04-AprilP » fS F F O tiH 1 DAVU BBOttD. MOCnvilXB N. C.. MARCB g . I'wi fl “ /-W H IS T Is n i e w c r a i ^ wiU b e said an d tu n < m a n y thousand tim es th is E aatar. W hat d o th ey m ean? L e t u i le a v e o u t o f sight all th ose to w hom th e w ords m e a n nothing b u t a v estig e o t superstition a t th e w orst, a pictur* esq u e sym bol o t aom ething alto> g e th er different, a t b est. W hat do ttiese w ords m e a n ' to th o se w ho do believe th em ? It Is possible to be­ lieve t h i s sen * ten ce litera lly and A im ly. a n d y et b e a s d ea d to th e ir joyous m eaning as if th e y w e re a w e ath er re p o rt o f -------------------40 y e a rs ago. T hey O r, F o re m a n po rten d a m ira c le ; b u t y e ste r­ d a y 's m irac les m ay n o t b e espe­ cially interesting. D o you feel a kin d of ra p tu re on read in g about th e frogs In P h a ra o h 's p a lac e, th e m iracle-trogs? D oes it h elp y o u r m a la ria to re a d ab o u t th e curcff St. P a u l did a t E phesus? y e ste rd a y ’s m ira c le s m a y ev en b e discouraging, ju st b ecau se th ey a rc y e ste rd a y 's. T he R esu rrectio n o f C h rist Is not in a class w ith any other m iracle. F o r th e ea rly C hris­ tian s it w as T H E ev en t of history. Til* Ope«H Eyt I t is no accident th a t th e ch u rch say s an d sings, "C h rist is risen” ■more often th a n “ C h rist ro se." T he R esu rrectio n is a k ind o t con­ tem p o ra ry m iracle, f t h a s m atty m eanings, b u t consider th re e of them , in th e liv es o f th e p lain peo­ ple w ho ftrst ex p erien ced th e tru th of it. R e m em b er, th e R esu rrectio n ..was nothing th e y h a d -been look­ ing for, nothing th ey h a d th e w it to in v e n t It ca m e as a shock, it up set a ll th eir id eas. It rem ad e th e ir w orld. F irs t o f aO a n d In­ cluding ev erything else, th e R es­ urrectio n means- th e presence, h e .o a n J today n o t less th a n th e re in th e daw n of C h ristian U m e, th e presen ce ot th e living C hrist, th e p resen t com panion of all w ho love him . F irs t of all, h is presen ce th e re in E m m au s and indeed on th e ro a d acros.-; 'h e hlUs. m e an t th e opened eye W ith h im fo r guide, th e m a n C ieopas an d h it friend saw th in ^ In th e S crip tu res th ey h ad n e v e r seen before. T he S criptures, like a closed gate, opened to th e ir in w ard eye. T hen in th e supper-room a s th e b re ad w as broken, a g ain th e ir ? y e s w ere opened, and th ey knew him . So th e rise n O iris t to d ay a n d alw ay s opcM - th e ey es o f m en ; Inspired b y 'h im , w e u n d e rsta n d G o d 's Book an d G od’s Son a s w e ca n nev er do atone. TfM iM niliic Hurt T h e second th in g th e d is e ii^ f felt w as a burning h e a rt. Jo h n C alvin invented a c o a t o f a rm s fo r him self, show ing a n o u t­ stretch ed h an d a n d a b u rn in g h e art, oiT ered.to G od. It m ig h t serve a s th e c o a t o f a rm s fo r all w ho h av e fe lt th e p resen c e o f th e living risen C hrist. T w o young m en w e re arg u in g ab o u t th e Res* uri-ecUon. arid th ey w ere g rea tly puzzled ab o u t i t T h ey a sk ed a m uch o ld er m a n w h at w ere his reasons for believing it to b e tru e. "W hy.” the old m a n said, " I Just talk ed w ith H im th is m o m in tt* ' Life gains a w arm th , a flam e, from co n tact w ith C h rist a s from n o o th e r c o n tac t possible. Je su s a s a h isto rical c h a ra c te r excites o u r cu riosity, o u r Im agination. C hrist a's a p roblem in theology cxcites u s to tliink. B u t C h rist a s a living p resen ce sets life on flre. W ho a re th e people w ho w it­ ness m ost enth u siastically about Jesu s? T hey a re th e ones w ho w in sing. “H e w alks w ith m e and h e talks, w ith m e - , .** T h a t Jesu s lived is in tere stin g a n d im p o rtan t. T h at h e lives, liv e s now . in m e - th a t is life-chant^ing. ' Tin MaitoiU«g FHt A ll around th e w orld th is E a ste r chu rch es wlU b e rlnghig w ith song a n & b rig h t w ith flow ers. In th e m o st unlikely places, th e re a ra C hristians. Y o u wiU find th a t tboM chu rch es in ta r p laces w ere s ta rt­ e d th e re b y m e n a n d w om en w ho believed in and k new th e risen ' Chi-jsL If th e re Is a c h u rch w hich calls itself ‘'C h ristia n " b u t does not beU eve In th e R esu rrectio n , its C ir is t is a s d e a d a s a n y o th e r Iv* gone. hero. S uch a ch u rch wiU n o t sen d m a n y m issio n aries. A d e a d C u .is('h u rrie s no m a n ‘s to b ts t^ s ; e a s0$ n o m a n ’s bu rd en , lig h ts n o m a n 's liour .of sorrow . O nly the - liv in g C h rist k in d les th e bu rn in g t i c a t l o p ^ th e blind ey es, sets ri. - m ^ ’s-fcM upon a ro ck , an d sends th e m o u t, ^ (h e ftrst C hristians, ■ ;tio c K a U ^ e a w orld in hla nam e. f..-. CMt o t th e tw o m en hasten in g ■> " tid m iB m n w u s w e -e b u t th e first ^ h a U ^ > « | e . ^<1 G od’s good WOMAN'S WOBLD . f ' Holiday Mey DesermB^ EfforlsofCook lA o n v U r d t t d m m rlghl . ^ good flavor a n d g e n e ra l attra c. tlveness th a t h a s becom e th e sym . bol of A m erican T hanksgiving de* serv e s th e best o ilo rts of ev ery cooJc. T urkeys a re av ailab le in a w ide v a rie tjT o f sires tro m m e sm all" to u r pound v a riety to la rg e Tom a W eighing w ell ov er 20 pounds. F ig ­ u re onc-half pound o t' ready-to- cook turkey (ev iscerated type) p e r serving. If th e bird is frozen it m ay be iett in its o riginal m oisture-proof w rapping to th aw in th e refrigero- to t. T h is w B i ta k e tw o to th ree d ay s depending upon th e size. If y o u 're in a h u rry , place th e un­ w rapped bird u n d e r running tool w ater. T his w ill ta k e fo u r to six Hours. Cook pro m p tly a fte r de­ frosting. F o r stuffing y ou'll like this slm* • pie b u t good and popular type: B reail Stuffing . <Pe» 14 to Ig pound bird I cu p ra t 1 cup m lneed onion i q u arts b re ail cubcs. firm ty packed (2-4 d a y old bread ) 1 tablespoon s a lt » teaspoon p ep p er 2 teaspoons p oultry seasoning m u z cu p s broth, m ilk o r w a ter Cook onion an d celery in fa t over low h eat, stirrin g occasion* aUy. pof»k until onion is so ft b u t not brow n. M eanw hile, blend sea­ sonings w ith b re a d cubes. Add onion, celery a n d fa t. B lend. P o u r b roth gradually o v e r th e su rto c t, stirring lightly. A dd m o re season­ ing if desired. If you h av e stuffing leftover bake in a g reased loaf p a n o r cas­ serole during th e la s t h o u r of cook- placed lu ld e thigh m usele. the tv k e y is done w hen It reglatera 1M »P. Y en wlU th e n b e a U e to m ove th e d m n u d c k v p and dow n and th e leg Jblni w ill give easily . O r, It yon p re ss th e fleshy p aH o f th e d n n n stiek . H’a d e a « if th e m e a l feels soft. ta g turkey. B a ste w itt) p a n d rip ­ pings If desired. P la n to h a v e tu rk e y o u t o t tike oven 20 to 30 m in u tes before serv ­ ing tim e a s It w ill b e e a sie r to carve, and it w ill give m e a t a chance to ab so rb juices. L im it th e . garnish to p arsle y o r sala d g reens so a s n o t to h an d icap th e c arv er. Gettysburg Gets Bock in Spotlight WASHIMGTON- — G ettysburg, a - ■ isylva ' ------------—so u thern ------------------- •big new s w as once m ade. Is get­ ting b a c k Into th e spotlight. O n Ju ly 1. 2 and 3. 1063. G eneral R obert E . L e e 's A m ^ o t N orthern V irginia a n d G en e ra l G ordon ^(aade*8 A rm y of th e P otom ac (ought one o f'h is to ry 's decisive b a ttles th e re. • F o u r m o n th s la te r P resid en tU n * coin u ttere d “A few ap propriate rem ark s” a t a battlefield cem etery th e re w hich th e w orld h a s noted and r^ n e m b e re d e v e r since. N ow a p resid e n t w ho is also a g en eral is a g a in b rta g in g th e n a ­ tio n 's atten tio n to G ettysburg b y converting a c e n tu ry -o ld fa rm ­ house Into a m odern co u n try hom e only a sh o rt distan ce fro m the I>attlefield a n d 05 m iles fro m th e V ^ ite H ouse. M ore an d m ore. P resid e n t B lseohow er is turning to this esta te to find p riv ac y and >e8ce. ACROSSFormernameotTbkyo•.Painful,tnvoluntattmuscle contractionll.Wide.awok* U .O «M W h9fails to win IS.Oiri'anama 'l.-A-depresslr tothedtfih l».OId m ;t6.T«apoiit«fslanr>IT.Piffpen Known lorm' «fanim«l Hf»91. one who employs tiM MfWcetcC T .A g y p ay •.V ip era •.P la sU v * 10. C om m it depreda* Uona 14. A song fo r tw o people l«.A tiC | a« -v ary ii» f w eig h t (Ind.) ds: E quipm ent 30. T o cook in w a ter 32. F ilam ehU 33. B elow ., (n a u t.) ‘ 35. S ource o fin d lfo 36. R om an poet 39. V inous 41. G olf m ound :4a.M ar«hy m eM ow 44. S pain •(ab b r.) IF YOU HAVE^ been on a'trip';, entertained gue.n - celebrated a birthday caught a biefiih moved.:' eloped'.: - ‘ ^ ' hadababv Iw enlnafight . • o ld y o u r h o g » h a d a n p p e r a tio n b o u g h m a t , , p a in te d v o u r h o u s e IT .P o ln te t M ,A « n a llwood W.C<imiMW 3(>.T«rariw rai.Shaiiowaja.wuwcup ST. In W hat b e e n m a rr ie d c u t a n e w to o lh b ^ t h o t tto le n a n y th in g b e e n r o b b e d • o ld o u r lo tt'v o iir h a ir ' b e e n a r r n t e d Paniiiisa Of Birds SySM ltybiltln* JE B H O W ELL w as n e ith e r pious n o r eloquent, b u t h e w as a good m an.' O nly once w hile I. w orked fo r h im did I know h im to a c t vengefiilly. T hen' h e m ad e use o f b oth p ie ty ' an d eloqum ce. I t c a m e ab o u t th ro u g h Jeb*a hiordbiate fondness to r a ^ itln g cocks. H e h a d several, an d s p m t m u c h of h is lies- ure In groom ing th e m an d p itting th em . T h is la s t w as m u ch de* plored b y 'h la w ife,. M artha. '^Only th e b ru te in m an,*’ She aw rred.** p ro in p ts^ liiin id en ­ cou rag e G od's le sse r c re a tu re s to flght an d k in e a ch other:'* To d riv e th is, p o in t hom e, q u ite oft^ en sh e w ould sa v e one of je b 's ro o sters fro m th is fa te by killing Voiunteers Mon Needed Mobile Unit P IT T S B U R G H -T y p lcal of vol­ u n teer flre d ep a rtm en t units In a sm all conm kunlty is th e B erryville. A rkansas u n it h e ad ed by ^ e f O w en P ay n e. - W hen P a y n e retu rn ed fro m w a r service in 19K h e led a group o t veteran s in a d riv e to provide B erryville w ith a m obile u nit equipped to aid v ictim s o f em er* gencies an d disasters. T he resp o n se w as quick an d generous. A n autom obile . agency p rovided a tru c k a t cost, a tire d e a le r t i e r e d new tire s a t a fra rtio n o f th e ir value. T he v e t­ era n s ' p a in te d th e tru c k them *, selves. S tretc h ers, first aid* sup­ plies. axes.'^t> hovels an d otiter em erg en cy equipm ent flooded in a s th e co m m unity rallied to the ca ll fo r h elp. F u n d s w ere raised fo r th e p u rc h a se o f a n au tom atic artificial raap iratio n Instrum ent. *«W aUll V aauny* Ha*a a wMs.** i t herseU ; a n d cooU ng It u p In • p o t o t W h atev er . w i t c h e r y M arth a p ra c tise d in h e r cooking, Je b 'a ro o sters In h e r dum pU ogs h a d m y unqualified approvaL A t le a st ooa w ho sh a ra d th is view w a s A m oa H e n d e ^ a iriko p re ach ed a t tb a little co m m unity church. H en d e d y w a s young a n d lank» a n d I susp ect, could sm ell -Mar*^ th a 's cooU ng a t a consideraU a d istance. I t w a s rem ark a b le how often hla 'i u s t hapetihtg by** co- inclded w ith th e d em ise o f Je b ’a p e ts a t M a rth a ’s handa. « T h is d a y J e b an d I h a d sto p p e i fo r d inner. A s usu al b e w as talk* ing about h is roosters, particu larly a young new one h e h a d lu st acquired. *‘W ait'U you see B lizzard, Tom* m y. H e’s a « h iz. H is flrst flght wlO b e tom orrow , a n d a fte r th a t .. r i l se t him ag ain st any chicken to th is K C v rA y ." A s w e reach ed B lizzard’s cage ' h e st(44>ed. I'k n e w b y h is face^^ w h at h a d happened. T hen iron­ ically. a w isp o t breeze b rought . th e odor o f chicken dum plings and th e Jovial voice o t A m o s . H enderly. A fter a crestfaU en m om ent Jeb said feelingly rT a m a tlo n l" Then m o re qiA et^. "T om m y, it je st d o n 't seem rlb h t for B lizzard to go^ th a t way..*' T h en . .M arth a ' h ustled him into th e kitchen, try* h)g to do th e sa m e w ith m e. T h e re w as a scrap in g of ch airs, a sen se o f ^ w e d heads, then A m os - H enddrly's voice, ,calling dow n blesstogs on "th is househoU 'a n d these-flne people w hose;w orits a ra evidence of thehr w orthiness.’* T h e re w as a h individual bless* ing for th e “ w orker hi th e field," -- '-.(me. 1 guess) an d a collective ■ one to r th e land, the equipm ent, ■ and everything th a t contributed to th e bounty w hich '/b tess- to th e ir use. an d to the" iile o f th l^ T hy serv an t.” T he *‘Am en'*^-was strong, r knew th a t * H enderly's •: h a d Ufted to ^ re stm iiarely . on th at . b ig bow l of dum p lftg s. Ti^en Je b : .spoke.,.-:. **p2« a eh e r. I’d like to ad d a m ite to th a t blessin .'* • . T h e sh a rp In take of M arth a's b re a th w as covered by the preach* e r's puzzled. "W h y .''o f courael B ro th e r H o w ell." A gain ( to sense o f bow ed heads, th e n J e b 's voice, stro n g a n d clear. “O ur L ord; it seem s lik e we’ve le ft o u t one Im portant contribu* to r to>^thls occasion. T h at’s Blit* za rd ..M 'p ro m lsin a b ird a s I ever see n .' K e h a d sp irit, a n d flre. and w ould'a m ade> a re a l fighter. Now I know fighting' ain’t y o u r w ay, L ord, b u t y ou'll understand, seeln' you’r e th e one m ad e g a m e chick* e n sv th a t w ay. B esides. B lizzard n e v e r done no fightin*. H e novar h a d a chance. S o L ord, if th e re 's a n y a rran g em en ts u p th e re for ^ h t i n ’ ro o sters; I'm asldng you to re m e m b e r. B U zsard. T hank you. L ord. A m en." • H enderly’s ^ l y w as a m um * b le o t w hich I cau g h t only the tw o la s t w ords, “ p o t a t o In* steads” A m ihuie la te r M artha a p p eared in th e door w ith a heap* ing p late, a b ead of sw eat glis* tening hig h on her cheek. “ E a t a ll you w an t o f these. T om m y.” 8h aald. "T here’s plenty. »> d no one else seem s v a ry h ungt^. U m ight b e a long tim e before w e h av e chicken d um plings again.’: Patronizie your home merchants ap^ hdp build up your town a ^ county. ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIt PAfE* AiTMfe T« Suft V GOOD NEKMSORS-raOES TO Hryow su sM S t Or Done Anything At All Telephone, Or Drop a Postcard, Or Come In, Or In Any Convenient Way Inform ... THE DAVIE RECORD Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years Ctheia have come and gone-your county newipaFer keep* (oing. STtnvtime* it lia< aeem ed bard tn m ake "buckle and toDgua" m eet, -but aoon the tu n ahlnea and we m arch on. O ur faithful M ibtcribert . oiint o f wh<m prom ptly, given* ‘ c b u ra ^ and ^ abiding faith in our . fellDW m an. ' If ^ u r neighbor ia nut taking The Record tell him to aubtcriba. The . price it otfy $1.50 per re a r in . (he State, «r,d $2.00 in other itate*. When You Come To TbWn Make pur Office Your Headqi^arters We Are Always Glad To See You. I lllllBaiMIIIIIIBIIIIIMIIIW .........'........................................^..........r - LET US b o YOUR ^OB PRINTING We can save you money . Orf your/^ ENVELOPES, LETTER HEA bs STATEMENT! k)STERS, BILL HEAP^,JPA:CKET HEADS, E ^ Patronize your hoir.e rtewspaper and W»er<^V^^ liutld up your I tw n and county. THE DAVIE RECORD. D A .yiE COUNTY»8 O IjD B ST N B W S P A P B H -T H E P A P B R t h e P E O P L iE h e a d t THE HOWL'S nOHTS MAINTAINt UNAWKO BT INPLUEMCE AM O u i m u m B Y C A IN ." VOltlMW LVI. HEVS OFtONG AGO What Wat HanMDint bi Da. '^ v l* B r f o M p M h i i K M a l m ^ AbbreviaM Skittal (DiiTie R < r^i Apll 14, 1901) O. W; Sheek tod dtncbter Mlm Clyde, iipcnt Frldiy ta Sillibtity. HIn Bmma Brown, of Sttlsbarr vtalM .H n. 'J. H. S«c«*n list • week. O, U, Hant retunied to bb post • t Cooleenee Jnnctlon Hondar ettalnc, R«r. W. L. Sberrill will be ovl oMown Sanday and'Rev. ). H. Downuin wntpreaeh al ti a. m. Thoa. N. Chaffin ahowcd ns nice buneb'ot tadlabea Monday, the Stat webaveaeen Ihia year. Jacob Stewart and T. B. Baiter left foe Staleatrllle Hradav e*enlB|t to attend Federal court. H la Bmma Brawn wbo attend­ ed the DoatIill.Ppwen wedding re. ta ri^ to ber bone la Sdlsbnry Monday. Hlaa Hamle Sieele, of Rocking, ham, who baa b m vlsltlag her idilei. Mrs. J. Stewart, baa re. inmed home, C. C, Wllllama.baa botiRht' oat O. h. Wrtllaoia and Is now asso dated with Z. N. Aaderaon In the mercantlle.baalaen. F, M. fobn. Bon la no loacer with the firm. Mrs. James McMarila and Httlej daagbter. Bessle, of 'Johnstown, N. T „ retnrned last week after spend­ ing a monlh at Inglealde, Inn. Mrs. E. G. Painter, of Weat Vir­ ginia, who bas been visiting , rels. laHvea and frlrnds la pavie, went to Advance Saturday to vWl her sister,. Mrs. G. A. Alllaon. She will return borne soon. Mrs. (3e'meat. wife of Capt. W. A. Ckment of tbh place, died Mon. day. She bad been alek a lonir while wltb consumption, leam a bnsband, three sons and one da.aghler. The ev»t of the put week In MoeksilUe wab tbe marriage of one of Hoekavllle'a prettleat. fairest and most popnisr yoang ladles, Miss ^ Minnie Douthlt to Mr. T-6 . Powell of Mt; A ry. The marriage took place Wednesdsy evening at "the Metbodfst ehnrcb. Rev. nr. t . Sherrill, aatlated by Rev.' .W. C. Wllllson perioraied the 1 In an Impressive manner.' After tbe w ^ in g the bridal .' party re. paired to tbe residence of P. M. Jobnsmi. nnde of the bride, wbrar a reception was tendered them sod • anmptuous renast was The happy couple left Tbntsdav moraine for a brldlal trip to Florida ' J.'1>« Karfees made bnslnea> trip to Statesville las} week. Mr, and Mra. Tobn Karfees, of Rowan. eoanty,. visited relatlvea near Jericho recently. A preacher Is needed at Tor. lentlne Kbool boase, aa the yonnr people gather there, preach or no] preach. Mrs. V. A. Foster, of Angnsta. bss.a cnrlosltv—an. egg seven and a half Inches Inng. shsped like « common guard with a well devel^j ed handle four Inebes long. H ath Sanford and brother John. W. H. Graves and son Rar)ey, sdent Easier Monday .fishing near Angusia, J. M. .Leelon and Mias Bnmn ^«nl> were married at Advance, Snndsy, G. Tsihert Bsq., offidat. Mrs,^ I, C. iJelllnger whti hss been sick for some lime, died this nwrnlnv at her home at Advance. The b»dv waa shipped to Uncoln ten ihb afsemoan for bnrlal; A husband and four children aurvlve. Tbomm Pmts, son of Oeo. W. Potts, died April titb. at hb home nesr Advance, aged a 1 veara. Re was.one of Dtvie'a briclitaat y ; The boAv was laid to rest in StedvG nm cemetery, ..Rw, V . I,. Slierrill of Mneksvltte, condnct.{ ing the Ittneral wrvlna .• MOCK8Vn.I,B. NORTH CAROUNA, WBDNBSDAY: APRIL 4, iof6 G00D0U)DA1S . Every once In a while an old frhnd of long standing will drop into mv office to talk abotit what was happening in Moeksvllte some 50 veara ago. ' Not long ago Everette Horn, an Old-Hoeksyllte boy who ] now lives in Atlanta and operates a hotel In that buatllng city, dropped arbund to renew bis subscription, and pass the time of day. Everette Is a son of the late Mr. snd Mrs. Osstoa Horn, who moved 10 Mocksvlile from nrsrConnty Line some ..jo^d yesrs ago.' Mr, Horn and hb brother, L. G. Born, cbine here, to build and operate a flour mill. They, wltbthelateT.B. Johnstone, |bnilt their mill nesr the Southern Railway depot, wiiere tbe Moeks- ville Flour Mills sr( now located. For many yesr« tbis mill was mo under tbe name of Horn Brothers & Johnstone. Gaston Horn finnlly soMhb interest In the mill and operated the Mocksvlile Chair Co., for a'uumber of years. This fao* tory was . locotnl on Sallabury Street, abont where Ssm T.atbam's bouse now stands, Aftsr tbe chair factory went out of business Mr. Horn went Into the lumber bust, ness and bought many traels of timber, not only in Davie Ciranty, but lu Eastern Carolina, Mr. and Mra. Horn lived I n the Dolpb GrIflIn house on Lexlngtoa sireet, until their deaths. Mra. A. M. KlmbroOKb, a daogbter ot Mt. and Mrs. Hon< Is still ocen^ng . ITOHIillR 33 theBomhonse.Byerettwas a'stud­ ent St Sunny Side Seminary when a small boy in the early part of the soth century. This sebooi was operated by Misses Hattie '^ to n and Lanra Clemem two of 'the best teachera in tbis section, Htaa Maude Encland, of Lenoir, waa the' music tescber. If I aia a taken she b still litrtng^ A few devs ago. mv old Dr Robert L<^ry, of SaiUbury droDped around to see me. Dr. Boh, as man^ people call him. a aon of the late Hr, and Hra. D. Progress Against tymphomotosis | T«s»HmsP(m *' RMistonce Tlii;u Egg ' An importint tt«p hu been tWten toward eontrrt of . t ott- e n ealled *1» l|:u v er in chickens. In experim ente a t E a tl Ing. H Iehi«ao» reslatan ee to the d ise ase w as p asse d fro m v a c ^ n a te d b en s to ttie ir chicks th r o u ^ th e « if s . I t Is-bcved th a t th is dis­ c o v ery m a y vventuaU y b rin g tld s - $S O *m ilU on^lsyear. p ro U em un> d e r controL • I t h a s b een pointed out, how* ev er, th a t t t e llndlngs m u st be conform ed u n d er a w ide v a rie d o f c o n d itit^ th e technique for vaccination m u st l>e g rea tly siin* piifled an d th e vaccin e produc* tion p u t <m a m o re p rs c tte s l ba«fs. T b e ^ I c k s hatch ed from eggs to ld b y th e te s t h » » b e fo re vac* cinatitm suffered 41 to 70 p e r cent d e a tt\ IM S w h ra liu>eulaled w ith lym phom atosis. H ow ever, after th e te s t h en s w ere vaccin ated only 3 to 13 p e r M n t of th e chicks de­ veloped th e disease, and on the a v e ra g e they survived longer than A. Lower, ot .Connty Llae^ In hla late teena be ctine to Hocks* vine to attend Mbckavilte Adtdemjr selKMl. T think ft «r«ii lo 1S991 tWst be entered tM:hool bere. He ^Tded Wltli Mr. and Mr*. B. .H; ifnrrls. who Uv^ on . Stllsboty . He.left liern atid entered c o it^ tnore than 50 yef>»e aRO. He finlsHH bts collece course and sltsdled medlclae for several ^ara. Some 40 veara ago he went to Ra* llelirb where be waa a pbVtfQlan for many ve*r«a Wblle tbere be our* jchased a lurse farm liear Pavette- vllte. where be planted i petcb or^ard akd sold lbonMt)da of bttsbela ot peacbea eacb rear, Lftter'^on be pnrcbased ae«era|| botidred acres of land near Coun» tr .leioe, where he raised tbonftandi ofbusbelaoff apoUs. ' Dr. Lowenr left - Raleijcb abottl joeodd years ago. moving to Sails*! hnry. where be owned and'operat»| ed tbe Lowery Hoitpltat for at lesst as yetfrs. Tbe doctor and Mrs. Lowery bnilt abeanti in Milford ,HIIU. near Sallsbnry. wben they now reside, and are] taklnc life, easy. Dr. Bob la at. wavs clad to come back to tbe old jbomrconnty and mlnffle wltb Mb' boybood friends, a few of wbotn laresthl.living.' Hla bobby, acver* al years ago, was old gnns and jborae i^at'oU. H re*sboplnc tbat be will live to be a btindred years old and tbat bis shadow will never-i grow leffi. -He baa'one brother j llylng near Connty Line, It. T.| Low^y. wbo is a progressive far Iw. -tarn alwaya glad to meet op, wltb t^e men and women I knew in Davie t ^ good old daya of lone W d w T K h T tT lw h e X| |«arin aftar row n m MANY CHABGES Haa your* wife changed much since you married her?" ‘'Yeatl My hours, mv friends, and my habits]" GET STING "Everyone of Uod’s creatures Is here for a useful purpose. Now what do we learn to m tbe mos­ quito, Willie?” ■‘We learn from the mosquito,' anawered W illie,'I10W easy It b te get stung," COULD CUT IT A lady^ waa entertaining the small son’of a friend, 'Are von suie you can cut your own meal. Tommy?” she inquired, **Oh, yes, thanks,” Tommy an> mered Dolitely. “I've often had it as tough as this at home.” A WIDOWER Defendant (being questioned on the stand): I’ve been wedded to the truth from infoncyt Prosecutor: Is the court to im-1 ply Irom this statement that you are now a’widower! »csl m ay k o U th e a n sw er lo tk e p rrtlc m s« Irm flw nM tM la In b a m y a rd th e I U elUcks In otb- . « » A m erican V ettnarjr M cdteal A a s o ^ tio ii, cam m eaU ng the e ap e ru n a als. noted th s t dndiiiEs w e n u n d er lab oratarjr condttlonB m a rd a tlv e ly sm all n m b e r o f b ird s. .A ddtU onal experim ental w w * an d reflnem ents a re needed b e lo re v etln arlan s w ill h av e this m a te ria l evaH atde la r u se In av­ e ra g e pouK iy flocks. Strong Toes Save Man Falling From Roof > B O STO N — G eorge A . L a c a n e , “ s life to a tro ag tM s a n d t b e _ ^ o t u s u n g ra v e l N e lg b b o r a I n v e s tig a tin g a t o a n g e n a t o e a rly In th e m bm - JW flxm d L ac asse 'auspended by ^ t o e a ^ t h e r o o t o t a l l v e - atorjf ap a rtm en t. Police arrived on tbe aeene %nd U e m was puUed onto the top ®*„*he roof seeonds betora he < «aa^ <Mm exhaustion and By Loub H. Cletnen^ Manager. I was deeply engrossed In psper work wheira-voung lady came in to see ine. Upon looking up I saw a petson I remembered as a young*wldow. You’see our’office had assistedjher at one~titne in fiU ins for mother's benefits. It seem- ed like oiily three or four months ago when she had returned to the office to report remarriage. I could think of no reason for her present call, except that per­ haps It might be to change her address. To start the conversa­ tion I asked her how she and her husband were getting along. Her! reply was; “H iat is why I’m here.] I am a widow again, but relatives told me that because I was not married to my second husband a fiiU year that I caniu>t expect so-) cial security benefits. Is this true?” Questioning revealed that a child by the aecond marriage was bom just a month before his father’s death. Even though the MEET MIS MOTHER Note from teacher to father: 'Johntiv b agood worker but he talka too much.” Reply from bther to teachen “Come home with Johnny some thne and meet hb mother.” had hot been in effect for a full year the mother qualifies for a mother’s benefit because of - the minor child. This young mother b just 2$ years of age but now she |has,a minor child by each marriage six years of age, and one [two months of age. She has al­ ready received mo,ithly benefits for three years for the six year-old child, baaed on her first husband’s earnings, and she will now receive monthly benefits for the second child that will be based on her se­ cond husband’s earnings. She te- wlved 28 monthly payments for elf during the .period after her Laeaasa said he went up to the M< tor some treih air, but stum-M aad slid down the slopT^ iUI bgr holding onto K edge by hb (set Copturad Eagle Proved BoriMnome Guest. MCBBR, Mah. — Kanketh and INdt uwbbe and stanby stasel eai^.baldeagtew llh .bU o a«n lt was wouaded. Then t ^ r bort tker eoii^-t keep up wWi eagla’a cabMtaSay appeWa. eeUldnt km It b e e ^ ^ a W M an. hapeaed i o l ^ ^ peetetype ot tho national «n- btam, and eoaldn’t let It go-Im^ ^ i^ w o a H pray on amaO tern .Ifefecaska’a Oama nttstnn flaalhr to* the Uid loe ai» pur- Hm iUcotd i* on^r«3 cants a n m k. Snhicribe toJ«y. Do i«a iMd Tbe Rmm^? HARD TO GET Calling my wife on the telephone Is a task that makes me dizsy, Vrhen the wire b clear, she bn’t home. And when she's home, it’s busy. JUST TOOT An Indian petitioned a judge of an Ariiona court to give him a shorter name. “What b vour name now?” asked the judge. “Chief Screechtatg Trdn Whb- tle,” aiMwercd the Indian. "And lo what do you- wish to shorten itr asked the judge. The ^ ie f folded hb arms majesUcally and grunted, “Toot.” HONESTY PAYS One of two women riding on a bus suddenly realized that she had neaJected » pay her fore deciue^ right up and pay iC she “Why bother," adced herfrlend. "You got away with it. Why wotiy?" "I’ve found that honesty alw . pays, ahe decUrcd virtuously, and with that ahe hurtled forward to pay ihe driver. In • moment she tjetumed trium^antly. "Tliere, I told you honesty al* ways pays. I handed the driver a larter and he gave me change 50 cental” HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST ^ C E TO GET IT Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries Snudl': Enough To Appreciate } Your ButmMt U ife Enoiigli To FiS Your Tm k J. W. HILL Our County And Social Security first husband’s death and 'up to the time she remarried. She will st^i;eceiving mondily payments| herself again, and it b possi­ ble that she may conUnue to re­ ceive these payments for 17 years and 11 months more assuming the second child lives until he is 1^ and she does not remarry in the meantime, Thb b an example of the obli. gallons involved in paying surviv­ ors benefits to childre., and young widows under the Federal Old- Age and Survivots Insurance pro. gram. If you have any question con­ cerning your social security, you might write us at 301 Post Office Bjilding, Salbburv, N. C , or see our (eprcsentative who visits the Court House, Mockavitle N. C., on the first and third Fridays of, each month from IZi30-l:30. Se«i Along Msia Stf^t BHenrv Daniel!ttying to iind 'a - lawyer’a office-Cedi Morrb be­ ing held up alongside bank bulld> ing—Miss Julb James buying pair of blue shoes with two4nch h ^ s -^Mrs. E. A. Eckerdltalking about driving throuidi snow on her way home from Winston-Salem—M k. Henry Poplin looking over display of greeting cards—Attorney Geo. Martin vbidng Mocksvttle Cash Store-Mrs, Jack Sanford looking over mail in postoffice lobby— Louise Blackwelder pausing .fet refreshments In drug store—lohn ' Groce and Clarence Carter doing some work in court house—Mrs. B, Boone hurrving up Main atictc Ion chilly altembon—Young lady buying 14 Easter baskets in dime store—Duke Whittaicer doltig' a U. tie clerical work In court house -M ts. lack Pennington and small daughter getting ready to go home -Rev. Robert Oaklev buyhig new Easter suit In Men’s Shop—A, E. Alford talking about driving A m snow on his way to South Caro­ lina—J. K. Sheek famblhsg around the square on cold morning—Mr, and Mrs. C J. Cohen shoppliig a- round in Moore’s store pIcUng up bargains on Wednesday moin- Ing-D r. and Mrs. S. A. Haidlog and Senator B. C. Brock chatting in front of Davie Cafe—Mra. T. W. Brown doing some drug store shopping C. J.' Wilson ahoppfatg around in depannient store on cold m o rn in g ^ . R. ABen and J.L.JoHyahoptdngin apothecarr shop—Young ladies loqkhig at ihoe dbplay in Sanford's window Shoaf Coal & Sand Co, We Can Supply Your Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Ua At Any Time PHONE 194 Formerlv Davie Brick &Coal Co —Young children skating In 6 ont of court house and getting some hard bumps-M bs SalUe Hanes parting vrith steel engravings of George Washington—Elderly wo­ man walUng up Main street cat- rvlng rod and red—Mrs. Friese Bowden loolcing for a Blum's Al- >ac—Mrs. Frank Fowler buay selling movie tickets—Sheek Bow­ den getting ati early noming cut while Fletdin Oidc gets' a shave—Mrs. Raymond Foster in town on cold momiog getting ber driving license—Mrs. L, I. Hunt­ er rolling baby In baby cart around the square on warm afternoon- Fmnk Smith wielding a broom in front of drug store -M bs Osalc Allison wanting spring to come— Mrs, Clifford Reavis taking a u>f lee break with no coffee in sight !