987 Ben Anderson Rd (2)Parcel #: C 10000001703 Davie County, NC - Basic Estate Search Basic Search Real Estate Search Tax Bill Search Sales Search � View Pro�ertv Record for this Parcel View Ma� for this Parcel View Tax Bill Information Parcel#:C10000001703 Account #:82513079 Owner Information Tax Codes PITTS RICHARD R& PITTS PATRICIA M ADVLTAX - COUNTY TA 87 BEN ANDERSON ROAD FIREADVLTAX - FIRE TAX MOCKSVILLE NC 27028 Pro e Information Township � Wnd (Units/Type): 26.240 AC CLARKSVILLE ddress: 987 BEN ANDERSON RD Deed Information Local Zonin Date: 01/1999 Book: 00209 Page: 0036 Plat Book: Pa e: Le al Descri tion PIN 26.958 AC BEN ANDERSON RD 5803312953 Pro e Values Buildin : 24618 BXF: 22 56 Land: 112 43 Market: 381 17 ssessed: 292 96 Deferred: 88 21 Sales Information No. Book Page Month Year Instrument Qual/UnQual Improved Price 1 00209 0036 01 1999 WD ualified Vacant 69 000 View Pronertv Record for this Parcel View Man for this Parcel View Tax Bill Information « Return to Basic Search Page 1 of 1 o ¢u�� �� r �� U R� Davie County Web Site All information on this site is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Davie County. Ail data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned pubiic information sources should be consulted for verification of the information. All information contained herein was created for the Davie County's internal use. Davie County, its employees and agents make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the information set forth on this site whether express or implied, in fact or in law, including without limitation the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particular use. If you have any questions about the data displayed on this website please contact the Davie County Tax Office at (336) 753-6120. 1.5.9 http://maps.daviecountync.gov/itsneWiew.aspx?prid=1476050 10/12/2016 _v f_ . -b�ra.....— . . � -.�, yr .. . . ,. �.. , , .- .. �� .� /� r�,� -a � - .! � ��. `� /' / . �� �._ _ At�THok1z�,T►ON �Io: � � �j � DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR�fMEI'QT < p !Env�ronmental Health Section PROPERTY INFORMATION Permittee's ; ��7 ,�, •'! � ��,n � �`'��, P.O.Box 848 : Name: �� � Mocksville, NC 27028 Subdivision Name: .%'! �� % Phone # 336-751-8760 Directions to propeRy: �i ' i�Yr:�l,f,': � � 1�� � Section: Lot: AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER 44�Y`"7 "`' _ �!^�r`��r� SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION Tax Office PIN:# .�' -.-=�" ,�' r+ r�: ,<,. � /�" � �� ��^: .��`:,;.� Road Name �`-:.-y;�F'�'�..aJ:.�-.- � Zip: �;,�, . �': � ,- . ^��7�• **NOT'E** This Authorization for Wastewater System Construction MUST BE ISSCIED by the Davie County Environmental Health Section prior to issuance of any Building Permits. This Form/Authorization Number should be presented to the Davie County Building Inspections Office when applying for Building Permits. (In compliance with Article I 1 of G.