McCulloh, Col. H.E.�y -i_ A Standard History OF OKLAHOMA Au Authentic Narrative of its Development from the Date of the First European Exploration down to the Present Time, includ- ing Aecounts of the Indian Tribes, both Civilized and Wi d, of the Cattle Range, of the Land Openings the Achievements of the most Recent Period BY JOSEPH B. THOBURN Assisted by a Board of Advisory Editors VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED TIIE AMERICAN HISTOItLCALr�OCIETY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1916 o � L) U •Y � t � N N Q t 10 • a � ui o a 91 72) o V -i_ A Standard History OF OKLAHOMA Au Authentic Narrative of its Development from the Date of the First European Exploration down to the Present Time, includ- ing Aecounts of the Indian Tribes, both Civilized and Wi d, of the Cattle Range, of the Land Openings the Achievements of the most Recent Period BY JOSEPH B. THOBURN Assisted by a Board of Advisory Editors VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED TIIE AMERICAN HISTOItLCALr�OCIETY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1916 Z� N N U O Pq CiIAPT1;R Y3C:i:V 1 CONFEDERATE, TREATIES Wift INDIAN TRIM:` liar 13. 1861, (!of. Itee•n 1leCitiloeh, tit Texas, was; e+►lnntimioned a brimilie•r general in till- Confedernie array octal was avli;:lersl 1n III,. rotnmmr,d orn, mililni%v district embrnpi(rc the hulinn Torrhilr•. About the mine little. Capt. Allxert Pike. elf Atktittsax, was arepsoiml,el a salnerisel ennnlaixsioner or the Voilredenstie stank Ni *Ihe tu•nlliatimi of trentiew with the various friln•s or lt'rlinuk in flit- xsslsie reeciou. To tilt- roumnud aif til•ctend 114-Vidloeh teen• n*dMied three regi. 111e•nls whiell hall nit•eel141V Iseu reeruite+l null nntste•red into Ilse seerv• it -4- ice the states of Arkansas. Louisiana and Texas. Thi-' rorer wa4 to Ill- augmented by three regiuionts or lndinn installs, note lar whil-11 was to Ill• ennysnwed of t •hoe -laws null Chh-knsaw-s, sone of Preplas Ishii ,-mirmles and ora• 011 Cherokees. Thr instruetions imemed to lite ron"nan 1-r of flip urwlr ereateel military eiistriet emphasized 4-xpe. cially the deArnbility of enpluring Fort ltiashitn nail Ila• Federal trooiss whirls wem ander the ennnnand of Major Kittery. These. however, suremleol ire eluding e•nletnre. thon¢h all or flip almmkined !fleets with .,•oma militnr• supplies 11,11 into till- hands of the Colored- erntex.l 1 As a matter of rapt. forts Arhnckle. Cnhb anti Washita had sill been nhnnelnned by their Federal "rrisnns and had bel -n neem - pleat by Votifoillerate trtenps prior to till' rnlntnissinn 111111 Immiuntt11ent of 114 -neral 1Ir0illoe•h to the rniontand lar III,. lndinn Territory military elixtrief. IW. karl 1'nn Dorn. Whai was; in e•tnntnnnd of Al of the 1'mrfpeberale rnities in Texns. Alto 6-mied orders 01sny •_31h1 in Vol. 11. V. Mi -V tllo•h, of the First Texmx llnanle of Ilifle•nsen. In take, eennln:nud lar lilt rxpevlilinn fur flit- p"rpnw• or 4•nput'rinL ihe-W flin•e• I►exhe, lent ihr ►efre•alinc Fedrnd aslrrixnns had already ix•e•n followed null Ilii ishndbned ptosis oe•rupird b1• Texas te►lume•erat tar militial under flit- rimminud of (,of. 11'illimttt I'. Viounir. Tier lat- ter se•etns to have a -b d indelw•ndently or inxtrurtima.•e or oral -rev of i onfellerole military nnthnrifirs, tltorti:h Wltelfie•r neon Isis own ini. tintire does tint nlepe•nr. That there was it division in flit- enune•i1a air this invading fore from Texas, ns well ns a laek of militstrc dittpi• reline. is indirall-d Ise lite follow•hic eximet from a letter written at 2811 r 282 111%444IRY OF OKLAHOMA if am tilt- privilegfe of rnimm avoid orgslnizing tronpx in flit- (.'h ereekee Nation for the t'n"feeelerate servie•e•. 'to Ilii-. de•►nand Russ n•rume.l to xnhtuit. Meanwhile Voinunil;.sioner Pike find ;;ane mu a tmtr of lite Indian Territory for 'lel- purpose of vixititic flat- other Iriln% actrl nIw•ninK m•e,Rdiriliotr wilh flit -In. -[cities Rim hall Ihe henrly eimgw•rntion nod suploorl of Olooth• leyoholm, Ili' 11441-r lar Ihe 1'ptw•h Creelem. in his stand for ut•utrnl ity; Otherwisetie! situation wens xtieh as In girt ,mow• fur appmlu•u- siele anal imensineew. The aetit�iiy or Allvert Pike. who hall hien .eat. ns a diplomiltir-nnuuissinnrN to trent, Wilk Ihr varions 1"elisrtt tribes, wits fully eilmilled by thni}.of lien. iten 1101'n11see•ti, the etnu• ttmnder of till. ttrilitnry dixtrie•t fir flit- Isidinn Torrilory. who wt,. marshaling n for•,• air tryouts nn the loonIi•r of lite Cherokee palm. try. At Ilii snme little!, Ihe. renlfimirhx 04 tilt- ('onfedrrney w•itllin flit Viiernkee Nation—fit0stly ihtet'sttarrital while 1114.81 and otixl-d blood Indiatls—were rel ening. 111�e 4 thiadlrectioit of •I spermair- xanization known Its flietnighis df lltp flolflen Circle, to bring nimnt an alliance Willi the Con(colerary.. AliparAilly, the Federal Govern. talent Itselfn al►andnetl ilii�jxopll- )l' film ttilieex; its troops hall been withdrawn front the 1u411an Trrrllbr, its 6,11ter fudiAll agents Itself either nexigneel and lift:4 land l-htered the sertiee of file I'otirpol. prate titnies null, as yel.:w) s►teeessors tine] appeared. Thus threat, erred, prryilt•xed stud Irosil►led. Rasta and Orenthlevoholn took the itti- tialive it' ealling it get'reeiel mtrnril of nil lar Ihr tribes of file holism Territory and thorn- of ljhe ntljnl•eml region nr flit tient Plains to the westward. This eon ocil was held at or near flit- Antelnjxe ftilN (Within flit- present lisnits of Roger Mills Co"uly! in .Fifty, MI. While file delrgtitex reiln•w•ntin flip Cheroke•t.m 31111 the I'i►prr ('reeks wrm attending Ihix ennw•il