1129 Beauchamp Rd Davie County,NC Tax Parcel Report Wednesday; February 15, 2017 132 ' o. 1126 1120 1�9-Lu !r'1 Q -122 1163' f �`-.�'�`.r �iQ r 119 C 0 ' r W 1145.,' log,� L�112 1 11z 1129 r- .r -�� -106 1 ; 1087 104 �'~ r 114 1123 4 r' 1121 rrf 1101---2 128 ................................................................................._........................_...._ _ . ........................._...................................................................................................................... . .........................._........................... 4. WARNING: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Parcel Information I Parcel Number: E700000139 Township: Farmington NCPIN Number: 5871221927 Municipality: Account Number: 77960000 Census Tract: 37059-803 Listed Owner 1: WHITAKER ELSIE B Voting Precinct: SMITH GROVE Mailing Address 1: 1129 BEAUCHAMP ROAD Planning Jurisdiction: Davie County City: ADVANCE Zoning Class: DAVIE COUNTY R-20 State: NC Zoning Overlay: DAVIE COUNTY QD Zip Code: 27006-7415 Voluntary Ag.District: No Legal Description: 2.494 AC BEAUCHAMP RD Fire Response District: SMITH GROVE Assessed Acreage: - 2.44 Elementary School Zone: SHADY GROVE Deed Date: 9/1985 Middle School Zone: WILLIAM ELLIS Deed Book/Page: 001280236 Soil Types: GnB2,GnC2 Plat Book: Flood Zone: Plat Page: Watershed Overlay: DAVIE COUNTY Building Value: 91610.00 Outbuilding&Extra 6000.00 Freatures Value: Land Value: 44920.00 Total Market Value: 142530.00 Total Assessed Value: 142530.00 O uya�AAll data is provided as is without warranty or guarantee of any kind either expressed or Implied Including but not limited to the Davie County, Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.All users of Davie County's GIS website shall hold harmless the �r County of Davie,North Carolina,Its agents,consultants,contractors or employees from any and all claims or causes of action due to SOU N4 NC or arising out of the use or Inability to use the GIS data provided by this website. .OPERATION PERMIT or ice se n v s'"Rvt• bavie County Health Department *CDP File Number 197085-1 f- 210 Hospital Street E7-000-00-139 P.O. Box 848 County ID Number, Mocksville NC 27028 Evaluated For, REPAIR Phone: 336-753-6780 Fax:336-753-1680 Township: Applicant: Elsie Whitaker Property Owner: Elsie Whitaker Address: 1129 Beauchamp Road Address: 1129 Beauchamp Road City: Advance City: Advance State2ip: NC 27006 State2ip: NC 27006 Phone#: Phone#: Property Location & Site Information Address/Road #: Subdivision: Phase: Lot: 1129 Beauchamp Road Advance NC 27006 Directions Structure: SINGLE FAMILY Hwy,158 right on Baltimore then left on Beauchamp #of Bedrooms: #of People: *Water Supply: NIA *System Classification/Description: *IP Issued by. TYPE 11 A.CONY SYSTEM(SINGLE-FAMILY OR 480 GPD OR LESS) *CA issued by: 2140-Nations,Robed Saprolite System? ()Yes QNo Design Flow: 3 6 0 *Distribution Type: GRAVITY-SERIAL Pump Required? ()Yes QNo Soil Application Rate: 0 - a 7 5 *Pre Treatment: Drain field r on Field 1 3 0 9 Sq.ft. *System Type: INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 STANDARD n Lines 3 Installer: Jamie Barnes Total Trench Length: 3 a 7 ft. Certification#: 1018 Trench Spacing: _ 9 Inches O.C. Feet O.C. 'EH S: 2140-Nations,Robert Trench Width: — 3 ()Inches ( Date: 0 9 1 2 2 / 2 0 1 5 Aggregate Depth: inches Minimum Trench Depth: 3 6 Inches Minimum Soil Cover. a 4Inches Approval Status; Maximum Trench Depth: 3 6 2"Approved0 Disapproved Inches Maximum Soil Cover: 2 4 Inches COP File Number 197085 - 1 County ID Number: E7-0°o-Ml'9 Septic Tank Manufacturer Lat. Long: STB: Gallons: Installer. Date: Certification#: *EHS: 'Filter Brand: Date: ST Marker. E] Yes ❑ No Reinforced Tank: ❑ Yes ❑ No val Status 1 Piece Tank: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑,Approved❑ Disapprovedif Pump Tank Manufacturer. Installer. PT: Certification#: Gallons: *EHS: Date: f / Date: RiserSealed ❑ Yes ❑ No RiserHeght: ❑ Yes ❑ No (Min.6 in.) Approval Status Reinforced Tank: ❑ Yes ❑ No p ApprovedD Disapproved 1 Piece Tank: ❑ Yes ❑ No Supply Line Pipe Size: inch diameter Installer. Pipe Length: feet Certification#: *ENS: *Schedule: Pressure Rated ❑ Yes ❑ No Date: Approved fittings ❑ Yes ❑ No Approval Status ❑ Approved❑ Disapprovetl Pump Requirement FDosing Type: Installer. lume: — Gal Certification#: Down: Inches *EHS' *Chain: Date: Valves Accessible ❑ Yes ❑ NO Flow Adjustment Valve ❑ Yes ❑ No Check-valve ❑ Yes ❑ No Approval S#alas PVC Unions ❑ Yes ❑ Nod=Approve ❑ Disapproved Vent Hole ❑ Yes ❑ No Anti-siphon Hole ❑ YeS ❑ NO CDP File i Number 197085- 1 County ID Number: E7-000-M139 i Electric Equipment N�EMA4X Box or Equivalent 0 Yes 0 No Installer Box I ox 12 inches Above Grade 0 Yes 0 No c Certification#: Boxj.I ox Adj.To Pump Tank El Yes El No Conduit Seated n yes 0 No *ENS: Pump Manually Operable E] Yes 0 No Date: *Activation Method: Appra-�al Status -1, -- Ala an Audible El Yes 0 No ApprovedDisapproved Alarm Visible 0 Yes 1:1 NO 2140-Nations.Robed *Operation Permit completed by: �01 Authorized State Age���� Date of Issue: 0 9 l 2 21 / 2 0 1 5 Owner/Applicant Signature: This system has been installed in compliance with applicable NC General Statutes:Article 11, Chapter 130A, Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal,-15A NCAC 18A .1900 et. Seq.,and all conditions of the Improvement Permit and Construction Authorization.This property is served by a TYPE It A- sewage septic system. Rule.1961 requires that a Type TYPE 11A. septic system meet the following criteria: Minimum System Review By The Local Health Department: NIA Management Entity: OWNER Minimum System InspectioniMaintenance Frequency By Certified Operator: WA Reporting Frequency By Certified Operator: MIA Rule .1961 requires that a Type IV and V septic systems designed fora home/business owner must maintain a valid contract with a public management entity with a certified operator or a private certified operator for the life of the septic system. Rule .1961 requires that Type VI septic systems designed fora home/business owner must maintain a valid contract with a public management entity with a certified operator for the life of the septic system. Rule. 1961 (2)(e)requires a contract shall be executed between the system owner and a management entity prior to the issuance of an Operation Permit for a system required to be maintained by a public or private management entity, unless the system ownerand certified operator are the same. The contract shall require specific requirements for maintenance and operation, responsibilities of the owner and systems operator,provisions that the contract shall be in effect for as long as the system is in use,and other requirements for the continued proper performance of the system. It shall also be a condition of the Operation Permit that subsequent owners of the systems execute such a contract. @Hand Drawing 01mport Drawing **Site Plan/Drawing attached.** OPERATION PERMIT 197085 - 1 Davie County Health Department CDP File Number: 210 Hospital street E7-000-00-139 P.O. Box 848 County File Number: Mocksville NC 27028 Date: ! / 4.J Olnch Drawing Drawing Type: Operation Permit Scale: O O A k ! II I I I �r TT- i-- I � . I ! { f ��l l � 6 f I FE I r F f 1i CONSTRUCTION For Office Use Only, AUTHORIZATION "CDP File Number, 197085-1 Davie County Health Department County ID Number:E7-000-M139 . � 210 Hospital Street Evaluated For.. REPAIR P.O.B ox 848 Township. Mocksviile NC 27028 PERMIT VALID UNTIL: Phone: 336-753-6780 Fax:336-753-1680 0 9 / a a / a 0 a 0 Applicant: Elsie Whitaker PropertyOwner. Elsie Whitaker Address: 1129 Beauchamp Road Address: 1129 Beauchamp Road City: Advance City: Advance State/Zip: NC 27006 State0p: NC 27006 Phone#: Phone#: Property Location & Site Information rAddress/Road#: Subdivision: Phase: Lot: 1129 Beauchamp Road Advance NC 27006 Directions Structure: SINGLE FAMILY Hwy 158 right on Baltimore then left on Beauchamp #of Bedrooms: #of People: "Water Supply: N/A System Specifications CFlowMinimum Trench Depth: a 4 : Provisionally suitable Inches Minimum Soil Cover. 