$. Chapter 130A, Wastewater Systems, Section .1900 Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems) %-' �f � ***NOTICE*** THIS AUTHORIZATION FOR WASTEWATER CONSTRUCTION ,'%'� �� /;.�� �G.f �G'1.� �,�, � IS VALID FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS. ENV[RONMENTAL HEALT 'SPECIALIST DATE ISSUED � `,�,, • = -�,�---- :�a �. � v _ .� . , , J. � �� / ��� '� , Q� � _ . � ; i :I� � �r � ,� , DAVIE OUNTY HEALTH DEPA��iv��T � �- r--f -�� I , '"'tt 1p1�TPRO�EMENT AND OPERATION PERMITS PROPERTY INFORMATION �P,�ntlittee's �. ,� � � .� p S � . � ' �,� �� .t� "� r� � Name: � t. "i..� f.;� �'' Subdivision Name: � D#rections to property: ' ��l'�� �"!'r'r �' �� Section: Lot: ' r IlIIPROVEMENT �i . � . . . � . . .. . � � ,,,.., � .v � - � t"`ea' . . PERMIT Tax Office PIN: '� R r.�f - � - �'� � �:. �;� - � F . . . � . .� ... � � . . .. . _ . f'! 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RESIDENTIAL SPECIPICATION: BUILDING TYPE f"� # BEDROOMS '� # BATHS _� # OCCUPANTS .7 GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Yes or No COMMERCIAL SPECIFICATION: FACILITY TYPE # PEOPLE # PEOPLFJSHIFC # SEATS INDUSTRIAL WASTE: Yes or No n� /'/ LOT SIZE � TYPE WATER SUPPLY �"�l/ DESIGN WASTEWATER FLOW (GPD) � NEW SITE� REPAIR SITE � , / � v �l � SYSTEM SPECIF7CATIONS: TANK SIZE� �U GAL. PUMP TANK GAL. TRENCH WIDTH ��✓ ROCK DEPTH �� LINEAR FT. �'�1� OTHER �R��REQUIRED SITE MODIFICATIONS/CONDITIONS: IMPROVEMENT PERMIT LAYOUT �.�p ......--^---- � *EtI5E[ilS1 I�' G'�� �3:�.Q:: k'��iiSFi�.i� G�l�DE* *'CONTACT A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR FINAL INSPECTION OF THIS SYSTEM BETWEEN 8:30 - 930 A.M. OR I:00 - 1:30 P.M. ON THE DAY OF INSTALLATION. TELEPHONE # IS (336)751-8760. OPERATION PERMIT � ��G/� �� SYSTEM INSTALLED BY: � �V � il �p i'`l � P� � �G��. AUTHORIZATION NO. / OPERATION PERMIT BY: � ATE: ( v�` __�F� sfTf� ISSUANCE OF THIS OPERATION PERMIT SHALL INDICATE �� SYS�i�M DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WTTH ARTICLE 11 OF G.S. CHAPTER 130A, SECTION .1900 "SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPUSAL SYSTEMS", BUT SHALL IN NO WAY BE TAKEN AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WII.L FUNCTION SATISFACTORILY FOR ANY GIVEN PERIOD OF TIME. DCHD OS/96 (Revised) AYPIJGA7IUN FUIi SIiE EVALUAl1UN/IMPROVEMENT PEflMIT dc ATC R�� 0 � R Davie County Health Departrnent �� �'�' `• ' ; � �,�; ' ' - Envjronmental Hea/t�Fi S�cr�on a �t'1I ��� � p.0. Box 8�8/210 Hoapital Street DEC - 9 � Mocksville, NC 27028 �� � (336) 751-8760 � E��v��to��F.t �ni *+tII�ORTANT*** THI3 APPLZCATION CANNOT 8E PROGESSED UNLE33 ALL UIRED INFORMATION I3 PRDVIDED. Refer to the INFORMATION BULLETIN for instructions. /�/Gy�v r /� 1. Nama to be Billed �� i� S Con�''at peraon /Cfcl/ ���5 Nailinq 71c1�dress �U�9�--�+��,►,-�—c�r��OSoZ �AIC� �8�e,rnone 336- �87- �foa.