07-July-Mocksville Enterprise'i I' TÏIE , ouir honoiTrôliT^“ . ;■ ;;r;v TlnirHcliiy, Ju n é 2G, J02i;'j J œ t У к е ; A - pire Cracker ' T h e, folloWliiB: have subücribecl ,foi- thc- iicwH .of , Dayio County isiiicü our liist issu e: , ‘ E . F . E ilto n ,' : . ; ' • A.: M. Gniiit, ; T'. .Ë? W illi;ims, ' ‘.’v :>;.Siinfoi4l' Nfiil, - . : . ' , : ' ' г - Gi-iiiiî Л.' Fostci'ï,. • ■ , ; . S, J. Foater, F . - S.. Ija ra e a , ; : - M vs.'W, C. Sniiv : :: Îfeü l& î- SS?,"'i'rjn/'v,’’? /.ъ гкте | ¥ д е ш Vji'V i/1 ' 'í.; ЕШ й^Ш та'. < .1 1 ''V '; 'I ,,Гу Ь - i m '* ¡ ' ’ ш : I ß - ii iN ^'A N r-A D V E RTISIN G ::,CA1V^ : V;:fe TH IS PA PE R IS SIM PLY THE FUSE, IF YOU LIGHT i , ' ■■ ^ ■'■' , •.'■■•' iT AND THEN SM OTHER IT BY DISCONTINUING EUTHER vtKApVEiRTISING, YOU W ILL NEVER REACH THE POINT W HERE' ! ■/<' . ■ ■ >■■ . . » . . • ^¿'R E SU L T S W ILL COMMENCE TO B E ’ HEARD W ITH A BANG.' ui ^ •:•.•,■ .- ■.■•■.,• ■ , ■ , -‘W E HAVE THE CUTS AND C O Pi' TO AID YOU IN THE PRE-, ; • PARATION OP A CAMPAIGN TH AT W ILL BRING YOU B IG ^ E - ,i SU LTS—BIJT y o u M UST b e WILLING TO USE SPACE RE- GULARLY, WEEK ^AJFTER iWEEK. YOU CAN COUNT ON; OUK ; ACTIVE COrOPERATION TO H ELP Y O U IN EVERY w AY AVE :-:C A N .-- ■ • / f. T H E W O M A N W H O W O R K S In tills now order of tilings, w ith women, both niiiri'lcd nnd single, broiidcÿjig Jlip ir biiHlnps.4 uctlvltlos, -n VOIT sérions problem iirlscs. It Is the problem of wlmt, wliun, and whore to eat. UrciiUfiist Is nlwiiys a hurry-np meal for tho won litit niiieli more so for the wonian who goes to buslnuss. Lunch- unns, of coui'so,, are taken In the limclirooins and restiiurants In the hiislncsii districts nml lire no pl'ohlcm. Bnt liow iibont dinners? Sliull they, too. ho, rcstmiriint iiicnis or cun they ha so pliinnu(| tliiit biislncHs women may enjoy the iioiiKi cooking of Avlilcli thoy iiru so fonilïv Till:« uway the element of hiiate and anxiety imd In' Its place p u t cttrefully'tli(iHKhl-<)Ut mctiua, well plam iod imd eitelly prepiired, »m l homo dinners w ill Ugaln vegnln tluiiv high fuvor with the ..woi'ltlng hiniSowlfu. '.Om i of thfl.blg NNHirrlcs is frufpiently w ith ihu nillU. Did It (rumu? Is U fresljî Is Ht ti4wt!n?; i,Iln s tho inlllt- ninn heon ’paid'/ , , Al‘e : tliu ' biittles wiishotl and sot out ? 111о\уи\'ог, tiiure Is 'no cause for w'orry jihtiut millt. Wliy n o t licop Ц; (lozoii’ (;iins'of evaporat(«l m ilk In у oil r jiiintr.V,? T jierenrc iiirgp Clins, eijuiii to II . (im irf of. iiiilit -ти! sm iiller clins tlMUjivili meet tiie lessor nootis.;,.;. ■ ,4 '/'/.■, , ’ ' ' ■ For ev'npprnted inlli« ' Is ' Just pure, frosii m ilk луи1| iiiorn tiian iinjf the wator missing, Thin wiitor cun ho re- plHcod 1« II Jllt'y, If you so closlro,or you ' oii.n uso It IIS ereii'ii If rich iinU creainy jfoods nru . duslrod. ' IIovo (ire II few recipes thiit iimy liu , used by "Tiie' \Vo;iiiin ,' W ho Worits'' I for forinlng'h'ur plans for ,'sulf l'elli I und good lumiQ cooUlng. . . ' Soallopqd Ham end Potatoes, 1 pound smol<ed H i oups’4 v iite r '■ I h a m I 1 к г и и п p o | i p o r1 t'tnoUluro poiiiloea . (m iiy.lio 1 V 4 u u p a o v u p o - o m l U o . U ) - - ,r a t o d m l i l t ■ ’ F l o u r . ' d i l u t e d w i t h . C o v e r t h o b o t t o m . o f a n o i l e d b n i c i n H d i s h w i t i i n l i o o d i ' r i i w p o t u t o b s . S p r i n k l e , w i t h H o u r u n d p l o ü u » o ( h a m Vb I n o l i H c i u u r o . . I V o p o H t m u l l t l l i i h I s r u n . ' K i l l d l u h 1 4 f u l l o ( d i l u t e d m i l k . B i i k o u p - t i l p o t a t o o s n r o t u i i d o r . E g g s e n C a s B o r a i o , 6 h n r d - b o l l o d ' % c u p o v a p o r a t e t )o e g a m i l k 3 t o m u t o o s ‘t i u u p A v u t c i ra I b i i p . b u t t o r W ' u u p B r u t u d 3 t h H p . ( l o u r o i i u o a o ' ' . 2 t u p . s a l t U u t t o r o d o r u m b t . C u t l i u r d - b o i l o d е к « а I n . I m i f n n d u i-> r n i i K o i i i - o u m l t h o u u g u o f f t s r o a a u d c a H s a r o l o , S l l c o t o m a t o w B I n , u o i i l o r g ( d l H l i . M n K o II U ’ h l K i u u i i u o u r t h u m i l k , w a t o r , f a t u n d H o u r . A d d o Ii b u h., a n d H t i r o v e r a l o w n r u u n i l i o Ii u o b u l a ч :'е 1 1 m i x e d a n d u i n u o t l i . P o u r o v ^ r l o i n u ^ l o c i H a t i d C o v e r w U h o r u n i l / e i p d b a U o t w e n t y m i n u t a s I u л m u d v Ч 1П o v « n . : MiS e ' DISASTER: RELIEF ' ; FUN D IS OVER THE TOI* 1,'' fet\nfonl, June 2'J.—Ì3>: B. Tcit- gud, chuifmiin of the.i'inimco com- mitte,o ot' tho Coal' GJqji miriG dia- ■aster''I'Ciliei', ai\nouncetl j;oJi\y th at the fluid h'iul kdiio oyer- to top.' .'Wio .state wan ■aakocl,. .iii ','a,procIar nmtioti .ftiSUGcl ,by, Gov. 'Me Lean, to I'aiao'¡535,000 .fo'r tho relief- of the sti'leken .fam ilies of; the victims the - cliiiit.stol'i. The. liooplo :oi’ North CaJ’oiliia htivQ rftspolulò.tl in ir most gratifying niannér.,; ■ ;ThQ worlt of disbtiraiiig this fuiul is buiug hnndleci by the Red Croas and all disburaements w iil bo made on the basis of tho ac­ tual needs of tho beneficiaries. The Ked Cross has carefully judg- ed every caso and w ill bring all this information, beforo the caae committee which will meet Thtira- day to malte tho allotments. The fund aa raised by cities and towns. Ì5_quoted-below-:----------...... .......... 5G0.00 ............. 28.B0 ........... ;; 264.23 ...........' ,-10.00 ........ 470.00 541.90 444.fi0 ,ri.,-:„... 3,789.54 V..,.,1,080.00 ,1,580.09 Statesville Goldsboro Sm ithfield Wadesboro Hickory .......... Lexington Tarboro Morganton Greensboro Winston-Sulûm Fayettovilio Wilnll^itonv:.'ii.';i;i'.V;::.';:.'.v.iW SaHsbury; Hnmlet .....¡...i.v, Burlington;... Concord M()nrÓé ; ;Uocky Mount; - ilentiorson , G astonia Pittaboro. . ;v¡ Durham '.-.'Л;!.,..... •' víyliarlotlío .......‘ Rtileigh;.,..i..^.,Aiv;;tfi.v;;;.f,;. Sanford lAahovillo'i ...... Iligh Point ..... Now Born Plnohurst .... Southern Pines W.arrenton ........ Total June ;gO,;îlS?6;U^ SW EET POTAT^^ PLANTS FOR SALE. M iiifciO N S NOW READY iPOR SHIPM ENT Nancy H all and Porto Rico Potato plants grown from record yielding potatoes at $2.50 per thousand, ten thousand .$20.00, ¿fifty thousand lots at $1.75 per thousand. All plants Government , ihspectod and certified and orders 4'illod day received. I ■ DEEN’S PLANT FARI\I. Box B, Alma, Gi\. '' 5 :1,4 to 7225 E V E R ’ST JivinB-rooin, ; to i, b e . stiC' - ccsslut, rotiuircs one or inoro woll-ilefinetl cenlors o i Interest and attraction. It ib greatly , to he desired that one of these m ny. be a fireplacc— not a’ n'odcrn substitute, ))iit a real old-fasliioiied one ;with a place awny ; back in it for Iors—a fircsiclo wlicrc popping, co rn 'w ili ac­ company inerrim ciit!, whcrc;' dreams \Yill burn more vbnglitly- thi(n;,;the flames; the only pitie«' wherir ■gho.<it stciric.4 niny be told in the wcc,’'ismall iiours witlT safety. \ ^ In a room wiiorc the lioarti\ .is tlio chioi collier, thq funiifurc may be propped in y.'irioiis w’liya around It, tile main 111111(7 to iivoui being nnf/ЛЛ 'T formal, , tthfriumily loc'ikv■,v '• If^ the' woodwork;of (lif'fo.otu is.ivory, ivory cnainelcd window Real^ ou ciiiicr »u'l! of the fircpl.icu v.'ith amiiU paiv.'d winnows aijovc them iurni a prac- ttcal and charming fireside iji'nui;. Almost any kind or period of furni­ ture will 111 into a room ot this kind, tlic essential features to con­ sider in the piii'oh.'isfi of tl'" turiiiturii b'ciny coiii/ort' .niu) fiiiiah.;®''vViict(.i.T a .. iab!e,'.',a'.•eliau’ or. iiiiililioy ' i^ wahuiti'-'ctnk "or «ialiofeij\y5,'(lpe;i i)ot matter' so mii'.'lv'a3.')vlicthcr'',ti\c iilr,-«^ ■ ’ tides are well .finisiied sO that Int: wockI itsoif is'iiroieotcd from wear and tear liy the iippiioatioii of ccrt.-iiii ImlslR'S whinh tiic ni.mufai,:tm'ui',i of„1 r,...;:......... I,...—.. „i,.„ Crisis Threatens America; New Sources of .Supply 1,I' 'l.'lb . Sii ."'I I lA THE * : M O C K S V I L L E E N T E R P R I S E msi " V rñ'úiti , *1>КМ s, f } ; --------------------------^ ^ ...- . '-.:y..лvs=i , 1лЛ, ThòmuB Л. Edison und Harvoy S. Flresfono w atching a plantation expert tap a nihbor tree on the lüdlson ostato ln Fort Муогн, Fla. R ight, .Mr. Bdlspn nnd Mr. Flrestono, w ith a rnbber pinntatlon ox- ,pert,'8xum lning a young rubber tree on tho riunry Ford Ii’arhi nonr L ubclle,'Fla. , lA liV B S 'S . FIItK ST O N E moro tUnn two youvs trees avo holng grown. Sonio o£ those apponr, t» I ^ 1,0 yoj.y pvomlslng. , ■ "Itnbbor Is of vUt^l Im p o r tim e lo hlghwoy. trans- porthtlon," Hiild; M ?,'Flrestone, ‘’and Is largely ro- Bpoiislblo for oi'ir buHlnoss prosperity, Tho Hrltlsh restriction act lidw, lim its production und exporta­ tion to onu-hulf of norm al production, lliib bp r to­ day I» about 200 por cent higher tliiin It was when tho restriction act wont, into olYoct. Ilnbbei' tx)- strlctlon' tills year w ill cost Am prican ciir owners nt loast $100,000,000, and very llkoiy $«00,000,000.. Every ton-coflt iidvnnco In tho price of crudo nib- ber menns an additional burdon of nbout 976,000,- 000 to tho car owners of tho U nltod Statee." ' ' Mr. llirmtotte was Inatrumontol in having Con- grass appropriato a half mtlUbn dollnve tor Uje, Invostlaratlon of now sourco« of rubber iupply,,ant! he sent out eevoral oxpedltlons nt hie own e^enlió to visit rubber prodDclDff oountrlee, lnoIuiIfng;t^ PliillipplDo«, Oentral ЛювПоа, Мод1оо And ЛМс£' end he he* today to Zitierte, on ttio w Á t ooatt ^ ЖМев. a oompleto orgnnlMtloa oparotlDH tfttlon M)4 niRklD« planfl to pipdim гаЫ?«Г; ................ — V4U JUUiO ago proilletoií a rubber shortago, and said tho Ilrltlsh cruda rubber rastrlètlon act w ould cost tlie Am orlcan peopl« m illions of dollar«. The Brit- '.IbK colonial possessions in tho'.Far Bast produce ; nbout 80 por cent of t)io w orld’« supply of rubbor, While Am erican mannfacturerH consmno about 70 pòi' cent of the world's supply. •, , Mr. Flrestonn lias Just roturnod to Akron, Ohio, ; aiftor making »'survey of posslbllltlos'of growing ^ publier In florida, wUore ho was uocompanlod by ' ', ‘ .rubber pluntutlon expert«. On ono of the tours of Florida he wa« iiceonipanled by Thomas A. lOdlson, wtui, mude some Important suggestione rolotlvo to new roethods of extrncting the lates or sap from nlbbM titees, plants and shrubs. < Bubber tree» ' growing on tho KdUon eetatè In Won U fm wer« examined, ua well ш thOM on 'B4)r>d «ctat« Ip Vort M/ere »nd tUe ford ferm near 'U.MU, great deal ot tlwe waa flpént en tb« (Зкогмпюми** SiiMrieiMtel Гнип neer Оосол- ^ Л а ; «fa«n many тайаОм ot п Ы т 1,4-1«,7551 ■i,09fl ::.^6ll.00í 2G-1,íío; ‘‘ 1(1.},f; :■ 171.03?! y !'!.13 ßo.oo . 3!l,'],30 ... ITO.ül) Í.fi(i7.8¡i' 1.101.Ü5 : 504.5i) ■: V 52'í,r,o f'Ü'j.n 838,00 ' 42:i.(¡8 lii2,j|) t'm e n te rp rise ‘^ 11 T^Local Newso” Our Motto ---Tlie'LargestPAID-IN-ADVANCE CIRCULATION of ANY PAPER in Davie Colniiy| i ; . ;TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE,AND UNTlRIN(ri^DEijiYrTO~Q AND OUR FLAG IS OUR AIM AND PURPOSE • V O L . ' v i i r ' :.....^ - гда4, • MOCKSVILLE,:N. C.,'THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1925 . N o . 8 4",ï( French Paper Urges Prayed ■$2,500.00 Early Debt Payment Def;l«rD,9 Obligations to United States Are E.\ceedingly Delicate In Nature ïnto His Purse •жЦ^Г« Méto.: IS NOW PRAYING FOR TWO Mootâîîk EartHqisakes' Gauseis Loss Of Half Million Dollars rath er b it t e r IN TONE P a ris , June 28.—The Petit Par­ isian , commenting on the inter­ allied debts, w ill say tomorrow: “The tim$" has come to take up the debt situation with tho Unit­ ed S ta te s . A personality, recent­ ly come from America, has even told u s that the time h a a not been more favorable in several years: therefore we. should profit therju- by nnd not expoae ourselves by nil uttitlido, contrasting .with that of o u r Italian, Belgian and Czc-,j ch o alo vak friends, to render more b itter a dlacussion which w ill io, itse lf bo dclicate enough.” , Tho paper cnumcriitoa th e'-fól-,' , lowing roaaons for tho delicacy of the discuaasions: V . ■ "Our figures and thoao of the American treasury •; do hot agreo;. We are in the grip 'of grave fin- (inciiil difficulties and it is shock­ ing to our spirit of justice,, after tlio enormoua loasoa suffered and' tho sacrifices agreed on,, as re- imi'ations duo by Germany, to aoo ourriolvea aakotl for the capital nnd interest on the money spent oiitiroly in tho United States to pay for merchandise and m aterial iioce-ssary for tfio fighters. ' "Those sentimontal arguments which to d ayare yalueiesa, can acquire some 'valiie, only when presented over the^ conferonco table and if wo 'frankly accept thu debate, let ua seize .Upon the , occasion, because it moana do- fiiiitoly only the consolidation of pur dobtj arid ,not its immediate reimbursement.” The Peliit Parisian asserts that Miv I<;ellogg,; secreUiiry ; of > state, "ilospite ail 'contr'acllctionsi la&t month expressed an. unequivocal tlosire to ace ua mal(o a'decision beforo the middle of July.”, "Therefore,” it adds, "whatev­ er difficulty may preaont itself tho m inister of'finance must gird himself for tho task and bring to, a practical basis the ,conversa­ tions which,heretofore havo been almost e^tclusively academic. Our country has the greatest intcreat in not postponing thè diacuaaion longer.” ; ' - ,. The newspaper,is .emphatic that it is only in clearing up the.situ­ ation'“in ridding oursolyes of this incessant m enace,'that \vo w ill be able in; the : econqm ic'' field До stabilize our exchange and politi­ cally recoyer'our. liberty ,of ac­ tion.” . ; • f ; ' ■■' ' The Petit Parisian understands tliat the Coolidge administration intends to 'p i’éaent before Con­ gress in December precise ' ar- rangements ,rògiirding . the ' debts and adds :. . ' ^ " ' ^ ^ . : “If луе сап help the;, adminlatra- tlon in; thlB,(;Mr. Mellon, secretary of tlie .treii'áury, who understand^ our- difficulties and is iinimiited by the bast disposition toward us, will even be more amendable to the argumenta of our dolegatea,” The ’ paper alao underatands that the debt fund ng' commiaaion “has decided in principle that de­ btors economically more feeble than Great-Britian should pay in­ terest at a slightly lower ;rato, and to accord them long delays, permitting them" to take into ac­ count possible sériouá siiortcom- ings of ; Germany in'. 'tho ' ptiyment of reparatlona.” ' ’ ' , . Gets Back Money Swindler Took Away From Him 6 Years Ago. How New York Expert Figures We Can Keeip Cool (By M illard Ferguson,,in The Ob­ server.)' Atlanta, Ga'., June 27.—Undo Bill Hill has prayed $2,500 out of a bunko steerer—a feat that the police here believe 1;o”berTrwoi’Id's ■record. It took Uncle Bj[ll six years to do it, .and in the :meantime his eyesight broke dowiv, clue to ..wor­ ry over his lost .monéy.;, .But.- ho kept at his, pntyers morning;and iiight', - firm 'jn ; ;'f ‘VhosoeVéiv'bélj'éyeth'Jnlll^^ iiot pel;ish,’’; áüiil', the ,áiis\yer ,tó hÍ3!‘si.K’\^éiu;3;;'ó'l'i',,r¡;r¿jM hé. has' ills; ¡moiiGjrvb^^ an'tl-that': ,he. tliicl ,h¡s;.HyI|í6,,,.both;;ol;^,^t^^^ 82 yoar'ii' old, JaVo... UvlnK.'.happily at e]arkosyill,o, G'a., siiiro ;bf, enqtit^h to supply';‘all th0ir .wants: t|i(ring 'tho.;ove^iriii;!of-life,. F 6Í.’. years I'Untjio ’ BIH '(vas ’or­ dinary of Haijershani county, and prqaperqd ,6h tho .Uttlp farm that he owned.,/'Si.x years' ago ho'; aoUl ;,!'his farm for;$2,G00, anti with this, money ,started on a visit to , his son in’ south Georgia, his plan be-, ing' 'to mako. investments there. He stopped over in Atlanta and met up here-with ^"Doc” Gray, a member of Floyd ’Woodward’s no- tqrlous gang of bunkosteerers, who wore operating throughout tho south at that time, and who cleaned up milliona before tlio police stopped their activities. . He Loses All. The scheme;, worked . on Unelo Bill ;,was the .'old ono of a fake stock trhn'sactlqn which he waa told would net him thousands of dollars profit. Uncle Bill advanc­ ed .Jiis ;$2,50,0. .exp.qcting , tq . get back a fortune. When he reiiilz- cd' that ho had been swindled, “Dock” Gray was out of the reach of the police. Tlien Uncle B ill began to pray. Ho and his w ife—both of them bprii on the same day, January 15, 82 yeara ago-^would get down on their knees every night and every morniiig and pray tho Lord to give them back thei $2,500. Just as Üncle Bill waa conclud­ ing his six-year-old pi'ayer, “Doc” Gray was arrested in Detroit and broiight back,to Atlanta. Perhaps the; strangost part of the atory ia that he did not realize;until he faced Uncle Bill in coui'tgiist how much evil his fake stock scheme had worked. ¡.Ho found ;hImseJf looking at a half blin'd, ’feeble old man.'V “Look a’here, just how much did I set from youV” “Doc” Gray asked U;icle Bill. 'Twenti’i-flve hundred dollars,” answered Uncle Bill.. “That’s .eaay,” said Gray. "‘Jiiat gimme a little time.” Gray got word to a bank in De­ troit, and in a few hours he hand­ ed over $2,500 to Uncle Bill, Then hq told the court a little story of his own,, how; he, had quit the bun­ ko game and was doing an honest man’s work. He Avas allowed to pay court costs and leave with a fine. The form er, swindler has gone back north nqw, hia feet firm ly implanted in the straight and narrow path, he says, and Uncle B ill.has returned to Clarks- ■viile. ': But h e ,hasn’t give up praying because lie has his money bi,ick. He prays night an d morning just as ho did beforo. But this time his prayers are for the man who first i-obbed him and then paid him back,; Helena, Mont., June 29.—Resi­ dents, of tho Gallatin Valley, the apparent center of the earth­ quake, which shook four sttites Saturday night and yesterday, re­ mained,- out in the . wide open spaces today looking back at a- bout $500,000 worth of ruins— the aggregate cost of,-the trembl- er. It was whimsical earthquake. No one was killed. Neai'ly a score of buildings cracked and fell. There were about ; half a dozen landslides. A crevice extending at an irre­ gular ,interval from Manhattan to Three Forks, a 'distance of ten miles, remains as one of the scars ciiUsod by- the' quakol The Lom­ bard tunnel of;tho Chlcagq, 'Mll- waukeq and, St. Paul Railroad waa caved in and an ¡ivalanche at Deer Park covered 600 feet of railroad' arid track ^earby, leav­ ing/it; buried under, earth ;,and rocka- 100 feet deep. This waa caused whori a cliff 300 feet high toppled and fell. ; Railroad offltials announced last; night that a force of 2,000 :laborers would be put to work doitring the ti’iicks atul the tun- nel. The' throe trains ; which were hompied in Saturday night by the avalanchea were rcloaaod today. T Jié.qiiakea bogfin about 0:22 o’clock Saturday night. Thous­ ands of persons in B.utte, Groat Falls, Billings, Livingston, Mis­ soula, Helena and other cities were thrown into near panic and pushed clear of buildinga.. Tho shocks* continued intermittently until well after 10 o’clock. Yest­ erday there were slight recur­ rences at Three Forks, White Sulphur Springs and Anaconda. Three Forks, Manhattan and Logan, all near the juncture of the Madison, Gallatin and Jeffer­ son rivers, which form the source of the Missouri, auatained the greatest loss. The courthouse at White Sulphur Springs fell and several sm aller structures' were demolished. The loss will exceed AlhSoütbern. Galifornia ' ■, ^ Shaken By Earthquakes ■ ' San Francisco, June 29.—Santa Barbara, the pictureque little city perched high above the ocean in soiithern California, suffered disaster,: the extent of which had not been determined late this morning, in an earthquake which was general over southern Cali­ fornia shortly before 7 a, lu-., but apparently struck lightly in .?ther towns. . Communication with Santa Barabra w'aa cut off immediately after tho shocks, but meager re-$100,000 and Three^ F o l t a , where . i„to ,san Franci.4- co and .Loa .A ngeles,.vithin ;the.$200,000. Three Fqrks rcsidetits counted 41 dlatiiict ahocks.', , The, Jefifersoii; riyer,'’ ; a ahqrt. distance 'abqve „tliiè,; conyorgence point, was lowered two '■ IqqE.,'by tha quake,,,,,.,^;,i,..;,: Hundreds, qf ,mpn.;\ypro;^yorl^ing in the miiiq}) ,.aj;'„Biitto,.and-;Ana­ conda as .' .the ; earth’s'' trembled, but 'ill tho'^l.OOO miiés of, undorgroundiiworklngs;,: there waa nq damage ’accpl'ding to'Biltte repOrtSi The minors, rushed , to the ; surface when -they* folt the s h o c k s .^ 1 Dr, VC. P. Clnpp, prosldorit. ,<3l’ the University of , Montana,, who ia conside,r(j^ an authqrity;.on. ge­ ology, deòliired there is ‘little P . Ò S - aibility that' another quako \viir bo felt ili Montana fqr ' several years. Це salci the probable cauae of tho trem bler was the mqvlpg of a “'fauU’*;;liV:tho;,oastern part of tho'. mountain , region of Mori- tanai. .The'mountains in the vici­ nity :havó;;many “faults,'!, which are brqken strata, pushed, up or clown by.fconvulsions of tho;;oarth. Wonderful Progretó^^ì|| In South Reflected gl Southern Railwai^s Anhual néw'f ,// ' Port Dieclosçà V>Some Intei:- " ; esting FactH. " FREIGHT TONS DOUBLED i?,' Washington, June 28.—^The'i^\!^^ wonderful progijess made 'by 'the 'jP': south in ;the expansion and (livor-ivmJi«, slfication of its ;manufacturi|i^j.j''“?' activities during the paat 20 yew^ЧЙ- is graphically shown by-,flg tlÄ ^ ;’' contained in tho annual rcport’i^ 'jJ of the Southern Railway ju st'lia-!'»¡У";! aucd, ' Frob 1904 io 1924 the Lon.^ ,ni)xt two hours said that most of the buildinga on;:Stato street had been destroyed, V ö bf-j,thom ¡the ■famoiis-.Arlington hotql,.:t\iìeiu\ing. hostelry. There) was noimention .......... ____________ of loaa 'ofi'.JIfQi.iiii . -<iiv! . ú'<\ ; 'manufadtà'rèVj'^'pè'oductsi:.-'-..lnoÌiÌd-if-* rted', i „ „ „ii' i'Auú (línii''f'nvlíiftil FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WILL COMPLETE THIS FISCAL. YEAR WITH BiGwSUílPLUS - Nevv ’i.'^rk.'—The following health "d6,n’ta”';f6r hot ‘weather w ere;iisted today by Health Coiri.: missioner. Doctor Frank J;. Mon­ aghan: ' : “Don’t overheat or ever drinic; Drinki at least aix glasses of w at­ er, cooled but not iced, daily. “Don’t overwork. ; v“Don’t wear heavy clothing. > pon’t ; fall to : ;sleep, w ith. i the wjndews open. ^<<Dbi!^t;^fail;;'tO'-; bathe.i daily£ ;.v;: , “Don’t eat - food that is not frasii**’' • i'-i'''" COURT DECIDES KISS IS WORTH 0 CENTS. ....■ New York, Juno 20.—A Brook­ lyn Supreme court today decided a kiss stolen from Miss Bella Weiner, 18 yoar.s,old, of Brooklyn, ■vi'as worth six cents. Miss Wein­ er; had brought a $10,000 damage suit against Jacob Lishinsky, of Manhattan, who she said kissed h er,when she applied at hia .offlce lori'a;joK.::,'He denied the'ch arS.. The jury awarded her six cents , daW ^s;-""'""t!ni - ii.iiir■ I' iiiniiirii'.iv'.i: mii . .niniiiui: .tinHiiif- ’¡i //itjiin lu ir Washington, Juno 27.—The foderai gnvornmont w ill finish the fiscal'year next Tuesday with a surplus In excess of $245,000,- 000, nearly 50 millions greater than any previous estimato and moro than' twice as large as was .calculated when the year bo^an. Although tliVee more business days, includinif today, remain be­ fore final figures are computed, official reports up to tho close of business last night warrartted of­ ficial statements that tlie fond-, ■est expectations in the m atter of siirpus had been exceeded. ,,Another phase of treasury op- eratioiis that gave rise to feelings of satisfaction wtis thé continued upward ' trend of receipts from incomé taxes. Excluding, the last three days of-this month, revenue from thia source alone aggregat­ eci, $1,749,697,000 or 80 million cioi- lars more than' tho èstimiito upon which thé 'budget was liaaed when the year’s appropriations ; 'svore made and the final days of the month will soe this figure increas­ ed, for few of tho'internal rev­ enue collectors have completed their totals on coll.ections for the June 15 quarterly payment. ; Despite the reduction in tax ratea wlilch have been effective through half of tho current fis- ' in thè highor aurtaxea -aìij'óady. had called forth some capitai fi'o m .Jiid im . a ,,,./.,., AÌIthdùgTrH'qcVe“®^^ tako no stepà in'' calculation of tax ratea until thè final figures aro in, .it has been indicated that he w lil favor a cut of $300,000,- 000 In thè total ttix. THE BRIDGE CLUB MEI’ W^TH ‘ MRS., T. F. MEROrifiy,' Tho Bridge club was;iBVitertaincd at one of the most delightful meetinga of the suminer on Wod- ne.sday nfternoon when Mrs. Thos. P. Meroney waa the hostusa to the club meinbcsrs and a number of additional giicsta at her,hom,e.; on Salisbury .street.; The .guests were tuet at th e; door by ; Miaa ■Emily Eociwell, sister of tlio hqs- tesB, .aiid -directed to the punch bowl which was placod in'-'tho dining, room arid hero Mias Dot'o- thy Meroney received. The liv­ ing room and dining room wero thrown en suite and aix tables ¡'were placed for bridge, and rook. A color scheme of laverideiv and white was carried; cjut in; the def corations, refreahments, tallies anti prizes. Sweet peas •were us- oii;In profusion,,; tos-ether, .with shasta daisies and naaturiums. At tiie' conclusion of the i'ariiea it waa found that Miss Kaüiryne Brown hold high acore in bridge .Two ,otherihotals worq.Vopor.-.. de'stl'oyed, Gabrillo; llouao and a big bqiich.,hoteb. Vs’;! n( * ;EyQ.witnéaáes returning.to.'Ven-, tiira from Sarita Bai'bai.’a report- ,ed that' SíintaiúBarbáríí’s,' ' .water, 'mairiaii^.ad'.jbu.iat;;; tho city. '‘t,'Nd-fir,é a íw e ra ^ ' ; > Thq earthqiiakc'vyaafeit strong-; ly ln 'San;Frán;c,i8Cói . L o b , An¿elosi' Hollywqüd.aricisiutrbiihclinglqwna; but no damage was. reported. The' shock e.’ítónded a s , far north-> as; Bakersfield. i : Santa Barbara’s, hotels -are not crq\yded this tlmoíqi’ thq year as winter is the big sbason, yet thorq la a brisk; iiiilux of i tourista, the year around. The population' is about, 20,000. , Santiv Barbara, Calif,, June'; 29, —A ll the bricl; buildings in;Santa Barbara ,were dúmollahed this morning. Including the Arlington Hotel, by the ' earthquake which awept the atate, rtrid which aeema to have centered its ferocity on thia city. W ater maina tind riv­ er reaervolrs were broken and the city was partly flooded, Two ;(;'ires started in the city, but so far little dainage has boeri reported done by theae. It ia feared there may be con­ siderable loss of life, particular­ ly in the ruina of tho Arlington hotel,-one qf whoso w alls collaps­ ed like an’ eggshell. The maili sU'eet of tho city up- heaved and buckled Under tüo trembler, and asutho water mains parted 'geysers shot up thru 'the payomeiit.: ; Accompanying the quako were tremondqus waves which rushed in from tho bay; iind floodor' the Ibvylands. The largost building in the city, the Gránadd Block, withstood the shoéki ' C0NC01ÍJ) NEW ^ ___ and w as given a-lavender Peter cal year, total internal revenue'Pan pencil, the rook high score receipts aro expected to fall on­ ly' about :$220,000,000 below the receipts of the last fiscal year,, which totalled $3,976,912,000. •Total receipts; to June , 26, of this year, wero roughly, $3,760,- 000,000, J , , , Since receipts from .income ta.xes thus far are only ahout. 80 millions below those from- the samó source in the, fiscal year 1924, it thus bBcomes,pl)v.i.qu.|i;,:j;,lint the shrinkage in the revenues has been iri the niiscellarieous groupi| and as a result of the abolition of certain taxes, O fficials, how­ ever, have not had tiriie to ana­ lyze this phase of the.year’s busi­ ness. ' , , With the approach of the end of the fiscal year, the subject of tax revision was stirred again .among th e, ;few officials in ■‘the' city. ,' Suggestl'dns 'wáibé*'' made ,fréely„th^t; iéf!íPÍSflS?lfeií.ftWple ,ducing,..4 t_a,..BreateJL„ratio.„thaii had. been e.xpected and some bf-xpected flcïk'ls'bëliéW ’ÏKât' , .iniiliúji'i, ;i(ii('. ing all' l'éss.tliah'cVrlb(Ul;frolgj)t|i| liAndlcd by the Southern 'itic‘roftH-'®!'r® ed froiH''5i820,'828 ,tC) 12,èOÌ',078,^j(7i5 to'rieà,’'òiv;Ì,lÌ; pér''éont.' ;,'^',' During the'saine,' ,perlqd 'ton.'! of 'pródiicb';ofvmirio8'*|iricVoiià«® ed from ’'¿,5Ó8,<Ì7X :to 18,ÒÒ0',3l<l75. tona, or 11''0' por ceiit, ati inlèreati'V/l •rà'g ' 'íЦ't■‘¥6|i{к.■,^'lípfc‘'^thi!^^^ velopriiònt;;ó'f ;-hyclroelectriC'^pow_-,^’iS ,érail.thq.SOtitlv'-::V^:.^ '■ 'fho, tonnage of products.i forests -^iiicreasqci from 8,007,I74'''I»^^^ to 7,785,830; oi^'110^por’i;contJ'''pr9'4W'W ducts ■ of agi'icuItuvl :from- 782 to '4','232,^S<'t, or Vfl per còni and products of anim als fróm 285,844 to,'il«l,»34,'tons, or Ci ,por.;,kf " conti''',;:;;:;:^;.:;;,'.;-.' “A ;notq\voji;thy 'feature ■ of'.-this;' I'fi/iij exhibit,”; siiyayihe report, “is th'e;' eviidérico,it jiffords of the south’s lirilforili ’cieyel,qpmont along - all; lines of ecónqmtc ondcitvor. Moro and riioro every, year ■ aouthern factorleis draw their, ' raw [muto--,,, , rials, from-southern farms, forcptfi‘_i"i'^ and'.minés.’' ,:r,; ’ The repcirt also calla attqntion''t ';|;fi] to the phoriominni 'dovolopmqrit’;ofv||,^ the .textilo industry ln,,thq;;aouth > and its oi^iterisiori tq'; new.; flqlds'.i^a in wo'atorn North Carqlina, east-’ ern Tonneasebi and ’ , northern; Georgia ; 'the i\iarkod oxpariaion oC cement m aiiufacturlng, and tho; healthy growth 6f the southern) iron and stool Industr'y. * , ' •-------—— —, OAK GROVE NEWS prize ,was won by M rs.; P¿ G. Brqwn, two dainty lavender guest towels. The hostess, assisted by Miss Dorothy Meroney and Mrs. E, Cl inn I'd LeGrand, served a de­ licious salad course corisistirig;of stiiffed tomatoes, sandwiches, olives)v pickles, saltinea and iced ; tea,', followed by orange ice serv­ ed iri la'vender, paper cups and orange cake. ;; ; - • _.|^,’'rhq; invited guests on this qc- ¿aaion ) were ; Mes'damea E. Cliri- ard-LeGrarid; P. G.' Bvqwn, ;Max Brown, ! B. Frank Mci\Iillian, of- Lumberton; Roy Holthouser, Hugh Sanford, John C. Sanford, Lester P. Martin, B. C. Clement, Jr., W. H. LeGrand, J. B. John­ stone, John K. Meroney, C, F. Me- rpney, E ., H. Morris, Roy Feezor, H arry Fyne, of Henderson; W. 'Norman Clem ent;. M isses Elva Sheek; H azel‘"B aitÿi Kiithryne iJVTOn, !:,jÇ,opeli.aj(^ii'p^ |. Kftt Meroney,.„Oasie I. AUlaon,.._ Bertha , ;Mrs. I. C. Berrier and' four small: children ■ have returned home; after , spending the past week in, Mocksvillo with relatives and friends. ; Mr. Bivnner M artin .andi fam ily of Cqoleomee visited; Mr, Martin, T huraday'night, Mr. /and Йга. fl, ]^, .peadmori had as their 'week ;ond ‘: guests. Mi', and M rs./^brth .Thompsori and son, Irving,; of Sallabury, and M r.' and Mrs. Abe Ratlqdge, of .Winston-Salem. Miaaea Sudie and Ruth Deacl- mon and Miaa Edna ‘-Hartley apeiit Sunday w ith ' M isses Dorothy., aiid 3Villib' Mao; Berrier. / -'; Mesar's Rufiis,; -,Dwiggins aricl Herman Berrier spent/ Saturday in Salisbury on business. Rev. Green I’illed ,hl4 appoint- ment Sunday with a Itirgo с г^ с Щ ',Н ^ ‘present. ' ',., Mr. M. F. Harbin of Kannapo-' Hs- is apending some tiine here. Mrs.; J. W ,'Sum m ers .who .hits been ill for some time clocs not aoem ,t^ improve, sorry to-note.” I' Mr, James Bovyles/ of; IKanna*i" polla was a Sunday vlsltor^hero*': ; Mrs.' C. ,Wi -Heiiler . apenti'Sun-!': day at Harmony with her sisterj. Mrs., J, A.; Hepler, . ............. Mr. ,J. P.' W hitaker is still on the sick list, sorry to note., Miss Alice Hepler spent’a lew days 'the pasf, -week In; Wl'iaton--. Salem with her slater, Mrs. 0. R; Oakley, ^ ,; Rev, ,'and/Mrs. Holton'of VTwini', C ity'w ere, visitors here one day, the paat week, ' T\Irs.' L ., J.' McClamrock qf Kan-v napqlis spent the week ei^d with her son, Mr. C. L. McClamrock« | ''''ifj 'MÍS.4CS Alma and Mae Cun-- . rilngs of Winalon-Salem-spent ono , ' s'*, night ;thé' past week with Miss Alice Ileplor. : : i\Ir. Lawrence Kirkland-of Wal-" riiit Cove was a Sunday visitor' here. ' Mrs. M. L; i Barnhardt . arid¿ daughter, spent, Sunday in W ins^spent the past week vyith relativ- , .-с-;'“'н;-. »ml-«™, J. м. oí ' M oçkpille spent Sunday .with;;tho/,i 5 /turned home after:, spending- a week in ,Winstbn-Saiem: with re latives. , : / ’ Mr. Joe Thompson and; fariiily of;Salisbury visited in our com­ munity. Sunday.. / , , - . We had a good.rain in this sec­ tion Stinday afternoon which we have heen needing for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. P. - R .: Davis i and Mrs.,;Eunice Everhardt and 'C hild­ ren, were visitors,, at Mr.i Sam Gar- -jvoqds; of Fork 'I'Bundayi. lattersnicither. ; Mrs. l\'Iargaret Bovyles who ‘has;/ been .ill fqr some time does not improve,very much. ■ Mrs.; G, ;,W. ;McClamrock is on/ the sick list, sorry to note. i ;V., :, static. > .F rie iid -‘i'Whafc a horrible noise; icome.s from' that radio setI'V Radio Fan—“Well, I guass' Vou'; M iss,,Viola;..Smith nhas> been'-make just-'aa'b ad 'a noise If,you ' » И ' f> r M j Л arid some of- Jackson, Dorothy Meroiiey, Lindaiapenditig.iaome tdme:in Bixby with weM''doitilligi"<>Ut'’'‘of ;'either."—i-’ ;'‘ihe^it*’ed'udtli3n Gr‘¿ir''£il‘emWt^'and''w¡líie''MiПer. relatives,(jiiiiii..-u. ih. . '.' i/-' V*WefekIy Scdtaman; : j ; v i n . v ^ ■ ■ ■ «iM iiii,!)! I i l i ' ¡ I I I J ' I I I , , i ' i i > ' , ; ..v « ''* ,;- / ' , ’ ^ i ." ’*’; u i_. M '' t4 toi. W 1 >»»» i ‘4 i % n t , ‘7’iiirò s-;;'Г1Ш I\IOCKSVILLB PNTBRPKIS13 |Ш чЧ'‘У COOIíEESíílMH.JERUSALEM .iW i’TJ.-J'i’JjiiURCm O S ’ D. li\ p«aU )i‘.) Ш 1-Х ^erinii $11.19. Next Kuntmy , ChiJcli'eii’s .Dny Avill b(j oDacrvoil at ElbavlJJo, with an all iluy ; aei’vicc. Thcao acrvic- ! ‘i'iir'-u liunrir&d ami Bixly-thi'cu ca imvu been lino at aii Ihb chur- ’were’ at Sunday school ni. Cool- dies this yeai’, and wo are per- «'¿jS ........ '....................... ■ ■ ■ ■ ' • ■ - ■ .................................................... r')V^ ’ ' Il' i : oemeo Ddptist .church last fiun- dioiinB a line one at Elbaville. day. Thia was the last Sunday,Como nnd be with us. ;; Superintendent, Bro.v T. E.- Spryj 1 v A number of singers ropresont- ■ is to bo w ith' ud beioro he moves ing th‘6 Sobren Normal school of . tQ. Albemarle , >yhei-o he , has .: ao-1 muaic'.to be taught at the graded copted a posiUon with tho V ir- school begining Ju ly 20th w ill gm ia -Life Insurance Co.' It was visit the following places for, the , fittin g t h a t a . good attendance j purpose of registering students, should greet Him, since he, has Salem Thursday ..n ig h t; Smith лvorJíed so faithfully to buiW up ¡Grove Friday night; Farmington J the -fichool. Great .improvement I Saturday night; Cooleemee'Sun- hns been piade in the organization day afternoon; Fork Church Sun- and efi'iciency,,of,the school dur-|day night. All who are interest­ ing his: superintendancy. Our ed will please communicate the people regrot very' much his go­ ing. However we shall follow .,\,'him;:nnd his,family with our pray-' ' órs and very best wishe.s. , prof. C. ^B. Rollins of G’reer, S. Cr, w as-w ith'us,rat 'Sunday-school w riter or Í.Prof. C. ,W. W illiam s. SPECIAL Se r v ic e s K '• ßilv ' Ì itk kW4r* i Method^ , , . , . n , ¡N .'C Beginning Stmday, June ajid church service last .Sunday. 28; continuing ten days or two He with three young Bros; from ^veeks. Rev. 11. II.’ Jordan and Yttdkin greatly pleased .our poo- r^v. A. Burgess will assist the pie by ronduriiig several .quartet- p.^gtor Ì Tho‘church desires to promote qnUyuaUor three brothers ^ ,.onl revival. -'if Questions t i think about._ vsniiiing with Rolhns Sunday. ig your Religious experience sntisfactorj’’? Do you have members of your fam ily unsaved?' ' ; Are you w illing to help interest them? Do you love your neighbors? Are you faithful to your chur­ ch? In this meeting are you w illing üroiplanning to have Mr. Rol- 'Ипя 'With; us-;in,.Soptember, in .a J three weeks training class arid, flop« to have the 'Quartette with! ' us again. B ro.'R ollins w ill be 'I with the pastor in a meeting at Jerusalem beginning thé fourth ' Sunday in July. The w riter was very much to ^ T ^ u r S ' t o winThe, unsav- Assoeiation of Davie County to ed? ' P « ïn v î last^Monday i Members of other churches 'are M i’ r co-operate, by personal '2 S , n . and prayer. A ll are wel-Advance, Farmington and the come • . ’ Codeemee were pre-| Work and pray. Pray and work Tf, V f p“ ° —Get Right and Keep Right withVille, Knox of Cooleemee wero^Qmj ■ ; ’ daily at 10:00 a. m.,menta. Fike and .Turne;;^ w ere'„„j g.Qo-p. m. :g;s..,, not present Cor some causò. The. ■ Ev .ï.rrhi.“zs:.'£'’Æ‘;h”i W '-Ann B .w b .k ... .„.I M...3 these would-judge that the people Frank Burton, of Winston, wore quietly married in Thomasville.attondeci: church in Davie County; m , ,, splendid Ï Ï n l u S Î l î o  ^ Saturday-afternoon by ■ the -, m atters pertaining to moral and bi;other.in-law. Rov. uohn : religio us. ^.elfavL of the^ county, j .L T v lií T hnínn ' lèÌìwÒM::tlitìcùkicd; adjournment was,! - / to meet with Byo. AViff. .t ' Thursday, Ju ly 2, 1925 MOCK'S CHURCH NfiVYS with US at the C¿oleemeá Baptist no^it Sunday afternoon, be ehuvdi from' Thursday night th r-, ^ , Qu:rh Sun'd’iy, to teach tho Man- Yadkin I'lai and boofd the young peoples v work in bu;- church. ,t L pastor ' is vrry anxious to have all the' Kev. E. W. Turner filled his re- Bapti.st yortng peoplo attend the aPPo>ntment at the Baptist services, Mr Morgan w ill con- Saturday and Sunday. du.u service Suii'day-morning nnd Brp. .Turner alw ays brings a help- ni^hl. lor the benefit .of thev . chaveh at'larg e. . Misses Kathaleen and Vasta Wu were glad to-have a numberhome after of the Jerusalem members with us so v fal days with re- - at The evening worship - last Sun- Salisbury and Bndin1 M Sheets and fam ily, of Sp'iV ami H u i™ Sp-lV m i Ju lia W arner last Sunday, ^ e regret to loóse those faithful mem- ¿^^^s Ivie Aaron, of Winston, were bers but commend them for their taking the church letter with them r rnmfiv' nfag they are moving to other .places ° Lankfoid and family,^ of to iive. Wu hopü they w ill join the ’ church nuurest them the first Sum lay in thoir new homo. I, Tlie loall teani from Malne^mo- "A li,:ht that doos not shine torcd down last .Saturday afte^ beautifully around the fam ily i ,and. played an jnterosting table at home is not fit to take a loni; way off to do a groat s e r - - ^ ° ' f ?work they did at .the; end of thevice .some where else.' ' Бе Hure to iioaiv Perry Morgan next Sunday. ; ' ■ m o c k sv il l f: c h a r g e m . p . CMURCH (J. T. Sisk, pastor..) .. TJio Uhildren’s Day service at. Bethel w.'is fine, %yé had a large crowd and the chikU’en did their part well.. The offering amounH:- ed tb ?11.4p.;.' We -vyero at Unio.n Chapel at •Jiifiht-;v<heré vve'.were greeted by,’ a large congregation. , The Sunday Schools. Bethel No, )-jroSent 140, offer­ ing !f3.25. Union .Chapel No. pre­ sent i:i3, offering ?2.00. Blba- ville No. present 93, offering ?1.43. I.'julins No. present 85, of­ fering 45 cents.. ' Bethel leads in both number present and offering. There jilUwrj vvere 140 present with' only 118 ^ on .roll. PA 1 am sorry that I did not get the report from Elbaville Sunday ______ _____________ . , school last .Sunday as it is such or, M ary'Lee', all spending" sove- a,good one so I am going to givolrul days at Cornatzer with Mr. , it this week. No present 77, of- and Mrs. Allen Smith. giime thé -score 'stood 7, and G in favor of the home team. ■ Mr. S. B. Garvvood has returned home to the delight of his' many friends,’ Mr^ Garwood has beep in a Winston-Salerii hospital for sev­ eral months. Miss Ruth Hairston left last wdek to spend the :surrimer 'near W alnut Cove. Littlo Miss M argaret Kimmer, of Speii'cei'j is spending some time with her uncle, Mr. G. S. Kim- mer. ' ,■ \ ■Quiet a largo, crowd attended the birthday dinner given at Mr. Taylor Koontzs’ last Sunday, ,, Mr. and' Mrs., Renan Carter, of the' Twin City, visited relatives here last Sunday. Little Bliss Elizabeth Ratledge, of Mocksville, spent last >yeek with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ,1-1. S, Davis, Rev, W. H. Hardin held service at Aseonsion , Chapel last-Sunday afternoon and , delivered a fine sermon to his congregation. Mrs. Mamie Carter and daught- The crops are still ; suffering from the lack of rain. The farm ers are about through threshing \yhoat in our section, and , they report a short crop. . Mr. John Mock and chilclron, also Mr. John Baity, , of Thoinas-, ville, spent Monday evening with Mr. I. II. Mock. ' Mr. and M rs.. Geo. P.. .Beau­ champ spent Sunday with , Mr. Steve Beauchamp at Lewisville. Ml', and Mrs. E arl Myers, of Fork, spent the week end with Mr. J. T. Phelps. \ Mr. and Mrs. M. R., Jones, spent the week end with BIr. Ы. P.,Cor- hatzer at Baltimore. Г Mrs. Annie Carter and children, also Mr. Vi^llie. Orrell spent' Sun­ day in rWinsto.n-Snlem vyith Mr. Charlie Phelps. ’ ' B'liss. M attie 'jorios spent a few., diiys 'the;.pnst; woe Mr. E.' M. Jones'lit Blocksville. BIrs. A.lbprt Folds, pf Winston- Salenv is spendillg a few days with Mrs.-O. F. Jones. ' ' ' .. j\Ir. aiid Mrs. 0 . B.~Jones, of Wiristpn-Salem spérit Sunday with Mr. J.. T.. Phelps. ; ' Mr. .and Mrs. Lonnie Myors, of Wiijs'tori-Salom, si)ont ' Sunday with .Mr. N. H., Myers.' Mr.) and Mrs. Charlie Essex, of Clemmons, spent Sunday with Mr. W. M. Esse.\. M isses Helen and Modelo Or^ roll spent the week end with Mr. Jim Beauchamp at Rodland. LeGrand-Long Mr. W illiam LeGrand, who trav­ els for the-^Philadelphia Storage Battery Co., and M iss M argaret Long, of F air View, .were married in Asheville on June 23rd. - Wo wish this young couple a long and happy life. t S S M É É i" Fòr AM , s S Tine Family iirai'' ■ ■ -tf-. , « ' "'W’o uso BlftoU-Draueht lii ^ SEI our family of slx olilltlron and w iilml It a.Bood llvor. and bowal : ® ,m ' regulator,'', snya . Mra;! C., B. ™ Nutt, ot Mineral Springs, tip ^ Arie. "I have taKon It my; ^ am ..ablt In tho last two or throo iisni W years ■ for IndifiOBtion. I p f r ,'WouUV ieol dizzy,' have gas '^ 1 and:Bour stomach;:also,;fool a'laik rIJJ: tlghtnesa In ray choat. I'd,'^ '-VSU take a good doso oi ^ lísfíisierioSdiü NORTH The Piedm ont—i Fam od fo r bright tobae- . 00, corn and ootloiu and m ore roacntly foy hydro- oleotric pow er, ^»pindl'a, . i h om e and a ' vast indtia- trial and oom vieroial cx- , - paiiaimi in which J e ffe r - 'son ■Standard m o n e y has been . of oom tant i.aam t- : anoe, .. ■ ■■■■ ■ '■'■■■■: .' \ Hundreds of thousands of dollars ann- : . ually are being paid to North ' widow's and orjihans bj^ the Jef^ Standard—more than any otiser single ' Company.I • ; . ' ' With Jefferson Standard’s fourteen millions of dollars of investments work­ ing in,practically every hamlet and vil- ,.lage in North Carolina, it is only natur-, al that right-thinking Tar Heels should insist, more and more, that their insure , ance needs be covered with a Jefferson" Standard policy. Doesn’t it follow that thè policies of this BIG HOME COMPANY are **Easier to Sell in North Carolina’* We have Agency openings .for the right t^ e of men in different sections of North Carolina. ' Write to Julian Pricey President OtaíAx.'.. INSÜRANCE GOMPANT ■ OïïEÉNSBÔi^q,- N . C. ' ■ i n s u r a n c e in jc ^ c e р\>ег- o f a S ill/ on :,es:sP iiiEi!iiiicai№i!2ii№iiiiiQiiiii!aiiraaiiaiiiiiaiiiiEiiiii№ip I U^erMsicjne Ш1vhen I folt that -way, and It would roUovo mo, and I would ^ ■23 fool'bottor for dtaya. '.IS?* , "My husband tnkoa it for y blliouBnoss.- Ho says ho.bnB ^ •iti never found its eaual. Wliou e.fi’ ho hns the tired, Uoavy fool- ing, he takes UlacU-DrauBht Lt : 'k'i nijht and morninB for a fow ■ w vf.a daya and ho doesn't complain any more. iij "I Duro do rocommond Thod- K? .-Mj iot'A'ii Black-Dvftiisht." iS T»ur , liver. Is the largest /il in your body. -Whan' K®' j cut' of , order, it causoH many 'J oDDiplalnta. Put your llvor iM. JSa . in. shape by taking Blank- .Draught. ; Puvcly vogotablo. ^ Sold Everywhere e.,,,|75 IN OUR NEW 'LPCATION ; W E W IS H T O 'A N N O U N C E R E M O V A L A N D T IfE O PE N ­ IN G O F O U R N E W G A R A G E .AN D SE R V IC E ST A T IO N . -. W E H A N D LE ST A N D A R D G A SO LIN E A N D O IL S A T S T A N ­ D A R D P R IC E S : ' NO B E T T E R :TiRES^^^^^^^A^^ TO B E fO U N D T H A N F IS K A N D :H Q O D T IR E S F O R T H E M O N E R IlSiV E ST E D A C O R D IA I .I N V iT iril()N is;E i:T E N D E i:):T U S IN O U R':W E W ,LO G A TIO № M .M C O M M A N D B R IN G Y W R FR IE :N D S. ■ . m o ck sv ilij: motor company Mocksville, N. G. Just" below our. old location. : 0 Î*] a Ш (игапгапшппшши MEN’S OXFORDS mHiiiii!si!iimii!it3iii!3Ìi!iaiiiiìa!ii!igiii!!3ÌiiiE!ii!ia!i!mi!i!i3iiiis2i!iiiaiiiiBi!iiEiii!miiiiaii!iai!ii!3iii!caiii!M , ALWAYS GOOD. $3.50,4.00,4.50,5.00,5.7S SERVICABLE COMFORTABLE Do/.enH of styles to select frofiii • < • Graduated Jitte rs to serve you. Come to our store for and have the satisfaction of knowing you have the propei-' shoe for your. foot. . ' JONES & GENTRY THE SHOE MEN • 447 Trade St. WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA > When you buy a Cake from us you can count on it being goocf. We do not ulepend upon lucls. Measured portions of'pure, ^YhpIci9ome ingredionts, tempe'raturc-g'overned ovens, all combine to make our Cakesiespecially good. Our specialty—M iller’s , Southern Cake. “Made to Suit the 'Southern Housewife;” , ' . ' ’ ,, 35 cents per pound ■ See our Window Display ALLIS0N-J0H1MÉÍN- : Phone 111 ' : Our Meats Are Always Nice And Fresh. Love makes the world go around when it should bo asleep.—Nash­ ville TennesBean. Two great draw-baoks to a dry world aro thirst and tradition. Toleda Blade. Figures recently released fyy the U. S. Department of Agricul­ ture show 29 million pounds less frozen and cured pork on hand than the general average for the last five years. i’ . I ' '............. ■ '■'¡ШШi ' >V V* 'l’luirsday, Ju ly,,2 1,926 4 .------- ,MOCKRVILI-E ENTERPRIST'’ “lîlOD” HOWARD AND “PINK” HENDRICKS .1 AILED ON MUUBEU CHAUGE Ito w a rd Surrendci-ed to Officers Monday nnd Confessed to the . K illing of E llis Stewart HENDRICKS DEFIES CRIME “Red” Howard nnd “Pink” Hondriclcs, two whito men, aro in Davie county jail awaiting a jn’ollminary hearing on the charge of m uriler-^killing Ellis Stewart, aged '55, who Was, found dead.in the road three weeks ago between .Pork Church and Bixby; ' ■ Howard aurrehderöd to, the sheriff late Blonday, confessing that he and Hendricks were i’e- sponsible for the death of Stew- nrt. In his statement tu the of­ ficer Howard is quoted as saying that he had not been able to sleep or get any good rest sljice the crime and that he had decided to give himself up, tell the whole story regarding the killing and accept the judgement, of the court. ’ According to the alleged state­ ment given the sheriff by How­ ard, the three mon had been en­ gaged in the manufacture of whiskey when a diaagrooment arose and Hendricks took a shot' gun and fired upon Stewart, killing him almost instantly. The two men then carried the body and placed it in the middle of thu road, where it was run over by one or more automobiles. Thé report thcji hécame currciit that Stewarts’ death was tho result of an auto accident. Hendricks w as' arrestod at his home about two’ o’clock Tuesday morning and brought to, jail. It ia understood that: he stout- , ly denies the truthfulnes.s of'the nlleged .statement made by How­ ard, contending that he did not kill Stewart and had nothing to do with the crime. Both men are married and will 1)0 held in jail without bond for n hearing. It'ifl not known whe­ ther a prelim inary hearing will be arranged. ' The next térm 'of Davie Superior court w ill’ not bo held until August. " c a n a'^n e w s ' NO SUMMER VACATION FOR AGi’tiCULTURAL COURSE Boys taking A griculture'in the High ijcliool'. may be glad when 1 '..‘chooi fiioaes in the tipriiig but chi y don’t lay aside thoir books and forgel them until tho school opens ill fall. Each fellow who passed his. work is nov/ trying to put into practice some of the thuu's no learned last winter through ;his Hupervisel.1 practice v/prk vvlth some kind of. crop. He is not surprised any day to. haye a .v isit, from the ■ Agricuitiir.al teacher to inspect his record't>polf and see how: the^ ‘‘crop”'is getting along.','-'■' This is a relatively new ,field in high school instruction but it enhances the value of an educa­ tion to the boys mind and shows him that there is a practical turn to the things that he learns in school. It al.<!0 serves somewhat as a cbnnectiiig link between his natural pliy'iical energy and the desired brain eneigy, thus uti­ lizing instead of suppressing the former in school work This, in the' eilst of many boys, helps ma­ terially in' keeping them interest­ ed in school wv'rk nud likely holds some that would otherwise drop out. Another .big: :K'v:intngo to this kind of work in ch",t it is the best way of enabling the student to ktfep the things ho has learned, 'rha project Or jh'octico, work is constantly bringing .up problems that must be; renewed : iii order to properly carry on this work. When j;he teaclier visits-tho pupil and finds him making ejceuses for not haying done certain things io his project he still has the satis­ faction pf knowing that tho idea has been put across in the pupils mind even if he can’t follow the best practices In his work which is nearly always the ease. These are some of the reasons for an all-the-year course in Agriculture. ;--------------o — — ^ THE BETSY ROSS FLAG Town Tax CoIIector^s -Sale Of Laed For Taxes* Miss Mossa Eivtqn, who; has been Iji Raleigh for tho past.yoar is visitinif her motiier, Mrs. Suaair Eaton. "" ' '. v: Mr. and Mrs, R, .W . Collett spent last Saturday in"W inston- SaleVn. ' Wheat has nearly all ' been thrashed hero, and the yield is hotter than it was first thought to bo. It is still very dry here and gardens and crops suffering from the drought. 'We have not had a good' rain since tho middle of May. i ' We are glad to note the con­ tinued improvement of Mr,' San­ ford Stonpstroot. He and Mrs. Stonostreet are now V with his brother, Mr, M. B. Stohestreet at Moekaville aiid, we, hope soon to see them at thóir home hero. Mr. W ill Harbin, with his,.crew of brick masons are busy putting up the w alls for, the new church building at .Eaton. This w ill be a modern chiirchi \yith Sunday school rooms and btlier.' necessary oqiiipment, and our pepiile are proud to see the .’building going Ul), Mr. J. B. Cain and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon with h if pai-- ents at Mocksville. , ; , The Junipi’ Phiiathia Class of Eaton’s Sunday -school v/iU give a Lawn Party on the Cana school ground; on Satiii'day ; evening, July llth . Every body invited to attend.' . ' ------T-----------------------— " , IN CLEMEN-rS COURT The following persons in^ the 'I’own .'of Mocksville and in tlie School: D istrict of Mocksville Schools having, failed to pay .their Town t.i:''6s and Mocksville School District-Ta-Kos :ior .the year 1024 ] will ' offer; for salé at-tho Court Houso ' in .Mockavllle, ':N.:.p,,: on jMondav tho'íird., day of August,. 1925-the following tractsvor parcels of land to satisfy said taxes.' In' addition ,to ..the ¡amoUnt Pf taxes due by you tho cost of advertising and selling this;land will:.be;added which, amóü'nts to $1.40 on each piece of land advertised. ...When yoii come to seftle bring thia extra amount. :, The following is the: list of names of those’ owing; taxesy : the number of acfcs of land and the amount of taxes duo for ,1924 le-is the $1;40 costa on each tract of land: : ' Name ■ . . M, I'. iBooe, 35 lots D. H. Brown, CO 1-2 acrea Mrs. Richard Cain, 1 lot F. ]\I. Cartner, 3 lots T. W. Cartner, 3 lots T. F. Cartwright, 1 lot Philip Clement, G lots J. N. Click, 7 lots ' ' ; D. S. Creason, 2 lots A D. P. Ratledge,. ! lot , ■R. T. VanEaton, 9G acres Miss Sallie VanEaton, 3 Jots . .. Jones, Click and W alker, 1 lot G. L. Howard, 1 lot G. L. Jones, 1 lot W. C. Jones, 1 lot J. A. Jpnes, 1 lot Kincade Bros.,'2 lots Cue La,gle, 1 lot E. S. Lapish, 3 lota.and farm ,. J. W. M artin, 1 lot W. R. IVIeroney, 2 lots Mrs. IVI. C.M eroney, 1 lot R. A. Neely, 1 lot H. F. Creaaon, 93 acrea J. V.; and''VVi H. Davis, 1 lot M rs.'Demmy Edwards, 2 lotn 0. T. Eubanks, 1 lot W. A. J ’ostor, 1 lot ' W. A. Griffin, 100 acres Mrs. M ary B. Heathman, 2 lots Henklo Craig, Live Stock Co. 7. J. L, Holton, 1 lot H. W. Hoots, 1 lot G. E, Horn, 8 lots • W. G. Howard, 1 lot W. BI. Howard, 61 acres lota The following .cíisés liavo' been tried during the past ’week before W. K. Clement, Esq: State vs, Theo; Ho^yard, allow; in g' his stock to' run at largó, fined ?25,00’ aiid cost, fine sus­ pended oh- cpnditipn that he not allow his stock,'to run .at large for two years. ' State: vs.' .Eljia Plowman, as­ sault with deadly weapon, guilty of simple assault,, finecl ^10.00 and eost^ State vs Bud Jenkins assault with deadly weapon Avith' intent to kill, defendant’ waived exami­ nation, and; was - bound over to Superior Count undei* bond of ?1,- 000.00. ■ ■ », * # « * * > DW. R. P, ANDEKSON DENTIST « # » * » « _________ * Residence Phone 87. Office ** * ; '■ Phone 60 ' . ; * . Mockevllle, N. C. * * ' * • * « « » • # » * They came to you—those patriots —when woman’s aid was needed, They asked an emblem of you in the midst of war’s alarm ,. • Aa the knight of song and story fought fo r; fame in battle’s glory, . And wore the veil his lady gave upon his good right arm. Your sw iftly snipping scissors for ’ an instant did not lag, ,- And the hand that rocked the cradle w as'the hand that made the flag.; . No more the hand and arrows fluttered o’éi\ the trpops , in Í/' conflict! '; . ’ ; ! : Y V No more they fought together un­ derneath the green pine tree; And the spitting snalio uplifted .; ; nevermore its rattles- shifted in the cannon’s belch'sinister,,as it’ warned “Don’t .,tread on, niol" For the varied Continentals had a standard all their own, ' Wiien they fought beneath a ban- ! Her tiiat a woman’s hand had , ■. 'sewn. ' ' ■ ■ It floated out triumphantly when . Cornwallis aurrehdered; ’Twiis hailed by Key in melody in . the embattled dawn; j\nd the North fought to defend , it when the South had hpped • to rend it, , ' Wjiiie it brought , its cheering message to the heights ;. of , San Juan; At St.' Mihiel it' fluttered,;-iind when the war was won, ' It told another story of another duty done. : ■: Ah, Betsy Ross, you little knew the honor that befel you. That quiet day you labored in your littlo hpmestéad, -\yhere Your nimble needle flying; sewed a nation never dying— That the little constellation that ' ' yPu clipped and fashioned thei'o Would wax in greater numbers from the cradle of its birth. And carry forth its message to the very ends of earth. —Harlowe R. Hoyt. '. —--------^-----♦---------------- SEND US YOUR JOB WORK IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Simon VanEaton, 1 lot Jess VanEaton, 1 lot Albert VanEaton, 1 lot Chao. Williamn, Est, 1 lot Francos Guithor Estate, 1 lot Sophia Gibson, 1 lot Spencer Hanes, 2 lots Amps Hanes, 1 lot Rachel Horton Estate, 1 lot Amio Hor'shaw, 1 .lot' ' . John Holonian,'10 acres . Tuno Hunt, 2 lots lish Ijames, 1 lot > Bettie Neely, 9 1-2 acres Julia Kerr, 1 lot W. A. Pettegi’ew, 1 lot Franeea Scott, 1 lot John A. Smoot, 1 lot L. A. Austin, 10, lota Bettie Booo Estate, 1 lot Ernest Brown, 2 lota M ary A. Brown, 1 lot J. P. Brown, 2 lota Chea. Carter, 1 lot John Clement E.state, 2 lota J. W. Clement, 21 acrea Giles Clement, 1 lot W ill Dillard, 1 lot Avery Foster, 1 ,lot Freelove Furches, 1 lot M illie Furches, ! lot Rufus Furehea, 28 acres Julia Gaither, 1 'lot Eligah Gaither, 7 1-2 acres Colored Town Tax •s, 27.36 13.10 i;62 ,2.00 3.46 45.28 29.57 36.52 1.50 18.50 1,76 8,00 259,72 6.49 10.80 32.50 9.00 301.09 9'.00 3.00 > 3.60 11.05 i, 6.30 20.00 21;29 7.14 181.61“ -4 2 .0 0 2.88 1.25 8.50 18.40 4.60 10.‘43 1.40 3.06 5.07 4.50 7.20 13.50 0.72 4.06 10.60 B.47' 8.93 5.40 fi.40‘ 2.35 9.90 Sohool i'Tax 10.44 ' 17.13 29.96 22.21 .94 2.76 2.00 25.68 17.14 20.60 37.87 1.91 • 26.33 3.57 10.15 1.02 4.64 150.64 1,51 14.25 6.26 18.85 5.22 '174.05 '10.46 ■ 5.22 1.74 2.09 20.05 28.32 3.65 ll.GO 12.35 4.14 105.34 24.42 17,55 ' : Í ' 1.67 .14 4.30 10.67 ■ 3.65 2.67 5.76 ' 1.04 / 3,13 3.48 ; 7.41 2.94 . 4,86 '2.61 4.18 2,ß3 3,32 8.48 2.61 3,34 3.13 5.57 1,80 4.18 '4.81 2.66 6.40 4,60 3.13 . 3.13 6,17 5.74 4.77 ' : , ' . 7-I'E. FEZER, Town Tax Collector . • .' • Juno 30, 1925, ' Town pf Mocksville, N. С SUGGESTIONS FOR SUMMER . PASTURES Raleigh, , Jiinp 29.—"Ii; is pos- siblé' to overgraze a pasture, by putting too : many animals on it,” says,S. J. I<irby, pastui'o: specia­ list for, the State College exten­ sion diviaion, “but i)s reasonably close grazing is beneficial,: inore loss is siiatained' by unclorgi-azing than overgrazing.” • : 'To, insure a good;aumriieiv pas­ ture, Blr. Kirby gives the; follow­ ing , sugiïestions '“W eeds:. shade the pasturé aiid usé much of tho plant food and soil , 'moistiire -which - résulta in: iiopr;pastures^ ospecifilly during ; dry spells. It is thorpfóre necessary:to éut thé weed's either, by^ hand or a mow­ ing machine. , ; “In now or cut over land, bush­ es should bo cut. down,. J f allow- éd to grow at will ' or u n til'thé füll moon in August bpforé eut-, ting, as is too frequently, the'ease,' the pasture will need re-see.dirig the following year, : “Pastures ahould be top-dres­ sed in the spring using either phosphoric acid, stable manure or lime, but it wil not hurt to top- dress at any time. A combina­ tion of al Ithree m aterials w ill iii some cases be necessary or other m aterials of equal fertilizing value may be used.” Mr. Kirby states that 'where there is a good sod completely covering the ground that; ^eeks givo leas trouble and the clovers and 'grasses, am less likely.tp bp injured by ' drought., ,;“Let ' some’ pf .the plants malce seed and then I’eseed either,in the fall or spring’’ says Blr. Kirby, “and a good pas­ ture will result." J ' ' READ AND LEAtlN Tho fifth edition of .Exténaion Circiilar No. 114 oh Canning' of Fruits, and Vegotablos'ia juat off the pi;eaa and a ,copy; w ill bé : m ail­ ed to résiderits; of the, Statéiupprì request to - thè ' A gricultural “Edi­ tor, State College Statioh,‘Raleigh N. C. . Cleanliness is the ^one big as- set.jh milk and :cream pi'pdueti'on, say iiyestoekworlcera.of.ffi College iextension;!:'diviyo^ii.Ti;e barn,, cow, and ; all, .utensilg - usec! in.handiing milk and cream.'shoiilcl be clean: Jf : the best dreahi: is to be produced.,;' ' Properly’ fed pullets' will more than pay for the care and e.xtra' feed by ' greater egg ' producition next .winter, say poultry exten­ sion workers. ; ' * BAXTER BYERLY, BI. D,* * Office Over Drug Store. iOf- * * flee Phone No. 31; Real- * ',*' •, ' dence No. 25. ^ * * , COOLEEMEE, N. C. ** * ■ * * #. « « i *. • TH E SO U T H E R N SE R V E S TU G SÖ Ü T K Getting business for the Southern Every employee of the Southern Rail­ way System is a traffic solicitor. ■ The 60,000 men and women in the Southern organization realize that their own prosperity depends on the prosperity of the railroad. That is why your friend or neighbor; who earns his livelihood in this rail­ road service, asks you to travel and ship via the Southern. Every one of us in thé Southern or­ ganization Has à personal interest in giving efficient ahd courteous service --■ tiie kind of service that will make ■ friends arid ¡get business for the Southern. . , .. 1 . . SOUTHERN R .A IL W A Y SYSTE.M The New Bead Construction does it ^''V '4 'fìI 1 out-inileago any tire wo liuvc ever kuovvn. ; / A now construction, oxcliisivo with Kelly»' malccs the bead an integral part of ihc tire. • This gives the entire carcass a iloxibility without wliich the new easierrriding,'longer- - wearing Kelly tread could nevei- liayo Ijoon- , achieved. Wo have the new Kelly Gord in all sizes.i :: ELLY Flexible CO.RD 'Л ,p, Ì ‘' ф Щ ' 2 < 1* ■COOLEEMEE - JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCHES i . (D. F. Putniim, pastor.), ; ' ; Preaching every Sunday morn­ ing and evening at Cooleemoc— Prayer meeting, every Thursday ni^ht—Sunday School every Sun-1 day mornliig at 9:45. 'L’. P. Spry Supt. Senior -and Jiinior B. Y., P. U.,,meet every Sunday evening at seven- o’clook-7-Preaching : at Jerusalem .tho'first and third Sun­ day.'and'forth. Sundays, at' 1:30 the.: firsi:' and third. Sundays.. A cordial in ia extended to i;lioso who read, this, to attend all these services.; '' INBIEBIORIAM . In loving memory of Blrs. Ellen W illiam s Cashi who passed away gix years; ago to day, June 27, 1919.;: In the graveyard softly sleeping. Where the flo-\vers gently wave. Lies the one we loved so dearly, In her silent lonely grave. Its sweet -to breathe your, nam e,.;. In lifq wo love you dearl.v, , • In death we do the same. Just six years ago you left u s,. How we mios you, you \Yoro so • dear, ' ‘ 1 And remember: all'.your'ikindness ' As we shed a silent tear. ^ , You shall not bP forgotten,' 'Never, from'our,;memorie3'ifado;'r;,! Our hearts will always linger, [ ' Round tho gi’Ave where y-ou wore laid. Sadly missed by husbond, child­ ren, sisters and brothers. ' ’ — Daughter, Dora. C. C. YOUNG & SON ' * FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Í , AND EMBALBIERS Peaceful be your sleep, dear motlii Biocksville Cooleemee * » Phone 133 Phone 6720 • I*;,Prompt and Efficient Service,** * # # s ^ , tf |RAW'‘ ‘’W, ■" j î î \ •! 'lyimrBdny, ,'fuly, 2 1 ' . Ш ’“f *-r.’ )>s > r-* KÍ^:,íi TÏÏE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ' ¡ ' Ы р щ SPECIAL 10 PER CENÍ CASH BISCOlINT ON ALL PUR REGULAR STOCK OF- CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, DRY GOODS, MEN'S FURNISH­ INGS, TRUNKS, BAGS, FURNITURE, FLOOR COV­ ERINGS, REFRIGERA- TORS, ICE BOXES, NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. OUR Started , July Firsllosés Saturday, Augúst First. 27 :Days of The Greatest VALUE GIVIN i I - X-' ^ . i< ' t! г Ш J b Й 'г ■ ¥‘f r IV*'Í- ■ iV ."Л i k - . V й>: ■■ I f :й,1‘- > : ..U''C' ‘Ú ),A Stocked Witli New Seasonable Mercliaiidise D a y s . W ^ e C a n O n ly M e n tio n A F e w O f T h e H O f V a lu e s W e H a v e T o O ffe r D u rin g T h is S a le . V A L U E S IÍ5.00 Paim Beach Suits at ..................................................................■■■•- $9.95 ;$25.00,2 piece serge>^ults (slim) at ..............j,................................-$15.00 $22.50 To 27.50 Whip cord suits at .....................'....................................$12.50 $15.00 Young mens and conservative at ..:............................................•=...$-9.75 $18.00 oung niens and conservative at ................................................ $12.75 $20.00 Young men and conservative at ...............................................$13.75 $25.00 Young men and conservative at ...................................................$17.75 $30.00 Young men and conservative at .................................................•$19.75 One lot boys $13.50 Suits at ...............$ 8.75 Many Odd Lots ’ Men and ;;.Bp3ra:Pants at D R Y G O O D S V A L U E S ■ ; Y .7 5 Value Colored Orgundics Sale Price .............. ............ ....... 4 8 c ,4 0 to 50c Value Colored Organdies Sale Price ............ .......................... ^ 2 9 c .2 5 Curtain Scrim Sale Price........................................................................ 1 5 c .1 2 1 - 2 Value Curtain Scrim, Sale Price ,...ii..„„................................. 9 c 9-4 Good Quality Bleach Sheeting ....................................................,.. 4 8 c 9-4 Good Quality tJnbleach Sheeting ......................................... 4 3 c LL 36 Inch Good Quality Unbleached Sheeting Sale Price"* ........... 1 0 c .2 5 Extra Quality Bleach Domestica ............................................................. 1 8 c 81x00 Good Quality Seamless Sheets ...'.................................... 9 9 c ‘ 36x45 Good Quality Pillow Cases ................../.......................;..... 2 2 c HALF-PR!GE MILLINERY ■. WE HAVE SEVERAL NICE HATS LEFT IN LADIES AND CHILDREN’S WHILE THEY LAST JUST HALF-PRICE. SPECIAL VALUE In Aluminum ware. Enamel ware. Tin ware. Floor mops, and many other things in this Department. See our Grocery Department while taking advantage of this wonder­ ful sale. AVe have many tilings that will interest you. H O S I E R Y 'V A L u i s S " $1.00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.50 ,75 $1.00 .75 .60 Greatly Reduced Pnces^ .18 .15 .40 .25 .50 .75 ^ Value Silk and Wool Crepe Sale Price ...................... Value Wash Silk Sale Price ......................................... and $1.50 Rayon Silk, Sale Price .......................... Value Crepe Voile Sale Price\^..:.... Flovi'ered Batists Sale jPrice ..................... Value Flowered Voiles Sale , Price .................i.......i...... Value Plissé Sale Price .... Value Tissue Gingham Sale Price ................................ Value Dress Crepe Good'Colors Sale Price ................... Value Dress Gingham, Sale Price.................................... Value Domino Apron Gingham Sale Price ............... Value Sun Tub Fabric, All Colors Sale Price ................ Value Lad Lassie Play Cloth Sale Price and 75c Flock Dot Voiles Sale Price and 51.00 Value Imported Dress Linen All Colors, Salo ....'л!....... Prico ... 6 9 8 9 3 5 3 3 1 1 1 "2 1 2 4 NEW HATS WE WILL HAVE A VERY NICE SHOWING OF THE NEW SPORT HATS IN WHITE FELT ANI> KIDS. nelot ?CV00'to $7.50 Men’s Psfords ........... '.............. $1.98 Pno lot Men’s Oxfords....... $2.98 Pne lot Men’s Oxfords ...... $3.98 f)ne lot $7.50 to $8.50 Ladi- . Walk-overs .................. •? .98 Pne lot $8.50 Ladies’ red N fii-ay sandals ........ $1.98 we lot $3.50 nnd - $4.00 Mic,s’ brown pumps and : W -ds ...................... $2,48 One lot $4.50, and $5.00 Ladies’ brown and gray suede Oxfords .................... $2.98 : Oho lot $G.50 and $6.75 Ladies’ black and tan sue- ... de Oxfords ................ , $3.98 Several .small lots ladies^ and ■ children pumps and ’Oxfords to close out very much below cost. Ladies’ 60c silk hose in all the neW popular shades (just receiv? ed), .,.‘1..............,..;’;....;.....,......,^ 38c Ladies’ $2.50 and $3.00 silk hose, black and brown only ............ 98c One lot ,of Children’s 15c and 20c hose, black and white, smnll sizes, Pr. ....................... 5c Hundreds of pairs men’s 15c sox in white, black riavy and tan Pr.'.......................................8 i-3c Men’s fancy sox (new just receiv­ ed), 75e. value during this sale ..........■............................ 48c ‘Hundreds of pairs odds and ends to close out during the sale. OTHER SPECIAL VALUES Boys’ blue work shirts ......„...39c Boys’ Kahka vvork shirts ..,.;.48c ■ Men’s $1.25 dress shirts attached co^ars .......................................89c Mdn’s $1.50 and $2.00 dress shirts ..................................'.......98c Men’s Nainsook Union Suits Size 38 to 40 .............48c Men’s $2.2(i blue denim over­ alls,: ...........^.,;..........;,..;....,.„.....$i.29 $1.5([) Ladies’ umbrellas .. ......98c Hundreds of other special val­ ues in this sale that we. do not have space to mention. ' Al l NE# MERGHANDISE,: NO OLD OUT-OF-DATE STUFF, PRACTICALLY ALL BOUGH] 'REMEMBER JULY' I!S SPRING AND SUMMER’S SELLING. A WONDERFUL OPPERTUNITY. DO NOT MISS IT. TO AUGUST-FIRST J. N. LEDFORD Élllllllllillllllll COOLEEMEE, N. Ç.,DAVIE COUNTY’ÍT AND BEST STORE ‘úí:SJ ^'IC vs 1Й Ш (¡¿4f Ш.М ». „ . .V.' $15.00 Silk .Dresses ^ 0 .0 0 $8.50 $6.00 $5.00 $4.75 $3.75 $4.50 $2.50 $2.00 $3.75 $3.00 $1.50 Silk ,Dresses* ...... bilk Dksses ...................................................... Pure .Linen Dressos ....................;.................., Voil Dresses!, All Colors........................'....... English Broad Cloth Dresses ..i..;.................. Engli^ Broad Cloth Dresses ........................ Linene Dresses ...................'........................... Gingham Dresses ............................................'... Children’s Pongee Dresses (size C-14) ........ Children’s Pongee Dresses (size 6rl4) .......... Children’s Gingham Dresses ........................ Children’s Pantee Dresses ..... SPECIAL 10 PER CENT CASH DISCOUNT On all our regular stock of Cloth­ ing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry GoodSi Men’s Furnishings, Trunks, Bjigs, Furniture, Floor Coverings, Ro- frigerators, Ice Boxes, not includ­ ed in this sale. COOLEEMEE, N. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir JPagG G THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Thiii'^dny, July 2, 102G if Ш Ш Ш Ш fib iia h e d E l)h ufscliy at i i M ocköville, N orth C arolina, A. 0 . HtTNEYCUTT " Pubhsher. ' J. F. LEACH M anaging E ditor; Subscription R ates: ■fl a Y ear: Six M6nths<50 Cents. S trictly in , Advance. E ntered at th e : post! office at M ocksville, N. C;, as second-class m atter under the act of M arch 8, 1879. M ocksI'ille, N. C., July 2, 1025 fSOO to $400 per Day From the Cows Daii'y Cow (incl lire proving it. ; W hat; we need most, in Davie is nlor^ cows. You can make nioriGy selling crcam fromlgood cows but thero', is ho profit from scrub cow s.;; Some c'ows :*producb one thotisand pounds of cream ; per yeaiV most of our cows produce ; n'earor, i\Vb I-'AKMINGTON NEWS I Cherry V street, ; in the Town;• qf iMoelcsvilie, .North Carqliiia;^ A very intereking program was' (loacribed in petition ^aiul' preliin given Sunday night by a luiniber nary rosolutioii of biatrict of League members. : Some eSlie-; er 3 and being (lualgnated. Nil-inb- cialiy good taik.i were made. Aft- .er 3 as proyidod in'A rticle 9 of er the program; a i!iiaylet entitled ^ Consolidateci:Statutes 6f'the State ‘‘SoniethiiitV':L'ackihg^V.; \yas:. given^;of ;Nbrth Carolina and'acts' anieii- thia was very appropriate and we' datoi^, thereto, which petition' has hundred pounds. IlegiStired' sires liope- those prusunt 'were: b eiiefit-'boMiidiily; préséiiÙd lo this Board | is one answer to this question aiul ! ted by the entire o.N;ai'cì8e.4i A | tag'ethor ' \Vith tho certificate/qf w ill be the best'/'inVestmeht a! siiecia uong, “Have you, counted j the City;,;ClòrÌ{) that ;said t><)tition! crcam seller can make. ; Tests\.the cost'' was ■ very miich ehjoy- ia in a li respoqts ,sufficient,and in full cqmpliancc;with tliò provisionhave proven that pure bred bulls’ ed. have increased : the , breamy'yield ■ of a -herd- j CO per ' ceht 'Mn ;bight 'n years. Stop and ' figuro this.' On last Saturday night a small ’ of article 9, ^chapter 6G of the con- liumber of oldei iolKs md child-. solidated statutes of the state of on reh met at the .Methodist church'i North Carolina, anci acts amend- Lèt-'uS see; just .\vhat ; is going to learn soiiie liew Songs and sin g ato ry thereto,,be and^the same is 1 in, bür midst so 4hat ; we may some of the old ones. : This is ; hereby adjudged and' determined in the future do better than in yery much:needed, we have plenty ^ to be in all respects sufficient; of good m aterial in our village; nml th a t;said petition has been vlüOft ' J Г/ > Í Ш ' It 'is very gratifying to us to : eee tho nice things said about lio rth Carolina in tho various papers of the United fcj cates. We aro truly making progress ¡n m anufacturing, and we are mak­ in g progress in agriculture, and 'the Enterprise is proud of the fact that Davie County is adding .eomothing to the progress of tho State. ' North Carolina has .occupied for several years, an enviable posi­ tion: in the money value of her •farm crops. She is; known more favorably throughout length and bredth of the country as a largo producer of tobacco and cotton. She w ill be noted for other things, ih'tho future. I >,Davie Cciunty haS'clono'Well her; T brt'in the production of the two m ain money crops, and Davie ha^ ¿een tho hancl w riting bn the >Mll •and has.launched into a business; we m ean' a farm business, .which we predict w.ill revolutionize things for-tho farm ers of ;Nqrth C arolina., ; Davie ' County , liaa practically realized tho value, of the D airy Cow; and has maclb hor an^indospiensabi6..part of tho farm.' We' are istrbng believers in the slogan th a t:,: “Prosperity’ follows th e , d airy; cow.” Any onq study­ ing the ' prqgress mado by tho .loading d a iry states w ill also bo- :JiovO' this if they study , .facts. When Davib Cbunty and North Carolina .have fully realized the value ■ of th e D a iry . Cow on the farm anci if we hold our own in «th er farm products, and add a few thousand moro good dairy cows, build a few more Creameri­ es and Cheoso factories, we w ill then be close among the greatest if not the greatest agricultural jstato'in the Union. ,Tf you take the time to observe you w ill find tho dairy cow play­ in g an important part in Davio County already. A few years ago wo never saw a cream or milk can in Davio, our .farm ers had, cows io r thoir qwn use, but outside of a few pounds of butter per week these cows added;nothing toward the upkeep of the fam ily. .Today tho farm ers of Daiyie ai'e bringing in more t^ n three hundred > (800) dollars per day from Dairy, ^pro­ ducts sold. This^can be. incroas- ed to one ’thousand dollars ‘per day if a, few moro of our good iarm ers would Ibolc up. ' ' : When wo;reach this stage you w ill see better cowp, better barns, m ore silos and best of all better farm s; and'fai'mersM ; Wq. arb glad to ‘have in our county the Reynolds Ljbrok Farm 1 Co.,'.as 'well as. thoir"’ neighbors th e; W iliiame; .Piirm. It; is iiot possible for every bne to farm on such a lar^e scale but any farm ­ er in Davie- w ill do well ,to, study the methods and apply to their own ''care. ; The'';'fbun;dation ;of the above two farm s in “Daii'y Products and we pre'clict; that the one. hund'- red and fifty cows bn these, farm s w ill show a .divideh. A gain, we say луо are glad Davie ’can claim two such'farm s. ;;. V Located right at ourf door is another fai’m of far reaching im-: portance both , on account of , it . heing ah up to date dairy and pure,bred cattle farm.;. The Twin Brook' farm operates one of the best dairys in the state and the thousands of gallons of milk sold annually as well as the Registured Guernsey cattle produced makes this institution one we should be ])i’oud of and more of our farmei’s' should vigit this place and see if they'can take homo any inspira­ tion to follow the way. tjijs farm : 38 going. ' ; Wq can take you into Farm ing­ ton and Advance section of the tho past., ' .There are twenty-five Register­ ed D airy B ulls in Davie now as compared with a possible 2 or’3 a few years ago. There are two hundred Regist- and community, and all are’espe-. signed by a m ajority in numbers cially invited to come and help' qf the owners of real estate abut- sing.' Not only the Methodisr, bui; we shall be glad to have ihe Baptist friends join with us, each ered D airy Cows and as many ¡Saturday night at 8 o'clock. An ting upon said sidewalk street therein petitioned to be improved and that the said owners repi’e- j senting a m ajority o'f all the len iel; more good cows not registured a s ! announcement was made as foi- feet of frontage of lands abutting compared to practically ,no re-ifollow s: On next Saturday ilight .......- -•-i' n. ^ i.. t._ gistered cows a few years ago.¡Rev. .). T. SlsK, pastor.of the M. Our income now is $300.00 per ¡i', church of MocKsville with seve- day from this source as com par-.ral other singers, w ill be with us ed to nothing a few years ago. We are proud of our accomp­ lishment so far and let us, keep on until wo w ill bo shipping an­ nually thousands of tons of butter from "The Davio County’s Coope­ ration Creamery," ahd then you w ill see one. of tho; finest Coiintios in whlch'to live in on tho tqp side of this earth. We have onb of the best posted leaclers Jn tho^State, and you w ill , find öob. Evans ready, arid w illing Ï guests of Mr, : and; Mrs to .help you if .you ; want to got' Uahnsòn............................. to sing, and tell us more, about the normal which w ill bo at their place in tho near future. Can't every one who is interested in bet­ ter singing bo with us at that timo'i iiivery body is welcome. ,’Next Sunday niglit is the regu­ lar preaching appoiiitment at tho Metiiodist: church. Coiné out .and enjoy ah hour of worship. ■ , ' ^ Mr. J; F. Scott'and Mr. Umbor- Koi^ of Concord wero wbek end F. n . upon said sidewalk proposed to be improved. . Dated this the 30th day of June, 1925. T. M. Hendricks, City Clerk. PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION o r SIDEWALIMMPROVEMENT P F DISTRICT NUMBER THREE ouf of ;the rut; your grandfather lived in ¿ir his lifq, ' Geoi Eyhns has; dono much 'for D avif and ho w ill ; do ;jhbie; ;• Ho; is 'a - great: be- liever:;ln bettor live stock,, better chickens,', better homes,, better (farma and ¿m ost, of al I, anci, which' wilL makq a ll; ‘‘Bettor F aim ers’’—' He boHey^s th at, lirbsporlty will follow the Dciry Cow. : ;We never get further than, we aim. , Lot our .iiim be to put Davio County bn thO; maP; as the county of good cows and prospei’ity.' : ','V CENTER NEWS ' Rev. W illiam Korr preached a very interesting sermon at Cent­ er church Sunday imqrhing at 11 o’cloclc.':,:^'' ■ Mr. John Dwiggins of Winston- Salem spent the week end with his pai'ònts, Mr. : and Mrs. J. Hi B. W iggins; ■; Mr. George Anderson bf Spenc­ er spent last week with relatives ; ‘;c k 7 w rth M rl o f,this com m unity.. . Mr. and Mrs. Claude W illiam s ,Mr. and Mrs. Galloway, and son, Ciaronco of .Grimesland are spend­ ing some time visiting ’Mrs. ,Gal- lo\yay’s mother,'Mrs. Rachel John­ son. Those who are delegates to Ep- \Vorth;League:GonfeJ,'onc,o at Salis­ bury are .expecting a Very ,plqa- siint: and helpful trip.; Others frbm here arb planrilng tq be there a p art of. the tim e .; ' y,'. .Miss Tucker :oif Greenville is visiting Miss Jaiie Amanda Bahn- son; ' ' Miss Zolma Brock, spent Lhq week end with ’ Miss Magdalene M iller.^-.^ ' , , Mrs., Low, Furchess was taken to WiriBton-Salcim to a. hospital, one day last week. ■ Haven’.t, hoard h ’om hor,, but hqpq she, ;rnay got along; wbli, and soon be able to return homo. ', • ' . Mr. A lex' Cooper .yisitecV his sister, Mrs. Max Brock last Sun­ day,'he .carried his three daught­ ers home after spending a few and Mr. Brice Garrett and fam ily attended tho"^ birthday d in n er ,of Miv Taylor iioqntz of Fork church Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoots, of. M qcksville and ;Mi’, , i}nd. Mrs Frank Hendrix of Dulins, visited Mr., and Mrs. T, A.iVanzaht, Sun- day. "■■■'.ry ■ ' ■',' iM rs. ,N(}]lie Andersori spent last w eek, witii, her ■ daughter, ' Mrs.: George Evans of ;River,H ill. ' Mr. B. F. Tutterow m(ide a husl- hess trip, to Winston-Salem Saturn day..;' ■', ■',;, g r e a t STÒCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON AT J. N. LEDFORD CO. Mr. Brock Conrad of Lewisville, N. C.i was a pleasant visitor a- mong relatives Monday. W heat threshing is a part of the fun in bur-section, cotton is look­ ing fine, and^if the showers keep coming corn, willj-bo bettor than has been expected. ' . . Mr.. andVMrs. 'rhbmas- Swing visited with Mr. and ;Ml’s. W. P.;' W alker the past ,,wbek end.;; ; , Mrs. E.'C. -Iames has been right sicki wo hope fqr ; her a speedy recovery^': ' ; Mr. and Mivs;- E. P. Wal,]ior ; and chlidrbn spent Monday afternoon; in . Wii'iston-Salem, - seeing : the aeroplane stunts. ; Mrs; ClavGnce W eir is improvr ing, we are glad to learm B ü i E S M l. Enterprise, readers, w ill read with much interest the announce- NOW J S THE T livp T0,fHAy]i3 mqnt, bn pages 4 anci 5 ,d f the an- niial sale qf J. N.,Ledford Co., at Cooleemee. This w ill be your best opportunity of securing surn- mer^ w earing' apparel, as well as huildreds of other useful articles at groiitly reduced Prices, The entire stock of this big store is now going at reduced prices. An opportunity that you can not af­ ford' tb ovei'look. Take- a day or so off and take: the fam ily clown and take advantage of these sav­ ings. You do not often have the opportunity that the, J. N. fqrd Co., is. now offesring you.’ Read their ad—-every wqi’d of it —and mark the items that you are interested in before you leave hqme, this w ill enable you to get everything you wish. ' Their loss w ill mban your gain, ; Go,'buy, and sa\o money, -— ^^— —<►— ■— ^--------■■ ‘‘WE ARE IN'BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH” Make tlHs’Your Rimily Drug- Store. We solicit your drug business on the basis of | Service, Purity of ingrediedts and Accur­ acy of Compounding. Your prescnptions and drug needs will have the atteniidn of a RegisteMl Phar­ macist at all times, ' GIVE US A TRIAL Harris-LeGrand Pharm acy ^(SMoSJb Siar» Mocksville, N. C. those-rooms painted , or enamol- ed. See W. N. Anderson, the Painter. ,1----------------:--------------— FOR SALE—A VALUABLE LOT ■ on the Sciuare in Mockaville. A Bargain to quick buyer. Ap­ ply to Kurfees & Ward.' '. ', ■ FOR SALE—ONE FRICK 22-38 Wind Stacker Thrashing Ma­ chine, Cash or Terms,; J. C, Charles. ' 1 t pd. . ~ '■’' BARGAIN IN . ,1923 FORD • Coupe; also in other uSbd cars, G, G. W alker Mbtor Co. ' : , f I ‘county and show you many other ;. 1' ' men who are building bettor harns, better homes, better fences ‘ and in each case you w ill find tho D airy Cow making such prqgress possible. All these farm ers be- ilieve prosperity w ill follow the -.-•I' , ■ • •' NOTICE TO AUTO OWNERS GET YOUR FRUIT JARS W alker Bargain House.-------—._— ■- ; The di il’erenee , between a best girl and a sweetie isthat a best girl dqosn’t thihlc you are a meal ticket.—-Birmingham Nows. ' Be it resolved by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the, Town; of Moc;kByillo, North Caro­ lina, that a local Im piwem ent D istrict be and : the same; iS; here­ by created unclei"' and ,by virtue bf the pqwbl'S;cqntained :iii A^^ 9 '‘Chapter (56 o'f Cohsoilciated Sta­ tutes of N orth'Carolina,'iind acts umondatbry: thbr'citb, on that part of the sido\yalk on. the East sido of Noith Maini street bet^veeh in- tersqction of : the North line, of Mbcksvilib; -High ;Schqol lot with ! North Main Street and ;iritorsec- i tion h f‘South lino o f J. P; Grooh’s j lot with: North - Mahi '¿troot, and that part of the sidewalk- on the South sidq of Popular'Street be­ tween intersection rof Popular Street .with North.Main Street and interubcitiqn of i Popular Street vvith Midland Avo,, and that part, of the 'sidewalk on the '\Vest sido of 'iVIidiand vAyonuo ,.bqt’\yebii iiir tersection of . Midland Avenue With Popular Street, and intorsec- tion-'of; Midland Avenue with Cherry :Strqot, ' and that part of sidew alk, oh :the South sido „^of■ Cherry Street; between intersec­ tion of'. Cherry Street with North Main S treet, and intersection of. Cherry Street with East line bf Mocksville Graded Schboi lot, in the 'rown d f M ocksyille, North Carolina, and the'lands abutting on said', part of said sidewalks of said Streets; that said part, of the sidewalks of said streets be paved with concrete and of tho thickness of four inches, and fiye feot in widtir, the same boing D1,S- trict No, 3 and rill according to the plans ajjd specifications of the Town Engineer; and that the cost of paying including tho fine grad- ihg’.at linit pricq per square yard of m akiiig the local improvement mentioned: and petitioned fbr be-' ing assessed upon the abutting; property loss street intersection and tho i'emaiiider qf such costs shall be borne by the,m unicipality ’ at largo .as provided in ‘ ax’ticle. 9 Chapter 56, of ,the .cbnsolidated Statutes ; of Nbrth Carolina and , Acta aniehdatqry tiiërqtq ; : that the owners of the abutting property ; -effected hereby, sh all, pay ; the amoiint assessed against ; : their property in cash upoh conipiotioii > of the work and the confh’mation of the Assessment roll, as proyid- ' ed in said Article, or in 3 equall annual installm ents bearing into- ; rost'at the rate of six per centum: per; annum irom date' of the con­ firm ation and ascertainm ent by the governing body after the com­ pletion of the Jocal imprbyemeni: of the total cost thereof of the as- sessm eiit roll ; and be it further rosolved, anci ordained, that the owners qf ail property abutting on thb propeity on the above men­ tioned impvqvembnts shall cqnhect their several premisep w ith water mains and sower pipes; located in saicl districts adjacent to their several premises in the usual man­ ner, and under the direction and ouperviaion of the Town En­ gineer; and be it further resolved : and ordained, that unless such THE ; owners shajl cause such connec- OF tions to be made on or bofoi-e tho iMtest Oil Range Thai Cooks ,/A.s:¥Ust:As Gm -. J,* - СI.U I'Vf " - ГЛ i.'