02-February1 si ■ ' i i DAViit laabDRti. hocksvillbn Cv jaruary A coin, a sheep, m »ii—what do theae three have In eom« mon? JesuB told a triple atory using these three so. different ob' iccta to brine out the' «am e point. What the coin, the iheep. m an had In common” was each was lost. They were out ol place, useless, in lact doing m ore harm than g o od. B u t th e youfig m an who w e n t to a. ta r country w as differ* ent in an impor* ta n t w ay . H e knew w hat he was doing, or thought] he knew. He want­ ed life, and he got it. only it was the F*w m an wrong sort If you had asked him a t first why he was going away, he would have said. - I want to live!" B ut he ended In a pig-pen. m U tlA rtA II AnuN , M en and women get lost today for the aam e reason. They look fdr life fci the wrong place. Vic* tim s of narcotics, or of alcoliol, wanted something m ore out of life than they had, and they thought drink or drugs would help them. Every patient in an alcoholic w ard is m issing somewhere,— m issing from payroDs,. from homes they had or m ight have had, m issing from the ports they might have reached if they had not m ade shipwreck of themselves. An<r tor every patient in some alcoholic ward there are a gieat m any others who. though they m ay not have gone so far. are just as lost. What ought a Chris* tian*s attitude to be, toward such people? . Surely U Jesus taught anything p la ii^ . It is that God does not despise or hate lost per* sons; he loves them and does not w ant , them to stay lo st So the Christian who shares the m ind ot Christ will neither hate nor de* apise the lest people aU around us today. PftvtntioR li tgltor One of the commonest ways of getting lost is through drink. Cv> erythlng is done in advertising and in other ways to m ake it . . that you haven’t really I till you use “our old famous off expensive alcohol Young people need to have the other side ot it shown to them, not in DoB'ts but in De'a. Educa* tor H. H. Hill (as adapted in ‘•Listen’’) has put it something Uke this. W hat do you w ant from lite? Topnotch health? You can'l have ii if you drink. A serene, satisfying. law*abidlng life? .Not with liquor for your companion! LJle on the highest m oral level? Mot lor drinkers and dopera. Do you w ant to wake up every morn* Ing w ith a clear head? Do you want uninterrupted success in a profession? Do you w ant to save money? To be a g < ^ driver? To Itorm the habit ot m eeting your problerhs squarely without a fto* *y m ind? Do you want to be able to enjoy a good tim e without the danger ot flirting with a habit* forming drug? Do you want guar* anteed im m unity to one of Am er­ ica’s four m ost dam aging dis­ eases? Do you want to be an ex­ am ple of good and not evil, tor the young people in your commu* nity? AU right,—Umt's Uving, and you can't have that kind of living and the alcohol habit too. T f ttln a ltltM aybe the m ain reason why the prodigal son went wrong w as that he listened to the wrong people. M en can always ■ be found who tUn be paid to pose in liquor ads. How about listening to some trse testim onials on the other side? Ezra Benson. Secretary AgH- culture, says: ‘'Knowing the in* finite joy and peaco of mind which rMUlt from never having used m rcotic*. sm oked eigarette, or taken a drink of liquor . . . or knowingly profaning the nam e of Deity, I can sincere^ recom m end a course to all.*' Dr. K ate Mewcomb, w ritten up in the Read- Court Convenes The Januatv tetm of D..vie Su­ perior Court convened in thto city Mondav m ining at 10 o’clock, with ludge Walter E.' lohnitoii, Jr.. of Winston-Salem, presiding, and Solicitor Allie Haye*. of Wilkesboro, prosecuting. About 170 cases are docketed for trial at' this term of court. Most of the' cases ate for trafltc violations.: Ihere ate four ladles and two Negroes on the jury. The court is expected to consume most of the week. Tag Sales Up to Jan, I7th 1200 automo bile tags had been sold at thi distributing office over the loca postoffice. To the same date 2K trucks tags, 39 farm trucka, 3! small trailers and two large trailei tags were sold. The total cat re gtstration’in Davie Countv is a bout 6300. The first auto tag wat Having qualified as Admlniitra- tors of the estate of Neziie Carter, deceased, notice is hereby givvn t» all tJeraons holding claims ngainsi the said deceased, to present ihem properly verified, to the undersign­ed, on or befoie the 4th day of Tanuary, 1957, or this notice wi 1 be plead in bar of reeovery. AH persons indebted to said estate, will ple;ise make prompt seitle- ment. This 4ih day ol January, 1956. F. M. and Clarfnce Car­ter, Admrs of Nezzie Carter, decs’^. ■ George W, Martin, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND PnimiDl to an otder and decree tntde and eoterU by S. H. Chaffin, Clerk of the Superior Court of Da. vie CountT, N. C., In tte special proceedlns entitled "S. M. Call, A-)ar. ol Jolin H. Pea, decs’d vs All tbe nnknown belts of lobn H. Pea anil George W,|Martiii, Guard A d ' The undettlgiied Commlsslooer will offer (or sale to Ibe blEbesi bidder, at the Courthouse door ol Davie Comity, In Mocksvllle. N. C., on Monday, Febmary 6, 1956, at I arao o’clock H., tbe foltowlng described lots in Jernsaleffl- Town* «hlp, Davie Conntv, to-wit: tat, Lots Nos. »9, 30 and 31. Beginning at a stake on Bast side of B, Broadway road, comer of Lot No. *8, thence N, 85 degs. 30 uiln. B. 150 feet to • stake, corner of trOt No. >8 00 tbe original line, tbenoe with tbe orlglaal line S. 4 dega jomlo. W. 75 (eetto a comer of lAt No. 3a, thence witb line of Lot No. 3s S. 85 degs. 30 mln. W. ISO feet to a stake on tbe east sMe o( Broadway road, thence said road N. 4 dees. 30 B. 75 feet to tbe bednning, being « part of tbe property conveyed by R. B. Broadway to N. A. Trexler. and. Also Lota No. 34, 35, and 37, beginning at a stake on side ol Broadway road, cornet of Lot No. 33, .thence with line of lot No. 33 N. 8s degs. 30 mto. E. iso feet to a stake on tbe original line, tbence with Ibe original line S.1'4 degs. 30 mln, W, too feet to stake, corner of lot No. 38. thence witb line of lot No. 38 S. 8.^ deg«. 30 mln, W. 150 feet to a stake; comer of lot No. 38, tbence N. 4 (lee*. 30 mln. E. alone east Broad­way rosd 100 feel to the beginning. See Deed recorded iu Book 44, page 174, Regtstera office of Davte Co. N. C , for more particular de. rlpHon. 3rd. Beginning at a stake on east aide of Broadway road, corner of lot No. 3 1. thence with line ol lot'No. 31 N. 8s degs. 30 mln. B. 150 feel to a stake, comer of lot No. 31 on tbe original line, tbence wllh said tine S. 4 degs. .30 mln. W. so f*« *0 a Slake, comer of lot No. 34. thence with line of lot N. 34 S, »n dega 30 mitt. W. 150 feel to a atake on the east side of Bast Btwadwav road, thence along said roid N. 4 dees. 30 mln. B. so feel 10 tbe becinnlnr, being Iota Nos. 3»'and 33 of fra Broadway prooer- "NaturaUy I do not use Intoxi- ,*y, anrveyed b y | . D . c a n tt Why slaH a habit s» n«nj> veyor, N ov. ,7, 1941, and being • neople m ust bivakT” Lewis Hoad p a rt o f th e R . B . B roadw ay p ro p , of tennis fam e speaks for m any M tv. Seed D eed from R . B . M il- a n th e r athlete: • " » Is hard |( r m d « |f e to Jo b n P ea ao d w ife, e ^ g h to get anyw here h i We. bo< * 45. P » » 9 5 . R e g la te fa w ithout U w or or to b a w Sb Z i f Term, of Sale: One-tblrt » h tfiven m® a body which on 30 d*y* ilme ^ th ^ n d I should not deAle." Do you w ant a e d a p p l e t^ a e w rity o r „«n*|baab to Wve? Sttcfc know how. it o|iUoii of parditser*rTblttbeaSibdtveff D«cenibef, . T. ORA NT, Coo tile EecoH it onV 3cento SuWribeltoifey.] [n g n iP u n iE lA S r^W K K t A N t W t t ^ ' ACfCOW L A wrinkto «r fold . (anat.) 8.F a a MC ♦.P er. to U .A U .fSmS u« i€ .rrM ty n .O a s sH f of iee M.6ook ot the Old Testament S9.One«1)0 doean't work ti. Consctoua 36.fUver present» .B Ib U c a In am eM.WriUnfffluidThickset55. DlmlnuUve of“S tan ley ”56. Of houra STsMake amends fo r a s. H aran g u e 9 6 . Legendary' enchan*' 40. M att f .bevera«(>4 41.Scottis;t* G aelic DOWN t.T h e k in tn g d a k in r 1. A w heeled vehlite -**-r?‘4. Malt beverttge 5. A buses •.S im p le to n , r S earch S. A ro m atie apice f . L an guage o f th e B uddhiat acrip tu rcs U . S ou th east b y so u th (abbr.) 19. Coin (Peru) 17. Mixea togethei con» . fusedly 10. T hat la- (abbr.) aO.Care. takera of build* Inga11. Cannon or artillery 23.Fl9h . 25. Plural pronoun 28. Playthinf 20. Subside 31.1.«g joint y]T : nf-iauzi 33. Sun (dial.) 33.The(lv«, . b o o k a e f ^ M.JWVW m u a s.) SO. M ix S?.< m 3S- r a - iT i - ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER Will ArrM9« To Suit GOOD NEK3HBORS-WICES TO fir VOUR BUSINESS NOTICE OF SALE Pursiiant'to an order or Judg­ ment of S. H. Chaffin, Clerk of The Superior Court made in the ding entitled, "Mary _ - N. Myers, et al, vs Haden F. Myers, et al." the under­ signed Commisslotier will on Sat­urday, the 4th day of Febmaiy, 1956, at 12 o’clock, M.. offer for sale to the highest bidder, on the premises of the late George Z. Mv- ets, on Highway 601, near Ad­vance, N. C„ Davte Co., the fol­lowing described lands: 1st Tract: . A tract beginning at a stdnej southwest corner of Lot No. 4 in the division of the lands of John Phelps, thence E. 30,19 chs. to a stake, thence S. 10.62 chs. to a S'ake, thence W . 5.il chs to a stake, thence N. 35 degs. W. 7.24 chs. to an ash on bank of ditch, thmce W . 20.18 chs. to a stake on edge'of Highway, thence N. 42 degs. W. 3,10 chs. to the begin­ ning containing 15 acres more or less, and being lot No. 5 in the di­ vision of the lands of John Phelps, A. T. GRANT, Comt ___________________f j. deceased, alloted to Faille Myers,!the purchaser. County. N C. j2:00 k , February 4.1956.2nd-TtacK A tract Jcnown as; .jhU 2nd dav of lanuatv, 1956. pa« ot the *‘Thornton" lands: Be*' ginning at an iron stake, corner of ^ S. F. Potts and Wesley Jarvis, *. thence N. 12 de^> E. 10 20 chs. to a ro k at foot of twin pines, corn* er ot Lewis Hartman and Weslev Jarvis, thence S. 88 deffs. 6 . 8.75 chs. to a ston'e, S. F. Potta’ comer in tine of Gray Hartman, thence S. 43 degs. 6 . Z80 chs. to a stone, corner of S. F. Potts and Jim Hart* man, thence S. 10 dess. W 8.62 cHs. to a stone comer of Will Crews* and Frank Pdtrs in Charlie VoKler’s line; thenc^ N. 84 degs, W. 11.13 chs. to the beginning, containing 11.09 acres more or less. 3rd Tract: A tract known as. the'"Thomton*’ lands: Beginning at a rock (stone), Wesley Jarvis' corner, thence N, 3 degs. E 21.38 chs to a stone on norrh side of Creek, Lewis Hartman's corner !n March line, thence S. 84 degs. W. N E W u m w v « o aYOUK OLD THIN6S tww Piiisilil tailiM Isa • « . Ma W tS i >1* * V4RT A* M _______r.«MS-n.nd»|i,ovw«,o<ioiiN. Ctwle. . t I3].|>*. S« V y-*, iM lliiliM Slral... It^ h e r e ... th e n e w Fofdom citic P icku p for 5 6 Fordomotic in o Pickup saves money for you rhese seven new woysl Ford Atk Pickup takea 4. ^The, 90% of the work out ot driving, puto more ptoasuie in! And Fordomatic is • sound buBineaa inveatment that ^aoocajfottmomy; 2 . N o'm ore dutuh espenaea because the d u tch ia gone.2 F o rd o n atk enas the ooatly trouble * th at can comt from the shock loads ott th e drive line with a conventional transiaission. S.Yotii in ato 16 b »time, particulaiiy atic cuta out tia fle a lo p . t operations a t every ic power*cut-H down chancM of spinning yourn4ieft]/);.L}rd of your tires is prolonRfid. 5 . Costly holdups in mud or snow are iess Ukoty. thanks io Fonjoroatic'o low wJieel speedR •uiUiout Dtallit^g. 0, There's no wattle of goit ihrougli faulty gcarHbifi. judnnaenl. Fordo* Uatio sliifbi automalitially with apUt* second precision. 7^ A t, trade*in time, your Pickup is * abnost oeitaln bo vvortii more because It hn« Fordomatic. AU in all. Pordomatic can pay for itaelf—and thenaom e! m srp(m »i Fbrd Tnicki give yov more utoble |>ower Ihon ony other tru<k llae—up to 44% more. Motl fiortepower tfeffsr, foe—proved by compor(ton» of'net hempower and ;l nit prk«> of oil trueks. . msrcMnenyf New e*ft. Pkkup boa available at tew •Rtro cost In Ford F*100 Serlei fllve* you m ore.loodtpace Ihon oey iother Vi*lon Pkkup—up to 19 eg. fl. more. Bigger p o y toadi throughout the line. New safer tube* less lires standard on off model*, at ne extra eoill OntV Ford gives you oddlHenoi lefely fea­ tures sudi oi the new Ufegvord tteerfog wheel and aew Ufeguord' door lotdie*. New ferd seat bells oveHoWe. Kggert ‘ - sinthe Vi-tonlleldl I ® ' ”' 1 2.57 ehis. to an ash; Rlchaid . man's corner In line . of Match land, thence S. 24 dess. W. 6.2S chs. to an iron stake, Richard Hatt- mah'a corner, thence S. 58 degs. W. 2,83 chs. in Hartman’s line I o an iron stake, Richard Harthian’a comer, thence N. 84 dens. W. 9.75 chs. in Hartman’s line to a Kum tree, Hartman’s cotner*theiice N. 31 de«s. W. 1.50 chs. to a gum tree. Hartman’s cumer, thence. N. 85 degs. W. 1.73 chs.toablackoak stump, Hartman’s comer, thence N. 53 dess. E. 3.40 chs. with Hart} man’s line to an iron stake. -Hart­ man's comer and comer ' of Mrs. J. T. Phelps, thence' S. 3 degs. W, 17.15 chs. to a stone, Earl Myers’ corner,;thence S. 87 degs. E. 22.11 chs. to the beginninR, conuining 34.7 acres more or less. Said lands will be offered in three seperate tracts and then as a. whole in the discretion of the un- dersigneJ, TERMS OF SALE! One-Third C'ash, and the balance on 30 d m ime, with bond and approved se­curity, or all cash at the option of If for yo u rself! Take th e w h e e l tn your Ford D ealer's ...g o in g o n all this m o n th ! C o m e In riow t SANFORD MOTOR COMPANY Ford Dealer*,Since 1913 tt Vaa»«i iBtMMited i n n A-1 U ieJ T ru d i~ fe Siira to S»> Y <w F o rf Pariwr. HEWS OF LONG AGO. What Wtu H iitn ^ f III Difr *i« Bator* Paikint'Matm. Anti Abbn^Med Skirt*. (Davie Record. Feb. *, 'SSo) ' L. J; Horne, o( Patmitigton, has been cammissioned as Notary Pub. lie. - . Mr. . J. T. Batty and M«- Kov Hnitbans^f are in New Yorit this wetk buyittK spritiK goods for C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Mrs. Laiia Deal left Friday ,»or mrbtnond. Va.,-where she. wiil he nleht snperintetidenl ol the Child reti's bo^tsl in that etly.. Miss Lndle Horn, a student >t N C. C. W.; Oreeusboro. apent the week-end in-town with ber par. ents. Hr. and Mrs; J. H, Horn. Mr. atid Mrs. Clyde Jarvis' aod hmlly of Farmlngtpii have HH»ed tn. town and are ocMpying tbe Racer botiae jttst off Wilkeaboro street. . Tbe road Irom Caunly Lliie t« Harmony la being anrveyed aod it is tepotted that an oil road will he hnili. The distance Is abont five mites. Mr. add Mra. I;nke Smith and family, of Galax, Vat. have moved to Mockavflle and ate, oeenpylnc the Sbeek cottage near the Wil- li^tna venMrlng mills. - The S. B. Crump farm In Tern- sa'em township, containing. 375 acres, wu aiild at auction Satatdsy and was bid off by J. M. Call at fl Ota. liie frtenda of Miss Mae Foote, will be glad to that she was able to retnm la<t week ftorn a Statnvllle hospi. tal. where she m de'wmt an opera, tloa for idtiaa tio a ^ . Thos. N. ChaCBn attended a btg bsnqnet of the VlrglnU Fire and Manne Insurance C o. at Rich. nond. Va . fiuit week. Mr. Cbaf. 60 reporta a Sne trip and a ban qnet fit for the god^ ' . Biliv RayV little m «f Mr. and Mrs. Rair Cornatier; o f Smiib Grove, dkd of pnmmonla Friday ntnrnlog and waa laid to rest in Snllb Grove graveyard .Saturday. Llcraae were imned lu t week ' for the matriage of G. A. Cante< of Advt^ce, R. i, to Miss Njettler Benegar. cf Winston-Salem; Via fst Beck, of jenisalem to Miss Lula pickier, of Rowan Conntv. Hiss Bopnie I.oftin. who teachfs in tbe Coocotd elty schools, spent tlie week-end In town the gnest of ber psrente. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Loltin. Miss Loftin bad as hei guest Hlas'Eula Wilson, of Con> cord, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wagoner ' who have beeti. living in Mwks- ville for the pan six years, moved back to tbeir farm near Oak Grove, Mr. Wagoner , held' a position aa saleaman for tbe Turolinson Chev rolet Co.. but dedded tbat be bad rather farm. Mr. B. P. Sisk, bl Lexington with four young ladtea ftoin Hr. langer. m re <n Mocksvllle Sun day. They did aome good ainging at the Methodist church Tbr singing was i.oiov»d by the c»n tiregstlon; Mr. Sink la cannected with tbe pnsloBiae at Lexittglan being a mill carrier Miss Mildred Woodri.S returne.i b 'tne Mjnday from a month's visit 10 her nncle. Mr B H: WoadrnC at Uadsdro, Ala. Lonnie Gaither, of Calabaln. R t. and MlavOnia Albes. of neat Ha'niony, ware united In marrt ~. age iaat Widne^day on highway No. 90. lour mllmi west of Mocka- Wile. N B. DyM>n. ;Rs4., tied the knot while the bspoy couple wete seated In Ford car, a n d tbe /now' was falllug fast. GOOD OLD DAYS ((^ntinued From Laat-Week) The. recent 'death' ofj Attorney lacob Stewart, who Ifved to be 96 vftars old. reminds me that moat of the people I knew In D«<de tr^ balf a reoturjr^ago, haw over tbe river. Thinking back throngb tbe years I can retnenber sii.h men as Alex 'Ballc*, C A. Hartman, C..C. Bailey, Herbert and Walter Clement. Dr, M, D. Kimbrough, A. T. Grant, Sr., \nek Moss, Ellis Swlcegtiod. Gllea Howard, Pleas Hanes, Drs. James McGuire and B. C. Clement, South Grant, Peter Green. Gaston White, D. A, Lnwery aod manv other .mil-known citizens of the county. When I csme to Davie County iqoo there_ were' three livery stabtes here and one or two trade atables. South Grant owned a Hv. ry stable on' Deimt atreet where the Mocksvllle Lshndry Is now lo­ cated Ellis Swicegodd bsd a llv ery and trade stable where the fire Is now located, and M. D. Brown & Son operated a livery stable Just south ot where Ssnfbrd Motor. Co.. is now located. The old Brown stable la still standing. Mr. Swiceiood would bny a car READ THE ADI ^ W ith a load of Texas ponies and break them to; harness before putting them on the market for sale. While be was In his barn lot breaking tbe ponies, crowds would gather a- round tbe fence to watch the “ breaking” proceas going on. It dangerous business trying to ride tbe ponies, and Mr. Swiee. .received minor Injtirlea on many occasions. Walter Clethent also operate : a aates atable. for many yeara. He would buy car lo^a of Tenues^ we hones st^d .mnlea to aall to famera In Itavle. and adjoining eountlM.' ; Herbert Clement.'a well knjwn Mocksvllle citlzeo spent many va cations at Atlantic Beach. N. J. He took life eaav and watched the go by. There were two thinn Ihat'he really enjoyid-;-eafi Ing cbeese'‘and smoking Vliginl* Cheroots. The small cigara were packed .In a paper cation and aold at igc a csrton. I think there five Cheroots to the package. One day I met Mr Zlenent cominii down Main'sireet from tbe home of hia . Wra. Jolla Heltmao. I told him that I bad e bunch of circna tickets fo r Hagenback-Wallace rtahows which would exhibit tbe next day In Saliabnrv. I told him tbist I would be glad to lake to the circus ..that I aod two or three ot'ne.r fellows were hiring To . Foster to carry os down to the circus Io . his new Model T. Fo:d. Mr piement said he cer­ tainly would like go 'along. We left to.wn in tbe early altcmoon and arrived In plenty of time for lbe..afterooi>n performance. On the-wav to Saliabnry. I aaked Mr. Clement If I could gtve him a.good cigar'., a . toe well.known bratid. He thanked me vetv kindly for tbe cigar and asked me II. h wjuld be all-right for .him. to keep the cigar until be got boine that ei»n; ing and smoke it •ttersnppn~>'bat be-cotild enjoy It mujb better. Thinking bick over.the limes. I can remember when large eronds assembled every year on the fin-t Sunday Ip September at tbe Old Center arl-or lour miles w»at 61 Mocksvllle lor t b-e. annual 6 'd Folka singing... A.iiong )how Lte. t:.ember who KKik an active part In the singing, all are now d. ad. A mong those I-, knew . were . Pe ct Gteen, Caa'on 'Whiie, Wilbnrli Stowestrevt, Luther Tnttetow Hcniy Tntteraw, |lm Leach and otben wbow.mme. 'rin ra fw i^.' tea. T h ^ Scntdons m a 'enjoy' m a tn tm y little boy,^ 'fo.^ two pountla of pluma, and you have •ent' me only a pound and a half.” “My acalca ate all fl^'t, madam. Have you welghid the little bovr WANTED. TO SHOOT Enraged becaiuae two teeth kept him oht the army, young mao wrote the President at thebeednningof Wotld W arl: “I don’t want to bite the enemy, want to ahoot hitnl” : MARK THINOS DOWN In lanuary, when little Fohnny brought his report <ad home, his merchant father waa pertrubed bv hla lowgradea “Johnny, what'a w tongr • “Dad, yoii know how it la,” aaid Johnny. “They alwam liurk things down after die holidays.' Climotie Study May Aid Oops Microclimate: Down Next To Ground SHE W ANTEUrrOM' In the high school English class, the teachec trying to Impress tfie class wlA ^ e importance of a large Vocdiulary. He said ^ a t if the atudeut . took a word and uscd It ten tunes'it would be hla for life. • One girl tnn heard to murmun "Tom, T oiu .'Tom, Tom. Tom, Tbiii, Toin, ’Totni^'irm, Tom.” I W ^ V A R I E D i itotli^'diat in telling aboutt^ 6 A you omghti.you vary this:'size rf it different liste te » .. Ye«, In e m te ll a man more than I think he will believe. ONLY ONE ON HER SIDE There's (he atory of a little girl who caused quite a atit at a recent wediJbig rec^ulon, ’ A grcrap of wom.-n had cluster­ ed at ohe end of the room. where they weie busily recoimtkig all ««eddiiigs' th ^ d ever attended. After liatening to the grownups ramble on and on. dte cherub fin. ally interrupted: ''W hen 1 'get big,” die said, "I’m going to mar­ ry Ttmimy.” “How can you be so suref’ ask- ed ah.amuaed woman. “Oh, III have to,”'was her inno­ cent reply. “You see. he If right next door.” ,lB utthat doesn’t mean you’ll have to marry him." , “Oh, yea it does. Mother won’t let me cross the-sttcet and that la t^ ete all the odier boys live.” ed by ..singers and others froth DaWe aod a tinmher of adjoining conntles. They meant to Davie Conntv what tbe old Harmony Campmeeting meant to Harmcmy le so Io 7$ years ago. Many changes Jiave taiRp • place'‘si n; some for better and some pnbaiw for worse. A. time roila OB tbea* old days will be' forgotten b]p the coming generations. , NOTICE TO c r e d it o r s:: Plant 'scientists are concerning them selves with an unusual kind of climate, known as mlcrocU- m ate. It's the environm ent down next to the ground. M icroclimate, a c c o rd in g to agronomists at the.U . s. R,;glonaI Pasture Eesearch Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University, differs frotn the generally ob­ served cllm ste In many -ways Klght tem peratures' next to a blucgrasB sod. for'exam ple, may bo as m uch as *6 degrees lower at shoulder height. In cliuic- ' e crops wh^ro plants re- air m ovem im t.. tem'ij-ra- during the night _mnv rjin-re as 12 -deBiTe.s hl-r'.or atm osphere stwifder Our County And Social Security By Louis R Clement. Manager. Reporting .earningt and paving the aodal security tax vrfU be a nenr experience for many employ­ ers and self^mployed people In this area, especially those engaged in farming. Many (arm operators will be re­ quired to report their agricultural employees for the first time. Be­ ginning with 1955* the regularity teat, used before 1955, was abol­ ished* and (arm operators are now tequired to repi>rtfonly their farm workers to whom thev have paid cash wages of $100 or more in the calendar year. They must make their report and remit the social tax on or before Tanuary ("Hipcratore at gravni hf as Im po'tnnt assoil tiul pioflurhti; cnce mnv ^ ceptlbic to hieb and lls science Ira m s a elTcct of It cnn)v*$ to siMCC sc!- arc stis-' Id low tern- ehrnccK. As e alMift Ibe .te’ n ors. tbc farm er ibottld »**lc H protect U s cropn andtet h'-Tbor yields. lelrh t . - Th-'se-dir^rencM are^of great con? 'rn , -10 pr;onUsts and hnvc ' «icce3si'.ftterl tha dcvclontn: nl i»f special Instrm ents to m easure- moisture. lig-'it, cemperotures. and other^condiUons of both tow>frow- Ing iad taller, plailts. ^ Shidiea under way l i r past five years have re y aaM . some plants arc suaeaplM a Ii light deficiencies. • som e Ift .lMT tem peratures and stUI othSW to wide variance in daily tempara> ture. e . ’ ^ Tlie studies also ar« revealing information affecting the breed- ing quality, growth habits, and lo> sectMUseasek-relations to plants- particularly forage, crop*. 20/20 Vision ^ ^ Doesn't Indicate Perfect Eyesight NEW ;Y O B K -lt often comes as a shock to a -middle-aged person when he Ands be can no lopger read- sm all print a t tbe ordinary reading' distance. Oddly enough, he m ay stm come up to the 20/20 standaM even though be has to hold arbook Ift Inches or so away to reajl i t The techniea] term for this diiD- cuHsr of the 40-plus group is pres- byopla. W hat happens Is a per- nonnal d e v d i^ e iit The Uttle lens vithto tbe eye loses its while the eiUary mus- |ob tt la to change the ei the lens for near or far Consequently. .......................... 1 a t accommo. d a tln f-o r ehangtag fticus to see dearly a t different " at » Uet iriMt a t » fe e t If a an Inad. ndard. 'in that It tells nothing about the effletency at M any piesby. 31.19Sd The rax rate on work ers ia 2 percent each from the em< ployee and emplover. By the end of January, also, household employers are required to report wag^s and to remit the social security tax on their do­ mestic employees who were paid of $50 or more In the last quarter of 1955. The reason of thia was the-removal of the re­ gularity provision which was in the old law. B^dnning with 1955» domestic worker, other than one emoloycd on a farm operated for profit, is covered by social secur­ ity if she is paid $50 or more cash bv a.)v one household em­ ployer in a calendar quar^r of the year. A domestic worker em- oioyed on a farm operated for profit eomes under the $100 cash pay.test which applies to other farm employees. If you have any question con< ceming your social security, you might write us at 361 Post Office Bjilding. Salisbury, N. C., or see our representative who visit« the Court House, Mocksyille N, C., on the first and third Fridavs of each month from lZ:30'h30. Having qualified as A<lmini'stra .ors of the etcare of Nezzie Carter, deceasnJ* notice is hereby given to all personi h«'ldlng claims against; the stfid Jeteased, ro present ih m pr«>t>crly wrified,tothe undersign­ ed, on t^pt^oe the 4ti) day of January, f9S7. or this notice wi I be plead In h.ir of reeovery. AU % indebt,........................d to said* estate, will plesie. make prompt settle­ment ThU4th d n ot January, 1956. ?P.M .am iaareiiceCar-% A ^ ra ol Negate Catter, J e W, Maflim AtMiiu^ '* £ot 4^ but the eni« Urn. JagmiMnmtwtTear^ A W a^erloeM It tu m t than • to- boat pmon. Baca M • fador, tM. loe'TuidlsoB an4to ti ttuA jum ttt thaii Anari. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. We Can Supply Vour Needa IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Us At Any Time PHONE 194 Forroerlv Davie Brick fiLCoal Co I Seen Along Main Sticet By The Street RamiUer. HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PtACE TO GET it Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries Smtdl Enough To Appreciate Your Bumm Large Enough To Fill Your Tank Mr. and Mra. Will Allen ahop> ping in drug n o n on cold, ninir day—Mra. Roy Holtliouaer. look­ ing over mail in departnimt (tote —Mias Annie Pearl Tatum on h«t wav to poatoffice in the mln—Jim Fuller buying a aupply of ovei*ni -M ra. Fr^nk Hendrix warning in dime store on cold dav-~Mia( Ed- rie Willaon ahopplng In Sanfoid’t Department Store-Aged lady te- marking that when the town got rid of one big nulaance another one came along—Quince Powell shaking hands with old ftienda «• round town -Tommey Mnoney carrying big load of ma^iinea iti- to drtig store—Matron and ptoa- pecHye bride buying Valentine cards in drug store—Claude Hotn and George' Rowland holdlti» a consuItaHon—Mra. Nera (kdbty on her way to beauty ahop—C. C. Chapman greeting frienda In post- office lobby—A. R Alford hutry- ing across Main atreet on his way to banking hotise—Sam lonea tty- ing to find Attorney B. C. Bro«^ —Mrs. Lee Lverly mailing large parcel post package—Mra. Paul Richards on her way down Main street—Mrs. Henry Davis diop- ping around town on cold ing—Dick Brenegar looking gry as he wends his Main street—Miss Floretkce ie and ftiend being held up i side bank bulldint^j. J. son trying to locate a friend—lee Bowlea carrying big paper down Main street—Ted wearing a big am ie-E d Latta In front of postoffice chatting with a friend—O. K. Pope nicking up a hitch-hiker on the square—Mrs. Etobbie Dwiggins shopping around In dime store—Mrs. Chas. Farth­ ing doing some afternoon shop­ ping and wanting It to snow— Mra. R. }. Randall buying Urth- day present in new department store—Fiank Ceruni hurrying in­ to po>:office on cold morning - David Rankin on Hia way doM Main stre-'t smoking his faithiiil old pipe—lady in dime atore te- marking that the reaaon, she was in town so early waa that her cat had bitten her on one finger— Kim Sheek hanging around bar* b.;r shop like Grant hung twDund Richmond—BUly Ellis looking af­ ter some business around tomi— Rev. E. C. Crawford doing tome late afternoon shopping in drug store—Master Jerry Barber gettiitg a Saturday afternoon hair cut— J. D. Collette doing tome cold af­ ternoon shoppin*—June Griffiin ig new auto tag down Main street—“Snow" Beck walking a- round town in the tain—Miaa Gertrude Sherrill polishing china and tinware in dime store. Princess Theatre WEDNESDAY ' "BATrLEGROUND" With Van lohnton fit lohn Hodiak Cartoon & Newt ____ J. W. HILL ' Owner Do yon rend * he Record? THUKSDAY fii FRIDAY “ULYSSES” In Color W tth Kirk Douglas & Anthony Quinn News SATURDAY "THE MARAUDERS"tn Technicolor With , Dan Duryea & leff Richardt C noon fit Serial CINEMASCOPE MONDAY; & -TUESDAY “GENTLEMEN MARRY BRUNETTES” In'Technfcafcw With Jane Rutaell & Jeanna Crain Cartoon &. Net»a PRICE: Retutor Sli.<» AoeuluH IMUiaa Me CINEH MOOPC AMI. gleCMUlw Me DAVie OOUNTTS BWGESr ■SMOWVAUIP PKRBTWO TBB OAVIBKKCORI). M0CK8T1LLE; N. 0 FEBRl'ABY THE DAVIE RECORD. C. PRANK STROUD, EDITOR. TEUPHOM E ■otwad atthaPiMtofflee toHodn. fflh. N. a . u SwoiHl-etur Mill m attor.M urdiriH n. :snBscnrnoN mtess : iimI M. Cio m vM ^oim ibE <.... r.SIX Motrms. outside stateESTATE • $1.00 ,v|VFrom Asheville lihs. fhrley^flev W Hello, Mr. Stroud:—It's getting Mra. Itotev Sofiey, 51, dl«d_ Funeral •eiyi«« for dose to Ground Hog Day, so I Thunday morning at 2 a. m., thought 1 would get you a litile her home on Gwyn Stteet She In a Winiton-Salem bo^tal o ii- advance information. Yesterday had been ill for teve^ montht. 21«t, w m held at Bethel I went out in the mountaina and The former lestle Belle Henry. 23rd, - looked up the dLtt of an old she Waa tlie daughter of Mftrje*aie *{w> “ ^Ground Hog. 1 told him I had'Cope Henry and the late r* F, church cemetery. Rev. D. D. oom eoutto learn som ^ing a- HeSry. S h e ^ b ^ in A l.«n BjwmandRev W* Q. Grlgg were bout what the weatherpredlctlons County. ' the officiating minuter*. • would be. Hetoldine that this Funeral MtviM imm coi^ueied Mr. Martin WM a native'of was an elecd<m year, and he was' piidavBt4 o'clock at the Mockt- l>av}e County, and had lived innot telling. Then Hied to him, vlile feamLr ChutA-'5£v"*y*’Tp t Grottndhoq Day Tomotfow, Feb. 2nd It Grwi«1> hog Day. ■ day that atttacu 'na­ tion-wide attention. For about 25 yean The Record has been appointing a committee of good men trom the Sheffield Mctiontomeet the hog eativ in the morning and plead with him to be lenient with those who are ehortonfoel. The committee wUI meet- at the Sheffield. Hardware & Gtoceiy before the golden otb of day appean In th<! eatr and re­ pair tu the home of said hog to be ready to greet him when he sticks, his head out of his winter quartets. The following men have been appointed on the groundhogcom> mittee: Charlie Reeves, Chairman; Tav Smith, Willie Reeves, Johnny Smith, W. G, Gaither, Qeve Parks, L. P.,Dyson, H. G. tjames, T. M. Dyson, W. C. Richadsbn. Snow Beck and Geo. Hepler. Tha chairman of the commit­ tee will please advise us as earlv as possible what kind of weather we ate going to have tor the next forty days. We will hope for the best but prepare for the worst. fiiY Snow The first snow of the winter to covet the ground began falling here about 6 o’clock on Monday of iMt week, followins a rainy day. The snow continued until about 7 o'clock Tuesday morning and measured Si Inches. It beautiful snow and was welcomed, not only by the school children but especially by the farmers and those whose wells and small streams were going dry. Just about one yearago, on Jan 18,195$, a Si Inch snow fell here. The rainfall for the past a i x months has been very light less than two inches of rain has lallen here since last October. The pre dpitatlon in November was Aout half what we w en supposed to get. and less than a half inch of rain fell in December, where we were supposed to have had about 4i inches. The rain and snow may go fir in preventing a water stort age here this summer. Beck Radar Oper- ator 784th AC&W Squadron, Fort Knox, Ky.