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09-September-Mocksville Enterprise
‘ ti ’i ti ■i" A -Г — í" . íi: ■;,ÿ- Ï Б { t't i -J: ; ■ Pftge 8 THE MOCKSVILIÆ ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. С. TÜKKBNTINB NEWS There will be an ice crenm «upper here at the school house «П next Saturday night, Sept. 2. Many other things viH also be «old. Everygody come. Proceeds ¡go for the benefit of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Barney, KTf Hanes, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4PVank Forest and family. JMisg Laura Sheeks, of Goolee- лиее, was Sunday guest of' Misses Eva and Sadie Mae McCulloh. Mesdames E. Q. Lagle and A. <C, Nail and Misses Ruth Lagle -and Velma Foster spent one af ternoon with Mrs. Wiley Howard and family, of Bethel. Miss Velma Foster, of Balti- anore, Maryland, spent the past week visiting relatives and friends in our community. Miss lUuby .Wilson spent the past Friday night with Miss Iva Lee Deadmon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Swicegood and family spent-the past Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCulloh and fam ily. Paul Foster, of Mocksville, spent the past луеек with his .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCulloh. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellen had aa ■ their guest the past week Д1га. К. S. Osborne and son,, Wayne, end Mr. Henry Wood and chil- dren, all of Jerico. ,7 Miss Velma Wagoner, whej holds a position in Kannapolis, spent tho weekend with home folks. Misses Ruby and Ethel Wilson spent the past Saturday night "with Misses Luna and Thelma Kimmer, of Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones and children, of Bethel, spent the past Sunday with Mrs. Laura Jones and family. Mrs. Grady Nail and Mrs Cecil Helton and children spent •one day the past week witli Mrs. Wade' Nall, of Augusta. Mrs. Rollen Holton, of Bixbl spent one night last week with her son, Cecil Helton and family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and son, of Cooleemee, spent a while the past Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Forrest. SMITH GROVE NEWS PERCY NBiVSOM APPEARS CABARRUS DISTRICT FAIR RESOLUTION OF REORGANI- I'he class meeting for the Phil- athea Class will b.e'.hield at the ' FOR DAVIE fTRIAL TO BE HELD OCTOBER 10-14 OCoutinued from page 1). church on the 2nd Thursday ' ' evening in September. Let all I -Aside from the testimimy of members be present. there was no evidence tend- The eleventh annual Cabarrus District Fair, Concord, . N.'\' C. will be held thi» year October 10-14. Elaborate preparations .are | ZATION PASSED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS BANK OF DAVIE Mocksville, N. C. the outstanding fall events in the jjejj ¿,t Mocksville, N. C. on Tues- Carolinas. ' day tlie 22nd. day of August 1983, Cabarrug District is composed'j.},g following resolution was un- of ten counties, and each county adopted. ' has ^en recognized by a certain Whereas the Bank of Davie is day being set apart «n its honor. without authority to conduct 'i’he folowing is the program. „„restricted banking business and it being the desire of the We extend to all who are in connect Percy and Hubert again in progress for this céle-, a meeting of the Board of any way inteiW ed with the Newsom with the storebreaking, bration, which has'become one of ojj.<¡gtors of the Bank of Davie the Smith Grove M. E. church attorneys asserted. — -........................ — ...............................- - and the Whitaker igraveyard to ' Jhe case will reach the jury be present at the Home Coming today all attorneys on ttie 2nd Sunday in September one completing their spee- All who attend are asked to «¡^es to the jury yesterday after- bring well filled baskets, dinner . .u ^ will be served picnic style. ihieves broke into the store гГе?:; s-ri/tsc, íí,: U»l Wedn¿dw evtnlng tbe 23rd. “ 'f .“ '‘l м о Г ’i"'" т ‘.', '“'ffv.s г»,'.“ s,r;s.r“;.a: Barr.o». l'he outlng w». much [ " Т Я Z “t” S mjoy.<l 1), «П tím im der% brídj.. .n tto W.ll- to Mr. Rich íor furn shing such Davidson county. a mee place to the Pub ic. 7 the home of Percy Newsom. Mrs. J. C. Smith and ‘Mi^. J. jg gtated. Deputies Morris and H. Foster and ^daughter, Nina Forsyth, appearrtd as Mae, were recent guests of Mrs. .^itriesaes in the ca.se yesterday.John Long and Mrs. L. Livings ton.' Mrs. W. L.' Hanes, of Mocks- АЦ the defendants in the case are from I'lorsyth county. .Byrd and Wiles live in the vicinity of ville, is the guest of friends here Ogburn Station, ,and Wiloa has ac- spent the week-en.i with her ^ local reputaiicn as a mother, Mrs, J. H. Tî’oster.prize fighter. Sometime «go he Mlss Gladys Hanes is spending was jailed for contempt of court, sometime in Mocksville with her when he delivered a knockout grandparents, her grandfather is punch to a spectator in superior Tuesday, Octobcr 10 Educati<inal Day Iredell County Day Davie County Day Wetlnesday, October 11 Mecklenburg County Day Union County Day Anson County Day Thursday, Octobcr 12 Cabarrus County Oay Stanly County Day Board of Directors of said bank that a plan bo formulated for the rfurpose |of reorganizing' said bank for the continuance of its business. Therefore be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Davie that the following. and hereto attached plan, which said Davie County’s Bent Advertising Mediiim now held by the bank, aim 7&0.00 will be realiiied 11,21 the rediscounting of one n,? and the sum p f $9,900.00 wiu •be realized through the sale certain bonds held by the ba These amounts when addeij the cash on hand and the vo untary ■ assestment on the cot moh stock will produce a tot Of approximately $155,000. q! of this sum the bills payable i the sum of approximately ООО. will be paid, leaving a ca, balance of approximately 3. Certain assets conveyed Trustees. There will be conveyed three trustees to- be selected the depositors assets in thp gregated amount of approximsf®^^LUABLE GOODS WILL BE S o , nnn /-Vi.1.__________„Ч-Г ПМ S A T .F . IV JK Y T M n W 'l'« ‘ItTlE NEWSIEST NBWSPAPEII IN DAVIB—THE BEST FOR THE SUBi?CRIBER AND ADVERTISER’ Read By The People Who Are Able To Buy ' _TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTRY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND OUR PURPOSE VOLUME 55 MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 Business Is Better With ¡Mocksville Dollar Stores No. 44 ly $31,000. Other real estate the book value of approximsti ly $61,889 and perfered stocli the amount $6,400, making total of $100,309 the same to IT u >s hereby made a part o f field , by the trustees forMerchants ijncli iManufilCturerS 1,„ „„j ai,« rnfnhlv ni flip nnu». Day Farmers Day T’enth Annual Dog Show Second Annual Motorcycle 'Kauea Friday, October 13 Rowan 'County Day Montgomery County Day Davidson County Day Saturday, October 14 -a Ar pat r A. A. A. Automobile Races ___ -li.__!_1_______ i*..... Uv. n Order No! 220 the resolution, be and the sam« is hereby adopted. Be it further resolved th at, s«id plan of reorganization be posits, immediately filed with t'he Corn-1 4. Sixty-five per cent, missioner. of Banks, of the State'sits available. benefit ratably of t'he un.s8curi depositors of the bank in li{ of 35% of their unsecured ¡]i riC ,1, of North Carolina for -his appro-, val. E. L. GAITHER Reorganized bank will aasui the remain'ing 65% of the uns cured deposits and thu (lepoji • President. °i's will accept the asaimiptio FORK NEVVS :Mrs. Martha Andorson passed away Sunday, morning at 10:00 . «o’clock. Mrs. Anderson ¡had beon ■; '■ in failing health for some timé. She was taken worse Sunday ^orning an^l; soon passed away. ;Mhe' jeayes tp ,inou her passing, a son, Dr. Lester Anderson, of ^ .'Stoneville, one sister, Mrs, Eliza £lheets, of Davidson County. Fun- *ral services were held Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock. Interment •was in 'Fork cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Foster, of Louisville, Kentucky, is visit- ipg his sister, Mra, J. M. Liven good and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Allen, of Winston-Salem, spent Friday with his sister, Miss /Esther ^ . Allen., . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Battom, of Bennitsyille, S. C., spont several days last week with t3ie lattejr’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Aaron. 'Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Miller and children, spent Sunday with Mrs. M iller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sidden. -.....-Mr, and Mrs, Grover Bland, of Lexington, visited Mr. and Mrs. 2. V, Burton a few days last v.’ec3i. ..............; .■ iMr, Burton Bai'bee and ^ son, Tommie, of Winaton-Salm, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. N, B. Bailey one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sofley and ■ Bon, Cecil, of Redland, spent a .while with Miss Esther Allen Saturday afternoon. Miss Mildred Carter, of Red land, -viaited Miss Thelma Gar- Wood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clai-ence Bailey and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burton and children Sun day, seriously ill. ■ ' court in Winston-Salem, who at- over attempted by thig fair North Carolina ' >Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foster and tempted to awake him from sleep been booked for this year s cele- — - - . . little son spent lust Sunday with in the .court room. Later he was her sister, Mrs. Roland Lakey, itried for the offense in municipal Mlss Edith Shutt, of Advance court and given a road sentence was the recent guest of her three months. lADVANCE NEWS'Vi cousin. Miss Virginia Sheek. Mrs. Hal Messick and little daughter, Patsy,, of near Wins ton-Salem, was tho guest of her Misses Mamie ' Lee''¡find . Alma sister, Mrs, T. S. Hendrix last shutt, of Winston.Salem, are week, she was also a guest at our'spending their vacation class picnic, Mrs. Messick was home folks, formerly Miss Elizabeth Hen-1 Puneral services of Mr. Ral^H ADVANCE ROUTE 2 NEWS (referred to ■ in ¡section 3 hercoi as the settlement in full of thi deposits. I ’he 65% ,-will be \vitl I.nm. • Oflice of Commissioner of Banks, drawable by the depositors in 5ft I" the matter of the proposed egular course of business, u nttnn reorganization of Bank of Davie, 5- Selection of Trustees for D n nlr, I-« Mocksville. North Carolina. positors. .dance will again be broken. Outline of plan of I'eorganiza-1 'A ballot shall be mailed tion. each depositor along with a cc| On the 22nd day of August' £ the plan of the.reorganizatii . ' On Friday night, August 25, a 1^33. the Directors of the Bank of the Bank of Davie, the depoji number of people gathered at the Davie, of Mocksville, North or filling In his choice of thn home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. L i v - Carolina, (acting under the pro- rustees. And the trustees rccel with :engood and enjoyed a chicken 'visions of House Bill 1154 of the ng the, IfK^st number of ba stew at the tobacco barn, w h e r e |G6neral Assembly) filed with .Jots shall become duly elected Mr. Livengood was curing tobac- Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of handle the assets assigned by I — ' “ r,....,............. -------------------, Bank of Davie for the benefitdrix and she has many friends jy jo'ii^^s, of Greensboro former- Tho^e present were: Mr. and“ P^®" of reorganization here who are always glad to have-J^’ „f AdVnce were S Mrs. Livengood, Mrs. D. M. Bai^ of Davie. Mocksville, her visit here. iL v L celM E. c h S r c r S a tS a y ,« ^ W- B. Cope, Mr. „„d'North Carolina which plan has Miss Edith Smith and little aftsrnoon at 3:30 o ’c l o c k -^“^n Smith, Misses D orothy,ffenj^rm ulated and proposed by slater, Peggy, are visiting their ‘ ' . . .......................... .................... ~ aunt, Mrs. 0. R. Allen at Farm ington. Mrs, J, M, Smith and daugihter. , , , . • Ella Gray, visited Mra. Carter j^nd daughter. Jsckie. of Wlnston- and daughters last week. jSalem, spent a while Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Duke Bowden, of ^ho home of Mr. J. S. Advance, and Mrs. Robert R o w - ®hutt. den, of Winston-Salem,'and Mias* Miss Gladys Spry, who under- Elizabeth Brown, of ¡Chicago, went an operation for apendicltis' visited Mr. and, Mrs. J. M. sometime ago is improving nice- .М1«я Tnnnif, “"d Elizabeth-Livengood, Vasta Board of Directors of Bahk recint visUor in S i g t o T " •J«"«»- ' Mocksville, North Caro-IRuth Brooks. Margaret and Re-The said-plan of reorganiza- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Templeton becca Wood, Messrs. Alex, Odell (including a full outline and James Livengood, Kenneth thereof) is attached hereto, mark- and Ardhle Micheál, Rob and exhibit A, and ig made a part John Add Gobble, Loyd Snider,,thereof. Albert Kenney. SmibW ono p. m ., last weok. Miss Thellls Allen was the ly,. we are glad to, loarn. .'Mesdames W. 'I'. Engle .iind J, Frank Jones. Gray Potts,- Mr, C, F, Hendrix, of High Gurney P, Hood, Commissiion- er 'of Banks, has made a full study and Investigation of said guest of Mlss Ella Gl-ay Smith T, Smithdeal and son, of the Twin one day last week, |City, attended ;the/...funarai ' ser- Miss Mary Smith,is visiting her vjcoa.. of Mr.-.Ralph JoiieS; here' uncle, Mr.-Sheek fiowden, of Ad- Saturday evening.: ? ■ vance, this week. Mrs. Dave Redwino' rtf Lexinir- Mlss Lottie -Trivette entertain- ton, was a recont visitor in our ed a number of her friends at a town, delightful watermelon feast one evening last week. Point and Miss Lizzie Potts, of Pi“« and has. approved the same Advance spent the week-end withh'ereby formally ap- Mr. and Mra, I. D. Hendrix nnd Pi’w e the same, family. j There is attached hereto, as : MisB Janice Biliicy spent part n stistement of the of last , week at Cooleemee with amount d.ue depositors and other ■her .'Sisier, Mrs. Clarence I^agle creditors of the Bank of :Davio and Miss Mattie Sue Bniley. ., ^,;Mockaville, North 'CnroHna, as Sadie Cope Is spending this shown on its books at the close week with her sistor, Mrs. K. H, of business on March 4th, 1988, its depositors. 6, Waiver of Dividends stockholders. That the stockholderf, of tl Bank of Davie waive all divli ends on their reapective sliati of atock, until the 35 per cent doposita written off shall hat been paid in full. Mr. Roy Barnes, of High Point, ^ in g lasi w^eeK. spent sometime here Saturday, Mr, T. H, Cash, of Winston- Misses Zelln nnrl K!.rn a;,..* •Giliian and Mr, Gillian, of Sails- the last day on which the Bank bury, of Davie, Mocksville, was open , Misses Zella and Eva Shutt ®i>lie Groce, of High Point, is for unrestricted banking busi- Salem, spent a short time here and Mr. L. W. Shutt of Salisburv visiting David and Homer Hen- ness. Sunday A, M, at the Home Com- spent drix. , .1 The Commissioner of Banks Ing. This place was thé home iji^s. ßarj gnider at Cid Thev ,'Misses Vasta Cope, Irene and will liminedlately cause to be pub- of Mr. Cash durin;g his childhood accofnpanied home by ^ “^h Jones spent a while Sun- Hshed at least once a week for nnd he is always intertested in Misses Alma nnd Mamie Lee evening with Mioses Alma two weeks, in at least one news- Home Comings held here. , Mr. and Mrs. E .. L. McClam rock, of (Cooleemee, spent Sunday p. m. here with her mother, Mi’S. Sallie Smith. ________ ADVANCE ROUTE 3 NEWS Friday. Over two hundred people at- Mr. E. 0. Smithdeal,-of Nor- tended the Zimmerman reunion folk, Virginia, is spending some- which is held anually at the home time at the 1 ‘ ' of of X G7 Zimmerinan every one Mr. and Mrs, _. .................... seemed to enjoy the occasion to | Miss Rebecca Talbert has re- the fullest, ' ■ > : , , |turned home after apetvdin.cr Mr. and Mrs. Nat Sidden spent sometime In Boone. Sunday afternon wdth Mi‘, nnd Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman. Shutt, who spent a few days of Kimmer, of Mocksville paper in Davie County, a notice last week visiting Mrs, Snider accordance with section 3 of Mrs, Frank Talbert, of Wins- Those visiting at Mr, and Mrs, House BHl 1154 and any depoai- tori-Sale, was a recent visitor in Cope’s Sunday were: Mr, tor. cred>|tor, stockholder or any our town, and Mrs, Wess, Mrs, K, H, Gil- other interested persons \vho Mr, Lee Sidden, of Greens- Jiames Irvin, of Snl- shall not .approve thp plan, with- boro, spent a while here laat i®h‘ii*y «««1 Mr, and Mrs, Johnnie in 30 days of the date of publi Pack and two sons, Ilnrl and cntion, file with the Clerk of the Wealey, of Gfermanton, Superior Court of Davie County Mr, and Mrs. R. K, Williams, of an objection to said plnn and np- hom"e ”of~hia*pnrfint^^>^hurchlahd Sunday with plication for the aaccrtainmcr.t s. H. T. Smithdenl. ' Mrs. 'G. A, Jones; of the fnir liquidnting value of Miss Janice Bailey spent Sun- his claim, as provided in Section day evening Avith Misses Dorothy 5 House Bill 1154, nnd Bllznbeth Livengood, | Witness my hand and seal this Mrs. Ellen Cope, of Lexington; the 28th day of Aug. 1933. Mr. Joe Massey, of Mocksville, days with Mlss Helen Carter. Miss Helen Jones, of Cornnt- . „ . , . - - zer. has 'been spending n fewi®P®" Saturdcny morning with Mrs. W. 'B. Cope. NIRA ROOSEVELT IS A HEN AND SHE iöiv'i' UiVimifv i^OiTiv spent one dny the pnst week with Mr, Rad- Sidden. Miss Louise Burton,'of W'ins- ton-Salem, spent the week-end with Misses Edith and Beatrice Zimmerman. Mr. and Mra. R. B. Burton, Mr, mid Mrs C. C. T Burton, of the Oreenviile, S. C. W. G. Martin' Twin City, spent Sunday after- ^ noon with Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. Lf the Greenville police L e e ! T.! 7-, 1 , IM, 'vere ordered held on charges ofMrs. Fred Myers-and children Tillman H. Mill«., «ffo.. « Mr. Clarance Foster, of ‘Coolee mee, spent the week-end at ¡i.ome. 'rwo POLICEMEN ACCUSED OF KILLING PRISONER THEY SAID WAS A SUICIDE GURNEY P, HOOD Commissiò'ner of Banks Mrs, W, A, Livengood' and Mrs. John Smith spent Saturday EXHIBIT A evening with Mrs. G. A. Jones. PROPOSED PLAN FOR REOR- Mrs. Edward Turlington, of GANIZATION\ (OF 'rHE RANK near Raleigh and Misses Myrtle OF DAVIE, MOCKSVILLE, EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF THE .AMOUN DUE DEPOSITORS AND GTllE CREDITORS OF BANK 0 DAVIE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C. As shown on Its books at tl close of 'business on March 1083. Deposits ......................... $24fi,8.'!l.; Bills Payable ............. $li:i,G26.i Five hundred Pitt County tobij CO' grov/ers attended a I'ecetl mass meeting in Greenville to aj sujj) the government of cooperij tion in reducing the crop nei( year. UT ON SALE NEXT MONTH ilOCKSVILLE DOLLARS ONLY v'iQOD MONEY THERE iAVIE co un ty FOLKS ARE 4SKED/ 'rO CALL FOR MOCKS- П1ЛЛ: DOLLARS WHEN VISIT- ,V(i STORES J. D. CASEY PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY John Dobbins Casey, 70, well- known Mocksville citizen and merchant, passed nway suddenly at his home In North Mocksville on Thursday, Aiigust 30, uftcr being in ill henlth for the past two yenrs. He was born on December 25th, 1862, and was the Son of E. Perry Casey and Camil la Coon Casey, of Davie county. Ho united with the Center Metho- MRS, LOU l e f l e r p a sse s AWAY ¡\r(jc'ksville Dollars are very muh ill demand at the 10 busi- les.'J houses in Mocksville which ire (O-operatirig in a big sales' dist church when a young ninn, vent Wliich will come to a cli-plater joining thu Methodist (111 Oct, 7 when several hun- church in Mocksville, Ho came to plus the anticipating ccrUficai iral dollars worth of new mer-¡-Mocksville in 1902 and enterod ' ■ .... - • '■ handiae wijl be offered at auction into tiie mercantile business, hi.s auction aale will be just' being later joined in business by ike !iny other auction sale with ,his brother, 0. L. Casey, The he exception that only Mocks- surviving family consists of two ille Dollars will be accepted in ¡brothers, O'. L. Casey, of this la.vment of merchandise offered place, and'P. R. Casey, of Wlns- li the highest bidders. " ton-Salem, and thre^-sisters, Mrs. 'i'hese dollars are being given Emma Pope, of Cana, Mrs. N, T, way in exchange for pnyment On ! Andorson, of ..Calalyiln, and Mrs. luri'hiiae or payments on ac- L. J. Rondmani of St. Petersburg, Mocksville Dollar Is Fia?, besides 'a питЬег- of nieces(jiints. One iveii for every government iollar received by these mer- hant.s. Plan.“ are being made to ac- cmodate a very large crov;d of leople in Mocksville on the day 'f .sale whch is Oct. 7. The valu- ble list cf merchandise which 'ill liCjbffered at auction is being I and nephews. The funeral was held at the Methodist church on Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock, with the pastor. Rev. R. C.', Go forth, officiating, assisted by Rev. G. B. Ferree- and T. I. Cau dell. A large crowd of relatiVQ^ and friends, .many from a dls'-‘ tance, were present at the last Mrs. Lou Lefler passed away at her home near Libe.rty church on last Monday, Sept 4. She'was "^3. years old. She ' had been in failing health for sometime but was about as wejl as usual, when on August the 28th she was sud denly stricken with paralyaia, from which she never recovered, but grew steadily worse. She joined the M, E. church in early jgirl'hood and remained a true and loyal Christian until the end. She was beloved by all who knew her and leaves a host of re latives and friends to mourn their loss. / She was ■ the eldest daughter of Mrs. Amy Carter, who survi ves her and is 93 •j'ears'old, T'he funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. 0. Banks, as sisted by Rev. J. A. J. Farring ton, interment was In Liberty cemetery. , PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLE 3 MEETS SHADY GROVE SCHOOL TO OPEN SEPTEMBER llTH I'he Shady Grove school of Ad vance wil! begin on Monday September 11th. Ìractically all of laat years teachers, will return. Primary teachers: Miss Edythe Mars'h- burn, Miss Elizabeth Belvin, Miss Marguerite Britf; Miss Beiv. nice Avett, Miss Cora Lee iDal- ton, Miss Alice Evans. Grammar grade teachers: Miss Delia Crouse, Miss Lucile Martin, Miss Sarah McKeller, Miss Sadye Lyerly, Miss Mar garet Dodd, Mr. J. E. Martin. High Sc'hool : W. M. Lovelace, Principal, Miss Maybelle Honey cutt, 'Mias Pauline Chaffin, Mrr J.'L . Brown. ' All children are urged lo be présent On, the opening day and to secure textbooks at the earliest poasible moment. The patrons of the school are invited tQ be pre sent for the opening exorcises, which will bo held at 9:45. Mocksville Schools To Open Monday, Sept Î1 DAVIE TOBACCO GROWERS HELD IMEETING FRIDAY GRACE CLï№ORD CIRCLE MEETS Circle No. 3 of the Pre.s/byterinn Auxiliary met at the home* of Misses Nell and Annie Holt- bouser, with Miss Doris Lagle joint hostess, on Monciay evening. The devotionals were led by Miss Nell Holthouser, and Misses Sadie Hall Woodruff and Annie Holthouser gave home and j A meeting of flue cured tobacco growers of 'Davie County was held in the Mocksville High School Building Friday, Septem ber 1. The purpose of thia meet ing was to form a temporary organization of' Davie county to bacco growers and to appoint three delegates to attend a state wide tobacco c,onference iit Ra-^ leigh, Sept 6. The following de legates were elected to at.tend this meeting: • > J. C. Jones, Mocksville, N, C, Route 4 ' S. R. Bessent, Mocksville, 'N. C'. Route 4 , J. B. Cain, Cana, ;N. C. These'men accompanied by Mr. Eljis and Mr. Angll, expect to attend the conference at Raleigh, submitting I resolution's !&om Davie county .alon^^ with resolu- tiona from other' tobacco coun ties which will be forwarded, to at foreign mission topics. Miss Nell ¡it«»'«»“ "» dialogue in re- The G'race Clifford Circle of the Baptist W. M. U., met at the home of Mrs, T. Gilmer Proctor th^ tobacco‘adml'nistration - on Monday afternoon, with the |Washington. The purpose of this chairman, Mrs. J. T. Angell, pre-'conference is looking to the acre- siding. The devotionnl period was age nnd production control to in charge of ‘Mrs. Proctor, and she and Mrs. Lester Martin gave lulilisliud this week and will be rites. The pallbearers were: 1). C. iililished again soon. Read tho- Ratledge, D. ,W. Casey, ij. J. nrioiit; ads in this issue and gotjCfisey, James BlacKwclder, John list ol! the merchandise. ¡Anderson, A. H. Hollett and Duke Pojiu. The many floral offerings were carried by Misses Roberta Casey, Marie Casey, Zeola Koontz, Ruby Blackweldor, Minnie Kal- lodge, Mrs. D. W. Casey, Mrs. A. U. iiollett, Mrs. W. M.- Crotts and Mrs. 'N, S, G'arwood The inter ment was in Hose Cemetery. We offer our .sympathy to the be reaved family. e .sul.'o to ask for Mocksville )ollar,4 when you spend your iKini'v in IMocksville. iVATKKiMELON FEAST GIVEN FOR GUEST . , An enjoyable affair of Mon- 'n.v evening wrts the watermelon '-'list K'iven by Jliss Annie Ruth ’ill! and James 'I'hompson in onnr of James Johnson, of.North Vilki'.sboro. The guests included imu'.s Johnson, llerbert Hairij, 'l.vde ijam,es, B illy Meroney, Roy |Vnlker, Joe Forr.est Stroud, li.sses Irene Horn, Ruby Walker, ilary Waters, Mildred Black- '00(1, Louise Heildrick« and Lois 'haplin. • fllE'I’HODIST CIRCLES MEET iMISS GRAVES HONORED WITH FAREWELL PAR'fY FOR lA GOOD CUP OF COFFEE, TRY OUR “KEn[ NY’S” PURE COFFEE Hc| LB. F. M, C A R T E R MEMBER NRA I Miss Norn Call delightfully jnterlained a number of friends her home on Saturdny night. Ignoring Mlss Ruth T’rudene Ff“ve.s, who will soon lenve for lollene. J 'fhe home was very nrtisticnlly Ifi'oraled with summer flowers. 1 interesting games under the The'circles of the Mattie Ea ton Auxiliary met as follows on Monday: Circle 1, Mrs. C. H. Tomlinson, chairman, met with Mrs. Z. N. Anderson, The chair man read the 13th chapter of First Corinthians, and Mrs. Mar vin Waters gave Items from the World Outlook. The Bible lesson in the Old Testament wns in charge of Mrs. Anderson. 'Ihe hoStess and her daughter, Misa Mary Nelaon Anderson, served tempting fruit punch nnd cnkes. The memlbers present were: Mesdames C. H. ITomlinson, Z. N. Anderson, Hattie McGuire, Marvin Waters, Walter Call, Misses Ruth Booe and Martha Call. Circle 2, Mrs. W. L.-Moore, Holthouser conducted the Bible lesson in Matthew 7. During the social hour delicious cream and devil’s food cake were served. Mem'iers present •were: Misses Nell, Annie and Helen Holt- hou.ser, Sadie Hall and Eleanor Woodruff, iDoris Lagle, Jane and IF'annie Gregory Bradley. MAGAZINES WANTED RY RELIEF ,AGENT gard to the church periodicals, especially tho Biblical Recorder. The members present were: Mes- datpos J. T. Angell, T. Gilmer Proctor, C. II. Horn, Lester Mar tin, an(l John LeGrand. ATTEND ROBERT MORRIS DAY PICNIC We want all kind.s of, maga- ■Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Meronoy, Mrs;, S. U. Hall, P. G. Brown and, Miss ilolcn Holthouser spont last Thursday in Greensboro, whore meet market demands year. of next The Mocksville' city schools wil begin the Fall term on Moii- day, Sept. 11, we have been in-: formed by Superintendent E. C. Staton. Opening exercises will, 'begin at 8:45 in both the High School and Ci-animar School. Tho following is the list of teachers: Primary grades; Miss Margnrefc Bell, Mias Elizabeth Lollar, of Ruthcrfordton, Misa Nell Trivett, of Boone, and Mrs. Z, N, Ander son; -Grammar grades; Misa Violet Allison, of Rock Hill, S. C„ Miss iCIayton Brown, Misa Sallie Hunter, of , Bluefiold, W. Va., and Miss Elizabeth Naylor-; High School: Mr. E. C. Staton, superintendent, Mr, Murray Fid- ler, of Davidson, Mr. G. 0. Boose, of Forsyth, Mr. L. H, AngoJl, Miss Louise IDnnlel, of Greens., boro. Miss Jessica McKee, 'Of Winston-Snlem.' nnd M iss Emily Cnrr, of Charlotte, SPECIAL PREMIUMS OFFERED NOl' jTO EX- 'rEND BfcYOND OCT.! Special premiums to'be offered' during an emergency period not to'-«xtend beyond Octobisr 1, For cooperation'with the U, S. Department of Agriculture in MRS, WOODRUFF ENTERTAINS making a reduction in the poten- zine.4 as soon as you have iin'lshed the celebration of reading them. Several Moekgvillo women have given us some and temple. lA number ot they were most welcome. Leave spoakórs were on tho them at Mrs. Bessent’s or my of- Р''окгаш, and about 300? Masons flee in the courthouse .or I will ami Eastern Star« trom all over come to your home for them if State were present. A picnic CIRCLES Mrs. Alice Woodruff was gra cious hostess to tno circles of the Presbyterian Auxiliary on Monday, afternoon. Tho devotion- nls wero conducted by the hos tess, after -wfiic’h a quiz from the Missionary Survey was given. Mrs, T, B, Bailey read several in teresting extracts fr.om the book, “Experiences in Mountain 'Misa-, ionary W'ork,” by Dr, R. P, Smith. A pleasant sociiil hour followed,, and delicious watermelon was served. Those present 'ivero:'Mes dames Alice Woodruff, T. B. been ihfbrmed that the following, Bailey, E. L. Gaither, J. ' B.'processors have signed contracts tial m arketing of hogs during tho fccming .vear for a maxium of ap proxim ately two billion pounda. The plan Includes pigs ranging in weight from 25 to 100 pounda and'SOWS soon to farrow, w eigh ing hot loss than 275 each. Above figures given as. live weight. Any farmer i'll Davio County who ia interested in taking advantage of thlfj offer .may- see Mr. ,Ioo Ellis, Jr., EmergoVicy iCo(jnty Agent or Mr. b. II. AhgoH, Vocational 'Гоа.» cher, for'P articulars. In reference to the oniergoncy hog marketing plan, we have juat Johnstone, Hugh Laglo, C. G. Woodruff, Hugh Sanford, Brown, J* C. Ch^irios, Ed Sanford, Missesvon will lef mo ifriow von hnvo dinner Avas served at the T'emiile «'* t^htirios, Isd Sanford, Misses them after which n-tour-of tho Masonic Sarah Gaither, Willio Miller and ’ MRS. E.‘ C. TATUM Relief Home Demonstration 'and Eastern made. Star Home was Agent LADIES’ WESLEY CLASS MEETING ATTEND LUNCHEON IN MAYODAN Cope, Eva Carter, Annie Ruth Koiontz and TIheilma Shuler, of Fork, spent a while Saturday NORTH CAROLINA 1. Payment By Stockholders. • The stockholders of Bank of spent tlie week-end with Jesa Myers. Mrs,killing Tillman H. Miller after a coroner’s inquest here today. Miller was shot to dnath in tho evening at the home of Mr. and Davie of Mocksville, will pay a Mra. W. B. Cope. ¡voluntary nssestnient of $30.00 ■-------- --------------- per share on their stock, making THINNER EYEBROWS AND a total paj<.ment of $30,000. This THICKER ROUGE IN 1934 amount will be paid to tihe bank in full. The stockholders will bePh jfto (rn Chicago, Aug. 24. — Nira Rooaevelt, one of the hens in the «gg-laylng contest at the World’s «■air, doesn’t believe in the short er working hours urged by her «nmcsake, but she proudly ad heres to the “IWe Do Our Part" slogan on the blue eagle Insignia. One of a battery of 84 hens in the contest, Nira astounded her backers by laying three eggis in one day. Frequently she cackles over two eggs a day. Nira is a White Leghorn of the iilfromborg Hatcheries in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Tnon Mvars -«„1, ■■■-I,--“- -.v.v ------1—^----- ,n 1-цц_ -j^ne siociinoioiir > Л Miller was shot to d^xth in. tho , ^ .......:' vance spent on« rfnv the "p«"t aepartmcnt M .y 27 &nd the their «yebrowg thinner and their outstanding stock by ci week Avith Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. J l,!. ^ i i"® ’ thicker in 1934, according'of th e. requirements of I have about 50 Men and Boy’s Suits that I am cl"S- ing out at less than iii price. Just received a car of best grade Salt ........ Pac All 10c Baking Powder rOc Toilet Soap ................. All 10c Extracts (........... ■AH'. 10c S a lt'- .................. 10c Epiaon Salts ............ 9c Roping ........................ 26c Sugar,-10 lbs. .................. 50c Coffee............................. 10c H>. I have plenty Cotton Send tlMeal, Feed and Flour. See me for anything ’U f o n f T i i m I I ^»/>m ifcetion of Misses Nora Call chairman, met in the ladies’ iparlpr (^•ltherine Herion and string at the Methodist church, with the ))y. Messers Al and Chaiiic chaii'raan leading the dc-votionals; «lion featured the evening' eh- Mrs. C. L. Thompson gave' an 'rtainment. 'article on Cuban missions, and i'i''' hostesi! ■ very graciously Mr,»,. F. M. Jo'hnson tolc! -of tho I'csentod a dainty :box of h(ind- life - of Doan W, F. Tillott, of «'■L'liiol's to the honor guest as a '»uvcnir of the occasion. in the evening, a,delicious Vanderbilt University, who is the son of tho late Rev. .John Tillott, a pastor of the Davie circuil; oiii'.se of refroshmenta were many years ago, Tho members pienic style on the lawn ■’'butit twenty five guests. COPE-REUNION present wore: M<;sdnnies W. L. Moore, R. C. G’ofortlk, F, M. Johnson, J, Frank Clement, E; W. Crow,. C. N. Chri.stian, C. L.' 'Ihomjison, Paul Hendri.\', Doit Holthouser, Misa Kate Brown and ont 'visitor, Mis.s Lilllo Meronoy. The annijal Cope Reunion will ■ lield on the third .Sunday in ;l>ti'ml)or at Ed Cope farm threecircle No. 'srH rs. J . L. Sheek, s south of Fork Church. (chairman, met in the young "I- are expecting the largest|ladies’ class-room, the devotion- -1* of' rGliltivP.iJ \vn flilVP PVf»r U — Misses Clayton Brown, Kath- 'rhe Ladies’ Wesley Class met ryn Brown, Kopelia Hunt and in .the imrlor of the Methodist Julia. Hiint motored to Mayodan church on last Wednesday after- last Tuesday where they attend- noon, with Mrs. R. G. Walker, ed a delightful bridge’ luncheon presiding. Mrs. George Hendricks given by- Mrs. Perry Ashe. 'I'wo •presented a splendid program on tables were arranged for the the subject of '‘Hospitality.” game. Before, returning home Various plans . were discussed, they spent a while with friends Thirteen members were present, in Leaksvillo, : ' ! ' Louise Charles. MR. AND MRS. SHEEK ENTER’PAIN Shake-up In Local Police Department; Chief G. L. Graven To Be Succeeded By ivoy G« Walker, Octoucf Isi. limber of relatives we have ever "'I tfigether. All relatives and iends of the Cope families are als being led by the chairman. Mias Bertha Lee gave several messages, from the World Out- Zimmerman. the Ay- Pat’s left eye was badly dis- hands of W, C, Martin and James colored. His wife asked who did H. Powell.” ihe jury gifve a verdict any- to nn announcement at the 14th cock Bill passed by the Legiala ing ^ we find that Tillman H. annual meeting of the Cosmetlci- ture aesaion of 1932-33. $25,000 Miller came to his death at the ana’ Association of America. of the amount paid in by the it. he Miller is a fingerprint expert replied and Powell is a traffic officer. Miss Frances, Martell, secre- stockholdera will be invested „in tary of the «asociation, said cos- North Carolina state bonds and meticians had perfected ways of deported as a paid up aurpluft removing eyebrows without pain account of the Bank of Davie.“Mike MuiTihy,” , , . , I Eleven wltneases testified at'and th.at thia was expected to Thereby making a total common Whatl ahe exclaimed, Do the inquest regarding the shoot- lead to more "eyebrow plucking." Capital of $50,000, as a paid up you mean you let a little shrimp ing at police headquaitera here like Mickie Murphy black your May 27, eye?!’Miller’s wife testified she had Thia, In turn, ahe predicted, surplus account of $25,000, would lead to.more make-up and 2, A ll Bills Payable to be ipaid M T, i ^ . . ;• ----------- -...........- greater use of lipstick and rouge, with exception of rediscount of . Martha, said Pat, holding up been living with Mr, and Mrs. About 10,000 cosmetlcinns are Note $37,750,00, hia hand reproachfi\lly, don t Martin and Martin admitted tell- attending the convention. They The sum of appriximately $40,- spake disrespectfully of the ,ing Mrs, Miller not to “let them will consider a proposed NRA 000,00 will be realized through ‘ ® ”n inquest.” code, , , , the collection of (certain, loans I . ’ , ., - — пгшкп : --- Г - - UL...A fn i-“X(ioJc, and road letters from her a nave plenty кооппк, и" i*.-uasi<ets. Q. т. Серо, president brother. Dr, W. B. Lee, of Sao lengths. . Plenty Baib Wive anil Nails. • T have received my ■WK>rk Shoes. Red Goose and iiVolverine Shoes. Th«se Shoes are guaranteed to igive satisfaction. Bring your counti'y P*'*’’ duce to me, I w ill pay mar ket prlcci ■ Youra for Bargains, J. Association will preside. Program Commence at 10:30 '’otlonal, N. J. lOope, 'Mocks- U. P. D,,4, ‘'‘h'e.ss of M^olcome, Tom R. '''TO, Cooleemee, N, C. 'siion.se, W. T. Cope,. Winston- N, C. »'»ocimiiij, talk, T. L Caudell, ‘‘^-'■''1' of Mocksville. -''iirni.qlied by the V ■■"Id Fork Cluirc Mocksville, N. C. адийшюиишияа '■t. mien" ' of his eigh- / by Paulo, Brazil, who has been a missionary in that country for over thirty yoars. Those present wei’e : Mesdames J. L. S'heek, C. S, Allen, W, F,' Kiger, C ,. G;^ Loach, Julia C, Heitman, P! J, Johnson, R, S. Stvoud, Misses Bertha' Lee and Mary Heitman. BRIGHT .lEWEl.S MEET The Bright Jewels •Miasionnry Winston-1 Society mot at the ¡\iethodiat h vocal ¡ciinrpli on Sunday nt'tornoon, with i-''. .' 'itluï londc!)', j\ii;<,s i\fary Hoitmnn, -r. COPE,,. , iin cliargo.' Sl.orio.s from , China 1. I. CAUDl'JLL, ‘v.'cro .rofid. lOiglit iiiombor.-i nnd Coniniitteo four, vi.*3itorH wore The Commissioners of the Town of Mocksville, at their re gular monthly meeting, b.’/ a majority vote, decided Tuesday night to relieve Chief G, L. Craven oi his duties as a police o-ft'icuv, orfoctive October 1st and then, by a unanimous vote elect ed former sheriff iioy G. Walkor to serve in his stead. .'I'he removal of Chief, Craven was caused chiefly by a desire ELECTION BOARD 'Г0 MEET SATURDAY To Nalne Officials For November 7, Election Mr. and Mra. J. .. K. Sheek were host and hostess at n deliglitful outdoor supper on Saturday evening, the at tractive backyard with its rock fireplace forming an ideal set ting for an occasion of this kind. Delicious broiled ham, sweet po tatoes, scriimbled eggs, hot rolls, pickle, coffee and cocoUnut find lemon custards were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, J, K. Shook, Kimbrough. Jr,, and Lattie Lindsay Shook, Mrs. J. L. Shook, Misis Elva. Sheek, Miss with the Secretary, anti. ai'C, therefore, to buy pigs and sows in ; line with the program. -■ Baltimore, ' Md. : Corkran, Hill and Co., Kaufman' Packing Co. ; Richmond, V a.: Kingan and Co.; Chattanoga, Tennessee: J. H. Allison & Co.; Atlanta,- Gn.: White Provision Co. - < MOSQUITO A\^R In order to keep down Malaria Fever it will be absolutely ne cessary- to destroy the brooding places bf mosquitos. All residents 0/ th^'town are urged to go ovor their premises closely and clean up all old tin cans, bottlos, broken fruit jars, etc, and other material which might catch rain water and crente n placo 'vvhoro these dapgerous peats can breed. : Puddles of stagnant water around GWon Furches, Misa Kopelia and'pig pens and stables also croate Julia Hunt, Miss willio Miller |an ideal breeding placo for moa-. and MÌS.S l.indi! Oi',ny iClnmo.nt. 'nuitos. .1 . . ■ If you have - any "rubbish sucft.REVIVAL MEETING TO BEGIN as old tin cans, etc. Avhlch needa. SUNDAY AT HICKORY GROVE „„.vln^ please ^pile it up and-no-, tify me and I.will see that-it 1.Ч’- Chairnian 'r. P.; Dwiggins has called a' meeting of t/he -Davie County Board of. Elections to be held in the court house Satur day, September 9th, for the pur pose of selecting judges in the on the part of the comniissoners |'sov(<ral voting : precincts to act to affect further ecowomies in (at the polls in the spocial eloction tho administration of the town’s affairs, Mr. Walker having agreed to perioi'm t'iïe óiuíe.4 oi cniei at aet u considerably ¡-educed cost. Former sheriff Walker will take up his new duties O.ctober 1st fully equipped by training and experience to render a high quality of servicR. H.nving served Davie County for two yenrs as sheriff during Which term he established a splendid reputa tion as an enforcement officer, he will assume his.office with a on.‘=clonsne.ss of his own ability re-iiiroi'ci'd by thfi confidence of tho ('iitirc comnni.nit.v. W'l! cnngratulate the com- liloutinns is (¡omposod of Jir. 'P. iiti.s.i-ioiiurs on their cxoi'i-i.se <)r; P. DM’igtfins, Chairman, and ircinl jiul.iiemr-iit in naming Mr, idc.s.s'i's. J. j\I. Walkor lo ‘'.uiicii.'fl Cliiof Cravon. j Chaffin. to be hold November 7th, Under the; terms of the ¡)rovining tor tne eloetior,, the rc- gulsr i-e"istrars v.'ill ^'or.tinuo to serve, but new judges niu.st be chosen in order that .both who favor retention of and those who oppose, the Eighteenth Amend ment may be represented at the polls. One generally known to be in favor of retaining the Amend ment and one generally known to bo Ip favor of repealing the Amendinent will be named as judge in each of the* eleven vot ing dist-.riets in ' the county, 'Phe Davie County .Board of ri’he iVevival mee;Ung will bo gin Sunday, • Sept, JOtli, at Hic kory Grove Methodist Church, Rev, A, A. Lyerly, a .yoiing evan gelist from Duke University, will conduct the service which will continue throughout the week, each evening at 7:30, Rev. Lyerly is a good preacher and the pub is invited to come out and hear him. -----------------_......------------------------------------------ LAWN PARTY TO BE HELD AT ADVANCE SAT. NIGHT You are invited to attend the Lawn Party Saturday night, September 9, at the Community Building la'tvn. It is given by the Advance Ladies’ Aid Society members. 'Ihey will be delighted to have you come. THE NERVE OF HLM ‘ Salt Lake City. — After a “run ning board.;,, iianilit” had relieved a motorist of his car, he found he couldn’t: start it. So he dash- mov.ed, ; . . ' ■ . T. L c a u d e l l : . -'Mayor of Mocksville I REPORT OF CANNING SCHOOLS' FOR THE J MON'I’H OF AUGUST The following number of pans' of vegetables were canned from the community gardens at Mocks ville duriiijf A iigust:' -ii 'roniatO(3s : . 913 : -T’ornofn iiiipA 19Q * Corn . Sti'iiig beans Soup mixture в / löaö J0Ü7 'fotal 3223 Canning schools have been held at -Cooleehiee colored, ■ school ^ building, Farmington community, Maine, Jerico, Advance H. S. building, Elbaville eh,urchx'ommu- nity. Smith GVove ftiid Augusta. Seventy nine persons.. attended iilve.Se ..caiining schools, 'Tiie. can-- ning: of ;Ktrinj.r beans,' 'pmatoys and soup mixture demon--cd down tho s'a'oet after hi.s vlc-^ t.im, brought him back and had i.--ír¡it(?tl at eacli .sehool, him Sturt tbe mntijr. Then ho 1 ' Jl'KS. K, C". TATUM FTorn and- T. N. i-obbod him cf .VI..30 and .set him I’olicl' Ihimc Ili;mi'risti'ation oil 'hi.4 way. Aiîi'nt I I 'li! ’.r i i { «< A. i't ■ îl ' , 1 ■'à' : г:::\ p a g e 2 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C . T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b p i - 7 , 19 33 Checks Now Coming ADVANCE NEWS The annual Conintzer Birtli- Iduv reunion will be held next For Cotton Reductionlss/rdü; 'ízí "г: REDLAND NEWS jCome and bring a well filled biiB- jket. It will be held at the usual ¡place at the home of “Uncle , ~ ,,, , , 'Ance" Cornatzer. Mr and Mrs. Albert Howard, week-end «,uests at thu and children w m th<> Sunday j-_ g shutt .were guests oi BIrs. W. D Smitlh Mr. and IVI,J. S. n. Smith .spent ^id, Mr. nnd Mrs. a while Sundijy atterncon with j. children, of Mr. and Mr.s. P. R, Smith. Richmond, Va., also Misses Alma Mr. und Mrs Aaron Smith and little son, ot Winston-Salem were ton-Salem ¡the Sunday guests of Mr. and , Rcdwine, of LexinK- ton, was" a recent visitor in our W hile a small number of “cot ton checks" have been rocived by county farm agonta from tlie Agricultural Adjuatmfcut Admi nistration, it is expected that these wii] begin to arrive .in volume during the week of Sep tember fl. Dciin I, 0. Schaub, director of the cotton reduction cainpai'gn in Nor.th Carolina, h«s boon advised ■ by a number of agents that a few Mrs. W. 0. Dunn, checks have been received. H. M. Mrs, Herman Smith and chil-'^”^y„ Sinjrletary farm agent of Chat- dren visited Mra. G. Z. Cook Sun-i ^vjiitlow, of Beth- ham County,, received 100 early day. ! the Sunday afternoon las week and d'ner agents are. Misses Pauline _ Sol ley and of Miss Edith Shutt. , igctting small numbers. |Lcasie Dunn were the Saturday, ]Taircloth who has Dunnir the week of Septem- nigh guests ot Mrs. Glenn spending sometime in Wins- > ber •!, t)he checks will move i» >Smith, ,'ton-Saiom, haa returned home, large numbers,” Mr. Schaub said. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Riddle and TVTj„ ,Tvnmio Tee Shutt lias re- “We have l^een advised that the'chiMren visited the latter's t.iJL d to Whiston-Salem robot maciiine used tor handling father, Mr, Jimmy - Beauchamp „pculin;; her vacation here with these checks will turn them out Sunday. . • ihomo .folks at the rate of from 40,000 to CO,-1 Miss Mildred Allen was the WOIVIBN WHO USE COSMETICS and on the weai by the lands of BAHHED IN NAZI ' CIRCLES J, F. Grubb, and being tho iden- ----------------• ticul tract of land conveyed by Broalaii, German Silesia. — deed from H. G. Holman and Ciiancellor Adolf H itlers cam- wife; Anna E. Itelman to P. G. paign against feminine “im- Byerly' oji 'November 27, l ‘J28, modesty” was written into law said deed being duly recorded in here when local Nazi authorities Deed' Book No 28, page 803, in prohibited ail women wearing the office of the Register of makeup from participation in Deeds for Davie County, State of party activities. |North Carolina, to which rei'er- This was the first time the ence is made for more complete Nazis had taken definite action description of the same; and against the use of cosmetics, beinp more particularly c(es- Numerous restaurants through- cribed as follovvs; out tho country have posted signs | Beginning at a pine knot near reading; “German women do not smoke. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOTiTfH CAROLINiA, COUNTY OF DAVIE Under and 'by virtue of ihc power and authority contained in that certain ■ deed of trust exe cuted by Paul Glenn Byerly and wife, Sophia -Blanche Byerly, to I The Kaleigh Saving.s Bank and ......... corner of the lands of Dan W ill iams and running South 8.75 de grees to a stone, thenco West 24 chains to a stone, thenco South 20 'degrees West 17.50 chains to a atone, thence iWest 7.Gli chains to a stone near the lands of Robert Everharte, thence Nortii 1(! degrees West 1.25 chains lo a stone, thenie North 24 dejiio,., East with the bank of the 24V2 chains to a willow, East 2Sy2 chains to the bs)ri„'] ning corner, contflininu 10 ¡»ores, m ore; or less. Terms of sale cash and tni.sif^ will require deposit of 10% „f tihe amount of the bid as evi(le;n.j of good faith, • This the 2nd day of September 1933. JOSEPH I.. COCKEIiilAM, Substituted Trustee. Robert Weinstein and Viclni' w, Thompson, Attorneys, RaloiKli', N. C. ' !) 7 .11 Í /' . " / . ' ‘'■ 'J Tbursday, September 7, 1938 CENTER NEWS The old: fcîkc singing which THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE. MOCKSVILLE. N. C TURRENTINE NEWS Pa те 8 ' ; JACOB STEWART Attorney at Law Mocksville, N. C. OilVce in Southern Bank & Trus\ Company building Offlco phone................................135 Residence Phone........................ 'Ml'- »nd Mrs. 'Nathan Beck, of vias held under the bigi arbor was Cooleemee, and Miss Ruby Wil- )icurd by a large crowd, though son of this place apent the weck- nüt as large as used to be there end with relatives and friends, of i before It was moved to Mocksville. Hanes. "* 1 Tlic people didn’t join in the r Miss Luna Kimmer, of Liberty,' „ ^ ____________ _____________- — siiiKing «S they should, one thing spent the past Saturday night •DiJ'ectors of the Bank of Davie'Thereby making a total common were scarce, hut wp fppi ...üi- ,,— ~ - ---------------------- RESOLUTION OP REORGANI” of the requirements o.f tlie A y-,ing the 'Jnrgeat iiumbi;r of bal- ZA'fiON I'ASSKD BOARD cock Bill passed by the Legiola- lots sliall become duly elected to OF DIRECTORS |ture session of 193i2-38. $25,o6t) jhandle the assets assigned by the ---------------^ |Of the amount paid in by the iBank of Davie for the benefit of BANK OP DAVIE stockholders will be invested In its depositors. Mocksville, N. C. North Carolina state bonds and g. W aiver ----------------deposited aa a paid up surplus stockholders. A t a meeting of the Board of account of the Bank of Davie. of Dividends by -...... —--------„ V ______ ,, ojuim ui i.-uvie waive all UiVlU-held at Mocksville, N. C. on Tues- Capital of 550,000, as n pflitl up ends ou their respfictivii shares spent the August 1933, surplus account of $25;000. I^f stock, until the 35 per cent of V tv, MiK« following resolution waa un-l 2. A ll Bills Payable to be paid deposits written off shall have amimously adopted. wifv. --------amimously adopted. with exception of rediscount of M,. Ar.. ixr 1 XT -1 , Whereas tie Bank of Davie is Note 537,750.00. ....now without authority to conduct The sum of appriximately $.10,-spoilt 0I1<3 i,n n « f r w ,1 ... 1 • • • - iib VIli3 iuv\: Wi iiv ii. ......... ............................. ^ ООО a day. Even at this rate it Sunday guest of Miss Elva Иеп-'мо„^|„ morning,'' September П,'Г"," will take until September 22 to drix. , \ I Mr. and Mrs. Conrad “д о Tho ntvie -write and mail the c'hecks to all Mr. and Mrs. Buck Foster'„„(l go„g <,f Winston-Salem, ® . У Soutiiern farm ers Avho have coop- spent the past week with the yjgited Mrs. Carter’s parents, Mr. tif navm ^t 7 t h f evated in the reduction plan, latter’a parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. ja„(i ^ r, C. E. IFaircloth last Mon- 5’®," Г ' '".i, *' ot the Then, there are a number of H. Smith, - Lj,y |indebtedne.4s thei-eby secured and srowers with whom adjustments ■ ........................... .................................. „ in the conditions therein secured, will have to be made so that The condition of Mr. C. Hege, who has been sick for sometime, is reported very ser- Mrs. <}. W. Smith spent a while ....................... ¡Friday .afternoon with Mrs. C. these parycular checks \vill be S. Dunn. , • delayed. . j Miss Louise Smith, of Mocks- jouB at this лvriting. Mr. Schaub said he had been ,ville, spent a fow days the past Gladys-Mae Spry has J'o- «dvised by C. A, Cobb, chief of week with her aunt, Mrs, J. A.'turned home from tho hospital the cotlon section of the -AAA, Sniith, _ . .. . whore she underwent an opera- that attached tp each check, Miss byelyn Smith visited tion for appendicitis, coverin'g' cash payment in the Misses Lillie' and' Lessie Dunn' case of the combined cash and Friday afternoon, option contract, there луШ be an Mr. and Mrs. 'W. 'D. Smith and chlldrejn spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. option contract calling- for t3ie number of bales optioned by the JERUSALEftI NEWS The Revival Meetinii will be- _______r ________. Jerusalem Baptist church ifa'i'mer to whom the check la is-¡Stacy Smith near Smith Grove. |the third Sunday in this month, sued. ' Mrs. J. M. Sofley and children Sept. 17. Everybody has u special These optioned contracts must visite^-^her mother, Mrs. S. R. ¡invitation to attend these b<j detached from the check and Foster'^Mqnday. ivlces. held for delivery later. Mr. Cobb , ' •will wire the fa m agents when delivery may be made. This is necessary, he said, to give equal opportunity to all farmers and to facilitate orderly handling of op tion contracts in Washington. FOR lA GOOD CUP OF COFFEE, TRY OUR “KEN NY’S” PURE COFFEE 14c | LB. 1 F. M. C A R T E R MEMBER NRA ENTHUSIASTIC Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and daughter, P ----■ the undersigned substituted trus tee by jnstrum ent recorded in Book 28," Page G52, Davie County Registry, will on TUESDAY, OCTOBER .■!, 1B.13, at or about twelve o’clock noon, at the court house door at Mocksville, North Carolina, offer for sale ahd sell to the highest bidder fo r cash the fo’lowing described property; All tiioso certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and 'being in Fulton Township, Davie County,'State of North Carolina, and described as fol lows : FIRST TRACT: A ll that cer-; tain pieco, parcel or tract of land ser- Hcnry Ruby, apont the past Sunday with Mr. containing 119 acres, more or It was a wretched play. Long ¡¡nd Mrs. W. H. Beck. situate, lying and being before the interval the audience Beatrice Smith spent the about 7 miles Eaat from tihe town began to boo and hiss. But there week-end with Mr, and 'Mrs. Loyd Mocksvillo in lI''ulton Town- was one man who clapped hia Gi'ubb. ship, ..Davie County, State of I hands vigorously. I Mr. and Mrs. Wjllard Foster North Carolina, having such' “I say,” .4aid the man next to gpont Sunday afternoon with metes, courses and dis-, him, ‘'you’ve got a nerve to ap- jy[,.g д." Langston. jtances as will more fully appear j plaud this shocking play. W hat, Mrs. 0. H. Hartley and family by reference to a plat thereof ' Ciin you ЯСС in it?^^ "■ I... П/Т P ritiTvinu aiipvounr The man smiled. “It’s not the p’lay I’m applaud-'potts, of Fork. and Mr. and Mra. Henry Shoaf M. C. Ijamos, surveyor sjient Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. day of Qctober, 1928 ing," he replied the hissing.:. heartily, “it’s Subscribe lo Tho Enterprise $1.60 per year. and attadhed to tho abstract (low !on file with' tho Atlantic Joint ВЯ Miss Lettle Belle Smith spent! the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, th e. Loyd Smith. Mias Smith is im- »«»«'3 being bounded on tho North ' proving vory much, her many l^y the landa of George Barnhart, friends will be glad to know. ÍHÍi¡¡MniM^Sii¡iarti3¡i¡¡M¡ii¡BiiiiiiiiÍ!BÍBiiñBiiBñilHiii¡i Buy Your Fresh Meats and Gro ceries From Us and Save Money. Come To See Us. Nath Jarvis, and Rich Barns, on I Mrs. D. E. Beck and son, Alvin'tho East by the lands of J, E. iiifwiiiB and Mrs. Minnie Beck and Mr. ^“ster, Georgo Barnhart and and Mrs. Glynn Beck spent last 'J^^nes Carter, on tho South by Wednesday with relatives Fork. at :the lands of Robert Crotts and B ix n y NEWS Any person over 16 years of ago may exchange this coupon for one Mocksvillo Dollar at Ideal Grocery & Market. These Items will Go On Auction October 7th. Nice Big Basket of Gro ceries. a portion of Dutchman’s Ci'eek, and on the West with, the lands of John Wood and a portion of Dutchman’s iCrook, and being the , Mr, and Mrs. Jake Perkins and identical tract conveyed by deed childi'en, of Winston-Salem, were from H'. C. Holman and wife, the Sunday guests of Mr. and Annk E. Holman to P. G. Byerly Mrs. J. W.. Ransome. on November 27, 1928, said deed I Mrs. J. S. Cornatzer and dnu- being duly recorded in Deed ghter. Rede and Mrs. S. S. iBook No. 28, page No 303, in the Shutt spent the week-end in'office of the Register of Deeds Danville, Va., visiting frienda 'for Davio County, State of North Ideal Grocery And Market Phone 74 Mocksville, N. C. and relatives, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Farm Machinery Buy your John Deere Farm Implements Now. We can Save you money, if you wil! buy your farm needs now and be sure you come to sec us first. See us for your repairs. STATESVILLE FEEDS See Our U ne of Light Hardware We will Give you a Mocksville Dollar for each dollar you spend with us. _______ Mitchel. I .Amongi the recent visitors of Air. and Mrs. U. K. Howard were Mr. and Mrs. Vick Howard and son, Mr. and Ml'S. Ernest Howard and son. ! Miss Sadie iCornatzer Carolina, to which reference is made for more complete descrip tion of the same. Beginning at a poplar stump near a corner on the lands of J'ohn iWood and runningt south 177 poles to a stone on the bank has re- of Dutchman’s Creek, thence with S turned home after spending a the bank of the ci-eek South 50 H vhile in Mnnstori-Salem, visiting degrees East 34 poles to an ash relatives and friend.s.........................tree, thence East 79 poles to a Mr. and Mri', Lester Conor, of(willow, thence North IV^ degu’eos' Thomasville, spent the week-end ¡West 54 poles to an elm, thence' Vvit'ii her aiâtür, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hendrix. I ' Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Long and West 34 poles to a stone, thenco North IVz degrees W est 136 poles and 7 links to a stone, thence children, of Winston-Salem, spent East 9 chains to a stone near a Sunday night vvith her parents, 'garden, thence North 8.75 chains 'to a stone, thence West 14.92 chains to a poplar, thence South TliG.Sc Iteriio will Gu On Auction October 7th. 1—226 Hillside Plow 1—IMan's Raincoat 1—48 lb. Bag Royal Flour Any person over lU years of age may exchange this coupon for one Mocksville Dollar at Martin Bros, I ¥ Mr, ..and Mrs. J. S. Cornatzer. ' Miss Ruth Potts, of Norfolk, iVa., is visiting her grand-father and friends, Mr. N. D. P.otts. 1 Miss Sir Francis Martin, of Winston-Salem, held Bible school |this past week, and in the tfew days that she was here, she en rolled 54 pupils, which was very 'good' and Friday afternoon she entertained her Bible school with a picnic, which was enjoyed by all. . ' . „— iVir. i' rua ' AllHiill,----01----1.5WTTF7 i»U«s~^iTair-or—Jirmiivavuiu, UI 1' Ul- 27 degrees West 3.75 chains to a stone, thence South 6 degrees East 5 chains to a stone, thcnce North 78 West 5Vi chains to a atone, tihence W est 5 chains to the beginning corner, containing 119 acres, more or less. SECOND' p?!RACT-: A ll that piece, parcel or tract of land con taining 40 acres, more or less, situate, lying and .being about 7 Martin Bros, Near Depot Mocksville, N. C. .ville, is spending a few days with ¡ton Mr, Travis J?Cbertson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armstrong and son, of Winston-Salom, spent ¡Sunday afternoon with her ais- .ter, Mr. and Mrs, J, H, Robert son. Mr. and Mrs. George Hendricks and daugihter, Christiii'e, of Mocksville, -^vere the Sunday 'guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walker. I There will be preaching here Friday night at 7:30 o’clock, the meaaage w ill be delivered by a pastor of Ohio. Evorybojily is in- South by the lands of John vited to be present. Mason and Robert Everhart.b, Township, Davie .County. State of North Carolina, and having,such shapes; metes and courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat fihereof made by M. C. Ijames, surveyor, on the 31st day oi O.ctober, 1928, and '.attached to the abstract now on file witn the Atlantic Joint Stock Laud Bank of .Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by Ihe lands of Dan S. Hobbs, on thu East by the lands of Dan W ill iams, and Will Smith, on the COTTON We Are Now Prepared To Buy And Gin Your Cotton. Bring Us Your Cotton, We Will Pay You Highest Mar ket Price. W e Appreciate Your Patronage Green Milling Co. Buyers and Ginners of Cotton F. K. Benson, M gr. M ocksville - - . , - . —f— w(40t OclLUril,,K,ks were scarce, but we feel with Miss Ruth I,agk sure that'by another year a large • „uinbcr of voice? will .be heard „„„i 1 /? , sini.'ing the good old songs our Lucile Howanl foiefathers loved to sing. A re- , , foliiUon was passed setting apart ,, ^''‘'dc t|U! first Sunday in September of ‘ ‘'^'Khter, of Augusta, ^ «iJiJiixuiiaceiy .f.ju,- n(!.vt year ,and every-year to be I'“st week with his „nd it business 000.00 will bo realized through used as old folks singing day at M*'- and Mrs. A, C. Nail, jjoard of • ? i f of (certain loans (onto)'. Officers were named for Misses Elva and Ruth lioward, that -i ni-m he l i various parts of-the . work Bethel, spent one afternoon the Z ‘! s r ‘of ,.„„1 .su we are expe^iiig a much week with Jfiss Uuth Lagle. bank for the contimi-nipp of u i . rediscounting of one note, Ijettor singing, next year. ! Mesdames E. C. Lagb, and A. business. ‘■«"tmuance of its and the sum of $9,900.00 will Ml', and iMrs, Kuy Shelton and C. Nail spent one day the iKist Therefom ho it vn«nivn,i i„ ii,„ reahv.ed through the sale of thrv,; .-.ns, of Elkin, spent Sun- week with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Board of DirectMs olM e C k T? ilav iiere with home folks. ■ ¡Nail, of Augusta. „f D'lvie th-it t-liP f.iiimv-, ■. amounts when added to Chas. M cAllister and chi)-' Mr. and Jlrs. fO. r: t ........... ! . " '•■•'•«I' «> and the vol- com- total I Miss Ruth La^Ie spent the past B e' i r fu^U:«'" resolved that t ie " s tf'';i a liii5 m a td v ‘’i 9 i ” , , ^.^¡¡‘day with Iriends, oi Jlocks- said plan of reorganization be ooo ...................." ’ H .A I 01.,I. ta . t U.. v.ll«._ Ji,rt. 3. ^ _ _ _ ,,llh ,J . C »». o( ,58,000. . lSI.I!AVn.tE NEWS of Cl5‘ •» —------------ val. Kev. G. B. Feree did not' fill E. L. GAITHER That- the stockholderg of the Bank of D-avie waive all divid- been paid ill lull. --------------— , E PIIBIT B / ' STATEMENT OF THE AMOUN'l’ DUE DEPOSITORS AND OTHER CREDITORS OF BANK OP DAVIE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C. As shown on its books at tho close of business on March 4, ’9,'i.'i. Deposits ....................... $240,831.18 Bills Payable ........... ?113,C2C.39 WHY HE CHANGED HIS BRAND Mrs, Clms. McA lister and chi)-' Mi^ and Mrs. E. G. Lagle and hereto attached pla^ which ^ald u ^a ) as^ t S o tl e ,|r.n and George Evans, Jr spent Mr. 'lom Spry attended a confer- plan .is hereby made a part of .k> ^10“! ^ ^ ? nrort^^^^ ,,v.ua days las w e ^ with re- ence meeting at Center the past the resolution, be and the samo of uimAinmtolv \ latives 111 Virginia. They return-,Saturday. is hereby adopted. oi am)u.Minatelj $l.)o,000. I me Monday. {juilu a mimber were here Sun- Sunday with friends, of Jlocks- said plan of reorganization be 000. will be naid IciviiiL' a cash3Ute 3. imnlPtM:ittiUr\ t.u- n— , . - ‘ ‘ b »1 I. an ^,id ioiks singing. ,\Ir. and Mrs. William G'reen and .'<111 visited Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Forest Sunday afternoon. - Mrs. Kate Dwiggens was a re- aiipointmeni here Sunday, be- i;ciit visiCor of several days with cause of- his meetin^i .beginning S. M. CALL rcliilives . and friends in Greens- “t Dulin’s. Cashier bi)!'0' I Our Sunday school is going Order No. 226 Ml'. ;iiid Mrs. Bowles and dau- «long nicely at this writing, wo State of North Carolina ghtd', of Winston-Salom, spent are very glad to say, iJuiiil'iy with Mrs. Bowles’ sister,' 'I’hore will be There w ill be cohve.ved to ,three trustees to be selected by President, the depositors assets in tho ag gregated amount of approximate ly $;il,000. Other real estate' of Ithe book value of approximate ly $01,889 and' ])crfered stock of ' . ' i i: Ccuaelb cvltlk^noiracc^ HCVeir (j¿ ton ^(rurlieYiH¡i..fiicifM'"Ure ijcnt/rTaik Olllce of Commissioner of Banks, the amount.....................— — ............ mu aniouiu $0,400, making a ES "HL. "V<iuiiil:sv with Mrs. BowU'S’ sistcv,' 'I’hore will be a "Lawn Party" In the matter of the pro])osed total of ?100,309 the same to bo ^ H El / a j T. W. Tutterow. Elbaville church, Saturday reorganization of Bank of Davie, held by the trustees for the ||j n S H h H « JP iVdVii Squiros, who has been night, September 16, wish to invite Mocksville, North Carolina. _ benefit ratably ;of the unsecured ^ ^ ■ ffl Ift ^ ^ ^ .nfiHlin^ the summer here with all that will to attend this occa- Outline of plaii of i^organiza-, doiiositors of the bank in lieu H ‘Ia hi K.'ft/. DwiLr.L'ens 'h..B votnr.1- sion a.u! I>iiv fr^.nl.