land uruim; that all of flit- Irilx•x should join in forminsr a event not chnfeederatime null linve tin part in the white inan's war, lilt- lenders of flat- Lower t;n•tekx, in a»nuril sit North Fork Town..filly IOth, mitered inks it irenfy or ,111'enxive• loud defensive $Illinois•,• WAIT 1'nl►nttixs+ioner Pike ax Ihe neprem•ninfive or till- Confrilrrate rtfaleiv. am e•nell or them- raselin o. profexseel In r#prp-;e•nt flit- enlire Cr sit Nntioh. the result of lite 4isfilinl: of thi.4 In•aty was tint o11y rsoetfnsins' Id the t'rit•ly rormeel nentrsll eou- frdrration of Indinu Irilwm hall idxh dewfrm-lite. Within three- wpa-k.,,; sifter till- vonsnmmatinn of the Crrek Treat}. similar artr.ee•lau•nt% were.enuphide.l mud (fail %- %iuiteel by repro-woola- livees of lite- Clens -low 111111 VIsirksluaw• nalinnm jmiuflo, lent] wills list- 4etninalt-m. Ten alloy. Inlier the Vi-deml .%rut%- under 1:.•11. Xsthnnil-t Lynn sl�it-rnd del't-at t,1 II►.• fiseo(fs of Ilse• C1.6 eb•a:4rs• Arm.% ender HISTORY OF OKL.1,I O31A 281 .%% a spt-rial eoinntissiomer for the t'onfellerata 211161109, Allle•rl I►ike proulptlr begun lite work mf n•cotiatim; with the leaders null allipinls for filo various tril►es and nlnincts or (ndioull in the Indian Ti-rritory for the purpose of reetsunding.thent to enter {"hi l eatiex of ,,liauep will, the rer0nlly ealublishrd government or the setetedimt situs. Itis efforts in this lint- %fere xee•ondpd toy David litdsbanl. g len Itself been alilsoinied not xulw•riutrm►-1111 of Indian affairs for tl rut. 16114•4. laud of 11011. heat 11eu'till oeh, the distrit•I military pout• 1111Itwla•r. lie personally rixiltsl lite ehiefx and nntinloiu�•l an seetir0 snrn•mponden4 a wills thrill Iw•ttwee•n visits. No ditifeulliees were an- ti+•ilmd•al or l-"pounter•d In the rourme of the it"Ptintionse with the 1'I11a-taw laud Chiekiesaw trilxs. thott2h the trenties will, ItIm. trilscs Were not signed immediately. That suvh ue•tioll was defernomi for n tisnr in th, ho111, that all of Ihe live vivilIYA-d 1rd11•s tilijtlit owe induced 111 ent,r into seteh an allinuer M the same tiler, is evident from tilt fact that. lite trenty with flee 1'1104-lawle null Chirknsattts was not con- rhltlesl wilhin Ilio lroun.4 of their own rountr• but tit North Fork Town (Huroula), in the Creek Niglio". John hone, who was the leader of file dominant faclit"a Of the Cherokei: Notion, as well as the rat-asivlized hi -till of lite tribnt gov- ernment, warily 011poseed a Irraty of alliance with till, confederate state x asset ronlended for a neutnd atlilualr soft the part of lits Iuraplr. in the 4'n•eek Nation. Upntlal0yoleola, the leader of flip I'1'llerC ekS. stnblw►ruly refnse•d to eonsider the prnptosition at all. l rat 1iet'ullex.is and (,,ouunizationer Pike went together (May '281111 to allyl the Cherokee ehief. i)ipjonlatipally bnt firmly. he 111-14110 Ilia deter• lttimltion to keep his people uputrsd anis thus avoill Ix•i"tt drawn into) flit. war, (tenerat McCulloch. for that tiuse being, attrced to re- slw•et Ih, 11r11trality of tile- 1.1terokee Nation. Shortly nftrr•ward (.luuer 1'_111), however. lie addressed it letter to (thief limes, •lemla+ld- Itenthanl. Toxam. Moor 1.1111. by 1.'s1I►I. s. 'r. lteuninjt, of the Fannin Votlilty Company, {u I'nlnttt.l 1'41un%:'x el►nlutactd: '1'solnnt-) 1'e)mttu Islas rnr"leil it Irrttly of 111.111-1. Will, file- R4we•rvr {1111irntx af"-nddo•.4. 11 irhitox tt"el it -.1 irilw x), sanul{linne.l flint tfis! Kowhern I'1`11164leraey fl -ed and prnitv:t the'". as herelnfune dam• 1!v. lilt. 1;"ile(f stales (hove•rnn11•nl sit n very heavy e•xjw•"v . saiul 111111, loo, without the• npprornl of lostl veru few Iwrnple its Ihix �Imte. It. is ronsidered by Ihe •eovrr-i;:tts here as n wore: thou set. d- Im-4 exile•nse." The Itew•rve ludians. to w-lliell alhixiai" wns'lot's made, Wer• flit movie trihex (with lite, exception of Ihe• Wiehifas) which hall Iw•rn driven from the reservations on lite Brnm River leas that, two years before. HISTORY OF OKL:111011A 2S:1 the rolnnand of ben. Bern 11eCulloell. It then haws nor apparent that lite pressurei ill favor of m new alliance could Ito longer Ile with. stood. Reluctatilly, Chief Renal called it general council of the Cherokee Ixs►ple td convene at Tabl etjusth August 21st- To this call for it num conventinn. tesssst or the mitt of the Cherokee Nation r•- spnndlpd. .101111 Rolm rneell Illi -4 vast audlcure and in a Isrief add, -e4 expininrrl why file: people heel lien rolled together? lieremindeal them of their frieddly relations with Ilan Itoveru"uenl of Ilse• ritittd tifnlrs; ht• Inld ttirin of till• evil iiinl-s which find Iw•fsdb•n mail gnrht lioverrnneot; of the war that wain Ilten mstitta. the dctrltion and rrsuhstor which rotim nut be- foretold: of the etrorls wh'se•h had been put forth to induee their tribal authorities to enter into ausalliance Willi file flover11nent whiela Ind been set till by the speeding stairs and aif Iris own efforls In jiaserve• the neutrality of the Cherokeis Nation. lie then coitcladrd pts follows: "Thr tmition whie11 r leave timutitwl i" regard to all the intpor- iant tiumdoex which offe et, the Chrmitee people has been too often pro:lainst-el to be misunderstood, however much it pray Ile lnisrepte- erenl0tl. The great object with one has Vern to leave the 0irrokee people harmonious and united in the• full null free exetrisie and enjoyment or nil their Althis or Iterxnu title( property. 