McCulloh, Loose Papers Folder 7209 Noland St o 1 Falls Church., Vao 22046 Jull,- 4, 1979 Meso ;�o L, 14 sh Hcxte 5g t, co, OW San &::Yit onio, T �:as 73211 Dear l '}rs o P',nsh: I do riot pu}31i: h a IIcCull.ough-McCulloch T1let•rsletter9 hcalever9 I 6o contribute to twoQ They are : _ I icutzi.l=.ugh i4e. os T?1,,:re is no cls xce .dor this publi= it o 'W'. R. Yarw ood cation; but., in order to keep it 1250 1a ;>#,rcte t;olle ;e islvdo Spa 31 frcr. 'tein� so costly to Iiro amocd9 11nal:e:o�9 California X2806 a contribution. of x5000 up Will helpo Clan icCtrll.ouh - 1tcCulloch Newsletter iirSo �iatty t: CCUlloc}1 :�Lll'Zf,GI'S., z?eco 3-404 hellaia:e Drive �:olcrado �SPI.3.ng Colaz•ado 80909 I I_wve flm- ctten ;chat the me_:bersbip is, ::�ixt about �,4 or 1,3 per ye -aro Write•µ_ to i° j E3 O Sura,, er So To the ccon:.`. �-)_s_•t oy` yc loth , F 7 tc ?' .y t` ' o 0 1764 nd. s •::�.. �. , r•�r a •en » o.. s•:aI I ScCullou h u G L�•o Jolm I.ircm?n. I enclose copy of a vil.l in which she is menticnEdo Jaraes I cC-u11oh9 Book C1:2279 Eci-m Coo., Tdo Caro Wills. Ilnr brr:thers ix. -re: Samuels Jchn; sisters wee:: ' rah i ifc of 1'ath niel Johnson* Jane, wife o�" Len jar:{in Smith; I•:uth and ;lizabeth lnn, c 1,?1<�, tl•urt ::���y. wire o i'evo Jrhn Brown, ipso Son �.�ue1 and I.obert Locke. wit* Jobb, GaL­.,j-1xx rind %. my Hi3.7.o i have ,.r:Lce f a r•lsr asearcho Tl�zt you contribute: wl-at you have on your family so that oo®.r oc=o.... esr�i.�$�e.r we can ;-,,.t nfo onc: spam all the 11cCulluaf l•t9 ate, data which we can? In Rcrian. Count, 1.1ol,'t1i Ccrxtflina are a nutubc;r of i•IcCull_c-ughso jalice I-1. Eidson., 2909 i!iaplCwOcd Znronuc_j, :inston-6alem,, 1". Car, 271039 descend; frcr►. the JaniesTVIcCullohg Me G9 P. 1.109 kinMqdC ., wife ...,,as Elizabeth, but who. --,e ehi.l-ren. are listed . ass C•'I•wrle, s, llo.,iu'y i::t st�ace, unci Alfred9tfier ance.,tcxre I Ltoulcl like to ;-et each of 'th�sa Z.in : ,es sortr;d out to see if there is a possibillit-r of a ccmmon ancestry. With regard UO ti:i: '�,,r�:il;�., i ;iss i :arC;ery Cl,�'ist,ianser.9 "o,tc, 19 73,o - 2�4, ilinck_ey., Einnesota,,, 55037 has oust l�� i a c.oc',ti repilbli.shed of : tIlter :•jcCuliocr of 1Lrdwallo In this book., is a portion of the. cu:c :stry of IIenry Lustace "cCullcch., and the fal::ilies of Gene it lexander Pi Cul.loch (ho r�=+ght `_a ,-: a colo can't recall uithct:t locri.n; it up) who descend from that stem. It is tart :he.; J, nook %Alich I he vi_- seeno There may be no copies left,, but they are 3.8@50 We It alrtoot riahkcs rie beli(.-Me that L'gnjtlr=�il1, Mille f ou,jht in_ -the Rovo frorY: T , J o is of the same family,, I belic.ve aeons registered to I1im are identical. ve It mill be c4 si.:r to ret back to the next Coneration if-rescarch on the familios in this courrt`4r Can ;-;c com-d-L ?ated, Fars. Fidson haws, that a si:.U.r %-Jent to Tennessbe to ' live tu1c le, obtained a job and married t ` ere o If the 1--xLtr ern of mir -atioii, of the "cc=..:;_ -.i c:; carp he established, it ;rill be : o -helpfule Yours sincerely, (Mrs. John as bowery) P18Vi@ Coun tY Public Iabpy MocksAle, � N. Ca2.t ibrmop '6xa8 Notes ; SCU oarp M Fran C.(wlt t SMVr "rshi .f11ea by dxk4 ;ym, ' C,,r u,;h Lo �^ :.moi !Iaml 3t.x TrXIS G!wrch� s:r. .'(Iii; `;urx;tr '4, IM .i; rser.b• r ui3.l, Doe 110. 1, mix! !v r ` ;tti r 1.-4. -:(, w.ei m.* 2# :the^r Inc. 3t 7rttUT�r jj li:lea MAO s:n] za c'rtst'::;ca., :10),alIV-5e Picked Uv c:a a!!-'ra :tet. s' r.: ch %-Irc'ri-reo I)nIi a 551 dole ,3ff. 1. GuI.-;'.; � :Iinlmm Jtuuita, usu. cS .i13.ia:1 --IUM at-, It. 11 27-11M xc2icu 1 •+-;Iia U• -C3.• !'� r+IziSi ,�j7� .^.• 7.1�.�.. ne '.i I:;.a:� Id.'132`;• :,.02je (rL. �1� '+• ��:2J�lS3:tii 4iITJ# _-llia Ci U. :'r?.X':«• _•ISE clII:t. Uf -► `C=7 4111p b. 9--27.1.'i4'+P (4ks-Villcs '+. Gmr., do :.ys•:., :iiia Co, c:,::ns 104171.Mf sje ..i:: -+re_,4444 wife l• c** �' � ars—T•}th.cf!(r. Jldcv ';t s' '-e.p 7c,rt.; do faidta il:, '_,, ass r.r.':':�1. �i 9�l1 ('!• .>"�!""5(..iV7• d�" t✓AL1• r,f ,immc-a 'f)1'?'�."f°� '.;• 20-Y'18191 mthcrt.'crd coos `:QrSFi• 4• l�!Itr.ZG�.+ . 7.ius 't. 11PY. !.Ilia t-O.s Rercai n. 3-271847 lao .. dl -1. , .iTx :xrya Jf1!ic;, Ir. J -,.:i 'i g1 J3= Ct• a -1'1(F Mau i3O.� >Oxas. V,.c.. .Eq.:.;,;.lrL.:� ;f10im!er. b. 6rlt.17769 !tusaiShorg coo, %.f cl• 8 -4 -DW, in U•, ex=a. ;. 9.22,a7cP3!::,';i:iR� r3anoas Fishers t). 4-11-17M :-.i:1ie Co., d. dm1Owo1S4,V 1`11;'S ;:t®!(� Ellis 'o., 70=0. ( to.) is lie. z;) 56. lam.. «i::•,:� ikril,jw-I11, b. 17:77. "alif4s: S"C•I 1�.tr• d. On -tons, ;,.4cAM cQ b ii. L'£!r. 1 9, a, 175%. - 57..1,'i-;.. s :;»°al: (14mt-Cclt) b• 1 �-? -171,1 ;.zi: a r., urg i:a., ry•; cl. t.!scstaU neir_lifr# ..?wc : .q"L: B. , S::t d fee tics. aG &nd 57: :c,: 4,L,,.1s 7'r1:=Sadr, b. 171.1 cr•::s. -;artah Ll tla* Cs3Hal1 'trrp b• U16.1774,9 n. Itwzps Pishcr Lonacir cunt Isis twin c1. .; Elie :ogre .., Asx gin., :_A.• :i '11MIX-tt_ r3.:Jil iarr clan 4MM trlF ;io car....tl!te k000rf.':a . c1. S•� p. Vfib Hieatcaical '4aotoly,m of :;. t:,Lr. 15x4-3Ba# ' 01. Cla1 C'tAPtcro . irp84-'5s *`010 2p po IC5 ,;%tifux Ga. '.i't..cv"s 191(;F ;a• 40 run,w Ir" 1• 1' u}Hlai(1G mita no ! Fcl• .` $ t.adirly S '•• , ;'r,:rY:3': 3U1;rl k.• a+l"? Ie Vi i+isr. A •^• ` ..: :...p : aZ7 a4103 tjifiop U• 3•,2SA-IMO !�"hvil`oq d. 3•+:"-,�7.•. `.?;', Tio l«nIr�SY3 (• :.IAXIV Jaeassjp l,, t.-Z/-V,3u* i.• v:.sinsG� "petrt� 7-2vnj t+q u,;Irvilla m. 7. ; 'T "' _,'•, htle!]aicta . o. wcz a, :,. 1.1().1 ""Is Itaaohvills� ,;, 3'-•3: ; cmf 3 rlln � sl:. .: !,, no l C "cTy 6dn3xifb ::toY (U'ricult to Public Libfary ;_, Uerajwta t1 (Verified tiY 5W 856) ural Davie County -'1• N%RICE ;j::l,K. so :+erah. MO&Sville, NC fte 20 MXti IN atq(1UMI: Isome of Rose, 30-31: TvtC('u:,LCit.i1# hlextuAaX 3—luni77W/ s4 G;UACli# Bs»441dn 4-16-2791 kiaCUl-Im"t# rIcx '4a1'"u7.I,t.CT,p :mrah @ 1.11.1-Mr,p FlizzaZieth :,=r£f'lamtiam from no. 5W 8.56 below: in. Yjra.i mu 1''. Ibnoir me Woo icrah .inn OeJA) iilasNsl?. mt. ba31ie furore 12. A'tlij. *i. '.'i+.ci.OPl6tll d. ymw, 1. a'tra-imon, Sarah uavitte# b. 3-2t"olcb4 a.w4thimtCru# aexes. irna4:�>rsu 4545 ;-rmwi Bort art'==:arts Tam*) dau. 2. ' a%vulmtr.:, f asm Jamno ti, i,— Nfr" l`25# :.edisamville# se' os n. as 2d. *tire 3. Wji},ii# Klion, be %449'tl# IdmctthnrfQr(I# emko# m. Jaron Alp 2.rt?.2 6. Lislf ;Tt# yrW*t b. 72.:1-1ftq '^V,+.h kffwadl Idma, d. th"rfrrel Tore z-3irS94i n. 7. Ge.:J1WnP# Nettie, b. 3r-11t„138t_i3 WylioO iexw4 me 1.13.1903 Ut 14. al.i� C o4i t$s Nwiry I'urriuou# be d. IWA m. 3874 15. 1401.'UU,(�C!+r .�srah t e�t 11. W54), C.I. 1(j1 yrm-l. 30.-W.LLLCClir Jeose S4# be 13.31# 0o 1858 r. 285;3# 31. j*rindii J. be 1"3Ijl ti. 11373. 60. E•Psdo,;aAA ti.# .Saffincc .*mjmdn he 1791.# d. 18(2p aa. 11115 %r1s isi,"t s;atsan# be 17A# d. 1844 220. 'lVMLiA,;hj, i=.cnjarin be 3WOS d. 182Wri, vire C..;t6er.:] J# Sarah (moa Little) be 1763# d. 1803 #s. 1781 240. 146OUL=!fs ilBq a# be 1737# 7'lalixws: ,ca., .Fie AS cares 38090 Me 1758 2410 : a2LZCt v .torah h. 17A I s d. 1799 Ole iWAJLt=p hjo==1r-r p L. 1'713s . 171A me 1.81 ML4 Oarabs. be V24 t!. 17710 me =4-. Cul,*, e"All i5aat,-4 in i'Ga a vain b. &Kava V, r-£ "iecl by 344 6883 12J. 1.8. Npte2 "Mo lkk rooMYd to �4ec= if Atte lm li.aty9 as was married to Casarral2, first. Fee.ntmo Chili ;4a.# 17+.0 r:. nmhaxc ]'_ title tittle t r 114tlA" • tote darah ='HL -.rt in pOttim'. to le Olite fir - Altr,,tt ti^a: datat art Si.tbr!. e,rlicr rcCceiis sight not ;sc: l,eaan unite 60 V1ft1i-dootW,szted. but at ,.f X77 evorytUtri- in and if it dow :atb prow caxplstslyr esta to rwtarned. Nota# t.;;« ai�v,.s c,u%Mm not Wec °.l£th "s w ::s: BJti M.",I' •+, wl-Ach I lavr hrr Xc! is malt accepted so taroa nvu. I ria not knew that it over wave Mil try to eh«ok ft °'na 'o-- cs' t :rag t-au*meta an th4m 'arily. •til pint check to :.ov 1.f Z oun 1IL4 the ul,;rovu us' '.,Ie- ita,t7 a00% to ver. s+1rrL :air; lima, u- ttc,.reNs it •c .-pomdLla# I ticf.nk# to ;rem the filo vWnb is rmserved j-ur the i;.Jt RezfmLRopjmtn my jjoh contains 11x: ntvnr'n ro u: rrs. JuLea I have ruav„r r,yiYO nmir, eata on VM &,11.'T 4:411,irI&A list -.d a:;.,Mw: i, e. :r�:asls •.*prci:.icn:I-$Ot-r +.},,.V.. mmad `o 'TaC4=och dtaaac>an:_z::tas. «s Davie County Public UbiA Mooksville, NC 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Va. 22046 January 24, 1980 Dear Mrs. Eidson: Thank you for sending me the copies of your lineage. I did not have them. I am intrigued by some of the statements. First, the one about James McCullough descending from the kings of E.,[land. I had read that somewhere, and it took @e such a long time to find out where. It was in a Lawrence or Hale genealogy that I found it. That made it more interesting. (biography at D.A.R. in a printed work.) My grandmother was Nancy Ann Hale; she was the daughter of Turner Hale and §arah Butler. Turner Hale said he was born in east Tennessee in 1810, and his brother Jeremiah was born in 1810. They may have bad a sister Elizabeth who married Thomas Cresap (Chrissope); we are not sure. The marriage reads Elizabeth Hall, but I found no other Halls in the county! I know that Thomas Chrissope, in addition to being sort of a renegade during; the Civil War was a Baptist preacher of some note. Have no idea w hat happened to him following the Civil War. The first record in Tennessee of my great grandfather was in Benton Co, although the Butlers came from Montgomery Co., N. Car. Sarah Butler was the daughter of ?Ruben Butler, and Sarah Morris who married as a second husband William Morris, who seems to have been from N. C r. as well, and we see several Morrises in Montgomery County, N. Car. (formed from Anson). My father did not know how Tom Chrissope was related, but he called him "Uncle Tom" Cfmissope and my father only knew of him by word of mouth from rel.tives. Hp also had the wrong side of the family f or he thought it was obi the McCullough, but that could not be (conventiently, that is). Now about the book copied by Marjorie Christiansen. McC. Memos member Walter McCulloch of Ardwall wrote the book, and Miss. C. had it copied in the U.S. Only 25 copies were made. It goes back and back. The Iredell correspondence is mentioned only through Mr. McCulloch's connections to that family in the U.S. Here are a couple of addresses of the known "amily of Henry Eustace. Mrs. Nora McCulloch Smith 530 Su; -g St. Dyersburg, Tenn Miss Bettye McCulloch Henry Davie County Public Ubrary P. 0. Box 426 MOCks0fe, NC Hillsboro, Missouri 63050 I have wanted to wine to them, but my recent accident has been more than confining, and I have not gotten it done. I do plan to do it for I have much data. If James McCulloch came to the U.S, before the Revolution, could he have been a brother or cousin of Alexander from which the ones above descend? As I understand, only illegitimate descendants of the first Henry Eustace, but I donut know. Would you like me to send you my copy of that file? Was Mary Elizabeth LawrenceHouston's husband related to Samuel Huston? My Hale— Butler family somehow relates indirectly to Sam Houston (maybe through Bines). Were you, or have you been able to identify the Harriet and William McCulloh qs members of your family. Do ,you knew about those marvelous maps O5 ich can be purchased from Pacificana Books, P. 0. Box 398, Jamestown, N. Car. 27282 for certain N. Car. counties. They are 42.50 plus 75¢ 'postage. CountieA,are Davie, Montgonery; Surry, Stokes, Randolph and Yadkin, also Rockingham. I found one parcel of land of Henry Eustace in Montgomery County. Several other maps will be forthcoming. I do not know which Henry Eustace, but it was late. Also, it showed who received his confiscated property. I note that Mocksville is in Davie Co. in my map. You might be able to get some records to show who William might be. Also, note they are going to Texas, and this is just about the time my Family moved from Tennessee into Missouri and Arkansas with some goiTig on to Texas (apparently, with Austin and Houston). Does the Harriet or William McCulloh show in 1840 or 1850 census records in N. Car:? We have so many tinidenti.fied McCulloughs who came from N. Car., and alas we cannot tie them to anything, or anyone, or anywhere in the State. By the way, Turner and SaralP Butler Hale' s eldest son i•ias b orn in Mi ss... but I have been unable to find any record of them there, and they must have been there only a year or so. But, why? I have no idea; It is a big puzzle!.?."', Would Harriet and William have been cousins to your line, having been children of Charles, or Henry Bustace. Can you develop your line into a history rather than a genealogy? Also, Rebecca McC llough md. John Pate. Where did they go in Arkansas? I grew up on the White River in Missouri. Could y,. --,u give me a county, because we have a line of McCulloughs who went to Salem, Arkansas. Katherine McCullough's husband is of that line (see address in McC. Memos or Clan McC. Newsletter). Also, we had some McC. in Arkansa, a Marion,killed in Civil War, who was married to a R obins m from Pd . Car. I have never found out where. Descendants were in Colorado or in Calif. where they did quite well. Do yu_;have 1850 census readi gs for your lire without my boing down to the Archives to read them? All that is in the county. an, sure we can find your family, but I think possibly you will need to start looking in Scotland or Ireland, or maybe even England. You have no date of Je,mes' birth, correct? Nor an aper oximati on; Yes, I would like copies ofANY AND ALL McDullough data. I hope to get it ready for some repository somewhere, sometime Sincerely, CA 4 (Mrs. J ohn S. Love y) These two ladies are supposed to have LETTERS AND DOCJMEri TS as proof of the Hanry Eu:;tace relationsip. 