- fr.,. fU. ......dojiositors of the bank in lieu of ’¿5^;ь of thoir unsecured de-Kate Dwiggens has return- ■‘‘¡on and buy freely, for. the pro- tion. ,6(1 U) his home at Greensboro. coeds g.o to benefit the church. On the 22nd day of August p^its. 1 Ml', and Airs. Glenn Cartner The junior and primary 19;JS!, the Directors of tho Bank^ 4, sixty-five per cent of depo- r,(! cliildreii visited home folks Classes enjoyed a picnic at Rich of Davie, of Mbcksville, North «¡^8 available. !atu. Siinday evening. Park at Mocksvillo Saturday af-Carolina, (acting under the pro-; Reorganized bank . and Jilrs,„Calvin Walker ternoon. visions of House Bill 1154 of the the remaining 65% iliiiiit ;i day or two the first of IMessers MiU'shall Combs, John General Assembly) fUed v.’ith cured depnj ¡he week with relatives. Bailey, Frank Bailey and Le.ster Gurney I’. Hood, Commissioner of ors will as; Mr. and 3Irs. J. E. Owings Beauchamp and Misses Carrie Banks, a plan of reorganization plus the anticipating certificate li.sitcd at W. H. Barneycastle’s Belle and Alma Combs spent tho of Bi.nk of Davie, Jlocksville, (referred to in auction 3 hereof) ;isi Sunday. |week-end in. Hillsboro visiting North Carolina, which plan has „s the settlement in full of their ,\Ir. and Mrs. Odus Tutterow, friends aud relatives. been I'ormiilated and proposed by d«po.iits. The 05% will bo with- 'f .Salisbury, were recent guests' Miss Katherine Sliernier spent the Bnaid nf Director.s of Bank drawable by tho depositors in the .f .Ml', and Mrs. S. Al. Tutterow. last week in Winston-Salem, nf D; vie Siocksville, North Caro- vogubir course of business. )Ir, and Mrs. Cecil McDaniel visiting relatives. lina. The said plan of reorganiza- 5. Selection of Trustees for De-‘ | :]icnt tiie week-end witli tiio ' i\fr. and Sirs. Ralph Ziglar, of tion iincluding a full outline „„aftn,., will assume of the unse cured deposits and the deposit- iipcept the assumption GIVING AWAY $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 IN M OCKSVILLE DOLLARS BUY NOW! GET DOLLARS IN EXCHANGE FOR EVKKY DOLLAR YOU SPEND WITH US, As tho first of September is here, and the usual fall bu.si- ness starts moving, we are especially anxious for every person in Davie County who does not" visit our store «t regular intervals to begin during the next week. In otlier words, wo want you to become a customer of ours. It has always been our purpose to givo every man, woman and child prompt, courteous, and efficient, attention. We - carry ns complete a stock of merchandise as-you will iin« in any store in the county, and you -will find thi.*! morcli- andiso high in quality and low in price, Viat our ston;. BELOW IS LISTED A FEW OF OUR .MANY BARGAINS: Lard, 4 lbs........................ »5c Coffee, lb........................... lOc Rice, lb............................... lie Beans, White .................. I havo plenty Flour, Feed. Cotton Seed Meal at'Bargain Prices. I havo just received a ship ment of roofing, barb wire ■and nails. We are ready to Buy and Gin your cotton. Come To See Us. F o ste r &, G re e n Near San iord Motor <?o. E. P. FOSTER, M gr. and W eigher ick I'nr Homolinic \я stcuflily irn-l .i'üving, hr many friends will bej liui to know.' LIliEIM’Y NEWS plan and haa approved the same ; and does hereby formally ap- Iprove tho same. Meeting is in 1 There is attached hereto, as Methodist e:chib\t P., a statement of the U. V V,..» ^ HQ \.A)rrinil.SH10ner 01 liailK» of Mocksville. • ed the birthday dimier of Mr. J. .^vill immediately cause to be pub- Mrs, Koy Williams and Kimmer’s, of* Mocksville, IU. ¡¡shed at least one« a week for Flour, 24 lbs...................,. 95c 10c Baking Powders ... 9c Double Loaf Bread ...... 9c 10c Toilet Soap ...........9c 10c Castor Oil and Turpentine ....................... 9c 10c Epson Salts ............. 9c Sugar, lo Isb...................., 50c Beat Grade Salt, 100 lbs..........................,..., 9БС Lard, 10 lbs.................... 65c The Protracted ■Mi.'i.s Minriie McClamrock .‘¡pent progress at Liberty 'riiliiy with J^risse.s Flora and church. Services each day; and ¿„ount diW\ioposUors^ .iMiue Bal<er, ,night. Rev. J. M. Max Brandon creditors of the Bank of Davie .Mi-!.s Frankie W all was the is doing the preaching. Everybody Mocksville North Carolina • as unilay guest of Miss Elizabeth,is invited to attend the.se ,ser- ahown on’its books at the close um'iuine, of Mccksville, Route vices. . 'of business on March 4th, 1933, ■ ? I, Mr, and Mrs. (;. L. Kimmer and the la.st day on which the Bank .M(,'.''danies C. W. and II, D. lamily, Mr, and Mrs., (J. II. Tut- gf ]javio, jAIocksville, was open lc|)lc'i' and littlo son, Erwin, tei'dw and son, and Mr. and Jlrs. foj. unrestricted banking busi- l»ni Uie day recently with the Jim Daniel,‘accomjianied by Miss'ness. wmci's daughter, Jlr.s. J. M. ;Ruth Lagle, of Turrentine attend- 'phe Commi.ssioner of Banks i.meliiie, of Mocksville. .'ll', and Ji'.s. Calvin Bowles and little 3 Sunday. two weeks, in at least one news- ni.'liter, Laura Grey, spent Sun-j Mr. Oscar Presnell, of Greens- paper in Davie County, a notice iu Wiuston-Saleni with vela- boro, apent the week-end with accordance with section 3 of '.os. _ M rs.-Presnell and children. House Bill 1154 and any deposi- •Mi.s.s Sallie Wellman is right| Mrs. AV. M. Seaford and son, tor, creditor, stockholder or any | icii at this writing, her many-John, of the Center community,'other interested persons who | 'ii!ii(ls will'be sorry to learn, [spent the past week with hir „„t approve the plan, with- Mi'.s, W. H, McDaniel visited parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. W. in 30 days of the date of publi- 1«. Cecil Leonard one afternoon Kverhardt. Mrs. Everhardt is on cation, file with tho Clerk of the 'itl'.'isl week. .the sick list, sowy to state. Superior Court of Davie County Mr, and Jlrs. J. G. Crayen spent | Mr. and Mrs, L. D. Kimmor ,,n objection to said plan nnd ap- "iiilu Sunday evening, with Mr,'and daughter, Rachel, visited the plication for the ascertainment M..JII’S, .Frank Sain, o f Mocks-, lattur’s sister, Misa Hazol Spry, of -the fair iiiiuidating A’alue' uf lit. I'who is a patient at Long’s Sana- claim, as provided in Section •Ui'.s.srs R. L. Williama and liny,torium at Statesville Sunda,v. _ 5 House Bill 1154. H|cl.'liimrock attended quarterly!, IMrs, iHettio G'abord is visit-] Witness my hand and .»en! this 'iiiuronce at Center Saturday, [ing Mrs. Frank Foster. 'the 28th day of Aug. 193,1.. Jh'. C. C. Graven spent Sunday | Friends here nf Mrs. Lou Lef- GURNEY P. HOOD tLTiioon with Mr. C. M. Turren- lor were griof stricken to hear of Commissioner of Banks 'viui is ill. Mr, Turrentine her death on Monday at her re- ---------------- 'Hiiiii'ly lived here and has many sidence, near Cooleemee. She was, - EXHIBIT A 'ends who wish for him a burried at Liberty Methodist pjjopoSE D PLAN FOR REOR- 'Mily recovery. ,church, of which she was >u mom- GANIZATIONl (OF THE BANK 1!, R. Rose has been on ber Tuesda.v, September 5 at 4 ;00, OF DAVIE, MOCK,SVILLE, ' sick list but ia better at thia o’clock and was attended by a | NORTH CAROLINA ; '■'''«g, We aro glad to say, ¡large cro\yd of .sympathizing: j_ Payment By Stockholders, Ml’, ¡uul Mrs. John W hitaker frionds. I The stockholders of Bank, of "I I'hildrcn, Mrs. J. W. Wall i Jamea Kimmer is spending a of Mockaville, will pay a These Items will Go Oni Auction October 7th, 1- Suit Clothes1 TT-4- i ' -ii*» 1/ 1—Dress 1—^Siiit Case 1— Shirt 10 lb. Sugar Any person over 16 years of age may exchange in'" coupon for one Mocksvillu Dollar' at J. Frank Hend rix. WHY WAIT? The success of the NRA movement depends entirely upon the buy ing public. W ithout liberal buying the movement must fa il It is your patriotic duty to buy what you need and buy novr. This country is now on the threshold of an era of rising prices, W e know it and you know it. Already prices are a lot higher than they were a week or so ago. Do Your Part! Buy Now! SC H O O L D A Y S A G A IN And We Are Ready With School Supplies SHOES Gx- li t'liildren spent ' Sunday •'^‘ii,!toii with relativos. in. few d/iys with his cousins, Fred voluntary assestnient' of .?30.00 _______________________^ L oprp Kimmer, ol Mocks- p^r share on their stock, making: FLY ITATfW iw i? ’ r‘ . . . , l>».vment of ,1!30,000. This 1 UALFICH FVli' 7 Diviggiiis and chil- amount will be paid to tho bank. l.ALLIGH aiAN fc, EYE dren. Mane and Mar.iorie-Ann, ot stockholders will bo! iWinston-Salem, spent a few days reHevod from stock liability on j TTTE' i'msi; wfiuiv wim-i\rr:-ami „„tstanding stock by ' compliaiico ‘ Largo assortment, ot fords for girla and boys. All styles and sizes. $1.25 to $2.95 SCHOOL. TABLETS Large thick school tablets for opening of school, Pen cil and Pen tablets, ¡both wide and narrow. See us for your sciiool needs. SWEATERS Children’s slip-over and coat Sweaters. All sizes and colors. ' : $1 to $2.95 ^---c. Ти!11.11Ш)Т1----jmr “"'i'i-'hiiii, ^Ralei.gh insm'aii:;e G. W. Everhardt. " ill harbor -the larvu <if a¡ Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Tuttorow Sunday A. H. SEE US FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED J. Frank Hendffî HOME OIF BIGGER BARGAINS MOCKSVILLE, N. ROBERT S. McNEILL . * Attorney nt Law » MOCKSVILLE, N. C, *■ Practice in Gi.vil and Crimi- * nal Courts. Title Examina- * tins given prompt attention. 'ill liis eye u n tiln ext spring,'aud sou, Molvin, spent today. night with his -father, % .‘^I'l'ingtime, £he larva is ex- Tutterow, of Jerico. to develop and 'fly away Miss T.iiiia Kim.mer spent Satnr- McClenaglhan from ',veol<s .day night with Miss Uuth Lagle, b'oiiijiu and countless visits of Turrentine, ^ "•il.'ifandingi oyo specialislsj Mrs. Victory Everhar_dt,^ of^ li^ive been unable to romovo Cooleemee, is visitiiii; Mrs, J. G. |------^ - - - - - ~ — ''Va which got into hi.^ eye McCulloh, / • , ,-M-rnn’r> * : a recent automobile trij).! Mi.ss Kathleon Hartley r6turn- ■ E. CARR ChO AlE ---------------------------------- 0(1 to her home in Davidson Mon- _ _ DENTIST .-M'oti cheese plant at day from a visit to her grand-/'*' Oflice in Mocksville first 8 Wilkesboro ia securing mother, iVlrs. N. J. Cope. days of week. In Sali.sbury I.ai'ley and. winter oats Mr. C. L, Kimmer spent Satur- » last 3 days of week—over I'll l<'i- .siippiying/' at, cost to day night witji his. brother, Mr. Purcell’s Drug Store, on the 'J’lai-'ii who wish to plant J. '.p, Kimmer, of- Jlocksville, * sciuare. Phone 141, ^ _ l';iy erops, ... >; *- I'm Auction Octobcr 7th, 1—Rocking Chair 1—Ladies Dress 1—Pair Shoes 1— Flash Light 1—Pocket Knife M B ▲ WE a© ewst PART of age maj^exchange this coupon for one Mocksville Dollar at C, C, Sanford Sons Co. e x . S A N F O R D SO N S CO.:- “Everything for Everybody” • Mocksville, N. C. •1'^ I'r pii 5>'' 7 -■ " ,Л F,D'. ‘ Л. ’■'jr....■ » * 1 ж Ili. à i u 'Ч' Pngc 4 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E U P U I S E , M O C I C S V I L L E . J N . C .T h u r s d a y , B o p t o m b e r 7 C LEX 1NGT0W_ ROUTE '5 NEWS LEXINGTON ¡KOUTE 3 ¡NEWS The Bnrrihni-dt reunion held 'Mias Leonu Merrill, of Siilia- last Sundav, Aug. 27 waa .largelybury spent a short while Thura- nttended. Many coming fromday ,with her mother. Dniiville, Vu.| Salisbury, Spencer, Mrs. Cora Wagoner, of Coolee- China Grove, Yadkin, S. Carolina,mee, and son, Russell and Viola ington, Th'omasviiile, Kee'ds, Jenkins were visitors of Mr. and Yadkin College, IFork, Bixby, Mrs. J. F. Myers Sunday. iChuTchland land Augusta. The Mr. Tom Ridenhour and iamily Reeds quartett and the Thomas-were visitors of Mr. J. A. Broad- ville string band furnished musicway Sunday, for the occasion. A good time was Miss Zana Koontz spent a short had by all present. while Friday with Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Rowe and Myers, two ehildreln, of near Yladkin, v Mr. J. F. Myers carried liis spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.small' son, Frank, to Gastonia and Mrs. Mts. J. E. Grubb. Hospital Tuesday. > Mr.-W. B. Hartley, of Frank- Mrs. J. F. Myers spent Tuesday lin, spent Sunday with Mr. and»“ Snlisbury with her son, Mr. Mrs. T. W. Hartley. «“d Mi-s. H. B. Merrill. Miss Zana Koontz left Sunday a visit in Charlotte.Jlr. and Mrs. Ciarance Buie, Oi. ''Spencer, .visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Buie Sunday. ^Ir. and Mrs. I. A. Beck and •tlaughter, of Thomasville, were tJie week-end guest of R. F. Lambe •and iamily. SMITH GROVE NEWS Mrs. Wm. Myers will be hos- ' tess to the Lou Foote Society for Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Xamb on Mondays September 4th a 8 У, Again we 9BII your attention pound girl, named Della Mae. t^e Home fcoming which will Mr, and Mrs. Mitchel Flem-be held I'hez'e next Bunday the ming, James Flemming, Jackisth. the invitation is fivt.Anrind Grubb, of Cooleemee, and Miss to all who Avish .to spend the day Annie Flemming, of Salisbury, here and bring baskets as din- , were Sunday guests of Mr. and ner will ;be served picnic style. Mrs. W. R. Buie and family. Everyone: who brings a basket is Mr. N. J. Cope, of Ll'borty, invited to put their dinner on the spent one day recently Avlth Mr. table. and Mrs. R. W. Hartley. Little Miss Ruth Spry is spend- Mock Darr spent last week this w ^k in Winston-Salem, with hia uncle and aunt, Mr. and relatives. With a party of Mrs. Linnet Potts, at Clommons,'ii’iends she spent Sunday , in Mrs. J. F. Barnhardt nnd Sadie Barnhardt speni; last Wed- • and Mrs. R. S. M iller and nesday fifternoon with Mrs. C. A. „ f Jan'^s Banes Barnes, of iChurchland. of Roanoke, Mr. Ш Ш,. М Ш к », И « ,« . Ü . - ’ Ä V ' m u S л Й ?of High Ppint, spent the weelc-? K., ing her grand-paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Taft KobertsOn und two Я®’?®’ liberty. , children, of near Bixby spent the Miss Virginia Grubb haa re- week-end with her parenta, Mr. turned to her home here alter and Mrs, John Williams, spending the past week Waiting, Mrs. J. C. Smith attended.the Mias Virginia Barnes, of ly ro . oi(j folks singing at Center Sun- Д1г. Brice Richard, of Church- day p. m bnd, spent Saturday night with M r.’ and Mrs. Glenn Cornatzer i't I'P"® , «'ifl children, Mrs. Brack Allen Mr. Hugh Beck apent last Aveek and children viaited relatives Avith Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Laugh- hor« Sundav. iin and. family, of Jersey. | Mr, .S. R. Corntvtzer mado a ,busl^ Mr. Darmont Burnhardt. of „ess trip to Sumter, S„ C., laat viUiiviilnnd,, аропи liist WiSölt with vv'Gck. ( ■ ■ ■' ' ' M rs.! Mra. Joe Foster is On the sick 4 rV t »uifering with ,a severe cold _ Ml. and,Mrs. rillct Barnes ana we arc sorry to note, Kenneth Barnes, of Spencer, I ' Mrs. W. L. Hanes, who spent \iaitcd lelatiyes in the conimuni-iaat week here viaiting /friends ty ^Sunday afternoon. . Jh a s returned to her home at Mr. and Mra. Sam Baxlev, nf Mocksville • Ftirk, wore dinner guesta atMr. and" Mrs. Luther Howard, Snider and family of Clemmons, spent Sunday here with their daughter, Mrs.'Rome ADVANCE ROUTE 2 NEWS . Mrs. Maj'on W illiam s,-of Cor- natze.r, is spending sometime here visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. H. Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. W illard Foster, BIrs. J. M. Livengood and daugh ter, Nell, Mr. Robert Foster, of IF'ork, and Mr. and Mra. Charlie- Foster and daughter, and Mrs. Foster’s mother, of Kentucky, spent a while laat Friday morn ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cope and family. Miss Ruth Jones sjient the week-end with Miss Mary Nell Jones, of near Bixby. Miss Mattie Sue Bailey return ed to Cooleemee Tuesday alter spending a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Bailey. Miss Lizzie Potts and little Ruby, of Advance, are spending this week here' visiting relatives. Misa Sadie Cope returned home Saturday after spending the week with her aiater, Mrs. K. H. Gillian, of Salisbury, Misses Vasta iCope, Dorotliy and Elizabeth Livengood, Matlie Sue and Janice Bailey spent a while Sunday evening with Misa Irene Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter and two children, of High Point, apent the weeik-end with Mr. and IVIrs. L D. Hendrix. Mrs. Bannie Evans and Mias Esther Ftoster, of .Reqds, spent Sunday evening with Mesdames W. B. and S. J. Cope. Misses Thelma and Ruth,Fos ter, of near Fork, spent a while Sunday night with Misses Irene and Ruth Jones. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Forrest and family and .Mrs, iMaron Williams apent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mra. W. A. Livengood, Mrs. Pansy Turlington, of near Raleigh, spent one day .last week with Mr. and Mrs. 'VV. B. Cope and family. TO THE PUPILS, PATRONS AND THACHER^S OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN DAVIE COUNTY ' A gold medal will be awarded publicly to that pupil in the schools of Davie County, who makes the best speech on. some temperance subject aa, for in stance, "The Drunlcards W ife.” Those desiring to enter the con test are requested to send the subject selected to. Prof. J. D. •Hodges. That there may be ample time for memorizing and practice, this should be done soon as con venient. ' I.iOt it be remembered that the contest is open to evei'y boy and girl in Davie County schools. Sometimes it happens that there ia a small boy or girl, who has inherited unusual gifts in ora tory. Often their speeches are more persuasive and effs-jtive than speeches of older children. The teachers throughout the county know of theae precious youths. Urge them to come out and participate in the contest, I While it is true thnt this medal will be awarded to some pupil nOw ill the public schools, yet if there be any young men or women who would be willing to appear at the same time and placea the others wo would be pleased to have them do so, 1 The first appearance of these young contestants, before the public, will be at a mass meeting to be held under the arbor at Center, on October 8, nt 2 o’clock. Thc second appearance will be at IFarmington, on October 15, at 2 o’clock. The'third appearance, will be at Advanco, Octcber 22, at ' 2 o’clock. The fourth appearance will be at Cooleemee, Oct. 29, at 2 o’clock. The fifth and final appearance will be held at Mocksville, Novem ber 5. At the Mocksville meeting this gold medal will be publicly awarded to the successful -con testant. Come hear theae Inds and Iirases. ‘Our friends, the “W ets” are especially invited. J. D. HO'QfiES BOX THOUGHT TO BE EMPTY HELD FORTUNE , In a raid on a Chicago ater hangout two U. y. service, agents seized a gallon . nitroglycerine. Their next lem was to get ^rld of this explosive which would 1^, wiped out several blocks of ' . ■— ^ ; ¡town Chicago if touched Budapest.—Here is n t‘‘ue story, jcarryinb it into Federal dututtiv HARD TO GET Rio oi' “NITRO” that would make uny scenario writer green with envy. - Fifteen years ago a Debrecen headquarters, they, weru mediately ordered, out. At poi'i'jj headquarters they were woman willed all ^her property to out just ns quickly'when the eon her farmer nephew. When sho 'tents of the three glass thm died not one penny could be joarried became known. Next the foundi An old bo.x, thought to be applied to Northwestern univci-J empty, waa carried to the cow- ty’s crime laboratory to lontii hot, shed, and it served to Tiold grain to dispose of this deadlj- e.xuio. for the animal.aive. On the navice of e.xpio. l-'Xport; For 15 yenrs the cow grazed there, they took it to tim (.ounti frcm tho bo.K, shaving the wood morgue and mi.Ked the iiiillouoi olH' the bottom with the teeth. Alnitroglycerine with 20 giilioiis,,, few days ago the false bottom of alcohol and 20 cans of lye whie).] the box gav(5 way, disclosing a | rendered it harmless enoiiiri, quantity of gold, silver and cop- be'discarded. If alcohol can ncu per coins, and .?50,000 worth of bank-notes. The money whic'h re presented' a little fortune 15 years ago, ig worthleaa today. In hia anger the diaappointed llepheVv tliriiohcu tlie cOW fOi" ilOt having worn out the bottom oi the-box years ago. T'he Hungarian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals took a liand in the matter. The district judge, who waa over-aentimental animals, ordered the thrashing of the nephew. A committee representing tho Society to Protect Man Against Cruelty then waited on thc judge The members of thq committee lost theif tempers and gave the judge a good beating. tralize nitroglycerine what can it do to a man’s insides? BOSSIE’S LITTLE WEAKNlis^ A city g irl viaiting her unci on the farm wag watchinji a co; chewing her cud. “Pretty fine cow, that,” her uncle as he came by. "Yes,” said the girl, "bu doesn’t it cost a lot to keep he in chewing-gum?” —^ Cincinnal Enquirer. Poor old. Hiram. He went to New York determined to raak his Iforttjune' pu(lling some .sidn gameli on innocent strangen However, the first fellow he triei The people of the district are jto sell Brooklyn Bridge to turn now waiting the next move from ed out to bo the owner or thi the miniater of .justice.- darn thing, and if Hi hadn’t pali .............................................. him ten dllars to keep ((uiot lii. Trade with the Merchants that man would have had him amat advertise in the Enterprise ed.—Brown Jug. Howard. AUGUSTA NEWS Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snider and family, , of Yndkin, spent Sunday with Mr. W. A. Grubb and family. Miss Vertia liuie spent Monday and Tuesday as the guest of Rev. J. 0. Bnnks will fill his Miss Edith Barnes, of Tyro. regular appointment hero Sunday Miss Hattie Barnhardt, of ,at 10 a. m. All are cordially in- Churchland, spent the week-end vited. with her parenta, Mi\ and Mrs. The guests of-Mr. and Mra. H. J. F. Barnhardt. M. Deadmon over the week-end Mra. Ernest Swicegood, of were Mr. and M'ra. P. C. Cope Tyro, apent Monday with her and family, of Spencer, Mr. and brother, Lee Lambc, and .. Mrs, Mrs, W. C. Thompaon and fam- Lnmbe. Mr. and Mra. Willie Young, of Churchland, .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.“.. Wade liarnes. Trade,with the AdVertiaers Bui!d Up that Skinny Child! Enrich Hia Impoverished Blood Sickly, wc.ik, underweight cbildrcn are usually lacking in rich, red blood. When blood becomes poor, .i child becomes rundown. Already weak, he loses appe tite, which makes him .ilill weaker. Take no chances on a child gaining strength by himself. Start giving him Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic right away. This famous tonic contains boih iron and tasteless quinine. Iron makes for rich, red blood while quinine tend» to purify the blood. In other words, you get two «ffccts in Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. Pul your child on this time-proven tonic for a few days and sec the differ ence it makes in him. Good appetite, lots of pep and energy and red rose.s in Ills cheeks. Children like Grove’.s Tasteless Chill Tonic and take it eagerly. It is iibso. lutelv harmleiw and has hccii ■! rdliM» ily, of Saiiabury, and Mv. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, of the Union Ohaiiels section. Miss Noami Berrier returned to her home Sunday after spend ing her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Ciarance Barnhardt. and family of China Grove. Mis.s-I’auliiie Wagner, of “North Cooleemee. spent Sunday with Mr. and J.is. Herman Berrier and I'amily. Mi.sa I5elle Daniela returned home after apendin^r three weeks with friends and relatives in Salisbury. Mrs. II. 0. Jiosey and three children. Junior, Paul and Rath, are spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Daniels and family. Mr, and Mrs. S. D. .Daniels at tended the quarterly meeting of the Davio cTiarge at Center church Saturday. Misses Margaret and Belle Daniels spent a while Sunday af- ternson with Miss W illie Smith, of near Jerico. Mrs. Lessie MdCormick' and, three children, of Salisburv. snent i jamiiy meiiirine for half a century. Get 3 I u Short v.’hile Monday afternoon bottle today at any ^ I q. this Week In oUi' community. B DAVIE CAFE P. K. MANOS, Prop, n r* Mocksville, N. C. ^ " Next Door to Postoffice and Just as Reliable E REGULAR DINNERS 35c E All Kinds Of Short Orders At Any Time In The Day CAMPBELL-WALKER FUNERAL HOME ' AMBULANCE EMBALMERS TELEPHONE ...'.............................................................. 48 Main Street—Next to Methodist Churih ßiciWiäiiiiawwwwisiwwxiwwicoxMixwwwwwwHwwwttwwwwwwwiawxittWBO««»»«»!*«««» tkey lkste Better '0 IP». twûiTT (St Мулм Toii.«:«iC» J^ fc r.v e йпу he hands of' his eigh-. ^ I ,*'^K^-^r>.'i-^ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÎÊÊnÊÊÊÊÊiÊÊÊÊÊm T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 7 . 1 9 3 3 T H E M O C I t S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C . P a s « T Card Partiea Social Functions Club Meetings Ghurch News SOCIETY Local Happenings Coming and Going of those We know MISS MARY J., HEITMAN, Social Editor Phone 112 Mrs. Joiin Larew is on the.sick list, we regret to state. Jlrs. R. M. Holthouser has been indisposed, we av'e sorry to learn. ------__o---------- Everette Blackwood spent the week-end in Mooresville with Ciiends. first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ruth and littio aon, of Corumbia, S. C., spent tho week-end with Mr. and fttrs. C. F. Meroney. Thompson a junior there.' • sons, Albert, George, and Paul, of Paris Island, S. C., who have been .visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Call ^attended the Woodruff family Re- j union in Slkin on Sunday, and arc visiting relatives there. They |Will return to Mocksville before I going home. Mrs. Stone was for- jmerly Miss Rebecca Rollins. , ---------0— ^------ I Mrs. E. P. Bradley and Miss Fannie - Gregory Bradley will leave Friday for ,Cha«el Hill, where the latter will take a Mri and Mrs. J. M. Misses I^ucile. and Irene Horn, Horn Wilson County tobacco -¿rowers' aubscribe to report the best quality of leaf since 1911. . the Enterprise. coui'se in Library Science at the University of North Carolina. Miss Ivey Nail, of Hickory, is viiiiting her mother, Mrs. Ida G. Nail.' ,■ . '' Mrs. Ida G. Nail haa been quite .-ikk recently, -vNre are-sorry to state.' ■ .—— o— ^----- Miss Virginia Long, of Statea ville, was a visitor 'in town-on ounday. Miss Daisy Hampton sick, lier many friends ijret to learn. is quite will re- James Johnson, of North Wilkdsboro, is viaiting James Thompson. '~j ----------0—------ Mrs. S. A; Harding and Mrs. G. G. Daniel 8<pent Tuesday in Winston-Salem. Miss Gwen Furches, of Far mington, is visitinjr her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Slicek. Mias Blanciie Leach and M ar-i’t^here. via Leuch, of High Point, visited their parenta, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. ijoach, recently. apent Sunday with frienda in|^^‘®“ J«ne Bradley will return to Cherryville, Miss Lucile Hiorn ! ^ College, Charlotte, remained to visit Misa Vera Black will be a aenior. Mra, Bradley will spend the winter iu. Chapel Hill. , Mr. E. H. Morria, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson and daughters, Gussie, Marie and Phyllia John- Mrs. E. P. Bradley and Misses son, attended the' Morris Family Fannie Gregory and Jane Brad-at Fancy Gap, Va., on ley spent, the week-end with re- Sunday, hitivea in Statesville. Professor and Mrs. R. D. W. Connor, Misses Hane(3 Clement and Jane .Crow arrived Wed nesday after spendinsf'the sum mer at Boulder, Colorado, where Profeaaor Connor taught'at the Mr, and Mrs A R Holloi-t nf Sta.te Univeraity.-Misses Clement Rev. I,. R. Call and daughter, Chapel Hill, attended'the funeral ""^. S r o r E n io“u*te"hom ThTv Marjorie Lou, have returned to of the late J. D.- Casey. They Braintree, Mass., after a visit week-end with Mrs.' * *' Crotalaria seems to be finding' a place aa a summer legume in the peach orchards of 'Richond County, aaya A. D. Robertson, County Agent. FOR SALE , Dairy Farm (A) Farmington, N. C., W. Fronting Sandclay High way, (E. Bordering Cedar Creek) (Abres 219) Large Barn, Good House Splendid Condition, Easy Terms. TVIrs. Lina Barber Clement Aug. 30th, 1933 Let me recortdibion your hai.r, NOW by using Vita Tonic Scalp Treatments and Sham poos. ' M AE’S SHOPPE Mocksville, N. C., Call 122 for appointment Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Call. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bowles, of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster of Mockaville, Rt. 1.. Mr, Leo Anderen, o f Cala- iinln, spent Tuesday with Mrs. C. H. '¿pmllnson. Mrs. Fred Swing and Mias IMamie Hendrix were viaitora in Salisbury Monday. ----------o --------- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holton and family spent tTie week-end .-Mbemarle.'with relatives. Brewster Grant left this week for IDavidaon College, \vliere he will engage in football practice before the opening of school, — ^-----0---------- Mrs. Grady Call and daughters, Margaret and Frankie Call, left thia week to join Mr. Call in Sumter, S. C., where they will re- side, . J. F. Leach,' who lhaa been wjorking in (Salisbury for some time, lias accepted a position iri Mai-tinsville, Va. He has moved his fam ily from Granite Quarry to Mocksville. Jlolletfs parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Casey, ‘Pitts and grandchildren, Bobbie, Nelson, Phillip and Patricia Fitts, of | Danville, Va.,‘ spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ste- I wart. Mrs. Fitts and Mrs. StewaH are sisters, and have recently had'the Dulin family cemetery,! located' on t'he, former Dulin plantation, cleared off and the rock wall rebuilt..Several genera tions of the Dulin fam ily and other relatives are buried here. Glenn Cartner, of Montgumery, Miss Elva Sheek, who has bssn spending Tier vacation with her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Sheek, left Sun day for Staunton, Va., to resume her work as art teacher in the Deaf and Dumb School. SEMI-PASTE PAINT One gallon- makes 2% when mixed KURFEES & W A R D “Better Service” MOCKSVILLE ROUTE 3 NEWS ' Mrs. J. 0. Young and aon, Os- Ala., viaited hia parenta, Mr, and M^^and* Mr^'jolTn dS W Mra. J. W. Cartner, last week. He children, Nancy and John, Jr., of Salisbury, Mrs. G. A. Sheets . has been Mra. is ‘ITianager of the Kilby IDairy Fnrhi. Mrs. Herbert Birdsall and Mrs. list, Air. W. F. Martin, Walter. Jr., and Miss Lucile Mnrtin spent a day recently in Sumter, S. C. Troutman, were recent guests of S ‘n Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stewart.______o _____ Jamea Kimmer, of Liberty, is _______________________________ Miss Notie Martin is viaiting spending aeveral daya' thia week Prico Sherill and aon, Price, Jr., her brother, Mr. 'I'. L. Martin, in ^ ‘^h hia cousin’s, (Fred and no of Mooresville, are spending Sumter, S. C., and later will viait Ceorge Kimmer. in several daya with Mra. William hor niece, Mra. 'r. H. Weeka, in ' Mr. and Mrs Olin Barnhardt Miller. Chapin, S. C. Mrs. Weeks waa and children spont Sunday af- formerly Miss Paunne Martin, ternoon with the latter’s brother, ----------o______ Mr. and Mrs. A15. Carter, near Miss Elizabeth Naylor iii vi.siting her sister. Miss Inez Naylor, in Charlotte this week. — —O----------. Rufus Sanford, jr., and Mar- ahall Sanford will ' leave next' '['ueaday for Davidson College. Marshall Sanford and Hayden Sanford visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. M urray in Raleigh this week, ----------0----------. Misa Jane W oodruff has re turned from n viait to Miss Mnry Belle Templeton, in Mooresville. Mr. and Mrs. J. -F. Hawkins spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Peeler, in Salisbury. Miss Kathryn Brown 'lins re turned to Greensboro to resume her work in the Proxiniit,y achool. — ^-----0---------- Miss . Mary Sumner left this week'for her 'home' in Hertford, after a visit to Mrs, Lester M ar tin. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph of Greensboro, siient with Mr. and. Mrs. -R. aon. ■ . , Eduards, Sundny .L,.W il-. Mr. and Ml'S, John 'LeGrand and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Allison spent the week-end at Bridge water. ,------0------ Miss .Ruby Martin and Sulon Feree w ill leave Monday to ré- —------ , sume their studies at Higli Point spent Monday at Blowing Rock College. Mias Sara Hodges has just re turned to New York City after siiending' her vacation with her ljut'eiits. Colonel and Mrs. J. i). Hodges. I-----6----- Rev. W. I. Howell attended the Preabyteria.n Synod of North Carolina, which mot in the Church of the Covenant in Greenaboro thi.i week. ------:—0--------- BIr. and Mra; E. C. LeGrand Mr. and Mrs. John Locke, of lilbaville. Ashob'oro, spent Sunday with Mr. iCharlin Kimmor, of Liber- Misses Lilia and Cora . Austin, ty, spent the past: week-end with Mra, Locke was formerly Miss his brother, Mr. J. Fl Kimmer Mary-Nail of thia ¡place, a daiigh-|and family, ter of the late Alexander Nail.Mr. Ciarance Jurvi.s, who ivolds a position in the Twin City spent . L. G. Horn, and Labor Day with hia parents, Mr. C. T. Cooper and and Mrs. N. A. Jarvia. A number of rolatlve.s nnd Mr. nnd Mr Mr. nnd Mrs. ehildren, of Clemmons, spent'the week-end with relntives in Dills- friends gathered at tho home .of boro and Andrews. They al.so Mr. J, F. Kimmer Sunday, Sept. i nnd aon, Clinard, Jr., have moved |visited the Cherokee Indian Re- 3 and gave 'him a surprise birth-! here from Matthews, and are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. LeGrand. Miss Margaret Bell, Mrs. lUifus B. Sanford, nnd Mrs. J. K. Mero ney spent Wednesciny in Laurin burg with Miss Bell’s sister, Mra. M. L. John. Misses'Mary Allison and Elizn- beth Rumple, of T'routmnns, spent the week-end with Mr-, nnd Mrs. M. J. Holthouser and family. , ; -Harold Daniel will re-enter Cntnwbn College, Snli.sbury, next week. Misses Helen IDnniel nnd Ruth Daniel will enroll there ns students also. Miss Elizabeth Pierce, Miss Simmons nnd Mr. Robert Shaw, of Fayetteville, visited at the home of Dr. nnd Mra. J. \V. Rod- well Sunday. ----------о---------- Miss Addie Mne Caudell, Misa G'lndys Copei Bill'Howard nnd Everette Dennis, of Cooleemee, Misses Helen Holthouser and Emily Rodweli will lenve Mondny nnd other points. servation.day dinner in тефогу of his 50th ----------0---------- birthday. Richard Yates, who has had a Mr. I.,ester Shuler returned to position with Stnte College, Ra- th e' U. S. Forest Caps Monday leigh, this summer, is spending night after a visit with 'his several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Dave Shuler and C. 'N. Christian, before returning family for .several days, to Vanderbilt University, Nn.sh- Mr. Olin IBnrnhnrdt was a ville, Tenn. business visitor in High Point ----------0----------_ Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McBride ^ Misa Evangelene Shuler spent nnd thi-ей children, of Raeford, ц ^hiie Saturday at home. Miaa- were gueats of Mr. and Mrs. M. es Thelma and Doris Shuler ac- В. Stonestreet this week. Mrs. companied her to Higih Point fo» McBride is' a sister of Mra. the week-end with relativea. Stone.street, and was formerly ^ number of юиг people arc Miaa Svvannie Ratts. curing tobacco this week. MOCKS CHURCH NEWSMr. and Mrs. C, F. Melclvor iind Charlea, Misses' Shirley and Bettie Melchor, of Mooresville Beauchamp and .were guests of.. -and Mmdays la s t, B. .Whuatoi^ on Sunday atter- Cooleemee the guests of' noon. Mrs. Melchor was form eily jj^^^ther, Mrs. W. R. Sheek. Miss Lucy Culbertson.Mr. Melvin Jones, of Winston, , ,, „ -J., ia apendinir sometime with hisMr. and Mra. D. W. C n a ey of. ^ ^ FayettevUle, apent the week-end ^ , ’ »enuchamn.vmH, n r nnrl Mrs T W Rodweli Mra. G. F. BenuchampjMth Ul. and Mis. J. W.-llociwei^^ daugQiter apent Saturday in being called here by the death of •- the late J. D. Caaey. Miss Eliza-' beth Rodweli accompanied them to Fayetteville -for a visit. ------0------- spent Ruth Miss Lillian Mooney, who is in J Mrs. Mayo Wills, of Wnshing- --.....y j.vv,u>yvi.. >y... A,______ training at the Emergency Hos-,ton, I). C., and Mrs. Frank Rash, for Greensboro to enter Woman’s |pitnl, Washington, D. C., is spend- of Blackstone, Va„ are vimting College. ' ing her vacation vvith lier father, their sister, M'ra. Jack Alhson^ T-hoir brotlier, Mr. Chai'les W. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Luther and Miss Rochelle Luther,'of Snlis- bury, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. SiiftH McBee iitid Helen -McBee, of High Point, spent Monday with Mr. ,{ind Mrs. C. F. Meroney, Mrs. -R. C. Goforth and chil dren, Robert, Mary and Dorothy, have returned from a. visit to re latives in Lenoir. Mr. P, G. Brown had his tonsils i'«moved at Long’s Sanatorium this week, and is improving, Ave are glad to learn.Misaea Kathleen Craven and Miss Lula Betts, of Philadel- Sarah Thompsmi ^ Phia, viaited Mra. 'H attie Me- to re-enter ° Güiro and Mra. T, N. Chaffin the Miss Craven is a senioi and Mias ing her vacation with lier father, Mr. C. B. ^Ioonoy. ------------Q------------ Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Hahm and Mr. and Mrs. Lockhardt, of timmonsville, S. C. were the Q»i/1 TVrj’S. M. J Hoithou.aer Monday. Work is progressing on the re sidence of Mr. and- Mra. R. S. Mc Neill, which is 'b e in g .built on the site of their former 'home which waa destroyed, by fire. .---------o---------- Mrs. B. Lee Morrow and son, Bobbie, w'ho have been spending aeveral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Meroney, have returned to the.ir home in Albemarle. ----------o---------- Winston. Misa Annie' Ruth Jonea the week-end with Miaa Whitlove nt Welcome. ( Mr. George Mock doean’t seem ' to improve very much sorry to aie visiting chloe Jones is spending sometime in "Winaton-Salem, ths :^.“"®'^„"'!’ /^one‘' ' d i f ‘’ h ere’ Xiia AnenV“^ ^ i' I | 'Sone (lay neie inia j. -q . Allen, of Green-also spent week. M ia s F.thel Foster and H. L. wood was the gueat of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Phelps Satur- Fisher, of St. Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Marsnall McManus, of Char lotte, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Caudell. Mr. Fisher will leave soon for Tuscon, Ari zona, where he will spend tlie winter. Mrs. Alice K. Malcolmson, of Tyron, Mrs. Lizzie Eames, Mrs. Gettys Guille, Missea Lila Brown and Jennie Brown, of Salisbury, viaited Mrs. Julia C. Heitman one afternoon recently. Mrs. Malcolm son and Mrs. Heitman ’I’he.people here arii busy prim ing and curingi tobacco these days. Mias Mabel: Jones spent Satur day in Winston. Remember the Revival services which begins here Sunday morn- ingi at 1 1 o’clock. Miss Nannie Pearl Phelps is spending sometime with her aunt in Hamilton. , Three new trench silos 'have ................ ......... ___ w e r e 'been dug in Caldwell County,this I sdvooimatcR’ at Peace Institute. |summer, Haywood Powell has re-1 0______ cently completed one of 201 ton Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Stone ahd capacity in liis barn. Davie CoUn* S V ^ ir iO we bean tto AND- COLLEGii . ARE ¡OiPENING NO^V iip Students should 'be equipped with Pens, Psncils and other' necessary supplies when they enter. See us for Guaranteed Fountain Pens and other School Supplies. Thi.'i Item Will "Go On Auction October 7th, ^4.00 Thermos Bottle Any person over IG years of age may exchange this, coupon for one Mockaville D ollar-at LoGrand’s Pljar- macy. Let Ua Serve You, LeGrand’s Pharmacy “The JRexall Stor«" Phone 21 Mockaville, N. Buy your Meats and Groceries fresh from our store each day. Theae Itema will ' Go -On Auction October 7th. 4 5ÖC Baakets of Grocéries Any person over 16 years of a^e may. exchange this coupon for one Mocksville Dollar at Allison-Johnson Co. Allison-Johnson Co. PHONE 111 ,“WE DELIVER THE GOODS” MOCKSVILLE, N. C. YO U CAN SAVE M ONEY AT Horn Service Station ON Q U A LIT Y M ERCHANDISE Ну Power Anti Knock Gnaolinc, gul, .................................. 20c Penn Lance 100% Pure Ponn.sylvania Motor Oil, per qt.. 20o EKONOMIiE Motor Oil, Per qt. .................................... 16c Burn Bright Kerosene, per gal............................................... 12c Inquire For Wholesale Prices 13 Plate W illard Battery Exchange ................................. $0,96 Batteries Re-charged.............................................................. !?1.00 UNITED STA'l’ES TIRES AI’JD TUBES ' VULCANIZING AND GLASS WORK A SPECIALTY THESE ITEMS WILL GO ON AUCTION OCTOBER 7TH. 5 gal. Penn Lance 100% Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil, $4.20 Value, 6 gal. Kerosene nnd 6 gnl. Kerosene Can, -$1.88 Value. - 6 gal. Hy Power Anti Knock Gasoline, ?1.00, Value. Penn -Lance Oil Change in any car, $1.26 Value. IBiSB Any persbh over 16 years of age niay exchange this coupon for one Mockaville' Dollar ut Horn Service Statloh. GOOD REPAIRING COSTS NO M ORE Than Shoddy W ork, and Your Car W ill Last a Lot Longer. There’s very littie difference in the cost of car re pairing, whether you get the best or the worst. That’s why it is to your advantage to come to this shop where only the best materials are used by Ц 'expert v/orkmen. ~ V-'' Any person over 16 years of age may exchange this coupon for one Mockaville Dollar nt Sanford Motor Co. , This article will go on Auction October 7th,. $7.50 Motometer Ford Dealers Since 1913 I/ 16V(5 T! I к ih t LEXlNGTO;= THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C.Thursday, September 7, 1033 Iho B^^sville Enterprise liist SunÜvery Thursday at Mocksviile attende* North Carolina Banvi'’ Chinrr Qj-neycutt Editor and Publisher Subscription Ratos; $1.50 a Y ear; 6 Months 75 centg Strictly in Advanen Entered at the post office at Mocksviile, N. C., as s'^ond-clnss matter under the act of March 8/ 1879. ♦ « fr « * ♦ * #* * a '.‘•it ^ • tt ^ <* ^ » ÍÍ * NOTICE TO GENERAL PUBLIC This newspaper charges regular ad vertising rates for cards of thanks, resolution notices, Obituaries, etc,, and ■will not accept any thing less than 35 cents cash "vvith copy unless you have regular monthly accounts with us. We do not mean to be hard on any one, but small items of this nature force us to demand the cash with copy. All such received by us in the future.Avith- out the cash or stamps wHl not be pub lished.«» ,# .■№ # # H * * * if 4 * ■if 4f « 4f 4f # * * iiccksville, N. G., Thurs da j', September 7, 1938 * «»O'»«» « ^ Commit thy . wny unto the Lord; trust * also in him; and he shall bring it to ^ * pass .... Rest in tho Lord, and wait * patiently for him.—Psalrti 37:6 7. * » » » » »•*,*'«-» if # * * FINE HAY PROSPECTS There is as a' rule no ' e.xcuse for Davie County to ship a singlé bale of hay from out side in order to take care^ of- her needs. ’This is one of the finest sections for the production ■of hay in the entire state. And yet, it is very doubtful whether or not the county .produces enough hay for home consumption. However, this year wo trust .that Davio will harvest and save enough hay to take care .of her home needs. In- dicalions now arc that we shall have a fine hay !crop this fall. The August rains havo been most favorable and wo are urging upon oui' farmers to mako li special effort to gather and save, enough hay for liome use this fall. Wo ■ annually ■allow a lot of good hay to go to waste. Let us not do it this fall, but lot every farm er .fl’ee to It that before the frost comes he has'a bountiful supply of hay stored away in his barn. . :-----^ ^-^^—0------------------------------------ TRY SOME W lll'fEW ASH THIS FALL During the dry suiiny ,days of Autumn is a fine time to do’whitewashing, A little lime and a few pounds of salt and a bucket and brush ai'e «11 tlrat is reguircd, phis a few hours of work, to make the bai'ii and oiilbuildings look a hundred jier cent better. Nothing costing the same amount will add more to the ai)pearance of the farm than a good cnat of whitewash put on the barn and outbuildings. Moreover when put on during: dry sunny weather this whitu\vash will Jflst two or three years and do much to protect the buildings from damage hy the weather. Furthermore, an old farm home which has never been painted and which is now too old to paint' ican bo made lo look much bettei' by the'use of whitewash. Just a little cost— three or four dollars will make your buildings as white and «lean as a snow'hank. Try it this fall. -------------------------------0------------------------------ ..... MAY PAY TEACHERS MORE.................. A Raleigh news dispatch says that the state teachcr.s may got a slight raise: that thero is a plan ou foot to raise their pay 10 per cent. That ought to be done. It seems to us that the ■public school teacliers were cut more than any other class of state employees, land we see no .reason why. The state seems rather -liberal in giving two more months school, but when one figures the amount of the total cut-in teachers salaries it will be seen that after all most of that two months extra term is being given at the ex pense of the teachers, In other words we are iorcing our teachers to teach eight months at, about the same price as that we allowed them for si.\- months in the-past. So wo say the raise of tt;ii per cent would -be nothing mOre than the teachers should have. YES. IT IS AROUND THE CORNER We can’t speak with such certainty as to father sections of the country, but as.fo r Mocks viiie and IDavie County we can say that pros perity is no longer around the corner, but is even now walking in at' the front door. Any business man or organization in Mocksviile will tell you that there has been .such a.pick up in business during, the past fifteen days as to make the most sanguine gasp. Indeed you need go no further than watch the advertising columns of this paper to see that Merchants and business organizations of, Mocksviile are showing more signs of business hope. Yes, prosperity is now coming in at the front door. GREAT QUESTIONS KAPPA NEWS Tempe Sinoot. ------------------------------- I ----------------- 1 Mrs. W. F. H. Ketchie spent « On the seventh day of next Mesdames J. D. Walker, Joel while Monday afternoon with November, we as citizens of the Daywalt and Mrs. Grady Cartner Mrs. J. C. Wilson, state of North Carolina are going and children spent one day re- ] Mr. JCsse Wilson has been to the polls to vote fr r against cently with Mrs. A. F. Campbell, sufferingi for several .'days with the repetí f the 18th Amendment. | Mrs. Fred Cartner and children a sdre foot, his many friends will I hope you will use your better and Miss Minnie Koontz were be sorry to know. POSSIBLY 1ÍETTER ,0J1''F Mr. and Mrs. W. F. H. Ketchie spent Saturday in -Iredell with jurgement and horse sense. Don’t guest of Miss Mary Foster Fri- go wild or loose your judgement day afternoon. because other states are going Mr. and Mi's. H. C. Byerly, of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ketchie. wet. There is a tremendous Cooleemee, spent Sunday nightj Mrs. M. L. Godby is still im- stampede on among the masses, with Mr. and ivIrs. J. C. Wilson, proving at her home nt Couiity it ,secs for repeal. A stampede is' Mr. W. M. Walker, Mrs. R. L. Line, her many frinds are glad exciting, wild and dangerous. Keller and E. ’ M. Keller spent to know. | People loose their heads, their 'I'uesduy with Mrs. W. M. W alker, ' Mr. J. F. Cartner, spent Moii-. good common horse sense and at Morganton. Mrs. Walker re- tlay in Iredell County and attend- stampede because tiuisands of mains just about the same. ' jed the funeral and burial ,of Mr. others arc doing so. In voting for i Miss Mary Byerly, of Coolee- John Thomas, who died Suiida>- rei)eal, what are you voting for? mee, spent Sunday night with h e r -----------------^----------------- In the first place you are voting sister, Mrs. A. L. Smith. i Tcp-dre.ssing wheat.with nitn;- for liquor. If you have any reason A; M. ~ Kon fertilizer gave an Increa.'íííd about you and will tell the truth i Miss Minnie Koontz and Mrs. ¡yield of GVa bushels an acre in a at all, you kno.w this is so. Ke- F. E, Cartner and children spont demonstration conducted in Ca- peal means liquor, more liquor, Saturday afternoon with Miss tawba County. !an abundance of liquor, a nation That examination recently given by the sup reme court to 2 0 0 young men and women, ap plicants for licenses to practice law in North Carolina must have been a difficult one. Out of the 2 0 0 w h n stood the examination only 121 passed. The per cent to fail would seem much larger than form erly and indicates that either the test was much harder or the applicants were not'ris well prepared. Well; we are sorry for thdse who failed to pass, but they are possibly better off than most of those who did, for there are already about twice 'as manyj lawyers in this state as are needed.: ----------^-----1-------------0-----------------------— — PRESS COMMENT THE NEVER-ENDING WAR From The News-Herald ’i'ho American public has a war to fight every year. That war is against the accident meanace — in industry, the home, on the highways and elsewhere. This is n6t an empty parallel. Automobile accidents alone actually cost moro lives than war. They create as much suffering. They are even com])arable to war in the economic wiistij they entail. On a number of fronts this war has been successful. In the industrial field, tremendous progress ill'accident prevention has been made. The ro.ster of' iinportant indu.'^tries which ope rate for months a f a stretch without a single mishap ,oi importance, is constantly growing The life and health of workers in every pro duction field has never been better guarded— because management has .been tireless in in stilling the doctrine of safety-first into its em ployes. ^ That is also true of children of school age. Thousands of young lives have been saved through.^courses on caution and accident pre vention. The great failure has been in the field of the’ automobile. Most years have seen decisive ad vances in the number of deaths and injuries- over the last. Reductions, the few times they havo occurred, have been small. T'he reckless and inconsiderate driver has scored victory after victory. The 'result is that our public streets and highways have become j)laces of carnage. The never-ending war against accident must be fought with increasing vigor if it is to succeed. The dangerous driver is Public Enemy Numljer 1 .- 'Tie should be given the treatment he deserves. PLAN TO SELL THE VIEW FROM BLOWING ROCK If you posse.ss a morbid curiosity . . . like murders and suicides and much . . . just drive over to Blowing Hock and lake a look at the butchery that a couple of well-inlentional busi ness men havo i)Ul across on a gullible citizenry. Yes, they’ve built a fence right dab along the comb of the mountain, shearing the rock almost in half, and, lo add insult to injury, built a re freshment parlor in the midst of the inspiring scenery where in future years, the odor of ham burgers .and hot-dogs will meet and co-mingle with the flower-laden mountain zephrys. Not in the memory of man has greater sacrilege been committed, for the Lord never intended that his handiwork shoiilrl ho ovnlnit»fl i-i> cursed with liquor. A nation, j blighted and damned with liquor I because we know positively that jit is one of the greatest curses that the world has ever known. In jvotiiiff for repeal, you are voting ¡for drun.kenness. Certainly liquor makes people drunk". The more of it that is turned loose, the more , drunkenness we shall see. If re -. peal means less liquor, why do the wets want repeal? You know and thoy know. They want more liquor and more liquor. They v/ant legalized liquor so they can carry on their cursed business and be free from the law. In | voting for repeal you aro voting for the wreck and ruin of our youth, bth boys and giiMs, for girls will drink like sailors. You know young people are wild enough but when they, are tanked | up on liquor, they will be much | wilder and more reckless. God i pity the young iboys and girls of' our land when liquor is turned I loose upon them,, In voting for repeal, you are voting for wreck'- ed homes. Liquor is a home des troyer, you know this is the truth. We already have wrecked, blight-, d homos found all over our coun-j try and to legalize the thing th at, is so poisonous and viperous and turn it loose with full reign, is | preposterous. What has become of the reason of America? When, our homes . are wrecked our government is wrecked. When our homos arc wrecked, cursed and blighted, our churches • and schools are wrecked. In voting for Vepeal, you are voting to tako ^ the hard earned nioney out of the hands of jnillions of working ' men' and imt it in tho United , States 'I'reasury or a littlo part of ' it; fo r most of it w ill go to the men who deal in the cursed stuff. ; Instead of our nation’s treasury, you are voting to take the clothes off the backs f countless numbers of little children and food out of their mouths. Yu-are vting to pull .•¡own and crush thousands '0i wives,, many of them whom will be widows, their husbands will drink thofselves lo death, gtt killed in aut'omobllfis, or- shot to pieces. Sure you are voting to dake widows. You are voting to break the hearts of unknown thousands of uolhers and bring theu to their graves. You are voting to make multitudes of precious little children' orphans, and turn them loose upon a cold and morciles.s world to go to the devil. Our rphanages now are crow/ied to the limit. Pray tell mo,_ whjit, ,M!L,J,t..he.„,:whon is turned ioosc to the world lo kill' the. fathers nf our country. In vting for liquor, you are vot ing for crime lor theft, robbery, ' lawlessness, bloodshed, man- i slaughter adultry, rape and m ur-‘ der. Yes you vote for liquor. You vole to murder little children, helpless.wives and mothei's, bro thers, sisters and fellow citizens. You are voting to fill our jail houses to overflowing, crowd our chain gangs and pack our peni tentiaries. What will it cost (uir country? Don’t you know that the revenue our government expects, to receive? J. R. FOSTER Mocksviile Hardware Co. Says— BUY NOiW! Prices are advancing on all lines. .We are holding prices down just as low as is consistant with good jnerchandising. We are selling some Hardware at mucli less than wci can replace. Our stock is complete. Plow repairs for Oliver, Chalta, Syracuse, Vulcan Imperial. Dairy Supi)lies. Kitchen Utensils. Paints, Enamels, Stains for oiilside and inside. Furniture for L iv in g Room, Bed Room, Dining' Room, Kit chen. AVhiie we do not carry everything, we usually have what you want and at a price you can afford to pay. When making y o u r purchases ask for Mocksviile Dollars and be here Oet. 7th I'or the big Auction Sale on the square,' Your Mocksviile Dollars will be good at this sale for any purchase you make. Any person over 1(! years of age may exchange this cou[)on for one Mocksviile Dollar at Mocksviile Hard ware Co. ■isr ^This article will go on Auction October 7th. 1 If'i.OO Thermos Bottle “THE 3'1’ORE OF TODAY’S BEST” M ocksviile H ardw are G o. PATRONIZE YOLÜÎ HARDWARE STORE CLOSING OUT ¿hop As You PI ease S0.M'ETrMI3 YOU WA'NT 'I'O HURRY WITH YOUR SHOPPUN.G..............SOMETIME YOU WANT T'O LOOK THINGS O V E R..............WAIT FOR fiO^METHlNG. YOU SMOP AS YOU PLEASE'HERE, NO ONE TO HURRY YOU. e v e r y t h in g: ON DISPLAY AND PRiOED IN PLAIN FIGURES, AND YOU SAVE MONEY ON EVERY PUR CHASE. CURE FOR PROFANITY Johnny, who had acquired the 'J’O BUY RUBBERS TO BUY SCHOOL SHOES TO BUY WINTER SWEATERS TO BUY WINTER UNDERWEAR TO BUY CHILDREN’S HOSE TO BUY THAT DRESS ’Г0 BUY THAT WIN'l’ER COAT TO BUY MEN’S SUITS TO BUY WORK SHORg T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 7 , 1 9 3 3 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C I C S V I L L E . N . C , WHO HIT HUEY Who hit Huey Long? That Seems as hard a problem lo solve as the one, “Who Hit Billy I-attei'soM,” Some -une blackened his eye at a night club some days ago, hut so far Huey ha.sn’t told who it was and the fellow who socked the Kin^rfish in the e,ve hasn’t told on himself. So the ncw.sjia))er reporters are having a big time tryiii^i. 1(1 I’imi i.Hit who hit Huey Long. And they arc a campaign to rai.se funds' with луЬ1с'11 lo buy a gold medal for the pei'son who (!id sucli a neat job, if and when they find -out who it v.-as. cially-mindcd g.entiy . . . especially Blowing Rock, the fame of which lias spread world-wide. And, there’s a rumor afloat that by next season those who desire to reveal in the riotous visla of beauty that lies benealli the ancient land mark, will be asked lo plank down a (juarler for the peei). Shades of Julius Cae.sar . . . «in’t it awful? While there’s nothing we can do about the matter, we proffer the guess that if such out rages as this are permitted for the next few years, some wise gu,y will come forward луНЬ a scheme to place a strong iron fence around tho Rock of Ages, and extract at least a dollar from pious pilgrims .who wi.sh to cleave thereto,— Watauga Democrat. Miauit oi using profane languago quite extensively, was warned by his mother never lo say sucl; M’ords again or she would pack his clothes and turn him out. Johnny promised his mother that he wouldn’t, but it was not very long until .she heard him swear and she immediately packed his elothes and put him out of the house. The boy stood on the steps tor approximalely an hour, his mother watching him from the window, and finally she .opened the door and asked him why he did not leave. "I was wondering where the hell I would go,” he replied. ! ■ These Items will Go On Auction October 7th, 1 —Suit Case 1—Ladies Knit Dross 1—Pair Work aiiocH Any person oyer IG years of age may exchange this coii])on for one .Mocksviile Dollar at Hendricks and Martin. B u y H ere and S A V E в BIUH 4 Mocksviile, N. C. i. / K List O f Elementary Books Adapted for Basal Use in the Davie County Schools P t t S W T First Grade Primer, Playtime Primer, Playfello\ys Book One, Good Times First Reader, Friends to [Correlated ‘Handwriting, pendum 1 . Palmer, W riting Lessons for Pri mary Grades, Grade One Make Com- Miss Mossa Eaton, of Raleigh, spent ^thc|^ week-end here with her mother. Miss Frances Rands and small sisters. Phyllis and Mary And- ray, ,of Washingiton, D. C., ar- r 1 i * t iA 1 lived la.st Saturday for a 'weeks Jndustrial and Applied A rt Books'visit with relatives here and at Mocksviile. The Revival CANA NEWS KEEPS CORPSE OF HUSBAND AT HOME Court House dOor of Davie No 1 Second Griide Book Two, The Open Doer ,‘^.',econd Reader, Trips to Take The McCall Speller, Book 1 Correlated Handwriting, Compen- diim 2 Meeting ,wijs In progress at Eatons church for ten days closed on Tuesday niiiht ,cf last week with a bap- itismal service at which nine Palmer, W riting Lessons for P n H th r’chin°h''^Rer^ ‘'e^eived into mary Grades, Grade Two ifj[j Industrial and Applied A rt Books, No 2. ' Sedalia, Mo. — The grave that was dug for iC. L, Baker still was empty today, thirty days after his death. “I coulfln’t bear lo think of havingi his body' covered with dirt,” said his widow, “so I just brought it home.”. The casket, sitting in the par lor of the Baker home, awaits completion of a mausoleum that will not be ready for ano|iher month. i\Ioanwhile, a refrigeration whiVh ill the room wher« .the body is kept. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Progressive Music Series, Book 1 Hollis Dann Music Course, First Year Third Grade Bcok Three, Storyland Third Reader, The Treasure Box Open Door Language, Third Grade T’he New (Day> Arithmetics, Third Year The M-cCall'Speller, Book 1 Cori'elated Handwriting, pendum 3 ; Palmer Method Handwriting, Grade 3 ^ Industrial and Applied A rt 'Books, No. 3 .Progressive Music Series, Book 1 Hollis Dann Music Course, Se cond Year - Fourth Grade The Study Readers, Fourth Year IBook Open Door Language, Fourth Grade The New Day Arilihmetic, Fourth Year The 'McCall Speller, Book 1 Journeys in Distant Lands Boys and Girls o£ Wake-Up Town Correlated Handwriting, Com pendium 4 Palmer Method Handwriting Grade 4 Industrial and Applied A rt Books, No 4 Progressive Music Series, Book 2 ■ ■ IHollis Dann (Music. Course, 'I'hird Year iPlfth Grade The Study Readers, Fifth Year Book • Open Door Language, 5th Grade The New Day Arithmetics, Fifth Year United States and Canada .First Book in United Stales His- toi*y ■ The McCall Speller, Book 11 Malden Health Series, Health Correlated Handwriting, Com pendium 5 Palmer Method Handwriting, Grade 5 C. II. Patrick preachiULr and proved to a young! man of splendid abi lity, fearle.ss- to proclaim the word yet gentle and sympathetic in presenting the truth. Miss Gladys Cain went to the Baptiat-hospital ^n Wednesday of last week, where she had her tonsils removed. She is at home agiain and is recoverinit nicely from the operation. Miss Evelyn Howard has re turned to Salisbury after a weeks Com- with home folks here. I Miss Matalene Collett left Monday for Mars Hill Junior College. Mrs, Mattie Sheek, from -Nor folk, Va-., Mrs Harmon Smith and members of her family from Watauga county, with Mr. Wade Furhes and family from Far mington, visited relatives here -On last Sunday morning. -Mr. W. B. 'Naylor celebrated his 85th birthday August 29th. Many friends called during, the day and especially In the evening to congratulate him on his long life and splendid health. He re ceived a number of useful and valuable gifts. Misses Orphah and Ruth An gell, lof Mocksviile, were I'ecent guests of their cousins. Miss Knthleen and Henrietta Howard. A number o£ -our people at- tendled the prohibition' meeting held at Mocksviile Courthouse last Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. T. Angell, of Mocksviile, held service at Eatons church last Sunday in the absence of the pastor. Mr. Angell has many friends here, who were glad to have him -with us and hope he may eome again. I'he mail service has been re organized hero. Cana Route 1 has been consolidated with Mocks viile, Route 2 with J. A. Daniels carrier. Cana Route 2 becomes Cana Route 1 with J. G. Ferebee carrier. R. W. Colielle for many years carrier on Route 2 has been transferred to Advance. The will probably become ef- Under and by the virtue of the power and authority contain ed in that certain Deed of Trust e.xecuted on the first day of June 1915 by Henry Neely and wife Alsey Neely to J. B. John stone trustee, and recorded in book 14, page 324, in the office of tho Register of De.eds for Davie County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured by said 'Deed of Trust, and at the request of the owner and holder of the said note se cured by Deed of Trust, the un dersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the County In the town of Mocksviile, N, iC., on Saturday tho ICth day of September 1933 at 12:00 o’clock noon the certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in Fulton Township, Davie County, N. C. and more particul arly described as follows: Beginning at a stone on south side of branch, thence South 40 poles to a stone. W ill Wrights corner in Smiths line, thence East 46 poles and 10 links to a stone Smiths corner, thence North 4 degrees. Bast 36 poles to stone on south side of branch, thence down the meanderings of the branch 50 poles to a stone, the beginning corner containing by estimation 11 acres and 04 poles more or less. For more particular descrip tion see Deed by S. C. Benson and wife to W. A. Massey and wife i;ec6rded in book 20, pago 31, office Register of Deeds for Davie County, N. C. The sale v.'ill stand open 10 days for upset hid as by law pro vided. 