� City/State/ZI? �''��"'�6� sus i� s�hone 336 - �/7�- OoZ/(o 2. Name on pezmit/111C 1! biflereat than 1lailinq ]1d�dresa ''1City(' tate,(Z�� � G�( W � 3. A�pliaatioa For: ,�Site Evaluation Y'�Zmprov�ement Pe=mit/ATC ❑ Both 4, sy.tem to servtce: ,�.',�iousa CI Mobile Home 0 Business 0 Industry ❑ Other a. If Residence: f People �_ � Bedrooms �� i Bathrooms ,�_ �ahxasher 0 3arbaqe Diapoaal �Nashing Hachina 0 Banement/PlumbinQ 0 Saaement/No piumbinq 6. i! Bnaineaa/Induatry/Other: Specily type # Beaple � Sinis # Cotamodes f ehawera � Urinsls • Nater Coolera IF FOOD3ERVICE: � 3eats Estimated i+Tater Osage (qalions per day) 7. T�e of water aupplp: ❑ Connty/City 0 iiell ❑ Com�autiity e. Do you anticipate �dditiona or e:pwsions of the tacility t6is eyatem ia intended to aerve? 0 Yea 0 No U yea, w6at type? ***lMFORTAN7'"•* CLIENTS �1lUST CO�1lPLETETIiE REQUIRED PROPERTY INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW. Eitber a P T or S1TE PI..AN �LlUST 13ESUB�tIlTF.D by the dteut wltb TH1S APPLICATlON. Pcoperty Dimenaiona: ��5. ��r f�5 WRITE D1REC'TIONS (from Moct:sville) to PROPERTY: Tai Ofiice PIN: # �� Property Addresa: Road Name �it) ��e�n� ���� � �� w G� ��r�n �� �� City/Zip %noc�45v���le o�70�$ �✓� �4r �e�- /4� 2� If in a Subdiviaion provide iat'ormatiou, as follows: c�n"�i"b �.J �NcJ�e.,��ov� %Zc� N ame: f��r''� u�e l..e� t od tG �o r' � ('P.. �-j St 6 �J . Section: Biock: �batr Date Property I�lagged: /�// /���_ This t� to certify t6at the iuformation provided is correct to the best of my knowledga I unde�tand that any permit(s) issued 6ereafter are subject to suapension or revocation, if t6e aite plan� or intended use change, or if the information submitted ia t6L� applicatloa fs fiilsified or chxuged I, aiso, understa�d that I am res,ponsible jor a/1 rharga iircrtrred from this appllcation. I, 6ercby, give conaent to the Aut6orized Repreaentative of t6e Davie County Hexith Department to eoter upoa above desc�ibed propertp located in Davie County and owned b�• euV� S to conduct all testing procedura as nceeuary to determine the site wibbilih DATE ��/ r�l'�S SIGNATURE 'i'BIS AREA MAY BE USED FOR DRAWIIVG YOUR SITE PLAN (Include xll of the toliowiag: Ezfating and proposed prnperty linea and dimenaioaa, atructurea, aetbxcka, and aepdc locations). � � i Rtvised DCHD (07/98) Account No. �%v�_ Invoice No. � �f �, �9a ' C yi ' c � i �. /�tz - i � t� " � '���� ` �,6 ` '� ��i+�,'+"3"�O '� _:.t� »: +� \ T..., a�°�� y` XsPt}, . 4_ �� �� ��.� r . ; � `�3 ��AC. ��° . , �� � . � �'t � �4� �� � ! � _ • ai �`�� � ,�fi":.'� '�:p. � ,i� / �t�..i. . !