McCulloh, Capt. McCulloh was held in the highest esteem, and tDknow him was to love him. He was one of the oldest citizens of the county, and had many friends who morn his loss. C 0 P Y Davie County public Ub?Aj Morhsville, NC CHARLES GRANVILLL MC CULLOH Charles Granville McCulloh marrie Josephine Dunnaway and they had two daughters: 1. VICTORIA, who died 8-2247 and m. Albert Sidney Johnson - 1. Charles (m. Alice) 2. Pauline, (m. Stanley no children. I thin 3. McCulloh (Mac) m. Be was buried in Ylarysville, Califp deceased. 1 son, Walter of Marysville. Atkinson), Roseville, Calif. k Pauline is deceased. tty. 2 daughters, Betty and Doris. 11. KATE, (m. Alvin Marshal Morgan) , both died while residing in Nederland, Texas. 1. Harold 2. Lowell O'Neal, kd. Hazel, both deceased- resided in Nederland. 4 children: - Neal, Lynn Edward, Bobby. 3. Cecil, (m. Mary -deceased , no issue. Cecil's address: 166 Woodland Ave. , San Francisco 94117. 4. James Andrew, (m. Winifred Hawkins) ; 2 sons: Mike and Pat. James? address is $23 14th St., Nederland, Texas, 77627• a James is the one to contact for the Dunnaway relatives. Josephine Dunnaway McCulloh died�/w9en Kate and Vic were small. She and Charles G. who died from a stro"ke are buried in Alderbrook Cemetery, Desha, Ark. ,�3Y B � � - /�y9 9L A. /� -,R 6- 3.9. Charles G. later.Omarri.e MariaArkansas Warnack, the daughter. of John States and Mary Trimble Warnac . Mar died when Mariah was 2 years old and Mariah was raised by Mary's brother, Jack Warnack. Charles G. and Mariah had 4 children: 1. ORA ANN who was born and died in Locust Grove, Ark. 11-30-84 to 7-14-62 (?), Death was from a aeries of strokes. She married Claud Lovell of Locust Grove (2-8-$2/0-6-67) who was killed in an auto accident in Batesville, Ark. Both are buried in Alderbrook Cemetery, Desha, Ark. Ora was born and lived her entire life in the home built by Charles G. 11. JIM IRENE, b. Locust Grove, Ark. 2-11-$7 and died 3-10-76 in Covington, Tenn. as the result of 6 years' illness - heart trouble, kidney failure, partial paralysis. Also buried in Alderbrook. Sher -°married James Andrew Pate of Calico Rock, Ark., (10-30-66/ 1-30-34 - diabetes) . Burial in Alderbrook. They had $ children with all but Jimmie Jean being born in Jamestown, Ark. James (Andy) was a river captain who served on many rivers feeding into' --.the White, and his last berth was captain of the USS Arkansas, a snag boat on the Arkansas River quartered in Pirie Bluff, Ark. He also lived in Alaska many years before he and Jim Irene married where he served as a river captain and carried mail by dog sled. He was also a storekeeper with a post office in Jamestown. Jim made her wedding dress and cooked the entire wedding meal for all the guests. She was a wonderful cook, an excellent seamstress and wet -nursed many Jamestown children. Davie County Public ONO Moaksville, NO PETER W. HAIRSTON ATTORNEY AT LAW MOCKSVILLE, N. C. 27028 PETER W. HAIRSTON WADE H. LEONARD, JR. April 29, 197+ Mr. Holland W. Holton 330 North Peace Haven Road Winston—Salem, North Carolina 2710. Dear Mr. Holton: Thank you for your letter about the McCulloh family. I doubt that I can be of much assistance other than showing you a copy of the address which I made. That address was based on infomation mainly obtained from a copy of a letter which I believe I got from the Rowan Public Library and I think that if you went there and looked up the McCulloh references, you would probably find everything that I could give you. However, if you will telephone me, I will try to make an appointment for you at home either some evening or over the weekend in order that. I may see what there is there that I have in the way of notes. I usually do save my notes but at the moment I am afraid my files there are in sad disorder since I just finished writing a paper on JEB Stuart which needed to be completed in order to go to the printer by May lst. I appreciate your interest in what I have written and would be glad to know you. Sincerely, y r • �d PWH : dag Davie Count Public Library ry Mocksville, NC Public Ubra'l. Davie County N. Cer. y�oeksvllie, NG ec::;.caber( Co.g I . Car. I:eco3 dug ;kiR Library W shin(tor., A. C. -xtracted by: dna }Iasel ;:cCullottg}I� ^Cm ;Oland gt,9 ails h rcht Vte. ;:2CY,6 114v 1980 1774: A Gleed Pr'crl 1letry i:eCullah to Th(nas .'olki, For 53 A. of lands dated 24. ;:ay 1773. Vrovc:(I by oath or Benjamin :':lexaricierg ordered to be registered. C 7th ho t. v I:11. (I.e,'<:rez.ee used in bockg r efers to Charlotte reccads, and '_ aleii,,h Becor•ds). i'. A deed frac John 1',cCulloh to J(�hn Ant,,ins was accepted in special ccau•t by the said 11coull.ah in -.)c-rson being- :or 150 A, of land dated 17 (,,t. 1774. Grderecl to i,c re4stered. Henry I:. ::cCttl.l.uh beint: an endca•sement or' the back of a mor•tgare to him made for James Johnston, d•,ted 13 •lany 1767] c.ckknowledgee full satisfaction Tor the f;nre (as proven in open ecxu•t by tho (uth of . C 9th 1!(, :` p.N13. 11,crrus "rohock, -sq. On evidence th^reto. (:r-dered to .•e rofi:;tered. P. 10. henry ':ccullah try Johtn t'rohookt his attcrney,, ackr.owlod(-ee full s:•tisfactim on the bank of a martgaE,eTar.ted :Yrcm John C',arrison to the said Iler¢y E. I:oCu17 rh fOr tlx samep ;fated 22nd Jan. 1712. proved in opencourt by rhos. Prako a subscribing witness. the roto. }?.::1. Thr .r:as rohock came into cdnu•t and uek owledged on behaL' o.' Henry . !�cCttllch of }t:;viric received full satisfaction of a deed of mortgai.eg l.oi,ert : rdth to said, iienry i.. ?ToGc.11ah# Dated I1a•ch 16� 17G5. Crdorec? to be regiAered. P, 7 G --i:^2. Jo}u: 1'cC4illoh served ur '.uly 1775# April, ami r:1so July. p 29, z=1211 1'1'15. deed d' sale frcut Ailiam Gi.en. to John'.'eGullah ar 80 ::, of lad d ,wk• owlWfnd in open cart by the said Gi:-ens# dated the 1Sth of f.pril 1775. Cr derod to be re( intered. I • 31. 1 entry i�.stace I:cGullah J=Md= by endminment on the: Nick of the cuateuge si( and by Jan.`s Campbell and ?:eery :ustaee A:cCL;llahg of havin( received fell satisfaction for kkmawd3br a certain sun of r1cr.-ey co;taincd in the, said ncrtga(:c dated 26 of Var•ch 17':'39 proved in open cart b the crtth oi' Th(mas ' olk� =bseribin}; witness t, reto. ....to ttc rcgiot (rcdg C. 481;0 „ul;,' 17751. t' S- : E 52. p. 33. (band Jury List. wi.lI.iam I.cCtt].lal, Y C 57: 157. n. 36 }). 37. (rderee by the cci rt th't John Gorden: and 'William ^� 1'c(j:11ah giaorc;7 go from house to house within their several (Ii:;tricts a::d warn `r p Mry t•tasttcr and mistress of Pamil,H, and ovi rseers of every plantation: within the same district to apix:ar before r•brahmn 1lexar,:ier Esquile and their give upon oath a true list of all. the taxable perams within his or her, cr their fer:ilios for the m IrefOrrd &r ea. �1 d yt C G2: h62p d.ct. 1775 p. 39. The appoirtmer_t of venir•lmen to attend the cul.a.t of g (:yes on the 1st clay of `ea. nc.xt to be held few the district of Salisbury (viz) lie zekiah :.lef:.; .nr� !Loam;61e.=a:derg John :.cKnit Hexa: dere John eCu(lloh)r i srorr h hioustcars, lsvi<t and 1.ohort n-,Ath, Crdered by the c;.ort that the above named vexCxirnen be sura :xned by the sheriff of tldz cot.rt..... 1.1 O U G,i):46q P. 442 1776. a dee(I of ::ago from I-:enry -.. 1.eCgtlioh by Tlrcras I'rohock/ Ius attorr*y £cr 227 ;,. of land dated 12. :1ec. 1772 wits Proved in (;her. Gaut by the oath of John ".rd a aubscribin •,ritnes: tlrroto. Grdered to be re0stcred. V (ldoc? c:' ;RLle frac 1uira-y I. ;cCullah by T}.cnas Prohock, his attcrr:eyv fca• 127 A. of lanai to Ttmi.s Hoods :r. was proved it open ecxu°t by the uat.h of Tunis i:ooc"# Jr. a witness thereto. Crdered to ;_n rvrli[A. Pd_ rfr,+...,1 9a .a n,.+ ,nn. a 2p Iltecklenbarg, 110 Caro 1 ec ca'ds o 0f p02'10 ca 1774o clec�.d of sale frcv, } llrtT }, Cullah by '3 'lams a'rohuck hi:3 attox`� far• �'z`I �o .�' lard c�r.ued p.0 t4ro 17729 was proved ire cPD: c"'wt Icy UY,' mth 02 Jour, Fm -dg a subscribitc; witre,,s and crdered to be' registered. po AN.r9 ,C70:}L70Q. �j �:7eec? df ;:ale frcr 110IT 7 Eustace, i•icCullah9 i,v i'h�==.� .s '"z000hvck .. Gt c xle � to J ,(.lire :'. t)OulfS •�• r • ;, 3 ., " 9 f a- l7� : � o.. ],a.�t� dated 1� v any l7'76s utas }u• ovec? aux: �,Yacn c; ;x't :r,. tltc' �htt}� of iliZ33 I'at1 � `sc 9 a subscx'ib ne witness. Crdexed to .►; rouic-tered. Po 53o CE87: it`;`7Q Viniri Qua -y) far• a '.District C(,'Lwt to be hi,ld at Salisbux`v or; the 3ci of I':arch 177? C •de�•c;" �.. , 0 7 d �y t})t:: mrL:I't that. the sheriff stpmom J nhri �'i?x•C� t .�- fl qre .t}mow .)tc:Urarta 1 rc}ii2���i•ci ':Id. ,es varluel ;�:.rz:9 �:'i?�.i: ? i eCu .3c}zs John i,x'<y a c.: c7 James C123eR323a 1777D Po 75o JoCh�mp i ary and David Lox,r.ir �xPhans U ' i' nsrir 7 rcx•i)eceasoa came jxi a cct, •t w,l.�«tc•Osiey G' : i1irQJOhn Queery, Thc.iourt on be1w2f a.v :..t:jardn Lcmery ar.rALjc:z• car*Phar: U. tlwa decried made choice fca• },� •disn t�?}ic+ .:s�l7��ovcJ��o�hyn rwueery��,pp �al:v♦; }u•fcdu_c.}F�d ��'crr Y;is scct�•ity ��c}sem �1x ; ancicr9 T�:t��.g'c.d •,�...�.ioil -3 c YJ�'2 1.3��1::.1��(I lIl tj C1 J>si:i ��. cLY ice- po alt o2 C171; t ?.370 �^ dec.c? r.,,' :�z;,1e fr c } ,3 :.r • CC 1: ori by • C1�a ���' ohoc�, h3.s nc' to i .iu' Cl,, x•k • n , y 1 ► f COY2 li DI.I t. df�,Ci.Mh '''iy I"172 [ff2;a lXlt t�VC:L� 1 i i f='f:'Yl cc;�.,I•t ;y �j..l.:tr'i'attesra ° p a a c�•:?cx•c>c to ;.,r: reiysf.i':cQ 0347:424.78 1778, P. �t,o Cr: i? cAicn 1.ho latit will and tk:st . T,, .:_,t C) Sanc-.s �' r,) decdo was porcnr-,d in open bota-t l.)y the caths of J useph Gr�rE!9 '-IUMr�s. (IT ar:d i ct:�c1--t Artr:s•s, a 51111)" ,gr•�.birle : —tr:efs t}-rt:reto. John Kerr and :3i2. ';.moi LcC .:,,r , ••nin. inzit ad It, , i , wi�.la a o Q px''e�.:l.r:c�,uiZ�sh the z•i �} t f aac�vv� //11f�T t, ry t��].I.•o}':t9 .��-,ec. L�tc�`s S 'x•''� GY �'� wll�r: irz .; tY°.:t�.ori vr� t� � c: ;-1. e of t c. said =. r ed .. Jj,(a(I .iii] x'l 1 ea.i,F�i. �c3!?�'s i cZ`YiG dU o 0 otC3 -'� `'C rR reject L3.' t �•! S , r �' = non } ); ,��ic. -lece ed jamo :s Vrcx",ICTIV u.�:l decrees 41,41 nisratrix..: -ay .r, and h*.Q0ert Lj-tx-,3.$ ��W{�j i ij yy ��yy,� �i1 s y ~ C► L.1 � •,eY '� S! � ` , a �y. j t. , t.4i'6A (a 9 with a c C%�.�}�. o t 1 �_i..S. c��].T.E�Ci.'d p i..:�ad �. ri arc, t. S • uw A.J�- i �• � l 4a.:..:t.i�ar 1; CC4f� cert y and at-4es � �'x i:, Durr., ' n � ' , 1 � 9 3- •� �C'�10 Ulm ciCzfi�'. o are., ��• e' c .�f'.22' o ►err) c P etitft jUZ`019 {248:1a4cj9 po 81S4, ,ij.��.�.am 1"c(;Lj 1aho i o}in i ccCu!1614 appointed assc:s(xt• it, 1778o 049,:RUS)a 0152:1-152 ��}��� ���r/G? f ahs 1"CJs a ��,,t'� �` , ry o �L ���ed o ;; :;� ��:.lche >rtla t:o=ilerrp : �i;�•,r f G r•. U)0 !1Q of lancl da ted 3.8 C et 177 was _ 5 tu-evecl irz open o�:�.x t ?,y Tj' �-:::s _'clk � 4 o�'x•{ c2'ed to :t0;;lStc$'edQ �t Act of ucnvcyance frog: iferary 1:cCtzj= ohn }� `f:ll�'iSQ 'u;tcack }pis £1ttUY'i:E3�' tc 0-o'... ,n n fox• h 3- 9 o.,n csc o£ 1a.:d cac�tecl st :' : , ? 17 73 Utas � • ozrc c: in tr f ."sqr a o o 0 o crClcu'c'd to )f-- 8'Egie. tii -recd o 02:53:15559 �*4�r f� c:ec � f'rc .I iierlry i, j=cCullah to f L::r_�rt . f •x• U.. dated �.0 May 1 d a'tl-Wr c• 74. ,� 1:? a�. !d • • t 73 4f s C1vr:d �rx U;�E?2! (:: 'i-:.�' 4`3y 'L r t}:� O �,Zr i ~c(?' o 0 0 0 �I'c':c:t'E C� '�; t f i rE3giLt 'eredo C2txci 16-7:1.165a po 100.o Z:ir�,%iam ;�.:;:�.,'t��.lc�lr9 ,tit Ju-ry t1°:w.r-o c171 -*R1719 �-si�_�.iam ;1cculloh %,nit � ► Davis County Public �ibrar� ii 5 , . e J_�( �I 8., jm' c r a Moc.ksVIilC, NC C: V; No E9 pC, tcax•xl w%/ pQ,ji(fi.i. LL J.:di,•r�{hy.��;;•JyS_'•;a tt, cc:tK tnaTBaxter Yx:3slu V1 7 Dpr�c y ire np^rc c rYtf Thus, i-ohocke art,.)sr•xiizg witnessthcxet>by the cath o (ATIF.To(i to h, xe'intoredo 0175:I)175s p o 10.8'o ?'t:ed i` c .t J o} 1 ` ,� dated :�Gat�.�t3 to :t'i�,?'�_sl�t Cu1t,rx•t,sc;r: ca• lr-;�, 1.-, 1 e Jul,,,,ar1778 racx,l,c�wlsd�• o �T< atex Chas trey not be c� ; �cC ; i cu..f �� • �+ but "IdL i • €ui y � r�, . t :a. r- sir�il<< • t 1 ' :h x J_I.x.�.!,s u 378: T .7S.9 ` ccand 14.1 .ci wc Coto 1? g8 :il .. icUuIlah excused as iurc&. i the Ilan Guilloah family is of ancient Geltis origincr: The nn �":in has il.i1.t.'r.er-ona ra- auy ali$1nges and is.. f {,aund _ even todaylin in zany forms c;rlmt;s'1.i y and. busifa name from oil +�. QO oh�tII ( Ilei ao l:l or a hood frhe hiae signifjes "a exesi aendant".* The .L < rti ja is, Lu11.xnovv-n 1A O"co ./land it been& Purely .nn Au riaa " Th.,,-. r ,xri Lest form of the nam. Nv,as thore.fore T..Tas Colobdn; l )t.,Yr tide 'find pro-7ressively 3:taxo Golghan. I:,"aa Gellaph and . lastl F ]Jaa M-111oah, which was. the -form of the name at the time vias r5rPr te'.F.1 r t In r1rz,,-r iean via also find maCul.loa•h n lllaftl Inch a ROGu110 ;•':�Ct�:i.a_ x?i I.laCul'Ic.)h �,j nd many ot-her forms. � Tho sept was n;3s pointed with the four most wa�c1�.�e .. i•.:J.'_ .. .} �r '.':: . _ r.:< <: , ....- ...a ti'. ::"l_' ..:r.[R:__ `,..... .ti..l?'�- f �,'.iji rt« air\ •s i s.n {� in LIQ r,,t-, :.jea ; Thol% r:,?:aa t u�!aajonalds o the J �a��:c�t� a l�'q the M=ps '.`Md the R,osses4 It is 'there.,ffora of little wolide ' that .the fF Yamal-11100115 al'OXhOlYn f Ortheir war.:tike p1"opansitiese T}icy r-rij oin"d as s nope in County VUeton In t�lq r_ -,_>r y 10 -OW s oiae Capt. Solin MieOullah was a 04.oWn in VA -8 L;FvadJ..ugI1.{f;1isLa11.—My ivlAsh suptured Ulster -in Hires ae"Utisd t1i.ere and tha Irish branch of the family q : es 6ndiod. from ` hiMQ h;s singes 3polled the name as he spelled hills , .�,..i'..r...S;-.197_.. ., _..r► .".. 1T.•a._... +' :=r_�= _ :;.` rft_ '`iti ... i'. i.:+. In ,the f451, (1740 when Donnie I1 inee �th.�, : n rl � ne Noised hio b nine r and ' e1aimed tip® •ts;-roOf _ bOtlt `? e ot !_ t?j..;i :inC. 4hz England t)18 trip® ' iu1100hS ti • :.� ITIr q;" c `:�: U �3iL T�arted Ali famess were so dtia tstaronaldefeat t u .lc roan t 74�) they <�di�+�� :.�.3~ri;l in�i .�ii�_�Zt for them lives �xnd yrs 7•-��"any of tl2l�s� iibe , t3d to A..::P_r?_*a entarin ! thr:�u h the or r� >1a. . ..gada10h, € ; E-tv?�`o7`t}1 (; . '11;., D aroli;ia 1 t, .{.orIL; o.nti l o them f 1e(j to Nbrth,L! 'n T -re I.Suld wherf� asmy a0�'l lmd b6en raid �: ting for the p��st one hundre. d zmarao hovjn.vn, T_ i tions viere sodoor in t�7�_ste t �4 t th:A it was all! impossible to este gut :aw.�������o., =: s;:?7rtttiT uinoiy of iLhese hootsfae 1 from a,jorther.n jrale nA .b0�� .. ,.; . to :"���?.ts �T1�t�nia. in the united States, They 'dere SC3--e ;.� 7_ ';� `; i�� C�tO1 E-�iY'i�31 A 13 n. s o ivh!nri hr -,d 110 ?°ish blood,whijitis�i .. r s�'. 4 , t 2 .�' Y . '.O upd,. t ; b e t • �'. :.0�..th = { t�1�:f3�1 uP by tip T, 0 a snend-ants of tete Permsylvania n i the r:l_a t;iMatc: (,,Ormans who }}�( s)iortly prey d�� Effie zoo r of 1ooto11-1r. ish dia not longi; remain in' axRia bud' ba. : rl G. 'x �� _► t �s� ot�?�--ire s�� trek sputhwgrd s a All aloud .tile I# F` the,�� t �:.lc.f.� a j�c+r. t;l�;• in the Valley of Virgin-idspa . the She doh Valley arid thei Piedfrnnt sectio. of the Gsrolima, ,. Hors they sct ;led wad begawle the bulwark of. the strug P19 fgr 'fro-SAm.. in .� T ::ri�� n where they remain toOzyo honest and rape ted lblt' .? . _ o.t•.. ........-.s_a.....w•.«.u..�i.:IrtDiN....:HT�",•:'�K:e"'gy'•+ffii"/s7 r!'".!a<_'!_"!'�','`""'+ l�y.y� A.�),, 'f i,s "-s^. ,.TT••i 7'rr C'y-7•T '� t ?_T••` r^+S!', ' _ ,: +�,.- .•'"':.•: mac„ ,k I".' '.` .. ; :•. ...::: , °:i:' > ;.'4T.•'.yT, :•�-.,.-. �., t .i.Q�i.:!. ....._ ..-_ .. •. -,� .17 Try •5.1 ti • 1 { r t t: t ' °�! t'^ is s 'r_+•. s. t •:,�r 1¢-„S. ai�'�t -:}•a t -J' 1'•i .J. 'i J�'' �3-* ! 't •L'J” .t .: :r •i.' _ _ •s :. ., r..t�:.-A'. y1„ .».J..C..:1}..•,..�:.'f ." .. .tr•. y�,. :�-:rk t ,11 J.:r , •,4 -i;li;,#i�, .,5�... IMI, �t. 1{� �^ V%•.L� ..se' '•i •�;• • T �i'-.L�.�l:'. h 'i �;1. �}!'�`��c, -i .F. •: 3. .. .. .. ......3t.. )t..�J , ., 1;.K.. if: l.: �Fi-:1��.C'.4��''.'�•*.G)RC:�1.S. �t�1..1:'i�.S:,.s;•.�: al:tSi:.i �Y �,x. 4�E1N �1� r. ��• {ikt�i�T^' �i{k �Tr '� �/� i' 3G�3N• � .�'�f•l=S ~:,tJ-EttJ.S� i���� �L _:.L� �?L �J1Rlld�1 �:�.� � - - ,'' 3_ r 1 .!� txr,f a 1�,n� Y* loped i a of Heralary and Oneral Ar pOH i.ie'Br et `its ltd narcd fir;:�ory . - - _ r.,,- J: _ S } �,;•� t j !. i 4. t• ° } V:�'�F .!S:tlt �- tr b,:J nll s The CleirisI and of A)'ootlarid s• f �.� 1 ., :f - _- - .. - ,. -, .. .: �. •,. . ..✓.+�•! :�._. • -..,.... .!t t ;•' Y'1 - .. ".e.l.- !. ..i-N ..s i,}.; p.;+sl�..il•,1 kr••. V�'�.,j ltt�s l.%., •,,.... �:.. + vie! County.-alit L b a�Y 0 In 'itl>r. 14,10 i (1725) when i;on""e 1i -1110e Qh;;r1iQ {Prime t't) vc:j.seci his b:,nnor both a nd elai:;ed the throng of 300th ,,t in, ton 4117,;l;:npi ta;nthe 1,uoCulloohs tr('re"out" with. unroe ; "RD 1"'Ported Q., foroep w Cuilode 1e so cisnstnroualy c-efa_3ted rt n (1725) they Joined thc, Other leaders of ttio ?'rima* p in at io)' the" livas acid libepty. i'rznY of thea raj .,,:;:ted to ,ihoriaa n;`tc ; lrajn , anterin throu6iq the) , orts of _hilae clphiaa PIn? C.• �tli arolir.r; at WHO S?,):. IJ?l1 11'i til Ler„ others f^led to Plorthr�, n Irelands More x &ai r ; ti: n for tha phot one hundrod hilV+l;''J::T' c; rcls. l tiO?t;j warm vat sn , tRiea vat it +� t ao poor in Ulster en„ the eotuttr 1 n;rt �ras a �: > Y w3 impossible to ,3tia out till e -?anj of h•i4se ✓�otst�on xit3teree. a.ii<r•,.ti.n:r to Prom northernn *0101114 Moan .errata �lxnnia 1;.; t®in the United tit 08- They wase the ,l !y173h'r, 00st of von .lu!n n o Irish blocs: Whatever. In NetinJylv�ni+, they foto thr1 beat J ) trly m L part of tiie �_ JY t}, ., r :::Cenr:;nt9 o ft} c 3e�d ulrescy nn the t.enrts;rlvanjra -mash 1' Fi to „utal:erp tF;• ;,<,rr� , Z� . Of' thl Wo hsd shortly pre rAtle� them. ;tort o lrinii lid not WE remain ;'pans:%lv,,nia but be— ;` the ! ^e) tt S*o'tGh— in Y i s 'J Irish trok: south,.val d3. 111 Talon tho line 5w Cho, t la,l, litartl,• in the U Valley of A :'nel: 'ra.11�r en,1 t a j.tun dna the Wotiean- 3ttl�d the l;i e,l. nttt ra,-lntio.n Of the C rulina3, FIere+ th e,r in 1'�.>e, � where they 7tl�et1e tYa® bulrrdrg or the strurrls for frt3�3om �v rio<a ,r.. „ r re,ar�in todmY, honest ..n, Aespaotm aitizons. Davie County Public Library Moclrsville, NC if of Iiexf Lc; en ark, �.r flnH {f r,--�1 f1r::iOrY ko of ri'aIlly t)z "ett3 Iir item.71'r T<irtans oj' ,guotle,cl ' :, ,ttish t',::r-t.lf�z•y t:f°.i.,it� Yrir3j�rre^t�g a Soccrce � �� .Surhavrles o-1- Sco�-and by ' Geo' -5e I-; 131CLe k - Pwb : New yore Pwbl rc. 1-j b. \-W, l;l FIl;. S. I(! rruah, i.' `C;C CI F F I E. N! VVGAN. Ir. I oi;,ligain,'xou ,:f I I H IF:. 1N or \Ince;, n'u:au. A miner I......1.1 s, pt rr a' St..:r It, Ave'Clan 7a y h::vc not Lorne a 1 ,-pupation if ::uy valva: is to ho attached a• mill., of thcuw coamruiuq them: 'i.'..:::u 'ic i:vifhein ohnir a,.:-sotlnil,•• \1a. 1; ui(heu, exhort in base flaliery). ra iJL Doidl,'MarrnilLcm tear: story -(l !.,..,I AL:c:l,inoLl, ir.:m whom he had fl,U I.;::ds In, i;is .,:docs (i:(:,, 2. ed., n, p. 375), and C:iupboll ubtninni one oI his West 1livlt- iu•.i from Doual.i Maccluidl:van (IVest 1!•': `. ^:,1 rales, kv, p. ifdi ). iu ICilnndr there .,lite MI,ic i:uulwhl,'Macquer:i s township; 1 <. I?,:,'r mum's of Sn'yu, p. 57), :u,d in \.:. d ' :: is( them is Coo. CluihCiu. Sac MAC- , _ rN au.i `d.ns\n:::m. :' M,..,i;il;w ,M, nail.::i M uml with nod::.r'iun of 'Mac' as Culhun� a:A MACCULLASSY. A Kintyre corruption of fr. lr'1ICInAiC. Sec under IMACCUALA1ali:. MACCUMAIL:, \ieccm.r.v, hf ncr:at.n!. S: d:_ curd forms of MA;'.cm.rncu, q.v. M;a: in Mr- Coly in Mont)• had ,awn:a.iou in 1.263 ( It; -'M., p. 16l). Macculliu appcn:., iu 1607 (111'(:.). Cilboit M'Cedliu vr:u: retoumd Lcir of Jule M'Cohic in Whitrow ir: the )::uiiary of CarrerL, hi:; hither, 1672 (Rclorr% A;jr, G75). 1'Lmn:r: M'Cullie in Ple:u,, p;;ri:.!: o: Jt. Ni: d.:s, 1G i1 (:ilbcrl n:cUilic :q':prurs it) h:wish of ( n;!iuell, 1610Q and 1..:. Me11uh!e was pri:: oner in Cauun:;.tte Tolbouth, lith:anugb, in s;:mC Patrick McCullia a, Corsehili of Sillies is in record, 1608 (niu!i,i!!i. =:Iccolly : •,d \IcCn:;:y 16A. Cllr! iue NeColly h:- e::L:e is ::Ise, :: variant o:- willic) in \i:iCCULLIGi,,-. M;.CCL'L T OCI" :ane 'e ri y the cr:gin o' this Glu C ,we,ea❑ aur.., and ;10 satisfactory pedigree of tho L-inly c::ists. fLeyteare said to be described in one of heir darrs as having their origin "ultra ho rinum." The nacre may ue C.:. or Afac C(h)ullach, `son of (thu) name first appears in 1296 wizen Thm.:_a Maculagh tie', counte de Wyggetone rendered homage. His seal bears a squirrel, and S' Than r. bfaccnli (?). IIe appears ngaia in the same year as juror on Inquest at Berwick along with his h:oiher Miclml, and is probably the 71unns Makhulagh, sheriff of W:11 1305 (Bonn, it, 198, 215, 458, 550). Michel Maculagh and 4Vi! lam Maculagbe also rendered homage (iuiu., p. 209, 211). Sir Pa.rick McCoulagh and Ci,oert McCaul.:^ine were charter with ncsscs in Calloway, 1554 (ibid., ill, 1578). Sir 1latriclr Macologhe had an annuity of 100 marks "in recompense of hi., s.iffcrings, :and lass of his lands in Scotland for his allcoin;c -," to the king of England, 1860 (ibid., rv, 5:), and in 1363 as Sir Patrick N-0xvInche hcci restoration of his lands (Stodat, u). Molise \:ak(Iculach was married in 1.1,8 (Sc. Air., r1r, n. 105), and Patrick \fakcoxvlocn,p_os- bytcr aid notary of Candidecase, 1480 (Sea:',, 2-5), may be Patrick Mack:llouch, vicar of Arbro,--:1, 1-1 2 (RAA., rr, 212). Symon Mc- Kowloch of Calloway had a letter of gift, 1500 co -v 0 Z : XUI111111). A C.,: lici.dng of the lerri- ....-1 surnnitw \to;,;�',:rnary in Calloway, •.CCUISII, MACCOotsll. MacCuis (a Uist l4 u::.e), otherwise l:aown there as a sept of the 'T Mi:aumuns, \f cti::unain (IIcndcrso::, QM.). Tile nano is also found in ilnc north of c Ia l 1.1r. -is leform is forns \tacCh uthais (1lall- c r Lena: r r t G•t r n. 35). In 171u ..._ :,stewing ruin Cs anp..ar in the rent -roll of d Sir Dm:ald Sdncdo::ald's ostare Of North Uist: M'Cowis of Clachan, Neill M'fatish V cr' Pnl!akuv, and Donald McChewis of UIlcray. i.:r. D. j.-McCuisll in Oban Tenses says his n...t is from 74;:cdu' h.cidh (see under MAC- H In the isle of Man we have Kewish (}� 1ii55 ;prop. i:ccuish), f:cwsh (1683), from :::atC'uia according to Moore, Manx mmnes, I-V Z r.. -:6. Cf, dlcccui.sc (Woulfe, p. 334). Mr. D. J. \icCuish says that sm•cral hundred years y. +� ;,Co ::u:nc Macphces "found their way into :lcr:h Uist and other neighbouring islands and according to old Rent books, the North Uist s,jlt of the clan sprit their name blacowis, r _ rnndcr::ised as MacCuish. 1, myself am a great - 1 I r•::dsun of one of the clam named 'Dubsi.h— It, (!:, Oban 'Times, January, 1935). "A LOA in North Uist is known as 'Dubh -sitl:; Black from a tradition that the family have i b:eu familiar with the fairies in the¢ fai-v i:i,!:ts and secret mi,Grations' (Carnnira Ga- ur5cr., ,1� ed. r., v. 2, p. 35.). v 1':.CCULuL-T. Pound in 1672 as McCulbert (MR). Cos:idering its r;roveaance most prob- ',.,can, for MacCudl!)rrt. Charles C;ill-:t 'ss L (1625.16:6) claimed descent frsm t... bines o: Cestichill, L:verness. See :' M,..,i;il;w ,M, nail.::i M uml with nod::.r'iun of 'Mac' as Culhun� a:A MACCULLASSY. A Kintyre corruption of fr. lr'1ICInAiC. Sec under IMACCUALA1ali:. MACCUMAIL:, \ieccm.r.v, hf ncr:at.n!. S: d:_ curd forms of MA;'.cm.rncu, q.v. M;a: in Mr- Coly in Mont)• had ,awn:a.iou in 1.263 ( It; -'M., p. 16l). Macculliu appcn:., iu 1607 (111'(:.). Cilboit M'Cedliu vr:u: retoumd Lcir of Jule M'Cohic in Whitrow ir: the )::uiiary of CarrerL, hi:; hither, 1672 (Rclorr% A;jr, G75). 1'Lmn:r: M'Cullie in Ple:u,, p;;ri:.!: o: Jt. Ni: d.:s, 1G i1 (:ilbcrl n:cUilic :q':prurs it) h:wish of ( n;!iuell, 1610Q and 1..:. Me11uh!e was pri:: oner in Cauun:;.tte Tolbouth, lith:anugb, in s;:mC Patrick McCullia a, Corsehili of Sillies is in record, 1608 (niu!i,i!!i. =:Iccolly : •,d \IcCn:;:y 16A. Cllr! iue NeColly h:- e::L:e is ::Ise, :: variant o:- willic) in \i:iCCULLIGi,,-. M;.CCL'L T OCI" :ane 'e ri y the cr:gin o' this Glu C ,we,ea❑ aur.., and ;10 satisfactory pedigree of tho L-inly c::ists. fLeyteare said to be described in one of heir darrs as having their origin "ultra ho rinum." The nacre may ue C.:. or Afac C(h)ullach, `son of (thu) name first appears in 1296 wizen Thm.:_a Maculagh tie', counte de Wyggetone rendered homage. His seal bears a squirrel, and S' Than r. bfaccnli (?). IIe appears ngaia in the same year as juror on Inquest at Berwick along with his h:oiher Miclml, and is probably the 71unns Makhulagh, sheriff of W:11 1305 (Bonn, it, 198, 215, 458, 550). Michel Maculagh and 4Vi! lam Maculagbe also rendered homage (iuiu., p. 209, 211). Sir Pa.rick McCoulagh and Ci,oert McCaul.:^ine were charter with ncsscs in Calloway, 1554 (ibid., ill, 1578). Sir 1latriclr Macologhe had an annuity of 100 marks "in recompense of hi., s.iffcrings, :and lass of his lands in Scotland for his allcoin;c -," to the king of England, 1860 (ibid., rv, 5:), and in 1363 as Sir Patrick N-0xvInche hcci restoration of his lands (Stodat, u). Molise \:ak(Iculach was married in 1.1,8 (Sc. Air., r1r, n. 105), and Patrick \fakcoxvlocn,p_os- bytcr aid notary of Candidecase, 1480 (Sea:',, 2-5), may be Patrick Mack:llouch, vicar of Arbro,--:1, 1-1 2 (RAA., rr, 212). Symon Mc- Kowloch of Calloway had a letter of gift, 1500 co -v 0 Z VIX The New York Public Library= \IACCULLOCH, continued (RSS., r, 0-555), and David M'Ulloch o: _Gut- ters was one of the Commi';tce of War, August 1643 (APS.). The Maccullochs of Tarrel, Plaids, i"'indeace, and Glastulich were followers of the earls of Ross ( Northern N. err Q., v, p. 58-62; xu, p. 170-174) . 'phe Argyllshire nlaccullochs are really NIAci.vi.lcirs, q.v. Mak- awllauch 1414, McCoulach 1410, M'Coulaghc 1352, \I'Cowl:lch 1476, 3lakcowllach 1452), M'Cullauch 1439, Maccullo 1550, Makcullo 1642, \I'Cullocht 1556, Makcullocht 1546, \i'Cullogl, 1685, M'1 mo 1495; in 1684 (Parish) McColloch, McCalllie, McCullo, Nfc- Culloh, \•icCuily, \IcKculloch, McKulloch; Un- dated forms: \I'Alacl,, \•iackculloch, Mal -cul - loch, AI'Hulagh, M'Kulagh; and in a papal document (1444) Malrcowlach. IMACCULLCNY. The name by which the Young Pretender permitted the Seven 'Men of Glenlnoriston to address hirn. \lore correctly it is Afac'111 Doinhilaich, "son of the servant of the Lord." The surname vas at one time common in the parishes of Urquhart and Kiltarlity. Mackay, Urquhart and Glcnmoriston, 2. cel., p. 315n. NIACCUNE, \•inccUNN. G. AfacEobhain, `son of L« z 1v,' q.v., an old surname in Galloway. Gilcrist McKwune granted a charter to Roland Kenedy c. 1370-80 (Lai11�b, 64). Donald \takcvne had a roval remission for slaughter committed by him, 1497 ( Rose, p. 164), and john Makcune in Auchincllcancl, Galloway, glad a precept of remission, 1535 (1ISS., n, I cr2 ), Another John Mal:cune was occupier of the 20s. land of I3alleballoch, Carrie,.; 1538 (I!MS., in, 1804 ), and John \4'Cunc or NVCunn appears in Craignesten, 1627 (Drrrrr- f ries). See :also under i iAcr{r:ON and MAc- xur;NN.Old: M'Cwne. NIACCURDY. A current form of MACKMDIE, q.v. MACCURE. A form of 1•I:acivER, q.v., current in Galloway. Muldouy AlcCure and Donald Rov McCowir were tenants of Drumalust in 1.501, and John ivicKcwyr was tenant of Braune in the same year (EM., sir, p. 663, 664) . Vyr 1facCllir was of icer of the earl of Ar- at Strathache in 1553 ( LCD., p. 2.31), and E%vin M'Kewer of Largothene witnessed Argyll's let- ters of fire and sword against Clanoreg( in p. 212). A dealt was clue to pr)hcrt 'Nic-Coir in 1572 (III)C., 11, p. 107), I Obert M'Cuir was barrf;css of ISclil�balrI'll, 1577 728), Joar►uc:s ;\•facl;ure was hur- �c;:s r� 1':cliuhalr;la, I CIA (Belours, 1 dinburgh, 1485), Katherine M'Cur, spouse of Dougall Campbell of Brichcn, also appears in Edin- burgh, 1619 (Retours, EdinbUr'911, 418), John McCuir, writer in GIasgow, took the Test in 1682 ( RPC., 3. ser. vii, p. 811), and JOE:,& NI'Cuir was indweller in Lanark, 1690 (Lanark GR.). See also MACuitm MACCURRACH, MAccv -11Acii. Variants of MACizuunxm-x, q.v. John iMcKcane McCo=ch in Glenlyoune and Duncan McCallum Keane McCurich in Lawers were denounced as thieves, 1682 (RPC., 3. ser. va, p. 638). Archibald \I'Curich (\IcKurrieh or \f eUrich ), herd in INIcClay's land in the parish of Dunoon, was transported to New England in 1685 ( RPC., 3. ser. xi, P. CIA, 312, 315) . Another Archibald M'Currich is recorded in Dunoon parish, 1695 (Argyll). Shortener? to Curmir., q.v. MACCURRIE, \-inccvzaitr. A form of MAc- vVrarcrr, q.r. John \iakcurrie was witness -AI, Dumfries, 1569 (Edgar, p. 243 ). Murdoch ' \i'wllirrie (or \I'Currie) was minister of Sad - 'dell at the erection of the Synod there in April, 1639 ( Fast i, nc%v ed., iv, p. 6-1). John M'Curry vas tenant at the mill, of 1'itca m, 1716 (Dunkeld). \ ACCURTAIN. Sec urldcr \iACKEURTAN NIACCUS. 'Marcus and MAca,.zs, q.v., are common names in the royal race of Isle of 1�•Ian and the Hebrides. "?Marcus Vltlrin,armn rex insularur., one of tale eight `st:��rc`;uli who are said to have followed king Eadgar to Chester, is i,f;,,nms, son of Aralt, "tile Lagmanns of the Islands" p1t111C:crr:l ��111J Cathaigh [Seattery island at talc' 11,01:4111 lar '11'= Shannon), :k. v. 974. \1ac:cus dcferldccl a br;Jls� with hvo companions at talc battle a= Ma ldon, 991 ( Sweet, :Iriglo-Saran rcader, 7,. p. 123). Maccus filitls UndcW)•n, •� it;less i:l Earl Davids Inquisitio, c. 112.1 (I%L,.G., h.:': "It is likely that Longformaeus in Dcrwieks-hir means the encampment or residence eck Mac- ctls" (watson i, p. 495). Robert f:lius Mochus was one of a number appointed to setdo a dispute between the abbe\ -s of Glasgow ;uul Kelso, 1221 (BEG., 116). From this na laic e have 'MAXTON alld MAXAVi T.L. MACCUSKER. Scc 11.1der MACCOSKE1I. MACCUSPIC. A variant of MACUS11AT1:. �.�•. The forill Rlacellsbic was ;also folrntl :al 7 in )900. \tAC:Ct1'I'Clil?\, ,MACCu•re:ru-:0N. tire• In::'er \I.�CIIU`l'CIII;i\. cc v � a �:,• 14ACMLOUCH 0 U9 4 `Q McColy Macologhe kacCuloch%wo �/ " Maclullie eMcflullie Maccullie McCollo M' Hurrlagh McCollam Aiaccuzjo ALL S p e l i i 811�I' S Mccullick M •Coulaghe McCo llom Ma McKu1 Owlache to ch kculiocht McKowlo ch grlcCullie McCul.lo ck Ma coulie Mlyulagh Mac.Lulli MacCullough Mc oulach Makcowloch Maclullich M,C McCulloch ulloch� lough M Alach McCulloh 1• M-accullo ch v u% M, Kowlo the Makawllauch McCoaough McCully Makhu3agh VOLMAE 2 2 NOVEMBE Well, this is getting started, but I am not sure that it Brill be finished -in time for "November" From-: THE COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY, Vol. 4: P•47 Capt. Benjamin McCULLOUGH (1736-89)9 m. 1757 or 89 Hannah COOK, dau. Arthur & Elizabeth ( ) COOK. Served in Am. Ref., came to N.J. ante 1750. Col.William McCULLOUGH (1759-1840)9 of Asbury, N.J.; traggonmaster in Am. Rev.; mem. N.J. As- sembly and Council; co. udge 39 yrs,- m. Keturah HUNT (d 178$). Mary McCULLOUGH {1792-18055, m 1400, Maj. Henry HANKINSON. Eliza Budd HANKINSON (1$03-88), m 18259 Gershom RUSLING (1796-1881)(son of James and Mary (FOWLER) RUSLING). P-522 John McCOLLOUGH (1S0? -56)m Rebecca Dye CARROTHERS (1813-79) dau Samuel & Mary CARROTHERS. Ellen Jane McCOLLOUGH (1831-98) m 18759 Harry H. LUSK (1855-1902). P. 527 Joseph McCULLOCH, from Ireland, soldier Am. Rev., m 17719 Sarah SPRING. Nathaniel McCULLOCH (1793-1867), Bapt. minister, m Sally BLAKE (1793-1878)9 dau. James BLAKE and Rebecca CUNNINGHAM . William P!fcCULLOCH1823-1905), Adventist minister and farmer; m 1844, Hannah RUDE,(1824-1905) dau. Thaddeus & Betsey VINCENT) RUDE. Mary Amelia McCULLOCH (198.9-1930), DAR; m 18689 William Lewis STREET, Civil War Vet., G.A.R. Ch: Walter isinfield STREET, b 1869, m. Hattie WOODARD Mary E1ma STREET, b 1874, m Schuyler MORGAN Clara Edna STREET, b Red Oak, Ioora 26 July 1876, m. 28 Sept 1904 Edgar Hilt WESCOTT. p. 683 Ernest McCULLOUGH (b 1867) m 1891, Elizabeth Townsend SEM40UR (1866-1919); m 2nd, 192.9, Therese CLAQUIN. Ch:lst: George Seymour McCULLOUGH, b San FRancisco, Calif. 9 Apr 1892; m 1 Sept 1921, Olivia Sophia NELSON, 6 Stillmater, Minn., 9 Jan 1892, dau. Hon John G. NELSON. Caroline McBlain McCULLOUGH,(b 1897) m Col. Paul C. GALLEHER r Elizabeth Howland McCULLOUGH (1901-02) James David McCULLOUGH (b 1904) m Katharine TUTTLE. 4. p. 686 John McCULLOUGH (1777-1840) m Ester f4cCL7_1G (1778-1850) dau Henry & Ester (CARRUTHERS) McCLUV Sarah McCULLOUGH (1809-88) m Samuel WILEY (1810-77) Haddassah Jane WILEY (1833-93) m 18549 as 2nd wife, Stewart GLASWK (1823-1904) Ch: Sarah Ellen GLASGOW - see below: Rosa Bell GLASGOW (1851-1917) m John Turner PATTON (1854-1928) Samuel Finley GLASGO74 b 1858) m Harriet GARDNER William Ellsworth GLASGOW (1860-1923) m Edith McCULLOUGH (1867-1923) John Wiley GLASGOW (b 1865) m Fannie DAVIS; m 2nd Mrs. Olive SHULT Harry J. GLASGOW (1872-1922) m Jennie BATES. T Sara's Ellen GLASGOW, b Peoria, Ill. 1 Aug.18559 m 1 Jan 18749z dillian Andrew PATTON (Jan 22, . 1892 -Dec 9. 1915), son of Thomas Elder PATTON & Martha Ann FINLEY P. 589 John McCULLY of Columbia S.C., m Eliza A. HARADEN, dau of Nathaniel HARADEN. .Sally McCULLY m. Dr. Jonathan Beatty JENNINGS (1817-89) son of Dr. Edmund & Isabella (BEATTY) JENNINGS. Ch: William Beatty JENNINGS, b Bennettsville, S.C. 26 Sept 18599 m 12 Sept 18939 Martha Judith Candis HUFF. Edmund Haraden JENNINGS (1861-1921, m. Ma Hinsdale MATHEWS.) Douglas JENNINGS (1863-1925, m. Annie CROSSLAND) Isabelle Beatty JENNINGS. f-� Sallie JENNINGS (1870-1) p. 622 J.P. McCULLOUGH m Vera SANIDIDGE (1875-1912), dau Andrew Jackson & Mary Elizabeth (ALLEEN) SANDIDGE. _ p. 636 John Wellington McCULLOCH '. William Keith McCULLOCH, m. 30 June 1910 Sue Roberts WATKINS, b. Owensboro, Ky. 22 Jan 1888, dau. Dr. Samuel Shelton WATKINS & Rose Burwell GRIFFITH. Ch: 1,11illiam Keith McCULLOCH, Jr. Rase Yandell McCULLOCH �;(}�W�IC.iil'a ry Mary Holmes McCULLOCH Mooksvilie, NC �- p. 644 Roderick McCULLOCH (d 1745) m Elizabeth WEEDON Isabella McCULLOCH m 17589 Charles TALIAFERRO (b 1735) son of Capt Richard & Rowe (BERR MAN) t TALIAFERRO. Benjamin Berryman TALIAFERRO (b 1799) m 18229 Judith Anderson CRAWFORD -� Elizabeth Elkin TALIAFERRO m John Woodford BROADDUS Ellen BROADDUS m Alexander Hairston BURKS, son of Samuel Cabell & Elizabeth (HAIRSTON) BURKS Franklin Taliaferro BURKS (1849-1921) m 1489, 2nd, Hortense Washington VAUGHAN (b 1867). He m 1st, 1869, Nancy OGDEN. ,- Ch:lst: Woodford Elkin BURKS (b 1871) m Katherine VAN WAGNER Ruby Nettie BURKS (b 1575) m Boyd W. HAMILTON Rose Berryman BURKS (1885-1925) 2nd: Reade Carrington BURKS (1891-92) Pearl Corirne BURKS (b 1894) m Ernest ROSSER Franklin Taliaferro BURKS (b 1896) m Roberta DRUMMOND Garnette M.abelle Vaughan BURKS m 26 Feb 1930, Lorenzo Simmons WINSLOW, (b 20 Aug 1892) - Broaddus Vaughan BURKS (b 1904) p. 683 Ernest McCULLOUGH (b 1867) m 1891, Elizabeth Townsend SEM40UR (1866-1919); m 2nd, 192.9, Therese CLAQUIN. Ch:lst: George Seymour McCULLOUGH, b San FRancisco, Calif. 9 Apr 1892; m 1 Sept 1921, Olivia Sophia NELSON, 6 Stillmater, Minn., 9 Jan 1892, dau. Hon John G. NELSON. Caroline McBlain McCULLOUGH,(b 1897) m Col. Paul C. GALLEHER r Elizabeth Howland McCULLOUGH (1901-02) James David McCULLOUGH (b 1904) m Katharine TUTTLE. 4. p. 686 John McCULLOUGH (1777-1840) m Ester f4cCL7_1G (1778-1850) dau Henry & Ester (CARRUTHERS) McCLUV Sarah McCULLOUGH (1809-88) m Samuel WILEY (1810-77) Haddassah Jane WILEY (1833-93) m 18549 as 2nd wife, Stewart GLASWK (1823-1904) Ch: Sarah Ellen GLASGOW - see below: Rosa Bell GLASGOW (1851-1917) m John Turner PATTON (1854-1928) Samuel Finley GLASGO74 b 1858) m Harriet GARDNER William Ellsworth GLASGOW (1860-1923) m Edith McCULLOUGH (1867-1923) John Wiley GLASGOW (b 1865) m Fannie DAVIS; m 2nd Mrs. Olive SHULT Harry J. GLASGOW (1872-1922) m Jennie BATES. T Sara's Ellen GLASGOW, b Peoria, Ill. 1 Aug.18559 m 1 Jan 18749z dillian Andrew PATTON (Jan 22, . 1892 -Dec 9. 1915), son of Thomas Elder PATTON & Martha Ann FINLEY i MCUULLUUUM Alu4ub Vol L iVo* b p."L Ch: Maud PATTON, (b 5 Nov 1874) m 23 Setp 1897, Arlo RICHARD Issue: William Gail RICHARD; Berneice RICHARD Grace PATTON (b 7 Jan 1877) m 27 Oct 1909, Oliver Joseph HOWARD, son Charles HOWARD Issue: Charles Patton HOWARD; Oliver Joseph HOWARD Chester Andrew P4TTON, b. 7 Jan 1883, m 14 June 19119 Nellie BANKS, dau Claudius BANKS Issue: Claudius Banks PATTON; Jean PATTON Jessie PATTON (15 June 1888-1929), m 19 July 1913, Robert N. PETERSON, son of Alexander PETERSON Issue: Sarah Louise PMRSON Mr. dillis G. CORBITT of 710 S.W.Madison St., Apt 4069 Portland Oregon 97205 sent some info. lst - he is looking for information about Lt. Thomas McCULLOCH, son of: John McCULLOCH ( 1708 - ca 1795), b Philadelphia, Pa.; d Albemarle Co. Va.; Buried ? and his wife, JaneITH, no more info), married at Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian ChurcFC7.57. If any of you have the missing information, he would appreciate it. He also mentioned that Lt. Thomas McCULLOCH eras wounded at the battle of Kings Mountain, S.C., but was on his way home - North Fork of the Holston River, about 9 miles north of Abingdon, ?gash. Co., Virginia, vrhen he died at Rutherfordton, N.C. on 12 Oct 1780. He enclosed a copy of a page of a magazine - p. 148 June 1, 1967 (probably from Genealogical Forum, Portland) which had a picture of Lt. McCULLOCH's tombstone. It is partly chipped, and remaining wordage reads "RE LIES THE ODY OF LIEUT TH S MC COLLUGH BE LONGING TO COL CMIBEIS REGIMENT VIRGINIA IIHO LOST HIS LIFE IN AND FOR THE HONOUM. LE JUST AA'D-RITEOUS CAUSE OF LIBERTY A THE DEFEATING COL FAGERSONS INFAMOUS COMPANY OF BANDITY KINGS MOUNTAIN IN OCT 7 1780" (7 1780 appears to have been added at a later time than the rest of the inscription. Other information on the same page: The family tree grew through the following generations. I. Lt. Thomas McCULLOCH b ca 17369 Albemarle Co., Va. d Rutherfordton N.C., buried New Brittain Cemetery; m in Au sta Co., Va., Isabel PATP.ICK b ca 1733, d ca 1811, dashington Co., Va., and was buried near Meadow View, Va. II. Mary McCULLOCH b 1779 in Virginia, m Jan 7, 1797, Washington Co., Va., James STINSON, who d 1805 in 1.1ashington Co., Va. III. Susanna Hamilton STINSON b Oct 319 1800 Augusta Co., Va., d Jan 20, 1862 Tool's Point, Iowa; m Oct 89 1817, Washington Co., Va., Adam Miller TOOL, b July 319 1794, Augusta Co., Va., d April 4, 18779 Monroe, Iowa IV. Maria Elizabeth TOOL b Aug 22, 1827 Abingdon, Va., d April 209 1909, Fairfield Iowa.; m Oct 26, 1847 at Tool's Point, Jasper Co., Iowa; Henry Blake MITCHELL, b July 59 1818 Claremont, N.H., d June 29 1912 Fairfield, Iowa V Cora Adaline MITCHELL b April 5, 1863 Fairfield, Iowa, d Jan 319 1946, Seattle , Washington; m Oct 26, 1886 Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iovra, Charles Hickling CORBITT, b May 159 1859 Bookvralter, Ohio, d Sept 8, 1935, Seattle. VI Willis Gregg CORBITT b April 29, 1892 Fairfield, Iovra. There is also a picture of Mr. CORBITT in his 10 I uniform as a Lt. Army Engineer Corps (and what appears tobe a wound.stripe.) Ns. CCRBITT also sent a copy of a letter he received from Mr. Wilford W. WHiTAKER, Jr. in 1963• (he hasn't heard from him since December 196309 and also copies of three pages of McCULLOUGH RECORDS - 2 Feb. 1963t; Vol. i, #2 - pages 2,3 & 4. This was apparently a very short-lived publicat_ The info from these three pages follows: MINNIE BALDWIN, P.O. Box 2159 Bernice, 1850 Henry Co., Georgia Census McCULL:.Y, M.M. F 31 Ga. " N. F 12 Ga. " M. F 9 Ga. J. M -- Ga. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - McCULLEY, D. M 42 N.C. " E. F 38 N.C. " J. M 72 N.C. " M. F 70 N.C. Louisiana sent the following data on her line: One J. J. McCULLOCH took the census McCULLEY, L. F 52 N.C. " J.M. F 16 N.C. " S.E. F 12 Ga. " R.D. M 23 N.C. - - - - - - - - - McCULLOUGH, J.R. - M - - 27 - - - - - N.C. " R.F 28 S.C. ItW.P. M 8 Ga. " L.F 4 Ga. " J.T. M 2 Ga. - - - - - - - - - - - - in Jackson Co., Georgia in 1850. (N.F.I.) CULPEPPER McCULLER, b. 1820, to Louisiana from Henry Co., Georgia abt 1871. CHildren of 1st wife: 1. Charles McCULLER, a railway conductor or. a run out of Atlanta, Ga. b abt 1840/1. 2. Henry McCULLER, age or occupaticn not known. 3. Lulu McCULLER, and a BECKEP.S or BECKUS, age not known. These last 3 not to Louisiana. 4. Burl Alexander McCULLER b 18489, d and buried in Bernice, La. 5. Obadiah McCULLER, b. 18529 d 1902 at Bernice, La. 6. Josephine McCULLER, b abt 1860 2, buried in Carthage, East Texas. 7. Cornelia McCULLER, b abt 1862, buried in Sabine Parish, La. 8. Frank H. McCULLER, b 1858, d 1903, buried in Sabine Parish, La. CULPEPPER McCULLER md. 2) friary Elizabeth Dawson EDGE prior to 1869. Children: 9. William David Augustus McCULLER, b 1871, Georgia. 10. Joseph Robert Culpepper McCULLER, b 1874, Louisiana (Mrs. Baldwin's father.) 11. John James Paton McCULLER, b 1876, Louisiana. 12. Dumas Merdon McCULLER b 1879 Louisiana. Mrs. BALDWIN has data on the last four. Willis WkLdITY present address above) sent me ir. �� CORBITT hasa l ucn otofmaterialon tlthe cCULLZY- the Oregon McCULLOUGH families for which I am very grateful. i and Eastern McCULLOUGH families. Vo. III of the OREGON DONATION LAND CLAIMS: Samuel McCULLEY. Under the name McCULLY: Asa A; Catherine; David; John; J.F.; Samuel & William H. McCULLY. Under D.L.C. #1178 - McCULLY SAMUEL - Linn Co., Oregon. Samuel McCULLY b 18129 New Brunswick (pmb Canada ; arrived Ore. 15 Aug 1852; SC 30 Oct 1852; mf Catharine 3 DEc 18359 Gurnsey Co., Ohio. Citizen by nat. of his father, John McCULLY .rho vras nat 19 Apr 1830. "as appears by annexed cert. from H.H.GANTS, clk of court of Common Pleas in Jefferson Co., Ohio, 27 Aug. 1830, #287?." Aff. Wm. A. FORGEY, Jason G. CLARK, John F. McCULLY, Abner W. WALTERS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. John McCULLOCH, b 6 June 1822/49 Albemarle Co, Va. (had sister Sarah W., b. 1807, and-bro. � 3 Thomas, b. 1828 Albemarle Co. Va.) John d Lane Co, Ore. 22 Aug 1890 bur in McCULLOCH Cemetery near Hadleyville. John arrived Lane Co. Ore. 3 Jan 1853 (1854 19 had dau. Margaret CRABS; Belle Martha, md. Andrevr G. MCDAINIEL; 2 Thomas Jefferson b 1862 and Lydia HOLLINGSWORTH; t11UUU"UUVn 1r LMVD Ifol b vo. d 5 Sarah V. McCULLOCH, and Frank HEMEBWAY; 6 John J. McCULLOUGH and Lucy ABBOTT; and Nancy A. McCULLOCH ----------------------------------------------- William N. McCULLOCH, b 1808, Davidson Co., Tenn. d 7 Feb 1895 (?) Douglas Co. Ore and abt 31 Aug 1831 in Montgomery Co. Ill, Nancy JOHNSON. To Ore 13 Sept 1853, settled on DLC x`641, Douglas Co., Ore 1 Nov. 1853. Children: 1. Alfred Exum McCULLOCH, b 1832 Montgomery Co., I11, and 18.July 1852 in Va. Udora E. JONES 2. John F. McCULLOCH, b 12 Dec 1$34, Montgomery Co, Ill, and 1865: Emily PEARSON to Ore 1$53. 3. Robert T. McCULLOCH, b 14 Oct 1836, Lee Co., Ioira. 4. Jim McCULLOCH 5. Gus McCULLOCH 6.Tom McCULLOCH 7. Jess McCULLOCH 8. Mary McCULLOCH and _ MOORE. 9. Elizabeth McCULLOCH md. �DOOLIN. 10. Katherine McCULLOCH m.-NOLIN. - Alfred Exum McCULLOCH, b. 1832 Montgomery Co. Ill, and 18 July 1852 in-Va. Udora Endora JONES, b abt 1844, Va. - Ore 13 Sept 1$53, Douglas Co. Children: 1. William S. McCULLOCH, b 28 Jan 18649 Olalla, Ore, Douglas Co., and 28 Feb 1891 Martha BRYAN b 16 Dec 1873, Streeton, 111. William came to Coos Bay 18741 settled in Haines Slough. Followed Farming and Mining. Children: 1. Edith, b 14 oct 1892. 2. William b 12 Jan 1895 - 1918. 3. Ethel McCULLOCH. 4. Thomas S. McCULLOCH, b 24 Jan 1897. 5. Alfred McCULLOCH. 6. Clarence 7. Diana $. Gladys 9. Fred. 10 (Bop) McCULLOCH. 2. Bert McCULLOCH, b 12 May 1$69, Ore. Unmarried. 3. James Carl McCULLOCH, b 2 May 1870 - 11 Aug 1938, Ore. and 4 July 1892, at Marshfield, Ore. Mary Elizabeth FOULKS. Children: 1. George Alfred McCULLOCH b 22 Feb 18949 and 23 Apr 1918, Jennie Fay BURRELL. 1. James Carroll McCULLOCH, b 23 Apr. 19229 and Deloris May DARRAN. 2. Arthur Earl McCULLOCH, b 29 Mar 1$96, and Oct 1919, Elsa :NICKS. Children: 1. Dorene Laval McCULLOCH, b 7 Oct 1921 - 14 Feb 19389 Ore. 3. Charles Franklin McCULLOCH, b 26 Jar. 1899, and Oct 1922, Bessie CHRISTENSEN. 1. Dorris McCULLOCH, b 30 Sept 1924, and Russell ANDERSON. 2. Donald McCULLOCH, b 29 Jan 1927 4. Elizabeth McCULLOCH, b 30 Mar 1902, and 1 Sept 1919, Ben ROBERT. Z. Lt. Bayne Charles ROBERT, b 25 July 1922 - July 1947. 2. Colline ROBERT, b 5 May 1925, and 19489 Jene MATTICA. 4. Frank McCULLOCH, b 18729 and Elizabeth MORRIS, da. Alta McCULLOCH. 5. Charles F. McCULLOCH, b 18749 d 1910, and Euphina M. COP. No issue. 6. Nann McCULLOCH, b 18779 d Dec 1947, and William F. BOWRON. 7.. Eva McCULLOCH, b 18799 and PANGBUR119 had a son Gale. 8. Daphnie McCULLOCH, b 18$2, rs ield, Oregon. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Samuel McCOLLOCH, b 17051, d 174$, Gloucester Co., N.J. and Elizabeth WARD. Issue: 1. John McCOLLOCH, b 1726, Gloucester Co., N.J. d 1770 Pittsburg, Penn. and 24 May 1749, Gloucester Co. N.J., Sarah INSKEEP, b 14 Sept 1728. Issue: 1. Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b 30 Oct 1749 - 17 Jan 1814; Belmont Co., Ohio, and Ebinezer ZANE b 7 Oct 1747, d 19 Nov 1812. 13 children. 2. Major Samuel McCOLLOCH b 1752, d 30 July 17$2, Va. and Feb 17$2, Mary MITCHELL, d 9 Feb 1826. (She had; 6 children. by 2nd marriage to Andrew WOOD. 3. Major John McCOLLOCH, b Hardy Co., Va. 1754, d 16 Apr 1$21, Va. and Mary BUKEY, b 1759, d 9 June 1846. 11 children. 4. Sarah McCULLOCH, b 175$, md,John COLEMAN. 5. Abraham BOOLLOCH, b 1760 d 5 May 18392 and Alicy BOGGS, 1769 - 30 May 1838. 12 Ch. 6. Capt. George McCOLLOCH, b 1763, d 19 May 18369 and 8 Apr 1819, Margaret WILSON b 1798, d 16 Oct 1851. 4children. 2. Col. George McCOLLOCH, b 172$9 Gloucester Co. N.J., killed by Indians, 17879 Short Creek Va. and 1) Catherine VAN METER. 2) Catherine HEDGES. Issue: 1. John McCOLLOCH, b 1760, d Jefferson Co., Ohio, and and had 3 children. 2. Capt. William McCOLLOCH, b ca 1762, d 12 Aug 1812, Brownstown, and 1797, Nancy ZANE, b 17740 d Sept 1856. 2 children. 3. Silas McCULLOCH, b abt 1763, d 1$12-15. 4. Jane McCOLLOCH, b abt 1765. S. Capt. Samuel McCOLLOCH, b abt 1767,d Nov 1$14, Urbana, Ohio, and Nancy McMERILL, and had four children. 6. Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b abt 1770. 7. Lt. George McCOLLOCH, Jr. 1774, d 1813/14, Seneca, Ohio, and Nancy McMACHEN. 8. S'elomon b ca 1776, d 1840, Ind., and & had 5 children. 9. (Soldier McCOLLOCH. 10. (Soldier) McCOLLOCH. 3. Mary McCOLLOCH, b Apr 17309 Gloucester Co., N.J., and Charles FRENCH and had son James, b 1769 - 1771. (md 2nd) Hugh CREIGHTON. 4. Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b Apr 1732, Gloucester, N.J. and 6 Apr 1754 Henry CRAWFORD, N.J. 5. Hannah McCOLLOCH, 15 Oct 1737, d 17919 and 5 Oct 1756 Gloucester Co. -9 N.J. to Joseph INSKEEP, b 10 May 1735, 7 children. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The above Samuel was the oldest son of John McCOLLOCH, b 16$2, lived in Ireland and md. Mary CAMPBELL. John's second son was: John McCOLLOCH, b 1708, Philadelphia, Penn. and died 1795 (?), Albemarle Co., Va, and '. 1. John McCOLLOCH, b 1734. (NFI) 2. Lt Thomas McCOLLOCH, b 1736, d 12 Oct 1780, Rutherfordton, N.C. and and Isabel PATRICK. 1. Rachel McCOLLOCH, b 1759, Albemarle Co., Va., and 1795, Thomas JAMERSON. 2. John McCOLLOCH, b 1761, Albemarle Co., Va., m 5 Feb 1789, Abingdon, Va. Mary -WHITE. 3. Robert McCOLLOCH, b 2 May 17649 d 29 Aug 1849, Wash. Co., Va. and Wash. Co. 1794 Sarah Ann P CLARK (written in), b 25/6 Nov 1775, d 25 Dec 1854, Washington Co., Va., both =r ed in Dunn Cem„ Holsten, Va. Issue: 1. Col. Thomas McCOLLOCH, and Dorcas LOGAN b 12 Dec 1792, Nash. Co., Va., d 28 Oct 1855 Abingdon, Va. 2. John C. McCOLLOCH, d May 183$, and 1) 6 Sept 18339 Elizabeth TILLEY. 3. Robert McCOLLOCH, d May 1851, and 1) 22 Nov 1832, Sarah V. LOGAN. and 2) 19 May 1853, Wash. Co., Va. James ?N. STANFIELD. 4. James McCOLLOCH, b 11 May 1$03, d 12 Apr 1864, unmarried. 5. Mary McCOLLOCH b 1$05, d 1891, and 1837, John DUNN 179 - 1840. 6. Rebecca MCCOMCH, b 5 Nov 179?, d 15 June 1850, m 17 Feb 1813, Abraham Newland 9�D FLEENOR (written in) Sept 18, 1790, Wash. Co., Va - Feb $, 1849, Jefferson Co., Ia. 7. Sarah McCOLLOCH, b 1810-1841, and 1834, Abraham LINDER. 8. Isabella McCOLLOCH, b 1814 - 1$63, and Charles H. PERRY, b Dec 249 1809 - Mar 79 1828 4.. nary McCOLLOCH, b 1779, and James STINSON, Slash. Co., Va., and 7 Jan 1797. 5. Sarah Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b 27 Feb 17639 d 28 Apr 1837, Wash. Co., Va. Martha McCULLOCH b Va, and 21 Jure 1798, Wash Co. Isaac NEWHOUSE. McCULLOUGH n1 0l o.2 . Mrs. Lillian B. HARMON, 1030 N.E. 31st Ave, Apt. 10, Portland 12 Ore. also sent some interesting material, as her records also deal with Tenn & Mo. McCULLEY9. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John A. McCULLOCH was b 1760-17709 d abt 1 Nov 1840, Randolph Co., Mo. Md a Jane FERRIS/FARRIS. 1. Susan, md Elisha McDANIEL 2. Sarah, and Broadwater MATNEY 3. Peggy, and Valentine E. MAYO 4. Virginia, and Isaac BAKER 5. Marguerite M., and SCRUTCHFIELD 6. William, and Mary MOYER 7. Samuel, and Mildred-= 8. John, and 1) Sally WHITE, (2) Lucy BRAMMER. 8. John. McCOLLOCH and first Sally WHITE. Issue: 1. Samuel M., died young 2. Sarah Jane, and John Martin TURNER 3. William Elizabeth 5. Mary F. 6. Samuel 11. (Daniel ??)(LBH) 7. Valentine 8. John 9. Isaac L. ("Loss") 8. John McCOLLOCH and 2nd) 9 Mar 1845, Lucy BRA14MER. Issue: 10. Martha A. 11.. Thomas 12. Nancy 13. Joseph A. 14. James H. 15. Lucinda 16. Samantha or Cemantha 17. Lucy C. 18. Lee 19. Francis M. 20. Misouri Belle. (others??) Mrs. Carmie M. HEFLINq 215 N. UilleSpie Fampat Texast has a McCUL1,41 - McCRURY line from Irelan and in Tenn. and North Caroline M. Mrs. u Wilcox Mul, HoSerts o, dau. o Helen Mar McCUMUGHt dau of Henry Judson MCCULLOUCHt son of Levi HamiltonMeCULLOUGH, son of Levi MCCULLARt son of Alexander McCULLOUGH, and Jennett COWDEN 10 Oct 17719 he b abt 17479 in Pelham, Mass., son of Alexander McCULLOUGH and Ann , his father thought to be James from Ireland and Scotland. Mrs. HOLM gave the following peop3e interested in McCULLOUGH: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Nell WATSON, Delta, Utah. Mrs. George McCULLOCK, Roberts, Idaho Mrs. Alta Beth BRUNSON, 12 88 Island Drive, Logan Utah. Mrs. Erving '11AXLER9 Box 2469 Green Castle, Indiana Miss Letha WILCOX, Thornton, Idaho Airs. Stella DALLEY, 1074 (box ?), Idaho Falls, Idaho. Mrs. Kenneth JUNE59 15671 W. 9triDrive, Denver 15# Goloradop sent the following: Maria (Marie) McCOLLOUGH, dau. of William (or perhaps John), who was of Scotch ancestry and a native of Indiana Co., Penn. (Rayne Twp.) She and Bartholomew HADDEN, b White Twp., Indiana Co.t Penn. and died there in 1884. Li - ARDERY - 1.1cCULLUUMt James, md Jane o an , Shelby. KENTUCKY COURT RECORDS - - McCOLLOUGH"Peter and Levina MENIS 17 July 18110 Bath Co. VIRKUS, Vol. -5 - - McCOLLOUGH, John (1807-56) and Rebecca CARROTHERS (1813-1879) Wash.Co.Pa. REG. OF PA. - - McCULLOUGH, Samuel, paid taxes, W. Penn. 1762. , REG. OF PA. - - McCULLOUGH, James, paid taxes. Middleton, Pa. 1762. REG. OF PA. P. 331 - - McCULLOUGH, Alexander, d 15 Jan 1746 (age 50) ldutiny House Sprikngs, 2 miles North of Carlilse. 15ale McCUELLYp 916 Delles Rd.t 141heatong Illt has the following Tennessee c s: Francis M. McCULLEY, and Charlotte ROSE in 1851, she dau. of Elijah & Cynthia ROSE. Issue: 1. Pierce 2. George 3. Cynthia Jane 4. William 5. Elijah 6. Francis Mitchell. Delilah McCULLEY, sister of Francis M. McCULLEY who and Charlotte ROSE, and Francis Marion GAGE: 1. Francis Marion GAGE 2. Della (GAGE) CAIN 3. A.J. GAGS, were cousins of McCULLF.Ys. That's the end of the three pages he sent. I have not yet checked to see •i et er or not any o the names mentioned as being interested in NIcCU.uLOUGHAIcCULLOCH/AlcCULLLY are still at the addresses given above, except for Mrs. HARMON, who receives these letters. I had a chance to do some checking at the National Archives, Laguna Niguel, on the SOUNDEX for the 1900 Census. All I've managed so far is Alaska: Vol 1 E.D. 4 Sheet 9 Line 2 McCOLL, F.H. - Vh(ite) -�b) July 1871 (age) 28 (b) Canada Scotch Na(turalized) (city) St. Michael Canal Vol 3 E.D. 8 Sheet 23 Line 7 McCAI LEY, Frank-Wh- Sept 1846 - 53 - Michigan - Big Manook Creek Alining District McCALLEY, May - W(ife) Apt 1849 - 50 - New York McCALLEY, Adim - S(on) Jany 1891 = 9 - Michigan Vol 2 E.D.- 3 Sheet 324 Line 12 McCAULEY, G. (no info) - @Nome - passenger on Steamer St. Paul of San Francisco Vol 49 E.D. 2 Sheet7 Line 18 McCAULL•Y, George - Wh - Jan 1870 - 30 - Wisconsin - @Helm Bay. Enumerated with DYER, Charles F. as an employee. Vol 2 E.D. 3 Sheet 354 Line 5 N.cCAULAY, J. (no info) @ Nome - Steamer Zealandia of San Francisco Vol 7 Sheet 9 Line 19 14cCALL, J.K. -- @ Nome - passenger S. S. Roanoke Vol 2 E.D. 3 Sheet 102 Line 5 MISCALL, Jas. J. - W - Dec 1862 - 37 - Idaho - Beach between Nome City & Penny River, •Ath SONDER, James M. -(relationship)"pa" (pal -9) Mar 1855 - 45 - Virginia. Vol 4 E.D. 5 Sheet 116 Line 1 McCOLL, John - W - Feby 1872 - 27 - Scotland - Na(turalized) - Juneau Vol 2 E.D. 3 Sheet 368 Line 23 NcHALL, M. - (no info) - Nome - Steamer Oregon of Seattle Vol 7 E.D. 26 Sheat 3 Line 75 McCULLY, Marshall J. - W - June 1879 - 20 - Penna - Camp at Port Valdez - Pvt - Co. G. 7th Inf. Vol 4 E.D. 6 Sheet 77 Line 24 NcCALL, Philip - V- Oct unk - 30 - England - Na(turalized - Treadwalk - Douglas Island, with MATSUTANI, Tulsaburo (?) - lodger Vol 4 E.D. 5 Sheet 37 Line 15 AIcCULLY, Thomas - 1.4 - UNUN - 50 - UN - UN- Juneau, 5th St. McCULLY, Ella - D(au) - UN - UN - 3 - Alaska Vol 4 -E.D. 5 Sheet 10 Line 25 McCULLY, Thomas J. - 'It - Oct 1842 - 57 - New York - Juneau, Front St. 14cCULLY, Ellinor - D - Aug 1896 - 3 - Alaska UNO, Jinnie - Se - Un Un - 40 - Alaska Vol 21 E.D. 3 Sheet 28 Line 16 MACAULEY, 'dm - W - Feb 1844 - 56 - Scotland - Na. - Nome - Nome Mining District - Transient. Vol 5 E.D. 14 Sheet 29 Line 9 McCAULEY, William H. - W - Sept 1860 - 39 - Canada - Na. Copper River Vol 6 E.D. 19 Sheet 17 Line 11 McCULLOUGH, Allen - W - Oct 1857 - 42 - California - Unalaska (on) Unnamed Steamer - employee Vol 2 E.D. 3 Sheet 283 Line 17 McCULLODE, C.F. -(no info)- @Nome - passenger on Steamer Aberdeen of Seattle Vol 2 E.D. 3 Sheet 392 Line 11 McCULLACH, F.D. - (no info) - Nome - passenger on Steamer Alliance of Seattle Line 12 - Mrs. F.D. McCULLACH Vol 4 E.D. 4 Sheet 45 Line 6 McCULLOCK George A. - W - Dec 1866 - 33 - Canada E - A1(ien) - Fort Wrangel with C&NNINGHAM, Charles C. Pa(1?) Jan 1870 - 30 - Virginia and GRANT, John G. - Pa(1?) Mar 1874 - 25 - Nova Scotia - Pa(pers) and that's the and of Alaska. From: "'.lest Virginia Echoer", Vol 9 No. 29 November 1975 P. 2 - "This & That" Sandscrest ' More than a century ago the name Fair View Farm was given to this farm by the McCOLLOCH's. The house was built by William J. & Rebecca(McKEE) McCOLLOCH. Now an Episcopal retreat, it vas the home of the late Henry SANDS. William J. McCOLLOCH was one of the 11 children of Abram McCOLLOCH, brother of Samuel & Elizabeth (McCOLLOCH) ZANE. This home is on Greggsville, Clinton & Potomac Road near Short Creek. The Indiana Historical Society has published a book OSCAR McCULLOCH, 1843-1891, PREACHER AND PRACTITIONER OF APPLIED CHRISTIANITY by Genevieve C. WEEKS. it has 230 pages including the preface and introduction, plus 13 pages of bibliography and a 12 page index. This volume is primarily about the efforts of Oscar McCULLOCH in the area of social causes in Indianapolis during his years as minister there at the Plymouth Congregational Church. The first chapter has some genealogical information, and there is a little about his family in other parts of the book. The genealogical info I found is given below. Carleton. G. McCULLOCH, b. New York, 1818 (living 17 Apr 1886). Lived near Utica, N.Y. and Erie, Penna. m. Harriet PETTIBONE in Fremont, Ohio (then Lower Sandusky), she the dau. of Hiram PETTIBONE who moved from Connecticut to Ohio. They were Presbyterians. Ch:Oscar Carlton McCULLOCH, b 2 July 1843 Frances McCULLOCH, b 1845 m Wm GALLAGHER Ella Jane McCULLOCH, b. 1947, m. H.S.VAIL Jennie McCULLOCH, b. 18569 m. Wm D. MESSINGER Chauncey McCULLOCH, b. 1859 (called by his Mother "my wandering boy") They had a 1st cousin Follin Smiley McCULLOCH, who had a daughter, Josephine, living in Fremont Ohio 17 Sept 1969. Carleton McCULLOCH moved to Newark, 0. in 1847; to Janesville in 1850; to Portage (then Ft. Winnebago), Wis; to Springfield, Ill. in 1860/1 and to Chicago in 1867. Hiram PETTIBONE moved from Fremont, 0. to Portage, Wis in 1850. Oscar McCULLOCH attended the Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. during the Civil War, prior to 1 Feb. 1864, September 1867 he entered the Chicago Theological Seminary (Congregational). He went to the First Congregational Church at Sheboygan, Wis at the end of June 18709 being formally ordained in October 1870. He pastored the Plymouth Congregational Church, Indianapolis, Indiana from 1877 to 1891. Oscar Carleton McCULLOCH, 2 July 1843 - 10 Dec. 1891, dying of Hodgkin's disease, m. 1st, 8 Sept 18709 Chicago, Agnes BUEL, d 31 Aug 18749 Chico, California of "asthmatic consumption", she the dau. of David BUEL. Mrs. BUEL d. 1890 in Florida. Ch: Carleton Buel McCULLOCH, b. 30 June 1871 David McCULLOCH, b. 21 June 18729 d. 0 26. Oscar m. 2nd, Appleton, Wis., 8 may 1878, Alice BARTEAU, b. ca. 1854. She m. 2nd, ca. 1894, Dr. Orange S. RUNNELS as his second wife. Ch: Agnes McCULLOCH, b. 15 June 1879, m. HANNA, Agens living 29 Aug 1964. Margaret McCULLOCH, b. 2 Jan 1881 Ruth McCULLOCH, b. 13 June 1883, Living 1911. Among the references given, were two of interest to genealogy: Steenber€en, Charlotte and Janet(McCULLOCH) BYERS - A HISTORY OF THE McCULLOCH FAMILY, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.; Nlattox Printing Service, 1963 McCULLOUGH, George C. (compiler) "McCULLOUGH Family - Fragmentary Records of the McCULLOUGH and Connect Families" (Typewritten, June 1918, copy in the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison.) From the Wisconsin State GenealogiciM 5ociety Newslettert Vo. 23 No. It My 1976 p. 24 - Dane Co. Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison - Block 2 McCULLOUGH, Martha Mary - 186a-1864 - on small stone - Feb 81 1860 -Oct. 10, 1864 Mrs. Brady McCULLOICH9 P.Q. 9ox 293, Huntsvilley Texas 77340 lists: Samuel McCULLOCH, living in Ill. between 1838 & 1843, with wife Nancy (GIPSON) (-;,. Indian, 1 German) born 18 Sept 1817 in Ohio. Had 2 children then: Elizabeth McCULLOCH (Eliza) b ca 1843, Ill. Samuel McCULLOCH, Jr., b 23 April 1843, Ill. They moved to Texas 1845, where three sons were born: Robert McCULLOCH, b ca 1845; John Mc- CULLOCH, b ca 1845/46; & William McCULLOCH, b ca 1846/47. Samuel McCULLOCH, Sr. was deceased prior to 6 Apr 1848 when Nancy m 2nd, William HEATH in Walker Co., Tex. Nancy died 24 Dec 1875. Walker Co., Texas. The descent of Brady McCULLOCH is: Samuel McCULLOCH(COLLOCH)Sr., m ca 1838, Nancy GIPSON, died between 1846 & 6 Apr 1848, Texas. Samuel McCULLOCH/COLLOCH,Jr., b 23 Apr 1843, Ill., m 17 Nov 1869, Mary (Pally) Ann FOSTER, d. 16 May 1908, Walker Co., Tex. bur. Foster Cem, 12 gni. "d of Huntsville, Tex. Charles David McCULLOCH, b. 4 Nov 18719 Walker Co., Tex., m 16 Nov 1893, =.11a Wallis BROOKS, d. 5 Dec 1932, Huntsville, Tex., bur. Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Tex. Brady McCULLOCH, b 1 July 1901, Walker Co., Tex (w/ twin sister, Daisy McCULLOCH), m. 27 Aug 1949, Frances E. PUNCHARD. ------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------- Mrs. McCULLOCH also sent an article from: Confederate Veteran, Vol 12, No. 2 of February 1904, but itis a little too long for the room left, so will be used later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She also sent the following notes: From: General Land Office of Texas: Samuel McCULLOUGH Received one third class grant for 320 acres of land dated July 3, 1843. He located this land in Collin and -Zook Co., Tex. File: Fannin 3-3186; Fannin 3-3611. 1848 Walker Co. lst = Bk. Huntsville, Tex. p. 42: :Jm HEATH = Nancy McCULLOCH (relict of Samuel McCULLOCH, Sr., deceased) 6 April 1848 by Tom VISER, J.P. at home of David HOUSTON. 1840 Tex. (Census) Tax List, p. 84: Samuel McCULLOCH, Sr., Jackson Co., Tex. 1 poll - town lot 1476 with 1 slave. waixer co., Texas census mzATH, wm. Zb b. Tenn. toccupation sce aneous ac. 1850 - 11 Sept. (Bible says b. 27 Dec 1821) Farm 153/153 HEATH, Nancy 32 b. Ohio (Bible says b 18 Sept 1817) McCULLOCH, Elizabeth, 12 F b. Illinois McCULLOCH, Sam 10 M b. Illinois (Bible, 23 Apr 1843) McCULLOCH, Robert 8 M b. Texas McCULLOCH, John 6 M b. Texas McCULLOCH, 111m 4 M b. Texas HEATH, John Harvie 2 M b. Texas ?Talker Co., Texas Census HEATH, Trim 39 M Farmer $1200 1225 ac. land, b. Tenn 1860 - 7 July HEATH, Nancy 40 F Housewife b. Ohio Farm 339/332 HEATH, John 12 M b. Tex HEATH, Peter 8 M b. Tex. HEATH, Richard 6 M b. Tex. HEATH, Perry 3 M b. Tex. HEATH, William 1 M b. Tex. McCULLAR, Zliza 16 F b. Ill. McCULLAR, Samue115 M b. T_11. McCULLAR, Robert14 M b. Tex. •ticCULLAR, 11illiam 13 M b. Tex. Walker Co., Texas Census HEATH, William 49 M wh Farmer $900 2190 Ac. b. Tenn. 1870 - 10 Sept HEATH, Nancy 53 F wh keeping house b. Ohio Farm #123 HEATH, John 21 M wh farm hand b.Tex. HEATH, Peter 17 M wh farm hand b.Tex. HEATH, Perry 14 M wh farm hand b. Tex. HEATH, James 13 M wh farm hand b. Tex. HEATH, Thomas 9 M wh farm hand b. Tex. McCULLOCK, Willis 23 M wh Invalid b. Tex. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dalker Co. Texas Elizabeth (Eliza) McCULLOCH = 1 July 1869, John F. FOSTER, by S.M.JENKINS, MG. Marriage Bk D, p.91 Samuel McCULLOCH, Jr. = Nov. 11, 1869 Polly Ann FOSTER, by J.G.JOHNSON, M.G. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TENNESSEE COUSINS by Worth RAY P. 370 Accounts of CUNIIINGHA14 & RANKIN Store , Monroe Co. Tenn., 1835/6, near Niles Ferry, near town of Vonore, 4 mi. branch P.O. - Samuel McCULLOCH-(among many others) P. 314 - Blount Co., Tenn., 11 July 1795 - County Court Jurors - Samuel McCULLOCH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 187 Mortality Schedules of Texas by Frances WOODS - Titus Co., Texas Samuel McCULLOUGH, farmer, 31, Male, b. S.C., died Apr, 12th day of pneumonia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Course, Montgomery Co., Texas, old newspaper, 1930's William G. McCULLOCH obtained 320 acres of land in Course, Texas (Montgomery Co.) oil field located on Crystal Creek - about 5 miles above its junction with lest Fork San Jacinto Rover in February 1849 from C.M.E.TAYLOP., the original grantee (Mrs. McCULLOCH's Note:) Turas this land that caused William (Willis) McCULLOCH, son of Samuel McCULLOCH, Sr., to be shot and invalided and died 1870, Walker Co., Texas at 23 years of age. Questions? Was William G. McCULLOCH•a brother of Samuel McCULLOCH, Sr., deceased,by 1$47/8? The children of Samuel McCULLOCH, Sr., inherited the land. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ref: Vol. 2 - Augusta Co., Va - CHALKLEY p. 295 - Samuel McCULLOCH - Promiscuous Papers p. 312 - Samuel McCULLOCH . Feb 41 1793 Elizabeth VARNER, dau. of Henry VARNER. Ruby .rs. Guy sent some moroicCULLOCHAIcCOLLOCH information: Crawford Co., Wisconsin, 1850 Census. Bad Ax Twp. 449/449 CLARK, Moses, 29 b. Nass. occ. Timbering MOUNTS, Seth 27 N.Y. Wheelwright SCHOLL, John 33 Germany Timbering BECKLEMAN, Henry 28 Germany Timbering McCULLOCH, Hugh 50 not known Timbering NILSON, John 30 Germany Timbering Prairie Du Chien Twp. 562/562 McCULLOCH, David 32 New York farmer 14,cCULLOCH, James 24 Pa. farmer McCULLOCH, Elizabeth 68 Mass. Prairie Du Chien Twp. 154/154 McCULLOCH, John 32 b. N.Y. farmer McCULLOCH, John d. 6 disc. McCULLOCH, Abagail 25 Ohio (since Abagail was listed last, perhaps she is John's sister.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In some Tennessee records, she found: McCOLLOCH Bible Records, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Rutherford Co. McCOLLOCH: Benjamin b. 1789 Henry b. 1819 PHILIP b. 1825 Sarah 1790 glary E. 1816 Ellen 1829 Adelade 1812 Anna 1818 John 1831 Sarah Sarah 1822 Richard 1829 In another reference she noticed that Phillip's full name was: PHILLIP DODDRIDGE Mc COLLOCH. He studied law and went to Arkansas. As she remembers, Benjamin was a son of Alexander McCOLLOCH, and in another book, saying there was much confusion about 14cCOLLOCH history, but said this family migrated from East or from East area of Virginia. But a family that named a son Phillip Doddridge would probably come from N.W.Virginia. Again, I think it very nice of Mrs. MORGAN to do all this work on a family that isn't related in any way to her own. We wish you all a VLRY FIZEUPLYS an - also . Sincerely, Bill Yarv+ood 1250 N. State College, Spp 319 Anaheim, California 9280b ABBOTT, Lucy 3 ALLEN, Mary Elizabeth 1 ANDERSON, Dorris (McCulloch) 3 ANDERSON, Russell 3 BAKER, Isaac 4 BAKER, Virginia (McCulloch) 4 BALDWIN, Minnie (McCulley) 2 BANKS, Claudius 2 BANKS, Nellie 2 BARTEAU, Alice 5 BATES, Jennie 1 BEATTY, Isabella 1 BECKERS (Beckus), Lulu McCuller 2 BECKLEhfAN, Henry BECKUS (Beckers) Lulu McCuller BLAKE, James 1 BLAKE, Rebecca (Cunningham) 1 BLAKE, Sally 1 BOGGS, Alicy 3 BOWRON, Nann (McCulloch) 3 BOWRON, William F. 3 BRA MER, Lucy 4 BROADDUS, Elizabeth Elkin (Taliaferro) 1 BROADDUS, Ellen 1 BROADDUS, John Woodford 1 BROOKSt Ella Wallis 5 BRUNSON, Mrs. Alta Beth 4 BRYAN, Martha 3 BUL• L Agnes BUEL, David 5 BULL, Mrs. David 5 BUKEY, Mary 3 BURKS, Alexander Hairston 1 BURKS, Broaddus Vaughan 1 BURKS, Elizabeth (Hairston) 1 BURKS, Ellen (Broaddus) 1 BURKS, Franklin Taliaferro 1 BURKS, Garnette Mabelle Vaughan 1 BURKS, Hortense Washington (Vaughan) 1 BURKS, Katherine (Van Wagner) 1 BURKS, Nancy (Ogden) 1 BURKS, Pearl Corinne 1 3URKS, Reade Carrington 1 BURKS, Roberta (Drummond) 1 BURKS, Rose Berryman 1 3URK-S, Ruby Nettie 1 3UR.KS, Samuel Cabell 1 BURKS, Woodford Elkin 1 BURRELL, Jennie Fay 3 BYERS, Janet (McCulloch) 5 CAIN, Della (Gage) 4 CAMBEL, Col. 2 CAP,7'BELL, Mary 3 CAZROTHERS, Mary ( ) 1 CARROTHERS, Rebecca Dy 1, 4 CAR.ROTHERS, Samuel 1 CARRUTHERS, Ester 1 CHRISTENSEN, Bessie 3 CLAO,UIN, Therese 1 CLARK, hoses 6 CLARK, Sarah Ann 3 COL�•t!Nt John COLEMAN. Sarah (McCulloch) 3" COOK, Arthur 1 COOK, Elizabeth ( ) 1 COOK, Hannah 1 COP, Euphenia M. 3 CORBITT, Charles Hickling 2 CORBITT, 2 Cora Adaline (Mitchell' CORBITT, Willis Gregg 2 CRABB, Margaret (ti?cC loch) 2 C1RAir7FORD, Elizabeth tfcColloch) CRXJFORD, Henry 3 CREIGHTON, Hugh 3 CREIGHTON, Pilary (McColloch) ( French) 3 CUNNINGHAM, Charles C. 5 CUNNINGHAM, Rebecca 1 DALLEY, Mrs. Stella 4 DARRAN, Deloris May 3 DAVIS, Fannie 1 DQOLIN, Elizabeth (McCulloch) DRM2-11OND, Roberta 1 DUNN, John 3 DUNN, Mary (McColloch) 3 DU.NN, Sarah Ann 3 DYER, Charles P. 4 INDEX EDGE, Mary Elizabeth Dawson 2 FAGERSON, Col. 2 FINLEY, Martha Ann 1 FLEELAND (Fleenor), Abraham 3 FLEELAND (Fleenor) tt Rebecca McColloch) 3 FLEENOR Fleeland), Abraham 3 FLEENOR Fleeland) Rebecca lf-lccolloch3 3 FORGEY, Wm. A. 2 FOSTER, John F. 6 FOSTER, Mary (Polly) Ann 5 FOSTER, Polly Ann 6 FOULKS, Mary Elizabeth 3 FOA-ILER, Mary 1 FP.ENCH, Charles 3 FRENCH, James 3 FRENCH, Mary (McColloch) 3 GAGE, A. J. 4 GAGE, Delilah (McCulley) 4 GAGE, Della 4 GAGE, Francis Marion 4 GALLAGHER, Frances (McCulloch) GALLAGHER, Wm. 5 GALLEHER, Caroline McBlain (McCullough) 1 GALLEHER, Col. Paul C. 1 GANTS, H. H. 2 GARDNER, Harriet 1 GIPSON, Nancyh { 5 GLASGOW, Nancy GLASGOW 1 GLASGOW, Fannie (Davis) 1 GLASGOW, Haddassah Jane (Wiley) GLASGOW, Harriet (Gardner) 1 GLASGOW, Harry J 1 GLASGO1.1p Jennie ?Bates) 1 GLASGOW, John Wiley 1 GLASGOV79 Mrs. Olive (Schultz) i GLASGOW, Rosa Bell 1 GLASGOW, Samuel Finley 1 GLASGOW, Sarah Jane 1 GLASGOW, Stewart 1 GLASGQN, William Ellsworth 1 GRAN. John G_ S HADDEN, Bartholomew 4 HADDEN, filaria (Marie)(McCullough 4 HAIRSTON, Elizabeth 1 HAMILTON, Boyd W. 1 HAMILTON, Ruby Nettie (Burks) 1 HANKINSON, Eliza Budd 1 HANKINSON, Maj. Henry 1 HANKINSON, Mary (McCullough) 1 HANNA, Agnes (McCulloch) 5 HARADEN, Eliza A. 1 HARADEN, Nathaniel 1 HARMON, Tars. Lillian B. 4 HEATH, James 6 HEATH, John 6 HEATH, John Harvey 6 HEATH, Nancy (Gipson)(McCulloch) HEATH, Perry 6 HEATH, Peter 6 HEATH, Richard 6 HEATH, Thomas 6 HEATH, William 5,6 HEDGES, Catherine 3 HEFLIN, Mrs. CarmieM. 4 HEMENWAY, Frank 3 H.2.1MNWAY, Sarah V. (McCulloch) 3 HOLLINGS70RTH, Lydia 2 HOLMt firs. Zula Wilcox 4 HOUSTON, David 5 HOWARD, Charles Patton 2 HOt;IAP.D, Grace (Patton) 2 HOWARD, Oliver Joseph 2 'MUFF, Martha Judith 1 HUNT, Keturah 1 INSKZEP, Hannah (McColloch) 3 INSKEEP, Joseph 3 INSKEEP, Sarah 3 JAMERSON, Rachel (McColloch) 3 JAMERSON, Thomas 3 JEPiNINGS , Douglas 1 JENNINGS, Dr. Zdmund 1 J-7NNINGS, Edmund Haraden 1 JENNINGS, Isabella (Beatty) 1 J=NNINGS, Isabelle 3eatty 1 JZNNINGS, Dr. Jonathan Beatty 1 iENNINIGS. Martha Judith ( Huff) 1 JLNNIIJGS, friary Hinsdale (Mathews. 1 JENNINGS, Sallie 1 JENNINGS, William Beatty 1 JOHNSON, J. G. 6 JOHNSON, Nancy 3 JONES, Mrs. Kenneth 4 JONES, Udo ra Endo ra 3 LINDER, Abraham 3 LINDER, Sarah (McCulloch) 3 LOGAN, Sarah V. 33 LUSK, Ellen Jane (McCollouch) 1 LUSK. Harry H. 1 I;.ACAULEY,• Wm. 4 McCALL, J. K. 4 McCALL, Philip 4 McCALLEY, Adim 4 McCALLEY, Frank 4 McCALLEY, May 4 McCAULEY, G. 4 McCAULEY, George 4 McCAULAY, J. .4 t McCAULEY, William H. 4 M --CLUNG, Henry 1 McCLUNG, Ester 1 McCLUNG, Ester (Carruthers) 1 McCOLL, F. H. 4 McCOLL, John 4 McCOLLOCH, (soldier) 3 McCOLLOCH, Abraham 3 McCOLLOCH, Abram 5 McCOLLOCH, Adelade 6 L McCOLLOCH, Alexander 6 McCOLLOCH, Alidy (Boggs) 3 McCOLLOCH, Anna 6 McCOLLOCH, Benjamin 6 McCOLLOCH, Catherine Hedges) 3 McCOLLOCH, Catherine Van Meter) McCOLLOCH, Cemantha 4 McCOLLOCH, Daniel 4 McCOLLOCH, Dorcas (Logan) 3 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth 3,4,5, MCCOLLOCH, Elizabeth (Tilley) 3 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth (Ward) 3 McCOLLOCH, Ellen 6 McCOLLOCH, Francis M. 4 MCCOLLOCH, Col. George 3- McCOLLOCH, Capt. George 3 McCOLLOCH, Lt. George, Jr. 3 McCOLLOCH, Hannah 3 McCOLLOCH, Henrq 6 McCOLLOCH Isaac L "Loss" 4 MCCOLLOCH, Isabel jPatrick) 3 McCOLLOCH, Isabella 3 MCCOLLOCH, James 3 McCOLLOCH, James H. 4 McCOLLOCH, Jane 3 McCOLLOCH, John 3,4,6 McCOLLOCH, Maj. John 3 McCOLLOCH, John C 3 McCOLLOCH, Joseph A. 4 MCCOLLOCH, Lee 4 MCCOLLOCH, Lucinda 4 McCOLLOCH, Lucy C. 4 MCCOLLOCH, Margaret (Wilson) 3 McCOLLOCH, Martha A. 4 McCOLLOCH, Mary 3 McCOLLOCH, Mary E. 6 McCOLLOCH, clary F. 4 MCCOLLOCH, Mary Bukey) 3 MCCOLLOCH, Mary Campbell) 3 McCOLLOCH, nary Mitchell) 3 McCOLLOCH, Bury IWhite) 3 McCOLLOCH, Missouri Belle 4 McCOLLOCH, Nancy 4 MCCOLLOCH, Nancy Mciiachen MCCOLLOCH, Nancy McMerill) 3 McCOLLOCH, Nancy (Zane) 3 McCOLLOCH, Philip 6 McCOLLOCH, Phillip Doddridge 6 McCOLLOCH, Rachel 3 McCOLLOCH, Rebecca 3 McCOLLOCH, Rebecca (McKee) 5 McCOLLOCH, Richard 6 McCOLLOCH, Robert 3 %WOT LOCH. Sally (:17hite) 4 i,.cCOLLOCH, Samantha L I;cCOLLOCH Samuel 3,5 McCOLLOCH, Maj. Samuel 3 McCOLLOCH Capt. Samuel 3 McCOLLOCH, Samuel A. 4 L%',cCOLLOCH, Samuel W. 4 McCOLLOCH, Sarah ,3,6 November 1976 c U H MUSI o 1 2 No 2 0. McCOLLOCH, Sarah (Inskeep) 3 McCULLOCH, Donald s McCULLOCH, William Keith, Jr. 1 McCOLLOCH, Sarah Ann ( itj McCULLOCH, Dorene Laval 3 McCULLOCH, dilliam N. 3 (Clark) 3 McCULLOCH,, Dorris 3 McCULLOCH, William S. 3 McCOLLOCH, Sarah Elizabeth 3 McCULLOCH, Edith 3 McCULLOCH, Willis 6 :!cCOLLOCH, Sarah Jane 4 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth 3,6 McCULLOCK, Mrs. George4 McCOLLOCH. Sarah V. (Logan) 3 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth Eliza) 5,6 McCULLOCK, George A. s Y,cCCLLOCH, Solomon 3 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth t,orris) 3 McCULLOCK., Willis 6 MCCOLLOCH, Thomas 4 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth :=ieedon) 1 McCULLODE, C.F. 4 McCOLLOCH, Col. Thomas 3 McCULLOCH, Ella -dallis (Brooks)5 McCULLOUGH, Alexander 4 McCOLLOCH, Lt. Thomas 3 McCULLOCH, Ella Jane McCULLOUCH, Allen 4 'McCOLLOCH, Valentine 4 McCULLOCH, Elsa ('clicks 3 McCULLOUGH, Ann ( } 4 tdcCOLLOCH William 4 McCULLOCH, Emily (Pearson) 3 McCULLOUGH, Capt.�njamin 1 McCOLLOCH, Capt. '�Jilliam 3 William, J. McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Ethel 3 Euphina Md. (Cop) 3 MCCULLOUGH, Caroline McBlain 1 McCULLOUGH, Edith 1 McCOMcCOLLOCH. 5 LOUGH, Alen Jane 1 McCULLOCH, Eva 3 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth Howland 1 McCOLLOUGH, James 4 i=icCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Francis 5 Francis :.w. (Punchard) McCULLOUGH, Elisabeth Totimsent (Seymour) 1 McCOLLOUGH, Jane (Perkins) 4 IMcCOLLOUGH, John 1ff4 5 McCULLOUGH, Ernest 1 McCOLLOUGH, Levina lMenis) 4 McCOLLOUGH, McCULLOCH, Frank 3 McCULLOUGH, Ester (McClung) 1 Maria Marie) 4 Marie McCULLOCH, Fred 3 McCULLOUGH, George C. 5 Maria) McCULLOCH, George Alfred 3 MCCULLOUGHMcCULLOUGH, George Seymour 1 MMcCOLLOUGH, cCOLLOUGH, Meter 4 McCULLOCH, .Gladys 3 , Hannah (Cook) 1 McCOLLOUGH, Rebecca (Carruthers} McCOLLOUGH, Rebecca Dye (Car- McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Gus 3 Hannah (Rude) 1 MCCULLOUGH, Helen Mar 4 McCULLOUGH, Henry Judson 4 rothers) 1 McCULLOCH Harriet (Pettibone) 5 t•,cCULLOUGH, J. P. 1 McCOLLOUGH, dilliam 4 McCULLOCH:Hugh McCULLOCH, 6 Isabel (Patrick) 2 McCULLOUGH J. R. 2 McCULLOUGH, J. T. 2 McCOLLUGH, Lt Th ---s 2 McCRORY (line) McCULLOCH, Isabella 1 MCCULLOUGH, James 4 4 YcCULLOCH, J. J. 2 McCULLOUGH, James David 1 McCULLACH, F. D. 5 6 McCULLOCH, James 6 McCULLOUGH, Jennett (Cowden) 4 MCCULLAR, Eliza :•icCULLOCH, James Carl 3 McCULLOUGH, John 1,4 McCULLAR, Levi 4 6 McCULLOCH James Carroll 3 MCCULLOUGH, Katharine (Tuttle) 1 M.cCULLAR, Robert McCULLOCH9 Jane (?)