—Airman Second Class lames W. Beck, 20. son of Mr. D. S. Beck, Route 1, Harmony, N. C., has been assigned to this squad ton which it a part of the nad n’t Ait Defense Command. A sa member of this Airciaft Con rol and Warning Squadron, Beck will hold the important po- titlon of a radar operator. Airman Beck has been in the Air Force since Januarv 1954 and came here after a year’s tour of duty w^th t h e 93Ist AC&W Squadron in Greenland. Before enUsting in the Air Force young Beck was groduated from high school in Harmony in 194). ^ bipartisan committee . .. N„ and would like to have some . dope fo give to the council. He tald “O. K. If that’s the way it Is, I’ll accomodate you. We eround hogs have been awake now.for se­ veral weeks,” he said, "and ols-. coned the weather business. Wc have decided that if Ike runt the weather must be vfry good on ac­ count of Ike's heart aliment. How­ever, we made some provisions, li Stevenson runs on the other side, and Truman starts to making spee­ ches and using a lot of cuss words, we will have to throw in a lot of mighty bad spells of weather. We don’t aim to put up with too much rough Truman stuff, if we can help It, and I think we can. And then this man Nixon. Some of the Hogs don’t like him, because he kee^ a dog. If Nixon runs with Ike, there may be some storms, followed by earthquakes.”*^Why have you Ground Hogs lo M A s ^ Adis Karrigrr snd hnshand, CecilJames C . nweu .Rarrlter, Gertrude'W aliaa and, . ,. . . L hnsband, Ben WallaceIt IS with sadness that we chron- » icie the death of our friend James Nt>liceof Service of SmwDOn* Chapman Powell, 63, of High' by PuUiciklimi The de(endai.t. Qsrs Dnnri and day morning m a tw spii^in that busband Luther Dunn. Adis Karri CUV, tollow^ing a stroke wiiich he Geiirode WalUce and bus ^ C K d while y is i^ his sister at w .ilsc.. will i.ke notin i^Ubaln on Jan. / that an scilon emiilwl as above hasMr. Powell was bom in Davie been commeoced In the Superior County, a son o( the laie Mr and Coart of Davie Couoty North Ca. Mrs James R. PowelL He moved rollna. The same being ao action to High Point 25 years ago. Bor to foreclose a aoeetfic Ken ott lands r m " e lt^ e T in ^ t’L i:e"r.h ^ !l rv i^ g a re th e w fe .th e fbr.,2? P * “ j- ow, WeVe done better than fait mer Miss Mary Allen; two broth- •« « -« $666.00 to*middling under Ike, and are ***♦ Wtliiam Powell* of Calahain, And the said defeodantff will f «r« become interested in policicsT*’ 1 asked him. *'Well,*’ he said, **we b ^n taking notice of polidcsslnce back when Hoover was President. You know that administration like to have been the end of us. Along about the middle of it poor white folks and niggers starred to eating us groundhogs, and 1 was the on* V one of my family left. Why inT>_I__________________»_ -----'________ for 56 at Farmingcon! At the half time in the boys’ game against" Mocksville Wildcats, Camilla Jar­vis, last year’s queen, crowned her and Mr Wallace presented her with roses and a loving cup. The queen’s attendents were; From the ninth grade; Gail Bennett escort Francis E lis and Polly .fames, es- cord Harold Gregory, fiom the tenth gradei Margarec Jo Hatpr, escort Wayne Beck,|and Mary 'ane Whitaker, cs.oit Gary Groce, tor eleventh grade; Edith PUchrr, es­ cort Joe Busiek, and Jean Sharpe, escoit Roldan Speer. The queen wat escorted bv her brother, John­ny Boger. The score in the girls’ game was 25-45 in favor of Mocks- \-ille. The boys also lost, by a score of 33 55; Last Wednesday night the var­sity girl* and boys played the All Stars. ^Both varsltp teams won by a score of 1918 in ilie girls game and 4241 in the boys game. Last Tuesday the students got a little unexpected but very welcome holiday when it snowed an inch or so. We heartily wish it would snow mote ofien. Farmington’s 4-H Club was pret­ ty well represented at the last county council meeting. Jean Sharpe, Margaret Js. Harpe, Caio- lyn McBride, Johnny Hauser, Jean Zimmerman, loe Busiek, W. B. Sharpe, and Margo Sutphin at­ tended and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We hope more mem­bers attend next time and make the 4-H County Council meeting a big event. We ate lucky to have such good leaders as Miss Warlick and Mr. Aide flamed J Mrs, Wilma Singleton of Route 4, Mocksville has been named to ■, later working for the H.<nef Chair the po Won of bookk«per at the Mannfaciuring Company in Mock' new d^vie County Hospital, ac* ville, N. ■ 'cording to Frank Cctuizi, hospiul F f n . . administiator., J, ISWtllS ■ I Shu is (graduate of Cooleemee c j I I I n:' ™ ' High School and the Salisbury Jan “home " “ ' “ P'ov- A litired employe o f Etm n e i at R o^nM em oriJH ^pitalin Milb, Mr. Bivens msJe bit home Salisbury five years For the p .si In Cooleemee for theput31 years, two years she haa been (scretary He it suivived by three tons, »nd c whier for tii'e Hospital Care four ^aughtert, 17 grandchildren, A sedation.' and five great-gnndchildren. . > ' r' Funeral •ervice* were conduct-' B eller call a t Ibit office td PrkUy afemoOT at the L i^ iy « id get your land par M ^ o d b t Church at 2 o’dock. la n liafara tkaauD nlv ia e -.’ /: M Ran. R r Ie « D eiow »»o auppi» » e» I and ttitf^ d a itotke 10 days^ U “ d burial wat in Rote Mrs.S<iaevia .urvlved bv her . Survlyli;g_are one son, Walter E, F ,3 :c h a rS rS S - a S R ^ e S of W e r , S.{wo .isrers. M ^ In Th. Supailor Conn ly ot Greensbo.o, ___ _____ Henry ot Wintton.Salem; three' sisters, Mis. Hayden Bailey o f H«i» Csfollaa Henderson, Mrs. Grady F. Call of Oa*l» CoB»t» Franklin, and Mrs.- iamet Tiller Davie Couoty of Swainshoro, Ga, I vs The Record extends'slncereaym- Terry R. Burion, Admr. oi l. E. pathy to the bereaved femiiy in Bsrioi), Terry R Burton individn- this sad hour. | ally, and wife. Ruth Bnttoo, ClaraDunn and husband,' Luther Dunn, rooting for him for another term.' R. S; MEHONEY. and S. Q. Powell, oi Greentboto; tber take not ee that they aie re two sisters, Mra. J.B. Willson and qoired to appear at the office of the Miss Frances Powell, of Route 1, Clerk of the Superior Court of Mocksville. ' D»»ie Coodtr In Mocksville. N. C . Euneral services were held at «n tbe i.i d«y of March tgs6 aod Pain*.* mvaa^k «a. t ^ Mfwef Of demof »o Jbe comolsintCenter Methodist Chim h at 2 p. ^ m. Sunday, with Rev. Robert Oak- tppiv to the Coart for ibe re lef de- ley and lames Binkley officUting., loatided in said Compt«int, and the body laid cd M t in the This the 95th- d«v of Janiiary Carolyn Boger reigns a Queen church cemetetv* *95^ Farmingtoii High School News By Johhile Ellw and « Dudiek. Do You Read TK« Record? a H. tiHAFPIN. Clerk Sapetior Conrt FOR VALENTINE D A Y We Have Just Received A Large Shipment Of Hollingsworth’s Unusual Candies In Attractive Valentine Boxes One To Three Pounds A Wonderful Selection Of Hallmark Cards For 'Valentine And Other Occasions Always Visit The Drug Store First Hall Drug Co. Phone 141 Mockaville, N. C. Wo Give S. & H. Green Stamps Ifanr. G. N.'Naylorand Rev. B. . Adamtolliciated and burial-wa bsuiled. Printed on heuv card boM d. SOc. per SPECIALS! These Prices Effective Wednesday Afprning^b. _ LADIES Cotton Dressea Rig. $3.95 Dresses By “Real Young"' Sixes S To S2 WED. MORNING ONLir 2 For $IO.Oa -MEWS ' OVERALLS ■■■ BY “ BLUE BELl>’ Ijow And High Backs Full 10 Ouncc Denim - Siies 34 To 42 WED. MORNING ONLY 2 Paira $5.00LADIES Cotton SHpa 14 IHCH e y e l e t EMBROIDERY i Top And Bottom, Sanforized Sizes 32 To 52^ 89c Each ALL METAL Venetian Blinda White And Eggshell, GMi tape “SIZES 22 TCJi 36 / : M INCHES WIDE WED. MORNING ONLY $2.22 MEN’S Work Shoes Lot 1016 T., Molded H el, , Bar Treked For ^Exrra Strength Cork Sole Reg. $3.95 WED. MORNING ONLY • $3.66 Cotton Prints - Large Table Cotton Prints And Broadcloth i ■ . 25c Value S Yard* $1.06 B G M ^ i t | & SONS “&iy l^rom Moc^e A iid^y MOCKSVU.L& N. C. ibb pawb rboobo. M^itayiLLB. w; r PEBR»AHr i. t td-PA Q B TH m THE DAVIE m a p ) . Miss vBlanche: Brown entoed Baptist Hai$ltal; W tettm '8aIa^ O M « i P .p .r .to No U q u o r. W i ^ A d t' M :^,; ,„d Mrs. Bin Nail, of , Washington, D ' C.,' spent th eWEWS AROUND TOWN. - I week-end in town with'rclativea. They wetie accompanied to Wash* R. 8. ^ ^ and Gaither, Friday to.Chtitlptte on bnsi. neafc ■ W. T. Dyson,' of Greensboro padd oof offiM a pleasant call Fri- , day.;- ' ' s' ; . S. F. Binkley it back at his pott of duty aftw M ng confined to.his h i ^ a w e^ byillnen. ^ Mra. Bliii Wiilton, of Coolee- inee, ia a patlent.at Baptist Hpspl tal, Winston:SaIem. ■ daVton C. Richardson, of Elkin, wat In town last Tuesday on busi­ ness and 'c^ve our office a pleasant call Dr.iind Mtt. R. P. Anderton are tpendlog the remainder of the winter a t thdf cottage In Fort^ Myers, Fla. The atteniion of our readm it called to the large advertltement of B. C . Moore & Sont, which ap- peatt on an another page of to­ day’s paper. Thit big store It of fering special bargains on Wed- nnday morning. Be sure and yidt this store Wednesday morn­ ing and take sidvantage of this motley saving sale. The store clos- !4es at noon, to do your popping Wednesday morning. Chicken pie and barbecue sup­ per Saturday, beginning at 5 p. m. at Oak Grow Methodist Church. All are Invited. ' Miss Deanna SiKerdia, a studeiit at Leet-'McRae College, Banner 'Elk, spent the week-end here wiA her mother. Mrt. Dennis Silv^is. Misses Doris Jonea and Reba Ann Furchet and lack Navlori attidentt a t M an Hill College. ..•pent die week-end with thelrpar' entt. Mr. and Mrt. Will N. Smith, - M tt. laniM Poole and little daugh Wr spent SMday Fayettevffle, Meeting Thursday guests of 8gt» and . Mw* Chas, County office 1 Wrenn. Ml. and Mrs. Charlie McClam- roch, Mrs. Everette Smith, Mrt. Clarence Iamet and Mrs Oscar Mc- Clamroch attended th e dedkaz tion of the new Baxter Columbus Jones' building at th.: State Hotiii' tal in Morgsmon oif. Mot^av- of last week. The new builcttng con­ tains 250 beds. 'HMTHCAROmiAl1 DAmCOONTC NOTICE O F DISSOLUTION O F PARTNERSHIP H'. A. Myers W. A.-Mars, 6S, of Gastoniai:' died on Jan. 23rd, following a heart attack. Mr. Mars was and Mrt. 8. E, iUghta Adynice, Route i. aniioiinn - the S ro 1 ^ to w 5 ih 5 u [|liS ilS ^ il^ Notice is hereby given that the]ton of Mr. and Thornton Long of P«rtnrahip ci^thig to ■ the name. former resident of this city. Wln«t(m.Salein. of J- Frank Hen*iit and Owen Among the survivors are three wWdine toplanii*dfbrMatch i7. Among them Mrs. C.- - tor March 17. fc, he^W dta»lv-1 o . Tomlinson, of Mocksville.TheM willbeameedng of die «*«• »* «hls date and that no per- 1^^ jMl™n”il.M ^ ln * th e"n ^ e "o ^ TueaJay at Summersett Funeral atTdOp. m. P Ie« e _ ^ and-be debts or Parlor Salisbury and the bodyuricMood: ' Hendrfai & Ward Itnplement to , i_ij 7%anib We wish" tb‘ oipteta firlendt and______- neigh- acta of kindncM thanks to our bors for shown _____ — --------abd after the death, of w htia* band and Cither. - Your ! kliid words and deeds willlong be re- ibered, Mrs. Robert-Lee GalthCr And Family’ pretent.James Swioegood;Do you read The ifoeo«d? persons ti Ward In Piedmont Laundry & Dry Qeanen \ O m e d A iri p p e n tM By C. P. Jobpim PH O N E M S. F or Pick U p A nd O eiiveiy Ward Implement Company are authorized to pay I* Frank Hen­ drix and take nia receipt for^ the «ame.. Thia 5d) day of January. 1956. Hendrix & Ward Implement Co.By J. Frank Hendrix, Partner. Owen Ward. Parmer. Mocksville Higli School News tYNDA CRAWFORD. Rc|»net The Commercial Club met on Thursday night, Jan. 19, at 7:30 o'clock, with Patrkte SmiA hos­ tess. All of the membm . partici­ pated in the program by answer­ ing questions which related to commercial work. T h ^ discussed new Junior members. The' new are Martha McDaniel, Ruth Greene, Nancy Cozait aud Mary Lou Quillen. The 4-H County CouncU had its at Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hendricks, ;^ d Mr. and Mra. Bill Menell apent Wednetday itk High Point attending the Southern Furniture ' Expotition. Mr. and Mrt..Jlmmle lames and daui^tera spent Monday a n d Tueriay : of last week Iti High M m , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ’ liernun Pnther. Mist Carolyn Smitl^ a .student atPfUSw'College, Melsenheit - Springs; spent the week-end with herparents. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Smith, atSheffidd. Mrs^BiU Howard is Kcovering ; tatisfiKtorily at her home on Oak Street from surgery on Her hand whicli the underwent at Rowan Memorld Hospital, Monday, |an. 2Sth. . The vicraresident^ Connie Tuck­er, from Advance.presided. Lm* da Crawford, the secretary, read the minutes. The Mocksville Chap­ ter had charge of the program. Adelaide Sanfoid did a tap num­ ber. Gehe Plott played a boogie on his guitar and sung "SiAeen Tons,” and Nancy Brown told af­ter “Her first visit: to a iuseball ^m e." Sylvia Stroud had charge of the devotional. The Coolee­ mee Chapter served t«fKshmeott. Friday night, Jan. 20th. at Farm­ ington, both of our basketball teams came out victorious. The girls won bv 20 points with Kath e ine Parrish high scor«-for the girls with 18 points. The •core was4S.to25.. The boys displayed much skill as the score mounted to 55 points against Fatminglon’a 33. High- scorer for our bovs wat Kenneth Howell with 18 points. . The Ju .lots ate enthusiastically making plans for the luniot-Seti- lor banquet, much to the agree. :.of the Seniors who are very V Clrl Sonitt are selling cookies from Fet. lat to. Feb. 7th. Pro- 'c ^ t'g o totheGirlScoutt. Any­ one wlAlng cookies can ^ t them by contacting a n y o( the Gitl Scouts. . curious and looking forward to great banquet Mrs. Wagner’s home room had charge of chapel Friday. Betty Jones read the devotional. The students were yery pleMed to be allowed to tit In on a T ve Secret" program'with Jimmy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowrance man as Gray Moore and and i^l’dren, bave moved to the Oickle Nall, R. a ' S anft^ house, on the comer -of. Watei' and Salisburv Streets. -Mr. Uwtctice hat a potitloh. with Fox Luinber Cb; J. C. Jones a ^ B. R. Crater, of the Davte Electric Membership Lou Ciulllen, William Long and Marilyn Spen­ cer. The Inteittsthig cowere Joyce Whitaker. Joe B r^ ^ Nancy Cciait and -Kenny Walker. After the show Gene Plott sang “Young and Foolish,” ac^mpan- iedbvEmmaJo Pope, and Jante Smootuaog Mo'iiwi» to Re* ‘b"** t^'«tho^'s'wday from St. Ixm ^ where .they enjoyed the program. Wednesday at acrivltv the boys interested in football saw a film on football in the auditor­ ium. a t t e i ^ the R. E. A. National jAssoclarioh meeting.. M rt ji K. Sheek atid Mrs. E. C. 'Dickerson will ar^tbelrB tow nle Scout Tm ops. to Winstbn.Salem on-W ednet^'evdiinib.^b. 1st and Friday, Feb. 3'd, where -they will sppear on the_ JolKf Junction pQ ^ SALE-One fresh c«» and program.on W S.I.S. TV Show, at freshen shordy. 6 p. iS T ^ public is .invited-io G. Li FOSTER »ANT AM PAT. listen tb these sHow^Rouite 3, Mbcks^ile, N. C, TOR SALE-Several lo . J Oa^tal A 1 1''-- .graduate v-vS--?m M i« ^ e ta iie e AtiroiBd,dau(*-, . . ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oilbert At s ^ w wood, if Route 2i Moiksville. JJde fS has been appototed to the potl- “ «•* ‘“ i '" '^ ^ |'u > R CALL, tton ofKCoinmuiilcatioa Agent for M o ^ ille ; Route 4. p f ^ ^ r lin M . . Miit Atwood it o f Mocksville . ; High Pianos tuned, iepairedj^ rebuUfc ajiMraiidwat'nceiitly^^ refinithrf or r^ J e d . Ftee esti. ^ ^ IjT faA T w J^r Atrifae ~ P ^ . ?»«“ •. SN ?-.,filMfwin;be stationed at-Wash- . StarUngThbmaa Music Co4 <29 N. Trade St. W itt^-Salem Located In Front Of . Driv^In Theatre '2 2 % ^ ” i laTII.8«»«lorCo.n Margaret Moore William L » Mooire NOnCt SUMMONS BY PUBUCATION Tlie defendant. WtlUam Lee Moote, -will take notice tti/it an ac tioii entitled as abuv« ha.> been com* tnenred in the Superior Court of Davte Connty» Nortb CarortoR, to ' otder an ah-olnte divorce; and the I said defendant will further lake 'nottce th:it he is* r«'quired loappear .at ibetfficeof tli« C’eik of the So* lading qualified aa adminatra- Conrt oi said conntv in the*tor « A l f ^ Cleveland* de^sed» Conrt house in Davie Com tv. notice is betebyghwn to all per- MocksvilU, Norih CarMin. «illi. sonahc^ng a^in it ee* a^'ven d«ys after tbe 8ih d>iv of ttte of aaid dtfram lt t» preaent Pehrnaty« 1956, and anKw«r nj d«. the same properly verified to the mnr lo ihe c. mpl»int in «nid »c. undersigned onor before die 25th 'lo". <>' pialntiff will «PBlv lo dayof Januasy 1957 or thit notice ‘he «''el rt.mm.deilwill be plead in bar of recovery, in s-.id romp'airt All persons indebted to taid estate This yth «'»v please make prompt settle- S- H.,CHAFWN.. Clerk of Siipertor Court. This 25th day of January. 19S6. —eg-----------------^ji-----— A ^ C ^ d ^ D S e S l d . W , don't like to m ake X BvA. T- GRANT.Atty: niarka after your nam e. NOTICETO CREDrrORS Haorfng qualified aa admlnatra* Tobacco Seeds N. C. Certified Varieties For Davie And Adjoining Couhtiea Baby Chicka Cabbage Planta Onion Seta Garden and Flower Seeda Davie Feed & Seed Co^ Chesckerboard Store”; Phone 17 Depot Street Mocksville, N. C. ■I SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM M,P*€s Yow bet h doecnt! THERE HAS BEEN some loose talk latdy accosuig the South and its industrial development agencies of using and marring practically any t}i>e of tactics ii) order to attract industries fnnn other legions. You know and we know that .“Uuiket. accusatkins’’ of this kind pointing a finger of critiosm at the entiie Southland not only aie ludiUr - they sinqiily aie not true. talk of this sort is often picked up and passed on and on. That’s why we fdt impelled to "sp ^ up"-in the natkinal adverl&ement reproduced above. The modem Southland has many enthusiastic ^ okwnwn. We ate proud to be one of them. It is still anpllier way we can give meanmg to our slogan “Thef Southem Serves theSouth.” -: -. ! . i ' ■ >41. 5^2;: eAGEFOyil'THE DAVlfi BBdOttD. MOGKSVtLLEN C. PBBRUARY K m G R A T X T T O E to not « lost art; but it Is ft ra re one. ^en m en v ^ rc cured of the aam e disease ftt the sam e time, but only one took Ume off to be thankful. When y^ hear j>eople eompihiaing about other people, one of the m ost frequent com plaints is that So.and.so Was not grateful. "He never said thank ~ ------ you . . , She took it for granted-. . . They never wrote m e . . . A fter all I'd done for them , they left m e alone . . . With Wm it’s aU take and no give . . .'• M any o f th k s e eomplaintB are Dr. Forem an true, although (to be honest about it) m any of them come from people w ho aren't too grateful theroselvea, WkrOM'iTtoytMMbek? W hen Jesus cured ihote ten lct>er», even he seem s to have been surprised th at only one ol them cam e back to than* Wm, We don't know, but perhaps wo con venture a guess, as to why nine-tenths of those men who had foU the nfiraclc-watking: power of God., went their unthanktul ways In silence. Once roan m ay have thought: "Who knows? This cure may not be perm anent. Bel­ ter not rush around shouting Hal- lelujoh tm I see w hether this cure is going to stick.” Another per- haps said to hImseU. •'Yes, Tm cured. B ut I'm sorry It had to be that Jesus Jrom Nazareth. He doesn't have too good a reputation with Ihe authorities,—It isn't iiealchy to be known as one ot his friends. I'U ptay sate . . ." Aaamcr one m aybe reoiiy m eant to thank Jesus; but he "lost his addiess" as we would say. He kept j)n meaning to, some day— but he never did. And perhaps stiu another fully Intended to express his thanks, but he satd to him­ self. "Ju st an ordinary hasty Thank-you won't do. r n wait till I can do som ethin* really Bit for him . som ethhig th at wfli re. pay him. perhaps with toterest, for w hat he has done . . But tiK lim e never cam e. .Aren't these som e of the very reasons you and I give for not being grateful to God or niant ftr Mfdefat C u ^ g leprosy th e way Jesus cured it is a m iracle in any- iKrfy's language. M ost of us think we would be grateful for ndracles, if and w h e n -j but for ordinary d»yj, the usual course of events, we don't see God's hand and we do not feel any call to be thankful. A s a m atter of MCt, God s m ercies surround 'us on every side. We owe him life to begin with; it was C od's crea- Uve power that brought life Into being, in a universe hitherto life­ less. It is God's providence that has kept the stream of life flow- M g down (he ages; Ms providence that gave you the ancestors with* out wliom you could not be what you are. When you think of the enorm ous num ber of accidents (to caU ihem that) which m ight easi­ ly have prevented your behig bora a t all, and the ‘‘acctdenU" without which you would never have been born on this planet, you begin to see how grateful a i ^ . If saved from sudden death especially If others have been Wtted right beside them . wiU breathe a trtm ttling **Thank*you‘* to God. When Jesus said to the <^e grateful m an. ••Your tatth has saved you,” he w as using a word that m eans to restore to full life. There la a hint here that grati> tude is a flower, whose root Is faith. Also there is a hint that the thankful m ind is the happy m ind. People who go through the world convinced that the world owes 'them a Uving. people whose prayers are m bstly' '‘Gimme.’* are (ikely to be a little sour. ITie world does not give them the tush U vinf they want. God does not answ er their prayers when and as they fAncy be should. So a seed of unhappiness festers in thcJr m inds. B ut if a m an wUI think every day what he owes to God and to m an. If it really daw ns oin him w h a t« debtor he is, his m ind WiU be bright. AU th ia^ fo r m e t he w|H think; and the thought wiU be a seed of hap- tiiness blossom ing Under sun and cloud, tim e spent In beta< grate- fu l-in livinc-out grtUtude. is nev- e r w asted. ' It is a ma^-V.of the fw*'*lthy m ind a i^ spirit. M ony Faw'i'es ficij) Su'port Thstr Elders M INNEAPOUS - One mi-J.He- class .\mc"lc.*n couple o il of every seven partially o. co ly supports one or mo' e p • > f.,1- atives,'acfoitJIng to p / of 7.000 policyholder0t fa:AiIies covered by the siirvcy. 9C4 or 14 per cent re­ ported that th5y, tt'cre whoHv or Pftvtially supporting older rela­ tives, usually their pai'cnts. Elderly m others being so sup­ ported outnum ber fathers by nesr- ' ly four to one. The mothJr.s' av.*r- age «ge is 72; the fiithcrs' is ‘r.t Averftge afie-of the hcnds of Ihj 7.000 households covcrtd by Oar survey is <10% years. Avcjflgo t»n- nual income of those .su^po'tin^ or helping support eldevly rel:>* lives Is Average Inconv* <if tha«e not ctw lribjlir-a to ihs s*rp port ot any older volo'.ivc Is ?i5.* 271, th e survey show s. N ew L in !e Rich Boy G ives H is V .ji^ey Avm y NEW Y O R K -K enry M ornl-s. 7, was very populai* ih? d'sv !'c to-0? $3.,040 to school 'viU» him. H • Iv- gan passing li out tu his f t ncl' ‘‘because llioy -■ >>ery niPi* »i> me." D etectives found th e boy thropist. his schcSol bag cranvn*’''? with money, in the cciuoi' of r.r intercslcd throng ol pupils. A» ’v-- hom e Ihey found a fronUc father. who had come h?iv l Puerto Rico recently with his egg, hoping to guy a linlo basi- beat. I NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Fanaant to *n order rad deene made and eotm d by S. H. Cifiiflia, Clerk ot Ihe Suverlor Cottttof D*. »)e Cotraly. M. C„ to the apMtat nroeeedltiK entitled '‘S. M. C»lt, A-lmr. of Jobn H. Pea. dew'd n I Ml the ntilciiown heirs of Tohn B. I Pen end CeortR W.'Mantti, Goard (AdLltem." The iindentned Comnlssloner win offer for sale to the hlchest Mdder, at the Canr'hnnse door of f'avle CotintT, In Mocksvitle. N. C., on Monday, Pehrnarv 6, 19^4, at u;oo o’etock M., the followl'ne -'•rerJhed tots In Jerncalem Town. '-Ip, Davie Countv, to.wlt: tat, Lots No«. J9, 30 and 31. Beetonlne at a atairr on East side of E. Rroadvav road, comer of toe No. as. fbence N, 8s dew. 10 ui’tl. E. 150 feet to a stake, corner of Lot No, j8 on the orlslnal line, thence with the orldnal line S. 4 ,10 w)i». W, 75 feet to a stake, comer of lot No. 3*, thence with 'lot of Lot No. }3 S. 85 de»s. 30 itlln. W. tjo »eet «o • stake on tiie east aide of Brnadwav road, thence ’'«B« said road N. 4 dees. ,30 tnln. R 75 feet to the heelnnlne,. helnjr pan of the propertv contrered hy R. a Brotitnr to N. A. Trexltr. »tid. Also Lots No. 34. 35, 36 'nd J7. heelotilntr «t a stake on B. side of Broadwair road, cornet of Lot No. .33, thetice with line of lot No. ,33 N. Si dees. 30 tnln, E. jso to a stake on the orlelnal line, thetiee with the oriitlnat line S ,"'4 defs. ,30 tnln. W. too ket to ~ stake, comer of lot No, 38. tbence wltir line of lot No. 38 S. 85 dees. 30 mln. W. i.<;o feet to a stake; comer of tot No, 38. thence N. 4 ■*ees. 30 tnln. E. alone east Broad, wav road 100 feet DUhrheelmrine. ^ Heed recorded In Book 44, ostte 174. Reelsters otiice ol Da»Ie Co. N. C , for nore particular de. sctlptlon. 3rd. Beehinlatrat a slake on etst side of Broadway raad, corner of lot No. ji, thence with line of lot’No, 31 N. 8s degs. 30 mln. E. ISO feet to a stake, comer of lot No. 31 on theorliHnal line, tbence with said line S. 4 degs. ,30 mln, W, /ia feet to a slake, comer of tot No. 34, thence with line of lot N, 34 S, 8s dees 30 tnlp. W 150 feet to a stake on the east side of E»s< Broadway road, thence alone said rood N. 4 dees. 30 mln. E, 50 feet 10 the heelnnlne, helne lots Nos. U wd 33 of fra Broadwav tironer- V, surveyed by J. B. Jnstlce. Sor *eyor. No». >7, 1941, and helne a part ot Ihe * . B. Broadwav prop, eitv, Seed Deed from R. B. Mil. ler and wife to Jobn Pea and wife. Book 45. pace 9s, said Heelster’s emee. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, halsnce on 30 days time with bend and ipprmwd aeearlty or ~<ll*|fcash at option of purchaser,• This Ike 28th day of Deceuher. t«.5,A, T. OR \VT. Cnminlsslon r. The Record it only 3 cent- ( Sub C’-'le locTaj’. ACnOSa 41. Vexes1. Gii-rs 42. specica • nicknama of iria S. Fringe of 49. SmaU . hair on th t depression . forehead 44. Obnoxioua •.O ne hundred plant taca tlnd.)10.Neat-buHd« ' tng’ fish ' (8. A.)1). Showery 13.Ceaaea to hav« 14. C apital (N or.) 15. S m an perfu m td •" b a g16. Northeast (abbr.)IT. Subsided 18. From (prefix) 19. Queer 23.0o d o f Wftr(Scand. Myth.) 33. Past ^4. The atltchbtrd (Maori) 2«. Viper 2i.A aequenca of rulent from aama atock S2.Guido*a lowest note 38. King of the Amaleltites. S4. Hawaiian bird as. Idle talk 37. Outer covering of a ti^e Run aw ry and m'Srry 40. M olb^r-of-x>;;ail.- 11. Showy flower 1ft. Capu­ chin monkey 17. Dullest 30; Knock 31. Silver (sym.) » . I t ia (con­ tracted) 25, Exclamft* Uon DOWN lelU verin Canada 2. Stir up 9. ftiver ( I tl 4. French marshal 5. Poising e .ln a cocited M .H ole. pcsitlen tiering tool 7. U .S . - - PiBHra snaii^se nwri HsrrurDSIIHBS WEP-'OKflRSi ra?ir3[r.r= wnra annrata>:■ uffic cr*][nuH rju33it HD[:iWn hum orist S. A variciout • . U gly oW . v^'oman 27. bull 2 . Bark. M a dog 3ft. Hot 3l.Couplaa P.1M S iT re e 86. Pish a?. Unadorned 3 8.M euurt of land 40. A t tha I. i B y J a n e t H an ITVERYONB was so nice. Kathle C arter thought as she remem ­ bered ttie Christm as g ite Ote had received last year.' So m any of h er friend^, neighbors, and rela­ tives had rem em bered her. I’d love to bay somethhig f«r them all. Kathie thought.- but she knew It was Impossible. She bad. only saved oiough for a gift to her parents. She had tried to get a sales iob. but she bad discovered she w as too late. There were fw jobs left. «**.Your relatlvea and neighbota don*t expect you to give them gttta/* her m other said. ‘■rd like to give them an some little thing.*’ **Wben you’re older you can re* turn their thoughthilness.” AftA supper Kathle went to Aunt Betty^a aiMl Uncle Ted’s house to return a bocric. Kathle,'* AuM Betty greet* ed. “I'm doing dishes so CMne on out in the kitchen:” *Tve been hoiring to m ake some fruitcakes fo t C hristm as gifts, bat I don’t know whether I can do H this year." Aunt Betty saidl “H ie ••ru help you.” ^ Kathie yblun* taw ed. "I can c r- around after - •titool and prer - the nuts and ikidt and you cm. e them when> ever you w ant.” F or two afternoons Kathle . choired nuts and cut citrua fruit. By the end of the week B etty had baked the cakes and packed them ' In tin boxes. ■u«yW«*k H ie rest of the week w as a busy one for Katiiie. M ra. M ason asked h er to take care ot the chfldren Saturday so that she could go into town to shop. M iss Whlte^ a shut* In who lived down the -streeC asked Kathie if she would select a ^ e C hristm as cards U r fterm na help her address them. Two days before Christm aa M rs. Cummings asked K athie to tsod h er children for the after, ooen while <he went shoppbig. Jlller K athle got them interested In gam es, she saw a list on the M lletin board headed **Thinga to do.” 1^ list outlined the tasks M m . Cummings had to do dur* Ing Chriatm aa week: clean house. ba)n cooklea, w rap patdtagea. w rite cards and so m any other B y a s <■« e f Ik e w w k B elly N0tl(S()F5AtE Punuanc to ati order of Ju ^ meiiC of S. Ha Chaffin, Clerk of The Superior Court made in the ehUdren taem to take up aU m y tim e.’* '•Your fruitcakes are delickMa.** **niey*s« « lot of work, though. Cutting up the fruit and (hopping nuts takaa nearly a day.** K athie, fo t out the eooUraok and found aome ; recipes for Christmaff cookies. When aha fin* Ished mixhig she wrapped each m ound of dough in waxed paper and p u t tt in the freezer. As Kathle^ w rapped her moth* e f s and father's gift, she fen de* pressed, for she knew all the people ahe foved'so dearly were S o l^ to give to her. She had nothing 4o^Ive in return. Christm as m orning Katiiie no* ticed there w ere several cards am ong her gifts. She opened the Arst one irttlch w as w ritten in the si^dery hand that she identi­ fied as M iss White’s penmanship. ~ “ D ear K athie; _ '*Thank you so m uch for your valuable gift. Tiihe in our Uvea to ao im portant and you gave m e sudt a gener* ous piece of your life th a t.f wish to tiiank you for it." Iliere were other letters, too. **l>ear Kathle: I'w o u ld never have baked m y fruitcakes if it w asn’t for your help"—“I know •the children wilt be pleased with the lovely w ay you wrapped their C iM ., T hank'you for your time. The cookies, were wonderful.r* W ith l ^ s . M ason's gift «i‘j:e'w a« a note thanking KathW (or her gift Of tim e. io blink aw ay the tears when - t* ^nished leading (he noiee “You • «ee. K»thi<s. .vou gave something that is most vai’«ab!e —your time,* her (atiiar. ex­ plained. ; signed Commisaioner wlU on Sat* urdav, the 4th day of Pebniarv* 1956< at 12 o*clock» M.. offer for Bate to the Kighesc bidden on the pretalMS of the late George Z» Mv* erfron H ish^v ^1» near Ad vance. N. C.» Davie Co.» the fol­lowing described lands: lat Tra^: A tract beginning at - atone,'southweat comer of Lor No. 4 in the divlilon of the lands John Phelps» thence B. 30.19 ..j8* CO a 8take» thence S. 10.82chs. to'a 8<ake»thence W»5e31 chs to a stake, thence N. 35 dep. W.7.24 chse to an ash on bank of ditch, thence W. 20.18 chs. to a stake on [edge of Highway* thence N. . 