—Mrs. James Wall, Tr^ look^ig at greeting cards—George Hendricks busy selling brooms around the square^M rsV#, M. Umg remark­ ing that ahe didn’t see General Ike while in Washington, but' did Vice-President Nbion. Adminutrator's Notm| Having qualified as Admintetra- m of the estate of H. C. Foster, deceased, late of Davie Countv North Carolina, thb b to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned within twelvemonths from date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Ihehr r i^ t to reeover. All perauns owing said estate will please make immediate Thb the 22 day of February, 1956. • MARY FOSTER AND ER,AdminlI. H FOSTER,/Of a C. Foatet, Deceased. HaU&!ZaehatT.Altoioevs. Priiiicess Tlicatre WEDNESDAY “TRAIL OF THE U5NE- SOMEPINE” In Technicolor W ith Henry Fonda & Fred MacMurray Caitoon THURSDAY & FRIDAY ‘MAN WITH A GUN” W hh Boh Mitchum & Ian Sttrtlng . Cartoon & News SATURDAY “FOUR GUNS TO THE BORDER” In Color With Rory Calhoun &Coleen Mnirr Caitoon & Serial CINEMASCOPE MONDAY & TUESDAY “RAINS OF RANCHIPUR” In Color WIdi tana Tomer & Richard Burnm. Nct« PRICE: R.«.lac£hon*dalisiic CMIdisn lia GINBIIASOOPE Adana NaOMMssa t e OAVIB (XHINTrg SnOWVAUIE PAOBTWO : OAVIB RHX>BD;H0CK8TltLI!. H; C . A^RIL 4. tWt THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD. EDITOR* TCUSraOMC We Like His Stand 2 Injared in Fire Browder Files Mockwlile. I qualified a« Exicawif'if ' ' n i-p I 'Funef«l mvlc.» were ,TOnduct ,L, a,, „f lulig Sprinkle Zim-& T. Browder J««k»9w n R^y. w . Q. O ri^ »- >^S«J*d^el»ed,nm ice We received Ihe following tele- V Thc.li^2-*t<#Taniett^ honie gtam Wednrsdav from lohn Craw- at Advance, w aa^ttoyed ^ fife Divle fetmer.of neac Bteby.WM in ■ - W ad^boro. campaign about 7dOp.iii.FHday. M i«Amy g !? ;fh u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ford. Bntnred attliePeatofflee inMoeki* vm*. N. C.. •• Second-«laa> Mail iiiattn.lkr(h<t.lM S.- ;$UBSCnFTION RATES; ONE YEAR. mN, CAROLINA • 1 1.30 SIX MONmS IN N. CAROUNA • 766 ONt YEAR. OtnSIDE STATE . tt.M -SIX IIOIiraS.OPTgll)B STATE ■ >I,W iili Wedhejdav atthe Flr»tMethoJ by i^ven to all pet«bh»,dist OiuKh of Mocksville, of claims agajmt the «W d le was a member. Burial , to present them, properlj verified, t H ill C e m e t e r v to tbe undersigned, on ot before ; : Chestnut Hill Ct">«ety . ^ ; Uhls notice will be plead in bar of __ _ _ _ _ ___ '.recovery All persons Indebted to » h ”(S.nJr^i;ion;r Di«riM,“whm RebeccVd^cwed a cSnutoeV' «rf miSfoner. v l i 'A ^ S iiW Ch»r- N OTICE TO CREDITORS «>*4 estate, will please make prompt * - the Ka8oIine.,w>kh<iiiited and Start. Me _Alex>inw ------- The Recor<l doesn't ery to die* tate CO the mercKants when thev must open or close their ttore^* Senator B. C. .Brock has filed with the Countv Board of Etec- tione for Representative on the Republican li^ e t Senator Brock has represented Davie Countv in the Senate or House a number of times durinfl the past 40 vears He made his first irace lor reptesenta- tive in 1916, while Woodrow Wil' son was servtns his first term as president The Senator, during the past 40 vears, has only went down,^ in defeat oue time and he was then a candidate f«^r Con* gress in this distrsct, which w<»8 composed 11 counties, eight of these counties being Democratic and only three Republican. The Senator has n.ver be.n defeated while tuning for a county ofllce. Sanford Honored Foriv yenrs ot faithful service was recounized Su'iday* March 25, 1956. when Rev. Paul Richardson behalf of the First Priisbvterian Church presented R. B. Sa 'ford r Certificate of Apprecix ion at the rtigu ar morning so vice» Mr. San> lord joined the Fir«>t Presbyterian Church in 1890. was made a Dea* cnrt in 1910. and on March 26, 1916h»: ^cam e an EJder. The ft'llowing article appt*arv*d in the Mnrch, 1956 itisuc of the Presbyterian Ncwd, which we are pleased to reprint heret "March 26. 1956 mark« the 40th anniversary of Mr. R B. Sanford as an Elder in our Church. He has served the Chureh faithfully through tho»e manv vears as mem b. r, Deacori, Elder and Clerk of the Session. Mr* Ru<e. the c »ng«’>^Katjon savs •*Thank . you” for all you have done, and hopes that the **Ccr(i- ficate of Appreciation" will be treasured by you as a svmbol of our gratitude for past services rendered to the cause of Christ through,our Church.** Alexander Files Cbas, W. Alexander, well- candidate for Conmm from * e in esc'ping from S e Koine. Rvubficans iTave fiM for epmi vhen Rebecca dropped a . container of missioner, vli; Atlas Smoot, Char- asked >od»T h*» |[K>»lrion on the »isoline,,wiiich Ignited and Stan, lie Alexwaer ' Clarence Carter no-oalled Southern manifesto, said:'ed the fire. The sisters were rmh- B. T. Browder. “I am absolutelv and without re- ,edjo the Davie Countv Hpspjtal. secvation-in-favot.oC.tbi to and now. that seveml ^ rira d s o f m y o i ^ n e n t Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Bessie Brown, deceas; ...vopponent-Bryson, Misses Amy and R e ^ a Miss BurUe May W «nt o.f J ™have made "set^ation” an iwue, Talbert, a daughter of Mta.Brvaon Mocksvllle. Route 4, died Marchin this campaiBi) bv an attempt to and two^grandchlldten. 2Sth. ! defend my opponent’s refusal .to] The Advance and Farmington _'She>w born Apr« .27, I877i in endorse the document, 1 p'tjment, 1 pledee'volunteer fire depa^ents went Davie Count mvseif and all of mv enfrgies ro- to the scene of the fire. William and Mrs. I. E. larvis and children, of ’^M toW eant is suVvived by two Rcynol J8.Ga„ spent last; week In Mrs. F. H ., Brown, of town viriih relative There will be a very Im ortant NOTICE O F SALE mee:ing of the V.F.W. Post, Fri- Under and bv virtue of, an orr dav night April 6th, at 8;00 p. m. ,der of the Superior Court of Da- This will be nomination and elec* vie County, made^ in ihe soecial tion of officers for 1956-1967 All proceeding enrt led members are urged to put off other loh, etal, vs Clarence McCulloh, meetings and attend this import* upon the special proceeding dock Refreshmenis. ec of said couri, the undtrsig-ied , Commissioner will, on the 28«h Kirk*i*i/^i? /\17 DI7 6 AI K* rti? ^dav of AprU, 1956* at 10 o clockt NOTICE O F RE-SALE O F ja.m .. onthe premises South oi properly verified, totheutwlefsigii ed, on or before the 21st day of Match, 1957* or this noiice will be plead in bar ol ^ecoVery. All pec- sotis indebted to said estate. wtU please make prompt settlement. This 2lst day of Mawh, 1956. a U BRYANT, Ext.Bessie Brown, decs*d« Bcock & Brock, Attorneys. ward the exercMnc of alllegaUnd moral steps to see that ihe ruling of the Supreme Court in “The Brown Case" }» rever«ed.” Mr Kitchin further said: "I would cherish the opportunity to jt>in the ninety-slx Smuhrrn members of Concress who have ftisned the manifesto. 1 am frankly not in sympathy-wi'h any ruling of the Supreme Ct>urr of the United Sta es that mnkes necessary the Integration of races In our public! ant meeting, schools. •*Si ce the adoption of ihe 14th Amendment to our Constitution . ,.................... . in 1868, all bninches of the Srate LAND Mocksville, at the home place and Federal Uovemmf‘ht<i have' Purnuant to an order of re-sale D. F. McCulloh, at McCulloh Ai. held until the ruling of the Su-‘„,ade bv S. H. Chaffin, C. S. C. in mile^ Southeastpreme Court in Mav, 1954. That i nw L eidlir S ^S m!‘ Mocksville, N C.. offer for sale the sevf^raUtateshad^the right to |call.^dm r. of John H. Pea. de- to the hlgliest bldde. for Cish. malma;n.operare»ndcon-roltheir eeascA vsal unknown helia-of *<>“ ««»•" «t“ '*respective public schooh without tohn H Pen ** now nendins in the land Iving and .being in Mocks- Interference, and ihat the separ;iteUunbrior Court of Davie Cdunt? Township, Divie County, N. but equal faclllt(es.locirine was the; N .C , the undersigned will resell C.. on the Turrenrine ai>d'awofthelandand not in con- p„bHdv t^ the highest bidder at more particularly described as fol-flier With the Constitution of the the Coutthouse door of Davie Co ,:*<>ws, to-witt¥ o ..., T - . . . . ............................... . a , of the estate ....................... Jeceased, lo- -- - ------ .w*, w. in Mocksville Township, Da* States could have been in error for parcels of land belonging to the vie County, three mtles South of, two or three generatlonp’»‘‘There estate .*f said deceased, to wit; Mocksvllle. North Carolina, which h^snotbcen onew oH .n'riod or Nos.29.30,31, 32. 33,34. 35. 36 map is drawn and surveyed by A; ^ , c<lrommi cj'fln^ Mn the Con^nfii- atid 37 as shown on the map or L Bowles, R S . No-. 22 23. 1955, D . l l 'j ,non.cr the14 h Amcrdm?T^t. If nIatoltheM * A. T ille r subdl» which map is recorded In th^ Re*; O W y V l ^ w £ lV |i/ a met with the Constitution ot the Courthouse door of Davie Co , ^ws, to-witt UnitedStates. Ir is inconceivable Mocksville, at 12KX) o’clock M..‘ Being .he'property pithat the learned Ji s‘lce« nf rhe Saturday, April 14th, 1956. of D F. McCulloh, de.Supreme Court of the United followine descrlb^ lots or cated in Mocksville To^ settlement.This 10th day of Ma«h» 1956. - iHarvey Harrell Zimmerman, Ext. rulla Sprinkle Zimmerman.:.-_BjC._B£Qck,.Attfiro^i__:_iV tNt ,»£JT MOTORrrOt ' lalW -------'irS lfW |V9HI*aa . iP tM’s dcpoml^*** am l-of Muii* IttOtHlMS by Buses Dailv One Way NewYork. N. Y. $12.00 Charlotte 1.45; Washinetnn, D. C. 8.10 ladtsonvilie. FIj. 9.60 Atlanta. G.1 7.25 Raleieh.N.C. 325 Greensboro, N. C. ' 1.35 Asheville. N. C. 3.45 : Plus U.S. Tax FOR HOTELS, SIGHT­ SEEING, PRE-PLANNED VACATIONS See Your Greyhound Agent. Save an Extra 10^ &ch Wav With a Round Trip Ticket. , . . . . plat of the M. A. Trexler subdi............— ^ ------. ,is rhei-’entc'l docHirent tiiterrr'^ vision of the R.B. Broadway lands gisrer of Deeds office of Dairfe X rium nh-R S A & Sunbeam n-d hy ihe Siinr''m<> G«nrt in IR96 (ocjted neat the Pine Ridge Road. Cnuntv, Platt Bonk 3. page 45. « ounoeam ?? L *"’527 in so f ;r a. ih^ j„ Jerusalem township, about two and on the said map as t ^ r d ^ . M ototcycle. 14* Am^o.Jmenr Is concerned Cooleemee, N. C the lots which are included on the rm cManH th-'o(>K"fo! people will never Terms of Sale: One-third cash said map. range from one to forty- U rtP I nnrters'and i ^ ’ or why thi> Court j,„j balance on 30 dav* time, or four, and the said map is just u CMTnfl-nAPM W aalrDairaplaced a d«Tfr»nr intemreta Inn all cash at option of the purchaser, much part of the said par graph loWUU r.M . W eekU ay.aL. A - - — J-^ -..Aa- ■ * ft ^ -'.A._.on the Amendment In the Brown Bid'drng wiVfstart a rth e * ii^ ^ ^ c se in Mav. 1954. Tne que<r<on bid of $220.00.naturallv arises as ro who hafl done violation to die ConsHtution.” ConereMman C. B. Dea.ic. De- '^<'cr» . of thU d*«*rlcr*>e‘M'^ed to «|pn the manif sto Dcmocrars, take your choice* J If herein iully set out.This 27fh dav of March. 1956. This 2181 day of March. 1956* JOHN T. BROCK, Commissioner rRANT, - ---------A. T. GRANT. Commission*^. . B. C. Brock,. Attorney. Open All Day Saturday Advance N. C. Franchised Dealers License 3011 ...end lo hundifdi cf plocii ilm t^moHonal n$w S O B N IC R U ia iB It and Iha Hl0liw«nr Tbxweler WtLKIKS m v o 00. FhMieai MoeksvtltSk M. 0. OREYHOUND Farinington High School News Bv |4« EIHs -n't J>» Bu9i«li. icr wcM* All the students of dt ar old F. known CooJcem« man. has filed for County Commissioner on the; u ^as Ea>ter but because we got a Republican ticket* Mr. Alexand«|2i day v«c<aion- er has been living in D«vie Coun*| Labt Saturday nigh* s ver^l of our tv for many years aad held a pro ; «tudencs were in the Jnycee Jollies minent position with the Erwin' T*!™" pardcipat.ng vvcre. Mills until hi. reUrement some^ rime ^ o . I H.irpe, ^isv Cline, Lmda Elmore Mr. Alexander served as a mem- and R:rh td Elmore, ber of the board of Gounty Com* We stated <wo w«.cks aco that missiociers of Davie for two t>;rm«. Johnnv Haulier was VaJe<lictoi»an from 1918 to 1922. He made a “f the Senior class. WeH, that is___u . 1____________pjrlly tiue but because of a lie infin«onim is8.onet. Hehashund- will have co­ red, of friends throughuut Davie valcdictoiian* this year. AimH .i- County who are glad thac he is ding will also he Valedictorian a- going to make the race this >ear long with Johnny Hauser. Joe for this important position. At- Busl*-k l« now the Saluiai.,rian, las Smoot and Carence C arter, j Mopd»y. Tuesday an i Wednes- Republicans. have.alreadv filed for county commissioners. hi^er Beiry.*^ Along with SPE These Prices Effective Wednesday All Day April 4th Only ! ridge Hui.” ”The Moon is R.'>und,', »nd “Chlcker Beiry.” Along with IV lfe V C . f f A |f lf l|r iI other 4 H members and ofiicers in r r i t v r V .. II V W U IH ,b« coun.y. we were e«Joyli,g .he Wiley C. Howard, 91. died ai 4 H ric 'eaiiot al school. W lb the 10:16 a. m . March 26th. Wln>ton help of Mr. Lonnie Powill. our in Sal.m. He had been in decUui g «>>•• o- from Ra eigh, we earned healthfer several n,o„.hs and set K g W s * ™7 u f''o » rj« n ^ ^ ^ tou.ly III (he past [wo week*. c ub was aUo well repre,ented. He was born Feb. 21. 1865 In Q i Wednesday niglit the Fr.sh- D jve Country, the son of Wil- men claw, with Mrs. Hawkins and liam and Charlotte Walker Hi.w the gr.u'e m thcr* ha a nice pi>rtv ard. In 1890 he married Mi»i t" high school cafrteria. Ev- Magg:e B^rnew .«le; who su r lves. Davie County farmer At that g, .o„„ „ftb4'. . time he retired and moved (o y. IVyh If. poi’u horseshoe. Forsyth County. He was a mem* b.i hlji om; tr ek, vie, lor an in* b/r of Mocks Methodist Church. * »»»•'•■•♦• .S< ft bill -In addition to hi* wife. o.Ifer eame H.st, and b-.. Wed esday ar gu^viwrt are two son*, five d <ugh •ctivi y*p« riorf thj S«-« om t '*■’Sop'-omi'p's Tiie rkfu. p1ay<-d fin;>l score. ten..21 grandchildren .in 17 tr w.i< .'!l 31. T.'ti h luck. I Eiies, gr*ndchlldr..‘n: you’ll n> rl v off the tie. girU. PunenUervi e w rpc-ndute.l The cl.me-.'ar^ . udents have at 3dO p. m.. Wed a day .ii 5mlc i been'erjoving Easter gghum^for ‘ Gtov.:' Meihodist Clurch w ii the last few il.iv*. Several hapoy . Rev. Georg* Smith, Rev. H. C. lirtle hoys and girls.aiecort'nuallv - CUoiinl. Rw> Pkul Clinard and grinning bcca.use.they won a cho- RnrV Mr. Wilson officisiing. Burial colate rabbit'f» finding the most feUoirKlla (hachinch ccmMcry, «|gs. MEN’S, PANTS Values To $6.95 SIm.2STo42 $3.00 Pair WednMdiky All Dny LADIES COTTON DRESSES Sise. 7To261-2 Regular $5 95 Wednesday Only ^4.9? CHENILLE . BED SPREADS Full Double Size Regular $3 95 $333 WEDNESbAV ONLY - LADIES . JEWELRY Values To $2.00 WEDNESDAY ONLY 2 For $L00 LADIES COTTON SUPS Sice. 32 to so Full And Half S z 8 iSBc ^ c h WEDNESDAY ONLYl : BOY’S ^ SPORT SHIRTS Long And Short Sleevet Site. 2 To IS > • 88c R C. E & S O N S ' m m i ........... t t t DAWE IM(jOBP;ilOOK8VlliB. w; C. APKIL 4 1<M PA6S MU THE DAVIE RECOR (N dait P k p w Ib T he C oanly No U q » « r. W in*. B c«r A & NEW S A R O U N D TO W N . - Mt. and Mrk W. H. Upi*h, of Lexington, were Mock*viUe vldt^ o n 8«tutd«y.’ , Ml** Cotlnne Brown, of Trout­ man, w»* the gue»t of kfi*» lo -Cooler Ju«*d»y.^__: _ ___ Mi,* Mattie Stibud, of State*- vllle, w u the Baster,gue*t of Mr. imd Mr*. C..F, Stroud and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. J3, Powell- and *on-Sammy.6f,Greensboro,, spent /Friday afternoon In the old home town.’ D r.andM rs. S. B.HaU return- ^ last , week ■ from Portnnouth. : Vi;; Wheic they spent several days iirlth Mr*. Hall’* sisten I. G. White, of Bay Head, N, J.. and Lee Bristol, of New York City , were Baster. guestt: o f. Attorney rod Mw. Oeotge Martin. Mia* Deantia Sllverdis. a stud* entat Less-McRae College. Ban­ ner Elfc, artived home Thumiav ■to ipend the Easter holiday*. Misses Mary Sue Rankin and Carmen Green, student* at W. C , O. N .C., Greeneboro, *pent the Easter holiday* nitk th«r patent*. ~ Mim Sarah Fostin:, a m m ber of the Lpuisbutg College fixity, spent the Easter holidays in town v4th her parent*. Mr.and M n. F. FietceiFbateT. r Harry Oshom 4 Robert Latham, Michael Angell and loe Murphy atiidenu at N. C;. State Giillege, . of R ale^ , spent the Ifaster- holi­ days to town. M in Nancy Cheahine, a *tudent at <3ardner.Webb Cnllege, ^11 ing Springs, nieot Ae week-end In town with lier pannts. Rev, and Mr*. ^ C. Che*hite, ' Mi** Ann biMngs, who i* in .. tntoingatCat»mi*Memoiial Hoa pitatConcorX apent . the Easter .holidw With,her parent*. Mr. and Mn. Juim Owtog*. tb e B .C .-M om & Sons de. panmeiit atore will be open all day Wedneaday. AprU 40i. ate otkring to m big bargains, Vlait ditir *tore today and nve. M ln Mattie Killian, a member of the Pennington'Chevrqktoaice ataff, ieturned ; yeaterday. afler •pendiiig the Easter' h o lid ^ with' her iather,-S. A. Kdlten, in Ches­ ter. S. G Rtebard Ferebee, of jftoute 2, is recovering f r o m ^ ^ opeiatlo Bridal Shower Mrs. T. B. Sowen. of 1119 East 23td street. Wiciston-Salem, enter* tained Miss Sarah Dot Call at a bHdal shower at the home of Mn; Grace Call, Advance, Routt 1. Miss Call will marry Bill Na- hory April 14. at St. Leo'a Ctho- lic Church in Winston-Salem. A green and white color scheiae as used lii decoratiooa and re­ freshments. - Mrs. Sowen present-. *d Miss Call a'gift of iiien and -a coiaage-of-white-carnaiions.--------- Refmhments were served ani] games were enjoyed bv the (ollow- itig guests: Mrs; Grace Call, moth­ er of the bride, M n. Neta God- b*y,Mrs. Shirley Wagoner, Mra. W. F. Sowers, Mrs. Ann Foster, Miss Betty: Sowen, "Mrs. Mattie Riddle and Miss Lena Pott*. James M. Jordan lames Monre Jordan. . Mocksville, Ronte,-died Wl_ „ dayatDavie^County Hospital hete. He had been in declining health several yem and in a critical con- didon th m weeeks. Mr. Iordan waa bom to Davie County Mareh 30dh 1887. He was married twics, fint to Miss Sarah M. Hanellne who died in 1914. He. was married to 1915 to Mias Betty Bell Stonestreet. She di^tol94& . SunHving are a son of the fint marriage, W. D, Iordan of Mocks­ ville, Roote 2; and seven grand­children. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m. Friday at Union Cl el Methodist; ChurA with Rev. D. Broome and Rev. Wade Hutch­ ens officiating and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. which he underwent a t Davie County Hoqiltai on Tuesday of last week. Hi* fidend* hope for him a speedy recomty. . Dr. Manhall Sahfoid, a mem­ ber of die Johns H o p ^ Hoq>i- tal auff, lte]tliiu>rc,ahdMls*Pcggv Pitt.of Waehin^iHi, p . C.; were week-end gaest* of D«. Sanfird** iathet, R. a SanfonL Mn. J a ^ McGuiieaind daugh- ten Miaae Mary and Jane, are m m tat dti* wedc Anm their borne ■ on Salisbu^ *teeet,”toJ thete tiaod- etn tiew home which they iccent' : hr buUt to Harditon Stre^ Mr. aiul.Mri. Jame* Fowler.- of Spartantruiig, Clyde. Fowlibr, of Cincinnati; Mr*. E. 8. Moore, of ReldtiWe and MIse Betty Gwynn Moot^ of W foton, spent Eaater with Mr. and M n F. D. Fowler. r ™ " r Hii^gqudlfied^^^^be)h' A n PoscerJttls^^ the estate of Gravdon Sin- --------> r v and MciIXE; claIr C a r f ^ d e ce a ^ /la ie ofFoster c^A«hn»ikce^ :Route^’^ be* Davie County. North Carolina, the bride; of^ Robeit Lee this Is to notify all persom having j 2 ^ /M r, ^i-M ca. cla^^aiodnst^ld eataw. to j « E d ^ Hendrix, dso of Advance,'aent them to Aeundersignedwith- ^ 2. « 7 Wijdneac^ to ^ - .A . M. idv^perf^m ed die <»ubla ring ceronohy., The biide't.patenn' cnterained at a rccepticm after thecetemony. After a wedding trip to Indian* MocbvUle High School Newt LYNDA tntAWFORD. Siportw This week the Senion received their invitations to the Junior>Se> nior banquet. Ti e . Junion are sneaktog around to a very wary fashion these days, which makes the Senion look with a n tid ^ '- to A p^ fth.'and the big niipt Miss Bnmifield returned T u ^ dav to her eager student* sAo welcomed herwidi mot* endiu- *i..sm. EvMently she has been misiwd very much. ^ The Mocksville IBgh s tu n tswere fortunate to d e ^ in b ^ g given a preview of die Jaycee ies performance Friday M activity ■ ■ Jack Cecil acted aatater-______jndthechorii* **e- — eral very entertatoing numb— Would you like fo see a real thriller, a plav «»th lo“ ^ pense and Ion of coims^ m i«d tot ihe Senion can bmto diebr SotIot play. "D tu m * ^ Deadi,” which will be rfven to - iicdavnUht. April -14th. at the auditorium. Can we expect to see you there?Friday the baseball team tcavel* ^ to Gianite Q uat^ for at, same. Thev kept up the good work theyiney kcrc up.invuvuu have been doing andw on^tol. Advance w afcecnooA forAdvann'sra* W .8«>t ToeA y .;tcm oo.tfor a ball game. Our made a gciod showing, win- "*%iliMisbaU achedule (ot die remainder of the aeaion follow*: April 4T-Cooleemee, Iwre. April«—Lewisville, tbiwe. April 10—Farmington. th«ie. April la ^ e m m o n*, hgfc- April 17—Kemet*vUle, tSete. April 24—LewisvUle,hcre,nii«it April 27—Faniilngton, here, nl aU i 1-a e m m b n j there, n i ^ May 4-Kemenville. h*ie.nl*t May 8—AdvMce. there. H^ANTADSPAt lO B A CC O -Si acres available cashbr.diambatlh.. Box 1218, Wtoston-Salcm. WANTED—Experienced sew* & F. Mfg. Co. Mocksville, N .C , refintohed or testtrled. Free **d matt*. Nesr and u*ed piano*. Anydiing muslcd. Euy . tetnu. Write; for p*es. , f ' 629. N ? T ^ Sr^ibston-Salem . ; There ^ I b e 'a B aibsK ^ ^ Chidien Pie nipper K Davie Aca> demy Community BuiUiiw on Saturday nidit April 7dt, *|k»« wred by die W. S. C '8-. bf Salem MediodiM Chinch. Uowi .::osic/came d l for plentv lo CM; FOR RENT-.Nyr4-wom dw^, ltogand. 29.CK fu m w i* 159 actc* »ob*cco.allomient. Win rent house and tobacra a llo tn ^ to: ther or seoarittely. K nom lywood HawUn* P rapo^ in mrnw *eiUion; ^Prompdy v-**- LWteMon>Salcm. 'Fbone 5-0251. in twdve months from date, hm ; of, or this htklce will be in bar of their recovery. >et» •on* owing aaid atate will ptea*e ike immediate aetdiThl* 21*t day of M atch ^ J^’ r o d w e l l c a r™ell.EMILY ROD’______------------------------------- Admrx. of Graydon Stoclair i.wiII.Hye_bn_Advanee,J_Cattmell.______ '.| Mardn&Mattinj Atty*. QUICK SERVICE! Witti Our Large . HAMMERMILL We Are Prepared To Give Our Hundreds Of Customers Quick Service WE ARE PREPARED TO Crimp Your Oats, Put Molasses On Your Feed And Supply Your Ne^ In Feeds Of AU Kinds. When You C^me To Town Make Your Headquarters At Our Mill. We Are Better Prepared Than Ever Giye Toii Good Service Our ifVic^ Our Right PhimaJBS' I- , ■ MiUs Sdbbuty Street n k cM n lle, N. C Seeds And f^ants Large Stock Of FLOWER SEEDS ^ To Select From Gladiolus Bulbs Hybrid Seeds Com*Gertified~ N. C. Grown In Area 3 Baby Chicks And Purina Super Chick Starteno *Tour Friendly Pdrino Dealer’’ Davie Feed Seed Co. Phone 17 Depot St, MockaviUe, N. C. FREE TRIP We Are Giving For A Limited Time Only A Free Trip To The International Harvester Works TO EVERY PERSON BUYING A NEW TRACTOR See Us For EMails Rankin-Sanford Implemeiit Co. Phone 96 Mocksville. N. C T)p(ME TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT C a P lid iw ilO J / Salisbury liii^ivray - M ocks^kNC PA(!E pm t«rife OATIE BWOBO. IIOPKBnuiM,C, AFUL 4; Our Mission L eM (orA^rU •, IfM X^H SN a gPBMi (Mmbtr teis <0t ▼▼ on a m iU taqr m ission, or w hen a plane loaded w ith leaflets t«ke« o ft fo r a p ro p ag an d a j»la*Jon, no m a tte r how good tb e p U n e ia ^ r w i s e . th e m issio a w fll b e « failu re w ithout th re e essenU aU for su ccess. O ne is g a s enough to rea ch th e u r g e t. T he second Is a n en g in e th a t wlU n o t *'conk out"going or r e t u r n *---------- in g . a n e n g in e th a t c a n b e relied on to Amotion un­ d e r all w eath er c o n d itio n s . T he th ird essentia) ia a crew th a t w ill toUow instructions, com petent to fly th e p]an e an d to deliv er its load a t D r. F e re e ia a th e rig h t U m e. a t th e rig h t pU ce.. TktMltiltatlilitciunk O ne of th e la st w ords J^sus'ut* tero d befo re h is A scension"'w as ••ao.” B u t w h a t is a going church? S om etim es all th a t is m e a n t by th a t ex p ression Is sim p ly a e h u rd i th a t h a s m eetings once in a w hile. B ut th a t is n o t th e idea C hrist h ad In m ind. T he original C hristian Church h ad m eetings, and good ones th ey w e re ; b u t It b egan to go a fte r th e m eetings w ere over an d th e discip les sca ttered every* w here, b rin g in g the W ord, th e good new s of G od’s love, th e good new s <’ibout Je su s. T he c h u rch w a s going w hen it w as grow ing; going when ft tooic.the m essage to new places and to people w ho h a d never h e a rd it before. A going church. !n sh o rt. Is a m issionary church. Som e people d o n 't lilie the w ord m ffss/ons." If see m s to c a rry or tuggcsi th e id ea o t superiority N ot a t m W e do h av e a superior tb e C h ristian failh and life Bui w e do n o t h tv e to be conceltcd about it. D oes a sales­ m an h-v<* to be conceited It he Is svIliiiK the best line on th e mar* Ijp)? D ocs a do cto r h a v e to b e con- lo ittii ►'■vit prescribing th e best drugr -nvente<ir W e dW not invci. religion. O od gave it • to us «5ive It to u s to keep and u» jshnro. and » w e do n o t sh are 11 v»<‘ .'slinJl h n rdly k eep It. Pstver o! itii S pirit Ooing back to th at airp lan e a <i)oi:ie:>i: Enim gh g d s. p lu s a n effi- 7lont engine, spells PO W ER . No m a tte r how im p o rtan t th e m ission IS. no m attci how gond th e inten* Hons are. w ithout th e pow er every­ thing collapses. So it is w ith the church. O ur m ission h as been set by G od him self. B ut w hen (he ch urch tak es oft w ith its tanks em pty, and som e hom e-m ade do- it-yourself tinkered-up sew ing foachine to place o£ a good engine. It w ill n e v e r accom plish its m is­ sion no m a tte r how good It is. W anting Io re ac h th e ta rg e t Is not tnough. O on't w e a ll p r a y ^ 't h y l^ingdom com e on e a rth . 7 . T*» T h at is a m issio n ary p ra y er. D on't ■nost churches offer p ra y e r for m issions, and even ta k e u p olfer- ngs for m issions? Y e t a n y one who know s th e ch ureh w ill tell you th a t th e ch u rch 's m issionary responsibility Is sh irk ed and !<Iacked. W e play a t m issions, wc leav e m illions on m illions w ith­ o u t a ra y of G ospel. T he record o l m a n y a congregation, if yoii looked a t It. w ould n ev er suggest th a t th a t ch urch knew m uch or -:ared m uch ab o u t w h at Jesu s said on his ch urch In his solem n last w ord’s ; ‘'G o—in to , a ll th e w orld!" T he trouble is th a t the C h u rc h d o e s n o t h a v e tb e pow er. It could h av e th e sa m e pow er the ftrst C hristian s bad. th e pow er ot tb c H oly ^ i r i t . O nly « Splrlt-flUed ch u rch U going to b e m u ch of a m issionary church. P nw t9im m w »f T he o th e r n ecessity o t th e plane on a ••noisalon” i t p erso n n el P o w er alone is not «iM ugh. T here m u st b e m en w ho m prep ared to u ie t l u t pow er. S o w C h rid iiiH indlvM uaU y. o t th e ch u rch a t U rg e c an n o t " n e e " th e Hoftr sp W I. (or no one can UM G od B ut G o d 'i pow er to n o t poured o u t on Ju it M o y b o d y t* g m m jr a t o t it* i n tb e B ible ih o w ). B it pow er co m et to th o ae w ho dev o te Ih em aelv ei to M m a n d b is cause. T he early c h u rch w aited lo t th e S p ltit, w aited fo r p o w er; b u t one* th e ^ had receiv ed tt th e ; p roceeded to c a rry o u t /e s u t’ d ire ctiv e : O o Inl9 aU th e w o tld l A C htlM lan. o r a c h u rch , th a t w an ts G o d 's pow ­ e r t m i a a t h re aso n s, »1U n o t b e (iv e n It. A C h risttan , o r • church, tb a t p ra y s (o r G o d 's p o w er so a s .to b e a b le to w itn ess te r h im ,-to a s to w in o th e rs I K him .