/ .d C c o , I 't Tha aclvtóho.;t _r.. •,'/ in o il, Nc-.v Pcrfcctióñ • OifRinge i.iCJP)3n;\7l’' Dnniei'j vlvit ;equ;il tlie cooktnjt tpco.d ia\à охлуйпклсс ci'çjas i,‘) П"'-.' on ciisplay ' here. I: i.i tb-.?/,.««; r.f.'ili.-ioa lo 'iiii.: w-ïW iarnouj lina ' .of Мйг/.РсгГос:Ьн Sríve.') ü.v.tI by , Co(i\c :!;i «.nel ÎM i1h.i iiii'/ .siova ti-id tívójuííoíiiana ; fíÜPERF^X:Bttf:inr. . C ir i «С В -.П Г .-*-. . ‘ MOCKSVILLE HARDWARE CO. Mockaville', N. C, ■■"-'»ÌWM1I II ..'l....— L:— iiniiiniin AT ;iaiiiiBiiiiaiiiiQ9iiiita:№i^ RI È GHÎGKEN FEED We carry a complete line of Purina ai>d Qiiisenberry chicken feed. You cannot find any better feed on the market, Call to see us. /MARTIN BROS. “We carry feed for everything” iniiiieniiiiiQi!iii<Diii!iai№iKiiiiii!siiiiii<....>iiiiiiiBiiii№iwEaiii!csiiii{aiii!esiBiiiiB3iiiiniiiiii3iiiimiiii»iiiiniiiiiniiii<diiii0 <)i!iiraiiiiŒiiiimiiiib..№iiii»iQi:aaiini:i!K9i!iiQi№aBi:iiizaiiiirai№'ij!iiii^i№BimiiiirjiiiiB3iniiiitsi«i№ï!i'Q Ш r • 1 Ш'1 VICTROLAS DETERMINA'flON OF BOARD OP SUFFICIENCY All owners of Truclcs and Auto- 'PKTITION DISTRICT NUMBER 16th day of July, 'Шб, the gov- ли owneis.oi: IIUCKS ana AU1,0 , т и п и к ; . nminp horlv nf tho Tnwn nf mobiles within ' the; ' cooparatii ' lim its of the town of' Mocksville, j must procure the cii;y license plate or 1925, or pay a penalty of Five Como in and see our line of Victorias. Prices from $15 to .$110,00. Hear the latest re­ cords played. Wo have a large stock to select from. We re­ ceive records every week of the latest Songs, Fox Trots, O rchestra and Instrum ental music. Let ua serve you. erning bbdy of ' Mocksvillfi shall the Town of cause the same. Bo.it resolved and ordained by to be made, and tho costs of mak- -.rn.;,. r,„'the Mayor, and Board of Alder- ing such connoetions constitute 'w n v n tlio ififVi rinv of Tiiiv nien of the town of Mocksville, and be a lien on the property of boioie tho iQth day ;North Carolina, that the petition such owners as shall fail to make for the creation of a local im- such connections as herein provid-dollars. .Apply to C,-N, Christlo'n : Chief of Police. ' ,■ E. E, Hunt Mayor, provement district out of tho land ed. abutting upon North Main street, ¡Poplar street. Midland Ave., anci • T; M. Henclrlx, Mocksville, N. C. Dated this June 80,1925. C. C. SANFORD SONS COMPANY AGENTS FOR THE VICTOR Thursday, July, 8 1925 Mr. Ernest Jam es, of Asheville,' gpuut the week, end at home^ Mr, W illiam ¡Stockton, of Sholby gpont Sunday with hiS' m other.; jlr. J. L, Shbek made a business -J ti'ip to Winston-Salem Monday. Miss Ethel Fisher, of St, Pauls, jg visiting her sister, Mrs, T .’J, Caudell, Mrs. W.' B. Glen, d f ' New Yqrk City, was the recent guest ot Mrs. E, L. Gaither. Miss Ella Lee Summers is spending this week in 'Salisbury ^vith relatives. Miss Alice Kerr, of Hickory, spoilt the past wcelc'here yvith re­ latives and friends.. ВABV SCOLDS the bud" without dosinp' by : rubbing VicUa pver ■ tho throat and chest and also applying a Iittlo up . the little one's nostrils, V |C K s - M U t lo n J a r a U a g J Yaartsf THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ^ Coqpb)>Hoi'ji Wedding ed teacher in the Spencer school. ; Misses Jane Hayden and Doro­ thy ■ Gaither, who sailed w ith , a party of about 85 from New York City ■some time ago, landed in Plymouth, England on June 19th. Tho party, of which Dr. ThomaS tum. B.' F-rank .M cM illan,.'. of Luml)C'ri,on; J. J{. Johnstone, E. IT. Cleniiiiit, J. Kimbrough Me- I'oiiey, T,. F. Meroney, W. 'II. Le- G raiul,-E;'ciinard LeGrand, B. C. Clcinont, Jr., 1)1, 1’, Crawford, Iloy ilolthouaer, lin rry Fyne, of Hen­ derson; S. A. McBco, of Titus­ ville, Fla. MOVItf NEWS Frank Huneycutt were shopperS; in Salisbury Tuesday. i/Iiases Daisy and Annie Holt- lioiiser spent the week end; in Winston-Salem w ith friends. Hr. and Mrs. T. E. Odumj; and ianiily of HicMróry, - spent „Sunday, with Mr. and BIrs. W ,-A. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gaither, of Montgomery, Ala., are visiting Ml'. Gaither’s mother, Mrs. L. G. Giiither. ' ■ ; ' ' ' J [r ., Kno.x Johnstone, who has been in school in New York, re­ turned homo Sunday. ' Mr, and Mrs, L, G, Horn and (laughters. Miss Ivle and Mrs, J. F, Hawkins, spent Friday in Charlotte,. . Miss Sarah G>aithqr returned Monday from a week’s visit to friends in Columbia and Wlnns- boro, S, C, Mrs. W. A. Korr and son Paul, IS monthsleader, w ill spent• two tburing Europe. ' Miss Mae Pendesgrnft, of Chap­ el H iir has been elected tejicher of English in the Mobksville'High B'ch'ool. Sho completed the .'A. В course at University of N.' C., in 1925, and is well ciualified for her duties standing at tho 'head , of a larger class and is specializing in English at the summer school at the University. Mis.s DeVlaming holds': an grade certificate from an A grade college as' is reciuired by public school law in oi'der to fill tho position of teacher in public school music and piano 'in a standard High school, being a graduate of Morldeth College, class 1925 and having endorse­ ment second to none by the facul ty of that institutiqn. The Trustees of the Mocksville of Hickory, spent the week end school have elected Miss Isabel with Mrs. Kerrs brother, Mr. w .! Rocksboro, N. C. a: Griffdiiv' . JiiCbb Stewart___Atty., I'cturned iiomo- 'rhursday from Raleigh and Durham, 'Avhere he had been on logal business. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Feezor, Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Cooper, Mr. L. G. Horn and L. G. Jr., spent Sunday n Jilddinlto. Miss Ruth Rodwell, who is vifiiting her sister, Miss Elizabeth in Jacksonvlllci Fla., la expected home today. •' ' ' Miss M ary Stockton and Mrs. 'L N. Anderson, of the N. C, C. W., summer school were at homei for the week ond.;. Rev. and • 'Mrsl.'L; R; .C all; and lllile daughter, of Le\yiaville,' Ky.. arc visiting, the/formers 'parents;' Mn and M ra.'W . L. Call, ; ■ Miss M ary Heitman,- whb has been visiting her cousin, Mrs,¡ Glenn Wy Herrick, in Ithaca, N, Y. returned home, Wedneadiiy. Mr, and Mrs. W illiam Kerr, Jr., of Hickory, _spent ,aevo'i'al days thia week with Mrs, Kerrs par- cnta, Mr, and Mrs, R,' D, Poolo. Mr.M.,Olile Stockton had as her Sunday ;.j^uests : Mr, and . Mrs. Jack Hunter, of Greensboro. Mrs. Hunter'iWas formerly Miss Louise Hunt. Miss :Golf|e Shiflotte, who has boon spending some time with hor sister,- Mrs. ;h .!:W *. Brown, at Davie Nursery, left Monday foi­ lier home In,' Charlottesville, Va. Mrs.; Miixey Piiss has returned liome from 'a visit to her. mother, Mr.s. C/S,.H qiland of Statcsyiliei il.cr llttle. daughter, Cornolia, did not return but is to, spend sbino time \Wth her grandmother, ; Mr,' i^nd Mrs. 0. M., Hunt and clviklren,; of Greensboro, Mr.' and Mra, C. .H.-riunt iind little dau'ght- ci'i of Covington, Ky., and Mr. and Mra. Cliaries Lasley and lDaby,df Clommbns spent Sunday 'with Mr. and-Mrs. E; E. Hunt,' Mr, and Mrs, E, H, Woodruff nul M iss,.Katherine . Jacobs, of ^adaden; Ala,, and Mr; and ;Mrs,; C. ■ Patterson, o f. Taylorsville n'e visiting Mr, and Mrs. C, G. Woodru/f an d. other relatives in Hid around the city. , , I-.ittle Miss, M ary Wilson Stoho returned from, the ''City Me­ morial hospital in Winstbn-Si^lbm "'huro she has' been taking treat-^ ment for some time. Her many rienda ^yill ho giaci to learn that '111.' ia greatly irnproved. . . Slisads Jane 'and M ary McGuire save a birthday party in honor Miss M ary . Nelson Anderson’s onth birthdayiV;,^Quite a number little : folies Hv'ere present -and save the little, honoreo various Wetty gifts.., .' : A¡; Mi,sae'aS Hazel B aity and Bertha “ckaon left Friday for a 'tw o 'jeeks tour of ,several of our nor- hern citioa, including parts of '*inada;’, Miss Baity w ill a'ccom- ’iniy Miss Jackson to her home 1 Birmingham, Ala., for a visit. -A. Fyne, after spending №o Weeks with her parents, Mx*. 1(1 Mrs. Jacob Stewart returned li her home in Heiiderson Friday. teacher of public school ■ music and piano in Mocksville school session 1926-1926, Tho teaching of public achool music, is required in an accredited standard school, the S,tate and County paying tho teacher’s salary for six months and the school district paying the salary for three months, and les­ son in public school m usic,to he given each grade. The school trustees furnishing the piano and place to teach, the teaehbr of public schooh music w ill teach plaiio also to as many as practi­ cal who may desire to take it and at reasonable charges for 'tiiition, ,:.Miss , Mabel ' Ste^vart; ^yas ;thb hostess to a delightful' hridge’ party,’ on last 'Friday ovonlng; at her'; home bh North : Main stvcjot, Qufeon Anne’s lacq was u^cd very effectively, in tho : living ; room where throe tables had been ar­ ranged for plaj'ing. TIigh.Bcoroi On account of Revival 'Servic- ps3 _at the Methodist: chlirch there Cnro^inr will be no show until the'intter part of tho week.' . ^ Friday and .Saturday, ‘‘The Devils Cargo”. The latest Victor Fleming production for Para­ mount, featuring Pauline Starke, W allace Berry, W illiam Collier and Claire Adams. Its a story of the Gold rush clays in Cali­ fornia, about ,1850 when an. in­ nocent girl and one good man were swept out to sea in a.flim sy river ci'aft .^vith a human 'cargo that waa literally the scum of the earth. How, they fight their way. out and change the charact-’ er.'s of their scoundrelly'shipni.it-^ es is worked out in .a picture of intense appeal,- AWo two reel Pathe ,Comedy,“ Lbta Build,” The greatest of all pictures, “The Ten' Commandments” is coming this* month, don’t forget to encourage your friends to see it as its ab­ solutely the biggest picture ever made and ono every person should see. Watch for announcement play date next ■vveek. Mr. and Mra. Carlos Thomas Cooper have tiio hoyor of announ­ cing the m arriage bf their, sister M ary Louise - ^ to ' ' Mr. Cliitido Revere Horn on Friday,.: the twenty-sixth of June; nineteen ,hundred and twen­ ty-five. ■ ,. - Raleigh, North. Carolina : , ■ At home, . Mocksville, North ______________ iT/'ji: ^¡^¡|11и1|рш11ит1тм1ш1'11и№и1111й11м1шч№а1щ|'(1и11гам1гаим a A DISH OP GOODNESS MEANS CAROLINA ÍCE ГН Е А Д ГУ Л ^ of SUND"AY< SCHOOL CONVEN- TIONS There will be a township Sun­ day school convention at Pork Episcopal, Sunday, July 5th., 'at 2:00 p. m., and one at Ijames Cross Roads the second Sunday all day. Tho county conventiqn will be held at Fork Baptist church, July 18th., and 19th; Every body como out to these, cohvontions,' and I’m sure you’ll foel that you have been benefited. Brice P. Garrott, ' -County Sect. Mocksville Motor Co., In New Quarters The:Mocksvillo-Mqtor Cb,, have moved their.; garage - and. jservlcb station into their ;ney : building located just below theÌr,-old:stahd..- Their new hqme vvill bnablo thom (to reiKler. better sorvico to VIhbir, niany^customers, and ' they : ai-e much bettor prepared' to take care of .their increasing trade. Re/Ul prize, , a .'dainty ."silver compact,! this, issue of the En-,. foil, to '.Miss Kathryne Brown’. At' and call on them whon; the conclusion of tho cramea th n i'“ need of anything in thoir lin(}.tho conclusion of the gumca the hojstoaa, asflistod by hor .sister. Mrs. H arry Fyne, of Hendonjon, and Miaa Regina Ilorne served a delicious siilad course with ac- cesaoriosi Tho giiests present wero: Miosoa Osi?iq Allison; Re­ gina Homo, Dorothy- Merohe)", K atherine. Meroney, Kathryne BrOwn, Kopelia Hunt and Faye C audeli;; Robert McKoili,' Glen Kale, Cephas Cliri sti an and Jack Hambrich, of Roxboro. , ;, Ohe of the prettiest parties of the .'Dummqr aqaaon waa bn laat I'>iday afternoon when Miss Haz- ey Baity entertained at the loyely home of her parents on North Main street, having at her hon- brees her sister, Mrsl James, New­ man; of Danville, Va„ .;and' Miss Bertha Jackson, of Birmingham, Ala., a member of the faculty of the Mocksville high school last ■year and wli'o_has been a giiest in the Baity homo'for the past; sev­ eral weeks. The spacious veran­ da, -wherq six tables were placed for bridge, was dqcorated with peas in profusion.'. Tall baskets held ragged robins and other sum- im er flowers. ; ^ Miss- B aity was assisted in en­ tertaining by her mother, Mrs. J; T.’’Baity, and her'younger sist-. er. Miss Grilma Baity. At the conclusion of the games it was 'fburid;;that Mrs., J. Kimbrougli Meroney held high score and. was awairded a dainty bottle of per- fiiine, ' Mrs, Newman ^yas given a lovely; hand painted -fan; ,:BIisa Jackaon a ;; silver compact, anci Mrs. John Tatuin, a newcomer to the city ,was given a silver bud vase. ;Thq hostess, assisted by Mis­ ses Ossie Allhion and Gilma Baity, aerved delicious rofreshmehta consisting of chicken salad,; sand­ wiches, cheese straws, pickles, hot biscuits and iced tea, follow­ ed by block cream and, angels food cake. Tho invited guests on this dqlightful occasion were: Misses Ossie Allison, Elva Sheek, Kathryne Brown, W illie M iller, Linda Gray Clement, Katherine COOLEi'JMEE NEWS 'Mr. H. E. Barnes went to Wlns- fccn-Saleni Monday after noon to sob his aiater-in-law who, is - sick ,at the B aiitist'hoa'pital,.■ 'I’he fqllbwinir Mbckfiville past­ ors wore in our town'Monday at­ tending 'the. M inisterial As.iociia- ;tioi; of the County:: ■\y. B.'.Wair,' A. C. Svvafford, Kirk and Sisk, and Ecfiinnby, of Farntingtoji; . Mrs. Carl Tatuni who is attqnd- ;ihg summer school at Greensboro spent the week end with .her husband, P rqf Tatum at his fath­ ers-home. ,L . Rev; and Mrs. Bradley of Moclcs- vlllo were in Cqoloemee last Frir ■day., ;;■;’/. "'-"v:',,;■'-'- Mr. Sam McDaniel has gone to Jr.cksonville, Fla., .to live. His aister,. Mrs, Spry with her hus­ band went down .with him in thoir car. The latter expects to return^ in a few clays. Some needed; repairs are being made on the strets by Mr. Good- iiian and his force. Let the good' work continue. ; : The following from Sunday’s Raleigh News & ;Observeii'\?ill be of interest ;to;jEhterpriso'.readers: : A fitting climax to a house par­ ty being.; g iv e n b y Miss Lillian Horton at her home on 'Hillsboro Street, this week, was tho:ijmarri- age of; Miss Mary,, Louise,-Cbbper of Clemmons and Mr, Claude Re­ vere Horn of 'Mocksville which took place Friday evening at 9 o'clocic. . ■■. - ■ ’ , ' ■The (Wedding was very quiet, anci: the only, attendants wore the various meihljers of the house party; , The-; ceiornbn'y was iier- forined by l^v'Chiirlea E;: Hiiclclry and Miss M ary ;M iller; sang ,‘‘Be- bauso” and “ The Sweetest Story iEver;Told.’i, 'fho bnde vvoro 'a.bule georget­ te: eiisemble ;suit:,' the';^ front of which was of real lace. She car­ ried a shower of white roses, swansonia and orchids. Mrs. Horn is the daughter, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooper, of Raleigh, and spent the early part of her life here, but for the past several years she has made her home in Clemmons. She attended Meredith College. ■: , Mr. Hqrri is tho son bf Mr, L. G. Horn ,of Mocksville^and attend­ ed N. C. State CoUqge. He'.'is now in business In Moclcsvllle.^ After a bridal tour through the western part of the State.-.- -Mr. and Mrs. Horn will be at home In .Mocksville. Imnicdi:itely preceding thö v.’öd- ding a buffet supper was aerved, followed by thb cutting of the v/cddin,g caice by alT the gue3l;s. An ice course in bridal shapes was served. Unique favors wore on oftcli pince, such as miniatu've cupids bpw and arrow -speared through the ice bridegrobni. The gueats included only the inembera of the . .house : party, ivhich: v/ill end 'rueiic av o n'ext week. The nioinbcirs oi: the.party are: Mi sacs Elsie Warren of Dan- yllle, Va.; Mary; Millbr, of Wins­ ton-Salem ; Lois Barnett qf pavld- iSun; ll.'\l.i,y Perry : of .Ilendorsön, Mcoiii's. Ai-lliur :Reagiin of .Rocky Mount, Ä. ]j. Corey of Greenville, H arry M. .Love of Danville, Va.,., B'red Amraonn of this city.' ; ; i TURREm ?N E~N E^“' 1 n “ dejightful moment awaits you—if you haven’t tasted ' a dish ()f luscious Carolina Ice Cream. Prepared of purest m aterials, each dish of Cream brings health and wholesom-' ness in jls wake. Order your Mipply today for your home—then Come in and partake of a delicious sundae or soda....... . ............... , ■ - V .........-r,'' ...................- ' -'. •' .• "- , ALLISON & CLEMENT Call 51--That’s Us iinaiiQim'pimiiiiigiiniQiinaiiiiQH ЕП11ашга»8Ш1В»Ш11 M n DON’T FORGET That Firestone Tires give more miles per dollar. Oldfield Tires are low in price but high in quality. ' i ANVIL B|AND v Over-alls and Shirts!^Try theiiirome time and you will want no other. Happy Foultry Feeds are still in the lead. ■■ ■ , - I . ..; ■ - .1 ■ .:.! '. '. I " ■ i . : ■ ' I- ■ '. ■ !. . . . ' : t . :• ■ ' n ’ l y r ■< - • Kmrfees & Ward ' Kurfees Paint More Lead Per Gallon I 1ÍI* и»«'.;! i i ‘>iVM£ ■' caiim ШИ1111 (aiwniimiiimiiiiiBiii'mroaiiiiiaiiiiniiiiaiyniT яви ипиаииотмшгатв^ YOU’RE, RESPONSIBLE P. 0 . S. of A. o r g a n iz e COUNtY ASSOCIATION •^A committee frohr.Camp 52, of this city and' alsq^ the: camp from; Fork church 'met 'witii the CooU’ eomeo ;Camp qn;: last Thursday night aiul organizecl a cbunty as- aociation; with C.' b ! ;liobver;; of Qollfeemeq'^prea.i anci H. B. Snyder o f this city w as; elected vicie-prer aident, ' T his; associatibn, .’it-; is hoped; :will add very much to the life of the order in , this cbunty •and much good is predicted, ;The first meeting of the association vyiil bo held with Camp No, 52, at Mocksville-on Monday night, July 13th and it is hoped that,every member in the entire county will bo present at this meeting. Come oue members and let’s get someth- ing started^—then keep it going. This year’s corn w ill probably bring twice the market price of Miss Mabel Setwa'rt is visiting ■ Meroney, Iva Horne, Kopelia i corn when sold as pork, say'swine sister, Mrs, Fyne in Hender- Hunt, Mesdames Horace Hay-Uxtension worlcers of Stato Col­ on. Mias Stewart has been elect- worth, of High Point; John T a- lege. Mr, and Mrs, Ted Haster, of Salisbury, spbjit Fric'iay witii Mr, ■and. Mrs, Glpnh McCulloh, ' Mrs, ;Bib, ]\iillor and children, of Cqolbemeo, spent Friday in, our coirimunily, • . Mas tor Charlie Poster, , of. ,Mocksville,: spent the week, bnd with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Chiirlie McCulloh. r Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCulloh, of Mocksville, spent Saturday night v,’ith Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Naih Mr. and Mis. D. F. McCulloh' and Mesars, Earlo Cornatzor and; Wado Nail spent Sunday aiter- noon with Mr. and M rs.'G ; W. McCulloh of .Cornatzer. " Mr; nnd M rs.:E. C. Lagle and children, Mr. and Mra. Ai C. ,Nail, and- son,'.Paul, and .Misses Sadio and - Eva McCulloh spent Satur­ day in Salisbury ahopping. CALAJTALN NEWS - Mr. Tommie Anderson, of Wins­ ton-Salem 18 spending some time with his mother, Mrsv Annie.' E,' Anderson. Mitiaes Emily, and M ary Powell,: and Elizabeth^ Anderson of the' 'rwin-Cit.v, spent the week end' in this section. Mrs. .Mary. E; Bosch’ and daugh-; tor, Annie, of SalisDuiy apent a' while Friday ovening with -Mrs, Bosch’s sister, Miaa Cary :Ander- sqn. ,Misses Emily, and'Georgia Pow­ ell, EliZi^both Anderson and Mr. Haywood Powell, ¡spent Saturday in Statesville. Mr. and ¡M rs, Clyde Shaw,'and babe, o f Wlnaton-Salem spent Saturday night with Mr. Shaw’s sister, Mrs. C. S. Anderson, ; Mr. and Mrs. W. N; Anderson 4nd children spent a while in Mockaville Sunday evening., . , Mr. and Mrs'. ;Charles Tomlin­ son and children, and Mrs. Lizzie Tomliiison,,: of M ocksville,' spent a while Monday evening with Mrs'; Tomlinson’s aunt, Miss Carrie Anderson. Don’t forget ^ a t there is 'a Luther Crotts w ill be glad to pick cream route along the highway up any surplus cream you may from Mocksville to Salisbury. Mr. have and deliver to the Salisbury No matter whether you are to blamo or not^ pcdestraip, you are reaponaible. There is only' pioiect yo u iself-can y a policy in the M aryland Casualty company lo cover such happenings. ^ ^ ' 6.000 nnd 10,000 Liability , . . , .$10.00 1.000 Piopeily Damage . 0,00 F lic und Theft insuiance also written, You may delay but accidents w ill not, iV DilVlE IIEHL ESTATE, LOIN & INSURANCE CO. ' Agents, Mocksville, N. C, R. B. Sanford; Pres. E. C. Morris, Secy 0пша11шиш11га1111ш11|1ш1ю1111ш11в111|1я|111ш11ш!11ш1111рш[а1111ш111ш1|11шф1а:ч1!а11ш|1!5з;ял1111ш1111вв1111гч LISTEN! :.■ ,Land. is- high. You cannot aliord to farm on :high>, priced land without su'tficient equipment and capitel.« 'I', am loaning money on 'farms a t'5 per cent interest. .Are your buildings insured? Ashes do‘not,pay-.for now btiildings; Aro you carrying hail insurance:on your.crops?;? —Remember your bills will have to bo paid. Don’tüforget toiprotoct your;,i'amily..\Vith::« ;policy on-: your life—you pay the bills, now—your wife w ill'have ,to pay them when you are gone—she is trusting you to pro-.: vide for hor,■■■:.„ ■-. -■ ■■..■■:•■:■., , 'I write all forms of-Insurance, Como in and let’s talk those important matters-ovei’^dó láys are sbmetimes seriousr /• Ml j T . M . H e n d rix Room No, 3 Over Southern Baiik& Trust Co, Ш Creamery, liV( Checks w ill bo („I-; iliÆà I "(»'Ж id twice a month In payment.,, ’ r/i Л Щ] m la i ■ 'il J?t' THÉ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE Thtirsdny, Ju ly 2,; ít)2lj AT STONE MOUNTAIN AS AT BETHEL fey: Jos(!i)liufl ' Diiniol, in Raloigh \ N & ObStirVGl'. it waa JieiU'toiiiii« hnd eheorliig to'every Southenier to hear: the i»-'l3tory by G Utzon Borglum to tHo •liorth GiU'oii na Gcnoral Asaembly M bbiit tlie intorcHt shown by-aueh ■lincn’ tts President H ardiila,’Presi-; fdent : Coolidge, StinatorVrSniop^^ 'lioidgp and other eminent Replibii-^ ^ilKaViii reference toi tltte memorlii/ coin 'soon to be offcji'ed, ' jt>was ‘])ÿüôf of t'.vb !thing:a i P iiat; !tliat name of Lee is so''r6Vorud as .Ifb i bring tribtitoS fi’Oiri' men of [§!iability irom ail ;^4i‘ts of the cqun- .Æi:ti‘y, 'and, secpndj ;tHat these omi- ||vidht Republicans’ of the North W could, not be ■influenced by any ||ib;e|ated' feeling of sectionalism. is aii , epoch-making eveni; 6^hat the Federal government has cliàiitted coins honoring the heroes Îpï the Confederato States of Ame- iirlca.- It ¡3 almost as significant sfàfl.;.the reuniting of the partisans ji?pf;iithe 'War of the Roses. It ¡■ifpreshadows the day •when Ame- iJirlcari history w ill honor all brave .Americans of the. sixties without -'fjreference to whether they fought \j|n .the Federal or; the Confederate .armies. That day is m aterially . hastened by the order of the gov- ||«rnment to mint the coin for the ifjlbeautiiul design by Gutzoh Bor^ Igiglum/ .\ ; V M ;,- The whole South deeply regret- 'l'ièd' the serious differences bo- î'.tw'een Mr. Randolph and Mr. t|;Borgium over tho Stone Mountain 55Mèm;orial. Each had . his i parti- ijii^iis. ■ This paper ; regretted 'ÿhe Ifriotion and ' the,^^ W 11 believecl vir.w ay■ sh’^ ^ i^vo ‘ bee il ; f 0 u n d : by Wh ich -to «iÿ^enablo i M r.i Borglum to vcoitnp lltliis 'm asterly conception,,to which '■"'Jioi liad given so; much/.timé and ai) much heart interest. /ÿj-But—men and brothen-^the Jfcbntrdversy should not',be permit-' “ |teci ‘ to staVici jri tho. y/ay "of,:, the iÿ^ÿimmediate carrying out ,. of thé i'lg^ policy adopted w itli reference t0| |i.’;the memoi’ial coin. The bankersi 0';ipver the South, with a spirit be- Ifl.v .y^ all praise, have' uridertakçn :|îv to '.carry ou t the i plan. Commit- |>Ç;teo3 have been named. The coin for /'distribution. The ' ‘ifeppppi'turiity for .every'person, in l^m erica. to possess one of the bearing thé i of-Lee Jii'ckspn ^ i at hand. !®|i|i|;This is. not prim arily a Sputh- , Men and women 1 ç/'invall sections of the country are ■[? interested and w ill participate, the Southern people have a U '‘'îpèfculiar.intercst.in the men whose ^deeds are commemorated and in the completion of the moiiumon- ;ial memorial. It, therefore, be­ hooves tho people of tho South,to take' tho load in the m atter. The day. w ill come when these fifty- , cert I Lee and Jackson coins w ill Æ<P-' ■ be preserved and handed down № from generation to generation as something rare and beautiful. The number is limited arid no more w ill be minted. The coin minted in commemoration of the W orld’s Fair' at Chicago is' now so highly prized that the holders 'vVill not part withi : them at-^ny roiisonable price. These ; -memo­ rials of Lee and Jackspn fill have even a greater sentim ental, inter­ est to all Southerners; and in a I"! iquai’ter of a century' all w ill be so highly prized that' none will be in circulation. People of other sections w ill purchase these coins and pay one 1 dollar more for the fiftycent coin. Men and women of the South -will do likew ise and w ill aj.s6 do more. They feel a peculiar obligation and responsibility for the' success of the undertaking. It is the first tim e such recognition has been given by the government to the leaders of the South in' the sixti WINSTON-SALEM-FORSYTIl- COUNTY FAIR OCT. 6, 7, 8, !) Large Pi'omiums O ffered; Fi'ce AttractiPns Eclipso Anything , of the Past; Horse Racing ’ ’ : : : a Feature / ‘.'Thp'' Wi nston-Sa 1 em and For­ syth county fair will bo bigger and better : this ' year than any. time in, its history,'’ said ah of­ ficer of the Fiiii' nssocjatipn yes­ terday when interv.iewòd. ' ^ ,'!You mean tp'teli'm o tliiit''.yòii hnvo sòiné'fching that.w ill surpass the. splendid exhibitions and .at­ tractions of last year,’.': the report­ er, asked this official, “Positively,” saicl the official and furthermoro he laid, great stress upon tho fact that there wi.ll be more liberal premiums this year than any prq- vious year. The fair this year Vi-ill be held October 6, 7, 8, and 9. This year the free attractions in front of the grand stand w ill bo Hoagani’s Hippodrome in twdvo separate and distinct presenta­ tions giving eleven acts in all con­ sisting of a fox chase with Rus­ sian wolf hounds, mule derby with three mules, bucking mule, buck­ ing Ford, Roman standing race, push ball with six horses, half m ile running races with six hors­ es and a tandem team. All of this w ill bp free in frpnt of the grandstand every day and night. ;. iTlio big fireworks feature tliis be-, year w ill be “ Romo Under Nero.” This is !0nè„óf the mpst 'imitteiiso attractions ever offered and the grand climax cibmes^with the most ,l3eautl|ul;,displiiy pf firewprks on ■iiecòrd>.: It\‘shóW8ì Nero’s' famous palatìe' • of; gold, ;;and Ì many other historic buildings of old.:Rome all corr.octly/produced tb give '^atmos- phoro” to the colorful ' pageant which precedes .the burning, of .the great city. An, am algamation of drama, .pageantry, iind fireworks, reproducing Christian prósòcu- tio'n bacchanalian' rovels, and the infamous terrorization of history’s hated tyrant, the .wholo. culm inat­ ing in th'at famous holocaust, the burning df Rome, The officials of tho fair, it is pointed out, is to have closer co­ operation, laboring together that Forsyth county may talee ; first placo in agriculture, education, live stock and live stock products, hortldulture, ; home economics, m anufactured - products, good roads, sanitary homes, schools and churches' and clean amusements. It w ill be tho twenty-sixth annual exposition. Direct from Now York city will, come the worldwide fa­ mous Victor and his wonderful band. Another feature w ill be tho girl with the “M illion Dollar Voice,” Miss Gertrude J. Van Deinse, the celebrated dram atic soprano, recognized as tho great­ est'out-door lady singer of Ame­ rica. This incomparable artist is now. fillin g the current-season’s engagement with th é;Victor’s fa­ mous concert band, ■ ’ An attractive bboklot outlliiing every, detail in connection, with tlid fair is Just off the press. The horse racing is explained in fUll details as well as'pony, races for children under fifteen; years of age. 'There will, bo horse racing every afternoon. ' Those whp have not, received a catalogue may obtain ono by ad­ dressing "Sepretary of Winston- Salem and: Forsyth County 'Fair Box lC55,' ^Vinston-Salem, N. C,” Thpse behind the fair are doing everything in their power to'make the one this year the mosi; suc­ cessful, Expense is a secondary m atter with them as they have the interest of tho community at heart and want to do their share in pushing W inston-Salem and For­ syth county forward. The premiums this year are .............. ................................. .................. larger than last year and below es. If the South should fail to’ are just only a partial list show- h"-',‘ i purchase the coin, and the enter­ prise should lag for any reason, it would be misunderstood all ov­ er the country. ; Therefore, every Southerner should be proud of the privilege of insuring the suc­ cess of the proper distribution of the coin. 'j' ' As far as- North Carolina is concerned, though many, perhaps most, pf ilis people we're'partisans «of Gutzon Borglum and regret the turn affairs took, it should do w hat it has always done—bo first an the support of the distribution ■of tlieso Stone Mountain coins as it w as first at Betliel, Moro sol- idiers served in the Confederacy irom North Carolina than there wére voters in the State in I860, ■ That record and the courajje they displayed causcd Lee to say: ,‘‘God :l)less, North Carolinas,” Let the State.inobillze to carry : th e ", Stone"^' MÍountain...Memorial caf;jpii,|pn pvfjr the,,,top, U j.jp,.{in jipjpeal that' shoUld be ahs'wered THE HELL-HOUND TRAIN (Sm ithfield Herald) Tbo following poem was hand ed us by one of our readers for publication: ' Tom Gray la,d o w n on the bar­ room, floor; . He, hail cirunk so much he could ' hold .no more, So hp.foli asleep with a troubled : ' ' brain,' Aiid dreamed he rode in a lieU- boiind train, • . ' Tho engine; with , blood w as' red ’ and damp, ' • ' , : And brilliantly lit \yith ft brlm- stone lamp; For fuel an imp was shoveling ■ bones, ; A'nd' the furnace roared witha . thousand groans, Tho boiler was filled with lager beer And'the. devil himself was the en­ gineer. The passengers made such a mot­ ley crew— Churcli members, atheist, Gentil ' and Jew. Rich men in broadcloth, beggars in rags, Handspme young ladies and with­ ered old hags, Red,'black nien, yellovy brown and ' whiie, , \ ' A ll chal'notl togethoiv W hat a ter- . 'rible sighti'.''' . y ' The train'dashed on at a teri-ible ;i'..;.pace, .:' • Anti .the . hot winds burned, tho ' hands and face, v Wildoi’ and w ilder the country ; gr6w‘. And faster and faster tho engine .flew. ': Lpu.dor and 16udor the thunders crashed, Brighter and brighter the light- ing flashed: Hotter and hotter the air becanie Till clothes bunied off each quiv- frame.'ring ing the increased amount. F irst premium for the best, farm exhi­ bit is $250; second, ^150; third, ?100; fourth, ?75, and to the win­ ner of the first prize the Wacho­ via Bank and Trust company is offering an aditional prize of $100. All creditable exhibitors who contest under this head, but ,clo not win one of the four prizes w ill be awarded $25 each for their efforts. To the community fair making tho best exhibit a prem­ ium of $100 w ill be given; second premiums w ill bo<$60; third, .$25; fourth, ¡i!12.50. .Now, in the distance arose a great ■ veil. ■ ■/■"i “H al H al” said tho devil, "we’ro ■ ^ nearing hell,” Then oh, how tho passengers cried ■'.in ..pain,;*';/; ^ ,.. .V,': And begged the devil to stop the train, ^ ■ - -'y ^ And he capered about in .all his glee .,:' :",7 ■: And laughed and joked at their agony, : . "My .faithful . frionds, you . have done my work, . And tho devil can never a payday shirk, "You have bullied the weak and robbed ti|jio poor, And the starving ones turned from your, door You’ve laid up gold where canker ru sts,, :. And given free vent to your flesh­ ly lusts. You have justice scorned and cor­ ruption sown. And trampled the la>vs of nature .down.' ' ■ ■' :. You have drunk, rioted murdered' and lied, ■ . , And mocked at ;God in your h ell- . born pride. ' - / "You’ve paid full fare, so I’ll car­ ry you through; It is only ju st that you get your due, ' • Why, the laborer alw ays expects his hire,'. So I’ll landi you safe in the lake of fire,— ..... "Whore your flesh shall roast in flames that.rpar,' : And. my imps torment you forev­ er more,” So Tom awoke with an agonized .cry, : ’ ; Wet with sweat and his hair standing high. And ho pr.iyed as he never had prayed before. To be saved from drink and the 'devil’s power, ' And his vows and his pVayors were not in ivain, : For ho never rode on the hell- bound train,' S’l’ANI)АШ) PRICES GIVEN FOR ADVERTISING RATES That hundreds of now.3papers are hot charging enough for thuir advorli.^ing si)ace is the stiito- ment hiado by, the National lidltor iai Associatipn,: : . Miiny s,maU loWn weekly piipers, tlio ¡nssocia-' lion finds a re ; ,charging: barely moro than enough for Com'posiiion A standard pl’ide has lieeii set by the association and-has ilie . San­ ction;' of . tile fidvortisers over the countr.Y. : it, 'is. a ' standard scale that has, been 'adopted for some time, blit several papers''áre not following it, \ ; Those луЬй Sometimes criticise the ftcívertising rate of The En­ terprise would do well to look over these standard prices that áre charged by many weekly papers and judge for themselves wheth­ er The Enterprise rate i^ high. If w e. followed the schedule the advertising rate would be almost twice what it is now. Following ia the schedule: For 500 or leaa circulation 25. For 1,000 or less circulation 30c For 1,600 or less circulation 3Gc For 2,000 or less circulation 40c For 2,600 or less circulation 45c For 3,000 circulation or less 48c For 3,600 or less circulation 61c A BIG BUMBLE BEE WRECKS FORD COUPE The Stanly New^iHernld. ’ ' ■ ' E arly tins morning as. Mr. R. t . Sibley was going to the mill that is cutting lumber for his i^Iant,,a bumble bee entered his Ford Coupe, and while, trying to g e tth is unwelcome' 'visitor '..tp ieavo,, M r.; Sib^Iey for the "fii-st, tim e ,,in 20 years took his ¡oyps off tlie road, and his, car tumbl,ecl down an .embankment near iliong Creek bridge, and did consiilerablo damage to the running gear. ' ' Mr. Sibley was the first'stan ly, county citizen to own an, aufcpmo- bile and some of the pessimist? of that year—iOOG—predicted that he would be killed in two m onths.. W hile ho has been in a number of ;wrocks, this is the first one wherein, ho was playing a loading I'oie, and yet it cannot bo said that he was pla-ying tho l(|ad-, ing:,r61e hproj. for it is very evi­ dent that tho bee was doing riiost of the playing. It is strange that tills boo went riding' in a Ford, or this may be made clear if thorp was a possibility of the opening of a now Pandora’s box, neverthe­ less the bee was there, and tha, car is now in pno of the garages in Albemarle. It| was 'learned by the News- Horald reporter w h ile' talking with Mr. Sibley, that ho is one of those m en'who believes in pre­ paredness. An extra gallon of gasoline, a half gallon can of motor oil, a quart of water, and a rope were found in the com­ partment fpr,tools, and when ask­ ed why all this 'extva equipment, Mr. Sibley replied' “I never know when my gas Will giyo out, or when I w ill moot ti fellow travel­ er out of gas, or when I w ill have to be ipul|ed in or can pull some­ one else in, and then my oil may give out, and,the.m an I meet may be out of oil, or-some one along the - road may need a drink of water, so 1^ am always prepared 'for these emergencies,” . Mr. Sibley was hot injured in any way, neither was any of tho glass broken in the car, but his nerves wore rath er’ shocked. It may be that the boo caused the' nerves to give wa^ to an extent, any way, that bee had the tjme of his life this morning. If a bee gets in your car and you' cannot get it out- any, other way, just turn tho car over, and when it is righted Mr, Bee will bo gone, ' FARM PICNIC NEÌAR S’rATES- VILLE/rilU RSpA Y, JULY 23RD. The annuiil farmnra’ picnic at the Piedmont Experinient .Station ndàr Slatesyillo, '’will be ;li.eld on Thursday, Jul.v 23rd.^ This is rt groat gathering of fa'i’hiers ,:iind farm women fròm all Pipdhioiit North Carblinil. ■ pn : previoufi oc- ,casion'3:,a3,;niiùij*.a3;3évoi^ difr' èreht ’ cbuhties'.vVore ^ An unUàiiàl-strbhg 'program is be-- ing prepared, \y.hicli will includo addresses,’ recroation, ,' oxli.iblts, dpnioristrations and farm toiira. Farm ers bf ¡ill l^iedmpnt; Nòr'th C arolina-arò Invile;! '¡b attend, NOl’ICEI HELP FOR FARMERS BUILDING SILOS IN Raleigh, Juno 29.-—W. A. Ale.x- ander, a student at State College, has been secured at assist farm ­ ers of the State in building silos this summer, announces E. R. Raney, farm engineer for the ex-' tension division at State College. Mr. Alexander has already begun his activities and has work going on for D. S. Hayworth at High Point. Work has also been start­ ed on a stave silo for H. L. Brake ,at Rocky Mount. . For present indicatipna there w ill ..bd more ' sijos erected this summer than there have boon for the. past soyerai years. ,Plaiis and bills of materials, for fifty-^' six silos'have i^lreiuly been niailbd to interestccl iVaTOora^lnd rpquosts for infp'rmatibn ¡tro being receiv­ ed etich'day, ' •Mr, Raney al^p «nii.oiiîices,that, II, H, tíbrdpn, ,who'.W as'with tiie division'last.'y.bar.biit is now witii the: Port! iiid Cpmeiit Aaspéiation, is also cooperating' in- lielijlng .build silos and I'otli^iv fai^iri'.'liiiild- ings where concrete co'usti'Uctibii is.needed,,. ■ "Most' of ihb’silo work is usual­ ly put off until .some, time iii Au­ gust,” siiys Mr,|.Raney, "and for .tlijs roa.son" wo arc not able to .cover very much -vvprk; with one man, but wo are getting the forms built, and storing them until tho. men ' interested can get to work. By doing tills we are able to get about twice as many sUqs con­ structed as would bo possible otherwise,”. ' • Fiirniei's interested in building silos thiS'.year o r those wishing information on other farm build­ ing m atters should write to, E, R, Raney, Farm Engineer, Raleigh N, C, ' — —---------♦-------^--------- COUNTY AGENT PROVES VALUE OP LIME V ‘ C, P. DeiidmPn ■ - ■■ . , W. Ai. Langstpn and' wife , Susan';. M. Lan In obediance to'a .I’utlgomeni; oj’ the Superior Court in',tlip above ehtitied ac.tioii, and'; said , judgo-^ ment iiqt :.huving',:'bepir paid and satisfioci, I willV;rò-sell;;at ;public auction to the highest bidde'r for cash at’ tho; Ciourt :Houso' door iu Mocksville, Dayie .County, Ñ, c., Oj\ Holiday the' 6tii day of ' Jiily, 1925, the, follbwlng tracts or par­ cels o f. land, : sitiiiited in Davie County, North Carolina aiid boun­ ded as follo\ys, viz: 1st tract. Be­ ginning at ,a stone on the' We,st side of the Salisbury road and running 6,82 deg, W, with W, H. C raig’s line, 38,30 chs., to a stono in Amas W right’s line; thence S. 8 deg. W, 22,90 chs,, to a hickory; thence N, 83 deg, E, 63.26 chs., to a stone on W est side'of the Salis­ bury road; thence with said road 30,10 chs,, to tho beginning, con­ taining 116 3-4 acres, more or less. For further reference see following deeds: from J, C, Foard and wife to Joseph F, Pickier, re­ corded in Book 7, pages 97 and 98, from J, C, Foard and wife to Joseph F, Pickier recorded in Book 7, pages 998 to 1000; from BI.' S, W ard and wife to C. I;^ Deadmon, rocprded in same of- fico; and:from C. P, Deadmon to M, A, Langston, All rqgistereil ih the : pffico -p£j tho R egister. of Deeds of Davip. County,,.N, C, 2nd,i.Tract, .adjoining the land.s bf J. D. Hodges, J, W. Click, W. A, Peekeriand,others.) Beginning Ut 'aiStonp J. W. Hodge’s corner; thenco East, 40,. chs,,-, to . a . white bhk; thenco South , 1 ch., and 75 links tp a- hicl^oiy; thenco East 11 clis.,> tP; a dogwood;' thence South 7 ,chs.,- to 'a, stbno; thenco North 88 deg., 'West 44 chs,, and 07 links to, a stake or Stono; thence South .4 chs,, and <35 lini;!} to n stake or stone;:thonce North 89 deg,, W, 13 chs., to á stone ia J. D. Hoclgo’s line; thenco North 12 chs., and 40 links to the be­ ginning, containing 66 ttcros, more or less.' Said sale w ill bo started at .?4,400.00 for tho lie 8-4 ,acro tract,-and $1;430.00 for the 66 aero tract. .. • ' Said lands aro being Hold,to satisfy tho judgem ent in tho abovo entitled action. This May 28, 1926. E. L. GAITHER, Commissioner. -------L _------^ ^— SURVIVING PARTNERS’ NO'nCE TO CREDITORS Attractive premiums are offer­ ed exhibitors of the bee club, A'prem ium 'of ,?100 is offered corn , club, in the tobacco. for the best commercial e x h i b i t ‘‘''oatock and poultry deyartmohts, of apples by • growers,, open to V irginia and North Corolina, any The prizes in the various divisions of tlie women’s dppartmdrit will name variet.v,' with'second prem- inspiré many ho.uspwiyes tp inake ium .$50, and third of $2C eh's 'of ■ Guilford, DavidSo'ri ium $50, and third of $25. Citiz- esi^ecial preparation.? for exhibit^ idsori, Surry, 'nt.^the fair, this y^ar,' 'while .thf Stpke,B,...Roc|^inghaniK.:'All,W:hanyí¡‘’"^*’y dépártmeiit;_‘‘;ant W atauga and 'A she cbimties " m a y d e p a rtm e n t. pf,,Bpy..8Q.PUia.'are contBsb f о г-the'best''fííi'''m”exHiblfj'l.included'iniithe pTömium:<list',‘’wlth firritfpr'dmiuKVTOing'^S'O'tfj sëtônâ7valiiiibï'é'‘offérinfeô"fbr 'tUìzo .'iWii'- » * -» 4 » # * ■ # * DR. E, C. CHOATE ' DENTIST * Ih Mocksville Monday, Tups- * * day and W ednesday; Ovor * ■*'' Southern Bank & Trust Co. f Phone 110 - * In'Cooleemo'o Thursday, Fri- * * day und'SaMir lay ; chev C:ol- * * eemee Drug St'orej''^"' * » PHONESr Residence No. 8(5. * .1' .' ,li: Office N,!.' 33 * * '' ■ '- 'X^Roy 'Diagnoiais '* 4(- # * * tt -» » ■tt’’ -» -«- * «- -» * IF you want 100 per cent pure * Food, cooked right, and Serv- '* 'bd'ill an up-t'b-däto w ay,; eat I* at ë ........'';;,G R IFFS,,,C A ^', ^ Icë''créam aritì 'bold drink«'' * » "* »'i' # V'M 'Hle4 l'.Tl Raleigh, June 29.—An intereat- ing demonstration on tho value of limo has Just boon conipletod by George Evans in Davie County. In tho fall of 1923' Mr. L G. Roberts of Cana undertook this demonstration with Mr. Evans and although the land was very thin and poor the results show conclusively the'valuo of limo ap­ plications. • ' ' The fiold of red clay soil' was divided into .four seciiions and ground limestone, applied tP three sections at th e;rate of 1,000, 2.000 and 3,000 pounds per acre. The rem aining soction w as' lefi' unliniod as a check on-tho plots. Then the whole field was sown to wheat using 200 pounds-of 8-3-3 fertilizer to the acre. In ,the spring a mixture of red and al- sike clover was sown ¡upon; tho wheat' and .200 pounds por acre of IG per cent acid phospliate was used.' A good stand-of clover w,a's se-^ cured all oyer the field, and the lime showed that it was going to be of great benefit tp the crop. The: clover m.atured and was cut for hay, each section being'weigh­ ed separately, with tho following rófñilts; ' ■ . . ....о limo ,............................ 492 lbs. 1.000 lbs. lime „.......„...... 1,032 lbs. 2.000 lbs. limé ......,„, 1,844 lbs. 3.000 lbs. Ijme „.........l,-308 lbs. This land was of about average acidity and of much less than average fertility but tho value of lime stands out as clearly as though the soil had been very rich. From th isd em o n stratio n and from others carried on over the State, E. ,C. B lair, extension agronomist at State College, re­ commends the use of 2,000 pounds bf lime to the acre as iihis amount does as well if not better than larger applications,,--------------^------------------ Ф ------------------------------------- . ’rhat the dairy cow has a, mark­ ed effect on the health of :nations, is ahoWq by a recent study, of 24 .countries ipade at tho Chipi State! University, I ,ln,jilew Zelan^l whpvp й!‘Ц sÉ iiîb .Ш ' “t ó ü ií'д'0в'''^оЙ й'^'£‘! ŸOUvWANT' ^ .SAVE MONEY Having qualified as Survivinji Partners of G, W, Potts & Co,, of Advance, Dai-io County, N, C„ nil persons having claima agaln.st the Partnerahip which were in e.x- iatonce at'th e time of tho death of G, W, Potts deceased partner,, aro hereby notified to exhibit tiie aame to the undersigned Surviv­ ing. Partners on' or before tho 21st day of May, 1920, or this notice w ill bo plead in bar of their recovery, " ' ' ' . • . All persons indebted to said Partnership w ill please .make ini- niediate settlem ent with the und­ ersigned Surviving Pai’tners, This M ay 2l3t„ 1925, ’ W, J. POTTS and A, E, POTTS, Surviving Partners of G. 'W. Potts ¿C om pany. ■’ By Jacob Stewart; A tty.' 6 18 4C. t ■ NOTICE! . Having qualified as executrex of Dr. A, Z, Taylor deed,, notice is; hereby given to all. persons holding claim y against said estate. to present the sam é duly verified to the undersigned for payment on or.before the 3rd day pf June, Í926, or this notice w ill b'o plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are roquested to make iin-, | mediato payment, ' This the 3rd day of June, 1925, MRS, LEONORA TAYLOR DODD, Ext,, of Dr, A, Z, Taylor, deed, . E, L, Gaither, Attorney. . ' ■ ,V,6 ll-fi-' Of » » # ,# ,;,-(> « -If * DR. LESTER P. MARTIN * » , ____ .: * Night Phono Í20;-Day Phone * ■ ■ , ' 71.■ *' ’ * , Moclisvillo, N.. C,,v * '* * tt. -» ■» tt tt tt First Quality Guarantfeed ,-r,.T ires,! С()Щ*о;:ру^гу ,i„¡r m'.w-r(T ,-^ш eons. ; i - WlMton-Sale^^^ С, МИ'’ M í .M* ■■ / / '/ ■-I I I . I • I ' , * ' ■ \ ' , ‘ \ . 'ij 0i< THK ENTERPRISE VAll The Local News/^ otó Motto-Tíie Largest PAID-IN-ADVANCB CIRCULA rION of ANY PAPER in Davié Coimiyí/^g;^ , г щ ' шг r VU''/i'iüÇirr'« * »J í к /^ í ^ J í \ Ч S*' /* U TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO QUR COUNTY' AND OUR FL/^ OU.. Alf,. . -> i 'Ji’.r 'SE 'V(3l , VIII JU ^ "'P ,: 1025 л': Forecasts Big Cotton Yield C ondition Put at 75.1) of Normal and Cotton Markets. Tumble . $2.00 to ?5.00 a Bale Duke. 'To Get'27 New Buildings A ——:---------------- Erection of Structures W ill Begin at an Early Date FORTY CAMPUS BUILDINGS ES'riMATE OF 14,339,000 BALES Durham, July, —Tvyenty-seven Washington, July, —A cotton n^w buildings are to be erected'at crop of 14,339,000 equivc.ient 600- Duke university, accoifding to re- pound bales was forecaai; today by liable information received by the the department of a^ricutlure as Herald today. The completé build- this year’s probable production, int; program will give to the uni- Should favorable coi.aitions pre- ' varsity approximately 40 buildings vail from now until tune of pick- including the new ones and the re- ing aiid the quantity forecast 'i.- (iay materi£il.,.ie, the crop wou.d be the third largest in c,3tton'his­ tory. It would exceed last^year’s crop by liiniosc three-qi.,.rters of a million baios.' The prospective bumper crop is tho result of an exce.oüihgly large acreage, probably^ the largest ev­ er ¡ilanted, ,and thb favorable con­ dition 'generally of the growing: modeling of prac,tically all of the buildings on the present campus. j The building , program will be carried out in two separate units with the first one calling for the erection of , eleven new .buildings on tho present,, campus, costing, according to the architect / in 'charge of the work, approximately $3,000;000.- The second unit; will ___ _ . , _ _ .c/msist of si.xteon ne.w - buildings plants. There /лурге " 46,448,000У:р be’^^efected on the south side of acrcB in cultivatioi:) June 26. That is 3,807,000, acres inore thtni ; in cultivation, a year ago. ThP. ih-‘ creased , acreage is' duo ; to , v^^tho planting ,. bf consjcierabfij, new land, substitution of ,cotton ioii^ land used last ywir .for,|^:varlovi0, otlier crops and the planting óf . land that was idle last year.; In every state except Virginia,: М1Й- souri and Arizona, the area ex­ ceeded last year’s. . 'Г-. ^ ; . The condition of the growing plants was, bettSr than a year ago everywhere except in Texas. Tlie averai#) condition, was 76,9 '"per cent of a normal. This is; 4,7 points abpvo 'the June '26 condi­ tion last year aiid r,9 pbint's aboyo /the 10-year Jii'no .26 average, : In the last month;the crop as à whole doclinpc\;0'i7 points а,ч' com­ pared with, a 10-year average im- ' pravoment of 2,0 points. In; Texas the dedline was :six‘pointsi-.where-j as the usual. Impr.ovdment-there is about three points. Rain is badly need for cotton there. By States The area in, cultivation June.26 (in thousands, of. (icres) and the condition of,tho crop on that date by states follows: ' Virginia, acroago -90 and con- ' 'dition 83 per cent of a normal ; North Carolina,; 2,183 , and J77; South Carolinii 2,740 ami 70; Ge­ orgia. 3,564 and .76; Florida 116 and 84; ;,'Álabama 3.45 and 79; Mississippi 3,424 and 88; Louisi- iuia 1,9,10, and 81 ;. Texa's, 18,287 , and 64 ; Àrkah'sa;s',. 3i649; hnd, -87; ; Terinessob: Í,219 i'ahd; 86 ;'Misjsoiiri 503 aiid 90;';,OklilhPm’^|4,8.67-;-and 88;;CalifbrnÌ£l Ì70::ahd;Ì96; Arl- zonia,.;163 and 92 ; New Mexico~,139 and 88 ;; all other.states 08 and 94 ;; about 150,000^'acros i'n Lower Califoi'hla,;01d México aré not in-^ cliided in'..California figures, nor in vthe United States total.- The acreage in ,all .other states includes: illi|iois, 8,000';: Kentuc­ ky,' 28,ООО,.: aiid Kansfis 2,000, ’ ; Thp acS’oago in Arizona of. l ’ima , JSgyptian' long staple is estimated at 40,000 acres. cpmpared 'Nvitli 8,000 acres in 1924.: ; ; ' MOCK’S CHURCH NEWS Our community ' was visited with, a ' very ; fine rain Saturday night wliiclv Ayas . .needed very ninchV'-.:.'; ., '■ ■■■:' Mr; L.'.B. Orrell lost; his barn and g ran ary,-and hipst alL ^ farming, tools’ by/ fire- one'day last :week. It was;;fired; by his little boy, .Avho had a narrow escape/ Miss Geòrgie Mock spent Sai;ur- day night with. Miss: Effie Orrell. , Mrs. ;Stacy Myres of Virginia, is spending a few- diiys with her fathor-in-law,. Mr. ;U. : II; Myres. The*' little- son ;of ';Mr.' G. W. Mock was taken , seriously .ill Saturday iiight--with spasms, biit he is; some- better at,th is time, we are glad to nòte. , , ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Gèo. Z. 'M yres spent; Sunday 'injW instbn with re-J latives. ; Mr. atid- Mrs. 'Willie Cornatzer, of : Smith Grove,‘ spent Sunday with M, R..; Jones. ' , Mr. ;L; B^ Mock-spént Monday in .Mocksville, on. business.' Rev. R, P,: Fikes,'filled his, re­ gular appointment. Sunday, ;»£tejf- noon, I the railroad on the prpperty ^re­ cently,'purchased bj^'the univPrsi- ty„ ' The rembtleliiig: of tiie old buildings w ill bè; done follpwing the. completion of the first unit, .The first unit, tpgei;lier with the present buildings, \ylll be the-uni- versity until the ■second, unit pf 16 'buildings is completed, ; After the second, unit is finish- ,ed it w ill be occupied as thè men’s college while the présent .carapjis w itli:itS '23 buildings :will be used as à cblfege 'for; womeii, it'w as learned. ; ' , Contract for the erection of the first unit will be let,July 14th and the work is scheduled ,tp begin '(is spoil as the succe'ssfui cbntractbr 'can got liis. matorial • on thp grounds. Some' of.,the buildings \Vill bo-'ròady for qccupiincy wheiv the fall; term begihsj it was staired, while' the - rem ainingone,s ’of'the 'first unit ;ai’0 'é^pB6't'^d''"t6'16e*'cl^'- pleted in;^tho spring; It 'Was not stated when the second unit will be built. ; Nothing could be learned re­ garding the 'type of architecture adopted by the Duke committee for tho institution but all of theni, including thé ones to be remodel­ ed, wil I bo of tho same type, —--------------«----------------- America Attacked In Belgian Papers Cornering BelgLu iig W ” Accu.sed of Into Recognizing W ar Deb't In Order to Float Loan m VOLLEY OF ACCUSATIONS ;> B russelsr July 6,—The United States is being violently, attacked by the prussels newspapers in a series of editoriaia for “corner- iri'g’’ Belgium, aa'the papera allege' "into recognizing the w ar debt in order to float a $ibo,000,000 loan,V and alsso for tryiiig to collect a debt Avhich the-Bblgians expected to be charged to Germany under the Versailie's theaty,'! Comparing the failu re of the United States to ratify this trea­ ty \yith thc\' German "scrap of ' paper” repudiation of the Belgian neutrality, the. r^ation Beige aslcs: "Are we vassals?” and continu­ es:.,;" "To: recognizd^becnuse'';one is little, ; because one; is poori and because one needa./iTioney—-a debt tlia t. tho- ; creditor : contracted to cancel and to collect frpiii a third party (Germany) is 'tp become a vaasal. - Tfio Vingitime Siecle, Oatholic oi'iïaii,, cdiniüentihg on Prpaident Cqolicige’a го^еге'псе . to ; security ill his recent' speech'at Cambridge asks:, "After,', such; statemdnts,' ;it;is unreasonable to think that; the United iStates; entered tlie 'war solely to’ help it's debtoi% to win and thereby protect.its accounts”, and.concludes: ■ "Do not let us speak any, more about American philanthropy.” LAWN PARTY AT SMITH ...... g r o v e ;-; . Come to Spilth Gi’pve Saturday night,' July.' ;the . nth. ,.T}iere w ill be a, lawn paHy given by the Bible Class of thé Ml' !E. THE: EibiciSEl^ is; :?o w erful, BUT INEFFECl:itE. ,:\;rBACiB:iN6 :,BIOLOGY TO HIGH SCHOdL PUPILS like feeding MEAT TO BABIES OTHER THOUGHTS ON EVOLUTION QUESTION. The shrewd judge of human nature is well aware that there is no weapon more powerful, whed effectively used agiiinst the average man, than ridicule. Men arill women who would face vphy- sical danger unflinchingly, w ill sho'w up the biggest of cowards in the face of ridicule. Those Vhowvould deliberately prevert the minds of pur young people in iiii{! athools and colleges, just at that age when their minds are most plastic, by teaching them Dar­ winism instead of something m ore; iseful, knowing,,the power of ridicule v*eti vjudtbid as a , weapon. They and'their s.vm- pathizers/have',’’ therefore, beeii: disposed to call every one opposed to their wprkj;,,,"ignorant’’- oi.;-'^ani»v-minded,” or "blockhead,” or "old fashibhW ,’’; br-;'somethlhg^,elsb» that. The result has been many;..^promihciit ;:thirikbrs ;and schoMrs, who x^iave felt disposed to spealc out agiiiiii^t, so ,;^callcd “modjBrnism,’' have hesitated many, times tp do s o ,.b e c a u s e . .. 'v . . ■; , However, - as. the bpic?er,‘'^sviy^^^ iBryan and others, continue to oiipress theniseives; inqst' fiiarlcSsl^TOJ see tlte army of “anti-Darwin- Jsts’^grbw. .;:^)ibiV’tiib '^ ^ the “modornist” teaching fiiw started^ soinq^ niphths the idea .was tP suppress the 'fi;eddohi oi<,tho'im,incU.(aW have won for the evolutionists, for it mad'pSiMiiext'lip^^^^^^^^^^^ ono to. dare mention or suggest iti* bppoaitloh iÔ®'ie''Æêïichlng of evpiü| on> in tho. public schools,. ÍBut; as the Scbpes trial draws nation; ' bb ____ _ . -^jarer and nearer, and^tho:whol& ion; h'as,;coinmbricod to talk_,about tho great, ciuestion which may' invplved. in, that Tennessee tr|d > leading.w ritors,are freely;,ex­ pressing themselves.. ; The resH lt'il'th at thoy are- showing -up that the oppp3ition;to. tli4 teachin'glbf 'p|plutlpn is not.an effort to "Sup­ press thought.’’ ';it, is; an bffbrt' to have the- minds of the young “dii|octb'd,”‘ arid ; directed to something else than thp idea that man 'sprang' from a monkey. Amofig 'the powerful national publications recently speaking out iri favor pf thb Tiuinq^see law.-ls the Nation, a New York, perio­ dical, which may b'e said' tb;be'anything bise than a publlcation;in-j tended for the' tiarrovy ininded; and;ignoraht,,;;N cithdr i3 It a "block-: ;hoa'd!’ periodical; ^■,,C; . That paper puts the .argupiont lOrwiu’d.ih this manner, and hit's the '"b'ull’s o.vo’_’' exactly, ; 'Sfiys' tho ,Cpntinerit:'; ,: ; , ; : ' . Suppose" a ;schobr teacher ■ inv N5)W':'York began' entertaining his pupila with tho- case ''againat .t^ Jews, or hgainst the Pöpe?.. : Sup- poae: a ,teacher in;;y;orriipnt ;eS.say_bd ;tp.> argue that.the late Confqde- •i^te, Statea: woro-right, aa jthousaiids of perfpctly aanp aiid.iritolii- gbht persons'bpli'evb.','" The.-’öyiUenbp 'bf'^Nvhhl hrtppehs'tb'such'a tumacious teacher ';was spread before ua coploualyduring the: .iip- roar about Bolsheviks.' Aiid it was not'in rural Tennessee but, in the great culturar centers Which- now laugh at Tonnesaeo.that puhiah- ments Clime m ost'sw iftly;and were most barbaroda. f * * v :' ' . ' Yot now we are asked to belieyo that some mysterioua and Vast­ ly impbrtant-principle is at stake at Dayton—that tho conviction of Professor. Scopes w ill' strikb a deadly blow at enlightenment arid bring ciqwn freedom tp sorrow arid, shame. Tell it to the marines I 'No prlnciiile is at\atako-at , Dayton save the ,principle that achool teachers, nice plumbers,'should stick to the job that ia set“ before them, and not go'roving about the house, breaking windows, raiding the cellar, and dpmoraliaing the children. The issue of free speech is quite irrelevant. , ' ■ \ The Winston-Saleni Journal beli/ivos that teaching'Darwiniani in the public achqqls isvlikefeedirig meat and eggs'and other nclult food to a baby. . That paper does not think the right of free thought is involved ill tlio Scopes trial. Thp Journai comments on the ques­ tion in the fpllowing;very intelligent-manner: , , We . do hot belid.yp ,that any ad u lt,person should be denied the right to . search for- truth ; i nthe realm; of science, or in any other realm. But Aye do 'serlouflly question the ;yvisdoni of toachiiig bio­ logy in pùblib:,schoòl8.-v*; Formerly this was a subject that;w f^ riot presented to the pupil uhtil he reached college, and, ;presUmbly,;waà able to; think for liimself. In adopting that' policy our educatora were vviso.'’ Thé pro^òund 'subject- of the. orlgiii of life .as presented by science is hpt a question for chi^ven. ; Just as there' is certain food for the bodyi.tliiit' is too strbng for children, so thére Is certain mental food that is idangerpus fpr the -child.; The science of ’biplqgy is meat tob strongt'fqr.'children. Teaching bipiogy and the Darwin theory of the origin bf;iife in the public school ia like feeding the two-year-old phild ham and eggs insj:ead'of milk and bread. . ' . . Mr. Scopes has ¿ -right to hold any vlew^ho. pleases; cbncerniiig the creation of man and to-teach any theory he chposes of the'origin of life. But'under thb Tennessee iiegulationS he ciin not teach; his theory i'n the public schools. ; In' otlipr 'iyords if. hd desires tp teach in the schools of that Statq^he must stick tp . tho textbooks; prescrib­ ed... Does,such a regul.atiqn as this inteìiere with free speech'/ Does it deny anjv,citizen' thatrright to search; fpiKtrut,h, wherever it may be found ? H. ao, ' what about bther' teachcrs and. otlier - subjects which might be presented in tho public school room? ' ; - Hayes President - 31 Killed; Epwortli League ed In Sun. Accidents ’; Automobiles, Water, 'Äirpliine Flrcwprks ’Talte T oll': , Other Officers Elected; Meet in Asheville N.ext "ifear; Uuifica- , , lion Proposal Indorsed ' MISS JOHNSON SECRETARY : Salisbury, July 4.—The Western North Caroliha Epworth League, conference adjourned hero last night to meet .next year in Ashe­ ville. Officers elected included Rev, L, B, Hayes, of Greensboro, president.; Rev. B, C. Rpvis, of W eavervilie, vice-president; Miss Louise Johnson, of Winston-Saleni recording secretary;; Earl W. Reace, of Hickory, treasurer.; Oth­ er officers are' to be; 'appointed by the >pew lii-esident,; The place pf ’ meeting was selecteil only .aft­ er -a strong', fight, had been put up by :Win3toh-;Salem and .Ashe- ville, ' ■, ,. ;-' '.■' * At the afternoon aesaion cer- tiiibatea, wdrp 'aw ai ded tlipae who liiid ; dbrie 0,'icertain amount -- of. work and: s'tudy ,dunng the pre­ sent ' conferonco-v.aii,d'‘ovei^-800. of theso tre.usurdd papers were pas­ sed.'out. 'G ibaoi^villo'loiigue,, in Greenabord"diatrict, .won; the only, gold'aeaigiveni-.thia:-year J; B. Ivey loving cup.vwa.s, ed the 'WinstoiV-Saiem district Throughout Country SOME FRBÁK FATALITIES , Nev^ York; "July 5.—Tliirty-one J persons were killed aiid 36 -lu- \ júi'ed; in autothpbilejl drowning, ;, airplatie and fireworks ^accidenta ,■ throughout the country f 'during; the Second ;day of the-"fourth o f; July week-end. Automobile'-ac- ': with 10 dead and eight injured. Four poisons were killed., when .,'t the 'automobile in which ithey \veri> riding was struck by a Biilti-, more itnd Ohio train at Newark, _ ijj 0 .; two pcrabns were inUantly kill/d and two others injured ifi when the \vhoels of ,tho automo*'. i bllo in wliich thoyi^Vet’p riding locked, throwing thq mfiâhilio in- to, a telegraph jPolo ,in' Hastings, ' '(fis eii j-ne winsioii;oaiem -,uisu-ici,. an« a man wno |Urovc oix iijr, This cup goes'each yeai'do ihe float at^ StAten Island ■■\vaaf''sdH-,iy;i,;ijA diatrict doing the most,’efficient ousiy ( injured.. Two work during tho wh'blo year. were drowned ’-at ■ JIanhatt’Afl benohosi - work during the wholo year. - ’i'he young people w ent,’Strong or iunification.' to ’ tlie -northern-' and southern branches of Motho-;*; dism.’'';lThi2 resolution -as it came frbm the.', committee, carried a, phrase^, that 'riiiihy: thought . would bb ;'ob'.iecti6nabid' and the rpsolu-i tibn\,fa.llod'to carry. A flor ajmo- tibn tp table had been:lost Iind the. original rosplutibnNiad thp objec- tionlible phrase, elim inated, it pas-; 8ed^;;tananimbu8ly. 'fhe , resolu-: ti,oh-. carried; the. pledge: ^that : thp: ybung; 'pebpie 'w ill tiike -, up the fig h t.'unew if! the 'present plfih; for unification,should fail to car- ry; State Taxes Riiri To $6,24^,816.20 -----------—r— Collections for the Year Are An­ nounced by Commisaionpr ^ , ]\Ianhatt’àtì,./?.'i;5 À'AlïïnÀii-JJUtb One'iaviatór.' v/as kilied andt Jiiq'l'i^ ' pnasengor injurod nt Cur,tis £iQ^d iwhen thè pijot loat,-control of tho 'V aivplano .'iwhiip dping "atunia.^” Whilo attempting to ‘ irighto n', i hifl'frienda w ìth ‘firbprflekers,'a man ili Havorhill, Mass., loat hià i footing and foli down''ii -l’Iighfc- ol?- staii's. ' He died of. a ' fràctiired y ,< skull. ,Four fingerà wero^blown" 'V'Vi'a off t'ho hiihd of ,a;boy in Lako' pswoccaji vlHage whon , a .^alapt 'V flrocracker ho waa l]pldìng éx- plpded, ^ I f-Ai'y ; Fire, in Whitp City, Ohicago'V Mouthsiilb aniuspiiieni paik lonighfc « | created';a;bi'lòf;: panie amdng thoi crowds.KTho iosa was ;eatlmatod a t' , $50,000,. I No- injuriea wQi’e repprt- v';.'-i òd. ; '.'V' ': V A pas-sengor tiain carrying ex-' i: MORE THAN.. LAST' YEAR; It begins to Ipok like the present agitation, ia' going;to-arouse public sentiment in^ this State to, the point where the public will de.- mand thfit the question of pyoíutiori be left put o f. State'schools and colleges, as a part of the proscribed course-bf ^studies, and remain for the pupil to investigate iifter his college days-iike many ‘bther great branches wf learning which are not at,present consider­ ed as an, essential in achool and college work. ' ' 'America’s Beauty Bill Is §5,000,000 Per Day Church. , . Proceeds'goes to - the ijhurch, aeaet lh’'the: business, woild',’! ; \Yoriien (ire spending more than $5,000,000 daily for beautifica­ tion piirpose's, which is nearly $2,000,000,000 a year, according to Dr. Nellie Buchanan Cooper. “This tremendous beaMty. bill of A m erica;is believed to be af- tributable ,to R om an's entrance into the business world,” Dr, Cpdper said. '‘‘A - piqasihg 'ap ­ pearance gives; any .woman more self confidence, which is- a big , Some farmery . of Cumberland County are ■ firiding boll weevils in their fields at the rate of about 200 to the'acre. This beara out the:prediction made by agricultu- ral extenaion workera at State Col­ lege- thatiweevil infestation in the cotton growing counties would \)o heavy this summer. ' ' The, first car of lambs to be flhipped from M artin County was sold during the first 'vveek in June from taxes ..I^aieigh, July.—State taxes cbl- lectedj ;for ,thp; fiscal yeiir; ended JUhd' 80'ampunted to $6,2<|l6,8i6.2p,■ it .was-annoUiicéd today atjthp. bf^^ flee of the coi^rnisaípnbiV' bf'.revb? nuo.' ; Thia '-Nvas .-approxiiiiately $800,000 under ; the , tptol amount collocted. during tlif proviòlis fia-i cal,year, , Th^ was an irinroase, however, in thé amount collected on auto^ mobil e tags,’ ‘ gasoli no : and ; title' re­ gistrations,;. thd’,'total,for thq^'ypar’ ehcled ;Junb;;30,' Ï925,Vbping’;$lÒ,- 10í),253.20, ; p.f this :;i>mbuni;, ^77,11.8.4Ì w as. derive( pn gasoline, .$4,710,234,67-fr,pm the sale of, autpmobild ;tagS aridy$Í21,-¡ 904;98 from title i^iatratldns; , Of,the $6,246,816.20;stíité ti(xes from, taxes ori incomes, $,705,862,80 .colloeted,;$,751iS49.23 was derived from inheritance taxes, • $566,- 283.71 from schedule B. $1',086,. 344.24 from schedule C., $67,544.46 from ' insurance trixea, ;. $765.48 from'-búa taxes, $2'6 from b}is per­ mits, $8/430.28 from ih tc re a t.;;; ‘I ' I' '■ . MAN WALLED HIS CAR IN HIS NEW HOME;CAN’T GET IT OUT ■ |)anville, Va., July 3,—Thesblu- tioh' to the problem of eriginèer- ing that will dniible him to rqmove his autohibbild- from the store­ house in v/hich it' waa inadverten­ tly ;\yalled up, ,v/as' being sought here' today ; by. John ' MasGoy, of Yanceyville, ' When ; re-arranging partitions and remodling tbe’interior of the building, cariishtars and bricklay­ ers failed to reáljze tliat ijó meana of egress foAMfissby’s aiitomobile was left. . ,; -. . ; 7' ' ; The owner w ill' now; h/ive- tb \ cursionints iioni Pittsbui-g to Wheeling waa derailed. o arly;tot' night, near Top Mill,, :.botwQOiv W heeling, andt Garwood. No 6no was ;3eriousIy injured, i , ' i >. , k'v Stung on thq hand fby a beb.’»5;-*('i||'l whilo driving an aUtompbile noiii'''./; Kemptville, Oni;„,a D etroit nfptpV ,''M| rist aworveU liia ciir-'r.'so that f t ' 'I » Dm l i m i crashed into theji; automobi}6 at' tho Caughnavaga IndIi|n::,i'osorva; tion, 10 miles south of Montre 'Diving into shallo’.y v.-ater alighting on his head’, and shoukiuki- crs on the concreto, b o t t o m ',', .-'Л’ youth broke his neck at tt .swim-’' ‘ ming pool in Syraciiae,’ N. Y.4H¿'' ' 'у ,'*i V Ш .Ш is; in ' a;:criticnl ,condition.'... ...... A baby boy was killed in Blaira- town,^N. J., when ho was crushed by an automobile d riv p .b y hia father. Three children, 'werp drowned at Now i'ork /beaches and a two-ycii^’-old girl fkilled as ; the; rosiilt:.of swallowing' holiday.' explosives, , Five persons wore killod.' or fft-:''; tally hurt in accidents in In d ia-; napolis and nine: others werorln-'; Jured, Gary, Ind,, reported four : drownings. Six iniuries resulting from ’ automobilo’-accidenta- also, were reportedi from” Newark; Nl ' J; Si.x persona, v/ero:-injured automobilo ■ ac9Ídents',InN pwurk, N, ,J„ : and eight ;' in . Paterson; N. J ,, A ■man'''vaa di'pwnediin'a lake at Rutland,,,-Vtv .!A, - twp-year-old ,:glrl' in. New York.died,:afteri.sw{il- lowing firew’orks. /' 'I Pj I i № Я II J i m i r ;i . ' ’ : ’Ш N, Y. MARKE'l’ BRI?AKS oy.u uuiuiB ^ down a- portion of the w.-illas a result'Of a sheep project, be-i , \ K .1, > ' gun in t^at county by farm agent,.«r devise means of lifting the car T, B. BrVndbn. thru the roof. : New York, Ju ly.—^Cotton pric-, OS broke $2.50, to $4.00 a balpi to-;: day on publication of the.’govern-^, ment' report. - The figures were; much larger than expected -and; precipitated heavy general aeliing, i October' broke to 23.28 cents a 'pound and Decehiber to 23.^5, .«г?» Il ‘ I I . Ä ^ ^ да« Л '-й « , ê . „ А г 'ïfüë -C.' ) fúfjtb ti í Шфпl'v I' í I ‘S-í ;:v ä V, ; J SBiJKEN’a ЙСПООЬ OF ■ SlNf;iN*G , An ci^litconi' diiyfl iSOSHion of thin Mchool be'fiiiia July 20Ui;' lOSCli; ill the .Gviidetl,School buiUHni}, at Sloclcaville, ’N. C. The faculty beiiiii: Geo. \V, iSebivjiij Principal,........................................................ ResîewYoïïi* fey Punficatîcïii ^ТИЕ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE A ny physician w ill toll you, that "Pcri'ect Purit'icnt'ion of tho Sys­ tem is Natiivu’s foundation ,of. UÜU., VV » 'OUUrCiMj i rjncipal, до u » i.uimuuuuii ^ ui Asheville,^N, C,; J. /Г. Si.4k ahdl^°^^®°* H ealth.” W hy not rid1 I.- , . . * i' . 4 ■ I ír/M1»ííinl Í-*,C. ;W. W illiam s, associates, Moòlts- villey № 'G. :»h'. Sobven h a i stiulied^^v^^^ yourself of clirouic ailments that aro undermining your vitality 1 Purify your entiro system byi tak-. mr. ooDren nas stucliedvwith a !i c..v«vo«jl u y iuk- liiim beri of the best^ taabhbi^S'^^i^ '»’B Uiorough course of Calotabs, :thb;;fcbuntry, : iiavintf ;'::B'atiiihtod or Uyico a w eck io r se v e -i under Dr. J. B. llo rb o i of. llli- «'ceks-an d see how Nature nois and studied 'voiee \vlth Mr. "'ards you with health. ' COOLEEMEE - .lERUSALEM - HAPTIST CHURCHES h nois and studied voice ’with Mr. Ю. A .. Clippinuer, and others in Chicago. Ыо opened and taught tho fiist session of the S. D, N. C0lleKC:0f Mu3iPi4 ri:W ac0, Texas, iind ,:has been- considerably assp- : , ■ ciatedj w ithiB .' .Ci' Unsold and .E. T.^ irildebrand, tw o 'cf the; bès't „'. Southern teachers. Ho 'w as 'for ' six years teacher of the voice‘de-; ;,, . ■ pftr tmen I : uf • ; III uVa u jjha n ' In orifnal and was recommended by Jambs' D. Vaughan as vbeing ' one of ' the loading voice teachers of ‘the South. ' ■“ 1 - , studied "Voiceiunder-.Prof^i' ,,. Ilinshaw of'Chicago and also with ^ - Prof. Geo. W. Sbbren. Thoise wisli-; ^ ii'B' to, „take: . first-iivin'inciplea in voice w ill save money by being , With Prof. Sebren.”—L. G .ïlîèd ' ing, N. C. , ^ “I studied ' voice under ' the Voice Teacher of a w.ell known У,-, M usic Normal in the South arid, also under Prof. Geo. W. Sebreii. I consider .Mr., Sebren far ahead , , as a voice trainer.”'~^A. J. Payne, I'l,'. . Texas.- . - ; ■ Mr. Sisk has studied with à : number of the best teachers in V,,! : the,South, such as D. E. Dortch, W. B. Blanton, L. E. Owçns and i ; ;', ' Geo. ,W. Sebi'en. He has taught -!.;l for the .last tten years, and has ; - had great success in his work; -, ; . ‘ Mr.; W illiam s is a fine young , man of splendid ability for the w;ork ho is to do. He w ill have ^ 'charge of the Prim ary depart- ^ ment. He is a promising youhg , teacher, and л'в eager to help shape the young for a noble life in song.' ' . J ., The full course consists of the Rudiments of M usic; Ear Traiii- in g; Nolo Rpading and Sight Singing: Voice Culture (in thfe с1яня) ; Harmonyj and Music com- positipn;; .Versification and Ilyniii iWi’ltln g; Solo and'Q uartet Sih|.2» , Class . Leading ,hnd. Choir, arid ^ ,)« f % ’Çftoms.v:.O.onduotihiPS'bBva'nn'ollBtid Ш ; /• Singing; Piano; O rgan; V iolin; How to organize;. How to toacW; ■' 'iind whatever else ono needs to ..^r;;':'™,ajb,ÿhlm :aMwell. irouuded'.'.muBi- , ciai^. " , , R egular'lessqns w ill bo given to tho entire school on the abbyb named subjects; ' giving all : :à chance to get jiist the trairiiiig ■ that they,, desire and' need most. There will bo Rouncl T able klls- cusriions for tho benefit of those . who wish to havo^he tough tinçl «lisputedipoint.4 worked, out ;in¡‘the claas. Questions are asked flea'ï- ing w ith 'all phases, of, music.' Plenly of. lim e is .glvert‘to ielàss луоГк, plenty of lim e for ¿tudy and prncticç. , Any who ' cai'b‘‘''ito may join the Song Leaders' üï'aàs or Ihe TeacharM Training. Classl Evory pupil gets what ho' wa'riiiï if ho makes his wants and wishii es known. ' The fulbi cpursc/(4ncluding all class wo!-lt for llie d‘ayp)‘\2'/‘lo .4' dollars. , , TlioHO, who care to take'ipi'iyato ]es.4ons in voice-culture nuiy idq so by ai)ocial arrangem ent AWth Mr. Sebren at a small additioriiil cost, , Board and rooms; cain be arrang­ ed for pupilfj as iow :as :.?7.00'>pei ■ .week, ; i, :',;,,, Many more evangelistic singers,- Quartet Singers, Orfîanistb, ; P ia­ nists, Pj'im.iivy Singiriir;,Toachei\4, Normal Teaeliers, Song ,,\Vritar,4, etc., are ne<ided,vjThev public;-is calling for the:/better m usician and bocoinlhg disisatisfiod,:, ,wiUi those who hayébbt had' first clak? tj;aining, .чп(| '-\ reconime)idation', , This, sohpbl :w ill:’give iybu Vtho ’ tj'aining and' tiicnigi've .vrnl a; w rit-’ ton coj-tiiicate or diploma., - If,the public i.4 calling for nono but the bo.Ht, then..why not lie one'of thb baset?;- '■ Jlr. Sebren has had. long years of experience;, jri ti-aining nuisici- iiriii and his puiüliî are filling high places il) the muslc;4vorld. Some are- ])rominorit in ■ prie;, liiie' and sonic in another,, Ci’et in to , this school and let him pi'epare'you for the ,line of \vork that ybuWvish to take up. Ho has - prepared raany , others, then , why , not; Ibt hiiii- and his' associates ; prepare Î5'pu,;i;... ■ ;■ ' Th(? general principles: of Voice ; Culture can bo taught in the class, -'and the faculty , w ill give voice lessons to, the entiro school, but tho only ,w ay to. really cultivate ând develop a voice is to take inr ; ‘ (D. F. Putnam, pastor.) ; ,_ .Prehching every Sunday morn­ ing and evening at Coolee'mbu— P rayer meeting every Thursday niglit-^Srinday School every Sun­ day ;morriingiai; 9:/15;¡: T.,‘E,:^pry Supti Senior and Junior ;B . ‘^. P. U., meet every Suriday eybriing ijiK u kiiurudiju uuulou uj. v^uiuiuus, I *’t seven o clock ^Preaching '., át —cuco or twice a week for several Jerusalem the first nnd third Sun- .......’ '*■' ■ day and fourth Sundays, at .1:30 the first and third Sundays. ;, A cbrdial invitation is e.xtended to those who read 'this, to attend all these sol'vices. The attendance at, 'Sunday school last Suriday was 383. We ought to make it four hundred next .Sunday.; ;Who w ill help by being there on lime ? . ‘ ' Mi\. Tom Oaudeii was ,^ welcome yis.itpr/to' our; Sunday school hast Sunday. "He was thb organizer of ihe Mens Baraba; C lass: and is helci;iri high;esteem by thb chiir- cii:’,;heré; -Htj; says, wq 'have thp best. mens, class; in DaVie county . : TvrV PoimV.V‘ >.p n.;.i. Calotabs nro tho greatest of all system pu;-'i^iTS. _ Get n inm ily package,_ ( !)■ ininingi full direc­ tions, pric( S . ■•■ts.; trial package, 10 cts. A t wLj" drug store. (Adv.) to clo solo singinfe, or any kind of special- Avork,; you; /should take private-voico lléssonà' and got pre­ pared for/first ■class tone Pi’bdùò-; libri" and song ..'• rendition. The faculty,' is prepared to iooii .after,| your needs along th is. line . ari,ci' tiie : charges are very reiisbnable as; compared :\vith ■ many: .other schools. ' ; . , ■ :Go to,this school prepared for business and you w ill not go away qnjpty. : All - questioni^ abput : tho schbbl I clieerfully i answered, by any riiomber of the faculty, write them if you are interested. SMITH GROVE NEWS Miss Annie Spry returned to' her home in W inston-Salem, F ri­ day after spending two weeks here with' h er aunt,: l^Irs. .Stilio 'Sprv.;' . ' ' M iss pvelyn Foster of Winston- Salem spent the'w eek end here with h er' parents, Mr. and Mre. J. H. Foster. ■; ; Mrs.iG. C. Hendrix and daught­ ers, M isses Nell, and Ellzubteh, and M r,'Jam es ; Hendrix spent Sunday in Greensboro . ’with frien d s.' There/will- bo. a lawn parl;y on the church lawn Saturday night, ;July 11th, given - under the avis pices of the Mens’’ Bible •Class. Procoeds go to the benefit b:t thb church.' Every one cordially ..in­ vited .to attend; Mr, ;PerrJ<: Morgan of Raleigh, ’ (Austin, CANA NEWS .arid Miss I-ibije :Yagor of _____ Tex.', cbnducted' a traiifing sbrvice here last week which '>vas attend­ ed in spite of the other attrac­ tions in ; town. We now have three Bi Yl^P. U., brganizations. Senior, of which Erskin Hoather- ly is president; Intermediate with Miss Creola Young, leader; Junior with Mrs, Hubert Eaton as Supt, A new 'vision has como to our young people as a result of this school.and the outlook is good for much improvement in our young peoples work, A business meet- irig was'held at^the Piistors home Tuescltiy night, • ' , . Mr, Perry, Morgan B, ,Y, P, U,, Secretary of the .State spoite / to our people at the eleven o’clock hour last Sunday to the delight and edication of the larg'e au- diance, present. At n igh t‘the B, Y, P, Ü,, officers w ere'installed. This was a most unusual service for the church here, •this' being, the first limb such an exbrcise was ever, held with pur., churchi Talks we^'b made by the prosident, Juriio'r;iand Intermediato leaders,,: the,. ])a8tor aridMr,. JIbrgan. It proved to bo a most inlot'osling' ,servico, ' , ' , ' , ' very (interestingi moeting;8; of the, Í Deacons'. was ■ hold :i ,M n igh t,,/•All were present jexcbpt) Bi'c^;;preasoni,wlib cani;hpt|áttoiid nibotirigs at uiight any; ;iri'orb,;./^ iVú’tiiíjbi'- bf things '\vitli ;refererico 'tb:< w elfare; o í.; the: ch.iirch ,• wore cbnsidered; in ;a íhái’mbriibu^^^^^ .. 'T he ■ pastbii.w iii' ;prb^ .'n ext Sunday , riipriiing; ’hncl, night; arid luavb eai'ly' Moiiday*'rilorriii^ i /: Qui',- :foiks ' ar 0 : happy b0ca use of a good rain last Saturday even- λff,?v.th.q,..;'Ælt8t.;/ÎQr,'.ri;etti'ly.'. peVen weeks, ' , ' , JIÒV, ,'.E„. W. Turner ,‘;preachei'J Sümlriy) morning; at iEal:onH' chur­ ch.: His ;,subjeot/was'v.-,“Exaiting the .Ghurch,';’mnd, the : sormon iwftS much 'appreciated .by 1;ho large congrogatiou present, i : ,'We/are gjad to note, the'return ------- — "•••' -----------o ■>•“ of M r,-and Mra, Sanford St0n0- l “ss*st Ke.v:-J,'H,jBifiss,4n.,a'meot- stroot, to their/ homo hero after ing at; Knapp of/ Keers, in Dur- , aovn,, 'Tvr„ ham county,;- The/Writer is look- in'gforw ftrd'tp this; meeting with a i^reat/.deai. of-pleasure a s , Brb. ;Bas.s is.brie bit^ niei;|,,it ;'wiÌL;be w biv,;iVibn^W^^ the M asters .s.orvice,, rj,plx;eiindi(lateS;i^ rifiphib'. éi’àh.ipiwerb last: SuiUlay ,-mpi;^^ at the clbso ■bf^/tlifc'yniorni^ .baptiàni ;bf./itile,sé wil i, tiike, :pjàòe /T hursday'riight Q!t,hers,::; who' ha VO :,be^n*.\v.litirig^ prçllnaûo':'alprij>;))^^ :,thore>;bb/';bthers;!’whbf..^^^ aiùi;bb bapti,s^^^^ jWiil' be .glàcÎiy;,admitted;J:;^ ;';/:lslqw; as, Swqjl'ii're/^ riew/uiériibers'/lpïw Sunday, : lot ; all; tho ’mqriibbrs ' whp arb;.:rio1; 'iri'oyicleritially:/hindered, fill thoir 'piaces i^^^^ worship on tha’t date, , ;/;^The:W,-3\Iv/Uv ki ii . 'Associ a ti pn; ’ mebts ;; w ith , ' the South . Sid e' 'i3ftttist: - chuVi!h -';;bf Mooresville,/next/Thursday,/Sbv ral : expect to attend /' front / here’, Tiiq/Womon/of! our Baptist chur-, ches arov p.aing. â groat /^brk in ;the;:Stato/ ;/ ;/\Ye \Yorb glad to 'have M r.'I-ìeri- ■,dricksSnnd;Cla\ighter arid Miss Jes- ■.sje;:/Waff, ::;bf, ' Mppksvillq;/:-\vith,.'u’a Saturday .;,iì'ight',àt,/':the''.^ school. Thq pa.stor was mucli ploàsecl to liavq, Bro',! Jbhn 'Stbw- ai’t,'M isses Kate and^.Hettie tags) toni ’ Miss Lubilo ;Wavtl,. M^y 'Call, and, .Annie Pearl / -Tiitrii^^ ‘fi-briì jbrusalorii'aitend the qlassea alsb!' i i » ' an absence of seven weeks, 'Mr, Stonestreet is «able to bo up and ;goes about the. house,; but is ; not woll enough,to be out, . Mr,i (W.''-T.. E.'itou' an'd: fam ily of; Winston-Salom -i ivisitod ...hoi;o Sunday’ afternoon,' ’ . '.Mr, ,W. IL-Foote a'nd .sdn,-'l’aul of:.-Growei .'Va,;: Wore' here. Satur­ day and'Sunday,‘ ' Mr.^Wado Stonestreet of AVins-, tohrSalem spent Sunday with hia' father .ih'ei'o, ,. ' , Kathleen', ,daii’5htpr ■ of Mr,/ arid Mrs. W, 'H, n'oward, foil Irist.'Wdd- nosday, arid' l;)roke ;rhor arm; •: Dr/ na.rding. (lresaed ,it'.and (She is. dor :ing/uicely, Miès/Agnes Bogei’ who lias a position at; .:Wi’nstonrSalem,'- is spen'ding sonio .time with her par­ ents: on/Route 1,'' Work: i,s/ progress,ing rapidly on the now chiirclv/building, Mr, D, G; Grubb,', wii'h/’a force of carpen­ ters, is doing/the wood work, ' Mr, J.; W. 'Etchison/ has./moved ,/;hi,s ])lanor on rhe bhUrch, lot’ and ■\vill finish ;t;holûriiliev/on; № MririihdvMrs/.’Bpbne.Stbi-iestree arid,'/children,;/ii'ii\‘:and Mr». Sani Stbnostrcet/iiiid .iVlisis'.Annie Cart­ er,/all/;bf Mocksville,' were here S.uhtL'i'y aftorriboit’, ' M aster Frank Stpriostreet is, spending tho week 'with/;his,/uriclb..hero., ,,,^ , ; ':We‘/’W(ire' glad /to see a number' of visitorB'in bur 'church; congre-' gallon;: Sunday morning, arid ; at .the-^gingihij : in I’he, iiïternqon, ■:/ /; ■ ■; E-very/bpdy isjiw ited ta be pro- s’ent at the ,.1,aw n’party ,1;o be gi'^'on on' the Qaiia.' Sciiool grounds next Saturday evening by/ the Junior Philc'itliii'i plass';,bf .Eaton’s -Suii-I day school, ,V . '■ NOTICE IS'' 'HEREBY GIVEN ', ;that no fiithef. swimming, fish- ; ing or trespassing' w ill be al- ■ lowed .pnsthe; pi'bmises leased ;./ by-the M^obdian.cl Liike As.sbcia- tion, only riiembers' be’ing al- / lowed,' Thi>s land is poated and ,rion. membera are warned to stay off. Woodland Lake As­ sociation. Read the double page ad o iI;', f * : , , , , , , , I I V O U U l i l U U Ü U Ü i t í P a K G & □ O t Í dividual: lessons., If you expect J, N, Ledford Co„ on page 4 »nd 6. ' : .jir, ''\y,;'A,; tagstbn' re'sigriod as blerk at' Jqru'salem last; Sunday arid ; Rüsseli/Bbsápiitl: wáé'tbloctqd 'to/ succeed ; him. Mr;'/Langstpri's hoalth| has/:nbt: boeii ; good; f^ some time arid 'fqr;;this reason, he laid down tho tiisk hb h{i> per- forriipd so . acceptably: for; years,’ Mr, Bossent w ill cip ;>voir wo' feel 'sure;/.‘ : /^''."/'c"; ■ '/r',„ The pastor is indebted to Bro, Russell Bossent for 'some of the nicest plums and peaches, we have seen in a long time. We greatly appreciate such kindness. These kindnesses that cOme to us .along the way, inakea a bright//ipbt in the life of the m inister, .who is. • FARMINGTON NEWS,,/i’...... ' • ' ",./: ~ Next Si'ritlay at eleven Rev. E, W,' Turrier w’iil preach at the Baptist church. Let's all try to be there arid hear him, ; Rev, McKinney preached.at the' Methodist cliurch Sunday inight, and anivouriced that'the date; for the meoting/at this placo had beon changed from the 4th Sunday ;in Ju ly to |;he 6th Sunday;in August, and a , t^Y.o 'Weeks riieeting is , ex-; pocte'd, with Rev, E, P. \Velch of 13revard assisting the pastor, \D, D, Holt directing the singing. ; A numbei'. of us w ill! remember Bro, Welch being here a i'e>y,years ago in a meeting,; anci ;w ili be glad:'tb ¡hear him again. Each" Christian should be praying for! a gi^eat i'6- Vival in the church, and thiit many unsaved riiay be brought/to God. At the parspriagb on last Satur­ day, M iss 'B lanche, IXiIl -and ;îvir■ I•íu^Jert: Bbgeiv of the Pirio, rieigh bbrhood were m arried by Rev. C. M, McKinney: ; :"/////' , A Masonic'/mbeting of, unusuiil ini;erest, wa.s held-'by Farmington Lodge on Tuesday ’afterndbn, June 30th, when . Grand M aster Leori Cash pubiicly/installod the offic­ ers \yith Grand Lecturer R. F, Edwards acting as.M arshall, Thè quéStions^ and charges were im pressively delivered by the Grand Master, iwho al'so made a short address on the duties of tho Craft to tho community. Mr, J E, Vanl-Iorn of Winston Lodge gave an interesting.»- historical sketch of Masonry, tracing it from the 4th generation through the ages in its various stages un­ til it was established in its pre­ sent form; Grand Lecturer Ed­ wards then addressed the Lodge in a few well chosen words, Thp.Masoris and visiting friends then ’ gathbrod on, tho -Bahnson lawn where delicious refresh­ ments consisting of ice cream, lemonade and fourteen large cak­ es' donated by the Masonic.Lodges were ,' very 'much enjoyed,'- In fipito of the .strenubs efforts put, forth'by; tho crowd to' demolish all tiieáb good things,/there was a lot';ilaft,;: Wliere ,were you? / Mis8,;;Mrtttie: Sterling bf Wins- ton-Saleiri'yisitqd lier niece, Mrs. C.- M-’ M cpiím ey Sunday and Mon- Mrs,.: CnshW.qlli 'Angol and son, arid,' Mrs', Í .Clarorico J ames arid childr.on; spont a short while Sun­ day; liftornbon our yiliage. ' ■ ;/Dr;^arid/Mrs,' L, T. M artin and Mi> and i;Mrs, A';. A; Hbllqman en- I.ibrtainod lit a/ delightful outing; on the /' ëhoals at Cooloqmeo, /I'hursday-' evening; July- 2nd ' in honor'of Bliss Jane .Amanda Bahnson and her house giicst, Mi.ss Corrinno T.uckqr; of Grimes- land, N. C, ’ Weiriors were roasted and a delicious picnic supper 'seryod to the following: Miss Jane Amanda Bahnson, M iss Corrinno Tuckoi', Mr;' arid 'Mrs,'James,/ Gal­ loway arid .son,' Chirorice pf Gfrim- eslund, ; /Messrs. J, F, Scott apd ^ Roy Umbqrgor ;bf .Concord, Mr.- and Mrs. A., Ai I-Iollomari;yChai’lie 'Bah^8pn,;,Pv;,and Mi,\s.- Lester p, M artin and;¿csl;er,:M artifii’ Jr,; : ' Jlr, and' Mr,s;' I-Iártman qnjbyccl as Sunday gi/osts, ' Mr. 'and Mrs, Wm,/ Sçhbltos/ girici; daugliter, lilr, ^0, -IJurtman, and M iss Min,-^ ftthrock; pf '\Vinstbn--Saleni, j • . M r.' Lpnri'io Gray-Horn has been on ( thq sick/'list fbr a few/ days; hope ho may soon bo feelinir .well again.-;,'/ ,/;,' "’V ’''/:' '' Those who 'attquded./ Lbaguo Gorifbrorico; at Salisbury last ;woek report a very plbasanf; arid help- ' fui trip^ ,/ Wb hopb the League here may, be.m ucli bonofitted by, ■heii; haying gone, ’ arid, that : tliey lavò ■ 'learned; many;','tìiirigs :that w ill/milice. them ■strbrigoy and b'ot- (;qr prepared to moot ■ 1 ifb’s tasks, ,/iMr,: arid'M rs,' M, C, Ward ;,sporit ribyeral ; d'fiys.