42 degs. W. 3.10 chs. to the begin ning S taining 15 acres more or ,.less, and being lot No. 5 in the di­ vision of the lands of John Phelps, deceased) alloted to Faille Myers, decs*d as appears recorded in Book No. 28. page 499*501* Register’s of­ fice of Davie Countvi N. C. 2nd Tract: A tract known — part of the *Thornton” lands: 6e- Inning at an iron srake» corner of . F. Potts and Wesley Jarvis, thence N. 12 degs. & 10.20 chs. to a ro k at foot of twin pines, cord' er ot Lewis Hartman and Weslev Jarvis, thence S. 86 degs. G. 8.751 chs. CO a stone,. S. F. Potts* corner ; in line of Gray Hartman, thence S* 43 degs. E. 2.80 chs. to a stone, comer of S. F. Potts and*Jim Hart­ man* thence S. 10 dess. W 8.61 chs. to a scone corner > of Will Crews* and Frank Potts in Charlie Vogler‘a line; thence N. 84 dew, W. ll.D chs. to the beginning, containing 11.09 acres more or less. 3rd Tract: A tract known as the Thornton” lands: Deginntng at a rock (stone). Wesley Jarvis* I corner, thenceN.3deg>. E 21.38 Ichs Co a stone on north aide of Creek, Lewis Hartman’, comer !n March line, thence S. 84 deg., W. 257 ch.; to an a.h.'Rtchard man’s comet in -line of Match land, ittenceS.24 degs. W, 6.25 chs. to an iron'stake, Richar4 Hart­ man's corner,thence S. 58 degs. W.2.8J cha. in Haitman's'line to an iron stake, Richaid Hartman's comer, thence N. 84 degs. W. 9.75 ch.. in Hartman’s line to a sweet gum tree, Hartman’s corner, thence N. 31 de«.. W. 1.50i chs. to a gum tree. Hartman’s corner, thence N. 85 degs. W. 1.73 chs. to a black oak stump,' Hsrtman’s corner, thence N. S3 degs. E. 3.40 chs. with Hart! man’s line to an Iron stake, Hart­ man's corner and comer of Mrs. ), T. Pbelps, thence S. 3 deg.. W; 17.15 chs. to a. stone. Earl Myers’ corner, thence S. 87 degs- E- 22.11 chs. to the beginning, containing 34.7 acres more or less. Said lands will be offered in thtee seperate cram and then as a whole in the discretion of the un* dersigneJ. TERMS OF SALE! One-Thitd Cash, and the balance on 30 days time, with bond and approved se­ curity, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. place of Sale: Oh premises neat 'Advai\ce, N. C„ on Highway'SOl, at 12Kto M.,'February 4,1956. This 2nd day of lanuacy, 1956.A. T. GRANT, Commissioner. NEW HONEY ffOB YOUR OLD‘miNCS T w D iM asM t> i.allw » 4 w unr * • in IFYOUHAVE-- been on a trip entertained guests celebrated a birthday • , .caught a big (i.h moved eloped . , > had a baby been in a fight told your hopis _ r had an operation bought a car painted your house been married' cut a new tooth been .hot stolen anything been robbed sold out lost vour hair ' been arrested Or Done Anything At AH Telephone, Or Drop a Portcard, Or Come In, - Or In~Any Convenient Way Inform ... THE DAVIE RECORD Patron ze your home merchants and .lelp build up your t< wn and coun'iy. ♦ FOR RENT. ♦ S P /^ C E IN T H IS P A T E R VC'iK A rranse To S«it GOOD NEIGHBOftS~P«ICe$ 10 n r VOUR BUSINESS LET US DO YOUR ^OB PRINTING W e can save you monfey on your ENVEI.OPES. LETTER HEAD.S STATEMENTS, POSTERS, BILL j HEADS, PACKET HEADS, Etc. I Patronize your home newspaper « and thereby help build up your | home town and-county. s THE DAVIE RECORD; | The Davie Record is owned and edi< t«d by a native of Davie County. H e ; ; ■ V ■ D A V I E jS tiE W B F A y E R - r a B F A P B S T H E P E O P I .E H E A D t n w T m m m n m c m t s M A ll•TA lM ^U H A w co • r M F u ic N c e a n d u n m w e d b y c a m - VOLDMNvLVI.MOCKSyiLI,% NORTB CAROLINA, WBDNBSDAT. PBBRUARY 8. What Wm H«t>i>«dag fat Du. P a 'k in f M^ers ^ 4 AUireviatod Skbto. ' (Davie Rword, Feb, i*. 1930) R. L. Walker,and son N gsr, uaie a business :trl|> to Winston. Ssiem T ba^av. ' W *i«rX. CalMs able to be out ' again after a two mek'a Illness .wItHii. severe, cold, f Mias Mattie Comil, of HIdtorv, is apeiidloe M>nie tine here with lier brother, Mr. W. A. Cortell. Miss Lncile Carter went to San atdrinm Snnday wbere ahe will apmd some tine taking treatment. faek Allbon, wbs tmvela far tbe Pbhadelpbia. Storage Batterr Co , spent tbe week.«ud in town wilh j borne folks. Bonevcnit and Allen bave open, ed a barber lAap In tbe^Angell ImildlBg on North Halp slraet anit are ready to greet tbalr frlenda at^ patrons, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crotta, of Greedyitle, S. C., speDt'tllw week, end In town wllb Mr. Crott's par. enia. Mr. and Mrs. V . M, Crotts. . . Ubs Frankie Craven.-a student at : Catawba College. "Siatlaharv, spent Ihe week end hi town with her mottaer,.Mrs, A. Craven ikr. I. T. Baity and Mrs Roy Holtbonm retnraed home Friday, evralne from a week’s stay In New York, whete fhey nn'ehased a big line of spring goods for C. C. Sanfoid Sma Co. ■ ~ Mr. and M>* J R. Brewer, of Wlnstnn.Saleiii; annonnre the ar. rival of a son, David Xee, on FrI. dey, Feb. 7th. Mrs. ISiewer was] MIm Bttel Myers of.Advanee, he hvt narriaare. ' C. A. MeAllis|eT,otCenleir, pnr. ehaaed^bo Owfgcina fann on R. .t reiently, and moved to It from tbr Ciiir Willtama farm on the Yadkin River. Mr. McAlllaMlssVlrginl an, bnt brongbt bla family to Dsv<> some time ago. Tte R m rd h glad .to welcome these; people to tbia . Tta Bdvles Bnildinir.Company bave Just finisbM remodeling and making aome changes in (lie rontt house. An extra room for tbe I^n ty auditor waa Imllt on the Frst floor between the sheriff’s of. fire and the grand inrv room ’r tf /walla in the varions offices on the fiastfloor were repaired- and .alsoi the. walla a d seata In tbe court room were repaired. - Tbe entire enterior of the building will he re painted as aoim aa bids are reeeiv ed'and. the ' contract let. The hnllding was badly In need of rrJ pair, . ^^EMa L. Furches, ot Draper, 1 In town Monday on business.. Mini. Polly Dwigglna apent the week.end . with Mias Marv Sne lliaaim n, a atadent at C. C, W., Greenahpro. . Mra. Ci M. Littletown, who bas| been apending a monib .In toym wtib her pareBtSfMr. and Mra. A. T. Grant, returned to ber home In Phllsdelphia Friday. . Hiss Myrtle Foster, daughter, of Mr and Mrs. Neylor^ Fcaier, of ni»T Comatter. dM _;d I ^three o’cloek Salttfday noraing, aged ai bont ai years The bi^y was laid to at Blbavifie Snnday after, noon at two o’elock, funeral aer. vices bring conducted by Rev,.. W, M Rstbbum assisted hy Rev. S, B; Wilson. Hiss Foster is surv<v> ed by ber parenta, one brother and .Of Interest 10 frlenda In Mocks, ville la newa of tbe marriage o| Miss Bllcsheth Chriailan. daaghlerl of C. N. Cbrlsllan. of this dtv; to! lean Brakenbrongb, o f i:,vueli.i burgh,' Ve.. I<ie marriage betagl Folemulxcd Feb. lat. at tl)e home of the .hride’a'aunt, Mra. Robert Shore. In Wlnstnu.Salem, R«v, |. K leater ofielatint.. Mr. and Mra. chbwK,Mgb' wlll-reslde In Xyn.1 J Looking bsck imme .f&odd Veat* ago, l ean rememfcr 'when there we-e bnt few Imggles hi Davit Conuiy, ,'Tbe vbaug men used whst was known as .dog.carM to carry their girl frl^ds lb xhnrch, [to Ihe Mawnle'picnle anf other places. In tbose'dSys I b ^ were i,«rhlchmi NOMBBR 17 folks called mountain There were no antomobllea,.*'no garages and no aervlce atsllous. The covered wagons,/tbe dogarta, the surreys and pbatons have gone never to return sgslp. ' Tiiete are silll a few buggies oni In the rural ^ io n s ^ the county, but they are very scarce; Some 40.odd yeara ago I earrlWl some advertising for the Bock Hilt Buggy Co , and took a buggy aa pdyment for the advertising. Of course I didn't have a horse, and had nostahietokeepone, I went to see Rnfus Sanford,; who was one of Ihe owners of C. C. Sanford Sons Co. -This store carried a line of Rock Hill buggies and alao wnej agents for tlie Iver.Jobi^ Wcy. cl«. r. wss living nearly a mih north (if town In the bonae nowo: rapled by Prof. and itta.' W. F. Robinson I had to wrfk oearlr four miles s dsy from home to mv office oh Ihe square. I told Mr. Sanford that I had a bnnd-new Ro«k BIII bhgi^ which I would (ike td tfside to him-for a bteyde: Re said he would he glad to trade with me, If I would s ^ p even: I think the bngi^ was priced at (65 and the M mle at t<t5. which in- dudM a headlltrbt, coasier brakeai snd ahora. We made the lrade| snd for a ihw' or more I n ^ the bicycle to get to my office. -: ^ I In Ihe good old dava there w m aanv bla^s^lb sbO|M tbisngk dm the !|oniitv li tilnk Ibeie were at teast 6ve mcb abopa In Moi-ksville. VirgllSiralm m nusii shop In the rear of where the Yonng Putnltnre Co., biilMIng to now located. Terry Hellard,; a well known colored dian, bad shop bn Lexington stteet, ne^ where Mrs, Jas McGuIn Other shops In town that I re. memher were Tllle t Pamell’a on Sallabury street’,> Burlon Brown's shop,'also on Salisbury siteet. B. RIehsrd<m’a shop near where the Bowles & York aervlce station la now located, D. C. Boward’a shop In t^e..oid Swali ( m i f o f m Many tW np were', atmwti the apostle robn 4n bla RevelaHon on PMmoathat be w ^ (orUdden'to write, Itseenathat a gieat deal bl thla viid^iwas peiAMwl ^tb the beloMd apoatle. -m an Ibinga we aM ltlvch for onr -guid. In thia dhpenaatlan. In the eha|«cr of Rptotb ehai^cr of Reyelatlona the a. pbstle saw a pem»<ge-be describes as a mighty angel come dom from just off Depot strrei, and later on the Tohii I A1len*Shop, neiir Green Mlllhig Co. The AHeo abop la| aim aia'ndlne. bnt I tlilnk Mr, .AI ten Is devoting most of Ma time to bis store, which. |s located near the Itamlth- shop. Some 40^ d years ago Mr. and Mr*. B. i*. Oar. ielt moved from Dayldsob County to uMir Center Mr. Garrett baa been a blackamllb for more than jo yeara. Re built a blacltsmltb and |cablnet shop near his home, s n i.l| ooderrtaniH that he still does some blsefcsmllhlng. Nearly every com mnnlty.boosied of a least one auch shop in the good old days. Frank Poindexier bad e ahop at Advance. Tim Creoson had a shop at BpbesusI which he operated until he died some yeara ain>; My grandfather. Wilham Sirouil. and an uncle, A. M. Strbifd, also bad b>aeksodtb |ahopsnesr County Line My grand.] father'eharged 10 centa lb’ that a horse ail sro;ind some 60 yeara ago thinl|'‘ihe price charged now. If [you are lucky enouiib to Snd blacksmith wnnld coat von about l|j 00 to $4.00 Shrinking a aei nl wagon tires in ihe good old dayaj {cost, ron 7s cents \,Today the coat Iwonid be at.least ($.00. How time* hsve Ranged sliice I waa a boy. ItEA p THE ADI ■Mtma'WUk th . W»w, heaven, c t o ^ wftb.a c ^ , »«< |a rainbow iraa upon bis Iw ^. ■ «nd bla fiiee was « I* »*** and hla feet «s *«• gela, men and God tre all the samesneefca when we leave thUatate ofl lexlatance aiid be»me gtoribrf. OnrMatiu thentotbat ot angds.And tbh partlcnler angel John de. |«.Hhea «emed tii b.v» » aBtendoc tbont hla pemuage. John endeavota .W desertbe Wm 6rM a»^« mlghty'atiier. then he proceeds to menllon tbeahlnhur atiribntes ae, Wa |« * Alnhi* like the aun. « d l hisfeetas ninata of Bre. Alter we mortaU l»as' ftam Jbis^ ^ete! and 6nd ourselves associated in tne world of spirit. » .ille Peter Intotm* us. Christ vWted and pic «a«d to »hose> who jdiso.bevedthe pteaebtogof Nosh, we wai find many whomtbeLotd baa gtorlfied and made, bla angela win hi filled wltb lanShaSlendortt -ill be ««r d |. ll,hito meet them. IWeo «o « • " IturtmctloM « « ta«ao, then sre wlll .learn ^ llk« us. were ««* testdents of this catth, endoted the vieisltBdw o« m o.talllle-iw M k*’^ * * ^ ; and tbi *te»t lOneoltbM* !** (MTdOT^o worsMp him, the » I,bon do It notj 1 em the felteH U em nl.*nd«t thy brethren tbat^ ;^ ,;.te s H « » * o l Jes..; ^ 1 ship Q«d. »<w J**"nstothe epirtt of prophet. * e^ lotio. Tbereisno donW .in exptanstion given 10 Job* tW»| angrt tbatbe was? John’s f*«ow. IsarvanV and ^ bla brethren, that' smindi very much like tto angetwaami. M those depart^ - h . bad been glooBed. Auoiber Imnoitabt tbUi* t««otded taTto"en.h chapter waa .b.V Jb.| angel had a lUilebook 4n Ws hsnd. and we gave It to John and o AaJobnatelbehoBktt waaln bUj month *«eet as honey, but be bad awallttwed the/book In hts heUyltwaa Miter In the next b«,k meant. We»ead= And said unto me. thoa must ^ o ^ * V u ain beCote many peoples, and na t ^ and tongue*, end »»«»•, This verse informs us that Ihe bal of lohn eating tbe liitle book „ s a mhrt™fill. He waa to prophesy 10 na. thwa, wmguea. and kings, and thla ^ ^ ie n e e WO.M be both i „ ,b ,t .. thta time when lohj reiv in g the vision be »*s % IprtKmer Islbotto* in «be mioM-! land tb*t «b« <"•»' ’ IImosi oftbem bad been killed bi.l jobn bimsell had i,uld.onolb«in«o!la..d by the o ^ l o n of the Lord he escape.1 Itobn wbei.Pertr:i»q««rted «ld».l iallftn ftow the Lord abont Jobn ,1^ having •« die- and Jeans•II I wilMbat he tarry till 1 eoibe. wbat Is ih»« <® X T Bf »*!• pt®**" I***”rf 4 i *pe«le ftdtt the l*tm lotef “ • «nw TIME TO GO HOME A drunk h d repeatedly called the hotel relepbone operator in the early morning as to whe.i the bar opened.' Each time he was toli) "eleven o’dock.” Finally the manager was asked to lake the call and he said "ele­ ven o’clock, but I’m going to be there to see that you don't get in.” Whereupon the drunk replied, “I donH want in, I want out.” S A F ^ MEASURE “John,'* said the nervotu wom­ an, nudging her husband; "did you hear anything?” ^"Yes, dear, it must be burglars,” 'As he spoke he began to get [outofbed. "Oh, John, do be'careful! Don’t take any risks. W hat ate you go­ ing to d o r "Lock the bedroom door,” was [the firm reply. GETTING EVEN A school teacher was stopped by the police <bi diiving througlt a red light and was immediately Our County And Social Security By Louis HrCIenient, Manager. The old saying that the only things certain in this life arednth and taxes is undoubtedly true if we are thinkiiig o( the inevitabk. Yet such an attitude doesn't mean we should neglect to prepare our* selqea agaiust financial worries that come at such times. Admit­ tedly, we can lessen suffering to our folks by leading a good life before our death, by proving a home for them to live in, by using available cash to purchase govern' meat bonds and the like which may be converted to quick ready cash, and by Infoming our family lof monthly sorviyer payments »• Available under Social Security. Tax-paylng'tim can lead to an­ xieties and worry too. if, we are ■(fortunate enough not to make brought before the judge. *«ooo.” sald,the judge, "you're a achool teachm. That's fine. Ma- dat^, vour pruence here fulfills a longstanding 'desiire, For yearaj I've hoped to have a si;hool teach­ er standing there. “Now," he thnndered, “sit down at the table aiid write, *I went through a red U ^5(iQ times.” . AN OVERSIGHT A grave digger, abso^d in hla I thoughts, dug a grave ao deep he ^coiildn’t get out. As tbe chilly night came on he became niore andmote uncomfortable, andat^f. |ted shouting for help. At length a passing Inebriated gent, attract­ ed by bis cries, staggeied over to Investigate. "Get roe out of here,” shouted the grave digger.' I’m cold." The inebriated gent regarded hiinwith surprise, “No wond.:r ite.«old,” he answered, "they '.to put any dirt on you." mos i-ooti, b»rt bav«' the atjostie leatUv' liefar« kings, people and lia. tlnns 111 fad. hiij mifslao would be luoie rxteusive iu the future ttaaii;it hill beet^ lit the past. The Ltttcr Day Saint Church leachrs that John wai qui':keiied ai.d filled t lis iiiission sod is still rc'sidlug on lbe't*rih,rait>ndliig to his call. Quickeni d means to be made cap. able of living wllboiit deteriorating with time, It ia not resnireciicn. I L. BENNETT, . Durham N, C. HILLTOP Service & Supply BEST PLACE TO GET nf Gas, Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Groceries iSnudl Emiugh To Appraciate Your ButiiiM Large Enoui^ To FiU Your Tank J. W. HILL the necssary preparations for it. Many people know the self-em- ploy^ came under Social Secur- [ity in 1951. Yet some individuals, particularly farmers an d other j groups covered by social security Tanuary 1, 19SS, such as profes­ sional engineers,’ architects, ac­ countants, and funeral directors, are unaware of the deadline. April 15 the last day to ^le Sodal Secur. [ity tax returns on 1955 earning to avoid penalties, unless a fiscal year repogting approved by Internal Revenue, is used. Taxpayers can save themselves trouble by these pirdiminary steps; (1) apply, im­ mediately f o r a aoclal security number if your card is lost or you bave never had one (2) maintain records adequate mough to show gross income from the years bttsi- .leu and the resulting net profits after deducting operationg expen ses (3) complete appropriate forms secur^ from International Reve­ nue for your business, co show net profits between $400 and $4200 (do not report over $4200 yearly (4) determine wages, 1 f any, paid any, paid in the year for cred­ it on your self'employment taKs, as directed on the form (5) mail tax forms and remittance oj 3% on your yearly net 'eamings before the deadline to District Director of In- Itemal Revenue. If you have any question con- [cetning your social security, you might write us at 361 Post Office Bjilding, Salisbury, N. C.. or see our representative who visit* the Court House, Mocksvllle N. C.J |on the first and third Fridays of each month from 12:30.1:30. The Record is only Scent* a week. Sut»aribe today. ShoafCoalA Sand Co. W eCait Supply If our Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Oill or Phone U t At Any Time PHONE 194 * Formerly Divte Brick &Coal Co NOTICE TO CREDrrORS: Having quali6ed at AdniinUtra-{ cors of the ettafe of Nezzie Carter, deceased, notify is hereby given to all |>erson8 holding claims against] tite said deceased, to present thein 'properly verified, to this undersign­ ed* on or W ore the 4th day of Tanuary* 1^7* or diis noti« wiUi yt pUad in bar of teeoyery. AllI persons indebted to said. estate,: will please malce prompt settle> ;meat. This 4th day ot Janutfy, 11956. P. M. andaarehM O tr. ter, Admrs of N ^ e Carter, decs'd. .Gaoise W.'l^lartin. Attoniey* Seen Along Main Sfaieet Br The Street RanMet oooom Mrs. C l^ Johnson carrying iiMl packages down Maiii atteet^M ra. Cecil Litde mailing batch of lef-^ tets Young lady dancing hdiittd counter it) Main- street stored' Mrs. J. D. Furcfaes.dolng (pme «f> ' tetnopn shopphig in drug store— Lion telling about good auppcc he,enjoyed at Lions C lub-M ia. Fletcher Click correcting a mh- t^ e that apiwated In The Record —Joe Perebtt doing rome trading in MocksvUle 0 » h Stot«-.Tmet of die soil looking over some tub* ber boots—L ^ trvbig to deddc whether to buy some hose at the dime store or at her .favorite gto> jcery stpie—CDnple,walklng down Main street holding hands—Mta. Vernon Dijll looking over mall In PMtoffice lobby-Ed Latta and Rufus Sanford, JtM talking thtaigs over in front o( postoffiee—B. C. Brock trying to get ready to go home—Billy Sell walking down Main stteet with girl fHend-M iss Mary McGuire making bank de> posit—George Rowland hanging around barber shop waiting to get a hair cut—Frank Smith opening big bun^es of magazines—Misa Flo Bennett hoping it would enow [so she wouldn’t have to go to school—Mrs. Tohn Bowden. Ir., doing some afternoon shop* |pmgDn chiUy dav~Mrs. James Poole selling lady a pair of boots -M rs. P. W. Welbom on her vlray up Main street after a visit to beauty shop-Outtford Killer hut- rying out of apothecary ahop— Sheek Bowden gming early Sat­ urday morning hair cut—Mayor John Durham saying he thoti^t it was going'to snow, but it didn’t —Bill Merrell sitting in tonsoral parlor taking life easy—Brack Al* len doing a little trading isround towii on cold morning—Robet P. Martin shoppbig around in drug store—Mis. Chaa. Crenshaw look- . ing at Meeting cards in nickel aiid dime store—Mrs.'R. H. WeavCT ' talking about sehring as foreman of the grand jury—Pretty saleslady holding hands with old bachcW on Main street—R, T. l-owcry on his way arotm J the square—Mbs lane Allen waidng on shoppers In dime store—Prof I. D. Parker on his way to bahk with box of cadi —Uroy Massey buying la d y fti^ a box of candv-M rs. William M. Long doing some week-«nd gro' eery shopping—l ^ y trving to lo>. iate her husband-Mra. Jas. Kelly ibuying potted plants in nickel and |dime store—Mrs. Grady Ward do­ ing some cold afternoon shopptog snd wishsng that it would snow— Miss Annie Laurie Etdiispn trans­ acting aome banking bnslneaa oa rainy afternoon. Princess Theatre CINEMCOPE ' WEDNESDAY 'MOONFLEEL” In C obr With Stewart Granger & Joan . Greenwood ^ 'Cartoon &. Comedy Vista Vision THURSDAY & FRIDAY 'DESPERATE HOURS” Wfch Humphrey Bogart & M utlw Scott News. SATURDAY “LAST OF TH E? DESPERADOS” With James Craig & Jhn Davis MONDAY & tU E8DAY •UAVTHEWORLD ENDEW With Richard Dennlng& L^riNdson Also ’PHANTOM FROM 10,000 LEA G U ES'N m PRICE; Rstulsr W sAdcahsW CUMna lie I GiNCM A8WPE AMIS NeCMHna DAVIE OMINTrS aMGor ..SHOWVAtUE \ PAQBT#0 ra it DAVIE RECORD MOGKSVILLB. R. C EEfRt'Alty 8 IM6 TH£ DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROm EOITOR. TELCrHOMe ■ntond >ttli*Po«toffle« InMoeki- *m«, N. C„ u Swvnd-etaw Mail onttoT. H*rch<l. 190t. rSUBSCnmON MTB: ONE YBAl. (jDtSB^OTVre* SIX MOHTHS. OVrSIDE STATE Phyadan Locates In Mocksvilie Karl U Lawing, M. D., has ar« rived in this dtv and will be as­sociated with D- . HenivS. AnUer* son in rhe pr»ctice of medicine.. Dr. Lawing is 30 years of a((e, a native of Lincolnton. His Zanily Itta of his wife and two child' TSQ* He to a Rraduate of Tulane Uni- venitv Medical ^ o o l, New Or- leant, clam of 1953, and served -Pot the fint time «lnce the 6n t World W at we paid 70 cent* a poundforbiitteta ghott while ago. We had tather pav 70 centi a pound fot butter and have the 70 c.nta than to buy the butter at. 10 cents a pound and have to bet tow the dime (com a friend. Dedicate Hospital The new Davie County hospi­ tal in West Mocksvilie. MU be de­ dicated on Sunday Feb. 19, at 2 p. m.. with the proBram In the Mocksvilie High School Audi- torium* The principal speaker will be Marshall L Pickens, director of the ,Duke Eodownment Fund. Dr. Lester P. Martin will In.to- duce the speaker. Craham Madison will be the presiding olHcer., The invocation will be given by Rev. Jas. Bearss, pastor of the Cooleeinee Presby* terian Church. Attorney A. T; Grant will pre- aent the keys to the hospital and J. K. Sheet Chairman of the hos­ pital board' will accept them on behalf ef the trustees. Frank Cerutii, hospital admin­ istrator, will introduce the Medi' cal staff and personnel, and the Mocksvilie High School Glee Club will furnish spacial music. Mrs. George Apperson will extend an invitation for the tour of the hos- pittl. Rev. A. M, Kiser, pastor oi Fork Baptist church, will offer the prayer of dedication and bene­ diction. Guests of Erwinmils The Erwin Mills Speakers Bu- teau presented its first program on February 6lh, at 10 o’cloek with inembers of the Davie County . Ministerial Association as guests. C. D. Jamerson, personnel man ' ager of the Cooleemee operations of Erwin Mills, spoke to the group on the subject, “The Duties of a Personnel Manager.” Following the program the guests were conducted on a tour through the cotton mill and finishing plant Rev. Paul Richards is president of the Ministerial Association, Rev. W. Q. Grigg, vice-president, and Rev. John A. Zunes, is .secfetaiy treasurer. Aaylor Honored Baumholder, Germany—P.F.C Donald L. Naylor, 21, of Mocks ville, N. C., and other members of his company were recently honor­ ed at a review for their machine ' gun markmanship in Germany. . His unit, Company A of the 2d ArmotedSDivision's 66th Tank Bat­ talion, fired the high acore in the division’s annual JO caliber tank mounted machine gun cumpetit ion. Naylor, who entered the Army in September, 1954, is the son of Mr. and. Mrs. Wamet M Naylor, of M o^ville. irftal, ufeyctte. La. For the past six montha he has been practicing hia professioti in Mooresville. He setvied fot 2i years in U. S. Naw Cofpfc Dr. Lawing and family will oc­ cupy die Mack Kimbrough house on Wilkesboro street. Thev are members of the Methodist Church. The Record is glad to welcome Dr. and Mts. Lawing and child- ten to the best little town in the Tar Heel State, and wish them much success and happiness in their new home. Takes Own Lite A Davie Countv prison eamp guard for the pass 11 yeairs was found shot to death in his sleep* ing quarters about a. m.» to. dav* 'Hie death was ruled a sui­ cide. Dr. Henry S. Anderson, acting Dayie County coroner* Investi^ted^ the drdth of Richara Ctingtnan Wood, to, and found that thepri^ son.m id died of a self*inflicted pistm wound. Mr* Wood was born in Davie County, a son of Carter and Nancy HUI Wood. He married Miss Ka^leen Wood, who died in i m Surviving arc one son, a daugh­ ter, a sister* and two brothers. | Funeral services were conducted at 2:30 p. m., Thursday at Wcdey Chanel Methodist Church by Rev« f. W. Hoyle and Rev. George Sm i^. Burial was in the churm cemetery. Farmington High School New> ^ EJIm mm) Jm BiMldi. I C WhiteI Jesse Clifford White, 51.' native ofDavieCOwnly. died lanuarv 31 atahospiul in Motehead City, where he had been making his home. He was a son of the laie Mr. WiiU^ k Over If the gnundhog i s ii true ther prognt»iicator,, winter ,is about over in ^ is aection. Thiits^ dav was a tainy day, with the mercury hoovering around the fteezing poing most of the day and old Sol didn’t even peep out from behind a mass of heavy tain laden clouds. If out memory is correct this is the first t!me in 38 years since the hog failed to sej Us shadow. On Dec. 11th, 1917, a lUnch snow fell in M ock^lle.\ From' this date until Feb. 2nd, 13. snows fell here. The ground was iiroun' solid fot five weeks and the bill Yadkin River tvas "bozen over with ice 12 inchei thick, ^O n Feb. 2,1918, a warm rain fell through­ out the dav and mdted the snow I which h»d covered the ground since Dec. 11th. The hog didn’t - see his shadow. There were a few light frosts alter Feb. 2nd, but no sleet, .now or extremely-bad weather. This m .y he the case Riednibnt^ 1^ & D r y C l e a n e r s 0«m ed A nd O ^ M e d By C. P. Joimstn PH O N E 489 , iW P te k ^ p A nd Located In Front Of . , ' I^ive-In Theatre NOTICE TO CREDITORS tot Haging qualified-as adtninstra' t o f Alfred fI Cleveland, deceased, this lime, We wilihope for the nottee is hereby given to all pet best but prepare for the w rst. holding claims against the es-__ tate of said dece;ised, to present the same proper^ verified to thej j • «• the same properly vertned to theAn Appreciation -n d e ^ n e d o n /r before * e 25th" day of Januasy 1957 or (His notice We wish to -express sinv ere will be plead in bar of recovery, thanks to our fHends and neigh* All persons indebted to said escate bors for the many acta of kind- will please make prompt settle* ness shown during the illness and ment. " after the dearh of our dear - wife This 25th day of January, 1956. and inother. May the Lord bless S. M. CALU Admr. Of you all, is our prayer. Alfred Clevelend, Deeeased.HARLEY SOFLEY & FAMILY By A. T. GRANT. Atiy* m Attention, Fisherman Y O U CAN FISH IN ' J M. DANIEL’S POND O n R d n te4 ,From Now U n ^ O c t le t' ' From 6 A . M., To 8 P. M. For Only $5.00 This Pond Has 2000 Pounds Of Fish And WUI Be Restocked Twice This Spring* Higliway6dl South Mockaville r THE DAVIE mDOORO. M00K9VIU.K. w! C- FEBRUAKY 8 I M PAOl TH RK A COMPLETE LINE Farm Equipment NEW AND USED Tractors Flows Harrows Mowers Baler» Rakes Home Freezers Refrigerators y Power, Saws Po.wer Lawn Mowers Baler And Binder Twine Parts And Service For: Farmall Tractors McCormick Machines Briggs-Stratton Motors , Clinton Motors Disston Saws - '’“^right.Saws Worcester And Savage Mpwen Rankin-Sanford Imp. Cq. Phone 96 Mocksvilie, f|f. C. B £ ‘l M o c b v il le H i f h SiiioolNews LYNOX CRA4VF0RD. Rrpntu, Mtfc T. J. Byeily. of Adyance, was in town shopping Wednea. becg„,e .day.'. ■ 1 J 1. —, - - , . - .--------meet Monday night Feb. 13th in « for the girls w^th 16 prints, .u . .ueitbrium. ; The bovs fought all .he way., but : The Wildcau went lo Reeds on W e d n ^ y itight, Jan. ZS, to play the basketball game, which had been postponed on Tuesday n l^ t snow. The gids’game was very .exciting, and the final score has 41-33 in favor of Modes- ville. Edith Smith was high scor „ . — ].;»X3ehBti»v — Atiny .P& Lawfcnee W . Gattner,25.'soiii ofkfe and Mr.. Gi»dy W. Cart- ner, i ^ t e 1, Mocksvilie. N. C , r ^ d v w n assl^ed to; the 97th Signal .Battalion'a lUdio Open- Hons I n Company Bpd>Uii|ini, G m any. ■ : Cattnet.« ladio fcpaitman,': ar­rived ovetaeaa last Mav and~s«ved with die IM i Bbgiiiectrllanalion before his ptesdit assignment' He enteicd die Army In luhr 19S4... Cheers, yells and sighs sounded through our gymnasium last Fri-, day night while the Cooleemee Indians and the Farmington Blue Devila played two breath-taking basketball gamea. Until the last quarter of the girls’ game the Blue Devils remained in the lead. Coo­ leemee won, though, with a score of 39-36. Camilla Jarvis. 13. and Marie Absher, IZ, were the top seoretslor die Blue Devils. The boys’ game was also ve.y exciting.! Both the Blue Devils and the In­dians proved that they could play first clsss basketball until the very last. The Blue Devils were very proud of the scoring record made by Johnny McBride who came up with a total of Z3 points. Thelin-I «l score in the game was Coolee- ee 54. Farmington 50. AnoAer big game of the week was played at Courmey Tuesday night. Our girls were defeated by only two points. Camilla larvis and Catolvn Bogerdid avc job of scoring for the Blue At the end of the game Courtneyi had 34 points and Farmington had 3Z. The boys* gsme was not quite ao close but It was very thrillinii^ Clarence Driver was the . highest scorer for the Blue Devils, having a total of 15 points. The iinal acore waa Courmey 63 a .d Farm­ington SO. The Seniors have been quite; busy the last few weeks. Thev have been ordering their invita. th a t and calling cards. Also, thev have been discussing their gradua- tion caps and gowns. Johnnv Hauaer, a Senior, recent' ly went to Mineral Springs High M ool to try for a scholarship to Stan College. This test lasted from 10 o’clock until 3:30. It also serves as an entrance test. John­ ny, we all hope yoti get to go. Evonne Shore, one of our Sen- iota, recently received a beau'ifiil diamond from William "Bill” Felts, of Hamptonville. ^ngrat-He waa a son of the iare Mr. ^ and Mis. Gaston L Whit.-, ofl“S “ S ^ “ 'l*'’* 1"“ ' " Cana. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Morehesd City. He is survived by his wife^ one you. Evonne, The Home. Economics girls are ael'ing fomiture p lish as a pro­ ject to raise money for some of daughter, a sister and three broth-jthe recwitiea needed for this 'course. Good luck,girls. Onvesfale services were cooduc-. The l u ^ h y e aet ^ e date ^ at 3 p. m Thursibv at the C olle^ m % aich 16. Pleaseplan O a k < ^ C « e l« y , High (M nt, belleve.it wdl sirMb Rck.A B, Caaiadiocliiigs^ piov* lo be quite entertatoing. These Prices Effective Wedniesday Morning Feb. 8th Only LADIES Cotton Blouses In Beaiitifiil PUid* A ia ^ e d .Sinra Regular $1 59 $1.00 W edneitlay M orning Only ■ MEN’S Work Pants BY ■ “B L U E . B E L L" Regular $2 98 2 Pair $5.00 aRL*s Cotton Dressei In AU New Spring ShM lw SoUdt A nd PrinU Regular $2.98 2 For $5.00 MEN’S Dress Pants Flannel*, G abardinet Aaaorted C olon Regular $595 . 2 P a i r s $ 1 0 . 0 0 W ednesday M orning Only ' . P U ^ I C ^ Curtains, Drapes ' Aggorted G ^ora 77c Each 2Pair$i;50 CHENILLE Bed Spreads FnU D ouble B ed Sixe 12 C olon A nd WlUte R«aular$3.9S $3.33 W ednesday M orning Only B. C^ M Q O R E & S O N S ‘‘fiUY l«OM M O P^ AND >M OCKSVIU^ N; C. die ichoolaucitfttium. ■ Mr,. and:Mts. Montie Potter are the proud paretits of a fine daugh- tCTr Mona Ruth, who asrived Jan. ..2 7 * ,^ ;;;..:;' - b t. s. A. Harcbng has moved his office ^ulpm ent from die . square ^to -his "home on' North Main Street. This is not.official, but we -are ' guaaing that_at lm t three Inchea of rain fell him from .W ^esday night tin<ii;Sijnday. ; Mr. and Mrs., I r ^ g M. Allen, of Route 2, a ^ th ^ parents of a •on^ wbo atiived at Rowan M ^ . morial Hospltal'Feb. 1st M t.and Mta. Ketmit Smidi. of Roiite 2, m the' parenrf of a new sonwho a n li^ at. Rowan M ^ - orial hospieil'on Jan>29th. Mr. and Mrs. dasence M. P < ^ ; of Route 1, are'die patents of a likui^tw who ^ v d at Rowan Memorial Hospital Jan. 28th. Mr. and Mts; W ainni Plowman, Advance, Route i, announce the arrival of a daui^tet at Rowan' M em o^l H o s^ ^ oh Feb. 1st Dr. ■ R a ; Eckerid returned home Saturday ftom -Chicago, where he spent a ^ k attending . an oral autgery denbdcouiw. - Mr. and Mtfc William BJ Jones, erf Routt 3,.m die pasmts of a daughter ii^o agtrlv^ at Rowan M e m o ^ H bspi^ on Ian. 28th. I t l^Tutierow.Vof Route 1, has been apiminted one of out^^^ .letter canim C ai^ w tered.upon hia aewdtttles on Jai». -28tb. He aiKoeeds Chiulea H m dticb. Clyde "R. Hunter,, a former Davieboy, bot'whp to now a;wel> - known Stacesvllle shirt manufiic. 'tu te r.w 'in feWn last Toes* : on business.ahd pidd ous office a pleasant diiL . If vbu site lo king lor baigains icad die big ad of R C. Moo«« ,& Sons, and come w towti Wednes day liioniinK and take ! advantage ' of theli' Wedneaday motnhig spe. die final score was 72 65 in fivor irf.Rerds ' Chaffin and Deadmon were h i^ scoters with 19. Thut^ay night ill the Home Economics lab the P. H. A. had a tneeiing. Mr. I. B.Wiitaker,pas­ tor of leticho Church, spoke on "Marriage." The girls enjoyed and appreciated his meanlnfiil talk. Valentine refreshmenta served after the program. Audrey Bail^ and Vema Welbotne hostesses. Mrs. Scarlette’s seventh _gr»de had the chapel program Friday, ivis read the sTeddy Davis iptute A one-act play. “Children of the Sun,” was presented. It was very informative and iotetesting, and J,‘S .^ iy e ll, Jr., who has own­ ed and o p e n t^ the p..