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Va. 22046 April 5, 1979 *rs. Alice H. Eidson 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. Carolina 27103 Dear Mrs. Eidson: I was pleased to have your letter of April 4. My watch says it is April 6, so the mail is not as rapid as the above would indicate! Re: Munro. I have done no work on the Munros. My information on that Clan stems from the fact that I searched to see where the McCulloughs lived. I found they were "gentlemen of the clans" Munro, Ross, Donald and McDougal. Which means, they did not take the surnames of the clans among whom they lived, but retained their family identity. However, I talked at the Scottish games one year with the Chief of the Clan Munro. I think he lives in Leesburg, Va. If I can find the Clan address, will send it along. It is, Clan Munro $ssociation, U.S.A., 5028 Prestwick Dr., Fairfax, Virginia 22030. A* the good doctor to Brite to him. If not, take himself to the Highland Games at Grandfather Mcdntain. They are great fun, and you would enjoy it. Alas, the McCullcughs are lowland Scots: Nvw for your McCulloh. When y-�u get to that spelling, I always am a bit leery, fcs I do not know enough a'out it. Is your James this one: McCulloch Wills in Rowan Co., N. Car, Book G. p. k22, 410, 1 Jane 1?11. prb. 1816, Wife: Elizabeth: Sons: Charles, Henry Eustace, Alfred, Daus: Catherinte Barefield, Betsy McCulloh, Peneolope Minola, Amy McCulloh, Henrietta McCulloh, Rebecca MaCulloh- Ex. wife Elizabeth, Wit: Henry Clement, Sr., John Clement, Godrey Clement. If that is your ancestor, then there are a few things I would do. A. Try to find land records for James and Elizabeth. Either where the land they owned came from (look at deeds), who brothers and sisters were, etc. In Book G, p. 227, 27 July 1812 is another James McCulloh. Both use the "oh" endi ng. The famous Henry Eustace McCulloh also used the "oh" and sometimes "ah" ending. The line of Generals Ben and Henry Estace McCulloah suprosedly come from tb a same lineage. I shall send you,BUT PLEASE RETURN, something I have on them. I think , perhaps, they might have cone from Myrtoun, but Henry Eustace, according to his will, lived in England. There are one or two other clues if you are of the line of Clement. I ;include that also. Virginia marriage, I think, Series 1, volume 4, 1607-1800, Wulfm ck: Ann McCulloch, md. William Clements. Please return everything, I am sending, and let me have what you have on your lineage to date. It could be there would be something else. Sincerely yours, (1i et � (Mrs. John`S. Lowery) Davis County Public Library p, MOCIQVllle, NC 209 Noland St., Falls Church, Va. 22046 February 219 1982 Mrs. Alice Eidson 1135 Kenwood St. Winston-Salem, N. Caro 27103 Dear Mrs. Eidson: I would like to refer to Fancily of Alexander of N. Car (lines of Gen. Benjamin and Henry Eustace McCuUoeh), your James McCulloh of Rowan Co., N, Car. and the family of Benjamin McCulloch who served in the J.eQ.r War. I believe that these are one family grouping --some distance removed, say 1700 or before. Roma County, N, Car. Wills: Bk. G:410. 1 June 1814, prb. 1816. Wife, Eliz. Sons: Charles, Henry Eustaee, Alfred, Daus, Catherine Harefield, Betsy McCulloh, Penelope Minola, Amy McCulloh, Henrietta McCulloh, Rebecca McCulloh. Witli Henry Clement Sr., John Clement, Godley Clement Mary Clement Douglas, 1504 Pawnee, Salina, Kansas 67401, descends from the Alexander McCulloch above, first listed. She has the work of Betty McCulloch Henry which I have been trying for years to get. I hope to be successful this time* You reminded me that Rebecca-McCulloh married John Pate, and lived in Tennessee for awhile, and moved on to Arkansas on the White River. Alfred McCulloh and Jincy Daniel McCulloh' ,bad a son Charles Granvi3lb - McCulloh who migrated to Arkansas and lived near his aunt and uncle. Rebecca Pate was buried on Maxwell gin farm, near Locust Grove, Greenbriar twp. was mentioned. I can find no Locust Grove in Arkansas, but I believe that CMcCN, Y4, #31 p. 89 is your Charles Granville McCulloh. Idependenee_Caunty� Greenbrier Twp.: Same County in Christian twp. Cl- �' McCulloch, Ch. G. 47, b. N. Car, are two boarders: n , nary J. 26, b. Ark. McCullough, Delia B. b. Aug. 18831 o Victoria 5, b. Ark. age 16, and 0 Kate 1, b. Ark. McCullough, Susan, b. Sept. 1886, age 13. Possibly daughters of Charles Granville McCulloh, and of a first marriage. Batesville is the county seat of this county, which is one of the early ones. I found nothing in 1850, but of course this family would not have been born as I. subtract until c. 1833, but an Evan McCollough (see p. 84) does show in 1850,. Batesville, Independence Co. Locust Grove could be the name of a plantation. In Arkansas Tax Lists for 1833, you might have noted a Robert McCulloch in Christian Twp., Independence Co. The last information you sent to me on William, Harriet and George._, and your line of James and Alfred is most interesting. I have poured over it for sometime, but just do not have enough N. Carolina data for anything. Way don't you send this data, or I will if you wish, to Betty McCulloch Summers ( Clan MeC. Newsletter) to reproduce? I think it might help a lost of people who are somewhat lost. Include the letter of William to his sister H<xriet. It might be that you are in someway related to the Evan McCullough whose data was published in a recent issue. The more I think about it, the mare I incline to wonder. I think it might be worth a bit of study. Hope all is well with you. I have spent may spare time on my own family, and havent't done too much with other lines. 0109 Noland Stop ral2a Cb vchp Da. 22046 Fbbruary Up 1982 Mrs. May went 14s 1504 knee SaU nay Ilse 67401 Dear Mrs. Douglass t Thank you f or y= kind letter„ On Jamory 24# lip I wrote to l req Butt" Y i1lo-ah Henryp P. 0. Baac 426p Hillabo rop Missouri 63050 about her liirmWp bat she did not respond. I believe you can relate a xautsssber of other families to yc ws p and it sews to me that it qcu3d be very rewarding fcs° you,. 1. Cci d you xercot off a copy of th© 1W Hp which you have on your Alexander? I would be wiLlUig to pay the coat cC you- doing tbise 20 I b eliew that Jams Dict loop (no g) whose will is recorded in ha n Coo# No Caro Bock G ss;, Ds, 1 Juan 18114 putt. 183.60, whose wife was EUmabethp with saws Charles$ Rory Eustaa ep Alfieda and daauso Cates Barefielad : Betsy MoCullach, Penelope hind t Amy McCiLllochl, Henrietta, Pim .lochp P'L;�beccs HeCullaughe With wife Mzabetif exec resssp and Witnesses: Henry Clement Sr, # Jdw t3ments and Godfrey Mem,ent is a a ct Ycu r 21 0 Mrso Alice Eidsoup 1.135 Kenwood Stop Winstcam6al H, Carr. 27103 descends from the abase James. Of the ohil.dren listed in the above will# Rebecca MoCullough moved to ;shite Fiver (tomo I do not know) in Arkareas* It is strata to m that I mew yap on thn ftte Ri-ver 3n Stave Coop 114sszouri. F:re. Eidson has a list of the descanda is of Alf ado Amir sed« John Lawrence Jum 4. cr Deco 1+p IWM# They bad a ci it . Eazaboth laure ee who md,& a 1�rs Haaastone Their children who werf broaght frcu Tess to live with Any and J obaa Laurence were X Fars► duel and Texwm He stone 3* A Mrs. Bt:rbara J. Dates of 220 Varsity Cii,clep Arlington$ Texas 76013 wrote to me about- being a deawndant of Ben jand a lk cWl loW and Fliwbeth Dike ( tJykesa) p an Indian through McCulloch b. o. 185; who bad a sister Phoebe who We iiia C1tbarnp and a brother :` cep who was hanged in Cuerrop Tom, LaapheM semi,* Jams Sates in the rAOs and li•. ed in r ilm Coop Teas. She died ap 1,904 as an Indian reservation in Walt= ( be Ch©ctav)o She noes not know if it is the saw gamin 14cOuLUa ch whose brctber was Remry Eusstasae However# .from our area of ncrtharn Ark and saohth9r*1o# sa p -eat mmy residents were related to cr ksa w Sam Houstoup the Rogerd and the faders of the rive Civilized ized Tribc:sa who were ,roved westwsard, This incluftd scmo of my am relatives who went to Bell, Hilams cad other Tams C€untiess at the times 4. I have thought for a Icag time that ywr Benjamin or Ilse mdeor =d the Benjamin HaCull og1h of New Jerss<ey# who served in the Revolutions, and whose sou ViD iam salla served In the Revolution were relatives* I think if you will careful read tin enol.d Ru ing geamIcap it vi3l alma t be esstabli hedl I refer to the Item about the seal in the lands of the Piatt and McCuUmbsao BqMamin McCullough h had arms rMiatered in Vow Joraay. ee the Maxwell ge .ca, or some of the early XeWl.lcra h metas which had then all lasted on the Cover of arc edition (if not# I do lave tiem),o I allo know that there is co=idarable data cm tWiUlam Budd McCulloughp otbar tb= the hussing Fami2y t wesalogyp but it has been so long ago that it will take me a liths time to this where I filed It. . Jobn R„ lcyuahp 522 Wo % Street# Chula Vista.# Csat=ornga 92411 is of the ftft Benjamin mcCullc l.in+e, and acmecoae of that 31cep it sees to me was 'work an SpUlAg a nemorial erected. Sea back Lewes of McC. Memoso Platts I bslirevesr aUo wrvte Daman C' Moots It BMc lit= T c=hets litpunvtcu 99MI, 4n Nota, l Term* I�w"t,��M Utaft� ��Fe"61 WcrfefaratO SOIdier) b. 18 Pebv JM� Union Parish La xd* �� O MOCUllooN bo 28 Fob• x.852 Ail Their first child FAry Jane Ceaze1 barn 26 Nov* 2869 In Files Vg3.®a q E13.4.0 Cauntys Tax=* A granddaughter t� oc�sple t�roW 'Gonsr� Ban Henry gh'ter of scan at the �► c���h� brctr.�ra� fought with Salm leather who was bnriedd, at FIUG q��►�t3.n at the lZati�.nt tear►. Tbe2r in ,� ®yo Tx and €� -red and buried with - the g�a1$ gave, no other inf tioa ca how these JMm related to Falls McCullcch Feral, I bane another f might }�@e been as fuw.ee4e►`exe to tbam "Farm" "OW1100h had a Aster named Sallie uhO MW IL VL139 With o� of -E'Ua CO,! Tx- ShO s .24 at that time ed b thew in n Tko Thehq r father Was bon in Tenn« and thOir Matter was barn � ir Usted as having died 17 ,&ug• 1924*'° �'" Tb P'ax is I haVS not heard frem Darin since Dec. IMp but 1 apt sure that she is also of yc=r lineage, I have just tamed with �' t Peru we demand free the sit® X11 �' � ��atr� t�hc� nova thiY� but it is ping to take acm looking arc=d to find out„ "Would11k9l a* to bvLvre a dopy Qf . boas; (Loco ;frso gyre); b. to know if CU interested in +a pure y family "histcary" Doge in d9pth„ So ' peoPU jusY have t a POdU V lin e, but the hUtcory jis acs nuch MQM interes ae I have artier so but 3 cannon all the farm into Its �ed frc� �c y news r you can do it witU th®rso p�► pal lines as outlined pere, sPEctf. . I t.hi :h sincorely youre, (Mrs. J Obn S. Lacy) �.afm ?,;blic ubtaq Da�jP Co �Ao Edna Hazel McCullough Lower 209 Noland St, y alts Church, Va. 22046 MEMORANDUM March 19 1962 To: Mrs. Alice Eidson, 1135 Kenwood Street, Winston-Salem, N, Car. 27103 Mary Clement Douglass 1504 Pawnee, Salina, Kansas 67401 Subject: James McCullah of Rowan County, Y. Car•. Clan McG. Newsletter has recently had some data about McCullough) James who was b... in Rowan Co., Y. Crlr,. and served in the Rev,' moved to Montgamry Co,,, Ky', etc. Miss Jimmie McSween descends from the line. I recall several years ago having seen a census record of Hawkins Co,, Tenn',, in which mention is made of a Clement McCullah, I believe it is 1810„ The code is 0-4; 5-9; 10-14; 15-19; 20-29; 30-39, and so on for 13 digits for males & females: Hawkins Co., Tenn: 1830 Census Pa, f+e 10 MeC OLLCU GH, Henry, 001200001--00101 23 " , Josephs 001010001.