1'"init is sln•ugth ; dissu•usion is weaknews. misery, ruin. In time of peal... enjoy peace together: in lithe of war• if near mast emae. tight to. s;ether. As brothers live, its hr►them tile. While rally and Wiliing to derend our tiresides from 1 fie robber and the murderer. bet till tint make war wantonly against tilt- authority of the united or Confed- erate `tate•s, tint avoid eonifret with either. and rennin striefly oil nor own sail. We have home -x endeared to its by every ennxidrla. tion, laws salapted to our ronlition asset of an; sown ehnirv. and rights and privilpoms of the highest eharneter. Here they t"ttsl ill• enjoyed or nowhere row•. When your unfinnality peasant tepee. it w ill line nowhere edmte. W he11 Iliew• homes tine lost• yon will lind no others like them. Then. •lay rountr•1"en. as you reitard your own righls. ns ynn regard til, welfare of your posterity. Ise prudent how %rm stet. The pernsaneitt dismirition of thn theited States is now limbalilm Thr stale n" mor bnreler anal the lndinn natiotts al -out loss lutvrt m irpred their l-ntme tion from flip Uuitrd States unit joined the 1 •o"federnte States. ()mr ;tpuernl interests ore inselearnhle from = The• full text of the address of Mief Rosa to the general coun- eil air file Cherokee reenple may be round in ''The Records of the 1'oinn send Confederate Aresti0s.'' Series 1. Vol. ill, pp. 673-5. r i� N 284 HISTORY OF OKLAIIO,1tA list -Ira Rent it is urge dv.%irnbh• that we xhnnld slasnel ulmn. Thr pr oiervation of titer rit hta and of aur pxislt-lare rite sohove- pvery olh0.r et"neaiderntion. .Ind in view it tile, eirruntxtnuecs of aur xNnutfstn nen say la You frankly shat in uty Opinion lite: tins: has nt►w 0.111110• when you AlOuld xignifY )'Our rnnxent for (lee oulhorititsx of Ihr nation to adopt prvlinsinary 4feps for site alliance with the f'rgrifed• prate,tares report tt-rins honorable anti advaritagenas Io fila t'ht-tnkere .Nation. Following the addrecv of flip principal chief. Coll. jobless l.'rs+r. ford, who Itself i epi, 1'nit"I Slatca initial' a).•ent for flit: ('h,erokces -19111 +rho (heiaq ►tee active partisan of the seeession usovenient) lead bl"ll eOufirapcl in that enpaeitY by file Confs•deralc Indian eurts. missioner. made a I►ricf epee eh after which file convenlinn omanized by flip etertiOss of it e•hafr•ilia's -'fill it seerptnrv. The resolulious adoperd Fey the rstnventioa +err, comparatively Inild, favored seen. halite, Mangle by inft-rrn•c inclining to file side of ihr. Snuth. and "011eludpd fly delegating the authority to enter into is new allinnre to flip rol,stitttted nulhoritica of the Cherokee dation in ense, such i it coma: might lit• elrenlml expedient or desirable.-- General esirable.=General lb•(.'eellnrh sand Vonrinisioner Pike, were promptly notified of till, action select flip Cherokee people assembled in ,.•neral eouneil. Tile Cherokrr nutharitim took ituncdint• steps for flip ree•rniting and nrgnrizatin i of it regitanrt of mounted rifleasen. of which .101111 Drew wislt rhoxe•n its reilouel 1 Although fire Cherokm I Metiete was till's rollinsittrd to an rellianee with tilt- Confe•ticracy by aThr full text of the restitutions adopted by the! people of te I Cherokee Nation in general council. August 21, 181;1, was printed in "The Allirinl Rernria of the Union and Confndernle Armies." New So -rips. Vol. lit. pp. 675-6. 4 The regiment of montool riflemen which was raised by the national eounril and pineed under the emmnsand of (*ill. John Drew, � was Pomposrcl largely of full ldooded Cherokees, nearly if nal most Of whole were snemlk-m of the full blood meret society known its the ICitodwhn. flip naenh,•ra of which were derisively knnwil not ••i'iu I Indians.- Prepinnx to this lipit". and spite of lite efforts Reel its- j flnettep of C'hier ilex• 1n Ih11 enalrary, Stand IVatir tit prominea leader of thr•Met into %rhieb hall always opposed Rasa.:tenl who from flit- first wax an netive partixane of the serlediteg stairs), 11:111 IN -0-11 atslhnrized by ti -no -nil Mi•t'nllen•h to raise it force of Cliprlkt-rs to - nxxist in pah'ollinc and proteetinc tho northern border of the Chrrn- krc cauelh•Y. Mnxt elf L'ol. Slarid'lFatie's men were of lnised Indian and afiitP hrnnel-atl+l many of then were well eduentrel. This 0.erri- mnful ennsistec) of salionl :311(1 ,nen at that time, linter it was trade thr, nuOrns of a full reginirmt. 2.141; iIISTOHY OF AKLAIIOINA i West thirty vt-nrot lit -fore flip beginning of the war. Mindful of his lrirrio s efforts to hold flip otltrr trilies to a policy of neutrality, Thief Rowt sent letters to Pari: f►f them. apprising them of the new allinuee into which flat- Cheroket-s level entered seed urging then, to lake Amilor no -lints if they land not Are•ady done .M. tens• off tear.,! 11•Ilers was sweat Io t)pOthlryoltala. who hall always gephedrl Ilnxs in lei% stand tell- n•ntrnlity :mot nnupartiripation in the war. Opoth- It;vnlinln rpmniued nnanoved by Ilsis e.liasice in attitude nn the psirt of his fripnl nor could his deternsinatim, to remain firm ill lois adherenve in fit,, Union be shaken hY flit further efforts which were tan"ln ." .1 Opothleynholn had been prosnitient in the affairs of for crt-eela Tribe for forty Yrnrs ler entire la•fnre flip outbreak of fit,. (civil war. ill was probably learn lwfore 1800 and is believeel to !laves well otc•ryiee• in active warfare against the whites as parley as flit- War of • 1812. Like .John Ross, of tint Cherokee Nation, he teas bitterly op. �nw el to the rea,enal of his people to the Next. Indeed. if fx riot unpmbable that his sentiment of attachment to Lite Fedprnl Ihsinn at the ouiltreak of the. Vivil war was prompted l►y his resentment and :auspiefon toward the peoplo of pertain states of the. South Minn lir Idanied for forcing flip Creeks to leave their nnrienl hassles anti entire- to t11n slrnngr land west of the Mississippi. A% be hal opposeel Melntnxh anti 11111 advoentes of rt-riu►val Ir1•ir liv% thirty Ypars heforr..n hr now oppasrd Ihr rhtteupionx of roll Alli• tiller- with ihr CozirtArrary. Although he Mas an still name ;it. that little, he nag still very active and was possened Of a personal inngnp- finite mid a rapacity for leadership which gnvn him grent inAnen•e anti power ainnug his people. lie erns probably amazed at the t-hanar of front net the part of Chief Russ in abandoning Lite policy 111 neutrality and Openly espousing flip pansy, of the Fwcedinr; stal 4. When lie rcecivoil flip' formal letter front Ross announcing this eoesrse. ler returned it after having directed (for he enuld not write) that the question as to whether itoss was really its nuthnr should he written nn lite hack of the eoinnuniention. 