(Smith) 2 McCULLOUGH, Keturah (Hunt) 1 McCULLAR, Samuel 6 6 jIcCULLQCH, Janet 5 McCULLOUGH, L. 2 vicCULLAR, Gilliam 'McCULLOCH, J ennie 5 McCULLOUGH, Levi Hamilton 4 McCULLER,Burl Alexander 2 McCULLOCH, Jennie Fay (Burrell)3 McCULLOUGH, Martha Mary 5 McCULLER, Charles 2 McCULLOCH, Jess 3 McCULLOUGH, Mary 1 McCULLER, Cornelia 2 McCULLOCH, Jim 3 McCULLOUGH, Olivia Sophia (Nelson tdcCULLEP., Culpepper 2 McCULLOCHt John, 2,4,5,6 1 McCULLER9 Dumas t�erdon 2 McCULLOCH John A. 4 MCCULLOUGH, R. 2 McCULLER, Frank K. 2 McCULLOCH, John F. 3 MCCULLOUGH, Samuel 4,5 McCULUR, Henry 2 McCULLOCH John J 3 McCULLOUGH, Sarah 1 '.cCULLER, Joseph Robert Culpeppe: McCULLOCH, John W. 6 McCULLOUGH, Therese (Claquin) 1 2 McCULLOCH, John Wellington 1 McCULLOUGH, Vera (Sandidge) 1 McCULLER, Josephine 2 McCULLOCH, Joseph 1 McCULLOUGH, W. P. 2 I&cCULLZR, John James Paton 2 McCULLOCH, Josephine 5 McCULLOUGH. Col. ililliam 1 McCLTLTLEER, Lulu 2 McCULLOCH Katherine 3 KcCULLY9 Asa A. 2 i cCULL.Rt :Niary Elizabeth Dawson dge) McCULLOCH, Lucy (Abbott) 3 McCULLY, Catherine 2 David e McCULLOCH, Lucy (Brammer) 4 1 cCULLYt i:cCULLi.'2� 2 McCULLOCH, Lydia (Hollingsworth) i Ellinor2 4 :•:cCULLER Obadiah 2 t4cCULLY, J. 2 McCULLZR, IJilliam David Augustus McCULLOCH, Margaret 295 McCULLY, John 1,2 M•'.cCULLZI? Charlotte (Rose) 4 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Marguerite 4 Martha (Bryan) 3 M•icCULLY, John F. 2 McCULLY, Sally 1 �TcCULLEY, Cynthia Jane 4 "'cCULLEY, D. 2_- McCULLOCH, Mary Ma 2.3 i�icC JLLY, Samuel 2 McCULLEY, Dale 4 Delilah 4 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Mary (Moyer) 4 Mary Amelia 1 MCCULLY, Thomas J. 4 r"cCULLY William H. 2 ;•icCULL:.Y, :cCULLEY, E. 2 McCULLCCH, {Foster) Mary (Polly) Ann McDANIEL, Andrew G. 2 �RcDANI:=L, Belle Martha (McCul— t cCULLEY, Elijah 4 McCLILLEY9 Francis Pi. 4 i:cCUL(Fos , 5 Ma L loch) 2 Mary Elizabeth (Foulk:t3cDANIEL Elisha 4 ticCULLLY, Francis Mitchell 4 �� George 4 3 ;dcCULLOCH Aia Holmes 1 ry �- ' McDANIEL, Susan (McCulloch) 1: McHALL, M. 4 }YcCULLEY, ,J:cCULLLY, J. 2 McCULLOCH, Mildred (.Mayo 4 MCKEE Rebecca 5 ��cCULL:Y, J. M•I. 2 :•TcCULLEY, L. 2 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Nancy Gipson 5 Johnson) 3 i�ct'ACHEN, Nancy 3 !•.cCULLEY, M. 2 M.c ULLOCH, Nancy Nancy A. 3 ?•ict�laRILL, Nancv 3 McCULLEY, .I. ;•i. 2 :•IcCULLLY N. 2 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Nann 3 Nathaniel 1 M:ATHEWS, teary Hinsdale 1 �- iATNEY Broadwater 4 MdcCULLEY, Pierce 4 McCULLOCH, Oscar Carleton 5 MATNEY, Sarah (McCulloch 4 McCULLrY, R. D. 2 14cCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Peggy 4 Robert MATSUTANI, Tuisaburro(?) 4 McCULLEY. S. E. 2 5,6 Mf1ATTICA9 Colline (Robert) 3 t•IcCULLEY, Samuel 2 McCULLOCH, Robert T. 3 MATTICA, Jene 3 NcCULLZY ;•Milliam 4 McCULLOCH, Roderick 1 MAYO, Mildred 4 .�_cCULLOCH, Records 2 McCULLOCH, Abagail 6 M�IcCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Rollin Smiley 5 Rose Yandell 1 MAYO, Pe gy (A:cCulloch) 4 MAYO, Valentine fcCULLOCH, Agnes 5 McCULLOCH, Ruth 4 2NI3, Levi.na 4 M.cCULLOCH, Agnes (Buel) 5 DicCULLOCH, Sally Blake 1 MESSINGER Jennie (McCulloch) 5 M•IcCULLOCH, Alfred 3 MCCULLOCH, Sally white 4 `•IESSINGER, :1m. D. 5 'McCULLOCH, Alfred Exum 3 ScCULLOCHt Sam 6 MISCALL, Jas. J. 4 McCULLOCH, slice (Barteau) 5 McCULLOCH, Alta 3 , !.!cCULLOCH, ::cCULLOCH, Samuel 4,5,6 Samuel, Jr. 5,6 .'•IITCHELL, Cora Adaline 2 MITCHELL, Henry Blake 2 ,� �•►cCULLCCH, Arthur Earl 3 McCULLOCH, Belle Martha 2 iAcCULLOCH, ricCULLOCH, Sarah 3,4 Sarah (Spring) 1 MITCHELL, Maria Elizabeth (Tool) McCULLOCH, Bert 3 McCULLOCH, Bessie (Christensen)3 'icCULLOCH, i.IcCULLOCH, Sarah V. 3 Sarah J. 2 2 :IITCHELL,Ma 3 �s00RE, Mar-, (I+icCulloch) *• Brady 5 McCULLOCH, tics. t,IcCULLOCH, Silas 3 3 , I•iOPGAN, Mrs. Guy 6 McCULLOCH, Carleton Buel 5 McCbLLOCH, Sue Roberts ("1atkins)lMORGAN, Mary Lima (Street) 1 .4cCULLOCH, Carlton G. 5 McCULLOCH, Susan L MORGAN, Ruby E .•IcCULLOCH, Char es Franklin 3 .•.cCULLOCH, Lt. Thomas 2 MORGAN Schuyler 1 McCULLOCH, Charles David 5 McCULLOCH, Thomas Jefferson 2 MORRIS, Elizabeth 3 :dcCULLOCH, Chauncey 5 M•IcCULLCCH, Thomas S. 3:OUNTS� Seth 6 M.cCULLOCH, Clarence 3 McCULLOCH, Tom 3 i:OY=P., Mary 4 �IcCULLOCH, Daisy 3 McCULLOCH, Udora Endora (Jones) 3 McCULLOCH, Daphnie 3 McCULLOCH, David McCULLCCH, Vic.1ini a 4 Wl;liam NELSON, Hon. John G. 1 5 McCULLOCH, Deloris May (Darran)3 {cCJLLOCH, McCULLOCH, 1,3.4,5,5 G. 6 .:=LSON, Olivia Sarah 1 tiE:�IHOUSE, Isaac McCULLOCH, Diana 3_ McCULLOCH, Will 'lill3. Keith 1 _ 3 ME'lHCUSE. M?artha(McCulloch) 3 ME dL:.-IS Vb 1 2 No. 2 P. 9 Novemoer 1976 NILSON, John 6 TURNER, Sarah Jane (:icColloch) 4 NOLIN, Katherine (McCulloch) 3 TUTTLE, Katharine 1 OGD_7N, Nancy 1 PANGBURN, Eva (McCulloch) 3 PANGBURN, Gale 3 PATRICK, Isabel 3 PATTON, Chester Andrew 2 PATTON, Claudius Banks 2 PATTON, Grace 2 PATTON, Jean 2 PATTON, Jessie 2 PATTON, John Turner 1 PATTON, Martha Ann (Finley) 1 ?ATTON, Maud 2 PATTON, Nellie (Banks) 2 PATTON, Rosa Bell (Glasgow) 1 PATTON, Sarah Alen (Glasgow) PATTON, Thomas Elder 1 PATTON, William Elder 1 PEARSON, Emily 3 ?ERKINS, Jane 4 PERRY, Charles H. 3 PERRY, Isabella (McColloch) 3 PETERSON, Alexander 2 PETERSON, Jessie (Patton) 2 PETERSON, Robert N. 2 PETERSON, Sarah Louise 2 PETTIBONE, Harriet 5 PETTIBONEt Hiram 5 PUNCHARD, Frances E. 5 RICHARD, Arlo 2 RICHARD, Berneice 2 RICHARD, riaud ( Patton) 2 RICHARD, William Gail 2 ROBERT, Ben 3 ROBZRT, Colline 3 ROBERT, Elizabeth (tdcCulloch) 3 ROBERT, Lt. Wayne Charles 3 ROSE, Charlotte 4 ROSE, Cynthia (`) 4 ROSE, Elijah 4 ROSSER, Ernest 1 ROSSER, Pearl Corinne (Burks) 1 RUDE, Betsey (Vincent) 1 RUDE, Hannah 1 RUDE, Thaddeus 1 RUPINELS, Alice (Barteau) (idccull och) 5 RUNNELS, Dr., Orange S. 5 RUSLING, Eliza Budd (Hankinson)1 RUSLING, Gershom 1 RUSLI109 James 1 RUSLING, Mary (Fowler) 1 SANDIDGE, Andrew Jackson 1 SANDIDG^', Mary Elizabeth (Allen)] SANDIDGE, Vera 1 SANDS, Henry 5 SCHOLL, John 6 SCRUTCHFIELD, Marguerite M. (McCulloch) 4 SEYAfCUR, Elizabeth Townsend 1 SMILTZ'; Mrs. Olive 1 SMITH, Jane (?) 2 SOND"R, James M. 4 SPRING, Sarah 1 STANFIBLD, James AN:l. 3 STFIELD, Sarah V. (Logan) (McColloch) 3 ST ENBERGEN, Charlotte 5 STINSON, James 20 STINSON, Diary (cColloch) 3 2 STINSON, Susanna Hamilton 2 STREET, Clara Edna 1 STREET, Mary Amelia (McCulloch)) STREET. Mary Elma 1 STREET, dalter dinfield 1 STRZZT, William Lewis 1 TALIAF:.RRO, Benjamin Berryman 1 TALIAFE•RRO, Charles 1 TALIAFERRO, 'Elizabeth Elkin 1 TALIAFER.RO, Isabella (McCulloch)l TALIAFERRO, Judith Anderson (Crawford) 1 TALIAFERRO, Capt. Richard 1 TALIAFERRO, Rose (Berryman) 1 TAYLOR, C. M. TOOL, Adam Miller 2 TOOL, Maria Elizabeth 2 TOOL, Susanna Hamilton (Stinson) 2 TURNER. John Martin 4 U110, Jinnie 4 VAIL# Ella Jane (McCulloch) 5 VAIL, H. S. 5 VAN i'ITER, Catherine 3 VAN WAGNER,, Katherine 1 VARNER, Elizabeth 6 VARNER, Henry 6 VAUGHAN, Tortense Washington 1 VINCENT, Betsey 1 VISER, Tbm, J.P. 5 WALTERS, Abner W. 2 '.BARD, Elizabeth 3 WATKINS, Rose Burwell (Griffith)] :CATKINS, Dr. Samuel Shelton 1 WATKINS, Sue Robert 1 WATSON, Mirs. Nell 4 1AXLE R, Mrs. Erving 4 1:1EEDON, Elizabeth 1 WEEKS, Genevieve C. 5 ISSCOTT, Clara Edna (Street) 1 WESCOTT, Edgar Hilt 1 WHITAKER, Wilford W. Jr. 2 TdHITE, Matl 3 WHITE, Sally 4 WICKS, Elsa 3 �'ILCOX, Miss Letha 4 WILEY, Haddassah Jane 1 WILEY, Samuel 1 y9ILZY, Sarah (McCullough) 1 WILSON, Margaret 3 :JINSLOW9 Garnette M.abelle Vaughar. ( Burks) 1 WINSLOW, Lorenzo Simmons 1 WOOD, Andrew 3 WOOD, Mary (Mitchell)(McColloch) WOODARD13Hattie 1 WOODS, Frances 6 ZANE, Ebinezer ZANE, Elizabeth McColloch) 3.5 ZANE, Nancy 3 S��•oex�- /90� �71-'� 01 �r.C.pN7i�� �/i/<R6G! fitHtiSAS��7��J1 Fo�TI✓o�rh;I��.vvcp! sc�rr�cF S�9NFiPAN�'ISCo ���cyA�svty�C, -, fge-� Here I am with a!' r is empty sheet — and I don't want to add any more names — the index wouldn't match. I allowed two pages for the index, and it took two and a half. Of course, I could have eliminated half of page 6, but then I would have had to modify the index to match, so I'm going this way — and next time will do it differently. WE ;'DISH YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEVI YEAR. TKA & BILL YA .rte -tel- Q. -z i- - r. .. -rte � `�r�.•_ tr• �� ... - - - _.. - '� � • .t• mACxULLOtrGH MacCuloch/ Maclullie t,:cColy Macologhe • �i Alaccullie e rtcHullie AfcCoZ th a Hulagh McCollam M.10 maccullo ALL Spellings t�1 ' Coulaghe tip' Ocrlache �'I^Colli ck IrcCullie McCollom Uakcullocht McKulloch RicKowloch iicCullock tfacoulie t',•Kula� tlacLullli t�a�kco:•rloch McCulloch rlaclullich riacCullough MC-Coulach �4 �•• CulloctGullough t'�'A1ach ricculloh Q+.akawllauch McCollough t acCulloch 1?1Kowloche McCully , - - y t.akhula Anril 197F Published from time to time by: William R. (Bill) YARWOOD, 1250 N. State College, qp. 31, Anaheim California 714-954--5308 9x846 Normally I have taken a "break" after putting out the Memos, which is probably why T have found myself at the time I granted to mail, still having more to type, so thev come out closer and closer to a month behind. This time, I had them printed on Tuesday, mailed a few that nieht after collating, more on Wednesday, and finished mailing Thursday. This is Fridav, and Tem startinP the new issue. Hopefully, this time it will actually come out in April. QUERY: Mrs. Leva (McCullough) JOHNSON, 301 Clara Ave., Ukiah, California 0502 interested in information about her Greatrgrandfather - Henry McCULLOUGH, b Vire nia ca 1704 - was Countv Jird" of ST. Louis Co., Missouri in 1850. His Urife named Delilah ( }; children at home - Samuel, Sarah,. James, Robert, Hamilton & Henry. Delilah 2nd .'rife. Henry McCULLOUGH had A sons by his first wrife. Y.er/IaFff their names not known to ?Irrs. Johnson. Robert McCULLOUGH, b St. Louis Co., 13 March 1837 near Glenco or GZener, came to California with some other young men in 1854 driving a herd of cattle to Lake Co. He *went next to the Bold country in the Sierras. He married Margaret Ann McCLINTOCK in March 1844, Scotts Vallev, Lake Co., Calif. She was born 1850 in Kokomo, Indiana and came to Calif in 1852. Ther settled in "Rcotts Vallev in 1874 as farmers and stock -raisers. 9 children: Martha Emma, Henry Hamilton, Etta Mae, Samuel George, Willie - wrho died young, Millie Ethel, Walter Ernest, Joseph Lawrence and Nettie Vina. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Nellie COOK, Rt 1, Box (-09 Jenkins, Missouri 45477 �''iites that she spent a couple of weeks in the hospital with a "light heart attack". She has somFlaaue formation in the arteries in her heart. Due to the location, bypass operation cannot be p rformed. Since my operation, I have noticed among other things that the VA does not recommend Bypass. Also some doctors (not all) recommend the use of a chelating agent. I heard on the radio yesterday some information: �+ Chelation by means of an intravenous infusion of EDTA,, to seauestrate minerals, especially calcium. Calcium is taken auav from the "plague" in the blood vessels, and the remainder of the pla'alae, ;:costly fat -and cholesterol tends to gradually disappear. This must be done by a Dr., as there �5 � is a degree of danger to the process - taking minerals from the wrong part of the body, etc. Something else I have learned is that it is not necessarily the cholesterol level of the blood, so much as the ratio between HDL & LDL - high density lipoproteins and low density lipoproteins, ry I am told that to improve this ratio, a low cholesterol diet and foga-ine can be useful. ,•N tsrs. Cook is still anxious to learn more about the parents of Moses McCULLOUGH, b *north Carolina in 1794. y- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Edna Hazel LUJERY, 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Virginia 220LA sent some additional informa- tion referring to Vol III No. 1: Additional children of IV -6 'Jilliam McCOLLOCH: NOTE': All but Noah Z ane had been listed 9:3 Zillah McCOLLOCH, m Joseph TENERY under Silas McCOLLOCH - with .vuestion V-26 Noah Zane McCOLLCCH - given in V III Mo 1 marks for him and all children. Sidnev McCOLLOCH c� Zane f1cCOLLOCH b ca 1805 Tabitha McCOLLOCH, b ca 1807, m Joseph I+:E<• FLL, moved to Iozra ` Elliot McCOLLOCH, b ca 1809 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b ca 1812 Her proof: Extract from Treaty of Miami Rapids, and Land Laws 191. here cuoted: Land Laws 191. 8th article of Treaty. Lth clause. To the Children of William McCULLOCK who was killed on August a 1812 near Mangangon, and who are quarter blood Wyandot Indians, one section to contain FLO acres, on the west side of the Sandusky river, adjoining the land line of the land hereby passed to Robert ARMSTRONG, and ending in the same manner as with and from the sd river. Act of 12 April 1824 lists the heirs as (given above). Note, however ages are given in years, not by birthdates. Those of age, i.e., over 21, are not given,. but Zane is listed as 19, Tabitha as 17,*Elliott as 15, and Samuel as 12. R From other information, she has a listing of Zillah or Zella b ca 18009 which leaves whether she was older than Noah Zane in question, and that Sidney was b 1802. However, when the rrovernment divided the property, it seems to have been apportioned by aee -with the eldest, Zillah receivine the first lot, and Noah Zane receiving the 2nd lot, etc. The map showrine this lard is in the Treatv File. For anyone wishing to check this file; Records Group 75, Reserve File (-A, National Archives, Washington D.C. A complete Xerox copy is owned by Iirs. Iris RICH, Route 2, Box 154, Baxter Snrinrs, Kansas -6713. This treaty is formally known as: Treaty at Foot of Rapids of Miami of Lake rrie �! and is dated September 29, 1817. Another cuestion - p.3; IV -59 John McCOLLOCH, b. ca 1740, lived in Va., d Jefferson Co., Ohio. �� Ref: LOWERY's 1850 Census of Ohio for I~gcCULLOUGHS, HarrisoT! Co., c. 15 on ci-t. Washington Two. D�815/F1827: TIcCULLY, John, (,0, farmer, ?X $25009 b. Pa. Qj -;ri mcCULLY, Catharine 59, b. Pa "Is this the John who married mcCULLY, Elizabeth 28, b. Pa. Catherine Mvers in Ross Co. on McCULLYY, Jane 24, b. Pa. Oct.11, 1$nL,)ef "'o, too voung, =tinny McCULL., William 22, b. Pa. :`•icCULLY, Catherine 20, b. Pa. "If not, is there anv identifvinq ��;,.� McCULLY, Samuel, 10 b. Pa. data on this John, PT, p. 3"' yy' ice.•. w a i P. 4., IV -12, Solomon McCOLLOCH, cuestion (also from Edna) V-37. Is this George McCOLLOCH the Oeoree Porter McCOLLOCH, ancestor of 'Irs. Timmerman? George Porter McCOLLOCH named a son Logan. Logan Co., Ohio named for Chief LOOAV. This family closely connected to Indian tribes. Somewhere there is a note that Oeorae "!cCOLL•OCV, son of Solomon lived and died in Missouri. Data from Mrs. T17177TAPT states Oeorae Porter McCULLOUGH born in Jasper County, Indiana. In 1835, Jasper Co., formed from T''hite � Itarren counties. Also: ref. p. 4 - IV -6. See LCWERY's, p. 18, 1850 Census: to wit: Hardin County, D545/F547 (page 293, I48) McCULLOH, Nancy, 709 b. Ohio McCULLOH, Samuel 39, farmer b. Ohio, living �-rith David & Sarah QuI*T. This may be Nancy (Zane3 McCULLOCH, widow of Cant. !William nRcCTTLLCCH, killed Au- 1¢12. '•.'There is she in other census records' How related to the S=V s° ?. 5, V-49 Jonathan McCOLLOCH. Does anyone know where he was in 1850' ''las it ?•tissouril V-3$. Ben McCOLLOCH, b. Rutherford Co. Tennessee was son of Alexander '•tcCT-TLLOCH, and is of / a different lineage - possibly related in Scotland. (I don't necessarily think that General Benjamin McCULLOCH is the only "Ben" in the general age eroup. The Ben of p. 4 under "VT -30" is different. Incidentally, that should be "V-39" for William.) P. 4, IV -12, Solomon McCOLLOCH, b 1776, d 1840, Monticello, White Co., Indiana. When did Solomon, who married Jemima PETTY, Champaign Co., Ohio, removed to Indiana? He made an affidavit on January 23, 1833 in the land case for his nephews as of Logan Co., Ohio. (Bv the Dray, Robert ARMSTRONG's wife was a sister to Nancy (Zane)McCULLOUGH) George McCOLLOCH is listed in 1840 in Jasper Co., but not Solomon. Logan Co. for 1$30: McCULLOCH, George, Jefferson T,,,rp. McCULLOCH, John, Uni Twp. McCULLOCH, Nancy, Jefferson Twp. McCULLOCH, Soloman Jefferson Twp. N Mrs. VVERY is interested in this family, because William -39) is one of the possibilities for her great grandfather. No genealogy that she has found has any additional data. If anvone has any additional information on the family of Soloman and Jemima (Petty) McCULLOUGH, she would be very grateful. She guesses that VTilliam, son of Soloman, is too old, but has no proof. Another question she has: 1850 Census, Coshocton Co., Ohio, Bedford Twp., p. 28, D183/F183 has the following family �•rhich probably fits in somewhere, but how? McCULLOUGH, John C. 38 m farmer b. Pa. It is possible that the name rbenezar McCULLOUGH, Jane S. 38 Pa. comes from Jane's family, but she is McCULLOUGH, Ebenezar 12 Ohio not identified. 'McCULLOUGH, Rachel' 8 Ohio A biography of William ?flcCULLOTTC.H, b. McCULLOUGH, Abraham 6 Ohio ca 17889 living same t«p 1850 elves McCULLOUGH, Harriet 4 Ohio his children, but does not include McCULLOUGH, Hannah 1 Ohio. John C. This family is not in the JONES, Martha B. 8 Ohio county census for 1840. JONES, Percivrl 7 Ohio JONES, Ebenezar 4 Ohio - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M. J. McCULLOUGH, 104 Glenoak, Wilmington, Delaware 19805 sends the following about his ancestrv: 1 Thomas McCULLOUGH, b ca 1765, Y George McCULLOUGH, b ca 1795, Chester, S.C., m Nancy DRENFAF JrWilliam McCULLOUGH, b ca 1795, Chester, S.C., m Sara VAHN Geor a McCULLOUGH, b ca 1795, farmer, m Nancy DRE'NNAN, b Chester S.C. Francis Drennan McCULLOUGH, b 3/4/1821, Chester, S.C., d 1/1/1802, Lvnrville, Ind., m 1/23/ 184$, Gibson Co . , Ind., Nancy Tyler SMITH, b 7 /27 /1825, d P1411804-, � Mary Drennan McCULLOUGH, b 11/1/1822, Chester, S.C., d 11/20 /1Q1n, Somerville, Ind: m ca 1¢0, John E. SMYTH, b ca 1820; Ch :-13rWilliam G. SMITH, b 12/22/180, Ind., d 5 /v /10 1, Lynnville, Ind. f :'Tilliam McCULLOUGH, b ca 1795, Chester, S.C• . m Sara VAHN; -= Nancy L. �-IcCULLOUGH, b 1825, S.C., d 8/�/18PK, Lynnville, Ind. JX- Francis Drennan McCULLOUGH, b 3/4/1821, Chester; m Nancv Tyler ST-qTH (above) 0"filliam S. McCULLOUGH, b 18499 m Elizabeth "''ATT (below) 2%rGeor- a W. McCULLOUGH, b 1852, m 9/30/1872, Nancy E. MEEKS Clara McCULLOUGH, b 9/11/18(-5, m 4/25/1914, Princeton Indf Flza Tyr';TFALL :OrFrancis Drennan YcCULLOUGH,II, b 1854; m Nancy A. KIRKPATR`b ICK elow) VrSara Agnes "Aunt Kate" McCULLOUGH, b 7/19/1857, d 3/24/1930 JZAaron McCULLOUGH, b 9/11/1865, d 4/14/1900, Pharmis. lliam S. McCULLOUGH, b 1849, d 1923' m Elizabeth WATT, b 1851, d 1923 Francis Clarence McCULLOUGH, b 1970; m Bertha THOMPSON, live: Oklahoma .=Doris I. McCULLOUGH, b 9/ /1900 =Gerald Waldo McCULLOUGH, 4/1/19049 Lynnville, Ind. m 1/lf-/1925, live: Bartlesville -WDo rthy McCULLOUGH., b 1910 =Robert D. McCULLOUGH, b 3/13/1913, Terre Haute, Ind; m f'/10 /1931 --t live: Tulsa, Okla. .7Robert D. McCULLOUGH, b 12/27/1871, d 7/21/1873 -1VOrdello McCULLOUGH, b 9/18/1878, d 8/3 /1889 :r-Sayvilla "Aunt Vid" McCULLOUGH, b 1880; m 11/15/19009 Isaac Dale HART IT Ruth HART m Adrian WATT QAlma L. McCULLOUGH, b 1881; m 7/23/1911 Ivan H. SISKD%N Francis Drennan McCULLOUGH, II, b 1854, d 1918; m 9/13/1877, Nancy Ann KIRKPATRICK, b 12/14 /IP51, d 1896. QGerald Eckley McCULLOUGH, b 9 8/1879, Lynnville, Ind., d 12/21/1880 (choked on hickory nut.) JZSidne K. McCULLOUGH, b 5/26%1881, Lynnville, d 2/17/1882 SBetram Dello McCULLOUGH, b 12/11882, Lynnville, d 1/25/1940; m Mabel BURTON Florence Dorthy McCULLOUGH, b $ 11/1884, m Lucius Newton BIRMINGHAM (below). 'Ofihirze Clare McCULLOUGH, b 7/16/1886, m Jesse BURTON (below) ,$John Othniel McCULLOUGH b 10 21/1888 m Therese Marie WIRTH (below) =arold Lee McCULLOUGH, b 1/1892, m Hazel Cordelia JOHNSON 3 .Florence Dorthy McCULLOUGH, b 8/11/1884, d 11/16/1970, Princeton; m 1/24/1909, Lucius Newton _:. BIBMIHGHAM, b 10/21/1884, d 11/17/1951, Princeton riceV.W.UVUUn Pmrnuzi Vol I11 No. 3 pe ri -Wendell BIMUATQHAM, b 12/3/19091.. •Princeton, d 3/ /1977; m 1939, Geraldine BOSWELL, b 3/3/1918 d 12/6/1971 ZrMargaret BIRMINGHAM, b $/22/1912, Princeton; m 8/16/1944, Bloomington, Ind., Thomas HOWARD, b 5/29/1911, Rockport, Ind., _gThirza Clare McCULLOUGH, b 7/16/1$$67 Lynnville, Ind., d 3/ /1977; m Jesse BURTON, b 1879 .Ei Albert BURTON, lives Bartow Calif. � Fay BURTON, lives Roode House, Ill. John Othniel McCULLOUGH, b 10/21/1$$$, Barton Twp., Ind, d 10/11/1927, Princeton, Ind.; m Theresa Marie WIRTH, b 10/1/1$96, Mt. Carmel, Ill., d 2/5/1927, Princeton, Ind. .FF Edward Francis McCULLOUGH, b 6/21916, Princeton, Ind.; m Mildred Catherine HILLMAN (below) 3� John LavCrence McCULLOUGH, b 9 6 1917, Princeton; m Zella COX (below) -= James William McCULLOUGH, b 17/1922, Gibson Co., Ind; d 1927. XF "Baby" McCULLOUGH, b & d 4/27/1925, Princeton, Ind. Harold Lee McCULLOUGH, b 1/1/1$92, d 3/3/1960; m 4/14/1915, Princeton, Ind, Hazel Cordelia JOHNSON, b 3/20/1$97, Francisco, Ind., lives St. Petersburg, Florida ?� Donald McCULLOUGH, b 5/1$/1916, Princeton; m Sara 'N'ILSON (below) Maurice Lee McCULLOUGH, b 8/$ 1917, Princeton; m Hazel Margaret HEIM (below) Edward Francis McGULLOUGH, b 6/26 1916, Princeton, Ind; m 4/15/1940, Princeton, Mildred Catherine HILLMAN, b 3/22/19209 Princeton. .M Victoria Ann McCULLOUGH, b 1/29/19421, Princeton; m Clarence Mitchell AMBROSE (below) $= Michael James McCULLOUGH, b $/ 1/1946, Princeton; m Marjorie Clair KUNTZ (below) D� Katheleen Sue McCULLOUGH, b 94/1947, Princeton; m Anthony John MULLER (below) 3W-7 John Steven McCULLOUGH, b 7/7/1950, Princeton, ind.; m 1/25/19759 Evansville, Ind., Jennie Ann WHITEHEAD, b $/9/1950, Evansville. Or Maureen Alice McCULLOUGH, b 4/16/19559 Vincennes, Ind.; m 8/f'/1977, St. Petersburg, Florida, Charles JACKSON, live St. Petersburg. 3W Margaret Elizabeth McCULLOUGH, b 10/22/195(,, Vincennes, Ind., lives St. Petersburg, Fla. = Edward Francis McCULLOUGH, b 9/$/195$, Vincennes, Ind., lives St. Petersburg, Fla. John Lawrence McCULLOUGH, b 9/6/1917, Princeton, Ind; m 6/13/19439 Vincennes, Ind., Zella COR, b 6/13/1913, Vincennes, live Vincennes. $ Lawrence ( ) McCULLOUGH, b7 16/1937; married 3 times; 4 children, lives Kaneohe Bav, Hawaii W'Joan Marie=c ULLOUGH, b 12 31939; m William J. McMILLEN (below) .=John Lewis McCULLOUGH, b 93/1942; m 19629 Vincennes, Ind; lives California ;OCMary Marie McCULLOUGH, b 12/27/1944, Vincennes; m twice (below) 34P Theresa Elise McCULLOUGH, b 3/14/1947, Vincennes; m twice (below) Donald McCULLOUGH, b 5/1$/1916, Princeton, Ind; m Sara WILSON, live Chicago, Illinois DE: Sally Ann McCULLOUGH, b 2/13/19419 Newark Ohio; m La XM Donald Wilson McCULLOUGH, b 2/1$/194$ ' Larry COOPER, b 1941 Maurice Lee McCULLOUGH, b $/$/1917, Princeton, Ind.; m 2/26/193$, Maysville, Ky., Hazel Margaret HEIM, b 10/21/191$, St. Bernard, Ohio; live Sarasota, Florida. 7rIudith Ann McCULLOUGH , b 1/25/19 9, Zanesville, Ohio; m Carl C. PRIDGEN (below) ZrThomas Fredrick McCULLOUGH, b 103/1940, Colon, Panama; m Virginia AUSTIN (below) .Donald Lee McCULLOUGH, b 3/6/1947, Margarita, Canal Zone; m Karen Rose HAMMOND (below) Joan McCULLOUGH, b 10/21950, Colon, Panama; m 5/$/1975, Ed OHMAN, b 1/26/1950, live Sarasota Susan McCULLOUGH, b 9/2 1956, Zanesville, Ohio; lives Sarasota, Florida O Victoria Ann McCULLOUGH, b 1 29/1942, Princeton, Ind; m 11/23/1963, Evansville, Ind, Clarence Mitchell AMBROSE, b 121/1940, Evansville; live Evansville, Ind. y,�Susan Claire AMBROSE b 8 6 196$ Evansville •David Scott AMBROSE,�b 5Y,970,'Evansville .= Jill Christine AMBROSE, b 12/29/1972, Evansville John Michael AMBROSE, b 11/1974 Evansville. _Zr Michael James McCULLOUGH, b 8/31 1946, Princeton, Ind; m 4/7/1973, Pelham Manor, N.Y., Mario rie Clair KUNTZ, b $/17/1949, New York, N.Y., live 1filmington, Delaware. Jennifer Ann McCULLOUGH, b 16/1975, Wilmington, Delaware -I'r- Katheleen Sue McCULLOUGH, b 9/14/19479 Princeton, Ind; m 12/2/1947, Evansville, Anthonv John MULLER, b 12/23/1946, Louisville, Kentucky, live Evansville, Ind. Z=Michael Anthony MULLER, b 6/27/196$9 Evansville J% r Ann Elizabeth MULLER, b $/19/1972, Evansville J% Joan Marie McCULLOUGH, b 12/31/ 9; m 11/22/19569 Vincennes, Ind, William J. McMILLEN, live Robinson,I1 W-Candice Ann McMILLEN, b 1/1958; m 19759 Michael SOWNER, b 1957. 31OBille Dee McMILLEN, b 4/12/1961 Sean McMILLEN, b 4/19/1964 JOMathew McMILLEN, b 12/6/1966 Mary Marie McCULLOUGH, b 12/27/19449 Vincennes, Ind; m 1st, Vincennes, Dan RASCO; m 2nd,4/14%1973 (Dr William J. HAMILTON, b Indianapolis. Live North Augusta, S. C. Christopher Sean RASCO, b $/25/1969, Evanville, Ind. 0-Theresa Elise McCULLOUGH, b 3/14/19479 Vincennes, Ind; m lst,3 /16/19A7, Vincennes, Steven.Ridge RYAN, b 10/2/1947j--Vincennes.. M 2nd, 9/26/19749 Yankton, S.D., David BOCHnR, b Vincennes Live Yankton, South Dakota MOT'John RYAN, b:6/6/.967, Vincennes vffRoland Derick RYAN, b 10/2/1969, Vincennes TIT- Ju ith Ann,McCULLOUGH, b 1/25/1939, Zanesville, Ohio; m 11/4/19r-1, Myrtle Beach, So.Car. Carl C. PRIDGEN, b $/5/1939, live Tucson, Arizona 'ZU Jeanie Marie PRIDGEN, b 5/15/1962, Sarasota, Florida 3 [Lynn PRIDGEN, b 10/13/19649 Conway, S.C. 1i Thomas Fredrick McCULLOUGH, b 10/23/1940, Colon, Panama; m 3/24/1966, Margarita, Canal Zone, Virginia AUSTIN, b 1/25/1946, San Jose, Costa Rica, live Turnersville, New Jersey. :=Krystle Lee McCULLOUGH, b 2/$/1967, Coco Solo Hospital = Shari McCULLOUGH, b 2/14 1970, Los Angeles, Calif. Donald Lee McCULLOUGH,,b 3 6947, Margarita, Canal Zone; m 12/15/1947, Cleveland, Ohio, Karen Rose HAMMOND, b 3/16947, Colon, Panama, live Plainfield, N.J. 3MrDawn Melissa McCULLOUGH, b 7/23/1968, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Heather Jean McCULLOUGH, b 9/14/1970, Los Angeles, Calif. Jane ? McCULLOUGH ? b 9/13/1791, d 1/22/1$52, m Adam HARBISON, b 3/31/17909 d 12/15/189$9 both bd Bell Gem. Barton Twp, Ind. Adam b Chester, S.C. 3S James Y. HARBISON, b 7/30/1821; IT Elizabeth Jane HARBISON, b 9/9/1$25,S.C.; m Campbell KIRKPATRICK Elizabeth Jane HARBISON, b 9/9/1$25, S.C., d 10/16/1895, Lynnville, Ind; m 12/18/18&5, Campbell KIRKPATRICK, b 9/23/1$21, Brown Co., Ohio, d 12/29/1$97 NANCY Ann KIRKPATRICK, b 12/16/1851, d 1$96, m 9/13/1877, Francis Drennan McCULLOUGH, II bottom of previous page. (There is additional information about the descendants of Adam HARBISON, but there is doubt as to his wife's name, I am not including it here. wry) `+• i - - - - - - - - - -- r - r r r r .� r r r r r r w r w r r r r r r r w r r w r w -- r r r w w- w 9 171; 9- W-" a McCULLOUGH MEMOS VolO. 3 U _ pri 1978 Mr. McCULLOUGH also Aent a listing of files of wills in Charles en; So. Car. - Judge of Probate, P.O. Box 537, Charleston*-S.C. 2402: Name Volume Page Name Volume Page MCCULLE' p "John 51 (18� M McCULLERS, Ma-.EtTew (McCuller 1 07-18) i745 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth 18 (1776-82 205 McCULLOCH, William 21 1783-8 734 McCULLOCK, Thomas B. (och) 36 1818-26) 995 McCULLOUGH, William 14 1774--79) 247 McCULLY, Robert Ferguson 36 (1818-26) 876 Index to Inventories & Misc. McCULLOCH, Elizabeth 98 (1774-85) 266 McCULLOCH, Henry 83-A 1754-58) 247 McCULLOCH, Henry 83-B (1754-58) 528 McCULLOH; Henry 49-A 1734-4O) 225 McCULLOH, Henry 80-B (1751- 4 846 McCULLOUGH, Andrew 84-A 1758-43) 92 McCULLOUGH, Andrew 90 1765-69 51 McCULLOUGH, John Sen r 87-A 17f -1-f3) 13 McCULLOUGH, William 95 1771-75 191 McCULLY, James o4 -B 1771-74) 495 McCULLY, James 95 1771-75 98 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QUERY: Mr. Charles A. VAUGHAN, 3055 N.W. 99th St., Miami, Florida 33147 - needs info: Ann Louisa McCULLOUGH, m 16 Oct 1839, Sterling VAUGH(A)N, Henry Co., Georgia. He b N.C. 1794; she b N.C. and 2nd wife. First wife, Luticia (Tish) CARNS. He needs anything about all three. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Theodore McCULLOUGH, Box 190, Chandlerville, Illinois -62627 has some information reeardina John McCULLOUGH - Memos, Vol III NO. 29 p 6 - Martha Steele GLASGOW was born in Adams Co., Ohio according to her son, William Steele McCULLOUGH in the Peoria Co. History. "The GLASGOWs moved to Ohio 1806 . . . deed for farm was given in 1804. Some of the GLASrAPTs may have.been in Adams County as early as 1796... but Robert b. 1749, Rev. Soldier, and wife Rosannah went to Adams Co. 1806 so far as can be learned. "Note: R. A. GLASGOW &(Theodore McCULLOUGH)are having a stone erected at Tranouility for Robert and Rosannah ...(T.O.Mc.) received a letter 2/27/78 that the stone had arrived and would be put in place when weather permits. (They)located a marker stone with letters R.G. on it at the Camp- bell stone. Robert GLASGOW b 1749, Ireland, had a son Joseph who married his cousin Nancy GLAS- GOW. Joseph died 1820. Nancy then married Robert CAMPBELL. Large Robert CAMPBELL stone at Tran- quility. 5 small stones at this same location ...with initials only. So it appears that this lot was taken over by CAMPBELL. (They) have also located not far from this stone another stone with the letters J. M. (They) think this is the stone for John McCULLOUGH, Father of the Adams Co. Branch, who died in 1822. "The stone for Robert GLASGOW b. 1749 Ireland was supplied free by the U.S.Government and shipped at Government cost to Seaman. (They) will pay for cost of election. (He) obtained papers and directions from the Springfield, I11. Vet. Adm. They required that(they) send the Pension Appl- ication. He did not get a pension... but the pension application was accepted as proof." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from: Wisconsin State Genealogical Society Newsletter, Vol 24 No. 1, June 1977 P. 31, First 100 Marriages in Kenosha County: McCAULY, Adam COLEMAN, Sarah 22 January 1851 from: Tri -County Researcher, Vol 1, No. 5, October 1977 P. 97 - Lone Tree Cemetery McCOLLOCH, Cora May 1893-1904 p. 104 - Old Tyler County Marriages ANKROM, Charles to HUGHES, Martha J. 30 December 1846. Charles age 29, born in Tyler Co., s/o Nelson and Sarah A. ANKROM. Martha's age 17, born in Ritchie Co., W.. Va-., d /o Joseph and Lucinda (McCOLLOUGH) HUGHES. GRIMM, Jess to McCOLLOUGH, Phebe 9 December 186A at the home of Beniamin L. PYLFS. Jess's age 319 widower born in Greene Co., Pa., s/o Levi and Barbary GRINM. Phebe*s age 23, widow of Monongalia Co., W. Va, d/o Benjamin and Mary HAMILTON. P. 105 Ohio County Marriages 1809 - 1811 - 1812 McCOLLOUGH and Eunice FOOT 3 January 1812 by William WILSON Mrs. Guy W. MARTIN (Myra M.), 359 East Tremeont, Waverly, Illinois 42f-92 sends a little information about Ray McCOLLOCH's family - modifying that on page 9 of Vol 2 No. 4 received from Mrs. LO'-IrFRY. The family of Ray McCOLLOCH evidentally didn't come to Morgan Co., Illinois. It was a different family - normally spelling the name McCULLOUGH. Ray McCOLLOCH had 3 plates of McCOLLOCH pictures ready for the printers at the time of his death. She says that she recalls that Ray's sister said that the person who got his data lived in Texas. Ray had a son living in San Diego, Calif in 1941, who had 6 children. She believes that he also had son living at Boston (or near). There were also relatives in Ohio. She wrote to them last August, hoping there had been no address change. I have not heard further from her about it. Guy MARTIN has heart condition also. He "has a left bundle block - so only 50`A of his heart works." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Rosa S. PHILLIPS, 835 Erickson Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43213 sent the following W. Va. cemetery information: Suncrest Cemetery - Rt. 62N about 3 miles from Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. McCULLOCH, Robert E. 1883-1968 tson John & Marie (Noble) McCULLOCH) McCULLOCH, Blanche 1887-1966 (dau R. 0. and Cornelia (Lemaster) KINKAID) McCULLOCH, Sarah S. 1867-1940 (dau Perry and Nancy (Meek) LEMASTER) Lone Oak Addition - this cemetery is adjacent to Suncrest and covers 5 acres. McCULLOCH, Charles Russell 1880-1951 (died Columbus, Ohio, son of John & Kate ( ) MCCULLOCH) MCCULZOU5 V o O. P-51978 *CULLOCH9 Neida Bowyer 1883-1965 MCCULLOCH, Samuel Bowyer 1909-196$ (son of C.R. & Neida (Bowyer-?) McCULLOCH) McCULLOCH, John Fredrerick, W. Va. Capt. 553 Engr. June 3, 1938 in Chicago, I11. born Nov. 9, 1878 to John & Kate ( ) McCULLOCH)- Old Lone Oak Cemetery MCCULLOCH, Mary 16771955, teacher (John & Cordelia (Byers) McCULLOCH McCULLOCH, John 1641-1920 (Mary E. (Steenbergen) and Alexander McCULLOCH) McCULLOCH, Cordelia Agnes (Byers) 1844-1925 (b. Hancock, Maryland, dau Mary Charlotte Weitzel Davis BYERS and John A. BYERS) (my guess, maiden name, Weitzel, m 1st, Davis - wry.) MCCULLOCH, Alexander Byers 1860-1926 ( son of John) auto agency McC ULLOCH, John Ryan 1914-1942 (son of Alexander and Julia(Ryan) McCULLOCH) WW II pilot officer, RCAF, lost in aerial combat over the North Sea, Feb 8, 1942) STEENBERGEN, Charlotte (McCulloch) 1674-1967 (dau John McCULLOCH)(published McCULLOCH FAMILY HISTORY 1963 ) STEENBERGEN, William E. 1673-1957 at Gallipolis, Ohio (son of John Wm. and Sarah Eliza(Van Meter) STEENBERGEN) surveys r JAMES, Julia Arthur (Ryan)(McCulloch) 1886-1946 (b. Maysville, Ky; d. Huntington) m, 1st, Alexander McCULLOCH m, 2nd, Robert Howard JAMES in New York City STEENBERGEN, Sallie Lewis (McCullogh) 1873-1956 (b. Cleveland, Ohio, dau Sarah Ann (Lewis) and John Daniel McCULLOCH, d. Gallipolis, Ohio) McCULLOCH, John Jr. 1884-1966 (son of John and Cordelia Agnes (Byers) McCULLOCH) McCULLOCH, Sadie (Grover) 1883-1953 b. McMinnville, Tenn; dau (Rev) Alfred E. & Sallie Elizabeth (Lancaster) GROVER) McCULLOCH, John III 1922-1938 in Gallipolis (son of John, Jr. and Sadie(Grover) McCULLOCH) BYERS, Maxwell 1676-1930 (b. Pittsburg, Penna., d. Baltimore, Md.) Pres. Western Maryland RR BYERS, Janet (McCulloch) 1662-1969, dau John and Cordelia Agnes (Byers) McCULLOCH) d. CMdt.nville, BYERS, Robert Morton 1921-1935 (son Maxwell & Janet (McCulloch) BYERS) (Janet published "BYERS FAMILY) HAPTONSTALL, Robert Henry 1849-1916, contractor HAPTONSTALL, Fannie Deem. 1660-1935 McCULLOCH, Veva (Haptonstall) 1885-1946 (Genevieve, 2nd wife, John Frederick McCULLOCH). d Charle- ston, W. Va. McCULLOCH, John D. 182-1906 (son of Samuel & Martha Ann (Couch) McCULLOCH) McCULLOCH, Sarah Ann Lewis) 1837-1926 (dau John Cameron & Eliza (Steenbergen) LEWIS) LEWIS, Peter S. 1834-1919 (son Cha rles C. & Eliza ( ) LEWIS) LEWIS, Margaret Parthenia (McCulloch) 1840-1908 (dau-To-hn & Many C. (Bryan) McCULLOCH) LVdIS, Charles Cameron 1874-1964 Pres. Citizens National Bank for many years. McCULLOCH, J. S. 1840-1921 (another monument - John S. McCULLOCH, Co. C, 13th Rept, McCULLOCH, Marie E. 1946-1695 W. Va. Inf.) McCULLOCH, David P. 1875-1895 BRIGHT, Sarah V. May 16, 1652 -Aug 18, 1903 (2nd wf. James J. BRIGHT; dau John & Mary Clendenin (Bryan) McCULLOCH) BRIGHT, Marian l8$8-1945 (dau James & Sarah(MCCULLOCH)BRIGHT) BRIGHT, Margaret L. 1885-1945 (ditto) FULCHER, Virginia A. 1869-1929 wf Lloyd FULCHER; dau James & Patsy (McCulloch) LEWIS) CAPEHART, J ames II, 1847-1921 will in Brevard Co., Cocoa, Florida and Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.) Congressman, 1870, 2 terms. (son of James & Margaret (McCulloch) CAPEHART) lst wife Ella Catherine McCULLOCH, 1647-1907 of Ironton, Ohio - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Miss Marjory CHRISTIANSON, Route 3 Box 234, Hinckley, Minnesota 55037 corresponds with a local historian in Scotland, and in one letter he -mentioned that there were "millions" of McCulloch's in Galloway. She believes that this might be a slight (?) exaggeration, but no doubt there are Many, many of them in the area. Her father had an aneurism of the aorta about ten years ago and has a plastic & nylon portion, which she says works fine for him. Chops wood, mows the lawn, etc. I keep getting notes like this from different people, and it sure helps to build up my own con- fidence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SOURCE: LETTER WRITTEN BY JENNIE McCOLLOCH, R. R. 19 East Liberty, Ohio 43319, June 1f', 19f,7 to Mable GlennTIMMERMAN . COPIED: Edna Hazel (McCullough) LOWERY, 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Va. 22044, Feb'y 2, 1978 "From Mrs. Timmerman: "In 1967 I wrote to a Mrs. John McCOLLOCH at East Liberty, Ohio. R.R.19 0319. She must have been up in years the Fray she wrote. I will copy her letter as she wrote it. June 169 197 Mrs. John McC I receive your letter but I dont now to much about McColloch. John brother Ray (P.oy?) got our histor and took out the first six pages which had the McColloch Histor out but I have the picture of Elder George McColloch and N. Z. McColloch in the Champaign and Logan Counters Histor. The family of McColloch Im in his name was George Mccolloch and I am the only one left of till (twelve?) grandchildren. So sorrow I cant do more to let you know but if I had what taken out I mite of help out more. Jennie McCOLLOCH (Then she added some more. "Maby if you write to the then she left a line blank like she intended to add something later) Bellefontaine, Ohio. There mite be some one that would now more than I do. There was lots of McColloch around here. "When I fine my Christmas card there a George McCOLLOCH that come to our McColloch reunion but I will try and fine it will send his address so you mite here from me soon. "With love signed "Jennie McCOLLOCH" "East Liberty, Ohio, RR1, 43319 Mrs. Timmerman had no more letters from her. NOTE OF EHMcCullough LOWERY: On page 6 of the copy I made of Mrs. Martin's material No. 188, under (88), there is notation "Benjamin, b. 16 Jan 1$27 (Ray McColloch's grandfather)". Hence from the above, I believe we can identify this Mrs. McColloch, and it might be that Miss Inskeep or someone could find more data. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. S. McCULLOUGH, 1211 Eastport Ave., Uhrichsville, Ohio 44-483 sent me the following from Histor- ical Collections of Harrison County" by Hanna, 1900 :s . p. 246 (evidentally cemetery record) ;:: Esther J. McCULLOUGH, d March 12, 1837; 17 y. 3 m. MCUUMMULM PUMb Volo. p. George McCULLOUGH, b. May 10, 1803; d April 39 18l�5 Isabella McCULLOUGH, wife of William; d May 23 1832; 81 y. Isabell McCULLOUGH, wife of J. G., d Aug 23s 1A39; 50 Y. Jane McCULLOUGH, wife of Robert, d. Oct. 15, 1835; 70 y. Jane McCULLOUGH, d June 139 1878; 83 Y. John McCULLOUGH, (old sandstone). John McCULLOUGH, son of Samuel and Eliza, d Jan. 14, 1837; A y, 4 m, d. John McCULLOUGH, b. April 299 1834; d Sep. 159 1855 Lonazelah Jane McCULLOUGH, d. Jan 10, 1841; 10 y, 6 m, 17 d. Peter John McCULLOUGH, d. 169 1841; 9 y, 8 m, 8 d. Robert McCULLOUGH, d. June=t 1823; 67 y. Rev. Robert McCULLOUGH, d. Aug 139 1858; 38 y. Samuel McCULLOUGH, d. June 28, 1859. 71 y. Samuel I. McCULLOUGH, d. April 8, 1984; 56 y. Sarah McCULLOUGH, b. Jan. 7, 1807• d Dec. 99 1875. William McCULLOUGH, d March 18, 1931. 83 Y. (a soldier of the Revolution) William McCULLOUGH, d. Nov., 1834; 1 y, 1 m, 25 d. p. 278 - Marriages William McCONNELL and Mary McCOLLOUGH, April 22, 1830 by James McCOLLOUGH, J.P. Alexander McCOLLOUGH and Elizabeth SMITH, March 30, 1815 by Rev. Thomas B. CLARK, V.D.M. Alexander McCULLOUCH and Elizabeth McCULLOUCH, Feb 119 1A19, by John REA, V.D.M. Alexander McCULLOULT and Eleanor McCULLOUGH-t March 8, 183A, by John GRAHAM George McCOLLOUGH and Hetty SIMPSON, Jan. 29, 1829, by Rev. William KNOX George McCOLLOUGH and Sarah WHAN, June 11, 1829 by Salmon COWLES, V.D.M. Hugh McCULLOUGH and Margaret KERR, March 9, 1836, by Andrew ISAAC James McCULLOUGH and Rebecca SMITH, Feb 139 1816, by Thomas B. CLARK, V.D.M. James McCOLLOUGH, and Mary STRONG, April 229 1829 by John RUSSEL, J.P. John McCULLOUGH and Rebecca TEMPLETON, April 7, 1$31, by Rev. Jacob LEMON. Joseph McCULLOUGH and Sarah LYONS, May 5, 1817, by John REA, V.DM. Thomas McCULLOCH and Mary NEIL; July 149 18319 by Anderson ISAAC William McCULLOUGH and Juliann LAZURE, March 9, 18219 by Abriam JOHNSON, J.P. William McCULLOUGH and Anne TdELLS, Jan 69 1837, by Rev. William KNOX William McCOLLOUGH and Betsey EDGAR, Dec 22, 1837, by William TIALLACE, V.D.M. William McCOLLOUGH and Nancy Jame, Dec 17, 1840, by William WALLACE, V.D.M. P. 537 - Harrison County Genealogies John McCULLOUGH, d. 18420 probably the son of William McCULLOUGH, who settled in Hopewell township, Washington county, Penn., before 1780; m. in Washington county, 1785, Esther GAMBLE, b. 1755; d. Aug 3# 1841; removed to Wheeling township, Belmont county, Ohio, and, about 18139 settled near New Athens; had issue: 1. Esther; 2. William; 3. Alexander; 49 Margaret; 5. Joseph, b. Feb 7, 1795; d in Archer township, Harrison county, Jan. 319 1870; m (1st) 1817, Sarah LYONS, b Sept. 27, 1797; d. March 24, 1836• daughter of John and Elizabeth (beatty)LYONS• m (2d) Elizabeth b. 1801; d. April 159 1884 had issue by first wife: i. Elizabeth, b. 118; d. 1854; m. 69 John MOORE; ii. Esther, b. 1820; d. Sept 24, 1892; m. 1841, Robert ANDERSON, b. near Claysville, Washington county, Penn., Oct. 11, 1815; d. April 25, 1891; son of Samuel and Cath- arine Forbes ANDERSON; iii John; b. 1822: m. 1848, Jane WELCH: iv. Mary, b. 1824; d. 1890; m. 1847, Martin -LEE; v. Sarah- -Jane, b3 182'x; d. 1874;=•ai.-.1857; John MOORE, husband of her deceased sister, Elizabeth; vi. Isabel, b. 1829; m 1856, Daniel MIK SELL; vii. James -Beatty; a physician; b. 1831; d. 1897; m. 1855, Martha MEGAW; viii. Martha); 6. Samuel, twin brother to Joseph; 7. Martha; 8. James; 9. George; 10. Jannah; 11. John. Three McCULLOUGH families seem to have settled in the vicinity of Crabapple Church near the beginning of the century, and the heads of the three families were either brothers, or very closely related. In addition to John McCULLOUGH. whose family is given above, Robert and William Mc- CULLOUGH settled in Wheeling township, Belmont county, just south of New Athens, and were among the organizers of Crabapple Church, both appearinamong the first bench of elders. They both also appear to have come from Hopewell township, lashington county, Penn., within the bounds of Upper Buffalo Presbyterian Church. In the call extended by the united congregations of Cross Creek and Upper Buffalo Churches to Rev. Joseph SMITH, in 1779, are to be found the names of George, Robert, and William McCULLOUGH. William McCULLOUGH, of whom some account is given below, mentions in his will a brother, Peter. (NOTE: Mr. McCULLOUGH adds a note - "Check w/ Ms. NORRIS.") Robert McCULLOUGH, b. 1756-57; d. June 179 1823; removed from Hopewell township, ?4ashington county, Penn., to Wheeling township, Belmont county, Ohio, before 1800; m. Jane b. 1745t d. Oct. 159 1835; had issue: 1. Margaret; 2. Mary; 3. Robert; 4. 'William; 5. Alex -an -Te -r; . James; 7. John; 8. Peter; 9. George; 10. Samuel. William McCULLOUGH, b. 1748; d. March 18, 1831; probably removed from York or Cumberland county to Hopewell township, Vlashington county, Penn., about 17790 where he (or possibly his father of the same name appears as an elder of Upper Buffalo Presbyterian Church as late as 1793; served in the Revolutionary War; removed before 1800 to Wheeling township, Belmont county, Ohio, where, with Robert McCULLOUGH,he helped to organize Crabapple Church; m. Isabella , b. 1751; d. May 239 1832• had issue, among others: 1. Mary, b. 1782; d. July 159 1851; m. oree BROKA�1, b. March 27, 1794; d Nov. 27, 1880; 2. Martha -F., b. Dec 149 1784; d. July 59 1851; M. Nov. 2, 1820, Joseph GRIMES his second wife), b. November 1782; d. Jan 2, 1840 (had issue: i. George -D., b. April 139 1808; d. Nov 209 1875; m. Jane , b. March 27, 1812; d. Nov. 3, 1890; ii. Julia - Ann, b. 1809; d. March 16, 1884; m. William 'C7M, BELL; iii. Joseph, a minister, removed to Inde- pendence, Kan.; iv. William -M., a minister; b. Sept. -23t 1821; d. Nov. 23, 1884; m. March 5, 1857, Amanda S. SIMERAL; v. John; vi. Lucinda; vii. Isabella). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Clarence E. MOORS, 557 So. Beach St., Ft. Vlorth, Texas 74105 sent a correction to the informa- tion given in Vol 2 #4 from Volume 6 of the Compendium of American Genealogy, Virkus. He states that the information Virkus has is mostly from his uncle: Leonard Boyce McCULLOUGH, and Leonard had some bad information. First: Alexander McCULLAR (his spelling) and Esther MAGEE were not related to the McGEHFF family in any way. McGEHEE (Mack GEHEE)(McGHEE) family were Scotch and MAGEE family were Irish, from Magee Island, County Antrim. Second: Esther was not descended from Henry McCULLOCH, the "Great Settler". Leonard Boyce McCULLOUGH's Family Record: Whitfield Dupree McCULLOUGH (Methodist Minister) was the eighth child of Jesse McCULLAR and • April Ic his second wife Nancy (Mary) Emaline HOLCOMB. He was born Jan. 21, 18409 and died March 10, 1917. He married Georgia Ann HAWKINS in 1886 and they were the parents of six children. 1. Leonard Boyce McCULLOUGH, married Corrine WILLIAMS 2. Benard Elton McCULLOUGH, married Julia OATEN. 3. Clara Mae McCULLOUGH, married Pratt McMULLEN. 4. Walter Arlington McCULLOUGH, never married. 5. Jesse Hawkins McCULLOUGH, married Bertha LEOPOLINE. 6. Orlando Mitchell McCULLOUGH, married Rebecca Anna PEGUES and they had two children: A Orlando Mitchell McCULLOUGH, Jr., b Sept 10, 1929, New York City. B Alexander Pegues McCULLOUGH, b April 14, 19341, New York City. Note: Rebecca Ann PEGUES was born Oct. h, Ig00. Leonard Boyce McCULLOUGH was t Family Historian who worked up much of the McCULLAR FAMILY HISTORY with the help of his uncle Benjamin Beaure McCULLAR. Ruth Estelle McCULLOUGH, a daughter of Benjamin B. McCU'LLOUGH, married a cousin Roy Davis McCULLAR, they live on Route #19, Batesville, Miss. She has all the old records that Uncle Boyce McCULLAR wrote up. She said that Boyce's sister Clara Mae wanted.to ,join the D.A.R. and uncle Boyce worked up records on all the McCULLAR, McCU'LLOUGH, etc. families he could find and about the time he finally had it worked out and found the McNairy County Records, Clara Mae died. $kii t? 9 -Awa Jesse McCULLAR the grand -father of Uncle Boyce McCULLAR was a son of John McCULLAR & Katherine (Katy) MAGEE. Mr. MOORE also sent some information copied from some sources - but did not indicate in all cases where it came from. First: Cemetery at Bethel Springs., McNairy County, Tennessee: Esther, wife of A. McCULLAR, d Aug 25, 18529 aged 80 yrs, 6 mo. Mary A. McCALLUM, born Marion Co., S. D. July 12, 1828, died March 23, 1894. From: Greene County Georgia, Platt Book 1784 p. 201 Patrick MAGEE, 100 acres, South Fork of Ogeechee River, Warrant dtd A March 1801, executed 8th March 1801. p. 211 Alexander McCULLOCH, 110 acres on waters of Ogeechee River Warrant dtd Dec 7t 18019 executed Jan 2, 1802 P. 197 Alexander & William McCULLOUGH, 200 acres of the waters of the South Fork of Ogeechee River. Warrant dtd 2 April 17929 executed 28 April 1792. Head Right Land Grants; Greene Co., Georgia, Index. Book CCCCC Page 667 - Alexander & William McCULLOCH, 200 acres on the Ogeechee River, dtd 1800 Book DDDDD, Page 769 - Patrick McGEE, 100 acres, Ogeechee River 1802 Book EEEEE, Page 406 - Alexander McCULLOCH, 100 acres, Ogeechee River, 1803 Children of Alexander McCULLAR (McCULLOUGH) & Esther MAGEE. 1. John McCULLAR, b 1790, married (1) Margaret (Peggy) MAGEE, married (2) Katherine (Katy) MAGEE, They were both daughters of Patrick MAGEE & Rosanna McCULLAR (Rosanna was a sister to Alexander McCULLAR). 2. David McCULLAR, b 1792, married Eliza HADEN. 3. Alexander McCULLAR, b 1795, married Hannah BOX. 4. Isaac McCULLAR, b 1799, married Sophie LEWIS. 5.. William McCULLAR, b 18039. married Sarah LEWIS. 6. Margaret (Peggy)-McCULLAR, b 1797, married Alex. McCULLAR. This Alexander McCULLAR was a Cousin to Peggy. 7. Mary (Polly) McCULLAR, b 1801, married Matthew MARSHALL. 8. Jennie (Jane) McCULLAR, b 1805, married John WOODS. -==== ..ate...... w Esther MAGEE who married Alesander McCULLAR was born in 1772 and'died Aug 25, 1852 and is buried in the Bethel Springs Cemetery, at Bethel Springs, McNairy Co., Tennessee. Martha (Patsy) (Magee) ROWSEY the 9th child of Patrick MAGEE & Rosanna McCULLAR is buried next to her. Alexander McCULLOUGH (McCULLAR) (Sr.), born Dec 24, 1758 in County Antrim, Ireland, came to U.S.A. when he was 14 years old with his parents, died in 1848 in McNairy Co., Tenn. He married Esther MAGEE in Georgia about 1789. Revolutionary War record of Alexander McCULLAR (McCUtLOUGH) He enlisted in 1778 and served as a private for six months in Capt. John MARTIN's Companv, Col. McMURPHY's Regt., (Georgia). He was in the Florida Expedition. He enlisted in 1782 and served three months under General WAYNE. He was allowed Pension on Application executed Sept 23, 1833. Pension Claim 141196. See D.A.R. National numbers: - 111601; 208882; 282737; 290027; 449389; 483293; 483294; 244085 and lots of others. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - McCULLAR Cemetery, Selmer, McNairy Co., Tennessee - copied Aug 1962 by Clarence & Beulah MOORE This Cemetery is on Top of a hill across Highway #64 East from•,.the old'Alexander McCULLAR Log Homestead, which is the first house West of the Selmer Hospital. Alexander McCULLAR (Jr.), born Dec 11, 17959 died August 4, 1888 Hannah, wife of Alexander McCULLAR (Jr), born in the year 18009 died March 7, 1873. This is Hannah BOX. W. W. McCULLAR, born September 9, 1835, died April 15, 1901, aged 45 pears, 7 months, 4 dans. This is William Wilson McCULLAR. Isaac McCULLAR, born November 18, 1827, died September 209 1879. Missouri, wife of Isaac McCULLAR, born June 22, 1835, died January 20, 18$4. Clyde SANDERS, born Sept 17, 1919, died Oct 25, 1910 (????). Clyde was the child of Bertie (McCullar) SANDERS, the oldest child of William !Milson. William Wilson McCULLAR, b Sept 9, 18359 d Apr 15, 1901. Wife: Mary (Mollie) Etta MURRAY. Ch: 1. Bertie McCULLAR m Frankie Dee SANDERS Twin 2. Velma Lee McCULLAR, m (1) Jack GARVIN, (2) JONES Twin 3. Elmer David McCULLAR, m 1) MORGAN, (2)--M KING McCULLOUGH MEM05 Volo. 3 p.V4 APMI 1979. * 4. Mary Vallie McCULLAR, m Robert Oatsie HORNER. 5. Martha MCCULLAR, m Douglas WILSON. 6. William Alexander McCULLAR 4. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oatsie HORNER, 623 East Poplar Street, Selmer, Tenn. They were living in the house next door to the old Alexander McCULLAR Log Homestead, and owned the land it is on. It is on Highway 64 East out of Selmer, Tenn., the first house West of the Selmer Hospital. (That was in 1962. wry.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The following furnished by Mr. C.E.MOORE, is'from a typewritten book or manuscript. He did not give the title or author, but it comes from pp 969 979 989 & 99. (I capitalize names. wry) STATISTICAL DATA On the preceding pages, we have listed the descendants of Patrick MAGEE and his wife -Rosanna McCULLAR, so far as we have been able to find them. We will now give some of the Vital Statistics to support our conclusions on the family and their travels from Ireland to various parts of the USA. DECLARATION IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE BENEFITS OF THE ACT OF CONGRESS PASSED JUNE 7TH Pension No 5-4196 State of Tennessee McNairy County ) On this the twenty third day of September, in the year of our mord, one . thousand eight hundred and thirty three, personally appeared in open Court before the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions now setting, Alexander McCULLAR, a resident of McNairy County and State of Tennessee, aged seventy five years, who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his Oath make the following Delaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Coneress passed June 7th 1832. That I was born in the County of Entrim, Ireland on the twenty second day of December in the year of our Lord 1758. When I was fourteen years of age my father, self and family emigrated from Ireland and landed after a tolerable short passage at Savannah, in the State of Georgia. From there we went to Burke County where we remained a short time, then we moved to Augusta in Georgia where I entered the service of the United States as a volunteer soldier in the year as well as I now recolect 1779 under Captain James MARTIN and Col McMURPHY. As soon as the regiment was raised, we were attached to General HOWE and a very few days after our function with him we took up our line of march for the Floridas going by the way of St.. Tilles river and St. Maries river, here we called a halt and remained five days. The army was at this time very sickly and the Officers thought it prudent to march home, so we returned home near the same way we marched out, and was discharged in Augusta, do not now recollect the date. In this expidition of tour I cannot say postively how long I served, but I am positive I served not less than six months, for which service I claim a Pension. I did not receive any written discharge nor can I tell the reason why. On the 27th day of October in the year 1782, I again entered the service of the United States as a volunteer soldier in Burke County, State of Georgia for the term of three months under Captain Alexander.ERWIN. As soon as the Company was made up we march to a place called Eberneasor on the Savannah River, there we was attached to General WAYNE. We remained in Qarrison at this place for a long time guarding that place from the British and to,keep them from ascending the river, here I was discharged after my turn of three months was out. I do not- recolect of ever getting a discharge, if.I did it is now lost or destroyed. He has no Documentary Evidence and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his services. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a Pension or Annuity except the present and declares that his hame is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State. Question: Where and in what year were you born? Answer: I was born in Entrim County Ireland in the year of our Lord 175$. Question: Have you any record of your age, and if so where is it? Answer: I had my age recorded in a large Bible, my house got burnt and the Bible consumed. Question: Where were you living when called into service and where have you lived•since the Revolutionary War and where do you live now? Answer: I was living in.Augusta when I entered the service of the United States, after the Revolution I lived in Burke County, Georgia ten years, then I moved to Greene,_' County in Georgia and lived there eighteen-Veaft, them i -moved to. Clark, Couutv,. • ~ .: Georgia and lived there seven years then I moved to Franklin County, Tennessee and lived there five years then I moved to Pearl River in Mississippi and lived there nine years and then I moved to Mcg County, Tennessee where I now live. Question: How were you called into service, were you drafted or did you volunteer or were you a substitute and if so a substitute for whom. Answer: I went out as a volunteer soldier each trip. Question: State the names of some of the Regular Officers who were with the Troops when you served such Continental and Military Regiments as you can recollect and the Lreneral circumstances of your service. Answer: When I went on the Florida expidition General WILLIAMSON.comanded the Militia from South Carolina, we also had•.'some regulars which was from the North but I do not recolect any of their names, indeed the Regulars and Militia was kept seperated and I had but little chance to become acquainted with any. The balance of the question I have answered in the body of my Declaration. Question: Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so by whom was it given and what has become of it? Answer: I do not recolect of ever receiving a discharge from the service. Question: State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify to your character for veracity and their belief.df your services _ as a soldier of the Revolution. Answer: I am acquainted with Parson Anthony B. LAMBERT and Maclin CROSS, both of my neigh- borhood, they can testify as to my character for veracity and their belief and the neighborhood belief of my being a soldier of the Revolution. Alexander McCULLER Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. Wm. S. WISDON, elk. of McNairy County, Tenn. We: Anthony B. LAMBERT a Clergyman residing in the County of McNairy and Maclin CROSS, residinr- in the same hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Alexander McCULLER, who has sub- scribed and worn to the above De@laration, that we believe him to be seventy five years of age, that he is respected and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution. And that we concur in that opinion. A. B. LA14BERT ;.' Maclin CROSS Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. Wm.S.WISDON, clk, of McNairy County, Tenn. And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and.served as he stated. And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that Anthony B. LAMBERT who has signed the preceding Certificate is a Clergyman resident in McNairy County and that Maclin CROSS who has also signed the same is a resident of the same county and is a reliable person and that their statement is entitled to credit given under our hand. Joseph SMITH Thomas LANE L. D. PACE I, William S. WISDOM, Clerk of the County Court of Pleas and quarter sessions for McNairy County, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original procedings of the said Court in the ._ matter of the application of Alexander McCULLIR for a Pension. In testimony whereof I have here-. unto set my hand and affixed my seal of office in Purdy this 23rd day of September in the year 1833 and the 58th year of the American Independance. W. S. WISDOM, Clk, of McNairy County Court, Tenn. The above Pension application of Alexander McCULLER, gives us the approximate date that the MAGEE and McCULLAR family arrived from Ireland and gives data as to where they lived. We know that the two families stayed together until they separated in Franklin County, Tenn, when the MAGEE family and some of the McCULLERs went to Missouri Territory. Some went with Alexander McCULLER to the Pearl River in Mississippi. Greene County, Georgia, Platt Book 1784 page 201: Patrick MAGEE, 100 acres, South Fork Ogeechee River Warrant dated 6 Mar 18019 executed $ Mar 1801 page 211: Alexander McCULLOUCH, 100 acres on the Waters of Ogeechee River. Warrant dated 7 Dec 1801, executed 2 Jan 1802 page 197: Alexander & William McCULLOUGH, 200 acres on the waters of south fork Ogeechee River, Warrant dated 2 Apr 1792, executed 28 Apr 1792 There is also a DEED, Greene County --Deed Book 1, page 471 - Robert McLOWELL and his wife selling 211-1 acres to John McCULLOUGH & Patrick•MAGEE. In another place, Robert McDOWELL. Following is a copy of a query inserted in the Hurst Sunday American, Atlanta, Georgia for 3 July 1932 by L. B. McCULLOUGH - the uncle of C. E. MOORE. Mr. MOORE received it from Mrs. Edna CAMPBELL, 1001 High Road, Tallahassee, Florida. "McCULLOUGH's Kin Traces Linea a Query # 1,385 c c c Alexander McCULLUGH or McCULLAR was born in County Antrim, Ireland. December 22 or 2L., 1158. At the age of 149 he came to Savannah, Ga. (1772 or 1773), with the family of'his parents, whose names are not known. Soon afterward, he moved to Burke County, Georgia, and then to Augusta. While living at Augusta in 17789 he enlisted as a private in Captain James MARTIN's Company in Colonel McMURPHY's Georgia Regiment, and was in the Florida Expedition. 'The enlist- ment -tour was for six months. Later while living in Burke*County, Georgia, in 1782, he enlisted a second time. This tour, believed to be for three months, was in Captain Alexander ERWIN's Company, which was stationed at Ebenezer under General WAYNE. Alexander McCULLOCH lived in Burke County, Georgia; for 10 years (177$-1788); thence he went to Greene County Georgia for 18 years (1788-1806). He then lived in Clarke County, Georgia, for seven.years 480A-1813). His home for the next five years (1813-1818) was in Franklin County, Tennessee. He then moved to Mississippi, where he lived on the Pearl River for nine years (1818-1827). Lastly he went to McNairy County, Tennessee, where he died in 1848. While living is Greene County he married in' 1789 Esther MAGEE. They had five sons and three daughters: John, who married (1) Peggy MAGEE, and t2) Katherine MAGEE; David who married Elizabeth HADEN; Alexander, Jr., who married Hannah BOX; Isaac, who married Sophie LEWIS; William, who married Sarah LWIS; Peggy, who married her cousin, Alexander McCULLAR; Polly, who married Matthew MARSHALL, and Jennie, who married John WOODS. I desire to know the names of the immediate family of this soldier; the names of his parents, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, known to have come to Savannah together, but whose names are lost. I want such information as to establish the exact relationship with Alexander McCULLOCH, of Halifax County, North Carolina, a contemporary and nearly related fainily. I would also like to know the marriage dates of his eldest son, John, and the names, birth, marriage and death dates of the children of this John McCULLOCH. Some of the family of the soldier, Alexander McCULLOCH, are known to have remained in Burke, Greene and Clarke Counties, Georgia. The given names of John, Alexander, David, Isaac, William, Patrick, James, Mary, Margaret, Polly, Peggy and Katherine will be found predominant in near relations. The McGEE or MAGEE family, - and possibly the RUSSELL, LEWIS and WOODS families were related and.of the pioneering or colon- izing movement indicated in the westward trek. Mr. L. B. McCULLOUGH, Commercial Bank Building, ********* Charlotte, North Carolina (An item in the latest Car -Del Scribe indicates that such a long, involved query is unlikely o bring nearly as much in the line of results as a shorter, more consise query.w.R r..? Esther, the wife of Alexander McCULLAR was Esther MAGEE, a sister to Patrick MAGEE, who married Alex. McCULLAR's sister Rosanna McCULLAR. - - Alameda McCOIsLOUGH,7705 E 900 s; Lafayette, Indiana 47905 mentions that the Rev. James Hughes McCOLLOUGH was a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) from the late 1870's to his death in the early 1920's in the San.Francisco area and is buried at San Jose, California. He was known by the denomination as the GRAND OLD MAN of the church, having preached until almost the end of his life - past 90 years of age. - - - - - - - - -Mrs. - - - - - - - - - - -- - —Di- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QUERY: Mrs. Kenneth PP, R. 1, Diamond, Missouri A4840 - needs information about the parents of Lydia McCULLEY/McCULLY, born ca 1806, Penna, probably Washington Co., m James CUBBISON. Moved to Guernsey Co., Ohio about 1839 to 1845, then to Henry Co., Iowa. Also desires info as to her siblings if any. - - - - - - - - - S,,,g&SOVE Mrs.Roy McCULLAR, Rt 1, Box 384, Batesville, Mississippi 38f-04 sent the following information about the family covered by Mr. MOORE. Mrs. McCULLAR uses the spelling McCULLOUGH and McGFF. Except for spelling, most of the information agrees with Mr. MOORE, but she includes some he doesn't give. :_•_j Alexander McCULLOUGH, born Dec 24, 1758 in County Antrim, Ireland, died in 1818 in McNai ry County, Tennessee. He married Esther McGEE (McGEHEE) in 1789 in Greene Co., Georgia. They were the parents of eight children. MCCULLUDE111 FIEMUS VolO 3 p. A I John McCULLOUGH, b ca 1790 in Greene Co., Ga. and had 2 wives , 1st, PegPyy McGFF who died, then he married her sister Katherine MCGEE. II David McCULLOUGH, b 1792 in Greene Co., Ga. and married Elizabeth HAYDEN. III Alexander McCULLOUGH, (Jr.) b 1795 in Greene Co., Ga. and married Hannah BOR IV Isaac McCULLOUGH, b 1797 in Green Co., Ga. and married Sophia LEWIS. V William McCULLOUGH, b 1803 in Green Co., Ga and married Sarah LE!IIS, VI Margaret "Peggy) McCULLOUGH, b 1805 in Clarke Co., Ga. and married her cousin, Alexander McCULLOUGH. VII Mary (Polly) McCULLOUGH, b 1807 in Clarke Co., Ga., and married Matthew MARSHALL. VIII Jennie McCULLOUGH, b 1809 in Clarke Co., Ga., and married John WOODS. John McCULLOUGH was born about 1790.and married two sisters. By his first wife, Peery he had one child, Alexander. Then by his 2nd wife Katherine he had seven children. I Alexander McCULLOUGH, married Jensie WILSON. II Jesse McCULLOUGH (her dad's father) born 1815 died 1894, he married 4 times; 1st Sarah ALEXANDER in 1839; 2nd Nancy Emaline HOLCOMB (her grandmother) in 181-4; 3rd Mary VARNER in 1866; 4th Mary DUKE in 1878. III William McCULLOUGH, b 1818 died 1833 unmarried. IV James Edward McCULLOUGH, b 18199 d 18969 married Jane ALEXANDER, May 13, 1852 V Mary (Polly) McCULLOUGH, b 18239 d 18749 married Merrill HILL in 1841. VI John McCULLOUGH, b 1826. d 18819 married Amanda ALEXANDER 1844. VII Benjamin McCULLOUGH, b 1828; d.: 18871, married Sarah FLOWERS in 1849. VIII Andrew Jackson McCULLOUGH, b 18329 d 1890, married Mary BREWER in 1857 Jesse McCULLOUGH was born 18159 d 1894. He was married four times. By his first wife; Sarah he had one child, Sarah. By his second wife he had eight children. By the third, six. I Sarah McCULLOUGH, married Lorenzo TIDWELL. II William Jackson McCULLOUGH, b 18459 d 19359 married Ella DUNCAN in 1871 III James Monroe McCULLOUGH, b 18479 d 1930, married Susannah CARUTHERS in 1844 IV Katherine Josephine McCULLOUGH, b 1849, d 1904, married J. J. MILLIAMSON in 1844 V John Thomas McCULLOUGH, b 1851, married Julia Ann BARGER in 1878. VI Alexander Curtis McCULLOUGH, b 18549 d 1929, married Lavicia TI01ELL in 1878. VII Ionia Adaline McCULLOUGH, b 18569 d 1894 married Lewis TIDWELL in 1878. VIII Whitfield Dupree McCULLOUGH (Boyce's dad , b 18609 d 1917, married Georgia A. HAWKINS in 1886 IX Benjamin Beauregard McCULLOUGH (her dad) b 1861, d 19379 married Ann Eliza TODD Dec 20, 1893. X Joseph McCULLOUGH married Rosie BANKSTON XI. Jesse McCULLOUGH br), married lst, Mattie NIXON; m 2nd, Della STILL XII Rufus Patrick McCULLOUGH, married Lou BREWER. XIII Oscar Dee McCULLOUGH, married, lst, Nola STEPHENS; m 2nd, Julia TYLER, widow of John T. XIV Judith Ann McCULLOUGH, died unmarried. XV Icey (?) Dora McCULLOUGH, died unmarried, Benjamin Beauregard McCULLOUGH, b 186+19 d 1937; married Ann Eliza TODD Dec 209 1893. 4 children. I Clair Caldwell McCULLOUGH, b 12 Dec 1894; married Anita HAYNES in 1917. II Jesse Ross McCULLOUGH, b 19019 d 1918. III William Todd McCULLOUGH, b 1903; married Jennie LEER in 1929. She died 14 Feb 1078. IV Ruth Estelle McCULLOUGH, b June 1906; married Roy Davis McCULLAR, June 1925. Thev have4 boys and 1 girl. ------ ------- - ------------------------ - - -- -- Mr. Willis G. CORBITT, 710 S.W. Madison St., Apt 406, Portland,Oregon 97205 sent some•information about Canadian McCULLOUGH's, from:"Wagon Trails to Hard Top", History of Lacombe Co., Alberta, Canada - 1972. The information is related to specific farms. p.13/4 -R. V. McCULLOUGH bought the S.E. + 25, 38, 25, 4 in 1954 (South East Cuarter, Section 259 Township 38 North, Range 25 East - I don't recognize the last "4". wrv). The land was rented to M. E. BLACK, who owned and resided on the S.W. x of 25,38025. In 1940 Mr. McCULLOUGH purchased the S.W. + of 25. The McCULLOUGH's had lived in Red Deer since 1944, where Mr. ?9cCULLOUGH was a school Superintendent first for the County of Lacombe, then for the Countv of Red Deer. In 1961 Mr. McCULLOUGH purchased from Robert HAINING the W. 4 of Section 24, and the V.1f. � of Section 259 389 259 4. The McCULLOUGHs had known the Satinwood district ouite well. They liked the location andthe people and decided to retire on this land. In the winter of 194&thev built a house on the N.W.* of 26 and moved to the district. They named the farm "Glenmarnock". R. V. McCULLOUGH had formerly been a school teacher, a principal, and a Superintendent of Schools for 23 years. During this time, he had retained his interest in Aberdeen Angus cattle, and when he retired, he brought some registered Aberdeen Angus to the farm with him. Over the years, Mr. McCULLOUGH has had a term as President of the Alberta School Superin— tendents' Association, the Alberta Cattle Breeders' Association, and the Alberta Aberdeen Angus Association. Mrs. McCULLOUGH-has been active in educational circles, as President of the Alberta Home and School Federation, the Alberta Education Council, and as a member of the Boards of Gov- ernors of the University of Alberta, the Red Deer College, and the Banff School of Fine Arts. They have three children - Mrs. H. V. LOWRY (Donna) of Edmonton, Ron of Red Deer, and Robert of Chehalis, Washington. Since moving to the Satinwood district, the McCULLOUGHs have continuously devoted their activities to Aberdeen Angus cattle, retaining some pasture and hay land for these activities and rentin out all of the grain land. I don't have room for the rest - will include it in the next issue. - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from: "An American Armory" by Charles Knowles BOLTON - Heraldic Book Compary - Coat of Arms: McCULLOCH - ( ) on a canton arg bet 3 trefoils slipped or. Motto: Vi et animo Bookplate: Joseph Graham McCULLOCH. McCULLOH - Em a fret engrailed gu. Crest: An arm unclothed and embowed throwing an arrow. Bookplate: Henry Eustace McCULLOH, North Carolina. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t� Vol III g • D. /! One of our correspondenta' asked me what would happen t A l 197$ me - after my hospitalization - PP o the Memos if something ha thinking. I'd hope that someone the projects happened to list? Zile pr je the recipients, etc. It And I thought of the letter put out by Mrs. Betty but how would the got me lto i e present, the McCULLOUGH MEMOS are being sent to: y =RS, which included my mlist. Herbert F - . ADAPSS, Tufts Kinsman Project, P.O.Box Mrs. Rachel BISHOP, 305 Dr., Moneta, 0x 57viae2dhhlamp Massachusetts 0202E Mrs. Lucile Martso21 lf 05 LakewoodLakew Mrs. Edith Taylor BOHANON, p•'011Box21 N�6Writ St., Santa Ana, California 92701 Mrs. Mary L. BONDS, 1400 Monticello Rd 4, an Clemente, California 92472 Mrs. Martha Gamble BORDERS •v Irondale, Alabama 35210 Mrs. Ethel BRIGGS, Box 2 ' 3292 Yellowtail Dr., Los Alamitos, California 90720 Route One, New Martinsville, West Virginia 2-4155 Jennie L. BROWN, 1$16 Monte Vista Place Moses Mrs K. BROYLES, Sr., Rt 3, Box 17$, Clinton, Tenneesseeh3 gton 9$$37 Virginia CANE, 1410 Pembrooke Lane, Anaheim, California92804 Miss Marjory CHRISTIANSON, Route 3, Box 234, Hinckley, Minnesota Mrs. Charles D. CHAPPELL, P. 0. Box Z 55037 Miss Shirley CLEVENGER, Route Is Verona, McDowell, WMissouriin 9$111 Mrs. Katherine Lee COLBURN, 1$$7 Northeliff Dr. Mrs. A. G. COOK (Nellie McCuZlou r Coliimbus, Ohio 43224 Ms. Rosa P. COOK,, Norris gh)' Route 1, Box 60, Jenkins, Missouri 45h77 Willis G. V. COOK,, Lake Shores, R.R.#1, Lithonia, Georgia 3005$ Mrs, is A. CRUICK3RAN0 S.600 N dison St., Apt 406, Portland Mrs. Paul De GOOD ' 3 N. 6th Dr.,:Boca Raton ' Oregon34 97205 504 West 1st, St. Francis Kansas 6' Florida 33431 Mrs. Mildred (Hamid) De SMIDT ', 7756 Mrs. Cleana DORAN 1 4604 East Broadway, Des Moines, Iowa 50317 Jim DORAN, 2017 E. 1340 Oak R S' Springfield, Missouri 65$04 Mrs. Del DREW, 1404 Main- St,, Rt n3, Ackley, Iowa 50601 Mrs. Marie Thompson EBERLE, 2 Brookside Court, Edwardsville, Illinois 4202 Mrs. Wendy ELLIOT, 4$0$ E. Garland, Anaheim, California 92$07 5 Mrs. Richard FEASER, 22$0$... 72nd P1. West, Mountlake Terrace, Washington 9$0 Mrs. Marjorie FEWELL, 1125 Savanna q 43 Mrs. Ernest A. FICK, 100 River Drive, R Dubuque,, Iowa 52001 James M. FRIT2, 517 Crafton Ave. #3, BliNew ersey d Michigan 4922$ Larry GAGE, 7507 Fernbrook Lane,�Housttoon, Texas77070 09071 Sidney Mike GARDNER, 1604 E. Turin, Anaheim; California 92$05 Genealogical Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped,. Inc F . Doraville, Georgia 30340 PP ., ., 4i7. English Oak Drive, Mrs. Robert 0. GEORGE, 13371 Danbu Mrs. Gilbert GROEPER, 232 Midland Dr., Wright Cit S Missouri 63390 40740 Mrs. Manly HAM ER, 107 -21st St.,.N.W., Austin Minnesota 3390 Mrs. Ferre E , 5912 E. HAMEL, 62$6 Bryce Canyon Ave., Las .Vegas, Nevada $9110 Cdr. J. R. HANKEY, USN, -3942 Peach Tree Court, New Orleans, Louisiana 70114 David L. HANRAHAN, 227 So. Moraine, Tulare, California 93274 James G. HARDING, 600 Raintree, #69, Canon City, Colorado $1212 Mrs. J. P. HARDING, 719 -10th Ave., Coralville, Iowa'52240 Dr. &- Dr. J. R. HARDING, P. O..Box 74$, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Robert W. HARDING, 10547 W. Warren Ave. Mrs. Lillian B. HAL43 ON , Lakei,Food, Colorado $0227 • 25 N. E. Halsey St., Apt. 159 Portland,. Oregon 97213 Mrs. Charlene HIXON, 602 S. Summit, Iowa City, Iowa•52240 Mrs. David HOUSH, $25 - 6th St., West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 Wayne B. HUMPHREY, 301$ S. 8th St., Deming, New Mexico $$030 \Ms. Jean B. ILLICK, 1022 Hackberry Ave., Modesto, California 95350 Miss'Ruth INSKEEP, 209 E. Chillicothe Ave., Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 Iowa Historical Library, E. 12th & Grand Ave. Illinois State Genealogical Society, P. 0. Box Historical Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Mrs. Morris D. JACKSON, 3120 A Napoleon Court, Birmin ha n Alabama Illinois X2705 Ms. Edith 0. JERD, 320 Wolf Creek St., Brookville Ohio ' Alabama 35243 Mrs. Leva McC..JOHNSON, 301 Clara Ave., Ukiah, California Mrs. Ola A. JOHNSON, 1519 -15th Ave. S. W. Mrs. Lavarda JONES P. 0. Box 223, ' • Decatur, Alabama 35FOZ Mrs. Vi KERSTEN, 1400 S. W. 256tHuntington, Utah $452$ Mrs. Eileen McC. KNIPFER, 503 North Main St.p Canton'•iOhio344720 Mrs. Kenneth KNORPP, R. 19 Diamond, Missouri 64$40 Mri, Roy E. Lacy, Anna, Ohio 45302 Mrs.fTohn S. LOWERY9 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Vir na Extra copy for NationalSociety Dau�ters of the American2046 Revolution) James W. LOWRY, Box 29, Benton, Ohio 44 54 Mrs. Guy L. MARTIN, 359 E.'Tremont Waverl Illinois 42�9 Mrs. Ralph MARTY, 522 S. Grand :+l.,�Springfield, Illinois 42704 Mrs. C. R. MATTEI, 3523 Tangley Roads Houston, Texas 77005 Mrs. Henry G. MILLER, P. 0. Box 322, Gleneden Beach, Oregon 973$$ Mr. Clarence E. MOORS, 557 So. Beach St., Ft. Worth, Texas 74105 Mrs. Robert MOORS, $ Harper St., The Plains, Ohio 457$0 Mrs. Jack MUNDELL,, R. •R. 29: Cozad, Nebraska 69130 Mrs. T. R. McCOLLOCH, 60$ Union St., Richmond, Texas 774 Alameda McCOLLOUGH, 7605 E. 900 S, Lafayette, Indiana 47905 Mr. Claude McCOLLOUGH, 12 Chinook, North Little Rock, Arkansas 7211A J. F. McCOLLOUGH, 2126 Garfield Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah $410$ Mrs. Mary G. McCULLAH, 110 S. Park Wap, Santa Cruz, California 950A0 Mrs. Roy D. McCULLAR9 Rt. Z, Batesville, Mississippi 38AOA William S. MCCULLEY, Clan McCULLET, 205 Hensel Dr., Bryan, Texas $ Mr. & Mrs. Brady McCULLOCH, Box 293, Huntsville, Texas 77340 77 Ol Mrs. Hazel C. McCULLOCH, 1001 Farm Road 300, Levelland, Texas 7933A Paul R. McCULLOCH, 6$24 Raleighwood Way, Portland, Oregon 97225 Terrance J. McCULLOCH, RFD 1, Sun Prairies Mr. Everett Wesley McCULLOUGH Wisconsin 53590 M C. Everett P. 0. Box b 492 North Flora, Kansas City, Missouri 4LJ18 Harry McCULLOUGH 4 7, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37$3O t ,, 70 Elmridge Road, Mansfield, Ohio 44907 James 0. McCULLOUGH, 111-A Revere Circle, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 James S. McCULLOUGH, 1211 Eastport Ave. ! Jim McCULLOUGH, 1342 S. Hillward Ave. Uvinap Calif Ohio 449$3 June McCULLOUGH, 4925 Ashbrook, Dallas 4Texaso75' California 91791 v- '�.