- last;';wook, .'with /ro- 'iativqs vili ''Mocksville.;, I\Ir, and Mrs, Ralph/James have moved back to our::yiilage from Wináton-Sajom.'! Another proof of “Hbme . Sweet. liomo,” /-/Prof,, Cannon of Kannapolis .spent '.the.week end' with/fribnds, .:^ ;Mi»sbs Ru% ' ’arid./Enlah ' 'ma'ij; passqd.through enrpute irom Grqori’sborp' to . their home at 'Hamptonvlllbi Saturday aft ^tìtppping. a'.shbi'l vvhile.^;':^;' ' Wb:,;iyerbv;greatly'/b]est'i'jwith a ;gopd\/ shower of ^vairiV;/ ^aturday night,;’ everytliirig ;g iw in g looks refreshqd, wo hbpo, soon /to get more showers. .; - ;- ,;Mr, :'and Mrs. W.: ;P ;-;W alker yisited relatives in Yadkin bounty last .^Yoqk onci, ‘ ^ : Mr, and 'Mrs, W; T, Howard of ¡Winstori-Salem'i spent Saturday with/Mrs, Howard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, John James, I Thursday,' Ju ly 9, Thursday;,'Ju ly 'П,-.Шб/ That^S How 'Winston- Salem Man Values This Great Medicine That Is j Taking The Country By i Storm. A .few days ago, Thomas R, Shull, formerly of Shelby, N. C,, and now living at 223 N. Spring St,, Winston-Salem, N, C,, made ono of the most remarkable state­ ments about Kamak that has yet beenhoard, , “T\vo bottles of this medioir\e have been move precious to '.lne than that much blOod from n^y owii veins," is what Mr, Shull said ho ^thought of Karnalc. ' “Why, since I took this wonder­ ful mediclrio I am eating sausage and other things that would havo beon next thing to, suicide for mo to touch for throe years. I am a perfectly well than now and there ica’t anything tod strong I can вау for this medicine. • "ICarnak jiist seemed td givd iiiy stomach a new lining because I can now eat things and digest it without the least l)it of trouble ai- tcrwardSi “1 had heartburn all tho timo nnd tha most agonizing paiiis all through my chost, I tell you, I sulTercd,, And I would got up in tho morning feeling sluggish and all tired out, I was badly consti­ pated, too, and had to be talcinp some kind of strong purgative all the time. “But that’s all past now, thanks to Kurmik, Every one of my tvou- bles vanished like magic, and I be­ gan to feel like myself again in no time, I am brimful of life and energy and enjoying, life again after three years’ misery. Beltovo mo, Karnak is truly remarkable,” ■ Kiu-imk |9 BoM In Mockevlllo oxcUi.ilvoly by , Hnri-lo-LoCfrmid Pliiii-mnuy; iind by nil k'mlmi- UiniKKbit in ovory town... , , ■ SAVE ÒN SHOES That is the buy-word now* HOW? Come to our store where you. get your MONEY’S WORTH FOR THE PRICE and then sòme. Our Motto: ‘‘100% Leather SliOi^s” JONES & GENTRY Htia I a ЩУ 447 Trade Street “THIO SHOE ME.N” Winsion-Salem, N. C. iiiiffl'ii{ÍBiiiiiai|iiBiiii!iiiiiita!iiiniiiiiaiiiini№taiii!BiiiiBii¡ ’::F acM % /A "L ia ■:Ìs'A;P!easuire ' When you have' ali the articles needed for a picnic lunch. It is a real pleasure select your articles lierev We ha^^ kinds sandwich materials. . ALLiSON-JOHNSON Phone 111 :i,!iiaiiiiiaiiiiBai9iDiiiiBiiiiuiiiiBiiiiiiBiiii!Qiiiira№n::'iiaiiwwii3i!Uiiii^ii№ii«iiiiaiiiiBiiiiiaiiiiniiiiiaiiiiBiiiiBiiiip THE MOCK«VÏLLE ENTERPRTST-’ often. wondering if ■ really his work ia appreciated, What.would wq do without kind and helpful friends? IÍ you want tbe‘Biest' Flour Made, wse " ,, ' .';{M(.VOKS;yiLLE;B : There :¡s ,iW ;Be^^ orí the Market. ' If you/want the :Selt-/Risinja;; we make , j:,:;:, The' Brand That Can’l;- Be Beat Our Flour, Meal and Ship StufP is gu sale at ■ ^ all the leading grocery stores. Horn-Johnstone Gompahy “THAT GOOD KIND OF FLOUR” Mocksville, - - ; - / - ■ ; N. 0. The use of improved m achinery makes the average agricultural worker in North Cai’olina able to care for three times as many acres of crops as he could handle 76 'ye«rs ago. : , ; Valuable feed m ay be saved by culling theppultry flock this sum­ mer, , Those hens that mbit early, that a.r® old and inaci;ive aré gene- ' rally boarders and should be sold ; or .put in the pot. ....■ ■ r,AST SUNDAY, JU LY Bth WAS UiJSEllVED AS Í A I'A'l'KIOTlG DAY AT THlá COOLEE.MEE AllJTHODIST, CHURCH ia not allowed to be road ih Pubr lie Schools, They aru putting in other tlnng.'i trying to/push' aown tha truth about'; God Mind : other tomfontory. thGy call h\eience/,.Sci­ ence .ai/ its Highest .and Gpd .at his lowest ¡are , one,." Somo are tracing thcir ancestora 'back be-%' yoiitl Adam „to, 8omo/,.oth'urt kind of animal, t' would no) likn to fraye my .ancoatoi's itoo I'm’ up the family tree lor I' m ight fill'd some oi' 'them .hanging' i)ly : thoir/iiiecks. r;oolOumcf)^ J.ourual. Tlio pastor/Rev.'J.< A, J. Far- jiiujtoii, preached 'l\\o forceful .¡('iTtions. ' At the 11.00 o’clock ii'Utr the pastor delivered an In- (lopeiidence ../day addie,s,s, Tlic .uibioct of-tho address was "What iiicaii ye by, this serviceV” Text— ____ I'dUiid in Exodus, twelfth chapter but 1 novcr expect to find one of ¡111(1 tlie twenty-sixth verse. At thorn hanging on a lim b'by ; any llic eveiiing^hour the pastor do- other part olythoir!anatomy, iiv'ci'cd'an; address to tho Junior Again, the Junior -Order says, Council number; 9i, ' I and other that America ; slia ll; nbt.: b(3; the^ councils iri tli'e Surrounding com- duniping.gl'ound-of the,low broad munity, ' ......." ............ .......... dress Avas the world — ....... --------- _, Gaiatibns -fifth chapter and tho.i or-'one ;day..,pn Ellis Island, New first verse/which roads as ,fo i-" ' ' ......’ -------' The, G'uiiforti county bar;reaso-1П А «(I V in l-A Ï?Q ci.ation'has .endowed .judge W, P, I , " . Bynum - for circuit; Judge on^ the United,' Statari ::Court: of ;'- Appeajs to succeed Judge W oods,'doc'èas- ' Earth tromors in/Montana last Saturday night caused .prrfperty •Uvmage estimated at ¡5600,000, •МЕАМ:'0Шт(5Б| Some Sny “Ye«,” Some.Sny, “Nò” , Doctor.41 and .Scientists Clainf- :: Old Age M ay‘Bo Controlled ' /----:---- , ' • During tlic-past few years, most :haVii-.’ranci- a great detd -.li boiiti'. L l v V l I l î L K U : . C n O l l í U l l ' U V l il., ttU ,.. 'f«,w v v , v , y , y , v < i U r ; Ц О u ¿ .jA V iik u v y v i v Railway traffic / was: blocked :óni|,‘í.old-aSio”r^'whfen aíid why it:_com.i^ 4ccount of land, slides. No doaths le'i-r-and various ways ,lòj cohtl'Oli are reported and only three in- it. juries, ' ' '• i”' Old ago comos to'Somoipeop' • » _ . ..li..- -11.. • 1Í if.. . T.» ii' f ' Is/iri t ^ surroujiding com- dumping.ground-of the. low/broad Thq sub'joct of the' ad; element bi Southorri Europe that ;vas “Ariiqrica’6 message to flocks to, pur couritry' a ’ milliori irid tb-day,'Text-r-found in .strong every year. ;.!/stood yond- ., , •. .. ■-rr»lli_ .T ..1_____1 •N.T — .. lows: - ;; ;, . ‘‘Stand fast therefore in the 1 iborty' Avherowl th ‘ Christ Y ork,;'^ty, find gazed upon the motloy'filthy scuriis on one of the great, steamers from Europe, and . hath/1 turned around and said, “Thank made us free, and be not eritane !d' Gc;’i that I am un American Citi- again with tlie yo'ivo of Bohdaga,” zoii,” and I belongj to an order Tho liber,ty spolzen Ol in the text ■ that; says, that America shall not is the liberty of the Gospel ,wh;.'h be llie.dum ping grounds for such indeed is tho only : trite/libei.y, ifilth. It was said iri the palmy The only nmn th at \-а1кз the'days olí Romo that, the greatest earth today a free man is hu who!honor that.;could;be cprifored up- lias beeii ' freed/from I "(п. The -on ariy .orio ■«'iis to ; be called/ a Bondage freni/which tho-;tîalati-| Homan Sonatdr. ' The,n if that bq tVuci the greatest honbr in al) the ,:\yôrid',to-day iS'to .be lin 'Ainb-ons had beoii : deli,yèved ; called very properly in'tli‘ó‘4;i;.í.t -the ,ÿbko of iPondage; was' Judaisrii, After- rican Citizen. .Stand last .шогОт. I__ ;_.1-.’ 1. 4.1 4 I.Ó лиЬг>1«0111 Г1ПГ1Ясliaving boon matlb frbo by. Jesys Ciiri.st.'.'the apostle ,exh'brts:.tlieriv lo stand . fast^ hpld./it:. dear;'^;\So ¡(••i I come to speak tb-yPu as free- Americans, reiDrqsenting 'oiio:.; of tlio grbatbst brotlierhoods,, tho Junior Ordei‘. o'f American /Sle-., chanics that;‘sta'iids 'for. the ;l,ib'Oi'- i foro in/the-iibovty .wherein Christ hath'made us’l'roo'.;;. /,/ .'1 Behold ; America ^vliere plprity smilos and ' beaut.yv laughs upon every hill, rotqcl ’liberty/vguarded .byUibr/spns; Ibyed^by her/daught­ ers and; crbwflod ' with..: ;yirtui'o;' IlerQ; tlicri ar.»lid. her/sniilillg' bins-'I J11C9 i l I lib Й t U ll U b . Ц И и :li w* v».'W4aw*> . . _ — . ____p - .......... ty for which bur' forefathers 'blod ! soriïs, lei; /nVq;,:evor. ,alng ’ aiid die. and, died, iii thb riamo; pi: ;ÏIighest rAmerlcíf /tho .Vertial^le; páraijiíso líoaven, I exhort/ you .to,,hold it o f a il ; tho :;workl, according /,= to .1 .Ti_- .._u ' '■ ..fVift at-nti'.ytîfdniv. :bas 14, ¡a s mes.>jage CO m e v/tn-i,u a im uiç«'-"'“ -, - to-day V On thb'domb of tlie bevvi of'J'ehpvah ban sciiu, Four tim - ijibrary of Cpiigrqss .at' Wii'siiirig-j es the sizp; of, Europe, and capable ton, are printed symbols bf thqi pf i'eedlng a liilliori of men. Behold various natlbns of the earth ‘and ............ ill' their mos.sage tb ;, mniikind.' Tho Hebrew race repro.sents re­ ligion, the Greek/ literaturp, art and phllosphy, the RoiiTian con- Soven : mombera\of one.;family, were' killed Sunday'¡'when van ;.in- tqrurban car' crashod 'in'to an :aUr“ immobile 7 miles wcsl; of Burlin'g-: tori, 111. Fi'vo persons were; killed the sanie day in a sim ilar; accident near Ashtabula,'O hio, • John C, Cooldige, father of. President Cooiidgc, underwent an operation at his / home \ in' Ply­ mouth, ’Vprmorit, Sunday, He is reported to be resting well, /• -: I ’he twelve large busses of thb, United Stage Linos, operating,' a fleet jjetweon Greensboro arid Ra- jleigh, wore seized . Monday by Groensbbro officers un'der : claim and' delivery papers secured by the/White company, manufactur­ ers of the busses. The company claims, the stage lino is indebted to it in the amount of $60,000; ; ;' /' .Four haiuisomo new brick busl- nqs's; hoiiaos aro'Jioing.finished at ■Silal'; City, They/ are the J,., F, Lanibe building, l-[, L. Terry’s new market',/a- store., building, .and a buiiding to house^the' Gem Thea- trel : /rho; Pago,,,Trust Cqmpany is'reriiodbling its hoim^- The annual larm ors’ picnic at ^he. Piedmont Bxporiment Station near ;Stiitosvlllo w ill :'. b o'., held Thursday, July 23rd,, Farmers of/ ail Piedmont North Carolina aro inviied to attend. ' , , , . America w ith ; her magnificcrit, cities wtioso crowdod; throughf{ir­ es and :towering buildings attract tho \yonder.of angels oH their way me , Wi*- to other: spheres,;, Amorica wUh quest, the Dames aricpstor wor-^ . hoiVgi'oat telephone and tolo'graph ship, aiuV so on of all tho'nations..' systems, '. A m erica,has/telophoriq But Amqrica,'s ; mossagn tp ; the !vwiro8;/qnough;'in /use lo: bolt the worlci; to-diiy ',; ia ;'‘'brothorhoocl,^ .earth oigl{t.time4i/teiegrap'|i'wire Wo Imve' taken for our ,slogan th e, enough to'reach to-the moon.' Amo- word?,;ol.’ the inn3ter,,'"All i'e are/ricq.'with/hbr^mighty muchlnory, , brothorn,” Q ther,'iiatidns , have'! and niaiiufactiirin'g, givlng.j ;bm-- iiiiiK rri.„f,i- v'-lv-inii-1nlovment to thousriiids of hor,3bris'built groat ;em>i)‘é/!,‘^mighly 'king­ doms over which thoy'riiifelit/ro- ign and rule, but Am érlca; must be the laiul whe'i'iG ei’ory. maii is a soyerçign, w ith‘froodorii for all and special priviliges to none. So America’s message to-day to her 'noble sons and fair dauglstors is fratorrialism. Frator (brother). Brotherhood, oh, lot us ,w aft it,to the breezes, sing it upon the hills and shout 'it into the homes in' every land—“brotherhood,” . FirjitV Thq Junior; prcier , lias three ba^d pririci’plbs,' ' nainely, virtur'o,' liberty, / and /, patripi,sm, Virtur'q maketh;mori On thq qarth famous, iiV^hoir graVes illuatrious, in: Heaven ¡mriiortal. 'Virture’. is that which must tip :thb prea'chbr’s; tongue and thq;riüors ;Septer with authority, ' The only arii'ora-iithirib flowers; bn - earth arb virture, lib- orty, froedbm,,pf tohguo,' and pon, of pbljticsz/and; religion, patrio-, tism,. Jb.vc:'of ;,couritry, 'duty: tb .he'r stary' glbry,': -wherever ;the flag of pur .fathorland^': ;is/;i;itnfurled. ; whether./bri.:bàttle'fiold;àihid/îire and shells; or rpstling in thenvirici; . or trenib'ling in,.the .soft glow of the, evening: light-rrhats off ;and hands upon ybur heart as/the'l’iag . passes by. On thèse; bed ; rock principles: ia tho Junior - Qrdor founded. ' '' , ' ■ ' Np\y,' Just a,word as to.the. wprk- ings of this splendid order 'and ■what ; we a'ro. doing,l. The Junior ,: ordor in' N,:. C., foi; tlio year end­ ing Juno, 80th,. 1924; receiyecl; for due's 'arid 'ali'’: bthbr;' purppses/;thb not sunr of; |738,965;75, > She:'paid out for sick benifits,/iind, death ; claims the nice sum/of ,?701,82S.09. Yqur.p>vn';Council (The/Coolobmqq Council).'hore -has paid . ip r all Purposes tho sum of ‘ !i>3,lT9,31,. ' O n CO ;,m or 0, ith 0.,; Jii n ip r ; i s : ii a ck/ of thp .public school isysterir. of pur/ ' great/country;/'/'Wb/teabh; Ü flag shall/wave from eyeiTpublic! school' house, acaderiilc; institué tion,';colIogo.and university of this great nation, and every;Jiby./and girl beneath hor ,stary folds shall be studying’thq'/English langiitige, ; the ; one clostinp'd to be- the univer­ sal language,-/;Tlie; Junior ' says, that; the holy Biblq shall bp read in/ every -public school . through­ out the 'cbuntry, ' The dear old book the :\vay bill tb’ Heaven, who’sq pages are s1;airied by a ' .inother’a;toar and trembling with ' the'iwhispere' of the Son of God, "L ove one. another." c»4ivi __^ _ I ploymqnt to thpusriiids of hor,$bria' I an'il daughters; arid with thb hoar­ se scrqom of tlio majestic stqairier fpr, the; bass, and tiie Ipud/shrill shreak of the - Ibcom'otivo for, the tenbr, and tiio ' ring of a million hammers , for the sopor.n'no, arid the hunr of a million of spindles for the ulto make the march of. time in the . music of tho , ages. Oh, ;tho;àwoet' of Anierica whoso broad., fields and rolling plains sriiitó like; a; sea'^of wooing grain, ail'd .-(yho^e blushing r.bsos and .blòasomirigflowqrs, attire, the earth: in bridle;array for-the bom- ing oi’ thb,Klri|it of Kings, America with ; hbr/; rpa'ring^divers /roliiiig thru lier i oafy i'obed vy ood .lancia and f 10 wei; cl ecked if J eld?,, boari rig uiion -their bbssbms the cbminerce of thq. 'greatest hatibri'iin' all tlio world,; \yith her ifprcoing - rills' singirig/ainid the hills 'down thru rocky glpns, and dancing o'er car-; pi straifds pn'thru'meadows :s\TO^ Whero ■ Sii ver,yV-vvaybs laugh kiss fine); bonciing yviilbWa riiirr ,their;gracbful 'forms in tho crys­ tal//'streams. , :i(m erica. with her vast; motiii'tairi ,>,ranges/ tho Alio g'hbriy /'ari’d: Rockies towering a way above; the elpuds proppd upon lire'àthing/; columris; ./of, vaiirons substances' whose inscrilible heigiita;seeins to pi'bp '.up the.vory honveri,. and, Avhb3e,;for.sty crovyris glitteririg y,in tho: nopn-ciay^ sun Shine like; places';of gbk), Brqath- ern,' this is your inhqiitanbe guard •it/:wbll,',/; ; ' ' '/;'/; (The- above ,is; the acidross da- liyerqd by Bro, ,Farririgl;on before the Jiiniorà on last Sunday night). I BRIEF NEWS FROM . OVER THE STATE ,, A fter nearly 21 years; of servi(:e aa i’urai mail carrior' bn Thomas- yi)lo. Route 4, E. PJ, Toague, ribw 65 years old, retires on a ;salary Ju ly 14th., Mr. -Teague / is thb-' fii'st of tliq rural/; curriors ;/'ln: Davidson .county to bo rotired/ori; a.aalary, ............ - -. ;;"'1;':*'■/:''/ •':/1The Stutp pf Nprjtli Carolint\ has docliried: to buy 'frbm' "the: Unit^^^ States-: Goverrimqrit for /$121,270 Fbl't Cnswqll ;■ in,; Eastori) //North Caroliha together'with 8,00b''.acrr ba of;land, Tho fort and tlio Jail’d in lllp tract w ill no\v in dll likqli- lipbc) bq 'sbici at liublic; uuptipn to private parties, , : / - It is .stated by the State ’print­ ing commisflipri that printorS;bujt- sido of Raioigh will noiy' bo given a chance to bid on the State’s printing,' In :tho;.past a printer outside 'of the State capita) hadn’t a ' look in on, getting any State busines.*), ’ Nmy it w ill: go .to' thp lowest bidder, : . ' -,/ ' , Eyory/'' foot of/availablb floor space ,iri 'tho/Southci'ii; Furniture Exposition building lit High, Point h as. been: roseryod for the '.suni- m er' showing which:,begins’ ;J^uly 20th, / C.'; P. Fi nch, Of .Thonliis- vilib,’ hasiprpposbd/to oroct a ten'. story' building by the /side of the proseiit ljuilding if tho furniture asaociatiion /will guarantoo: tho rent / of /nine,-f Ipbl's, ' This lhb-‘as- gociation; has dbcliriod to do, ./ . , - , „ , . pqoplc; in'vpariy mid'cilo life. iJn othei: casbs, it seems to bp ai long-'way off 0von at 7S-^so you seo, a -mol'e- , ppssing'^oi .50, 6.0 or even 70<ljirth- 'days does not'.mean old ago.; Re­ gardless - of ro'cordod' years gone by-—How: You .-.Feel ' and ’,Ho'w' You Act—aro the /bnly ■ ioliablo .I'Mioasuring'aticlca”'of.'.Apel And ‘‘Ho\y :ypu-feol and act” is -laigeiy- govqi'iied by- your Nerve Foice—that,, “v ita l: spark” that' gives enduring /briergy, ’ youthful courage, confidence, ambition and power to do thirigs in rt Big and worthwhile \yay. • *' ' Whether ybii'are 40, 50, or 70, if your riorvos are .on; 0¿lge, fraz­ zled and jadod—if ypir. laclc ;tho anibition. and/energy ;tp;/dbthiriffs or 4I10 ])owpr:; tp curry ilieiii .thi;- ough—if the worlc-..hrid, i^easui’os that used; to be a :joy arb'begin-j njng to- be. iir-bore—you; wlU soon .know the -full ■ meaning ó f-¡“old ago’,,’ unless you build: U]) .yyour nerv.o'fpi'ce how—at oncel ' , : ■ For-"thia; particular purpose— for doploted nerve - force, lack of strbngih ari'd oriorgy,: sleoplosaess, worry, despondency.',■■\in^l,.si gns of. iVi'erilat^iro i/oi'd ugcVj;t}ib^: discovery of a -'\Ybll:::l¿,hówn Vir- ginian^C)lem^st haa '/l>rbught joy anda. ;foqiing'of yputlifiil.átroii^th and vigor;,to :many,':maiiy/tlib.us-^ ands. ,0no .well known ¿Npríblic man ;saya,^ “Since talciiig/Irbriux, Í llnvo'felt better.th.lri/ariytimq/iri; 20 'yoar.s;I” ' ' A Richinpnd Doni;ist says,'“Ironu.x changOcl riie from'a' sickly v ))art-time ,; workbr ■' to / a strong, healthy, ¡hupp.v man-—wlib knows life Is Mvoi'th liyingl” Ano­ ther man says;; ‘‘After taltlng two bottles of Irbnuxj ; r;iiaye gairiod 1,2 ppnnd.s Ih'wojght- anc) fool like a ¿ ’oy again l'’-:^anci; so ' it ¿oes, hundred;); of ;rbport^.’bf a sim ilar nature'uir-ipraisirig the iipwq’rs, pf Ironux, ;/Tlils', is ;rtmarkablo; ovi- dencol . ' /; Don't grow 'bid : before;'' your tiriio-^anddon’t; lot; 1 ac):. pi’ nerve forcp;árid, vitality, ‘‘sap’' your on- /prg}V ‘ sioal; your;' ¿)1 easurqs' and mako ybii a Avbakling, For, orily $l,00j /Alllson. &;;Clement bi- any good , c)rU¿gist l,\vi)l supply t ,Y0U w ith'a big bottle of/geniiine Bur­ cher’s Ironux ori a biriding .guar­ antee! of money promptly refund, bd if you are. not wonderfully pibased,’ Thia is your -opportuni­ ty' to quickly arid surely prove thj value of "Ironux without I'isk of u penny-^nsk: your druggist today I » r-rv-t t-it *sr W!T !ПГ>1 ■:Conc:.'.3te Blodcs Saw: .Goal;:; . .Tho cont b ln nnd the coal.shovel... '.'ii? :. d o n ’tflico t 80 ottcn In flic hou.<io i • : ih n t Is b u ilt ot concrctc blocliSi tovorcd w ith stucco,.1 And tho man who pnys tho bilia ‘ .• Is-rlchcr by of his annual . : c0.1l bill.- II0USC.4 bullt'of, concreto blocks . : and,: covorcd wlili stucco cost ' only from 2% to 5% moro than :• frnmo houses: nnd bc.sidcsbtiing : wnrtncr In winter, nro cooler In- eummcr.: Thoy never ; need to- .uiiiaisvs*. T'nnlntlnit ‘ (itid aro permanently bciiutifiil, I ; Ask your building material deal­er to tell you tho cconomy and beauty achieved .In buildlnd hom es.w ith A tlas P ortland Cemont. m m m ' ' IPORTIANDCEME>№«-w :.,« g iM ‘tlie Standard ty which all other makes art ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT ..... ' ' 'SOLD'W MOCKSVILLE BY ' MOCKSVILLE HARDW ARE :G0 .;' йстамя ..“LET. HIM SERVE. YOU MOst-WHO ‘ -I ' . , SERYES YOU MOST” . . ' We C£]^ll our store.the ‘íSb.тice■^l store and tiT^^ to h‘ve up to the name. ' Whether it be a small ;or ' large purchase, we endeaver to render the,best of service. \ We welcome any constructive criti-;) cism that will enable us to improve this service. ■ ; V', GIVEUSA‘TR.iAL. ,.;:. ;,.^ . , ‘• ' '• I ‘ I •'.' 1'-.’>, ' i , / 'I.- . 1' i' •'._j.. - A Harris-LeGrand Pharmacy Mocksville, N. C. 11/ I' г li h ' fi ;k| .; A peg leg cost tho Ufe of “,Wafi” Lopp;./nbgro, a'ged 'iO, w)-io \yas itilioci Friday at B.rlnngpr when/' a switch engine back’ecl 'iiitp ’a trucl^ bri /vvlilcii wbi'e/tho» negro, arid-'s,ey- ori otiier nipri. The others jumped to safety, i) u t Loop was • I'lnable-itp jump on account bf his wbodori leg.".,, ,.‘,"5,/,, / ' V,; 'i'-.'i Z'./'- High; Point ended its water shoi'tage last week'when tlio/last connection Svas made 'to a ' 24-inc)i line,frpm, i)eop;River .to;:tho pump­ ing station^//. A n,'A uxiliary‘ piiriip has .bbon installqcl-and tho city is assured of 'a /hprnial aupply . of watbr,:''':.','./.'y;/''^;,;;'';;./:'::; C , ;Funbrnl sor-vicos: wero held! ,Sjii:urday morning, for 11, M, Rooce who died at his iiomo in' Groons-,1 boi'p iiist/.Thursduy night, ‘ ; Jim, Ballard,' : negro, . wa's; con- victo'd:; in Gato. co.unty Superior cburt/iliiât Fricltiy fpr :tHe;murciqr ,bf/Vbrripri,'East,'pn',,''dpputy-slieriffi; ,(ind, was sbntencod tp. pb b)e;ctrq- cutbcl;;jvily SOtll. ' , '//,/;''„V / ' " yAbcprcliri'g.‘;tO;;C;: A./ 'S farm agorit, Dayiclson couiity far-: mors lire fiiidirig'/it 'Profitable to raise bi'piier's'fpr, the ;ma|’l^et. Ho bites 'a. ■ riunTÎber ; of;' ;iiistancbs/ in’ which ;farmoi’S ;;iri;tho county are rri^idrig -nice ; profits ,oift of the. ppujtry, i).usiness," •/■ . ;Pirb ,Monday df last woelc do- atrpyed the 'barn'',bn the farni ’ of Olin T. ; D avis,,,at Ohurchland, Davidson cpunty,'together with a largo/ quantity ,'of ‘ hay and an ,-: Angus ;Bul I ; wqighing, .more tiian 2jOOO 'pounds; / The ;,fire/ started from q riiatch,;thrown in à trash, piie* near the barn by 'the four- yeai'-old son of ' Mr, ",DaVis, / iDiianiiaiimiiiBi'BHBiHiiM KEEPS FOOD FRESH ., AND .P.URE . - ,' f^No more soft, oily butter or milk^ Meat 'and vegetables, too, need ice to be, kept,in; a proper condition to serve/ often/ to prier/ serve the ' health of the family. Our Re- ' '' ... . {............(J'... frigerators and Ice Boxes give you this service at Minimum cost. 10 % REDUCTION' John Giiyer, 'oriipioybo/,'of thq. Harria-Covington; JIosièry Mill, at High-Point« ;'Y,as hurt one day Itiat week : when ,he/f e il,backward ;ori ii! large- riebdib ' which / stuclc iii! his -back soyei’al inches; : He was tak- on;/tb thb hospital : '\vhere needle was o.\tractod and thb wound drossed,j .No; serious cori- seque’ncea are expected ,tp:dovelbp. , Judge, E, Yates' Webb is mon- :tionbd/for .judge on the 'Uriited Stiitb^ ;:Circuit Court /of'Appeals to- subceecl|-judge Woods, of South Ciii'blina,; .wlib died;; roceritly, ', Tho new Alamance, yllotel; a t Burlingtbri will be opbn to tho :public’ July ;lb th ,''/ /,’,' :- ,. , , ; At; a; recent meetjng ;, of the board of trustees, of ;payenport college at Lenoir it ,was/ decide'd- tp build a; riqW; buildirig for thb department of home economics. ■ ReV;/ Garland ' Hinton^, , negro, janitor -for the News and Observ­ er, at Saloighy since 1896, diecl'of IS^OOO.gallons each and for a ',The -toial property loss by fire in;--North,, barpliria ; cluririg May- was $361,‘Ì75. ,:‘Ì)ùi:,ing;the moji^th lf>5 fires ,; /pcpuri’bd. /''Of : ' theàe, 103 -tt'bre fircis in dwellings. Three, nbgrp chilcirori lost thoir lives,;,iij' a'".-1™?/°'^ the./dwolling fires; .Chief 'causes of fires, Ayore ir sparks: o'n 'sliingle, 'I’oofs, 47; unknown, 41 ; , oil stoves, 8 : ;:electri,city, 7 ;.'/ud- Ijoining buil(,ling 'arid gasbiino;ig- nition, <1, ./; ' The Sinclair Ref inirig Company ■has I made, plans; to; eatabliali '^■at' High Point a large diatributing listatibn for gas arid oil. P laiis qall: for the ■ cjpnatriictipn'^of two gasoline tanks/ ha'ving a capacity Mocks-ville Hardware Co. Mocksville, Ñ. C. ,iiiniirar>:ia:iiiaiffiB№!Bii.raiiiiaii'iBi«i!a;iHiiiiraiiiiBiiiiBi:iiBi!MiiiiBii«iiiiQ^ Killed For Food :W ithiri'ten days;,after thci com- mencement, exercises pf; t|ie Nprtli Carolina State . College,, -West, Raloigh, every member of - the graduating- blass'ythis ;^ of 137, had a job. The :placirig of each graduate in a job immediate- ;.^In 1924. there wore ,119,98.0,500.'' ammais killed for food, an: aveivi ago of l;l: animals for ;each ¡man,./ woman and child in the United States. , ............................... the /chorislicd traditions' of the college. ' „ : ;5 The last term of Superior-Court of Davidson county, had a'niiml)- er of cases in which pooplo wero churáecl with dynamitirig/strbams forif-iali;;; JudgO M\irphy gav.q' thq. offbriderâ.a' fine /of $100 and.'apn- tenco bf thirty days on thb/ roads.In .pasairigv.sentence / the: /judge tpo)c pccasibij 'to expre'sa his opi­nion bljout dynamiting fiah, :Hb aaicl-that “dynamitint'^ poprlielp- lesaVÎish is ¡one of thp most ,cow.- a'rdly things I ban ; conceive' of, A fish ’should at : least, be; given a chance,” Judge Murphy, slat-1 Seiontiats studying the probiert ' eci further: that- North; Carplijja's; o f rising;-vbrtiça])y.'/mighi; ',fjnd'^f;', ........... some; 8Uggo.stiona in a fllvver’a:''”'''' “In Franco’ I wiirit Frericli ' ’\i’;*ii music and in ,Italy I .want Itali«ii.' |^ j,.^ music,” aays Mr. Aibort'O oatos,'j,'j J'o j| What wo all want ia Amoiican music in 'Ariierica.—Punch; /’' ‘ ’‘''3’'"''’ iw *|1 * ' I hM't li jOvo One anothoi’.” “^t Raioign, »mue foi«', „ ...................... . In some states the word of God Friday night after a long illnoss. kerosene tank.'with .like capacity, ly after commenqeinqnt is. one of ly protected, ......... ...................'.................... . ^ .. '........../...........................'J.................................... .......... . streajns should be a great source of wealth if the fish were proper- 'back seat.—Associated E(iltors-^ :> (Chicago,) '.л' ■ il i'.*' n.' '"Piigf 4 . | . i д а 'ES'-, '.'i '. /’ «n»» »'.'í*--......- THE aiOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISK Ш lííüílllill -BEGíNNING TlIoND WEEK^ OF C A SH D lSC flei m REGULAR !"• CLOTHING, Й 3, CAPS, DRY 9S, o n ’ ALL OUR liEGULAR STOCK , OP CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, DRY GOODS, MEN’S FURNISH­ INGS, TRUNKS, BAGS, FURNITURE, FLOOR COV­ ERINGS, REFRIGERA­ TORS, ICE BOXES, NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. o . ii ■■ - s s I . ___ New Seasonable Merclianclise Ai 5.'Hundreds'Of New Values Added For DRY GOODS VALUES • f’ •’ '•__ k = : /■ -7\ L V . ■ . t ‘r J ./* 'i' ',•! \ ' ■*“ ^ 1 1 ■'1 j ' ./iii'', % Vii.' .* s $ 1 5 . 0 0 Palm Bench Suits nt .....................................*......................................... $ 2 5 . 0 0 2 piece serge suits (sHm) at ...............................................;. $ 2 2 . 5 0 To 27.50 W hip,cord suits at .......................................................... $ 1 5 . 0 0 Young mens and conservative a t'.....^................................................. $ 1 8 . 0 0 Young mens and - conserv^iitive at ..;..v C ) 0 Young men and conservative at ............................................... ,,, V ^ - I i v ^ ^ S « 0 0 men nn^ conservative, at- $ 3 0 . 0 0 Young men aivd consevvalive at ...................................r,...-............... i ■'^ =' '■ '■ One lot boys $1,3.50’ Suits at .................................................... ..................ф Й ' 7 5 Шапу Odd Lots Men and Boys Pants at . r , ' '' ■■ ■ ' '■:■" ■:■ ■' ' ■ ' Greatly Redoced; Prkes, • • • *4с J Щ $ 9 . 9 5 ■ ■ $ Í 5 .0 0 $ 1 2 . 5 0 - $ 9 . 7 5 • $ 1 2 . 7 5 $ 1 3 . 7 5 $ 1 7 . 7 5 $ 1 9 . 7 5 $ 8 . 7 5 $1.00 Value Bilk and .Wool C’repe Sale Price’’........... $ 1 .5 0 ' Valué Wash Silk ;Sale Price and' $1.50 iîaypn Silk, Sale Pj^k'o $ 1 .5 0 Value Crepe Voile Snle Price .......................................................... . 7 5 Flowered Batists •: Sale • Price. ^ $1.00 Value Flowered Voilea Sale Price l . . 7 5 Value Plisse,Salo\Price . 6 0 ■ Value'Tissue Gingham: Sale/Pricd':U..,.;..-V.;.i';.;.;,;/yv;.í-.u/.'.!;MÍ;;i.¿^£ . 4 0 I Valué Dress Crepe Good Colors Sale Price .......................................... . . 1 8 . Value Dross Gingham Sale Price..,v.,..-,...,. ■ . 1 5 Value Domino Apron Gingham Sale Price . 4 0 ' Value Siin Tub Fabric, All Colors Snlo Prieo ..i...... . 2 5 Value Lnd'Lassie Play Cloth,'Shlc Price . 5 0 and 75c Flock Dot Voiles Sale Prico ........ , . 7 5 and $1;00 Value Imported Dress Linen All Colors, Sale Price . ALL SALE PRICES AND DISCOUNTS STRICTLY' CASH TO EVERYONE.■ ■ ■ ■ . - , f.; ■ ' , ■ {' - _ ^epple of Davie County ’■ ♦ • ’ • , • . ' .r'. ', , lust Turn Thousands of. Dollars Worth Of it Into -Cash In The. Second Week Of This Great Value Giving Event U'î .vV-.,,k Imi i MÍ .75 Value Colored Organdies Sale Price ....................„.1......,,...., 48fc .4 0 to 50c Value Colored Organdies Sale.Price.................. .25 Curtain Scrim Sale Price.................................................... ,l5 c .1 2 1 - 2 Value Curtain Scrim,^ Sale Price ................ 9 c 9.4 Good Quality Bleach Sheeting ............ 9-4 Good Quality Unbleach Sheeting ..................... 4 3 c LL 36 Inch Good Quality Unbleached Sheeting, Sale Price.... lO c .2 5 Extra Quality Bleach Domestics..................................1 8 c 81x90 Good Quality Seamless Sheets ................. 36.VÍ5 Good Quality Pillow Cases ..................... ........... : 22c. H A L F -P R IC E M IL L IN E R Y WE HAVE SEVERAL NICE HATS LEFT IN LADIES AND CHILDREN’S WHILE THEY LAS'r JU ST HALF-PRICE. - ' ' 7 ' t r■ ■Л У'~ ■ ' ■ ' _______________^ ■ . ' SP E C IA L V A L U E READY-TaWEAR VALUES V - .......... I In Aluminum ware. Enamel ware, Tin ware. Floor mops, and many other things in this Department. See our Grocery Department while taking advantage of this wonder- full sale. We have many things that w ill interest you. HOSIERY VALUES à ■s. \7 ia r « ’ —-------- N E W H A T S WE WILL HAVE A VERY NICE SHOWING OF THE NEW'SPORT HATS IN,WHITE FELT AND KIDS, One lot: $6.00 to iP7.5,0 Men’s ^ Oxfords ...... $1.98 - One lot Men’s Oxfords §2.98 One lot Men's Oxfords $3.98 One lot $7.Г)0 to $8.50 Lndl- , es’ AValk-ovcrs .................... $ .98 , , One lot $3.50 Ladies’ red nnd gray sandals ............... $1.98/ One lot $3.50 and $4.00 Ladies’.'brown pumps and " Oxfords .......................$2.48; One lot $4.50 and $5.00, ALLJN EW ^ M m C H A N D IS E , N O O LD O U T -O F -D A T E ST U F F , P R A C T IC A L L Y A L L B Ó Ü G H T FO REMEMBER7YOU ARE THE LOSER IF YOU FAII ' ‘ ■ ( ''S'- nSISra' -r.,™-— - '---J N. LEDFORD CO O LEEM EE, N. C., Ladies' brown and gray suede OxSords ..........$2.98 One lot $6.50 and $6.75 Ladies’ black and tan sue- ' de Oxfords ..:...........................$3.98 ; Several sm all lifts ladies ami , (¡hildreii pumps and Oxfords to . close out very much below cost. Ladies’ 60c silk hose in all the new popular shndea (juat receiv­ ed), .................................................. 33c Ladies’ $2.50 and $3.00 silk hose, black and brown only ..... 98c One lot of Children’s 15c nnd 20c hose, black and white, small sizes, Pr. .....[..........5c Hundreds of pairs men’s 15c sox in white, black navy and tan Pr. .....................8 i-3c Men’s fancy sox (new just receiv­ ed), 75c value during this sale ...I.....48c Hundreds of pairs odds and ends to close out during the sale. OTHER SPECIAL VALUES Boys’ blue work shirts-............39c < Boys’ Kahka work s h irts .......48c Men’s , .?1.25 dress ^hirts attached collars ................................................89c Men’s $1.50 and $2l00 dress sliirts .................i.,;;.i.;.,...;.....;..,....98c Men’s^'Nainsook Union Suits . , ,Size 38 to 40 .;....48c' - Men’s $2.20 bli\e dfenim^over ails......,...;..,.,.;.;,.,...;,...,...$ 1 .2 9 . $1.50, Ladies’ um brellas .98c Hundreds of other special .val­ ues in this sale that wo do not have space.to mention. Æ ' 'àà .ш т ;щ р ' >' •F,I *' íV I,кÜBane9á|j ' i "Г'УЩЩ / П.Й iienpi/Æ S $ 1 ;5 .0 0 Silk Dresses ..............................................V $ 9 .7 5 $ 1 0 .0 ,0 "silk Dresses , ^ $ 8 , 5 0 Silk Dresses $ 5 , 9 8 $ 6 . 0 0 hilk Dresses ................................... .... $ 4 . 4 8 $ 5 . 0 0 Pure Linen Dresses .....................................' $ 3 . 9 8 $ 4 . 7 5 Voii Dresses, Ail Colors v...',i’..,.: $ 3 . 7 5 ; English Broad Cloth Dresses ...: $ 1 . 9 8 : $ 4 . 5 0 Ei)ffli.9h Brond Cloth vDressiiS ,, ............$ 2 .4 8 , .$ 2 .5 0 Unene Dresses ..... .......$ l l 4 8 $ 2 . 0 0 Gingham Dresses ...............!....... $ 3 . 7 5 Children’s Pongee Dresses (size C-14) ....... $ 2 . 4 8 $ 3 . 0 0 Children’s Pongee Dresses (size 0-14) ... $ 1 . 9 8 $ 1 . 5 0 “ Children’s Gingham -Dresses ........; ..... : 9 8 c ' , ¡Children’s Pantee Dresses ..........4 8 c I, '..'.у•.»14 -BUYC O M E — — — ^ ' —.-AND-^ S A V E Y O U R M O N E Y ’ S ' THIS SP R IN G A N D SU M M E R ’S SELLIN G; A W O N D E R FU L O PPE R T U N IT Y . DO N OT M ISS IT. TO ATTEND THIS GREAT REDUCTION SALE DAVIE épUNTŸ'S LAljGEST ÀN COOLEEM EE, N. С >' ■* U«.<1 \ь ^ i ‘ i í» ........ ‘i>i м В ж т ь » * ' s Ì/ y РГ* ' Рпяго о Chicago. Mr. С. îi. llciulncks spent Tuüs- (íny ill Wiiiston-tíiilnm oil bu.sinosís. M iss JíJtliül FiHlier, of St. Puul’a, is \'iaituig hoi' aístéi*, Mrs. ; Je fi Caudcl) : , Mr. \V. J'\ Cniuitìll ia imiJi'üviiiíí from ' nn opurntioji poríoi'iñed ,pJ> - .his knco. :r. , toii'iuul fnmily, of Wliistori-Snlem spent Sundays w itli Mr. aiulvilrs. M r J.; Hoitlioij.9er. . . , ' '■ W rsTi^riceisheifrili; b spent last week w ith her niothei', Mra,. W iiljam >Iillcr. , . M ix 'iinci :_MrSi : Carl Sherrill, of Mt. vtJila, spent the week end with M rs. W illiam 'M iller. AIvs. Mason Lii^ and daught­ er, M argaret, arid son, K elly, left fo r their home at Elkin last Fri- day. . , Mr, and Mrs. Brenegar, jRanler Brohegar and fam ily were récent grueats of Dick Erenegar In i Ra- leigh. "■ ■_ i;';, M iss Sarah- G aitlier' sperit the Week end in. A sheville with Miss S allie' Hunter. - '. The m aiiy friends hove of Little Miaa Louise''lOduni,: daiiKhter ol‘ ¡Mr., and Mrs. T. E. Odum, of Hickory, w ill be slivd to Ictu'ii thut she is.im pi'ovijig very iiic'jly from an operation all« underwent aomo /•inio ago. ' ■ Mrs. R. D. W.'Comioi’ hasi.ve“ turned to her home iti Ghapel Hi. after a vifJt to'Jior,,mother; j\|rs Phillip Ifnnos, Frank Cle' ment aud Miss Hanea .Clement were recent ,gue.st3 of Mrs.HCoiu -nor..' ■ :■ THE MOCKSVILI.B ENTERPRLSB - ;';i‘ M iss M artin V ju st recently,, re? w turned from' Camp • Civltan, Vade í‘V-'ivy¡'¿JIecUni, where she spent three ;!;i:^:'ivecks. ' ¡-. '■> ■ ^Mr. and 'Mra. А/ B. •Furr,' and ; JiiBS Patsie Clojnent-spent ; iho • week end in Albomui'le ' w ith' re­ lativos and ; friends;- : ‘ Mrs. Carl Smith and daughter; JuaniiA, „ of:-'Saliabiiry/ii spent ' tKe ,-w eek pnri with M r.ran^i'M ri’.iif-T L. Summers. ‘ ,?'• ; C. Shoato I win'- .boi buit office for two .weeks,’ bor , ginning the 13th„ taking his two *v.' weeks vacation. ' -i, . ; Mr. and Mrs. IL A. ^Birdsall, -of M ooresville, - spent the ¿ week, end with Mrs. BivdsalllB mother, M rs. W illiam M illeiv , 1. • . ...\ Mr. and ,Mrs. ,H. L. Blhckwood and fam ily, of M ooresville, spent the week; 'end' ^yith iVlr. arid M rs Holthouser. ’■-------— —•’-n-r——r—----- Mias Fronie'Frenoh,;^ho is at- " ' iendin g summer school at N; G. C. ,spent the week' erid; wltW ■; xnd M rsr Roy Holthouaeiv / y i' ' -----'Si—u,■ Mra. George Ijam es, who under- i ii.'Went an operation for appendicitis I ^ the Lnwi'enec hospital a week ixago, Is improving at this time. M iss Nell and Annie Holthouser v-.*j)enit the week end in H ickoiyias ih e guest's of. Miss Teresa Kerr ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie W alling Mrs. J. H. Townsend iind daugh ter, Marion K elly,’of Red Springs are visiting their fathiar and alint, ; jMr. Tom I<;cljy and Miaa Sallie .K elly.'" ■ X, ■- Don’t forget to tell your friends “The Ten .GoniTOandinents” ; w ill be. at the^Princes Wedn'esdayUnd ' 'T hursday,' Ju ly 15th 'arid 16th - aftevnoon and;night. V V Mr. and Mrs. John P. LeGrand have .returned ;frbm'' their wedding ti’ip north- and, in, Ganada>nd !are w ith Mr. LeGrarid’s: liarents on Church street. ■ Mrs. LeGrand be­ fore; her hiarriage June 9 was M iss'E llzabe Johnson, of Al­ lendale;' S. C. v Mrs,.' A. L. Duckett, of Raleigh, is visitin g her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Clement. Mrs. Cle­ ment is suffering with a broken shoulder, caused by the lid of an ice box falling on her w hile she was taking some food from, the box. . : > Mr. and-J^Irs. J. N. Garj'itty, tirici Mr. and .Mrs. Charles HoUemari of Corsicana, Tex,, were guests,of A f t e r E v ^ e r v M e a l pod. In addition to,the tìggs shipr ped a total of' 8,530 cascS were stored 1,11 .a .cold: stfiriigij •plant in Wil rii i ngtori' to a\vait the h ighei‘ piMcos of the, winter , riionths.'' \ Mr.' :;LoWii) ^.aays, : '‘When','we -bo- gaii'tliia, ,woi'kv,iivti‘h‘eiis wei:o .sei-' ling :in the .tl'i'ritorj^; indicate from 17 to 2Ò.cents pei' pbund ¿ltd only,'ir^ )v;foW,;-in8tnrito producers get'''às,iiÙ|ch;:iiy;2^ AlÌ bii£, six-‘ 'cìirs|,■ of^ iiH;(poù 1 try brdught; a' iMiicélptV’fro'm ,22’;l'0,.25 cents liev pound, ni;' thè ,cai’^ dbòr.” Farm ers:,taking ; ,part:;-!Ìri this nioyemeiit;, saved at/' least, ; four cerits per pplind by aèlllngicboìje- ratively iri viiuiditibn Ub'‘the : fact of having a market brought to theiv home towiis. The movemenb spread and some counties made shipments not included in the a- mount given., Vance county, fpr instance, made twb shipments in cooperation Avith the marketing agents of a railroad ; Rutherford county shipped 43,741 pounds and the Farm ers’ Federation of Ashe­ ville fj'hipped 190,000 pounds, - Indicatibiis are that this move- clothing, etc. Mrs. Sloop is a sist-' nient will .grow iii volume and im- biv of Dr. M artin, president, of por.tance in 1926 and Mr. Lewis Davidson College and while her atijtes that there, is now.no longer brother ia an :L. L., D., she is an any excuse'for growers not mak- ancl a very ;vemarkable'\Vo- ing nibney with poultry. A ll thiit man. . Crpssriore schbol'is a s ta te ;is needed, h e says, is for the'pro- Aocredited'Schodr coveririit ‘ all rinnovo i-r. .yni. ..A.;—..... Thursday, July 9,'1925 folk's take brders.—Portland Eveii •iiig Express; Chicago girl says she w ill inav- ry ,l;he nian„.who pays her falil'ierls' debts,' .but applicants ,had bettor, find out "who riiade the debts.—Col umbia Record.', ' ' • . P a s s It ai*oim d after e v e r y incaL G ive the fa m ily th e b en efit of its aid to d igestio n . Cjeajis tc c tli too. Kety) It o livays li» the h o u se. 0 'C ost's li t t i e - h e lp s m u ch ‘‘W.here,’V’\isl{s :a‘ 'Cdhtehipbrary, “does 'Luther BuiMiank : get. his -iduaii'. for new “plant creationsV": W eill there'aro seed cutalogues.-^ Detroit Newa. . . , ..................... , . All the xVisdom bf the ages boil- Bd flown to beiiellt husbands conr, aists in two wo.i'ds ; , P et, her.— Vancouver Sunday Sun; " ' , or scalds of small area, cover first wili;h wet bak- ing soda. W hen dry, take this off. Dress ■with Vicks, gently. ' Do 'not l ub in. Bandage lightly. B O THE ШК1Ш11Н1Ш11||а!|Ш111Н'!1Ш1!«||1Я»ПП»П11|1П«1:вС1П11Ш111Н1111а1||1Ш11В;;д e Ч. W.V44VWÍ; ux ÍUUUÍÍI.VÍÍW arcs inciuci^ --— ..«Ы : L ibiLJ I irig farming;'methods and and. "Hollemiin are' daiighters . of nical instnictioiv foi’ tlio.,bóys, am Mr. and ; Mrs. James Call; vwhb home: economics,, musiq,'etc.; fo'r formerly Hved here.^^ ' " ^ ‘ ' „ Don’t'.forget .that: the duction sale of J. N. Ledfoi'd iô now in ,íul¡i awinç. Hundreds i.v*u4 _,u4uiiuiuics, m usiq,• etc.j for Raleigh, July tj.-^Rlcköta ‘and the girls together 'w ith’ a ;‘dbrnii- scurvy In, nunian ,beings becausef.orv: wbiAvnU-» ' » nV.' ..îLi__-J. ' i-, . m r n n i i u u u u i . u u u i g a u y q u u ö ö girls from the pooi^cr famiUeálfind im d ,a, cpimteipai^^in a ' h o m e - d u r i n g t h o .;8 c h b o r ' y ö a i : апсЦ-ode: .¿¿ttij^j;:.. educational ::advaritaiiö^ DON’T TRY \ ; : TO MAKE ITI COME ,.HERE AND GET 't h e- ■ , t ( ; BEST ' ALLISON & Ш &a t i v a b t d ^ f e s '■ ■cbuld'i'noV \yhbïhâ8;rccêntlÿ,,\i%eêi-ved"sB^^^ CLEMENT;„ . posaдшy; nave. i The 3ctì00l8% ri; 'SpopiiribiÌà:pf;;cbtt№ -^ oveni.-,^,.xou,,^ not'iip'-to'the:stari(lai’cl':bf ours Tomosisi'ir-:;.: '.. f .- M»wm»nii®iiiiiaerararaiiiinœa!iilraiifflmraiiiiiBiitBi|iiM!iiiu.,..jiiiira4ïrai!!iMiimTffiffl!iiiraii™iiiiEiiiiÄ n i i Oí,, in Davie, .etc.. and many children Tomosis seohis,to be. prevalent ----------------------------------------thl.s sale. Read thclr nd on pages .wouUl. ' .............................................A 'r; Î---- - * ^ ■ r. i, , V in Uavie, etc;; and many ehildren __J,--------. Iils'sale. ; Read thcli-ad on pages would-get noihing'mbVe.Man^ a this .year in-the territory.-extentl- CTI!W.ti^ Millll'ilin ilWllllllllllllllililMp№iii«iiiliiiMiM^ .. ihcppintiMmt, men drive down and “ ............................ " th.ls.sec-b^yvi'yh.nt you need, .rhere nötfb'r schobla''(boardlng schools) tion,over hall the plants are ai-, questiQn^abo,ut ;your, saving money -„jjg the' one iát Crbssnbre. People focted; They afipaar to be dw arftUinnff fchifl flnb V A call луИ) con- «tV * .:.л -vtí ííi .uringthis-saie. vince’ you.all over 'North Garolina this year,' ancl years befoi'ej hhve 'bвon,:sвnrt-' Intr old (i)nfboq nl-o, i« M rs. Rufus B," Sanford is visit­ ing her aunt, Mrs. ¡Johu^i^^^ «L Blowing Rock, i, Mv. iS tó M rs. E, L, Gaither, and,'R ufus Sanford, Jr., spent'Tues'day thei e Mr, and M rs.; 0 . .11;: Perry, of ' R aleigh, : arriveci ,’Sunday. Mrs, P erry w ill apenci twb^weeks with her mother, Mrs, W illiam Millev’. ,3Ir. Perry returned home Moriday. , Admission for “Thè Ten Gom- mandmenta,” w ill only .be 25 and : CO cents. Como eaviy; .show w ill begin promptly at 3,30 and 8 o', clock, tho date Ju ly 15th' . anci ■leth. '' - M1.SS Flossie M artin left Mori day (for Camp Julette Low, Ré- ’ gional Camp for Girls Scout Of­ ficers, Clouciland, Ga,, ,’ivhere she l:-W ill remain in camp for two weeks. Mr, und Mrs. M. D,. Brown, Jr., loft last Wednesday for Peach- ■ Jaiu l, Tenn,, where M rs, Brown ' w ill spend eight weeks visiting her .p aren ts, Iilr, Brown rotiirnbd '.Sunday. • . ' y . .. . '------^^——Un-.',: , Citpt, L P. Graharii,; of Coolec- :‘mee was among' the visitors , here f ilfonday. A' very Itirgc crowct be­ in g here for regular first Mon- i;d ay’fi business, also the sale of liroporty for taxes. ' ■ ' , ' ¡Mrs, 'd ! Rich, Audrey' Brenegav, ip^d sai.led June : 3,5.';pn'-lit'cariWîi'i iï>-,iPre f ’ng,' by''v;'ny; for tBpend three " woek^.*.: Théy ;? w ill théii go to A laska and b ack:b y ______. , ^ v v «“ ’niivB oвon,:s0n(l- C,' 0. Dinglor, (better'known a a ' Ing old: clothes, :btc:i, ,to: Crosahbre Clarence) form erly-a i-esident ,'of arid those,:nvticlqa :hays. been :'dia- Mocksvllie', returned Tuesday' fo’ri posecl of in such- a ;manhbr tЦ t n Vii'inf «1,011.«» h is; ;inany .^oney ha.V bM^ to run tho chiiriis: in bbarding ,' scfiopl ancl help ;:manj' , . . „.„ past - four; worthy lad: tiiid l a ^ yeara Clarence has been cbnriect-' better prepared for . life-: . than oW - - tiuTlt ■______________ I'loi-'int!« lo r . IUO-: . tiian ed wiW Tlie Ariiericari 'Mul'tigraph '»'other. SaleS' Company, of Cleveiaridi , 0., ' ' ' i A iovii?N P\v«i ' lis representative with head quart- : , . ; ; ^•s ^ln the t ó e ’^of F lo r ^ . "He ; »Codo of tho West," Friday arid is; w ry enthuaiaatic oyer the hur- g ^ u rd a y .-, Its a Paramount 2nd ned progress (Of ,the state .of m . , ¿bVn’Zane Gray sto ry,'scvoon play and e.^pecta/:'to return in' about by: Hubbard. The -leading, stars sixty days, but'during a visit .to Owen iiloore,, Constance Bòn- the Enterprise he a so expressed „ett, 'M abel B allin and Chaa, his Irank appveciutioTV iov the Oglo "Good old. North. Stjitea,» . Monday and Tuesday, a Jam es A number of tho young people' CruKe Pl-oduction, “ The Giu'dpn ¡of the Cooleemee and Mocksxille of 'Weeds,” with, Betty. Compson, Presbyteriai| churches are ex- Baxter and Bock Fellofa pecting tp make an : all day trip Starring, : :> to W iììtesbpro-Saturclay, Ju ly 11th W.odnesclay and 'Thursday:after- attoiidlng; an "ocho ' confevenco of: noon, ^ancl night; ' the ; grpatost : pf the recent; atate.’iWicie cbrifer.ence aU'; ,photpplays,^‘‘Tho Tèn Com-«4-‘ ..........’ * V,./* wow4ii«4iiy umircnes in JJO.xlilff- .approval. oX tho thquaii t(>n,:Thomfi.sville,’ M t' A 'iix ’ Elkiiii J^ostVp.eqple w^^ ‘spen .• it, Winston-Salem, etc, a:re memberu fifty'; miriiaieris attends pf what iis known as- the Prealiy -1 in 'just bnp city in.'North Cavc^iiiw People’s League'of and i we've^vh^ in tev'ihn'Young _ „ wi., , ^ r.>-.77;"^ "T, WÍnstoh.SalemÍPrbabytery: Meet- -и^гер^с^ Ц^-ings w ill Бе, held'ii>orriiii^, after-' noon ‘ añd ; evening ,the delegate’s returning to their honies a-ftev the evening meeting. . .' The Bridge; club VA'is, delightful­ ly entert(iinedW edri'esclay after­ noon by M iss W illie M iller at her home,’ pn'„: North ,M ain i-street, Queen Anri’s ’lace: -and j Shnsta, daisies were: used very effective­ ly inVthe' living,room v.'hero three tables had been placed for the games, ,;H igh acore $ví2o,. r 'dain­ t y . handm ade': handkerchief, ,wa,s won: by Mrs, Roy Holthouser, and Mr,s, Price Sherrill, bf Mount ü lia, sister of the hostess, was giypn a pretty bath towel. Pelicibus ■ refreshments consisting of chitik- cn /salad, tomatoes, sandwiches, saltinea,. pickles,, n u t, bread ancl iced tea were served by the hos­ tess,' assisted by Mrs, SheriilK The gijests bn: this occasion were 5'Iisses' Ivie,; Horne, Kopelia Hunt, Ossie Allisbri, Lindi} Gray Cle­ ment, K ntheririefM ^ Mes­ dames Roy H olthouSeri'iJ.K , Me- To'ney, , .L‘ F. .; Clement,; ; T, F, Me­ roney, B. C. Clement, Jr,,' W. Nor­ man Clemonti Cliiiavd LeGrand, ____ •»! ' wv ; : rr 111 .Philiidelph'ia'; i4 'iri :Bostfln,^-^ 'London :(ind- l4- in, :Paris.^;^^ saridf : have paid up to ,?2,00 ad­ m ission,.:. Wc w ill charge 35'und ,60 'cents, the 'lowest amount Pai'amount w ill allow at this time, SERIVCES AT 'ШЁ METHODIST : CHURCH, COOLEEMEE - ■ ■ SUNDAY ' 'Rev.. J, A,: J ,' Farrington, win preach at i l o'clock, a, rn, ' - Subject, "Let us rise: and-bvild. Hc/Will also'sing a apeeinl riuml;’- "The Model rchurch,”er VThq editor has received, a :çpm- municatibn from Mrs, .Dr, M ary Sloop of Crossriore ‘schooi, loèat- fi'd near Ashoyille, Nprth'Carolina, recjiipstiiig that inbtice be^^, g^ the 'pèople i n a'nd {ground., Mocksr yille; that';pavce)s; .nyiiled to Hhe school at thé ;to\vn : or village ojf Crossnorè would be thankfully, re-' celved,. parcels , containing old ThoreVwill be ■ other 'speciiil rinisic ypu have -a. corclial in yi‘'a ; tion to attend these seiwices,.; -‘'V " ' , ■ GROWERS SAVE i^ioNBY ' BY POUL'rRY SHIPMEN'l’S Raleigh, Ju ly 6,—A report pre­ pared by V, ■ W, Lewis, liyostock mnrketing specia)i.sf for tiie State Division of .Market’s,'^ show.s , that those . ppultiy - growers : ,'of-;No'rth Curolina: who took advantage bf the cooperative" parlot' shipments of ; poultry ; and eggs' this spririg saved a total of ?i28,578.48, : The shipment's'began oi; March ’2.6 and,cIosed on Ju ne 20.D u ring. t'iiat .time: through, tlib efforts of the home aiid 'farm demoniatratipn agents of State College, thé toach- eva of agriculture in the . high schools arid the'marfceting'spocia- li’sts; 464,286 pounds of : poultry eel arid therO' is a criinipiiivg and iliatoittibn ; 'pi',.’ the Ipaves and bi’arichea mu'ch ,as‘ rlcliets affocta the huriiari b e in ^ ,'; W. : • .^ 'Dr., WqUvstates that this troublo waa di^coyerecl first 'about, twelve years; ago;and; since that time it has beoiijfound, at times, over' the ,ontire',.c,pttbn,,gi'pwlng districts of | tlie tVorici; The worst injury, usu­ ally occurs ;ttt/th'o seedling stage thbtigh a 'few. injijrett leaves m ay: be found.later.' .The badly affect-; ed land normal plants^^may occur side by side pn the rojv and 'tiiere is no evidence/to'Sho w that tho fertilizer 'Svill have any effect. When/ the; .injury is severe, the term inal 'b u d 'la thrown off. and several britnchos aro formed in its stead so that/the, plant is crippled or deformed. Such/plants will not recover and 'wl,11 produce few­ er bolls than their normal neigh-1 I'bors. / .Dr. Wolf states ,that the!m ost hopbfui .feat.uro of the Wliolb, mat­ ter,; l.s that the .diijorder is tempor- ftvj' .'nnd ' that /thorp ia ' generally, a rapid ;iirid .complste'recovery ui\:d- et//i(lefti' AvPather , cPiic^ for- .cpttpn, /;It:i9 'not a,;dlspase, states D r,/:W plf,bul/;ai!:rowth; disorder and though it )nay affect the total .yielciiof'cotton in the field', each plant; .‘Ip affected w ili generally produce- some sbed cotton. WHA'f OTHERS HAVE TO SAY. North Garolina' is a ' vigorous State,' but.we/aupppao now-: and 'then it ha.s it.3 diill moriiiiigs when VBuck'! Duke doesn't /give a mil- ' lio'iv'oi''so more to Duke Uniyersi- ty.-^Honston .Ppsi-Dlspatch. See our line of Dress Shirts and Ties, all colors. Red Ties.' Kurfees & Ward Kurfees Paint More Lead Per Gallon - ■ ' eaiiiiitaiicBiiiiMiiiiaaiiiBttiiia!iiiffliiiieaiiiiBiiiiniiiiBiii!aiiiin!i»iiiiiiiBiiiiBii!iEiiiwiiiimKBiii!WBHiB 8TANÖAII0 PRODUCTS - A T -- SÍANDARD PRICES -4 - -He—-‘‘Now, I w ant to show you hmy to/change gears.”/ 11 She—“Oh, Jack/ let's riot chnn->^ ge them—they-i('re just rig h t, as they are.’?-^Judge. , ‘.‘W bat'i; don’t understand about this'here gamp of gold," snid Un-1 cle ike,V ‘is why/sonie people play [ it .>vhen it makes ’em' so darn ' riiacl;"A-Brooklyn Eagle. ------------>-------------- The German women, who are creci'ited >ylth haviivg elected■ Hin- dohbiirg, are now demanding that he take to ’ himself a w ife.., He might have known there w as a catch in it sbmp where.T—Lifp. ... — — —-— —------ ' In DosMoines they have a par­ ade of bootldgera. Now .York has its (police : parade. :According to recent disclosures in Philadelph­ ia it; wouldn't mattev mucli w liat they'called it,—New York World, |.. ---------------: ,4»-----:------ Some ineri are sp fe.vclusive that they're afraid that if they break tho ice they w ill fall through.— ' 'Little ' liock ‘A rkansas ; Democrat.' | I Since moving in- I to our new home ” we are better prepared to take care of your needs. We have ju>st installed a new and up-to-date filling* station, and can supply . , „.J, Some people are able to let con- and 3,151 cases of eggs were ship- science be their guide, but most your needs with the FAMOUS STAND­ ARD GAS AND 0ILS-.!N0NE BETTER. Give us a call when in heed of anything in our line. “SERVICE” our motto k ^ Mocksville Motor Gp. Expert Mech^ics to serve you.^'^^^ c KV'-'A/'. J *Trt| 1Ô25 THE MOCKSVII LE F.NTERinnSE Page 7 y. COOLKEMEI?' NEWS TIONOR ROLL ili., n. lloatherly, son Rblj- iiiul liiiugiitei' Ruth and Rosa/ led I'riatives .in Hendoraon iity ii'-Ht week near Henderson- listal Siiry and wife,, returned Kriilay from Jacicsonviiie, Tlicy report a fine trip.. ,y riiade thc trip by automobile, liie JJlack Smith Preacher .(icliiid to the negroes last Mon- niiilit, A great crowd of jicople gathered to hear the Mr. W ilerford announc- litc the meeting w ill close this isk.;ev. Mr. Si.sk with a number of ,p!o, .sang at the School Audi- iuin Sunday afternoon in the of the Normal to be hold M ocksville, this 'summer. • ■ jCoolcomec had two. ball games ,)'e iiiHt Saturday between • the leal nine and Chadwick Hoskin, luu'inUc. Cooleemee won iri tho riling and Chadwick in tho aft- ■Jioon. .- ■ licv. D. F, Pui;nam took' Ray liore to the Baptiijt hospjtal at inslon-Salem last 'F riday where hiul an,operation for side pleu-, icy, Sunday, Ho is getting along well wo ai'e informed. 1', Charles Call took hla wife Or, li, Z, Linnie, Charlotte, a jinlist, in rectal disoases, last iidny, for treatment, (lev. J, A, J, Farrington preach- special sermon to tho Junior Idcr last .Sunday night, Jlr, Perry Morgan, who hold a jmiing School hero for young lople of tho Bnpti.>it church/ left Tho following is a list of those Xyhpvhave subscribed and renewed since our last'issue: , , ' ; Mrs, C. W. Kesler, A. E. Gobble, , / Mrs. Mammie E. Collette,: // W. E. W alls, / G, G, Leach, M. J. Hendricksj J. M. Horn, . ; ' IL A. Sanford, ' ' Glenn Hendricks, . . B. C. Brock, o'. J. M. Poplin, R. M. Foster, ; : •, Miss Annie Beeding, , ■ /: Mra. M. D; Brown, L. P. Cartner, ; Mrs. T. ID. Odom, . ” Miss Teresa Kerr, . /. / Mrs. Lizzie Sho'nf.Ellls, ':/. ; Mias Lillian Hutchens, ; John I,lames, . ■; G. A. L e fle r,.................. W. F. M errill, B. B. Sparks, ; ; L. P. H endrix,. . P CHRISTIAN CHAUTAQUA DAI- ntiy or all ot thc aforesaid moet- LY VACATION H11ÍLE SCHOOL , , , , , , . IN COOLEEiMEK JULY 16 to 31' ‘'ust two additional slatements. While the first session of the :Thp Cooleemee Journal. ■ Rev, W .'B. Knox, pastor of the Gooieomce Presbyterian church, announced, here today that a daily .vacation :Bible school, denominat- school will .be, at 8 ;45 'rhuraday July ICth :at the old school build­ ing;'the .children purposing to at­ tend arc : asked to m eet on Park Hili 'VVednesday afternoon, July Town Tax CóUector’s Sale Of; Land For Taxes. The tollowlns P »»»»« .1" IM T?'™ “ " Æ Î .'Ji cd by many a Christian Chautau-|i5th at 3:30 for a picnic and play- CENTER NEWS Mrs. 0 . P. Ador, of Mt, Holly, filled the: regular' appointment of Rev. Jim Green here last Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tutterow, of Greensboro, spent the week end with Mr. Tutterow’s father, Mr. J. A. Tutterow. Mr. John Dwiggins, of Winston- Salem, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. B. I Dwiggins. ' The little daughter of Mr. and "1,. A'- 'n '1 • u HI Mrs. J. A. Tutterow has been 5,lay night lor Raleigh. Mr. .3 ....... ......................... ........ ^'’'■“ 'g h u ito note. 1 ■ Mollie Tutterow is light qua, w ill be held in Cooleemee beginning 'Phursday Ju ly 16th, orie ; week from today, and con­ tinuing thru Sunday August 2nd, commcnèoment exorcises being set . for Friday, July 31st in the evening ao tiuit all .the .people of our town irrespective of denomi­ nation, little folks and older folks too, may attend. While . the school will be. under the auspices of the Presbyterian church, it will be .conducted upon non-sec­ tarian principles : and all the children. in and around Coolecr mee, betwecr. the .ages of 4 and 14 are woU'omc and urged to at­ tend'ancVtt\J(e a part. We state tho ages 4 and 14 for the reason that if there are children not yet; 6 years old, the: usual school age, who'wish to attend they may do so and a class will bo arranged for them and, we consider also that boys and girla over the age ovt'iui made many friends here ho will be glad to have come ¡th us again. lllOM THE AGR. CLASS ROOM Irticlc Instead of our own article this tok we wish to submit a short;! - taken from Hoard’s Dairy- n'liich sots forth a thought IV lliu farm er that is well Wori;h iiisidoring. Following is the Ifiit'lo; . • ' Some of U8 are tenant farm ers, 11! of US' owner ' farm ers—at it we ialtiir ojios so conskiqr ir,selves, 'rhe tenant farm er; is, to move, every .year or every '0 or three years—h^ rnroiy 11011(1.4 a lifetim e on anpthor nian.’s ..... The owner 'iarniier/pays/ft Itriiiln sum of m oneyior the farm Ills choice, if he didn’t.inhorit :'fi'om .so^no ; other porsbn; ancT iwi ijrocceds to call it entirely 1.1. ■ He plants what iie wishes; le raises: what ho likca, he thinics ihiit ho cont.rols ihis few acres I li.solutoly, when the truth is that , is after all merely a ,temporary eiiimt of ihei Great Landlord/w'ho loklH farm er and favjn in the hol­ low of ilia hand' ailil’ tp. .us,.sends he vains and winds,,'the sUiia' ancl ¡nowH—helpiiig>us, prie.'ypar tp be ome financ.¡anjr;ri¿ji‘;/_áccbrcliiig, 0 (¡arthly standards,'tind;the next 0 .become financiai,.w i'bcka^ iceorcling; tC) our .artiflcíai'SÉíúid- aKla o't; ,earth.;'" The ‘ Great /Laiicl- ’ord ha.s witnqsaed suclV;cpiiritlos's' lefdona: of Hi.^;; tenants .pass;^!^ lio duat and''pblly^lpn .tjiat^ ihi,j ile must regafcj/with a tolp^^^^ I'iiiit, tender eyp tl.iat; tin ylu is,7; linndman who assumes ^ to. own tho eiu'th bbunded !b.y hia own man- ninclc fence—but .for so . shori; ,a; time. ' Tb, th(3 Great Landlord'tiio; iiict thai-.;the wheat crop tilia year 'W'iia a succeas or a failu re is ; pf very pasairi'g:. rhoment, ^ Withoiit doubt He is great enough to be Kind with' us if the,crops:i;u'rn out profitably,. but/at; the same'; time it riui-st soinetim es.tr^H is mighty »nderstanding; tluat. we/'rofupe- to I'Ofiognizq- the eternity 'of'.'N^^ «nd our own trán,sient4)a!i't'ln‘it'; 01' that we ai’e; woak; human hirocl lien whom' thb,landibrd must put 'M' '\vith and uso: to tho'- best' ad-r v.nitftge in" the supor-achomo He ^'orked out so m aiiy eternities ago fid which will.bo'consummated in ■Hi.4 own good timo. .^Tho thought liin'Q is tliat ' we are'hufnble ten-; . iinl,s, .bungliiig instrumeriis',: who; 1 'irry a', few years on this."earth: carry: upward, and onward the Plan which iho/Gj’oát/ Laíiclibrd f'niy knows, And .;hpw .¡ proudly craleful we may be 'that thia is sol:.;':' Mrs. sick at thia w riting. Wo arc sor­ ry to note. : -' Quiet a number from this com­ munity went to Cooleemeo Sun­ day evening where .Rev. J. T: Sisk, of Mocksville and others of Union Chapel wore scheduled to give a program of music. Mr. Floyd Tuttcirow made a business trip to Statesville last Monday. ■ Mr. and M rs;.'T. A. .Vaniiant took in a birthday , dinner at Moeksville Sunday, c a l A h a l n n e w s > ' I- ' — - '-'-I - '--1 ■ , (Mr. C. B. Ponry, and'fam ily of Winatou-Salom, aiifl M isses .Mary, Sa’rah, ilazol, and M aster, J , ,L.' Fisher of Washington, spent Mon­ day with Ml'.. Ponry’s Hlster, ¡\Irs; R. S. Powell, : ; ■ Mr. and Mrs, F/ 'M , W alker and son, Harold, of H igh Point, spent the week: end - With Mrs, W alkers parents, Mr. and Mrs. F ,'S . ;Ijamos. ' “ '■ /; .' ’ Mrs. Luther Dayvault; of Salem apiJnt several days last week with lieV .^istcr, Mrs. ;W. M, Pow ell,: ; ■..; iVIiss Sarah, and M r,, Tommie Anderson, spout hist Monday and Tuesday ¿it ■ Bl,o.wing';;Rbek',;*,';: ^ , Mrs^l J, R. Poweil sperit Friday with , her . parents,! Mr, and Mrs. ji^;/D\viggins.'':.i ■ Gordan Travis, ; of..Mrs;/the Twin^.dity;; spent the week . end' w jtlii'hqr parenta,--Mr. arid:'M rs. Bitrinp'r .'Hartiri, ' ;' ;'jiVIrB, M ary’E, Doach, and daugh­ ter, Annie,/of--Salisbury, spent a ^hp^’fc:while ;iiiat Sunday evening, w ith ;'M rs.:;'Bosch’s - sister, / 'Miss Cary.Aridoi'sbii,' ' ■; : . ' ' :/ :■ ^IrZ/a-nd ^ S. -'Powell' spent ; last: Tuesday, and Wednes­ day/in 'Wiristbri-Siilemi .MbcKSVILLE CHARGE, M. P. CHURCH ‘¥‘'if 14 may be working and'so un­ able to attend day-time meetings. However any over 14 are welcome if they want to attend.’ A. N..Moffett, of Dublin, Ga,, a recent graduate of Davidson Col­ lege, w ill be platform manager and have charge of the juniors; Miss Gray Green of Roaring Riv­ er, N, C„ will have charge of the music. Miss Annie W alker of Graham, N, C,, w ili direct the pri­ mary departmont and Instruct in methods of hand work,. Miss W alker is a play export and will also supervise the hours of play. Miss Kate Dubose of Elkin, N, C,, w ill have charge of the interme- diatos und possibly serve ua Bible teacher for the whole school, Alao local talent, teachers of the various Sunday achoola, etc., w ill assist in the several deiiartmpnts. Any persons, not too busily^ en­ gaged during the morning houra, aro urged to lend their assistance in waya and as frequently as they can while tho achooi. i.s lu ses­ sion, Of courso wo know that those working in ,tho mllL ancV mothers iiv the home will lie oth­ erwise occupied during! the day; however .those who, can: do so- aro requostod toi volunteer a portion of their time', whether: it .be re­ gularly every day or not, tliat. this achooi may, be.'auc;cessfully carried on for th e' benefit and blessing of the young life of Coolr eemee, -¡, ■ ,■ , iJoginning 'rhursday, July 16th' 'each, mor'nini', Monday' to Friday Inclusive,;from 8;4i5 to 11:30 for the two weeks and two days the tivno, w ili’ be' devbted to instruc­ tion ;in Bible, nieinoiy work, hiiiul wbrk/(malcirig' tliiiiga v/itli little hands,) muBic, supci'vised play ut vnribua ^vhciiesbme games health and habit talks; a ll,tinder approv- od, methbds and. in graclcd classes. Occasionally duiing the two woek'4 meetings •will. bB held at night (at 7:30) ai; which titlic coininiinity, sings wiil be iield, illustrated l¿6- tiires offered, and If'desired clas­ ses or eoiiferoiicos for, the older folks botii in Bible .^tudy and aa time together .Avith their teachers. Let’s all thq boys anci girls in Cooleemee assemble at. that tim e; don’t bring anything, ju st come: Little children may :bring moth­ er or dad or big brother or sister if they want to, : Also we .want, to announce that along: toward.the close of the i;wo weete school or just before commencement, we’ll have , a visitor in , the person of Rev, .'3oe Carter of Elkin, Mr. Carter is superintendant of Home Missions ..ill Wiristori-Salem ,Pres­ bytery and his: coming ^vill mean that we w ill have several succes­ sive nights - of preaching, a real revival meeting we hope, short yes, .but providing an opportunity for.any of.our young people and plder folks to, .who will do so to tako a stand for the Christiini life and become affiliatod with - the church of their choice, and thus bo a positive force, a shining light for good and for God, in Coolec- J will oner . lOr sille ill- mu ------- Monda.v- the Srd.y day of August, 1925 the foUowing tracts or parcels - ; of iond to satisfy 'said taxes.: In addition to the amount of .taxes; duo by you the cost of advertising and selling this land'w ill be added ' which amounts to !j>1.40 on each piece of land advertised.; When , you Come to settle bring this e.xtra nniount.' . , ' : . 'ihe following is the. list ot nameij: of those owing taxes;vtho..: number of acres of land and the amount of taxes due for 1924:;Ie'-la‘ : the $1.40 costs on each tract of la n d :: - - ' . - ''' . -.' .Name , Towh;Tax mee. THE FIRST MEETING OP THE DAVIE COUNTY ASSOCIA'flON OF THE P. O. S. OP A. BE HELD AT MOCKSVILLE MONDAY NIGHT The first meeting of the Davie County Association of the P. 0. S. of. A., will be held with Wnsh; ington Camp No; 52, Mocksville, n ; C„ Monday night, Ju ly 13th at 8;00 p, m, 'fhe State President F, B. H arris, of Charlotte, will bo proserit and give ua an outline of the work to be done this year, Also oth'cir prominent speakers will be present, .,This os.iociution i.a composed of tho camps from Jockfivillc., Cooleemee and Fork hi)rch, which will all be repre- M. F.' Booe, 35 lots D, H. Brown, 60 1-2 acres ‘ Mrs. :Richard. Cain, I lot ' F .’M. Cartner, 3 lots T. W. Cartner, 3 lota Philip: Clement,, 6. lots ’ : ■ ■ ,J. N. Click, 7 lots D, S. Creiiaon,‘2 lo ts.... ,. ; / D, P,, Ratlojclge,. 1 l o t / ,, R, T, VanEaton, ÔG^ncrM , Mias Sallie: VanEaton“,■,8:TlotB> Jones, Click and'-Walkeri ‘ G...L. flowui'd, 115t '............... W, C, Jones, 1 lot ......J. J, A. Jones, 1' lot ' ' Kincado Bros,, 12 lots Cue Laglo, 1 lot ' ' B. S. Lapish, S'lots and farm J. W. Martin, 1 lot Mrs. M. C. Meroney, 1 lot ' - ^ R, A. Nooly, 1 lot' . H. F. Creasen, 98 acres : J. V. and W.vH. Davis, 1 lot , ;- ¿ 'v- Jlra, Demmy Edwards, 2 lota 0, T, Eubanks, 1 lot : :/,'/ W, A. Fosler, 1 lot W. A, Griffin, 100 acres . Mrs, M ary B, Henthman, 2 lots Henkle Craig, Live Stock, Co,: 7 "lots J, Tj. Holtón, fl lo t/ " •• r II, W. Hoots, 1 lot , G, E ,'norn, 8 lots . ' , W. M. Howard,^61 acres 27.36 -13.10. . 8,45 ’ 45123,• ,29.57 ' 30.52 1 f •HVi "’'''С" ... 1Ж^ 1.76:', 00 ;259.72 Colored ip -v ........scnted at thia mpeting.': Every member of the order i,‘j requoutcd to be present, .Visiting brothers welcome. M ocksville,/July 13th at S o’cloek.,' >■- ■■.. , /■——-Or-— —— , ; ,- - A' BIRTHDAY DINNER / , ,Quito a number of frienda gathr, crccI ; at. the;homo 'of -liii',-- «’ml 'I'ir's.' M; :F,: Nichols; Sunday,, July BtiV/ and gave Mrs. Nichols a eui'in'lap, birthday, dinner in ‘honor of hei; fiftieth ;birtlulay. :, 'a long tiiUlo was prepared aft-' or the gueats arriyeci, and loaded wil.h .'ill idnds of gbpd things to eau -', .;. lIcv,' J. ,T.' Sifik, rc)turi;od thanks; aftfir which the .llp guc.'cita-liu’e- ¿leiit enjoyed a real feast, . :. Every cine , left ; wishinif Hirs.: WicKob iruuiy more , happy birth­ days, ^ ''; ■ ; J)A K GROVE NEWS Mr, arid Mrs, Cecil Leonard;of Kaiiriapolis Bpont the , past week with relativo.s here,-; : /: Mr, and, Mrs, .'Major.! Seabas- tian of TwinrCity 'spent: Sunday here, '... '■, ■ JIrs,; :John W hitaker. returned homo from: Long.S: Sariitoriunv, at Statesville, where . she -underwent Simon ' VanEaton, 1 lot .; Jess VanEaton, 1 lot: i,. Albert VanEaton, 1 lot;/ Chas. Williams, Est, 1 lot Sophia Gibaon, l;io t ,: J Amos Hanes, 1 l()t /' Kachcl Horton E9ta,io, 1, Amio Ilorshaw’, 1 lot, ' John Holeman, 10 acrds: 'I’uiio ifunt, 2 lots r ' ' .....................r.-ibt:'"'"'''"'’...... 0.'49, ' 10,80 / '9.00 80l.p9 9,00- ■'8.00 ' 8.60 11.05 6.80 '20.00. 21.29 . '7.14 \ 181.61 ' 2.88- , 1.25! 8.50 ,18.40 4.60 . School Ч :,:/'Д0;44§ ':::í:-'v:'-Í29.96‘': ;ÂÎ!i'2ë ^ à’v, т в .88 / '/ 'Ш ' '.Я Б О М ','/'■'1.61/; 0.26 5.22 ' .174.05 ш а у • :б.22- : 2.09 20.05. ■ 23.32' '3.65 11.60 :12.8б5;' 105.34/ 17.5S. 2-07,/,; lot ^ ’ -î,' ' ,Ч' 1.40- , ; Гй, ' if;; < 1 У Ж 'о ' * i»» U’ i"iì Н/ fff/Лл^шийя iírnost Brown,, 2 íótB, Mary A,í Brown, *1' Iqt , J, F, Brown, ü lots John Clement Estate, 2 lots Giles Clement, 1 lot ' W ill , Dillard, 1 lot Avery Fobtcr, 1 lot . , Froqiove Furche.'J, 1 lot, . i\[illie Furches, 1 lot Kufui} F^urches, 28 acres Eligah Gaither, Í 1-2 acres' '■'.f-'i]'*' *'»•'Г|, !10.60‘1,-<'|/"л,(,. V,- ^G-67' 5 , n f ' ' ‘ ■« ,(k ''/• Í '. i ‘ '4,48^ ' >>< 8.47 ' Ô.08 5.40 .. 5.40 ' • 2.35, ‘ . 'l' ................................................L. E. FEZER, Town.Tax .Collector ............................ Juno 3Q, 1925. ' I ’/ 1 ' jTowri of Mockavillo, N. C. . ■'I PECAN GROVES PAY to .approved methods having re,. 1 ..... ference.to Sunday School and.}"? young peoples’ work. Said cias-1^ ” sea w ill,.if held, be held separate- tt- • ■ I Blr,,nnd Mrs, Walter:,Hammori'a of' Twin-City wore vi.sitora hero TURRENTINE NEWS , .The Ghlldreii’s ' Day service at Elbaville '^va.a' short,;^ut very im- .pi^slve,;/'i^lie ; childreri'did thèir part ;well, : This service was the last p f tjie .Childrpn’s Day services for tho woric.‘;.'The offeiings a- mbuntod to ?29.23;/\yhich goes to Foreign Jlission, . .' The Sunday Schools , .:UnlonrChapel,':Nq/ preseiit, 125, pffering, $1.70; i^lbavillo, No; p'rc- se'nt 119,. offering $1.45; Dulins/ No,:prósent/45,;‘bfforiiig 82 cent.s ; B«thel, : No. ’ present 42,' offering ,?3.37.,;,. /, Jÿ/.:/;;;.'^' : '-.Union Chapel lakes : tho lead again - in number pi'oseiit; and 'Bethol:;tiikOs, the -lerici; in the of­ fering Avith an average of eight conts .for each one present. ' ' Important! ^ :: ly intended in doing more and of ,'the,sort of thing'aaid school purposes' to.do and that'for our own yoiing people here at; hopie, in Cooicomqe. Pos,sibly one or two mqving pictures will be shown certain evqning.s, the manager of; Peerless Theatre eoopernting,; pictures portraying religioiis .sub­ jects or Bible stories. 'Tis iikely tho band wili; bo prosent/'tp: fur­ nish; nui.sic on ;said :oocnsiori. and that soine ono :ivill; malcQ. a;-;sliorfc talk and lend in songs .iuul' pray- ers and; that refreshments w ill bp available ;at; the:stand,',-.the .'pro­ ceeds going, toward Ihe expenses* of the School, /'rhe' afore, menti­ oned mebtirigs, nlglits, wili ;prob'- ably bo held ;on: Piii^k/HlU., -The; mornirig,,sbsaions/of the : D aily Vacation Bible school, w ili boi hOl'd in tlio old/ aohool . building, the auditorium of the V Pi'esbyterian church being used :as an' assomb- Iv room. The new school ■build- V.* - -r . one :dayttho; past .wopk;.i ' jli.‘is Alice -Hbpler'' 'spcint Sun-: day at 'Pilot ¡Mountain w ith Mrs. C.,D.;Pratt...;.;y-::;-' ■;Mrs. )J. W .:'Sim m ers, iind Mr', Jim .W hitaker are: siiill • on the sick\ list, sorry, to; note, ■'----• , ‘ ,-/7': ■7.''.' f A'.-/-,,' V '/ • Sunday Schoi»l-.^ConventionSf '.There; w ill be a ¿undny school' Gonventio.iii at Jerusalem Sunday afternoon,; The county., convene tion. w ill be: hclcV at Fork Baptist church/,:. ju ly / iSliii, ' Evpryiiody come :out;:to these,conventions and you -will' feei that you have been benefited, Co-Op Meeting Satiivclny AEter- : Ml'; :E. vT./McCulloh^ p f/ ^ toni^alein; apent .;Sunda,y'wi’tM; Mr, M cCullbh,'/'<;/^ /' ‘ / :i ;i Mr,‘ 'nnd'Mr^- E;/C. Lagle an chilcU’eri.'sperit' Suniday ,in; Mpcka- Villo : -w3t)l ;M r. ;T,' P. ¡Fo^bV. : / Mr., ahd .^Mrs. G.: Wr.McCuiloh, of: Cornatzet’, spent Sunday with ll]ii'v.and M rs. A. 0. Nail. : arid Mrs. : Charlie Barijley children, of Hanes, sperit P^y/wlth Mr, and Mri, Fr»n,k JHUpiC ÍJC1IV. arranging for spociaI muaic' dur- ..................Come and wor- ey w ili be. solicited ris'the trained' who. ¿re co m in era;carry ing the irieeting. ahip with us. _ LESTEB P. MARTIN Night Phone go ; Phon« # # • Í DR. #■- 4-' ■■ ■ • f « MockevUle, N-C. .. .......................................... workers : who áre coming ¿-to. ;carry on/;the school are,: paid';":^)»;, the Home Mission Committee bf Wins- ton-Saiem Presbytery, local Pres­ byterians bping reappnslble for their entertainment; while; hierp, Remember everybody la, a^d / «- The, 'regular monthly - meeting of the 'Ccittbni rin^l tobacco :nsso- 'ciatipns, w ill bp held in tho court­ house Saturday .afternoon at 2:00 h’clook. 'rhere :w ili be some : to- bacco ' phecks ;dlstrlbuted :at : Mr. Evans’, pffipe.;'':Lefc every member attend this-m eeting. . ■ ■ -■Rn 1 bigil, ' J uly : 6,—tho : ; pOCnn grove;of A;;J„Stracklunci of Blaclt-' shear,' Georgia,: has yielded over 23 ipounda :,of .nuts per tree, encli year'r for, the ; past,, four yeara;..’re­ ports II, BI, Curron, farm forester; for the North Carolina.Statp;Cblr, lege ;of Agriculture, : 'Mr.- Curvan ;atatpa:that the. total,:yield'of,/nut? from those trees for the foiii’ years wfis 37,000 pounds. The :grove h'a^ 400 .trees 14 :years. of 'àge and-igood yields', are sccured. becauae^-^ Mr,; Strickiiincl believes:,iu gbod 'treaii- iiicnt and:care.'i ; EacKlof ;ius;treos 'gets an appllcatiori:..'bf.;;5();,ppunds of fertilisier'per^yoar. i / Jlr, Curran atatea thnt Nortl;i Carolina also: haa.vai grove 'ivvhic returiis . were .greater' yields than that of the Georgia grovb. This bric' bolongs' to G'oo'rgb'Ti Sutton; of:'Lake-Waccamaw,-;in_;,Golunibus, :ppunty, i\ncl',frcw'ij^:3^1>'> Sutton ac-i qurecVover. 10,000,::.ppunc)B':of: nuts' last year, 'Phb iiuts^veï’è spldji^or 'an,,-aYerage. piic;e./o:f/4iO';'cerits -lier pound, , / „ ........^ .V,,. .. , . , T here'ai’e al,ao a number of in- dividuar'trees about over tho; State which'hnye'-rotui'ned good_ yields of quality, nuts, ; Ono.tree' in a'yarcl in Raleigh produced 90 pourida laat yeai', other treos have produced as high as 172 pounds ])er year, and Mr. Curran states that" auch; statistics a'a these/may be -found wliqi'pver the pecan is thoir youth. Wp 'jvnnt some.pocan - (trees piantod on' every farm in North Carolina this fall.’’ Livestock men at Stiite College say that the: face: of the,; horse collar, should be kept; clean. It should be bruBhed off every night and washed at least once' each week; Tbla w ill l^elp to prev< ‘ round Cooleemee ii vrelçome to ■orei, ' . Í , t |i. - ,1. , Í. ‘î, 1 / ’ кi i '’'‘M ÍV+Mw-íí ÄVinu grown, . 'i.l •. ' ‘/A small; w li; tendecl j pecan grove/used aa;'shade trees; about the house ancl farm :gild in gs or planted on some of the waste; but fertile lands pf the farm w ili re­ turn excellent dividends in later years,” says Mr. Curran, "The ,--------inust be of good varieties however, ;»nd wel) cared for ' in 'Pi{icE''.,OF^COMiiiGDmBS'i'‘^ IS ONj UPWARD TREND /' 1 !virii-Bpito-;Of;,tho ;flood-. of proi>a- ganda;: Sent.vout from ■ W ashingtbii ,K'*; tha.t': businesB iB.';picking :up,/bv6i:'i:;;i;.|' ;i;hii;,co!uni;ry..and.;is gcmd iu ' ttimosf;a e.vo'ry nart of 'th e ' ciou ritry; ' aiv.ari'a'-l-.:',; ^ lyisi3';:of the; ,tniding;in :thp:finan-;"''^,!' elal..:ma)'kets:‘ last' ;,webki ;rpvpaled' that: butiinesa .lR.,ii.far/from :gocyd'.,' -'; There ■ iS; • u: corresponding .^dull-': ' ness: in business'whi'ch'.'h«s.'char-.';''■ ttcterized 'lt;:for thq :])aat 'severni': wceksi ; ; Bloat of the :current :buyr.: ing; is ,oi.. thcj: hand.-to-mputh;'¿rcl-i or. _ ’ -,The„’prico of ;Cominoditiü8 cpnti- nuas/to; mount.','upivard;’PrJcp/.of,'.;'^^^^ bonds,, continues ; -tb g e t. 'iowe^’i ' i- ,Govei’nment aecuritlefl; . however, ' </ ;are bringing ; a, better prico.':i'Rail',si shipments ; are-norm»l!'in i)ari;s'; of the country,'but show a;’tondouoy';'/;-. to; slacken ;pace. in.- ':thb «-pSoiitli. Crops in spito- of : the 'uiifalvorublo : \rcather in many, parts ■ ;of ;• tho country are,/in. fair:, condition.- ' ;: / Some'fnrmei'S'in.N'brt'h Carollria, are 'attriicting sbng birds■ to . their, home.s'; by' building ;bii.!cl' 'hpuse^: '/ Biany: 3i)ecles,of, birds. w lli gather :| on tho/farni./whcn..supplied, these /i' bo.xea arici otiipi/nesting iaciliü t; ’,--- /'-'•^/■/-■■:;. ‘ ';/ ;:Hpt; clry;weather/vv.iil I'otard der;, velophierit of the.'boU; weevil .but'i it i^t.adylsabip;,io be 'prepared ,to ; dusf when necessary, : siiy insect;: specialists ut'State College. ' ; . ; BERKSHIRE ANR LANW0RÏH V crossed pigs for sale, six weeks' old at SlS/00 each. W. P- Aogell. , " I SI mu G( ...........-:'>-■■) ........ '-V .;. ,,';.J ■■--■ ! -. ..; | L ’,v.;.,-...--^.. . .......-................. .................... ..................... te;V ^ ííiM 'v "í 'Г '^Я П Г Й П П nr'^^'lííÉrílÓA'Ñ • 1ÍE DIIANI- № W * ‘ Y ’ P Л * R A av-A R E SUBJECTS DISCUS- ' ' ' “ '' ^ВЕБ^АТ'ВДЕ ASHEVILLE;' ' CONVENTION ^ . V' I V f }- i l lIf li't :'T> KffiÎîshed* JËverÿ, ThursdSj/ ' at Mocköyilloj North Garôlin«-; A. С. HUNEYCUTT ■Publiaher. i X F^ LEACH ' Managing Editor, Subscription Rates: ■|1 a Year; Six Montlis 50 Cehts. Strictly in Advance. .‘Entered at the post' office at * Mocksville, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of\ March 3, 1879. 'A THÈ MOCKSVILLE KNTEîtPftïftn' ,Mocl{3ville, ■ N. a July 9, 192o Durham is planning to give a great banquet in honor of J. B. -; D uke, early in the fall, it is said. One more town showing its' ap­ preciation of what a big man haa done for it. We ought to have more such public recognition of 'Service. When the awful catastrophe ■ .happened In the hiine oiHhe Caro- ''linu Coal Co., near SanfOTcl a few ' "woeks ago, many of us feai’ed that ’it Avould cause a 'h a lt in North Carolina Goal mining. However, , it ,'now aitjpears that the manage- Miienfc of the mine in which’ so MAX; (ÏAKDNEIÎ A, .«SPEAKER Discussion of plnns'vfor increas­ ing attendiince at scliools and re­ ducing illiterffcy in the c'ounties of the state, ns siiggesteci by the com'-, mittoe of chairmen ,ofi rdiin'd tìible work, ;featiired ‘ thè seésion "ò'f^the attendance and iiliti^racj’^-b'qnfer- enco of Nortlv Carolina : county superintendents at Asheville' last week, ^ ■The rpuhd table, chairmen held an interesting meeting. :fo^^ the purpose of drawing up plans that might ' be applicable to all - the counties of thè state and which were presented at the general ses­ sion of the. conference. With Buncombe county as a model, seven plans for increasing rural school attendance and reducing illiteracy were mapped out by the chairmen. Each of these plans is applicable to condition's in cer tain counties of the state. The application of a plan to a particu­ lar county w ill depend upon the number, of children in the county taxable property and income avai labié. . . ' ■ , Over the system of plans for I'espectiye sections of thé state the committee chairman recómi/i the’ committc............... mcum-,;in aiiy lost their lives is, ffbout, ^ state director ' oÌ : up operations again. . named / and 'T his IS good news. disftrict ,supervisors,ibe ap- ^ ■' pointed, to comprise a general di- Tho .Philadelphia Record -says rectory for the,, operating of the that with H arry Emerson Fòsdick, 'plans in, the, cóuntiós^:affe'ctéd. ■ Clarence . Dai-row and Dudley , The: theme of theV; morning’s F ield Malone all t;ed ;to Prof.. m eeting w as a cò-ó 'Scopes when his 'trial com on,, ayoivitp 'worli: ;0U^ he "is certain oi’ cohvictton; “There; for, lieeping the yiivldron 'iii s •are plenty, o'if;'ortlìodó.'{ Christians and. för Vpmbving tóe^hancl.icap^o who are -scientists/'and'their testi- illiteracy . from A- m ony should be liseti if it’is dosir- mong ih'ose og the, mornihg: prög- cd to acquit 'Scopes,” §ays the Re- ram were S. ,G. Bèi-hard, fihairmah cord. V. ' of the Buncombe-county board of education •, C,.H; Barlett, and MisslüHirolVoH. >— ■ - - HE DRANK THE WiNE 1 d ra nk a d ri hlc b t pu rp rG(1 >yinc,‘ ■ \,Th'af.'co8t me duriied good mon- And it ran tihffling to my, toes; • And made me feel-quite funi^y. I felt thrilled, wpnderfully thrill- ed, '' . And my eyes went/ dizzy and. dim, ■ Then I di-ank anothsr . drink of the wine, . ' That caused me tottery of limbi Numbed tp the bone,''I drank and' drank, . : And soon my step I'lost, , Wheii I awoke I was dreaming dreams • ' : On a jail cot there I tossed. Humiliated, shunned and scorned, I slunk a^yay from 'the court. Where I was once a favorite. And an honored son and sport. The wine, . the ^reacherous ( wine, . It did it, and it took its toll, robbed nie of my name and money, ^ I And it robbed me of my soul. | T ln irs d a y , Jul.v a j It . IYouny man,v.young man, beware, beware, • ' There is a demon lurking in ■ your path, He is a poisonous vicious demon,] To curse you w ith his Nvrath.- Exchange.; ■ THE FlîiST CAR [’11/ say Ш з now to Henry Foi'd : . W e've never : beön; so glad ' ' aiid Sides "Boforo tha i)Irth‘ of m y Httlo girl,'! .Bays Mrs. Lana 'Stanoll, oi, Ii, P. D, 2, Mat- tliowB, Mo., " I Wad so woak , In m y'book and sldof) I could ,' not go about. I was too (5-)) woak to stnnd up or do any » work, -. I fait Hko lay taoU P was coming in t^Vo, I lost a walght, I didn’t oat any- K tiling muoli nnd was so ,rost- P loBS I couldn't' sinop nlgUts. |)y! "M y m other .usod to tako CARDUI For-Female, Troubles JO I sent to get It, I im ­ proved after m y first bottle, Cardui la certainly a great help for nervouanesa and Weak back. I took alx bot­ tles of Cardui and by then 1 was well and strong. Just did fine from then* on. Cardui helped mo so m uch.” Thousands of weak, suf­ fering womon havo taken C ardui,.know ing that It hnd I helped their m others or their friends, and soon gained sti-ength nud got rid ot their imlns, Cardui should do you a lot ot good. All DniggiStS^ liO T I c il , ,Haying qualified аз e.\ecutrex' of ' Jacob Shoaty deed., nötice 1й ibni‘nbt» i.- |i| Is' an investment which no man can afford to be ■without, iii: ' it is ahvays at 'woi'k and . novel' , idle, it: is th¡2 enemy nf diaoase, fear ;and poverty. It cultivates thrift and. saviiii; •|i _' and insurcB prosperitjrr; It provides for the safety of wif« i;ii and children and lovecl onek; Insure^today unci-have that satisfaction which piily a life InSiirance Policy can givu you. , ^ 'L- ■„ A policy to meet every man’s requiiiements, whether large or sm all. M ay we'serve you? -Safety W ith Service- DAVIE REAl ESTATI, LOAN ft ipRANCE CO. Agents, Mocksville, N. C. R. B. Si^nford, Pres. , E. C. Morris, Secy ■■]шаш1Ш11га1111Я11Ш1111Н11га!1»а№11!111Ш1111П11||1Ш||Ш1111Ш1111Ш1111Е1111111М1111В1Р1а''Ш1111Пш;;1п;|1!Ш!!11з~|У ^ . . , ,, . .; ,,77T - eaucauon ;>,U..H; :Barlott, a fhat at least someisections are Elizabeth ipllj",.former^.stato.di- gradualiy “picking,up’’;,òver last rector of adult education. ,/ year may be seen from thevrepoi't There w^e over thirty-five,+l.ni- +1..- U .- Il . vve ve never: beön' so glad ' ' or - jacoo Shoaf,; clecd., n _ , »удиуд upein p ™ în for ^ --vr >vuu U ,-„nent . ni^ht, called for an nd- the first. Ford man is happi-- er than , ' f- T ho'first car owned ia a happier car ■' .V-..i" Than the last rich iimousino-,', As all m en-find w hen-they look , 'behihd"-';;--.';' o ' At the years which intervene. -The .first 'sweet thrill of n plea. - su.re.new; • , , .'/ Ifl.a j 6y lif(^ won’t repeat,J!! —1 ._____ v.*w V4WJ^ .VCilUüCl Ï0 thé iinderélèWd ïor payment on or before the ;Oth- day of *July, l92Gi òr this notice will be plead in b'àr of 'their recovery. , ■ All' péì’sqns indeiotod to'shid (Jstate are, requested to make im- iiiedlate payment, . This the 6th day o f July, 1925, MRS. LIZZIE SHOAF ELLIS, Ext., of'Jacob Shoaf, deed., ’ li.'iL, Gaither, Attorney, : ' ; ; , ;. 7 9, ot. .-V i imiiv.us: sucii irom.tnevrepoi't i; '■‘•nare w ^ ’e over thirty-five that the bank clearings/ for, the county superintendents attending 'ONtyi of Charlotte'.for' iho xfh'st the, conference, > \Vhich opeijed six montiis of Í925: w ere |2G5, 'i’" '''-'—- ■ 187,185,, as against ,?26i,082,917., -— iui: mi im- - :afor the first six inonths oï the dress by 0. Max Gardner of Shel- m,,. „„ j.,,„ , '. v , y e a r '1924,'. Of ébùrsè Charlotte prominent lawyer arid former ' ^in g on,the,ciowded street. 1 ■|8 otio of the'-'stttt'e’s'leá'dlng'cént-: Lieutenant -governor,':whoso; oiib- T h «r»v ’i» ' 'rt»W f-'«y 't, . ■ -> . , «rs, but wp-,;dwbt':hot:ithftfc-;{he -Je.et was "The Menace of Ignor- ^ I „ 1 - -Hnving • quatlfipd Suwlvlng. ,:aame eondition 'has prevailed in: aneo,”- Mrs. E .'L. McKee, presi-, * _ S. ^ , Partners ^ G, W, Potts & \Co,, of ':tSla county during the-same tim e, dent of , the; ^tate Federation of , ^ smile on his good-wife,s Advance, Davie County,, N. C., all :if the facts w¿re only kno-wn.'The' VVomen’s Clubs, will preside and i , Pei'sons having claim s a'gainst the «ountry is -ln fine condition,', so among other speakers w ill be Dr. * ^ ® “* «s they ride Partnership which were - In/ ex-; ■ w hy com plain? V 0 . Taylor, deán of the trra- , • ' ' istence at the time of the death SURVIVING , PARTNERS’ NOTICE 'Г0 CREDITORS - I , _____________,_____________ __ u o i / I . - ....................... ... V - .. VX- Carl 0 . Taylor, deiin of the gra- - „ u / ..u ’ ' ^«tence at the time of tho death duate school of the North Caro- ' been in the aolf-same of G, W, Potts deceased partner, , ■ lina State College, and a group of . .P*“«®' - are hereby notified to exhibit the ' ¡“The average newspaper reader pupils of the Buncombe county * , i. ", . same to the undersigned Surviv-, Jcnow a-nothing about,, this talk community,school. And I say to my/wife: There’s a ing .Partners on or before the ^ ■^about evolution that is: going the ’ — ^ ^-----♦ —-------r— mu ^ I day of May, 192G, or .this r o u n d i n . c o n n e c t i o n w i t h the COLLEGE K D iTnna itiwii’rr Am They ye u j,oy which ........with the ycopes trial in Tennessee.” Some folks say, w e ir these who have sons and daughters in the sopho­ m ore year in a'bout any of our colleges can find out by asking them. It sim ply means the de- ■torminution of the queai;ion as to whether or not* pur boys and girls ,ahall bo 'taught in,vthe; schools that the book of; Ge-nesis is all a m ytli and that God rieyer created man; at all, but th at he '“Juвt•hap- pened hers>thrpugh a . process of natural growth, ■ ' , ■ It is' therefpre^ time Y for the iiverage newspaper reader to be- itin to know something abpijt what “this evolution talk”, is about, and it is ’also getting : tim e' that the averaire tax ; payer . should. com- t'nence'to maite: Ws vp^ee, as such, heard in ho uncertain. manner. . The commissioner,'3 of Anson County announce that they have m ade a' lo;in t^ the’ State High­ way. Commission to be used by tho state jn building 'a hard surf laced road frorri Wadesboro to the Pee Deo River brid{je on the Rockiniiham road. Commissionev W ilkinson announces several oth er loans ordered'by various CQun ties to be made to the state High­ w ay Commission, totaling several m illions. . T This recalls to mind' that the commissioners of Stanly have al so passed a resolution to make a loan (jf several hundred thous­ and to-the .state commission to be used in hard su'rfii'cing the Albem arle - Salsi.bury' . highway from Albqmai’le to ' the Rowan County lino.' Rowan'W ill meet Stanly ■with this highway at the iiounty line, and,thus a fine hai’d surfaced highway will soon con­ nect up the towns of Albemarle iuid Salisbury. . - ■* ♦ ,»,»## tt it ^ d r , R, jp. ANDEKSL'N IÌ4 *) lílilíUNTIST 1)1 i:i) Office ^ # , , *. Refii,inn<!0 .i?.l>jhie .47; ( lA ^ e r 'iè ' .eo, ' Mocksville, N. C, [' * • * ■-,** COLLEGE EDITORS MEET AT STA-TB COLLEGE can’t buy ; See how proud they are of thóir first ne\v car,” And she says: “So were and, I, “ ,21st d.ay of May, ur .tills wealth notice w ill bo plead in bar of their 'recovery, ' All persons indebted to said n Partnership w ill please, make im -ig raei|iatp settlem ent with tKe und-!B . F u r n i t u r e N e w s ; , : V i.