� y R�. . `%� � �6 r, I ��c�� � _C � �, , ; �.. � I� � ���� ��� � :� ''�i !� d `�F. ' �,r r�.. z��i� � i�i _ � . 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( } �� �` � DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT . ` • � Environmental Health Section SECTION LOT Soil/Site Evaluation APPLICANT'S NAME � 1��S- DATE EVALUATED �,��"�.�� PROPOSED FACILITY /7 PROPERTY SIZE ��-� � � SUBDIVISION ROAD NAME ��J� /l�' ',rS Water Supply: On-Site Well v Community Public Evaluation By: Auger Boring ' v Pit Cut HORIZON I DEPTH SOIL WETNESS D�QTDT!'�TiVII L SITE CLASSIFICATION: ,,�� � EVALUATION BY: �CYa�% LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: �� OTHER(S) PRESENT: REMARKS: LEGEND LandscaQe Position R- Ridge S- Shoulder L- Linear slope FS - Foot slope N- Nose slope CC - Concave slope CV - Convex slope T- Terrace FP - Flood plain H- Head slope Texture S- Sand LS - Loamy sand SL - Sandy loam L- Loam SI - Silt SICL - Silty clay loam SIL - Silty loam CL - Clay loam SCL - Sandy clay loam SC - Sandy clay SIC - Silty clay C- Clay CONSISTENCE oist VFR - Very friable FR - Friable FI - Firm VFI - Very firm EFI - Extremely firm Wet NS - Non sticky SS - Slightly sticky S- Sticky VS - Very Sticky NP - Non plastic SP - Slightly plastic P- Plastic VP - Very plastic Structure SC - Single grain M- Massive CR - Crumb GR - Granular ABK - Angular blocky SBK - Subangular blocky PL - Platy PR - Prismatic Mineraloav 1:1, 2:1, Mixed otes Horizon depth - In inches Depth of fill - In inches Restrictive horizon - Thickness and inches from land surface Saprolite - S(suitable), U(unsuitable) Soil we[ness - Inches from land surface to free water or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less Classification - S(suitable), PS(provisionally suitable), U(unsuitable) LTAR - Long-term acceptance rate - gaUday/ft2 DCHD (01-90) ■ ■■ ii ii ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ �� ■■�■■■�■�■�■■�■■■■�■ ■���■��■�■��■�■■■■�■ ■■���■�■■■��■�■■■■�■ ■����■�o��e�■�■■�■�■ ■■■■��■��■■��������■ ■�■■����■�■�■■�■■■■■ ■�■■■�■���■■����■�■■ ■�■■��■����■�■■���■■ ■■■■■■�■�■�■■�■■■■�■ ■■■■■■�■�■■�■�■■■■�■ ■■■��■�����■�■�■�■�■ ■�■���■�■�■■�■�■■■■■ ■�■■■�■■��■■�������■ ■■�■■■�■�■�■�■■�■�■■ ■■�����■■■��■��■■■�■ ■�■■��■��■■�■��■�■�■ ■�■■��■���■■�■�■�■■■ ■�■■��■�■�■■�■���■■■ ■■�■■■■■��■■�■■�■�■■ ■■��■■�■■■�■��■�■��■ ■■�����■■■�■■�■■�■�■ ■■■��■�■�■■�■�■■■■�■ ■�■■�■■���■�■��■■■�■ ■��■■�����■■��■■■■■■ �■��■■�■�■�■■�■�■�■■ �����■�■��■�■�■■���■ ■���■■����■�■��■�■�■ i■��■��■���■■■■�■■■�■ ■��■��■■���������■■■ �i■■��■■■■���■■■��■�■■ i■■��■��■���■�■■���■■ ■����■■■■�■■■ ■�■■�■■�■�■■■ ■�■��■■�■���■ ■�■■�■��■■■�■ ■�����■���■�a ■��■■■�■���■■ ■���■■�■����■ ■����■�■■���■ ■�■��■��■■■�■ iii ■ ■ ■ ■ i i ■ ■�■■ ■�■■ ■■�■ ■■�■ ■�■■ ■�■■ ■�■■ ■■��■■���■■ ■■��■■��■■■ C■■���■ , ■■ ....