��. �•::.. . '.... � 75227 MCCULLUUCrH MEMU5 VolO. D.I2 MET Mrs. Katherene McCULLOUGH, P. 0. Box 303, Salem, Arkansas 7257' Mr. M. J. McCULLOUGH, 104 Glen Oak, Wilmington, Delaware 19805 Mr. & Mrs. Roy E., McCULLOUGH, 2926 Clarendon Dr., Richmond, Virginia 23235 Theodore 0. McCULLOUGH, P. 0. Box 190, Chandlerville, Illinois 42427 Verla Herron McCULLOUGH, R.R. #4, Box 370, Watseka, Illinois A0970 Mrs. William McCULLOUGH, 1531 Carlton Ave., West Cloquet, Minnesota 55720 Harold McCULLY, 628 Hobson, Walla Walla, Washington 99362 Mrs. Harold McQUITTY, 305 Parkade Blvd., Columbia, Missouri f-5201 David -W. NEERMAN, 6131 Brook Drive, Falls Church, Virginia 22044 The New York Public Library, Acquisition Division, Fifth Avenue & 42nd St., New' The Orange County California Genealogical Society, c/o Huntington Beach Library, Golden West Ave., Huntington Beach, California Oregon Historical Society, 1230 S. W. Park Ave., Portland, Oregon 97205 Mrs. Darlene OWNSBY, 7129 Airline Ave., Urbandale, Iowa 50322 Mrs. Henry PACK, 8121 Mockingbird, Wichita, Kansas 67207 Mrs. Dorothy PANZER, 7521 E. 3rd St., Downey, California 90241 Mrs. G. PARKER, Glide, Oregon 97443 Mrs. A. Jane PATE, P. 0. Box 1789 Ashford, Alabama 36312 Mrs. Kathleen PLANT,,668 Courtenay Dr., Columbus, Georgia 3190A Genealogical Form of Portland, Oregon, Room 812, Neighbors of Woodcraft Bldg., Portland. Oregon 97205 Wanita M: POSTLETHWAIT, 1482 E.; Campbell•_ Park,' Huntington, West Virginia 25705 Mrs. Joe POUR, 1218 N. Washington D:-., Troy, Ohio 45373 Mrs. Ethel B. REDFIELD, 13680 Nobleda Road, Los Altos Hills, California 94022 Mrs. Iris RICH, Rt. 29 Box 1569 Baxter Springs, Kansas 44713 Melba RHOTON, 13648 E. Valna Dr., Whittier, California 90402 Linda E. ROBLYER, Rt P. Rio Vista Acres, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 Mrs. Helen ROUSE, P. 0. Box 398, #7 Woodford Ave., Owensboro, Kentucky 43201 Scottish Historic & Research Society of the Delaware Valley, Inc., 2137 MacLarie Broomall, Pennsylvania 19008 Mrs. M. L. SHAW, Rt 3, Box 228, Maryville, Missouri 64468 Mrs. J. W. SHOAFF, Molt, Montana 59057 Mrs. Kent SIDEL, Apt. 2209, 5709 Lyons View Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37919 Mrs. Glenn SIEVERS, 211 Westgate, Jacksonville, Illinois 42650 Rowanda M. SMITH, Star Rt. Box 255-A, Cleveland, Texas 77327 Mrs. C. A. STEVENS, 509 Timbewick, Manhattan Kansas 66502 Mrs. Everett SURRA, Leroy, Minnesota 55951 Mrs. Betty K. SUMMERS, 1404 Bellaire Dr., Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 Miss Fae Lenaire SUTTON, 867 N. Lincoln St., Orange, California 92AA7 Mrs. Dixie Lee SWOAGER, 3375 Hiwood Dr., Castle Shannon, Pennsylvania 15234 Mrs. V. E. THURSTON. Box 103, Delphos, Kansas 67436 York, N.Y. 1001A Talbert & 1410 S.W. Morrison, Lane, Mrs. Mable Glenn TIMMERMAN, Vista Del Rio, 119'700 E. 8th St., Apt. 4180 Kansas City, Missouri 44104 Mrs. Colleen Crouch UHL9"7209 Perry Creek Rd.,.Raleigh, North Carolina 27409 Mrs. Earl VAN CLEAVE, P. 0. Box 26, Sutherlin, Oregon 97479 Miss Mary E. VAN GORDEN, 1811 Columbus Ave., Duluth, Minnesota 55803 Mrs. Charles A. VAUGHAN, 3035 N. W. 99th St., Miami, Florida 33147 Mrs. Robert WAHL, 355 W. 38th, Eugene, Oregon 97405 Mrs. Frederick H. WEALS, 514 Essex Circle, China Lake, California 93555 Annabelle D. Menge WEGELE, 8 Subway Rd., Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935 Lyle WHITED, 24414 Walnut St., Lomita, California 90717 Mrs. Dorothy WIEBLE, 34230 Cannon Rd., Solon, Ohio 44139 Mrs. Paul WILBUR, 310 W. Orchard Ave., Shepherd, Michigan 48883 Russell WILLIAMS, 6306 Lakeview Blvd, Middleton, Wisconsin 53542 C. J. WIRES Sr. 708 Beechwood Dr. Wooster, Ohio -44691 AcquisitionySection, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State St., Madison, Wisconsin 53704 Mrs. Joseph A. WOLF, 6615 Chimineas, Reseda, California 91335 Mrs. E. C. WOOTON, 1508 Elmwood Dr., Huntsville, Alabama .35801 John 0. YARWOOD, 2100 Marie Park Dr., I.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 Ray L. YARWOOD, 402 -15th St., S.E.,.Austin, Minnesota -.55912 Mrs. Glen POST, 7434 Knott Ave., Buena Park, California These are correct as of the last I knew, however, practically every time I mail out the MEMOS, at least one is returned by the Post Office. Therefore, there is a possibility that there is one or more of these who have moved and not sent a forwarding address to me. The Post Office will forward the mail for a time - usually a year, but sometimes only six months. If you move, send me your new address. I plan to keep you informed of additions or deletions about once a year. ALEXANDER, Amanda 10 ALEXANDER, Jane 10 ALIXANDER, Sarah 10 AMBROSE, Clarence Mitchell 3 AMBROSE, David Scott 3 AMBROSE# Jill Christine 3 AMBROSE, John Michael 3 AMBROSE, Susan Claire 3 AMBROSE, Victoria Ann (McCullougt ANDERSON, Catharine (Forbes) F ANDERSON, Esther (McCullough) 6 ANDERSON, Robert 6- ANDERSON9 Samuel 6 ANKROM, Charles 4 ANKROM, Martha J. (Hughes) 4 ANKROM, Nelson 4 ANKROM, Sarah A. ( ) 4 ARMSTRONG, Robert AUSTIN, _. BANKSTON, Ri Virginia 10 INDEX RARGER, Julia Ann 10 BEATTY, Elizabeth 6. BLFWNGHAM'' Florence Dorthy BIRMINGHAM,MGeraldineecullou)(Boswell)3 BIRMINGHAM, Lucius Newton 2 BIRMINGHAM, Margaret 3 BIRMINGHAM, Wendell 3 BLACK, M.E. 10 BOCHNER, David 3 BOCHNER, Theresa Elise (McCull- ough)(Ryan) 3 BOSWELL, Geraldine 3 BOWYER, Neida 5 BOX, Hannah 7, 10 BREWER, Lou 10 BREWER, Mary 10 BRIGHT, James J. 5 BRIGHT, Margaret L. 5 BRIGHT, Marian 5 BRIGHT, Sarah V; (McCulloch) 5 I�BROKAW, George b BROKAW, Mary (McCullough) 6 BRYAN, Mary Clendenin 5 BURTON, Albert 3 BURTON, Fay 3 BURTON, Jesse 29 3 BURTON, Mabel 2 BURTON, Thirza Clare iMcCull- ough) 2, 3 BYERS, Cordelia Agnes BYERS, Janet (McCulloch) 5 BYERS, John A. 5 BYERS, MaCharlotte (Weitzel) Davis) 5 BYERS, Maxwell 5 BYERS, Robert Morton 5 CAMPBELL, Mrs. Edna 9 CAMPBELL, Julia Ann (Grimes) 6 CAMPBELL, Nancy (Glasgow)(Glas- Sow) 4 MCCULLOUGH MEMOS Volo. P. 15 April CAMPBELL, Robert 4 HEIM, Hazel Margaret 3 McCOLLOCH, John 1, 5 CAMPBELL, William 6 HILL, Mary (Polly)(McCullough) McOOLLOCH, Jonathan 2 CAPEHART, Ella Catherine (McCul- 10 McCOLLOCH, Logan 2 loch) 5 HILL, Merrill 10 McCOLLOCH, N. Z. 5 CAPEHART, James 5 HILLMAN, Mildred Catherine 3 McCOLLOC% Noah Zane 1 CAPEHART, Margaret (McCulloch) 5 HOLCOMB, Nancy Emaline 10 McCOLLOCH, Ray 4, 5 CARNS, Luticia (Tish) 4 HOLCOMB, Nancy (Mary Emaline 7 McCOLLOCH, Samuel 1 CARUTHERS, Susannah 10 HORNER, Mary Vallie iMcCullar)8 McCOLLOCH, Sidney 1 CHRISTIANSON, Mariory 5HORNER9 Robert Oatsie $ McCOLLOCH, Silas 1 Solomon 2 CLARK, Thomas B. 6 HOWARD, Margaret (Birmingham) 3 McCOLLOCH, COLEMAN, Sarah 4 HOWARD, Thomas 3 McCOLLOCH, Tabitha 1 COOK, Mrs. Nellie 1 HONEm General $ McCOLLOCH, William 1, 2 COOPER, Larry 3 COOPER, Sally Ann (McCullough) 3 HUGHES, Joseph�y HUGHES, Lucinda (McCullough) 4 McCOLLOCH, Zane 1 McCOLLOCH, Zillah (Zella) 1 CORBITT, Willis G. 10 HUGHES, Martha J. 4 McCOLLOUGH, Alameda 9 McCOLLOUGH, Alexander 6 COUCH, Martha Ann 5 C0:9LES, Salmon F 1 INSKEEP, Ruth 5 McCOLLOUGH, Betse Y (Edgar) 6 g COX, Zella 3 CROSS, Maclin $, 9 ISAAC, Andrew McCOLLOUGH, Elizabeth (Smith) 6 McCOLLOUGH, Eunice (Foot) 4 j CUBBISON, James 9 ! CUBBISON, Lydia (McCulley/Mc JACKSON, Charles 3 JACKSON, Maureen Alice (McCu1= MCCOLLOUGH, George 6 McCOLLOUGH, Hettq (Simpson) 6 Cully) 9 lough) 3 McCOLLOUGH, James 6 McCOLLOUGH, (Rev) James Hughes 9 DAVIS, Mary Charlotte (Weitzel) JAMES, Julia Arthur. (Ryan)(Mc- Culloeh) 5 McCOLLOUGH, Lucinda 4 5 DRENNAN, Nancy 2 JAMES, Robert Howard 5 JAMISON, Nancy 6 McCOLLOUGH, Mary 6 McCOLLOUGH, Mary (Strong) 6 f D NCAN,�Ella1010 JOHNSON, 6 Cordelia 2,3 McCOLLOUGH, NancyJamison) McCOLLOUGH, PhebHamilton) 4 HazelAbria JOHNSON, Hazel JOHNSON, Mrs. (McCullough)1 McCOLLOUGH, Sarah Whan) 6 EDGAR, Betse 6 y ( EMS-IIN, (Capt) Alexander $ JONES, Ebenezar 2 2 JONES, Martha B. 2 McCOLLOUGH, William 6 McCONNEL, Mary (McCollough) 6 r JONES, Percival 2 McCONNELL, William 6 FL04IERS, Sarah 10 4 JONES, Velma Lea (McCullar) McCULLAR, A. 7 McCULLAR, Alexander 6, 7, $, 9 FOOT, Eunice FORBES, Catharine 6 (Garvin) 7 McCULLAR, Benjamin Beaure 7 FULCHER, Lloyd 5 FULCHER, Virginia A. (Lewis) 5 KERR, Margaret 6 KINKAID, Blanche 4 McCULLAR, Bertie 7 McCULLAR, Boy8e 7 KINKAID, Cornelia (Lemaster) 4 McCULLAR, David 7 McCULLAR, Eliza (Haden) 7 GAMBLE, Esther 6 GAFC.,IN, Jack 7 KINKAID, R. 0. 4 KIRKPATRICK, Campbell 3 McCULLAR, Elmer David 7 ) ? GARVIIN, Velma Lee (McCullar) 7 KIRKPATRICK, Elizabeth Jane McCULLAR, Esther McCULLAR, Esther 39g-ee) 7 GLASGOW, Joseph 4 GLASGOW, Martha Steele 4 (Harbison) 3 KIRKPATRICK, Nancy A. 2, 3 McCULLAR, Hannah Box) 7 GLASGOW, Nancy 4 GLASGOW, Nancy (Glasgow) 4 KNORPP, Mrs. Kenneth 9 KNOX, William 6 McCULLAR, Isaac McCULLAR, Jennie Jane) 7 GLASG(7drt Robert 4 KUNTZ, Marjorie Clair 3 . McCULLAR, Jesse 6, 7 John McCULLAR, 7 GLASW-1, Rosannah 4 GRAHAM, John 6 LAMBERT, Anthony B. $, 9 McCULLAR, Katherine (Katy) (Magee GRIMES, Amarda S. (Simeral) 6 LANCASTER, Sallie Elizabeth 5McCULLAR, Margaret Peggy 7 GRIMES, George D. 6 6 LANE, Thomas 9 6 McCULLARMargaret Pe ggy6agee c, GRIMES, Isabella 6 LAZURE, Juliann 7 GRIMES, Jane ( ) LEE, Mary (McCullough) 6 McCULLAR, Margaret (Peggy)(Mc GRIMES, John �— LEE, Martin 6 ? GRIMES, Joseph 6 GRIMES, Julia Ann 6 � i LEER, Jennie 10 LEMASTER, Cornelia 4 MarthCullara Martha McCULLAR, M$ Mary (Polly) 7 GRIMES, Lucinda 6 GRDIES, Martha E. (McCullough)6 LEMASTER, Nancy (Meek) 4 LEMASTER, Perry 4 McCULLAR, McCULLAR, Mary Mollie) Etta GRIMES, William M. 6 (---) 4 LEMASTER, Sarah S. 4 (Murra) e McCULLAR, Mary $ GRIMM, Barbary LEMMON, Jacob 6 uallie McCULLAR, Missouri ( 7 GRIMM, Jess 4 4 LEOPOLINE, Bertha 7 E McCULLAR, Nancy (Maryr Emaline GRIDC41 Levi GRIT.4S, Phebe (Hamilton)(McCul- LEWIS, Charles C. 5 LE11IS, Charles Cameron 5 (Holcomb) 7 McCULLAR, Peggy (McCulloch) 9 lough) 4 GROVER, (Rev)AlfredE. 5 LEaTIS, Eliza ( ) 5 LEWIS, James McCULLAR, Ray 9 $, 9 GROVER, Sadie 5 GROVER, Sallie Elizabeth (Lan- LEIIIS, Margaret Parthenia (Mc Culloch) 5 McCULLAR, Rosanna 79 McCULLAR, Roy Davis 7, 10 caster) 5 LEWIS, Patsy (McCulloch) 5 McCULLAR, Ruth Estelle (McCull- ough) 79 10 HADEN, Eliza 7 LEWIS, Peter S. 5 LEWIS, Sarah 7, 9, 10 McCULLAR, Sarah (Lewis) 7 McCULLAR, Sophie (Lewis) 7 HADEN, Elizabeth 9 RAINING, Robert 10 LEVIIS, Sophie 7, 99 10 LEVIIS, Sarah Ann 5 McCULLAR, Velma Lee 7 7 HAMILTON, Benjamin 4 LE.STIS, Virginia A. 5. McCULLAR, William McCULLAR, William Alexander $ HAMILTON, Mary ( 4 ! HAMILTON, Mary MarieEdna �McCulloughj LOGAN, Chief 2 LOWERY, Hazel (McCullough) McCULLAR, William Wilson ? MCCULLER, Alexander 9 HAMILTON, Phebeo)4 3 1, 2, 4, 5, LOWRY, Donna (McCullough) 10 McCULLER, Matthew 4 McCULLERS, John 4 HAMILTON, (Dr) William J. 3 HAMMOND, Karen Rose 3 H. V. 10 LOWRY, zaeea LYONS Elizabeth (Beatty) 6 � Y MCCULLERS, Matthew 4 9 HAR►.N:OND, Rose 3 LYONS, John 6 McCULLEY, Lydia HAPTONSTALL, Fannie Deem 5 LYONS, Sarah 6 McCULLOCH, Alexander 59 7, 9 HAPTONSTALL, Genevieve (Veva) 5 MCCULLOCH, Alexander Byers 5McCULLOCH, HAPTONSTALL, Robert Henry 5 HARBISON, Adam 3 Mack GEHEE 6 Benjamin 3 McCULLOCH, Blanche (Kinkaid) 4 HARBISON, Elizabeth Jane 3 MCCALLUM, Mary A. 7 McCAULEY, Adam 1� McCULLOCH, C. R. 5 McCULLOCH, Charles Russel 4 HARBISON, James Y. 3 HARBISON, Jane (?)(McCullough ?) McCAULEY, Sarah (Coleman) 4 McCLINTOCK, Margaret Ann 1 McCULLOCH, Charlotte 5 — McCULLOCH, Cordelia (Byers) 5 3 HART, Isaac Dale 2 MCCOLLOCH, Ben 2 McCOLLOCH, Benjamin 5 McCULLOCH, David 9 McCULLOCH, David P. 5 HART, Ruth 2 HART, Sayvilla "Aunt Vid" (Mc McCOLLOCH, Catherine (Myers) 1 McCOLLOCH, Elliot 1 Y McCULLOCH, Elizabeth 4 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth (Haden) 9 Cullough) 2 HAWKINS, Georgia Ann 7, 10 MCCOLLOCH, George 2, 5 McCOLLOCH, George Porter 2 McCULLOCH, Ella Catherine 5 McCULLOCH, Esther (Magee) 9 HAYDEN, Elizabeth 10 HAYNES, Anita 10 McCOLLOCH, Jemima (Petty) 2 McCULLOCH, George 2 McCOLLOCH, Jennie 5 McCULLOCH, Hannah (Box) 9 a•ayvai ar++v vua+•ta.a•avv . V1 111 LIV • J D. 14 APM McCULLOCH, Henry 49 b McCULLOCH, Isaac 9 McCULLOUGH, Edna Hazel 5 McCULLOUGH, Lawrence 3 McCULLOCH, J. S. 5 McCULLOUGH, Edward Francis 3 McCULLOUGH, Leonard Boyce 6, 7, McCULLOCH, Janet 5 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Eleanor 6 Eleanor (McCullough) 9 McCULLOUGH, Leva 1 McCULLOCH, Jennie 9 McCULLOCH, John 29 4, 59 9 6 McCULLOUGH, Lonazelah Jane 6 MCCULLOCH, John Daniel 5 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Eliza ( ) Elizabe-7-6 McCULLOUGH, M. J. 2 McCULLOUGH, Mabel (Burton) 2 McCULLOCH, John D. 5 McCULLOCH, John Frederick 5 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth () 4 Elizabeth riayden) McCULLOUGH, Margaret 6, 10 McCULLOUGH, Margaret (Kerr) 6 McCULLOCH, John Ryan 5 McCULLOCH, John S. 5 10 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (Watt) 2 McCULLOUGH, Margaret (Peggy)(Mc Cullough) 10 McCULLOCH, Joseph Graham 10 McCULLOCH, Julia Arthur (Ryan)5 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Ella (Duncan) 10 Esther McCULLOUGH, Margaret Ann (McClin• tock) 1 McCULLOCH, Kate (.�) 4., 5 McCULLOCH, Katherine (Magee) 9 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Esther (Gamble) 6 Esther (Magee) 7 McCULLOUGH, Margaret Elizabeth 3 McCULLOUGH, Marjorie Clair (Kunt- McCULLOCH, Margaret 5 McCULLOUGH, Esther (McGee/414cGehe McCULLOCH, Margaret Partenia 9 McCULLOUGH, Martha •6 McCULLOCH, Marie (Noble) 4 McCULLOUGH, Esther J. 5 McCULLOUGH, Martha Megaw) 6 McCULLOCH, Marie E. 5 McCULLOUGH, Etta Mae 1 McCULLOUGH, Martha (Steele) 4 McCULLOCH, Martha Ann (Couch) 5 McCULLOUGH, Florence Dorthy 2 McCULLOUGH, Martha E. A McCULLOCH, Mary (Neil) 6 McCULLOUGH, Francis Clarence .2 McCULLOUGH, Martha Emma 1 MCCULLOCH, Mary Agnes 5 McCULLOUGH, Francis Drennan 2 McCULLOUGH, Mary 6, 10 McCULLOCH, Mary C. (Bryan) 5 McCULLOUGH, George 21 6 McCULLOUGH, Mary Brewer) 10 MCCULLOCH, Mary Clendenin (Bryan. McCULLOUGH, George Porter 2 '. McCULLOUGH, Mary Duke) 10 5 McCULLOUGH, George W. 2 McCULLOUGH, Mary Polly) 10 McCULLOCH, Mary E. (Steenbergen) McCULLOUGH, Georgia Ann (Hawkins' McCULLOUGH, Mary Varner) 10 5 7, 10 McCULLOUGH, Mary Drennan 2 McCULLOCH, Nancy 2 McCULLOUGH, Gerald Eckley 2 McCULLOUGH, Mary Marie 3 MCCULLOCH, Nancy (Zane) 2 McCULLOUGH, Gerald Waldo 2 McCULLOUGH, Maureen Alice 3 MCCULLOCH, Neida (Bowyer) 5 McCULLOUGH, Hamilton 1 McCULLOUGH, Maurice Lee 3 McCULLOCH, Patsy 5 McCULLOUGH, Hannah 2 McCULLOUGH, Michael James 3 MCCULLOCH, Peggy 9McCULLOUGH,.Hannah (Box) 10 McCULLOUGH Mildred Catherine MCCULLOCH, Peggy (Magee) 9 _ McCULLOUGH, Harold Lee 2, kiliman) 3 McCULLOCH, Polly 9 McCULLOUGH, Harriet 2 McCULLOUGH, Millie Ethel 1 McCULLOCH, Robert E. 4 McCULLOCH, Sadie (Grover) McCULLOUGH--Hazel Cordelia McCULLOUGH, Mittie (Nixon) 10 Moses 1 5 `Johnson) 2,3 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOCH, Sallie Lewis 5 McCULLOUGH, Hazel Margaret (Heim McCULLOUGH, Nancy (Drennan) 2 McCULLOCH, Samuel 5 3 McCULLOUGH, Nancy (Zane) 2 McCULLOCH, Samuel Bowyer 5 McCULLOUGH, Heather.Jean 3 McCULLOUGH, Nancy A. (Kirkpatricl McCULLOCH, Sarah 5 McCULLOCH, Sarah (Lewis). 9 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Henry 1 Henry Hamilton 1 2 McCULLOUGH, Nancy E. (Meeks) 2 McCULLOCH, Sarah Ann (Lewis) 5 McCULLOUGH, Hugh 6 McCULLOUGH, Nancy Emaline (Hol- McCULLOCH, Sarah S. (Lemaster)4 McCULLOUGH, Idey Dora 10 comb) 10 McCULLOCH, Sophie (Lewis) 9 McCULLOUGH, Ionia Adaline 10 McCULLOUGH, Nancy L. 2 Tyler (Smith)2 McCULLOCH, Soloman 2 McCULLOUGH, Isaac. 10 McCULLOUGH, Nancy McCULLOCH, Thomas 6 McCULLOCH, Veva (Genevieve).. McCULLOUGH, Isabel 6 McCULLOUGH,'Nettie Nina 1 Isabell (F McCULLOUGH, Nola (Setphens) 10 _�McCULLOUGH, (Haptonstall) 5 _MCCULLOUGH, Isabella ( -;"-6--" -KcCULLOUGH; Ordello 2 McCULLOCX, Thomas B. 4 McCULLOUGH, J. G. 6 McCULLOUGH, Orlando Mitchell 7 McCULLOCK, William 1 McCULLOH, Henry 4 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, J. S. 6 James 19 6 McCULLOUGH, Peggy 10 McCULLOUGH, Peggy (McGee) 10 McCULLOH, Henry Eustace 10 McCULLOUGH, James Beatty bMcCULLOUGH, Peter 6 6 McCULLOH, Nancy 2 McCULLOUGH, James Edward 10 McCULLOUGH, Peter John McCULLOH, Samuel 2 McCULLOUGH, James Monroe 10 McCULLOUGH, Polly 10 McCULLOUCH, Alexander 6 McCULLOUGH, James William 3 McCULLOUGH, R. V. 10 2 McCULLOtf,L`F�i Elizabeth 6, Elizabeth {RicCull- McCULLOuH McCULLOUGH McCULLOUGH, Jane 6 Jane (?) 3, 6 ? McCULLOUGH Rachel McCULLOUGH, Rebecca (Smith) 6 ouch) 6 McCULLOUGH, Jane S. ( ) 2 6 McCULLOUGH, Rebecca(Templeton)6 Ann `Pegues) McCULLOUGH, moron 2 McCULLOUGH, Jane ( We 1-MR7 McCULLOUGH, Rebecca McCULLOUGH, Abraham 2 McCULLOUGH, Alexander (,, 7, 91 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Jannah 6 Jemima (Petty) 2 7 McCULLOUGH, Robert 1, F, 10 10 McCULLOUGH, Jennie 10 McCULLOUGH, Robert D. 2 McCULLOUGH, Alexander Curtis 10 McCULLOUGH, head) Jennie Ann (White-- 3 McCULLOUGH,Ron 10 McCULLOUGH, Rosie (Bankston) 10 McCULLOUGH, Alexander Pegues 7 McCULLOUGH, Alma L. 2 McCULLOUGH, Jennie (Leer) 10 McCULLOUGH, Rufus Patrick 10 McCULLOUGH, Amanda (Alexander) McCULLOUGH, Jennifer Ann 3 McCULLOUGH, Ruth Estelle 7, 10 10 McCULLOUGH, Jensie (Wilson) 10 McCULLOUGH, Sally Ann 3 6 McCULLOUGH, Andrew 4 McCULLOUGH, Andrew Jackson 10 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Jesse 10- Jesse Hawkins 7 McCULLOUGH, Samuel 1, McCULLOUGH, Samuel George 1 6 McCULLOUGH, Anita (Hanes) 10 McCULLOUGH, Ann Eliza (Todd) 10 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Jesse Ross 10 Joan 3 McCULLOUGH, Samuel I. McCULLOUGH, Sara (Vahn) 2 McCULLOUGH, Ann Louisa 4 McCULLOUGH, Anne (Wells) 6 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Joan Marie 3 John 41 61 99 10 McCULLOUGH, Sara (Wilson) 3 McCULLOUGH, Sarah 19 6, 10 McCULLOUGH, "Baby" 3 McCULLOUGH, Benard Elton 7 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, John C. 2 John Lawrence 3 McCULLOUGH, Sarah(Alexander) 10 McCULLOUGH, Sarah (Flowers) 10 '10 McCULLOUGH, Benjamin 10 McCULLOUGH, Benjamin B. 7 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, John Lewis 3 John Othniel 2, 3 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Lewis McCULLOUGH, Sarah Lyons McCULLOUGH, Benjamin Beauregard McCULLOUGH, John Steven 3 Thomas 10 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Agnes (Aunt - Kate) 2 10 McCULLOUGH, John 6 McCULLOUGH, Bertha (Thompson) 2 McCULLOUGH Bertram Dello 2 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Joseph 6, 10 Joseph Lawrence 1 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Jane McCULLOUGH, Sayvilla (Aunt Vid)2 McCULLOUGH, Clair Caldwell 10 McCULLOUGH, Clara 2 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Judith Ann 3 10 Julia (_) JTyler) McCULLOUGH, Shari 3 McCULLOUGH, Sidney K. 2 McCULLOUGH, Clara Mae 7 McCULLOUGH, David 10 10 McCULLOUGH, Julia Ann (Barger) McCULLOUGH, Soloman 2 McCULLOUGH, Sophia (Lewis) 10 McCULLOUGH, Dawn Melissa 3 McCULLOUGH, Delilah ( ) 1 10 MCCULLOUGH, Juliann (Lazure) 6 MCCULLOUGH, Susan 3 McCULLOUGH, Susannah (Caruthers) McCULLOUGH, Della (St T-1) 10 McCULLOUGH, Karen Rose (Hammond) 3 10 McCULLOUGH, Theodore 4 McCULLOUGH, Donald 3 McCULLOUGH, Donald Lee 3 McCULLOUGH, Katherine (McGee)10 McCULLOUGH, Theresa Elise 3 Therese Marie (Wirth McCULLOUGH Donald Wilson 3 McCULLOUGH, Katherine Josephine McCULLOUGH, 29 3 McCULLOUGH, Donna 10 McCULLOUGH, Doris I. 2 10 McCULLOUGH, Kathleen Sue 3 McCULLOUGH, Thirze Clare 2, 3 McCULLOUGH, Dorthy 2 McCULLOUGH, Ebenezar 2 McCULLOUGH, Krystle Lee 3 McCULLOUGH, Lavicia (Tidwell)10 McCULLOUGH, Thomas 2 McCULLOUGH. Thomas Frederick 3 McCULLY, Catharine ( } 1 McCULLY, Catherine = McCULLY, Elizabeth 1 McCULLY, James 4 McCULLY, Jane 1 McCULLY, John 1 McCULLY, Lydia 9 McCULLY, Robert Ferguson 4 McCULLY, Samu'1 1 McCULLY, William 1 McDMIELL, Robert 9 McGEE (McGehee), Esther 9 MCGEE, Katherine 10 MCGEE, Peggy 10 McGEHEE (see MCGEE) 6, 9 McGHEr 6 McLOWELL, Robert 9 McMILLEN, Billie Dee 3 McMILLEN, Candice Ann 3 McMILLEN, Joan Marie (McCullough 3 McMILLEN, Mathew 3 McMILLEN, Sean 3 McMILLEN, William J. 3 McMULLEN, Clara Mae (McCullough) 7 McMULLEN, Pratt 7 McMURPHY, Col. 7, $, 9 MAGEE, Esther F, 7, 9 MAGES, Katherine 7 MAGEE, Katherine (Katy) 7, 9 MAGEE, Margaret (Peg ) 7, 9 MAGEE, Martha (Patsyg 7 MAGEE, Patrick 7, 89 9 MAGEE, Rosanna (McCullar) 7,$,9 MARSHALL, Ma r9y (Polly)(McCullar) MARSHALL, Mary (Polly)(McCul— lough) 10 MARSHALL, Matthew 79 9, 10 MARTIN, Guy W. 4 MARTIN (Capt) James $ - MARTIN, (Capt) John 7, 9 MARTIN, Myra M ( ) 4 MEEK, Nancy 4 MEEKS, Nancy E. 2 MEGAW, Martha 6 MIKESELL, Daniel 6 MIKESELL, Isabel (McCullough) 6 MOORE, Beulah ( ) 7 MOORE, Clarence =. p7,8,9, MOORE, Elizabeth (McCullough) F MOORE, John 6 MOORS, Sarah Jane (McCullough)6 MULLER, Ann Elizabeth 3 MULLER, Anthony John 3. MULLER, Kathleen Sue (McCullough MULLER, Michael Anthony 3 MURRAY, Mary (Mollie) Etta 7 NEWELL, Joseph 1 NEWELL, Tabatha (McColloch) 1 NIXON, Mittie 10 NOBLE, Marie 4 OHMAN, Ed 3 OHMAN, Joan (McCullough) OWEN, Julia 7 PACE, L. D. 9 PEGUES, Rebecca Ann 7 PETTY, Jemima 2 PHILLIPS, Mrs. Rosa S. 4 PRIDGEN, Carl C. 3 PRIDGEN, Jeanie Marie 3 PRIDGEN, Judith Ann (McCullough) PRIDGEN, Lynn 3 PYLES, Benjamin L. 4 SANDERS, Bertie (McCullar) 7 SANDERS, Clyde 7 SANDERS, Frankie Dee 7 SHIN, David 2 SHIN, Sarah ( ) 2 SIMERAL, AmanTa S. 6 SIMPSON, Hetty 6 SISKMAN, Alma L. (McCullough) SISKMAN, Ivan H. 2 SMITH, Elizabeth 6 SMITH, William G. 2 SMYTH, John E. 2 SMYTH, Mary Drennan (McCullou 2 SOWNER, Candice Ann (McMillen SOWNER, Michal 3 STEELE, Martha 4 STEENBERGEN, Charlotte (McCul loch) 5 STEENBERGEN, Eliza 5 STEENBERGEN, John Wm. 5 STEENBERGEN, Mary E. 5 STEENBERGEN, Sarah Eliza (Van. Meter) 5 STEENBERGEN, William E. 5 STEPHENS, Nola 10 STILL, Della 10 STRONG, Mary 6 free copies of books, magazines, i and pamphlets, and during 1977, over 3,000 items were donated. These are being made ready to lend to those who are visually handicapped, hearing impaired, or physically handicapped: (1) in 2 wheelchairs, (2) on crutches, braces, or a walker, or (3) home- bound because of accident, ill- ness, or old age. eh) Information has been sent out on this service, and a catalog )3 of books is being prepared. GLB FINISHES GREAT YEAR 1977 was a sensational year for the GENEALOGICAL LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED, INC. Here were some of the highlights: TENERY, Joseph 1 TENERY Zillah (McColloch) 1 THOMPS6N, Bertha 2 TIDWELL, Ionia Adaline (McCull— ough) 10 TIDWELL, Lavicia 10 TIDWELL, Lewis 10 TIDWELL, Lorenzo 10 TIDWELL, Sarah (McCullough) 10 TIMMERMAN, Mrs. Mabel Glenn 2,5 TODD, Ann Eliza 10 TYLER, John 10 TYLER, Julia ( ) 10 VAHN, Sara 2 VAN METER, Sarah Eliza 5 VARNER, Mary 10 VAUGHAN, Ann Louisa (McCullough) 4 VAUGHAN, Charles A. 4 VAUGHAN,_Luticia (Tish),(Carns).: VAUGHAN, Sterling 4 WALLACE, William F WATT, Adrian 2 WATT, Elizabeth 2 WATT, Ruth (Hart) 2 WAYNE, Gen'l 7, $, 9 WEITZEL, Mary Charlotte 5 WELCH, Jane 6 WELLS, Anne 6 WESTFALL, Elza 2 WHAN, Sarah 6 WHITEHEAD, Jennie Ann 3 WILLIAMS, Corrine 7 WILLIAMSON, General $ WILLIAMSON, J. J. 10 WILLIAMSON Katherine Josephine McCullough) 10 WILSON, Douglas 8 WILSON, Jensie 10 WILSON, Martha (McCullar) 8 19ILSON, Sara 3 WILSON, William 4 WIRTH, Therese Marie 2, 3 WISDOM, W iliam S. 9 WISDOM, S. 8 WOODS; Jennie (Jane)(McCullir) 7, 9 WOODS.9 Jennie (McCulloch) 9 WOODS, Jennie (McCullough) 10 WOODS, John 7, 99 10 ISoring, Pat Glassman edited .THE ECLECTIC COOKBOOK, a book ,,with 500 recipes. This was ,published as a fund raising venture for the Library, and 'last year, over 400 cookbooks ,were sold. The money was used to buy a -Smith Corona large iprint typewriter for the Library. These cookbooks are !still for sale, at $4.00 each. March: Dr. Constance G. Fraze from Rutgers university came and demonstrated how to write a grant proposal. She also suggested the idea of a !National Center. This idea has `been enlarged upon, and plans fare underway to build a combi- nation hotel -genealogical library for the blind, deaf, 'and physically handicapped in Atlanta, Ga., in 1981. THE GIB VOLUNTEERS 6 C � The GLB VOLUNTEERS, a group of ladies who meet every Friday to perform clerical work for the Library, was organized on Sep 2, 1977. Elected as president was Marilyn Lambert, and as secretary, Bonnie Pendleton. From September to December, the VOLUNTEERS donated over 400 hours, doing such things as cataloging books, folding letters, addressing envelopes, writing receipts for books and money, etc. By the end of 1977, they had processed over 15,000 items. The original group consisted of Marilyn Lambert, Bonnie Pendleton, Jane Scott, Debbie Westlake, Barbara Oakley, Sally Ethier, Janet Himmighoefer, Janet Lively, Betty Dobyns, Wilda Rainwater, Lila Prestwich, Charlotte Soltau, Jeanne Guinn, and Camille Robinson. A)WORr- R-ArAsje- ,9oWA7Y Yq MCCULLOUGH MEAUS Vol1 o. P. 15 April McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Victoria Ann 3 Virginia (Austin) 3 RASCO, Christopher Sean 3 RASCO Dan 3 McCULLOUGH, Walter Ernest 1 RASCO, Mary'Marie (McCullough) 3 HANDING LIBRARY FOR THE McCULLOUGH, Walter Arlington 7 REA, John F HANDICAPPED McCULLOUGH1Whitfield Dupree F, RICH, Mrs. Iris 10 ROWSEY, Martha (Patsy)(tdagee) 7 In 1976, Barney Register, a McCULLOUGH, William 2, 4, 6, 7, RUSSEL, John 6 member of the PARALYZED 9, 10 RYAN, John 3 VETERANS OF AMERICA, asked that McCULLOUGH, William Jackson 10 RYAN, Julia Arthur 5 a lending library of genealogical McCULLOUGH, William S. 2 RYAN, Roland Derick 3 books be created for the McCULLOUGH, 7.11illiam Steele 4 RYAN, Steven Ridge 3 handicapped. McCULLOUGH, William Todd 10 RYAN, Theresa Elise (McCullough) McCULLOUGHl Willia 1 3 Requests were sent out to book McCULLOUGH, Zella (Cox) 3 publishers and genealogists for McCULLY, Catharine ( } 1 McCULLY, Catherine = McCULLY, Elizabeth 1 McCULLY, James 4 McCULLY, Jane 1 McCULLY, John 1 McCULLY, Lydia 9 McCULLY, Robert Ferguson 4 McCULLY, Samu'1 1 McCULLY, William 1 McDMIELL, Robert 9 McGEE (McGehee), Esther 9 MCGEE, Katherine 10 MCGEE, Peggy 10 McGEHEE (see MCGEE) 6, 9 McGHEr 6 McLOWELL, Robert 9 McMILLEN, Billie Dee 3 McMILLEN, Candice Ann 3 McMILLEN, Joan Marie (McCullough 3 McMILLEN, Mathew 3 McMILLEN, Sean 3 McMILLEN, William J. 3 McMULLEN, Clara Mae (McCullough) 7 McMULLEN, Pratt 7 McMURPHY, Col. 7, $, 9 MAGEE, Esther F, 7, 9 MAGES, Katherine 7 MAGEE, Katherine (Katy) 7, 9 MAGEE, Margaret (Peg ) 7, 9 MAGEE, Martha (Patsyg 7 MAGEE, Patrick 7, 89 9 MAGEE, Rosanna (McCullar) 7,$,9 MARSHALL, Ma r9y (Polly)(McCullar) MARSHALL, Mary (Polly)(McCul— lough) 10 MARSHALL, Matthew 79 9, 10 MARTIN, Guy W. 4 MARTIN (Capt) James $ - MARTIN, (Capt) John 7, 9 MARTIN, Myra M ( ) 4 MEEK, Nancy 4 MEEKS, Nancy E. 2 MEGAW, Martha 6 MIKESELL, Daniel 6 MIKESELL, Isabel (McCullough) 6 MOORE, Beulah ( ) 7 MOORE, Clarence =. p7,8,9, MOORE, Elizabeth (McCullough) F MOORE, John 6 MOORS, Sarah Jane (McCullough)6 MULLER, Ann Elizabeth 3 MULLER, Anthony John 3. MULLER, Kathleen Sue (McCullough MULLER, Michael Anthony 3 MURRAY, Mary (Mollie) Etta 7 NEWELL, Joseph 1 NEWELL, Tabatha (McColloch) 1 NIXON, Mittie 10 NOBLE, Marie 4 OHMAN, Ed 3 OHMAN, Joan (McCullough) OWEN, Julia 7 PACE, L. D. 9 PEGUES, Rebecca Ann 7 PETTY, Jemima 2 PHILLIPS, Mrs. Rosa S. 4 PRIDGEN, Carl C. 3 PRIDGEN, Jeanie Marie 3 PRIDGEN, Judith Ann (McCullough) PRIDGEN, Lynn 3 PYLES, Benjamin L. 4 SANDERS, Bertie (McCullar) 7 SANDERS, Clyde 7 SANDERS, Frankie Dee 7 SHIN, David 2 SHIN, Sarah ( ) 2 SIMERAL, AmanTa S. 6 SIMPSON, Hetty 6 SISKMAN, Alma L. (McCullough) SISKMAN, Ivan H. 2 SMITH, Elizabeth 6 SMITH, William G. 2 SMYTH, John E. 2 SMYTH, Mary Drennan (McCullou 2 SOWNER, Candice Ann (McMillen SOWNER, Michal 3 STEELE, Martha 4 STEENBERGEN, Charlotte (McCul loch) 5 STEENBERGEN, Eliza 5 STEENBERGEN, John Wm. 5 STEENBERGEN, Mary E. 5 STEENBERGEN, Sarah Eliza (Van. Meter) 5 STEENBERGEN, William E. 5 STEPHENS, Nola 10 STILL, Della 10 STRONG, Mary 6 free copies of books, magazines, i and pamphlets, and during 1977, over 3,000 items were donated. These are being made ready to lend to those who are visually handicapped, hearing impaired, or physically handicapped: (1) in 2 wheelchairs, (2) on crutches, braces, or a walker, or (3) home- bound because of accident, ill- ness, or old age. eh) Information has been sent out on this service, and a catalog )3 of books is being prepared. GLB FINISHES GREAT YEAR 1977 was a sensational year for the GENEALOGICAL LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED, INC. Here were some of the highlights: TENERY, Joseph 1 TENERY Zillah (McColloch) 1 THOMPS6N, Bertha 2 TIDWELL, Ionia Adaline (McCull— ough) 10 TIDWELL, Lavicia 10 TIDWELL, Lewis 10 TIDWELL, Lorenzo 10 TIDWELL, Sarah (McCullough) 10 TIMMERMAN, Mrs. Mabel Glenn 2,5 TODD, Ann Eliza 10 TYLER, John 10 TYLER, Julia ( ) 10 VAHN, Sara 2 VAN METER, Sarah Eliza 5 VARNER, Mary 10 VAUGHAN, Ann Louisa (McCullough) 4 VAUGHAN, Charles A. 4 VAUGHAN,_Luticia (Tish),(Carns).: VAUGHAN, Sterling 4 WALLACE, William F WATT, Adrian 2 WATT, Elizabeth 2 WATT, Ruth (Hart) 2 WAYNE, Gen'l 7, $, 9 WEITZEL, Mary Charlotte 5 WELCH, Jane 6 WELLS, Anne 6 WESTFALL, Elza 2 WHAN, Sarah 6 WHITEHEAD, Jennie Ann 3 WILLIAMS, Corrine 7 WILLIAMSON, General $ WILLIAMSON, J. J. 10 WILLIAMSON Katherine Josephine McCullough) 10 WILSON, Douglas 8 WILSON, Jensie 10 WILSON, Martha (McCullar) 8 19ILSON, Sara 3 WILSON, William 4 WIRTH, Therese Marie 2, 3 WISDOM, W iliam S. 9 WISDOM, S. 8 WOODS; Jennie (Jane)(McCullir) 7, 9 WOODS.9 Jennie (McCulloch) 9 WOODS, Jennie (McCullough) 10 WOODS, John 7, 99 10 ISoring, Pat Glassman edited .THE ECLECTIC COOKBOOK, a book ,,with 500 recipes. This was ,published as a fund raising venture for the Library, and 'last year, over 400 cookbooks ,were sold. The money was used to buy a -Smith Corona large iprint typewriter for the Library. These cookbooks are !still for sale, at $4.00 each. March: Dr. Constance G. Fraze from Rutgers university came and demonstrated how to write a grant proposal. She also suggested the idea of a !National Center. This idea has `been enlarged upon, and plans fare underway to build a combi- nation hotel -genealogical library for the blind, deaf, 'and physically handicapped in Atlanta, Ga., in 1981. THE GIB VOLUNTEERS 6 C � The GLB VOLUNTEERS, a group of ladies who meet every Friday to perform clerical work for the Library, was organized on Sep 2, 1977. Elected as president was Marilyn Lambert, and as secretary, Bonnie Pendleton. From September to December, the VOLUNTEERS donated over 400 hours, doing such things as cataloging books, folding letters, addressing envelopes, writing receipts for books and money, etc. By the end of 1977, they had processed over 15,000 items. The original group consisted of Marilyn Lambert, Bonnie Pendleton, Jane Scott, Debbie Westlake, Barbara Oakley, Sally Ethier, Janet Himmighoefer, Janet Lively, Betty Dobyns, Wilda Rainwater, Lila Prestwich, Charlotte Soltau, Jeanne Guinn, and Camille Robinson. A)WORr- R-ArAsje- ,9oWA7Y Yq M,ACKULLOUCH U s• P"cCoiy Macolo he t�acCu Maclu].li g loch, *6+� e Hullie ♦ Maccullie rtc AICC MIHulagh /9 m !fa McColla °lloch ��� � Spellings v� t�='Coulaghe ccu1lO 1�1'Orriache �'fcC�lick r4cCullie McCollom L%takcullocht ricKulloch McKowloch `,•icCullock P.acoulie M"Kulagh XacLulli 1 akco•I ► •11och McCulloch maclullich d 1.1, C to c % �IacCullough Mc`Coulach Uullough I,I' Ala ch Mcculloh Makawllauch ftcCollough �••acculloch y McCull MIKowloche t+akhulagh VOLUME III NUAI ER 4 , TUJV Pub. from time to time by W. R. (Bill) YAR�VOOD, 1250 N. State College Blvd., Space 31, Anaheim, California 92806 Ph. 714-95f--530$ To continue the information furnished by Willis G.•CORBITT that was started last time. Ray McCULLOUGH Married Irene DOOL, Nov. 21, 1941. The wedding was in the home of the bride's parents, Mr4 Mrs. Will DOOL. They moved to Drumholler for a few years where Carol and Dean were born. In 1944 they bought N.E. 32-40-27 from the Royal Trust Co. This land had been owned -by Dave HODGE, who had willed it to an only relative, James McHARGE, who lived at -Newcastle -on -the - Tyne. The McCULLOUGHs moved in during the summer of 1945. A road had to be bulldozed through the trees to get to the house and well on the place. It had been so long since people lived there that the trail had been grown over with trees. They built their present house where the homestead shack had been. Five more children were born vrhile they lived in Spruceville: UTally, Dixie, Vincent, Bonnie Lou, and Kelly. They lived on the farm until New Years 194Q, when they moved to Coronation, where they still reside. The family: Carol married Bob MURRAY of Ontario in 1942, and resides at Brooks; Dean married Beth PODESTRA of Red Cliff in 1965; Wally married Rose JAFFRAY of Bentlev in 1949; both families are at Coronation. Dixie married Ed McNAUGHT of Bentley in 1948, and thev live on the home place in Spruceville; Vincent at Coronation; Bonnie Lou married Bob OSETSKY of Coronation and they reside there. Kelly is at home going to school. The McCULLOUGHs still own their farm at Spruceville, and Carol, Dean and Wally attended school there. S. E. 4-34-39-27 144th - James Grant McCULLOUGH - by R. G. McCULLOUGH. James McCULLOUGH landed in Blackfalds in October 1909 and purchased this quarter which was registered as James THORPE.being the original owner. In 1910 Mrs. Gilla Anthis McCULLOUGH and family of five ioined him. They were fortunate in having a frame house. Their farming equipment consisted of a walking plow, six-foot binder and seed drill. There was an epidemic of scarlet fever that year and four of their children were very ill with it. Mr. McCULLOUGH bought his first Aberdeen -Angus bull when he traded land in 1909. In 1912 he purchased his first Aberdeen -Angus cows from which he built up his herd. In 1918 he sold this farm, but his son continued with the herd and is still living in the Haynes district, south of Clive. Their children were: Glenn, Greta, Ronald, Hugh and Eileen. From: '"flagon Trails to Hart Top. History of Lacombe Co., Alberta, Canada" 1972. pp 572 & 573. From: Bulletin: Southern California Genealogical Society, Inc., P. 0. Box 7,445 Bixby Station, Long Beach, California 90807 (Marge FAHY furnished the information) There is a newly formed Genealogical Society - the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, P. 0. Box 13006, T Street Station, Washington, D.C. 20009. They will publish a iournal and newsletter. The president? James Dent :TALKER. "My friend A. Maxim COPPAGE, 1356 Elderberry Drive, Concord, California is the new editor of the Genealogical Section of the Virginia Gazette. He can always use aueries on Virginia families. Please type or hand letter and capitalize all surnames. This service is free. The Virginia Gazette was founded by William PARKS August 6, 173A. "Max is also president of the new Contra Costa County Genealogical Society, P. 0. -ox 010, Concord, California 94522. They publish a newsletter, Diablo Descendants. Starting this spri.na, Max will be the new Genealogical Editor of The Highlander, a Scottish publication. Write to Max for information on this publication. I know you are retired, Max, but what are you going to do in your snare time?", Froin her Reading - "Scotland - Caledonia - a Celtic word meaning either 'Tien of the ?Moods" o -I'Ven of the Thistle." About 400 A.D. the Norsemen swept the seaboard, holding Orkney, Shetland, and Hebrides Islands. About 500 A.D. the Irish sent forth invaders, and these aggressors were called Scots. They landed on the west coast of Caledonia and drove the Picts to the east. It was from Ireland that Scotland derived her religion. In 563 A.D. the Celtic Saint Columba founded a monastery on the island of Iona which became a center of missionary enterprise throughout the whole of northern Britain." / QUERY: Alameda McCOLLOUGH 7605 E. 900 S., Lafayette, Indiana 47905 would like information about Joseph McCOLLOUGH, b 1750 where ?). - QUERY: Mrs. Gilbert GROEPER, 232 Midland Dr., ?fright City, Missouri 43300 wonders if anvone has ever recorded the old cemetery south of Clifton Hill, Missouri where John & dane,(Ferris) McCULLOCH/McCULLY are buried. Also, she would like to have a copy of "History of the McCully Family" by Dr. John McCiTLLY. Does anyone have a copy available for her? ----- -------------------------- - QUERY: Mrs. John W. SHOAFF, Molt, Montana 59057 desires information about: George McCULLOUGH, blacksmith, b 17A1, Newcastle Co., Delaware - married who9 - d when 9 - his son, Also George McCULLOUGH, b 179A, Wilmington, Delaware, m Eliza Jane McMINN. Both bd at Richmond, Indiana. 2:' co U � CVolo. 77 A. J u v T717 - Mrs. Charles D. TOWNSEND, who with her husband publishes Car -Del Scribe - RFD 3, Box 120, Bedford St., Middleboro, Massachusetts 02346 sent the following McCULLOUGH information which she had in some files. They have none in their families. NoMfC6,4Ao&a v, Tqr A. John & Mary (Bukey) McCULLOUGH Mary McCULLOUGH, b 13 Jan 1797, d 24 Au 1$90; m William YOUNG, b 1798, d 1$47 Rufus King YOUNG, b 3 Mar 1$24, d$ May 1$91; m Jane MIERS, b 1$24, d 1920 David William YOUNG, d ae 19 Isaac YOUNG, b 2 Sept 1$19, d 1900; m Mary Melinda HENDERSON, b 1 Oct 18379 Fayette Co., Ohio, d 12 May 1926, Helena, Oklahoma Mary YOUNG m MILLER Hester YOUNG m DURBIN William YOUNG b 1631 i'1901 Lafayette YOUNG m 1834. Also: Alexander McCULLOUGH & Ann Alexander McCULLOUGH, b 7 June 17r7 -, Pelham, Hampshire, Massachusetts, d 15 Mar 183n m 10 Oct 17719 Jennie CRAVIDEN or COWDEN, b 16 Aug 1747, Pelham, Hampshire, Mass. dau of David C011DEN. David McCULLOUGH, b 29 Aug 1772, Pelham. Alexander McCULLOUGH, b 5 June 17749 Pelham. Nancy McCULLOUGH, b 25 Aug 1775, Pelham. Sarah McCULLOUGH, b 11 Sept 177$, Pelham. James McCULLOUGH, b 2 July 17$09 Pelham. Levi McCULLOUGH, b 18 May 17$3, Pelham; d 1876; m 14 July 1$09, Isabella HAMILTON, b 17$2, Pelham, d 20 Aug 1$61. Ann McCULLOUGH, b 2 Nov 1$75, Pelham. Frances McCULLOUGH, b 24 May 17$$, Pelham. Susanna McCULLOUGH, b 25 June 17909 Pelham. Harvey McCULLOUGH, b 20 Aug 1793, Pelham. Mrs. A. Jane PATE, 9#/- Yr=Sr ZA,vcArrrR, Ogio V3170 sent the following information she copied in Perry and Fairfield Counties, Ohio. Perry Co. Ohio Marriages 1818 - 1914 Males 1841 McCOLLOUGH, William & Elizabeth NIXON, Book 2 -3 page 21 1$55 McCOLLOUGH, Samuel & Sarah E. FERGUSON, Book 2 - 3 page 353 1859 McCULLOUGH, John & Ellen F. BEVERLY, Book 4 page 55 1861 McCULLOUGH, William & Mary Jane STORTS, Book 4 page 154 1$76 McCULLOUGH, John Irl. & Jane FOREMAN, Book 5 page 501 1887 McCULLOUGH, Charles L. & Lydia M. McCORMICK, Book 7 page 144 1907 McCULLOUGH, James H. & Grace TILTON, Book 12 page 457 1912 McCOLOUGH, William M. & Rosa DORRAN, Book 13 page 424 1913 McCULLOUGH, James Chauncey & Mable BARE, Book 14 page 39 Females 1821 McCULLOCH, Caty & David HEARING, Book 1 page 29 1$32 McCULLOUGH, Mary & William FISHER, Book 1 page 131 1849 McCOLLOUGH, Jane & Thomas GREAR, Book 2- 3 page 201 1853 McCULLOUGH, Sarah & John LYNCH, Book 2 - 3 page 301 1854 McCULLOUGH, Allie & Peter COYLE, Book 2 - 3 page 322 (may be WITYLE") 1857 McCOLLOUGH, Henrietta & John STOLTZ, Book 2 - 3 page 3$8 1864 McCULLOUGH, Sarah E. & George McCANDLISH, Book 5 page 47 1$70 McCULLOUGH, Ellen & Thomas HAUGHRIN, Book 5 page 137 1$72 McCULLOUGH, Annie & Thomas BLOOMER, Book 5 page 232 1885 McCULLOUGH, Mary & John let. GREELY, Book 7 page 48 1886 McCULLOUGH, Annie M. & Frank B. MURCH, Book? page 101 1$89 McCULLOUGH, Essie & Joseph 7nIE, Book 7 page 333 1890 McCULLOUGH, Jennie & John ERVIN, Book? page 47f, 1892 McCOLLOUGH, Dorothy & George F. STALL, Book 8 page 5 1901 McCULLOUGH, Luana & Olonzo BURGESS, Book 10 page 350 1902 McCULLOUGH, Rutha E. & J. G. THOMPSON, Book 10 page 408 1904 McCULLY, Harriet E. & Edward P. CHAPIN, Book 11 page 147 1905 McCULLOUGH, Blanche & William F. PEMBROOK, Book 12 page 208 1908 McCULLOUGH, Ida May & John B. SHA119 Book 12 page 424 1914 McCULLOUGH, Nota & John GRANDY, Book 14 page 183 Perry Co. Ohio Deaths, 1867 - ? ton p. Name sex col. 87) McCULLAH, Sarah R. F W (88) McCULLOCK, F W (89) McCULLOUGH, Florence F W (90) Martha F W (1) Mary F W (2) Mirriam F W (3 ) Robert M 117 ( 4) William M SSI (5 ) McCULLUM, Martha E. F t"T place place cause and date age died born Occ death ledger Ree.# S 5/12/76 15-4- - Muskingum - Lightning 1-114 - Co. S 102 52 Shawnee - - Paralysis 3-171 - S8/13/80 3-9-4 Saltlick Meigs Co. - Measles 1-194 24 W 8/17/27 93-5-8 Madison Ohio Housekeep. Chronic - 32n Twp. Myocarditis M 11/11/80 59-9-24 Monday Fairfield - Pneumonia 1-172 12 Creek Twp. Co. S 7/30/80 1-6-13 Saltlick Athens Inflammation 1-194 25 Twp. Co. - Lungs M 1/12/09 83 New Lex- Ireland Minister Senilitv & - 3 ington, 0. Inanition M 6/4/07 46-2-13 Car- Henry Co. Miner La Grippe 3-172 - rington Ohio W $/29/37 92-6-13 Pike Ohio Retired Infirmities _-___ 251 Twp. due to,age Index to Naturalization Records: McCULLOUGH, Pa:,trick Vol. "IA Page 376 Minor 9 Oct 1882 Scotland came to U.S. 2 Yov 1874 under the age of eighteen years; that he is twenty one years of age and upvrards. Patrickmhi PAcCULLOUGH Peter & John DORRAN witnesses for Patrick McCULLOUGH resides at Cornine, Ohio.------ -- marriage Records, Fairfield Co., Ohio, 1803 - 18A5 Men MCCALLA, James m CARNES, Eliza Jane, April 28, 1859, Thomas DRAKE M.G. MCCALLA, Andrew m LE -IIS, Rebecca, Jan. 2, 1804.0 Abram WRIGHT, J.P. McCALLA, Edward, m NELSON, Eleno r, Dec. 19, 18039 Abraham WRIGHT, J.P. MCCALLA, Edward m PERSLEY, Susan, Oct. 8, 1829, Daniel SMUTHERS, J.P. MCCOLLAM, Ira m. BEACH, Mary, July 27, 18269 John MOSS, J.P. McCOLLUM, Ansel m SWEZY, Abagail, Nov. 26, 1833, Thomas SIMMS, J.P. Women hicCOLLUM, John m LYONS, Ann, Sept 11, 1832, George WEISS, M.G. MCCALLA, Elizabeth m PUMPHREY, James, Feb. 24., 1859, M. Z. ROSS, M.G. McCALLAS, Polly, m DATION, Amos, Feb 21, 1803, Abrm. WRIGHT, J.P. McCULLOUGH, Ann m ROACH, Lorence,May 9, 1859, H. LANGF9 MX.•, McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth m METEER, James N., Sept 21, 1854, John McELROY, M.G. McCULLOUGH, Jane m MARTIN, William H., Apt (sic) 2, 18(-39 J. W. BUCHANAN, M.G. MCCULLUM, Rebecca m CLINGER, Jacob, Oct. 13, 1833, Thomas SIMMS, J.P. Tne wt6T viXUINIA ECHOER, Vol 11, No. 3, 1 May 1978 had an article "Notes on Gist & Howard" The first paragraph is: "Joseph GIST b 1738; d Brooke Co., 1814. He lived on Buffalo Creek where he got land from George McCULLOCK. He m Elizabethb 1742, dau. of John ELDER & Jemima DORSEY. Their 13 ch. were: John Elder, b r7_61- Cornelius Howard b 17709 d 1830; William b 1772/3; Violetta b 1772; Eliz.Ann b 1774; Owen b 1779; James b 1780; George & Samuel." A clue for descendants of George. The Heritage Library in Glendale, Calif., run by the Sons of the Revolution (not SAR) and the Genealogical Society of Southern California has a volume SOUTHERN FAMILIES which is composed of articles from "The Lookout", a magazine published in Chattanooga in the '30 s. The following was published October 4, 1930. Nothing particular about McCullough's, but I find it interesting. KINGS MOUNTAIN CELEBRATION The hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Kings Mountain was celebrated Tuesday October 7. Scores of famous personages were present. The President of the United States delivered the chief address and thirteen Governors of as many states attended the ceremonies. The occasion honored the Mountain Men who fearlessly and voluntarily assumed the responsibility of freeing the South from British oppression. The success of the battle led directly to the success of American Arms and the Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. On the day of the sesquicentennial celebration of the battle of Kings Mountain, the people of the United States honored too, the memory of the brave foe. A handsome monument, the gift of R.E. SCROGGINS of Charlotte, N.C. will replace the simple granite marker which has stood for years above the grave of Colonel Patrick FERGUSON, commander of the Loyalist and British forces in the battle. Colonel FERGUSON, a Scotchman, was one of Lord CORNWALLIS, most valued officers and had been delegated to organize the Tories in North and South Carolina and to train them for the King,s service. He had won the respect of his superior officers for his bravery as a soldier, and his military record was one that might have been envied by many an older man.. It eras due in part to a Georgian, Col. Elijah CLARKE that FERGUSON lost his life at Kings Mountain. Colonel CLARKE was a bold rebel who had annoyed FERGUSON excessively in South Carolina, and the British officer was loathe to retreat to the shelter of Cornwallis' army at Charlotte without capturing him. But his hopes for further military honors were in vain. After a brave' and determined fight in which he was surrounded on all sides by men resolved to conouer or die, Colonel FERGUSON realized that the battle was lost and attempted to dash through the American lines and escape. He fell pierced by hailf a dozen bullets from the rifles of the American "mountain men". His terrified charger, riderless, rushed on down the hill. The fallen commander's sword was broken; his silver whistle, whose shrill blasts had again and again summoned his soldiers to rally and defend themselves, fell from his pocket. FERGUSON died a few minutes later, and was buried, not in his brilliant uniform, but in a raw beef hide. His grave, in a peaceful crooded ravine on Kings Mountain battle ground, is marked by a cairn, to which many visitors have added stones, following an old Scottish custom. The site of the battle is one of a series of hills called the Kings Mountain Range in the Piedmont section of North and South Carolina. Col. FERGUSON, disturbed by reports of the advancing army of mountaineers,. who had left, their homes in Western North Carolina with the specific purpose of defeating him and his armv of Tory recruits, selected the hill as a strategic point of defense, and is said to have boasted that "all the rebels in hell" could not dislodge him. He might easily have joined CORN1,17ALLI1 in Charlotte only 27 miles away, but trusting to his position he merely sent messages to Charlotte asking for reinforcements. One messenger was intercepted, another reached Charlotte on the morning_ of October 7, too late to be of aid. The "yelling boys" - so called from their habit of entering battle with hair-raising Indian war whoops - were heartily dreaded by the British who had suffered previously at their hands in several engagements in South Carolina during the summer of 1790. They wore huntine shirts, coon- skin caps and leather leggins; and they were armed with Decherd rifles which they had learned to shoot with deadly aim. Their marksmanship was worthy of an encounter with FERGUSON, who was con- sidered the best shot in the British army and who vss the inventor of a remarkable breech-loadinP rifle. A threat made by Colonel FERGUSON was responsible for the gathering of the mountain men who defeated him and killed him at Kings Mountain. FERGUSON paroled a distant relative of Colonel Isaac SHELBY and sent a messaee to the officers on the Watauga, Nolichucky and Holston Rivers that if they did not desist from their opposition to the British arms he would march his army over the mountains, hang their leaders and lay their country waste with fire and sword. The message was delivered. Col. SHELBY immediately went to Col. John SF.ir, intrepid pioneer and the famous Indian fighter of his day, and proposed a march across the mountains to annihilate FERGUSON. These officers also persuaded Co. William CAMPBELL of Virginia to aid in the expedition which was financed by the leaders themselves. The Army of mountaineers - each man �•rith his rifle, drinking cup and scanty provisions of parched corn, set out from Sycamore Flats, near Roan Mount- ain, September 25, 1780. They were joined by the forces of McDOI.ELL, COUP,LAND, and TINSTON in Burke County, N.C. and several days later by small bands from the Piedmont section of the Carolinas and by a few of Noah CLARKE's Georgians, command by Major William CANDLER. Altogether the patriot army numbered 1,100 men. Col. CAMPBELL the Virginian, was chosen as leader, to act rrith the consent of the other officers. The British force under Col. FERGUSON was composed of approximately 2on regulars and 800 Tories who had been trained by FERGUSON in South Carolina. The patriots marched all night October (-, through a hard rain. They were taking no chances MCCULLOUGH MOS Volo. 4 D. 4 Ju v of FERGUSON escaping. At Coupens they forced a good Tory to entertain them, and killed several of his fat beeves for a hasty supper. Immediately after supper the march was continued. Coats and blankets were wrapped around rifles to keep the priming dry. About 900 of the less weary horses were selected to press forward faster, while the others followed as best thev could. " At noon October 71 the patriots learned that FERGUSON had posted hiinself on Kings Moun- tain. The leaders held a hasty conference on horseback, planning to surround the mountain. The weary men who had rested only one hour in the last 34, pulled corn from the fields for a midday meal. The march was then silently continued, no talking was allowed and the rain had wet the fallen leaves so that the horses' hoofs made no noise. Leaving their horses in charge of a few men the voltiinteer American army received the final order - to go into battle resolved to fight until they won, or died. FERGUSON's Rangers composed for the most part of British soldiers, charmed CArAPBFLL's men with bayonets. The mountaineers who were armed only with rifles, fell back before the bayonets, but as the Rangers turned to reascend the hill their opponents rallied and poured a devastating fire into their ranks. Bullets shot down a hillside veer upward (My Note: (wry) They do not actually "veer upward" but rather do not fall as rapidly compared to the line of sight as on level ground. Shooting up a hill, you are also liable to undershoot due to the difference between the drop of the bullet and the line of sight.wry) and ma�r t e Loyalists' shots passed harmlessly over the heads of the mountaineers. To make matt ex's� r the British, every man on the bare hilltop was a target, and the patriots aimed at them from behind trees and stones on the mountainside. Three times the British bayonet drive repuls d CAMPBF.LL's men, and each time they reassembled to renew the fight. The Tories, ready to give up aised a white flag, which Colonel FERGUSON furiously cut down, refusing to surrender to such "accursed banditti." By this time most of his Rangers were dead, but FERGUSON was too proud to surrender. Realizing that all was lost and dreading to fall into the hands of his enemies, FERGUSON attempted to break through the lines and escape, but fell mortally wounded. Immediately after his commander's fall, Capt de PEYSTER raised the white flag. Nearly 300 of FERGUSON's men lay dead or mortally wounded, and the rest surrendered to the victors. The American force lost only 28 men. The daringly executed battle had been fought and won in one hour. Prisoners and victors camped. Next day the dead were buried in hastily dug graves on•the battlefield. Wolves which roamed about the thinly settled district soon dug up the graves, and no*ntil 35 years later were the scattered bones collected and reinterred by a survivor of the battle, Dr. William McLEAN, of Gaston County, North Carolina. Fearing that Colonel TARLETON might soon arrive with the aid recuested by FERGUSON, the Whig commanders next day began a hasty march back toward the mountains. The prisoners almost equalled their captors in number. The plan was to take them to Salisbury, N. C. and exchange them for patriots languishing in British prisons. Remembering the summary hangings of many Whims and the broken promises of protection by the British commanders, many of the mountaineers clamored forkevenge. As a warning to British commanders to be more merciful to t'Ihim prisoners, the Kings Mountain commanders formed a court and sentenced 32 of the nore notorious Tories to death. Onlv nine were actually hanged, however. For two days prisoners and captors marched without food except for corn pulled from the fields and eaten raw or scorched over the fire. On the way many of the prisoners escaped; others were paroled the second day after the battle. Only 130 of the 400 prisoners finally reached Salisbury - a fact much lamented by General GREENE when he assumed command of the Continental Army in the South a few months later. News of FERGUSON's defeat was received with great rejoicing by Whig commanders, who had almost lost hope of driving the British from the South. The small Whig forces which had been intimidated by British successes in the Carolinas eagerly began the fight anew. CORN''IALLIS gave orders for immediate retreat into South Carolina, probably fearing that the next move of the mountain men would be against his own army. By retreating from Charlotte, CORITIALLIS abandoned a definite plan for subduing North Carolina and marching on into Virginia to attempt to put doom the reb- ellion in that state. His plans to treat North Carolina and Virginia as he had Georgia and South Carolina were thwarted. Hardy pioneers, untrained in conventional methods of warfare, lacking provisions, uniforms, cannon or orders from the Continental Army, but fired by love of freedom, had turned the tide of the American Revolution. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Betty K. SUMMERS, 1404 Bellaire Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 has sent out the second newsletter of "Clan McCULLOUGH - McCULLOCH". It includes some Indiana marriages, Cemetery, deaths, will book info, some Lincoln Co., Ky land entry, 1790 & 1800 Kentucky Census info, also 1810 Census and Indiana Land Record info. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from"HISTORICAL REGISTER of Officers of the Continental Army during the 'lar of the Revolution, April, 1775, to December, 178311 by Francis B. HEITMAN, pp 3", & 3117 McCOLLOM, Robert, third Lieutenant of Nelson's Independant Pennsylvania Rifle Company, 3nth January 17'j�; resigned 12th July 177A. Name also spelled MCCULLA.! and McCALLUD'. McCULLAM, John (Pa). Ensign 7th Pennsylvania, 13th March, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 25th September, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 22d August, 1778, to lst June, 1779; lst Lieutanant, 11th April 1779; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781; transferred to 2d Pennsvlvania, lst January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died , 1834) McCULLOCH, Thomas (Va). Lieutenant Virginia Riflemen, ;died 12th October, 1780, of wounds received 7th October, 1780, at King's Mountain. McCULLOUGH, James (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 5th Pennsylvania, lst January, 1777; lst Lieutenant, 23d September, 1777; died 15th July, 1782. McCULLOUGH, George (S.C.). Captain South Carolina Militia in 1774. McCULLOUGH, William (Pa). 2d Lieutenant lst Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Campy. July to December177A. McCULLY, George b a). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion 20th March, 1774; 2d Lieutanant, 20th September, 1779; lst Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, lst Januarv, 1777; Captain, 2nth October 1777; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 1793) NOTE: This volume does not have all of the Militia Officers, and may not have all of the Regular officers. wry. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from: "KING'S MOUNTAIN and ITS HEROES: History of the Battle of King's t:ountain, October 7th, 178n, and the Events which Led to it." by Lyman D. DRAPER, LL. D. on P. 304: Colonel SHELBY's regiment no doubt suffered from losses in the action; but the par- ticulars are wanting, save that Captain SHELBY, ''lilliam COX, and :John FAGON were wounded. As SHELBY•s men encountered hard fighting, and t..rere repeatedly charmed doom the mountain, thev must necessarily have lost some of their number, and had more mounded than the three talose names are ..vv V yYv V V 1t t•u:t•ay.r V V 1. 111 11JO . 4 p . 5 JuIv mentioned. Of the Wilkes and Surry men, under CLEVELAND and WINSTON, we have only the names of two men' killed - Thomas BICKNELL, and Daniel SISKE, of Wilkes County; Major LEIIS, Captains LS,71S, 9?,TTTH, and LENOIR, Lieutenants JOHNSON and J. M. St4ITH, Charles CORDON, and John CHILDERS wounded - the latter badly. Where so many officers were disabled,there must have been several others of this gallant regiment killed and wounded. Colonel CAMPBELL's Virginians, who fought so nobly and persistently throughout the action, met with severer losses than any other regiment engaged in this hard day's contest. Of the killed were Captain William EDMONDSON, Lieutenants Reece BOWEN, William BLACKBURN, and Robert �DMOAIDSON, Sr., Ensigns Andrew EDMONDSON, John BEATTIE, James CORRY, Nathaniel GIST, Nathaniel rt EDM; James PHILIPS, and Humberson LYON, and private Henry HENIGAR. Lieutenant Thomas MlCDRYDEN'ULLOCH, and Ensign James LAIRD, who were mortally wounded, died a few daps thereafter. CaptainTmes DYSART, Lieutenants Samuel NEWELL, Robert Edmondson, Jr., and eighteen privates wounded?* of whom were Fredrick FISHER, John SKEGGS, Benoni BANNING, Charles KILGORE, William BULLEN, Leonard NYCE, Israel HAYTER, and William MOORE, who recovered. The names of the other ten disabled Virginians have not been preserved. *Samuel NEWELL's letter to General Francis PRESTON, states that CAMPBELL's regiment had thirty- five killed and wounded. As fourteen were killed including two officers who shortly after died of their wounds, it would leave twenty-one wounded, three of whom were officers. p.406Thomas McCOLLOCH had long been prominent among the border men of Holston. Though onlv a Lieutenant, he commanded a company at King's Mountain, and was mortally wounded in the battle. He died while the army was at WALKER's, on their return march, the twelfth of October, and was buried in Little Britain grave -yard. On the rude stone at his grave is this inscription: "Here lies the body of Lieutenant Thomas McCOLLOCH, belonging to Colonel CAMPBELL's Virginia regiment, who lost his life in, and for the honorable, just, and righteous cause of liberty, in defeating Colonel FERGUSON's infamous company of banditti, at King's Mountain, October seventh, 178x," P•5$2 - Appendix. Certifications (No. 22.) (John McCULLOCH, of Washington Co., Va., certifies:) That though I was applied to by the friends of the late Col. CAMPBELL, to know what I could state in relation to the battle of King's Mountain, I never did subscribe to the certificate which I am told has been published in my name; nor have I seen it, either in writine or in print, and cannot therefore say whether it states the truth or not. I saw Col. CAMPBELL at the enemv's markee, how far it was from there to the place of the surrender, or whether the enemv or some of them might not then be surrendering, I cannot state. P•5$2/3 - Rejoinders to Governor SHELBY. On the appearance of Governor SHELBY's pamphlet publication, in 18239 07m, C. PRESTON replied May tenth, in that year, in the Columbia, S. C. Telescope, making a manly defence. His father, General Francis PRESTON, at the same time, made a reply in the Abingdon, Va., Gazette, bringing forward an explanatory certificate of John McCHLLOCH, stating, in effect,, that zTe as forgotten having made his first certificate when he was induced to give one to Governor SHELBY's agent, denying that he had ever made any statement. P. 584 - more appendix John McCULLOCH, of CAMPBELL's men, in 1813, states: I did not see'Col. CAMPBELL at the commencement of the action; but after the regiment had driven the enemy, and had reached the top of the mountain, I recollect perfectly to have seen him, and the spot where.he was - I saw him nigh one of the enemy's markees on foot, his horse having given out - he was pressing on with all the speed he could towards the enemy - a few minutes before their surrender. ------------------------------------------------ - rHill? PETSEL HARDING, b Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa, 30 Dec 1913; d. heart attack, Chapel C., 21 May 1978; bd. Iowa Cit , Ia., 24 Allay 1978. es his wife, Florence (Yarwood; HARDING, Coralville, Ia.; three sons, Joe R., Chapel ,.C.; Bob, Lakewood, Colo.; & Jim, Canyon City, Colo.; 3 grandchildren; and three sisters; Delma HARDING of Ames, Ia.; Edna JOHNSON of Coralville, Ia.; and Esther HOYT of Indianapolis, Ind. He was a good man. Mrs. Guy M. MORGAN, -2629 E.-29, Des Moines, -Iowa 50317 sent -the followine: - - - - - - - - Tenn. Bible Records, McCOLLOCH Bible Records, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Benjamin b 1789 Anna 1818 Sarah 1790 Sarah 1822 Adelade 1812 Philip Doddridge 1825 Sarah Ellen 1829 Henry 1819 John 1831 Mary E. 1816 Richard 1839 e also sent: istory of Rutherford Co., Tenn. P• 77 Phillip Doddridge McCULLOCH, Jr., b. Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tenn. 23 June 1851, moved with his parents to Trenton, Tenn. soon after birth, practiced law Gibson Co., Tenn. 1872. In Feb 1874 he moved to Marianna, Ark. - Ark. Judge in 1878; d Marianna, Ark. 26 Nov. 1928. _. J. S. McCULLOUGH, 1211 Eastport Ave., Uhrichsville, Ohio 44483 sent the following which -he had xeroxed from a book. The date of the book is not given. HISTORY OF BELMONT AND JEFFERSON COUNTIES, OHIO pp. 134 & 135 THE M'COLLOCH FAMILY Among the earliest settlers in Northwestern Virginia were the VcCOLLOCHs, who emigrated from the south branch of the Potomac., in 1770, and located on the borders of Short creek, a stream which empties into the Ohio river nine miles north of Wheeling creek. The.familv consisted of four brothers. Abraham, George, Samuel and John, and two sisters, one of whom, Elizabeth, was the wife of Ebenezer ZANE, who, with his brothers, Jonathan and Silas, came from the same neighborhood, and settled at the mouth of Wheeling creek. The father of the McCOLLOCHs, whose name was also Samuel, is said to have been sent by the government some time previous with a number of men from Alexandria over the AlleFhenv mountains to Fort Pitt. History only speaks of the settlement of the four sons and two daughters, but the present descendants assert that the father accompanied them down the river with the ZAAn''s it the spring of 1770, and that after settling them upon the ridge borderine on Short creek, he, MCCULLUUUH MEMUS VolO. 4 Juiv with his wife, returned to his native place across the mountains, and after some years was taken off by the yellow fever. Between the two younger brothers of the McCOLLOCH family, Samuel and John, whose daring achievements in Indian warfare fill the pages of history, seem to have existed a more than fraternal intimacy, arising not only from congeniality of disposition, but from community of interests and pursuits; consequently they were much together, and their history is in some degree blended. Samuel, whose name has been immortalized by his famous leap down an almost perpendicular precipice to escape the Indians on the 2d of September, 17779 has thereby become the most noted member of the family, in historical annals. At a very early age he distinguished himself as a bold and efficient borderer. As an Indian fighter he had no superior. He seemed to track the wily red man with a saeacity as remarkable as his efforts were successful. He was almost constantly engaged in excursions against the enemy, or "scouting" for the security of the settlements. It was mainly to these energetic operation's that the frontier was so often saved from savage depredation, and by cutting off their retreat, attacking their hunting camps, and annoying them in various other ways, he rendered himself so great an object of fear and hatred. For these they marked him and vowed sleepless vengeance against his name. To many of the savages these brothers were personally known, and were objects of fear and hate. Numerous artifices were employed to capture them; their enemies anticipating, in such an event, the privilege of satiating their vindictive malice, by the infliction of a lingering and cruel death. Of this design, on the part of the Indians, the brothers were aware; and in their almost miraculous preservation, in various contests with them, gratefully acknowledged the interposition of an invisible power in their behalf. In consideration of his many very efficient services, Samuel McCOLLOCH was commissioned Major in 1775. While the enemy was pressing the siege of Wheeling, in 1777, Major Samuel McCOLLOCR, at the head of forty mounted men, from Short creek, made their appearance in front of the fort, the gates of which were joyfully thrown open. Simultaneously with the appearance of McCOLLOCH's men, re -appeared the enemy, and a rush was made to cut off the entrance of some of the party. A11, however, succeeding in getting in except the gallant Major, who, anxious for the safety of his men, held back until his own chance was entirely cut off. Finding himself surrounded by savages, he rode at full speed in the direction of the hill. The enemy, with exulting yells, followed close in pursuit, not doubting they would capture one whom of all other men, they preferred to wreak their vengeance upon. The Indians drove the gallant Major to the summit of a lofty hill, which overhangs the present city of T,lheeling. Know- ing their relentless hostility toward himself, he strained every muscle of his noble steed to gain the summit, and then escape along the brow in the direction of VAN METRF1 s fort. At length - he attained the top, and galloping ahead of his pursuers, rejoiced at his lucky escape. As he gained a point on the hill near where the Cumberland Road now crosses, what should he suddenly encounter but a considerable body of Indians, who wercjust returning from a plundering excursion among the -settlements. In an instant, he comprehended the full extent of his danger. Escape seemed out of the question, either in the direction of Short creek or back to the bottom. A fierce and revengeful toe completely hemmed him in,.cutting off every chance of successful retreat or escape. What was to be done? Fall into their hands, and share the most refined torture savage ineenuity could invent? That thought was agony, and in an instant the bold soldier, preferring death among the rocks and bramble to the knife and fagot of the savage, determined to plunge over the prec- ipice before him. Without a moment's hesitation, for the savages were pressing upon him, he firmly adjusted himself in the saddle, grasped securely the bridle with his left hand; and supportine his rifle in the -right, pushed his unfaltering old horse over; A plunge, a crash - crackling timber and tumbling rocks were all that the wondering savages could see or hear. They looked chagrined but bewildered, one at another; and while they inwardly regretted that the fire had been spared its duty,they could not.but greatly rejoice that their most inveterate enemy was at length beyond the power of doing further injury. But, lo: ere a single savage had recovered from his amazement, what should they see but the invulnerable Major on his white steed, galloping across the peninsula. Such was the feat of Major McCOLLOCH, certainly one of the most daring and successful ever attempted. The place has become memorable as McCOLLOCH's Leap, and 'rill remain, so long as the hill stands, and the recollections of the past have a place in the hearts of the people. . . . It is to us a matter of great regret, that more of the stirring incidents in this man's life have not been collected and preserved. We have heard of many daring feats of personal prowess, but they come to us in such a mixed and unsatisfactory form, as to render their publications, at this time, unsafe. In the spring of 17829 General IRVINE called a convention of the lieutenants of the several counties and the principal field officers of the militia, as well as citizens of note, in the Western Department, for the purpose of devising means for the defense of the border. The con- vention met on the 5th of April, and we find the names of Major Samuel McCOLLOCH and David SHEPHERD, as the representatives bf Ohio county, Va. From the year 1777 to 17829 Major Samuel McCOLLOCF/ ommanded at Fort Van Meter, styled the "Court House Fort," from the circumstance of the first civil court in Northwestern Virginia being held in it immediately after the organization and separation of Ohio county from "Test Augusta. This fort was one of the first erected in this part of Virginia, and stood on the north side of Short creek, about five miles from its confluence with the Ohio river. During many consecutive summers the inhabitants of the adjacent neighborhood sought security from the tom- ahawk and scalping -knife of the merciless aborigines within its palisades; agricultural labor being performed by companies, each member of which wrought with one hand irhile the other grasped a weapon of defence. On the 30th July 1782, arrangements were made by the inmates of the fort for the performance of field labor. To the commander and his brother, John, was assigned the dana_erous duty of reconnoitering the oaths leading from the river, to ascertain, if possible, whether there were any Indians lurking in the vicinity. Leaving early in the morning, in the discharge of their mission, after proceeding some distance, the former, impelled perhaps by a sudden premonition of the tragic fate which befell him, returned, and depositing with the wife of his brother John, his watch and several other articles, gave directions as to their disposition, in the event of his not returning, and, leaving a kindly message for his youthful bride, soon re4oined his won- dering companion. They traversed the path lying along the south bank of the creek till within a short distance of its junction with the Ohio, where they crossed, and followed the direction of the river to the Beech bottom, a distance of three miles, when,perceiving no indications of an enemv,they retraced their steps to the mouth of the creek, a short distance above which they ascended a steep and rugged eminence, well known in the neighborhood by the significant cognomen of "GIRTY's Point." The notorious renegade, Simon GIRTv, having on several occasions, when conducting parties of Indians into the settlement, with difficulty escaped capture by the infuriated whites by a rapid flight over the craggy and precipitous path. MCCUEOUGH Vol =No. . 778 JUT71 Congratulating themselves on the absence of immediate dancer, the brothers pursued their course in the direction of the fort, on the summit of the elevated ridge risine abruptly from the northern bank of the creek, and had arrived at the termination of a deep ravine which made up from•the stream - John being somewhat in advance of his brother, and riding round the top of a large tree which had fallen across the way - when a low, half -suppressed growl, from a well-trained huntine dog which accompanied them arrested their attention. No time, however, intervened for scrutinizine the cause; a volley of bullets from an invisible foe revealed it. On reaching the path John turned.to look for his companion, whose bleeding form, with feelings of unutterable aneuish, he beheld falling from his horse, and, ere it reached the earth, a stalwart savage sprang from his covert, tomahawk and scalping -knife in hand, with which to complete the bloody traeedv and secure a trophy of victory. While the exulting victor was in the act of scalpine his victim the vounQer brother, with a frenzied resolution, suddenly wheeled his horse and, amid a shower of balls, elevating his rifle, quickly sent the swift messenger of death to the heart of the murderer, whom he had the exquisite gratification of seeing spring into the air, then fall to rise no more. Having performed this feat, he, as fast as possible, his enraged enemies in full pursuit, their balls perforating his hat and hunting -shirt, made his way down the ravine and soon readhed the fort in safety, his brother's horse closely following him. The next morning a party from the fort, proceeded to the spot where the saneuinary deed had been perpetrated, and found the mutilated remains of their beloved commander. The Indians, influenced no doubt, by that species of hero-worship, inherent in their nature, causing an un- doubted admiration of personal valor, had•abstracted the heart of their victim;_which, it was afterward learned, from one belonging'to the party, had been eaten by them; a practice in which they occasionally indulged. PARKMAN, who was well acouainted with their habits, says: "The Indians, though not habitual cannibals, some times, eat portions of the bodies of their enemies, superstitiously believing that their own courage and hardihood will be increased thereby." This fatal rencounter was, doubtless,, instrumental in the salvation of the lives of all in the fort; it being subsequently ascertained that the party committing the murderous act, con- sisted of upwards of one hundred warriors, en route to attack.it. After -the escape of the sur- viving brother, aware that notice of their propinquity would be given, and immediate pursuit made, they hastily retreated to their towns west of the Ohio. The remains of Major Samuel McCOLLOCH were in terred in Fort Van Meter; but not unwept nor unhonored. There were present very many who knew and appreciated the sterling ;worth of the forest soldier, and by whom the memory of his noble qualities and tragic fate was lone cherished; and to this day, in the vicinity where the circumstances transpired, the name and fate of the hero are as familiar as household words. Major McCOLLOCH had married a Miss MITCHELL only six months before his death. His widow afterward married Andrew WOODS. The place where this fatal disaster occurred, was on the farm now owned by .Tames 'TDGFLY, on the road known as GIRTY's point road, about two miles from the mouth of Short creek, Brooke county. His remains were interred near Fort Van Metre, where rest many of the patriots and pioneers of the land. No stone or monument has ever been erected, by their unappreciative descendants, to mark the last resting place of these noble men. Even the trees which were wont to smile upon their graves were not suffered to stand and tell to future generations where their ashes rest. ABRAM M'COLLOCH Abram McCOLLOCH, brother of Major Samuel, figured quite extensively in the early history of Richland district as it is now called, having engaged to -some extent as a scout among the Indians, by whom he receivedswound in the hip; its effect was prevented from becoming fatal by a book which he carried in his pocket. This happened in early life. He followed farming as an occupation. He married A1cy BOGGS and was the father of eleven children, six sons and five dauehters,of whom one daughter and five sons,are living. JOHN M'COLLOCH succeeded Major Samuel McCOLLOCH, as heir to the estate, married Mary BUKEY and raised a familv of eleven children, two of whom are now (at the time of the book) living. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. J. P. HARDING, 719 Tenth Ave., Coralville, Iowa 52241 sent me a clipping; from the Park County Republican and Fairplay Flume, August 19, 197A about the Monteomery Dam water system for Colorado Springs, Colorado. The article has a map of part of the system, starting at Crystal Creek, going through McCULLOUGH Tunnel to McCULLOUGH Creek - and eventually to Colorado Sprines. There must have been McCULLOUGH's there at one time. Mrs. Howard B. (Eileen M.) KNIPFER, 503 N. Main Street, North Canton, -Ohio 44720 sent me corrections about two items in older MEMOS: Vol #2 issue #4 - July 1977 - p. 81 taken from the Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol ' p 34: The information was furnished by a cousin of hers; Walter ANDERSON; and included some errors. Names of women got mixed and one generation was skipped. Vol III No. 2 - Jan 1978 - the 'dill of James McCULLOUGH of ?Nest Pennsboro Twp, Cumberland Co., Penna omitted the names of two grandchildren - Samuel and James LEMON. her direct lint) She also sent Family ''York Sheets of her family line. They�ollow: James McCULLOCH, d 17$5, Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania; m Elizabeth (possibly LIVINGSTON), b 1733, living 1794. When his farms were sold in 1794, the sons signed as shown: James McCULLOCH, b 17% Cumberland Co., Penna.; m 24 Jan 1790, Deborah FCKLrg *Archibald McCOLLOUGH, b ca 17709 Cumberland Co., Penna; m 20 Jan 1791, Isabella CLFITIDINFF Robert McCOLLOCH, b 1777, Cumberland Co., Penna. Elizabeth McCULLOCH - a deaf-mute - said to be pregnant in 1783• Sarah McCULLOCH; m before 1785, John CHAMBERS. daughter, m b efore 1785, William LEMON; had ch in 1785: Samuel & James LF!OM. daughter, m before 1785, James BOYLE; had ch in 1785; Samuel & James (Jr) BOYLF. his will. There was also a grandchild, Rosanna ADAIR, b 1781, in his household mentioned in Archibald McCOLLOUGH, b ca 1770, Cumberland Co., Penn;t d 1830-1840; m 20 Jan 1791, Cumberland Co., Penna, Isabella CLENDENIN, b ca 1770, Cumberland Co., Penna., d 183-184m, dau of James CLENDENIN and Isabel HUSTON. *James McCULLOUGH, b 5 Nov 1791, Penna., d 5 July *Elizabeth McCULLOUGH, b 1F Jan 1795, Penna, d 27 d 1816; m 2nd 11 Nov 18199 John Livingston Isabel McCULLOUGH, b 2A June 1797, Penna., d 24 MONTGOMERY. Mary Mcc nLOUGH, m HUMPHREY 1873; m 3 June 1813, Mary MACKEY ' Jan 1844; m 1st, 1812, John HUr,977Y, CAr-TBELL, Sr. July 1874; m 4 Sept 1814, Shadrach C Volo• 4 P. a July John Clendenin McCULLOUGH b 7 Feb 18029 Ohio, d 17 Mar 1843; m 9 Apr 1829, Fleanor MARSHALL Samuel Huston McCULLOUGH b 10 Aug 1803, Ohio, d 10 Feb 1853; m 14 June 1831, Mary SPRAY Robert Livingston McCULLOUGH, b 31 Oct 1804, Ohio, d 23 Apr 1858; m 18 Feb 1834, Amanda LENOX (He named a son "Livingston") Angeline McCULLOUGH, b 18139 Harrison Co., Ohio, d 27 July 1889; m, lst, 1829, Chas. MALAHAS; m 2nd, 7/22/18529 Thomas CURTZ Elizabeth McCULLOUGH, b 16 Jan 1795, Penna, d 27 Jan 180;0;, Anglaize Co., Ohio, bd Scotts Chapel Cem.,Anglaize Co.; m 1st, 1812, John HUGHEY, d 1814; m 2nd, 11 Nov 1819, Miami Co., Ohio,John Livingston CAMPBELL (sr), b 1779, Ireland, d 5 Sept 18599 Anglaize Co., Ohio, bd Scotts Chapel Cemetery. William HUGHEY, b 1813, d Jan 1816. Jane HUGHEY, b 16 Dec 18159 d 20 Sept 1842; m 23 Feb 1840, James SPRAY Joseph CAMPBELL, b 8 July 18209 Miami Co., Ohio; m 19 Dec 1840, Clarice BRANNAN Isabel CAMPBELL, b 27 Dec 1821, Miami Co., Ohio; d 31 Aug 1843; m 27 Jan 18401 Francis J. HORNER Archibald McCullough CAMPBELL, b 12 Sept 1823, Miami Co., Ohio; m 13 Apr 1848, Julia LONG *John Livingston CAMPBELL (Jr), b 10 June 182!x, Miami Co., Ohio, d 4 Feb 1903; m 29 June 1850, Rachel STILES James Clendenin CAMPBELL, b 27 Mar 1828, Ohio, d 16 Dec 1894; m Minerva RENSHA71T William CAMPBELL, b 15 Nov 1829, Ohio; d 1929; m 14 June 1857, Sarah MCCULLOTTGH (said to be his first cousin.) Rachel Johnston CAMPBELL, b 13 Aug 1831, Ohio d Jan 1838. Elizabeth CAMPBELL, b 1 Oct 1833, Ohio, d 31 �?) June 1913; m 8 May 1853, Thomas TAYLOR Robert Houston CAMPBELL, b 18 Aug 183(1, Ohio, d 12 Dec 1849. Cristofer Columbus CAMPBELL, b 2A May 1838, Ohio, d 24 May 1838. Rachel M. Johnson CAMPBELL, b 27 Dec 1840, Ohio, d (29 Mar 1912/ Dec 1412) ?; m, 15t, 11 Nov 1857, Johri•BAKER; m 2nd, 29 Mar (?), J. S. De WEESE. James McCULLOUGH (also used McCOLLOUGH), b 5 Nov 1791, Penna., d 5 July 18739, Columbiana Co., Ohio, bd. Bethel Presbyterian Cemetery, Columbiana Co., Ohio; m 3 June 1813, f'Test Point, Columbiana Co., Ohio, Mary MACKEY, b 1790, Northumberland Co., Penna, d 14 Jan 1847, .Mayne Twp, Columbiana Co., Ohio, bd Bethel Presbyterian Cemetery, dau of T'lilliam MACK£Y.. *Robert McCULLOUGH, b 29 Apr 18161 Columbiana Co., Ohio, d 18 Apr 1894•; m 1st, 3 Mav 1818, Jane HOEY; m 2nd, Mrs. GILBERT. Archibald McCULLOUGH, b 1818, Columbiana Co., Ohio; m 2 Dec 1841, Isabel T'TITH£RS' Mary McCULLOUGH, b 23 Feb 1820, Columbiana Co., Ohio¢ 24 Sept 1880; m 2 Mar 1838, Andrew J. TODD William McCULLOUGH, b 10 Dec 18219 Columbiana Co., Ohio, d 3 Mar 1853; m 14 Mar 180t Cynthia LENOX Elizabeth J. McCULLOUGH, b 1825, Columbiana Co., Ohio, d 14 Sept 1891; m 19 Dec 1844, William CHAIN. Isabel McCULLOUGH, b 21 July 1825, Columbiana Co., Ohio, d 17 June 1892; unm. Robert McCULLOUGH, b 29 Apr 18169 Columbiana Co., Ohio, d 18 Apr 1894, Turtle Creek Twp., Shelby Co., Ohio, bd Olive Br. Cem., Anglaize Co., Ohio; m 3 May 1838, Columbiana Co., Jane HOEY, b 30 July 1818, Columbiana Co., Ohio, d 11 Jan 1857, Anglaize Co., Ohio, bd Olive Branch Cem., Anglaize Co., Ohio, dau of John HOEY & Mary LITTLE. Robert and 2nd, 5 Dec 18619 Anglaize Co., Ohio, Mrs. Margaret(Downey)GILBERT. Ch. lst. Mary McCULLOUGH, b 19 J une 1840, Columbiana Co., Ohio, d 8 Sept 1840 Susan McCULLOUGH, b 17 Aug 18419 Columbiana Co., Ohio, d Dec 1909; m lst,_1/4/1847, Sam TAYLOR; m 2nd, Sam LONGSWORTH Margaret Jane McCULLOUGH, b 26 Feb 18449 Ohio, d 18 May 1905, m 9/25/1843, Shadrach to Ord) Elizabeth A. Mc ULLOUGH, b 2 Mar 1846, Ohio, d 17 Aug 1849. Sophia McCULLOUGH, 24 Apr 1849, Ohio, d 23 Nov 1920, Kans.; Tom K£THCART *James D. McCULLOUGH, b 4 Sept 1852, Anglaize Co, Ohio, d 25 Oct 1927; m 4 Jan 1877, L. Margaret CAMPBELL. John Marion McCULLOUGH, 27 May 18559 Anglaize Co., Ohio, d 23 Dec 1880;_m Elizabeth CAMPBELL Ch. 2nd Martha Alice McCULLOUGH, b 5 Aug 186, Pusheta Twp., Anglaize Co., Ohio,,d 2 .tune 1041; m Isaac ANDERSON Clark Downey McCULLOUGH, b 13 Jan 1849, Pusheta Twp., Anglaize Co., Ohio, d 20 Mav 1015; m 24 Dec 1891, Sarah Adeline 111EGLEY. "Aunt Alice ANDERSON said this Robert came from Eastern Ohio to Western Ohio because his aunts and uncles were already here. However descendants of those aunts and uncles didn't seem to know of Robert's father." James D. McCULLOUGH, b 4 Sept 1852, Anglaize Co., Ohio, d 25 Oct 1927, Anelaize Co., Ohio, bd Wapakoneta, Ohio, Greenlawn Cemetery; m 4 Jan 1877, Analaize Co., Ohio, (Lydia) Margaret CAMPBELL, b 1 Jan 1859, Anglaize Co., Ohio, d 5 Apr 19499 Anglaize Co., Ohio, bd Greenla%m Cemetery, Wapakoneta, Ohio, dau of John Livingston CAMPBELL (Jr) and Rachel STILES. ("The D doesn't stand for any name. He :lust took it because there were other James McC's in the area. EMK") Rachel McCULLOUGH, b 14 Feb 1879, Anglaize Co., Ohio, d 9 Oct 1898 Etta Jane McCULLOUGH, b 20 May 1883, Anglaize Co., Ohio, d 7 Oct 1948; m 7 Sept 1003, William D. SHAFER *Harry Arlin McCULLOUGH, b 14 Feb 1887, Anglaize Co., Ohio, d 11 Julv 1942; m f- June 1012, Nora C. LINDER Harry Arlin McCULLOUGH, b 14 Feb 1887, Anglaize Co., Ohio, christened methodist, died 11 July 1942, Wapakoneta, Ohio tt bd Greenlawn Cemetery_; m 4 Jule 1912, Sandwich, Ontario, Canada, Claudia Lenore LINDER ?also known as Nora C. LIFUR) b 24 Feb 18¢1, Frevbtire, Anglaize Co., Ohio, christened Catholic, died 14 Sept 1938, t'Tapakoneta, Ohio, bd Oreen- lawn Cemetery, dau of William LINDER and Marguerita SCHNFIDFR. *Eileen McCULLOUGH, b 29 Apr 1913, Ft. ^layne, Indiana; m 2 Yar 1PI&O Howard B KNIPFrR Wanda Jean McCULLOUGH, b 25 Feb 1919, Wapakoneta, Ohio; m 3 Pear 1942, Jacob J . B0�'ST'L Jane Dee McCULLOUGH, b 7 Feb 1922, Wapakoneta, Ohio; m 27 Feb 1945, John rARRPTT c MEMOT -1111o. u v Mrs. E. M. WHITE, 655 Orange Court, Rockledge, Florida 32955 is descended from Samuel Lewis HAYS (Sr.)b 20 Oct 1794, Harrison Co., Va (now w. Va). He left a Bible record eiving his mother's death as 6 Sept 1839 and her name as Elizabeth McColloch HAYS. Her marriage record eives her mother's name as Elizabeth McCOLLOCH and family tradition is that she was closelv related to Major Samuel McCOLLOCH (of leap fame; and named her son after him. Harrison Co. Marriage Bonds, Book 19 page 173, has the marriage bond for John HAYS and Elisabeth McCOLLOUGH - - Mrs. WHITE would appreciate any information about Elizabeth's ancestry. Wisconsin State Genealogical Society Newsletter, -Vol 25 No. 1, -June 197$ - P• 23 - Dane Co. - Index to Persons Buying Land in the Township of Sun Prairie'Directly froin the Federal Government, 1839-1855 Contributed by Lisa SIMON, 181 Audley Dr., Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590 McCOLLOUGH, Ervin R. SA7y$ _.`----------------------- --------- P. Family Heads - —in -1840 in 1$40 Census of Milwaukee County - - - - - - - - - Milwaukee - West Ward McAULEY, Archibald The Scottish Historic & Research Society of the Delaware Valley, Inc. publishes THF RAMPANT LION. It is concerned primarily with news of the Society itself, but also has listines of various Clan Meetings and of Highland Games at different locations, such as Fair Hill, Maryland; Ontario, Canada Montgomery, Alabama; etc. The only ones that might still be of interest are: July 22- Virginia Scottish Games, Alexandria, Virginia Sept 14 - Bucks County Scottish July 29 - Glengarry Games, Maxwell, Ontario CountrQr Fair, Pipersville, July 29,30 - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Pennsylvania Sept 1A - Charleston, S.C. Sept 9 - Li P Bonier, Penna. They also have a quarterly (the ones I have are monthly issues) which I understand has more Genealogical information. Anyone interested in .joining - membership is not limited to the immediate area - can write to: Scottish Historic & Research Society of the Delaware Vallev, Inc.; 2137 MacLarie Lane, Broo,r all,Pennsylvania 19008. I do not know membership fees. E - RY: Mrs. John S. LO?lIERY 209 Noland- Street, Falls -Church, -Virginia 220L4 has found the - QUERY: lineage of Mrs.' -Robert TURNE*ut does not have her current address. It was formerlv 1515 Yeotune Lane, Houston, Texas 77058 - but mail sent there is being returned by the Post Office. Can anyone help?? - Query: Mrs. LOWERY has been doing a great dealof searching at the DAR Library. Thev have a listing of a genealogy by Wallace McCULLOUGH - but the book has disappeared. Does anvone know where a -copy might be? If it available through inter -library loan_ it would be nice_ -- - - 1OTE: If any of you move, please sent me a change of address card. I have had several copies returned by the Post Office, and that was the first T knew abou - -their moves. In most -cases, I never did find out what had happened. PLEASF99 NOTICE: Query having an Indiana connection, limited to 35 words plus sender's name and address. One query per letter, with typed or printed surnames. Query number and approximate date of publication will be sent if SASE enclosed. Send to: INDIANA AAFCESTORS, The Indianapolis - - Star, 307 Forth Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 44204 -- Mr. Dale C. KELLOGG, 221 Lexington Ave., Elyria, Ohio 44035 has put the information on the next page onto maps of Ohio. One has info from 1820 Census Index (3 or more families in a county); and from the 1830 Census in parentheses. The second map shows the same information fr�oom the 1 .50 census, and also. indicates by arrows the direction of movement of families. M`C's-AvrSvEwfvs Miss Ruth INSKEEP, 209 East Chillicothe, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 has submitted four paces of information that are included in here as pages 11 & 12. Mrs. L(XIERY has sent me a bookbf Xeroxed information about McCULLOUGH's various spellines, which will be included in future issues. Fortunately, using the reduction of the tvpinr in the MEMOS, plus the fact that pages xeroxed often include information not pertaining to ticC's, etc. It's entirely possible that her book of 93 pages will noose nearly that much space in the !-11 0S. I'll be including information from other sources also. In line with the increasing cost of postage, I have started investieating "Controlled Circ- ulation" This is an aspect of Third Class, but is cheaper. In this connection, the next issue may be 5� x 8i rather than $A x 11. We'll see how that t -could work out. I'd be typing on remmlar 8. x 11, then putting two alongside each other and reducing. A little more complicated in la•nout than the simple way I'm doing now. from: "TOMBSTONE -INSCRIPTIONS" Vol. I, 19A9, published by Orange Co.Calif. Gen. Society. Magnolia Memorial Park Cemetery, Magnolia Street, Garden Grove, California Copied by Marion R. POOR p. 14 McCOLLUI11 Jean Elizabeth (infant) Jan 24, 1964 McCULLOCH, Ella M. 1860 - 1913 McCULLOCH, Fred Dec 24, 1879 - Dec 2A, 1957 MAcCULLOCH, Maude E. June 10, 1891 - May 15, 1944 McCULLOCH, Lincoln July 18, 1891 - Mar 1L, 1953 The next three pages are full - see above - so will stop now, and do the indexing. Query: '-.Mould like to obtain information recardine the McCGood Hunting, ULLYs (McCu110ugh & various spellin.es) of South Carolina. Especially - Fairfield and Chester Counties. Will be Glad to refund postage. (This would be in the 1700's and 1$00's.) Judy , 392 5. Ventura Ave., Farmersville, California 93223 111 �1 a 0 r, :.1 D m -r m MCCULLOOR MEMUS VOINo. D• Z1 . U Y' .0 m 1I 'd O +3 m �f d• T�J .0bO �O d b tCd r -I OD H 0+' i� � �► Ol AO• ^ +M N A •d Cr/ N O O rd O O"O4f .0 HO 4�J Q 3 N eq cd � H0 im�+i O 2, 0-4 b m+3 1r.• W �1• Vi S 14 All Ai Q ppW•rC to .0 aa� • d 0 Cm O>. 0. O >Or4 A 4mq O'd >' + CO wck d W rj OO'� O C m -P C mx-r0.4 2.9 co IV +, 0-% i. .A ! 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E fr O . i ,rrCt� .rrC-� � PO 4 T01 0 0 1 . a - H 0 42 r-1 .. `t' cn cn :1 � � � ,h '.�N�,' O tests O m r0i r01 ° ° A C07 f.-4 c: 0'-I 0 c) .0 cnn � rH E-�e E � Vi r j a C0'+ � V ci � @ � v? ri 0 w n ,�i M s ri X s» d rWl tJd] y, w ++ d �o '�' Q .. w d �c to o y. °8 m d a� &01 � 00 W 0 a. U ro 0 w 00 +moi 0© rC >lb 0 >, � +' to Amy .H -i 8 ca _EULLOUGH-NU-T-5 V-01.111 110 4 n . 13 u r ADAIR, Rosanna 7 DOOL, Irene 1 ANDERSON, Isaac $ DOOL, Will 1 HUGHEY, *John 7, 8 ANDERSON, Martha.Alice (McCul- DORRAN, John 2 HUGHEY William $ lough) $ DORRAN Peter 2 HULL, Gen) 11-1 ANDERSON, Walter 7 DORRAN, Rosa 2 HUMPHREY, Mary (McCullough) 7 AI+ISLEYHenry C. 12-1 DORSEY, Jemima 3 HUSTON Isabel 7 ANSLEY: Mary (McCulloch) 12-1 DOWNEY, Margaret $ HYCE, �Pvt) Leonard 5 BAKER, John $ DRAKE BAKER, Rachel M. Johnson (Camp- bell) $ BANNING, (Pvt) .Benoni 5 BARE, Mable 2 BEACH, Mary BEATTIE, (Ens3 John 5 BEVERLY, Ellen F. 2 BICKNELL, Thomas 4 BLACKBURN, (Lt) William 5 BLOOMER, Annie (McCullough) 2 BLOODIER, Thomas 2 BOESEL, Jacob J. $ BOESEL, [Wanda Jean (McCullough)8 BOGGS, Alcy 7 BOGGS, John 12-2 BOGGS, Ma y E. 12-1 BO:�WEN, (Lt) Reece 5 BOYLE, James 7 BOYLE, Samuel 7 BRANNAN, Clarice $ BROCK, Gen. 11-2 BUCHANAN, J. s -W. (MG) 3 BUKEY, Mary 29 7 BULLEN, (Pvt) William 5 BURGESS, Alonzo 2 BURGESS, Luana (r..cCullough) 2 , on CAMPBELL, Archibald McCullough 8 CAMPBELL, Clarice (Brannan) $ CAMPBELL, Cristofer Columbus $ CAMPBELL, Elizabeth $ CAMPBELL, Elizabeth (McCullough) (Hughey) 7, $ CAMPBELL, Isabel $ CAMPBELL, James Clenden_in $ CAMPBELL, John Livingston 7, $ CAMPBELL, Joseph $ CAMPBELL, Julia(Long) $ CMAPBELL, Lydia Margaret $ CAMPBELL, Minerva (Renshaw) $ CAMPBELL, Rachel Johnson $ CAMPBELL, Rachel M. Johnson $ CAMPBELL, Rachel (Stiles) $ CAMPBELL, Robert Huston $ CAMPBELL, Sarah (McCullough) $ CAMPBELL, William 3, 4, 5, $ CANDLER, (Maj) William. 3 CARNES, Eliza Jane CHAIN, Elizabeth J. McCullough) CHAIN, William $ CHA-IBERS, John CHAMBERS, Sarah McCulloch) 7 CHAPIN, Edv:ard P. 2 CHAPIN, Harriet E. (McCully) 2 CHILDERS, John 5 CLARKE, Elijah (Col) 3 CLARKS, Noah 3 CLENDENIN, James 7 CLENDENIN, Isabella 7 CLENDENIN, James 7 CLEVELAND 5 CLINGER, Jacob 3 CLINGER, Rebecca (McCullum) 3 COPPAGE, A. Maxim 1 CORBITT, Willis G. 1, 11-2 CORITIALLIS, (Lord) 3, 4 CORRY, (Ens) James 5 COURLAND 3 C174DEN, David 2 COWDEN/CRAWDEN, Jennie 2 CRAWDEN/CO.•WDEN, Jennie 2 COX, !William 4 COYLE, Allie (McCullough) 2 COYLE, Peter 2 CURTZAngeline (McCullough) Nalahas) 8 CURTZ, Thomas $ DATTON, Amos 3 DAY, David S. 12-1 DAY, Maria (t-IcColloch) 12-1 de PEYSTER, (Capt) 4 De 1JEESE, J . S. 8 De WEESE, Rachel M. Johnson (Campbell)(Baker) '$ (MG) 3 DRAPER, Lyman D. 4 DRYDEN, (Ens) Nathaniel 5 DURBIN, Hester (Young) 2 DYSART, (Capt) James 5 ECKLES, Deborah 7 ED14ONDSON, �Ens) Andrew 5 EDMONDSON, Lt) Robert 5 EDMONDSON, (Capt) William ELDER, Elizabeth 3 ELDER, Jemima' ( Dorsey) 3 ELDER, John 3 ERVIN, Jennie (McCullough) ERVIN, John 2 FAGON, John 4 FAHY, Marge 1 FERGUSON, (Col) Patrick 5 FERGUSON, Sarah E. 2 FERRIS, Jane 1 FIDDLER, Permelia 12-2 FISHER, Fredrick 5 FISHER, Mary (McCullough) FISHER, William 2 FOREMAN, Jane 2 GARRETT, Jane Dee (McCullough)8 GARRETT, John $ GARfOOD, John -11-1 GARAIOOD, Levi 11-1 GILBERT, Margaret (Downey) $ GIRTY, Simon F GIST, Cornelius- Howard 3 GIST, Eliz. Ann 3 GIST, Elizabeth (Elder) 3' GIST, George 3 GIST, James 3 GIST, John Elder 3 GIST, Jose5h 3 GIST, (Ens Nathaniel 5 GIST, Owen 3 GIST, Samuel 3 GIST, Violetta 3 GIST, William 3 GORDON, Charles 5 GRANDY, John 2 GRANDY, Nota (McCullough) 2 GREAR, Jane (McCullough) 2 GREAR, Thomas 2 GREELY, John W. 2 GREELY, Ma (McCullough) 2 GREENE (Gen 4 GROEPER, Gilbert 1 HAMILTON, Isabella 2 HARDING, Bob 5 HARDING, Delma 5 HARDING, Florence (Marwood) 5 HARDING, Jim 5 HARDING, Jo Petsel 5 HARDING, Joe R. 5 HAUGHRIN, Ellen (McCullough) 2 HAUGHRIN, Thomas 2 HAYS, Elizabeth (McColloch) 9 HAYS, John 9 HAYS, Samuel Lewis 9 HAPTEN, (Pvt) Israel 5 HEARING, Caty (McCulloch) 2 HEARING, David 2 HEITMAN, Francis B. 4 HENDERSON R.ary Melinda 2 HENIGAR, Kt) Henry 5 HENRY, George 12-2 HENRY, Nancy 12-2 HENRY, Permelia (Fiddler) 12-2 HINCM.IAN, Amy 11-1 HODGE, Dave 1 HOEY, Jane $ HOEY, Join $ HOT• Y, Mary (Little) 8 HORNER, Francis J. $ HORNER, Isabel (Campbell) $ HOYT, Esther (Harding) 5 HUGHEY, Elizabeth 0.-IcCullough)7, HUGHEY, Jane 8 INSKEEP, Abraham 11-1 INSKEEP, Hannah (McCulloch) 11-1 INSKEEP, James 11-1 INSKEEP, Joseph 11-1 INSKEEP, Mary (Pattison) 11-1 INSKEEP, Ruth 9, 11-1 INSKEEP, Sarah (Vause) 11-1 IRVINE, (Gen) A JAFFRAY, Rose 1 JOHNSON, (Lt) 5 JOHNSON, Edna (Harding) 5 KELLOGG, Dale C. 9 KENTON, Mary Ann (L,!cColloch)12-2 KENTON, Miller 12-2 KENTON, Simon 12-2 KENTON, William M. 12-2 KETHCART, Sophia (McCullough) $ KETHCART, Tom $ KNIPFER, Eileen (McCullough) $ KNIPFERHoward B. 7, $ KILGORE: (Pvt) Charles 5 LAIRD, (Ens) James 5 LANGE, H. (MG) 3 LEMON, James 7 LEMON, Samuel 7 LEMON, William 7 LENOIR, (Capt) 5 LENOX, Amanda $ LENOX, Cynthia $ LEL•WIS 9 5 LEXIS, =cca 3 LINDER, Claudia Lenore $ LINDER, Marguerita (Schneider)8 LINDER, Nora C. $ LINDER, William $ LITTLE, Mary $ LIVINGSTON, Elizabeth 7 LONG, Julia $ LONGSI.'IORTH,' Sam $ LONGS111ORTH, Susan (McCullough) (Taylor) $ LOWERY, (Mrs) Trs) John S. 12-1, 12-2 9 LYNCH, John 2 LYNCH, Sarah (McCullough) 2 LYON, (Ens) Humberson 5 LYONS, Ann 3 McAULEY, Archibald 9 McCALLA, Andrew 3 McCALLA, Edward 3 McCALLA, Elenor ( Nelson) 3. McCALLA, Eliza Jane (Carnes) 3 McCALLA, Elizabeth 3 McCALLA, James 3 McCALLA, Rebecca (Le*,vis) 3 McCALLA, Susan (Persley) 3 McCALLAS, Polly 3 McCALLUM, Robert 4 McCANDLISH, George 2 McCANDLISH, Sarah E. -(McCullough 2 _IcCLANAHAN, Hannah 12-1 McCOLLOCH, Abraham 5 McCOLLOCH, Abram 7 ,McCOLLOCH, Adelade 5 MCCOLLOCH, Alcy (Boggs) 7 MCCOLLOCH, Anna 5 McCOLLOCH, Apollis 12-1 MCCOLLOCH, Benjamin 5, 12-2 MCCOLLOCH, Burnice 12-1 MCCOLLOCH, Catharine 12-2 McCOLLOCH, Charlotte ( ) 12-1 MCCOLLOCH, Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, Ellen 5 McCOLLOCH, Elliott 11-2, 12-1 MCCOLLOCH, George 5, 11-1, 12-2 McCOLLOCH, Hannah 12-2 McCOLLOCH, Hannah (McClanahan) 12-1 McCOLLOCH, Henry 5 McCOLLOCH, Jane 12-2 MCCOLLOCH. Jemima (Petty) 12-2 C o f 111 .:O 4 D. 14 qTulv 7-P McCOLLOCH, Jennie ( ) 11-1 MCCULLOUGH, Angeline 8 McCULLOUGH, Ray 1 McCOLLOCH, John 5,=I-1,12-2 McCULLOUGH, Ann 2,3 McCULLOUGH, R. G. 1 McCOLLOCH, Maria 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Ann ( ) 2 McCULLOUGH, Robert 2, 8 McCOLLOCH, Martha 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Annie= McCULLOUGH, Robert Livingston 8 McCOLLOCH, Mary 12-1 MCCULLOUGH, Annie M. 2 McCULLOUGH, Ronald 1 McCOLLOCH, Mary)11-2 McCULLOUGH, Archibald $ McCULLOUGH, Rutha E. 2 McCOLLOCH, Mary 7 McCULLOUGH, Beth (Podestra) 1 McCULLOUGH, Samuel Huston $ McCOLLOCH,. Mary Ann 12-2 McCULLOUGH, Blanche 2 McCULLOUGH, Sarah 29 $ McCOLLOCH, Mary E. 5 MCCULLOUGH, Bonnie Lou 1 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Adeline McCOLLOCH, Mary E. (Boggs) 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Carol 1 ('ale ley) $ McCOLLOCH, (Miss)(Mitchell) 7 McCULLOUGH, Charles L. 2 McCULLOUGH, Sarah E. 2 McCOLLOCH, N. Z. 12-2 McCULLOUGH+ Clark Downey $ McCULLOUGH, Sophia $ McCOLLOCH, Nancy (Henry) 11-1, McCULLOUGH, Claudia Lenore (Lin- McCULLOUGH, Susan $ 12-2 der) $ McCULLOUGH, Susanna 2 McCOLLOCH, Nancy (McMerrillA.1c McCULLOUGH, Creek 7 McCULLOUGH Tunnel 7 Mehan) 12-2 McCULLOUGH, Cynthia (Lenox) $ McCULLOUGH, Vincent 1 McCOLLOCH, Nancy (Zane) 11-1, McCULLOUGH, David 2 McCULLOUGH+ Wallace 9 11-2 McCULLOUGH+ Dean 1 McCULLOUGH+ dally 1 McCOLLOCH, Noah Z(ane) 11-1, McCULLOUGH, Dixie 1 McCULLOUGH, Wanda Jean $ 11-2 McCULLOUGH, Eileen $ McCULLOUGH, William 2, 49 $ McCOLLOCH, Philip DoddridgeMcCULLOUGH, Eleanor (Marshall) McCULLUM, Martha E. 2 McCOLLOCH, Psyche (Shuffleton5 $ McCULLUM, Rebecca 3 11-2 McCULLOUGH, Eliza Jane (McMinn) McCULLY, George 4 McCOLLOCH, Ray 11-1 1 McCULLY, Harriet E. 2 McCOLLOCH, Rhoda Ellen (Rogers) MCCULLOUGH, Elizabeth 3, 7, $ McCULLY/McCULLOCH, Jane (Ferris 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth A. $ 1 McCOLLOCH, Richard 5 McCOLLOCH, Robert 7 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth J. $ Elizabeth (Campbell) McCULLYAicCULLOCH John 1 McCULLY, John (Dr� 1 McCOLLOCH, Samuel 5, 6, 7, 11-2, $ McDOtdELL - 3 12-1, 12-2 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (Living McELROY, John (MG) 3 McCOLLOCH, Sarah 5 ston) 7 McHARGE, James 1 McCOLLOCH, Sarah Ann C. (Stover) McCULLOUGH, Ellen 1, 2 McLEAN, (Dr) William 4 McCOLLOCH, Scott 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Ellen F. (Beverly) 2 McMEHEN, Nancy 12-2 McCOLLOCH, Seth 12-1 MCCULLOUGH, Essie 2 McMERRILL, Nancy 12-2 t'cCOLLOCH, Sidney 11-29 12-19 McCULLOUGH, Etta Jane $ McMINN, Eliza Jane 1 12-2 McCULLOUGH, Florence 2 M.cNAUGHT, Dixie (McCullough) 1 ucCOLLOCH, Silas 12-2 McCULLOUGH, Frances 2 McNAUGHT, Ed 1 McCOLLOCH, Solomon 12-19 12-2 McCULLOUGH, George 19 4 M'COLLOCH, family McCOLLOCH I Tabitha 11-2, 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Gilla Anthis 1 M'COLLOCH, Abram 7 McCOLLOCH, (Lt) Thomas 5 McCULLOUGH, Glenn 1 M•COLLOCH, John 7, i!cCOLLOCH, Wellington 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Grace (Tilton) 2 McCOLLOCH, William 11-11, 11-29 McCULLOUGH, Greta 1 MACKEY, Mary 7, $ 12-1, 12-2 McCULLOUGH, Harry Arlin $ MACKEY, William $ McCOLLOCH, Zane 11-2, 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Harvey 2 M-ALAHAS, Angeline (McCullough)8 McCOLLOCH, Zilla 11-2, 12-1 MCCULLOUGH, Hugh 1 MALAHAS, Chas. $ McCOLLOCH, Zillah 12-1 McCULLOUGH, Ida May 2 MARSHALL, Eleanor $ McCOLLO;•S, Robert 4 McCULLOUGH, Irene (Dool) 1 MART11I9 Jane (McCullough) 3 McCOLLOUGH, Alameda 1 McCULLOUGH, Isabel 7, $ MARTIN, William 3 McCOLLOUGH, Archibald 7 McCULLOUGH, Isabel ('dithers) $ METEER, Elizabeth (McCullough) 3 McCOLLOUGH, Dorothy 2 McCULLOUGH, Isabella (Hamilton) METEER, James N. 3 McCOLLOUGH, Elisabeth 9 2 MIERS, Jane 2 McCOLLOUGH, Elizabeth (Nixon) 2 McCULLOUG% J. S. 5 MILLER, Mary (Young) 2 McCOLLOUGH, Ervin I.R. 9 McCULLOUGH, JJames 2, 49 71 $ MITCHELL, (Miss) 7 McCOLLOUGH, Henrietta 2 McCULLOUGH, James D. $ MONTGOMERY, Isabel (McCullough)7 McCOLLOUGH, Isabella (Clendenin) McCULLOUGH, James Chauncey 2 MONTGOMERY, Margaret Jane 04c- 7 McCULLOUGH, James Grant 1 Cullough) $ McCOLLOUGH, James $ McCULLOUGH, James H. 2 MONTGOMERY, Shadrach 7, $ 'fcCOLLOUGH,Jane 2 McCULLOUGH, Jane 3 MOORS, (Pvt) William 5 �icCOLLOUGH, Joseph 1 McCULLOUGH, Jane (Foreman) 2 MORGAN, Guy M. 5 McCOLLOUGH, Samuel 2 McCULLOUGH, Jane (Hoeg) $ MOSS, John (JP) 3 McCOLLOUGH, Sarah E. (Ferguson)2 McCULLOUGH, Jane D. 8 MURCH, Annie M. (McCullough) 2 McCOLLOUGH, William 2 McCULLOUGH, Jennie 2 MURCH, Frank B. 2 McCOLLUt:, Abigail (Swezy) 3 McCULLOUGH, Jennie (Crawden/- MURRAY, Bob 1 McCOLLUbI, Ann (Lyons) 3 Cowden) 2 MURRAY, Carol (McCullough) 1 McCOLLUM, Ansel 3 McCULLOUGH, John 2 McCOLLUM, Ira 3 McCULLOUGH, John Clendenin $ NELSON, Elenor 3 M•icCOLLUM, Jean Elizabeth 9 McCULLOUGH, John Marion $ NEWEELL, Joseph 12-1 t•McCOLLUM9 John 3 McCULLOUGH, John W. 2 NE!•IELL, (Lt) Samuel 5 McCOLUTIP :iary (Beach) 3 McCULLOUGH, Jose (Jaffray) 1 NE7IELL, Tabitha (McColloch) 12-1 McCOLOUGH, Rosa (Dorran) 2NIXON McCULLOUGH, Kelly 1 Elizabeth 2 McCOLOUGH+ William M. 2 P4cCULLOUGH9 Levi 2 McCORttICK, Lvdia M. 2 McCULLAH, Sarah R. 2 MCCULLOUGH McCULLOUGH,, Livingston 8 gcCULLOUGH, Luana 2 OSETSKY, Bob 1 OSETSKY, Bonnie Lou (McCullough) gh .`•'M cCULLAM•t, John ! "cCULLA:•'. Robert 4 McCULLOUGH, Lydia M. (McCormick) l M CCULLOCH, Caty 2 M.ScCULLOCH, Elizabeth 7 2 8) Margaret McCUL(Camp (CaL(ympbell) _ PARKS N William 1 14cCULLOCH9 Ula M. 9 r.;cCULLOCH, Fred 9 MCCULLOU Hbe + McCULLOUGH, Ma)ble$(Bare) 2 Margaret (Docmey) PATE, A. Jane 2 , • �ATTISOM,, Mary Il-1 MicCULLOCH, Hannah 11-1 (Gilbert) $ PEM•;BROOK, Blanche (bAcCullough)2 M-icCULLOCH, James 7 MCCULLOCHN-cCULLY, Jane (Ferris) McCULLOUGH, Margaret Jane $ PEMBROOK, William F. 2 PERSLEY, Susan 3 1 t'cCULLOCH/tIcCULLY, John 1 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, .Rartha 2 Martha Alice $ PE'TTY, Jemima 12-1 de PEYSTER, (Capt) 4 McCULLOCH, John 5 MCCULLOCH, Lincoln 9 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Nary 2, 7, $ Mary ukey) 2 PODESTRA, Beth 1 AicCULLOCH Maude E. 9 5 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, nary �,Backe ) LPOOR, Mary Spray $ Mtarion R. 9 PR.ESTON, (Gen) Francis 5 MCCULLOCH, Phillip Doddridge McCULLOCH, Thomas 49 5 r4cCULLOUGH, Mary Jane (Storts)2 PRESTO?V, ;Tm. C. 5 PUA'.PHREY, Elizabeth 4-:cCalla) McCULLOCK, George 3 McCULLOUGH, Mirri.am 2 3 PU<'PHREY, James 3 McCULLOH, Nancy 11-2 MCCULLOH Samuel 11-2 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Nancy 2 Fora C. (Linder) $ t,icCULLOUGH, Alexander 2 McCULLOUGh, ".cCULLOUGH, Nota 2 'atrick 2 RAHKIN David F. 12-1 RANKIN: Martha (McCOLLOCH) 12-1 ,.:cCULLOUGH, Allie 2 McCULLOUGH, Amanda (Lenox) $ ! cCULLOUGH, Rachel 8 RENSHA7d, Minerva $ RIDGrLY, James 7 McGULLOUGH MM105 Vol.0 D. 15 JUIV ROACH, Ann (McCullough) 3 SULLIVANT, Lucas 11-2 IVEISS, George (MG) 3 ROACH, Lorence 3 StTi,1D;RS, Betty K. 4 W ROGERS, Rhoda Ellen 12-1 S,1EZY, Abagail 3 WHITE, L. M. 9 WINSTON SCROGGINS, R. E. 3 SEWER, (Col) John 3 SHAFER, Etta Jane (McCullough)8 SHAFER, William D. 8 SHAH, Ida May (McCullough) 2 SHAM, John B. 2 SHELBY, (Gov) 5 SHIN, David 11-2 SHIN, Sarah( ) 11-2 SHUFFLETON, is the 11-2 SHOAFF, John W. 1 SHOOTS, family 11-2 SBU S, Thomas (JP) 3 SIMON, Lisa 9 SISKE, Daniel 5 SKEGGSI1 (Pvt) John 5 S141TH t Capt) 5 SMITH, (Lt) J.M. 5 SMUTHERS, Daniel (JP) 3 SPRAY, James 8 SPRAY, Jane (Hughey) 8 SPRAY, Mary 8 STALL, Dorothy (McCollough) 2 STALL, George F. 2 STILES, Rachel 8 STOK`S, Amy (Hinchman) 11-1 STOKES, Joshua 11-1 STOLTZ, John 2 STORTS, Diary Jane 2 STOVER, Sarah Ann C. 11-2 TARHE, Chief 11-1 TARHE, Myeerah 11-1 TARLETON, (Col) 4 TAYLOR, Elizabeth (Campbell) 8 TAYLOR, Sam 8' TAYLOR, Susan -(McCullough) 8 TAYLOR, Thomas 8 TECUMSEH 11-2 TENNERY, Joseph L. 12-1 TEN.'NERY, William M. 12-1 TENNERY, Zilla(h)(McCOLLOCH)12-1 THOMPSON, J. G. 2 THOMPSON, Rutha E. (McCullough)2 TILTON, Grace 2 THORPE, James 1 TODD, Andrew J. 8 TODD, Mary (McCullough) 8 TOWNSEND, Charles D. 2 TURNER, Robert 9 VAN METER's Fort h, 7 VAN RAY, Judy 9 VAUSE, Sarah 11-1 WALKER'S - 5 WALKER, James Dent 1 UALLACE, H. E. 11-1 de WEESE, J. S. 8 de WEESE, Rachel M. Johnson (Mccullough)(Baker) 8 'ItIEGLEY, Sarah Adeline 8 T�IITHERS, Isabel 48 HOODS, (Miss)(Mitchell)(Mc - Colloch) 7 7:100DS9 Andrew 7 WORKiIAN, James M. 12-2 M IGHT, Abraham (JP) 3 WRIGHT, Abram PP) 3 WRIGHT, Abrm ((JP) 3 WYLE, Allie (McCullough) 2 dn- E, Peter 2 '4YLIE, Essie (McCullough) 2 WYLIE, Joseph 2 YOUNG, David William 2 YOUNG, Hester 2 YOUNG, Isaac 2 YOUNG, Jane (Miers) 2 YOUNG, Lafayette 2 YOUNG, Mary 2 YOUNG, Mary Melinda (Henderson)2 YOUNG, Rufus King 2 YOUNG, Idilliam 2 ZANE, Ebenezer 5, 11-1 ZANE, Elizabeth (McColloch) 5 ZANE, Isaac 11-1 ZANE, Jonathan 5 ZANE, Myeerah (Tarhe) 11-1 ZANE, Nancy 11-1 ZANE, Silas 5 ------------------------------------------------- Here we are with all this extra space that I didn't expect to have, so I will add the chances to the mailing list - there have been several - rather than waiting until next year. Additions: Mary (McCullough) AUIXAN, 804 Cleveland St., Woodland, California 95495 Dr. F. R. 11. CARTER, 124 South Jacob St., South Bend, Indiana 44f-17 Iowa City Genealogical Society - c/o Mrs. J. P. HARDING. Dale C. KELLOGG, 221 Lexington Ave., Elyria, Ohio 44305 Barbara PETERSON, R.F.D., Arbuckle, California 95912 firs. Selby PRICE, 1155(- Orrville St., N. W., Massillon, Ohio 4L444 Mrs. Harlan SHANKLE, P.O.Box 3263, Torrance, California 90510 Judy Van RAY, 392 S. Ventura Ave., Farmersville, California 93223 Ciji McC. 111ARE9 1305 N. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, California 90210 Mrs. E. M. 10ITE, 11;55 Orange Court, Rockledge, Florida 32955 Doug WIGGINS, 1460 Kingsgate Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43221 Genealogical Society of Utah, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 8415n Deletions: Mrs. Ray D. McCULLAR, Rt. 1, Batesville, Mississippi G% f r=I-76) Miss Mary E. VAN GORDEN, 1811 Columbus Ave., Duluth, Minnesota 55803 - returned Miss Ruth INSKEEP, 209 East Chillicothe, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 - does not have anv direct McCullough connections - only collateral, so does not feel greatly interested. So that brings the mailing list up to date. I'll publish another up -date when we have approximately the same or greater number of changes to be made. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -----.9,.----------------- o.,c��.>l' �2'r.-�•c��� 2� . �..st-�rir-r.-,�s�G�i�-¢��//JLi-cv .-�� y� s � ' ,�� V McColy Macologhe Maclullie J D :ullie{ } %cHullie M'Hulagh '[ 10 McCollam ;ollom Makcull' 0vilache ocht Macoulie AIcCu110 ck biacCul.lougk ch t'i'Cuiloch Mla c cullo ch Ai �tCullough A McCully MCKullo ch M' Kulagh ',iacLulli Mc-Coulach M'Alach McCulloh ' Kowlo the Makhulagh -i 9.CfSHrD i'iw-sem T'T L�: 3✓�i'.YAI�it+�oaD, /A3'D/�/.Sr75+r �ssF�,El�<v 9�AAfK1r� f�4hr `�2ft QUE�rs . Pv� cif 9!07-s•3o? isrs C. �. MATTEI, 3'53 Tangley, Houston, "Texas 77005 - desires information relative to :w Mary'..ugustrnecGU;LOC�i�hcCULLOIiGH, born 2 May 1$20, Maryland .(per 1$50 Census) • m. 2 May 1$41, Thomas OS30RN,'vet�erano Texas Revolution. She d. Bastrop Co., Texas 24 Nov 177. Is said to be relzted--�o_Gen.` Benjamin McCLZLOUGii. ^Lucile -Mart so 1 f BLOE24KER, 1121 N. Wright St., Santa Ana, California 92701 - needs info g reearding:;Robe=t tiIcGULLOUGH, b 1754, possibly Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. d. 19 April 1$11; m. ..usanna` BARBOUR:. fhei*• dau-.-7a—.,ie (Susan Jane-?) McCULLOUGH, b. 7 Feb 17$$, d. 2 Mar 1$20. Kathleen PLANT, 66$ Courtney Ave., Columbus, Georgia 31907 - desires information about John IcCULLOUG:i;' b.:Ireland`, 1770; m. Mary 14cSPADDEN9 Union District, South Carolina, 1790. Also desiresinformation abdut .the descendants of Alfred Augustus McCULLOUGH, b. 1$46; m. Sarah C. PHEL?S; moved -to Texas ca 1$10/71. Mrs .Glenn.SIE1TBF.S,•2ll S:. Westgate Ave.;` Jacksonville, Illinois 62550 - desires information abot,t` James McCULLOUGH and wife Jane REED * wh6o came to thic country when their son William •ma,s a boy =' a being born ca Sept -17$2 in Ireland; Family tradition says James was one of three brothers who ,;.carne over about: the sane time and that two event West. James settled in New Jersey. ;rs C aElrol yn 94 WAHL, 3137 Casa Bonita, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111'- needs info about {artha-Ann McCULLOCH, b. ca 1$27 - probably Louisiana Wlliam HOLLAND. ; m. $June 1$4$, Montgomery Co., Tex. ar Mr. Bennie L. BROWN, 1$1:6 Mon Ite Vista Place, Moses Lake, Washington 9$$37 - Desires informatio: about Lucinda .1icC'JL$.00H/TMcCULLOUGH b. 20 i $ 1 ►� Septp 4f or 4c, ".Manna Bayou Louisiana or Goliad, Texas . 5he m.. John BRtf;7N, 27 Feb 135$, Bexar Co:.., Texas. On the wedding certificate the spelling "McCULLOUGH". -Lucinda d`7 Dec 1934 San Antonio Texas. A letter from the funeral home gave ; i.. brother "Jim McCOLLOUGH"• and ,also agave her 'f`ather's name as 'Jim McCOLLOUGH" Mr. J. S. 'GOBBLE, 2265 .Martin Ave. West, 'illamook, Oregon 97141 - desires information anout Sarah i,cCULLOCH, who married Abraham LINDER. 'Their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth LINDER m Ota Hopkins r ,YARD, II, :-on 1 Apr. 1$56, *Wash. Co.; Va.," Ota H. m, 2nd, 11 Feb 1$69, Wash. Co.. Martha L. McCULLOCH dau of Robert 8c Sarah McCULLOCH. He m; 3rd, 3 Apr 1$73, Ann E. LINDER, younger sister of his first wife. Any additional information about any of these would be appreciated. Mrs: Robert 0. (Georgia) GEORGE, 13371 Danbury Lane, 136-G, Seal•Beach, California 90740 - desires info`about.Thomas McCULLOUGH, 6 Mar 1$10 - 25 Oct 1$$5, m. 1st, Miss APPLEGATE;"Mit*. 2nd, ' 12 May= 1$40, `?►iassillon, Ohio ` Nancy Warriner MELEhDY (4 Liar 1$11 - $ May 1$77) b. Guilford, Vt.,� dau John .AELENDY & %%rcy,- ERRY. Thomas the son of John McCULLOUGH & Jane RICHEY. She is mostly, interested ifi their -children (and -descendants) John Melville McCULLOUGH, b. ca 1$41, Massillon - YJ Caroline Jane.McCULLOUGH, b. 14 Sept 1$43, Massillon, d. 4 Apr 1902, Massillon; m. 7 Nov 1�6�i� Massillon, Henry Hewitt EVERHARD (little or no information about Henry) . 2 I have just received a copy of "THE McCULLAH-VIASSCN FAMILIES, 1700-1967" started by Willist l8 Austin McCULLAH (Jan -i6, 1$74 - June 4, 1949) and finished by a committee of Blanche(Wasson)DORAN , Edith ('Masson) ANDERSON, Billie McCULLAH and Fred Gene MIESWINKEL. I've only started it.15 _r This family of McCULLAH comes from Thomas McCULLOUGH - Henry McCULLOCH - Alexander McCULLAH and the rest are McCULLAH. Henry also used McCULLOUGH, and had a brother Joseph McCULLOUGH. -• -y' Three spellings in this family in three generations. _tl� Z -= The book has 159 pages (plus) and many pictures - especially of family reunions from 1$90 tos 1967 It ' it b ) is ava a le ( a few copies left from: KERMIT WASSON, 105 Park St., Rt. 3 Box 201, Nixa, Missouri 6577.4; The price is $6.00 plus postage. I'll try to have more information V1 about the contents in a future issue, but it is full of information, and I'll only extract a small part. - ^�- Mr. Willis G. CORBITT, 710 S.W.-Madison St., Apt 406, Portland, Oregon 97205 has sent three large charts giving some of the descendants of John McCOLLOCH `lam J and Mary CAMPBELL.- I have transferre the information to a tabular form, and am in the process of correlating the three into one - but it will take quite a little time, so will have to be in a future issue. (Or perhaps split into two.) e�} expanding Mr. CORBITT also sent information a that from the Bible Record gfiver. in Vol. 2 T2, at the bottom of page 6. This taken from the book "Tennessee Cousins" pages 618 & 619: - Alexander MCCLZLOCH -b. d. M. (all bunks -anyone have the information?) One of his children: Benjamin McCULLOCH, b. 16 Apr 17$9, d 10 Aug 1$479 Mc.Piinnville, Warren r C�:-- Co., Tennessee; m. Sarah McCULLOCH, b. 27 June 1790, d. 2 -June 1$62. 11 children: 1. AdelaideMcCULLOCH, b. 30 Dec 1$12, d. 27 Jan 1$45, Nashville, Hudson Co., Tenn.: m. 1st, STOKES, she m. 2nd, James NICHOL&, Q1 - C 2. Mary Elizabeth McCULLOCH, b. 22 Nov 1$16; m. 3 Apr 1$34, Springhill, Rutherford Co.,Ter.-. Thomas E/ HORD, b. 31 Aug 1$02, Beakins Co., Tenn, d. 15 Sept 1$65 3. nne McCULLOCH, i b. 13 Oct 181$ 4. Henry McCULLOCH, b. 14 May 1$i9 5. Benjimi— n t�cCULLOCH, b. 20 Nov 1820 N. 6. John McCULLOCH,b. 5 Sept 1$21, d. 10 Sept 1$47, McMinnville, 'Marren Co., Tenn. 7. Sarah McCLLLOC, b. 25 Oct 1$22 $. Philip McCULLOCH, b. 10 Jan 1$25 9. Sarah McCULLOCH, b. 1 Oct 1827 10. Ellen McCULLOCH, b. 1 Oct 1829 11. Richard McCULLOCH, b. 13 May 18?? Mr. CORBITT also sent the following as a short chart - he would appreciate any help in filling in blanks (I am using Lull blanks only for David.) David McCULLOCH, b. (day,mo,yr),(@-?-), d. (day mo,yr),(@-?-)) m, 1st, (day,mo,yr) Miss CROSBIE, (@-?-). She b. (day mo, Yr), (@ -?-), d. Gy, ,mo Pyr), C4-?-). Edward McCULLOCH, b. �befo re 1700), d. 1754. B. Ardwall, Scotland, m, 1st,- Scotland; m. 2nd, 23 Aug 1726, Philadelphia 5—=sylvania, Elizabeth WARD Son by first marriage: Hugh McCULLOCH, b. Scotland, M. 27 July 1742, Christean MULLEN - 5 children. Children by second marriage: John McCULLOCH, m. 18 March 17439 ?hiladelohia, Pennsylvania; Jane SMITH. Children: David McCULLOCH, b. 1744, d. 1832 William McCULLOCH, b. 1846 Robert McCULLOCH, b. 1748 In addition, Mr. CORBITT sent the following McCULLOUGH information taken from the Genealogy Chart of the William SIMPSON Family Tree arranged by Mr. & Mrs. R. E. MEARE, Sanford Nebraska,1949, and owned by Ethel Mae BURNETT, Eagle Creek, Oregon. He had never heard anywhere else about Degraphney McCULLOUGH, and wonders how he fits into the other families. Degraphney McCULLOUGH, b. 30 Sent 1827, d. 10 Sept 1895; m,Mary Jane GRAY, b. 1 Aug 1825, d. 2 Oct 1891. 1, Zachary Taylor McCULLOUGH, b. 25 Apr 1847, d. Civil War 2. William Walter McCULLOUGH, b. 10 Dec 1848, d. 1848 3. Robert Smith McCULLOUGH, b. 8 Feb 1851 4. Henry Stuart McCULLOUGH, b. 6 may 1854 5. Sarah Ann McCULLOUGH, b. 6 Feb 1855 6. John Smith McCULLOUGH, b. 5 Mar 1857 7. Hugh Crittenden McCULLOUGH, b. 8 Feb 1859, m. Mary MARACLE 8. Mary Jane McCULLOUGH, b. 3 Nov 1863, d. 7 Nov 1932 9. Lucy Logan McCULLOUGH, b. 18 Dec 1865 10. Degraphney McCULLOUGH, b. 3 Oct 1867 11. Joe Oscar McCULLOUGH, b. 9 Oct 1870 II Gen: Robert Smith McCULLOUGH, b. 8 Feb 18517 d. 5 Dec 1890; m. 16 Apr 1872, Louisa FILES, b. 28 July 1850, d. 1 Nov 1927 1. Bertha McCULLOUGH, b. 25 Nov 1873 2. Perry Braden McCULLOUGH, b. 6 Aug 1875 3. Ward Hunt McCULLOUGH, b. 5 Mav 1877 4. Newton Eduard McCULLOUGH, b. 5 Apr 1879, d. 26 Aug 1879 5. Ralph Chase McCULLOUGH, b. 16 Apr 1882 Sarah Ann McCULLOUGH, b. 6 Feb 1855, d. 9 Apr 1927; m. 1st Marlin HART; m. 2nd, 28 Sept 1879, Hugh McCULLOUGH, b. 25 Dec 1840, d. 25 Nov 1917 1. Lula M. McCULLOUGH, b. 28 Feb 1880, m. H. S. BLOCKLEY 2. Sylvester McCULLOUGH, b. 21 May 1883, H. 1883 3. Hugh McCULLOUGH, Jr., b. 25 Feb 1884, d. 23 July 1884 L 4. Grover Vermont McCULLOUGH, b. 26 Ma 1886, d. 14 Dec 1911; m. Nell BLOCKLEY 5. Bessie June McCULLOUGH, b. 6 July 1888; m. Feb 1911, Harry A. McDOUGAL 6. Manch Lucile McCULLOUGH, b. 30 Dec 1891; m. 1st, Ralph MCGHEE; m. 2nd, Fred S, WEAVER, 7. �-7eMcCULLOUGH, b. , m. 20 July 1918, Della CAGLE - Glen Richard McCULLOUGH. Lucy Logan McCULLOUGH, b. 18 Dec 1865, m. Alex GARDNER 1. Ethel GARDNER 2. Roe GARDNER, b. 8 Nov 1885 3. Rolla GARDNER, B. 2 Nov 1888 4. Raymond GARDNER, b. 27 May 18_ III Gen: Bertha Mc CULLOUGH, b. 25 Nov 1873, m. 13 May 1898, Walter ?OWERS, b. 16 Sept 1860 1. Robert POWERS, b. 28 Sept 1899 Perry Braden McCULLOUGH, b. 6 Aug 1875, d. 24 Dec 19_2; m. 1901, Anna BERRY 1. Mary B. McCULLOUGH, m. _. _._ AITKEN Ward Hunt McCULLCUGH, b. 5 May 1877, d. 28 Nov 1923, m. let, 1901, Pearl HUTCHINSON,; m. 2nd, 24 May 1917, Mary McDONALD 1. Ralph Hunt McCULLOUGH Ralph Chase McCULLOUGH, b. 16 Apr 1882, m. Ina 1. Robert Neil McCULLOUGH, d. 1935 2. John McCULLOUGH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - Rowanda M. SMITH, Star Rt. Box 255-A, Cleveland, Texas 77327 wrote 16 Nov 1976. Following are excerpts from her letter: "Ten days ago we found that my Mother has lung cancer, and I am running back & forth to M. D. Anderson Tumor Institute in Houston. ?lease remember her in your prayers" - - - "All McCULLOUGH's and various spellings seem to love the given names of Samuel, Thomas, Joseph, William & John. Makes it so difficult. I am descended from John McCULLOUGH (he spelled it Mc- CULLOUGH)(and sometimes McCULLOCH & McCULLOCK)! He and his brother Samuel landed at Charlestown, S.C. They were from Belfast, Antrim Co., Ireland. Samuel returned to Belfast and was a merchant there when he died. John went to York County, S.C. and married Mary McSFADDEN at Pinckneyville, Union Co., S.C. in 1790. He died in Montgomery Co., Ala in Jan of 1850 at age 80. - - - Also, MY cousin Kathleen PLANT - - has a magnificent collection of McCULLOUGH data from many states." rizuruary lvy �my line : ;- John MCCULLOUGH, b. 1770 Antrim Co., Ireland, d. 1850 Montgomery Co., Alabama; m. 1790, Pinckneyville, Union Co. S. C., Mary McSPADDEN, b. 17749 Rockbridge Co., Va. William Thomas MCCULLOUGH, b: 1800, Union Co., S.C.; m. Nancy THOMPSON, b. 18029 Union Co., S.C. John Clough McCULLOUGH, b. 1826, Pike Co., Ala.; m. Sophronia Elmira JACKSON, b.•1833, Montgomerp Co., Ala. Samuel Homer McCULLOUGH,'b. 1871, O,uachata Parish, La., m. Susan Louisa JORDAN, b. 1$73, Atascosa Co., Tex. - Thomas Homer McCULLOUGH, b. 1893, Brewster Co., Tex., m. Charlcie Lee BURGESS, b. 1914, Shelby Co., Tex. Row,anda Lee McCULLOUGH, b. 1937, Mario' La. Parish, La. Co., Ill., m. Bennett F. SMITH, Jr., b. 1930, Calcacien Bennett F. SMITH, III, b. Chambers Co., Tex, 1956; m. Catherine Ann DISMARAIS, b. 1955, Mobile. Co., Ala. Amy Lee Ann SMIITH, b. Jefferson Co., Ala 1975. P.S. Kathleen PLANT is descended from Dr. Joseph McCULLOUGH who was a brother of my great grand- father John Clough McCULLOUGH. William Thomas McCULLOUGH had a large plantation just south of MontSome-ryj.Ala._ The old antebellum home -is still - - - _ - standing." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: THE COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY, Volume 5, by Virkus. p.69 William Marvin McCULLOUGH, m. 25 Feb 1919, Julia Hicks BENEDICT, b. 30 Sept 1899, dau. of Cleveland Keith BENEDICT, b. Marietta, Ga., 24 Mar 1864 and Olivia PROCTER, b. Glendale, 0. 23 Mar 1$67. Ch:Olivia McCULLOUGH; Elizabeth MCCULLOUGff; Bruce McCULLOUGH. P. 153 John McCULLOUGH, from Ireland, settled on Burdens Grant, Va., 1739 Thomas McCULLOUGH John McCULLOUGH (ca 1740-180 ), m 2nd Mary McCLUNG Thomas McCULLOUGH (1770--1862, m. Sally McCLUNG John McCULLOUGH (1804-74) m 1829, Martha Steel GLASGOW (1810-73) dau Robert Uster GLASGOW (1791-1834) & Rosannah FINLEY 11789-1865) James Addison McCULLOUGH (1844-1930), m. 1874, Harriet Agnes PINKERTON, b 1848. Charles•Pinkerton-McCULLOUG% b. 1875, m. Clara E. PHILPOTT Ina Mary McCULLOUGH, b. 18761 m. James Clement IRVINE Aletha Martha McCULLOUGH, b. Hanna City, Ill., 29 Dec 1882; m. 15 June 1920, Wayne F. DAWSON, b. Albany Ore, 13 Sept 1879, son of Millard F. DAVISON & Martha Belle FROMAN. William Raymond McCULLOUGH, b. 1887 P. 505 - my copy of this page is very blurred, so information will be debatable: George MicCULLY, officer Am. Rev. ? ? ? McCULLY, m. ? ? IlydIN Ann IR4iIN m. James LAUGHLIN, from Belfast, Ireland to Baltimore 18300) Maj. George McCully LAUGHLIN, (1$42-190$) 155th Pa. Vols and ADC to M.aj. Gen. GRIFFIN in -91), dau. William McKENNAN (1818-93) and Civil War; m. 1865, Isabel Bowman McKENNAN (1848 Pauline Gertrude de ?????? Irwin LAUGHLIN George McCully LAUGHLIN, Jr., b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 25 Feb 1878; m. 10 Jan 1895, Henrietta Zantzinger SPEER, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1874, dau John Zantzinger SPEER (1840-1927) and Katharine McClung McKNIGHT (1846-1914) George McCully LAUGHLIN, III, KathArine Speer LAUGHLIN, b. 4 Dec 18?? m?? C.B.GOULD Thomas McKennan LAUGHLIN (1875-1970) m. Lucy HERRON P. 549 John Hiram McCULLOUGH Henrietta Reynolds McCULLOUGH, b. Brunswick, Ga., 13 Apr 1875; m. 19 Nov 1902, Ho*+,card Joseph WAFF, b. Reynoldson, Gates Co., N.C., 4 Nov 1877, son of Thomas Edward WAFF (1850-93) and Caroline MULS (1854-1924) Howard Joseph T.11AFFv Jr., b. Brunswick, Ga., 20 Apr 1904; m. 9 June 192$9 Margaret WHITEHEAD. Retta McCullough WAFF, b. Athens, Ga., 11 Jan 1908; m. 19 Nov 1931, William C. COUPLAND p. 584 Rev. Duncan McCULLOCH Ann Austen McCULLOCH, m. 30 Sept 1924, George Yatts HILL, b. New York, 27 Oct 1901, son of John Sprunt HILL & Annie Louise WATTS George Watts HILL, Jr. Ann Dudley HILL John Sprunt HILL, II - The following letter written by R.M.REYNOLDS was furnished by Mrs. Mary(McCullough LONG to James S. McCULLOUGH, Uhrichsville, Ohio, who sent a copy to Edna Hazel (McCullough) LOWERY, 209 Noland St., Fa11s Church, Va. 22046 - who sent a copy to me. THE McCULLOUGH FAMILY (John & Jane Underwood McCULLOUGH) R-1, Unionport, Ohio Cousins Sue, Kate, et al: February 20, 1911 About a year ago last May or June, I received notice from D.U.McCULLOUGH that I had been appointed historian for the McCULLOUGH Family. I have not been working very steadily on this job -- have taken rather frecuent and long vacations, I have, however, gathered considerable material. The Richard (2) branch of the family is comparatively small, only about 16 of the fourth generation and is practically complete. • o Mrs. WALLACE last September went to Guernsey Co. and prepared a nearly complete genealogy of the Margaret (2) branch. Prior to Mrs. WALLACE's trip, we knew very little concerning that branch of the family. By the assistance of Mrs. EKEY of Mingo, Mrs. HOOBLER of Bloomingdale, A. M. ALLEN and Mfrs. THRAPP of Ottawa F. E. McCULLOUGH of this locality and D. H. MCCULLOUGH (Big Dave) of Carrollton, we have the David 12) branch in pretty good shape. I knew something of the John (2) branch, and with the assistance of Mrs. WALLACE, D. U. McCULLOUGH and others have a large part of that branch complete. McCULLOUGH o 1 2 T3 n. 4 FebruarV 1977 Have not made much progress on the Hugh (2) branch got a little information from ;falter ATHEY. Concerning the Alexander (2) branch and Andrew (2) branches I know almost nothing, except what you sent me in 1909. You sent all that I asked for at that time and what you sent covers the 2nd and 3rd generations very well. ;could like, however, to get further information relating tothe 2nd generation and then I want to 'find out' about the later generations. In the absence of any instructions or suggestions from the McCULLOUGHs as to what they want, I am aiming at ideals of my own. To explain what I would like to have relating to the 2nd generation, I submit the following. (2) Richard McCULLOUGH married Elizabeth CELLARS, 4 Nov 1819; moved to N.'A.4 of Sec. 36, Salem town- ship, Jefferson Co., in 1821 (about 1 mile N. of E. Springfield, 0.). town— Move to S.E. 4 Sec 31, Ross township (about 2 miles N.E. of E. Springfield) in 1837; died mar. 24, 18459 buried at Circlegreen M. E. Church. Richard McCULLOUGH was about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches in height and about 140 to 150 pounds in weight. He arras a man of positive opinions, careful and accurate in business matters, a faithful member and official in M. E. Church, a very strict observer of the Sabbath day, a farmer and a .thig. (2) Elizabeth Cellars McCULLOUGH was a resident of Jefferson Co., a Presbyterian; born Apr. 13, 1797; died Sept 18, 1860. I happened to have records which enabled me to give the above but I don't think it important to have all of that. Concerning Alexander (2) and Andrew (2) in addition to what I have, would like to have answers to the following: About when were they married? When did they locate in the vicinity of Leesville? In what direction and about how far from Leesville? In what county? Where buried? Were they Methodists? Were they Whigs or Democrats? Were they farmers? .then and at what ages occurred the deaths of Jane Leslie McCULLOUGH and Margaret Norris McCULLOUGH? :!here did they reside prior to marriage? Elizabeth CELLARS, named above, resided in Jefferson Co. for a number of years prior tomarriage -- resided near the McCULLOUGHs. She was of German descent or partly so and may have been a native of Jefferson Co. Jane RICHEY, wife of John McCULLOUGH (2) came from Donegal Co., Ireland in 1795, died in 1854, in her 73rd year. Frances LCNG, rife of David (2) born near Red Stone, ?a.; married David McCULLOUGH (2) and Thomas RUTLEDGE; died Jan 2, 1864 in her 79th year, buried at Circlegreen. (2) Richard McCULLOUGH and Elizabeth CELLARS had 6 children, Elizabeth, Jane U., Sarah, John F., Margaret and Harriet. (3) Elizabeth McCULLOUGH; born Sept. 27, 1820; died May 309 1867; on May 5, 1840 married Samuel TAYLOR of Jefferson Co. who died 1887. Resided about 3 miles S.E. of Canton, Ohio. Buried at Osnaburg. No -children; farmers; Methodists; Republican. (3) Jane U. aAcCULLOUGH; born Nov. 13, 1822; died May 25, 1875; On Dec. 21 1842 married Thomas K. REYNOLDS of Carroll Co., who died Oct 30, 1850 (will leave this family out at present). (3) Sarah .McCULLOUGH; born Jan. 21, 1825; died Jan. 3, 1853; Graduated at Beatty's Seminary in 1848; married Robert PAXTON of Harrison Co., in Oct., 1853 - 3 months before her death. (3) John Fletcher McCULLOUGH; born Sept. 49 18279 died Nov 18, 1830. (3) Margaret 'McCULLOUGH; born Feb. 259 1830; died Jan. 8, 1910; on Dec. 25, 1849 married John CULP of Jefferson Co., R. 1, Toronto, 0. who died Dec. 30, 1891. Farmer; stock dealer; Democrat; ?resbyteria four children: Loretta, A. Chalmers, George P., John M. (4) Loretta CUL' married Charles LIGGETT, R. 1, Toronto, 0.; 5 children, Maggie, Mary, John, Clyde, Earl. (5) Mary LIGGETT died when a young woman. Clyde died young. (5) John LIGGETT married Ethel SKINNER, R. l., Toronto, 0.; 2 children. (4) A. Chalmers CULP married Martha McGRA'd, R. 1, Toronto, 0.: 5 children, Lillian, Sadie, Maggie, John, Mabel. (5) Lillian and Sadie CULP are successful teachers. (2) Margaret McCULLOUGH and Thomas RICHEY moved to Guernsey Co., 0. in 1809. (3) Jane RICKY 1806-1844; married Matthew McCONNELL; four children. (3) Elizabeth RICHEY 1808- ; married Abraham MILLER and Isaac MILLHORN; 5 children. (3) mary RICHEY 1810-1868; married Elijah LOWRY; 3 children. (3) Margaret RICHEY1812-1886; married Stephen LO:tRY and Abram UMSTOFF; 7 children. (3) George RICHEY 1815-1902; married Jane TH0VSON and Phoebe SHERMAN; 2 children; M.E. preacher. (3) John McCullough RICHEY 1817-1817 (3) Thomas RICHE11819-1885; married Susan Hg.,24OND; 5 children. (3) Andrew RICHEY 1821-1885; married Helen HANSIOND; 7 children. (3) Catharine RICHEY 1824-1893; married David MCGARY; 5 children. (3) James Harvey RICHEY 1827-1830. (2) Richard McCULLOUGH and Elizabeth CELLA'.3 resided near E. Springfield from 1821 till death. (3) Elizabeth McCULLOUGH 1820-1867; married Samuel TAYLOR; died near Canton, 0.; no children. (3) Jane U. McCULLOUGH 1822-1875; married Thomas K. REYNOLDS; died near E. Springfield, 0.; 3 childre• (3) Sarah McCULLOUGH 1825-1853; married Robert ?AXION; died near Cadiz, 0. No children. (3 ) John F. McCULLOUGH 1827-1830. VA. Y W J. 4 page 5 February 1977 (3) Margaret McCULLOUGH 1830-1910; married John CULP; died near Toronto, 0.; 4 children. (3) Harriet McCULLOUGH 1832-1896; married George M. BERESFORD; died in E. Springfield; 9 children. NOTES AND COMMENTS CONTINUED. It is reasonably certain that David McCULLOUGH (2) was born about 1774 or 1775, that he perished in a storm about Dec., 1818 and that his death occurred within a mile or two of Fernwood, Jefferson Co. David McCULLOUGH (3) son of David (2) was killed on the R.R. on his own farm in Putnam Co., 0. He attempted to rescue two of his grandchildren from probable death and lost his own life. Margaret McCullough CULP who died Jan. 81 1910 was the last of the 3rd generation of McCULLOUGHs - last of those who were born into the 3rd generation. Helen Hammond RICHEY who was still living in Sept., 1910 at the age of about 83 married into the 3rd generation. Richard Mccullouph REYNOLDS Near East Spring?field, Ohio Feb. lb, 1911 P. 0., - R. 1, Unionpo rt, Ohio THE MCCULLOUGH FA14ILY (1) John "McCULLOCH" of Parish of Inniskeal, County of Donegal, Ireland, married Jane UNDEWOOD, came to the U.S. in 1792, bringing the following children: Hugh, David, John, Alexander, Andrew, Margaret, and Richard. He.(according to ex -sheriff George McCULLOUGH) located in Lancaster Co., Pa; moved to Fayette Co.; and came to Jefferson Co., 0. in 1802. He died Jan. 3, 182* (a flaw in the tombstone leaves the year in doubt) in the 75th year of his age and was buried at Long's M.E. Church, two miles south of Fernwood, Jefferson Co., 0. (1) Jane Undenrood McCULLOUGH died Nov. 4, 1856 in the 90th year of her age. She probably died at the residence of her -son, John, in East Springfield, 0.1 having made her home for several years with her sons John and Richard. (2) Hugh McCULLOUGH 1772-1852; married Belle CUNNINGHAM 1782-1863; family: 3 boys; 5 girls. (2) David McCULLOUGH 1774-1818; married Frances LONG 1786-1864; family: 5 boys; 1 girl. (2) John McCULLOUGH 1777-1850; married Jane RICHEY 1782-1854; family: 5 boys; 5 girls. (2) Alex McCULLOUGH 1779-1852; married Jane LESLIE 17= 18 ; family: 4 boys; 5 girls. (2) Andrew McCULLOUGH 1783-1846; married Margaret NORRIS 17 -18 ; family 6 boys; 4 girls. (2) Margaret McCULLOUGH 1787-1877; married Thomas RICHEY 17 __-l8_; family: 5 boys; 5 girls. (2) Richard McCULLOUGH 1790-1845; married Elizabeth CELLARS 1797-1860; family: 1 boy, 5 girls. (2) Hugh McCULLOUGH and Isabella CUNNINGHAM resided 1 mile west of Long's Church. (3) John McCULLOUGH 1807-1891; married Jane HAMLIN (3) Jane McCULLOUGH 1809-1835; married James ELLIOT. (3) Belle McCULLOUGH 18 - ; married James LONG. (3) Alexander McCULLOUGH 18 - ; married Ellen McCULLOUGH. (3) Margaret McCULLOUGH 1813-1877; married Westley BIRNEY. (3) Catharine McCULLOUGH 18 - ; married Andrew EKEY (3) Hugh McCULLOUGH 1817-1834. (3) Ellen McCULLOUGH 18 - ; married Asbury BIRNEY. (2) David McCULLOUGH (born about 1774 or 1775) and Frances LONG. He was a soldier in 'Mar of 1812. (3) John McCULLOUGH 1804-1844; married Lydia HICKMAN.and Deborah EDGINGTON; born in Last Springfield, Ohio. (3) James McCULLOUGH 1804-1844; married Margaret SCOTT and Eliza Jane McCLAIN; born in Jefferson Co. (3) Elizabeth McCULLOUGH 1810-1897; married Moses ALLEN; born in Putnam Co., 0. (3) Richard MIcCULLOUGH 1812-1888; married Nancy SHULL, Belle CUNNINGHAM, Sarah FREDERICK, Jane MONT GOAtr.RY. (3) Andrew McCULLOUGH 1815-1898; married Mary BENLAP or BELKNAP (Drove the Log Cabin to Steubenville, 0. in 1840.) (3) David McCULLOUGH 1819-1889; married Elizabeth SCARLOTT and Matilda BROOKS; born in Putnam Co., 0. (2) John McCULLOUGH and Jane RICHEY resided in E. Springfield, Jefferson Co., 0. (3) George McCULLOUGH 1805-1889; married Ellen LOWRY and Sarah RAMSEY; born in Howard Co., Mo. (3) John McCULLOUGH 1808-1875; married Rachel EDINGTON; born in Beaver, Pa. (3) Thomas 1111cCULLOUGH 1810-1885; married Rebecca APPLEGATE; Nancy W. MILINDY; Mrs. ;lay HUNTHA. (3) Margaret McCULLOUGH 1812-1839; married George H 261OND; both born near E. Springfield, 0. (3) Jane McCULLOUGH 1814-1902; married William ANDREIS; both born in Richmond, 0. (3) Catharine McCULLOUGH 1817-1855; married James PATTEN, both born E. Springfield, 0. „CUL UGri +L::{ 3 Vol 2 =r3 a. o -e ruary 77 (3) David U. McCULLOUGH 1820-1842; born in Texas. (3) Alex L. McCULLOUGH 1822-1884; married Beth HAMMOND, borh born rear Howard Co., Mo. (3) Eliza McCULLOUGH 1824-1849; born near E. Springfield, 0. "Notes and Comments by R. M. REYNOLDS” Richard McCULLOUGH (2) always spelled his McCULLOCH, insisting that was the right spelling of the namr. On the tombstone of his father and mother, at Long's Church, the names are spelled McCULLOCH and that seems to indicate that Richard (2) indited those epitaphs. The old sandstone tombstone at the graves of John McCULLOCH (1) and his wife at Long's in Aug. 1909, were in excellent condition except one figure which told the year he died. (2) Alexander McCULLOUGH and Jane LESLIE. (3) Ellen McCULLOUGH 1807-1881; married Alexander McCULLOUGH (3) John McCULLOUGH 1809-1878 (3) Leslie McCULLOUGH 1814-1894; married Rebecca RIPPSETH and Mrs. Mary CLARK. (3) Alex McCULLOUGH L816-1894; married Drusilla THOMPSON and Catharine CREAGER. (3) David McCULLOUGH 1818-1896; married Rachel STRONG and Mrs. Eliza WYCOFF. (3) Jane McCULLOUGH, 1822-1902; married William CUNNINGHAM and Noah HEFLING. (3) Susan McCULLOUGH, 1824-1900; married Thomas MOZENA. (3) Elizabeth McCULLOUGH 1826— ; married Albert DEMSTER. (3) Rebecca McCULLOUGH 1828-1883; married Andrew McCULLOUGH and John MALONE. (2) Andrew McCULLOUGH and Margaret NORRIS. (3) Susannah McCULLOUGH 1807-18--; married Aaron HULLER. (3) Jane McCULLOUGH 1808-1880; married Robert WALKER and Asa MILLER. (3) Charles Norris McCULLOUGH 1812-1890; married Mary Ann THOMPSON. (3) John McCULLOUGH 1814-1886; married Sarah (3) Alex 1.1alker McCULLOUGH 1816-1819. (3) Margaret McCULLOUGH 1818-1890; married Upton GARTRELL. (3) Hugh McCULLOUGH 1821-1821. (3 ) Richard West McCULLOUGH 1822-1884; married Lucretia GARTRELL and Martha MITCHELL. (3) Elizabeth McCULLOUGH 18 —1881; married William HINDMAN. t (3) Andrew McCULLOUGH 1825-1876; married Rebecca McCULLOUGH. (5) Maggie CULP married Otto SWICARD, Westerville, 0.; 1 child. (4) George CULP, R. 1, Toronto, 0. (4) John M. CULP married Amy BRANT, Diamond, bio., 3 children, Pearl, Goldie, Oliver. (5) Pearl CUL? married Ralf FILLER, Jopin, Mo. (5) Goldie CULP married Lee ELVORTH, Sherwin Jct., Kansas; dead. (5) Oliver CUL? married Lottie ANDREWS, Brockville, Ind. (3) Harriet McCULLOUGH: born Dec. 14, 1832, died Feb. 41 1896 in E. Springfield; married G. M. BERESFORD, who died at Casey, Ill. in 1891. 9 children (will leave the BERESFORD's out at present.) The above is given to show what I am trying to do in the gray of history and genealogy. Have just put in more than an hour in going carefully over the material relating to the Margaret RICHEY branch of the family and I am of the opinion that it is practically impossible to obtain a complete genealogy of that branch and the same is probably true of the David branch. There is usually no great trouble to get information relating to the 3rd and 4th generations, but it is an entirely different proposition when we come to the 5th and 6th generations. You have furnished nearly all that seems to be needed (what you furnished would do quite well) for the 2nd and 3rd generations of the Alex and Andrew branches, now ghat can you do for the later gen- erations? Please furnish what you can. I send you, under separate cover, a roll of paper which is ruled in convenient form for such use. Would be pleased to receive suggestions from you concerning this work. Respectfully, R. M. REYNOLDS Letter courtesy of Mrs. Mary McCullough LONG, Uhrichsville, Ohio. From: Tri—State Trader, 22 Jan 1977: p. 31, Query — 24-12: Ancestors needed Dr. Henry McCRACKEN and Maude McCULLOUGH, m 1907, Scottsburg Ind. MRS. D. EVERETT, 19650 Old Ridge Road, South Bend, Indiana 46614 Laura dean HAADINUp o. -oi-v 15 Jan. IV77, wt. c 1b. L5 oz. Clau. Robert FE Linda NX - ,Denver. U./ r e oruary 1Y17 Mrs. John S. LOWERY, 209 Noland St., Falls Church Virginia 22046 has compiled "DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM C. McCULLOUGH" (b. 1827, Ohio). It is available for $2.50 per copy - offset printing - she also has Xerox copies of some old photographs for an additional 500, or total of $3.00. She is only having 100 copies made, so if you are interested, get your order in right away. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Willis G. CORBITT has just sent me some information about a will that names m great -great grand parents that indicates that I am a descendant of Lt. Thomas McCOLLOCH (however spelled who died of wounds received at King's Mountain7l.17 I'm excited, and.rill have to get further information. AITKEN, Mary B. (McCullough) I ALLEN, A.M , 3 ALLEN, Elizabeth (McCullough) 5 ALLEN, Moses 5 ANDERSON, Edith (Wasson) 1 ANDREWS, Jane (McCullough) 5 ANDR 7,11S, Lottie 6 ANDREIdS, William 5 APPLEGATE, Miss - 1 APPLEGATE, Rebecca 5 ATBEY, Walter 4 BARBOUR, Susanna 1 BENEDICT, Cleveland Keith 3 BENEDICT, Julia Hicks 3 BENEDICT, Olivia (Procter) 3 BELKNAP BENLAP, Mary 5 BENLAP BELKNAP, Mary 5 3ERESFO?.D, George :•i. 5p6 BERESFORD, Harriet (McCullough) 5, 6 BERRY, Anna 2 BIRfTEY, Asbury 5 BIRNEY, Ellen (McCullough) BIP.NEY, Margaret (McCullough 5 BIRNEY, Westley 5 BLOCKLEY, H. S. 2 BLOCKLEY, Lula M. 2 BLOCKLEY, Nell 2 BLOEMKER, Mrs. Lucile (Martsolf) 1 BRANT, Amy 6 BROOKS, Matilda 5 BROWN, Bennie L. 1 BROWN, John 1 BROWN, Lucinda (McCulloch/ Mc- Cullough) 1 BURGESS, Charlcie.Lee 3 3URNETT, Ethel viae 2 CAGLE, Della 2 CELLA?.S, Elizabeth 4,5 CLA.RK, Mrs. Mary 6 CORBITT, Gillis G. 112,7 COUPLAND, Retta McCullough(Waff ); COUPLAND3 William C. 3 CREAGER, Catharine 6 CROSBIE, Miss 2 CULP, A. Chalmers 4 CULP, Amy (Brant) 6 CULP, George 6 CUiLL°, George P. 4 CULP, Goldie 6 CULP, John 4,5 CULP, John M. L•,6 CULP, Lillian 4 CULP, Lottie (Andrews) 6 CULP, Loretta 4 CULP, Margaret (McCullough) 4 CULP, Maggie 6 CULP, Martha (McGraw) 4 CULP, Oliver. 6 CULP, Pearl 6 CULP, Sadie 4 CUNNINGHAM, Belle 5 CUNNINGHAM, Isabella 5 CUNNINGHAM, Jane (McCullough) 6 CUNNINGHAM, William 6 DAWSON, Aletha Martha (McCulloug: 3 DAWSON, Martha Belle (Froman) 3 DAMSON, Millard F. 3 DA,JSON, Mayne F. 3 DISMARAIS, Catharine Ann 3 DORAN, Blanche (Wasson) 1 EDGINGTON, Deborah 5 EDINGTON, Rachel 5 EKEY, Mrs. 3 EKEY, Andrew 5 INDEX EKEY, Catharine (McCullough) 5 ELSWORTH, Goldie (Culp) 6 ELSWORTH, Lee 6 EVERETT, Mrs. D. 6 EVERHARD, Caroline Jane (McCul- lough) 5 EVERHARD, Henry Hewitt 1 FILES, Louisa 2 FILLER, Pearl (Culp) 6 FILLER, Rolf 6 FINLEY, Rosannah 3 FREDERICK, Sarah 5 FROMAN, Martha Belle 3 GARDNER, Alex 2 GARDNER, Ethel 2 GARDNER, 2 Lucy Logan (McCullough) GARDNER, Raymond 2 GARDNER, Roe 2 GARDNER, Rolla 2 GARTRELL, Lucretia 6 GARTRELL, Margaret (McCullough) 6 GARTRELL, Upton 6 GEORGE, Gerogia 1 GEORGE, Robert 0. 1 GLASGOW, Martha Steel 3 .GLASGOW, Robert Ulster 3 GLASGOW, Rosannah (Finley) 3 GOBBLE, J. S. 1 GOULD, C. B. 3 COULD, Katharine Speer (Laughlin; 3 GRAY, Mary Jane 2 GRIFFIN, Maj. Gen. 3 HAMLIN, Jane 5 HAMMOND, Beth 6 HAMMOND, George 5 HAP1MOND, Helen 4,5 V01OND, Margaret McCullough)5 HAAiMOND, Susan 4 HARDING, Laura Jean 6 HARDING, Linda 6 HARDING, Robert 6 HART,. Marlin 2 HEFLINIG, Jane (McCullough) (Cunnin;ham) 6 HEFLING, 117oah HERRON, Lucy 3 HICKMAN, Lydia 5 HILL, Ann Austen (McCulloch) 3 HILL, Ann Dudley 3 HILL, Annie Louise (Watts) 3 HILL, George Watts 3 HILL, George Watts, Jr. 3 HILL, John Sprunt 3 HILL, John Sprunt, II, 3 HINDMAN,6Elizabeth (McCullough) HINDM.AN, tTilliam 6 HOLLAND, 1 Martha Ann (McCulloch) HOLLAND, William 1 HOOBLER, Mrs. 3 HORD, Mary Elizabeth(McCullough) 1 HORD, Thomas E. 1 HUNTHA, Mrs. May 5 HUTCHINSON, Pearl 2 IRVINE, Ina lay (McCullough) IRVINE, Jatrez Clement 3 IV:rIN, 3 IMMIN,n�i n 3 JACKSON, Sophronia Elmira 3 JORDAT:, Susan Louisa 3 LAUGHLIN, Ann (Irwin) 3 LAUGHLIN, Maj. George McCully 3 LAUGHLIN, George McCully, Jr. 3 LAUGHLIN, Geroge McCully, III 3 LAUGHLIN, Henrietta Zantzinger (Speer) 3 LAUGHLIN, Isabel Bowman (McKen- nan) 3 LAUGHLIN, Irwin 3 LAUGHLIN, James 3 LAUGHLIN, Katherine Speer 3 LAUGHLIN, Lucy (Herron) 3 LAUGHLIN, Thomas McKennan 3 LESLIE, Jane 4,5;6 LIGGETT, Charles 4 LIGGETT, Clyde 4 LIGGETT, Earl 1y LIGGETT, Ethel (Skinner) 4 LIGGETT, John 4 LIGGETT, Loretta (Culp) 4 LIGGETT, Maggie 4 LIGGETT, Mary 4 LINDER, Abraham 1 LINDER, Sarah (McCulloch) 1 LINDER, Sarah Elizabeth 1 LONG, Belle (McCullough) 5 LONG, Frances 4,5 LONG, James 5 LONG, Mary (Mccullough) 3,6 LOWERY, Edna Hazel (t=IcCullough) 37 LOWRY, Elijah 4 LOWRY, Ellen LOWRY, Margaret ( Richey) 4 L(YURY, Mary ( Richey) 4 LOWRY, Stephen 4 McCLAIN, Eliza Jane 5 McCLUNG, Mary 3 McCLUNG, Sally 3 McCOLLOUGH,Jim 1 McCONNELL, Mane (Richey) 4 McCONNELL, Matthew 4 MCCRACKEN, Dr. Henry 6 McCRACKEN, Maude (McCullough) 6! McCULLAH,Alexander 1 MCCULLAH, Billie 1 McCULLAH, WASSON families 1 McCULLAH, 'dillis Austin I McCULLOCH, hiss (Crosbie) 2 McCULLOCH, Adelaide 1 MCCULLOCH, Alexander 1 McCULLCCH, Ann Austen 3 McCULLOCH, Anne 1 . McCULLOCH, Benjamin 1 McCULLOCH, Christean (Mullen)2 McCULLOCH, David 2 McCULLOCH, Rev. Duncan 3 McCULLOCH, Edward 2 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth (Ward) 2 McCULLOCH, Ellen 2 McCULLOCH, Henry 1 MCCULLOCH, Hugh 2 McCULLOCH, Jane (Smith) 2 MCCULLOCH, John 1,2,5,6, McCULLOCH, Lucinda 1 McCULLOCH, Martha Ann 1 McCULLOCH, Martha L. 1 McCULLOCH, Mary Augustine 1 McCULLOCH, Mary Elizabeth 1 McCULLOCH, Philip 1 McCULLOCH, Richard 2, 6 McCULLOCH, Robert 1, 2 McCULLOCH, Sarah 1 McCULLOCH, Sarah (McCulloch) 1 McCULLOCH, William 2 MCCULLOCK, John 2 McCULLOUGH, (Applegate) 1 McCULLOUGH,let a Martha 3 McCULLOUGH, Alfred Augustus 1 McCULLOUGH, Alex 6 McCULLOUGH, Alex L. 6 McCULLOUGH, Alex Walker 6 McCULLOUGH Vol 2 =3 %IcGARY, Catharine a.8 February 77 McCULLOUGH, Alexander 4,5,t McCULLOUGH, Martha Steel (Glas- t{IARTSOLF, Lucile 1 McCULLOUGH, Andrew 4,51t6, (Berryl 2 gow) 3 Mary 396 MATTEI, Mrs. C. R. 1 McCULLOUGH, ?�:cCULLOUGH, Anna Belle 5 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Mary (Benlap/Belknap AIEAi�E, Mr. &Mfrs. R. E. 2 MEL:NDY, John 1 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Belle (Cunningham)5 Gen. Benjamin 1 5 McCULLOUGH, Mary (Cagle) 3 MELENDY, Marcy (Perry) 1 2ELENDY, Nancy .Jarriner 1 McCULLOUGH; Bertha 2 -McCULLOUGH, Mrs. Mary (Clark) 6 2 AIIESWINKSL Fred Gene 1 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Bessie June 2 Beth (Hammond) 6 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, nary �Maracle) Mary McClung) 3 MILINDY, Nancy W. 5 MILLER, Aaron 6 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Bruce 3icCULLOUGH, Caroline Jane 1 McCULLOUGH, Mary McDonald) 2 Mary (1,icSpadden)1,2, MILLER, Abraham 4 MILLER, Asa 6 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Catharine 5 Catharine (Creager)6 3MILLER, McCULLOUGH, Mary Ann (Thompson)6 Elizabeth (Richey) 4 MILLER, Jane (McCullough) McCULLOUGH, Charlcie Lee (Burges. ,cCI::PIGJ. ,aru Aigistome ; (.talker) 6 3 MILL -R, Susannah (McCullough) 6 McCULLOUGH Charles Norris 6 MILLHORN Llizabeth (Richey) I McCULLOUGH, Charles Pinkerton 3 McCULLOUGH, Clara B. (Philpott)3 McCULLOUGH, D. H. 3 McCULLOUGH, D. U. 3 McCULLOUGH, David 3p4 5p6 McCULLOUGH, David U. 6 McCULLOUGH, Deborah (Sdgington) McCULLOUGH, Degraphrey 2 McCULLOUGH, Drusilla (Thompson) McCULLOUGH, -dna Hazel 3,7 ,McCULLOUGH: Eliza 6 McCULLOUGH, Mrs. Eliza (Wycoff) McCULLOUGH, Eliza Jane (McClain, 5 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth 39,5,6 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (4Cellars) 4,5 1141cCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (Scarlott) 5 McCL'LLOUGH, Ellen 5,6 McCULLOUGH, Ellen (Lowly) 5 McCULLOUGH, Ellen (McCullough)5 McCULLOUGH, F. E. 3 McCULLOUGH, Frances (Lomg) 4 , 5 McCULLOUGH, George 5 VXCULLOUGH, Glen 'ichard 2 McCULLOUGHr Glen Vernal 2 McCULLOUGH, Grover Vermont 2 McCULLOUGH, Harriet 4,5,6 McCULLOUGH, Harriet Agnes (Pink- erton) 3 tdcCULLOUGu, Henrietta Reynolds 3 McCULLOUGH, Henry 1 . cCULLOUGH, Henry Stuart 2 i.IcCULLOUGH, Hugh 2,4,5x6 ;icCULLOUGH, Hugh, Jr. 2 McCULLOUGH, 1jueh Crittenden 2 McCULLOUG? Ina ( ) 2 McCULLOUGH, Ina i-.ar�y 3 McCULLCUGH, Isabella (Cunninghah 5 McCULLOUGH, James 1.5 McCULLOUGH, Jades Addison 3 McCULLOUGH, John Smith 2 McCULLOUGH, Jane 5,6 McCULLOUGH, Jane (Susan Jar.e-. 1 McCULLOUGH, Jane (Hamlin) 5 McCULLOUGH, Jane (Leslie) 4t 59E McCULLOUGH, Jane (:Mont omeryl 5 McCULLOUGH, Jane (Reed) 1 McCULLOUGH, Jane Richey) 1,4,5 .McCULLOUGH, Jane Underwood)3,5 McCULLOUGH, Jane U. 4 McCULLOUGH, Joe Oscar 2 i.icCULLOUGH, John, 1,2,314,5,6 i;cCULLOUGH, John, Clough 3 McCULLOUGH, John Fletcher 4 McCULLOUGH, John Hiram 3 McCULLOUGH, John Melville 1 McCULLOUGH, Joseph 1 McCULLOUGH, Dr. Joseph 3 McCULLOUGH, Julia Hicks (Bene- dict) 3 AIc CULLOUGH, Leslie 6 McCULLOUGH, Louisa (Files) 2 McCULLOUGH, Lucinda 1 McCULLOUGH, Lucretia (Gartrell)6 McCULLOUGH, Lucy Logan 2 McCULLOUGH; Lula M. 2 . McCULLOUGH, Lydia (Hickman) 5 McCULLOUGH, Manch Lucile 2 McCULLOUGH, a g ret 3,4,5 McCULLOUGH, Margaret (Norris) 4,5,6 McCULLOUGH, Margaret (Scott) 5 McCULLOUGH, Martha(Mitchell) 6 McCULLOUGH, Mary Augustine 1 McCULLOUGH, Mary B. 2 McCULLOUGH, Mary Jane 2 McCULLOUGH, Mary Jane (Gray) 2 McCULLOUGH, Matilda (Brooks) 5 McCULLOUGH, Maude 6 McCULLOUGH, Mrs. May(uHluln)tha) 5 McCULLOUGH, Nancy 4SSh McCULLOUGH; Nancy (Thompson 3 McCULLOUGH, Nancy .t. (Milindy) 5 McCULLOUGH, Nancy Warriner (Mel- endy) 1 McCULLOUGH, Newton Edward 2 McCULLOUGH, Olivia 3 McCULLOUGH, Pearl (Hutchinson) 2 McCULLOUGH, Perry Braden 2 McCULLOUGH, Rachel(Edington) 5 McCULLOUGH, Rachel (Strong) 6 McCULLOUGH, Ralph Chase 2 M1cCULLOUGH, Ralph Hunt 2 McCULLOUGH, Rebecca 6 McCULLOUGH; Rebecca 4Applegate) McCULLOUGH, Rebecca (McCullough 6 McCULLOUGH, Rebecca (Rippeth) 6 McCULLOUGH, Richard 3,4,516 IcCULLOUGH, Richard West 6 McCULLOUGH, Robert 1 McCULLOUGH, Robert Neil 2 McCULLOUGH, Robert Smith 2 McCULLOUGH, Rowanda Lee 3 *_McCULLOUGH, Sally (McClung) 3 McCULLOUGH, Samuel 2 McCULLOUGH, Samuel Homer 3 McCULLOUGH, Sarah 4 i•IcCULLOUGH, Sarah ) 6 McCULLOUGH, Sarah F ederick) 5 'fcCULLOUGH, Sarah Ramsey) 5 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Ann 2 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Ann (McCulloug (Hart) 2 McCULLOUGH, Sarah C. (Phelps) 1 McCULLOUGH, Sophronia Elmira (Jackson) 3 McCULLOUGH,Susan 6 McCULLOUGH, Susan Louise (Jordan) McCULLOUGH, Susannah 6 McCULLOUGH, Susanna (Barbour) 1 McCULLOUGH, Sylvester 2 McCULLOUGH, Thomas 193,5 McCUrLLOUGH, Thomas Homer 3 !JIcC ULLOUGH, :lard Hunt 2 ?McCULLOUGH, 1.1illiam 1 McCULLOUGH 9 William Marvin 3 McCULLOUGH, 14illiam Raymond 3 :411cCULLOUGH, William Thomas 3 McCULLOUGH, William Walter 2 McCULLOUGHt Zachary Taylor 2 McCULLY, George 3 tMcDONALD, Mary 2 McDOUGAL Bessie Jane (Mcculloug (Miller) 4 MILLHORN, Isaac 4 MITCHELL,. Martha 6 MONTGOMERY, Jane 5 MOZENA, Susan (McCullough) 6 MOZENA, Thomas 6 MULLEN, Christean 2 NICHOLS, Adelaide (McCulloch) (Stokes) 1 NICHOLS, James 1 NORRIS, !Margaret 4,5,6 OSBORN, t:ary Augustine (Mcculloc /McCullough) 1 OSBORN, Thomas 1 PATTEN, Catharine (McCullough)5 PATTEN, James 5 PAXTON, Robert 4 PAXTON, Sarah (McCullough) 4 PSRRY, Marcy 1 PHELPS, Sarah C. 1 PHILPOTT, Clara B. 3 PINKERTON, Harriet Agnes 3 PLANT, Kathleen 1,293 POWERS, Bertha (McCullough) 2 PM,1ERS, Robert 2 POWERS, Walter 2 PROCTER, Olivia 3 RAMSEY, Sarah 5 BAWLS, Caroline 3 REED, Jane 1 REYNOLDS, Jane U. (McCullough)4 REYNOLDS, Richard McCullough 3►5,6 REYNOLDS, Thomas 4,5 RICHEY, Andrew 4 RICHEY, Catharine 4 RICHEY, Elizabeth 4 RICHEY, George 4 RICHEY, Helen (Hammond) 4,5 RICHY, James Harvey 4 RICHEY, Jane 1,495 RICHEY, Jane (Thompson) 4 RICHEY, John McCullough 4 RICHEY, t;argaret 4,6 RICKY, Margaret (McCullough) 4 RICHEY, Mary 4 RICHEY, Phoebe (Sherman) RICHEY, Susan (Hammond) 4 RICHEY, Thomas 4,5 RIPPETH, Rebecca 6 RUTLEDGE, Frances (Long) (Mc- Cullough) 4 RUTLEDGE, Thomas 4 SCARLOTT, Elizabeth . 