'Clue Cherokee agethari- ties thereupon split Jaaepli Vann. who was second chief, to person- ally intercede with Oltnthfryehola in Ix•lialf of n united front by sell the tripes for the Cnnfesleracy. Opothleyoholit greeteel Vatln ax a friend lint refaced to enter into the diseussiot of a nsalter "pnri which, as Ise said. he lend ielreadv made tip his inind. lir said that lie realized the futility of oppeiaing the Federal Government Ise- cautse, fn the end. it waned.1rinmph. lle nlso said that his of)positioln to flip prnposell %Nur agabisl lite iFnicns was not based npo►a his ani- ntosity inward tilt- faetinii to wilie•h lee had wt lung beet 11ppnard ,lite MrLntmis party) ivaxefinrd tip no, the side of liar cconfretl•rar•r: filter. it was based upon prikneipbe and little, under ren . ireurnxfaae•rx. enuld Ile be iridneed In t-oexider xn•h site Alinuee. Ib• emielladed hV stating that it will his Pit nxp to Inke his followers tet Km►sas and • HISTORY OF OKLAHOMA 285 iia• voice of fes people• in Ip ll,ern) etnucif on Ile: 11x1 elf :Iul,tislt, it was loot until the itis of October that the treaty was fornutlutrsf and .vigtrrd. In the menntilnr C )IIIntixssinnrr Pike hall hw a surcrxvfttl i,t ttpgotiatin),• trcaffca wills reprnsanlative«s of parts of tilt. wiehita. Canldo need federated tribPa on lite, thew n:ser•atinu on the wAshita, ootheir ngenev f the. near Fort 0)hb, allot with representativex of pairts f I)xagc, Qll"I'aw. tientea -11111 Shawnee frim•~. who,,, he met ill council at Port Million. flrtoher _►-•I. Mile the eoriehmian of an nllfaner. deft-si.Vlve and elypIlxive, be. tween the Cherokee -Nation and the Confederate- Stntes. the people Of lite entire Indian Territory luecane iirvnhed. diree•Ily or indi. reelly, in rise great :;tr,n elle between Ilse Frrletal I'alo' 111111 the -Weeding states. Their ;,•e•OLraphilssl loratio,s null t-tsvirintt•lit noel their customs isnot itlsctill'"Orls• which +rpt• enorr nearly nkiu to thsss,: of the South than thnxp of file North. were ehirti} nvexponsibie for their choice it., the matter, though lite fart that flip 1'11ih:li titates lead apparently forgotten solid forsaken filet' in lite hoar of extrem. ity was not without its influence ond-eff e•l, esppcinlly nnsong the CherAtmi. It is true that I'reexiderlt i ueoln did write it 1ptler to Chief Rcas but it was never delivered and lite latter lend un seepages of knowing that the i,inro ll adnlinistntlinn sees even minnlful of Ihr e:VishenPe► Of the. Chernkpea 11r Iht- obligafiolm of protection title thea, under the terms of existing Irpletips: Ifaving taken a stn riot sett the side of till. Confpdprin.y. the t:herO, kee frihal authoritim ifninediateir bernenct Islip utell in xrrul'Ing ff a united front on tire part of flip other Intlian trilws• .1s previously stated, there had liven it sharply defined division ancon. tilt. pwlp' le of the Creek, ler Jlnsko);et: Natinri ax to till' eos"tse to he purvmed l;v then in tilt, perldinr conflict, the solar of General 3i.Intuvol, befnc Lhr, rteLO.-nized lenders of fhti ferriage ahigh ol,pntY rhruripinned aft "ll'faricp, with tits Coriff:dertivy, while the Canrtion whie•il adhered with eyttal fervor to tire. eaattsc of the 14nion wits IMI by 0110thlevo. [Iola. who Intel stnhbornly oppcMCNI lite reanoval of his people it) tin: � The stOry as laid Inv rile Cherokees is that vreside"t Line•oln wrote it letter to John Rim, usVing that the. Vin•rokc,•s keep met Of (fin war anti informing him Most the t•rdrrr,l flOvt-rnrnr•nt %rngeld nnnu: to their tesisistnneo as sonn as praefirable. Ihar ties- I0.fb•r was e•11trastetl to a niesaiolmry ler priest, who wait aerate to Ihr inlinls Territory and dant tile, latter in Inrn gave it to t, pl•omitseent rifizen Of file. Chernkee Nation to he rlpliverrrt to (.hicf ileal, For remains of his own lie did riot deliver the letter.—.Fenn penaonal information 6*3thered its the Cherokee .tountry by the author. 111ST0IIY OF UKLA11031A 1.17 As already statt•tl. several for list. Irentics negotiated by C'nmsuix- sioner Pike were entered into by enete fra&neuts of tribes. Tile: Creek Trt-aty was never neeepled by OpotlecY•olaola and his follow. els. Only it stuall part of the Osage Tribe was represented in tine council at I•ort Gilson and thy rest of the Oxnges never recognized ler admitted the validity of flit- Irenty negotiated. .dost of the Cad - does. Delawares. Absentee "ilestevilms anti affiliated and federntcd Irilxss (which. after bring forced to leave their reservation on the Itrnzos, in '1'rxn:a. less thrift two years before, lead been colonized oil lite 11'nshifa. ill the Indian Tirritory) abandoned their new n•xer• vatinnn and fled rorth%var,f after flue Ft-dernl garrison hall been withdrawn front fire near by past of Vort Cobb. The t+bvernor of Texas hal 1•ven gone to the extent of sending a special envoy in the perm of their trusted friend. Calif. L. S. Ross, to visit these tribes on -tile Washita to reassrre.them anti to invite them to return to Texas, het the memory of the events of 1859 %sere too fresh i' their rilintls :test[ they not only left for the North but persuaded their Mends. flip Wiehitax. to do likpwixr. llcsst of tile 11in1litax null Iheir kinsfolk of the ICnt'n. Tawnko,v and Keechi Irilx•af se-ttleof for Ihr tint• being at tile- n:nuth Of t11r Little Arkansas River, where they remained until sifter the pall of the war.T Thr Criddoes*took up their abode on the Arkansas Itiver. in Eastern Colorado. Snne Of these 11e11iltns dill not go imrnediately. Part of them %rent north - want wills 011othleyolioln and lite Creeks. fn flits winder of 1861.2. 