'rime of sale—September 16, 1933. Place of sale—iCouvt House Door. Terms of sale—Cash. This August 12, 1933. ■J. B. JO'HNSTO-NE 8 24 41. trustee Jacob Stewart, Attorney. /' Trade with the merchants that advertise In the Enterprise. For twenty years we have served «he people of Davie Coun ty as Fu4t\eral Directors, and never before have wo been ao Well Equipped, or had so wide a variety of styles and iprfces as we now have. CALL US AT ANY HOUR G. a YOUNG & SONS I COTTON W e have just rebuilt the cotton gin near the overhead bridge and now have a mo dern and convenient cotton gin. COME TO SEE US. Mncnif RIIFRYv « r % r i i i M l ■ .•■ « h i« I Near Overhead Bridge South Mocksviile, N. C. GRADY SAIN, Mgr. aiid W eiglier Notice Of Sale Of Lands In The Town Of Mocksviile And Mocksviile School Diistrict Under and by virtue of the power conferred by section 8014 consolidated statute of North Carolina and ammendments thereto, I will sell at public sale at the Court House door in Mocks viile, N. C., on Monday, the 11th day of September 1933, between the hours 12:00 o’clock noon and 4:00 p. m., the following lands whose owners are delinquent in payment of their taxes for the year 1932 taxes due the town of Mocksviile and the Mocksviile School District. Sons Estate ¡change Applied Series; Book Course, Year Industrial and Books, No. 5 Progressive Music 11 Hollis Dann Music 'Fourth 'Year Sixth Grade The Study Readers, Sixth Book Open iDoor Language,' 6th Grade The New Day Arithmetic, Sixth Y'ear Europe and Asia A Young People’s History of North iCarolina Our Ancestors in Europe, Cleanliness and'Health Oiiir Diual Goverririent *■ The McaCll Speller. Book 11 Correlated Handwriting, Com- pendum 6. Palmer Method Handwriting, Grade G Industrial and Applied Art Books, INo. 6 Progi'essive ilvlusic Series, Book , III Hollis Dann Course, Fifth Seventh Grade fective sometime in October. I 'Jimmy, young son of Mr. and Mrs. iFlake Pope, who has been here for the past two months, re turned last Sunday to his home at Spencer. He was accompanied by his uncle, M. 'D'. Pope and his family. One Discovery Alone Justifies The Statement that L-K (usually called Liver Kick) -is the greatest known pres-., criptlon for high blood pressure, constipation, sluggish or torpid liver. Many laxatives and purgatives will cleanse, the small intestines and give temporary relief — but that is not enough. Constipation is a serious condi tion and is directly responsible for more forms of ailments than all other causes combined.The Boys’ and Girls’ Readers iSeventh Reader You can give your lower or large Open Door Languag«, Seventh intestines an internal bath and Grade 'rectify the very cause of eonstl- The New Day Arithmetic, Se- pation. venth Year ' Southern Lands A History of the People of the United States ■ '■S !U«r D-unl '.Gcvornmor.t The MdCall Speller, Book Con-elated Handwriting, pendium 7 Industrial and Applied Books, No. 7 Progressive Music Series, IV Hollis Dann Music Course, Year Dr. G. A. Foster tirelessly ex perimented for over ten years and found a combii\ation of drugs Iwhich would reach'the lower in- ---------|testines‘ wThou't ..ubsorouu. T,T iHIs unparalleled success in this rom experiment may now be pur chased under the name of L-K, which is rapidly gaining the name of a miracle prescription. Pub L-K to the test and you too, like thousands of others, will call It a miracle prescription. Sold By A rt Book Sixth When shifts of the tid e killed thousand« of small fish in the river hear New Bern .recently, the county agent noliified his farmer friends to come haul them hom e for fertilizer. Trucks were busy for several days. LeGrand’s Pharmacy Mocksviile, N. C. Cooleemee Drug Co. Cooleemee, N. C. Name Allen, E. V. Allen, Mrs. Maud Allen, J. J. Anderson, Flora E. Anderson, R. P. Angell, Mrs. C. J. Angell, C. J. Benson, F. K. Boyles Realty Co. Brock, B. 0. Brown, M. D. Sr. Brown, M. D. and Brown, M. D. Jr., Brown, P. G. Brown, D. H. Brown, C. S. Call, Walter L. Cartner, J. W. Carter, F. M.~ Carter, J. L. Estate Cartright, T. L. Caudell, Mrs. T. I. Caudell, T. J. Cornatzer, Clyde Cozart, F. W. Crawford, J. G. iDaniel, Mrs. J. S. Daniel, J. S. Daniel & Ijames Dunavant, H. J. Estate Dwiggins, M. L. Baton, W. H. Eidson, W. B, Elam, C. B. Ellis;.Lizz|p,,Eatate_........ Fry, R. L. Godby,,.J. C. Grant, A. T. Green, J. P. Milling Co. Griffin, W, A, Hall, A. E. Hearn, W. M. Heirs Hellard, G. C. Hendrix, T. M. Henkle, C. V. Heirs Hepler, Mrs. C. B. Hines, S. H. Hodges, -Rosa Holton, J. L. Howard, D. C. Howard, G. L, Hunt, E. E. Estate Ijames, R. M. Johnson, Mr£(. L. D. Jones & Walker Lanier, Mrs. D. G. T.nninr. H. H ._______ LeGrand’s Pharmacy LeGrand, J. P. > Martin, T. L. Meroney, W. R. Hrs. Meroney, H. C. Mocksviile Motor Co. Mooney, C. B. Moore. J. F. Guar. Moore, J. F. Moore, W. L. McGuire, Hattie McCulloh, V, V. Pass, M. D. Poacock, Mrs. W. K. Poole, R. D. Poole, Edna Potts, W. T. Rodwell, Dr. J. W. . 4.47 . .13 $32.79 $ .98 66.78 1.00 107.28 3,22 304.72 9.1-li - 37.80 1.03 26.15 .73 ■; 45.98 1.38 9.45 .28 ' 27.65 .83 .32.92 .99 29.93 1 .10, .63 .02 42.60 1.28 16.41 .49 2,24 .. .07 9.G0 .29 , 52.11 1.66 94.19 2.83 17.64 .53; 18.90 .57 34.12 1.02 71.63 2.16 12.60 .38 13.92 .42 15.31 .46 8,0(i .24 75.86 2.28 16.68 .49 12.60 .38 21.38 .64 12.16 .36 22.68 .67 11.90 .36 .........._72.80...-...Й.18 . 33.58 1.01 16.38 • .49 Í 243.05 Ш 174.89 6i25 25.40 Л6 3.316 Л 0 4.78 .12 9.64 .29 54.00 1.27 12.60 .38 5.04 .15 3.40 .16 16.7P .47 24.76',74 21.36 .64 1.89 .06 61.48 1.84; • . 28.42 .85 40.73 1.22 44.42 1.33 8.82 ,26 20.28 : -611,"П{ 6Ù.9»Í.8S 9.24 .26 34.02 1,02 69.54 1.79 50.40 1.51 1.89 .06 111.74 3.35 '! 94.41 Й.83 32.76 ,97 22.35 .(57 16.12 .46 62.75 1.68 ■ 2.46 .. .07 9.27 .28 • 25.66 .77 1.72 .05 Total 4.60 $33.79 68.68 110,50 313.86 38.83 26.93 47.36 9.73 28.43 38.91 31.03 .65 43.88 16.90 2.31 9.89 53.67 97.02 18.17 19.47 35.41 73.78 12.98 14.34 15.77 8.30 78.14 17.18 12.98 22.02 12.51 i23.35 112.26 ..74.98. Sanford, II. A. Sanford, E. C. Sanford, M, G. (Mrs. H. A.) Seaford, C. H. Sheets,. C. M. Sheek, Mrs. G. W. Smith, W. N. Smith, A. V. Tomlinson, C. H. Tomlinson Chevrolet Co. Vanzant, C. G. Wagoner, J, A. Wagoner, A, A. Walker, G. G. Walker, R. G. Wlnecoff, S. F. Williams, 0. L. Veneer Co, Young, 'r. M. Barringer, Luther Bell, Mattie Brown, Ernest Brown, -Hannah Brown, J. F, Brown, Mary A. Burse, Hettie Burse, G. B. ., 'Cain, Jennie Carter, Chester Clark, Bettie Clement, Geo. Clement, Giles Clement, Genova Clement, Frances Cement, Charlotte Clement, Rachael Clement, Frank ----- COLORED 34.59 • Gox, A. P. 16.87 Day.. Willie ' . ' 250.34 -Foster, Robert Poster, R. M. Purches, Freolove Furches, Mollie Gaither, Julia. Gaither, J. W. Estate Gaither, Elijah Gaither, Elijah, (Guardian Hunt Heirs) Gaither, Frances, Estate Garret, Sarah Jane Garret. Pleas Gibson. Sophie Gorrell, Nora A. , Haneline, S. L. Hanes, Spencer Harris, Duska Holman, Lula ' ; Houston, Frank, Estate -,;;,«0.14 ^C;’26.1G ' 3.46 4.90 9.93 65.72 12.98 6.19 3.56 116.22 25.50 22.00 1.94 63.33 -29.27 41.95 45.75 ■ 9.08 20.89 — :sh.h;v 77.94 2,34 D^.OJL 9.G0 85.04 61.33 51.91 1.96 115.09 97.24 83.73 ■28.02 1Б.67 64.38 2.53 9.55 26,42 • 1.77 80.28 rjamesr Elisha Johnson, W ilkie D. , lierr. J'ulia iKimbrough, Dinnah Lash, M. V. . Malone, W ill Patterson, Emma ,T. Pettigrew, W. A. Smoot, Adelaid Smoot, E. L- Steele, iForresfc Thomas, Mary, Estate VanEaton, Annie Wlsemnn VanEaton, Simeon Woodruff. Henry This the 9th. 206.29,6.19' 212,48 82.13 .96 33.09’ 183.33 5.50 188.8» 8.40 ,25 8,01» 2.-62 .08- 19.22 . .58 19.8» 30.34..91 31,25 , 3.78 : - .11 3.8» 45.80 1.38 '47.18 3Í.41 .94 82.85 11.67 .36 12.02 3.78 .11 3.69 ‘.'4;54 .14 4.68 196.31 :' 5.89 202,20 55.42 l ;66 57.08 2.39 .07 2.4ff 96.96 2.91 99.87 85.60 1.07 36.67 .42 ■ .0 1 /Л9 4.04 ,14 4.18 ' Ш .05, l.SS 6.80 ' .20 '7.00 26.20 ■.7ft .20,90, ■ 6.8».20 ■ 7,0» .7.71 .23 7.94 11.47 .34 11,81 1.26 .04 1.80 4.20 .13 4.33 6.04 . .15 Б.1 Э- 2 .11 .06 2,17. 2.67 .08 2.65 3.62 .11 3.7» 11.34 - .34 ,11.68 8.51 .26 8.77 11.34 .3,4 11.68 .l-iywi;:.;9.34 6.04'' .15"- 5.19 4.54 , .14..V..4.63 12.12 .36 ■ 32.48 29,7}.89,,.30.60 G.sa .20 7.00. 6.80 .201 7,00 8.88ч .24 9.12 5.82 -.17 6.99 3.26 .10 3.3G 6.60 .17 '■ 5.77 7.94 .24 8.18 ■ .76 .02 .78 11.34 .34:11.88 5.67 ,17i'.! 6.84 11.34 34 11.68 12.40 .37 12.77 14.71 .44 16,15 5.6ТГ ,17 ■6.84 1.26 ,041 1.30 9.07 .27 S.34 5.67 .17 5.84 6j80 .20 7.0» . : . 'Í.&tí, ' á.ú'í îc.a4 ' 161.20 4.641 155.74 7.76 .28 8.01 2.52 .08 2.60 9.07 .27 ' 9.34 •167 .14 4.81 12.39 .37 32.76 6.49 .19 .6.68 12.61 .38 12.99 2.52 : .08^2.60 S.78 : ,11 3,8»- 7.42 ' . . .22 7.G4“- 1 , Î ■ Í ''I'I 'î '1- ..I * i'if s • a Г:;| Tl J day of August, li>33, J. M. HORN CITY TAX COLLECTOR " T-I o r i i в ‘ il ’I I < » « 1^' • îl) î Ч‘ V'SÍrv> V ■■ г r J i'1 fp >' li ¿ 4 Í ■ ш ■f.:' ® s ■!':■: : j: s : i ;Г' ■ i-'ííf': 'i'^ 'i])'' i W ’ THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. С.Thui'sday, September 7, 1933; •S'Wf ч- ' -i''- ... NEW FALL M ERCHANDISE i n V#E PO OUR 1Р>А№У W e a r e n o w s h o w i n g a c o m p l e t e l i n e o f N e w F a l l M e r c h a n d i s e . O u r b u y e r s p e n t t w o w e e k s i n t h e n o r t h e r n m a r k e t s b u y i n g o u r s t o c k s b e f o r e t h e l a s t a d v a n c e - - t h i s s a v i n g i s p a s s e d o n t o y o u - - i n t h e p r i c e o f o u r n e w m e r c h a n d i s e . Ladies^ New Fall Coats A Great Showing Of New Coats Pretty Sport Coats without fur $9.95 Pretty Sport Coats with fur $15.00 All the new shades in fur-trimmed Coats $9.95 to $19.75 Any of the above Coats bought today would be 20^6 higher. Millinery Department The season’s latest creations in millinery is here. Visit our Mil linery Department-»“you will be surprised a t t h e moderate prices. Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Dept. W onderful Dress Values! I All that is new in dresses. Travel crepes, ^ Satins and many other materials. A ll ^beautifully tailored, all sizes and types- size 14 to 52. Y our most exact demands can be satis fied from our large seiection of dresses. Men’s New Fall Suits See our new Suits. All bought before the last advance in price. You can buy the very latest styles and fabrics for practically the old price. By all means, see our new Suits be fore buying your Fall Suit. New Pinchback and Hollywood styles for young men. The price range is $9.95 to $18.00 No Better Values to be found anywhere. ■a— BBiwiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiwii iii lllaцNBBмa■ll^^^ll■lHl»^^ Men’s Felt Hats See our new Felt Hats— most reason ably priced. Shoe Department Our Shoe Department was never better stocked than now. W e purchased more than two thousand pairs of Shoes last May before the advance and we are glad to advise you that these savings which are 20% to 25%' will all be passed on to you. You cannot afford to miss this saving on your fall shoes. Every Style and Kind for any member of the family. We cordially invite you to visit our store. See our merchan i y j g •turn,■tiw M и'и-чуц yuu C1Ö liiio we icnow wiiöit tileX result will be. 1 N. LEDFORD COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORE fA V I E COUNTY’S LARGEST AND BEST STORE COOLEEMEE, N. 'G. itivuuA,- '■Vi ,ü]r'^ Parte County’s Best Advertising Medium "THE NEWSIEST NEWSPAPBS IN DAVtE—ТНЙ BEST FOR ТИК SUBSCRIBER AND ADVBRTIBEir volume 55 _TRI]TH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITV TO OUR COUNTRY AND OUR FLAG IS AND OUR PURPOSE Read By The People Who Are Able To Buy MOCKSVILLE, N. C;. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1933 Many Mocksville Dollars I HOUSE^S?TORDAY Np. 45 Finding W ay Into Pockets ■ SEl’TEMBER GOOD MONTH TO BUY NOTICE TO GUNNERS Prohibition iQucstion To Be Subject SURFACED SOON which _________ as follows: October lat to Dec ember 31st—^Squirrel. O'possum—November 1st to Jan uury 31st. I’ersoiis .With iBiggest Rolls Will Get Merchandise A t Bi¡ii Auction The big sales campaign, spon- Qi(i(l by 10 Mocksville firms, wnicli began August 31, will cciiie to a close on October 7th. chiiii a huge auction sale will be lield. Hundreds of dollars worth valuable and usable merchan- (liso will be offered at the auc tion to the highest bidders. The i ruary 20th. only money which will be good Quail—November 20th to Feb- at tlie auction will -be..Mocksville niary 20th Uollai-., Uight not it appears that closed season on Beaver, Buf- cevera thousand dollars n <•,,,■ „.i, oui fck»vill„ ™ . . , .vill te In cU- “M„lall™, « th. time „t th. .u=-| viiese Mocksville Dollars may ■ ^'oopers-Halk be .scoured fro'm any of these 10 i^honr-Shinned Hawks Crows, i,m.s when you make purchases Bbiek-R.rds ,.n,i Hn.vnwi« _ We are adviaed by Mr. J. C. Colonel J.’d. Hodges diro'-torworking Of the prohibition m"o"Jen;^\^^^ "“i f n . ' “ ___________I^avie county, .has requested us to ' L I o f i ,, .announce that there will be al l' . u Highway De- Open season for Central zone,'mass meeting at the Court Iiouse has-'assured him that m h lncl.de, D „ „ Connty, l,;«n S.lnrd/y X , n . ‘ . T l 1 “; “ "t ‘ S “ '■■i;'»“ ''. „ o’clock, to discuss this issue a 1 ccrdial invitation is given both “»«tn’ent of Federal sides to attend. Bear—October 1 st to January 15th. Deer—October 15th to Decem ber 15th. Rabbit—November 20th to Feb- rom them or pay your account.I am Only allowed G Stationary F o r every dollar you pay them, ¡License Selling Agents in the liuy will give you one Mocks- C«unty, and I have appointed as ille be liar. The person with the arrest number of Mocksville Dollur.s will be able to buy the most merchandise at the sale on )ctober 7th. follows to date, John P. LeGrand, Druir Store, Mocksville, I, G. Ro berts. near Cana; ;D. D. Bennett, Cornatzer, Arthur Shutt, Advance J. M. Livengood, Fork Church. .September is a m ighty good Deputy Warden’s, Jake Douthit, ¡me in which to buy your fall F«rm ington and John F. Riden- md wintor merchandise. Prices of Cooleemee. ¡have already advanced material- County license 60c, State li- ily but October 1 Is the date ‘¡««se $2.10. Combination Hunting '«•iiich has been set by many »«‘I fishing $3.00. An act passed miinufaeturers to raise prices, l).v the last Ixjgi.slation, makes it ai!iun. It is apparent that the .>'"l«wtul to hunt with gun or .new (leal program which was in- ?" tlie lands of another with BiuKiuriited by the present ad- ““t first having obtained permis- nmiistration recently is going to,»*«" i»'oni the owner. So, get your a bit; success, and since ono before going )f tho aims of the program is hunting. Buy now and be ready t'lu; laislng of prices on all basic cnmmodities, it is jierfectly ira- tiual lo expect all prices to ad vance until they are on a parity «■Itli tho now wiige scale. Persons i'ho buy merchandise in Sejitein- bor will find that they have saved considerable money. Practically every person in when the season opens. A. E. HBNDRIX, Game Warden MISS LUCY L. 'ГАТиМ, . OP FARMING’I'ON, DEAD Davie Tobacco Growers Sign Up W ith A Bang STATE WIDE FIDDLERS CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT MOCKSVILLE SEPT. 30 The Old Time State Wide Fid dlers .Convention will be held in money, going as far as they can.,the Court House in Mocksville, When- Davie’s allotment is used Saturday night, Sept. 30th'. at 8 they will start at Yiidkinville p. m. Cash and merchainliae and come toward Mocksville as prizes will be ^iven as prize«, far as Yadkin a allotment of Fed- Proceeds will go for the benefit of the Mocksvile Base Ball Club. Everybody is invited to attend. Miss Lucy Leah Tatum, belov- "'‘*1 Permit. When ed Farmington woman, and'^®*'^ counties allotment« have member of a well-known Davie eonvicts will finish county family, died at her home >*' money is not avail- in Farmington township on I'ri- "hjo. day morning, Sept. 8th, follow ing II stroke of apoplexy, aged 08 years, 9 months and 10 days, being born Ml Nov. 29th, 1804. She was the daughter of Samuel 0. Tatum and Mary Rich Tatum, of Davie. For a number of years SMITH GROVE HOME COMING DAY GREAT OCCASION We congratulate Mr. Sanford on, the work that he has been do- Hundreds of people gathered mg on this project. We, are sure at historic Smith Grove on Sun- that the whole county will ap preciate what Mr. Sanford hiw done in getting th is' road hard surfaced. He has spent much of she had been a teacher, and also his time in the interest of our at one time had a position with county. If it had not been for Mr. the Baptist Orphanage in Thom- Sanford working so faithful, pro- asville. jbably this road would have not She joined Eaton’s Bapt'st '^cen fini'shed. SSOP .5 S i ^ o “ i 5 ^D A V I« COUNTY WHEAT GROWERS The close of the wheat acreage day to attend the Home Coming at the Methodist c'hurch, a fine program .beinj{ arranged by the On Monday, Sept. 11 at tho Court House in Mocksville the Davie t'obacco growers met with Mr. Ellis, Emergency County Agent to discuss the tobacco laere- age reduction and to go' over the tentative tobacco contract. The contr^icts for tobacco acre age reduction arrived in the county Moiiduy morning and be fore night several contracts had been signed. Among those sign- inK at the meeting were J. B,. Cain, S. R. Beasent, A. W. Fere bee, G. A. Sheets and others. It was decided at this' meeting' to hold community me^ings at the I'ollowing places to e.-oplain the plan and get signatures on contracts. These must be com pleted by Friday of this week. Following is a schedule of to- pastor. Rev. M. G. Ervin, of 'hncco meetings to be held in IFarmington; Smith G'rove is the l^he County. Wc will have copies site of a famous old camp-meet- tobacco acreage reduction con ing «round, which was started in 1826. and for sixty years an nual camp-meetings were held tracts and explain the tobacco acreage reduction program. Wedne.^day afternoon, 4:00 p. Farmington Baptist church. She was greatly interested in the work of her church, and wa<i a _ _ ___________ ____^ leader in the missionary society, adjustment campaign is approach!ed to Farmingtop. Rev.° M. G. She is survived by one brother, iijg and with this in view Em- Ervin, Vhe pastor, mace the ad- Rev. E. F, Tatum, of Yaniichow, crgency County Agent, Joe Ellis, dress of welcome, the response China, who has been a mia^jion- Jr„ urges the wheat grc^vers who ibeing made by Mr. Leon Cash, «ry there for many years. Onejpian to make a reduction in his nephew, 'I'linothy Eaton, of Far- wheat acreage to fill out an ap- min«fto:i, and fwo nieces, Mins'plication and bring or send this Phoebe Eaton, of Farmington,'«pplication to the agents office and Miss Joy Tatum, of China,, in the court house at Mocksville, here, t'he hist one being in 1886. ni. Cherry Grove; Nijiht, 7:80 p, The Smith ' Grove M e th o d is t W. A. Roberts residence, ohurch was erected in 1877, and I Thursday afternoon, 4:00 ,p. m. at one time the ¿ircuit parson-.Chestnut Stump Sehcol; Night, ago was there. Intel- being chang- Advance, Shady Grove High• «.1 t:».. ‘ ^ nl.4o survive.or give it to il member of the YOUNG PEOPLE LEAVE FOR COLLEGE Many of our young people have been leaving recvitly for colleges and universities and , , . 1 some will go later in the month,tiie county knows how the Mock-,,j,t„dents is as follows: .sville Dollar plan works, but m Kathleen Craven and Sarah case there is a single person whoi,^,,|^j^ Greensboro College, (Iocs not know, he .should «et Anderaon. touch with the nearest Mocks- Eleanor Cain and ville merchant, who will give him College; Misses lull details. There are 10 mer- Hoithouser, Emily RodNvell cliantu in Mocksville who are Katherine Ratledge, Woman’s cooperating in the big event, and e. U. N. C-; Miss Rutht___ _I—_J_ »» J? nlvn «1.« I 1 n ® ' _ __ « 'rhe funeral waa held at the local committee. The clostng home cn Saturday afternoon at . date Is not yet set for receiving 3 o’clock, with Rev. E. I. Smoak applications, but rocent informa- and'Rev. E. W. 'rurner offfciat- tion states that it will probably ing, imd the interment took place bo between September 25th and in the cemetery at Eaton’s 1 October 1st. Church. The agent has received ruling The .pallbearers wore: F. TI.governing crop.4 grown nn land School Building. ■Friday afternoon, 3:30 p. m. Cheshire School House; Night, 7 :30 p. m. Davio Academy. You are urged bo attend one of these meetings and bring your neighbor. 'Due to a very limited' timo in which We have to work, it is ne- cessfiry that we move with all possible haste in order to affect Bahnson, B. C. 'I’eagne, Wade tujjen out of wheat production, Hendricks, Philip Hendricks, „„j ¡я „g follows: “As to the Wade Furches and John Tatum The many floral offerings were carried by Mrs. Lester Martin, Misses Helen Wier, Martlia Fur ches, Grace Hendricks, Ruth Lak-...... ...................................... ^ ey, Mai*y Louise Lakey, Gilma ,ijj()(]en, except for home use. Baity, Jeanette Current ,and Vada Johnson. growing of lespedeza seed on land taken out of wheat or vetch for seed, or crimson clover seed and of growing sorghum molas ses for sale. It is all strictly for- they have plenty of Mocksville Dollars on hand. All over tlie country emphasis Daniel, Miss Helen Da.i..il and Harold Daniel. Catawba Co.lege; Miss Cordelia Pass, Mitchell <:ol- is being put on the necessity of 1,.^.^; Miss Margaret Garwood buyinir n'ow in order to P«t more Mattalene Collette, Mars Hill steam behind the National College! Miss Fannie Gregory covery Drive, and this Mocksville Bradley,'U^iv^rsity pf North Car- (lollnr campaign was designed to Miss'J[nne Brfvdley, Queen’s help inush the movement along in c<,Uege; Rufus Sanfortj, Jr., Mar- Davie County. In addition, l-'o Ighull Sanford and' Brewster that, prices are advancing, and q, D avidson College; Felix tbp thrifty p e rso n always Jikes to buy before priees go up. -e -J. C. BOGER PASSES Harding- and- -Paul Hendricka, Wake- Forest College; Miss mines Clement and Phillip, lilrk.BIXBY Duke University: Mftck;Campbcll A W A Y NEAR IHXUX . Coe Boger, well-known citi 2сп, and former manager of th The reduction asked for is fix ed at 15% while th e. payments remain the same as was statedLAWN PARTY,AT CENTER . ■ n, nSATURDAY PVENING ""'"f ' Growers willlie notified of the next meetings TJie public js invited to attend ft lawn party at Center on the Statesville highway on Saturday evening, Sept. 16, for the benefit of the Center JVIethodist church. Ice-cream, cakes and cold drinks will be, sold. ALLEN BOGER IN LONG’S (SANATORIUM from the Co)inty Agents oflice within the next fe\v days, PAUL EDWARD WILLIAMS DEAD Paul Edward Williams, infant son of Carl Williams and Mrs. Myrtle Allen Williams, died at the homo, at’ Cornatzer on Saturday, the'funeral being' hold at the ' TAllen Boger, son' of' the late“lhoirie "on Stinday iit 1 o’clbcki J. C. Boger and Mrs. Boger, was and the interment at Bethlehem rushed to Long’s Sanatorium ou M. E. Church at 2 o’clock, with Monday evening, for an opera- Rev. JS. W. Turner in charge, tion for appendiciti'S. Soon afte The pallbearers were Misses Lena his arrival there t'he news came Potts, Lucile Milton,|jY.erda Sue of the death of his father. The Ellis and Hazel Jon‘^ ‘‘,' and .the .and Hanes Yates, State College; Mi.ss Ruby Martin and Sulon Ferree, High Point College; ___ ______ _____ ____ ___ _____ ^ Richard Yates will leave later for man’s condition is report- flowers were carrietl by 7 íes..............................................:4-,r MnaVltfi lrt _ ... . . ^ • 1 T^_. _ -«/r_/> nrRiivie County Home,' passed ^^wa ^ Nashville “t his home, near Bixhy on Mon) , Frank Stonestreet- ...n iiuiiic iw«i BiX'by oil , liny evening, Sept. ,11th, aged 48 i . '' !'ii was the son of Thomas H,.^^ October. ed to be Havorablo. Much sym- Sarah McDaniel, Reba Mae Mc' »athy i.i^ felt for the Boger fam- Daniel, Georgia Ellis, Helen will enter Atlanta Dental College tiheir bereavement. 'Allen and Maxine Chaplin. iloRer and Mary E. Bowles Bog- __ il', of Davio county. For a num L jo CKSVILLE CITY SCHOOLS ol- years he had charge of th BEGIN PALL TERM ' -ounty Home, later moving to th -------^—------ '¡(.vie.s farm. For the pfist two M o c k s v ille city schools rtar.s he had be.en in declining!^j|,j,j^,^ fnH term with a large health. He is survived by his attendance on Monday morning, |"’ife, who was form erly Miss gg j. New members of tlie >î«iia Hepler, of the Oak Gi'we are Miss Louise Danie , community; and t'h^' followin Greensboro, who wB| ■taifc“''""-uiiù UtroBTiluia, • 111 liie place oi ■ g ila i IW v , Allen Bcger. -,vho haa resignefl,'«inf! HCair, Boger, 'Mrs; Glenn Motley jjjyy i«jell Trivett, of Boone, wiip ^(1 Misaes Minna and‘Cornell, all teach ono of the primary of Davie county, three brothers, J. grades. The out-of-town teachers U'. Boger i\nd 0 . L. Boner; of are staying at the following Route 2. Frank Boger, of Iredell i,omes: Misses Sallie Hunter, Vio- ""d one ,sister, Mrs. Dewitt C.'iet Allison and Nell Triyett, with Clement, of Holmans, and three H a t t i e McGuire; Miss Louiae Ki'andoh'ildren. The funeral ser-D aniel with Mr. and Mrs. G. u. '■ices were' held at Union Chape Daniel; Miss Jessica McKee, “¡> Wednesday afternoon at 3 ^yjth Miss Effle Böoe; Misses^E «clock, with Rev. J. O. Banks,l^abeth Lollar and Emily Carr, «“V, G. B. Feree and Rev. R. C with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fidler, '^oforWi ofllciating. Thé decease who have an apartment m Mra Judges For Election Nov. 7th Named By Board ol Winston-Salem. The outstand ing feature of the morniiig ses sion was the splendid address by Dr. Paul N. Garber, of Duke Uni versity, his grpat subject being “Bishop Asbury and His Rela tion to Modorn A ffairs.” D r., Garber is an authority on ehurch tlii« vears market-price history, and hia masterly talk made a deep impr6ssIon on all who heard iti A bountiful' jjlcnie dinner was served in the beautiful grove at noon, the afternoon session be- j/inniihg at 2 (o’clock. iSpecial music by the Taylor Quartette Joe Ellis, Jr., Emergency Coun ty Agent. JAMES H. r a t l e d g e PASSES AWAY James Henry Ratledge, one of Davie county’s well-known and a n l the^VhitakVr'Q^iartert^^were '‘''«‘''y. esteemed citizens passed enjoyed. An interesting part of Hospital, the afternoon program was the "History of Smith Grove Camp Meeting and Smith Grove Church,” by Mr. a’. H. Cash, of Winston-Salem, in which he eall ed thé roll of the e<irly members, and asked .their descendants to stand. Brief talks w'ere made by a number of other visitors. , Smith Grove village has had an important part in t'he history of Davie county, and many -well- known citizens of (ither - towns spent their early days there. Salisbury, after an emergency operation, on Sept. 5th, aged <>2. He wns the son of Daniel’ Rat ledge and Martha Heath Ratledge, and was born near Calahaln on Jan, 7th, 1871. He was reared in a Christian home, and three of his brothers became preachers, Mr. Ratledge ,was a faithful mem ber of the Methodist church, and for a number of years was super intendent of the Shady G'rove Sunday School at Advance. He had recently retired from the Smith Grove Methodist church service, in which he is an off-shoot of W h itak ers’,'*®*’ved efl'ciently ,for over thirty Methodist church, where Bi'8hpij!-'f®‘'*'®''^'^e was first married to Francis Asbury pi’eathed öh-fWo-i^*®* Bailey, of. Ad- occasions, the last time' being' in ''•'nee, in December 1900, and to 1799. The old gravei'ard, where the church oriee stood, located’ at the intersection of the Winston- Salem highway and the Fai'ming- ton rond, haa recently been clear ed off by the Smith Grove con gregation, and it is hoped that a marker will be erected there in the nciar future. NOTICE TO VETERANS this, union several sons and dau ghters -were' boni. Hia first wife ; passed. away i^. May 1928. In July,l£l3i| he was united in mar riage to 'Mrs.^. Mintqra Click Rat ledge, wh<) survives him. In ad- ■ dition to his wido'w, the follo\y-. ing sons and daughters, by his . first marriage survive:' , Ralpb. ,' Ratledge, of Advance, W alter Glenn Ratledge, of Advance, Mr«,;; Red Young, of Greenville, N, C„’ . I am in receipt of application Mrs. Cyrus McCrary, of Lexing- blanks for veterans for admission ton, and Mias Katherine Heath into the Veterans Contingent oflRatledge, of Mocksvillo. Four the Civilian Conservation Corps which is to be continued through the winter months. In view of the com'paratively brothers, Rev. J. ,F. Ratledge, of Madison, Rev. A. P. Ratledge, o f Mount Holly, A. Doiph Ratledge' and Marshall Ratledge, of Cala- short space' of time allotted I |haln, and three sisters, Mrs, would suggest prompt action in Nancy R. Stimson, of Statesville, At a meeting of the Davie County Board of Elections held ill lire -¿-OTTri, I'ooin-"s«i.urQa.r; otpt ei'iiuci' 10, 1C33, the j'ddg^s nani- ed below W'ere elected to serve at the polls on November 7, 1933, at' which time ,the ques- C. Tiller, dry; East Shady Grove, G. H, C. Shutt, wet. Gtinn'on Tal- bert, dry; Fariningtbn, Roland Lakey, wet, Jesse M. Smith, dry; Fulton, L. E. Burton, wet, W. Henry Davi.s,, dry; Jerusalem, S. R. Bessent,. wet,. ,Mrs. J, D. tion of repeal of the Eighteenth dry; MockSville, J. Frank Amendment will be submitted g_ gtinestreet, dry; the voters,'Of the State. The re-,j^^j,^jj Gaither, giistrars of the several precincts ^ Vanzant,-dry,; .Smith Vho served in the last general jelo(:tiOn Will continue m ofnee and ,be qualified at act in the Nov- McKinlev Walker, wet, (To ember 7, election. , be.named later) dry; West Shady T h e judges for each voting dis- ¿¡rove, H. H. Bennett, wet, T’om trict, for and against the men- There has been considerable discussion of late as to the out- (Continued on page 8) the matter of securing one of the limited number of application b|py>V.o n ^rir<y*t- them C’ompli'tPfl ond f ’.M’nis'lied to the Charlott^,'''''office ■ of Veterans Administrfttion before Sept. 20th. 1933. Very truly yours, J. S. КЩК jjayie County W elfare Dept. MISS. BENTON HAS MUSIC STUDIO liERE 'I Th'e many friends of Miss An nie Mao' Benton, of Spencer, will be interested to know .’thal: s'he hns opened a music stuello, at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 ' ,M• rfen- „m, sections or drix on North Mam street,,and Dnvie county, gathered to pay the will teach here on Mondays and last tribute.^of respect to this good Thursdays. :Mrs. Dora R. Richie, and ,Mr8. , i Emma R. Booe, of Davie, .also J'.:rv:vs, amc-tv.i g/ami'-— children. ' The funeral was conducted at the home on North Main street, into which he had recently mov ed, on Thursday morning at 11 o’clock, with his pastor, Rev. W. M. Rathburn, of Advance, ofll- ciating, assisted by R ev.. R. C. Goforth and Rev. j'. A. J. Far rington, of Cooleemee. The inter ment took place at Elbaville : cemetery near Advance, the grave being covered with a profusion of beautiful flowers. Many rela tives nnd friends fi-om other ' towns, as well as all sections of man. .'Ч' iV‘ ; ' '.T'i, J'u I IP"' I ' J. Ü ".ЦЯП .f ,'.n : » ", ■ i I .,ад.I ¡I . ' 'í'. ..li r i ' 11 ' 1 ' ‘ к í • l' i ilb' ^ I f í , ¡ii’! ' Sfípii'■ V» " -ЩМ ;imi !,;f 'V'. i '■ 'i ! . Ш .'*iir j: PaffC 2 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C I i S V I L L E . N . С . T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r I ' l , 1 9 3 S HEALTH AND DISEASE It •cannot be umpliasizod too stronKily tliat tliu inachuniual overshadows the chemical in tho lluima.n A ’traiiiani. T'he body IS moro a hiaciiine than a InI.ioi'atory. Take, for instance, gastro-in- ELECTRIC CHAIR BRINGS FATHER AND SON TO GETHER ACTER 21 YEARS Milledgeville, Ga. — A father ADVANCE ROUTE 2 NEWS Ыг. and Mrs. W. B. Cope and ADVANCE NEWS KAPPA NEWS Rev. Kepley filled his regular children spent Sunday near Sal- isbury, with Mi'.s. Koontz’s moth, or, Mrs. A. M. Trexler, who hn;, rheumatism, hei' friends will p(.! gret to learn. The many :iriends of Miv«. ^al . ^ _ ___ Mr. C. P. Hege, who had been . . iam ily and Mrs. S. J. Cope at-|in declining health for about two appointment Sunday aiternoon tended the Hendrix reunion Sun- years, passed away Friday night lat St. Matthew. day. I lat 9:05 o’clock at his home here.' Mi's. Hanna Kotchie was din- qf,.,,,.,! ,.,in arvrv i,. i ' BIr. and Mrs. ,J. A. Bailey and He was-born Setember 10, 1857 at iier ^uest of Miss Tempe Smoot milk’ we^l re'LMli7 son, C. M., spent Sunday with Vadkin College, Davidson county Thursday. , „ , and got hurt right bad but their daughters, Mr. ' and ¡Mrs. ««d fl‘<3d September 8, 19.S:i. Fun j BIrs. J. D. Campbell and little bones broken' Clarence Lagle and Miss' Mattie leral services were held at the son, Jimmie, ot Mocksville, spent ' , ' Sue Bailey, of Cooleemee. ¡Shady Grove M. E. Church Sun-a few days last week with Vh» ' rn,,;! Misses Ireno and R.tHi T o n e s =00 o’clock by Rev. W. M. father and other relatives. ^ >'e the pioucl paients ot a h„o .|.e.it' « tvhllo Snnda, lu'.hl w ill.I"«“ ''’“" ' ” ™ »' ” • S ’ Ih=,™ ro.te;.:— 'wSlSt.ri.nlS, r E.m„ Mr.Mrs, E. M.Keller with day for the first time In 21 year.«, but the electric ahair at state’s te.sUnai troubles. Whiit Fa the us- l)rison was waiting to .separate ual course 'cf these cases? Isn’t them again today, it is true that they go from doctor The father is Andrew McCul- lo doctor each of whom give the plough, of Fayette county, who disorder a different name? Onejvvas electrocuted at noon for the says it is gjill bladder infection; | murder of William B. Baker, another, ulcer of the aomaeh; llformer president of .the Atlan- an'other appendix; another, ad-|tic Ice and Coal Company of At- ;\3 spent Tues operated on recently is gottinji Mrs. W. P. along fine and' expects to start ito school i\Ionday. Artluir a fine and Mrs. I. D. Hendrix pallbearers. There wore Mu.eogevuie, - a la^ner spent last Friday morning witn afternoon f.':- Z ^^ Ing the procession was followed H. Ketchio. ,1 .'ouy. j.j^g flower bearers and honor-; Mrs. F. W. Koont-/ and child- Born to Mr. and Mra. Miss Susie Forrest, of Rowan, ^ry pnllbearei's in the short walk ren spent Friday with Mi-ss ftlin Uay.walt on July lOth^ is visiting relatives here. from the home to the church. The nie Koontz. 'daughter. Mr, and Mrs. A, L, Jones and deceased is survived by his wife, Mr. W. F, II, Ketchie was din- Tempe (Smoot is getUn- children, of near Bixby, spent one daughter, Mrs. T'. W. Allen, ner guest at Blr, Joel Daywalt’s nicely, her many frieiuN Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs, G. A. of Winston-Salem, one stepson, Sunday. ^yjn r,ladUo learn.' Mr. Travis Smithdeal, of Rieh-j Mr. and Blrs. E. E. Koontz and -------------------------!---------- High 'mond, Va.,, one brother, one sis- family spent Sunday at Woodleaf Having a good corn crop blown and,ter and a number of grandchild- the 'guests of relatives. to the ground, two .Carteret farm- hesions. One gives medicine; another advises immedijite ope- lanta. Thc son, Roy, servingi a term Jones and family. Mr. Odell Growers, of Point, is visiting iDavid Mr. and Mrs. Norris Jones and er.s recently purchased a truck little daughter, Jo Ann, of North load of feeder pigs from neigh- ration, another puts the patient |.for a misdemeanor, visited death on a diet; another says n'bthing irow . yesterday afternoon and can be done. I clasped'his father's hand through The functional capacity of all ¡the iron bars, parts of the body depends uplon The father wept as they stood their motive power. The heart, there a few feet from tho death lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, chamber, kidneys, glands, blood vessels, all informed that Roy had possess ft certain amount of con- ■ tractile tisue (muscle) which is the power behind their activity. The m'oment this structure loses its tone and elasticity the part .ceases to properly function. Results of Reduccd Motility Returning) to our illustration— the gastro-intestinal system re quested the privilege of visiting his father, the condemned man replied : “It meant a lot to me. It meant that my children understand. I though t.hey hnd turned against me.” . As tho guards toolcrthe father ^_______________ ______ away, he pointed to thè- gray what would iollow? Food would iron door leading to the death be imperfectly broken up be- chamber and said: cause the stomach lacks motility. i "But it took that thing' to bring Thc cellulose envelope of the .us together aigain.” food cells would not'be dissolved I McCulIogh insisted that ho ibeciiuse secretion is dtofective. was innocent as he walked calm- Digestlon in .the intestinal tract ly tihrough the gray iron door would be inadequate because of leading to the death chamber, shiggish propulsion 'of the food I He walked without assistance Homer Hendrix, li'en. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Hendrix and The old homoplace of W. G. family spent Sunday Avith Mr. White was destroyed by fire last Wilkesboro, spent the week-end bors in Pamlico county and Mrs. Lonnie Hendrix, of Tuesday night about 2:00 o’clockn with Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Jamea, ----------------•----------------- .................. . - • —■ ^ Koontz and Subscribe to The Enterprise REDLAND NEWS Cornatzer. (Mr. White now resides in Wins- Misses Dorothy and Elizaibeth ton^-Salem and the house was oc- Livengood, Janice Bailey and Su icupied by E. T. Joyce at Ihi^i sie Forrest spent Sunday w iti time. The origin of the fire has ^ Miss Martha Leonard, of near J'ot been determined. Tyro. Mr. Haden Bailey, youngest son of B. R, Bailey, return ed to his home here Sunday afteti being in the hospital i'or treat- Miss Evelyn Smith spent Sat 'ment about a week. He was hit urday night with Miss Margarcii on the head while playing baseii Marklin. (iball and serious Injured. He is ! Mrs. W. D. Smith is-spending slowly improving at this w riting«! Mr. and 'Mrs. Carlie Carter, cf " flanest'cwn, spent the week-end with relatives here. The people of this communtiy were saddened by the death of Mr. J. H. Ratledge last Tuesday, He 'had lived here for a'number of years and was .superintendei K tnis week in Clemmons, the guffi of her son, Mr, C. E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dunn spen a while Sunday ,afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Miss Le.ssie Dunn spent a fev d'-ys the past weok in Mocksville with Miss Louise Smith. Mrs. Sanford IFoster spent Sat-i of the M. E, Sunday School and urday night with Mrs. J, C. Smit a rural mail carried until forced’ of Smith 'Misses Grove. Lottie T’ri vette and to retire on account of ill health Altho he had moved to Mocksville Miss Georgia Smith Sunday 'hcMrtfelt sympathy to all mem- night. I bers of the family. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Marklin Mr. A. C. Cornatzer celebrated mado a business trip to Mocki. his 8C birthday Sunday. A picnic and lack of digestive (ferments, to the chair, seated himself.and|»P«> F<’st'3r and Messrs. Gray he will be greatly missed hercv Absorption and assimilation remained silent as Warden W. L. ^mUh and Owen visited We wish to extend our deepest ■would be defective and élim ina-jTrocenr prepared to throw the tion of tho residue would be cur-,switch. tailed. I A t 9 a. m. today, McCullough In tho face of such abnormal sent for the warden and request- functioning what will be the re- ed a burial on the prison grounds suit? Indigestion, • gastritis, in the same frayed .work suit and atony, dilatation, ptosis, malnu- blue shirt he wore in the elec- trition, auto-intoxication, con- trie chair. stipation '— cach contributing "Don’t oven take my shoe» its distressing symptoms to tho off,’’ ho told the warden, clinical picture. The request was granted.' Would medicine help such ville Saturday ni'g'ht. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith an dinner was spreaci and a large number 'of friends present to en d isc ? Would an operation relieve WOMAN GIVES BIR'TH the sufiforer? Would a diet cure him? Would a change of climate do hi good? The answer is! — NO I HOME-MADE ELECTRICITY TO 7 LUSTY BOYS Because ho has no electric current available, George Ander son, Osprlnge, Ont., farmer, had to buy a battery set when He Bogota, Columbia, — Louis and Carola Perez, of San Pedro, in the Boliimr department, announ ced in a telegram read in the senate this week the birth of seven children. The septulets wore all boys. A ll wero said to be doing well. T’he telegram, read as an argument in favor of government grants to parents of children, of Mocksville, visited joy tho day. ,Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Smith Sun 'Miss EdiWh Shutt spent laat ‘'r.y. week visiting friends in Lewis- Mlsses Pauline Sofley and ville. , i вол M argaret Smith were the Fridayj Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Taylor a n d ----- eveningj guests of Miss Llili Mr. W. R. Taylor visited Mrs.' N E W F A L L S H O E S AT SPECIAL PRICES BOUGHT BEFORE THE ADVANCE Very Special W hile They Last. DRESS and SCHOOL SHOES $2.45 Brown and Black Kids, Brown and Black Suedes, also combinations. $2.95 and $3.95 BELL SHOE STORE SALISBURY’S BEST В в вs, в в iHiiiiHiiiiRiiiiBimmuaainiHiiiainnj Dunn, TURRENTINE NEWS John Taylor at Yadkin College Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Eagle of mi, , the Twin City were in town Sun-There will be a barbecue, chi Iday. , cken stew and hot dog supper Mrs. J. W, Jones, of Gre,ens- here at t)he school house on nexti boro, attended the funeral of Mr Hege Sunday. FORK NEWS took a generator from a discard- Korean lespedeza is leading ed automobile and bolted’ a pro- oUher varieties in plantings mado poller e-1 inches long, carved from by farmers of Madison County, cherry wood, on the gear end of Many are planning to double th e , generator. This he mounted their acreages next spring, ■on a mast on top of his house and ------------------------------------ •with a vane to hold the propeller Wilkes County dairymen are in the wind Is not only keeping digging trench silos and remodel- hls radio battery chargcd but it Ing old barns as a part of the is producing enough current to new program of dairy farming light his home, in that county. ' COTTON We have just rebuilt the cotton gin near the overhead bridge and now have a mo dern and convenient cotton gin. Saturday night, Sept, l 6th. Ever body is invited to come. Proceeds' go for the benefit of the church. A rather large crowd attended' the annual Ellis Reunion wlhlcn" Rev. Mumford, of High Point was held here at the church thi filled hia regular appointment at past Sunday. ithe .Baptist Church at 11 o’clock Several friends enjoyed a mr,.« The people of this community 81c party at the home of Mr. anci were made sad last week when Mr^ A. C, Nail the past Saturday Uhcy learned of the death of Mr. night. Music was 'furnished by Messrs. Wade Nail, Boone IFostor Raymond Phelps and "Bert’ Sides. About 10 friends enjoyed a J. H, Ratledge, of Mocksville. Mr, Rntledge Was mail carrier in Ad-i vanco Route 2 through Fork for some time and was liked by all . „w ho knew him. A good man has chicken stew at the home of Mr gone to his reward. We ^eel that and Mrs. S. B. Cook the past our loss is Heaven’s gain. We ex Saturday night. 'tend sympathy to the bereaved Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Barney, ones. spent the week-end Mrs. George Sidden is on the with her parenta, Mr. and Mrf, sick list, sorry to note. Li’ank Forrest. i n^r»an ifidifftrirank Forrest, MiHb Ruth Graves left 'Mohda of this week where she will en ter College at Red Springs, T'he many friends of Mias I’hose that visited at Mr. George Siddon’a"Siihday were : Mr, and Mrs. Rad Sidden and child ren, of Elbaville, Mr, and Mrs. - ------- A.i.no Scott Stewart and aon, of Gand Velma Wagoner, of this place an:H er Hill, Mr, and Mrs, Eddie Hen Mr. Jack Carter, of Liberty, wi || drix and children, Mr. and Mrs. be glad to know that they wer ,A. M. Foster and Mrs. Gray happily married on Saturday even ¡Sheets. ing, Sept. Oth. Rev. E. iW. Turner I Miss Esther Allen apent a few pastoij of the 'bride performed days last weok with relatives at the marriage ceremony. Their Reeds, Davidson County, many friends wis'h them a long Mrs. Giray Sheets 'and chlld- and happy life together. iron, of Roanoke, Va., are vislt- Mr.s, E, C. Lagle spent a whila’ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. the past 'Sunday with Mrs. S. D M. Foster. Miller, of Liberty,Mr, Zeb Burton made a husi- S c h o o l Days College, High School and Grammar Grade Students ППЛ rN^ir-4 • » r n 'u u iv ib l o í3 E ií4 u S . SOUTH iCKSVILLE GINNERY Near Overhead Briclg'e South Mocksville, N. C. GRA-DY SAIN, Mgr. and W eigher Mrs, A. C, Nail spent a whI.'Sness trip ixi Mocksville Saturday the past Sunday with Mrs. Tom afternoon. I Mr, Cecil Bland and Mias VI- ‘Miss Evie McCulloh spent sev|vi.an Bland and Miss Burtha! oral days the past week with her Kopler, of Lexington, visited re-' u-randnarnnts. Mr snH Mru f’tinr.. l.ifi..p» (Uo..r. q,.f,,v,i.,,. i Young Men’s Suit« $14.75, $16.50 and and $18.50 Boys’ Suits, 2 Prs. Pt». $7.45, §8.45, $9.95 les McCulloh. I Mr.- and Mr«. Charlie Pack Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Beck, off Mrs. Cora Brown and son, Henry Cooleemee and Mr. Tom Cook an (lof Winston-Salem, visited Mr., sister, of Hanes, spent tho week and Mrs. Gurnie Pack and family end v,^ith Mr. and Mrs. S. B, Cook^ Sunday. ‘i Mr. and Mrs, Wade Nall and| Mr. and Mrs. Arch Livengood daughter, of Augusta, .spent the and children visited Mrs. Emma' past Saturday night with Mr. and Carter at Holman’s Cross Roadi' Mra. A. C. iNail, iSiinday. Miss Sophia Crotta, of noar | Several from hero attended Bethel, apent the past Sunday services ut Mock’s Chapel Sun- ana S|;i2.45 Boys’ Loner PanU $1.95 and $2.45 Boys' Knickers 95c, $1.45 and $1.95 W e have your needs in Clothing, Pants, Shirts, Underwear,, Hata, Sox, Sweaters and Ties, Prices are still low on most of these. Men’s Shirts 75c, 95c, $1.25 . and $1.45 > Young M en’s Felt Hate $1.45, 2.45 and with Mias Iva. Lee Doadman. Several from Ihere have been attendinir the revival servicos ati Liberty the paat woek. day. L,A, Powell, county agent of I Currituck County, aaya he treat ed Я73 hogs for Gaatroentritis Trade with the Merchants that cau.aed by drinking atagnant advertise in the Enterprise water and lack of jiroper food. School Sweaters 95c, $1.45 and $1.95 Men’s Suede Jackott, Leather $5.95 to $8.45 VISIT OUK STOBE jÖ lTgiwEST FA¿¿ АРГДВ^ ^ Trexler Bros. & Yost SALISBURY, N. C. »«■»вдвшкЯЯ i ^ r VO, '.sp y the hands of' his oigJjr ,'■^'^1 I I "У- T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 1 9 8 8 IN MEMORY THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE, N. C. MOCKSVILLE ROUTE 3 NEWS JERUSALEM NEWS .LIBERTY NEWS the revival meet- .jirs. ,Victoiy Everhardt, of grandrnother, Mrs. Ell n ^ at As- "2 which is to begin at Jerusa- Cooleemeo, spent the past week IJcdwine, who died September 5, cension .Chapel Sunday morning Baptist Church Sunday at 3 wiiih friend« and relatives here, 1932. with the celebration of Holy Com- P' Everjibody 'Has a hearty ^hoBe visiting Mr. and Mrs. R the graveyard softly s l e e p i n g « “end these services, g. M iller Sunday were: iVir. and Where the flowers bloom, ' Mrs. Olin Barnhardl and child- “ •’S' (Henry ,Sh»af Mrs. John Gabord and sons, Clar- Lies the one we love ao dearly >‘en spent Sunday with relativesn u m ^ and Willie, of. Clemmons, ]„ the silent lonely tomb. near. Elbaville, «">*MrB. E. C. Lagle, of Turrentine Miss Ellen Kimmer spent the family., and Mrs. C. L. Kimmer of thia’ No one hears the door that open^ Matter part of last, week with her daughter Doiothv s n S t the ' ' When they pass beyond our call cousin, Miss Luna Kimmer, of week-end’ with rplatives an,i fri- Soft as loosened leaves of rose?, Liberty, Tnds of o S iv b o ro Con,cord Friday by the serious One by one our loved ones fall Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bailey, of Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Smith spenfi ‘ "^®ther, Mrs, Joae- , . , Cooleemee, spent awhile Satur-Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Loyd* J “rvis. | our chain these links hav day afternoon ‘'¡^'ith Mr. and Mrs. Grubb. Cook and two child- N. A. Jarvis. Mr, and Mrs. John Henry Hair.^‘'®";.0«“'“' and V irginia, of Tui- In our land liheir star has set, Misses Ila Barnes, Edith and 'Iton, nf Fork, and Mr.. and Mrs i'«ntme, spent the week-end with Dut enshrined on memories table Ruth Hoots, spent awhile S u n d a y T. W. (Hartley and Miss Lena '^"88 Myers and family. | 'Iheir true worth w ell ne er foi-afternoon with Misses Omie Jane'^rubb Avere the Sunday guests сД Miss Thelma Kimmer was the K*it. and Mildred Jones. 'Ir. and Mrs. C. M. Gruob and Sunday guest of Miss Beulah Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Barnes and i “iriily. McCulloh. Why should our tears in sorrows jayg.jjters, Pearl and Lelia, also Wilson returned homal n Ч I,- Mr. Olin Barnhardt spent Sundavi P“®* Sunday Saturday from a delightfui stay, hen Goti recal s his own afternoon with Mr, Barnes’ sis-William Hil of several weeks with friends? And bids them leave a world c? Snyderfamily, of Le.xington. land relatives of 8а1>ыоиГу. I , near Woodleaf. • ««d Mrs. John Kesler, of Mr. anti Mrs. Homer Lee und Ior an immortal home, ^ Messrs, R, C, Barnes ЕагГ^"''®’^“’'^’ evening last baby and Mr. Charlie Safrit, of , , , ,, • I il. Myers Stokes Shuler тпН 4nm our community. Kannapolis, spent Sunday nightI., not e’en death a gam to those , J " y ; J ^ ° ‘'^« Shulci and S^ ,^^^3 веск. of with Mr. and Mrs, G. IL T uL -' ^Vhose life to G'od was given? f,.“ lu,.? „ . 1 ®P®"‘ Sunday with Mr. and ,ow. I Cl,„11, to o,.,lh th d r еуея i . f w S »<IJ; & » « f - . , . МЫ E ll,„ К1ш „.г, of M o.kJ . nesday ■ Г*>е Woman’s Miss'ionary Socie- ville Rout« 3, spent a few days ty will meet with Mrs. C. M. Ithe past week with Miss iLunalTo open them in Heaven. Her toils nre past, Her work done, And she is fully blest. Mrs, .I'ohn Allei, and children G'rubb on Wednesday evening at Kimmer, I'k ig“ *;- «"d Mrs. Lari Myers and 2:30 of. this week. All membors i Mr, Ji children attended services at are expected to he present. Mocks Church Sunday. Jack Carter, of this place' and Miss Velma Wagoner, of! near here were happily married Saturday afternoon,' Their manyShe fought the fight, the victory children from this com- PLANT FALL CROPS won, ‘miinity started'to school at Mock F « « »^IR Y USE f;]";f"Vi;rthe^^^^ i„.l Into .-..t. Grandma Dear, we’ve missed So often .our hearts have achei,’. We’ve felt lonely and sad withou .vou. An(! 'onged for your presence here. bus that pomeq down hiirhwnv Nn “‘‘"P occasioned m tneir matrimonal venture. , « S ris tra n s T o rtin rth e m 'S ««"tinued dry weather in ^ Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Hendrix, o0 forth 'North Carolina this past summer Advance Route 2, visited Mr. and'■ lo itn . I I , , ______ ^ . M1.11 T _____ AUGUSTA NEWS means that an additional aci'e- age should. be planted to winter- growing crops this fall. There will he a big supper “The need for temporary pas- Saturday night, September 23rd. t«res next spring on most North Mrs. C. L. Kimmer on Friday. Among those visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Williams Sunday weral Mr, and Mrs. Lee Link, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, of Winston-Salem , . . a r Mi‘ J M e S , " ^ near Carolina dairy farms will be ur- R«v. and Mrs. J. 0. Banks and Frien d .s and loved ones have beenlQj.^“ J^- W ^ S have^c^^«"^-’’ fJeclarcs John A. Arey, a.nd Rev. and Mrs. J. Max . nrpiim hot dnirs nhiniipn sninri extension specialist at Brandon. And we thank t^ee for their dressing, cold drinks, sand-College. *The supplies of and Mrs. W ill care: Some day, may gether wp nil moPt to wiches, cake, custards, etc. for of these farms will v we all meet Proceeds go for thp hpnpfifc be exhausted by February of the church. Let come, young and oU 'good time together. McSwain and daughter, 'Hazel, lof' Salls- or.bury, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. of th rX ^ iich LpT’s evervbodv March, especially where there are jEverhardt on Friday Around the I'hi-one ot^ God up vounir and old and have a EtJliel Wilson spent Satur- '^oo<r t C C e th e r production. Usually ,<l«v night with Miss Thelma, And when our task here is fin- there. " м ^ м Г p " '’j.‘" 'a n d H a y w o o d the s u p p V o f h a y is ex- d im m e r C op e, of S p e n c e r, а гй s p e n d in g * Ч '« c o w s a rc n irn e tl on May we join the loved ones Anil ever live and praise thee , in the beautiful mansions of ^аоп-;С/ т, тт„.. г,.„п,1,ь,и,1,(пг''Вегг1е.г, Fnith Deadmon and ^^at the cows dam ap he sod - B y Hei Gu^^tuldau^Mei «nd get little nutrition Irom thc ^ '" -C o ,r'o f' Spencer “ a r . s p S n r ' cows arc /urnccl on Mr. and Mrs, Jim Daniel went th eir’ vacation w iili their grand Permanent pastures whether to Virginia Sunday on a pleasure parents Mr and Mrs H. M. “"y^^^ing to eat on them tup. 1 , Deadmon ' N either Is the condition /Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lee nnd EVIDENT DIS'I'RUST IVl-UMrtlM. L/IUiriie i^UU.y UlIU 1. UiU ,Uina Kimmei. D^,,^^^ll ^,..p .j, ear y grasses the mountains Sunday and ro. H temporary grazing isAl «ti^ 10 pro vided through March and part of little daughteiS Mr. Charlie Sa frit and Mr. and Mrs. G. II, Tut- torow.' and son, Melvin, vialted Mr. and Mrs, H, A, Tutterow neac, Holman’s Cross RoatTS Monday. 1 M r.'Lude Harris and Miss EII1! friends wish them a happy life together. IVIOCK’S CHURCH NEWS There was good attendance a the Revival Services which start-» ed here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Booe, of haven’t .been there for some time Misses Margaret and Belle D«n What’s the m atter? Havo you lost lels. t' 1.., from tramnllng .vour religion?” . of the "No. sah. Ah nin’ los’ mah rcli- Harris, of Ephesus, motoied to n,j„bt be used to gion,” said Ra.stus, "but it’s this-South Carolina Saturday, • „uppiy this temporary grazing; a-wa’y. Ah like to go to church, 10th. and were happi y rnarrled ^ an’ Ah likes to take an active They are making then home better grazing part. They used to let me puss Ephesus. than any one used alone. One the contribution' basket at ebbery Miss mixture is two bushels of „ service. Then along come a per- week with friends and relatives jg pounds of "ear Mocksville, Mr. and Mrs. F^ fee .stranger, whey had lost one of in Ephesus. crimson clover a„ acre. Another |M. .Tones and children of Thom his hands-and they give de job L ttle Miss Gilda Grey Me- rerommends con- f ville, visited Mr. and Mrs.- W to him. So I quits, Sah." Cjilloch, daughter ,of Mr and j, jones. - 1 -------------------------------------I Mrs. Press M,cCulloch, Of Lex- ^ .u , » u ,, 1 ,i,„. Most of tihe children here en Trade witH the Advertisers Ington, is spending her vncatjonl beardless'barlev and 10 it«i-ed school Monday morning. ----------------------------------------------— with little Misses M argaret and " ' r r E l ’^Hov'er" The ■ Mr. George Mock seems to be B n a H ra H H H R H M M H H n gjiba Rae Aaron, i. . ¡^„„e should be nlanted iniproving some nt this writing.THIS C E R T A IN L Y ^Son^s and relatives ;of Mr. f ^ Little >MIss Mary Cash: Jones . 1 r Henry 'Brogden gathered at Ju <ng the kt^er part o^^A^^ Thomasville, is visiting herMAKES IT EASY home Sunday and gave him « „¡^(..ure should be planted'«‘•«ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J TO PICK THE BEST surprise birthday dinner, DULIN’S NEWS Mr. Rone (IIÌQward of his frienda}» f second mixture should be planted between Sept. 15 and October15 I Miss Elsie Mock, of Winston- Heavy seeding'and a fertile soil Salem is visitlivgi her cousin, and Ttwo'are necessary for result^ irr" Kentucky securing spring grazing, Two tons ^JleLonsI visited '^Mrs. J. ’ H,' ; „ ‘r v v p « i p ^ berrvisitin g o f grouHd limestone per acre with ^‘.™ n s , visueci mrs. i., p V r e u t s , Mi: Mrs. S ? Cornatze. ^ 1- Howard. ' tiimore, is visitin'g her sister,Miss Ruth Potts, of North V. suits.________________________ Jones. Potts. Mrs. Herman Boger nnd dau ghter, Pauline, of Clemmons Miss Ruth Potts, of North V. suits.________________________ A. spent a few fWOMAN /CHEATS ELECTRIC as the house guest of M iss Annie STARVING HER SELF TO DEATH IN CELL ....................LaGrange, Tex. — By starving speiit laaV week with her parents, herself to death Mrs. Maria Dach, Mr and Mra, W. T. Haneline. 36-year-old farm woman, hils Little Miss Evelyn Potts had cheated the electric chair of the the misfortune to burn her foot penalty Imposed for the murder while playing at the. tohacco barn of Henry Stoever, her 38-yoar- Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Locklart old helper, and Miss Katherine Myers, and .Convicted for the slaying in Mr Earl Atkinson, of Winston- May Mrs. Dach began refusing Saiem spent awhile Inst Sunday food almost at once. Her weight with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hendrix, dropped steadily from^200 until V— !Mrs. M. R. Jones. Mr. Robert Carter spent tho week-end in Charlotte. He was accompanied home by his sister j Mrs. M. J. Minor nnd little dnu. ghter. I Misses Ruth nnd Vivian Sidden of V.Mnston-Snlem, spent Sundnyj with their sister, Mrs. Roy Cnr- ter. I»A TH FIN D ER 4,40-21 .7;‘,.....................$6.55 4.Б0-21 .................................?6,30 4.50-20 ............................... 6.00-19 ..$'^•20 4,76-19 ............................... 5.00-20 ..?7,45 Sanford Motor Co. Mocksville, N. C. iVlrS. L/0 I l i a noTTTrro -1------ - , afternoon at the bedside of her when she died last night in her father, Mr. Albert Bowens, near jail cell. Cornatzer She has eaten only thi-ee meals Mr Nathan Potts, Jr., of near ¡n 37 days and then only nibbled Rljibv spent awhile Saturday af- at the food hrougnt to her. ternoon with Mr. D. J. Potts. | She was awaiting tho result of Mrs Isabelle Barneycastle is an appeal from the death sentence on the sick list at this writing, when she died. Her case was the Mr nnd iMrs. E. C. Hendrix and second in which a woman had tliree sons, spent Sunday after- .been given the death penalty in noon with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Texa.s. In the previous case, that Williams, of Smith G'rove. 'of Mrs, Clara Uhr, convi^cted for Mr and Mrs, I, C. Davis and the axe slaying of her husband famiiv spent Labor Day in this life imprisonment wap substitu- conimunity with relatives and at-ted when she pleaded guilty at a tended the nnnunl revivnl. second trial. Mr and Mrs. W ill lAtkinson, of Stoever’s burned body was Hickory, visited the old Atkinson found buried in a pit in Mrs. piaoe Sunday, Dnch’s back yard on Apni 16. S h iverin g w ith C liills Burning with Fever Sure Relief for Malaria! Don’t try homemade treatments or newfangled remedies I Take that good old Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. Soon you will be youmclf again, for Grove’s Taste less Chill Tonic not only relieves the symptoms of Malaria, but destroys thc Infection itself.The tasteless quinine In Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic kills the Malarial infec tion in tha blood while the iron It con tains builds up the blood to overcome the effects of the disease and fortify against further attack. The twofold effect Is ab solutely necessary to Ihe overcoming of Malaria, Besides being a dependable rem edy for Malaria. Grove’s Tnstelc.^s Chill Tonic Is also an excellent tonic of general use. Pleasant to take and absolutely harmless. Safe lo give children. Gel a bottle today at any stoic. MY OWN TASTE HAS CONFIRMED THE FACT THAT CAM ELS ARE BEST FOR STEADY SMOKERS . THEY ARE MILDER..THEY NEVER W E A R OUT THEIR WELCOME ! utiíe^ ij¿tú u 4&wrhe>rt/cS../iiciier't^e ijo ttrT á s té ГПТТПМV Л / 1 1 We Are Now Prepared To Buy And Gin Your Cotton. Bring Us Your Cotton, We Will Pay You Highest Mar ket Price. W e Appreciate Your Patronage Buyers and Ginners of Cotton F. K. Benson, Mgr. MocksviUe, N. C. Ш Get Ready For Cold Damp Days Don^t W ait Until Cold W eather , To Buy Your HEATERS and STOVES W inter Is just around the cor ner, and those cold nights call for a c/omfortable fire. Are you prepared for the cold wea ther that will soon be here? What nbout your heater or stove? We now have in stock n full line of henters nnd stoves thnt hnve been priced nt to- ‘day’3 Lcwost -Priccs. V.^c- -linve the heater or stove for every type house and for every pur pose. We wnnt you to inspect our line before you buy. HEATERS $1.50 to $42.50 Come ill and make your se lection today while our stock is complete. You can heat several fo'oTiift wmi'-oiiu Oi" -uur rolas. You will find that this heater will use only a small amount of coal for the heat it produces. We carry a complete line of Stove Pipe, Elbows and Polish Stove Boards and Coal Hods. Come in today and select your! Heater or Stove. . C. C. SANFOIID ‘Everything for Everybody” jO. Mocksville, N. C. / ' " 1 , ‘I 'l.l! ÍH Mèi ш 01 ‘ I í ' i ■;:Г L i' Ж P n g c 4 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E . N . C ., y i i u f a d a y , S e p t o f t i b e r 1 4 , Ю з ц First Auto W reck Just 121 Years Old JUDGE (ORDERS HOSPITAL TO YIELD UP iI{ABY .HELD FOR PAYMENT OF BILL Mra. G. C. Graves, of Carth- age, contributed the following bits of historical interest to the Jlooro County News. "The first automobile accident is said to have ocurred in 1802. WHISTLE PERFORMED A MIRACLE Chicago '— Eight-month-old Elaine Shopkus, an incubator baby, was free from Evangelical Hospital today and the institution that held her since birth because her board bill was unpaid was Years ago when Li ' Hung f Chang, famous Chinese states man, visited a Clyde shipyard in little Elaine’s first food It happened when Richard Tre- England, the owners were sure declared “i)aid” by tho vethicif, famous engineer, west ],g had come to place an order father: speeding along a road in biigiand j-q,. g]ijpg. jsjoon came and wlien “Don’t pay the 'hos])ital a dime, at the rate of ten miles an hour whistle blow the visitor was You’ve crazy if you do.” in !liis high-wheeled steani car- amazed to see all the workmen The baby was ordered released riago. He lost control of his their bools and dash off to on a writ nf habeas corpus. The speedy car and wrecked a fence , father, Stanley Shopkus, testified the side of.,the road, somewha ^«eaped,” Ы tbat five days before the baby like spcedeis, do, only December l-l, hu liad they hit it at a much faster speed ^ „ow?” his job. Tho day after tho or stei) on It harder and get m ore, ^ / _ \ (j), mother died out of her than Trovcthick did. guide.n exp.ained that thei*’” ^ ТЛьГ ! • f’l nf v The first accident resulted in th istle would bring them back ' The iathei test fi«^^ he so much damage and caused so .l««t as promptly as they had left. » bill of ? 