ToutschI 13 UA1 1 _ kvySa�r�t✓ P 0 ) Ck1✓-t o -<I v r i c nunninnnnrrrmr:mmnnnmuwmunwinnnnnnmurwr'ww....nmmmown..............nwrunnuenww..... nnmimnmc + COUNTY OF aIOWA DISTRICT COURT = I FAYETTE t Certificate of Birth Registration E14is is to CortifU Lhlft 1 there is recorded in Book No.__ii—.image No --- BSA _._.__ in the office of Fayette County Clerk of District Court, West Union, Iowa, Record of Birth, as follows: Name -------- LarindAI_Mae__PIltftr=rL--__— Sex.Eem&3A Born in ------------------ aelwein____ Fayette County, Iowa�� On---------------------- 44�-------------- Name of Father -_-_______$QIlO_ F.__P9_tte.Tn—_----____-- E I Maiden Name of Mother__poi'Atby_j 9-k§t<ttkoh_-_________ is Date of Film € IN WITNESS WHEREOF: I have hereunto set my hand and 6 affixed the seal of said Court in my office in West Union,__ �i Fayette County, thislAtllday Of___ ll_g_L'gh_____-_A. D. _ - Clerk of the -Vistrict Court ----------------------------- =.unr.m.nmwnnnnnnwmm..xunnmmmm..nn....... nnunnmm..nunn...nnm..... mnnnwxunnnnm.mm�mm�innim O'Toole Office S PPlY Co.. Dobuaue. Iowa e '� u9-�n� � .IZ[.c�J ._- � �an�.•1 Uva <t,.c,.., 1 3 OME CO. PUBLIC UORAI" WA on, KL R[aMMSTA NA 1 h ) �_ � �._1 )l 11 To it IOWA RTAT► DRPARTMFNT OF VEA1.7'11 Dri mroN or VITAL aTAT1aTICa Delay" Cartlllcale of Birth Full name at birth ....... ......... _Dorgthy...__. ._.M01.1• Toul.sch . ..... .. ....... /hw Date of .... ......... Yum. L.\ Color or birth ......_.Januarlr__....1 1917... Ifart wliltn �`rMalo . .. .. ._... ..... ... .... ri _.......... t r..a) tMtl tT».I Afrthplaee__....`......Fayette Rayette Iowa .............. (Qtr M T.�.) Full lnw.lrl lnUt.l Birth. Father: Name ..... H*TY..91r. T04teeh ....... plare........ Iowa Maiden Birth - Mother: Name ...... Mlldred Westeott place Iowa.......... loco v O.u\q) Affidavit: I hereby declat,urw.n cilli that the above atatemenls are true. Signature +f —d 4. ..... Addrr..,0 y �Oarl•.�.:i(/..•. �w�i..�Mti.rl � T M . Ir a41 / Subscribed and swnrn to before me nn TVl10e.. 23 1'613. Mr commission rapires mn............ .. ... (SEAL) ....... 1') j .e, ! ' y111�?!'1 ! `'•.•t..J`io>Qs :ant—do not write below this line. Deputy Clerk o1'Cour; A89TRACT OF SUPPORTING EVI_DF.NCF. Date original document Nance and kind of dneumrnt, and by wham inued and sitned was made I Marriage Record, Rook 1}, page -14d lar. 23,.19:46 7 Baptisms] Record May F2r 191'7 Infornialio, Concerning Rev.trant o Stated In Uocumenu st den a qe_ iiirlhnlao Name nl Father M.iden Name of Mother 0 _T_—.._. _..__—,--_. _IJZO' next ? Fayette,Ip. Harkey Tout ch Malacca Wesco�E_an._11,.1917 + Additional infnrmatinn:......... - Statement of Re :.,ving Official ................ I hereby Certify that nn prime rertlfial. h.. , .... la theC•a,.rq R State Rureaa of Vital Statistics for thin regMtaani and that Sri" eddence •. been Coen and rod which substaniiaies the fact$ an M . > forth M the /lmeeg Anx abstra /. l Courtly Regmtr/r OR _ (State Reairtnrl .v :•Ii:n:,i urr......I l.,tr JUL 111 !. (Dinwior Di.i...n of %,i,.l cw"w.i i'ilr.l �ncz�svasf, rv�c q ;XND zEM' N. TOUTSCII. One of the progressive farmers anti well-known citizens of Smithfield township, Fayette county, was :lndre%v N. Toutsch, tvlto, like many of the most thrifty and enterprising citizens of this locality, was of Gernum birth, lie having first seen the light of clay ill life fatherland in 1853, the sun of Nick T. and Catherine (Wi.imith) Toutsi-b. The father died in his native country 71t the age of seventy-one years. The mother cattle to .\illerica and is living at Elkader, Iowa, at the age of sevenly-four years. The subject of this sketch resided in the United States since 1872. The first six ),cars of his life here were silent in Elkader. then Ile lived for six years at Strawberry Point, Iowa, then returned to Elkader and engaged in the produce traffic for several years, then cattle to Fayette county. I -le was married in t89t to Marcella Snedigar, danghler of Fielding and A]iranda (I iayes) Suedigar. I lei• father was horn in Pike county, Al issouri, March 27, 1822, and her mother in Montgomery county, Alissouri. May 5. 