011srrs resnjaincd until later•on in 186211. The Penntekn Coenanehes and the Tookawas remained at Ihr \Vashita Agone-v, which was Leon• tinuell by the Confederate authorities. throw them and hinsrlf upon tile. bollutie•s of the General Govern• rnpnt. This. he subsequently attralptnl to do but was attacked Is% Confederate• forces before he suceeeded it, getting beyonl ileo borders of lite Indian Territory. Opothlevolnola's Creek ensure was Iiu•p ti-hiltlt V11holo. It was spelled and pronounced fn several diRe•rpitt ways by the %•iota people, the form herr. used bt-ina the u3nett ennninn. lie died in exile, sot the Site and FOV A,renrv, Queneino. Oxage County. iCatpms. Ili iNF2. 'I'lor torn "poll whirl, fill-Wis-hitnx hall llti•ir villso ,. ix•twrl•n It4112 and 11467, fa Ihr xintie riposte whiplo the e:ily Of Wichitit 13:14 sirawe been built. hrnret its nano. It C11ArTI•:R XI. TIIK WANK OF WAIL IS TUR INDIAX TERRITORY Tim u'iatc, of 181:84, like it of ILr prredin, orinlan, met eid.ru Lll. s,,T.rinr in fit,- ladinu Tce,il nip. le,l,v'd, it probailly utile, .....ph-. Isw11na• of floe Re•.t . u, In•r who were li.ioe ....•. I.- in a fa.r• rnu.p. Ihmr it had .Imo• Is•fnrv. Troll-. I y n. fail rI k„1, who Irnd 6',nar nitmb.,l u, flo• .:mw. rel ILr I l,i,m. End n1 . eu•,I fel Ifruwas and Im,l .q. L,I sah, it Ivo I inn no F,ni ❑dean in not i11andinte ri,. il,il �. I ... I Ihr rm..ky .nal Se.., i .... so, will lull folina'el 01 ...11.1 ..1...I, an. I'lovl+mIleto'r nal of the- b•rrilnn'. na,l trho load never Ise•.t old.• m nn..n, In flora, oast nivel rye ,ern• I.if le•r ga..rb.nd in he edlae,• ,'.u11pa It I+ort f:ilwnn lir .fill living in K..tva.. Ou if,.- nah. r I.nn.1. Il.,- 1':an it it, of Ihr.• rhrrakv.v still Vr,+I' who lural hewn to .idr villi uv IbaO•.1. rat v. Imul nlannln11ell Mori, Imnus and hal _ ,.It. to the fill Ili, .ounrg, in Ihr Iles-1nu' nail rkh-ae, n. o nli,nIII Thor,. ablations tilt . L-ral frontal ner,•r pr•nrrrnbvl r . hot into Ih, I'hn.Wm Na, ino nisi, n force lir mach ,•rest..pill,+•, and allh,muh ILr•" a.rrr ,nom flaw n. -Led she hat of the I hi.knmw $101111,. .1,l' ,u,,I proes'.. tor, yr Olrrnrnls in 1.11, rc'.rrainnn (horsed at Ih.• R,A It.",.n.... t 'I m• ... Ihrnnarl villi r, rag", flat ilia Ill Incl to L• Lel e•mmll.ws of Ihr feel ILa, Ihr" I I ,m smile, viol which to I.,n• fad. Sol. ,nen if she nor ,lid lint narh Oe If I River in Oklabnom in ti,e Lan ara,-todl Iue,tildlies, that regio train indinrlly impo"rrivh,•,I ...... I(lol,.vs. Th, ,'„rah"Iren,• ,r,e,p+ la .amp in she Rel hirer calory - 1lmksvall.. I ,ni lC:,.hllu. tangy D.pnl. Fool M.4 %l...1, mel Arm - nor ....... rranms.g .\,.,,,i.."I -'arn n.,l great prirnli,.nt Ill.,. hiking as Ile., did in ILr n nim -rel ,w,op .•,p.ilia,, null r,....... rr..,ggdi..v, 'f Lev rev... al., d. f.,.i,...I io IIn. nudb•r of I o Inlal .,lei..m,•nt and .,... Ileal and sI.„last ,n pp l i,... Il a it..r,., Ihr Ives fnrrr .I..:nh it Ih. ,unl,•r va, ..... sal 1, tons poria Liv nal ...nFle so gmI, :' it ,odd herr 1 hall it nal I.,, a far Ila• jar, I,ailh; . I..s„'lir•• of grinning large I an L.n olf I,;ml-%„f A—oow-. barn ,n it alta. I,m.,•rrr. IL..rr, urn amuy •loll, I,.' an.l ,oil .tidy ...r. if I,y ,.f va,+ vabli.n raw :IN :I (I IIfSTORY Ola OKLAROVIA urents.r Ti. i' .v{rditimn, whirl, was doting rend in it, conception mid r%cratinn Ia.ama• of the sonalunrnn of lite fnrrr with which it ,,all perfornod. mon n..ofm.kon prinmrilr far its moral eircet. Their is lso '1 ill hat thatdee esprdilionmy force would have I v n larger hod tlun• I. .... .nnh• nvisil.bba a n meed men, wad if It hall I v n Inrm•r. to, ' ,,. awl .•.fell lir its oprralinn. smdd have I...... rnre'lune I...Ili Rn•nl.r; Thr m;xieu,11.•.it of ,;.ae•l-al JLlxry In till. mind of she I'nu. fcdre h. fnn.•s is'fit. Irulion Territnm did mn'pni as ,•nil to the +peal of ,lix•nnl and , nrevlion ,hillo loci wlnngirt %rah miahirf u Lil. Geared, Pilol,rel Slrrl.e 1.'o. i. 111...L \Wit].idler di.. ward for Ila- nd.s if ,nilaorp pr.v.htreI;vaeral IIn1p.r a,rme din•.11c to Pn•vhhmt Dank nl IhNnnm..d i ignoring oto• iol.en.•.list.. rinnI null is iiia .Inions to an nv .iem o..n .n ILe .......11..11,1 of the Inters in du• lstdhas. 'rrrritory.'X„nr1” It,- aaaalsiLowe Llnly 21. 1.4641. lir .liretAml of the 1'aIh•dvnor srrrrlmy of aor, the Italian Territory till%ca"Mitnled a w•pnnte n.iliary dismal null Orn. Donalm It. anger .,a amign.d 10 till ram I of ILr "Nov. kk'ithot palling this eller into iuomlin r rfrrvt. Ifal. Yvdonaul Fill,, S,ai1h. en..mmadcr of tllr Trnnn.Ma.is ippi Deland aeon Mellor.. ,.nnlidrnrr Ih.u,.rnl V -1--e Lad no1 t aaill ). Irl ILr =OMriol 11.vv.rdx of IL,• Unims au,l 1'nnL dr.ah• Arat ire. Val.. XXXIP, Part If. 1,•Itrr of Col. Willinn. A. Pl illipa, I'll. :129-:14). :md I,dtrr of Gen. D. IL roper. p. n7n. I,I a Ore la, n,l lee. l to tin, mblienof .Le rxprd.tinrwry o- farjoist before- iia drpa rat re, I'olona I'hill iov aril in part. "Do not kill n primer, refill Lo hayslervu,icn•d. par I ,lo Ilia aah inn m alre prosoners. I ;,,it.