111 for tJ^o much excitement that the people When «he whistle sounded at 1 mother’s care but was unable to r m t ^ l ^ГаГш iiiam c a S e o’eloe^ Li Hung Oban^ was just рау an addU ?60 the hospi- ■should 'be permitted to run at "s amazed to see the ^vorkers ‘‘«ked toi little Е к'«« s le- large. As a . onnsequence, ,-ails come trooping back; J.ater, ¿ress- lease. The bill mounted later to луеге built, for.the steam carriage order, the famous •> • •and- thiifl<:the beginning of rail- Chinaman replied, “ Never mind We were just being a guar- 'Vo^dK' ■ the ,4hips, how much do yoii want dian angcl for the baby,” G. A. I: bontihulng,> M fiic/iiie8 says for your whistle?^» • __ ..КШв, hospital-supeW ntencjeilt 4)А т/;у АЮВТУ ^ i I i'Guardain an^el,” Judge David & " 5 “I , ^ DEVEU>rEp.,IN, STATE r.t^d .»e »oapll.l, a -fi A Л .ha L.e,- - ............................. hearing.” ADVERTISING TO PLAY IMPORTANT PART IN n a t io n a l r e c o v e r y recovery act, and makes the fol lowing statement, Advertising is certain to be an under the terms'of the industrial recovery act. next September jjhe second, ft A new variety <>f oats, the Lee, ¡was a monthly with tlank’ spacb for readers to write down ‘Vti» North flections of a very high nature.? ip«‘’‘>l>««'s piedrtiprifc country has You can imagine one doing that?'been developed at №e Piedmont now! Newspapers have changed, Station ne^r. Stateayille, but not any more so than readers. ten .yenrg of.,,workv General Hugh S Johnson nd Your favorite reading is a better', '“T'ho^h we have been at work „inistrator of the Industrial Re- mirrow than your lookinc: gJaas." .with this new varietj^,,for ten ^ ^ advocates advertisina' «E XT v ^ ; n :s t .c ^ N s e - PLATES t o BE s m a l l e r til about four , years ago,” ___________ ;says P. H. Kimo, plant breeder I i uii. • 1 for the North Carolina: Experi- n n to L h lf Int fm ">ent Station and;,largeiy respon- M« sible for tho dev^li>pment .of the nn L in °‘'’®^new variety. “Tiie . te e has ,, the ■ ; winter habit of ' gro'Hh arid is The old gold and black com- aomewihat similar to. : the well bination first used in 1921, has k„own W inter T urf vaiety.. How- been selected for tlio next two ^^er, the Lee will 'tnature earlier ^e“»'3' |than the W inter Turfi though it A. S. Brower, director of the is'a little later than 'thè Fulg- state division of purchase and ihum. Thus far, in our test plant- contract has complained to ink ings over the piedinbnt section, it manufacturers of ,the breaking has not winter-killed enough to down of tho white ink, but he also reduce the yields. The kernels explained that the ink on pre- are yellow and plump and '.tiiresh- eont plates wns the beat quality. Ing removes prauti’iiully'«llof tho Tho Ink is «t fault, he stated) chaff resulting in,^ gqod weight and not the workmanship of the of gi’ain per bus'hel. The yield prisoners who manufactured : the of hay from this variety;|^'hQavy plates. It has a tendency to turn and of good quality. ^ “chalky,” he aaid, and is less In the comparative tesVs’niade durable than óther icolors, at the Piedmont JBraiich iStatipn, The plates noxt year will also the Lee has produced hjghor. aye- bt smaller and r^ado out of a rage yields than,(>j)h.gv.^xarieti0a. lighter weiglit steel. The pi-eaent For an eight-year period, Leo size ig 14 by G inches. Next year yielded an average of 56,7 bush- the plates will 'be 6 7-lG by 11 7-8 els;, Fulghum, 49i2 qnd .Aiipler, '46.c'bushela. V- ■ DO WE BELIEVE IN PRA.YER? liiuvc« iiaiujj. lo ceinnu I/O 00 an /T>„ T T •„ 1 important factor ih the new in- !i)avidson r o ? L J ? dustrial relationship established College.) Do we believe In prayer? We say oi|r prayers, but sometimes In ita etfects, the law will .when we are brought face to face bring to the fore the sales prob- "'‘th a specific case, our faith , lems of tho manufacturer a n d ^’'^ters. In the Epistle of James aalem. Tine enemy was trying to ^ jj. power will emphasize tho importance of "‘e are told "the effectual, for- tear down what he was try- ....... „„„i.i. -------. i. inches. The plates are manufactured at 'iij,e Loo produces best when the state prison at a cost of ap- planted on or about October 15, proximately 10 cents a pah-. though it may be seeded later i S f ? ' ”"table southern farm crop and one ............... ,, that has gained favor in North I . Carolina in these later years has' Question—What is a good hay been, the subject of considerable mixture to sow this fa ll? , , study by. the United States De- Answer — One mixture whic'h partment of Agriculture recently has been found very satisfactory and its experts have found aome is' eoniiiosed' of-one ' bushel of valuable facts about the sirup, beardless wheat, one and one- The department has recently is- half bushel of oats or beardless sued two mimeographed publica-'bai’loy, and '20 pounds o f hairy tions, om.haaring.i!hé.tit!Or-‘‘HovA^^¿tch_Qr„aü.pov.ridi, of-rAustrian' to Make Best Quality ,Sorghum winter pea.s. This , mixture, sown Sirup” and tho other, “How to between October 1 and 16 on well Prevent Jellying' and Slow Boil- fertilized soil will be ready for ini; and How to Prevent Sugar- cutting the following Mffy áñd will i'ng.” Both of these two interest- yield from two to three tons of ing circulars are adaptable to .excellent hay to the'aerei ’ Norte, Carolina and both may be' -------------p - . 'had ;'free of charge on applica-1 Question ~ How can the ariiall tion. to the Bureau of Chemistry reddish brown insects that in- and Soils, United States Depart- fest the combs and wattles of ment of Agriculture. Mr, H. S. poultry be destroyed?' lain e.’at the addres.s priven, w ill, Answer From your descrip- send the two publication.s, jthia insect is the sand flea or Mr. I aine recently sent Emil stick-tight flea and can be treat- ii. \ entre into this State to make ed very effectively .by rubbinVthe some investigations into the infested parts with' a mixturé of growth of sorghum for sirup. The two parts of lard and one part ■lield man was .surprised to find nf finely powdered sulphur. T'he that most u-ood farms in the State insect breeds in shady, sandy grew at le.ist a patch of sorghum places under outbuildings and in cane for sirup purposes. He said chij) piles and these placea s'hould ¿laü Lu i)p spriT.vecT an accurate knowledge of hia re-P™ye‘- of' a righteous man I'Ih fes.sing Christians to do that. marks, “Oood advertising will be- availeth much.” In the original made piayoi with oui God _______________________ come more essential than over It G*’eek the literal meaning ¡g, and sot a watch ngainat them will be in a position to help bu8i-i“^he energetic prayer of a right- nitfht.” It is high time Trade with the Merchants that «vcP.iHvo eous man availet,h miicirt.” An tor tho forces of ri'ghtoousness to advertise in tho Enterpriseness executive avoid those w aste- eons man. availeth mucrt.” An ful and oxponsive practices in onergetic prayer is one into which selling which so often add nced- losa costa to needed products. G'ood advertising is opposed to senseless price cutting and to un fair competition. There are two the Christian throws the whole energy of his being. Do Christ ians believe enough in prayer to pray t'hat way now? , There arc good people who do business evils which we hope to "°t believe that the Eighteenth reduce under the new, plan of Amendment ia the be.st way to business administration! promote temperance and right- Conslructivo aolling competi- eouaness. It surely must be their tion will be as strong as ever and duty to help find a more exceil- there will be grent need for ag- ,e"t way. If those wlho believe in gressive sale and advertising ot^ the liquor trafic have their way, forts. The only kind of competi- tbat has been accomplished tion that ig going to be lessened f®*" temperance in the last aeven- is the destructive, cut-throat kind ,'^y-fl''e years will be lost. We of competition which harms in-¡need not deceive ourselves. Did dustry and the public aa weU. observe that an amendment There should be more competition than ever in presenting quality products to conaumera and in selling the products. What we which proposed that beer and wine should not be advertised over the radio was defeated by Congress? If the liquor traffic SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF BOOK-BAGS, FOUNTAIN PENS, PENCIL SETS, CON STRUCTION AND DRAWING IPAPERS, -NOTE BOOK PAPER, 100 SHEETS FOR 5c. MIMOGRAPH SUPPLIES 'HECTOGRAPHS HINKLE-LANCASTER BOOK STORE 423 Trade St. Winston-Salem, N. C. are going to need more than ever its way, it will not bo lon'g is energetic, intelligent, efforts to .sell goods to who are to use them. honest people SIXTY YEARS AGO 1till beer and wine and whiskey are advertised oyer tho radio, in picture shows, ou bill-boards, in i magazines and newspapers, and everywhere. A few years ago they began to put attractive girl.s in ' Folks 'boiled coffee and settled eigarette advertisements. At first it with an egg. , |the girl was not touching a I Ladies rode on aide-aaddles. .'cig'arette. She was juat in the p ic-' Little Johnnie wore brass toed t,ii're. A little later she appeared boo,ts_anj:l,,dMdy,-w-ore-brog^ansr- -|hQlding a cigarotto, but not sniok- B Leeches oporntod more fre-’|'n£r it. Now thejo is a beaulifui — quently than tho surgeon’s knife. '»¡‘’1 in nearly every cigarette ad- Ih n t V\U« oi'Vtorv aid North Carolina growera in wired off producin^r a better quality of pro- birds, duct. 1 Now that sirup-making time is with kerosene ; or so aa to exclude the Question — Should tobacco ■‘S'I л s 'j' p u b ' ' lapproaching, exten.sion workers stalks be plowed under or cut af- iU btato Colleire, suggest, that; the tor the crop is harvested? iwn pti.jlicatK>ns issued by Mr. i Answer—Stalks which are al- Paino would be of value. The lowed to stand aftor harvest fur- pub ¡cations point out how the nish food and breeding places for (|ua it.y of sirup IS allected by a large number of insects and in.iturity ol the cane; tell about should bo plowed under or cut When U) grind: and give definite immediately 'a ft6V harvesting, .uu (letailod instructions about Where the .stalks are green it is c the sirup. A skelch of an hast lo plow them under as these ine/iulo'l''' lurnace is also green stalks supply a certain When a preacher said a truth, the-people said Amen. 1^‘ft over noon victuals were fini.shed at supper time! Neighbor,s asked about fam ily and meant it, EAT MEAT AN D SA V E THE T AX. BUY IT FROM US. A L L IS0.4*J0H N S0N C O . vertisement and she is -neiarly always smoking. Thus tho girls of our nation have been led on step iby step to form the cigarette i your habit. We may be sure that the I same thing is going to happen j in the case of beer, wine and | iwhiskey, if the people of the ' fvriliYll vif i i PHONE 111 MOCKSVILLE, N. C. t m I Mc!n7VGto-Rounds were called Plying Jennies. Folks used toothpicks and were'country open tho way. Attractive ' still polite.advertisements of every kind will A tin cup of red liquor waa be uaed to lead our boys and | sold for five cents. girls deeper and deeper' into the Ladies dresses reached from'f'*'i>^l‘i'’ii habit. The tragedy is her neck to the heel. 'Wiat many Christian people do Wheat was sowed broadcast 'not seem to care. They seem to and harrowed in with a tree top. ^'believe that the cause ,of pro- It took 20 minutes to shine hibition ia lost and that there is nothing we can do about it. Do we believe that the eternal God 1» still with those who work shoes with Ma.son’s blacking, ^^f'eoplp served Pot Liquor in- FOR ECONOMY IN MERCHANDISE Davie County people have learned that they can save money by buying at M ar tin Bros. _______________________ “CTfTiJiUU AulVpT Indigestion and appendicitis and pray for temperance and were called plain Bellyache. righteousness? Napoleon said Quinine waa taken in coffee. Providence was on the aide of the molasses or tissue paper. ’ army that had the heaviest ar- Vermillion was used as’hearth tillery. Many professing Christ- paint intead of face paint. jians seem to believe that victory Babies were rocked in cradles 'will be on the side which has the without addling their brains. ^largest bands account and tho most efficient organization. Does the church believe that prayer moves the arm y that moves tho world? Wc do not like to act like ! 'Mon played Mumble Ре»: in stead of Poker. The neighbors all got meat at ho» killing time. fresh I And a man made the .same wife it- do a lil'etimo. amount of plant food to the soil. .$1.50 per year.Subscribe to the Enterprise It will not be long till the ^ Christian people of every state | in the union nre going to be face ' to face with this liquor problem Both fair in regard to yourpocketbook and to the man or woman that made the goods. We believe i n quality a t reasonable prices. There is so little difference in the price of good merchandise and shoddy goods, why not buy the good? MARTIN BROS. NEAR DEPOT MOCKSVILIÆ, N. С, &vs':vp,r? T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , ' Í D 3 3 - ' T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C .P a f l r e e Card ParticB Social Functionb Club Meetings ßhurch Newa Local Happenings Coming and Going of those We know MISS MARY J. HEITMAN. Social Editor Phone 112 MISS ETHEL BOGER GIVES A DR. AND MRS. ANDERSON CHICKEN STEW AT HOME ENTERTAIN BISHOP PFOHL’S FAMILY Mack Crimpbell will leave M on-, Mr,. E. W. Crow visited rela- <l„y to re-enter Sl,ate College. • ' ^tives in Winston-Salem this week. Paul Hendricks left Monday to “‘-■‘=°>npanied by her dau ghter, Miss Jane Crow, who en tered Salem College.j-c'-unter Wake Forest Colleiie. —-------0---------- jlr. Harley Sofley is erecting ;i nice home on wiikoaboro street. pliilli'p Kirk left this week for puke University to resume .sUiilieM. ----------o -------- , Misses Helen Holthouser and Emily Rodweli entered Woman’,s Ocllege, Greensboro, on Monday, his Sirs. R. M. Holthouser accompan ied tiiem there for :rie day. MRS. GAITHER AND 'MISS GAITHER TO ENTERTAIN MI.SS lianes Clement left Tues- ' Miss Mary Allen Hendrix was ,lay ior puke University, where,the recent ^uest of Miss Louise shewn c, a s.nioi. W'ooley in Troy. She spent the Mrs. M. K. Pate, of Burling- P'jst week-end with several Salis- ton, is visiting her parents, Mr. bury friends at Bridgewater. and Mra. V.' E. Swaini. ' _ ----------p— — -----i.—-q;' £ " Miss June Bradley is spending Miss Storah Gfl.ither.,will leave'this week with'Mrs';''E;- P. Brad- ,Mias FarirtÎa,'; Gregory ' Chapel Hill, before 141:30 WlliJS VVCtJK IFriday to гевцтв ley. -'and Mii Gastonia, city ac^oo|^y . '^ ^ ^ ^ fc a d le y Tii-' _ ^ ‘l'vA-AnfoïMn.-Mr; J. B; Douthit, of Cha'rl№,i, visited Mr. and Mrs. E; ris one day..this weefc,^'“ ... Rev. W. I. Howell is attending ,^i|l'^ij^8u,me l^qr studies at Mit- the Winston-Salem Presbytery .,at ¿helV qdiiege. ''M rs. M. D. Pass, ire-eritering Queen.’s College. ‘'■'Miaa Cordelia.-Pass left Tues day f6f*Stateavilla,' where ahe in the most acute way. Shall we make their prayer unto God and to abjectly surrender and let those set a watch against the force.s of who believe in the liquor traffic unrighteousness. write the laws of tho state and ' ....................... - nation? "'e I'oally believe in prayer'i ing to rebuild the walls of Jeru- S 1 ’ inTiw„ ________4.- ask God to help un vote a.s woa.s wo from above to enable some of u.s pro- CAIMPBELL-WALKRR FUNERAL HOME , AMBULANCE ......................EMSALMERS TELEPHONE ................................................................. 48 Main Street—Next to Methodist Church äWietICtWJCfKliXWWJÄMiSitiiMXilttWWWWWXiWWKtWWWKWWWMWiÄWttWWWMHWWWWWMWMttS Gliule Valley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crow, ..of Monroe, apent Sunday with Mra. B. W. Crow and family. ■ ■■ '■ 'O' Miss Hattie Fowler, of Statea- ville, waa the recent gUoat of her sister, Mrs. G. G, Daniel. aicompanied her to Statesville. Misa Ethel Boger was hostess . , last Wednesday night, when she' Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Anderson entertained a group of friend.s wore host and hostess nt a lovely at a chicken stew. dinner on Tuesday evening, in N eT l^ rm eT ru n itrM ary'F r^ n ! '"• ces Boger, Minnie Lavada, I'iri- ^^enneth Ptohl and family, of am Harpe, Joy, Ruth, Mary Winston-Salem. The beautifully Louise, Margaret Lakey, Marga- appointed table had a bowl of ret Collette, Dorotny Leagans, '‘°ses and snapdragons as a cen- _ Louise Latham, Lnura, Bessie terpiece, and a delicious course FOR IVHSS LONG '‘ichie. Messrs. Jtoy, Wake Ed- dinner' was served. Covers were __________ jAvards, Lester, Robert Richie, Joe b'id for Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, L. Gaither and Miss,Williams, Ernest Potts, Billie Bishop and Mra. Pfohl, Kenneth, will -rivo I'm in 'Johnson, Clyde Howard, Wilson **nd Donald Pfohl, Miss .Ruth 1 d Harpe, Homer Hunter, Gilmer Pfohl, of Winston-Salom, Miss f01m.1l tea on Ihursday after-Edwin Collette, Charlie t^ou'se Nelson, of Ann Arbor, nocn from 5 to C, in honor of ^jyiiiu, ^Oui^e, Herman Boger, Mich., Miss Erika Marx, of Na- ¡\3iss Virginia Long, lof ^States- Paul, Charlie, Joe, Cecil Leagans, ¡'•areth. Pa., and Miss Mary Ncl- ville, an attractive bride-elect,'Xenoplion, Frances, Raid Hunter, Anderson. A fter dinner sov- whose marriage to Rev V\^ I Henry, Gilbert Lee, Howard, Jim, eral other «ueats were invited in, Howell of this nlace will takeV-'^'berrill Boger, Mrs. Lou Furch- «nd enjoyed a delightful musical , L 1 r . r i f es, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Campbell, Program given by the Pfohl fam- ber *“tter part of Septem -jjitle daughter, M aiy Jo, Mr. and ; selections by Mrs. Mrs. E. Sarah Gaithar g ;jgarj-!iL'jM,L№j;rMaMea Corn planted after Crimsort. clpvcr by G.. , G. Mathews o f Scotland county will produce- about .80 bushels of corn an acre, estimates the owner. "N Let me recondition your hajir NOW by using. Vita Torfic Scalp Treatments and Shanj- pooa. • 'v M AE’S SHOPPE Mocksville, N. C. Cnll 122 for appointment PARENT-TEACHER Mrs. Clyde Boger, Mrs. C. R. Pfohl, vocal numbers by Bishop Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Leagans, Pfohl. flu te;' solos iby Donald Aac!r,r>r*rrtr>xT Mr. and Mrs. J.. L. .Boger, M rs.'Pfohl. and .piano solos by Misa , ASSOCIATION MEETS l _ m . Latham, ,Mr. and Mrs. W. Nelson were given. Miss Rtith rri D ■' ~7Z ; . . . Hutchens, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Pfohl is,an ihatructor in harp. 1 , 1 iu : _O no Present and . Miss .Nelson, in piano, at held the first meeting oi the |--------------------------------- University of Michigan, and will new aession on Tuesday t^fternoon Y. VV. A. iMEETS WITH at the Hig'b; School. Mrs.ij’J. H. Thompson,' t]ie president, presid ed, and afra/ jack Mc'qn^y. put on an enjoyable muaich| ■'prpgram. Misa Irene .Hòrn' giivè . a ipiano aolo,'Mias Alice Carr.Choate,'sang,«^.1 nrj\, __Ì.U.. riirilAi.*- J.l____1 leave-next“ wefik'‘t6 take lip their MRS. LESTER iMARTIN,work. The gu'datii’ tohiihg in aftet 'dinnor,-were; I'MdSdamosi Julia C. Mrs. Julia C. Hoitman and .Miss Mary Heitman sPont Mon (l.iy afternoon in Snlisbury. "The Y. W. A. of the Baptist Heitman, P. J,.Johnson, Jack Al- chuVch met with the leader, Mrs. Haon, H, Ç. Lane, Misaea Bertha Leater Martin, on Monday even- Lee,'Alice Leet,^9^0 Qwe,n, Osaie , „ , I ing, with the president. Miss Allison ap,d MaiyiiJtlfiibmaiiriiPo-, and Miss Dorothy; Blanton playedipauline Campbell, in the chair, llcious, cream and '.,devil’s .¡food a selection on the violin. Plana The devotional period . waa . in cake 'ivdr.b'served. . were discuaaçd ' for,...tihe year’s charUe o f Mias Louise Stroud, I --------:-----' work, after which"ii'aocial^ hour land Misa Ruth Angell had charge FORMER SECRETARY, MELLON followed, and light refrea.h'menta of the program. An interèating GETS'$1.90 ' EVERY SECOND .'.,Mr; and Mrs. H. L. Mooney, of were served. A gratifying num- dialogue on the Margaret Fund, IWflodbridge, . Va., were recent ber attended. ' ' 'i which is used for the education . Every time thd clock ticks An- g'üesta of Mr. and Mrs. R. ' G. ‘Walker. l'hoir little daughter, Jane, remained for a longer visit. ........o---------- Miss Ruth Hendricks entered tho Baptist Hospital in Winston- SEMI-PASTE PAINT One gallon makes 2Y2 when mixed KURFEES & WARD “Bettor Sorvic6” ...... MESDAMES DANIEL AND ' HARDING ENTERTAIN Mrs. Knox Johnstone and Mrs. H. 0. Smith were visitors in Winston-Salem on I'uesday. ----------0---------- Dick Brenegar, of Raleigh, which is used for the education of the children of miaslonaries, j'irew Melloni'former secretary of was given by Mrs. Martin, Misa ' the treasury; ‘ la enriched $1.90 Angell and Misa Campbell. A fter, without liftinjnf a finger. . H brief business session, the nos-' C6ming In' eyor'y second, this Mrs. G. G. Daniel and Mrs. S. jtegg served tempting lemonade sum provides him 'an annual in- , ...c „.„o.u..- Harding were gracious hos-lj^pj cookies. Those present were: come of ?GO,pOO',pbO. He receives iSalem last week, where she will tesses at tihe home ot Mrs. Dan- Letter Martin, Misses Paul- it from a tdtdl'fortune o f '$2,492,- ■ take a course of training. She *el On Friday atternoon, a lovely Campbell, Ruth Angell, Mar- 290,443;' making him the richest spent Sunday with her parents, I - - - ................................ ■ - Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hendricks.i dragon and other flowers form ine the decorations. Bridge was jorifi SteAvart and Louise Stroud, nian in the woi^d, according to a book published by Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Fyne and fb'yed at three tables, tho a - attle daughter, Janet! of Oxford, ‘f f ‘^e l,i«h score prize a puii Mr. and Mrs. John Durham and f bud vases, being won by M «. ^ two children, of Troutman, and J- f’- Hawkins. Rainbow min^^^ spent Sunday with his parents, ^^„^5 Mrs. Hoy Poston and 1 were served dunng the games, Mr. and,Mrs. Hi'T. Brenegar. 1,1^ ^ daughter, of Statesville, »«d the delicious refreahments ----------sPe^t Sunday with Mr. and Mra. w.ro tomatoes stuffed with chi- iMr. and Mrs. J, H. Williams gtewart. SALLIE CALL AID SOCIETY MEETS O’Conndr. SCHOOLS COLLEGES ARÉ OPENING NOW Students should 'bo equipped with Pons, Pencils and other necessary supplies when- they enter. See lUs for Guaranteed ■ Fountain Pens and other School Supplies. Let Ua Serve You. LeGrand’s Pharmacy "The RexaM Store" Phono 21 Mocksville, N. C. spent the week-end with friends in Elizabethtown and Wadesboro. Miss Sarah Chaffin left Dr. and Mra. J. Grady . and thoir small aona, John Gi'ady this Jr. and Billie Anderson, of BridgO- The Sallie Call Aid Society met in the parlor of the Metho dist church on Monday afternoon, ^yitl! the president, Miss Ruth Boue, presiding. 'I'he devotionals \yere led by Mrs. C. H, Tomlin son, and the song, “My faith looks up to Thee,” was sung. The report of the Court Wo3k Let Us Help You Out W ith Your FO OD BUDGETwere ckon salad, cheese b.'scuit, fancy sandwiches, pickle, hot rolls and Booe ' iced tèa. The guests included Mrs. 'j. T, Benbow, of Winston-Salem, Mlsa Hattie Fowler, of States-¡dinners was given, the sum of w eT fo r“rv ia it''to “Tri‘nity and Jol-t","conn!,‘ wh^visTte^^^ M «' л ’ s tn fo 7 ^ ‘'’^'’f ^ ^ Plans were f llii^h Point, before returning to Mocksville, Statesville, Wins- eemee, Mesdames Hutih Sanfoid, m„de for the old-time concert and iton-'Salem, and other points in J- F- Hawkina, R. S. McNejll, L. play to be „iven by tha society on - ' о---------- N. Choicest Meats, Groceries, Ffuits and Vegetables at Reasonable Prices» IDEAL G RO C ERY & M ARKET PHONE 74 MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Mias Ivey Nail, of Hickory, jagt Friday, spending some time in W inston-' Salem; after a visit to her moth er, Mrs. Ida G. Nail. rar'for"uTO weeks'returned E. Feezor, Grady Ward, J. K. pwday evening, September 29th, Meroney, Misses Ossie Allison |i,j (^j,e High Schcol auditorium, and Willie Miller. ¡The hour will be 7:80, and the -------------------------. ¡admission charge for both grown MESDAMES WILLS AND_ childi'en v’ill be a dinio, RASH GUESTS OF HONOR announcement.^ will bo marie later, 'fhose presoni; at the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowlea, of High Point, Misses Lena Cornat zer and Gertrude Wagoner and Mrs. Mayo Wills, of Washing-were; Miss Ruth Booe,liichard Yates was a visitor in^jyj^ Gilbert Brown, of Winaton- Kulcigh this week. He was ac- migges Reecie and Sadie _ ^ R«sh, .„■¿■'■¿r Tomlinson s ’m Z > T led l ’S a t i “colleie fcw^ of Blackstone, Va.,^ who .vifited C„„, j. h. Thompson, A. r’. Tom-' o Mrs. Clyde Hutchens and two littlo daug'hters, of Cana, were guests of Mrs. J. D. CampbellW, M. H'oward.' Jr., will leave next w eek'for We.stminster Col-Sunday, loge, Westminster, Md., where he will enroll as a ministerial stu dent. Mr. Knox Johnstone spent the iveek-end at Montrent. He was ac- eomnanied home by Mrs. John- their sister, Mrs. Jack Allison, last week, were guests of honor at a delightful informal affair given on Thursday afternoon at the Alliaon home, with Mrs. Jack Allison, Mrs. P. J. Johnson, Mrs. E. H. Morris and Miss Ossie Alli son joint hostesses. Tho spaciousMiss Erika iVIar.x, of Nazareth, daughter, carroii, sor^ J attractively decorated a„ visited Miss Mary Nelson J o h n s t o n e ’ s m o t h e r , Jo^ e was .nderson this w e k a n d they re-^ g^jth, of, Pliiladel- arranged. The time ntored Salem College on Wed- , . 1,. i,nvG been «pending the _ __„„n,, -„onf in i^on- 1>!1 Ander ciitored Salem College nesday. -------------------— ' ' linfiis Sanford, Jr., and Mar- .sliull Sahfoi’d "left Tuesday ■' for Davidson College, where Rufuf) will be a junior and Mars,hall a freshman. linson, V. E. Swaim, Speaf*, C. I, Thompson, P. G. Brown, and Mrs.'R. S. Stroud, who waa wel comed as a new member,-----------------«>---------------- JANE MOONEY. HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY phia. who havo been spending kimmer at Montreat. Mrs. Smith was will spend ten daya here with Mr.-and-Mrs. Johnstone.„._--------- _ _-----0 Mrs. R. G. IWalker entertained delightfully at a children’s party | on Septembor 5th, 1» .honor of the ' fourth birthday of 'her attractive apri- little granddaughter, Jane Moo- The following teachera will bo j^ash, members of the faculty m the I LeG'rand, J. C. Sanford, J. Winston-Salem and Forsyth coun- LeGrand, L. E. ----------a—r—~ ty schools: Miss Flossie Martin, p_ Meroney, J. F. M issjluth Daniel entered Ca- Richard J._ Reynolds ^i'Sh ^ Morris, R. S. Mc- Neill, C. F. Meroney, Jr., Grady Ward, Misses Ruth Booe, Willie I Miller, Mary Heitman, and th<? pleasantly spent in con versation. and delicious eot cream and cake were ney, of Woodbridge, Va. The little aerved. Those- present - Dtt-thia -fojks...enjoyed^'^iilaying' yarious nieasant occasion were: Mes- games, after which they .were in- tiwha College thjs'week. HaTOld g Miss Rose Owen baniel and Miss. Héìen Daniel p^jj.yie^v School; "'ill attend Cata-yviba as students. Miss Mary Auéñ Hendrix, ' Walkertown School; and Miss Gilma Baity, G riffitlis’ School vited into the dining-room, the table being prettily decorated with a bowl of zinnias. Delicious cream, two kinds .of calce and salted nuta were served, the hos tess, being assisted by Mrs. George Hendricka. The little ho noree received a number of nice gifts. The small g'uosts included 'Jane Mooney, Tilthia Ray McCul-! B SHARP MUSIC CLUB MEETb ]q|,_ cin.jstine Hendricks, Phyllis 1 Johnson, Anne Clement, Billy For More Than 10 Years We have sold you QUALITY MERCHANIDl'SE at reason able prices. Today we are more able than ever before to save you money on Quality Merchandise. " Some examples of quality, aro—. HY POWER GASOLINE. PENN LANCE ilOO% PURE PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR lOIL, IBURN BRIGHT KEROSENE, WILLARD BATTERIES, U. 3. ITIRES AND t u b e s ! TRY A 5 GALLON CAN PENN( LANCE MOTOR OIL. Horn Serviee Station VULCANIZING AND GLASS /WORK A SPECIALTY ................ _ The.se s c h o o l s bostess_e^__ l'’eiix Harding has returned to [jeg-m on Sept. 18. Wilke Forest College. Mrs. S. _A., ----------n.---------- _ ________ ____ Hiii'ding and Mrs, George W ilkins! ¡,nd Mr.s. Horace Haworth, g Sharp Music Club, I'c^ Sanford and Fred Daniel, accompanied him to Wake Forestpoint, spent Sunday with organized at the 'home | for tlie day. Mrs Haworth’s parents, Mr. and teacher, Mrs. P. J. Johnson, DEACON DUBBS, A COMEDY S w A,r.....!s nnri were ac-,„r* a„f,„.Hnv afternoon. a| TO BE GIVEN IN COOLEE MEE SCHOOL I AUDITORIUM I Mrs E. H. Morris, and were ac- Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ashe and i „jed home by their son, program being giv-i 'iniighter, Bonnie Brown, of May- ¡.¡{„.a.ce, Jr., who had been visit- follows: Solo, Morning, "('»n, spent the week-end . . .with ¡•'Ii'-s, .^.she’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. +„vned from a viait to Rev. M. n, ^____________.-.v., "■ -^VnV-i •" int them. Mrs. Haworth has re- • * * anci Misse.s Mary and Jane McGuire, ijieleii Holthouser and Margaret »dlh enjoyed a deligh'tful sup- cooked at Rich Park 'on Sat- ¡4nlay evening. --------u-o-— ^ ‘Mi.s.ses Kopeiia and Julia Hunt mve returned from a visit to A. R. Hollett, in Chapel *”1' und Mrs. Z. V. Stewart, in "■'"ston-Salom. o. Marie ' Johnson: [Solo, Waltz, Deacon Dubbs, a comedy in Mary Meroney; Solo, The Clown three acts, will be presented at —-----liiu Cuuieeniee ¿ciiooi AuuiioriU'iirlAiiCU liouuii;__^ li-iiiv v _____________ ----С7ОТПТГ Mnliie!' She was accompaniod by Da’nee (Stiehl) Gussie Saturday, Sept. 16th. at 8 'o*clock Katherine Ratledge, who '■‘s liuen visiting! her sister, Mrs, ’'■f'lnig,' in Greenville. N. C.. ........................... ‘‘«'ed AVomnn’s College, Green- Vaughan’s parents, Mr. anci wns. this week. , ,iiC. C. Adams. Sirs:H en;;W hil:e,of^H i.l> ^jnt. who is a sister of Mrs. Waio. Mrs. MaTTwUla, of Waahing- ton D. C„ and Mrs. Frank Rash, of Blackstone, Va., who we‘o gueata of their aister,_ M>’3. Jack .Alliaon. laat week, visited fi'- ends in Charlotte before return ing home. Mra. Allison went to Charlotte w ith them for the day. They were accompanied to Kicn- mond by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vaughan, Jr., and daughter, I hyl- lis, who had been visiting Mis by the Young People of the Meth odist Sunday School. The admis sion is ten and twenty cents. An Johnson; Solo, In Italy, (Wilson) Doris Lagle; Sketch of Mendels sohn. Mrs. P. J. Jo'hnson; Solos Wedding March and Spring Song added attraction will bo singing (Mendelssohn) Mrs. Jioihnson.jiby the Burlington Girls’ Qiiartfit, Prizes were given for work dur-| The cast is as follows: Deacon inLr 'the summer months were a? Dubbs, Flake Pierce; Amos Cole- follov/s: Alice Holton, moat prac mnn, Harold Morton; Rawdon tice; Doris iL'agle, best lessons Crawley, William Benson; Major and memory work; M ary Mero-McNiitt, John A. Parker; Deuter- liey, M arie’ Johnson and Gussiel'onomy Jones, Lester Ridenhour; Johnson, marked improvement [Rose Raleigh, Elizabeth Shep- Tomptin'g light refreshments herd; Miss Philipena Popover, were served by Mrs. Johnson Thelma Ridenhour; Emily Dale, after the program, The В ShanVAnnie Mae Daniels; Trixie Cole- Music Club vill meet ihe secoiul man, Ethel Seagreaves; Yennie Saturday in each month. Yenaon, Lillian Smith, GOOD REPAIRING COSTS NO MORE Than Shoddy/W ork, and Your Car W ill Last a Lot Longer There’s very little difference in the cost of car repairing*, whether you get the best or the worst. That’s why it is to your ad vantage to come to this shop where only the best m aterials are used by expert workmen. Sanford Motor Co. Ford Dealers Since 1813 A\ У ' I '' (i.f Iii i ¡\ W!'ii A. m y ( f ж. îLv.; ■ 'tli?к‘У, M i' i , É ■ f 'f ili lí jV.i, .;,--,' лц1.и1>К!шшк libili "'ì''- ■ i'ífífe: з д 'У' 1 /■î:''.f.' '1 ':, : 'f-- il 1 «: l'i 1 JSCITORIAIi PAGE T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C . T h u r s d a y . S e n t o m b e r 1 4 , The Mocksville Enterprise Published Every Thursday at Mocksviiie North Carolina A. C. Huneycutt Editor and Publisher Ч.: Subscription Rates: $1.60 a Y ear; 6 Months 76 cents Strictly in Advance ' \ ^ Entered at the post oifice at Mocksville, N. C., SB second-class matter under the act of March 8, 1879. NOTICE TO GENERAL PUBLIC This newspaper charges regular ad vertising rates for cards of thanks, resolution notices, Obituaries, etc., and will not accept any thing less than 35 cents cash with copy unless you have regular monthly accounts wit'h us. We do not mean to be hard on any one, but. small items of this nature force ♦ 11H to (iRmand the cash with copy. All ♦ such i-eceived by us in the future with- ♦ out the cash or stamps will not be pub- * lished. * •* * « * * # * # Mocksville. N. C.,. Thursday, September 14, 1933 » Withhold not thou thy tender mercies * * from me, 0 Lord: let thy lovin«, kindness * ■* and thy truth continually preserve me. * * ' —Psalm 40:11.. * « « * * * '# * * * * * * * ijAN KS SHOULD BE FIRST TO AGREE / The Gastonia Gazette, making reference to the action of the American Bankers Association last -weelt, says that the big bankers'of the nation are ■opposed to 'government guarantee measures in ^connection with Ibanking, on the ground that it 3s “a radical departure from customary pro cedure.” The Gazette then goes on to say that if there is anything the American people want in connection with their banking it is a radical de parture from customary procedure in banking for the past few years.' ‘The customary pix)cedure;” aays the Gazette, "of the past has been, a record -or appalliuK fatalities among bunks. Todny there are hundreds of banka trying to do biislticss on restricted Ibases. Nearly eight billion dollars of depositors’’ money is tied up in these ibanks, and t'he relcaso of this amount of moTioy would do more towards restoring prosperity than nil of tho codes in the country. The .customary pro cedure of banks l8 not at all satisfactory to .the people of tho United States.” We most heartily agree -with the Gastonia paper and we think that if there is any orgauiza- 'lioii in the world that ought to be In favor of ■Kovernment guarantee o f bank deposits, that or ganization should be the bankers’ organiiation, fo r as we have beretofore said, it w ill take a long time for the public to pick up full confi- ience In t'he safety and Integrity of banking in- etitiitions, such as was the case at the commence ment of the present depression. * -----------——----------------0------------------------------ GOOD NEWS One of the finest pieces of local news to come out in this .county in the past months is that the Bank of Davie is to reopen on an unrestricted ■basis at an early date, and that sixty-five per cent of the depositors’ money tied up, will be released .for use in the ordinary course of busi ness, That is, of course, if the depositors agre« •to the proposition suibmltted to them by the bank, which they will doubtless have agreed to do before this comment read, by Enterprise subscribers. This will turn loose thousands of dollars, and that this will be spent in the usual course of business within a very short time there is little question. With this prospect, and with the prospect of excellent crops, and with tlie aggres sive stand of local merchants, we nre predicting the finest business between now and Christmas that Mocksville has enjoyed in the history of the town. We hope that every depositor w ill readil.v agree to the proposition made by the Bank of Davie if they have not already done so, to the end that ^ur Bank may ibe once more opened on an unrestricted basis, and that sixty-five per cent A FINE MOVEMENT ■iT'fUy at once. All together, let’s put business across in Mocksville this fall. ------------------------------0—.-------rr::--------------- COTCON CHECKS ■ Another fine Indication Is the announcement that checks for plowed up cotton are being dis tributed throughout the South and before this issue of the paper shall have gone to press, ■«••hecka may be in hand for local farmers. Of course, Davie County is not as great a cotton -county as some sections, but the pajnnent for plowed up cotton will turn loose a right hand some sum of ready cash to be spent by our farmcM'K in ¡buying the necessary merchandise for fall and winter use. That October 7th will be the biggest day In the history of Mocksville Business is generally conceded. On .that date a large amount of mer chandise will be sold at public auction and will be paid for by "Mocksville Dollars.” I'hose who trade in Mocksville with merc'hants who ¡have gone in on this “Mocksville Dollar” movement, will be given one "Mocksville Dollar” .for each dollar spent with Mocksville merchants between now and the 7th of October, and these dollars will be used in buying merchandise at the auc tion sale on ,the 'big day. Already thousands of "Mocksville Dollars” have ibeen issued and de livered to the trading public, and the Mocksville 'Dollar sale day is being talked in every section of the county. In our opinion, this is the most effective step taken by local merchants to help out in making the NRA a success. The movement encourages buying on the part of everyone, and Ibuying is what must be done if our manufacturers are to be expected to keep runnning and furnishing em ployment for wage eiirncrs. ThlR pnpRr has never encouraged promiscuous buying and spend ing of money,, but we do believe that if there ever wus a time when general spending could ^be pronounced u virtue, it is now. We say this udvisedly, .becuuse if the NRA movement is a success, it means a new day for workers, wage earners, and farmers, and will end the de pression, w’hich It Is already rapidly doing. On th'e,’other hand, if the N'liA fails, it doubtless m'euns chnos for un indefinite period. It must not .fail, and it iwill not'fall if all of the people In the United States cooperate with the move ment. In view of this, |We think that the Mocks ville merchants who have gone in on this “Mocks ville Dollar” movement nre not only increasing their own business, but they are to be commend ed fo r the assistance which the movement will give to the success of the INIRA campaign. W^ hope that every reader of this patttr will read the advertisements of the various merchants who have *goiie in on this movement as they appear In each issue of the Enterprise between now and October 7th., and that everyone who has the money will spend llberully in buying the necessi ties of life. 1 TIME TO GT?T SERIOUS SLEEPING SICKNESS EPIDEMIC HAS TAKEN 47 LIVES DURING MONTH A LOT OF EGGS We notice by the pajber that old man Jack Dempsey is slated for a big, fight with Jack Dillon of Oklahoma City on September 15th. It will be remembered that Jack was the heavy weight champion years ago, and then got knocked out and hns failed to como 'buck. Of course, since this big fight is to be one of the nttractions of the Cherokee strip celebration, possibly Dempsey is giving his services more as a matter of amuse ment than for the purpose of coming back to his former position. Of course, there can be no possibility of his getting! very far nt his age. He might, therefore, ns well spend the rest of his dnys in the consideration of more serious things than prize fighting; for instance, he might do well to take up the study of philosophy of science or religion, as a pastime rather than suffer his anatomy to be pounded any mpre. PRESS COMMENT THE BEST INDEX ; From 'I'he“YorkviHe Enquirer. --------------- The best indication to be found anywhere that business Is recovering—slowly, It Is quite true— lies in the fact that the newspaper and maga zines over the country are showing, an increns- Ing volume oi advertising In their columns and pages. To the layman this may mean nothing, but to newspaper publishers who have watched the ebb and flow of business in the United Stntes over scores of yenrs, the advertising volume in the newspupers and magazines is the bes^ of all business barometers. --------------:------------:---0------------------------------ THE REAL BOSS I St. Louis — Science lost the first round in its fight with en cephalitis, the form of sleeping sickness now sweeping St. Louis, a one-month review of the epide mic showed today., j On the last day of July phy sicians diagnosed a case of ex treme drowsiness, as sleeping sickness. It was the first case of what 'has proved to be the worst outbreak of the disease in this country. Itoday, the last day of August, fatalities from the one- month visit of the malady reach ed forty-seven. Toial number of persons stricken was 362. , Every resource known to science in the hands of some of the best-known physicians In the United Stntes huve failed to dis cover the germ of encephalitis. It is admittedly too small 'for their most powerful microscopes to ob serve. This is the main ob stacle, for without rejkognlzSng the germ It is impossible to iso late the carrier. Every effort to infect an animal to produce an immunizing dose has failed. I 'I'hree leading doctors of the federal health service, headed by Dr. J. P. Leake, ure bnffled by the mysterious malady. Sur geon-General Hugh S. Cummings was so Impressed with the seriousness of ithe epidemic on his visit here this week he or dered more speciallstri of his de partment to the scene immediate ly, Cummings will rèturn , here ishortly to direct the fight in person. I Treatment of the disease while still largely experimental fol lows thnt of spinal meningitis, the draining of fluid from around the spinal column and brain. This 'flu id presses on the brain, destroying the tissues. It affects the en tire, nervous sys tem. A stiff neck, headache, high fever, vomiting and finally a deadly drowsiness, until the pat- sickness Inasmuch as thé patient the usual order of events in this type of encephalitis which dif fers from the African sleeping comb'nt the disease announced seldom goes into complete un consciousness. I Wnshington University _ scien tists concentrating on a serum to combat the disease ansounced ithat in the next two weeks they expected their research work to produce results, but that It took time to round out their experi ments. I I Food and v/ater have been eli minated ns possible carriers of the disea.se nnd Surgeon-Genernl Cummings was convinced cither humnns or insects were spread ing the malady. Government specialists were bendiuj^ their ef forts In this direction. ■ The job of isolating the cases has been left to country and city health authorities. I It 'has been decided to let |publlc schools open in spite of ithe epidemic as the fatality list contains mostly persons of mid dle age. I The metropolitan health coun cil, formed to combat encephali tis, i-eported yesterday in 80 per cent, of the cases that were fatal, the patient suffered from some other ailment such as- hardejiinK.. of the arteries or high blood pressure w’hich contributed largely to death from the epide mic disease. MOTHER AND ,FOUR DAUGHTERS OPERATE FARM OF 84 ACRES RECIPES Alert Wall Street statisticians figured last week that E. _ A. Crawford, who came again into the limelight as the result of his suspension from membership in the Chicago Board of Trade, had taken, as one of his most ambiti ous ventures, a bold excursion in to the egg market. It was figured that if he carried as many eggs in his accounts as he was report ed to have done he must 'have cornered a full year’s output of some 8,700,000 hens. According to the W all Street reports, he was long roughly 22,000 'con tracts which represented 3,168,- 000,000 eggs, possibly a dozen or so more than th at..If laid, or stacked in the proper formntion they would match one of the !* Pyramids In stature, or so the statisticians calculate. To con tinue the fascinating story, Mr. Crawfords had at his command the equivalent of twenty-six eggs, or„ thirteen brenkfasts, for each of the 120,000,000 inhabitants of the United States. He did not keep nil his eggs In one 'basket, but why bother ubout his ’henvy commitments in wheat and rye and cotton and securities. It is calculated that If he has been sunk in the other markets he can gather up his eggs, Injsubate them and start the largest chic ken farm in the world. French Dressing 3 tablespoonfula of olive oil 11/2 tablespoonfuls of vinuijm. ¡4 teaspoonful of salt % teaspoonful of paprika Mix salt and paprika; add one tablespoonful of oil, »nd tnix w ell: add one-half the vinegar, a little at a time. Blend, and add remainder of the oil and vinegar alternately. T l i i n ’ r . s c ia y , S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 1 9 . '} 3 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N ' T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N , . C .P a g e T E. CARR CHOATE DENTIST . Office in Mocksville first 3 • days of week. In Salisbury • last 3 days of week—over» Purcell’s Drug Store, on the • square. Phone 141. •« * M * * * » , ROBERT S. McNEILL « Attorney al Lmv * MOCKSVILLE, N. C. • Practice in Ci.vil and Crlmi- • nal Courts, Title Examrna.' tins given prompt attention. • Estimate Timber Stands 13— C I I * 0. Rich of Wake Forest, Beglnnin'g at a stone on south more fully appear by referenceI " !>ke_County. _ side of branch, thence South 40 to a plat thereof made by M. C. O .— . poles to a stone. W ill W rights Ijames, surveyor, on the 31st day C(,||iiig timber stands by guess liocn uisnstrous to many a |.i‘ii:|owner in North Cariina. ‘ "1 knew of one farm er in Cas- ■yull L'ounty Who sold lj;iD,000 worth ijl iimbur for $1,500 an another ill J{andoIph County who cn'ki .?a,000 worth for !f2,000,” II AU rivj PAYMENTS ON WHEAT BEGIN THIS FALL I A worn-out cotton field, has being in Fulton Township, Davie State of North Carolina, and chains to a stone, thence SoiitFi |Occn transformed Into a valuable County, N. C. and more pnrtl'cul- having such shapes, metes and ,20 degrees West 17.50 chaini to and distances as wjll ’a stone, thence Wflst 7.66 chains' to a stone near the lands o f Robert Everharte, thence Nortft . , — ...— - . - . - —------..... 16 degrees West 1,25 chains to __|N01ICE OF SALE OF LAND i-'o^’ïier in Smiths line, thence EasÜ^ oÎ' October, 1928, and attached stone, thence North 24 degrees UNDER DEED OF TRUST Poies and 10 links to a stone to’ the abstract now on file witn lEast with the bank of the creek —------------- Smiths corner, thence North 4' tlie Atlantic Joint Stock Land |24y2 chains to a willow, thence Under and by virtue of the fi^grees. East 36 poles to gtone on ';Bunk of Raleigh, the same being power.s contained In n certnin south side of brnnch, thence down ¡l^ounded on the NorthThe cnmnnliin lo tt contained In n certnin south side of brnnch, thence d o w n ¡bounded on the North by the wheat acrejkre Nnrti, r r e.xecuted to J, B. the mennderlngs of the branch 5 0 'lands of Dan S. •Hobbs, on the Mo that commercial irrnw John.stone, Trustee, by J. C. Poifis to a stone, the beginning !East by tho lands of D.an Will- receive Ijumes and wife Eula ijame.s, to corner containing by e.stimation ;iams, and Will Smith, f«- «‘•‘•<n secure n note In the sum of H acres and 64 poles more or South by the lands ^ :ё ь е Г e x Œ i i " ' f take shape! Goodman, on the of John Evcriiart.te, e lands of :$2‘IQ0,00 due Hanes Chair nnd.i*^®®- '| Mason and’ Robert district 'pibio Co, said deed of trust hav-! For more particular descrip- “nd on the west by the 22nd. tion see Deed by S. C. Benson J- Grubb, nnd being the iden-ilg 33, nnd duly nnd wife to W. A. Massey and ticai tract of land conve.voi.1 by' 19 page ;wlfe recorded in book 20, page from H. C. Holmun and Register’s 31, office Register of Deeds for |Wifo, Anna E. Holmun to P. G. Byerly on 'November 27, 1928, stand open 10 recorded i: as by law pro- East 28V2 chains to the begin ning corner, containing 40 acres, more or less. , ' Terms of s.)Ie cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of. t'he amount of the bid as evidence of good faith. This the 2nd duy of September, jraeu er naa uuuii Lio'iug w rn„(u,.,, ,, , r ,, ----- , — <mu uuiiuiiui „¡.set such loses to farm ers by m,, ,, ,“P°n the undersigned to| -fime of sale—Sentember Ifi iiokling a number 'of timber es- f counties and advertise nnd sell the lunds men- 1933. ’ “ ng demonstrutions in var- “‘f,assistance from the tioned and described therein: | p tc e of fw. SfntB. «xt«ns>on specialists. The undersigned will sell • ' “ ,im JACOB STEWART Attorney at Law Mockaville, N. C. OfRce In Southern Bank & Trust Company building Offlce phone................................. Residence Phone........................I4j I Repair That W agon For Fall and W inter Hauling Best quality Bone Dry Rims and Spokes for one and two horse wagons, Wagon Tire, Body Irons, in fact everything for 3'our wagon. SA W M ILL SUPPLIES Belting, Cant Hooks, Saw Teeth and Rings, Si- monds Cross Cut Saws, Belt Lacing, Steam Cy linder Oil, Mill files of every description and size, "THE STORE OF TODAY’S BEST” Mocksville Hardware Co, PATRONIZE YOUR HARDAVARE STORE TRY A FILL GET A THRILL Todny every Blue and White Service Station Operator in this sectioji is happy .because he has a new double e.vtral value deal for you—something finer in gasoline—some thing that will make every motorist happy. It’s extra good | news, this announcement of NEW Improved Purol-Pep with higher anti-knock—plus top cylinder lubricnticn — es pccially since these two added premiums In quality yours at no increase in price. a I'« I The old idea was to give wage earners just enough to keep soul and body together. But wise men now understand that, with our mass A farm of 84 acres near Lamo- ni, Iowa, is operated by Mrs, Pearl Johnson and^her four dau ghters, who admit' none of the supposed limitations of their sex. I The four daughters knew little about farm work when their fath er died three years ago, 'but as it was a boyless family the four don 'ned overalls and went to work. I They 'have learned to do suc cessfully all of the farm duties - ■tipraiiio 't ' -fevy v u — pr-CTTTCTmrS— Vt.I1i).UUX"' millions of consumers, and that we cannot get millions of consumers without paying the great body of common people .wages hig'h enough ao that they lean consume. The average man Is the most important person in the United States today.—Harry Emerson Fosrick, ------------------------------0—-----------------:---------- . THE SLOW SPEED STATE From The Boston Globe. Massachusetts has the lowest automobile speed . limit of any State in the Union, 30 miles an hour, but judging iby the number of accidental deaths here tho setting of an arbitrary limit at any point is hardly the answer to the safety problem. the farm haa been profitable oven during the lean yenrs. Thia year they will have good crops of corn, soy beans and hay. I In addition to cultivating their ■field, the 'gdrls milk eight cows, feed many hogs, and raise much ¡poultry. During the winter the |two older daughters hang up their overalls and tench in neighboring ¡Kjounty schools. "I'he others stay at ihome. I •------------------------------------ I When t/he North Carolina Crop Improvement Association was or ganized In 1929, «ome 250 farmers joined the organization. At pre sent there are 506 members who produced 102,000 'bushels of certi fied seed last season. In all our experience we have never offered you a gn.solinc so full of extrn vulue—extra mileage — balanced perfor mance—such bigih nntl-knock. qualities. We ask you to try' n filling, our nbsolute recommendation that you will be| delighted. Thousands of motorists have alreudy proved the suporiority of lubricuting Puroi-Pep since its introduction 8 montiia | ugo in W est Virginia, Ohio and Indiana. We could tell you of performance tests by the score but there is no test like a test in your own car itself. Improved Purol Pep at rc-| gular price will speak for itself. Try a F ill! (jet pi'fl'hriH! There are thousands of Blue and White Courtesy Service Stations In this section alert to serve your requirements in gasoline, motor oils and lub rication to your profit and pleasure. PURE OIL CO. OF THE CAROLIN AS I'K ¿«o or^'^ •i■I.• . . t, ■ - ' .„u, pa“rts of the State. Such specialists. | ^ e undersigned wIirseU pub-'DoVir“ sale-^Court nii.L'tiiig3 were recently held in According to I. 0. Schaub, dl- CASH to the highest bid- Terms of sale—Cash 'itiice Yadkin and Wilkes coun-, the adjustment pro- ^er at the court house door of xhls August 12 1933 Here the m e n attending the the contructs will offer Davie County, in Mocksville, N. C. ’ j. 3 JOHNSTONE (4in i were given log Tules f ^ e r s 20 cents a bushel this at/12 ;00 o’clock M. on WEDNES- 8 24 4t.^ . 1________t 1.^ tall anrl oifho»« Q rv.. 1 n ^ DA^ . nrtTniRWP i moo 4.U,. - . _ House anci asked to measure trees .and to f oi' 10 cents a ^AY, OpTCBER 11th, 1933, the Jacob Stewart, Attorney. Lure the stand of timber on n bushel next spring on an uliot- tollowliig described lands lying ■tin liipace. The^re are several 1,973,059 bushels which «nd being in Jerusnlem township, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ? tiiese log rules .but the two approximately 54 percent of N. C. near Cooleemee, N. C. to ■ ESTATE ! lncipul ones useu in iNorth the average past five-year pro- w‘t: A tract containing Fifty ----------------- r!m,lina are th e Doyle and Scrlb-.i^uct'«" >n 'North Carolina. Acres (50) more or les.s, bound-NO'RTIH CAROLINA, np Sometimes the use of these' J » the contract, the 'grower ed on the East by the lands of COUNTY OF DAiV'IE "iM will not give accurate, re- “»ked to reduce the ucre-ij^- Craige, on the South by! Under and 'by vlrtui U but it is better than guess “K® Planted for the 1934 .and **>6 ‘«"ds of A. E. Tatum,, on the power and authority, cc Deed Book No 28, page 303, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Davie County, State of North Carolina, to which I'cfer- ence is made for more complete description of the snme; and being more particularly des cribed as follows: Beginning at a pine knot near trustee of the lands of Dan W ill iams and running South 8.75 de- I grees to a stone, thence West 24 ' JOSEPH L. COCKERHAM, Substituted 'I’rustee. Robert Weinstein nnd Victor W. Thompson, Attorneys, Raleigh, N. C. 9 7 4t FOR lA GOOD CUP OF COFFEE, TRY OUR “KEN NY’S” PURE COFFEE 14c LB, . I ■ F. M. CARTER MEMBER NRA suits but work. Owners of timber land can avoid heavy losses in selling their standing trees if they w ill use the "tree scale” stick, measur ing the diameters and heights of virtue of the ------ — ,,, ,- -----------------------—ity, contained in 1935 crops by the percentage West by the lands of W. R. Cle- that certain deed of trust exe- that tho Secretary of Agrlcul- J"®"* «nd on the North by the cuted by Paul Glenn Byerly and ture mny declare Is necessary to of D. €. LIvingood. For a wi.fe, Sophia Blanche Byerly, to control production. In no case "’“J’® purticuiar description of The Raleigh Savings Bank and ^ will this i-eductlon Ibe over '20 which reference is hereby made Trust Company, trustee, whlclh percent of a grower’s average E'. L. Gaither, said deed of trust is dated Dec- B E E R DAVIE CAFE P. K. MANOS, Prop. Mocksville, N. iC, Next Door to Postofflce and Just as Reliable REGULAR DINNERS 35c All Kinds Of Short Orderg A t Any Time In The Day В E E R f L I then for the past three years. Blalock, B. 23 ember 1, 1928, -and recorded in . trees of ^ ^ ,^leL • to ^e mailed P- 291 Register’s olllce of Davie Book 21, Page 34, of the Davio reading th i„m,hpr The "'heat growers as scon as N- C- also deed from L. County Registry, default having . in board ee nnflGrstand wheat control associations Bi^'ock to John W. IWard and been made in the pnyment of the stifki me s PC 0 ),^yg jjgg,, formed to ndmlnlster from J. W. Wurd nnd wife indebtedness thereby secured and the plan locally ,and the cout . 'H**nes Chair & Table Co. re-in the conditions therein secured, tracts huve nil, be signed nnd nc- ^'‘stered in said Register’s oipc.'i. the undersigned substituted trus- For twenty years we huve served tJhe people of Davie Coun-; ty as Funeral Directors, and never before have we been bo Well Equipped, or had so wide a variety of atyJoo and .price* as wo now have,CALL US AT ANY HOUR G. C. YOUNG & SONS and are sold in acts at a small price, Grntber says. Those wbo are doubtful about cVpt^d. ” .................................. j TERMS OF SALE: CASH. ¡tee by Instrument recorded ... tiie amount oftimber in a given ji,._ Qbodmansays full details', 'I'h*® the 1 1 th. day of Septem-Book 28,'Pag<| 652, Duvie County a r e a and are not able to measure ^^¡j| ber 1933. Regi.stry, will on TUESDAY, it, siiould consult with their coun- federal publica-1 JOHNSTONE OCTOBER 3, 19.‘i3, at or about ty agent before selling the timber .1^ Balanced Harvest” Trustc» twelve o’clock noon, at the court- by he s a j ^ .______¡which bus been prepared by th e , A. T. Grunt, Atty. 4 14 4t. house door at Mockaville, North NOTlf*F OF <iATP ni? T AMn |CurolInu, offer for sale and sell NOIICE OF SALE OF LAND the highest bidder for cash tho following described property: I o agricultural adjustment admlnis- llO-YEAR-OLD ^ tration and Is now being distrl- liUO'rHERS AND SISrL R i,uted by county a’gents In the l.'I{OM THEIR BLAZING ^ ^ ^- HOME ___________ iTIMELY FARM QUESTIONS main wheat producing counties. ' All those certnin pieces, parcels ---------------------the power and authority con aln- „r trnc< ^ of land situate lyingf 1 and 'being'in Fulton Township, ANSWERED AT COLLEGE ‘h® first dny of County, State of NorthCiioveraville, N. Y. — Ten-year- lold Edward Flnnsburg woke up land stared uneasily into the dark- the";:o’orknott dl^^ '^‘■“«‘®®’ recorded M Neely and Carolina, and’ described as fol- Questlon — What is the besti'V Aisey Neely to J. B. John- netís about .his bed. It was very in : ease in tobacco? FIRST TRACT: All that cer- book 14 page 324 in the offlco „¡eee, parcel m- tract of land Answer — A three year rota- °f containing 119 acres.[warm. Ills answer — a cnree .year rota- “‘ “." " p T t, ^“ “T “ V ‘ containing iiu acres, more or-nien he realized th®re was Davie County, North Carolina, de- ,,3,^ Ismoke m the lOom. I .. . peanuts, Laredo soybeans, and liaving been made in the ^¡¡^g jintently-and heard u timber firndham cowpeus. is the ¡Payment ot the indebtedness ae- Mocksville In IFulton Town- 'cured by anld Deed of Truat,only aure cure for thia disease.ship, Davie County, State ofIcrcak somewhere. , "if the house ever catches ^ ¡.Qtatjon will some- firc,” he had often been warned times give good results but the Iby hia father, ‘‘get out and stay three year rotation is'best. Whore lout. Don’t wait to get your toys, tobacco must be planted on In- , +1, v.. „ A dull glow flickered in the fected soU yeur nfter yenr, eurly 1^“'® public auction to the „,¡,¿3 jjy jyj, c .’Ijames, surveyor, I hallway. That wag it. The house plantings will aid In the control highest bidder for cosh at the October, 1928, ' - • — ' Court House door of Davie „-„,„^0,1 tn (-hn „hsb-i.nt now and at the request of the owner North Carolina, having such and holder of the snid note se- nietes, courses nnd dis- cured by Deed ot Trust, the un- dersigned rustee ^viIl offer for .efereiice to u plat thereof was on fire. Hia mother and fath- tor one or two years. grandmother’s bare feet paddling | Question—(What caused limber- N- C., on Suturday the 16th dny gtocit Lund Bunk of itulelgh, the the floor. Coughing, frighten- ,,eck in poultry and how can it same being bounded on the North , . und attached to the abstract nowCounty in tjie town of Mocksville, Atlantic Joint j 6(1, lie ran out with her. The I'ed cured? I glow mounted. ' I Answer — This disease is I The babies: Outside, Eddie re- caused by poison coming from a membured his'baby sister, and his germ which breeds in decayed two baby brothers, asleep in a animal and vegetable matter, back room , . . “If the Iiouse ever Eating magots from this material catches fire get out nnd stay will cause the disease. Where tho (out . . .” flock Is infected, all birds should Dcwn the street an hour later be put up until the source of I came his father’s niitomobile. infection is found and destroyed. Frantic at the sight of their While the flock Is con'fined give burning home, the father and luiolliur saw a group of huddled „ - liiremen. Pf suits to two and oneJhalf gnll- The firemen surrounded buby ons of wntor. I Eleanor, four months; John, o’clock noon the certain tract or Barn'hart, parcel of land situate lying and „n -------------ithe East by the lands of J. E. O n e D i s c o v e r y ¡Foster, George Barnhart and 'James Carter, on the South by A lrk n c k T i i c f i f m c the lands of Robert Crotts and /AlU UlL. U U »1 1 1 1 C£> portion of Dutchman’s Ci-eok, r p i Q , , . and on the West with the lands 1 l i e i j t a t e n t i e n i . of John- wood and a portion of ,, , , ,, , ,, ,, , r' Dutchman’s iCreek, and being the thut L-K (usunlly culled Liver conveyed by deed three and Raymond, three and the ii'andmother. A ll were safe. A called Liver , the 6:"HV™rr..r using three-quarters of .a P°“nd | P . m. torpid Ko'nian to P. C. Eyoilj............................constipation, sluggish 01 toipiü November 27, 1928, said deed '"'er- being duly recorded in Deed Many laxatives and purgatives Book No. 28, page No 303, in the will clennse the smnll Intestines office of the Register of Deeds and give temporary relief — but for Davie County, State of North Question — What are the best planting dates for buy crops I doctor was attending Eddie, cut seeded In the 'fall? and bruised and 'burned on one I Answer — Over n.ost of the foot. that is not enough.iCnrolinu, to. which reference is mude for more complete descrip- 'i'o.. p lïn tln , ,.1.» «Í .h .■II« m«d« thr™ trip. Into tlio I« bctwoon .S.ptombe.-' 15 nnd »«n «nd 1» dli'oolly rosj.on.Jbl» | seglnnini nl • poplnr .t.,mp HENDRICKS & MARTIN Mocksville, N. C. BIG Closing Out SALE S h o es, R u b b e rs, U n d e rw e a r. S w e a te rs , M en ’s S u its , L a d ie s’ S ilk o r K n it D resses, L a d ie s’ W in te r C o a ts a n d m a n y o th e r u s e fu l item s, fo r th e w h o le fa m ily a t M o n ey S a v in g P ric e s . Buy Here and SAVE house,” snid the firemen, October 1 for bnrley, rye, vetch, "brought out all of the young- 'Austrian winter peas and crim- |8ter.s nnd then collapsed, half,son clover; between October 1 I suifocated.” . T’he children’s I Wa.s destroyed. and November 1 for outs, und. J'ohn iWood and running south 177 polos to u stone on the bunk sleeping room October 15 nnd November 15 for'j.ectify the very cuuse of constl- \v(hent. DO YOU KNOW THAT: -e>- A ham rubbed with peanut butter and covered with brown SOLVES PROBLEM FRIED CHICKEN WHILE IN JAIL for more forms of ailments than corner on the Innds of nil other onuses combined. You cun give your lower or lurge , n > m i... intestines un internal bath nnd of Dutchman’s Creek, thence with - . the bank of the creek Soutih 55' degreea Eaat 34 polea to an ash tree, thence East 79. poles to a ex- willow, thence North 1% degi’oes pation. Dr. G. A. Foster tirelessly Prison walls don’t mean a thing perlmented for over ten years ^West 54 poles to an elm, thence and found u combination of drugs which would reach the lower in- ■■’wi.i'iri. b’eforc'if'is’’'5-inrea'will miv« ^ ^ , a delicious and decidedly indivi-, 'vhen he wantg fried chicken. <liial flavor?O Cîol.l о rt 14-/>nf b^ino* nhflOrh^d. ]vitli it w ill 'keep the meat from I “That’s impossible, '"‘C'.;niing 'crusty and dry? A soft chamois — (which - A atrip of bacon placed on fryers _ i • i „ W> of a meat loaf and cooked had stolen one of her chickens -............... - I ‘'That’s impossible,” snid the officer, “that boy’s in jail.” "Mister, you don’t know that b o c,r;;n ;h ed ‘“t;“ rem oVelhe:hoy,” said t'he owner. _‘‘He took o'l) - wet i thoroughly nnd the brend and beuns they S'liieczed as drir ns noqsible is him nnd dropped some c ‘I"-' l.e.st ‘posaible ‘thing to «^0 .the jail window.'Phen he c ^ for nnlishimr n Tiiniin chickens to a fenst.And then he - hing n pinn . 