—wiU <tad th a t lira jre ' ^uitw w od. T he IMWer iKill coihe If tb e church to d ajr to m a icin f lo o feeb le ■ m a tli on o n e -w o rld , is it b ecau se the uhurch d o es n o t seeit .tru e sp irit­ u a l p o w e r t o r tru e sp iritu a l serv ice? WOMAN'S WORLD UlfairBiili ForlmelitCojffin U O W i i y o u r h a ir th e se days? « Soft, luBtrotM e n d easy to m an ag e? A U e x p erts a g ree th a t' this .should b e th e condition of th e hair, no m a tte r w h at ',ue s ^ le o r lengtlj. T h ere Is nothing like constant _uae_of_ihe_halr_btush_to_give>yott> a gleam ing, shining h ea d of h air. N othing else w ill do it. n o t styl­ ing. n o t rinses, n o t coloring. H a ir th a t is t r u ^ beautiful and flattering looks lik e a n enviable, luxurious fab ric. A p ro g ram of F o r th is **diadem” eoilTure from the L illy D ache salon, the h a ir Is a n e v en length all atoond. It's b r u s h ^ forw ard for smooth* n ess and th en th e top h a ir is sep­ ara te d an d brushed b ack w ithout a p a rt. A s n a il **kks’* curl Is pulled o u t a t e ac h side. daily brushing m orning and eve­ ning w ill do it fo r you. B m sblng S tim ulates B rushtog Is lo t only good for the hahr to giving it an incom ­ p a ra b le shtoe, but it's also healthy. F irst of all. It rem oves lcx>se dirt and g rim e a s it accum ulates, daily, th a t is. Second, it stim u lates the scalp, w here tru e h a ir beauty begins; » If you re ally w an t to im prove your h a ir and m a k e th e m o st-o f it. th en do this sim ple thing: bru sh vigorously m om tog an d eventog. flve nU nutes a t each session. A t (he en d of th e bru sh in g pe­ riod, fo rm th e h rir style w ith the brush. B rushtog h a ir in place giveg a 're a l softness a n d fem to* tolty to th e h a ir sty le and w ill m ak e your crow ntog glory it« love- liest. V a v e a A re Im p o rtan i' H a ir sty les a re sleek and pol- M ied. T hey m ay b e brushed stra ig h t an d tu rn ed u p a t th e ends o r th ey a re se t to one o r tw o w aves an d tu rn ed u j: L ength o t faah: is v e ry Im por­ ta n t to giving th e fem inine coif­ fu re w hich Is po p u lar today. T he hah* should h a v e grow n q u ite a b it fro m th e sh o rt, sh o rt sty le of th e la st y e ars. I t m a y ra n g e fro m tw o toches to a long page boy. ab o u t tw o inches above th e shoul* d e r line. Seasoning Enhances Meat Flavors A re y o u r m e a t d ishes anything bu t toteresting? If th e fam ily is not calling for seconds a s often a s th ey used to. p e rh ap s you can re-aw aken th eir in te re st w ith som e new seasontog trieks. O n th e o th er iiand, if you’ve gone in fo r th e m o re econom ical cuts, you’ll also w ant to do som e-, thtog delicious .'^ th them . H ere a re ' tw o suggestions fo r m e ats w hich yo u 'll ilnd p le a sin g ly . dif­ ferent: P ep p ered F to n k Steak (S erves g) 1 flank steak 9 m edium onions, sliced t ite e n p ep pers, sliced 1 cu p lo m ato Jirfce o r IM e n ^ canned tom atoes S p r i t e m eal w ith salt, pepper and Hour. ■ B row n te fa t on both sides. A dd onion, p eppers and tom ato Juiee. C over closcly. Cook ov er v e ry slo w -h eat o r in a slow <325*P.) oven fo r 2 to hours o r .until f o ^ tender. ■ T h e re 's <dd-fashioned goodness to th is m e a t loaf becau se o f the po tato u sed to (he m e a t a s v e il a s th e tre a tm e n t of th e foods: 8 ti0 e d M ea» ^ a f (S erves 41 % p o m d gro u n d beef 1 la rg e potato, g ra ted t teaspoon sa lt M teaspoon pepper t toblespoens tom ato fnieo H green pepiier. VMn 1 sm all oirion. i^liccd thV 1 cu p w hole canned tomatoeK S ail an d | C om btoe ilrsi iivi< (*nts. S pread one-half ni'.'iit iiux!.;uv^ in g reased loaf i^an vov-'i ln« ihc bottom and sidu» Ar!:l liivsrs <>( green pepper.' .•nUm >i.:l t<i«>isi.iH>s seasoned w .th i^alt C over w ith lem au im g m e a l m ix­ tu re . B ake an hour In m o d eia te (350«F.) oven. bBOMD PHIUE A CIU>88 |,O ro u p o f « .6 tra n (« r 11. B eetle V S2. C ity ( P it.) 13. D eparted 14. O beyed Sft,ifi«ee1teiiy i e .D r y , u w tug IT .G Irl’a nieknam a ~ lg^V lndic«t«g— II. T ru n k of • tree » .H e e d*’o%?sr $. R ough I m • .G re e k le tte r t . C lam o r ’ « .F a th e n •.O atrlcholU w Urd M . F lo a t «t»BChOf H um ble S o utheaat (ab b r.) » .(3 ir l’siia m e \kl o f a n y (i S9. stra n g e 30.M uddleg 92. C ereal g raln a 99. S elf, assu ran ce 98. G oddess o t h arv ests 99. U n ito r w eight 90. F em ale sheep 42. R eim burse 44. Sound, aa a d m k e y 45. R etinue 4d. A sm ith y 47. M ove • aldew ayg 49> E nglish p o rt D O W N 1. M edieval sto ry 9 .B fy p tia n ~ 3. m tc r c d 4. Coin (Sw ed.) 91. L a ^ m a k e a s . A ncient 94. T lie w in te r. green 99-L e tte r of tb e alp h ab et 99.B14* v a t* , e d train * (S hort, ened) 98. G od o r th e a e a 91. Spill over 94. A head99. Leav--— toga^------- o f food 36. P ersiaa fairy 3T .T he horae* m ack eral 40. S ala ry • 'ii'a'iiiia raaiij-.' hHVi Dtii’riiv.--jiJuudiL' fJlJU DIJ-'J riNTjn 41, O rgana -eta-^— etaight^ 49.Lubrieat« 44; Aery to frig h ten 49.Piremait (U.8.> HaVy) m m m W M I Geneva Longtiii:s Convention Cily For^Entlre World W ASHIIfGTOI^ ~ T raditionally hospitable to to tem atio n a l nego­ tia to rs, G enevav S w itzeiian d . Im s w itnessed th e fruition o f id eas and id eals affeettog aU m anktod. T b e loleR kaflona] R e d Q o s s w as founded in G eneva 01 y e ara ago. In 1020 G eneva b e ca m e h e ad q u ar. te ra o t th e L eag u e o f N ations, A few y e a rs la te r c a m e th e G eneva P ro to co l o n reg u latin g intem a* tional d ispotes. A w orld d isa rm a ­ m e n t ecm fereiiM w a s held fro m 1032 to i n t a t th e L eag u e h ead ­ q u arters. T be c ity is now th e se a t o f (ha "----------*" C om m ission fo r Ei sala ry , g rim y office q u arte rs, to* consistent prom otion policies, pet* ttae ss about vacations an d sick leav e, to th a t ord er, she says. D r. R usson sees no en d to the 'p resen t se c re ta ry shortage. *'A lter aU.*’ she sa y s “ you c a n 't tell a m achtoe to ru n dow n to th e b an k w ith a la te deposit o r go shopptog fmr y o u r w ife’s an n iv ersary pres> e n t ” --------- wwe.«U.M«wl» sur SsHCVIIV, th e W orld B eaH h O rganisation, tile in te rn a tio n a l T elecom m uniA *: tion Vni(M|, ° " d th e C om m ittee fb r E u ro p ean M igra* tfon. . T he c ity h a s so freq u en tly been a eo n farm c* c e n te r th a t th e te rm ''G en ev a ConvenUon**— ru les fo r in tern atio n al eo n dt^et^is a s temU* ia r aro u n d th e w orld a s *'6wlsa watch,** a n Im p o rta n t G eneva p roduct. G en ev a v isito rs delig h t a t th e thousanda o f w atc h es th a t g leam in ahop w indow s. O ne com pany k e e p s/ a c a se h isto ry o f e v e ty w a td i t t h a s m ad e. B a c h ttm e- p ieM '^Je assem b led (hen tak e n a p a rt' a n d reassem b led th re e tim e s before bein g o a e d .^ 8 ttd i p a in sta k in g a tten tio n to w ork re ­ flects f h t G enevese lo v e o f P reci­ sion. B esides h item atio o a l conven­ tions an d w atch es, G eneva boasts m a n y p roducts: precision tools, « ^ e c tr lc atO agSf sew ing m aditoeap g a s an d d e e trie stoves, pencils Not Elephants—But Pink Flamingos LA JO LLA . C al.->A nybody got a p e t flam ingo? If so. you m ig h t l)e tate re ste d to know you can brig h ten up your flam ingos b y feedtog th em ground-up shellfish in addition to th e ir u sual d ie t of. g ra ss pellets. m lUet, rice a n d ' d rie d flies. 'F o r th e past, y ear, tw o 'd o ze n flam ingos in th e. S an D iego Zoo h a v e b een fed re g u la r doses of th e fin e ^ g ro u n d s sh ell o f the C a lifo rn ia .sp to y 'lo b ster. A s a ,re « ault, th e A m erican species h av e developed strictag pink an d ver- m iU ion ttota to th e sk to o f th e ir leg s an d bills and in new feath ers. Thehr kto, th e C hilean flam togos, h a v e also developed b rig h t pink sk to o n th e ir fe e t a n d .leg Joints, b u t thehr fe a th e rs rem fiii^ a s in n atu re, m ostly w hite. • Happy Secretary Gets Praise With Paycheck L O S A N G B L E S -B u sin ess m e w ho h a v e I p e te n t i a g enerous p ortion o t p rato e wHh h e r w eeM jr p aycheck. , T h a t’s tile w ivice o t a ta tm a r sec retary . O r, A lien B . R uasoo, ^ a n asso ciate p ro le sso r o l ot- «ee m a n a ie m e n t a n d business ed ­ u catio n M th e tltiiv e rslty o l V lab. D r. R usson say s th a t sin cere ap- p re d a tlo o fro m th e boss to m ore im p o rtan t th a n m a n y o th e r een- sid eratio n s such a s sa la ry and w orid “ .Woman Scorned Takes ' Revenge On Auto GRA N D R A PID S. J » c h .~ P o U c e learn ed (h e pow er of a w om an scorned, b u t w on’t te ll h e r nam e .^nd h e r boy friend w o n 't prose* cote. Som eone rep o rted a hit-and-run accident. A young w om an w as ly* ln « to th e stre e t; Q uestiontog po. lice found o u t th a t th e w om an to question h a d follow ed h e r boy . friend, w ho d ro v e an o th er young w om an hom e to h is convertlU e. W hile h e w a s, saying good night to th e o th er w om an, N o. 1 picked u p rocks and sm ashed th e lights, w indow s, a n d in stru m en t p anel of h is ear. A s h a d ro v e oOr. she w as puUtog on th e convertible top and w aa knocked dow n, n o t ex actly hit*and* ru n style. ' A m ong re aso n s se c reta rie a go*- looking fo r o th e r jo b s axe la c k o f em p lo y er app rectatio n , tosufllclem FinoHrFooM G EN EV A . N . Y. - A R a h e o M tt try to g 'h is lu ck on S eneca L ake landed a n "oldtim er'*—a 17*year- e M tro u t tipptog ^be scales a t 229i pounds. Jo h n K enyon .•( • Ueheva pulled in h is lin e and saw a ta g attached to th e^ d o rsal of iho; fish, tt was ' d ated O ctober 4 f: 1045.' R e c o rd s' show ed th e Ash. When placed to th e lake o n -th a t date,, was 8 y e a rs, old and w eighed d pounds. Patronize yotiur heme niw^hants and t e i p biiild up ydttr towm and county. ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER Wfl Anenge T« Sue GOOD NCiGHBOII$-m« TO nT VOUR IF YOU HAVE- been on*~trip , ' . cntcrtsined fucts cdebrat^ a blrthdav caught a btg fiah moved , eloped hadababv been in a fight •old your bogs had an operation ------— bought-a.cac_ painted vout house been married cur a new tooth V been shot noten anvthing, ■ been robbed ' ■ sold out late \our hair been arested Or Done Anything At All Telqihone,. Or Drop a Pottcard, Or Come In, Or In Any Convenient Way Inform -.. THE DAVIE RECORD The Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years C thei* have com r anti gone-your county n cw tparer iieepa iroing. S'>m «tinea it h a i aecm ed hard tn m ake "buckle and tongue” nteet, but toon the aun abine* and we m arch on. O ur (aithful aubw ribera . oioat of whom pay prom ptly, give ua courage and abidm g . faith in bur fellow man. If your neighbor ia nut taking- The Record tell him to aubacribe. . The price ia only SI.SO per year in the Stftte. ar.^ $^ .0 0 ii) other atatea. - When You Come To Town Make Our Office Your Headqiiarters. ' We Are Always Glad To See You. !!Di '“ T D A V I E C O U N T Y ’S O liD iE S T N B W S P A P B R ~ T H B P A P B B T H E P E O P L E H E A D —HERE SHALL THE n w THE KOTLVS. RIGHTS MAMTAINt imAWEb RT MVLUENCE AND UMRRIRED RT QAIN.'* VOLOMN XVI.UOCKSVILI.B. NORTH CAR pU N A, WBDNB9DAT; APRIL 11. iq^6 NUMBBR 36 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Wl^ Wat Hnp^wint b Da. 'Via Bafor* Patkinc Malm ' And Ablirevialad SkirtaT (Dayfe Record. April 8, 1914) Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Oaither ^eat Wedneaday in WlDsioii, Hrs.'E: L. Gaither and dangh- ter, Mias Sarali, spent Sattirday in Winitoa. Mrs. I. B. Price, is visiting hw fatber, B. P. Staneiitreet. of R. i, A. U. Kininotigta, the clever de­ pot ag»t at Advance, was in town Saturday. C. A. Orrell, ol Lexington^ was in town Friday sluifiag Iisada w it h friends. Hiss Lila Knrlees, of Cooleemee Jnnction. apent Wednesday in town with relatives. tfarvlti CifelM. o { ReMsvHte, apeat Thtitsday niglit aod Friday In town witb Postmaster Hunt. Mim Una Ivey, of lAnoir, visit­ ed In this city last wMk, the enest of Hiss Hsrie Allison. M im Rebecca and Rnth Rol­ lins retnmed yesterday Irom a few :.i! ■ ■I;-' LET US DO YOUR *0B PRINTING’ i» , I... - — .I » ' We can save you money on your ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, POSTERS, BIU HEAb«i, PACKET HE ADS. Etc. Patronize your honr.e newspaper r and thereby help build up your ; home town and county. I THEDAVIERECORD. *-»k - - _ ■it':‘j}', p..,-; 1; ■ daya yisll to i«latlvcs at Winston. Hte Mary Hodge, a student at Davenport College; . I^noir, lb spending a few days witit her par. ents at Anguata, I Mrs. J. H. Townsed, of Red Springs is idsltInK In thia dty, tbej guests of her psrents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I,. Kelly. Min Besaf} Clemeiil retamti yesterday from « ahon vlalt to Winston. M n I-P . Cioaniger and babe, of Winston, are visiting her Bar­ ents in this city for a (aw dayi^ Mliis Willie Miller retnmed Mon day frpu Mt. tllli, where ahe apent several daya with her sister, Uts. Carl Sherrill. . Mln Mary Meroney retnnied Satarday from a ^ I t to' lelatlves at Lenoir,' She was aiiomoained home by Miss’ (Mte Downnnn. who will spent a fe# daya here. Mrs. R. M. Holthonser. of this city. snd Miss Tessie Holthonser, of Wlnstan. returned Monday from a few days visit to relativM and friends at Trontman and ^ateik ville. All anio drivers who exceed 10I miles per hour In the boslness d k trlct of Mocksvllle, 1MII he Indicteil and given the fnll penally of the law. A wo^ to the wise should he sufficient. Representative Page has recom. mended P. Walker for post- matter at Farmlngtoh. Mr. Walk.] er is the present incnmbent and is a Democrat. He'hrs’ heen post-| master for several years. - 1. G. Poster hf s been appointed postowter at Cooleemee to sac. ceed 'friio*. Swieegood, whose term expired when Wilson wss alccled president. > ■ Aanonucenent Is made of the uarrisge at Mr. Joha CIldc, ot B. a, to Miss Bessie . Byerly, of Kspps, the cetemony t9 take place at the homeoftbe bride^a mrents., Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Byerly. tomorrow ‘ evening. Apiil 9th, at 8 p, m. Work will begin on the new taMe and chair factory this, apring, so we sre reliably Informed. With s new f»eiory, a new hank, a build log and loan ass^atlnn aad, good| roads bring hnllt o « r the, conntv, we hava a goad dealto lKllmklnl for. The Cato lot* near the gnded achool were sold at auction Mon. dav and mre purchased by D ., H*. Bendrfcks^' o f- .iteby, Oeorge Walker; Pink Dyson; and Tom - Bummers. Hedricks got lots.' Walker two and theothet*! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Green, of Windsor, Canada, spent a mek ra. |m tly in Mocksville. ' Mr. Green is a son iol the late Mr. and Mra. Edgar Oraea. who lived hi this! |citv, for many years. I think it,was in 1S98 tbat George W. Green moved to Mocto- vine from Greensboro snd went Ik ko the lumber boslness her*. Mr. and Mrs Green were Censdiana. "Mr. Gm n built a large bouse on Depot street, known ss the mill honse.” He built a wind, mill; which puinped water from his well into bis house, which w4s the first wind mill evet built In' Davie County, so far as I know Mr. Green was known by many of [bis friends as "Cansds" Green. Bari’s lather, lived wltb his family and bis parents oa Depot street. Earl was a small boy whan bis grsndparents came to Mocksville. He was a pnpll at Snnnvaide school on Lexington street. He and Hit* ton Call were abont the same age and were bnddin in the daya of long ago. Mr, and Mrs,- George Gt^n, grandp^iretits of Earl moved from Mocksvitie . to Indiana about 45 years ago, I tbink they both died in tbe Boodn State I remember one Christnias, I think It was in 1907, when Mr. and Mrs. Gewge Green wentto their old home in Csnada to. spend th e Christmas holidays. Mr. Qreen did n(« for­ get his triends even thongb be wss in Cnnada during the holiday sea 0 A. Allison, who was Southern Railway depot agent, here, phoned me" tbat Mr. Gnen had sent ts ot his friends a nice piesMt for Christmas and for me to call at the depot and pick up tny{ present. Among the frienda re­ ceiving the presents were G. A. Ailfann, B. O. Morris, The Record editor' snd nine others whose names I can't recsill. Lest I might offeOd some one I will not divulge the na. tnre of the gifts we received. Mrs^ Green was a member ofthe Bapllst Cbnrch here and was v ^ active In chnrch work. Their many frimds were sorry whea thev left Mocksvllle. I The old-wind mM house Is still staading on Depot streMi , Amonir the people who have owned 'thia house since the G rm s way were C. B. Leonard,- Caleb Dwlci^na, Daniel Davis and per* haps eithera. . In writing abbot what was penlag in Mocksvllle more thao. fif­ ty years ago.ooe Is Ilabte to make mistake Occasionally Ernest Hunt, Ernest Frost on -some other oU- timer will bold me np on the street and tell me that I was mistaken ia saying thnt a wrtain man lived here Q pciv m i m W t hav* discussed In the lut •rtkle the beaat with the aevin baa^ and how be received his jpow^ from the dragon ai^ In tbe Iseventb verse of cbaisler '13, thia t^ovarcanwtbeMlata. Nowia the Mb vatae we are told tboae nam* es.are nol>rltlen la the hook of life of the lamb alala from tbe fonnda.] tloa of tbe world. }eans Christ wss the lamb, aad be waa chosed from before the fouadatlon ot the world to die tor everyone as a redeemer. So tboae who ware not fnlly con­ verted to Christ were left to mSet under the rule of this organlza. tion repreaented as a^ beast. In verse to, lobn warned those foU liowlag the b ^ . when he said "He'that leadeth lato captivity| II go Into captivity: he that kill- eth with the aword must be killed with thie sword. Here la .the patl-| eace aad the faith of the salata.” It la tbe eternal law ol beavea |that what we sow we will reap. (See Galatlana 6;j) "Be not de. Iceived; God la not mocked; tor whatsoever a.man sowth, that shall AIN'T DONE YET A minister on meeting a little boy onedav asked. ”lohnny, who made vout” ' Well, to tell you the truth, mis­ ter, I don’t know,” the boy re­ plied. "I ain'rdone yet.” SECXJND HELPING When the conductor came thru the cat collecting tickets, the wo­ man in the end seat looked up up with a smile.*. ■ T m so sorry, but I’m afraid my little dog has eaten iny ticket.” "What a pity," replied the ticket taker. "May I suggest, that you buy him a second helping now.’' he reap. For be thataowethto his fiesh shall of the flesh reap cormp- tloo, Imt be that aoweth to the] Spirit reap life everhutlng.’’ Jmus told_ Peter to put awav. his aword to he that lived by tbe sword must [die bv tbe sword. So John In this foietelb the aalnts to not be> {come awoid weilders. . Then be reminds them ot the faith aod pa.| [tlanceof thesalntabyaa^ng. "He tbat M ath into captivity aball go into captivity; he tbat kllletb witb the. aword must be killed with the Here Is tbe patience and faith ot tbc sainta.” Now In the tt vene.'tbe apMtle saw another ^beast caming uo ont of the eaitb, itha beast hed^ onlv two bom It seemt tbla beast'was a snccessor to' the one with tea hoiras who re­ eved a deadly ,;onad bowmrl thia bcaat taught the aame doct'rloe aadid the one before him. And be received hia aolborlly| from tbe dtagioa aa did the former Be M the people by the] teadiingaot satan and taught them an the evil tbinga the former beast.| V kloKdem iMd forced up^t aoltv. Nowaataa knew,the,peo-l cle would tall for algua and lerao he cave power to call fire| ROOST HIGH ^ 'Do you suggest he’s a thiefT asked the attorney. 1 wouldn’t say he’s a thief, suh,” said the wimess. “But' if was a chicken, rd sure roost high.' KEEP POSTED A reportw firom a big dty news psqier was inssing the time of dav with an old friend, tbe editor of a y wedcly. “What puzzles me,” he said, “is| how you manage to keep up .'cir­ culation in a small town where erybody knows Wbat everyptie erao IK "Ohl” said the ftjend, "but he] "oTn from'teavSIirtte ^igbt“of|«“ I*""**];*??’ , IT.*-,-:-'-'- I S I 'W _________Tba farm and other lots were not sold, as the Uds were not M ti«facto |v^^^^ j r A i.^ d » C T i« 'lto c n r d V C in t >wii>iii«f|Rhwn iR«a.'1M M M hi tqoo when he didn’t arrive uiitll 1901. I am always glad to stsnd corrected when I get my facta and figures mixed no.' More thsn 40 years ago some of' the business tnen of Mocksvill* dr. elded that tbe town nnded abufld. lag and loan assoclolloa. aa laanr Mocksvllle oeople were placing Ithelr money In Salhbury, Winston and Statesville Assoelatlona. Tbe lateC. F.MeroneV and The Re. [mrd editor gut busy and it waa only a . few weeks until enough atock #as. subscribed tor and soh and the Mooksvilie Building & Losn Association was a reality This assodation has meant miieb, not only to Mocksvllle, but: l« tbej entire county. Hundiedsbf bouses have been Iwilt ^ paid f o Itbrough this anDclatlon'. A wiibont a building aod loan Idatlon ia like a shiii whhout .a rad>j ider .-It doesn’t go attywhere. READ THE AD% Witl> W aW In verse 14, we are Infonn. ed be decdved tlwp by mlraclas whidi.he had power to do In the sight of tb eh e^ Then wtaii had image of the beast made and iifel [given to the Image and those re- Ifushig to wotabip this Image were lulled. If m an students of his.{ jtorV we recogabe exactly Ibe way tbhi kingdom came Into existeace It Moelvea K’a deader wooad, and the met h waa revived jandadalnlster^ themme dodrinea' did the former, kingdom bad forced p^vlos. upon the bumaal ifamlly isn't tbla a changed way lof'llfetiom'ibe teachlnga ol the] Vaster, when be said '‘Come unto me dl ye wkb are'b c^ laden take upon you ai'y. yoke far a v yake eaar and my burden Is iltht. Now tbe t6. ntwe states the pres anfe.ubou the people. Those wbo| did not have the mark In thdf hand,.dr In tbdr foreheads; Could aot boy or sell except i W srith the matk. Sticb a ayst^*'would braak'aav dass rega^ l^ of thdr w ^th . Verse ' tS, rtfeia to the nnmbM as *'Slit hundred three.] score and six'' this key will Hgbt mion the organliation usibg |.I.IlE N N E T r. , DinhamN.C can *1 Ite offie* |m w a d grt im ir Ian4 card kaM. aOc. par toaa. Seen Along Mam Street By The Street RaanMar. ■Oar County And Social Security By Louis H. Clementi Manager. !SWe who handle claims for so- I dal securitv benefits sometimes find cases,where teal hardship re­ sults because people who believe they are entitle to old-age and survivors insurance benefits are not able to prove their entirle- ment. In .one case, it may be a widow having a great deal of trou­ ble getting a marriage record otherwiK proving she was mar­ ried to her deceased husband. In another case, it might be a daim for a child's insurance benefits and no birth certificate or similar tecord ean be found for the child. ]These aretunusuai situations butf they do happen. Manv employed or self-employ-j ed people pay into the social se­ curity insurance fund and regula­ tions must be observed to protect the fund from those' who would i.ot rightfully be entitled to be­ nefits. If it is a widow claiming bene­ fits, it must be established that she actually the widow. A marriage certificate is the logical proof to be expect^. A birth certificate a diild'will show his age and prove that he is a child of the|jane Allen taking life aerlous else is doing.; •TTiat's easy,” the country edi­ tor replied, “they all read the pa- ]per to see who’s been cau ^t at it.' COULD DO NOTHING "1 hear you are going to marry Archie Blu .blood,” said one aod- ety woman to another. ’TsUtrue?’ "Marrv h im r exclaimed the oth. "Not Ukelv. ;What on earth could I do witb him? He’s reject­ ed from the army, he can’t ride, he can’t pUy tennis, golf, and for that matter, he can’t even drive ]car?“ ' person on whose social security] tecord a claim for benefits is be­ ing filed. Since the law requires anyone claiming retirement bene­ fits to have reached age .65, some evidence is needed to show that] the person is actually that old. Our advice to the fomilies this: Obtain proofs that may be needed before diey ate needed.1 Ftod out if your matriage is actu­ ally on record and see if the births] of your children are recorded. Get some evidence of your age. Be armed with this information when the lime coroes to file a clatan for ents under fhe old- "Swim, indeedi Now, I ask you. would you like a husband you had to keep In an acquarium?” IT WAS JOHN CoustaHlram—la that a n hall clock over there! Wife of the Deceased-Sh-h-hi' that’s poor old lohn. 1 knew the iroom would be crowded, stood the coffin up on end. Notice of Sale of Houm and Lot in MocinviUck Pursuant to an order and juda- ment of S. R Cataffin, C S. C . rendeted in an action or proceeds ing In the Superior Court of Da­ vie County, N. C . entitled "I Coutity, aM unldpal Corpora^n vs Terry R-Burton, Admr. nf.E. Burlon,.deceased, et al,” t undersign^ Commissioner will, on Saturday, tbe 5th day of^Mav, 1956, at UK» o’clock. M-, at die Court House door of said County, in M o d c^ e , R C., o fkt for sale at public auction, the following! described'lands or lots, which the ptopertv of I. Et Burton, de- age and survivors insurance pro- gtam. If you have any question <»n* Iceminc yoursocial security, yoii might write us at )01 Post Office BaUding. SalUburv. N. C , or see our representative who visits the [Court House, Mocksville N. |on the first and third Fridavs each month from 12d0-l:30. HILLTOP Service & Supply B ^ t PLA CE T O G ET r r Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries SmaU Enougli To Appreciate Your BniineM Large Enough To Fill Your Tank J. W. HILL O w ner oaooos Miss Daisy ^Ithouser and Pat: Everest oh thet way to movie show-C. P, Tohnspn Mking a full day o ffD r. Mutt reporting that he didn’t get married while out town—One lone man surroun­ ded by five ladies In front of Reg­ ister of Deeds office on hot after­ noon—O. R. Allen doing some af­ ternoon shopping hi drug store— Mrs. Ids Christian shopping in Sanford's Department Stoic—Mra. Henry S. Anderson shtipphig a- round town on warm spring day Sheriff Ben Boyles drinking hot coffee—Miss Flo Bennett resting Gift Shop-M rs. Flake Havea doing aome late morning shopping —Mts. W. F, Robinson shopping around in nickel and dfane store— Mayor John Durham bdng held in front of postoffice-Mrs. R Randall doing aome before din- i net shopping in Gift .Shop—Miss Sarah Foster hutrving into bank­ ing house—Guilford Mjller patt­ ing with two frog' akins—Geotge Hendrjcks standing on street cor­ ner talking with policeman-Ncnh Dyson and Harvev Blackwdder sittiiigin parked auto talking over the situation—Miss Faith Dead- mon on her way to work—Miaa in [dime store—^Mrs. Woodrow How­ ell doing some afternoon ahop- jping in Moore’s Department Store Mrs. E D. Ijames pauaing for refreshments fai drug store whUe waittaig for her . daughters to ar- rlve-M rs. Dewey Martin doing some early morning gtocetv shop^ ping-^Senator Brock and Attor­ ney George Martin talktaig things over in middle of stteet-Sammv PowdI gr.eting school frienda a- round the squate—Mrs. G. J. Wil­ son looking over rack ' of maga- [nnesin drug store-Attoniey J.. T. Brock taking tiine olf to eat a cone of. ice cream in Soda Shoppe —I. L. lolly.on his wav out ot Smiith’s jewelry I store—Sill How­ ard getting m early morning hair [cut-Frank Sbaith on hii wav to postoffice with hand full ot letters —Mrs. Howard Hanes carrying empty egg cartons into -banlEing house-Robert Bashtger out get; ting a breath offresh air—Bill Rat- ledge busy spending mtmey on warm afternoon—Aged dtiien car­ rying bin cake and a blackberry pie across the square—Mrs. Nera Godbey on her way to dental par­ lor while tbe rain was falling fiist —George Rowland Ashing ^ th tod and reel on sidewalk along­ side bankbig house'but not getiinc a bite—Ladv walking down Mala street on sunny afternoon carry­ ing a man’s hat in each hand— Salesl^ies ^ad that Easter has come and gone. _____________^ ; to-wit: Lots Nos. 101.162,103.104.105. 106 and 107 on Maple Avenuecx- tension on west side of Salisbury Street in Mocksville, N. C , upon whid^ there is lo»ted a nice dwel­ ling house. Terms of Sale: One-thlid ------and the balance oil 30 <fays time, with hood and approv^ aedirity. oraU caahatoptim of the pur­ chaser. This Z8di day of Match. 1966. A T. C»ANT. Cniamiasloncr, Shoaf Coal ^ Sand Co. We Can Supply Your Needs IN G O O D pO A U SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Us At Any tiine PHONE 194 FOfineilv Davie Bride &Coal Co Princess Theatre WEDNESDAY “SUMMERTIME” In Technicolor With Kathanne Hepburn Cartoon TIm ftecofd ia only 3canta • w eek. . Sohietilw today, THUKSDAY fit FRIDAY “WIRETAPPER” WWiBiU WllUams & Georgia Lee CartMn & Newt SATURDAY “THE PINTO KID” Starring Charlea Staitett Cartoon & Serial' CINEMASCOPE MONDAY 61 TUESDAY “PETfi KELLY« B L O ^ 'In Warner CoIot W I*, Jack Webb & Ianet ld tft Cartoon & Hews' PRICE:RXiilai Shows AdsHsMe ------ CMEMASOOteAddtsMcChlWaBNe DAVIB UOUNTTS HOOBn SHOWVMJUe ^ a X PARE TWO t if t DAVlfe idiwOM). iiOCksVlLLE. Ni cl APRIL 11. t«e THE DAVIE RECORD. April Jurors C. FRANK STROUD, EDITOR.The following Jurors l>eeii drawn for the April term of Davie TC L£PH O N £ Bnt«red «itbeP<wtofBM InMocto* vllle. N. C.. M 8eeond-nlM» Hall ro%tter. Mar«h X 1908. ;SUBSGiaPTION ItATES; DUE YEAR. IN N. CAR0LW4 . $ l.5« SIX MONTHS m N. CAROLTNA - ISc. ONF YEAR. OUTSIDE STATr • 12.00 SIX MONTHS. OirrSIDCSTATR • $1.00 I Superior courtt which convenes in thia citv o.i Monday. April 23td, at lOo'dock, with Judire: Walter E-Iohnston, Jr.. of Winmon-Sal- em, presidtoe and .Solicitor I. AI- lie Haves, of Witkesboro,* prose, cutinfn Calahaln—lames K. Watker. W. M Cartner, Sanders F. McAllister, A, D. Daywalr. aarksvllle-H . G.IJaTne>, C. H. -Lawtence,-!—C.-Howell, T. I.. Dyt •on, Alfred Hutchens. ** Farmington—W . I. Cope, Jr."IF W KOnt WHKH m CUUD It MrNiME. SHUl NUMME IHBOaVR MD m t m m m t u m m r m m ' t m m m t wickh) w m m wm i HEU FMM m va. «ND WM fOKIV! im m MO wm HEAi ™b» uko."