& M. Har­ vester Co^ In West Mocksvilie, has ' sold die business to die Southern Tractor ^ Equipment C o, of Sa- liaburv. We « « •orry diat Mr. rvne. »irs. Braswell is goiiig out nf buslnw and Miss Marjorie were stressed, which . every one should know. Everyone was waiting with an­ ticipation for the Panthers vs the Wildcats »m e Friday night. It was played at Advance. Botii girls* (cams played a iiardgame, but the final score was 49-40 for Mocks- ville. The boys score W..S 67-55 in fiivorofthe Advance boys ulio displayed much skill. The Seniors are having tryouts for the Senior play which will be March 16. It is a real duiller with even a haunted house in it There is also miuch cotnedv. The dtleof the play is “Drums of Deadi.” ' Tuesday nigbt, Jan. 31. scores fot die ball games with L ^ g m Tunior Order were for the girls 67-41rand for the boys, 69-32, in fiivor of MoclMviIje^__ Cloy Foster Henry Clav Fontw, 5 7 .,s^ of the late Mr. and lAn, John U Foster, of Coun v Une, died Thnrsdav In a Statesvdle hpsrftal foltowing a stroke o n. Tuefday night Mr. Foster was a native a Davie Countv and spent most of his lifo in the county. He heen with a Baltimore Construe. tIon company for some time. Surrfving are his wife, one bto ther. Jack Foster, and a sister M*»» Mary Fostw. Funeral services were held at Salem Methodist Chutch at 2 p. m . Sunday, widi Rev._ Robw Oahley officiating, and. the body j<iid to rettjndie^ur^cem ctefy. f . H. Statart Febi 1st at the Veterana A d ^ i- stfaiionHospita' at Mutfi»esbot<^ Tenn., where he had b vn a pad. ent fot several yeaiit Mr. Stewart was born in. Davie County, son of Colonel lacob and Fannie DuUn Stewart. . Surviving are one btodier, Ro­ ger D. Stewarn and five s ^ n W H. W. Collips. Mrs. J.^ O. Yoeng,' MtSi A..H..Fyne, Mts. Davie County « , Terty It. Burton, Adut. ot I; U. Barton, Teity R Bnrtoa Individn- ally, and wife. Ruth Barton,’Clara Dunn and husband, Xullier Ooon, Adis Kaniger and buslwnd, Cecil Karrigcr, Getltude Wallace and bnsbaad, Ben Wallace Notieeof Service of Summoiit br PoUicMioii The defendanta Clara Dunn and husband tutber Dunn, Adis Karri ler, Gertrud* Wallace and bns- kand Ben Wallace, wlli take notiee IbM an action entitled aa above bas been comuienecd in the Superior ( laT».8.,rH.,C«.n Hargarat L. Hoote ■v» William Lee Moore NO hCE, SUMMONS BY PUBUCATION Tlie defendant Williaoi L.ee Moote, will take notice mat an ac. lion entitled aa above bas been com­menced in the SuiSerior Coun of Davie County, North Carotins, to order an absolute divorce; and tbe ssid defendant will futtber' take notice that be is required <o appear at ibejnfBce of tbe Clerk of tbe 8u. petior Conn of said county in the Court , bouse in Davie^ Conntv, Mocksvilie, Nonb Carolina, with­ in seven days after ilie 8ih day of ». UC..U. .» .U. February, I9S«. “ d answer oJ de. ..said Action orihe plaintlll will mnr to i he complaint in said sc- sppiv lo tbe Conn for the tellefde.;tion, or tde plaintiff will appiv i« landed in aald Complaint jthe court for tbe reliei demanded Tbit the asth day o( Janmrv.in aald eomplainl Coun of Davie Counljr North Ca. rollna. The aane being an action foreclose a apecific lieu on landa owned by J. R. Button deceased by sale to rdmbntse plalnliff for “Old Age Asaiitenei” furnished and paid hy plalntiS to J. E. Burton in the snm of tfi66.oo. And the aald delenduts will f jr. tiler take not ee that they are re­quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Coun of Davie County in Mockaviile. N. C , on the 1st day jf Uarcb ios6 and answer or dranr lo (be ■■ h e i * . -__ Rcpublicaa*'fi<om Uavle Coun­ty who attended.'die^B »enli^ dlniier at die Robert B. Le^Hotel In Wlnatbii-Salem weie: County Chaiitnan Duke, Whittaker, it,C . Btock, State Senator; .Cecil Mor- tlst fbmier County Chairman; -E. M. Shenner, CoOialtmao. anJ Ted L, Ju^cr. G e d ^ RT Ifaidiidcs, Bryan Sell uidR dbm H eiidH ckajpent kv- eral dkys laat w ^ hi hgami, FU.Don’r know whether dwy wrot liahiiiR or Juat llstend to wlut die wild wavea.wrre. ^ n g . joon,must have lien fidiing for he was - Stewart. Funeral aervices were held at Eaton Funeral Home at Z-JOp, m„' Ftldiv. Rev. J.P baqUoffidattd. Burial was in Rose Cemetery. »ANTADSPAY. WANTFD - H«isekeep« I ke cue of two childrcn» 5 iuystjilf#_________ w^ ' 8 to 5 o’clock.Phone 348W showing a picratie of a seven foot sailfish he caught FDR'SAl.E—Two Ireah milch cows and diree.thal will be fresh soim. Two Holsteins and three Guernseys. SPENCER FOSTER. , Mocksvilie, Route 3. FOR REN T-The D. & M. Har- Mra. George Hartmanand Mrs vaster building in-W est Mocks. GeraldBlackwelder return^ .Fri-, Ville. Call on or write_• day nightfram Macon, Gs.. where, , THOMAS TOWELL, d ie w e o td ie week/ Hawrj Harmony, N. C Route ^ FORSAUfr-OneOJiw* Tract fcLilly^d M ir & w i k k r was or, one Fannall Super C Uke K dic b e d ^ e < « h « ftdier, who withremataia aeriously Ul, l«deia » d clovar hay. 150 lalouse '**‘""'% M M lkE U U S, Advance. N .C/ C F. Mcroney, who haa. . been (ditaig treatment for mote than £ ' c X & V ‘ K ; * S l b 5 ’ » refin'uh«lor re st^ . e«|. Ktmii home Saturdaiy, Mtfc Me.; matea. - New: and ..u ^ planot- toncy went to Colum^ Friday ^ ^ W "g Eaay teima. 'tad Kcbnipantai him home. C. Write for p « ^ ' 1^ biis inaiiv frienda hoc who are r- g U to havchlm * 6 2 9 N .T r« k S t Winston Sale t& ^ Q p ^ s e a s J. F, ([itrtees h e w M m ,}/P K a tb a , l9in » ^ o ft ttv ie i CblletU ': Burnette Motor Co.. County died at ii.a . iiK, Jan, 29th hiiveopen'^ thdr new place , of at his home in Lbuisvdl^ Ky. He had beeti in comparaldy good health, :and died unexpected­ ly after au& ri^ a hemorrha«e Mr. Kutfeea founded the J. F. Patot Company In 1895 at louis- yille. Prior to that he had woA- ed widi a h a td i^ .. wholMder and die Peaslee<3aulhetfc,, Paint Comittny, befoic stardng ins own paint inanufictuiing bnsiness. >. tfe'ia autvived by a. son, ' P hm ceaK iii^ Ir^-of ,Lo« - - an adopt^.'daughtn. Miss A ll^ Kutfcw of Louis^y, Ky, two sistefa4n-law. M ^ McGarwy, Kutfcei of U iuU ^le and Mta john W. Rutfew of W in ato n ^ ■Funeral services were held at 11 a. m., Tuesday at A eC am elS t^ (% u ^ of Chr St, Louisville. Bu­ lat was bi a cemetery diere. business in the L. S. Shelton buildi^on Depot Street' They will carry a big line of used cars and cat) give you . some big bar­ gains. The firm is romposed of I. C, Collette and Rex Burnette. Mr. Collette has been with the Davie Mptora ep,,-.for d te .im .15. years; T h ^ gendenieny in ite you to call on them at anV ttnie and Ibok'over tfaelt b b Un* of usedcars. ' : At long Int die town of M « ^ ville h u piitohand, a modem ^ to^lOte fire truck «*idc will be d*- livned in the nm fotiite. Thiels, somediing the towti’ hw needed fot loi these niany y n rs..., 95«-S. H. CBAPPIN. Clerk Snperior Court i This pb day of lanuary, 1956- S. H. CHAFFIN, Clerk of Snperior Court, Let Us Help You! REPAIR Inside And Outside REPAIR TIME , CL0SER THAN YOU THINK DO IT NOW . . PA Y W IT H O U R R EPA IR LOAN WITH WINTER HERE, SPRING CANT BE FAR BEHIND Look Over Your Home Now With 'An Eve To Making The Repairs That Will Make Spring And Summer Living More Comfortable. A Loan To Foot The Bill Can Usually Be Arranged In A Matter ^ Minutes. - Mocksvilie Building & Loan Association MOCKSVILLE, N. C. tii.u u isG sr S EU JN O a Ford’s Thunderbird V-8, fngine is the most powerful standard •hgino in any low-priced car toddy I ATest Drive will t<>n you why the Ford V-8 baa tom t o - . aigfil over the pist 24 years!’n » mighiiy Ford Thunderbirt V ^ --to 'rtendard efebt for Fairlane and Station Wagon models—is tbe moat S u d d * t, at m . extra cost, in the low-priced field! It ^ terrific. tako.off power . . . extra muscle to send you zooming IV the >jeepe«t biUg.. ..top perfoimance for all driving situations. Test Dri« , F o rd V -8 a t y o u r F o rd D e a le r’s to d a y . W h e n y o u d riv e o n e , y o u n lo io w t h a t ita per/brraanci! m a d e i t A m e rira ’s ^ o r i t e . . . ^ y ^know why people automatically thfaik ot.FOKD when they thmk of V-81, FORDM SANFO!® MOTOR C O M P;^; Ford Dealers Since 1913 ' K Y W raln lm rted raM A -l U>e§)Ci«^BeS^^ ; '■ -i ■ V: I i f ''. reiE DAVa w so b u: iiocKsvttxE h c.; vebruaiit grvme Rftekcr*aii« Luk* ITsSO- brv*ll«B»i R«it«lttgs JaniM Effective Praying for rebturr 12,19M W / H E N m ost pecpl* think of VV prayer they think <a only on« Jklnd though there are eeveral. The word “prayer*' m sgestt ask* ing tor something; though it ought to suggest thankfulness, concession of sin. aspiration, tru st But leaving aU these other kinds of prayer out of aecount, w hat a wondei-ful thing prayer isl H 1 could go to a mil* llo n a ire once a y ear'and ask him tor a n y th in g I wanted; or if ,11 could have an in* terview with the m ost famous per* son in the world with the privilege of asking one fa* vor.~how dizzy 1 Dr. Forem an would be at the pleasure of the prospcctt Yet God has m ore treas- . ure than a millionaire, and the fam e of the most renowned m en - Is nothing com pared to his glory. It is such a Qod to whom I can take my desires and requests, ev* ery day. every night of the year. It is only because prayer is no free that we take it tor granted and fail to appreciate it. We might value the opportunity m ore it we •had to pay well for it. Tlw P rlb « * lP n y ir In a way, prayer does have a ' price. T hat is to say, if prayer Is to be effective, certain condi­ tions have to be met. Jesus told som e stories which bring out what these conditions are. One is the talc of two m en who went into " the sam e tem ple to pray. One was - nn old hand at it,—if there was a ' *'Pv3yi>^S class” of Jew s (corre* spend ng to a working class, or a pi-c'cssional class) in those days, ho wiis a prom inent m em ber of it. The other m an had perhaps very Rcldom prayed. The first m an was a rcguiar. contributor to his cl-.u tth; the other m an-^if he was IMtc tUe average In his profession —jiulcio<n darkened the door of % place of worship. But in Jesus* stoi-y these two m en found them< scl-'es Fide by side in the sam e temple, and only one wa* "iusti* Hcd," that is to say. only one got favo. nble attention from Ood. And . tl)»t one Was the m an who bad nothing to sny but “God, be merel* ful to m e a sinner.” To ask God ' for this and for tho ^ s if we de* served it. as if it w ere our ritfrt to dem and gifts from God,^4hic is no way to pray. EflTective pray, er begins with confession and r«* pentance. not with dem ands. Not to til* »roa4 Let us m ake a short list of som a difTerences between wrong prayer and right prayer. W rong prayer is really talking to oneseU, or talk* ing so as to be overbeafc! by som e one we want to Im press. Right prayer is addressed to God alone. Wrong prayer is proud; right .prsiyer is humble. Wrong prayer wants God to support the pride of the prayer. Right prayer casts pride aw ay and cfomes to God wltiiout a claim. In wrong pray* er. I come to God asking him to do som ething tot. m e which will Rive m e a better reason than I now have for being proud of my* self. In right prayer. I com e to God asking him to cleanse m e of (he p:ide which m akes m e feel th»t God him self is hardly neees' sary. In wrong prayer, .the one who prays rises from his knees just as he was, for he has no wish to be changed; in right prayer, the one who prays rises a better m an. for he a s k ^ God to forgive find change him. Kroping It Jesus seldom If ever tried to put all the truth into one parable. B e was generally content with setting nut one truth a t si time. So the iM rable of the bothersom e widow, “■ the woman who finally wore out a stubborn and selfish Judge •Just by keeping after him.—that par­ able does not say everything about, prayer. But it does teach thing: Keep at Itl Jesus Is care* tui not to say that God is anything like that judge. What he does m ean is th at if even a bad ebar* acter like that Judge can be moved to do the right thing bgr a persis* tent woman, surely God our r a ­ ther iri'heaven, who la neither lasy nor stubborn nor iU*wllIed. will listen to persistent prayer. We must, be careful not to read into this parable m ore than Je tu t ta l^ There it no prom ise here (hat Qod counts the num ber oi tim es we pr?o^ for a thing, and that if we only pray enough Jm es he wiU be . sure to answ er. T h ert Is no (uar* antee that God win answ er any prayer we can think of It we aay it often enough. W hat Jesus prom* ises is that God wUl bring Juttice a t last . . , tf we keep on want­ ing i t l„, • -- By J^ct naif M.\PG E stood in the doorway of Uer bedroom and looked at ic dross in dismay. Obviously it /as m eant for the Junior Class now Ball in January and just as •bvifKislj' if was expensive. "O h . w h y !” sh e e x c la im e d , ouch n s the fabric as if it were t>mbth ng repulsive. Whnt’s the m atter with them. v1.trgc thought Dad n e ^ new !Ot>ies and things for tfie house :id Mom always looks so poor and •on led. Wc.^rily she changed her clothcs. ;■» house was empty, for her •lothsr was baby sitting to earn I i.tt1c extra to help out. M arge w ent dow nstairs and oolccd at the Christm as tree and he g fts displayed under it. She .'It em barrassed even though she ras alone in the room. Somehow :t was alway rather mortifybig t o . how the gifts when friends' and datives callcd. Her pile of gifts A-as always so large and lavish .)nd her parents’ so sparse. Just this once she wanted their Hilts to be im portant like hers. i>ot }ust little odds and ends to be xplained awuy with. “We try to tiiHke a big Christm as for M arge.” She had saved nearly every pen* s:y she had eai'ned the previous She found (be dress box and careftttly folded (he dress and wrap;>ed It for rctam , sum m er so -sh e could give her lather a new jacket and her moth* er a now coat t tried to teU them I didn't want a lot for n»ristm as. but I didn’t do a ve:. * 40od. job of it. she told herself as she ced at the twin cashm ere sweaters, ^he new skirt and the other gifts. I wish I'd had the courage to be m ore frank. But I have the courage today, she thought running up the stairs. She found (he dress box and care* 'fully folded the dress and wrapped it for retu rn .'For Bett»r Her knees w ere shaky as she wondered w hat' she would say when her m other saw the dress wrapped w ith such finality. It’s for her own good, she told herself firmly. In a week or two she'll realize it's best. When she'heard the front dobr open and dose, she ran down­ stairs to m eet her m other. “Hi.” she said, quellbig her feeling of H er m other gUnced a t her amc- loudy. H er dark brown eyes dart* ed around the room, looking t<» see if M arge had brought the dress downstairs. Then (ho expectant lo(rfc changed to a questioning one. •'Didn’t you like the dress?” The question was so hum ble and so blunt M arge was startled. «Yes. it's beautiful, b u t-” **X Imew you'd like It. Have you had it on yet?” ••No, I h av en 't”“It will fit I'm sure.” her moth­ er's voice dwindled off. The bright­ ness in her face seemed to fade an at once./'W hat'i8 th ejn atter?" “It’s so expensive. I wanted you to get « coat for yourself.'*^'Oh. It that aU. This old thing WiU iM t quite a while. While 1 was in the atore I said to myself. *There*a nothing like m y old ma* roon coat.' 1 didn’t see anything 1 liked bettor so what was the use of buylnir a new one?” she chirped.HwUtft M arge knew she'd never teU her parent* how she Mt about their gifts. In a few years TU be earn­ ing m oney and I can pay them back, but now r u Just take what tliay offer, sbe.decided. feeling de* feated. '*Your tether's coming. Go put on tba d r ^ s mod show hbn how p ce t^ you are,” her m other said excitedly.When she cam e downstairs (hey w ere waiting for her. Clutched in her father's arm s was a box which she knew contained something for her. In their eyea w ere love, pride, and happiness m ixed with a satis* iled touch of m artyrdom .8ha liad to swallow to keep her tic * pretty and composed, for wfaat 0M r wanted m ost of ■n WM • pretty «b4 popular 4«igliter. Vnt w as att they would a n a # her to give. ____ i o m pontE A C R 08» t.M ei« er 6. Sm aU^opM u .S % l <« holea t« .N am efttr Cod In SookcfJl* <Blb.) . 18.Wratli'14. GtH's mum 16.Cr«M M .A comMfkepart (Zoei) 17. Gold <Beff.» 16. Short stockinf IP. A showy flower 3S.Gain 35. Sultan's d e c i^ 36. Glistened 28. Placed 3 » .a ty 31. Pieces oul 32.A conjunction 3S.Pald back Fabulous bird 88. River in Italy Z9. n u tte r 41. Sxcavates to r ora 48.Goddesa of • peace 43. Begin 44. Canvaa aheltors DOWN 1. S h into tem ple i. A fellfwv m em ber of i (ra te m lty 8.8Mwa«« 4. Require 9. N one cod •.B roadcM t f.S xclaiM k tio n o e Attended bydlsordatly •.B lM icsi H.Saahea ' (Jap,>18. Most ruruve ID .Qun (alanff) SI. O ld.Dutch u b to ;i » . Court t8.Kot — tr.BxclaiM* rj':;.*:::!!-' f;ri'n;TPiyAriny.Tiu L-irjiura 0[^l3(-.U:irJHnw nni:! n tn n 10. M em ber of s 80. Guided M ongoloid. 31. Anxious .trtb e . t8;Haw »i p -m •5.71)0 pine*- *’-5S!55,;ahM> M.Mum«r 1 i w i By lan e t HaU Ev e r y o n e was so nice. Katble C artor (b o u ^ t as she remem* bered tfie Christm as gifts she had received last year. So m any of h er friettds. -neighbors, and rela* tives had rem em bered h er.'rd love to buy something for them all, Katble thought but she knew it w as In ^ sslU e. She had only saved enough for a gift to her p a r^ to . She bad tried , to get a sales Job, hilt she had discovered she w as too late. There were no Jobs le ft ■' « “Your rdatives and neighbors don't eiq>ect you to glHs them gifto." her m other said. •T d like to give them aU som e littie thing.'* “When you're older yon can re* turn their thoughtfulness.** After supper Kathle went to Aunt BeHy*s and U nde. Ted's house to return a book. ,••Bi, Ksthie,’* Aunt Be(ty greet­ ed. “I'm ' doing dishes so come on out in the kitchen.*' **rve been hoping to m ake soma ^ t c a k e s lor Christm as gifts, but I don’t know whether I can do ft ChOdrea' sM m to toke up aD m y tim e.” •'Your fruitcakes are delidous.'* “Ih ^ * ro a lot of work, though. Cutting up tba <rutt and chopping nuts takas n esd y a day.t* ••ru help, you.” Katliie volun* 'toered. “I can co" around after school and prop- the nuts and fruit and you cau e them when* ever you w a n t” f o r two afternoons Kathle chopped nuts and cut citrus fru it By the end of the week Betty had baked the cakes and packc^ them in tin boxes. . tttsy W M lt • / The rest of the week w as a busy one tor Kathle. M rs. M ason asked her to toke care o t the children , Saturday so that she couM go into town to shop. M iss WWto, a shut. - in who liv ed . down the street *asked Kathle if she would select som e C hristm as cards for her and help her address them. Two days .before ChHstmaa M rs. Cummtogs asked Kathle to tend her chfldren for the after* noon while she xwent shopping. After Katiiie got them Interested. in gam es; she saw a lU t on the bulletin board headed “Things to do." The list outiined the tasks M rs. Cumm ings had to do dur* ing C hristm as week: clean house. ' bake cookies, w rap packages, w rito cards and so m any other t h i ^ -K athle fo t out the cookbook and found som e recipes for C hristm as cookies. When she fln* iShed mixing she w rapped s a A m ound of dough in waxed paper and put It m the freeser. . As KatWe wrapped her moth* er's and father's g ift she fd t de* Pfessed. te r she knew aU the " people she loved so dearly were going to give to her. Site had nothing to give in return. Appr*clolI»n; Chritftmaa m orning Kathle no*, tlced there w ere several cards am ong her gifte. She opened the first one which waa w ritten la the spidery hand that she identt- M M isT W hite's penmanship. •D ear Kathle: •H iank you so m uch for yotir valuable gift. Tim e in our Uvea U so im portant and . you gave m e such a gener* ous piece of your life that I wish to thank you for i t ' Thera were other letters, too. ••Dear Kathle: I would never have baked m y fruitcakes if it wasn’t for your help’'- * ! know tbs children will be pleased with the lovely way you wrapped their Cifta. Thank you foe your time. The cookies were w o n d cifu f W ith M rs. M ason's gift- was a note thanking Kaihi.' tor her g ift'o f time. Ksthie b?d to blink aw ay the tears when Inlshed reading the noies> “You see, KaiUi';. yov gave something lhai is n'tosi vhI table -y o u r tim e.’ her father, ex­ plained. IF H A V E- bem .oa'a'trip' ■ 'j:-:- racernifaied gum , .. : c e M n ^ a binhdav. ■ ..moved .. ' ■ . eiiped-' * . ,■ - hadababr been in a fight - •oldvourhogi . had an operadon boughtaear . ■ . ■ ' painty your houM b « n m anicd cut a new tooth ■ / ' h«m>hot ' “ atolcn anvthtiig been robbed •old out 'loat TOur hair '' bMQ.atreated Or Done Anything At All Telephone,Drop a Postcanl, Or .Come In, ; Or In Any Convenient Way Inform .. . THE DAVIE RECORD I ' ' SIS D A Y I B q d l T N T T 'S O p O B S t N « iW S P A P i:R - - T H E P A P iQ R T H E P E O P I .I : H E A D MAIIITAINi m/iWID i r IHFtJinNCE AND UmRIBEO BY GAM ' VCH.UMN tV I.jMOCiraVILLB. NORTH CAROLINA, WBDNBSDAT. PBBRnARY 15. tort.NUMBBR aS NEWS OF LONG QOOD f^ fp jO ^ S jringlnOia^ Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 \ -56 Years CtSe>* have com and gone-your county. newapaper keep* going. Simetimea it ha* leemed hartl tn make "buckle and longue” meet, 'but *oon the aun ahine* and we . march on. Oar faithful aubicriber* oiaat of Whom pay promptly, pve ut courage aid abiding faith in our {allow man. it your neighbor it not taking the Record tell him to (ulwcribe. Tlie . price ia only $1.50 per year in the StelP, and $2.00 in other aUtet. When You Gome To Town Make Our Office Your Headquarters. We Are Always Glad To See You. f ? ' wK. y . , W hM W iw H B i vie Befor* Parhint Motor* ' Aiid A libr^led Skirts (Davie Record, Feb. 19, 1930). Aaron jainea Is prepariOK to biiild a bice reildeiiM on Wllfcca* . boto Mreet, D. G. Ttttterow^ ol Wlmlon-Sa- tM n. 'W a s 'ra m b llD it aroond town one day-last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hendry, of Marlon. Va., spent the week, end In town with rielatlnsi Hr, andMfrs, H. T. Breiiefiar iettplsst .week .lor Mlanil, Fla^, I wbere they will spend some time. ' M r./Jnpe Meioney and Hiss Bveiyn Cmwfotd. o( Lenoir, spent SaodaT In town with relatim and friends. ' P. R.^ KImbroagb, of Atlanta, " spent the week.end at the bedside of-hlB mother,' Mrs. H. Dl kim. brongta, who coattnaes'.qnlte III. ^ b a s Christian I a spending snme time, here wltb telatlvea re­ cuperating trom flu and sinus trOn- . hie/.-' Hr. T .I.C sn d elits> a Char, lone hospital recoVerim from an operatloa trom apiiendlcltls which be nndetim t ^ n d s y . All hope - /%;blm a complete recorery. Miss Jane Bradley who uader. went an operation tor appendidll* at a Mlabvry hospital la gelling, a- '.long 4i«Iy. her frienda will be gliid tiTieani. AmooK those attending the Lin. coin Day dlnaer a t Oreensboro '>>'last 'W edn^ay enningtrom Davie county were t. L. Sbeek. B. C. Btocfc. O. H. -^Grahi(m; Mr.-*«d Mra; W. B. Kennen. Mr. and Mra. M. J. Hohbouser and-family and Hr. Roy Bollhonser wrat to Mint Hni, near ebarlotte: Friday, to attaiid the Inncral and burial 6( Mrs. Holthousw’a bt^b er. Mr. Tboaaa Todd, whb died T hu^ay night at an advanced There are but (ew .folks sttii liy. Ing .ln Hocksviiie whonn. remem ber when Wiley Clement, a afell known diizen of this, town, oper. ated a Farmer^s Alliance atore In the old wooden building owned h* B. L; Oaith^, on the iwrth aMe of the square; Mr.’Clement seM to members of the ■Alliance a general line of merchandise at lower pricM than: other: stores. It haa been nearly 60 yean agb sinde this store went ont of b iiilnm. In oni of the building James Poplin a shoe shop. Be kept busy most of the time, and always had one or bahgiog around the shop on . ralhy days. He was in I k Patronize your home merchants and belp build up your town and county^' 4 FOR RENT ♦ S P A C E IN T H IS i>A PE R ' W ill A rrengc To Suit GOOD NEIGHBORS-niCES TO m y o i» BUSIMESS LET us DO YOUR ?0B PRINTING We <»n save you money on your ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, POWERS, BIU HEADSi PACKETHEADS, Etc. PatronKK your home newspaper and thereby help build up your home town and county. THEPAVIE RECORD. age. A. B. Hendrix, county warden, made a trip to Ralciih tas) »eek:to aee the State game ward, en. Mr, Hendrtcks telU us that the state Is going to furolab bayle county a supply ot wild tnrliev and pbeaaant eggs and ain aome Mexi. can quail. Thia will he goad newa toonrsiwnameb; The Mockaviiie Sopbonwrea en­ tertained the Senion' W^neaday evening. After .eojoirtng a iheatrc party'at the Prlnceas. the young piople r^lred to the Masonic bsll where delicious refreshnrata were a e r^ and a number of games and atunu followed. Misa Hsnl Baity, of the high acbaoi faculty waa in cbatge of the program.’.which wta eiijoyed'by aM praaent.. ' Mr, Nathan Bsiiey, o f near Poric died at the Baptist bospilsl : In Wlnsioa.Salem Friday momina at aiz o'clock; fohowlug an lliue>s ofais weeka, aged .a9' years. The (nnerai services were held at Bibs vUIe cbnrdi Sunday afiemoon at two o'dc«k, conducted by Revs. Hr.^.Henry and B. W. Tomer. Hr. Bailey ia anrvived ' by Ibree liltle sons, his father. Mr. Cbarile Ball ay, two brothers a ^ one sister,' After an . illom of. one week, Mn. Minnie Sieelmab, wife of B. R,Sieelman, passed'away at ber bJme I n Wtoslon.8alem. Fridaymorning at I »:J0'o'clock.' Hrs. Steelman was.Ti'yeara old and bad teen-in faWng hnltb for .time. ■ .■ Misa.Bwlvn Marlin, ilrvear^d daughter ot Mr. T. L : MatUn, of Snmter,'S. C.. died eariy W edn» day morning In an. Asheville hos. jillal,'foltowlbg an illneaa of two niontbs. The-body waa brought »o Hacksviila and laid to real In Rom cmeteiy Tbursday afteruM tbne o’clock. Rev. R 'LV Goforth .vndnctlog the aenic^. Uisa Mar: - tin la aurvlved by herl lalbn; Mr. TbosM.. Mariin.and tbtaa M allotSaatcr. S.C.. ' in oMeh tlmea ll waa. cust^ary for the propheta to r ^ - t o time aaeaaaremeiit aa a day for a ^ r ia . piopbcay, so In this chapter'of R ^ valatiob (It) we ' have reference here hntil his death nnrty half a century ago. A good many y«rs iateri I. B. Whitley opened grocery'Dtore In this bnlldiog which he operated for a short wWle. moving from here to ■ WsUgbtowu, where he rUu a; store for several years. This old building wsa tom down more tjian 30 years ago to make room for a twodtory lirick building, which was occupied for several.^ra by tbe Sbnthem Bank & t^nst Co., before going out of baaioesii. The bulldlDg is « owned by R. B. iSaoford. The ae. coud floor Is nceapled by Central Telephone Co., and the first flon la used aa oScei Early in tgot J. T, Bslty to Mocksyilie. and opened up a dry gaoda;andnotlohs store io a;wood en bnlidlDir now occupied by the United Variety Store; and - owned by .Mts.'TW. L. Call. .We bad men. tloued this store in'a former ariicle. Many of our people -remember-Hi. Baity well. He did a good busl. oess bere. He bad jhe fiont of the bulldlug painted red. and ’ call. *d his store "The Red Float." Hr. Baity had a young dark who la 4 in rememboied bi^^wany folto llvii^ here. Hla uanie: waa ^^nl' Haiillsoii and he arasti^soo of a Methodist preichCT. About the tlaie Psbi went 10 work in thb Sim a ''dronmer,;’ as a 'tranllug lalasman waa then callcd, (Ame, |o town. He told a bunch of os fel­ lows that he bad just joined a am lodg^ frblcb had oeen' organised In ol the target towns: He said the initiaiioo lea waa only it cents. Several of na fellows around town lalned the lodge which was called the ’’BnSaliM." ; t: waa one.of the first fdiows to join. I happened to have the right change in my pocto, A few dsys after I had; joined the lodge Fahl. HatdlcOn-cane>into Tbe Record olBee to get some print, ing for Mr. Baity. I askiHl him if he had joined the Buffalo lodge. He said he didn't kod<» mytUng aboat such a lodge'i: t lold him I could Initiate him-In about two mlnulea If be would pay it.M ta. He dug down in' bia ikwlict and led me a half dollar, -1; p ia ^ the money In my pocket , ^aul uked me 16. give him jo ceniiback in change. 1 told Panr that the Buflalos n'ver gave back a'uy change, that the ledge woaM pernii us to do- so, .PinI beck to BiilyVstore m lloifT A d look.: The rent day be csm i bsck to myLofficr and nM he want; bis ^ ceiits. I te a ^ .,him for a day o'f two bnl' fioaily gave him back his half dollar He 1 ^ 1 14 or is yeara old.' L Iblak Paul d i^ ip Virginia a nombet^of ynra'agd.'' ', ■ Many ioilu now living in Uocl» vllle ar* not aware.ihai thU lawn bad a KnKInx Ciao lodge apficr«o yeara 'ago. The Klan waa- orga. niied in a hnilding on Main «reet Sunday afirtnoon. with about 30 members. ' I didn't 'Join the Klan bbt^a^'nmbir of .«*irVIM|; ;It did oiil fuociiOu. loiig.\ I (M : made to timea la days a ^ . months. John m given a reed nnto a rod *ai the aoiiwl Mood aaylttg rise and meaaute the temple of .Cod, and tlie altar, and tliem' that arorahip Iheidn, But the court'which, la irithout the temple leave rat,, and measbte It now; for It is^ven nn. to the Oenfllea; and the holy (Miy shall they tread under foot foity and two OMBtha. And I Will give powar unto my two wilnessesi and they ahall plo p h ^ a«honaaud and two hnndred.and three acore days, Veraea I; a, 3, ' lu the measi ment of time It la here lefeied to twice, once as days, once aa montha. Maasnriug montha at Ibirly: daya each foriy two monta, will, equal tallo daya or yaats, and one. thous­ and two hundred and threescore daya al«> equal late. ' And in thIa P fiiad la lefered to wrhen the .Gen. Wsa wraM trod the outer n u rt for twelve hundred and alzty; daya This period , Is to he nnderatobd aa the. dark agaa . A BOUiaE Young Tommie waa aaked by hia teacherif he knew what a per­ son In cbatge of a library is called. “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, "a bookicP’ aie lefercd to who will pmpb upon the earin a ^ great power will be givta to thm Man to the ex ent oficaatMngiiwlh^vena, over the jnlami 'aodTafter tbew two p pbela ban fiulahad ihrir mbstou the devil arin overpower them and haW them killed. The dead hod ______a few of the a . e s t . , V « « « ? ^ ^ J | daay Ilia < h ^ and • ('t i ------------------------- alter the apoatin and dii killed, and no .aucceasors .to. sav ihna aayMh the.I.ord to the peo. ole, then .M the adaut prophet de. acrlhtd it by Mvlng "darknm coy. eted the earth and gross darkneas the minla of the people;" During thia period the Oentiiea held poa^- er.ahdtlwlr apostate condKioni de- until Martin Lu th^bei^^tO preiwh the lefsruia. tloo,.a^ foiloi^Kjiim wereaeveral aocordiug to John thia waa to be twelve hundred TWd NEW SUBJECT Wif« I’ve got a lot of rhings I want to talk to you about. Husband: That*a fine. You usually want to talk about a lot of things you haven’t got. MADE A MISTAKE Wife, The maid'quit. She said you spoke to hw insultingly, over die phone. Hubby, vyliatl 1 thought I was talking to'you. \ MISSED r r BYT'WO It waahomework time 'at. the Rulxnstrihs’ hoitaeJ ■’Benny.'’said Mama Rub shall lie in the atreet of tbe - great city (Jerninlem) The wicked peo. pie win rejoii« over the death of tiiea^ two proj^a-and aend giita to another, y For thrcce and half daya their badiea will He in the aticet, then the aprit of the [.ord wfli enter them and ih^''arlll be lalaed iiom tbe dead tben great fear will coaie upon . the . people, they will beaira great voice lliag these prophets up ia sclond In liiesame hour a great earth quake will coj:e and tentiof tlw city will fail and aeven Then the temuaat ’.were altrighled, ahd-gave glory to the God Of heaven. ' ‘jrhe first part refeied to -in this article ol tbe fatty ^ taro montha, the tbonaand two bundled tbr^ am e dava or twdv* baiidred . aoil siaiy yeara of darkness whra. the Gentiles iiodcd'lhe court of Ibe' dty. h u pasatd, aiid |ight waa a. Iidnt to ahine forthagain to. man Ubd>winnl0K at the time of the with Luiber and.^hm .The scm d part .referring io the of the taro pioplieta pro. phaayiug in Jemaalem for three and half yeaia then be klilid and aftertbree tnd ball days tl^ r bo diaa bdng rait^ from tlie dead by apirii of ibe Lord and tben uikan inw heaven and tb f tenth ^ tt of the city,, and arveh^tboas. and men being ktlltd. ia in tlw fn. iaie. . .If any one wanta to £Uoder. ittand the^K q^R cvdallon. h ■aiy to rccoi^ifc ibM l^ihal gospel wss takra firbm the catch when the dlsdpfin srere kill. iM.,nid tbai the GcotUsa.trad^ the &un aiid 'difat'cralM tba' ie^inga ol the true Church o( Christ. This ,«elaiion waaftvea 10 John In toat the yeara 96 A. D,. aid .moat ^ WASN'T THERE Woman (on the telephone): Is my husband at the club? Club Telephone Operator: No, ma'am. Woman: But 1 haven't even told you who I am. WOULD DIET Visitor (coyly): And what will you do, my dear, when you'are ae big as l am? Small Girl: Diet. Oar County And Sodal Security By Louis H. Clement, Manager. Tbe Sodal Security Office has some news of importance for peo­ ple who haveworkgd at least five years under sodal security and who because of a diaability,' have not been able to woik for six months ot more. The Sodal Securiny act now per­ mits us to keep the benefits'rights intact of a person who is disabled before age 65 and who Is unable to work because of his disability^ To qualify for Jhts so-called dis­ ability freeze,” a person must have worked ttnder social security for at ieaat five years out of the ten yeara before'he became disabled. H>e disability must have existed for-more than six montSs and a person must be disabled at the time he fliies his appllcarion for the “disability freew.”