348 Bear Creek Church RdParcel #: E200000026 Davie County, NC - Basic Estate Search Basic Search Real Estate Search Tax Bill Search Sales Search � View Prooertv Record for this Parcel View Mao for this Parcel View Tax Bill Information Parcel #:E200000026 Account #:8301556 Owner Information Tax Codes LLER CHAD W ADVLTAX - COUNTY TA 90 GEORGIA ROAD FIREADVLTAX - FIRE TAX MOCKSVILLE NC 27028 P�o e Information Townshi Wnd (Units/Type): 74.380 AC CLARKSVILLE ddress: 348 BEAR CREEK CHURCH RD Deed Information Local Zonin Date: il/2012 Book: 00907 Page: 0075 Plat Book: Pa e: Le al Descri tion PIN 79.11 AC BEAR CREEK CHR 5811294175 Pro e Values Buildin : 74 62 BXF: 1 41 Land: 405 65 Ma rket: 481 68 ssessed: 282 98 Deferred: 198 70 Sales Information Book Page Month Year Instrument Qual/UnQual Improved Price 00907 0075 li 2012 WD Unqualified Improved 350,000 2002E 0023 10 2001 WL Unqualified Improved 0 View Prooertv Record for this Parcel View Mao for this Parcel View Tax Bill Infonnation « Return to Basic Search Page 1 of 1 o �br� . .�, ` t.� �° u K'� Davie County Web Site All information on this site is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Davie County. All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other pubiic records and data. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public information sources should be consuited for verification of the information. All information contained herein was created for the Davie County's internal use. Davie County, fts employees and agents make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the information set forth on this site whether express or implied, in fact or in law, including without limitation the implied warranties of inerchantability and fitness for a particular use. If you have any questions about the data displayed on this website please contact the Davie County Tax Office at (336) 753-6120. 1.5.9 http://maps.daviecountync.gov/itsneWiew.aspx?prid=1470411 10/12/2016 � _ IMPROVEI�NT PERMIT , � . � � . . . , _. . .. �o DAVIE CDUNTY HERLTH DEPARTMENT ' IMPROVEMENT PEAMIT and �ERATION PERMIT *�NQTE�+� This i�prove�ent per�it DOES NOT authorize the canstruction or installation of a septic tank syste� or any NasteNater syste�. RN AUTHORIIATIDN FOR IJASTEWATER SY5TEM CDNSTRUCTIDN wst be ohtained fro� this Depart�ent prior to the conatruction/installation of a syste� or the issuance of a building per�it. tIn co�pliance Nith Article 11 of 6.5. Chapter 130A, Nastewater Syste�s, Section .1900 5ewage Treat�ent and Disposal 5yste�s) NAME � A PR�ERTY ADDRE55 ,.�fr�,� C�,��F,� C�Nla��'H /`�- �TDv�B �/� j LOCATIDN � .,�i � / /�- _ l'� �7 � , C � urc 5UBDIVI5IOP1 NAME L�T Nt�4BER SEC. /BLDCI( NUMBER RESIDENTAL SPECIFICATION: BUILDIN6 TYPE / P� BEDR�MS ,� � BATHS ,� � DCCUFANTS ��.% 6ARB�E DISPOSAL: Ye� C�RCIf� SPECIFICATION: FACILITY TYPE �k PEDRLE �1 PEDF�LE/SHIFT A SERTS INDUSTRIi� WASTE: Yes/No LOT SIZE � TYPE WATER S'UPPLY ��_ DESI6N V�STENATER FLDW fGPD) � i�l SITE _��REPAIR SITE 5Y5TEM SPECIFICRTIONS: TRNI( SIZE f�a 6AL. PI�IR TRNK OTHER REQUIRED SITE MDDIFICATIONS/CONDITIONS: 6AL. TRENCH WIDTH �� RDCK DEPTN /�,, LINEAR FT. � ��*THI5 PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO REVOCATION IF SITE �ANS OR THE INTEN6ED US'E CHANGE. YDUR WASTERWATER SYS7EM CONTRACTOR hA15T SEE THIS PERMIT BEFORE INSTALLING THE SYSTEM. IMPROUEMENT PERMIT BY �l �*C�NTACT A REPRESENTATIVE � THE DAVIE C�JTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR FINAL INSPECTIDN DF THIS SYSTEM AETWEEN 8:30-9:3@ A.M. OR 1:�-1:30 P.M. ON THE DAY OF INSTALLATIDN. TELEPHONE # IS l7a4) 634-87E0. �ERATION PERMIT SYSTEM INSTALLED BY AUTHORIZATION N0. OPERATION PERMIT BY �C�''�k� DATE O`-1l }�THE ISS'�UlCE DF THIS OPERpTIOM PERMIT SHALL INDICATE TF�AT TFIE SY5TEM DESCRIBED ABOVE HAS BEEN INST�LED IN COh�LIi�10E WITH ARTICLE 11 � G.S. CHAPTER 130A, SECTIOhI .19� "SE4IAGE TREATltENT AND aI�OSAL SYSTEMS°, BUT SHALL IN NO WAY BE TAKEN AS A 6'UARANTEE THAT TF� 5Y5TEM WILL FIArCTION SATISFACTORILY FOR F�IY 6I4EN PERIOD � TII�. DCHD 10/95 , .;,-•' r '.. :i. � :._., � - .. . . - � � - � . 1 . , `c ' ry� . . i . _ - ,, � .