-000001 22 " s Georges 100001--21001 24 " , Joseph., 00001•--00001 24 " s Williams 220001.,--010001 26 " , Samuel, 0000001-000000258 it, John, 00001-00001 58 " , William, 02121001-1110001 44 " s Clement, 10001- 00001 45 " , Clinton, 00001--00001 42 " , J osephs 01000001-0102101 Henry age 60-70 This Joseph age 6MO Could this Henry ab ove s be Henry kaistace, son of James? I see it cannot, but this may be of the family. I sas intereAdin this line far sometime just because of Clement McCullough, Because Clements appear in your lines, cr as signatures or witnesses of wi ss th6se data about Hawkins Co... might help you. HiI�:TUKY THE ST TE OF CALL (R1,1IA 1W) BICGRAPHICAL RECC& LS, San Joaquin Valleys Calf. Prof, J. M, Guinn Chapman Publishing Co.9 C1,ica-,o 1905. 1.1cCULIAH, Clement J., farrier, b. Parker Co. Texas 28 Vov. 18549 son of McCt;llah.. Johns b. in Tenn 1833 who as a small boy .moved to Bond Co, Ill, Now living in Kingstons California, age 72 years, 1005. Clement McCullahs age 22 in 1876, went to Calif, by way of Panama9 landed in present day Kings Co. In' 1880-81 bought a farm miles IR -1 of Hanford. md. S"ith, Alice b. Calif. Six Children: 1. MaCullahs Charles Albert 2. McCullah., John Dobson 3. McCullahs Henry Edward 4. McCullah s Lucy Ellen and her twin Ne ola Id 5. McCullah., Naola Ida and her twin Nellie Irene (6) Some of the 1830 McCullahs in the census removed to Missouri. A Henry was killed in the Civil War. Apparently, his father b. in Hawkins Co... Tenn, Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NO 209 Noland St,, Falls Church, Va. 22046 July 27, 1983 Mrs. Alice Eisden 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N* Car. 27103 Dear Mrs. Eisden: I was in North Carolina., Winston-Salem, in Mayo but only spent a couple of days and just did not have time to call you. My sister was with us, and both she and John, my husband, got sick, so we came home. I enjoyed the data in your letter of March 3, 1982. I think you got a good bit from the English genealogist, It was very useful. I am sending you some inf eamation which seems too much like your family., not to be connected in sone way. It comes from Marcus Vandiver, whose family trace, -to Independence Co, Jacksonport, Arkansas. I looked up the Civil War Record of William McCullough; there are some strange things in it. For example, in his application --as a matter of fact, there was no applications--- there are few supporting documents such asmarriages, etc. It may have been that a Union Soldier in that region was not very popular. But, he had 9 slaves and many other possessions, ISvestock., etc, which was taken from him. William, there is no Henry in the file,was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on 24 Feb. 1816; Not Alabama as Mr. Vandiver thought. In a letter subsequent to this resume, he says: "About James McCullough, mother said, she thought they were cousins, But she did say her father's (Wm.) brother fought in Confederacy. There is listed on marker., Jackson Port, Ark. Dave McCullough f or Confedercy. Mother stated, she thought they came from Alabama. There was also a Thomas, when Mr. Mandiver and his mother thought to be the father of these....James McCullough, mother stated he was a speculator, spent some time in South America. have copies of letter, my grand -_8 mother living in Ill. that he was in Little Rock in 1864 and Charles McCullough her brother had been killed in Civil War.. I note that your Henrietta McCulloch md. May 15, 1838 William Haden. Note that James McCullough had a son "Haden". I must say that Susan Savanfth Hudson was the c 46C daughter of William Henry Hudson and Lena Hatton, if *. Vandiver is correct. I have sent him a xer ox of your data, and asked him to be in touch with you. CU c I shall also ., maybe, get an 1880 and 1870 census reading from Independence Co. to c.1 see if there is additional information about the family from that. Fran what I V7 gleaned from the pension file ( and I xeroxed 25 ppg&e of very -diff i cu lt- t o -read data.) there is a considerable amount of data which was omitted. However, he did spend a great deal of time in Cotton Wood, Cherokee NAtion. I did not ask him where the C lettefs in Illinois came from. That might help. z � Also, Esther Hand, from same family as Theodore Otis McCullough of Chandlerville, Ill., is publishing 100 copies of their history, which ties in to the McCulloughs of the Zane-McCulloch.-Inskeep families, and the Steenbergen branch in W, .rap They 1y are going back to Sir Godfrey who last his head. She is kncluding some data on Iredell's work in it. I have the manuscript to read, but not the appendices. Her address is : 172 S. Meridian, Fresno, California 93702. The price will be $15.00. I do not know if postage is included. Of an edition estimated at 100 copies, she has already disposed of about 30v40, perhaps. YJ Let me know if you are ever able to tie Mr. Vandiver' s family with yours. �j Sincerely Alabama -Arkansas j James & William Henry McCullough Sou; ce: Marcus Vandiver 22 Dellwood Drive Little Rock, Arkansas 72209 McCULLCUGH, James, b. c. 1814, Alabama; died 1 Oct. 1877 in Arkansas (Independence Co.) Bd. near old Elmo, Arkansas. Cemetery destroyed. This area is located near present day, I -lacks, Arkansas, between Newport and Oil Trough, Ark., and the information comes from misplaced and broken stones.) Possibly he had been married before. Information of step -daughter is that James resided in South America prior to his marriaje to Susan Savannah Hudson, and that he spoke five languages. lie and Susa*: Savannah were married on 13 March 1864, Jackson County, Arkansas (Book 1, P. 348 Jackson Co. marriages). She was born 1 February 1842 in Missouri (1880 census record, Independence Co., Christian Twp.) other sources indicate '_n . Ohio , daughter cf Jilliam Henry Hudson and Lena Hatton. She belonged to the Campbellite Church. She died 4 March 1904 near Thida (post office, rkansas, and is buried in Brown Cemetery, Union Hill, Arkansas. Their children: 1. "h 011ie" (may have been born in Illir. pis ) 2. "Haden" (may have been born near Jacksonport, Arkansas) 3. "William",°Willie", b. c. 1869, Arkansas (rr. Jacksor_port, census 1880) 4. "Annie" (does ::ot appear in 1880 census record) 5. James Hobert, b. 15 Earch 1872, Jacksonport, Arkansas. Disappeared on 9 October 1898. (lie information given in data on this since exact dates, etc. are used, will be interesting to find out whit is known) Mr. Vandiver adds: James McCullough and Susan Hudson loot all their belongings when the steamboat sank, their silver that had been given to them as a wedding gift, as the moved to Illinois soon after the wedding. This is supposed to have been on the White River. It has been impossible to verify this statementg lie also adds: "James I;cCullogh had a sister named Jane. Top of tombstone z broken off. 1:ay hav e been Jame& first wife, d. 2 1•iarch 1888. Mcst of the a? information came from my mother, Mary Ellen McCullough -Vandiver." CL Ccsu-,ent of iiazui Lo eery: If ueaih date f or Jane is 2 I•;arch 1888, unless there were 48 O divorce, then it an:ld not have been his first wife: 0 Following the death of James McCullough, who is also have supposed to s-,rve in the Confederate Army, which might be open to question, if he went to Illinois soon after the marriage, and Illinois was not Confederate Territory, but use,i by refugee families from Arkansasl, Susan Savanah married as a second wife: u ,T q " 19-16 �h.c�vrr�-n c -Z, - , eEy r /Z "o -'`o" r. McCULLOUGH, William Henry, . x-.-24 v labamek, a brother or cousin of James above. In Alabama,he had been a merchant and farmer (William Henry or "Billy"). He had married first: BILT.INCS;,EY, Elisabeth, b. 16 :larch 1819 in Alabama?.kd. c. 1838 in Alabama? William Henry McCullough died 18 November graveyam-o=crecxusurw :roan -�j L- � Wi 7:'.s :i, (;c,r�> t I.- cOu11 ou;,h I , %J g0)nedi-son it, Aot,I+.C►h Nov .10,197 7 ]'yrs. cinalTa? e 1_ HeCuj ou�-h. T,nr,irny 'Oo zToln.nd jto i' el i 7_s church , V i_ r! ; l'1 i_ a '? nenr 11rS; I'cCull ov-7h: Your of Vov.15, :1_n 77 1,r3 -t1 -t all the inf,-)rm-ltion ahmit me)nbPr^ of the farml),^ w�t^ reco117ej today ri-id T Masten to than. ;ro:i- i'or sendla ; V. to rte.I '.-Lc)'=(-: to cltmid7, t' -,.r; 1'ecord�. s iror7 soon and see wliat iow can on'. -,,i n f--o,i t'ren to '-►e ,s:- ded to the charts t1 -).at I ' •lire tl�e ott-ir nnoers that voii sent he f nrr, you wp -lt on 'nmir l��n-, `:;,�T t ��' j_p. AI tl L -m -;h T se p nd cnns iderai able tirle, o -n t' '.s ho') -)y.,1 do -not accr)m:,'1J s;L as -nic:'i *rou drive !)rnnared r.l-i' l Cl )_S trit)tt�-ed to those i.�it o.�..�;-e;l in t,�.e ''c t;lz7. �� n�.>>-�li fa.��: i.l i_es . Mov. 21, 7.977: - After stnrlyinmtho r{-^c,r(is two sm.- chRrtalrc� ��� ca ri i'Z c���i 1r11' smi.rcr s 't d wm !A a,-)•)rp,( �jrLte. 7otlrcor naX'�.Yl? �IAtrM, WFlAt 11sVe nf)j%s!_ne ' .� • t-, , it with what voti ',ave fni,-rl nnc1 :nf^rrl ..c, of cn?..c,ct,inns :;t..-icm1d )e made . I do 1::eve a line e-)-.4 cc%nd haekward from th-,t " Jdest Son'' il.liam i'icCu7_lnch Throv-*h Simon 1-c, i j-1_ocr (_ _d.l"off �T � Zr-, of Yrr�tnn , _ �� ,.n ire, o.- hi.l7.asen to Ilonry i-v-:,ti.11c)cl�? (_ d.1,�1_) ] tp Thoc�ms I cOul_]-orad( } �. T rullo T ) t n �=� � r . T orm,-�n , ..-. _ . To Sir rrocl f r,r '. 'r Cu1.1-n (_ _ to i.-lot.:sir. Culls) O r,r.�_�_:1 (; '. � !..) off'-,-rdwellin Gglloway tC_ CZI"hoy Tt LaC'�. c7`1 5-, ��f i,r1-h.9 d(, !;.t 11� W t_Vr'�. T tiave roo-i ren a. ctiart i.'c-,r ,��a�i.i.t i.c) t . � ;cry. r�nt' r) >s t'ir-it e:.{tc iid .from ,Tames i7c(;ia"1.och r d, i:..n�� Davie County Public Library of "rro,-,an. Mocksville, NC Ch. 1. dre; n : 1"Im M c Ci 111 r) cl 1 • ?.J�t>>u�� Mcru]Jn(-,h ��•.—._ . rTary Verruson 3, l.cnru 11cCu7.1 och M. (�" "'�.d'leseh ';�-•� -,� ,>1,, �' rr o� Sorlctc '�T, r;, (p�l.�men)1 cousins C��.'.1.dren : • 1.1rer..r7 Taus tice :;Li11. och ] r o� f.e„� 'i;' ; , t;' f� o►tc t,.. +: -��:lt rlfrereci a :��.tti:on .l i.nf ��r .nf, i �,n a►�cu.t klc(;T1�L + very �1 t'�n i;r �,•f -,;' ''i<; %-� .,�;' t,,r of John oI)L7h'' but ��--,; c,i ,„t, ,t to iq',, _ciAne c..f c w P. .a!:r • .1ren .��Te you �y1., (� -t 1 f; 7 1 .• , - ' F� n 1 %' ( (� Gs f th P. 0')Ii rj', t;,-,.� l ;',►�°r ter; �,�,:1'l. ) :j n{'' iC: �� i;�. p --...E. ) (?l d I fri ti r,; 'r:,t.'.�'?:t �'Zr I'•tC� 3''+�•1�1v�%• •,111 1_ g G. Cor'r)itt ,;...•nom,t,,ot.h06 �,Pt.7,1977 John S . Lnwevy c /n I•Ir s . -4 R ?) .1. Bo -,,r, 1! Bel°"`Tv; 11.e, ns, .s, 7,),' V Dear 1'1 r . L ow P. r. Kr McCulloch I . owe ry I leve ,j 1j s F rn o rn ir(-;(.j anotl-Ler hatch of VIUCull nch notes tllgt wq- 3--ia.-.led in 11Ci111T'r;'L V)..,r;•�t.�-,197?. T ;� tti�at yon have many. questions th-+t you wo)1,1, 'fe to --4ive answered, 1 ,done that some other peonl© to whom you have cowr13wev more t'-ucan,in I can, 'x'011 certa i.nly hfivE ol,':1.' i.n -t f; ► o f;�,:,i; r j. , _ r; vF;r ')efore I have bpr?n •.rr�T-'�Ci.1l,"� on 1-,' .r;,)1'' I"! ' �. t rill newC� l � ' �r .7(, id ..�1d have oi.ind n.as,1� ^ `a .lf� �1;a F.�-�s t' ; ' ,�: �r.r; ,1 .� E� Cit 9 rtr, Inde of thelcColi_oehs T WW%,1zajri n -r trou',': _T1 �,�����; r•er'�,r, f r , 1 o . Col."( . lcn.,� nm n I-ii1? (1. 97-1758) who marA»eel „ I,:ai;��:�?n, .-„Jr3 �va(I e) drvi rlLteT� �`l�'ah 7ti1.1. t,1ho m,arri.��ci �1lPxand ,. ;h. r, tr)n : e) con' ; ct; n�; �_nx',r•-t1.t3.on as to the nn. -le;: nf their cl,i_, fl, 11tp f..r,,at: A' exti. ldPr 1 1!,cC111 oie-,h kT. n.nd others s 4 ate t'::3.t it benjarlin '•'ccullo � l IT. 1737 --- n _ __--- - Hali;'ax (',o. Tiowan (:o. 1.311r . Children: 6. �- l.gj: enj_ami.n -'jcCull.oiVh ?,I. Sarah "token S.3rah Stokes Cct.?3,1744 -ept,l'1179r-) Rur.. �rarah Little Caswell rah Lyt: 2- Alexander 1 r,Ct11� � ,clz � f. ,11 r.1. ',1-79G i,'rances Lenoir1�77A..��1��_T 1 5'� 6 _.._. !lnri.l 111.7 ,'► :' �r 1.�, a.�6 --.... TF)xa.9. -TITTT Bijr.7'-t --l.t;P tern. ".�Ist in .`�e>tas. Chi1c'Cren -1-71-� or "" 1. Gon. :)c:n wi. i i n r;(,i11-? och i,n--tn.rri�d . MocksVille, NC 1.lthf'r�'^rel. ;nom ',r,•,: ��-; f;o 2.Alexandpr -1c,0111.1 och 7• �nrah 74tokes t'IcCul loch 3. John 3. ; ; c :;, a 17 n cr1 8 Ttt. � � !r.S,amuPl r r;11-�1 Mary Ann 11cCu? loch ch 9.rrances 01.1.va McCthl-och 5. James r; c "-ul nch 1 - ,r n ,, l�.