. Anyone now receiving a social security payment on his own'eam- record may have his benefit “idl me how many is seven and lOTr.” “Tweh>e,’' replied Benny. “Ni^bad foc a little shaver,” volunteered Papa Rubenatdn. “He only^iaseJ it by two.” \.TURN ThF k NOB ■'A burglar entered a building and saw a iwtice on the safe: “Don’t twaalc dynamite, the safe Is open, lust turn the knob.” Ho<did so. The place was fiood. ed with light! a bell clanged loud­ ly. Aa he'waa being taken to pris­ on, he said: ‘SMy confidence .in human nature haa been rudely iliaken.” refigured to exdude a period of disability, if he is now disabled and the disability was In existance for more than six months before he reached age 65. Of course, he must meet the requirement of five years out" of ten years and one and a half out of three years u set out above. People who are now disabled and unable to work ot anyone who becomes disabled in the fu­ ture ahould contact his nearest sodal security office in order to learn how the “disability freeie" may protect him- If you are un­ able to contaaus yourself, afriend or relative may do it for you- A period of disability cannot be es- iblished unless an application ta of the apostles if not all of them' had been killed. Thu waa to in­ form Jobp that tbe Cborch was a- bout to leave the earth, and John was shown things that would come to inaa. If we take the Caiholic view that the goidei has been here in succession from PMer down to tbe present Pope, then verae alier verse, and chapter after chapter, will nat be able to oe understood. I mske ibis Matameut without ani. mosity, becauae lihave dlscusied it - CathoHca.with l a . BENNETT, bucham N. C HILLTOP SerWce & Supply BEST l^CE to GET rr bit, Tire# . And Supplies Sta^e Grortries. tArge Emtttgh'To Fill . . Your Taidc si.jy~iiiLL Ownar- Seen Along Main Street ay The Sural RaaiMer. . pecil Morris buvihit new pair shoes and ne^ ^ |rt ;«i;;San{liMid’s on chilly , morning Miss Peiitllne Beck walking atoiind the square In tbe rain- carrying, auto lim se plate under one arm—J. L. Jolly and son shopping around town on rainy day-Young lady quar­ reling beaiise she bad to go to the Hedth Cen'tw and take a ahot —Sam Howard busy amking in dreg s’tore'Win^otiv—Mrs-Ted Jun­ ker in dime stm talking a ^ t -M n:G.R; Madi- fil^ with the social security office. if you have any question con- ceming your sodal s^ tiiy , you m ii^t write iisa; 301 Post Ofiice Blinding. Salisbury, N. C , or see our representarive who visits the Court House, Modcsvilie N. C , on the first and third Fridays of each m oiuhfro^IJ^Si^® ' H^fsfton Promoted John F. Wiseon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Wifhon of Route 5, Rocksville, N, C.. was promot- >d to the rank of Marine Private First Class lanuary 14th upon graduation from the Aim an Pre paratory school at the ^ayal Air Technical Training Center, Jack aonville. Fla. Shoaf Coal & Sand Co. We Can. Supply Vour Needa IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call or Phone Us At Aliy Time PHONE 194 Foimerlv Dayie Brick &Coal Co NOnCE'TO creditors: Having qualified as Administra­tors c t the estate of NcsiieCattcr, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the said deteased, to prcsmt them properiy verified, to the undersign­ ed, on or before the 4th day of laniiaty, 1957. or this notice wUI >e plead ib bar of recovery. All ' debttd to -said estate.will pleaae . make prompt seitle- ment. This4ih day ol January, 1956. F. M. and C larenc^i ter, Admi* of Nezzte Caftn deca’d. • Geoige W. Martin. Attorney, Tlie Record u 3ceht* a aireak. Sabgeribe t^ y . son and daughter doing some, af­ ternoon ahopping-Mrs. dihiiet Hartley talking with sister in San* ford’vDcpartment Store—Mta, R. . Lverly hurrying down Main street in the rain—Young lady i*. ~ marking that we would have an early spring since the groundhog didn’t see his shadow—Dr. Mutt sticking a feather in aged dtfzen'a hat band—Mrs. Blanche Doiign. ton doing some early morning shopping-Prank Whit.; looking after mme business matteta on .; rainy day-George Hendricks dia- • plaving photograph of a 7-foot railJish which he cau«iithi PUubb waters—Two Coolccmee ^ria ad­ vertising hask^all games atound town—Yoiing lady worrying be-, cause she.had left her boota at home on'irainv day~Mrs. R. J. Randall running through the tain to her parked car—Frank Cetunl on his way down Main atteet— Dewey Tuttetow transacdng some banking busineu—Rpbert Basing- er standirig in the rain in feont of banking house smoking his pipe —Miss Annie Carter bidding fimd farewell to steel engtaqing of Abe . Lincoln—Mrs. Bill MerreH look­ ing (or Blum’s Almanac-Shcdc Bowden hurrying down atreet In ihe rain-—Miss Florence Mackie talking about being held up— Rev. Doriidd Reavis parting with steel engraving of Thoniae Jef­ ferson I. G. Roberts on hia way to apothecary shop Dt- Henry S. A nd ean and Adas Smoot get­ ting Saturday morning hair cuts— Mrs. Will Furches waDcingatound the square in the rain—Haywood Powell hurrying up Main street— Misses Maty and Jane McGuitc. duing some before Easter ahdp- pingin dime sto t^ Jim Fullw busy sdling shoes-M t. T. G. Ansell shoping around in drug store—Mrs,.Orace Call im her wav from grocery store to movie show —Mrs. Will Keller oh her wav home from auction sale-Rev. Al- vis Cheshire waiting atound in tonsoral parlor to get a halt cut— '' Ernest Hunt wearing rain-coat and carding big umbrdla. Princess Theatre CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY. “COBWEB" In Technicolor With Richard Widmatk « . .Laureen Bacall Cartoon VUta Vwion THURSDAY & FRIDAY "LUCY GALLANT" In Techni­color With Jane Wyman & Charlton Heston Newa SATURDAY “TIMBER COUNTRY TROU BLE" With w ad Bill Hickok Cartoon &. Serial CINEMASCOPE MONDAY & TUESDAY “MY SISTER EILEEN” In Technicolor With lanec L dt^ & Betty Gatett News PRICE: itotalsrShainAdaluMe CkUdiaa lie aNEHASDOPE Adahs MsCkgtfisa ila DAVK . OOUMTTS BMGER SHOW VALUE . i ' I : 'f ¥ PA0ETWJ5 T M DAVIE BIW0HD/ll(CT8yilAi N; C.; F^^ W. VHt THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROtJD. EDITOR. TGLE?HONE Bntwed ■tthePortofRet In Mnekt- THIe. N. C.. u Seeoiul-«lH> . Mull nwtter. Hirch tWS. :su B scn rn o N ratesi OMEVGAR.INN. CAFDLIN^ - 11.SO SIX MONTHS IN N.CAROUNA • 7to. ONE YEAIt. OUTSIDE ST ATF • tlOO SIX HONTHS.OtmiOE STATE • «I40 -If m none whicn ue cmid n Wr MMt SHMl HUHM IffiMSaVB. WD MAY. AMD SEEK NY EACE, AMD 1UM «MH nOM 1HEW WKKED WAYSi 1HM WU I KEAIt m u HEAVBl AW WIU tOMNE IDEM SINS. AW WU «Al HBIUW.’-l mm. 7:14. Cheer up; blBckb.nv pie eaten. It wUl be onlv fout montht until the luiciom bUckbetry will be ripe and teadvtoh»tv«t^__ After 63 veers' spent in. a newr paper office we have come to the conclusion that you can^t run a newspaper to pleaso’everybody. One big local store has carried $4 worth of advertising in The Re­ cord during the past U months. Small fiivors thankfully received- larger ohestapropotttoii. More than five million dollars was realized from tlie $100 a plate Eisenhower dinner given a week or two ago. This country must be in goodshape^nmj^lly. Moore people ate at work to­ day and are drawing bitter salari- er than ever known, and stiU some folks are growling about bow this country is going to the dogs. ' Now would be a mighty good time for the fa. mers in Davie as well as other counties Co make a •firm resolution that they will grow enough feed stuff, meat, wheat and com in the future to su 'ply their necJs. _____________^ . A lady reader thanked us for writing a short article tecenthr a- bout children using the sidewalks around the square as a skatinit rink and a bicycle race track. It I* a dangerous practice for both the children and tlie pedestrians. Politicians drop Into out office every few days wanting to know if Ike is going to run for president again this year? If we could an swer that question we wouldn’t be editing a little country newspaper; we would be sitting at a.desk in a big city newsgger^officfc More than _3i inches of rain fell in Mocksville from Feb. 1st to Feb. 7tb. With some more scat­ tered showers the past week, we are hopitig the drought has been broken and that Bear Creek will supply us with plenty of drinking water during the summer months. Adlai Stevensoti, who is trying to get the nomination for presl dent on (he Democratic ticket, h » been campaigning in California. He has been telling the voters on the West coast what he thinks of se^egati.in and how he is “agin” it. We wonder if he will make this same spefich when .he goes co cam­ paigning in Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama and South Car­ olina? Because the groundhog didn’t see bis shadow on F.b. 2nd, it doesn’t mean chat we won’t have any rainy day , < ^ l frostv morn­ ings and perhaps some days when overcoats will feel comfortable. It means the backbone of winter Is broken ■' that (he worst is over. A light snow inight come along in early March, but the ice man is beginning 40 p^-rk up su'd coal and fuel oil dealers can relax. The business man who was rais­ ed on the farm, migrated to town and made a little money, some times forgets his raising and comea to the conclusion that poor folks ate not worth a. dam and that busi­ ness can get along without them. Such is not c he case. The great mass of laborers in this country ■le the tmes that keep the wheels turning around, and they tie' the ;«M t who ate helping the tl:K man (moMm riehcr. Hall Chairman Boh Hair has been app ->inted County Chaiiinan for the Heart Ktmd Drive in Davie, which will- continue. throu^ Febhiary. On Feb. 26th, a house to house can­ vass will be mode to secure fiinds to help fight this dread dis<;ase. All persons in the county are ut- aed to donate t o this wprthy cause. Call at Hall Dtug Co., when In town and make vout do- siation as liberal as possible. To Taxpayers This article deals with the joint effoit of Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Cffice to ad­ vise taxpayers about filling returns, Since there appears to be some misunderstanding by taxpayers as to when*tax,retums are due, the last date to file 'returns to avoid penalty on 1955 earnings is set out below: 1 If a Arm operator owes so- cial security taxes onlv, he has un- td midnight, AptU 16 (April 15 is on Sunday) to file and pW taxes. 2. If a farm operator owes so­ cial security taxes and income tax alone, he inust file and pay social secority taxes by midnight, Feb­ ruary IS, unlesss he filed a Decla­ ration on or before January 15 on 1955 earnings. The compatadvely few taxpay­ ers who filed returns on a fiscal basis should get in touch with iheir Internal Revenue Office for information about when the return is due If they are in doubt.' Booe Resigns The old saying that **Few office* holder die and none resign/* isn*c always true. Our old fiiend Bfyan Booe, a native o£ Davie« who has been postmaster at Winsr ton-Salem for the past 18 vears» has sent in his resignation* etfec^ Hve Feb. 29th. Who his successor will be. we couldn*t%ays Farmington High School News Bir JobttBi» Ellw nnri Joe Bu»iek. Smack! Atta boy-good <;atch! Now and then lately we have ex­ perienced a few of those tare sprii.g.like davs when old Sot parts with a couple extra rays of sun iil^t to warm our chilled honest Instantlv, as if a button had been pushed, ball gloves,' baseballs and other paraphanalia pertaining to baseball appeared. |N o earnest practice as yet but just ?a promise of what will be happening in the near future. That is, if winter doesn't keep us in her icy grip. Last Friday night the Blue Dev­ ils played host to the Purple Panth' ers from Advance. The boys were badly handicapped by two of the star players, lohnny McBride and Clam ce Driver being unable to play. The score; Farmington 33, Advance 45. Last Tuesday the 4-H Club met with lohnny Hauser, president, as sisted by Secretary jean Sharpe. The program was based on/ fam­ ous birthdays of February. Mar garet Angell read a poeip with s man’s birthday hidden in it. The man's birthday? Why, George Washington’s, of course, Johnsie Ellis asked (he group riddles which most of us guessed. MissWatlicJc encouraged moh people to attend County Council meeiings. Manyol the students at Farmington don't know what these meoiings are for, and don't make any effort to find out. We. would like , more stud­ ents to at least attend one (the neqt one'if possible), and see for themselves the gojd time they’re ilrU missing. Tuesday niiht Farmington played the All Stars iuid die boys Heritage Furniture Go. The score: All Stars 33, Farmin0on,4O., Tlie boys score: HsriMgc Fuaniture 46, i FatminK(on 42. Hericig; team hs J ; the great advantage of height. All | considered. Farmington boysplay^ j cd.ag;)od game. ' j liete's a correction to put in- vour.date book. The Farmington Junior play will not be held ,on' Match 16th. but on the 17th. It’se and come to ace it. It*a new! dUTttmd M d u g n M M I These Prices Hfective Wednesday Mohiin^ Feb. 15th Only I,AI)IES : Cotton Dresses 'Ttew ^d Fre*h Sprinc Printi Sizet i To 52 141-2 To 241-2 $2.44 Each WEDNliSDAy MpRNI^JG ONLY- men;s 0 V e r a 1 Is , . , ■ BY : “BLUE BELL” Repeat By Demand Size* 32 To 42 2 Pairs $5.00 Cotton Prints New Springr Print*, SoBd Color* In . . Seer*ucker, Sheeting Other Fabric* 19c Yard LADIES Cotton Slips 1 I 1-2 Eyelet Emlnvid^ Top And Bottom - FuU And Half Slip*. Repent By Oemand 88c ■ MEN’S Sport Shirts Newest Styles And Color* Size* Small, M^inin, Large Regular $298 $2 OOEach. Tobacco Canvass BY “CHIX" PER 100 YARDS 4 Yarw.de $7.50 5 VarWide.^6.50 B. C. MOORE & SONS “BUY FROM MOORE AND SAVE MORE” MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Patronize Your Home Merchants And Save Money. PENNINGTON CHEVROLET CO., INC I^N E lS f^^ - - , ^ MOCKSVILLE, N. C. 0M ................. I OAVIB: BaooM>.'MOOK3Vm.B. W. c.. PBBttU »RY IS.M O B im u n THF DAVIE record. Attorneyv i n B Warrmion: N. C.i spent FflJay to Pkp*r to Tto County Mt. 'No U auctr. W in*, Beer. _________ • " I;: Miss Jane Rowland, . who has iNEW S A R O U N D TOWlili: •}•>' the PMt ten days, was ■■ carried to Rowan Memorial . Hos­ pital Friday for observation. ^Ray T. Moote, who lives In die clasMc shiidea of Courtney, was lt«Mr: m>d Mrs. W. H. Steehnan, : tmnt ocie clay hst ,;week looking p f Mocksville, ate the ^tetftapf a .afteraoine b(isiness inatteis. ‘ Idai^terw ho arrived'at Rowan . t Memorial Hospital on Febi'9ih.If you a n looking for batgains tead the big ad of B. C. M®9** Sons on another page and visit this store Wednesday moMing. Arnold Gray O'Neal, of CooK-e- mee, was sent to Charlottr las» Tuesday mtiming for 'indu^on -Into the Amied Farces. ^But'few John T ho^ HUIi80,of Mo<dcs*. yillc, Roim. 5, F ^ .«th at his h<ni« ' H ehad b ^ ^ health fbir aev^'lIinillila.atidse^ io iu a ly lllj^ d ^ > : Mr. GW .:Wiii lim rm a^ d . to MissSallte : She ^led In 193a Hie brnmatriedMl^sSame Foster, ; . ■ S(irviv)ngTOhto wifi« tcts, Mrs; Mahr Bet Munday and Miss Emma Hin, bothof A d v ^ , Route 2; arid a numbet ~of nieces imd nephewK Mr. and _ttts;. Vestal Spry._ Route 4; left Thursday for New Orleans iwhete th ^ will spend several (iUys tiding fa .the Mardi' ■ Gras. . . - T. I. Cauflai. - who has - been quite^ili at his home on, Oak Street for the past twe w ^ Is • much betteir, hisi friends win be .'(bd to learn. M r/ and Mrs. Chesca .; James have moved from the Maelt K ta- b(« u ^ house b n^ WiUtesbcwo atteet to one ef the Sanfotd apart­ ments on ChuAji S t ^ Mra Grace O Jl returned home Saturday from Charlotte, w hw , (he apent two days with her daughter, Miss ttot Call, who is City Ubraiian in the Qiiero City. : Mra. June SafHet,'bf Uie Cotin- tv Line commuidty, Is a patient at DswU Hospital, State^lli^ ,*wy- cringftom a ftactuM ; bip * e ausUlned when she fell at home OQ Feb. 3nJ. Her ttinda hojpe for ■ her an eafly xKovery. L R. Sanfotd h aa letumed fran a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Hansford Sams, Ir.. and Mr. ^ Sams, at Decatur.^Ga.; While, a- w«y he and hia son. Dr. Marshall ' Sanfotd, of BaWihofe, spent sev- cetal'daya at>eksOnvilfe. Fla. - Mr.-andMrs,Conrad M. Blown, . of Yadkihvilt^ are the parenu of .« line apn who atrived_t«> b eaten dielt on Feb.' 7>h.; Mia, Brown befbie m artial ^ Miss ■ Martha M a^ ^rd aiii^tK of Dr, . and- Mra. P,' RVMason, of diis «itvi : y ^Our old friend, R. i t Shaw, of Harinony; w n In toiwn .one day , hstw eek atid g m rm ir oflioe .a pleaaant calU Mr. Shaw was a rural letter catrler .at IbiinonT for . 31 yeaia. He has been In bad health for several veafa. thd la tak- Ing life eaav. Hetie'a hoping he wUl live to be a hundted years old. Davie Academy Com" manity MeeHog A virV; importtat meering of ^ e Davie A cad^y .(^tninunity 'Deydopmiefit Organization will be held;in the Coininunity .'Building on Fnday. Feb. 17, at 7:30 p. m, : This is a very imiportant <dl il every member Is, uig- in tecent months, ed Z p..m., Wednaadav at W Chapel Methodlat Ch Rev. I W. Hoyle, Rev. G ^ a aa n and Rev. Mr. ed to be'.pcesent. Cbrpatrer-Dulin Fite Depatif LOit ate spcmsoring a chicken pte tapper at the Anyance Lunch Room oi»FeK^l&hj_$l iier plate. Heart Fund contributions a n deductible for income tax puroses. Mocksnlle High School N^* LYNDA W »W FO R D . RepsHw William I. Wllfong, 43. a native of Newton, who opened' the first fra m lo ^ e r phiit in this dty number of yeara ag(>, died of a hcatt attack he aiifCned bn Fd>. 3cd while attending a aales meet- ' Ing In Columbu^ Ohio Mr.WiI fbng had beet! Kving In Richmond VaV for, aon»' time, ':,Hia friends hetew i«v aorijr to b r a his deatb,,r^|lto«^ and h u ^ . sei^ vleea to% phice sit Grace Reform­ ed" Chiifdi;; near Newton, last Tuesday moralng. Dr. R; D. Komegay, who Is member af this New Davie/Coun­ ty hospital (laff has purdusedthe S^oont'Coiitfi hoiise ob; Wilkes . boro atteet- ■ Dr.- iC<»me*a» la a foimcr of Sevm Sprit •R fcj -^He will' use: the second floor ^:;the hiildtaig its Uving ;qiiafteta wid hia'oflice will be: on ' thegf^nitd floor. The Record ; glad to welcome'Dr. Komegay to the best, little town In North .Carolina: ■; T tim R e e m k G i^ : 6 ii(iii'L«jkeSi I)U- Feb. J-^Rob- ert'L; R ea^'sbn-of Mr! and Mw.l Robert D. Reavls, bf Route 5, Ralph Owms, Co Mo<JtsvUle,>4. a."has been ap­ pointed r i ^ guide of his recruit cpmpaiiy at'the Great. Lakes Naval Xraining Center. As a iecruit petty officer he will wear a mlnatiite rating inflgne; as a badge of authority during the temainder of hit nine weeks of “Boot Camp." &wens Promoted I Shdre feUs ■Jle was chosen for. the position __________ , in recognidoh of leadership quail. Funenl se tv i^ '.wete. cofllduct- ties displayed while undergoing Wes-'rectuit training, by. 7th Div., K o^a — Maaon ; B. , Rev. and Mr. Clihtpii.ShatCk tif Owens, son of Mr. .and Mrs., Mocksville, Route 1, announce th* emee, N. C , engigment o? dielr . daut^tn.- reeemly was promoted to Army^Evonne Angla, to WiUlam (BilO specialist third class in Korea jMcCoy F^l^ son of M r:and Mia where he is a member rf the 7lh'Coy:Fdai of H am p^vW .. . No Infimtry Division. date Has b e ^ set for the w e d ^ Spedalist Owens is a gunner in Company C of the division’s 32d Regiment. He entered the Army in November, 1954, and complet­ ed basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. Owens arrived in 1955. NOTICE t o CREDITORS Haqing qualified as adminstra’ >r of Alfted Cleveland, decea^., When’ you contribute to the ---------------- -------------------------- --------------- --- -----------A HeattFund, you are helping in'notk* isheteW.given to all per- the same properly verified S the / l l l c n * l k C l l ( : . Ing health problem, undersigned on or before the 25th ^—......-.........day of Januasy 1957 or this notice I . - will be plead in bar of recovery,j In Tl.. Saperioc Coan ^11 pinions indebted to said estate will plem make prompt settle­ment. This 25th day of January, 1956. S. M. CALL, Admr. Of Alfred Clevelend,'Deceased. By A. T. GRANT. AttyJ Mr. atid Mi& O. G. Allen of ^ " tockavUle, Route 3, announce Nona Cstollna......................... - pavleOmnu Davie Conntythe engagement^ th ^ d u ^ M ; EM ne^ristine. to Robett Alex­ ander Kent. Ir.. of ^ ic a io . HL. STO'o(Mr.^nd Mts.J^A^^Kmt;Xetry R. Bntcon, Adnr. of 1.. E. ofLenlor.Routt S. Thaweddiiv Borloo, Trrry R Bnrioii individu- is planned for aprlng. ; , sny, snd «ife. Rnth Bniton, CUrs H^ANTADSPAY. PRICES RBDUCBD-^Wrangler .................................uUr$2.79val- I rqpdar $3.99 L ^ U E 9 -VIFN’S SHOP. ’ Blue Jeansi boya' rcgubr now tl.85i men's regi value, now $2.75. FOR SALB-Two fresh milch cows and th m that will be fresh soon. Two Holstelits and thtw Gumsey*. SPBNCER FOSTER, Mo(toraie,Route3; FOR RBNT^The D. & M. Hat. r building In West Mocks­ville. Tfyou’« seei»-some ridtodous looking creamres. sli^dy resemb­ ling Modksvllle Hi students, patad- iiig arot^nd town with algns. you can be sure they are' hew membera of the M oho^m Club. There _ to be twenty«lne a- coiindlspmewbm Don't be a- ftaid., They, wbn't harm you. .tuesd^ at school was very qniet and peaceful» ^ e ones initiated Into the MonbgramlClub .wertb’t allowed to spnk all dm.. They recelmd demerita bir the old bets who saw them talking and were dealt with according to dii- met ts. The girls woriskirts wrong side out said 'upside down; wtth n man's shirt; worn b a^w ari and a de. They were allawed nbnidce- up. The boys wow paiama tops and jeans backward «4th make-up, Ewyone cooperated well. We were' hosts to Dw^a-Town- send for the gain« last Tuesday niiiht. The l»iya score was 51:42, (be girls 54-40 in favor of Mocka- ’'Hl*. ‘. V , -There, was a muting of the Sni- dmtCouncirFridayat-aciivltv pe- tied to completeulans for the to- termutal basketball tournament ► mong the high schqol g ra^ - Friday night the Wildcats ttavel' id to Cooleemee,for the ball game. Out girls lost by eleven polnw but (hey f«)i^t>all'the way. score was fttte t was High scorer for the Cooleemee girls; Par­ rish for our girls. Both boys' teains played an :’e«elleiit gaipe. butour boys'were really 'on the b ^ They had good- teamwotfc. The final score was 42-39 In favor of Mock^lle. Deaitoon washi^* so»«fortbeboya;J . ’ '^T hew t for the -Senior play, ‘‘Drums of Death,” has been dios- en^ Characters are; June Greeti, Henty Shiitt, loan Sini*, Lyiida Crawford, GaHher Sanfotd, Chth- tine Beauchamp;; Ifatriet Tutte- row. Bob iOger. Alton Shcefcrand GallWal'Kcr. The 4-H membera met Wednes­ day at Mivity period. The meet­ ing bpened with th eU n ited ^ ea pledge to tSi flag. Christine Beau. Call bn or write THOMAS TOWELL, Dunn aiid husband/. Lnlher Dunn, Adis Kan >Ker and busband, Cecit { Ksrrlger, Gertrude Wttlnce sod htisbsod, B«n Wallace \ Notice t>fS«rviee trf Summoni byPuMi(»tloii I : Tlie defeodatits Clara Dunn aud bnaband Lumber Dono, Atlis Karri, tter, Gettrndc Wallace and bus' band.U«n Wallact^. witi take OMtiee ibat ao acMOo entitled a« above baa been commeoeed lir the Suptinor Court of Davie Connty Niirih Ca> rolina. Tbe same being an <ic)ion to toteclose a specific lieu on lands owned by J. H. Barton deceased bvMile to r^aiboise plaintiff for **0*d Ace AJWlatattCt!** fuinisbedand |>ald Piedmont Laundry & Dty Cleanera Owned And Operated Bjr C. p. JohnioD PHONE 489 Rir Pick Up And Odiverr . , Located In Front Ot Drive-In Theatre HMmonv. N. C Route !, ^v olai«;^A J- E. Bnr.rin in (he »nui of fooo.ooFOR SALS-^One d iver Tract sr, one FarmallSuper C like tiew ,\kt noi c.- that ihey with ^uipnmt^3aO b a ^ p u , les- qnited t.. appenr at the nfi seden and d o v^ W * 150TalouBc Clerk nf the Snnerior < '* f “"‘% M f e E L U 8, iefinlshcd or t ^ t ^ F(*e estt- aM v to the Conn tor the relief de. ^'^■‘^S^&a.iiuslc^ ^.H .C H A F F n ^ «t9N .Ttade St. Winuon-Salem. Cle,rk Superior Conr( : Haynea Yatea^ who holda a ^ ^iS phadchariotthedevptl. «n« . veitebrae ~ ^ ^ r J S r j ^ Z f l S S j ^ R ^ b n l ^ Be««lfi.a.ion w «.th «.dtentdtenlohUhoill^’oa^Route'-bn . .2. Hewaaabkto nm m to his shown, a to whfch the ^ t f a « poM ofdutyM on^K; ndjoviihed. A"id (be said de(endant.< will (jr.ate te* lif&ce of the Court ot Davie Cottoiy in MocksviUe, N. C , a J ~ m V' the ist day jf March iq56 and Advance, N« C; answer or demtir to tbe' complaint In aald Aciion or the plaintiff wilt Baby Chicks, Seeds, Feed PULLETS, STRMOHT RUN And . ROOSTERS CABBAGE PLANTS AND ONION SETS ^^Checkerboard Store” Davie Feed & Seed Co. Phtniel?Depot Street . MOCKSVILLE, N. C. CHRVSIER IN HISTORY! THE YEAR AHEAD CAR! 1—>m la'chMMfav 1 ' ^ thM Im'mi e ^ campsi ■ niOTv vim lilisaeanM V iww. vM BwMnsdt fiawinllW Ctwyaiar •-S S T - MaiersWechMiias YES NO HO NO a c T O jr a a B B B B i YES NO NO YES YES . NO NO NO ttvstam — .^ V£S'-. NO’NO NO HtnHseerdMaysr*YES no'NO NO lnc(*asad Heraapowaf ^ ■YES <YES YES YES .YES NO-NO NO •OpOoMi «t mmU «Mra MU And you can own a bigger, more powerful Cbryder Windsor for the cost .of a medium>price car . • • even for the cost of a ‘*lowprice** car with all the optional equipment. ""PowerStyle''' ^ C H R Y S L E R Ovr *'Qvoli»y 1st” U w dC oraar»iiw bM lllM dC «» to t«w n-«nly m Hw Chryilw ^ ef Qm IIIv.*' North ^M nt 1M $150^000 UlCKY MOTOR DAVIE MOTORS^ Inc, -PhQne 169- ^ ■ '''Moel»<riile,i4.C i n SW W STA KIS AT v6uk ciw viili-nrM oom M«iM% j i l? I t > y f l i : n ~ ManCanChMN Lewon fw^M niiry U, UM *T ^H E dU t«rene« 1 ^W e«n m tn a n d * th e oth«r ftninnalB Is o « t in one th in g b u t In m a n y th ln g i. B u t one o t th e m o st im p o rta n t fact* about m a n is h is pow er of choice. S om e u ttte c rc atu res o f th e sea ju s t tit to o n e p la c e th e ir life long. O ther* d rift w ith th e tid es. H igher anl. . m ala lik e a o g s .e n d h o rse s m aJce som e choices: b v to n ly m a n m akes; o r ca n m ak e, th e " — enorm ous nu m b er o f decisions tb a t ev ery m an m akes, an d only m a n c a n m ak e' choices th a t h a v e Ib e tar^ rang’ ing resu lts th a t h u. m a n choices some* lim es have. A dog d o cs n o t decide w h at tim e h e wiU D r. F o rem a n g e t u p ; b u t m a n se ts an a la rm clock. A dog does n o t select his b re ak fast; m an does <or w ould like to ). A h u m an being d ecides w hat to w ear, w here to w ork, w hom to m a r­ ry . w h ether to h a v e children, w h eth er to b e a good citizen o r no citizen a t aU. H e selects a school o r coUege. h e selects h is friends, he picks out a lot in th e cem etery, he m ak es a wiU. M an is th e choosing anim aL A nd h e is this becau se he is m o re th an body. H e is m ind and soul. « W)t»n C lw iM t A n ln p » rlg il E v erybody know s th a t sem e choices a K m o re im p o rtan t th an others. A t le a st everybody aboiiJd know th is; b u t for som e reason, people w ill p u t n io re thought .into trifling decisions th an they d o into b ig ones. P eople n eed to le a rn w hat is im p o rtan t an d w h at Is not. A w om an w h o b a d b a d a n e rro u s brcRkdow n told th e w rite r th a t It a ll sta rte d w hen <he couldn’t m ak e up her m ind w hich o f tw o h a ts to buy. O ne w as only o ne d o llar m o re th a n the other, and she could at* fo’ d th e dollar. B u t she a ctu ally la y •iwaice all n ig h t w orrying about w h eth er sh e h a d a m o ra l rig h t to Kpend th a t ex tra d o llar w hen th ere w ere so m an y people in th e w orld. So she w orried h erself rig h t into a ' sa n ita riu m bccau se she bufU up a tvW lns decision in to a T errlile P . oblem . \V hat m ak es a choice im* p o itan t? S u rely a choice th a t last* a long tim e is m ore im p o rta n t than or.e th a t m ak es a d i f f e r e d o nly a fo V hours or days. A choice th a t affects one’s w hole life is m o re im* p u rtan t th a n one th a t affeets only one p a rt o f it. A. choice th a t b e ta beyond th is M e Into th e next. ■ ch oice t o r e te rn ity , U th e m o st Im iiortanl o l all. M iM tliit C k rlit B ecom ing a C h iu U an ca n b t scribed In v ario u s w ays; one o t th* m o st m e a n in g f u l la " c h o o tta f C h rist." Je su s hlm seU UM4 to far B elieve In m e " o r "F ollow m t." W hich m ean m u ch th e aam e thing Choosing, o r bellevtag in C h ris t ia m u ch m ore th a n Just ad ding car* ta in beliefs to w h a tev e r elae you happen to believe. I t it m o re th an adding one m o re p e rto n to ■ H at persons you alread y ad m ire. Choot* in g C hrist is a f a r m o re p n t o m d th in g . H eal choice o t C h rist In* volves a tu m ing-about o f th e w hole personality.. T he cap tain o t a ship h e ad ed n o rth d o e s n o t m e re ly be* Ucve th a t N o rth ex ista; h e h eads the sliip Chat w ay. h e k ee p s mov< ing tow ard ttie n o rth sta r. So a perso n w ho chooses C h rist does not sim ply beU eve th a t h e e x ittt, o r th a t h e is Son of G od. H e tu rn s th e h elm of.hto life tow ard h im . h e k eeps m oving in th e dt* riiction of C h rist th e •*M«nUng Star.** If th a t ric h young m an n h o m Je su s loved h a d follow ed In* btcad o t turning aw ay, w ho know s W hat a changed m an h e w ould h av a been? W e do know th a t tb e dishon* e st g ra fte r Z acchaeus. a m an o f Whom h is neighbors could h av e ex> Pucted U tae good, o n ce iia l« t Jesu s Into his Ufe. w as a rad icaO r differ* e n t m an. T in g g n i Ittn iH y C hoice fo r Q iris t is a choice fo r a lifetim e; to Is choice ag ain st hi«ft I t is n o t a choice you m atce once and th a t's a n end o t i t I t U a choice ti)at h a s to b e m a d e a g a in and a g ain dajr l»r d»]r. E v ery day b rin g s you aom e m om ent o t d e ­ cision. w here th e.w a jr you decide l! re a lly m choice to t C h rist o r sg aln st h im . D eetdliK <or C hrist nffects aU y o u r a lb w tfaelflona; F o r now y o u a ra U s, an d a ll your Itte's co u rse Is a te e r ^ by U s i h i . M ore th a n th la : decision to t O M a t Is a choice lo r B tem lty: Y ou eM er :>ie Ufa b eyond aa h is M ^ . o r n ot h is friend. H e la th e L ight o f tha ■vorld. T o tu rn fro m h im la to ■> choose th e d a rk , ‘I h f r e a re only tw o ro a d s th ro u g h Ufa; w llb him , o r w ithout him . T h e re a i« only tw o e n d s o f life : w ith M m . la th e U iW . o r w ithout h im . In th e d ark . T he lig h t Is h is g ift; b u t th e ch oice is '•our own.** f s e i & 7 , T Spring Calls For Kevr, Longer Lock In Hair Styling SHORT, g am in h a ir styles have held sw ay for se v era l seasons now, b u t th e fashion pendul">m is sivinging in tb e o th er direction. Soft, fem inine coiiTures a re defi­ nitely on th e w ay in. W omen, you m ay h a v e noticed, a re “lettin g th e ir h a ir down** and in place o f tresse s going th is w ay and th a t, y o u 'll notice th a t new curls a re softly b u t ra th e r firm ly disciplined. The new long styles dem an d th a t h a ir b e curlcd o r w aved sotOy. In m any of th e sh o rter style^. the h a ir could b e w orn straig h t, b u t as. h a ir is w orn longer and eoftei*, a w ave is m ost certain ly needed. Soft P erm a n en t If your h a ir h as a slight w ave, it m ay not b e n eccsaary to w ave it a t alL H ow ever, if you do h av e dKAculty m anaging its groom ing. Tlito h e a d lin e , b ea n ty b a a » ' bright. S pring h a ird o w hieb ts w onderfnlly fenU nine. B a ir la . now fashionable If lt*8 allghOy lenger an d so ti n a tn ra l 4ooklng w aves a re feato red . A fter a good- hom e p e rm an en t to help keep th e b a tr dlscipU ned. only a fliok of th e com b a n d som e atyta Im agination is needed to b eep H leoking p erfect. then h av e a gently fferm anent, one uf w hich ca n be found in a hom e perm anent. F o r n o rm al h a ir, tiie re 's a Q>e< cially designed kit wlUeh w ill an- ^ e r th e h a ir needs o t anyone who h a s no sfTecial prcl>lem s. G irls w ith baby-H ne. hard-to-curl h a ir a s w ell a s those wKo w ant a b it o t ex tra c u rl will need la g et a super type o f w ave w hich can also be m anaged a t hom e. ^ H air is easy to .w av e a t hom e •lecause lio te st curls o r h itricate tim big p ro cedures a re how neces* sary. W aving lotions tim e them ­ selves an d h a ir w ill b e le ft in a m ore n a tu ra l an d n o rm al condi* ti«m fo r th e sim ple reason th a t iia ir it subjected to w aving action for th e le a st possible tim e. Fooiing rties Now Made«Eosier B E R K E L E Y . C a lif.-R e m e m b e r w hen fly killing w aa a sb n p le p ro ­ ced u re o f hanging sh^ips o f fly p a p e r .to catc h flies? O f course, you m iste d a lot of flies th a t w ay, an d it d id n 't add m uch to th e decor—b u t it w as sim ple. T he fly p a p e r m ethod w as a di* re c t stea l fro m M other N ature. T o r Instance, th e re’s th e cam ivor- o u t S undew plant, w hich a ttra c ts •flies to Its shiny surface, then pulls th em tow ard the cen te r of th e plant. H ere th ey a re trapiied and enm eshed In a pool of sticky fluid. N ow scientists com e u p w ith a varia tio n o f M other N a tu re 's '‘lu re 'e m to death** principle. It*s sim ­ p licity i t s d t AU you do Is w alk aro u n d a n a re a w here flies a re a p ro b lem an d sh ak e a g ra n u lar fly^cilUng b a it out of a cannister. W hat lu te s th e flies to th ese in- nocent-looktog granules te a new ^*pe o f a ttr a c ts * f a r m o re en tic­ in g to flies than> 8ugar*based fo r­ m u las. T b e gran u les a re th a aize th a t «ctenslve" fly-breeding studies abow . lUes lik e to pick u p in tb e ir .