- 2 CNMm. Ttl4. Indications ate that there will be a hot campaign this fall. The outs want to »et in and the ins want to sMv In. Senator Kefauver, of Tennessee, has Adlai Stevenson scared within an inch of his life. Looks like Adlai will not get to first base, much less make a home run. Without public sentiment chan­ ges rapidly between now and Novem .er there isn’t a Demo­ crat in the country who stands a chanceof^efcatingPresident Ike. There is talk of a third partv being orgmiied in the South. Even the late Teddy Roosevelt couldn’t win in a third party con test. Two major patties is all this country needs, with honest and fair elections. If you want to run for office In Davie County this year you will have to file vour name with 1. C. Dwiggins, Cliairman of the Board of Elections, before noon on Sat. ut lay, April I4th. If you don’t fit: this week you will have to wait another two years. Take your choice. From 'Arizona Tucson, Arizona, MarcK 23. Dear Mr. Stroud:—We have been seeing a big "X” alter the ad dress on our paper this past few weeks, so think it a good idea to sec busy and send-’you a renewal, because that "X’’ seeraB. to be get ting bigger and bigger and bigger every week. We enjov reading all the home town news, the "Good Old Days,' and what the “Street Rambler” has to say about what happens on the streets. This leaves (is all well. It seems that spring time is with us again,-------------\ v. , • . i for we are Having wo„detfu«y warm weather now. _ With best wishes, C. B. LAGLE. C. A. Carter, Ernest McKnight, D. K. McClamrack, W. D. Smith, R. J, Hendticks. Fulton—tred M. Jones, Olin Barnhardt, S. B. Sldden, Jr., Louie Zimmerman. Jerusalem—H. T. H»rri«. Rich­ard T. Tice, G. H. Beck, Wade P. Nail, B. A. James, C. R. Cheek. Mocksville—Thomas G. Grubb, R. C. Allen, lohn H. Boger, C. M. Potts, Everette Seamon, Frank R. Fox. Shady Gmve—Roy h Nance, A. L. Shutt, W. U Ward, Jr., PauIG. Jones, Naylor Vogler. Visit Old home Winston»8alem, April 2nd. ' Dear Mr. Siroud:—Arch wants vou to send him two.copies of (he Mardi 28ch Davie Record. We enjoved the column about the Earty*s, but we missed one. You did not know Paul. He was between Rowland and Harold. He died in 1900. Frank has. been in California fot 12 vears. Sister and 1 both worked for Wachovia Bank fit Trus Co., for 25 years. We drove down to the old home last Saturday afternoon; It looked MUCH better BURN- ED than il did the last time we saw it. We picked up some bricks out of the fireplace where.we kids** used to hang our stockings and broughr them home. Hop; vou are feeling better. Just take it easy for awhile.Sincerely, (MISS) GRACE EARLY. FarmingtoD High School News Bv Jnhflsie Ellit nnd J«f> ButiAk. Spring has done busted out all over. How can you tell? Whv jusc look around you at other pu> pils^notice that vasue look. It*s ] not haid to tell they're not thlnk-J ing of Lessons. I The 4*H Club met with Johnnv Hauser, President, assisted bvT^n Sharpe. Secretary* Tuesday. Tal*. ent was displayed bv Doris Hutch I «ns and Polly James at the p anc* Because each of these girls was a- bout as good as the other, the a duet. They will rt prwent Farm ington in the county contest. Miss Warliek and Mr. Baker sht w ^ fads and figures why we should all raise home gardens and told us we would be able to carry gard ns as a project \ TheSauline Players* tour led elections have called for a new re- ^em |agflin to Farminuton ihii •with*T iVeu; Registration The Davie County Board of ^tratlon of all voters In Davie County. The registration books will be open on Saturday, April 26. Sacurdav, May 5th, and Satur. day May 12th. at the various vot« ing precincts tn the county.' If you do not registf^r you cannot vote in the May primarv. The re- gistiation books haven't been re vised for the past 22 years, and many whose names are on the books have been dead for yean and many have moved out ot the county* A new registration was badly needed. Messick-Day Mr. and Mrs. pienn A. Mes- dick of Mocksville, Route 5, an­ nounce die engagement of their daughter. SvU la Jo Aun, to Bob> by E. Day, son of Mr. and Mrs. Press L. Day of Ronda, Route 2* A June w ading is planned. House Burns year with "Davy Crockett.*J With baseball under way already here is the all-new 1956 schedule for the Farmington ream: April 12. Advance, there.April 17, Cooleemee, there. April 24, bpen. April 27, Mocksville, there. , May 1.'Advance, here. .May 4, Cooleemee, here. May 8, open. May 10. Yadkinville, there. For lack of space the Farming* con news had to be condensed. Mrs. R. A. Leach Mn. Sarah Ethel Uach. 37, died T April 1st at her home Mocksville, * Route 3. She had been in ill health for four months. i She was tbe daughter of lames Oscar ani Sarah Reynolds Taylor and'was married to Roy Norman i«ach. . I SurvWing are her husband; two daaghters. Caroline Murray o f Claremont, Route 1 and Miss Sarah Leach of the home; two sons. Roy Leach, Jr.. and Louis ■Leach of the home; her father and mother; two brothers, Roy TaylorA f'ame house on Depot street- Mocksville. Route 2 and Clyde ow^eJ by. Kenneth Steee, Neero. and occujpit d by two Negro fami­ lies. Hairston and George Tiivlor i>f Mojicsville, Route 3; two gfandchildri'n. Funeral sendees were 'conduct* N ^lv, was totally destroyed bv,^ H a. in., April 3rd at Cor- fi« .^ .h .II,c ^ .e n .. ..3 o ’c lo c k |g ;- Suutdty mombiB. There was no , Tommy Flynn and fnwmnceori d i. eonUntb b to Rev. jimmy Groce. Burial wasin iiik'K aoim lia« d»ifitc N ui.d. Roic Cemetny. SPECIALS These Prices Effective Wednesday Merning April T T ^ C61y LADIES .SUITS AND TOPPERS Size* From 8 To 241-2 'Iz Price WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY MEN’S DRESS PANTS 16055 DACRON VALUES TO $7.95 $6.66 Or 2 For $12.00 ONE LARGE TABLE PRINTS, OUTING, BROAD CLOTH TOWLING 3 Yards For $1.00 DEPOT STREET FLOOR LADIES HATS One Large Table Of Hat* Regular Price $1.00 To $7 d5 1 Price MEN’S / DUNGAREES 10 PZ. DENIM Size* 28 To 46 2 Pair $3.00 GIRL‘S PAJAMAS Size* 4 T; 14 Regular $1.98 $1.66 WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY B. C. MOORE & SON S “BUY FROM MOO((E AND SAVE MORE” M OCKSmLE, N. C. Patronize Your Home Merchants And Save Money •IW ren-iJJoofS siw L I N E ? Oievrotefs got th ree,.. . Bel Air, ’Two-Ten" and "One- nfly.” Wilh 20 sassV-styled model* lb pick from, there'* one just made for youl MCyOUAUlAWBUYEII? Tfie Bel Air Series brings you luxuries and conveniences you won't find in many models of higher priced cars. You also get Chevrolet’s record-breaking pei^ formance; with horsepower rang­ ing up to 2261 •TWO-ltM" TO YOUR TAStK The ‘“Two-Ten" has its own aaasy new styling and colorful new interiors. Body by Fisher,. o( course. And you get the .stability and the sureness of control that malie driving safer —and sweeter—in a Chevy! “ONt-nm" nu row tint There’s nb lack of chrome trim in Chevrolet’s lowest priced series. And you .can pick your power—V8 or 6. Come on in imd see which one of Chevy’s 20 new beauties suits you besti Affleiici's Rnorite^by s Margin of . 2MimonCa'r8l PENNINGTON CH^ROLET Ca^ INC PHONE 156 - ^ MdCKSVIU-E, ! DAVIB HEOOBD. liOOK8VlU.B. »; C. *PKIL;U. 1956 .-P A O B n illlB ' THE DAVIE IttCORD.'Mr. and .Mr«. ^ ^ lw n _________________________ cutt and little ton, ^ Isle of Falih* ~ IS.C.,Dr.:and Mt.. D. :R. Streod . Oldflrt Ib T he children, of Roicky Mount, No L iquor, W tBe, S e«r Adk^and Mr. and Ikbs. D. H. Wlnche*- ■ . ... ■ |« r «nd chitdrm, of Richmond, NEW S A R O U N D TO W N . Va.. spent th e a te r holiday* with '. ' ■ dielr pam ta in this dty, . Cecil Rouse, of Kannapolis, was ' in toTO.dutingtheEaiter holiday* Mia* Dot Whisnuit,^ of Lenoir, vtodM Easter Ruest of M i« Sue Blown. Mn; Enoch Gkanchaiiip| Files For RegisterF oste^C rei^ County-«mie thebndeirfKenneth D ay:d'„_„„., «ve«l •“ o™ th!*citi I Deeds on the Republican ticket. Mrs. H. C. Meconey Ind as din­ ner guests on Easter Sunday, Mt. and Mrs. Joe Patner and'dauitfiteT MarahaAnn, Mr. and Mta. Jdce Meronev and aon>, H. T. and Gwvn. Mrs. P, G.'Brown and ^ i* r6 wyn-Key»i of Charlotte- daughter—Miss—Suer-Roy-Holt- apent >he Easter holiday* in town with'relatives. The Record is prepared to print your cmpaign cards . See os and save money. ■ • Mi. and Mrs. ]ohn Hodges and ^ s Lillie Meronev, of Lexington, weie Easter visitors.. Orotge W. Rowland and daugh-- ter. Miss Jane, spent Easter with relative* at Conway; S. C. Mr. and' Mrs. Feed Murphy re. turned last week from a visit wilh rdativesand (Hends in Norfolk, Vfc Mr. and Mrs. C M . Lasley, of Lewisville,'wete Easter guests of Mrs. C K Christian and Ernest Hunt. ' Bob SoAey, who holds a posl' tion In Charlotte, spent the Easter ' holidays in town with his &ther HarleVSoflev. Mr. and Mts. Lonnie Whitaker (pent Easter with Mr. Whitakei’s daui^ter, Mrs. Rex Johnson, in .Winston-Salem. Don’t miss the big W ^esd ay inoming bargains at B. C. Moore & Sons department slow. Coine early and save money. Mr. aitid Mrs. Pete Walker spent the Easter holidays widi Mrs, Walker’s paients, Mr. and Mrs. J. |. Ptoctor, at Elm City.. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Daniel will arrive home tomorrow ftom New Pott Richey, Fla., where they q «nt the winter fishing and tak­ ing life easy. . ^ and Mts. Chas. Wtenn and little-son of Fayetteville, spentthe Easter holidava in town, g u M of Mts, Wrenn't patent*. Mr.. and Mr*. Will N. Smith. Mr. and Freeman D. Slye ■nd children, of Takoma Park, Md., *peht several davs last- week in town, giiesis of Mrs. Slye’s mother,,Mrs. Z. N. Anderson.\ ) — John M. Groce, one of the nidnbers ot the'board of Countv O>mmisaioners,'has filed for Com­ missioner on the Republican tkket. ' Up to diis time five Rwublicanf have iiled far Commissions. ' M as Nell Holthous^. of this ■ dtv and Mr . Geoige Maiahalland dauf^ter Geoigia. and son Sam. of Wlnsttm-Salem, returned last week fiom a-sight-seeing trip dirough Floiida. Oilmra Huttlw who holds a posidon with the Ward Ott Co. ' ha*:ded for County Commission­ er in the Democratic primary. He i* the third Democrat to file for Henry Shott, who has been with. Geneial Electiic Company in Char­lotte for the past five veai* was nantfetted to Atlaola, April 2nd Mr. Short will be in chaaige .of G ^eral Electric’s Con*ttuctfon Material* office in AlUnta, Ga., Alabama and Misaissippi, ' houser, all of this city, and Miss |Dot Whisnant, of Lenoiir. Mts. Maty Smith spent Easter with her brother Sgt. W. M. NaU of Asheville. Sgt. Nail unae^ went a serious operation Mon­ day at Aster Park., Memorial Hos­ pital, He has been a member of the State Highway Patrol f o r several years. All wish him . a speedy tKovery. ' Mr; and Mrs. Lawrefice R. Car­ ter and little son, who have been living at Watrenton, ’Va„ for some time, have arrived and will make their home here. CpI, Car­ ter reeently received his hono^ albe discharge, following three years service in thi atmy. Mt. Carter is a son of Mr. and Mts. Hasten Carter, of this dtv. Mts. W, K Trotter, 82. of near High Point, died March 31ar in a High Poiiit Rest Home. Funet^ al services were held April 2nd at Allen Jay Baptist Chutch High Point, md the body laid to rest in the Tabemade Methodist Chutch Cemetery in Randolph County. Mis. Trotter was the mother of out townsman, j. W. Hill. Junker-Lon^ Mr..^and Mrs. Theodote Uoyd Juuker of Moeksville announce the engagement of their daughter Franlde Marie, to John Fletcher Long It., son of Mr. and Mts. John RetcKet Long, of Statesville. The wedding Is pkinned for June 23. the.* « .d fi« ristets. O. R Safriet, aU of ModtsviUe, Fiinetal letvicea were held at 3 , . ' . ,. ' p. m. Saturday at Ubettv Baptist f .iT , ^ 1f>l I 1,1 *11 , P I 3i30 p. m., April 2nd, at Concord Chutch, ^ t h ^ Albert B t^ - ^j^thodist Church by Rev. B. C. en* and Rev. E.K. Wooten offici-'Adams and Rev. Bobby Ridge. atinftanddielM dy laid to test inlButial was in the chureh ceme- the chutch cemetety. Iteiy. Piednhont Laundrjr (& .Dry Cleaners A na O p e r a s By C. P. JOHNSON PHONE 489 ForPickUpAiidDelivenr Lonted In Front Of Drive-In Theatre PIA N O -W e have ft n excn . m all piaro; lorat^ i n Dam pounty. Patty .with good credit may have on sUnding t^tro*. If Mr. and Mr*. C R. fiom spent lntere«»d write F. B. MBRRIT1 •die Easter holidays in Oieyv H'ANT ADS FAY. TOBACCO-34 acres, available c ^ or share basis.Box 1218, WinstonrSalem. WANTED—Expetienced *ew- liig machine operators. a & F. Mfit Co. Mocksville, N.C. FOR :SALE—7'toom house with bath, four acie* of miles from Mocjuville comiiwbitv^ Ovraersli I n V>f land, ♦ in good tv and say to selL B .& MORRIS, MocksvUle,N.C W Hiwrsiv r. o. ■wBKVsuftRoute8,S.lishutT,N.C. ■ S t'* ” ’’ and M n Burt Singleton m Hvatu- w riie fo, prices.viUe,Md; Mr; and M » J. ft B i«w i^ Jr.. .wim wete tesidenta of 'Modosvllle I wnee lor-pniSterling-1 '.629 N. Trade •Thomas Musfa: Co. St. Winsfon-8*len TORRENT-^New+t l^ n e s* soine t im e ^ The Re- CourtiMw section. Promylywfiie , Win*ton-S*|cmj Phone 5«ZS1. James K en^t .Smith,, well- P.______ - - H o sp to la ^ a n illness of several '“ o™ IW""* b“»*“e.s man ofF o ^ In . a ctemonv at thtee .^ ^ _ ■ , thi* city, has filed for Register of o’clock on Match 30 a t th e U r. b— Inm in A e'® "** **“ *■ ■ member of Advance.Metbo- J JdistO»urch. - SuiviVli,g*re five sons, Charlie of Route brldei Koute .1, Mocksyilie. and Ihe t nil nf Hiah Pnin.. ------------------- tf'is office on tne Rrpublican,ticket, Wj L. Ijaine*, of Route 3, and J. K.SmiA, Filing time expires Sa^ om’s patents ate Mr. and 8*muel L. Fo*ter of Route I, Qe- -veland. M ^ Foner. w** graduated trom MockeviUe High School and I* a student at the Salisbuty Business college. Mr. Fa*ter was a graduate ftoii Woodle*f High School and attmdedPfUffer College. He it employed by E t ^ Mills. Coo­ leemee, After die cetemoniy, Mr.- and Mik Foster lef): fot a Soulhctn trip; Mrs. Join Anderson Mt*. John Anderson, 60, died at her home in this dty at 5 a. m. Thutiday. She had been in de­ clining health fot *onie 'dme. Surviving ate the husband; sev­ en daii^tets, Mn. D. G. Shore, Mr*. Fiance* Stanley, Mr*. Delbert Haipe, Ml*. Clyde Hendrix, *11 of thi* d tn Mrs.. Frank Seals, Yiid- The tigisiaibm bookt iball be : open at the r spective polling pla­ ces in each p ^ n c t from nine ; o’dock a. nu; until sunset for dw ' , istration herein onleKilMni April 28,19S6,Mav 5. 1956, m d : by 12,1956. L‘ This 24di day of Match. 1956. Davie'County Boaid ofvEkctlon*. Attest: ^SecKtify.^ U Beauchamp all of High P ^ t; ^ LcstetJ. .Beauchamp of Ad- North Caroiiiu, Davie County ' xance; fourdaughtet. Mts. Fannie Black:o^eiemmons,-M n-M iitie Holder of Mvance^vMrs. Emma Hege of Saiisbuty and Mrs. Julia Brown of Modcsvilie two btolheis George Hilton of Sarasota, Fla., and Roland Hilton of Advance; one sister, Mts. Tinnie Dunn of Advance;' 20 gtanJchildten and four great-grandchildien. Funetal servicu wete held at 2:30 p. m., Wednesday'at Advance Methodist Church, with Rev. Hu ben Clinatd and Rev. Rev. Bob­ by Ridge in .Charge. Burtal was in the church cemetery; North CaraUna, Dari* Cemi^ NotKE Wheteas, the regUtradon o t Mocksville Precinct has Inciw eJ to such an extent that it Is now necessary to establish two vottngWhereas, a petition has been pte- “/'JEf'*'? *'** County Board p^cTncts in Itotf 'o f die p te c ^ of E ld o n s to remove the votog I, place in Jerusalem Townshij, Da>I .i i,. s, ™ vie Com.ty. North Carolina, and! S'wheteas the Davie County Board jlj” Mocksville Ptecinct beof h T d . r c S o “ h;. the.am els hereby into it is in the best interest ofthe ma- *"9, by a line de- joritvofvoteisoftheaaldpreclnet,® ^ , 'to remove the said voting place. I Bcdnnmg at a point on HIA* Now therefore, be k re«olved,’*^vNo. W aa it East bouodacv t and following 'estwaidlytodte - tin d ie West- 1.XVW Ktcrciurc, m n resoivca v z® that the voting place in and for.I *”*•) Cref^ on Ae 1 I* the lerusalem Precinct. Davie’f/^ County, North Carolina, be and Highway No. 6^ e . .the same is hereinafter removed intersection of D ^ S lte e tta die from its present location to the City of Mwluville; thence W m - jeruaalem Fite Department House watdly ^ th Depot Stteet^^to the Charlie L. Crotts ,m X !^ys” oi*and Nol'M^at^Se'tntersecdonpf S i ^; is hereby designated as the voting hureStteet, thence NoiAwardly Charlie Lee Crotts, 72, of Mock- place for the said ptednct , “ •<* ^ t h HighwaysviUe, Route 4. died of a heart at- ^This the 3rd day of April, 1956. No. 64, along Salisbury .Street and o d ll^ r e h y k “lir h a d b^en in W ilkesW SttW and beyond to dedining health for several months.' ^ • . Mt. Crotts was bom Jan. 16, 1884 the son of Robert and Sophia ,.;s. Chairman. .Bear C t«k, die Western boundary foster. Secretary, ol the said prednct. That part of Mocksville Ptednct lying South and West of the said U nvllli. Itl Mrt n,... Shuler Ciotis. He married Miss North Carolina, Davie County line shall be and die sime is h e » McSSSfe“'^!!^**dw"suarvivingare a son, Eu- o ju ™ .. .u . r>~.. nlare to 1^ at the County Court four gte ;tw o bro- eiest; Mts. Fletcher Beck and Mta.every precincl”i^wMf,' . ” ” ■* ” ™ West of "the said line"’shall be and Now, thetefoie, it is resolved tbe satne is hereby m ated a n d ^ that a registration be and the signaled a* Notth Moc|csmlle Pte- same is hereby ordered in the fol- jjnct, the vodng d a tt to be atthe lowing predncts; Mocksville, Farm- Elementary School, Cherry Stteet, ington, Clarkwille, North Cala- Mocksyilie, within nM p r ^ c b haln. South Calahain, Jerusalem. This die 3rd day of April, 1956. Cooleemee, Fulton, East Shady Davie County Board of Elections. Grove, West Shady Grove and By J. C.^Dwintes, Chairman.Smith Grove. Attest: 1 Foster, Secmtny. THB FR IC S INCL.UDE9 s Foid V>8 e i^ e - O e beat-seHiiig eli^t In the wimM V<^o.(Mie patat • Tam S^piato • Vndte ridewaU tires • MiigicAire Heater • U feg v ^ (M h M m iiM 1^ 8W : r i ^ •C a n y b ^ libM iiw • YotarpresaU ear dw idd ntore A o n couer tiie doun paym ent! ■ j Q^fer i^iiKMl only imtil April7...Come in NOW! Ilffi YOUR LOCAL FORD D E iu i» tf Y o iA « I n l« r ^ i» a n ^ l IM C a r-B e S o re l o S M V ^ iW D M ^ .11 ■il 11;^ ^ bAViii I ^ W / llOCttVIUBH.CM APRIL 11 .' itfSS R*,5f.'.v«;iKrk5fs,u Christian Courage 'Teuon tor AprU 1ft. I9SI----1 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an ot- dct of the Superior Court of Da­ vie County, made in the special leeding eniHled Will McCul ___, et al, vB Clarence McCuUoh» upon the special proceeding dock- There is an oMnotloa that Fear is the mother ReUgion. No ooe who knows the facts can think of fear as the mother of the Chris* tian religion. For the earliest Christians were among the brav­est of men. Their critics, their opponents, even their persecutors, wondered at their courage. It was not as il they slowly gained cottr- age through the years,, each gener­ation a little brav­er than before.From the very beginning, the fol­ lowers and friends of - Christ had the two kinds of cour­age, . moral and physical: moral, to .stand up against Dr. Foreman contempt, ridicule and slander: and physical, to stand out against pain aM death, all with faith un­shaken. MinwltyOTMp Many persons are phystcally brave but have UtUe or no moral courage. Some psychologists think that moral courage is more diffi­cult . and rarer than the other tdnd. Be that as it may. we know the earliest Christians had plenty of it (This was after the coming of the Spirit, of course.) One of the hard things to stand Up against is just being in a minority all the time. Some people, to be sure, can't bear to be in a minority any of the time if they can help it. They wiU hot ride in any ve­hicle but a bandwagon. They count noses before they make up their minds. They think that ethics can be settled by arithmetic.—that is to. say. that whatever most people think Is right, must be right. The eai-ly Christians knew better. They were always in the minority. Ai^nd them crowded the masses of people In the great Roman Em­pire nil of whom worshipped other gods. Back lri» Jerusalem the Christiana were a larger propor­tion of the population than any­where else: but even there they were in a despised minority. But these pioneer Christians knew that ••one wKh God is a majority.” They wt'ie far loss hiterested in being with the biggest crowd than in standing for Truth. Another thing that Is hard to stand up against, is being misrep­resented. maliened. slandered. Jesus said. ' Blessed are you when men . . . utter- all kir>ds of evU against you falsely on my accouat.” This saying must have come to the minds of the first Christians many a time. For they were ac­cused of being crazy, of lying, of being <as we would say) subver­sive. of being disturbers of the peace, lawless men In general. Even when a man knows bis own Innoccnce. it hurts him to be thought guilty. Even today, to most communities the real Chris­tians—those who take their faiw seriously and honestly try to live by it,—are in a minority. People who simply try to live by the New TesUment will be called ••starry-eyed." impractical, it they are not called worse names. Christians who take their religion seriously enough to see that our world needs to be changed In many ways il God’s will Is to be done on earth, will be called “radicals’* and despised if not feared. What is said (for example) by many other young people, about teen-agers who take serious­ ly Christ’s ideal-of chastity? VHut is said by business men about a businessman who tries to be Chris­tian in all his relationships? What la said by politicians about a statesman—congressman, senator or even President-who Is bold enough to try to be Christian in national or IntemaUoDal policy? Some fine Christian Americans have been caUed tralton simply because they were Christian. PnmmPersecutloD is a special kind of pressure, which Is to be the topic of nejrt week’s study. But short of posithfe persecution, there are various pressures which, if not resisted, push Christians off God*a highway, the very first Christians felt the pressure of public opinion, of (he taw. no doubt ot the loss of friendship with tboce who had formerly been close to them. They would not have felt these pressures if they had fimpte (bine:faith to themselves. A Christian who never lets any one know he ChrlftiaA is never caUed on tor" courage; A Christian whoceases to be one under pressure will have ao trouble, maybe, in this ' «Mrid ;. . bi^ in the next? Then he ' ' will disew r the ^ m e of knowing I ashamed of him et of said courr» the undersigned Cominisaioner will, on the 28th dav of April, 1956. at 10 o’clock, a. on the premises South of Mocksville, at the hon\c place of D. F. McCuHoh, at McCuiloh ArS bor, about three miles Southeast of Mockaville, N. C.« offer for sale to the higheat bidde. f«5r C..5IT7 those certain tracts and iot-< of land Jving and buing in Mocks- vUle Township, Davie County, N. C„ on the Turrcntine Road, and more particularly described as ft>l* lows, to-wit: A CRO SS 1. Covered , vrlthsteiM t « .O rate a ll.W e iid X tN ebraatift elty 19. E x te rn a seedeoverlnM^ 14.Engli«kestate Sl.Hawtt. lAtr wpsfft 33,’ga.T^ Being »he propi rty of the es-ate of D- F. McCufloh, deceased, lo­ cated in Mocksvillc Township. Da­vie Countv. three miles South of Mocksvilte, North Carolina, whi.h map is drawn aad stirveveH by A. U Bowles, R S . Nov 2223. 1955, which map is reci>rtlcd in ilic Re* i*toter of Deeds oflicc of Davie Countv, Plait Uoi>k 3, paRe 45. and on t!»e said map as recorded, he lots which .ire included on the latd map, rantre f*rom one to fortv- four, and thi.* said map is just as j nuch part of 1 he s.iid paragraph as if herein iully set out.This 27th dav of March. 1956. (OHN T. BROCK, Commissioner B. C. Brock. Attorney; pereiUUii 16. Sun god ir. Greek tamr^ U.Man*a nickname MbTsrminal part of arm SI. Creek letter32. Cutoff. ., asthetopa 33. Greek eoia 37. BeginningIsland Off Greece30. Egyptian goddesa31. Plaything 33. Music note .^3, Pack away 3ft. Board ofordnancefabbr.»3d.Resofi39. Ahead40. Man's nickname (poss.)43. Freight44. Found on tropical Islands45. An airy, prankish spirit (Shake, spcare)46. Spltcre ofr:ciion47. nivcrd^;-:;iC8 T.Wlneet9 g. Rational •kUnitef tihmilnatlon 10. Oirl’a name 10. Knock 10. Torrid bottom ed b o at W ith flaring aides StChlneM river 30.Bovhie animal ’ 3bA large . weight 34.1m. pie?manta 35. Diseloaio 30. Begone!3T.Peel31.Mele«f40.Palntul •prt41. KIM43.JeHyUlte materitt44. A rotating piece (Mech.1 r NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Purauont Co an order of re*sale made bv S. H. Chaffin, C. S. C. in the proceeding enutlcd *'S- M. Call. Admr. of John H. Pea, de­ ceased, vs a 1 unknown heirs of John H. Pea,” now pending in the Superior Court nf Dnvie Counrv, ^ s ss ss s ss N. C„ the un-ier4gned will resJl W X S W M publicly to die hiuhest bidder at. the Courthouse door of Diivie Co , {, in Mocksville, at o'clock M.. on Sarurdav, April 14th. 1956* the followine described lots or | parcels of laiul belonpine to the estate uf said deceased, to wit:Nos. 29. 30. 31, 32. 33.34. 35, 36 md 37 as shown on the m;ip or plat of the M. A. Trexlcr subdl- ^ vision of th« R.B. Broadway lands located near the Pine Ridue Road •n Jerusalem townsfn'p, about two nilea e?st of Coolccmee, N. C. Terms of Sale; One*third cash ind balance on 30 davs cime, or all cash at option of the purchaser. Bidding will s^art at the increased Sid of $220.00.This 21*1 d»y of March. 1956.A. T. GRANT, Ct>mmis*ione & Admin'stratrix Notice Having qualified as Administra> trix of the estrfte of Gravdon Sin* :lair CartmcH, deceased, l»te of) Davie County. North Carolina, chia Is to nonfv all persons having t:laims asainst said estate to pre «ent hem to the undersigned with­ in tmlve months from date here­ of. or thi> notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All p.‘r- sons owing said estate will pK a>Je make immediate scitlcmvru. Thia 21st dav of M.irch, 1956. 6M1LV RODWELLCARTMI LL. Admrx. of Grav«^on Sinclair Cart met t« Martin & Martin, Afys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the estate of luUa Sprnkle Zim- mermani deceased, notice is here* by ftiven co ail persons holding claims against the said deceusca. to present them, properlv vcriticd. CO the undersigned, on or before Ute 10th day of March, 1957. or ^ is notice wtll be plead in bur uf recovery. Alt persons indebted to said esmte. will please make prunipt settlement.' This 10th day of March, 1956. . Harvey Ha,reli Zimmerman.Bcr. ulid Sprinkle Ziromcrm.in. B C. Buxk. Aitutmy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ot the esiaic of Bessie Bruwn, deceas ed. nonce is hereby given to all persons holding ciatats against the said deceased, <o present ihem properly verified, 10 the unders lyn ed, on or bi fore the 21si day o> Ivla cU, 1957- 01 this i>o«tcc wil> be plead in bar ot cc-virty. Ail per sons indihteu («» »ui<J es ;itc, wili please mi<kc promrt settletncnt. This 21st dav of Marci>. 1966.H. L. BRYANT. Hx..Be^tsic Bit ^v.., deCsV«Brock & Bro.k. rt.iorneys II QUICK SERVICE! W ith O ur Large HAMMERMILL We Are Prepared To Give Our Hundreds Of Customers Quick Service WE ARE PREPARED TO Crimp Your Oats, Put Molasses On Your Feed And Supply Ycur Needs In Feeds Of 411 Kinds. When You Come To Town Make Your Headquarters At Our Mill. We Are Better Prepared Than Evir To GiveTou Good Service O ur Prices O ur Right Hupp Feed Phone 95 MoelcviUe, N. C Sklisbuiy Street IF YOU HAVE- . b«ra on a'trip , -entertained gunU . cdebnted a birthday cauiht a big fiih moved eloped ■ had a babv ' b m in a fight \ . Kild your hog. had an operation b o u ^ t a cat' painted vbur house ■ ) . htin married- , . ' cut^a new tooth beenahot j . uolen anything I - ^ , ' been robbed '. ■old out , ' lost vour hair been arrested Or Done Anything At All Telephone, Or Drop a Postcard,. Or Come In, Or In Any Convenient Way Ihfonn ... THE DAVIE RECORD w m m m m m m B m m B m m m The Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years Other* have conie and gone>your county newspaper keep, Koini. Simctine* it ha* *eemed hard to imke‘■buckle and tongue" meet, but loan the *un shine* and we OMrch on. Oiir (aithfvl aubicribcr* aio*t ot w h ^ pay promptly, give ii* courage and abiding faith in our ' fellow man.' ' If your neighbor i* not taking The Record tell him to *ubscribe. The price i* only $I.SO per yeitr in the State, and $2.00 in other state*. When You Come To Tovm Make Our Office Your Headquarters. We Are Always Glad To , See You. • Patronizie yoiir hbme naeirc^ and neip buiU'up ybtir town ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPEk ^ WiR A^mh To Suit GOOD NQGH80HS-PWCES TO ‘ wrvdwt JU8NESS LET US DO YOUR J ob PRINTING We can save you mohey on your/ ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, PQSTEI^, BILL HEADS, pa c k et HEADS. Etc. Patronize your homt: neyrtpaper aiid 'thereby help build up you^ hoine town and county. . M VIE RECORD. I...-' , D A V IB C O U N T T 3 O L D E S T N E W S P A P ^ E R ^ T H ^ T H E P E O P I .E K E A D < -unE SHAU. TMC w m 1W ptonjrs u c im maihtmni unaw ia yoi.lctHN tv i. NEWS OFLCMTO AGa G O O D fm m tS What Waa fai Da. St^Bator* Parking Malm . Ai^ AblmtriatatfSkirla. (Da^e Record, Apr. ai, 1936) PeMuaster J. X. Siieek spent 1 one day lait weeii la Cliariirti* on I Attorney Jacob Stewart nade a iMisiii^ trip t o WinMoi-Saleni Timradar. Mr. and tin . B. C. UGraWd andtalie, of Malkews, spent Ite «eeli.end KeVe with home foilis. C. W. Tbarpe, of Iredell conn, tv. was in town last week on Iwsl. ness and paid this office a. visit. ' Tiietrlendaof R.,C. Seabw will lie sorry to learn that he Is SRaln coDiiaed to bia -room. All bone for him a complete teeoyetr.. Dr. R C. Choate s m t dava lu t week In Kiehmmd at ^lendint a meeting of the Virginia NoHh Carolina, fjental Assoclaltoh, Mi». O. h ; Perff. of Raleigh, who has b m spending some lime here with tier mother, Mrs. WII liam Miller retnrned home Friday. 