�ar� tett n.rla T�c.�1i11.ech 6.rren.',enry :his-tc oe i 'c ln11_()ch. 11. .�-lizaheth Julla ricCdl-� och � 12. de1,i.:i_d LPJa 1 cCtallncch MIO T-!c.Cul7.och IT Sal_liP I,00re. Il�,I�i=dry_ �-►cCz111_ och Ber+r;anun 'T. W illi .son 5•---r. ,ah 'c�illl.nch T. .�.ch_ecic .11.11 iail Bavinn - 4 0 s Q- V" OR 44L� Z41— 19-e7 B -K- a� HBe-�.a.�A� o�,�.•2 ,� -�,u.�2�-e�a,�� ,�r�- -�..z ?� �c-G V c 7' _ 0-0-k */6 L�`7np a�,� /�o o C.tcaw.�e i U / -nA ' Ae A4- � ,c 0. �•�-�.c�-e�.�5�- WM �i,' i ;I w r .r /%3 3% 0 �- "41 c Davis County Public library_ Mooksville, NC VY 7 Ita ozv l�n y�, l�i /X97 a 3 y ° a` v li7Aioe6.0 ��f 7�ue /• G/�� y /�%r //!c /�c /'/c lv A/ C- C' AJ 7ytati/ 87 � A3 //1 c he 1//L �.a-�' '-- - -. nu2¢�•w,y (Qr�-) %}7 U/v itpff�8,� �-- :. N � �7 T 71u&Le j , �47 1V7 e-5 q %�^ I /t� /8'87 12-- /�• q .�-�-.-�- �"� Davia C6unty Public Ubraq -�" Moc4csville, NC /dlc ( z&� /� 5"/ �SI �/l C /%C Gly z� v r � Ot hf�� c iAc //C *C ✓, e)"a'-e /.x"77 ti / ' -V `G�yf ��• /'moi „Ciiy(�, , r'�,-RC2'' rj /2�'�-C-�- Gt'i'vCr�'j`liltic..:L G��/ C( � ' A /� �r� C•-rc�- t�C ��� tiG'i:�=fJK,'�.�•fr G��. y_,�..� -- -- ..�li��- ' LYS -� ; S� " , f� '•-/ j�.r� `.�-�- ..��� u%�. GC •�r-�,. blit U �CL•'f/�C�� � �'i�. ee d GZLC.� v�ftiG, IS V() .f�r?�•'._�.`Y ����v ✓�/[��'7�� AdVL'�.•J ���:/G�Y�-� 4Vi/✓ /'� V�`�(�+(r� f- vV ���V'L.�r e•2 'IZ.G✓j/Lt�i G/�.`Lt'�ii.l-2(�(, GV�.c- �( !� i�" ` - j/4: ���'i��-•C �� ✓` ��/4'`�" !�L..LGCiy�4-�'i, .ifJ`�L� L`�`''J�U��-' ���iL.�'_ /�-G`�-[��''7.�/i ( 1 �l Gt_-C�`���. eLl el ���� ..�L ���� �L� / � a�2 —' ✓l.� �t� vt ./v-�z.�``�liu•�'.�1� /i�t}''�/��-E-- C '•{''`Z- �V'G�/L�,`•?L-t� ���_. -L` Wi.L-r.�..Ct. � v� c.�,G i r- G�:.�Lrf�iYiL,..,,•� !i� C ` �l � ,�.Gt�•(�.�-• �':,L _ 4 � ��'l� ,iL(%�'/� (ifs'-�/..L. _•G�/�-G"�__ "'� � t� .• (�: `iIn � �j.� � i � „c'�.c't�. }i. , l 4h'1 1{ � � ! �l�'!ri/LC.6•�? �Ci GZ•�i N �' �� •� �� �// ✓,,.� c i�L2Fi�i �� ��� _ � - ---• -- f i ~ ��.. 77, / Zt-m Il�u�� .%k l�� 5. �uQ4ni`�- *� ��e-Edo--�.,,,� utiz,,.e ,P�. ,�e�-B2a-u..,�.�, r%-.L� ,%a,• /8.s^a /{1pUdc�mC �9, lG� lf�l3 7y1 a�� CQa� /JQ�itz, /7, w Itle-A,, Ll � Ivo �x dun +�� ISS D B✓plT-3 X ri M u tX y / 1 uta o Gi �1 e uti¢Q �c �"''`�� �Q � 0- -7/ I County ►�,MryP�ad*� Ubray mocks0k. 111111 /?490 �n •Lk� �c, hf+�e¢// �a v e o- Zee -4 e% /F3v -,Z fc 70 ,r;.. /�k�xlk�e C'o r ao � .lzr_ _ a� �ori•.e oOp./'`�O� 8ss` t�.�.� /J�ow-e2 �rof�rw l860 0. 7u-a.G(.vti. Iwo�r Aa 3S o0o a oT—oa Cse+x cn �� �/•C 3Y H �A 4e IdbLPI � H I&vv aa- >" • ��' �� �-�'-�.C� r � ..��(' vim, ���� r • ' ��:J/ i��/��C.0v v �-�l/ j ' �'1C.�i�� Lt•� �%l �"LVt�..(i(/t �` �- G ilt a iC(dg vz 0 3 7 VC,7S`— »�Rs�aP�C$8�'?��6»g�'-`•YE 6 �S:' E»S8» [9 C SSS"� �B NS'c�$ �� I� yr FnSaFeM C��y�� P G 6 qq E®s®YP$!c�e° o ppa �6 c a��sa5aa°ga pF„ �� c S » g g s 51- F° &g ',�.5�8 e�»�4i•E�°$» ^� F Gg »g�B$"scc°=�+»anFxgspa o�ms FG �26iq»V�a,u�,8 of a'EEa a5�'Em"eQ o�e 08 b•v pn,"o Co C-.° "' Y » z a® n °oa® p"+a»° »a� W&c,Ec�u�s� ;,�a• •FFsP GoGgEon �cP"a,E^� S v v i �j Fac C R� 8c E� .vrH . w .• o gi n Rrs G S� '9 r.wo E€ � GB � o %�K ��" SSSooe v B�° ^CSE. c ®•LE-CEIg 7 8 G o.-. Mm 8 9 "GS c L go v EGad°�F .� ���� s�=� ;e •��g R ��„ .r �� E�°}F^G�?� aF°Eatl$tl�� gE E"a �ss1mF E SEEFP p ° � � F� �• � pr] Ytl , k y y g S �ggr• �S yq � s �» y J tlsa 4�V �• Q VVEll y�Bp RA SE7°6 W p »> E OI�YOPa m� p ° FFP ry °. b• IOL P YCwPmP O " 0 O lIILWWOOOO a ' Zs BEe�� �F "�p y� oMPI.;go ys gg • �• o .�NM wN. Y1 N e to V P�+ POMPI.; p •i._. 5�a� 9 W���� � �•m�g E � ��SEn �� �v����`S ������ �LVH3 �S��r cr •� r9^7Y iCEi Vi e�`4. mPP/.d•RV FFC E• ED • Pm0U:3 Sag o HFEM 4 s nGN � ��9 tt �ea���tlsF° �d�°G '"a � o� Qtil- w °v v° C klitkJ :e1 Eqx Ea n�° °eP� p , G�t'Zn.. OR m 5 &gFnp9 ®Eggq°^EsgqSp�®& HHa' .Pit nrb�J nBa ,o {a 6'or1+ m'T p°4i$7 P4 O Y�n� V• �l- OEOm M ac.°•�• .°10 ^O MFC Ms L R ga^p W �°� GG �4 sa»v�.GGGGG uga sF��'hdaips iiv. 'Lp�ss£m N a� •�• Y.��ovS Sqqg�� Si�E �E»g°G® E6@Rgslv �SI gSgSPP 4 8 March 1991 Dear Alice , By now you should. have the Eire and. Northern Ireland. research portion of Angus Baxter's book that I copied, and lecture papers of Helen Leary. Using Helen Leary's explanation of the term Esquire - had to be at least 21, a land. owner, and. an office hold.er - I think we can eliminate James McCulloh, ESq. who received. the L973 from Old Henry as being our James. Subtracting 21 from 1754 means that he would have to be born prior to 1733- I am in a complete puzzlement as to thefather of our James, and his relationship to Old Henry. I do feel that he probably was a son of Old Henry, and that our James was a grandson. As you say, this would make Harriet's letter fit. What I don't understand is why Old Henry did. not identify the relationship but instead mad.e it a mystery by his reference to the prior articles of agreement and. for reasons of his own did not want to restate them in his will. Also, I don't understand what your Elglish researcher meant by the McCulloh Memorial when referring to the cemetery, Chiswick. There is a lot about the O'Neill and Earl of Tyrone people in 0.'Hart's Irish Pedigrees (Heremon's Genealogies). I have not found a definite tie to our line, or that Old Henry was Shane O'Neill, etc. It's too bad your Aunt Pat would, not give _ you this informa- tion and. id.entify her sources. Does her material still exist? In your last latter, and once before, you stated that Old Henry had ' I'll look in Colonial Records first chance - previously I photo- copied the index sheets for McCulloh, etc., and there are 11 re- ferences for a James. One I want to check is Vol. 5-1 pp 79-81 ° for Henry McCulloh and relation to Earl Granville. Davis Cou►��; S been married twice, but later wrote that he had only been married once. Coul0ou clarify this for me? P t The Mormon church here has a library with the IGI and other micro- fiche but, of course, they do not have the complete holdings of LDS -Salt Lake. I don't know whether they have a catalog of the e1 �; Irish material in Salt Lake but I will try to find out. w 0 - Our genealogy club has bought some of the 1988 edition of IGI - Z but has not gotten the England portion yet. We have Ireland, i Scotland., Canada, U.S., and some lesser like Isle of Man, and. some family group sheets. I read through all of the McCulloh and. W various spellings and found. that the majority are in the 1800s. - There were very few from the county of Louth where Dundalk i s . V Vast majority were Northern Ireland. ' I'll look in Colonial Records first chance - previously I photo- copied the index sheets for McCulloh, etc., and there are 11 re- ferences for a James. One I want to check is Vol. 5-1 pp 79-81 ° for Henry McCulloh and relation to Earl Granville. Davis Cou►��; S -2- I compared the Aunt Pat memoirs with those in Iredell book - �-�, there were some changes in her handwritten copy, and 2 generations were omitted. It seems that each person who copied it did not make an exact duplication. The ancestor chart included. in Jameson McCulloch's book on the Ardwall branch shows Alexander of Halifax descended from Henry, son of Henry of Brandalston. Henry was supposed. to have emigrated. to NC ca 1719, and. died. 1775, and it was this Henry, according to the chart, who was the father of Alexander of Halifax. I think we would make better progress and come closer to the truth of the whole matter if we did not have to spend so much time checking out errors! I wish I had. the opportunity to read over what your English genealogist sent you - perhaps some of the questions I have would seem answered as I have difficulty with Jane Letitia and Letitia Alice, whose children Nkxx were they, and where are they buried& "I will tell you my latest findings. I hired. a Genealogist in England to research for me. Told him there was confusion between the two Henry McCullohs - the old gentlemen with 1,200,000 acres and the Henry who was Secretary of the Province and who died in 1755. Older Henry died in 1779. He asked me for a copy of the will of Henry who died in 1755 - it names daughters Henrietta Mary, Dorothy Beniford, Elizabeth Margaret and. Penelope Martha. He found two more, buried at St. Nicholas, Chiswick: Jane Letitia, and Letitia Alice. I had thought that Alexander McCulloch who married Sarah Hill -.was -.,a., son of Henry, but he was born in 1715 and the girls 1746, 17499 17509 1751, 1752 and 1754. Even though Henry was Secretary of the Province and his will was proved here Nov. 15, 1755, Penelope was christened at Westminster (England) in 1754 and the two young children were buried there, Jane being christened at St. John, Smith Square, Westminster and buried four days later and Letitia was christened in Nov. 1752 and buried there in June 1753." This was from your letter of 3 Mar. 1982. Earlier in the paragraph it sounds as though the two younger children were located in the cemetery at St. Nicholas, where later it would seem that they were buried at St. John's, Westminster. Am I dense and missing something? Helen Leary stated that christenings usually occurred withAhe first year after birth, but we know there are exceptions. Can't think of anything else to ad.d so will close for now. Public b;brary �avi� County NGM,&Svo1e, 0ft 0000%Gv GJuL LQll�j� - CIO , y X42 - - -r d� - ��rp-- 4A, O V �r v• - - _ ox SV 404 - - - -- _ Davie County Public UbrWY v - Mooksville, NC 209 Noland Street Falls Church, Virginia 22046 September 213, 1990 Mrs. Alice Ei sden Winston-Salem, N. Caro rJ .. ,Dear Mrs. Ei sden: On .April - 27 1990 I wrote your a letter which wa -returned. This' week, I called your place - of enploysmnt and i they, said to send this letter % them, which I am doing, shall;iave a xeroxcopy„,of the letter I sent made to include with this. T thought I kept..the,one which had been returned, but could-not.come.'up with In the past few years, a number-ofothers--.members of Clan �.MeCullough Newsletter. are pursuing what I believe toA36 ?3e i s your - f amily, One : of. the Be i s Nor s. Rowanda McCullough gnith;-.editor, .of the -Venneseee Historical .and!-.Genealog*cal Bulletin, who has received considerable information from a Mrs. Mary -Carr White of Monti- cello Florida, whose : records seem to . go back for (some generations. There was a Pate inquiry in the last newsletter, etc. Mrs. Carr says: "In Duplin Co., N. Car, my ggg grandfather George . Miller married Margaret McCulloch, b. 30 Octo 1735, d. 18 Dec. 1 92, and that in a book "The -Humphrey Lineages'., by Blance Humphrey Agee ,A Margaret is listed as the daughter of Henry McCulloch"*,, Mrs, i -Smith does not know which Henry. Mrs. White also has another Mary McCullough (gggg grandmother) who married Jonathan Westbrook, and settled in Fairfleld ,Co. Mrs. Smith says that it,vas not EhAnfield, but rather Chester Coe So Caro `This latter couple :had two sons . in the Rev. She gives their names as: 1fb se s, in Rev. ; Gray, in Rev.; Mary, William, and &muel Morgan 'Westbrook who md. Elizabeth Waite Wall. Mr so Smith has also done some work . in Ireland, and thinks that Grogran is really "Cregan'', as used in today's parishes. Also: Chester District Genealogical Society: "Reward: Reward: ---Edward V. McCullough, 5332 Loyola Ave*, We stmini ster, Ca. 92883. "Has this query: "Direct descendant of James McCullough. Will pay ;100.00 for proof of his parents. Born in Ireland, 1738, arrived in Charlestown, 1762, md. Sally Bell, ca. 1767, dau. Anne b. 12-18.-1768 on'Beaver Creek property nor# of Camden, Lancaster County. Dau. Nancy born ca. 1769, Sally d. c. 1770. James remarried Jane Moor whose father Israel Moor owned land on 'Singleton' s Creek on the north. east side of Wateree River -and had William, Elizabeth, John, Susan, Jane, James b. 8-29-1779 in Charleston and Samuel b. Ireland, 1787.” This last may be a completely different James McCullough. Miller McCulloch Ma.r aret g �b. 30 Oct, 1735, d. 18 Dec. 1792, bd* in the Miller graveyard, i marker s still standing. There were three children: Sarah md. William Houston; Mary md. Edward Houston; and Stephen b. 7 Feb. 1758 md. Winifred �Ihitfield., b. 10 Aug. 1772 -do 18 Oct. 1836,. Stephen d. 25 March 1826. Hehad 9 children. Land on west side of NE Branch of the, Cape Fear River which George Miller bought from Samuel McRee, son of. Wm., who inherited it when his �. father died, etc. There are pages of this material, but it may not be relevant to you. I would like to hear from you, and to know if you have published your genealogy, and if you may have made additional discoveries. Sincerely, oun�Y iilet pubc 'Davis NjoCsv11 (Mr Be John ohn S. Lowery) f 11 Davie County Public Ubrary Mooksville, IAC �, �► � �, �, �, r� rte, � � � ,�► � � � �, � ef, / "57 08v4 county wnro uorerY - � NOCASWIIe, NC a5�� - v �51� flu dk W. Kenwood Str't'xm •�_, Winston};-Salem,:.:: 27,0ar'f' •", ":;- :1. •, .4'°' May 11 , 1981 ��;`. vh lk. Mr ' :R . To F enfon '' � ^,• �- , .. �.. ..: aJ 82 ham Road :• , ':,,. . Wal-tox;vOn-Thames County pup4tc -11br8 �BVIQ , ,Surrey ;KT 12 5 NUJ: Mol�tSV111�°, INC : �� r 'Engtand 'le Fenton,; y not .