182.1. in 184.1 Mr. Snedigar cattle west, locating in Iowa county, Wisconsin, anti cugaged in alining lltitil 1847, when he removed to jo Daviess county, Illinois, and engaged in lumber traffic until 1851, in which year he cattle to Iowa anti settled. in Clayton county, being employed there by a milling company. In 1861 he embarked in lite mercantile business, which Ice prosecuted until 1868, then settled on a farm in Smithfield town- ship, Fayette coun(y, so well known as the "Corn Hill harm." Two saw -mills ) )i,o, J at different tittles were located alid operated on this place, and on this farm J was an old tavern kept by a Mr. Hendrickson, who formerly owned the farm. Vo, United States mail carriers changed horses Isere and many travelers shared its tl0spitallty tilldays. Mrs. cl" ` { 111 old Toutsch's .father kept a store at Elkader during the years of lite Civil war, and lie was postmaster there, keeping the f i. l"�d L►�` j" `� ollice in his store. Ile was a successful merchant and he made many friends amoeig his �l�c ,_► customers I)v his madly acts of kindness silown his patrons during � the trying (lays of the war. I•le was justice of the peace for many years. His &A � , � death occurred at Elkader in 1882, and ill this place his willow is still living, having reached the advanced age of eighty-six years. They were the parents X11` i t����(•__.• of seven children. named as follows: James At., burn September 8, 1842; I?dwar►I, horn Qctulwl' 10, 1844; Martha .1. (Airs. Sterns) was born :\pril 4, k/A) 194o; frena A. (Mrs. Ct:mdel) was born .lugast 2,3, 185 [ ; Henry F. was . � born February lo, 18 4 ; George Al. was Imm April 8 18-6 • Alar I � cell.! M. horn 1 - `, ,. ,, was august 1o, 1862. Mrs. Toutsch's grandparents, Robert and '.Mary (Butler) Snedigar, were natives of 110111.11011 county, Kentucky, and were the parents of thirteen children. They emigrated from that state to Pike county Alissouri, in (_1.(,l 1..tl j iM and there lived until Mr. Snedigar's death in W1i3, :Mrs.;:Touts[h'5i tllotlier: vas aF. great -graft jdauglitg�; of.zDjj ir;�ic,1 q,:I She ' I had two brothers who served in the Civil war, James Af. in the one-lltt11dred- ►► day service, and Edward D., who enlisted in 1862 in Company D, Twenty- first Iowa Volunteer infantry. was ill thirteen engagements and was with Sher- , Infill oil his march ((1 the seil. y Mr. and Mrs. Toutsch began their married life at 1:Ikader, then moved on her father's well-known homestead farm, of which they owned three hun- dred and twenty-nine acres, which Nil-. Toutsell greatly improved in every re- spect until toda�• it racks with the choice farms of the county, just as it did in lite ea rIv dans, the soil having been sti skillfully tilled that it has not !otic achy of its original Strength. In 1899 he built a modern and attractive resi- dence mid remodeled the hand. These buildings stand oil- an eminence, covered with a line growth of Cliffs and other native timber. beautiful pines and many va rietics of sl11•nbberv. giving the place a picturesque appearance, indicating 111.11 it is tine of the old historic places of this locality. !11r. Toutsch was known as a very enterprising and successful farmer, using exceptionally good judgment in his general farming and stork raising. I le kept a good grade of stock of all kinds and fed for cite market, and, being a splendid judge of livestock and knowing how to properly care for them, he found very really sales fora]] lie had to offer. Air. Toutsch's death occurred 0n august 7, 1910, after all illness of but a week, and he was buried in the Fayette cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Toutsch became the parents of four children, named as follows: \larshall, born in 18 3 ; 6 • • /lr"tl 01� •e),ioni�}.;t8� Ilcnry, Ixlrn in t�I �•,' 1114)9; liessic was horn in 1903 ane) tiled when six weeks old. The oldest J�(� child, Marshall. attended a normal school ill :lustill, \iiffnesola, the winter of 19o9 and 1910 and look a course in civil engineering along with other studies, and he matte a splendid record in that instilution. The other chil- dren have received g.,.al edtncatiulls is file home schools. Mr. Toutsch gave ili; political allegiance to the Democratic party, while ill religion he gave faithful support to the Catholic church. QAVIE Co. PUBUC LjBMUW Moe t " �