1 .1;. Ward has sold his inter^t in the CItv Market to O. G. Walk. . eri The firm is now composed of J. MV Horo. W. C. Comatzer and G O. Waliter. The new 'tTnion ^ ^ssengn Sta­ tion ;waa opimed at Wlu«t)>n.Saleni T hu^ay. This Is one of the linat railmv stations in tiie So itb. but it is a long wsys from the square.'' and Mrs. R. P. Anderson ari rlvsd home last week tram Pon Mver^ Pla., whsie they spent the w in^. Their many friends srr gisd to wetcfme them home anin, . Tl>.iey«'.entei«d the store o' poA Cresson on Viliiesbora street some time Sstnrday nlKht and car ^ 'o S some shoes, bats, and no tions.. The store w a s entered tbnincb a reer window. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Meroney will'tnnve Into ih^r handsome neW hangalbW on Sooth Itfsfn imeet in •hoi|t two week. Tom, bss at ' rssdr sot bis nrden made_-or part ofit. One of the prrttlest sicbis In Dsvle Oionly <s Hsrion Richard son'll fins hunch of chickens. We don't' know bow many chlck^ he bss, hut it seemed thst there were thonssnds of them' sud all ' white ra snow. Mr. RIcbsrdson has one of the finest poultry farms In this sKtlnn. There was a' had snlo.train wreck at the rallrosd cronrf^ Ins' tbIs ' sMe of Comslser. Tnerdsy mominc. Rlsnn Bradrlit of Smith Grose was csine noith in a tmclr and liio Into the passenger engine of trsin No 0 teSrlne nnthe truck seriously fn|ntine the drieer sn<f tesrine the steps and same of (hr pipe* nil one side of the en^ne Mr. Hendrix' wss'esrrled to the Twin Cily-Hospltsi; Winston-Ss. ■ lem. ' The train wss delay^ near^ ty one hour'on sreonnt of the Aboht five miles south of Modcr. vilte, on the Salisbury .biitbwav is smsll cross.' roads settlemMt known, as “Oressy C orw .” The Hocksy||le.Sallsh try highwsv cron si this point, Soine 46 yeara ago, the time many of our pE ^e w m beginning to Imy Foid was erected on the left side of the road, which was s dirt road then, snd s garage open, ed op. Two men, whose nsiiies I esnnot recall St this tine, ran the gara». It Is said that the two men (ot.sp creasy working on cars (bat the folk's In that section de* dded to call the cross rosds "Gressy Comer." After the gsrsge • 0 . 0 .'Daniel Is ha*inir a' brick wall hnlH in front ot his re s ld ^ on; South nislffl steet. wbleh sdds ■ to tlie sppearaiice of bh pro^ ' There came near beine a serious auto ai^dent In North Modnyille - Sunday afternoon * 'when-a Ford ' roadsier driven h y Miss Psiisy Walker, seeomosnied 1^ idhs > e. twees Grant rind Rnhert Moone>’^ ran l-to a .Naab roadster. The Ford was SmsiAed up conMeraUy bnt the oeeupantsescspedrahnrt.. Rer. Wlliiem I. Bryson^ . of Mo. yilla.'Gs., was fn . town iforiay snd gsve u s s plessant call; Mrs. Brvana h ^ lieen Visislng heir par: ‘ epta MK and Mrs. 0 . Tsihert at Advance, whrte Mr. Bryson baa . >«cn >i4dinc a nmtfaic at Me. /Adonrille,: Mr. and 'Mrs, Bryson ftianM l borne yeiKidsy. Tohn Lefier bnllt a nice brick store on the rlEbt hand side of the rosd. Tbis store was owned snd operat. ed by Sam Potter for a number of years. Sam owned a store st Bphes. os for msny years, bnt decld^ to move to Gressy Corner, when tlie KsrsEe snd seversi dwelling bosses hsd been bnllt. As the come nity grew and prospered a cotton eln was later hnllt snd-operated liy lobn Charles, who Is still tiviuK. Many people In that comfflualtjr didn’t like the name given to this m w ing village. , ' Some 5$ vearr aio Heiiry Rol). son. a well-khown farmer and a leadinc Republican..who lived near the c ^ roads, eot his friends and tteigbbora toKetber and they de. elded to csll a meeting of the peo. t>le In that section and decide on a name for the villace. The meetlni was held ooe Salnrday aftemonn and at least 500 people were pte^ sent. I don't yeihe.mber whether Renbin iGlaltiiw barbecp^ the pigs (<>r the omsirin but. I. do remein.' her that tiie crowd went after that iisr1)ecue,.com'i>md.and dsw Hke hon eatlhc corn. -. i .: Dorini the afternoon a number of short tatts were made Iqr lead. Ini dtfeeos of Jemsslem Township Slid other parts of ibe eonnty. Henry Hohaon seled as mastar of eeremonies. Attorney B. H. M^kr* ris of Mocksville, was one of tlie speakers. O. C. Wall, of Coolee. mee, also spoke, toeether with C. O. Lefler, snd others. After mnch barbecue estinE snd inucb spesklne Mr. Hobson ssid he thronght It would be fittini. to le the vill'see ^ rs o n , after Wflllsm Pearson Hobson, who a fame in <be Spanish-Ameriesn wsr by liottline nn the Spanish Naw in Cnhsn waters,. Lieut. Hobson sras a relative of Henry Hobson. Several names were sngcestM by the crowd present, bnt when a vote was taken nearly all pKsent voted to call the vlllase Peason. Just why the name "Gressy Corner" is sliil n ^ we can’t.fienrS out The PSWle In thst Section didn't ■tike tlie old mime.' :bnt j 6 veers later, he old nsme Is still lieine used. "hie Xipfier store bnildlugoa the em er, which wss used by Ssin Foster for a number of- years waa later owned and opmted by the late John S DanlSI for aom time. M. A. Foswr. wh6 owned a mok St Bpbesus for mray ycsrs, Ister etccled a large brick stove bnlld. MOlClCSVIUJi. IIO M H <»kO U N A . WB^^^ APRII, t8, tq,6 ' ■ ' ' ....................... - x : '. .. the proceeding articles ' we discnased the bMk-of teveia. ugh chapter 13, in thtee chapters w* have fonnd tbe apostle John predicting some very straog tbiuis comini upon the'iuhsiiit. siits.of tte earth. We now go in, to chapter 14, wliere the conditions' cinn'ge with more bo^ then we have heretofore found In the book, laivetse i. (obnsald, “Aod I look­ ed, snd, io. s tam h' stood on the not Sion, And with;hlm a hund­ red snd forty and four thousand, having bis Father'a name written in their forebeada." In the last ar. tides we saw the kingdom smted as dangetons hesst who re. eelved power from' t b e drsRon (aatan). Now the scene cbsnges ss we Ihid the Lsmb stood on Mount Sion, (the Lsmb represent ed the Christ) and witA Him were s hnadr .d forty and four thousand, having bis Path r'a name in ibdr foreheads. It is swsys satan'a plan to imitate tlw ^ r d ’s plan emcept- he uses force snd seeks to take stray mail's tree agency. We see the Lord seals Us servants up in tbdr forehead lember the beast seeded his fol. lowers op in tbdr right hsnd or forehead. In verse a, John hea d as tlie' volee of m ny waters, 1 tlie voice of o great thunder, ■ harps; tU s.no donb‘ reprasented great power. In verse ,s. he hesrd il>m ring • new smg snd no one eoutd learn the song sxcept the h u u d ^ and fony forty four thohsand. This numoer of m n sre the Highest Priests to'be chos en before the seeand coming of the Lord to Mt as his servsnts upon tlie.earth. The new song was the troe gospel of ChrM. As we have stated in previons artichn tiie gos. pd was taken front the esrth snd satan mied amon ’gmra now this oeivsoag ia the gospel again re. stond and it is not fsmllisr to those, with ttie mack'of th eb e^ in thdr hand or forehead. This re­ ed cosiid was headed by the Lamb, and with i ^ r as of many watemand Ibunder. In verae 4, intoroied these ,servsnis srere virtwras men not defiled with 1) morsiity had faig in North Cooleemee which rated for several yean Wben he > went out of'.business O. C. Wslll ed 'tbe store and atoi* of goods Khlch be ofwrstad n bis .death some >»odd .years ago. Many chugM have tafceo place in Terosolrai;: TowoAlp dnrlng the pstt. 40 yesrs but t k town oi Pearaoa'is’stiii known ss “ Grassy Comeri" '. 1OA0 THE ADI teaebed a tow ebb dutinc tbe dark These men isnnld follow the Lord wherever be goes; , To be nuinbettd iti this group required levs and wWingness follow the Savtor in bnmiiiiy. In 5, SM ate toU theae men did have guile In their mouths they were to. be without fsntt before the throne of God. . Aa we have dtscuMsd lieforf John ssw. sevcrsi siwds acting In varloas cspsrltic^ in verse 6 the Apostle ststes. “And I ssw another .angel fly In the midsi of hen^, paving tbe everleating gospel to preach unto them that dwell on|he esrth, sud to every nation, and i^indted,' and tM ^ , and people. Say iicwltba load'volee, ;Fear God. and give gtory to bim': for tlie hoar of his iudgtimt is come: and .worship him that made beaven.,aud earth, and the aea, and the fouutahia of sratws (veraes ^ and 7,) ' In' tbis ttstemeot we are faifomied that angel oiiil fly through the midst of heaven hirlnging wtth^him the' gos: ^ and it most . he . preached to every luithM, kiudredi tongoe, and pioplC, . Ra message will be 'Fear Ood. and.glVe glory tinto him arhp mada the heavens and cntth. These one handled snd forty four thoos, servants' will assist- in cany thia naw aong, yea even the gaspd of Jes^ Christ to tte nations^ ton. and pitoiile; . ‘T in of our licat Chanhaa today, base tbdr IMwdMlta sal tighl to existence ovcc lUs aM fiKl. The Cathcdic CkmA cooitod thqr.hava the goa- pel diraet Iras P«t«r by atwessiloa' MADE TO ORDER OCanvasser—Mavl have a tew minutes of your time? Prospect T-Yes, if you will be brief. What can I do for you? Tm a man'of few words, . Canvasser-Just the man I'm looldngibf, my specialty is dic­ tionaries. n oT h a r g e The haughty mistress walked unexpectedly into thelcitchen snd caught Nora,'the coolc, feeding the policeman on the beat; ‘Is this what I pay von fort" snapped the mistress. (''No, ma’am," replied Nora, sweetly, “I do this for nothing." APPRECIATED IT Here is a story that I hope will give some comfort to the victims of the “Fratemity of Giandpar. ents," ot which I am a member. A talkative person who had hardly permitted an interruption during a two4iour conversation said to his new acquaintance. “And I don't believe I have told y ou about m y giandchildr h aveir The listener teplied, "No, and voull never know how much I appredate it," GOOD ADVICE Grmdma: Before you leave tot the city, sis, here's some ^ o d ad­ vice. . Sis: Thanks, Grandmai what isit? Never sisp a man who chews.—t---COD8CCO* / Oar County And THE ONLY PLACE Prom "bone dry’* Mississippi comes tbe story of a stnmger stran­ ded oveoiteht in a snull town. Seeking t» ralieve monotony, he askinl the ioi>m1i« house proprie- tot, **b there anyplace here where a man could find a drtaikf’ Walldng'to the door and point- iiig, the pcoprletor said, *!See that litde white pottage oyer yonder! That's where our preacher lives." "You don't mean to say I can find a drink there,’’ exclaimed the astonished visitor. "Nb," was the i«p!y. "diere's the only plac« you can’tiind one.’* HAD IT IN FOR IHEM Boh Sloane, nanator of. "The Big Story," told'ahout the dowag- er who waa giving last minute in- Bfructfwt to herfiriihfti! "Now, Mariet" explained the dowitger, “when people start at- rivinK I want you to stand In the door asid call my guests’ names.' "Fine, madam,” tespcmded the servant. "I've wanted to do that forlO'veata." Social Security By Louis H, aem ent. Manager. Social aecurity reports are due it) April (this month) from house- wiyes who eihploy domestic work, ets. Housewives are re q u i^ to mafce these reports during April on household workers paid as much as $50 in cash wages'in the calendar quarter in January, Feb­ ruary, and March. This is the li^_quarterly report due ‘since the new law covered' household employees without regard to the number of days worked. Reports ate sent to. the Disirict Director of Internal Revenue at Greensboro, N ,C W ort of cooks, maids, house­ keepers, gatdners and other work­ ers in a private household counts towards eligibility for retirement ot death payments under old-age and survivors insurance • if they ate paid at least $50 cash wages by one employer in a calendar quarter. If the- household e ployee works long enough to be insured, benefits are payable in old age or to certain survivors in case of death. Ftw booklets explaining the em. plover's obligarion and benefits to the employee are available at the social security office located at 301 Post Office Building, Salisbury. If you have any question con­ cerning your sodal security, you might write us at 301 Post Office Bailing, Salisbury, N, C , or 1 our representative who visits the Court House, Mocksville N. C , on the first and third Fridays 'of each month from 12:30-1:30. In Germany Nurnberg, Germany—Army Pvt. Roscoe Jones, |r., 22, whose wife Sadie, lives in Mocksville, N, C,. recently ar^ved in Gennxnv and now a member of the 793d Mili­ tary Police Battalion’s Company C. lones, whose iatber lives in Cooleemee. entered the Army in September 1955 and last seived at Camp Gordon, Ga. While a civi­ lian, he worked as a stock clerk for the Western Electric Co., in WiiMton-Salem. from mie Bishop of Rome (Pope) to another down to ihe present lime nnintertnpted. On iheotlwr hand th e Church OI Christ Of Lailer Day Saints, leach the go-pel was tskeu from Ihe earth as we have discussed iii the>e articles, and as we are now studing in this 14th chapier of revelation, the re.to:a. lion of tbe gospel 1>y .visitalion of angels. Tbdr cratentlon is if the angel bes not come with the gospel: tbeo sre must look forward to Ms visita­ tion If we are to have Ihe gos^. |.'UiiENNETr.“ ■ N.C HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PLACE TO GET IT Gat, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries Snud Enough To Appreciate Yow Bturaew Large Enough.To Fill YowTank J. W. HILL Owner Seen Aloo^ Muo Street ^rThrStrwrRamUerr--------------------- 000006 Mrs. Sanford Nail buying piece of oil cloth in Cash Stot^M rs- Frank Fowler .mailing large pack­ age—Two politldans standing in front of empty store building dte- , Cfissing coming events—Lady tc- marking ^ a t she didn't have the money to file for a county office -M iss Mattie Killian pausing fbr refmhmfents in Soda Shoppe on ' hot afternoon—Attorney Lester Martin doing some philanttopte work around the square—Mrs. |. D. Furches shopping in drugstore on watm.afieraoon—Tommy Me­ roney arriving on the square ten minutes late—Mitt Josie Foster on her way to'beauty shoippc—Mrs. Jack Pennington pausing ill dn«g store fbr refreshmenU-Alvin Dy­ son looking out store door watch* ing part of the world go by—Sher­ iff Ben Boyles biowslng around in . Western Auto Store—Dr. Mutt taking time off to eat popcorn— Lonnie .Wagoner and Charlie Vo. gler talking things over in fr6nt of templeof justice—Bill Powdl rit- ting on curb resthig on warm day —Mrs. Mary Crow and Miss Jane McGuire hurrying across busy highway—Mrs. Joan Pilcher weigh, ing candy in dime store—Attor­ neys Turner Grant and George W. Martin making thefar way slowly across the square—Miss Fkye Al­ len standing in front of theatre drinking coca«da-OHcn Hefhet getdng a late afternoon hair c u t. —Miss Ann Rankin btiylng rib­ bon in nickel and dime store—'. Glenn % m m er looking ov(er mall in postirfBce lobby—Mis- Craiae F o s^ doing som|| rainy morataig sheroing in diiig'stori—Attonwr Claude Hides makinK some prl- m'anT'election predictions—Mrs. S. B. Ilall carrying large basket of ' sandwiches to drug store—Grant Dapiel and Junle B eaucha^ in court house ulking things o ver- Mrs. Cedi Lltde buying greotliig cards, in drug store-Young ladv buying her brother a white shirt at Moore’s-M lsS Syuah GaithCT do^ ing some Saturd^'moming shop, ping-M iss Nancy Coiart talking about Junior Senior banquet—T . M. Hendrix shopping arpund io drug store-M rs,Rov Harris tak- inx small son to barber shop for a Sanirdav hair cut—Miss CHena Groce carrying hot drinks to den* tal parlor—Mra, T. W. Brown car­ rying arm load of packages out of drug store-Four barbers taking life easy on Saturday afternoon- Mr. and Mrs, L. T- Hunter paus­ ing for lunch in drug store in mld-afiemoon-MTs. James Yotk looking at costume jewelty in de­ partment store-M iss Claire Wall doing some morning ahoppinc. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. We Can Supply Your Needs , INGOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call ot Phone Us At Any Time 1 ^ PHONE194 Fbrmerlv Davie Brick&Coal Col Princess - Theatre WEDNESDAY Gary Cooper In •T:HE WESTERNER'* W i* Walter Bteiuian Cartoon THURSDAY & KUDAY Lucille BaH & Desi Amac In "FOREVER DARUNC" Color N ew SATURDAY Roy_ Rogm In ■ KING OF THE COWTOYS” • Caftoon & .Serial The iUcMid ia oohr 3 centa nureelc. SubMsribetodaj. MONDAY & TUESDAY WUliam CampbeU Kathleen "Casein “RUNNINOWILD" Cartoon &. News ' PglCC:»Me GklMisaU* CDilMASOaPE AdsttsMs.CMP*aa Iti DAVIE GOUNm MQGBT SHOWVAUUB . I? ____ r " ' - .y;- ■ m il I:.' ■I: !:( i l l l\h 1^1 I '" l i i W B . PAGE TWO DAVtt'|tiiC0ltD.-k(X«^lM 18. I98t THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD. EDITOR. T E L C raO M B l ‘l Farmington High ^hobl News Bv Jo h n tle EjUlt and Jo e B w lek. f .hJiA m '-vIce^ww ildeiiiljiM ri. Mtxtne' Limgl April 21>t. to raifejnonW lbr'^e / l u ^ l l l i r j r : lecicury; tnd M«. Thomas Nance I fite dcMitment' Bv^vpne te utg- B n t ^ atthePwtoac* tnModn- *ni*. N. C„ M 8«eaBa-du> lUU m«ttoi.Hneb^.U(n. :snBSC«rnoK rates: ONE YEAR. INN. CAROLINA • SIX MONTHS m N. CMtOUNAOHEYEAR, OimiDCSTAn • SIX MONTHS. OUTSIDE STATB - • 1.80 • 7&S. >1.00 •1.W th e Intra ft -.rrrtm.— Th« flWl MoildtV iftVWl* I J Aiiril 9th, «nJ ihehain oiiiiilj^ die Ltdtn AuxlUatv of the t|(» comiKti- naizer and DiiUh File Dq Manv File A number of men filed last week fbt County office in Davie. Those filing wete: Peter W. Hairston, Democrat, for Repre­ sentative; X. Clav Hunter, Demo­ crat, for Register Deeds', Bob Hovle cf Cooleemee. and W. H. Patter, son.,of Fulton, Democfafs, fo r couiity commissioners. Mrs. Nan- cv'Tutterow filed for Register of Deeds on the Republican ticket. Tohn N. Waters filed for Justice of the Peace in Mocksville Town­ ship on the Democratic ticket, and Lee Bowles, Democrat, filed for County Survrvor. Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. C.yde Young. President, announces the second meeting of the newly organized Davie Coun tv Hospital Auxiliary to be held Tuesday, April 17. at 2:00 p.m.. in the Court House Building a t Mocksville. All ladies in Davie County who ate interested in vo^ untarv work at the Davie Couoty pital are urged -o attend or to no- ti^ some other member of their willineness to help. Mrs. Young states that member, ship is not bv invitation, and urges all the ladies in Davie County who can contribute their service to the hospital to come to the auxiliaiy me^.ig. Cleanup Campaign Sprindime is always cleanup time and since a clean home is al­ ways safer from fir^ Farming, ton Volunlper ' -ottment with the cooper on of i Home Demonstration P. T. A., Communitv Counai. urangj, E c., is sponsoring a gemtil clean-UD tanpaigninourfiredisr ct, Mrtiy fires originate in cluttered attics, basements, closets, and out-build- ings. Eveu if a fire stars, it is more easily controlled where rubbish has not been allowed to accumu­ late. In the course of a clean-up. many items turn up that may be of no particular value to you but which are too good to throw a- lion sponsored by the Beta Club Mrs. Thutmoiid Foam trat were well Under way at Fatming- ed presldrai;Mra. Arnold ton last week. .. The Senior , girls softball team defeated the Sopho­ mores aher a very close game. In the Ping Pong realm. Billy Shel­ ton, repressnting the Freshmen Class, won th^-»in(!les'and‘joe Bu^ sick and Johnny Hauser from the 12th grade defeated Tommy Rat- edge and James White from the 18th grade. Therefare the Sei^iors now hold the doubles. In Horse­ shoes, Bruce Whitaker, a Senior was defeated b y a Sophomre. Junior Reavis, who now holds the title of best Horseshoe player. The Home Economics'Depart­ ment with the help of Mts. Groce gave a very good Fashion Show last Monday night at tne monthly P. T. A., program. The show was entitled “Fashions For Spring.' Girls fro... the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes were modeling dress- M elto- Ciwplin ed to have thdf scrap paper tied In bundles.rrady'to be picked up onthisdate.in ^ iig s at 7:30'o’clock, fcyery liuiy who Is interested in helping , ^ ti* a ■ this worthy cause is u rj^ to. / ( , | 0 A d V e r -pteseiit. . ^A paper drive throughout the communitv will b . conducted . m Use ,T he;;codS ?h la y s a iullH on e g g s , < T h e h e lp iiil h e n b u t an e, Bill; the cndfisti <lo« not cackle To tell «li<i “ihe h»« dotie So we. scoiu tbe niodesl codfih. W h ile th e h o m tfu l h e n n e 'p n z e W h ic h iMily k o c s to sh o w , m y friends V it p.iys to ^vpTtlse es, dusters, find Jackets, in cotton, rayon, linen, and nylon fabrics of all colors. The Judges decided I that the most attractive dresses from the 1st years grounp were made bv Polly James and Gail Bennett. Margaiet Jo Harpe made the pretties dress In the 2nd year group and Elizabeth King made the most attractive one for the 3rd year group. However, all th e dresses were quite pretty and the judges had a tough decision to make. lohnsie bills acted a s narrator for the fashion show while Peggy Dull played the piano accompaniment. Photographer |oe Langston, made single pictures of each of the girls and gave them these to keep as a reminder of this show. In the baseball field this week, our team played host to Moclo- ville on Tuesday. April 10d>. Farmingtcm’s team gained a thrill­ ing victory over the Mocksville on Tuesday. April 10 h. For Mocks- ville. this was their 1st loss after 5' wins. The final score was 4 to 1. In the very last part of the game, lohn Foster made a double plav with the .assistance of Leonard Shelton,, thus ending the game.; For the Fannington team, this evens it at 2-2. Two of our ^n io r Girls, Patay' Clin: and Joyce Pavne, were in.' vited to the Freshmen-Sophomore Prom at State College last Satur-/ day night The girls reported that' they hid a very nicj time. S P E C f A L S These Prices Effective Wednesday Moming April 18th Only B o r s DUNGAREES 10 OZ. ZIPPER FLY Size* 6 To 16 Resiiia* Pi ice $1 49 99c MEN’S WORK PANTS ONE LARGEGROUP Values To $2 98 $1.99 Each LADIES’ , SANDALS Re^lar $1.98 2 Pairs $3.00 ‘ LA R G E TABLE COTTON PRINTS BROAD CLOTH Regular 39c 3 Yards For $1.00 FREE! FREE! FREE! YO U R CHOICE OF A N Y SIM PLICITY ^ ^ PATTERN With Any Dress Length Of Materials From 59c Up LADIES BRASSIERS 32A T o 44C 59c Each . 2 For $1^00 B . C M O O R E & S O N S “BUY FROM MOORE AND SAVE MORE'’ MOCKSVILIE, N. C. way and might be useful to some one else. With this in mind, we are asking that you set aside all such items for a rummage sale which the fire department is hold-1 ii^ on Saturday, May Sth. at the' Fire Station. Anything of anv: value—discarded furniture, elec­ trical appliances, toys, machin­ ery, tools, etc., will be sold and the proceeds used to enable vour Fire Department to serve you better. | . Volunteer firemen will call upon you sometime during the first , week in May to collect items you' wish to donate. We will also sell forvou, for a lOS commission,' any items you wish to dispose of but do not wish to donate out-. right. This sale will be widely ad- j vertised and we feel that all items will brine full value. I Please help yourself, vour com­ munity, and your fire depattm nt by cooperating in this clean up drive. I F»tmlngton_VoL_Fite^partment. A. A, holleman Arthur A. Holleman. 56, died at his home in Kinston on Apri! 8, following a heart attack. Mr. Holleman lived in Mocks- ville for sevetal veais, and was Cashier bf the Southern Bank & Tcutt Co., of this city. He was al­ io .in the real estate business here' foriometiine. { Sutvl^nj ate his wile the form­ er M Ih B l n b ^ Bahnson, ..f Fumlugton. two sons and oiiei (b u tte r, two brothert anil ihr.e siftei*: ' ■ ' 'I. Funeral service ‘ were held at - Pine Grove Methodist Church, i R inyth Countr. It 111. m . Wed- ; ' ' inotninf. - . ! _ idinumymends i n ^ d t y wcic ••ddencd by Two do9rs or four doors, V«8 or 6, there*fl ft Plymouth H ardtop (or you. Whichever yon pick, youll have the biffgest* sfnart- eM Hardtop of the Iow*price Ihreel Most beauty, size, value in the low-price three-all yours . in a big new ’56 Plymouth Belvedere or Savoy Hardtop ! Here’s the ideal companion for Bpriiw- ttirie d riving fu n -a b rig h t new Plymouth Hardtop. Drive one and Bee I Look a t those racy “let's go!” lines. . . try th e reflex-quick response of Plymouth’s sensational new Hy-Fire V-8 or 6 .... see how easily your Plym outh whisks you through city traffic, out to the open road where you belong, you: and yoiir Plymouth Hardtop. , ' With windows down, you enjoy all the airy fun and flair of a convertible. With windows up, you’re sedan snug.' You won’t settle for anything less, once you’ve driven a Plymouth Hardtop I ■ Mymaiiikls th* M «|«t sarin tlia low-prica thra* ...lo n g u t, lo w eA 'n»m !e>t, w ilh a tru e b ig < ar t|d e. WMk th. nawasl styling ,ef tka lew^rle^ tkrM... tU s Plym outh is r u ll) ' new . N o “ w arm i^.«vet” desiga! p a g e t b h r b ; THE DAVIE RECORD. Nafcory-Gall V OMmI Pkpar fai Tha C m ^ ^ No U q iiw . W lno, Be«r Ad» Advant*, was Miss Sarah Dot of Mtii. Grace married to WiJiain NEW S AROUND TOW N. Ffihcls Nahory, at 10 a.in.'Saiut- tual mass.at: Saint Leo’s >, W lnnon Salem. L. Richardson of- bedding mtisic was pr^ Catholic Father M b d ttv iU e H ig h iS d io b lN e w t Basy terma. LYNDA .CRAWFd 0nfy OrlWiNt in tfc# . m echanical, safe* a n d 60 sim ple. O ptional on a ll m odels. Tha parfovmanca diwnp of iha thraa. holds o flidal N A SC A R speed a b d acceleration recordsi a«^ la awn a PlymaMli Hardtap V ,. ask y our d ealer about hie m odem finance plan today. Plymouth ft)sb8 less horn H^ day V<» tw »k. tm, «w> » .... yeti'll vmd Imi m> « Hk(i»o<I>. Wofs oh. ifana «o<a H,nvilh •« uwd « (oj* rtan o* etkar cm cankbt*! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall re tuiaed hwt week from a few days .visit to .Washington, p. D uB n,N .C . M tii t . A. VanZant.of Route 1, has bem i«uite III for die past ten days. Her frien* hope for her an eathr^ reepverv. Ml*. Earl Lambandlitt!edaugh' ler.of Greensboro spent saveral , <hys iatt week in town with her mothCT.Mfs.W .P .N ail. Whiter lingers in the lap of ■pribit Last Monday moming the metcuty dropped to a low of 31 degteet and there was plenty ’ of ice. Mr. and Mrs. S W. Brown, Sr„ of this dty and Mr. and Mr*. Take Brown of Yadfcinvilk. attend^ the A ^ ea Festival In WBmlBg- toniiecmdy. - Mra. FrankMiller. of Route 3, who spm tsem taldavsla Bepdst HospitU, Winston-Salem, under^ going tteatment, was able to re­ turn home lastweek. Fred Tkvette, a former M ods- vllle citizeo, who has bten . living inthd deepv old town Of Wins- tbn-Sdein for many years; was a M o ^ ilie visitor one day iMt week. M th C. W. Alexander, o f Coo- leemM, who undetrwent an oper- (don at Rowan Memorial Hospi* tal, on April 6th, waa able to re­ turn home last W k . her fUends will be glad to learn. Our fHend Sam Talbert, coun' tv surveyor of Advance was hi tomWednesilaiyand y^ile here filed on the R^uhlkan ticket for surveyor. Samhasheldthlsaflice for a munher of years. Mt^ and Mr^ P. j. Johnsoii will ictum home toinoirw from a aev- etal days visU with dtelrdaughter, Mrs. Robert McNeitt and Mr. Mc- NelU. at B irm ingh^ Ala- and I i ^ johnaon’a brother, W. A. Al­ lison and Mta. Allison, at Venice, Ra. , B .& tow dl,o(N ew Y oikatv, who'has been visiting hU btothm Reid and Tom Towdl,near Coun- ^ Une,' returned to his home last week. Mn Towellplaiw to move beteaitoundMay 1st. Heleftthis countv some SO icata ago, ^ I* '•edita*. ___ . \ , Major CUoasd LeGnmd, a te- aident of Mocksville for many yeats, spent a day or tm in.town laat wedt while on his wav to Fkwida, where he may_ locate. Major LeGrand la out of the army . now, following 3S yean aetidce. He Is.abrotherof I. P. LeGrand, of this dty. He has many IHenda hwe who ate always ^ad to see Mr. and Mrs. John Filday nigh^ April the Sen~ kwaiwere entertahied by the Jun- iota at die Elk's O ub in SalisburV; Thf! theme fbt the .banquet was d ie d io w M t-.^ ^ ^ ^ Mr; and Mrs. Devley Holton,pt.*cia^. - , - - ----- • - s Charlotte. form«Modaville cltt-,” "«^ . M "- foseph S. Barago- ^ _______ ; «ns,-*ere ill. town Fridaypnboai. Mr. Nahbry h die aon of Mr. the chib was dectwated,"TheSen' and Mrs. Joseph Nahory. of C l ^ itin were spdlbound by Ita' Ibv^. land,Ohio. . neaa. Iheprogtam was the beatMrs: Nera 'Godbey waa her Many thanka to the luniora.„ niece’s matron of honor. Brides- 'Sm td ^ moming, April 7, maids-were Miss_ft»tricia Smidi. crave w>uh got u p at f of Knoxville, Tenn., and. Miss even after ata^g out so Gail Sheek, of Winstbti-Salein. night befote. and wete ready to go James Naht^. of Clevdmd, was to RsMgh to die P. R A. Con- hla bnither’s bnt man. _ vendbn. Seventeen ddeiiates at- Mts. N.D.RoseofNot^tkiVa;^ Pianos tuiied, repaired, re daughter C RMdrriwitt^' J t . te^nlshed.or r«tyled. Fr« » d Ii«le da,«h?« B ^ i ; of |Gteenahoto, sp^UaM Tueadayiii viTrite for prtees.town, t the* goem <M -Mra. Roae ScerUng-Thomas Muaic Co. mpahi^, Mn. R- L. yijkef who 629 N, Trade St. Winaton-Salem ^ been to her home poRSALE—Th former honie for aome by llmeas.. ^ 'of Captain'Domm, locat^ near rebuilt The re^stndon botib shall b e ' esd open at,the r.sp ^ v e polling.pla- New and. used pianos, ces in each precbict^ from Ushei^s were Donald Steti_____ Chapel Hill, and Maurice Clhw, of Winston-Salem. Gfami in marriage by her mater- day^'Aprilnal mndfadier. Mr. S. S. Blakley, widi die the bride wore a walcz-length gown Iphnnv' t, ^ .tend^ the convention and thor- I i n / ^ ^ u b o p e i! ^ Wednes- “ at acdvity period _j fo the U. S.