� -�; � � j � __ `.� � ='� a ' ' � ' �'�, Davie County Health Depart�ent — ::.--�«-, ��° ' ENVIR�+IMENTi� HEALTN 5EC?IDN - , —��-" - — — _ � P.O. Box 665 , 'i ,- • Mocksville, N.C. 270�8 �, AUTNORIIATIaI FOR WASTEiWTER SYSTEM C�ISTRLICTIa! . .. �".�'-� ��,:. � . _ iIssued in co�pliance with Article 11 of � , . -,. G.S. Chapter 13iDA, Wastewater Syste�sf _ - - � �**This Ruthorization For Wastewater 5yste� Construction �ust be issued by the Davie County Environ�ental Health 5ection prior to � issuance of any Building Fer�its. This For�/Authorization Nu�ber should be presented to the Davie County Building Inspertions Dffice when applying for Puilding Per�its.+�* ,--�. / NUTHIIRIZATION liMBEH NA�E —I �I (.A �!�ff' �� DATE .�"";�/' � .� �`�� � �; '� !� � NRlE ON IlPROVQ�EM PERMIT IIf different than above) SITE LOCATI�i L.�'� r /� e_' �� �l?�f/`c �' COMfNT51LbNDITI0�5 ON RUTI�IURIZRTIai TD (X1N5TRUCT WpS7EWATER SYSTEM ' f�NUTICE� THIS AUTHDRIZRTIDN FOR WA5TEWATER 5Y5TEM CONSTAUCTIUN I5 VALID fOR A FERIDD DF FIVE (5) VEARS. � �.�'� ..., � /�?/,�� IROtlEMAL TH SPECIALIST . �DATE DCHD 10/95 ,. _ APPLICATION FOR SITE EVALUATION/IMPROVEMENTS PER , �/� ,j Davie County Health Department �- �� �b n � Environmental Heaith Section �� ',� P. o. BoX ss5 JAN —�' 193� �/� I, /� �' Mocksville, NC 27028 � ! /' o y,�' � l% r,� I 1. Application/rermit Requested Qy �/�� /° i"' �� � Mailing Address �25�% �.�i � l�-S,% Home Phone lO �`� �� 2'n %��� (�/(,(..E', IlJ�., Business Phone 2. Name on Permit if Different t�an Above .-� >/ eC't--� , � 3. Application for: ❑ General Evaluation �•Septic Tank Installation Permit 4. System to Serve: �louse ❑ Business ❑ Industry 5. If house, mobile home: Subdivision No. of People � No. of Bedrooms � No. of Bathrooms �� Dwelling Dimensions �� `p S � , r�• ❑ Mobile Home 0 Other 6. If business, industry, place of public assembly, other: Specify type No. of People Served No. of Commodes No. of Lavatories No. of Showers No. of Sinks No. of Urinals No. of Water Coolers Water Usage Figures 7. Type of water supply: � Public ❑ Private 8. Property Dimensions ��--KP s • Sewage Disposal Contractor 9. Do you anticipate additions/expansion of the facility this sytem is intended to serve? If yes, what type? O Piace of Pubiic Assembly ❑ Unknown Section Lot # ❑ BasemenUPlumbing ❑ BasemenVNo Plumbing ❑ Washing Machine ❑ Dishwasher ❑ Garbage Disposal ❑ Yes C�,Vo p Communiry 'NOTE: . Improvements Permits are subject to revocation, if site plans or the intended use change. Effective October 1, 1989. �� Directions to Property: �� c���� c �� �.� .��- �c,��5s �� �'j,��--r� �- - �.�-K�- PROPERTY INFORMATION R�QUIRED: Tax Office PIN �f �� l -2�—�fl��' %�'`-% Road Iv'ame �-le- �� , C'� • t� _ Box i� (if available) This is to certify that the information provided is correct to the incurred rom his a lication. � � -�� DATE c�ty SIGNATURE I am rgsponsible for all charges CONSENT FOR SITE EVALUATION TO BE DONE ON ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY MUST CHECK ONE: ❑ 1. I OWN the property. �2. I DO NOT OWN the property. If you checked Box #2, the rest of this form MUST be completed by the owner or a pe on authorized by the owner: I hereby give consent to the authorized representative of the Davie County Health Department to enter upon above described property located in Davie County and owned by to conduct all testing procedures as necessary to deter ai si s i ' i for a ground a rption sewage treatment and disposal�yste � �-�� � DATE / SIGNATURE DCHD (1I93) u , ✓; � -:� , � DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT � Environmental Health Section Soil/Site Evaluation NAME ,����/� DATE EVALUATED _ �'—��`� ADDRESS PROPERTY SIZE ✓� ��� PROPOSED FACIILTY ��u�� LOCATION OF SITE r�D/�� Water Supply: On-Site Well _ Community Public �.