} ; I ,• ^' - W li INVITE OUir'cUSTOMERS Tb VISIT''OUR ,Fr.fR.M- , ,. TURE - DEPARTMENT ■ ' , ; WE NOW pARii¥-A LX'RGi) LINB,OF,-- ;,, i 'IRON BE bS;ahd m a t t r e s s e s' ■ ■ , ,COTS -and':COT.^PADS ' ...... PG RCH RO ii^ PORCH CI-lAmS-and SWINGS ' ;b b p ROOM SUITS .. " . ' . ; LIVING ROOiVi: ,StJITS ; V : , ■ ' ; DINING ROOM SUITS ‘ BREAKFAST ROOM SETS ,' ■'■ :'' " . ,' KITCHEliI: CABINETS ; ' : - 'V'-- ; ;.' - :BUFPETS - ' ' ■ 'WINDOW SHADES i VICTROLAS, and RECORDS ... , , , ; y - 'TRUNKS and BAGS; V RliFRIGERA'rORS V , „' ... .-ICE BOXES ' ■ 'ICE-CREAM FREEZERS ' ■ ' , ' ,'.,;LAWN MOWER? ,' -' ' ' ' ; r ,v»GilASS CATCHERS \ : ' '' ■ : : ELECTRIC FANS ' ' : . COME LET U S.SE r Ve YOU Riile’igh, Ju ly G.—Approximate, ly lOO editors representing the .---------; ---------...v.i State College of Agriculture, the ‘"‘a. У ' ersigned S,urviying Pw^tnoi'e, United States Department of A gri- bulture and the farm papers of T-imp hae-;beeij ?ood to us, , Down W, J. POTTS and A. E, POTTS, .-the Nation луЩ -gather at State , r,, ^ ' V; Suryiying Partners of G, W, Potts College this'w eek for their thir-' _ ^^ogether we ve journeyed fa r,, « Company. ' teonth annual conference. Near-, found such, a jby By Jacob Stewart. Atty, 6 18 4t, 1у'еШ у state ,east of the M issis- I. '2^ ,;' ^^ > > . NO’n C E ! ^ sippi;River and :mahy of the south. : came .with ^ ' - vyestern ,and midwestern colleges. : : Having qualified' as executrex w ill send representatives, A full a smllB M l-W nbh of '-Dr,’ Д. Z. .Taylor deed,, n o tice,- jprogram, oi lectures,, short talks, them nass ' hereby given to all persons t- and discussions about how agri- , j. - j w ■Ivhat such nieasuve holding,clai.m s,against said estate cultural news and informatloii. ■-„ea'ni'-''- ” to pi-esent, the same duly veilfied i m ay.best be disseminated to the - ■ , to. the un'dei-signed foi- payment “ farm ers of th? country has been ' - “ on or before th ls rd day of.June, prepared. An added feature w ill .. „ Г n th^iv Итпи 192G, or this notice w ill be plead be ah exhibit of educational mate- bar of their recovery. ria l;p n t o ut'b y'th e various col-^ A ll persons indebted to aaid C .C .S a n fo rd S m s t o . la iBiiiiQiiiiffliiiiNiiiiBiiiiiaiiiiBimuanranuiinaiiiiHwaH. , - 1Я sines. “ *■ -^ B y E dgar .A. G'uest, in Char, The editors w'ill onen their con- ^ ^ ference on Tuesday morning, Ju ly W hy It’s Named Diamond.7, and continue through until ' ______ Thursday' afternoon, Ju ly 9, .On Exchange, J?riday, they w iir be taken on a »My dear,” said the trip to the Sandhills of North tenderly, “today is oil . __ 4------ i/u atuu ostat^ are,requested to make im­ m ediate payment. This the 8rd day of June, 1925, MRS. LEONQRA TAYLOR DODD, Ext,, of'Dr. A. Z. Taylor, deed. , - E. L. Gaither, Attorney, 6 11 6, . old man,, .0 ux i'lori.n tenderly, “today is oiir diamond Carolina where they w ill visit the wedding and I havQ.,a little auv peach orchards of the section and prise for youl” ' ' , • be entertained by the Sandhill “Y es?” said the silver-haired F ir s t Q u a lity G u a ra n te e d Kiwanis Ciub, wife. „ - T ir e s .' Among tlie , leading topics , for He took her hand in his. ' <51^ Oftonnli discussion w ill be the local news- “You see this engagement ring 7 ^ o ® 07 nn paper and the community, the I gave you seventy-six years 30x 3 1-2 C asings $/.uU^^acn agricultural editor and tho exten- ago?” ^ Sion service and information for “Yes,” said the expectant old the farm er. Those : three main lady, " , topics w ill bo discussed' under ,^‘W ell, I paid the final-install- several headings so that the edi- ment on'i it todayand I am proud tors may have brought- before to announce that it is-now alto- leeds in gethor,yours,” ' jL-M Ф<«ии иЯСП 30x3 1-2 cord Casings $7.50 each ROBERTS ШОШЕ CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. i __K/t them the underlying needs gathering and :distributing tho best, most readable and most re­ liable information ,for the im­ provement of agriculture in the Nation,.^. . ,. * # DR. * f * * * # ., E. C, CHOATE DENTIST *, * * * # » * * * * IF you want 109 per cent pure * Food, cooked right, and serv­ ed in an up-to-date way, oat at GRIFFS CAFE, Ice cream and cold drinks « . * • - « * * » • * ' JSEND US YOUiTj OB WORK IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY * * * _ . w * In M ocksyille Monday, T u p s - * * day and W ednesday; Over ■* * Southern Bank & Trust Co. '* * Phone 110 •» * In' Cooleemeo Thursday, F rl. * * day and Sa^urlayj O verCjoI- * * eemee Drug Store; . * * PHONES: Residence No, 80. * * Office N.-). 33 * * X-Ray DIagnoisis * »- * • » .# * « * ' .« * * ' ■» * # » C. C. YOUNG & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS !*■ Mocksville ' *• Phone'183 Cooleemee '** _________ С Phone 6720 » Prompt and Efficient Service * » * -* » ^ » «• # * * BYERLY, ÄI.^BAXTER « ^— * Office Over .Drug Store. Of- '* * fice Phono No. 31; Resi^ * * . dence No. 25.’ * * '• COOLEEMEE, N. C. * *- « * ■" #. '# ■--^' “' CHARLOTTE, N[. 10. ' ' ''A HIGH g r a d e INSTITUTION f o r t h e . : EDUCATION OF YOUNG WOMEN ■ , V '■-■■I: — Christian Ideals constantly,'lijelcl before the Students; Christian Characters in the chairs of eaçhiD épartm ent; Christian Atmosphere ; premeating the Student Body. Location, thé ■very best: M yers Parit, Charlotte.'' Equip- ment meets standard requirements. ' Curriculum equal to. . \ . t. }■ -, that of any Inatitutibn in the State. Expenses véry mode­ rate indeed, considering advantages offered and,work done. Our Motto; ■' “Christian Women for Chri.stian'Homes." Send us your day^hter,'support us in our adm inistration and instruction, and wé w ill retiirri à thoroughly developed and fully refined Christian woman.' .• f - ' ■ For catalog and bthei' informatioh,_.'ivrito :. . WILLIAM H. FRAZER, President ' ■ Box 300 ' , ^, Charlotte, ^C. : i i.:.' # #'I ■ -J.,.- H iiH H iaÉ a r'rr i ' W f. / , е ■. / ' ^ ' V' ^J' TRUTH, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY AND '.0UR ;'FLAG '.lS::Q Ù R';Xm ;;4N Ì);;PU RP0SE, . ’ ' vaß. УШ ,M bci0VILLE,,N , C., l^IulÏÏi Y , .rULY’ ':iG,-1025: То State Editors Fran kly Stated Не Wanted Their Sy m p a th y in Program for State’s Advancement CAN BE OF GREAT AID й Ö ill ä; ■ и id Щ У H N ia Éi' и Îi y FJ'r 'Si u Asheville, Ju ly 10.—Addressing tlie members of the North Caro­ lin a, Press Association h ere'last night. Governor A. W. McLean declared that the press exercises a tremendous influence because it both distributes and.interprets information. Pie frankly stated that he wanted the sympathy of the press of this st^ e in the poii- cio.s he was endeavoring to carry out and proceeded to outline, broadly, some of these policies. He rol'erred to the executive bud­ get law, the new budgetary a‘c- coiinting system,, the daily deppsii; inw and legislation creating thé stato salary and wage comrifis- sion., Ho denied : that the last „le­ gislature was parsimonious, but declared that, on the the .contr-, nry, it was actuatjîd by motives |, bnsod on necessity. Governor. McLean- declared of the press that "it has the power'to mininiize the effect bf or to supr press entirely the facts in respect to a particular matteji’, -as ;woll as to distort or to m iigiilfy .these facts. ,, ' -'.I-! ; ' ",'3o potent is the powei.’ Of the press,” the governor told, his newspaper hearers,' “that it has boon said that the w riter of tho headlines often controls public oiiinlon. It is a well k^o\yn fact .tli'at by resorting to that intangi­ ble and shifting thing called em- , phasis, that a ,newspaper writer :can accelerate the development oi! public opinion, ; along a , particii- iiU' lino, So it is often the unseen iiifluencos— .the reading between the linos—that guides the cur­ rents of public opinion^ I only mention these m atters for the,pur­ pose of trying to impress you .with tho fact that I, as a public offical, appreciate very fully the powôr and influence that you weild In public matters. , ' ; "In my humble opinion,” said Governor McLean, “in nearly ev­ ery ease where the newspappr fails to properly interpret the mo­ tives and conduct of public offi- cialii, the real cause is the failure to obtain correct information up­ on which conclusions; are predict-^ ed, , . ■ ' ' “In my efforts to carry-out'the I'ledKo I made to,tho people of North Carolina in the campaign nnd which I solemnly .renewed in my inaugural address, I-realize very fully that I -am dependent upon the press of the state to cor­ rectly interpret not only my mo­ tives, but my actions, if the pub­ lic is to be eorrectly informed in resiiuct to what I am trying to do, “I hope, tjierefore, it will not be considered unworthy, if I say I covet the full weight of yoiir in­ fluence in .the difficult work I have undertaken, I covet your aid in this matter not because of any personal advantage but, because I entertain an iiiherent desire to have your aid and hearty coope­ ration in serving the people of North Carolina,” The governor then took up and (Hscuased at length the: budget ■ sy.'itum, the daily dopoait act, thé L'oordination of revenue—collect- niK agenciea, the budgetary ac­ counting ayatem and the reasons lor establishing-a salary and wage eommisaion. He waa committed' to each of these, he said, and had endeavored to malce good' hia pledtre in respect to them, believ­ ing they ropreaented sound, busi­ ness ecpnomy, ' “It Was found that salaries and ^'’aues of.-employées ip' the state’s service wei’e, in many casés une- <iual,” aa|d the governor; “they Were not always based prim arily l'Pûn the duties and respoiisibili- ties of the position w’ith the ae­ rial value of the work preformed, salaries will be so fixed as to re­ ward faithful employea for thoir 'nduatry and efficiency. The aa- '«ries to be reoommended' by the eommission are to be based on the assumption that the employes "'III work the full number of hours required by the regulation, (continued on back page) State Is Fourth Among Debtors North Carolina Ranks Third, Likewise, in Per Capita Rate of State Debt NEW YORK OWES BIG SUM The state governments of the United States have increased their bonded debt nearly 60 per cent in the past three years, according to a nation-wide survey of state finances .iust completed by the Bank of America, New York, The huge debt now''amounts to .$1,- 658,742,433,28, or $13,98 for every 'man, woman and child iii the 'country, ' ^ North Ctii'olina ranks fourth in the size of tho state debt and third in the per capita 'rate of this debt, . I ,. Now York State’s population, prosperity and great perm aient improvements are reflected in its bounded debt, which 'aggvegat'v.'i $320,991,000, The coat of its can­ al .system, highways and bonus to war, veterans gives it the lai’ge.st total debt of any state, altho ita per capita debt is comparatively low. M assachusetts is; second with $125,040,901,98, of which a large proportión represents the value of, its metropolitan /district improvements and highways. Fol­ lowing these .are. Illinois, with a debt of $112,071,100, North Caro­ lina, with $105,847,000, California with $89,168,000 and Michigan with $83,500,000,' Kentucky, -Ne- bra.ska and Wiscoiiain hayo no bonded; indebtedn(5as, Kentucky owing $5,079,009,58 on 'oututand- ing warrant,? and Wisconsin being indebted only to its trust funds, to, tho exl;ont, of $1,903,700, , The highest per capita debt of any state, in the Union is; that of Soutlr Daicota, the share\ of each inhabitant being. $93,95, noarly six tim es,as great as the national, per capita debt,. Oregon i.i se­ cond with $72 per capita, North Carolina third witii $88,87, Dela- iWai;o fourth with $30,70, North' Dakota fifth with $3G.07'and Mas­ sachusetts sixtli with a per capita debt of $30,66, 'I'he Pacific group,' comprising the states of Washington, Orouon and California, has the highest per capita debt of any section. The Bank of America, finds in grouping its figures according to tlie geographical areas of the country, . It’s debt;per inhabitant is $25,83, lie'arly twice the aver­ age for the United States, At the' opposite ■ end o'f the country the New England States hold aocond placo-with a per capita debt of $22,06. The Middle Atlantic group of atatea, Ne\y York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have a per capita debt of $18,03, and tho South Atlantic states, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Caro­ lina, Georgia and Florida are next jvith $16,41, Below the average for the coun- jtry aa ,a whole aro the Eaat North Central division with a debt of .$9,48, East South Central with $0,48, Weal South Central with $6,01 and Mountain diviaion with a debt Of ,$11,82 for every inhabi­ tant. It is . interesting to note, the Bank of America points out, that the .total bonded indebtedenss of the states at present is approxi- ' mately a billion dollars greater 4han the entire Federal debt in 1916 and the per capita is $4,07 larger,' ------------------------------------- ' DAVIE CIRCUIT (By Jim Green,) ■ . Revival at Liberty is being well attended and good interest, ‘ Ser­ vice 10 a, m., and 7:30 p, m„ till next Sunday night, Ne-xt Sunday, services at Lib­ erty 11 a, m,, and 7:?0 p. m,, Sal­ em at 3 p, m., Hardison at 5 p. m. Great are the prospects for camp meeting at Camp Free (at Connolly Springs) „ Aug, ,2-11, Revs. Bud Robertson and John Paul to preach. Bud and J, Bingham, to sing. From N. C., S. C„ Ga,, and Fla., people are planning to come, peo­ ple of various denominations. What a host of good peoplew ill be there. If any in Davie are in­ terested see us about it, ' • ¡ONLY THE DARiNG ARE WORTHY OF SUG CESS. BRAXTON’S POSITiON NOT BAD. WHEN FARMERS COMMENCE TO THINK MORE. SANDHILL FAIR A MODEL. MÒRE ABOUT EVOLUTION. This paper rarely quotes statements made in advertisements; but We carry one ad in this issue in which a statement is m'ade carrying such a profound truth that we feeVthat it is decidedly worth while to our readers. It is every word the truth, and should make a helpful impression on these who read it. Here’s the quotation, read it and take a lesson; ' * There is an inieresting story .told of Alexander the Great whn conquered the world \before hé was 32 year's old. He went on one Occasion wlien a very young lad to-attend the Olympian games. Re­ turning home hi.s father aslcod him, “Wel|, son, what did you think of the gamesThe ypung genius made somp remarks as to the names of the W inners;and then Uttered/this, in substance: “There waa one thing which impressed me more than anything else in cori- nection with ;the races,” and on - being rtskpd by hia father what it svaa that imprbssecl him moat, Alexander said, “I noticed that none won except those,who entered tho conteats.’’ Theré is a great lesson to tii.e progressive young man of 1925.' 'Those \vho do not enter the contest never succeed. ; Thé 'incn who have made loads of money dealing in real estate; during the years' past are those who have invested,;,those w,ho hiivb taken some, risk, thosé who have made an*effort. , It makes lio difference how aiixioiis you may bo to mako money, remember this: '.‘Only those sjucceod who enter thé,contest,”' , ; . V. : ,; Tliat statement made by^Galt Braxton, preaidont of:-the State Press Association in his annual address ht ,Asheville last ^yoek, sounding a warning against a policy which might eventlmlly check the progreaa and growth of our atate Institutions, etc,, was not on- i^irely out of order. President Braxton did not criticise the Gover-; nor and' the present administration,. He stated that he favored strict cconomy, but he would have us look put for and gutird ouraelvea agalnat drifting loo far In the practise of economy, into a policy of parsiiriony and penury, Thew'arning was very tinioly. One trait of tho American peoplo la .to go the oxtueme In about everything they start,. Wo came.S'ory hear going to-thp extreme In spending for progreas, and now when wo atart .tp econemiae, \ye may cavry;that too far also, Tho idea wliich Mr; 'B'l’iixtoii AVould auggeat is that wp usb'conimon ,sense,--'^'. Here’s whiit the Newa and Obaerver, of Raleigh has to aay edi-. torlally about Mr. Braxton’s atatoment: ; , , Preaident H. Galt Braxton, of the North Carolina Proas As­ sociation, refuses to worship at the shrine of tho God of Tilings. He ia for Economy but not at the sacrifice of the ai,’flicted and the unfortunate. He does not believe Economy offers a; euro, for all th e'ills .of the world. He sees danger in too much retrenchment just as he did in the unchecked policy of cxpansloii. ■’ The Kinston editor is vigorous in stating^his case and makes it clear that he moans business. He w'as speaking to^ the editors-of tlio State, but; what he haa to say is of interest to the people as well. It w.a^ a veiwpoint tliat needed to be presbnted and to be considered. Economy is fundamental in all ^governmont, and loose ispending of public money ought never to bo tolerated.; As the Kinston editor says, this does not mean being parsimonious nor does it'nieari; step­ ping biickward. It means simply the use of good judgement and common sense. / - , F. II. Jeter, Editor of the State College -Extension Service, aays that T. J. Efirdi of Stanly County m ade;an average of thirty-eight and a half bushel^ of wheat per acre on .six acres,'duririg the past year, as the result of having followed a-r>plicy of Careful;crop rota­ tion which included the use of leguriioa. vThat’s. fine. ; O-f coUrse, thirty-eight and a half bushels of wheat grown.on an acre is-not startling, but it is good farm ing when, a six acre fiold is made to average that amount. - And it shows'what can bo done by-mixing, a, bit o f. brains ;\vith our brawn. ;When our farmera learn ,to ,-think more as they work with their hands, /vve niay expect to see our farm inijorests revolutionized, , ' • / The, Sandhill Fair is an excellent example proving that it is- possible to pull a fair without the usual, fakers, midways and other objectibnal features, ■ The Sandhill Fair, held each aUtumn at.Pine- hurst, is an'idpal fair in every way,- It is not a profit making in- stitution, but is conducted aolely for the purpose of giving the peo­ ple of the Sandhill country an exhibition of their products. The fair is educational and inspiring to farm ers, cattle and hog raisers, dairymen and others o^ the entire Sandhill country. The fairs, are well attended, next in number to the State F air itself. This yéar the fair opens bn October 27th and w ill continue through the 30th. Rockefeller is . i Without^îbmé ■ Зе1Ц Ali His Rcsidencca to j^hn D. Rockefeller,’'’Jr. Editors Pledge Aid For McLean Price Paid Said to lie in Excess !, of $3,000,000; Heavy Tax on Property Sold. New Yorlc, July 10.—Sale by John D.' Rockefeller, Sr., of hia estates at Pocantico H ills and at Lakewood, N. J., of his town,house and garage In New York city, and of hia w inter home at Ormond, Florida, to hia son, Joliri D.' Rockefeller; jr., for a price “in excess- of $3,000,000” ,;was an­ nounced today.' ' Is “Homeless.^ ; The/sale leaves pno "of the world’9 w ealtliiest■ m en,without;a homo of hia own. Tlie price, paid for each parcel of iH'operty aold \yas anhouncod as, being; in ex­ cess, o f the taxable yaluo of the property. ' v' A representative o f,tlio Rocke­ fellers dehipd that,-;tlie salo was niadbi tp, escaijo' paympnt' pf-;in­ heritance taxea; oii.vthe propei-ty, ,He‘ said that, th e: valuation;, had been! reached. b y: real estate ex- p'erts.;;,.,-^' The sale did; not decréasy ithe wealth of Mr. Rockefeller, Sr„'but constituted - an exchange df-cash iind securities for his real estate holdings.' " • T - -r • .$1,733.50 Tax A government !tax of $1,733.50 was ,impoacd upon the sale of :thp Pocantico Hills estate, which .was made at'á price of $íl,'Í’33,Gd()V,ThQ estate of . more than,,G)000 acres is situated; In the tvvo towns of Mt.' Pleasant., and Groonsbiirg,' N. Y., and contaihs a pvlVate 9-hple golf cbiii’se for the liso of Mr. Rocke­ feller, Sr'. Mr. Rockefeller’s to\y,n property consisted' of 'a' house at Koi 4 West' 54th street with 'a large garage on - a ' separate lot. THE TOOLS TO*USE FOR LATE PLOWING Press Assecjiition O ficrs Sym­ pathetic Co-operation. ; : Jam es W. Atkins, Gastonia Ga­ zette, Elected President; L. VV: W eathers, Vice President. „ About the soundest doctrine which wo have yet heard in con­ nection with the Scopes trial for teaching evolution to thé schools of Tennessee contrary to the laws of that State, w^a that of a Dayton minister, And here it ia in aubstance. It is not so much where did We come from, nor whence are we going, but that we should realize that we’re here, and here fqr a purpose. There you have it, . If we can’t tell whence we canw to this place, and if we can’t be sure as to our future destination,"then wo can make sure that we do our full duty to the world and to our fellow.men while here, for we do knoW; we are here and we know that there are thoae who need our ser­ vice, The world is cailing for the very best sc.'rvlces which rtid blooded men and women have tb give. $0. we are here,“ let uS realize that it’s up to us to do our fullduty, I’egardioss of whence we came or whither we go from here. , , ' Raleigh, July 14,—The, boat tool with which to cultivate corn and cotton ,late ih the season is a scrape or a sweep fitted with wings that will shave tho ground one or two inchea below, tho aur- faco, . ' .'y -.' . Such an implomeht dopa . not rim deep enough to out the roota but thoroughly pulverizes 'thé sur­ face, leaving an. excelíent mulch. It also cuts the' weeds squarely off, The cbminpn' hbe or shoyol, is, -apt; to go top dpop;,'foi’; liitp cultivation,- .arid also wili ; often run around a y/épd Inatead of cut- ting it, /in parts ’ of „the; Coastal plain; a wide' sweep attached, tb ari ;oi'- dinary; plow’ ' stock is used by; many farmers.; .' This ■ kind ' ;of sweep, cohiiTiprily; known aa, a ;lieel.' s-weep or; buzzard wing, ia- usu­ ally eighteen to thirty Inches, wide.;, ’ ■, 'rS “This wide buzzard wing would bb urisultablp iii'thp Piedmont re­ gion on rplliiig land," saya È. t¡; Blair, Extiension''Á'gronomist; at St,-ito Collège. “It'm'akes one fur-: row in each middle, which would collect all the -¡lyatér falling In that riiiddlé, and , 'would cause washing. In the section around, Raleigh small sweeps,of the' samé', design aa tho buzzard, wing are used on ordinary ricliiig arid walk­ ing cultivators, Theap plows are uaually eight to twelve inches wide. Their shaving.' action Is the same as with'very wide,sweeps and they overlap so that the en­ tire surface of the soil is worked. Six o r'eigh t small, fiirrowa are made in each middle , instead of a single large one;-so that there is little chance for enough water to collect to caiise serious wash­ ing.” ’ , ; - , M r,, B lair states that somc^ sweeps are made somewliat siriii- lar to the ones méntioned; but, are heavier, and so constructed that the point gb'Uges, into the soil, The right kind of sweep is made so that its point runs very little deeper than the wings, piedmont farm ers are ,urged by Mr, B lair to try amali, sweeps. They are excellent fpr weeds such as cow-itch and maypop. Asheville, July, 10.—With the adoption of , a brief resolution ; pledging “sympathetic support, ^ and cooperation” to Governor A, , . ■ W, McLean, the North Carolina Press association. ahorli^‘ after 1, ; o’clock this iffwrnoon adjourned,/■;; ; its annual convention which open- eil here Wednesday night , The resolution was olfcred by i Corigiessman W, C, Hamniei, of ,A>ihboro, jUf't as tho co:i'M,i!Òn‘ Was about to adjouin its lin ai Session,.'and was adopted without';,- discussion It was veiy biief, and simply.' cited , that the assos', ;: ■, ci.ntion; had -lieard' Governor Met ijdan outline and explain ti“U poli- cIl‘1 of his adm inistratiòn. .theil concluded w'lth tho ^ plódgd' of “sympathetic support aiul ilb'-ope- ration,” ' , , ' ' ; '' ' ! , P iior to adjournmonci’thp assb -' i ciation elccted oflicbrs and'an c.x- ' 1 | ecutive.committeo for;tho tìnsulrig. yOiIr, and received, invitationa,,,,I..' from Blowing Rock and New^ Born for the next annual' convention. [ ; Seloctions'of tho place arid, time ' ; lor the noxfc convention, hcwevar, i- was loft wich the pxocutivbi com-^ 1 mitteo, -i ’ ' ' ' ' , Atkins President ,f,:Jamos'W. Atkins, publisher o f, the;,Gastonia GaKotto, was elected in'osidont, auccooding H, Galt Braxton, editor of Th'e Kinstdn ■FrPc Pròsa, Lee B, 'W eathers, j oclitpr of Tho Shelby Star, was oloctéd vlée-presidont; Mias Beat­ rice Cobb, .editor of Tho Morgan- ton, ìNpws--Herald, waa> re-elected secretary, and treasuror, and M. Li, Shl^inan, 'of Raleigh, again wns elected .historian. J. L.;; Horne, ,of Rocky Mount, ; : . . first -vvns' placed in nomination ; foi\president, by .1. F. Hurley, of Salisbury, E.' B. Joffioss, of Greensborb,’ .was also placed . in ; ' : : nomination, but stated th at;h ej, ;i could not servo, owing to the fAct' ■ that ho Is mayor o f. G'rounsboro. Whereupon Mr. Atkina was plac­ ed In,nomination by J. A. Parham, ; arid! upon -Mr, Horno’a inaistence, v Mr,' Hurley !witlidro\y hia nomina- tipni ioavirig only the Gastonia, "■ 1, man In'"the race. Ho was,i,plPqtpU',,'. by acclama,tion, ."'j'l''; . ;'Thc o^pcutive committee/elpct/.A*' pd is" compoaed of J, B,, Sher’rJJl, Coridoi’d .Tribune; C. A.' Webb, A sheville.Citizen; II. Galt Brax­ ton, Kinston; J. A. Parham, Ciiiirlotto Obbervor, and Frank Sriiethurst,;Ra)eigh Nows and Ob- scryer,;;' In accorda-nco witli a proyipus changv-? in the by-ia\ys bnly o'rie yic'c president v/as oiect- odi and the selection of annual , > orator and 'poet was left to the; : -.y executive committee, ' j Shop Talk Aside from the election of oth­ ers and e.xecutive con^mlttee, the c main feature of tho final day’s s'oasibn, was a round table dia- > cussion of maf^tora;, and problema relating to various- phases' of néwspapers,publishing;.. adverti3“.''':-i ing, editorials, "circulation andj, mechanical. ._ ■ • , , _ j .Rpsolutiong reported by the re­ solutions committee and adopted oxpreased appreciation and thanks to The Aaheville Citizen for the i ’ hospitality ahgwn in the banquet- rendered- .the ’ viaiting. newspaper" people Tl)ursday night; and to the.': George Vanderbilthotel, the,Ashe­ ville Chamber of Commerce,, the Brevard Chariibev - of Commerce.; ; aiul the Franklin hotel at Brevard , for courteaiea ahown. ' ;■ A few of the newapaper peoplo; remained . over tonight, but moat of them left during the afternoon.';. ■' for thoir homea, Tho:,convantion ■ waa declared ono: of tho most in­ teresting held in years, ; ' «Hij ' W k klUciu à . 4 Г g^nr V , 'riie stock of horse and m ule: colts in this country ia at a iow ' obb now and progressive farmers ; in North Carolina .^<'¡11 find vin;;.' thia an opportunity to make nion- py, thinks Prof, R .’ S, Gurtia'.'^of'i'- State College. / . .. ' ч'ГнЙr '-t I :\'Ш 'Ж.. . r X«I'll II gì.ишУ-1 b w Alfe ENTinPRÏSE i'Ilj ‘ ThuraOl^y, July/ïoiiiôè “I Could Talk About This K arnak AH Day After 1 W ay It Put Me Back On i My Feet,” Says Howell. "I te ll' you, I got in such bad shape I had to give up my business about nine months ugo, and I am thankful to say 1 am back on tlie job again this morning—ICarnak ahd Karnak Pills did it.”This is ftie enthusiastic way in .which Henry C. Howell, 713 Peace St.; in the wholesale ■ nnd retail poultry business in Kaleigh, N. C., for the past 20 years, began the account of his remarkable ^recov­ ery by means of this sensational ' medicine thO'iother dayi - : "I must have had about as bad a case of stomach trouble and ner­ vous indigestion for tho past sev- teral. years aa a man over had, and last August: I got to the point whcra-1 wasn’t able to keep bn the job any longer. I want to toll you I sufFered. Evci-ything I ate bloat­ ed me up with gas and caused such terrible pain and shortness of breath I could hardly bear it. “I also had i/severe case of con­ stipation whiclt kept me in misery all the time and from which I could get no relief. As I said, I just, got to the point where I couldn’t keep going, that's how bad I felt. "Well, sir, I got hold of this Kar­ nak and the Karnak Pills about4en days ago, nnd look at me how, back nt my business nnd like a new man. “I just sit dovi-n at the table and cat anything I want now without it hurting me one bit afterward. No more bloating, indigestion or gas pains, and tho constipatjon is gone, too. Now if that isn’t some medicine, I’d like to Icnow what is. Just have anybody look me up ii they want to know moro about Kar­ nak—I could talk about it all day.” KnrnnklBBoltl In Mocksviilo cxciiisivcly by ■Iliirrls-LcGrnnd I’hnrmauy; nnd by nil loaillnif druKKtBt in cvorjr town. The iSfóh Who Was Afraid .(By Richard G. Swaringoii in The ed Crowo's arm. V I,\ Sunday American of, Ju ly 6th.) M U 1 1 :'.. ■ f',, W« ' ‘i ' у Р ь " ' «to ' ' 1 t f l ’V ', гЯл ' r iLíiX'KOi.Hi This story' won first prÌ70 for : Mr. Sw aringen^n tho American's jShort Story contest. Normn Kirk stopped her Ford ; ^runabout oil-tho lonely road out ' in^,tho side of tho hill above the lake. F ar across the water ■ and. thfi hillii . beyond atretched| '4he beauty of the sunset. Norma had driven six m iles to see this ■sunaet'fi’om'i this particulad spot. ,"On ih a t lake,” she said, point­ in g ," ia where Drake H errick,so : nearly beat the mile paddling re- : cord., He'd have won if ho hadn't upset his canoe > and had to be fished out. , . “Ho doesn't swimV'J hor com- panion* Profeaaor .Carroll Bolinsf- , broke i Cowe, asked ' with ■ an air of surprise. I ' "He’s one qf tho poorest swim- jners I kiiow"‘ol!v,^ IJut he's going 'I'to try for tho rècord''ngaiii, No,-; ■ thitiff'can scare Drake." ' ' "T hat'last is ail extreme state: riient.'/Pi'6ro3.^or.N Cowe's broiV; ^furro\yed''tìllKhtIy,ali_^]ipr;onlhuBÌ,- nstic championship of,Dn(ke Hdi’i rick.'- 'Jlowover, 'his ,paaaion' fpr, ' truth 16’d^him to' correct/whiit htì ' deemed' a inlsconceljtl'on. /'Evory' ,Kumau' mind la. '¿ubjecK toi'-domo form 'of fear," he said. ' /‘‘Ia it?" Norma darted a fain tly ■ (jui^zical glance nt the gray eyes bohi>id the black-rimmed spccta- .yclo.«} porchod upon .the professor’s aquilino nose. , ■ “With all respect for Herrick and ,. hit! 1 accojfipllshments—yes I',' tho t pro'feasor. contended. firnlly. :Tho; blue of yNorma'a gjjos, - the • pink' of the, 'aun.iet in hor com- plexión absorbed his ^ attention, His silonco rrew’ prolonged. "W ell 7” . Norma i^rompted at length. ^ ■ i - The professor came-out of his absorptioHt, ‘‘Some ; men ; will fac.e a'gu n , but dread .'i. knifé. Soihó' feax' anim alii; -others / men. Now r am : desperately afraid 'of i water'. I learned to' swim when a boy ; then nearly drowned with cramp, i ,i ust-th 0 sight of-that w ater down there gives ;me the proeps,’', • ' Gonfù.?,4lou oi>,tho same wgakr^ ness from-, another man m ighì have tomptecl Norma tg laugh; but ■lihe, pi'ofe.'iaoi: waa .so honest about his fear 'of w ater-tliat her respect was ^not 'dim inished. ; ■ “Tiicn wc’U leave it,’’ ,she sug; gested, reaching for: tho starter ' button.' “Pou’t worry about' me.” Crowe smiled, .still nervously. I’m so busy looking at you, I haven’t time to ■ think abi/ut thij Avatorl : Till! best; w ay to conquer fear is to -di), the thing you fe a rto do. Fm : do,spei’ately; afraid / ,t ,' say , what 1 want "to say, ; N orma ; ’ there- ioro I'll m ake,m j^elf say it; wtli , —or—will-—you be-^my w ife?” ■; "Why—^vhy—\yhy—” ' Norma shot startled glance at the'prof­ essor, met the gravely hopeful re­ gard, shining through'his specta­ cles, and looked away. ' His Svist- ,iuliies3 calmed her, q?id she adde(J frently; I’ve almost - proraised Drake—’’ blit liis ioolc of wretch­ edness stoppbd her. . ■ ; At that instant there souncied foot.stcps among the trees pn 'the up-hill side of the road,' and a m an:,appeared moving towards them. He was clad in ovei’alls fiifn'Jè b.K 'fiì shirt, with wide hat I puyfj;ljJow, a bluck mask over his facVfJ.tihiJi^JicS-'ig revolver in his »vvhiaAd.*2iiinù''4tpoct in fact, was so near that of a movie comedy vil- lian that Norma swallowed a , norvouB giggle even as she grasp- Slowly and m enacingly this per­ son came around to the other side of the car, where the prof­ essor sat. Here there \ was ‘just room for him to stand between the machine and the edge of the hill sloping sharply to the lake below .. \ “Hands up, young fellerl" 'The command waa a hoarse gro'an. "Git out o' that, car, and git out quick." V . ; •Norma was suddenly 'sobered by a cold little fear. A fter all, such things did happen. The daily -papers were full: of hold­ ups, ' robiicrios,- murders 1 Profes­ sor Crowe, she noted, was open­ ing the door with a ; trem bling hand stepping out on; the running board. ■ V . , Uut before sho had tim^ to for- mulatè contempt for ; such weak­ ness, things happened SÒ quickly that Norma’s m ind’ could hardly ffillow.'': With tbo speed; of a re-- Jeased sbring the professor’s ath­ letic right log flew upward0There iWas a cry of pain, and the;banÜit.'B I’evolverj slipped from his hand. Tho , man himself, ■ invóìu'ntarily st'ojiijing bacl^ward teetorpd b'n the brinlc of: the isharp deaconti-.flung his,: arm s'aloft in an offort;to ;re­ gain liis balance, ^theh ; started rolling down'the hili; like a iVoavy' bag of salt. : Stones and- gravels, started by his descent, ratLled down with many minoi; splashes preceding/his major splash into th.i lake. . - . There followed a numbed ..sil­ ence, growing ghastly as it. ¿¿fiw proloiigod. Then,. ill a shrill tone; of ,tei:ror quite unlilce ,the baridit's; first, liarah note of command, the pilent;o was broken,by .sharp calls for help. ‘‘lie ’ll drown!" Norma c.Kclaimed.. Sho fglt aliaky and, cold as she climbed out of tho car. Carroll Avas .afraijl of the lake, iiWould her owiV power as a swimmer piàv’ê equal to the task ? , .Again came that sharp call for hel,i, Norma saw that Carroll's polor had faded until his very lipa were blue; yet his movements' wore awlft, steady and efficient aa ho laid aside his coat and spectacles. “You’re not—why, you^can’t—” Norma felt a sudden surge of un­ derstanding for tlie' grim resolu­ tion th'at was overriding his fear. : ; ‘‘Gueas I’l 1 have to." Gowo ran dow'nhill in long strides, keeping his'feet by some-miracle nf equiii- bi'ium. There -was- another splash, another long silence, y Norma : Kirk found herself scram bling ’ w ildly 'down that dangerous incline, grasping at scattered, bushes for; support, her feet; slidiiyf from atone toystorio, Hor fnc<r was paper whit<D, and sometimes her panting breath wag a sob. : At the edge of- the water, little w avelets, lapped .the ground at her feet. ; She strove to find calm ; to use hejv'w its in thinking of something to do. But she waited in an ever ¿row ing strain, hor handa clinched until the knuckles gleamed white. A fter an age of, waiting, ahe saw the profeaaor’s head sp lil tho surface, moving a darker shadow among ahadowa; arid tho pale gleam of his face. Ho swam slowly and laboriously. In anoth­ er moment she saw a atill darker head near his own. Pi’ofesaor Carrol Bolingbi’oke Crowe reached, ^hallow, water, found hia feet and waded on, bringing a burden atill half sup­ ported by the water. In »notber moment he staggered out, laid hit burden on the: gravel beach, be­ gan w o rkin g to jjump air into the bandit’s, lunga. , ,. ■ - , Norniii knelt beside the profes­ sor, carelcss of the -\vater running in little .streams from his clothea. Touching .the prostrate man, ahe felt in him the warmth of : life.’ Thon both could plainly see the long effort with which he drew breath through the mask atill covering his face. "He's all rightt",cried Norma, trembling" slightly with relief. Tho profeaaor s a t . back on his heels, regarding her gravely in the clear subdued light of falling dusk. , > , But only for a moment. -The bandit stirred, and' Carroll turned and Helped him to a sitting pos­ ture.^- ' “Thke off—'.' Norma, reached to­ wards tli'e mask, and . hesitated. Her .voice was. aharp. fi-pin,. the long momenta of atrain; : -‘'JIe can't breathe." Prcife'ssor : Crowe ; raised hia hand to remove‘tile maak, but the man made a quick, uhateady ef­ fort to, coverhia face -with hia hands., But the: professor’s move was too, qUicki the mask was offi ¡‘Drake!" giiaped Norma, atar- ing with distended eyes. “Drake H errick!” The prpfea- sor’s words were in an echm “Yes." The man’s' first . grim humor changed to a wince of pain. “■You must have broken my Ijftfid. His gaze rested a/moment oii'the harid the professor had kicked, then returned to Norma in somb­ er appeal. “You’re wondering,” he added, "about the desperate getup, the gun and all. W ell, I vvas -just plain scared—of Crowe, especial­ ly when you kept putting off ans­ wering’ my proposal. I hoard you plan to. drive out hero with him this evening. Knowing him to bo afji'aid of water, I was fool enough to'think I^could show him up for a c.òward in other ways—’’ He ,paused. .Norma was laugh­ ing in an exuberance of relief. But at once she was quieted by tho ; stark ■ tragedy ¡in ' the man’s face. Her own face was thought­ ful as alio looked from him : to Carroll Crowe. - , li ■ The sun >yas well . down beyond the boi’ijlering h ills; yet the w at­ er rofloctjcd tho-^ast glow;:of the sky .in à pink radiance.’^rofe'saor Crowe vVas awed ,wh'en ho saw ah iinaworing radiance Illumine the girl's faco;> the roseato glow of happiness that -comes from wlth- In, "W hy do: you want to m arry moj Carroll,”: H er, question loft him stai'iiig, astonished at its irrelen vance. r'’ ' ' . " "It sooma an absurdly hackn­ eyed thiriif to aa^v" replied the professor, coloringV'V'bUt tecauae, love you!” 'Norma sighed. ' “W ell, ^-hackn- ej^d or hot, I lovo you, tqp. Can't help loving a man who isn't afraid of, anything. . TWO KINDkS o f p e o p l e - MYTHIOAL MOON-JUMPING COW HAS RIVAb IN THE AIRPLANE , M ythical accounts of milk tran­ sportation through the air via the cpw that “ jumped over the moon',': have, been approached in reality, says the TJuiited States Depart- m'ent of AKriculture. W hile milk has;n-ot exactly been carried over the' moon, it haa been ’carried from California to New Jersey by airiilane. , ^ 'Phe first time this method of transporting milk was utilized was in connection with the na­ tional certifiod-milk scoring con­ test held recently in Atlantic City, N. J .’ D uring'this contest milk was received in A tlantic City by air mail from 'a certified dairy lo­ cated hear San Francisco, Calif. The milk whs drawn frorii a cow in California on a Friday even­ ing and received in Atlah'tic City on ,lhe following Sunday morning. Tho container was ,well .insulated and no m aterial chango in temp- ^crjiture or ;quality- -was noted. ThiSj new “milk w ay” \yaa earned Out as á deniOnstration of expedit­ ed sei'vico.for an esaeiitlal food product. ■' , : Tho acoring . contest was con- ducted 'by the American Associa- iion of Medical Milk Commia- aiona and waa held in connection with their an n ual, mceti*ig. It was aupervised by a representa­ tive of the Bureau of Dairying, who reports that the contest was unusually close. M ilk from 31 certified farm s located in H States was entered for acoring, and there, was but 1.5 points dif­ ference between the highest acore and the score of tenth place. EARLY DISCOVERY CURE OF ' TUBERCULOSIS stomacli trouble. A alig h t.blood- .spitting, pain in the, chest pr'plcu- risy, and a subiidrhjal', tempera­ ture in the morning—rising' a; de­ gree or a degree and a half dur­ ing the day, arc. practically al- waya symptoms''of'tuberculosis. ,, 'A person with , any of these symptoms shoukKgo at once to a doctor and- have a thorough exa­ mination. The North Carolina Sanatorium employs . two doctors,' specialista iii'tubercUloaia, to hold cllnica for the diaghoaia of tuberculosia thr,- oughoiit the State. A clinic ia also held at the North Carolina Sanatorium ^ ’ery morning except Sunday from 8 to 11. These cli­ nics are all free of charge. Ar­ rangement for examination can be made by Avriting the Superinten­ dent, Sanatorium , N. C. T here is ¡U0 nee'd '"of fliny persdn in Norlhj lÓaróUna;,becoming seriously ,|l|j beciiUMô o;^ lack of diagno.sticj facilities. NOTICE I “ ^ Having- qualified as executroxj of Jacob Shoaf, deed.,, notice ia'j hereby given to all,persons! hold.l ing claims against said estate to| preseiit the same duly verified t J the underslgWed for payment on] or before " the 6th day of J uly 192G, or this notice w ill be plonti| in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said L eatate are requeated to make im.| mediate payment. This the 6th day of July, 1026 1 MRS. LIZZIE SHOAF ELl.IsJ Ext., of Jacob Shoaf, deed. I E. L.'Gaither, Attoriio.v I ■ ; ' A ’ 7 !) (it S.^natorIum, Ju ly 14.—Early diagnosis and sanatorium treat­ ment mean the cure of 89 out of every 1^00 cases of tuberculosia, figures At the North Carolina Sanatorium for the,’paat eleven years show. Found in its early stages and the proper treatm ent givqn, more people recover from tuberc.uloals than from: many of th e. other m ajor, diaeHses. ' The ;first ,sym,ptoms of the di- spase: are 'obscure arid hard for oven a doctor, to rightly diagnose. .Often the'syifiptom a bl' tubercu­ losis arp.taken bjr both cloctpr and patient ■ tp;, be aomp'. dthertdisQase.,: A cough 'is .thoughtvby; the .ma­ jo rity of people tp bp alw ays the first sym ptom of tuberculpaia.'“It is: not.-: -Frequently, a cou'gh does not aiipear until the; diaeaac hiia paaaed the early ' stages. Tired­ ness, or fatigue, without good reaso;i ic one of tho. flrat nnd more common symptoms. A loss, of weight should puj: one on guard. Loss-of apppbito and indigestion, ia often tuberculoala and no't (Ella W heeler Wilcox) There .are two kiiida of people on earth to day,'' Just two kinda ■ of' peoplcr-rno more, 'I aay; ' , ■' Not 'the good and the bad, for 'tis well understood That .the good are half bad;and the bad half good. Not the happy and' sad, for, tho a\yift flying years ■ , Bring each man_ his laughter and . each man I'lis tears.: . Not the rich and the poor,-I’or i)o' count a man’s'w ealth .You' must first know 'the state of hia conscience and health. ' i'.' |'< W j.l [i' sli-r* Not the humble and proud, for:in ,■ life’s busy apan ' Who puis on viiin airs is not counted a man. . ' ''r-,--;,' No! The two kinds of people on earth .1 moan , r , Are the people' who. lift ; and the people who lean. W herever, you go you w ill, find the world’s'maaaes , Are ever divided in juat these tvvo Ч T H B S O U T H E R N SE R V E S TH E S O U T H Milliohs for necessities but none to spare for luxuries Railroad profits are limited by law, and rates are fixed by the Government. In no other large business is so (¡reat an amount of capital risked for so small a return as in railroad transportation.* ^ The new money put into a railroad, therefore, must be profitably'employed, either in in­ creasing capacity for service or in effecting economies of operation. The, Southern, never yet able to control all the new capital its management would be pleased, to invest, 'necessarily has to give preference to productive improvements, such , as yards, shops, engines, cars-^nd tracks. But it is because it has devoted its resources to necessities—rather than non-productive improvements like monumental pasáenger stations—that the Southern has been able to keep its service abreast of the demands of tho territory it serves. i *ТЛе nof /ncoma aarnod J^t/ieSout/iorn Railway Company onitaprofíQíty tnvûutmoni hnà avoraáoú *on/y 3 77% por fínnurn durlntf tho Inñí tor\ yoaro. SO U T H E R N RAI L W A Y SYSTEM*' S T A K E B O D Y ONE TON TRUCK Ford Truck Display Week classes. w illAnd strangely enough you find, too, I ween,'^ , ' ^ There is-only one lifter to,twenty who lean. ' In which class fire you? Are yoii easihg the load ; Of overtaxed lifters who toil dowh' tho road? Or are you a leaner who lets oth­ ers bear 'Your pprtlon of worry and labor and car«! Special Show- ing^and Dem­ onstrations of the Full line of > Ford-built All- Steel Bodies on the Chassis July 13th to July 18th Go to tho nearest Autliorlzcd Ford Denlc'r this week nnd sec his dlsplny oi Ford Trucking Equipment and the full lino of Ford-built All.Stccl bodies on tho Ford chnasis. Tlii« is 'iin cxceptionul opportunity to;^lcnrn how Ford equipment can bring a new cconomy into your bueiness. Special dumonstm- tions of Ford Trucks and'their application tb your business will be arranged. ' ' ■ . , Over a mlUiorv Ford Trucks and Light Delivery Cars aro lt\ niilco possess those buiit'in-servico today. Chassis atid body n__ ._____ . ....- qualities of strength and durability that arc identified with all Ford products. Don’t fail to visit this interesting and valuable display. It will pay I you togo now—this week—while the completolinoisondisplay. Spe the nearest authorized Ford Dealer , T*RUCK/S AND DELIVERY CAR^j Mi ,*НВ ^O bÎîl^ÿlLLÉ E N TE Ití»4l?E í').r'' 'f » tii¡'> ' 'î? I, Ì J ^ ''...........\ ' f ' "' Pii , ’’’ t BELK-HARRY CO’S GREAT ÂNNUÂCÎ;;';''-.Â5Î| Ш т Summer Goods Started Wednesday, July 16th, and w ill - Continue Through Saturday, Áugúst 1st. \ We have just two Clearance Sales each year, February and July. It will pay you to come to this sale. You w ill find a big saving in buy­ ing what'^you need. Come otten. Plenty of good ice water. . A v ' i p l ' >■ ’Al hones I t, 1015 and 187 ( U » »' :У:ШSalisbury. R G,: ■ ' ‘ 'Ч ’ i 'k ) ! " ■ , 'Í I fi ■- '.V ^ i'. ' ^ >''' >h| ' '-I, ri , PINO NEWS ¡\Iost of the farm ers are 'through tin-ashing''\yheat in ourCneighboi-'- houd and the women folks are voi-y [dad t'o liet a vacation'’from tho kitchen, a while. lira. Wes Hunter,, of Winston- Salem, was thd gueat ,of her sist­ er, Mrs, John Latham'; the ,past week........■"■, ; Mrs. Lodend H icka,; of Mora- viiie Falls', is the week gue.st of hor aiater, Misa Jennie Howeli. Mr. and ,Mra. Luther 'Dull and littlo son, Vernon, spenl the week' end with tho',lattera parent,s, Mr. 'and Mra. Will Edwardfi. , . ‘ ilia.s Mai’Karot M iller,''who is ir student at Edwards 'Bualne.ts college of Winaton-Salem, '.spent the week pnd witTi ^her parents, Mr. and Mra. L. L. Jliller. ; - - Mr; John p uller left Siiiiday for 'iVinaton-Saiem \Vher6'"he haa ac- ccpted a poaitioti,.. ' ■ V The Revival rrieetlng w ill,begin nt Pino Sunday morniiig, July tho IDjth. T here w ill be:,diiiner oh, ■the ground and preaching at two o’clock in the afternoon and eight nt night, Ma.v all be praying for n great Revival and, everyone cornu and heli^ make it so. --------•—^ — CONCORD NEWS Mrs, H! M. Deadmon spent tho past week In Salisbury and Spen- coi- with her dij'ugihterá, .Mrs. Worth Thompson 'and Mrs. Paul coiK!, , ,, ' , , ,;i ; SIi'. and;,B'Ira.-J. C:;!:Íííi;cCuÍlóiigH; ot Mockavilie spent; tlie week ;end with Mr. ançl Mrs. I. C. Berrier; Miaa Grace Jordan of Saliabury has returned home after spendint il few days with Mi.sges Sudie'ant' lUith Deadmon. ' , i , A{i-a. W ill B iw n is on the sick ['list, ,sorry.to n<^o. Miss Beulah; Fry(,pf - -iiee spout the week end .With - Mrs. Lunn Barnhiirdt. \ Mrs. Conard Aaron and child­ ren of Lexington apent, the paat week in ouf-community.V Little Miaa'vNaomi ',Berrier' is sponding|j3ome time ,ih Mpcicsyille with her sister. : ' ; ■'I. Joe 'Thomiiaon and ehild- >’CH of Spencer visited: Miy J, Wj., Jlai'tin one day- th'e past week. Mr, H. M. Deadmon and fam ily sp'Hit Sunday, in Salisbury. Mias Beulah'l-Iendrpw, ia spend-, i’lK some time in S a iis^ ry with her sister, Mra. Arthur ;Ghambera. Miaa- Dorothy'-’ ánd ':W il¡ií ''Víi e Berrier spent „Suhdhy nia ht In'. Mocksville. ' ;, ; Missea Lettie Bell' and ‘Beatrice Smith were viaitOra in Blxby\Su'ri- <iay. , Mias Emma Grimes of Coolee- laee apent flip’ week end with;-her sister, Mra. 'Will Brown. ' ; ' Mrs. Abé Ratledge; of Winaton- spent the paat week in our coninmnity with, frienda and rd- iHtiveH." : ■■ ' , . ■ " „ Mr,. Prank Crotta; and,'fam ily •*l>oiit on(3 day in Salisbury the past week. ;; , Mr, Favlss, B aily and Miss % rtle G ulletw ere happily mar- ’'ied in South Carolina last week, "'6 wish this couple much suc- ns they journey through life. The'many friends and relotivea "■ni be aorry to learn of the-ill­ ness of Mr.' Paul Cpne. He being carriAl to the hospital last'M on­ day , and operated on. It is rer ported that he ia gétting along niucly. , , ' , ' '' > ”~ nÍN Íi,T lV o fE R ” * .: ' Do we, aa lav/, abiding citizens,* aver wonder o r deplore the prc- aeiice of \'arioa3 kinda of crime iii bur, several: pdt/iin^initles. If not wo are m ot a \goM(( citizen. Aa members, of , fra'.'(.rii>ti orders we 'are an absolute faiUirti. ' We onlj^ have crime and .V'cial disorders as the people allow them to e.v- ist. Wc ; repeat a bolonm ¡.ollga- tion to auiipreaa all Conduct,that has a tendency to lower thte atand- ard of the -moral atatua of our country, therefore :holding mem- berahipa in any fraternal order we are directly .'reaponslblo . for inan’y of things', tluit wo v know should -iiot bO: tolerated by .any' law abiding man. ; v j; ' . -),'>Vhat ,is the Remedy? E asily said and ei\sjly done, let; eveiiy meinb^r; of the Junior Order, P. 0. S. of A., become re- gulai\ attendants, at their respec­ tive meetings and learn by an ac­ tive participation, in all buaineafV of the yaripua fraternal Orders- the aima, objects and respOnsibir lities oncumbont upon each indi­ vidual member. No man lives to him self., Bro. what is .your in­ fluen ce?; Is it for good; or ia it merelj/ an indiffereni:,, observer of the many biota on: the aoclal atanding of the couniiry we vow- bd to holp awl protect. Even from a selfish point o f'viewa, we ahould attend 'all business meet- iiigs ,,thereby' iirotocting oiir in- *:dividual V, interests. Would^-we f allow I o'trier: men ■ , to conduct . a biisiiiesa In,avliich w e;had m'oney invested in as , carcless and in­ different; manlier as /we do' the orders we belong to.' Please look; thia matter squarely in the 'face,: and, isee if, your,' sehao of right and justice does'*,not' decide you are failing to livo up to your obli­ gation. \ I : ; • ■ . F. A. Poster, FORK CHURCH, NÌ3WS 'MOCK’Si CHURCH NEWS Several of the people from here have been attending the Revival 'aerv.icea for the laat two weeka :'at' Ì3ixby. . , ' /"' , ; I:- Mr. V and Mra. Earl- My era, of Fork; Church, apent the week end with home folks'. : ■ • Mr. Marvin Jonoa made a huai-' jnbss trip to Mocksville ohe day Inat; .week. Hp^lwas; accompanied home ' by his' niecb, , M,iaa ^Erraa Gre'y. 'Jonea;::- . I , ' Little Miaa Elsie Mock apent the ' week . end, with her grand- mpthsr, Mra. W, C. Howard, near Advance. :’ .' :;;; ■ Mr.'-.and Mra. E. M. Jonea of Mockavilie, spent Sunday with Mrs, W .''J. Jonea. A : . Mra. Essex, of Clemmons, Spent last Friday with Mrs. G. W. Mock. Mr. Chariea Phelps of Winstons Salem spent Sunday with his sist­ er, Mrs; Annie Carter. :/■ M),'. and Mrs. L .'B . Mock left Tuesday for Boone Avhere ; Mr.. Mock will attend Summer School. Little Mias Mary Phelps return­ ed home Saturday from ;a two weeks visit to her aunt’s, Mrs. Earl Myera, of Fork. Mr. and Mra. H. P, Cornatzer, of Baltimore, spent Sunday withv Mrs. M arvin Jo n es., ■i' f ; :The ;'ihfant ' baby of : Mr. ;.-and Mra. .;W. iV, 'graver of Winstori- Salem,' waa buried in' the .cemet­ ery at Fulton, last week,“ ^ Frienda, here \yill'-,regret to leairn of the doath' of Mrs; W aiter Barnes which occured.in the Bap­ tist hospital ; In' Winaton-Salem last- Saturday afternoon, July' 11. Mra. Barnea-waa the daugiiter of Mr. and Mra. Lewis Hendrix of thia vicinity. She waa laid to relit Sunday afternoon at Eno'n, Rowan County, whei;e ahb had ye» ajded ; for several : years. She preceded her mother,'' Mra. Lewis Hendrix in .death libout twelvo houra, , ; ' - , . ;,; ■ ■ : Mrs. Barnea Ictivea to ;mouiui' her:loss a husbahd;(^t\vo girls and tv.’o boys,, a fatliér, five sisters and,.three ; brothers. Wp: extend aympiithy, toHhe soi'b strl(!kbh fam ily.; ~ , ' Mrs. E lija Hendrix, wife of Mr.- Lewis. Hendrix of this .vicinity gently fell asleep: last, Saturday: night,' July llth at an' advanced age after several'weeks of illness. She leaves to mourn her, loss a husband, three sons, Tom and Junie Hendrix, of'this place and Toller Hendrix of Enon, \flve :daughters, Mrs. ,— B. Cope, Mrs. G.^ É. M errell, Mrs. Jim Potts, Mrs. Gp'orge Barnhardt, of thia place, and Jlra. Eugene Matthews bf near ; Gi’eenslioro, and ''Mrsi W alter Barnes, who, passed away ab'put twelvo hours earlier. A large number of - children and great grand-children ancLa host of relatives and frienda. -She waa a'cOilaecr.itod member of the Pri­ mitive Baptiat ’ church wj^ere she ‘ was tenderly li^id to re-st in the,, compt'erj', Monday morning at 1-1 o’clock, .'July li?th. 'May the loy-i ■ ing Father ' comfort the . grief^ sti'icken fam ily in the Iwaa of their mother and slater, a good woman haa gone to' her veward, m'ày ahé; reat In pea'ce. ' T ■ ' Mi’v and Mrs. G. S. Kimmer of this place, Mr. and .Mrs. E. D, Kimmer of Spencer and Mr. W,,,A. Kimmer of Pulton spent laàtrSun- day in Winaton-Saleni at the bed­ side; of their ai.ster, ;Mrs. .,:D. ; I-iendrix, whp hiia; been sick for several weeka and waa taken to the Baptiat --hospital last 'Satur­ day; afternoon for treatment. i -iira, : .L: ,Bv Smith and children of the Twin-City, apent la a t-\yeek with Mra. Beatrice Brewbaker. ; v Frank ; George,' Jr.', of Norfòlit, Va., is "spending some'time with his cóusi,nÌ3, Nelson and: P ., W. Hairston, Jr. Mr. aind Mra. W lllip M agary, of Durham, la the;gu^st of M r.'and Mrs! p. W. Hairston. ^ Mrs. Ellen Redwine ;Is :'spend- ing several, days; in WiriatorirSalr em ' with; her daughter, Mrs. ; F. D /flendrjx, who is yery sick.,, - ' ' ■ Mn W iley Potts, of ' Advance, is spendings, some tirtie with - her parents, Mr. ana 'Mra 1 Sanford Kimmer. Duating cotton by airplane Svili be pne 'bf the feature demonstra­ tions of the State Farm ers’ Con­ vention at State College thia year. JIBTHODIST CHURCH NEWS; ">A very eracious; revival closed laat'S,Unday;'iiv:,\vhieh maiiy_,chriB- tiansv renewed thoir :yowa and il iiumbor; of; liorsohs; mado -profos- aion of faith in Je,aU8 Christ. Cen- Eregatlpna \vpre ypry’sood in spite' of the unU auallyjhot'^ H. ,H. jprdimrca^ preached -fche firat AVeok;-,'wheii he w ent. away. Rev-.,, A. Burges’s preached to the clbllght and edi­ fication' of the peppie., These two men werO: a blessing to the chur- Ch.,’ . : ■ • ' ' , ' ;: ‘ Next Sunday -,ap : ow^ortunity w ill be given to unite with the church. . Also; 'Piirents may dedi­ cate their chjldrdn to Gbd In' Holy BajitlsmV; Tlie Sadrabicnt ,of the Lord’s sUjoper will be iWnllnlster- ed; An. unusual service, Sunday aft­ ernoon was conducted ' by team No. 7 of the Billy. Sunday Men’s Club, of ' Winatbn-Salem, about thirty men 'wero on hand and took part J n . th e: service. .It was a very gracious service of exhortar tion tbatlmony, personal work, reauitlng, in redcdication and con-' veraion of many men. Wo hope we may have thia team of boymen with ua again. ; Messrs. Clarence Hendrix, Paul Moore, 'Marshall Click and Troy Vanzant, Mesdames. J. L. Sheek, J, ,A. Daniel,-A. G. S\yafford and Miss Mao' Kurfeea «-.re attending the W esley Fodpration Class Coii- fereheo at Lalto Jiinalaska,- .this; week. ■ « " ---------------^ , ■ ADVANCE ROUTE 3 NEWS " ; Г Ninety percent of the squarea in ono cotton field of Pitt county wero punctured : by y boll weevil, finds County Agent R. B, Reeves. Mr. and Mrai R. B. Burton and Mr. and Mrs.- 0,- T, Burton of Winaton-Salenii apeiit - ■ Saturday afternoon ; with Mr/T and Mra. ■ J, G. kiimmerman. ; , • ; ■; ' Miaa .Nelodo Howard, i Of : Wina­ tbn-Salem 'apent. Saturday with Mjsa lSudphe Zininierniah. ■ ; Mra. Kelly ' W aller v; and ' aon, Melvin, apent Friday 'iiilglit with her: pai^'ents, Mr. and Mra, • 0., 0. W aller, .atj'Advahce, ; : ■ Miaa sClotta- W aller, of near Forliij Churoli, is ¿spending , the week witil ; her unció, Mr. J. G. Zimmerman. ; ■ : '' Vi ; , , M r.,and. Mra. L.^ Ilobertson and fainily spent; Saturday with Mr. and S{ra, Alex Crotts, iiear Winston-Salem. ; '' Miss Edna Robertson apent the weeic; end w ith Mlias, Nomie:Hege. ; Mr. ;and\Mrs. ;iR. G. Poster, oi! Lexington, and two; small;' sons, of WinstOn-Salem, s'pertt- the week' end Avith lilr. and Mrs. J. G. Zim- merman.:;.',,;',;',:v ■ , ■■ ' Little ::Mi8a ,Katherine Zimmer­ man, J.of .Pligh Point, ia -apending somC' iiniG with /her aunt, Mrs. C. G. Zimmerman. Miaa Notie Siddenj of Winston- Salem, sjibnt severai days here last week visiting her brother, Mr. Bert Siddeh., Mr, Ralph Burton, of Winston- Salem 'apent the past-i^veek with hia uncle, Mr. Ray Burton. r— — About 150 faj'ma were affected by the recent hail atorm ni Beiiu- iort County. Seed were distribut­ ed to thoae losing their crops and about ¥80 worth of auppllea were given to three destitute wi­ dows who loat heavily* in the atorm ;: reports 'county agent F. W. Rleher. “T,ET HIM SERVE YOU MOST WHOJ SERVES YOU MOST” :' ^ f We call our store the “Service” store and try " ' '' ' , to live up to the' name. Whether it be'^a small or L large purchase, Vve endeaver to render the best ) of ¡Service. We welcome any constructive criti­ cism that will enable us to improye tjiis service-. ' GIVE US A TRIAL. Harris-LeGrand Pharmacy Mocksville^ N. C. '' , Mi InoMy ië( шнпюииш n a m i« : SEEDS CRIMSON CLOVER . ■ HAIRY V etch , • : : ■ . , 1 , , , i Soil'improvement is your biggest problem and Hairy [ , Vetch will’ help yousolve it. It grows well on almost any ' . . .-<■ ' ■ welWraiiiied, land. 'MM; V ; Ч îwl Ш ighan Mer Mocksville Hardware Co. Miii!Bii«iiBii!iaiiiiaiiiia:ii:miiia:ira:ists''№Q!!i;B:ii!nniiii6rii!i«!iiiD9smiiii Ii you Avaiit the Best Flour Made, use MOOKSVILLE BEST Thei‘0 is. no Better Flour on the Market. If you want the Self-Rising,' we mako “OVER THE TOP,” The Brand That (.'an’t Fie Beal Our Flour, Meal and Ship Stuff is on sale at i^ll the leading grocery stores. Horri'Johnstone Company. ' “THAT GOOD KIND OF FLOUR” Mocksville, " - - . , N. d ’I lì G< Í >r , .UM .,w' ■di f i l ,. iMSSSgS“ <■ M ‘ ‘i ; 5 h ’H M % - / « I I - * f'i'W ;^:*# w ' \ j) 1 h , 1- m k ‘ i h ‘ >i i', t iK :;> y f i. itelïPi '■ ë î B î ï f v i i p - f V ï i i S V . Г ^ .’ ' ;V !!i’'‘ ‘‘ .....■..................................................................................................................... h , < ,, ’ ^ ’ i \ ‘ J ' , , . , ■” Il 5 1 , t j^‘ , - « ,0 ' - ) ," . V ,.r t r J r ..,, ., ;,. ' t .\- 1.1 /. I ’< I \ ' ' ( > l*m, , |C>'■: fit i' I Only thè Dariné . .,-1', '■ ': l'y Only the Daring .ar'(B Worthy of ; l i . A '''!, ’.' ■. ' u r ' ' „ '■I Success T^ero is nn intoiesting story told of Alexander ■"—"^he-Groul who conquered tho world before'he wns '' 32 years 'old. He went on one o'ccniion when n . very young lad to attend the Olynlpian games. Ke- turning ' honicv his ;fathei', asked him, "W ell, son, what didij'ou think of ,the gam es?” The young genius made some rem arks as to tho names of tho ' > * 1 * ' ‘ ‘s’ 1 ’ i *’ ‘ ' < .winners and. then uttered this, in substance:)t ^ I , ^ ^ \ i I ^ ^ ^ I , , / J'T h ere wa^ one thing ..which impressed me more , than any^^hlng else in connection with' the racos," ' ' and on'bcihg,^asked by his father what it was that ' , ^, impriissod him most, Alexander said, ‘T noticed that n on e’won cxcept those who elitered tho contests," ^ ' ' ' ’ J ' I ‘ There is ‘‘a great Ipsson to thè progressive young man rof 1925.1. .Those who do not enter tho contest • never aiicceedi ^Tho: men who have made loads of V , 1 -money dealing in. real estatei during the years pasti : are those 1 who havo invested, those who have taken* v! " S ' , X ' ^ * some risk/ those w^io haVe m^ade an effort. It makes ’• I ,no ‘"dlfiiorence how anxious you may Jie to make ' I ^ ‘ ’ 'it'* I •* * ' (i ' ' ' ,. money, rem em bei;'this: “Only thoso.BUcceed v/ho t enter the'contest," ’ I t' * ' ' I ' I f ^ ^ ‘ ' j When you buy Bacon Counly, Georgia, land, you t ' I, ^ , do not buy a p ig,in a bag. You buy land worth fat’ more than it co^ts you. , You buy something that vVill not blow away, or become weather beaten, or burnì or,become worthless with lime. And no^ ) ! i' t one can steal land. It just stays right thero and grows in 'valu e with the growth nnd development , of the section in which it'is located. N' ' I ... Greatest Opportiinity Now Qpen to t^e i Reali Get Land at Your Own 'This L and W ill Proi 'i 'i il' r $200 to $500 per acre. Will make from 50 to lOOj ai Bale'of Cotton to the Acre. So convinced are We Price For Which it is Listed, We Have Arranged tiiii Free Trip From Albemarle to Alma, Ga,, the County While at Alma. So it Costs You Nothing To Go Several Albemare people have been and many of them have purchased I and on what easy and attractive terms they could secure it. Mr. Morton makes the trip from Albemarle to Bacon County, Ge^ ments with Mr. Morton to go wiih him at an early date. , The following are a few of th^ tracts you can purchase on these and see the property before you buy. ' i l s i l i p l S l p p p » »'ivKHH'.Vfvir- ' ' ' " " ' ■ restor is in Bacon County, Georgia. There You Gaii^ on Terms to Suit Yourself ■ ' ; V. obacco W o rth F rom )f Corn to the Acre, 2 Crops a Year, and More ith^ [Land is of Superior Quality and that it will sell for the Charlie Morton to Give A n y Prospective Purchaser a ¡aeon County, and We Take Care of Youir Expenses While The Bumper Crops Are in The Fields J I could not help it when they saw how fine the land was, how cheap it wa,s I'i ■■ { i ■< 'V Î V r“'' ii'V v ' V, ■ <'.'W nw'l! » irr < - ’ NÏ'V ( ' ./ t’,.'.V 'î IV»-' ' '’j'j / V i M k x 'w i, ■ O T ; i l'v’îOWÿ l/« 1« f 7®Bi< •f) " ' ■ ' " t o 'f 'i,pnoMW '\É, I S iifiiti i' I ' J '> * S f/ <i il h l A s m londay. Remember it costs you nothing to go and look. Make arrange- . ' Al'j« lust read the description and the prices, and don’t take our word for it : ." - S '® » 'Æ )ÎÎ^ ill XM.it »W mv '•'Af ? List of • " 'i.—Jrn Vickers place, 179 acres; 80 acres lii cultivation; soil—rod pebbly , ,,lonm, ''On Alma-Blacksher ro ad;'2 goot^<houses, one four room nnd one six y ' ! room. I Good place; one mile from school and church. $ 3 0 0 0 0 0 .iprlce . ................. "tv.'>i2,—Muggie Dougba place; 84 acre^' in Alma.' Good house and ono tobacco , Jbnrn. Herc’^ n great bargain, > Price / /$4,000.00 3.—D. W. Lott place; 250 acres; 150 acres in cultivation. Omj nine room / .house; one tenant house; two tobacco barns. Locntcd,3 miles from Alma. , Good land, Price per acre ..............^................................................................... ;! I 4.—Kins place; 50 acres; 25 acres; in cultivation; house and barn. 5 miles ' ’ .from Alma. Can .you beat this $35.00 5.—^Riglan pince; 9!| Price ...: .......... 6.—Wilpox place: \ bnlnnco in young fiinh :;on:go'odrond^ Price per acre ...... .•x;.v,; -iV • ' 7.—Bixiler place; V Cotton Belt Route. P rice (term s) .............. P rice?; $75Q.00 I'u 8.—Pirkle & Lukc[ .houses;!? miles from Alfl Price (term s) .......... nd Prices $1,600.00 jioiiscs; 2.')0 acres in cultivation, I'a; 5 miles from West Green; $8,50 |cuItivntion on Wbodpeclcer • abd $4,500.00 100 acres ,in cultivation; two $ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 rdfor, it, go • - . . . t ( ‘ ' î” l/t 1* |>’ ’‘V "i^ . f - • <’ ''hi ' * \ ''i u H 'f ' 1“'^ , I* { ^ / f‘ Ì- S s .Î'''! I, ‘I * ,, » ' Yf Ì. "J / * ‘Mer • ' , 9.—L. C. W alker place; 523 acres;'^’ 100 acres in jCultivation, ' balance young timber on highway,. 15 miles froni W ayeross; good f.,lx room house, - ''p ain ted t barn; all necesfmry;outhouses; 16 - C miles fiom Alma. Price ' ^ D , O U U « U U •V ' ulO.-^^ on good highway; »10 /•-¡. acres’ in cultivation. W ill talee t?75!0.00 cash, balance T i n in ten yearly pitymenis! Price ..,.!.............................................< i p ^ , ^ U U . y U Y ' \ ■y. ' ,1 ( w ( t 11.—Johnson place; -100 acres, good house and barn;-40 acres in cultiva- tion; mear depot at Rockingham; 3 miles from Alma. Price ...................... ............................................$3,500.00 Jrj JfC J f ...'iT \ i t e * (12.—300 acres on Dixie Highway; 1 1-2 miles frohi Alma; cut over landi ' ^ Here’s ^your chancei Price per acre ,,, ■' 1 < ' '* t s s ‘ ■>•>.%’ "I \ \ ) < ^ Ask W. W. Love, M. A. >Whitlock, of - Albemarle, or-nny.one olse ,who has ;; f ' \ I *purchased Bacon County property. They are bur best advertisers. I ( / 'ÏM , V \ I > I .1 .4 I J wkitf ■ s • »‘>'1 LifV'Æ BACON T E R M S lU IT Y O U ALTY M , ^ f t ^ V J i \ f ( W V '«rsf;;;:: G. W. Morton Local Representative Albemarle, North Carolina hi iiiUU ti'h I ( i i!4. / ^\i * t 1 TTO-4,.v ! «lTVr\\ » t V illllllilllllilllllllillllllüillllllllliilllilllülillil. S . .’ '1 : > rm;ì , V* one'Ì 'i ."111 1' ^ ‘ I y, yfli bra”'‘„.1 •St 'lì 1 ■ ;* l l-n’€ c lf sVr'iìi^a “ ' J ii 'i '/“uWyV. liift if,f .!• fia--»« ? iVj','Pag<S'6 THE MOCKSVILLE' ENTERPHISl?- ( ’ f . , . ' . j !,.: * г ,Ч / "’ï'' ---------------------- s_J < 'Л It ?|i^-'^jiüyediy/'jruly* 16»'Ì92S Щьл Il ’ Г;11 Ь ‘: |Лг \ bi’ > |л Îi'f/V ■',f y- IM fCOOLEEMEE'- JERUSALEM iJAPTIST CHURCHES (I). F/PutJi(im, pnstor.') , Prcnching every Sunday moi'n- iiJii, ami evoiiinii at CooleGtnut!— P rayur moetinii ovory, Thursday —Sunday School every Sun­ day. morninji at 9 :45. • T. If, Spry Supti ' Senior and Junior B; .X P . 'U., nieul: every Sunday evening a t ■ seven ■o’cioeli—Prcaoliingt’,: at Jorusaiem the iirst and third Sun­ day».and lourth ^Sundays, >at 1 :30 tlio iira t and, third Sundays. A cordial 'invitation' ia ,extended to - those who read thisVto attend all theae servicesi. ’ ; • Re&olutiona adopted by the Cooleemee Baptist cliurch on the . date above indicated, in jipprecia- : tion of Bro.''IV Elmer Spry. • Since our beloved brother Elm- ;,« r Spry has gone to Albemarle -to make bis home and can no longer serve us as Superintendent be it resolved first: That we re­ gret to loose' him as a citizen from our town'arid ns a member of the Baptist church. Second: T hat we take this method of ex­ pressing our appreciation of the faithful and effective service he rendered as Superintendent of tho Cooleemee Baptist_Suriday school, for tha last two years. Third: PRELIMINARY- RESOLUTION OF SIDEVVALk IftlPROVEMENT OF DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE Be it resolved by tho Mayor aud Board of ComniisHioners of the Town of JMocksvillo, North Caro- linaj that a local Improvement D istrict bo and. the sam e'is here­ by, created under,; and by virtue of the powora conta'inod in Arti(5le 9 Chapter 5G of Gonaolidated. Sta­ tutes of North, Carolina,, and acts iinicndatoi’y thereto,’ on th a t; part of, the sidewall: on t^ie Sc^uth aide of . Ciaithur-^Stl'eet betwefen /inter­ section of ■'Gaither ptreet .Avith *11T i. ' i___________North M ain' Street and intersec­ tion of Gaither ^ rq e t W ith'Salis­ bury Street, and.ffiaii part of side­ walk on , W est side of Salisbury Street'betw een intersection of Salisbury- street with South line of C. G. Woodruff’s lot and inter­ section ¡of Salisbury Street with Wilkesboro Street, and that part o f, sidewalk on tho West side of Wilkesboro Street between inter- 'section of Wilkesboro Street with Salisbury, street and intersection of Wilkesboro street, with North GÇOD FEEDING PAYS IN ' SWINE GROWING line of C. C. Sanford Sons Co.’s lot in the town of, Mocksville, ■North Carolina,' and the' lancis Л01 410 lUBi, cnio J41I1U "hutting or said part of said That we Гз^зигГ him' anU his'fam i- sidewalks of. said 'Streets ¡t h a t said part of the side\yalks of said sti-eets be ; paved; iw ith. concrete and; of;the thickness of four, in-M ~ 2 a-* ' te« « r^l J. 1« ' J. I_ ^ches,, arid fpur feet in wfdtlj, the ' samoybeing Distriòt No. O' and iill ly, of our good ,\Vishes for futuro ) Buccess ' and great,, uaofulness in " ;thalr new home. Fourth: That a ' '-copy of these re.solutions be sent - brother Spr?, a copy ■ furniahed . tho local papei's foi‘ publication, nccordingjo thfr plans and,speci- ,iuid a copy writtenviri our church Town Enpnepr.;, and Sunday school recordsj , . n«d tha£ the cost of paving in- '■ Done in Coril'erence "Juiy' 12, ft ’ 192R, D. F. Putnam Mod. Sher- " if i" » ’ m an Spry Clerk ' improvement mentioned The W .’m . s . M eeting ht Moor- Pol:itioned for being assess- - csville waa attended'by, Mrs. V W ty ' C. Young, the pastor and his wife, street intersection and the (VnA, fhn rhninnnfnn ThP I’cmainder of such costs shall 7Г' b y Tr! 'H il'Orii. the' Cooleenioo church. The ‘ ^ chui'ches was ' The ouVStandlng'-foatürcis-af-^tho ' session ’wero ■ address by " Miss I ' ' M ary, W arren of ' Bnjeigh, the I; ; -■-Beamon by paktori'Epii. Whisen- hunt of Lincolnton.: ¡The address ^ 'by Miss Leochnitfn'tìiò i'loriie Blis- - . :i ' osion Board Field Worker, find, the' closing words by Rev. W. B. W aff. ' , '' M iss 'Laura'-Lazenby vwas;-re'eleot- ed Supl., witJi;;tne otheri'tffloors ■making but little-', .chari -of Jh e boat meetings at all was t; the ¡verdict of those attending pre-. vious meetirigs. ' '' Seven wove regieved into; ,the fu ll iollowshlp ;oi’ ; thu, church last Sunday at Cçoleemee having been ' baptised thé week before. We aro glad to have, these new re- i. .cruits for the M asters service and tru st that their church relations f m ay be very'happy and useful. I Three hundred and sixty "'odd I. at Sunday school 'last Sunday. ' Pretty' good foi; such a hot;’ day.’ I However we wtìre short,about 1,40 I ' •irom the en\'ollment. / ■ 1 ■ T he-pastor’left Moiiday mo’rn'j in g for Knhpp of „Reeds in Dur-^ ,*iam,„cqunty to, a s s is t,Rev.' 'J. H- ■ Ba'ss>iri ,y m eeting;-and w ill not; I' 'roturri' until .next week end - if 1 ' nothing . prevents ; his present I, ; ’ .plans. , Rey,_ir..,L K iik will preiich 1 , a t-'Cooleeriiòeji'ànd' I -ivis absence next'Suri'dayi .iit I - usual hour;-) of worship; I'he ' â ; i Y. ' P, U., ' has '^ken on ' ne>v Jife .following the ,; > receiit 1 ' trainfiig school. ! ^Vçi are' e.xpeet- I ing some fino work from thesu ■' , y'Ouiig people in tiie near-future., Soon Felt ¡> Improvement "Tlio first tlm o I took Cardul I was In on a'lvful bad 'way,” says Mrs, Ora Car- :ilo, n . F. D. 6, Troup, Texas. "I w ont flBlilng'ono day. A heavy storm camo up and I ■ got soaking wet In tho rain.■ I was atfUoted 'with oi'wtul sinothorlng spells. I could, not got m y breath. M y m other had some CAROUl For Female Troubles' In tho house that sho was taking, so she Im m ediately began giving It to me. In a ' iow days " I got all right. "Last fall I got run-down In health. I- was weak and puny and'I,,bpgan to sutler. I would got so I could hardly walk, H aving taken Cardul botore, I sent to tho storo tor a bottle of It. Alm ost from the first dose I could foel an Improvement. "Cardul ,has helped me ^iid I am glud 'to recom- It. I don’t feel ll)ce /Hhe same woman I was last IflW U ii My appetite Is good 'td I'm sure it's Cardul nad^ it 'pick up," All DruMllI«’ be borne ' b y, ; the m unicipality at lartfeAas provided-i in' articio 9 Chapter.-,5(3, of; the conjsoiidated' Statutes-, of' ' North Carolina; and Acts ,ameridat'ciry theroto ; tjiat tile' owners of the; ab.utting property offooted ; hereby;;Shnii‘; pay;.;: the' amount assesàecl ‘against ■ -Ithoir property,in ,c'ush upon coriipl'otlpri of tho Wjork and; the confirmation of the'j^fls^ssriierit' roir ,hs Tiro ed ‘ in sfjid: Atitlcl'e, or iri 8 equal annual ' installm ents bearing intof^ rest at thc''ratò of six, per centum per aririui^ifl-on^ ,date'of th'e ;cO firm atiön and ascertainm ent by the; governing bpdj''after the com­ pletion of the; ipcal improvement of the total co st’(¡hereof; of the as­ sessment roll ;' and be' it. furthor resolved and ordained, (¡hat the owners; o f all property abutting on thes. property on^the above men­ tioned improveipents shall con­ nect their several premises with w ater mains and söwor pipes lo­ cated in said districts adjacent to their several premises in .the usu- ai„manfier 'and under the direction and ;SÙperviflion ;of thè: Tòw;i: En­ gineer,;; and bp it further resolved; and prd'aindd,’'th at ' unless’ siich o^vnors'^ shall ’cause such cpnnoc- ,tjona to be made on or; before'the' 25th day of' July, 1926, ;thp gov­ erning body ,; of the :Towwn A^of Mockaville shall - cause ; the - same to be inado,' and tho^;a$sts of jn’ali- ing such connection^, cqristitute’ and be a Hen on thè ; property o'f suoh ovynprs fts shàll fnil ttf make such connections as herein pro­ vided. ' ' T. M.)-IIendrix, Mocksville, N. C. Dated th is Ju ly. 14, 1925.— ' < i^ --------- J OAK/g r o v e ITEMS Mrs. Т. Н. W alls is o}i, the sick list, sorvy to note. ' ■ Mtt’. John W hitaker is improve- ing very;nicely; - : Mrs. John Horne-was a SiTnday, yiflitor In our village. ■ ' ' Mr. Jp^i) -Ratts of Cpoleemee spent a few hours Sunday afterr ! noon in; our burg. ■ ; I\j;esars H. Z. Howard and Frank J.'imea ,;of Coolee'hiee were Snii- ilay afternoon'yvisitoi’s, ' - , Mr. A. 'C, -Clement and Pvay Pop­ lin of Bennettsville, Si C., spent tho week- end .'it home., - ' ' Mrs. ^ Carra ' Suriimers , and' daughter, •, M ary sp,en(; Sunday with Mrs. D. A, ClemeiTt;' ' Misa 'M ary; Wilson - .Walfe ,is spending some time Yith' ,hel• si,чter, Mrs. John W hitaker.- , 'M isses Evelyn, Frftnkie , and 'Mr.- Thtomfi.s W alls spent S,unday with MisB Margtret iind W illie Mae Lakie. , .Miss Kathrine W n'ls and,. Mr. M ilton/W alters : were yisitord at Mr. John W hitakera';5unday even-^ ing. ' ■ " , ' - iVlesiirs. Ray Parker, of Mocks­ ville, and J. L, Holton, Jr., wei'e visi'lora at Maine, Sunday Messrs John, W ill and Clement W alls and W alter Campbell spent the week end at hopie. i-Ralojgh, Ju ly 14,— "Tarheel farniôrs will some day learn that it pays .to toed hogs properly and market; them wiacly.,” says W. W,' Shay swine cxtehsion specialiat for tho State College: of Agricul-, turo. "On 'February' 10” statea Mr. Shay; ‘'Counl;y Agent ;C. A., Shef­ field of Davidson Countyj weighf ed nine pigs belonging to J.'^E. Young' of Lexington.;;- At that ^ime ., the pigs weighed , 245, pounds.” ' > ,’ Tankage,‘ Red"Dog, and corri meal were mixed in what Jiaa been' proven, by the North Carolina ex­ periment ¡station as the best ra­ tion to meet the reciuil-ements‘of such pigs from^ the standpoint of both gains'Rnd profits.' , ' ; "At tho expiration' of five weeks” saya Mr.' Shay, "the pigs were again weighed and feed in different proportions was mixed for anot.her period of five weeks. This was continued during four periods of five weeks each, the feed being changed each time, and all the time an amount of ,çorn equal by weight to the slop mi.'t- tiire ,was fed.” , •■_Aa a_ reault, Mr. Sha^ feports thiit, on Ju ly 1, the 'pigs were sold fpr thirteefi cents per pound, at that ’ time'' they weighed ISSI pounds and' brougiit $238.03. ' ; A fter paying .for all the 'other feeds at ; actual V cpgt tliose nine, pigs paid:; $2;21 pòi’ ' bushel;' fpi*^ the 83; 3^4 ;bushels of' cpr^i which ■they ate din’irig this 140 day pe­ riod It Mr. Young produced his corn at a cost of: ;76,'cents per bushel, tho: profit on that eaten by hia pigs-vvas': $122.29. -------- FARM MÌÉN AND WOMEN .TO ' GAI'HER- a t , CÔJÎ.LEGË . Raleigh, Ju ly 13.—Tho continu- e.d heat . arid -drouiih ;ovor North Carolina need : noti worry those farm [riion ,'arid women who- will at(;end :- the; 'annual state' conven­ tion of/farm foUtsJiit' State; Col-' lege,Viitiy 28, ‘29, and SOi,'reports J. ■ M.^.'Gray, 8e,cròtari\ ôï; tho ' Cori- ventipn and : as8Ìstdril; directpry o fA g ric u ltu ra l ' Extension at S tatA 'C o llege.';■ - " '■‘Bring your bathing: suits,V' saya Ml'. Gray, "and take àdvan-, tago of the riewr, modern bàthinti pool in; the Collejje gymriaaiurii. We w ill set aside plenty of time for swimming! and the heat w ill bo foi'gotten in the joy of swim­ ming in the clear, coòl, clean wat­ er of this pool." , - Mr. Gray statea also that a number of speakers of state,, and national importance havo l)een secured for the speaking program. In addition, two string bands from the country.^,will provide riiusic^ M l'-, Gray is-, now trying, to get a third ; t)arid;' consisting; of ond'fam ily from Fprsyth County; iri ;which ; the miiri,-'his wife and s'evfîri - bhildrSri^oach, ,piay ;an 'in- iatrunient.' - Thè .youiìge.àt child,' a boÿ/ of^five; Ipads the; band. ' ■ \ H eadquarters ‘for tjhe Cpn-veri- tion, w ill be)niaintalned .¿is us^iial iri. Pullcri ; H all’ ancj-,Jill ''joint s'es- sionB win be'; held ! ; there. ; ; The soctibnal meetings foi’ the ;.Fed- oratioiï of' Honie : ¡Deriiònstratiori clubs will be,;'lioid ; i n ; the \Y.‘ .M,. C 'Ai,;'; building.'^:; ,. , Mr.,' Gray states,that rooms wiU be furnished fr’ee by. thé CpIleKo; but meals ,w ill l^.b, charged; al; 25 cents, e’iichV Guests are- requirerl t’o bring . their, own ,bed • linen, towels and toilet articles. A s i 1 ver ; loving cup, w i11 be a- warded ito ; the county .bringing; the' ■:larg;est; totiil ;attendançè; ^he greatest distance. Many let'ters have ' bnen received from \Cleye-, land, Cabarrus, Bertie, Chowan, Dijplin, Polk, .„Columbus arid , Pitt cpunties stating that a good re- presentatipri would be sent, TOBACCO ACREAGE^ CUT 18,- 000 ACRES ..Washington, July ll.-^T he de­ partment .of^ agriculture .today estimated toliacco' this season ^youId show a ,decrease of 18,000 acres uiidei* Ia.4t year. Only two types, the' bright'; Цие cured' of tiie eastern seaboard and tho dark fired types ' of ■Tonn.sessoo and Kentucky shows increaaos,/ but they' are offset by decreases in other types rangirig from 3 por ceritTiv burley, to 13:' pei: cent in the western dark iired, ■ DR. R. P ANDEKSON DENTIST ' # ; if » -. - ", ^Residence Phone 37. Office' * 'Phone 50, : * ^Mockaville, N. G; «' • « • . «. • • ' .• • # Special Qearanoe ' O F Two-P®ts Suits We have a number of Two-Pants Suits, hot all sizes in each pat- ; tern, but all sizes in the assort- jnent,^ that we are selling at shape reductions. Take the time to come in and see tliibm. I t 60 All- Slrsws » . •JEvery Straw Hat in our store inust be sold now. Take choice at: / 79(; $1.00, yp Special Reduction In-Voiles, . . lOò up Ginghams . . . . . . . 10c up J. C. DWIGGINS, , ^ Mocksville, N. C. v DETERMINATION OF TÍIE BOARD OF SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION DISTRICT NUMBER ' FIV E ' '■ Bo it rosolved and ordained by the Miiyor : aiul'rBoiird of Alder­ m en'of- the';town o|' Mocksville, Ñflrth: Carolina,: that the - petition for the,’ creation' of a local ; im- p.rpyement district out of tho land abutiting 'upon ; Gaither street, Salisbury .street and W ilkesborb stròét in the' town of Mocksyil 1 c, Npvth; Garpllria, aiyl; dosci^bed in petition ; and ■ prelim inary ' resolu­ tion of Disti'ict''iNuinber 5 and lie- ing designated ',N,umfcer ;5' as pvpi vided in' A rticle 9 of Consolidated /3l-.iitu tes of ■, ;the i; State of ; ' ;N orth Çaro.liiia .'anci' i acts amendatory thereto, ; which petition : has be^n duly presented to i this: Board to- getl№ -^vith;;the certificate : of the City Clerk,'' that aai(l:petition is iri -a|l respect^'sufficient and in full corripliancp with th,e,provisión' of article 9, 'chapter 56 of the con­ solidated '-stát'ues:of, the, state of North Carolina, 'arid acts ;ilmeri'd- atpry thoreto, bo and the same is hereby adjudged and determined to be in' all nespects, ^uffi'cient;; and that said .potitipri' has been 'signed by a m ajority'in riurribers of the ownbr,3 of real ^.estate .abut-' t;ing upon said sidewalk;' street therein petitioned to bp improved and that the ' said, o'vvriers repre- senting a m ajority of all the leniel ,feet of froi.tage: of larids abutting u ppn sa i d s iclew;óJ k propo.%d-'^tp bo improved. ;: ,:■/. ;'■ ■ : X ,' DatêcT this the 14th day of iu ly, 1925. ■ T. M. Hendricks, City Clerk. i, ^ ---------—; , Wo want to see a large repre­ sentation of the progressive'far­ mers and farrii women of North Carolina at'the annual State Con­ vention held ^at State College, July 28, 29 and 30, says Director' I. O .^chaub of the A gricultural Extensiori Service. ’aiiiiH!iiiniiiiai!iiiaiiiiaiiiiBi!iii&iiiiiBi;!miiiiBiiiiiaiiiiaiiiiiiB]iiiioiiiiaiiiiEaiii NOTICE TO OUR .c u s t o m e r s '. !111В11Па11|1ШИВ|!!1|» g и .< ! i . On and after Ju ly 25, 1925 both banks Will close their doors at; THREE O’CLOCK. / ■ ! 7 We are making thJi^ change in our closing hour iri order to . complete our days wprk by posting our daily checks,and de- iiio/^its on the same day they come in. This ia made necessary by the rigid . requirem ents of the State'officials in carrying out'their duty to the public, and we hope to haye -^he hearty cooperation of all whom wc ' serve in giving to the public (he be'st service possible. BANK OF DAVIE SÒUTHERN BANK & TRUST CO. e[ii!annaiiniK!Qiiiiiaiiini«iaiiniiiiB!iiitaiiiiEi{i!iEaiiiitsiiiiaiiiiaiiiiHiiiiaiiiia IBIIIinillinillDIIIIDIIIIHimilll nmn Tur mm L A U N D R Y I Give us a trial and let us show you what | what we t an dol We are now under new | -management and can give excellent ser- | vice and save you the drudgery of WASH | DAYS. '"' \ : ■ Just phone us and we will call for and de- liuer your clothes: finished or damp enough-to iron. Our prices are very reasonsible. Davie Wet Wash Laundry Phone l(i6 Mocksville^ N. C. ' 'Ч и О THui'adayy Luiy 10,"1926. 1 I J il, 11 ' \ ' ’ 'Л ' ^ , THÈ MOCKSVILLE Enterprise/ Uciid liew town ordliiimces on anotlior page of this paper.^ Mr. and ’ M rs. T. L. Suminora visited-: rcla(;,ives ;;in Statesville ' SuiuUiy. ; ’ ■ ,,--------— -0——:—--------- . Mrs. Frank Huneycutt and ;biiss ■jV;,'imio HendriX;Spi:nt-Monday in iidorusviileJ;:; Miss Mary, Boll .Jipites,iefti-'Mon-- (liiy for Boblio;,'where she',will at- t(!iul summer'.school.; : ■ : ; Mr. ;M. ;Q. (Buck) Allison, of Wilmington; ia, visiting hits fath­ er,’ Mn G. A. Allison. Mr. and Mrs.. D. 'A. Parnell and children, of the Twin-City, were Sunday visitors here.' Miss M ary Wilson Stone is im­ proving rapidly, following an ope­ ration for appendicitis. Mr. and Mr^!. Stei’ling Kelly, of Duke, Sterling, Jr., and Janet JIc- Niol aie spending some lime with thcii lather and aunt, JIlss Sallie Kelly. _ Mrs,' E. ^E. Hunt had tho mis- foitune to fall Saturday . and break her arm,' but ; we are glad to note.; that she ia getting along nicely.' Rev. M'.,' C. Kurfees of Louis­ ville, Ky., will pijeac-h at Jericho next Sunday^at ll':oo o’clock, 'and atfnight, ;Tiie public ia cordially invited. ; ' s UMMER COLDS that make you so uncdrri. jortabio in hot weather, are better treated exter­ n ally—Rub over chest nnd throat and apply fre- , : ^ quently up nostrils— , -M IC M S W '^ A P o R y e i : Ouer 17 Mitilon Jars Used Ytsarty Miss Mabel SteWart ■ returned home Tuesday from a vjait tp'her aistera, Mra. S. 0. Young, at'D ur- ham, and Mrs. H arry Fyne, at Henderson. Mra. Ida, Nail haa returned home after spending some time with her son in; H ickory.. Mrs. Mpody Haneline visited her sister, Mrs. 0. R. .Oakley, in \Vin.ston-Sulem this'Week.; Jl'r. Paul jKerr, of Hickory, is .HlKiiiding soriie 'time .with his undo, Mr. W. A. Griffin. . ; Mrs. M. J.; Hpithouaer is visit­ ing her daughter,- .Mrs. H. L. liliickwood; in Mooresville. ^ Mr. and Mi’s.' Paui Hendrix and L'liiidren are, spending thia.'^veok >iii Statesville W ith'relatives. Mr. R. H. PPple, ;ofW hite-Lake, N. C'.', spent la s t,week; in Charlotte with his parents, and frionds. Mrs. J. C. Boger left one day' Inst week for New York where she will undergo''an operation. Mrs. John Minor and children. Tilomas and Lavata, spent tho past week in Advande with relatives. , Miss Chessie Green, a student at Edward’s Business College, spent the week end, with her par­ ents. ;, Little - Miss , -Kathoririe Frost .spent last week in' Charlotto, the ■ Kuo-Mt of little Miss Helen Nelpen- hui’i|. ' ;v-;' A Revival ,w ili bo' hold a t Mt. Tabor Holiripsa church from Sun­ day, July, 19 to , 29. Every body invited. Jlrs. Tommie Stone and child­ ren, and Mi’S. Frapk Johnson spent Friday in Win.