5 SCOTT, Margaret 5 SHEITIAN, Phoebe 4 h)SHULL, Nancy 5 'SIEVGRS Mrs Glenn 1 McDOUGAL, Harry A. 2�SI1►*?SON1 (Richey) 4 William 2 %IcGARY, Catharine SMITH, Amy Lee Ann 3 McGARY, David 4 SMITH, Bennet F. Jr. 3 2•IcGHEE9 Ralph 2 ,IcGHEE, Manch Lucile (McCullough) SMITH, SMITH, Bennet F., III 3 Carharine Ann Dismarais 3 SMITH, Jane 2 McGRAW, Martha 4 SMITH, Rowanda Lee (McCullough)3 McKENNAN, Isabel Bowman 3 SMITH, Rowanda M. 2 `icKENNAN, Pauline Gertrude (de _.SPSER, Henrietta Zantsinaer 3 McKENNAN. William 3 SPEER., John Zantzinger 3 ;•ICKNIGHT, Katharine 'McClung 3 SPEER, Katharine McClung (McKnigi McSPADDEN, 2•4.ary 1, 2, 3 3 STOKZS, Adelaide (McCulloch) 1 STRONG, Rachel 6 MALONE, John 6 ?.ALONE, febecca (h�cNulrough) SWICARD, ;Maggie (Culp) 5 S.tICARD, Otto 6 McCullough MARACLE, Mary 2 TAYLOR, Elizabeth ( McCullough) 4 TAYLOR, Samuel 4 THOMPSON, Drusilla 6 THOMPSON, Jane 4 THOMPSON, Mary Ann 6 THOMPSON, Nancy 3 THRAPP, Mrs. 3 UMSTOFF, Abram 4 UMSTOFF, Margaret (Richey)(Lowry) 4 UNDE'T,VOOD, Jane 3 , 5 WAFF, Caroline ( Rawls } 3 WAFF, Henrietta Reynolds (McCul— Lough) 3 WAFF, Howard Joseph 3 WAFF, Howard Joseph, Jr., 3 WAFF, Margaret (Whitehead) 3 .STAFF, Retta McCullough 3 WAFF, Thomas Edward 3 WAHL, Caroline h. 1 WALKER, Jane (McCullough) 6 WALKER, Robert 6 WALLACE, -Mrs. 3 WARD, Ann E. ( Linder) 1 WARD, Elizabeth 2 WARD, Martha L. (McCulloch) 1 WARD, Ota Hopkins (II) 1 WARD, Sarah Elizabeth (Linder)1 WASSON, Blanche 1 WASSON, Edith 1 WASSON, Kermit 1 1,1ATTS, Annie Louise 3 WEAVER, Fred S. 2 WEAVER, Manch Lucile (McCullough (McGhee) 2 WHITEHEAD, Margaret 3 WYCOFF, Mrs. Eliza 6 'dell, it appears that I goofed again. Almost got the index on the other two pages — but here I am with an extra page. If I added any additional info, it wouldn't get indexed. I have been to the National Archives, working on the Alabama Soundex of the 1900 census — have spent 5 hours there on it so far, and have considerable more to go .May have part of it in the next issue — have so much now that I would like into it that I don't how much I'll be abele to do. The Orange County California Genealogical Society library has several CD of the Indices of the 1850 Census. I have started going through them also. I may use one issue just for them — without an index, since that is all they are — except that they are for individual states, and would have to be checked that way. Anyone have an objection to that? This is later than I had expected, won't get mailed until next week, and I had hoped to get them out by today — the 11th, so my VALENTINE will be late arriving. Happy Valentine's Day, f� r W. 'R. YAR.1100D Anaheim Royal #31, 1250 N. State College Blvd., Anaheim, California 92806 Y1kCKULLOUCH II �k r Macc 1, , MacZullie mccoly Ma.cologhe uloch {� 'I Aiaccullie ��} McHullie AicC M' Hulagh ' ` ' McCollam °Iloch - ALL CccuZ I�P•Coulaghe aZO �TulhOwlache 4ck t4cCullie McCollom • Makcullocht McKulloch• ticKowloch pgcCullock Xacoulie M'KulaPh MacLulli Iyakcoerloch Maclullich ., MacCullough Mc-Coulach McCulloch M CullochN"Alach A`•cCulloh ll Yakawllauch McCollouggh Maccuochtl'�ulioug�, h M$Kowloche McCully t•.akhulagh ub: I?. YA? 100L, Anaheim Royal #31, 1250 N. i l� Y State College Blvd., Anaheim, Califon Ph: 714-956-5308 4 First, an explanation - I had fi-*ured on getting this issue out in tray - but had been using too man;- nitroglycerine tablets, so told the Dr. that I needed some checking- u,:. He agreed, and sent me - to a cardiologist for a "treadmill" test. When he saw the results, he scheduled an angiograr.. tIhen I had the angiogram, he had me put into Intensive Care, and the following morning they operated on the heart - putting in four coronary bypass grafts using veins from my legs. Since then, I have been in the hospital or at home. I started working again June 6 - and figure it'll take me four to six weeks to get this typed up, indexed, and printed. Another change is that Air. Corbitt's charts will be in a later issue. I have transcribed from his charts to a tabular form, but believe that the notes in this will be a little more rapidly typed up. AD: All TUFTS descendants sought for a mammoth pictorial, biographical and genealogical encyclo- pedia. Write: TUFTS KINS1i1EN Project, 43 Hosmer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02126 BOOK REVIET,1: "Descendants of William C. McCULLOUGH, May 11, 1827 - February 24, 1878" Compiled b.£dna Hazel (McCullough) Lowery, 19?7, 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Virginia 22045. Price 82.50 - 3.00 with Xerox copies of pictures. Mrs. Lowery has brought together the information about William C. McCULLOUGH and his descendants. She has been unable to verify his ancestry, though there are indications that he may come from John MCCULLOUGH (17$7-1860) and his wife Jane FORSYTHE. Any help to either verify or disprove such a con- nection would be appreciated. Airs. Lowery uses the numbering system of one Capital letter for each generation, so that AAAA is Edith McCULLOUGH, oldest child of AAA Williaia Andrew, oldest child of AA Robert Taylor, oldest child of A William C. McCULLOUGH. The first four pages are devoted to background information about McCULLOUGH (various spellings) in Scotland and early America, and would be of interest to all of us. She includes considerable information about William C. and possible relatives - indicating which is verified, which seems probable but is unverified, and which portions she believes to be incorrect - but where documentation is lacking either way. There are 10 pages of photocopies of marriage certificates, military records, pension applications, affidavits, etc. %'then she gets to the descendants of William C. McCULLOUGH, she includes one or more paragraphs abou-v each, in most instances indicating the sources of her information. The book is well :,north the purchase price (I doubt if she makes a profit - most likely loses money) and my copy will eventually wind up at the Orange County California Genealogical Society Library. 1 Airs. Lowery would greatly appreciate any corrections or additions to the information given. BOOK REVIEW: "The MCCULLAH WASSON Families, 1700-1967" "A Genealogy of the NcCULLAH-41ASSON.Families' started by Willis McCULLAH, continued by Blanche (Wasson)DORAN vrith•help from other family. members. Available from Kermit WASSON, Treasurer McCULLAH-WASSON Reunion, 105 Park Street, Rt 3, Box 201, Nixa, Missouri 65714. Cost - $6.00 plus postage. This is an interesting book, which has first some information about their annual reunions, now Afield from the first Sunday to the second Sunday of August each year at a campsite on the Finley River on prop- erty owned by Kirk & Gentry HA:dKINS. The first reunion was held in 1890 to celebrate the 52nd birthday of Samuel Calvin McCULLAH, and they have been held regularly since. The first ancestor they have any record of was Thomas McCULLOUGH, who eras granted an "ordinary" (license) for his home in Augusta Co., Virginia on A February 1745. His son was Henry McCULLOCH. His son Alexander used McCULLAH, which has been used down to the present. The format used is general through the first four generations - though not complete. The detailed information commences with the great grandson of Thomas McCULLOUGH, Alexander McCULLAH, who m. Blunt Co. Tennessee, 14 May 1815, Lucy ROBERTSON dau of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lane) ROBERTSON. Starting with the 5th generation - specifically the descendants of Alexander and Lucy - a section is assigned to each of their children, whose descendants are carried down to the present before going to the next member of the fifth generation. A numbering system is not used as such, except to give the first name with a super- script numeral to indicate generation, followed by the rest of the name, i.e., Christira7 Vivian WASSON (June 27, 1885 -1. Ell.William lN. Ella' MayINMAN(May8, 1909-) etc. There is quite a bit of information about individuals down through the 5th generation., but less for the more recent ones, where it becomes mostly dates, etc. In most cases, there are pictures of the children of Alexander & Lucy and of their wri.ves or husbands. Also of the grandchildren & spouses. 1-1,cCULLUUGH IN1EMUS, V 2 7 4 P. July 11)77 The last 29 pages of the written portion of the book have to do Frith the family of Sir David and Flora (Graham) ;IASSON, whose 9th child, John Thomas ,,IASSON m the 6th child of Alexander & Lucy(Robert- son) McCULLAH, Lucinda Caroline McCULLAH. The coverage of the ,1IASSON family is less complete, since only John Thomas and his sister Lucy Cyrena Odasson)(Oehler) GIBSON came to Missouri, the other ten children remaining in Indiana. Of course, by now, the descendants are considerably scattered, but the present locations are seldom given in the book. By the same token, the McCULLAH descendants' location is seldom spelled out, although they have also scattered throughout much of the U.S. as indicated by clues such as "marina business" or "career Air Force." Other than the descendants of Alexander & Lucy (Robertson)t,'LcCULLAH, the.earlier genealogy (from wills, etc.) is: I Thomas McCULLOUGH - "ordinary" for home, Augusta Co., Va., 18 Feb 1745 X 1. Henry McCULLOUGH/tdcCULLOCH 2. Joseph McCULLOUGH Relative ages not known II Henry McCULLOCH/t,;cCULLOUGH will, Hawkins Co., Tenn., dtd 20 Mar 1834, prob. May 1834 (relative ages of children not known) X 1. Alexander McCULLOUGH / McCULLAH 2. Nancy McCULLOUGH 3. Henry McCULLOUGH 4. William McCULLOUGH 5. Voney (Vaney) McCULLOUGH III Alexander McCULLAH m Rebecca WHEAT X 1. Alexander McCULLAH, b 16 July 1793r Wythe Co., Va. They were divorced, and Alexander m 2nd Elizabeth McNUTT 2. James McCULLAH 3. Emily McCULLAH Rebecca m 2nd John LAMB & had 7 children. Alexander lived with mother & step -father in Va., & Hankins Co., Tenn. until about 15, then hired out. He was in the 111ar of 1812 under Col. BLUE - whose regiment was under General Andrew JACKSON. IV Alexander McCULLAH, b 16 July 1793• +'lythe Co., Va.; d. 18 Apr 1856, Stone Co., Mo, - m. 14 Liar 1819, Lucy ROBERTSON h8 Feb 1799-1 Dec 1849), dau of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lane) R6BERTSON. Alexander m 2nd Mrs. Elizabeth COLEMAN 1. Thomas Lindsey McCULLAH, d in childhood 2. John Wesley McCULLAH, 12 Mar 1821 - 11 Oct 1864 3. Rebecca McCULLAH, 18 July 1822 - 27 Oct 1888 4. Elizabeth McCULLAH, d in childhood 5. James Alexander McCULLAH, 18 Jan 1829 - 28 ?far 1901 6. Lucinda Caroline McCULLAH, 10 Mar 1830 - 27 Feb 1906 7. William Francis McCULLAH, 10 Feb 1832 - 14 Dec 1900 8. Rufus Asbury McCULLAH, 27 July 1833 - 1861 9. Samuel Calvin McCULLAH, 1 July 1837 - 3 Feb 1906 Step -daughter: Elizabeth COLEMAN "THE OFFICIAL TARTAN MAP of Tartans Approved by Clan Chiefs, the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs or the Lord Lyon King of Arms" by John Telfer DUNBAR & Don POTTINGER shows tartans of 141 different clans. It also lists many "septs", among which is listed MACCULLOCH, as a sept of MACDOUGALL. The Warp and the weft are identical. The number after each color indicates the number of threads of that color before th next color is started. dhite 29 Purple 6, Red 4, Green 60, Red 8, Green 4, Red 8, Blue 20, Purple 8, Red 4, Purple 8, Greer. 20, Red 209 Green 20, Red 4, Blue 4, Red 609 Purple 6, Red 49 dhite 2. Red 4, Purple 6, Red 60, Blue 49 Red 41 Green 20, Red 10. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QUEItY: Mildred Dunlevy DE SMIDT (Mrs. Harold), 4604 East Broadway, Des Moines, Iowa 50317 Desires information about George McCOLLOCH & wife Margaret whose daughter Elizabeth Zane McCOLLOCH vias born 14 Aug 1800 according to family Bible. Eliza et . 1cCOLLOCH m James DUNLEVY and had a son George McColloch DUNLEVY b 16 July 1825. Family traditions say George A'cC. DUNLEVY was born in Pennsylvania or (West) Virginia. QUERY: Mrs. Mary Virginia KANE, 1410 Pembrooke Lane, Anaheim, California 92804 Desires information on McCULLOUGH's of Washington Co., Pennsylvania; especially Samuel McCULLOUGH b-.1787, prob. Penna. and wife Jane-?-, b 1797, Penna. Dau. Margaret McCULLOUGH m ? Son SamuelMcCULLOUGH m ? QUERY: Wendy ELLIOTT, 4808 E. Garland St., Anaheim, California 92807 Needs information Hezekiah WALLACE, liv 1802, Beaver Co., Penna; m ca 1812, Nancy McCULLOUGH. Ch. m into families N-LSON, SWANEY & BEBOUT ca 1850. Nancy McCULLOUGH possibly dau. Alexander. QUERY: Joyce C. 111ARCY, 856 TY:urphy Rd., iideford, Oregon 97501 Need vital statistics of (Patrick) Henry McATEL & Jane HARRISON, parents of George ,Ihitfield McATE- b Rockingham Co., Va., m. 14 Tear 1832, Nancy McCULLOCH. QUERY: Mrs. Robert EBERLE, 2 Brookside Court, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 Desires infor re family & all dates: Col. Thomas McCULLOCH (1795-1858), eldest son of Robert Mc CULLOCH & Sarah Ann CLARK, m Dorcas LOGAN. MCGULLOUGH Ma,, -V0-1—T---X4 A. 3 JUIV 77 QUERY: Ethel B. REDFIELD, 136$0 Robleda Rd., Los Altos Hills, California 94022 ` Desires info re ancestry, etc., of Elizabeth McCULLOCH, b ca 1820, Virginia; m ca 1838/9, Cooper Co., Missouri, A. H. FRIER; moved, via wagon train, to Oregon Territory, May 1845• QUERY: bliss Judy VAN ROY, 392 S. Ventura, Farmersville, California 93223 Desires info about I?illiam Andrew MITCHELL, b 1820, Fairfield Dist, South Carolina, m Mary McCULLY, Pickens Co., Alabama; Harwood Co., Tennessee; Scott Co., Arkansas QUERY: Firs. Shirley WILSON, Rt.. 2, Cobden, Illinois Desires info re William McCULLY, b 1791, Virginia; m Mary MOYER in Tennessee, moved to Missouri. From: Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly, Fall 1975 p. 129 Abstracts of Bond County, Illinois, Marriage Records, 1837-1844 RICKLEY, Frederick - McCULLI1,1j Luzinda 28 Sept 1837 P. 132 - same McCULLOCH, Exum - PAISLEY, Minerva A. 25 Mar 1841 p. 161 - Illinois Persons found in Missouri 1860 Census, Dallas County. Transcribed by Lora May RAY, R. 3, Box 155, Sullivan, Ill. 61951 Benton Txip, P.O. Buffalo T52 - William C. hIcCULEY, 33, Ohio, Farmer Mary 33, Ill. Robert T. 14, Oh William H. 10, Oh Lucinda 9, I1 Nancy S. .7, Il John A. 5, Il Joseph W. 1, Il George W. 1/12, 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: TREE TALK - from Western Forestry Center, 4033 SW Canyon Road, Portland Oregon 97221 pp 1/2 Volunteers Help Visitors Learn ..... Twice a month on Fridays, Willis Corbitt tells our visitors all about forestry and the Forestry Center. A graduate of the University` of Y shington, Corbitt worked as a forester in France with the army (VAI I) and in California with the state government. He was born in Iowa but raised in Eastern Washington, and considers the Northwest his home. In 1939, he moved back here to work with Crown Zellerbach and stayed with them until his retirement in 1957. Early retirement years were spent exploring Europe and North America, always with an eye to com- paring forestry practices. In 1971, Corbitt started his regular visits to the Center to help visitors understand more about the science of forestry. After years of experience as an engineer and inspector, he has an abundance of stories and says he doesn't give anyone a chance to ask many Questions. He spends a considerable amount of time pursuing his other interests as well: genealogy, photograDh- stamp collecting, coin collecting, and the writing of verses. From: 14131is G. CORBITT, 707 S.W.- Madison St., Apt 406, Portland Oregon 97205 - Samuel 14cCULLOCH, m Rebecca LEGGETT - lived Potter Valley, Mendocino Co., California Ch: Mary Jane McCULLOCH, b 1853 Samuel Alexander McCULLOCH, b 1855 George Washington McCULLOCH, b. 1859 John H. McCULLOCH, b 1859 Elvira McCULLOCH, b. 1861 Abraham McCULLOCH, b 1864 Laura A. McCULLOCH, b. 1866 Harriet Elizabeth McCULLOCH, b 1868 James B. McCULLOCH, b. 1869 Emma McCULLOCH, b 1873 Kate Maude McCULLOCH, b. 1875 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Or: James McCULLOCH, m Elizabeth Ann ?— Ch: Mary Jane McCULLOCH, b 1845 William Thomas McCULLOCH, b 1847 Francis McCULLOCH, b. 1849 Margie McCULLOCH b 1851 Jasper McCULLOCH, b 1853 Adolphus McCULLOCH, b 1856 Mr. CORBITT would appreciate any additional information about any of the above - day, month, place of birth, marriages, death, etc. So rjould firs. Betty K. SUtaERS, 1404 Bellair Dr., Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 Mr. CORBITT also sent some additional information about the John McCULLOUGH family reported from the COMPENDIUii OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY, Vol. 59 p 153 - McC Memos, V2 r3, p•3: I John McCULLOUGH, came from Ireland, settled or Borden's Tract, August Co., Va. 1739 II Thomas McCULLOUGH, d 17$2, Lexington, Rockbridge—Co., Va. III John McCULLOUGH, 1740-1822, Adams Co, Ohio; m 2nd, Mary McCLUNG IV Thomas McCULLOUGH, 1769/70 Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Va, d 23 Dec 1861, Tranquility, Adams Co., Ohio, m Sally (Selina] A;cCLUNG. Thomas buried Tranquility Cemetery, Adams Co, Ohio V John McCULLOUGH, b 4 Feb 1804., Lexington, Va.; d. 12 Aug 1874, Logan Two., Peoria Co., Illinois; m 22 Oct, 1829, Adams Co., Ohio, Martha Steele GLASGOW, b 18 Sept 1$10, Rockbridge Co., Va. d.5 June 1873, Logan Tirip, Peoria Co., Ill.; both bd. Smithville Cem., Peoria Co., Ill. ticCVol#4 P. July VI James Addison McCULLOUGH, b 26 Nov 1844, Adams Co., Ohio, d 4 Jan 1930, Albany, Linn Co., Oregon; m 15 Jan 15749 Harriet Agnes PINKERTON, b. 4 Feb 1848, Preble Co., Ohio, d 2 Jan 1949, Albany Linn Co., Oregon, both bd Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Do., Oregon VII Charles Pinkerton McCULLOUGH, b 10 May 18759 nr Hannah City, Ill,; m 22 June 19041, Halsey, Linn Co., Oregon, Clara E. PHILPOTT VII Ina pilary McCULLOUGH, b 20 Dec 18761, nr Hannah City, Peoria Co., Ill; m 13 June 1900, nr. Halsey, Linn Co., Oregon, James Clement IRVINE Ch: James Harold IRVINE, b 30 April 1901, Albany, Ore.; m June 1924, Ore., Esta Katherine RYDER Ch: James Arthur IRVINE, b 22 June 1925, Albany, Linn Co., Ore. Elizabeth Katherine IRVINE, b 22 July 1927, Ore. Elliott Charles IRVINE, b 1 May 1911, Oregon VII Aletha I•Iartha McCULLOUGH, b 29 Dec 1882, Hannah City, Peoria Co., Ill; m 25 June 1920, Wayne F. DAMSON, b. 13 Sept 1879, Albany, Linn Co., Oregon Aletha taught in public schools of Linn Co., Oregon 1903-1905; Albany Public School 1906-20. Regent of Linn Chapter DAR 1930; President, Thursday Study Club, 1926-27; Modern Traveler's Club 1928-30; V.P. 1930; Presbyterian, Republican; residence 129 W. 7th St., Albany, Oregon Collateral Line: III Robert GLASGOW, b 1749, Londonderry, County Down, Ireland, d after 1834, Adams Co., Ohio; m -?- Rosannah Lster BARCLAY From Ireland to America 1765; to Rockbridge Co., Va. 1769; to Adams Co., Ohio 1796; Pvt. Rev. :Jar. Came from Ireland with brothers Joseph & Arthur GLASGOW IV Robert Uster GLASGOM, b 20 Jan 1783, Rockbridge Co., Va., d 5 June 18619 nr Hannah City, Peoria Co., Ill; m 13 Sept 1809, Bush Creek Church, Adams Co., Ohio to Rosanna FINLEY, b 10 June 1789; d 8 Nov 18651, Hannah City, Peoria Co., Ill; both bd Smithville Cem., Logan Twp, Peoric Co., Ill. Daughter, Martha Steel GLASGOW9 m John McCULLOUGH - above. Collateral Line: IV dilliam McCRc.ARY, ca 1772 -ca 1830, of Chester Co., South Carolina; m t;ary DOUGLAS V Mary McCREARY, b 1808, Preble Co., d 1883; m 18290 Ebenezer PINKERTON, b 1804, Peoria Co., Ill., d 1863. VI Harriet Agnes PINKERTON, b 4 Feb 1848, Preble Co., 0; d 2 Jan 1939, Albany, Oregon; m 15 Jan 1874, James Addison McCULLOUGH - above. Mr. Willis CORBITT also sent some additional information to be added to THE McCULLOUGH FAMILY, V 2, n39 P. 5 - February 1977: (this from a pedigree chart made by Hammond CRAWFORD, Bunnydale Farm, Mantua, Ohio) John McCULLOUGH, b 1777, Donegal, Ireland, d 18 June 1850, near Jefferson'Co. Ohio; m Jane $CHIE, b 1782, Ireland, d 14 Dec 1854, both bd Long's M. E. Church Cem, Jefferson Co., Ohio. John came to America in 1802; Jane came in 1804. Margaret MLcCULLOUGH, b 1812, d 8 June 1838, near Springfield, Jefferson Co., Ohio; m 30 Dec 1830, George HAIAIOND, b 12 Aug 1805, Springfield Twp, Jefferson Co., Ohio, d 12 Feb 1855, near E. Springfield, Jefferson Co., Ohio. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr CORBITT also sent the following - and would li{e the "gaps" filled if you have any information. I Thomas t:cCULLOUGH, d 17$2, Rockbridge Co., Va.; m Mary? --?- II John McCULLOUGH, Sr., b 1740, d 1822, Adams Co., Ohio; m 1st, ca 1768 ? ; m 2nd, 1794, Va.,Mary McCLUNG III -1 Thomas 'McCULLOUGH, b 1769, d 1861, Butler Co., Ohio. bd Oxford Butler Co., Ohio; m McCLUNG. IV -1 John McCULLOUGH IV -2 Samuel McCULLOUGH IV -3 McClung McCULLOUGH III -2 John McCULLOUGH, Jr.b 1771, Rockbridge Co., Va., d 1840, Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio IV -1 James McCULLOUGH possiblyy more.) III -3 Samuel (Seaboard Sam) IIcCULLOUGH, b 14 Feb 1775, Rockbridge Co., Va., d 28 June 1835, '.Jest Union, Adams Co., Ohio; m 28 April 1813, Mary McVAY, b 192, d 28 Feb 1835, Idest Union, Adams Co., 0. IV -1 'dilliam McCULLOUGH, b Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W) Va., d Sidney, Shelby Co., 0. 2 sons. IV -2 John McCULLOUGH, d 186 , Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio, bd Tranquility Cem., Adams Co., Ohio IV --3 Addison McCULLOUGH, b 7 April 1817, West Union, Adams Co., Ohio, d 16 Dec 1868, Ironton 0. m 27 June 1847, Eliza Ann .JILSON, d Ironton, Lawrence Co., Ohio; both bd Woodland Cem, Ironton. V-1 Samuel McCULLOUGH, m Hattie V-2 Julia McCULLOUGH, m Thomas T.=CKLER V-3 Ella Catherine McCULLOUGH, m James CAPEHART, b 7 Isar 1847, Point Pleasant, 09) Va., d 2 Apr 1921, Cocoa, Brevard Co., Florida. U.S. Representative, 1891 - 1895 He m 2nd, Sept 1909, Ennalla VAN DEMAN, d 15 Apr 19609 Delaware, Delaware Co., Ohio VI -1 Mary McVay CAPiHART, m SIMPSON VII -1 Mary Polly SIMPSO ,gym -Rev) Lane BARTON VI -2 Alice CAPEHART, m (Dr.) Walter Rodman LINCOLN VII -1 James Capehart LINCOLN IV -4 Alexander McCULLOUGH, b 1780, Rockbridge Co., Va., d 8 March 1858, Adams Co., Ohio; m Va., Nancy McCROSKEY, d 4 June 1856, Adams Co., Ohio, both bd Tranquility Cem., Adams Co., Ohio V-1 John McCULLOUGH - d young V-2 Sarah McCULLOUGH V-3 James Telford McCULLOUGH V-4 Samuel Brown McCULLOUGH V-5 Addison McCULLOUGH V-6 Archibald Campbell McCULLOUGH, b 10 Sept 18179 m 1 Jan 1841, Sarah Campbell ELLIOT b 1827, d 20 Dec 1861, bd Tranquility Cem., Adams Co., Ohio (9 children) VI -1 Sanford McCULLOUGH, b 1842, d 11 Mar 1910; m 11 Oct, 1865, Olivia A. McCREIGHT, d 6 Dec 1908. VII -1 Myrtle McCULLOUGH VII -2 McCULLOUGH, d young VII -3 McCULLOUGH, d young VII -4 Doff McCULLOUGH, d after 1910, Adams Co., Ohio ?V-5 William McClung McCULL=, b 1796, d 1869; m Rosa McCLUNG V-1 John McCULLOUGH V-2 James McCULLOUGH (the children probably had middle names. Not known.) V-3 William McCULLOUGH V-4 nary McCULLOUGH V-5 gFrances M.cCULLOUGH V-7 Hadassah McC LAUGH u 77 From: MODERN MATURITY- magazine of American Association of Retired Persons (I don't know the issue): p• 65 71 -year-old skydiver, By Jim Bates Ori America's bicentennial celebration, George McCOLLOCH of Syracuse, N. Y., celebrated his oven birth- day - his 71st. And his celebration was about as splashy as America's. A parachutist since 1959, Mr. McCOLLOCH has for several years, made a free fall jump of one second for each birthday. His 71st birthday, Fourth of July jump was changed somewhat to honor his country's birthday rather than his ovm. He and fellow parachutists (one of them making his 1,776th jump) leaped from their plane at an altitude of 17,760 feet: Mr. McCOLLOCH easily passed his goal of 71 seconds by making a 90 -second free fall skydive. A member of POPS (Parachutists Over Phorty Society), Mr. McCOLLOCH made his first jump at the age of 54. Since then he's logged more than 750. Here he's shown as a competitor in a recent POPS meet in Pennyslvania. (Picture not copied) Mr. McCOLLOCH, a one-time newspaper reporter, spent most of his adult life as a city planner and urban renewal specialist. He put his talents to use in Syracuse, N.Y., Stamford and Hartford, Conn., working in each city until he reached the mandatory retirement age. A man of many interests, he's a member of search and rescue teams, an avid color photographer, bicycling enthusiast, traveler and camper. In his "spare" time, he does volunteer work. In the PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL for 23 Jan 1977, there was a -picture on p. 29 of Robert & Murriell McCULLEY and their two daughters. They vient from North Carolina to Tanzania as missionaries. From: Tri-State Tradert 22 Jan 1977 P. 31 Query: 24-12 Ancestors needed Dr. Henry McCRACKEN and Maude McCULLOUGH, m 1907 Scottsburg, Ind. Mrs. D. EVERETT, 19650 Old Ridge Road, South Bend, Indiana 46614 Mrs. Robert EBERLE, #2 Brookside Court, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 sent some information about her line - which will be added to the chart information from Mr. CORBITT for the next issue. She also wrote: (Rev.) James G. THOMPSON, m 1838, Harriet, dau (Col.) Thomas McCULLOCH & Dorcas LOGAN. In 1844, they migrated to Jefferson County, Iovra along with Thomas Wilson GOBBLE & Mary Sarah McCULLOCH, another dau of Col. Thomas & Dorcas. Mrs. EBERLE's line is: John McCULLOCH & Mary CAMPBELL; John McCULLOCH; (Lt) Thomas McCULLOCH & Isabel PATRICK; Robert McCULLOCH & Sarah CLARK; Abram LINDER & Sarah McCULLOCH; Andrew Gibson THOMPSON & Eglantine Virginia LINDER; Jasper Allen THOMPSON & Ella Narcissa UHITE; Harvey Trigg THOt+1PSON & Ruth Celia FORDYCE - to Marie THOMPSON, m Robert EBERLE. Joyce MARCY, 856 Murphy Rd., Medford, Oregon 97501sent from EARLY PIONEERS OF PANHANDLE, W.V. 4.1arshall Co.) pub 1889 - pp 360-413: John NIXON, b 1828, Ohio Co., Va. m Eveline McCULLOUGH - 3 children. firs. Edna Hazel (McCullough) LO;IERY, 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Virginia 22046 sent me the following, Bibliography of Data on the "Clan" I,icCULLOUGH and its Members: McCULLOUGH LINEAGE - unpublished data from Mrs. Guy L. MARTIN, Waverly, Illinois. This details the ancestry of Samuel, John and George McCULLObGH (McCULLOCH/i+AIcCOLLOCH) of Virginia (now West Virginia, well-known Indian fighters. Samuel =eras killhd by the Indians near Wheeling, (W) Va. This is the line of McCULLOUGHs related to the ZANE families. Some of the families settled in Logan Co., Ohio; it is also knovm as the Short Creek McCULLOCH families. Ancestor or progenitor is given as John McCULLOUGH, born in Galloway in 1682; md. Mary CAMPBELL in Ireland in 1703 where he had removed in 1700. Their children were Samuel, born in Ireland 1705 whose will is dated 8 June 1748; John born in Ireland iri 1708; died in 1795; and Robert born in Ireland in 1710 about whom there is no more dat HISTORY OF ROBERT GLASGOIN FAMILY IN AMERICA - by Mrs. Robert W. FRANCIS of Hanna City, Illinois; with corrections by Theodore McCULLOUGH of Chandlerville, Illinois. This is a line of McCULLOUGHS with Thomas as the known progenitor, but who also believe they descend from the John McCULLOUGH and Mary (Campbell) McCULLOUGH above. Follows some of the line from Rockbridge County, Virginia to Adams County, Ohio; to Peoria County, Illinois. "Thomas McCULLOUGH our ancestor had one son John and Iar-: his wife. We have no records of his death or burial. He spent the latter part of his life in Adam: County Ohio. John and Mary McCULLOUGH had eight children: John md. Esther McCLUNG (second wife); Mary md. McCREIGHT: Samuel B.; Sarah md. McCREIGHT; Thomas md. Selina McCLUNG (sister of Esther McCLUNG); Alexander md. Nancy McCROSKEY; William and Rosa McCLUNG; descendants at Sydney, Ohio. McClung McCULLOUGH died at age 44. John McCULLOUGH, eldest son of Thomas and Selina (McClung) Mc CULLOUGH was born in Va. Feb. 41 1804, moved to Ohio in 1812. More data available from Mr. Theodore McCULLOUGH. (Note: some info about this family pp 3 & 4.)wz7 LINEAGE OF ALEXANDER McCULLOUGH, Sr. b. ca. 1778 in Henry Co., Virginia; died in Murfresboro, Tenn, and Susannah (NANCE) McCULLOUGH, b. 10 Aug. 1781, dau of Rueben NANCE and Amy (Williamson) NANCE. This is a compilation of data sheets of Alexander and his descendants supplied by Mrs. Lavarda JONES, Huntington, Utah. This family m oved from Henry County, Virginia to Marshall and Rutherford Co., Tennessee, to Madison County, Texas, and in 1858 to Washington Co., Utah. Unpublished data. DATA ON DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL Mc0ULLOUGH, Tuscara%ras County, Ohio, unpublished. Supplied by Rev. Larry McCULLOUGH, Columbia, S. Car. which is a record of a family reunion June 28, 1914 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOPKINS in Ripley, Ohio. A published work on part of this line is: UNDEMKOOD FAMILY, by Dale C. KELLOG, 221 Lexington Ave., t -lyric, Ohio 44035. NOTES from a published genealogy MdING - McCULLOCH - BUCHANAN Genealogy. This relates line descended fro a Thomas McCULLOCH, b. in Scotland, who settled in Augusta County, Virginia, prior to 1750; moved tc Blount Co., Tennessee. This family is closely related to family listed in SATER - DYER - McCULLOCH Genealogy by Clem McCULLOCH, published in 1905. Data provided by Mable Glenn(McCOLLOCH)T121.1EZ1AN9 Kansas City, Missouri. LINEAGE OF MABLE GLENII McCOLLOCH TIMtEPxiAN, Kansas City, Missouri,, who descends from George P. McCOLLOCH, born in Ohio, who removed to Jasper Co., Indiana and then to Missouri. Gentry and Davies County. b. ca. 1808 •.0 UL UGf •� O1 2 i7 p. h JuIv 1977 "HENRY N:cCULLAH" by Stephen �!LEKS, iscellaneous Records of Stamp Defiance Chapter, D.A.R., Horth Car. 1952• 9 pp. of data on land grant awarded to Henry 1;!cCULLOI1 of Turn_ham Green, T•:iddlesex County, England, grandson of James NcCULLOH of Grogan. henry T.:cCULLAH eras the second largest landholder in N. Carolina, after Lord GR.ANVILLE. Gives location of lands, gives some idea of numbers of persons transported to take up the property. Gives an idea of time with the statement that he seems to have been a prosperous merchant in London as early as 1726. Also states that he Henry was a greatuncle of James IRIDELL. This study seems to have been commissioned. "EXTRACTS OF McCULLOUGH DATA IPJ TENNESSEE COUSIN3" by Worth Stickney RAY. This bookp w1hich is published, .contains data on families of Alexander McALLIZ b. in Sevier County, Tennessee, and of his wife Hettie McCROSKY, daughter of John McCROSKY of August County, who descended from Samuel %IcCROSKY, minister of Accomac Co. Va. in the 17th century. pp. 618 through 620 gives data on family of Benjamin McCULLOUGH, and states he descended from Henry Zustace, son of Henry above. Also gives some relationship to HILL and �IONTFORD, STOKES, etc. families. This family also relates to the HORD families, and there is data on that line as well. NOTE: also data from THE CETITENNIAL HISTORY OF ARKANSAS on this line. And if relationships are accurate, this line must be related in sone manner to the Short Creek line mentioned on p. (5). Reference must also be :wade to NOTES ON THE SETTLEMENT AND INDIAN WARS of the lest Parts of Vir- ginia and Pennsylvania from 1763 to 1783, inclusive by Joseph DODDRIDGE, with a 14emoir of the author by his daughter Narcissa DODDR?1DGE. A close study of DODDRIDGE's Notes and Narcissa DODD- RTDGB's works seem to indicate a close McCULLOUGH relationship. One son of Alexander McCULLOUGH, Ben'amin (perhaps one listed above) married S ra LYTLE their son i i o ge •.c U wen o Arkansas and the line continues in the area o A.ariana, r ansas. i r,� ge tSc CTJLLUUGR :•ras a member—of—the ongress rpm"Akans'�t"or%ivea��;ti He retired in 1903. GLN=ALOGY OF THE McCULLOUGH AND RELATED F&'ILIZS, Compiled by J. R. N-cCULLOUGH, Glen Rock, N.J. 1928. Supplemental to the 'Captain Ambrose HIP?Z' Record Published by him Previously the same Year. A four-page pamphlet... Line descends from Alexander McCULLOUGH and Ann ALEXANDER who came to Boston from the North of Ireland about 1730, joined a company organized in Worcester, Mass. in 1738 to found the settlement at Pehlam. Apparently, author hopes to establish a relationship of John, James, Alexander and Robert among the early settlers. A source used but not seen by E. H. LOWT'RY is McCULLOUGH AND ALDRICH F&MILIES by George G. 'McCULLOUGH. CHARTS OF L-7?1ZAGE of Comdr. Joan HANKY, USN, who descends from a (James) N1,cCULLOUGH son, deed prior to 1821, hose wife, Jane, d. 1820/1 leaving a will in Alleghany Co., Pa. recorded in Will Book 2, p. 226. Issue, Sarah, Jane, Susan, Agnes who and Benjamin DARLINGTON, tfargaret, John, :Tilliam and James. MAY ANORET McCULLOUGH 1-1001Lr's work. She descends from James McCULLOUGH and Dorothy ( Bell) McCULLOUGH. Published. SOME DATA OPJ FA?JILY CF JOHN t:cCULLOUGH OF ALB%.T•ARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, whose son. Thomas went to Ho:•rard County, T,:issouri ca. 1832-35. :`Jill names, Samuel, John, Thomas, Elizabeth and Mary. This may be the line of Horsely-and Roderick McCULLOUGH (I-•icCCLLOCH) lines. The John might have been the father of Lt. Thomas i.-IcCULLOUGH, killed at Battle of Kings' Mountain. dill, Liber 3, p. 80, Albemarle Co., Va. DATA ON ;•ARION T•.cCL'LLOUGH, (occasionally listed as Marion R. McCULLAH, T•'.cCULLOCH), b. in N. Car. md. 20 Aug 1852 to Lavinia ROBINSEN (ROBINSON) in Carroll Co., Arkansas by Rev. William MARTIN, area is now located in Boone Co., One child. Harvey Newton McCULLOUGH, who became a very successful businessman in Kern Co., California. See HISTORY OF KZRN COUNTY, Los Angeles, 1914, by Tallace �..ORGAN. Harvey Newton b. 17 Aug 1853. 1,11arion R. McCULLCUGH md. 2d. Jemina HOOPER 27 May 1857 He •rras killed during the Civil :'Tar. There were three children of last marriage, who resided in Colorado. Marion R. McCULLOUGH was the brother of Sarah McCULLOUGH, md. to James H. ROBINSON. The mother of the Robinsons seems to have been Nancy ROBIPSON. David Benjamin McCULLCUGH, son of �-Iarion R. by 2d. marriage, on May 24, 1937 resided at 1020 Thirteenth St., Denver, Colorado. No attempt has been made to check this family, but data on Robert 'pIcCULLO1�H,, �J,.� Ca. zfio d. '_n 1818 rife Ann d. 26 Sept 1845, Lincoln. Co., N. Car. Lists children as Jam—es �chel�`--Wlexander; Eliza= bar ; 7oTn- 7111iam ert an avis, wi son Robert the fifth c. rl-h-avin T 88 r,M�C ei"on• " 'i; 'v;•.._Rdbe"r"t':adds-th9t--J-0es was af-Teast"�s'i.V_. a & amity res`�ing in PiefVy Co., 1q. ug G"as on Co -.9 Car. ca 1801, and according to an affidavit of Samuel ROBINSON had eight children, then. Rachel md. IVIASSEY. James ROBINSON also made an affidavit for Robert PvicCULLOCH: Robert, a Revolutionary :liar soldier ,Mho :ras pensioned. Because of similarity of names, a check on this Rev. War family fright be productive of any one in this family. OT -7S ON SAMUEL 1cCULLOUGH, ;,-ho came to America in 1774-1775 (with one brother Thomas, killed in Rev.) Data excerpted from FOSTER, FORD, SAT•iPSON_ AND ALLIED FATQILIES by Mable Glenn McColloch TD•11EIMNIAIN. This is the line of Mrs. Rosemary THOMAS, Yellow Springs, Ohio. REVCLUTIONARY WAR FILE OF LT. THC"•LAS McCULLOUGH, killed atbattle of King's ?+fountain, and of his son John., also in the Battle. Thomas, eras son of John of Albemarle Co., Va. who moved when area :eras a wilderness to Washington Co., Va. With desc. Also motes on wills, etc. (Believed to be of family listed above, rather than John and Glary CAMPBILL grouping, but by no means certain.) HISTORICAL RM,INISCENCES OF T: -i_ McCULLOUGHS, by Sarah McCULLOUGH, published in 1860 in Philadelphia. This gives creat detail or. the family of and McCULLOUGH, whose children were David, b. o 7 April 173$ in Rafriland, County Dot:re a , Ind; 1if�iam, ::o emigrated to Co. Norfolk, -n-Zard; 44 James b. Ccunty �,rn� eland :•rho came to U.S. in 1765 7-1 abe ;•rho md. R r F'^• *�d a P ferale, name not listed "lost to the family". James were sea captains. A number of this family moved to ;Missouri, %,here a letter written Sept 18, 1858 by banes _11cCULLCUGH from Cctta - Grove and subsequent correspondence serves as much of the documentation. This James v!cCULT_CIUSH was the father of Col. Frisby tcCULLOUGH, C.G.A., about whom much has been written in :•Iiasouri in war correspondence. Several of this family remained In T•ar+rland and Dela rare. One ser. of James, mentioned above, Henry 14itchell McCULLOUGH of Elkton graduated from Princeton in 1879. His father :•ras .:aures, brother to Frisby. HISTORY OF KNOX COUNTY, pp 691-701 in HISTORY 0. 12.11=, CLARK, KNOX AND SCOTLAND C00TIES 1:I3SOURI 10882 concerns the capture of Co.l.Frisby IIcCULLOi1GH. David removed from Philadelphia after Revol. Considerable data at D.A.R. UNPUBL13FED LIS`i OF McCULLOUGHS dHO ARE LISTED IN THZ SERVICE RGLLS OF THI ,4AR OF 1812. UNFUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT OF D=SCE:NDA1rL5 OF MCSIQ McCULLOUGH AND '"ARY ZLT.ZN' FREZD t:cCULLGiJGH, and of MCS -:S li•. MEMOS- Vol 2r 1 u y1977 McCULLOUGH AND SECOND WIFE MARTHA WEEKS (ALLRED, SHE A- rq Lbow) kcCULL- 0-- ;i•Ioses '•born `, in North Carolina in 1794, but perhaps in an area now in Tennessee'or. in vi,rg4 rii'a , ro Grp County, naiana and°oafber"IM' V6 Arkansas. Some data on tyro of his children 2r to oA �cur""i it �:�65111-sfie3"Ttw�"` A LISTING OF CENSUS DATA ON ALL McCULLOUGH (and similar spellings) Fi:'.il Y I!'I'ir#,O Unpublished, by Edna Hazel McCullough LOWERY. FAMILY OF ;WILLIAM C. McCULLOUGH, by Edna Hazel McCullough LOWERY. WilC 'do rti n -Ti County Ohio, May 11, 1827, his first wife Jane (b:. 9 Sept 1825, d.. Per=y Co.,. Ill, 14 r•:arch.1855) ; his second wife, Mary H. TYNER (b. Ill. 30 n a `1824, d. Stone Co-'.P'Md--ssouri; 6- Aug ? a00') ; and ' their descendants. William C. McCULLOUGH d. 24 Feb 1878, Stone Co., Mis�au'ri.'•- Note: there are few male descendants in this line. THE McCULLOUGH FAMILY, by John McCULLOUGH, III, Mercersburg, Pa. 1 Jule:1912: This -is a pub s:.e'd genealogy of one line of John McCULLOUGH, son of James McCULLOUGH who emicgated::fro&Cct;nty Derry, Ireland, soon after 1740, settled in . Delawrare ( New Castle) • removed in section later in Franklin Co. ALSO CONSIDERABLE DATA THIS LINE FiAt, JTh'E:� SOr1RCrS sir a this James had two sons John b. 1747 and James b 1749 vrho were captured by.lndiains:-•..Jam s did'not return from Indian captivity and may have been killed by them. John until 26 July 1756. He died 4 Jan 1823. James McCULLOUGH was �sarriea` t�� ' e 3ieG t'�erc a":r 'otr.Er children, Mary, Hance and Elizabeth. (John, captured by Indians and 8 Nov 1774 ..ar•,r .:c.� :I issue t Josiah, James and Mattie who died as a child. and 2nd. Elizabeth CUNNINGHAM 1F Dec 1?48. Issue: Susannah, John McCULLOUGH II, and Mary McCULLOUGH.) BIBLE RECORDS OF :7ILLIAI•1 McCULLOUGH of Roscoe, Coshocton Co., Ohio and Kezia (BAIRD) M—GULLOUGH. From D.A.R.) This family seems to be one branch of the three brothers :•Jilliam, John and 'obe: t :c- CULLOUGH, early settlers and founders of Crab Apple Church, Belmont County, Ohio. See FiAiIA's OHIO GENEALOGIES. LINEAGE OF HARRY McCULLOUGH, a descendant of Jacob Luther-McCULLOUGH (1836-1910) and :Catherine lsL (Bowers) McCULLOUGH (1840-1916). Jacob Luther, a son of John McCULLOUGH', (came fromI•Id.) 10/12/ 1801 - 10/4/1872, and Sarah Hanner McCULLOUGH, a second wife. Lived in Ohio. DESCEN4NTS OF JA14ES TARBET McCULLOUGH, by Aldine THURSTON. DATA BY STATES ON: McCULLOUGH FA14ILIES IN ALABAMA: William Henry Harrison McCULLOUGH, b 31 Aug 1840 in Alabama, son of William McCULLOUGH, b 1802 in South Carolina, and whose father imms born in Ireland: Census records and other data, Fayette Co. Alabama. DAR BIBLE RECORDS owned by Mr. J. E. SNIPES, 205 Herron St., Montgomery, Alabama. Apparently the family of a James McCULLOCH, •rwho died 23 December 1817, with listings for children from 13 Aug 1798? 4 December 1776, through December 26, 1793, deaths; and birth and death records for slaves. Listings include: Robert, Jane, Williamp- Samuell, Mary, John, James, Isaac, Margaret and Ann. Mary seems to have married a CARSON; there'are McDANIF.L records as well. Joseph McCULLAH, b 1 Sept 1747, to Jefferson Co. Tennessee. Descendants were James, olargaret, Eleanor, Mary, Jennet, Joseph, Elizabeth, Martha, and Agnes. Wife was Eleanor KENtdEDY, dau. Felix and Agnes KEhl EDY. Unpublished data collected from persons doing research on line. McCULLOUGH FA-4ILIES IN ARKANSAS: Data on (Dr.) Samuel McCULLOCH, b Blount County, Tennessee. PUBLISHED DATA in E*1ING-M-cCULLOCH- BUCHANAN Genealogy. Resided in Cane Hill, Arkansas. Children: (missing from my copy. vrry) ll BIOGRAPHY, Phillip Doddridge t,cCULLOCH, son of Dr. Phillip Doddridge and Lucy Virginia (Burris) iMcCULLOCH. Published in Centennial History of Arkansas 1922, Vol 39 p 440. BIBLE RECORDS from McCULLOUGH Bible, p. 44, Crawford Co. (DAR Survey) family of Evan McCULLOUGH, b. 20 July 18090 son of John, who was born 792,1767 and his Barbara b. 3, 6, 1771. Children listed as: Mary, James, Rachel, Edith, John G., Nancy Tate, Orienna Frances Woodward; continues with descendants of Evan McCULLOUGH: deaths, etc. Apparently this family were from South Caro- lina for there is data thus: Paul's Graveyard on Richburg-Roosville Road. Third Division, South Carolina Militia)) Chester, S. Carolina: McCULLOUGH `Major) James L. 1824-1846,'son of A. M. McCULLOUGH. ` McCUL•LOUGH, James, d. 2 November 1825, age 68 McCULLOUGH, Mary, no inscription. BIBLE RECORD. owned by Mrs. Harold M. DODD, Beebe, White Co., Arkansas of family of John McCULLOCH b. 3 June 1817, Highland Co, Ohio*and his two wives, Martha•McGEE, and Elizabeth GRAY. See Logan County, Ohio Census 1850. ROBERT McCULLOUGH, b. N. Carolina ca 1799 and Priscilla b ca 1795 in N. Carolina; lived in Greenville, Wayne Co. , Mo. in 1833. Children: William T. 2825 in Mo. W. Isabella 14. ; Wilson, b ca 1829, md. Sarah M. ; George, b ca 1839; Eveline, b. ca 1833, and Elvira, b ca 1859 in Rio. Unpublished. McCULLOUGHs in CALIFORNIA: Lineage of Benjamin Franklin McCULLOUGH, son of John, b 1804 in Pittsburg, Pa., and Diary McSUP.LEY b Youngstown Ohio in 1815, to Iovra in 1848, Jackson Co., Children: Alfred, Charles, Benjamin F. Only children listed, but there were seven sons and four daughters, of *,whom 6 were living in 1914. PUBLISHED IN HISTORY OF KERN COUNTY, California. Wallace 1,41. MORGAN, Historical Record Co., Los Angeles 1914. LINEAGE OF William McCULLOUGH of Yolo Co., b. 2 March , son of William R. and Agnes (Johnston) of Scottish ancestry, b. in N. of Ireland, to New York ca. 1830. Had a small business in Sullivan: Co., N.Y. to N.J., thence to Minesota, where William lived until his death 17 July ].87$, Agnes d. 3 May 1890 in East Orange, N.J. PUBLISHED: Sacramento Valley California History, by GUINN, 1906. McCULLAH, Clement J., b. Parker Co., Texas, 28 Nov 1854, son of John McCULLAH, b. Tennessee, moved ,cVol4P. 6 Juiv 1977 to Bond Co,p Ill, living then (1905) in in Kingston, Calif. age 72. PUBLISHED: HISTORY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS, San Joaquin Valley, Calif. Prof J. M, GUINN, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1905 GEORGE F. McCOLLOUGH, b. Beaver Co., Pa. May 1823, son of William McCOLLOUGH who migrated to Crawford Co., Ohio in 1830, settled among ';yandotte Indians. At age 21, moved to Iowa until 1850 when he went to California with Dr. r•ANSFIELD (interesting account of the trip), and 1870, Carolina GREEN, separated, An Indian linguist. PUBLISHED. YIEMORIAL & BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY of the Counties of FRESNO, TULARE and KERN, Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago 1892, p. 487. He said he had "lived in every mining camp between Seattle and San Diego." McCULLOUGHS in DELAWARE: LINEAGE OF ENOCH McCULLOUGH AND REBECCA KIELINGSWORTH McCULLOUGH; son of J ethro J. and Elizabeth Tull McCULLOUGH (Jethro b. 8 rGarch 1810) Jethro son of Enoch b. 19 July 1771• son of Enoch killed at Battle of Brand yvnne, Pennsylvania. 'his family resided in Cecil County, Maryland and in Chester Co., Pa. One son is listed by the name of Frisby (this is a name in the Sarah McCULLOUGH THE McCULLOUGH FAMILY, published in 1860 in Phila. Delaware Records, at DAR Vol. X, p. 164 If any other of you would send me the bibliography of McCULLOUGH/any spelling material, I will enter it into the Memos when practicable. My own material, other than the books reviewed, which are given to the OCCGS Library, and available for checking there (or I can do it for you if you wish) is being put into these Memos as rapidly as practicable. From: THE COMPENDIUM, OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY, Vol. 6: 36 5 James McCULLOUGH, m Elizabeth LIVINGSTON 4 James McCULLOUGH (d Columbiana Co., 0.); m Mary LITTLE 3 Robert McCULLOUGH (1816-93), d Auglaize Co., 0,; m 2nd, 1861, Margaret (Downey) GUILBERT 2 (Martha) Alice McCULLOUGH, b 1866, m as 2nd wife, 1888, Isaac William ANDERSON (1857-1918) of Xenia, 0 „ served in Spanish-American War, 1898, m 1st Anna THARP, d 1887. CH: William Leroy ANDERSON, 1882-1899 Edmund Oscar ANDERSON, 1885-1927 Earl - b & d 1886 2nd marriage Walter r•:arion ANDERSON, b nr. Wapakoneta, 0., 23 Oct 1889; m 8 May 1917, Katharine Louise ELSASSER, b. Kento, 0 „ 24 Oct 1887, dau of William ELSASSER - issue: Walter Marion ANDERSON, Jr b Kenton, 0., 9 I.Tar 1918• Donald Raymond ANDERSON, b Portland, Ore. 8 June 1925. Alpheus Lrnest ANDERSON (b 1890) m Rose STEINER. Laura Emma ANDERSON, b 1893; m Fred J. ZIEGENFELDER Anna Lydia ANDERSON, b 1895 Minnie Etta ANDERSON, b 1897 Idalia Lenora ANDERSON, (1898-1920) 84 Thomas Lee McCULLOUGH, of Dallas, Tex, Kate McCULLOUGH, b 'rlaco, Texas, 9 Jan 1905; m 25 Jan 1930, William Perrin BOWDRY, Jr., b. Stephenville, Erath Co., Tex, 21 Apr 1905, son of William Perrin BOWDRY & Clara Louise KING, CH: '•William Perrin. BCJDRY, III, b Dallas, Tex., 17 Jan 1933 Thomas McCullough BOWDRY, b Dallas, 13 Mar 1935 P. 154 ftf A'b-1 p. 238 (Capt) David b1c m 1765, Pheyya B, Jane MCCULLOUGH Sara Angelina E Elizabeth KIMBE. Ch: Sara Ethel READ (1862-1934 Ada Caroline READ (b 1867 Albert Chisholm READ (b 1 William K. READ (1871-193 Eugenie READ, b 15 Feb 18 (Sent 30, 1867 -Apr 26, Ch:Lirnie Elizabeth CO Frances Martha COLL01: Allen Read COLLOM, 3 Spencer Allen COLLOrd, (1738-95) Capt. of privateer 'The Rattle Snake," American Rev.; 1801, Richard McDowell Johnson ELLIOT (1767-1852) m as his 1st wife 1842, John M. KIMSBELL (1812-86; Jos.4) m 1859, (Dr.) Rhesa Walker READ (1836-1909) maj & surgeon, CSA ; m Walter WIPPRECHT m Robert L. PENN) X69-1926) m Julia Zr,'1-1ERMAN 0) m Julia WILLIAMS 74, Boston, Texas; m 23 Dec 1896, Spencer Allen COLLOM, MD, 1934)son of Spencer Rice COLLOM of Texarkana, Tex, (1833-1917) LL ON; b-Texarkanajx210ct 1897, m 19 Oct 1921, Gamewell D.GANTT , b 16 Feb 1899, m 14 June 1922, James F. WARREN(1897-1930) Aug 1901-L May 1903 Jr, b Ratcliff, Tex. 4 Feb 1904; m 1929, Mary MADDOX Henry (McCullock, M1cCullough) Y•:cCULLOCH (ca 1690 -bet 1774-78) son of James; known as the "Great Settler"; prosperous nicht. at London as early as 1726; brought .several thousand Scotch -Irish families from Ire. to N.C., settling in Dublin, Bladen and New Hanover cos. receiver gen. of the colony; m Mary Elizabeth McCULLOCH, m William McGHEE, Jr., mem. N.C. Assembly from Dublin Co., 1760; received a grant, 1745 (11m, of Va „ received a grant in N.G., 1725) John McGHDE, of Ga., m Ann MOORE (Jos. of Edgecombe Co., N.C., m. Ann ) Esther McGHEE, m 1789, Alexander McCULLOCH (1758-1848) Ire, to Ga with :M=aather, settled in Augusta Co.; to McNairy Co., Tenn.: Am. Rev. William McCULLOCH (ca 1803-1877), m 1825, Sarah LEWIS (ca 1803-1874) Samuel Winston McCULLOCH (1830-76), McNairy Co.,; m1853, Sarah Josephine SMITH (1834-82) Sarah Virginia MicCULLOCH (1856-1930) m 1874, Charles Simeon GRAHAM (1850-1935), Corinth, Miss., son of George 'Jashington GRAHAM, McNairy Co„ Tenn. Ch: Louvisa Josephine GRAHAM (1875-79) Dorothy Winston GRAHAM, b McNairy To., Tenn, 5 Aug 1877 m 26 June 1901, Lloyd Fentress GARRETT, b Pocahontas, Tenn., 5 Nov 1877, son of (Maj) G.d. GARRETT. Martha Elizabeth GRAHAM;, b 1879, m Jefferson RICHEY Kelsey GRAHAM, b 1881; m Maisie COFFEY George Washington GRAHAM, 1883-1931; m Alberta DEPEW Charles Simeon GRAHAMI, b 1892; m Annie Bay NEWTON Lloyd GRAHAM, b 1895; m Stella Mai SKILLMAN. p. 297 (Rev) Duncan MicCULLCCH Ann Austen McCULLOCH, m 30 Sept 1924, George Watts HILL, b 27 Oct 1901, New York, N.Y., son of John Sprunt HILL and Annie Louise WATTS. Ch: George "Watts HILL, Jr. Ann Dudley HILL McCULLOUGH-MER, 01 7 P. 397 Clifford P. MCCULLOUGH, M.D., m Priscilla Alden PRICE, b 1$91, dau. Edwin PRICE and Lola Frances KENNARD p. 600 James d'Alvigny McCULLOUGH, m Lucy Wilhelmene WALKER, b.1901, dau David WALKER and Agatha Bernard TAYLOR Query: Mrs. Paul DE GOOD, 504 West lst, St. Francis, Kansas 67756 needs infore: James R. DOUGLASS (DOUGLAS), Cooper Co., Mo., b. 1803, Va., m Diary Elizabeth McCULLOUGH, b 1807, Albemarle Co., Va., d 2 Apr 1845, Cooper Co., Dio. From: Orange County a i ornia Denealogical Society Quartetly, VOTXI7 , June 7 p. 49 List of Delegates to the Republican County Convention, Los Angeles County, California 1902 La Canada - Jos McAULLY P•51 Los Angeles, Precinct 13 - C. A. McCALLUM P. 52 Los Angeles, Precinct 42 - W. B. McCULLEY Los Angeles, Precinct 49A- 1.17. B. McCULLOUGH p. 61 Ancestor Chart - CROSS chart from Gloria Ruth VARGAS, 1234 South Towner Street, Santa Anq, California 92707: James H. 111cCOLLEYA41cCOULEY, b 1838 Ireland, d 8 Nov 1904, Calif, m 27 Mar 1867, Die. Lucy WALKER, b. 1840, Me., d 20 May 1886, Die. Mary L. McCAULEY/DScCOLLEY, b 6 Aug 1872, Belfast, Me., d 29 May 1907, Boston, Ma. m 10 June 1894 Vfilliam TUaldo CROSS, b 1 Mar 1865, Morrill Me. d 29 Apr 1913, Roxbury, Iia' . William Burton CROSS, b 25 Dec 1899, Chelsea Ma., d 12 Jul 1969, Anaheim, Cal m 15 Dec 1928 Norristown, Pa., Anna Nettie CHAMBERLIN, b 5 Apr 1904, Philadelphia, d 12 Naar 1940, Phila. Gloria Ruth CROSS, b 28 Feb 1930, Philadelphia, m 15 Aug 1948, Los Angeles, Ca., Michael VA S. Dlrs. Edna Hazel tic ullough Lowery sent the following in ormation - a year ago: She has an almost complete lineage on the descendants of John and Jane (Underwood) McCULLOUGH and their seven children. Mfrs. Guy MARTIN wrote her that "Ray McCOLLOCH of Akron and Bellefontaine, Ohio had a book ready to publish then he died ""Some Some cousin took his data - and that was the last I heard of it. He had worlds of pictures ready to print." Apparently the McCOLLOCH's of this line (all spellings used) went to Morgan Co., Illinois. Some went to Iowa, too, Wisconsin, etc. IF ANY OF YOU KNOW WHERE THIS INFORMATION IS, ;fir.- ?MOULD APPRECIATE FINDING OUT. CITY DIRLCTORY FOR ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, 1851 Extracted by: Edna Hazel I4:cCullough LOIdERY, 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Virginia 22046, Jan 1916 McCULLOUGH, David T., county marshall, at east wing of the courthouse, upstairs. McCULLOCH, James H. , bookkeeper at 55 and 56 St and N. Plater. McCULLY, Alexander, commercial merchant. East side of Ninth, north of Labeaume. McCULLY, David B., clerk, 188 Broadviay. (That's all similar spellings for 1851.) CINCINNATI, OHIO DITY DIRECTORY, VO1. Williams, 1856-18579 published at Columbus, Ohio, - - by J. H. Riley Co., 1856 McCULLOUGH, Jane, North Side Friend between Front & High McCULLOUGH, Mary, North Side Frient between Front & High These are the only McCULLOUGH listings. This Directory also -contains a listing and location of all post offices in Ohio at that time. SOURCE: THE REGISTER OF OVEWNHARTON PARISH, by George H. S. KING - - - NOTE: Overwharton Parish is located in present-day (1976) Stafford County, Virginia. Aauia Church (Episcopal) was the name of the Church. It is presently used. E. H. McC. LOJERY. DATA SUPPLIED BY: Mrs. Charles D. CHAPPELL, P. 0. Box 1359 Seattle, Washington 98111 P. 71 bIcCULLOUGH, Mary md. Thomas ASHBY, November 14, 1751 MacCOLLOUGH, Benjamin md. Elizabeth WHITSON, Dec. 19, 1751 McCOLLOUGH, Hannah, md. Benjamin TOLSON, Jr., Dec 31, 1751 MacCOLLOUGH, Joseph, md. Martha KING, Feb. 9, 1752 MacCULLOUGH, Sarah, md. John ASHBY, Feb 26, 1756 (Line searched b Mrs. CHAPPELL MaCULOUGH, 'li.11iam, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth MaCULOUGH, May 19, 1754 (birth MacCULLOUGH, James, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Mac CULLOUGH, born November 29, 1756. Note of Edna Hazel McCullough L0:,1ERY; I have t-ralked around in this church and the churchyard. I did not find any McCULLOUGH graves, but believe there were ASHBY stones. I shall check this the next time I am at the Church, vrhich is not too far from Stafford Court' -House, and north of Fredericksburg, Virginia. I checked the register of Truro ?arish (Pohick Church, near Mt. Vernon), and for the records novo available, there are no McCULLOUGHs listed. They have minutes of the Vestry from 1732 to 1785; no marriage or baptismal records for that period. McCULLOUGH LISTINGS IN 1830 CENSUS FOR TENNESSEE Code: rules & Females, same listingW• age groups; under 5) 5-10; 10-15; 15-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40-50; 50-60; 60-70; 70-80; 80-90; 90-100; over 100 digits) males first then females. BEDFORD COUNTY: P. 119 McCULLAR, James, 0210001-211001 (this name is questioned in printed census) p. 124 MCCULLER, James, 0230001-110001 (lives adjacent to Pleasant McCULLER) P. 124 McCULLER, Pleasant , 10101-20001 P. 49 McCULLER, Samuel, 131101-1001010001 4cCULLQUGH 1.1EPLOSVol 2 7# - -P' - - - ---- - u BLOUNT COUNTY 284 McCULLOCH, Thomas, 1111001-1010001 296 McCULLOCH, Samuel, 11101001-110101 255 McCULLY, Joseph, 000001-10001 255 McCULLY, Robert, 001110001-000120001 257 McCULLY, John, 201010001-101010001 267 1.1cCULLY, Samuel, 00001-2000201 287 McCULLY, John 0108 and 21 males age 20-30; 111001 (boarding house) CLAIFORNE COUNTY 109 V1cCULLOUGH, William. 01020001-0010001 234 McCULLEY, Peter, 20011001-110101 DYER COUNTY 354 McCULLOCH, Alexander 10001-20001 355 r4cCULLOCH, Alexander, 01110001-11020001 FRANKLIN COUNTY 67 McCULLERS, David, 100001-111001 361 McCULLEY, John, 000001-21101 24 McCULLOUGH, William, 220001-010001 HAWKINS COUNTY 10 McCOLLOUGH, Henry, 001200001-00101 22 McCOLLOUGH, George, 100001-21001 23 McCOLLOUGH, Joseph, 001010001-000001 24 McCOLLOUGH, Joseph, 00001-00001 24 McCOLLOUGH, Uilliam, 220001-010001 25 McCOLLOUGH, Samuel, 0000001-0000002 42 r;cCOLLOUGH, Joseph, 01000001-0102101 44 McCOLLOUGH, Clement, 10001-00001 45 t:cCOLLOUGH, Clinton, 00001-00001 58 14cCCLLOUGH, William, 02121001-1110001 58 McCOLLOUGH, John, 00001-00001 JEFFERSON COUNTY 326 McCULLOUGH, Martha, 1 female age 30-40. 1 female age 80-90 329 McCULLOUGH, Margaret, 1 female age 70-90 KNOK COUNTY 321 ',•icCULLOUGH, James, 0110100001-00000001 322 PIcCULLOUGH, John, 00001-10001 JACKSON COUNTY 147 t':cCULLAH, Daniel, 0200001-4220001 LI?+COLLA COUNTY 228 McCULLER, Alexander, 00010001-0000011001 232 McCULLIE, Ambrose, 300001-00001 358 McCULLER, John, 2100001-000001 H NiRY COL'iJTY 38 I•:cCULLOUGH, Allen, 320101-00001 `'!AURY COUNTY 409 McCULLOCK, Damuel D., 00001-0001 Md-1INN COUNTY 148 McCULLY, Alexander, 110001-11001 185 McCULLY, George, 01011011-1020101 McNAIRY COUNTY 150 NdcCULLAR, Alexander, 110001-11001 124 IricCULLARv William, 30001-10001 141 McCULLOCK, Joseph, 2000001-0001001 MONROE COUNTY 106 McCULLY, Henry F., 100001-00001 106 NrIcCULLY, James, 011001-201001 90 1cCULLY, Jonathan, 128 McCULLOCK, William 11100001-100001 128 McCOLLE1,1, Andrew, 00001-20001 MONTGOMERY COUNTY 38 McCULLOCK, 0-0 free colored, Betsy ROAN:E COUNTY 13 McCULLY, Samuel 55 McCULLY, Elizabeth, 001-0010001 RUTHERFORD COUNTY 343 1-1cCULLCCHt Jno., 1110001-00001 353 N.IcCULLOCH, Joseph, 300001-00001 278 McCULLOCH, Richard D., 10001-00001 352 N,cCULLCCH, William P., 10001-00001 SEVI_R COUNTY 97 IMcCALLY, Alexander, senior, 0021001-0100101 S24ITH COUNTY 97 McCULLOCH Charlea, 00000001-0100001 SULLIVAN COUNTY 294 McCULLER, Robert, 000120001-0100001 WAYNE COUNTY 310 McCULL::Y, Robert A. 00121-00010001 .•'Lt;%jULLVUUn Irlrt+lu5 Vol- WHITE COUNTY Jul v 197T- 47 McCULLOUGH, John H., 1121001-010101 WILSON COUNTY 107 McCULLA, John 2011101-2200201 115 McCULLA, Nat., 00002-0001001 115 MCCULLA, 41m., 21100001-1100001 THE CLAN McCULLOUGH IN SOUTH CAROLINA Source: THE GREENVILLE SOUTH CAROLINA CENTURY BOOK, 1903, S. S. CRITTENDEN 'dilliam and Joseph 14cCULLOUGH About the beginning of last century' two brothersz.• Antrim, Ireland, settled on the upiraters , .7illiam and Joseph McCULLOUGHk. Thewere of the, who came from County residents to which South Carolina isri debtedoforomuchrse COfeits best blood. Bothstuthedbrothers left to be aboutus s9Onyearspof age; hehom diedrinstill 1852.inHehwascthetgrandfather1ofeT. T. DOTAL SON, esquire-. lived T. DONALDSON, esquire. Joseph McCULLOUGH lived to be about 74 years of age and died in 1854. He was the father of the late Colonel James McCULLOUGH who commanded the 16th South Carolina Volunteers in the Civil ,,I art and of the Honorable Joseph A. McCULLOUGH. McCULLOUGH WILLS IN ANDERSON COUNTY SOUTH+CAROLINA M CULLOUGH, John, Vol. 1, 1800-1834, A., p 80 McCULLY, Samuel, farmer, Vol. 2, 1835-57, F p. 238 McCULLOUGH :'TILLS IN CHESTER COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA McCULLOUGH, William, Vol. 1 1789-1798 Book A Page 137 McCULLOUGH, John 2 1827-1838 0 25 McCULLOUGH, Mary 2 1826-28 14 McCULLOUGH, Samuel 2 1829-31 K McCULLY, John 3 1840 1853 A-1 207 t�icCULLY, Letty 2 1832-1833 L 11 McCULLOUGH WILLS IN FAIRFIELD COUNTY SOUTH CAROLINA McCULLOCH, John Vol. 1 1787-1918 Book 2 p. 69 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth 3 1840-1857 19 337 McCULLOUGH, Thomas 3 1840-1857 19 339 McCULLOUGH ,TILLS IN SM-TTLR COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA McCOLLOUG?i, Mary Vol. 1 1774-1849 (not recorded) p. 186 John McCULLOUGH received a Bounty Grant for land for services in Revolutionary War. Volume II, Land Grants.) (See P. 31 of Data compiled by Edna Hazel McCULLOUGH LaILRY, 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Virginia 22046 McCULLOUGH LISTINGS IN THE 1860 CITY DIRECTORY FOR ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI McCULLOCH, Daniel, salesman for M.S. Mephume & Brothers, Residence: 262 Morgan McCULLOCH, Hainett (Harriet?), widow of Elihu, Resides south of 16th between Walnut & Clark Avenues. McCULLOCH, James H. (Webb, McCULLOCH and Company), Resides south side of Pine between 16th & 17th. McCULLOCH, John, clerk, resides 112 Mound. McCULLOCH, Joseph, clerk for F.F. Bohl. Boards on 12th between Pine & Chestnut. McCULLOCH, Peter, gasfitter, Resides at 34 North 7th. McCULLOCH, William R., millwright. Resides at 120 Carondolet. McCULLOCH, Thomas, plasterer, boards on east side of 11th near Market. McCULLOH, Thomas G. painter, resides 66 Rutgers. McCULLOK, James (colored), carpenter. Resides on the east side of 7th near Rutgers. McCULLOUGH, A., boards, 272 Broadway. McCULLOUGH, Bowers, painter, resides at 329 Broadway. McCULLOUGH, David T., Deputy Marshall, resides on Clark Ave., between 14th & Center. McCULLOUGH, Jane, widow of James, has confectionary at 329 Broadway and resides at same. McCULLOUGH, John, plasterer, resides 203:.Washington. � McCULLOUGH, Patrick stonemason, resides south 13th between Poplar & Randolph. McCULLOUGH, Samuel, brass finisher, boards 82 Washington. McCULLOUGH, t'Jilliam, clerk for James WHEELER, boards at 94 Morgan McCULLY, James, laborer, resides on Bates between Lewis & Morgan. McCULLY, James, moulder, resides 111 Collins McCULLY, Patrick, laborer, resides 23 Collins. Extracted at the National Archives, Washington# D.C. by Edna Hazel (McCULLOUGH) LOWERY Jan 1976 McCULLOUGH LISTINGS IN THE CITY DIRECTORY FOR CINCINNATI, OHIO FOR THE YEAR 1862 McCULLACH, Joseph B., Reporter for the Cincinnati Commercial, boards at Walnut Street House. McCULLOUGH, A. 37 New McCULLOUGH, Addison (H. Campbell & Co.) house, Ironton, Ohio McCULLOUGH, Alexander, moulder, 491 W 5th. McCULLOUGH, Anna, A. R. 44 Lock McCULLOUGH, Chas. Coffee house, 320 Broadway McCULLOUGH, Edward, clerk, 317. Broadway McCULLOUGH, Fdward, 379 N. Main; house, N. W. Corner Broadway & Cash. McCULLOUGH, Eliza, boards 390 11. 7th McCULLOUGH, Hezeki4t machinist; north side Front Last of Foster cCULLOUGH, Hugh, boots & shoes, 29 Broadway. cCULLOUGH, J. B. , Boards at Walnut Street House. .,cGULLUUGH-- KUW5 70 1 2 it4 5. McCULLOUGH, J. M. & Son (James ti. McCULLOUGH and Legis KENNIZDY), Agricultural Implements, and seed store, 200 Diem & 3 E. 5th. !AcCULLOUGH, James A., molder, 491 W. 5th McCULLOUGH, James 14., of above company, Pleasant Ridge. i•IcCULLOUGH, Robert, D -B. Pierson & Company), 38 W. Court 'lest of Central Avenue McCULLOUGH, 'Im. R., clerk, boards, 11 N. Z. Front McCULLY, Rachel, 35 Elizabeth CINCINMATI CITY DIR.rCTCRY, Vol. I., Williams, 1856-579 published in Columbus, by J. H. Riley Co., 185 r.cCULLOUGH, Jane, residing on North side of Friend between Front & High 2e,cCULLOUGH, Teary, at the same address. This directory also contains listing and location of all post offices in Ohio at that time. Excerpted at National Archives, Washington, D.C. by Edna Hazel McCullough LOIJERY. QUERY:: Augusta D. ELLER, 22827 E. 9 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48080 sent the following info, and would greatly appreciate any assistance: John McCULLOUGH, age 55, laborer, b. Pa; wife, tsar aret, age 54, Marshall Co., Vat 1850 Census James McCULLOUGH, b. ca 1834 (16 above census)- m Martha McHENRY (b. ?; m ?; d ? ) Bina (or Minnia) McCULLOUGH, b 10 Aug 1879, Fairview, West Virginia; d 10 June 1905, Marshall Co., Id. Va., bd New Martinsville, West Virginia Mina (iiinnia) married Charley SIBS and had five children, one being Augusta's grandmother. From: The Los Angeles Times, 3 March 1977: "Colleen McCULLOUGH has a perfect right to laugh. Sitting behind a desk in her publisher's office in New York City, she began with a smile that grew and grew. It was clearly fun to have closed the biggest paperback deal in history. "The Thorn Birds", a hard cover by Harper & Row (on sale May 18), ;•ras sold this week for $1.9 million to Avon. She will get 50;fo, which makes Harper's $5,000 advance a mere lagniappe. But for Hiss McCULLOUGH, a ruby -haired Australian neurophysicist of 39 who began writing at 5, "I haven't really been able to assimilate all the money. It's just very nice to realize I'm not going to have to worry about poverty-stricken old age." As for the rigors of writing a 530 - page saga of three generations of the Australian family of Clearys that begins inthe early 1900s and moves from Down Under to London and the Vatican, she isn't like most authors who "agonize as they write-. I don't because I suffer from verbal diarrhea . . . And I write like I talk -on and on and on." Miss McCULLOUGH put together her 280,000 -word creation in nine weeks last summer while a student at Yale." From: Clarence & Beulah MOORE, 557 South Beach Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76105 The Aldxander I-4cCULLAR Family: Alexander McCULLAR, Sr., born Dec 22 or 24, 1758 in County Antrim, Ireland died 1848 in McNairy Count, Tennessee. He was married circa 1789 to Esther MAGEE in Georgia. Esther MAGEE was a sister to Patrick MAGEZ) who came to Americ.-At the same time (1771 or 1772) . They had the following children: 1. John McCULLAR, b 17909 m (1) Margaret (Peggy) MAGES, m (2) Katherine (Katy) MAGES, they both were daughters of Patrick MAGEE and Rosanna McCULLAR. 2. David AIcCULLAR, b 17929 m Eliza HADEN. 3. Alexander IdcCULLAR, Jr., b 11 Dec 17959 m Hannah BOX 4•. lKargaret (Peggy) IiCCULLAR, b 1797, m Ala (E) xander McCULLAR, (a cousin) 5. Issac McCULLAR, b 1799, m Sophia LE'VIIS 6. tgry (Polly) McCULLAR, b 1801, m Matthew MARSHALL. 7. :'lilliam McCULLAR, b 1803, m Sarah LEI:1IS. 8. Jennie (Jane) McCULLAR, b 1805, m John ?IOODS Alexander McCULLAR eras a Revolutionary Soldier, Pension n S-4196. Some of the family spell the name McCULLOUGH. Some of the MAGEE family spell the name McGEE or MZGEE. The all came from the Island Magee off the East Coast of County Antrim, Ireland. Here we have brother and sister married to brother and sister and the two families stayed together and cousins married cousins until we have a hard time figuring what kin they are to each other. From their letter: "D.A.R. Patriot Index shows that Thomas McCULLOUGH was born in 1762 and died in August 1858, :carried Rose Ann ADDISON, . he was a private in PA. There are four William McCULLOUGH's in D.A.R. Patriot Index. There is now an Alexander McCULLAR D.A.R. Chapter at Mumford, Tenn..... ...71e published a book in 1967 - Genealogy of Patrick MAGEE and his wife Rosanna McCULLAR, second edition in 1968, all gone now, but they are all over the U.S.A....." From p. 173 of the DAR Magazine for Feb 1977, which is on the Alexander tIcCULLAR Chapter, there are listed 23 descendants of Alexander t".CCULLAR who are members of the chapter. James S. McCULLOUGH, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683 - and Mrs. Hazel Lowery of Falls Church, Va., - are very much puzzled as to the parents of Jilliam C. McCULLOUGH, born in Tuscaroras County in 1827. They would greatly appreciate any clues. Guess I'll call this good for this issue. Hope you all like it. Sorry to have been so long, but can blame most of it on illness. As you can see, this is coming "PRINTED MATTER". postage somewhat cheaper. Regards and GOOD HUNTING, IL —.s. w V4 �- ---- • u QUERIES: Mrs. Mary Lou SHAW, Rt 39 Box 22$, Maryville, Missouri 6446$ Sarah Jane McCULLOUGH, prob b So. Carolina; m 1$39, Scott Co., Ind., Thomas G. ULMER. Lived all married lives in Scott & Clark Co.'s, Ind. Desire Any available information. Pirs. W. A. CRUICKSHANK, 3600 N. E. 6th Drive, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 T Margery McCULLOUGH (McCOLLOUGH11cCULLEY), b ca 1$19, d 15 Apr. 1900, m 10 Sept 1540, James A. MOOREI. b ca 1$19, Green Co., Penna., d 1$96; m Guernsey Co., Ohio, bd Cumberland Cemetery, Guernsey Co. Ohio. r,argery b Ohio according 1860 Census; b Penna per 1$70 Census. 1$70 shows Mary McCOLLOUGH living with family. Invalid. B l4aryland. Children: Andrew, James, Nancy Jane, John George, Mortica Bishop, Isaac Llander (Lee), Petty, Mary and Anna. Especially desires Margery's father and assurance Mary is mother. Mrs. Ralph DIARTY, 522 S. Grand W., Springfield, Illinois .62704. (from Tri-State Trader, 30 July 1977) Need Parentage Bathsheba JONES m John S. McCULLOCH, lived Bond or Montgomery e Co's, Ill., did 1$46, bd Donellson, Illinois Cemetery. Iow oArk ADDISON, Rose Ann 12 ALDRIDGE, family 6 ALEXANDER, Ann 6 ALLRED, Martha 7 ANDERSON, Alpheus Ernest $ ANDERSON, Anna Lydia $ ANDERSON, Anna (Tharp) $ ANDERSON, Donald Raymond $ AtiDERSON, Earl $ ANDERSON „ Edmund Oscar $ ANDERSON, Idalia Lenora $ ANDERSON, Isaac William $ ANDERSON, Katharine Louise (Elsasser) $ ANDERSON, Laura Emma $ ANDEE P50N, (Martha) Alice (Mc- Cullough) $ ANDERSON, Minnie Etta $ ANDERSON, Walter Marion $ ANDERSONl, Walter Marion, Jr. ASHBY, John 9 ASHBY, Mar(rcCullough) 9 ASHBY, Sarah (MacCullough) 9 ASHBY, Thomas 9 BAIRD, Keziah 7 BARCLAY, Rosannah Ester 4 BARTON, ( rev) Lane 1: BARYON, Mary Polly Simpson 4 BATES, Jim 5 BEBOUT 2 BELL, Dorothy 6 BOWDRY, Clara Louise (King) $ BO'-JDRY, Kate (McCullough) $ BOWDRY, Thomas McCullough $ BOr1DRY, William Perrin $ BO;,IDP.Y, William Perrin, Jr. $ BOWDRY, William Perrin III $ BONERS, Katherine M. 7 BOX, Hannah 12 BOYD, Phebe $ BUCHANAN genealogy 5, 7 CAi--:PBELL, Mary 5 CAPEHART, Alice 4 CAPEHART, Ella Katherine (Mc- Gullough) 4 CAPEHART, Ennalla Van Deman) 4 CAPEHART, James 4 CAPEHART, 14a McVay 4 CARSON, Lary McCullough) 7 CHAMBERLAIN, Anna Nettie 9 CHAPPELL} Mrs. Charles D. 9 CLARK, Carah Ann 2,5 COFFEY, Maisie $ COLEMAN, Elizabeth 2 COLEMAN, Mrs. Elizabeth 2 COLLOr., Allen Read $ COLLOM, Frances Martha $ COLLOmp Linnie Elizabeth $ COLLOM, Mary (Maddox) $ COLLOM, Spencer Allen $ COLLOM, Spencer Allen, M.D. $ COLLOMI, Spencer Rice $ CGRBITT, Willis 1,3,4,5 CROSS, Anna Nettie Chamberlain)9 CROSS, Gloria Ruth 9 CROSS, 14a7 L. (McCaulley/-icColley CROSS, William Burton 9 CROSS, William Waldo 9 CRUICKSHAJ K, Mrs. W.A. 13 uuwfl1fi HAf-1, blizabeth 7 DARLINGTON, Agnes (McCullough) 6 DARLINGTON, Benjamin 6 DAWSON, Aletha Martha (McCullough) DAWSON, 'Mayne F. 4 DE GOOD, Mrs. Paul 9 DEPEW, Alberta $ DE SMIDT, Harold 2 DE SMIDT, Mildred (Dunlevy) 2 DODD, Mrs. Harold M. 7 DODDRIDGE, Joseph 6 DODDRIDGE, Narcissa 6 DONALDSON, T.T. 11 DO -RAN, Blanche (:Masson) 1 DOUGLAS, Mary 4 DOUGLASS/DOUGLAS, James R. 9 DOUGLASS/DOUGLAS, Ma Elizabeth (McCullough 9 DOWNJEY, Y•Iargaret $ DUNBAR, John Telfer 2 DUNLEVY, Elizabeth Zane (McColloch 2 DUNLEVY} George McColloch 2 DUNLEVY, James 2 DUNLEVY, Mildred 2 DYER genealogy 5 EBERLE, MaHe_1Thom_son)..._5.'.' EBERLE, Robert 5 EBERLE, firs. Robert 2,5 ELLER, Augusta D. 12 ELLIOT, Jane (McCullough) $ ELLIOT, Sara Angelina $ ELLIOT, Richard McCowell Johnston $ ELLIOT, Sarah Campbell 4 ELLIOT, Wendy 2 ELSASSER, Katharint Louise $ ELSASSER, William $ EVE•RETT, Mrs. D. 5 SWING genealogy 5,7 FINLEY, Rosanna 4 FORD, family 6 FOSTER family 6 FRANCIS, Mrs. Robert W. 5 FREED, Mary Ellen 6 FRIER, A. H. 3 FRIER, Eliza beth(McCulloch) 3 GANTT, Gamewell D. $ GANTT, Linnie Elizabeth (Collom)$ GARRET, Dorothy Winston (Graham)8 GARRET, (Maj) G.W. $ GARRET, Lloyd Fentress $ GIBSON, Lucy Cyrena Olasson) GLASC-0';J, Arthurer4 2 . GLASGOW, Joseph 4 GLASGOW, Martha Steele 3,4 GLASGOW, Robert 4,5 GLASGOW, Rosanna (Finley) 4 GLASMI, Rosannah Ester ( Barclay) 4 GOBBLE, Diary Sarah (McCulloch) 5 GOBBLE, Thomas Stilson 5 GRAHAMv Alberta (Depew) $ GRAHAM, Annie Ray ( Newton) $ GRAHAM, Charles Simeon S GRAHtd4j Dorothy 'Jinston $ GRAHADI, Flora 2 GRAHAM, George Washington $ GRAHAM, Kelsey 8 GRAHADi, Lloyd $ GRAHAM, Louvisa Josephine $ GRAHAM, Maisie (Coffey) $ G.RAHAI+i, Martha Elizabeth $ GRAHAM, Sarah Virginia (McCulloch; GRAHAM, Stella Mai (Skillman) $ GRANVILLE, Lord 6 GRAY, Elizabeth 7 GREEN, Carolina $ GUILBERT Margaret (Downey) $ GUINN,prof) J.lr,. $ HADEN, Eliza 12 HAMMOND, George 4 HADIMODJD, Margaret (McCullough) 4 HANKEY, (Comdr) Joan 6 HAIJKINS, Gentry 1 HA:!JKINS, Kirk 1 HILL, family 6 HILL, Ann Austen (McCulloch) $ •HILL, Ann Dudley $ ;HILL, Annie Louise 011atts) $ HILL, George Watts $ 1HILL, George Watts, Jr. $ HILL, John Sprunt $ HINE, (Capt) Ambrose 6 HOOPER, Jemina 6 HOPKINS, Dir; & Mrs. Frank 5 HORD family 6 INDIAN, Christina Vivian (Iasson) l INDIAN, Ella May 1 INIdAN, lilliam N. 1 IREDELL, James 6 IRVINE, Elizabeth Katherine 4 IRVINZ, Elliott Charles 4 IRVINE, Esta Katherine (Ryder) 4 IRVINE, Ina Mary tfcCULLOUGH) 4 IRVINE, James Clement 4 IRVINE, James Harold 4 JOHNSTON, Agnes 7 JONES, Mrs. Lavarda JONES, Bathsheba 13 KANIE, tdrs. Mary Virginia 2 _KELLOG, Dale C. 5 KI-—_- _ , Lola Frances 9 EN KNEDY, Agnes 7 KENNEDY, Eleanor 7 KENNEDY, Felix 7 KENNEDY, Lewis 12 KILLINGS's-IORTH, Rebecca $ KIMBELL, Elizabeth $..$ KIMBELL, John M. KIPBELL, Sara Angelina (Elliot) $ KING, George H.S. 9 KING, Martha 9 LAMB, John 2 LAMB, Rebecca 09heat)(McCullah) 2 LANZy Elizabeth 1 LEGGETT, Rebecca 3 L1L!fIS, Sophia 12 LINCOLN, Alice (Capehart) 4 LINCOLN, James Capehart 4 LINCOLN, (Dr) Walter Rodman 4 LINDER, Abram 5 LINDER, Eglantine Virginia 5 LINDER, Sarah (McCulloch) 5 LITTLE, Mary 8 8 I,cCOLLOUGNar eryL013H�icCULLY, r Z4cCULLEY Robert 5 LIVINGSTON, Zlizabeth McCULL:Y, Robert A. 10 LOGAN, Dorcas �2, 5 McCOLLOUGH, Samuel lQ McCULLEY, W. B. LOS�WERY, F,. H. LOWERY, Edna Hazel (McCullough) NcCOLLOUGH, ;William 8,10 ' McCOUL:.YA1cCOLL%Y James H. 9 t,cCULLIZ, r cCULLI !, Ambrose 10 Luzinda 3 r, 1, 7, 9,10,11,12 M,cCOULEY/M,cCOLLZY, Lucy ( ,'talker) 9 McCULLOCH, Abraham 3 N LYTLI, Sarah 6 MicCRACKEMI, (Dr) Henry 5 i•:cCULLOCH, Adolphus 3 v 8 MicCRACKEN, Maude (McCullough) 5 :icCULLOCH, Alexander 6,8,10 c M.ADDOX, Liar, � :ArFLT, Elizabeth (McCullough) 6 McCREARY, Mary t; i � I•.cCR�ARY, Lary (Douglas) 4 i:cCULLOCH, i=icCULLCCH, Ann ( ) h Ann Austen 8 � r;:AFFET Robert 6 � �• r%,cCRyARY William 4 McCULLOCH, (Rev) Duncan 8 2+,AGLE, Esther 12 Katherine 4Katy) 12 McCR IGHT, Mary (r,cCULLOUGH) 5 ItcCULLQCH, MCCULLOCH, Charles 10 MiAGZE, Margaret ?eggy) 12 MCCRZIGHT, Olivia A. 4 Clem 5 Eo MAG-E, r��eCR..IGHT, Sarah (McCullough) 5 14cCULLOCH, David 6 ;:iAGEL, Patrick 12 MAGLE, Rosanna (MicCullar) 12 M:cCROSKEY, Nancy 4, 5 McCROSKY, Hettie 6 MicCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Daniel 11 Dorcas (Logan) 2,5 I••,ARCY. Joyce C. 2,5 McCROSKY, John 6 !cCL'LLOCH, Elizabeth 3,6 8 _" NAP.SHALL, Natthew 12 MARSHALL, Mary (?olly)(McCullar) iicCROSKY, Samuel 6 i'cCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Elizabeth Ann t ) 3 Elizabeth (Grayr7 0 12 McCULEY, George W. 3 McCULLOCH,Elvira 3 a ARTIPi, 77rs. Guy L., 5,9 r•'.cCULEY, John A. 3 N.cCULEY, Joseph W. 3 McCULLOCH, cmma 3 i•ARTY, i:rs. Ralph 13 McCULEY, Lucinda 3 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH,xum Esther (MfcGhee) 8 3 '.iASSZY, Rachel 6 I•`_EGLE family 12 McCULEY, Mary 3 McCULEY, Nancy S. 3 ."•!cCULLOCH Francis 3 M HUZZLL, nary (,McCully) 3 MITCHELL, Gilliam Andrew 3 McCULEY, *Robert T. 3 MicCULEY ,William C. 3 MicCULLOGE4Geor MicCULLOCH, e 5 George Washington 3 '•,CNTFORD family 6 MCCULZY, William H. 3 t:cCULLOCH, Hainett 11 Harriet 5,11 !,CORZv And'errl, -17' IIcCULLA,John Nat. 111 1.!cCULLOCH, Harriet Elizabeth 3,y ECORE, Beulah12 { MOORE, Clarence 77 I,,icCULLA, 1.1m. 11 McCliLLACH, McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Henry 1,2,8 Isabel (Patrick) 5 . Isaac Llander (Lee) 13 Joseph B. 11 McCULLOCH, ;'cCULLOCH, James 3,6,8 CO James H.9,11 fi :'CORE, James 13 .'•`COR`, James A. 13 &McCULLAH family 1 'McCULLAH, Agnes 7 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, James B. �o Jane ( 2 r•:COR , John George 13 :•:GO?.L, iiaroery (r•:cCullou�h ,xc- /` McCULLAH, Alexander 1, 2 M,cCULLAH, Clement J. 7 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Jasper= John 5, 6, Collough1"McCully) l3 McCULLAH, Daniel 10 lFcCULLOCH. 7,11 0� John ?'COiZ, t'.ary 13 McCULLAH, Eleanor 7 i..cCULLOCH, H. 3 .