„11 to ..mke rmnr h.aso.p. sera+•. nn,l Ice. riLlr."—I1Qirinl Rrrorll of Inv loins and Con frdernhe Armi,a. Cal. XXXIP. Pall 11. p. I.M. ' G,fler of Dmmhiy 11. roper to dcffelson Onvis, official rm nrrd,, of ILr I"nimt rind lbnfel L•rnoe Armies. Val. .\"XYI1r, Pnrt If. L. I0117. 11, nrnl Ibopr Irnd 6r -1s a rnp.nia of Ihr, re-imrmt rel' Vliv'iy ippi "it stae•r. of Ili. J,ff, nna Doris ane .nlonel due. ane ILe ,it, till, A -xirc, This fort pnlrable .namely not mile far hate brbla.%s in Inking till she eunu•r Iir•efly sill, 11.4 president of the Claarldrrmr Sl t.•1 hilt elm to, if,.. fistal Jr.ivion of the Inttrr in whirl, he had to aa'.rnde Ih,• jade eye :vend a ishof fb•m. KLrual.I Kirlp Sn.iIL. Thr ,•spo-e'inn nr ode -1'.e n lad...... ,a n,ro-ning Ila• riot..., aIld ar,,il, of prn tales r I:. -aa em nsap,•r laid I.... 11mde m plain in the mre sinnln.... ad O,•.ua:d �anilh ILm there ,•an W nn donbl that da, ,..ige,n..nl of ,h. fare"„ r u. th,• .on....A of Ihr Dimrief of Ih,• ho Illi.. Trrmtay n„n ,n II,. lathe. of n prrmunl appointment. I HISTORY OF OKLAHOMA 815 marked, hilt even the hm.lims of .arch burial grounds has in mnn• Inilan. ea Ix+.n An mattru. Donate Ili.- aiul.r. and, i,u b.d. d11riva IIn• fill ludf of Imi-I. Ihen• o:ry I I Ii11Ie if a rtli,in;; in On troy of urililxr....... cast no. I il hre yid,• in the Indinn 'rt't I ir$try. nsistr treat Ihr part wipul ion of port rel' it. Vast Gd.rrue flats it. 1,11 Arkanm. rmapawn, 'I'll,• Iv:wan.v for thin manat hr ap1111re111 nben i1 iv Inrno• in mind Ilml till. h',.hral Ibrr•s urn• a Inure slay front Ihrir lai of nnppla,, mol Ihm ILr Coaafrdrrnn• trop, oyer (.•king rent oulc in nems. aonmnni. rl."Lion rend re...... ass, algd -s. Lel relent 11 1 their Ionic, ,.. r.• oral .I Iii .+n.dit.nr role levo- en11gm insti..I, m that wei eum. of tie . Ihr Indh Ades, nervi of Ihr leap. herd Ise -1r „ n.povl in ILrI sod infantry me mmnnn•,I ri b-n—Illi the Imrdsllips of the s•rvir., IIra.Rh abirll tlo,v hast von.• had ,art, it or ,Ilei m)'.d promi"nlly all of 1111• I raw with Illicit Dov turd '1'h, ant, nor dull.,:. ,lacing IIn• a,iamr. I.m.ar. r, which N ,n0h, of n.rnrdi ug, nnm,.l,.,h...a..... till nn .161, mnrelled .nIth- ..n.ocd inti 11L• I'r., k: a.l S. uWal. I'llimne11 to lion the t :n ts. Alban Iia, r :real till- Lith, Kit r :,n,l flea mall..... ni .n Il.,• T.•xlw Pan,] ion, IL. I'havla a omiry. ta 14dm11nry. 1164. II o s un.Ire th. '.most . ,uu..a111 If 1' 0. ivillinm A. Phillips,"all ........ hl.d or 6-liah ewly of the Hint ,uu1 n ird bahm. Minor I:,mr,l r.g inneul. .red it hna:dbn of the Foarl,vnih Kafro. Irovalryl e-ginm11r. rtmiae rep :mel town Ili,- 1'nnmlims a great deal of .ant and alhre Iln'ac,• out rdptur.d and rith,r d,o rnoeil or nlgnsprintrd: Mere It,.- .1,..k, ov..Raa,:o,. I relh.r lonpr•ny ochirh aert-.Imno..I in h,. of la to I1 IIn- rmA11, r .'ail now vniuly far .our rxpvIrl •,n L„„ole uf.. (1dm11•I Plnllips sIrh•d wnahannl an tine Tolson, IL,,,,I -,,I Is 1:,0,oamL•.I tnrap. and too par of nrtilicry. Will, Oba, . udl I'orrr Lr jr.nFmrbvl nn filerev life Middle pall n'Ithin In, II, mora of Fort Wnshial. A. Ilan o.a, a hay.. m...1111 of .dlwcy moat—:an atuuili.” and ........i.” '11ppl Lir—rel Free evu,bitn, (Iris. 1).' H. Coaprr. who wren in trainload of the Con- bdcrntr rose app.ided to fi,m, IL K. A Callr'eb. vha am In , nnu,mall if the non le•n vnh..limri.I of Tsna, far reinfurer. , 1'I.,• amires or Ill. ladimr Noun• ,:aril eceimea% M1nd far- ,Wnd Ihrir own hon., rend. ah.." floc .• o , .."I nor lir hill. it ,.q,...va Lir I,, .elle r. ,owl'. .kill..nml, Imes, nen• helice'.1 In Lar,• Iv a plentirni is, T.x:e. Ihr ,,all e.b• Irvnp%in for north. P e. lines of that sale also] in Ila• Indian Ter ilnrr hall nim,wt fr ,at "till, as aneh difflendty (...'string frail honer ns did the Feder: ht. matter nest for a line• owl 1111-11 relprnhd flint Ihr order 6• re. voted. in reply he a..v iufornml Ilett till' orfs Ivan inllwnter mel That it 11,11.1 la 11111 nein ,•Kn•I! 01.01rad "all" stns shrreupmls reed[, I In a nae canon ... I is. 'rl.saY Anolhrr incident Ichi,h use. "Ill aransine. if imbed it wan ant prejudicial to the. diweiplin. of filo •mmmuud. Ilan she attempt at nor olllrer if nor of the ev inn•nis from TI'1m to wean ma official roiling according pn:cedal.11a to white oillena over Indinn am”. .egan bions of .miorfty or dale of conmlission. The rouloution net nnadvent.• tiding fnnn Ih•nerab Cooper and Ninxey, oherruss I, prolan agmmt '"solmrlinnting” "hila nfllttn In those It "an inferior rare” Ivan duly fnrrorded to the voinamader of the Treat. Mississippi DernrtmenLr In the Arial circles in ILr Federal rune,, it, the Indian Terri- tory there overe also visible the effects of Material influeneea whivh nen directed toward the noemoldishment of rennin .dflah per. snood oda Col. Wiliimn A. Phillips. aho hell her” IInt aesirosd 1. We cannot .1 the he lion Ilon.. Iinarrt Ilrinadc by Ihmenl Sehoflald. alarm enmnn a led Ihr eoutidenee of 1;earral Curtis. net nn ly while the latter ons in ermn....d of lLn De-paru11enl of the llis%m ori hilt also aft,r the Indian Territory .no a• ..older Ili. juries di -than an commander of Ihr navly organised IleparL11rnt of Nis ses. Unfortuaaldy for Cnlnnll Phillips, hnwevcr, Ilan Irl a dik Irid cmnmandi r inter na:dinle between the deportment still brignde eanoanden. Atlrr, Ibe Indian Territory 11.1 inchtdrd in the Department of Kansan One command at Fort Giiwon Ivan uude n part of the District of Soulhero Kama, of which Ge11. J.” G, plant om, in cana11and, still hrrd11lmrtrn at Flirt Scott. A, already related, Goneral (Runt orae regarded an an retire manh„r I.