*fisr«-paws'* an d nibble. I t's th e nibbling th a t does i l- f o r th ese g ra n u les a re Im p re g n ated ' w ith' m a lath iM , a chem ical tb a t h a s a lilgb ra te o t MU e v M fo r **re- alataar* fliea.. Ex-Justice of Peace Fails at Robbery * B A T O B . l a . - A 78 -y earo ld tor- m a r lattice o f the p e ac e liv in g on t |S S • a « ro m th old > a g e pension M bbad a b a n k o f |» .600. w as quick­ ly c a u ^ a n d jaile d b y tb e sher* m , • UMOQC friend. Frail, gray-haired A lbert John- MA waa ta d ^ bar .a cu sto m er a s ha backed out o f the b an k feebly waving a Owmab P-3B autm natlc. O lb ar o is to m a n pulled aw ay his ean’i Jt,’» ‘T v eWalter , Urcade. to m him aU ai7 life. » te v a n y U n d a reo o rd a n d H |Ml<aan*t add up.*' .MSSWBMIIHiE A C R O SSt. Arrived •.Fellow ^ • s W a m ln f ' algnal |O.Aaktn (abbr.| tf.WrMtltiiff It.FraMli aeapori tt.U rgatm (PhU . li.> SO.LactawtM •«tobe** taA asem U U 4.F 0U0W • .tttb d u a N a tu ra l f.a ik ttn ‘iiaSS ^ fc jh o w y ti.A fflrm a ll« * Italy.35. New SSeCutttaf tMl 8L I U n k ^ , S2.Hbwlf parrot 8S.Reaponda<l ST.Fortuy "•sss.r*40. Shatter dla Rugged mountain ' creat 43. T he'ausU k o r ground squirrel 44.M ounU in pools « . P lu ral pronoun 48. T ow ard the m outh., CZoot) DOWN t . V aricose w e t / . 1 S .T0 le t in . 'S 4 .0 o n fu sa M iF sm o ttg . 86. S helvst m iaalon 80. M oist (T ax.) 3 8 .M y ra M .tb a e o -------. (bha.)" . d lB p o e b m a s B y S hirley S argent ^H E N I w a s a boy C hristm as co uldn't com e soon o r often enough. T he longed-for day w as m o re ex citing th a n m y birthday. F o u rth o f Ju ly an d th e la st d ay of school a ll p u t together, t t w a s m ag ic. Sheer, unad u lterated m agic com pounded o f b o arded pennies, th e sce n t o t |»lne n e e d e s, locked closets, m y sterious w inks, ^ p e c - taticm and 0ie unusually peaceful household. IM s la s t because m y b ro th e rs an d I w ere doing o u r d a m d e st to l>e good, a t If to 'm a k e u p In one m oirth to r all tb e sins of th e p a st year. L a te r, C hrlstm aa lo st its m ean* in g to m e, now a roving bachelor, to ta c t th e g re a t d a y cam e too quickly, too often, and I,w o u ld w ork la te to esca p e th e caro lers an d Sleep ev en la te r so m y e m p ty a p a rtm e n t wouldn*t reproach m e. B u t now I h a v e discovered th e m ag ic o t C hrtetm a's again. A H id e b o y g a v e it b a d t to ro e along w ith a g n ib b y kisS and a hug. It ■ a laak a« a t IM aadly. «*Dea*4 y a s ftM w wia llv*> te' a a aparO* iM B tt**fcaaafcai.'^ la C h rjatm aa E v a s ^ i h av e been ho m e tro m K o rea fo r . tw o w eeka g e ttb ig aeq n aln ted w ith C arol, th e w ife I m a rrie d flve m onths before 1 w a n t «)V«rseaa. an d a row dy two* and«a4>alf*year*eld nam ed B utch. K e is m y son, tb e child 1 b ad n e v e r seen, a n d b e is th e boy th a t g a v e C h riftm a s b a c k to m e. C aro l and 1 h a d ptanned eag erly on ju st w hat B utch should receive. B utch had a long list o l toys th a t changed tro m day to d ay , b u t w hen I h a d asfccd. him w hat, b e w anted m o st o f all, h e h a d }urt looked a t m e sadly- • / **Don*t you know v- ve in a ap artm e n t?" h e h a d asked. 80 I told C arol. " I think B utch is w orried th a t th ere isn 't a flre* place fo r S a n ta to com e dow n: . Say. do you UUnk he*s too young f fb r a footbaU r J u s t a sm a ll one, I o te o u rse.* ' : P ra ir a ra tlo n t . t T h a t's how It w ent-> peacetully, (radfCtotal2y->fSrom th e p u rd ia te o t th e tre e , to th e : opening ot C hristm as c a rd t a n d tb e hiding o f presen ts fro m B utch. U ntil now. C h ristm as E v e . I ra n quickly t o . < B utch w hen I h e a rd -h im tobbing. H lf brow n h a ir tousled, h is baby- plum p cheeks tfain e d re d w ith em otion, (B utch w as another boy IW m (b e o n e 1 b a d p u t to b ^ . •*Wbat'a w rong, d e a rt TaU D addy?*'**1 w an ta dog m o re 'n anything an* 1 c a n 't h av e I t ’r 'X Ian't h a v e it,**/ I rep eated stupidly, holding ;hia w arm , tob* w racked body iii m y a rm s. '*WIiy not?*' C a rd 's b a n d s/ w a ra .on m y tboulders, •'B ecause w a Uve in an apartm ent.'* B utch eboked; * T h at m ean old m a n w on’t le t m e. B e ia too m ean, m om m y." ;C arol said. **lla m ea n s H r. Allen, tb e ow ner. N ^^dogs allow ed.*' ••It I ta lk ed to h im ? " I appealed to C arol. “ I t I explained . . - -N o.’’ C aro l's fa ce tw itted, •'be m ad e a n exception to allow B utch h a re ." A n0w $ tr ik M T o a lto ^ B utch. F o r a n Ipatant an g e r b la ie d th rough m e. th en I rem em bered, w itb a n effort, (h at M r. A llen w asn’t tb e enem y. ' •'B otch w hen w e m o v e I p ro m ise you m a y h a v e a d o g ," I explahied caretoU y. ^ ••W ban a re « « gonna m ove?*' C hildren n eed ed a tim e. H e w ould b e th re e in M ay. "B elo re y o u r \ birttidv,** t prom ised, "now go to sleepy iw tt." ^ Oia U ving room . I said. “1 ^oottld^buy tu rtle s a n d fish.."••It w ouldn't b e th e sam e,*' C arol sald,<**when you w ere UtUe. don't T o u M m em b er ••Y es." to r I did. | rem em bered tb e diM ppoJi»tm enit th a t. w eren 't f a llo w e d u p by o th er presents . b u t only b y tim e end th? sift of love. B |y to o h a s gi%'eh rue m ore th a n ! could give him no m a tter . w here w e lived. H e h a s given m e not only th e hapifin^ss b 'f (he h e a rtb re a k o f C h ristm as, t took C a ro l'S 'h a n d . 8P<‘- .l ew tisi Into • th e 'm a g ie -o f 4< jt sun-o»nded • us.! IF YOU HAVE^ b e e n o n a 't t l p . . - . e n t e r a l n e d g u M tf " '\'c e I * b t« te d « b lttf f < l» T C M w b t • b ig f i a h : m o v e d ' ■ e lo p e d ■■■ . ', : h i d . b « b v b e e n l n a ^ t ' lo M y o u r h o g s h a d a n o p e ra tio n b o u g h t a « a r . p a in te d v o u r h o u s e . b e e n in a n te d V c u t a n e w t o o th b e e n s h o t • to le n a n y th in g b e e n ta b b e d . s o ld o u t . ' , lost vour liair . ■ been arrested ~ ■ Or Done Any thing At All Telephone, Or Drop a PkMteard, Or Cmne In,. ' Or In Any Convenient Wey Inform ... THE DAVIE RECORD The Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years - OtHei* have come and gone*your -county newtparer kee|i» RofaiK. | , Simetimea it hat aeemed hard to laake "buckle and tongue” meet, b«t (ooii the aun ahinei an^ we march on. Our faithful aubtcrihera moat of whom pay proropilj, give ua courage and abiding faith in our Mlow man. If your neighbor ia nut taking The Record tell him^to aubtcribe. the price ia only $I.SO par year in the 3tat*. and $2.00 in other atatea. When You p>me To Tovm Make Our Office Your Headquarters. We Are Always Glad To See You. What W M lfavPM itetbDn. B etm Pm king MMwra AmtAbbravialMlSkirtt. (O a v i< !,R w n d , F < * . *6, 19 1 3) " iSr. M.nla. of botk Cbtinb. »<* Jn'iowo Wedaeidair oo bastiicw. > . ' " T . W .a o o v iJ . o f U a o l r , v isite d i-.i-k'jK' tvWlati^ ei>y;'«iie put' ). H Swing, of Pluo, rnn «ai town Tae«lar on bi« war to Onii.' ford College. Atiornev B. L. Oaillwr-made a i-^bosioeiis, trip to Wiliteabofe iast Mn T JP. Cloninger, ot Wiaa. ' >s'l«it:visilMi ber pateata in iliia rdliy _ lastm it. fn f n r 111 ftbia - llrf be; .;v. -W ri I..!,. Sbeek ia speiKNoi wftb beWhurtaiid, Ri- •» K e l e l ^. - P ;' M - ;.Arinawbrlbr; o f oMt SnjthOrive. left f m i P o n S m i t i i . ' k i ' . in l> ^OWD a s m . - t w ; iio B iM ; o f t l « l!M .IIIIW a n ts lb » < A a ^ ^ time age Mn Plelcber Ciidc came ot Kavetatleaa. Infht vny'-Cn tote olBee;aiM.aaldl had • nbiake ia wriMec abeat eM saw aa a great veisler :l«. taavat Mocitsvltle priniera; la n r atti^ tbM i i fclattf;tiieVffilo«:i^^ ^ I mid tbat Chafile Oranng e I rM** ^ ^ r t ^ h a r i t e ^ t a i i g t , . a t a a W lM S K fi.» wu^nnan. ev«,,lt prtoterv.dM at^t.- «S';Teaiii#‘a*«lliitt,) Mrs. CHek said that aeir as j.-;.' » — wn» saio jam vnanie dleditWelvaif^ii'S''';^^^^ ?J yean ag6, Wklcb ia eo^^ £ Wbeu 't eaibe to M M t^ta' a p„lilon.- .T, P. Fea»r made a bidiisiatHp : ■ WlnstoD. Tbonaaville^ a«dXlii,ldtii in tbe Ibtereat of tbe • PfTO7«ilIlo*Coiii.abv. ^W - 'H - L e O f t n a i 0"<!M;lMt w k ioattM tbe ____l eaoie to Wddiirlltafiiw aeiratllMiinaiB.'mdilo.i|iowar b^::a^nt^tra''at(irea^^^ aa tbe nadg tbein I Kmembei’ C. C> Saa> a^coed'caei^' Bs Vthii fbidVM6^,.Winism^ s ;W f e b a n d if ie ,'T ;.;M T .V m e it,'d ^ i o b a - W b m . ^ V * ^ - - ^ ^ gooda. groceriss,aod noiiona. JvVlT; CbttV^ m a'.wAim; /W*_.;aw; Baity dmrtment slo», Twie.Ballcr ia .iodMaa«l% drv iiood^ ..notions, a v ^ ttat# Cienent jth o n a a.ttaM hi ’ -Im'gand i J I m t a r »:-.ih'.*e jaf.iaid,’*;. Seed and Soil Moke Best Cora Key Foctore, Chiccro Winners Believe : Good seed and carefu l soil m -'i- .^aacrnent w ere k e y facto rs in i«‘, '.? xyln top c o m grow ing hM 'f - . A m erica'a U te st C om IC;:-* aiwl C om P rin c e a t th e l«{er. J Clement .who rao •.atbrc iii ••■e ■old ’ *farch-woodw-^ ibe east aide: of. the sqm^; ^1, ^ V Woow & Sma la BowTid I remember tbat Mr:. Praiik febnsob, 'an a ^ : atfob| * wm a clerk Id Mr. Clement’a sleire. " j 1 Jr P. .Oreen now to M«ekavin«jfrom ■ -- “ ■ __________ ■COM i W ; c l n ^ ; w aa c ^ b d ; ^ i h ib e tbe :pf» emioa»t>--^—- C h a ^ ’o ( i< » tla ^ and eanb; , . ij^ o 't^ 'a ite d iid 'm rn ; : iiiwl C om P rin ce a t th e l« fe ^ ll.tli^ ;a r r iv i^ i- > r . iw U onal G rab) and H ay Show to ‘" - " i i t - i n . o 'h i i - ^^KiAouted til-; r. u>«D m ae 10 M o c u a ^ f l o t S e i a e d i i r v ^ TO Clarksville ToUaUp a m iili^ b M g a illb eUld « _____,b e t u n i ! • «_______________________ __ t ^ i U 'a e « » W n a tlio r t » e « ^ IK Sif l i ^ a r i l w W d l r i ^ i i ^ ^ ^ i M f tb id e io t.W iie r e M a ilto B in ^ e»a atote’ia idwl. loeatrt. il-itb trt i * i ^ : 'B . - l ie « m td h o a * :M a k l» :B ire * b e ra > » a lin o s iiig f r t^ a o l M a V w .f ^ w e M * ! ^ ^ ' ■ -ti^ -S t';-i» b lc V T O .b M .b lf;;t» ^ ^ ^ ^ o i d '|] « H d i |i g v M l a : . , a t i ^ a < ! i d . > t e X » « ^ - . ^ , r ^ ^ : o - r ' s ~ . . . j g S i n t - ^ 'l s b e l husbancl • W illard^ C. K irk, W. th e new. N^i.-n K ing, w ho o p erate s a 335- a c ie . fa rm n ear Jeffcrsonviller Ohio, haa w on th e champlon.-?hlp tim es in the past flve yeara. T uom as H ah crm an . 18. o i Rush* /iUc. Indiana, ne v Co’i-n P rince. . y as. following a fam ily cua om in ATinnin^ co. n Jio:- s His U iother a- ^ ^ m r— ................P'acllec of bh pmfeuim.,, Ht«. 4lie .IMiilraf . UBne . Per^r and litiie spa an'iMMr tbm . dtaA'a Wbolesale Gm^tv'Co. T te Doetor’a many, ftiaoda *«i* Wbea,the old bulldiajt w u' l m glad to aae iilm. V down‘Tlie Record office wa mcivcd Mr. M. D. Pass, of Rojite s. ard to (be K am i floor of Ibc I. T. Aih Mias Coidte .HoHand. ot Statcs- getl bnildiBg on K i^b Mala a tr^ i viiia, waKonited in- marriate at U r.. Aiigeil; came —W lnM m l^ ToMilaTbvRcv J.'K, from Fork Cb«rcb in; i4ot-aad|heav»i an^ ~ * “ “ —ii. I«ni« in UD a Hoe of general m n . ' __________ lilTtbeiileetpM t (as be la often tbe ataia of haavim. ta. «*: be ee«- aWered with the leteiwiee in tbe ' i t i : Patronize your home merchants and h^lp build up your town and county. a FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER Will Afr«ns< T« Sirit GOOD NEI^ORS~i«iCES TO n r .rc * * ,B U S IN E S S - LET us DO YOUR IQB PRINTING We can save you money on your ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, POSTERS, BIU HEADS, PACKET HEADS, Etc. Patronizie^ yotir Hoine newspaper- and thereby kelp buiild u^ your hbme town and county. ______ T H E D A V f f i R E C O R D . --------last TaMilarbvRev J. K, friiiii Pork Cliurcn n: iv»>-----man-.._______ B o v e r T h e b a | ^ e o n p ie c a m e In o tw n e d u p a I I ik o f g e n e ra t m er> m id e r tb c le a d e ta b lp o f X n e lf e r , T b i i n d a r a f i e m i ^ a n d w ill o c . c b a a d is e In (h e o ld R e d P r o n t,' (th e d e v il), a « d liO e b a e l. tb e le a d .! e n w t h e n e w b o M e te w a .tlr .b a lit , f n o i e b n tld iiie ^ w b e r e J . T . e r o f t i n c a n ie f w C b r ia t. t n tb is | b r-'M f. P a s s . T b e K e w r d e x te n d s B .lty o p e ra te d a s t o r e 'f o r a b o n t w a r o a e -th tn d o f o n r P a t b e r S c b lt- c e n g rM u la tio n a t o th e b a p p r o a n p ie a M v b i r e m . b e fo re b a lM in g th e d r e n (< ^ T tts ), t ^ l M a u ln M <be a n d w i s a f o r tb iim a lo a g a n d p r o a - ,w o V ito rv b r ic k b a ild in g o n tb e L w d a n d f o lto n M (a a ta n ), n e r ^ i o v tn e r tb r o ttg b N fe. e b n ie r of. tb e s q u a r e w b le b b n o w a n d w e i e c a n o a t o f iie a v e n a n d C ; L .; T b o m p io a b a a ' p n te b a a r i d c c u n ic d b y D s v ie P n tn itn te C o ., e a i t e M t b e ^ ^ r t h ^ v e r a e n i n e . tlw ) . .0 . K in g b o u s e lo t w a n d w b k b B r v u S e ll p o re b a s e d a F o r n a to e o n te a ip la te n o o n tb e ' P o n tild e ra tlo n 4 t6 ,S S rtio rt;w M Ie a g 0‘ fro m D r. R. .' W . t4e, «.«aVM.r------the J. O. King botwi Jot on ^ ^ h l c b Brvan sen pnn:p.~» - For na to conieniiww . Cborebatreet. Consideration ( i6.<is thort while ag(>‘ frain Dr. R. P. fact e«e lliltd ot oni Pathn'a eUkI Mrs, W. K. and Mader OlMo Andemm dien (tpirlta), — -wi.Mn, w . K.. Anderson . . iftoaM j ^ while Clemnt are vialting nirtivea and ' wilHams & Anderson ocmpied living in tiie pvneiwe of tbe . Ccd friends at Winalon-Salem.. the two.stoTv: frame bnllding on of beaven and earth, then "follow 'Missas Oarotbir and JaM Baden ite corner of the square,. where tbe.leadmbfp tf a falta ara isiUtJ Galtder. Veima Matiin. ’ I^onkc the post oIEm Is now locat'd. I Betdt to niidentand liow'iliev dM .wililrmaand Mary Wetoney, atnii^ Kmember that Artbnr Allen, who andi aa act. . O m teana.'aafd, in| enta at Salem Coll^^ apent iM ar now Hvea In Denton was a detk in tefening (o itie:;dta«U. ‘"t bebiM day Snnday In town with tbelr par. thla store. Tbe atore carried e aatan as ilgWing fall from .hean enta- . ilue oiF geoM merchandjseanddid en." Lt|ke ip:rt Uaiab likewlae Mbsea Plonqce and Jnlia Ann. , ,^0,^ bnsiness. A .<msll wood Rferrad to the caMIng of aatab onti Seld-i^ t^ith McCitantbem,. ot ballding adjoining ibis atore.' waa of heaven aa Carllowa: "How art Siateavlil«,^^it^ Hra Z, N; hter on occupied bv Odom’a s and thpnlanan ftom'heaven O l^ fe r , A u taao n iaatw ^ . : ; . 10 cent atne. He opened the aoo of tbe atorshic; bow. ait tbon' -J. U. Sbivea. or Oram) Ra|Ma, first Vari.ty atore.ib tbe town la ent diawn! to the gioaad; wbitft Hieb.,'wbo baa been viriting re tbeold Hareb building and later didat weak a tte nations; toir thoii iativM to tbia eeatttr, left Mon. molM it to the small bnllding ad bast aaid in thine bwrt, t will a^ day for bla boM .' . . }oinibt Williams & Auderaoa. ' eeod Into licaven, I wttt exait my ■ Thla small bnilding waa later OG. ‘ — nV«ii-I cn^ed by 0 ^ 0 . Daniel, who' aoU■ .ml ave.a..■'oft* l;'^ ^ ::d le ;‘pt»s6lr Ihel Ilian,ri>ut?!^,rwili-‘'^ tol aii^e: b p ^ 'i ^ the >dder, ikarn all thete b,.'toCiaiow -abow ]'c^ee.«i ,otbn.Avroidsi" contented kKe'Mung n ^ , *1 will, have to| lleitoaboule^wftotn thegroiinda lup" A cauticnM m thr. fot-' iowiiig ca a . ^ l 61^ hooie '"Please fotmitd ’.to. one of^ those gaaoline'';^^nn . you de­ scribe on pa^,13S ot yoiir catalog.' if the engin^a any lH *end youach^fo^li.** , A few (hm ia te r^ received tbb answer (torn the iniilofder house: unease aenddiCck; and K it'a any ^ d d , We’B aend w ii the engine.'* C h a r m in g y p iih g la d y a to p p in g I w o rk lo n g m o iig h t o a a y l l i a t ^ I g o l ^ t o c e ld » a te h e r l> b lh > _ J i n t h e n e a r f u tu r e —D r . Mutt lo o k in g o v e r a c o p y o f T h e D ia v ia R e c o t d - P h i l l i p lU iiw laD d in g y o u n g la d y t o ; ^ to ; p u k a d '. a iito o n th e a a u o r e V T w o ^ n a a e- d a n t u n n i ^ t h r o n g r e d ' l l r i i t o n th e s q u a n a t 6 0 m ile s a n h o u r — W ile y A n d e r a o n .taU d n « a b o u t o l d tim e s w h e n f o lk s t o o k lif e eaa» ” B o b b y H a ll ta lk in g o v e r p h o h e - r M iss B e ttie M e s s ic k c ro s a lfig M a b i s tr e e t in t h i r a i n — Y o u n g ia d y tc - . m a ric in g th a t s h e h a d c h a t i g ^ h e r m in d a n d d i d t i ’t w a o c a. d i t O M ^ ring— Ci B o o n (h o p p to g :.,lf> . . d tu g s t o r e ^ M t s . O t t d r V ^ m d i o - in g s o m e w a r m a f te r n o o n ah o p * p in g i n M o c k a v ille C a d > S to M — M e m b e rs o f M o n o g ra m C lu b a t­ tr a c tin g m u c h a tte n tio n a s t h ^ m e a n d e r e d u p a n d d o w n tiM h . s tr e e t o n w a rm a f te r n o o n —R . W . C e im s te t b id d in g g o o d b y e ( o a te e i e n g ra v in g o f A le x a n d e r H a m llto o — G to r g e H e n d ric k s e n te c ta ln in g ' a m a ll g ra a d s6 n --M T S . C u i t b P ric c d o in g s o m e a f te r n o o n ih o p p in g — M t. a n d M rs. W o o d r o w . a n d c h ild ie n d o in g a o ra e a fM fiM M m s h o p p to g - H a l f a d o z e n fo B ca■ «>y» ■ ) in g io g e t in to d im e a to re a f m fiv e o ’c lo c k i n t h e a f k e tn o e a — . S h e e k B o w d e n , J r - , d b t t U w i i a r ' tc h e c k a a r o u n d th e s q u a i ^ M f a . to ."repeat an b« tro sen . phosphate an d a .ta to U o o th a t * i « s h im a *»» , « h ^c o m w aa p r ^ u c e o on a aeW l»e tilled a a a d a b project. e a t o f Ind ian a h y b rid »«■ «*■ t ^ c i e s l ^ c d s s f e n 13# LUs Sstsr kind and l..d ihem from God and the plan bl life and salvation. Thi»| «p«Wou r*,nlted in a « « '» «“ ■ «en and John iniorms us that by i b e p u w e r o f te rtlm o u y « h e « e v il a p itits w e te c a a i o u t. (T o B e C o B tin u w l) ^_____ - ^ 1.1. BENNETT, D « iif a « m N .C . % - 1 lay lor nia » • » . .,1 1 1 ^ Joaepblae and , Virginia' PiH ^ aindnia at 'Salem College, s ^ Saturday and Sunday In-tbia ' ellr, guieata of >:iaa Mary BeitBa^ ' a n d J m 'H a d i ^ . O a l t b e r . , . ' l/tt Golden, .the cniored eoavlet wbO escaM <n»B Iba Irotett chain gang abont: two weaka- agbi' was, bniugbt to Stateaville Friday night by »r. M. U. Keller; of Davie eonnty, who capthred him to . the , vicioitr of CountV tine.- Mr, Kel.( ler received flji lewafd and hta ex. peiisetfor'i«iaroinc the coavlei., After spending the night In jalll ' C^den waa aent ta the repeir force of.tbe gang at work - on tbe TIsy. lorivUleraad.wtst of iewn._j3lal> asviU* Laadmard; noitb; t ;win eac^ cttpl^ by O. u.«mld drinka, totMcoba; candy- and ^ber afticles Aftw Grant went out of imatness a barber abop waa openea in thla buUdlog. ' : tn Wiiilug' theae >rtle1«i I try ttsttaoSeodabyoDr.A ewdayal ago a Mbcksvll'e lady'pbo ed our office. to. canc^ het subaeri|nio«. * n e t n s o a w a a n o t v g iw a .' a n d 11 c a n (sn ly . g n a a a ib 'a t a h e w a a bfTeiid (id b y o n e o l tb c M n 'lle te a .-: , In a liaoieut article I .: atated. that ' M artO B K Ic h a td a b ii b a d a b ta e k . a m itb 'a b o p w b e ie H o e iia v ille tm > - _ . p l e a m t a > „ la n o w lo c a te d . T h e » • « “ • « * . tlw y a b o p w a» w b e ie -lauF ard. M o to r C o . m a d th e la « e o f th e b a o w - S ; a i t . b a i a o . d . : ^ w i i ^ . ^ the most High, y «bibngbt down to bell, to the ddM ol the pit;” Isalah i«:i* 15 Both liaiah and CbWit tally upderMoodthe faeta a l^ i tncifW (satap)-. re balMag ag’ fin Obd and leading ina bbeiblid bi the aplrita in hea- ^ from God afbicb S J a b d a W - B i l vfriia. beitreii of bolh Ktan and bb . f a l l o w e t s a b d t t e y r i n i e b a . ^ ^ ■ msd the la«».ol the Mttb aa ane?-, ■ h u d te d a p W tttiila tto t^ '" ^ HILLTOP Service & Supply best MACE TO GET IT Oil, Tiws Anid SuppHw Staple tSroceriee ^ Sm ^ EnoMl^ To Appraeiate Vour BuMoe" L a r a e E n o u g h T<> F » l Your Tank J. w . HILL ST. PA U L. M inn. - S^nce tite autom obile took o v e r fro m th e horse, a constant, pro b lem a n d source o t trag e d y J ia s i»een th e nm httlm e p ^ e s tria n -^ th e d im fig­ u re tb at loom s up suddenly liefora the m otorist.Tt'iiffic «)uihorilic8 attrib u te m a n y noM^ands -ped estrian d eath a ' -acii y e a r to the (allure of m a n 'a to k e ep u p w ith th e deveU q^ n^ent o ( h is m achines. T he drive* sue in th e d a rk an d y e t pa* d e stria n s w alk in* th e d a rk streats. ■' Afitft- y e a rs o t expertm eatatioa^ tr><'ntists l ^ v e ^ /d v e d a solution —ttv arin g u p p s ^ th a t looks lik e . ju st an)* o th e r ap p a re l an d th a t la* being produced, in highly sly)e4.' d«;s:0n s b u t th a t reflects lig h t b ack to iiiotoi'ists w hen th e ir. head* liel)i5 h it it. m atcing tlte w e a re r vistble to (he d riv e r lt« m 'h u n < ' d re d s of fe et aw ay . Y et. b e c a u se . it i-eibcts lig h t b tcfc only k/ :he source of H cht th e 'g a rm e n t JtKiics Just like any o th ers to i>eopie- oi.' th e stre e t o r road; ‘D ie w «ar«r li, n o t a t a tt eonsplcooua e x e a ^ t «». th a d iiv a r «taOM haw m ghfg diivcU y 00 him .m tn d u a tla n « l th e ia raflaetov> le a d g airro en tt m a rk s o m of tb a m o st tu w a ia in t d e v ^ c^ m e n ia in th e U sto iT o f satetjr an d m ay le v d u tio n isa th a e n th « texU ie in* . d u stry b y Jaad in g to incorpora* [ tK « a t rafle c to rb e d n ia ie tia ) into all o u te r g arm e n ts. C ;C e'C I^^ ‘ « ctin g '^ ^.(^ k in g Jinitinim rainy .hia war down Main tttett «a die r i i n d e a c e n d t- M f s s e i R o f c o M Mackie and OsttneWarlick lunch­ ing in Davie Cafe—Auatln Lake? drinking cup of hot coffee—Dr. . Ramev Kemp dirtying children tn movie show—^Mra. Henry Sa An* d«wn and children dc^ng aiNne rainy day grocery •fshopplng^Mffa Harman h^Mahan ahopping in dime atore—Mra. Fioyd Navter walking down Hl^wav carrying potted plant—Mra. John Bowden» Jr^ buying birthday card—Mf*. Bill Howard doiog a litdclMe af- temoon ahopping >> Young Idlow buying big t>ox of candy to make aomebody Wt»y 'Mta. Flake W, Haveaand little :dau^ter doing tome drug atoce ahoppin«-4tev. and Mra. E. a Crawfofd pauaing in druK store for ttftfhnuat*^ Three legal li^ts caucualng in , front of postoflice. ■ r i iPrincess Theatre CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY “ONE DESIRE” With Anne . Baxter & Rock Hudson Cattoon I THUKSOAY & FRIDAY I “NIGHT OF THE HXWTBR" With Robert Mitcltum &. Sh.ltev Wintera Newa SATURDAY “DRUMS ACROSS THE RIVER” In Cdor With Audie Mui^y . Cartoon &. S e ^ aNEMASOOPE MONDAY & TimSDAY “irs ALWAYS PAIR WEATHER” to Color Whk Cyd Charlase & CSene Kdhr Newa • PRICC:RHttlatSlioM AdalbMe GMMiaa Me aNEH ASOOPE Adalnr MeCkMna Me ' DAVC coutm rs moqcst SHOW.VAUUe PAOBTWO.iB i DAVtfctefeboifib! tickSKSViii^ w. < fehruary m . <9m THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STOOtID, EDITOR. TELCPHONB ____ N, C.. u 8#coiid-el»*f Mill :nnscnrnoM turn •NE YBAR.IMH, OAROUN* ■ I KWI SIX MONTHS l(t (t. C«£O^A •ONf YEA«.0UT8ll>B^Tf • »tOO SIX MONTHS. 00T81DB STATE • ll.OO Republlican Con­ vention Davie County Reuubticans will hold, iheir biennial precienci meet­ ings on Saturday Feb. 2Sth at 2 p, m., and theif County Convention on Saturday, Match 3rd, at2p.m.. These dates were announced to* day by GOP Chairman Duke L. Whittaker. Notices ate' eine sent out to all appropriate party officials this week, the chairman said. The Precinct sessions will be called to elect new precinct officers and to designate delegates to the county convention. In turn, de­ legates to the district convention on March 9th and the State Con- vention in Durham March 10th will be named dusing the county wide meeting. Each precinct may select one de le^te and an a'.temate for each 50 votes cast fot the Republican caa didate for governor in 1952. The County can choose one delegate and alternate fot each ZOO votes, or a major fraction thereof, cast for the GOP gubernatorial candl> date; Chairman Whittaker urges all Republicans to attend the above meetings in their respective pi^ cincts which will be held on Frb. 25th at twoo|clock_p_m^ To Farmers Applicaiion f o t premvatuce ment of tobacco or cotton, wil for full paniculariie P. S. Strottd Phillip S. Stroud, 49. fanner and miller of Countv Line, died at his home Thursday. He suffered a heart attack at 11 p. m., Wed' nesday. Mr. Stroud was born in Davie County, Dec. 20,1906, son of f. M. and Daisy H. Siroud. Surviving are the widow, two sons, Wa ne Stroud of Harm.'>ny. Route I, and Dudley Stroud uf the home; one daughter, Shelby lean Stroud of the home; his mother two half sisters, Mrs. W. F. Keller of Mocksville and Mrs. W. W. Clendenin o f Greensboro; one half brother, three brothers. Guv and Sam Stroud of Harmony, Route 1, and Paul Stivud ol Mocksville, Route 1, and one grandchild. Funeral services we.e held at 3 p. m., Saturday at Society Baptist Church. Riv. WadeD Hutchens and Rev. Ervin Wallace officiated. Burial was in the church ceme ery. Rufus L. Frve RuAis L. Frve, 71. died a i 6t30 p. m,. Feb* 13th. at his home here after suffering a heart attacli.Mr. Frve was born Sept. 24th. 1885 in Davie County, son of James A. and Lafrnw Bainey castle Frve. Fortbe past 43 vests he was employed by Sanford Motor Co., C. C. Sanfort Sons Co., and San­ford Mando Electric Co. He was a member of Mocksville Masonic Lodge. He was married to Mins Mable Cartwright who survives. A so surviving are th ee sons, Ralph L, Fty.' of the U S. Army. James V. Frye o f Mocksvil'e, Norrii Frye of Win ton Salem, iive grandchild­ren; anVI o.te brother, loe Frve of MocjcsWUe. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Wednesday at Mncksqille Davie County Hos- SF pital Dedicated | The Davi« Countv Hospital was dedicated Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at a special program lo the Mockwille High School AudUorv iom. I Graham Madison» building com* mittee member» presided over, the progtam» which opened with the audtence singing An^erica. Rev. )amc8 E Bearss, pastor of Coolee- mee Presbyterian Church, gave the Invocation. Attoroev A. T. Grant presented the keyi to the hospital to J. K. Sheek, chairman of the board of tmstecs. The Medical Staff and Person* nel were introduced bv Frank ruzzi» Administrator of the hospit* We Invite You And, Your Friends To Our ai and special guests were iiitro* duced by Cecil Moiris» building committee member. Special mus e was rendered by the Moc^vitle High School Glee Club under the direction of Mrs. Gene Smith. Dr. tester P Martin, chief of the hospital medical staff, inttodufced Marshall I. Pickens, Director of the Duke Endowment, who deliv; e r^ the address. Mrs. Beulah Apperson, member of the board of trustees* extended an invitation to those present to visit the hospital, after which the prayer of dedication and benedic tion was offered by Rev. A. M. Ki­ ser, pastor of Fork Baptist Church. L^rge numbers attended the de­ dication and afterwards toured the hospital. Friday, Farmington High School News B) JaI FIIio rnd .To'* Bufiek. 9KX) A; M. To 5:00 P. M. j SEE OUR COMPLETE UNE OF FARMALL TRACTORS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS Power Saws, Power Mowers, Garden Tractors And Many Other Items I FREE 18 Inch Worcester Power Mower $85 45 Value . . _ ..... - -rfoclesqill. Presbvterial Church, Rev. Paul Richards officiated. Burial was In loppa Cemetery with Masonic rites. FMIbeanft weie C. H. Tomlin­ son, Rufiit Sanford. Gaither San ford} Adsa Smopt Lswtcaee Irvin <uid BUI Wllltama. Last Friday night the Farming­ton Blue Devils traveled to Motks' vllle for a very close gitU’ game. The 6na score was 24 to 23 in favor of Mocfc-ville.^- The bovs’ game was not qu’te so ciose. At the end of the ^nne Mocksville had 69 points to Farmington’s J3 After the gam ■ several of the Far mington studetits stayed for the Sock Hop in Mocfcsville’s gvm,. Some of those enjoying the music . ■nd dances were: PaBv Cline, Aa- «or together fur a party at McKnight’s hom^. Thev ei. _ thelslnging, plaving of rectirds, dancing and eating very much. On Valentine’s Day the Beta Club members met for their regu­lar monthly meeting. After the business meeting, several of the members went to a movie at the Carolina 'rheatre. Among those enjoying “Forever Darling,” were:' loyce Pavne, Toe Busiek. Johnny Hauser, Ann Harding. Peggv Dull,’ limmv Zimmerman, Johngie Ellis, Leonard Shelton. Carolvii Boi^r, Cam lla Jarvis, Vivian McKnight;' Tohnny McBride, Winfred Davis.; The Junior class met last week to discuss plans for ihe fJunior-Se-l nior banquet. They have set A ej date and the plans ar .• well under way. All Adults Elijgible - - Drawing At 5 P. M. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT REFRESHMENTS - - COFFEE AND COOKIES RANKIN^SANFORD IMPLEMENT CO. MOCKSVILLE, N. C. I The "B” teams In ba<kctbaU have been gettinc in shape for the County Tournament which we are all looking forward to with lutich anxietv. We hope Lady Luck, looks upon all our teams during these games, | These Prices Effective Wednesday Morning Feb. 22iid Only ^ la O m ^ f laTOaSopsrlnrCoiitt DAVIR COUNTY vs Walter lones and wife, Sadie Jones. Arthur Bailev and wife, Amelia P..Howard Bailey Notice of Serving Suminon* By PuUiealion Th< defendants Waiter Jones and bis wife, Sadie Jones, will take no tice that an aciioD,/as entitled at above bis been coauaeoced in the Superior Court of Davie County, North Carolina, the same being an se-ion t>)r the plaintiff to foreclose a si)celGc lein on roal estate owned by Ida HowarJ, defendant Sadie Jones, anctster. to reimburse Davie County for money fumisbed Ida Howard on accoont of Old Age As. ol ta'-ce and <be said defendants will further take notice tbat they a>e required t. appear at the office of the CImk of Ihe Superior Conrt of said County In the court boD<e in Moeksvl'Ie, North Carolina, on Ssiniday, the S4th day of March. 1956, and answer or demur lo the complaini'in said action, or the nlain'IS will apply to the Coott for the relief demanded tbriefn. Tbh i6lb dav of Pebruary. tgce, S. H. CHAFFIN. ClwkSniieTlorCoan. SEW AND SAVE . Rayon Liinen Weave Colora, Red. PinW. Beise: Orchid, Tan 1 Navy And White , 6®c Yard WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY 2 Yardf $1 CO DEPOT STREET FLOOR “BIRDSEYE” Baby Diapers All First Quality Regular $1.98 Dozen WEDNESDAY MORNINC ONLY $1-66 Dozen Only 3 Dozen To A Customer m a in s t r e e t f l o o r Draperv Material Wit’e Adotiirtril Of Color* And Patterns " T»c Yard 2 Y^rds $1.00 WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY UEK)T STREET FLOOR 100^ NYLON PANTIES First-Quality, Fine Nvlon Elastic Knit PantiesRegular $1.00 Pair 2 Pair $1.00 m a in s t r e e t flo o r "SPRINti KNIGHT” SHEEI3 Size $1 66 Each DEPCT STREET FLOOR REPEAT SPECIAL ALL METAL Venetian Blinds White And Ejsshell 23 Inch To 36 Inch Wide 64 Inch Long ' $2.22 Each DEPOT s t r e e t f l o o r C MOORE &7s ONS “BUY FROM MOORE and SAVE MOTE” ' MOCKSVlLtE, N. C. im a A V tt BECOBO, m w K a w u A a .. FEBBOAity zz; i w llllf DAVIE record: OIM P«P«r fai Tto Coantjr Ni> Liquor. Wine, Beer Adii NEWS A RO U N D TO W N . Mrs. Claude Thompson remains quite ill at het home on SaUsbuiy attw t.' Over 5.000 auto license plates m en sold at the local- office up until Feb. 16th. Dr. Vance McCugan, of Hall Drug Co,,' is spending a week with .home folks at Dunit. M.S. lohn HodgM and Miss Lill.e Meroney, ofLexl.igton.were Mocksville visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mts. Quince Powell and son Sammy, of Greeosboto, were Mocksville visitors Friday.. Mr. and Mrs. loe Henley Keller ■nd little daughter. ofGremsboto were Mocksville visitois Wednes- day. Senator B. C. Brock and At* toryney Claude Hicks, spent Tues­ day in Raleigh looking after some legal matters. ' Rev. Clarence Shore, pastor of Knoh Baptist Church, near East Bend, was a Mocksville visitor Wednesday. R , B. Sanford, of. this city, and son. Dr. Marshall Smfbrd, of Bal­ timore, are spending this week in Jacksonville, Fla. • Everetle Smith, who under­ went a minor operation at Lex­ ington Memotial Hospiul last week, is getting along nicely. Thursday night the Beta d u b W its re^lat meeting in . die (lOtne Ec. lab. Henry Snutt pre­sided. The b ing the Beta Club Convention which will meet in Asheville In April. The secretary was iiislcu& ted to send for reservations for 13. It was aim decided to give $25 to the Educational loan Aasocia- tion. The intramural basketball tour nament started Thursday at activ­ity period with the Freshmen girls vs the Sophomore girls. The ^ phomotc girls won 22-Zl. Friday the floor was being fixed for the game Friday night, so the game was postponed until Monday. The Sophomore boys won 28-10. Tue*. Pay the Junior and'Senior girls played. The Juniors won 8-5. so they played the Sophomore gitb Thursday for the championship. The Junior boys won 25 4 Wed­nesday as they played the Sopho­more boys. Ill the game Friday morning the Freshmen girls defeated the Ju> 23-21. The game sdie.niorul Miss Jane York, a studens at Pfeiffer College. Measenhi Sp^gs. spent a day or two re* cently in town with h « parents. Miss Shirley Mosidc b a patient a t Rowan Memorial Hospital, re­ covering from an appendictds opr eratioii which tfie underwet ■ « W h e s d a y .'j^ _ ;' > ^ou we iooking fm bngains it w|ll l»y:yoii to ^ i t B. C. Mbbie & ^ s store Wednesday , morn­ ing.. They ace offertaig licij bar giiiis in niany article Haines Yatesk who fidl and m f . fered a fractured veitebiae abw t two wedca ago. is still confined 16 his home but hopes to resume work at Wilkins Drug Co.. in days. Johii C Bowles left by plane Sunday, f o r Columbus, Ohio, where be will spend this week at . the Armstrong Factory studying air conditioning installation and sendee. Mr. and Mrs. linuny Allen and babe, and Mr. and Mrs. Hutch­ ens. of Route -}, moved to Mocks­ ville last Wednesday and ate occupying the Bagwell hojse on Maple Avenue; R. C Lee. of Hendetsonville, who has been bchigliig his tiding devices to the Masonic picnic for tnorrthan aquarterofa cmtutv. was a M oi^ville vidtor one. dav last week! This rem ind us that It is less than six monlha until the 76th aimual Masonic picnic will be rolUiig around. . How time flies. ■ Lieut. D. R. Sttoud, Jr.. has re­ ceived his h9norable discharge Foh Dbb.Ni J.. after serving more thati ihcK ynra in the army. ; Lieut, and Mrs. Stroud and small son and-daughter ate spending some time hew with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ray COmaizer,. and Mr. and Mfs. D. R. Stroud. Dr. Stroud hasn’t decided «4tete he ' will locate for the practice of his ptoCession as an optometrist. L.B. Forrest, of Route 1, spent Tuesday at High Point wfth his ' daughier.