'grabbed a big fr.ver by the neck ■•Oilr spot disease is causing and gives it to a boy to have cook- . • T . . * . - . i n I Hia unparalleled success in Lhis owner of a fine flock of experiment may now bo pur- complained that a negro I'Chnsed under the name of L-K, which is rapidly gaining the name of a miracle prescription. West 34 poles to a stone, thence North IVz degi-ees W est 136 poles COTTON mmmmmmmKtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm We are ready to Buy and Gin your cotton. feed outside fiiisidorable trouble to Durham ed.” tounty cotton growers t'hia sen-1 Sixty dnys wore SOM. , • 'thief’s sentence. added to the Put L-K to the teat and you too, like thousands of others, will call it a miracle prescription.. Sold By LeGrand’s Pharmacy Mocksville, N. C. Cooleemee Drug Co. Cooleemee, N. C. East 9 chnins to u stone neur a gurden, thence North 8.75 chnins to u stone, thence West 14.92 chains to a poplar, thence South 27 degreea West 3.75 chnins to u stone, thence South 6 degrees East 5 'Chains to n stone, thence North 78 West 5V> chains to a stone, thence West 5 chains to tho beginning corner, containing 119 acres, more or less. SECOND' T'iiAiC’I': All that piece, parcel or tract of land- eon- [ Itnining 40 acres, moi'e or less, situate, lying and being about 7i miles East of Mocksville, In Ful ton Township, Davie County, —ЛГЧЖ- Foster & Green Near Sanford Motor Co. E. P. FOSTER, Mgr. and W eigher » i li jfiX I A. мКil'h Vil . i; umu Ч , 1 P a i r e 8 T H E M O C K S V I I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , ' M O C K S V J L L E , N . a ' ' ? y & ‘W T ? i i i . r ' ’ d n v . S f i T i t e m b e r I j , 19 3g A Dog’s Life JUDGES FOR ELECTION | NOVEMBER 7TH. NAMED I : BY ELECTION BOARD --y^-rr 4 ...'bU fuNÍw t Ml ' Si Vjl'í^y ,^ tsi winhN .toNS, bÉlJ!)Nü\NSr'RvijtiÍEA . j (Continued frpm/page' I) ' I come W the erecifiiih**^in payje.iV , ' ' IFrienci^i oi' President Rooseyjilt .y i alid the’ N. R.t'Ai uonsistently hold ’ I .that Davie, like'all other-c.ouri-^ ■ /ties in the State; % iir'fall iti,. line ', and give full 1 .support to - the National \Adtrjiinistrati9,n's prb- ifram for repeal. They do not be lieve that the .isBUC3 of 1928 w ill' be revived in NovembeVi ,,i933i ■ On the other'hand; the support [ers of the United States. Dry movement, disregarding National jissues, claim a bi;{ majority In I Davie against repeal and seem determined to carry the County for retention of the amendment ,in spite of all opposition. As one observer stated the proposition, |“It’is a toss-up between bvo op posing; groups, neither of which seems to know w'hat it’s all a- bout.” From the foregoing list of judges it will be noted that both i;«,!tÍMBLY FARM QUESTIONS r:;c;i?;Ä W E R E D a t co lle g e ■ 'Question — How can poultry .' V,be .piotected from chicken pox? ..j^ns.wer — Remove al] affeuied birdsj.fr.om .the flo(;k. Put them in ¿'pen ai far away from tht '^'main flock as possible. See that allil stagnant water ÍB taken away ^ as thig breeds inosquitos and . these pests transm it the Chicken 1 pox. The entire f'ock should then '■‘iie""vaccinated with pox vaccinc by pulling five feathers from the leg. of ttie bird and,;;wjth a .small brush; applying the vaccine to tho V :holes where the feathers were . pulled. This treatment will cost about one cent a bird. Davie County’a Best Advertising Medium "THE NEWSIEST NEWSPAPEI} IN DAVIE—THE BEST FOR THE SUBSCRIBER AND APVERTISEIT Rebd By The People Who Are Able To Buy _TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTRY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND OUR PURPOSE VOLUME 66 play AND OLD-TIME CONCERT ON SEPT 29TH. MOCKSVILLE, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '-Zl, 1933 No. 4ft The Great Hagenbeck-Wnllace Question—W'hat vegetables may be planted now for Ihe full jrar- den? Answer—Root nnd leafy veget. ables that may be planted during ini,. to High Point, for perform- ., X , , , antes, afternoon and night, onsidea are represented by excel- 'leni citizens. Partisan lines have been wiped out completely and Circus,— largest trained wild an-[August and September are Kale, imal show in the world, is com- Spinach, I,ettuce, Mustard, Car rots, Beets, and Turnips. Snaji beans and some iearly'i maturing varieties of aweet xorn will also I'he huge affair, known as provide a variation from the leafy vegetables. All these vejret-Z in ^ ‘"i'he Highe.:t Class Circus on leafy vegetables. All these vem- f niwMrt- nnr nn (WprHon Earth,” will bring all the famous ables mature within 80 day.s and, will be Tekl in D'lvir in ^ i c h 'Hagenbeck:Wallace arenic stars, as the .first; killing frost in tne will ,be held m Dav.e m ™ ,aing .C lyde, Beatty, the'-Piedmont section .|s usuallyneither of the two major parties ^ , , . . • Ayill be represented olHcially on gi'catest wild animal trainer the ballots to be cast. the world, who, this year, enters all ^ Little has been said about the «^eel arena with forty wild and in aroiind November first, they will mattire before frost. s k S o n of le le g X r the " tig ers-th o; Quostion-^lWhere .can I gel in- S c o n ven tS , ^^^^^^^^^ most danger.0U8.and,t?hrilling/(l|s-:struct^^^^^^^^^^ making jelly and Kaleig'h sometime lA December. P>«y «vor before pr<,sented„ ,r., The law providing for the elec- M'cre than 1400 persons, co/n- tion of delegates requires n'om- Pi’iae the big show, and three inatioiis to be made by petitions sp.eoial all-steel trains are > pe- addressed to the chiiirman of the (luired to transport the mam- local boards of elections. Bach, moth circus, conceded, the se- petition must be signed by not; cond larg est, in, ;the Y’<?«‘ld. less than two per cent of the "Poodleis” Hanneford, famous; total vote cast for governor in riding clown, and the noted Han- the county in which the dele- neford family of bare-back rid- gate offers himself in the gener- ers, again, by popular demtlYid, a f election of 1932'.‘ ln November head the field of equestrian acts, IVHEAT PLAN LOWERS power. . ■ ' v USUAL RISK IN CROP “T'he wheat plan tfends'to sthb- ----------------lize the wlieat business and Growers who sign contracts. Places the farm er Who participa- rx^dcr the nationajl wheat adjust- more sure' „ . ___ basis that is possible lor thosement program are removing some . . , , . „ « f the «amble in wheat farming, йо not ta k ej) a it.______ FOR SEPTEMBER It is alway.4 the j)roblem, at according to John W. Goodman, district agent in charge of the ■n’heat reduction campaign in oiorth Carolina. ■■^e ask the contracting fa r mer io reduce acreage .and meet to arrange to keep the brand new certain other requirements,” says books as fresh as possible Goodman, "and in return he re-,throughout the term. In some ceives adjustment payments |Place.s. the newspapers or other which assure a parity return on commercial organizations pro- t^io part of his crop which is ,vide the children • with 'heavy covered bv the processing taxe.s. ' paper book covers.. The majority «The farm er who stays out of youngsters, however|' have to thc plan is under no regulations supply their onw and’many times •or compulsion, but neither >as !,e I ve seen covm-s of vari-co oi^d any of the protection or stabli- attract^and hold dirt zin» features offered in the -wheat plan. We takes greater touching them. «hanees The nicest wa^f-.;to,.solve this. “Tl.e plan is n three-year pro- P^^^lem is by usifl» oilcloth for «ram, H f: tho«e groweis >yho In- ‘he covers. Oilcloth is so easily, lend to take p»rt are signing ^ith a dapp cloth. ®ontract©this year for the whole. To distinguish'! the various period” |books, if the samoi:'colôy,i8,;Msed -It is important to remember,” «»•> continued Mr. Goodman, “thafthe Pn each ^ith. erayo.la. or -wîieat plan j^uarantees to ^he contracting farm er a parity priçe, ----------‘ DO YOU KNOW THAT: 1932. Davie County cast a total while numbers "high in the « ir” of 5,081 votes for governor, out are almost countless, as are the 6. Butter will soothe the pain of which Ehringhaus received 2,- trained and educated horBe dis- of a burn and prevent a blister? i4l8 and Frazier 2,GG3. On the plays, and spectacular stage num b;i.sis of these returns any per- bers which feature many trained son in Davie desiring to offer animal acts, himself as a delegate to the -‘Bombayo,” The T.Ian From Stnte convention, must submit a .jndia, thc famed Picchiani Troope petition to Mr. T. P. Dwiggins. of spring-b'oard acrobats, the Bil- of Blcetions, ]et,ti Troupe of breath-taking RECIPES Grape Jelly Stem and mash the »rapes; put into the preserving icettle Chairman, Board ____ _____ ____________ and boil for twenty minutes. ■siKued by 102 qualified electors hij(h-wiro performei'la,. the Cane- Strain ; boil juice for five min- this petition must be in tho strelly Family, unsupported-lad- ut.(!K, skimming garofully. Warm .hands of Mr. Dwiggins not later ,|gj. „rtists. and the newly im- the sugiar, allowing a pound to than October 7, J.933. ported "Checkerboard” display! \ri?wnv w it T TFT p n n if forty-eight black and white liber-! NEED! WILL G E r PORK , beautiful trained horse display in preserves?^ Answer — Extension Circular number 113 carries recipes for making all kinds of jellies, jams, preserves, (and pickles and a copy of thi^ will be mailed free upon application to F,. H. Jeter, Agricultural Editor, State Coll ege, Raleigh, N. C. The instriic- tiohg contained in this circular are very concise but we suggest that you also advise with your county home demonstration agent for personal instructicii.-------------------------------- Paul Patton is the first .farmer in Macon County to build anti i'll) a trench silo. Many of hi.s nei>rh- bors visited the silo during the digging and filling operatioii.s, 'j'lie public is cordially invited to iiiitronize a play and old-time cuncert givun by the members of the Sallie Call Aid Society, un der tlie direction of the presid ent, Miss Ruth Booe, on Friday ev<‘r!iii..!. Sept. 29, at 7:30, at the Hiftli Hciiooi, the( admission cliartru foi’ grown-folks and chil- (Iveii being a dime. The “Model Glee Club” will sing a number of iild favorites, nnd old costumes will I'urnish interest. The play, "The Sniggles Family,” is full of liiiiiMii', and promises entertain- Ilienl, d e a d l in e is SET FOR RECEIVING WHEAT RE DUCTION a p p l ic a t io n s' A SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER TUCKER FAMILY TO HOLD LAWN PARTY FOR CONCORD CHURCH e wheat reduction plan to make his decison and com- plete the application before thin time. The Ki’ower wr.^ (rurinj^ the past three years has grown more wheat than was required his farm can benefit to a very largo de gree h.v cooperating. the plan. Yadki - - • linvi! UK! OIUiSTATION ARMY EN- than ,10V.'-; 'I'REMENDOUS APPETITE the ups are increasing rapidly. Wo the lawn .was filled with ail kinds to the large table in the yard Of delicious foods. 'I'hose enjoying which was loaded with «cod the occasion were; Mr. and Mrs. things to eat. The table was J. M. Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. W. F, centered with a large bowl of Keller and family, of Mocksville, snapdragons and roses. Thanks Air. and Mrs. K. cr: Stroud and were returned by Rev. Boll, of son, ,Jimmie, Mr. and i\Ii's. J.-G. Thomasvillo. The day was great- and enjoy the evening together.all parts of the State. Arrangements are being made Л c'lieck-up made by the W ar Department for Robert Fechner, direcKir of Emergency Conserva- tiun work disclcses that the Ke- fori'.stiition army enjoys a tre mendous appetite each day. The li..uit.4 show that the 300,0.00 members of the Civilian Conser vation Corps consume 1,042У2 car- had.4 of bacon, beef, coffee and other foodstuffsb every thirty (iliy., \ Actcrding to quantity this amounts to 1,125,000 pounds of bacon, 5,025,000 pounds of beef, !l,000,000 eggs, 5,025,000 pounds of potatoes, 2,250,000 pounds of jiork, G,750,000 pounds of flour, 1.125.000 pounds of coffee, 2,- 8!2,Г)00 pounds of sugar, and 1,- 125.000 pounds of onions. .Statisticians disclose that it ivculd require 281,250 chickens, 18(l,(i00 hogs and 9,375 steers to have had an opjiortunity foered us and as the time for the close is rapidly drawing near lets not neglsct to take advanta.v'e of the Governments offer to aid tho farmer. Stroud man,v more happy .birth days. county, following were present, Mr. and to entertain a large crowd and REUBEN W. PARKER FOUND Tuckers, their families and de- j DEAD AT HOME scendants, are invited to come, get '---------------- iicquainted with their far anti 1 Reuben W. Parker, aged 73, homo in Monday at the result ...... ........------ I ■- thought Elmer A. Tucker, will be read, l^-hat death occurred some time Li'eulenaht Governor C. A. Rey- Sunday evening; as he was CHARLOTTE BANTAMS AND WINSTON-SALEM PROFES SIONAL FOOTBALL GAME FRIDAY NIGHT AT 8 P. M. When the Charlotte Bantams and the Winston-Salem Profes sional football teams line up in Winston-Salem Friday night at 8:00 o’clock, football fans will have the opportunity to see an ar ray of crack talent- matched in the first professional game for the Winston-Salem outfit. Perhaps Southside Park has had headline performers to ap pear there too many times to Hl'r n \T liTTm rS r^ it ^ “ve Long, Rsv. Bell andHLLD A l BETHLLHEM Mrs, ijenry Clinard and family, of Thofnasville; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kssex and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Allen and fnmily, Jim Allen Hmtry'^frmTwOT^^^^^^ noids, Honorable Irvin B. Tue- Sunday An all day service will be held at Bethlehem church next Sun day. Rev. L. D. Thompson will preach at 11:00 and the business session of the P'ourth Quarterly Conference for the Farmington Circuit will be transacted in the afternoon. All of the offleials of the Circuit are urged to be pre sent. ker,; and others, have been i„ .: afternoon.. He was the son of vited to make short addresses. |Rcuben Parker and Pattle Mar- Ample table space is being pro- . "'VL''’“'' vidod and a picnic dinner in true ¡ 1 Two m Tucker style will be one of the v^iin .rtimn ana tamiiy, jim A l l e n ¡‘^"•¡«y^bli^featUres of the day. All ^ Bishop all o^” Winston Sn!' and Misses Mable Davis and «‘'e requested to bring a basket Z 'iL BJanché Allen, of Clemmons. MATTIE EATON AUXILIARY MEETS , tho beginning of tho school year, „ , .* ’ , . , ,, , fo ^ach pint ol .luicc, and add grad ually to Ij'ho juice, stirring until thoroughly molted. Remove from fire; pour into glasses and seal. the meat to the needy has just 6« „ b, so...ct.,.y w a ll-” ace. the five herds of performing elephantl;— 40 in tures, not forgetting the gorge.SWIMH. f*IIlIlI()VlIlL/< IIIUILL U21UIVC1H UVi Grape and N,ut Conserve 3' pounds of suguir, ciissolved in— 2 le m iL ^ g rS 'rin c l'a n d juice T r h e plan should increase prices Kno^n clowns, famous «s G oranges, chopped • of swine possibly 25 to 30 per ''‘‘if'’ 2 pounds of raisins, chopped cent, he said, and at the same , n '1 Pound of walnut.s, chopped itime provide relief to the farmers J, V2 Pound of filberts, chopped 1 heavily stocked with swine but P nf Mix ingredients and allow to with short feed »applies due to The government’s emergency proirram tor buying 5,000,000 swine, employing iTieat packei^ to^^,^^^ .-cieopatra,' process them, and distributing „ simmofl iun_til tihi’ck '(about one drought. (hour)j put'in jars, This is delicious when served with meals. the Great Hagenbeck-Wallace 7 h e ‘ program calls for pur- double-menagerie the largest oP chase of 4,000,000 pigs weighing t"“»- i" the world, 25 to IQO pounds at 6 to 9% „ _ .cents Л pound and 1,000,000 sows PILGRIM HOLINESS REVIVAL soon to farrow, weighing a mini- BEGINS SEPTEMBER il7TH mum of 275 pounds at market PRESCRIl’TION ON A BLOTTER . A , revival meeting will Ibegin at Liberty Pilgrim Holiness to be complete by .Oetciber 1.•or fair buying power for th^t portion of his crop that js destin-, i. gilk hosiery; will wear much church, near Sheffield, the third ed to be used for human consump- longer; if it is . rinsed- tion in the United States. If. the water after each world wheat price." should be low 2, A mattress as a result of world-wide com--ed at least once petition for export markets, the ^ frequent sun-bath? Pastor Rev. W. C. Kirkman and distribution, iarm.er ’ho is under t'he plan " — would have protection, while tho iarm er who stays out might face , , , , A prominent physician was reprímeos on the day marketed plus telephone bv a a bonus of ?4, The purcrmses are form erly in the service of hjs wife. In great iigi' trouble?” asked .the doctor. “'Doc, she done swaMered a bottle of ink I” . . , , 1 , , "i’ll be over tTiere in a shortto be met by a processing tax on 4,„,. Rev. C asteven sisayou n g m an hogs which will go into effect , 3. Silk umbrellas'will not erack many other ministers and sing- i .Wallace estimates the cost of so easily if, when wet, they are ers will be -present to 'help all Uhe program 4it up to $55,000,000, closed and stood on the handles through the meeting, low world market prices, for his until dry? • | Rev. Castovens is a .«rain without the protection of | 4. Potatoes are delicious when of G'od filled with .the Holy Ppntember 30. -I'he tax rate and '^ r/ -' the adjustment payments. II the boiled until done, peeled-iand Ghost and preaches the Gospel of effective date will be fixed later, i ,.; , - , .1, pnces of th.ngs^larmers buy_are|pi„oe^^ i„ a hot oVen in a pan God in the old fa.shion way. he said, estimating that tihe levy on a higher leve than the prices of grease until browhed? . Everyone is cordially invited to paid by those who'^turn the swine of faim products, the adjust- 5. (Jce will keep beitter if it attend these services cadh even- into marketable pork will be eon- eoloied woman doubtfully. mentjiayments will still give is wrapped In newspapor'.before ing at 7:30'and three services on siderably less than a cent a Trade with ^ h ea t, full parity purchasing, placing it in the refi-igerritor? Sunday. , pound” on the processing pork. ad iertlL i f tie BARGAINS! i^*’ead ......................... 5e ¡,iui flc I havo plenty Roofing, all lengths. Plenty Barb Wire, NaiI.s and Balinir Wire. Just received a cur of Salt, Best Grade .................... ili'ie I have received my fall work Shoes. Red Goose and Wolver ine Shoes. These Shoes aro guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Ball Band Shoes. Briuj,. your country produce to me, I will pay market price. I have about 60 Men’s and Bbvs’ Suits I am closing out at less than Va price, lo lbs. Sugar ..................... 50c All 10c Baking Powder .... 9c 10c I'oilet Soap ..................... 9c All lOe Extracts .............. 9c AU 10c Salt ........... ........ 9c 10c Epson Salts ................. 9c Plenty Coffee, lb................ 10c Buy your dry goods from me and save money. r have plenty Cotton Seed Meal, Feed and Flour. See, me for anything you want, r-w ill save you money. Yours for Bargains , J. frank Hendrix Mocksville, N. C. iiirni,4h the beef bacon, lard and but never before have so c№s needed over a thirty-day I"“";''/‘¡'i' »t«''« twinkled on alocal field us will be the сане in the game this week. 'I’he Bantams bring to Winston-lieports also show that the food cdnsumed in an atmosphere of healthful out-door work has (.reatly improvied the physical , , , . condition of the memuers 01 the ^ man without a peer Salem as 't'heir leader Jonnny Branch, former Carolina star Civilian Conservation Corps, to say nothing of buildln,g up their ut returning punta. With him come other players who have morale. The average weight of tho ™ade a listing impression on men in the Corps has increased ‘he state. There will be npproximately 12 pounds each. Another item of interest is the |.stimulating effect which this oon.^umption of food has had on trade, not only iri tlie wholesale mnrket.s, but also in communities where the camps are establis'hed. About 50 per cent of the supplies are bought locally and in some immunities the percentage is hiKher. MISS LONG GIVEN KITCHEN SHOWER Mis.4 Virginia Long, attractive Hiu'i-y Sehwnrtz, Carolina center; Roy McDade, Cai'olina. tackle; Ed Williams, Wake Forest tackle; Earl Dunlap, Ga. Tech back and “Jit” Benton, Wake .Forest back. These are a few of the men who have made the Bantams a team that lias been able to bowl over some of the leading professional teams last year on the Atlanta seaboard. Against them the Winston- Salem Pros will send a team com posed of players whose names and ability are definitely stamp ed on the memory of football The Mattia Eaton ■ Auxiliary met in the parlor of ihe Metho- LONG-HOWELL WEDDING ON ‘list church on Monday after- SEPT. 26 ! Of great interest here and noon, with the president, Mrs. J. Frank Clement, leading the de votionals. Reports were given by bride-to-be, of Statesville, луав fans, Henry House, Carolina THE FA M ILY NEXT D O O R When A Luxury Becomes A Necessity tiie.st of honors at a delightful icwing party given at the home «f Mrs. C. F. Meroney, Jr., on Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Meronuy, Mrs. McNeill and Miss Catherine Meroney joint 'hostess- M, The hnll was effectively de- terated with pink gladioli, and a ¡rirt.fiision of lovely pink roses fiis arranged in the living-room. iKiich guost was. given a tea-towel 11 embroider in green and yellow, |and these were presented to tho lonoreu. Miss Long was then ftleasantly surprised with a big laundry basket decorated with sreen and white paper, which contained a kitchen shower of '"any pretty and useful gifts, 'h’.s, ¡Murray Fidier, who 'has' re cently moved here, was given an aluminum roaster. The tempting fefreshments were block cream ml cake, the color scheme of ifeen and white being carried “lit. The guests included Miss ^’ii'Kinia Long, Mesdames Knox gluhnstone. S. A. Harding, Cecil Jlorris, Lester Martin, P. J. joiiii LiTi'uvv, E ,'W, cnTTttf 'oh bank: Henry Sapp, formerly of Davidson "and George Washing ton University; T'had Brock, Da vidson end and punter; "Ham” Hambright, Ersklne All-State end in South Carolina for two years; Jack Wagoner, Davidson tackle; "®ud” Shuler, |c.ne of the best guards ever to wear a Carolina uniform and All-Southern calibre his senior year; “Happy” Davis, captain and end at Davidson anil Don Carpenter, Duke lineman. These are a few of the men to be seen in action on the Wins- ton-Salem team. Reports from each team state that daily workouts are rounding tho players into first class form and when the whistle stal-ts the ,game Friday night they will be ready for a tough scrap^___ HENPMHGKS-VANZANT MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Hendricks announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Mamie Hendrick.s, If,. Von*ynnt. which took throughout the State is the mar-,i^'« riage of Miss Virginia Long, of Tho>«P8on. Statesville, to Rev. W. I. Howell, ««»‘hicted a pastor of the Presbyterian church here, which will be solemnized on Tuesday morning, Sept. 2G, at 11 o’clock, in the First Presby terian church in Statesville. A number of friends from here will attend the ceremony. The bride is the attractive and ac complished daughter of Dr. and i Mrs. Henry F. Long, of States ville. Mr, Howell is formerly from Oxford und came here lust your to assume pastorate of the Presbyterian church, and haa made many friends since being in Mocksville, T'heir numbers of friends wish them much happi ness, and will welcome Mrs, Ho well to her new home. MISS VIRGINIA LONG HONOREE A T LOVELY TEA A lovely affair of Thursday af ternoon was the tea given by Mrs. E, L, Gaither and Miss Sarah Gather as gracious host esses, in honor of Miss Virginia Long, charming bride-elect of Statesville, whose marriage to joct being the prayers'of Moses. The auxiliary has been studying the prayers and parables of the Old Testament recently, and they are of gieal; interest. A letter was read from Mrs. J. G'. Sterl- iii'g, sec -etary of the Winston- Salem I istrict, and plans were made for the zone meeting to bo hold here on Wednesday after noon, October 4. Those present were: Mesdames J. Frank Cle ment, Ida G. Nail, F; M. Johnson, Julia C. Heitman, J. L. Sheek, R. C. Goforth, W. L.. Moore, J.' H. Thompson, E, W, Crow, C, G. Leach, W, F, Kiger, C, S, Allen, C. N. Christian, P. J. Johnson, Jack Allison, Misses Bertha Lee, Martha Call and Mary Heitman, DAVIE GRAYS CHAPTER' RESUMES MEETING of eats.held at Hickory Grove Methodiat church on I’uesday mornihg, at METHODIST ZONE MIS- 11 o’clock, with the pastor. Rev. . SIONARY MEETING HERE J. O. Banks, in r.h«r-e, assisted — hy Rev. W.. C. Kirkman, Tho pall- The Methodist Missionary So- "'«''o S. F. 'J utterow, R, cieties o f Davie'county will hold 5 ' J-' P- t’heir fall zone meeting ut tho p«'ther, D. L. Richardson and Mocksville Methodist church on Smith, The flowers wero Wednesday afternoon, October 4, earned by Misses Sallie May Go- .beginning nt 2:30, Mrs, J, Frank Belle Smith, Ruth ,Smith Clement, president of the hostess Olgn Dyson._ society, has asked us to an- maince. The societies oP Ad vance, Cooleemee, Farmington and Mocksvillo mako up tho MISS LUCILE CAUDELL ENTERTAINS odist churdi. The Davie Grays Chapter, United Daughters of the Con federacy, resumed work at ithe. home of the president. Miss Mary Heitman, on Friday afternoon, after being disbanded during the summer months, Mrs, T, B, Bai- Rev. W. I. Howell, pastor of thejiey, the chaplain, conducted the Mockaville iPresbyterian church, devotionals, and Mrs. J. B. John- will take placé on Sept. 2G. A number of friends called between the hours of 6 and G and the home was effectively decorated throughout with a profiisioh of autumn flowers. Mias Miu-y Heit man greeted the guests at the door, and Mrs. Hugh Sanford in troduced them to the receivinigi line in the parlor. In the receiv ing line were Miss Sarah Gaither, Miss Virginia Long, Mrs. E. L. Gaither and Mr.<<. H. 0. Smith, of Philadelphi"., i'ae flov.’c-.'s used in the 'virlcr were pink '-oses, physostigia and zinnius, and in the l.;ill butterfly bush nnd mari'folds were arranged. Jlrs. John Larew invited the guests into the dining-room, where Mrs. Cecil Morris was presiding. The ttible was covered with a hand some cloth of Chinese embroid ery and lace over yellow, • the centerpiece beinif an artistic^ ar- rangement .of fixed flowers in a .roses, , А;П . interesting variety of: |Contests •was erijoyed, including л DOC'rORS ASK ' penny guessing game, the first •CASir ADVANCE■ Katherine Walker and Carroll ^ ~ ■"' ' I Howard, and the consolations to Mcliae, Ga. - .Telfair eounty.Misa Elaine Call and .Tames Ben- physicians are out to abolish the son. Tempting fruit punch, old saying that “the doctorfa bill cakes and mints were served. IS the last one to be paid.” Those nresent were Misses Elma loday, 13 physicians of the Hendricks. Sadie Hall Woodruff, county launched their cas'h-in-.Puuline Campbell, Mary Kath- advance campaign to delinquent nvine Wulkor, Mury V. RollinB, ^ , . Sarah Grant, Elaine Call, Frances W ere demanding our cash in Foster, Lucile and 'Addie Mae advance of some of thoae .patients Caudell. and James Benson,. Sam. who are behind in their bills be- Howard and Bill Howard, of cause colkvtions have been so Cooleemee. Carroll Howard, Gray poor that we doctors 'have been Hendricks, Sanford Woodruff, very, greatly embarrassed finan- Buster Killian and Billy Mero- BAPTIST W. M. U. MEETS d aily ourselves,” Dr, J, W„ Neal,'„ey. one of the county physicians, told the United Press, ‘‘We’re goin^i to conduct the plan, of course, ipo it will not The Woman’s Missionary Un work any hardship on those who ion met at the Bapirst church on need medical service but actually Monday afternoon, with Mrs, stone, recording secretary, read j^^ve no money to pay for it. In Lester Martin presiding. The de- the minutes. The convention call cases of life and death we would votionals were led'by Mrs. J. P, ’ not be arbitrary in demanding Green, and Mrs, E, W, Turner the (,-ash in advance, blit the ¡had charge of the program on whole plan is to see that we are the Frenc'h-speaking people of more successful in making'collee-'Louisiana, being assisted by Misa tions so we and our families 'Eftle Booe and Mrs, Martin. A ’n. ,E. Carr Choate, Murray :i'. E ;'c . Staton.-'it, B, John- urown. |tonc. e; hT Morris,' . John Le- T>fand. Mieses W illie Miller, ^lartha Call and Osale Allison. postoffice for several year^,.and has made many friends iyh»Ie Mr. Vanzant formerly lived here, but has a position with the Hunt Transfer Company , TH^rhundred Orange Tounty in.Le^ington, Their many friends 'ymers attended the annual pic- jom m wishing them much hap r« given by the Board of Agri- piness, ^ ........ W ure at the farm of E, S. ^ Garrison, county agent I natta recently. Moore county, makes t'he ob- Borch of Person county re-' gervation that where land is pro- a corn field tbat w ill make terraced there is a 50 .per- ^ average of GO bushels increase in crop yield, with «'n an ucre.^ Lespedeza fertilizer .per Fown on the Und for thè past »'*0 years. silver oiicrgne, -with yellow ■ ta- pers in silver candlesticks at :fiflbh end. Delicious yellow and. white block, cream; cake and mints, in the Same colors were' served by iMisses Hayden San ford, Jane Woodruff and Pauline Daniel, Miss W illie M iller di rected the way to the library, the decorations here being red ffla- dioli, dahlias and snapdragon, Mrs, Knox Johnstone pouied coffee fvom a pilver service, and Mrs, Rufus B;' Sanford was en tertaining Mias Long has- visited here on a number of oc- ca,sions, ^nd will be cordially from the State 'president, Mra. J. E. Woodwiu-d, and a .-attRr from Mrs. R. P. Reece, district direct or, wore read. Miss Janie Martin was elocted delegate lo llie lligh Point convention, in October, W'ith Mrs. J. D. Hodges, alter nate, and Mrs. Hodges was named as delegate to the Balti more convention, in November, with Mrs. J. B. Johnstone, alter nate. Mra. E. W. Crow, chairman of the program committee, pre sented an interesting program on Admiral Rapael Semmes, of. the Confederate Navy, who was born on Sept. 27, 1809. He was : the commander of the famous ship, the “Alabama,” which was built for the Confederate States In Liverpool in I860, This vessel had a notable history during the W ar Between The States, and was won't have to suffer ns we have ibrief .business meeting was held in the past,” before adjournment. Those pre~ , sent were: Mesdames Lester tin, J. P. Green, E. W. Turner,,, T. G. Proctor, S, C. Stonestreet-,. NORTH CAROLINA GETS FOUR WINTER C. C, C. CAM PS' J, F. Hawkins, S. B. Hall, P.' M... ---------------- Carter, Hubert Carrer, W. L., Washington, Sept. 15 — Sixty- Call, E, G. Hendricks, J. T. Bai- • aeven winter camp sites for the,ty, J. F. Jarrett, J. T. Angeil. . civilian conservation corps wore John LeGrand, S. A; Harding,.. approved tonight by Robert Fech-'Misses Effle Booe and Eli2abe(!h<; ner,, emergency conservation di-¡Naylor. A t the same hour the" rector. They are distributed Sunbeams met do^vnstairs, in throughout 15. states. Preaident Roosevelt recently decided to keep open the enlist ment rolls of the reforestation Between The States, and army to afford employment to were present, finally sunk, off the coast of . .______ charge of Mesdames 1 ’, M, Hend rix, J, W, Wall and T, J, Caudell;' A program on State missions waa ’igiven, nnd fourteen children France by thc “Kersearge” : in out ¡prospect iof employment. 18G4. Misa Janie Martin read,an article about the founding of the United Daughters of the Confe deracy in 'Nashville, Tenn., or S ept. 10, 189i(' Mrs. Hodges,, chapter historian, reported five ipovernmenf markers ordered for the veterans’ graves. The Oeto- ber meeting will be held at the home o f Mrs. Hodges and Miss. Ruth Hodge.s. ' .Those present were: Mesdames T. Bi Bailey, E. L. Gaither. Julia C. Hoitman, ,P. M. Johnson, J. B, Johnstone, C. N. Christian, E. iW. Crow, Colo nel and Mrs. J. D. Hodges, -V,Virginia №ifs allocated 12 camps, Califonhia' and Tennessee, 10 each; Iowa, 9; Vermont, 5‘; North Carolina, 4; Maine, Jersey, Pennsylvania, PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY MET MONDAY The Presbyterian Auxiliary met New at the hut on Monday afternoon, Kentucky .with Mrs. Knox Johnstone, the and GoWrado, twq each, and New president, presiding. An jnterest- iMexico, Oklahoma and Utah, one ing study of a group, of the each. lArizona will have four win- Psalms was under the able Isad- ter camp sites, two. in state parks, ¡ership of Mrs. T, B. Bailey. A лvelcomed as a bride, having al- Misses Mo.ry Heitman, Janie ready: made many friends.Martin and Ruth Hodges. ¡report was given by Mrs, G. G. At C,, Kimrey,'.extension dairy Daniel as pastor’s aid. The mem- specialist at State.'^College, has hers in attendance were: Mes- been granted a liave of absence dames Knox Johnstone, T,. jB, for three months to work with the Bailey, Alice W oodruff, J ;. R.' AgliViicultural v^djustment Admi- Jbhnatone, Hugh Sanford, 0. Gv nistration at Washington in aid-W oodruff, Hugh Lagle, W alter ing dairymen of the South to pre- Sharriil, G. G. Daniel and Miss pare code agreements. j W illio Miller. 1,1 if ! 'UI I ) ''‘M 'Щ ¡í' ' f l ED' TI ■í Mil A. í £ щ íi\‘i ViWji! 'Ж - :y.ií -í .'Ifíl 'O V v'l i ' t ‘T il t lix>.y¡:> ■\ Щ: Щ 'íi^ Si'ji ' W : Й Ш 'ШV', Í3 V'í'':^iШ|: I p ;^'ч.'.-, - ..'ií/.ii! ■!.;■ ■ W;: ■. ;!Ш ': '■;' . ''Х! 4.V , i'.'К ^ ■' ' '■ • ' •■.'Mí'-- P a g e 2 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C I t S V l L L E . N . C . T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , i n i w » T r ii’ r ° d n y . S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 1 9 8 8 MOCK’S CHURCH NEWS I ’he Kevival closed here , Fri- (ta.v nishl, with much success. Tiiore wofc several recoiisecnited their lives and eiglit new mem bers added to tho church. Mrs. 0. B, Jones and children, of Winston-Saiem, spent a few dny.s the past we^k with her mother, Mrs. J. T. i^heliis. Mrs. Roy 'Cornatzer and chil dren, of Clemmons, spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beauchamp. and little daughter, Phyllis, and Mrs. Brewer, of Winston, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. H. Hilton. IMrs. M. J. Minor and daughter, Peggy Ann, returned to thoir, heme in iCharlott« Sunday after a weeks visit at her mothers, Mrs. W. R. Carter, ■ : . Mr. E. M. Jones and children, of- Thomasville, spent Sunday with liis,parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones. Rev. W. M. Rathburn w ill fill his regular appointment here CANA NEWS Miss Ruth Ferebee left on FOR SEPTEMBER Mr. and Mrs. William Hilton next Sunday morning at H a., m. Science says Today use a LIQUiD Laxative If you want to GET RID of Constipation worries— .beaten nifg.';, one at a time beat- in;r tihoroughly after each egg is By September most of us ^oel ',tulchd. Drop from a tubleapooii on- Moriday of last week for Mars that summer is ovor and begin to .'i greased cookit; tin in round Hill College \yhere she has en- to rei>air the ravages of the. |,alls two 'inches apart. Bake in tered the Fresimian class. warm season. Shces wlhich have i,ot oven fifteen minutes; then Miss Mary Boger was quite served us woll all through the i-educe heat to moderate and con- sick last week- but is improvin'g. vacction months deserve first at- tijjUo 'baking twenty to twenty- Missds Eleanor an.: Faye Cain 'five minutes, left on Tuesday of last week for Father’s shoes are sadly 'in | Fill with sweetened -whipped Salem College, where the fftrmer need of heels; Jimmy’s need is a member of the Senior Class soles, mother's - n^ed ci(ianing land the latter is entering the ««d sister Sue’s are scuffed. Commercial Class. These things are all jobs for an ■Mr. John A. Naylor, of Wins- expert repairman, I think. And ton-Salem, was here Sunday af- NOW is the time to have them re- ternoon for a visit with his paired. father, Mr. W. B. Naylor. Have you seen the cunning After spending the summer >'««' kitchen curtains of voile? cream flavored with vanilla aiiii sprinkle powdered su-ÿar on top of each. Cabbage Salad Cabbage, chopped, mixed with French dressing, garhisiicd with pimientos cut iJi strip.s. Subscribe to The Enterprise BIXBY NEWS ner, of Winston-Salem, and Miss Elizabeth and Mr, Robert Foster, T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C .Pagfl 3 LEXINGTON ROUTE 5 NEWS The recent announcement of the SMITH GROVE NEWS Rev. M. G. Ervin will preach it, you ovoid danger of bowel strain. You can koop the bo-wcls regular, and comfortablo; you can make cunslipatcd apclls as raro aa colds. Any hospilal offers ovidc.nco of tho harm done by luirsh laxatives that drain the system, weaken the bowel miisnlcs, and in somo cases even affect the liver and iudncys. A doctor will tell you that the unwise cliulco oi laxatives is a com mon cause of chronic constipation. . Fortunately, tho public is fast This lest has proved to many men returning tu tho use uf laxatives and women that their troublo waa in liquid form. .................. .................... * washable m Ivacation hare with his parentH, ''J'hey’rc adorable and wa.s-hi Mr. Paui Leagans has returned ^''^11. As soon ан 1 saw the ■ State СоИеке where he is a determined to have some Tor ember of the Senior Class. self. They are яо attractive and School opened here on Monday to make that 1 must tell you ’ last week with Mr. T. F. Cra- ^bout them. Mine are white but r. from near Harmony and Mrs. Уо» may malce yours any fiolor you Cotton know how Th e liquid test: but A properly prepared liquid laxa tivo briuss a perfect movement. There is nu discomfort at tho time and no weakness aftor. You don’t have lo lako "a douhio dose" a day or two later. In buying any laxative,- always /cofi the label. Not tho claims, but the canlcnls. If it contains ono . <ioubtrul drug, don't take 11. Dr. CaldweH’s Syrup Pepsin is a preacriplional preparation in which, there aro no mineral drugs. Its in gredients aro on the label. By using not "weak bowels,’ cathartics: ' :First., Select a good liquid laxa> live. 2. Tako the dos« you find is suited to your system. 3. Gradually reduco tho doso until bow^ ai« moving regularly without any need of stimulation.Syrup pepsin has the highest standing among liquid laxaüveiv and is tho one generally used. It contains senna, a natural laxative which is perfectly safe foT ^ tha youngest chUd. Yotu druggist has On Cald- welPs Synip Pepsin. Announcement Wehiave recently put in a stock of Firestone Batteries. W e are also equipped to charge your batteries and take care of all your battery requirements, s We also wish to announce to the public that we have fully complied with the NR A We have employed one extra hand, raised wages to NRA requirements and work our hands only 8 hours per day. Let us all be true soldiers of the NRA. COM E TO SEE US. KURFEES & WARD “Better Service” Mocksville, N. C. of ter, from near Harmony and E. F. Etchison, of this place as "'isit. teachers. Sixty-seven pupils have P f cour.se,I don’t been enrolled. much material you will need be- Miss Annie Laurie Etchison causo your windows undoubtedly ,spent Monday and Tuesday with c'iWer from mine in size, but you Iher cousins. Misses Lucile, Elea- can-measure their length ¡uul 'nor and Faye- Cain, at Winston- purchase the ncccssary Salem. amount for either sash or full Some fifteen pupils from this '«"Kth curtains as you wish, neighborhood have entered I stenciled a tea-towel Mocksville High School, design of plates and cups at the ------^---------------- bottom of each curtain. You can MOCKSVILLE r o u t e !J NEWS either draw your own design or I ----------------- buy tho patterns. I bought mine ' Rov. C. E. B. Robinson, of Cool- because it is so much easier to eemee, will conduct service at apply a ready-made transfer and Ascen.sion Chapel Sunday morn- tliere is a wide variety from ing at 11:00. which to celect. I Mr, Clarence Jarvis, of Wins-' Then, with eoloreir t'hread I ton-Salem, spent Sunday with outline:! the “pictures” and cro- home folks, Mr. ajid Mrs. N. A. chetcd a border ai'ound eacii cur- Jaryls. . tain. Since my predominating ' Mr. R. C. Barnes and two sons, color (in tho embroidery) wns Clifton and Harvey, spent Sunday 'blue, I made my edge of blue also, afternoon with Messrs. J. W. and H takes very little time to malte Jaice Jones. these and you will ibe delighted Mr. Harvey Hoots and family "'¡th the many compliments you I ^ spent a while Sunday afternoon I’eceive after the curtains are up. I with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoots. ^||Mrs. H. 'W. Hoots who has been © 1, visiting relatives here -, returned w ith them for a visit. ' Mrii. R. C. Barnes and daught- J or, Lelia; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hendrix and children, also Mr. ' Ernest Carter spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. F .' Forrest and family. Misses Mildred Jones, W e and and I RECIPE Cream Puffs 1 cup of water cup of liquid fat 1 cup of Hour '/j teaspoonful of salt. ■1 eggs Bring water^ and liquid fat to a boil. Add flour and salt and .......................... Louise eook until mixture leaves sides a m r’Mageion'Jenk'ln's^’ind Edith of pan, stirring constantly. He- Hoots spent Sunday afternoon move from fire. Cool and add un- with Misses Pearl and Ila Barnes. are ready to buy gin your cotton will pay highest market price. Come To See Us W e Appreciate Your Patronage • • • • o Foster & Green Near Sanford M otor Co. E. P. FOSTER, M gr. and W eigher Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Long anti Yadkinville, were the Sunday rhildren, of Winston-Salem, spent quests of Misses Racie and’ Sadie Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde 'C-ornatzer. Cornatzer. , I Mr, Misses Catherine and Mable wun ner on Sunday, Sept. 3rd. will be“ re- body be on time, jidbertson, hnve returned liome,Lee Barney. ceived with Interest by the many Mrs. Sallie' Smith suffered a ¡liter spending a week in Winston- Misses Kacic nnd Mary Ellen friends of the contracting parties second stroke of paralysis on last Salem visiting relatives. Cornatzer, spent Monday in Win- and their families. The ceremony Fi'iday niig.ht and is in a very Little Misses Roselaind, Mary,® shopping. iwas performed at the parsonage serious condition. Her many fri- m aniage cf Miss Perlene Hed: here l-unday morning at 10 ____ HnU nf Ml riirm ei tn Mr Irvin o clock. Sunday §chool w ill be r. and Mrs. Brady Williams Grubb, of this place at Lexington after^the^ermon. Lets every t Sunday evening with her on Siimlnv R<vr^t —*'• -------- i LIKE THIS BETTER FLAVOR! ______, ____^1 •— i"«»n periormea at tne parson; and Jackie Cornatzer re- Pansy Faircloth and Miss of the brides pastor, Rev, C. G. ends will be sorry to hear Hiriied home last Monday night, Barney entertained their Isley. Mrs. Wrubb is the eldest' Mr. John M. Foster, of Thom- nftcr spending the summer with classes on a picnic daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. «sville, spent a short while with father. Mr. L. L. Cornatzer Saturday afternoon. Misses Racie Hedrick. She attended school at cousin, Cleland Foster, Sun- : louisville. Ky. Cornatzer were ,invited Reeds. Mr. Grubb is the son of afternoon. Ml.« Ethel Hilton snent the '»i-uests, while Mrs. Jetry Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 'Grubb. He Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Taylor and L- ¡nd with her brother Mr Mrs. Willie Barney, Mrs. attended school at Churchland two daughters, of Winston-Salem, "“riiirx Hilton of Turrentine ’ w^re chaperones. Mr. and Mrs. Grubb w ill be at spent Sunday afternoon here with . c, 1 ,^ „ 7 . "f M.. between, home with the grooms parents. ,relatives. Sunday guests of Mi. | tiie boys and girls with the score ‘ Dr. and Mrs. J E Nance of Smith Grove School opened iiiul Mrs. W. 1<. Long and child- being 17 to 0, after which picnic Trenton N. J is visiting his ijnr- Monday morning, the 18th. with ren, Mr.^ and^ lunch was spread on the ground ents, Mr. and Mrs R A Nance *^e children of Smith Grove 'I •‘‘tie brook. Everyone en- and'other relatives here.' ----“ -----’ Scales and children, all of Wins-near t,„.-Salem and Mrs, C. N. Baity, i ; 7 ;i it anrf < ^ „I- Y adkinville iind Mr. imH Mvuof Yadkinville and Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson.very soon.again igoing on the school bus as usual, Jirs. Jesse Cornatzer and dau- „ ¡rliti'i-. Ursula, spent Sunday with Everybod jli-. and Mrs. R. H. Hilton. sent.' Mr. iind Mra. J. N. Johnson, ' --------------------------------- Mr. Foy Wilkins, Miss Ruby Tur- Subscribe to the Enterprise „V . , which makes it more satisfactory ; J l'- Sheets and There will be preaching here ¡|„‘® tjie^ • . r X r l invitai to So M i,. HnWl. W llltam ., „b o h...Bainhai It spent Thursday in Lex^gg,, mgton the guests of Mr. and j.eturned home.Mrs. John Koontz. I PCOTT B w y Bring We Are Now Prepared To And Gin Your Cotton* Us Your Cotton, We Will Pay You Highest Mar- ket Price. W e W ill Be A t Our Gin A ll Day On Saturdays W e Appi'eciate Your Patronage ■ Mr. Ewgene Bailey who spent ^T|'the summer with his grandpar- Sr.ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Jarvis returned to his home in Coolee mee, where he entered school Monday. -The annual foot washing and communion service will be con ducted at No, Creek Church next ilSi I Sunday. Services begin at 10:00 o’clock and continue through the day with dinner on the ground. Everybody is invited to come and bring a basket. Several preacners will be present from different places. At 9 o’clock in the morn ing there w.ill be a Bapti-sing at , Hanes bridge. Mr. W. II. poots was a busfness visitors at Cooleemee Monday. Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Kimmer and children spent Saturday after noon with the lattqr’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beck. Rev. Daniel W. Allen, pastor of the Grace Church, Lexington, will conduct the annual services at Ascension Chapel, beginning next Sunday night at 7 o'clock and continuing eacb night I through the week. An Invitation is i-xtended tn all who wish to at tend. i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wood,, Misses Alma and Bertie Mae Kimmer and Dewey Kimmer were in Lexington last Tuesday on iju- siness. THE CHEESE TA.STER I Buyers and Ciinners of G 0i!tbh‘ F. K. Benson, Mgr. M ockstille, Ñ. С. From The London Times For 48 years William Hall has been an expert cheese taster in ^Somerset, England. During this time he has sampled approximate ly !?,000,000 cheeses, an averaije of 100 or more daily. With the gouge in hand, he bores into cheese after cheese, sampling morsels of each for quality, tex- ture, iiavor jmn ivnauray;—стппт plugs tlie hole again. Hall does not smoke or drink intoxicants for fear the tobacco or alcohol might dull his highly educated | I tongue. ' QUICK RECOVERY I Tliey were skating in the' rink' | ^and Liza' -fell dowli,' flopjwd over iitid caihe-’right up-again in-front lo f’Rakuij лvith" remarkable' ‘aglli- ■ ,ty;‘ , VI I 'Di-if-you see how quick ah're- ,tovfrf«(i ma'fi equilibrium, \Uasr .tiiii?' - . ■ I Golly'.vaa.M—almost iiefo, -' aii. noUced it -\уаз uncovered. II. OLD TIME STATE WIDE FIDDLER’S CONVENTION MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Saturday Night, Sept 30th | Bigger, Better, Greater than ever. The Old Time Fiddler’s Convention v/ill be held at M ocksville, instead of Cooleemee, Sn the Court House, on Saturday Night, Sept. 30tli at 8 o’clock. We expect to havo with us this year some, of the best mu.siciiin® in the State. Prizes will be given to the best string band, best banjo plii.v»''' best guitar player, also for the best double shuffle dancer. The proceeds from the Convention will go to the prizes, for tl'® competing musicians, advertising and for the benefit of the Mocksville Base Ball Club. All contestants admitted free. Ladies are especinHy fn nnrf- in thig f-nnfpsf_____^_______ I Doors open at 7 o’clock. Convention starts promptly, at, 8. o’flocj'"' If you miss this you will miss the greate.st Convention over held i" the State of North Caroliniv < •■f ■ ' J f .you are a iover of Good Mu.slc, be .^fiirc you do not, miss tj''* Convention.' Admission 25 cents to ,all.^, For fu rth er’ in/ormation «'I' dj-ess J. C. Sell, Cooleemee, N. C-.oivJaife' Allenj'Mb'cksvillbj'N. C ’ COME and hear the best MUSlCIAKS Mrs, ,r. F. Barn'hardt spent'Mrs. W. A. Miller is snendintr I f Yoli. W an t E xtra»Fast R elief D e m a n d A n d G e t Sunday w iu; M ^a^d M;s. T l . ^ jKimmer of Fork, other visitors Z recent guest,of Mrs. J. C. Smith. VV. C. Thompson and children, o f ________________________ 'Salisbury. I FORK NEWS j Mr. and Mrs. John Lon'j?., o f; ___________ iLangly Field, Va., visited at J. F. ,Mr. and Mrs. U. D. W yatt :md , 'Barnhardt’s Sunday afternoon. children, of Winston-Saiem, visit-i Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Lamb and, od Mrs. W yatt’s mother, Mrs. W. | children, spent Thursday after- jj, Hodges Sunday. ■ ' CAMELAS COSTLIER T O B A C C O S ueHer ijet'tm ijcru/r*ìicru€i...^ìieifey1^ e t|orw rT 05te CAMPBELL-WALKEU FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE EMBALMERS TELEPHONE ...............................................................; 48 Main Street—Next to Methodist Chur-:h GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN Because of a nniqu« proeeis ia maoufacturo, Genuine Bayer Anpir- in Tablets are made to disintcgrute —or dissolve—INSTANTLY you toko them. Thus they start to work inilanllu. Start "loking hold" of even a severe headoche; neuralgia, ncuiitis or rheumatic pain u few minutes after Inking. And they provide SAFS relief— for Genuiue BAYER ASPIRIN does not harm the heart. So if you want QUICK and SAFE itilief see that you get the real Bayer orlicle. Always look for the IJaycr cross on every tablet asillustruted. above, and for the words GENUINE DAYEH ASPIRIN on every bottle or package. Hodges Sunday. 1 Mrs, Mable Minor and Mrs. Sherman Myers, of Winston-Sal- GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT HARM THE HEARt" LION PILSENER RETURNS To Awake Fond and Pleasant Memories Americans Finest Beer --SINCE 1850— YOU have tasted beer. Now taste LION, PILSENER, the .same mellow old brew that has given good cheer to many generations — since 1850. Ivion Pilsenor. returns today. An announcement of joy to those who wouid have only real, mellow Pilsenor in the olden days—a new delight to those who have tried other brands and found something lucking. You will 'find Lion Pil- sener worth the waiting—for not a single drop of this rine old brow could be had Mntil it i-eached the exact age required by the ancient formula. In bottles and on draught. , Today wo are ready to .sup ply Lion Pilsener for imme diate delivery to qualified g*iU uiojjmul dors. Get in,, touch with us at once. C oll'351. noon with Mr. and Mrs. R. Simmerson, of Churchland. Mr. ,Oscar Beck of Salisbury, ^m, visited relatives here Sundav. M. ГпТ m '"® w П « Г " I Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Foster visit- 4, n " M''- M''«- Siddenwlnle Sunday night Sunday afternoon. ■ Mr. and Mrs. IL E. Banies an<r Miss Vetera Pack returned children of Cooleemee, Mr. and Sunday, after, spending a J rs. John Bostian, or spencer, ,,,eek with relatives in Winston- Mr. and Mrs. Perry Whirloo and Salem son Richard, of Salisbury, spent ^rs'. George Sidden who has Sunday afternoon with Mr. D. W. been on the sick list is some bet- Barnes and Miss Dora Barnes ter, her friends will be glad to Mr. and i\Irs. J. M. Green, Mr. ]ещ.„ and Mrs. Stokes Green and child- Lmdsay Looper made a bu- ren Mr. and Mrs. Ki^rby Green Mocksville Satur- and ЯОП, all of Churchland, spunt Sunday afternoon with Mr, and m ,_ Mrs. G. B. Bland and Mrs. lommy Green. daugiiter, Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnhui4lt made a trip of Lexington, visited re- to Phiiadolphia Penn. last week ,,e,„ last М1Я.4 Grace GViibb spont aeveral da,vs last week Avith l>er grand- Mr. George Carter and dai^hter rr.other, Mrs. A. A. Grubb, of Mrs. Morrison Carter and T Л T, I 1 Ceasar Bailey, visited rela-1Mr. and Mi^. I. A. Bed: and ^^e Orphans Home at daughter, of Thomasville, .were Ti.omasville Sunday afternoon. Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, C. D. Stewnr?, of IFulton, Lee I.amb s. spont Sunday with Mi‘. Clarence Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Barnes and sidden and children, family. Mr. iCarl Barnes, of Гуго, ,м,.а. Ann Livengood is visiting and Mias Blanche Smder, ot ,,gj. daughter, Mrs. Emma Carter Churchland, spent Sunday after- Holman’s (Cross Roads, noon wit'h Mr. R. L. Buie and, Mrs. J. G. Allen and children, , ,/ o f Greenwood, visited Mr. and I Mr. and Mrs. Blain Everhardt M,.g. C. Allen Sunday, and family, of Salisbury. were| мг. and Mrs. Linnett Potts, of 'guests Sunday afternoon of Mr. Clemmons, spent Sunday after- and Mrs. W. H. Beck. ^noon with relatives here. T r a ü e ' l n T IR E S A L E G U M -D IP P E D T IR E S D o u b le SAVHSGS for Cnr Owner» who l>uy nowlPrices arc going Щ1 THI MASTERPIECE or TIRE CQNSTRUCTIOH Miss Vertía Buie is on a visit Miss Kate Mason has been right with M r.. John . t i™ 7'b ',:;'r«i"g'i.,'7;'o ‘ polia- note ! Alvin Grubb, who holds a, Mr. Cecil Bland and Miss Ber- position in Cooleemee, spent theLexington, visited week-end with his parents, Mr. „„j Mrs. 2. V. Burton Sun- and Mrs. J. E. Grubb. Mr. James Flemming, of Cool-,Mrs. Paul Foster and son, of visited i-elatives PINO NEWS eemee and Miss Annie Flemming, Redland of Salisbury, were the guests of ’ their sister, Mrs. W. R. Buie over ithe week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lamb and little Bobbie Lambe, spent Sun-| Mr. C. H. McMahan is emplov- day visiting relatives at Trading ¡„g several men at his molasses Foard. ^ mill. We hope he will succeed as , Mr. and Mrs. Luther Walser, 01 ,vell this year as before. He sold ILexington .spent Sunday after- over a thousand gallons last [noon with Mr. and Mrs. II. D, year, - T- M J M'" Miller and familv,, Mr and Mr.s. Jim Nance and of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday Carl Nance, oi Tyro, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W West Mrs. U e Nance and chUdren, of, hisses Virginia West and Salisbury, wero guests of Mr. and Frances Lee Ward spent last Firostono Tiros ore Iiullt wUli high strclcit Guni-Dippod Cordi. Every cation fiber In every cord In every ply I» unliiratcil «ml conlcd villh Iiuro rubliflr. Till« extrn Flreston« procM* give* you 58% Kreator pro. lection against blowouts. ay nowi•Don’t Delay—Eqtilii your cur 'rODAY nnd SAVE. Here is how you mako a DOUBLE SAVINGl First—• you loill gel a. liberal alloio- ance for your did tire»-—und accond, you will save the amount of the next price in^;reflse tohic.h inust come iooiu It will bo n long linio in oiir opinion heforo you will ho able to mako auch a tiro snving ngnin, Don’t risk your life and tlio lives of olhera on diiiigcroiiaiy ivornt’ Hinoolh-trenti tires, when wcwill give you n liberal trade-in nllownnce to apply on new Fireatono High Speed ,' Tires — the Safest Tiros in tho JForld, The NEW SUPER OLDFIELD TYPE Iiullt to equal all «¡rst line slondnrd brnnd tires In qunlltr, construetion nnd appearance, but lower in pricor-nnotliar Firestone uchlevemenl tn saving money for car owners. MioM miB fVM ' III! 4.75.19 . . . 5.00*19 . , 5^5.10 . . , 5Л0.10 . . . 6.C0.1Û . . . 6.00-19 II. a 6.S0-19II.D. 7.00.10 II.D. TOQirtrn» $9.40 9.00 10.00lt.50 IX.70 X5.60 Ж7.90 20.S5 Other Si40è troportlonatúíy ¡ачо i ForJ-__1 Chevr......1 4.90.S1 $7.10 F«rd.....iCIi«vr....nym'h...( 4Л5-19 J 7.S5 blanli.....Елш*>х....1 5.00.S0 8 .3 5 1 Slulck.....1 Chevr....J1 Ford.....1 ^Na»b.....> 9«001 11<кзкпе...Т 5.85.18 ' 1 Othir SUii P(Oportionil«ly Low Mrs. R. A. Nance Sunday.I week with Mrs. Harrison Myers, Mr. and Mr.s. Luther Gray Leo-'^f Courtney nard and Roy Léonard of Tyro j Mesdames' C. H. McMahan J spent a while ^ Saturday night f . j,. I Miller and D N : wi il Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barn- ««¡ty Mrs. Amanda :Foie. M ,;,L .n ,b Mi. S - J r r h e l - ' L. E. Green and family. LOST WATCH Mrs. L. L. M iller and son, Jean ¡spent' last week with Mrs. D. N. Baity,' Southeastern Brewing Company Lexington, N. C.------60 North 'Church Street-------Phone 861 -—On Sale A t— D A VIE CAFE AM ERICAN CAFE MOCKSVILLE, N. C. A .fudge was pointing out th a t' a 'v-itnflas~lwnH' iH)i: iiejeHsaiirv l » ptiildrpn 1 m ir —-------—-- ' - ^^4 cnilarcn spcnt the week-end | g }| .be regarded as and "Mrs“ icausp he alters a statement made McMahan, of , Pleasant ; previously. Garden. *Kor instance, he suid, when nnrl Mi*« Tr^Vin t? Tiriiin»*I thi. .0»« toa.y,r »uld t M ,1« have s^vorn I had my watch in MpMah-m n'lr« in»» ."Y ^ “V^^"thVbrthroom" to their father’s, Mr. M illerled I had lelt it in the bathroom Winaton-Salem ** •, '”'h®*’e he holds a prominent wosi- nU » ‘"',and Mr«. M iller w ill teach night his „ W h ^ In the Courtney High School this .bother aboit your w a tc h - ^,,ere.she taught last year.sending four or tive men for it?” , ------- ____r.__ ‘‘G'ood heavens,” the judge ex-1" Catawba county farmers have claimed, “what did you do?” .purchased more farm, machinery I “I g>ave it to the first one who in tlie past three months than they came; he knew just -where it ihave In the whole of the past was.” three years. SPA RK PLUGS IT« КШ t0éÍ УОШ*¿ipmrkrfufiêFatlK B  T T E R IE S j «nd yo«fiU IT« «Mt eny pmKw ■</ 9eiury FHBg. See Fireêtone Gum-IHpfmt Tirée mode in the Fireatone Foctorr and Sehlbition ВЫШпд at Centary qf ProgMas," Clucego, KURFEES & WARD “BETTER SERVICE”MOCKSVILLE, N. 0. ■■ ). S'i- ili i!Äi, '■ ì •i T i » л. Л t i i'¡) !lj l’ . ] 1 fUf ' S T 'TfKfí J 4 i t 'r '■ [Él: iiV l ’ â g e '1 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C . T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 1933 It’s The Old Story MAN WHO SIGNS WILL BE PAID HONORABLE OLIVER W. STEWART in tho city of Chicago. Aa ¡, ber of the House of fteprosem" tives of his state, lie rotid«,,,!,' . Honorable Oliver W. Stewart,'clistirifruished service to tin. The toi)acco grower who signs p,.egjjie„|. the Flying Squadron cf prohibition. Almost imniediat* he reduction agreemon oliered i,,j,„j„tion and chief of its field ly he became a man of n . ' by tlie_ Agauculturab Adjustment in- influence in that body. Admlni.-trat.on will got more ■ p,„hibition 1 Mr. Stewarf is a writermoney for Tiis tobacco tlfis .fall „ . , ■ ,r,,r vmicli di and i„ 1934 and 1936. This is the f ^ h T r ^ r t niu sc ""1avownrl „oli,.. nf tho AAA a.s ex- *«' to « o f the National whieti paper he founded with theavowed policy of the AAA, as ex- MouksvlUe. o r tT ^ p r o d S u o r ’^to^^^^^ , o T 'th f J-‘'"vcmost leaders oi the pio- imiiaiia, he has won roomii*'< LIM;: a U U U I/I w il lll Ct « - a stutement sent to tho North iCaro- 7°,'.?™“.^ lina State College Extension Ser vice last week. tion for the paper as Ьпц nf, ц,^ foremitst reform journals n' the nation. hibition movement now in active ¡service in thia country. , Hi.s has been a life devoted Mr. Davis and his associate J. ft,ic, ,.Mimp More than 1 r.. B, n«t,o„, diiot or th, № ,c » ,,, from his contract as yoinig i.emarkahlu ; school teacher in the middle of a ' e “smair to 6 :cres that his Ínteres s_ will be t,,at he might go out to -lo ^ faniàacUm md ^ “Г irotectod. Tho two officials also „,^.,,nized work in its behalf. „ „f tZ^ * ssure ho man whose crop was ^hat hour to this, he has himtliods , f hII .Ц01МП11« V ЛМ . fpnr f iiii fn . -..Я1__1. licaia In iiunciicus 01 llu? nUMtiiever beo,,^ without vital connec- Trade with the Merchants that PLAN NOW TO ATT£N ju _© BdowM • “DIET ONLY WHEN WEIGHT .FALLS BELOW 190 POUNDS Boston — There is one organi- •zntion whose members go on diets when their weight falls below 190 pounds. Ond rule of the United States J'at Men’s club provides that if 41 member finds his weight is un der 190 he must report immed iately to club officers, who will «dvise him how to regain tho lost ■'.veight. Tho club, organized here 22 years ago, now has 1,452 mem bers, ranging in woig’ht from 190 to 347. I'he alltime champion of, the club was Artivur Moulton, who wcig'hed 460 and once got stuck in a telephone booth. Dedicated to the purpose of enjoying life to its 'fullest, tho , .club has few rules. Members must agree, however, to: Tuck their napkins under their . chins 'wlien eating. Put on their own collars. Tie their own shoestrings. Promise never to reduce. Not to make fuu of "unfortu- nntes” who do not weight as much as 190. 0. T. Rockett of Hickory, Ca tawba county, is conducting a trial with leapons t'his season hav ing 25 excellent birds now weigh ing over 7 pounds each. EXPRESS YOURSELF AT THE PO LLS' 750,000 MORE RETURNED TO THEIR JOBS IN AUG., SAYS MISS PERKINS (By Bertha Marvin Lee) On Saturday afternoon. Sept- Washington. 1- Secretary Per- embor IGth. at a mass meeting kins estimated today that 750,000 in the courthouse the United Dry workers returned to their jobs in Forces of Davio County choso as August and that their pay rolls thoir permanent officers: D. II. >n eighty-nine of the principal Hendricks, Chairman; Rev. J, L. manufacturing industries in- Kirk, secretary; Rev. R. C. Go- creased $12,000,000, indicating forth, head, of the Publicity De- "the success of the NRA and partment. other efforts toward industrial T'ho dry judges of tlio election, recovery.” 