( Ihr radical g..p in Kamem politics. Cnlm11.1 Phillips oras is Kauns mon and. at lamall MIaol ing to the sane political early. IList., Volatile X1,1. Part [II, p. 771. .I t..a. N. Nirhy Slash's respectrld nnncoarnrrmer in lite err arr:meraent i%,•sprrsl in his letter to the adjmmnt not imperial, stall lir fill. r„ref.., I,ratr .\rely, Ihd,L, Cd. XLCIII. Part 1. Pp. FmN.7, Thr n—i........ al of (:''Tref ,'raper to Ihr vimo mad of t6. l.;,.)w,ei lir I),..ltaban 'r, -,is . 'abed in tilen,lemlmmrnl ..f 31, Stand WOO, is, Ih..n...... 1l. the ladimr 1'mvalry Dirisian enI red. Willi ...., Penn Athol” b. ou• rmno.aa.I of IIn• Fins lnlias, r at, -dry Rriggpp��h• ' slfsd.n,r. 1l. Gew•ralI, S. 11. 111x.. rend D. II. L'oopr•r . ,.. 11.:.1 v.1, reale ✓sol IC. nn. 6flN. 322 HISTORY OF OKLaIIO11IA which the Indian Territory troops were engaged in this campaign was that known as the buttle of Poison Spring (lrknesas), which was fought April 18, and in which lite t'onft-Berates were vietoriams. The Choctaw Drigade, Hader vol. 'randy Walker. capturerd a Feet- eral battery intd oidrd in taking it large tragus train toad4-d ►►ills forage." lwtnediat0y after the• clenet of the 1.'ntetde11.caenpai;;n, the: two brigades under lleneral Jla.%Py's e:Onaaent it -turned to Chair former stations int the Indian Territoty.1ie During the spring of ISG1 them was some scanting done by the C'oufcderates behind the Union lines. Colonel Adair. with u force of about 325 sten, crossed the Arkansas River early in -April. Quantrill, tine guerrilla lender who had lieeu in Northern( Texas sinee lite preeeding autttutu, also started north about the snnno time. The military authorities as well as the people of \orlheru Tews and the adjacent portion of lite Indian Territory lead had abundant reason to be thankful fur the departure of the gurrrilht chief And his follutrcrs.lt Tier activity of Ilse Federni fnrces sit 13 Tandy Walker, was born in Mississippi, October 11, 1811. IIe was of nixed Choctaw and white blood. His father was proutittcnt in the affairs of the C;hoettow Antion, during the early part of the hast century, and lie, toe.►, Occupied an influential pe>ssitian ill the councils of the tribe after its setllcnient ill the West. Ile was the flrst principal chief, at- governor, of tho Choctaw Nation tinder the Skullaville l;ontstitntion. At the outbreak of the Civil tsar, he entered the Confederate military service in the First Choctaw and Chickasaw Regiment, becoming lieutenant colonel of that orpniniza- tion and, on the promotion of its colonel, Douglas Ii. Cooper, to the grnele of brigadier general. lie succeeded to the command o! the regimlent with tiro rank of colonel. upon the organizntion of the Itni ian Territory troops into the Indian Division, under tile, ennn- mnitd of Cenerul Cooper. Colonel Walker was gireu command of the Choctaw and Chickasaw htigntle in which position Ile Bis- tinp:uislud ltiniself as a rateable lender. lie wilt a nan of liberal and prasccchiVP views, though, like Col,• E. C. I;Olmtinot. or the Cherokee hintion. his popularity was not enhaneed thereby. ile died set. hit Nonni•• at tikrtlaville. Febnnnry 2, 1877. t" The. Chol:iaws were connplinienfed in orders acid reports of district and•department eonnitmnders: as. --were also the oflicrm- and mete of Gano's Texas Priande.. A rataas.--were detailed aeemmnt of the oprrntions of ('le•lteral Jlnx,iy's division in Arknottas may lie- fennel in the Metal Records of tlic Itnian and Ponfedrrnte .lrnnies. Vol. X, XX IV, Part I. pp. 8.1I.A. is During his stay in Texns, Quantrill was not. only regarded net Irre•gmlm• atilt instnhanlitlnte by the Ittilitary autharitirq hat also reg an it•t•cstponsible des;iwrodo by the Avil population Of itself se•e•tinn. Ilis nen were desalt ill F441pral uniforms and, when nulniuding 46 HISTORY OF OKLAIi031A :123 Fort Gibson. combined with hca y rains whiell pelt all of the streams at a Hood stage st•rionsly iteleril-red wills the snece•s.•c of both ex. ptditiont..s. however. tering, the rennindet• of the xprintr and the e •; •: ... ,j.,4-,•: ;t $T.\:1D ��ttTtE fore part of lite: sunnier tnost of file 01)4-1"ttioM of C:oufedrrnto troops in the Iesdian Territory wen: on sn•!n n s4 -ale that they tt•omld in sl rnounulity the iohnhitnnl►t Or whirh were all Canlfedrrate svtnt►tUhirtent. ieevarinhly paw:d os "jnyhntrk4-ts" !i, e... frin-l"Ittlers will were. sttppOs4-e) to be• all lire 1•nine sielo. ('rider gurle e•irruul• xloleeeenti it tvn!c.4mull womler Heat Ihe• 1'meGdrrah• tnililnry dialrict e•11nmutde" in 'ri-xas surd Ihe• incline 'I'rrrittiq w4 -r4- anxinna In rat•ililnle• 11w ro nrm of quatilrill in .11knouri. .% ninre• detail, it ne- e•noml ter Itir Iw lirvior in Teras inav be rallied in file Is -Iter of m.n. Ilmory I',. ale l;l�lln4-!►, I1Bicinl lteeards of Ihr linism null t;nnf4-de•rate. .Irinirr. vol. X\X11', fart 111, tete. 74.2.3, ee•e• nlsn Ilse letter of 1:4-11. It. 11. Coop -r. ihid., pit. 746-7. and Id ler of Oen. henry L. rC'ulloe•In, p. U45. 