-jton-Salem, siiopping. , . Kilgo Green,' son of Rev. Jim Green, goes : this week to . Longs Sanatorium, StafesvlHe, for . an operation.; ; .,;;;, r l-r-*’- — —i — ■:■' J lr ., and Mrs.:' J. F. Hawkins, Jlrs. C.' R.; Horn arid.; Miss Ivlo Horn spent Wednesday in ciiar- lotte, shopping.', , ,,' Miss M ar^iiret; 'Thompson, .a trained' nursQ, of Philadelphia, is visiting her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cha's. ,Th6mpson.' Mr, Ji ' F. lianes, Bliss ' Sallie’’ Hanes, -Mrs. Julia...Heitman, and daughtev, Mis.s; Mary, spent Tues.r •day in Cliiirlotte.';', (;■ ^ ’ ; . — Mrs. A, Ci :S'wafford,. Mrs. J; A. Daniel and M iss'Mqe. Kurfees are attending; the conference, at Lake Junaluska,this;-week.\; Jlr. - W.< J,;';;Leach ’.returned to J'is home in Salisbiii’y' Fricliiy aftr nr, a ’ h'reo;^veeks visit to .rjilatives ill 'nnd; around .tpwril* ,i ’. - , ° ,■; ., - ^ 7,' ' Oak ,Grpve;.!arid; Forit,; Church: Ball teams are scheduled for a ganie . aii; 'Sunset Park Saturday afternopri;, at.three o'clock,’ ' Mr. arid,-;Mrai juiius Burgman and Mr,;ar\d Mrs; Robertson Free- riianj of ■'■\Vinstori-Salem, visited Mr. anc|,M:rs;;G.:R. ,Horn Sunday, —~oV '' • Misses ijid'die ;Diivis, pi Fork Church, arid ,Ola Davis, of Salis­ bury spent,;a few 'clays last week witii Mi\ aricl; Mrs. D. P. Ratledge. The rii{iny friends of, Mrs. C. C.; Cherry; will ho glad to learn that she is ,.improyirig>' some. from ,a!n operatiorii which, she undcrwerit at Long's ■ Sariatoriurii a few ciays ngo.. . ; Mrs. Frank Johnson, who : has just returned home from Winstpn- Salem, has been suffering with Bronchitis but is ariiproved 'very much now. •: , Mr. and Mrs. S; R. Latham, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Lathiim and Mr, and Mrs.' ;^. R. Latham spent la'6t Friday taking in the views of the mountains. Mr. Glonn Clement returned to Winston-Salfcm Sunday afternoon, after spending ii ten dity’s vaca­ tion w'ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. K, Clement.' , ' - All who are interestecl in the Salem 'Church and' Grave Yard plea^ meet tho,re bn Friday' Morn­ ing, Ju ly 17tlv,for tlio purpose of cleaiijng off same. - ------------------- ; Messrs. C. li. Hendrix, Paul K, Moore, Troy VanZant and Mar­ shall Click are attending,the con­ ference of the :WesIey Biblo Class} a t Lako Junalu.ska. ' Enterprise readers will ' be glad to know that Mr. J.'B. Camp- 'bell is able to be'out again after being confined to his hoom for the past riionth or moro. ■ E. C. Tatum, teachor'of 'Agri­ culture in tho county will be out of town for tho next two wepks atteriding tho supmier confgronco; of North Carolina Agricultural teachers at Raleigh. . ; , ; ,; Fourtobn nieriibers of the ciirla- tian Endeayor Society of the Pi’os^ hyterian church attended tho I)icho meeting of 'the Winston Prebbytery at North Wilksboi'o last Saturday ;'and all reported a fine timoi . Mr. R. B. Sanford and Iittlo son, Marshall and daughter, Haydon, apent sevpral days this week in Blowing Rock. They , were ' ac- cpmpanicd home by Mrs. Sanford who ht^d spent the -past week .thbi’o. :< Cards ihave ^been issued in the city a s’ follows! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Giles Horn ' . at home 'nnirsday evening, July'; the six- teenth , , ; , Elgh’t-thirl.'i’^ to-.tcn Mr. and ivirs. CiaUd Revere Horri Mr.i-uhd Mrs. W. R. Latham, of Moultrie,'G a.,'spent several days last weeic with Mr, and Mrs. S, R. Latham and other relatives around town. The Trustees of the Mocksville Schools: are having ' extra dirt from the, excavation , from -the streets placed on the front yavd of the new high sehoo.l; so as to f ill, the yard to the necessary gracie from the riiain’street to the achool ibuilding; for the concrete walk to be constructed, ;, , Read eyery line of the advortise- monts, im this issue of the Enter­ prise, Tliey are all reliable, and. you can, depend on getting jtist -jvhat 'they : advortise,. Ledford’s sale;is now in’ full blafit. Belk- 'i-Iarry Co., pf 'Salisbury are now offering you some, wonderful bargains in their annual - July fcienrnnco; Sale, ad appears ,,on' page three.-J. C. Dwiggins is giv­ ing reduction on siiits and straw hats, see ad on page eight. Mocks- ,ville Hardware Co., w ill help you huild your soil, page three. 'We have 10 full pages bf other good nows for you. Dbn’t lay the pap­ er .doSvri until- yOu: have read ev­ ery word there is in it, , ■ -■■ :— — —“—.'■■ , , ■ Mr. L.‘ N. Boriey, the architect of the now high school building, of Wilmington, N. C., was in town Tuésday and started to, Mr,. Ster Syart, Chairman of the school board,., that he always made it li point to ' look over the buildings over which he had supervision in building about one year after its completion to see how tho work was standing up and as a matter of personal satisfaction, that Mocksville had one of the nicest most practical» and best finished ^and prettiest with all equ^ipment 'riecé.yary,' inodern arid up-to-date o f‘ any school building that on many pccassions he had been in­ terviewed arid employed to give plans, and specifications by .per­ sons who had seen a;nd inspected and gotten the idea froriii the Mocksville Now High -•'Schopl building.' MOVIE NEWS FARMINGTON N1ÍWS Cecil DeMllles great master- piece, “The Ten Commandments” has, arrived and will tio shpwri at 3:30 Wednesday and Thursday p. m., and^ eight in the evening. No one should fail to see this gi;eat production. , ;Friday and Saturday, Jack Per-1 rf„ : l „ ,..ol VV..lo,„,"Do„blo Rev, E. W. Turner preached to'; a right large congroijatipn' a t the Baptiiit church -Sunday at 11, 0’-; block. s ' ; His Sermon was very-atrong and' iniprossiyei . T'he Scripture, lesson was, the ,:ilth ■ chapter’;,oi: 1st Cor. , , '.Tlic main:thbugiit lie M ■lÿ; ', d wel t;‘;;;: u pbri : wÀs ¡,‘ ; ; G hr i s ti tiri SteWiii‘d^ips,'y;an'<l one 'vvho;; Iiâtc!nèd :fp;® went away withbtit bm ig liblpbdj it was riot the.'fault ol biother ''rurne'ri The protracted n^eeting w ill be­ gin, at the Bi I tist cl urch. the, 1st Sunday in A titust We';; iioiie to bb ;:ablo tp. at d take part in tiie wbrship. ; A very iriteresting -League' meet­ ing was enjoyed Sunday night. Several reported,<on the work they took while in Salisbury at League Conference. There are other ré­ ports to be heard late. The new things learned will no doubt be of gi’eat help in the work hère, ai^d we hope to see greater gpod accomplished in many ways. Are we all as thankful as we should be forthe good .rains which are coming these last few daysV Let us each one remember to thank Him who sends tho sun- Fisted,” and.two reel;Educatibnal Comedy Cru.shed.” Monday and Tuesday a big par­ amount Zane Grey Special, "The Tliiindering Herd.’’; if you saw the doyored Wagon br "North of 36” you’ll know whiit. wo moiiii when; wo say "The'; ; Thundering -Herd” ¡belongs in- the: same,' class;; It has tho '.Mnmo histprical^. im.- portance. The productibn Ts ,of the siimo gigantic, dimensions, The result is just aS| thri'llingly enter­ taining. The setting is ; of the Mr. and Mrs, B. C. Teague and children were pleas.Vnt ;visitors wi.t!h relatives and friends last week and., It apbiriii good "to have prir, old friends cpnib back, ond we alwaya,;welcome theoa, , ' ' ' ;Mrs.'Dollió Wilson|of Nebre.ska apent sevei^il'days last weolt visit­ ing: Mrs„‘ Rp,Va' Brunt:, arid 'Mrs, Wesl'cy;'Jphnson. > .. ; Mrs.- L.; 'F. ’.Brock ; speiit last week, in Lewisville; guest of Mr. arid ’M rs.i’Tlibnias ,Conrad. , ¡Miss'Noll ■Tbaguqi spent' .liist DAINTY STATIONERY Stationery is one of the items of personal use 'which every true woman desires dainty an^ tasty. Come in and let us show you our line. ALUSON & CLPIENT Call 51-That’s Us• 'I ' i., J, ' • . • ■•• ■ - ■ ■ i: ■ ; ^ MBiiiiaiMiaiiiBiiiBiiiiaiiiiaiiiiaiiiaiiiiBiiiiHiiiMiiiniiiHiaiiiBiiiaiiminaifiii Ш1П ng. .li e aetiuig is^^^ ;1по .у^ск with ;relatlves rind friends Western Wile erneás oj 1870 ^v tlv ^^ nèarÆarriilnïîton, ,;. ;.-'!: ' - nurmous herds ot Butfalo ri!ning ¡ .,VKi|j,.^„ Ma^dttlene:..Miller, and w.lcracross tho^plains, with 2()0 0 ^ maddened in a i'e«i stampede, and , „ ; ^ this .stampede is justone clap, of with ;iuonci3 in pui thunder in this, drama of thund­ ering thrills. Jack Holt, Lois Wilr son, Noah Borry, Ray Hatton, Chas. Ogle, and many other'pro­ minent stars in the, cast. . COUNTYSUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION , The County Srindiiy School con- veritioriw ill he at 'Fork .Baptist Church next Saturday a'lid Sun-: day,/Jiily 18-19. In order, to hold tiur hundred per cent every town­ ship in, the county w ill: hayo to -be represented' at this cbveniion, now »re you ,going to be the- orio that'causes the county to lose the hundred percent which wo have had for two years by not bolng present.at this convention? No,- of course n o t' We are looking for a large delogatión from each township in the country, so please do not disaiioint jus. , * ,There vvlil, also be a ^lenriarit given ‘ .......................................... short while village Sun­ day affernoftn.'1' ; ; , Miss Nancy W infrey ts not 'very w ell'at this'time, w.e, hope shb may soon bo but; again. Mr. and'M ft, J. C, Jomes spent Sunday;;aftornoon with their soils in Mocksville, Miss Kebecca (Kelley J s report­ ed nOt Well as; usual, at thd home of Mr. and Mrs. Q.'H,- Gi'ahani, c eNt e r :n e w s . travels miles. , The distance'will be/miil- tiplied' by the number that ,you; have present; over 'sixteen jvears of ago and number of niilba from ■your church to thovchurch.twhere' tho coiivontion will bo held. Come with 0 large delegation.; Perhaps you w ill bo tho one that; Will get the .pennant,- V I, am trusting to see all of, the Sunday School officers and tea­ chers present. . Biiice P.j Garrett, County Sec. ' ■ €fOOD 'ATTENDANCE. AT COUNTY MEETING ,Rev. Beasleÿ proached at Center Sunday at eleven b’clbck to a'very atii.': livo, conirogntion, .' MlO'! Stella Tutterow spent tha week end -vvith Mr. D. Gl Tutterow and fam ily of Winston-Salem: JMr. and Mr'â. Frank Hendrix of I ulins visited Mr'. T, A. Vanzant and fam ily Sunday. • iiîbssi's il. P. apd J. E', 'fuitrpv/ attended tho singing', at , Salem Biijiti.st church Sunday. . 'Z: ’ ■ 'M essrs, Evi;etto ancT^;; Billie' Dwiggins, of Mo'cksvillo: spent 'Hv ANVIL BRAND Overalls and Shirts, all sizes. ,Try one pair and you will want. more. Fancy. Dress Shirts Neckties, all Cblors. Red Ties. Kurfees & Ward ' Kurfees Paint More Lead Per Gallon panes и t ’ lì ,Ui m 0 'V fi :.'ÿ ‘ .... 1 Life ,t(^_the^ Sunday ;school that Satiild.iy iiight with Mr. and Mr s the., largest., number pf в ,-p. .iittpr' Mrs. Nellie Anderson was the Sunday guest ot her .“jon,' Mr. W.: R.i Anderspii of'Oak Groyo. "' : Missea'iCïurhv Fpster anci 'Annio; 'Ruth Kbontz of Fork Сhurch-; áre; spending ; the week ; with ’.BIrs. Claude; Wiliinmsi : ,У,,, ' , Mr., Polo Snibot arid fapiily of ribai'; Salem,' sp^ent Sunday \with Mr,.; j;.; Ay.~ Dwiggi ns. _ , ' Mr. Clarence: Anderson of Wins- , i;pn-Sarom s))eiit;the week end with :j;ii his father, Älr. J . G. Anderson. ' ' '’’’ ; Mr, lirice 1?. Garrott,and family, attended, the ;fùriòral 'Slvnday'of thoir sister ; and aiini;,' M.r's, r ;'W.’' f I Barnes, of ; near Sfllisí)Ur^:Sunday J s an investment which no, man can afford to bo without, it is ^always at sJork and nevci idle, it is the enemy!, of disease, fear and poverty. • It cultivates thrift" and saving and insures prosperity. It provides for tlio safuty of wife vj 'and children and loved ones; Insure today and have;thatvi' satisfaction which o n ly'a life Jnsuiance Policy elm glvo^^ ';: y«u* \ A policy to meet every man’s ),equiiemont8, whether large ■.' ' ’,■ '.■" '''■ v : 01* smnll. May we serve you?' ' ^ t -Safety W ith Service- ladral The first quarterly meeting of «nd.also tho.fuim ’al.ot he^mOth- tho county association' of the P.: er,.,Mrs, Lem s HonclriX 'Who was 0,-S, of'A ., was held in Mocks-:;,, Mr,s. W', i^,'Kennpn ot Farm ing­ ton was a yisitpr; at:;M i’y>T,-i W- I'utterow’s Sunday.- ' ; ; Mr, Marsh Dwiggins'pf.M ocks- ville spent Sunday with Mr. and i\Irs. B. F. Tutterow.- :, Mrsl Mbilie; Tuttei'pw :'\vho was sick; at thb;/iast; ,\\friting has ' im- Й;end this meeting. HONOR ROLL ville Monday night-with 56 memb­ ers present. State President, F, B, HarriSji of Charlotte,’was pre- spnl and riiade ,a good talk, Ayhi.ch was enjoyed liy all. A fter th e business .mepting several f|ong.‘j, some music anci refreshments were served. The next meeting , , , . of this as,sociation will be lield in ' wp are, glad' to note, Cooleemee, Thursday night,; Sep-1 ; Sevpral. people fronvt^ tember the 24th at 8' o’clock. J t munity attended- ;thp ; towi^ship hoped.that all members w ill at- ' Sunday; schobl, , cpn\^entlon ; at ■ ' -■ ' ' Ijiimes, Sunday.' ; ' : M r.: Jariie.s TutileroW ‘ arid fam i­ ly, ,bf Spencer spent Suriday. with'' his 'rmother,: Mrs. ;]\Iollie ; Tuttp- rpw.■;i'^'■.; • 'Misses,;.;G’urla . T’oster, ' Annie ;Ruth Kpontz, 'Sallie arid ;Eya Cart­ er,; and 'Messrs. ;jam es ‘ Gni'wdod •arid 'H,; ■ Cartei^, of; \Fork Church Werp'yi'sitprs at Mr.,,B. P.-Garrej.ts last ,W ednesdiiy‘night. ■- , T : , ; ’ . '■ " LOST—OR STRAYED FROM the home of C, S, Allen, on the 14th., a 6 week old black pig. Finder please notify the abovo ;name.' ■ ■: P.'’W, CartnoV, • ' I ' ' P, Frank Hanes, : ' W. J. Leach, ■' . , W- L. ,Hanes, , Mrs, J. S. Ratledge, M, G,’ Allisori,i ; - M rs.;;Jennie .Grubb, - T. L. Koontz, WANTED—RENTEil WITH SUR- ficient stock and machinery to take care of the Henry Ratledge farm. Apply to Mrs. Henry Ratledge, Mocksville, N. C. DAVIE Щ[ ESTATE, LOAN & INSURANCE CO. Agents, Mocksville, N. C. R.B. Sanford, Pres. E. С . Morris, Secy f'i|Hí!liyrillia!lllBS!lllilIII«lll«M!!IISIiraiinilllQlilH:il SPRINGFIELD FLEXIBLE CORD KELLY Buy Your Tires Today But B e Su r e It Is  Kelly Spring­ field Raw Rubber has advanced over 300% and therefore all makes of tire.s have ad­ vanced. However,;we have alimited num­ ber of tires at the old prices. Look our stock ovei* before buying and you will find a most complete stock ât reasonable prices Be Wise—Buy now. MORN MOTOR Cd F i' ' ♦_ààA' *• < u «J ''i и « Ч, Ч"!'' f '• (" I ÍI- 'Г П , Л f 11 M L E ENePR'ISE PnblisEed"’'Every Thursday at Mocksville, North Carolini^, A. p. ÎIUNEYCUTT Publisher:' J. F. IDEACI! ' Managing Editor. Subscription ..Rates: $1 a Y ear ¡'S ix M onths 50 Gents. Strictly in Advance. • l<.v E ntered a t tti.6 post ottice at JWocJtsville, N. C a.aa second-class m atter under the act of M arch 3, 1879. M ocksville, N. C., Ju ly , IG, 1925 up ,to 'evoi'y_;:.ortG. hniulHng J public funds to,' siieinl ouly vwheVti nec csánry, lind then only sucli . am­ ounts as niay be appi'oprialed raO fli. THE OFFICE OF COUNTY AGENT THE (By GCio;'Evans.) The JDavlc Counly Farm ers’ Annual 4’icnic which WÙS, to be held on iTulÿ 24: has, bèen*^iii,defi- riatoly postponed, pSving .t№;an In­ vitation to the i)riyie;folks to at­ tend the biy Cooperative Moetlnir and pidnic at Pilot M oiihtain on July 26.,:. This Aviil be a, big meet­ ing, and 'several spbaicers w ill talk, the principle Speaker being Congressman H; M. W ard who has been a great help to Cooperative M arketing in Congress, and who is in a position to tell about how congress feels about Cooperative M arketing and what it is doing to help it. Any one desiring to at­ tend thia meeting, and nave no . ' Dr. R. Y. ^Wintera, plant breed- inig expert of State College, ad- .mbnlshes the farm ers of the state tici ; “Pick out the best grain and Mtve it for seed this fall.” As the wheat harvest and thresh in g, ^ena tnis meeting, ancl have no season 10 about over, Dr. W int- w ay to go, may let it be known to era' advice seems very sane! and Geo. Evans, J. B. Cain or W. A. tim ely. Roberts, and they w ill try to make . arrangem ents for all who wish A noted Spaniard who has just -to go. It is hoped that Davie w ill .arrived in thia country from Spain send a large delegation, says that the Spanish women ha've The Annual Farm ers’ picnic at the prettiest knees of any women tho Test Farm at Stateaviilo w ill on earth ., He claim s that the at- be helij Ju ly the 23rd. •trüctiye knees ' of the women of 'The last Voek in July 28, 29.. and his country .are due to their much 30th the Farm ers and Farm Wo- ^ p rayin g. ! Ho declares that Span- mens’ ,Convention w ill bo held at "jshiwom en pray much, and th at State' College, Raleigh, ''rhis Is they icneel to pray, whereas'; the Ii good outing for the farm ers iind women of most other,countries do Avill, nbt.ho ao very expensive, as little praying ajid , what pi’aying bed. aiid room is : furiiished free they do is done In a h ilf'sittin g rind m'eals^arë sei-ye^^^^ posture. 'The i Spanish -i wbmonis able prices (bod linen and tolloh knees aro' madoi '.atti’activo , and 'articles must bd t'alteri); any. one l>eautiful by.ithis.^m ust: cxerciso; going, -to ^attend;, thia;.'coW in kneeling .to pray, he claim s. V s.hould make;appIicatioh fpr'rooms ■■i Ladles* how. about praying: a to 'J. ’ M. G ray,''Secretary ,!State ."bit niore. ; , ' ' , ‘ " Farmors-and Farm':Wohiens’^ C veritiqn, State ’’ College' ''.Station, Renew Your Health by PuriHcat’fom Any physician wilUtoll you'that “ Perfect Purification of the Sj's- tom' is N ature’s foundation of Perfect H ialth, ” W hy not rid yourself of chronic . ailments that ’'arevhnderm ining, your, vitality ?, P urify ypni’'entire syatem h'y talc-.- ing a thorou^H course o£ Oalotab^, -^oiic(3 or tAyice a week for several '\veeks--and s6'e how Nature rq-. wards you M'ith liealth;.; CJalotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers'. . Get a fam ily package, containing •full direc­ tions, prioo 35 cts,; trial package, 10 cts. A t any drug store. (Adv.) COOLÊEMËE NEWS of late has been very close to Mr. Duke and is regarded as his spokesman. The 'former Gover­ nor spoke at a mass meeting of prominent local business men in which he asked their support in the move and suggested that if they saw fit to indorse the plan and .present the indoraomont to Mr. Duke he felt certaii^ that-ac­ tion would, be started at once. 'M r. Morrison gave assiurance that Mr. Duke is ready and w il­ ling to invest from $10,000,00'0' to $16,000,000 i;ti tho enterprise at Fron the. Coolcòmoo Journal, ■ ! Mr,, 0.,..li.-Doiniiaj wlio was opuf ratecl oh- HÓhie time ago for ap- pondloitis, spent’ a few clays with Ida parents, Mr. an‘d Mra,. G. \V. Dennis, and returned; to his pbat of duty Sunday,; in Grrciehville;’ .S‘: Cari,/;,;- ' Mr,^'. Fari-ia Baildy,- ; and Misa'; Myrtle'Gullcitt,' were happily inai’-; vieti in ' South': ' daroTina, ■ -Friday night.\^The.', ; J our'nal; ^wishes. for: this yoihig coUple a long aiid hap- ■py-'iife, Mr;. Robert Byerly,': ' who has been in,, the sand hill; section for the ,past few "weeks, • returned home a few clays ago.' Mii^s Ida Snoar, has been on the aick list for the past few' days, we hope she w ill soon be bettei'. Mr. W illiam Hellard, wa'a right painfully hurt one day last week when a rope broke and hit him in the face while working in the ma­ chine ahop., The Sui^clay school is growing at the Episcopal church, come and join. The door is open and a hearty welcome aw aits you; Mr., John Spry and wife, of. Kannirpolis, spent last week visit­ ing Mr. T. F. Spry and other re­ latives. Mr. J. M. Ijnmea,- is now at Statesville,/taking treatm ent lin- Thursday, Ju ly 16, 1021 work on a: big'.'scalO' soon. ' . We .¿irc.' sorry^i td, noto ¡ thfit'M rs; L, D. Driver is right sick at this \yrltihg at her homo ; tin Cross ¡Str ; Mvö. M ary Bell : Heathmai’i is' drivliig ,a; iiew ,Fc)rcl Coupe. ; . ; :'Misa Loiä'T ilier is at home for a- .yacatlph, aftor iinotlier season as'. milinor at ..some ,point' in Vir- {iinla.. ,, . ^ , John iFarriiigt^ H ill to'r'BsinnO'his.Wtudi'es in sum- - - -„..^ «.,,1, tti'ei- schOfjl tìita week after a va- ciit'ioii with liom'ofoiks.' V ' ; ' : tiy ;'a-Big ^?1.00 bo t o oi Burcher’a ll'onux; today—With- BE HEATHY, :: 1 HAPPY, VIGOBOU& , Don’t Give Up tii Sickness, “Old Age” or :. NervousnosH^Let ,• Ironux Keep You F it! ' —r.,' To prove its, amazing value, ov- tjry pale; thin, weak, .rundown, ------------ .vwiiviun, , One W ilb uko ctub , of St,,C h arl.ri^ '«i*^ ;:^ ^ ;-C i- -c8, P la., loved his. w ife so much advance.» The Cou,i>ty Agent will, that h lsim ply,co uldn ’t stand for. fend'ln^your application for yt)vj ‘.any other.m an to'love.her, so ho “ . , brought auit. and, procured an in- .^he; County A p n t w ill be out junction restraining any other f ■ mail from m akihg'love, to :heiV : G The w «it was so easily procured ' v „ ' ;that he: la ndw asking^that the Ihiuiiction be mado perpetual. ^f°«k?ville,Augiist^^^^^^^^^^ ;/Wo*ve hciard oi m on'bringing suit. : stop ,at thi) Oxiord '^ s t •iagaihst'.'other m en 'fo i-- making ^hmi iove to their-wives after they had by >yay of Fredriclfsbur^^ trespassed against the matrimo- m end,.arrive W ashington .Satur- n ial right, but this is tho first day. Spend Sunday, M onday and tim e w e: ever, h eard. of a/ fellow Staking time .by tho forelock” and Experiment Station.s and Dopart- .asking the courts for protection A griculture. Leave against all hrobable future tres- W ashington on Wednesday for ' passes. But. Mrs. Lootua is said , V alley, arrive • - Blacksburg Saturday, spend Sun­ day, and p art of Monday; arrive Mocksville Tuesday, Sept. S. All expecting to go on this trip w ill please let the County Agent know not later than August 22. ■ There will bo another Commu ‘‘I to be .very charm ing.' .j Bootlegger and “Friend.” Charlotte Observer. M ighty few ppoplelbuying liquor .vi.i .uu .«uunjui- uommu- ■ from the bootlegger, for it can'be nity Ffiir at Center this year, and bought from 'no other source, are: a meeting w ill bo held jivltho near, inclined to view themseivps in the future..,to' elect officers. It>is light in ,whitj,h they, are,viewecV:by' hoped ■that wo \yill get-tho splen- the iaw -:-that they' are eciuiJly dici sppport' that wo ;ret:'elvetl laat »gu ilty., The ' ' offending A of ’ Jh e year iii, making; thia fair a: suc- seller is:h o . greatei' than the'*f-: 'cieas. ' The; fh ir 'will bo' county ientUng /of the buyer. : Bub;,Fbr- 'wido as before,,urilesa some pthe^^ •rest B raclen,;'chief',0 community wishes to.have.a fair. ■ Louisy lie, .takes :th'e,,purchasei^^^ ,; ___________ few ste’pa furthiir along: the path- w ' ivay of truth. ; The . way; he-,puts 1'^". it is that. the man Avho pay3 ' $15 for à fluai’t of what Hp thinks is , , P . , “good , red liqiior?. pays about $1 ^ ■ h)r thc! : goods iind;’ ?Ì4‘ io r th Charlotte to-)Vinsi^n-Salem ,, By .corruption 'óf policé, oTficers.and Concord, SiiliSbi|ry, Lexington. othei‘ legal iigeiicies,; and ls:;thus ' ■ V ; ; ' m aking: his; contribution to laW'^ MORRISON I,S'; SPOKESMAN breaking, The Louisville .chief ' m aintains th at this is i;egardeit as Not a semi-respectable foinii'ofycrïme "and in a: pinch such criiniiials ‘do not hesitate atihòutìe-bi’eflkinp, murders, hold-ups: : or , anything else,”^ It is "a deliverance’ un­ pleasant to contemplate, but there is no gettihg, frpm^un'der the fact that the /Loiiisvllle^ qfficei W anting to Sell Stock But Desires. : Co-operation of Business Along Route. > INVEST OVER . .$10,000;000 “the weight of eyiclance” on his side. '; . Executive Budget Law Now; In , Foi'ce , M atter Broached at M ass Meeting in Charlotte and Morrison has 1 Gives Assurance That All Is Needed 'Is Public Support Charlotte, 'Ju ly: ll.-^ImTnediate extoiision of the .Piediiioht -and Northern railroad lines from The executive budget laW, pas- Cahrlbtte k W inston-Sal.2m , y sed by the last-' iegislUture went Concord,; .Kannapolis, ,Salisbury into effect July 1st, and is, in and Lexington, appeiu-ed as a our humble opihion, one of the foregon? coiitilusion; l,ere toiiight beat laws passed by' the ,last "'ith .an announcement irom North Carolina lawm aking body, spokesmen for J. B. Puke that Tho new law provides that all №e. tobacco magnattj is, reacly to state dopartnienta and:,stato in- proceed with the program of <2X- Btitutiona must keep 'Withih- the tension 'when assured _ of public bounda of their, incomes and the in the. enterprise. - ' • heads of these various depart- ^ The announcemeht made it ments are directly accountable to P «in that ,Mr.-'Duke w ill not aak the governor whose duty it is to “‘Wizens to subscribe for one cent see that they come right "up to the scratch.” In the past'_; the public money of moat every de­ partment of state, county and m unicipal governmenta has been *I)i;nt)t iniliwtiiy instances, entire- ,Jy top.rfititlessly. The strict eco- ^pmyv^UlfPyMih McLean has p u t,, ------- [, put it right Governor Cameron Morrison, who of stock in the enterprise but that all ho asks is assurance of hearty co-operation of the busi­ ness men in the- territory to be touched by. the proposed lines. At Mass M eeting.. Announcement of Mr. Duke’s intentions was made by former onco upon receipt of aasuranco ouatosviiio,,. talcing treatm ent u that such a line would meet with dèr a doctor, and ia ,improving/, i public approval and receive pub- ' The rain which fell Saturday, i lie!-support. : '' , : , was ;very badly needed' as the ‘ / ' Another Link - , river was very low, ; :\V It : waa also indicateci /that Mr. '. M r.,j; N./Cllck, tells us that ho M aster Jiiaper F<; Gop'dmah, Jiv, liasirptUrnecl htJmci after spending two vyeelo w ith his grandfather, Mr. j. T, Smith at Mooresville. Ho reporta having a great time. . The electrician is arranging for lights’ at the S>vimming Pool. He is, also arranging for more and better lights on Park Hill. If you have.^ light trouble, call him any time, hjB is always ready to go. Archdeacon Hai'^fn authorizes ua to say that on Sunday morning, August 2nd at 11 o’clock, the Rt. Rev. Jos. Blount Cheshire, D. D., Biahop of North Carolina, w ill preach and adm inister the Holy Coinmunlon in Good ' .'Shepherd Epiijcppal Church, Bishop .Ches­ hire has a host of friends <tnd ad- mirera in Cooleemee, who w ill hail his coming with pidasure., Mr. T., L. Trexlor, spent Sunday in Jonesville, visiting his belle. Mr; Clifford Campbell, spent Sunday in ■Jone^vilio visiting his as the brother-in-huV. ' Misses Ellon and L illie ; Mao Spry, returned Saturday; , after visiting -their broth,or, Mr. M. E. " iry, of Fayetteyille, N. C, Wanted, all 'the" boys and girls ,in Cool(3onie6 to attend tho Dally Vacation Bible School at the New School Building every, morning at 8 ,JD v;' . The Christian ChaUtauquh; in­ cluding the D aily Vacation 'Bible School, mornings., a t 8 ;45, and the Program/for adults; nights at 8, o’clock w ill continuo two weeks tainhurg* S^ ,C./giViiig;him/a ^ / Mr.- j,;; j .‘'\Sandera. has b'bught tihuous' lino between A,îi'deirsoh, the/dwelling ,; he ua'b of Arthur S. ;C;.^ an.d rWinsîton-Saldm shoukl Chahiberlaih, situ ited on W all the proposed program be/carriuci' street, North::Cooloemee, ' known through fo compietit)!!. /., / : /' 'ks th e C; P. Deadmon,, throe-rbom' ■ Such; a ^rail .lino/^voitld : p ^ The cost w as six hundrecl through ohe/of/the 'richest ,séc? dollars. tions'-ih thbrsouth, tho'.pieclmont //Mr. F; G'. 'M cSwain, h'/ia mhcle clistrlcta■ of/North and : South considerable improvements in re-,oumun. wm coucuuio two weeKs CaroIina,''bpth n 'the centdr of- m odeling'hia,garage’by fitting in and three days) July 16th thru the aouthei-nVtcixtile ii^ s tr y . . - : ^ f illin r statipn. Also ^ T. August, 2nd. . ■ Carter, has piado a big iimprove- : One. of the ob3e,ctiy.p to bé gam - his g«r,Vgo-in.aorving the pd' by, Qxïtjnsloïl of tho Piedniont public in a .nico up ,tp date' fil- âhd/Northern electric llnea'/ to, i)rig,,sttUion. , ' ? V : Wihston.Salom would bu in giving - ball game , between Coolee- the Pdinajdvcuiia-laystc^ih^ ^ " ï £ Î ü r c C ^ . S S ; r " .into , this , section of ; tho . south ^ho b g Rock Quarry near the throiigh the Norfolk aiul. Weater{i' Cooleemee ¡Juhctlon owned by Mr, connections at .Wiiiiaton-Sâlem. ' ;. W . R. Korfees is expected to goto ■ ./,'.',-;/./.' Report of the Condition of tho HANK OF DAVIE iMocksvlile, N. Ç. At thé close ofbusinoas, June 30, ' 1S^26. Resources Lpau and discounts :r..:$478,4Y0.80 Overdrafts, .secured -and unsecured ....... none United States Bonds on ' , ^ ■ h a i i d .....26,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 2,989.00 All „otho):. real.: estate ' owned 8,860.00 .Cash in yaUre and net amounts/ clue : from ’ Biihks, Bankers and Truat''Companiea 60,160.82 _..._____ toda'y- out'riak of a 'iienhy cost, , Allison'fit Clement and all gootl drug^istS' everywhere are autho­ rized to promptly refund th e full retail pvice to anyone not per- factly satisfied aftei- a week’s use of Ironu.x. This makes the trial of Ironux a aipple, inexpdn- aive m atter and aurely the trial will tell, ' Don’t delay! Thousands have gained strength, vigor, weight, ambition and' energy by uso of Burcher’s Ironux—and your case Should be no different. Don’t grow^old before your time and don’t let lack of nerve force and vitality make you a woaklint; —when tho joys of perfect health may be w aiting 'ju st around thu corner/for youi ' T. J. Efird of Stanly countj' made an average of'38 1-2 bu.slic|.s of wheat per acre on 'six acres of land this spiung by following a cai'cful crop rotation in whicli lu- jiunies wei’o included, report;; county agent 0 . H. Phillips. ■ ■ ----------—— BUY OUR IIIGH GRADE 1 COAL FOR i57.50 to .$8.00 This Summer Prlco w|lll last until Sept. 15th. Give ua ypu|r orders at your earliest convlence. Guaranteed more heat per pound than any other coal produced. HOME ICE FUEL CO. Phonos IIG and 136' Hedfl Н о т е ' FEEDING BABY DURING SUMMER Total ......?6a0,416.12 LlabiiiüeH ,.. C!aRital - stock 60,000.00, Surplus. Fund ....... Undivided prpflta,. lea.s ' ' cui-l’pnt pxpensps and ta.xes'paicl- jDividcncls !unpaici B ills jiayable Depoaita ' subject to . chock ...... ¡Deposits clue S tate'o f 'N. C.^’or any. official , thereof ...... Ca'aher’s c h e c k s out­ standing .................. Time. Cortificatea of : D o p o a i t i ,...... Savings Deposits : 67,000,001 2,291.47 ' ' 286.00 06,000,00 108,911'{б6 2,210.121 181,177.70 88,613.87 Total ...„.;.;.;;...;.,..,..',?660,416.12 State of North .Carolina—Couh ty /of,; Davie. :/ : I, J. F. Moore, . Cashier • ,of ;the above .named bank, do solemnly .swear that the above statement is true to the best pf my knowledge and belief. ' ' ; /’ / /j; F. MOORE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to be­ fore me, this 13th day of July, 1926.'. . ' i'.:.'' ; ,S. M. CALL Notary Public. .My. commission expires Aug'.’ 2, .1926, ■'/ /:' ' .. ..jCprrect—-Attest: • ...J,'P , Green; , . J„ F. Hanes, . ' E, L. Gaither. . ' Directors. * * * ■* » * » ■» IF you want 100 per cent pure Food, copked'right, and serv- ed in'an* up-to-date way, eat * at '•* GKIPFS GAFE, " Ice cream and cold drinks * * *1 * • « <«;• * » » Mlllt Is Г0С0ЙП|Я0(1 ns Itie Ideili fnoil Cor •young-clilldi'on, It slioiilil Ijii ciirc- fully giiiM'tlod dtiiinii Ilio wnnii smir Kier ninntlis, :to InHui'o Its ri-oiMlimi fi'oiii ь'еппя; or biicltM'lii tlinl liilKlii cinist! liamr'to tlio child. r,t>t'irii«i> of It.s; niiJui'C', h ,is; niHl^h’ (!cM'tiiln CTiiidl tlon'a,;,.!!, bi'ootlinii imd , ргиридиМп^' gnnincl fiii'^b'oriii llftvmitl iiiliy comi ,1)0 coniò’ ш)(Н;;Го,г/fise 'imltisà It la .hiinilleil wlih. t|(o; utmost,;, ca.i:o 'and vl«iliim'i', PéiMlnp^ ‘ tlie. jile'ai way .'to Òli.vlato llil.- .rlaic; Is^livòÌigh-.: the ; liso 'nf :6'viiiiipi‘iiii,d miIM<.' Xhls inllÌ! 1Я only puro inllli Aylth 'sixty poi' iCBiit' tif tlio wiilt'i' re- 'niov'od .fi'oni' It and Is aliaolmoly .stur Ile.1(1.8 of doiihle l'Iclini'SH liul iiui> lie ;mt)illÌ!Gd by: tlio iidiUlÌon ;of \viilnr. .wlllcir tt'lH/l’Otlirn: It lo 11Я : 01'ÌKlllal. .Voliimp Avltli a groi'.tly onimneod food, •Value./ . '. Rynpimùpd tn|l!t;/l4 Morlllzed. and lihs :.n , hjgh nutritivo conlem. TIiIh cmieos It '.to bd a/véry ex'collum fond ;foi'/tliQ..younK ohlid and- ilio liii'nm , ,ln fiu'ti ' mim.V ;,of tho'. lendini,' podi' ',917.80 ntr|^’l<luя of 'tlid country , ailvocn'ie li^ ’’ ,/ usti aftor'-tlio child ,ls ilopi'lved-of Its riioniòr’s tiilllc. '-.A ftirniulii, ovolvpd'b.v tlioso; /p'ediiitrioians, through exporJ- mohtatlpn;'.|s as follows! : ' • ’ From; Sixth VV-eek to Third Month. ,MI1U, ,<i'vaporatc(l ...... ........... 0 ounoo»Подо ¡WntÒr ....................... 3 OlllU'OfМП)! sugar ................2 ouhce>>:Dolloc] wntor ,..... i........ ,20 oiincc;» ]3óvon foodlhgo In twenty-four houra i, to 6 ounooB ц1 throo-hqur liitorvàlb aurlnii tilp day and foui‘';hóur Interval, at night, ,. From Third filonth to Fifth Monthr evaporiitod 7V4 ouncotMmo ^wator 3 oui\co»^nlI< sugar ............ 2 ounnoKBoiled water ............. 20'Aouncef . 8Ц; feaillnes In twonty-fout hours,D, to 0 .ounces at; throe-hour ИПогуцГ)- during the day and t feeding at 11,p; ' Ш. . , I Froni Fifth to Seventh Month, Mini evaporateli .,........ ,'.10 ounceiLime water ....................... 8 оипренMille sugar ............ 2 ouiioei;Dolled ^vator ............20 оипеек 'Five feedings In twonty-four hours;6 to 7 otmoes nt four-hour Intervals, the last i'oedlng to bo given at 10 p, m. From Seventh to Ninth Month, Mine, evaporated ................11 ouncest^lmo water .......... 3 ouncecMilk sugar ;........................... 2 ounces 1nollod water ............,,......3 6 ounoes 7 to I) ounces at four-hour Intervals during the day. Last feeding at ten nt night. From Ninth to Twelfth Month, Milk, evaporated ......................12 ounce»Urne water .............................' 3'òuncesMill: lugar ....................... I ounces IQarley water ............. .14 ounoes I tb (• ounce« m tou'r-hour l|itarval»,' durlnb 'd&]% "l,ait ' ' ( • • d i n e «I •Isbb ' . nu!BiBa№ia:i«i»unsi9nia»iraitanai!iioiiiiia№it3iiiiQiiiiD)iiiQiiiiia!iim;wsiiuiiiiiaiiiii3i!B^ BLUE RIBBON OIL STOVE I WITH THE KEROGAS H BURNER TAKES LESS OIL l\ Complete The Kitchen For greater efficiency— _ t For cleanliness easily maintain­ ed— For cheQrfulness“- To save time and precious ener- V ,' g y r ' : ' ' .'' .." / v ^ 'A Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet now ТКВ MOCKSVILLE’ENTERPRISE' tu' Gl3Ni5RAL'’'QRDINA'NCES )j.' THE TOWN MOCKS- VILLE, N.JC. (The Tpwu' Commissioners at re- lar mcleting hold Tuesday night. vehicle so registered a registora- 11 on lee of' one dollar; The City Tax Collector shall furnish each registered owner witli one plate which shall at all times be; con­ spicuously displayed by such ' ¡ • 7th 1925,'acioptecl the follow-j owner on the front or rear of the ' ^ octllnances of tWe Town o f, registered motor : vehicle forl(i ^ ... , . .-.il---- : -----I j t- .....Wlwviile. .O th er •ordinances ¡which the regiatei'atlon fee'h as iilopted at'sam ^ time w ill apper been paid. Such plates shall be „ „e.xt week’a iaaue of thia pap-1of suitable m etat and shall con- ), ■ , I tain -the word “Mocksville” and Be it ordained by the Board o f, tlie year in which-'the regiatora-. Conimissionera of tho Town of j tion fee 'expires. It jloeksville ' the several follwiiiíT to w it: iMIscellaneous Regulations. Section 1.—N egligently made I nun icu и.чри'в». IS shall', like- , sections I wise be unlawful for any person soever. Motor Vehicles. Scction 16.—Speed regulations; M ufflers. No person shall ;;0p0'^ rate a motor vehicle on the,streets, or Alleys of the town of' Mocks­ ville recklessljj, or iit à rate of speed gi’eater :tiian , is reasonable and proper, having regard to the width, traffic; and uce of the. street or alley; or so as to endang- ,or the property or life or limb of any ;;person. Provided, that a rate / of speed iu' excess of twenty miles pdr hour in the re­ sidence portion of the town, and ,a ,rate of speed in excess .of ten miles per hour in the business portion of the town oC Mocksville, shall be cVedined a violation of this section: Provided further tliat : no person shall opep.to up­ on the streets .of the town of shiill be unlaw ful'for any person j'irni’ or corporation to build,’ erect, construct ' piaco or main- tnin any porch; steps, fence, wall or other obstruction whatsoever in, or over any of the btroets, sitlewalfcs or public, alle.ys of the City, Each day any such ob­ struction is aliowcci to remain after ton daya notice by the Chief of Police to remove the aame shall constitute a separate 'Offense. Section 3,—Obalructing by Signs and Awnings. It Eshail be unlawful to' airctch any aign or advertising m atter acro.w or over any sidewalk or street, or to erect liny awning-or ahed aupported by .a poat acroas-any aidewalk or street without a permit from tho Building Inspector projecting over any ^ sidewalk shall be suspended from tho building to whicli, they aro at­ tached and shall bo at least eight and ono half feet above the side- -Walk at the lowest point. Each (lay that such unlawful obstruc- to operate or permit or allow to il? upon the streets of ------ . _ City, a motor vehicle with- e.vfiivation near street.. Every per-1 out having registered same and son, firm or corporation is forbid-, without tlje plate for that year (leii to make or eause to be m ade'furnished by tho City Tax Coi- fliiy excavation on any lot contl-| lector, conspiciously displayed as ^ruoiis to an y stroot„or sidewalk, so j heroin'provided. , _ ]ii«ligoiitly made or m aintained’ Section 10.—-Duty pf Cliauffeur that the same,;by caving or other-‘ to atop on signal from; Police. It Mocksvi'llc or in¿ide thc corporatc wisü m ayjn^any manner.em anger shall be the duty of every 'police lim its of saicl/town a'motor vehi- or injure s^ch street or sidewalk officer of the City of Mocksville .............. ' -- or life peraon using the same. upo^ seeing a'motor vehicle or Scctiim .2.—-Unlawful to B uild,motorcycle moving at an unlawi Porch, Fence or other obatruc-1 fui speed or at a speed greatdr til,as over Sidewalk or Street. It ^ thaii' i,>i roa,sonably and proper bn crowded streets, or where such motor vehicle or motorcycle is being operated in violation of law or _ ordinances or in case siich officer is attempting to roguliite traffic or to prevent cohgiistion or to avoid accident C)n any street or public place, to signal tho chauffeur to ,stop his machine, and, if requested) give his name and where required to have a permit, give its nUniber to the officer or if a, non-residont tem­ porarily using the streets, give I-,his name and address and State registration number.^ Section 11.—Lights required on 'Vehicles. Every .car, and every bicycle, trycicle, motorcycle, ancl ................ motor driven yelucle using a Awnings street of the city shall show, be.- • 'tween one-half liour.after sunset ancl ono-hal'f hour before sunrise, a light or lights so placed as to he seen frpm both the front and tho rear; the roar light to Show rod to the. roar of such vehiclo, except that bicycles shall-not be do with the riiuffler :cut-put op­ en. ' / ■"■'.//.' Section 17.—Operating mbtcir vehicle by incompetent person. No per.'ion flhnll, operate / motor ve- iiitile .upon thp street-stof the town of Mocltsville who is uiulei/the lige of slxtocn years and who is not competent pliysically aiid. mental­ ly, and no person sliall operat;e a motor vehicle: when intoxicated, oj. In a race, or on a bet or wager, or for the purpose o'f making a speed record. ■ \ Section 18,—Vehicle must not obstruct Street. Crossing. No ve hide shall stop in such a way as tp obstruct a street crossing ex­ cept in case of accident or other emergency, or when stopped by order of tho Police, Section 11).—When vehicle can remain croaswise the Street. It shall boAinlawful for any person, fcli'iving or having charge of an.v yehicie, to drive or back ,such vehicle on the sidewalks except as hereinafter providdd -or to stop such vehicle on any cross walk or street or intersection so as to obstruct-or hinder travel or to place aiich yehlcld cr0S3\VlB0 a street, cxcept to load thereon or tion is allowed to remain . after required to show a separate rod notif.o by tho Chief of Police,,to!llirht.. Each light.bi; lights shall remove same shall bo a separate mul distinct offonso. Sccticm '4—Removing sand ancl slone from street. No person sliall roniovo: any sand,: dirt, or stoiie, from any streeti^oiul, or sicie- ■'Vftlk oil'alloy within ; the/ Glty without permission of the Super­ intendent of Publ|c Wprks. Section fl.—^Unlawful to thro\v traah or puper/oh' tlio Strecit. No person shall put.or placojof cause to bo put or placed) on any'street Section 22.—The terhi and words, “iJus.ness,portion of, Town of Mocksville” shall be construed to mean the territory of the town contiguous to the streets which is at that point either ' wholly or particnlly built up with structures : devotect to business. Section 23.:—Removal of dang­ erous obstructions; penalty. The Board of Aldermen shall cause all obstructions above, across or und­ er the sti^Bets of the 'city of Mocks­ ville, which, upon Investigation, may be found dangerous or un,- safe to the public using said streets, to be removed. If, upon' investigation, such obstructions, | or obstruction shall be found dan-! gerous or unsafe for the public usiné the street, the Board of Aldéfmen shall make and ,enter upon its minutes an order direct- ing the person,' firm or corpora­ tion niaintai'ning sucli obstruction-? to remove the;saifto within a re-, asonable time,, not exceeding thir­ ty days. Any person, firm or cor- | po’i'ation failing or , refusing to * obey the. order/directing the' re­ moval /of .suCh,;,ob.‘itructlPn shall forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty ; dollars for each, day such obstrue-1 tion sh all' be hllowdd io , remain after th() notice for remoyaf shall, have expired. , ' , Section 24.—•Billboards, Dist­ ance' from Schools or Churches, 1 ('•escribed. It shall be unlawftli- iy for any, person to construct, maintain or allow to, remain any billboard w ithin 1G6 feet of any school house or church within the City, Section 25.—^General penalty { for vicilation o f'iin y ordinances. Any person, firm or corporation vioiating any of theso ordi­ nances of 'the City; of Mocksville shall, except where otherwisd| specifically proscribed therein or exclusively provided for by law or statbo, forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars and in adclitlon thereto shall be deemed guilty of a misdeamor imd unless thp punishment thereof ia otherwise specifically prescribed, tihall up- '"1 f!onv!'’hloii; be 'fined fifty dol- bd enough power to be visible In clear w.eathur at a distiinco of 200j feet and' shall bo white in irpht ,bUt may be colored on the sides. V W ithin said/hours each and every automobile shall oxhibit two lamps uolng white light; of enough power to be 'visiblp in clear weather, at a distance of 400 feet,in the direction in ,which the automobile is pVocep'ding and shall also oxh'ibit-a red light i)o u. V. .............,............, ............, piacod/and' enough power to be sidewalk, public alley or other|;visible in-clear-woathpr ai a dis- ■ - ■ 'tance of 200 feet to the rear and these lamps or lights shall bo so' placed as to be free from obstruc­ tion of their lights by other parts of the automol)iIe. ,iAnd all mo­ tor vohicles required ,,,to ciarry liiiblic placo In tho City any housc- .swuoping, paper, garbage shav- iin;s, traah, or other rubbisli/.ox- c«|)t in such place and in such aiaiiner a’a the Boardv of Aldor- niuii shall presCribs or provido. ,, , , , , Scction; 6.—Skating or coasting numbors ^hnll be/equipped With wi 'Streetfj Forbidden.'" All- per-; i a rear .lamp so placed, that the «Olia are hereby ; fdrbicidoiv . to | rays thereof shall, / d.uriiig cuitat on sled, wagon, /pr, pjher thp vchicle or inc)ve pi; skato/oh any roller skates : or other , tleVlce ; oU; or along; that j){irt:;of: the streets ,thftt lies botwdeii the ciirbing. : ' . Section T.^Whpn ..alloKcd .to, drive across SideNYalka. Nothing contained ;in. thi,s,. chapter shaU' in:ovent the driving ' from privaie' ' property dii;eetly: .acrosa 'a , sli)e- walk to the street or, roadway ,or from the street or roadway back to the private property, . where adequate' proyisioh is made in the sicfawalk for such place of crda- si'ng in .such manner as to ' i\()t injure the curbing or sidewajk,- Section 8.---Drlyor8 to ’obey orders o f,Police. The driver of a vchicle jniist at all times coihply with any directions o r 'comniancl ■by voice or hand; of any member of the 'Pplico. Department as to stopping, starting, approaciliing or, ' departing from any placé, tlio mo- thod of taking/on or discharging passengers ancl the loading ancl nnloacllng'of. freight,//:;. / Section 9.—Registi'alion of Mp- lor Vehiclesi -Eyery person' now owning or liereaftei’ acquiring a motor vehicle for use in the' City of Mpcksville or .which; shall be used in the eityi, sliall, for every /Vehicle owned/liy .him, file in the office of; the City;Tax' Collpctori the cortificate': of/registration of; hours . aforesaid,' shind ;,upon ,and ^illeniinpte', each rincl every part I'of -the number bbrijo upoii the ;roar . of sticii motor yehicie . so that the said number:,niay bp 'dia- tinCly' visible, and easily read at fi distiince of iOO. fectv ;; 'Telephone, Telegraph nnd lilectric ■ Power Companies. .Section 12.—-No pcile to be erec tec! without tlie consent of the Board , of Aldermani „ No person, firm ; or dpriVoration' .shall/erect any pole, abuttment, wire, or oth­ er necessary, fixtures for tele­ graph or telephone iiurposd or for eldctric yght purposes .oi,’ for any other . purpose whatsoever ‘along dnj^ of the streets, alleys, or, oth­ er public places; of tlie ^city, of Mocksville, without first' obtain­ ing thd consent of tlio Board of Aldom en or 'pf some officer of the City duly authbrizecl, by them fpr^ihis'.-pUrpoae., Protection pf Public Morals: Section ;13.—Public clrihkihg IJrohibited, . That; it shall be .,iin- ’ia'vvful; f 5>r/any person ; to 'dniik iiitoxlciating liq,udrs; in, an_y street', lane, alley, parlc pr public sqtiare o^f tHe City or at or 'around 'any railroad station' or "other public 'places,iSectioh ,14.—Drunk on Streets, who' shall beetc. 'Any porspn _, , . . ine eortiiicato ol' ■ regiscraiicjn uj., found • in ^a ^tato . his Motor: Vohiclo issued to hini.in «ny street) thoioUoh^^^^ by tho Secretary pf State, .in ac-1 o her .Public; place ® cordanco with tlie. laws o f th(j shall bo guilty of violatmg the State, within ten d a y s after the S'eption. ~ date o f said .c'prtificato and it/f. Sedaonjo.-D iajua^^ , •c'^rtificato shall be tho duty of the, said City Tax Collpct.or ,ito register the same in a book kept in his office called “Register of Motor Vehicles *ind Chauffcura" and the said City Tax Collector s’.''ail return Bald certificate when registered to the owner thereof and shall collect from the owner 6f each' Amusements. It shall, bp unlaw ful for any person; or persons-to disturb iiny' musical .concert, tab­ leau, theatrical performance or nny place- of public amusement within the corporate lim its of the City of Mockaville by talking, his­ sing, whistling, or by loud and bcjisterous or unnecessary chear- ing, or iu any other manner what-' 'j.'ne, Mayor .shrill hayp; the right to :lossen: thQ'finc!,.,nennlty or tho term of imprisdnrannt Imposed for tho violation of: any of said ordi- n.'i\,ca?. ' , , vi'H.— h'^rp- infnre:;''ydbb2il, ,'',TJ.pr’oalod.. :Л11; ordlnancca ’hGveio.o'/o' iovda'nod' i f (vi; ■ th'>''^itV- of ; Móclrnviüo.: whi'ch r''o rnnu'^. ; nant to,thè;prov{sion;of those..or-' diiia.n'coa are hereby repealed and no_offcns¿ ‘,c¡oinmítttfa ancl;no^ ally ' ihciirred^iiclsràny :òrd!nnncC^fVK„: a 0Т4МП Ann ’ . to unload therefrom, but in' iio liirs or ;imprlabnod thirty clays.; 1 . . i ' n r ' I. ' 1 1. 1. _ i. I . .. . . i 1ч 4.case shall it be law ful'for, iiny peraon to liermit aiich yohicld to ]’eniain/cro,ss,wi30 of any streot-j for a longer period than is actual­ ly ; necuasary, for; Such/ptirpofle.v In hp'caao shall a vehicle remain backed up to the . ciirb' ' excoiit' w hen'actually loading or tinload= ing.;/.'/' ,Secti()n 20.—yehicie m uat'stop cjbse to Curl). ,]Qnlesa in an em- ergpno,v or to .allo\y another va- hiclp', or ; pedeStrain to' crosa * ita path, no véhit|le:"ahàll stop in any stroet dxKopt dbso to the curbline, ünçl with right front wheelAyii'hin twelve inches of tho curblino. Section 21.—\Vhenever a poisson opoi'ating a motor vchicle ahalj meet on the Streets of Mocksville any/other porrfon riding pr driv­ ing ri horsb dr horses, or other draft animals or any other vehfcid the person so operatingl such mo­ tor vehicilo and the person ;80 rid­ ing or driving :a hprsG* hor'Bo.s pr others draft, animals, shall reaab- nab|y turn.'tho' same to"the/right of; -the' ccntcr ' of ■ such street ; so as , td ■'pas.9 without interference. Any person so'jopcratihg a motor v'ehide,: shall on ’ overtaking- any siich hoi'be,! draft animal or : oth­ er vehicle, pass,,on , the left ¡side thereof, ■ aricl tho,-:ridci' or, driver of such horse, draft'. animal or other vehicle shall, as soon as practicable,: tilrn* to the right so as to, allovy .free passage cin ih e left,; A ny :’pcrsoh, sd ;bperating h motor vehicle shall/at the,^inter- sdctidn of the'streets keep to the rigiit of tho^ intersection. ot the center of such streets 'vvhon,turn­ ing to the right ajid , pass ,tb' the right of such intersection >vhen ■ urning; tpl the; loft,':arid shall sig- nal -with the oUtstret.clied haniVthe dircctitoii ili :Avhich ' turii ; is to be hereby repealed'shail be affected ly; thè,;i’el3efll.';;/::/.:'/ /^ H , Secllón/ 27,-—Consist'Vnt ordin- ;| nnctia not ropeoled.v This compì- t iation of brdjnanCoa .Vliall not have ” the effect of/repealing ,any or-, 5^ dinances'! rule : or' rd/julatipri of |^i tho'jpity oi Mocksville, ; consistent iij with/iho ordlanances/ contained herpin, which wiis in forco> at - thd iidoptipn/hereof, although such ordihiin'ces i'osoluticin rule :or re- . iiuiation may not; bórfound here-if in, .■■.’ > V .. Section' 28.—When tho .ordinan­ ces herein .shall; hd. in f()i'ce.'^ All pf : the; jprOvisibiis,' ' and aectionii | contained -in these ordlnancds of: ? the Cit.y ;of Moclcsvillo ¡ihali bo in ! forcdjfrdm and after the I8th'day of; July, , iij: the yedr ef'p iir Lorci,, ond thousand nino- hundred ¡ancl twenty-five, ./ . ,/ ' | . Section 27.-^Adoption of the or- tliliances.. All of the previsions, and'sections cpiitaihpcl.yidrein hav­ ing been road, rind finally adopted | and, ordained aa proviclec^by lawif! on the (7th, day pf July, Tì)25' aro' hereby ; declared ■ tp be or'dinancea ' bf/thev city/of Mockavillej N ortli' Carolina. :. —i vegetables FRESH EACH DAY Make this store your source of supply for Vegetables. Yo}i always get the choicest of the market’s offerings here. AtLISON-JOHNSON Phone 111 ■'''Г<'1!|МШ111!И111!Д|||1Я1МЦ|||!И11Р11М1111И;';;Я11МДМ11М1111ДД1ИММДММИММ?1И^И1111ИМИ1111И macie., ; Tliat; all operators,bf. mq-rj tor vehicle3/'0i\ the atreets in 'tlje Town-df Mockaville, in ïiièeting a motpi' ; vehicle >in :ppdratiph;/aliali pass i onthe' righ t of i the : street )iri such nianrie}’ '.that till- of 'said Vye- hicles,.i;and' the load therppf;' shiillJ bo on 'the/right of. .the ’ ceiüér- òf ' the road. /Tliat - all ; operaj:prs pi? motor vphicle/on, the stree'i.'i/ahall perinit all motor vehicles' ap­ proaching from the rear i.tp: pro-' ceed, either b y , turning,,;.'to the right 80 that every part of tlio said vehidn and load thereof shall be on the right of the centdr of the street, or by proceeding at a rate of speed not in excess of the legal lim it, as w ill allow .the said foilowlng yehicie to . proceed without hindrance or obstriiction. That aiiy persoii violating; any provision,of thia ordinances shall upori conviction be fined’ not ex­ ceeding fifty dollars (50) or bo imprisoned not exceeding thirty daya, GREENSBORO COLLEGE GETS ,'^•■-.11,000 GIFT. B. N. Duke has given to Greens­ boro coil ege tho sum ■ of about $50,000 it was loarned yesterday l:rom;, sources that/are i unof^iciai but believe to be entirely reliable. A check fo r' this' amount,; it is siiid,';ha'^ : already'reached Greensr bprp, • /Cpilege officiala' dpclino to affirm ' oi’, deny fho repofi; b u t, it waa ‘Intimated last night that for­ mal announcement concerning the gift w ill bo made soon. Tho gift was made through Charles H. .Ireland, it is under- atood. Mr. Ireland is now attend­ ing the diatrict conference .of the Salisbury district at Norwodd; W hile tiio gift w ill probably be added to the ondov/ment fund it is underatpocl that there are no conditions attached and that the money may be used in any manner college fliuthoritles see fit. SEND US YbUR JOB WORK IP YOU WANT TO SAVE MONKT snmiiu PRODUCTS ilT sfmm PRICER Sincemovingin-' to our; new home we are better prepared to take cai'e of your needs. We have just installed, a new and up-to-date filling station, and can supply your needs with the FAMOUS STAND­ ARD GA& AND OILS-NONE BETTER; Give us a caU when in need of anything in our line. Vy/'-’.; '“SERVICE^ M Motor Co. ' Expert Mechanics to serve you. 8IIIWinia»»DI!l!BIIIIBIlllBIIIH!iliaillinilH№IBlHiM^ Madr *s Ш . *E.* c. ^CHOATE DENTIST d r. LESTER MARTIN »« * In Mockaville Blonday, Tue,-?- * * day and W ednesday; Oyer * * Southern Bank & 'Trust Co. ** * Phone 110 * In Cooleemee Thursday, Frl- * day nnd Sa>;urlny; Over Cool- * eemee Drug Store; iPHONES: Residence No. 80, * Office No. 33 * * X-Ray Diagnoisis * .* Night'Phone 120 ¡ .Day Phone 71. '.* Mockaville, N. C. * tt # * * '»*,,* * * \ » * * « « # # « * « * .* IF you want 100 per cent pure ^ * Food, cooked right, and serv- * : * ed in an up'-to-date way, eat * * at * GRIFFS CAFB, * * Ice cream and cold drinks * * • • • • tt. , » . • • Д1 Í" ' I. /. bra', ,'L / ч ^ щ " *i' THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE MCliBAÑ ADDRESSES COTTON . ÄiANUFACTÜRIÜRS’ AS- SOCIATION ■ Чт', Charlotte, 'July. 21,—Governor A. W. McLdaii and hJs execiitivo budget Hyatani , nnd progrnnv of ooononiy made ;a district nnd de- cidod. hit with the textilo men of ■ the State during th e, convention : oi: ; the Cotton ManufnetUrors’iAs- sopiation of North Carpliiia, ac- ■ cordin«:vto mill \men of , Charlotte and this section who have ’jiist returned from Aahëville vvvhere .the meetintr was held. Gòv'ernoi' McLean evinced; quite ft degree of interest in the well being of the textile industry-and his straijfht-, : forw ard discussion of- a business government for the State struck a responsive chord. No one would accuse tho,Gov­ ernor of-having a purely self ith , interest, arid yet the fact that the , State of Iiorth Carolina has col- . lectod •?600,000_ lese, from the cot­ ton m ills this ’ year than it did Inat year not only shows how de­ pendent the State is upon indust- ■ ,.ry but it indicates also something . of the magnitude of the textile'in­ dustry in particular in North ' Carolina. Secretary - Treasurer Hunter M arshall, Jr., of the manii- facturei;s’ association sized the aituation up w èli iii these words: "An outstanding result of the meeting at Asheville is a keener . .'appreciation of the necessity for . a, full and sympathetic under,- ;8tandinir between the business in- - terests of the State, and'the state government 'itse lf embracing its , several departments and divisions. : Certainly no group of our citizen- ■ 1 ship is more interested in the de- jvelopment'and progress of North Carolina but the ihenib'ers of Olir asBociatiori are in absolute accord with Governor McLean in his idea -that no wild or loose expenditures ; ot money is going to promote' pro- . ,gress but that on the other hand ; a business-like , and * economical adm inistration, of the affairs of the State w ill win the confidence and ,i‘espect of the country, and - : w ill stim ulate the real progress 'of tho State by' relieving indivi­ duals and business entei'prises in the State of undiie burdens of taxation." , , . ! 'The, textile men adopted resolu­ tions expressing disappointment over the refusal of the Federal Reserve Board at;:W ashirigtbri to act upon the recommendation of ,. the directors of;the'Fifth D istrict at Kichmorid to establish a branch ’bank-in thè Carplihas. .The resolution commending V Governor MçLéan and his "eco- nomy program” ',wa£i as follow s; “'W hereas,'we believe that the executive budget system and the other m easures enacted ,ut the Jast session of the general as- BOJnbly, having for their object the inauguration of better busi­ ness methods in the conduct of the state’s affairs, should be t h eartily supported by every tax­ payer who is interested in bet­ ter business methods iri govern­ ment. “W hereas, Governor McLean honored us'w ith his presence and 'in . a most interesting,;and con­ structive address' not only asked i for our cooperation and sympathy in carrying out his program, but; also our personal and aictive ser.< vice if called upon by him. ‘‘Therefore, be it resolved, that we, the Colton- M anufacturers as­ sociation of the State of North Carolina, do moat earnestly coni- mend the efforts that are being made to install business methods in the adm inistration of the af­ fairs of the state, counties, the m unicipaiities arid,the other tax­ ing districts of the State of Nortli Carolina, and wç do particularly commend the’ marked ability and great diligence of Gov. A. W^. Mc­ Lean in his efforts aiong these lines, and we congratulate the people of the State of North Caro-' lina thnt at this tryin g'tim e in its industrial life ,. which must have such' great influence in iti : future progress, that it has such a' man as its chief executive, and that we pledge to Governor Mc­ Lean our individual sympathy and support,” • . WHEN THB iAGRICULTURAL TEACHER, V isits A I’UPlli : V: “Hello Sam : How is your coti;on pi'ojeet looking today?” : ' /“ Not so much. ■ The dry ,\yeath- ,cr and late start have put me at a, disadvantage. You w ill think it looks pretty sori'y I guess.” i- “W ell,” said thR, teiichev, “ If^ you keep in mind' the fact that' grass and weeds liot wp/ither .just: about as muiih as wei dislike I t; tlidt may help us to make a better looking prpject out of your patch. Are you keepini?' the grass pretty well discourag­ ed” ■■ ' “ I am trying to keep it discour­ aged,” was Sam’s reply, “But it seems to. get a lot of encourage­ ment from somewhere.” ‘;W ell just keep this in mind,” advised the teacher, as they ap­ proached- the cotton field, “Every sprig of grass in that field likes the plant food you applied in the form of fertilizer just as w elt as the cotton. Now we had better be m ighty careful that we don’t feed the grass instead of the cot­ ton hadn’t w e?” ■ Sam gave his assent but as he penses m ay be watched carefully looked out across the rows of cot- maximum service obtained at min- ton he looked as if ho were think-, imum cost; (c) bonds sihouUl not ing the sun shone m ighty hot out be issued except for useful and there and that making money in |necessary permanent impvove- reality w p not ns nice as it had seemed while talkin g'ab o ut-it in ihe class room. . / ...................................... “Now let’s see,” continued the principle' within tho life o. teacher, “What is it that wo can , improvements. McLEAIV; SPEAJv^^TO STATE^ j'URO^^ ,............... '...'••V--? • ; - l Thursday, .Tuly. 1(5, líi: i I (coUtimied from puKo 1) , Poaitiohs wijl bo allocated accord­ ing: to .elasafe, and standard rates of pay w ill 'be established for each class* providing a range -ibetwcen the maxiriium a.nd minimum. so that the' ¡particular salary , Îdc- tween the ' riiaximiinl and 'riilni- mum w ill, depend- upon the ex­ perience and efficiency of the,em­ ploye, as detprmined by tlie head of,thodepartriierit.”,;' '; Concludirig • his . address, the', governbr said r ; i > “I shoulil like to summarize the fundamental tenets of tho i ad­ ministration program, which I an­ nounced on the daÿ ef thelririù- guration and to which I still ad­ here: (a) Current expenditures made during the fiscal year should be met by providing current re­ venues collectible in the same period, thus m aintaining the state government upon a balanced bud- M. a get basis, (b) government admini­ stration snould be conducted a- long the lines of sound and con­ structive economy, so that all ox- mentii, and then provision should alWays be made for the payment of the interest and amortizing the f the Thé following j Üroi’s .have bpeiv drawn- for. the August term Davie Suiiorior court which con venes- here on Mbnday, August 31st, with Jiidge Stack presiding E. C. Lag'le, L. S.; Kurfees, Chas McCuiloh, :'Wmls: L. Call, R. Holthouaér, 'John; P..LeGrand, W. Fi'i Storiestrebt, ,.VV. S. Gi’peri, S. T. Foyter, D. M. dall, Morgan W ard W alter -C rotts;‘D; l3.' Koontz^ Ci Crouse, Henry 'Jarvis* C. W, Bëck', G. A.' Sheets, GeP, W- Smith E. C. James, S.'K . Féster, J.' Alien, L. F. Brock, ,H. P. Cornatz er, J. G. Foster, j. E. McDaniel N. W. W aller, M. 'K. Glasscock L. B. Ratledge, June Safriet, W. L Gaither, II. N. ’ Smitl^ Lonnie Richardson, J. R. Brown, J. Driver,- H. F. Blackwelder, T. A Gaither. , N cilC E ! lUilllSI C o lle и ^ CHARLOTTE, N. q. A HIGH GRADE INSTITUTION FOr' t HE i EDUCATION OF YOUNG WOMEN do to hold that nice shower we Jiad last week in the sqil for the cotton ?” ' ■ “Frequent and shallow cultiva­ tion,” waa the ready answer; ., ■ ‘■And w h at can. wo do to keep the grns’s from getting- a start. ' “ Cultivate frequently," >:bplled Sam. , “ And ,'\vhat sdem.s to'niake cot­ ton grow hDturiantiy during ,hot . ■' y, weather;?:' Again came, ihe' reply, “Clean and i‘hpid cultivation.”, : ' ' 1 see you haven’t forgotten the form ula,” encouraged the teach­ er, “And it is one that is pretty well known but I have seen lots of boys pay the. cotton patch a mighty high price per hpiir io get to stay in tho shade rather than to apply that simple for­ mula. We found out,last winter that it w as a pretty valuable for­ mula didn’t we?',' . ‘‘Yes sir,” put in Sam, “It’s t'iie one that this patch needs all right and if you w ill come, back tomorrow nt noon I think you will find it clean, too.” 'I’ll, give you until tomorrow night” smiled the teacher ns thp he might have had some interest in ilie project, nnd then he turned to leave Sam to work out his ,“Formula” and .promising to see him again-soon. * NOTICE OF RE-SALE Having qualified as executrex of Dr. A. Z. Taylor deed., notice is hereby given to all persons holding claim s against said estate to present the same duly verified to the undersigned for payment on or before the 3rd day of June, 192G, or this notice w ill 'be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are retiuested to make im­ mediate payment.' This the 3rd day of June, 1926. MRS/ LEONORA TAYLOl^ DODD, Ext., of Dr. A. Z. Taylor, deed. , ! E. L. Gaitiier, Attorney. 6.11 G.------------------------------- F irst Q uality G uaranteed T ires. 30x3 Casings $5 90 each have just outlined and’the’b.VpresV 30x3-1-2 Casings ?7.00 each sod determiriatiori to adhere to it 30x3 1-2 cord Casings $7.50 each “I f. theaa simpl e, yet f und amen- tal fiscal policie,<) are follovved, North- Carolina w ill continue to m aintain the groat jéad which she'.now holds among her ' sister states';ln the race fbr. further pro- gres's aiKV dovei ppmerit." ’ ■ “ The doolaration of policy ‘I Christian Ideals constantly held before the Students; Christian Characters in the chairs of each Department; Christian Atmosphere prem eating the Student Body: Location, the very b est: M yers Park, Charlotte. Equip­ ment meets standard requirements. Curriculum equal to that of any institution in the State. Expenses very mode-f - ’ . ' rate indeed, considering advantages offered and work done. ^ Our Motto: '“Christian Women for Christian Homes.” Send us your daughter, support us in our administi'atlon and instruction, and, wo w ill return a thoroughly developed and fully refined Christian woman. ' . ' For catalog and other information, ■Write, - WILLIAM H. FRAZER,', Pi'esldont ' Box 300 . ■ ' Charlotte, N. C. ' ha.3 already'borne fruit. " N o rth Carolina bonds are al­ ready, selling'upon a more fnvo- rabl'u -Interest basis „than they have for years.” Tom Tarhoel' sa,vs ho is makiiig arr.'ingements to grow s.oiViCi mulo colts on his farm now that he has a goodjiaature growing. ROBERiS HARD W CO. Winston-Salern, N. C.-----------------0,----------------- Weevil infestation continues to increase in spite’ of tho hot, dry weather, report hiany county agents. Fai'mers are preparing to save '^heir cotton crop.i by dust­ ing v/ii;h calcium arsenate. iiiiinniin!iiiniiii(aiiiiaiiiiDiiiiBiiiiaii!iniiiiBiiiiHiii!anH!iiia:iiiniiiiiai'in3 Town Tax Collector’s Sale Of Land For Taxes. '"î, I * * # -«- -» # # С. с. XOUNG &ßON FUNERAL, DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEßS .* MDck.4viHe ‘ Cooleemee ^ .,« Phone.Ш Phone 67'20,» ** Prompt, and E fficient Service ,,'^ - I # #, * BAXTER, ■И * .. -It #, BYERLY, M.D., iH)(iffice Over Drug Store. Of- *. ; fiçg phdne No, 31; Reai- * '/■ . clence'No. 26. -•-** ,!ПД l.^-CÎÂ'ÎVtCîcoOLEEMEE, N. C. ■ • * North Carolina, Davie County, Under and by virtue of nn prd- er .of the Superior Court of Da­ vie County,' in the Special Pro­ ceeding entitled, in the M atter of Wilson Kurfees, Lunatic, the und­ ersigned commissioner w ill, on the 27th day offJuly, 1925, A. D„ at twelve o’clock, n o o n ,at the epurt house door , in Mockeville, N orth.Carollnaj offer for sale to the, highest bidder - for cash, all that certain , tract of ' land- lying and being, in MocksyiUe Town­ ship, Davie Coiinty. i^prth Caro­ lina, riioro perticiilariy described as follovys, to \yit : 1, : 'Beginning at a stone arid pine knot, B; F.- Stonestreet’s corner, an d , runs North 6^ West , 33.94 chains to a stone; thenc'e West 3.59 chains to a stone in Colum­ bus Bowels’ Hne; thence South G.85 chains, to a persimmon, J. W. -¡G reen’s corner; thence South GO, West 15.2,5 chains to a stone; thence South 23 East 27,32 chains to a stone, formerly a pine 'or pine knot; thenco North 74 East 8.35 chains to a black-jick; thence North 2.G6, chains to the 'leginning, containing forty-eight ({¿ acres, more or less. , 'rhe lands above described were offered for sale,by the undersign­ ed commissioner on the fourth day of June, 1925,-report of which is tiled with the Clerk of Superior Court of Dayie County. ' A ten pev cent bid having been placed upon said-lands within the time allowed by law, the same will be offered for re-sale according to the terms and conditions of the foregoing notice. ' , This 9th day of July, 19Co, A. D. - ROBERTAS. MCNEILIi Comissiorier.' ' Time of Sale: 27 July, 1925; 12 o’clock, noon, i.Terms of Sale: Cash, ' Place of Sale: Courthouse Door. Mocksviiie, N. C. • ‘ ' '• i- 7 16 2 t THE GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS A progressive newspaper, published in a progressive stato, for à progressive people. W ith a record of service arid achievement in the past, wo want you to know also of our plans for the future. Effort and money^vill not be stinted in giving you a well-balanced, newsy, virile, dependable daily paper; doctor, lawyer, busi­ ness man or laborer, you w ill need this “ newspaper fpr all the people.” Independept.in politics, or policy calls for full and unbias- , ed news and views touching all questions oL.interest to the general public and th e'state’s progress, and w elfare. A wonderful grow.th in circulation each ye^ar Is our assurance that, more and mo'roj, the people whoi think for thomselves are, turning to an independent riowspaper..'- . ' Subifcrlptloii rates are as low, as the present day cost of publishing such a newspaper permits. Six months, daily and Sunday,'$4,50 Six months, daily only,' §3,50 Sai^ples on request. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS GREENSBORO, N. C. Tho following persons in the Ttiwn of Mocksvillo and in the School D istrict of Mocksvillo Schools having failed to pay thoir I'own taves i\ml Mockavillo School D istrict Taxes io r thb yonr 1921 w ill offer for salo, at the Court House in Mocksviiie, N. C., on Monday tho 3rd., day of August, 1925 the foUo^vtng tracts or parcels of land to satisfy said taxes. In addition to tho amount of taxc.? duo by you the cost of advertising and selling this land w ill be' acklcd which amounts to .?1.40 on each piece of land advertised. Whun, yoii come to settle bi’ing this extra ^amount. Tho following is tho list of names of those owing tnxes, the- number of acres of Innd nnd tho amount of taxes due for 1924 lo-i-? the $1.40 costs,on each tract of land: , I 'lll№' P O P и L A R E X С U R S I O N to S О U T H E R N RICHMOND, Va. , ■ Ju ly 17th, 1925 ’■ ^vla ' , • R A I L W A Y ■I у S Y S T E M Round trip fare .fi'om Mocksviiie, N. C. ¡..{„.....‘!..„.,...,.,.$5.75 Tickets good tliree whole days in Richmond, Va. " : ' A fine opportunity to visit this; beautiful.C ity,: / Tickets pjl sale July, 17th. Final lim it Ju ly , 20th Good ' going and returning on all regular trains (except 37 and 38.) " Tickets good in'^pullmnri cars and day coaches. : ; Proportionately reduced round trjp, ffires fi’orii all othei’ statioris.! - ’ ■ f '' ’ ■ ' For further inform ation'and sleeping car reservations cifill ■,on nearest Agent. ' / ^,i;. ' ' ' ' ■' ' ’ , R, H.iGRAHAM-. ; ' I D ivision P assen ger A gent ■ ' ; , ^ \ Charlotte, N, C, r , , M. F. Booe, 35 lots ■ 10.44;- 'I D. II. Brown, GO 1-2 acres F. M. Cartner, 3 lots T. W. Cartner,' 3 lots Philip Clement,, 6 lots J, N: Click, 7 lots ' . D. S, Creaspii, 2, lots . D. P. Ratledge, 1 lot , i R. T. VanEaton, 96 acres 13,10 - 1.62 8.46 . .4 5 .28 . ' • .''29.57 -- 86.52 ^ ' ,17,13 I 22.21 1 .9-1 1 2.00- ;l : 25.ÖS .,!| 17.14 il 20.60' ;:| : 37.87 J ft'iiss Salile VanEaton, 3 lots .,1.91 1 Jones, Click and W alker,' 1 iot '26.33 1 G. L. Howard, 1 lot 1.50. .■ 3.6T :-l W. C. Jones, 1 lo t. ■ , •1.76 1.02: ' J. A. Jones, 1 lot 8.00 'Ш '1 Kincade Bros., 2 lots ' ""269.72'■ 150;G4- i Cue Lagle, 1 lot . - .' -ч''':1.51: Л E. S. Lapish, 3 lots, and farm ' ^, 6.49 ■ 14.2S i J. W. M artin, 1 lot .10.8P G.2G- 1 B'Ira. M, C. Meroney,' 1 lot 9.00 5.22: 1 R. A. Neely, 1 iot 801.09 174,05- 1 J, V. and W, H. Davis, 1 lot - -9.00 .6,22. Mrs. Dcmmy Edwards, 2 lots 3.00 ■, '1.74 Щ 0. T. Eubanks, 1 lot 3.00 W. A. Foster, 1 lo t....11.05 20,05 ; 1 W- A. Griffin, 100 ncres 28,32; .1 Heriklò Craig, Live Stock Co: 7 lots :20.00 .- 11,00';;| J. L. Holton, 1 lot ' f I'I. W. Hoots, 1 lot, ; ,G. E, Horn, 8 lots W. M. Howard, 61 acres , Colored • 21.29 7.14 ' ., 181.61 1. ■: ■ ,<■ - ' s 12.35 'I 4,14, : .105.34 1 17,65- ' 1 Jess VanEaton, 1 lo't " , , Albert VanEaton, 1 lot Cha.s,'W illiams, Est, 1 lot Sophia Gibson, 1 lot Rachel Horton Estate, 1 lot Amie Ilorshaw, 1 lot John Iloleman, 10 acres Tune Hunt, 2 lots , iiah Ijamea, 1 lot '' Julia Kerr, 1 lot , ' W, A, Pettegrew, 1 lot i, Frances Scott, ,1 lot • • ^ ,1.25 ■8.50 18.40 ^ ' 4.60 ' ’ 3,06 ' 5.07 '4.50 , - 7,20 , 13.50 ■1-1 ‘1 4,36 ’ 10,67 .] . 2,67 i i;04. Ì 3,13 \ 3,48 ' .] 7.41 j 2.94 , '1 - 2.61 4.18;, Л 2,83. L, A, .Austin, 10 lots :3,48 i ' i Bettie Booe Estate, 1; lot ,, Ei'nest Brown, 2 lots ' '2,'61. .'Ч 4.06 ' ' 3.84 '-»J M ary A, Brown, 1 lot 3.1S J. F. Brown, 2 lots ' ,' ' lO.GO 6.57, '1 jbhn Clement Estate, 2 lots ' '■ 1Giles Clement, 1 lot ''2.66: ■''rl W ill Dillard, 1 lot >*N ,8.^7 6.^0 Avery Poster, 1 lot 8.93 4.6^,/t-Я Eligah Gaither. 7 l-2;acres :' 4.77^. Juno 30, 1925. ' L. E. EEZÉR,'Town Tax Collecto).’ ; -,; I ...I Town of Mockaville,"Nf.'pr Ч r XH E E N T E R P R IS E “ A ll T h e U ie a l JN ews.” O u r M o tto — -T îie L a r g e s t P A I jU ^ JN “A D V A N C E ( jlK t U l/ A T I O N of,^ A N Y F A F lL it in D iii'ië • 1 1 ' я < . -■^ Ä ' ,.•, ' Ÿ ' ' - л т т...M i il T R U ni, HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDELITY TO OUR COUNTY ANI)' OUft" FLAG IS OUR АШ AND PURPOSE Ivob VIII [■ M0(iJKSVILLI3, N. q., TIIUHSDAY, JULY 23, 1925 I S t a î é : B r a g i n g T o o ''j E x p e c t . ¡ W À R 1 N T H E :C H U E G H ? :M b ™ :0 P E N :T H E ■ : - ( F a i l B u s in e s s ^ :'. :--W A ¥ v F O R :,T H E , С А Т я ёm I . i 1 Experts Believe Business Gather What I ed Momentum With Opening : of Lust H alf of Year . Legitimate Developmont, Says Dr. Stucksy Iis FAR BEHIND IN MINING Chapel Hill, Ju ly 18.—There is too much speculation 'in North Carolina m kierals and not enough legitimate development of the mineral ,resources of the state, ac- coi'diug to Dr. Jasper L. Stuckey, stato geologist,. Who delivered a MONEY MAY GO HIGHER STORMS—OTHER THOUGHTS. Peaches* Aiid ’C. Sciiool'Chiidreri Mellons'-’^^^ ■у* 'Í г '" £ ™ .- 1 ;Г о с Г ь “ : Ü“' S ; W o. on,. ravil hall last night. the 0(1 as geologist I iii'o, Ho declared that North Carolina has ,no. oil, that' she should “forget” her gold dovelòp.1' nionlM of pre-Ciyal 'war daya„tuul «top bragging of. mineral, roaourR-' us \vliich sho dppa ''not ' pòssòss'i North Carolina' iljaB-some mine­ ral wealth, .hp>yev'er, '„ho stnted, .liiil leads, the'jiation .in,!the pro,- (liiiiUon of several mirierala, riot- iibly garnet) kaolin, whjto foia- piir, pyrophyllite, arid ...^probably »11(1(1. Moro jcaoiiri ' is found ih North Cnrolliia' than any otljer state, he declared, about $800,000 worth annually of this clay bp-: * mg ¡nvduaod here. Since 19Ì1 the stato has foi;ged to the frpnt in tho productióri of white fel's- imr, In 1924.,it produced 45 per cent of the total output of this product in' tho United States, Mica was first producod.Jn North Carolina in. 1809,. . tire ' speaker fluid, and slnco 1003 North Caro- Bishop'Denriy Is orie of the few high ups of ihe Southern M, E.', jchurch -vvho'-opposes uriification of the Northern and Southern New York, June 19 __Recent of the Methodist Episcopat church He riiade an address flurries in'the* money markbt,,.jn-iin-Laui4nburg i'eceritly at which time he dollvorcd himself cf aomo dicative of a wider demand for j pretty strorig tal.k Among his utterqnces against unfication he', funds from industrial centers,' gn{¿j ¡„ pai-t; -' ' ‘ * “But you" will nsk me, ‘are not the, m ajority on the other^side of the question,?’ and r will reply ‘yes,’ but I ^exjp^ct you to listen to reason and not to numbers. And I.tell you this, th at if you listen to reason. I,have-the case.’.’, • ' 'rhe pres(3nt plan,,ho'said) accomplishes nothing. . “It is ca!lled n plan 'io unification; but the trouble is it dpes not unifst.- To pass ' arything, the northern intends to do in' tho haVe supported W all /rt'reet’s growing bo'lief that preparations for greater business activity in tho fall were under way, /Demands for credit so far have " U ral enough to cause any sustain-VU nuu luat iiibuu. ■ • »l lì -------r........-/ ----- — - . Dr. Stuckey is a graduato of notljirig except , that it (validates, ovorythi ' r ' è ”ó 5 . i ' l S “Z Ä to » .r t r o iy M o . l.» t waok: thi- jg o th y ll.! 'ohu.-ch jWi iono i,l„oo^848 ’«nd lnt4^ anciiil circle»: seriously disc'tissed j future. the-Nproaptìcts ,'jf wliether a ppi'-' iod ply firm er money Hvas in storo. (jui'rent reports of . trade,; ini-: proyenient wore , rium'orolis . lastt weelcjand coupled with the moriey riiarkot’s e aa,e, laid the : gli'oii ncl work for i\n uii.turn -in stock :pric- bai'. Speculativo ppératioris ^vore especially active ,i }n : th e':pii,;ièpp- per and ateel 'shares,'jwhichi.wore .favored with' 'tii'o largest- quota of 'good trade nows. ' , Good Enrniriga Amo'ris' the e;rit?puraglng deve- lopmehta, were;, irici'tíaocd. second “It simply flings the two churches together, and‘;8pells war, .' ! ."“They gay it's a aouthern. plan; well,' theab are not the facta. Southern ideas and northern ideas vvprit into the committee of IG, eight from 'each branch of the dhurch, and wore there written out.'' After all; it isri’t; who; .wrote, it; but;what’s in it.” Did ho moan; what he said when 'ho declared that ‘‘It simply, flinga the two chdi'cheatttgitjicr and spells wU|T7”' IC ao Mothodist;pf both North and South<.niight; well pause, for:thls is a poor time'foiV tho -pl’otcstant churches to;,;engage/in .war faro with each other;'! With,tho high up, Infidels nssaultirig the church, and with the'Vnr-;, ious^brunchea of the Prptcsturit church 'fighting,nnipng themtielves. I M any may think 4hp, only. hope, of rtaintnlnirig, the ;f aith ia through' ¡.the Catholic' church, and tlipae of lis,who'prefer to see the Prptpstaiit tin\eb" ■>S S ^ r o i t a r id '^ g e ^ | chui-cli^dominata in ‘thii^ countir'm ay s^;from tl^e s i g n ^ tho4i and the Phillips Potrolcum com- j the; way -being made smdpth for the _Oathólio8 to 'step in, for the pany, both im portant factors iri-' Ca'ihollcs don’t íight ,íack other and they allow ,np'ovohitipu'tench- thoir re.4pcctlvo indpHtrios, : Bo-j,lng Ih their Bchoola.and collcgca, neither do they allow any mémb- ing among tho first-to; anri(^unco advocate Darwinism. ^ ;■ ; tne;.resulta io r tae past фшгсог,] ; • ' '' - ' , ‘ v ’ their ^t'atements were; 8canndd| In, vav,ipus sections of the 8tate:_hail ;atorni3 have ;dono ,great, 'lin n dn'niÁire,''' -.Tbls -is 'tho.dnrigeí:ou9 ?8ens'on''£ór'''hall' etorras, .Ьц1,;в.р''Га^- Í 'the m lM C the S d S ^ & l^ 'ic o S ' further hrightened the 0 ) 1 'damage harbeen done in thÍ8v^unty.,A Let ua Ь!оре thiit, Moore county ii the homo of C'-ójiper prices stl'ength- we may escaiio tho destruction wh^clr folldivs in the wake of. a July /the only 'comniercial pyi^phyllite ‘°«ed "S^emimd- for tho red metal , or August hail ;atbrm,;;-^ area in North America, D«^..Stuck- ié íl''‘nded, ^ l e ; crude ; v ' - • , , ' 4 >‘ oy statod; This л т1легпГ in ^ record high price ubovo $1,16 ^ TJiia'papor has always booa a staunch.believer in club organ,iza-^ many réa'pecta ’ reBomblihg^'tnlé' ii*'' Vtláriaf:nfor,?-;bü,uritry:.'íaobtlónai¿;;.-,Wé .'havót-mada-ímention ' ofi'theigood;: The'stato production is abóut ' ' ...................... . «,•„ rtr.ino-. v A, $60,800 annually. •, .i-.-;-, ... , . The rocent Cumnobk mine’ac-’ the ing statement: ident has Avon 'ÍTórth'''Cai:óllna:'9P«>l«»''0f We riped mpro-country club^ Thff*gbneral opinión of indust- w'^ork which some' - bf the'-state’s fine- country clubs are doing. ' A rial experts <t'hat b'usinoss was Avi^iter iri the. Progreaalvo Parmer -comes along, with- this- interest----- — I ««»{fVi-' VI 1-w-r tifnf Amxin-f •' ‘ ' ‘ V. ' I . Enormous This ьмкш,FIRST MOTOR TRUCK, 1917 ; Raleigh, Julj* 16.—-Pubji'c tran­ sportation of school chiiTiren has hap—New Record in ior Sys'tem^ i Volume : '• Spbnce'r,’''j;uly',',:26.^Fi’jday^ _______ Saturday (Wc.rOi,'banner days for: been the subject of an: exhaustive the Southern railway, 'at Spencer, i study made ,by W. H.‘ Pit!m an of riiore than 4,000» carloads Ht the State Department of Public freight having -been o f Inst.'uction, who has made public Ithe yards ¡here .foi'''thc:.^Wa’ d ays;' his findings.; Such ; ',trarisporta-to say nothing o*£ th'e,. jhc^jiie tion, reports Mr. Pittm an,;: w as' traffic of almost-an ,eqa>it.;'Vilu'Bft'# -first undertaken a t.Jh e , Cravon County Farm Life" School, at: Viinc(?boro, In ,1912-13. . The .npxt year tìtlgécombe county“ began-iwere ihade, up of peachiis., transportation ÿit tho Lp'ggett jrneions,, num beriifg'■: 70 щт ■"4-Жti’-w During thè tvvb- daya^^ ss;; trM,psr-cbmprisirig .norirh;.-l'0f;this^ìiiii^bw,;^^ ..................................... Conablldaìied ¿cíiools, using t^hree ¡Thia high 'Irecord is>; hprfieylra’vn vohiclea. ’ - 1199 carft.»ds per d ayjn e)ccpd3r8r^ Mr. ;Pittman ' givcs figures to jthe- highósit repQr’d; c'i'er- low; thè enormoua• increaso in jtho, Southern,, . , tiic . publio. transp^rtatiou ‘ of*' So pòrfectlylj iè'^tlió ,Soi]thov/l achool cliildren-during • fcnv yoars.!, “All early iatinu wap done by w; r,aid.'^:-.Thc r.firatv.motor,-,,.-....... ................. ____________________________ transport'atiori'i of-achooii'chlldren'jSponwr yarda or;on anjr'of, tha i',**’ ‘ waa pyrchasód by.'Pamllco county,' foui‘ diviflions to((ehinfrhpvo¡'“anS’''«''''h '‘H ífM in, Auguat, '¡917. -The samo year^that not ai singlo dphiy^rits'beerii EdgecoiVibo : oounty. - purohaBod' •a:j'i'epoi\tcd,' ;^■,To ,an ,outstd9Ív;àt,foa8fc,;vírij,<j^■Jp:4\W^^ irucki;;'-Thoro ia some disagrec-]thsre'ls',no ovidonce of any cbi\-/ ’ ' v t í . njq.nt ;be£\veoiV the supeyintendonts i.gofltion * whateveiv-ibifc th.O'.SnenCeiV!?,!«^^^^^^^ ii.s .tò.^which‘truck waa firat usod yarda. ‘ ¡ h ìì .in^haulini; childron,:to achoo\ A t\ H- i» said tho movomont bf po)?- i''/'' 1 , 4апея IG:w! s iteri 'f S l : “The State' sUpbiVlBoi’.;of рЮ- ' ™8l>cd< bn thbir' Ìo\irnby ^ribrtlv ^, iriontnry achools reported six ve- fust timo. РоасЬеч are- ijsually у hiciòs, in -'1914:16, which 'irarie-' ilv-40-rav traina,-w hile ported 150'children,-’ Mr. Pitlman.'^icl«/'-' «Ih'’»' Products aaid.' ''in ;19‘¿0, five yeais later, ^sfivi^n- trmn^ i thero M?e're'46O.vehiol00ransp.orlr.''CH'IN-BSB:'^'A'V'b^.;CB®'7OrFW'{«teAl ' ing',7,98G';^ pùpil_3.' ; 'Phero. waa_ an ^ FOPD. SUPPLY Ü. S. StìlPS,''.''^ iriH d increaso óf 144 vehicles, in fivo years^^^arid an inoròaap öf;7,C89;in 'Pekín,. July.Æ r—Advices 'from cklont has ¿1 ven North Car'oHna^?!''^"'“« ,coal .some publicity, he poirited was supported by statistical When vve say; this, however, we are not refering to clubs where out. Dr. Stuckey aaid -that the PiW (jolf and \yher ..........' ........'............I'e a . real countryman is practically WhaV wo mean is that We need to organize more clubs estimates that therp is about 05,- 000,000 tons of coal in North Cnrolina. .It is too volatile'.for I'aihvny engine, - consumption and, is used chiefly for the'manufac-^ ture of boko arid electricity. : , Brick, tile-, and, stone, are tho the.'n,uAGr=of-c)ijldren’-lransport-| ^ays that.. food^^eif eu» 'Гц.,j uan,ton;taaysú>in;ai)’t;4,-iooa':;;?aui^PHe№ „ „ j, - ,!havtvbeen.cut'Off.from';the'(Âmei‘4'.é’,,'',.'ï;!:; ; “No ligrirea are available aa to ¡ju„boat„f^tatlaKod a t, Wop- tho plumber ot, vehicles uaed, nor, us-well as.from,,the B riliah’ ■ ' aa to the. number of children tran- ' aported'.in W20-21,’» ’ continued , ц that the.Britiah.cori-, Mr. Pittm^in. “ In 1922 there were Woochow luw adviawl all 528 vohiclea used daily to trans- «„b.iccta to lervo boçauae¡I on oVn 'ï. 'i ; jJi'iuHii nubjccta to leiivo, bocauaepoi't 2,0,359 achool children. Thia »t the boycot againat thom. , ,,, stato, tho lirodClction from those!construction, aaios oi bointt $7:000,000 of thè total $11,-'r«"cci, production and,consumption 'Stnnd/ng^facts will ' be renio noo,№0 . annual, jaineral produc- [ of gasoline,'tiro output, the manu- ,Thoro ,¥’0 only twelv tion in -N orth-C arolina. North of .<iilk: and the output of :meeting8: are hpld once : a w • - -■ , ' .'. . iiimViRv'.'. f \ ; m rotation. Thus, each mer shows ail Increase in two years: ______ of 378 Vehicles and 12,423 child-' A.QiMr SOXp AND ’ ren. The increase in tlie numb-' P A lN r er of vehicles represents 252 pev' ' ‘ ¡ j S cent arid the.increasb'in.the nuin-! - Chicaio,.: July-. J lM o r b v a la p 'li^ ;:’^ ! -157 per cent. >“33 paint-ia affiew-bopi ,i,g923-24^„inety.three'pf';thi,'=^'?^^^^^^^ OUl. ur. oulCKuy siiiu -mut mu , , .United States geological survey operations^nnd a broadening never seen, What we mean is that we ■............................. ..... ' 1 / -r I of milrkots. - Even continuance of of real country folks to, deal with real country probloms. activity at the same pace set in And slncp ,city folks are finding that aLiout, the only way to tho first aix months o f.1925, it got men to nttend.meetings regularly is to have something to eat* wns inci^eated, would be favbra- in co nn e........................ •■ - ^ ...... r r , - .t,.__ ble, considering that now;high re- Civitans cords-'were estnbii.shod -during'.oriough Brick, tile- and stone are thoi*Wa production:'of,;,motor kucks, We are,,never going.tp be aatisfied iUntil we have all oyer the !bbr of children haulod'iop'rcsontB hi'iroT uo»V '/T?’ 'T ” T 'i 'i leadiiii'm nor'nl prod^^^^^^^^ exports of automobilos, liSiidirig South farm ers’ cliibs, such as wgl:found 'at /work in If.artow Gountyi * -.......>^?#«w^bo\i«iy,r|: stato, tho brodilction from those ■ life ;i'naur- Georgia, ' on our vlslt , tp that statje iast year. , The „itollowing out-': ■ ’ - . . . .- niVnn rii>nriiii.finn niifi cnnau'riintion 'Stand/ng facts w iil'b e reniemberbd:--— i ; , ^ ^ ■ : ' twelve mpmbei’s of; this farmers month at th'farrii 'homos of ’'Wil li i , i>uj. t/ii - i - I -i .. i. 1 .-Cnrolina : the sneakpr qtated' in lumber.'