1 whose 'names have already beon In a statement, she estim ated' published, -are to be the vice- 380,000 found epiployment In fac- chairmen of the ,counsy-wide (try tories and 370,000 in sixteen non- organizntion—each vice-chairman manufacturing groups in August, to select his own committee of The factory omploymenb gain active 'helper«. Dr. Robert P. over July was 6.4 per cent and Andevson was -chosen as tho the pay roll increase ll.G per dry delegate to represent Davie cent, county in the Convention that may be held in Raloigh time in December. ’ .section, assure tho grower producing frcm 4 acr pr assu cut seriously last year due to blue mold, frost and other damage ■ “ at his interest will be protect-, , ' j I'eaching every State in tin.I Wnile yel a vei> young man ni- yygi.y eaiiital city, ' did what was regarded as im- But the two men are equally as possible in winning an election emphatic in saying that payment minois Legislature on the benefits will go only to the man p).ohibition issue as a candidate advertise In the Enterprise who si«ns the lagreement. I n _________________________________________________________________ other words, the AAA must have liR/ii'ty nnri full cooperation be fore it can do anythin,ifi in bring ing tobacco prices up to parity ■witii the things a farm er has to buy. .During the week of September 11, tobacco farmers in North ¡Carolina furnished a notable ex ample of how growers would coo perate with one another and with thvi G'«;vurnment by their com-. t;lete willingness to sign the re duction agreements leaving to be solved later some of the perplex ing questions which, naturally aro,'^.i,\ A t noon on Wednesday, Sep-1 tember 13, tobacco growers in 48 countit‘3 had sigmod 31,818 tenta- i tive contracts involving 32G,50t acres. Most of these contracts had comt from the eastern part of the State because tiie .growers in the piedmont area had n o t, held their, community meetings at that time It was estimated by j Cean I. O. Sc.haub that the sign up would be complete by Satur day, September 10, and he said close to 100 percent of the grow ers \vould sign. INSTON-SALEM AND FORSYTH ГМ Ш FAIR OCTOBER 2nd to 7ih FRIEND OF THE FAMILY BARGAINS! Bread ........................ 5c and 9c I have plenty Roofing, all lengths. Plenty Barb Wire, Nails and Baliiiir W ire..................... Just received a car of Salt, Best Grade ..................... 95c I have received my fall work Shoes, Red Goose and Wolver ine Shoes. These Shoes are guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Ball Land Siioes. Brinji. your c'cunrry produce to m’e, 1 will pay market price. I have about 50 Men’s and liovs’ Suits 1 am closing out at less than Vi price. lo Ib.s. Sugar ..................... SOc All lOc Baking Powder ..., 9c lOc 'I'oilet Soap ..................... 9c All 10c Extracts .............. 9c Al) 10c Salt ........................ 9c 10c Epson Salts ................ 9c T ir~ :rr:~ T D Fr ie n t y L ^ 'k e e , Buy your dry goods from me and save money, 1 have plenty Cotton Seed Meal, Feed and Flour. See me fo r. anything ’ou vi’ant, I will save you money. Yaurs for Bargains I. frank Hendrix Mocksville, N, C. She estimated a 2,200,000 gain some j„ employment in both manu- „ facturing and nonmanufacturing vnP” H industries since March, the lowvote ‘No Convention.” In tho po5„t. meantime Dr. Anderson’s name „ will have been presented to the chairman of the county board of elections in. a petition signed by factoiy .>vorkeis. not less than 102 qualified elec- '’o" «I'lce March for tors and wo shall be working factory workers was placed at hard to elect him on Nov. 7th. $40.000,000, a ,gain of 55.4 por A t the closo of the mass meet- cent, ing on September 16th. nine wo- IntoiTiroting her statement at men—two from Advance ahd « press conference the labor sec- seven from Mocksville—remained I'etary warned that the figures to declare their whole-hearted should not be talked too literally loyalty to the cause of prohibí- because employment was still tion in North Carolina and their 28.4 per cent below the normal Ideterm.ination to vote dry on Nov. average in 192G and pay rolls 7th. Feeling that our work should were 48 iier cent below that year. be done through one nonnpoliti- ------- ~ cal, and non-denominational or- ili'lE LY .FARM ^QUESTION ganization, we agreed to ally our- ANSWERED AT COLLEGE selves with the dry vice-chair- . ----------;------ mon in our respective voting dia- Question — With the markets tricta, giving them our hearty dosed, ^how can tobacco b.e con- cooperation in tihe fight to re- ditioned for holdng. tain our State prohibition laws;— A nsw er— A fter the tobacco 1 Nine women are very fev,'. Who is graded, that which is in too of all the good women in Davie high order (or case) should b o, county, will join us? We aro not taken out and liungi under a ttn ' fanatics and we are not Pharisees. I'oof in the heat of the day. Th*is ,We know that not all conscien- will dry out the weed to proper Itious women feel as wo do. We conditions. The tobacco .should I'know that some of our best fri- then be packed down in bulk in ends will vote for rejioal. On tho a dry place and covered so that other hand we.know that many' it will not absorb any dampness. Kvomen who are dry at <ieart Growers should be careful to I have not studied the question keep the stored tobacco as cool ¡thoroughly and have not mado as possible to prevent souring. ;up their minds. We know thfit Tliis can bo done by repacking some have not registered and do every day or as often as needed, jnot expect to vote. We beg all to. Do not repack, however, w'hen it come to the courthouse on Satur- is raining or in damp weather ' day night, Sept. 23rd. at 8 o’clock unless more order is needed in ¡and listen rto a timely and infor- the grade. mative address by Rev. OHver ---------------------------------------------------,i Stewart, of the Flying Squadron, getting people to the polls, you i llntelligent and honeat people may do tho best days work of snniiraiTear botix .‘»«es ot a burn- your life. Every ballot ia noed- in>ir .moral, or economic question. |ed. How are you going , to ex- "‘With malice toward none, press yourself? with charity for all,” w« beg the On Nov. 7th. I shall vote first, dr.v women from one end of the “No Convention.” Then I shall county to the other to register vote for Dr. Robert P. Anderson and to vpte. You have ,bcen given to repre,sent me in Raleigh, if I tlie .right, tp c'ast'ybin'’ baljot. It and -iVhen the State Convention makes no- difference whether you meets. I am unmoved by the par- ■ivi.sh to vote, or noti -It is your,tisan cry, “Thou art not Caesar’s ' ¡responsibility to use aright your ¡friend.” Every citizen of the.se I (privilege. Ballots will bring vie- United States has tho right to' tory or defeat to the prohibition 'vote as he prays. I am as loyal cause in North Carolina. If you to my country aa any man or wo- stay away from the polls on Nov. man in it, hut no man or woman 7th, you -may do untold harm. If on earth is the keeper of my con- you have a car nnd use it, as science. That is my self-exprea- jwell as your moral influence, in^sion. What ia yours? (j A colored country preacher who was stron,;ji on visiting the female members of his flock, was traveling along the road to the homo of one of his flock when ; he met the small son of the lady : member. ’ ‘Where’s your m a?’! "She’s home.” “Where’s your paw?’’ “Ho’a home.” “Tell ’em ‘howdy’ fuh me.” Trade with the Merchants tliat advertise in the EnterprisOj Albemarle, N. C. Sept. 18,1933 Dear Friends: I send you all through this ad my greetings and kind regards. My job is trying to w rite stor>s and verse to enter tain you, and 1 hope you like the things I write. If you do like my stuff, in this pa per or any other publication, 1 will appre ciate your telling either the editor or myself. If you don’t like it, w rite and tell m e-not the editor!-then maybe I can do better next time. Cordially yours, Guy Swaringen “LIVE WIRE STORE’WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. We Cordially Invite All Of The Good Folks Of Mocksville and Community To Our FALL OPENING Everything is ready. The best assorted stock, the most beautiful merchandise. A ll early purchases and very reasonably priced. A ll incoming merchandise must naturally cost more. W e advise taking advantage of the earliest opportunity. RAINCOATS, SW EATERS and UN D ERW EAR. 49e to $1.95 Large Collection of 54 inch WOOLENS .... 98c ib $1.95 LOVELY SILKS, A s s o r t e d ..................................59c to $1.95 SCHOOL M ATERIALS . . . . . . . . 10c to 25c Come to see us and compare prices and quality. We have no doubt that you wiil drop your nickle in our slot. COM E ON FOLKS! anyî^'flg „ : /-•зяв Л Ж - > е 1х' prou>^c^»„»-‘¿Vi i'c ' • ;'í 0Г 5 ' T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r й 1 , 1 9 3 3 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E . N . C = Card Partiea Social Functions Club Meetings, Church News SOCIETY Local Happenings Coming and Going of those We know MISS MARY J. HEITMAN, Social Editor Phone 112 P a f f » S ' CENTER NEWS Mack Campbell left Monday to oilier State College, in Raleigh. ---------o—.. Misa Amy Moore has accepted ¡1 position in the school at Pin nacle. I’hillip Kirk left this week to lu.'Ume his work at Duke Uni- vonsity. Kelly’s mother, Mrs. Alice Wood- Miss Delia Grant is teaching at Smith Grove, Misses Lucile Mar- o--------- I tin and Marjfaret Dodd are tea- Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Squires and children, of Greensboro, spent Saturday night with Mrs. Kate Dwiggins. Mra. Dwiggins accompanied them home on Sun day for a few v/eeks visit. Miss Mary Walker.„ha3 accept ed a position in Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant I'rit and son. Miss Nell and Murgerson Whitley, of Erlan'ger, visited Mr. and Mrs^ 'Clarence Forrest last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Waiker, of Elkin, spent Saturday night and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burrus and chers in the Advance school, and children, Charles, Jr., and Velma Lucile Ho.'n has accepted Elizabeth, of Shelby, spbnt Sun- in the Cooleemee "'.‘th home folks, day with Dr. and Mrs. Martin.W. C.school. Mr. and Mr.s. R. S. McNeill , were viators in Winston-Salem on Jlonday. ------ o----:----- .Miss Rose Owen has returned til Winston-Salem to teach in the ilty schools. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kurfees and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Church, of instoiHSalem, were guests of Mr. and BIrs. J. Lee Kurfees on Sunday. Jlr. and Mrs. B. P. Garrett and little grandsons were recent visit- Arthur Neely, who has beon in jOi's with Mr. Ras Phelps at Clem- Culil'oi'nia for the past fine years They report Mr. Phelps is visiting relatives and friends I'mproved some, but still confin- here this week. "Dick” haa been t” *'is i^ed. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Barnoy- Misses Kopelia and Julia Hunt Mrs. J. L. Kirk and iVIiaa Sonliin jMuroney are teaching at Oak Grove this year. Miss Pinkie Patterson, ! Jlount Holly, viaited friends this vicinity recently. 'i'hoso desiring good temper- iuice apeeches may get them by calling on Prof. Hodges. pitchiujf baaeball in Omaha, Neb. thia season and made a very good .castle and children spont Sunday record. We are very glad to see'‘‘.^ternoon with relatives near him, although the baaeball sea- ^J^'ycs Cross Roads. Mrs. Harris nnd om -Eastern Carolina, ■Af .^vjiieuiiie [Ills weeK, bslore former’s sistor, Mrs. luis. ;roing to visit, his mother Mir.. Bowell one day Inst week. ____0_______ R. A. Neely in New Beni. Ho i Barneycastle has ■Mr. C. F. Meroney of MockM Wednesday at the hcen getting alon„ very well ville Hardware Co., visited Hkrh ^ ‘;tl’odist Orphanage in Winston-'ve are sorry to say, Point last week where he bought »i'i?!? i^‘’otlier, Ric’hard P"‘‘ty at Center a big lot of New Furniture for ® returned to Washington, D. C., on , »bout over. Ho will f/f- Wednesday, after spending a P>phiihly pitch a game for Mock- , i*’' month with their mother, Mr.s '^on^ctime thia week, bsfore the AI ico .Hunt. the fall trade. Mrs. Annie Griffith and Miss I KAPPA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. F; H. Ketchie Jlissea Mildred W oodruff and Jane W oodruff are visiting fi ienda in Portsmouth, Va. ir toimer a brother of Ketchie’s mi,.],, м,. m !i„„ Mrs. tJriffith. gj,¡e uncle, Mr. Milas Ket- AIN’T IT SOI >. i. - ■ ■ ■ - - ■ (By Guy Swaringen) Where now have drifted Our ,glad yesterdays? Where are pur old pals fWilih their kindly ways? Where is the nectar That we used to drink? What of tlie great thoughts Which once we did think? Old days have followed The 'path of regret; But many an old pal Keeps hanginj^ round yet. Tt seems you can find them Wherever you go, 'f’o bum your tobacco And borrow your dough. In pride one can dwell Until some old friend Arises to yell: “Why, I knew him when!” Old days but linger In loving i-egret; (But old pals, drat ’em. Keep hanging round yet! CARD OP THANKS party at Center was a success financially' and social- We \yant, to thank our n'eigih- ly considering the small crowd bora-and other friends for the present. ¡many acts of kindness shown iis Dorothy McAllister haa been during th 6 illness and death of right sick with throat trouble, our husband and fnth'er. &'rove iii't is better. We hope aho will MRS J C BOG'ISiR aoon bo woll again. • ' ’ ‘ Miaa Virginia Carter is teach-' ^ ing our school again. She is NEW MARKET OPEN — \VEi' have opened; a new Meat Mar ket in the Angell buildiiiig, adn will carry a complete line of fresh Meats. Our prices are ' low and our meats are the bcsfe to be had. We will appi'eciate your patronage.—HOWARD & HOPKINS. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY your Dry Wood for winter.-— J', H. Williams, “The, Cedar Man,” 'Mocksville, N. C. 9-21-2t I have a good line of Chil dren’s W inter Hose at 10c pair. 'Buy all you can use F. M. CARTER MEMBER NRA AND .Mrs. C. M. Campbell, pf Wins ton-Salem, spent Sunday'with her Cooper, Jr., who had beon fttther, Mr. G. A. Allison. ing tliem, returned home. ----------o .Mr. and Mrs. ’Ralph Edwards, ed^Mr “nn/ л р ' ®‘’“"t Sunday withed Ml. and Mis. C. T. Cooper, in Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Byerly at Sunday. Carlos iCooleemee, , visit- i Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wilson and boarding with Mra. H. W. Tut- Clemmons. on iur. iuiu irii.i. .iv.wii.i Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Holthouser 1 ji.. ,.„,1 ]>r,.„ r i;, mi.f,,«,. of Greensboro, spent Sunday with went to Greensboro on Sunday to ¿moot Caitnpr q afternoon with Mr. Grady Cart^ Miss Ada Lazonby, of Cool Springs, apent a few days last 'week with Miss Minnie Koontz. M1.SS Flossie Martin left Mon day for Winston-Salem, where she will teach in the High School. Grady Cart^ ner and family. I Messrs. Tom Ketchie and W. L. nr- tr 1 7, 'Wilhelm, of near China Grove, Misses Hazel Baity and Gilma ,,ero the dinner guests |of k r. Holthouser, who is a atudent at Woman’a College. Miaa Geraldine Smith, of Wina- Salem on Tuesday. Miss Gilma ton-Salcm, visited 'her mother, Baity has resumed her work in Ml'». Beverly Barksdale, recent- the school at Griffiths. «>и1 Mrs. W. F. H Ketchie Sat urday. Mr. and Ml's. E. E. Koontz and family apent Sunday in Coolee mee, tho guoats of Mr. Jerry i terow. Mr. and Mra. Jay Godby, of Le.vington, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gbijbey. Mr. and Mrs. Pearlie Koontz and sons, were Su.nday guests at Mr. Jim McDaniels. Rev. W. J. S. Walker .«ipent last week at home, after a three weeks stay in meetings near Asheville. He is now in a meet ing near Siiarta. MERCANTILE AGENCY SAYS WHOLE COUNTRY FEEL ING SPENDING POWER' SEMI-PASTE PAINT One gallon makos ZVa when mixed KURFEES & WARD “Better Service” SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ARE OPENING NOW Students should be equipped with Pons, Pencils and other necessary supplies when they enter. See us for Guaranteed Fountain Pens and other School Supplies. Let Ua Servo You. LeGrand^s Pharmacy “The Rexall Stora” Phono 21 Mockgville. N. C. I^-ionda Y r e .,f Mrs, Annie W. 1 and ^тИ ^! Andrews, of Durham, will be , New York. — Reports from all ¡parts of the country this weok to . Miss iCatherino Summers, ofand Bradstreet, Inc., em-' -^ .sorry to earn that she was in an ^„^1 gpringa, apent several days',l>''nsized enlaraed spending automobile collision recentlv and ,.ocontly лу11Ь Misa Mao Steel- Power running Into milliona of Щ jdoiiars and tho rapid disappear-! Mrs. M. L. John and Misa Mary John, of Laurinburg, spent the wuck-end with Miss Margaret automobile collision recently and Bell. I her shoulder was badly lacera- gJ^ooV ----------o---------- ted. Miss Louise Adams underwent nn operation for .appendicitis at Mr, and Mra. S. A. Jones and «псе of suspense and apprehen- Mrs. Charlie Sheek, of Nor- Dnvis Hospital, in Statesville, on folk, Va., who has been viaiting | Friday. j relatives in Davie, was the recent ---------------------- guest of Mrs. J. L. Sheek. She Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. was form erly Miss Mattie Fur- 1,atham On Sept. 19, fine twin 'choa. (iiiughters, Nancy Jean and Mary Klizabeth. -----------0---------- Jlrs. M. D. Brown, Mrs. P. G. Mrs. C. C. Httrgrave and Mra. Jessie Mendenhall, of Lexington, i\Irs, Herbert Bonner, of Wash- Brown, Miss Ciayton Brown and ington, N. C.. and Mrs. Jame'? Sue Brown spent Saturday after- Hcilig, of Salisbury, were'viaitora aion noted before the NiRA won general aujiport. The comiiany’a weekly review of business aaid that oven the smaller merchants now are begin-Ji®i Mr. and Mrs. John Rattz and ¡ning to fool tho benefit of the '.^ ichildren, of Cooleemee, were the increased employment and the week-end gueats of her parenta, higher earnings of the working family spent Sunday afternoon with frienda near County Line. TURREWl’INE NEWS noon in Salisbury. ----------o----------- Rev, and Mrs. W. H. Dodd re turned Friday from Ridgecrest, in town Tuesday. where they spont some their summer home. -0 time at. Rev. R. C. Goforth attended the funoral of Dr. Mark T. Hickman Mr. and Mra. Frank Forrest. Miaa Luna Kimmer, of Liberty, spent t'he past Saturday night v.-ith Miaa Ruth Lagle and thoy classea, "Of dominant importance in| the trade news this v.’oek,” aays today’s review, waa extension of apejit the day Sunday with ithe sustained buying power move- M Missea Margaret and Belle Dan iels, of Augusta. Mrs. R. S. Miller and two dau ghters, Ruth and LUC.V. of Li- forth waa pastor of the Metho dist church at Hudson a num- Mvs. H. F. Long, Miss yirginia ber of years ago. Long, Bobbie 'and Locke Long, of Ì41 Hudson on Tuesday. Mr. Go- borty, spent the past Sunday лvith Stnteavillo, wore viaitora here Saturday afternoon. ----------o----------- Meadamea C. H. Tomlinaon, A. R. Tomlinaon, Beverly Barksdale aiui Miss Bettie Penry spent Mon day in Winston-Salem. ----------0—------ . Misa Mary V. Rollina, of Eliza- Mra. Ti M. Hendrix and Misa Marv Allen Hendrix spent the ■\veek-end with Mrs. T. A. M. Stevenson, in Winston-Salem. Miss Hendrix has returned to Walkertown to teach................. ---------o---------- E. R. Brqnegar, of Winaton- Salem the paat Saturday. Mrs. E. C. Lagle and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Foster and family, of Mocksville, were Sun day guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCulloh. Misa Pansy Foster, of Lexinig- ton, was the week-end guest of Miss Elizabeth Plott. ment to more remote ramifica tion of the elongated lino which the buaineaa front now has as sumed. ‘The bulkier aggregate of dis tributive totals did not afford tho aole sustaining factor to • the spread of assured confidence in the potential betterment as these were reinforced by improved earnings atatementa from the ae- cond quarter and the first of the third which revealed profita in Messrs. Aaron and Eska James, encouraging contraats to the rate Miigneaa Howard and .loiuiiilB: of losses which - vv ere gc-nerai lii Cash were visitors in Winston- the first quarter.” .................... Salem, and Mr. T. W. Rich wore liethtown. will ajieiid the w inter! visitors ¡n Aaheville laat week. .............. _ with her'aiater, Mrs. S. M. Call, ¡Edwin Brenagar apent the time ,with Mr. and Mrs. Jas^ Myers and attend school here. Mr. and Mrs, S. B. Cook and children spent the past Sunday .Mr, and Mrs. Louis Platt, of Florida, who are spending some time in Statesville, spent Thurs day with Mrs. J, L. Sheek. with his ,grandparents, Mr. and and fam ily,'of near Liberty. Mra. H. T. Bronegar. SMITH GROVE NEWS (Too Late For Last Week) The Home 'Coming was a very ¡it- enjoyable occasion and was wel.I Mrs. J. W. Fowler and Misa ¡g badly bruiaed. Her condition iaj Hattie Fowler, of Statesville, „loro comfortable now. \ apent Tueaday with Mrs. Fowler’s „---------n----------, I (laughter, Mra. G. G. Daniel. | Mr. H. 0. Smith, of Philadel- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spry - tended the Cope reunion the past attended. Among some ot those Friends of Mrs, V/. A. Griffin Sunday. " distance were: Mr. and will regret to know that she had 1 Boyd Osborne, of Jericho, Mrs. Wm. Atkinson and tw(j dau- ^ a bad fall on Monday, and broke spent the week-end with Mr. and ghters, from Granite Falls, N. C.; -r a finger, sprained her wrist and Mrs. Jim Eller. , Mr. Marvin Gibbs, of Reidsville; | AUGUSTA NEWS Mias Mary Foster, of County phia, spent the week-end with Mr. Saturday night, Sept. 23rd, at ■and Mra. Knox Johnatone, and Mr. J. M. Everhardt’a, near Grea- Don’t forget the lawn -а -тйгни- Liiie waa the recent gueat of Mr.s.'-ivaa accompanied home by Mrs. ay Corner. Come on lets have a Prentice Campbell. Miaa Foater ia Smitli, who hftd been visiting .good time together. tcivc'hin.cr again at Cool Spring. ,them after being at Montreat for Mr, and Mrs. John Williams and son, of Roanoke, V a.; Many from Winston-Salem, Salisbury, High party Point, Thomasville, iClemmons, Mocksville, Farmington and' Ad vance beinjj present. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. IFowler and son, John Jr., Mrs. 0 . C. Wall and Mr. and M ri. Knox Johnstone; niul Mrs. H. 0. Smith were guesta 1 tne summer. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, of Coo- o'f Miaa Edith Gilcrist of Char-, leemee, have taken rooms at the h'tte at luncheon on' Saturday, ihome of Rov. and Mrs. W. H. _____________ IDiodd, Mr. Gibson has a position ■ Mr. and Mr.s. F. M, Carter nnd with the Company Store in Coo- iamily s p e n t Sunday with the leemee. Mra. Oibaon was former- former’a brother, Mr. Neil C. ]y Misa Beulah Tiller. Carter, of Linwood, N. C., route 1. Little Miss Dottie Daniels was |two daughters, Wilma and Aman- ttie SlliTiii'iy guest uf Lii.i-lu IiImocohih anu Inra. m. A~. Miiiur visituir Mi'S. J. H. Foster Sunday and at tended the Home Coming. Mrs. C. R. Albea and two chil dren, Betty Sue and Jo'hnny, of Winston-Salem, spent the week end here with her motheri Mrs. the , the latter’s Mr. and Mrs. Grady Ward n.ncf, Mrs.: H; M.' Mai’garet and Silba Rae Aaron. Miss- Mary Jackson, who holds a position in Saliabury, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jackson. iMr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, of the Union Chapel section spent j, h . Foster iind attended a while Sunday'' afternoon with iHome Coming. NEW FALL SH O ES A R E H E R E Be first to conie and see the New Fall Shoes! You will be delighted with the new styles. They are here for every member of the fam ily. STAR BRAND SHOES Made for wiear as well as looks. They will be your choice when you see them. Come in today and let us outfit you for fall and winter in anything from work shoes to dress shoes, comforts to boots. Shoes for Men and Boys The Dress Shoe for men who dress well, last word in smartness. Especially fine fit. what a vahie. BOYS’ SHOES $1.50 to $2.50 MEN’S SHOES $2.25 to $3.95 Women and Children’ Shoes Pumps, Straps and Ties, in several especially selected styles with refined elegance that will ap peal to you. CHILDREN’S |.^ OiO ■>iHOEs....' ~ Mr. and Mia,s Polly .G ran t’has e.ntered I Miss Hazel .Kurfees will leave ? King’s BuainVsa 'College in C har-Saturday to r Richmond, parents, Deadmon. % r. 'Öi'eeiio’ Berrier -who has Va.,' accepted a position in China Little Miss Ruth Spry returned home last Saturday from a weeks.| ‘ lotto. While there with her sister ton. -0 ‘'Ira. J-Ienry Kelly S r e she" w ill be ;.vhere thoy w ill visit Mr. a’nd Mrs; Grove, apen.t Jhc. w ith !• M rs C L ittle- Gilbert Kurfeea. They w ill also go hia parents, M i. and M ia. I. U ’ " Ito WaahinRton, D. C., before,re- Berrior. ' , ■ . :Mrs. J. W .' M artin spent a -**“0 till ninis “ ^ . ' , , . i.Jl_ O»..<-1Mrs. J. W. ' Martin' ¡,„d son, ______0---------- -short while Saturday i* ., КШУ. o, T»yl.v.vm o, £ . , " ó í Ä " ' '•'buraduy ' und Friday^ with Муз. ing in / visit with relativea at Winston- Salem. Miss Sallie Allen visited Mrs. J. C. Smith this week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Milton Waters spent a Jand children, of Mocksville, spent afternoon a short while Monday evening Dan Wil- 'with the latter’s aunt, Mrs. J. H. -fp Foster. WOMEN’S SHOES $1.95lo?3.95 Come in today and see our line of school shoes for boys and girls. c.1 J. “Everything: for Everybody” Mocksville N. C. Ì. t il I V ! e'iU i T Î i i|| I i,' л. т » I VI' E D I T O R I A L P A G E T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T B B P K I S E . M O C K S V I L L E . N . С T h u r s c l u y . S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 1 9 3 ; ; The Mocksviile Enterprise Published Every Thursday at Mocksviile North Carolina A. C. Huneycutt .... Editor and Publisher Subscription nates: $1.60 a Y ear; 6 Months 76 centg Strictly in Advance Entered at the post office at Mocksviile, N. C., aa second-class matter under the act of March 8, 1879. * NOTICE TO GENERAL PUBLIC ** ' * * This newspaper charges regular ad- * * vertim'ng rates for cards of thanks, * * resolution notices. Obituaries, etc., and * will not accept any thing less than 36 * ■* cents cash w’ith copy unless you have * * regular monthly accounts with us. * * We do not mean to be hard on any * * one, but small items of this nature force * * us to demand the cash with copy. A ll * ■* such received by us in the future with- * * out the cash or stamps will not be pub- * * lished. ■ * ■JHockaville, N. C., Thursday, September 21, 1933 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall * be abased; and he that shall humble him- * self shall be exalted. — St. Matthew 23:12 * .* # # ■» *.*'* * *;* » * LOCAL PROSPERITY APPARENT Mocksviile business men are still more con vinced that the purchasing pcrwer of this trading territory is. not only expanding but that fhe people are spending this money in a very satis factory manner. As one merchant announced, the average family will have to have an unusu ally large supply of clothing, shoes, etc., during this fall and winter, and it is very fortunate just at this time that wages have heen raised, and that farm prices are pointing to favorable levels. This accounts for the great stimulation in busi ness in M ocksviile. Moreover, the Mocksviile Dollar movement recently put on by the local merchants is having its cfiect, and is serving a powerful purpose in ¡iitimulating trade. Jlost of those who realizjB that they muat eventually spend liberally, are doing it at this time, rather than wait until later in the fall in order to get the Mocksviile Dollars, and be ready for the big auction sale which is to be pulled off 'here on ' October 7th. We do not know juat how fa r this new prosperity struck, but as far as Mocksviiie Jind Davie County are concerned, it is the con-, census of opinion that business is the best that it has been at this time of the year, during the past four years. , : -o- LET’S STRIKE WHILE THE (IRON IS HOT Speaking of the stimulation in local ibusiness jdurlng the past four weeks, reminds us to say that this haa partly been the result of a larger volume of advertising carried in 'the local paper. We do not recall that the Enterprise has ever ■carried any more inch space in locaj advertising during the months of ,Iuiy and August, in the past ten years than it haa during the two months ju st ended, and this advertising is holding up during September so far. Of course, better busi- 3ieKS lias been the cause of this continuation of advertising, and this continuation of advertising haa contributed largely to the sustenance of trade to the encouraging point that it has reach ed. Let every merchant and business house in ilocksville do his dead level best to keep things going while they are in a fair way. And, we are going to predict that unless something out of the ordinary happens in the meantme, that if the jnerchants keep up the present push they are putting in business, this town will aee the biggest fall and winter trade in its history. MONEY PLENTY Secretary VVoodin of ihe Treasury .Department thought the Treasury might sho\y a fair surplus when the books are balanced at the e»d of this iiscal year. Secretary Woodin i-eported that all revenues are increasing in all their claaaifica- liona, and he added that he looked for a tremend ous upward surge between January l.st. and June .'iOtili next year. He further suggested that he regarded the repeal of the Eighteenth Amend- nient as very probable, and predicted that that would tielp in a great m<i«8ure in an effort to make the Government’s budget balance. For the past number of years, we havo been hearing little from Washington but deficits, and thia word coming at thia time is certainly refreshing newB. DEPLORABLE INCIDENT Little Berline Aldred, a nine-year-old school child, was instantly killed near Aberdeen last week, when a drunken negro woman with her car loaded with a crowd of soaked mules of the same color, dashed into her and iier little cousin while they were waiting ;by the side 'of the road for. a school bus to arrive. Unfortunately for the colored passengers and the driver, the car went on and crashed into a nearby telephone pole, and before the negroes coul dget away they THE USEFUL HOBO In the minds of most persons, the terms hobo, tramp'' and bum, have practically the same mean ing. But this idea is wrong, ac- Icordin*-. to M. I.einen, agent for I a large New York employment company, who declares that he has hired as any as 133,000 Bow ery hobos for railroad work in' a single year says they iwere “a fine 'bundh of men.” Mr. Leinen describes the dif ference between . the three PAYING UP (By Guy Swaringen) ■We have got us a depression, nnd it isn’t any fun to see the retrogression of our plans, so well begun, for the making of our treasures do the utmost they could do in the way of buying- jpleasures like our daddies never knew. We’re so used to jams and pasties that is gives us acute pain when we have to scjueeze our waistes in the old belt-hoie» again. Krom our'lips we find evoking many a bitter word and sigh to give up the fragrant smoking of the good old days gone by. Of high taxes we keep say ing many a damning word ntid moan, all forgetful that they’re paying for the luxuries we own. If we hadn’t done our buying in quite such a lavish way, why, we might not now be crying over what v/e have to pay. W’ere all captured aiid carried to ja il. A quanity | classes mentioned somewhat as of whiskey was found in the wrecked car by the side of the road. In addition to the death of the little .girl, her companion of the same age, who was waiting with her, waa seriously injured, and at this time, indications are that she will not sur vive. It is hoped that such punishment aa the case deserves will be meted out to tiie occupants of this car, and especially, the , female driver. Of all dangerous things that we could think about we can surmise on nothing more dangeroua than a negro woman driving, an automobile half drunk. AUGUST REPORT GOOD The weekly payrolla in the United States in creased twelve million dollars; accordinig to a Washington news dispatch, during tho month of August, and at the same time, employment had a gain of 750,000. In face of this announcement, however. Secretary Frances Perkins cautioned that the upturn should not occasion any special "ballyhoo” that hard times are gone. “This is not the time to throw hats too high in the nir,” said the Secretary, recalling that winter is just ahead, and that the months of November,/Decem ber, January, and February normally show some reverses. She further .pointed out, that even with all this pickup in August, that employment is a little over 28% of normal, and that payrolla are only 48% of normal, or rather, oyer the average of 1926. While this caution on the part of S^ecretary Perkins ia very timely, yet, tho August repoi't should be very encouraging to those .who are wondering whether or not we are returning again to normalcy. PRESS COMMENT CREDITABLE EDITION From The Charlotte Observer 'I'he Observer makes its salute to The Mor ganton News-Hei’ald for its very exceptional special, edition of 40 pages whic'h comes to its exchange table, an issue abounding in interest ing features and the largest ever printed in Burke County. Miss Beatrice Cobb, who presides, with dis tinction as well ns feminine grace over the des tinies of The News .Herald, shows her prowess in impressing upon the merchants of Morganton the advantage offered by her journal as a publi city medium in their advertisements w'hich are plenteously scattered in the special i.ssue, at tractively gotten up and designed with an air of metropolitan precision. A 16-page rotogravure section goes along with the edition in which shown several of the .scenic spots of Morganton and Burke County, industrial plants, institutions and portraita of their of ficials. 'fhe News Herald in this instance seems to have set the high mark for thia type of an edi tion fo r the country newspapers of No)'tlr Caro lina, among .which Misa Cobb’s sprightly paper always shines with a conspicuous luster. ------------------------------0—I-----^ ^--------- WHAT IS FAME? From The Greensboro Record A few years ago the world was whistling, humming, singing and playing the jolly, lilting and melodious tunes from “The Merry Widow.” 'i'he man who wrote the lyrics for this sensa tional hit, and for some 2;000 other popular pro ductions of the period, including “The Dollar Princess,” died in London Monday at the age of 73. His passing was chronicled in American newspapers In a 34-word Associated Preas dis patch. The man waa Arthur Reed Ropes, though he worked under the atage name, Adrian Ross. nil musical But of the vast multitude only a fmv hundred, perhaps, knew the author or even knew hia name ..... What is fame? -------------------------------0———------------------- RIGHT HAND 1 follows: A hobo is a traveling worker; a tramp is a traveling non-worker; a bum is a station- ¡ary non-worker. While the three iritermingle in the large cities during the winter, and the classes are not strictly defined ■\vihen the opportunity comes the hobo is willing to work, while the others are not. Hoboes travel from place to place seeking seasonable employ ment, such as harvesting, rail road and other conatruction work, as common laborers, so they fill a real place in the country’s eco nomic system. While they are not always examplary in morals and conduct, they are honest and in dustrious, as a rule. And the ihave a sense of pride as well. The hobo wants to be known as a hdbo, nnd hd is in sulted whon called a tramp, or a bum. INDIANS HAD GOOD FORMULA FOR AROUSING SLEEPY HEADS Berkeley, Calif. — That old adage “A warm bed and a lazy iboy are hard to part” applied to juvenile Indian human nature too, says Ralph Beals, research associate in the anthropology de partment of the University of California. But in a report on the customs of the Niseman Indians publish ed by the university, Dr. Beals' explains the redman’s wny of arousing a sleeping youth could scarcely have been described as “pampering.” ,'i1he recipe was “Boys who dis like to get up when they should in the morning may be cured of the habit by rubbing their bodies with hot sticks, splashing, cold water on tihem and then whipping them with branches of worm wood .... Tho treatment should be given by those who ordinarily take ¿are of ashes after crema tion of the dead, and should be accompanied by singing.” Dr. G. W. Forster, head of the department of agricultural eco nomics at State College, has been granted a leave of absence for three months to work with the tobacco section of the Agricultu ral Adjustment Administration at Waahington.-------------^ ^------------------ Trade with the merchanta that advertise in the Enterprise. Work-Worn Women Find New Youth and Bloom In Thia Amazing Tonic Women oflcn fade fast bccause they have to bear tlic cares of the whole family. They become rundown, tired and haggard looking. Strength is needed — strength from the Inside. There is no finer source of strength and vitality than Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, It con tains both Iron and tasteless quinine In highly concentrated form .'Iron, as you know, builds blood, the source of all life and strength. Quinine tends to purify the blood. Thus, In Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, you get two extremely valu able effects, Start taking this famous, time-proven tonic today and sec how quickly you pick up strength and vitality, M ark the Im provement In your appetite, In your pep and energy. Note the new youthfulness you feel and show. Three days will tell you wonders! Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Is pleasant to take and contains nothing harmful, 40 years of use attests to Its merit and safety. Get a bottle today at any'store. ******** E. CARR CHOATE * DENTIST * Office in Mocksviile first 8 • * days of week. In Salisbury * last 3 days of week—over * squqre. If ♦ Phone 141. * * * Suitor: “Er—I— er—am seeking your daugh ter’s hand—er—have you any objection, sir?” Father: "None at all. Take the one that’s Rlwaya in my pocket.” -----------------^-------------------------------------------- Everybody can truthfully .say they are be hind the. President, but it all depends on whnt they are behind him with .— their sympathy or their sabres. * p a m m m m m 9 ROBPRT S. McNEILL • Attorney «! L«w •• MOCHSVILLE, N. C. •* Pr«cticfl in GlvU and Crimi- •• nal Court«. Title Examina- •* tint given prompt attentien, *• • • . a • • • JACOB STRWART Atterney nt Law MocksviHe, N. C. Oflleei In Southern Bank & Trust Company building Office phone..................................W8 Residence Phono.........................148 R DAVIE CAFE P. K. MANOS, Prop. S Mocksviile, N. C. E* Next Door to Po.stoffice and Just aa Reliable E REGULAR DINNERS 35c A ll Kinds Of Short Orders At Any Time In The Day sa в E E R For twenty years we have served the people of Davie Coun ty as Funeral Directors, and never before have we been so Well Equipped, or had so wide a variety of stydes and .prices ns we now have. CALL US AT ANY HOUR G. C. YOUNG & SONS SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF i BOOK-BAGS, FOUNTAIN PENS, PENCIL SETS, CON- STRUCTION AND DRAWING IPAPERS, NOTE BOOK PAPER, 100 SHEETS FOR 5c, MIMOGRAPH SUPPLIES HECTOGRAPHS HINKLE-LANCASTER BOOK STORE 423 Trade St. • Winston-Salem, N. C, FOOTBALL I Johnny Branch’s CHARLOTTE BANTAM S V S Henry Sapp’s WINSTON-SALEM PROS. The Twin City’s First Pro Grid Game S O U T H S I D E P A R K WINSTON-SALEM, N, C. F r i d a y N i g h t , S e p t . 2 2 8:00 O ’clock ADM ISSION $1.00 SPONSORED BY 'I’HE JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB Cotton j m . I W e have just rebuilt the cot ton gin near the overhead bridge and now have a mo dern and convenient cotton gin. COME TO SEE US. S o u t h M o c k s v i i l e Near Overhead Bridge South Mocksviile, N. C. GRADY SAIN, Mgr. and W eigher T h i i r s d a y . S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 1 9 3 3 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C . I ALL ABOARD MOC KSVILLE TO THE BIGAUCTION Saturday, Oct GET A BIG ROLL OF Mocksviile Dollars \ Start Trading with these Merchants Now You Will Be Greatly Benefited IT IS A SIMPLE M ATTER TO GET A ROLL OF M OCKSVILLE DOLLARS, THAT SPECIAL M ONEY W H IC H W IL L BE THE ONLY KIND USED AT THE BIG AUCTION SALE ON OCTOBER 7th W H EN SEVERAL HUN D RED DOLLARS W O RT H OF VALUABLE MERCHANDISE W ILL BE SOLD AT THE HIGHEST M OCKS V ILLE DOLLAR. ALL YO U H A V E TO D O TO GET THESE M OCKSVILLE DOLLARS IS TO T RADE IN M OCKSVILLE W IT H THE 10 MERCHANTS W H O A RE LISTED ON THIS PAGE TODAY. THEY W ILL G IV E Y O U ONE M OCKSVILLE D OLLA R FOR EVERY GOVERNMENT D O LLA R Y O U PA Y THEM FOR A PURCHASE O R ON ACCOUNT. ' ■ / List of Merchants w h o a r e g i v i n g » w a y Mocksviile Dollars C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. SANFORD M OTOR CO. ID EA L G RO CERY & M ARKET —------- Get A BIG Roll O f Auction Dollars So That You Can Buy Plenty O f This New Merchandise. It’s easy to see that the person who does the most trading in Mocks viile will be able to buy the best merchandise in the list. The big sale will be conducted by local auctioneers. It will be held on the square in front of the Enterprise office, and the ALLISON-JOHNSON CQ. LEG RA N D S PtìA R M A C Y H ORN SERVICE STATION M ARTIN BROS. M O C K S V I L L E H A R D W A R E H E l l f l D R I X j ^ j M A R T I R ^ same rules wiil prevail at this , auction as at any regular aue- tion Säle; THE HIGHEST BIDDER GETS THE MER- vCH AN DISE. Pass .On TKe Good News. The Merchandise Listed Here Will Be Offered At Auction !n Mocksviile On S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 7 t h Only Mocksviile Money W ill Be Accepted In The Auction Sale. One Man’s Raincoat One Pair Work Shoes One Large Baaket o f Groceries One 48 lb. Bag Royal iFlour 5 igal. Pehn Lance .100% v > Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil . $4.20 valu «. ' . One Suit Clothes One Hat One Dress One Shirt 10 lb. Sugar ■J’\ ! II' ! ' Í ! f. i ,4 Î 'I J,f (■I * I ‘ t“ \ ’ I I** I: il' ) 'Й■ ■ '.'I ■ I I, i' I ■? One Suit Caae One Rockin'g Chair One LadiesI (Dreas One Pair''Shoes One Flash Light One Pocket Knife One $7.50 Motormeter One Suit Ca.se One Ladies Knit Dreas t) gal. kerosene nnd ti> gni. Kerosene ^an, $1,.38 yalue ' 5 gal. Hy Power Anti Knock Gaaoline, .?i.00 vallie Penn Lance Oil Change in any car¡"$r,26 .value. ; ' 4 50ci 'Baskets. o f. Groceries One..,S4.0()i /rji.ermos Botalo One ?3.00 Thermos Bottle O ne'226 Hiilaide Plow ' il'',4 if' li í’i 'íl^ ;;. : 4 . « i; j ГЬ V I Ч' 1l‘l Î i i ViVî-î^r'An, K/'f^ \ ' I ) Ш С К P A G E ‘ I,’■•” I , I «I-и ! ;'ь' T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P K Ï S B , M O C K S V I L L E . N . C . T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , Щ д з 'Л/ onï ( с,I.«,*, Babies All Over World Thanking “Bonnet Lady” Three Oaks, Mich.—Fifty-threo years ajro Mrs. Joseph Lee was ‘■feoo poor to pay a doctor when 'f^t)TICE OF SALE OF LAND The Raleigh Savings Bank and of Dutchman’s Creek, thence witli stone, thence North 24 degrees UNDER DEED OF TRUST Trust Company, trustee, which the bank of the creek SoutJh 65 East with the bank of fihe cicok , —-------------,, , isaid. deed, of trust is-dated Dec- degrees East 34 poles to an ash |. Under and by virtue o f/ th e ember 1 , 1928, nnd recorded in ’^iree, thence East 79 poles to a powers contained in a certain Bock 21, Page 34, of'the Dnvii ^¡Hqw, thence North IV2 degi-ees NOT GOING TO 'ГНЕ DOGS That old quotation that jjer son was born, and as a !•«- 'man worth while is the man who $2400.00 due Hanes Chair Deed of trust executed to J. B. County Regdstry, default having -yV'est 54 poles to an elm, thence .Johnstone, Trustee,- by .C: beep ijinde J,nvthe.;payment,of 34 ppies to a ’stone, tilienca , ijnmes and wife Eula Ijames; . to indebtedness thereby secijred and "degrees West 130 poles The! secure a note in the suni 'of in the conditions therei'n'^secured',''7 iif,k's tn a stone, thence 241/2 chains to a willow, t'loiice East 281/2 chains to the bnjri,,. ning comer, containing 40 acio, more or leas. and' the undersigned substituted trus- g chains to a stone near a Terms of sale cash and tru.^fee will require deposit of 10% of t)he amount of the bid as evidepcce- garden, thence North 8.75 chains«ult made a promise to help other gn,¡]e when everything.^^oe8 Table Co. said deed of trust hav- tee by jnstrum ent recorded ®ew-born babies. - dead wrong” must apply w ^ ing' b.een executed on the 22nd,. Book 28,* Pa^e OPp-Davie Coi . ^ _____ ____ ____ , Today she has an international double strength to Presidenwd^y of, September 1923^and duly'Registry, -^ill ' on TUESDAY; to a, poplar, thence South reputation as the, “bonnet lady” Roosevelt, for he is described ad* recori^ed’-in. ^ook No, *19 page OCTOBER ,% 1933, at :,br about: 27 degrees West 3.75 chains to a AS result of, .hobby, and always луеапп^ a smile and re- defeds ^of'trust, .Registerís''-twelve, o*clock noon,, at the cou.ri¡¿¡ g^^ne, thenc^ South С degreed three,sprap books iilled with ack- maining jubilent and happy office of 'Davie County, N. C. de-^house door,at Mocksville, North, gagj. g ehains ,ti>-a stone, thence nowiedgements ,from the great, through all his responsiibilities'f»ult having 'been made in the iCarolina, oi>fer for sale; and selj -^est 6% chains to a ,^hé.Jii|mble and the famous. and his efforts to lift th e commc^ P“yment of the note secured by to the highest bidder .for cash', stone, tihence W est 5 chains to ‘ ^ ■ ■ people to a better position in lifei; said deed of trust, and demand |lhe following described property: the beginning corner, containing^ w. ' .'U-l. ~ ^ ТИП flo fVin tl ti/10!*!« wyti.nr1 4-n 1 All _J... i___ ____^ ^ ' 1..-Since her son, Frnnk, was born. many thousands of yards -of yarn Under the Ihave raced through Mrs. Tree’s deft-fingers in the making of her dainty baiby bonnets. She’s Made ‘Several Hundred’ Long ■ age Mrs. Lee > lost count of tho number of hoods she has above ch'ptifln, the'ninde upon the undersigned toj All those certain pieces, parcels 119 acres, more or less. Laurinburg Exchange says: advertise and sell the lands m en-or tracts of land situate, lying SECOND T!RACI’: AH that Every now and then somebody described therein: ]and 'being in Fulton Township, piece, parcel'or tract of land cori- i'has some wild talk about what The undersigned will sell pub- Davie County, State of North taining 40 acres, more or less, will hnppen in this country if the I'cly for CASH to the highest bid- C^irolina, and described as foi- situate, lying and being about 7 New Deal does not succeed, or if «¡«r nt the court house door of lows; miles Enst of Mocksville, in Ful- the NRA does not bring the pros- Dnvie _County, in Mocksville^ N^C. FIRST TRACT: All that cer- ton Township, Davie County, This the 2nd day of Septdmber 1933. JOSEPH L. COCKBRHAM,. S.u'bstituted Trustee. Robert Weinstein and Victor W, Tho'mpsoii, Attorneys, Rale'frh^ N. C.-. - 9 7 4t One Discovery Alone Justifies The Statenrient ■ «•¿chetcd'ahcrsen^ to T e iTarents“ jperity everybody thinks he needs at -12:00 o’c^od^^^^^ State of" North c'arolinn, and L-K but she says there nre "severnl iHore than anytning else in the DAY, UlUlUBUili 11th. 193,3, the containing 119 acres, more or having .such shapes, metes andi-^^’^*'^ ■ hiindrod ” ■ jworld. But this country is n o t iollowiiiig de.scribed lands lyin;r less, situate, lying and being courses and distances as wiiliCription (usually called Liver the greatest known pi c.s- for high blood pres.>;ur«, tor and Mrs, Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin, who had not yet named their son \v^en the hood was re ceived. When Mrs. Lee was telling They are in this fight to see it the lands of A. E. Tntum, on the by reference to a pint thereof Bank of Raleigh, the same being through, 'i'here is a great deal'of West by the lands of W. R. Cle-'made by M. C. Ijames, surveyor, bounded cn the North by llm Constipation is a serious comli- social and economic injustice in nient and on the North by the on tho 31st day of October, 1928, lands of Dan S. Hobbs, on the tion and is directly respon.sible America, and that to some degree 'nnds of D. C. Livingood. For n and attached to the abstract now East by the lands of Dan W lll- accounts for the hard times wej^iore particular description ofjon file witli thn Atlantw' Joint inmu> ,.nii w ill nn th(> have experienced since 1929. Mr. ■'"''''eh reference ¡on file witii the Atlantic Joint iams,' and Will Smith, on the ......- ........... — *-------- ^ ' ‘5-, «^ re^ made Stock Land Bank of Rnleigh, the South by the lands of John -About her hobby she wns busily Roosevelt is trying desperately in Gnither, anme being bounded on the North Mason and Robert Everharte, engaijed.in crocheting a tiny hood pi-ogi-am to correct these nbu- Commr. to L. M. Blalock, B. 28 Jor the son of Mr. nndjMrs. Bing i-jght old wrongs to the '^' Register’s oflice of Dnvie Crosby, of, crooning fame. that there may be a more County, N. C. also deed from .L. Letters'From Everywhere. equitable distribution, of \vealth Blalock to John W. W ard and Letters have come from M rs..and a chance for every man wh^ from J. W. Ward and wife Harold Lloyd, of the movies; is willing to work to prosper and *^0 Hanes Chair & Table Co, re- Aiichduke Stefan of Hapsburg do well. No longer in America w i l l ' B l i s t e r ’s office, and Princess Ilean of Rumania; it be possible or advisable; for ’ for moro forms of ailments than all other causes combined. Count and Countess Clano, the men to profit by exploiting,human latter Italian consul at Shanghai, beings and disregarding and rid- her 1933. whose son is a grandson of ing roughshod over the riglits of . Mussolini; former Secretary of others. A man who recently went W ar and Mrs. Patrick Hurley; to Washington says that i;he man rp p . and Mrs. Joseph Zanelotte, of in overalls can get a hearing A- 1 ■ Grant, Atty. Washington, D. C., parents of 15 there just as quickly as the man children. ' in the best of dress, and that if From two to three hours is re- President Roosevelt goes down in ^uired to make a xonnet, but fight he should ^ have a w'hen asked if the hobby is an *ncnument saying he died fight- expensive one, she replies, "I ‘".K f«»' common man. But he .don’t know. You see I am u tlther, America has too and my tenth goes toward makin-o- common sense, too much of1 _ i ” flin anil'if -Pnii* firiA] -itiufinA by the lands of George Barnhart, and on the west by the lands of Nath ; Jarvis, and Rich Barns,* on J. F. Grubb, and being the Iden- the .East by the Innds of J. E. ticnl trnct of land conve.yed by Foster,' George Barnhart and deed from H. 0. Holman and James Cnrter, on the South by wife, Anna E, Holman'to P, G. the lands of Robert Crotts and-'Byerly on 'November 27, 1928, a portion of Dutchman’s Creek, said deed being dul.y recorded in • TERMS OF .SALE; CASH. 'and on the West with the lands Deed Book No 28, page 303, in This the 11th; day of Sept-im- John Wood and a portion of the office of the Register of J. B. JOHNSTONE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE N.G'RTfH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF DAVIE Under and 'by virtue Dutchman’s-Creek, and being the identical tract conveyed by deed Trustao Holman and wife, Anna E. Holman to P. G. Byerly ^ 1 4 4t., on November 27, . 1928, snid deed being duly recorded in Deed Boolj_ No. 28, page No 303, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Davie .pounty. State of North Carolina, to which reference is made for more complete desciip- of the tion of the same. ___...................................................... . . _ . power and authority, contained in Beginning nt n poplar stump the bonnets, I never keep an ac- spirit of fair play and juHtice that certain deed of trust exe- near a corner on the lands of count of the cost. My fingers permit that. — M arshville cuted by Paul Glenn Byerly and J'ohn Wood and running south never get th’ed when I am cro- Home. . wife, Sophia Blanche Byerly, to 177 poles to a stone on the bank ■chetlng bonnets. I think it is <iJ -----------------------------------------— —-----------------------------------------------— -- 'better pastime than playing ....... ; bridge or smoking cigarettes.” THA’r S THE SPIRIT Hia horsd w6nt dead and his - mule went' lame, "J\nd he lost three cows from poi soning but lie jieve'r went'pro- fane; Then a cyclone came on a sum-, mer’s day And swept the home where he lived aw ay; Then a tax collector came around, And charged him up with a hole in the ground; Then the village marshall hcve in view And made him settle his sti'cet : tax, too. , Did he grieve when Ihis old friends failed to call? ■ 'When the cyclone came anq swallowed all? Did he curse the hurricane sweeping by? Did he give up because the world had given him naught but gall? Not he, but he climbed to the top of the hill Where standing room was left him still. - ' And taking his hat from 'hi.<> old bald heiul. With a poise sublime, he elo quently said: The last six months have bee,n ibad, you bet, Biit by heck. I’m thankful I liaven’t the small pox yet.—N. Y. Sun. WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS Deeds for Davie County, State of North Carolina, to which refer ence is made for more complete description of the same; and being more particularly des cribed as-,follows; Bef?inning at a pine knot near corner of the lands of Dan W ill iams and running South 8.75 de grees to a stone, thence West 24 chains to a stone, thence South 20 degrees West 17.50 chains to a stone, thence West 7.GG chains to n stone nenr the lands of Robert Everhnrte, thence North 10 degrees West 1.25 chnins to n You can give your lower or laifje intestines nn internal bnth anil Rectify the very cnuse of consti- pntion. Dr. G. A. Foster tirelessly e.x- perimented for over ten yeais nnd found n combinntion of drugs which would reach the lower in testines without being absorbed. His unparalleled success in this- experiment may now be pur chased under the name of L-K,. which is rapidly gaining the name of a miracle proscription.. Put L-K to the test and you too, like thousands of others, will call it a miracle prescription. Sold By LeGrand’s Pharmacy Mocksville, N. C. Cooleemee D rug Co. Cooleemee, N. C. A man stepped up to a 'grocer’s cigar counter and ibought two ten cent cigars. A Scotchman who w»H waiting to be served pushed io|-wnrd. “You sell those cigars three for a fiuarter. don’t vnii?” n.gVpH “ Yes” replied the grocer. “Well,” said the Scotchman, producing a nickel, “I'll take the other one.” The children, Gteorge, four, and Ernest, aged five, were being put to ,bed. “We do love you, mummy,” said George, hug ging her. “Why do you love me, darling?" “ ’Cos we like your, facc." ’'But it isn’t much Mia Uce," That wns a bit of a 'poster. The boy thought a moment, “But ■we’ve got used to it,” he said. aged T h e U n ite d S ta te s G o v e rn .’' m e n t g r a n t e d L ig g e tt & M y e r s T o h a c c o C o m p a n y th e r ig h t to u se C h esterfield ^ ^ f o r c ig a r e tte s T HIS means that the Chesterfield formula—that is, the leaf and the manufacturing formula—is dif ferent from that of other cigarettes. For a cigarette to be milder and to taste better, it has to have in it ripe, mild, melloAv tobacco, and the right quantity of the right kinds of Turkish tobacco. Then the cigarette has to be made right. ^ You can prove for yourself that Chesierfielus' arp not like other ciga rettes. They’re milder.., they taste better. ® I»))i Liocarr Л МТШ1 Vo»icoo Co, MILDER T A S T E S B E T T E K erve (vnyfhinÈ----h e h ^ d e ot' his elgh- 'OV‘î •ТЛЕ NEWSIEST NEWSPAPE« IN DAVIE—THE BEST FOR THE SUBSCRIBER AND ADVERTISER* Davie County’s Best Advertising Medium Read By The People Who Are Able To Buy TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COtjN'l’RY AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND OUR PURPOSE ...-... ■■ VOLUME 55 MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1933 No. 47 ’ s P a r t i n T h e N R A P r e g i A’TTENTION FARMERS Friday night, Sept. 29 at 8:00 P. M. there will be a meeting held in the court house at'Mock- IHOME COMING AT BEAR CREEK CHURCH OCT. 1ST. ____ _______________ __ There -will be a home coming sville for the purpose”of"explain- “t Bear ¡Creek -Church, October ► iing to the fatjmers thc proposed “t 2 .o’clock in the afternoon. ——-----------------------------— T— (Plan of establishing a branch of singing will be conducted The N. R. A. .'-plan IS designed THE SNIGGLES FAMILY AND the W oodleaf -Seed AssociationJ- «moot. Rev. ;W. V. to put five million men back on MODEL GLEE CLUB AT HIGH-here in Davie. I ’his Association Brown, of .Cycle, and Wilburn puyrolis in a short time. When this is done, 20,000,000 people .(assuming four to each wage earner's fam ily) w ill be suddenly placed in poaition to buy the normnl necessities of life. That means that the total trade volume of the nation will, upon the complete acceptance of this plan, (je iifteu by from 10 to 20 per cent. SCHOOL FRIDAY EVENING,ha.if established a retail store iii Stonestrjeet, of Mocksville. All 'Salisbury handling seeds, feeds former pastors of this church and fertilizer, and proposes to dopresent and the home- the same here provided our f a r -address will be delivered mers wish it. If you feel that'*’!’ 'Hon. Jake F. Newell, of Char- we need an agency of this kind Everybody come and hear' in our county do not fail to at-sweet sonigs and Hon. Ne- and children will be n Hiinp an Mocksville will have a definite be sure to come and bring’ all share in this increased prosper- the family. You will be sure to ity to tne extent that it parti-sm ile, laugh and then laugh The Sallie Call Aid Society of the Methodist church will present an evening of entertainment at the High School on Friday even ing, Sept. 29, at 7:30, under the , , » -------------- - , direction of the president, Miss'*®"*^ meeting. Mr. W. V.,"®*> Ruth Booe. The charge for w’'! explain the propos- ■“ mission for both grown folks “t the meeting. Teh C o n v i c t s E s c a p e DRYS TO MEET AT ADVANCE SUNDAY MASS MEETING AT CENTER SUNDAY, OCT. 8 SMALLEST MOTHER IN THE WORLD There Avill be a mass meeting of the Drys I at Advance, in the school building on Sunday, Oct. the first, at three o’clock P. M. This meeting at Advance, will be addressed by the Rev. G. L. Raleigh, Sept. 25.—A general shake-up in the personnel of tho Mocksville and Pender , county prison camps, where 15 convicts have escaped within a weak, was ' announced here tonight by^ George Ross Pou, director of the state highway and public works de partment. Pou reveijJed that M. J. Hend ricks, supervisor of th e ' Mocks- night corporal Mrs. Dcletta Buck, 52, of Bur- plan a complete success. Every t«, Mrs. C. N. ChHrtian; J^n.shy; of Burlington ^ employei and eveiy consumei has afflicted with hay fever, llrs . A .jw ill have charge of the meeting, sroom carried his mot .leiuiKe responsibility to as- r , Tomlinson; Angelina E u t o p i a ,---------------g^o _cne_meeung. ceremony. The bride- mother in his esthetic, Mrs, H. C. Lane; Thu Employer’s Responsibility Sii vieta Lorena, the prima donna, N. K. A. calls upon every em- C!- Brown; Angina Pec- MACEDONIA MORAVIAN Kerr, of the city of Salisbury. Mr. Kerr ia the speaker, w’ho so delighted his audience, on the oc- canip,^ the casiori of the Dry Convention in guards have the Court House, Sept. the IGth. ■ sunpended indefinitely and and is said to be among the ab- ^y. other men. lest of the'prohibition speakers in the Stnte. RODWELL-WOOD MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED ployer to shorten Hours of ìnbor, “ pathetic soul, Mrs. W. L. and^lovefeas* at Мме^оп*|Гмо'"й^ '"®* m Iss! their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, '^°i^h*o'dTrector^*aa?d^*’he did Ten Escape in Niglit 1 Ten convicts escaped from the Alocksville camp last night. A t the Pender county camp,' where five prisoners made thoir ___________ getaway last Aveek, J. H. Loftln, ..the supervisor, has been suspend-rhe following announcement ed i„,Infinite, ’ will be of* interest to the manyi nw« ««o — — , .i.i, I Mrs. Buck is 28 inches in height friends tof the bride in' Mocka-’canes if we hnvo to chnncp tho . CHURCH HOMECOMING and weighs 33 pounds. T he'fam -ville: “Dr. and Mrs J. W Rod- f -hange the re w i llT T i r homecoming i'-'' only^-ecently in B u r-w i^ ^ 'an n o^ cf tie m a ' ^ ^le w ill DC a nomecoming lin to,, to bottom, Pou sa d. ■ not Each industry will before long'M®h>tnble or Grncinna Sublimn, n,veieusi, wm oe ac т ^ adopt its own code which will fix |^® graceful girl, Mrs. C. H. Tom- o’clock with special music by the . «t the increased labor obligations 1 * " ^ J®'n‘m*‘. Christ Mornvinn Church Quartet. to be assumed by all firniis asso- Everyone is invited to come, dated ,with that particular in- ^1>® Model Glee Club are: So- ---------------« ----------------- 'I'he lovefeast will be at 2:00 ® j„t„„„gt „f thp mnn-lniro прп. Mrs. Wood луШ mnk® sville, nor did he know who would Лоск with spccial muaic by the ....i j.t*_ j___^ r^i " home in Jacksonville. succeed the five nrison camn em-dwarf mother. She (iustry. Until thnt time all em- Pmnos, Mrs. R. p. Anderson, Mrs. CARNIE MOONEY CIRCLE ployers are asked to sign the C. Brown, Mrs. E. H. Morris, President’s Agreement and to ^rs. W alter Call, Mrs. S. M. Call, meet thc hours and wages esta- "l^rs. J. H. 'I'hompson, Miss Mnry biished in thnt agreement as Heitman; Altos, Mrs. E. P. Fos- soinetimes rd\ferred to ^as the ter, Mrs. D. R. Stroud, Misa Re- lilanket Code. *’®‘=‘=“ Foster; Male Voices, The success of N. R. A. there- Messrs. Z. N. Anderson, R. P. fore cnlis for tho cooperntion of Anderson, Joe Fry, C. H. Tom- Every employer. It is to the Em- ll*'*'o*'> S. Kurfees, Wnlter Cnll.... « 111 I n <-1 . IP Tl ^ ..i.} .1 _____ ...211 ’^l^*'®® Children, she said, FARMING’rO N -SM m i ' [each of them caesarian-born. All of them grew to be normal child- MET ON MONDAY '“•® "”'7, Mrs. R.b. Adams of Enid, Okl.n. ; iDotelln An interesting and weil-attend- '"'ho reverses the spelling'Schools opened with n Inrge ed meeting of the Cnrnie Mooney mother’s name, and the rollment. 'I’here was a large r Circle was held at the Baptist church on Monday afternoon, , "’“f of 10 chil- with Mrs. J. P. Jarrett, tho Qiiincey, The devo- months she succeed the five prison camp em ployes involved. GROVE SCHOOLS OPEN , jyl'®«the changes were made public. Deputies Hmnt Convicts Who Escaped Stnte Camp Mocksville, Sept. 25.—Deputies On Monday, September 18th. the . Farmington-Smith Grovo en- chnirmnn, presiding. „ iin:i,y il- >... -.V. ^... . - ------------ ----------------itionnls were conducted by Mrs. pounds nnd wns plover’s self-interest to do this.lanti h. P. Foster. Old songs will j. w . Wall, and Mrs. J. M. Horn a'rondy wnlking. Soon nfter birth. Why? Becnuse more people work- 1^® sung, and old costumes will nresented fhe nroiiram on "Jew-®. ®. ® num-late today believed they had lo cated in a wood ono of 10 con-ber of patrons present at each ' 'voou ono ^ eun- plnce, and Ъ ппу df them mnde ®»“aP®<‘ t*'»™ the Stnte short’ talks, pledging thoir s u p - “«"IPInst night but tho other nine had disnppenred'. ■ ■ •-/. ' Ofllcors wore not certn^in, thoy port to the schools in any wnyi that they could be of service. Mr. Oscar Allen, chalrmnn of the' locnl board was at p„,rning. l>ad surrounded'.the. m ton and introduced the principal,!"'I ; with bigge - pnyrdls, will in-, bo a feature ’,of the evening. ! sh Evangelists* for South ” be g h'“ li® outstretched on ton and introduced the princ pal, ^ s c ion on the crt .se the market iov his goods. Don’t forget the Time, Friday at assisted by' Mrs. F. M. Cartei’t ^® P"'"!, h®r father’s hand and Mr. G. R Madison. Mr. of rep o rl one of th r m ^ Everv d o llar spent by nn Em ploy-7:30, nnd the Place, the High Mrs. J. T. Baity, Mrs. D. G. h®’' ,"'‘^1' his «long vvith. others, wns cn Hod er ii()w for incrensed pnyroll will School nuditorium. Como nnd Grubb and Miss Eflie Booe. Those °th®r hand. She was in fact a upon later and made some in.or- convicts fled after cutting hiM-n.r n riimn nn,] nw„„ n ______^ .......... ____ T r, mci’e haudfui. Sho spent several estinir and helpful remnrks. through the floor V a er now for increased pnyroll will School nuditorium. Como nnd Grubb and Miss Eflie Booe. Those , , o. return many fold ns b u s in e s s ,bring a dime, and carry away a present were: Mesdames J. F. "’‘I*’® ««"«¿"I’ She spent several flows from a consuming p u b lic , memory of an evening of humor jan-ett, J. W. W all, J. M. Horn, tenching schoo ................................................... F. M. Carter, J. T. Baity, D. G. mortt. 