�;� I wa-s delighted with your 'letters. I am trying/to get 'too •�.;. excit4�"r beo.ause' it may b.e 'that you ar® about to find the connection from. r ' our family to Henry. McCulloh' a. .. The: letter of condolence was July 23, 1750' from Bert'ip ,County, North Carolina, from Benjamin Hill to Henry-`McCulloh. -,.This was" found-in M. S. Records in office of Secretary of State. L beli6Iv:6f A' ; I found it abstra'eted in Colonial Records 1(in-our library) becat,A e.. I ha-ve riot yet be•s%n to the office of Secret.gry of State. � ;`. JUI ,,•2`3, 1750. Leiter Benjamin Hill to Henry McCullQh•,,'* "I sinc..e` W _ c®� you on the' los u remiss son James', it has beexs likewise my misf'or'ttine to lose my son Ben.,- We must bmit to the­'K.F, wil•1'' of. God. My, best wishes attend Mrs. McCulloh, Henry: and Mt." Penelfle.�: ' I always wondered" if this .Tames who died in 17-50 had left a sorn'� who could be our James or with young- marriages the father of our ,•; ._,(. James, why the condolence letter did not mention a wife"'or child,•+`R unl s-,Mr. Hill thought that was another household. ,� �;� .�•., M. S....Rpcords in office of Secretary of State ;,.� '� :g" �' r 1775-:•:. Cash Paid for Account of the Committee August I'Z, George o McCW.;J'oh for beef. lien, ;Eustace McCulloh had a son out: of marriage here in the atwt�•e0 •' �a d" _ y' a.. girl Molly who was named eor•pe. He was referre -•;.to favorabr�y;; 7- , in�.a•l.l:;re.ferenc.ere.,, educated in England. I am sendin -� few ' d paggs4,,.pf the "L; :re, and Correspondence of James Iredell.... " by' r Mckare. On page 42 he talks of thO m.lr•i•lage of that git'l. L • to he .hadn't been so guar•clh�l and met�t Toned a name. I can fin, `:. no ' direct connection to George McCulloh and the dates wouldn't fit,-.X ,. Cr 1755: Oct. 28 ('Gov. Arthur Dobbs) Yesterday Henry "Mc ulloh, C. Provine, dyed, by which there is at. , Secretary of this 'nigi fi�-�r ;vacanc•'y�`.:_ F$,. ,• fn. tM,e Council f.o•'the. Recommendation of which p1aGe ;:Feer youa.�#�`t�''� the SnQ l o s e d , r� ,. ,•. ` There were two lienry McCul.lohs but T !'eel this one was;:f.the one who+` o a married Mary.... that he •I s the one from Scotland referred to in 01' .. \ "Notes and Documents llecir•y McCu L l oc-h and Henry McCul lc'h" by John dCannon, i. Check page 73 where he Vof*ei 5 to Henry McCuVloh ` froom dhliawick, dying 17 ,tune 17799, tour• i od at St. Nicholas Church Chiswick.... evi erltly fr•otn "The Env•ii•oi�g of London" Vol '11, by Daniel •;.. �. . page :ZP4 , Lysons. He could be wror�u ; .�•;� McCULLOH Wil 1 of HenryMcCULLOH dated 31st October 1 8, Proved London 16th Jul 1779 PRO(PCC) - 29th April 1981 - PRO Ref: PROB/11/1055 1. The following is an abstract of the above mentioned Will, which is quite long,(running to 4+ pages of MS copy), sufficient to establish its applicability to McCULLOHs connected with North Carolina, USA:— The Will of Henry McCULLOH, Esq. formerly residing at Soracte (Initial letter of this word is uncertain, but Ithin t read of as here written - WJFF) in North Carolina in Amer ica parish of Chelseain Co. Middlesex. All real estate in North Carolina to son Henryoke 1�ustace,arolinOH formerly Collector o Customs in the Port Gardenanbut now gone to New York aforesaid late of Bedford Street,Covent and to his assigns for ever; In Trust nevertheless and subject t*Wt ����) some bequests and interests hereinafter mentioned.( A& 4P& Son Henry Eustace and his exors and assigns to pay to Elizabeth GREEN "then and now my housekeeper" L26 per annum for her natural life .. to advance and pay to James McCULLOH now of Duplin, North Carolina in Sterling or its equivalent in North Carolina, L120 and some further smms etc. Mentions some lands in America and some Negro slaves Refers to9 late wife*A Mentions Robert Allen BOYD, son of my worthy friend Robert BOYD, my Merl hant in King Street, Guildhall and goes on to say that "as deson Henry Eustace McCULLOH is now abroad and may uoat withtsonlme of myenry Eustace. , friend Robert BOYD is appointed co-executor d ted 318t Oct. 1778 signed; Henry McCulloh Witnesses: Janes SMITH Richd PHILLPOT John FRYER 779 y PROVED at London 16th July 1 b oath of Henry Eustace McCULLOH to whom adenon granted etc, etc. Power reserved to Robert BOYD when he shall apply for the same. pavii County public Libra NO TON W. J. F. FEN t , .,...., 82, H ERSHAM ROAD, WALTON -ON -THAMES SURREY, KT12 5NU. rORSYTH GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES, P. A. 2909 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE WINSTON-SALEM. NORTH CAROI.INA 27103 TELEPHONE 919-765-2802 April 6, 1961 Joy :i, h;JNROE, M. D. H. RAY STURKIE, M. D. Mr. W. J.=F. Fenton 82 Hershark' Road Walton -On -Thames Surrey, , KT12 S NU Dear Mr. Fenton, HERBERT A. SOPER, M. D. QUINCY A. McNEIL, JH., M. D I have not been able to find more clues to check_ out on that sidle about my Holton -Houlton ancestors. The latest I have tound is a Natha,�ie 1. Houlton in Salem, Massachusetts- about_ . -'the rigli,-, time - but I' have not been able to get information to document,_ Perhaps you could help me with my,mother's line. My mother was a McCulloh-: and --the oldest ancestor I can r ve is a James McGul-lah .of -Rowan C�o; -North Carolina. I don't knoU who his parents were_'116.r where' -he came from or when or the date of his birth. There is a letter in our family saying we descended from Henry McCulloh family(son of James MEGiA1oh-o!•Gregan). I can find nothing personal about the family, only efene� iogfiis land dealings. Since he was a Tory who remained loyal 6"ng,�A igsblamed for the Stamp Act, material is skimpy. I was urondering7it his personal history might be available there. Henry McCulloh, Esq, of Turnham Green, Count of %c1iddlesex married . Henry"Fen _i9 October an ie June 17 1.7700 ._,_swic , buried St. Nicho as Churc ,: iswick. His.will,was Octob an rove u 1 'e only_ c ii dren I snow are James McCulloh, enry Eustace McCulloh and.Penelope �cCu:�Ioh. There was a letter in our state recor s of cond7olence to Henry for the death of his son James. The letter expressed condolences to Henry-and--Miss-Penelope and _"McCulloh. Mrs. McCulloh could "have been_ Ja..,es' w'it'-e-- if. Henry were a widower. If this young James -'-had been married and..had --a son. this could readily. be the father of m -known- ances-tor James _w ho.: died i► -1 186. It seems -to -me. -that if . this were true t ere -would -have been. -more evidence of of f luence=-'though -' a11, _of th'ier-- Iand_was _-conf i'scated after the war. . J � C � � L) lel t_..I •� .-? l! l�,.r i Sc en -Aa Henz�r_ died a.n77�sr- i.�� Q _zeLer:�;d-_tn tris, nl surv,Lvin' sQnr - _ b t_ it.,.see rls tome 'tfia-t;_, if _.. ehere _ wer_ a. 'dl a,, he _ �rQu`ld , hav been mentioned' also: I `don't='knobw, who 'Hent `" us`Eac IcCulloh::` inall�" tr�arried but he- had an illegitimate son here; `Geor e McCul':: h, -by a• girlynamed Moll - who later married someone else. References to him are complimentary, hf at he was a nice young man, well educated - (his father -sent him to England for that). George did stay in Rowan -County. Would you please advise me if you could check chis family for me -and ;;ow much I should send you. Sincerely, 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C., 27103 July 28, 1980 Mr. W. J. F. Fenton 82 Hersham Road Walton -On -Thames Surrey, KT12 5 NU Dear Mr. Fenton, I appreciate so much all the material you sent. It was put together so well. Just wish it had turned out to be my family. I have delayed answering your letter, hoping to come up with a clue for you to trace. So far no luck. Even toyed with the idea .that maybe family tradition had been wrong and we, like Dean Holton's ancestor Thomas Holton had come from Ireland.- I really don't believe that. There was an Arthur Holton in Philadelphia. He died around 1715jnaming in his will his wife Elizabeth and only daughter Mary and sisters, Sarah, Mary and Ann living "near Sarum, Wiltshire, England. Don't know of any relationship to Nathaniel. Recently I found a reference to Nathaniel Houlton, as "head of household" in Salem, Massachusetts in 1668. He would be too old to be my Nathaniel, but.I am trying to check it too to see if he could be his father. The M<rissachusetts Holtons were here at least z hundred years before mine were in Pennsylvania but the Massachusetts Holtons came from England too. For the time being hold the balance of the deposit. I have worked so .hard for so long. I can't stand the idea of giving up without knowing for sure where we came from. If I can found more information or clues will let you know. I shall keep you posted either way. Sincerely yours, (Mrs.) Alice H. Eidson FORSYTH GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES. P. A. 2909 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE WINSTON-SALEM. NORTH CAROLINA 27109 TELEPHONE 919-765-2902 February 21, 1982 JOHN H. MONROE. M. D. H. RAY STURKIE. M. D. Mr. W. J. F. Fenton 82, Hersham Road Walton -On -Thames Surry, KT12 5 NU Dear Mr. Fenton: HERBERT A. SOPER. M. D. QUINCY A. McNEIL. JR.. M. D. Thank you for your letter and the additional information.. I waited to respond until I went tothe State Archives again to see if I could get any additional information to report to you. I Went this past Saturdaf' but failed to find anything significant. Most of the films were letters to the Loyalist Commissioners and to and from people in America whom he tried to enlist on his behalf. After reading those for half a day, I could hardly keep from feeling great sympathy for him. He wrote repeatedly, lengthy, detailed letters, furnishing-proof-onlytobe asked to do it again or to send more documentation. The last film I was looking at, which I did not finish, was a list of his personal property. I had hoped it would name a.home orplantation, but it listed various tracts in Duplin County, amounting to nearly 19,000 acres. He did say that his father had 800,000 acres and he had 150,000 acres and 18,000 pounds in personal property (consisting of bonds, mortgages) and his father was due nearly 2400 pounds in back salary. His income was between 1,500 and 1,800 pounds a year from the property. The film had a list of his proof of losses and it gave a list of people who had been deeded land. That, was the source of the mortgages and bonds. Anyway, I would like to look at it again and see if I can find any other McCullohs in that area who .� z had deeds -,a James for instance. I am going to start this week checking counties Dup 1 in was formed from cCQ I think older Henry and Henry Eustace were educated, accomplished, rich, personable, socially acceptable men. I do think they had a reluctance to (3:? marry, evidently thinking most young ladies weren't quite suitable or acceptable mates. I do think Henry Eustace could have left something to C':01 his son George, even a token gift. He disapproved of George's marriage (I think in 1799 in Rowan) and he had never met the rl. It correctseems they thought nobody was good enough for them. If our dates old Henry must have lived with Miss Eustace eleven or more years before they married and traveled back and forth between two continents. Don't do any more research there until I come up with more clues. I believe with you that the answer is in Duplin County. The man at the Archives who told me about their British records in the first place suggested that I look in Sampson County. He was not there Saturday and I surely wanted to talk to him. .I looked in Sampson records in wills, settlements of estates but didn't find anything. Sampson was formed in 1784 from Duplin but Duplin was formed in 1750 from New Hanover. Thank you for your Christmas card, even more welcome hearing how busy, you have been with two weddings, etc. I appreciate all your work and help and shall keep you posted of any progress or findings. 