^Mrs. H. B. Pkather and Mr.'Pnther. While th m he i^sit. ed Mrs. J. B. Whitley, who has be«i Ul at the home of her step . daughter Mrs. J. K - Hides, fur ' several oiooths. ' Mrs. Whitlev v is a fonnn resident of tUa dty. S heishi her 87ih year, aiid ta now hi • setious condition, her ■ {Hendr will be sorry to leam. ____-21. The game ____ ___for Thursday was postpon-ed until Monday. The sock-hop Friday night af­ ter the ball gam'e m s a big stw- cess. Everyone enjoyed square dancing^d smooth dancing.Monday Mr. Bob Brown and his Science Circus presented a very interesting show. Among other things he produced lli^tning and leveral Mocksville students’ kair stand on end-not figuradve- ly but literally! It was very infor­ mative. The P. T. A. m et___ at the auditorium. T he _______ and Girl Scout T roo^ 1, 2 and 3i had charge of the program- They inducted two new members by a candlelight service. They also ex­ plained the purpose of their or­ganizations :Miss Brumfield’s a ^ Mrs Hudson’s Mocksvine High Sdiool News 1.YN0A CRAWI^D. Reportsr Wooten Flant No. . 2, of the Moiiidfirii^ <SnmentCo., located4 'ii ~ ^K ioblm llleon lhe Yi IS began. Lopmtldns. on J -------oflarti week. The newplant starta-ofT widi about 20S em-’ doyces, and : I a maniifacturing ilouaea. The force will be en- laiged to A e n w futuij i Bolw Vaccine vacdne is available 6«e t6‘ all children under IS years of m rhose patenu teouest it, at theH e t^ Croter. in'Modisvllle; ev­ ery Thursday afternoon from I to 4 .a ^ a t the Recreation Center, Cooleemee every Hiursday Patents' In mee everym o m ln g f^ 9:30 to 11. ______ are uigsd te have their children protected before tho polio; season aches its p ^ Celebrates Birtbday Our old firiend R. E. T h a ^ , of near HannilSny.iSwhom we have mown for hUf a century, cele- traled hto 78th birthday on Satur­ day. Feb; llth. He was given idai room received the ce. awards. Both the boys and _ returned from Mills Home Tues. day night victorious. .The girls score was 52-45. Patty Taylor was hlgh.scorer with 24 points. The boysscoie after a three minute overtime w a s5 M 3 ^ ^ ^ . Peoptes'Loudenniik , .Mft.aiid.Mrs. Romtihia te;teie Pebplesiof Modisville annoimee the engagement of their daughter, Myrle Maureen of Greensboro. ^ to Fredridc Henry Lowdermilk also Greensbinoi son of Mr. .-and Mn. Dallas Lowdermilk of Norman, The wodding. will be- held next month In Greensboro. Mrs. R, S. Fowel Mrs. Lula J; >owe|l. 81. died Wedjniesdinr at her home, Mocks- vllle. Route 1. after a long Ulnesa. She was the widow of Robertson Powell. Mrs. Powell was bom In Davie County; dau^tcr of Thomas an^ Nancy KutfeesPenry. Surviving are three sons, L. R., Haywwxl and Harold Powellt of Mocksville, Route 1; four daugh­ters, Mrs; T. P. Dwiuins of MocksviUe, Mrs. Walter K Ander son of Raldgh, '>R«y. Charfea L. Woolen. 89, of Lyfotd, Tex, a native of Yadkin , died Wednesday motn- liig at.his home in Lyfotd. Hehad beeti ill for sometime.’ Rev. Mr. Wooten, a Friends mtaibter, spent most of her early life .in Yadkin and ' moved to Oklahoma in 1900 as a missionary to Indians. He retired and mov­ed to Texas 20 years ago.married Nov. 21, 1886, to Martha I. Hobson. She died ln:l?54.: ' - ^:Surviving are an adopted son, Oifville Wooten of Canada, a sister Mrk I. Lee Normani of East Bend; a half sister. Mrs, Frank Hendrix of Mocksville; and a half brother, T. A. VanZant of Mocksville. Funeral services were conduct­ ed at 2 p. m.. Sunday at Forbush Friends Church in Ysdldii Goun- ty. by Rev. Claude Hobson. Bu­ rial was in the church cenietery. :In the d ^ h of Mr. Wooten The Recoid editor has lost one of his oldest and best friends. We shall!miss his friendly visits to our ofEce w hm he always came when in from the west visiting his rela­ tives.' For SO.years he has read bur-paiin and hss'told us many tim » hoW inuch he enjoyed it. A big birthd^ dinner on Sunday atilshome. His fiimilyandanum>_________________________ >erof relatives were present to.hl^-toned Christian gentleman, help him enjiw the day. Here’s.he spent many years preaching to wishing f o r Mr. Thatpe maiiy the bidians iii Oklakoma. He is mote such hapiiy occasions. May'athe live to be a liundted andevery _ ^ ,---------_ , , , vearbeaiittie happier. ^<Celehrate Btttkday I ^ C E T O Having qualified as Administra- ,Wilkesb6ro street Sunday, Feb. tor of the estate of Mrs. E. M .'lZth. All of her children and a l^ e r , deceased, notice is h ^ y few invited guests were present, given to all penons holdmgchims A bounteous dinner was enjoyed against the said deceased, to prei'^by aH, and the day will bb long re­sent them, properly venSed, to memb<i«d.^ Mrs. Walker and the undenlgned, on or before the family. Mrs. Walker received a 1st day of M nnry, 1957, or this number of nice gi'ts. notice will ^ plead in bar of rVj . icovery. All petsons indebted to- Pianos tuned, repaired, rebuilt. saideslate.wlllpleaaemakepTDmpt tefinished or restyled. Ftee esti- settlement This 1st day of F«b>. mates. New and used pianos- ruary, 19S6. _ _ Anything musical.- Easy terms.JOE HENLEY KELLER, . > Write for prices. Admr. Mrs. E, M. Keller, decs’d.t . Starling Thomas > Claude Hicks, Attorney. 629 N. Trade St. Win _ Music Co. Winston-Salem Mrs. Mel Williams 7 Mrs. Ethel Mae Williams, '47. wife of Jiuuile Williams of Coo­ leemee. died Feb. 13th after suf­ fering a heart attack at her home. Mrs. Williams was bom May ^ 1908, in Davie County, daughter of John and Mary Baker. Dyson, She spent most of her life in Coo­ leemee and was married to lunnie Williams who survives. Also surviving are six sons, four four grandcbildrent two sisters, and two brothers. Fimeral services were conducted at 4 p. m„ Wednesday at North COoleemee Baptist Church bv Rev. H. L. Walters and Rev. H. W. Parker. Burial was in North Cooleemee Cemetery. I^ANT ADS PAY. VOR SALE OR RENT- 1 1 Room house, on Depot Street. Lights and water. Near Heritage Fumiture Plant. Call MISS BLANCHE LAGLE, Phone 223 W MocksviUe FORSALE-Splendidlittle form of23iacres, 18 cultivation .and pasture, other woodland. 2 bran­ ches. 7-room 2-story house and all necessary outbuildings. Long road irdnt on highway leading from Harmony to Counry Line, at a church, near good store. The price is very'reasonable. Call on or write W .-1. Matheson, Agent, 1024 w . Broad S t. Statesville. N. C. Phones 3112, 4241. PIANO BARGAIN!-We will transfer co someone in this vici­nity for a very small down pay. ment a n d small monthly pay­ments a 40 inch console spinet oiano like new. Nationally ad­ vertised with direct blow action, mahogany finish, with matching beiicb, new piano guarantee, rave over $300.00. For information write: Credit Adjuster, S.P.C.B. Box 1063, Salisbury. N-C. Shoaf Coal & We Can Siipdht Your Ntcda IN GOOD COAL. , SAND ^ BRICK Cali or Phone Us At ^ y Dme PHONE 1 « Formerly Dayle Bildc&Coaldo Piedmont Laundry & Diy gleaners Owned And Opmtted By C P. JohDioa PHONE 489 For Pielt UpAnd OeBvery Located In Front Of Drive-In Theatte NOTICE TO CREDITORS Haqiog qualified as adminstra- >r of A lfr^ Cleveland,-( notice is hereby given to all per­ sons holding claims agali)st the ute of said deceased, to p ie m t’ tbe same properly verified to the undersicned on or before the 25th day of Januasy 1957 or this notice will be plead in bar of cecoveiy. All ixrsons indebted to said estate will please make' prompt settle­ment.This 2Sth day of January. 1956. S. M. CALL. Admr. Of Alfred Clevelend, Deeeascd. By A. T. GRANT. Altv! _____ _______ Mrs. W. BumsHkens of Spencer, and Miss Geor­gia Powell of Ihe home; 11 grand­children; live grcat-gran fchiMren; and two sisters, Mrs. J. L. Clod, feller of Richmond. V a, and Mrs- W. T. Gowans, of D.>vton, Ohio. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m , Saturday at the home. Rev. Robert Oakley oflidated.> Burial was in Center Methodist Church Cemetery. Mrs, H. L Shelton Mrs. edna Jane Shelton, 85, of Mocksville, Route 5, widow of H. L. Shelton, died last Wedn in a Winston-Salem hospllol had been ill 35 days.Mrs, Shelton was bom In Davie County. She was a lifelong men- ber of Wesley Chapel Methodbt Church. ' .She wus married to Mr. Shelton March 20, 1888. He died on March 18. 1910.- She is siirvived by .five sons, W. A., 1_ -S. and loe Shelton of MoeksviUe. Route 2 .1. D. Shelton of Mocksville. Route S. and Dr. L ai^ R. Shelton of W histon-^lem; three dauiditers. Mrs. A.. D Richie of Mocksville. Mra. G .' A. Layman of Mocksville. Route 5, and Mrs. R. Q. Wright of Truro, 22 granddiildrd and 24lowatadchildn Funeral services were in d u c t­ ed at 3 p. m., Thursday at Wesley ~ lapel Methodist Chuidt bv J. W. Hoyle. Rev. W. T. Bassett, and Rev. lohn Oklev. Borid was hi the diutch cemetery. . : STA R CHIBf: 4-DOOR CATALINA T h e e a r m y 8 ^ a n d the p r ic e w m H tfa p y o u J Easy Does It-T/iis One's Loaded! Try the mighty 227-HJ*. Strato- Streak V-8 teamed with Steato-FUght Hydra-Matic! H en’s all die #> you’ll ever waAt for normal 'driving . .'. wiA lots more lOiere Adt came from uhauvaryouneeiUl Take’it easy . . . in aeoonds you’U be sailmg ■nendy along at : the legal-limit oc leaving tlie ■teepeet grade behind unnotioed-----and always iridi that big "aometfauig extra” for salbtyl You’re piteting America's mast modem V SI • It’s the nUghtiest, highest-compreBBfon, highest- You (m tulfuiUy bay a than you, mold pay for U mtxfeb of ihe low-priced three! PONTIAC COMPANY Willtt:.lK.ro Street . - Frencluaed Deder Ucenae 28299 Mocltsville. N. C. torque power idant in Pontiac U ^ r y . . . avafl- able in 3 versions, 205 h.p., 227 h.p. and a blazing 285 h.p.1 And Us teammate, the new Strato-Flight Hydra- Matic* is just as advanced! -This revolutionary automatic tiaiismissfon gives you gears for crisp, ponlive action—sparkling response at.any speed ' ^nd with .those gears there’s m amazing new liquid-liok coupling to make thiaf flow of poww oil smootli! It’s loaded alt right, with mote gbmpur and go fhan you ever dreamed passible at a price so low. Come on in and get the details. Whether you’re talking performance or price, easy does it with this fabulous'56 Pontiac! •>AQE TOU« m t ftAvife aeb iii> zs. twe FaflMttl fh UHto , Fcbrwy t$, W» [ I^VERYBODY hftt tom« Uad of ^ a chance in Iblt world. We »U Mm«(inies tiiink we would do ter it we had the seme chance the next man has; but we may be de­ceiving ourselves. Jesus tells * etory about three men each of whom had the ve^ same chance..Bach was given the same sum ot money, and Md to make what he could out ot it.One m an in< creased the money ten times,” onemultipUed it b y ------five; but the thirdDr. Veremaa man did not even try. What If he had tried? Considerins the sort of man he was. a pessimist and a sclf-conlessed eoward, it can be doubled wtiether he would have been able to do as well as the other two did. At any rate, Jesus calls our attention Urst of all to the fact that even if everybody had an equal chance, not every* Jbody would do equally well with It. QmsofMWe call persooM “gifted” when they have some remarluble tal­ent or.ability. When we say thle,Ve' inean, or we ought to mean, that a man’s capacities are not his own invention, they aie God's S fts. Two thoughts go together here and must not be separated; the fli'st is ttiat what we have to start with and the opportunities which life brings ■ us along the way. are really gU ts of God. The other thought is that God expects UA to develop these gifts, take ad' vantaee of these opportunities, do Rnmething with What we have. Caruso the famous tenor said (once, modestly, that he deserved no cj-cdit for his magnificent voice.He was bom with an extraordi* nary muscitlar development in bis' vocal cords; something possessed by few men. Most men couM not be Carusos no matter how hard they tty. On the other hand. If all Cai-uso had done waa )ust to --^ii>aa«e.liis lijroat for granted, never team singinc. never go through the long discipline of the operatic star, the world would never haVe been thrilled by that golden voiee. God's gifts idus our work, that it the divine plan. IMklncTMSMgllAU this is simply tile principle which the church eaUs "steward­ship." It is simply recognising that what God gives ua. we are ^cpected to use and make ttte most of. in his servlee. The trou* ble right here is that most of uf are rather like that third man In Jesus’ parable. We see these big,. able people going *‘great guns/'. we see what wonderful things o ^ ers are doing, and we knew very well we can’t do anything like that ; . . so we dim't try to do anything. Now it thouM be noted that in this little story, the return* ins king does not say to the «e<« ond man, .who mate ««dy. five pounds; ’‘You rascal, why didn't you make ten like tiUs other man?” On the contrary he la pleased with the man. promotes him. What God real^ desi^s is not small results; «4iat be det* pises is refusing to try. -We are not reasonable before God for ' not being brighter or strmger than we are. We ate responsible tor what we do with such ability aa we have, wtaethet* small «r great InihtClMrok See how this works out In the life ot the church. A «*n«rlnteiid* NOTICE OF RESALE Pursuant to an order of n-sih mad«byS. H. Chaffin* Oerk of the Superior Court in the special proceeding etiiitled* "Marv Potis, George H. Mvera, eta)” vs "Hdden P./Myers et al«*’ the undi tsii^ed Commissioner will, on Saturday, 3rd day of March, 1956, at 12.-00 o’clock offer tor re-sale to the highcsr bidder ai the Court House door i>£ Davie County, in Mi'cks- ville, rhe following detscribed Umds:1st Trg«.t: A tract beginning at a ttone* southwest comer of Lot No, 4 in the division of the lands of John Phelps, thence E. 40.19 chs. to a stake, thence S. 10.82 chs. to a stake* thence W. 5.31 chs. to a , staka, thence N. 35 dess. W. 7.24 chs. to an ash on bank of dhch. thence W . 20.18 chs. to a stake on edse of Highway, thence N. 42 degs. W. 340 chs. to the beidit' i ning» containing 15 acre^ more or less, and being Lot No.5 in the di« vision of the lands of John Phelps, deceased, allotted to Faille Mvers, deceased, as appears accorded in Book No. 28, pages 499 50], Rrgis- ter^s ofBce of Oavie Countv, N. C The >ldding on this tract will start at $1,500.00.2nd Tract: A tract known as a I part r f the "Thornton” lands. Be­ ginning at an iron stak^ comer of S. P. Potts and Wesley Jarvis isU e. Wliole amount ■ il. Dark It. Attic ^IghU I9.0fat^svt tanat.|14. More mature |6.Clrla «:Body oit V -srater Uap.»^ ;,s M.8leOi irobaet*. 18.0altle (dMLI 3a.FUi>witb aolemn wonacr Sl.W«nis«( 3 J .T h e « l* m •» M o to m im d s7.T<m«4.. •.SpinMiiC W.IUIIWcum ai.c«iu«t - kniiM-.w rut U.PMl*«ket organ. . ».ttigh prlcH $ l.R a s t 3S. AncstheU«3«;paWyopen35.0lrVsname •30. K not In w ood _ , 8B; River <Fr.) 4e;Hon«y<' * ^h « iW inaccta 4J.Malt ,• beverage, 4S.l^K«lama* Mon Of ' - diacust 44.Cbmmon •r profane tH .l.) Xenie N .'12 degs. E, 10.20 chs. to , ™ck M foot of twin P i« V X er of Lewi* Hajtman atid W«ley J?^r‘r o tr n e f s “ F .pT .;.-\o,nl, m a n . thence S. 10 degs. W. 8j62 ch.. to a «tone. corner of w ni Crew.’ and Frank Vogler'i Hne. thence N. 84 d<;gs W 11 13 ch»». to *he beginning, il09 acres more or les«. The bidding on this tract will start at $385.00.j '1*__ A tMcr111 start at $38S.a>. ,3rd Tratct A tract known as the'‘Thornton” lands: Bei^lnning at a roc^ (stone) Wesley lan^s* corn* er, thence N. 3 degs. E. 21.38 chs.] to a stone on North side ofCreek.i Lewis Hartman's corner'in M»rch, 'ine. thence 8. 84 degs. W. 2^?l chs. to an ash, Richard.Hartman*s comer in line of March land, (hmce S. 24 df g.i. W. 6.25 chs. to an iron s’rak«^. Richard Har man*it comer, thence S. 58 degs. W. 2.83 chs. In Hartman's Hne to an iron i» l» , Richard Hartman*s comer., thence R 84 degs. XV. 9.75 chs. in Hartman's Itoe to asweet gum tree. {Hartman’s corner, thence N. 31 qutrmgw dfgs. W.'1.50^:hs.to^8 gum tree, ..j ^Mat*man's oniret, thence N. 85 Mrs. ^ ■ • • I -cgis, W 1,73 chs. to a black ook ^ * s niece, A U*ump, Hartman*s corner, thence, this ts my iius* ^ I N. 53 degs. B. 3.40 chs. with Hart »«»«- •• tha ,oun« t f man^s line to an iron stake. Hart* man's comer and comer of Mrs ■------- •- — - s W I F Y O U H A V E - ; bem on a trip ' 'v‘ ’' ' ' wl«rtaihed;gueM, celebrated a bitthdav caught a big <uh moved ■ eloped ■ ' had a babv ' been in a fight ■ ' told your hogi h ^ an operation bought a car - painted voiir house been inarried cut a new tooth . been abet •tolen anything b«m robbed •old out ' lost your hair been arrened „ Or Done Anything At All Telephone. Or Drop a Or Come In. Or In Anjr Convenient Way Inform ... THE DAVIE RECORD ^ ^SHDRT6f< a □ X \r Sy D. I. M tnm iw Th e young m a n a n d w om an, lolloweia i v th e ta x i d riv e r e a ^ ■ tjrtng tw o ta li eaieih p a ^ tH ro u ih th e w rought Iron gate a t SISS. who*kSS at t ^ *»• qulrlngly. this Is my hus* .man's comer »»•« j * w Mye^i- life of the church, a aup«ru4v«»»- ent asks a girl to take a children's class. Oh no. she .'sn't do it, she snys. backing away. She hasn’t had experience, she isn't a pro* fcsslonal school teacheev she hasn’t had a lot of educatleo. she isn't like that briUlant Mrs.' So» and-So who was such a whis of a Sunday sdwol teacher for twen* ty years. So whatt Suppose ^* s not a . (opnotcher? She has had little brothers and sisters, she eon iMm the Bible, she loves her Savior and she loves children too. Stewardship, for that girl, is not what she can do with Ifrs. So> and*So‘« brains and eiperience. it’s wliat she Js wiUing to do with her own. Or take a man u^ao is elected to a minor portion in the church. Re doesn't think be can do much In that office, so be de< Clines it But the questloa stm is-<not. wbat can foe do with an omee he doesn't have? But. what wm he do witii the ofRce be does have? Another man doe» not con* tribute to tlw'ehurch because he has next to aothlagi ba can give. Be is afraid of comparisons. But God does not ask: How do you compare? Only: Are you falth« ful? , f. T. Phelps, tnencc o. ^ x.1745 chs, to a stone Earl i^gyw.. comcM*, rhence S. 87 d^gs. E. 22.1 , dts* to ^ e beginning, cohti^ininpl ^ .7 acres more or less. The bid l<ng on this tracr will »^art at $4.* 125.00.Said lands will be offered in, three separate tr»N:N. )Terms ofSatet One Third Cash,, ^nd the balance on 30 «<ays t»m»-i with bcwid and appmved irc«*tiriiv or alt cash at the option of the f'urchaser. .. 'Place of Sale: Court House' inoo to f Davie Couhty, Mocks- » e .R C ,I Time: 12:00 o'clock M.. Match' This lltfa day*of Pebmary, 1956.1 A. T- GRANT, Commissioner. Davie CoontTw Terry R. Burton. Admr. of I. E. Rnnrni, Terry. R Bannn Individo* tily, and wife. Rath Bnrion, Cl.ra Dunn and btniiand, Luther Dnnn. Adi« Kirriger and hoiiband, Ceetl Kartlger. Gertrude WaDiioe and hn»hand. Ben Wnll.ce i Notieeof Servioe of Summont lvl>ul)Bc«tion The defendants Clara Dnnn and htHband Luther Dnnn. Adis Karri cen Gertrtide Wallace and bus ^•od Ben Wallace, wfli takenntiee *liat an action entitIM as above lias *^een romwenced In the Superior <*ourt of Davie County North Ca- •■olina. The same hdng an action foveclose a anedfie Hen on lands! Aimed by J« It.'»*trtnn deceased bv woman exidalned.•We neglected to,let my know we were corotog. so 1 g ^ It wiU be a surprise to ber.T^ •Tm sorry,” the man at Ae door answered. ’The “ •been gone for a week for her back tomorrow nl^ifc. ••Oh. ThaVs too bad/V .I ••Come right in' 1 guess •Thank you. I'hope Awrrt ter. win wtum before we hava to *°The man at the door took tt»a -two sun eases. . ;■ .••Come thU way.” he dteecteA **Thank you,” V Hudson said:TOe man bow cd left..The srotmg CO ?tood for a few, minutes, (ak^v.g in the lavish ftimishlngs oi the room. Then they faced each other.. “This is going to be a cinch.” Mr; Kudsoo itmarited.There seemed to be. no. one about the place except a few serv^ aals. who kept aloof, but tha young couple passed the aftar* noon . away wandering through the different ground floor rooms admiring the costly furnishings. After dinner thejr stNrtl^ about the grounds until dark and t^n. s^ettog books from the well* ftocked; library^.. they returned tai;their.:robm.. ;; ; :.,> ^ - next mbnUng"th«y an- .their ea'rty: departure. ■••We'are-«8ry7<fi»ny,,to:'l»w^^ - leave wUh^ f iteefng Aunt Hes­ ter,'- Mrs. Hudson toW Henry* the. doorman..'fTm sure Madatii wItt regret he returned.:i**Briiic our luggage down, and then mU a uxi.'* '.“Yes. Ma'am.*vifo 'returned In a few minutes with the suit cases.. **rit esU the taxL now.”Be hovered around tits door lor: .a. time, and at last entered Oie-room where titey were sit* ting. “Your taxi has arriv^** he announced..,Mr. .Hudson rose from his ^ ir and glanced out Uie win* •Tli you to W guert ^ ; - !d Wnrnp Uie,btoadThey toUowed ton .p m..,— — stairway to a «>aciou» •>edJB>«^ He placed ti» luggage on the floor and walked acrW-the togP to wwther door. -Tbto ia the bath,” he ewWned.It. ••And il you wW» anything lust ring.” He indicated a (MU' tope beside the door. - iVptaiutUr to I. 'J-5-* Clerk ft the S « « r.^ - ™Lld Co«p1a)»t. ‘" W ^ t t a ^ t b day of J.-U.TV 1.956 ,8.,H. CHAWIN.Cl*fkl8iip«rtot;Co«irt c to ir a n d g ianceo o m uw dow . ^ fa c e b ecam e in stantly a s h e n o tic e a police pa* t i ^ 'a t th e c u rb a n d tw o officers ^ ^ c o m in g to th e door. ' ••W hat d o es th is m ean ?’* h e ajric ^ in a trem b lin g voice a s h e tu rn ed to th e doorm an. H en ry w as co v erin g th e m w ith a re* v b lveh, ..i *’I t m ea n s. M r. H udson, if th a t ■ is^y o u r n am e, thsit y o u an d y o u r '1^ a r e u n d e r arc« st;” . VI icom ider tills a n o u tra g e /’ r the- y oung . w om an cried indig' ' naiitty; teU A u n t H ester of th is'in su lt a s soon a s I se e h e r.” ‘ i^“ N o n ee d to te ll m e,a n y th in g .” T h e voice c a m e fro m a w hite :-,J )a ir^ w om an w ho h a d co m e in* '' to th e ; ro o m behtad- (hem uR ' qotfeed: ” X know a ll ab o u t It. 1 a m M iN. M bntgom ery. an d l^ve n e v er h a d a n iece o r nephew , and- h a v e no oV 'or living rela- i.tiyes.” ,['“M rs. Mointgo: . y Uves atone w ith h e r servants.'* broke in Hen> r y . ” 1 a m th e doorm an, an d also a. p riv ate detecU ve h ired by h er hnr protection. .You tw o h a v e b e ^ t diunled fo r som e tim^i. and tho notice th a t M rs: M on'.gom ery hod gone aw ay to r a. v isit' in th e so* 6l*ity col’^m tis :of thfs pa^e: w as only a ' p la n t in oiU er to catch you- The Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years Ctlieira have corae and gone.]>ouy 'county newaparer keep* Roing.I - S'imclime* il bag acemed herd t« iMke “bucUe and tonguo” iceei, but goon the aun ahinet and we mareh an. Our faithful aubmiribn;* ; : owgt of. K'hm pajr promptly, give ua ' ooitrage and abidiitg faith in otu’ fellow mar. ifjFour nviglibor w nut taking The Rccord tell bini to aubaciibe. The price ia only $l;SO 0er jear in (he .Sl«tr, »r/d $2 00 in other atatea. When You Cime To Town Mfllce Our Office Y cur Headquarters. W f Are Atwavs Glad To See You. Itttstsoousts)Bt»n tmntniiir l e t us DO W e c a n s a v e y o u m o n e y Pciron ze be p build up ypW lorn^ merchant* and: t;Iwh and «i»unty. ♦ FO R RENT ♦ SPAjCE IN THIS PAPER Will To Stilt GOOb MSK3Hik»S-J'*ICiE$^^^ .« f you* BUSINtSS o n y w u i ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS, POSTERS, BILL HEAD?, PACKET HEADS, Etc. Patronize ybiir home newspaper and tlier^y help build up your| ttome town and coianty. - ^ I iill The Davie Record D A V IB C O U N T T « S 0 1 .D B S T N B W B P J L P B R rfT H i: P A P E R T H E P E O P I r E K B A D •WRB SHMJ. 1HB W «n; THB PMPtVS WCHTS MAIWrAINl tMAWCO BV INn.UeHCB AMD tlNMtlBBO BY CAIN.* VOLOMN tV I.MOCKSVnLB. NORTH CAROLINA. WBDNB3DAY; PEBRUARV a iQ<i6 N6WS0FL0NG AGO. W b t D ^j vie Qefpra Patklnt Maten ' And Abbreviates Skirts. • (Davie Rerard, Feb. >6. 1913) : Dr.' Martin, of Pork Ctanreb. «aa| in town Wednesday on buaii T. W . Haove4. ot Uholr. *iaited relativea In tlila city tbe paat «Keit. - J. H. SWiag, M Pino, waaVin : town T v ^ a v on Ma waV to Gall. ’ ford College. Attorner B. L. Gaither made ■ : btMinera trip tb Wllkeabota laal week. Hra. T. P. Cloaalncer, d( Wina* too viaited her pareiita'Ia cbia cliy laat.week. • Mra. J. I,. Sheek fa, apendtnc amn'e tine atltb her huaUnd, Re* p r^ ta tiv e Sbeek, at RalelRh. i . M. Annawerlbri o ( near Smith Gtme. left Tneaday evenInK for Fort Sinitb,--Ark., where be haa accepted, a posltioo. rT^ P. Fnter made ahnaineaitrlp laat weeic to WinatoB, Tl Id wrltinfi ahoat wbat w ^ hap. penlnK in tbia town about the be. gInnInK of the soth' centiitv, I and Charl<rtte Inthe Interest ot the . Green MilllnK Companv, W. H. £eOrainde went to Mt. Gilead last week to attend the fun. eril and harial ol hla alater, Mra. R. W. Chandler, who died Strnday Caleb bwigglDa baa-pnrebaaed the C. B. Leonard honse and lot on _Dep(.t St.. which waa bid off By C. A Hattman two weeka ago. The{ price paid TOi la.sos. J. P. Green haa aoM two or tnrce tnrta nS the Herrick landa which he recently pntchaiied. ' It ia hoped that he will keep enough ot tte land to bold i coiloa mill if we : ever kM ime headed.this way. Dr. J. K. Pepper, formerly of tWa city, baf wto baa bwb In Bak tijinre for aeeenl montba taking a ape^al conrae in medicliie, waa lii town a lew daya last week. Or. P e ) ^ will.locate ia Texaa lor the p--acti« of bla prbfetalbn. Hral Perper and Iltlle soa.af« now tbeie. The Deetor’a: many frlenda. weio -gM toaaehim . Mr. M. a Paas, of Route s,ard Mto Cordia Holland, of States, vilic, were united in maitriafe at Winston la'at Tnaaday hr Rev Ki Borer The happy couple came In Thuraday •fteniooo. und: will. oc. cni>r'the new botiae' recently built| b» Hr. Paaa. The Resord extends cangratnlatlous to tlie happy couple and visea (or th m ai long and pna*| peimia )oiimey through life. C. L. ‘htompwD baa puii the j . O, king house rnd lot on Chnreb atreet. ConaMeration $i6,ss Mrs. W. K. and Haster Glenn Clement sire vishing reiatlm and friends at Wioatoo.Salem. Mlsaea borotby and Jane. Huleu Oaitdcr. Velma Martin.: Xoulfe Willirma and Mary Henmey. atud. enia' at Salem College, apeut Satar day Saodajr la towa witbtbelr par. -euta* ; ■ 'Hiasea Flotenn and Jolla Ann. . 6ehlaod Edith il^laatbem , of Statea<llle.. *ialM Mra. Z. N. Anderson laat weeC. I. li; Shlyea. of Grand Raplda. Hicb.. who baa been vtalllag le Utivea In tbb couatv. left Uon. .day fqrblrbome: . : ' Mimea joa^hine and- Viriilnia Paaoi^ atmlentaat .Salem Qdllege, rpeot.SatnKdav and Sooday In tbla cliy, «n«U of isa Mary Heitman ' and jane Haden Gaither.' : Lm Goldeo; the eolored cnavict wbai eanped fiw tba Irodell chain n n g aW it ..two . awaka. ago, bronibt to-^ate^lle Friday nicbi by Mr. M. M. Keller,' of Davie caonty, who Aptnried bint hi’ tl^ vidnity of Conntv'Uae. Mr. iE^b - ier received $5 Mwaid aad bla n . penaca for renmiag.' the m vlcl.| After apcadiag lba algbt la iail . Golden waaaent to the,repair force nl the gang at work on tbt Tay loravllhr road weat of leiaa._.9lat esMila Laadoiard.' lime ago.HtK. Fletcher Click came Into my office and aald I had mad? mistake In wrIHng about old Moekayllie printera.. In my artl. de I said that Charlie Granger, a fine yonng, man, even It he was a printer, died ahoat is yeara ago^ Mra. Cilek said that Charlie died >3 yeara ago, which to MrreU. When I cane to Uockavllte . tte towo had aiwot teti atorea. A. mong them 1 remember C. C. Sao- fbrd'a store, William Bailey gener. a* merchandise. T. M. Voting, dry gpods, grbceriis and notlona, j. T. Baity department atb». Tune Bailey |drv cooda. ; notions and gtacerlM. Lee Clement who ran a atore In the old March wooden building on the east side of the square. Mere the B. C. Hoore & Son Is now I6‘ cated. I remember that Mr. Prank fobnson^ an aged, citizen, ;wae a clerk in'iilr. Clement’s store. I- P. Green came to MockaviUe from Clarkaville Townahip aobu after the turn of the cM lu^. and hnilt a coBihlnation stor^'and house near the depot, where Martin Broth* era atore is now locatrtr-rl think Manin .brothers are atlll naing thia old building as a storage bouse. Hr. Green later built a flour mill near bla store, which ia now own. ed and operated hv Mr. an^ Mra. Floyd Naylor. In the old Masonic building, which.waa torn dom In 190S, waa tha>MaBonic hall,.4ocated <m' the aecond floor. A'. Mr.. Smow. alsb bad aittndip^ the a e c ^ . On' the firat'^ floor w n'Ilia iocal ■posioflice, the-Iaw office of A. T; Grant and The Davie Record olB« Wlien the new Maaonic temple waa built the' first floor waa occupied Iw tbeBankof Davie and the'Mw. cbant'a Wholeiule Grocery Co: When the old building waa torn down Tile Record olBce wa . maved to the aecond floor of the |. T. An.] geil building on N «th Main atreeii; Mr. . Angell came' to Mocfcav|llc ftoin Fort Church in 1908 ai^ opened up a line of general m ^. chandlse in the old Red Frant, frame' bnlldrng, where J.- T. Baity operated a store for.alwut. aeevn Tear*, befoii bniiding the two.slbrv. brick- bniiding on the coraer ot IM. i^nare which Is now occupied by Dsvie Furnitnre. Co., a ^ wblch.Brvan Sell pnrebaaed .a abort while ago from Dr. R. P. Anderson . Wllliama ft Anderaon occtipled the two.atory frame building on the cbrner of the sqnai'e, where thopost office,.is now located. I reniemlier that Arihnr. Allen; tybo now llvea In Denton waa .a clerk In thia atore.' .Tbe atore carried a line of general mercb abdlae and did a good hnalneas.. A email wood buiidiUgadjolaiog ihli| atore. waa later on occupied by Odom'a s- and 10 m t store. . He opened the firat Variety atore.in the' town, ia Iheold Mareh building and lat« moved It to the amall hoildlng ad iolnlng m ia n u & Anderaon. ' Thia small bulMIng waa later cnpM Iqr G; G. Daniel, who cold.drinka. lobaeoo'a, oatuly, and biberartielM After Grant o ^ of bnalnen a barlier ihop waa opened in thia bntiding. In writing thm artfcles I try not t<i bSeiid any biie. :A .,.,ew da]p ago a Mbcksril'e lady phb ed our O P ^F Q ftU M :Tba apoatle jobu giveBaemeWy Im ^ a u t lifoimatloii regarding the (Mate nt the cburcb organii«I by the Maater la tbe-iatb chapter of Ravelatloaa. Ia tbe very irat verae 'the apMie refera tpthiaga he aaw aa a great wonder' in heaven. Tbeit be relatea the tbinga be saw aa foiloara; ‘-A woman clothed with tbe sun, and the aioon ander her feet, tnd upon her head a crown of twelvt atara.” During tbe minla. try of CbriM, be leferted to him. |aeir ea the gTsom, and to tbe Cburcb aathebridi. He referred to hh arcond coming aa Ilie great mar rlap feaat; so In thia revelation to Toha we have tbe reference to 'the Church aa a woman W* •<* led ta und«atand that In thia firstl verae the woniaii clothed with the ann and moon under her feet re. presented the Church, and the fact lahe waa dotbed with tbe aun. and moon under her feet gave pioof of {the pre eminent poaition of the Cbnicb ot Chriat, both In heaven and earth. In the aecond verae we read: “And abe, behig wKb child cited, travail- lug In.birth. and pained to he de. Ilvered.