��. .. ri�■��c��■■■�■ i7i■��������■■ l�I�\Ilii���■ ■■GI\lY�■■�■■ ■��1���■��■■ ■�n����■��■ ■�■■�■���■ ■����■■ ■■ ■��■�■��■�■ ■��■■■��■�■ ■■���■■���■ ■■■�■����■■ ■�■■■��■��■ ■■■�■ ■■�■■ ■�■■■ ■��■■ ■���■ ■�■�■ ■��■■ ■■�■ ■■�■ ■��■ ■■�■ ii ■■ Y■��■�■■��■ ■■■��■�■��■ ■�■����■�■■ ■■�■■■■���■ ■■■��■■���■ ■■���■■���■ ■■■��■■■■�■ ■�■�������■ ■��■■��■■�■ ■■�■■����■■ ■■�■�����■■ ■■�■■■��■■■ ■■��■�■��■■ ■�■��■■■��■ ■�■��■■■��■ ■���■■�■■�■ ■���■■���■■ ■■�■■■■��■■ ■ ■�■■���■■ ■�■■����■ ■��■��■■■ ■■��■■■�■ ■■■���■■■ ■�■■���■■ ■�■■���■■ ■��■■���■ ■■��■■��■ ■��■■■■�■ ■■��■■■■■ ■■��■■■�■ ■■■�■■■■■ .... ■■■■ ■�■■ ■■�■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■�■■■���■■�■ ■■■■■��■■■�■ ■■■■■���■■■■ ■�■■■■���■■■ ■�■��■■���■■ ■�■■��■■���■ ■���������■■ ■��■�■■■■�■■ ■�■■■��■■■�■ ■�■■■��■■■�■ ■■■�■��■■■�■ ■■�■■■����■■ ■�■■■■���■■■ ■�■���■��■■■ ■�■■�■■�■�■■ ■■■■��■�■��■ ■����■■■���■ ■■����■■■■�■ ■■■���■■�■�■ ■■�■■■t��■■■ ■���■�����■■ ■��■■■����■■ ✓` ,._. . .,. .... !; R ���y . , . . . . .. � � �, , .'� . .. ���.��= iir VOVl� l� 1 �i�L'aL� YLl �L�S��LI, l� .�� � - ENVIRONMENTAL NEALTN SECTION P. 0. Box 848/210 Hospital Street Courier #09-40-06 Moakswille, NC 27028 . .;Phone #:. (336)7b1-8760 , December 21, 1998 Richard Ralph Pitts 682 Oakwood Circle Lexington, NC 27292 Re: 2 Site Evaluations/55.5 Acre Tract Ben Anderson Road Tax Offce PIN: #5803-31-6892 Dear Client(s): As requested, a representative from this office visited the aforementioned sites on December 11, and 15, 1998. Based upon the information provided on the Application(s) for Site Evaluation(s) and after evaluations were completed on the sites, each site was found to be provisionally suitable for the installation of an on-site sewage system, Before an Improvement Permit/Authorization to Construct can be issued the appropriate application must be filled out and the house/mobile home location staked on each site. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, fL���j �/ y�. �i-*�,O • Robert B. H Jr., RS. Environmental Health Specialist Enclosure(s) cc: Zoning Office ,� _ .___ _____ _ . . ____ . , A�BFAT J. ANOERSON . � , L 9 - � L-70 � PARCEL 13 l-1 1 � µ� � .i�l L-12 1MFE, PAUUNE f. ANDERSON ' 22 f�, � .• DB 72 PG 33 �tA �3N . � `YJ1r , � � 274 i� � ' l� � —. �. �� ! /`� \ ��� K ��,�•�� � O !� \ .�% � ' � �o � . � �, � . °` � � `� � � �-4 \ � X t ♦ \ DffSf. � RR SOIKE � RD \ � T � � 1 6 �L � a \ 53.9 AC�S BY D. M. B� �.P �.� � �-28P �_2� ��j p �� P P P ��t-25N J `� �o �— ' 18 L-21 (�� �J �`l, 9 � 1 � P 4��� __._�---"� L t+► P 20 �' �_~�p — l— � � �i � �C, � O � 850.98' S 80�34,26�� 870•98 PORTION OF PARCE:L, t 7 p1ETI pu1t�INfR 646 9 �. S 76e�.� � PARCEL 17.0 ,�r u. cu� , WIF�, HOPE CL DB 20S PG S[ ,., � �6�08'�,� / _— E1a � � y,,.6T � 3 Ng v � � � � e � O y TIV( MI PARCE C. Af. ANDf N7:�. AIARY D8 i�6 P/iRCEL 5. NINA ANOER DB 146 PG