0 .1 M A ___1 • - 3/1l a . ?/3, 7.a�,/9D �, >��y�i L d1*44 �rL� Subj: Aunt Pat -- '� Gp� Date: 10/19/98 11:10:10 PM GMT Daylight Time From: bemie0l@interserv.com To: hwhofton@aol.com I really enjoyed the weekend with Alice, you and Billie. Arrived home OK. /6hZ �� D My records indicate that Aunt Pat was at Montgomery Memorial Hospital, Skilled 9 A a-- Nursing Unit, Rm 312, Troy, NC 27371 and 1 believe that was where she died./Or: � LV She was using the name "Victoria" as I recall. The relative that was looking UUU ri after her was Peggy Haywood, 216 Watkins ST, Troy, NC 27371. ,�} p¢ Maybe this will let Alice track down the information she wants. (17zu 9 ^ s Bernard' Headers Return -Path: <bernie0l@interserv.com> Received: from fly-za02.mx.aol.com (rly-za02.mail.aol.com []) by air-za04.mail.aol.com (v50.22) with SMTP; Mon, 19 Oct 1998 18:10:09 -0400public Ubra4 Received: from m4.interserv.com (m4.interserv.com [ �8vio could by dy-za02.mx.aol.com (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL4.0.0) Mocksville, NG with ESMTP id SAA19691 for <hwholton@aol.com>; Mon, 19 Oct 1998 18:09:53 -0400 (EDT) From: bemie0l@interserv.com Received: from [](atlanta-lnzpn-046.ga.compuserve.net []) Uby m4.intefserv.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id PAA17693 O for <hwholton@aol.com>; Mon, 19 Oct 1998 15:09:19 -0700 (PDT) Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 15:09:19 -0700 (PDT) Message -Id: <199810192209.PAA17693@m4.interserv.com> MIME -Version: 1.0 Content -Type: text/plain Content -Transfer -Encoding: 7bit Subject: Aunt Pat ( �' e - To: hwholton@aol.com ' X -Mailer: SPRY Mail Version: lrwe'� .• '4�/p� e� y I - GpZ-G,�CcJGTI_ //i � -_ -111 -.M y w I .r. We Davie County Publictibrary Mo, kSville, NC - Jimmie Jean Bonvnan 9415 Primroseo d _ Shrevenpori, LA 71118-40191 A�y IrA GI 4! 8 /a, I %� - I Vo ------ — � - - D� ie MOTTLY a is Library e, -------_ --- - e7413 dc7413 /8�� IW&V _ -- rfA5 5157 L-1 ,-L �✓ 13- � � � Y C) RPc 4l2PPi✓ ���f/i h CG�v., C''� 1 96 m esis� d G t/1jv 7 /7lcnnY e hu/ — "I A14Aa 20 Ifo 7iiG�� C°'�i«w", »C ,y, - G'litleaF�- •1�G�CCt1�—��'�Y/— --- �- /AJ �s- lUa tp %�2 & 'o') a Gam- q M9 - /p -- 610 �� i5 a•r� 'J-d/�/ / wo t M J30-- "' w ,iyti �ql Davie CountyPubliiilibiai� _-- - , ' - Mooksviite, NC 44 lliia � , lit 10 43 /Y19Y'f /)log U i� Le ae ' J ' MYER p 1 s ' E r Atc e*o�) nu- &,Omd Oe- d;tezo Al ��GSatyaec�.D �„X �, • is /yes - �� �. Irk 4 vdeM 4. 1?/ - der -ea-ss, /166 4; Ifx'19 f9Y3- Itz" �County Pu 1. -U--b-( aW. aert A,-, �'3", • ,. . ij_ f�_ai_i4t�3•vA�o- 44--e'!g ooks�'lle, NG 4E • � .�� Qor�, /l ` , �miI Wol M. rf.�3 -/, /Z 0 le "00 go 4 - 1.41 - I I nV publ�c UlbTarl J),avle COu' tAc mor.Willes JOHN H. MONROE. M. D. F'ORSYTH GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES QUINCY A. MCNEIL, JR.. M. D. OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2909 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. 27103 P A T I E N T R E P O R T TO: •L / EXAMINATION DATE: GYNEC OGI DIAG OSIS: VI G` r OPERATION, T TMENT, ADV,,IC,-E-; . DISPOSITION:— DATE: Signature r 'm v� x - -- -- - ---- --- -- --p�� �ou�'' Uc library --- ''-� _ _ _�cksville, NC b . � 4L oc?6>3__fi4A.±�_KuA✓ A�� l 111ceollol — (rsr):--- /lnnoc YRJIC--1 �,, ,3P' — -- — — ___ M• Nod, 16Lf&g t Pml:); C-tic_yi3erH ca�lG $ B_T-- _ caRE� ✓. Ogr LST _ /Lc/ FRg a�ULto _�`E8 as !9/3 est; LOL_A ALL" �0.itv�r 8• /d8S - _ _ p�•_ Fok'K Cflu/rcH Tea dam d�� o i - -- R� �ryo A'lC-Cutc6H 4nrAle-1 — --_ 0ov ay-roi7inc r_�/S'9// -- v� x - -- -- - ---- --- -- --p�� �ou�'' Uc library --- ''-� _ _ _�cksville, NC t A •� t , i �/V �.�i i� 1 , & W-ald- t r � r � OF 4, If Z A, -;AA' Aw t � • � _.J JLC" •� ll��////\///L���O/� �/ ,w t/& 44,1111A., I! A7 • .1// / a 17 A •� t , i �/V �.�i i� 1 , & W-ald- - — - ---- —A P- c, — - A 40 -- - �-_a_3,193y --- OL_ ` a 19-3s -J -- - -9- -- - - - - d. ^ &c41• aw- Davie n nfy Public— i rary------- _ ��cksville;-ND— - 16' - -- -- ---- — -„- - -�43 - - - - - - - - - - ---- --- -- - - - - 410 -- — - — — ------ /d . _ /Y)o — — "Mc - - -- • �iy - p�t1C _' — - 0 _�iruret spa �1�PJ Nfe ------- A za 4 div . aa, lyis � C,1�S 3 Corm , fN 1 --�1___ �14-p- - ... r t/ec�x- GCT a4 iYai pp �1A6 M c; %�Ci DCS getLIZ— _ -- - ____ N'✓ue —�/� ALL N -- j' �P Soty i� 1591 ALJ Iz -J. tc • iU. /994 --Ty� ems°., Q l i d PIC- Al -- — --1' f D Mir/ '-- -- Do4 v / ca, Oz/409 Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC �S51 mal,?aq m�cH9E. Rowes,asd �. lt37 p 4Ujt5i. 9� o "Y 11,1W 9 ��, r• QPn`' �c1"� ryN p�bkkctibca� Vr/ ou G✓ A r �T e Lgv�CA An/i✓ AI WA I ��- ---- �_ /�s - - - - - -� ��-/ �-� cgs$_•' - - ------ --�G - -- e /M W s M.16110 OIL -- — ----- w ---- T G, (ft-) IPA s n r-Y,/CFS /5 /%6? 01�e �G�c /40� �' �ysl�.•z9 Gee e 041. ✓.�. a, aC.lyo� r�• %rb 3,F � ��a�//was' aq T a� q• /9/9 DBvia County Public � ihrary Moolcsville, NG fi 6_/.�p ({��/iCl 7Q!%1M wlN ACI°or�y v / /CJ ✓ dlGt..` ejc- ,Ozoe�r I/AO 5�8ll Y& v e spa' ai) M u ssk/i� as �.��, 00MVIN9,U'--' ` 5" as If 31 wed RM 'O DavieCougv Public Library ok*#Ie, Nc v �.� LAelL-& dh 7 J Davie Couniy Fu f: — Mor„csvilte, N:. A- eW DaVMoC tY Pu�'lir, Ciir�jy wiJie, NC 3. A3 elI, /►�. D'c� 3, /9s3 Rom � 13. /-/4•/909 9 6•/s Hy$ /dJ L9ll �73a)S �1/6-Ifs/ (� 4?� 13- All 3- Adz Qfl Davie County Publi:: 0 r' &, f A4 &v j /A g 1W A, �d G 4 ��G/U oC �uCei /"CGu-�i/G�1 13. Davie Count4 Pabjic Abrar; Mo&sole, NG mC � m �Gx 444L4 D� ` �dU ifb I e�— J 2 Davie County Pub+: .Vary MOUkSvilie, NC 4�4^IA/,4(4 /.//�/ G a�� zi. �� �. a , /yah lS, ca ��_i5/yam 6 �a as /963 r a T u (TO Z �� o ww� 2G X96 �li �. Q �1 O ow Mo �� p1e,rlC ,`braN patit0 /Yr ' a Davin County Public Library Mocksville, NC 1 /i33 PG b4aa, A A4 , 6 a4,.) / "" , "3� r ^� Davie County Public Wary Mock%Ole, NC .- � _� :,� � :.,•.��> _fir;, Doctor (Doc) Webb McCulloch, 1908-1978 DOCTOR (DOC) WEBB McCULLOCH 764 Doctor Webb McCulloch, b. 22 Oct. 1908, in Davidson Co. to John (James) Washington McCulloch (15 Sept. 1876-5 Aug. -1929) and Eula Thomas Hardister (6 Aug. 1877 — 11 Jan. 134 ne 1935 Effie Adaline Fritts(90 hey lived in the Silver Hill THwy. fi4 East. "Doc" d. 25 Jan. 1978, and was bur. 28 Jan. 1978, with services at Memorial UCC and burial in the church cern. 0 u THE HERITAGE OF DAVIDSON COUNTY Genealogical Society of Davidson County Lexington, NC 1982 Doc McCulloch was an active business, civic, political and religious leader in Davidson Co. He served as secretary to Fred 0. Sink in the early years of his leadership in the printing and publishing business in Lexington. From 1939 to 1944 he worked as circulation manag- er for The Dispatch. He was a partner in McCulloch's Jewelers in Lexington. He served as sec.-treas. of Davidson Co. Mutual Fire Ins. Co. from 1944 until his retirement in. 1973. . He served as state secretary of the N.C. State Camp of the P.O.S. of A., as chairman of the Davidson Co. Board of Education, was an officer in the High Rock Lake Assoc., direc- tor of the Lexington YMCA, president and sec- retary of Hedrick's Grove Telephone, president of the Lexington Retail Merchants Assoc., officer and director of the Central Carolina Civi- tan Club and Chairman of the Davidson Co. Commissioners. He was a member of the Junior Order, the Red Men, Lexington Lodge No. 473, Greens- boro Consistory Scottish Rite, Oasis Temple Shrine, Lexington Chapter 97 of the York Rite and a million dollar producer of Shenandoah Life Ins. Co. • Doc was a charter member of Memorial UCC which he helped to organize in 1953, served on the church Consistory as a deacon, was an active leader in the Churchmen's Brotherhood of the Southern Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church. He represented Memorial Church as a delegate to a number of meetings of the Southern Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Doc and Effie McCulloch were the parents of 2 children. Fred 0. Fritts McCulloch, b. 15 Nov. 1937, m. Doris Eloise Harris. Their chil- dren: Judith Kay McCulloch, b. 25 Sept. 1963; Fred 0. Webb McCulloch, -b. 26 Mar. 1968; Mia Harris McCulloch, b.1 Oct.1970. Fred is secretary -treasurer of the Davidson Co. Mutu- al Ins. Co. Doris is a supervisor with Lexington Telephone Co. Julia Kay McCulloch, b. 4 Oct. 1942, m. Tom u��ECL , THE JOHN WASHINGTON McCULLOCH FAMILY 765 John (James) Washington McCulloch, b. 15 Sept. 1876 in Davie Co. was the son of James Webster McCulloch (13 June 1855 — 24 June 1900) and Rachel Elizabeth Cope (4 May 1856-12 May 1919).'In his youth he came to Lexington, met and married Eula Thomas Har- dister, b. 6 Aug. 1877, dau. of Doctor Lane Hardister (10 Oct. 1854 — 23 May 1935) and Mary Frances Clodfelter (5 June 1857 — 27 Dec. 1936.) J. W. McCulloch was an only child and Eula was the oldest of 11 children. Their children were: 1) Herbert Holton, b. 4. Aug. 1899, d. 1977, m. Carrie Smith. 2) James Lindo, b.15 Sept. 1901, d. May 1967, m. Beulah Ellis, lived in Jacksonville, N.C. 3) David Franklin, b. 4 Feb. 1904, d. 1981, m. Lorene Snyder. He was a' jeweler in Lexington. 4) Clyde b. 10 Feb. 1906, dAd 1906. 5) Doctor Webb, b. 22 Oct. 1908, d. 25 Jan. 1978. 6) Ruth, b. 8 July 1911, lives in Lexington. She m.1 st, Raleigh Webster Leonard and after his death m. 2nd George T. King. 7) Lola Mae, b. 9 Mar. 1914, m. Woodrow Blesse Ingram. They operate McCulloch's Jewelers in Lexing- ton. 8) John Ravon, b. 20 Feb. 1917, lives in Sebring, Fla. 9) Beulah Jimmie, b. 9 July 1919, m. GarIOLuther Shoaf. They reside in Lexington. 10) Henry Eustace, b. 19 Apr.- 1922, pr:1922, m. June Cross, lives in Norfolk. Sources: Family members, personal knowledge. — Kay Umbell and Rev. Frank Snider Davie. County M"*"Vole, N� THE HERITAGE Genealogical y Lexington, NC i J V THE CHARLIE FRITTS FAMILY The Charlie Fritts family lived just a 430 ast Lexington on Old Hwy. 64 in Silver Hill Twp• Charlie Fritts, Sr., b. 13 Sept. 1878, was the son of John (0836 — 16 Feb. 1897) and Laura Jane Hanner Fritts (21 Jan. 1846 — 4 May 1934). Charlie m. Julie Hedrick, b. 7 Feb. 1878, dau. of Thornton Hedrick (14 June 1849 —15 Jan. 1933) and Adaline Hunt Hedrick (6 Mar. 1859 — 26 Sept. 1929.) Charlie Fritts was a farmer. He and his wife Julie were charter members of Memorial _Evangelical and Reformed Church (now UCC); Memorial Church stands on part of the land that was once their farm. Charlie d. 28 Aug. 1968, and Julie d. 13 May 1963; they are bur. in the Memorial Church Cem. Ten children were born to the Charlie Fritts family. First was Carlie Lee, b. 30 Nov. 1898, m. "Jock" Moffitt, lives in Asheboro; the 2nd child b. July 1900, d. 17 June 1901, bur. at Hedrick's Grove Church Cem. John Davie, b. 9 Apr. 1902, m. Pearl McNealy. They live on E. Center St., Lexing- ton. Lloyd Wade, b. 13 Feb. 1904, never m., lives at the Charlie Fritts homeplace. He farms and works part -t' Lbr. Co. `i Effie Adaline, b. 30 July 196621rri. 16 June 1935, Doctor e c ulloch. Effie is widowed and lives on Old Hwy 64 East. Laura Jane, b. 15 Nov. 1908, m. Julius -Clyde Darr. She lived in Lexington and d. 31 Oct. 1981. Sue Annie, b. 26 Oct. 1910, m. Thomas Wiley Hedrick. They live in the Arnold community. Charlie, Jr., b. 26 June 1913, m. Lucille Craver and lives in Marion, S.C. Twins, Minnie and Mamie, b. 5 Sept. 1917. Minnie m. Eldridge Alexander Blake and lives in Reeds. Mamie m. 20 Nov. 1937 Allen Wesley Berrier and lives near Lexington. Sources: Family members, personal knowledge, news- paper clippings, cemetery records. — Kay McCulloch Umbell Effie Fritts McCulloch and Rev. Frank Snider. OF DAVIDSON COUNTY Society of Davidson County 1982 DOCTOR LANE HARDISTER • FAMILY 499 Doctor Lane Hardister, b. 10 Oct. 1854 in Montgomery Co., m. 7 May 1876 Mary Frances Clodfelter and moved to Davidson Co., living for a time in the Pine Hill Meth. Church community. (Four infant children are bur. in that cem. on Hwy. 109) They moved to Lexington and lived here until their deaths. Doctor Lane Hardister d. 23 May 1935; Mary Frances d. 27 Dec. 1936. They are bur. in the Lexington City Cem-. The Hardister's had 11 children. 