111. and is a col in Free- once more able to buy to supply,a«d old familiar^ music, it.s unfilled needs. So every employer should sign the President’s A'greement at MRS. McKINLEY WALKER DIES IN MORGAN’rON once. taken the Richard L; Keller and i Nanniecreasing payrolls to bring back prosperity. This is to the 8®lf-i'i-| ^ ^he surviving , wi"'.“ make his present positio secure by reversing the process Grubb, E. G. Hendricks, A. F. . . ,, ,ur I Pnii T P institutions of one kind or anoth-mnde n very interesting tn!k. Mr. MoTlie ionYs i W i'u rn e? W ’ ^3 yenrs, but offered a C. R. Crenshaw had charge of M rrntt«. s! .<?tone«trnnf’ and Prospect of mntorinl returns, she the program at Smith Grove. Rev. Miss Eflie Booe. MRS. T. F. MERONEY IS HOSTESS M. Crotts, S. C. Stonestreet and i.nuoi.ui lutuiiia, «au Mi«« v.mo Rooe. 0" th® Sl^ie was mnr- ried at Concord, N. C., 29 years .ago, her husband, she said, being [fully six feet tall. She has nor mal interests in life and ¡s a de- Mrs. 'Г'. F. Meroney was gra-'voted mpther and njaintains a fol- cious hostess to the merribers of lowing of the affairs .of the day her bridge club on Monday even- Union Rgpublican. ing, snapdragons' and other enrly^ autumn flowers effectively de corating the living-room, where! two tables were arranged. After the games the hostess served esting and helpful remnrks. 11. i icc- Mr. W. B. Allen, another mem-'; , , i college grndu-ber of the local board, -nttended <» f nte. She hns been nt ea'ucntional the opening at Smith Grove nnd otheis escaped seveial months mnde n very interesting tn!k. Mr. One man tangled himself in ^ r, , , , - bnrbed-wire bnrriers nround the cnmp nnd fniled to mnke good OBSERVE STATE MISSION DAY observed State nn interesting iced tea. Those playing were: joint program at the Baptist Mesdames Jack Allison, John church • on Tuesday afternoon. L e G r a n d , E. G. LeGrand,, Gecir Miss Elizabeth Naylor was in Morris, J. K. Meroney, T. F, charge of the program, and an of- Meroney, Miss Willie Miller and fering for State Missions was Miss Ossie Allison. tdken. ^____ _ I ’he Young Woman’s.. Auxllinry, temptin'ir congenled chicken salad the Girls’ Auxiliary and the Royal nZiU^n'm ore i®*-i :^ d one :brother. E. M. Kel- lettuce, two kinds of sand- Ambassadors ............■ — CirlOUiLD fc>lG\N llixli iLUINoUiVi | . nnllhpArprfl wpi'g* №S PLEDGE, s.m Jono., Willinm 1 « to do W. Willl.m nau.nul economic «xpci.m cn.. Ihe cuty of every of offerings were Mocksvil e is therefoi^^P a>nr Th®| R„,hel Foster, President has said: ’ On the basis of this simple principle oi eveiy- body doings things together, we are starting out on this Nntion- 'vide attack on unemployment. It will succeed if our people under- (Continued on page 4) TWIN DAUGHTER OF MR. AND MRS. LATHAM DIES Mary Elizabeth, five-day old Blanche Cartner, Verlie Koontz, Carrie Seiimpn, Edith Koontz, Frances Jones, Margaret Dnywalt, Bena Dayvvnit, Mary Ellen Smoot, Ma rie Cartner, Ilelen Walker, Helen Jones nnd Bertha Jones. GENEVA GRUBBS ENTER TAINS GROUP AT HOME Geneva Grubbs entertained a twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. group of boys and girls at the S. ii. Latham, pased away at thejhome of her parents, Mn and lionie on 'Salisbury street on Mrs. D. G. Grubbs on Church‘nf iT^/oflnooflpV nftftrHOOn, b■ -TTrm-j—iuutmiiK,- —...........................; Illness. The funeral service was'honoring the iucn. conducted on Sunday afternoon her sister Dorothy and'thò> 13th nt 4 o’clock, by Rev. R. C. Go- anniversary of a friend, Cornel.n forth, and the interment took place Hendrix. at Wesley’s Chapel, at Pino. Thc A number of interesting gnmes parents and the following broth- and contests were enjoyed fol- «r.s and sisters .survive, Ethel, lowed by refreshments conslst- •liimes, Sam uel'and Nancy Joan, ing of cnke, pickles, apple floats I’he flowers were carried by Ger-'and candy. +i,p «Idine Ijames, Louise Ijames,’ -nhe guests l>«t included the Cornelia Hendricks, Doris Lngle, following; Clara Wall, Maiy G Marthn iLee Crnven, Ruby Col- forth. Ozell Hodges Edward lette, Louise Latham nnd B e s s i e L e a g a n s, Lemma Cartner, Dolly l^atham. and Misses Dorothy .'Goforth, Mary Lee Hendrix, Cornelia Hendrix L o c a l M e r c h a n t s T o G i v e T w o M o c k s v i l l e D o l l a r s F o r One In F i n a l W e e k NEW IN'DUCEMBN'r TO BUY Many dollars worth of -valu- HERE IS OFFERED IN CITY able and usable merchandise will __________ be offered to the highest bidder AUCTION 'i’O BE HELD ON OCTOBER ,7TH. 1^‘itham, and Misses îîinnton, Agnes Ferree, T hT ilnal weeR-“ oT— nre— [rrr Mocksville Dollar campaign is at hand and plans are being made for the huge auction sale which will be held Saturday, October 7th: in Mocksville. The 10 parti cipating merchants and business men announced yesterday that during the final week they would give two Mocksville Dollars for every dollar spent with them or paid on account during the final week. This offer malces it possi ble for all buyers tor increase their Mocksville IDollars roll twice- as fast, and thus insure W aters’and Ruby Walker acted and Dorothy^G^^^^^^^ r e c ip i-ihemseives of bein,g able to, bid «•'f Pnllbea.’-ers. We extend oui «„d use-high dollar at the big auction ^ P em pathy to the bereaved ^ t^ ^ ^ m a ^ S ï ï e “." e n d . s a .. on the square in front of the Enterprise Office Saturday nfter- noon, October 7th. Only- Mocks- viiie uu-iiara wm oe nccepied iii payment on bids. The snle will begin . promptly nt 3:,30 p. m. and Svill .continue until all merchandise is disposed of to the highest bidders. Fast counters and instruments for fast counting will be employed in counting the money, and turning the merchandise over to the high bidder. Town authorities have granted authority to rope off the street in front of the Enterprise Office, and air persons will be safe in this territory while bidding on the merchandise. The snle will be conducted by W. |F. Stone street, of this city. »•4v viAv/vv* i*v» » • I . -jj , Mr. Ervin conducted the devotion- ®«cnpe effort als at Farmington and Rev. Fer ree conducted the devotionals at Smith Grove. All Lonir-Termcrs Sheriff C. C. Smoot sent 15 de puties into the search and said Mr. G. R.’ Madison, principal fugitives were long-term- of the Farmington District,,which , u. , includes Farmington and . Smith >®«>-ned the break Grove schools, will' be assisted by '''1'®*} they saw several of the the following , teachers: First clearing th e . stockade grade. Miss Phoebe paton and co’^ld inter- Miss Edith G riffin; Second grade. Miss Alice Boyd and Miss Clyde Jennings; 'Third grade, Miss Amy Talbert nnd Miss Vada Johnson; Fourth grade. Miss., Geraldine Mussel'White and ..M iss .,Addie Campbell; Fifth grade,,Miss Hei-. vene, the men were gone. Those who escaped ^yere Paul Spencer, serving 15 years, from Guilford county on second degree murder charges; Ed Smith, six to eight years, Harnett, housebreak ing and larceny; Alfred Stamey,uampDeji) риьи Q^ruoefi.iviisB iivi“, _• j ^ eh Smith and Miss ;Delia Grant i Cherokee housebreak- Sixth grade. Miss Mabel Chaflln; Seventh grade, Mr. .Paul, Anfitell and Miss Frankie Graven. The high school teachers are; .Mr. C. R. Crenshaw, Mr. James Lentz, Miss Thelma Freeman and Mrs. Elizabeth Wllla.^d. WORLD’S LARGEST BIBLE ing, larceny and receiving; Henry Griffin, eight months, Gaston, stprebreaking .'and larceny; E. Bennett, 15 -to 24. months,; Ynn.; cey, storebreaking; Pete Cannon, seven to' 10 years, Buncombe, ; conspiracy; Vernon i Alsobrooks;. ■three years, Martin, housebreak-. i |ing and ¡.larceny; ¿^ L. : Bratt6h,. ■ three to five years,.Union, break-.; It r^sts in n specially con- ing, entering and larceny ; Gi>b:, structed Los Angeles church, re- Baker, three to five yenrs, Bun-,, cently built. The book weighs 1,- combe, receiving; Lnnder Mnc- . 094 pounds, 'has pages 43Va in-|Lernore, two to five years, Surry; ches from top to bottom, is 82 larceny.. inches from rim to rim opened Seven of the convicts who es- up and 34 inches thick when caped Sunday night have been, closed. It was made by Louis Way'caug'ht and are back in their celK, nai ,who also printed the text by hanti with rubber stamp type. It took two years to do it and he spent $500 for materials. Way- nai. wlio’ is a Hungnrinn cnbinet malcer, also built tho churc.i whose I'TOi members now have chosen him as their pnstor. Only three are at large. METHODIST ZONE MEETING ON OCT. 4 At Bridgeport, Conn., extensive tests are going forward of a new three-whep.lfid automobile which may be the car of the future. ¡Shaped like a falling raindrop, big end forward, it is only four feet longer than tiie conventional automobile, yet its stream-lined body» has' nearly three times the passenger room. Its two forward interest since their beginninig. wheels furnish traction, while its.The churches of Advance, Coolee- single rear guiding wheel will pi:'mee, Farmington- and Mocksvillo vot the car in its own length. It make up the membership, and ifc is said to effect considerable sav- is hoped that other societies will ings in power and fuel. be formed in rhe near future. i nti memiier» o'i i,ii<i ivniinoim rr missionary societies in'; Davie ' county are urged to attend.'the ' zone meeting to be held at the Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon, October 4, beginning nt 2:.S0. Mrs. J. G. Sterling, se cretary of the Winston-Salem dis trict, and other leader's in the missionary work of the Methodist church w ill'be on the program. The zone meetings are held twice a year, and hnve created much ■ •111. ‘Нл, i rf! ЕТУ Г ',?-- I'i ] ” H f f O 2 T H E M O C K S V I L L E ' E N T E R P R I S E . M O C K S V I L L E , N . C .T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b o f 2 8 . l n ;¡3 I ^ ¡^ r r r r r r - m : T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 8 , 1 9 3 3 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E . M O C K S V I L L E , N . C . U n i o n A c a d e m y O f D a v i e C o u n t y , N . there I recognized them aa t'iio Mr. Pitt cnme to hold a writing ones to be considered in giving |schooi. Each pupil was required me the use of the building. It is Ito present a sample of- his writ- C a real pleasure to recall the ling at the begiinning and at the friends and ipupila cf that part of lend of the school, a prize being • my school record. As teacher, I ¡offered to the one making the teacher. This school was not moved to Farmington as some think, but was discontinued “bccause her leaders had died Jind the old brick building was in need of re found thé pupils well grounded greatest improvement. Bettie iindipair, while the Uttle village .pf (By Mrs. W. C. Martin, nee Miss Francefe Eaton) Endeavoring to rescue and pre serve from obiivion, the.little that is possible to be known of Union Academy, ?ind havijig^no school records available to rfuljstantia);e the same, this writer gleans' from courthou.se records, cemeteries, icrnior .pupils and friends of the in.'ititution—made difficult be- ■causo so few remain to tell-tho story,' . ■ Therefore important i.s formation f;;iven b.V' Mr. and Mrs, in spelling, arithmetic and Eng- ish grammar, especially so for 18, t’hose days. In fact that communi- County, N. € .” Biblical Recorder, Sept. 185G. “Union Male Academy and ty ranked above the average rural Farmington Female Seminary, community.” The noKt session of the schools -Thi.s school w as the pride of her brother Ebenezer rode on horse back to school each day. Bettie won tho prize, though the prize was never given. Ebenezer did' not improve a t ,all.” The curriculum of this a'cade-will open Monday, October,, Gth. J" f. curr.culum ot this acade- ^ Term.s for sessi;)n of twenty it into a , cW llii■ ^ t Of Davie County, . From the days, while the common achoola S r p l S i ^ s ^ ^ i i r a r S ^ a J ' S “ku I ? ^ n d ' S ' - ' h e a r other “voi^'os and see '« weeks. Primary studies, in cluding arithmetic ... English Graminer and Gbography ....................... Ililiher English' ...... Greek, Latin and higher, beginning, there must havo been jthen carried some strong and ----- ■ $5.00 work because one Farmington was being built up as the center of the community." They began to build up a school ther a which was later merged into a distri'ct consolidated schcol. Union Academy building ho ing house. When this former ])upil visited that .the plan and p'u .00 ways the same—educational and composition' and declamation '’ ” r;”'” ,.■■■•■(7t ' ,:510.00 « w ™ . . S»;m „ch .« o n .„ .™ 1„. v „ .t th . ™ >; - * 4 K 3 j S * ^ i a merchant in Mocksvillc, uel, Dave and Joiin Kenion; i ' inuel went to Yadkin county .„h became a .jood citizen; Davu a doctor and married Billy Ho,,,, ell’s daughter; John ’taughi school' in . East. Bend, Yiulki,, county., he married Betty C<)iui|,| sister of John Conrad, Bill .lohn! son who became a doctor ii|„| located in Farmington, . Iien,,y Hobson, from “the banks ,<)f (|,j, Yaclkin” became.'..a ■ promin«ni farm er and slavfj owner. Wiliini^ Kelly, John Stewart aiul ' \vi|y Clement of Mocki'.yille, ,Tal<c „nj (iContinucd on page 7) ",_________-flt D U L i N ’S N E W S can hardly think of any one ¡schcol under S. 0. Tatum and $12,00 period apart from that of S. 0. James H. Foote. Some of the text abouti' the same old ground and 'under tlie identical trees, though ¡ . Ihad for six dollars per month, in the state. Rev. Moses Baldwin'Engli.sii Grammar, Reed and ■ Mr. and Jlrs, Cam and also Mia. ^ . pa,.titulars, addres.s either of was a graduate of Wake Forest Kellog's Grammar Maury’s Poll- .Siiann Rfnlii.mn roiiton. snv that _____xr rr____ _ unuiuu.li, m iluiys i on , iTnllowin.r are the names of . 185!), from an article entitled star ol> the'first magnitude among Wake Forest College with A. B. sc h q o 'LS, COLLEGES AND laymen, we had no better man.” degrees, came to the neighbor- BAPTISTS, “Union Academy in Professor J. F. Brower was a liood to teach. S. "'0. Tatums County was built by Bap- hijfhly refined .gentleman, a cap- cliary, 1849 “I left l|at'ner .s today jjgthodist of the com- able and successful teacher in all for Wake 'College. His |n,„nity^ but after several years of branches. When he resigned from Drplomir, which i.s m the possess- ¡j. ended, I bell,eve, in school work two years ¡iigo, Mr. ion of 'his granddauigbter Phoebe ^ „nlon neighborhood and Tom Cash, Superintendent of Eaton, 13 dated 1852 and signed schools.” Article signed,.Porsyth County wrote of him, l)y Samuel G. Wait and others. ««T'lmothy.”Professor Brower’s love for tho The activities ,of the school Lunrt, William Brunt, George Wes were e.\ceedingly simple. School )ey Johnson, Col. Taylor, • Dr. opened at eight and ad,iourned at wiiiianis, Luther Miller, Mr. four. Books were carried home be- Cuthrell and others, cause lessons must be prepared Others taking boarders during for the next day. An 'hour at noon the last years of the school were: served for. lunch and recreation Mrs. S. 0. I'atum, Philip Eaton, which consisted of innocent and Orrell Etchison, Dr. Wiseman, simple games, suc'h as base ball, Charlie Bahnson, Frank Johnson, bat, tap-rund-around, steal goods, Etc. Names of some of the first ■\Ve note that these two young ^y,,ite,» would like to say classroom work, his desire and • jnen were active .churcb workers. that the school did delight in good teaching and his t Minutes ^of Eaton’s Baptist ^ ¡„ 1359 ^ „3 „ success in character building “. "'Zl »'«"lembered by Mrs. J. church “S. 0. Tatum moderator ; ,3 through personal contact with ' " '“‘f “ in wh ch Thomas h. Cam were: Frank, R chard 1852.” He joined Eaton’s church ^^t kept on during the dark and students, has been with him and E«ton always insisted on .swing- „„d Moses Taylor, sons of Sam T,....,. 1 l,ig very high, which kept the Taylor; a daughter married teacher constantly! uneasy. The Luther Miller. Gynn Hunt of teacher 'ofteri, taking part ' and Huntsville who became a doctor always acting as referee. .O f- and located there. Dr. Williams’ ten a bunch of boys or girls children, Monroe, Rush, Buford might elect to take , a walk, and Virginia; Mary Ann, an older but make it convenient to visit'daughter married James H. Foote Mr. W ill Furches’ turnip patch and died in 1856; William A. or call on “Cousin Mat' Brock,” and Ed Clark and Celcstia Young ■om Hyde county who boarded Churc'h 'j,jg(.j.gggj„g poriod of the war, all-consumin.g, passion." 1859. We fuKi m the same ij^ecords '^jjtly hindered of course, but it seems incredible, tt h n t h n w a s nn . m n o rtn n t (lom - , . _ _ . , _____ ____.. ..that ho was on • important com , mittees as early as 184G. Eaton’s ..church in conference Aug. 12, 1852, James H. Foote joined by letter from Wake For est,” T'he records show that he too , that such did aome of her best work durin'ir a fine spirit prevaded the entire her closing years. ccmmunity as one in led to feel Mrs. iCain tells of one teacliei’, when talking with friends and a Mr. Coltralne, who was called form er pupils. And then too, it to the w ar but never heard from seems marvelous, how such a again. Other teachers given by .substantial brick building was. , ,1 • , 1 vytllUi O tJJ ll^rank Tatum ox Shanghai, erected a,t that time of civic u^n-!i‘ / ih ;y " L d le ;7 n e d ^whe7e“ sìi’e n' kept her cookies and baked sweet wi potatoes. Thort! ia no accounting William Clark married Cornelia He returned to Wake Forest and took his M. A. degree in 185C.S " r :;a m th m d o u d r' w u h \ „ ^ u u it:M ;.:i;;;;;r eluim 18G5 Rev William Brunt, ^clou.Is. potatoes. There is no accounting william Clark married Cornelia uies 01 tne ouiii rainuai seas- . „ j,r ^evi Brock 1867, m wiitoi went to school for tho keen appetite of the ave- Wiliams fir.st; she died soon, he of Yndkiii Baptist Association f;/ ,' „ r* ’ 0 -Tatum the rage school boy or girl of those then married Naney Furches, JohnI ’ 4 чплп лг\ Г-» ГЛ '** «* h»itlL.lUUn Clill.1Union Hill Baptist Church, | (after eight years) 1868-69, B. P. building, S ' ™ , S r « ; . i № 2 1Й 7“ s.'™: S ,, ™ .“ ¡ c » ' ./ . i r " î Я '™ >'■"1"'' ь о „ л 1 -oiivc d ...... pi«nt». days. Evidently when Mr. Fur- Charles, whose father moved from ches planted his turnips, he must Guilford county in 1852 and liR7i!77 4 T Tatum nenhew of i \ ^ Л pianneu lor inese raias, oought the Olive Branch Planta- N o w . . . Is the tim e to b u y tires. P rlcM may )io lili:thcr. If they do, it w ill iicliinlly co st y o u m o n e y to u se u p olil lircs. A n d w ith lu ll n n d w inter wrailur i«i«l Wut u a il slip p ery rouil.H Just n ro u n d tho corner, it ’s n guud idea to liuvo tlio p ro te ctio n of siifc new tires, a ll n ro u n d . A n d rememlicr th is— tiro w ear is slow er in winter tiia n it la In s u m m e r— thu tiros you b u y n o w w ill givo y o u fu ll proU'C- tio n n il w in te r n n d yo u w ill »till h avo ftooU tire s-for n ext sprliift arid su m m e r to w itlistn n d the ruviiftcs of h o t su m m e r ronds. W o carry iho co m p lete lin o of G o od year Tlrra- Specdw ny, P n tiid n d e r nnd All W eather. A t tho prico yo u wish lo p ay w o h nvo n G o od ye ar 'I'lro. Why n o t co m e in tod ay n n d talk It over) Goodyear All’ Wcathcr SANFORD MOTOR CO. Phone 77 Mocksviile, N. (,', p all, r f th, B w th t ««a M otjo- b ™ .0,' A ug«.t 1878 lo oil™w.'. dist denominations have erected 1883. .B ranch Church. It was in tb e,from either. Having entered into energy and In- happy faces and coursing t'hi'oiigh thoir Fiirmera are busy picking cotton and mowing in this com- miinity. were: Misses Mazie, Hazel, Lu-W ade Nail, die, Blanche and Ruth Foster. Ann’ ” P a g e 8 Annie Potts Rubv Cull TVio!«,!. cjiiiuren w u j Bessie and Ruth Hnw, l’,i ** Saturday 27 degrees Williams and T,.i„i i nfternoon with Mesdames H. S. stone, thenc« of Augusta. . to a stone,' thence West 14.92 Mrs. E. C. Lagle and children c'hains to a poplar, thence South rees West 3.75 chains to a uiiu>. Williams and Laurn T p« 7--“’“ ““ ernoon with Mesdames H. S. sione, thence South 6 degrees ^ Misses Lucille. Ruth and Laura trude, Helen, Colleen and Glad^vs' м mSummerall, of East 6 ehains to a stone, thence p Foster, spent Sunday after- Poster. Messrs. Roger w , S Mocksviile. North JS West chains to a lc noon with Miss Lois Laird. 'Garland, Ilobert, and A ivb S ^ r. Ransol Cook spent the past «tone, thfence West 6 chains to Mrs. D. J.'P otts and tv/c " ' ■ - • • (laughters, .Evelyn arid Elva ________________ spent Sunday afternoon with Luther TWvetT” ¿'еТоТ'неп!!^^^^^ Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McCulloh' , jlns, A. J. Hendrix. Robert and Roy Foster, Sith Me- Cecil Hilton spent the o^' con- Misses Annie Potts and Ruby Daniel, Ralph Call, Wilew Ellis Sunday afternoon with re- 40 acres, more or less, .•ChII spent Sunday afternoon with Jr., and Jasper Carter Mr and Bixby. ,,Iis.4 Bessie Howard. Mrs. G. L. Foster, M r.'and'Mrs. more particular destriptlon -of to Hanes Chair & 'Table Co ra« which reference is hereby made gistered in said. Register’s offlcs. to a deed from E. L. Gaither, , TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Commr. to L. M. Blalock, B. 28 This the 11th. day of Sept ■im- Р. 291 Register’s office of Davie ber 1933. ' ounty, N. C. also deed from L. J. B. JOHNSTONE . M; Blalock to John W. W ard and I'rusto"^. 9 14 4t*two twin ward, Ralph and’Em V o tts' wmL' ^^urday night with Mr. Vestal beginning corner, containing deed from J. W, Ward and wife By A. T. prant, Atty. Siva Potts I Lee, Gfeorge and Ravmonri’t 'I'l liberty. ««res, more or l e s s .-------------------------------------------------------^------------------------------ M.. „„,1 t:, ,,^ ^ ..„ ,1 SECOND THA'C'I': All that # ' A * A r i C AnE> r% BI ■ « •M Jiv m c ■ v ai Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Swicego6d L. P. Howard, Mr. J. Frank Hen- NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL .„ul Miss Mazie Poster and.M r. drix, Mr. Wiley Ellis and Mr. ES'FATE Kftlph Potts attended tbo annual Taylor Call. After supper many' - foiitwashing, at No Creek Church interesting games were played. NORTH CAROLINA ^ „ T, . . wishing Mr. Foster many COUNTY OF DAVIEMrs. A. S. McDaniel is at more happy birthdays. Wa-shington, D. C., at the bedside ----------------- of her son, Travis, who contin- TURRENTINE NEWS iiM ill with T. B. • I ;miles East of Mocksviile, in Pul- ‘ton Township, Davie County, State of North Carolina, and having such shapes, metes and courses and . distances .as will more fully appear by reference to a plat tfliereof made by M. C. Under and 'by virtue of tJhe ’ijames, surveyor, on the 31st day power and authority, contained in ¡of October, 1928, and attached that certain deed of trust e.xe-ito the abstract now on file witn LandMr. and Mrs. Taylor Call and' On Saturday night, Sept. 2 3 rd .'S e ‘' u , f«„.ilv entertained a number of about 15 friends enjoyed a wei-Blanche Byerly, to Bank of Raleigh, the same be ng t„eir-neighbors and friends at a - - ^ t , , ^ irtt" S ra n ^ y !" ? fu \ tl“"\vhTcS S t f ^ n ^ S . h£s. ¡li: £fwiriZi'dtom”2 :d o o r .,n"'‘T.‘ f.“.‘irwmtrt'h“Z"tifilb„r„ Stone,lr..l, lV..lt«r c n i-yd bj" Ih» Mlo.tog, MI,..,;Zk 21 S 34 o i Z n.v" S»™h bi l.f”l. «( John and Armit Sheek, of ^Mocksviile. Kimmer Ruby County Resistry, default having Mason and Robert Everharte, Everyboc y enjoyed the string Wilson and Ruth Lagle. Messrs. been made in the payment of the and on the. west by the lands of music. ^\€ hope Mr. Call will Tom James and Johnnie Cook, indebtedneas therohy sof.u'-«t' and -L F. Ci-n.hh nnH beinr the iderj- iiav. another chicken stew Magness Howard, Guy Beck, Tom in the conditions therein secured, tical tract of land conveyed' by M:.sses Hazel Foster and Annie and John Lagle. Mr. and Mrs. the undersigned substituted trua. deed from H. C. Holman and l>(,lt.s and Messrs. Ralph and Bil- Nathen Beck and Mr. and Mrs. tee by .instrument recorded in .wife, Anna E. Holman to P, G. lio I'otts enjoyed a weiner roast E. C. Lagle. Book 28, Page 052, Davie County Byerly .on 'November 27, 1023, ^-¡ven by Misses Helen and Lois Mr. and Mrs. iDennis Barne.y, Registry, will on TUESDAY, said deed being duly recorded in Jones, near Cornatzer Saturday of Hanea, spent the past Sunday OCTOBER 3, 1933, at or about Deed Book No 28, page 303, in niirlit- ■ with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. twelve o’clock noon, at the court- the office of the' Register of A number of friends enjoyed a Frank Forrest. ¡liouse door at Mocksviile, North Deeds for Davie County, State of (lcli;htful barbecue supper on Mr. 'fom Cook, of Hanes, spent;Carolina, offer for sale and sell North Carolina, to \yhich refer- Fiidiiy night, Sept. 15th, at the the week-end with Mr. Johnnie to the highest bidder for cash ,ence is made for more complete toliii(.'co barn of Mr. G. L. Foster. Cook. the following described property: description of the same; and T'ho occasion being Mr. F'oater’s Mr. and Mrs. Grady Nail spent All thoae certain pieces, parcels being more . particularly des- iliitii, birthday. Tho.se present the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. or tracts of land situate, lying .ci'ibed as'follow s: ' CAMELS ARE DELIGHTFULLY MILDS CAMEL’S COSTLIER TOBACCOS iw v e rtjê tpH 1^<П4Л‘1ш ш .^ п м е ^ Т 1ге tjomTaStc BANISH THE FEAR OF BLOWOUTS T i r e ^ t o n «тммчм*г dist denominations have erected 188d. . , „ , Branch Church. It was in tbe from either. Havii a spacious male and female aca-| A paragraph from a letter of ^ community settled by these games with demy by the name of Union Аса- Amelia Eaton, daughter of Philip substantial citizens who, one ima- terest with hapt demy in the County of Davie, and Eaton to Sally Wiseman Is of in- bravely .put their slaves to blood coursing 3s now,in active operation under terest: the-instruction of S.. 0. Tatum and JaTTi.es H. Foote. Resolved, that this ibody rin, TTiii dominnvv 1 Rfiamaking brick for the build-'veins whon .the teacher would ap- Dear C o S S ¡nii._ It is said that the old brick ,pear at' the door, with the fami- brick , TT 1 o 'yard may yet be seen near the .- . has employecl Unc e Sam Noah Brock, who at that earnestly recommend the .said .Tatum to teach school at Union ^he school, but institution to the liberal .patron-1Academy. He has rented nis larm ])„i.]ington. 111. Upon in age and support of the churches,and expects to put all liis chil- tvt,. niiifl "Mv within Ita.llmll». ;,i,on in ..hool I think tho “00“ l2 Wm. G'. Brown, Moderator pect is very flatter ng for Uncle W. A. Martin, Church Clerk Sam to bave a ig.ood school. j ^hink, he gave the The foIlo<\ving is quoted froin One wonders who were the ^ building site so an early report of the Mocksviile trustees and who sponsored these ^ j,g.hool.” Masonic Lodge s'howing the es- schools at Union Academy. Mrs. mnfnn'« rinnrri, ,: teem in which tlie .school was 'Cain thinks they were sponsored Dick Van daj^igh- . 'held by the Masons, and also, by a feiw well inclined gentlemen ’ . . _ fv,nh> 'fneViPv tniv that it was in. existence in 1852. of the community, among u„i|,if (.j, Afndpm mul -The first death to occur in the were Ben H. Eaton, Ben.F. Eaton, was tb atV - ./osoph Eaton, Iphilip. Eaton, B. F. Lunn, Rey. who died May 17, 1851 and was William. Brunt, Dr. J. W. Wise- .. Í buried with Masonic honors at Olive Branch Church the next man and others. Mr. iCain said. boarded during time. Mr. Van Eaton was “I always paid тпУ tuition to sidered a fine carpeijter of that day ..... The minutes of July Philip Eaton while ' going to day and it is to be i^gret that 16, 1852 order was made to pay,school at Union Academy when have gained much in- t t . tnitlon .,0, .0,,« y o „ ot S 0 T»t,™ t .„ r t t tl'-* -i"'?:.U i r ‘‘c o ro „i'n"g .Joseph . Eaton’s , children at the 1868-69.” • v.iiilriin(r “New Union iicademy near Olive Professor J. P. Brower says, “I . , j- ^ , Bran.h Church.” - alway.s understood that Ben F. ' Union 4'cadomy irraduated Biblical Recorder, Sept. 20,1855. and Philip Eaton were the chief many of the country s and^states “The Union Academy is in opera-rprcmoters in the establishment /bdst and mo.st influential c;ti- tion near Farmington, Davie of that school and when I went zens, as many came and went __________^____________________________________________ from adjoining counties and other ¡larts of the state, there n9t being many colleges in those days W. L. Potoat, Biblical .Recorder liar call bell, the children were ready to take up books in the " same spirit. Discipline and recreation aa well aft study were considered of prime importance. Pupils were expected to. comply with certain rules and regulations, fhe legis lature find igovernlng^ body being the teacher. The discipline con sisted of demerits, doing extra work and such like, or possibly the most dreaded ' of all was standing on the platform by the We have plenty of Zells and Smith Douglas FERTILIZER ALSO MASCOT LIME We will give two M ocksviile Dollars for each dollar you spend with us through October 7th. MARTIN BROS. N E A R D E P O T aiiiiB«iifliiMi!iiBiiiiaiiiiBiimiiiiBi - M OC KSV ILLE, N. C. !iiB!iiiaiiiiBniiiBiiiiHiiiiBiii«inii;in:ii«siiB;i C A M P B E L L - W A L K E R F U N E R A L H O M E AMiBUL.AyCR EMBALMERS TELEPHONE ................................................................ 48 Main Street—Next to Methodist Chur-jh Ъшт:тршж^:йштгха:штш-йш'тршшшйшштржтш*^. Albemarle, N. C. Sept. 18,1933 Dear Friends: I send you all through this ad my ryyrCK—xvrrrxx---—aRTn:;^------------------------jfo-w trying to write stories and verse to enter- -КЙ----Я'*хгспппггр;тг iboii . V 'jj -'i I':.' ■ ( ' Ш'! '.1 '^ ;■f. I tain you, and I hope you like the things i write. If you do like my stuff, in this pa per or any other publication, I will appre ciate your telling either the editor or myself. If you don’t like it, w rite and tell m e-not the editorl-then maybe I can do better next time. C ordially yours, Guy Svvaringeii .1930, “Not many went to college in those days owini;^ to the jm- Qioverished condition of the coun try at that time. There were only two colleges in tho state up to 1840, Wake Forest and Universi ty of North Carolina with a com bined enrollment of only 158.” It is interesting to notice that, from all the information it seems passible to glean, this building was never desecrated. Doors were open only to Educational and re ligious activities, except for a hlMPf novinrl thn -H'Q}» ivhnrt Jesse Fiuton, son oV Ben H. Eaton, used it for a store house. Eaton’s Church Records, October 8, 1870 reports a meeting of white and colored members in Union Aca demy for the .purpose of organi zing an arm or branch of t'he church for colored people at Cedar Creek. The. Academy was also usod 'for a churcli houfio while the Baptist churc'h was being built at Farmington, for Qirayer meetings and afternoon Sunday Schools, singinjr schools, writing schools, spelling bees, etc. The following incident, asH related by a former pupil of the earlier days is of ¡intere.st. "A NEW MERCHANDISE FOR ^ CLOSE-OUT SALE pj We now have on display new merchandise which was bought last | i j spring and was bought right. We could not cancel the order. This | merchandise must go with the rest. Priced much lower than | 1; today's W holesale Cost. Some of the best values in town. 1 1 SÙÉDÉ COATS I HI-TOP BOOTS I SHOES .............! I ii i'i ijJ 1^ I A t less than today’s | Bought last spring. | We still have a nice 1 1 1 1 Rdncoat I I assortm ent of shoes 1 1 f I and Sport Coat. | ^^ee these _____| for the entire family 11 p $ 4 . 4 7 I $ 3 . 4 9 I 3 9 c u p W e will give two Mocksviiie Dollars for each dollar paid us | through October 7th. HENDRIX & MARTIN “On The Square” Mocksvillé^^.' C- S i s « B r '" If l\ Cotton I W e have just rebuilt the cot ton gin near the overhead bridge and now have a mo dern and convenient cotton .'and being in Fulton Township, Beginning at a pine knot near I Davie County, State of North corner of the lands of Dari Will- 1,Carolina, and described as fol-|iams and running South 8.75 de- i'^ws: grees to a stone, thence '>Veat 24 II PIHST TRACT: All that cer- chains to a stone, thence South tain piece, parcel or tract of land 20 degrees West 17.50 chains to containing 119 acres, more or^a stone, thence West 7.C6 chains l.le.s.s, situate, lying and being to a stope near the lands of aljout 7 miles East from tihe town Robert Everharte, thence North 'of Mccksville in IFulton- Town- 16 degrees West 1.25 chains to a ship, Davie County, State of stone, thence North 24 degrees North ^ Carolina, having such East with the bank of the creek I shapes, metes, courses and dis- 241/2 chains to a w’illow, thenc.e tanees as will more fully appear East 28M* chaina to the begin. by reference to a plat thereof ning corner, c.ontainin;; 40 acres, made by M. C. Ijames, surveyor, more or less. ■ on the 31st day of October, 1928, j Terms of sale cash and trustee and attached to the abstract now will reciuire deposit of 10% of on file with the Atlantic Joint the amount of the bid as evidence Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the of good faith, same being bounded on tho North ■ This the-2nd day'of September, by the lands of George Barn'hart, 1933'. G IV E 5 8 % GREATER PROTECTiON Nath Jarvis, and Rich Barns, on the East by the lands of J. E. JOSEPH L. COCKERHAM, Substituted Trustee. gin. COME TO SEE US. S o u t h M o c k s v i i l e GINNERY Near Overhead Bridge South Mocksviile, Ne Ce Foster, George Barnhart and Robert Weinstein and Victor W. Jamea Carter, on the South by Thompson, Attorneys, Raleigh, the landa of Robert Crotts and N. C. , 9 7 4t a portion of Dutchman’s Creek, i -----------------♦---------------- and on the West with the lands NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND of John Wood and a jiortion of Dutchman’s Creek, and being the identical tract conveyed by deed UNDER DEED OF TRUST Set FjrtllOne Qu'Il' DIppfdTlritmadoind the «clantldc (uhUt eihibit In Itii Hai 'ol Sclonco prosanUd tiy FlraKon* «I the re* quott ol the Woild'i filf Commltiie—It "A Cenluty ol I’to* If«»/* CMcno. - MASTERPieCB 0» Tiei COHITRUCTtOH Under and by virtue of tlic from II. C. Holman and wife, powers contained in a certain Anna E. Holman to P. G. Byerly Deed of trust executed to J. B. on November 27, 1928, said deed Johnstone, 'rrustee, by J. C. being duly recorded in Deed Ijames and wife Eula Ijames, to Book No. 28, page No 303, in the office of the Register of Deeds secure a note in the sum of $2400.00 due Hanes Chair and tion of the same. Beginning at a poplar stump near a corner on the lands of John Wood and running south 177 poles to a stone on the barik of Dutchman’s Creek, thence with tho bank of the ci-eek South 55 degreea East 34 poles to an ash tixje, thence East, 79 poles to a willow, thence North V-/% degii'eea -We.st 54 poles to an elm, thence West 34 poles to a stone, thencs North 1V2 degi-ees West .136 polos nnd 7 links tn a atone, thence East 9 chains to a stone near a garden, thence North 8.75 chains for Davie County, State of Nortli 'I’able Co. said deed of trust hav- Carolina, to which reference is ing been executed on the 22nd. made for moro complete descrip- day of September 1923 and duly recorded in Book No. 19 page 142, of deed.s of trust. Register's ollice of Davie County, N. C. de fault having 'been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust, and demand made upon the undersigned to advertise and sell the lands men tioned and described therein: ^ The undersigned will sell pub licly for CASH to tlie highest bid der at the court houae door of Davie Countj', in Mocksviile, N. C at 12:00 o’clock M. on WEDNE.S- DAV, OCTOBER n th . 1933, the follov/in.jr de.scribed lands lying and being in Jerusalem township, N. C. near Cooleemee, N. C. to w it: A tract ^ containing Fifty Acres (50) more or leas, bound ed on the East bj' the lands of W. R. Craige, on tho South by the lands of A. E. Tatum, on the M^est 'by the lands of W. R. Cle ment and on the North by the lands of D. C. Livingood. For a Stop Chiiis asid Fever! Rid Your System of Malaria! SliivòrinR with chills one moment nnd burning with fever the next— thnt’s one of the effects of Malurla. Unless checked, the disease will do serioiis harm to your health. Malaria, u blood infcction, calla for two things. First, destroying the in fection in the blood. Second, building ut> the blood to overcome the effects of the disease and to fortify against further attack. Grove’s .Tasteless Chill Tonic supplies both these effects. It contains tasteless quinine, which kills the infection in the blood, and iron, which enriches and builds up the blood. Chills and fever soon stop and you are restored to health nnd comfort. For half a century, Grove’s Tasteless ChiU Tonic has been sure relief for Malaria, It is Just as useful, too, as a Renerai' tonic for old and young. Pleasant to take and absolutely harmless. Safe to Ijive children. Get a bottle at any store. \ ^ V E H slx lu illlo ii pcoplo hnvo scon Ilio Extra p a to iilo d FiroH loiiti o o iin triio llo ii foatiircM o f Gtirtt- Oljiplnn n in i Tivo lixlru Giim-OliiiHìil Coni Vlioa.Vntler t/ic) 3'rt>(«f ut “ A ^ iit iir y o f rn tgrcsa .’.V ' T Iioso'inllU Ó H a U how i!OK>™-móro tlm it ovor licforc— w liy Fltos'.ono T ire» licild all w m 'Id record», 011 roiid an d trnok, for S<\féty, Spaed, .Milo- ", ayu, a n d Endurunco. If yo u Iiavo H ot Bcoii Iioiv' FIroHtoiio 'l'ircn aro in n ilo ~ if yo ii dn iiut Icnoiy w lia l In u n d e r tlia trend o f u tiro — D riv o ln lo d a y a n d lot ua hIiow yo u ilio Kxlni Stroiigtii — Extra. Sufuly.— . Lonticr Milea/fo — an d Greutcr UUìKout l’ro U ’ci<(?»i.,l>ullt In tp Firo8tonu.Cum -U tpi(ted 'l'IrcH. ' Y o ii aro g o ln g to ncc'J nbw ■lii'os thl» fa ll u n d iv in lo r — llo n ’t p u t olT Iiiiy in g a n o llio r d u y l Y o u «vili p a y m o re la t c r — D riv e In N O W t 'IV ad o UM tlio <langor h i y o u r {ircNont tire» fo r ih o Sa fc ty h i Firo»joiio C u n i-D lp p e d T iro a— thoSiiSoalTirea in tha World. Tho NEW T ir e $ to n e super OLDFIELD TYPE U iilll to aqtial alt firat U no Htunclard h rn n d tire» h i « lu a lit y , co n - H triictlou a n d a p - pcnranco, h u t low er in p rico— a n o t h e r F lr e s t o n o n o h io v o m e n t in sa vin g m o n e y fo r car ow ners. & ¡« 7 .I 0 Ilulok.. V Chev’lt) N«t;;:U<ji.ooIMym'falHooknel5.55.18'' Ford ...Л ChevUtl Mriyro’hf 7*554J5.19 /NuVii..»/ ^ _StuUe’r) _ „ Auburn> 10. 5.50.18$Other SÌmvm l^roportUmately Low NIOH 1ГК0 rVft•III Т00ЙГ1ГЙ)ССJAN. mi MICI Iti»»RtCf U5.19 . . .$8.40 èlL5.y5,00.19 ,9>00 \r }клр5Л!5.Ю . . .10.00 иш úJi)S.50.1ÍÍ . . .1 1 *5 0 lois i6,00.10 . . ,1ХЛО 1Л5 \m:í6.00.19 II.D.15.60 ТЛ 2ï.h6,50.19 If. D.17*90 Jd.A sLÀ 7.00.1e II. D.ao.1 5 луЛOther SÎMoa Propartlottatoly . Every fiber • every Cord in Every ply IS BLOWOUT protected b y G um -Dipping OLDFIELD ТУРЕ SENTINEL ТУРЕ COURIER TYPE Ког<1...............) ‘ ■‘‘T s o -s ï......f ¡•’«г«1................) . ^Cli»vrolt4.......4.50.21 ‘■’" " к з й .......} $ 3 . 4 S Forci................'i <'li«vrulet.......( Ч АIMymouth____f « • / V 4.75.19 ) Foni................^Cltovrulet.......t JL A Criym oiilb......f4.75.19 J • For»!________Ì ^Clivvrolot_____ V 3 « w 04.40;21 /...............) *^'""¥.öö-so.....} 7 * 4 5 N«.I. ) к on.90 1 F0P1I tHiibiU.............. CHiovrolfit......... For»l__________1 8 . 1 0 3»Vv**W J Bulok.............(«liuvrolot.....,.„..r Ford..— ....... f . ^ , Chcrnilct.____> 4 .2 54,30-SI ) ^ Koukn«............'Щ a » .40 Auliuni...........Sludubnker....1 5.50.18 ,9 .0 0 llockii«...........15.85.18 Chc’irolet.----^ dL** Plynumlli____Г 4,75.19 )Other Sitos PropMllonitilir Low 0(ti4r SU«t Propoitlonatity Lo« T t r c $ t o it eI SPA RK PLUG S m i tf0 u4tt tmSt уош ' Spttrk ttugë FRKB B A TTE R IE S , and your ©W bolitty We («•( any такт о/ Hat tory FU ПК. K U R F E E S & W A R D '‘B E T T E R S E R V IC E ”M O C K S V IL I 4Î, N . C. I "VT .< !T the. banda o í hiä eigJi- ^ UM»iÍ i'í .1 'í'J' Щ I';' !>v ‘:íí! и 4" L Í A ! í?:- Î йГ * ' > иI \Á\I 1 -vttf iЛ '■ ‘ t ; ^S » 1 f'í "'...... Г а к е 4 T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T Ë H P R Ï S E , M O C K S V I L L E , N . C .T I n i r s d a v . S o n t e m b o r 2 8 , j g o j ■ y u i i ^ a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 8 , 1 9 3 3 CtROVV y o u n g riN ES IN HOME GARDEN With more and more land being taken out of production by cotton, wheat and tobacco grow- .ers in North iCarolina and the re-| 'lease of poor or marginal land to , I be planted to pasture or forest TffnU fo r the Ifousehold A puzzled'reader asb , i., Huey or Hooey?—Boston T'r cript. T H E M O C I t S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E ,  ΠO C K S V I L L B . N . C . It I'aiis.J P a g e I f Ü m RtcEWiY, m^ÊGÎIONS Of ClRWhHV, \F Л а д m m x visr“ л ш № ^ Ш ^N\FE <\N0 MOT TH t. w göväw lv wviwMHS ЛЩ) ны>«.5:^о**5й Ш m i Ш w. *ioöivQ.KW/' sxm b , -Ш ьщя,- ' J тг<>шъ1ШЬ — an¿aM as.ea»i. “Rain, rain, ¡io away, Little children want to play.” Tho children nowadays don’t crops, there will arise a neied for ainj, this song for, since the sud- 'seedlin,ji| trees to plant on this den rise to popularity of the once marginal land. despised “slicker,” boys and girls “Pine .sHedlinKS to be planted und grownups, as v/ell, can ■enjoy on marginal land may be' secured ihe rainy days. I think the yellow frcm both State and commercial oil akin is probably the most uni nurseries but often the cost of versaily wcrn althow^h the coats only .$l.i a thousand for such do come in a variety of colors. seedlings prevents a person f r o m ----------------- securing thom to planting on his 1 guess there are not many home farm ,” aays R. W. Graebqr, schools in which the morning extension forester at State Coll- tooth-brush drill is omitted from ege. “For that reason a live-at- tho curriculum. Usually children homo plan may be followed by dislike anything that they know growing the seedlings in the home is beneficial. But, tlie various garden. A pine seedling may be jingles which have been set to prepared at little cost and such music have given a now aspect a bed four il'eet wide by ten feet to the lessons and the boys and long will produce enough seed- girla enjoy them hugely, ings to plant three or four acres I was genuinely surprised and of land.” . horrified, though, when I learned Mr. Graebor believes that a how few people actually own .project like this will be of in- tooth-brushes. 1 don’t think the lerest to the boys on the farm, percentage of non-owners is .‘50 To get the seed, the pine cones gi'eat here, perhaps, as it is in must be picked in tiie fall before very large cities where there are they flare open and when the ker- many uneducated people. Indeed, nels in the cones are full, white I don’t think it ought to be. and firm but not milky. Cones --------^—— collected from trees which have RECEIPTS •beeji ;cut in logging operallons WET. SEED COTTON ■ sunshine before starting to pick’ the'seed .at the gin. If it is NEEDS A'lTENTION will allow t'he cotton to dry out possible to.,®in several bales at _______________________a great deal and it will pick and one time, at least t'he grower The cotton iTop of North gin much better. If the ectton is should demand the seed boll be Carolina has been damaged damp, it should be sunned for'dum ped, the gin cleaned and the seriously by the continued cloudy, two or three days before being seed caught on the tloor in bag- rainy Aveathex* and presents a stored ¡n the cotton house. Even jfinfr. Such pure seed should be problem of careful handling to then, it should be scattered out carefully stored m bags, not in the grmver. on the floor and stirred with a bulk, and the bags stac,ked in P. H. Klme, agronomist for tlio .pitch fork every day. Storing ,t,uch a way. as to allow free North Carolina Experiment Sta- damp cotton in large piles will ¡circulation of air about them, tion, says this rainy weather be- cause it to heat and the seed ren -. Lamb Shanks .will save the hard work of climb- Lamb shanks are inexpensive ¡ing the trees. When the cones and delicious. (When prepared have been secured, they may be properly the meat is tender and spread on a floor or in the sun tastes like chicken. Put the to dry throughly and t|ten beaten shanks in boiling salted water or rai;ed to release t'hlfseed. and allow to simmer for four When the seed are well dried, hours. Then put potatoes, which they should be planted in a tight have been peeled and halved, and container in a dry, cool place, string beans mto the kettle with With the .possible exception of the meat and boil for one hour. White pine, Graeber says the pine seed should be planted in the seed bed in the spring. They need (Continued from page 1) Peach Mangoes Peel largo freestone peaches; t7 be““lV h tir“covm-ed‘ wVth soil ‘n halves and remove stones. There is less wilting or damping-FiH the cavitie» with maraschino off w'hen sand is used for cover- cherries or with the lollowing ing. This also makes it easier to keep the bed free from weeds. I ^ ^up of preserved ginger slic- The bed should be kept moist but!®'* t'hin not water-soaked. I 1 _ teaspoonful of grated horse- The bed should be covered with brush or light lath frame. Graeber suggests. .1 mustard seed \ 1 teaspoonful of celery seed Va teaspoonful of black pepper seed I Tie the peach halves together;1 i , gan just as much of the cotton was dered unfit for planting. Heated ^OCKSVILLI^S PA^^ o p e n in g . Many cracked bolls havo seed also are penalized by the IHE NRA I ROGRAM rotted and will not open and oil mills'.” many, opened bolls are damaged Kimn makes the further ob- to the extent that the .sn'ade of servation that wot or green cotton , ¡t_ in the big industrio.s, in the staple wil! be lowered. TTie will “gin-cut” badly causing re- it in ^ seed in such bolls havo absorbed duced prices for the lint. ^ , villages. ^AN WHO “STOLE HIS • much moisture, will germinate He suggests that planting seed nothing complicated OWN DOG” IS GIVEN A , , . . ^ ,pcorly and s'hould not bo saved bo .saved from the second picking ^neie is nothimg COMPLETE PARDON io r planting next season. rather than the first,.. ^ narticularlv new in tho n r i n c i n l e ----------------'----------follows: -W e know t’hat cotton should Those who have pure seed of ” y ^ M ^ ' Raleigh.—A man who stole his 1 vinegar not be nicked while wet,” says good varieties should take every j j, j „£ *.u Nation itself prison. ^ Pi"*« Mr. kime, “T,wo or three days of precaution tQ, prevent mixing of people acting in a group c a n ' V “” granted a 2 ounces of cinnamon bark -----------—-----------^-------- “ TT-— : accomplish things whidh no i n d i - ‘‘"d P««>9n „ n iffro n InTo t V vTneg^ Jndl vidual alone could even hope to Governor Ehrinsfhaus ■ ^ a i mixture V " 'ibrinir about" I ^he do^, a valuable huntimg ®“Kai jnixtuie.; , i Mocksvillo must dn itq nart in hound, died a few days after Kontly in' this great plan. It has never fail- Charles Betts, the man who be- ^y{'"P tender; then lift. Ld when the nation called and it ‘he rightful own-thV syrup"" u i S r sLh^^^^will not fail now. animal stole it b u t symp until slightly, Z. N. lANDERSGN, ' Chairman, 'N. R. A. Committee CohStipatiori Is Your Danger Signal And Should Not Be Neglected Some time during the latter part of the week, volunteer can- wearing a blue eagle neverthelosa a Richmond couifty peachos jury sent him to prison months. The parole commission forth the following story: for six I “The man who’d try to take advanta'ge of a young girl’s in nocence used to be a cad,” says It leads to high blood pressure, liver trouble, indiges* tion, kidney and bladder trouble, rheumatism and direct- vassers, wearing a blue eagle Betts raised a bird dog from r''" " ““““.I,'" ly or indirectly to more minor ailments than all other .„u, w„ th™ I be asked to give liis or her w rit- the dog to friends to use for ______________________________ hunting and eventually loaned it' to a man named Marsh. conditions combined. 3-DAYS BUSINESS 2-DAYS -Is the Arcade’s Goal for This Week! To help us to get 3 day»’ |,n,| ness Thursday and Friday, ivj will feature 'ouz*. best viJm., of the season . . . invitiiiHv new merchandise, inviUniJi'v priced. Every department i,jj provided special featurc.s fn,. these two big shopping Store Wil) Be Closed .SaUil^ on account of HOLIDAV. \\vj| appreciate your' eo-oiii.iiilio,| i)y shojjping on Thur.sda.v ii„j Friday. You’re Always in Slylc When You Choose One of Oiu- FASHION FROCKS You’ll 'be excited too, over these stunning dresse.s; Their beauty and distinction is ine- sistable. The new silhouette in all its adorable style dotails, Black and leading color.s, A feature group featui'« pric. ed Thursday and Friday Card Parties Social Functions Club Meetings Ghurch News SOCIETY Local Happenings Coming and Gomg of those Wc know MISS MARY J. HEITMAN, Social Editor Phone 112 MAKING CHILDREN EAT Jlrs. Maysie Boles wiis a visit- will do special work at Vander- in Charlotte on Thursday. , jhilt University towards getting ---------o---------- his Ph. D. Degree in History. He Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams has been spending several weeks ..incut Wednesday in Stoneville. M*'- and Mrs. C. N. Chris- ----------0---------- tian, the latter his motiier. ---------o—------- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Mis .Mrs. E. Carr visitor Choate was a in Salisbury on Tuesday. L,.,_____ 0 Alice Kerr, Mr. and Mra. Paul I),'..S. B. Hall is suffering with an infected foot, we regret to gaiinclay. The many friends of ______o______ ' I Sirs. Grifl in will be glad to Mi.sa Sarah Gaither,., of the ti’astonia faculty, spent the week- ^ end at home. ;\ number from here attended wedding in Statesville on (By Dr. William J. Scholes) Years back, children Who ex- hiibited finicky appetite had a rough gastronomic road to hoe. It was a case of — no soup, no pie. And ih order tq get the pie .they nte the soup, ho,wever dis tasteful it may have ibeen; The Problem (of Feeding Making children eat what is 'good for them always has been, . is, and always will be one of the in an mpressive ceremony biggest problems connected with C s ^ ‘'"‘I the upbringing. un u .s necessary .o give tne Di-: ‘a,id M o „..fbinls Plenty_ of _succulent ,.«.reen LONG-HOWELL MARRIAGE TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS ANSWERED AT COLLEGE Question — What are the prin ciple'sources of vitamin A in poultry feeds Answer — The chief sources of ^ this vitamin are alfalfa m.ea!, yellow corn, and certain brands of cod liver oil. A lack of this element will cause poor growth and vigor and will also make tlie flock subject to many infectious diseases. As the average poultry ration does not contain enough of this vitamin for heavy produc- tin it is necessary to give the Variety, |t^t peerless journal of the amusement world,, recently made a careful poll of 16Ò cities ' in the United States and Canada, as to the favorite radio program in each community. It was found , that the three most popular en tertainers, in the eyes of the Americans twere, in descending- order, Eddie |Cantor, Ed Wynn and Jack Pearl.. In Canada, ac cording to Variety’s listing, they were the New York Philharmonic Orchestra,^ the .Philadelphia Or chestra and the Metropolitan Opera Company.—New Republic. Dr. and BIrs. Henry F. Long, of ent should learn the reason be- feed or, if this is not available ,tatosville, was united in m arri-hi„d the child’s capricious ap- the ration may ¿e excavated^ trom the t “*" 1 "-ith a cod liver oii\locks\ilic, on luesday morninKv niuiftp 5if. i:lin ihnffnm jmH fhia Vitamin Ao +. O.M.U uesday morning, cause at the »bottom and this oopt. ¿btn, at 11 o clock. The should be corrected. 'But Rene- vows were taken in the First rally it is all a matter of train- Iresbytenan church of States- ing as the normal cihild will eat A t Silver Springs, Fla., re- .antly I supplemtmted ijottom of a thirty-five foot that contains spring a collection of mastodon teeth and jaw bones that had been buried there in silt fo r iin will be giad to viiu ii, i ^ T ” cnuu wm ««I- appii she is improving after e R'w ml Charles whenever his stomach is empty. f„ll? from a fall recentiv ' ^ ’ otfinating, m the Sometmies the fault lies with 'An _ !!L -0- _ i «“thering of the parent, who does not u s e L v e Question - Should nitrogen be thousands of years, applied to apple orchards in t h e .__________ „ Answer •— Recent experiments CARD OF THANKS 'We wish to thank our friends: (lie Uavidson-Elon football game цг , , т oa Saturday. rolnfiv..» 1 f • " 1 ■ mu 1° ■■■“ ------------4®^'have shown that the apple grow- ~Tuesday morning were Mr. and ew and sons, John, rangemeni of potted or stuborn instead of being ierns and fioor baskets holding poised, goodnatured and tract- Miss Lucile Horn, of the Cool-'^'"V‘^!fi'®’ Chattanooga, camee faculty, was at home one Johnstone, evening this week. i**" .K iox Johnstone, iFr., Hugh and ,Frank Mrs R t ’ Phy^ostygia hble. iFaucette, of the pulpit being fe s -Some, Some Ways to Solve the Problem tooned with ivy and- surmounted Milk—-Let the child take it 'a I ” these flowers, through a straw. Allow him to and Mrs. k L. Gaither Mr and program of prgan pour it himself into his jflass. - • - - ■ .music was i-endered heforp. the sometimes his appetite is stimu- Mr. Mr. Mr. $4.95 and $6.95 I SanfoJd' M rf°'A lice Wootlnlff f T i iilass...Often .the milk can be dis- V ----------------------- o n c e n t e ^ o ^ iM rs.^a’c'^W oodilff M ^ rw ufi^ f t e n ti n ir e ^ ’^ i n J ^ ' l r ' incorporating it in nlle, visited his sister, Mrs. '^‘‘‘tei Sheiiill, Mrs. M. J.jwell), and then “Lohengrin’s k e t' crease in lAvig growth has been recent bereavement, also for thee noted from the application. The many beautiful floral tributes, nitrogen is applied in Septem ber, ^v. and Mrs. S. R. Latham and and Is taken up .by the tree fo r family. , use the folowlng spring. As this _1____\ ____________ practice is not applicable to all NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY conditions, the grower should try it first on a smair hlqck of trees your Dtÿ Wood for winter.— J. H. Williams, "The Cedar They’re Taking Honors in the Field of Fashion HATS in a vivid and complete collec tion cf every new tyjje: new brims, cloche, dipped, visor, berets and sailors. Special va lues at $1.95 $2.95 SPECIAL Thursday and Friday PERFECT CHIFFON HOSIERY 69c All new Autumn Siiaik's INW AT(’H YOUR STEI SHOES $2.95 $3.95 Newest Fall Shoes J'or Women Featured Thur-sdny and l''ri(lny Shoes that keep in step w the young, smart woman’.s ideas of style . . . at prices that permit the selection of aovcial pairs. Let us show you There’s Style—There’s Value IN OUR COATS AND SWAGGER COA’rS Our coats wero purchased be fore the “price rise.” Wc offer you values It is impossible foi us to duplicate. Replnecnient prices will be 20% to Ho't higher. $19.50 Other Coata at $29.50 to ?G9.5I) Arcade Fashion 432 North Liberty Street Winston-Salem, N. C. Dr. Foster, one of the n a tio n s most successfull practicing | .„operate Vi reemploy- ten pledge; . ....................physicians, experimented for over ten years to rind a ment by supporting and patroni- ................... , combination of drugs that would rectify the very cause f'”« employers and workers who dog to Betts So. Betta inatituted 1 of constipation. He fo u n d that combination in L -K , us- ‘“k T c r i i r l o - tives his wT^l 3 Marsh refused to rettm i the of constipation ually callcd Liver Kick. cooperate 100% with our Presi dent in the great national pro gram of putting AMBRTiCA’S MILLIONS BACK TO WORK. consumer who pledge receives the Consumer’s ^ ^ Insi'gnia, a blue eagle, and will be L»-K is fast gaining the name of a miracle prescription a.sked to display the insignia pro- beeause not only is it the greatest known, easy acting laxative, but it is so compounded that it reaches and thoroughly cleanses the low^er or large intestines with no disagreeablé after effects while taking. Eat what you enjoy-enjoy what you eat, while taking L. K. The manufacturer of this wonderful prescription is so sure of the results you will obtain that every drug store is authorized to cheerfully refund your money if you fail to get the results you expect. Put L-K to the test and watch your high blood pressure come down. Put L-K to the test and watch that sluggish or torpid liver begin functioning as it should. Put L-K to the test and watch your kidney or bladder trouble disappear. II' You Want Extra-f’ast Relief Demand and Get GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN hia When claim and delivery papers were returnable, Betts failed to file a complaint and Marsh se cured a judgment awarding him the possession of the dog. i Betts alleged in his notice of action that Marsh 'had secured posse.ssion of tho dog “through' fraud” and had no legal right to ^ it. He failed to follow up the — case, however, and the issue of fraud never went to a jury. Marsh, after aecurin.g legal pa pers for the dog, sold it to Bled soe Colo, of .Rockingham, for $100. Betts, hearing of thia, went to Rockingham, went on the pru- mi.ses of Mr. Cole and got the dog. He carried it back to Ran dolph county with him. T'he dog died a day or two later. Cole had Betts arrested and he was convicted of breaking, enter- ng and larcency. He had served one month and nineteen days in prison when thqf pardon waa I issued. • Let Us Help You Out W ith Your| FO OD BUDGET | Choicest Meats, Groceries, Fruits and 5 Vegetables at Reasonable Prices. f ID EA L G RO CERY & rviARKET PHONE SAVE ON Q u a l i t y M e r c h a n d i s e ■ IV ' "- Í. ■' 1 • ' Put L-K to the test and notice those dreadful, rheumatic pains leaving you. Put L-K to the test and rectify the very cause of consti pation. Just put L-K to the test and you, too, will call it a miracle prescription. Sold by LEGRAND’S PHARMACY ; Mocksville, N. C. COOLEEMEE DRUG COMPANY Cooleemee, N. C. 4 iKi;) !") \ 1 t li,! U : Г 'uECAUSE ui u unique proces.i -*-• in manufacture, Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tableta are made to disintegrate—or dissolve—INSTANTLY you take them. Thus they start to work instanlly. Start —hold” of even a severe hito ■work instanlly. Start "taking ¡ven a severe headache, neuralgia, neuritis or rheumatic pain a lew m inutes alter taking. , rovide S.KFE reliei- for G enuine Ë A Y E R A S r * IR IN does And not harm the heart. So if you want QUICK and SAFE relief see that you get the real Bayer article. Look lor tho Bayer cross on every tablet as shown abo'vo nnd for the words GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN on every bottle or package you buy. _______ Member N. R. A. GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT HARM THE HB«iRT тИи- Soon to be on the nfiarket, a new type autogiro has no wimgs, and vanes that fold up, permit ting it to be housed in a one-car garage.. Its power may be-, applied to the rear v.'heel for moving in j and out of the garage, and one' overhead control handle enables the pilot to steer up, down or side-j ways. The “flivver” of next year’s, debutant, maybe t Dentist’s epitaph in a Connee-'. ^iautt eem etary: “When on thi?' tomb you gaze with gravity, '|S Cheer up! I’m filling my last cavity.”—^Reader’s Digest. Ju.st received a fresh shipment of Gaso- line and Kerosene from the Refining Ter minal and we can save you 2c or more on j each gallon. W c eliminate the middle 1 man’s profit and pass the saving on to you. Only 10 days more to get Mocksville Dollars. Ask for them. W e Sell W illard Batteries. H o r n S e r v i c e S t a t i o n VULCANIZING AND CLASS (WORK A SPECIALTY aiit-'tnoir oiV; ville, Lina B. Clement, recently.Holthouser, Misses Jane Lohengrin’s ket. Eleanor Woodruff Mrs R ”ivT EiTgs—in cases where « dislike’ . . . paityentered.^ l^he ushers were for eggs is exhibited they (the custards, ,, , „ .---------vo o--0-, ■ —ange whips the bride, 'Mr. Knox Johnstone, and crcjini sauces, of Mocksville, and Mr. John Breads—A child who objects to Mrs. F. R. Leag'ans and M i s s И^^'Ьоиае^ Mrs. John Sanford, k V s X Robert .^ng^T^^^ Annie Mae Grubbs spent Wednes- ^ ' f J*’- Long, of Statesville, brothers of puddings, eggnogs or; day in Salisbury shopping. Martin, Mis.s Ruth the bride, ,Mr. Knox Johnstone, and c b sTuces----------o— Mrs. John LeGrand. Mrs. nf Mn,.if«viiin ,,n,i м.. r„i,„ ii___. \ Lester Martin, Miss Ruth Booe, Mrs. John LeGrand, Mrs. ¡Chinese emperor, used to have leaves and- fhowers of silk sewed on his trees every autumn to show“ that oven they were not V' , „ „ ”■-----R o ivrpKrn!ir''"M7ao” 'T/7 i iiiiu ivir. donn Hreatlsr-A child who objects to subject to the laws of the sea- Mrs. E. W .X row will spend the r ir Spencer. The groom was bread will generally cat it in the sons.-.Collier’s. week-eiwi With Mr. and Mrs. S. Mis. Julia C. Heitman attenddd by his brother, Mr. Tho-form £. Hanes in Winston-Salem.and Miss Mary Heitman. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson and James Thompson, Jr., spent, Saturday i^ North Wilkesboro. FORK NEWS ------ of a dainty sandwidh, mas Howell, of South Boston, Va., French toast, otc. Or the kind of as best man. The bridd was given bread may be varied each day- in marriage by her brother, Mr. graham, rye, Swedish, 'Divers are working to salvage .1!10,000,000 in gold from the I ---------- ........................................................... o.v^u.au, whole iB ritlsh frigate Lutine, which John Long, of Statesville. The wheat, bran Spreading the bread*he Dutch coast more before makin,gi a general , appll- Man,” Mocksville, N. C. 9-21-2t cation. , ., j —________________________________ Men have used strange rtiethods^ in tryin g to convince people thfit they weriE! different from 'the' rest of tho world. Yang Tl, a SEMI-PASTE PAINT One gallon makes 2Vi when mixed KURFEES & WARD "Bettor Service” Mrs, J. H. Ratledge has Mr. and Mrs. James J Roche ’’’"K ceremony of the with jam. jelly or peanut butter than 100 years ago, using a gi- of Long Island, New York -md Pi’i^shyterian church was used, is helpful. ' ^gantic metal cone that will servo fe- Miss Minnie Zimmerman, Mrs. T organist played Memdels- Cereals—When cereals are de-;»« diving bell and caisson in div- ntt TTr « « » !< .. ___ . ... * Cl m lir«« ri y-1 { i\ r » •«.. 