- flag, l and Yvonne Hutch- SPEOAL NOtlCE-Dainaged bv Trackiog Co’s and Railtoads. Pumitute of all types, only place in die> Soudi, that you can; get allghdy damaged tumlture at ad- iustet’s price. BMure and see It at; 217 ST, Winafon-Salem.'N. C. of imported lace woven in an. in- ens gave the devotion. There was ideate weddlof bell ^ttem . It a M ent show next to choose a de- was traditional white with an oval legale from our club to participate neddhie, dghtly fitted bodice and in &e county talent show. Veona avolumninous skirt bordered at Welbotne singing "Tea for Two,” the hemline with pleated' tulle.'waa selected. A demdnstradbnbi The fingertip veil of Illusion m gardening waa given.by Miss War- to a circlet of pearls and I^ a n d Mr. Baker/ . FOR RENT- New 4-ioom dwel­ ling and 29'acre farm with 1.S9 icrea tobacco aUotinent. Will rent liouse and tobaixo allotment to- or separately. Known as Hawkins Puipetty in Prompdy write Attomey, Building. Winston-Salem, ^ o n e 54)251. Courtney section. Promi or call Htiyle Ripple, i 103 First National Bank ale. Thiawaain prepatatidn for die band which they hope to hayeCall entertained at a wedding ale.breakfast. • d ie--------------- After the bteakfost the couple in the new high school next year, left for a trip South. Mr. Pfedet’a home room had Mrs. Nahory is a graduate of charge of the chapel program Fti- Womaii’s College, at Greensboto, day. Scripture was read and Ihe and has.a degree in UbrarvSdeiice Lotd’a Ptayer autig. TheatudenU flxHn die University of North Car- toned In A e “Grand Ole Opty.” olina. She is now with the Char- Te» Tub was master of ceremon- lotte Public Library. ies. Jim Boger was announcer. Mr. Nahory was graduatedfiom-Gene DickenaandSod Brassfield Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, were there too. The souate dan- He received his master’s degtee cets wete Carol Miller. Kllv Sell, from the University of N or^ Car-. A ^ CalU Jimmy Kdly. Alice An- olina; He is now employed with dasoii. Alton Sheek, PMty Taylor D. M. M a^ntoah and Company, a n d .G i^ e rS a n f^ Odierspar- neers. tidpadng were Leon Carter, Bob . . 'heii'ther return from their IQ j^, H. T. Metdney, Z N. Ah- honem oon the couple will reside detron, Michael Barnette, Louise at 327 W est28th'St, Charlotte. Allen and Flottoa Collette. Wins Scholarship Miss Martha Kate Husser.dau*. ««am.ldlhi|.how music akis vdie ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Huaser, g die primaty grade of Advance, Route 2, has been a- warded an academic honor ivlBceit ______schol- Mr. Ed Shofti presidcot; Mrs. ^ i p to Catawba CoUeie hi die M onw Johnson, vlce^iieaj Mtsi amount of |70a “ “ **'*•Miss Husser U a grade “A" stu- A T. Gtro^ Jr., tiCTsuier. dentatShadyGrove,, where she ,„ § » g m tt la ^ N a ^ iaveryactive-lnaU. school acdvi- « q 4 > ^ ip ^ rt,? -ties and holds a nuq)b<w of inr ^ pormntoffic*.-^ ^ „ ® ttoSg:,*S3 S ^ rb ..e b .n te « nShe will enter Catawba College LendsvUle. The score wasin, the 611 where she wiU'inajotin and En^ah. ii« Th* ^-----, —-m muviw miu uui^Bn. caltod Jtt 5 A toning OB tccount of _ J cold. On Tucadav our boirs play* Pink IUtIedge,pf Woodleaf. Mocksvaievisliors Friday. Come b t £ fiiM l o e s ^ ^ T ^ ' Our old friends Roy B n often, bovh -our : for 3 P r i n g BARGAINS were Sunday guests of Mr^.and Mis. Cfamnce B.Jsmesand fiunt tyonC hureh S tfc^ .: - MAN OR WOMAN BEYOUr '< OWN BOSS - $400 ,MONTHLY SPARE TIME. RefilUng and/col- Ifeedng money fiom our five c n t roust have ear, lefor- .D cash, secutcd by Iti- ventt^. 'Devoting «houts a week to,business, your end on p e t^ - collectiona wlH net m to moodily widi very «iOd posaib^ des of taking over fun ^ ti^ In­come incieaslMacranlingly. F « 9 Children’s Spring Coats Values To *10.98 - 8 Children’s Toppers Values To $13.98 - 3 Children’s Suita . Values To *4.98 • 4 Children’s Suits Values To $7.98 - - One Rack of Uulles Dresses Values To *5.98 - - t3 M Mockavilie on Hi^wav No. 156. n a M fl* A VWO A A V sThtoiaoneof die batter homesANT ADS PAY. la priced to_aen. Sho^_L T WANTED—E»peri«wed «ew* ^ & “^M fg.,Co. Jkiockaville,:N.X;. appointment. E. C. MORRIS. Mocksville, N .C. o’clock's, m.. until sunset for the Istration herelii ordered, on j28.1956, Mav 5. 1956, and > 12.1956. fhU 24di d « of Match, 1956. Davie Coiinty Boaixt of Elcciiona’., By ). C D w li^s, Chaitiiim. Attest: ' HaroMFoater, S m e ^ . Nordi Canriii^ D>yje Cwmtr N (ynC E Nttrlh Carolina, D a w e C t)^ .:;:.W li^ ^ ^trad p n o f -NOnCE-MockavillePtecbictL^-to-auch-ai«xtent-«hat- Whereas, a petition has been pte- necessary to ^ b l i * .two v ^ n g mted to the Davie County ^ r d . precincts in Beu the prectect of Electlona to remove tfie voting heretofore eatabluned. Piedmont Laundry & Dry Cleaners Owiied And Operated By C. P. JOHNSON PHONE 489 ForKckUpAndD eU Tery Located In Front Of , Drive*ln Theatre $SM O ne R>dc O f LadiM D r ^ V alw g t o $18,98 $4.00 To aiiaoo 0)dd* And Ends In: Ladlea And ChilidrenV Shoes $iep(^ $2:0a ^ $106 Children's DrawesValueiTo^j^^ $L00 A n d ^ ^ H ats Form erly |6 .9 8 • ^lacliwelder & SoMMrt SdU H inr S i ^ 'Mbekg«ilb» N. C place In Jerusalem Townshia, Da- Now. thetefore, be it lesolvcd vie County, North Carolina, and that Mocksville Ptednct be and whereas the Davie County Board the same is hereby divided into of Elections is of the opinion that two voting precincts by a line de- it is in the best interest of the ma- scribed as follows: Jority of voters of the said precfaiet Beshiningata pofait on High- to remove the said voting place, wav No. 64 as it croases Dutch- Now therefore, be it resolved man Creek on die East b o u n ^ that the voting place in and for of die said precinct and foUowing the lerusalem Precinct, Davie Highway No. 64 Weatwanlly to the County, North Carolina, be and intersection of Depot Street in the the same is. hereinafter removed City of Mocksville; dience West- ftom its present location to the wardly with Depot Street to the rusalem Fire Department House point where it teioins Hi^way cated near the intersection of. No. 64 at the intersection of Salia- Highwaya 801 and 601, and same.burv Street, thence Northwardly is hereby designated as the voting place for the said precinct. This the 3rd day of April, 1956.Davie County^oard of Elections. By. I. C. Dwiggins, Chairman. Attest: Harold Foster, Secretary. North Carolina, Davie County NOTICE Whereas, the Davie Coun tv Board of Ejections finds a need for a legistradon of all of the vot* ets pf Davie County in each and every precinct thereof.Now, therefore, it is resolved that a registration be and the is herebv ordered in the fo^ lowing precincts: Modcsville,Farm- n, C l^sville. N or^ Cala- South Calahain, Jerusalem, eemee.- Fulton. East S' Grave, West Shady Grove Smith Grove. Bear Creek, the Western bounda^ of the said predhct. bv created and designated aSSoiidi Mocksville Precinct' .the voting place to be at the County Coutt House, located within' said pre­cinct. The temaindet of the said original precinc. Iving North and West of the said line shall be aiid the same Is hereby created and de­ signated aa North Mockavilie 1 ^ cinct, the voting place to be atthe Elementary School; Chetty Street, Mocksville, within said precinct. This die 3rd dav of April, 1956. Davie County Board of Ekctlons. Atteat: I Foster, Secretafr. J)oG Y^ACCINATION At The Following Times And Places PROTECT YOUR DOG AGAINST RABIES Davie Academy County Un& Wanens’ Service Station Sheffidd, Smidi’s Store - Center, Tutterow’s Store aarksville. Gentle’s Store Four Comets • - - • William R.'Davie School Cana, Robert Futdies Home Farmington Sdiool Millet’s Store, Jimction Highways 801 and 601 - SmithGrove S c ^ l . . . - Smith Grove, Paul Bowles Store 'Oak Grove Chutch •• - . - Mocksville, Davie Coimty Training School . : Mocksville High School ■/ ^ Otho Graves Store. • - r. Pine lUdge Road, Chedu Store - ; Greasy Comer, .Everhardt<iatwood Garage Monday, April 23.4K)0 p m to 4:30 p m - Monday. AptU 23, 5KW p m to 5:30 p m Monday, April 23,6KH) p m to 6:30 p m - Monday, April 23,7KX) p m to 730 p m Tuesday, April 24,4:00 p m to 4:30 p m Tuesdav, April 24.5:00 p m to 5:30 p m Tuesday, April 24, feOO p m to 6i30 p m Tuesday. April 24, 7:00 p m to 7dO p m Wednesday, April 25,4:00 p m to 4:30 p m Wednesday, April 25 5:00 p m to 5:30 p m W ^ ^ y , April 25,6:00 p m to 6:30 p m W ^nesday. April 25,7.00 p m to 700 p m Monday, April 30.4:00pm to 4:30p m - ■ 'rJjW ^y, April 30,5.-00 omto 5:30 p m • 'M o^ay, April 3ft 6:00 p m to 7:00 p m Tuesday, May 1.4KX) p m to 4-JO p m Tuesday, May 1.5:00 p m to 5:30 p m Tuesday, May 1,6:00 p m to 6:30 p m James Service Stationi Across From Renti Dry Oeaneis Tuesday, May 1,7:00 p m to TM p m Mock’s Church AdvanMSchool - - ' Bfadiy; Robertson’s Store Ftotk. Uvengood’s Sure - Cooleemee'Sehoot - -' Comatiet Cotnatier Grocery Siewatt’s State, 5 Miles EtM of Mocksville Tuntmtlae Chutch Mocksville Depot D a ^ Store. Neat Union Chapel Church Gn^n’aSnne . M ccgood’^ Store Wednesday, Mav 2,4:00 p m to 4:30 p m Wednesday, Mav 2,5:00 p m ip 5:30 p m Wednesday, Mav 2, 6KX) p m' to 6:30 p m Wednesday, May 2 ,7:00p m ra 7-30 p m Monday. May 7, SHW p m to 7:00 p m T uei^y, MaV 8. 4M) p m to 4>J0 p m Tuesday.'M^y 8,5M p. m. to 5:30 p m - Tuesday, 8,6:00 p m to 6:30 p m Tuesday, May ^ 7:00 p m to 7:30 p m . Wetinesdav, May 9 .5.-00 p m to 5:30 p m Wednesday, May 9 ,6M) p m to 6H0 p m Wednesday, May 9,7:00 p m to 7:30 p m AIIDosgFour (4) Month* <Md Or Older Should Be V a c e in ^ The Charge. Special At Clinics Only, Is |1.00 Per Dog AU Vacdne Wid Be Adnunitlered By A Vetotinariaii Davie Comity HeaMi Departmenl k ii.l ■ } /v 'I ■ IS M m ;PaQB VOUH Unto Death LM M ii f« r A pril tZ . t m \ \ r O Y 4 0 people « et kiUeO to r v v being C h rlrtU a st I t sM m i in. credible, an d H h a sn 't h appened to m o st C hristians. B u t it does h appen. C h ristia n ia w as p e rh a p s only a few m onths old w hen th e first m arty r. Stephen, m e t bis d e a th a t th e b an d s o f a .m ob. Now th e pecu liar fea tu re of th a t m ob w as th a t it w as so respeetaM e. N ot a hoodlum In th e lo t T hey w ere a ll civic leaders, m en high in reli> gious circles. In fact, it w as the high co u rt th at adjourned and be* ca m e th e stone* th r o w in g , m o b . T hey w ould not h a v e said th a t B r. th ey m u rd ered Stephen. H iey w ould h av e said th ey executed him . B ut th a t m ak es it a ll th e m o re of a puxzle. A hoodlum m ig h t shoot dow n a good C hristian Ju st fo r m eanness, b u t w hy should m en of distinction icUl a m an for no o th er crim e th a n being a C hristian? B Itod of th i M arty n B efore trying to an sw er th a t question, w e m gbt glance through history and sec a few o th e r cases. C ircum stances vary , b u t th e kind of m arty rd o m th a t w as iS te p h ^ ’s is alw ays essentially th e sam e. N o one ev er b rin g s th e k ille rs into court. W ho would* h av e brought suit a g ain st th e S anhedrln fo r klUirig Stephen? T hey w er« th e court. W ho could a rre s t th e Em< pci-or N ero fo r b u rning th e Chris* tian s alive In h is g ardens? W ho could iiave w ritten a le tte r to the pap er (It th e re h a d . b e en one) com plaining ab o u t th e m a ss m ur* dors, by g re a t em p ero rs lik e Dio* clctian o r M arcus A urelius, of innocent C hristians? So H w as u'hen Jo an o f A rc w a s b u rn ed a t the stakes, o r w hen “ Bloody M ary” w as r u n n in g w ild a g a in st the- P ro to sisn ts. o r w hen th e R u ssian revolution cau sed th e d e a th of no* body know s how m a n y hu n d red s of priest, o r w hen th e C hinese revolution h as b rought d e a th to C hristians again in o u r tim e. T he persecutors m a y b e bishops, a n d arch-bishops, h eath eiu em p aro rs, '’people's governm ents," o r Alri* can chiefs, they alw ays h a v a th e law on th e ir side, an d w h at la m o re serious, th ey h a v e public opinion.. W hen th e e a rly F re n c h m issionaries to the A m erican In* dians w ere tom ahaw ked, • • io m an y of them w ere, does an y one suppose th a t th e ir sc alp s w ere buried to destroy tr a c e s . of th e crim e? N ot a b it o f it.'—som e Indian w arrio r w ore th e scalp an d w as the envy o f everybody In h it village. A lw ays th e m u rd e r o f th e C hristians is done w ith public know ledge. fim utign Cm !• W e can m ove a little closer to o u r question by rem em bering th a t th e church h as not alw ays' been persecuted. Som etim es it h a s been highly praised, w elcom ed, honored. It m ay even succeed in running th e country. Nobody w ould d ream of p ersecu tin g it,—In fact, it m ay tu rn the tables and p ersecu te othei people. Oh—you say a t onca— w hen th a t happens, it Isn’t th e . ch u rch of God an y m o re: th e tru e church w ill alw ays b e p er­ secuted. an d w hen it isn 't, it Is a sign it is no longer th e tru e church. —T h ere is som e tru th In th a ti b u t it is saying too m uch. A ch ureh m ay b e fre e fro m persecution and still b e larg ely C hristian. How* ever, you ca n se t it dow n a s a ru le: W henever th e church, and th e people in It. do Just w hat everybody else does an d think w h at ev e ry one thinks, then ft w ill n o t b e persecuted. M artin N iem oeller la a e ase in p o in t H e w as a hero o f W orld W ar I w ho la te r becam e a m in ister W hen H itter took o ver G erm any. P a sto r N iem oeller w ent along w ith ' w h at H itler did, o r a t any ra te h e said nothing, fo r a long tim e. A nd aU th a t tim e. M artin N iem oel­ le r w ent rig h t on w ith h is church w ork undisturbed. T hen Anally H itle r w as too m u ch ev en foi ' N iem oeU er’s stro n g stom ach, and h a defied HiUer. *1 h a d a higher F u e h re r.” h e said y e a rs la te r, a h ig h e r L eader. So th e poU ea ca m e and m arch ed th a t m io la tar oil' to Jail, one m o rn in g a fte r chu rch . Y ou see? T h e c h u rch is n e v e r persecuted w hen a ll It si^^a . to ' th e w orld around it la '*‘Yes» jres, w e a g re e !" T he c h u rc h h a s >beM» persecuted, and w ill b e per- • •TCttted h ere in A m aric* even. m w d w h e n -llk e Stephen of o l d - it 'd a re s to se t above public opin* ' J a n .c u s to m , r’morcs.** respect*. •W U tie s. au th o rities «n'd pow ers. H igher U a d e . Noticeof Sale of House and LotinMocksviUe. Putsuant to an order an<l Jude* ment of S* H. Chaffin. C* S. C , tendeced in an action or proceed- ins in the Superior Court of Da* vie Counts^ N. C , entitled *'Davie County* a Municipal Corporation vs T«trv R. Durton* Admr* nf J. E. Button, deceaned. et al.*' the undersigned Commissioner, wilt, on Saturday, tbe 5th day of 1956.atl2HX)o’cloclc. M., at the Court House door of said County, in Mocksvillc, N. C., offer for 8>le at public Mtjciioii, the fullowing tieiCTlbti^imds-crHotsrwhiciT-was- thc propercv of /. .E! Burton, <Je- ceased, to-wiv: Lots Nos. 101.102. 103.104,105, 106 and 107 on M»ple Avenu * cx tension on west side of Sali>bury Street in Mocksvil)e« N. C , upon which there is located a nice dw«K Ung house. Terms of Sale: Ont;*third cash and the balance on 30 days timf with bond and sippr.'ved secuntv or all cash at opt on of the pur chaser. This 28th d.iy of March. IS*56 A. T. GRANT, Commissioner. »......................... M i Hieoiu); MOCKSVIUJi N. iig NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an or der oi the Superior' Court of Da vie County, made in the ’sOccia proceeding entitled Will McCul loh,etal, vs Clarence 'McCulloh. upon the special proceeding dock et of said ^ourt, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 28th day of April, 1956, at 10 o*ck>^ a. m.. ( n the prenii&vs South Mocksviile, at the home place of D,F. McCutIoh.atMcCuaoh Arf bor, about three miles Souiheasi •if Mocksviile, N C., offer for sale to the highest biddet for c< thi'se certain truciti and lots ol land Iving and being in Mocks- ville Ti'vmdhip, Davie County, N; C., on the Turrontine Road, aitd more partictilarly described as fbl lows, to*wit: Being ihe property of the esute of D. K. McCulloh, deceased, io cated in Mocksviile Township. Da­ vie County, three miles S«iU'h of Mocksviile, North Carolina, which map is drawn and surveyed by A. L. Bowles. R. S„ Nov, 22 23, 1955. which map is recorded in the Re- ter of Deeds office of Davie itv, Platt Book 3, page 45. and on the said map as r^orded the lots which are htcluJed on th^ sud map, range from one to forty ^nur. and the spid map Is just a much part of iJtc ^aid par.*8nipK IS it herein tully set out.This 27th dav of March, 1956. rOHN T. BROCK, Comniissiohef B. C. Brock, Atrtvrney Admin'stratrix Notice Having qualified as Administra­ trix of (he estate of GravJon Sin* lairCarimell, deceas«*d, late ol O.tvie County, Nonh Carulina, rhis is to notify.all pcisons hsivin^ Jaims aVainst said estate to pre tent hem lo the understfincd with­ in twilve months from date here­ of. or this notice will be pl> aded in bar of their recovery. All per- tons owing said estate will pU*ase make immediate settlemenc. This 21st dav of March, 1956. EMILY RODWELLCARTMELL. Admrx. of Graydon Sinclair CHrtmell, Martin &. Matttn, Atty>. NOTICE TO CREDITOE^ Having qualified as Executor of the (Mtate of, Tulia Spr nkic Zim­ merman, deceased, norice is hvre* by siven to all persons holding claims against the said deceiised, to prestnt them, properly veriticd, to the unvteiMgncd, on or b> lore •:hv lOih day of March, 1957. or this notice will be plead in bar of iCovety. Ai’ per.si>ns indebted tn 9Bid estate, will p]ca»e make prompt «ettlemcnt. This 10th day of March. 1956.^^*lrvey Hairdl Zimm< rmain &cr. lulia f-'prinkleZimineimi n B. C. Brock, Altoiney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified us Executor of the rs'a e of Be^sie Brown, deceas* ed. notice i* hereby iiiven lo Oi l3er»on8 holding claims stgainsi the said deceastd, to them oroperly verified, to the undersign ; ed, on or hi fore the 2Ur d>iy of > Match. 1957, < r this* t’oiice wili b« l plead in bar oi 4ec very All per*: ons ind‘bted ID »>Hid < « *ue. will please in»ke promnr settlement. This 2Isr dav i*f M^rch. 1956.H. L. BRYANT. &tr.. ? Besf^ie Brown. dtCsV, Btctelt dt Brock. Atti*ri>ev< * B a n e r^ c a l al thi» affier BOW and get your land pof- ton'befor«tlie«u|tplr <» « - hauMed. Printed on heav 'cMd board SOe. per d««eii. ; c n o M i P i i i U V WUXI ♦ IS. H aw th o rn berry 19. M agna M.Partof IN et 4 .B « b n iwletter « .S u n k <1. A w in g 7. S trin g •.M u sica l iR strum eiit Uap.> ]9.lmponam ' Avstranaa tribe ST. Household tS.FtwcduM S 2..U ffhuaM i (MU.» g6.0frl'snams ST.i^>ldedpaft eteoat gft Goddess OfVOlCStlMI (H.U mwagcs SO.aty(N.Y.) St Hawaiian food SS.Dock 3«.From 98. A rched te m p le n .C lg a rM <slang) 19. A m erican In d ian 19.H etero- g ttteo u s H.Dun i»:aug;gcr 9 0 .N o tso fresh 91. S pigot 99. A rm a -... dllts 94.lh*di. vidiial 99. C unning 97. Body;— 99.-Sm aU e)it 91. M usical d ram a 32. A byss 33; Single unlU 34. Island (poetic) HiinrrrL^ranni-i[3U anrj uw r.iriJiaa un flatd n Miii nnl-lulilffl liJ3 t-liJ'J S'S aaHH tinaRti ciHBsn p-m -97..G itl*s_____■• nieknama 99. V iscous . substance 40. E n tire • • am ount 49. Public notice 49. B ehold! M l m m surface oCfoot dO. M iscellany 41. O f a m em brane 49. Soothe 44. A ntitoxins 1. A sudden headlong flight ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPAtE IN THIS PAPER W in A tre n a , T . Sun GOOD NEK3HBO«$..PSIC£S TO nr vcxm business ■ ■' ,r Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 Olhei* have comeud gone*rovr county new«pa|;er keep* kohig. Sim.time* it ha. leemed hard to n»ke "buckle'and longue" meet, but ,oon the'sun .hinet and we march on. Our faithful aubicriber, oioit of whom pay promptly, give u, cournge and abiding faith in oor - fellow man. If your neighbor it nut taking The Record tell him to subtcribe. The : price is only $I.SO'per year in the State, and $2.00 in other atate*. / When You Come To Toiwn Make Our Office Your Headquarters. We Are Always Glad To See You. Pontiac’s Regal Catalinas C(Hnbine tiie Most Glamorous Stylii^ and Breath-ta^ng Performance in Hardtop Histoiy one got our special atten­tion—the magnificent Star Chief 4> Door Catalina^ pride and joy of the Pontiac hardtop family! ' The most raciting Catalina ever built (and rerneraber, Potitiac intro^ dticed Catalina design), Pontlac’a $tar ■ Chief haidtops reflect the beet efforts of stylists given a free hand to be lavish with luxury.. And generous they were! are soft, hand*bt^d top-grun leather, rich n ^ n , deep- I^e <»rpeting, all perfectly matdted with exterior colors. Here's smartness and luxtiry you wpn^t find in any othw dar at any price! ' Drive it and find something else you won't ^ in any other car: the com­bination of 227-horaepower Strato- Streak V-8 and.Simto>Flight Hydra* Matic* t ^ t leaives all other kinds of power in your wake!By now you know this is just what you’ve wanted—and youHl bo happy to know there’s nothing to ke«> you . from having it! ^ Your Ifontiac dealer can set you straight on this dream cair's modest cost—and also show you Pontiac’s three complete lines of two* and fourr door CateJtinas in three price rangea. One ia bound to be yours!•Aa tfxIm-cuKt ovHoh. ' T h r e a t says 0 0 -.a n d the p r ic e u m n't sto p y o u ! s m m ^ IRVIN PONTIAC COMPANY Wiifce.boro StTMt Fm iehM Dedbr Licmm 2 ^ MocktviUe, N. C. . D A -V lfi O O U N T T 'S O I .D B S T N B !W S P A .P B R “ T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P I - E K E A I> -HfJlE SlUU. THS PtW .TH I MCHTS WAUn'AlHi UNAWH> ST nWUICHCE AHO ONBRIBED BY CAM." VOI.nMN LVI..; H O C ksm & B . W pilTH'C^Rpi.IKA, WBOWBaDAy: APRIL as. «<»<6 NEWSOFLiWIG AGO. GOODOLDDAfS WiM Waa H«p|MbIi« h Da. ''trie B efore ^ r k i i i t M e lm ' 'A nd Abbreviatad* S k irts (bmrte Srrord, April zD. tql6) : O. P. Bow, o(Y>dUo*llle,R. I, was la town Frhl,, on bosiaen. Min CIOTce Hnoler spent tbe week.eiid .the gtmt of Mrs. Mary . Hiller,-ti^r leansilem.' J, p. Moore and aon James and ,W. F Dwlerlns were In tbe-TwIn city Tbartday on bnslness. Miss'Msruaret Brock, of Cbir- . lotte, spent several days last week witb bet brotber, B. C. Brock. Dr. Andenon. Dentist, having cangbt up Mib bis iBshing Is now back ia bis office, lEMIsses May ^d ergraft and Bettlab Fleming, of tbehlgbscbool (acnlty, went to Greensboro Sat. nrday lo iee tbe Viiginla Carolina .bril. eane. June Meroncy who holds • oosi. tion wltb-Ctowford's Drag Store st . town tbe put week witb bis par. ents. : Hoii. JoMphns Daniels passed tbrongb o n r village Tbnradsy afternoon, hut only hesitated bete a mlniite or two. He was od tals ■ way to Lonisillle. }am|e Moore, wbo b teacblng scbool at Harrodsbnrg, Ky„- spent sewrai davs here last week wItb bis parentf.' Bis nuinv. friends were gltid to see him looking so wen, ' Miss Rnth Bo«e spent ' days last <«eek In Walkertown as. , aisting In ' gelling np ar “Toro Thumb Weddin*" wblcb was pre sevted in the Walkertown Metbo. dlatcburcb’Satttrdsy evening. The Notipariel Page l l^ r y so d e tle s ofthe Hockavniebtgb scbool bad a del'ightfal picnic and mptier a t Clement Cr»t patk Thnnday evenltig from 6 :30 to 9 o’clwk. A- boat 33 Aerahers andieacberswere Thinkinc back over the past 56 years I often, wonder what has happened to ail tbe yonng wbo onl» loaled around tbe little town of Mocksviile wbeo.tbe work day was over. There are but few of tbem still living. Among tbe few are A. T. Grant R. B. San. ford, Bmest Hunt, Hsrold and Frank Early, Marvin Waters, Al­ bert Sbeek and others.. Some of the young fellows would gather a- roUnd the large porch at the old Gslther bolidlhe on the north com. of the squire during tbe snm., ST evenings. Tbe Barber Shop Rarmonizers would put out' some gondsinclne. which coold be be<rd all around the .squsre. After the boys got tired of singing, tbev wontd mti'faot races from the com- on the square down main street to where the coiirl Mnse now stsnds. Arnitte Sheek claimed to be-the champion runner and won most races. After tbe races the hoys would go across lo the Wesnt block on tbe east side of the square and engage in jumping. Believe II or not, the writer was a pretty good broad jumper in those daya. It I am not mistaken I bad a re. cord of something over 17 feet. Among the young fellows who inid sssemble for these oce^ons were Totnniv Bsllev, Ben' Me. Clsmrock, Paal Hardimo, Ed San. ford. Luke Ai>pltng,' Ben Bailey and others., If I am hot mistaken all of these men haVe gone to their reward. Later, on nearlv so years sgo, Dennis Whitley, Beal Smiih, CIvde . -Yeslerdav vaa Davte conntv dav at Sailsbnty Federal court. Dcn’t ’know bow many of rar'dtteens , were given s .year’s vacalkm in tbe dtv'of Atlanta. Margaret Voting ain aged color, d Womaa, died Saturdsy moroiag st the home of , her ; danghtcr. Jane Chaplain, aiid was burled at the colored Baptiat ceaietery Senday afternoon. George Frankliti Talbert, of Ad. vance and Miss Ara Cortiatxer, of Comatier. were united In marriagr at the home of the'groom oil Tues dav momlne, Apr, Kitb. Rev. } Willism BrvsM, of Flovllla. Ga ' peHjormed the'marriage ceremony, cermonvi The' marriage. waa very quiet affair, only a lew friends of the .bride and groom being pre. sent. • W. B. Shermer and family bava m o ^ from Wloslpn tn tbdr faro, near Lllwrtv Cburcb. SnowBeck, R. N. Smith and Dan Clarv have bought the / Gsither fsr;'on Hunting Creek. ■ Lnvd tbe'lHtle aon'nf Mr. and Mrs Orsdy .ijam » of Sheffield who hsve tw»n very' III with blooil mlmin In Ms face Is aMe to be ont • again. ■ A )>esniirnl wading was, nie. mix'd S«tnrd«y evening A 5HI iV'b, •• 4:30 o’clock when Ml« W "s M. Harris heranie. the bride- of Ra»; mond PoWell at the h ^ of the brides parmis in the p i^ e e only Ihtlmatt relathmniad friertsi Rev. 1. R Matiief Pastor of the bride offirtsHng. using the ring Krem<mv: The bride who ,1s the 'attractivie ■ danghier of .-Mr. Mra. Har*«r Harria. of Harnray, waaeharminglh a eorgelle of rtm wit* Mnnd aecem<Me^ ■. Tho gro<>"i la rbe son of Mr. and ^ Mr. S,. S. Powell, of Route s. is a wiu knoin m a^nlc oi Dw|e eouatr./;. O p m FORUM jam atw the iugd llvlag In, .the of hcavtfl with the'g«qwl to preach, tnto alt nallans m i ' Mod. rad and tongue, and pecpte, Tbe angel •vas saying with a loud voim. Fear God. ,nd give glory to blin; tor the honr of Ua judgment ia ; and worablp him that mad« heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fonnlalns of watera. ‘ In the leding chapters we are told tbe beast bed set np forms o f worship sud bad forced tbe people lo vleM full otedjence of their free, dom to buy or sell waa<taken from tbem. Now in this fourteenth chapter a glorious scene was a- bout to come fohrtb to. the people of tbe earth. The angel was seen by the aiiostle brlngiu't the ever* lasting gospel to prescb lo every aatltm, tongue, and peonle. This was followed by another, g every one to Fear God’s iudgmeni Is come. Tben.stili su Older angel followed saying Baby, ton Is fallen. Is, fsllen. tbst great dty, because she made all nations drink of Ihe wine of tbe wrath of her fomfeatkin. In the old testae ment limes iBabylon was a great city, but fell and has long sln« been remembered. So this kin*, dom set no witb Ite besst as the bead wbo received Ms power from tlie dragon (satan) was to ^ fall be. fore the power et tbe gospel taught by tbe one hundred forty four Ihsusand servanta whoee n hority waa delivered , by angels.. ABOUTTHROUGH Stuck in a smalt village for the week end, a traveling man decid. ed to go to ctiurdi. Aftertlteaer' moil started and went, on and on for two hours, he began to get restless and fidgety. Finally he asked an old nian sitting next Co him hovf long the preacher bad been Preaching there. "About to vears,” tbe old man whispereid, "Well, m stay, theo,”;said th* man. "He must be almost fin­ ished.” Ijsmes, Walter Call, Harley Graves Csrr Swlcegond. sud Roy Holl. houserwiMc among the yooog fel. lows who would gstber atound tbe square at night to help while a- wav the lime. Back In those days all the storM around the square stsved open unill 9 or 10 o’clock, end on Saturday nigbu until if o’clock or later. There were no oool rooms,: no movie shows, no Mrlmming pools.bnl tbe yomg peo. ole enioyed life aa well or p more so than they do todav. The ontstaudiuir events In the good old dsvs- were Ihe Masoiilc picnic the Fork Church commence, meui; the a n n n a l'Baptist piciilc, Sunnys'de Seminary mcnt; and once In a while a circus would come to town or a rpsd show would visit the town sud use the mart house 10 tml on their show. The Southern Ri These angels bfonght ihe 10 pieacb a« FBAR GOD THE HOUR OF HIS JUDQEMBNT IS COMB. Then John aald further. And the third aoger followed them, saying with a'lond voice. If any man wor. ship tbe beset and his 'Jmage, and in hla iforehead. 