1 Eula Thomas, b. 6 Aug. 1877, d.11 Jan. 1967, m. 9 Sept. 1897 o nas InTi —ton McCulloch- ived in Lexin 6 ton and had_TU chit- ren. )Willie L., b.10 June 1880, d.13 Aug. 1881; 3) Travis J. b. 4 June 1882, d. 10 July 1882; 4) Arlindo A., b. 30 July 1883, lived in the North Davidson area. 5) George D. b. 4 Dec. 1885 d. 9 Oct. 1922; 6) Marcissus J. (Aunt Sis), b. 24 July 1888, m. Cleve Yar- brough, had 4 children and lived in Lexington; 7) William M.C., b. 19 Jan. 1890, d. 9 June 1892; 8) Charlie, b. 14 Apr. 1892, lives in Lexington; 9) Jessie B., b.19 Jan. 1896, d.1 June 1896; 10) Mary Frances, b. 19 May 1897, d. 21 Sept. 1977, m. Ed Clifton and lived in Lexington, and had 3 children; 11) Ernest, b. 19 Oct. 1900, d. 15 Mar. 1950 in Lexington. Sources: Cemetery and family records and personal knowledge. — Kay McCulloch Umbell Effie McCulloch and Rev. Frank Snider Davin County Public Library Mocksville, NC r�xo�a an d W w w Y. : W 'O v3���� L`Ip>F.tp.myC� '.L'$�p w'd piG TlJ. EO�Om`y p{� A�N di'C% � d Vni'd`A'�0CorO �•CameoG �oWW WT'•`'°� �W�.8 o V01BdWuwB8 p.'1 '$ X10$ `mU-aUi�BKv.E c'.oC •'�1q0 e$'J', E: aa� �oG,E:SI-3.6yiWg .mg;.9�ami ou.5 9dvo �yCpSyc�'o$oW« A' c,-oo�..:o�woo AY��q�Sa�aanQFd AaaMWp �i W S o.'�o�v3Cda,.�d uYl o��°�G m`c'Wymda 5at3 ��Ai.o�y � qq k,�EA Sw<96 _rd�. uuu $'$FEc+d d 0 .5 �o � dEGa ���Zi mYS.J�afa° ��Y afa Ga uw `j�oyr^mvvm uae��um�S ai« m L d 'd�F2F�x 3.�06�, y.d... Yid' md.9 e $m �(-0 m'o� i m F°me�c oOzpgB8oiOm{pgAy��3o�wBo �vmYd��ouyy�v W.LJ'y.gt. 4-90`��YCmC.,� d�.�WW OydLU_m d''�O OSy�OIY c- > L W Y17 mUyT C d Y M= WOMEN �t Oo'SmOspC�W�S W.m�gWqco�.d oeWc$�mAmdpdy n' mueT�;aym dnaie` Yuma::-:;,,5WmE°:U4oY�B�dm.�'W` E Qu ... 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"� &,J ro /9G dA- I u ?� - a3 /y s� 5 Q) (j U � pav►s cpubliNCbrary ok Z-1 r /ON Davie County Public Ubran- MooksV91e, NC / /Wcw�,uQ 07 &W� k, 1�7VIi-a . 13. C"J/ I If �111 "If 1,00- vA lj.:wlis County Public iib. Moc*sville, NO —• /� cihi���eJ'L Q�Oih1�i' TS�/l�At/ e , r 4 �I Davie County public library Mocksville, NC K ~ ° -- ' i --------�-� _ ! - --' -- '---'- ----'--- - -- ------------- --------------'------ i '-- 'L - - - ' - - -'-' ---' ' - - ----- ---- - -- '--'-- l ' .0� -O 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C., 27103 January 5, 1977 Mrs. F. 0. Reynolds 655 North Tipton Covington, Tennessee, 38019 Dear Adilou: Doubtless you know by now that I am in the process of compiling a McCulloh family history, trying to work on contemporary lines while gathering old history. I have collected quite a bit of both so far, but need so much more. I feel that I may be close to connecting our family to the James of Grogan written up in the histories found in our better university libraries. Everybody is quick to say we came from the family - but no one to my knowledge as found out how. There were so many McCullohs in early colonial and prior history with the same names. Some were cousins, step -brothers, etc and I need proof. To get down to what I need your help with, I'll sketch what I have on your immediate family for your corrections and additions. Mason thought you might have some pictures that would be interesting to our book. Could you tell me which you have, especially of the older generations? Also from your brothers and sisters, I still need additional information, such as': place of burial Ura Jane Pate Bivins marriage date Jane and Brady Bivins Brady Bivins date of birth Brady Bivins son of and his full name Marriage date of James Preston Pate & Mary Ford Mary Ford Pate's date of birth Where was she born Parents of Mary Ford Pate: and I -shall wait for Flora to send -me the information for her family. Lester McCulloh, son of Mamie McCulloh, had a lung removed just before Christmas. You probably remember the spinster sisters who are still living at the old home place? I need a lot more information about the descendants of Charles G. and Josephine Dunaway McCulloh. Mason thought that James Andrew Morgan might be the logical one, but he has not as yet responded to my July letter. Hope to hear from �:Lim soon. I shall appreciate any help you can give me. Davis County Public Library Mooksville, NC Sincerely, r I need full names. son of 3. ADILOU PATE M. ate B. November 27, 1911, Jamestown, Ark. A. CHARLES GRANVILLE REYNOLDS B. November 28, 1939, Pine Bluff, Ark. < Dau of B. THOMAS ANDREW REYNOLDS M. B. Dec. 29, 1946, Memphis, Tenn. a. PIPER REYNOLDS B. Memphis,Tenn. b. KACEY REYNOLDS B. where Davie County Public Ubra'y . mocksville f NC and FAY OTIS REYNOLDS Born where and REBECCA LANE MORRIS,Garla1 Tei B. where : 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C., 27103 January 5, 1977 Mrs. Mary Wallace McCulloh 1025 North Main Sturgis, Kentucky, 42459 Dear Mrs. McCulloh: I am in the process of compiling a McCulloh family history and need your help. Mrs. E. D. Bowman of Shreveport, Louisiana gave me your address. j husband s Would you be so kind as to send me all the direct lineage of your/ history as you can? Also I need your own family's history. I shall enclose a few blanks which might make that more convenient. Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I shall look. forward to hearing from you. Very truly yours,. alce - //7, 6&7,� (Mrs.) Alice Holton Eidson 62 P. S. My Mother was Beryl McCulloh Holton, daughter of Goshen McCulloh, who was the son of James and Charlotte McCulloh. He was the son of Alfred McCulloh who was the son of James McCulloh. I am working on all the collateral lines - McCullohs - not just my direct lineage. Davie County Public UbM Mooksville, NG ,Oft\ gel Mrs. Alice H. Eidson, 1135, Kenwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27103, U. S. A. Dear ':Airs. Eidson, W. J. F. FENTON GENEALOGIST Member of the Association of Genealogists and Record Agents 82 HERSHAM ROAD WALTON-ON-THAMES SURREY KT12 5NU ENGLAND Tel.: Walton -on -Thames 25214 19th August, 19$1. Many thanks for your letter of 27th July and for all the copies of Wills, Memoirs etc., you so kindly sent. have studied all this and have now received the photograph of I haJune, and this the original Will of Henry McCiJLLOH who died on 16th and I enclose s forwarded herewith. I have also done some re reports about these with notes, as follows: - ner F .1,1cC l .8- These are photocopies of the replies IhLi'orariensrom e InHerry o / and } Temple, Lincoln's Inn and Middle Temple Eustace McCULLOH was admitted to the Middle ry Temple in Esq?, and called to the Bar in 176oins�75?f presumably). ,I think of Turnham Green, Middlesex this puts Henry Eustaee's birth at about 1?3$• F o.P1cC/1 _ This records the result of my searches in the Parish Registers + of St. Nicholas, Chiswick -all rCehMcC�LOCHJar interesting. children of Henry McCUI,LOCH Letitia McCiTLLOCH land Mary; he, later the Secretary of North Carolina. I found their baptisms and also those of that Henry's other daughters. All these children were born in London and their existence is corroborated by his Will. showing _ This is a sketch pedigree .� g what I have, so far, managed p Ped.P�1cC/1 to establish about this Henry McCULLLICH .. I have not been able to identify Mrs. Elizabeth MacCULLOCH, Widow, -u 1749 but I think there is no doubt that Penelope buried 8th November, was the wife of Henry plcCOLLOIi Of a *�a�.COLLOCH , buried 25th April , 176? , see references VP Turnham Green and Chelsea (he, of the accompanyingCriltion and is referrer'. Mo Penelope i-,hich appeared on Heart' s Memorial fin. P tto ;r, the next Folio. � vfrom 1 t You will see that on this occasion I searched baptisms LT anuary , 1748/49 to the end of 1760; this does not cover early enough - we .4$/ 9 for Henry Eustace. should cover 1735/ Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC v Mrs. Alice H. Eidson. - 2 - Fo.McC/5- - I searched the Churchyard of St. Nicholas, Chiswick (or rather, part of it; it is a large burial ground, it was raining and feet high in long grass.). I did not find the McCULLOH Memorial but this Folio gives some references to it - soc:e of thea incomplete (presumably the Memorial %:as illegiby when this transcription was made many years ago). However, I think we can close up the gaps. You will. note that:- (a) HenryMcCULLOH who died 16th June, 1"7r79 was Cher. recorded as being 76; i.e. born 1702/. (b) Penelope McCULLOH (his wife) died 21st::April, 17.7, aged 68. Burial Register puts this as 1767 and this seems to me to be borne out by other evidence. (c) James HcCULLOH, their son, died 9th July, 1?.91 aged 9. I thin.-: this can confidently be interpreted as 1'; l:9; phi., puts James' birth as in 1740. Ile i s not in the Burial Register at Chiswick but Henry :,:as back in L'ngland then, so :rust be buried else,dhere, probably in London,(but not Chelsea) see Folio McC/6 which follows. (d) Penelope McCULLOH, their daughter, mentioned only on Henry's Memorial as died 1761. I cannot see any inconsistency in this. Think it probable she was born about 1742. It is stated that Henry Eustace was born in London and thin ma :cell be true as Henry did not go to America until 17110. Ile was then There until 1747 so it seems pretty certain that James and Penelope were born in America (at Soracte ?). I have not, so far, identified the James McCULLOH, married at St. Martins -in -the -Fields, 28th November, 1729. _W0.11cC/6 - This reports results of my searches of St. Luke, Chelsea. (dill says Ilenry was late of that Parish, a 1_ :;hough he was buried at Chiswick). You will note that I did not fine. baptisms of either James or Penelope, although it is inter- esting to note from the preceeding folio I:hat two of Iienr T:IacCULLOCH' s far^il, were also buried at Chiswick. I have not, so far, followed up the William ..mTECOLLACH who Married I -lorry BMLON in 1713. Fo. MCC/7 - This i s the Will of Henry, died June 1779• It is long, though fortunately, quite easily legible. This is a photograph of the original Will (not the Register Copy) so you � *l see Henry's signature (very shaky) at the foot, and tho:-e of his Witnesses and others. Davie County Public Library Mocksville, -NG !Fire. slice TI. ��.;'son -3- I have prepared an extract of those parts of the Will concerning James McCULLOH whose relationship to the Testator, I must emphasise, is at no time stated, whilst Henry Eustace is .expli citly call "my son". I think there is no doubt that Henry Eustace was the only surviving child and it seems evident that Henry did not have another son called Janes born in America, as that event would have to have taken place before 17117. Ped/McC/2 - A sketch pedigree of what I have been able to establish about Henry McCULLOH and his family is at this enclosure. I believe the position is fully authenticated by his Will and by ray other findings. I agree, it is odd about Henry's not marrying Penelope EUSTACE until after his return to London in 1747, but I still incline to the view that she i_- the sthe Mother of his children. It is, perhaps, worth remarking that St. George's Chapel, Mayfair, where they were married in 17119, is one of the Churches much used for clendestir_e marriages - no questions asked. Unfobtunately, of course, their Registers do not record the marital status of the parties, nor refer to any Witnesses. I have given this matter a great deal of thought and have prepared some other sketch pedigrees and a chronological table of events relating to both Henry McCULLOH and his son, Henry Eustace. I do not want- to clutter you up with all this at this time. I believe now, that before we embark on researches into Henry McCULLOH's background and family relationships, you should try to establish at your cnd, whether the James mentioned in Henry's Will, is the James who died in 1816 and from whom you can demonstrate descent. I certainly think that the James who died in 1816 must have been a close relation of Henry McCULLOH's of the Will, in the light Of two of his children being called Penelope and henry Eustace. Clearly, if you cannot shoi.., a connection between James of Rowan County, died 1816, and the James of Duplin and the other places mentioned in Henry's Will, then expcndi lure on researching henry McCULLOH's pedigree %..ould be 'barking u- Lhe lerong tree'. So I will now hold further action until I hear from you again. I have, necessarily, spent a lot of time on all this and have exceeded the funds you sent me in Ilay. I enclose an Account and hope that ,you will find that O.K. - I think I should add that, whilst I should be happy to resume work for you, research into Henry M cCULLOH's background and ramifications seems certain to involve Irish research and I think I should refer you to a specialist, as that area is not one of my fortes'and is too remote for me -o work. on direct. I could only act as a middle man. I hope you will find all this extremely interesting and withbe--t wishes, Yours sincerely W j,! . J Davi COunty Public M00sville, b� ,r NO McCULLOH - Searches in the Parish Registers of St. Luke, Chelsea. GLRO - 12th June 1981 1. Baptisms Indexed 1?78 to 1837 Marriages " 1704 to 1800 Burials if 1830 to 1837 (Partial) SEARCHED: (a) Marries (by index) 1704 to 1800. This yielded only: 10 June 1713 M. William MECOLLACH, Gent. of the Savoy and Mary BELLON. (b) Burials for James believed died 1749, and Penelope believed MF X12. died 1761. (1) Searched 25 March 1748 to end Djc. 1751 - No James McCULLOH or variants. (2) Searched 1759 to end 1779 - No Penelope, only thefollowing: 17 March 1770 Bur, Daniel McCOLLOCH. NOTF►: These Burial Registers are just a list of names and dates; no indication of age, relationship or occupation - WJFF. W. J. F. FENTON 82, H ERSHAM ROAD, WALTON -ON -THAMES SURREY, KT 12 5 N U . Davie CouniY Public Library MooksvOle, IVB Abstract of the Will of Henr; McCULLOH, dated 31st October, 1778_.