1 ^ t • 1 III . tturned from a visit to her sister, w . Waller, of Elbavillp spent Wedding March as a re- dined tihey may be made more through 15 feet of water and .'\lrs. Jim Doughton, in Sparta. ^Thursday afternon with Mr. and The lovely bride wore appetizing by the addition o f .delving through 40 feet of quick- 'Mi's. Clarence Bailey. |a becoming suit of groun ^ wool fruits—bananas, berries, peaches., Miss Notle Martin has. return ed from a visit Sumter and Chapi lina. V ------a rtln has. return- j,j, gy^.iy gjrtdon nf Win«fnn cream and milk with plenty I ,, . ' to relatives in S a lL , visited hi uncTo Z helps. Yoii can’t '„ , ? 2 flin. South Caro-(..'oo,, g j,, g,,,;,, ^ ‘ •.shoulder bouquet of bride’s roses, blame a youngster for showing Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Dodd left s„ „ j„ ’ ter the ceremony on a motor trip of sugar and some sky-blue milk Tuesday for Ridgecrest where Lawrence Cravor Virginia, where'bver it. A different kind of cer- they w ill spend several weeks at Winston-Salem visited i^Ia «»'oom held a former pastor- eal every day in the week Insures their cottage. ’ ‘’ ,a‘“- variety—the spice of life. I Miss Doget, of Virginin visit- educated at V egetables-If vegetables — Reader’s Digest. Some men are born great. Some achieve greatness. And n ? aunl“'M rs .'H u X ’Mnsin Cpl-objected to the fault probably■ the sick list, is >mprov-g . . ^ jegg^ „nd her charming personal-lies \ylth their mode of prepara- Mrs. W. H. LeGrand, who has been on ing, her many , glad to know. ;k iiBw IS "“1“ ''''" Snturday * iiege, and ner charming personal friends will be Miss Esther Allon spent'a few Ifriends tion."-Tlhere certainly is nothing ■ iv.q TOoni, M,. wherever she is known. appetizi'ng,'for example a dish Mr. Howell is formerly from of 'boiled, sandy, lukewarm spi- Oxford, and is a graduate of nach. But this and any other ______________I days last week with Mr. and W. M. J,-.. lott M.n- <l.iy for WostmiriMter Colleiio., .......... y-,. Maryland, where he was c(l a scholarship. College, I ^ Bailey snent Mondav Davidson College, and Union ve«etable can be made so ap aw ard -W in sto n -Salem . |Theological Seminary,. Richmond, Petizing that the child will asl 'Dr. J. 0 . Halverson, Dr. Frank W. Sherwood and L. G. W illis of the agricultural experiment sta -: tion staff at State College have . been elected Fellows in the ' American Association for tho Ad- ______ Mr. and Mrs. W, Sofley, of pastor in Nitro, West ^o*' a ‘‘second helping.”. M „. R. T. F.”uc.tl= ..U S,n - “ O“ ' r . . , n e e d e d t h is f a l l :isk vancement of Science. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ARE OPENING NOW Students should be equipped with Pens, Pencils and other necessary supplies when they onteT. Soo us for ' Guaranteed Fountain Pbhs and other School Supplies. Lot Ua Serve You. LeGrand's Pharmacy “The RoxaH Stor#" Phono 21 Mocksville, N, C. luis IV. X. ^ Creek Saturday and Sunday andMocksville Presbyterian ford Fiiucette,' of Chattano g , ^ while with Miss Esth- church. Since coming to Mocks- Tenn., were guests ot Mr. and h th entered into the re- i.V.1#« -ItfAAvIr ... . .Mrs. John Larew this week. -----------0---------- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Horn, Add to the usual argument forMessrs. Z, V. Burton, iGurnio and civic activities of tho , , Pack and Clarence Bailov mado community with great enthusia-^ с ops this fall, tho fact that , a business trio fo M «nd 'has made numbers of will be released iromMisses Irene.H orn and Annie « ’us'ness t.ip to Mocksvillecultivation of cash crops nex Ruth C all spent Sunday in M o u n t . i i Mr ;md Mrs Howell will be “"‘i ti’^re i,s'an additional Airy with Mrs. John Minor. ¡,3r S e d 1 1 :itu n d a T S c Z o U la ^ ‘‘t t m r i n М^рЮ^^ГепиГ^йЙ ~ i-e a s e d plantings of ‘ S d s ^ i i t m , “^be usual reasons foV plant-IV V ivian ut tne tODncco oain. L , , _ 11... .. incr w inter cover егоп.ч nre that в E E R DAVIE CAFE P. K. MANOS, Prop. Mocksville, N. iC. Next Door to Postoffice and Just as .Reliable REGULAR DINNERS 35c All Kinds Of Short Ordei’s At Any Time In The Day Mrs. B. F. Poster and ter, Mary Wilma, and Mr. Vivian Speaks, of near Smith Grove, and fam ily Sunday. 't^ .^oon ' «f-jfo,.d and Washington, D. C., sis- ^^e land when turn- __:____o______ teinoon. . i • “ “ ed .under and furnish winter Mi^s Mildred Thompson, a stu-1 Mv. and Mrs Grover Bland of “ j ; , “ T l i . r n s H o w e l l «^azin^ na well, as-oxcellent hay,” d en t nurse at Davis H o s p ita l, Lexington visited Mr. and Mrs. « En;os C Blair, extension • . . agronomist at State College. “In visited Mrs. Frank Burton and On Monday evening Di. and ......---------------------------------ly with her parents, Mr. Mrs. C. L. Thompscn. -‘Y visited Mrs. Frank Burton and r ;, nients. there are somo special ____ Mrs. W. D. Hodges last Wednes- oniy • t ‘ rensons t'hat will .apply this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Ward and d a y .___________^Jj^.htful buffet supper. Miss f h«ve plowed up a Mias Hazel Kurfees have j^ew York dress manufactur-Virginia Long, the bride-elect, Oth^e^^^ w il «1 from a visit to Mr. and Mrs.' PHONE 111 E A T M E A T AND SAVE THE T A X BUY IT FROM US. ALLISON-JOHNSON CO. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Я Mr. ana ivns. jq j,ave di.scovered a wearing a iiandsonie dinner dress,n Richmoi^d, „nd ^heis^ hjive sigjied ^ag^iee^ iKton, . . waterproof without changing Mr. Howell were guests of honor ‘ . ..nrinir. There will Gilbert Kurfees, Va., and to Washington Mr. and Mrs. George D. Wood ^^der p]ans to divert the were guests of the latter’s pai'- ,.iver Nile, making it cover 400 ents. Dr., and Mrs. .1. W. Rod-!^o,.e „,¡1^3 of territory, possibly ■'veil, this week, en route to Jack-ifjgyi,]j„jj (.¡)e productiveness ■'sonviHii, Fla., v.'her.e X, , ,,,— -.„ori as unthinkable tnat tne lar.a soStatesville, ^he wed^ from production w ill be p Arnmont 1 n« r t ^ turned over to weeds and gullies.The Egyptian .government has this hospitality. . | out that the rules cf the Agri- they "ìiTtr Obviating another nuisance for Adjustment Administra- motorists, a battery has been m- extensive 01 vpnt-prl whie>j )-enuires no clamp- .............. >*.------ ------------------------piaiiunK.3’0.r mi uiuut. residei Mesdames Alice Woodruff, E. £q,, completion. W. Crow, P. Frank Clement, Misses Ruth Bode and WiHie| one of the world’s moat Tortile on of terminals. Simply drop- lands farming regions. It is' estimated p.„g ¡ts special container «^ys the project will require 25 years necessary connections. cover crops this fall which are kept tight by the bat- follow these cover crops tery’s weight. ^ _____ gp,.ing with food, feed and other soil improvinir crops nextLos (Angeles has a new type Miller spent Wednesday in Tay-'grocery store, wherein the cus- ™ „ .yto,, lersville with Mr. and Mrs. tomers sit on comfortable stools.^. Henry Kelly. while moving shelves carry price- ■0_______ tagged goods before them slowly is an inven- gpring. The man who will do this rH u 'n ,rvi." \ h d ves‘ c;n-; m'icT-'tion of Dr. Albert S. Hyman, the next two years will find t.lifim slowlv heart specialist of the Beth David that he is more nearly independ- Hospital in New Yprk, and C. ent of the supply merchant, ferti- ilenry Hyman, electrical engi-jj^er denier and the credit agen- neer. When a human heart stops gjea than he has ever been be- , beating, a needle connected to He will have less worry, a mittens this machine may be thrust be-^,etter farm and more fertile soil, former tween the ribs, and an electrical suya. Jlr. and Mrs. Perry Ashe and .enough for each housewife to se- flaughter, of Mayodan, Miss Ka-llect her purchases, completing a Ihryn Brown, of Greensboro, a"nd full circuit in 8 minutes. iivifus Brown, of Georgia, spent fP„ 1,-1,? the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. I , D. Brown.' 'C a n a d ia n 'M ounted Policeman, to vibration set up which often Richard Yates left Saturday keep a prisoner from ior Nashville, Tenn., where he seizing his captoi. suddenly starts the human engine to work Trade with the Merchants that under its own power again. advertise in the Enterprise G O O D R E P A I R I N G COSTS NO MORE Than Shoddy W ork, and Yoi r Car W ill Last a Lot Longer There’s very little difference in the cost of car repairing, whether you get the best or the worst. That’s why it is to your ad«: vantage to come to this shop where only the bewi m aterials are used by expert workmen. Sanford Motor Co. Ford Dealers Since 1913 . - 5 1 i ( ‘‘1II 'iUi V ' { ■i: I I ■v . i ' t, i' ¡ If ' t iiiJ •■V" ( r i •■ í 41, a?ш í I ft 1 \•.. EDITORIAL PAGE THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, MOCKSVILLE. N. C.T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 R , 1 9 ! ? й Tbe Mocksville Enterprise Published Every Thursday at Mocksville North Carolina A. C. Huneycutt ............ Editor and Publisher Subscription Rates: $1.60 a Year; 6 Months 76 centg Strictly in Advance Entered at the post office at Mocksville, N. C., as second-class matter under the apt oi March 8 , 1879, NOTICE TO GENERAL PUBLIC * This newspaper charges regular ad vertising rates for cards of thanks, resolution notices, Obituaries, etc., and ■will not accept any thing less than 85 cents cash with copy unless you have regular monthly accounts with us. We do not mean to be hard on any one, .but small items of this nature force us to demand the cash with copy. A ll such received by Us in the future with out the cash or stamps will not be pub lished. Mocksvillc, N. C., Thursday, September 28, 1933 ***»»#* *» **#* ■* "Grudge not one against another, breth- * * ren, lest ye 'be condelnned: behold, tho * * atandetli before tho door."—James * * 6:9. . • « « « « # #'-!» '* » # « « # « A MODERN GUNGA DIN An ex-convict called on a restaurant keeper -in Marshall, Michigan, last weok and paid fifteen- cents to the proprietor of the eating place,'ex plaining that several years ago when he was a fujiitive from justice, and eluding the police, he was.'destitute, and that he went into the man’s restaurant, and he credited him for a cup of coffee and a doughnut. A fter serving his term, nnd gettinig in a position to pay the Marshall restaurant keeper for his hosjjitiUity, ho decided that' he could do nothing more fitting than go back and pay the fifteen cents, oven though the favior was oxtonded years ago. We have an idea that this is one-ex-convict ■who is honest. Tho news dispatch did not say ;for what crime he was' in prison, but it docs go ■ to sho^v that good men sometimes ;sHp, and got into, trouble, and is another argument for the -position v/hich we have always taken, that there is always some good in every person; and it is praqtlcally impossible to crush out these good impulses. This- man may be' an exconvict, but 3ike. Kipling’s Gunga Din, he is a darn sight better than a lot of us who owe far more than fifteen cents, and yot, our consciences do not affect UB in the least. --------------------------------0-------------J----------------- A FORCE MOST NEEDED Twenty years ago a woman did some shopping a t the S & A 6-lOc Store in Hartford, Connecti- cuti. She handed the clerk a ten-dollar bill, and ■through mistake, he gave her change for a twenty-dollar bill. One day last week, the same ■woman walked into the store and called for the floor walker. She presented him with a ten-dollar bill, .and explained the nvherefore. ‘‘My consci ence has bothered me ever since,” the луотап naid to the flooi-jwalkor. Wonderful what a school master this thing called conscience is any- 'way. 'Left, unhampered, it. is"*one of the strong est forces in all the world, and will, do more to prevent and correct wrongs than any other force in existence. What a pity that so many people bave hardened their consciences to the point where they no longer act as a corrective influ ence in their live.s. If this nation were made up today of 120,000,000 souls whose consciences were normal, the depression would not last W o months longer, and we would not need any soup i'or the idle; neither would we have to have any R. F. C.’s, N. Д. A.’.s, or И. L, C,’s, or any other j'elief organizations, bureau,?, or commi.ssions, ------------------------------0—----------------------------' EINSTEIN A DEMOCRAT Einstein, the great German scientist, who some years ago, came into the limelight, through his theory of relativity, unvs tbni Witi»- la KAISER STILL RICH Despite the fact that the revolution of 191S forced the German Emperor to flee the realm and hide in Holland, and despite the fact that for more than a decade, Germany has been a Republic, and that more or less property con fiscation has taken place, yet the former German Kaiser is said to be the wealthiest living Gennan, His property is now assessed at over one hundred million marks. And yet, we sus pect that sawing a bit of wood since his abdica tion, has been about the only profitable work that he has given to the world in return for al! of this wealth. But, reports say that million aires are dwindling with each year, and this might also be said to be the truth in about every other nation of the world. And, with conditions as they are at present in Germany, England, Italy, and the United States, it is safe to predict that the day of the 'big millionaires has about passed away. Smilin CKarlie Says- GET READY FOR SCHOOL j In Enigland recently aerial jih,). ___________ _ tograpby discovered a buri,id Цц. . Approximately 30,000,000 chil- eity of 2,000 years ago, trac- dren, ranging from near-grndu- outlines in grain field.4 a- a t e s t o kindergarteners, 1^ ^ ^j,e fact that growing verge on our streets and high-II n n " walls anti ways this September, «P- buildings received less nouri.sh- preaching tcntral points. iment and showed “U th' gossip's moirlk cost her ¿A.LF aa mucK &a it costs others it’d be closed -T W IC E Att xa\icK -” JIM REED MAY COME BACK W e see by the paper that form er United States Senator Jim Reed threatens to come back. A recent Kansas City news dispatch says that I'eports are bobbing up to the effect that the former Senator wil! fling his hat in the ring in 1984, for nomination at tho hands of the democratic party for his old post. ^Formerly, Senator Reed was one of the most outstanding |foU!id a packet of currency con- j)icture •------------„ —the summer they have been scat tered throughout the length and breadth of the land; now they are to be mobilized, crossing our I city thoroughfares or country ! lanes in long- lines going to school or coming home. It is the solemn duty of every motorist to see to it that these youngsters have a safe passage., .By following a few simple rules, !he can help cut down the toll of 3,400 children killed and 162,660 injured in 1932. Every motorist •should rememlber to approach a school zone with care; to slow down at all intersections; to ___________ watch his speed on curves in the . Jersey City, N. J.-F o u r young /'boye all, he should boys today were getting a little «^ted. Chil- ,belated instruction from their two months’ Ifamilies as to just what currency separation,^become so a-bsorbed I looks like. forget about the д«л Tí'i.’o«! I T « (lashing: into the roadway, II hint £ . f ' darting from behind parked cars, Л ‘ to retrieve a ball from mobiln fo i ‘ under the fender of a moving T w th я Tbe motorist must do 'For in in h 7^ . their thinking, for them, b ilí that hf", Th« reduction in motor acci- yard fo r six mnnHtJ" i f Lessos fjgnts to children of school age ya>d foi SIX months, the bo,» t^e United States, is the b n W - in the number of this fact to the camera high overhead. Excava tors duig there and found many souvenirs of Caesar’s legions. BE PATRIOTIC Help the N R A by wear ing Cotton M aterials, A nice line of Dress Prints nt F. M. CARTER MEMBER NRA BOYS BURN PRETTY PAPER members of the United States Senate. H e was retlr^’d in 1928, and since that time he has been practicing law nt Kansas,.rCity, Missouri, but there does not seem to be tis-jnuch excitement in this ancient nnd honorable profession as the form er Sfenator Jim craves. But, whether he w ill be able to come back at this late date re mains- to be seen. HOARDING UP DOLLARS per cent of which ппг'> fin” Ч pretty pa- щ-е ftvoidable. Educators, school i ‘ authorities and teachers constant- raneinir from ® emphasize the/ dangers of fv, 8 years in age, modern traffic conditions, to the tn ГВЧППП sport just in time children, .The one person aible to hnnlrnnfou ^ seven genuine .bring about great improvement is r , , , 'the motorist. He should drive at weT-e ■ п & .г i times as he would if his child nnd fnnni? fb ^ in that crowd ahead,and iound the packet under the car rear seat of the abandoned c u r .________________________________—. Dividing it among them, they 1 New j; C. Spach two horse wagon, 3 inch tire, foot 4 inch 'front wheel anri 4 foot rear wheel. Genuine Studabaker steel skeins. A baniinin price! for this wagon. ^ Until further notice wc will give with each Range, one set China, 32-Pieces. Come in and let us quote you pi'ices. Lcs.pede’/,ft Pnna Just attach to- your Mowiiif; Machine. Seed harvested in this way are of better quali ty. FOR SALE BY MOCKSVILLE HARDWARE COMPANY ' 4 Í Thursday, September 28, 1933. ADVANCE NEWS ■' -, jlr. W. M. Shutt made a busi- KAPPA NEWS THE MOCKSVILLE ENTHERPRISE. MOCKSVILLS. N. С Mr. Aubery Smoot hnd the mis-.,1- . j,Ti. --------------------I ------- liuu UIU mi3- .-s trip to Greensboro last Fri-¡fortune to got hin leg broken last 'week in the ankle. He is now at UNION ACADEMY OF ! DAVIE COUNTY, (N. C. Papro T ne (lay, Mr. and Mrs. iClifton March a.u..« ,„ceiy. .uouthit i ^ and daughter, of Wmston-Salem, bis many friends will be glad tn broHm- Í îl il " Conrad, half Sunday here with relativas, knew. j3 ^ ® the Rev,,Sid Conrad, a Miss Helen Carter spent Sat- ' ------------ iirdiiy in Winston-^alem shop. (Continued from piige 2) home and getting along nicely, i3d iDouthit, John Conrad, half his many friends will be glad to brother of the Rev,,Sid Conrad, a Baptist preacher. Ross Womack, Mr,’ J, F, Cartner and Smoot M, D, Kimbrough who ibecame u Cartner and Mr, and Mrs, F. E, doctor. Children of Thomas Fur- Cartner and children spent Sun- (-^hes^aiid_ of Steve Furches, BenA-.IV nPfoi'nn,-.« i" ....... ELBAVILLE NEWS REDLAND NEWS Miss I’auline ChalVm, a member Mrs, J. C, Jones and liltle son of Uu/lrlr,!','’ "M^atch dog of ,Sl,ady Grove Hi-gh Sc'iiooJ fa- .spent Saturday ni,,ht and Suk av eLnou ‘‘ i ‘ ,„l,y spent th« weelc-end with with parents, Mr, and Ifrs\ moniv knowi^'orhis c S e h acu' " “ "'•id.o,, with witli .h ____ felalivcs, 1 Henry Sh'omi, Mr. and Blrs, Ernest Markland, Mr, John Smool;, who______- —I. iiv 11(^0 I il .,,1,1 I'amily visited relatives' in position in Statesville, spent he iianios of some who went dur- Sunday after-'week-end with home folks, ! ing'the last three years as giveii I Mr, and Mrs, '--------' " ’ .......... ...........- \Viiis(.un-Salem last Sundi ]ЦИ)11.Mrs, Only a little more than one week until the big Mocksville Dollar Auction Sale, Meantime, those trading in Mocksville are hoarding up “Mocksville Dollars” with the view to being flush when the' auction sale takes place here on October 7th, The buy-now movement started here long before the President commenced to agitate the same, and seems to be increasing as the days pass. The .largest crowd of shoppers that this town has 'possibly ever seen, will be on the streets and in the store.s here on October 7th., if present indications mean anything at ail. 'Meantime, buying is going on at a most en- couroiging rate, and practically every merchant in Mocksville seems to be well-prepared, with the volume of business done since August 1st. ---------^— _J--------------0------------------------------- h a r d o n NERVES A Kansas City nows dispatch relates that Jas. F. Ball has filed suit for divorce against his wife. iHis chief objection would seem to be that his .wife being deaf, he is unable to have any satisfactory fam ily quarrels, and he is forced to talk entirely too loud, in. order to make his w ife understand. Sometimes he said his only way of communicating with her is by signs, and it certainly would seem that fussing with one’s wife by means of signs would be a rather un satisfactory procedure. Ball alleged in his com plaint that such a condition as he is confronted with is very “hard on liis nerves.” -----------------------------0----------------------:------- GRATEFUL TOURISTS started a fire and tossed the “pretty paper” into it. De Lesso'could offer no ex planation for the presence of the currency. II« bought the ear ns junk from a dealer six months ago, ho said and it had lain in tho yard unexamined all that time. Police ^were inclined to beneve' tho car had belonged to a 'boot-, logger or racketeer who had been '“taken for a ride.” For twenty years we have served phe people of Davie Coun ty as Funeral Directora, and never before have we been so Well Equipped, or had so wide a variety of styles nnd prices ns we now have. CALL US AT ANY HOtJR G. C. YOUNG & SONS I Mrs, Mabel Young and son and daughter, Misses Ruth and Annie Jlechum and Mra. Curtess Quate and Mf. “ Boob” ¿Wilson, all of AVinstan-Saiem, Miss Modellò, Ot re II, of Mock’s Cluirch, Mr. j. Ó. Mechum and little son, and Mr. Ijohn Blake, bf .Clemmons and l\Iisse.s Lizzie and Eliza Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Combs spent Sunday afternoon with , .................................... Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bailey, of ____ ___ -........|-<^, Clark, William E. Clnri<, son of Fork Church. Miss Edyth Koontz spent th Ed Clark ; Annie and Lonnie Miss Lizzie Brtiley spent tho week-end with Miss Minni Lunn, children of Frank Lunn; past week in’ Winston-Salem, visit Koontz. ' ;Joe and T'om Harding; Robina, ing friends. Mr. L. B. Walker, of Roanoki, Harriet, Kate, Lou and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hartman, Va., spent a few days recentl.iJosephine Etchison, daugh-,or Advance, spent. Sunday after- w'ith home folks. ' - • - ------------------- - Mrs. August Keller _ „ „ „ , , ■ Mr. and Mrs. W illie Armswor-Rev. G. B. Ferree w ill fill his ^ Saturday regular appointment hero Sunday moruiiiif at 1 1 o’clock. ¡Foster There is much interest Ijeing ‘ jjr.'a n d Mrs. S. D. Smith, of taken in our Sunday School we winston-Salem and Mr. and Mrs. are glad to say. We welcome one jjrvin' were the Sunday and all that attend our Sunday C. S. School and Church sei'vices. iDuiin. Mr. and Mrs. Campin, of High Miss Gladys Dunn and Mr. Point, spent the week-end with T'rtylor iFoster visited Miss Geor- the hitter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,giu' Smith Saturday night. L. P. Waller. | i and Mrs. Aaron Smith, of Misa Carrie Belle Combs spent Winston-Salem, visited the'form - last week in Cooleemee visitinii er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'F. M. |fi'iends and relatives, [Smith Sunday. The Sunday afternoon guests '■ Mrs, R, C, Smith visited her of Mrs, Mary Mechum were -Mr, daughter, Mrs, Robert' Smith, of land Mrs, Kennin Ruth, of Reeds', j Mocksville, Wednesday, ................. ' Mr,' and Mrs. Sherrill Smith spent a few days the past week * * * ' • E. CARR CHOATE • DENTIST ' •* Office in Mocksville first 8 * * days of week. In Salisbury ** last 8 days of week— ovei * * .Purcell’s Drug Store, on the • * square. Phone 141. * *. ..'■•* .* # #; * . * • • • • « * ROBERT S, McNEILL •* Attorney lit Law * * MOCiiSViLLE, N. C. ** Practice in Gi.vU Biid^brlhil- * * nal Courts. Title E^ianiiha- • * tins given prompt'attention. •* # » -» » # * »' * •' « JACOB STRWAUT, Attorney, nt Law , - Mocksville, N. C,.'; , Ofllce in Southern ?;ank & 'TruBt Company building I . -.......................... Leonard Bain-by Mr. Viri''il Swaim ¡imi Tho Epworth League held-its tine spent a few days last wek Betty McMahan Ave™e ^ amnton vc.ular meeting Sunday night Avith her parents, Mr. and Ms. and Flolchoi- McMahan w 2 witli lAIr. William Zimmerman in^W, S. Walker. Eaton; T'om Brunt- ^ ,h.„-ge of the program | Mr. and Mrs.' Fo.ster Thor« MolHe Brunt; Sally Lou and Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey, of spent Sunday with Mr. E. ).'Dora Clark, daughter, of W illing' 'IViii.'tton-iSalem, were recent Koontz and family. ' * ................... soiwiiiiam, };iie.sts of Mrs. Emma Poindexter,' JIi'H. Bailey’s mother. Misses Alma and Mamie Lee Shiitt, of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end at the home of their father, Mr, J, S, Shutt, A meeting w ill be held Sunday iiftvnuioii, October 1, .at- the «go oi yours, uiou m -a no.spiiaaun, cnuuren ot urreii i!it;cnison- somi»timo i .Siiail.y Grovo School building at at Morganton, Sept. 20th, 1933the younger children of Philip Harvie PottJ of c i n S ’ ;i o’clock. Rev, Carr w ill talk on'Mrs, Walker was the daughter o'and Daniel Eaton; Sam, Bettie Mr and li;s “b S - r L . the prohibition question,, upho d-pMr. and Mrs, R. L. Keller. Sh.and Mattie, children of Lewis A. of Davidson CounS ^nenf s f,?’ inji tho dry side. Everybody is in-"""—-- —...... -------— ........ ' — . t . . . . ... spent Sun- vited to attend. A number of people from the ----I - —.............-'-I 01/0111,. oujiuiiy aiter- iers of Mrs. Lou Etchison; Tho- noon -with Mrs, Enoch Hartman. ....................— Walkeimas, John W. and Susan Etchl- Mrs. JL B. Bailey is spending age 37 years, died in -a hospitason, children of Orrell Etchison; sometime with her daughter, Mrs".nt ATni-O-nntnll. Plpnt 5nHl InaathR vr/llin.O-m- n'llltfl.-n.i -DVilIi« tr,...... ~ i..iimi<jii 01. Л. ,ui uiiviason' (Jounty, spcnt Sun- Tm Vc s‘1:o"mourn her^departurel'Mrches; Annie Charles; Leon dny with the latter’s father, Mr. h<“v husband and two sons, W ilCash; Jim Kenion who became a Vance Tucker, nn. .nrl lohn her father anc^hysician; Tom and John Atkin-1 Mr. and Mrs, “Monk” Markland Л numoer 01 peopie nom ‘ other and aion; Fox, Ivans and Lucy Tea- have returned to their home, af- Advimco Baptist Church attend- moth i( ^ frienda, jue, grandchildren оГ Ben .F, ter spending sometime up North, ed the Baptising at Mocksville Jim and W ill Johnson, Born to Mr, and Mrs, John " ’ ■ И Ё Church' Friday at lie n s of Jim Johnson; Virgil and .Lanier, a fine son, Sept, 20th. ■ « itlf the pastor, Rev. J.iollie Swaim; George and Frank J. B. Lanier, Jr, 0 B ^ ks in ch aie^ The W H ^ nson , Foster and Mrs. From The Houston Post. Because crows were getting into his roasting ears, Cy Hancronnie, farm er near McKeen, Pa„ put up a scarecrow near the highway. To make it more realistic ho hun.g an oil pail on one arm. Several days later, happening to pass the scare crow, he noticed the bottorn of the pail covered with dimes,-quarters and half dollars. Hi« only explanation is that these wei'e left by tourists who wanted fresh roasting oars. Evidence of thoir foraging was plentiful. ------------------------------0------------------------------- THE LAW SUIT GERM CANA NEWS Mrs. Jas. iH. Cain, of Mocks-' yille, visited relatives here last Friday. ■Rev. and Mrs, J, H, Groce, dau ghter, iHazel, and Misses Kath leen nnd Priscilla Howard at tended preaching service nt Deep Creek church last Sunday morn ing and night. Roy, W, Collett went last week to Chapol Hill to re-enter the University where he is taking a course in Pharmacy. Miss Evelyn Ho-ward is at homcv again after spending the summer with her aunt at Salis-! bury. Mr. Orrell Etchison and fam- iVi of Winston-Salem, spent Sun day with home folks here. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potts from Center, visited Mr. and Mrs. W att Brown la.st Sunday. ■Mrs. W, M. Davis and son,' Dallas, of Salisbury, were here for a While Tuesday with Mrs.' Davis' sister, Mrs, W, H, Howard. . ...............- <»----------------- A movie camera like a teles cope is being used by German government naturalists in photo- i^iraphing the lives and habits of ■ivild birds so shy that man can-' not approach within hundreds of feet of them. Why Liqwiii Laxatives are Back in Favor WINSTON-SALEM ANO FORSÏTH COUNTY F A I R O C T O B E R 2 n d to 7 t h ed the Baptising Sunday afternoon. Mayor Bryce B, Smith of Kan sas Cit.v, Mo,, tells this one: “I ^vas a member American mayors Fradce last year. In Paris I was tailed upon to muke-a speech. Lsoamon. .-■jKike for 15 minutes. There was-' n't a bit of applause, 1 sat down and another man delivered a iieiy oration in French. He was applauded at every pause. I join- ; cd ill the applause until a nel- Khljor whispered. ‘I wouldn’t ap- ............, ______- o - — - -............. u . j-f. x j i i m v i f 0 l’‘ fnii.. fiiic nnp- “I "chaiVeV The'pa.ri-fahnson, grandsons of G. W. Mr, Gilas Foster and Mrs, r of the p arty’ of bearers were: Bill Green, Ches-ohnson; Claude Cuthrell; W at-\AIorrison Carter spent Sunday fi, f „Lit-nfi Tonpq Williamon and Dabner Lowry, «.rand- atternon with Mr. Foster’s mo- D muke. a sneech. I Cn.L,.,, Tim flnwor, ni«,.rln .Tnhnk.1 ( 11 I I 11 • The beautiful flowers homas, Claude, John, Stella and луеге carried by a group of girls, lu Miller, children of Luther MyAih »sympathy is felt for the ilier; Harmon, Willie and bereaved family. ,imilla Smith; P; Лег and Robert Green; Sir Arthur Connn Doylo once !sent a telegram to each of 12 »milla Smith; Patty Hartmen; Irienda, all men of great virtue Bob and reputation and of consider- . i-------- ----------- v^ U iin /«u y ^/U11UJJ1¿$ 'with the latteV’a piVveuts, Mv. aud Ofi\co .phone.-...........................'..,.138 ^Mrs. ,0. B. McDaniel, of Dulins, .Besidenc.e' Phoné-.-jv,;,,,-.,— Г A T’ I* А ' ' jier anu jtuueri, uruuu; uuu umi iciJiuiinon anci ot consider-' Japan has a mimber of com-,oe; Berry Steelmnn; George able position in society. Themes-) panies which lurnish fireflies for lygijg. Napoleon McMahan; sage was worded: “Flv at once-’ - :..1 r,, I(. u n n m n t l i n f n n T _........11........................1 Tt.T.. „ e „ 1 1 |„ ..................... „ „ ’ ! uiiiuus «men n.iiiiinii iii'^i.ii'j» lui ;uena; iNapoieon ivicmanan; oagu was worciea: "r iy at once; social functions. It seems that no 'ni Lew’ellyn and Mr. York, of all is discovered.” Within 24 phlml »'¿“nniciri’f I were you; ma-'japanese party is complete unless ‘dkin; Joe and Mattie Rich; ^hours tho story runs all 12 had; ■or- that man is interpreting fireflies light up the garden.— .¿Uh-en of Cullen Jones; May ¡ eft the cou ntry--K L. \\ ellman, ■1! :■ own s,reeih.’’-U n ited Press. Reader’s Digest. -chin pupil and assistant of Gentlemen of the Jury. | •’ __________________________________________________—----- >iP Ri-nwiir. I ---------------------------------------------------- W e A re N ow Prepared T o B u y A n d Gin Y o u r Cotton. Bring U s Y o u r Cotton, W e W ill P ay Y o u Highest M ar ket Price. W e W ill Be A t Our Gin From 7 A. M. To 6 P. M. Every Day Q f The Week. . W e Appreciate Your Patronage Green Milling Co. Buyers and Ginners of Cotton F. K . Benson, M gr. Mocksville, N. C. i'Tom The Raleigh Times. Raleigh faces twenty damage suits growing out of alleged injuries resulting from the d 11 mniniy of pftwniro into 'ly-iif/v dragging Germany into War. Einstein is oppos ed to both dictatorship and Bolshevism, “I am a convinced democrat,” he declared recently to a friend, “and it is for that reason that I don’t go to Russia, in spite of the very cordial invita- lioi’i I have receii'ed to do so,” I could never live in Italy, he went on to say, “under tho ahudow of the Fascists, nor in Russia under the rule, of the G. P, U, ; and still less, naturally, in even if it were possible want nothing to do Avith .■'iti H.tl!:i ■i'ÍÍ¡i':>;f).')any of today,” Naturally, of course, Prof, Einstein should he supposed to utter such sentiments, as he is at in-eseiit an exile from his native land. p. u ,; a, .ili.’i fîfP ^ t ‘lay Germany, ill Í; - V'?cr ;^3jio go there. I Thtt fir.st suit of' this sort was defended by the' late Colonel Argo, who in an address to a coun try jury went into an exposition of the germ theory fronn which the jurors emerged with the idea that a .germ was as big' as a horse-fly and that it was a m anifest absurdity to believe that ten millions of the things could lurk |n a three- finger drink, much less a drop of w ater I •—---------------------------0-——----------------:----— A Hollywood actress, applying fo r a passport and asked whether she rvyas married, i-eplied: “Occasionally;”—Ileader's Digest, ---------------------------------0—(----------:--------------— ' A bachelor is a man who never makes the same mistake once,—Ed Wynn, Cotton • e I n d i r e c t L a m p s Banish glare and gloom ..and protect precious eyesight The public is fast returning to the uno ol liquid laxatives. People have learned Ihflt. th«» pmnoWfItamnn; HIM». Ill»« Jl’rnMf'rMT. tiqt.iid lar.atiye v.-ill bring a piiilccl movement without any discomfort at the time, or after., The doao of a liquid laxative can be varied to suit the needs of the individual. The action cun thus bo regulated, A child is.ea.sily given tho right doic. And mild liquid, luxutivra do not irritate tho kidneys. Doctors arc generally agreed that «enna is the best laxativr. for every body. Senna is a natural laxutive. It does not drain the system like tho cathartics that leave you ao thirsty. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a liquid laxative which relies on senna for its laxative actioa. It has the average jxinion’s bowsis as regular as rJockwork in a few weeks' time. You can always got Dr. Caldwell's ' Syrup Pepsin nt any drugstore, ready for u.se. Member N, R, A, W e a r e r e a d y t o b u y a n d g i n y o u r c o t t o n a n d w i l l p a y h i g h e s t m a r k e t p r i c e . C o m e T o S e e U s . W e Appreciate Your Patronage. • • • • 9 Foster & Green Near Sanford Motor Co. E. P. FOSTER, M gr. and W eigher O ur eyes ai’O our moBt sonslllvo orsana and muat bo constantly sate- guardeil frcm glnrlnB light sourcua w hich cauao oyokraln and load to lin paired vision. Eyosli-aln Is ti-o- eiuontly rosponnlblo for hcadnolies, norvounncsa, faulty dlgostlon, KOn- oral tatlguo, aooldonta and U ef- Ilclouoy. With ono ot tho.'so modern lampa you onn road, sow, study or play oarda In any part of tho room and without dJaoomfort or oyeatrain, r.B A D rfiG E r E S IQ i lT A U 'l’ilO IlI- T IE S E N n O n .S B T H IS M E T H O D O P W O n T D IF F U S IO N . SlratiOn. VOU HIll.y U.v.l W..V -- ____ lanipa for a payment of only 3Bc down, tho balanoo payable In oaay Inulallmonta with your Ught blU, The cost of operation is only . one. cent , ah -houn -Electricity i8 Cheap— . . ' Use it Freely ;■ bf, Brower, iow much good was accom- ishod by those .schools, eterni- laloiie can toll. Influence, Which I'an as a tiny rivulet flows a irtity ocenn. Though her 'walls he been torn a\vay nnd crumb- 1' into dust and voices forever lihed, her influence continues, li memory is a blessing luul badiction,' FARMINGTON NEWS r, Douthit ,Fiurches left for UJ, C. last week. ss Mary Louise Lakey entex’- ecf. C. C. W. last week, ;tle Mary Elizabeth Brock S1Í last week with her aunt, M IV A, McQlearn, of Smith GÍ3, . . Will "Taylor and son, Wil-' licfr,, left Sunday for the 0 (1, 'chors left for their respec-: 'tivilaces ,'last week aré as fol-| Iov Mi.ss Leona Grnhafn, King, ( MiJane Bahnson, Cooleemee, Mi'Ray Graham, Pinnacale, Bu iFiirches, Walkertown and Hei Furches, Old Town, I' G. W, Ratledge and little dauer and Ward Ratledge, of Wo^aJ^ wore Sunday afternoon gue of Mr, and Mrs, H. L. Blaind family. IM Elizabeth James, who hold responsible /position in Salii'y, spent the week-end at h with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Jam' M3ue Brock is convalescing afteifonsil operation last week. Mhd Mrs. J. B. Shore and famiind Mr, and Mrs, J, C, Styeind fam ily attended the begiijf of the revival meeting at D' Creek Baptist Church Sundh Yadkin County, I □ Fall And Winter Clothing W e have one of the Biggest and Best Lines of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing ever carried and invite yoii to call and inspect our line before .buying. Men’s All W ool Suits . . $7.95 to $17.50 Boy§’ 4-Piece Suits . .... $3.95i up Men’s W ork Shirts . . . , . . . 6Qc Men’s Dress Shirts . 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1,25 J; Caps . . . . . . . , 50c to 95c J F A L L H A T S Styles that have those snappy, care ifree outlines the “up and coming” fellow likes so well. $ 1 . 0 0 t o $ 2 . 9 5 S W E A T E R S for M en, W om en and Children In A W ide Variety o f Colors and M aterials. W e will give two Mocksville Dollars for every dollar paid us s o u 'TH-ern p ивеге Cicer'iliiams attended Church, at B^hem Sunday .mornirig’ nnd rjthe .guests of friends in, Redl»Sunda'y: afternoon. ■ I .' Mr.hi'lie Harding, entered Marsj .College 'Iasi; week,’' . Mrammio Bowles'and dau- giiterlra.. and? ;;son, Hubert Bowliid wii? ¿nd: children, of ^ Cana.ttd'-'Mr.; iihd,;Mrs, J, W.' Blakejday. ' Auibilists -rpay ’ soon : find their modei',.tars e(]ui]iped with y air pu'ml) 0)i the bi^'ak’fe,' drumivheel, worked as the wheehs by n .'can on the sta- -tionaifrt of tlie drum, fitted with Hire so it. will keep the tire i[iad jUst exactly right. S H O E S F O R T H E p iT I R E F A M IL Y W e now have our new Fall Shoes. Come in while our _ stotk is complete and befori^ . , ^ ^ ,p ric^ advance.'' ‘Everything’ For ЕуегзФос1у” , . CO. M o c k s v i lle , N . с . áÍ|i;U ^ d B -o f his о!Й-í ívn 'о'Й' ■¡■'!)Г .II}' • it Ì'I'I V I 'I J r I* » . '.I 'ti • ! i I î :ííi ■ , r r . ’ •:íj ' ' 'ÍT I' : i i f .I J. U ifI ‘ ji'i Í. t !' fa »J’ti V, ' r tl , T H E M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E . M O C K S V I L L E . N . C . T h u r a d a y , S e p t e m b e r . 2 8 , Ю я , - ! »«IJ 3 ì « H o ^ Ì , » By Dr. A^illiam J. Schole* THE TEETH A N » FOUL BREATH Foul breath, or more scientifi- the teeth. It m ay be 'cayiU es, in which event the services of a den tist ahould be aecared W ithout de- llay, not only to do awnji( ¡with the bad br<uitli but to siiye”'th e tooth ■ itself. Or it mayj,|bef,^' lack of proper care of thB^'teetli— insuf ficien t brushinjf, unsiiitable,tooth ¡paste or powder;- and;- mouth 'w ashes. , I : The' little old tooth-pick A has practically passed into oblivion cally speaking, "halitosi^s,’’ li^es - other time-hon near the top of the list of dia- institutions. Nevertheless it agi^wible symptoms. It is less useful -purpose,' even if TEinfm to the pat ent than to ]ook their best with those near him. But it is doubtful open; excavating if their physical discomficure is t^eir molars. A f that. I don't «quailed by the authors mental^think it looks any'w orse than a .. 1. J .iT. with a string a foot long held The problem connected with ^aut between his outstretched eradication of a foul breath haa trying, .to forcc .the: dental to do principally with the di8cov-f]„gg between his'teeth; *ry of the cause. Care of the Teeth See Your ]>entist Often _ t 1 t' should go to a dentist In setting oneself to the task of.g gjjj ^^„tha to have the Ending the cause a aystematic teeth acaled. Tartar on the teeth plan m ust be foi owed. The var-„„,y breath, it Ipus possible, factors should be affords a place for germs to de- i^vestigatcd, one^by one, until g, ^ bad stomach generally ths guest has ended in discovery 1 ofjthe underlying cause. gastric juice y; In most cases the reason lies in ^intestine. Ordinarily they are ■killed in the stomach. BARGAINS! A Bread ........................ 5c ,and 9c I havo plenty lioofing, > all lengths. ' Plenty Barb Wire, Nails and^ BnJinir Wire. . ■ Just received a car of Sait,' Best Grade ..................... 05c I have received my fall work Shoes, Red Goose and W olver ine Shoes. These Shoes are .guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Ball Band Shoos. Bring, your country produce to me, I w ill pay market price. I have about 50 Men’s and Boys* Suits I am closing out at leas than % price. 10 lbs. Sug«r ..................... 60c All 10c Baking Powder .... 9c 10c Toilet Soap .................... 9c A ll 10c Extracts .............. 9c A ll 10c. Salt ......................... 9c lOo Eiison Salts ..........9c Plenty Coffee, lb............. 10c Buy your dry goods from mo and aave money. , I have plenty Cotton Seed •Meal $1.60 per bag. Feed and Flour. Soo me for anything 'ou want, I w ill save you money. Yours for Bargains J. Frank Hendrix Mocksville, N. C. . Tlie teeth shoul.i be carefully brushed twice ' a da.v—morning ¡and evening. The upper teeth should be brushed with a down ward movemëht, the lower with aiiMipward stroke of the brush. The object of this method is to ¡keep the gumjs firm ly attached t9 tfie neck;, of the, tee'tîi^l Recession o f’the gums fre(iuehtly' 'is the precursor of pyorrhea. I'here is none .b^Ut W individual 'preference ,as ' towcièji paste I an'd ; a powder. J, SSeth aro ■niore easily aiftl_ ' thoroughly cleansed. with a paste, others with a 'pow’der. will determine which, is suitable in a given case. Attention to these détails will remove !hu most Iike|y cause of halitosis. Nothing kills one moro surely or quickly in society or business than a foul breath. , EXECUTOR’S NOTICE T’he undersigned, having quali fied as executor of Mra. M, L. Lefler, late of the County of Davie and State of North Caro lina; hereby notifies all persona holding claims against the es tate of the said decendent to pro-| sent them to the underaigned, ^ duly verified, on or before the' 23rd day of Septijmber, 1934, or^ this notice w ill be pleaded in bar' of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settierncnt. ' This 23rd day of Septembilr, 11983, A. D. , . J. G. CRAWFORD, .Executor of Mya. M. L. Lefler, deceased Robert S. McNeill, Attorney 9 28 6t 1^ — fiddler’s Coflvention Saturday Night, Sept, 30th A t The C O U R T H O U SE M O C K SyiLLE, N. C. 8.P . M. 25c yiidler Auspices of the M ocksville Base Ball Club. / n u v , 0\-0 JP.V, (ЧЕутооа'.-х Л11ЧТ ъгбм "i LONCHÉ I rOMç ftN-we'LU шт Prepare Now To Spend Thp Day In Mocksville 'I..'' •. '.'f )1 • ■ AND ATTEND THE .. Read The A¿ In This Issue. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEX WEEK "IHE NEWSIEST NBWSPAPEB IN DAVIB— THE. BEST FOR THE SUBSCRIBEIl AND ADVERTISEIT Read By Tha People Who Are Able To Buy VOLUME 55 TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTRY AND OUR FLAG IS OIIR AIM AND OUR PURPOSE MOCKSVILLE. N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1933 Mocksville Dollar Auction Sale To Be Held Saturday __________- A—---------- j\Ii Persons Having Mocksville Dollars Urged To Be I’resent For'Money/Will Be Of No Further Value bAUGE SUM OF лMOCKSVILLE d o l l a r s IN CIRCULA'l'ION NORTH CAROLINA TO RE- No. 48 . iiO UtaUi UNDER BOND FOR RUNNING DOWN COLORED MAN HARD I The Mocksville High football Milton Waters, w e ll- k n o w n 'squad began the third week of white man of Mocksville, was o r - .practice Monday. Besides the re- ------- - „ dered held for the grand jury by gular routine work of last week,CEIVE 607,500 LBS. OF'PORK Coroner W. E. Kennen, of Davie ¡Coach Fiddler has given the Coíííín Checks To Arrive ■ ')■ i' ' ’ Her«B in The Near Future -------vx icounty, on Sunday after, a jury Raleigh, N. C., Oct. 2. — On or returned a verdict charging about October 7, North Carolina young man with negligence will receive 607,600 pounds of °P®*’“tion of an automobile. ___________ !pork from the Federal Emergency ¡Charlie 'I'homas, aged Negro of .,..1 i AT,, 1, i^^elief Administration for distri- Mocksville, died Saturday night a ■V n lin rf relief families, ac-^lours after being run oversville Dollars al^ ad y m cucula-information Jjuat r e - ‘’y ‘he automobile, operated by tion uutications point to spiii^^^ ceived by Mrs. I'homas O’B erry,'^ “^«»’«. about two miles out of bidding at the big auc ion sale administrator. itown on the Winaton-Salem high- ■ which will be conducted in front! repreaents the hogs''^-‘>y- B of llie iSnteipiise Office on Sat- have lieen purchased re-1 Waters stated he knew h M iirda.v aiterncon, October 7th.I___<. ‘ squad more signals and a number of plays and the squad.has been -----------------LIBERTY LADIES TO i Joe Ellis, Jr., County Agent. GIVE LAWN PAR'IT haa received the followiug copy of telegram from Mr. C. A. Cobb, running® uS and E ^ ’ ie " of Liberty M etho-/ t>f Cotton ¿Section, Wash-’ twice daily “ ®‘°,dist church will give a lawn par- '"»’ C. dated October 3rd.jtwice daily. From the standpoint of an on looker it seema that the old Mbcksville High spirit haa come1-' -1- •* ty next . Saturday night at the home of Mn and Mrs. G. P. Dan iels on the hig'hway No. 80, just bel«w the .church. Ico' cream. was absolutely disheartened as 'the team loat one game after an other during the last season, but with the excellent coaching of Mr. Fiddler and with the renewed interest there ia an entirely dif- ..................... a«Id tiuu ll r" “'*y oDject and decided foi'ent spirit. The candidates are . - ............................. was Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt “ cow or stray animal working hard, while it is hardly snlc which will be conducted by ^^,^0 conceived the plan of making ""hich he had sideswipcd and had expected that Mocksville will ur hv Stnrii.str<»nt 'rv,n only'(.(jjg j,u,.p[ua auppiy of meat avail- without being sev-.have the team that she wants, or ' c.vv f'h.. -----1.........------------------------------------- back DOJ.OW ,tne сйигсл. Ice cream, aandwichea, chicken atew. - - - ,wnicn have lienn purchased re- Mr. Waters stated he l^^ew hia dav afternoon, October 7th.l^.ent,y throughout the country hit sometiung on the high- ii'taig at 3:30 o’clock. Many jjy ^be Airrirnitnvni a.h.--* t wnvII....... ..........^ 11 rd startiiiK iiK ci.uu u tiuuK, luanv u.. n" . • . —........ I... , , ..ne uu tne nign- dollars worth of Mocksville m e r-.,S ,J;'V f ) Adjustment'" ly but when he stopped Tie fail- thiiiuliso will be OlTered at this that |t f “ any object and decided hot dogs and other good eats will ing, D. C. dated October 3rd. "Total chocks sent out Four Hundred Seventy Four Thousand One Hundred Fifty Six.^ Total Imoney, Fifty Three miltiph, Two thousand sixty eig h t' thousand sixty three dolliirs. Checks clear- .^ -------- ------------ o - w .. -V -------V. W ltcu n o V I« be for Gale. Fi'ocoods go to Ithejifi? thirty five thousand per day. church. Come, enjoy a good time At this rate all checks out Octo- and help this w orthy cause. '''''............—^— -----------m----------------- STATE HAS NAMES \V. F. Stonestreet. The money “worth a cent” at this siilo will be Mocksville Dollars. I'’or the balance of this week. kS NAMES о, OF JOY TO WORRY No checks ^ ------- V- ber aeventeéhth, except limited number involving special atten- ;tion.” C. A. Cobb, Chief Cotton ............................. - -ri;,. 3 1 - — “ ci tlie week. Willi auch a sum of auction money in circulation, interest will doubtless reach a high pitch thia week. able for the needy rather than destroy it. Mrs. iO’'Berry announced that erely injured. Thomas was picked up a fewmimitna nft up n lew past, ,vet her .supportera will ao( the team that ahe has had in the past, yet her .supporters will ace ................. Uiiu uruugnc 'to his homo here where medical attention failed to revive him The jury was summoned by Sheriff C. C. Smoot and \vent in-J. ^ --------! ^ - ¡months of April, May and June. Ilndividual famiiiea entitled to th e.-—— . - and went in meat will receive it by applying|t® session about 9 a. m., and it Ito the relief offices in the res-,about 5 p. m. before the body pective counties. investigations and It is expected that a second deliberations and charged the This Mocksville money will be Shipment from Waahington of a man with criminal negli- of no value after Saturday, and a„,ount will be received K^nce. Bond was set at $1,000, for that reason all persons hav- inNovember. Mr. Watera immediately intr any of thia money are urged Q'Berry has just mailed «ave without even being taken to be present at tlie sale. „ ^o all county re-|*"tp custody by the sheriff.t i _ 1. «« • ‘ “ jother year of practice and train ing, will be a factor throughout the county. Much more 'interest ia being taken in football this year than in the past, due to the fact that the achool ground haa been gra,d- ed down and a vory nicc football (field made. Mocksville will open the season 'Friday with Cleveland at Cleve land. On Friday, October the 13th they will play Elkin at I Elkin, Then at homo on Friday Whether it's Joy or Worry, Coats ,or Vests pr Minneapolis, King or Qiieen, 'ToÜst or Turkey, ______ have., arrived In iDavie county ns thi-i paper goes to press, but Mr. Ellis ia confi dent that he will bo receiving, . -............... Ku ici;civing Daybook oV Ledgel-'Vdu'ca'n‘find Waahington in the 4t in North Carolina: Z J hZ V "T They're namea of towns and ‘^e diecka communities and the e m o t io n s , office. run- riot; industry seems boom- NEGRO SAYS HE STOLE ing; you can circle the globe in ai -------------------- few hours; and eat everything from soup to nutsT—if the towns a'Ctually were;, commodities. SAME ROOSTER T tIM E S Wake Forest. — Jim Lewis, 68- ií.a.ídl th.-in'thi. , f '"5“Е'",;;‘.п«í;"- “hozi Г..к“ш, wïï¡£ r ;=r ÎÂS’.» "• ^ î" "» “ я«'«’»" o„ .h, nnd get bicksvilie D ollara., “ substitut« f . . . . vjuiliuu inomaa las n substitute for the meat, lard, as Ъе was called by many ia the 44,656 JR. O. U. A. M. MEMBERS IN N, Membera of the Junior Order United American Mechanics in North Carolina now number 44,- or any grocery already b e in g l^ a c t that during the paat Igiven to relief famiiiea and pur-iwon^s, three men have met rAROLINA chased by relief funds. The new'^caths in automobile accidents in ^ A ««^ I” ^.,uppiy must be given In addition .ipavie county, all of them having ---------1... ------•■■■" <.»«, . f -U hd... с ь а Л .;г ь .ш „ .^ Е t t . b„nui„g. ......... * V/*ÜOW. — tlJIIl IjCWlSl t)l)- "ir'/hn ,•« sleepy-eyed, hump-baclc.In. tho clothing line the state is onirasfcd as one of fhe,v.U „„tfltta ^llh. Suit. Sh«.., 7 Z m ‘ ^ a ts . Vests Tuxedo, and Ban- tion building at Wake Forest dana wliile A rt Cloth and Sheets College, fiauaed between shovels supplement the wearing apparel.^of brick bats long enough to tell '°|whlch was just completed the past summer. to amounta of meat already being consumed by relief families. The pork has the Government’si.UlVIl IIUJIIUUI »'” * 65B, according to statistics com-, codification of quality ....u plied by . Sam F. Vance of Ker-jCleanlinesa. It will be dry salt- nersville, state council secretory.'cured, and will be packed in pack- Thc number includes 1,044 mem-^afies containing three and six bora of 21 new councya organi- jed during' the past year. The North Caiwlina:,' state council ranks third in the United States from the sjandpoint of membership. Juniors in this county number 1435, the state secretary’s report shows. Under the leadership of B, C.^ Siske, of Pleasant Garden, the! new state councilor, a determin ed effort to carry the member ship beyond the 50,000 mark will be made. Through the operation of the field representations, the councilor plans to stress strengthening of old councils and the institution of many new one.s. pounds each. ¡OVERFLOW CROWD HEARS FIDDLERS 'An overflow crowd was at the courthouse here on Saturday night for the state-wide Old- time Fiddlers’ Convention under the direction of Colonel J. C. Sells, president lof the organiza- been run down, soon after dark while they were walking along ___'the highway and all being named and ■‘‘Charlie.” Tho other two were Charlie Benson and Charlie Cle ment, both well-known citizenn of Mocksville. The jury was composed of the [following men; G. H. Graham, H. ¡'B. Snyder, J. F. Stoneatreet, S. ':M. Call, J. W. Cartner and E. G. Hendrix. jlCURFEES-LANIER MARRIAGE ON OCTOBER 7TH, A wedding of interest, to tho ____ —o------- relatives and friends ,.of 'the tion. The convention was a real gnoom 'here took place at the KIMBROUGH-SATTERFIELD WEDDING HERE . An ■ intei-eating event of this week ia tho marriage lOf Misa Hazel Kurfees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lee Kurfees, of |this place, to Mr. Lonnie H. Lan ier, of Athens, Ala., Which will be solemnized in u quiet cere mony at the home of the bride’s prirents on Saturday afternoon, October the seventh at 8 o’clock. The bride is a charming young ¡lady and has nUihbers of frienda. She has held a position in the Bank of Davio'for several years. Mr. Lanier is a former Mocks ville boy, the‘ son'Of 'Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lanier, and ia . well- known Ijere,. He holda a respon .----o rs----- Newhope. and Nevvlfe are found iin Iredell county ,'i'iwhile Burke county haa both Joy and Worry. Madison county containa Bluff, Trust, Liick, and Juat Candor ia found in Montgorhery county; De votion in .iSurry,. Welcome in Davidaon; Friendahip in Guil- ford. HarmonyVin Iredell; Speed him :€arll<ij-’-;iri. thd' day. The in Edgecomb6; Memfiry in Avery „ext morning he . \isod the cock and Climax in .Guilford. to dean the soot out of. his fire- Othe^ placea .inciu^ ; Japan, chimney arid then sold him Arat, G<Vlo.ii,-CongOf Pekin, |Na- black game bird to tho ob- plea, Reno, Mfiwaukeo, Minneapo--» . - 'one of the professors that he holds some sort of a record for stealing chickens. Forty yeara ago, the Negro said, he awiped a White Legliorn rooater from Z. V. Peed, who was then, a merchant at Wake Foreot. It was tho aame rooster Jim had ¡is, Nazareth,. Queen, King, But ters, Cognac, T*oaat, -Turkey, Wal- liging Mr. Peed. Later he swiped, the rooater a- ¡gain. This time' wit'h the use oinut,' Popperai Mints, Bunm Puck Red“ Me™beager. i chant Peed bought him airairi I - ------------— -— <'“>'':Known jjere,. He'ftoicia a-respon- musical treat-and was enjoyed home of Mrs. J. L. Sheek on gible poaition as traveling sales- Ithroughout by enthusiastic music|Saturday afternoon, . when her man, with headquarters in Athenslovflrs from .Dnvin nOllntv nnrt.nonhmu Tnn.,no rrl— I .. . . IBEV. UPCHURCH TO , ADDRESS DAVIE PEOPLE: lovers from Davie county other parts of the state. Miases Annie Ruth Call and nephew, Jamea Armitte Kimr brough, Jr., of Winaton-Salem, and and Miss Reba Satterfield, of the The Rev. C. A. Upchurch, of the city of Raleigh w ill ft(ldre3a the pecple of Davie county on Prohibition at varioua places as follows; Fork Church, Oct. the Sth at 11 o’clock A. M., at Farmington Oct. 8th at 8 P. M. at Cooleemee Oct. 8th at 7^30 p. m. Mr. Upchurch haa'been 'hitting liquor for forty yeara, He knowa how to do it and doea it well. — Come out and hear one of the )jy Frank Hayden Sanford, and Cl Frank aame place, were united, in mar- Stroud,' all of Mockaville, were.riage by Rev. R. C. Goforth. The the judgea in the competitive icoremony waa witneaaed by a few |conteata and prizes were awarded ^friends, and waa performed in tho jto the following; String , band,|living-room, which was decorated ¡Mocksville, first prize,'Saliabury, with an artiatic arrangement of. aecond iirlze. Dancing'; Charlea-|mixed flowera. The bride, an atiocwviiiu ico-ijiiiAUU liuyvcia. 111« uriUt:, UII air ton. Ruby Byerly, of Cooleemee, [tractive brunette, wore a becom- jfirst; acrobatic dancing, Chris-iing blue auit with hat to-match. Iltine Oole,, 'of Mi>clcsville, first; 'Mra. Sheek ;then entertained at tap dancing, ,'Cotton” Moody, of^aupper, a delicious salad courae. Ala,, where he will take his bride. The many friends of tho young couple join in wishing them much happiness. . PLAY AND CONCERT HAVE LARGE AUDIENCE but should this prove too much— Ether can be found in Montgo mery county. FAIR ART EiXHlftlTION ATTRACTS BIG CROWDS Cooleemee, first. Vocal male duet, ¡G'rover Barnes and Arliô Cham- followed by icO'.cream and cake, being served. Tho table was cov 'bcrlain, of Cooleemee, first; gui-ered with a lovely lace cloth, tar, Fred Kirby, the noted radio'and centered with a bowl of mix- 'artist, first; Violin aolo, Mr. J.^-'’ -------- ....... C. Bowles, first. The two outatanding features best .speeches of the Anti-Repeal Campaign. ¡ed flowers, and crystal candle sticks held green tapers. Covers ,wfire laid for .’llr.i. J. L, Sheek, of the program were vocal solos Mr. and M rs.-J. A. Kinibrotigh,, — ------ Head, of Cooleemee Jr., Mr.i. F. F. Wright, of Wins- MISS VIOLET ALLISON’S/*1 J._.. n ..i...... •h/T.... T rr ^-11------1. T «i. ^ _________ A large and appreciative audi ence attended the play, “The Snigglea Family,” and concert of old aongs given by the Sallie Call Uid Society, under the direction of Misa Ruth Booe at the High School on ,iaat Friday evening. The parts were well portrayed and produced much laughter. The s-onga were old favorites and ithe quaint costumes were of in terest. The sum of over ip26 was realized. Chicago,' Oct.' 2:-rrViBltors from every quarter'of the globe; ?ind of every rank arid station are mak ing it a point to wlait the Chicago World’s Fair A rt Exhibition of ¡1,000 maaterpiecea at the A rt In- atitutq. Among thoae who have visited the Institute are G. W. ^Forbes, prime miniater of New Zealand: Dr. (Frankciak Souket, president of the senate .o f Czechslovakia, and, Dr. IFerdiiiand Verka, Czechoalovakiftii miniater ,at Waahington; Prime Maria Borgheae, Princess det Vivaro, of Rome; Pauline Frederick, and Ethel Barrymore. WASHINUT^N S'l'A'l'E , HAS 18-INCH SNOW ---- ---- ------------ «..J when the I'ooater was preaunted as ho was the first time in hia White Leghorn attire. "I atole 'him agaift that night,” , |jim drawled, “ and ot him for Sunday mornin’ brekfua’.” The darkey btated that tho merchant never caught on unUl Or, tfbhn Powers, ’^ake Forest physician, then a clerk In the atore, told Preed about it. 'Did he prosecute you for stealing?” the professor asked. ‘Nawsir,” Jim replied. ‘He sed if a man wuz big enuf fool to let a nigger steal his same roost er four times he shouldn’t do nothin’ about it.” Mr. Feed, by the way, is now ■proprietor of a brick plant Which supplied brick for the new medi cal .building here. O. E. S. TO MEET THURSDAY ■EVENING . , Chapter 173, Order of the?. Eastern Star, .will meet on Thuro- [and "buck dancing” by ¡Woodruff, of M'ocksviile, __O f Menu Desired I WHEAT ACREAGE REDUCTION I NEW LUMBER PLANT “ CONTRACTS EXTENDED TO ” OCTOBER 15 I ’■ ’ ' I -:Ç'i is # ' ' !Л.‘П ; ! 'ñbíí' LCTi. тач ^w(V PU4Æ ACROí.% NOT TH tÄb\. lOOK THAT •ь\ьн ■■Tirr' SäT - for Mocksville near the Veneer Mill re- in the building formerly occupiedi. Of interest to wheat farm ers tlu! newa that tho time ^''mpleting wheat acreage cotit'ra~6rg~1 ra'a''''b~Btni"-^...ux-ibv 'VV.-ii."'S'.vnt-^rTO-CTUTT^________ j'ended to October 15. Wo are ex-' Mr. Caudell haa inatalled new Pectiupr Jl (ji-ent many more ron- machinery and haa a modern lum- f'lctH to be completed during thia I her plant and ia prepared to ,®"sion of time. (give you the very best, both in "he farmers who are in posi- building material and service.nil U„ ----------- 1 r.._ J u;„ nnn..U tliVnO C. G. iton-Siilem, Mrs. J. K. Shook, Let- ye Lindsay Sheek. Rev, R. C, 'Cl«- lorth, Mrs. A. M. Kimbrou;,h, .....—, *........- ^ Miss Duke Sheek, and Mrs, Dave OPEN FOR BUSINESS Monigumery, of 'Wilson, Mr. Kim- ----------------- j brough is the son of Mr. and Mr. T. J. Caudell has .opened, j. a . Kimbrough, Sr„ of a new lumber plant in North ■yyjf^gton-Salom, who form erly liv ed here. nv' Uf APRUfiR Read hia ad on page three. ATTEPilTION LADIES! LICENSES ISSUED HERE Re'giater of Deeds M. G. Foater reports the following marriage licenaes iasued by him in Septem ber and October; Leon Crewa and Misa Beaaie L. Windaor, both of Forsyth;, J. C. Warren, of Iredell, and Miss Louise Harbin, of Davie; Joshua W liite aaid Miaa Mamie I — w n u m v ill ^ioii Uo take advantage o f thia pion and do not sigri niay regret it later when they fully under- «|«n(i the domestic alIotment| s o n a Co. are re- .»u n n , tho noxt two'woeta Ih» ’^”i be glad to nsBist W f “ ®ee the liew atylea in their barrus; Robert Martin, of Davie,^>>0 wlHhes to make application! n to aee th , ^ They and Mias Zula Shoaf, of David-*№ wheat acreage reduction con-,lovely hats ana , ................................. BROTHER PASSES AWAY The many friends here of Miss ^Violet Allison will sympathize ¡with her in the death of. her bro ther, Mr. Robert Alliaon, of Kan napolis, which occurred sudden ly on Sunday afternoon. The funeral was held at Rock Hill, S. C., the former home of the ! © S i S , l i £ = s s | w S ington today and tho storm w ll be hoateaa to - apread to Montana, with Helena q’“ clmpteia of the diatiict on. reporting a 40-degree temperature, '' and anbw thia afternoon. The absence Miss Hazel Baity haa supplied as teacher in the four th grade. , „ , PROHIBITION SPEAKING There will be prohibition speak ing at the following points and dates; ........ .......... ....... ........ .........A t Center M. E. Church (or Icieary, bath of Davie; Carl'Car-tabernacle) .on Sunday, October ter and Miss' Velma: Wagoner, 8th at 3 d. m. Rev. ,T. W, Fnato» ¡Davie; Johnny Byerly, of Davie,and Capt. I. P. .GVaham. At Fork Church. October 8th. at 11 a. m. Rev. C.;A. Upchurch and T. I, Caudell. mercury dropped to 33 at Havre, Mont. Snow plows were uaod to clear the Xaches highway to Seattle. A 28-mile-an-hour wind METHOIMST SENIOR LEAGUE TO HAVE ICE-CREAM SUPPER ¡the lower Yakima valley, blowing off ripe fruit. The Senior Epworth League, of .the Methodist church will serve swept ice-cream and cake on ¡Friday ■iv.vSE€RA€w.i^^uST^^^^ EACH I liTvTT- Atlantaj ■ Ga. — Police Judge ¡John Cone has set a ?10 fine for all wisecracks in hia court, he diacloaed here when a young woman defendan^c faced him on drunk-and-disorderly charges. ‘‘Were you drunk on three- point-two?" asked Hia Honor. , “ Yeah, on tht'ee liquors and two beera," retorted, the woman. ,'‘Wellj I see you like to wiae- jerack, so r n fine. you ?17 for the drunk-and-diaordorly charge and - ---- evening from 6 to 10 o’clock, tho proceeds to be for the /Ijenefit lOf the .District iFnnd. Tho l i cordially invited to patroiii’iu them, t'he’refreshments to, bo aerved on the church lawn. PIG CAUSES ONLY UPSET IN 24,000-MILE JAUNT Memphis, Tenn. — Nothing up- aeta Pierre Denia like a pig. A visitor in Memphis, Dcnia aaid that, although he had ridden his bicycle 24,000 milea, his only accident occurred near Mobile, I Ala., when-a small pig ran into him, tossing him out of the road, ©enis atarted his : Ч ' ,12 &{ I4I4U uui* ine Д'ОЛа.iwnrnn 01 uavie.'at 1 1 a ni Rev. C,;A. Upchurch drunk-and-disorderly charge and ©enis started his wandering wh , , , - ' и „fionlin to see the new atylea in гпшг^ьаггиа; 4hoaf ’ of David-and T. I, Caudell. ?10 for the, jokc,’^ the judge told^on April 4, 1929, from Montreal. {оЛ^^ ’" ^"’’ипГ роп-lovely liata and dreaaes. Theyjand ’h jr. and At Cooleemee Schol A uditor-her. A sad young defendant was,He aaya he haa луогд out 16 tiroa tract?'* ‘ ' have an «Section to ae- доп; both of ium. Rev. C. A. Upchurch and unable to think of a aingle crack on the rear луЬее! and five on the E ttlS . Ж . “ " ”■"■ ’ W n 'to n S l“ Mr. I. P. в п Л « . «■ 0 » “ ■ ''■»»'■Kmei-gency County Agent two.