01 In hls handi: The aame abal drink ot the wine of God, which la poured out. sritbcmt y stn re Into the enp of Ms Indignation; and he abaU be tormented.; with fife and ir In Ihe .t^ n e e ' pf the Lamb thla thlid angel was de llveriag the nesssgc warning. the peoi^ not 10 yield to the doctriae laugbl hv Ihe kingdom r^esented by >lie' beM; and If they did snre. ty each olie would be tormented tor not t^ecllag this evil system set a moag Ihe children of men {lete upon the earth. In v m II Ihe m m ge tntlber statea; "And Ihe amoke of their torment ascendetb nslonstly run an excursion to Nor. telk or Asheville and mnny of ^onr vcrang.iieople wooM take*advent age of the chesii excnrsiM retes to visit She mounlslns nt the seashore There were no sntnmobiles In those dayi and people did not visit the sins or go to the beeches, as they do todav. Maiiy Davie peo. pie did not get onl of the. coiiBtv often, as Ihe roads were bad" and travel bv buggy or wagon look too much time. ' Farmers hsuled Ibeir tobacco to Winston by, wsgon and It look about three dsvs to make the trtp. Todav they load ihdr tohec- co ln csrs or IrncVs. irtve home III the mornliigr sell ihelr lobsceo and fittirn honie ,1" vtlme Inr Mihm. How |itnes^!have . Ranged in so . ';:Tkefe-wert:,i»o'' hrtdgw V crow lWi. tsio Yadkin rlvi«, and the wagons and lingglea bad lo m ferries to get arcrosa tH*ae«treahMi, p ^ le lobk life easy In the old dsys. Thtre sreie but few fSilks traveling the dirt higbwavs and did not read dallv sbonl mv f^nds iielug killed, in auto and p1at)e wrecks. Perhaps the world Is gel. ting better s« the msd rse« tor wesltb and’lilaiiry prevails, but I Imes have my 'doubu ahmt th ls.;'\ ^ ^ De Y«a RM dnM RtieaHt ni> for ever and ever;' and they have no rM day nor night, who war Up the beast and bis Imsge, and .wba«evw'receiveth tbe mark of niiiw:: thU scripture reminds us Jit rtil i»l he ia,y, lor. those yidding obedience unto this shW ofHe devil the old eerpant John heard a volec aa ’ toltows, 'And 1 heard , voice, tfom heaven me. Write, Blesaed ere thedMd which die In . tbe Lord f^m beneelbrtb; Yea, aalib the Spirit, that they may rest from Ihdr laboura, aud Ibdr worka do evil the leader. Ibllaw lhm .” : In, this verse thetei la, a wonderful promlee to the right ^ t h e l f lahonra will not bam been III vain, and their good worka will tollow. Then In the next two verans John saw one like unto the Son at Men sitllnc on a cloud and on hh bead a golden crown (slgul lying power) and In bis hand; a jdurp sirfcle. Then anther an. gel eame.oiil of the temple crying M b a tend voice lo him Jh el^ w OB lbeclo«d,."ThruaHnthyalrtte, aud leap! for the Ihne la come far tbw 10 if<ap: ,f«r the harveat of the eattK Is: ripe ” No doubt this meant the peopleiof the earth JwM f»adr 10 be orteclMd lo like » field la f ^ y for Ihe hsrmst to this farm, er thfiMts In hie sickle, and teapa Oar County And Social Security Bv Louis Ha Clement, Manager. It Is possible for a retired work­ er to receive social security bene* fits and receive pavments from other pension or retirement plans at the same time. Fred Bums worked for Fennsy)* Seen Along MsinSticet BjrTheStmtRamMet. nia Railroad for more dian 30 vears. His wife died a year be­ fore he became 65. Fred retired from the railroad when he became 65 . and devoted a few months to traveling. But he is a vigorous well>preseirved man for his age, so he took a job with a local store where he worked in ilovment covered by social se- MEN SCARCE ' **Did you hear diere was a man- eating shark discovered in the bar bor yesterdayr* breathlessly a ked the summer girl. "Well, theie*s one good thing a- boutlt,he*ll die .of starvation,** said the second summer girl. NOT MUCH Two chance acquaintances horn Irelaud were calking together, ‘An so yer name is Rilev ” said one. *'Are yez aay relation to Tim?** , **Very distantlv*** stud the other. *'piwu8 me mother's first child, tmd Tim was die seveni«enth.** curitv. ' He remained on this job until, he was 69 vmts old. As a result of his work on the railroad he receives a'monthly be* nefit from Railroad Retirement in the amount $116.00 each month. His earned benefit from his store work under old-age and survivors insurance amounted to $71.30 per month. Fred now has a combined in* come of $187,30'per month. He has finally retired from all work and spends his time visiting with his sons, one of whom lives on the west coast and the others in southern State. His combined benefits have made ic possible tor do more of the things he always wanted to do. If you have any question con* ceming your social security, you might write us ar 301 Post Office Building, Salisbury, N. C., or see our representative who visits the Court House, Mocksviile N. C on the first and third Fridays of each mondi from 12:30'1:30. f Piedmont Laundry & Diy Gleaner* Oiwnetl And Operated By C. P. JOHNSON PHONE 489 For Pick Up And Ddivery Located In Front Of Ddve-In Theatre the <raln. So waa,the servants the Lord wslting tor the amteb, to d d lm thla iMMageaM anibority ao they amid then m out like eft and gather la the people like tbe golden grain hTiafvested tolbe fall ,T .I. BENNETT, ' CtafMmNlC NOTICE OF SALE of Pursuant to an order of ,8. H. Chaffin, Clerk ,of the Su( Court of Davie Caunty made in an acrion or proceeding pendbig In aald Court enlided, “Davie Cbunlv vs Walter Jones and wife Sadie Jones, ttd ,”, devisees and hdtsat-law ofldaIto « « rd ,d ^’d. the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at the CoiirtbbUM door , of Dayie County, In.MocksvOle,, N. C , at I2K» o’dodc: M ~- on Saturday the 19th day.ttf May^ 1956, iKe to lowing described lands, to.wit: A tract located'If! Fulton town­ ship nteit, ,“No Creek" . Churdi; Beginiiingata. stone; comer pt chiiich lot, thence N. 27j degs. W. in cbuich llhf, 23 poles to a Stone lii Cami^s line, comer, of church lot, thena S. 16 poles to a stone, thence 8.77* degs. E. 25.15 poles to a atone; thence North passing school’ house lot corner, 28.1 poles to a stone on South side puUic rc ^ school house lot cor­ ner, thence W. 25 links to a stone, coiner ofchurch lot. thence S. In church lot line 12.17 poles to the nnlng.' containing 3 acres more «s. and being the lands fonn- erly ownrf by Ha Howard, decs’cTetms of Salu fi cash and the balance on thtaty time with bond and approved s ^ rity or ‘a*i>*’^h.'dE?tei.l956.This the r A.T.GI ',Commlssloner. An ad fa The . Record GO GREYHOUND Wirtston-Salem *65c. Charlotte 1.45 Richmond. Vs.5.95 Columbia, S. C.4.05 High Point 1.15 Augusta, Ga.5.50 Norfolk. Va.7.10 Raleigh 3.25 Washington. D. C.8.10 Statesville 60c. Gteensboto 1.35 N oith Wilkesboto 2.10 New York, N.Y.12.00 Boone 3.05 Charleston, S. C.& 8S P la aT as. E slta <M R'd Trips w n x o n DBVo w . noosst ifsAsfiiia^ H. a . ‘ mmv Mtt, t M «(lr» CMt. yMlH rM* lb* n*w alrfM* Iwim • C B N IC R U IS B Rand the Highway Travalar G IIE V H O U 2V I} Mrs. .Wade Futches shooptaig a- round In dime stores—Miss K ath' ryn larWs shopping Ih Soda Shoppe Bobby Halltalkiog abaatwcath- conditions in Washington O ty Albert Boger tiatitacting some banking business—Taylor Call <&• cussing the political altuadon— Mrs. Betty Potis and Miss Jane Allen eating striped Ice cteam In drug stote—Mrs. .C C ChaiMnaii hurrying around'die square—Mrs. Roy Holthouser looking overm ^ ' postoffice lobby—^Arthur Dan- growling about winter lbtgei> ing'in the lap of spring—George Rowlaqd and Alvin Dyson wolk. ing on power lawn mower while Boone Stonestfcet toilets nearby —Senator B.C. Brock and Rev. C. Crawford talking over' the situation alongside bank—Mta. L. M. Graves carrying wadding pics- cnt up Main street—Miss Mary McGuire doing some wanik after­ noon shopping in dime stote— Salesladies taking time off to en­ joy jumbo-size coc»cohn—I. N. Smooton his way to tm ple of justice-Mts. Phillip Young look­ ing for postcard views of Mocks- ville without much success—Oeo. ^endricks and Geo. Shutt taUdng over Ihe primary situation-^R. W. Feimster laving in weekend sup­ ply, of groceries—Mr. and Ml*. Harmon McMahan waiting for banking house toopen—JackSan- fotd pausbig to chat with friend on Main street—Lewie Ijames do­ ing a little campaigning around, ihe square—Farmer, selling ficsh hen fruit atound town at 35c. per doien—Miss Sallie Hanes d i ^ some warm morning shopping— ■ Miss Beavevlella Gaither leaving dental parior looking sad—Mrs. Cecil Little carrying w^ddtaig pres- ent across Main stieer—Pink Rat. ledge and Thomas Jeffetmn Beck holding caucus under water oak in front of banking house on warm day. In Germany Army Home Town News Cent* er» Kansas City. Mo., April 4th.— Pfc. La.wrence W. <^rmcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gtady W. Caitnar, Route 1,,Mocksviile, N. C., uses a code book during “Bear Claw,” a Seventh Army command post ex­ ercise. In Germany. The exetcise included die handling of coirau- nlcatlons in combined operations during the severe European wtater Carmer, aradio relay opefator in Radio Operation Company of the 97th Signal Batullon, enMred the Army July 1954, He was gta- duated fitbtn Cool Sptinigs Hlili School in 1948. Princess ThCTtre WEDNESDAY •THREE STRIPES TO TTO SUN” Wldi A ldoRayft Phiicatey. Uartoon wiU THURSDAY & FRIDAY Jeff Chandler In “THE SPOILERS" W ith AnneBantr Color. News &. Cartoon Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. W e Can Sup^y Your Needs INGOODCOAL, SAND , a i^ BRICK : Call or PlionetJa At Aiiv tim e PHONE 194 F6tm e i|v ^ trte B ^ ifi|C a ^ SATURDAY .“TOP GUN" W ith Steriing Hayden & Karin Booth CMtooh & Serial MONDAY Sl TUESDAY “ALL THAT IBBAVEN ALU0W8" In T r f in te ^ W ith Jane Wayman & . Rodt Hudson. Caitoon & Ncw« PRIOR ,M .l.rSlio«Adi|U.M c:wi^,W e CINEII*SOOPB**aialM»Wna.t|i D A V K COUM TrB ; SHOWVMJUe M»m P^OETWO H ii DAVIE BBCORP. MOcksVlLLEi N. f APRIL Se. (9Et TUe DAVIE RECORD. C FRANK STROUD, EDITOR. TELEPHO NE Bnttnd ttthePMtofflee lnMoc)»' Till*. N. C.. u Seeond-elw HtU nntt«r. March t. IMS. :SUBSCiaPTION' RATES; ONE YEAH. IN N. CAROUNA • 11.8» SIX MnNTHS r a N. CAROLINA - 7Se. O N r YEA R. O inSID E STATf - l&OO SIX HONTHS. OUTSIDE STATE - tl.M If you don’t register vou can’t vote in the Mav 26th primarv. Regisiratlon booki will be open April 28th. May 5th and lith. Bold Robber For the fint time in 119 years the Davie Caunty court House has been held up and robbed. On Tueaday of last week* while Mrs* Cliiford Reavls. county tax col* lecror and S. H. ChafRn» Clerk Superior Court, were out at lunch, •oine unknown thief prized' the doors to thsse two offices open and proceeded to swipe $360 from the safe in the tax collector's ofBce* and about $80 from the o' fice of the Clerk. With people passing through the court house practically all day, the thief took biK chances of being caught in the act. but made his escape undetect ed. Up to this time the robber hasn*t been apprehended. Coart Convenes The April term of Davie Su perior court convened in this city al 10 o’clock Monday morning, with Judge Walter IS. Johnson, Jr., presiding and Solicitor |. Allie Hayes prosecuting. About 175 cases are docketed for trial at this term. Most of the cases are for traffic violations. The cou. t is ex peered to consume most of the week. Bad V^reck A wrc'dc in which three cars were involved, .occuired near Dutchman Creek on the Winston' Salem highway last Tuesday after< noon. Charles Owens, driving a 1950 Mercury, was making a right turn off the highway, when a 1956 Ford, diven by Miss Sarah Louise Haire, of this city, hit the Mer cury, bnd a 1955 Cadillac, drieen by Mrs. Grace Laughbridge, cf Marion, hit cite Haire car. Mrs Laiighbridge received head and arm injuries and Miss Haire re* ceixed shock and bruises, The Ford car was damaged about $1.< 500, and the Cadillac about $1,200* Veteran fdews W, J. Wilson. County Veterans Service Officer for Davie County, stated today that there are certain important documents pertaining to the veteran's service which shonld be kept in a safe place, the location of which is known to his next'of kin. Some of these documents arc original copy of Report of Seper. ation from the Armed Forces of the United States (DD form 217A ..or 217CC) orders to and released from active duty; and wanants, commissions, diplomas, citations, commendations, letters of appre* ciatioiw. etc. The DD Form 214 and Certified REGISTRARS and JUDGES Tl)e following Registrars and ludges have been appointed by the Davie County Board of Elec­ tions: S. Mocksville-Cliut Wilson^ re- gistrar, Fletcher Click, Roy .Harris, judgetr N. Mocksville—Ray , McClam* rock, registrut. Geuige Woodward. T- L. Junker, judgn. Cooteemec—Wm. F. Scott. M*- istrar, Monroe W. Wagner, Wm. F, Uwens. judges. —Fafani>itoil=j7HrMontgOm« registrar. Grady Smith, Wilbum Spillman, judges. Jerusalem—Robt. J. Ridenhour. registrar, Tobe Smith, W. T. Spry, judges. E. iShady Grove—Bud Peebles, registrar, Sam Hege, lack Vogler, judges. W. Shady Grove—Mrs. Flor­ ence Mock, reaistrar. Geo. Mock, Billy McDaniel, judges.' N. Calahaln-W . F. Ferebee, re­ gistrar, T. A. Blackwelder, lr„ Ben Powell, judges. S. Calahain -ClauJe Cartner, re­ gistrar. T. Glenn Cartner, Paul H. Stroud, judges. Clarksville—Robert Beck, r.-'gis- trar, W. L. Wallace, judges. Smith Grove-Glenn Allen, re­ gistrar, Jesse Laird, M. K Beau champ, judges. Fulton—Mrs. Odell Foster, re­ gistrar, Aubrey Mcrrell. Lindsay Louper, judges. All re^strars are Democrats and the first named judges. T he. se* cond named judges are Republi- Rob Store Some unknown person entered th e Wallace store o n North Main street some time last Tues* day night and stole more than $100 from a cash box in the store. It is thougnt a duplicate key was used to enter the building as thece was no sigh of a break in. No merchandise was takeh and the cash registers were not damaged. Farmington Higii School News By Jobnsla ElHt and Jo tt BuaiAh. Widespread excitement silinn rustling of many dresses and the gay spot of color they made, con* trasting with the dark, conserva tive suits, the hurried pinning on of cove ed corsagea. and of course the last minute primping up and powdering. Then the moment came arid the Juniors and Seniors silently filed into the lunchrpono, but what a different lunchroom, for the last Junior*Senior banquet to be held at Farmington. The theme was a Southern plantation and there was the rose trellis, the wishing-well, and the streamers and other decorations. Special atten­tion should be given Mrs. Groce for 8 mural of the song "Dixie,*' complete with the actual staff, which went around three whole sides of the lunchroom. It must have taken hard, careful and ex­ acting work. With the lnvlt.ition of Johnny McBride, tostmaster, the banquet got under way. After the meal (Southern chicken, of cou se) toas s were given by Bar bara Wrieht, foe Busiek, Pvggy Dull and Johi ny Hauser; fol owed bv H ev. B. Hoyle, the guest speak­er, who was very entertaining, a real asser to the *plantaiion.' of Discharge should be recorded SpMial entertainment was provid- cd by Johnny Gaiihet, las. White at the Register of Deeds Office, and oirv Groce in a trio; Johnsie located in the county seat of the Ellisat the piano in a light-heart* veteran's residence immediately ei melody, ''Humoresque.** and upon released from service. The Winifred Daviti, Eltz tbeth King, Regsterof Deeds requires no fre' 1“ “ ''White in a song. Pictures for recording t h « e d ~ t . a n d |» - » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a certified copy which can be used but ltwon’tbeforg.tt»n«>on. lnappIyi..gformostViteransAd- The uniors and Seniors have ministration benefits, can then be been all keyed up over ‘their trip obtained from the Register of to Washington. Those having on Deeds Office jthelS hw ero Peggy Dull, John- All Government insurant po.i ' S ^ u ^ Z T H 'a X r ’cTj.Tce ^ des and notices of insurance rre* more. Beasie-SeatH, Donald Miller, mium payments on these policies Vivian McKnighr, Lpwrence Greg* and notiees o f insurance prc* orv. Johnsie Ellis. limmyZimme miums due should be ktot. McBride, Leonard ( ^ ............. S h e l.o n . Patfcy C lin e . G a ry G ro c e . ‘• O ih e ^ p a p e r s a n d d o c u m e n ts to M a rg a re t A d « m s ; be saved are certificate of eliaibi- Jean Sharpe, Jamvs White, Barba- ■ ■ ........................... * Sheek. TommyFoiterJ Camilla Ihy for GI loan benefits, a rrcorJ ra Wright, Gene Sheek. Tommy I < of VA "C" I (claim) number if a Ra'Iedge, lohn Foster J Camilla daim for imv benefit from the Jarvis, Rachel Langston, Carolyn These Prices E ff^ye Wednesday Mormng April 25th Only LADIES H 0 S E Lady Carolina Sizes 81-2 To 11 2 For $100 ; MEN’S DRE.SS PANTS Size* 28 To 42 Values To $9.95 $4.88 Or 2 For $9.00 LADIES DRESSES SizM 7 to 20 And 141'^2 to 24 1-2 Regular $3 95 . ^3.66 Or 2 ForJ7.00 SOCKS MEN’S AND BOY’S Values To 39c Ertch $1.66 Dozen WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY DRAPERYMATFRIAL Regular 79c Yard 2 Yards For $ 1.00 Four Hour* Only BED SPREADS Sizes Double And Twins Reenlar $3.95 ^3.66 Or 2 For $7.00 B . C M O O R E & S O N S ‘BUY FROM MOORE AND SAVE MORE" MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Patronize Your Home Merchants And Save Money More people nained Jones’ o w n C h e ^ l e t s t h a n a n y o t h e r c a r ! *0f course we haven't actually counted all the Joneses. But . it seems a safe guess. Because this^year—as they have year rfter year—more people are buying Chevrolets. And 2 million more people drive Chevrolets than any oth^ car. ^ y b e you ought to come in and see why this is so. (Are you keeping up with fhe Joneses?) THE NEW lEl AM STOBT ^ P E wM to if by FMtr-OM aT 20 frhkr imi 0> 'Vcternu Aifa^istration has b m __ filed and ill rarmpondenc* from G. -------- tiM VctMini Ailminl.tf«ioii. tbwUiw. Mr. W ,!- Mfi. Esther H.. PENNINGTON CHEVROLET CO., INC. - -FRANCHISED DEALER LICENSE 789 - - MOeksVlLLEi N. C.PHONE 156 BAVI* KEOOBO. llOOKSnLIiES. ». C. APHIL 2S, 1956 PACE TBRBG the DAVIE RECORD. OidMt Pkpw h The CouBj^ No U iffo r/W iiie , B w M » NEWS AROUND TOWN, Miss Matiie Killian, of Penning­ ton Chevrolet Coi, nient the week- erui^ih h « &thCT, S. A. K U li^ In C het^t, 8. C. ' If v6uate looking for big bar- -^«ln»-iriBit-Brer-Moore-&—Sons Wednetday morning. You can’t affo^ to iniss thew bargains. ■ M n W. F. Nail, who spent ten days to; Davie Countv,Hospital tak­ ing treatinent, is improving, her friends wit! be glad to learn. Winter still lii«en In the lap of •prlng. The mercury dropped to a low of 30 degrra Saturday morn­ ing with plenty of Jce observed. - Misi Deanna Silverdis, a stud ent at Le^McRae, Collet*, Ban­ ner EkI, t^ n t theweek-end with her niotlm, Mrs. Dennis Silverdis. MI.S Aim Owings. who is in training >t C ab a ls Memorial Hospital, Concord, spent t h e wtek-md in town with her parents ‘Charles Vogler,-Davie County Register of Deeds, spent three day* this and last week in Davie County Hospital taking treatment anifis getting along nicely. Jimmy Kelly, son of Mr. imVI Mrs. J. E. Kelly, who recendy undnwent an appendicids oper­ ation at Davie County Hospiul, is getting along nicely. Mrs. Chas. R. Crenshaw, a m einhnofthe Mocksville school faCnltv; is recovering'from an oper­ ation whfcji she underwent te^ cmdy at Davie County Hospital. Mra.T. A. VmZant, of R. 1, wlia has been taking treatment at Davie County Hospital for the past 10 days, remains in a serious condition, her ftiends will be sorry to learn. . Mr. and Mrs. Detmy Angell, of Kannap lis. was in town on Monday of last week to attend die fiineral of Sanford Nail, which was held at Oak Grove Methodist Chuich. ■ • -Rev. and Mrs. E- M. Avett, who have been living in High Point for die paw sfai.months, moved to their home on Church S tr ^ last ^ve(^ The Record is glad towel come them back to the old home PitZ'Sanford Colonel Otto O. Rtz and' Mrs. Piti of Yotktown.' Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Margarat Elise, to Dr. Marshall- Clement Sanford, son of Mr. Ru­ fus Srown Sanford and the late Mr*. Adelaide Gaither &inford of Mocksville, N. C .' Miss Pit* is a graduate of the iCollege^ W illim and Marv and studied as a Full- bright Scholar at the Ecole Npr- male de Musique in Paris Dr. ^ahford-is-a-titaduai College and the Johns .Hopkins University School of Medicine. A June wedding is planned Glasscock-AMen Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Glass­ cock of Mocksvill.-, Route i, an. nounce the engagement of dieir daughter, Nancy Corene, to Elmer Gray Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Allen of Mocksville, Route S, No date has been set for the wed­ ding.. _________ Frank C H'ard Frank C^Ward. 78, a naitive of Farmington, but who baa been livinc in Iowa for many years, died April 12th at his home ^In Marshalltown. Mr. Ward is survived by two brothers, Grady N Ward, of this city and J. L. Ward, of Winston* Salem; three' sisters, Mra. John C. James, of Farmington, Mra. B. P* Walker, Winstoo'Salem* and Mrs, Camilla Armbuster, of R ald^, ^nd a son Robert Ward* of Den* yer, Colo. Funeral and burial ser^ces were held at Marshall* town, Iowa. April 15th. B. T. Browder* a Republican candidate for County Commis* sioner, has been living in Davie County for the past 19 years, in* stead of 13 years, as was printed in The Record two weeks ago. An A^precidHon We, the familv of the late Mrs. Mary Louise Lanier, wish to ac­knowledge with deep apprecia­ tion the kindness and sympathy expressed after the death of our beloved wife and momer. May God bless you. a a U nier And Chddren. Mil* Carolyn Hope Smith, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Smith, of Mocksville^ Route 1,' be­ came the bride of Douglas Cuttis Daniel, of Mocksville, spn of the late'Mr. and Mrs. John Samuel Daniel, at 7 p< m., Saturday, April 14A. IH liberty Pilgrim Church Shefiteld. . , , , Rev. Paul Is. A llt^ ,! putor of the Pint ^Wesleyan Methodist Church, of Lexington, and u ^ e iteH>f-Davids^vfthe1>riderpRfinwed::3he-cet» mony. Rev. Cary BuUa^ w isted. Joe Allred, uncle of the btide, acid Bob Greene, of Misenhefaner, pr» I wedding music. , The bride was given in marriage 1^ her bther. Mis. Janie Collette, of Mocks- viUe. and Miss Sheana Hitds, student at Pfeiffin College, were maids of honor. Bridesmiiids were Miss Betty Cly and Miss Shelva Westmoreland, of Wisutoii-Sal* em. Miss Nancy LofUn, of M im - heimer, andMiMfietty Jo Clark, bfMebane. Marilyn Allred, of Grmnsboto, and Charlotte Allred, of Modcs- ville, cousin of the bride, were ja> nior attendants. John S. Dahld was his brother’s best man. Ushers were John T. Smith, Jt„ the bride’s brother; 'attell Coheri, Timmy Taylor, Duf- fv Daniel and K ei^ Tunm w , all of Mocksville. The bride’s paretits entertained at a re ^ tio n afiter the ceremony at their home. When they return from a wedding trip to Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel will live on South Main strett here. Mra. Daniei attended Asburv Wilmore,Kv.,a..d Pfeiff- :,at Misenheimer. Her Mocksville Hifli School Niews LYNDA CR^WfORD^Rep|<mr ' Curtis Price, County Supetin dent of Eduction, is a patient at Chifflotte Memorial Hospital; re­ covering from- an arm operation which he underm nt two m k s ago. All hcqie for him a speedy Kcovety. • j Dr. and Mrs. 8, B. Hall left last Wednesday ,for Florence. Ala., where they win spend •eveial days with idatives. While^ away Ihev.will visit visit Asheville, Chat- wuxsga. Rock Gty. Tenn., and ol^'point* of interest. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wijl N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. GUmer Hardey rad daughter Liiida, Mr. and Mrs. Lswrenccr Smith and daughter 'Natallleand Mrs. James Poole and <ibughter Vivian, spent Sunday'at Farttteville, guests of Sgt. and M is. C h ^ Wrenn, Wednesday the basketball teams visited Mrs. Hayes ill her beauti- fiil new home for a weiner roast in her basement; After everyoine had satisfied his hunger. Mrs. Hayes presented gold basketballs with “County ChampioM” engrav ed on them to all of the varsity girls. She gave friendship rings to the B-team girls. The girls h w been displaying them with pipride, forThe Juiiors had tro u ts their play last week. They ate «o ihg to present a three-act cotnedv. ’Gabriel. Blow Your _Hon>, ’ by William Ellis Jones. ^ The charac­ ters are: ' Gabriel P nnington, Dickie Nai ZerusifO Sylvia Stroud ' Daisy May Nancy Brown Miss Thelma Smidi Emma Jo Smith Chlquita Murray _____ Barnes Floretta,CdIette Mildred CIvde RudiGwen . Pete Wright Gene. Plott Frank Stephens Bobby Leonard Harold Dillon Donald Danner Herbert'Brown, Jr. Wm. Long Hnbert Brown Tony Foster The Sauline Playtrs gavi a pre­ sentation of D..vy Crocken T him day afternoon at 1:4S- Thursday night they gave another perfiim- ance entitled, “Spooks That Waflc,’^ which wan very eiKiting. Friday at ac tivity period the Se- ive a pteview of ch was Satur _ The Seniors were very sat- Ti:::::'k Ij i Ir usned with the results of the_play..ed onFriday by Frrf Lonfc . Many rtianks are due Miss Brum- rod were w eek^d guffts_ ,n d Mrs: Crenshaw for their ^'.abledirecUon.' $105 was-cl»iidl Mrs. Fred Long, Jr_ and child. ,ten:ofChkpelHai, spent several „iiV cast nave G. R. Madison. They were join- ^ P.'fi*]- Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' m ’Ec. lab for the Seniors and a gi Sm ”i£ich is located by the Farm Friday our boya played Clem- one is askied to bring work tools i«br)lllng game throughout . aikd' take part l it this. worthrl -Reportcards came out Wcdnes- caiiw .' All w ^ e n win please day. Just one .more report card b4 nelunch (includlhg tea.etc) to;will be it! Let’s imimve these be «pi«ad In piciiic fashion. . . gndes this last six week. PanielSmith i |^ E E Lanier \M ts. Fnihk Louise Lm in, 66, wifeofHarrisdn a Lanier, died at 8:45 p; m., April 15, at the home on Spiing Street. She had been' in declining,health tor oneyear. Mrs. Lanier was bomi iii Davie She was a tnember of First Metho- dist Church. Surviving ate the husband; four sons, Lonnie Lanier of Jackson, Miss, John H. Lanier of Passaic, N. Y.. Harry H. Lanier of" and Robert P. Lanier of- six daughters, Mrs. A. C. Craver___________________________of Winston-Salem. Mrs. H,B. Wil- County daughter dfi. H. and {Hams of Stovall, Mn. Robeit Steel- Amanda Summers Wan. She was'man of East Bend. Mrs. Thur- married «> Mr. LaiUer in 1906. mond Dranghn of Mocksville and attended the - University of lllorth Carolina and served two rears in the Army. Both Mr. and All s. Datdel ate graduates of the MocksvUle High School. Sanford flail Sanford Nail. 72, farmer MocktvUle, Route 2. died unex­pectedly at 4 p. m., April 14di. He was working In his diicken lot when he suffered a heart at­tack. kfr. Natl was born , to Davie County on April 7. IW . a son of PhUI^ a n d Betty Pennington N^il, He was a niember of Oak Grove Methodist Chuach. _ ate Ms wife, Mrs. Maggie W dhnan NaOi sbt half sistfn; two-half brothers;.- F u n e^ Mivicea were held at 3 p. Um April lld i at Oak Grove Medindist Church. Rey. Robert OaUev and Rev. G. W. Fink offi, Butial was in die church Some unktiowtt' person visited Moduvnie High School sc time last Wennesday night and •fitr gettinc Into the building, forced a door into the business office. Only a small ainount of change was missing. No clue as to the identity of the guilty party. WANT ADS PAY. Mn^.Frank Koonti of Mocksvill^ 23 •;fendchildren; sevM greit- gim^^childrren; and rhree broth­ ers; ■, Fuci«al setvicej were held at 2:30 p. m.. Wednesday at the home The Rev.‘Robert (Mdey. Rev. F* P. Davis'and Rev. W. Q. Gribbs officiated. Burial was in Rose Cemete^. ' . . FOR SALE — 5-room house w iA .b ^. 4 acres, mile north of TED POSTER, , Pool Room. Mocksville dtylbnits. Pianos tuned, repaired, rebuilt refiiiishedor Rstyled. Free esd mates. New and used pianos. Anything musicaL Easy terms. Write for prices. ■' .Sterihig-Thomas Muste.Co. 629 N, T r ^ S t. Winston-Salem FOR SALE—Th former home o fC a ^ n Domm, located near " i d ^ l l e on Highway No. 158. ..Js is one of the better homes and is priccd to sett. .® >w o C,y SPECIAL NOTICE - Damaged u t MW 0W1MU»' w wallghdy damagedjurniture at ad justei's price. Be sure and see It ae 217 W. «TH ST.Winston-Salem,N.C. FOR REN T-N «w 4ioom dwel­ ling a ^ 29-acic (arm with 1.59 acres tobacco allotment. Will tent house and tobacco allotment to* or sepatatelv. ibowo;Hawkin. Ptoperty in ^ McHon. Prompdywrite can . Hoyle R lp ^ Attorney. t03FlfMNailoaaIBank Building, WinatOii.Srica. Pboi>e5«ZSI. SAVINGS FOR YOU ; BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE Aiivil Brand MEN’S OVERALLS $2.98 10 bz. Army Twill WORK PANTS $2.98 ANVIL BRAND Army Twill WORK SHIRTS $1.98 SANFORIZED BOY’S DUNGAREES' $1.48 SANFORIZED MEN’S ' Fruit Of Loom SHORTS 69c BOY« Striped Polo SHIRTS 49c LADIES LOOK Printed Broadcloth 36 Inches Fast Color Regular 59c NOW . - I U UMITED 8 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER LADIES SANDALS A**orted Color* . $1.98 GUARANTEED MEN’S STRAW HATS 49c LEE Overalls $3.98 Guaranteed To Outwear QUILT COTTON STITCHED 97c Roll FULL SIZE Children’* And Mi**e* SANDALS $1.98 GUARANTEED MEN’S TEE SHIRTS 69c Fruit Of Loom SHOP WITH US AND SAVE MocksviUe Cash Store Phone 205 On The Square ModuviMe, N C Q o G ' y ’A C C lN A T IO N CLINICS At The Following Times And Places PROTECT YOUR DOG AGAINST RABIES Oak Grove Church . .. Mocksville, Davie County Training School MocksvUle High School , - Otho Gravn Store ■ • ’ • • Pine Ridge Road, Cheeks Store Greasy Comer, Everhardt-Gatwood Garage James Service Sution, Across From Renu Dry Cleaneis Tuesday, May 1, 7:00 p Mock’s Church ....................................................Wednesday, May 2,4 « ) p Advance School . . . Wednesday, Mav 2,5:00 p Bixby.'Robettson’s Store Wednesday, Mav 2.6:00 p Fark.<Liven»>od’s Store -- - - ' • Wednesday. May 2 .7K» p Monday, April 30.4KX) p Monday, April 30, 5K)0 p Monday, April 30, &00 p Tuesday, May 1 .4:00 p Tuesday, May 1, 5:00 p Tuesday, Mav I, 6:00 p HI to 4:30 p m m to 5:30 p m m to 7KW p m m to 4:30 p m m to 5:30 p m m to 6:30 p m m to 7i30 p m m to 4-JO p m m to 5:30 p m m to 6:30 p m m to 7-30 p m All Dogt Four (4) Month* Old OrOlder ShouM Be Vaccinated The Charge, Special At Clinics Only, Is $1.00 Per Dog AH Vaccine WM Be Adminirtered By A Veterinai^ Davie Gtunty H ^tk Dei^itiii^! 