- > \ in rpumou, .xiiua. ouuu member is called on to entevtain tho section ai-bun'd Mount Airy ^ ' Steel-'Cheerful ' - 'only once a year,, so that the hospitality sfeaturb is-not ' producea^some 'of 'thQ'beat irraniiie • operalions aho^d^ little on a ^ on^ij^ijdiU ial., Tho meetings flro_hold, o^ thp second Fi-iday pprtpd; 4 8 , a p i cWidren. ^ thls'ybar arid w b-r'tiib« in lho;wor]d.:,;, ; ' ' '....................... Dr. Stuck^KV was iritroduced.. by Dr, Collier; Cobb,: head * of 'tho ' University Departmerit of 'Gbo- ,lngy. ' Dr. C(ibb, in bxplainirig Dr. -Stuclcey’s.a u b jk tr‘‘Tiie Rb»rM in- 'incline in.pr ;ei'nl Wealt'h :,of North Carolina,’,’ low , pc . . . . „ isurm aqp cmnM ,.»10 niilo Union u. s. TO L o o se $2 BfLL FLOODi been accepted aa one Pf the rear. . ------■ sons for the slower pace of millus time of agin g'th e(b clief-th at the recent —,. ................................ .......................................^____ ^ ____ mduction had passed Inspect thp ^faj;m: and \farminK-operations 0 their boat, nnd'/talk-.^cdii^t:. ;in; W was an cl'ro aiivriV b p rm i''“” ^ " ..................ui ....4.11 ......... ''spent: foi' ““'V school .buses.. In/ ' ______1 - . - '1 '■‘i n o n n 4 . o i e t -t .1 a'A r id ' . . . . . 1. ' •, , ................................... . - |: ;ernl Wealth :pf North Carolina,’,’ nnvtiinM' 8-■ But these clubs are' for buaineaa' and progreaa aa w elt as > 1923-24, $511,444.22 was apent for ti ir the monthly pi^'ram ia takeii 'up. - Thp.iriew' cbnvpyaricesi Thia' was an ' 'per cbrit-l,'; .. , . „ ljus.band,!,’!,aaid,;M . am,': afraid':''i.v:ha^e.''f businesB'at ono meeting about the 08 aifebting countioa " Th,e;oId sup'erstitiori, that ,?2 operations, '7 7 ''' . ! ' ■ ■ ’ ^ ■ i county-ranked firsf im'tn nio i.nm ' ^¡'"'toon and a half, pw’am?”’ bills are unlucky' is costing tax- Signs of weariness were evident \ "Wgh' Gilreath, a- club member who-had been asked to w rite ber- of truckq iiRnrV suggested the ,sh.opi-:nBSlstanfc''-v-?---^,v 1 3-4 cents, regardless of its de- nominationl; Each of the' adelia; tionnl $2 billa would retire two ?1 bills, resulting in an immediate saving of jmbre than $1,000,000. Opposition to the !p2 bill is bas­ ed ' chief ly '.bn its supposed re­ semblance to its ' lesser brother, the $1 bill.' ■ ' to popularity InfiFiedmbntJiN ■ . . . Caroluia;. It makes,;:';suror:,i:í\nd';.d;!Í:!-’ !f.! bigger yields than oata, finds the ' ; ' farmers whp have tuod it'................... àîld, five .tburing cara. ‘¡Each of t'hlrty-foui operated fifteen or more trucka I “Each of fifty-two counties op- ' 7'' , ernted ten or more trucka in 1923- had 98.637 childron transported lïito.immecUate circulation-and to,i haa ^passçd its peak for the pi’ev -« _ eent-bv nvflm4niT nnnWf»vnHvMAr'» be less favorable and Wall street Í K n d , Couldn’t it do ■24,'nnd forty-one other counties;:daily;:;':; i; waiched closely /or indications of happief for the influence of '4ueT*rfb I’f® ^e,w hich employed transportation,• ''';.’tlíoíi|i'-,.Carina,¡rnn'^e^-is^c^^^ n ripfinltfi unturn in the trend. ^ an organization? And if you - - . -------о Recent occu'ring periods of-tom- i ^ such ,an organization, surely you have eleven porary tightened credit c o n v i n e - «««"ty who would help you start ed financial circles that a broad- _ ' ' . ■ er dbmarid for funds existed in The ■ Winatpn-Snlem Journal (interior, manufacturing arid apcri- seema; to th’inli; it remains fpr Polo' culture centers which was likely ritling and racing to preserve the jto turn the flo'w of funds fi-way Foster Reunion horse. We tjiink if the farm horse i.and ' mulé are ellminilted thia'¡country, w ill .be ori starvation i" 12 months. / . Auction Commiaaion Barn, ■\ ■ / Mockaville, N; C.' A reunion of tho John G.- P'ost- from Wall street Fm”'the first or fam ily w ill be celebrated on L . in m any^ook., ,v.™ A u iu ^ume m iimiij' --r-------- n ■ j -riheard bf a prospective Increase Rynard Foster. Two mileg soutl^ in the New ■'York federal reaerv* of Fork Church,. Relativea and re-discount rate'/ but as in the N ew'York'federal reaerv*uaual friends are requested to bring a they prove groundless,' .' . P|oriic-.baaket'well, filled. -. CARD OP THANKS We wiah to thank our friends had less than ton truciis each, :in 1923-24,: when ,4,8,25l/,children'* “Wilson county trarisported 2,- were transported.,daily. • • ■ 222» chndren, the largest num ber, “Iowa ' reported .the transporta-r:i in any county. Grarivilla was ae- tion of 45,00 children and ranked; cpnd, with .1,867 tranaportod .tiiird. , , children. Stanly county: report- “New .Torsey waa fourth, with- ed the tran'aportation of 1,835 38,709, arid'Louisiana fifth, with children on thirty-one trucks. Ed- .38,153. ' ^“Only five states reported the.:-and neighbors for their kindness, gecombe r^ ked fourth, since she -to t.V S irm ilo aW ^ f Г vehicT^s help nnd symi)athy during the late illness an(i death ¿ f thp'wife and mother. Lewis Hendrix children. ' ' hauled 1,470 children. used. North Cnrolinn’s total dai-^ “Indiana ranked first among ']y mllecige \vas greater than: that and the states in the number pf pu- reported by any of these five pila tranap 9rtod in 1923-24. She states,” . ' % \ ’ ' ' '..... .................................................■ ИМ . • • ■ r . - , • » ■ ■. i'/ ' ■ fi. Thurailny,. Ju ly 23. * < i t ‘ S. V, • ^ *s * ^ t ч * i N i í .« < i ,n .. ■■ . ■ ■/ ','■ • , \ ! ' V , . ■ , ' ^|||ni|‘:iG r tó tè ^ Only the Daring "are . Worthy of }. , w . » . V ,. , j Success I f Ш t "I'i*. ' lï'.Lt kï 1’ -, ' • ¡There Is hn Interesting story told of Alexander the Great :who conquered ih e world before:.he was 82 ychra old. He Went ■ on one occasion when'i a very young'hid- to attend the Olympian gam es.. Re- ' turning 'home:! his vfather asked him,, "W ell, son, what= did you think o f,th e gam es?” Tho yoi^ng ^ ■.'genius” made..so,niOi Tom.'irks ,ns,; to; tho names ,of tho ; \vinners and. then uttered .this/ : ;in substance : ■ ll'Xhdro ; w as ;'one thing w hich, Impressed mo more : than anything else in' connection'with the races,” , : , . . : Und on being asked by his father what it wns that ' ■ ' ’ ' 1 • • , : :'c. impressed him'most,"Alexander said,."I noticed that • none won except those who entered the ^ contests.'* There is a great lesson to tjie progrossivo young, , man of, 1925. Those whp/do not enter, the contest , never succeed. ; The men who have made .loads' of ,. money dealing^in real estate during'the years’past f are those who have invested,' those who 'have ti^ken ' • some risk, those who have, made an effort. ,It makes. ' ■ , . no,' difference how anxious. yoy . m ay be to make . money, remember .this: - ‘^Only those succeed who ■ .. cnter' the contest;’vv ': v;'l:,' . .....■ ' . Whon you buy':Bacon Gbun.ty, Georgia, land, you ,;do not buy a pig in a'b aa-.i^ o u fb u y land . worth far more than -it' costs, you: ' You buy som ething.' ' .......................' ■ ^ ■ , ■ , • that w ill not .blow- awgy,' or become weather beaten,, : or burn, ov becomo worthless with 'tim e,: And Jio ’ .one crin steal land.It jupt stays right there and grows in value ^yith the jgrowth and developmsnt of the section in which it is located.. / ' I > 1 ^ Л,f, ■' ' -f ■ 'J ^ Opportunity Now Open to the Reali Get Land at Ypur Own WiU $200 to $500 per acre. Will make from 50 to lOO a Bale of Cotton to the Acre. So convinced are We Price For WWch it ■ is ■ Listed, We Have Arranged Tlii ;Free .Trip From Albemarle to Aima, Ga., the Conmiy While at Alma. : So it. Costs'-’You' Nothing To, Go « Several Albemare people have been and many of them have purchased and on what easj^ and attratiive terms they could secure it. ' Mr; Morton makes the trip irom Albemarle to Bacon County/Gs ments with Mr.*Morton to go with him at an early date. . The following are a few of the tracts you can purchase on these e| and see the projperty before'you buy. Y , .'.Г. *• /( 1.—Ira Vickers place, i'FI) acres; 80 acrcss in culliyation; soil—^red pebbly Idam. \0n Alma-Blacksher road; 2 good houses, one four robitj and one six room. Good place; one mile from school and church; -Price ................’$3600.00 2.—M aggie Dougins place; S iac rcs in Alma, Good house and one tobacco IT. ° • ' :'$ 4 ,0 0 ^ 0 6 3.—D. W. Lott place; 250 acres; 150 acrcs in cultivation.. One nine room houso; tine tenant houso; ¿wo tobacco liarns; liOcaicd 3 m iles from Alma, Good land, - A n T rice /per acre V......i p o i 3 . v l v l 4.—Kins pla’ce; 50 acres; 25 acres in cultivation; house nnd barn. 5 miles from Alma. Can you beat this " A A A P rice?: ....... .............. ..... *P • O U . U U L is t of . 5.-:-Rlglan plncc; S!| ' Price -' ......'..................... ^ ■) V 6,—Wilcox piaco; I , balance in young linili , on good road. Price per acre ...........-| . 7.—^Butler place; ; Cotton pelt Route. ' Price (terms) ............\ , '¿I i;: i“ 8,—Pirkle & Iiuke, houses; 7 miles from 4 ; Price (terihs) ....... Ask W, W. Love, M. A.-W hitlock, of Albemarle, or any ono else who has- purchased Dacon County property. They are our best advertisers. ;TERMS ; „b.nsJay, July 23. 1925 TKÎ3 MOCKSVILLE j ÍNTBKPRISE mand, and i’rom demand we create T A K E ÏR O N U X j)r9dui)üon, uful, thence avoUnd the ■ ■ C eleb rated M ed icin e H as B ecom e T rtlk O f Tl(ie To>m— V a s t N um biers H e re A r e B en efited . K am âc,the rem arkable new medicine, is producing such phenomenal results that it has become a sensation here. Never before has^ any medicino brought forth such overwhelming outbursts of praise from happy people mndo well and strong through its use as Karnak. Vast jiumbers of local people are every (lay reporting phenomenal return of thoir old-tTme strength and en­ ergy and quick relief froni thoir »uircring after taking it. Mon and women of all ages, in ail wolks of life afflicted , with stomach, liver or kidney disorders, some of them weak, thin and nerv­ ous onil apparently on tho verge of ' ‘ » 11--.1. has fully, restpi'ed, ,them to thoir normal,; liedltliy, condition; ' they; have regained their weigh fc and: strength and, feel .like their old selves, again. ■ ' Still otliers,'■\vho seemed fairly . well, yet who suffered with iridigos- , tion, constipation, sluggish liver ' and sour, gn.ssy stomach; as well ¡is those ■wno complained of wale- . ing up dull and tired—eyes heavy —head aching and dim.y—t’ongue | coated—bad taste and olfehsivo breatn, state that they havo been entirely relieved pf the^b distress- | ing symptoms and restored to. health and happiness through the use of Karnak. Karnak is unquestionubly the greatest medicine of nil tlmea. it Is fast coming into universal . use and rccognized by authori-. ties ns the greatest boon to Buf­ fering humanity the world has ever known. Over 500,000 bottles of Karnak sold in four states in ten montliH. . Kurimk 1» Hold In Moeknvlllo oxcliii'lvoly by UiiirlB-tiOOtiitKl rimriniicy; iind by nil londlntr T O C O N Q U E R N E R V O U S N E S S ContideHde, ous am i a p p a re n tly on tn e v urgu oi ........................................... colliipso, hayo tostifled that Karnukl h.ovm-y tuwn, TELI.SMK. E'rCHISON ______ OF AI) CONVENTION -----------------;— Alter Housitoit M eeting Takes Tvip 'I'o Lower Rio (»irnnde Valley With W liich lie Is Much Im- p r e s s e d .,,) one eoiitinuous round of entei'-' taliim eiit Nvhi'ph had been lavishly staged by the hoijpitablb citÿ of Houston tiiròugh an npijrdpria-^ tion of pne hiiiulred thousund dol lav«;',,'; ■ ■ \ The Keynote ol; the Sunday churcii meetings wns sounded’ by 1.П-. Charles Aubrey Eaton,/asso­ ciate',of Charles ,M. .Sch\vab„ when ho ■ said : ■, "In the, h uriy, burly of Tho following article Л taken from 1 aat;'Slínday''ü issue ^of■ ' thé Columbia,’ (S. U.,) State will bol i.V. , . of interest to Èntferprise readers. I modern Ijfe adVertisiiuf 'becpmiDS Mr. fítchitíóh Isla .niitiVe of Üílvio.'n handm'nidon of religion ; a ,pow- Coiinty, being the soil of .the ; late ‘orí ill, .ally;: in ’politiesi, Ui^on, ud- W. C. f”. Etchison' of tliis,;city. i;' | vertisirig conducted In »thoOntcr- In many respecta ' it was - very Test of progress thè public press • . , , Ol I b iiiif is {(-.Я iiroiirierity. And with-ai)proi)riak‘'-tÜut the 21 annual emivention . of 'the Associated Ad- vorl:ising C|liibs of tho World \va8 hoki In Tç.xas and the fast grow- buiids its 'proiipority. And with­ out the press it wotdd. bo itripoa- •filblo for a. democracy long ib con­ tinue with sufoty. , We must havo cycle WÓ huid with "' Increased stahdai-da of/living.",:,' In advertising as in all other ciilllngs, women are'¡rapidly' berr f ., . coming u.potent factor , and this * Let Lack of Confidence was strikiiltdy demorifitrated atj I'^rcq and \f. al.ty M a^ j;hp, Hotiston. convention^-^iVIore. and |.,. Î o» , “• , more woinén each year are taking' .,1 i. up advertising as a profeasion...'. 4v, .Jofi! “i sort«. V vit ia already clearly d«imonstrat- despondent, m entally 0 1 physiciiU èd:from 'the Houstonthat now ground l8 beginning to to accomplish things be ' broken in the' American' vertislng field: ground W hich‘is today practically untouched. TKo ««c '"'hn U xhl- big state of Texas w as a g(ibd and a few clays use will makel fittin g place: in which ■ t,o Shovv l ' because, of that America’s even ' y o t a l m o s t , ór lack of, lirop- undiscovered as a business build- fing. possibility. Take one ' big fniT value ot iBurcher s ,: Ironux field.alóne, that of church adver- provc_itself to your utmost tisin'g. In some few sections of ^8 hours ,the country, especially on the pa- “ then you’ll knmv for sure why Icific èoast, church advei'tising is thousands of other folks use it being developed in a small wayi*^'’®*'^ „ . but just from what little that h a s !, F°r affections of 'the Nervous already been done It can be s e e n ; S y ft^ - Constipation, poor blood, that vast possibilities for con- '.Is, fever, m alaria, loss of ap- structive work, loom up big in théimmediate future. ; los.sness, exhausted vitality and In the church-advertising de- Burche^;’s pi-.rtmentul of the Houston'‘con-1 is ab.solutely guaranteed ventioh it was clearly shown that l ° PlfW .ypu -pr ;il;s smal cost will, in America, todily only,two-fifths gladly ro unded. • Sold and,i'o- of.our,mlulVpoiii(ltttibn-'huVo:'.anÿ«^^^^^^^ Clement, chuirch.-gonnècfiona-- whntover.rAl.! so, that only one-third of .ouv' acUilt bi.y town and hamlet, on route. popiiJatioii, goes to church I’cgul-j At sonio points-dt was,’estimated ariy,' and not till of these, by ùny cóst'^òf'. entertainment nioiina,; ar‘è "sold” as.thoroughly .p^. vigito'i.às high as ifS and as they shoiUd bo on religion.; . $10. But Texas saw aii opportu- îs’early airvof, them Would, ■i)Vny'!,i\ity to-soil horscÌi and right, well m ore,,fervently and',' toi tiibute ç|jd gi,e do >it for thousoiids of rnore generously if religion,, w ei% visitors: returned to , thoir.ihomea. rnado to seóm,:mpre! nttructivo;:aiid convinced, that, nltiio'ugh in tho ad-' more ,importaijt. , It, ,'yaH..<clcarly|VGrtÌBÌng profession'they had beenshoWh ‘1" if V iin V ) nP , 1. . . I.i. , ■, Òrgani- - advertising . to jierform its greatest ,^yorkг Ih e Through ea‘ecti\'js advertising church bolls-f-the advertising.me- already read before leaving home,'• • ' •«* 11. cimiti . ,*• К t h e R o a d -S à ^ » ;" ? CottlnjS , Iti a heavy harvest--.- soraotlmcs under poor weather : conditions—-Is a bi[} enougli’ • pròpdsltlpn : without . meetinii , .obstacles on'rot)to such os uii- even roadways and ditches. Concreto culVdrt9',^rIdgo tlia V , . trouble nnd also , draiiv ,wet, marshy places making 'iho . ' farm : more i comfortable.',;wd ' ' healthful. ' . Yolir, building material ,^eate^ will bo gidd to totl'you .the Manjr :. Wbys you can permariently.lm«^. prove your fafm . wlth ' -AtlM,i“’ PortlandCement. ' , ! PORTIAHD CEMEIIT ' ATLAS PÔRTLÀNÎï eÉMiENT IS: SOLD IN MOeKàVlLLE BY MOCKSVILLE HARDVi^AiRE CO. hold in T w as anu m e n is i ^цин-; .................................... ing city ¿f 'H oliàbii, ho.4t to the ¡ a iV’oo; interchange of commoditi- eonvuntioii 'this yeii'r, , presented j es.” , on uvoi'y haiki u prncticul illustra- /ч-..-....,..; G. W. Morton Local Representatiye liniiiiiim VU VÌYVi.* J ___ tion of tho‘ offoctivenoss' of'reni advorìisiug.,:'lt 'vy!ia at the'.Dnllaa coiiveiition 12 years iig'o that the great slogani; ‘‘Trutli in Adyertis? ing,'J beciimo the real basic in'in- ciple upon: .Which, nil trub adyer- now rests. VV \ A ti’omcndonsly valuable lesson is. driven hpine to the staid, cqn- soi'vutivo Carolininh who spends a‘ week in; week ;in Texas with his eyes iind oars ■ open. ,It is'th e land where men are doing things tlirough 'cóòperation and sincere boo;.tlng. Every Texan is sold on ■Hate an'd on his community, The grasp of his hand and the sparkle of his eye lets you kpow at once that he is glad tb be liv­ ing, especially in Texas whore “a man is,: a man and a woman ;is govornoi.’’ You : soon, catch the »pirit or 'his enthusiasni filthqugh you know Ills state is,not as good as your own. ' - in: fiict tlip^ he lovo.s} Ciirolina, witii ;lior ciuaint,' /ii-iiftocratic,,provincial tpvyh's;.re­ fi ned and ; ciiltured ' citinohahip and 'great . iiatural i adyent But now .ono does loh'g tp be able to bring buck with him'thf?t .spirit ofvcoopei'iition and boostiilg ■which is universally, found |n Tcxa,8 and viMlicli.'i;^a;':thé•^MoàoЗ vorti ng- -a" dry. barren, ' w i Iderness, into'a .vast garden of power and plerity;';0|:v.'i'■ ■' In Te.x.'is one is reminded of the old ; legend wiiich relates how. the CQcl'_^Qf;Iiylustry had creatiod many useful, «iK lpraam ental,'things; for man’s pleasure: and coijifort. Some scrapH/,‘woró .lef,t;.:oyer. He'took them iind: bundled .them together ' and covered them,with siisiiicion; and wrnppea ;them with jealousy, and m arked' them with a'yellow streak, .¡ aiui p it: a; Knocker., Tjio ith'ing -«'as so liideous;to :look) upon; that he <rdecided to make spmctHi'pg ;i;p countbraqt it, so took', ¿1 ! sunbeam and put it in the , ’’nnrt of a cl'.ild and the brain o f a':; ihan;;:i.:np^^^ a,'; loyor ; of .fiohifl'and flowers, manly arts and industrial development/ :,j-Ie gave: it a .vplyet clasp of steel; and; call-^ ■ ed ,:atvii^‘!tìppstòr,;;fillbd':,w^ : cobpólviti^e.'sptrit.^ ' ' Surely^ it: >vas ^iii^Texiasi that''the' Boost]er//.'was', . , created',:'nhd.'; M ,oliminated'ilip':Kiioclfer'. , , ' Th'p ’ i Associated. ' Advertising niiib.s;'pf'the World bbcamp a fiill grown I’imaij in .yoar^ with the Hoiistòn. Qonyeniion, \yhich start­ ed it3,'wq.i’k on , Sunday, May 10, with: lay; sitvmon.s on advertising from 'the'pulpits of ,14 of the Hpit.stdn churches, prefacing the first .general session which- fol­ lowed, ori Monday morning; From thbji on through Thursday night tiie days were filled with hard^ 'Vprlf in the. numerous aopartmen- hitched, ; tj»l ni|e»t;iijigi}i^ were mbhta of 0,11 i^unday 'evening Governor IvIirinhiiA. Ferguson was a guest, bf hbnbr bf : 1;ho,’ y/omen’s Adyer- tlsing cl.ub . of lloiistoii',/ at a ; d^iii- .ner'and; told a.mPst cpsnibpolitan •group of : business, iancl profess^ nill ; women tl^^at th orò vvas' n ò ne'efl o f ; the ' mannish wortiaii In :busl- rioss, - She stated:'that ;while : vyo- men haye a great .work to pòri orni in' the .commercial life of tho ha- |;tion.. If vvoman ;is , mannish let her stay away > fróm_ ua'. God made lis womeii and gave us rare opportunities as womon; Lot the mon profit by thoir own peculiar littlo mannerisms.. Thore is no exciiso for the woman in business, unless she is going to stay a real woman there. ,If she is going to; ape men'lot her stay ati home.” :;,. , Speaking of Governor'Peguspn, one is deeply, led» to believe,,, lifter,' talking; with '- Texans viii 'state, that aljioi'^t tlfe lore^impprtaht. ,: It, ,waH,,clearlyjvertlBÌng profession they had been tipvyh that I billy in-,tlie.irtii,o,h of t„uiïhfc a grbiit les'aoii through' rgani,zpd ,rel.igimi jand forganiüpd, practical : dòmonstratioii. , - , dvertising could the chureh.hope 'Lower Rhi Grande :■ jjierform Its grbatdst work. ;iUie Through effectiv'ls advertising church bolls-f-the advertising me-, aireudy’read befbrb leaving home, duim of the;pilsl^have done thou^ the iwriter was j)orsuaded to.talte ; work, well ;80; far,, as thoir C lim es'th o 'trii): from Houston th at'led i could' bo: hoard' but thoy can nbtidown}Ìnto.^ho':LÓWOTÌ llib ,Grw lierfoi'iW tho work of iiitolligont|.vaiië5,:y /ïH iâ;iis.:a .liters church adyertlsii№ ,.' Igardeiv; kiiç^n;: as/tho V^ Phiindelphiu, wjlh it-a 1 100 niiloa; long Richard” club, and St. Potters- goi,yr„i ;bdrg, Fla.,;oach;mado;li:hard fighticburso: of:tho Rio Grando lrlvo^ ir„„i fi.n iiHxt, convention; but'i,Vn'H nvt-mi,iin„ nnri-,h iin averiuto áíiDiiiiraiiíoiiiiiimruMiiiÍM^ TIIE DAllV № a : A progressive newspaper, published in a progressive stato,, - •.V»;.';—......., to: landi.the 110x1; . convention I but philudeliMiia. flniillyi Won but, the' 'iattert>city';haying offered lits 'siip- pprt Uie 'Floridinns ,;f^ 1927; THo'.Pjiiiaclelphlans: had .[co'me ;ribt only strong;numericiilly but/briiig- arid 'extending: I'lorth an , average ofiàbout 25imilesj, ;,Thi's valley is niado from ; oyprflow ' deposits which ■lui,vo gonò:!bh ■fo'r, eons of tirt]'e ánd'’is today; the richest': soil knp.wh,:t'ô'^an; ' Thp : r'lyor hasonly airong;numuriuiyii> UV...B Known VO man. .1 n»^ . nvui „„a ing '_along:^ltii thorn, '^ splendid 'been, harnessed through iri/igation replica: of, the Libt-ily Bell and,a some upoii', as many as ^qrt^idablo, ;stack ■ o l, |acts;,, and three different;;: levols' Pifteoh +i<r.,,.oa . . ' ''years ago this section was an un­ inhabited ; vyliderness.: But the spjrit of Texas wont in and con- 'fig u re S .■ ..................... , O. K. Woodbridgo of New; York :was olected intcrnntionnl presi- dont bf . tho convention for tho cbthing ybai' to succeed Lon E., Holland of Kansas City, who hiis held this, office for tho past three yeiirs. ‘ ' ■ ' ., ,p|j'/v ;;.ifor-a,'progre8sivo:pePple.' .w:' . With a i;(icord oC service and achievement in tho past,''wo, ■vyant you.to know also ¡of our'plansi fo,iv the futuro.,VvEffor^ and money will not bo stinted in giving you;a.well-balanced; , newsy,, virile, depenciablo daily pai«r,;;:doptbr; luwyijr, buaii|: nesis m'an ,or iaborer, you w ill need,th‘ii\ ", newspaper'-for all the people." , \ ' r ' 'Independent in;poiiticsi or policy;caiIs:ii'oi! full ;ànd <unbJnal:m of\ no\vi) and. vjowtf touching'all^quostions,'of; interest:tb:thp,,/p . . gonoral public and 'ithe,..:stato’s .progress a«d/^ojhu‘ei ' ^ & wonderful gijowth in circulation',each yoar is;our assurhncû;;. that, morevand more,, the people who think :for.:themsolvoÿ|i are turnj.ng to fin indoppndcnt newsptlper;: • ■ ' Subscrip'tlon rates are as low as the present day cost of puBlisliing such a newspaper permits. \ ' , ■ Six months, daily and Sunday, .?4.0O’ V, ; ,s : • Six months, dally only, ■ ' ifll.BO / '^4 Stifnplea on request, ' ' ' .......i i'- '; GREENSBORO DAII^ GREENSBORO, N. C. Уга11111Я!111И111|'и1111а:|||и:«!В|1111са;|11И1111И!||1Я!1111а1111И1Ш'М1а|1И.1М[|11д||||?«1||1И1||1т111а1Ш|М111^^^ querod and today this valley,is a litoral garden spot with mbre than 15 millions of dollars invdstod in irrigation and drainage projcct.s years. ; . :, I'albne, ;' Nineteen ' in-osperous The city of Houston performed; towhs; and cities; ,’lcnown as the ii-mbst'splendid advprtisi,ng stroke; ,ytaipy:.;pròperi;;/;Tliis,/,valley pro- .............................................l.W llllM liltiW ilM ilW W iW iW W fW fyW f^ggW ^ iove,,,aiiei'.| lh ,getting the: convention/z this duciicl last'yoai;,moro than 12,000 ' many ihtelligent .yoar, . Cbrnparatlyoly fe\y of the .gm-a of citrus fruit and veiiotabl- „ioifrn.a iinri'nnv eon-i,r.n ,,..wi ./Ill .filili year far exceed pi’pdiicpd ,90,000 year. 'The ¡UlllJ', MW...-. V ,.......^ ___ 'Vlth , many.: ihtpUigent':yoar,;"Cpmpariitiyoly fe\y -of the in ;yarl^)us •■pai;tS', of thq ,;thouàand8 of,visitors hadany con- !(¡g . nt hor wbman:gpvernor. iii ■ ceptioh of the trepierido'iis/grbwtli, tvils iimoiin)' '• Tf oiily..№ ing.Te^^yhas|th^^ NOTICE TO OUR : C u s t o m e r s ...... . , ■ Known :telimg/vynai; ID'vvfii.uc иилъ ........... ци; .'лио umu-« v!Ìllòy4 s;conncct- tind it'ris .a;,;subjpct tiilit. tho avo- it is thè second greatest, inhind - ori \vith tho ;very, finost hard йцг- ruge intelligent "'Texan .^lickly: cotton port iind ’ is the world’s ronds.' It is claimed that iead^, : you : а''Уау from. . had largest .cpttoiV coinprossing poiiit. | the' cloyelopmont. of ' this - section mii.ch. rather :(talkv ¿bout: j ’ail\vay,/;HoiÌ8tqà;,h‘as' ’l'7, vail^ most marvelous in trackage^ ipublicly^ownod луйагуе iiig:tKe; se^, gi.vihg lier, cbn^nection „the history of the :world’s .’pro- 'or thoroughbred.cattle, Bqt ¡(’;У0и;лу1(11; pno-eighth of Ampricii's pn-.igj-ogg jg .tnklrig: sirriply cotiiiiel hirii,tq:ttilk’pqlitic8 tire ti’iicka'ge;,) E yeiy ^ 'place one-must bollevo this, claiiri.' you ;уу111Бооп:1рагп: that pollticiü inccess tp ,'pübll.cly.:'ow.iiecl'.^^ ''rhpusands of acres of , fino accideiits happen in ^Texaf. :;, I.jes. The annual; payroll ‘pl! IIoiis-‘I ¡md oranges are to^ ;as in.o:i;he'r sectioha'of'the cpuiiti7 1 to'n’s' ymaiuifacturing . industries day .flourishing Avhere only yest- on/r linii hntrin to; feel • more ' at.| excpedsVif28,000,000; l erdiiy ' stood ; the brush -and the It. must; bo rememberôd ;,that 'cactidnliabited;pnly.by.She rattlé- 'this tremendous ., growth, wh,iph ;snnke" aiVd the coyote.'■; ;Pbr this can only merely;, be- hinted fi’pni g^'ctibn. tho- next, few y^^ hold h;iin above flKÙi'es 'jis taking place out ;sl;iir more; wòndòrfùl poaaibi- On and after Ju ly 25, li)25 both banks, w ill closq their doors^^li ai 'TIlREE O’CLOCK. , : U Wo are malting ¡thiii change in our clpslngnliouiv-in, prdor, to, coniploft* on»' days work by posting our dally chocks and posits on the samo day they come in.* ; ; ' i ,'Jl'hi.s is made necessary by the rigid requirements of the. Slate officials in carrying out thoir duty to the public, aiid ^ Ave hope to have the hearty cooperation of all whom 'wej serve in giving to the public the best service'possible,* p a Л '. Ì ?Меш and ÿoii: bogih to; feel ; more - at., ¿xcbeds ;$2!3,000,000; hpmb. Since taldng offiûé’pn thq' ' ^ ^ ' 21st day. of last Jaii'uary GbyernPr Miriiim E. Ferguson, has//already is.su ed 353 pardons,/ It must, bo’ 1 , O IH y lUWi. U4,y SUUtlUXi • yilW liu/wu, X VJ >v J/ w * * kj ja.7uuu V-» , ...j oboye figuTpSvM taking place out,,siiill rribrò; wòndòrfìil ppaaibi- / admitted eyeii in ^Texas that/this..¡n a,community with a .comi3arar.!iitje'8;yfor:ns yet .londs are 'com- jj. ,y is a : pretty raiiid pace /which out-1 ti vely poor and hani to cultiyatq ' pai'^ti vely cJio'ap. Such a thing 11 r. rages'.justice luid :in ; large meiV-, back countiy foi’ tlip lands around ^g;;fQi.tiii2er of ap:yi déscriptloi^ Ì3 Q>gn ■ . ' .....1.1.0 or.ni.i9 .1 T-rniiKfnii.urn not iis yet svibjbct tp 'uni^nown in this/valley. 'It is e s - l^siU’o overturhs the courl,s. . The State ApiJlauded The w riter' òxìierienced back country/lor Tnp iihr.« iu;uu^. any; cieacripuoi Ho^stpiv are not as yet,^ubjecf ^p;unj,„owii in this valley. ' It iV I"*«““ ?,?.: .“’?*’■ that the soil' is 30 feet ,th5 they will_ never be^madf^o; pro- deepe r iind i^; its own ................ 'iiest;;stim ulator of all Icind^ of plant life ;: Three,'crpps a,' year T ne Wr)№i’ oAijcuvii.-».... — r, „ . . . ..w, — , , _ ^ greatest' thrill of ,i;hp coqventioii■ duco,maxirnuni i'esults.|' The raip- at tlie 'ppeninB ol the new spa'l^r¡fail la-yery irYegular .ahd aiicer;,p,(i„j , ^.,„.1.0 .(.i-uj,« departmental, when, ringing ap- jtain.'yl'Houston ; in , the beginninglaj.ij :,;j,ised on all 'bf thosb ia'nds ■ ' ■ .........................the natural ad -^nj,d;ltíi8 a farm er;« para :',,lt;is:clalm ed';that4he .clim'ate':'in this: valley isS delightful r every. ----------------------------, ^ H oastw is;iite|ally;nw kinr ; и ..,«..,...* , tropolitan city tlii^pugh tho yi(^n ,J mbnth; in: the^ yS ar.-b d u ^ ry, cooperatioii and boosting у{д' „ (;hatthere'seem s t;.r be spirit. v d u e h s e ^ s ;tp .;p » s :a l^ o^the people of :Texp, ^They love ¡ breeze, from ;t the r. state and , t^.t^ditions: and ; „igh tsu t this 'season are delight- big, ;for,tliem /4o ¡fai.,::T hq valley'i8'/said t0;:be :as nearly perfectly healthy. ;as‘ any section of the United States. Doc. plauso; ;was, given upon tlie an-:| had /nothing: like : 1;he natural ad- npuncernent ; oij ,the nanie ot -the; vantages^ possessed '^by Columbia'' pajjpr'ho represented, , no. other ' ‘ .............. nevvsi;)à'per;;in the Carolinas hav- ,ing‘ represeptiitibn. / ; ' I ', ' / ' : The; general sessions of the eqii- vei'ition ■\yere;'addressed; by many nationally knbvvn monibut probab­ ly the best speech Of the entire session was tiiat delivered,, by §eeretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, in which ho .stressed the 'the Av'ay fliroiigh "were tiie superi'- or; of inost Florida fruit. , , ■ ' A fter loayitig' the train: in the valley proper all . visitpra wero taken : in, cai's. through the {entire length :■ pf the ; yiilley, , ,which , be­ cause pii;;; its natural '^ resources, good; hard/ilstirfacod ;; roads find' np tackle. As an illustration of the adver- nooyvv, ... tising spirit of Texas, immediate-. importance of pelf goveMment by}iy ^ftor tho coi,volition ended ita rv i f W groups. .He reminded the thoiis-.jplans had already bben perfected J1 railroads' for = carrying ° ?"'• the .visitors'into four difforent' tnuntGd ■ u . Yf>'ey^ itaunteci liiorida visitors with the BANK OF 'ВАЩ ВУ SOUTHERN В А Ш & TRUST GÓ. а1ШИ11М1111а1Ю1!1и,1И!||1И1М1а1111Ш|111аи«яшшп climatpi'^iSi ;a iiitb,:,piie.;,;c;ò;ri gloupo. --------- ands of advertising men present thai they bad not only taken pver the job of creating desire but that they have still another work to perform—that of creating good w ill in order to make desire stand sections of the state through circle tours, pullman trains. The statement that,.w ithin thfe next few years valley grapefruit and Tpady ;:fast, grqwiiig uiiu, ,y«u.,v,y‘*';intf0us :t0jWn: : a anoihpr, with real city aspira­ tions.- Thousands. of . dollars \vore; spent iii: these towns irivyii^ ripus'eritertainmorit for the ;yi3i- tovs. Each vied with; the:, other in attempting., to cjo thô .mbst ;for the visitors but all; .vi’o'rkpd Jn con­ cert and there was nothing, heard during the entire trip that; could iih any .\yay be construed as ; a .knock ibv tho other fellow’s town.' V alley folks talk the valley first, Brownsvillo .was the end of the valley, trip. Then over into Ma- bost:.varioty aiipearod in'tlio bu|l fight in the Plaza do Toros om Sunday afternoon. May iV. Thesor animois: are: funiod th ro u g h o u t: Mexico for their..ferocious! fight- ing ;blood. F or; an hour and a h alf there'.were thrills a plenty : = fpiv the :vi^itbrs, many of whom w ere',abie to: stay, for. “just one:,:,■ bull,’!, andi-sqme of ‘ whom at first thpught that Mexicans were' ju,st i :‘‘shboting the;' bull.’’ However, the inatadors, picadors, toreadors, ; with flashing scarfs, steady norvo and agile feet '/soqn ,‘causod:,tho thousands: o f, viBitqrs ;iri the big ' bowl tq underscahd thiit'they woie ; in, the land ^vter.os revblution flo- •: urishes likoythf c'actus on the u n -, tilled : plains; where they “stick the bull’’ arid “not shoot it.” It’s all too 'easy for an advertising'- ; niari to "shoot it” but you havov; another Ahrill coming, \vhen the , JI Л 'Л lin c u c i e t u u i a , p u iiiu u i* Wi.«***«. y tJu r a v a i m ^ jjA WiJox* u iu «**v* 111—«....V ------— - . railroad fare was the only expense .oranges would be shipped direct valley trip.; xnen over into «1»- «nomoi «iiuui i order to make desire stand attached and this was almost no- jnto all parts of Florida. Certain-ttam orias, Mexico, where , a real Mexican stands up in front of an .. d. "In economics the tor- m inal. Lavish entertiiinment for. jy the citrus fruit seen on the MexiCian bull fight w as; staged, oncqmiiig, fiery eyed Malpaso to «..'¿j ¿f dealre in turn create de- the viBitors was provided at ey- j trees and served to the viaitora bn Four;fierce Mftlapaso buHs of tlie s<;ick. of ^ G( 1.оЩ ' a i l WÍ; bra' _ ; ( ] 1 i ’ ■ " ' ' P uiii^ííed M vëry; Mocksville, North Carolin«.. ; V À. С; HUNËŸCUtT Publtslier. . J. l'V LEACIl , M anaging E ditor; T 7Subscription R iitcs: i |1 a Y ear; Six M onths 50 Gents S trictly in Advance. E ntered at llie post office, at M ocksville, N. G., as second-class -m atter under the act of Marc,’ 3, 1879. M ocksville, N. C., Jilly 23, 1926 P- g- I; i ? ' t e ; Ä in vi Ж п P i ’« г ; One cim prêt aomowhere during , , these hot,summer day»/ if one ^ SVoilca just tho same as one 'can 'a t anÿ olhfcr season of the yeîir. Th^.trouble with many of us is we , ''are-ijciclined to say well, Avhdt’s the -..u se, there In nothing doing: any­ how, Bo I’ll Just talce It easy. That ■ means, that ,our competitor \vho i ' vwoi'ks right on during' the hotwen- “. ther get§ ahead of us before the fall bréezes blow.,; So keep busy,' ------------------------------------i- It seema that postofflce empioy- (' ces can’t diiFerenaiate ,, bet\Veen , Troy, N. C., Tryon, N- C., and lio- ’ ray, N. C. The postofflce depart- ment' has raised a kick about it, too. Postal clerks hav^e been Urged by the Postmaster - General’s de­ partment to take more pains in !■ âiiferentiating the^/ttiree North . ; I Carolina towns. . 1- ‘ . . 'W ell, it’s no wonder. Many peo ■Ævple mako an “L” a “T” and^ an;“S” *' 80 nearly alike, that ' one ' sim ply can’t tell the difference; If cor­ respondents would be just a bit i .more careful' the trontjle with the postal clerks would/be greatly les- sened. ■ all. Some laws in.'iy ba' bud, but because tlicy fire iaw ailiey ¿lioukl be obcj’cd, until (he proper iaw- liriaidngibody^ repeals tliienii, And every■ titiaen ’of a state should’o- _bey the liiwa of his .country, not through /oar of punishm ent which might come through their vio- iutioii, but 'through a sp irit' of p,atrioti!jm. .If wc love our -coun­ try as p.atriots shoiild, we Will not desire to violate the law.,^ On the •other hand, we w ill desii'e to ob­ serve the law through the spirit of love of country; to say hothing of w hat our own self respect 'm ight count as a means of impel­ ling us' to be, law abiding. Wo ought to teach the young to keep the la\y because it is dishonest and disfibnorablfe to do otherwise. We should teach them that he who violates tho l«w of the land is dis- 'loyal, unpatriotic and dishonor­ able. 'And when our ■ children shrfll be universally taught these things at home and in school and everywhere, then, and not till then, may we expect to live-in an iddal state. . ‘ TRE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE ADVANCE*ROUTE 3 NE>^VS" ' To teach a child thai; he should ^observe the law because, he w ill be punished if he violates it, is bdtter t h a n ' we Mr. and Mr.'S. C. ,T. Burton and children, ol: Win.ston-S'ilem, ap'ent the weel{-find with Mr. dnd Mrs; i-loy;: Burton; V ' , - Ml'. H. ’B; B ailey and fam ily, of AdvnncO) spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' W. A.-Frye. ' M iss'Ellk W illiam s, of Winston- Salem, is, ‘visiting Miss ! Edna Robertson. - . • M rs.'Berta Peebles, a'nd daught^ er, jV.iss Agnes, spent Sunday aft­ ernoon with Mrs. G. V. Green, at Fork Church. " Miss Mertie Myers, of Winston- Salom, spent the . week end-with MisS Nomie Hege. , Mr. and Mrs., George W aller and children, of B ailey's Chapel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, K elly W aller. . . , M iss Annie WalleJ', who holds a position near W inston-3alem, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and M rs.'0 . 0 . W al­ler. Renew Yoiir Health f e y P m n f k a t i o n An.v physician w ill toll you that "Perfect Purification-oi' tho Sys­ tem is N ature's foundation of Perfebt H ealth.” W hy not rid' yourself of (’.iironio ailments that are'.uudcrm ining, your vitality? P urify your entire system by talc­ ing a thorough, courso of Oalotubs, — onco or twice a week for sijveral •weeks—and see how Nature re­ wards^ you with health, Calotabs arc the greatest of aU system purifiers. Get a fam ily package, containing full direc- tions,jprice 35 cts; J trial package, 10 cts. A t any <^ug store. (Adv.) - CANA NEWS Mr, and Mrs. John W aller, of near Fork Church, spent Sunday with their Son, Mr. K elly W aller. Mr. and Mrs. 0 . Q. 'Waii««^i^lii|f^', Advance, spent a while S'unday _______ .s, afternoon with M r. and Mrs.10 teaching nt all, but Kelly Waller.. , M essrs Glenn W illiam s .,'iSome one has said that „ “Life ' 'ijjwithout honor ." is ' 'w orthless!’'^ '■'rThat’s true, especially with^’.^en.' ' ¡ But we m ight ad a bit to it anci say 'that life withoutjhon'or is vyorth- less to a'm an and/life without vir- ' 'tue is worthless)to'a ;,woii;<iih How ; it would .hclp' if ,every; young man . could be caused to realize th at his ,v:honpr is>his most valuable) pbSsos- ,»Bion and timt. he: - should .dqfènçl iV that honor,, if 1 necessary >vith, his life,.'“ Arid do our'young :^w^ .\?all' stiH'rcalizcv thatv,her virtue; ip' ifimoro precious to her fthaiVYlife';,it- M;w»p*.self, and that. it ahoulfV: not '''fe lte d ',oven for the prcaervatioii wasj when one insulted the .. '\honor of'a i'ontleman ho l3id ,a dangerous thing. Time whs when ifor .one toKidestion .; a good .Wo- ;er than'iio teaching at all, but ................ „ would % d our teaching far u'lenn W illiams and , ‘ ^ more effective, if we would teach Travis Burton, of Winston-Salem, ^ f a • the children that it is unmanly and Upent Saturday night wiith Mr v 'dishonest to. violate the law s of,R oy Burton. spending her vacation with herI nnA'a jy--t- —- .........wi«u It 1» uiim aniy and ' spent Saturd dishonest to violate the law s of Roy Burton, one’s country. In fact, rriore peo-' plo are law abiding through self respect and love of country, even now, than are through féar of pun ishment for.violating of the law. ' ■ ■ ' * ’ / The Junior Philuthia Class of Eaton’s Sunday School took a trip to the Thomasville Orphan- ,age last Friday. There were 'fifteen .members of the class in the party, with their teacher. Miss Hattie Eaton, and Miss Beati'ice IW'l- . They all went in one truck with Mr. J. B. Cain as chauffeur. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Turner chaperoned the party. ' Miss Rachel Eaton, who whs a ¡teacher in' the Odd Fellows' Or- IN MEMORY OF MRS. LEWIS HENDRIX t m . . ...man’s virtue ;n ean t’the“ bi'liiKin^ down of trouble upon his head.' Is It'truo now? Do'men j'psont in- sultfi to their hoijor, ancl'jao women score the. questioner bf theii’ vir­ tue as they did |n days gone by? ' A lar/lcBS ^pers^n ;is to moat' of ¡^us the fellow,who:violates the la\y .vvhich'suits \1a. The inan who vio- ; latea law which'idoes not sMit us,' and wliich m ost'of 'ua ■would like to see, repoaled'’or ignored, is, in the estimation of many of.us, not' a crim inal. In other words,, none of Uf! wiiJit' to see our p ei law s vio­ lated, but few of us are loyar arid Jawabiding enough to keep the let­ ter or spirit of the law .which does not suit our whims. Ä v v * 1925 at 11.’.80 o’clock the spirit of Mrs. Lewis Hendrix passed from earth^o Heaven to be with her God whom shd loved iind trusi;ed. She w as a Consecrated Christian, havihg joined the Pri- mafiive Baptist church at Church- I land, then known as old Piiiey in early' girlhood.. Later sho moved her membership to No'Creek chur­ ch where she remained a true and consistant member till God tpok hor tbybe with I-Hm, Even in herolfl* hu’n uhft »•.ntm»! - MOCK’S C n S ltefl NEWS , The children and grandchildren \ of Mr. Johii Beauchamp met atj^^'^’y^ accompanied hia home last Sunday and gave I*'«™? ' ' ‘him n K!,.!.»..!.... * - , V. X'i., U. Ü., nnd On Saturday, night, July 1Ш , ^ j t s f w e S Y. iS o c tv te " »26 at 11.-.30 o'clock the spirit Mrs. Lowi,« .......1. ____ .«ww kjuiiu«/ him a birthday dinner. It being his 70th birthday. M essrs. J. E., L. B., and B. S. Orrell and G. W. Mock stient one ----. Mrs. T. 0. Baity, of Thomas- yiiie, spent la sl week 'Avith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Mock;• TIT«- тя.»1* mothe/, Mrs. Susan Eaton. I Little M isses'C harlie Belle and iM ary Evelyn Young, of Cooleemee visited friends here last week. them 1 M iss Pearl Stonestreet is sponcl- ing the week vy'ith her brother at Winston-Salem. Charlie Leagans, and Kathleen and Evelyn Howard, members of the Cana Club, aro taking in the encampment this week. Mr. J. A. Naylor and Mr, Weav- . HOW LONG ^SiNCE YOU CAR. RIED A BOX of GANDY HOME? JUST RECEIVED FRESH BY EXPRESS A new shipment of Whitmans Candy. Whit’ mans Sampler, Nut assortment, Hard and SoH Centers. This candy is noted for its keeping quality during hot weather.. Come in and get 3'ours. Harris-LeG’rand Pharmacy 7Ao Siar» Mocksville, N. C .^ дврш ш яяш iiâjiiiiïiiBmisHàiiœraâaliiiasi ENJOY YOUR VACATION. \ / 'M„o w li. Vxr "^ocki .......... i'<ayjor anci Л1Г, Weav- M is. F aille W alker, of Winston- “"d son, of Winston-Salem,liom Ci>nrkVt4- n _ 1- « Uf.. Yw -r-k . . t , , . ^ ” -—V III ЛУГ o d ;ago she never, missed a sor-vifio' ;nf Km, . Now what we ought to learn is ' : that all 'la>ys. are, pres6ribed ; by tho spVérigri ' .state oi’ 'hation, that some of tiiem au it folks and some do pot. ' The bloclcacler' especially , ' thé fellow who liveS aw ay ciff : in .; somefsOlated sectipp'where he sel- ■ ‘ dom xomeV .intp ’ccintaci; with'sM iellovvB, feels that he has an inher­ ent right to maifé ail the whiskey he wants, especially if he makes it, . for his"own private use. But the soverign state says otherwise. The' ; man who .,w.ints to gamble, feels like he oUght t ) bi! alloued to gam-, . ble, <»;ipi "ially he plays for l(nv slakps MIIU3 <)f his '.'.loss frirnd.si, ,in .4'ji:tu secluded riulmi'a- way from the gaze of the public. Hut the law of (he land says otlier- wise. The m;i!i who wanta to.got in his car and ride out op some'a- b.'indoned highw ay,'and engage in ail kinds of, immorality, especially when he takes all nioclern précau­ tions, feels that he has i or ought , 1.0 have a right to do so, but the Jaw'ciisagreesw itiV, him. ' .,»y , W* . *fi*ai3«3W a ÜU1 vice' at, her,; churcli^ uh 1 ijsa proyl- deritially ; hinder. She; leaves ' to mourn' líery'départui’e, husband, fivoVv;daughtórs‘^'and' jtihreo ‘sons. Orió dáiigl)iür, Mrs. 'W alter Barn­ es; nl^eceoded, her ito the better iami ju st 12 hours, ' 'r' / „' * V' Mí;á,. Hendrix was ¿á devoted Avife,;: a fond.; loyihg /mother and 'h good ncighbpr,' w a s' ready to help any /who ;were ;in need, ! ;:' Mi's.i Hendrix ' Was ‘70 years 6; months and 12 days old, li; was said of her th at she loft her troubles at'th e,feet of. Jesus and never let worries cross h er., - , To,:the bereaved liusband^ and chil.cjren we; exteiid . pur, deppest sympathy iivth is trying hour' and direct them to God.: ■ :. / ! ■: M other is ;gpne to that bright 'mansión, Just ;':ácrógs th e ; sileni; sea;, There throughout ;the blesaful aires,';;' . ■ \ ‘ She ;will dwell cteinally; __- ........... ,,.liner, Oi winscon- Salem, spent a few days last week witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, H, i-Iilton. , ' . - iWr. and Mrs., J, T, Phelps, spoilt tho Aveek end with thoir daughter, Mrs. W. C. Allen, of, Fork Church. Our people are , still enjoying tho, Revival services‘at Bixby. ' Mrs, W .';J, '.Tones does npt im- prpvo very' m uch,:'sorry to note. ; Mr, I. Ji. Mock '¡8 still oh 'the. sick; list. Hpwi we miss oiir precious mother ; Hpw;We m iss; her- tender care; Buti tp know shé w aits, iis yonder : Gives us joy beypu'iid .compare. Btfli The law must of necessity be a universal rule of action, applying equally to evory dvery-person in a state. W hether -we like a iaw ;or not; whether,to live lip to it’s man­ dates, suits our own personal con­ venience or not, it is law, and be­ cause itis the law, it^shbuld be observed and by nil. There never has been a lav/ passed that did not ...idl- -li * " “jiua iievii « luv/ passed m at did not ij.'K 'jlm eet with disapproval of some one f ‘ '^* and there never wlU be, AU laws ahould be obeyed- Vy Ôvér in that : blissful country Where^the ;trëe :pf life dpetli ' bloom, ■ ; ■ " ' She is; singing ^yith the angelp '■’’liouhcl the bright arid shinning ' throne, \ ■ :-----... - -------------""r FORK CHURCH NEWS , ; Mr. and . Mr.s, Robert H arris, Mi', and Mrs, Curtis Sparks and Mi< W, M. Sparks, juf Rouring River spent Sunday with Mr, G. L, Spairlcs and other relatives. ' Mr? and Mrs, EccleS Davis and Children who have been res'iderits of California' have. retuVried home arid spent the week end with Mrs. Davis’ parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. M, Fostpr, , , Quite a number from this place haye/lieeri taking in-the meetings ,at Bixby and Blbavilie. ' M iss Frankie Hoyie of the T>yin City is spending 'the week with home fplks. • ; ' ' Mrs, E, L,' Green of Ynílícin College has returned home aftei' spending several ■weeks with hpr son,'D r, G. V. Green.' ' . ' ■ . Mr, Jeff M yers and fam ily,o f near Spencer, spent the week end at Mr. S, E.'Garwood’s, , Little Miss Ruth Jones, of the Cooleeiriee Plantation, spent thé week end with her grandmother, M rs,, M ary Hendrix. . Miv Esse.x, ; of Njlemmons, also Mrs. .Jlarion •Esflex; spòrit;S day -afternoon ' with Mrs. W, ' J. Jones.:';X - , ■' .¡■ Mr.; and M Bryan Smith; of. CÍémriibria, ^pent Sunday , with Mrs; J ; Hj Hiltony • " : - : C. Mrs, Alox-Tucker, of, Elbaville, is spending ia few da,vfj w ith, her father,' Mr, J, W. Beauchamp.'i' ^ ——r; , TURRENTINlp NEWS Mrs. Glen M cCuiloh'and jshilcl- ren spent the week end. with hei* parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. S.¡Foster. Mrs. Gernoi' Foister has gone to the Salisbury hospital to take troalTOont. iWo , w ish for 'her’ a, speédy * recovery. ; ' s : ' . M essrs. ', B; V T. J McCuiloh, of W inston-Salem, arjd Roy W illiams, of Oak;Grove, yisitec) in oyr com­ m unity Sunday, Mastery, Robert and, Yestal Garwood,; of Roanoke, Va,, spent the week end,with Mftsters, Grady and Paul Nail, ’ ;/ , Mr. G. Wi ■ McCuiloh; of-Cor­ natzer, s'pen't Sunday with Mr. d : T, McCuiloh; ; Mrs/ Rebecca Jame's arid son, Frank, spent Monday with ; Mr, an d 'llrs. E arly W illiam s, JVIr. and Mrs, G, R. Swicegood arid children," o.f Mooresville, spent thò week end with Mr, anci ■Mrs. (Ji’over Swicegood;. , Miss Sailie o\'icCulioh' spent Sunday in MocksVilie with ’ her sister, Mrs, W. A. Foster, FOR SALE OR^RENT—A SIX- “, room house in North Mocksville near Casey's Store. See G. E.r r----Horn. DAVIE CIRCUIT (liy Rpv. Jim .Green) Silgo Green is ; recovering rapitlly from his operation, Mrs, Green is spending the week J n Statesville ■\vith him. : Tlie revival at Liber);y; is a blessed o’ne, Gi'oat atterida.nee, 38i professicMis already and’ the orid''is not yet. .Seyeral have.been listed for memberships at Liberty, Preaching next Sunday, 11 a, m ,,,at Oak Grove, S p, m„ Liberty, 7:30 p, 'm,,' ai; Concord, . COMWG r e v iv a l s Sunday ivight. /AugusI; 9th, wo expect to begin a: revival at Salem Church, ....... v-j. »r iiiei-uji-oaicrn, Avith Mr, W, B, Naylor and Misses Lucilo and Frazelie Cain, of this place took a trip to Roaring Gap Sunday. afterrKlon, Ml-;. W. t ; Eaton of Winston-- Salem, was here last Saturday looking over,;;,the new churci- ? buiiciing. : lie" expressed liim seii. 'as pleased'w ith the >vorlC;bping ''clone.-,'; ' 'V; ' , ; ,.' .. ’;Mr.^Chaa. 'White, of Groen'sboro, 'spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, nnd'M rs.; G; l ; iVVljlte, ' V ' ; ' ;(Juite a fhrally party аззетЫ |ai; tho 'homg of Mr. a'nd Mrs, J, F, :Eajx>n,; on Route; i' last Sunday ■after church service,' and^pnrtopk;, of a bountiful idinner which was , spread ;on an, improvised table in Ithe yard. Those present on thi.s occasion were Mr, and Mrs, Cha,4, Gladish and daughter, Ruth, Mr, and Mrs. Gale Gladish and son, Harold, of H igginsviile, Mo., Mr- arid Mrs, Lacy Moore 'and three jchiiciren, of Concord, N. C,, Mr, j and Mrp,. Chas. Blackwelder, thoir j son, Gerald arid daughter Mae, ^of liiarm onyi M isses May G'reen and Percy Powers, of, Winston-Salem, Mr. anci Mrs, j ; P. ;Grpen, ' of ÿflijcksvillo, Mr, P. P. Green, Mis­ ses' Elizabeth; and Inez, Nayror, M*’- arid Mrs; .Ghas.v Eaton, and children Лпс1'Mr, J,'G -:'Ferobee and fam ily, ; Thé annual'reunlori of the'Green-BIackweicrel' fam ili­ es w iil '.be hold at the homo of Mr, IL Îr. Blackwplders’ riext Sunday. On Monday following tho: M essrs j Gladish, ^ w itli their ifam ilips w ill I start for .thoir hpme,; returning |b:j \yay cjf Washington,'D', C, ,Mr, Caleb Penry anci fnm,ily, of WJiistpn-Salem; visited hero Sun­ day afternoon, ,. , M)v and Mrs, J, D, Pope, of I Statesville spent Surid'ay , :With their mother, here, , |^ Ml’, and . Mrs, Sanford Stone­ street woni» last week for a visit with his brother at Mocksville, No matter whether you’re “BOOKED” for the s^ashore^ the mountains, for Eu- ropp^or to stay at home, You Will Need Shoes, Come to our store and have them fitted and you will enjoy your vacation. JONES ;.&GEN'TRY': Д, '“THE SHOE men; ’ 4'17'Trade Street, , ; , Winston-Salem, N. C. 'ш т а ш " " T " ' Figure what other good paints' cost Then take o§£ a tMs*d ! If you have figured on the cost of good paint for your house, you can pocket a third, buy Stag Semi-Pasto Paint and yet be assured of tho finest, most durable and brilliant paint on the market. Just mix a gallon,of linseed oil with a gallon-of Stag Paint and you have two gallons of highest quality paint at a tremendous saving in coot. Just pour oil and paint together and rriix. Save the dif­ ference and have .fresh-mixed paint which . flowsfreelyandcoversmore surface. There’s a “Stag” dealer near you—see him—or write ua for literature and namb of dealer. August 16th to 2G' we are to have 6iij' c.'imp lyecting at Center under the Arbor. Wes want this meeting to be co,^iinty wide, and in old-fashioned camp .meeting style.' Buell and Jessie Bingham to sing for us.The Ladies W esley Class w ill not give the lawn party Friday A ll invited to p n y .and plan ^o night aa annoyinced elsewhere in it. attend, / thia natinr. Mr. Cornat/.er Buys Interest In > / ;i';ty M arket Mr, W ill Co,vnatzer has b ’Mght an i'nterc'St in the City- Market, w hich’ is bc,.ir,g remocieied and l)|iii-;ted up! )T'hey have en)iir)c<.'ii itiieir builc]irig, taking in the rnom recently ooeuijied-by Poplin’S shoe shop and w ill hcwe a nice and uji- to-date,pluco in whiph' th ey'w ill in uddiliion to their line of meats carry a full line ; of 'heavy and .fancy groceries, • H irs h b e rg P a m t Со.,®’й г? MOCKSVILLE h ard w are CO. итннпш ; Mrs. Sanford Improving Mrs. J. C.,. Sanford, who under- Iwent an .operation' 10 days ago, is; expected home Friday. ■ We are glad to say that'ijhe is getting j along very nicely. Lawn P arty Postponed thie paper. KELLY Buy Yoi^r Tires SPRINOFIELD ' ГЖЧ i n . ПFLEXIBLE loday out i5e CÓÜD g ^ ^ e It Is A Kelly Spring­ field Rubber has advanced from 17c to $1.1!2! per pound. Many tire manufacturers áre unable to cope with the situation, so^^draw your own conclusion as regards future tire prices. BUT BE WISE— — 4 — BUY NOW Horn M otor;^m i^^ Thursday, Ju ly 28, 192Б THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE , BELK4iARRY':C0^S.;GREAT ANNUAL > ' ; \ of all Summer Goods will Continue Through Saturday, August Ist; just two Clearance Sales each year, February and July. It will pay you to come to this sale. You will find^a 'big saving in buying what you need. Come ojiten. Plenty of good ice water, B ELK-H ARR Y CO PANY Phones 11,1015 and 187 Miss ^arah Gaither left Friday •for a :yisit'to New Y'ork city. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Sanford, spent Sunclay in Blowing Rock, P, K. Manos is spending this week in Asheville and Blowing Rock. Mrs. Sam M iller, of Charlotte, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. J. Holthouser, • - Mrs. J, B. Johnstone ahd Knox Johnstone are .spending some time at Montreal. Join "The Night Club.” See Jas, Daniel or ^larry Strpud for admission card. Messrs, D, H. and C. H. Heni drix spent Monday in the Twin City .on business. Littlo Miss Helen Neipenburg;' of Charlotte, Is .visiting little Miss ;Kutherine Frost, Miss Daisy. H olthouser'is visit­ ing hor sister,'M rs. H. L, Black­ wood, 'in Mooresville, ,, Miss Bonnie Brown, of Greens­ boro is, visiting hor parents, Mr, arid Mrs, M; D. Brown, ' Mi'3- W. A. Allison returned Monday’’ from a visit to her motii- er .it Richmond, Va. Ciipt. C. N. Christian spent tiie week end. with Mr. Johri T. Finley in North Wilkesboro. ' ,____________________i., Miss Kathryn Brown spent seve­ ral days ^1 ast week in Greensboro, guest of Miss Bonnie Brown. Jacob Stewart, Atty., was in W instpnjSalem and Gu’eensboro Monday bn'legal business. MrvUnd Mrs, W. A, Allison iefi Tuesday for Pisgah \vhero thoy will .{pin camp with friends. Messrs, ;:Roy Holthouser and Cecil Morris spent the 'vweek end in Blowing Rock and Lenoir. Mr, arid Mrs. Howard McDaniel, of Philadelphia, are visiting in' the homo of Mr, G, -A; Allison. Mr. and Mrs, John L, Leach, of Saiisbnry, sp ent'the week end with Mr. (iiul 'Mrs. C, S, Allen. Miss M argaret , Stevenson, of W instpn-Salem,', spent the past week with Miss M ary Allen Hend­ rix,' ' ' Mr, and ‘Mrs, J, F. Hawkins re­ turned Tuesday fro m 'a’ visil; to the formers i;glatives in Burling­ ton,';',.; A number of M ocksvilliaiis are attending thp tent meeting' at . Bixby which has been in progress for the last, week, 'Womens 'W’esley Class w ill give a lawn party 'on the M, E, Church lawri Friday ,night,' July 24th, All are invited, /" ivir, Armond Daniels, a student of.;th6 University of Nebraska, ar­ rived homo last week to spend some timp with parents. Miss M argaret Meronoy, 'Of Gl'e.enville, N. C„ is spending her vapatiop with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. F. ^Meroney, ' , .M r, and Mrs., Robert Faucett and , ohildren;- of Chattanooga, Tenri,, are visiting iMra,. Faucetts father, ;Mr. C, C. Sanford. . Miss Mabel , Stew art'\vent to Taylorsville last week to attend a nhouse party with one of her . , 9ch.6ol iinajtea at Dean Inatitute. Edward Crow, Jr. Mesdames Phillip Hanes, . W il­ liam M iller, Misses Ruth BoPÒ and Mary Wilson Stone, spent the week end in Monroe with Mrs, E. W. Crow. The B illy Sunday Gospel Team, bf Winston-Salem, Mr. Foresi; Miles, Captain, will conduct a service at the Baptist church next Sundny at 11 o’clock.-----------------c-----,----------- Mr, John Shiver, of Clemmons, 101 years of age, visited Dr. B, C, Clement last week/ Dr, Cle- 'ment nnd Mr, Shiver were “bud­ dies” in the Confederate War, En route to Blowirig Rock to spont a ten days yacation, Mr. ahd Mrs. J.'^O, Young and small son spent Monday night with Mrs, Young’s . parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Stpii^art, Mr. Jam es,M . Eaton, this Star mail carrier' f’rom this city to Cana seems to also be a star farm ­ er when it comos to raising whout and^outs. On 8 ucroa Mr. Entpn produced 163 2-3 ^ bushels of whout und 143 1-2 bushels of Ont.'s on 5 acres,' . : Mrs. Amanda Rose Wilson, Im- •porial' Ropresentatiye oi the wo­ men of the Ku Mlux Klan de­ livered a very intdrosting address in the Junior hall last Monday night, Mrs, Wilson made one of tho best talks over riiade'in . this city and those who failed to'lrfear certainly missed something worih while. ■ Mocksviilo schools will open September the 7th, being the first Monday in September, as , it (is neccessary to open not later than this date« in , order to close the first part of June, making due .allowances ; for the customary holidays and teaching the 180 days required of. an accredited high school of the; class ot: the Mocksville Schools,. '-practically nil tho faculty haa been secured observing many other tiioughts the required certification of the member of'tlio faculty the 'nd- dition of a teacher; of public »bhool music-rand pianp meets a requirement and Ipng felt need; Did you see itfio Ten Coriimand- ments'/ The Princess had a: ftill house' at each ; of the four per­ formances of tiie Ten Command­ ments last Wocinesday. and Thurs- day' afternoon and , nights. This was' a wonderful picture, arid if you f.aiiod to see it ypu mis.sed'l <no of the best pictures on the road today, Mr, paniel is to be copgratuluted upon his ambition to give the local people and sur- rouriding nothing but the latest and best iiictures on the road. Miv Daniel tells us .that Ije intends ta show the same picture here again in tho future, aird wo trust that air our, readers will t.ako the tinie to see this picture whenev- V v have the opportunity,^ Miss Ruth Booe delightfully en­ tertained on Tuesday'qivoning in honor of Mrs, W. E. Tilley, of Hendersonville', ;who was the guest of her sister,, Mrs, W alter Martin, The rooms were attrac;- tively decorated, and a number of games-of rook wero played at throe tables. A fter the games, block ice cream anci angel cake Hejrs in “Short-Change,” iTES-'SimGS . For all insect bitoa, red bug, chiggor, beo, wasp,\ mosquito, otc., apply wot baking ooda or Ijoucohc’.d ammonia, follov/od by i cooling applications c?'-'- . V A P o R u e Ovvr t7 MiUién Jan Uced Yearly Mocksvillians, you aro assured, of a good ball game Saturday aft­ ernoon at Cooleemee when the fast Cooleemee teani will cross b.nts with one of the leading teams from Winston-Salem.' This will bo onp of the best games of tho Season, One of tho special fea­ tures, will be the pitching of Hodge, a foi mer Cooleemee play­ er who wilj be on the mound for the visiting team., Thi;i', of course means a good ball game because the Cooleemee boys are not going to stand for one of;their old play­ ers lio come in:\v'ith another team and carry off the. victory. All who 'Nylsh' to soe :a;;gdod ;gamo itvc/ invited down at ;4 p..' in; ‘ On Thursday eveníïíg,^ J\Ir. and Mi-i), Louis Gilds ilai’n entertuiried at a beautiful reception'iri' lionor of their'SOU; arid his, bride, HIi\; and Mrs, Glnud Revere Horn. : The guests ^vero; greeted at the gate by Miss Ivie 'Horn and'M rs, L. E, Fedzorr who escorted them to tho attractive pergola whore refreshing punch was served by Mrs, Ollie Stockton and Miss M ary Heitman, Mrs. Jam es Haw­ kins and 'M iss W illie Millpr vvol- cbmecl the gucsj^s at the -front door, and Introduced them to the I’ocoiyirig line,, which was com'- posed of'Mr. and Mrs, L. G. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. C, R, Horn, and B'lr, and M rs. Carlos Cooper, of Cieni- riions. The rooms, hail, and porch ;were artistically decorated with a profusion pf Queen Anne’s lace’arid zinnias. Miss Mary Horn invited the guests into the dinning room, where a delicious ice course in green 'and whijto was served, The tablé waa' c'pvered with a laco' cloth, haying as », centerpiece-a basket of gladioli, Mrs, Horri, who is yery' attractive and musical, w ill be quite .ai). addition ; to the social life of Moclcsville. Yes “The Teh Commandments*' was here for ;two days last week, playing two good size audiences each evening. We are sorry many of our folks for various reasoris failed to see this great produc­ tion. We’Ve beeii ' requested; to'] play it again which'w e;hope tp do in the late fall as .its ,well worth seeing twice. Wednesday an"cl Thursday, Rich­ ard Dix w ill '"be here; again in "Too Many ;Kis.ses.” This is a Con^edy romance, Paul. Sloan di­ rected the production and is said to put tliat great picture '“Man­ hattan” in the shade. It’s chock full of interostiijg^ situations, Friday and Saturday, another five-reel Western feature and two reel Comedy featA ring: W alter were served. The honoree was presented \yith a lovely bungalow apron, ThosjB present \Vere Mesr dames W. E. Tilley, Phillip Hanes, W illiam M iller, W alter M artin, J. Frank Clement, 0, H, Perry; Mis­ ses W illie M iller, Sarah Gaither, Frizzelle Tilley, l/ucile M artin, Janiè Martin, Hanes Clement, M ary Heitman, Ruth Booe, and wRKim "after every m eal“ Patvntsf encoum^ ikt . dMdtvntocartfirmetrtotthl aiv e /them W r lg le y ’«.It remove« food portlclet from the teeth. Strengthens the dum». Cbmbftta acid mouth. Rdire«hln^ and beneflclfti! SSA1EÙTIGHTKEPT • m & ijT EVERY DAY- I -, •' ' • ... i'l.il, ; i. Every day It'Is a pleasure to stop In here and allow us to tja serve you the drink ortho confection of: your taste. .The,' r great variety of drinks and ice creams we offer allows yo u i'ï_ ample choice from which to select the confection you like best, Always served in a clean, sanitary and tasty manner ALUSON & CLEMENT Call 51-That’s Us The ;Revivul nioutinic slarled, at I\It,‘','.l‘cirb(ir, ,'iibliiioss church la s t, Üuridáy. ''Mrs.. 'Aibnght^' óf.íP etyL ui'suurg,;Vn./ is:lioiJ;g;U io'prcacn-! £ .rig, ;’ ,'i rio'.rneotiiig''s'r'ill ijnst until | ^ ndxti.WodncHday. Mr,,,T, \y,‘Dvvigglii8 and :fr,mlly, Mr.';'','!'. I A.' -'yunzái'iij; :;a'iid^;^^ daiighters, Vera, ;Ol,iira. a'iid.'MííKie, Mc.'isrs;; E ., R. iiarneyciiatis, Loa' Dwiggins and C, tl. Barrieydn'stle took a plousurd'I’rip, to'tho inoun-' tains last Tlnirs(Jiiy, ,■ ' Miss Roberta Boles, of Winston- Salem, spent last) week with her cousins. Misses Ora and 'Hollla Tutterow, ' ' ' , Mrs, W. M, ;Seaford aiid ,little tíon, W ,.' M„ Jr>^ spent;, the' week end with Mrs,' Scafords’ pardnts, Mr. and 'Mrs,: g ; V/, Everhardt' at Liberty,:.V;;, : , Mr; ; Arthur' Stonestreet and fam ily, of 'VVinston-Salem, spent Sunday.with Mr. and Mrs, T, W, Dwiggins. ; ■. Mrs. J. A; Holder and children^ Pf Ashboro, sperit ‘last Thursday and Friday with M rs.¿’ Holders brother, Mr, B; P, G'arrett, Missea: Gurla Foster and An^ nie Ruth Kpontz, of Fork Ch'urch,'| returned home Saturday after spendirig a;\yeek ■with Mi’S. Claude W illjams. ; Mv." and Mrs, W, M,. Seaford and Miss Jlyriile Anderson attend­ ed tho' Revival meeting';^t Liber­ ty last Wednesday ri'ight, ' Tliose who are attending the Sebren School of Singing from this community are Mr. B, P. Gar­ rett and family, Mr, Allie Ander­ son and Miss Myrtle Anderson. Mrs. Grady .Ijames, - of High Point, was the. visitor of . M rs; L, M, ;Tuttero\y. last Monday after­ noon,':, ■" 'Men MRS.CLYDE C. CHERRY DEAD M rs;'Clyde (Jlierry. who had been serioui’ly ill for thd'yias.t two m.onths, and wa^ carried to Long's Sanatorium a few days ago,, died Tupsday night at 10 o’clock, ' Tho funeral services w ill be conducted by Rev, A; C, Swafford at the Methodist church Thursday afternoon 'at 4 o’clock, internient following in O.'C Rose Cem2i;ery, Moiiday and Tuesday.' Adolphe Blenjon and Lillian ;Rlch in a cleyer m arriage eoniedy, “A Kiss in the Dark,” It's a Paramount screen versio^ of . the immensely popular stage 'play, "Aren't I We A ii,” by Fredrick Lousdale. ' / , , ,, Say, Raymond G riffith's "Night , /he. „ , , - , , tbwn of Moeksviile asto Wins*'’«. Club” ,is poming Ju ly 29th ancj sa,ot„. Get bufy automobile own H uy’Em Now ■ Finé for I'lJuing automr’ibiles without.l92fi !;censc w ill not b^ extended after July 26th.--W in- ston-Salem Joi.m'al. .V я ,^<iuunc. {IttlKjr .И»Ч» li . — — ---------' -г----- ' . ' Qftil, , iJch.òol ¡m ates at Dean Inatitu^. Edward Crow, Jr. ^ , ers. ' ' ^ ,1 ' V , MEET OUR MEATS THEN YOU WILL REAUZE JUST HOW UNU.SUALLY GOOD, GOOD MEAT CAN jBE. TENDER AND JUICY, THE CHOICEST CUTS OF THE CHOICEST STOCK, IT ' IS F.ASILY DIGESTIBLE ANl) PULL OF N()URISHMENT FOR EVERY m e m b e r OF THE FAMILY. , AtLISON-JOHNSON ' Phone 111 Life Insurance Is an investriierit which rib man can afford to be without,;; it is alw ays at work and never idle, it tho enemy of disease, fear and poverty.^ It cultivates thrift and saving,^ and insures prosperity. It provides for the safety of wife and children and lovecl ones. Insure today imd have th a t; saflsfaction which only^a life Insurance Policy can givei, you;'.,'" ■ ' i A policy to meet every man’s requirem enis, whether largep or small. Mii'y we servo you? ; ' ' -Safety W ith Service- I ' ' - i f ' ' . i ' l a 'C'-i '/ .iv ^ lty. Wi.' bra' ' DAVIE WAL ESTATE, LOAN & INSURANCE CO. Agents, Mocksville, N. C. R.B. Sanford, Pres. , E, G. Morris, Secy ri 4v, : .-и i i * ’î' i • к iii. N. мл.’ A' ". • • • .... .д. J » ТИТО MOCKWJI.LE teNTEKPRISF . ' ( ' 1 ÏF щ .. ^'fe'dMMITTEES FOU ' 47lh . AN- S)Iíp;;NUAL ^MASONIC; p ic n ic t ■ :.; Thü íoUüwinfe ave tho aevoval |',íi ,Comniittec8 api)oiiiLoil' :to sorve í ío r the 4'Vth A nnual,'/Masoiüc ' WtíJiic, 1926: • V ^ M anagem ent, - í\<;- J.- B. . Jonstoíie, G haim an (¿iíJi, í;', 'Hancs, tí. P. Cvawford, Vf^ÍG: Donníe", K. C. MoiTia, fí. P. B rad­ ley- ', Cíales and Groundéf jlil;; ,.' i Jí/B. Campbell, Chairm an,'JivW. ’ .Cartner, assistant rChairman;''iC. ''G. Graven, D. W. GrangcV, Cs A. Srnout, J. B. W alker, 0. L. K^lnl- /brou¿H, R. M; Woodrul'f, John P; 'LeGrancle, M. W aters, D. P. Ratl- edge,; W. H. Smith, H. M i,Tutte­ row, Everétt Koontz. ' t ' : Dinner and Tables 'iS. A. Woodruff, Chairm an; J. y'F. Iláhes, , R. B. Sanford, B. R. Steelnian, C. A. Hartman, J. W. 'Jones, T. J. E llis, R. C. Brown, G. b ; H arding, F. H. Bahnson, W. i . Leach, J. A. Daniel, R. L. Fry, ;T. ;C. Sheets, I. P. Grahám, J. S. .Stroud. ' Hóme For Orphans ( R. P. Anderson, Chairm an; B. Ó. M orris, JaCob S ^ w art, P. G. Brown, J. L. Sfeeek, G. Gi W alkér, '(¡'■.-V. J3. Swaim, J. C. Dwiggins, J. c'>[ T. Angelí. i V Spcclul, Bnsket Committee i';' J. J. Larew, Chairm an: J . , L. i ' Sheek, J, F, ,Hanos, J. VV. Carthtíri í í'. Welman, ,C. C; young; R. M. Woodruff, :U. H. Hoylb,.. A.) B. %■>: Byerly, J, W., W yatt; CiiG .’Woád- iíléi'.-ruff, N. S. Gaither, L; P. Zachary;' t jí'í' liillington .Heridi'ick‘s,:R 6y Feozor, Hendricks', J. 'Di • Hodges, D. E. Kqóntzi ííl; C. Choato, Jor\'jf' filia m o s; Ci C .'T iller, J. E. SmítH' ■ A. M ills, C. W. Bóling, H. E; _ 'nes,fl. P. Giilham, C. P. Dead- ^‘/jl'mon, A. ,J. I nvin, E. C. M ¿rrisi‘ ^ ' Aubry^ Smoot, J. : Frank Johnsbni S/Z/iM. J,'H eñdrieks. W. E. vKennon,; W ill Roberts, O V W illiam s, O.'Aí y AlliBon, G. G? /,'r D aniels, B. C^^Clement.'' i > Refreehiirient Committeo . ih ' Z. Ñ. ;.Andorsón, Chairm an; E.' y ..,,E. Hiint, Jr., T.'A:vStond, H.jC.i '¿Morpney, L. F. Fui'chis, W. 'Av '\Taylor, G. G./ Woodruff, Ezra jtPurchis, R. L'. ; Binkley, C. G. iíiéach, C. W. A loxaiider,' W alter ^í;W oo(|,'R.' M. ' Holthouser, J. A. '.^'Kim1l)í'ough, W .;V.¿Poindexter,;.G;; X*."MurrjiH. H, :Laniór,\H, E; Barn- í¿*a.uS.;O.. Rich, L.' :Mi;;Tuttérow,\F^ ^ >K: Benson,, W.,' N. Anderson, N. D'yson,' J. P. M cCubins,'S. R. ' liatha^n,; S. ' C. Stonéstréet,' T. S. Youngblood/' W./F; Stonestróot, T. Spry,";j.; i'.^^iJiftrvis, P. i;s. Young, jM . ,t.;jP w iggln s, H. Howard, ,di!'CÍement, , H; N; Jes'sup, G. Daniels^'':"''. i ' ■ ---------. ThitW lav, Julv 23, 1926 51,700,000 BID ,BY FORD AFOR , 200 IDLE U. S. SHIPS Ford Indicaíes Intentions if líse.s Somo Ships <in Atlantic ; ' ONE ПШ THROWN OUT f L',: 5' Cramped Siiifèred *'Му back wnd head w ould nohe, and I had to go to. bed," !/Bays■ Mra. ЛУ. L. Ennla, of Worthvllle, Ky. "I Just could not stay up, for I would cramp, and suffer so. , I was very, nervous. My i;hl!dreh \yould. 'got oh my norvca,' It wasn't a ploasuro for mo’ to try to go anywhere, I felt so bad., "M y ,m other had,taken Forfem als Troubles at ono time, so she Insisted that I try It. I took four bot­tles of cCardui, and If ono should see mo now they wouldn't think I had oyor been sick. "I' have gained twenty, pounds, and my cheeks aro rosy. I fool Just fine.' lam regvilar and haven't tha pain, "Life la a pleasure. I can do my work with ease. , r I give Cardui tho pralso." 'V , Cardui has relieved many thousands of cases of pain and female trouble, and should help you, too. Tako Cardui.' A t A ll Druggists’ 5^ * # * ***'#•«• * * # * BAXTER BiYERLY, M. D, * * ' ______' * * Office Over Drug Store. Of- * * fice Phone No. ,31; Resi- • ^ ’ dence No. 26. ■ * * , COOLEEMEE, N .'C., / * W It * # * # « * # # # ;* »•***,» * * C. C. YOUNG & SON * * FUNERAL DIRECTORS * * AND EMBALMERS l^vaA'UU-^ ui«.a ------------* t -MycltEipille ... Cooleemee ** . \V Phoiii Phone 6720 • liiij «••‘VlVimpi 'dnli'Efficient Service * • * ». •' * * iii W ashington, Ju ly lOi—A bid of $l,Vo(),000 from Henry Ford Гог th'.i 200 Shipping Bcinrd vessels tei, bu sold for .licrapiiing' w as’ opened with 27 others, today by . the fleet eorpnratioiir , V-'i ■Exccpt foi^'an offer from A.: G.; Wilson, of Bar Harbor, Mai.ne, re-; presenting the Ocean Power,com- panyi ;Inc., ''of.,^2,444;000 foi‘' the lotf whicli \vas’ unaccompanied by the rOquii'ed. eertifiea.ichec^^ for oho-tonth of the amount and could liot be cònsidèred, the Ford tender was ^several hundred dol­ lars .higher Vthan any other cash offer./ All w ill be tabulated with­ out delay aiid recommendation for the sale is expected to go forw ard this week from President Palm er,' of the fleet corporation of shipping board. Opening of the bids today■ was not without protest. The Bpston Iron and Metal company, of Bai- timore, which was declared'b y President, Palm er to have submit­ ted the best offer When bids for the;>liips were opened; Jtine 30, filed "formal notice” with the board, which '’disapproved Mr. .Palmoi"s recommendation and, or­ dered the liegotàtiòhs continued, that ,it . ])rotested the proceedi ngS; as illegal. , . ■ ■ Tho; Baltim ore, concern had of­ fered $1,870,000 for tho 200 ves-,; sols and its contention is :that un­ dei' the original advertisement of, s a le ,'if negotiations w e re J;o .bei continued,!) , only Untended' oiv now offers froti} the, origii'iiil. bidders would Üe considered foriiaccept- ance/ General ,Counsel' ,fo¿ Ih'o boa/d, on t)io other haiidj'said the proVebcliiigsj ; were ; .entirely legal and ,that^tho 'Bftltimore’company, which-witlidrevv, its bid after the board rojeoted the recommenda- tion in.'its'faV br,:w as,'% t:a^party in'interest.- Тец 'п'е\у biWders were among those malting offers today. Mr. Ford dici ’not'B4brri'it a bid JunoiBO, his ol'fer being receivdtl Ju ly 10, tho dày , Òfter;,thè; sfiip- pihg board ' had .voted to, call for nojv : proposals,'¿. .H certified check ac'compariylng: the bid was diited ' Jiily ' C, 'the ' day the board received the' -Tecommendation fVom ' President; Ptilmbr ,£or. ac­ ceptance of the Bostoù iron anti Metal corhpahy ofjfer. ; His proposal stated that he in­ tended to scrap most of the 200 vessels, but planfted to c'onvert a cortain'num ber of them to Diesel Engine Propulsion for "salt water oporation,” a change which would involve several thousand^ dollars expenditure on each , vessel. ' Ho did' not revbal detailn, but previr ous indications haVe pointed to plans for ^operations by ' the manu­ factu rer. of' ài number of vessels to 'Latin-American ;ports, carrying autpmobilo.;;part's. tliere, and re- tiiriiiiig with fniit- cargo,es; . lie/also, expressed'today a;,wish to.'sufcdlltuLo for some of’the'ves­ sels in tho iifjl'■ qf_ ^OOi- several others now on the A tlantic coast, In.sofar as engines, boilers and other pquipfflont of thoj^e^els to be 'scrapped- are^ сопсй'пей; he said he wo^ld not ju.'julffithein biit would, resérve, the' rigjlt ,tó use them in his :ò\yn- m aniifacturing. It was indicated todaiivthat thp shipping board, m ight'noi apt’ itn- m ediately lippn tiny recornmenda- tion Mr. Palm er.ñmight niake; for the sàie,.blit delay action to,have as many cpmmissioners pí’osént as possible. The Boston'lrori 'andyMetal com­ pany bid Чуаз rp,iòctéd by ; the board ÓIT Ju ly . 9. w ith , oply th roe mombers pi'csent (ind; one voting, by;telegraph. It is Jiow/expóctod that a quorum of four луПЬ bo in W ashington next, weels; ¡and 'one or two more commissioners; may have returned from vacations the week following. ¡ ' .■’V :';:'; ,, ..^’NP'ГIGEl H aving,,qualified as . executrex of Jacob' Shoáf,, dec(l;, notice is hereby, given, to : all persoiis hold? ing claijjis against said estate tii present tho samb duly verified to the undersigiibd : for' payment on or before the 6th' day of July, 192G, or this notice w ill be plead in bar of, their recovery.' All persons indpbted to .said estate are requosteci to make im­ mediate payment. , .This the Oth day of July, 1926. MRS. LIZZIE SHOAF ELLIS, Ext,, of Jacob Shoaf, deed. E. L. Gaither, Attorney. ’ 7 9 Ct. READ THE NEWS F 0 r "ÍÑF0R- MATION—THE ADS FOB PROFIT. NOTICE OF RE-SALE North Carolina, Uavie County , tínder and.'by virtue of an oi'd- er of. the Superior Court of Da­ vie: Goiinty, .in the Special Pru^ cecding, entitled, in the M atier of W ilson Kurfees', Lunatic, the'und- ers,ignecl .'commissioner".'will, oii the 27th':day-of Jiily, 1025, a ; D.,’ at twelve’^ o’clock,’ 'noon, ',at 'the'; court ' house door :in iMockeviile,' North;'Carol¡lm, offer for' sale to’ the highest bidder ,v;Cor cash, all that certain Iract, of land flying iin d ,’.being ili. Mocksville 'Town- shipV pftvie County;. North Caro-| lina, more perticularly described 'as follows, lo .'wit : , ; Bbgihning. at u stone and pine: knot, B. F. Stonestreet’s corner, and runs North 6, Wbst 83.94 chains io a atone; thence 'West 3.69 chains to ^a stone in Colum­ bus BoWels’ liiie; thence South 6.85 chains to a persimmon, J. W. Green’s corner; thence South 60 W est 15.25 chains .to a .stone; thence South 23 East 27.32 chains to a stone, formei’ly a pine or pine knot; thence North 74-East 8.35 chains to a. > lack-j-ck; thence North 2.66 chains to the 'loginning, containing forty-eight is acres, more or loss.' The lands above dbscriijed were offered foivsale by the undersign- qd commissioner l,)ivthe foiirth day of June,' 1 9 2 5 , report of which filed with'ithp .ploi'k of• Superior Coiirt, of vbavle] County. ; A ;ten per » cent; bid haVing . been,'pla^^^ upon saitl-;lands withih: the time allow^ed b y. laW) the same will, bo o.ffored .for re-s^lcapcorcling'.to, the .term's, and conditions ’of the foi’pgoiilg notice. This 9th day of July, 1925, A. D. i'l ROBER'?.’ S.. MCNEILL, Comissioner. Time of Sale: 27 July, 1925; 12 oVlock/noon. , .,,, 'perras of-Sale:-C ash.. - - - Place of'Sale: Courthouse Door. Mocksville, N. C./ s NOTlCEl ‘ flaving. qualified a s ' excciitroji of Dr. A.'Z. Taylor deed., notice is Ifcreby given , to all ..persons holding claims agiiinst 'said estate to present the, sanie duly veri'fibd to tho undersignofl f o r ; payment on or befoie tho 3rd day of June, 1020';-ór>this notice w ill' be"plead iii bar of.: their rocoveiy.' i : All. persons indebted •' to.: said estate ¡Ire' requestbd''to make im­ mediate paymeht.;; ' This thC' Srd 'day of June’,' 1925. MRS;' LEONORA Tf\.YLOR DODD, Ext., of 'D i. A. Z, Taylor,; deed. ' ‘ ' ' ■’ '' ' • E. L. Gai ther. Attorney;' ■ . ' .6 H ‘6, • * ■ DR. # # # » » *, # È. C.. CHOATE DENTIST ^ First jQuality Guaranteed • с ' .Tires',. 30x3 Casinga $5.90"i>ach , S0x8 1^2 Casinga, $7.00 bach' ' 30x3 1-2 cord Casings.$7.60 cach ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. Winaton-Salem, N. G. In M gcksville Monday, Tues- * * day and W ednesday; Over * * Southern Bank & Trust Co. * Phone 110 * In Cooleemeo TlTursday, F ri. * day and Sa^urJay; Over C;ol- * eemee Drug Store; « » PHONES: Residence No. «(5. Office No. 33 X-Ray Diagnoiaie * * # ■«* # # 4 DR'. R. P. ANDEieUN DENTIST . Residence J^hphe, ¡17. Phono 5 0 \ / M ocksville,, N. C. « , ■** Office AV * \ # , # # .'•» # -if , , # • * DR. LESTER P. MARTIN Night Phone 120; Day Phono * ' ,71. * ' Mocks.vlllo, N. C. /■*. BUY OUR HIGH GRADE COAL iFOR $7.50 to $8.00 i -This Sumhiei' Pr 1 ce w ill ' last until Sept. 15th. Give us ypu|r orders , at 'your, earliest conVience. Giiarantoed more heat per pound than any other coal protluced. HOME ICE & FUEL CO. Phones 116 and 136 iiisaiiiitiiiiie Otieens 'CHARLOTTE, N .'d; ^ A IHGIH GRADE INSTITUTIOP^ FOR THE EDUCATION OP YOUNG WOMEN Christian Ideals constantly held before the Students; w 1 ' ■ Christian: Characters in the chairs of each Department; ^ ‘ V ’"'.' . ' , . ■ ' ’■ Christian^At'mosphere prem eating the Student Body. • R Location7the very best: M yers Park, Charlotte. Equip- ' Rment meets standard requirem ents. Curriculum equal to ^' ■ ' • t ' bf that of any institution in the State. Expenses very mode- R rate indeed, considering advantages offered and work done. . Our Motto: “Christian Women for Christian Homes.” H Send Us your daughter, support us in our adm inistration , |.j ! and instruction, nnd-’wo w ill return a 'thoroughly dovelopbd • ^ and fully refined Christian woman. , ' j,j For catalog and otiieiv'informationj w rite , ., ' ' ,', ' n , ' P I i'\ ’ 0 . b' • iitiiGaiiiin!iiiaiaitaiiiirai№i!iiraiiiiaiiiiaiiiiBiiiiDiiiiDiiiioiiiiDiiiiK9iii!QiiiiiDiii!i3iiiiDiiiiBiiiiB!iiiea»iiBiii!ni!;itaw WILLIAM ir. FRÁZER, President ' Box 300 Cfliarlott^e, N. C. IiiL iIIE Town Tax G'oilector’s Sale .Of For Taxes. ' :v ' Miter Advances The ability of your car lo serve you 100 per cent depends largely upon the T ires you are using. Not alone is the Uength of service the mea.yure of satisfaction, but it is the kind of'service \during the lim e you , are using the Tires ; Ihal.couniH. Fisk and HOOD Tires are built to give the be.st service iinder all conditions—all the lime. The pievaiiing prices Of Crude Rubber continues to ad­ vance which w ill'fo vce. tire prices still higher. 'V^'e can now SAVE YOU S 0 № MONE’^ ON YOUR 'I’lRES. Come in and get yours TODAY. “SERVICE” our motto locksville Motor Comply Expert Mechanics to serve you. The. following persons in the Town, of Mocksvillo and in tho School IDistrict/ of Mocksville Schopiji. liaving fnlled to pay' their Town taxes and .Mocksyille School D istrict \Ta\os ;ior the year '1924- I w ill, offer for sale at the Court House in Mocksviilb, N. C.i oi> Monday the 3rd.,'day, of August, 1926 the foilowing'tracts. or.'.pnrcels of land to; satisfy said taxes. In addition tp tho amount of taxe,s duo by you the cost of advertising iind selling tliis land w ill bo added which araounts to $1.40 on each piece of laiitl advertisod. When you come,to settle bring this e.xtra amount. . , . The following is the list'of-;nam es of those 'owing tiixes, the number of acres of land'and the amount of taxes due for 1524 le-'s the ii!i.40 co.sts on each tract of land: Name ' ' M. F. Booo, 35 lots D. Ii, Brown, 60 1-2 acres F. M. Cartner, 3 lots 'P. W. Cartner, 3 lots Philip Clement, C lots J. N. Click, 7 lots . D. S. Creason, 2 lots " ' I ■ D. P. Ratledge, 1 lot ■ - A' R. T. VanEaton, 96 acres ' i Miss Sallie VanEaton,- 8 lots : Jonos, Click and-W alker, ,1 lot G. L. Howard, 1 lo t' •/ W. C, .Tones, 1 lot . I ' J. A._ Jone.s, 1 lot Kincade Bros., 2 lots Ciio Lagle, 1 lot . E. S, Lapishi'3 lots an d/arm ' J. W M artin, 1 lot . Mrs, ,1VJ{.. C. Meroney,'. l.io t. :.: sr.' 'R.. A. Ijeely, 1 rat. ^ . vL V. and W. ir. Davis, 1 lot ' Mrs. Demmy Edwards, 2 lots 6; T. Eubaiik.s, 1 lot W. A /Foster, 1 lo^t ' \ W .:A. Griffin, 100' acres Henklo Oraig, Live Stock Co. 7 j. L. Holton, 1 lot H. ,W; Hoots, 1 lot , ' G. E; Horn, 8 ,lots W. M, Howard, Cl acres ’ 'C olored Jess .VanEaton,. 1 lot. 'Albert' VanEhton, 1 lo t: Rachel Horton Estate, i Sophia Gibson, 1 lot : v ! ^m ie Horshaw, 1 lot ■.. , John Holeman, 10 acres < Tuno Hunt, 2 lo*ts 'ish Ijames, 1. lot Ju lia Kerr, 1 lot \ W, A. PettegreW,’ 1 lot Frances Scott, 1 lot L. A. Austin, 10 lots ' Bettie Booe Estate, 1 lot. : ' Ernest Brown, 2 lots M ary A. Brown, 1 lot ; ' ■J. F. Brown, 2 lots ’ John'Clem ent Estate, 2 lots Giles Clomont, 1 lot W ill D illard, 1 lot : : i '/ Avdry Foster, 1 lot E ligah, Gaither, 7 1-2 acres lots Town Tax School Tax 18.10 1:62 3.46 46.28 29.57 36.52 ' ' 1,50 1.76 . 8.0Ò ,259.72 i 1 6.49' loiso ' 9,00 301.09/ ‘ ,9.00 8.00,, 3;60 ■ ’11Î05T 20.00 21,29 ' 7.14 ' 181.61 lot * Í V 1‘.25 'с ,8,50 , . , ¡ 1 / ' 1*' ' i'4;co \8.06 / 1 5.07 ^. 1 ’ ^ ‘• 4,60 . .7.20 ', ч , 18.50'' / J,!* ' ì'1,l t ,.4,(36 ^ r 4‘i:í^ 'j Ч '■ю;б0 '' 1 ' ^ i' , 1 8.47 8.93 л " 1 0 ;4 4 , 17.1«. 22.21 .94 2.00 25.6» 17.14 ' 20.60 , 37.87 ’ 1.91 26.33 : 1 S.CiT 1.02. .4.64 IPO.64 J , 1.51 ■J 14.23 ■ 6.2G •I 6.22 1 , 174.05 í| ■ 6.22 ■ 1.74;)|■}\- , 2.09 ' 20.05 )| 28.32 ■ 1 11.60 i 12.35 ' 105.34 17.55. ' I ; ..14 4.3C ' ’ /1.04, 2.67 'i Ч 8.1S 8.48 7.41 J •' 2.94 2.61 4 ^ .4.18 2.8S 8.48 ’.'I . 2.61 Á 8.34- 3.18 , , ‘: ?í ' 4.1S ' > 2.66 \ 5.40 4.60 4.77 j/i ' ''I L. E, FEZER, Town Tax, Collector I Jiine 30, 1926, Town of Mockavill«, N. C. !" ' ■ ThUi'i^day, Julyi 23, 1925 .'''i'l'vi: H IE MOCKSYILLE ESTEHPRISli _________ . ■ ... J, - . 1 - M ivestor is in Bacon County, Georgia. There; You iCan id on Terms, to Suit Yourself Worth «of corn to the Acre, 2 Crops a Ypar^ and Mpre than Land is of Superior Quality, and that it will sell for the Ir. Charlie Morton to Give Any Prospective Purchaser a I , Bacon County, and We Take . Care of Your ..Expenses ' k Now While' I’he- Bumper Crops Are in .The Fields., ley could not help it when they saw how fine the land was, how chsap it was i Monday. Remember it costs you nothing to go and look. Maka arrange? Just read the description and the prices, and don’t taka our word for it, gbf and Prices $1,600.00 1 il w*L ] ‘ ^'Ùdчí‘^ t/.. '' ‘гж'г.т.чяу/й'ввЙжояаЧ * 1 I- È lM iìw ' \ V* !í'* ' *' ' ..... ..... Ironi Alma. Isood houses; 250 acres in cultivation, m Alma; 5 m iles from W est Green; _ ; ; : $8.50 |tcs in cultivation on Woodpecker ami $4,500.00 nci'cs; 100 acres in cuftivation; two 'r:'’ $6 ^0 0 . 0 0 9.—-Li C. W'alker place; 525 acres; 100 acrcs in cultivation, balance in young timber on lijgliw ay, 15 m iles from W aycross; good fix room house, , painted; tobacco barn; all nei-e&fiary outhouses; 16 tìiC Ì " miles, fro^'A lm a. Price ......< p O ,D V " • U ll..'■ 10.-^Luko place; 141 acres, 5 miles from Alma on good h igh w ay;'40 acres in cultivation. ' W ill take .?750.00 cash, balance O A / ^ n O ■ in ten yearly payments.- Price ........... ............. ,. t P ^ ,^ U U « U U .. ': ^ v," 0 V'-: 11.—Johnson place; 100 acres, good house and barn; 40 acres in cultiva­ tion; near depot at Rockingham; 3 miles from Alma. 300 00 12.—300 acres on Dixie H ighway; 1 1-2 iniles from Alma; cut over land. Hero’s your chance, , ; - . Price per acre ...........L........................................................................ V V * y U . SUIT YOU Should• ' , 'I '? J Í bargains .. , , .............. У \ Í ï' / ; 'j; J / SSS'\^S* iW,,‘iwne 'of ¡these ,appeal .to-youitheve' are •hundrodsí'of-':'otheríbl^>¿‘í bail'assist‘yoii totse^rei ', 1.1И ,-----------.„,,,,,....¿«¡MnMlllinillMMIMMIíMBIIÍmiM .’ ; t '• 7.' ■ ..' V .",а" .> 'г' 1 ч VH • /'■'"V " - -ь.., а''., ' г, s. '•. ’ ‘ * i ' ' I ‘ W \ ^ < ‘ , ' ^ ' v ^ ' . " ' ■ \ i ‘/ ^ ';’< *' ' ‘ , " ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ^ ' , . , ‘ . ' * V'. . ’.»vrí.''' 4 iî -t' , Ч . , , i* :v.' ^ глйв 8 ThuratUiy; JiiÍyv¿8Í J 0 3¡; ; ii¿iQiiiiminiiiiaiiiiníiiiBiiitiaM 1 J ^l»i^í f*. 4tvz: ^ ' ■ ■■ BEGINNING TH E'FIN Ä L W E E K 'Ö F' OUR - , 'GREAT; STOCK: -, Hundreds, fiave come and bpught'during'this great sale, . but we have ad^ed many atidi- | tional bargams for: the'lak: week of this GREAT VALUE GiViNG:EVH^. It will pay you ' | to drive many miles in order to attend this sale. Only a fe;w more days and this bargaili I Ifeast will be over—closing August 1st. > ' This space will not permit us tbname the items we have for your selection, just cdAe aiid call for what you need and save frpm one-third to one-half of your money. / J. N, Ledford Com ply Department Störe DAVIE COUNT Y’S; LARGEST AND BEST STORE, GOOLEEMEE,N.C. .laninnt OAK GROVE ftimiiiBDiiiwwiniinaininliiiieaii laiiein ¡niimmniiEü NEWS' 'Mrs. Bettie Leonard, of. Mocika- "“J • Vilie, Is spending some time here .V ’ iltin&btei'.' Mrs. ,№ 1 1 . iH'j’ у ' MfDiiniol. I'lvV V ' '-Гч'МсСиПоЬ, of W ins- ton-Salem, ■ siient .th e, week i end ШЛ" i/With her mother, Mra. R. 'U.-Wil- ' ' , . ' '.\JMiss Mae Daniel, of Saliabury ivi*s‘ft -Sundny>'laltorrhore. -, ., , , , Mr. nifcl Mr.4. M. 11. Sebaetinn,' ,of I Twin-City;;sponb Sunday/here roaltivea. т е Г ) JV iwaiijra NEW TOWN ORDINANCES CONTINUED FROM LAST ' :’ :WEEK 1.—That, it shall be» unlawful for iiny peraon, fi'rm,;,or carp'öi'a'- tion to burji, any :'atraw or trash in.any street, alley or public thor­ oughfare or to burn any aaw dusfcvor ahiWinga, or: serapa\ or re­ fuse mattpr froni any factory or lumber, plant'in thoiopon or othürr- wise than in a furnace with ia smoke; stack -oquipfiod ; with a spark , arrester extending at least tön, feot above : any residence or, otheiv building within' 300 feet of' àJÏid furnace, in the town pf Mocksville. ;; Any person violating this ordinance shall upon convic­ tion be: fined ,not exceeding fifty dollars or Imprisonfld not exceetlr ....M rs;iil. W.