� 10,11 a •::OOPS., M:av Amoret (McCullough) 6 McCULLAH, Eleanor (Kennedy) 710 �cCULLQCH, Joseph J.n 0 v r a- •.CG__, Mlortica Bishop 13 i•:CO?:., Nancy Jane 13 MicCULLAH, Elizabeth 2,7 McCULLAH, Elizabeth (McNutt) 2 I"cCULLOCH, 4u Kate Maude 3 ti ::CCR--, ?etty 13 McCULLAH, Mrs. Elizabeth (Coleman hicCULLOCH, Laura A. 3 _ 2 McCULLOCH �_. Lucv_ Virginia (Burris) : CRGAN, ,Wallace M. 6,7 McCULLAH, Emily 2 7 ;•,OYER, Ibary 3 McCULLAH, Henry 6 r1cCULL6CH Margaret 2 i:,acCOLLOUGH, Benjamin 9 McCULLAH, James 2,7 IMcCULLAH, James Alexander 2 I.jcCULLCCH, Margie 3 I•:acCOLLOUGH, Elizabeth ( hitson)9 McCULLAH, Jennet 7 MicCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Marion R. 6 Martha (t•':cG6 M.acCOLLOUGH, Joseph 9 McCULLAH, John 7 McCULLOCH, 7 8I acCULLOCHHSe �t 2a (Y.ing) 9 Sept r.ScCULLAH, John Wesley 2 McCULLAH, Joseph McCULLOCH, r=.Wry 6-m=Pe Nary 1) 5 i•IacCULLOUGH,Benjamin 9 M:acCULLOUGH, Elizabeth 9 7 McCULLAH, Lucinda Caroline 2 McCULLAH, Lucy (Robertson) 1,2 McCULLOCH,Miary Jane 3 M;eCULLOCH,MIary Sarah r•iacCULLCUGH, James 9 McCULLAH, Margaret 7 M,cCULLOCH, • . Minerva A. Paisley) 3 N.acCULLOUGH, Sarah 9 Miac,?OUGALL, Clan 2 McCULLAH, Marion R. 6 McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Nancy 2 Peter 11 i:aC iJLOUGH, Benjamin 9 McCULLAH, Martha 7 i�IcCULLAH, Mary 7 • McCULLOCH, Phillip Doddridge 7 NaCULOUGH, Elizabeth 9 McCULLAH Rebecca 2 MicCULLOCH, (Hr) Phillip Doddridge MaCULOUGH, William 9 McALLIE, Alexander 6 McCULLAH, Rebecca (Wheat) 2 McCULLAH, Rufus Asbury2 McCULLOCH, Rachel 6 ` I•:cALLII, Nettie• {M{cCROSKY) 6 i•.cAT�", George Whitfield 2 McCULLAH, Samuel Calvin 1,2 McCULLOCH, Richard Richard (Leggett) 3 LO Nc=r: Jane ( Harrison) 2 McCULLAH Thomas Lindsey 2 t ' T Y M CCULLAH ;William Francis 2 t McCULLOCH, Robert 295, 6 McATrL, Nancy (McCulloch) 2 I�icAT7Z, (Patrick) Henry 2 McCULLAH, ;Willis 1 rdcCULLQCH, McCULLOCH, Samuel 2,3,5;7,10 (Dr) Samuel 7 I�'.cAULLY Jos. 9 McCULLAR Ala(e)xander 12 ' McCULLAR, Alexander, 10, 12 McCULLOCH, Samuel Alexander 3 ?•:cCALL(W;�!, C. A. 9 4 M.cCULLAR, Alexander, Jr. 12 McCULLOCH, M!cCULLOCH Sarah Samuel Winston 8 r:CCALLY, Alexander, Sr. 10 :'cCAUL_ZY/':cCOLLEY, Mary L. 9 McCULLAR, Alexander, Sr., 12 McCULLAR,David 12 M'.cCULLOCH, Sarah Lewis) 8 I%CCLUNG, Esther 5 I%+cCLUP:G 'ar 3,4 McCULLAR, Eliza (Haden) 12 M,cCULLAR, E M�cCULLOCH, McCULLOCH, Sarah Ann (Clark) 2,5 Sarah Josephine ( Smith', s Y M Lsther Magee) 12 $ McCLUNG, Rosa 4 'cCLUNG, Sally (Selina) 3,5 McCULLAR, Hannah `(Box) 12 McCULLAR, Isaac 12 McCULLOCH, Sarah Virginia 8 r-:cCOLLUJ:y Andrew 10 McCULLAR, Tames 9 McCULLOCH Thomas Mi M McCULLOCH, 5,10,11 Lt) Thomas 5 McCOLLEY 1•icCAULEY, ►.ary L. 9 I cCOLLZY/ticCOULEY, James H. 9 McCULLAR Jennie (Jane) 12 NXCULLAR, John 12 M �Col) Thomas 2,5 M!cCOLLE.Y/-,,cCOULLY, Lucy (Walker)9i McCULLAR, Katherine (Katy)(M,agee) McCULLOCH, cCULLWilliam P. William 6,8 10 M,cCOLLOCH, Elizabeth Zane 2 McCOLLOCH, George 2,5 12 T'cCULLAR, Margaret (?e garet ggy) 12 McCULLOCH, William R. 11 M!cCOLLCCH, George P. 5 p! .CCULLAR, Margaret (Peggy)(riagee) McCULLOCH, +William Thomas 3 M,cCULLOCK, Betsy 10 McCOLLOCH, Horsely 6 12 McCOLLOCH, John 5 McCULLAR, Mary (Polly) 12 MicCULLOCK, Joseph 10 McCOLLOCH, ruble Glenn 5 McCULLAR,, Robert 10 *�cCULLOCK, William 10 McCOLLOCH, Margaret { ) 2 P•.s cCULLAR, Rosanna 12 McCULLOH, Henry 6 AIcCOLLOCH Ray 9 I+iCCQLLOCH, Samuel 5 •I cCULLAR, Sarah (Lewis) 12 McCULLAR,William 10 12 M,cCULLOH, James McCULLOH, Thomas G. 11 MicCOLLOUGH, Carolina (Green) 8 MicCOLLOUGH, Clement 10 tlicCULL'RAlexander 10 11 cCULLOK, James iicCULLCUGH, 11 A. 11 McCOLLOUGH, Clinton 10 McCULUR, James 9 t'cCULL-R, John 10 M:cCULLOUGH, A. M. 7 McCOLLOUGH, George 10 .McCOLLOUGH, George F. 8 MIcCULLE �, 'leasant 9 McCULLLR M*,cCULLOUGH, M+CCULLOUGH, Addison 49 11 Agnes 6 icCOLLOUGH, Hannah 9 ' Samuel g David lO 1.1cCULLOUGH, Agnes (Johnston) 7 McCOLLOUGH Henry McCOLLOUGH, x`Y McCOLLOUGH, John 10 McCULLERS, John 10 ;`.:cCULLOUGH, M:CCULLOUGH, Aletha Martha 4 Alexander 2,4,5,6,11 McCOLLOUGH, Joseph ZO McCULUY, M.cCULLEY, I•:urriell ( ) 5 M;cCULLEY, Peter 10 i�,cCULLOUGH, Alfred 7 McCOLLOUGH, Mary 11, 13 ;1cCULLOUGH, Allen 10 McCULLOUGH, Ann 7MCCULLOUGH Juiv 1977 Anna 11 Lavinia (Robinsen Rob � / FcCULLY' HenryMcCULLOUGH, , F. 10 McCULLOUGH, Archibald Campbell 4inson) P• IcCULLOUGH,Barbara 7 6 McCULLOUGH, Lucy 1,11ilhelmene 017alke McCULLY, James 10,11 l,IcCULLY, Joseph 10 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Benjamin 6 Benjamin F. 7 9 McCULLOUGH, Margaret 4, 6,7,10 McCULLY, Letty 11 McCULLY, I'•iargery 13 0.1cCOLLOUGH/ McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Benjamin Franklin 7 Bowers 11 P.cCULLOUGH, Margaret { ) 12 McCULLOUGH Margaret ('�otme ) ' g Y McCULLOUGH) McCULLY Ma 3 � Mary McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Charles 7,11 Charles Pinkerton 4 (Guilbert) 8 McCULLOUGH, Margery (or McCOLLOUGi. McCULLY, nary (1. -;oyer) 3 McCULLY, Patrick 11 McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Clara E. (Philpott) 4 Clifford P. 9' McCULLY) FiIcCULLOUGH,Frarion - 6' mcCULLY, Robert 10 McCULLOUGH, mcCULLOUGH, Colleen 12 Daniel 5 McCULLOUGH, Martha 10 McCULLOUGH, (Martha) Alice 8 l•:cCULLY, Samuel 10,11 McCULLY, William 3 ,R McCULLOUGH, David 6, 8 McCULLOUGH, Martha (Allred) (Weeks) McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, M_CCULLOUGH David Benjamin 6 David T. 9,11 Dorothy McCULLOUGH, hi McCULLOUGH, Martha (McHenry) 12 ► Martha Steele (Glasgov� I••icDANIEL (records) 7 McGLE family 12 ' t.cCULLOUGH, Y (Bell) 6 Edith 197 3F� ,. „E , F,cG��, Martha 7 . McGHEE, Ann (Moore) 8 McCULLOUGH, 11,12 Edna Hazel 1,5,7,9,10, ; McCULLOUGH, Mary 4,5,6 9,11,12 .cCULLOUGH, Mary( A-5 McGHEE, Elizabeth (McCulloch) 8 McCULLOUGH, Eduard 11 McCULLOUGH, filar• (Campbell) S 6 ' McGHEE Esther 8 FdcGHEE, John $ ICCULLOUGH MCCULLOUGH, Eli za 1l Eliza Ann (Wilson) 4 Y1cibbLLOUGH,•� FTary Ellen (Freed) 6 MCCULLOUGH, Awry Elizabeth 9 MIcGHEE, William, Jr. $ 'Um. MCCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth E, 7,11 Elizabeth (Cunningham) McCULLOUGH, Mary H. ( Tyner) 7 McCULLOUGH, Mary (Little) 8 1icGHEE9 F{IcHENRY, Martha 12 7 McCULLOUGH, Mary (McClung) 3,4 McKINNIE, Mary 7 McNUTT, Elizabeth 2 NcCULLOUGH, 8 Elizabeth (Livingston) McCULLOUGH, Mary (McKinnie 7 McSURLEY, Mary 7 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (Tull) 8 McCULLOUGH, Friary (McSurley) 7 McCULLOUGH, Mary (McVay) 4 McVAY, Diary 4 FicCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, 711a Catherine 4 _Hvira 7 McCULLOUGH, Mattie 7 McCULLOUGH, Maude NANCE, Amy (Williamson) 5 'A It ."cCULLOUGA, Enoch 8(F•.f cClung) 5 5 McCULLOUGH, May Amoret 6 McCULLOUGH, MlcClung NANCE, Rueben 5 NANCE, Susannah 5 cCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Esther Evan 7 rveline 5,7 4,5 McCULLOUGH, Mina (Minnia) 12 McCULLOUGH, hoses 6,7 NELSON, 2 NEWTON, Annie Pay 8 NIXON, Eveline (McCullough) 5 ,McCULLOUGH, McCULLOUGH, Florence 4 Frances 4 t4cCULLOUGH, Myrtle 4 NIXON, John 5 McCULLOUGH, Frisby 8 IcCULLOUGH, (Col) Frisby 6 McCULLOUGH, George 5,7 P-cC ULLOUGH, George C. 6 14cCULLOUGH, Hadassah 4 .1`•.cCULLOUGH, Hance 7 McCULLOUGH I Harriet Agnes (Pinker- ton) 4 McCULLOUGH, Harry 7 :•ICCULLOUGH, Harvey Fe*.•Eton 6 McCULLOUGH, Hattie ( ) 4 :cCULLOUGH, Henry 2�$, P•cCULLOUGH, Henry Zustace 6 -cCULLOUGH, Henry Mitchell 6 `'cCULLOUGH, Hezekiah 11 'cCULLOUGH, Horsely 6 cCULLOUGH, Hugh 11 P•=cCULLOUGH, Ina Mary 4 McCULLOUGH, Isaac 7 McCULLOUGH, Isabella (14 ) 7 McCULLOUGH, J. B. 11 McCULLOUGH, J. M. 12 �LscCULLOUGH, J. R. 6 McCULLOUGH, Jacob Luther 7 P°cCULLOUG12 James 3,4,6,7,8,10111; McCULLOUGH, (Col) James 11_ McCULLOUGH, James A. 12 McCULLOUGH, James Addison 4 McCULLOUGH, James d'Alvigny 9 McCULLOUGH, (Major) James L. 7 McCULLOUGH, James M. 12 McCULLOUGH, James S. 12 McCULLOUGH, James Tarbet 7 I;cCULLOUGH, James Telford 4 McCULLOUGH, Jane 6,7,8,9,12 McCULLOUGH, Jane ) 6 7911 McCULLOUGH, Jane Forsythe 1 McCULLOUGH, Jane Richie) 4 ,14cCULLOUGH, Jane ( Underwood) 9 M,cCULLOUGH, Jemina (Hooper) 6 McCULLOUGH, Jethro J. 8 McCULLOUGH, John 1,3,4,5,6,7,9, 10,11,12 McCULLOUGH, John II, 7 McCULLOUGH, John III, 7 McCULLOUGH, John G. 7 McCULLOUGH, John H. .11 McCULLOUGH, Joseph 2,11 McCULLOUGH, Joseph A. 11 McCULLOUGH, Josiah 7 McCULLOUGH, Julia 4 McCULLOUGH, Kate 8 McCULLOUGH, Katherine M. (Bowers) 7 McCULLOUGH, Keziah (Baird) 7 MCCULLOUGH, (Rev) Larry 5 McCULLOUGH, Nancy 2 McCULLOUGH, Nancy (McCroskey)4,5 McCULLOUGH, Nancy Tate 7 McCULLOUGH, Orienna Frances ;Mood yard 7 McCULLOUGH, Patrick 11 McCULLOUGH, Phebe (Boyd) 8 McCULLOUGH, Phillip Doddridge 6 McCULLOUGH, Priscilla ( } 7 McCULLOUGH, Priscilla A� een (Price) 9 F-cCULLOUGH, Rachel McCULLOUGH, Rebecca ZKillingswo McCULLOUGH, Roderick 6 McCULLOUGH, Robert Taylor 1 McCULLOUGH, Robert 5,6,7 8,12 McCULLOUGH, Rosa (McClung] 5 McCULLOUGH, Rose Ann (Addison) 1 iicCULLOUGH, Sally (Selina)(Mc- Clung) 395 t:cCULLOUGlip Samuel 4, 5, 6,11_ McCULLOUGH, Samuel (Seaboard Sam 4 McCULLOUGH, Samuell 7 F�IcCULLOUGH, Samuel B. 5 McCULLOUGH, Samuel Brown 4 McCULLOUGH, Sarah 416,8 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Campbell(Ellio 4 McCULLOUGH,__ Sarah Hann_er 7 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Jane 13 MCCULLOUGH, Sarah Lytle) 6 McCULLOUGH, Sarah M MCCULLOUGH, Susan 15- ) 7 McCULLOUGH, Susannah 7 MCCULLOUGH, Susannah (Fiance) 5 MCCULLOUGH, Theodore 5 MCCULLOUGH, Thomas 1,2,3,4,5,6, 11,12 McCULLOUGH, (Lt) Thomas 6 McCULLOUGH, Thomas Lee 8 F+:cCULLOUGH, Voney (Vaney) 2 McCULLOUGH, W. B. 9 McCULLOUGH, William 2,4,6,7,10, • 11,12 McCULLOUGH, William Andrew 1 McCULLOUGH, William C. 1,7,12 '.`cCULLOUGH, William Henry Harri- son 7 McCULLOUGH, William McClung 4 McCULLOUGH, William R. 7 McCULLOUGH, Wilson 7 I�icCULLOUGV. .1m. R. 12 McCULLY, Alexander 9,10 McCULLY, David B. 9 McCULLY, Elizabeth 10 McCULLY, George 10 OEHLER, Lucy Cyrena (Wasson) 2 PAISLEY, Minerva A. 3 PATRICK, Isabel 5 PENN, Ada Caroline ( Read) 8 PENN, Robert L. 8 PHILPOTT, Clara E. 4 PINKERTON, Ebenezer 4 PINKERTON, Harriet Agnes 4 PINKERTON, Mary (McCreary) 4 POTTINGEP., Don 2 PRICE, Edwin 9 rt PRICE, Lola Frances (Kennard) g PRICE, Priscilla Alden 9 RAY, Lora Mia.y 3 RAY, Worth Stickney 6 2 READ, Ada Caroline 8 READ, Albert Chisolm READ, Elizabeth (Kimbell) 8 P.EAD, Eugenie 8 } READ, Julia(`tlilliams) 9 READ, Julia (Zimmerman) 8 READ, (Dr.) Rhesa ;Talker 8 READ, Sara Ethel 8 READ, William K. 8 REDFIELD, Ethel B. 3 t RICHEY, Jefferson 8 RICKEY, Martha Elizabeth (Grahar: 8 .RICHIE, Jane 4 RICKLEY, Frederick 3 RICKLEY, Luzinda (FdcCullim) 3 ROBERTSON, Elizabeth (Lane) 1 ROBERTSON, Lucy 1 ON ROBERTS, Thomas 1 ROBINSON, Lavinia 6 ROBINSEN, Lavinia 6 ROBINSON, Nancy ( ) 6 ROBINSON, Samuel -Z�`— ROBINSON, Sarah (McCullough) 6 RYDER, Esta Katherine 4 SAMPSON family 6 SATER genealogy 5 SECKLER, Julia (McCullough) 4 SECKLER, Thomas A. 4 SHAW, Firs. Friary Lou 13 SIMPSON, Fury I•icVay (Capehart) 4 SIFIPSON, Mary Polly 4 Sl'MS, Charley 12 SIZ4S, Mina U1innia)(McCullough)12 SKILSMITH�SarahJosephine Stella 8 SNIPES, J. E. .STEIN -LRP Rose 8 STOKES family 6 SUP•1�1ERS, Mrs. Betty K. 3 SydAnY 2 Kc ULLOUUd Vol u=V77 TAwvCR, Agatha Bernard 9 THARP, Anna S THC.' -.4S, Sirs. Rosemary 6 THCfiLPSON, Andrew Gibson 5 THCL;FSOid, Zelantine Virginia (Linder) 5 THCS�SCN, Zlla Narcissa (Fihite) 5 THOL{'SCN, Harriet (;ZcCulloch) 5 THO11PSON, Harvey Trigg 5 T20 `t SOC, (Rev) James G. 5 THC-1?SON, Jasper Allen 5 THOI:PSON, t:arie 5 TiC.7'-0)i, Ruth Celia (Fordyce) 5 rHU'3T011, Aldine 7 TIt:::�iAN'Mable Gln (McColloch 5,6 TOLjC!t, Benjamin, Jr. 9 TOLSON, Hannah (NcCollough) 9 TULL, _lizabeth 8 TYNZR, 'ary H. 7 UU-71, Sarah Jane (McCullough) 13 UUZR, Thorns G. 13 UNDE:T:100D family 5 UNDZRW00D, Jane 9 VAN DZG:AN, Ennalla 4 vA,d ROY, Judy 3 VARGAS, Gloria Ruth 9 VARGAS, Gloria (Cross) 9 VARGAS, *.•ichael 9 •.::R, Agatha Bernard (Taylor)9 WALKZR, David 9 YIALKnR, Lucy 9 WALKER, Lucy rlilhelmene 9 PIALLACD, Heiekiah 2 WALLACE, Nancy (11:Cullou�h) 2 WARREN, Frances Fartha S•IARRZN, James F. S WASSOIT family 1 ' ASSC?i, Blanche 1 1:tASS01:, (Sir) David 2 WASSON Flora (Graham) 2 ';1ASSON, John Thomas 2 WASSON, Kermit 1 WASSON, Lucinda Caroline (KcCullah) 2 'I113SC:, Lucy Cyyrr"' 2 ::aetha lAllred) 7 Stephen 6 Rebecca 2 IT., 3lla Narcissa 5 :TYSON, Elizabeth 9 - A:'9, .Julia 8 a Ann 4 "-z. Shirley 3 Sara -Dthel (Read) *.'alter S .:CODS, Jennie (Jane) 12 ':IOODS, John 12 ZAN`, 5 ZIZG:.NFELDZR, Fred J. 6 =IIIMMUN, Julia 8 '::ell, it's finally ready for printing. Sorry to be even later than I indicated earlier in this. I have another "hospital" excuse. I had some pain in my leg, and the doctor thought it might be a blood clot (phlebitis) due to the operation, so I had another 4 days in the hospital. It turned out to be a pinched nerve or something similar, so here I am, back at 1:ork again. I hope that future issues will not be so 1onG delayed as this has. GOOD HUNTING, Bill p Mill.. A. vii w 12M N. S.. Collpe, 31 AnYnim, CA 92806 • VACKULLOUCH I oug) Jiv, �� I"iaclullie ^� n tfcColy t?acologhe Nacculoch { y1cHullie hFeCo� lMaccullie M'Hulagh :cCollam xloch �, accul0ALSio9V McCullickd Coulaghe M:ccullie McCollom Makcullocht NOwlacheMcKulloch mcKowloch AlcCullo ck 14acoulie M' Kulagh p+acLulli t�akco1alach Idaclullich M'CMacCullough McCoulach McCulloch ullocht. Hough r'i'Alach McCulloh Makawllauch McCollough Macculloch•• M'Kowloche Makhulagh McCully VOLMIE111 �. 1 0 u is e y ,v22 . .. D, 1250 N. State College Blvd, Anaheim, California 92$06 The great majority of the MEMOS this month is compiled from four different charts supplied by Mr. Willis G. CORBITT about descendants of John McCOLLOCH, b 1682. Not all of his descendants are included - for instance, Major John McCOLLOCH is listed, but not his brother, Major Samuel McCOLLOCH » who made the famous leap on his horse off the cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, . . . . . . From: Compendium of American Genealogy, Volume 7. p. 68 Kate McCULLOUGH, b Waco Tex, 9 Jan 1905, dau of Thomas Lee McCULLOUGH, Dallas, Texas; m 25 Jan 19309 William Perrin B019DRY,(Jr), son of William Perrin BOWDRY & Clara Louise KING Ch: William Perrin BOWDRY,(III), b Dallas, Tex, 17 Jan 1933 Thomas McCullough B0WDRY, b Dallas, 13 Mar 1935. p. 112 Jane McCULLOUGH, dau of (Capt.) David MCCULLOUGH; m Jos. KIMBELL John -M. KIMBELL m Sara Angelina ELLIOTT READ Elizabeth KI14BELL, 1843 - 1920, m 18591 (Dr.) Rhesa trr&lkex/=36 - 1909, physician and surgeon, Texarkana, Tex., Majo and surgeon, C.S.A Eugenie READ, b 1874; m 1896, Spencer Allen-COLLOM (1866 - 1934) 14D, Physician & Surgeon Ch: Linnie Elizabeth COLLOM (b 1897; m 1921, Gamewell D. GANTT, b 1887; issue Eugenie GANTT, b 1922; Gamewell D. GANTT (Jr), b 1924 Frances Martha COLLOM, b 1899; m 1922, James F. WARREN (1897-1930); issue Mary Eugenie WARREN, b 1927; m, 2nd 193$, Wilbur J. HILL, b 1899 Allen Read COLLOM (1901-1903 Spencer Allen COLLOM (Jr), b 4 Feb 1904• m 12 J une 1929, nary MADDOX, b Little Rock Arkansas, 14 Jan 1905, dau of (Revj F.E.MADDOX (1870-1939) & Nell WILSON. Ch: Diary Maddox COLLOM, b Texarkana, Tex, 18 Mar 1933. p.213 Ann Austen M CULLOCH, dau (Rev) Duncan McCULLOCH; m 30 Sept 1924, George Watts HILL, son John Sprunt HILL & Annie Louise WATTS Ch: George Watts HILL (Jr) Ann Dudley HILL John Sprunt HILL (II) p• 259 Nelson Jo McCULLOUGH, m 28 Sept 1916, San Francisco, Amy Hyde KEPHART, dau George Elwood KEPHAP., - & Anna Catherine WEISEL Ch: Kenneth Edward McCULLOUGH p. 445 Elizabeth McCULLOUGH, 1828-1902, dau 1.7m. M cCULLOUGH b Ireland 1770, d 1857 & Nancy NELSON, d 1854; m 1854, James Nelson METEER, 1816-1876, son James METEER & Parthenia EVERETT Martha Elizabeth ASTEER, b 1863; m (Dr.) Albert G. GRUBB (1862-1936), son (Dr) William. B. GRUBB P Nancy A. WARNER. ��. Fern Elizabeth GRUBB, b 1892, m 1914, (Dr) Dale Charles dEIR, b 1887 P.ar.1 Jeanne 11EIR, b 14ongo, Indiana, 5 Oct 1914; m 12 Oct 1936, William Henry VEENEMAN (Jr) • r-, _ b Louisville, Ky, 8 July 1910, son William Henry VEENE14AR & Edna MATTINGLY Ch: Elizabeth Weir VEENn:AN b Three Rivers, Michigan 3 Aug 1937 William Henry VEENEMAN III), b Three Rivers 4 Feb 1939 -�: `•� P • 567 Isabella Wo McCULLOH (1793 - 1865) dau (Capt) John McCULLOH; m 1825, James Sproat GREEN, z = (1792-1862), son Ashbel GREEN & Elizabeth STOCKTON g `�• Ashbel GREEN (1825-98); m.Louisa Buloid WALKER (1833-85) in 1854 CH: William Walker GREEN (1855-1924); m Jessica R. THAYER Louisa GREEN, b 1857; m William Curtis GULLIVER Sarah McCulloh GREEN (1859-1929) • m Thomas THACHER Elizabeth Stockton GREEN (1861-1895) Caroline Walker GREEN (1863-1929) Anabel (1867-1929); m Daniel Webster EVANS Ashbel GREEN, b Tenafly, N.J., 10 Aug 1869; m 5 June 1902, Agnes Wells LAYNG, b { Pittsburgh, Pa., 16 Apr 1870, dau James Donly LAYNG Ch b Mt. Kisko, N.Y. Ch. Ashbel, b 12 Nov 1903, m 8 Jan 1927, Katherine MURCHISON - issue: Ashbel GREEN b 15 Mar 1928 - he m 2nd 3 Jan 193 8, Virginia Hornung REDGATE James Layng GREEN, b 17 Dec 1905; 4 Nov 1931, Mary Hunter MARSTON - issue: -��. Patricia Ann GREEN, b 17 July 1932; James Layng GREEN , b 13 Apr 1934 Stockton GREEN, b 16 Mar 1907 Agnes GREEN, b 7 Sept 1910; m 23 June 1934, (Lt) Walter E. JOHNS - issue: Richard Edgerton JOHNS, b 29 Nov 1935 v P. 600 Roy McCULLOUGH, m Hallie LEONARD, b 1880, dau John A. LEONARD & Mary Adeline Mc CLURE p• 759 John H. McCULLOCH of Othello, Washington Xerpha Mae McCULLOCH, b Knapp, Wisconsin 11 Mar 1891; m 6 June 1912, Edward Franklin GAINES, Jb Avalon, Missouri, 12 Jan 1886 Ch: Edviard McCulloch GAINES, b Pullman, :dash, 30 Sept 1913; m 11 Aug 1934, Dorothy McCULLOUGH 1.040S Vol III No. 1 P. 2 October 1977 HOUGLAND, dau of Earl HOUGLAND Xerpha Mae GAINES, b Pullman, 15 Nov 1915; m 8 Oct 193$► Ramon L. KENT, son G.L.KENT John Charles GAINES, b Pullman, 26 Apr 1917 Irene GAINES (24 JaN 1920 - 8 Liar 1920) Grant Robert GAINES, b 'Moscow, Idaho, 27 Apr 1922 (I find that I missed some of the I-ic's from Volume I - so will add them later.) QUERY: Wendy L. ELLIOTT(Mrs. Bruce A. ELLIOTT), 4808 E. Garland St., Anaheim, California 92807 Desires information regarding Alexander McCULLOUGH O'.11cCULLOCK in 1800 Census), b Scotland about 17549 came to U.S. 1786, Washington Co., now Beaver Co., Penna. He came with brothers George and William and two (un -named) half brothers. AD: TUFTS KINSMEN is the official quarterly bulletin of the Tufts Kinsmen Association, P. 0. Box 571, Dedham, !Massachusetts 02026. A subscription is $5.00 per year, which includes membership in the Association. The immigrant ancestor of most Tufts descendants in North America was Peter TUFTS, (Sr.) of Malden, Massachusetts. From: Tri-State Trader of 13 August 1977, p 47 TO CALIFORNIA The company of Californians from Brookville, Indiana, which left this city on the "Melodeon" is commanded by Capt J. T. McCARTY and goes out with Owen's Missionary Assoc- iation which starts from St. Joseph, Missouri on or about the 23rd of April. Kit CARSON and Ben McCULLOCH, the Texan Ranger have been engaged to take them trhough. (LOUISEVILLE DEMOCRAT, 1849)/ From: D.A.R. Magazine, Volume 74, #1, p. 47 Abstracts of Wills, Lancaster Co., Court House, Pennsylvania: I4cCULLOUGH, Alexander (1747-A-1-135). Written Jan 159 1746. Yeoman. Plantation. Mentions: ;•life Lary. 2 brothers Joseph & Samuel in Ireland. ,William George & Robert George and their aunt. Executors: Mary McCULLOUGH & Thomas WILSON. Probated 25 May 1747. 'McCOLLOUGH, Samuel (1785-W.B.-E-1-310). Written June 16, 1783 (signed McCOOLOCH). Marick Twp. (Mantic Twp.). Lancaster Co., Penna. Mentions: Wife Jane; sons Robert, Alexander, Samuel, John and Joseph. Executors: Sons Alexander and Robert McCOLLOUGH. 'Nits: John BOYD, Thomas BOYD. Probated Dec 6, 1785. Vol 74 #2 P-36 McCOLLOUCH, George (1807-W.B.-K-1-395). Written Oct 179 1806. Little Brittain Tmo., Lan- cester Co., Penna. Yeoman. Mentions: Wife Isabella. Dau. Elenor MORRISON. Sons George, :William, Robert Lampson - - - QUERY: Mrs. A. G. COOK, Rt 1, Box 60, Jenkins, Missouri 65677 She is very much interested in learning more about her ancestor - Moses McCULLOUGH, b 1794, served in the alar of 1812 Mrs. COOK had a serious heart attack several years ago, and when they checked, they found she had blockages similar to mine - except that hers were inside the heart itself so they could not do the by-pass operation, She must therefore be very careful about her eating - and also excercising. QUERY: Mrs. Ola A. JOHNSON, 1519 - 15th Ave., S. W., Decatur, Alabama 35601 Mrs. JOHNSON is interested in a Tennessee/Alabama (and maybe Missouri) line that uses mostly McCULLEY spelling, although there is also some MCCULLOCK ±Iilliam McCULLOCK, b 1790, m 26 Dec 18109 Ailsey :'IILHELM b ca 1794. Um d after 18339 before 1840. Ailsey m 2nd 1849, Jacob CLINE, Marshall Co., Alabama. Ch of WM & Ailsey: James, b ca 1816 Tenn; Mahalie, b ca 1818, Tenn; Melinda, b ca 18209 Tenn; Keziah (possibly wife of one of the boys , b ca 1822; John, b ca 1824, Tenn; and Richard, b ca 1830, Ala. A James 1McCULLOCH is in the 1850 Census, La. in the home of Jeremiah & Catherine (Wilhelm) ELLS - Catherine a sister of Ailsey. Mahalie m 1.1m ATCHLEY, d 1886. PMalinda m CRABTREE. Kezziah m as 2nd wife Jacob BRADY (his first wife a sister of Ailsey). John may have married .TELLS, he was living near Jeremiah in 1850 Census. Richard (now) McCULLEY m 17 Dec 1850, Jackson Co., Ala; Nancy LEWIS. They had two sons, 'Jilliam McCULLLY 7 George Francis McCULLEY. William McCULLEY m Mary Emily FRAZIER, dau of Alexander Smith FRAZIER and Temperance FRAZIER (1st cousins). William b 1853. George Francis McCULLLY m lst, Jackson Co., Ala, Mandy STEWART, she d near Grapevine, Texas. He m 2nd Nannie SCOTT. She also d near Grapevine... Nancy (Lewis) McCULLEY (1835 - 1931) could remember that her mother-in-law Ailsey (Wilhelm.) (McCullock) CLINE and Jacob CLIME left Alabame about 1853 to go to I•iissouri - they Caere"lost" and she can find no further record, although Aisley's sister Catherine & husband Jeremiah SELLS were in Store Co., Missouri when he died after 1850. She would greatly appreciate any help on this line. NsACKULLOIfCHn U - Ma � �j % McCol tia cCuloch Maclullie � Y cologne �0 -e 1�00 Aiaccullie cHulls. AICC M I Hulagh McCollam o•Iloch Olraccujzo ALL Sp ellin SNf CoulagherQ m1cCullie McColl= Makcullocht 7'Owlache McKullo ch- cCu11ick McKovrloch mcCullock t;acoulie MtKulagh HacLulli Makcovrloch Maclullich MacCullough Mc`coulach McCulloch hi' Cul10 ch •, r+cCulZoh Makawllauch McCollough Macculloch McCul ou,h M Kowloche McCully liakhulagh L. ub: �V. R. YAR'r100D, Anaheim Royal 3-1, 1250 N. State. College Blvd., Anaheim, -Caliifornia 92 06 Ph. 714-956-5308 Mr. Willis G. CORBITT, 710 S.W. Madison St., Apt. 406, Portland, Oregon 97205 sent me three charts - of John McCOLLOCH, b. 16$2. I have changed them to tabular form and correlated them below. Mr. CORBITT prepared the charts in accordance with the best information that he has available, but believes that there are probably errors. He viould appreciate receiving any information - including the source of the info - which would make corrections, fill in the blank spaces (b -day, marriage date and place, date & place of death, missing children, and any other pertinent information). He has been working on the McCOLLOCH family for about 56 years, and this information comes from various.public and private sources. In addition to a few errors that he might have - most errors are mine! In the case of many individuals, he does not know if they married, had children etc. and in those areas particularly would appreciate information. Mr. CORBITT uses the spelling "McCOLLOCH". Although I have seen some of these with different ways of spelling, I am using "McCOLLOCH" (except where my own line branches off). The numbering system used is good FOR THIS COMPILATION ONLY'- any added names would change every- thing after. I find problems associated with all systems, and am using this one as acompromise. The system I consider best uses too much space by the time we get down to the fifth or sixth generation. I am including blanks for all desired information only for John McCOLLOCH, I-1, and his children. Please infer blanks in any place where information is missing. I-1 John _�McCOLLO1V)(montMvear_Y_@ b (da (month 1682, (Parish Galloway, Scotland, son of A4cCOLLOCp and ; d Lived in Ireland before coming to America in Settler- near hi a elphiat enns lvania at CPI,IPBELL, b. (da v)(month)lvear) �, m (da (month (year @ i, Mary a month ( ear -; dau of CAMPBELL a a II -1 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b (da (month) 1705 @ II -2 John ____-itiicCOLLOCH, b ayj monthl 170$ (a, II -3 Robert sMcCOLLOCH, b a mon—thT 1710 @ II -1 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b 1705, d 1748, Gloucester Co., New Jersey, will dated 8 June, probated June 1748; m. 22 June 1726, First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Elizabeth BARD, dau of George WARD,(Sr), (d. Mar 1745) and Abigail( ) Ward - III -1 John McCOLLOCH, b 1726 III -2 (Col.) George McCOLLOCH, b 1728 III -3 Mary McCOLLOCH, b Apr 1730, Gloucester Co., New Jersey III -4 Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b Apr 1732, Gloucester Co., New Jersey. III -5 Hannah McCOLLOCH, b.15 Oct 1737, Gloucester Co., New Jersey II -2 John McCOLLOCH, b 1705, Philadelphia, Penna, d 1795, Albemarle Co., Va;m III -6 John McCOLLOCH, b 1734 III -7 (Lt) Thomas McCOLLOCH, b 1736 III -1 John McCOLLOCH b 1726 Gloucester Co.,7 N.J., d 177 , Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Penna, m (license 24 riay 17483 m 24 Sept 1748, Sarah INSKELF, b 14 Sept •7251 dau James INSKEEP (b 1703) and nary MILLER; gr dau John INSKEEP (1677 - 15 Dec 17253 and Mary (1675 10 Sept 1755) IV -1 (M-aj ) John McCOLLOCH, b .754 IV -2 Sarah McCOLLOCH, b 1754, m as 2nd vrife, (Lt) Jacob COLEMAN, 1745-1825. IV -3 Abraham McCOLLOCH, b 1760 IV -4 (Capt) Geo. McCOLLOCH, b 1763 (Two other children, probably older than Major John.) III -2 (Col) George McCOLLOCH, b 172$9 Gloucester Co., N.J., d 17$7, Short Creek, Ohio Co., Ohio; m Ist, 1757/$, Catherine VAN METER, dau of Isaac VAN METER, b Kingston, N.Y., d 17579 Fort Pleasant, Va., m ca 1717, Penna, Ann WYNKOOK. IV -5 John McCOLLOCH, b ca 1760, lived in Va., d. Jefferson Co. Ohio IV -6 ( Capt) WilliamFricCOLLOCH, b ca 1762 ' IV -7 Silas McCOLLOCH, b 1763 IV-$ Jane McCOLLOCH, b 1765 IV -9 (Capt) Samuel McCOLLOCH, b 1767 IV -10 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, IV -11 George McCOLLOCH, b 1774 IV -12 Solomon McCOLLOCH, b 1776 III -7 (Lt) Thomas McCOLLOCH, b 1736, Albemarle Co., Va., d 12 Oct 1780, Rutherfordton, Rutherford Co., North Carolina, bur. Little Brittain Cem., Rutherfordton; m ca 1759, Isabell PATRICK, b ca 1739, d ca 1823, Wash Co., Va., bd. Thomas McColloch Cem ,'140, Shortville, Nash. Co., Volume III No. _ n. r Uctober - Va. Isabell dau of Robert PATRICK, d 1761 and Rachel IV-13 Rachel McCOLLOCH, b 17599 Albemarle Co., Va.; m. Thomas JAMERSONS (1767 - 25 Feb 1834) IV-14 John C. McCOLLOCH b ca 17629 Albemarle Co., Va., d. Apr/May 1838, Wash. Co., Va , bd McColloch Cem 140; m, lst, 5 Feb 17899 Abingdon, Wash. Co., Va., Mary WHITE- June 1827) d. Wash Co., Va, bd McColloch Cem #140; m, 2nd, 6 Sept 1833, Abingdon, Elizabeth TILLEY. IV-15 Sarah Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b 27 Feb 1763, d 28 Apr 18379 Abingdon, Wash. Co., Va.; m 5 Nov 18019 Abingdon, Wash. Co., Va., John HAGY (24 Oct 17709 Brickville, Lancaster Co., Penna - 22 Sept 1873, Abingdon, Wash. Co., Va.) IV-16 Robert McCOLLOCH, b 2 May 17649 Va. IV-17 Mary McCOLLOCH, b 1779, Wash. Co., Va. IV-18 Martha McCOLLOCH, b Wash Co., Va.,; m 21 June 1789, Abingdon, Wash. Co., Va, Isaac NEWHOUSE. IV-1 (Major) John McCOLLOCH, b 1754 Mt Hardy Co., (West) Va., d 6 Apr 1821, Va., bd Eugene Ridgeley farm (Mineral Co., W. Va., near Ft., Van Meter); m Mary BUKEY, b 1759, d 9 June (846; dau of (Col.) John BUKEY and Marcy (Jemima 0)) DUNN, dau of (Capt.)Hezekiah& Marcia MARTIN) PO/1# V-1 Isaac McCOLLOCH, d. unm. V-2 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b. 1784 V-3 David McCOLLOCH, d. unm. V-4 Jonathan McCOLLOCH,•b 30 Apr 1800 V-5 Sally McCOLLOCH V-6 Tabitha McCOLLOCH V-7 Hester McCOLLOCH, m John CRAVENS V-8 Joseph McCOLLOCH, d. um (?) V-9 Mary McCOLLOCH, b 1791 V-10 Josiah McCOLLOCH, b 1792 V-11 Marcy McCOLLOCH, b 13 Jan 1794 IV -3 Abraham McCOLLOCH, b 17609 d. 5 May 1839; m. Alicy BOGGS, b 1769, d 30 Mar. 1838 V-12 John McCOLLOCH, b 11 Apr 1789 V-13 Nancy McCOLLOCH, b 5 July 1790 V-14 Alexander McCOLLOCH, b 25 Dec 1791, d 4 Nov 1792 V-15 Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b 20 Sept 17939 d 3 Aug 1768; m William SMITH, No. Ch. V-16 Ebtnezer McCOLLOCH, b 13 Feb 1796 V-17 Abram McCOLLOCH, b 17 Nov 1797 V-18 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b 16 Aug 1799 V-19 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b 15 Sept 1802 V-20 Margaret McCOLLOCH, b 15 Sept 1804 V-21 James McCOLLOCH, b 23 May 18079 d 25 Oct 1882; m. lst, Rachel MATHEWS; m 2nd, Tabitha MAGEE; b 1818. d 25 July 18729 no ch. IV -4 (Capt.) George McCOLLOCH, b 1763, d. 19 May 1836; m 8 Apr. 1819, Margaret WILSON, b 1798r d 16 Oct 1851. V-22 Andrew McCOLLOCH V-23 Sallie McCOLLOCH, m PIERCE V-24 Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, m DUNLEVY V-25 Susan McCOLLOCH, m SCUTT IV -6 (Capt.) William McCOLLOCH, b ca 17629 d 12 Aug 1812, Brownstown, Barbour Co., (West) Va., killed by Indians; m. 17979 Wheeling, Ohio Co., (West) Va., Nancy ZANE, b 17749 Beaver Dam, Allen Co., Ohio; d Sept 1858, Ridgeway, Hardin Co., Ohio; dau of Isaac ZANE, b Va., 1753, d 1816, Logan Co., Ohio and Myeerah TARHEE, d 18079 Ohio, dau of Chief TARHEE of Huron Indians. V-26 Noah Zane McCOLLOCH, b 7 Mar 17989 Zanesville, Ohio IV -7 Silas McCOLLOCH, b 17681 d. ca 1812-15, Fort Meigs, Henry Co., Ohio (?) V-27 Tabitha McCOLLOCH -? V-28 Sidney McCOLLOCH - ? V-29 Samuel McCOLLOCH - ? V-30 George McCOLLOCH - ? V-31 Elliot McCOLLOCH - ? IV -9 (Capt.) Samuel McCOLLOCH, b 1767, d Nov 1814, Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio; m Nancy McMERRILL V-32 Samuel McCOLLOCH, V-33 (Maj) William McCOJr) CH, d 18129 killed @ Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan V-34 Silas McCOLLOCH, d. 18129 killed @ Ft., Meigs, Henry Co., Ohio NOTE: One Silas was killed at Fort Meigs, 1812; the other died about 1815 in Pennsylvania. Which is the Uncle & which is the nephew? V-35 (Rev) George McCOLLOCH, b 1 May 1790, Zanesfield, Ohio. IV -11 George McCOLLOCH, b 1774, d 1813/14, Seneca Guernsey Co., Ohio; m Nancy McMECHEN. V-36 John McCOLLOCH, b. ca 1801 IV -12 Solomon McCOLLOCH, b 1776, d 1840, Monticello, White Co., Indiana V-37 George McCOLLOCH V-38 Ben McCOLLOCH, d. Pequa, Ohio V-39 William McCOLLOCH V-40 Jane McCOLLOCH IV --16 Robert McCOLLOCH, (Sr.) b 2 May 17649 Albemarle Co., Va. d 29 Aug 1849, Washington Co., Va.; m Washington Co., Va. 2 Dec 1794, Sarah Ann (Sallies CLAPS, b 25 Nov 1775, d 25 Dec 18549 Washington Co., Va. Both bd McCulloch -Cuddy Cemetery #86 V-41 (Col) Thomas McCOLLOCH, b 24 Oct 17959 Washington Co., Virginia V-42 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b 5 Nov 1797, Washington Co., Va. V-43 Robert McCOLLOCH, (Jr.) b ca 1$00, Washington Co. Va, V-44 John McCULLOCH, b ca 1801 -(presumed to begreat=great grandfather.) V-45 James McCOLLOCH, b ll May 1803, Washington Co., Va., d 12 Apr 18649 unm, crippled. V-46 Mary McCOLLOCH, b 12 June 1805, Washington Co., Va., V-47 Charles H. McCOLLOCH, b 23 Dec 18099 Washington Co., Va., d 7 May 1828, Washington Co., Va., bd McCulloch -Cuddy Cemetery #86., unm. V-48 Isabella McCOLLOCH, b 17 April 18149 Washington Co. Va., d 15 May 1863, Washington Co., Va., unm - deaf - bd McCulloch -Cuddy Cemetery ;86 V-49 Sarah McCOLLOCH, b 14 Aug 18169 WashingtonCo., Va., IV -17 Mary McCOLLOCH, b 1779, Washington Co., Va., ; m Jan 17979 Abingdon, Washington Co., Va., James STINSON# d 1805, Washington Co., Va. V-50 Susan Hamilton STINSON, b 31 Oct 1800 V-2 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b 1784, d 1812; VI -1 John Leonard McCOLLOCH, b 1804 VI -2 George McCOLLOCH VI -3 McCOLLOCH V-4 Jonathan McCOLLOCH, b 30 April 1800, Va., d 15 July 18619 Pike Co., Missouri; m Narcissa KELLY, b 25 Oct 1795, d 9 Feb 1857, Pike Co., both bd Antioch Cemetery near Cyrene, Pike Co., Missouri VI -4 Isaac McCOLLOCH, b 1820, Va. VI -5 Ann Eliza McCOLLOCH, b 16 Aug 18319 Va. VI -6 David McCOLLOCH, b ca 18369 Tyler Co.?, Va.? VI -7 ZachariahMcCOLLOCH, b 1840, Tyler Co.?, Va.?, d 186 , Vicksburg, Warren Co., Mississippi. Killed in Civil War. V-9 Mary McCOLLOCH, b 1791; m HARRIS (?) VI -8 Milton HARRIS (?) V-10 Josiah McCOLLOCH, b 1792; m Margaret SHEPERD VI -9 John McCOLLOCH, b 4 Apr 1821; d 10 May 1845; bd Salem Church Cemetery, Hendrysburg, 0. VI -10 Sarah McCOLLOCH VI -11 Nathan McCOLLOCH, b 14 Feb 1824 VI -12 Tabitha McCOLLOCH, b 3 Apr 1825. VI -13 Susan Jane McCOLLOCH, b 30 Aug 1828; d 30 Aug 1844; unm., bd Salem Church Cemetery. VI -14 Amanda McCOLLOCH, b 30 July 1836 V-11 Marcy McCOLLOCH, b 13 Jan 1794; d 24 Aug 1890; m. William YOUNG, d Sept 1854. VI -15 David William YOUNG, d young. VI -16 Isaac YOUNG, b 2 Sept 1819; m 20 Nov 18559 Martha Matilda HENDERSON, b 1 Oct 1837. VI -17 Mary YOUNG, m. Arch MILLER. VI -18 Rufus King YOUNG, b 2 Mar 1824. VI -19 Hester YOUNG, b 1825 VI -20 Joseph McColloch YOUNG, b 2 Feb 1830 VI -21 William Walcott YOUNG, b 1831, d 24 Jan 1901; m Caroline Adelia SHEPHERD, b 18391 d 16 May 1924. VI -22 Lafayette YOUNG, b 31 Aug 1834. V-12 John McCOLLOCH, b 11 Apr 1789; d 25 June 1853; m 8 Apr 1819, Sarah WILSON, b 1798, d 16 Octl851 NOTE: IV -4, (Capt) George McCOLLOCH,"m 8 Apr 1819, Margaret WILSON b 1798" Were they twins and was this a double wedding? VT -23 Joseph McCOLLOCH, b 16 Feb 1820 VI -24 Hannah McCOLLOCH, b 1822, d 22 Apr 1903, unm. VI -25 John McCOLLOCH, b 24 May 1828 VI -26 (baby) McCOLLOCH, d young. VI -27 Edmund Martin McCOLLOCH, b 1830, d 1895, unm. VI -28 Isaac McCOLLOCH, b 1 Jan 1833; m. Jane BLACK VI -29 James McCOLLOCH, b 7 Apr 1836; m Alice HORTEN VI -30 Caroline McCOLLOCH, b 1838, d 4 May 1890, unm. V-13 Nancy McCOLLOCH, b 5 July 1790; d 27 May 1822; m 5 Nov 1812, James HAIR, b June 1790 VI -31 John HAIR, b 18 Jul x 1818, d 6 Jan 1850; m Wheeling, Ohio Co., Virginia VI -32 Elizabeth HAIR, b 18 July 1820 VI -33 (boy) HAIR, d young. V-16 Ebenezer McCOLLOCH, b 1 Feb 1796, d 19 Nov 1870; m 5 Feb 1833, Sarah Vause FOX, b 21 Nov 1812, Moorefield, Hardy Co., W) Va., d 21 Sept 1906, Groveport, Franklin Co., Ohio. VI -34 Jemima Vause McCOLLOCH, b 1 Dec 1833 VI -35 Thornton McCOLLOCH, b 7 July 18359 d 26 Mar 1874, California. VI -36 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b 30 Jan 1837, d 30 Aug 1931, Ohio, unm. VI -37 Ann Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b 31 Oct 183$9 d 8 Apr 1913 VI -38 Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b 14 Dec 1840 VI -39 Rachel Fox McCOLLOCH, b 14 Feb 1843 VZ -40 Ebenezer Zane McCOLLOCH, b 3 Dec 1845 VI -41 Sarah McCOLLOCH, b 3 Nov 1846 VI -42 George McCOLLOCH, b 7 June 1852 VI -43 Ivea Decker McCOLLOCH, b 30 Jan 1854 McCULLOUGH MEMOS VOT°. 1 P.5 uctober 1977 V-17 Abram McCOLLOCH, b 19 Nov 17979 d 25 Feb 1882; m Susan BURNS, b 28 Nov 1823, d 3 Apr 1862 VI -44 William E. McCOLLOCH, b 1 Jan 1850 VI -45 Abram Inskeep McCOLLOCH, b 5 Nov 1851 VI -46 John Waterman MCCOLL.00H0 b 20 July 1853 VI -47 Virginia McCOLLOCH, m. John GARDNER, 2 ch. VI -48 James McCOLLOCH, b 7 Apr 1855 "went West" VI -49 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b 25 May 1858, d 4 Mar 1894; m Henry METHERELL, 4 ch. V-18 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b 16 Aug 1799, d Feb 1889; m Nov 1821, Joseph WILSON, b 25 Oct 1783; d 27 Aug 1833 VI -50 John WILSON, b 18 Nov 1822, d 31 July 1856; m Sarah HARRIS VI -51 Rachel WILSON, b 23 Mar 1824 VI -52 Abram WILSON, b 23 July 1825 VI -53 Lewis WILSON, b 7 Feb 1828, d 14 Sept 1836 VI -54 Andrew Jackson WILSON, b 21 Apr 1830, d 25 Apr 1910; m Margaret BANE, b 26 Sept 1832, d 23 Jan 1902, no ch. VI -55 Sarah WILSON, b 22 Nov 18319 d 8 Nov 1842 VI -56 Joseph WILSON, b 2 Sept 1833, d 1926; m Sarah Jane BANE, b 1835, d 19 Sept 19259 no ch. V-19 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b 15 Sept 1802, d 28 July 1879; m 27 Jan 18429 Rebecca LAUCK, b 5 Dec 1818, d 2 Apr 1896. VI -57 Abram McCOLLOCH, b 17 May 1844 VI -58 Mary Lauck McCOLLOCH, b 28 Feb 1846 VI -59 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b 27 Dec 1847 vi 6o Simon Lauck McCOLLOCH, b 7 June 18499 d 7 Aug 1921t um. VI -61 Alexander McCOLLOCH, b 9 Mar 1951; m 1st, 27 Apr 18909 Mrs. Emily McNeil ADAMS; m 2nd, Ann McCOLLOCH, no ch. VI -62 Sarah Tabitha McCOLLOCH, b 27 Dec 1852 VI -63 Margaret E. McCOLLOCH, b 26 June 1854 VI 64 Catherine McCOLLOCH, b 29 Aug 1856; m (Dr.) William McCLEARY, no ch. VI -65 Samuel Wilber McCOLLOCH, b 15 Sept 185889 d 3 Apr 1888; m Oct 1887, Sarah Atkinson WILSON. No ch. VI -66 Millard Fillmore McCOLLOCH, b 2 May 1860 VI -67 Jessie McCOLLOCH, b 31 Mar 18629 d 12 Nov 1876. V-20 - Margaret McCOLLOCH, b 15 Sept 1804, d 11 Oct 1868; m Edward MORGAN, b 1798, d 4 July 1872 VI -68 James William MORGAN, "b 1843. d 25 May 1837" VI -69 Abram MORGAN V-26 Noah Zane McCOLLOCH, b 7 Mar 17989 Zanesville, Muskingum Co., Ohio; m Psyche SUFFLETON. VI -70 Mary H. McCOLLOCH VI -71 Frank McCOLLOCH - member, Ohio Board of Public Works. VI -72 Samuel McCOLLOCH - secretary, Ohio Board of Public Works. VI -73 thru VI 76 - 2 boys and two girls, d young. V-35 (Rev.) George McCOLLOCH, b 1 May 1790, Zanesfield, Ohio; m Nancy YOUNG. VI -77 George McCOLLOCH, b 1823 VI -78 Ben McCOLLOCH, b 1825 VI -79 John McCOLLOCH, b 1827 VI -80 Solomon McCOLLOCH, b 11 Nov 1832 VI -81 Mary McCOLLOCH V-36 John McCOLLOCH, b ca 1801, d 1862; m 16 Feb 1825, Anna Maria REED, b 23 July 17979 19 Feb 1884 VI -82 Nancy McMeachen McCOLLOCH, b 11 Jan 1826 VI -83 Jane Wheery McCOLLOCH, b 15 May 1827, c 7 Mar 1897 VI -84 John Reed McCOLLOCH, b 17 Sept 1829, d 29 Jan 1857 VI -85 Catherine McCOLLOCH, b 19 Oct 18319 d 27 Sept 1832 VI -86 Margaret Montgomery McCOLLOCH, b 19 Oct 1831 VI -87 Catherine Ellis McCOLLOCH, b 14 Apt 1833r d 27 June 1911 VI -88 Sidney McCOLLOCH, b 20 Feb 18359 d 18 Aug 1859 VI -89 Louis Reed McCOLLOCH, b 22 Oct 1836, d 13 July 1905 VI -90 Samuel B. McCOLLOCH, b 2 Mar 1838 VI -91 Benjamin McMechen McCOLLOCH, b 5 Mar 1850 V-37 George McCOLLOCH VI -92 Robert McCOLLOCH VI -38 William McCOLLOCH Mr. Willis has as a possibility, (Gen) Benjamin McCOLLOCH, b 11 Nov 1811; Rutherford Co., Tennessee d 7 Mar 1862, Battle of Pea Ridge, Missouri. However, Solomon, William's father was only born in 1776, so I feel it very unlikely. V-41 (Col) Thomas McCULLOCH, b 24 Oct 17959 Washington Co., Virgginia, d 18 Jan 1858, Abingdon, Jefferson Co., Iowa; m, Washington Co., Virginia, Dorcas LOGAN, b 12 Dec 17929 Washington Co., Va., d 28 Oct 18559 Abingdon, Jefferson Co., Iowa. Both bd Abingdon, Iowa. They moved to Jefferson Co., Iowa in 1844 and founded Abingdon, named after Abingdon, Virginia. VI -94 thru VI -97, including: Harriet McCULLOCH, m 18389 (Rev) James G. THOMPSON Mary Sarah McCULLOCH, m Thomas Wilson GOBBLE. V-42 Rebecca McCULLOCH, b 5 Nov 17979 Washington Co., Va., d 15 June 1850, Locust Grove Twp., Jefferson Co., Iowa; m 17 Feb 1831, Washington Co., Va., Abraham FLEENOR, b 18 Sept 1790, Washington Co., Va., d 8 Feb 1849, Locust Grove Twp., Jefferson Co., Iowa VI -98 thru VI -107 - ten children, not named on chart. vt.;UvuGt' L-1 V-43 Robert McCULLOCH, (Jr.) b ca 1$00, Washington Co., Va., d May 1$51, Washington Co., Va.; m 22 Nov 1$32, Washington Co., Va., Sarah V. LOGAN, d after 1$53. VI -10$ James Logan McCULLOCH, b 1 Aug 1$94, Washington Co., Va., d 3 Nov 1983, bd McCulloch - Cuddy Cemetery 0$6; m Rebecca Jane CHAPMAN7b 11 July 1$35, Russell Co Virginia. ia.VI-109 (Sarah) Elizabeth McCULLOCH, b 11 June 1$3, Washington Co., Va., d .Jan t, Wash- ington Co., Va., McCulloch-CuddyCemetery #$6, m Henry Trigg CUDDY, b 3 June 1$37, Wash- ington Co., Va., d 24 July 19029 Abingdon, Jefferson Co., Iowa, bd, Abingdon, Iowa VI -110 Ann E. McCULLOCH VI -111 John McCULLOCH VI -112 William McCULLOCH VI -113 Martha L. McCULLOCH, b 6 Sept 1$47, d 31 Mar 1$72; m 11 Feb 186q, Ota Hopkins WARD (Jr) as 2nd wife. Ota b Sept 1$33, Washington Co., Va., son of (Col)) Ota H. WARD and Susanna GOBBLE, he d 6 Dec 1914, Lee Co., Va. Sarah m 2nd, 19 May 1$539 James W. STANFROID (STANFIELD ?) V-44 John McCULLOCH, b ca 1$019 d ca 1$$0, Winneshiek Co., Iowa; m Mary �_, b ca 1$01. John bd Garfield Cemetery now lost to farming. No stones. VI -114 John L. McCULLOCH, b 9 May 1$3$, near Madison, Wisconsin, V-46 Diary MCCULLOCH, b 12 June 1$05, Washington Co., Virginia, d 17 Mar 1$911, Washington Co. Va. m ca 1$2$, John DUNN, b 1 Mar 1795, Washington Co, Va., d 22 Aug 1$459 Washington Co., Va. Both bd McCulloch -Cuddy Cemetery #86 VI -115 Sarah E. DUNN, b 21 June 1$29, d 15 Mar 1$4$, unm. VI -116 Mary Jane DUNN, b 30 Apr 1$33, d 12 Feb 1904. VI -117 Theophilus DUNN, b 29 July 1$36, d 15 Dec 1936; m 1st, Mary D. 1$41-1g Emily A. -, 1$47-1$96. __t 77; m 2nd, VI -11$ William DUNN, b ca 1$39 VI -119 Robert DUNN, b ca 1$42 VI -120 John Dunn, b 16 Feb 1$44. V-49 Sarah MCCULLOCH� b 14 Apr 1$16, Washington Co., Va., d 4 (11) Sept 1$47, bd McCulloch -Dunn - Cuddy Cemetery ,�$6; m 22 May 1$341 Washington Co., Va., Abram CINDER, b 22 May 1$02, Washing- Cuddy Co., Va., d 1$ Apr 1$$1, Washington Co., Va., bd McCulloch -Cuddy Cemetery. Abram was a grandson of Anthony LINDER and Mary NEWLAND. VI -121 Mary Jane LINDER, b 3 July (June ?), 1$359 d 25 May 19209 Jefferson Co., Iowa; m 29 Mar 1$65, as 2nd wife, Henry Trigg CUDDY. VI -122 Eglantine Virginia LINDER, b 10 Feb 1$37, d 30 July 1912. VI -123 Sarah Elizabeth LINDER, b 14 Aug 1$39, d 9 Apr 1$66. VI -124 Rebecca E. LINDER, b 4 Jan 1$12, d 16 Aug 1$53 in twelfth year of age. VI -125 Robert M. LINDER, b 17 July 1$$449 d 13 Apr 1$$5, Jefferson Co., Iotra, unm. VI -126 Ann E. LINDER, b 14 Aug 1$459 m as 3rd wife, 3 Apr 1$73, Ota H. WARD (Jr). VI -127 infant, b & d 6 Sept 1847 V-50 Susan Hamilton STINSON, b 31 Oct 1$00, Washington Co., Va., d 20 Jan•1$621, Monroe, Jasper Co., Iowa; m 9 Oct 1$17, Augusta Co., Va., Adam Miller TOOL, b 31 July 1794, Augusta Co., Va., d 4 Apr 1$779 Monroe, Jasper Co., Iowa. Both bd Pioneer Cemetery, Monroe, Jasper Co., Ioora. VI -12$ Maria Elizabeth TOOL, b 22 Apr 1$27 VI -1 John Leonard McCOLLOCH, b 1$04,d 1$$6, m, 1st, Maish ? VII -1 John McCOLLOCH VII -2 David McCOLLOCH VII -3 James McCOLLOCH VII -4 Samuel McCOLLOCH • VII -5 Saul McCOLLOCH VII -6 Louise McCOLLOCH VII -7 Anne McCOLLOCH He m 2nd, Louisa COFFELT VII -8 William H. McCOLLOCH, b 2$ Mar 1$66 VII -9 Joseph McCOLLOCH VII -10 Robert McCOLLOCH VI -4 Isaac McCOLLOCH, b 1$20, Va.; m 22 May 1$52, Pike Co., Missouri, Elizabeth BROWNING, b 1$32 VII -11 Sarah MCCOLLOCH, b ca 1$50 (?), Missouri VII -12 John McCOLLOCH, b ca 1$55, Missouri VII -13 Laura McCOLLOCH, b ca 1$56, Missouri VII -14 Jacob C. McCOLLOCH, v ca 1$59, Missouri VI -5 Ann Eliza McCOLLOCH, b 16 Aug 1$31, Va., d 17 Jan 1$90, Pike Co., Missouri m Kinsey Dickinson :MITTEN, v 11 Apr 1$1$, Tyler Co., Va. (now Wetzel Co., ;,T. Va.), d $ June 1975, both bd Antioch Cemetery, Pike Co., Missouri VII -15 John M. WITTEN, b 2$ Sept 1$50, Tyler Co., Va., d 1$ Apr 1$579 Pike Co. Mis VII -16 Susanna SMITTEN, b 1$ Mar 1$529 Pike Co., Missouri, d 7 Dec 1932; m 16 Nov 1882uri ? VII -17 (infant) WITTEN, b 14 Dec 1$539 d 23 Dec 1$53, Pike Co., Missouri. VII -1$ Narcissa McColloch WITTEN, b 25 Nov 1$549 Pike Co., Mo., d June 1911; m 16 Sept 1$75 VII -19 Luther S. WITTEN, b $ Feb 1$579 Pike Co. • VII -20 Martha J. WITTEN, b 5 June 1$59, Pike CO.,dMo.J dy19 Mar 1892, ur',m 1$ Sept 1900_. VII -21 Philip W. WITTEN, b 4 Jan 1$61, Pike Co., d 20 Nov 1923, Stanislaus Co., Calif; m 23 Jan 1$$9. bd IOOF Mausoleum, Modesto, California VII -22 Zacheriah John WITTEN, b Pike Co., Mo., d 13 Apr 19039 Tulare Co., Calif; m 1 Jan 1$99 VII -23 Dove WITTEN, b 1$ Aug 1$67, Pike Co., Mo., d 4 Feb 1903, unm., bd Mt. View Cemeter Fresno, California. y, VII -24 Kinza Pritchett WITTEN, b 24 Sept 1$709 Pike Co., Mo., d 24 Sept 19571 Fresno, Calif., bd Belmont Memorial Cemetery, Fresno, Calif., m 11 July 1$95 VI -6 David McCOLLOCH, b 1$36, Tyler Co. ?, Va.?; m 28 Apr 1$57, Pike Co., Missouri, Mary E. SHULL, - f I McCULLOUGH MEMU5 O O. I P. U October 1977 b 1837. VII -25 Alexander McCOLLOCH, b ca 1850 (?) Missouri VII -26 Cora H. McCOLLOCH, b ca 18602 Missouri VII -27 Marceline McCOLLOCH, b ca 1861, Missouri VII -28 Zachaiah McCOLLOCH, b ca 1$63, Missouri VII -29 Catherine McCOLLOCH, b ca 1865, Missouri VII -30 Samuel McCOLLOCH, b ca 1869, Missouri VII -31 Emaleta McCOLLOCH, b ca 1874, Missouri VI -10 Sarah McCOLLOCH, m UMPHREY VII -32 Ann UMPHREY VII -33 Bud UMPHREY VI -11 Nathan McCOLLOCH, b 14 Feb 18249 d 9 May 1881; m 1 Mar 1850, Ann (A.S.) MURPHY VII -34 Winfield Scott McCOLLOCH, b 21 Dec 1850 VII -35 Mary Amanda McCOLLOCH, b 7 June 1852 d.y. VII -36 Margaret Ionia McCOLLOCH, b 21 Dec 1A55 VII -37 Florence Eulalia McCOLLOCH, b 27 July 1857 b 16 July 1859 VII -38 Indiana Arvilla McCOLLOCH, VII -39 Nathan Albert McCOLLOCH, b 26 Mar 1861 VII -40 VII -41 John Elmore McCOLLOCH, b 5 Max 1863 James Jefferson McCOLLOCH, b 23 Mar 1865 VII -42 Martha Belle McCOLLOCH, b 11 Sept 1873 VII -43 Harvey Hamilton McCOLLOCH, b 23 Mar 1875 VII -44 Clara Maude McCOLLOCH, b 7 Jan 1877 VI -12 Tabitha McCOLLOCH, b 13 Apr 18259 d ca 1906; m _ WARD VII -45 John WARD VII -46 Margaret WARD, b 1855 VI -14 Amanda McCOLLOCH, b 30 July 18369 d 1899; m = DAVIS VII -47 Emma DAVIS, d 1939, m & had 4 ch. VII -48 Luther DAVIS VII -49 Edvrard DAVIS VII -50 Joshia DAVIS VI -18 Rufus King YOUNG, b 2 May 18249 d 18 May 1891; m 2 Sept 1852, Barnsville, Belmont Co., Ohio, Jane MYERS, b 11 Jan 1834. VII -51 David William YOUNG, b 19 Feb 1854, d 1926 VII -52 Margaret Jane YOUNG VII -53 Sarah Violette YOUNG VII -54 Dora Adalyn YOUNG VII -55 Hugh Roger YOUNG VII -56 Mary Louisa YOUNG VII -57 James Alva YOUNG VII -58 Joseph McColloch YOUNG, b 16 Mar 1873 VI -19 Hester YOUNG, b 1825, d 1892; m Will DARBIN, b 19 Feb 182 VII -59 Charity DARBIN VII -60 William DARBIN VII -61 Rebecca DARBIN VI -20 Joseph McColloch YOUNG, b 2 Feb 18309 d 12 Jan 1921; m Morristown, Belmont Co., Ohio, Elizabeth ADKINS, b 11 Jan 18349 d 20 June 1920 VII -62 Hannah A. YOUNG VII -63 Isaac W. YOUNG VII -64 Mary Emma YOUNG VII -65 Nancy M. YOUNG VII -66 Ballzuary Florence YOUNG VII -67 ElizabetR Alice YOUNG VII -68 Esther E. YOUNG VII -69 Edith E. YOUNG VII -70 Rachel Virginia YOUNG VII -71 Oliver Lillian YOUNG VI -23 Joseph McCOLLOCH, b 16 Feb 1820, d 23 June 1863; m Louisa 14ORGAN VII -72 John Morgan McCOLLOCH VII -73 Alonzo Joseph McCOLLOCH VII -74 Susan McCOLLOCH VII -75 Ellen McCOLLOCH VI -25 John McCOLLOCH, b 24 May 1828, d 4 June 1914; m, 1st, Emily WILSON, b 29 July 1832, d 22 Dec 1887. He m 2nd, Elizabeth Lewis COLEMAN. All children, lst marriage. VII -76 Ir -.dm McCOLLOCH VII -77 Albert McCOLLOCH VII -78 Anna McCOLLOCH, b 7 Aug 18589, d 12 Aug 1888 VII -79 Isaac McCOLLOCH VI -32 Elizabeth HAIR, b 18 July 1820; m 28 Nov 18419 Livingston, Sumpter Co., Alabama, Isiah Doyle HOYT, b 9 Sept 18209 New Hampshire. 8i James Hair HOYT, b 1843, d 1863, Vicksburg, Mississippi in Civil War. Zane Moses HOYT, b 18 July 1846 VII -82 William HOYT, b 1848, d 1875 f4CUULLuuux P16M Ud Vol III No 1 Py uctoSer 197 VII -$3 HamiltonHOYT, b 1$52, d 1862 VI -34 Jemima Vause McCOLLOCH, b 1 Dec 1833, d'18 Oct 1916; m 13 D3c 18639 Wheeling, Ohio Co., W. Va. Jacob MACARTNEY, b 26 Mar 1$26, d 1 June 1906 VII -84 Alice Lenora MACARTNEY, b 11 Oct 1866 VII -85 Mary Agness t4IACARTNEY, b 6 Dec 1867 VII -$6 Frank AIil3ard MACARTPIEY, b 24 Jan 1$69 VII -$7 Fanny MACARTD1EY, b 26 July 1870 VII -88 Alexander Caldwell MACARTNEY, b 27 July 1874 VI -38 Elizabeth McCOLLOCH, b 14 Dec 1840; m Nov 1$66, William PEMBERTON. VII -$9 Ora May PEMBERTON, b 1867 VII -90 Clarence PEMBERTON, b 1869 VII -91 Ada PEMBERTON, d New Mexico VI -39 Rachel Fox McCOLLOCH, b 14 Feb 1843; m Feb 187-9 A Judson SWISHER. VII -92 Frederick Carlus SWISHER, b 24 DEc 18759 d 15 May 1919 VII -93 Caroline McColloch SWISHER, b 14 June 1876 (?) VI -43 Ivea Decker McCOLLOCH, b 36 Jan -1$549 m Amos HUBL•R VII -94 Florence Bessie HUBER VI -44 William E. McCOLLOCH, b 1 Jan 1$50, d 20 Dec 1923; m 17 June 1$74, Belle HIGGS, b 25 Aug 1854, d 22 Mar 1922 VII -95 Thomas Hanson McCOLLOCH, b 31 Mar 1$76, m 11 Sept 19009 Anna DAFINBAUGH, b 5 Aug 1896. No children. VII -96 Chester Emery McCOLLOCH, b 29 riay 1878 VII -97 Lulu Rebecca McCOLLOCH VII -98 Susan Barnes McCOLLOCH, b 15 Jan 1887 (?) VII -99 Mary Belle McCOLLOCH, b 7 Oct 1887 (?) Pdssible, just barely. VI -45 Abram Inskeep McCOLLOCH, b 5 Nov 1851,d 13 July 1916; m 26 June 1$73, Rebecca Jane NORTH, b 12 Aug 1$52, d 18 Mar 1912 VII -100 Milton McCOLLOCH, b 19 June 1874 VII -101 Archie North McCOLLOCH, b 12 Nov 1876 VI -46 John Wateman McCOLLOCH, b 20 July 1853, d 1 May 1928; m lst, 17 Aug 1876, Ella WELSHANS VII -102 Omer McCOLLOCH, b 11 Oct 1877 VII -103 Minnie McCOLLOCH, b 1$ July 1879 VII -104 Charles McCOLLOCH, b 4 Dec 1880, d 190$ VII -105 John S. McCOLLOCH, b 21 Feb 1$96 John m 2nd Mary LAZEAR VII -106 Robert McCOLLOCH VI -51 Rachel WILSON, b 23 Mar 18249 d 18 Mar 1879; m Daniel HARRIS VII -107 Maggie HARRIS VII -108 Mollie HARRIS, d 30 June 1914 VII -109 William HARRIS VII -110 Elizabeth HARRIS, b 1$46, d 9 Sept 1904; m Andy McLURE VII -111 Catherine HARRIS, m HOYT VII -112 Rebecca HARRIS VII -113 Louis HARRIS 1I-52 Abram WILSON, b 23 July 1825, d 10 Dec 1896; m Elizabeth BANE, b 10 Nov 182$1, d 14 Nov 1900 VII -114 Sarah WILSON, m William J. McLURE VII -115 Ellen WILSON, m OSTERTAG VII -116 Virginia WILSON, -T uel McCORD VII -117 Joseph WILSON, m Ellen YOST VII -118 Robert WILSON, m Jane LEWIS VII -119 Laota WILSON VII -120 Alice WILSON VII -121 Lula WILSON, m George RAY VII -122 Rebecca WILSON, m William HEDGE VII -123 Maria WILSON VI -57 Abram McCOLLOCH, b 17 May 18449 d 24 May 1917; m 24 Nov 1870, Drusilla Ridgely JACOB, b 5 Mar 1$46, d 15 July 1938 VII -124 Sallie Mahala McCOLLOCH, b 1 June 1872 VII -125 John Charles McCOLLOCH, b 29 June 1875; m 27 Nov 1903, Sarah Blanch GRIFFIN, b June 18799 d 19 Apr 1907. No ch. VII -126 Jessie Drusilla McCOLLOCH, b 3 Feb 1$82, d unm. VI -58 Mary Lauck McCOLLOCH, b 28 Feb 1846, d 4 Feb 1911; m 30 Jan 1868, Samuel Sprigg JACOB, b 3 Jan 183$0 d 16 July 1932 VII -127 Clarence JACOB, b 8 Feb 18689 d 26 July 1869 VII -128 Samuel Sprigg JACOB, (Jr) b 3 July 1871 VII -129 Mary Lillian JACOB, b 26 Dec gZ20 m 12 June 1937, Clinton B. BOGISS, b 26 Dec 1873. VII -130 Frank Hermans JACOB, b21 June 7$, d 21 July 1879 VII -131 Mahala Rebecca JACOB, b 15 Oct 1$80, m Archie North McCOLLOCH (VII -101 see for ch.) VII -132 John Jeremia JACOB, b 4 Apr 1890 McCULLOUUH RMS Volo 1 p Uctober VI -59 Rebecca McCOLLOCH, b 27 Dec 1$47, d 25 Feb 1884; m Oct 1876, (Dr.) Louis David WILSON, b 30 Mar 18469 d 7 Aug 1921 VII -133 Robert Hogue WILSON, b 21 June 1877, d 29 Jan 1892 VII -134 John McColloch WILSON, b 27 June 1878, d 15 Mar 1912 VI -62 Sarah Tabitha McCOLLOCH, b 27 Dec 1852, d 31 Jan 1902; m 11 Feb 1874, Henry Hamilton DILS (Jr), b 4 Oct 1850; d 26 Sept 1895 VII -135 Catherine McColloch DILS b 17 Nov 1$74, d unm. VII -136 Henry Hamilton DILS (III % b 6 Apr 1876 VII -137 Samuel McColloch DILS, b 11 Aug 18789 d unm. VII -138 Ann Logan DILS, b 10 Oct 1881 VII -139 Rebecca Lauck DILS, b 26 Dec 1886 VII -140 Mary Tabitha DILS, b 21 Feb 1889 VI -63 Margaret E. McCOLLOCH, b 26 June 18549 d 7 Feb 1939; m 25 May 187$9 William C. BAIRD, b 9 Mar 18529 d 9 Dec 1927 VII -141 Samuel McColloch BAIRD, b 15 June 1880 VII -142 Laura Elizabeth BAIRD, b 20 Feb 1883 VII -143 Rebecca Wilson BAIRD, v 31 Aug 1884 VII -144 Bertha Ellen BAIRD, b 16 Apr 18879 d 3 Aug 1926 .71 VII -145 Josiah Beall BAIRD, b 17 July 1890 VII -146 Catherine Lauck BAIRD, b 16 Apr 1893 VII -147 Margaret Louise BAIRD, b 19 June 1896 VI -66 Millard Fillmore McCOLLOCH, b 21 May 1860, d 21 Sept 1922; m Susan LLOYD, d 10 May 1931 VII -148 Samuel Wilbur McCOLLOCH, b 2 May 1906, d 7 Nov 1909 VII -149 Thomas Lloyd McCOLLOCH, b Nov 1908; m 19 Dec 1931, Elsa Clara WOLFE VI -70 Mary H. McCOLLOCH, m Silas BALDWIN VII -150 Sallie M. BALDWIN, b Bellfontain, Logan Co., Ohio; m Enrique C. MILLER VI -77 George McCOLLOCH, b 1823 VII -151 Joy McCOLLOCH VII -152 William McCOLLOCH VI -78 Ben McCOLLOCH, b 1825; m Hester DOWNING VII -153 William McCOLLOCH, b 1855 VII -154 George McCOLLOCH, b 1857 VI -79 John McCOLLOCH, b 1827; m Jennie BAKER VII -155 & 156 - two daughters. VI -80 Solomon McCOLLOCH, b 11 Nov 1832 VII -157 Nora McCOLLOCH VII -158 Charles McCOLLOCH, b 1864 VII 159 Mary J. McCOLLOCH VI -82 Nancy McMeachen McCOLLOCH, b 11 Jan 18269 d 29 Nov 1892; m 24 Mar 1$49, Josiah THORNBURG VII -160 John McColloch THORNBURG VII -161 Sallie THORNBURG#; m McGOVERN VII -162 Jeannie THORNBURG, b ar 1859 VI -86 Margaret Montgomery McCOLLOCH, b 19 Oct 1831; d 9 Apr 1902; m 1 Jan 1857 (Dr.) George BAIRD, b 30 Nov 1829,d 7 Mar 1891 VII -163 Reed McColloch BAIRD, b 25 Oct 1857 VII -164 George Brown BAIRD, b 6 Dec 1858 VII -165 David Wilson BAIRD, b 8 Mar 18619 d 13 Mar 1861 (or 4) VII -166 John McColloch BAIRD, b 22 July 18629 d 31 Mar 1$64 VII -167 Anna Marie BAIRD, b 19 Dec 18619 d 22 July 1866 VII -16$ Jane Wilson BAIRD, b 9 Dec 18666; m ist, lb June 18969 George N. VARDY - had issue; m 2nd, 12 Apr 1904, J. Russell HOUSTON VII -169 Sarah Wilson BAIRD, b 4 Nov 1868 VII -170 William Jourdan Bates BAIRD (MD), b 6 Jan 1870, d 30 Nov 1893, Seattle, King Co., Wash. VII -171 Louise Todd BAIRD, b 18 Aug 1874; m 12 Nov 19029 G. Grant OLIVER and had issue. VI -90 Samuel B. McCOLLOCH, b 2 Mar 1838, d 14 Dec 1917; m 1 Sept 18639 Sarah J. CULBERTSON VII -172 Martha C. McCOLLOCH, b 13 Aug 1$64 VI -91 Benjamin McMechen McCOLLOCH, b 5 Nov 1850; m Josephi;e HARSHAW VII -173 Anna Reed McCOLLOCH VII -174 Belle McCOLLOCH, m RICH VII -175 William Harshaw McCULT6=9 b 22 Jan 1865 VII -176 Zaida Ann Zane Wells Harshaw McCOLLOCH, b 13 Sept VI -114 John L. McCULLOCH, b 9 May 1838, near Madison, Wisconsin, d 12 Dec 19059 Calmar Twp., Winneshiek Co:, Iowa; moved with parents to Winneshiek Co. about 1852; m 1st9 25 Dec 1858, Lucy Jeanette GARFIELD, b 5 May 18419 Mechanicsville, Chittenden Co., Vermont, dau of Ira GARFIELD and Lucinda LUND. He farmed most of his life in Decorah, Calmar and Conover townships, Winneshiek Co., although they lived for short periods near Kent, Oregon and Lime Springs, Iowa. Lur-y d 15 Nov 1901 near Kent, Oregon. Both bd Phelps Cemetery, McCULLOUGH MEMOS Volo I pUctober-1977 Decorah, Winneshiek Co., Iovra. John m 2nd in Oregon -?-. Divorced. VII-177 Mary Adelle McCULLOCH, b 27 Mar 1860, d 26 Dec 1863 of diptheria VII-178 Alice Lucinda McCULLOCH, b 22 Mar 1862, d 30 Dec 1863 of diptheria VII-179 Alice Adelle McCULLOCH, b 7 Apr 1865 VII-180 Mary Lucinda McCULLOCH, b 20 Feb 1868 VII-181 William Henry McCULLOCH, b 23 May 1870, d 18 Mar 19519 Tacoma Washington# urn. VII-182 Daisy Luella McCULLOCH, b 24 Feb 1876 VI-116 Mary Jane DUNN, b 30 Apr 18339 d 12 Feb 1904; m 1850, David CUDDY, son of Alex CUDDY and Mourning MUSICK. VII -183 William F. CUDDY VII -184 Sarah Eglantine CUDDY VII -185 Leonah Jane CUDDY VII -186 Mary Louise CUDDY VII -187 Robert D. CUDDY, m Lydia Dorcas SMYTH, dau J. H. SMYTH and Elizabeth LOGAN VII -188 John H. CUDDY VII -189 Betty Heiskell CUDDY VII -190-192 This couple had 3 young dau die in the diptheria epidemic of the summer of 1862 Washington Co., Virginia. VI -120 John DUNN, b 16 Feb 1844, m Martha W. LINDER, 1850-1919, dau Abram LINDER and 2nd wife, Elizabeth Fiances VANCE. VII -193 Mary E. DUNN, 1872-1955 VII -194 Margaret E. DUNN, 1873-1940 VII -195 John F. DUNN VII -196 Theophilus DUNN, 1877-1943 VII -197 Charles DUNN (Possibly more children.) VI -122 Eglantine Virginia LINDER, b 10 Feb 1837, d 30 Jul 1912, bd Thompson family graveyard, North Fork, Holston Rivers near McCulloch -Cuddy Cemetery; m 3 Apr 1861, Andrew Gibson THOMPSON, 1838-1919, son Nev) Alexander Grandison TH014PSON and Sarah Dailey ALLEN VII -198 Mary Ann THOMPSON, b 1862, d 1936; m 1880 James W. BRANNON VII -199 Sarah Elizabeth THOMPSON, b 1864, d 1937; m 1888 Emmet Campbell AKERS. VII -200 Adeline D. THOMPSON, b 1866, d 1930; m 1915 James Sidney FOGELSONG VII -201 Alexander Abraham THOMPSON, b 1868, d 1938; m, 1st, 1892 Katie E. BAILEY; m, 2nd, 19049 Annie Belle WOLFE VII -202 Jasper Allen THOMPSON, b 1870. VII -203 Lilburn Trigg THOMPSON, b 1874, d 1950; m 19057 Hattie Branch MILLER VII -204 Kate Crosby THOMPSON, b 1876, d 1937; m 1897, Milton Shannon KELLY VII -205 George Victor THOMPSON, b 18799 d 1941; m 1905 Aura Franklin FRANCISCO VI -123 Sarah Elizabeth LINDER, b 14 Aug 1839, d 9 Apr 1866;.m 1 Apr 18561 Ota Hopkins WARD, (Jr) as lst vrife. VII -206 William Milton WARD VII -207 James WARD VII -208 Emma WARD VII -209 Ota Hopkins WARD (III) VI -128 Maria Elizabeth TOOL, b 22 Apr 1827, Abingdon, Washington Co., Virginia, d 20 Apr 1904, Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa; m 26 Oct 18479 Tools Point, Jasper Co., Iowa, Henry Blake MITCHELL, b 1818, New Hampshire, d 2 June 1912, Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa; both bd Evergreen Cemetery, Fairfield. VII -210 John Danrell MITCHELL, b 26 Feb 1853 VII -211 Henrietta MITCHELL, b 11 Aug 1860 VII -212 Cora Adaline MITCHELL, b 5 Apr 1863 VII -8 William H. McCOLLOCH, b 28 Mar 1866; m 15 Sept 1894, Ida M. GODFREY VIII -1 Velma Marie McCOLLOCH VIII -2 Carolyn McCOLLOCH VIII -3 Charles Mc COLLOCH VIII -4 Wilma McCOLLOCH VIII -5 Morris McCOLLOCH VII -33 Bud UMPHREY, m Belle VIII -6 Ida UMPHREY, b 27 Feb 1859, d 1942 VII -3y Winfield Scott McCOLLOCH, b 21 Dec 1850, d ca 1918; m Elizabeth VIII -7 Kirk McCOLLOCH VIII -8 Frank McCOLLOCH VIII -9 Emma McCOLLOCH VII -36 Margaret Ionia McCOLLOCH, b 21 Dec 1855, d ca 1922; m Marion GIBBS VIII -10 James GIBBS VIII -11 Nathan GIBBS VII -37 Florence Eulalie McCOLLOCH, b 27 July 18579 d ca 1915; m 1st, James O'BRIEN VIII -12 Pearl O'BRIEN VIII -13 Jesse O�BRIEN Florence m 2nd, William ANFIELD VIII -14 Hazel ANFIELD CCULLOUGH M40S V-ol III No 1 p 12 Uct0ber 1977 VII -79 Indiana Arvilla McCOLLOCH, b 16 July 18599 d ca 1931; m Henry BADS VIII -14 Henry FADS (jr.) VIII -16 Dana EADS VIII -17 Margaret EADS VIII -18 Albert BADS VIII -19 Grace BADS VIII -20 Fred BADS VIII -21 Will EADS VII -37 Nathan Albert McCOLLOCH, b 26 Mar 1861, d 1930; m Ida BADS VIII -22 Albert Nathan McCOLLOCH VIII -23 Clarence McCOLLOCH VIII -24 Blanche McCOLLOCH VIII -25 Ray McCOLLOCH VII -yo - John Elmore McCOLLOCH, b 5 Mar 1863, d 17 July 1940; m Elizabeth BAKER VIII -26 Lula McCOLLOCH VIII -27 Lois McCOLLOCH VII- W James Jefferson McCOLLOCH, b 23 Mar 18659 d 16 Oct 1944; m Kate ..-.._ VIII -28 Blanche McCOLLOCH VIII -29 Clyde McCOLLOCH VIII -30 Clark McCOLLOCH VIII -31 Florence McCOLLOCH VIII -32 Eva Bell McCOLLOCH VIII -33 Everett McCOLLOCH VIII -34 ? McCOLLOCH VII—'%2 Martha Belle McCOLLOCH, b 11 Sept 18739 d 21 Mar 1943; m David W. RIPLEY VIII -35 No rva Ruby RIPLEY VII- yy Clara Maude McCOLLOCH, b 7 Jan 1877, d ca 1928; m Arthur G. KUERSTEN VIII -36 Maude C. KUERSTEN VIII -37 Arthur C. KUERSTEN VIIT-38 Lola F. KUERSTEN VIII -39 Arnold G. KUERSTEN VIII -40 Marian J. KUERSTEN VIII -41 Helen L. RUERSTEN VIII -42 Hazel Dean KUERSTEN VIII -43 Alice J. KUERSTEN VIII -44 Harold G. KUERSTEN VIII -45 Judith E. KUBRSTEN VII -`16 Margaret WARD, b 1855; m Brad HEADING VIII -46 Gertrude Grey HEADING VIII -47 Hattie Gellata HEADING 'VIII -48 Clay Morris HEADING VII- 98 Luther DAVIS VIII -49 Nern DAVIS, b ca 1915 VIII -50 Marie DAVIS, b ca 1920 VIII -51 Given DAVIS, b ca 1934 VII -8/ Zane Moses HOYT, b 18 July 1846, d 19 Sept 1882; m 3 Nov 1869, Eliza SCARBOROUGH, d 28 July 1937. She m 2nd, Birmingham, Alabama, Joseph A. CUNNINGHAM, b 18569 d 6 Mar 1936. VIII -52 Elizabeth Gertrude HOYT, b 24 July 1870 VIII -53 Ruth Greer HOYT, b 21 Aug 18719 d 28 Nov 1936; m 30 Nov 1898, James W. DANIELS. 3 ch. 2 d. young. VIII -54 James Hamilton HOYT, b 6 Mar 1873 VIII -;-55 Annie Belle HOYT, b Oct 1874 VIII -56 Isiah Dale HOYT, b 29 May 1876 VIII -57 Helen Sullivan HOYT, b 14 Aug 1878 VIII 58 Helen Zane McColloch HOYT, b 22 June 18829 d 28 Jan 1912 VII -96 Chester Emery McCOLLOCH, b 29 May 1878; m lst, Fern BELL. m 2nd, 5 June 19269 Leta MASON b 15 Sept 1891, d 13 Feb VIII -59 Virginia McCOLLOCH, b & d 12 June 1910 VII -91 Lula Rebecca McCOLLOCH, m 12 Sept 1900, Walter H. WAYMAN, b 23 Mar 1877 VIII -60 Ethel Gertrude WAYMAN, b 1 Oct 1901 VIII -61 Walter Harold WAYMAN, b 30 Aug 1903 VIII -62 Clarence McColloch WAYMAN, b 10 Aug 1905 VIII -63 Selwin Earle WAYMAN, b 24 July 1907; m 13 Sept 1930, Opal HMIMITT, b 10 Oct 1907 no ch. VIII -64 Agness Belle WAYMAN, b 8 Feb 1910, unm VII -If Susan Barnes McCOLLOCH, b 15 Jan 1887, d 4 Feb 1916; m 12 Dec 1914, Raymond CARNES VIII -65 Narca Susan CARNES VII /oo Milton McCOLLOCH, b 19 June 1874; m 15 Apr 1896, Lillie May EMSLEY, b 14 Apr. 1875 MCGULLUUM Mms vol• o i p 13 Uctober VIII -66 Rebecca May McCOLLOCH, b 20 Feb 1901 VIII -67 Milton Emsley McCOLLOCH, b 17 Jan 1909, d 22 Jan 1909 VII -to/ Archie North McCOLLOCH, b 12 Nov 1$76, d 31 Dec 1906; m 11 Oct 1902, Mahala Rebecca JACOB, b 15 Oct 1880 (VII -131) VIII -68 Wilber Jacob McCOLLOCH, b 12 Sept 1903 VII -109 William HARRIS, m Susan VIII -69 William HARRIS (Jr) VIII -70 Lillian HARRIS VII -124 Sallie Mahala McCOLLOCH, b 1 June 1872; m 12 Aug 1897, Henry F. B. McLAIN, b 26 Nov 1869, son of Robert B. McLAIN and Louisa , d 4 Nov 19539 Lakeland, Polk Co., Florida VIII -71 Henry McColloch McLAIN, b 11 Sept 1898; m 17 July 1928, Flora Belle GARDNER, b 23 VIII -72 JessieOAdele5.oMcLAIN, b 8 Apr 1900 VIII -73 Robert Abram McLAIN, b 15 May 1903 VIII -74 Carolyn Gamage McLAIN, b 23 Oct 1905 VII -128 Samuel Sprigg JA[OB(Jr), b 3 July 1871, d 16 June 1937; m 22 Dec 1906, Mineola BROWN, b 31 Mar 1877 VIII -75 Mary Francis JACOB, b 3 Nov 1907 VIII -76 Samuel Sprigg JACOB (III), b 8 July 1909 VII -131 Mahala Rebecca JACOB, b 15 Oct 1880, m 11 Oct 19029 Archie North McCOLLOCH (VII -101). (See for ch.) VII -132 John Jeremiah JACOB, b 4 Apr 1890; m 2 Oct 1917, Carrie Idessa MORRISON, b 9 June 1893 VIII -77 Robert Morrison JACOB, b 1 July 1922 VIII -78 Ruth Ann JACOB, b 22 Dec 1928 VII -136 Henry Hamilton DILS (III), b 6 Apr 1876; m 23 Feb 1911, Edna Organ COOK VIII -79 Henry Hamilton DILS (IV) VIII -80 Samuel Spencer DILS VIII -81 Edwin Lee Davidson DILS VII -138 Ann Logan DILS, b 10 Oct 1881; m 2 Apr 1903, John Mentor CALDWELL VIII -82 Marjorie CALDWLLL, b 16 Oct 1907 VII -139 Rebecca Lauck DILS, b 26 Dec 1886; m 20 Nov 1914, (Dr) Edwin W. CROOKS VIII -83 Edwin William CROOKS VIII -84 Horatio Nelson CROOKS VIII -85 Robert Dils CROOKS VIII --86 Catherine Dils CROOKS VII -140 Mary Tabitha DILS, b 21 Feb 1889; m 20 Oct 1909, Paul Clifford HOBLETZELL VIII -87 Paul Clifford HOBLETZELL (Jr) VII -141 Samuel McColloch BAIRD, b 15 June 1880; m Feb 1908, Florence Bess HUBER VIII -88 Maceline Louise BAIrRD, b 1 Sept 1911 VIII -89 Richard Huber BAIRD, b 23 Jan 1916 VIII -90 Donald McColloch BAIRD, b 5 Sept 1917 VII -142 Laura Elizabeth BAIRD, b 20 Feb 1883; m 15 Feb 1905, Louis E. POLEN VIII -91 William Baird POLEN, b 20 Aug 1908 VIII -92 Frederick Eugene POLEN, b 6 Sept 1911 VIII -93 Lewis Beall POLEN, b 30 Dec 1912 VII -146 Catherine Lauck BAIRD, b 16 Apr 1893; m 22 Oct 19269 Harold Hill BLACK VIII -94 Harold Hill BLACK (Jr), b 1 July 1928 VII -147 Margaret Louise BAIRD, b 19 June 1896; m 3 June 1919, Franz Hoffman STEIN VIII -95 Margaret Elizabeth STEIN VIII 96 Henry William STEIN, b 1 June 1920 VIII -97 Josiah Baird STEIN, b 22 Oct 1926 VII -153 William McCOLLOCH, b 1855, m Lou REAMS VIII -98 Harry McCOLLOCH, b 1881. M & had son b 1925 VII -154 George McCOLLOCH, b 1857, m Martha SWAIN VIII -99 Fred McCOLLOCH, b 1883 VIII -100 Leta McCOLLOCH, b 1885 VIII -101 John McCOLLOCH, b 1887, m Jennie BAKER - 1 boy. VIII -102 Mable McCOLLOCH, b 1889 VIII -103 Ray McCOLLOCH, b 1891 VIII -104 Helen McCOLLOCH, b 1893 VII -158 Charles McCOLLOCH, b 18641 McCULLOUGH MEMOS Volo 1 p. 14 October 1977 VIII -105 Pearl McCOLLOCH VII -162 Jeannie THORNBURG, b 9 Mar 1859, m Machir T. JANUARY VIII -106 Nancy JANUARY VIII -107 George Baird JANUARY VII -163 Reed McColloch BAIRD, b 25 Oct 18570 d 28 Feb 1922;m 1st, 6 Oct 1885, Laura Rebecca UNDEGRAFF, d 29 Dec 1897; he m 2nd, 29 liar 1905, J essie P. YOUNG VIII -108 Dubois BAIRD, b 7 July 1887; m 25 Oct 1924, Hester K. STEELL. VII -172 Martha C. McCOLLOCH, b 13 Aug 1864; m 13 Sept 1883, C. F. WILLIAMS VIII -109 Sarah Culbertson WILLIAMS, b 22 Feb 1885; m 7 Oct 19099 William BUDGE - 2 ch. VIII -110 Francis Earl WILLIAMS, b 26 Sept 1887; m 22 June 1921, Pauline Barbara SHAW VIII -111 Martha Louise WILLIAMS, b 15 July 1889 VIII -112 Margaret Baird WILLIAMS, b 4 Nov 1890• d 27 Aug 1921; m 20 July 1915" David SMITH. 1 ch. VIII -113 William WILLIAMS, b 12 June 1892; m 11 Sept 1914, Katherine May HURD. 3 ch. VII -175 William Harshaw McCOLLOCH, b 22 Jan 18659 St. Louis, St. Louis Co., Missouri, d 27 Nov 1838, Seattle, King Co., Washington bd Seattle; m 30 Apr 1896, Ironton, Iron Co., Missouri, Mary Leigh Shelby WATKINS, b A Aug 1868, Jackson, Hinds Co., Missouri, d 22 Jan 1948, Seattle, bd Seattle. VIII -114 Erskine WAtkins.McCOLLOCH, b 23 Apr 18970), Ferguson, St. Louis Co., Missouri, d May 19629 Seattle, King Co., Washington, bd Washelli Cemetery, Seattle, um. VIII -115 Elizabeth Zane McCOLLOCH, b Ferguson, St. Louis Co., Missouri; m 18 Apr 19239 Seattle John Roland WESTON, b Logtown Panola Co., Mississippi. Divorced. 2 ch. VIII -116 William Harshaw McCOLLOCH (M 9 b 22 Sept 1905, Ferguson, St. Louis Co., Missouri* m 30 June 1934, Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington, Eda Dorothy RICKERT, b 29 Mar 1109 3 ch. VII -176 Zaida Ann Zane sells Harshaw McCOLLOCH, b 13 Sept ; m Douglas Y. LAYTON VIII -117 Benjamin McColloch LAYTON VIII -118 Douglas Y. LAYTON (Jr) VII -179 Alice Adelle (Dell) McCULLOCH, b 7 Apr 1865, Calmar Twp, Winneshiek Co., Iowa•, d 19409 Owatonna, Minnestoa at home of daughter, Ruth. She m 1st, DAILY; m 2nd, MERRITT, Order of birth of children not known. VIII -119 Ethel DAILY VIII -120 Ruth DAILY VIII -121 Leonard DAILY VIII -122 Melvin DAILY VIII -123 Dave DAILY VIII -124 Bernard DAILY VII -180 Mary Lucinda McCULLOCH, b 20 Feb 1868, Decorah twp, Winneshiek Co., Iowa, d 13 May 1955. Austin, Mower Co., Minnesota- m 11 June 1890, Conover, Winneshiek Co., Iowa, William Leonard YARWOOD, b 21 May 1817, Calmar Tvip, Winneshiek Co., Iowa, son of George W. YARWOOD and Maria Elizabeth LEE. The two sets of parents lived on farms about a mile apart and the young couple started married life on a farm halfway between. They lived in Calmar Twp, Iowa; Chico, California; Decorah, Iowa; near Battle Lake, Minnesota and on a farm between Austin and Lansing, Minnesota. After they retired, the spent some time in Long Beach, California; in Austin, Minnesota; on a small farm near Austin and back in Austin. Both are buried in Austin. VIII -125 (baby girl) YAM1OOD. Died at birth. VIII -126 Robert William YARWOOD, b 18 July 1894 VIII -127 Guy Raymond YAlrIOOD, b 27 Dec 1897 VIII -128 Lucy Jeannette YARWOOD, b 31 Mar 1903 VIII -129 Ray Leonard YA1?-1OOD, b 12 Mar 1905 VII -182 Daisy Luella MCCULLOCH, b 24 Feb 1876; m Hawley H. RICHARDSON in Oregon. Daisy was living at Nampa, Idaho in 1939. VIII -130 Earl RICHARDSON, m Viola No ch. VIII -131 Loretta RICHARDSON 0 m 2 girls, 1 boy VIII -132 Lilly RICHARDSON, m twic•``,, girl, 1 boy VIII -133 Roy RICHARDSON. VII 202 Jasper Allen THOMPSON, b 18709 d 1929; m 1st, 1897, Ella Narcissa WHITE, m 2nd, 1913, Effie Loretta (Garrett) HAGY VIII -134 Harvey Trigg TH014PSON VII -210 - John Dararell MITCHELL, b 26 Feb 1853, Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa, d 30 Aug 19369 Fairfield; bd Evergreen Cemetery, Fairfield; m 15 Oct 18909 Fairfield, Mrs, Margaret McCumber ROWLEY, b 16 Mar 1866, Deleware Co., Ohio, d 14 July 1955, Fairfield, bd Evergreen Demetery. VIII -135 Diary Mildred MITCHELL, b 29 July 1891, Fairfield, d 29 Aug 1971" Lewes, Sussex Co, Deleware, bd All Saints Cemetery, Holly Mount, Sussex Co.,; m 19 Dec 1923, Media, Deleware Co., Pennsylvania, William Stevens BEAN (Jr), b 24 Oct 1884, Jersey City, Hudson Co., New Jersey, d 16 July 19651 Elsmere, New Castle Co., Deleware, bd All Saints Cemetery. VII -211 Henrietta MITCHELL, b 11 Aug 18609 Fairfield, d 11 Aug 1954, Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa; bd Evergreen Cemetery, Fairfield; m 27 Dec 1881, Fairfield, Uriah Boyd ROGERS, b 12 Jan 1860, Deleware Co., Ohio, d 27 Jan 1928, Des Moines, bd Evergreen Cemetery. MCCULLOUCH MEMOSVol III No I P. 15 October 1977 VIII -136 Floss Maria ROGERS, b 24 June 1885 VII -212 Cora Adeline MITCHELL, b 5 Apr 1863, FAirfield, d 31 Jan 19460 Seattle, King Co., "'lash. bd Acacia Cemetery, Seattle; m 26 Oct 1886, Fairfield, Charles Hickling CORBETT, b 15 May 1859 Buckiralter, Fayette Co., Ohio, son of ,11illiam Hickling CORBETT (8 Feb 1830-7 Oct 18621, d 8 Sept 1935, Seattle, bd Acacia Cemetery. VIII -137 Helen Dorothy CORBITT, b 4 Sept 1893 VIII -138 Willis Gregg CORBITT, b 1894, unm. VIII -35 Norva Ruby RIPLEY# m Leonard H. ENGSTROM IX -1 Leonard R. ENGSTROM; m 14 Nov 1942, Martha Francis KNIGHT VIII -46 Gertrude Grey HEADING m IX -2 Lelia Kersteter IX -3 Robert Grey VIII -48 Clay Morris HEADING IX -4 Kathleen HEADING IX -5 Margaret HEADING VIII -52 Elizabeth Gertrude HOYT, b 24 July 18709 d 28 July 1937; m 15 June 1892, Birmingham, Alabama, Charles C. ELLIS, d June 1924 ix -6 William Hawkins ELLIS, b 25 Aug 1902; m 27 June 19369 Mary Alice DURHAM IX -7 Charles Hoyt ELLIS, b 6 May 1905; m 11 June 1931, Alice MIMS IX -8 Thomas Talbot ELLIS, b 30 Aug 1907; m 7 Sept 1935: Mary LANIER IX -9 Ruth Elizabeth ELLIS, b 29 Mar 1910; m (Dr) M. R. COFFMAN VIII -55 James Hamilton HOYT, b 6 Mar 1873; m 1 Mar 1910, Nellie NIELSON IX -10 Robert Nielson HOYT, b 12 Feb 1912 IX -11 James Hamilton HOYT (Jr), b 17 Nov 1916 IX -12 William Scarborough HOYT, b 12 July 1921 IX -13 & 14 - 2.ch d young VIII -55 Annie Belle HOYT, b Oct 18749 d 6 June 1906; m 6 Apr 19049 William G. TURNER IX -15 Zane Hoyt TURNER, b 17 Jan 1905; m 19299 Theresa Mae SOWS 17-16 John William TURNER, b Apr 1906, d Oct 1929 VIII -56 Isiah Dale HCYT, b 29 May 1876; m 9 June 1909, Mary Jane BOYD IX -17 Mary Clara HOYT, b 9 May 1910 IX -18 Robert Boyd HOYT$ b 6 Oct 1913 IX -19 Zane Moses HOYT, b 21 Nov 1915 IX -20 Isiah Dale HOYT (Jr), b 21 June 1921 VIII -57 Helen Sullivan HOYT, b 14 Aug 1878; m 25 June 1914, Thomas William EVANS IX -21 Annie Boyd EVANS, b 2 Feb 1918 IX -22 William Knight EVANS, b 15 Dec 1920 VIII -60 Ethel Gertrude WAY10p b 1 Oct 1901;•m 12 June 19241p George Shields KELLER, b 6 June 1902 IX -23 Marjorie Jenne KELLER, b 13 Dec 1926 IX -24 Narce Lee KELLER, b 22 Dec 1930 VIII -61 Walter Harold IdAYMAN, b 30 Aug 1903; m 9 June 1927, Helen Virginia HUSS IX -25 Roland Harold WAYMAN, b 15 Sept 1931 VIII -62 Clarence McColloch WAYMAN, 10 Aug 1905; m 25 Apr 1929, Mary Lou LEACH, b 28 Feb 1910 IX -26 Clarence Mlarvin WAYMAN, b 12 Aug 1930 IX -27 Donna Elaine WAYMAN, b ftp Feb 1932 VIII -66 Rebecca May McCOLLOCH, b 20 Feb 1901; m 28 June 1924, James Olen RUTAN, b 17 Oct 1893 IX -28 Martha Jane RUTAN, b 22 Feb 1926 IX -29 James McColloch RUTAN, b 21 July 1931 VIII -68 Wilber Jacob McCOLLOCH, b 12 Sept 1903; m 22 Aug 1929, Mildred Elizabeth GORBY, b 25 Feb 1904 IX -30 Samuel Wilber McCOLLOCH, b 25 Feb 1931 VIII -69 William HARRIS (Jr); m Margaret BLAINEY IX -31 Margaret Blainey HARRIS IX -32 Wilber HARRIS VIII -72 Jessie Adele McLAIN, b 8 Apr 1900; m 16 Oct 1925, Warren Clarence DAVIS, b 1 Jan 1896 IX -33 Robert Henry DAVIS, b 29 Jan 1926 VIII -73 Robert Abram McLAIN, b 15 May 1903; m 30 Mar 1929, Nellie Abbe HUNT, b 9 Dec 1906 IX -34 Charles Fisher McLAIN, b 7 JaN 1930 IX -35 Emily Mahala Mc'LAIN, b 10 Mar 1931 cVolo I P. 15 UctoUer 1977 IX -36 Robert Abram McLAIN (Jr), b.13 Dec 1932 IX -37 Sallie Naomi McLAIN, b 22 Oct 1936 VIII -74 Carolyn Gamage McLAIN, b 23 Oct 1905; m 23 Sept 1927, Herbert Henry COOPER, b 6 July 1905 IX -38 Sarah Louise COOPER, b 6 Jan 1930 IX -39 Martha Drusilla COOPER, b 11 Sept 1933 VIII -99 Fred McCOLLOCH, b 1883; m Ethel SMALL IX -40 Rex McCOLLOCH, m Ethel STEVENS - 2 boys VIII -103 Ray McCOLLOCH, b 1891; m Edna BLACK IX -41 Tom McCOLLOCH, b 1927 VIII -126 Robert Jilliam YAM11OOD, b 18 July 1894, Calmar Twp, Winneshiek Co., Iowa, d 12 June 1935, New Hampton, Chickasaw Co., Iowa, bd Spencer, Clay Co., Iowa; m 5 Feb 1915, Spencer, Elsie Lorena BERTELSON, b 27 Sept 18959 Spencer, dau of Christian BZRTELSON and Kirsten (Kate) Marie SORENSEN. Bob & Lorena lived various times at Spencer, Eldora & Goldfield, Iowa; Weed, California and Ronan, Montana. Lorena m 2nd, 1948, Victor H. VIUIONT, now deceased, and she lives in Eldora, Hardin Co., Iowa. IX -42 Florence Lorena YAM'1OOD9 b 15 June 19169 Spencer, Clay Co., Iovra IX -43 William Robert YAMIOOD, b 21 Jan 1920, Eldora, Hardin Co., Iowa IX -44 John Orvin YAM100D, b 16 Sept 1922, Eldora IX -45 Helen Marie YARWOOD, b 1 Mar 19259 Eldora VIII -127 Guy Raymond YAFUOOD, b 27 Dec 1897, Calmar Twp, d 4 July 1969, Austin, Mower Co., Minnesota; m Hazel SKINNER, d 31 Dec 19699 Reseda, Los Angeles Co., California while visiting her youngest daughter. They lived for many years at Lansing, Mower Co., Minnesota until he retired from the Post Office Dept, when they moved into Austin. Both are bd at Austin. IX -46 Leona A. YAM100D, b 15 Jan 1921 IX -47 Fay Allen YAR4100D, twin IX -48 May Alice YAMfOOD, twin IX -49 Gertrude A. YAR'.IOOD IX -50 Walter Harold YARWOOD IX -51 Alta Mary YARWOOD IX -52 Lucille YAFUOOD IX -53 Lloyd YAR1.