246 Griffith RdJ Apptrcant Address. Cay State Zrp p none = OPERATION PERMIT """u"'v "'`" ` Davie County Health Department GIL)P Fie dumber 122394-1 210 Hospital Street 67-000-00,063 P.O. Box 848 Cn�Jr,±y lD tlr;f'1~er Ntocksville NC 27028 Fvaluated For. REPAIR Phone: 336-753-6780 Fax; 336-753-1680 Toy;nship C. Catherine Byrd Propc y 0:';nc C. Catherine Byrd 246 Griffith Road j Addre$s 246 Griffith Road Advance i Cty Advance NC 27006 I State Zip NC Pro erty Location & Site Information Address Road ^ sulbdvisS on 246 Griffith Rd Advance __.. NC 27028 StrtJcture SINGLE FAMILY t:t Bedmo,-Is 3 r of People • VIM ter 91J.oP!V NA ............................................. .......................................... 'if' Issued by 22:1.1-Day:•al:. Arvjre;•. 'CA issued by 221.1 - Dayvial.. Andwo Dos: o f Iov, 2 4 0 Sod Application Rate 0 3 td tnfication Field Ho Drain I.1nes 1 otal .r rerWh Length Trench SpaCinq Trench Width Agcttegate Depth t:', nimun; Trench Deoth 6 0 tt Phase 27006 Loi Directions Hwy 601 N. right on Hwy 801 Griffith road on left •System Class;fication Descrrp'.,on Saprolite systen.) ,._) Ves i -e l to GiiA`.•'{i Y - hr"�Fi�iLLkL ;r�tl. d-tx;xr � '�'cti.. •t7lSirit)IJt;On Type � � ,��, ' Pre -Treatment Y= ' Drain field Sq rt r^tlnches 0 C 0 Cl 6 x I1'.C(1CS 'System Type INFILTRATOR QUICK •1 STANDARD Inst ::er n,, rty carte C:ertificatron = Da.e 0 7/ 1 5/ 2 0 1 3 IfiL i5 Ltinirnurn Soil CU'v'er InchesApproval Status t:,u ii.:utf: I 'ei,c.h va; it; nches, El Approved Cl Disapproved I faax{n Lim Sod Cover Inches CDP F le Number 122394 - 1 County ID Number: 137-U00-00-063 Septic Tank f�iilSrlfit !_gat. Q .. t.tanufact,,rer � •.;� STB Gallons Datp 1 I 'Frier Brand ST Narker [ Yes No . Renfwced Tank ❑ Yes ❑ No t Piece Tank ❑ Yes ❑ No I.tall ufacc:,rer PT irich diameter Installer Pipe I.Pnglh Gallons Certification = Pump 'T,.pe Date I / R ise r Sealed ❑ Yes ❑ No Riser He:.ght ❑ Yes ❑ No (L'm G in e:nto-ced -rank ❑ Yes ❑ No . ? Piece Tank U Yes U No Lona Installer Certrflcatian =. 'EHS 224•;-Dz:.1'l Atmore:. Date 0 7/ 1 5/ 2 0 1 3 Approval Status 1t ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved - --... ---- _-.-------- ------------------- Pump Tank Ir-staller- Certification - 'EHS Date I / Approval Status ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved Supply Line Pipe Site irich diameter Installer Pipe I.Pnglh feet Certification = Pump 'T,.pe 'EIIS `Schedule I; Downs Volun e P-essure Rated ❑ Yes ❑ No Date I 1 Approves: fart rigs ❑ Yes ❑ N0 Approval Status Inches ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved Pump Requirement Pump 'T,.pe Installer. I; Downs Volun e — Gal Certification- D revi D o vi n Inches 'EHS 'Chain. I / Date Valves Access,We ❑ Yes ❑ N o Flo,.-; Adlusirr:ent Valve ❑ Yes No C':eck valve ❑ Yes ❑ No Approval Status PVC Unions ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved Vent Hale U Yes U No - Anti -siphon Hole ❑ Yes ❑ No '('. P F1e ;lumt)er 122394-1 Electric Equipment County ID Number: 67-000-00-063 NFLIA •tX sox or Fcuivalent❑Yes ❑ No lr-stallei r Box 12 Inches Above Grade D Yes ❑ NO CertScahon = Box Adj. To f Unip tank J Yes ❑ Nci Coi du,t Seated J Yes ❑ No 'LITS PLimpf.lar'uailyOperable D Yes ❑ No 'Activation f.'eznod Date I I Approval Status Nairn Audible i ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved Alarm Visible J Yes Ll No 'Operaucn Permit completed by AtI''horrzed SateAgen' _. Date of Issue 0 7/ 1 5/ 2 0 1 3 '-Ills System t;as been installed m comp) ante with applicable HC General Statutes Art:c-e 11. Chapter 130A Rules for Se:;age Treatment and Disposal. 15A IJCAC 18A 1900 el Sea arid a`s condrions of the Improvement Perini t and Coasiruc`ion ALithorzat;on This property Is served by a sewage septic system. Rule 1961 requires that a Type septic system meet tl,.e follo:';ing cntet a Minlniuni System Reviev: ByThe Local Health Department I.lanagement Entily —_------ ---- -----_----__ _..-_----__.-__v__— f,1 ui::r.Tum SNSteM Inspection Maintenance Frequency fay Certified Operator Reporting Frequency By Ceriifed Operator Rule 1961 r"eUM-es ttiat a t ype IV a -,d V septic Systems desKit'.ed tot a 1!orne bLIS iriess o:rner 11) List IT) aIMCI,]I) a valid contra c: rh a Public WWI agernell' erit ty v; rh a certified operator or a private certifies; operator for the life of the septic systen•. Rule 19+i1 reGul'es that T,1)e VI septic sy5te,,lis designet! fore home business ov:{7er must mair:tain a vako, con'ract v;4h a publlC ma^agement entity a cert?fled operator for the life of the Septic system. Rtlle 1961 (2) (P) rP,gLJI'PS a contract sh,91 be executed he%,;Pen 'f'e system ov.,tier tint! a InanagemPilt entity prior to the issuance of an Operation Permit for a system reqsTired to be maintained by a public or private management er..try. ui less 're s43tem o•:; ner and certified operator are the Sallie. -f tie contract shall require specific tergtnren)enis tot maintenance and opera -ion responsibrli'ies of tt?e ov:ner and systerns opera'or prw sions that the contract shall be In effect for as long as the sySteni Is Ji use. and other requirements for the continued proper performance, of t^e system t' shall also he a condition of the Oaeration Penn it that subsequent ov.ners of tt�e sy5teriis execute such a contrac' I -)Hand Drawing OImport Drawing **Site Plan/Drawing attached.** Act ivry Code S-11) 201.3 - Of' i sued NE'.'J Tyne 11 Ouick 4 T 'ai -in-:e iF-i 0 1 0 0 OPERATION PERMIT + Davie County Health Department CDP File Number: 122394 - 1 210 Hospital Street County File Number: P.O. Box 848 s� liiG G(;•(}�i t;tocksvitle NC 27028 Date: 1 i Inch Scale: nrawing Drawing Type: Operation Permit ��?N A k