- Summers is not: im- ‘■aife‘pr()vlng very much, sorry, to:.n6te; Mr. ‘ Jim W hitaker, who , has, 'Keen III for some tim e is able \o] / t)c up ;again,V.klad to note.' V - yV Mr.; and Mrs. 0. W; H epler'hiid as their Sunday guests,' Mr. and ^...Mra. C. B. Hepler and Mr. aiid , Mi’s'. 0 . R. Oakley, of Winstoftr .Salem . , ' . ' , vi J _ Mrs. M argaret Bowles/ who haa.j'be iinlaw ful for any person, firm K!!Uj^i|jeg,,j^lck;for-'% .. ..... ?-V.^inprdyd,-very^^ int 'M rs; Lawrence Summers, of 3, ^speiit ono night tlie pi^st W6ek'^-iwith her mother, Mrs. 'G,' ing thlrj,y'days.' 2.~:Unlawful (o conduct , busi nes^i without a license. It shall PROGRAM COMPLETED FOR FARM GATHERING Raleigh, Ju ly 20.—At least ono tliousand farniera and, about 600 farm 'woincn ;are expected' to at­ tend the \annuai: State Farm ers' Convention : to be held at ■ Stal'o College during tho three days of; Ju ly '28, 20'and 80. - The program has -about b.een completcd-and in­ dications are 4h'at :the ■, meeting :,will bO: bofch_profitable and plel^.- .'tn nt to 'th oae'whO: come,; states, sistant - Director of i Extbiisiorii: -^^^^^^^ M Gray-who Is secretary of tho| Convcntio-n. ‘ ‘ : M r.G ray states that Goverpor A. 'Wv' McLean w ill speak on the. opening day .and that Dr,' E. BrooKS, I president of , th e: College, and; Commissiprior of. Agricujture, W. A. 'G rriham .'wjll'deliver wo.rds Of' wejcom e,',, Hoh, 0. Max Gnrd- n^er,, president of the Cbnyorttlbu, wi.ir make the annual addi;oB8 of the in'oaiding officbr (tilling, Nvi'th FROM THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AGENT /McClamrock. :Ьг ! corporation ,or the agents or sórvants;i:théreóf, to dngagë's in or :the practical problem of.liow far- oaiVry on;any l)usiness in ЛКе! с :in ÒleVeÌand.' County of'Mocksville,; foi;'.which there - is, ; lighting their hbines ,by eledtrici- ■ “’ed á license, without first ty. : Mrs. :E; Y/, Loyelaco,, presirequ a -/.Mr/î ‘»;;M r.viand ,,Mra.> L. Y. .Propt,' of Salisburyÿ spent Sunday with Mn . ‘and Mrs, W. H. McDaniol. '> r ‘ ---------------^ «î«S # ;îDAIRY:CO>VS'RESPOND TO ’ SUMMER CARE — _ r ; / Raleigh, Ju ly 20.'—liJVIIlk gowa,’); I- {'/ says John ,A rey,. extension ‘'diilry Bpeclalist for State Collegei,"8uf. c fer' from hbat' just aÈout. as. muclj, as people anti they neçd shade ■' '’ 'during the hot part- of ,the day,' L If the, dairy' is locaj.od near thé j); :. ;city where tbéro'' is n ^ much na-;; '' tiira l, shade, the cow^ ought t(> ,,, ‘.'b o stabled during the heat of tho " day.” ' Mr. Arey states'also ''th at to s get the best returns from the cows' ■<-:cturing this', season; files, flhôuid bo;,kept from them. This 'means 'th at .the barn should; lie aci'eened : and a fly ^ repellant used, y > <' The firat-step, ^hough,, Jn,‘ get- "-1 .tliig rid of flies 1.1/16' clean •^lup haying paid the УИсепао tax '^ d nnd Mrs. Paul Clark an d ; obtained the license. F ob ,^he about the place. . All staples, and m anaré pita need to be cleaned -at; least once each week and if practical, it is best:'to haul<the manure from the -barn directily to the field.' Litter ' and ' ' garbage purpose of this section, the brio,n- Ing :9f a place of businosa, or of­ fering to sell, followed by a,single sale, or doing of any act .or thing in furtherance of the busineas ahall--be construed to he enjrag- ing in or. carrying on auch bual- neas'; and each day that auch person, firm or corporation shall ,,engage in or carry on such busi- pbss a f afo}'esaid, .shall be con- striibd 'to be a separate offcinac. 3.—Llcenac taxes shall be fpr twelve months. " All taxes provid­ ed for aad fixedMn tho pi’eceeding 'sections a?id schedule shall be,for tweive: inontha;: unloas .otherwise specified. ' “ Penalties’ same' as stated laat week. :(Others ':.will foHow ' next week.), - ' ' ALL S H A P E llV o R APPEAI; ^ dent of tho home bureau section, w ill rtelivor. an. address • of v^alue .to the farm', women.. '■ Mr. Gray ytatea that C. A. Cobb of the Southern R uralist and Judgff Robert W. Biniiham will be two of the evening apeakera. Some attention wiU be devoted to farm forestry and W..W. Ashe and , (By Geo. Evans.)' ^ i ; The Da vie ■ County Farmors,’ Annual Picnic wiilcl» ;'V«8 to be heid on ju ly has béen indefi-, iiatoly poatijon'ed,' bwlng to, an in- vitiitiori’ to thè Davie/folks to at- tend tho .-big .Coupòrati ve'.‘M eeting And picnic ,at\ Pllot Mount’aln ; on July 25. This w lll be a big.moet-, in g,. and several ' spéakers will talk, thè priifciplq:;’speaker':b'S\iiig 'Òóngréssman II. MÌ; Warcl; who has' been a groat heip to .Coppei’ative' Markoting in .^,;Congi;ésa; iaiid who; is in' a^'pòsitiòn'.tolteli abòut how ongreas,; fecjs ah iut Cooperative 1 w hat'it 'ià. doing tò ■; They/haye;had: a;:ter pf jit ’at'D aytpn deciding the: sini:: pie question as .to whether a school • teacher; violated'/'^ law$fprbicldinii::expp^ doctinne p i' evolution, that par-: ticular line, of instruction being prohibited'. by , Stntp ,* law,; The , , siinplo teacher was niado hero in .should also be hauled away. Some- a ;worid of ,,wordy' strife. ' The iim es when it is impossible to get | poinfc' at isalie' waa ao - be- Tid of the i^iGS, poisoii3, to p s anci jcjoii^ed' in scientific aiid uriaclen- «prays could weH be used lo com-| tjfic /cpn:ientipn;:'tlnit the, pubU , , i”' : ■ ; I , ,, i i, l,was not mynre. when the; matter ¡was aubmitted to the jury, or' of .................................................... ’ * the exact:shape in which it.\vaa submitted. ^ But preaS: reports in­ dicate: that the, caae did get thore and that a verdict'of guilty was returned as a m atter of form. It was: not so grave an offense aa iarm fop f. B. Coollingvvood of thè United Sta'tea Foresi Service w ill present some facts^ about h'andling forests on thè farm . , ^ Mrà;. Janoi S. ■McKimmon, states that'thé farm .wompn\will,do their own talking. ’Tho S9S8iona of ,tho hòme bureau aection will' bo larg- ol у , a n exp or i en с è in e e 11 ng ., a t which farm women. will- glve and tako, ideas found 'practical ’ and Valuable, in i:he farm home. ,' ’ ; Mrs,, McKimmon urgos the'vlsl- tors tp brlng¡their oyvn becl" and toiletia^ccs-sprles’.' RpómsVHvlil be pi'oviide.d:’ fròò^^ and meals vvill be seiVed :fbr: 25 tenta each in- thè Golloge Dinlng Hall. ■ ' continued drouth,has reduced the* spring hay i.a’pp arid: many dairy­ men w ill'face high prices, and a ■ shortage of hay, for their .' cattle this winter unless some feed: be ..-grown to offset th is.-H igh pi’ic- oa for hfiy «nd feedativffs reduceithe noise raised about it may-have tho profits from dairying and 110 jndicated, for the offending teach- wise dairymen, he ■ states, ^vili ^,1, :ft„,^:,^ioO -and .an-ordin- vM n l some quick growing crops, j,j, :b,ootlegger mig^ expect^ amber - - ■' ■ - — '■ COVER CROPS PAYv^SAY^ DlREt^TOR WINTISRS Raleigh, Ju ly 20.—Commorcial fertiliser >y,ili hot alw ays supply . all the plemenl;s of fertility/heed- ed to'pi’oduce good,yields of the coinmoiTly accep.tdd . money cropii in North Caybiina. . The ; e aivoly wet. weather of last season proved this, finds - I3irector R;'^’’, W inters of .th e .North' .Carolina Expqrinient Stat;ipni:' , ; “Pielda- 9f : cotton that had been' given sufficient fertilizer to pi'o-: duce a bale of cotton per . acre failPd to:'roturn sufficient lint to pay for the labor and fartilliior,’' says Dr. W inters. "The early ■shc'ciding of squares : was very hoayy. ;VI,and in ; the same' areas that, had been cropped in winter cover, crops:produced better crops and experienced le sf shedding of sucti^ as Sudan Grass ^ got that ',much. However, sorghum to provide . additional :poViviclloh and. sentence,,: as we .................-____________ Jced. Ihope wn° 'WVp stloa, aro l),f,yg only to a squares. It is a m atter of gene- urged to fill them full this sum-.'chancd , to diiter appeal, for th e'i:al observation throughout the cnSg was never 'destined: to stop .South 'that' turning unde.r-cover 9'............................. Mài’ltotiiig iind ^jieip, ;it.:.: , Any ono'.desiring trf'at- tend - 1his mooting, ,and have no vvrty. to 'go, : m ay lot it be known to' Geó.; Eytuia;; J, B; :ÇaiiVior ; W. 'A, •Roberts,', anci '(ihòy ,\yìn try t’p make arraiigon\ents ' .for ,hll who: 'vyirih ,to':^o.. - It is hoped that Davio w ill №hd i-tv largeli^elegatlonf ' ' ■•; The Farm ' Toiir will leave Mocksville August 27, making the yfirsfc stop at the O.xford Test. Fiirni, iSpending' tho nigh,t,'.then by way of Fredricksburg to Rich­ mond, arrive W ashingtoii Satur­ day. iSpead Sunday, Monday and Tuesday looking ovoi\, the U. S. Experiment Staitions and Depart­ ment of Agriculture. Loave Washington on Wednesday for Shannondoah V anoy,/'■ arrivo Blackab.urg Saturday, spend Sun­ day and part of Monday, arrive. Mocksville Tuesday, Sept. 8. All expecting .to. go’ on this trip will please let the County Agent know' hpt. later than August 22. v '/ • /,There will be another Commu­ nity F air at Center this year' ahd^ 'a meeting will bo held in tho near future to elect officei’s. It is hoped that we will get tho,splen­ did support ;thatw o received last year , in^ making thia fair a suc- c'eas;.,“ Thp. : fair’ ; w ill bo cou nty ■\vide as boforo, unloas. some other community wishes to Ijave a fair. ’^9ii(anQi»iawiaiint^.imiB>№EiiniGa'iiit:i:inoii3nc3:aiQiniG]iiiliiiiaiiiiiQiiiiiiii I '.I u n y y ' il E3I y y N The w^y I do niy washing it is really less thttn half the work. Davfe Wet Wash Laundry calls H for my soiled clothes dvery Monday morninff, y wash them and deliver them to me just wet en- ii oHgh for ironing. I can irori them In a short , time and my laundr^ work for the week is finisl^ ed. Let us call for your washing. . ' ONLY HAFL THE WORK Davie Wet Wash Laundry ßУ kìI n И tó: finds that cover crqpa are ^ not voi’/ popula'.’ in North Carolina. [f ihcy were, he states, at ionst one fifth 'of all the-. ciiltiyated land would be green in.’ wintoj’,' Tiu! reas(^n why niore;'are,, no': planljed is probably'j:]uei'tp laqk of _ funds tb biiy seed in Jate sUmmdr: or, address,; and becaupe few, pciople ^. i’eally:' J, S. HAlRE know 'the value of: a|,winter crop.''-Ti({kot Agent 'P^.W intoijSv.stateYthat it i's vast- Mocksville, N. C. I,Y. bettor to, plant a fevy less acres I ' ^ of tobacco, cotton and peanuts j '-“— -r-'—;— and put. mort. land to cover crops,, thtis /improving its; productive c a i' pacity. . ::: NORTH CAROLINA POPULAR EXCURSION ' ’ ii>\ :• v' , . , ^ WASHINGTON/D, C. FRIDAY, JULY"^^31, li)25 ; ;■ . 'via - ’•, ■ ■:^, / , , ' ^ SO UTlii’JRK RAILWAY SYSTEM • ■ Throe wholo days and tv.'o;nights in W ashiniitpn. , : Roun 1 ti’iir/fare from Moclfsyille, N. C. ifllioo. Special train lbnvos Cij’0{.'jiilboro ll/Î65 p, m., yiily' 81, ll)26. • / rives \Vnshln,^t-,on ,B:40 it iirt.,, -.À,ugU8^ - Tic,<.et;iion{g(l|o:;,riUy ;^.',t,,'good:: on - regular trains 'to .-junctioi'i, ppni:ts,i,thencp^.'5pecial Tv;fi;m. : Goo on all regular trains ..'except No.; 37;; up to: iiiid •,ii.-'hiding train No. 33 leaving Waahing- ton-^10;5.; p. m., .Augiikf 3. . . . , BiÇr LEAGUE- B A SE B A L GAMES Washington Senators vs Detroit^Tigers, ■ ' Tlirui! games, August 1st,, 2ndi vand 3rd, ' A fine., opportunity tp. a e r Ty Cobb, star fielder of tho Detroit T igers; 'Walter Johnson, star pitcher, the Senators,- and other.great stars: in action, ' , . i ' , . ' < ' This'iwlll also be ,a wonderful opportunity, to visit,W ashington’s m any, public biUldings,; Arlington National'. Cemetery .'and various other-points uf interest. ' ' . ' • * Tickets good in pullnian/sloeping cars and day> coaches;'J; - No stop-ovors-=No baggage .checked. , ' Make your,,aloeping; car reservationa (yirly. ' For further information call on any Southern Railw ay agent — V; ' • . . R .‘K:GiiAHAMi D.J>. A; ' ; :Chariotte[' N.''C. : ' . 7 23 2t. f : . f . , # ; * * IF you want lot) per cent pure ^ * 'Food, cooked ri'ght, and aerv- *. * ed in an.uprto-date way, oat.,* at' ■<, ? ‘ GRIFF’S CAFE, >- *■ Ice cream and cold drinks ■* amounts of silage, t?i& amount of hay needed may be' reduced. i many a long day before the public ¡I’educOj the natural shedding u. S S rio v 'r, at.D ayton. Thei’o tho'prelim inn-'P i'oi^hns helped to combat the rios were instituted. It w ill boiboll weevil, because this tei'ids'to gw w s his food at home. ' Pastur- 9 trial, but the Stato of Tenneaseo-.-Oi'Kanic m atter In the soil holds has benefited by one circum - ’moisture during dry. years, keeps 'sidered)*'thilstance. Its law prohibiting teach- (a supply of air for the plant roots this nlail." I '• !'.0 °P 1ng of evolution in State schools during Svet weather and helps to is upheld , as a . law by which ¡ make better crops in normal State, years.” ; ........ stopped lay.i.ng, advise:poijl,try' M S P O ' TO ab'id(2,--Charlotte Observer, \ In spite .of this. Dr, W inters perts at State College. ■Watch tho boilyweevil :and be , ready. to:jlust when necessary, ad- ylses Dii’bctor L 0, Sehaub, of the' agricultural extension service; Director Schaub looks for/heavy damage to North Carolina’s cot­ ton crop from boll weevil this year. ■, If the, ppultry flock is getting too expensive, feed may be sayod- by culling out the hens that have ', ex-, If'you want the Best Flour Made, üné ' MOCKSVILLE BEST ^There is no Better Flour on the Mari<et. Ii you want the Self-Ri,sin^’ we make “OYER THE TOP,” r : The Brand That Can’t Be Beat. ; Our Flour, Meai and Ship Stuff is on sale at all the leading grocery st<;^ré8. ■ ' Horri'Johnstone Company . ; “THAT GOOD KIND OF FLOITR” Mocksvillo, , , - - ' ,N. C. GET OUR PRICES ON iOBM ' f - fi nK'«TEUrRÏSE.-‘All The Local News?’ Oiir l Л Motto —j'îie Ltir^^eslFAÎÜ-lN-ADVANCE C1RCULAT1ÒN of ’ ^ ‘i i« ‘''ч, • vi ?oüdid Dead In Bed Three Homrs 'A ftel­ le Had Partaken of Heiwrlty Noon Meal ...... ........ « \ • ’ teavt Disease Given, as Çnuse of Hia Death—Mrs. Br.van on Pbrch Writing When Husband Passes Away—Had Been Engaged Since End of Scopes T rial in Preparing for Printing Speech Which He V/uM Not Allowed to, Deliver in Court. Probably,W ill Be Burled In Arlington, in Accord With His W ife’s Wishes. Dayton, T.onn,, July 20,—W lllicm Jennings Bry.an waa discovor- (1 (lead in bed here, this afternoon by a servantv Ho had retjrocl |o his room in the early/ afternoon for a nap and waa found dead 4;:iO o’clo ck,:,.' ' ' Ileiu’t dlaeaso was. given as thO: cause of doath, ,, Hu Wits in the best of spirits and oxpressed him self:aa:“foeIing. |na” v/lieii ho ;rotii’ed shortly after ; luncheon, about l,i30 o’clock, c; li.ad attani!od,'fi,0rvicea ;at ;the .Southern'..Methodist 'v Episcbptil :urcli boforo ' iuïîçh and ;hadrfi'ir|:iïken ■.pf a liohrty, «real ;bci.'oro 'ro- riiijt to hia. ri’oom, ■ ,Tho cohlparii.oii. pf; Mrs; Bryan: paaac^d through !i(! roo.'n' and noticed, liim;-.branthing hoavily.>si.nd :n-ahod for tho loa.j'ci;', noighboi’i A. B, Andrew,<i,-who on raachit’.r; tlso scene sum- J-'ix'tois W, F, Thompson and A, C ,':Bi’oylü», v/ho, on. ex- liuiaatii')!, »aid Mr. Bryr.n -hiid' been dead jprobably 15. witnites. lln:, Bi'yan, the chmrlffeur and Mrs. Bryan’s companion wero <"in the ■■■ '"•« ho dic,l. ' , , , . , . ’ , ■ , Mrs. B ryan'w as w riting'ph; tho just as he wanted it without interr -ti.n ritpiions from oppoaing counsel [,vaj>. ' ‘ - I , I and. withoiit haviii;; Lo rnako e.'t-; î;ViP?.;dialo Engagomentii, .■ Iteinporan'eoiis repUés to preced- Mra. Bryaii' AVaa pi’uparing to | iiJi.r apeeehe.'i.. Ho .'ippcarod cou-, I’.yo Dayton- in tlio ,noxu day „or corned Pvor thii i'ni;iiniï-L\ ttie be-, I) for Idaho where .sho - expected S- v^cen-’ fiindame,'rif.;;i:ra .a;ul mod- fipciid, the summer iWith her son,'* orni8in, and seo.’'ii'j:l_o-i'V''-r for tho r. liryaii wa.s to leave D ayton;;'fray., FoUiSiiouid; Now,As. S'uperinterideiit.'' W.e Reap As WiVSoWo Mfiybe Darrow Learnt'd , ^omethng On His Trip South One day last week Jonathan Daniels, a reporter for thorNov/s & ,Observer,v'woht to the atate prisonvto get tho nows of a board, meeting,. Ho was met by the superintendent’, Goo. Ross Pou, who when asked for information' about tho work- of the institution ans; Wored '\vith an oath ancl^a blow. Daniels: refused to fight the il’iao Orphan Band To^ Play For Juniors Boys from tlie National J unior .'Home at Tiffin, Ohio, to at­ tend The State: Meeting. WILL VISIT NEW JR. HOME ■' Winston Salem ;' July : 24.—^A feature of tho anual, meeting of the; stato" council, Junior Order United American Mechanics, to bo' held :in .Winaton-Salom on Tues- Superintendent' on' the prison 1 grounds because the wives' of both men v/erq present, but in- order to ;defond himself from Pou’a as- .'laults, throw: him, down - and ’held him therò until ' a prison guard with rifle leveled a t, the nev/apaper mim.commanded him to get off t)t .I’nv rrrd loave tho gi’c.unds. 1Го started to go, .but was again , io .„¡п i,„ „^f,o„cort .(r-clc by Pm- the «uard had forced young Daniels to i/ th o L y s bind from tho Na'- „.0 .Mipcnn; .uVnit at the point of a ritle. , TIr’I’a а nrv/ w ’y of duinj: things. It seems to us., It looka Tiffin, Ohio, This w.ill bo played li'-o'it h ’-i ГП.-П" In .4 1 roti у bad iieint what a man holding a public ,_on tho coui;thousQ square begin- IHhr- ‘ i-'*-' '’rojovty imr.t irsort io auch methods against n iiig a t? o’clockTuosday ovening, I'cVfpuxn jCj-'Oitei' I ahd the pior/i'am w ill piobably ' ,V’c 1.. \'i '0. lîl-ûu Miv П..Н bi the df^ficionoy dispute between ^m inue гог more than air hour, ’ nil rrd 11'; N ■'.•'5 S (!i-'-ovv(;r, hvL -\*/o‘do nay^ it'4 timo for the Itio iuniouncomont I’h attlie o.ty 'ini'll I'ci’ l .,t -' i’n>v)i ,‘iM ite man tako cliar.io who i't '’VouUl (liavcfian opportunity ^oi. SUPT. ALLEN'S SjTA'U'EMENT. , Rrtleigh, July ЙЗ.—InformaPàp- •^'’'•atibns for loans amounting'tp^^ moro: ithan $10,000,000. hávo'-bóón'||';i hiade\by,counties desiring to ^ЬОГ^\" row from 'thè ' third ¡¡>5,'00'0,000ь^.ц. . , state schooi building fund,,which'" Ä ' l will bo available otiMlanutiiy ii,> i 1926, it ,haa 'been u;in6m\ced \by; s'*' A. T. Allon, utiittì',kiinij'i'lhtondsni, of public ’ instriictil^no ('-.'Thi$,’>’ said ,DIr. Allen\ "ipiiatô's^|ÿ^^cbn-,ÿf I tintòt'qagernbss'^bnì tfttf’nm’t inf‘.í'i^^ thp' eountioa tb 'cPritfi^ufe‘the’ .wo^llt'öS,nf vnvnl’ j'(U’ Knoxyillp.tAvhefo, ho,.i’..‘During tho days of-the Scopcs loitlfi.dolivor tWo spoechoö,;thont.'’iai- the .heat iii Dayton v,'as, moat I) to .Naohcvillo-for a: öimi!ar;ori“ oppressivo, and tho rcourti’ooiu liliPinent'-B^'oi’ii going'to-J/lbrida.'lcrov/ile^ Uio doom. Mr. Bryan lo oxpouted to join' Mrs. .ßryan:ln :;waa of nocciisity sealed (nuido the In full. ' ■ , 'r.-iil a t,-tihöV;co'^nSel ,table w I He ,was taken: to Dayton .Sunday,.-there ■ y«'ííi'.;;Voi^^'Üittle:,'áir.'l.; While Ibi’iliiÍ!.!:, by A’. W; LoBslyi'‘Owner;'i‘!'ö' 'сагйщ fan, thore^ l:;01e. 11о.8|'.';^01;о](>£^1и1,}АНе.%',гойс11^'да^^ДЬк^ lä e íihpU f/^0^''W í^^ÍIív^^ j,ho room and he seemed Idycil at h'pmp iduriiig-tho: morn- .to ioel .the,heat,-oxoefldinijly. How-: l|j!;aiicl for 'ovçf,'as far as l<nown ho made no lo^pb'eph' to bo.- deHvo),’oij_ afcHlio'|complaints and thore v/a.s nothinp» the ■ fljïis.П",п . _______ about, tho I r -.'/M'.o ,.<;quaro'\Tuc.‘t'(liiy ' ovohiiig^^ ............... ......... . ,,rrlhO rily ro:i'UEO. to furnish po«’'iibly'being, tholi;;drtly.api to Prison !.<)■ a public, Inatitulion'^'and ■ not..the ppa.vaiH.’6,:vh,oro;.'4'!K|i,iy^ ' . Iwr.i (’r i.c'i’P of individuals. If tlio prtSoent_ On Wodnoadny aftorn5,on,|i^^^^^ :. ili,«t )h1'inuflt-closo ' ‘ ' ‘ , 1 111 1.1 0 get a nev/. .^iupcrintendcn!;; ‘■ Z 'l'U l or Uio orphans’ hom oiT he ^^uHcV 'nr'tter of part cular concei'n to T ho Nc^,s and C . ' ,jng now 'under conRtructipnitlxoro. •'i''.T)nr doo>i not '.■''’V'3 lo m eet'the d{'f,>clt. It docs not concern this ...i ______l . _j i]iUllUlli;U \Vilo .'üiltJ./UUyJüIlü ,;ГХЦ101. ;ilüHJUÍX. V XÜ; .ilut ' HUI О 11 [qiia tomorrow at' С::,*3'о; when ho. iVÌri Brÿan had previously 'suff^r- ukl.raeet with thp . Pr.ogreaalve lid аПу heart affliction, ' :; Nevcjr Folt* Bwtter , Shortly\bofore Mr, :iîryan died today ho rbmarked that ho had never folt, better in his life: and v\ aairbndyHo gp before the count­ ry, tp;,\yagb his b attle'agàinat.mp- dorniam, . д.'.’ !•■; The ih’eat‘commbn.;i’. hád';ret^u’n- qd; to 'Dayton thia moi’ning after, coÿpletihg: arrangomontíf fbi’,.t^ piiblicatiòii'of the ;a;VdroöV:l!o-hnd in*eprtri.‘dtP-deli'ver;i)V. closing, tì triai of John T. Sco.'/cs who cr- C:e)i-tlÿ луа?* convicted of yibla' ing Tcnnosseols^ánti-eyoliition .law.’:' . Pub)b:.'itlon of thij Kpoech at an early date was to m u’;f the onen- liig of the ci’usado in behalf of i undáraeiuaíism .., Mr, Bryan plan­ ned to ca!ry beforo tiie -jiküc (ÍOU lit;bv‘ Í {V ' ii': ' J>esp,i!;d^h p/fact: M i’;;Bryan f,pp':''::-r';;(ii!to^'day:Mn:>laspe^ :;ánd, Wincheatc-i, ТеПп,, xл 1 had travol- pij over Í-OÜ miles, .iuT appeared in thb'best of hetìtH ''an.l:iiu^^ Ш .attqi.iiЦf*';aer:yice.4' at the Soiiih- eyri - Épiscopâr-chuivih and led the (■ opgregati on in ,, a prayer ; wh ich citi:'ons .o¡' D.?.yton tonigla dp- serihod 'as one ol’ the most bea'i'j.j-, fui ever delivered in tirò church. I'-yton club and la^, plans:for thp I'ynn col lego,, a movement which li!) to be definllelyllaunchcd with |e dinner m eeting' tomori’oSy li’lii. ■ ■ 1 Ho had plaiied to leave Tuea- |ty, morning-for Kno.xvillo; Tmvn Shoclted ■ iThe tov/n vAas .sliockod vhy the. li'rody /and' wi thin ,f ive ■- minu to.s Itor the d'octoi’a’ examination :re-, laled that Mr,, .Bryan waa dead', li.' streets near . .the , home wore roriKcd with people. .Ih’yan waa said to be en-, tdy coinpo,sed' and bearing up fnderiully under .the: - terriblo J)\v. ................ —7 , , . IHi'K. Bvynn oxpres’jod the desire' |at her husband-bo'buried' In- I'lincton cemetovy «nd felt it [idit. he arranged-ih -that ho hold -title of colonel, ' Sho alao aaid ! iiad heard her:;.husbanc)/' ex- |«is a desire: to be'burled. thore,'; INo arrangemcnta. w ill be made, Iwever, until- W illiam : Jehningsi 1> i« located: and communicaKHl |tn. '■N ^ • 5- Evolution Laws pn conversation, w ith. th e: Asso-' |tu(I Pi-osa ropresentatiVo hero It Friday night Mr. Bryan ex- l^ssod surprise, that th'eisouthdrn pM ha,d, not takon-'-oognizance |tliG criticisma;by fepreaentativ- et the oastern.-: press - at the PPea trial at Dayton: of the pop'-; Tonnessoe...becauso of .paa- P of tip,anti-evolution act, Mr^' said ■ th at while much ado r ’ being madju'about thoi Ton'-; |Sou law, nothing had been said loom ing thn act passed by Con- pfi regultiting the teaching< ofv phitionary theories in the ,Dist: of Colnihbia, Ho doclarod |t 'vliila the Tennessee Inw was tci.ic in .:-,tTiia, it prohibited Idling that mankind originated I'll the lower form pf animals, riJistrict of Columbia law pro- 17,'' teiiching of anything “that I'l'l reflect upon thp ;Bible,-; , I,’’;, oxpressedi pleaiHure I ine Scopes trial'had suddenly fipsed before he wna perniiitted '. : V , «■,; ettod By Many Follov, il >. the ser;liéf), 1 ho com- monor waa'.groeted bv many mom- K(> a if'th e ,'co n g’cgation, 11. tlH’i r(|i,”.ned to n's temporary iiome • liqro, where -lia; ate ; a, large dinner, rem arking.:th,.ihis„iravels of yesterday and the early niorn^ ir;g :iliad' given him a hearty: ap­ petite, ihiu’tJ,', after 3 o’cif,;;]: ,Mr. Hry- an 'retired 'to his rooin-to rest'and. Mrs; Bryan wont to thci back porch, to attbiid^to. apmp.CO '.’esppndon'cp. ''<l'i': •\va.s:orily“-l'5i,fpk:;iiway :ù his bed,. "About <1:{Î0 o’cloi,? I. f^it lik-' Mr, Bryan had been asleep long ènoùgh," so I sent Mr, McCartiiey '(thP:,:chauffeur to Nyalce, him,” M rs,;fcyan told friends, ' .' Mra. Bryan. Calm , McCartney, entered,, the. room .’.’nd shook Mr, Bryan, ‘‘Ho always waa a heavy aleop- wnke," ho l's'ç (.no"’' •> to c ' - ' -hi4 1ошр'’г V Ijit bct^ei’. And, too, thd fol- io v.')i)«r etlV 'ü vi«,I fv o m v th b i'Fcftva ft O b s e rv e r .o f ila s ti'ïh u r .id n y .'A ’ô’pul.d: < -71 -1 'A,' o i ' са-'.опч for П 0 slRndh'^t a'lldo of Ро<ь Зч.уй the Piltib'h rfipeV: ^ . v h ’’’'*' rfo-ni'i to ti lo i'l' > o'lit rtf' n-'íiíncr’'.''(t'-' v/ip,v.'np'fr^^ 1 i Î1 jojy RI4 i ' ''’u rv-o ^ :îo' n<- b ' if- '1 ■■ '-Ч 'J'yin inf' -.¡a -I r ‘tinn lo OUi Ap ‘ts beiîuiig a concejil by^ Uïe yoivilg musicians wai\ mhde_ Kist'nißht b^-*, n^embors of tho commitloo arri\il'g- 'In^ for tho..HtalG couni'il sosaipn, •i> • ’’-"'«i/Mltál approxlm aiily 8lj h('ys v/ill be lnchuli,d in tho party, M ‘h will arrive in the cilÿ^TueiJ- d y .iftornopn onçl K'm^îri'^hoi'o }' I Wi'dnesd'iy, Tho young fin:’ i) -(..X i^.b'fcrvev .nor -.by 1 ') 1 *'ill bo nct’ommodatcd,ln’tho fiiu ’.i.d .0, the )n-or.n.4t 01 \,hich Tiio l\o\,’s ¿i (чч--) t)i IPCîd .jun io rs, Thqy л n b ,,i rv J ■:/ Í.J'J i.t-o kfii'iliiüto elinp- v !1 m’0‘ un t'the coheert prpgriim •:i(i''bbi'.i'’.i’'.-ü'i‘ i.'ïun .io .p !!n t,the-, f.'-scts I ¡II' î \’и л с in ) of individuala. If the prúaont On Wodnesdny aitornoon., the, doso the doors,', then it is time ¡b'lnd w ill accompany other stato 1 I , l<'ou.|i(iil' a1^^,findanta'Чo-Lexington/ ,,, '-о ■vi^it ti>ö site of tiie now branchС ot tho-Slate Prison. )s not a „.n > фь« 1„.{ы > Prison,/' , ' \ ' , r. J I por'ainity to learn of the progress The Nows and Obsem!r h-'fl presented the facta about the btatiV jg providing. Prison and its conduct and will continue to proaeiit them, Thoy aro ■„ vr„th Carolina, a new branch matte'i’S of public’:interest, and this p p er :ls engaged in tho busi- „i iho national homo, Duringtho hoaa of 'aervlng the public.. It presented the figures ahowing an «,,.y buildirg aite barbo- iiicreaaod doficit, which was a matter of public record, but oven „orved the-atate and' (f they had net been a public rocord, this paper would not have offloers, rcpre<.enl.ative.i, bosh outside its province'in prirtlnir,thom,;: . ; other official members of the • The columns of The Nows and dnsoi'ver have been open for pnity. • ■ - ^ the. preaentatj^m of wbateyor exie-miating circuniKtances it waa ;le- Tho band will play a concert sired to off er'for'the Preation of: anV incr'dasihr'deficit, and v/hen- f.t Lexington Wodnesdi’v night, over'an explanatibn hiis iiedii offered" it; has been published cheer- Angnfti 19, at Biift’lin<rtou, Thursi fully, ■ gladly: and without ch.irgo. In’ doing this, ,The News and d>iv n'irht, and-ot aleigh on Fri- db.Serypr is ,doing no more than any'otlior newspaper but la foi- rMy nifht. The stntfn^ent tha.V lowinir' tho woll-cst'abliohed rule of modern nev/spapcra, , ' '’•r« -invonile or'ganiisaLion islcom- _____________ ' ijifi (o V’'« 'ieftion has boon ¡t’e- •' One trouble with ;this^generation :ia::.that, ,man.y- of-.the- folks v/iunt'to'cut loose from .Tli'tho !earning:of the a'i.is ar.Tl brand over, thing but tho nev/ idoao as anliquatod and out of date. But we' fihould 'remombeii-thnt^wiKO as Js t;his' goneration, and. shre\yd, ,as this ■ agi}.. wa .'a'rP- ijot. the'- only gonoration.-which know .aosaa thiftgs. N(iw some- of tho folks, iii fact mnnv of thom, aro calling tho Bibla nigbt, nir out'olk date book of Ilobreij mytha,' But -^vo want to say th-iti there are,some thi'ng^ in the B.ble v.'hich tho close 0ijc-’_vvq>’ I.U0’ to Many .Coimtîès Want NeW jLoans Applications Five M il­ lion ruiídlt?í^átñl'About ' Теч .M illion ,1.' ipanca of vuval’school building.' thi' ftmounl’bforniftli'y ftS'kodV is ov¿r;i?J.0,000,000,-,ó,r.„tÁWiJí|-iih . aTijpUnL'',6f| ihe J?'ondii'snuç'üu|ï(oJ pi‘i’<}lBd r^iti^clibiiai'-tljro^^'ii ftlicM (tho-iormhl яррИсаУрла S5,Oqo,000'yhifh b'ß'aV'ailÄ The, money from thia fijrd,’'"'. pointed-loui;,,will b'\ loaned co û y sues 'of ',Í6fOOO,009;Qt\ch,4^i'-;j.'J Siu^erin tondo3|c, çaUpfl'i^vl tention to ' l.wi\* liiajpv .¿ha'titrça Д tbo;i first i .-Í non 10 i.wii major ^^cuanяö |,рЦп of distrlIíutíon.’\'<|í« .¡.st ;pl4ÍÍ^>”(';lie u4i}lít’;“í-lfóyí/,w i(V\V' ,raq«IVOS' s<(vo'(\; ,to-a',bt,iiidiiigi v/hc/o*nv();.-vy{Î8'ii)ix„.......... ‘fottnev TOinbm№J ' Tiis'vengpi <Ud'thla was' bëçauào^ tho av'evng^i’'” rural ' .................... ' * ing; and place wo have set uh' a^j’iile j; ЧП elomonlaiy school qanríoí - sti\ndArd unloas teaehei'a." .Prooooda frpm tho no^v ioan, f’old, the. sunerlntendont. lohould. Insure, tho - oroction"of. .íl9í}.'»now. чЖ - Н Р J‘’J >'■ j ' V V P Д?# Mádiío| fltr,uc'Í7Íon fon the average .‘ciaaa room hfi'f) boon ,$8,000,"'.- In previoua' 'bon.d issu'e/iSltho'n *^h m'K'h anticim tion, ’witha tota] oC i?.i’0''„000. Jo}'nstoj:( V __________eoming, n o xt'\yith Í’O TíO'íO 'ajid, ' IT UIDNU' WOiUl ,, , : njjccun, :uc- or and:-was hai’d 'to ........... nig4hat now he eoulA present ¿aid, adding that when he ahoolc tf|6 :people -of tho‘('country • ” ■ ^(continued opr 'pago :6) of a th(,ory the ¡ ' 'i laat yp^r bysPiQs^'lonti\AQoM^ ч’; 'that find hia veV4ii'-Ho f?opfètAW(0^i,tl(p a tho Troasuiy Andr'Hv J.'IylölÜpn'ipJthp, . ■> ■'i. .Л . с . lit deiiondeiit,- representing no' •clique or influence; without;; tical aspirationa on the part the owner,” ................................—■■ ■ ■ .......... . I. . »,• .. -, - ,,'y - > ■ - r... ' I 1 ; ■• . ....... Announceineiita reading aa.fol- ilowa havo boon isaued: Mrs, Matthew Bosch announces (the m arriage of her .; " daughter j Annie Elizabeth to II Mr..Marmaduko'Ijamds Wednesday, July twenty-second one thousand nine hundred and ' twenty-five, Salisbui’x, North C arolina.: ' ;At: home after. August: first, 1033 ¡South;, F ultp ijstreet, Salis­ bury,'North Carolina. v: :'|.W .ating,........ ..................... .......................... .........,-r ...............................p others in hia dealings'.with- them, soqnwr or later ho w ill run nc- Y 7 СГОКЯ’some .who я'ч i ’naitor at t)f«t g.’^ne than ho,'' holder of iho paper, . 5 he new oVv^ncTS assumes com- If'.a man, doe.) a ..faulty pioco, of:,work he-will, suffer for It a-^ \plc(-a clt.a^rge :■ tomorrow ariorning soon as it is found out, and if ho makoj a tjrae^'jo of doing faulty'f,.:i publisher and piesidcnt, w ith' An cxariple work;ho pays for his carelessness with his job, Vv’'illiam K. Iloyt aa assistant ’ didn't v/oi'k wa.* Thero is a reward for ovory virtue and punishment for every ^ sin a man commits. Both the reward and the punishment are often nu « ' f w ithM d. for a time, but they finality gel around, 'news service, * will tie expanded effect'th it if ‘.urtaxoS'Wore^'^nofc',; Men sometimes escape the pena'ty of man-made laws and man- 1 “ , „ ' 1 ‘ age to stay out of jail whon.they ought to be thero, buu no man has f"'! ‘ ‘ ‘ ^ e'vor been smart enough t,p escape: the.Law of Cpmpensation through f it 10 st 1't у which we all reap that which wo sow. This law applies to every thought you* think and every, act you do, Thore ia nothing certain thah tho fact that you will get out of'.life whatever you put into it, 'W hen trouble, grief, and failure begin to . pour down on you, take stock of yourself and you will iprobfibly fi.nd that ypu>;are;"rWping;.t№ from seeds, that, you sowed, SO: long ago that,you had almost, forgotten about it,, - . ■ Clarence •. Darrbwj;' the .famous:; Chicago . lawyer who unsucces­ sfully defended Scopesiin the^'rphheasee eydlution.trial which end- o'd lnsti, week,",sopmsdito! thing ho'knв^y more tha-n one;else,, lln cariie' down south to” make a clown out of the Tonneaseci . peopio, Bryan and'even the.-court itself; ; But wisp as he thinks he is, wo detibt not that he would now: admit that ho haa learned one thing and'that is that a southern court of jiistico is no place, for pulling a f^rii'e and that it is no place for a clown. Tho Nows & Observer saya Darrowa nilased his calling, that .he would make a fine rin.g- mastev for a tlu’pe-lring circua, and that’s about right. At any r'atci if any body, was made a monkey of, ;it was Diarrpw Instead of Bryan or.,the. Tennessee, judge'-yvho presided ovpr* the cpur,t. in .which P rot Bcopesr WB8 tried. ' < " ' , ’ theory ana iiiv jvoiinii-ntv’ ,',^,1^', and Progi’oidivo RopubhVns wont,' '> '"i ahead and made a rovoTuo Kw^ i':', - f " o’ENS ncfording'-to 'tliQir.ipwa!.i{i,t\!!.!?-.'nnd.i without refeience to tho M''Uon' Plan. Tho result was that thp Fadrral rev'onuo ^vhilu cut "omo^ two Inindrbd inHlion dpll’n"' , , r ’jn a suriiUis inith'o tMft,siit,v,H L, nVi,> h -’ vj'<,» . 'mt North Carolina rmiln'fl.-<■<'t •Ì i tîV‘ ‘<.7'',"'i Г-'",!''' ’ ('. У ' Г л' Ш Î Jf^s ■' n finhíiM |b'. f u';0’{,».'‘л'у.' -y Thursday, Jüly.OO, 19 AMERICA FOR AMERICANS our . CivilW in v “Brul;iierh , of ourp, arc üiG.Sü liitiii,” bxciaimud Ihu Union tomniandor, when the inuoiiiparab; : romnaiit ot Lcc’a lirniy, suiu'.,untied by ten times .tlieiv imnibor, g'roniuiofl thoir aim s, and not a salvo of rejolc- inii waü fired. Tho soldiers of Grant nruie haste to open thoir haversacks and .uncork their flasks to revive and sustain the starving horo''s of tho South. , Compare tn*8 with the slaught­ er of the aristocracy of France after their revolution, the mas­ sacre of the Polés by Russia after their attempted' rebellions and the bloody assizes in England. The Women of the Ku Klux Klan know that it was for us, their descendants, native-born Americans, that “bur noble sires worked, struggled and fought, and it is and alw ays w ill bo their earnest endeavor to preserve this great Nation for its native-born through Christ Jesus our Criter­ ion ofl Character. Only Native-Born Are Eligible The native-born American is the salt of the eartii—and the ranks of the Ku Klux K lan.are open only to men and women born in the United States. There should be a revival of the true . American spirit that made, our country great and it is tlie aim and ambition of the Wo torn from its sockets ¡aid tram nl- men of thc Ku Klux Klan to play ed under the feet of the profane, a leading part in tho building up The Women of the Ku Klux K lan;of this spirit—not only in its own respect other flags but bow to Legions, but among tho whole none save Old Glory and pledge American people, themselves to see that it shall The Women of the Ku Klux alw ays float supreme, conscious Kia„ gtand for “America First' of the fact that devotion to Deity Yesterdfly-r-Today and Forever God and Goycrnnieiit, LaAV and Liberty, Peace and Prosperity (As interpreted by the' Women of the KU Klux Klan.) , . Is there a. native born American whose heart does not swell with pride as he gazes upon this wond­ erful land that gave him birth? Is there ono, who being a son or £i daiightbr of this, great land of Liberty, could owe all allegi- ’ ance tò a foreign nation, whon in our own country, there is peace and prosperity, where all men and women are equal, where their hom es:are safe, where their child­ ren havo every sort of educational advantages, where they can ^Vor- ship if they want to and how they want to, where they can enjoy life, llbierty and the pursuit of happiness?. , ' Who is tho' liative-ljorri Ameri­ can whose blood does, nbt quicken at, the. sight of the sta iry banner that prornpted Francis Scott Key to wi'itè his immortal lines? Who would,, not give his life that this Flag: which ,.>vaved from Bunker Hill, from P erry’s flagship, from Morrò C astlé. and at St. Mihiel m ay still float supreme i? Yet there aro those who for a moas of pot­ tage would sell their , birthright and see this emblem of liber!;y darity and purity of our native- born, white, Gentile, Protestant «'• •1 and women. We believe that under God, the Women of the Ku Klux Klan is a m ilitant body of American froe- women by whom these principles shall be maintained, our racial purity preserved, our homes and children; protected, our happiness insured, and the prosperity of our cojjimunity, our state and our na­ tion guaranteed against usurpa­ tion, disloyalty and selfish ex- ,ploitation. ----:------------« ---------—----- The soven'^eveh annual n'.epting of i)'f> Amni.''’i.n Association of Poultry In<^*ruciors and Investiga tors will be heid at M anhattan, Kansas, this yi ar, Augus- lO to 15 l>r. B. F. Ki.upp, head of tho poul­ try c'epartmeiit at State College, i.^ jiiesident of the Asso»iiation. WHERE IS ROMANISM ON MOIÍAL ISSUES? Ihe BULL'S EYE IBditor an d Ç ea èra l J t a n a n r WILL ROOEU ^ the Jaw and / I and obedienco to Constitution necessary. , Proud of Our Heritage ■ No people should bo as proud of thoir heritage, their traditipns and forbears as Am erica’s Native ; Sona and Daughters. W hy? Be- cause in their veins riin the Cour­ age of the Pilgrim s, the Bravery of Boonp anc^ Crockett, the Wis- ;, dom of W ashington aiid Franklin, Sagacity of Franklin and Jeffer­ son, the Nobility of Lincoln' arid Loo. Surely tho' blood of kings ', nnd potentates could be no moro ,; royal-i^np; lineage more noble, Tho Womeii of. the Ku Kiux Klan do- siro that this blood be .not pollut­ ed, but kept puro as a sacred hori- tngé nnd thm-eby advance and tako its place-at the forefront of all nations of the world, where purity, C hristianity, peaco , and prosperity reign supreme, ^fhis ,'.is one or the ultim ate desires of the Women of the Ku. Klux Klan, We now' are the most envied of nil nations. We are lookod up­ on as T/topia by the poor, oppres­ sed and discontented of . other lands, and to Am erica they come to accum ulate vita riches and at the sanie• tim e m eintai n’ a 11 egiancé to th,o|r own'na'tión,.' Anieriéa hiia^ become more and moi'e a tnelting pot,:: and; itS naiiivbborn; in many sections aro ,:;boi,ng: pushed into the background 'by; the flood of foreigners, most o f, whom retain, allegiance to a foreign power. , —first in thought, first in affec . tion, and first in the Galaxy of our country are. Nations, The spirit of Americanism a.s set up. by. our forefathers must bo 'preserved and cherished and kept forever alive by the burning intensity of 'patriotism and Chris tian manhood and womanhood.'To preserve this spirit in all its purity, integrity, and perfection, the Women of tho Ku Klux Klan provide a rallyin g point, a giiid ing hand and a single aim for all true Americans, • > Creed of Kianswomen Not for the Refuse of O jher Lands ■ The Women 'of the Ku K iux . ■ Klan do not feel that'i it was for the . refuse pppu.lation of . other lands that the Pilgrim " Fathers wbriced arid suffered: to transfdnn a “stern 'aiid I’ockbound coast” into , a civilized country; \ ■\vherd' men and women m igh t-h av e a rigiit to worship (Jod in their own ■ way. , ■ 'The Women of the Ku Klux Klan do , not feel that it was for. .those that our forefathers over­ throw foreign opprossiori in but that they suffered in the ice and siiow of Valloy Forge that we, her nntive-bprni' might secure poIitic,^itl, indeperidonco, social se- curityV'vhappiness and the im­ provement ¿"nd progress , of our . race,. V The Women of; the Ku Klux Klan do not feel that it was for these that the train, pf covered wagons moved westward from the M ississippi across 1;he pathless prairies early in thq last century, ijlazing an unknown;;trail, suffer­ ing hunge^-thirst and ha\'dships, but ever undaunted. ; ■ Great and Glorious America The Woman of the Ku Klux ■ Klan do not feel that it w a s for these that our ancestors welded a linion of st:'.tea into a' groat and glorious America, with their blood ili 1861. When was there jA ‘'i^íÍ'#aí,Vi'i¡|# could compare with I '- tMH'’tI'jNo struggle ever excelled ■V i‘ or, equaled it in per- . yet none was more mai-ked by that.absence of cruelty toward the vanquished which I. characterized tho tormination of(¡r ‘ ■ >. : Wo believe in the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of Jesus Christ, and thjB eternal tenet« of the Christian religion as practic­ ed by enlightened Protestant churches. Wo believe that church and state should continue separate in adm inistration and organization, although united in their- mission and purpose to servo mankind un- selfiahly. We believe in the American home as the foundation upon which rests secure tho American Republic, the future of its insti­ tutions, and the libei-ties of its citizens. W c believe in tho mission, of em ancipated womanhood, • freed from ,'tlie shacklea of old-world traditions; and staiKl’ing; unafraid in.. the .full effulgerrce o f equality and. enl'ightehihent. ’ , yVe believe in .the, equality af men and; women ' in pbJifical, rc- figious, fraternal, civic; anci sociai affairs w herein ther»' shtrald ,bei no distirietibn o f sex. . i , We b elieve'in the Xrco .iiublic schools where ' our cl-Airdreir are trained, in' the'- prtnciplca and! ide- al.'j'ithat m ake. Anrerica the great­ est of all nations.,'', . We believe the, Jitars .ind:Strip­ es the most beautiful, flag ' 9n eai-th, symbolizing the p urity'o f race, the b'iood. of m ariyrs’ii and’ the fidelity' of patriots. ” . We belieye in the-suprem acyof the Constitution of tbe XJhft'ed' States and the several' states, and' consecrate ourselves to ,its- pre-- sbryation - against; all enem ies' at hpme and abroad. We - believe thatv tho fi'eedom of speech, of press' and of worship is an inalienable right of all citi­ zens whose allegiancjj and lo yalty to our country are unquestioned. We believe that principle comes before party, that justice should be firm but im partial, and that partisanship must yield' to intel­ ligent cooperation. We believe that the .current of pure American blood m ust - bp kept uhcontaminated by mongrel strains and protected from dabial pollution, We believe that the government of the United States must be kept ¡.nviolate front the control or domination of alien races and the baleful influence of inferior peo­ ples. Wo believe that the people are greater than any foreign power or potentate, prince or prelate, and that no other allegiance m America should be tolcjrated. We believe that the perpetuity of cur nation rests upon the loli. Another Bull*’ Dtirlinih ad* vettlicment by Will UoacM, Zieflfcld Follies nnd sercen etflTf and Icailine American bumorUt* More comlofit* Watch for thcmi The Catholic priest and press harp a good de^l upon their re­ ligion being C hristiaiy They tell 1 us that they are the only re-| ligious people; that all who are not Roman Catholic will be lost. The commonly accepted mean­ ing of religion makes* us think that a. religious person is a good person, one who is found to be lined up with the moral element; one who acts and lives uprightly and tries to get others to live up­ right lives. Then one would naturally ex­ pect to find a church claim ing to be religious lined up with all moral movements and working for every public reformation. How is it with Romanism? Do you find Romanism lined up in favor of a single moral or virtuous principle? To be sure they teach certain things of a moral nature in their churches, but do tney 'make mor- alty an essential? They do not. If they did a goodly number of their priests would be fired but of the church forthwith. They are not to be found \^ork- ing in any manner for the furth­ erance of any of the preseni-day reforms. Point to a single im tance where the,liquor problem lias been an issue and show where the Roman Catholic churches, their priests or their proas have advocated the abolition of the saloon, or where Romanists have voted ifor their abolition. There may hav,e been instances, but we have not heard of them. Wo would like to hear of just one. Let’s get down to brass tacks: The saloon busiiiess is an issue ini the United States this year. Where do you find Romanism oil this question at this tim e? Aro the priests or thoir press working against the liquor traf- which it colloctH rentals, fic? j Wo dare Rome or any Not on your life, apologh/ts to ' deny that Why not, if Romanism is the re- Catholicism stands back Ч T H E SOUTHERN SERVES THE SO U T H -. Faith in t|ie Soiith and courage to It 1 It took courage to turn more than a hundred million dollars of the earn-' ings of this railroad back into the property without paying a dividend for thirty years. It required foresight to insure the wisdom of such courage. Faith in the South stood back of this program. Now, after thirty^ years, this faith has borne its fruit. The South is prosperous. The South­ ern Railway has come into its own, and Southern Railway securities are taking their rightful place in the in­ vestment markets. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM FASHION SAYS SKIRTS of her] ARE GOING JlKJHEIil Roman I ■ . , '-----;--------- of the ftlore Leg.4 and Lt'sa Neck Will Be Prevailing Style of Ли- ff The Hero of the War Ever since thcWar was over Nations have been areuing over “ Who won it,” And if the discussion is not stopped we may have to havo another 'War just to decidc who won the last one.. If wo ever do go into another W ar; havo it understood there is to bo a Referee, and ar the finish he is to announce “ Who-Won. and how much,-" In th'e last W ar we'paid Transportation both ways and rental on the grounds, and nowall England and France'say i.S; “ W e didn’t get there soon enough.” Germany done, fleem to ever have uttered any com­ plaint on the latcnes.s of ourarr!val,so that just shows you, you cant please everybody,-even for Humanitys sake,. I 'mustbringthe word “ Bull” Dur- ' ham in this even if.I have to (irag it. in by the horns. It just struck me, and after careful xxamination; of complaints and statistics, I find that :“ B uir' Durham v(astho,onlything xohnccted with America during the WarthatFranceahd England havent 'been able to criticise, Itmustbe good. P.S, There is going lobe .inotherpiece 3n this puper soon. Look for it. , SIXTY-FIVE YEARS AGO! Jn 1860 n blond of tobncco was born—“Dull" Durlinm. On alone it lias, .won l-eco({nition wherever tobncco io known, . It still offers the public this—more flnvor, more enjoyment nnd ■ R lot more money left at the . end of ft week's shioking, TWO BAGS for 15 cents 100 cigarettes for 5 cents tumn Models For 'Wonicn. "Bull Durham Gumnteed by •ММЯММ*!» ШПМ| AvMiMiNfwTwk Citr .ligion it claims to be, how can rum business in this country to- they remain silent on, or work day, i for,, this great curse? | , it is the same in other reforms, ■ The answer is, Romanism is; Rome will not openly or other- More legs nnd less neck w not Chrlst'iunity. I wise Work against any ■ of tho on 'yiew^-'next fall if tho concci Romanism und the liquor traf- public evils of the age, 1 tion of the autumn models i'oi'w fic are so completely intertwined That giant counterfit of roU-i inen previtil as revealed at that it'w o uld be hard to find gion stands condemned in tho eyes show of the National G'armunt where one begins and tho other of every informed person w h en stops, , If ono should attempt to it comes to purity or goodness, ascertain, he'would find that the The priesthood dare not preks on liquor business begins and ends the consciences of thoir people in the Roman Catholic organiza-; for the priest is as bad or wor.^o tion, . . than his subjects, Rome depends upon the unholy, why does it claim to bo rum traffic for^much of her f in - ',,,. ^.^en there-is no reli- ancial and political power, ! rr Ex-Prosiclent Crowley says in Sion about it?—Keen Kutter his book, "Romanism,’ a Monaco Kourier, to the Nation,” that the Romish! ^ church in Chicago owns many______ ______ ____ ____ I No one ever did a good turn pieces of saloon property, from without feeling'rather proud of it. sons.' itailbrs’ association. SWrts 151 10 inchos oif the floor, were not uncommon at the Showing at I Hotel Astor, New York, while col >ars were invariabily higlier. tailored dresaea there were vcjIj buttonecV high «t the neck. Slci ves in drosses were either and tight or long and llowinii, tiiit alw ays long. ■' Tho" w aist line 'ivas sug.'tesW more definitely than in recent seal I^et Nature Be Your Guide You will never kno\y the true beauty of Nature you keep always to tho main travelled highways. Her real delights He far from the beaten paths —in the fragrant woods; in quiet flower-decked valleys; by the side of joyous, sparkling streams. Only dirt trails lead to these spots; trails hard to travel—save in a Ford. To the Ford they aro all open. Be­ cause a Ford Car, light yet power­ ful, comes easily through the hard­ est going. Let your Ford take you away from thc crowds this summer—into peace­ ful solitudes, where you can take your fill of beauty undisturbed. Venture without fear—it will carry you where you will; safely, easily and comfortably. Runabout - - f260 Touring Car - 290 Coupe - - - - $520 Fordor Sedan - 660 On opon cors dümountnb^o rime ond Htnrter ого $85 «xtra. Pull>8lv:o bulloon tire» i25 ««ra. AH pr(c«a f, o. b. Détroit* SEE ANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER OR MAIL THIS COUPON Tudor Sedan P.O.B.DttreU ...................... Plcaso tell m o how I can aecuro a Ford C ar o n easy pt^yniont*';! Name__ AddrtM§!. City. M a il this coupon to * Masonic Educational Loans . ' ÜOO.OÜ lo 28 Institulions FORK NE>VS We aro still having hot dry ‘ ’.These Loan Funds are di.stri- weuther and crops have suffered buted amctng all the .schbcjls of the greatly. \ state with Collugó G^oursc;^ • ui^d , llrsi Maggie Finny, pf Florida, . live, aváiífiblü to stlidcints v;:ithoút ';Í3;.spencíihg .sovei‘ál days here, the - respect, tp aiiy Masonic affiliation : guost.pf "her cpusin, Mrs. J. C, or relations. ■' . ! /' j Smithi ; . , ‘.V.-. ' t , Both; the Scottish and York’ Rii;e; Á' good ..many ; p'epplp ;froni this Bodies -are co-operating in sup- place are attending the [protracted, X'Orting these funds. ' The AIus6-;m'eeting at Fulton this week. ; m e Loan Fund began in 1922'with . Coûter Foster, of Mtiddy Creek, $f),000.00’, contributed by ithe spent Sunday with home folks. Griind Lodge of ¡Masons and tho Mr. and M rs., Spencer. Foater,^ York Rite Bodies. In 1924, the of Center, spent. Sunday with re- : Scottish Rite Bodies jo|ried in thc latives here. . - . ' - ^ movement and for the last three Jlisses Mary Lee and ílildre yeara the fund has been ii’creas- Carter are spending seycjral day ed at the rate of $10,000.00 a 'ycar. at^- ITarmony, the guests of Prof. The present basis is .$3,000.00.and Mrs. R. H. Lankford., from .the Grand Lodge, ?4,000.00 Mr-. C. R. W illiams, of thé Twin- from the York Rite Bodies, and City, spent last Sunday in our $3,000,00 from the Scottish Rite town. Bodies..' The fund w ill ultim ately Mr. W ill Rummage, of^Farm- be increased to a sum equal to ington, apent last Sunday with his DO 60 YEARS MEAN OLD AGE? Some Say “Yes,” Some, Say “No” Dpctora aiicl Scientists Claim Old Age May Be Controlled ^20.00 for eacii teacher-training student, 110.00 for each woman brother, Mr. B. F. Rummage. Miss Kathryne Thompson and student, and $5.00 for each man ^ brother, Conway, of Asheville are student In every institution in the spending several days with their state doing college work. Distribution of ihe Fund The present total of ?35,000.00 is now distributed as follows: East Carolina Teachers College, $3,260.00; .Cullowheo Normal School, $3,009.00; Appalachian Training School, ¡?3,000.00; North aunt, Mrs. G. S. Kimmer. Misses Mabel and Beatrice Livengood, spent the week end in Winston-Salem with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Thompson and son, of Salisbury spent Sun­ day afternoon with Mrs. G. S. Kimmer. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Carolina College for Women, $2,- will leave th is -\vpek for a ten,day 250.00; State College of A gricui-.^rip to Marshalltown, Iowa to be ' /' ture and Engineering, $1,750.00; Flora McDonald'College, 1,600.00; . University of, North Carolina, $1^- '250.00; Chowan College, $1,250.00; Davenport College, .$1>^60,00; Duke University, $1,000.00; Wake Forest College, $1,000.0Q; Elon' College, $1,000.00; Davidson Col­ lege, $1,000.00; Greensboro -Col­ lege, $1,000.00; M,eredith College, $1,000.00; Salem College, $1,- 000.00; Guilford College, ! .$1,- 000.00; Atlantic Christian Ccillege $1,000.00; Queens College, $1,- 000.00; Mars Hill College, $1,- 000.00; Louisburg College, $1,- 000.00; Asheville Normal Insti­ tute, $1,000.00; Catawba College, mO.OO-, High Point College, .$750.00; Peace Institute, $500.00; M itchell College,' $500.00; St. M ary’s. College, $500.00; W ingate College, $500.00; Total, $35,- ,6do;oo. In addition to the Masonic Loan Fund, tho 40,p00 Masons pf the state are, giving, their loyal sup­ port'of Public School Education and taking an active part in pro­ moting better schools, bottcV ad- m'inistratioh and better teaching as the best means for the pro­ motion of general intelligen'co and enlightened leadership as the basis for good government, moral uplift and civic righteousness. W. C. Wicker, Educational Field Secretary, A. F. & A. M. ' , FULTON ITEMS tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Holma/i. MOCK’S CHURCH ^.NEWS The- Revival services closed Sunday at Bi.xby. it has been a g re at, service and much help to our people. Mr. and M rs.: Robert Herirt, of Snow Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Mock Sund'a.v, Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Phelps, and children spent ,Sunda,v' in Coolee­ mee .with Mrs. W. R. Shook. Mr, and .Mrs, Charlie' Phelps of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with Mrs. Annie Carter. Mr. and Mrs, W. S, Phelps spent Sunday with Mr, J, C, Beauchamp Miss Effie Orrell spent Satur ciny night , with Miss Georgia Mock. The crops .are,.very badly in need of rain those days,/we aro havjng h(it dry woather. COOLEEMEE- JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCHES . The health of our .community iS: very good at m is w riting ox- • 'copting Mrs, Joe Peoples, who >'пя been; sick for'some tirhe, > The Revival meeting^is goiiig on here now, Mr.- Jenkins, of Erlanger, is assisting Mr. Fikos. ,-Thf| public iir cordially Invited to attend the.fcrvices. J\Ira. Clarenco; Creason, of Cooi- een'iee is visiting relatives hero. Mr.- and Mrs.- Raymon^d iMIllor, of iranea; £no;it Saturday night with’ .lVIr.. and Mrs. N. F. Young. Mr. Lester accompanying them home. He h as; excepted a position in W inston-Salem. M r.'Charles Livengood,.who ac cepted a position in Winston-Sal- , cm a few v;eoks ago, spent t!ie the week end with home folks, - Miss Ruth W alser,' of Lexing­ ton, visited hor cousiii. Miss Iva Stewart tho past -week and re­ turned home Sunday evening. ' Miss Beulah Frye, of Cooleemeo spent the week end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Frye. Mr. and Mra.,C. G. Foster and children, of near Fork, spent Suliday afternoon with Mr. and Mr.4. George Livengood. Mr., and Mrs. D. L. Lanier spent W ednesday at Thoma.sville. ' Mr. and Mrs. W aller, of Fork, 'spent a few days the past week •with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frye. Mr. John Livengood, of Salis­ bury has returned home. Mr. E. M. Stewart s])ent one day the past -week with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. W alls, of near Fork..■■ ---------------------Ф-------------— TO CLEAN OFF CEMr.'l’KRY On Saturday the 8th of August we w ill clean off the Grave yarcl ^ t Smith Grove, Let evevy body come, and bring hoes and -plenty . of mowing sythes. Trustees, . r—------Ф------------:— Recont studies show .that the child crop of the Nation as well as (D. F. Putnam, pa.stor.) Preaching every Siindaym orn ing and evening at CoOloomoo Prayer meoti'ng every Thursday night—Sunciay School every Sun­ day morning at 9:45. T. F. Spry Supt. Senior and Junior B.' Y P. U., meet every Sunday evening at seven o’clpck—Preaching at Jerusalem tho first and third Sun day and fourth Sundays, at 1 :30 the first; and third Sundays.. A cordial invitation is extended to those who road'this, to attend all i-.heso sei’vices. The pro'gr.'im given by tho B. Y. P. U., on Sunday night waa well worth while. They handled a dif ficult subject in a way to make it interesting and helpful to those who attended the service.,: The pastor appreciates the helpful ness of these young people Misses Croola and Ethel Young; Jessie Bell Henry and Ruth Heatherly left Tuesday morning for Mars Hill where they will at­ tend the Ann.ual Baptist Assembly for workers of the Western pa^rt of the State. This will mean a great .deal to those going and will bring inspiration and helpfulness to the work when they return. The pastor regrets that a meeting at Jeru.s'a,lom prevents his going to the Assembly. The meeting at Jerusalem starts off hopefully. Prof C. B. Rollins of Greer, S. C., is directing the worahip in song and the' people are attending in large numbers. We extend a cordial invitatjon to all who may read this to come During tl^e past few years, most of us have I'oad a i^reat deal about "old age”—when and why it com­ es—aiid various ways to control <it.'', Old age comes to some people in :'early middle life. In other cases, it seems to be a Ioni? w ay off even at 75—SÒ you see, a mere passing of 60, GO or even" 70 bivth- clays does not mean old age. Re? garclless of recorded years gone by—How Ypu Feel, and How You Act—are the only reliable measuring sticks” of Aget And “How you feel and act” is largely governed by your Nerve Force—that “vital spark” that gives enduring energy, youthful courage, confidence, ambition and power to do things in a Big and worthwhile way. Whether you are 40, 50, or 70, if your nerves are on edge, fraz­ zled and jaded—if. you lack the ambition and energy to do things the 1)0wer to carry them thr­ ough—if the work and pleasures hat used to be a joy are begin­ ning to be a bo^'o-^you \vlll soon know the full moaning of “old ago” unless' you build up yijur nerve force nów-Tr-at once I For this particular purpose for doplotpdi nerve force, lack of trongth and, energy, sleeplosness, worry, tlespondéncy, and signs ,of lii'ematu'i'o bid age—tlje Ironux discoyory/of a well known Vir­ ginian C h i^lst has brought jpy lind a feeling of yoiithful strength and,, vigor to many;v many thous­ and.';. One well known Norfolk mUjU says,. “Since taking Ironux, I havo felt better than anytime in 20 years 1” A Richmond Dentist says, “Iromix changed me from a .sickly part-tlmo- worker to a strong, hpalthy, happy man—who knows life ia worth living 1” Ano­ ther man says, “After taking two bòttlos'of Ironùx, I have gained 12 pounds in weight and'feel like] a boy again l”—and so it goes, hundreds of reports of a sim ilar i naturò all praising the pciwors of Ironux. 'rhis is iMnarkable eyi-l donee I Don’t grow old before your I time—and don’t let .lack of nerve force and vitality “sap” your en­ ergy, steal your pleasures- and make you a weakling. For onlyi $1.00,'A llison'& Clement or any good druggist w ill supply you with a big.bottle of genuine Bur- chor’s Ironux. on a .binding guar­ antee; of money promptly refund-1 ed if you arc not wonderfully ploaseci. This is your opportuni-1 ty to quickly and surely prove th(! value of Ironux -v\;ithout risk of a | penny—ask your druggist today! CONCORD NEWS Mr. and, Mrs..., Paul Cope and children, of Sp'fencer, are spend­ ing some time in tho comnninity with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Thompson and son, Irving spent tho week end witli Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Deadmon, I Born on Sunciay, July 2Gth to Mr. a!nd Mrs. Friirik Graves, a fine girl. : ' ■ Mr. Clarence Barnhardt and Miss Katherine Berrier were hap­ pily married at Mocksville ' on Saturday, July 25th, at 1 o’cilock. Mr. Barnhardt being a young business man of China Grove. The bride being tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Berrier.' They will mako thoir home' in China Groye. We \yish this young couple much success as they journey throUgh life. Miss Reba W illiams, of Fork, spent Saturday night with Misses Sudie and Ruth Deadmon. Mr.''and Mrs. J. C. McCullough, of Mocksville, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Berrier. Mr. and Mrs. Conard Aaron, of Lexington, spent the week end, in with us at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m; our community. The pastor had a most delight- ful experience in assisting Rev. J.' H. Bass in meetings at Knapp of Reeds in Granville cdunty, N. C., at Winns Creek in V irginia since w riting for these columns last. He also spent a Sunday at Rox- boro, where he wa,^ pastor for five years previousl.v. It was a great joy to meet and worahip with' thoae whom he had w-rought in former daya, and find that their love and appreciation had not grown cold toward him. The subject for next Sunday morning w ill be, “Law and Grace” based on the last Sundays, Sun­ day school lesson texti If you have any dificulty^ with these d e p a r t m e n t : « T O R E , 124 s. Main St. Salisbury, N. C, 3 BIG DOLLAR DAYS 3 THURSDAY - I FRIDAY - SATURDAY WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AT TliESE E^ LOW PRICES DURING THESE THREE DAYS O N ^ IN AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY WHILE OU STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. l i ’ ONE LOT OF SILKS GROUPED FOU THIS GREAT VALUE-GIVING EVENT This grouping!Includes 39 inch Crepe de Chln'e, Silk .leraey Tubing, 35 inch Satin, Figured Crepes, Silk and Wool Crepes, Highly Merccrl/.ed Novelty .Crepes, ' ' Values up to $1,75; Dollar Daya $ ONLY...;, FULL f FASHIONED THREAD SILK HOSE SPECIAL Fine Gauge Strand Thread Silk Hose perfect quality in most all colors,- Regular $1.65 quality Dollar Day M т ш ' 'ÉXTRASPECIA GENUINE 12 MO MIÉ PONGEEÍ Regular 9.|>e Mommie Japanese t; Silk Pongcie, i ' •’*1 d O gW hile Loti Lasts..... Special Pair .... $ LADIES’ UMBRELLAS Made of Good Quality M aterial’/, Worth 1 $1,50, Dol- ^ lar Day ; Spccial .................y . I if 81 X 90 SHEE'rS . I Full Double Bed Size Snow^' W hile. Special for Dollar Day Sale ..........:..........., KRINKLEÜ UNDER- WERE CREPE Come in an asscjrtment of wanted ¿olors. Regular 2Sc quality 5 yds., for 42 X 36 KEYSTONE IM S ^ '.. LOW" С Л аЕ ^::Щ | Made ef good 4Ui(iV|| muslin Ü9C seller. Spècial . 4 for , VERY SPECIAL WHILie LOT LASTS—¡10 INCH/ON., BLEACHED SHEETING' ‘ ' Fine Comet Unbleached Sheeting .Worth 15c. Dollar Day Sales only «P I \ (Bargain Balcony) 10 yarcis.. ,....'............. 0 0 ■32” DRESS GINGHAMS Our big table for 32 inch fast color d|ress gingham for Dollar Days only C yards .............. NOTE THIS ONE, .‘ 28” APRON GINGHAM Just think fast .color apron Gingham in checks and plaids Thursday, Friday and Saturday 36 INCH BLEACHING Smooth quality Bleaching free from Sizing, 17c quality C t 'l 7 yards ............... itip A EXTRA SPECIAL! 8 DOZ­ EN IMENS STRAW HATS. This lot of Hats are of the very best quality. Plain nnd fancy bands. Price for this Dollar Day Sale Only at ................ while it lasts, t 12 yards ............... Gaze Marvel Tissue Ginghams 3 yards ...............i....... 09c Silk Stripe Shirt, l^Iadratl Special 2 yds ............. .'$1.0( BATHING SUITS* Me«'liÒyr Entire Stock of Bathing Sbits Kcducedi/ During this great Dollar vi. Salo- , , I NOW MEN! LOOK! SALE OF 100 MENS PALM BEACH—MOHAIR AND KOOL CLOTH SUITS New. Merchandise Pcufcct Quality in Sizes up to ,50. Just 100 in the lot to close' out Thursday, Friday and Saturday at— 'nil Misses Dorothy and W illie Mao Berrier, and Sudie and Ruth Deadmon attencfed the meeting bt Bixby Sunday night. ' ~ Mrç Paul Thprnpson, of Salis­ bury, haa returned home aftdr spending several daya in ' our community, Mr, W ill Brown has moved his [ fam ily from Concord to Epheses, , Mr, and Mrs. B ill Barnhardt apent Sunday in W inston-Salem,' Miss Dora Thompson left Sun- , day for Winston-Salem where ahe, w ill spend a week or two witl\ her sister, Mrs, Dewey Hurrah, . ------------—----- ■ A lot of folke w ill be terribly sore when they get to thé пезЛ S UNUSUAL ARE THESE VALUES FOR OUR GREAT­ EST DOLLAR DAY SALE 10-4 PEPPERELL UNBLEACHED SHKETING, 2 YDS $1,00 . ■ $1.50 NOVELTY BEADS—s p e c ia l $1.00. C h ild r e n s r o m p e r s a n d cK S!ï3pers 2 f o r MAÎî HATTAN SÏIIRTS , OUÏ stock of tke w ell kiwwn Shirt' on Sale dur- liiK Dollar Days H t.............................. ........................................... 2S % O FF W ' id 97 PAIRS WOMENS GRADE SLIPPERS TO G№ THIS SALE ; Odd Size sand Styles,in brands as Queen Quollty, W» Over and other good' bra* Dollar Days only At Choice ............V I. the food crop comes from the j ^ueetipno come ÿwôrld ehd And ... I •11И'Мч\»^\w. k-jwM» I ^'” ír' í,r'Tr-rSV‘fLLl¡í KNTlíaPRiafe ®ïERPI?iSEand the Dolioolhouaes, ll‘ tlinfc aiockade fcil, rtiunt, eLe ont w ith.íl. V/c'birü Lo/tKiiik thiiL thu, uw, wiaiiiv , tiJiVb uit.Vìi-h ¡I iVn'HiivorF'Th ivrsíl ívy: " Й : í M.» S:.Villé;.Nür,lh'Carolingi. walla .oí woo., or^(^ Wc' nlwtíys lovc..to', say, that \ve V ;C.-;;lltJNEYpUTT. ^ l'iihlishcr. . J. F., tE A C ir .Vlanag'ingEclitor. ÍJ have built hareva'vbuiwnrk strong­ er than vvoodi.or stpno, a wall: that will protcct'our peoplo if thoy will iUoop back-.of it, 'that \vill protect ‘'■¡¡he home'.and everything that is г ' )/ • ' ' ^ / V "¡ t , Ч il ( " - , Д ^ ■ '' - PATCHED PANTä W inston-Salom.Jpurnal. : : • Governor -'McLean :ai)d former Gbvernbr Mdvrlsonswore iiuests at the annual Kiwania dinner in con­ nection with the Sandhills; Peach Show at H am let! the p ast; weefc Both were on. the prouram. The present Govei’nor, spoke, first.;, “I rcicall,’* said Mr. McLean, monweullh .. up ,the ijrade. And'cHERKY 1Í1LL, HOIVIE COMING pü'yhtTs‘iiot ' ohl^ ........................... T).o thir cc ith annual homobutvthey: ;,avo, alwwyfv; Vitheijö; -vto , ^ ____________ __________ 'scotch if the ^wJioelS ; start back-. com-jjiii waii cebbratod. at ; Cherry ward.' r , : l ililí oil liiat SuiulHy, Ju ly ihe 2Gth.... Vi :\ • ¡•■-••r:. ............ .■-<►- . Miss Annie HoscU WcddccM’o Marniaduke Ijames ''t.riutly ui Advance. '‘"'Ii?!'’" , ‘(t Ht tTitì post office at .áíAÍoc/t'i'Ule, N. G.;-as sedond-cla.ss under the aot of March Salisbury Post. A v.’eddinijr of muoh ;interest lo friends in.Salisbliry and ithrpi.ji'h- ()ut the state was • that of Miss L'litbscriptKin Rates'. . . _ , - ¿uvxjuuu, Vwfr; Six-M onths 50 Cents. w ill, and it has, with a pleasant look cast a few ............... ■ .and that is the law .' feet aw ay w here-sat the apostle , , , , ■ „ : b O ob PIlE'(im l% TIA r TlM nPi? of the Prpiri'am of Progress, "the ! Vf' 1OOOD W iE SID E fJllA L ^ over';can^ throuirh ^osch and the ¡atGvMatl,.| News-comes from ,Washiiigtoh that Governor McLean’s record as Chief Executive of North Carolina !j.‘ T^T n 1..U, oft VooR'is attracting;*such, favorable at-w^;ypM ockavillc, N. C., J u ly .3 0, 1925 tention th at^ o rth iaro lin ^ ’s Gov- " / : ernbr iís'b'iilng.'conaidéred aa Pre-1. V',:,., . .Were every parent /to take the sidontial .Vtimber. There v i9 no- '>•'pains to impress Governor W hit- whereV sn'the; ;c6unti^^^^^ ' Tnan’Sj statement upon the niinds (iliginéfia man in politics that, Gov- . ' (ind hearts of their boys and girls, ¿i-ñor McLean. National affairs . and ptreas its full .meaning it ,a.¿ „ot new to him. Under the V'i . w ouklm ean -less ,crim inals ,in.the::^ynaori i'dm inistration ''he' ‘ hcl'd.!^ )pl't for Itlw is tho'?ure.‘Jt way o f, jjcmporatie national convention . c‘ii63'cing, it. W o'can nev.'r ixpect 'nnd ¿Qg what manner (if man ■ia Jaw abiding citizehship until wo; Carolina hafi to offer, - f i,)taaelr our younBipeople to ronpect /.fihobbvo Courier. . . v(hu''law as 'tho rule pre'jcvibed by^! * seem, oh ; the train with me that day^ was my old boyhood frieiid and companion, Cam ]\tórrisoií. " I w as wearing a long-tail; coat and.so was he,” the GoVorriorwent ■pii \yith a smile twihkling bver iua stplid.vScotch countenance. “I wdnfleredSvhen' I first got on. the! train, and .‘saw him; with his .coat ¡'of; the ; same ,caliber, ,whether he .was w earinji hia for> thé sam e'i’éa-' ñ nir'is^ that I was w Jaring mine. ,1 f'Ann' in \VMctViiriii4nn itiVrl mjiflp 'a mine ot\ to conceal two promi- tions ln W ashington and made ;a patches .on th e.‘seat of m y When .we reached .Harn^ : I (recollect distinctly, ■ Cam „iir.,! 'back in/ hia : hip pocket, ^’ óf tobacco and ^10 was. w earing Ijam es of Davie cbunty, which was/ Solemnized at the honie of the bride on South Pulton'stroo.t with Very appropriate .'exercieos. ' The meeting; was callcd to ord- Gr'by.the president, Mr.. Guo Sell, of'Salisbury. "Coronation". ,,v/as then sung by the congregation, followed by; reacyng the first chapter of Gen­ esis,: by the president. This was followed by a priiyor by. the lley. C. L. T. Fisher, of Mt. Pleasant, a.form er teacher in this commu­ nity., : ; ;Th6n came the very appropri- . .T!i 1?,; Baptist reviv al' wlli,;;bof!in next Sunday, Rev. E. W .;'Turner and his'iielper w ill bring us;somu ;g( od sermons _we fee,l sure,: let all \^')io are interested go and be with them in the work. * Unity meana so much in chrl.3tlan ecrvice. ; Mrs. Bi' C. Jnme:i ,’.vas takfeh to the Lawrence ho?pital for treat­ ment last' week, reiim’ts'' come to us that her condition ¡is improv­ ing, we hope she may aaon bo entirely strong again. ' Mrs. J. F. Johnson ia in'the.city hospital at Winston-Salem, hope foi' her a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff Sink, of follow -' Winaton-Salem spent tho week endi,„ 1 i,u. i^ii— ■ - - Mr. visiting the Tatters parents, Wr. and Mrs. W. F. W alker'.,;; M iss M ildred' Rich of Cipmmong PÜORIÜCOKÜIVÍY Ì■J ■J'“- ,thc' rupremp. power of . che state j .vthe peoploi, and untn Ave teach I --------:------- . i ' ; them ,more about-the nec’^asity of \ Asheboro Courier ; havJng law« forytho regulation o f'' A, poor .way to, start economy is society and for, the protéctio’ñ of jto 'cut put, school; hpprbpriatipns. . .life and property. ■ ; '; ' |It is a; apríiór aight see I —— r-' '! !schools suffer on,Íaccount of pol- •Tho; law* la the very bulwnjrk ;of , itics. , Yet this" is .what has hap- out^ 'atatc und nation. Much as pencd, in . Johnson county. The we love ahd/réspect pur schools, Republicans came,’'intb ,power in onr. o.hurchH S,our hotiies,' we\tjint,coinity .the.lasiiisldction, One should remember that we* could of the. yory flrijt' bflíd not have nor m aintain either wUh- to cut the school apprppriation in aut hiw and law enforccmcnt. half. As a result the number of ■Without lawa, aiid them enforced, teachers'w lir have io be eiit ^ind no one would be safe whon he llos- various other hurtful policies w ill down at niprht, and no one’s prop- have to adopted. ' pi'ty ;would be secure, and no o r-; The Republican party will, auf- ¡!éAnized society as w e ;now kiiow fer from th e',nótlon..,of itfi board it;'could exist. If our boys and o f, commlsHiortbrs. Biit; the hurt {iris could bo macfe to'see this, the party w ill recolvc is .negliblp j,nd could ho, im pressed’iiVith tho when compared toiwhat .the school '\tipoi‘tunco tp ,every person, of childijen’ of the county w ill losei iaw and' law enforcement, then The voters of tho county should 'ho próbloln'of law enforcement have 'thought about' this before’ ovor to, , ........................................................ . the people ^ Whi\t boy would, i^o,t‘'thrill \ylth' ,of Johnsoa\will have an opportun-- prldd'jn liÍ8"flláto'and' hi's hhtion - lty; tliófif,.^6 .Volect, aV-Dembcratic' wore ho to rdalizo. that whon he board'of commissionera’ to begin lidfl:dp',VA at night;'the:entiro pow- repairing the damage, done by the er ef'o.ir„g'overnmant, thd judicial present board. and; c'xequtivo i de'pártmbrits, evo;i V^TírTrl inclútlmí/’. iJiñ -armv. 1 r nhnnHHfií*v ^^^9« FAY IIARBIM pAIi\yOOD DIES NEAR CALAHALN pulled out .a'plugl theif;I saw, that^J his long-iair coat for the same reason that I hitd-Tiiiho ;on.’' ' It w as an hour ai)d a half later w'ith the interval filléd with an endleéis flood' of oratory when for­ mer Governor Morrison’s time camo to apenk. Biit it was not tbo long; for the gentleipan' from Charlotte to keep in mind'’ tho Govorno.r’s clover bit of rominis- coiice and its significance. “The p i^ en t Governor of North C,nro!inr. arid the fbrmor Goverhpr of Norih ’Carolina ara tempera­ mentally (^uite differont,”; said Mr.. Mcrritìpn as ho was called tb the front for a scvon-niinutp speech. ■ "He .wants to remember his patchéd ,pants and I waiit. to forgot minp." ■ Thd audience did hot, mis.'s, the A ““-““ ,““ ':'-'’Si ate . address of welcome, by W edi^Sdaym orning at^ q clodc. p ; c. W all, of Cooleemee, fo,...,. The Rovorend W. A. R olling by soiigs and recitations, by «outh ,: M aiii^ Str^ t Mei;hodi=.t. the dhildren of the Sunday school, chui'ch^ofliciated, ,the- C'^re^ Th'e Japaneoa pageant \vas next, ......... .............. uiuiiilliunsbeing criaraccerized py beauty and prQ^ented, by a nurtiber of girls, and Mr. Roy Zimmerman of Wel- quiet dignity,^, ami AVitntMsed'by 'well carried out and come wor'b guests of’ Mias Jane ,relative.s a|>tlintmiatc frUjm very ,'milch enjoyed by ail >;pre- A. Bahnaon Sunday afternoon /,?^l'e y5> w s,foi'espflkon:bat^ sent. ¿ Thon the-rvspoi.se Pf wejv and evening. ; ^ / altar ’ of pa ms and feririt in .iirr delivered b'y^Mr. AH Mr. and; Mrs. ,J. L; W ard'am i mingled with roses «ncl'cathoclral ^ .form er ' children visito>I^ .relatives ,' hero ciindlea.' Mrs.- Stew art '■•’'^burn, . this cpmmunity, and Slinday. ■■ ......... , the wedding, muaic, ,<'ho,n;bi'bthe'r of bur ex-president, the ivr,.« <i.iUfn TTnvfrnim ntul brM .I,.pnny . ontonng th . . ( , * « : oi;;S.ll.bu,.y, u f \ m ih e p ro gra^ y^re-,ex. p, - are vlBitiiig at the hoihe of cellent ;songs and reclta ions C. A. Hartman.liranddanirlit-i sti'ains bf .the chpriia from Lohen­ grin', Little Miss ' Francea , Foil bore thè. ring iji the hoàrS . of aW «nff 15 the hoiU'S ot a whltp roap. ; During the ceremony M r.'llbnr^ Aaron, who for ' ,Mls.q:Naney W infrey and broth- !rraumcroi \vaa softly p;i\;;ed. ,..ipji„y yoara ha? been a resident er, Mr. Bpthel aro almost entirely The bride wove a hindsomo en^of\tliis community and' is the old- confined to thoir rooms, we hope ficmble sL’it oi'cocoa brown with member'of Ch’erry H ill chur- they may soon bo much improv- accMaorios to toatch, ar-.l carried .(¡jj . '■ • ’ ’ a 'bouquet of bride’s roass and awainsinia. . «ed.; This was follov/ed with a duet •, ,jvir,: Hugh Horn , of Greensboro Inimedia^blv after the cercnonv' P ° W ill Take Mother,’’^ b y s p e n t ' the week, end visiting his Mr a^d Mi^ li™ ^ other granddaughters of Mr. Hen-, parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Horn.Mr. .and M is. Ijames left in tnnli j.y Aaron, this was beautifiilly , , _ " f 7 and niuch enjoyed'fcy all Jam es Groae ,and fam ily of of;'North CaroliiL-i, after which ! Then ‘ cam e'a m oat'ex-' C!«"". ^°"^'*'lof the ...........B, v -w i.. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jam es and Fulton street. Мг.ч».Ijames is the only daught-on homo. Ne.xt a viplin and pia-( ...................... .....v... ..i.m io „iiu »uij- imuBiii.-'jjQ duet by tWo little girls of I children nhd ;,Mi.ss M artha Cox- ev of Mrs, M ary A, Bpacji and g and l ì ivvoll o't M ocksville' spent some a favorite^ with a large circle fif (iranddaughters of Mr. T .'tim e? Sunday afternoon , with ve- friends. She rocoived her oducil- foj.,^^i.;i.i,gjdent of and: iativea. ' , ,; f tion at the Siilisbury schools and ^ o f' Cherry H ill' church, i : r-lnni No 7 of Farminjrtbn Mc- at the Normal a^nd Intiuotria Ins- jh o ' last tiling'oii tho projri'a- rarm inntontltuto. Sho is talented in art and . .. -is talented in':art. and ™ thodM S>^ imuaio 'tihd is a pupii bf MrM Carlth ru s t.;I^ Ä ;s o :o b v io « ^ Д h ttt Sm^^fbo nilllnaf AUÎ< fon I . -------- It was a, crown- in Heaven, the pearly Ю Г ; including the,^rm y, jf ]10сезвд^^^^ ■ is'; standing over .'him,'as it'w ere; , , . . . ., , keoiting watch to see that none ni. a., ^ t „ i!m lM % h o & e.xfictly the ease. If.nocoflsary tho ht..„ ''« " - " t » .0 „ь moyo, -c'von 1Ь9-'proaidont would j J - > 1,................... not' hbriitato ,tp commiind i-he ac- чк-л ' л.,'»..! V , tion 'lil’ ihe entire Htanding army Wn'o-^thf. ti-bri wobnmp- L of th(.f United States,‘ at-m illions ........../ o l' I К the TJiotc^v.on. ^ ip'pcmed to put hpr w'hole truat in , Г чГ 1~ Т , t ,the Lordi - “A nd'I heard a voice hoUaw is the bulwark of Ш ^ . , blessed aro th e dead which, isfi.eis that. And in order ».o the Lord from .hencoforth: rate what you mean /by a^ . the iapirit, that:; they ■rrk ■ liei^'s 'a fm e ^ W p lo - ,^„j;;,e8t from their ЛаЬЬигЬ;; and . . ruor Char ea b ; do, follow;.thom.i’.: > ^(-akjng recently bpforo the North/,. m arried to^ . Dakota Bar Association, uttered ^ of iredell №is most clear cut stAtemenI;. Clip ^ - t y , .Dobcmbe 3, 1924;i- They It »nd put 11 in, your scrap book to Iredell county an'd'began;lor luture use. Saul C^overnor II m an. . .. ' ,Mrs. Garwood was slowly growingV Wo ove to think,oi the ■ or at lea,st ,of the men and the рд.еЩа. V' ,' ,womon, ironw^hom we draw our body wasvVaid to rest Mbii- Ъел.к; thiit thoae wonderiul men ;and womiln did;; ;aiu ,w hat they '^^^^^ Cemetery: wltli^ Rev.’: J. ЯЦ ler.d and what they, аесотр- ^jydo Yates, of Mooresvillo, con: ishod. A m ong;^ther^iings, Uiis funeral. •• > ^ la whot they ,^^d: ^^A^hen they . gho leai'^iS ; a husband, imother, ,;ca;nc^hereinb№ ew i derne^sthey ^ se^{i;'broi?hers and :foiir' hro.igW the Bible wi^ и1з|ог], to mourn'her.Boing;^ ,,,t .0 'Ю ^Н еу toir.'ino:(.f'=a home..1 he htfclo ;churches , iuidv^ sclw ol-, lriends,haVe 1^пе;::^' - : 1 Г '0 they tell nie of^a land far away,; buiH' the liti'.le'honps,; but thdy j didn’t biiild th e;ciiurch first,; aiid tlioy didn’t builfi the schbolhouso lirHt, and' tjiey didn’t'b u ild '.th e jliome firnt out'!hero in whiit was i t'thon wilderness. They built a rude Htoclcade; first before they : jjrouiTht the Svpmeii here, and be- rt' ji)0)1 .fore thoy could ;build the ciiurch, i)i i'li) ,Hc:lvo6Uioii,se or home: they ^i(-mi|'||piiiU this heavy wooden w ail, and built it they.procee,d- |;,V'’ . ed to nrotoct it.; Inaido that stock- ?ide they finally built ithe’ school- hpunc.y and ' the''i-ittle chapel, and the hbiiie, :,but ^liey built that .‘jtocliP.,rfiyrst,'’arid they held that; Where the tree of life-in etornal . r -, bloom, ;• : . ' ,Sheds its fragran.cc through the ' unclouded day, .-.V ■ ' Oh they tqll me ; that he smile.? ■ on his'children there, ' ^ And Ilia smiles drive their aoj'rpws .;'all''aw ay, V.' 'v: • .j ' And they; .toll me that ho. tears : oyer come again, . , ' : In that Ibvely land bf iinclouded ■ day." ^ . GAUD O F THANKS "W e,w ish to thank our friends and neighbors foi’ the many' acts V ' r ’" r 'of kindneaa shown ua during the ¡Ni^uldn t hold the stocky jjj^gga ^nd death of our wife a?»l tho dullest •witted could n'ot fail to catch ;it>; As one of the nó\yspaper corrpapondbnta prbaent . put ' it, "the'Prbgram of Economy hncl the Program of. Prog);p.48 had been ahlbbolethod in'-assentbiice/,’ The McLean, Adm inistration," Ing, Itâ; grip on Stato,■bxpenciitur.i' OS, cu tting, the ; coriiers ,find stòpi, ping, ,iip>the ;‘leaks, "stbpci ;3rrayed in its .patched - pilhts' poyorty iaga- inst the silk^ànâ fine liiibhS'bf the Morrison róginié ttà t covered up all the ovld'onces, of :. Coinrnpn- •v.'f'.'ilth penury and :,''aident alsight of money," aa its 'cliainpibn do- .c,arod ■without the Intim/ition . of îïiiology. , ' , The crowd ■'h'.> '’i.d-1c, the cc'i ). But, doubtless,;on sober reflection as they weiit. 'iiboutrtheir' j daily tasks; af to ltile .shouting aiid. tiiih- ult had died, there,w aschbt one in the, number but w ill agi’bp.with, ua that. ,aftor all, • it iSr safer 'arid wiser,icv^remombor patched pants thfin , it is ':to: ;forget - them ; alto­ gether. . ’ ' ' 'I'o'be sure, the man who has risen ;,to high'or patate "will bo foolish-.to sppnd; !vir i re- calHrigvtho struggles bf 't^ climb úl) the steép¿ ,; But' hè shbu or ïorget the rbad ovòr' A^hich he; èaiiio in, order"that hp'hiay^ better prepared tó(rnaké‘tho'w ay easier for those who' arp to 1>1- |bw him-—to warn;; them of" the rocks, aiid, cliffs and^rough places a\ong' the -way.; Not only he, but others should be аЫе to profit by his experience by, recalling; every stage of the jpuriiey;; What is true of a man is liko- wisb true of a Cbmmonwealth. A man may be - rich tpdayi B ut there is no guarantee tliat he wfll always ^ be .irich,’ unless ; he 'con­ tinues to practice those .virtues of thrift^... enerBj;^í rüKbúre and Aviso 'economy that made’_pbs- siblp hib'sudcoBS-ih. tho boginriing. . North ;Carpliha;.‘is--rich today. Patched pants are.'-iio íohger. necí òsaary.’ .Tho I lofeiahii oi^Prbgress threw them into th e,discard, But Nortl} Cm'blin \ 8houíd;;í)pt forget the pajtcheu-panca peripd'' b f. its strugglp for suproîhacy among the Sputlici’n',:CominonwQ,nlths. : Whibh ii^'tb say that "North ( Carol ini\ should not forgot Iho hiamély yir- tuts; of thrift and. ecplibmy ■ and the. w ill tb w ork as har(|; as’; in the' patclied-pants days^virtuos' that made .possible :tlip^';^ wonderfiii ,;achievemdnts . in the^, past ancj arb , the. only'safe atop ping: stbnea: fo i the future. It is air right to have mtfii like ,Goverijpr Morrison who glory,, in ailka and’ fine linens. ' They help pull the Commonwealth up to the level of, thoir ambitioiis and ide­ als,- But it ia also nccpssary to have' men like Governor McLean who keep' at least one; eye/'on |tHe ~aat .........................ace ,Gobdy- kopntz, ' : Mr. Ijames is a aon of M r.¡and T , reacnei'i-JVivn.,, x{,;;,U.' Brovyii, had Mias Eye.rhardt o i,Lexington, who, „, mPst 'brijòyable’ camping trip aang, Thb Old Ruggod Crons ypry :;j„; tho:!mountnlnB -bf'wòs^ N. ......................u n di^inorhouv TMn- ,Mrs. M. C. Ijam es of Davio eounty. ^^blea were well loilded Avitl^ Koad ■ p^j^péd^ho Bride" Ho h S l S ^ S ^ S gpod .ladies of. uo nouia a-ppaition w an tno that communitv ktrnw-nn Wflii itA-..- -liVi «I n>T — man -Southside' Motor .Company, " " ^------ , ■ ^.......... PINO NEWS , ...... ■ Thè -Rovjval ' Mooting clbsed. at' Pino< Saturday ,night, our pastor, , Rev. , McKonney,: preached .faith-; fully.to the ond -and we fool , and l<now that much good w as accomr pliahod, ' aiid hiany souls \verb drawn nearer to Christ.' Rev. C. M.- McKinney w ill.'fill -his ' regularly ' appo;intment, at Pino ' Sunday, morning, Augii^it; thpv2nd.;■ ■, ;‘ jVIÌ83 Flora Allonj of Richmond, Garden, waa the week en^ guoat of 'her pardnts, Mr. '•a'lul; Mrs. 'F. R^iVIcMahan. ' ': Misa Scbia Iliitchon," of ,Wina- tbn'-Siilem, waa the' giieat < of her pai'oiita, ..Mi', and Mrs. W.' L. I-Iutcheri, ,thb past week, '■ Miv arid M rs. J. H. Sw ing had as tlt,bir ;week end, guest, Mr, and; Mrs,‘;,;*Lbnhie ■ ’rui'ribr, of States^ -,yillp, ',M'r,, -arid Mil's.' , Fletcher'; Spying/ of ;Wiri^(;p’n^S'alom, and; M,r.; Frpd :Swingi; of; Salisbury. - : ;,]^lis.s;'Bvfliirio Fe^^^ tbn-jSaióm, is ,, the- guest ; of her aunt, Mrs: 'VV. W. W est ' - ‘ ; .:;jrio3' Flora AUbni of RichiT.'ondi ya.,;,Ì8'i.spending her 'aummer viK biiti'on with hbi' iiarentsj Mr.. and Mrs.. 0. R. Allen. Misa M argaret M iller, returned tO' '\Yin8tori-Saicm S u rid ^ after' appndihg the week with; .heme, 'foiks.. •: M rs;; 13..' N. Baity, loi Cana, ;Rt. 2, 'wa^' the giieat ór her sister; Mri3.' L. L.\’l\inier, the ,p a a t" ^ ', Misaks 'Laura 'Wai-di Era Lath- amo ' and;' M r;, .Gaither ; Lathamo'', were among the crowd that pic- nic’ed at, the' Badin ; Dam Satur­ day. '' M'rs. W ill Edward, of C p a Rt.'. S, waa tho guost of her daughter, Mrs. Luther Dull',, the past week,; jVIr.. and Mrs. Holloway : Boger, of, Turnprsburg, and Mr.' arid Mrs.^^ Charlie 'A ripli of Caria, . were the week end; guest of their mother, Mrs. ,B. :G. Lathamo. DISABLED VETS. GOT MIL- LIONS FIRST SIX MONTHS , ; . . Grandfnthers mt,.,'noro.'!s ¿ii)n111o to propare, rho blo.-iBing 'V/’-a, moiiiitain, 'camping Iho • aoconc pronounced by tho ■ Rev. .T. A;; J ., ;„,^f,t at , Linriillo , Falls. From I'arringtbn, pas^tor ol Coolconioo, thoro to'C rosano^ whero thoy mi . ' ■ , ' ' •.visited’ tho mountain úchool tiiat ' Tho..,.,tt|ternoon was 8P.ont, in .j, ,u,nnorled by tho 'sale bf old ,m,epting^ and :8hala,ng ,Jiand8 vyith'; ciothes and hand 'wó'aririg dono old frlenda.; And an address by, ;ij;^ the Inountain giría'of líhat.fiefi- ' Pi^f.,^pÍHnei;,^ Av^ich much ,t¡ori. ,Prom thortt:io Liim illo City, .enjpypd by all. Ihen , carne , an viow Rode, Élowing Rt)ck and theii nlection of. officers for anothor homo by w ay of Boono and Wilkca- yeay, ^ r , ; Gus ; Solí waa^^^ .boro.; Thoso bf ihe- party wory proaidonti ¡Mi’M. Cathorino and Mra, S. F, Brock and aecíetary and Mrs, J, A .-M iller guests/ Blilàh' and Richard, Con- tr ^ u r c r . , , , . , . , ; . rad,:.of Ldwiaviller'íM.' Hartman ; T ^;m eotiiig a(Uoui'iiod tp^meet Jind ÉM noxt,ypar’, tha: laat: Sunday,.in ,p„i,Francos Johnson and Jui.v, 192G. - , ,■ '/riioat-Misa Evolynv.Yorborugh of 3wíaVillb|’;Mi%;;:4h.d ,,''Mra.' Wm,'Or J.cw STUliY : OF ME ATS ' FOR ? GOL-í: ■Г-/, , l e g e .Sl’ÜDBNTS ........ ^ íi^,V^f;Tohnson,: Ben Smith and Ivír.s. of nioth- :,: Raleigh, J u ly . ?7.-W h en /the' i now animal inclustry building is ^^.Mton-Salcm and . Mildred completed at State College this,- winter, theraninial' 'husbandry dl-^!;; ',-3^ra.