�-7A'j 1. The following is an abstract of the above-mentioned Will, insofar as it refers to James McCULLOH. By virtue of his having been informed that James=McCULLOH (relationship to the Testator not at any time mentioned in the Will) had received: - (a) 550 acres of land on the mouth of Bear Swamp and on Goshen and both sides of Bear Swamp and next to the mouth of Panther Swamp. (b) Certain Negroes named in the Will as follows:- Simon, Lucy, Bate and Jude. And three children of Kate's, three children of Jude's and other Negroes, the issue of Lucy, named London, Arthur, Always and Will. Anii;.all those Negroes were to remain the property of James.. (c) 9480 North Carolina currency (about f,300 -sterling). The Testator releases his son Henry Eustace McCULLOH from obligations under an agreement made between the Testator and his son on or about 24th June, 1771. The Will earlier mentions that James McCULLOH was then (October 1778) of Duplin, North Carolina. The Testator also makes further provision for James as follows: - (a) James to have 1-1150 of the capital released from the annuity to Elizabeth GREEII on her death and to have the AZ500 so re- leased which was bequeathed to the son Henry Eustace McCULLOH should he have died without issue before that event. 4. James to have 9100 worth of goods to be shipped to him at his direction (and only when such directions were receiizud) by Mr. Robert BOYD (co-executor with the son). . 1' K► McCULLOH - Search in the Parish Registers of St. Nicholas, Chiswick, M dx Original Registers at the Church - 11th June 1981 1. BURIALS Found: 23 June 1779 Buried Henry McCULLOH, Esq. Also searched Aug. 1749 to end 1765 and 1767. This yielded: 8th Nov. 1749 Bur. Mrs Elizabeth MacCULLOCH, widow, in the new vault. 27th Aug. 1751 Bur, Jane Letitia MacCULLOCH, infant. Note: Search of Baptisms back to 1745 failed to yield reference to this child. Subsequently found that she was bapt. dau of Henry and Mary M#cCULLOCH at St John, Smith Sq, Westminster, 23 Aug. 1751 - WJFF. 9 June 1?53 Bur. Letitia Alice McCULLOCH, an infant stranger from London. Note: Like Jane Letitia above this child was bapt. at St.John Smith Sq, dau of Henry and Mgry McCULLOCH 8 Nov. 1752. 25th April 1767 Bur. Penelope MacCOLLOCH. (Neither age nor relation- ship is recorded in the Register.) 6�M'°• 1��5 2. BAPTISMS Searched 1 Jan. 1748/49 to end 1760. No reference to McCULLOH or variants. W. J. F. FENTON 82, H ERSHAM ROAD, WALTON -ON -THAMES SURREY, KT12 5N U . We County Public Ubr&y Mooksvllle, NG -r - W McCULLOH - Search in the Great Card Index of the Society of Genealogists. i i��■■irt r r. ■moi i ��■■��i ir■wr ■ ■.r�� rte. �rrw ■..r�■�� ■ ■■ S. of Gr - June 1981 1. This yieldedthe following selected references: (a) Henry McCULLOH - died 16 June 1779, Age 76, late of Turnham Green, Esq. Marr. Penelope died 17.7 (Register gives 25th April 1767 - WJFF) See fo. McC/4 Had: James d. 17.9 x Penelope d. 1761 M.I. Chiswick Cemetery, CQ Middx. (b) James McCULLOH - died 9th July 17.9, aged 9. son of Henry McCULLOH, d. 1779 M.I. Chiswick. (c) Penelope McCULLOH. - died 21 April 17.7;*aged 680), wife of Henry McCULLOH, d. 1779 M.I. , Chiswick. ** Burial register gives 25th April 1767. See fo. McC/4 (d) James McCULLOH (COULLOH in Cal.) - 28th Nov. 1729 M. James McCULLOH of St. Martins -in -the -Fields b(achelor) age 26+, and Elizabeth HAMMOND of the same, Sp. 30+ At St, Martins Bp. London's Registry. (This reference is evidently taken from a Marriage Licence - WJFF.) Neither buried at St. Nicholas,Chiswick (see fo. McC/4) nor at St. Luke,Chelsea (see fo. McC/6) - WJFF. W. J. F. FENTON 52, H ERSHAM ROAD, WALTON-ON-THAMES SURREY. KT12 5NU. l4cCULLOH Will of Henr McCULLOH dated 1st October 1 Proved London 1 th Jul 1779 PRO(PCC) - 29th April 1981 - PRO Ref: PROB/11/1055 following is an abstract of the above mentioned Will, which 1• The fo g is quite long(running to 4+ pages of MS copy), sufficient to establish i PP its applicability to McCULLOHs connected with North Carolina, USA*— formerly- residing at Soracte The Will of Henry McCULLOH, uncertain, but I think it reads as (Initial letter of this word is lin America but now of the here written - WJFF) in North Carolina parish of Chelseasn Co. Middlesex. All real estate in North Carolina to son Henry EustathCarolinaH formerly Collector o -Customs in the CovPorent Garden, but now gone to New York aforesaid late of Be ford Strein'Trusttnevertheless and subject to and to his assigns for ever; mentioned f1�' � �U��) bequests and interests hereinafter`( some beque a to Elizabeth Son Henry Eustace and his exons and eTannum forsigns to hernatural life .. GREEN "then and now my housekeeper X26 P North Carolina to advance and pay to James McCULLOH now of Duplin, its a uivalent in North Carolina, 2120 and some further in Sterlingjor, q sums etc. " me lands in America and some Negro slaves Mentions so Refers toU late wife p Allen 80YD, son of my worthy friend Robert BOYD, Mentions Robertthat "as my son Henri Mere.hant in King Street, Guildhall and goesooattthe\time of my death, Eustace McCULLOH is now abroad and may Eustace. • ted co-executor with son`�ienry friend Robert BOYD is appoin dated 31st Oct• 177$ signed; Henry McCulloh Witnesses Janes Riehd PHILLPOT John FRYER PROVED at London 16th July 1779 by oath of Henry Eustace McCULLOH to whom admon granted etc, etc. Power reserved to Robert BOYD when he she apply for the same. W. J. - F. FENTON 82, H ERSHAM ROAD, %4LTON-ON-•THAME`- t p� Ilc �. 0 SURREY. KT 19" 5N U. Moak Uavte Coons otes t4 .11 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C., 27103 July 22, 1976 Mr. James Andrew Morgan 823 Fourteenth Street Nederland, Texas, 77627 Dear Mr. Morgan: I am in the process of compiling a McCulloh genealogy and would appreciate very much your help. I am a descendant of James McCulloh and you are descended from his youngest brother Charles. Jimmie Jean Bowman told me that you might be able to give me some information on the Dunnaways. She thought you might also have a picture of Charles Granville and Josephine Dunnaway McCulloh, that I might have copied or you could have copied for me and I would pay you. Any stories of interest along with all statistical information will be needed to make our book complete, accurate and colorful. I would like full names, places of birth, dates of birth, dates of deaths, places of burials, dates of marriages, to whom - complete names, also names of parents'of spouses, causes of death, etc. I shall enclose a form which might be useful, but anyway you want to list it is all Bight. I would like for you to start with your mother and give me all the information about your parents and your brothers - or send me addresses to write to them. Correction! I would like all the information you can give me about your Grandmother. I shall look forward to hearing from you soon. z 43 AHE d Enclosure P. S. To whom o f ami ly? Z) ti v _� Sincerely, shall I write to obtain the information about Victoria's Davie County Public Library Moc4csvflle, NC 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C. July 22, 1976 Mr. Mason Andrew Pate 905 West 45th Street Pine Bluff, Arkansas, 71601 Dear Mason: I am in the process of compiling a McCulloh genealogy and need information. MASON ANDREW PATE Born: May 8, 19089 M. Jamestown, Ark. Dau. of : IRIS DEAN SMITHWISK Any information you have regarding any McCullohs will be appreciated. I have a copy of the McCulloh genealogy in England circulated some years ago, but I found the original source in the University Library and one generation was left out of the copy that was typed. I have yet to prove what kin we are and it has to be proved. Henry McCulloh had two marriages and we could possiably be descended from one of the half-brothers or even a cousin. It will really be interesting to know when we can actually prove our ancestral lineage. I shall look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, 2:6 /_/� ge�z�- �O� 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C. 27103 July 22, 1976 Mr. Wilson Powell % Independence County Historical Society Box 1412 Batesville, Arkansas Dear Sir: I am in the process of compiling a McCulloh genealogy and one of your Arkansas citizens suggested I write to you to inquire if you have any McCulloh information in your files. If so, I would greatly appreciate conies and would promptly send a check to cover the cost. Very truly yours, � ?ezc /-.,/ ?:-ezV'9t') ?''r AHE Enclosure P. 0. Box 2291 Batesville, Arkansas 72501 August 19, 1976 Ws dice H. Eidson 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. Ce 27.03 Dear Mrs. Eidsons I am sorry to report that we are unable to find much information for you concerning the McCullch$ in our records* A. Mary McCulloh is listed in the 1340 Census of Izard County, which is the county north of Independence, and in this county our marriage records shows McCullohp William To. 20 years of age, to . Harriett s.: Heywood, 190 Avg* a' 2:85$2 . By W: J. Thor#)son.9 JPo McCulloh, Wm, Se, 24, to Jane Baker, 180 Nov. 8, 1877, by Mi-11ton Be Umstead, W, ME Church* South,, I am sorry we are unable to find more information on the family you seek* s e Very sincerely yo J CWe MaGim is Independence County Historical Society 10 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C. 27103 July 22, 1976 Mrs. William J. Schuler 244 Floradale Tonawanda, New York, 14150 Dear Mrs. Schuler: I am in the process of compiling a McCulloh genealogy and need your help. Jimmie Dean said that you might supply me with a picture of Mariah McCulloh to have copied - or have it copied for me (and send me the bill). To complete your family, I need to know --the names of your husband's parents, the birth places of your children, the marriage date of James Patrick and Darlene, Darlene's full name and the names of her parents, the full name of Matt and his date of birth and where and the names and birth dates of your two step -daughters. I notice that your sister Flora also lives in New York but I have no idea how close to you. I need the information about her family also. Would you please send me her address? Any information you might give me or any suggestions will be very much appreciated. I shall look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, P. S. I forgot to tell you, I am descended from James McCulloh, brother of Charles Granville McCulloh.cc My mother was Beryl McCulloh, daughter of Goshen McCulloh, son of James McCulloh. 1135 Kenwood Street Winston-Salem, N. C. 27103 July 22, 1976 Mr. James Preston Pate 265 North Garland Memphis, Tennessee, 38104 Dear Preston: I am in the process of compiling a genealogy of the McCulloh family. You are descended from Charles Granville McCulloh and I am descended from his older brother James. Jimmie Jean Bowman said you might have a picture of Grandfather Charles G. that I might have copied or one that you have copied for me and send me the bill. Charles and James had other brothers and sisters (a large family in fact). I have gathered information about some of them, but I don't have a lead to their ;Autit Amy who married a John Lawrence and maybe moved to Oklahoma. I don't have much on their Aunt Rebecca. Any information you can give me on any McCulloh or any addresses you might supply for me to write would be indeed appreciated. Dau. of James Preston Pate M. Born: Jan. 1, 1916, Jamestown, Ark. I. Sandra Jo Pate Born: March 7, 1960, Memphis, Tenn. Mary Ford Born where I shall look forward to hearing from you soon. Very sincerely,