•100D IX -54 Charles Richard YA1rd00D IX -55 Marian YA1TdOOD VIII -128 Lucy Jeanette YARdOOD, b 31 Mar 1903, Calmar Twp; m 5 Oct 19219 Mower Co., Minnesota, Everett Hillard SURRA, b 23 Apr 1899, Dodge Co., Minn, son of William John SUBRA and Bertha Sally DENNIS. They were farmers and are now retired living at Leroy, Minnesota IX -56 Irene Jeanette SUBRA, b 1 Aug 1922 IX -57 Doris Lorraine SUBRA, b 27 June 1924 IX -58 Roger William SUBRA, b 16 Sept 1927 IX -59 LaVonne Shirley SUBRA, b 22 Mar 1930 IX -60 Violet Elaine SUBRA, b 15 Sept 1932 IX -61 Lila Mae SUBRA, b 7 Jan 1935 IX -62 Glen Robert SUBRA, b 23 Dec 1936 IX -63 Loren Wayne SUBRA, b 4 Apr 1939 IX -64 Lorraine Ardath SUBRA, b 28 Oct 1940 VIII -129 Ray Leonard YA.TIIOOD,.b 12 Mar 1905, Calmar Twp; m 11 Nov 19259 Bertha ORTH, dau of Henry ORTH. They farmed near Austin, Mower Co., Minnesota until retirement. Now live Austin. IX -65 Rosemary YAFNOOD VIII -134 Harvey Trigg THOMPSON, m Ruth Celia FORDYCE IX -66 Marie THOMPSON, m Robert EBERLE VIII -136 Floss Maria ROGERS, b 24 June 18859 Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa, d 8 Dec 1955, Fairfield, bd Evergreen Cemetery, Fairfield; m 28 Feb 19219 Fairfield, Harlan GOSSICK, b 16 Jan 1884 Buchanan Twp, Jefferson Co., Iowa, d 1 Jan 19479 Fairfield, bd Evergreen Cemetery. IX -67 Ben Rogers'GOSSICK, b 6 May 1914 Fairfield; m 22 Aug 19419 Minneapolis; Hensepin Co. Minn, Jean Elizabeth KOEHLER, b 3 Sept 19139 Minneapolis VIII -137 Helen Dorothy CORBITT, b 4 Sept 1893, Fairfield; m 22 June 1927, Seattle, King Co., Washington, Malcolm Hector CRAIG, b 30 Dec 1884, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, d 21 Apr 1952 Aberdeen, Grays Harbor Co., Washington, bd Sunset Memorial Cemetery. IX -68 Janet Elizabeth CRAIG, b 21 Apr 19289 Hoquiam, Grays Harbor Co., Washington. Unm. NOTE: As shown above, information regarding later generations is slimmer and slimmer. Since the information I have about the 10th and 11th generations is restricted to the descendants of Bary Lucinda McCULLOCH and -William Leonard YARk100D, I am stopping at this point. If I get more information about the other descendants of these later generations, I will be glad to present it at some time in the future. NOTZ': The information above is correct so, far as Mr. CORBITT has been able to determine. He has made a few assumptions, but in such cases has some evidence leaning in the way he indicates. If any of you have evidence proving otherwise, he would appreciate receiving it. So would I. The INDEX -rill be sent with the next issue - pages numbered starting at 17. ' ADAMS, Mrs. Emily MacNeil ADKINS, Elizabeth 8 AKEP.S, Fmmet Campbell 11 AKERS, Sarah Elizabeth (Thompson) 11 ALLEN, Darah Dailey 11 ANFIELD, Florence Eulalie(McColl- och)(O'Brien) 11 ANFIELD, Hazel 11 ANFIELD, William 11 ATCHLEY, Mahalie (McCullock) 2 ATCHLEY, W- 2 A . -, - COLEMAN, Elizabeth Lewis 8 COLEM-AN, (Lt) Jacob 3 COLEi!AN, Sarah (McColloch) 3 COLLOM, Allen Read 1 COLLOM, Eugenie (Read) 1 COLLOItt, Frances Murtha 1 COLLOM, Linnie Elizabeth 1 COLLOM, Mary (Maddox) 1 COLLOM, Mary Maddox 1 COLLOMt Spencer Allen 1 COOK, Mrs. A. G. 2 COOK, Edna Organ 13 COOPER, Carylyn Gamage (McLain)14 COOPER, Herbert Henry 16 COOPER, Martha Drusilla 16 COOPER, Sarah Louise 16 CORBITT, Charles Hickling 15 CORBITT, Cora Adeline (Mitchell) 15 CORBITT, Helen Dorothy 15, 16 CORBITT, William Hickling 15 CORBITT, Tlillis Gregg 31 15 lAtl CRABTREE, Melinda (McCullock 2 CRAIG, Helen Dorothy (Corbitt) 14 CRAIG, Janet Elizabeth 16 CRAIG, Malcolm Hector 14 CRAVENS, Hester (McColloch) 4 CRAVENS, John 4 CROOKS, Catherine Dils 13 CROOKS, (Dr) Edwin W. 13 CP.00KS, Edwin William 13 CROOKS, Horatio Nelson 13 CROOKS, Rebecca Lauck (Dils) 13 CROOKS, Robert Dils 13 CUDDY, Alex 11 CUDDY, Betty Heiskell 11 CUDDY, David 11 CUDDY, (Sarah) Elizabeth (McCulloc 7 CUDDY, Henry Trigg 7 CUDDY, John H. 11 CUDDY, Leonah Jane 11 CUDDY, Lydia Dorcas (Smyth) 11 CUDDY, Mary Jane(Dunn) 11 CUDDY, MAry Jane (Linder) 11 CUDDY, Mary Louise 11 CUDDY, Mourning (Musick) 11 CUDDY, Robert D. 11 CUDDY, Sarah Eglantine 11 CUDDY, William F. 11 CULBERTSON, Sarah J. 10 CUNNINGHAM, Eliza (Scarborough) (Hoyt) 12 C UkZIINGHAM, Joseph A. 12 DAFINBAUGH, Anna 9 DAILY Alice Adelle (McCulloch)14 DAILY, Dave 14 DAILY, Ethel 14 DAILY, Leonard 1' DAILY, Melvin 14 DAILY, Ruth 14. DANIELS, James W. 12 DANIELS, Ruth Greer (Hoyt) 12 DARBIN, Charity 8 DARBIN, Hester ( Young) $ DARBIN, Rebecca 8 DARBIN, Will 8 DARBIN, William 8 DAVIS, Amanda (McColloch) 8 DAVIS, Edward $ DAVIS, Emma 8 DAVIS, Given 12 DAVIS, Jessie Adele (McLain) 15 DAVIS, Joshia 8 DAVIS, Luther 8, 12 DAVIS, Marie 12 DAVIS, Nern 12 DAVIS, Robert Henry 15 DAVIS, :Marren Clarence 15 DENNIS, Bertha Sally 14 DILS, Ann Logan 10, 13 DILS, Catherine M"scCollooh 10 DILS, Edna Organ (Cook) 13 DILS, Edwin Lee Davidson 13 DILS, Henry Hamilton 10, 13 DILS, Mary Tabitha 10, 13 DILS, Rebecca Lauck 10, 13 DILS, Samuel McColloch 10 DILS, Samuei Spencer 13 DILS, Sarah Tabitha (McColloch) 10 DUNNING, Hester 10 DUPZEVY, Elizabeth (McColloch)4 DUNN, Charles 11 DUNN, Emily_A. (—,) 7 DUNK, (Capt) Hezekiah 4 DUNK, John 7, 11 .DUNN, John F. 11 DUNN, Marcia (Martin) 4 DUMIN, Marcy (Jemima ?) 4 DUNN, Margaret E. 11 DUNN, Martha W. ( Linder) 11 DUNN, MARY (McCulloch) 7 DUNN, Mlary D ( 1 7 DUNN, Mary E. DUNN, tr ry Jane 7, 11 DUNN`, Robert 7 DUNN, Sarah E. 7 DUNN, Theophilus 7, 11 DUNN, William 7 DURHAt•I, Bary Alice 15 FADS, Albert 12 BAILEY, Katie E. 11 EADS, Dana 12 BAIRD, Anna Marie 10 EADS, Fred 12 BAIRD, Catherine Lauck 10.13 EADS, Grace 12 BAIRD, David !Nilson 10 EADS, Henry 12 BAIRD, Donald McColloch 13 EADS, Ida 12 BAIRD, Dubois 14 EADS, Indiana Arvilla (*McColloch) BAIRD, Florence Bess (Huber) 13 BAIRD, (Dr.) George 10 BAIRD, George Brown 10 BAIRD, Josiah Beall ZO BAIRD, Laura Elizabeth 10.13 BAIRD, Laura Rebecca (Undegraff) 14 BAIRD, Louise Todd 10 BAIRD, Maceline Louise 13 BAIRD, Margaret E. (McColloch) 10 BAIRD, Margaret Louise 10, 13 BAIRD, Margaret Montgomery (McColloch) 10 BAIRD, Rebecca Wilson 10 BAIRD, Reed McColloch 10, 14 BAIRD, Richard Huber 13 BAIRD, Sarah *Nilson 10 BAIRD, Samuel McColloch 10, 13 BAIRD, William C. 10 BAIRD, William Jourdan Bates 10 BAKER, Elizabeth 12 - BAKER, Jennie 10 , 13 BALD'WIN, Mary H. (McColloch) 10 BALD'JIN, Sallie M. 10 BALDWIN, Silas 10 BEAN, t'Iary Mildred (Mitchell) 14 BLAN, William Stevens 14 BELL, Fern 12 BERTELSON, Christian 1A BERTELSON, Kirsten (Kate) Marie (3orenson) 1A BERTELSON, Elsie Lorena 16 BLACK, Catherine Lauck' (Baird) -r-2t 13 BLACK, Edna 16 v BLACK, Harold Hill 13 ' BLACK, Jane 5 BOGGS, Alicy 4 .. BOGISS, Clinton B. 9 BOGISS, t►ary Lillian (Jacob) 9 BOWDRY, 0 Clara Louise (King) 1 0 101 � BOVIDRY, Thomas McCullough 1 BOINDRY, William Perrin 1 .� BOYD, Mahn 2 BOYD, Mary Jane 15 BOYD, Thomas 2 y: BRADY, Jacob 2 BRADY, Kezziah (McCullock) f� 2 4-j BRANNON, James '1. 1 BRANNON, Mary Ann (Thompson) 11 �- BROWN, Mineola 13 =�- BROWNING, Elizabeth 7 BUDGE, Sarah Culbertson (Williams' 14 BUDG--v '-illiam 14. BUKEY, (Col) John 4 _ BUKEY, Marcy (Jemima - ?)(Dunn) 4 vS �, �..: BUKEY, Mary 4 BURNS, Susan F �-` GARRETT, Effie Loretta 14 CALDWELL, Ann Logan (Dils) 13 CALIANELL, John Mentor 13• CALDtNELL, Marjorie 13 -, CAMPBELL, Mary 3 CARNES, Narca Susan 12 CARNES Raymond ti (McColloch). ), 12 CARSON, Kit 2 c) CHAPMMAN, Rebecca Jane 7 �} v CLARK, Sarah Ann (Sallie) 5 CLINE, Ailtey (Wilhelm)(McCullock; 2 CLINE, Jacob 2 J , COFFELT, Louisa 7 COFFMAN, (Dr.) M. R. 15 COFFMAN, Ruth Elizabeth (Ellis)15 A . -, - COLEMAN, Elizabeth Lewis 8 COLEM-AN, (Lt) Jacob 3 COLEi!AN, Sarah (McColloch) 3 COLLOM, Allen Read 1 COLLOM, Eugenie (Read) 1 COLLOItt, Frances Murtha 1 COLLOM, Linnie Elizabeth 1 COLLOM, Mary (Maddox) 1 COLLOM, Mary Maddox 1 COLLOMt Spencer Allen 1 COOK, Mrs. A. G. 2 COOK, Edna Organ 13 COOPER, Carylyn Gamage (McLain)14 COOPER, Herbert Henry 16 COOPER, Martha Drusilla 16 COOPER, Sarah Louise 16 CORBITT, Charles Hickling 15 CORBITT, Cora Adeline (Mitchell) 15 CORBITT, Helen Dorothy 15, 16 CORBITT, William Hickling 15 CORBITT, Tlillis Gregg 31 15 lAtl CRABTREE, Melinda (McCullock 2 CRAIG, Helen Dorothy (Corbitt) 14 CRAIG, Janet Elizabeth 16 CRAIG, Malcolm Hector 14 CRAVENS, Hester (McColloch) 4 CRAVENS, John 4 CROOKS, Catherine Dils 13 CROOKS, (Dr) Edwin W. 13 CP.00KS, Edwin William 13 CROOKS, Horatio Nelson 13 CROOKS, Rebecca Lauck (Dils) 13 CROOKS, Robert Dils 13 CUDDY, Alex 11 CUDDY, Betty Heiskell 11 CUDDY, David 11 CUDDY, (Sarah) Elizabeth (McCulloc 7 CUDDY, Henry Trigg 7 CUDDY, John H. 11 CUDDY, Leonah Jane 11 CUDDY, Lydia Dorcas (Smyth) 11 CUDDY, Mary Jane(Dunn) 11 CUDDY, MAry Jane (Linder) 11 CUDDY, Mary Louise 11 CUDDY, Mourning (Musick) 11 CUDDY, Robert D. 11 CUDDY, Sarah Eglantine 11 CUDDY, William F. 11 CULBERTSON, Sarah J. 10 CUNNINGHAM, Eliza (Scarborough) (Hoyt) 12 C UkZIINGHAM, Joseph A. 12 DAFINBAUGH, Anna 9 DAILY Alice Adelle (McCulloch)14 DAILY, Dave 14 DAILY, Ethel 14 DAILY, Leonard 1' DAILY, Melvin 14 DAILY, Ruth 14. DANIELS, James W. 12 DANIELS, Ruth Greer (Hoyt) 12 DARBIN, Charity 8 DARBIN, Hester ( Young) $ DARBIN, Rebecca 8 DARBIN, Will 8 DARBIN, William 8 DAVIS, Amanda (McColloch) 8 DAVIS, Edward $ DAVIS, Emma 8 DAVIS, Given 12 DAVIS, Jessie Adele (McLain) 15 DAVIS, Joshia 8 DAVIS, Luther 8, 12 DAVIS, Marie 12 DAVIS, Nern 12 DAVIS, Robert Henry 15 DAVIS, :Marren Clarence 15 DENNIS, Bertha Sally 14 DILS, Ann Logan 10, 13 DILS, Catherine M"scCollooh 10 DILS, Edna Organ (Cook) 13 DILS, Edwin Lee Davidson 13 DILS, Henry Hamilton 10, 13 DILS, Mary Tabitha 10, 13 DILS, Rebecca Lauck 10, 13 DILS, Samuel McColloch 10 DILS, Samuei Spencer 13 DILS, Sarah Tabitha (McColloch) 10 DUNNING, Hester 10 DUPZEVY, Elizabeth (McColloch)4 DUNN, Charles 11 DUNN, Emily_A. (—,) 7 DUNK, (Capt) Hezekiah 4 DUNK, John 7, 11 .DUNN, John F. 11 DUNN, Marcia (Martin) 4 DUMIN, Marcy (Jemima ?) 4 DUNN, Margaret E. 11 DUNN, Martha W. ( Linder) 11 DUNN, MARY (McCulloch) 7 DUNN, Mlary D ( 1 7 DUNN, Mary E. DUNN, tr ry Jane 7, 11 DUNN`, Robert 7 DUNN, Sarah E. 7 DUNN, Theophilus 7, 11 DUNN, William 7 DURHAt•I, Bary Alice 15 FADS, Albert 12 EADS, Dana 12 EADS, Fred 12 EADS, Grace 12 EADS, Henry 12 EADS, Ida 12 EADS, Indiana Arvilla (*McColloch) 12 EADS, Margaret 12 EADS, Will 12 EBERLE, Marie (Thompson) lti EBERLE, Robert 16 ELLIOT, Bruce A. 2 ELLIOT, Sara Angelina 1 ELLIOT, ;Nendy L. 2 ELLIS, Alice (Mims) 15- ELLIS, Charles C. 15 ELLIS, Charles Hoyt 15 ELLIS, Elizabeth Gertrude (Hoyt) 15 ELLIS, Mary (Lanier) 15 ELLIS, Mary Alice (Durham) 15 ELLIS, Ruth Elizabeth 15 ELLIS, Thomas Talbot 15 ELLIS, William Hawkins 15 EMSLEY, Lillie May 12 ENGSTROM, Leonard H. 15 ENGSTROM, Leonard R. 15 ENGSTROM, Norva Ruby (Ripley) 15 EVANS, Anabel (Green) 1 EVANS, Annie Boyd 115 EVANS, Daniel Webster 1 EVANS, Helen Sullivan (Hoyt) 15 EVANS, Thomas William 15 EVANS, William Knight 15 EVERETT, Parthenia 1 FLEENOR, Abraham A FLEENOR, Rebecca (McCulloch) 6 -r-2t FOGELSONG, Adeline D. (Thompson)_i 11 v FOGELSONG, James Sidney 11 ' FORDYCE, Ruth Celia lE FOX, Sarah Vause 5 FRANCISCO, Aura Franklin [moi. 11 FRAZIER, Alexander Smith 2 FRAZIER, Mary Emily 2 0 FRAZIER, Temperance 2 0 101 � FRAZIER, Temperance (Frazier) 2 .p GAINES, Dorothy (Hougland) 2 GAINES, Grant Robert 2 GAINES, Irene 2 GAINES, John Charles 2 GAINES Xerpha Mae 2 GANTT, Eugenie 1 GANTT, Gamewell D. 1 GANTT, Linnie Elizabeth (Collom)l GARDNER, John '� GARDNER, Virginia (McColloch) GARFIELD, Ira 10 GARFIELD, Lucinda (Lund) 10 GARFIELD, Lucy Jeanette 10 GARRETT, Effie Loretta 14 GIBBS, James 11 GIBBS, Margaret Ionia (McColloch) 11 GIBBS, Marion 11 GIBBS, Nathan 11 GOBBLE, Mary Sarah (McCulloch) �- GOBBLE, Susanna 7 GOBBLE* Thomas ;Milson F GODFREY, Ida M. 11 GORBY, Mildred Elizabeth 15 GOSSICK, Ben Rogers 1F GOSSICK, Floss Marie (Rogers) 14 GOSSICK, Harlan 1A GOSSICK, Jean Elizabeth (Koehler) 16 cVolo 1 0, c o er GREEN, Agnes 1 HOYT, Mary Jane (Boyd) 15 GREEN, Agnes Wells (Layng) 1 HOYT, Nellie (Nielson) 15 GREEN,-Anabel 1 HOYT, Robert Boyd 15 GREEN, Ashbel 1 HOYT, Robert Nielson 15 GREEN, Caroline .Talker 1 HOYT, Ruth Green 12 GREEN, Elizabeth (Stockton) I HOYT William 8 GREEN, Elizabeth Stockton 1 HOYT, 14illiam Scarborough 15 GREEN, James Layng 1 HOYT, Zane bioses 8, 12, 15 GREEN, James Sproat 1 HUBER, Amos 9 GREEN, Jessica R. (Thayer) 1 HUBER, Florence Bessie 9, 13 GREEN, Katherine (Murchison) 1 HUBER, Ivea Decker (McColloch) GREEN, Louisa 1 HUNT, Nellie Able 15 GREEN, Louisa Buloid 01alker) 1 HURD, Katherine May 14 GREEN, Mary Hunter (?Marston) 1 HUSS, Htlen Virginia 15 GREEN, Patricia Ann 1 GREEN, Sarah McCulloh 1 GREEN, Stockton 1 GREEN, Virginia HQrung (Redgate) 1 GREEN, William Walker 1 GRUBB, (Dr) Albert G. 1 GRUBB, Fern Elizabeth 1 GRUBB, Nffirtha Elizabeth (Meteer) 1 GRUBB, Nancy A. (1.17arner) 1 GRUBB, ( Dr) William B. 1 GULLIVER, Louisa (Green) 1 GULLIVER, :Tilliam Curtis 1 hazy HAGY, Effie Loretta ( Garrett) 1A4. HAGY, John L. HAGY, Sarah Elizabeth (McColloch: 4 HAIR, Elizabeth 5,8 HAIR, James 5 HAIR., John 5 HAIR, Nancy (McColloch) 5 HAIR, Virginia ( ) 5 HARRIS, Catherine t} - HARRIS, Daniel 9 HARRIS, Elizabeth 9 HARRIS, Lillian 13 HARRIS, Maggis 9 HARRIS, Margaret (Blainey) 15 HARRIS, Margaret Blaine y 15 HARRIS, Mary (McColloch) 5 HARRIS, Milton 5 HARRIS, Mollie 9 HARRIS, Rachel (Wilson) 9 HARRIS, Rebecca 9 HARRIS, Susan ( ) 13 HARRIS, Wilber 15 HARRIS, William 9, 13, 15 HARSHAT,T, Josephine 10 HZADING, Brad 12 ,LADING, Clay Morris 129 15 HEADING, Gertrude Grey 129 15 HEADING, Hattie Gellata 12 HEADING, Kathleen 15 HLADING, Margaret 15 HEADING, Margaret (lard) 15 H -DG£, Rebecca ("Milson) 9 H_DGE, William 9 HIGGS, Belle 9 HILL, Ann Dudley 1 HILL, Annie Louise (Watts) 1 HILL, Frances Martha (Collom) (Warren) 1 HILL, George Watts 1 HILL, John Sprunt 1 HILL, Wilbur J. 1 HOBLETZZLL, Mary Tabitha (Dils) 13 HOBLETZELL, Paul Clifford 13 HORTEN, Alice 5 HOUGLAND, Dorothy 2 HOUGLAND, Earl 2 HOUSTON Jane ,Milson (Baird) tvardy) 10 HOUSTON, J. Russell 10 HOYT, Annie Belle 12, 15 HOYT, Catherine (Harris) 9 HOYT, Eliza (Scarborough) 12 HOYT, -lizabeth (Hair) 8 HOYT, Elizabeth Gertrude 129 15 HOYT, Hamilton 9 HOYTr,Helen Sullivan 12, 15 HOYT, Helen Zane 12 HOYT, Isiah Dale 12, 15 HOYT, Isiah Doyle 8 HOYT, James Hair 8 HOYT, James Hamilton 12, 15 HOYT, Mary Clara, 15 INSKEEP, James 3 INSKEEP, John 3 INSKEEP, Mary ) 3 INSKEEP, Mary lt'Iler) IPISKEEP, Sarah 3 JACOB, Carrie Idessa (Morrison)13 JACOB, Clarence 9 JACOB, Drusilla Ridgely 9 JACOB, Frank Hermans 9 JACOB, John Jeremia 9, 13 JACOB, Mahala Rebecca 99 13 JACOB, Mary Francis 13 JACOB, Mary Lauck McColloch 9 JACOB, Mary Lillian 9 JACOB, Mineola (Brovin) 13 JACOB, Robert Morrison 13 JACOB, Ruth Ann 13 JACOB, Samuel Sprig 30P9 JAMERSONS, Rachel (McColloch) 4 JAMERI SONS, Thomas 4 JANUARY, George Baird 14 JANUARY, Jeannie (Thornburg) 14 JANUARY, Machir T. 14 JANUARY Nan cpp 14 JOHNS, 1ghes=:4Green.) 1- JOHNS,*Richard Edgerton 1 JOHNS, (Lt) Walter E. 1 JOHNSON, Mrs. Ola•A. 2 KELLER, Ethel Gertrude (1.Tayman)15 KELLER, George Shields 15 KELLER, Marjorie -Jenne' 15 KELLER, Narce Lee 15 KELLY, Kate Crosby (Thompson) 11 KELLY, Milton Shannon 11 KELLY, Narcissa 5 KENT, G. L. 2 KENT, Ramon L. 2 KENT, Xerpha Mae (Gaines) 2 KEPHART, Amy Hyde 1 KEPHART, Anna Catherine (Weisel)l KEPHART, George Elwood 1 KIMBELL, Elizabeth 1 KIMBELL, Jane (McCullough) 1 KDIBELL, John M. 1 KIMBELL, Jos. 1 KIMBELL, Sarah Angelina (Elliott) 1. KING, Clara Louise 1 Kt.IGHT, Martha Francis 15 KOEHLER, Jean Elizabeth 1A KUERSTEN, Alice J. 12 KUERSTEN, Arnold G. 12 KUERSTEN, Arthur C. 12 KUERSTEN, Arthur G. 12 KUERSTEN, Clara Maude (McColloch) 12 KUERSTEN, Harold G. 12 KUERSTEN, Hazel Dean 12 KUERSTEN, Helen L. 12 KUERSTEN, Judith E. 12 KUERSTEN, Lola F. 12 KUERSTEN, MariAn J. 12 KUERSTEN, Maude C. 12 LANIER, Mary 15 LAUCK, Rebecca LAYUG, Agnes 'dells 1 LAYNG, James Donly 1 LAYTON, Benamin McColloch 14 LAYTONDouglas Y. 1L. LAYTON: Zaida Ann Zane Wells Harshaw (McColloch) 14 LAZEAR, Mary 9 LEACH, Mary Lou 15 LEONARD, Hallie 1 LEONARD, John A. 1 LEONARD, Mary Adeline (McClure)l 1ZfIS, Jane 9 LINDER, Abram 79 11 LINDER, Ann E. 7 LINDER, Anthony 7 LINDER, Eglantine Virginia 7, 11 LINDER, Elizabeth Frances (Vance) 11 LINDER, Martha W. 11 LINDER, MAry (Newland) 7 LINDER, Mary Jane 7 LINDER, Rebecca E. 7 LINDER, Robert M. LINDER, Sarah (McCulloch) 7 LINDER, Sarah Elizabeth 79 11 LLOYD, Susan 10 LOGAN, Dorcas F LOGAN, Sarah V. 7 McCARTY, (Capt) J. T. 2 McCLEARY, Catherine (McColloch) McCLEARY, ( Dr) William F McCLURE, Mary Adeline 1 McCOLLOCH, Abraham3,4 McCOLLOCH, Abram 4,a,9 McCOLLOOH, Abram Inskeep A,9 McCOLLOCH, Albert 8 McCOLLOCH, Albert Nathan 12 McCOLLOCH, Alexander 4944 McCOLLOCH, Alice Horten) 5 McCOLLOCH, Alicy (Boggs) 4 McCOLLOCH, Alonzo Joseph $ McCOLLOCH, Amanda 59$ McCOLLOCH, Andrew 4 McCOLLOCH, Ann S McCOLLOCH, Ann (A.S.)(Murphy) 8 McCOLLOCH, Ann Eliza 5, 7 McCOLLOCH, Ann Elizabeth 5 McCOLLOCH, Anna 8 McCOLLOCH, Anna (Dafinbaug9 McCOLLOCH, Anna Marie (Reed McCOLLOCH, Anna Reed 10 McCOLLOCH, Anne 7 McCOLLOCH, Archie North 9, 13 McCOLLOCH, Belle 10 MuCOLLOCH, Belle (Higgs) 9 McCOLLOCH, Ben 4,6,10 iMcCOLLOCH, Benjamin A .McCOLLOCH, Beniamin Mcl-lechen 4910 McCOLLOCH, Blanche 16 McCOLLOCH, Caroline 5 McCOLLOCH, Carolyn 11 :McCOLLOCH, Catherine 4,8 McCOLLOCH, Catherine (Van Meter)3 'McCOLLOCH, Catherine Ellis :McCOLLOCH, Charles 9, 10, 11, 13 McCOLLOCH, Charles H. 5 McCOLLOCH, Chester Emery 9, 12 McCOLLOCH, Clara Maude 89 12 McCOLLOCH, Clark 12 McCOLLOCH, Clarence 12 .McCOLLOCH, Clyde 12 MCCOLLOCH, Cora H. 8 McCOLLOCH, David 4, 59 7, 811 McCOLLOCH, Drusilla Ridgely taco 9 McCOLLOCH, Ebenezer 4 McCOLLOCH, Ebenezer Zane 5 McCOLLOCH, Eda Dorothy (Rickert) 14 McCOLLOCH, Edmund Martin McCOLLOCH, Edna (Black) 1A McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth 3, 4, �, 9 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth 11 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth lra=7 12 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth Brownine) 8 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth Tilley) L McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth '.lard) 3 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth Lewis (Cole- man) 8 McCOLLCCH, Elizabeth Zane 14 McCOLLOCH, Ella(Welshans) 9 McCOLLOCH, Ellen 8 McCOLLCCH, Elliot 4 McCOLLOCH, Elsa Clara (Wolfe) 1C YcCOLLOCH, Emaleta 8 McCOLLOCH, Emma 11 McCOLLOCH, Emily (Wilson) $ McCOLLOCH, Mrs. Emily McNeil (Adams) 4 McCOLLOCH, Erskine WAtkins 14 McCOLLOCH, Ethel(Small) 14 McCOLLOCH, Ethel (Stevens) 14 McCOLLOCH, Eva Bell 12 McCOLLCCH, Everett 12 McCOLLOCH, Fern (Bell) 12 McCOLLOCH, Florence 12 McCOLLOCH, Florence Eulalia 8911 McCOLLOCH, MCCOLLOCH, Fred 13, 15 George 3,4,5,x19,10, McCOLLOCH, Nancy McMeachen 4,10 McCOLLOCH, Narcissa (Kelly) 5 McCULLOCH, Ben 2 McCULLOCH, Daisy Luella 11, 14 McCOLLOCH, 13 Hannah 3, 5 McCOLLOCH, Nathan 5, $ MCCOLLOCH, Nathan Albert $ 12 ' McCULLOCH, Dorcas (Logan) 6 McCULLOCH Rev) Duncan 1 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Harry 13 Harvey Hamilton $ MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Noah Zane 4, A Nora 10 McCULLOCH, Sarah) Elizabeth 7 McCULLOCH, Harriet 6 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Helen 13 HesterMcCOLLOCH, 1� McCOLLOCH, Omer 9 Pearl •14 McCULLOCH, James 2 McCULLOCH, James Logan 7 McCOLLOCH, Hest er Downing) 10 McCOLLOCH, Psyche'(Suffleton.) A McCULLOCH, John 5, 7 McCOLLOCH, Ida (Eads) 12 McCOLLOCH, Rachel 4 McCULLOCH, John H. 1 McCOLLOCH, Ida M. (Godfrey) 11 McCOLLOCH, Rachel (Mathews) 4 McCULLOCH, John L. 7, 10 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Indiana Arvilla 8, 12 Irwin 8 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Rachel Fox 5, 9 Ray 12, 13, McCULLOCH, Lucy Jeanette (Garfiel McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Isaac 4 5, 7, 8 Isabell McCOLLOCH, 16 Rebecca 3, 4, 5, A, 10 McCULLOCH, Martha L. 7 Patrick) 3,4 10 McCULLOCH,Maryy ) McCOLLOCH, Isabella 5 McCOLLOCH, Rebecca (Lauck) A Mc CULLOCH'Mary 7 7 McCOLLOCH, Ivea Decker 5, 9 McCOLLOCH, Rebecca Jane (North)9 McCULLOCH, Mary Adel' 11 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Jacob C $ James 4, 5, At 7 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Rebecca May 13, 15 Rex JA McCULLOCH, Mary Lucinda Z1, 14, McCOLLOCH, JamesJefferson $ 12 McCOLLOCH, Robert 3, 4, 59 F, 7, 16 McCULLOCH, Mary Sarah F McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Jane 3, 4 Jane (Black) 5 McCOLLOCH, 9 Sallie 4 McCULLOCH, Rebecca F McCULLOCH, Robert 7 McCOLLOCH, Jane Wheery 6 McCOLLOCH, Sallie Mahala 9, 13 McCULLOCH, Sarah 7 McCOLLOCH, -Tennie(Baker) 10 McCOLLOCH, Sally 4 McCULLOCH, Sarah V. (Logan) 7 McCOLLOCH, Jessie 6 McCOLLOCH, Samuel 19 3, 49 5, A, McCULLOCH, Thomas 6 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Jessie Drusilla 9 John 1, 3,4,5,6,7,10; McCOLLOCH, 7, 8 Samuel B. 6, 10 McCULLOCH, William 7 McCULLOCH, William Henry 11 MCCOLLOCH, 13 John C 4 MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Samuel Wilbur 6,10,15 Sarah 3, 5, 7 $, McCULLOCH, Xerpha Mae 1 MCCULLOCK, McCOLLOCH, Jemima Vause 5, 9 McCOLLOCH, Sarah (Inskeepj 3 Aisley (Wilhelm) 2 McCULLOCK, Alexander 2 McCOLLOCH, MCCOLLOCH, John Charles 9 John Elmore 8, 12 McCOLLOCH, MCCOLLOCH, Sarah (Wilson) 5 Sarah Ann (Sallie) MCCULLOCK, George 2 McCULLOCK, McCOLLOCH, John Leonard 5, 7 (Clark) 5 James 2 McCULLOCK, John 2 MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, John Morgan 8 John Reed 6 McCOLLOCH, Sarah Atkinson (Wilson 6 McCULLOCK, Keziah 2 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, John S. 9 John Waterman A, McCOLLOCH, Sarah Blanch (Griffin, 9 MCCULLOCK, Mahalie 2 McCULLOCK Melinda 2 McCOLLOCH, 9 Jonathan 4, 5 MCCOLLOCH, Sarah Elizabeth 4 MCCULLOCK, Richard 2 MCCULLOCK William 2 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Joseph 4, 5, 7, 8 Josephine (Harshaw)10 McCOLLOCH, Sarah J. (Culbertson) MCCULLOH,�Isabella '1. 1 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOGH, Josiah 4, 5 Joy 10 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Sarah Tabitha h 10 Sarah Vause (Fox McCULLOH, (Capt) John 1 McCULLOUGH, Alexander 2 McCOLLOCH, Kate ( ) 12 McCOLLOCH, 5 Saul 7 MIcCULLOUGH, Amy H de (Kephart) 1 McCULLOUGH, (Capt David McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Kirk Ii Laura 7 MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Sidney 4, h Silas 39 4 Z t McCULLOUGH Elizabeth 1 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Leta 13 Leta (Mason) 12 MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Simon Lauck 6 Solomon 3, 6, 10 i McCULLOUGH, George 2 McCULLOUGH, Hallie (Leonard) 1 McCOLLOCH, Lillie May (Emsley)12 MCCOLLOCH, Susan 4, $ MCCULLOUGH, Jane 1 ! MCCULLOUGH, Joseph 2 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Lois 12 Louis Reed 6 MCCOLLOCH, MCCOLLOCH, Susan (Burns) 6 Susan (Lloyd) 10 McCULLOUGH, Kate 1 McCULLOUGH, McCOLLOCH, Louisa (Coffelt) 7 M;cCOLLOCH, Susan Barnes 9, 12 Kenneth Edward 1 MCCULLOUGH, Mary ( ) MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Louisa-Torgan) 8 Louise 7 MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Susan Jane/ 5 Tabitha 4, $ ! MCCULLOUGH Moses McCOLLOCH, Lula 12 McCOLLOCH, 5, Tabitha (Magee) 4 MCCULLOUGH, Nancy (Nelson) 1 ` McCULLOUGH, Nelson J. 1 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Lulu Rebecca 9, 12 Mable 13 MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Thomas 3, 5 Thomas Hanson 9 McCULLOUGH, Robert George 2 McCULLOUGH, Roy McCOLLOCH, M.ahala Rebecca (Jacob. McCOLLOCH, Thomas Lloyd 10 1 MCCULLOUGH, Samuel 2 MCCOLLOCH, 9, 13 Maish { ) 7 MCCOLLOCH, -MQC_OLLOCH,-, Thornton 5 Tom 16 MCCULLOUGH, Thomas Lee 1 McCULLOUGH, William 2 McCOLLOCH,i�aiarcelina� McCOLLOCH, Velma Marie Zl McCULLOUGH, ;,J= McCOLLOCH, MCCOLLOCH, Marcy 4, 5McCOLLOCH,1Virginia+ Margaret 4, 6 MCCOLLOCH �,..• 2 Wilber McCULLOUGH, William George 2 McGOVERN, Sallie (Thornburg) 10 MicCOLLOCH, MCCOLLOCH, Margaret (Sheperd) 5 Margaret ((Wilson) 4,5 McCOLLOCH, Jacob 13, l5 William BLAIN, Carolyn Gamage 13, 14 McLAIN, Charles McCOLLOCH, argaret E. 6, 10 Margaret Ionia McCOLLOCH MCCOLLOCH, William F3,4A6,1O,13 ��lilliam H. ' 9 Fisher 15 McLAIN, Emily M?ahala 15 McCOLLOCH, MIcCOLLOCH, $, 11 Martha 4 Martha Belle 8, McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH William Harshaw 10,13 Winfield Scott $ l McLAIN, Hen11 McLAIN ry McColloch 13 McCOLLOCH, 12 Margaret Montgomery McCOLLOCH, ��linfi 11 ' 1 McLAIN, Jessie Adele 13, 15 MCLAIN Louisa ( 73 ' McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, F, 10 Murtha C. l0, 14 Mary F P4cCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Zachaiah $ Zachariah Zaida Ann Zane Wells T McLAIN, Nellie Ab' a Hunt) 15 Robert Abram3 13, 15'1 MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, 3, 4, 5, Mary Eukey) 4 Mary (Campbell) -•- Harshaw l0, 13 McCOLLOUGH, Alexander �2' `` McLAINMcLAIN, .Robert B. McLAIN, Sallie Pdahala (M?cColloch McCOLLOCH, IIcCOLLOCH, 3 Mary Lazear) 9 Mary j�>hite) McCOLLOUGH, McCOLLOUGH, Elenor 2 George 2 13 McLAIN, Sallie Naomi 16 McLURE, MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH 4 Mary Amanda $ Ma Belle o McCOLLOUGH, McCOLLOUGH, Isabella ( ) 2 Jane Andy 9 McLURE, Sarah Offilson) 9 McCOLLOCH, ' Mary E. (Shull) $ McCOLLOUGH, '��. John ',� Pd cLURE, William J. 9 Mc?'IECHEN, Nancy 4 McCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Mary H. h, 10 Mary J. 10 M OLLOUGH : McGCLLOUGH, Joseph 2 Robert 2 McMERRILL Nancy 4 ' y MCCOLLOCH, McCOLLOCH, Mary Lauck 1, 9 Mary Leigh Shelby ` McCOLLOUGH, McCOLLOUGH, Robert Lampson 2 Samuel 2 MACARTNEY, Alexander Caldwell 9 MACARTNEY, Alice r (,latkins) 14 - McCOLLOUGH t - . � William 2 _ ._ _ _ -- •- -•_ - _ R Lenora 9 M.ACARTNEY, Fanny o McCOLLOCH, Mildred Elizabeth (Gorb ) 15 McMcCORD, Samuel 9 McCORD, Virginia (Wilson) 9 MACARTNEY, Frank Millard 9 MACARTNEY, Jacob McCOLLOCH, Millard Fillmore 6,10 McCULLEY, George Francis 2 9 MACARTNEY, Jemima Vause (McColl- McCOLLOCH, Milton 9, 12 McCULLEY, Mandy (Stewart) 2 och) 9 McCOLLOCH, Milton Emsley 13 McCOLLOCH, McCULLEY, Mary Emily (Frazier) 2 MCCULLEY, Nancy MACARTNEY, Mary Agness 9 MADDO$j(.Rev) 114innie 9 (Lewis) 2 F. E. McCOLLOCH, Morns 11 MCCOLLOCH, McCULLEY, Nannie ( Scott) 2 McCULLEY, MADDOX, Mary 1 Nancy 4, 5 Richard 2 MADDOX, Nell (Wilson) 1 McCOLLOCH, Nancy (14dlechen) 4 McCULLEY, William 2 MIAGEE, Tabitha 4 McCOLLOCH, Nancy McMerrill) 4 McCULLOCH, Alice Adelle ll, 14 MARSTON, nary Hunter 1 McCOLLOCH, Nancy Young) A McCULLOCH, Alice Lucinda 11 MARTIN, Marcia 4 MCCULLOCH, Ann Austen 1 MASON, Leta 12 MCUULLUUUff EALLMU5 Vol III Pio. I ♦ . zQ October-xc. 7' MTHEWS Ra h 1 c e I- I MATTINGLY, Edna 1 METER, James 1 METEER, James Nelson 1 METLER, Martha Elizabeth 1 METIER, Parthenia (Everett) 1 METHERELL, Henry 4 METHE•RELL, Rebecca (McColloch)4 MILLER, Enrique C. 10 MILLER,Hattie Branch 11 MILLER, Sallie M. (Baldmin) 10 MIMS, Alice 15 MITCHELL, Cora Adaline 11, 15 MITCHELL, Henrietta 11, 14 MITCHELL, Henry Blake 11 MITCHELL, John Darwell 11s 14 MITCHELL, Maria Elizabeth !Tool) 11 MITCHELL, Firs. Margaret McCumber (Rowley) 14 MITCHELL, Mary Mildred 14 ..ORGAN, Abram 6 1 -!ORGAN, Edward MORGANt James .•Jilliam MORGAN, Louisa 8 DIORGAN, Margaret (McColloch) � MORRISON, Carrie Idessa 13 1.1ORRISON, Elenor 2 MURCHISON, Katherine 1 MURPHY, Ann (A.S.) 8 =4ZRS, Jane 8 NELSON, ;Nancy 1 Fii;IHOUS 7 Isaac 4 NZ•JHOUSE, Martha (McColloch) 4 N- •ILAND, i•:ary 7 ?1I=LSON, Nellie 15 NORTH, Rebecca Jane 9 O'BRIEN, Florence Eulalie (McCo- lloch) 11 01BRIEN, James 11 0 ' BRIEF;, Jesse 11 O'BRIEN, Pearl 11 OLIVER, G. Grant 11 OLIV_R, Louise Todd (Baird) 10 ORTH, Bertha 16 CPTH, Henry 16 PATRICK, Isabell 3 PAT: -.'ICK, Rachel ( ) 4 PATRICK, Robert 4 P.:BE?.TON, Ada 9 P`=1t1BZ-3T0I1, Clarente 9 PEMBERTON, Elizabeth (McColloch) 9 PLI,IBLRTON, Ora May 9 PEIMBERTON, William 9 PIERCE, Sallie (McColloch) 4 POLEN, Frederick Eugene 13 POLEN, Laura Elizabeth (Baird)., POLEN, Lewis Beall 13 POLLN, Louise E. 13' POLLN9 William Baird 13 RAY, George 9 RAY, Lula (.Milson) 9 READ, Elizabeth Kimbell 1 READ, Eugenia 1 READ (Drj Rhesa 7JAlker 1 REAMS, Lou 13 REDGATE, Virginia Hornung 1 REED, Anna Maria g RICH, Belle (McColloch) 10 RICHARDSON, Daisy Luella (McCu och) 14 RICHARDSON, Earl 14 RICHARDSON, Hawley H. 14' RICHARDSON, Lillie 14 RICHARDSON, Loretta 14 RICHARDSON, Ray 14 RICHARDSON, Viola ( ) 14 RICKERT, Dorothy 1= RIPLEY, David W. 12 RIPLEY, Martha Belle (McColloc 12 RIPLEY, Idorva Ruby 129 15 ROGERS, Floss Maria 15, 16 ROGERS, Henrietta (Mitchell) ROGERS, Uriah Boyd 14 R(TULEY, Mrs. Margaret McCumbe RUTAN, JAmh0 McColloch 15 RUTAN, James Olen 15 RUTAN, Martha Jane 15 RUTAN, Rebecca May (McColloch) 11- SCARBOROUGH, Eliza 12 SCOTT, Nannie 2 SCOTT, Susan (McColloch) L SHAW9 Pauline Barbara 14 SHEPERD, Margaret 5 SHULL, Mary E. 7 SKINNER, Hazel 1F SMALL, Ethel 16 SMITH, David 15 SMITH, Elizabeth (McColloch) 4 SMITH, Margaret BAird (?•Williams) 14 SMITH, Jilliam 4 SMYTH, Elizabeth (Logan) 11 SI•'IYTH, J. H. 11 SI•iYTH, Lydia Dorcas 11 SORENSON, Kirsten (Kate) Marie 1� STAIIFIELD, James W. 7 STANFROID, James W. 7 ST:.£LE, Hester K. 14 STEIN, Franz Hoffman 13E STIN, Henry dilliam 13 STEIN, Josiah Baird 13 STEIN, Margaret Elizabeth 13 STEIN, Margaret Louise (Baird) 13 STEVENS, Ethel 16 STEWART, Mandy 2 STINSON, James 5 STINSON, Mary (McColloch) 5 STINSON, Susan Hamilton 5, 7 STOCKTON, Elizabeth 1 SUBRA, Bertha Sally (Dennis) 14 SUBRA, Doris Lorraine 14 SUBRA, Everett Willard 16 SUBRA, Glen Robert 16 SUBRA, Irene Jeanette 16 SUBRA, La Vonne Shirley 1F SUBRA, Lila Mae 1A SUBRA, Loren `.'Jayne 16 SUBRA, Lorraine Ardath 16 SUBRA, Lucy Jeanette (Marwood) 14 SUBRA, Roger William 16 SUBRA, Violet Elaine 16 SUBRA, William John 16 SUFFLETON, Psyche TdAIN, Martha 13 SWISHER, A. Judson 9 Str1ISHER, Caroline McColloch 9 SWISHER, Frederick Carlus 9 S.�ISHER, Rachel Fox (McColloch)9 h) 14 r 14 15 TARHEE,, Chief 4 TARHEE, Myeerah 4 THACHER, Sarah McCulloh (Green). THACHER, Thomas 1 THAYER, J. essica..R. _..7,_ _ THOMPSON, Adeline D. 11 THOMPSON, Alexander Abraham 11 THOMPSON, (Rev) Alexander Grand- ison 11 THOMPSON, Andrew Gibson 11 THOMPSON.,-..Anna-Belle (IVolfe) 11 THOMPSON, Aura Franklin (Fran- cisco) 11 THOFYSON, Effie Loretta (Garrett; (Nagy) 14 THOMPSON, Eglantine Virginia (Linder) 11 THOMPSON, Ella Narcissa (.•White) 11 THOMPSON, George Victor 11 THOMPSON, Harriet (McColloch) � THOMPSON, Harvey Trigg 14, 16 THOMPSON, Hattie Branch (Miller) 11 THOMPSON, James G. 6 THOMPSON, Jasper Allen 11, 14 THOMPSON, Kate Crosley 11 THOMPSON, Katie E. (Bailey) 11 THOMPSON, Lilburn Trigg 11 THOMPSON, Marie l0; THOYPSON, Mary Ann 11 THCMPSON, Ruth Celia (Fordyce)1f- THOMPSON, Sarah Dailey (Allen)ll THOMPSCN. Sarah Elizabeth 11 THORNBURG, Jeannie 109 14 THORNBURG, John McColloch 10 THORNBURG, Josiah 10 THORNBURG, Nancy McMeachen (McColloch) 10 THORNBURG. Sallie 10 TILLEY, Elizabeth 4 TOOL, Adam Miller 7 TOOL, Maria Elizabeth 7, 11 TOOL, Susan Hamilton (Stinson)? TUFTS. Peter 2 TURNER, Annie Belle (Hoyt) 15 TURNER, John William 15 TURNER, Theresa Mae (Semens) 15' TURNER, William G. 15 TURNER, Zane Hoyt 15 UMPHREY, Ann $ UMPHREY, Belle ( ) 11 MTHREY, Bud 8,= UMPH.REY, Ida 11 UMPHREY, Sarah (McColloch) 8 UNDEGRAFF, Laura Rebecca 14 VANCE, Elizabeth Frances 11 VAN METER, Ann ('rWynkook) 3 VAN METER: Catherine 3 VAN IM•TE'R, Isaac 3 VAR -DY, George N. 10 VARDY, Jane Wilson (Baird) 10 VEENM-IAII, Edna (Mattingly) 1 VEENEMAN, Elizabeth Weir 1 VEEN""4AN, Diary Jeanne (Weir) 1 VEENEMAN, William Henry 1 VILMONT, Elsie Lorena lBertel- son)(Yarwood) 14 VILMONT, Victor H. 16 WALKER, Louise Buloid 1 WARD, Abigain 3 WARD, Elizabeth 3 WARD, Emma 11 WARD, George 3 WARD, James 11 WAP.D, Margaret 8, 12 WARD, John 8 WARD, Martha L. (McColloch) 7 WARD, Ota Hopkins 7, 11 WARD, Sarah Elizabeth (Linder)11 WARD, Tabitha (McColloch) 8 WARD, William Milton 11 WARNER, Nancy A. 1 WARREN, Frances Martha (Collom) 1 WARREN, James F. 1 WARRN,Mary Eugenie 1 WATKINS, Mary Leigh Shelby 14 WATTS, Annie Louise 1 WAYMAN, Agness Belle 12 WAYIdAN, Clarence tlarvin 15 WAYMAN, Clarence McColloch 12,1; WAYMAN, Donna Elaine 15 WAIMAN, Ethel Gertrude 12, 15 WAMI N, Helen Virginia (Huss) Jr WAYMAN, Lula Rebecca (McColloch 12 WAYMAN, Mary Lou (Leach) 15 WAYMAN, Opal ( Hammitt) 12 IVAYMAN, Roland Harold 15 WAYMAN, Selwin Earle 12 WAYMAN, Walter H. 12 WAYMAN, Walter Harold 129 15 WEIR, (Dr) Dale Charles 1 ,•JEIR, Fern Elizabeth (Grubb) 1 .VEIN?, Mary Jeanne 1 IVEISEL, Anna Catherine 1 .•JELLS, Catherine (.Vilhelm) 2 ,-LLS, Jeremiah 2 WELSHANS, Ella 9 •VESTON, Elizabeth Zane (McCollocl 14 WESTON, John Roland 14 WHITE, Mary 4 WILHELM, Ailsey 2 WILHELM, Catherine 2 WILLIAMS, C. F. 14 WILL IAMS 9 Francis Earl 14 IIILLIAMS, Katherine May (Hurd)14 WILLIAMS, Margaret BAird 14 ?JILLIAMS, Martha C. NcCo llo ch ) 14 WILLIAMS, Martha Louise 14 .VILLIAMS, Pauline Barbara (Shan:) 14 'JILLIAMS, Sarah Culbertson 14 WILLIAI-IS, Jilliam 14 WILSON, Abram 51 9 WILSON, Alice 9 WILSON, Andrew Jackson 6 WILSON] Elizabeth (Bane) 9 WILSON, Ellen 9 WILSON, Ellen (Yost) 9 WILSON, Emily $ WILSON, Jane (Lewis) 9 :VILSON, John 6 WILSON, John McColloch 10 WILSON, Joseph 69 9 'ar , ' McCULLQUUH TM405 Volo. 1 . Ray Leonard 14, 16 YA.TdOOD, Robert 'Jilliam 14, 1A a. 21 Rufus ming 5, $ Sarah Violette _c o er WILSON, WILSON, Laota 9 Lewis f YA'r.gOOD ^► YAR.70CL, Alta . 'Mary 1� Bertha YOUNG, Edith E. 8 WILSON, WILSON, (Dr) Louis David 10 Lula 9 YAR'IOOD, (Orth) 14 Charles Richard 16 YOUNG, YOUiv'G, :lizabeth (Adkins) $ Elizabeth Alice $ WILSON, .4argaret 4, 5 YAFn'[OOD, Elsie Lorena (Bertel— YOUNG, Esther E. $ :WILSON, WILSON, Margaret (Bane)�+ r:aria 9 YAR','JOOD, son) 14 Fay Allen 14 YOUNG, YOUNG, James Alva 8 Jame (Myers) $ ' WILSON, Nell 1 YAR700D, YAR'JOOD, Florence Lorena 1� George w. YOUNG, Jessie P. 14 WILSON, '7ILSON, Rachel 4, 9 Rebecca 9 YAR'ICOD, 14 Gertrude A. 1F YOURTG, YOUNG, Joseph McColloch 5, $ Lafayette 5 1, Td, 1 Rebecca (McColloch) ,10 YAR°lOOD, YAR+IOOD Guy Raymond 14 Hazel YOUNG 5 WILSON, WILSON, y7ILSON, Robert 9 Robert Eogue 10 ' YAR'1OOD, (Skinner)' 16 John Orvin 16 n � YOUNG' YOUNG, MargaretilcJaneoc$) Martha Matilda (Henderson :IILSOPJ, '7ILSON, Sarah 5, �, 9 Sarah (Harris) YAR';,OOD, YAP'.IOOD, Leona A. 16 Lloyd 15 YOUNG, 5 Mary 5 '7ILSON ,, �' .JILSOR, Sarah Atkinson Sarah Jane ( Bane) YAR.'OOD, YARJO0D9 Lucille 1� Lucy Jeanette 14, 1� YOUNG, YOUNG, ?Mary Emma. $ Mary Louisa $ :JILSON, :IILSONv Thomas 2 Virginia 9 YAg700D, YAITIOOD, Marian 14 Mary Lucinda (�'cCulloch •`� YOUNG, YOUNG, Nancy 6 Nancy M. $ `.9ITT ZN Anna Eliza (McColloch) 7 YAR°,ICOD, YAP"700D 14, 14 May Alice lA YOUNG, YOUNG, Oliver Lillian $ Rachel Virginia $ ;IITT'"N9 -' .1ITTET. Dave 7 �� John r,. 7 . Ray Leonard 14, 16 YA.TdOOD, Robert 'Jilliam 14, 1A YOUNG, YOUNG, Rufus ming 5, $ Sarah Violette 71ITTE";, Kinsey Dickinson 7 YARIOOD Rosemary YAR`IOOD, ?7alter Harold if. YOUNGYOUNG, William Walcott 1JITTEN, '7ITTiN K.inza Pritchett 7YA...l Luther S. 7 sr, 00D, William Leonard 14, h 1'IITTEr?, 1�Rartha J. 7 YAR:IOOD William Robert 16 YOST Ellen 9 ZANE, Isaac 4 WITTEN, 'IITT"N, Narcissa McColloch 7 Philip ''1. 7 YOUNG L , Bal Florence $ ZANE, ZAr;E, Myeerah (Tarhee) Nancy 4 .7ITTET,I, Susanna 7 T YOUNG, Caroline Adelia (Shepherd ;7ITTEN, Zacheriah John 7 YOUNG, David sWilliam �' $ WOLFS, Annie Belle 11 YOUNG, Dora Adalyn $ IOLF'_', Z-lsa Clara 10 Ann 3 acCu och slo�I-Vclullie 14ccoly Ma lo he loc�� Maccullie �tcHulli mf Hulagh 1► McCollam nrcco2 ccullo ALL S p e 1 l 1 n g S � r"cc Io 0h ria ulZi ck r�I'Coulaghe tf� O�,rlache 1 �icCollom Makcullocht .1cKulloch r�IcCullie ►14acoulie �1'Kula,h ttacLulli r�IcKorrlo ch i$c�ullo ck MacCullough MToulach J akCO''rloch McCulloch riaclulZich M,Culloc��llou�h 14"Alach r'icCull ol,. Makawllauch Mccollough raccullochurIKb1oche Makhul aghrcCully VOLLR-IE TII 1' "! 2 TAr11:*y-f 107P Published(?) William R. YAR -100D, Sp. 319 1250 N. State Colleze Blvd., Anaheim, California o?004 I have this dated "Jar-uary" - hoping to Pet it out early in February. It'll mostly depend on ho:•. long the indexing takes. This'll be a little short. The paEes of the index for the October issue use up part of the space allowed. 8 sheets (14 paces) make Oust less than 2 ounces with the envelope; sometimes an extra sheet will fit in, but not always. 1 ounces would be 282 postage. QUERIES: Jean B. ILLICK, 1022 Hackberry Avenue, Modesto, California 05350 - is descended from ACOS^S McCULLOUGH, b ca 1794, North Carolina, d. Kingston, Arkansas 28 Feb 1$79; m 'arTr Fllen FpF"D, b ca 1796? Virginia, d Newton Co., Arkansas 1$54 through their oldest son, THOt�TAS and Luvicev BAYFS. She would appreciate help with MOSES ancestry. QUERY (copied from the TRI-COUNT'i RESEARCHTER9 Vol 2 No. 1, January 1978: THEObOP.r McCULLOUGH, Box 190, Chandlerville, Illinois 42427 -offers a `"300.00 reward: "The %.rill of Thomas T-cCULLCUGH is filed in Lexing-ton, Va. 17$2. SteenberPer_ lists his father as Samuel b 17059 whose ?•ri is i ed in New Jersey, 171M8. The will does not list Thomas. The 18PO ~dams Zo:, Ohio Atlas relates Thomas to the Short Creek, Olheeling) ttcCulloua•h famina the ?'aior SAY' EL McCULLOUGH who made the-cTar ng leap. Samuel born 1705, list above, 2s the Lrrandfather of the ortnee amily. Offer $300.00 for accurate - verified - information as to the father of Thomas McCULLOUGH whose ;rill *•ras filed in Lexington, Va. 17$2. Additional information on reauest. .h�''217-458- (13. QUERY: PAUL R. tcCULLOCH, A-$2-. S.;•l.paleighvrood "Tay, "Portland, Ore Pon 97225 - desires anv info C n_ JOSEPH McCULLOCH, b 12 Sept 1791 in Orange Co., N.C., son of Thomas (b 17,12) and Marv( ) McCULEOCH. 1777717U Nancy WALKER., Orange Co., 9 Apr 181L; moved to Clay Co., Missouri V2 - *.•nth young family. Old Bible says "Mysteriously disappeared" ca 1,010/11-2. Ro trace. Any details appreciated. Note: This was about the time the robbers on the "ATatchez Trace" were so notorious. T feel that L it is possible that he might have been waylaid by the3e robbers and murdered. -n -v ATTE •ITICN: ? rs. Betty K. (McCulloch) SLIZIE'RS, 14.04 Bellaire Drive Colorado Sprires, Colorado 80000 - Has sent the first issue of CLAN 1JCCULLOUGH---AICCULLCCH Ishue No 1 Nov 1077) _ } This publi cation contains information about McCullough's or ?UcCu'_loch's or other spelling- from various sources. The first issue concentrated primarily on Indianawith info from'the 18-20 _. Census, 1$30 Census,Becltrrith's History Fountain & Montgomery Counties 1881, Fistories of Dearborn. & Ohio Counties, Indiana 1$$5 F.E.Jeakley Co Pub. and some from the r'AT*T?LL GF T_--ALCGY & !"ontr-omery Co. It also contains a list of the people who ioined the oreanization - CLAN ?'CCUL•T..OT'G.I 11"CCUL•LOC� up to date. The charge is 51.00 - this is to :loin, yearly fees have not yet been set, bit :Till probably depend upon the frequency of the publication. I do not plan to repeat the infom- ation that Bettv includes in her pubiicatior. - if I do, it frill be inadvertant. I feel it :•could be T.•arth the small charge for anyone interested in American McCULLOUGH's (any spelling). QUZRY: DIXIE LLE S73OAGER, 3375 Hiwood Dr., Castle Shannon., Pennsylvania 15211: - interested in: Catherine McCULLOUGH, b 1835, Butler Countv, Penna; m James McKEL'VE'R, b 1831, Butler Co., Penna. They had a dairy farm in later life in tallerv, Penna, and earlier Tames gas listed S as an oil well driller. Both living at time of 1900 Census. Had 12 children. --- QUERY: ROSEMARY Ors. Richard) FLASER, 2280$ - 72nd 11. `.Nest, Mountlake Terrace, '''ashinston 08tH•-? David T. McCULLOUGH, b 7 Mar !810 ( tradition says Milroy, Mifflin Co., Penna) ; m 22 Feb181 r), by Rev N.C. GRIEvR; d 13 Nov 1$.O at Canton, Fulton Co., Ill. M Susan Harrison KT...* 1./YrT?• �' .. s� Ch: Ann McCULLOUGH, b 2/2/1$!;8, d 2 Apr 1$53, age 5 yr. Emma Prudence McCULLOUGH, b 12/1-5/184.9, Perna, d 5 Dec 1922 Richland, Wash; T:: Oct 1841- - to Frank H. SAVILL, Canton, Ill. y, ° C� Hanah T. McCULLOUGH b,.27 Dec 1850• d. 22 July 1851, ape t- mo. Mary Jane mccnLOUGH, b 10 April 195L, rielroy, a rriifflin Co., Penna; m. 12 :.Tune 18on to John S. BARNHART, Canton, Ill. No. children. (� ,C David's brothers. aryAnn KT1_7t LR/KF1 . P' sister of S Henry McCULLOUGH, Married Mary Ann usan � a Ch: Isaac ;cCULLOUGH married Dianna KING � John McCULLOUGH married Lydian SHAGER Jane McCULLOUGH --� married Henry BURG=' A20 McCULLOUGH married Sylvan BAUGFUJAN -" C O :•rilliam McCULLOUGH. Q o �.i She received the above from her grandfather, Fred P. SAVILL, son of FrrLm3 Pn:dence ("'cCull01;Th) anti Frank SAVILL. She would appreciate any help. J QUET?Y: Dave HAAiRAHAri, 227 South Moraine, Tulare, California 01271- has the follol•r:rer cc a: � v James McCULLOUGH b County Derry, Ireland, d to Dec 17P1, ?eters '"��, Penna. John McCULLOUGH �I), 'Peters 1 F - b 27 May 1788, Few Castle, Del: d L Jan 182'^, TTrp., =enna. James McCULLOUGH, b 13 Feb 1783, t elrcersbure, Penna; d 1¢12 Alexander '*.'bite McCULLOUGH, b 19 Feb 1810, Upton, 'Fl d L Jan 181*0, Prbana, Tllinoi.� ` Adeline Chambers �". LLOUGH, b 8 June VEIL , MercersburP, Penna; d 11 "ov 1021, Bi ell-ond, 17ali f Clarence Ellsworth RAi--!EY,, b 7 Parch 187+x, Urbana, ill; d 3n Aup 105L, Martinez, Calif, . Barbara Ellen RAMEY, b 24 Jan 1925, Richmond, California Dave Hanrahan, b 9 Nov 10.V, Cakland, California. -- . 1-cCULLOUGH M2105 Vol III �!o. Z p. ;e .lanuary lair ?hiss Marjory CHRISTIANSOr Route I Box 231.; Hinckley, Yinnesota 55037 is especially curious to learn whether the McCULL06H's in Kirkcudbrightshire are of the same family as those in Arovll and other parts of the Fighlands, and if so, how they carne to Gallo -,-,ay. roes anyone kno-l" T'd be glad .o put anything knosm about this in a future issue. Part of Mis CHRISTIAN'S0,''s family follows: Samuel RAE, b Yelton Parish (') Kirkcudbrightshire; m 31 Aug 1707, "Id -town of Felton, Jarnet McCULLCCH, b Kelton Parish ("). Ch: Agnes RAE, b 3 Apr 1798, Yid-tovm of Kelton (baptismal date) John RAE, baptized 12 "ay 1800, of Felton Jannet (Jane?) PAE, baptized 28 Yov 1804, ?'4d-to,•m of 'Felton (This doesn't ouite agree With census and death record for Tare (Dae) 10775, 'cut close.) Jane (Jannet) RAE, m 13 Apr 1832, John B0=9 b o Apr 1MO, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, Scotland John d 10; or 23 March 1891, Lorain Toro., Nobles Co., ,`innesota. Jane d L AHP 1¢Fr,, Langloan Parish of Old Z'onkland, Lanarkshire. Ch: Joseph BOY=S, b ca 183(', Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, d ca 18,"l187L.; m ca 1851/54, Isabella BRYCE (she m 2nd YcFADT_ON?) Margaret BOYiS, b 24 July 1838, Lochmaben - see follo"•rinp. Nary BOYES, b ca 18420 Flvanfoot Parish of Crayford, Lanarkshire Isabella BOYES, b ca 1845, Flvanfoot Parish. i'argaret BOYES, b 23/24 July 1838, Lochmaben, d 8 January 1005, Hincklev, Pine Co, t"irnesota; m 4 Sept 1840, Elvanfoot, George Campbell MACKAY, b 10/11 r"av 183L, 7oberton, Lanarkshire d 8 October 1897, ''lorthirgton, l'obles Co., Yinnesota. Ch: Jane YLACKAY, b 13 June 1861, Glasgow, d 17 Fov 1843 Glasgow '�/Lockerbie Jamemima HUnter MACKAY, b 20 Dee 1862 Glasgow;1.d.13 Jan I8f3 Glasgow "Lockerbie Mary Jane MACKAY, b 30 April 18649 Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire, d 12 P.tav 1051, Brainerd (her g -parents) Crovr ling Co., MI-nnesota; m 12 April 1888, ''Torthineton, Nobles Co., r"i^.n., Peter Anton CHRISTIAN:SOF9 James .ACKAY, b 2 June 18('5, Lockerbie, d 18 Feb SIT City, T'Toodbury Co, To -a- m 1st, Roberta Van Valkenberg CHANEY; m 2nd, Matilda ) John MACKAY, b 2 March 18('79Lockerbie, d 17 Feb 1949, Fverett,7ashincton; m 1st, Mary Miza (Mamie) MITCHELL, m 2nd, Anna ANvDERSONT ,.arparet N•RACKAY, b 21 Jan 1849, Aitkenhead, Bothwell Parish, Lanark,- d lf- •Tar. 1a4?, Geneva, New York; m 20 :"•Ray 189"1# G£neva, N'. v. , ?"ilton Herbert FA12YAY Janet (Jessie) MACKAY, b 20 Dec 18709 Lumpie Bridge, Old r"onkland Parish, Lanark, d 30 May 1917, Philipsburg, Penna; m 13 December 1892, ''Torthino-tor., "'inr-esota, Arthur Henry PAU;! Georee ''ACKAY, b 25 Sept 1872, "loodlands Row, Old r"onkland, Lanark, d 0 Tr.1�r 1971, Old Monkland Joseph Boyes MACKAY, b 27 T?ov 1871:, Langloan, Old ?"onkland, Lanark, d ¢ "av 1010, "•hiker Sanatorium (tuberculosis) "Rinnesota Isabella Alexander MACKAY, b 23 July 18740 Lanoloan, Old P'onkland ; m 21• rtav 1000, Worthington, lKinnenota (no name - stillborn) 21 Yarch 1878, Old Monkland. David Morris N"ACKAY, b 9 (10 ?) I1"ay 1879, Old Yonkland, d P April V00, ''Torthinoton, Nobles Co., Minnesota George Campbell VACKAY, b 27 January 1882, Coatbridge, Old ":•'onkland, d 27 .Tyne 1057, bite Bear Lake, 'firnesota; m 4 Sept 190L, ''Torthinptor., 7lizabeth Faith?CTITYSOF From: Orange County California Genealogical Society Cuarterly, Vol XIV Fo. 3 Early ?records (1890-1909) of the First Congregational Church, %ena Park, California organized ; September 1888. Submitted by Rod BUSH. P. 83 Rembers Transferred, removed or dropped from the I'embership: 28 Dec 1904 Florence McCULLOCH ?'embers Tlhose Names First Appear in the Church Records: 2L Dec 1894 Florence McCULLOCH From: Tri -County Researcher, Vol 1 No. L, July 1977 p. 87 Old Marriage Records of Tyler County Alfred V GORE to Elizabeth YcCALLL7M 28 Oct 1874. Alfred ape 21 born Tvler Co., Va. Elizabeth age 18 born Monroe Co., Ohio. Informant John FLLTOTT. The following information T•ras sent to me by Ruby (iVTrs. Guv) IJOpGAF From: Your Family Tree, Vlm. 23, Fo . 1, :'linter 1977; pp 2h Cumberland Co. Pa. '.'tills lk . Ir .cC:ILLOGH, James late of ''lest Pennsborough Twp. farr�er'''ill date 5 Aum 1795: prob. 21 Fov 1785; -rife Elizabeth, Sons: James, Robert, Archibald; sons -in -la-: Fames P07Lr, John :'lrr. LEI•?*{OFD; Daus: T_'lizabeth, Sarah CHAMBERS; Grand children: Samuel T,7'AOYD, Samuel '90747; '.osanna ADARE; Exrs: trite Elizabeth, son-in-larr''Tm Lz?ofiROPTD. '''it.: John_ and ''Tm S?BOAT. From Census Records (probably 1850) Washington Co., Ark. Cane Hill Tvrp. 15/15 McCULLOCH, Samuel Age 32 b Tenn physician , ,rife Eliza 32 b Tenn; ch r"ary 7 Ark: Ann 5 Art - Caroline 3 Ark; James 1 Ark. same - L('/4(' McCULLOH, Thomas G. 29 Pa. school teacher; wife Ann 29 Ohio; ch `Phomas 4 Ta.; Fco ra 1 Ar!,. LOTTERY, S ?, D. 23 Ia. school teacher. (Mrs. IYORGAF says that some people wrote "Ia." for Indiana as well as Io-.ra. ) From: The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, Volume 1. p. 11,.8 George McCULLY had grand -daughter - Ann T_R''1I11, m James LAUGHLII', from Belfast, Ireland to Paltimore, 1830 - a founder of Jones and Laughlin Steel Co. (Tsai) George t'cCully LAUGHLIN (1842 - 1908) , m 1845, Isabel Poi -man 7cF7!!1AN' (1¢1_ T - 01) dau of William McKrNrAV & Pauline Gertrude de FOP"P?'7??" 1 Ch:1.Ir:•r_n LAUGHLINI 2. George McCully LAUGHLINt Jr. 3.Thomas McKennan (1875 - 1910) m Lucy HT'RRON?, later ""rs. Henry F. LT_PPTTT 1. Irarin LAUGHLIF, b 2A Apr 1871; m 18 Sept 1912, Therese 7leanora IS"'LIN' Ch: Gertrude Louise Isabel LAUGHLINI b London --nel, 11 Dec lolL Alexander George Adrian. Iinrir. LAUGHLI':, b Reigate Priorv, Surrev, Fne. 11 Apr 101¢ 2. George McCully LAUG$LIFt Jr., b 25 Feb 1873, Pittsburgh; m 10 Jan 1805, Henrietta Zantzinger SPEER, dau John Z. SPEER. Ch: a. George McCully LAUGHLIN, IT! -- Katharine Speer LAUGHLIN, b L Dec 1894; m rrl C. B. GO?TLD Henrietta Speer GOULD :Margaret Acheson GOULD Isabel McKennah LAUGHLIN, b 22 Apr 1902 John Speer LAUGHLIF, b 5 Feb 190L George PxcCully LAUGHLINj III b Pittsburgh, Pa., 11, Fov V05; m 13 Oct 1017, rlizaheth SHA',!, dau. George E. SHA1,1. Ch: Mary LAUGHLIN, b 24 July 1Q18 Elizabeth Shaw LAUGHLIN, b 21 Sent 1919 ), Henrietta LAUGHLIN, b 21 Sept 1920 ) p. AL7 Henry P. McCULLOUGH Marie J. 'McCULLOUGH, m 1910, Alexander HAYS, b 7 Sept 18P3, son rilbert Adams HA", and Sarah FL-LMING Ch: Alexander HAYS, Jr. John Alden HAYS p. 85$• (Dr) James McCULLOUGH, Toronto Clare McCULLOUGH, b Rockwood, Ontario; m as 2nd rrife, 11 July 101"G, Victor Corse TuOR? r`, son of Johathan THORA'E & Harriet Smith VAN SCHOO"0117' Ch: Jonathan THORNIFy II, b Black Rock, Bridgeport, Corn, L Aua 10n7 Harriet Van Schoonhoven THORNE, b Black Rock, 22 Aua 1000 John Ste*.cart THORNE, b NYC 17 Mar' 1913 Victoria Corse THORN -E, b NYC, 30 Jan 1915 That completes all of the McC's I could find in the Compendium - all volumes. APOLOGY It seems that it is possible for someone to come to the conclusion that ?.r. Willis C^?PTTT does not have all the information about Va.i. Samuel McCOLLOCH, etc. and that is why he -.,as left ofr the McCOLLOCH information given in the previous issue. I am afraid that 7 did not make it clear that the information given ryas from three different charts, each of which covered certain of t! -:e descendants of John 14cCOLLOCH, b 14$2 - these charts each Rive only a sinele line for earls generations, they_ they expand about the third or fourth seneration. Therefore, collateral lines were not included. Major Samuel McCOLLOCH was not included in anv of the charts, since he left no descendants. I am sorry if some of you Gained the idea that the missing persons in the earl -r enerations Tgenerations due to ignorance. It jras because they did not fit into the direct line of the laterenerations -which were being covered or. the individual charts- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. James S. GOBBLE, 2245 Yartin Avenue `.'lest, Tillamook, Oreeon 0711:1 sent some additional information pertaining to the Vol .3 No. 1 listing: P. 5 - ch of .nary McCOLLOCH & James STINSON 1. Issabel This information from the will of James GTTITSOF, dtd 15 Jiiiv 2. Susannah 1805, recorded 19 Nov 1£05, listing r -rife r"ary and ch in this 3. Rachel order. '•lashineton Co. Va. T'lill Book 29 pace 527. T_ssabel m John GOBBLE, 11 Phar 1819, Washington Co., Va. John son of neorae r,011pL7 Fr rli za?�eth LINDIR. p. 7 VI -117 Theophilus DUY , b 29 July 183rt d 15 Dec 193f; m lst, 27 Jan 1P-'1, Tiras-^. Co., Ira. ,rary D. WARD, 18L1-77, dau of (Col) Ota H. WARD & Susanna 5 _ . VI -123 Sarah Elizabeth LII•'DE'R, b 1L Aue 1839, d o Apr 1844; m as 1st -ife. Ota F. '•rARD, (-r` 1 Aar 185(-, `.Nash Co., Va. VI -124 Ann E. LINDER, b 14 Aug 18L5, m as 3rd erife, 3 Apr 1873, Ota R. `WRD, m. gash Co. Va., Ota d 24 Jan 192L, Lee Co., Va. And the following additional info: p. 10 VI -113 Martha L. McCLTLLOCH, b 180jSept 1L, d 31 Mar 1F�72; m 11 Feb I40, Ota Koakins � RD (Jr) as 2nd wife. (See p 7) Ch: Joseph F. ')ARD, b 1 Dec 171, Washington Co., Va. d IO Aug 170, Lee Co. Va. VI -117 Theophilus DUNN m (1) nary D. '%A?.D, 27 Jan 19f 3, ''rash Co., Va . ; d /o ( Col) Ota H. ;•LARD & Susannah GOBBLE. Ch: William DU�Ir: b c 1844, T'laLh Co., Va. Alive in 1880 infant DU�d11 b/d 27 liar 13-^ 'Nash Co . , Va. John DU11N, b 1!: ►�'ay 1$A7, '-Yash Co., Va., d 20 Jar. 175, 'lash Co., Va. Arthur DUN ., b c 1871 Wash Co., Va., Alive in 1880 11I-124 Ann L. LINDER, b 14 Aug 18459 d 24 Jan 192L, Lee Co., Va; m '"'ash Co . , TJa . , as 3rd wife, 3 Apr 1873, Ota H. sIARD (Jr). Ch: Ann Eliza ^LARD, b 7 Jure 1873, Lee Co., Va., d 28 •June 1873, Lee Co., Va., Margaret A. WARD, b c 18759 Lee Co., Va. In Lee Co., 188n Earl T. (o r -drra rd) 11/ARD b c May 1877, Lee Co., Va . , in Va 2 Feb 1021, Mary C. WARD, b c July 1$79, Lee Co., Va. In Lee Co., loan Laura T. ;WARD b c Jan 1882, Lee Co., Va., In Lee Co., loon Clara Bell '.EAR.D, b c 1$£L• , Lee Co., Va., d 28 Oct 1F AP, Lee Co. Va. Sallie M. WARD, b c Dec 1857, Lee Co., Va., in Lee Co. 10nn. The 1900 Census gives the month and vear of birth, but he lists them as approximate for possirle errors. Exact dates are from birth records or tombstones. lv'.r. GOBBLE is trying to discover the migrations of Isabell STTF130TT and her husband John r.-OBRL". Tf you have any info, he i;.rould appreciate it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. G. R. PARKER, 1933 Glide Loop Drive, Glide, Ore Ron 971•0 sends the follo•rine info: George YABSLEY, b 1$1.0, Devonshire, England (No record of birth) ; m Annle n'cCCTLL•OT?^H in 10011 (no record of marriage) in Brighton, Ontario, Canada. oeorRe YARSLFY lived for a time with his father's sister, Mrs. William KELLAAiD after he arrived in Canada in 1874. From Prince Edward Island, which is located close to Briehton,she received: Miles 1•!cCULLAGH and vr_fe Eliza CAI•`PB^LL (no marriaee record) had the follo-w nR children: Margaret 1847; Thomas 1549; FhilliD 1$51; Adnrew 1553; Ann 1554 & Michael 1858. Births recorded at St. Alexis R. C. Church, Rollo Bay, P.E.I. N11cCULLOUGH Vol ill No 3 D.& ftaruarr Mrs. PARKER received from Mrs. 71illiam 'VcCULLOUGH of 1531 Carlton Ave., "test Cloquet, "inr. 55720: William's father Alexander mcCULLOUGH, ::.as born in Carthas-e, Ontario, Canada on f- •°nne 1875. His parents Frere Robert `RcCULLOUGH and Sarah Ann GLEMY. Trev had seven children. R- ""rs. "Pt. TWITLLOTTMT has much data on them. From N wa York "arriar:es : Robert McCULLUCK - Catharine CLUDI' L/21,/17,59 Odds and ends: GeorPe 'cCL'LLOUGH b 9 Feb 17 1, d June 18L1. 9 ch. b Centerville, ?'e,•r Castle,Co., Del. 1 r+ ::argaret BAR,: -BY, b '?ect Castle Co . , Del, Sept 12, 1744, d Oct Alexander :'cCULLOUGH from Cumberland Co., Penna, dau. Elizabeth b Tune 249 1754, d 7 Dec 181 Freeport, Penna. James Anderson 'cCULLOUGH r: 7.achel SILFR, lived TN 1¢1,5- James ¢1 5. James !-:cCULLOUGH m Elizabeth L"VINTGSTO"T b. ca 1733, lived in Cumberland, Perna. Children: James YcCULLOUGH m Deborah ECCLES Jan 24, 1790. Archibald ?'cCLTLLOUGH m Isabella CLT_?TD'-'?7"' 2n Jar 1791. Deborah & Isabella :•*ere step -sisters. Robert i,,TccnLOTTGH b 1777 and "Rartha ''cC1TL1-C7rF b 1711f" m. '•lilliam LEMON. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Wisconsin State Genealogical Society NTetrsletter, Vol 21. Yo. 3 January 1070: 121 Wisconsin Place Fames .1isconsin Post Cffices, 1821 - 1917 Georgetown, Lafayette Co., established 2L .tan 1851, first postmaster Asa McCCLLO*'. Discontinued 9 ADr 1848. P. 133 Index to Declarations of Intent to File for Citizenship, Door Countv Circuit Court ''cCULLCGH, Thomas '''. Nov 5, 18f -r - p. 153 To -:.n of '1inneconr_e Record of Interments in ''linrecorne Cer^etery "cCCLLLY, John Halla:•r d. Winneconne bd P '.gar 191' undertaker, "rs. L. ''. �'TLL"', `-!nr.ecorre - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i'rs. ".iriam PACK, 8121 '•'ockin7bird, Wichita, Yansas 47207 sent information repardin- descerdarts of I71-15 - Sarah -lizaceth I'cCOLLOGH from the Vol 3 No 1 listing: I11-15 Sarah 71=zaceth `{cCCLLJCF, b 27 Feb 174-9, d 28 17r 117, Ab:rr-dor., "Faq$, Co., Tla.: n 5 'Tov 10101, Jo' r_ iAG�Y, c 21 Oct 177n, Brickerstrille, Lancaster Co., Penna, d %? "e^t 1873, Abingdon, Va., V - Anna C. HAG7Y, b to Dec 1802, AbinPdon, Va. V - Vantin HAGEY Possibly two other children. 11- Anna C. HAGrY, b 18 Dec 1802., Abingdon, Va., d 24 Dec V� , Paris, ~ d?ar Co., =11: PT i7 t 1821, John Peachy VAN?CE, b 13 Feb 1798, Abingdon., Va., d ln Sept 1820 on the ''tilderness Trail. VI John Hagey VAN?CE VI "ary VA?'CE, b 19 Sept 1822, Abingdon, Va. VI- ?Nary VAS?CE, b 19 Sept 1822, Abingdon, Va., d 25 :'•Ray 1898, Paris, Fdaar Co., I11; m 1 Yov 1840, David COLE, b 13 Mar 1808, 71hitehall, ''lash Co., N.Y., d 30 Yov 100-', Paris, 711. VIT_ Alm.eda COLE VII Walter CCL" VII Charles COLE 'III Anna COLE VII Albert COLS VII Sarah Iliza COLE, b 1 Feb 1851, Paris, Ill. VI_T Florence COLE VIT_ Irene CCL - VII 'Iarren David COLE, b 29 May 18f-2, Paris, Ill VII Sarah rliza COLE, b 1 Feb 1851:, Paris, Ill., d 28 Dec 1015, Pobinson, Crawford Co., ?11: m 4 Jul 1875, Arthur Yethaniah LI?'Y, b 25 Oct 18L5, Nevins, '_'char Co:., Ill., d In Dec 102n, Robinson, I11. VIII Foster Hagey LINTK, b 9 Jun 1874, Fd Par Co., I11. VIII Percv Charles LMT. b 9 Jul 1879, Paris, Ill., d 2.1 Au¢ 1030, Washinaton, D.C.: M 4 Oct 1906, Violet HILTS. VIII Mabel LI77, b f- "Fay 1882, Chatleston, I11., VIII Robert `% LI`1K, b 18 Aue 1885, Sherman., Texas, d 15 "a,r 1021, Los Anmeles, Calif: m Seat 1910, AnP=vette LITTLE. VII= =ditl+ Christine L17Y, b 21 AuP 1889, Paris, -11. VII :Marren David COLE, b 29 :-Fay 1842, Paris, ill., d 19 Feb l0�8, Paris, 711.; n 5 "'a•r 1P87, :lla HrTMASY, b7 N°ov 18A , Paris, Ill., d 11 Dec 1921, Indianapolis, Ind. VIT_I Adelia COLE VIII Florence COLE VIII Louise COLI, b 8 Jan 19^2, Paris, 111- Viii 11VIII Foster vaPev LI?:f., b 9 Jun 187f-, 7d-ar Co., ill, d L. ?'ay 1035, La Canada, Calif: 'n 1L. Dec 189$, Carry KESSLER, b 18 Jul 1878. IX Kessler LIN1K, b 1 Aug 1901, Ill. IX Raychel LINK, b 1 Dec 1904, Ill. Vlll Mabel LINK, b 6 May 18829 Charleston, Ill., d 4 Sept 19A8, Ft. Myers, Fla.; m 4 i�"av 1Q08, Emerson APPLE, b 10 Phar 1881, Crawford Co., Ill., d Jun 1945. IX Marjorie APPLE, b 24 Dec 1909, d 26 Dec 1909 IX Robert William APPLE, v 18 Aug 1914, Ill., d 19279 Ill. VIII'- Edith Christine LINK, b 21 Aug 1$$9, Paris, Ill., d 22 Jan 193$9 Kansas City, Mo.; m 22 Oct 1914, Edirin SUmons YOUNG, b A Dec 1891, Tenn., d 27 Jul 1945, Kansas Citv, Ago. IX Miriam Cole YOUNG, b-26 Aug 1915, Tulsa, Okla. IX David Edwin YOUNG, b 11; Apr 1918, Robinson, Ill. VIII Sdelia COLE m Walter HODGE IX Dorothy HODGE IX Marjorie HODGE,b 11 Aug 191L• IX Marian HODGE IX Virginia HODGE, b 11 Aug 1921 IX Florence HODGE IX Barbara HODGE. IX son ? HODGE VIII Louise COLE, b 8 Jar. 1902, Paris I11; m 2 Feb 1922, Paxson Rude LIYK, b 20 .Tan 1907 Paris IX James Cole LINK, b 11 May 1924, Paris Ill; m 21 Oct 190, Blythe McCARDLr IX Martha Jane LINK, b 30 Mar 1927, d 8 May 1935 IX Joanna Christie LINK, b 2 Jan 1935, Paris, I11. IX Raychel LINK, b 1 Dec 190(,, Ill; m Clayton DONAHOE X Thomas C. DONAHOE, b Calif. X Jack DONAHOE, b Calif. IX Miriam Cole YOUNG, b 2(, Aug 1915, Tulsa, Okla; m 5 July 1937, Henry Morgan PACK, h 15 -Tan 1015 Kansas City, Missouri. X Garrett Edwin PACK, b 28 Nov 193$9 TVichita, Kansas X David Joseph PACK, b 25 Mar 19L5, Baton Rouge, La.; m 2 July 1977, Karen Agnes T'TFLSCH IX David Erin YOUNG, b 14 Apr 191$, Robinson, Ill; m 25 Apr 19429 Helen HEARD, b 23 Oct 101$, Arkansas City, Kansas X Christine YOUNG, b 10 Aug 1945, Valdosta, Georgia X John Timothy YOUNG, b 23 Sept 194A, Evansville, Ind. IX, Marjorie HODGE, v 11 Aug 1914; m Charles SINGER X Sandra SINGER IX Joanna Christie LINK, b 2 Jan 1935, Paris, Ill; m 8 Ticar 1058, John Richard SPTTFr;, b a Tan 1011. Paris, Ill. X Richard Cole SPUNG, b 8 June 1959, Lexington Park, "arvland. X Peter Link SPUNG, b 11 Sept 1941, Prtland, Maine X Garrett Edwin PACK, b 28 Nov 1938, Wichita, Kansas; m 7 Jure 1040, Linda Lee PAYTFL, b 2 .Tule 1938 XI Brett David PACK, b 10 June 19(,1, Riverside, Ill. XI Melinda PACK, b 23 Sept 19(,5, Kansas City, Missouri XI Daniel Morgan PACK, b 20 Feb 194$, Kansas City, Missouri X Christin4 YOUNG, b 10 Aug 1945, Valdosta, Georgia; m 19 June 1049, Gerald PASPK XI Margaret Ann PASEK, b 9 Mar 1971, San Jose, Calif. XI Jeffrey John PAS�K, b 3 Nov 1972, San Jose, CAli£. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QUERY: Mr. M. J. McCULLOUGH, 104 Glen Oak, Wilmington, D61aware 19$05 desires information: Re: Thomas McCULLOUGH, b ca 17(,5 - lived Chester, S.C.; son George McCULLOUGH, b ca 1705, Chester, S.C., m Nancy DRENNAN; also another son William McCULLOUGH, b ca 1705, Chester m Sara VAHN. Thomas probably had two other children. George & Nancy had Francis Drennan McCULLOUGH, b 03-01,-1$21, Chester, d 01-01-18929 Lvnnville Indiana; m 03-23-1848, Gibson Co., Indiana, Nancy Tyler SMITH, b 07-27- 1825, d n8-n4_lAQ4 and Mary Drennan McCULLOUGH, b 11-1-1822, Chester; d 11-20-1910, Somerville, Indiana; m ca 181,2 John E. SMITH, b ca 1820, - He would be interested in anything additional about any of the above. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. McCULLOUGH SENT SOME INFORMATION ABOUT HIS LINE THAT I EXPECT TO HAVE DTEYT ISSTTr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. ,'lillis CORBITT furnished some additional information on a fourth chart - I probably should have had it in the last issue, but didn't. Some portions duplicate information from Mr. GOBBLF and Mrs. PACK - and there are some additions: Add to p/3, above: Rachel STINSON, dau of Mary McCOLLOCH & James STINSON; m 21, Dec 1821,, Samuel %fTTH. ' • • Add to p/40 above: V- Anna C. HAGEY m 2nd, Asher BUITY-E L; she m 3rd, Anson GILLrSPIE. Add to Vol III No. 1: IV -1$ Martha McCULLOCH (b Tffash Co., Va.; m 21 June 1789, Abingdon, Isaac t'�M1HOTTSr) V- John (?) NMTHOUSF V- John NEWHOUSE m 1st, 29 Aug 1827, Nancy JAMESON, b 14 Sept 1800, d 14 Fov 1833, bd Davis -Jameson Cem., T}lashington Co. He'm 2nd, L Dec 1$31,, Tlashineton Co., Va; Hetty B. VANCE, b 179$, dau James VANCE & Bertha KINKAID. VI- Nancy J. NEXHOUSE:-... ..gct,1032,-- a._3 �Tulv 1$3$._.b6th.Cn cVolo 2 p A danuary Mr. Corbitt sent the follo-Ang information about the Familv 'Record of Capt. r''athew !WTILURS, '.'lake, N.C., from a New Testament, pub 1870: I-1 (Capt) Matthew McCULLERS, b 1L June 17599 d 28 Tune 1825; m 15 Feb 17P5, Sarah (Gallev) LANE, b 23 Apr 17A3, d 7 Dec 180. He was Cant. Forth Carolina, in 'Rev. II -1 H. A. McCULLERS, b 11 Dec 1784 II -2 Joseph John McCULLERS, b 14 May 1701, d 1f- Jan 1828 II -3 Jilliam McCULLERS, b 9 Nov 1791 - II -4 :Bary (Polly) McCULLERS, b 28 Mar 179L, d 24 Fov 1¢2L II -5 Rebecca McCULLERS, b 8 Aug 1794 - II -F Sally B. L. McCULLERS, b Jan 1799 - II -7 Betsey McKinny McCULLERS, b 29 iAay 1801 II -8 Harriett H. B. mcCULLERS, b 23 Jan 180L• II -9 11atthew McCULLERS, b L Oct 1804 II -10 John Joseph J. L. McCULLERS, b 3 Vay 1810 (9) - II -3 :•lilliam TMcCULLERS, b 9 Nov 1791, d 14 Jan 1828; m 15 Dec 1812, Sallie S. SAtT77S. III -1 Reuben Landers ttcCULL£RS, b 9 Feb 1814, d 20 Oct 1821 III -2 William Henry 'McCULLERS, b 24 Feb 1£18 III -3 Lucy Ann McCULLERS, b 15 May 1820 III -L Elizabeth Jane McCULLERS, b 12 Sept 1822, d la Sept 1823 III -5 Romulus L. McCULLERS, b 17 July 1825 II -5 Rebecca McCULLERS, b 8 Aug 179(,; m 29 Jan 1822, Stephen STFPHrNSOPT III -6 David H. STEPHENSON? b 3 Jan 1823 III -7 Juiy Ann STEPHENSON, b 2A July 1821:0 d 1 Oct 182L III -8 14atthew STEPHENSON, b 9 Nov 1 25 II-(- Sally B. L. McCULLERS, b Jan 1799; m 8 Apr 1823, David STFPHFI`'SON II -10 John Joseoh J. L. 1'cCULLERS, b 3 May 1810 (9)T m 10 Dec 1835, '''illa 'R. FVC'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Another part of a chart received from ?rr. Willis COTRBITT: V- John r"cCULLOUGH, b 4 Feb 1804, d 12 Aug 187L9 Logan Twp., Peoria Co., I119; m 22 Oct 1820, Adams Co., Ohio, Martha Steele GLASGO?1, b 18 Sept 1810, d 5 Tune 1873, Logan Ti•m. Poth b Rockbridge Co., Va; both bd Smithville Cem. 2 miles from Hanna Citv, Peoria Co., Ill. 10 children, including: VI -8 James Addison McCULLOUGH, b 2f- Nov 18L1 , Adams Co., Ohio; d L Tan 101r), Albanv, Linn Co., Oregon, bd Riverside Cem, Albanv- m 15 Jan 1871:, Peoria, °eoria Co., ill., Harriet Agnes PINKERTON, b L Feb lftL , Preble Co., Ohio, d 2 Jan 1030, Albany, Oregon, bd Riverside Cemetery. VII -1 Charles Pinkerton.!!cCULLOUGH, b 10 May 1875, Fear Hanna Citv, Ill: m 22 •T, -re 1904, Halsey, Linn Co., Oregon, Clara ?4TLPCTT VII -2 Ina glary ;--TcCULLOUGH, b 20 Dec 1874, Clear Hanna City, Tll; m 1A June 10111., Halsey Oregon, James Clemejwe I'RVT F.. VIII -1 James Harold IRVIYFp b 30 April, Albanv Oregon, d 25 "ar 10-'5, Leharor, Linn Co., Ore; m 10 June 192L, Albanv, '_'sta Katherine P=P (James bd ''lillamette remorial Cenj Albanv.) I7-1 James Arthur IRVIP'`, b 22 June 1025, Albanv, Linn Co., Ore Por IX -2 Elizabeth Katherine IRVIT7, b 22 July 1027, Oregon: m '1111! am PT'Drt% VIII -2 Elliott.Charles IP.VINE, b 1 Mav 19119, Oregon VII -3 Aletha Martha McCULLOUGH, b 29 Dec 1¢821 Hanna City, Peoria Co., Ill; m 15 June 1920, Albanv, Linn Co., Oregon, 'fame F. DA119CY, b 11 Sept 1070, Albany, Linn Co., Oregon. VII -L William Raymond McCULLOUGH, b 20 Feb 1887, Year Falsev, Linn Co., Ore Con. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. John S. LU'TERY Edna Hazel McCULLOUGH), 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Va. ?20L4 has a auestion: Is the family of Thomas STOKES, son of Thomas & teary (Bernard) Stokes, who m, 17k?4, Deliverance HORNER, dau of Isaac & Lydia HORNER, related to Beniamin tTcCT'LLOT!rrH or Alexander 1TCCTTLLOT1r7 :•rho m Sarah STOKES? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. LC?ERY also sent the following information excerpted from IYSYFEF & GAT ITOOD FA71 7LIT_'S, by Ruth INSKEEP, 209 E. Chillicothe Ave., Bellefontainey Ohio L3311 James INSKEEP, b ca 17039 in England, died, perhaps in Hardy Co., Va., and 22 Oct 1725 in First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Diary YILLFR; m, 2nd, probably 22 Sept 171L7, r`art PALLISOY of Eveston. Children of First marriage: IPISKE£P, Mary, b 7 Oct 172r- (m. lie. 15 June 1745) Jonathan *'TRIGHT, no more info. INSKE'E?, Sarah, b L Sept 1728 m (lie. 24 May 1749)) John McCULLOCH, veoman of Gloucester, son Samuel McCULLOCH. John McCUGLCCH and Sarah perhaps had chihdren by the time they ,oir.ed the band of immigrants to the South Branch of the Potomac. I have not to my satisfaction found the names of their children" In 1758, John NcCULLOCH o-med lard above the Trough ,ehich is the extreme lower end of the Valley. I:'SK=EP, Catherine, b Nov 24 or 29, 1730, d 1751 or 1752. In her trill dated} 20 Oct 1751, Catherine of Big Timber Creek, Gloucester, commits child(rame not giver to John r'CCT'LLOCK and vrife Sarah, nho are also to receive all debts online to testatrix. Tier !,rill proved April 13, 1752, and her father James INSKEEP utas sole executor. I'.dSKETP,Joseoh, b 10 May 1733 in Burlington, N.J., d ca Vnl-G0; m (lie) 5 Oct 1754, vannah NcCULLOCH, dau of Samuel & sister of John viho m Sarah It'.SKT--'P. °annar, '^ 15 Oct 1'17. Joseoh was born in his father's house on High St., Burlinator.. 'osepn 9• TTarnah rilst have* gone soon after their marriage to Hardy Co., Va. with the group to settle on t$,e South Branch of the Potomac. Tissue: INSK.EEP, ''lilliam, b 11 Feb 1759. Fo more data. ItTSKEEP, Mai- " y, b 25 July 1741, d 7 Feb 182r-, m in 17 1-¢2, ( Col.) Joseph VA"' "77? ', sor. of Henry & Rebecca ( Dubois) VAN `T?'TT'Tt. Josenh served in 'Rev. Issue: VAN METER, Hannah, b 7 Nov 1783, d 14 Nov 1842; m ca 182, Abraham Tr*Cerra (*r), son of Abraham & Sarah (Vause) INSK:_rP. VAN METERtRachel, m HICKEY, VAN METER, Elizabeth, d autumn1615 VAN METER, CATHERINE INSKEEP, Elizabeth, b 3 Feb 17931 d 20 Sept 1127; m 27 June 1780, Isaac VAYVFTFR, son of (Col) Garrett & Ann Narkee or Markel) Sibley VAN METFR, b 10 Dec 1757, d 13 Dec 1837. Isaac lived his entire life on estate descended to him from father and grandfather. TNSKEEP, Abraham, b 23 Oct 1745, Burlington Co., N.J., d 19 Sept 1823, bd family cemetery nr. his home on South Branch of Potomac; m ca 17% Sarah VAUSF, dau 11illiam and Jemima (IiedFre O VAUSF. She eras 2t (?, wry) when md. and d 17 June 1805 ace 44, also bd family cemetery. James INSKEEP m second Issue: John INSKEEP whose Yrill signed 29 April 1822, prbtd Harrison Co., Ohio, 1L• Sept 1822; m 23 Oct 1781 at Swedish Reformed Church, Philadelphia, Hannah BROCK. Bibliography Reference: Inskeep Genealogy by N. W. WALLACE, Jr; N.J. Archives, Vol...22, VarriaQe Records; Vol. 32, ,dills; National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol 59 p 35; Harrison Co., Ohio Court Records; tombstones. from p. 245: Abraham INSKEEP, b 18 April 1712, only child of John INSKEEP and Mary to be born in America, m Sarah WARD of Gloucester, N.J. 10 Dec 178.0, who d. 29 ?larch 1817 in the 97th year of her ace. Their child, no. 6, Abraham, b May or June 1752, d June 18, 1820, m Hannah (Stokes) HOPKINS, dau Joshua and Amy (Minchman) STOKES. She eridow of Haddon HOPKINS. These notes added because of STOKES and HADDON names (William McCULLOUGH m Keziah HADDON; don't know which William.) from P. 350: John GAFJOOD, b Va. 1781, son of John & Esther (Haines) GAR'1100D, at ace 24, received a cert- ifat+f removal May 4, 1805 from Crooked Run M' to Viami W in Ohio. Left home on Rush River near Washington, Va., settled on Otter Cr., Perry Twp., Logan Co. at Gan -rood's Mill. m Susannah STOFFS. He was a teacher, county surveyor in 1818. On 28 Dec 1819, road commenced at Garwood's Dill, thenc by Levi GAI.,,IOOD's and ending in Zanesville. Ordered that James M. TIORKMAN, Soloman 1ffcCOLLOCF and Nathaniel POPE be appointed viewers, and John GARPTOOD as surveyor. from P. 361: Cleo L. GAIWOOD, b 13 June 1899; m 14 Aug 1920, Clara Belle McCOLLOCH, dau O.C. and Elizabeth J. (Comer) A•'cCOLLOCH, b la April 1903. Children: Virginia GARWOOD, m 'Robert NOBLE, son of Rex and Ruth (Lippincott) NOBLE. Cleo GAWOOD, cee P. 384. ++++++ These rotes have not been checked, but are all names trhich show up in McCULLOUGH families, not known to be related /'THEN?cCULLOUGHFAMILY -N.rar; Tenn; -Tex- ---------------------------- Note: Data excerpted from DAR membershipfiles by Edna Hazel (2-TeCullotiph) WITFRY, 2nP Noland St., Falls Church, Va. 22046; November 29,1977 The DAR member trill be no. 1 and her father listed as no. 2, mother no. 3, paternal lines first, males even nos., females picked up as odd numbers each marriage. DAR r. 551 801, No. 1. COLVIN, Thelma Juanita, dau of 2. COLVIN, William Duncan, b 11-27-18821, Telico, Ellis Co., Tex. d. Funis, Texas, 8-30-10L.7; m 7-1-1907, PARKER, Laura Belle (No. 3)9 b 12-25-188h Bvrd, Ellis Co., Texas. She dau of 6. PARKER, Henry Lilly, b 9-27-1833, Mocksville, F.Car., d Byrd, Ellis Co., Texas 10-17-1897 and 2nd trife 7. McCULLOCH, Mary, b 4-29-1$49; Dyer Co., Tenn; d '•lichita Falls, Texas, L.-8-1p3L; m 3-18-1869. She dau of 14. McCULLOCH, James Coffee, b 2-4-1819, Rutherford Co., Tenn. d. 1-1^-1899 Files Vallev, Ellis Co., Texas, m. 3-27-1847 1 Wilson, Minerva Jane, b 1828, Tern; d 5-22-1848 Fllis Co., Texas. 28 McCULLOCH, Alexander, b 8-16-1779, Lunenburg Co., Va.; d 8-L-184.4 in Deer Co., Texas; m 9-12-1799, LENOIR, Frances Fisher, b 4-11-1780 Dinwiddie Co., Va. d. 5-10-1844, Files Valley, Ellis Co., Texas. (She is No. 29.) McCULLOCH, Choi-ranBenjamin, b 1737, Halifax Co., N. Car. d Edenton, Choi -ran Co., Y.C.1809, m 1758, ^7 STOKES, Sarah (c•":ontfort) b 10-23-17AL Lur_enbure Co . , Va . , d Choi -ran Co., F.C.-3-12-1700 This couple resided in Halifax, North Carolina. Children listed for 5f & 57 are: McCULLOCH, Benjamin b 1791, m Mrs. Sarah Little CAS'IVELL M-cCULLOCHI Alexander, b 8-1^-17761 m Frances Fisher LrNOIR mccuLLOCH, Samuel (twin) m Sallie MOORS McCULLOCH, Mary (twin) m Beniamin W. WILLIAMSON MIcCULLOCH, Sarah m Mr. SCHNECK McCULLOCH, Elizabeth m Uilliam BOYLAN References used: N. Car. State Records Vol. 9, p 1176 Historical Sketches of N. Car 1584-1851, Col. John R. T•1HEELFR Chapter, DAP. pp 84-85; Vol29 p. 185 Halifax Co. History, 1916, p. 40 DAR x247, 3983 A -470--A-1:60 --------------------------- l. Mary Adelaide FRITZ m Rev. James Reding HELAaq 2. FRITZ. Henry Phillip, b. 4-27-1872, Leesville, Tenn., d 4-10-1919 Nashville; m 8-9-1800 3. CHAXBERLA-TN, Mar -f Adelaide, b 3-29-1879, Nashville, d 3-29-1929; 6. James, b 6-27-183A, Lewisburg, Tenn, d. 7-24-1909, Nashville; m 2-13-18'-d 7. ��HAMBERILAIN, _ICHEL, Adelaide Stokes, b 1-16-1841, Nashville, d 1-12-1929, Fashville 14. •iICHEL, James M. b 7-2-1803, NAshville, m 15. �McCULLOCH, Adelaide Stokes (difficult to read) 30. eCULLOCH, Benjamin (Verified by 500 859) 31. STOKES, Sarah. Children of 30 & 31 aresame as 59 & 57 above, except - Alexander b 8/1( -/177 -4 -/,7 - Benjamin bL/16/1789 m i••Irs. Sarah Ann (Lytle) CAS°1!E'LL; Sarah d young; and rlizabeth m 'William BOYLAAT . +++++++++++++++++++ Verification from no. 500 855 below: 1. TOMLINSON, Sarah Annette, b 1-26-19449, Jeatherford, Texas. (residence L.5L.5 Evergreen, Port Arthur, Texas,) dau. 2. TOMLINSON, Jesse James, b 4 Nov 1905, Madisonville, Texas; m 2nd, Is. June 191L29 c : l tVol.o .2 5.9 lanuary IY79 3. CARTER, Elise, b 9-9-1911, Weatherford, Texas 6. CARTER, Frank, b 12-7-1876, Weatherford, Texas, d Weatherford, Texas, -I2-141?, m 1-8-10nl 7. ALLGJAY, Nettie, b 1-14-1880, "!ylie, Texas 14. CALLO'=1AY, Henry Harrison, b 181.$, d 189Lt m 187L 15. McCULLOCH, Sarah Emily, b 1851;, d 10,lLt dau. 30. cCULLOCH, Jesse B., b 1831, d 1858, m 1853 31. AULKITER, Amanda J. b 1839, d 1873 60. McCULLOCH, James Benjamin b 17919 d 1842, m 1815 61. PACE, Susan, b 1798, d 1849 120. IcCULLOCH, Benjamin bLI1�7400 d 1829, m 2nd 1789, 121. "1 Ir Sarah ( nee TTLE b 17f,¢, d TS -3-3 240. :-LL, Benjamin, b 1737, Halifax Co., TI. Car. d Edenton, Cho*.• -an Co., TI. Car. 1809, m 175.' 2L1. STOY,ES, Sarah b 174L, d 1799 480. IcCULLOCH, Alexander, b 1715, d 174n 1731; 481. HILL, Sarah, b 1716, d 1771. Only child listed of T240/2L•1 is Benjamin., ;'1120. Above verified by 341 888; 121 481. Note: This is the first one shovring a second marriage for 3eniamin McCULLOCH b 1740 and Sarah LYTL7 or r E na) ?-rill check—the '1t e VA -H record o see if she is listedas or .o a Sarah was harried to CAS"11-'LL first. The DAR is getting to be ouite firm about the data submittee. earlier records might not have been quite so yell -documented, but as of 1977 everything is checked, and if it does not prove out completely, data is returned. dote, the above does not agree t:.rith TFT?NrSSN'_" COUSINS, *.which I have heard is not accepted as roof now. 1"3o not move that it eve :.a�s. Will try to chec c a et•r moreor-ta reco _ s on ably. 'Till also check to see if I can find the address of the lady.► above to see :•gnat she has. Of course, it is possible, I think, to see the file trhich is reserved for the DAR genealogists which contains the sworn records Adiia) 11ote: I have never found any data on the other children listed above; i.e. Samuel, specifically ,.-There there would be McCULLOCH descendants. (Edna). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Some more notes from Mrs. WVIERY's letter: From Pers. DARTIN's data: File: Pamphlet Case '4L, Ohio State Library, states that �*eorge N,cCULLOUGH, b 1 May 1790, was son of Samuel and Nancy (Mc?TrRRILL) "RcCULLOTIGH, and Grandson of George McCULLOCH, native of Scotland. It would be easy to assume that this family is of the John McCULLOCH&Iary CAMPBELL lineage because of the marriages to ZAMr. I (Tana) also -rish to refer to DODDRIDGI at this point and to say they relate to this ZAFF'-McCTTLLOCH-INSFrr_ 10 line through BUKEY ( and also is "BUKEY" a corruption of the French name "BOtTrIT T", famous aeneral') We mould then have related families relationship through another line, evei�hough the ?"cCTTLLOCH McCULLOUGH surname is common. RECORDS OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST AUGUSTA, OHIO COUTITY, AND YOHOGATTIA COUP?TY, V"_ (-,TT?A, Richard U. LOVELrSS, Ohio State University, Ohio State University Printing Dept., Col»tubus, Chio, 1970 which contains minutes of court 1775-1774; deeds 1755-1744 of Dist of ',T. Augusta; ?"inutes of court, 1777-1780, Ohio County; Yohogania County, Minutes of court 1774-178m; "ills 1774-170^. p.9 (Order 3ook 1, Black's Cabin, Ohio Co., Va. Jan. 4th 1777) ",.?hereupon, the Court Beira Gv!orn, Jno. :•IcCOLLOCH, -sc. as high sherifff of said County, then did offer !'essrs. John "ITC!7L A• "aml. :`cCOLLCCH, Boats of this County, as sureties for the due executing the office of Sheriff •jttiir. this Count-; , who beim accepted a °oral for that purpose eras then accordin-ly executed in Open. Court.... 