- .M iiud, Sm ith Iludaon vision .will give^ a courao in- th a M iama,.FIa., is visiting her ni Btu'dy of/meata that.w ill eventual-'or,':M rs. Iii. C. Smith. ; ', ly,' aid, ip losBeiiing,;the .moat bill I: • M rs:‘ L. F. Brock ohtortained a v/hich North Ciu'oiina pays annu-. of tlio young people at a ally to other aectiona. '................. I swimming party y'nt ', : .Richardson ^vPractica ly one wholo wing and :m iii-in honor.of hoivhbuse guesta, most ot the baaemont oi this,coui,,], „„d'R ichard Conard of bUildinp; w ill be devoted,to a meati Lewisvilld. ’ ’ laboratory in w h ic h ', .'Will b e -a ‘ juUg^ngypavillion;. a:;killing rooni, I cu,tting room, a lard liUjoratoryl sattsage : room, cooling* room,, amokp "house and . re ta il. jnarkot.' The student' w ill ' bp carrjiod thr­ ough the'; entire proces.i from h tii the carcass : h aa;,been ; pre-; pared:; H.ncl : ciit ; lip, the • ' by^.prbi ducts ihadp and'all thbîme at tho market. ’ . , ■ ;’;Th}s : work,' ' according to Prpf^ L., H,'.;McKay, Avho ^^yill ’haye: it: ih charge, wlll;hplp tprsolve,thfe^^ blein of .having •'■ better, liYie'ata > !oh i;he farm.: ''.‘‘Еуогу::;;^ irieal,’:’ p^ys'Prpf.’McIôiy p ’ourid;tho m oat,platter ¡ lyet,';the' |/hvp'ragpi meat p art made'-; iiir almost entlrdly, of; pprk- wi'th sbriio chicken arid an'-occaaV j piial ‘ piece of: fresh ; beef by .vbal frbm town,' in p1;her parts;df_thp Unitod'Statps, thp fàrnipr hàK.bet- ,tpryr4efttH,;,on , hl3 .tivblo than'^^^^^^^^ Charlotte;; July ' 24,—pisablod can - buy. ' Hb,' has ;ц; variety'; о vetoraria; of; North ’Garoiiiia .,have freah .moata thrpugho|it the; yeiu', been paid approxii)iàtolÿ: $1,000',-';'aim]3ly becaupo hiov raises it and ООО during the ' past six riionths,ij bii^chbrs aiul curbs;,it :at homo.’I according to the annual report of the regional office. here -of the ., Mrs. Sallib Hai4inan and claugli- jter,' Elizabeth aro yisiting Mr,’ am i; Mrs. C. A ., H art-, 'man.^;''; 0 .p.;, , ;''Mrr;. a’nd': M:i’a.‘'t;'Will:' B , -----,son B illy:of Jackson, Miss., visit- studying: the anim al; to be killed ^d,frien^ls .in ;Faririington, Mon- ii'ntil tho (.;nrr!fiR.<<; iinnn rii-n 'day./ ' , United States veterans bureau. The report which was to }ie fbr-i warded to W ashington today,'; re­ veals that the total amount of dis­ ability pompenaatibn paid a /waa: $flBO,POO;,: wh Jl^ ^ vpciational V ing iunda.dlBbntg|»4 amounted t<> , Thia riioat cburso, at. State,Cc^l- Ifege will, be something new to the :South,' though the riood is more ui'gent here .than; anywhere else, atatos Prof'.; McKay, ,The new building w ill 1 be completely equip­ ped for ibpth'-lnstruptlpnal^^.a^^ exp^m e^tal'w or^ ':.Mr.\ johil ' Brock : i^ ChaiJolVHill; !Mbndriy.f^ ’ V ;Bojv ;Haa.: 11 ^G . Poi't Allpgilny, Pa'.; Ju ly 2Г).-~ Charles, W illiam Burr, six months old ,4on ,of Mr. and Mrs, Guy Burr, ha.4 II, grandparents living, a re­ cord у wrich it is.bollevoa few •vouniieators can, 'pqiial. . The im­ mediate rrandparPnts'Q f-tlio bo.r ar.' i\lr, find ,Mrs.,: :Wiliia'iri: Btirr ,and Mr. hlicl,;Mr§,;Blijah:Mc.Ivor- ■yey. There are; fivb- groatgraiid- :p!U'bnts,v:i)ichfdirig Mr. ■ arid ;B'lrs, (C;.. A.v .Hazeiv, . Mri'- and Mrsi Mor- t^riier Babcock; 'ajid,'. Mra,.'„ ;Sopia ;McKeryey, A great-groat-grand- .nibther 18 Mrs. Elizii: Causer and a ' groiit-grpat-graudfathor is Charles'iy. Burr. , ch by Prof. Eart: Hostetler and in swino extension by Prof, W. W. Sahv. „The , total; result 'vvill that .the, aintual billt'ij^^ mUUfln:dpUtiv5 ijiiiid fcv Bide^^ .......' ' - -X * ' iV ’ ’t ’.'V'» ¡ , 1 ’ , , ‘ Л'! I ' ■ ,t 'fl'V ' -V 'JS' / 1 ThuVPdrty, .J.uiy «0, Ì02R •;'№i!!laiiiiEàÌBiìiiaiiiiaiiiimiiilÈriiiaiiiiEi: T - 0’ MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE IINIIlállliniMlinilin'OS!l!l!!IIO'l:'l33lllieillH!l№IIIIBllllBIIII 11п:'с(яс!.а|«ш:з.№а1»1 мшишюйтп _______-H A R R Y .C O M P A N Y : For the last 3 days of our CLEARANCE SALE WILL ADD EXTRA. DOLLAR , S(»ECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY a n d .SATURDAY. Saturday August 1st wfll be last day of this Great Money-Saving Sale. This has been a Great Clearknce Sale and for Last 3 Days Will Offer Still' Better yalu4s,.,THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY.';> ' ; S h b p '.I n S a l i s b . u r y ' A n d , S a y ,e :;M o n e y . •iVi Phonos, 11, 1016 imd 187 SAUSBURY, N. C. i'" I' . “HOME, of:better v a l v e s ’.’ '* I ''‘ ‘ •I < ' l i '-i''*'VVvi ' ’!•- ÍiiBai!iiiaiwiiiiaii№iiNiB№iiiiBiiiiE3iiiinBniiEaiaiiiiniiiiD¡iiii3Diiiiaiiitiiiiiiioaiii linCIIIIIDilllBIIIIIÍlB]llliDllllR9¡llliaW!nillllDlrálll№..,<<ÍIIIIRlltllD"ll01llllt nimm. niiíiiDiiiiíaii “DOWN ON THB FAIIM’’ •In an address before Congreas Jor a square deal'for tho faririora, Congre.B8maii Lankford read 'thu fpllowing poem, which ho had in­ serted into'the Congressional Ro- icord as a part of.hia speech: Down on tho farm ’bout h alf past 4, I slip on my pants and sneak out tho door. , O iit-in the yard I run llkp tho dickoria ^ To milk airth o cows and feed all tho chickons. Clean out the barnyard, curry ,Rhoda ant\^,Jiggs, , Separate the cream and slop, all the pigs., ■Jlustlo two, iiours,-.then ont like a 7,.-Turk. \ . B y hock 1 I am iW ly for a lu ll ' (day's work. • Then ,I irreaso t,he wagon and, put . - ; on the rack, i ' Hitch up the mules, sHp .do\yn iho land ' : ; M ust g.flt. the hay In, looks ''liko ra in .' . Look oyer; yonder, 'suro ns I am born. . , - ' ■ Cows on tho r.ampage, hogs in tho :/ :corn, 1,241,000 PEOPLE OF STATE turned over .$2.25 per bushel for No "hiatter whero(. Fortune may DO NOT OWNvTHEIR HOMES OK ACRE 0 F LAND THEY LIVE ON carry—you aro mother to all of ua yot. ,ШШ1 the corn cpnsuriied. But tho second man didn’t lilte to feed high priced corn, so he decided to. carry his pigs'on pas- Knowing, as all of us know, the Chapel Hill, July 24.—“Thero ture, with little extra food, «until ; flamo of her crim son’ Sop- aro 1,241,000 citizens of tlid state the present corn and soybean crop . .rtembta:,, , of North Carolina who dp -i.it own \yould be available. . His pigs, the Ah . how dan we ever forget—or a single inch of the. ground they fn-e'as ' thoae bolohging to fail to.rem em ber, cultivate, or a aingle ahingle of Farmer A, averaged: only,' 60 ;Tho long purple.-tops-of her.hills tho roof over' thdlr heads,’’ waa pounds in Ju ly and ara not worth \ ' and theispruco craggy heights the startling declaration made by iit this time, tlio $13 which Farm-/ in'the'svest Dr. C. E., BranrfoW, of the univor- er A rocoive'd ,as profit. ' ■ \ . And the rivers that wind in be- aity fac u lty ,ln addreaaing th e , .Mr., A has a prof it'ccjual to .the ' tween—liko a soul lu its public welfare inatitiitca herb to-Votiil yaiud pf each of Parm er Б’а , quoat. , day. ,, , ; pigi) and ia now planriirig to sell ; "The problem of the landless, *piBS farrowed in J u ly - ,on ■ tho From the Smokies which rise liko t; homolesa people ,of the stiito ia April markot .at .liri .'average a^god, where tho )aat fading t: ono which must bo reckoned with' weight of 225 pounds each ,, In .N rays of the sun- ......------- ГИ.....r> ...jiV .-.«11 For Home Builder^ Limé Cement Nails Doi>rs_and Windows 1 Locks Butts Sash'Cord ^ Sash Weightt Brick M % andone which mufit bo reckoned with'woignc oi aso iiuuiiu« uin;ii,, 'XI.,. ■ Ui. _ , m- , „ , , , . , , s I Stag Brand Paint to Add the |,,,,ishing touches outside and rasi creating a- more, satisfying oivili- while corri; ,is cuipted;a^ lower -'h o ro is ever the riso and f | M o € k s ¥ M ! e : O j a r a w a r e m; a more.suLisxyiiifcf oivm- zation, ;esppcially>^.a satisfying "hiai'ket price .than li; was while', country civilization, for :a large ®Ir, A waa.aoHing hia thrpugh the • proportion of our laridlesa, liome-'jhoffs':.|!,or ?2,25 per buBhel, , ,,y leas population live in! the open ' ,'^aeh of .those ■ men liroducocl country.'* Compare Denmark ,, Dr. Branson 'compared ; condi- , ...f a ll'......................... . ............. K . " ' Ï . " m w K s V U Í с . Í M . « W « . w 1 „ ы „ . i.' .„ и й :,' ,"Mr. .В ,sold..,'hiü".'corn; a?. ."—there' iS' perfumo ■ of¡'.lilac ,'iÍ!iia,iidiiúflidiiS'i;'M'iiiñ.’iiláimiaiiiii»iírai!iiraitoi«i'iiiMiiiiáiiiiíáiiiimiitaiiliiWiiiÍB!iiiiHfflitó^^^ fi.- 76 сс»й ,.o,v,b»H .i i « , ...........Ч., ■ ■ ;..........................( М И И Я Н Щ Л , Г м . ж ipor for hibias-; ,, mile'^ or two, : ' , i Heaving .like I am wind-brokbn, I iwfit cioan through, ;. Back ^ with the 'mules,; theii : for recompense.: " ,, Dr. Branson' ,compared ; cbndi- ( corn ni»,,y :i,,oi,lh., :!.Th™ ;a™,-v, h6 j . » t o by lim iL g :th S e d 'a n d р Ы ^ ’ .4aid, “no' problems of horiie own erahlp nbr are there probloma of S t :? r 5cro.s the meadow, run a v/ithin tlieir. very beings a thrift which coippela 'them to own^ thoir lipmes;, ThiS' feeling, for the, es­ sential power bf thrift ia largely .¡ lacking among, oiir American peo- nov; taking advantaffo of thn raa?'-:; kot , trend and aellirig : hogs of Thorn aro atara in her s^ioa ■hifrh qirality either diiying'thb late . .. . . . api'ing ; or early,: fall : \yhen com- ■fonce, Jointa-.all aching, muscles in. in jerk.v'.'^ ' .'Wll'obpI Fit na;a fiddle for a 'full day’s work.I*'"'! ,. ’i' I ' ..... .'IVork'ai) tho'ii,ummor 'till winter ia nigl^, 'Vv.Thcn fipiiro' at the bank and ,, ,\ ; hopve;fi big sigh, ^ Worko’d nil the year, didn’t maif« a thing, . .' T'.nsa ,nnah'/now than ;I had ' laat .';-,'':'.';f,::spr]ng.• ' . ,'..i ,’,' 'i'mio folka’aay thoro aint no hell'. '.Shucks I' They nov^r farmed, how ; Oynn they tell 7 , : Whe’n': spring-rolls 'round T iikp MRS J O H N W. ВиМШЗНЗ DEAD :;O ivJuly 24, ;1925, God in His jiifinitd wisdom saw fit to remove ■ r:,frpm ' our midst, a worthly -an^l v'hiost bstimable woman, Mrs. John i Summers. ' ' / ■ . M rs.; Summers, is survived; by : :; hor, hi^fband: and , seven: children') Mra, '’Maaten Bowlea, Mrs. John ;: Howard, Mra.; Jamoa vSummora, I; Mrsi; Joh n; My^’es,' Mrs. J .. M. Pop- ' ' lin,' M ra.. Ollie Foster,, and Mr. . ;! Spencer'. Sumniprs. At the early: ;; nEO of thirteen sho^-gavo her life . ,'t0‘Christ,; arid 'ever lived a conso- , crated'-. ..Christian, ' bearing her .; many burdens and afflictiona of ./ ;l0|ng 'aufforingf'with patience ancl in.. a-.,Ghrlst-lilco waj', always be- 'j'ing gentle,;kind, a'nd thoughtful of; ,,: hor family, frioiids' and noighboi's. i.;Slie was biiriod ’,at '9ak Grove^ her ■■i'.'-,pld,.home ‘church.., The large concorse of friend's arid' abrroWing:’;; relatiyesi with; 'their .floral; bfforings wore the; .; greatest ovid^encb'of what her life' - had been to the community iii ■ which she lived. ate needs and fp.rget : that they 8hould,;be w illin g‘to forego them, in vie>y of mòro perrnanent thhigs. The ayerage American: sees, what he wanl^^a, and.-got.s it,: wlietihér i t be broii'd, borinetS or, paregoric. It is fi’bm thi8 widespread lack of thrift that our own probiòm of farm :and homo,''ownership arises, . White Problem : ' J'he; problem, of excea.sive tqh' ancy, which is the pi'obldrii bf the laiulioss, find homoioss couritryr maii'ii is not a neijro prbblom. It ia prim arilji''a white prbblehi; for throughput :the South the white tenants an'd , croppers «.outriumbor the-riegropp, ; .Throp-fQurths pf all the' fam era in tlio; state are ton- ants,/V Thoy inoyo from pillar tp post, from, Dan ^b JBpersheba and liack , again;;. They, make ■ a; rest-: leas, Vpying, irresponsible elonierit of citizenship^^; They seem to pré­ sent a'hopoleas problem. But It is one 'which you eán not forgèt. If you have any real /;’dligion;■ in you, you can noi give up tho prob- 'lom. Tho, children/ of .those ten- iint'a present Buch 'á picture- of neglect, thiit lif you 'aro'really, iri- t.orestod , in- the slightest in- mak­ ing 1 thia little pince earth callod a , safer, place'for children- to ;.be born iiúo, .you..must ;holp to solve it,’’........^ " W ,-.«4 y ,MVM.;'r,i'''bf: brisih't' B’lver,. a-t\vinklo,::S/; ' n-thrill, • , , ; , - ' ........ -Li V , fliorpcbiiio,4,.thvn'ithçf& ;('ì.!itaricp, iiko .a ,У1й|рп ñf m'iètr .-'Г , ; , ,. ........................................Ó r a , o t r a i n '^7 ,.,;7V v,'. A toast to Noi'th [Carolina—who Once more we are: walking Av.ith ì g нрппк in: uan^.. XiUi . >V iivií*, vs/*.." Ильичи, , ,у petition from the Goni' Bplt' is And a moon wo ahalU,all rpmeïnb| not BÓ keen. ‘ ' ' ' or—as all lovor^ w ill:^ , ■ ' ■ . .........* I .... » M ГЧ i.V» .4‘Тл Л TO TH E-t)Lb 'NORTH STATE blessed iny''dreams; of untried years And gave mo; all the best I have-— the'best, as well', of;hors; No plain, or valo, pi' hilltop—6r; shore swept by ,theisea. But is holy—biit isi. sacred—all / ' are ,bo|iutifiil to me, \ Say riqt that Wo foi'get thee—thy aoii^—thy daughters—all Still keep in thoir inner, being,,a list for thy inpthprly; call; ■ For old Love/ever remembers—old Love: eaii' iievdr; forget ■ i ' Romance—we aro lovers'and.]- sweethoarta ngain^•Ex.■I O U R M E A T 'S . ------------— iTHEN YOU'W ILL KBALIZB 'JUST IIOV^ UNUSUALLY , ,Thoro will' bto.:;another;.Commusi'K|;''::',,v: ч;!.;;й',й iiity Fair at Ceiiter il-ia ypar,,and;!| ' '«001^^ GOOD .MEAT CAN ВВГ TENDER A,Np;;'JUICfc^ '-j hoped'thiit;’wo'-will:got'the:;Sple)i-^i|v:;!;;IS'EASILY:D^i?STiBLE:AND:PiULL o f ’___..-w - did suppòrt that wo receiv^ed :iaat' yoar in making this-.vfair,- a .,suc­ cess. Tho 'fair will; :be>^' county’ wide a,8 ,before, ui,iloss,;spmo, other community ;,w ishesitb;haye^ None pre.achoa better thari .the Ant—and :,;slio ; s'ays V ; ■ nothing j—' Pbor, Richard.,^: : ,; I ,‘FOR EVERY MEMBER OF,THE FAMILY, a ’'''---’’.-''' ■Ä L L iS O N - J O H N S q ^ Pitone 111, íjlar twin.a ' W asiiirig- '.V .-...tó-: ■Т’ТГ,.1 «;й11111Ы11шш1Ш1яш11Я1|11И111|И1111И1111а11111Ч»яи1111011«а»11«1И1«1га,шш1шш1и^^ •» , ^ .N O T I C E TWO LOTS OF PIGS COMPAR­ ED BY SHAY ' - Armament ia a luxury that mak­ es war>a necossity.—-ílOTÍpUí..yU' ''g<nlan-ï;ilot.’,;l; , i ,'ÚíiraiiiiDiini¡ai¡i¡ra«iiiiiiiiiE9iniiaiiiiiajiiiEiaiBiiiiiB3iiiin9№inraiiiia^^ :;'^ARБ YOU'Aj CO-OPERATOR?." , Raleigh^.Ju ly ,27,-4How-it pajjo to food hoga;.on.::full ratiòpa and; "'Sell':' therii :"when " tlie V m ai'iíotí'is’: high. is shown by, W-. Wa Shay,: swirib : extension sp ecialist',;’a,}. State : College , who.:.;compares. . the jnohoda used by two farm ers ■'уЬр hori tvyo lots of weanling'pigs ia^t February. ' ., : Mi'V Shay states that each, m'àn had: plenty of cprri. Orid of them; rogardlçsa ' of tlie high, priepj .for corni put h is: pigs pn,.ful? feed ond âbld them :'early liri ^uly. д1 ari average ■weight^pfv20P; çbunàs each for $28 per ; pig. ! He ijjiiiide ' ‘ T over the lost pppduç- r : tlgn of V; ,,;B 8g!n n i'g::A lE gU St'' ls t:, w e w ill p u t ; b u s in e s s .:.dii::'a. :c a s h b a s is , ‘a n d a l l t ir e s , r e iia ir s , la b o r , g a s a r id o il ;w ill- b e _ s o !d 'f o r c a s h 'o n ly . v S a n f © rd' M o t o r C o , G . G . W a l k e r M o t á I..;' ■ • • ' . Mbcksviile Motor Horn Seryice Station, Life-insiu'nnce|i8 co-operation. If ygu want to insuie youf 1: ■y life; for :'$5,OOpiiiyou'miist';.put ?.'5,00l);:in, the’; savings ,'^ight now, f(»r"'you might die tomorrow.. ;:But in; C(»-opj«&>!!|^‘,{j'.;v tion Avitli thouBunda pf others, you can Irivest- a smnl№SO'/^.i ' ' niial.sum and have the;$5,000; protection for'as_ mimy ; ■aH:you''Wish.;';;.';.,' .fI,:'..'.,.,.,, Place you insurance itt'onoy with a ¿ound home company, y<||'925; co-operate then^i/with your , rieighl)ors. ; Their money i acjLlS, yours,i,s keptjnveated (it homo, where it assi.sts banking . ,real .estate developmonj;' arid thus ^benefits tlie whole co'.fl 6t, .:-mimity.■' ..,',r .«There ia a more personal feoHng, too -in denjing with'.................Ч ^ company Vi : if IHUi. 1?; - < f neiir yiriu,'as, ;fpr; instiince,’ the J^iiot .(/ompany^oft;^^^^^^^ Greeriaborp. It has no antbitipri to he thb’hirgoat comfijHiy' ';^,|||| | i|:| in (¡lie . ^prltl, hut has constantly aimed to; he,' and isi .one K„'j | ijii of .theisafeiit, riiost successiili, most aerviceable to its p/iHt^- hóltíeüs. INSURE TODAY WITH TilE- 1 ' У WITH DAyit дать IflAN & INSilRiNGE G#.,.' ” ^AtìENTS,^ и Й т ':ЦРЕ IN SU R ^C E ^ ' ' ' -V - irf f “I.riM Í'f Г r!W y FiXKoG тттттш WUlHiMitni THE MOCKSVJLLB ENTERPRT.cjR 'iy ’S s'. IWM. .1. imVAN d ie s ; SUDDEN. I LY IN DAYTON, TENN. ■FARMERS IN THE \VeST: HOW TIIUY M tE GETTING .ON JTilliilBllill ThUl'8(lny, July 30/1921/ : ;\,'Ÿj‘| SHOE SPECIALS Misses’ and Ladies* Patent Strap Pumps and Sandals now on sale. $3.50 Footwear reduced d**! Qff . $ 2 .5 0 and $ 2 .7 5 $ 3 .0 0 and $ 3 .7 5 JONES & GENTRY “THE SHOP MEN” ' ^ W inston-Salem, N. C. iiwaiiiHiiiiBBaiimHiHiiiBVBitiaHBtiiaBM (contimiod I'l'oni page 1) (By J. Httmpton Rich.) i ,, , , ' l i . I , Normandy Mo, (Ncnr SI;. liouis)I the body a socoiifl time ho tioUcoii Tfilir i>r. inpfi I Mr. Bryiin was not breuthinii. rni,'» V.,.o !\. v, ii.s./wi..■ I'I.. T? rni ■ ■ .A Tho larm ors ol: the liid k in JiJv-, J)r. W. F. Thomi.,.,on and Dr. .soction of North Q iralina as A. C. Broyles wore summoiiGd im- „thor soelioi.H ol^tbe stvito n od.ate y njd A Ancli'ewH also ¡ntevtstcd in what 'tl.o farm-1 was cullcd by McGartney. , M ter n f AI ^ their:.crops ai-o. and whether theretatod Air. B p an evidently had J pr^dvonshi oi- what ooh-; been dead be ween 80 and_ '1«^ ditiona exi.-it;at'th}s season o f th« minutes and that death had been eau^ d by apoplexy. > ^ 'H aving jqst made „ trip 'th i- uiih Kenli'i'ftiv i.wi!....« Til! . ea^ ^ d by apoplexy. - ^ Having just made n trip thr- DuriuK uH the excitement Mrs. ^ > Kentucky, indiana, Jllinois ^ Bryan w as the calmest person In p f -Mis.souri. some ,th a house,- Mr A iu p w s said. observo'd which 1 w ill ! She took complete charjie oi J ii- try to record for the beuent of fairs and showed more nerve than ',„y back in the old “seed* hnvp ovov ~ -• -i-v -- J . ................ U i u i « in ir v c I have ever seen in a M-oman 3h^ is an invalid, too.’’ Arlington Burial Desired corn” state of North Carolina. For it is with much pleasure that wcsirert ^ II meet with names over here in Several times, Mrs. Bryan sa d, t^e west, fam iliar to me and nam- the commoner e.Kpressed a desire 3 i ^ave often heard in North to be buried in Arlington cemet- Carolina. ^ . Corn and Grass crop in KentuckyYou know he was a colonel in j better corn than I the Spanish-Amer.can w ar and, ^ave seen in the great river bot- since it w as his wish to res in Kentucky. On a (trip Arhngton, we probab y w ill placc:^fron, Mammoth Cave to Bnrrl... him there’ ’ she,continueil. “But town, vast stretches of corn lands no definite decision w ill be reach-j„g i^^cl as ■« floor were soon "as ed until we hear from W illiam Vi„ck as your hat.” The grass j ennings Bryan, Jr. crop is short owing to the dry weather and the cold snap near without suffering and in penco,"^the end of May.' Little blue grass sne said. 'se e d w as harvested. The wheat M rs.B ryan was anxious that ¡„ Kentucky waa only nbout Ml. Biyan.s> secretary, W. I'i.jtwo thirds and the tobacco crop rhompaon, be located. Siie n p.‘„ia,ite(, hitc, look .irregular, peared re loved when told t »lt though the rains ancl hot weather he Associated Press, was trying were-m aking the weed “walk a-i to help find him. Miv ^lompson (jout’’ and the, big yield to the was believed to be in M atocia.V a,;B urley farmers w ill be around, iryaiis Homo ¡ mnn . y ^ FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL CLEMENT GROVI^ MOCKSVljLLE, N. C. Aug.,, 13th, 1925 ANNUAL ADDRESS BY REV. CHAS. C. AVEAVER, D. D., ' OF WINSTON-SALEiM. N. C. , ' - CLASS OF ORPHANS FRO ai OXFORD ORPHAN’S ' - HOME |'!||‘*‘i*‘'‘'‘'‘';,FIN E DINNER, REFRESHMENTS AND VARIOUScouli) |- |rlrls cf . AMUSEMENTS. '|.nd CO ■ ( . ■ , , >l)oi^JM E JOIN THE THOUSANDS WHO WILL Bfe HERE. t ' " } ' ' __________„,..,„,_,,i.MiiiiMiiiiM№.Biiu»iwaaann№^ I Masonic PicniG August 13th LET’S GO. ■liiiKiaaiiniwHnuBiiiniWDaBiiiianHtiHiiiiBiimiiiHiiiHMBia WE WANT YOU TO BE COMFORTAB— SO LET US FIT YOUR FEET W ltH A PAIR OF STAR BRAND SHOES THEY WEAR LONGER. SPECIAL ONE LOT LADIES’ SLIPPERS, PRICE $3.00 to $6.00, . lo 6 0 At «____ VJ. ili^O S ■ li- ------- u.ui,|№oiJiorciusod to'w ith just one cave has stretched ■ — ‘ " believe it at first. Many rushed out'now s o . Mammoth Gave today I /1 t J P _ ^ f» to the Bryan home. ^ ' Iis five Caverns, with 200 miles of g I I \ J l | | T A r | | X A n r I g | H Among these was George W., eaves to go .through in the “New I I S b Rappelyea, modernist, • who Mammoth’’ alone. Sand, cave | V * V • y 'brought charges against Scopes in where GolHuB lost hia life ia'in - _ _ order that the Tonneaace iinti-ovo- ftoristing ua is. the rock which .................................. liition law m ight be tested.. M r.'caught hia foot like a pillory and Rappelyea expressed his sympathy would not. let him go. The body and offered hisS services in an y'o f Collins has been taken lip and way that they m ight be .needed, buried .near Grystul Cave, near Mrs. Bryan, rem aining in hei' his home. Ono thing about the roller chair, received only’ a few new caves, different from the old oi tho callers. !as seen—there aro no smoko cav- Suo K. Hicks, one of the attorn-' d.us. The light» usqd are of gas oya asnodatod with Sir. Bryan in instead of the old oil torch, hence tho prosecution, of Scopes, was the new eaves are prettier.Olie of these. He remained w ithi ‘ ............•u_-. ' ' _____in Ru.4h to Bryans Homo 'rhe report of Mr. B ryan’s death spread rapidly ^throughout' tliis little town, but people refused toЬа1»Л1?л Í** ‘ numera WV, iiiuuiici 1200 .tó 1500 pounds to thè acre, Maihnióth Cave Today la Fivo Mammo^th Cave of 25 years ago with just ono cavtì haa stretched|,>1, ........- i>*-- -• I. __ лжи rtjmainotí with 'her a short time and on leaving Ithe, home remarked on tho cour- agfi Мгй! Bryan exhibited. Nothing definite has been de-rlXri - __ ... ,w^ Utl/lur« Crops inijlllinois ami Indiana I Tho fine ,oorn crop was in e\----- .w i.. >»iin 111 evi­ dence all along, from the timo I crossed the Ohio river through .......1*^ ® ‘le-'Indiana and Illinois until St.cid 6d yet, he said, but I expect Louis was reached. The highway the body \yill leave here Tuesday was cut up here and there through ior AWington. ^ both states with short detours. 1 Hundreds bf M essages |gaw roads being huilt after a new Hundreds of telegram s and telo- , fashion. The old Roman tylic was phone calls came to^Mrs. Brynii, used in parts of Indiana. Largó oppressing love and sympathy, stones wero put down, then smal- t. Vernon, lo.. ................... . ^............. JuUrgOHi' tr'iir «ynipathy. stones wero put down, then smal- Mrs. Ruth Owen, of Mt. Vernon, |or ones, fin ally still sm aller ones Ohio, one oi Mrs. Bryan’s daught- ^ and at la.st a top coat of finely ors, was among those who called crnsliofi -i..»*. ......... • Buy Your Tires I, The ability of your car to serve you 100 pier cent depends \ largely upon'the Tires you are using. Not alone is the length of service the measure of .satisfaction, but it is the kind of service during the time you arc using the Tires that countij. FISK and HOOD Tires are built to give the best service under all conditions—all the time. The prevailing prices uf Crude Rubber continues to ad­ vance which w ill force tire prices still higher. We can now SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TIRES, Come in and get yours TODAY. ^ ___ UllUO----------jciii H uaugnt- and at last a top coat of finely crs, WUH among those who called crushed stone dust poured on. To ovor long distance. Sho wanteicl keep down tho diist, oil is spray- to know when and where .she cd on from time to time. This could join the funeral party and typo of road seemed to .meet traf- her mother advised, her that-sho fic. vequiromontfl very well but would advise her definitely to-, when .wo reached the , concrotoj mwrow morning. , j ¡road's .'of Illinois, .w ith the well The crowd in iro n to f the Bryan defined curb wo saw a difference home appeared unable to: realize and w e,w ere taken back in mind Mr, Bryan was dead. They stood to our own state. The .wheat with |)are heads and tears were crop w as'being threshed and the in the'eyes of many. ¡big throshoA were haiiling them- , “ 7“ "-----— (selves with the tractors from one ashington, Ju ly 27.~W illim p art of big .fields > to the other, Jennings B ryan’,s burail in Arling- leaving behind huge stacks of ton National cemetery, V irginia, straw . .. w ill be in accordance w ith wLsh-1 corn is king this ypal-. The farm ers are in m uch, better visit to the canlLul m«..» Fat hog^ at 14c i\nd corn at 80c w ill mean easy street for the western farm er this year. M issouri is being faijored with good rains now. The cold snap, latter part of May cut oft the wheat one third but even with that farm ers have plenty and the grain elevators are running night and day. W heat is bringing ?L50 at tho elevator. . ___ iiiiii un ni8 luat v isit to the caplLal more ihan ,a year ago. , ; '' At that time Mr. Bryan went to tho home of his intim ate friend, Ben G.'-Davis, in a, suburb, and reijucsted that Mr. Davis do him the favor of arranging his burial in Arlington. “It m atters not where 1 may die," the Commoner said. "I want to be burled in» Arlington. W ill you remember this i;eciuest.” Mr, Bry^n told his wife of tho talk with Mr. Davis and it .was to the latter that Mrs. Bryan turn­ er yesterday, authorizing him in a telegram from Dayton to carry otft the request of her, husband. Mr. Davis obtained permission today for the .interm ent in Arl­ ington. D etails as to the time of the funeral and; selection of aoUo ‘■1*- The old Boone home where Daniel Boone died is in a 'fin e state of preservation. A visit there this week was very interest­ ing.. "I'he old Judgem ent tree where Boone held court at the Syndic or M agistrate of Femme Osage district is there still and the spring w ater is as fine as ever. I took a good drink-out of M. F. Booe, 35 lots ‘ D. H. Brown, CO 1-2 acrcs F. M. Cartner, 3 lots T. W. Cartner, 3 lots Philip Clement, 6 iota ■ . j : N. Clicl{,,7 lots D. P. Ratledge, 1 lot,. ^ ^ R; T. VanEaton,; 90 acres '• Miss Sallie: VanE aton,'3' lota • Jones, -Click arid W alker,’ 1 lot V . G. L. Howard, 1 lot . ■ W. C. Jones, 1 lot ‘ V : Kincade Bros., 2 lots •; Cue Lagle, 1 lot ' E. S. Lapish, 3 lots and farm . . : . J, W. M artin, 1 lot , , Mrs. M. C. Meroney, 1 lot R. A. Neely, l lot ^ J. V. and W. H. Dav,is, 1 lot ,■ : O. T. Eubanks, 1 lot ’ : W. A. Foster, 1 lot ^ : W. A. Griffin, 100 acres Hetlkle Craig, Liye Stock Co. 7 lots J. L. Holton, 1 .lot I;I. W. Hoots, 1 lot , ' G. E. Horn, 8 lots W. M. Howard, 61 acres, > ' Town Tax School Tax i . .■iwaiin!i!iN!iiia,:iiniiiiBiiin!iiiH!iiinianiiminHi(ii«:ii!H':.;M!miiin:iHinaiH»wi»aiwGvwe9i»ia>; Town Tax Collector’s Sale Of Land For Taxes. I , ' • The following iiorsons in tho Town of M ocksviiie. and in the School• Disti-ict of Mockavillo Schools having failed to pay th eir' Town taxes and Mocksviiie School D istrict 'I’axes io r the year 1924 1 w ill offer for sale at the Court Houso iu Mockaville, N. C., on Monday tho 3rd., day of August, 1925 tho following tracts or parcels of land to. satisfy said taxes. In addition to the amount oi tnxcft ’ dun by you tho cost of advertising nnd selling this land w ill be added which amounts to ,?1.40 on each pieco of land advertised. Wheix you come to settle bring this extra amount. ' , The following is the list of names of those owing taxes, thu j, y number of acrea of land and the amount of tnxes duo for 1924 lo.'is tho $1.40 costs on each tract of land: Name •'Í ))НЛ) 1,и, IJJ “SERVICE” our motto " Ikksville Motor Company Expert Mechanics to serve you. Berrier-Barnhardt ______ ...... ouifcnon 01 a ¡ever, I took a good drink-out of site in the great cemetery' has it and was refreshed with the not been completed, draft—the same spring which furnished Boone the wator for re­ freshing his spirits after the long hunt» and travels which he kept -------------— up almost to tho day of his death.Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. B errier,an-,T he house is of solid stone w alls .Viounce the . m arriage of their three feet thick, door nnd window daughter ■ facing and inside trim made of Katherine Ellen ^iSolid walnut. The carving is ex- to Iquiaite. The house was built byMr. Clarence Wade Barnhardt Boone and hia son, Nathan. The ^which took place on Saturday, tho Pomme Osage V alley where it is tw enty.fifth of July, nineteen most beautiful. Boone and his hundred and twenty-five, Mocks-; died here. It is the inten- , _______.. .''!!!!■;' vJi^e, Nf>rth Garjjlina, ac, -home, tion of patriotic organizations, to toward uiu .1---------ABhrlnc to the pione^*.i. characterized the tem Jnation - \ f k Jess VanEaton, 1 lot Rachel Horton. Estate, 1 lot Sophia Gibson, 1 lot Amie Horshaw, 1 lot John Holeman, 10 acres Tuno Hunt, 2 lota ■ liah Ijam es, 1 lot; Ju lia Kerr, 1 lot ,; , W. A. Pettegrew, 1 lot Prances Scott, 1 lot L. A. Austin, 10 lots Bettie Booe Estate, 1 lot Ernest Brown, 2 lots M ary A, Brown, 1 lot . John Clement Estate, 2 lots ; ' Giles Clement, 1 lot Avery Foster, I lot Eligah Gaither, 7 1-2 acres . ' Ii.'B ;'P l v'. Colored .10)44- 17.1Я 13.10 •22.21 1.62 .94 3.45 , 45;28 ' 2.00 25;gs ; 80.52 ' '' -20.60> . . 37.8Г ■' -J ' '■ 1.9Í.' 20.3S ^.1.50 ,8.57 1.76 1.02: 259.72 150.6Æ 1.51 6.49 14.25' ■ip.80 . 6.26. '9.00 5.22: 3Ó1.09 174,05. 9.90 •5.22 , 8.60,' 2.09 11.05 ' ' '''Vl'k ' ■' 20.05 28.82 , 20.00, '11.60 1'»** 21.29 12.85,. '7.14 4.14 uis i.e i 105.84,^t* 17,55; ;:e 1. 1.25 .1.Í';, У 4.00 ^ ' 1.04 2,67« '3.13'. f'.; ■ .1, ■' S-48; ' 8,06^ ■7.41.'V'', 6;o7 2.0¿) 4.50 7.20 4.18 13.50 2.8a .; : 3.4s .4,06 2.61 3.34 >0N 8.13 . Ml...... tnontSI • ■ ' : '4.18; 2,6ft 8.93 4.60Í ------- 4.7Г ' :V. ; ii J.UX collector Town of Mockiville, N. C. y i 'ï Ju ly PO, 11)25 NEWS FROM OVER THE STATES Increase in the price of rubbor, | cow in North Carolina is a Hols-' it is said, has driven automobile .tuin cow at thu Caswell'Training manufacturers to plan for sm aller, School, near Kinston, which'pro-, tires. It has been suggested that duced 2,639.3 pounds of milk iu a so m e ,day intelligence w ill find a 30-day period ending about the way to substitute steel springs for first of July. Her daily average rubber, and produce a tire better,w as 10.3 gallons, than rubber. Workmen have begun the chang We’ve been looking iior a regular , girl,. , ■, \ With a dimple and a curl. With sparkling mischievous, eyes. One you could like and ,not des­ pise. ■ ' ' One filled with , glee and cheer Aiul happy all 'the year. Among a .thousand little dears, There is one Juanita Mearea, With a lock of chestnut hair, decorating her head there. In the_ last three years more | iiig of the Thompsort building at |Beautiful‘3 ^ a “nd God''‘iiven.than 400 people have died m the Rtntcs from the eifectj of snake bites, according to estima­ tes coinplied by the curator of the New YjO'rk zoolojifjcal park. Of those the greater number have been bitten in our Southern States A citizen of King, a small vil­ lage in Stokes county, owns a cat that has adopted a young rabbit as .1 member of her kitten fam ily of three,' Parties have reported, hundreds of people visiting tho owners home to see the mother cat caring for the little rabbit just like she does for her ow.n olT- sprlng. W ith the peach season drawirig lo a close, it is estimated peach growers pf Georgia w ill net a- round $8,0,00,000 on this year’s crop. The large Elbertas, the last of the season, are now going out. 'The crop estimate for the sea­ son is 11,000 cars. W ashington—This year’s cotton crop, which e. rly gave ind/cationa «f being one of the largest ever grown, declined during the three weeks ending July IGth to the ex­ tent of, 751,000 bales. In its sec­ ond foi-ecast of the season today the Department of Agriculture for ecastod the iiidicatod crop tb bo 15,58^,000 cfiuivalent 500-pound bales. Raleigh, Ju ly 27.—When buying clothes forget the opinion neighbors and friends and buy such garments and accessories as ^best'become yourself. , “Know yourself, your good o r! leaa desirable physical characti^'^K nionth for July. Iteidsville—After a week’s ab­ sence which following his escape from the. county .lall at Ylincey- ville, R; H. Sadler, lono prisoner iail, has returned. During his absence .Sadler went to 003 his wlfoj who is sick at thoir home in. Virginia, he statod.l Ho returned after ilnding her health improved and gavo himself up to ofcera to sorve'tho remainder cif his term. Sam W ilkins, Stokes county man ■was shot to death by federal pro­ hibition oillcers ‘ last Thursday W'hen ho opened firo upon the o'ftl- cers who hud purroundod him at a !.still. The, oihcera used shotgun..? in the fight. Pearl Sotzer, of High Point, has. naked for divorco from her hus­ band, Jennings .Setzer, on tho grounds that she was only thir­ teen years of ago at the time of her m arriage. ■ y ——— ^ To keep, liquor from seeping in­ to tho United Staten, approxlma- inlv 5,000 Const Guard, oillcers and men havo been asslijned to duty a- long tho coasts of tlio country. Vaiunblo feed may be saved by culling the poultry flock this sum­ mer. Those hens thfit^mqiiU ear­ ly, that aro old arid inactive are; generally boarders and should be sold or put in the pot. Tho'Sandhill Fair was founded ,10 years ago bn the public benefit idea. .It, is not run ,fpr making money. It is conducted for com­ m unity improvement purposes al­ one;: through presentation of ex­ hibits that aro educational and promotlve of the spirit of competi tion, arid in connection is given a series : of:, entertainmeni; of clean and iristi-uctive character. It is strictly an organization for promo tion of iiv,estbck interests, of hor­ ticulture, agricuitux-e and domes­ tic arts. ; Tom;Kirkriian, \yho started inalc- irig liqiidr at the age of 11 and has ■apent inpst: of his time in jail or ■ on tl.'o cbiirity roads since he waa 22j ■\yas last ^yeek aont^nced a- gain to the roncls in Guilford coun ty at the age of 74., His first sen- liRnce was ,15 years for manslau­ ghter,'«and since tho completion of that sentence he has been sent up for various offences, most of them for making liquor. "Troy into a modern hotel, When '’■'^’•alipd the building will have 30 guest rooms, 24 of which will in connection with the hotel will be served on the European plan. Sixty yoai'.s hence, says Arthur Brisbane, cautious old ladi.es w ill refuse to ride in automobiles or on trains for the reason that it will be too dangerous and w ilt insist on riding in an aeroplane. He says that if the pilot, of an aero­ plane will uso common sense fly­ ing is less dangerous than cross- "'>■ a crowded street. In tweiity- flve months, he points out, pilots from Mitchell Field have , flown 1,827,000 miles in 81,363 separate flights and only three have been killed, although the pilots have preformed all kinds of otunts in the air. We’re sorry for the head when ' robbed. We' gri'pve when the curls arc bobbed. For it. sppili the beautiful face', And maltos it look all out of ■place, . , ■ So give us the curia, the beauti- ; ful curia, ; ' Worn by the aensible regular girls, i , FORD SE’rS 'ГНЕ USUAL Nmv MON’I'HLY RECORD WHEN BUYING CLOTHES SHOP FOR YOURSELIJ ________ , A new Juno sales recq^^d wa% establ.lshed by the Ford Motor Company jluring the month .-just passed, when approximately 6,000 more Ford cars and trucks were delivered to retail customers in the United States than during the same month a year ago, which hold thp previons high mark for June. Reports indicate' a ¡continued of ¡.large volume of business through the summer months with a higher buying level than is usual during this season' of the year, Tho out­ look is for another record break- Urgent re- quests for additional shipments havo made nocccaaary increasing schedule, which'now calla for aev- ornl thousand more cars and truck Take time"to''stucYy tho' ‘^’’«n were produced in June, side and back view of a ,'^Salea figures just given out bv eristics an d. dresa accordingly,” .says Miss Helen Estabrook, cloth­ ing specialist for. the homo dé­ monstration. division if Stato Col­ lege, front, dress beforo buying it. No dross company show that the tota is a good buy unieaa ono would 1 fov .Tune were 1!).,.300 For(^ wiah, becauso of its becomingness «Ц 'Д«!)'' "“’^ber. to P0.SS0SS the dress if i t w e i- o . l^O-^i.O ropresont domestic snle«. twice the price.” To stress this point. Miss Esta- brook tel la the tale of two women. "Stout Mrs. Brown,’’ sho says) "bedecked hovaolf in hov bargain f from tho July,dress sale bocauac she wai? expecting slim Mrs, Hay­ es to call. Mra.' Brown was rath­ er conscious 6f her coin dot silk. as compared with 170,547 cars and truck.s sold in Juno a,year ago. STUDY OP MEATS FOR COL- LEGE STUDENTS "'W ay dov/n upon the S’Wanee river” the oldplaritation has .'been subdivided and corner lots are sel­ ling'' at a thousand down and a hundred a week for ten years. Automobiiea are aa thick aa hot dogs at Coney island on a Sunday in June. .Thedarkiea have atop- ped singing and gone north for high wages. There are no old folks. Grandpa has shaved I his his goatee and taken tip golf. Grandma, has avshingle bob and is a jnzz-maniac. “All the world am sad and dreary."—flxchange. . Farmers ia the mountain sec-,| tios of North Carolina are now building silos to provide cheap and nutritious winter feed for their cattle, report county agents of the State College extension ser­ vice.' First Quality Guaranteed Tires. 30x3 Casings ¡56.75 each 30x3 1-2 Caaings $7.50 each 30x3 1-2 cord Casings .^8.00 each ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. ; CHARLOTTE, N. ,0. A HÍGM GRADE INSTITUTION FOR THE m , . H'ó-.p ÍEDÜCATION OF YOUNG WOMEN: BUY OUR HIGH GRADE COAL FOR $7.50 to $8.00 This Summer Price w ill last until Sept. 15th, Give us you|r orders at your earliest convience. Guaranteed more heat per pound than any other coal produced. HOME ICE & f u e l CO. Phones 116 and 135 DR.E. C. CHOATE •* DENTIST . /—----------- , , " In Mocksvillc Monday, Tufs * day and Wednesday; Over "■Southern B.ink & 'I'rust t'o. *'■ Phone 110 " In CooleeniRO Thur.sdiiy,, Fri- (lay ijnd Su'iiv liiy ,Ov('|. I- ^ oemee Drug Store: , * PHONES: Realdunce Nri » ; , ’ O'l'fiCL' •■' :, X,-Ri'.v, •«■ :# * ■* : # . * •» Christian Ideals constantly held beforo the Students;. Christian Characters, in the ' chairs ,of each Department; ChHstiari Atmosphere, premeating the Studeni Body. Location, the.very best: Myers Park, Charlotte. 'Equip­ ment meets standard requirements. Curdçùlüm equal to that of any institution in thé State. Expenses very mode­ rate indeed, considering advantages offered and work done, ‘ Our Motto: "Christiiin Women for Christian Homes." Send us your daughter/ support us in our administràtion and instruction, and we w ill return a thoroughly developed anct fully refined Christian wqman. I For catalog and other information; write '■I ..5 1 'Ж ! i. WILLIAM H. FRAZER, President, Box 300 Citarlotte, N. C. • aniiain ' Raloigh,^ Ju ly, 27.—When the new animal industry building ,1s , L , , . . , ! completed at State College tiiia I with ts bright rust colored clots ,vinter, the anima]'husb'andry di- on a.tiiii gi'ound, her new choker' ¡^lo,, will give a course in tho beads, her llghthoso and her two- 'tudy of meats that will eventual-- tone pumps. But she had been ly aid' in lessening the meat bill so bysy thinking how Mrs. Hayes , id , North Carolina pays annu- would admire her now outfit that „„y t,o other sections, sho tailed to study horaoli^cnti. Pi-actically ono whole wing and ically beioro the mirror. 1 here- ^ost of the basement of this ioi-o alio iaiieci to seo that tlio _ devoted to a meat short chain ol round beads and laboratory in which will be a conspicuous round dots made her , pavilHon, a killing room, appear more round and that these „ „ ,1,^.,, laboratory,' jplnetl hands with tho round i room, cooling room, line and frilly contrasting cuffa smoko house and retail market, to make her appear only one-hall ,'pi,g student will bo Carried thr- her true height, but one ami Olie-'ough the entire process from half times her true breadth and tho animal to bo killed that her light hose increased the .j-bg carcass has boen’ pro- apiiaront size of her ankles. 'l’ho.j,„j.gj|; cut up, the by-pro- two-tone shoes also made her foof-i',,eta made and all the meats aold appear broader and ahorter, "But alim Mrs. Hayes had also at the market. This work,' according to Prof, been shopp ng and had purchased McKay, ^^ho will hav6 it in what she ieit 'sure atout Mrs. charge, will help to aolvo tho pro-. Brown would admire. Mrs. Hay-^blem of having bottor. meats on ea wore a dreas ,oi aoft c^linging ,tho farm. “Every good farm fabric in a beltloss moddl ;yith 'g„ya prof; ^cK ay, "ia buiit long flowing hnoa and.long tightLj.ou„(i;the meat platter; yet, tho aleeves. The entire drosa waa^of average meat part of our diet is a very soit neutral taupe. Her, j„atie up almost^ entirely of pork , It is stated by Alex H. H^ayneS; ■' highway commissionei., that work w ill be started on the con.atruction of the link in the Boono T raii be­ tween Brooks Cross Roads and North Wilkesboro at an early date The result w ill be to cut the dis­ tance between North Wilkesboro . and Winston-Salem five miles. hose matched the dress in color while the patent leather shoos w'ere long and pointed in cut. ,: “BIrs, Bro.w'n looked at Mrs, Hayes and her eyes traveled from the very interesting fact to her shoes which presented a strong contrast hi the ,costume. Mrs. Brown' admired the long line.s' and the' slirii silhouette of her less generously proportioned neighbor, though something riiade her feel that Mrs, Hayes health must be failing since she had apparently lost so much weight.” | Teaching' club boys and girls how to play' games wa< a new foaiure of the State Coiloifi Sum- imer School this year. The young folks showed m uch'briginalty in devising heiv games., . . Those housewives who realize what the bodies Of their children need chiring winter are now can­ ning fruits and vegetables for use next wiriter, says Mrs. Jane S, McKimmon. , * * # :» « DR. R ..P .'..’'JiíEbív'.N OENTlhi Residence J'hone ..'iT. , ■1 . ' Phono ' 50,'' .' Mocksviiie, N.;.C, * * DR.» ' * * LESTER P Night Phono 120; Day lihone. '*1 . ,71.. ■■ , Mocksvillo, N. C.^# « * * , # * -----— — o-— —* * : * » * if n C. C. YOUNG & SON '.FUNERAL DIRECTORS . AND EMBALMERS with some chicken and an occas­ ional piece of fresh bo'Sf ór veal from town. In t'ther parts of the United States, the farm er has bet­ ter meats on his table than he ■can b u y.. Ho has a ; variety ' of fresh meats throughout the year, jsimply, because he raises it and butchcrs and cures it' at homo.” This meat course at State Col­ lege w ill bo something now to tho South; though the'“ need is' more urgent here .than anywhere else, .states Prof. McKay. The new building w ill be completely equip­ ped !for, both instructional and experimental work in farm meats. The work will take into considera­ tion the results secured in resear­ ch' by Prof. Earl Hostetler and iri swine extension by Prof. W. W. Sahy. The total reault w ill be that: the annual bill of over forty million dollarr. paid for aide meat or salt pork V. ill bo greatly re- dMced. IHE GRWBORO № WWS' ' ■ / A progr^asiyo newspaper, published in a progressive state}; for a progressive people.., ‘ • , With a record of service and achioveriient in the past, wo want you to know also of our plans for tho future.,' Effort,' aiid money will not be stintod In giving you, ¡),well-balanced, V noWBjv virile, doperidabld daily paper;^ doctor, lawyer, bual- ' na.qa nhui, oii. laborer, you w lll neod this “ nowspapor for all the pcoplo.” ' ' ' Independent ln politics, or policy calls'for full and unbias­ ed news and views touching all questions of interoat to..the , general public ,and .tho stato’s-, progrosa and wolfaro, 'A ■ • wonderful' gro\yth in circulation each year Is our asauranco that, moro 'find mpi-e; the people Who think for themselves nro turning to an-ihciepondont newspaper." . Subsci'iption rates are as lo\y as the- preseni; day coat of. publiahing such a newspaper'permits. ' , ■ ' , ' ' Six njojiths, daily and Sunday, ;.?4,50 . Six. months, daily only, $3.50 ■ Samples on reciuest. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS GREENSaOKO, N. C. | '-''è ‘lii "i ' ‘ '' .'ii ' 1 á il % 7 . l(í What is believtíd to be the prize Tom Tarheel says he is plann­ ing to attend the picnic at his Branch Experiment Station farm this year. One idea gained last year has been worth a lot of mon oy, he says. Assist^ince has been provided in ■ii‘;,.ii beginning the a..credited hatcheries .¡uid hatchery flocks in North Cardina^ Thia work done under the supervision of tho State l'lvi(>*(.in of M arkets w ii: help to build up the P,oultry industry of the &tate. ) * Mockaville ■ Cooleemee * Phone 133 . Phono 5720 » * Prompt and Efficient Service w -if « it it -a « # # ' -------------------~ - - r Uneasy Tight Feeling " I UBoa ’ThocUord’a Blaok- Vratisht tirat for constipa­ tion," Bnld Mrs. 0. B. Buntln, ot n . P. D. 5, Starlcvlllo, MlsB. "I ■would feol (lull, Btiipld, and have severe lioadaohcB, even fovorlBli. I had an unoaay, tight fooling In my stomach. _ I read quite a bit about BUCK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine I hogan UBlng it and sooii m y boTvels acted rogularly nnd I ■•.VRB greutly rellovad. I used it every once In a ■while for about 18 years.“About two yeara ago I found I was having indigos- tloQ, a tig h t am othering In m y chest, then severe pain, eB peclally after eating aweets. I , commenced taking Juat a plnoh ot Black-Draught after meals, and by doing this I could eat anything." I gave Black-Draught to m y children for colds and hekdaohas, I can certainly reoo«nro«JMl I t "BlM k'D M U glit Is used, w ith Bktlifaetlon, br mtUtons. tu t .’T U dtord'i. n o r t h " CAROLINA EXCURSION' ..iH POPULAR to'' .' AVASHINGTON, D, C. FRIDAY, J|1LY 31, 1925 , via ■■ ' .i SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM,; Thi-eo whole days nnd tv.'o nights in VVashinutoh,' Rou'n I trip faro, from Mocl.-.svillo, N. G. $'il.i(’()^''*-’,. : I '. /.r,.. .Special train leaves ;Gri'(.!isboi-o 11:55 p. m., July 31, 1925., Ar- riveS' Wii.shingtori ,8 ;‘I0 a,' in.,'August 1, 192b‘,............ , , . . ....... TiCivots" on E aio'july.ai.st, good An regular traina to.junction.''„'1+-* points, thence Special I rain. Good to return on aI^'reguhlr;■t,^•aiп9 .k ’'except No. 37) up to aiid ■.n.'-ludlng train No. leaving: Washing- ' '■ ' ............................. ..........................” , I, I 'йГ poll 3opt No. 37) I . ton 10:5 I p. m., August 3. ll!i?6. : : BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES Washington Senators vs Detroit Tigers. . ^ Three game,s,'August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 'I ‘ A fine ppportunity to .seoT y Cobb,' star:fielder of .the Detroit- T igers; W alter Johnf/pn, star pitcher, the Senators, and.other;great, stars in action. „ ; This will iilao bo a v/onderful opportunity to visit;.W ashington’s; many public buildings; .Arlington National .'Cemetery : and various i other points; of inte’rest. ' v : . 1 ’ ; Tickets good in pullm an;slceping cars and day coaches. No stop-overs—No baggage checked. _ ; Make your Bleeping :car reservations early, ' ' ■■! For further information, call on any Southern Railway agent; or address: . . ' : J. S. HAIRE ' R. H. GRAHAM, D. P. A.: Ticket Agent ' Charlotte, N .'C. Mockaville, N. C. , ' ' ' ' 7 23 2t. 1\ ‘yv,, , NOTICE! Having qualified as'executrex of Jacob Shoaf, deed., notice, ia hereby given to all persons hold­ ing claims against said lestate to present the same duly verified to the undersigned for payment on or before the 6th day of July, 1926, or this notice w ill be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make /im; mediate payment. . ]'■ i. . This the Cth day of July, 1925. . MRS. LIZZIE SHOAF ELLIS, Ext., pf Jacob Shoaf, deed. E. L. Gaither,'Attorney. 7 9 Ot. BYERLY, ¡»I. « D. ** BAXTER» ___________ ff, ♦'Office Over Drug Store. Of- *' * fioe Phone No. 31; Resi- i dence No. 25. , » * COOLEEMEE, N. C. * ' ii li 8 ^ ^ " ' v,-> ' ,‘ Г ' ' ^ ; 'T ' > 4 !,. ^ " ; . . ; . tk.. '■' , ~ ~ ' ~ -~' ----------"'"' ..:r._ _ Т1Ш MOCKSVILLE -ТЗКТЁЯРШЗЁ " "■"• "-----------:-----------------------i— ^---------- ----------- - ,■ ,W . II. Cali, ô£ Sehna/ speni Iho „,\усек ,c^d ,w:ih .h i8 mottmr. ’’"S l'etiirnôfi iiom .il in j) to',Cni)iiclfi and North-? u4i *cï|,ioô. ■ ■ Sbo пКчо vi.4ltpd М1НЙ Bt-Hhii Jackeon, iji. I3mnin¿hnm,,Alci. ‘ , { , ЛГг.'я!. IL Meroney, who hcjdà ot nööe or throat is m odo, more endurable, б о 'г п с - tiiîlosgreatlybônünied by - npplylniî V id a up noa- ;irila. Aliîo m clt soiiid - . ond -inhale tho vnpors»" ‘ '■ . ______S. A. •MoBoo, of Tilusy.llo, . ■ m Mr. Richiii-d Yntea loft Monday £ ' •' «I’einiinji some timie with > • ' 0* io r a six; weeifs visit ih Asho’ M cVpp^hnr'l ---------, 'county. V ' |Mcljce ha^ been hero for-'.Ho«ie hyterians, I , '-----------------------:__- / itimo.- ,, / ' There is a . 'M rs. W. C. Denilv.vwhn ----------^------------------------ • .. V a IP Otiur 17 MiiUanJ^a Used Yaàrtÿ^ )jiit,ffi;,ihtehdc!'d^, ,. , ,;... . . j; neve ís;a^.Blblc!:'V^^^ .....,-----------------,'j ellidas .'us all,' “and:’ono\i's;;youi’.............;?:Mrs. ;:W.r 0. .-.De^ , Mr^ RiOpH. Dwiggins, who: holds-M a'sler, even "Christ,i und alhvJe a pdsition w ith the SolithDvn Powrj are b ■' . ,i,'.. .., or company at-Gi'oenHhoro,.spent'r ^Ehli 'v;; ''- --------—^ " the week end with >hia,.parents, on route !>: , . ,Î:ï ï S ' » N Ä t t 5 f Ж ' íB E íS ís ivhoop íoi-.""como seo wiint^ о\^рЬ(! n öGi-vice of MrjJ. Ò'.; NiïMGU thinlttì'about it 'M onday « ’ Lonir’b' nnd TuuMday, ' Sanatorium last -TucHiday ni^li<i" R e B c w Y W î - H e a Ü b ■ , ; b y ; P f e - Í f i « t í o n ^ ^ ^ tem' ís Vrhii>3dy^ ,j újl^l} Mr. wid M rä.'b. I'l. Horn spont ,'thé' \yeok (ini^y.Aviiiii friendo ; ii< GIon;v'Alpine. .......... ; ¡ . Oak'Grove anti the second nine nT_ nir«„ “t v a),nal nnrt frb'ii Cooleemee crossed bats in r S S „ i ¿ - 0 » ” ' ,™v S « « ;e t .I '« k .fter„p ,„, Cooleemee^ won the game by a n 4-rx ^ _V • . AA. son ; have ■: returned from li at Lake Junaluska. / , ---rr-»—— — -M rs. W. H/LeGrand is the guest , of her,'sister, Mrs. E. C. Glinard, inW iriston-Salern. ,'■• ' Mrsr E. C. LeGrand is-viaitin s yiouuauoro lo r tne set .^ Jie r si^vcr, Mrs. C. M. СатрЪ'еИ; sion of summer sohopl.'j:iin AVinston-Salem. f|"ï*v: ; Mr. . A bram 'N ail, of Hickory, *'■' vBpent’ Siinday with his ' molhçr, M rs. Íaá:G :-N aiK^‘^^ 6 to 4 score. .M iss M ary Stockton spent the week end with her mother and returned Tueisday evening to Greensboro for the second ses- gion of QlHVlfVtn». artU^^I Quito a,number of M ptksvilliah's took in .the bail 'game at : Coolee- meo . Saturday '' afternoon.- Th.o game Was a - land: slide''in favor pf-CooleGmeo—17;to' G;.. .7 innings. ; ; : M r. and Mra,’, J i ,-И., -Gain havb aa thoii* guests, their son. Б. GaiJi,‘',ï;his.,'.v.'ife, • and^;^c id Lpuiso'. and- -the "laltei’a . ' friend; :'MisÄ, J l?r,0j;lfiJ Clariti ;al li of £hwn,-Ohio.' .. ...... V----- H;Мга.;'ЛУ^ .Scamon; and; Çlay- Ml‘a;i CEiÍví; ^Wia8t//of^■ Rollte l .arG .YéVy¿8i¿lc'-;¡at’',tó !x';{pectin{ç.”:.to.v':undQrgoi:aii'v,opôrar tion’very^'ôoortv. .................-Vv ......î '-'' .............. ' Ш p.4i‘ad to'fltay, nil', day and bring a-.bjisl«t:i:.dlnnor. .............. ■■ ............ 'Miseea /IgH and R.iitlv ¡'ÌRodwéll.V.vjm : Black Moun^ ;^lia1ii-f la .it-wcSk end, ,. ' , M rs; Ji Bj Johnstoue' aticl Knoj^- r Jfohnstopo jhàvoi'vottirriGd, fi'òto ■Vii'H'inif ^to\Motitroàt;-'i--'’^--^‘''-''v^'-'i-‘>;^ •;iiiw;.iiMi\:.U;:.l-.f:Bustic;'-s « f ;thc ;P. 0;-:S.;ojfyj4:.;?8pént'a;;sh9^ |L^iiTio;.hé«v;,Sai'ivr^ l|!Ìíi!Í^Mifls ■ Clnyton;v]3rowrt':! .||Mjcida,v.^’^^^^^ i^ttónaédyfl'um m oM pi.Jr'liiÌ-iss'vMaxinojS ;^ari8)‘jé«iJ^-spéndihii " .Mra.'.“ Alni li^Clai-diifloii,- Texas is :itho\-guc8ti.oC pÌhisÌBÌ8tei,M rs;:.&-É,CaM i;-SKi ■' Rev.' and Mrs. Lcary ' G nshw ell,rett aiVd.R.'C. We-st,' were visitòva Ì-';Gharlottej visitod .ln; -the ihpmo jlieror^flday. vf 'Younii- Mr; 'VVoic is p IV»..: - - •- ,r.ii(5 .happy ipotóeàp^o Jfu(Hy'n|ch'^ 'Siàrrctt. ,, ' ' 'i'J'^iKiiÌìiid .iMra;p,pjÌÌ^^ ^n^A ster, j^SPa^,' :pìàrtìnÌ8^;ÌMrì|;a^ Clement, cortìpv Salisbury and -Lexingt'onf-'stroetsSVv^ ,:Sj^ii;;jancÌ;;tM M iv and ' Mi’sV Frank • Hanès, òf \Vi»,lìiorio\y^¡thoir' mpthèj^^^^^^^ Mis^' jHaJiea’;- GÌomeht ;; accompanl- {iU';thoy :homOr J Mpstlariics.Lfv; FrànH;G^ Mi' J olfri-'iòri; -:Mln'a^^.'№ ■Gi.emoiiti , Miss Casio Allison entertained the bridge club oh last Wednes­ day morning at her attractive home on Maple avenue. Three tables wore arranged on the spar cious veranda for bridge. Crepe M yrtle was used in profusion in decorations.' At the conclusion of the games the hostess served a delicious dinner consisting of boiled ham, hot rolls and iced tea. Gu6sts on this occasion were Mis­ ses :\Elizabcth Rodwell, Bonnie Brown, M argaret Meroney, W illie M iller, Mesdames John LeGrand, E. Glinard LeGrand, J. K. Me­ roney, ;Th6mas- Mproney, Roy TIolthouBoi' and B. C. ClemeritjrJi'.. - in ■ w.‘^erfect'^PuWiJtiatiOiri ol!;:tho:;Syn--:i:.; i ^ ■ m i m ’4 ' fm itjdaiidii'; Of dauiihters) Mrs. Robort-^G, rcrilcct ■HQaltli;V:v..-'VVhy ,nc)t:frid 'Senber,:MisSos :G\vyn,-^^^^^^ yoursolJl oi- chronic niLmeiits that . n or,. Vii'ginlii and Carolyn; " nl.sti m dcrm iivinii .Vitality .mothfe 'MrsiiGdo; Sheek, iftiuK P ursly your oufciro system;by:;talc- .,..,v , ingttilioroupheovirM oil-O aiotabs,:^® ^^^ -7,onco oi\ twice foivBpveral mpurn her cleptirtuvo. Sho was \vooks—and ^¿bo lioW ''Nature' re- h loyal- mchiber of th^ Mothodisi •wards you with liealth. ■ 1 church. A ■ lo yal ;.iric<ther and' a Calotaba are thp |reatcst^of all ' ,,„g system punlier.s. Got a fum uy . , •. , m. m t package, containhig full dirco-, : her reward.. The Enterprise tions, price 35 cts.j,trial package,'joins the entire community in ex- 10 ots. A t afay t o g store. (Ad v .), tending our'deepest sympathy to . ' O Ali^'G IiO VEv'ivB'^i'‘'''% 4 J ",“ /*'*•' ' ;W.optílóoii »'MätlifnÄ^'V' of1 ,HPônding.\üom hci'o w ith.hen brother, ¿Iv." Ö* С Sain,.' r ' Æ<?hn ;;,:l;i00Ativd(ïiô loji, spent Sunday Lore. Mr.-.aiid ,M l'S.'Iliii’p''Boger,' of CANA NEWS . .....uo WA« Smith Grove^ sp en t: Siinday.Vwith; -Mias,-Minni^'MeGlararoPlci':. . Mrs. Bettie Saunders of-'Kernusf_ Villo is visiting her motheri Mr.s. M argaret Bowles, who ¿till re­ mains ill. ' ■ , . Mr. 0 . G}.' ' McClamrock ' ahd fam ily, of Durham wore Sunday visitors here. ■ Miss Annie Hall Saiindera, of Kernesville spent Sunday night with Miss- Fiona Bivkor.bereaved ones. ^ . ............. №i^”neighborho^^^^^ °^^j^^°’^®^^*’°j|^|M!iiia:iiitaii«aiiiiia!i!ifaiiiiaiiiraiiiraiira!i!!m'i(aiiiime«^ . Fÿvmers Picnic at Pilot, Mountiiin I era ^ // -•••• м last Saturday. t - , . ■ : ; В шя i-i' T^C V V • oasnwoll,'Charlotte, visited in''fhe'homo is;,cf M r..^|^ Mrg;' C.''B-;^' M it ' '.’V A. ■ AUj,«0.V rpV Monda.v OV'-I iji.ct fnm i' a> , -Fol'osVi fiq^prk'ind Mrs. E.'P.'Cr^wford, bf fMi^oIjV-li^attonded;. tho'^flihe^ Cherry lnst,Thursdaj;.; .“MTMra. W illiam has rgj -turned from, a visit to. her daiight-' ;/w,,M rs. H. T. K elly,,in, .Taylòrs: 3 “ ^ ■ 'p..^ r^''M ra. Z. N. Anderson returned * o m N. C. C. W .,,in.Grceneboro ■Avhei-e she "attended f summer f fiCnOpl. ( .1^ , I ’ Y ea,,'there w ill be a--real ball game at Cooleemeo Saturday iift- qrnoon!, at fouij'i',o’clock when >.the Taat team fromi'Badln' willv come up to i try ito : givo.: the Cooloomoo boys .■: ranpther. v: '^vhipplngi.v.- But :'‘B ill!!-M illy saya i;thiit;'they gòing.^td got .^whát; •is',.;du■o:-'•tl1üm' t.hin -timdi .ri.‘‘.Tlmfc:: i'beat'us : this .garnp’.’.^ to u ii; ^pndayvaf tdrnoon Hvhilp.'vH' .woro:>dov/n iii, - that city.'; ; If : ypu .¡ivantito sop-a -good- gamo of; ball drive ,do‘wn and t'ak'c in .'tliiá gàmo.‘ Tho,y,Badiiv; liòyaibeat'',0.poloemcó abouti:tw^.weeks agO'Aiidv^lvey áre ,do,tormiiicd:'to- ke‘pi),tho'V|ctory in Cooleemeo ■ thiB - tlina. , Mr. and Mrs. W. B...Cain;''and Miss Louise Dennis; aiitl Fre.da^^ Clark,- of Middletown; Ohio,, who ai’P spending, the w.pek with ; Mr. Gains pai’onts at Mocfevillo, visit­ ed, rolativos hero Tt^esday.^ ' Jas. n . .Cain, .William, and .’ihick Rodwell ahd-:Sii\s. T. :F,;Mo'rbrióy, all*of Mocksvillo; \vorb:with t'ljoni here;,'-;..,/' ;,-Mr. Sanford Stonfiwtroòt iii r.till unablo', ito ' be out, but - is. -gaining. in'-.,8t.vunKth,.., i - ,(;l' its4lis^r •|Ell?^Fвn•dЦo.n,^of• '.W^lch,- l,'W^;|;'Và.,'; is lyieitiii^. her -: father,, ’A'.. Ston'oatr'deti;, - .;;■ • i\[r: G.. - W .. Lowory. and farai ly, and'-Miv Wi B. Naylor spent Sun'.. ‘day.: at. ilarm ony. • : ••• - ■ Mv.‘ - and. Jlra. 0 rrell Etciii,‘ion, M iss ■ Era- Colletts '-and. .yMessrs.' Guy - Colletto- and' W ill. Atkinson, of Wljiaton-Saloni apenti tli’o- -week' end with , homo folks horu. , ; IfelatiVQ..» .nnd frieuda of-M r.' Urtrvoy Stoncs.treot gave i him - a birthday dinner Inst Sunday.' ; : Miss ,Scbia. Hutchens of Wina- ton-Salcm spent ' tho ; week. ond. with hor.-paronta,. M r.: and Mrs.' '.W. '!R;-:,HllttìhOÌl3.;Ì^':^/ v■^^- •MÒCKSVÌÌ^B GHÀUGE"I -!' •;• " , -■'■;XJ.’T.,''SÌQki'pastor.')"' ' ' /V-'Our, Revival ;moetln^ ;at ;Elbh-'j ville wa‘fl’;“a' groat -mooting, there were ; about i 30 \r)roffpsaipns .of / M r.. and ' Mra.,. 0 . И. Perry,, left ■Monday for Rálolgh afterigpom lrInir tfrrr, ' ' .......... ... ^ ; 5' Ono' pf . the, prbttiest affiiira 'of -the-sumrrior/fieaaon w as: tho gard- en'‘partyrgivdii,by. Mra.'L;'IS^ i.pr; oriVWodncsday ;evenlng 'at 0 :80 ,'o’clocli at^i'pi'^^p new home o'h North' M ain. atroot; M ra.; I^’eozor niot hor gnosts and diroctod them: to. thc':punch bowl iwhorb: MlBHes! .Catherine GnliiU arid VallipiWood- ,ard,' of; ;\Vihat6n-iSaleni; :'pi;j38icle.d.; Si.x tables were: arranged ' lri.-1-thd garden,j for ro o k .;Jajin ndse-; ltint-; orna!;'Hvero; . uaed - in 'l.lghtingi- - At tho ’ conclusion ¿ of/ thp: gameaviit ;iva8 found .that Mrs. Thomas P. Meroney hold high acoro and ' was tivvardod 'w ith a pirotty.. box of candy.; She asked that the two yisitprsi'M isses Cahill and Wood­ ard, cut for it and it foil.to Jfiss Woodard who in turn prcaontod it to Mrs. Claude'R. horn, a bride of this month. ; = ' ■' .' Delicious'; chDcolato and vanilla blqek-.cream and.-dovila fop^l cako .!л. D A ' i " . Evoi'y day if in к pitT'àir.' (>, çtiîp îrf4j^iivs .nsd allow из to ■Titn-Vü ycu-í'iie di‘5r;îlt er tì;o centcctiojí. of' year ■■ipate. : Thc:. íí'i'.t'nl'vnv.íí.'y cü drîîiild г::;1’Eca'’croíiréí v/c ol'íai-a'bw i'! you' fv;;r.-i'-.\';Í4,-L‘h.-ío ,t-s’Icat' .t;’íc-'.-coÍT.f¿üí;tfi:i ymi 1;1-;ü , : best.','.;: А1«'Кув sarvod iu.a'clonn; üítótr.ry а'Ы (-«'■'-У maniici* ■ ö l С Ь Е Ш Й Н - ' Г ; € £ ^ îi^ '6 î- - T iîa f таа1-а’|ВЮ1||1Иииш|Ын!1Шг1|Ш1.'ШП1йга111й!)|;(арл;||1кач:1!П;'{^ ................................................. r .tended" thö 1ж,!’■ Л !;'’ 5 Albert w ie. relatives; ;wh& ■' :át-: ' Ulla ;;-Jafnca-;^^i:fü n ¿ral:'d f,№ a:^ C iy tlQ v P í№ ^ ita Thùv'idàV " weíe Mr J .......................... .,. ,.0. onurrii’-anci .and ':Mrs;;: ■ Albei-t : 'steod' ;■ :¿ c k ; ??ргрдеу,.'llittlè aon, of Mt; U llá,-spdnt'^un- Shpok, and;,Bailoy Shook, of , Nor- ttìà y with ' Mra: . S^errils' ffldthor;: folk,- Vn., Misa C herry,-of ;<Char- M rs. WilliiiTti Miller.* .' ■ - lotto, 'M iss' Coxwoll, ;pf -Bariinn ;;.i:;.' , -1— Spritvßci, M r.'íand M rs.''J, A:;'Kim-^hpusei;-.and ;Mrsi^Clii)idc:,R;:.Hprn, .V M i f l s ..V.Í.. - ’ ;brw;'ph',and;;B0h3,>c)f Winatbri-SaU : ', • ;. ' ' ■■ ''"'л'«, "-ял-'.i-'.- , ------- ijjii/iJiuBHiunB ; '01’ faith ;'in; Christ ai^d the dhurch as a whole waa greatly i;evlsed. Bro. Braswell ia a; aplendid preacher i^nd: fu^Il;,tii ;'the, Holy'Ghost. ;Hi8 sermons woro full ;òf. spirit and power. . We recoivod- ; nino now, mombers Into;'tho church at tho j close ' of the mooting, arid moro arc to come in later, ' . , : . Sunday Schools Wei;ljayo .been ,ao busy for. tho' last f.ew, weeks.that we hav-ent re­ ported, for some, time and; a numbt or of. Good Dads, have come duri ing; bur absence froin:those, colu- mna.; The ro;)ort''for'last Siin'day ia as follows: . . Union/Chapel' proacnt'12Q, oCr fering;-?4 .CG;' Bethel, present 101, offering: 5’2>38; , Elbaville, ,i)rcaent 72,.' offering: ,74c-;; Dullns, presept 61; offorlivg' 88e. - / - .Wo are ploàseà ■ to ' announce thairlTnion;Chapel .\yon-the .Davie K i a r f e e s - , A i a i i of " ^ Е о а ш е ! Чк.> I f ■ w o K id e .r a . o n i b ¿ t :O Í d 'C a r v : M a k ß s it 'lo p k ,I i¿ íe . o é w .: ; ... S i " a K i á . . . .-'-------—T-^v ; ':. Sprihgi), .Mr. '-aiid M rs. 'J, A'. ICim-i , Mi.4.4 Ilarrlette "Keiine. roturncd .brinv^h and вопз, of W inston-Sal- i to her homo' in Grif^iji, Ga.,' Мол- , om. M iss - A. v M. Kimbrough, of ' .———r— —0—------- I ;Mrs. Roy Holthousor entòrtain-; ^ I Mr. .iuid Mrs. ; Charles Lasley; ,od ,at two tablos of bridge on inst bf ].,ewiHvillo, apont thè week end' Saturday evening; at her homo on Keynolda, Wal.lape w ith Mr.'i., ,L.4(ìì(iy\'i'..pare,nta',-..vMr.'^.ivi:iipi avanue.' Siimmer; flowers : hiiid Mra. E. E, liunt. were used v o v y attviif.iivohr R<:oi’v 1« лпоп. '.M O V íÍN E W S^ m iô NÎKht Club” .opens''at theíi-iiíoó ' .. ___________ K^u.iiiiici iiuwuri- ,, -х;.«линиа.л/;^^^ were used vory attractivel}' ¡in ’8 based on the stAgp.vTllay the living room where the ;tableii “After Fivo’V by ,Wm., .De, Mille Iiako woro arranged for playing; De- has to do with a yôun,gi,lol-■- ■ , „ ' „ 1 low ------- Д1ГЯ. Й., ciia.4. Green of ......... woro arranged for playing; De- ha'a-to do \vith- a y6un,g.^fol- >ity, S. ),/•, ia spending several licjpiiR .'block cream am i'^ aiiger *^’"' .''''ho'leosos all faiUvin women; ler. parents, Mr. and .food-pako v/ore served b‘y tho 'hos- situation, ono .(Ь-п+rown. Sr. ;V:' ,r ■ -I-"--' ' ::;'Mi.4s Bonnie Browu. retuniod tri 'G;reonaboro thia mo'rning after fepcndinp; a week with her paronifi, and Мгк. 1). EVo\Vn..;,;.l , ':>Mis,4 .Flossie M artin has' retiirn- '»d-.frpm "a' visit t'o her',fl'istef,’'Mr,4,’ ^i-iarloa Bui'rus, in Sholbv,; and li^o.visited at Clouciland, Ga, ................ : ..UKT-.i,u uu ' wii;n; a; youiigyfel-. - ................ -MBvorai Hcipuft block crwmv ami ."^nngel looses'ivll faith in women, \yeelcs ^vlib her. parents, Mr, and {‘ood-cake лусге served by tho 'hoa- ^ groat aituation, onp that R'lrs. M. D. ]3rown. Sr. .. teas; assisted by Mrs. J. K .'M e-■ no end of laughs for . ^ ' rnnoV. -vJiWited 'guests' were'Mes-. i^^'i aiulionco. If you don’t bblieveJIi.Ms ]..oj!nie .Lrowu retiirnnH tn ^,^(„.,¿3 .7,. is . a ..Icnockout, see B, C. Clement, Jr., Thoiiias F. Mo- ^‘The; roney, E.. Glinard Leprande^ Mis- I Vi';; :seR M argaret'M eroney,'KЙhorine '^l•i«ЦУ .,nw^. Saturday--W e; play Meroney: and lyid ИопЙ:' 'л' - ■ .Buddy Roosevelt )again Лп ;‘‘B iff ; ;.v: V-: ' B iiiig B iid d y’’'/ппЙ - a two. ' I’ool, ‘' We uhderatand 'tiiat : bpen^'a mormald ■ comdcly, i‘‘Rptigh '. and ] ii'vicos are being 'conductod e'i’- Ready.'''yinight this Wnotr 1« I ч г . . — — ....... -...v.. :,wimiJui-,won-tno'' Davie 1 county iSunday : sch^ipl ; banner,. at Fork .Church'for the'largest numb-; er.'atteniling the convention,. - - >-I.'am' glad to say .that; Mrs. Sisk iS; improving ;.some at thia time,' Wo deaire your prayers in her be­half.'-;; .. '1 The normal school.of m.u^ic.^hat is, being taught.-' at. the .. graded' school building:, is . wellv. under sway and ;if you are not one; of us you arc missing the best chancfj ,vou v/ili evor' have of; studying with such an able teaehor as-Prof;; Sebreui ^ If you " doubt' what we say just tune:in on, US' some night and see for yourself; .,v^: :;\ a a 4 ;-slb is^ ;£ sv '-l;a a :v -t«.'. ,, .vZ. ^. ' "У ' ... v' .. . ..io e e n , fc3bvt0¿b ■ ¿ r y о п е р а л \ w ' ■......: ï & r f e e s á , W a Ä i Ä ■'K u rfe e s ' P ill à i C ón'tíühé; M o ré ;l,iead ',Peif'G allo n ,. 'I',- lliÁ in'L ,' I ' : ' " ' i -'g- ::a ' u ä .ti: i :M ■ i . ■■■i' . ■ f ':-" r f ' É-:-' tt-'v :Ш: . tf. ', Гл ; -' -. ‘liy-, á ) ' To Whom- TliiH May, Concern i; ..The' city Av.'iter supply is getting: very shorhiand it is earnestly and respoGtfully requested that all -patrons w ill refrain- from sprinkl­ ing then* lav/ns or streota or waah- ing!thoir'autom obiloa during this phortage ’ ‘ 1 'i . m i u j j f.-.PriiMC.-ICtO C G 'Í2D ' I а11ЮАа'|||И11Ш1Ш1111а111га1111И111'и»1И1ВД11|/и11И1ЮИ1!3|||1га||1И|||Ю1111И1шии1|1'пЬг('-~^^ ...............................................................................................-.........' ■■ :r£: v i'-.EV';'' .sai. i fi-7.; ■m : 'P FJ i g [ií-i «I :'':;5Tra. G. M. i^irkman.-of "tìrpoiV'rчлЧтл .î ' И* -...-v-ц*.) ... ..1* .,1,4101111(1 comedy, ■"Rpíigh '. and';' af'rvi'ces .are .‘boiiíg''cbndúpto.d ..ev- .Ready." > ; - : V;;'; 'ery night this week iii Gooleemee | : Monday and Tuesday—is “Lost ' on '-Park "Hill. - The ^ poolepmee', n";W?^*’-” brillinnt, uoiwnly' gem ,)■'band aiid, ti lf\rgb'choir of. biiiicì^;frprh .the BroadWi^v stag'o hit |. :reil’s voices furnish: - ■- .... .y...n,.u.-.u,-(ji ■ ,uooieqmeovH,'Wife”; 1 •pi'd ; and Mi,4s';B^^^^^ Cain of^I'gb.'chblr of, biiilii^: ;frorn the Broa.dwi^v im, ial'r'biiry' are the; ciinsv i i ^ i r “Voices fui'^ musi’c-^-^the |‘‘13ancp’’. .; Doe.4. 'a rnan. loose his¡n 'childi'bn being nuhiin ’ , ^ .»-»Ji «« Uitlll Oi ^ SaV^'ibury'aro 'tho,.gUGst'of tlieir ' *'^b’s' Vi ............ ;u u i, , — , , tv umuvioose nia lâiéü M iMr;'r«ÚJjdÍJ¿rs.--'JÍ'и. :Gaift;'‘«hildròn'. being .impila . attending jlnddriendence When' he m arries? ,...,. ^ the Daily Vacation IBible'- School 1-'«^»’"'" ' ....’ ' '^"Kii-tìa i V.i’fùnXiJi TJr.ii. -!-» “ - ^ -Tl-----vncuT/ion iriible''^SchoolflJliss HUtc,W Wins?'mooting.' each- morning from :8 :45 ^bri-SHlorriVri^'4fii§^^ 'week ^ ith 'to 11:30 in the school'house.' Tho i/ir;ti«'ilillA,4,'*iiiiiia'^!4W and Bible acho.ol and night meetings (iutchina of Moeltsvillei N. C.R, 1. are aporisorod by Cooleemeo Pres- ......_...-K.w .rilVXI liU IXl .Who’s, bp.ss five ‘itiimitos after bri db ;and groom, promise to ; Id^ve. hdild'r and 'obey?' ' “Lost a W ife" brings it all out on the soroon. Would a woman rather be misera- We hope to have the new well done very soon and be able to н furnish as much w ater aa w ill beita iVoedbd. 'In ; v;V: ; e , E i'iru N ^ g . ' ■ Ma:yor. ji ' V - ''I'll» , :» .!»,,■ * ; « . . #1 . .» ' -If I ■ II' you want 100 per cent pure I:** Food, cooked-right,’ ap.d serv- ed in ah up-to-d(itb way.' nat »-«*; ■ ' ............ .......... ,Kelly;Springfield;Tfires:haTO;:hei<l,.' | , a n . ' e e № b i e r e c o r d ' f o r m a n y y e a r , s | a n d o o w . w i'llh i. m ' I i e - . ^ e e p i e g . w i i l i - t h e ¡¡^ a d d e d . . t m c ' t m ■ b y - i t s - , i i i w d e s i g ! i i ; . , i t . . i s ^ ^ h a v d s. a » a t Ifr * GRIFF’S CAFE, Ice cream and cold drinks # -# . * * * # Tijres, Tubes and Accessories H o rp M o to r G o m p á n y I y I " • iil i l i É l l i i S l í i i i i S ......................... vol.. v m » a vfwvweee Iff‘-W- TÎÏUTIb HONESTY OF PURPOSE AND UNTIRING FIDKLITY TO ÓUU COUNTY Г]\1о CKs v il l Í ^ 7 íc; ; ^í А Щ Щ трГ Ш Ш FLAG la’ Olftî ЛШ AND PURPOSE ■ V / i!li?> m J a u ' 3 n f r s B r y a n F i 'n d s L a s t . ' r G a t h e r i n M o c k s ,v ille N e x t o J I A r* ' *. YT* A ‘Thursday On The Occasion of The 471h Annual ■ - .I t e 8 t ’ ' ^ l « » . l r , . A r i l l l g t o n G e m e h W : M » c k s r i l l e A n d D a v ie W il l HUNDREDS AT THE CRAVE If fg Simple Citizen Bather Than M ilitary Or Political Lender , .That Is Buried CHURCH SERVICE BRIEF In Torrent of Rain Funeral T] .•o- ccssions Makes W ay From Church trt Cemetery Where Last Tribute To Fallen J Leader Is Paid .ond. It 'was the sunset gun, W e lc o m e A l l W it h O p e n A r m s , navking the lowering ol the gar-| ■ .'Ison colors for the night, the 1 ' — ^ ' . , ' , , soldier aignal that another day’s; A Week from today, Thursday, August 13th, ia annual picnic toil ia ended and the houra ''of' day. These big annual picnica have grown into aomething idecid- reat at hand. . 1 edly more than a day' on which the local folka meet to renew their -.nm fiiendships, cut a big dinner together and hear the Oxford Singing waa Surrendered to aokHer °ke°ep- claaa, give a aplendid concert.- It has grown to be a regular ‘-home ing at the southgate of the old coming” day. Hundreds of former^ residents of Mocksville, Davie cemetery, ho was received down in and ad.ioinlng counties, now make jt a poinf to arrange for a visit tho haze covered city beyond tho "back home” on these picnic daya. It is a day when "everybody river, the solemn service that men expects to see about everybody else,” therefore about everybody is here. This year promises to be the biggest yet. Word comes from Waahington, July 31,—Beneath ^ citiven^”Vhat sections that more visitors are expected this year than ever be-II tjeaceful grass grown hillsidew aimpie Lituen, that ' . . William Jennings, Brylin liea to- thia ber.n,I,cHo-i wn., offered. night to sleep_ time away. T h . 7 1? ," b eSe^’’ h il'*g n iv r' lT^cpm m oii U ’'‘^io°"^t^«t' t'ho” Chriatkn fa°th iolks are always pleaaed to ic e the old "boys" nnd "girla" re- wlth the valoroua company'of aol- the dear bnea left ^ turn, and tho visitors delight in jigaln clasping the hands of the dier and aailor dead'among whom I ’ -old friends of childhood days. ho rests in Arlington N ational' “ hin thoxrnm ped.audto It ¡¡j nothing shprt of wonderful how our affections and recpl- cemotery, only the quiet tread “*'_?■ lesbj'- jections do hang on to thoae peoplo who were the'flrat to enter our ■ -> i.. «■.¡.iho«. T h „ . o,d, „..«hbo,-. „ „ . „ i , - rwound above the comminer’s'^® had worshipped in life, the they may forget, but we never forget them. One holds a peculiar burial plot. |funcral seenc was dim and sha- respect and reverence for them, and this respect and reverence in- He is in the keeping of the GodI''°"'‘''* h e half light of tho dloud-l creases as we approach middle age. Of such, , one always, feelq like ed rainwnshed da.v. .The few who' g„yi„g .yjth the' poet: ' ■ ' ' -• could find room had taken their And it's nice to be able, to enjoy auch a home coming. The and of the nation to whoae ser­ vice his life w as. given. , In common, too, with the vet­ eran dead about him, a simple, white painted • wooden marker, placed at the head of the grave, ■ notes that here lies W illiam Jen­ nings Bryan, .colonel ' of infantry,' The form' and .inwcriptipn of the stone tribute to hia meliiory that planes and the echoes oi the two old hymna Mr. Bryan most loved» "Lead Kindly Light,” and "One Sweetly Solemn .thou.gh,’’ still, lurked in-the' reoena of the high! "Forever mind, mysfriend, , From June to life’s ; December; Not mine to have behold, , ' Bu t 10 pray for a nd iremember.” iu J. 11 . , We aomotlmea wonder if the loyo and reapeîct our \.p(ironta held bv"nev!°Dr Joseph ^R^^Siao'o" the -foi'- these old friends ia 'ii^tncídod: to oura aftor it.'ia’'suppoaed to paalo)‘. “Гм- r'isurroetion and thoultimatd’y will-.roplace that mark- ^ '’'i-surroc or .still is'to 1^0 planndd .by thethe m inist'; ■ grloving widow and the many frienda ^yhp would ;tlo him honor. Long Journey Ends hiive boon lost with them lil 1:lio grave. It is this spirit of genuine. friendahii). and-: Ipvo > pfi ónp’s .-bici 01' stili la to bo nl'inndd by the ' ''' ’'Rl'oat- ' homo aection and ' old homo friends of, early i.yeara' which bringa ................ 'moved clown the isle to-, (¡houaanda back hero fron: all ovor- the country on the oecaalon of , s ï ‘S Ä ! e t í : »"■" ___________: palejjj'f'ijpe cileav,'ffg?iinst, her .'blackThe long,' last .iourhey of, Thbso picnics havo done m’ubh' to aclvortiab Mocksville as'.thero commpnor J ’roin tho! ^Tenno,s.aoe „lon'p % % rs'M thousands>and thousands of folks in thi's and*''-othor ataies v '/ , Ldor^thi hoai'd.„aL4hia..,town.. tlirough tlip -big-.masonic- pienica,., who' army .-tout, sm'ead to siiellor wheel chair to which'otherwise poasibly never would have known such'u town oxlsloct. expectation in 'aotijig', Every hom^'’lh the . , . ....... . , ^tobk thoir'Places in the long iiew lt""'n is ready to be thrown open to the «frionds, relativda and visl- funoraljjarty arrived at the cemo.|jj^.j.j^p ]g£(,;V . :.;.V, tory, W ithin'that small oncloauro thoi'oi was no' room savo for the tora. Mocltsville has for this'reason becorrte knbwri far and y.'ide Brief Service ¡as the one old Soiitliern town rolaliiing that fine'.vl'tuo .for it hi ri Through the^ services that fol-'virtue, of hoapltallty,, \yhich made the “Old South’’ fnmoiis.' . 'i^hd Inv/ed, the brief jjrayers, the read- ye^. not full 'behind \yhat '^0 have done in formerI , ......................... m in j-uill «u OIIHH iiui, iUll uuillliu ÌVIIUI wu llllVU UOIIO III lUmlUl dcnd man hàd ai'rved,li', i;.ea.ce .Hml -pf.'édipasto»-; .thè' widpw 'aat'with thè locai,ma,sonic lodge and'ovor>"ros»do~*• thè Utt).tì: gróup of noartet ; l<ln.'eycs Intent 011 thp 'spcakor’a face. |;1!)25 picnic -thè- vory biggest ,ahd . gi'oa iuid a hpndfull of Iho miniy ¿he' ^ iriurifla • oiV.'hia....throa.: decadoj ol^^ fiowovbortlevcd :,'chaiuioÌ _;to '.talco | fjlivi'i,)lg l’fo,.., ,. , Ili!) nl.'ipo ili Iho lUilnit flbovn thn. esident 'of tho town tp majjò tlio greatest -in every w ay,' cf.:any Statement laaued by E'secutive Is , Aimed at “The Elforta of a Few Persons In the State to Create The' Impression That Constru­ ctive Progress Has Been Arresti ed”—Refers to Braxton’s Speéch —Denies any idea of Presenting Comp: I Ison Between McLean and Morrison Adminlsirations. (By Brock Barkley in The Char- , lotte Obaerver) Raleigh, July 31.—A atatement by'Gbvernor McLeahi aimed : at h e,efforts on the part of a few rsoha in the atate to create the impreaaion/that conatructive pro- greaa haa been arreated,” eatimat- ed that North Carolina wili'apend on highway conatruction in the next two yoara between forty .and forty-five million dollars. "Thia ia far in.excesa of any a- mount that has' been expended for ¡»ny sim ilar periocY in the past,” tho statement added. . - When asked by newspaper Tneri if he would designate some of'tho. '■'crsons, the governor aaid thore-jto fü!l';«ipacity. were several. He i;eferred, as an Instance, to ,the recent specch" be­ fore the state' presa convention by H. öalt Braxton, editor of ' the Kinoton Frop Presa, ‘ - What Is Included. ataled: "ri;om all the^ inf‘ rnia-i ilon I hiiye the indlcatioiÍ3 ar.i tlitó ? the statÍD .WJÍi expend for highway.1 conátriíctión 'fo ^ two yeari period, begiiinlnt; Ju ly 1, 1925; and;i ending Junip 30, 1927, between 40 , an d' 40 millions of dollars. 'This ! Is far in exeesR of ,an y. amoiin.t > that .has been expended tor ány : simila'r period in the pasti I do i not think; therefore, that the char-; i ge that there ii< an;^’ letting up In^ ; road construction is ' Justified <;by the. ^facts.”;;:: / t ; ENjOirAULE^FOSTElR RE>' ' -/.UNION , . \ mр'Г The reunion of the John G.' Foster fam ily was held -as, sohe-.' dulcd at’ the home of Rynard Fo.stor, neai old Foi'K (Jnurjbh. The assembly of th e ,'fam ily and^ relatives - numbered about i\iKi hundred. Four counties lyere rer'\ presented, and Author t'oater.,apd|-‘;’,,V.^i:*‘i^" wife, of Norfolk, Va., after a plea- >>) ; sant social morning, the ladieffJV'.\,Y«':i-|^ loaded a seventy-five foot,¡table ‘ 'MProf, Coll/n8,.;artd' thrèdóof /hie'/r'.a music students'8a‘ng;twp''èxc'eïlè'ritli^^^^^ ijuartetta,-after .;W hich;i:'r,'^G Ä öä?i?^i^ doII,,'beh.g;:wo«nd.;:uft^tàiiçdcW 80 minutos to,the'ploaa.urp finii ХУЪЛп 1.4. 4. i m > . f' C1W( of hunirrv Poqt-'^VWhilo iho ftatprnont о1Гогя póm- érs. -Thc.-talk was onwLj ti.a,ion, :tho gpvoi‘1,or assured, : :;ih : ^moÆfty,;chilSÎ4in,^t , , hia placo in tho piilplt abovo the; Thp problem ia feeding liio -ijm ’vu. It. ia nothing .Thriip..and :1;ho m inisters of iKe .ho/tiükdd aa': |;o tliat: -how- .«uoh- it- does takd vto.vfodd - snrrowing >vorhan alone,. Not un- 'tovattpncl'^t^^gospel who’ said-iabovo hint t"i' short,-,'01/ 'niinibeii'':‘df,: :But thp, best;,'copjiaj-ort^^^ 'th'p":f4ô9,'-p.f: tho -earth. Our gobdi vwmon seem to (Ic.Ught iiv cxertlllg■.tИG^r;culli■)^^ П()d bless and hallow the heri- ary skill to'lho very limit, and-tho-pvoiipoi'pua ciilKcnahip, the bii; ........ ,: : ,,, ..„ri'owing worhdriia'lo'no.; ' Not un- ' , , .ап<Л who n lil-,t„ ho. closed his nddl'eaa did liev У®“'* tie tn;ie ifc-tpro had,given nira Di» ,-,1(-р,,(,,(;за varv. Tlion, aa Dr. and Davio County, have , last bon.j.’ü'íion of tho fihurah, ‘ : • '................ - alo'no saw-' l5io';casket-sink ..«lowl.v-,- -Vir« ; down ; into'-the;.e'arth; as' ,tlui Mnft and 'ha' t’r flgur a wcro' paring ; administr!\tions■: iods. Tho oatlmate of forty, ilvo ; million ' dollars i .includeg ilpm-of froni’ ton to flftdcn million .A'opeiit''thp-‘Bamo'-g«thoi*lng>’:',i..>'^^ dollars which it ia cxpociod''lh'o ^ ' ‘ , ' ’-^ho'presdnt,' 4^ atate will oxpnnd from loans' * by м гл уГ ^ Г .^ .’и 'кТ ч'гп ПР Ги- r t ' Г . S V I » proaent yoai',,eouhtic8',. havo. аЦ ...'-..-.чЛЛ rd,r'ly conl-rnotod io loan ihe'statb p .j д p-iNextw^ntobvili'V'ir™ around .?10,000,000 and-hlghw.ny , V i 1 < ' twenty millitna - by 1927.' loans from the counties'ar« with tho ox'oi)l;ion that Uio; legialaturo will i&suo atate i ПРХ', twi! years. In additir/n' to'tlii.s f n?o <1^ millicna or so will bo provided ; 3 s s i e ' - ' « s « s ^ ^ ^ hit'dç'ai’e.'ït carc-and who b.'i<l the uomiiian«'i‘'had''«l'n)k'’.i ,, -, '. t /' sat bpaido',ihis.-casket througlioi.it.|'g/,,.f).j, 14 j.g n p,,,ouji pf i)tudf<nl,a' ? f” and women of Davie County, le», ua every c/ic make it a 1 in a W ishing. П\vP4tPrii Г.п11'пте -The nloon tliia.year to mak^ all visitors enioy the big picnic day,;, ., -i' V- : *a a wc Jtpl n ÇplIOtO. 1 ne elpqib Т í^;;ho и 11 ; im un Imulfnl-c, «»лП I 1 ni- : nil : í ...')t Uio I'un'ov^l ,'Ser^Cn . ton church:;did ’not • sceneof. infirmitloa ‘‘ clo.sed fro'ni'thi) bugle jiotea .Lvought to he;.’, ih niMsago that ine long stra',) 'wji.t oviir, ; and vlier ;;iiead 'at poa.i.'o,. ,'\t Inst. j j , Hi\pdrpds Attend Outkide the shdltor, around the roped in . enclosure ; and , among ' many now made graves on the ti'ee .'.bdi'dered'. sweep : of' sodden award .cvpwded tlie : hunt\red3 who had; ti'Udged or. rlddeii^thé long'w ay from Washington, despite thè ear-; Her ; delude • of rain, to bid j the .conimonèr' :_i;hèiv own faro\yell. There, too, stood the''dou.blo rarik of iirtiilery, men frbni.Fort Méyor, caps alici: rWncoata^dark: with the watery .downpour tjirough which they haci vifaited: to form the laat escort; '-.".V' A.S the; simple service was said . the troopa,:;carryitlg only side ' *'i'nis, ;atóbd' at rigid salute until the iauglb : notea had died away over .the /gentle, wooded hilla fibout, ÌThere-was no drumming dr rifle fil'd to play last honors to the. dead. But' as the column lormed to swing away_;and the nKuirnora'tiirned back up tho.alopr ■ .' to t'ne.'waiviiiij mplprs, tho distant, muffieci i'thunder of a single 'can. :noii; shot '. Came from ; the poiit be • ZlD>r. V ¡...én" G. ■ B.roughton' Starts Movement ]''roin an ethical', standpoint S ; „ S t » r : i S " ' l i l ; “‘ J i ; T o w a r d s ; E r e c t m g M o n u m e n t T 6 B r y ^ (iaiiies. hiiyd’^'a marked advantage dyer the , big ' metrbpol itan iisw a-' 'patJ0rs;y.•;- , T he' amallor papol ), are con- ductecr by- their owners who are I)er,sbnally kiigwn to the ..people ' .\DVANCE OF SMALL ]’Al;'E!iS churches of America to join in a movement to- erect a' monument over, the gi’ave bf W illiam Jen­ nings ‘Bryan ;in' Arlington Natio- 'ind% yiheaa“men''of' Iho'coAi'mui' nal Cemetery sounded -in • Rich-' nity and read in' nearly^' every.mond, ya.,,laat Thursday..night at fam iiy ' ■ ' ' a Bryan memorial service' ' coli- ‘ The'bwiiers, editors a'nd pub-'ducted by Dr. Lon ,G. Broughton, lishers are freer to expreaa their lpaator of the F irst Baptist church honest cohvictions than tlie high- A call to the cdmbii^od Chri.4tian prófossing'belief in the Christian religion.' Dr. Bi’piightoii said Mr;-Daniels si^ould be asked,.to tiike step’s to .orgiiiiize' .the- canipaigii/ "ДAn.: i ntima1;d 'friend of 'Mr, Bry­ an, Dr. Broughton lauded v,“th.d: Christian (statesmanship’’ of the с oró ni p n e r. : He ' sa i d h 0 w a s; par- ticuKirly gratified: tliat. Mi'.' Bryan livdcl to 'see the succöas of many ly commerciaílzecí city 'press,: too '.'.W iliam '' Jennings ’Brya'n, -de-'national'-nnl'l^ba fv,n'v,. ' ‘Г'1. The amali .daily - w inding the sword of,the.'-spirit his'political Hoieats-' ' ■ ........... or ; eounti'y ftifftinat a r-lentleaa and:acoffing “ T lonk fm-Wnv,-] < j. 1. weekly that lives, up ;tp|its op- 'V.Thls^-was the inscription:; revival of religibn thrit A n iS S .iortunltles represents ;fthe standtD»’- Broughton proposed. - has ever soon 'M iil. « j « f ■, ?.)f personil'.Journalls'^ih- b e h a l f "--------eve».se«!. the.m inister said. of the community/ '''' ' '/'.The m inister suggested thnt, ,fo- *'¥[umanlv "sDPnk7iw;“i r ‘,v^ . .................. . , . N. :C., out of this Dayton row Mr BrvAs long as the small city daili- « follow cabinet niember. with '- ,7 .)s ahd country .weeklies remain Bryan; in the Wilson protfolio', be -.T . 'r, '-Won, as termed by rue to their best traditions, with ?’o<]uest^cl io act /iS cusLodlan of ' in the court house.at ■.heii; editorial^ devptecl to .eon- funds'...'njjil ifKnt nat’Onalij can- ^ “J'ton, w ill become the dynamic -.truotive nolioiea, their .'influence- launchec! r.t bjsolpaii'tici- of the’ greatest revival of religion n journaiism , ^yl^^,i}^c.rpiis ,in! by eyery ’dbnoriiination that we have'ever aeon," -'. .........................-.................. .......L ...± ::\ . / . of statement • n v n v 'flC thUtililJiöyiiUQ rwni.beJ-^’iy iS ?. ovoi fiom ,'(,voro.av le’nt oij^-.rv^'-tions are'.bused 'о-ПгЛга*^ construction j)rogress haa ,bqen arrested. It is"manifest that •thoso who ai0 acllvP in nyin.- lo anrc'id 1 Arioa, Chilft, Aug,'^3,-Genbi'All this propaganda aro the very oneav joh,, j. Per^hhigi president of'iliti whp. ORP«)SR ;iiiy ollort to liTiproyo. Tacna-Arlcn-;plebiscite ..=-.cpmmli.“ th2 -nethods of ftdminislratnn of „¡0,,, aVrlved here';this mor’ik f ,stale goveriimpnt by reduciiii-' u'c-1 on bbarcl. tho Unilecl-State,s.:crui9i penae-> whoio ,’or ih,s ,ran be done er Rochester, Augustin Edwards withojt ni]'U'v to the public ‘¡<■1'- formei president of t:^ie naawml?l> J.V. ' JU. I, 1’ league of nations, headi;of*M?,,i "Among other things- chargpcl the .Chiienn plebiscite, gi'pup. UmT'-iv-.l by those critics is that there has moaiateiy boarded tjio Roch'^atpr been .a .slowing down in road con-'welcomed General Perahirigl'^' atruction-. A few days ago l aak-t"" ' . ■■ • . ed Mr, Frank Page, chairm an,of the highway commiaaion, to give, me the facta aa to thd relative pro­ greaa in road conatruction laat year and,thia year, I-quote the following i-from vBIr.; Page's state-, ment to me, ' / Page Jilnkes: Statement, in : cpinplianbb, 'ivith; your re­ quest, I iind that there is certainly no letting up In road construction in 1025 compared with 1924, : “ /Inytho moiith.s bf April, May and June', 1924, we :paicl out on constriiction iJrojects $5,983.81. In the same period in 1925 we paid oiit S5,978,836;S5.' ; ' ; I ; "From January I, 1924 to AH,g- ustl, li)24, we awarded Contracts for construction apibunting to ,‘57,21^)77.00 and lit the same per­ iod in 1925 we awaded contract? for construction amountini^ lb ?]1„1627,919.00.’ ' In concluflion Govdrnor McLean , Í ,>wtiiLco;wia: ’'^o Arica, ’ciiilß,'Äü'f?,^3,- ' Thè Clìllpaii.,. eru.iacr ,0’i n g g i n e ^ ilrod wiluteai lo r both G en o rak i.и’.tiíjí Porshing and Senator Eclwarcls.'^‘'f;‘Íl^‘£ f e 1Щ Full m ilitary h'ónbi;s' ^wcre, jiiçp''''‘'’'W * ''SA corded'*General ,:Pershing;,-‘-;;as,-ihe' stopped on the.plor and ho-waa ac; cordecl an'yvationiby a кгкеГpor-; tion of ceeded; he ipopulatlon aa ho proi eland. •á/л 10.000 PRISONERS FREED ON BIRTHDAY OF ITALIAN; lilN a y i^ : Romo. Aug. 1.—An amne.sty de- creo ,ot far-reach 1 ng proportlona;.;, freein.g all political offenders, ;eX''’ (iept murderera and releaaing-: from the jaila prlsonera < of all ,, kinds, has'boon gi'antod/aa an .act.,.; of royal cienieiicy nnd ns a ,contri- i''-'' bution to national;pnalficrttiop on, > { ' the occasion of tho completion ^ thbi'quarter century .ro/rln,'o:P^iBrffe.|?j^^#i Victor Eiimnniiel. Tt' is ,3atiihatpd.! 4 that, betAvfion 10,000. and- ; lajOOO: ^ " чзо1'.<5р11я/м'111: lio ;affeoted; -‘ ’о Ф / 'i' ' ' ' Д '/' '''< V I''1 4,\\