1 Page took A CUJB c»n sIomnH* iMTObet- sbip list at anir time. It cu) decide not to aceept any mote new members t o six yeart. ot aixl^. But tt a churcll decidea to do the same, 11 is not a cliuii* aw diom. only a club. A church that H lor good reasons not growing -nay be » .true church ot Christ! but a chureii that does not «««t *° U certainly no church that Christ would recognlte,•■GO," Jesua said, into all the world.A church that has no Go about it, a church whose ho­ rizon is limited by ita own parkins lot, a church with out an outreach, . Dr. Foremaa is a parody on a true church. It la not the real tWni. ItaiilNnidHaMUapt The early Christian church waa ’surely the real thtag. It was a going, and therelote a growtog. diurch. But it could have had. tt It wanted, aU the moulds ex­ cuses which laiy churches oiter nowdays to explain why they don t reach out. For example, the early ChrlsUans could have said. "We can’t reach out. we haven't any money." But they managed to gel around, or at any rate some of them did. They could have com­plained. "We have a shortage of mtoistcrs." WeU, they did. but they had no shortage o< laymen. time the disttaguiahcd aposties go\ dovm to SanvMia found an enthusiastic laynjan Philip had been there already and got a work started. The church could have said, “We can’t afford to send missionaries all the way to Africa/* They couldn’t, to be rore. Bui what they could do was to knakc a ChrUtlan of an African in their own country, trusting that he would take the gospel back to his own people. <And he did. the tradlUon leUs us.)^A trade man does not complaltL^ about seeing hurdler In front of hi»i; he jumps over them. A good goUer doo$ not '*80 home road” because he has to play with a handicap against him. He lakes it as a com­pliment and a challenge. So the early church took their hurdles and handiCHps as ehanengea. Uymn CUrijr When you see a present-day church with no outreach, one of the reasons may be that the people leave aU the outreaching to the minister. He is supposed to be Interested In missions, sure, that’s his business. But the people —well, we have a hard enough time raising money with our ba* zaar Just lor the preacher't salary, you can't, expect va to think about missions] In fact, one has seen churches where the only really “active member” was the preacher. Now the early Chris­ tians talked no such nonsense. They did not have the hard-and* last division into “laity’' and “clergy” tiiat churches today have, even if they use other words like •‘memhct” and ‘'preacher." or ‘-pew holder” and "pulpit orator." The Apostles. It Is true, were men set apart. But the outreach of the . early church was mostly done by people who were not Apostles. And so far as we hear in the book of Acts, the Apostles did not dress differently from any one else. They did not claim exemption from taxaUoD. they dW not claim reduced rates at stores or when traveling. They were not given titles like Reverend or Doctor.— ev«rybody called them or Peter or whatever, without to much aa a **Mr.” in front of their names. They worked at outreach, yes. but the point is. they were oat locked on as professional out- readjew wWIe the “laymen” were professional sit-backeral ^ MiHn«<w«ri uiiiir M(i The early church reached 'out In two ways. They went where the crowda were, and also they went to ta r lonely places. We hear about crowds hi Jerusalem and Samaria and elsewhere. W> a ln have the stoty ot Philip goliw down to • desert roao where his only congregation was one liinely paialed Ureigoer. The going church today, the outreach- iDg church, the New Tejtament Idnd of church, atoo wiu bo reach­ ing out to the multitudes, and to the lonely man. It will be sending misslonariea'into great cities, m our land and werseaa. worktog among overcrowded tenements aiid swaiTOlng .treeW It will reaching out to cowhanda.on the open range*, to UgMbouK keep­ er*’ lamflles along the aeacoast. to' Uttie vUIaees on the edge of the Arctic and undei 'he dripplns tropical, ttlafariutf fr«RN p»l H I L L T O P S e r v i c e & S u p p l y BEST PLACE TO GET IT G a « , O i l , . T i r e s A n d S u p p l i e s S t a p l e G r o r e r i e s Small Enough To Appreciate -----Your—Bu*me3a_^_ Large Enough To Fill Your Tank J . W . H I L L O w ner North Carolina, Davie County NOTICE Whereas, a p.'tition hasi been ptk sented to the D»vie County Board of Elections to remow (he votto? placc in Jerui^alem Townnhi D» vie Coui ty» No.th Ciirolina, and whereas the Odvic Cnimiy Board of Electtons of the opinion tha* it is m the best interwt of the m.* Joritv of votcts ot the said precine to remove the said voting place. Now tbere£i>re, t>e it resolved that the voting place in ■ and (ot the lerusalem Precinct, D avie County, North Carolina, be and the same is hereinafter removed from ifs present location to the Jerusalem Fire Department House located jtear the Intersection ofi Highways 801 and 601» and saine' is hereby designated as the voting place for the said precinct. This the 3rd dav of April. 1956, Davie County Board of Elections. By I. C. DwiKgins, Chairman. Attest: Harold Foster, Secretary NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virti»e of an or­ der of the Superior Court of Da* vie County* m»de in (he special proceeding entlded Will McCul loh, et al, vs ClArencc McCutloh, upon the ^pecial proceeding dock­ et of said court*- the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 28th day of April, 1956, at 10 o*cIock, la. m>. t>n the prtnnses South of, MocksviUe, ar the home place of: a F. McCulIoh« at McCulloh Ar* ’■ror. aboi.t thf*i‘ miles Southeast -if Mock^vi]]e, N C„ offer for sale to the hig’iest biddci for cash, those cettain tracts and lott ofj land Iving and being in Mocks- vflle Township, Davie County, N. lC„ on the Turrvntine Road, ;iiid more particul nly described us foU lows, to*wit: ’ Being the prop.:Tty of (he estate of D. F. McCulloh, deceased, lo­cated in Mocksviilc Tou'twhip. Da­ vie County, three mihtn $nu>h of M ock^le. North C<iri>tioa, whkh map ia drawn and surveyed by A. L. Bowles, U. S.. Nov. 22 23, 1955. which man lii recorded in the Re- gisterof Deeds office of Davie County, Fljit Book ). page 45. and on the naid map as rec«irded, ithe lots which are included oti the said tnap, tai\ge from to fortv' Ifour, and the said map' \s just as' much part of the said p g*Hpl\, if' herein fully set out- itiis 27di dav of Marche 1956. JOHN Te BROCK. Com«u>Moner. Be C. Brock, Attorney. N. C.. APRIL 2t. m tf ACROM S a B i^ t.Oai»ltal • .<8lang> W«r.) 4.Cryofpaln•.tuek . ft.mreverM (A B ^ COneortlM ItUk} ; a re ttU k M •aUnfMS !in aplMii•.sw ung m. ^ around . !• fl.rBlse U.Net*y^‘- ■ werk^.;v- aloftn.Pr<H • •. Ject. • tag . ehureh u n WHKT AHSwn 'V.' ii[ir^ri::iw nrjaw ki •;;"j3iaraw ;j.yu aa North Carolina, Davie tioun^ Notice V;" p.m “ »:Viueatl6l^„ gS. Devoured gi.Baenar •eeut MaBmphaMM gS.8outk ':*t6be^;':,'.Hi:.':32.cuiws'- ■ 89. BgypUaii SaiM) dtiM ' soiardeltjr,.;^^ (poss.) ST.Beam 26.Tumblo " gg. Covering • down . . of the brainSff.Grlt , 46.HorBeMwer 2g.Dwarra <abbr.)' m u m m W her^, die regti^dbn o f MockavlUe P ri^nn hiu Increased to tuch an ext«nt that ^it U 'now o^sMury to catabllsh. two voting pr^ncts in lieu of thefvtecinct nmtofoM e8tabHBRed.:V'" ) , Now, thetefor^ be. it rietolv^ that MocksvUle Precinct 'be and the same'is JierebV 'divided into .twovotlngprMinetB'by;.a lliie de* iscr'b^ as f<^|pws: V ’ Bcuinning'at a poinf on High- ^*:-VrJ^Or64^8-it-^cros8e.vDotch4. man Cceek on the Bast boundary of the laid precinct and following HigHway No M Westw^tdly tothe .Intersection of Depot Srreecin the , City of Mocksville; thence -West' ' wardly ;with Depot Street to the poinr where it rejoint Highway, No. ^Vat th« mttrsection of Salted burv Smet,. chence Northwardly <abbre>laOardentMl3t.2«ttural g3.0v«rti«M gt.lUfuse g9.FligIitte8t bird 8d. coverlet98. Fastens99. Ground40. Handle ofaswoni41. Looks At (42. Moxmtain defileDOW.V S,TotaU<> up 2. A niArltcd doctinc H H ^ J I ^ S ^ M U U ■ ■ ■ m m and.v Westwardly with Highwa* Noe 64, along Salisbury Street'anc Wilkesboro Street and beyond toBear Creek, the Western bpundary ot the said precinct. That part of Mocksville Precinct lying South and'West of the said line shall be and the same is here* bv creatcd and designated as South Mocksville Precit^cf, the . voting place to be at the County Court House, located within said pre­ cinct. The.remainder of the said <Migi preclnc Wing North and W e« of the said line shall be and the same is hereby created and de* signated as North Mocksville Pre* cinct, the voting place to be at the .Elementary School. Cherry Street, Mocksville. within said^precinct.This the 3rd day of April, 1956. Davie County Bc»rd of Elections. . By J. C. Dwiggihs, Chalrinan. Attest: Harold Foster. Secretary. P a t r o n i z e y o u r h o m e m e r c l i a n t s a n d h e l p b u i l d u p y o u r t o w n a n d c o u n t y . North Carolina, Davie County NOTICE Whereas* the Davie C o u n t v Board of Elections finds a need for^a registration Of all of the vot* im of Davie County in each and every prectoct thereof,' Now, therdfoce, it U resolved that a Mgegistration be arid the same is herebv ord^ed in the fol* lowingpredncts: Mocksville, Farm- ingtom Claiksville, North Cala- haln. South Calahalh, Jerusalem; Cooleemee, Fulton, East SI Grove, West Shady Grove Smith Gtove. The registration books shall be open ac the r:spective polling pla* ces in e^h precinct from nine • o'clock a. m., until sunset for the T;,tion herein ordered, on ‘ 1956> May 5. 1956. 'lay I This 24th day of I Davie County Board of Electioni,By i. Ce Dwi^ns,'Chairmaa.* Attest: Harold Foster, Secretary, Notice of Sale of Houie and Lot in Mockftville, Pursuant to an order and judg­ment of S. H. Chaffin, C. S. .C; rendered in an acrion or proceed­ing in the Suoerinr Court of Da- vii£ County. N. C., entitled ”IHvie County, a Municipal Corporation vs Terry R. Burton, Admr. nf J. E Burton, deceased, et al,’* the tinderslgned Commissioner will, on Saturday, tbe 5th day of May, 1956. at 12K)0 o’clock, M., at the Court House door of said County, in'Mockkvillc, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, the following described lands or lots, which was the property of J. E! Burton, de* ceased, to-wit: ^ * Lots Nos. 101.102i 103,10^,105, 106 and 107 on M»pie Avenue ex­tension on west side of Salisbury Street in Mocksville* R C , upon which ihere is'located^a nice dwel­ling house. / ' Terms of Sale: One*third cwh* and the balance on 30 days time» wkh bond and approved security- or-all cash at option of the p iit. chaser. This 28fh day of Mareh, 1956. , A. T. GRANT, Commissioner. A d m in is tra trix N o tice Having qualified as A iininlstra* trix o f the estate o f Gr iv Jo n Sin* Iclair Cartm ell, deceased, late o f Davie County, N orth Carolina, this i5 to notify all pers«m« h:>viiig ,claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned with* in twelve m onths from date here, of. or this notice will be pleaded: in bar o f fhcii recovery. All per- j sons ow ing said estate w:l| pK-a^e' m ake im m ediate scitlem eitr. ' T his 21st dav o f M» co, 1956. EM ILY R O D W ELL CA RTM ELL. A dm rx. o f Cretydon Sinclair CiirtmelL M irtin £l M iutin, Atrys. * ..a i i d ^ i i ^ t o e r O w o n ! \W\ NOTICE TO CRrarrORS H aving queliiicd •• Executor o f ihc isiaie o fB ru ie B ra w n , decc». ed. notice U hereby.given lo ' -mI persons holding claim s against the said deceat.ed. to pieaent ih e tn pniperlv verified, to the u ndersign ' ed. o n o r brfoie the Zl SI dav o f. M aich, 1957. c r thih noiicc will be 1 plead In bar o< .i c very A ll p er-; sons indebted lo si i.l e« ai.-. will please ro u k ep io m 'i settlem c'l. This 21st dav «<f March. 1956. H. L. BP Y A NT. Exr. Bes..ie,Brown, ilvcs*Block & Brock. Acrnrnev« . o m NpW-FAMIUAR SljOGAN "Z«o*/lA earf-too* Sob<A/" ^, ia thirteen years old & is month. But you have to count fnore > than die candles on this birthday.cake. Count, instend,' the number of times we have uaed this hard-working phrase siiice it W8* “born.” . ' Ilte total is impressive—for in these past tUrteen y ^ rs • we’ve a ^ "lM k Ahead—Look more than 420 million times in leading finahidal publications and in magazines ly^m' i»ast to coaat. OurinfC this same period, there have been 4,203 . o a jw industrial developments along our lines'alone. Evejy time we say ”£odi Ahead—Look South!" it is an' , iiivitation to all'America to share in the opportunities of U>e . modem Southland And every invitation is a bid for new IndusWea fO T .^ expanding South "to grow on.” .: For aU of (is, the econoi^ dw dopm m t of the South is not a thing apart Ifa w cloBe to a man as tbe job he hbltU, as ' personal as his take-home pay. The fiiture'of the Southland is ‘ youir fiiture—and oursi It never looked b ri^ te r or offered .i” " e " to * K w o n ;\ . 7 ' The Rcconl U tlie oMct paper in Davie County. • SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM • WA8HINGTON, O. C. The D A V I B C O tr N T T ’S O t D B S T P ? B W S P A P B R ~ T H B P A P E R T H E P E O P t E K B A D I MAiL THB * •* « . TW N O W ra HCHTS MAINTAIN. UNAWU> W OifUJCNCt AND UNBRIBCD BV CAIN * yOIrOMNsLVI.IIOC«8Vn:,tB. NORTH CAROUWA, WBDWB8DAY. MAY », i<«6 mjUBBK 39 ^ m m M m ^GornoDOLbDAYs op m forvm In tlita - • ------- '■>0. W iMt Wm H a p p m iiitla D a. ■«*{• J M o m h r U iif t e d A bhrM riaW skirto. (Davte B eo ^. llsy 7, 1930) ilts; O. O.'Dsaiet spent Thnrs. dav teWiDBtoa Salem shopplnif. D. R. ,Sltoad nnde « toslnm trip to Wlostoa.8alera Tborstlsy. ' Governor O. Ijisx Gardner, who occnplcB Ibe BiceMtlve Uanslot) In . Rtlefali, was ta iown' a abort while last Tuesday. , ' Mrs. lister P. H.rtlu and child , ren r^unied home T h n ^ sy from PlniD Braneb, S. C„ where m?y weje KaeaM of Hci. Uartln’s sister. Ura. A; A. Bplleman. Attorney A. ,T. Daniel, who is ta k ^ a spedsi coaae in law u the State Unlvenlty, spent several daya last, week In Iowa with Ms parents, Mr. and Mia, J. A. Daniel; No use for CaptalD Chrlsiian or • Dr. I.«ler Martin to , waate any more time fisUni this sprlnE. John LeQnad wcat down' •on the- Ug Yadkin Thatsday md cauKht 10^ pound carp witb book and Hne^ Rev. R. S. Howie, former pas. : , tor oif the Moeksvllle Helbodlst cbnrcta, bnt who la now atatloned Malden, waa In town noe day last ^ ahaklBK bands with «ls nuny ftlenda. A nambar, ot Metbodlsis vsildna ebnrehea in' Mvle connty ' atte^.d the Wlnaton.Sa1em DIs. trict Conference which was beld at ; the Oreen ^ tlttt Methodist rhnreb la that city tart TbttndaV awl Pr); "T h e meoihers of the: Clirlstlaii Bndeavor Soeietv of' the Miiek.. .'' 1 - .il'Lla .«!■ ■■ «vilie ' x^vsoyieriao CDareo- visii?o 'tte County Borne recentiv and car. . . tied a tnat to all the Inmates. Ser. ' viee. were held at. the boine, con. alsting of aoBga and prayer and an Intenatlnc talk waa made bv Prof. W. P- Rohinstm, County Snperin- tendent of aehoiota.' Primda In Mocksville and Davie cmntT wlllbeattrty lo learn that Mr, P. M. tesile, of Runenvllle, Ala., la critically «<■ » i. Leslie soffered a stroke of paralysla tm r al dava a«o. He once lived here, bnt',movedto Afabama*m«nv vear* a«o. Ha visited frfe'nds In Mtwks. _____ fleeting world cliaoges sre'taklnK placeifioin dav to ,day'and year. tt> year, Porn^r. fv » year I have been wrltli« as article each week ahtint whal was happenloK In Mccksvillc and Davie Connty some so’ years a*o. I,ook- laic aronnd tndav I-6nd that t»ar- ly everyth nK' around Mockaville has chanced excent one thine and that is the weather. Winter and sprlnE, snmner and fall roU aronnd on schedule time' each year. When 1 came to Mocksville nnr- Iv s6 vears ai;o there were no'heat- tnn systems, n b alr-conditli)ned booses, no (fas or elMrie ranees, no refrlKeraton and but tew Ice hmeer. Mmt pied wcod to heat thei^^h^es. There a some cpallMoves, bnt practlnlly all hnnses had iil»>-ptaces. Pine or ash Mrd wood could be bsn«ht at (from f t.50 to fa per cord, and coal bnt Ss per ton. Oeorxe McClam rock, who Is still tlvlncr was one of the farmets who furnished [wood 'some 4o-odd.years aeo. A short while aiEO a Davie CDun. ty lady told me that this was the worst and coldest winter that she could remember. The lady had heenlivinc ln this commnnlty 'fbr tnaov yeaiv. I told her that I thoneht she was miataken and' i*. "And he that au on th r^ l___ thrait in his afckle on tha earth; sad the esith waa lesped. And an­ other angel ,eaaie out of the temple whteh la heaven, he^dao h a ^ g a sharp sickle. "A ad taothtt tagel came out from the alta, which had power over fire; and cried with ii loud cry to him that had the aharp alckle, saving.'Throat la thv sharp sickle, and gather the dustns of thelvine of the earth; for her grspea are fully tlpe.” It Is very InterMlag to notice tbe orderly manner theae thlnga are. done In the vision to lohn. It Is noticahle how each sniKi had certain tMncs assigned lo him to do in the vision, Some of us no doubt often think of heaven as a large bnllding with ail of the righteooa gathered close a. round the tbtoae ot God. Snt in theaevenes It shows the orderly manner things are done. Another l ^ t along th t^ lines we see there Is a timple hi bnven and one ol the angela came out of this temple, no dnnbt he bad emerged from the holy place (above some other |dac. <a) with full instmctlon'atoaaslst In mbering upon the eatth the work aboht' to bnrst forth among the dilldren of men in thi laat davs alter the daifc agea when the minds of men had been darkened with the teachlngaofthe beaat. It sbonld he sllmalallag to every one the Lord recognised:there waa some Oar County And |s«e» Along Rfain .Stmt ~Ssml-Seain Bv tools H. Clements Manager. Ifaw otker in,vour&milv dies, ask!if survivors benefits are |>av- able at vour neatest social security ofRce. Eadi y n r there are some lefito that ate not claimed bv NOTHING ELSE Averylarge womati entered a London.tube train and two men got up and gave her thehr seats. She was so big that a small boy sat aatini at her In wonder. Hventually she'said impatiently. "Little boy what are you looking at me for?.’ T h e youngster embarrassed stammered; *T. Hady, there isn’t anywheie else to look.” MAYBE SO Most men need two women in their lives—a secretary to take everything down, and a wife to pick everything up. upon th* eatth teady to receive this gospel and be was aending forth .hto angeU fiprn the c o t^ h of heaven to bring In thia goapel mes. sage to the eaiitt after men bad oeen fettered for ao k»g by the doctrlnat^ the evil power. In the life time ol Jeana upon the earth be ioften taiigbt In pataMes of the sow vllle alioat a year ago, coming here from the Confederate'*Rennlon at Charlotte. ■ Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Swalm had a natmw e<cape while on their wav hew from Winston Salem lant We<*. n ^ a v nigbl. Hr. Swalm, In drlv> i ^ hls car aronnd a shsrp corner ran Into a fire ttnck. .His car was badlH>n»K*d>nd Mrs. Swalm stif. , fin«4 «H(ttt hrjnries. Mr. Swajm did intt hear the fire track, which w u retnmlng to the atstlon. It the ttnck ’had been rntmlnc fM Mr. and M ». Swalm would no doubt have been Irilled or badly in. Jnred. ’ Mockaville H«nlwar;'Co., have jast e ^ e d an attractive marquess , over their store fronts,'which adda mtiehto the appearance of tbelrj bulMinia.; Xm , ICnrfeea has.. putehased thei.X : WaM bouse and lot on the,'W lnsfrn.Sal^ hlehway jttst nntsMe the Mocksville limits and . wiil inove'Msfamilv to this new' home In the near fiitark It Is not ktwwn where Mr. Ward <<rtll Mrs. G.. L. <>aven and Infant ('danghter who are lt>. a ^teavlik boirital are . getting alotig nicely: . xitile Flovd CraiTO. who has bain a^ondy III witli t^hoid ial BiifibIniproiM and,ls al^e to 'W Wk The family hat been sr^onsiy O ili^ and ail are glad that Mrs Crima and llitte’sm ate ranch bet. ' -tar...’' 'Brnwii and Boom Ram* m *((b^nt Friday' fa 'Owtcfnee minded her. of the winter of 1917. IS. ,I can remember wlatera for tbepast65 yean,and that wsa the worst wintei- In my memory. The Cnited Ststes hsd entered the first world war in April, 1917. and dnr. ing the following winter our young men were iielng aent co army catnna at Charlotte, Columbia, Spartan- b a ^ and GrefnvlUe^ S. C. . The Srst four lo leave for camp from here lo the fall of iqt7 were faek ---------------. .Allison, Bill LeGrand, Cicero Hnnt eratid (be teaiKr; m Iti. thia chap. Uad Bsra Motley; ter John aeea in vlstoa the restota- Gn Dttember it, 1917, 3>voung tion of tbe gwpel abowninaymbola „ien were notified bv the draft asKa|i*ta aboht to thrnst In their boatd to come to Mocksville pre. ahatp aicklu and reap for the fields psred to leave early on the mom. wcK.tIpe luto baiyeat; no dojbt ing 'of Dec. tath, for Charlotte, thia aeaat;the neoide Were ready where they were tp he inducted-to to hear aod receive the tthtba to to the armed forces; As well aa I come forth among the labablMnta can rememlier, all of' the hoya of the earth from servants divinely showed up on the afternoon of Inapited. Dec. nth; Some of them apent We* tM , Inrthet in veiae 1% the hicht at the Mocksville' Hoteli vAnd the angel thrust lo bis sickle! operated hy Wrs. B. M.' Swlcd Into the eartb, and gathered the gocd, while others spent the night vhie ol the earth, and caat It Into I wlth'relatives and friends. Attbat the gteat winepress of the wrath of I ! time I was living oti'.the second G ^ .” “And the^ winei»eaa was floor of the B on bhildlng, where iniddea without the city, a n d I the Wallace store is now located, blood came out of tbe wine;__. . Invited ten or 15 of the hovs to even unto the horse 'briddles, by come to my home that night and the apace of _a IlMUBand and six liaten to mv phonograph. The bntidred farloaga.’’ Verse to. Dor. boys came op after supper and en Ing tbe tim t the goapel would he joyd the mnsic which consisted of Reached, nnto the people to gather aruy bugle calls and old-time love the rlgbteoua nnto the fold of aonga. A'tnone the'hovs I csn re- Cbtit; sataa llkeialae would rage in member were . Bill Powell, Stokea the hearta of men and ^onM lead Dwiggliis, "Son" Smi'h. Bll Me. many astray. As we. look back In {Daniel, Wiley'Smith and a tew old sesti ment wrMags st^ link otheti. Some of the to rt were them op. with the predictions la leaving sweethearts hehind and |»ok of revelation we readely they were very sad tbst nigs-. approaching war that it«l Prom Dec tith to Peb. 1, I By The Street Rambler ODOOOO NOT SURE ‘T o what do you attribnte vour lofig lifer* the reporter asked the centenarian. . "I don’t riehtly know yet.”, re­ plied the old-thner. *.l*m dicker­ ing with two breakfast (bod' com- panlet” die survivors o f insured workers This is particuiaily true when the, Ideceased worker- b a female or when a male worker is not surviv ed bv a widow ot close relative. Tbe Social Security Act pro­ vides that a lump sum death pay- meiit can be made in every case if the worker was insured at the time of his death. An application fbrtliis payment must be filed within tWo years, after the wage earner's death. The lump-sum death paym ^t is paid to the worker’s sutvi'ving spouse, provided thev were Uvingj together at the time of the work­ er's death. If there is no sutviv- ing spouse, then it is irayable as' relmbutseinent to the person or persons that paid the deceased worker’s burial expensra. In addition to the li ■$«4 QUESTION The cynsdeatlous fother ----- dispensing advice to his stm who was about to be married. Cooperation is the foundati, w w w a s a a v a a ■« »aav of -auecesMiil marriage,” he said solemnly. "You must do things togedter. For - faastance, if vour wife wants to go for a walk, go for a w ^ with her.' It she wants to go the movies, go to the movies with her. If she wants to do the dishes, do tbedlshes with her:" The son listened dutifully, then asked; "Suopose she sm ts to mop the floorf” . HELPED UNEMPLOYMENT The irate judge asked the .ctim- inafc "Just what good have you ever done humanity?” "WeU.” teplied the criminal, 1 keep three or four detectives wotk- hig regularly.” OOULDNT UNDERSTAND I Rancher: You're an hour late getting back with those mules. ■ HitedHand: I know it You s», I incked up Rev. lim ' Smidt on the wav home, and from diere on the.mnlea couldn't understand (a word I said. death payment- monthly benefits may be payable to the deceased wage eathet*s children under 181 v»ta of age; and to hia widow, re­ gardless of her age, if she has mi­ nor childten or the wage eamerl i . her care. When the laat child reaches age 18, if die vridow is stUl under 65 veats of age, her be­ nefit la stopped—to be rssumed when she becomes 65, provided she has not tematrled. Under some condltiona, monthly pay- menu ate possible to dependent w id o t^ . at age 65. Mr. and Mrs. T L. Hunttr and b a ^ doing some late afternoon shopping—Mrs. Robert Kuttees pautins in drug store for a oone of ice cream—Dr. Mutt takitw time off to peruse his favorite ^ iIy~Ptomlhent citizen tty i^ to decide whether toxtun ot not to . tun for county ofSce—GossipClub wanting to know when the_ city fathers were going to dean up die back lots and allev-ways around the square-^tank Brown wait­ ing on ttalHc light to eh«Bg«^ Alex Tucker, loe Patn» and Clyde HendHcfcs .getting early roomtiig haircuts-rKermit Smith patting with stwl engraving of'A be Unr coin—One. Republican and two Democrats holding catieui In front of postoffice—Mts. Claude Horu. shopping around at Sanfotd's— Charlie Riddle doing some ttad« ing aroimd .tbm —Mia. lohikay Naylor hurtying'actoss 6»e squne on warm afternoon—Mrs, George Evtma shopping around In dime store—Mrs. Cecil Little shappinc all around the sqtiare—Dewitt Rat- ledge stopping liis thick on the square to aska|64queadon—Tan man canying two fun jugs acttMS the squate.in broad open claylWht —Mrs. lohn Bowden, Jr., d M g some aftempim. lihopping aiouiid town—M iss]^tie Measick bh»v> ing up balloons in dime stnta-- Mrs. Jack l^nnington and daughter musing for cold dtteks in drag a to n -C J. Wilson taUng life easy oiiwatmaftetnoon—Ml About sundown that* M «nlng|^^ (ortb began , falUng. ajadsnoia ------------ -tbroagbout tbe night. Tbe neat —-----------mbralag M o'clock the ho«a and tbcre tbe laat warot all will he were to go to the depot and board waged aad tbe people tbere wlU be atraio.for Charlotte. I told the ||ke cnnes la tbe winei hova'tbat I would meet them at ™ ^ the depot to bid them goodbye.When I g<>t np the aaow bad quit come out and wilt flow unto thef falliogbat w u II Inches deep. I hotsM bridle. After world, war II, looked all over my house for a pair |i eras my ptiviliiie as it wsa most of overehbes or leggins, but ewWn't e w to dlscnaa tlia terrible battles' htotber if he saw blood aeck deep In cases where the wage eainet leaves no> minor children and no surviving spouse, if he was contiib' uting aa much as fifty percent of| tbe support o f his parmts. month* Iv benefits may be payable to them when diey teach age 65.. Social securi y benefits arc not autom'atic. Applicationa must be S1.h1 fbr all types of benefits. If you have any question -con- fcming youtsodal sectttity, you might write us at 301 Poat Office BaUding, Salisbury. N. C , ot see our representative who . visits the Court House, Mocksvilk N. C , on tbe fitst and third Ptidavs ofl each month from 12:30-1:}0. [arc pon being choseo to wage tbi* great battlel Those who know the gospel ol Jesns Christ and r«d the conditions existing today among the nations of theearth, surely wll. not he deceived about these condll tions ahotit 10 hurst foith among the n«K ons. 1.1. BENNETT. D tttham N-C H I L L T O P S e r v i c e & S u p p l y BEST PLACE TO GET IT G a s , O i l , T i r e s A n d S u p p l i e s S t a p l e G r o c e r i e s Small Enough To Appreciate Your Burineis Large Enough To FOl Your Tank Faye Alleii talking a ^ t comiitg events—Lady huying a bMbday aift in Gift Shop-D r. Lester Mar> tin on hia way out of tonsoral lot -Jhn Fuller selUng lady pair of white shoes—Mrs. Neta Oodbey putting in Mother’s Day windmr display in drug ’ «ore—Charlie Alexander shaking hands with eU friends around the court house— Armand Danid looking at jww spring shoes'In Men’s Shop—Mrs- Contad Chappell doing some car- - ly montlng ahopping in nicM aud dime store—Clarence G ta^btam - Ing aronnd in Men’s If you want vour mouth-to wMer and your tongue to hang out, just take a look at one of the Soda Sboippe display windows-Giady Uatne* coming to rawn on wbidy after­ noon to get a hair cuc~.Miss Flo Bennett taking life easy in Gift Shop-Gilmer Hartley gettlag set to do some campaigning—Atto^(U U W V«»aaaysn»»«a»^ - ney John Tabor Brock trying M cross Main street through heavy 'traffic—Wiley Andetaon IcoUng atWrthdavgteettag, cards—A taiur Daniel still making remarks about the weather. snowatell in Mocksville and the (wbWi wotfd be up lo tte ttorae groand iwmi'i dear of smiw nnlil bridle) he aaid MO. then I toU him Feb.. and groundhog day, when : a ihat the last war woatd-he so ae- 't L* ««< ‘fc* Wood will riae to thethe«iMm« . TbC'cvootraboc ow nt a,„^-' - «■*>.■__■ —m fee hU ihtdow thtt d*y. •«! the ^wertber was pretty for the nsl -ol » b « J*«>» tetnra and coai. the winter. ‘rhe Vadkin Rivei waa maad peace tmto the ararobiK as- liqseovw for about three weeka. flwis aad wlU Bstsoaally slop tha ^ .M ,ta.« ‘S.^o«m «dW JL*hi': «H« «»• be ?bebMween lobeavllle aiid ElWa. That •'« he: fought te the. valkr }«f »] wint«r. Iiiile east o( JatMalsm aad tha sMe P i e d m o n t L a u n d r y ^ ^ r y G l e a n e r s Owned And Operated By C . p . JO H N S O N PHONE 489 For Pick Up And DeKv^ J . W . H I L L Owmer ' i P r i a c c y i ' T l i e a t w W E D t^ b A Y . “MARTY” The Acadeny AwatdkPictute Csitpoa Located.b Fioot.Of. Drlverln Theatte m Shoaf Coal & Sand Co, W e Can Supply Your Needs INGOOD c o a l; SAND and BRICK CaU or Phone Us A t Any Time ' PHONE 194 ' Bannedv Davie Bildt&CoalCo SATURDAY ."THE VANISHING AMEM* CAN” Widi Scott Brady &• Audtv Totter CaitDonftSetlsl dtjEM ASCOPE THURSDAY (St .tRIDAY “ rH E d lR in iT H E R E D VELVET SWING*^. In Color W ith Ray hfiUandfit loan ' .Colltna News MONDAY &. TUESDAY 'R A N 80M ” W i* Glenn Forf &■ Dontia Reed Naws PKICB; CINEMDAViB i9omnrB MaGEsr SHOW VAUIB I