7 the last paragraph of court proceedings for the day includes this ..... "pr 'Tr. Saml. YcCOLLCCH (appointed as) Mayor of Militia..." p.131 April session of court, 1777, Jno. 14cCOLLOCH9 hij�,h sheriff is ordered to proceed -ith construction of jail and court house through bids. At the June session of 1777, "Ceorae IWOLLOCT? made oath to :*ell and truly Execute the last Twill & Testament of Thomas F1.7 -TIM -Y, Deceasd:... " p.11-, Ohio County Court i'onday, the 4th of Aprile 1778..."Ordered that David SF?FEDV"D, "snr. officiate In the office of high sheriff for this,County, in the stead of Tro. TWOLLOCL, Deceased" Rebekeh CCCP•:S, then produced James P'.ca'T'CF?=P? & George r'cCOLLOCF? as Surities (admi r.i stratior of estate of her husband, Adam, etc.) with Saml `IcCOLLOCH and Ebenezer ZAyr amore others Beira ap- pointed as appraisers. P.17 (p.11 of record) Ordered that Sam'1 McCGLLOCH be admitted to administer upon_ the rstate of his father Jno. t!cCOLLOCH, Deceased, he Complying with the Law; t•rhereupon the sd Saml produced Jno MITCHELL# George McCOLLOCH & isaac TAYLFR as sureties who ,.rere approved accordinal;r. Ordered that Ebenezer ZADTZ, Joseph VAEL11 ETRE, Benjamin HP3,14IT & Jno "TILSOTT, or anv three of them, being first sworn, do appraise the same & make Return to next Court." Note: This is a very large book...... ( she) can find no mention of John YcCTJL•LOCH after .Tno . high sheriff dies, but George & Saml continue to appear vrith the ZATII<S, Jemima 3UKF'Y, whose husband's estate is probated, etc. Jno DODRIDGE, Jno. BOGGS, Silas HEDGES, James McI CHFY ... Court f Ohio County, Monday 1st November 1779 (pace 45 of record)...Appraisement of the Fstate of John tp.4h) McCOLLOCH, Deceased, Returned to Court & OR..." ( She) would also like to make one additional reference. Ref: NOTTS ON THr S" TTLr-'F`T APT T!, DTAPT :MARS OF THE ?'TF'STERN PA4TS GF VT_RGIAZA AND PETR?SYLVA"IIA FROtt 1743 to 178?, ITTCLTJSIVF, TOrI'"I'???''? JTTH A REVIEW OF THE STATE OF SOCIETY, MAUNERS OF THE FIRST SETTLERS OF THF' T'TF'STFTRY CCt7170v' 1-v Dr. Joseph DODDRIDGE, 182L, vrith some notes added by his daughter Narcissa, edition. of 1P!74. CEIvTEr% UIIAL HISTORY OF ARKAP:SAS 1922, Vol III, p. LLO, Joseph DODDRIDGE, b 1L Oct 1749, son. of John DODDRIDGL', m Jemima BUFFY, b 5 April 1777, dau of Capt John BUKEY and Marcia DUNN (please note 2nd. paragraph above.) RITFY. As (she) understand(q) thier eldest daughter Mary m. Capt. John McCULLOCH of Short Creek. r%rcia (Dunn)RT'Yrym ?nd, John VAN METER.. Another line of McCULLOCH's enters at this point: Alexander "cCTTLLCCH, b 1715, m Garah FILL, b 1716, in 1731:; he d 1798; she d. 1771 One son is al!•rays given for this couple, Ben;amin b 1717 Halifax Co., N. Car. m 19 Dec 1838 (?) Sarah STCK''S (171.1:-1794). This 3en4amin had a son Benjamin. b 1760/61 m as a 2nd wife, Sar'TLE CASIrLL (1748-1833) in 1789. (Here the record is a bit fuzzy.) They had a son b 10 or 15 Jan 1825 who eras Phillip Doddridee 1TcCTTLLOCH9 This family went to Arkansas, etc. rather complete at DAR and in other references. r'o1. =LYZ x+11 FcLVu Grq. 01 Lne aoove cizea woric. "sketch of r"aior Samuel McCOLLOCH" Among the earliest settlers of North Western Virginia were the AMcCOLLOCHs who emigrated from the south branch of the Potomac in 1770, and located on the borders of Short Creek, a stream which empties into the Ohio river, nine miles north of WheelinK Creek. The family consisted of four brothers, Abraham, George, Samuel and John, and several sisters, o e of whom *,jas the -rife of Col. Ebenezer ZANE, who, with his brothers, Jonathan. and Silas, -vas z"roihe same neighbor= hood, and about the same period settled at the mouth of Wheeling Creek. ....At present, however, we propose noticing only a few particulars," more immediately connected with the final scene (Samuel above) of his eventful career, which were communicated to the -miter by the widow of his brother, the late Major John ?R'COLLOCH of Ohio Countv, Virginia, and in sub- stance, corroborated by Col. 'M. MOOREHE'AD, of Zanesville, and the Hon. T. SCOTT, of Chillicothe, Ohio..." If I (Edna) understand this book, some of which rras written in 18117 by Farcissa DODDRTDn^, the wife bf John McCULLOCH was her aunt. Joseph DODDRIDGr in his memos no where mentions his family, i. e. McCULLOCHS. Re: Abraham. There was auite a lawsuit about his pension, land settlements, etc. Details no"r available in his pension file at the National Archives. The machines which photo;rraph the micro- film are often not working, and (she) did not take time to make copies. (She) does have his Bible record. It is at the DAR in records submitted by Auburn, Alabama Chapter of the DAR, Light Horse Harry LEE Chapter, 19A3-64. (She) will try to fret a Xerox made the next time(she's) there. This record says that John and Sarah Ir:SKE•EP McCULLOTTGH died at Ft. Pitt 1777 or 177¢. Abraham d 5 'Tay 1839 and m Alcy BOGGS, 11 March 1788. (She) notes that an affidavit in this file or these records was made by Mahala Jacob P"cCOL•LOCET in 1946, gest Liberty, W. Va., who says that nary Lauck SPRIGG and Jacob iscCtTLLOCH were my (whose)? parents. Also two spellings for VAUSE are giver.: "FOX and VAUSF." The line above 1 sted descends through Ebenezer McCULLOCH, son of Abraham. On another subject, I (she) have a lard record that George McCULLOUGH received some land. Here it is: McCULLY,; George 302.1715. 21 Sept. 1501, and 11:24. McCULLY, George, Capt. 5 Pov. 17PP. Location of lana: Range 2, Two. 5. prtion of tvrp, 2. Lot 34; same,Lot 35; same,Lot 3A. This is from Federal Land Series, Vol. 2, 1799-1535 for the Military District of Ohio, microfilm in M-529 series, National Archives, Roll 1. See at 'Room 4550, Dept of Interior, "Tashi.neton, D.C. Indexed states Ure: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Ia., Nevada, Utah, Check catalog at Archives. p.19 source for above. Code is: Serial entry number; microfilm roll; pagination. From plat in the book, this land seems to be along the Tuscarawas River, near Newcomerstovm, Tuscaraf•ras Countv, Ohio. These are five mile townships. (She looked at the book of which there are 2 vols.) (She) took this down in 1974, and it is one of two volumes. Doesn't ouite understand it, but perhaps some of you might identify it. Area, etc. (She) wishes to refer to the other William McCOLLOCH in Logan County. (Capt. Ben4amin of F.J. 0>9 McC Memos, p.3, Oct 1975) Several years ago (she) read is file at the PTational Archives. He -as in the Civil Mar. Also, in the Arkansas DAR gene gical records. '_`•yrs. Harold AT. DODD of Beebe, Arkansas gives this • BIRTHS McCULLOCH, ohn, 3 June 1517 Highland Co., Ohio McGEE, Martha, 4 July 1815, Muskingum Co., Ohio (first wife) GRAY, Elizabeth, 5 May 1525, Morristown, Belmont Co., Ohio (second rife) McCULLOCH, Mary Jane, 23 December 154.2, Muskingum County, Ohio !dcCULLOCH, Kezia, 11 September 15459 Muskingum County, Ohio McCULLOCH, Wilbrun Richard, 13 June 1845, Ubica, Licking Co., Ohio MARRIAGES McCULLOCH, John and Martha McGEE, 10 March 1842 by Rev. ?'TADDFL PicCULLOCH, John and Elizabeth GRAY, 3 October 1550 by Rev. WALLACE DEATHS McCULLOCH, Martha, 19 Dec 1549, aged 30 years, 5 mos, 15 days, Utica PT.Y. McCULLOCH, John, (� June 1879, age -62 ears, 3 days at Rushvlvania, Ohio. McCULLOCH, Elizabeth Gray, September. 8, 1882, Bellefor_taire, Ohio McCULLOCH, Wilbrun Richard, 26 Riarch 1549, aged 9 mos. 13 days, Utica, N.Y. See 1850 Census Logan Co., Ohio, p. 230, D 95/F 92. Mrs. E. C. NTOOTOP:, 1505 Elmwood Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35POl needs help with the parents o° Cynthia McCULLOUGH *.Iho married John YOUING, 21 Oct 1790, "lashington Co., Vir?i.nia. C-imthia uas born 17 July 17A3, d 29 May 154.h, Fayette Co, Kentucky. Family tradition is that si.e ryas"raised on Holston" in southwestern Virg�inia, possibly Washinp~ton Co as that is ,here she -ras married. John YOUNG -ras a Revolutionary War Soldier, the son of Samuei YOTTNr, and erandson of `?obert and Agnes( ) YOLING of Beverley Manor, Augusta County. Cynthia's parents ma be Archibald & Elizabeth ( U U H. {entucky gazette;' ex. Ky, 28'Mar 1814 "Died, in this place, on the 4th Inst, r•'�rs. Elizabeth !'cCTTLLOTTru, Aet.Al', and on the 18th inst. Mr. Archibald McCULLOUGH, Aet. 94. This aced cotrole were natives of Ireland, and had lived in the state of wedlock A3 years." Also, there is an Archibald McCULL01MR -rho vritnessed a will 1 Dec 178A, Wash. Co., Va. and a deed to Archibald in Wash. Co. 10 Aug 17pi: for 220 acres on the middle fork of Holston. Archibald sold the property "whereon I formerly lived" 3 April 1708 ( this latter reference said Archibald McCULLOUGH, Sr. of k•loodford Co . , xv. ) Cynthia had a brother Lawson McCULLOUGH who •eras a tailor in Lexington: as early as 0 .Tan 170f. Lawson'stombstonesays he was born 21Dec1749 in Marvland. - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ` That's about all for this time. ADAR", Rosanna 2 ANDERS%:1 Anna 2 APPLE, Emerson 5 APPLE, Mabel (Link) 5 APPLE, Marjorie 5 APPLE, Robert William 5 BARNE3Y, Margaret 4 BA al John S. 1 �. BARNHART, Mary Jane (�ScCullough) It BAUGFFLAN, Ann (McCullough) I Inyolzx BAUG;-?.'.AN, Sylvan 1 BAYES, Luvicey 1. BERINARD, Mary A BOGGS, Alcy 9 BOGGS, Jno. 8 BOUQUET, (Gen) 8 BOYES, Isabella 2 BOYS, Isabella (Bryce) 30YES, Jane (Rae) 2 BOYES, John 2 BOYiS, Joseph 2 Oood hunting BO'aS, y"arearet 2 BOYES, 'nary 2 BOYLAN D), rlizabeth (McCulloch)"' BOYLAN D,, William 7 BOYLE, James 2 BOYLEr Samuel 2 .ROCK, Hannah 7 BRYCE, Isabella 2 BUKEY, Jemima 5 BUK.EY, ( Capt) ;iohn 8 MCCULLOUGH :a-VIVol.o. 2p. ..aruan, BUKtz, Marcia (Dunn) 8 GiLLESPiE, Anna C. (Hagey) (Vance ) KING, Dianna 1 BURGr, Henry 1 (Burnell) 5 KI°:{AID, Bertha 5 BURG_, Jane (*'cCulloucrh) 1 GILL2SPIr, Anson 5 BUFf,ILLL, Ann C. (Hagey) ( Vance) 5 GLASWI, I•Tartha Steele 4 LAIM, Sarah ( Salley) 4 BUFr,IELL, Asher 5 GLEK11. Sarah Ann I. LAUGHLII' Al CALLOWAY, Henry Harrison 8 CALLO`IAY, Nettie 8 CALLC:•IAY, Sarah 81 Emily (VcCulloch; CA%?Br-LL, Eliza 3 CART. i, ^lise 8 CARTER, Frank 8 CARTER, ?!etti e ( Callo?•ray) 8 CAS'•Tl'LL, Sarah (Little) 7t 8 C A.T�IZLL, Sarah Ann ( Lytle J 7 C iAI`:B'rRLAII', Adelaide Stokes Wichel) 7 CHAT_n77LAINj James 7 C iAi'BE°LAI`', :'•'.any Adelaide 7 CHAv,BLRS, John 2 CHA'HERS, Sarah (1'cCullouPh) 2 CHA'EY, Roberta 'Jan Valkenbera 2 CHRT 3_TIAFSCN, I'ar-ory 2 CHRISTAINS01I, I'ary Jane Wac'.kay) 2 CHRISTIANSOK', Peter Anton 2 CLI`IDENIN, Isabella L CLUDIEL, Catharine 1; COLS, Adella 1:., 5 COLE, Albert 4 COLE, Almeda L. COLE, Anna L COLE, Charles 4 COLE, David 1L LE, COElla (Hennasy) 1. CCL-, Florence 4 CCL'_", Irene L. CCL", Louise 4, COLE, ?,'ary (Vance 4 COL:', Sarah Eliza L CCL= , ','alter 1, i CCL -L, ''Darren David I CCLVI:', Laura Belle (Parker) 7 COLVIN, Thelma Juanita 7 Duncan 7 Eli zabeth J. C^O. S, Adam L.,vr ,, Rebekah ( ) COR3IT'" .�..__� Li nda Lee { DXJSC::, Aletha ''artha (P'cCullotig DA:13C'I, ',lavne F. de F0T71:VI.UX, Pauline Gertrude 2 DODD, ('rs.) Harold ". 9 DO.rrRI:;GE, Jemima (Bukev) 8 DCLDRIDGZ, John 8 - DODD!?T_DGL, Joseph 8, 9 DODDRIDGE, iiarcissa S, 9 DODRIDG_, Jno. P DO'•'AHC7, Clayton 5 ,C''A .CE, Jack 5 DC':A,HOD, R.a_rchel ( Link) 5 L'ONAHOE, Tomas C. 5 DRLl'!'AN, 'fancy 5 EUROIS, Rebecca 4 DJNXI , Arthur 3 DU:71: John 3 DU?I?I, I•Tarcia DUTIT! ', Marr D. (''lard) DUI':I, Theophilus 3 DUi-N, '•Iilliam 3 ECCLES, Deborah L LLIOTT, John 2 FAULK.I:LR, Amanda 3. FLASE'R, Richard 1 FrASrR, Rosemary 1 FLE'•!I?1G, Sarah 3 FOX ----..-9 FR71D, Yary 171len 1 FRTZ, Henry Phillip, FRITZ, I•!ary Adelaide FRITZ, `'ary Adelaide 7 GAZICOD, Clara Belle GARWOOD, GAITtICOD, GATWOOD, GAR7100D, GAr.fJO0D9 GAIr.fOOD, GARWOOD, 7 (Chamberlain (I'cCollo ch ) Cleo 7 Cleo L. 7 Zsther (Haines) John 7 Levi 7 Susannah (Stokes) Virginia 7 GOBBLE, Elizabeth (Linder) 3 GOBBLE, Georpre 3 GOBBLE, Isabel (Stinson.) 3 GOBBL•:, Issabel (Stinson) 3 GOBBLE, James S. 3, 5 GOBBLE, John 3 G033Lry Susannah 3 GOULD, Erl C. B. 3 GOULD, Henrietta Speer 3 GOULD, Katherine Speer (Laughlin) 3 GOULD, ".arparet Acheson 3 GRAY, Elizabeth 9 GRIER, (Rev) F. C. 1 HADDOPI, Ke ziah 7 HAGLY, Anna C. 4, 5 HAGr.Y, John 4 HAG Y, Martin 4 HAGEY, Sarah Elizabeth (McColloch 4 HAINES, Esther 7 H97.iIT, Benjamin 8 HANRAIIAN, Barbara Ellen (?.amev) l HANRAHAN, Dave 1 HARP Nq Narearet Ofackay) 2 HARMAN, Milton Herbert 2 HAYS, Alexander 3 HAYS, Gilbert Adams 3 HAYS, John. Alden 3 HAYS, Marie J. !"cCullough 3 HAYS, Sarah (Fleming) 3 HEARD, Helen 5 HEDG'S, Jemima 7 HEDGES, Silas 8 HELYF, ( Rev) James Redding 7 IiE'"I"F, ".ary Adelaide (Fritz)' 7 H_'1%^;ASY, Ella 4 H 'RiONj_ Ludy 2 luur,LY, Rachel(Van 'deter) 7 HILL, Sarah 8 HILTS, Violet 1. HODGE , Adelia (Cole) 5 HODGr, Barbara 5 HODGE, Dorothy 5 'r'ODGE, Florence 5 HODGr, Yarian 5 HODGE, Marjorie 5 HOD G7, Virginia 5 HODGE, '•17alter, HORKINS, Hannah k3tokes) 7 HOPKINS, Haddon 7 HORNrR, Deliverance HOR;'ER, Isaac HORNER, Lydia ILLICK, Jean n 1 I"'SK2.1?, Abraham fl, 7 IP?SKFL'?, Catherine 4 T.;SKr=P, Eli-abeth 7 Ii1SKEEP, HannahSBrock) 7 ! SKFIP, Hannah �i•cCulloch) I. SK .FPq Hannah 7 ( Stokes) (Hookins) II'SK_rP, James (1, 7 .NSKEEP, John 7 IPISKrr , Joseph 4 INSKLE?, Mary � INSKHP, ?�!ary ) 7 IPISKEEP, Mary 1S 1 er) INSKEr?, Many (Pallison) 4 IPISKEEP, 'Ruth I?ISKEE?, Sarah 9 INSKEEP, Sarah (Vause) 4, 7 INSKEE?, Sarah (''lard) 7 INSK'_EP, "N lliam A IRVINE, Elizabeth Katherine IRVIPTE, Elliot Charles 4 IRVINE, Fsta Katherine (?cyder) 1 IRVINE, Ina Yany (T'cCullough) 4 1RVI I:'I:, James Arthur 4 IRVI "1E, James Clement I:tVI:.'F., James Harold IR'.1II1,11, Ann 2 IS_LI!J, Therese rleanora 2 JAI•TESCN, ?Fancy 5 K_LLAND, (,vrs) ''lilliam Kt'SSLZR, Carry 4 Mary Ann 1 KIEMERAEIK R, Susan Harrison 1 , exander George Adriar Irwin 2 LAUGHLI, Ann (Irrir.) 2 LAUGHLINy Elizabeth (Shaw) 3 LAUGHLIA, Elizabeth Shaw 3 LAUGHLIN, George McCully 2, 3 LAUGHLIN9 Gertrude Louise ?sabel. 2 LAUGHLIN, Henrietta 3 LAUGHLIPI, Henrietta ZantzinP_ er (Sneer) 2 LAUGHL_IF, Irwin 2 LAUGHLIN, Isabel Bo!.n-an (P'.cKen- nan) 2 LAUGHLIPI, Isabel McKennan 3 LAUGHLIKI, James 2 LAUGHLIKI, John Speer 3 LAUGHLIb, Katherine Speer 3 LAUGHLIA, Lucy (Herron)* 2 LAUGHLIN, I•"arr 3 LAUGHLIA', Thomas YcKennan 2 LAUGHLIA, Theresa Eleanora (Ise- lin) 2 LLE, "Light Horse Harry" a LEMOPI, ?Martha (VcCullough) L LEI%'OP', William 4 LEI•?;C;`'D, Samuel 2 LEI -,!OND, '•Im 2 LENOIR, Frances Fisher 7 LEVINGSTONt Elizabeth 4 LIKIDER, Ann E. 3 LINDER# Elizabeth 3 LIK:DE'R, Sarah Elizabeth 3 LINK, Arginette (Little) 4 LINK Arthur Nethaniah L LINK, Blythe (McCardle) 5 LINK, Carry (Kessler) 4 LINK, Edith Christine 4, 5 LINK, Foster Hagey 4 LINK, James Cole 5 LINK, Joanna Christie 5 LINK, Kessler LL LINK, Louise (Cole) 5 LINK, Idabel 4, 5 LINK, Martha Jane 5 LIDIK, Paxson Rude 5 LINK, Percy Charles L• LINK, F.aychel 4, 5 LIPIK, Robert N. 4 LINK, Sarah Eliza (Cole) 4 LIPIK, Violet (Hilts) 4 LIPPINCOTT, Ruth 7 LIPPITT, Henry F. 2 LIPPITT, Lucy (Jerron)(LauQhlin) 2 LITTLE, Anginette LL LITTLE, Sarah 7, S LOVELZSS, Richard Ti1. c W47ERY, Edna Hazel (i'!cCullou;7h ) 7 8 L0:•1_Rv, John S. LC';rE3Y, S(?) . D. LYTLE', Sarah Ann 7r Y"ACKAY, Anna (Anderson) 2 r'.ACFAY, David Morris 2 IJACKAY, Elizabeth Faith (Robinsor 2 MACKAY, George 2 MACKAY, George Campbell 2 MACKAY, Isabella Alexander 2 MACKAY, Jamemima Hunter 2 MACKAY, James -2 ItiTACKAY, Jane 2 MACKAY, Janet (Jessie) 2 '.ACKAY, John 2 %'ACKAY, Joseph Boyes 2 I•"ACKAY, Margaret 2 MACKAY, Mamaret (Boyes) 2 iMABKAY, ?Vary Eliza (I•'amie)(?litch- ell) 2 'ACKAY, wary Jane 2 ?'ACKAY, _Matilda ( ) 2 MACKAY, Robert Van Falkenberg (Chaney) 2 P!ARKEE/L!ARKEL, Ann 7 MICHEL, Adelaide Stokes 7 P•`.ICHEL, Adelaide Stokes ("'cCuiloc 7 YICHEL, James M. 7 MILLER, (Mrs) L.;!. 4 MILLZR, K"ary A MINCFildAN, Amv 7 viiiunzLL, Jno. o MITCHELL, Mary Eliza (Mamie) 2 MOORE, Alfred 2 MOOR -Eq Elizabeth (McCallum) 2 MOORE, Sallie 7 MOOREHEAD, (Col) M. 9 MORGAN, Guy 2 MORGAN, Ruby 2 McCALLEY, John Hallalr L McCALLUM, Elizabeth 2 M cCARDLE, Blythe 5 McCOLLOCH, Abraham 9 McCOLLOCH, Alcy (Boggs) 9 McCOLLOCH, Benjamin 9 McCOLLOCH, Clara Belle 7 t:cCOLLOCH, Elizabeth J. (Comer) McCOLLOCH, George $, 9 McCOLLOCH, John 3, $, 9 McCOLLOCH, Jno 8 McCOLLOCH, Mahala Jacob 9 McCOLLOCH, !Mary 3 McCOLLOCH, Saml 8 .Air ...cCOLLOCH, Samuel 39 9 McCOLLOCH, Sarah Flizabeth L• McCOLLOCH, Soloman 7 McCOT.T,OCH. William .:9. McCOLLCM, Asa L McCULLAGH, Andrew 3 McCULLAGH, Ann 3 'McCULLAGH, Eliza (Campbell) 3 '•icCULLAGH, Margaret 3 mcCULLAGH, !-.!ichael 3 !IcCULLAGH, Miles 3 McCULLAGH, Phillip 3 McCULLAGH, Thomas 3 FMcCULLERS, Betsey PMcKinny McCULLERS, Elizabeth Jane McCULLERS: H. A. McCULLERS, Harriett H. B. ' McCULLERS, Joseph John McCULLERS, John Joseph J. L. `. McCULLERS, Lucy Ann ti McCULLERS, Mary (Polly) � ) T•I cC ULLERS, ( Capt) Mathew ti McCULLERS, Matthwa ti 'lIcCULLFRS, Rebecca MCCULURS, Reuben Landers ?IcCULLEBS, Romulus L. McCULLERS, Sallie S. (Sanders)( ! !:cCULLERS, Sally B. L. A i McCULLERS, Sarah (Salley)(Lane)F McCULLrDS, Willa P. (A'Ance) McCULLERS, William McCULLERS, William Henry h McCULLOCH, Adelaide Stokes 7 f McCULLOCH, Alexander 7, 8 McCULLOCH, Amanda J. (Faulkner)$. MCCULLOCH, Ann 2 MCCULLOCH, Benjamin 7, 8 McCULLOCH, Betty K. 1 McCULLOCH, Caroline 2 McCULLOCH, Eliza { ) 2 MCCULLOCH, Elizabet-Fi 7 1%!CCULLOCH, Elizabeth (Gray) 9 'MCCULLOCH, Florence 2 MICCULLOCH, Frances Fisher (Lenoi McCULLOCHI Hannah McCULLOCH, Jacob 9 McCULLOCH, James 2 McCULLOCH, James Beniamin 8 MCCULLOCH, James Coffee 7 McCULLOCH, Jannet 2 MCCULLOCH, Jesse B. 8 MCCULLOCH, John �, 9 MCCULLOCH, Joseph 1 t•ICCULLOCH, Kezia 9 McCULLOCH, Martha (McGee) q McCULLOCH, Martha 5 McCULLOCH, Martha L. 3 McCULLOCH, Mary 2, 7 McCULLOCH, Mary ( ) 1 McCULLOCH, nary Jane ne 9 MCCULLOCH, nary Lauck (Snrigg) 9 MCCULLOCH, Minerva Jane Nilson) 7 McCULLOCH,.. Nancy (Walker)- 1 McCULLOCH, Paul It. 1 McCULLOCH, Phillip Doddrid.ge 8 McCULLOCH, Sallie (Moore) 7 MCCULLOCH, Samuel 21 14, 7, 8 McCULLOCH, Sarah 7 McCULLOCH, Sarah Nttle)(CasweU ll) 8 McCULLOCH, Sarah skeeD) 4 McCULLOCH, Sarah 7, 8 McCUTILLOCH, Sarah (Stokes) $ McCULLOCH, Sarah Ann (Lytel) (Cas- well) 7, 8 McCULLOCH, Sarah Emily 8 McCULLOCH, Susan (Pace) 8 M.cCULLOCH, Wilburn Richard 9 MCCULLOGH, Thomas W. 1;. MCCULLOH, Ann ( ) 2 r-.!cCULLOH, Emma -7- McCULLOH, Thomas 2 McCULLOH, Thomas G 2 McCULLOUGH, Adeline Chambers 1 McCULLOUGH, Aletha Martha A NMcCULLOUGH, Alexander 4, 4 PMCCULLOUGH, Alexander 14hite 1 F°CCULLOUGH, Ann 1 MCCULLOUGH, Annie 3 MCCULLOUGH, Archibald 2, 4� 9 McCULLOUGH, Benjamin 4 PMcCULLOUGH, Catherine 1 MCCULLOUGH, Charles Pinkerton 4 MCCULLOUGH, Clara (Philpott) 4 McCULLOUGH, Clare 3._-_.CwN1,q- i McCULLOUGH, David T. 1 MCCULLOUGH, Deborah (Eccles) 4 MCCULLOUGH, Diana (King) 1 MCCULLOUGH, Edna Hazel A MCCULLOUGH, Elizabeth 2, 4 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth ( ) 219 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (Mivingsto: 4 McCULLOUGH, Emma Prudence 1 MCCULLOUGH, Francis Drennan 5 MCCULLOUGH, George 4, 5, $, 9 McCULLOUGH, Hanah T. 1 McCULLOUGH, Harriet Agnes (Pink erton) h McCULLOUGH, Henry 1 McCULLOUGH, Henry P. 3 McCULLOUGH, Ina Mary A McCULLOUGH, Isaac 1 McCULLOUGH, Isabella (Clindenin) MCCULLOUGH, James 1, 2, 3, 4 McCULLOUGH, James Anderson 4 McCULLOUGH, Jane 1 ,iCCnLL.OTaGIis...Joi�n..._.1:_:_�9_$9 9 ! MCCULLOUGH John Addison...6 McCULLOUGH, eziah (Haddon) ? McCULLOUGI , Luvicey (Bayes) 1 McCULLOUGH, Lydian (Shager) 1 McCULLOUGH, Margaret (Barneby) 4! McCULLOUGH, Marie J. 3 McCULLOUGH, Martha 4 McCULLOUGH, Martha Steele (Glas-; goer) 6 4 McCULLOUGH, Mary (Campbell) 8 3 McCULLOUGH, Mary Ann (Kiemer/ I Keimer) 1 McCULLOUGH, Mary Drennan 5 McCULLOUGH, Mary Ellen (Freed) 1 McCULLOUGH, Mary Jane 1 ! McCULLOUGH: M. J. 5 MCCULLOUGH, noses 1 McCULLOUGH, Nancy (Drennan) 5 McCULLOUGH, Nancy (McMerrill) 8 McCULLOUGH, Nancy Tyler (Smith)5 McCULLOUGH, Rachel (Siler) 4 McCULLOUGH, Robert 2, 4 McCULLOUGH, Samuel 19 8 MCCULLOUGH, Sara (Vann) 5 McCULLOUGH, Sarah 2 McCULLOUGH, Sarah (Inskeep) 9 McCULLOUGH, Sarah Ann (Glenn) L• McCULLOUGH, Susan Harrison (Kiemi /Keimer) 1 McCULLOUGH, Theodore 1 McCULLOUGH, Thomas 1, 5 McCULLOUGH, William 1, 5, 7 .McCULLOUGH, (Mrs) William 4 McCULLUde__ Catharine (Clisdie) L PMcCULLTJCK, Robert 4 PMcCULLY, George 2, 9 McFADTON, Isabella (Bryce)(Boyes) 2 MCGEE, Martha 9 MCKEEVER, Catherine (McCullou.gh)l McKEEVER, James 1 MCKENNAN, Isabel Bowman 2 McKEITriAN, Pauline Gertrude de Fontevieux 2 McK?Tfi1AN, 1.1illiam 2 MdEE CHEN, James 8 McMERRILL, Nancy 8 M'COLLOCH, (Major) John 9 N!'IBURY, Thomas 8 YT (HOUSE, Hetty B. ( Vance) 5 EW NHOUSE, Isaac 5 NEJHOUSE, John 5 NEIIHOUSE, Martha (McCulloch) 5 AIE?JHOUSE, Nancy ( Jameson) 5 NEWHOUSE, Nancy J. 5 NOBLE, Rex 7 NOBLE, Robert 7 NOBLE, Ruth (Lippincott 7 NOBLE, Virginia (Gai-wood) 7 PACE, Susan 8 ?ACK, Brett David 5 PACK, Daniel Morgan 5 PACK, David Joseph 5 PACK, Henry Morgan 5 PACK, Karen Agnes (welsch) 5 PACK., Linda Lee (Daniel) 5 PACK,, 'Melinda 5 PACK, Miriam (Cole) 4, 5 'ALLISON, Mary 6 PALM, Arthur Henry 2 PALM, Janet (Jessie)(Mackay) 2 PARKER, Mrs. G. R. 3, 4 PARKER, Henry Lilly 7 PARKER, Laura Belle 7 PARKER, Mary (McCulloch) 7 PASEK, Christine (Yount 5 PASEK, Gerald 5 PASEK, Jeffrey John 5 PASEK., lSargaret Ann 5 PEDEN, William A PHILPOTT, Clara PINKERTON, Harriet Agnes A POPE, Nathaniel 7 RAL, Agnes 2 RAE, Jane 2 RAE, Jannet 2 RAE, Jannet (McCulloch) 2 RAE, John 2 RAE, Samuel 2 RAMEY, Barbara Ellen 1 RAMEY, Clarence Ellsworth 1 ROBINSON, Elizabeth FAith 2 RYDER, Esta Katherine 6 SANDERS, Sallie S. F SAVILL, Emma Prudense (McCullouz! 1 - SAVILL, Frank H. 1 _ SAVILL, Fred P. 1 SCHNECK Sarah ('McCulloch) 7 SCOTT, Hon) T. 9 SHAGER, Lydian 1 SHAW, Elizabeth 3 SHAS9, George B. 3 SHEEPHERD, David 8 SIBLEY, Ann (Markee/14arkel) 7 SILER, Rachel 4 SINGER, Charles SINGER, 'dariorie (Hodge) 5 SINGER, Sandra 5 SMITH, John E. 5 SMITH, Nancy Tyler 5 SMITH, Mary Drennan 01:cCullough ) 5 SMITH, Rachel (Stinson) 5 SMITH, Samuel 5 SPEER, Henrietta Zantzinger 2 SPEER, John Z. 2 SPRIGG, Diary Lauck 9 SPROAT, Jahn 2 SPROAT, I1- 2 SPUNG, Joanna Christie (Link) 5 SPUNG, John Richard 5 SPUNG, Peter Link 5 SPUNG, Richard Cole 5 STEPHENSON, David s STEPHZNSON, David H. A STEPHE•NSON, July Ann 6 STEPHENSON, t ,atthew F STEPHENSON, Rebecca (McCullers)F STEPEHNSON, Stephen A STINSON, Isabel 3 STINSON, Issabel 3 STINSON, James 3, 5 STINSON, Mary (McCulloch) 3, 5 STINSON, Rachel 3, 5 STINSON, Susannah 3 STOKES, Amy (Minchman) 7 STOKES, Hannah 7 STOKES, Joshua 7 STOKES, Mary •(Bernard) h STOKES, Sarah 6, 7, 8 STOKES, Sarah (Montfort) 7 VAHt'., Sarah 5 WA?D, Ann Z. (Linder) 3 VfAT'C7, Arra C. ( Hapev) L '.•LARD, Ann Eliza 3 VAi'C;r, Bertha (K.inkaid) 5 '�TAR,D, Clara Bell 3 VATIC_, James 5 `TARO, earl T. (: drrard) 3 VAT'CT_ , John Ha<ey JY '.•LARD, Joseph F. 3 VAI'C , John Peach- L 'LARD, Laura T. 3 VA?'CE, '.ary L• ''TARD, ?;argaret A. 3 VA?T rTT''R, Ann (?'arkee!,!arkel) :9ARD, ?!artha L. (:.icColloch) (Siblev) 7 ',LARD, Mary C . 3 VA? TrTLn, Catherine 7 71ARD, vary D. 3 _'T ' , Ili zabeth 7 '�TARD, Ota H. 3 V;;.. `° �TE'.. Ili?abeth ( nskee? ) 7 :•TARO, Ota Hopkins.9jj 3 N EALOQy JOHN YOUNG KENTUCKY PIOPIEER, AND HIS KIN by Js55/AM19NE YOUNG WOOTC)R�1 ' J 9 YOUT'G, David E'&rin 5 YOUNG, Edith Christine 5 YOUNG Edwin Simmons 5 YOUNG: Helen (Heard) L.3"oyv 9 YOUNG, John Timothy 5 a YOUI'G, Miriam Cole 5r._ ZANF9 Ebenezer 8, 9 ZANr9 Jonathan_ 9 ZANE, Silas 9 item. First published family history of this Revolutionary W 7 nrsoldier. son nobPrt John Young (1759-1937), son of Snmuel Young (a. 1734-5•- Young (171'--1762), immigrant to Beverley Manor, AugustA Caunty, Virginia, In 1740. item. " binding, ZA 1 of 414 pages, copyrighted, offset printing, 9x6, " perfectK. includingi 0 21S paces of narrative, inclu4ingi the tracing of this Young family over several generations, as they came to America from Ireland in I7401 csme d0wr. the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, went into east Tennessee, end then up to central Kentucky over the Wilderness Road; some history, as it relates to this Young family; excerpts from diaries And letters between members of the family. ■ 47 •-s-ges of charts, includingi a master chart of 900 kin; charts •iving more detailed data; 350 Youngs and thesealliednAmess Suears Achauer Cole Gates Hoadley Stillwell Adams Coons Gibson Hodges Mourning Strong Allen Corby Gift Hopkins Murry Allison Cox Gilleland Houston Navilio Sullivan Anderson Crockett Gilliland Huffman Neal/Neale Taylor Arnold Commiskey Gordon Irvin Nelson Thomas Bagby Dale Graham Johnson Nichols Thompson Barnes Davis Grantham Jordan Nolan Thornell Parton Deering Grier Ketchum Noland Tomblen Bates Denny Guitar Kincaid Obety Toomey Bedinger Devine Guner Kirk Painter Trimble Berry Digby Haines Koch Parker Trussell Biggs Dodd Hall Long Pilkington Twyman Bloyd Donaldson. Halsted Ludy Price Valdenar Bone Dooley Hamil Mann Pulliam Waller Bright Douglas Hamilton Marquess Rankin Wallace Browning Drake Hancock Martin Rich Bryant Drew Hansbrough Mayers Robinson Webber Burch Dudley Harper McCampbell Ryley Bush Dunlap Hawkins McClintock SchellsworthWheeler Butler Dwen Hayden McConnell Sharp Carter Ewing Heavy McCullough Sherman Willis Cashedy Fahy Hellmuth McDaniel Shipman Willock Cassell Farrar Henderson McDowel Simpson Wilson Castle Fielder Hendrix McElroy Simrall Wirmfield Childress Fisher Henry McMillan S Tedd Wooton Childs Foley Hickman Miller Smith Wright Claypool Fritch Hicks Minter Smoot Wymond Cochran Fritzlen Hight Montgomery Snyder Wynn Cockrell Gant Hinson Montmollin Sparks Young • 11 pages of maps. a 24 pages of name index (surname and given name), which lists over 2000 names, 350 of which are Youngs. rq D � m W 0 �0 b �w �m n ., +J wm m a. U 06 �.0 v >+ 3 c a tin at • o to r4 sM Das o .+ o oW4 m e-1 ow m •d � P1> o ab 01-1 m m� . d �10$4EN •,, 0 n1 N0 H 0 co UN n ..c MI -7015 Voln. 12 • anuary STOKES, Susannah 7 ' VAIN I77T_?; ( Col) Jarrett 7 ••IA -L' =allie 3 ' T S JOKES, Thomas t., u t STT-T!"RS, Betty .�. WcCulloch) 1 VAN `''T-.'., Hahnah .• r � VAN :•.FT�3, Henry .' ''LAaL, Sarah 7 SWOAGER Dixie Lee 1 � VAN M --TSR Isaac 7 ''IABD, Sarah Elizabeth (Linder) 3 ` ''TAD, Susanna (Cobble) 3 TAYLER Isaac VAT' r;W'TLR� John � VAT' iTTER Joseph '.'I:LSCH Karen Agnes 5 ' oBen�aminl) John 77 THO:°P =, Clare ('cCullojch) 3 VAN MITER , "arc*.a ( Dunr.) (Bukev) � TILLIA?�SON, R THCRT , Harriet ami th (i'an Schoon hoven) 3 VAT' : i_ T I??, Vary ( Inskeep ) VAY I:ETrR, F,ache1 7 .' ?•IILLTA."•?SOS; �'ar� ( T'.cCullo ch ) 7 THORNE9 Harriet Van Schoonhoven 3 y VAN ?:11T%?, Rebecca (Dubois) � '•TILSOT Jno $� :!ICBG: � '1, Minerva Jane 7 THO9NE John Ste! -.,,art 3 VAT' I• -':TRE Joseph $u Janes ��. �✓•, cNl�lpt��: TH0711E, 2 Jonathan '.'A?' SCHOG?HOVzT:, Harriet Sr.ith ? (wedges) 7 ,7 :jIPT9 Jonathan .. _.IGn'T, Jorat:�an T�ICR`1_, Victor Corse 3 VAuSI, Jemima J3IG'•iT, "ary (Inskeep) THOR??I, Victoria Corse 3 VAUSI, Sarah 7 TCI•TLITISON, Ili.se (Carter) VAUSL, 'lilliam 7 YABSLIY, Annie (McCullour ) ; ?C1 LII:SOI1� Saran AnnetteJesse James ? 7 IALfER :fancy 1 YA3SL.Y, Georgie 3. r+mss &W YOUNG Chri •tine 5 VAHt'., Sarah 5 WA?D, Ann Z. (Linder) 3 VfAT'C7, Arra C. ( Hapev) L '.•LARD, Ann Eliza 3 VAi'C;r, Bertha (K.inkaid) 5 '�TAR,D, Clara Bell 3 VATIC_, James 5 `TARO, earl T. (: drrard) 3 VAT'CT_ , John Ha<ey JY '.•LARD, Joseph F. 3 VAI'C , John Peach- L 'LARD, Laura T. 3 VA?'CE, '.ary L• ''TARD, ?;argaret A. 3 VA?T rTT''R, Ann (?'arkee!,!arkel) :9ARD, ?!artha L. (:.icColloch) (Siblev) 7 ',LARD, Mary C . 3 VA? TrTLn, Catherine 7 71ARD, vary D. 3 _'T ' , Ili zabeth 7 '�TARD, Ota H. 3 V;;.. `° �TE'.. Ili?abeth ( nskee? ) 7 :•TARO, Ota Hopkins.9jj 3 N EALOQy JOHN YOUNG KENTUCKY PIOPIEER, AND HIS KIN by Js55/AM19NE YOUNG WOOTC)R�1 ' J 9 YOUT'G, David E'&rin 5 YOUNG, Edith Christine 5 YOUNG Edwin Simmons 5 YOUNG: Helen (Heard) L.3"oyv 9 YOUNG, John Timothy 5 a YOUI'G, Miriam Cole 5r._ ZANF9 Ebenezer 8, 9 ZANr9 Jonathan_ 9 ZANE, Silas 9 item. First published family history of this Revolutionary W 7 nrsoldier. son nobPrt John Young (1759-1937), son of Snmuel Young (a. 1734-5•- Young (171'--1762), immigrant to Beverley Manor, AugustA Caunty, Virginia, In 1740. item. " binding, ZA 1 of 414 pages, copyrighted, offset printing, 9x6, " perfectK. includingi 0 21S paces of narrative, inclu4ingi the tracing of this Young family over several generations, as they came to America from Ireland in I7401 csme d0wr. the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, went into east Tennessee, end then up to central Kentucky over the Wilderness Road; some history, as it relates to this Young family; excerpts from diaries And letters between members of the family. ■ 47 •-s-ges of charts, includingi a master chart of 900 kin; charts •iving more detailed data; 350 Youngs and thesealliednAmess Suears Achauer Cole Gates Hoadley Stillwell Adams Coons Gibson Hodges Mourning Strong Allen Corby Gift Hopkins Murry Allison Cox Gilleland Houston Navilio Sullivan Anderson Crockett Gilliland Huffman Neal/Neale Taylor Arnold Commiskey Gordon Irvin Nelson Thomas Bagby Dale Graham Johnson Nichols Thompson Barnes Davis Grantham Jordan Nolan Thornell Parton Deering Grier Ketchum Noland Tomblen Bates Denny Guitar Kincaid Obety Toomey Bedinger Devine Guner Kirk Painter Trimble Berry Digby Haines Koch Parker Trussell Biggs Dodd Hall Long Pilkington Twyman Bloyd Donaldson. Halsted Ludy Price Valdenar Bone Dooley Hamil Mann Pulliam Waller Bright Douglas Hamilton Marquess Rankin Wallace Browning Drake Hancock Martin Rich Bryant Drew Hansbrough Mayers Robinson Webber Burch Dudley Harper McCampbell Ryley Bush Dunlap Hawkins McClintock SchellsworthWheeler Butler Dwen Hayden McConnell Sharp Carter Ewing Heavy McCullough Sherman Willis Cashedy Fahy Hellmuth McDaniel Shipman Willock Cassell Farrar Henderson McDowel Simpson Wilson Castle Fielder Hendrix McElroy Simrall Wirmfield Childress Fisher Henry McMillan S Tedd Wooton Childs Foley Hickman Miller Smith Wright Claypool Fritch Hicks Minter Smoot Wymond Cochran Fritzlen Hight Montgomery Snyder Wynn Cockrell Gant Hinson Montmollin Sparks Young • 11 pages of maps. a 24 pages of name index (surname and given name), which lists over 2000 names, 350 of which are Youngs. rq D � m W 0 �0 b �w �m n ., +J wm m a. U 06 �.0 v >+ 3 c a tin at • o to r4 sM Das o .+ o oW4 m e-1 ow m •d � P1> o ab 01-1 m m� . d �10$4EN •,, 0 n1 N0 H 0 co UN n i ►ACKULLOUCH Mccol "accu tiaclullie � y Maco loch logh . s+ Maccullie ricHullie M' Hulagh AI ccolloch rraccu ALL SpellingRIcCo llam � Fd'Coulaghe llOIlcCullick F+,cCullie ricCollom :iia:•ccullocht O;•rlache iicKulloch mcKowloch "•IcCullock t',acoulie Y11Kula h 11acLulli ,,Toulach '►•IaY. covrlo ch Fyiaclulli ch MacCullough Mc McCulloch M'Culloch � �I'Alach Mccullo IjlaccullochiZ rullough h b1akavillauch Mccollough McCully M Kowloche Makhulagh i co s� U Z—r X2 4 W U � 4A � C=1 INDEX to Letter 7 H~9&41-1AfJaX Ir. ` (:'hat will be considered the last of Volume 1) ALB_?SON, Ellen P. 7 McCULLOCH, Jeanette(Garfield) McCULLOUGH Mary Jane 5 ASHTON, Elizabeth 5 ' 5 McCULLOUGH, Nancy 6,7 McCULLOCH, John 5 McCULLOUGH, Nancy (Millan) 7 BLAIR, Commissary 5 McCULLOGH, John L. 5 McCULLOUGH, Sam 8 McCULLOCH, Joseph Graham 5 McCULLOUGH, Samuel 5,6 FOUTS, David 7,$ McCULLOCH, Mary ( ) McCULLOUGH, 5 Sarah TOUTS, George 8 McCULLOCH, Mary eIeredith McCULLOUGH, Sarah Sally) FOUTS, Jim 8 (Marshall) 5 0-ihitesell) 7 FOUTS, Mary 8 McCULLOCH, Nannie Taylor McCULLOUGH, "Sis" 8 FOUTS, Mary (McCullough) 8 (Hite) 5 McCULLOUGH, William C. 5 FRITZ, James M. 5 McCULLOCH, Roderick 5 McSWAIN, Janie..5 ' McCULLOUGH, Ann 6,7 McSWAIN, John Jackson 5 GARFIELD, Jeanette 5 McCULLOUGH, Barbara 6,7,8 McS;VAIN, Sarah (McCullough) 5 GOOCH, Gov. 5 MCCULLOUGH, (Clan)5 McCULLOUGH, Edna Hazel 5 SMITH, Harry H., Sr., 5 HIlE, Nannie Taylor 5 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (Magee) SMITH, Martha Jane (McCullough) 5 LO'ti�7ERY Edna Hazel 5 5 STOVER, George W. 5,$ s McCULLOUGH, Ellen (Alberson) STOVER, Nancy (McCullough) 5 LOWERY, Hazel (McCullough) 5 McCULLOUGH, Esther 6,7 STOVER, Penelton 7 WfERY, firs. John S. 5 McCULLOUGH, George 8 ' McCULLOUGH, Henrietta TURNER. Jo 5 MAGEE, Elizabeth 5 (Martindale) 7 TURNER, Mary H. 5 MARSHALL,yMary Meredith 5 McCULLOUGH, Hazel 5 TURNER, Mrs. Robert S. 5 MARTINDAL.., Henrietta 7 McCULLOUGH, James (Jim)6,7,8 MILLAN, Nancy 7 McCULLOUGH, Jane { ) 5 VIRKUS 5 MOORS, Barbara (McCullough) McCULLOUGH, Joe 8 7,8 %1-cCULLOUGH, John 5,6,8 WHITESELL, Esther (McCullough) 7 MOORS, Frank 7,$ McCULLOUGH, John W. 5 WHITESELL, George 7 . McCULLOUGH, Joseph 6,7 WHITESELL, Rhodes 9 McCULLOCH, (Clan) 5 McCULLOUGH, Martha Jane 5 WHITESELL, Sarah 7 McCULLOCH, Elizabeth (Ashton) McCULLOUGH, Mary 6,7 8 5 MCCULLOUGH, Mary H. Tyner) 5 YARWOOD, W. R. 5 McCULLOCH, Hugh 5 You have already seen two of the three modifications I am trying with this. First, the heading is based on a suggestion made by Mrs. May Amoret (McCullough) 140ORE regarding the idea of a front page for the magazine that fell by the wayside. 4 Second, the smaller type. I am actually typing this ap on paper 11" x 17", and it is reduced during the printing process. Thus, each page of the MEMOS now includes what would have been two pages before. Third, I am going to put the index for the issue at the end of the I4r'TI0. This will be a little more complicated for me during the t7ping, but will (7think) make it much easier for the readers - also much more normal. ' c1 G-' Due to the reduction the f , printing may be a little harder to read. If it is too difficult to read - please vrrite. -- 'r =� Several of you have sent money to help pay for postage, etc. Thank you very much. Some others have inquired. Anything received is appreciated, but don't feel obligated. I do this primarily in the hope that eventually I will find something about ��m,y McCULLOCH ancestors. Toward this end, the I.1040S include information 11 p received about any McCU'LLOUGH, McCULLY, etc. of any spelling that you send me - plus what I run across in m readin . y It is my opinion that the more information we put out that we have run across the mor ikel• someone else is -f to furnish their information also - and we may hit upon that�one nece sary clue. Enough of that - on to information! From: THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY, Volume 3 vt ...� P. 56 Mary McCULLOUGH 17$2-1$05), m. 1$00 Maj. Henry i Eliza B. HANKIt1SON �i803-38)9m. '7 ry HANK�NSON (].767-_$�.$). Their dau., 1827 Gershom RUSLING (1796-1$$1). Their son Gen. t James Fowler RUSLING (1834-1918) m. 1970s 2nd, Emily Elizabeth WOOD (1848-19271. Their dau., Emily Wells RUSLING, b. 18 Oct 1884, m. 20 Oct 1909, Arthur Laban BATES. Ch.: �� Josephine Rusting BATES, b. 1 Sept 1913; Arthur Rusling BATES, b. 14 Mar 1917. ` Hannah COOK, m. 1757, Capt. Benjamin McCULLOUGH. Their son, Col. Jilliam McCULLOUGH m. Katurah HUNT. Their dau. is Mazy McCU1.,L0UGH above. r o P. 392 Rebecca McCULLOCH (1807-1$94) m. Moses RAWLINGS (1$05-67). Their son Lloyd RAWLINGS �J (1831-1911) m. 1873, Jane PATTERSON (b. 1843) dau of Dr. John PATTERSON and Louisa E. REID. His son, Stuart Lamar RAWLINGS, b. 12 Apr 1875, m. 20 July 1904, Eleanor WARNER, i co s� U Z—r X2 4 W U � 4A � C=1 (2) b. 5 Aug 1880, dau of Dr. Alexander WARNER and Alice MOULTON. Ch: Eleanita RAWLINGS, b. 5 Sept 1906; m. 20 June 1927, Edward Webb ENGS, Jr.,; Stuart Lamar RAWLINGS, b. 19 June 1908; Jean RAWLINGS, b. 22 May 1915. P. 392 John McCULLOUGH m. Ellen ACHESON. Their dau. Nancy McCULLOUGH m. Thomas Harlan BAIRD (d. 1866). Their dau. Eleanor BAIRD m. 1830, Dr. Robert Rentoul REED (1807-64). Their son Colin McFarquhar REED (1849-1907) m. Lida Septima LORD (1852-1904) Their son Robert Rentoul REED, b. 24 June 1876, m. 27 Oct 1910, Christine PATTEN, 4. 9 Oct. 1886, dau of Col William S. PATTEN. Ch: Robert Rentoul REED, Jr.; b. 17 Nov 1911; Christine Patten REED, b. 28 Oct 1912; Eleanor Stockton REED, b. 5 Nov 1914;'William Wilberforce REED, b. 17 Dec 1916; Ruth Wheelock REED,'b. 26 Feb 1920; John Taylor Waynflete REED, b. 30 June 1923. p. 672 - regarding Roderick McCULLOCH mentioned in previous letters - gives the name of his wife as Elizabeth WEEDON. Mrs. J. W. SHOAFF, Molt, Montana 59057 answered a query I had in the Car -Del Scribe. following is her Husband's McCULLOUGH ancestry: Geo. McCULLOUGH, blacksmith, b. 1761 m. Margaret George McCULLOUGH, blacksmith b. 24 Sept 17960 Wilm ngton, Del (according to vital records of Wayne Co., Ind.3; d. 18 Feb 1882, Richmond, Ind. N.R. Wayne Co. Ind.) m. 1st, Mary HARLAN of Wilmington, Del. Ch: Lewis McCULLOUGH, b. 26 March 18309 Wilmington, Del., druggist- d. 25 April 1890, Richmond, Ind. M. Mary O'HARA. Ch: 1. Elmer McCULLOUGH (1961-1885); 2. Mary McCULLOUGH (1867-1941,)' 3. Harry L. McCULLOUGH (1870-??) George m. 2nd, Eliza. Jane MWdNN of Wilmington, Del. Ch: Hanna McCULLOUGH, b. 8 June 18339 Wilmington, Del., d. 26 March 1883, Liberty, Ind., m. William SAMUELS Ch: 1. Clara SAMUELS (1853 - ??); 2. Frank SA14UELS (1855-1917); 3. Edward SAMUELS (1856-1857); 4. George SAMUELS (1860-??); 5. Emma Gertrude SAMUELS (1866-1948) - grandmother of J. W. SHOAFF; 6. H arry Gaynor SAMUELS (1876-1913). Margaret McCULLOUGH, b. 1835 in Delaware. Mary Emma McCULLOUGH, b. 1836, Wilmington, Del., d. 1922, Richmond, Ind. Henrietta McCULLOUGH, b. 1838, Richmond, Ind., d. 1906, Richmond, Ind. Mrs. SHOAFF would appreciate any information about the original George McCULLOUGH, his wife Margaret, or about their ancestry, siblings, etc. From: West Virginia Echoer, Vol 9 No. 6, July 1976, the following query & note: McCOLLOCH Samuel McCOLLOCH (of the famous leap) was the brother of my 5th g uncle as nearly as I can figure it out. Samuel's father was John McCOLLOCH m to Sarah INSKEEP. John was the son of Samuel McCOLLOCH m to Elizabeth WARD & Samuel was the son of John McCOLLOCH m to Mary CAM?BELL. This John McCOLLOCH & Mary CAMPBELL were my 5th or 6th g grandparents, and my line comes down through Lieut. Thomas McCOLLOCH (son of John & Mary) who married Isabelle PATRICK dau of Robert PATRICK and wife Rachel. Thomas was born ca 1736 in Va. (where ?) & they m ca 1759. He(Thomas) died at Kings Mountain 12 Oct 1780. Thomas' son Robert McCOLLOCH b 2 Ma 1764 in Va. (where ?) m 1794 to Rebecca; he d 29 Aug 1849 in Va. (was it Wash. Co u . Va.?T Samuel, who made the leap in Wheeling was born in 1752 in Alexandria, Va. & d at short Creek,'?4N 30 July 1782 & we know he had no issue as he was m only 6 months. Does Anyone know the full name of his wife & their marriage date? Samuel's sister m Ebenezer ZANE-- where? Can anyonw give th complete families of any of these families? I need more on John McCOLLOCH & wife Mary CAMPBELL. Who were their other children? Will Exc. MRS. ETHEL BRIGGS, Wileyville, W. Va. 26186 NOTE: Vol 1, No. 2, Sept. 1967 of the ECHOER carried an article on the homestead of Major John, bro. of Maj. Samuel of Fort Henry. I got lost somewhere above among the John's and Samuel's. Maj. Samuel m nary MITCHELL about 6 months before he was killed, which would have been about last of Jan. 1782, but I do not have a record. "Later Maj. John m Mary BUCKEY & Abram m Ailcy BOGGS. Each had 11 children. I have a list of names (1789-1799) of Berkeley Co. which I cannot use till I get permission. Maybe next time.-ed(of the NEST VIRGINIA ECHOER, wry) From: THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, Vol. 150, No. 29 August 1976: "Edinburgh: Capital in Search of a Country" by James CERRUTI p. 285 - in a section about the Edinburgh International Festival of music & drama - "---ranged from Mozart's classic Le Nozze di Fizaro to Jane McCULLOCH's and Carl DAVIS's brand-new rock operetta Pilarim." From: SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR, by A. E. POLLARD, Vol 2. Cahpter VI, in August 1862, he mentions: "Guerrill bands made their appearance in all parts of the State (Missouri) .The sanguinary guerrilla warefare in Missouri--commence� in—July;--bands under Porter, Poindexter ---on the 6th of August, Porter's band was attacke9kt Kirksville ---. The day after the action, a party of Yankee scouts succeeded in capt ring near Edina, Col. F. McCULLOUGH, who was attached to Porter's command, ---(Court- martialed, condemned to death) --Upon the way to his execution, he requested the privilege to give the command to fire, which was granted. All being ready, he said, "That I have done, I have done as a principle of right. Aim at the heart. Fire!" The command taking the soldiers by surprise, one fired sooner than the rest. The ball entering his breast, he fell, while the other shots passed over him. Falling with one leg doubled under the body, he requested to have it straightened out. While this was being done he said: "I forgive you for this barbarous act." The squad having reloaded their pieces, another volley was fired ---this time into his body and he died." From: REGISTER OF THE KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 72, No. 3, July 1974, article "Captain Harrod's Company, 17749 A Reappraisal" by Neal 0. Hammon, in the list of members of the company: p• 233 #23. James McCULLOCH: Hanson's Journal proves that he was one of the eleven men who left the surveyors and joined Harrod in May of 1774. p. 238 Shadrach McLAtiORE: Although he received land based on an imp rovementmadin 1774, the improvement was probably made for him by James McCULLOCH.l52� (Note 52 -) Libby FRAAS to Dr. H. TAPP, 19 July 1973. (Capt. Harrod is the man for whom HaL7 dsburg was named - note the stamp issued recently. wry) Mrs. Guy W. MARTIN wrote recently that in February, while working on the restoration of a cemetery that hadn't been cleaned in over 50 years, they burned some trees and brush. One pile included some poison oak — she inhaled some of the smoke:: She went to the hospital with a temperature of 10509 covered with poison from head to toe. For several days, she was not expected to live. Before she had recovered, Guy was in the hospital with sky—high blood hearsure. He from her �shome that'snthe explanatiobut can't n aShehhas. So been very cooof perative. Mrs. u who have been waiting to Mrs. Guy MORGAN, to whom I vrrite about MORGANS (my wife's maiden name) sent me some "�fc" information: (She also sent info about my YAM & GARFIELDs & LEEs) 117PA Burial Records, Fayette Co. Iowa — McCULLOCH, Ethel B. 2/10/1890 to 12/14/191$, Woodlawn Cemetery, Lot 25, Oelwein, Iowa. WPA Burial Records, Clayton Co. Iowa — McCULLOCH, James K. d. 11/5/1$79 aged 59 YearsMcCULLOCH, Jane d. 1858y a McCULLOCHJohn A. d. 418d5, 8"aged All buried, Monona Cemetery, Aionona, Iowa Winnesheik Co. Iov+a, 1850 Census: 59/59 McCULOCK, Alexander 32 farmer b. Scotland McCULOCK, Sarah A. 21 Ireland McCULOCK, John 9/12 Wisconsin Winneshiek Co. Iowa, 1856 Census McCULLOCH, John 59 b. Va. In Iowa (4,6,9 years Decorah Village McCULLOCH, Mary 59 Va.she couldn't say) McCULLOCH, John Jr.17 Wis (probably 4 years"") Village of Decorah McCULLOCH, Robert 3$ Va 3 years McCULLOCH, Emiline 28 N.Y. 3 McCULLOCH, M.E. 8 N.Y. McCULLOCH, J.L. 6 Ill. Winnesheik Co. Iowa, 1860 Census, McCULLOCH, John 22 Wisconsin farmer Decorah tup 266/272 p 199 McCULLOCH, Jennette19 Vermont McCULLOCH, Mary 3/12 Iowa DAR Iowa Marriage Records Vim 16; Winnesheik So. Iowa, Marriages 1851-1860 ricCULLOCH, John and Genetti GARFIELD; 12/21/1858 (NOTE: My g. grandparents) Winneshiek Co. Iowa, 1$70 Census; McCULLOCK, John 31 b. Wisconsin farmer Decorah Twp. 230/222, MCCULLOCK, Jennet 29 Vermont P• 252 McCULLOCK, Dalla 5 Iovra female McCULLOCK, Mary 2 Iovra of (grandma) �McCULLOCK, Willie 1/12 Iowa it(1) IPA Grave Records, Winnesheik Co. Iovra McCULLOCK, John 67, b. 9 May 1838; d. 12 Dec. 1905 both burials in Phelps Cem. DecorURCULLOUGH, Lucy J. 60 5/5/1841 — 11/15/1901 (my g. grandparents again.) WPA Grave Records, Chickasaw Co. Iovra MCCULLOCH, Donald J. 1$46 to 6/6/1907 All in Greenwood Cem. Nashua, Io-vraULIACH,wife i fem' Laura/Sperry — 7/11'/1932 McCULLOCH, John 1839 — 1910, wife, Catharine Graceland Cem. New Hampton, Iowa MCCULLON --not readable. Chas. 1821 to 5/2/1903; wife Louisa Joseph W. 1856 to 11/13/1$91 South Western Wisc. Old Crawford Co. (977.7 G862 Vlm. 2) VERNON CO. (formed from Crayford Co. 1863givessource: "The Hist. of Vernon Co. Wisc. published 1$$4 by Union Publishing Co. of Springfield, Ill.) P. 11:10 "A question of which family came first, the RICE family, or the McCULLOUGH(OCH). The RICE family, 5 brothers came from Ind. in 1$3$ to Grand Gris on the :disc. River In regard to the John McCUI,LOUGH's arrival, the exact date of their coming is unkno%,m. In spring of 1$44 he built a house on West half of SE quarter Sec. 25, Twp. 12 Range 5 West, near what was afterward Bad Ax, now Liberty Pole. He brought his family the following spring. The section on which he settled vias not afterward entered by him. He remained here until the year 1$529 when in company with a number of others he started to Calif. He arrived there safely, and after a sojourn of a year, he wrote his brother that he vras on the eve of returning home -- that he would start in a day or two. He was never heard of, the general impression is that he set forth on his homeward trip and he died on the plains." also from the book: "The Prairie Du Chien Patriot, Sept 2$, 1$47 — In chancery, John W. McCULLOCH vs Mary Jane McCULLOCH, petition for divorce." another: "The Prairie Du Chien Patriot, Aug 1850 — Died at Bad Ax (of consumption) Abigail Ann, wife of John McCULLOCH, aged 25 years." P. 14139by Terhune, W.F. writing in The Historic Atlas of Wisconsin, published 1$75: In 1$44 John McCULLOUGH and his brothers, Samuel and Hiram RICE made the first claim.(above) P. 1415 — gives the settlers as Hiram and Samuel RICE and John McCULLOCH. From: Territorial Papers of Wisconsin (973.4 un 3t) P. 41. Sept 14, 1839, McCULLOCH, John signed petition. D. 1003 Petition of settlers on Pock River and Milwaukee canal tract. Petition sheet for Pewaukie No. 2, June 28, 1$47: McCULLOCH, James; McCULLOCH, Alex; McCULLOCH, John P. 111$, Oct. 20, 1847, Petition of Round Prairie, Crawford Co. Wisconsin: McCULLOCH, John WPA Grave Records, Howard Co. Iowa New Oregon Cemetery (part in New Oregon tdP & part in Vernon Springs torp) McCULLOCH, Robert Jan 19, 1822 to Apr 4, 1$92. McCOLLUM, James Aug 3, 1817 to Feb 7, 1$$7 served in Co. C, 23 Wisc Inf. also asst. surgeon, lst Wisc Reg. McCULLOW9 Charley, son of P.J. & Kate Calvary) age 5 yrs (no date) ca S 02—, (4) McCULL01.1, P.J. (no dates) MCCULLO'.J, Mae Calvary 1879 - 1910 Fayette Co. Iowa. Cemetery Records, Woodland Cem. Lot 25, Oelwein McCULLOCH, Ethel B. 1890 - 1918 977.5 u -75t Wisconsin Territorial Papers, county series, Drawford Co. 1821 - Nov 19, 1850 1$41, 5 July, p. 89 - Board of County, Jan 3 1842 McCULLOCH, John; McCULLOCH, D. (David) p. 104, Allowed for May tern jury duty 1842 - McCULLOCH, John. P. lit, Names for jury duty Jan 39 1843 - McCOLLOCK, J. (John); RICE, H.G.; Mc CULLOCK, N. (Nathan); McCULLOCK, G. C. S. (??); McCULLOCK, David. P. 134, Rec. payment for jurryy duty - McCULLOCK, John; McCULLOCK, David. Dec. 1843, mileage fee, McCULLOCK, Nathan. P. 1519 to serve on jury 1844 - McCULLOCK, Nathan; McCULLOCK, John. p. 161, payment - McCOLLOCK, John P. 183, jury duty, Jan 1845 - McCULLOCK, Nathan; McCULLOCK, John; McCULLOCK, D.G. (David). for jury 1845 - McCULLOCK, D.G. (David); McCULLOCK, Nathan Petit jury 1846 - McCULLOCH, John. 18469 Dist. Court payment for Jury duty, McCULLOCH, John Judges in election 1846: Prairie du Chien, precinct No. 1, McCULLOCH, Nathan; Mount Sterling, Precinct No. 21, McCULLOCH, John. p• 230, N. M.CULLOCK paid for service as electionjudgge. Jury selection for 1847 - idcCULLOCH, Nathan; McCULLOCH, John. Paid for election judge 1847 - 'McCULLOCK, John M. p. 257 - John McCULLOCH allowed $1 forservice as election clerk held Nov. 29, 1847 and $4 for mileage for making trip. To serve on jury, 18t8 - McCULLOCH, Nathan; McCULLOCK, D.G. (David); McCULLOCH, T.J. The board met Apr. 1848 - selectudges for ensuing year. For 2nd precinct called Mount Sterling precinct - Ezekiel �AINTER; S.G. RICE; John McCULLOCH. p. 266 - John McCULLOCH allowed $1 for service in election 1848. p. 270 - Nathan McCULLOCH paid for jury duty 1848; allowed for election duty. p. 275 - John McCULLOCH paid for service as election judge. Service duty (jury) 1849 - McCULLOCK, D.G. (David); McCULLOCK, Nathan; McCULLOCK,, Nathan paid for electioi�fudge in election at Prairie du Chien. Served 1849 jury - McCULLOCH, D.G. (David); McCULLOCH, James. P. 295 - to serve on jury in 1850 - McCULLOCH, James; McCULLOCH, David. Serve May term 1850 court, John McCLUM. To serve on jury 1851, McCULLOCH, I.G. (tars. Morgan adds the note: This could have been a mistake for D.G.? She also mentioned that when "David" is in parentheses, it is her addition, as an estimate that he is probably the one involved. Some books available through library loan (no charge) are: "History of Crawford and Richland Cos, Wisconsin" pub. Union Pub. Co. 1864; 1308 pages; "History of Crawford Co. Wisconsin"; "History of Vernon Co. Wisconsin"; "Vernon Co. Wisconsin, Springfield" Union Pub. Co. 1884, 826 pages. "History of the Panhandle, West Virginia" 975.4 K48 (No page no. for first notes.) McCULLOCH, Abram, eldest living son of Abram, b. No7 18, 1;97. He m. 1845, Susan BUP.NS, 6 children, 4 sons, 2 daughters. McCULLOCH, Samuel, brother of Abram, b. 1802. Methodist, magistrate in county 11 years. reared 11 children. (does not give name of wife.) McCULLOCH, James, b. 1807. M 1843, Tabitha McGEE. Has no children. McCULLOCH, 11m. J., b. Aug 39 1809. Farmer and wool grower. M. 1848, Rebecca J. McGLE. Has no children. 1IcCULLOCH, John W., the father of John McCULLOCH, the subject of this sketch, resided near where his son now lives. Mr. John McCULLOCH, b. May 24, 1828, farmer. He m. 1856, Imily WILSON, 3 sons, and 1 daug :ter. The mother of Mr. McCULLOCH vras Mary WILSON. (Mrs. Morgan's note: Then John 11 brother of Abram, Samuel, James & '4m. J. He m. Nary WILSON.) A.J. McCULLOCH, the 2nd son of Abram, b. 18519 m. 1873 to Miss R. J. NORTH. (This would be son of Abram who m. Susan BURNS?) McCULLOCH, Samuel B. second son of John, native of Logan Co., Ohio, d. 29 May 1862 (related to famous major) P. 389 - Marshall Co. McCULLOCH, John, father of Samuel of Wheeling# taught school at Moundsville ca. 1830. P. 247 Mrs. HARRIS of Morristown., Belmont Co., Ohio, daughter of John McCOLLOCH, she b. 1791 - they were related to the ZANES. Roster of Wisconsin in the Civil War. (no page numbers furnished.) McCULLOCH, John - lst sgt - Aug 119 1862 - Jn 10, 1865 - Co. H. 24 Reg. Res. Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co. McCULLCCH, James - Co. I - 42 - Res. Franklin, suburb of Milwaukee - Aug 26, 64 - Jne 11, 1855. McCULLICK, David G. - Co. K - 31 - res. Belle Center (either Crawford or Richland Co.) Aug 159 62 - May 3, 63. D. of disease. McCULLICK, Jonas - A - 43 - Res. Utica, Madison Co. - Aug 17, 64 - Jne 24, 65. That's a lot of information for someone to look up who isn't even related to the Mc's, isn't it? T_ certainly thank her for all the trouble she has gone to. from: "ABRAHAM LINCOLN: The Prairie Years and The War Years, One -volume edition, Harcourt - Brace Jovanovich, pub. paperback, 1974: P.341 - "Lincoln took tiAe to write a long letter to tdiss Fanny McCULLOUGH at Bloomington, Illinois, beginning, 'It is •Ath deep grief that I learn of the death of your kind and brave Father; and, especially, that it is affecting your young heart beyond what is common.' "Many times Lincoln had met and talked with her father, a Black Hawk War veteran, a Republican party man, circuit clerk and then sheriff of McLean County - a man vino with one eye of no use and his left arm gone had at 51 helped organize the 4th Illinois Cavalry, commanding it in battles under GRANT till far down in Mississippi he fel bullet -riddled, having shouted his last command. "Fanny McCULLOUCH could remember when she was a little girl and LINCOLN used to hold her and her sister Nanny on his knees, telling their father, "These girls are not too old to be kissed." P.•406 "Because of the unwanted publicity and the interruptions of politicians and office seekers, LINCOLN arranged with managers of two theaters that he could go in privately by the stage door and slip into a stage bcx without being seen from the audience. "Concealed by the friendly screen of the drapery, he saw many plays without public observation," said BROOKS. He saw the notable Edwin FORREST in King Learp and when John McCULLOUGH played Edgar, LINCOLN asked BROOKS, "Do you suppose he would come to the box if we sent for him?" BROOKS said the actor would undoubtedly be gratified. And McCULLOUGH came, in stage rags and straw, and received discriminating praise and thanks for an evening of pleasure the President." g P given p. 663 "A day or two later Hugh McCULLOCH spoke to LINCOLN about alarm in some quarters. What would happen to the country if LINCOLN should be suddenly removed and JOHNSON replaced him? LINCOLN after a moment's hesitation and with unusual seriousness: "I have known Andy for many years. He made a bad slip the other day, but you need not be scared. Andy ain't a drunkard." p. 666/7 "FESSENDEN had resigned as Secretary of the Treasury and begun his third term as Senator from Maine. Leading bankers and many Western politicians favored Maine -born Hugh McCULLOCH, who in 1833 had settled in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and won his -tray to the top circles of banking. LINCOLN asked McCULLOCH to call and, as they shook hands, "I have sent for you, Mr. McCULLOCH, to let you know that I cent you to be Secretary of the Treasury." McCULLOCH accepted with it of his ability; the Senate unanimously confirmed his appointment." P. 714 "One by one the other Cabinet members arrive till all are in the PETERSON house except SOYARD and McCULLOCH. Vice-president Andrew JOHNSON comes early for a.brief visit." P. 716 "The Cabinet, with SEWARD and McCULLOCH absent, met in the back parlor, arranged to notify the Vice -President and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and to meet again at noon in the room of the Secretary of the Treasury and take action with the newly sworn -in President toward "preserving and promoting the public tranquillity." From: Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, Vol 70, #41 Oct 1972: p• 278 - note5 of article "The Fincastle Surveyors in the Bluegrass, 1774" HANSON's Journal from Dunmores War, page 121. From this journal vie find that the men who turned back were (Alexander Spotswood) DANDRIDGE, (Nathan) HOLLOWAY, (Andrew) WAGGONER, and"TAYLOR". The three men who joined the company en route were William NASH, Lawrence DARNELL, and (Thomas) GLENN. Various sources identify some of the men who left for Harrods- burg as James HAMILTON, James McCULLOCH, Alexander PETR.Y, Robert GILBERT, David WILLIAMS, and James SODOWSKI. The merho accompanied the surveyors are identified later in this article. From: Midwestern Heritage, Vol II No. IV - June 1975 p. 152 - Land Entries - Sullivan.County, Missouri 1839 - John McCULLOUGH, E NE J, Sec. 12, T 629 R 22, Dec. 4. Same, Vol III No. IV, June 1976. P. 158 - a query mentions "Ann McCOLLOUGH m 1852 George S. PEARCE, Ind. Co., Pa." From: Wisconsin State Genealogical Society Newsletter, Vol 22 7#121 Sept 1975 `Mashburn County p. 12 - Shell Lake Memorial Cemetery: McCULLOCH, John W. - 1866 - 1932 McCULLCCH, Jessie S. - his wife - 1879 - 1948 Received from Mrs. John LO,;JERY: The following is the line of Mrs. Robert S. TURNER (Jo), (1515 Neptune Lane, Houston Texas 77058.). She believes her ancestor John was a brother of the Samuel (of Mr. STOVER in letter 7.; John McCULLOUGH, born about 1794 in Ireland or Pa. Died about 1840 in Wayne Co., Ind. Married: Elizabeth born about 1796 in Pennsylvania: Issue: 1. McCULLOUGH, Esther, b. 27 June 1819, d. 30 March 1891, m. J. C. MENDENHALL. 2. McCULLOUGH, John C., b. 3 March 1825, Wayne Co., Ind. d. 12 May 1905, m. 31 Jan 1850, Martha F. YOUNG. 3. McCULLOUGH, Samuel, b. 1 April 1827, Wayne Co., Ind. m. 1 Nov 1849 America NEWEL. 4. McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth, b. 14 June 1829, Wayne Co., Ind. d 23 Feb 1888, m. John F. FOUTS. 5. McCULLOUGH, Louisa b. ca. 1831, Wayne Co., Ind. m 10 April 1856, Robert POVIELL?? 6. McCULLOUGH, Nancy A., b. ca. 1834, Wayne Co., Ind. m. York, . 7. McCULLOUGH, George Washington, b. 2 June 1836, Wayne Co., Ina. - e ort) 8. McCULLOUGH, Thomas Benton, b. ca. 1839, Mayne Co., Ind. d. 18929 m 2 June 185$9 Lucinda HAM�IIN. No. 7, George Washington McCULLOUGH, d. 19 Oct. 1897 in Davis County, Iowa, bd. Coatsville, Missouri, m. 17 Feb 1858 in Wayne Co., Indiana, to Elizabeth STUMP, b. 8 Jan. 1837, d. 27 July 1914, bd. Coatsville, No. Issue: 1. McCULLOUGH, Henry, b. 1858 or 1859 at Schuyler, Mo. died at birth 2. McCULLOUGH, John B., b. ca 1859 Schuyler, M0. m. 22 Oct 1879 Alma McCLURG 3. McCULLOUGH, Samuel M., b. 5 Dec 1861, Davis Co., Iowa, d. 11 Feb 1879 4. McCULLOUGH, Albert, b. 27 Jan 1803, Davis Co., Iowra, d. July 1928, m. 13 Nov 1884 to Martha KERBY 5. McCULLOUGH, Edwrard, b. ca. 1865, Davis Co., Iowa, m. 4 March 1885, Harriet HOLLITT (HALLETT???) (6) 6. McCULLOUGH, George W., Jr., b. ca 18669 Davis Co., Io:,ra, m. 7 Oct 1886, Harriet McCLURG 7. McCULLOUGH, Oscar, b. ca 1867, Davis Co., Loyal m 12 Jan 1893, Plissie Jane MINER, c. 1946 8. McCULLOUGH, Erlistis, b. 1873, Davis Co., Iowa, d 11 March 19479 m. 9 Jan 1900, Mary Jane McCLURG I just went through the 1840 Census microfilm for Wisconsin. Following are all of the "McC's" that I found. I might have missed some. Division allotted to Stephen MAHOOD ('Hest District of Grant Co.) William McAULEY 1 m 30/40; 1 f u/5; 1 f 20/30 Daniel McAULEY 2 m 20/30; 1 m 60/70; 2 f 15/20; 1 f 50/60 Eastern Division of Iowa Co., James D. JENKINS Wm McCULLOM 2 m 15/20 (only) Milwaukee County David FINLEY Duncan McCALLUP M 1 m u/5; 1 m 5/10; l m 30/40; 1 f 5/10; 1 f 20/30; 1 f 50/60 West Ward, Town of Milviaukee Samuel W. WEEKS Archibald McAULEY 1 m u/5; 1 m 20/30; 1 f 20/30 John M. MCC(0/A-?)LLT7r', 1 m u/5; l m 20/30; 4 m 30/40; 3 f 5/10; 1 f 30/40 Not verymany, were there? Following is the line of Edna Hazel (McCullough) LO'.JERY (Mrs. John S. LOWERY); 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Virginia 22046 McCULLOUGH, William C.; b. 11 May 1827, Tuscarawas, Ohio; m, lst, Jane , b. ca 9 Sept 18250 d. Perry Co., I11, 14 March 18559 at birth of son John McCULLUUUM.' William m 2rd, Mary H. TYNER, b. 30 May 1824 in Illinois. Had two children when she married: Lucinda, b. ca 1847 and Nancy Jane b. ca 1851 or 53. Military Service: Enlisted 1 Nov 1863 in Dallas Co., Missouri, Benton Twp., as a private, Co. I, 6 Reg't Enrolled Missouri Militia, then pvt. Co. I, 16th Reg't Missouri Cay.; also served as First Sergeant. Mustered out at Springfield, Mo. 1 July 1865. Residence: No data as to residence previous to death of wife Jane, except census data, 1860 Dallas Co., Missouri, Benton Tvip. giving places of birth. By 1870 had moved to Stone County, Missouri, Williams Twp, where he owned a considerable acreage of land. He gave his occupation as farmer. Children: 1. McCULLOUGH, :caber*. Taylor, b. 15 Feb 18489 Tuscarawas, Ohio. (She has almost complete data on descendants.) 2. McCULLOUGH, William Hamilton b. 13 April 18499 Tuscarawas, Ohio; died Williamson County, Texas 24 Febrniary Zno year given). (She has data on this family.) 3. McCULLOUGH, John, b. 10 March 10.55, Perrryy Co., Illinois, m. Susan L. tdOLDEN, 6 May 1875, one dau. Viola Victoria McCULLOUGH. (No data on her descendants.) 2nd marriage: 4. McCULLOUGH, Joseph til., b. 21 Aug 1858, Dallas Co., Mo., d 17 Feb 1875• 5. 'McCULLOUGH, George �liashington, b. 16 May 18609 Dallas Co M0.9 Mo., m. 5 Sept 1878, Nancy Ann HALL 12 Jan 1854t Barry Co., Mo - 31 Dec 19351. Grandparents of Mrs. LO't1ERY. Almost complete data on this family. George d. IdcCULLOUGH d. of Tuber- culosis 2 April 1906, buried McCullough Cemetery. 6. McCULLOUGH, David Sigel (Sig), b. 1 !-larch 1861, Dallas Co., do., m. Martha Jane DENNY nee LeGATES, 19 Oct 1893, by dilliam F. LUTES, J.P., Stone Co., Missouri. Sig had tuberculosis, and took his own life 27 Dec 1909. Complete dataon this family. 7. 1lcCULLOUGH, Sarah C., b. 1864, Dallas Co., Missouri, m. John CARTER, perhaps Bary Co., Missouri, 1880. Moved to Red Bird, 1.1agoner Co., Oklahoma after 1900. SHE NEEDS DATA ON THIS FAMILY. Description of :I.C.McCULLOUGH: Blue eyes, Black hair, dark complection, 6' tall. Other data: Furnished his own horse and equipment for part of military service; with horse valued at $160. Owned considerable land in Stone Co., Mo. Could read and write; was of some prominence in the community. Also served in Dallas County Home Guards. Thomas WISE of Polo, Arkansas stated in an affidavit that "I was a resident of Perry County, Illinois at the time of the death of Jane McCULLOUGH, -rife of William C. Me CULLOUGH." Seems to have been no relation to McCULLOUGH family, but this is the only person or family known to have made any move with William C. McCULLOUGH. Thomas WISE lived in Dallas County, Missour in 1862. No relationship to Mary H. TYNER has been indicated to date. No. 1 Robert Taylor McCULLOUGH died of respiratory ilress at the home of brother George Washington and is buried in the McCULLOUGH Cemetery. He served in the Union Forces, Co. M., 16th Mo. Cay. He had blue eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, was 517" tall. Also furnished his horse. Is listed in 1870 Census, Dallas Co., Missouri, Benton Twp. m. 1st, Anggeline (HASTINGS ?); m. 2nd, Parthena STEPHENS, in Bentleyville, Jasper Co., Missouri, 24 May 1875 by Jerry CLARK, J.P. Angeline ( ) McCULLOUGH died in March 1874 at Stephens Diggins, Jasper Co., Missouri. Two c=hi ren this marriage; 4 children of second marriage. No. 3 John McCULLOUGH died in Red Oak, Latimer Co., Oklahoma, 5 Idarch 1920 of pneumonia. He was a merchant, bd. Balden Cemetery, Balden, Oklahoma. Susan's last -known address, Ritz, Scott County, Aekansas. Traditions: 1. Something concerning "wild geese flying over the moor::" (Does it refer to the transplanting of Scots to Ireland when the Irish nobles fled the country? Irishmen acting as mercenaries for other countries were known as "wild geese.") 2. The McCULLOUGHs came from an area where the cattle had vool or fur. (Note: the Galloway cattle might fit this description.) 3. The family is related to Moses ticCULLOUGH who lived in Carroll County. Ark. Moses McCULLOUGH, b. N. Car., 1794; served in War of 1812 under Capt. Jacob HOYLE, Regtr East Tennessee Rifles. m. 1st, I-,ary Ellin FR=ED; m. 2nd Martha ALLRED, nee :LEEKS (5 grandchildren this marriage still living ((1974))). In 18�L0, 18309 Idoses living in Washington and Greene Counties, Ind. resp. No record, Census 1840; 1850, Newton CO.,Ark. with youngest daughter, Elender, age 13, listed as having been born in Tennessee. During 1$30 period, William C. MCCULLOUGH Mould have been in Ohio, it is believed. Since no children of Moses are listed as having been born in Ohio, and dilliam C. in many places stated he was born there, it is not believed by the compiler that any close relationship exists. It might be that a brother or uncle of Moses, who resided in N.Car, Va, or Tenn. might have gone to Ohio. No proof of this claim has been found by compiler. Moses McCULLOUGH died before the Civil Mar, but one son Moses, Jr., and a step—, Gamblin M. ALLRED, served in the Union Forces, with the remaining McCULLOUGH onsneing in the Confederate Forces. Moses McCULLOUGH, Jr. and Gamblin ALLRED did not reside in the same area thereafter. (Almost complete genealogy on this family. INFOM14ATION REQUESTED: Any information -concerning residence of Will- ) in 1$50 (not located in Ohio Census for McCULLOUGHs. lam C. and Jane is ofLOUGH either or both. Marriage dates, where, land records, etcy 17�r°ration on parents of QUESTION: Is this dilliam C. McCULLOUGH, the son of John McCULLOUGH and Jane FORSYPHE, m. 1$12 in'Guernsey Co., Ohio, whose will recorded in Guernsey Co. Seventh, I give and William Y Courthouse states. with what he has heretofore receivednashis ull R. sIhareLto Willhamsandohisnheirs forever." This William, b. 1$27, has been listed by Harriett McCullough SPEERS in McCULLOUGH GE:I!-.N!1936, as having died in Montana. No record of this William has been found by compiler. Will exchange data on other McCULLOUGH lines. Anxious to have data on any and all families of McCULLOUGHs for possible connection and kinship. (my rote: The comments above are those of the compiler, Airs. John S. LOWERY.) The following chart was developed by Mr. Theodore McCULLOUGH, Box 190, Chandlerville Illinois, 62627. Not all is absolutely proven, but is as accurate as far as he knows. John McCULLOUGH, b. 16$2 m, in Scotland . •�-.-.�..._.,..,...,...... _ _ , Mary CAMPBELLL', Samuel McCULLOUGH (1705-1748) John AicCULLOUGH b. x170$ µ J -+� .�� ^.�- m. Elizabeth WARD ,� M. � Robert McCULLOUGH, b 1710 �"'"" """"--�--~- -------- (no more information.) r—; John . b McCULLOUGH, 1726 ..v~� m. Sarah Ib. 1 John McCULLOUGH,, b. 1734 (no further information) �•£ jGeorge McCULLOUGH j � b. 172$ � Lt a . Thomas McCULLOUGH (1736-1780) 's M. Catherine VAN METER killed battle of King's 3 I�lary McCULLOUGH, b. 1730 j ---,--........a.. Mountain. 'Elizabeth McCULLOUGH, 732 �......,..,.........�"�r"iC"U" dHannah McCULLOUGH, b 1737 Rah�-1759--"_' ZJ, Thomas t;cCULLOUGH (no date) ;John McCULLOUGH, b. 1761 (see war r - • Robert McCmenULLOUGH, a Robert McCULLOUGH .o.....� f �, b . 1764 ) 'John McCULLOUGH,�b 1759 (1756—?) �- � Sarah Elizabeth McCULLOUGH b. 1763 m. tflar- BUIEY� l ::Mary McCULLOUGH, b. 1779 (?) } Mary : 1 children. ,Samuel (&; r. P+tartha McCULLOUGH j ) McCL-LLOUGH, 1752-17$2, ' killed by Indians.(m. Mary MITCHELL) --" �M ��_,-,.�,�,��.".•,,,; =Abram McCULLOUGH, b. 1760, m. AlceY BOGGS 12 children George McCULLOUGH, b. 1763, m. ;lILSON :Elizabeth McCULLOUGH, b. 1750,m. Z`o1. Ebenezer' ZANE, 13 children. „,�arah r�cCULLOUGH b. 175$, ' m. COLEI24N • M The above taken (mostly) from a history by Mrs. STEENBERGEN & tars. BYERS (McCULLOUGH sisters) and from material supplied by Willis CORBITT. -zrx ACHESON, Ellen 2 ALLRED, Gamblin 6 ALLRED, Martha (Meeks) 6 BAIRD, Elearo 2 BAIRD, Rancy (McCullough) 2 BAIRD, Thomas Harian 2 BATES, Arthur Laban 1 j BATES, Arthur Rusling 1 BATES, Emily Wells (Rusling) 1 BATES,.Josephine Rusling 1 BOGGS, Alcey 7 BOGGS, Alice 2 BRIGGS, Airs. Ethel 2 BROOKS 5 BUCKEY, Mary 2 BUKEY, AfarY 7 BURNS, Susan 4 BYHRS, Airs. ( ) (McCullough)7 CALVARY, Kate 3 CAA.PBELL, Mar-, 2, 7 CARTER, John b CARTER, Sarah C. (McCulloug.�)6 CLARK, Jerry 6 COLEAi;AN, Sarah (McCullough) 7 COOK, Hannah 1 CORBITT, Willis 7 DANDRIDGE, Alexander Spotswood5 DARNELL, Lawrence 5 DAVIS, Carl 2 DENNY, Martha Jane (LeGates) 6 ENGS, Eduard Webb, Jr., 2 ENGS, Eleanita ( Rawlings) 2 FESSENDEN 5 FINLEY, David 6 FOP -REST, Edifin 5 FORSYTH, Jane 7 FOUTS, Elizabeth (McCullough) FOUTS, John F. 5 FR.4AS, Libby 2 FREED, Mary Ellin 6 GARFIELDs 3 GILBERT, Robert 5 GLENN, Thomas 5 GRANT 4r HALE, :fancy Ann 6 HAMILTON, James 5 HAMMIN, Lucinda 5 HAANMON, ideal 0. 2 HANKINSON, Eliza B. 1 HANKINSON, Maj. Henry 1 HANKINSON, Mary (r,cCullough) 1 HA.NSON 5 HAP.LAN, Mary 2 HAR?.IS, Airs. (McColloch) 4 HAR_RCD, Capt *= HASTINGS(? , Angeline 6 HOLLETT(?)HALLETT ?), Harriet HOLLOWAY, Nathan 5 HUNT, Katurah 1 INSKEEP, Sarah 2,7 JENKINS, James D. JOHNSON, Andrew 5 L•EE' s 3 LeGATES, Martha Jane 6 LINCOLN, Abraham 4,5 LORD, Lida Septima 2 ?y LOIERY, Edan Hazel 6 LGWERY, t=.rs. John S. 5, 6,?� LUTES, William F. 6 C-> McAULEY, Archibald 6 J McAULEY, Daniel 'a McAULEY, William 6 McCALLUP(?), Duncan 6 McCLURG, Alma 5 McCLURG, Harriett 6 o McCLURG, Mary Jane 6 ' 0 0 U 1.2 McCLb1M, John is McCOLLOCH, Abram 2 . � McCOLLOCH, Alice (Bog s) 2 McCOLLOCH, Elizabeth Rlard),:? McCOLLOCH, Isabelle (Patrick) McCOLLOCH, John 2,4 cCCLLOCH, Mary Buckey) 2 icCOLLOCH, Clary Campbell) 2 McCOLL•OCH, Mary Mitchell) 2 McCOLLC'" =:c" acca ( ) 2 �ScCOLLCC=', lel 2 iicCCLi,i i. i, rah ( 3nskec p) 2 McCOLLO"' : , * . Thomas 2 McCOLLCCII', J. 4 MCCOLLOCKt John 4 McCOLLUM, q James 3 t4cC(0/A) LLUM, John M. 6 McCULLICK, David G. 4 I•IcCULLICK, Jonas 4 McCULLOCH, Family 3 McCULLOCH, Abigail Ann 3 McCULLOCH, Abram 4 McCULLOCH, A. J. 4 McCULLOCH, Alex 3 YcCULLOCH, D. 3 P•IcCULLOCH, David 4 McCULLOCH, Donald J. r,CCULLOCH, Elizabeta Jeedon) 2 McCULLOCH, Zmiline 3 McC ULLOC H, 7thel B. 3 , 4 I•;CCULLCCH, Ker 5 McCULLOGH, I.G. 4 McCULLOCH, J. L. 3 McCULLOCH, James 2,3,4,5 McCULLOCH, James D. 3 McCULLOCH, James K. 3 McCULLOCH, Jane 293 McCULLCCH, Jennette 3 McCULLCCH, Emily (Wilson) 4 _ 3icCULLOCH, Jessie S. 5 IdcCULLCCH,John 3,4 McCULLOCH, Jahn, Jr. 3 McCULLOCH, John A. 3 cCULLOCH, John W. 394,5 McCULLOCH, M. E. 3 tdcCULLOCH, Mary McCULLOCH, Mary (Nilson) 4 N:cCL'LLOCH, Mary Jane 3 McCULLOCH, Nathan 4 McCULLOCH, R. J. (North) 4 I,:cCULLOCH, Rebecca 1 McCULLOCH, Rebecca J. (McGee) 4 McCULLOCH, Roderick 2 McCULLOCH, Robert 3 McCULLOCH, Samuel 4 McCULLCCH,Samuel B. 4 McCULLOCH, Susan (Burns) 4 McCULLOCH, Ta T. J. 4 McCULLOCH, bitha (McGee) 4 I•IcCULLOCH, 11m. J. 4 !cCULLOCK, Dalla 3 I�cCULLOCK, David 4 McCULLCCK, D.G. 4 KcCULLOCK, G. C. S. 4 MtCULLOCK, Jenret 3 r,cCULLCCKp John 3 14cCULLOCK, John M. 4 McCULLOCXq Mary 3 I-IcCULLCCK, N. 4 '•'_cCULLOCE, Nathan 4 tiicCULLCCK, Tillie 3 '.•iCCjLLCM, :im ti t`cCT.TLLC:i-?, Alexander 3 McCULLON-?v John 3 1:cCULLON-?j Sarah A. 3 i:cCUILLOUGH, Family 3 ILIcCULLOUGH, Abram 7 McCULLOUGH, Albert 5 McCULLOUGH, Alcey (Boggs) 7 M,cCULLOUGH, Alma (McClurg) 5 I•.cCULLOUGH, America ('r:ewel) 5 i•.cCULLOUGH, Angeline (Hastings) r 211cCULLOUGH, Ann 5 McCULLOUGH, Cart. Benjamin 1 t.,icCULLOUGH, Catherine(Van :Teter 7 McCULLOUGH, David Sigel (Sig) 6 McCULLOUGH, Zdna Hazel 6 McCULLOUGH, Edvrard 5 IMCCULLOUGH, Elender 7 McCULLOUGH, Eliza Jane (le"'c Iirn) 2 FcCULLOUGH, Elizabeth5,7 McCULLOUGH, Elizabeth (Stung) 5 ifc^L•LLOUGH, 'llen (Acheson) -2 o1cCULLOUGH, r.lmer 2 i•:cCULLOUGii, Zlizabe th (o ard) 7 McCjULLOUGH,Erlistis 6 McCULLCU Gil, _sther 5 :,icCTZ.'LCi:;GHj Col. F. 2 5 ..IcC _ Lir.., . anny 4, :•:cC::L-C►3G:=, George 2,7 :.cCULLCUG::, S: or;e :9asrin-ton McCULLOUGH, Gcorme J.. Jr. 6 ;IcCULLOUGFi, Hanna 2 MCCULLOUGH, Hannah MCCU" LOUGH 9 Hannah Cook) 1 MCCULLOUGH, Har4-4-ett 7 MCCULLOUGH# Harriet ( Hollet-?/ Hallett--?) 5. (8) MCCULLOUGH, Harriet (acClung) 6 :icCULLOUGH, Harry L. 2 t•+cCULLOUGH, Henrietta 2 I�IcCULLOUGH, Henry 5 t:cCULLOUGH, Jane ( ) 6t7 MCCULLOUGH, Jane ('sythl 7 IiICCULLOUGH, John 2,3516,7 cscCL'LLOUGH, John B. 5 ycCULLOUGH, John C. ? cCUI.LOUGH, Joseph d. 6 :.IcCULLOUGH, Katurah (Hu--nt) 1 iiCCULIDUGH, Lewis 2 mcCULLOUGH, Louisa 5 McCULLOUGH, Lucinda (Ha=ir) 5 1.cCULLOUGH, Lucy J. 3 !cCULLOUGH9 Margaret 2 _ McCULLOUGH, Margarete () 2 MXCUT-LOUGH , I-:artha 7 McCULLOUGH, 111artha % Kerby) 5 McCULLOUGH, Martha Weeks (Allred 6 McCULLOUGH, Martha F. (Young) 5 MCCULLOUGH, Martha Jane (LeGates) (Denny) 6 McCULLOUGH, Mary 1, 2, 7 McCULLOCGH, Mary (Bukey) 7 McCULLOUGHp Mary Campbell) 7 McCULLOUGH, nary Harlan) 2 McCULLOUGH, tilarS ivlitchell) 7 . McCULLOUGH,Mary (0{4ara) 2 :dcCULLOUGH, Mar-- Ellin Freed)6 McCULLOUGH, MAry Emma 2 McCULLOUGH, Mary H. (Tyner) 6 McCULLOUGGH, Mary Jane (McClung) MCCULLOUGH, May Amoret 1 McCULLOUGH, Moses 6,7 McCULLOUGH, Moses Jr. 7 McCULLOUGH, Nancy 2 McCULLOUGH, Nan -.y A. 5 tIcCULLOUGH, Nancy Ann (Hale) 6 McCULLOUGH, Nanny 5 McCULLOUGH, Oscar 6 McCULLOUGH, Parthena (Stephens) McCULLOUGH, Flissie Jane (Miner) McCULLOUGH, Rachel 7 McCULLOUGH, Robert: 7 McCULLOUGH, Robert Taylor 6 McCULLOUGH. Samuel 7 I;cCULLOUGH, Samuel :�: 5 14cCULLOUGH, Sarah McCL'LLOUGH, Saran ? Inskeep) 7 't•IcCt3LLOUGH, Sarah C. 6 __... McCULLOUGH, Sarah Elizabeth 7 McCULLOUGHt Susan L. (I•iolden) 6 McCULLOTIG::, Theodore 7 McCULIXUIGHt Thomas 7 McCULLOUGH, Lt. Thomas 7 M,cCULLOUGH, Thomas Bentar. 5 McCULLOUGH, Viola Victoria 6 McCULLOUGH, Col. William 1 McCULLOUGH, dilliam C. 6,7 ':cCULLOUGH, William. Hamilton 6 McCULLOUGH, William R. 7 McCULLC'rl, Charlie 3 McCULLOW, Kate (Calvary) 3 McCULIZ., Mae Calvary 4 McCULLOW, P.J. 3,:� McCULOCK, Alexander 3 i,.cC ULOCK, John 3 McCULOCK, Sarah A. 3 McGEE, Rebecca J. 4 MCGL'E, Tabitha 4 McLAMORE, Shadrach 2 M61INN, Elisa Jane 2 MAHOOD, Stephen 6 M'U"_ 1ti, Guy 3 : Guy 3 ?�E":_ ..:i=.L�, �st'rer (:cCt,, l.oug1.) 5 if=:11 :I: LL, J.C. 5 i• ' : , :'1i ie Jane 2 7 I.10LDZN, Susan L. 6 •iCORE, May Amoret (McCullough',l bARG Nt Mrs. Guy 394 MOULTOKt Alice 2 HASH, Iilliam 5 :;Z,:7_L, America 5 NOn.H, Miss R. J. 4 . 01 HAF.A, 'a r r 2 PATRICK, Isabelle 2 PATRICK, Rachel ( ) 2 PATRICK, Robert I - PATTEN, Christine 2 `PA•PTEN, Col. Jilliam S. 2 PATTERSON, Jane 1 PATTERSON, Dr. John 1 PATTERSON, Louisa E. (Reid) PvAREE, Ann (McCULLOUGH) 5 P;ARCE, George S. 5 ?'TRY, Alexander 5 POINDEXTZER 2 CLLA vD, E . A. 2 PORTER 2 ?0',IELL, Louisa (: Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NG On- VI-/ 17(f FA Fol v u to z-�-.a, - u .fidws, V.? -- ^. -4- - - �A 'Is.Q - r rMIA Lynn McCulloh Wins High Point Scholarship Lynn McCulloh daue Mr. and Mrs. Jotm��— Route 1, Advance, has won a Presidential Scholarship to High Point College. Miss McCulloh is a senior at Davie County High School and v' expects to enter _College in September. Presidential Scholarships are valued at $4,000 and are High oint College's highest academic award. Entering freshmen recognized as Presidential Scholars must be superior in scholarship, leadership, and citizenship. Miss McCulloh is a member \ of the National Honor Society, Lynn McCulloh the Student Council, was amember of the Spanish, Bible, photographer for the annual Social Studies, and Pep clubs, staff, on the debating team, and - and is a majorette. She is active was Homecoming Queen- She is in church work. Redjpnd Club Meets Davi@ County Public Library Mocksville, NC