� Evaluation By: AugerBoring L/ Pit Cut FACTORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 � e oositio Slo e 7. -- HORIZON I DEPTH Texture rou Consistence Structure Mineralo HORIZON II DEPTH � �J'` Texture rou (� Consistence Structure /( s i Mineralo¢v /-/ /, • Texture group Consistence Structure MineraloAy HORIZON IV DEPTH Texture group Consistence Structure Mineralogy SOIL WETNESS RESTRICTIVE HORIZON SAPROLITE CLaSSIFICATION LONG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE SITE CLASSIFICATION: EVALUATED BY: LDNG-TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE: i� OTHER(S) PRESENT: REMARKS: _____ LEGEND Landscape Position • R-Ridge S-Shoulder L-Linear slope FS-Foot slope N-Nose slope CC-Concave slope CV-Convex slope T-Terrace FP-Flood plain H-Head slope Texture S-Sand LS-Loamy sand SL-Sandy loam L-Loam SI-Silt SICL-Silty �:lay loam� SIL-Silty loam CL-Clay loam SCL-Sandy clay loam SC-Sandy clay SIC-Silty clay C-Clay CONSISTENCE Moist VFR-V+�.-y friable FR-Friable FI-Firm VFI-Very firm EFI-Extremely firm • Wet NS-Non sticky SS-Slightiy sticky S-Sticky VS-Very Sticky NP-Non plastic SP-Slightly plastic P-Plastic VP-Very plastic , Structure ,iC--5in�le grain M-Massive CR-Crumb GR-Granular ABK-MQular blocky SBK-Subangular blocky PL-Platy PR-Prismatic Minerala�y 1:1, 2:1, Mixed Notes H orizon depth - In inches Depth of fill - In inches Restrictive horizon - Thickness and inches from land surface Saprolite - S(suitable), U(unsuitable) Soil wetness - Inches from land surface to free wate�' or inches from land surface to soil colors with chroma 2 or less Classification - S(s�itable), PS(provisionally suitable), U(unsuitable) LTAR - Long-term acceptance rate - gal/day/ft2 DCHD (01-90� ■�■������■��■���■�������������������■��■ ■����������■���■ ■���n■ ■���■�����������������N���������■�■r���� ��■������������■�����■■�■ ■���������������������������������������������������������������■ ■��■����������■����������������■ �����■■ ■ ■■�s�■����■��������■■ ■�■��■������������■��������������■�������������■��������������■��� ■��������■�����■���■����■�������■■����������■����■���������������■ ■■����������■�■��������■��������������������������■■■����������■�■ ■���������■����e��������������■�■���������� ■����■�■ ■��■■■�■��■�■ ..........................................C........ ............. ■����a�����■�■■��������■�����■�����������������■■��_ ��■���������■ ■�����■■��■����������������■�����N�������■�■����� ���■���������■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiii�iiii��iiiiiiiiiiiii iii=�iiii iiiiiiii ■�����■���■����■���■�����■����������■����������_����_■��■_���■���■ ■����������■■■�■�■■���������������■��■�������� ������N���■�����■ ■���■����������■■�■���■����■�■■��■������� ��■ ■ ■ ��■ ����■■ ■■ ■������■■�������������������■����■����������_ �� _■���■�����n�ii�� ■����■■������■�■■■���■�����■����■�■��■���■�■���������■�����������■ ■���������������■����������■��������■����■�■■��■�����■����■����■ ■���■��■��■��������■�����■����� ■��■■��N��■�����■■■■���■�■���■■ ■��■�■����■�����■��■����■��������■����■■����������■�����N�������■ ■�����■���■�����������■�����■����■����■�������■ ■ ■�■����■���■��� ■�■�����\���■■������■��������������■��H������■������■�■�■���■���� ■�■��i�■�����������■��■�����■■■��■ ■ �����■ ����■������■ ■ ����� ■�����■��������■���■������■�������_�■�■���■■�n����� ■■���_�� ���� ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::":::::::::':_:'::::�::::::::5=::: ■�a����■���������■���������������i����N���= u����■��■■���■��� ■����■■■�������������N��■■��■����■M�������� �������■���■�■���� ................................................ ... ...�......� ■���■���N�������������■�������■����������■�N�■� ■��■ �����■ ...............................................�_ .._.........0 �����N������������������������������������������ ���������������� ................................�.......................C........ ■�H�■������������■������������� ■■��H������ ��N���� ■��■��� ■\■ ����N��N�h��■■�������������������H�����■■■� ��■■����� ■����������������\�����\������■��■��I��u����■��� ■ �����■�■��� ■��■■■�����■■���� ��■■ ��������� �. ■ � �1;�� ■ ■ �■��������■ ■���■■���������������■�an�������i� ■ ����� ��� _■�■� ■��������������■��■■■■■������������ �� �� n�■ ��ii■■■��_ ���iiii�iiiiii�iiiiii��i����������� �u� ������■�■� . ����� ���� ■ ■ ���� �■■■■■ ■���������N�■��■■���■u�i�=����������� ■ �����■■��■ .........................�............ 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