0 SOME CO -INCIDENTS. A One -Time Citizen of Dovie County Writes of Old Times Not Forrotten. fitrnu t co invidentF do happen. No ogle, caD explain them. It some time� !;t tuft [bat tittle is linked to. gether with them. Will give just a fell ibat we have teen and heard. They may ii.lerest tome on�.A. to DaVIP, joiDirig fatbcr's farm, lived an old eccentric bachelor by the name of Henry McCullob. His b0 acre farm consisted of old piney fields, red gullies, a graveyard, rabbits, 'possums, etc. He lived it) one log salon and itu old colored woman in tluother•. Site did his cooking, tended the patches and raided chickens, turkeys and geese. i lie split rails and worked around I by the day for the neighbors. For years they lived That way, until' "Aunt Bate" died. Then he wetA over in Davidson to live with his nephew. He got his fire wood from father, who told him be could have the dead ttees as they died, provided he would split the rail cuts' into rails and leave them for him. It was soon found that the trees that died bad heavy tops, but no rail cuts. While be did not care, yet father believed the trees had been killed. And sure enough. And how do you reckoul Some one in r 'dug days," had cut green pine sticks and stood tbcul up againEt these trees, and in the second year every such tree died. Worms went - . from the pine sticks into the trees Sud killed them. It will certainly kill an oak tree every time. "Uncle Henry," as we called bim, said he often talked face to face with the devil. Said they were good friends, but that the devil did not always do as he ask ed him. By the aid of the devil, he eaid lie could do witchcraft, enube people to have bad luck, etc. One Sunday he was at John Wilsou'e. Tbete were some young ladies [here. In eonle way Miss Kate Deadmon insulted him. He. Made it cross -mark, spit in it and iben Et.aulped it, with both feet and told Iter eche would have bad fuel, bofor© she got home. And rule enough a snake bit'h>r• before sbe g4x, out of eight of tiie house. ' w V Atilt atidy'had- a getitle�liorse: j gain.^ 8z:iii Fre was gating to.get oil Was never known to bearP. tooth less roil away. While driving ibis jI` nt Statesville and drive through the Aountry to Fee thecliang(s that holf'o to a wtrEon one. day, he incl _ i had taker) placot tl'hile ill states Uncle Henry and began tit joL•e ville, he paid lie varited to see his him about ari oi(l lady ill the dear brother, Judge,Armlield, and neighborhood. This tllade 1_luele asked us if the ,fudge was still liv- Heury toad. Milt Haid utter be , Trig. 1fie told him yes, and that drove an he saw "'"d Hel" Y" :1-10 was going to addresb the old tuake it cross murk and jump all it 'soldiers at Catawba that day. It with both feet and thea shake his w" a strange co incident that The fist at him. He said ae soon as he. first person he enquired about wet.got out of sight, his hort:e got scar the verb. mall we were then going ej, ran away and tore up The wagon. to bear'speak. But as Unote Henry proptref-if-d ; He their began to talk about re• so many things that did not cunle' ,ilgion and the bible, as all preach - to pasts, very few peol)le believed ers do, or Hhould do. Our oonver- in his cla]ul to cause trouble arid' cation attracted the attention of it , accidents. Arid most. people liked lady who was sitting in a seat ju6T him, and helped him all they jacross the aisle front us. She open' could. He told mother often Ibat ed her grip and took from it twi when they put -Old lieu'd" body ,eopies of a religious paper and in The ground, this old earth would brought them over to na, saying at shake from center to eilcumfelence. we Feemed interested oil the sub t3he laughed 'at•lhe idea'. jeer of religion, perhaps we would Boon after the Charletton earth enjoy reading a cepy of this good .quake in 1886, mother wrote os paper, Rev. Butler smiled and that Uncle Henry was dead—died said of coarse he would enjoy driolaiug water out of the bpribp. reading it. Said he started that At Ieast they found him kith his ,paper and was its oast editor. It face down in the water. Said they ;* :was a Kentucky paper in the in - brought him to the home grave ( terest of the Christian or Camp- yard for burial, and ]l, was after `hellile church. The strange co Rundown when they got him bur incident was, the paper she wanted ied. Arid that very eight aheu him to read, was the paper -be, the earth _began to ebake, rhe started and once edited. When thought of what lie had tolfi'<ber be told her who lie R -as. Elie said, ab0'iC31r1: Veil?e. , orly ill the ' �. no, One" 3 -ud l .113ro. )antler, I and so g lad to ryes „grotiy ;sat . ,: elle H..I'et i �,.•, ,..,* a' •.. , you. I hllue Dot t,eell you since you held a n►eelin b iu Asheville * #, -, eo iugitlpnt:., bome years ago." !'heu he asked f �; k• ,� r6 agu,;wti :lin t, , bet names. the says, Dou t you ed•>ibtA 1♦r ,f3 knoo" Arid ho euid no. She i 6pth ai l'ii&bi'k%tot' -tia isba,' •to said, "You were my guest during k�i teatjan =oi(i -,eolniera' .ietiniou. ,�e;too� a gest by an :elderly 'sane)' Char lrieedug." 'Then he knew, flat] how happy they 1�tel(igent ')boking._gerltlehtau, a 'euunge were. The co iuc]deuts tire, they had stranger to ue and we to him. Af• rode near each otbw from Asbe- tor getting out of town *and seeing Ivillo as local slraugere, They were R field of wheal, be surd Catawba uut only of the same laiih but lead was a better wheat county than bit . worked togetbr-r ill a nit eting and uatire county of Davie was. We had been eacb other's hostd;p_ d told u Lim Davie wire our native .guebt. county, too. We made oulselver U We + We have often thought CO. [j f ��J/ 1C j of 1( known to each other, and the cluster oo f co iucidt•llw on this ��( $vr>'1n straugo eo incideut was,we both trill. The next sultject we shall had known each other. He wHF write ou fur you, will be the t,Old the Rev. Bill Butler who for yierp 'Fielri Seboul.'' had lived in $eutureky. He said he was going dome on a visit to bee the old trbmeetead and DAVIE RL_ CC) � W ViF.11 f['iPnds about Jurfeho find j �+� perhaps preach some for there fl- L)'avie C,()U* Public Library Mocksville, NG