1 a QYes QNo Inches 3 6 0 Maximum Trench Depth: 3 6 Inches Soil Application Rate: 0 a 7 5 Maximum Soil Cover: a 4 Inches *System Classification/Description: *Distribution Type: GRAVITY-SERIAL TYPE 11 A.CONV SYSTEM(SINGLE-FAMILY OR 480 GPD OR LESS) Septic Tank: Gallons *Proposed System: 25%REDUCTION 1-PIBCe: Oyes ONo Pump Required: ;OYes ONo OMay Be Required Nitrification Field 1 3 0 g Sq. ft. Pump Tank: Gallons No..Drain Lines 4 1-Piece:QYes ONo Total Trench Length: 3 a 7 ft. GPM vs— ft. TDH Trench Spacing:. 9 @Feet O.C.inches O.C._ Dosing Volume: Gallons Trench Width: Inches 3 _ Feet Grease Trap: LGallons Aggregate Depth: inches Pre Treatment: ONSF OTS-1TS-11SepticTank InstallerGrade Level Required: 01011 OMI Dern 1 of 4 CDP File Number 197085- 1 County ID Number. E7-000-00-139 ❑• Open Pump System Sheet Repair System Required:OYes ONO ONO, but has Available Space rDesign System Trench Spacing: 8Feet Inches 0. . ification: — O.C. Trench Width: Inches w: _ 8Fest Soil Application Rate: Aggregate Depth: inches .� *System Classification/Description: Minimum Trench Depth: Inches Minimum Soil Cover. Inches Maximum Trench Depth: *Proposed System: Inches Maximum Soil Cover: Nitrification Field Inches Sq. ft. No. Drain Lines "Distribution Type: 'Total Trench Length: Pump Required: OYes ONo OMay Be Required Pre Treatment: ONSF OTS-1 OTS-II *Site Modifications No grading or construction activity is allowed in areas designated for system and repairwithout approval of Health Department. *Permit Conditions The issuance of this permit bythe Health Department in no wayguarantees the issuance of other permits.The permit holder is responsible for checking with appropriate governing bodies in meeting their requirements. ; This Authorization for wastewater System Construction shall be valid for a person equal to the period of validity of the ImprovementPermit not to exceed fiveyears,and may be issued at the sametime the Improvement Permit Issued(NCGS 130A-336(11)}If the installatlon has not been completed during the period of validity of the Construction Permit,the Information submitted in the application fora permit or Construction Authorization is found to have been incorrect,falsified or changed,or the site is altered,the permit orConsbvction Authorization shall become Invaiid,and may be suspended or revoked(.1937(g)).The person owning or controlling the system shall be responsible for assuring compliance with the laws,rules,and permit conditions regarding system'location,Installation,operation,maintenance;monitoring,reporting and repair (1938(b)). Applicant/Legal Reps. Signature Required? Oyes ONO Applicant/Legal Reps. Signature: Date:_ Issued By: _Date of Issue; 2140-Nations,Robert 0 9 / a a / a 0 1 5 Authorized State Age Malfunction Log OYes @Hand Drawing Olmport Drawing **Site Plan/Drawing attached.** Page 2 of 3 ,. CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION Davie County Health Department CDP File Number. 197085 - 1 `210 Hospital Street E7.000-00.139 P.O.Box Bas County File Number: Mocksville NC 27028 Date: 0 9 / 2 a / .10 1 5 Qinch Drawing Drawing Type: Construction Authorization Scale: . QBlock Q N/A t H-1 - I K-1 40 -�- CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION Davie County Health Department 210 Hospital Street CDP File Number: 197085- 1 P.O.Box 848 E7.000.00.139 Mocksville NC 2702$ County File Number: Date: .09 / 22 / 2 0 1 5 Click below to Import an image from an external location: Drawing Type:Construction Authorization , ' cn014 Q PY �- ---------- . a� / � J I