** Tbe prieathood Christ daced In bb Church could only he held bv male memhtn ot the Cbuich aothta waarapvaaented aa a cbilit, and ^ chureb-waa repiesented aa a woman ready to give lilrth to a DOhrTGITSKEERED A mother Itad struggled lotig and hard to teach six-yearold Jimmy 'one of the aiiortcst verses in the Bible: “Itlsl.b e not aftaid." "Now, James, darling, let me hear ypiir verse," she coaxed be­ fore Sunday school time arrived. James gaied straight into hia inothet’a evea and ahouied tri­ umphantly: **lt*a me—don’t d t akceredl” JUST MEDIUM Mra. Newlywed called at the ahop to buy oy.tera. "Do you want large ot small onesr she waa asked. lust medium, I think.” she I sweetly replied. “My husband takes a 16 conar,” la the third verae we read further, "Aod there appeared an. other wonder In heaven; and he. hold a great red dragon, having aeacu beada and ten boro8.aad aev. tuerainM upon bb beada.” In tbe fimrtii versa be aaw ,/’And bb tan drew the third part of the atara of b e a ^ , and dM nat them to the earth, aiid tbe dragon stmd befine the am an who waa ready to |dellv4r^, for to devour her child aa aooa aa It waa im .” The dra. goa lobo aaw represented the dev II, the old aerpent (aa be la often' referred to In the acrlpt'ure). and tbe tali; drawlag one.; bird pert of tbe atata of beaven. ta to , he con. rideted arith the refkrencb. In thil Mvntb^vecse. when war waa in beavm, and the war Waa fought under the leaderabip of Lucifer, (the deviO, aud Michael, the lead. ^ of ibe catise tor Christ. In tbb war one.tblrd of ou'r.Fatber’t ciill-l dna (spttits). rebelled against the I.ord and followed Lucifer (aatab), and were cast put of Iwavea came to the eanh. Sea verae alhe. Forua-to contem ^te anon the fact one third of bnr Father*a cbll. dJen (npirlta), Sirould. rebel srhile lllvlag ia tbe preaeiwe of the God of heaven and aarib. then follow tbe leadership of a fallen soala dif. fieult to ttoderaiand bow they did auch an act. Once.Jean aaid,- referring to tbsi devil. '*I .teheld aatau s« ligbtnlbg M l -iirom beav. Lake io;iS; laalab llkewbej referred to tbecaatlng .of aatau out ot heaven aa followa: “Row art fallen from beavin O Lttdfer. aoa of the awrulagi boar ' art. tboa cut down to the gtbund, which dldat w ^ a the naHona; tor -Ibou beat aaid In tbine heart, I .will aa. ecad lato beavca, I will exalt my tbfonaahcvethe aUra of God; I will ail a te upoa tbe mount of the galleta, la the. aldea the I will asixod abaSKtthe bdabta ot tbe ^nda; I «ni bailke tbe HMnt High, yet tboti; abali te to beli, 'tb':ibe ;;jidea office r to cancel; he^ anhscriptlon. The leaaoii %aa not: and I lean only gueaa that abe waa oSend bv one ot tlieae aiticlea. In Mcceut'article I auted that Harloa Richardson bad a Mack, ahop where Mock pt Co., b now loci |ahop.«as where Sanford Motor Co; W now Mealed. of the pit " Isaiah 14:12 IS Both laalab and Christ fully underatood the' facta ahoni Lucifer (ntan); re iielllng agalnn G ^ and' leading lag bae.tliird of the aplrita In’ bea ven from God which reaalted war and nllimaiely. tte ezpablon from heavra ot botb aataa and bla follower., and they alnoe have loa. msd the taoeotlbceanb i t a a a i. lied epMta tiftaw to M apf SEEMED SILLV The lady ot the house bad but one fault to find with the new maid. She ignored the tdephone when it rang '•You must answer (he telephone Clarisse,’’ she told the girl; "Yea’m but it seems kind of sit- Iv. Nine times out of ten. it’s for you.” _ START A t THE .BOTTOM A young man had just h l ^ by the p e r^ n e l manager {of a coffw.company, and waa giv­ en a pep talk'about the glowing] future in atore for him “You win have a aplendid op. pciitunily here,” said the peraon- nel man, “but vou will- have to atart at the boKom of the ladder, learn all there is toficnow about cotfte.”! ’In other words.” commented the young man. “I will- have ^ learn aboul coffee from the grounds ' . . RBJQINDER A cautious im n wrote the fol­ lowing to ' a mail order house: "Please forward to nut one of those gasoline enginea you de­ scribe on page 135 of your catalog. If the <mgine'a anygood.'I1l send you a for it.” A days later he received tbn answer from the mail order house; “Please send check, and if it’aany V>od, we’ll amd vou the engtne.” kind and lead them from God and the plan of life and salvation. Tbi« 'XpuMon re»nlted In a war In bea ven and John informs ua that by the power of testimony! iheae evil. spirilH were casi out. (To Be Contianeri) 1.1. BENNETT. Durham N. C. Seed and Soil Moke Best Corn Key Factors, Chicc;o Winners Believe Good seed and eerefu} soil : ist^mvnt were key factors in h-.u.r^>Jr wJn lop com growins hoT.n-«?.• America's latest Corn K'.;iK Hiid Com Prince at the Iiutii’. v.atlona) Grab) and Hay Show Jn Chicago.WiUard C. Kirk. 58. the new Co.'n King, who operates a 33S« acre farm near Jeffersonville, Ohio, has won the chuiiipionship Mirce limes In the pasi fivti years.1'homns Hnltevnian. 1<>. of Rush* /ilie, fmlianu, nc.v Co.n Prince, vas Mlowing a family custrm in ■vinninu coin ho’ < Hi:? b.oilj-.’.- NVMBBK 19 Seen Along Mau Stieet Br The Street Rambler. . . I J C. Kirk believes In gacil sji3 care­ful soU mana-r'-' -a policy that ban e:irm.-a 1-1 't th~ee corn championships in flvc years. - Lair. 20. was Corn Prince at the 1048 show. His father Newton, 64. opcrn'.or 'of a 227-acrc farm, won the ;iUe of Corn King at tbe same show, to rc|.-cat an honor he won In '1C40.Ktrk says four steps were par* ttcularly important in bringing him tbe 19S& championship: 1— Tbe use of a high quaUty slntfe cross hybrid seed; S—Feeding the son a weU>balanced supply ot at> trogen. phosphate «nd potash in ' toiler, and Umlng as needed; •— A. rotation that gives him • year laydown of legumt'f sod; 4-Retumlng .manure, crop residues to toe aott.TWn Halterroaif.^ Junior plonablp com was produced on a SO^cre Held be .tUed as a 4-H Club project The seed was a par* ent ot Indiana bsrbild No. Mi. ;5-3| . ■ ['skes l^£desfrL'5n N ght Ilfs Ssfsr HILLTOP ^rvice & Supply BEST PLACE TO GET rr . Gi^ Oily Tires And Supplies Staple Groiceries Small EmraBh To Appreciate Your Bunnesa Large Eapiigh To Fiji Y ^ .T u i k J.W ^ IL L V Owiicr ST. FAUi^ Minn. - Since the automobile took over from the horse, a constant problem and source of tragedy has been the nighttime pedestrian—the dim ffig* :ire that looms up suddenly before ihe motorist.Trr.mc a uthoi itics attribute many nou^ands of pedestrian deaths year to the. failure of mao*a to keep up with the develop- I'icnl of his machines. The driver ''nr.not see in the dark and yet pe* tiestrians walk in Ihe dark strMts.After years ^ expertanentatimi, .:*cirntists haveAvolved a solution -wearing appa^ that looks Uke just any otlier apparel and that is being produced In highly styled d4is s:ns but that reflects light back to motovists 'Wlien Ihcir head* Ughuc'hit it. making the wearer viRiW? to the driver from bun- rtreds of foot away. Yet. Iwcause it rclkcts light Mek only «r ‘.he' source of light the garment' luoks just like any others to people ot. the street or road. The weaivr la not ai all oonspicuotts exea»t W Ibt driver «boM heirtllghtt »n directly oo him.introdiiction «f these lefleetoe^ ized farmenlf marks one of the nu»st promising developments In tbe history of safety and may r^otutlonlsa the entire textile in* dustry by leadtaiC' to incorpora- tion icfleetOTbed material Into nil outer garments. Charming young ladv stopping work long enough tosav that ahe waa going to celebralie her birth, day in the near future—Dr. Mutt looking over a copy of The Davie Record—Phillip Rowland asiist. ing young lady to . get in parked auto on the.squore—Two4ona se­ dan tunning through red li|jht on the square at 60 miles an hour— Wiley Anderson talking about oM times'ivben folks took life easy— Bobby Hall talklngover pboiie— Miss Bettie Messick crossing Main street In'th^ rain—Young lady te- mwking that she had changed her mind and didn’t want a diamond ting—Mrs. C Boon shopping in [drug store—Mrs. Grady Ward do­ ing some warm afternoon shop, ping in Mocksville Cksh Store— Members of Monogram Club at­ tracting much attention aa they meandered up and down Main stieet on warm afternoon—R. W. Feimster bidding goodbye to Steel engraving of Alenndet Hantilton —George Hendricks entertaining small grandson—Mrs. Curtis Price doing some aitemoon shopping— Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Howell and children doing some afternoon shoppingH alf a dozen folka try. ' ing to get Into dime store aftn five o’clock in the afternoon— Sheek Bowden, Jr.,. distfllMitiiig checks around the square—Mra. J. P. Davis doing some morning shopping—Miss Ossie Allison car- rying magaiines down Main atreet -M rs. Ben Boyles dohig aome warm morning shopping—Betty Jones parking bigVChevtokt In front of drug store—Lerov Maaaey on his wav to movie show—Kim Sheek getting early morning halt trim—Mrs. C. C. Chapnnn trana- acting some banking business on rainy morning—Diek Btenegat on his way down Main ttreet aa the rain des^da-M issea Flotettn Mackie and OstineWarlick lundi- ing in Davie C af^A ualin Lakey drinking cup of hot coffee—Dr. Ramey Kemp carrying children to movie show—Mrs. H en^ S. An­ derson and children doing some rainy day grocery fshopping-^Mta. Harman McMahan ahopi^ng in dime store—Mrs. Floyd ' Narior walking down hii^wav carrying fiotted plant—Mra. John Bowden. Jr., buying birthday card—Mta. Bill Howard doing 7 litde late af­ ternoon ahopping-Young fellow buying big box ot candy to make somdiody happy -Mrs. Flake W . Hayes and little daughm doing some drug store shopping—Rev. and Mrs.'E. C. Crawford pausing In drug store for refreshments— Three legal-lights caucusing in front of postoffice. . ^ ’rincess Theatre CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY “ONE DESIRE" With Anne Baxter & Rock Hudson Cartoon THURSDAY & FRIDAY •NIGHT OF THE HUNTER” W ith Robert'Mitchum & Sh.llev Wintera Newa SATURDAY “DRUMS ACROSS T ffi, RIVER” In Color With Audie Mui ' Ckrtoon & ‘ aN E M A sco re MONDAY & TUESDAY ’’IT S ALWAYS FAIR WEATHER” InColot..Wltl» Cyd Cbiniase & Gene KeUv Newa PglCC: ilaiSfeo»Ailult.Mo CINEMASCOPE Adoha HeCkgtoa Me DAVK COUNTTS BIG6BST Sitnw VALUB 2 ‘__: - PARR TWO vyjfgjss r t \ \ i. " ‘>'\ ' ^ pSS 5 ^ fH B DAVIE ttkCpRD. MOtikSVlLLE, B. f FEURUAIlt « . 19M ; ■:■. - ... ' ■■ V - THE DAVIE RECORD. Davie County Hos­ pital DedicatedC. FRANK STROUD, BUtTOR. TCLEPHOMC ■stored «ttli0Po0tofflee inlloein* vOIe, N. G.. M 8w<m4-etMi> MtU iM ttor.lforelil. 1908. :$UBSCRirnOM rates: 0(fEYEAR.mN. CAR0UN4 • 91.80 SIX MONTHS IN R CAROLINA - 78e. ONC YEAR. OUTSIDE STATF > 9100 SiX MONTHS. OUTSIDE STATE • $1JH) Republican Con* vention Davie County Reiubtlcans will hold their biennial ptecienct meet- ingt on Saturday Feb. 25th at I2p, and their County Convention on Saturday, Match 3rd. at 2 p. m.. These dates were announced day by GOP Chairman Duke L. Whittaker. Notice! are lein i aent out to all appropriate party official! this week, the chairman said. The Precinct sessions will be called to elect new precinct officers and to designate delegates to the countv convention. In turn, de­ legates to the district convention on March 9th and the State Con. vention in Durham March 10th will be named dusing the county ' wide meeting. Each precinct may select one de­ legate and an attemate for each 50 votes cast fot the Republican can didate for governor in 1952. The County can choose one delegate and alternate for each 200 votes, or a major fraction thereof, cast for the GOP gubernatorial candi* dale. Chairman Whittaker urges all Republicans to attend the above ineetinKS in their respective pre, dncts which will be held on Feb. 25th at two o’clock p. m. ■ To Farmers Application ( o r premeasure ment of tobacco or cotton, wil liave to be made at the couny of. <ice. and should be done by Match 1st, in order to be assured of tl<e service. Call at the county office for full particulars. P. S. Stroud Phillip S- Stroud, 49. farmer and miller of Coutitv Line, died ai his home TItursday. He suffered a heart attack at 11 p. m.» Wed* nesdav*M r Stroud W8S born In Davie Couc»ty, Dec. 20,1906, son of J. M. and Daisy H. Siroud. Survi^ng are' the widow* two sons, Wa ne Stroud of Harmony, Route i. and Dudley Stroud of the home; one daughter* Shelby fean Stroud of the home; hi* mother two half sisters, Mrs. W» P* Keller o£ Mocksville and Mrs. W. W. Clendenin o f Greensboro; one half brother, three brothers. Guv and Sam Stroud of Harmonv, Route .1. and Paul Stroud ol Mocksvilie* Route 1, and one grandchild. Funeral services wete'held at 3 p. m.» Saturday at Societv Baptist Church. Rvv. Wade D. Hutchens and Rev. Ervin Wallace officiated. Burial was in the church Farmingtoii High School News Bl Jo h riil. EIW. p B ti.liw BuMek. Last Friday night the Farming­ton Blue Devils traveled to Moeks-, ville for a very close gitla’ game.' The fina score was 24 to 23 in favor of Mrck«ville. The bi>vs’ game was not quite so ciose. At the end of the game Mockiville had fi9 points to Farmingfon’s 33 A fer the gam • several of the Far mington students staye-i for the Sodc Hop in Mockaville’s gym.. Some of those enjoying the music ■nd dances were: Patsv Cline, Vi- liin McKnight. loyce Payne, John- »iw Ellis. Pollv Jnmea, Gull Ben­ nett, Doris Hutchi-ns and others. After the dance, the eheedeaders got together for a party at Vivian McKnight’s home. Thev enjoyed the singing, playing of records, dancing and • Rufus L Frve Rufus L. Frve, 71. died a t &J0 p. mn Feb. 13th,at his Home here after suffering a heart attack.Mr. Ftye was bom Sept. 24th. 1885 in Davie County, non of James A. and W unia Bainev castle Frve. For the past 43 veaia he was employed by Sanford Motor Co, C. C. Sanford Sons Co., and San­ford Mando Electric Co. He was amt'mberof Mocksville Masonic ^dge. He was married Co Miss Mable Cartwright who survives. A'so iurviving are th ee sons, Rolph L, Fty.- of the U. S. Army. James V. Frye of Mocksville, Norris Frve t<f Win ton Sdem, five grandchild­ ren; and one brother, loe Frye of hiMkindllfc Funeral services were held at Z p. m., W.dnesdav at Mocksqille Presbvterial Church, Rev. F Richards officiated. Burial wm in loppa ~Cemeterv with Masonic fitw. Pallbeareta were C. H. Tomlin- «>i<; Riifus Sanfoid. Gaither San ford; Atlis Smoot Lawrenee Irvin ttul Bill WUBtma. The Davie County Hospital was dedicated Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at a special progratn in the Mocksville High School Auditor­ ium, Graham Madison, building com­ mittee member, presided over the progtam, which opened with the audience singing America. Rev. James E. Bearss, pastor of Coolee- mee Presbyterian Church, gave the invocation. Attorney A. T. Grant presented the keys t» the hospital to J. K. Sheek, chaitnuin of the board of tmatees. The Medical Staff and Penon- nel were introduced by Frank Ce- ruMl, Administrator of ihe hospit­al and special guests were iniro. duced by .Cecil Moiris, building committee member. Special music was rendered by the Mocksville High School Glee Club trader the dir^tion of Mm. Gene Smith. Dr. Lester P Marlin, chief of the hospital medical staff, inttoduced Marshall!. Pickens, Director pf the Duke Endowment, who deliv ■red the address. Mrs. Beulah Apperson, member of the board of trustees, extended an invitation to those present to visit the hospital, after which the prayer of dedication and benedic­ tion was offered by Rev. A. M. Ki­ ser, pastor of Pork Baptist Church. Large numbers attended the de­dication and afterwards toured the hospital. much. On Valentine’s Day the Beta Club membera met for their regu­lar monthly, meeting. After the buainess meeting, several of the membm went to a movie at the Carolina Theatre. Among thoss enjoying “Forever Darling,” were: loyce Pavne, loe Busiek, Johnny Hauser, Ann Harding, Pcggv Dull, Timmv Zimmerman. Johnsie Ellis, Leonard Shelton. Carolvn Boger,. CamllaIarvi^ Vivian McKnight, Tohnnv McBride, Winfred Davts. The Junior class met last week -S disciiss plaiu for the IJunior-Se- nior banquet. They have set the date and the plans ar.‘well under wav. f TTie "B". teams in baskeiball have been getting iif shape for the County Tournament which we are all looking forward to with much •nxietv. We hope Lady Luck looks upon all our teams during these game!, ^ SStSiS* f ••^S apetU .C ,.. ’ DAVIR COUNTY vs ■ Walter lones and wife, .Sadie Jones, Arthur Bailey and wife, Amelia F. Howard Bailey N otice of Serving SmnmoiM By Publication Th.'detendanla Waller Jones and Us wUe, Sadie Jones, will take no tice tbst an ■cilon.^s entitled as above has been co^imenced in the Superior Court of Davie County, Noitb Catalina, the same lielne an ac.ion hjr the plaintiff to foreclose a specific leiii on roal estate owned by Ida HowarJ, defendant Sadie Jones, anc^ter, to reinibnrse Davie Cvnatv for money (nmlsbed Ida Howard on account of Old Age As- >1 taiice. and ibe aaid defendanti win further take nitice that they a-e reqnired t . appear at the ioflice of Ibe Clerk of the Supetlor Conn ol aaM Connty in Ibe court bouse In Mocksville, North Carolina, on Satatday, the a4th d iv of March. I9S6, and anawer or demur to the comwalnt In said action, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Conrl for Ihe relief demavded therein. Tbia i6tb dav of February. 1056 S. H. CHAFFIK. Clerk Snperior Court. n « PAVlii K ^ M * . mWKaVIM*. tr. &■ -FEBKU4KY ZZ, I w W i Iiivtte YouJ^ndtYour Fneiida To Our 9:00 A. M To 5K)0 P. M. SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF FARMALL TRACTORS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS Power Saws, Power Mowers, Garden Tractors And Many Other items tHE0jiVlEre I FREE 18 Inch Worcester Power Mower $85.45-Value All Adults Eligible • - Drawing At 5 P. M. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT REFRESHMENTS - • COFFEE AND COOKIES ¥a NK1N-SANF0RD implement CO. M0CKSV1H.E, N. C. Wed. Morning These Prices Effectiv^e Wednesday Morning Feb. 22nd Only SEW AND SAVE , Rayon Linen Weave . Cdoirs, Red, Pink, B ^e. Orchid, Tan N*»y And White , «9c Yard ■ WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY 2Y ardj$100 DEPOT. STREET FLOOR “BIRDSEYE” , Baby Diapers All First Quality Regular $1.98 Dozen WEDNESDAY MORNINC dNLY ■ $1-66 Dozen Only 3 Dozen To A Custom^ MAIN STREET FLOOR Drapery Material Wi^e Attotiirtni Of Colon And Patterns 79c Yard • 2 Yards $1.00 WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY > DEPOT STREET FLOOR 100% NYLON PANTIES First Quality, Pine Nylon Elastic Knit Panties Regular $1.00 Ptur 2 Pair $1.00 MAIN STREET FLOOR "SPRING KNIGHT* SHEETS Size 81x99' Guaranteed First Quality Type 12B $166 Each DEPOT STREEf FLOOR REPEAT SPECIAL ALL METAL Venetian Blinds White And EgcaheU 23 Inch To 36 Ineh Wide 64 Inch Long , $2.22 Each DEPOT STREET FLOOR B. C. MOORE & SONS “BUY FROM MOORE AND SAVE MORE” ^ MOCKSVILLE, N. C. 'a — ■ -S c h o o l;^ LVWA CRAWroRO. RefOiMt O ldetl Pkpthr In t h e Coimur No Liqutw, W ine, .B eer A<U, N E W S A R W N D - T O W N .:r) " 5 ^ ,^ ;5 ;;V b rB e tr a u b ' ' . had iia re ji^ r meeting in .the Ml*. Claude Thompson remains jHomij ^ to .. Henry Shutt quitf Ui at her home on Salisbury ; d m 5,000 auto Iteense plates were; sold at the local office up undi Feb. 16th. Dr- Vance McGugan, of Hall Drug Co„ Is spending a with home folks at Duntt. bi:s. lohn Hodges and' Mim U |l.e Metpney, of Lexi.igton,'wete M o^sville vlaiiora Thuraday. Mr. and Mta.' Quince • Powell and aon Sammy, of Greeiiaboro. were Mocka^lle vbiiots Friday. Mr. and Mrs. loe Henley Kelter and little daughtn, of Gtemaboro w e^ Mocksville vialKMa Wednea- day. ' -■ S«iarac B. C Btodi and At> toryney Claude Hicks, apent Tues­ day in Raleigh looking after some legal m atted Rct. Clatence Shore, paitor of t^non Baptist Church, near Eaat Bend, waa a Mocksville visitor Wednesday. R B. Sanford, of this city, and apn. Dr. Marshall Sanfotd, of Bal­ timore, are apending thia week in Jacksonville, Fla. Everette Smith, who under­ went a minor operation at Lex­ ington Memorial' Hospital last week, is geitiiig along nicdy. Miss Jane York, a atudens at Pfei&r College. Measenhetaner Springs, spent a day or two re* cently In town with her patents. Mias Shirley Messick ia a paliml at Rowan Memorial Hospital, re­ covering from an-appenAcllis op­ eration which ahe underwent on the' Beta Club Convention ___;h will meet in . Asheville inApril. The secretary waa inatruc- led to send fofreservatlonafbr 23. It waa also dedded ro ^ve $25 to the Educational Loan. Associa- on. ■: The Intramural basketball tour- ____girls won 2^^1. Friday __floor was being fixed for the game Friday night, so the game waa postponed until Mtmday. The Sophomore boys won 28-10. Tues* Pay the Junior and Senior gitla played. The Juidoia won 8-5, ao they played the Sophomore gtob Thursday for the championmlp. The.Juntorbo,® won »4_W ed- - No. 1 of Ihe .Monleigh O k. (ocaled 4'm lln west of M ^ksiiille on 'the Yadkinqllle te j.f ’ETwXlrnSS V ^ t atatts offwhh about 20) em- ploifccs, m d l a mmiiftcturing bloum The foiice* will be i larged to the n w fatute. PoUo Vacdne Polio vaccine ia available Ace to all chiM'>eii under 15 years of He j* tw B ^ t s lequeat It, at the (M th Cmter, in Mockaville, ev- ^ Thutiday afnxnoon ftom I to 4, and at the Reacalion Cenut, in Cooleemee every Thuiaday momlngfrom 9:30 to 11. Paienia arc uigsd le-have their chiMren proueied before tho polio aeinon reaches Its p ^ . Cekbrates Knrd^ n e^ V aa they played the Sopho- more.boys.. . ^ In Ihe gm e Friday momlngthe Fteshnien t^rls defeat^ the. Ju- irts 23.21. Themnie .ame- ____for Thursday was postpon­ ed until Monday. The sock-bop Friday night af­ ter the ball game was a Mg suc­ cess. Everyone enjoyed square dancing and smoodi dancing. Monday Mr. Bob Brown and his Science Circus presented a very show. Among other things he produced liiAtning. and made sweral MocksvUle sludenU* hair stand on end - not figurative­ ly but literally! It was very Infor- tnative.The P. T. A. met Monday n i^ t at the auditorium. The Browniea and Girl Scout Troops 1, 2 and 3, had charge of the pt«^am- They inducted two new members by a Wednesday. If you are looking forbaigains it will pay you to vialt B. C. Moore '&Sona atote Wednesday morn­ ing. Thev are offering teal bat. giina in many atliclea. Haines Yatea, ^ fell and auf- feied a fncuired vcttebtae about two weeka'ago, ia adll confoed to hia home but hopea to ' resume woric at Wilktaia Drug Co., to a fm days. Jo h n C Bowlea left by plane Siindar f o t Columbua, Ohio, ^ where he will apend ihia week at the AtmattonR Factory a^y in g •ir condlUonbig toatallalian and setvlce. Mr. and Mta. Ilmmy Allen and babe, and Mr. and Mrs. Hutch­ ens. of Route 3, moved to Mbcka- viile Iw Wednesday and ate occupying llic BagwitU house on htople Avenue. Peof^es'Loadermilk Mr. and Mrs. Romulus Lennie Peoples of Mocksville announce the engagement of their daughter, Myrle Maureen of Greensboro, to Predtlck Henry Lowdermilk alao Gteensbototson of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lee, of HcndetsonvOle, ’ who haa been btinging hia tiding dev cea to the Masonic p ic ^ for mote than a quaiter of a centutvi waa ii Mockaville visitor one^' laatwedc; T hb temtoda ua that it is leaa than aix m o n ^ until the 76dt aimual Masonic picnic will be tolltag around. How time lUea. V . Lieut. D: R. Stroud, Ir.. haa re­ ceived hia bonotable dlschaw at Fort Dix, N. U after aervtog more than thne yeata in the army. Ueub and M n. Sttoud and small aon and draifhter are apendtog ' adme lime here with their paienia Mr. and Mra..Rav Comalier, and Mr. and Mia. D. R. Stroud. Dr. m o i m n . R ^ i C L Wooten Rev. ChtMea L. Wooten. . Lyfoid, T ex,a native of YMkIn County, died , Wednesday mom- hig at his hoine inLyford. He had been ill for sometime.Rev. Mr. Wooten, a Fiienda minister, apent moat of her early life in Yadkin . and . moved to Oklahoma in 1900 as a missionary to Indiana. He retired and m ov ed to'Texaa 20 years ago. He waa to Martha in 1954,Surviving ate an adopfted Son, Orville Woolen of Canada, a sister Mrs. T. Lee Notmin of Eaatfimd; a half sbt^. Mta, Frank Hendrix of Mocksville; and a half btodier, T. A. VanZant of MocksvUle, Funeral aetvices were conduct­ed at 2 p. ID.. Sunday at Forbush Friends Church in Yadkin <^un> ty by Rev. Claude Hobson. Bu> rial was it> the church cemetery.In the death of Mr. Wooten The Record editor has lost one of hia oldest and best Mends. We ) m atri^ Nov. 21, a I. Hobson. She di< Mrs. Etkisl Willnms Mrs. EMiei Williams, 47, wifeof Junnie Williatns of Coo­ leemee. died Feb. 13th afier auf- fetlng a heart attack at her home. Mrs. Williams was bom May 2, 1908, in Davie County, daughter of John and Mary Baker Dyson, She spent most of her life in C o» leemee and was married to [unnie Williams who survives. Also surviving are six sons, four four litandchildten: two sisters, i two brothers. Shoaf Coal ^ Sand Co, We,Can Supply Your N«cd« &INGOODCOA1, • . ^ ^A N b and BRICK Call or raoheU a A t Any Dm* PHONE 194 FotmeavbavteBtidt&CoalCo Our old friend R. B. Tharpe. o f ____________________________ near Harmohy.tCwhom we havie ahallnnss his friendly visits to our known for'half a century, cde-.office where he always came when btated his 78th birthday on Satur- in from the west visiting hia rela- day.Feb. Itih. He was given, a lives. ForSOyeara he has read big birthday dtoneron.Sunday at our paper and'hns told us many hia home. Hia 6 milyandanum* llmea how much he enjoyed it. A her of relatives were present to bigh-toned Christian gentleman, help hini enjoy’ die day. Here’s he spent manv years pteaching to wishfaig f o r Mr. Tharpe many the Indians in Oklakotna. He is more audi happy occasions. May at peace, helivelobea himdtedandevery ^ •» « year b e . little happier. ^ C g / g f c r a f e B t r t k d a j NOTICE TO CREDITORS candlelight service. They also ex­plained the purpose of their or­ ganizations Miss Brumfield’s and Mrs Hudson’s room received the attendance awards.'Both the boys and girls teams relumed from Mills Home Tues­ day night victorious. The girls score was 52-45. Fatly Taylor was tigh scorer with 24 TOints.' The loya sco<e after a three minute o v ^ m e was 57-53 . Mrs. R. L. Walker celebrated her 79'h binhdav at her home on Having qualified as Admfaiisira- Wilkesboto street Sunday, Feb. tor of the estate of Mrs. E. M. |2th. All of her children and a Kdler, deceased, n o ^ is hereby few invited guests were present, given to an p e ^ a holdingclainu A bounteous dhiner waa etijoyed againal die said deceaaed, to pre. by all, and the day will be long re­ sent them, ptoperiv venii«l, to membered by Mrs. WaIJcer and the undenlgned, on or before the ibmily. Mrs. Walker received a 1st day of F e b n ^ , 1957. or this number of nice gi'ts. notice will be plead in Inr of re- . ’ — coveiy. All penons indebted to Pianos toned, repairedj^ rebuilt. aaldealale,wlUpleasemakeproinpt refinished or restyled. PIANO BARGAIN:—We will transfer to someone In thi! vici­ nity for a very small down pay­ment a n d small monthly pay­ments a 40 inch console ipinet piano like new. Nalionallv ad- refinished or rntyied. Flee esti-'venised with direct blow action, Uttlement. Thia let day if F c t mates. New and used pianos- mahogany finiah, with matching ruaty, 1956. Anything muaical. Easy terms, bench, new piano guarantee, save JOE HENLEY KELLER. Write for prices. • lover $300.00. ForMnforaarion Admr. Mrs. E. M. Keller, deca’d. StariingThomas Music Co. mite: C t^ it Adjust_erj_ S.P.C.B. Funeral seivlces were conducted at 4 p. m., Wednesday at North Cooleemee Baptist Chiirch b y Rev. H. L. Wallers and Rev. R W. Parker. Burial was in North Cooleemee Cetnetery. I^ANT ADS PAY. FOR SALE OR RENT — 11- Room house, on Depot Street. LJghu and water. Near Heritage Furniture Plant. Call MISS BLANCHE LAGLE, Phone 223 W Mocksville FOR SALE—Splendidlittleform of 23i acres,' IS cultivation and pasture, other woodland. 2 bran­ ches. 7-room 2'stoiv house and all necessary outbuildings. Long road front on highway leading from Harmony to Counry U m , at church, near good store. The price is very reasonable. Call on or write W. I. Matheson, Agent, 102i W. Broad S t, Staiesvi le, N. C. Phones 3112,4241. Dallas Lowdermilk of Norman, Thewodding will be held next month fiiGte«BbMo^ Mrs. R. S. Powell Mrs. Lula J. Powell. 81, dM Wedneadav at her home^ Modia- ville. Route 1, after a long lllnest. She was the widow of Robertson PowelL -■ Mta. Powell was bom in Davie County, daughter i>f Thomas and Nancy Kurfees Peniy. Sutvivtog are three tona, L.R,, Haywood and Harold Powell, of Mocksville, Route I; four daugh­ ters, Mta. T. P. Dwigghts of Mocksville, Mw. Walter F. itader son of Raleigh. Mrs. W. Bums Elkens of Spencer, and Miss Geor- Pbwell of the home; 11 grand- __:dren;five gtcat-gran .'childmi and two sisters, Mrs. J. L. Clpd- fdter of Richmond. Va.. and Mrs- W. T. Gowans, of Dayton, Qhlo... Funeral services were held at 11 a. m , Saturday at * e home. Rot. Robert Oakley pIBciaicd. B u^l was in Center Methodist .Chuech Cemetery____________ M n.H .L.SkO M Mm. ISdna Jane S hells, 85, of MockavUle, Route 5, widow of H. L. Shelton, died last W ednea^ to a Winaton-Salem hospitol. She bad been ill 35 days. , „ . Mta, Shelton was b<wo to Davie County. ShewasaUfelTOgmOTi- ber of Wesley Chapel Melhodl Church.She w as married to Mr. SM lon March 20, 1888. He died on Match 18,1910. :______ She is survived by fiw sons. W. b’S M’oefcvig;; of_Rou.e 1, Gl % m ih d S S K v w r. j g n r k . e w # ^ o f j w a WbWey. who haa Iowa; 22 lOTndchildted aiid 24 » m m the home of .her alep gtgi-graiKlchUdtro. « d laynim of Mc^fv«)e, Riwte 5. cd , d aS S h ttrM tL ^T iL 'w S M .'T t "" F i i ^ setvtees were •evM monthf. is « fofmcr cciident She isin ber 87di.. . now in t teriout conoltiofi* —. — ■—i- .. . __frieoda wUI be aotiy to leim. to die chutch eemetety. Claude Hidis, Attotnev.6291 ! St. Winston-Salem 1063, Salisbury. N. C. Piedmont Laundry & Ihry Cleaners Own^ And Operated By C. p. Johnson PHONE 489 For Pick Up And D div^ Located In Front Of Drive-In Theatre NOTICE TO CREDITORS Haqing qualified aa admtoalra- tot of Alfred Cleveland, deCMui^. notice is hereby given to all per­ sons holding daims agatoat the ca­ m e of said deceased, to present the same, prbperiy verified to the undersigned on or befoie the 2Slii day of Januaay 1957 or thia notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All person! indebted to !aid estate will please make prompt aetde- tiicnt.This 25th dav of January, 1956.S. M. CALL, Admr. Of Alfred Clevelend, D eeeaa^ Bv A. T. GRANT. Any; r f e m r w qw « o oiu< (Ike p rice won’t ><i!P yo u /STAR C^EF 4-DOOR CATALINA E a ^ Does On^Ixxided! Tty the mighly ^7rHJP. Sbrato- Streak V>8 teamed with Strato-Flight Hydra-Matic! Hm’B aU flie *0 you’B ever want for normal d r i|^___iiitA tea m n where that came firm uheneverym need ill ’lUte it eaqr • • . in aeoonds you’U be sailinc ■ennely dong at the legal Umit or leaving liie ■t«e^ grade behind unnoticed ... and-always willi that big “aomething extra” for aafotyl You’ie luting Amerieo'cmoet modem VSl Ifs the mightieet, higheet-oompiwann. Ugliest- torque power plant hi Pontiac history . . . avail, able in 3 verstona, 205 h.p., 227 h.p. and a Uazmg 285h.p.! And itt teammate, Oe new ,Strato-PliglU Hydra- Matk* is just as advaneedi This revolutloiiary automatic tia tism i^ n gives you gears for crisp, positive actnn—sparkling tesponae at any speed. And with those gears there’s an amazmg new liquid-link ooupling to make that flow of power 00 smooth! : ^ It's h>aded all right, with moie^atuour and go' - than you ever dreamed possible a t a price so low. ; Come on in and get tlie details. V ^thw yoii’is taUdng performanoe or price, does it with this fabulous ’S6 PontlacI You, eanaebtally buyabtg, glamor^ PonliM 860for less rtitdh tm teould pat/for U nmdds of the loui-prieed Ihre^ IRVIN PONTIAC COMPANY W U hM bfm S liM t rra h c h iitd D e d e r U m m 2 ^ ' Moelniri»ii^^ ••AQB ITQUK : q :;;-|S ; V , m tf f i b k m lafebM). iiaek y V tlii.> ;C„ tEBRUABY g . ¥ U ll^l t CorlBtUMi» FaiflifnI in little k tor FebnMry M. UM m ^ . s ;f:: frVERYBODY hai tom* Und.ot •1^ n chance In this world. W« all sometimes think we wbuM do bet* ter if wc had the same chanee the next man has; but wo may b« de« cclving ■ ourselves. Jesus tells a story about three men each of whom had the very same chanee. Each was given the same sum of 1\ money, and told to make what he. could out of it One man in: creased the money ten times; one multiplied it by five; but the third Dr. Poromaa man did nol even try. What if he had tried? Considering the sort of man he was, a pessimist and a scU-confessed coward, it can be doubted whether he would have been able to do as well as the other tv^o did. At any rate. Jesus calls our - attention flrst of all to the fnct that even If everybody had an equal chanee. not every* body would do equally well with 1«. GHUafIM We call persons -gifted” when they have some remarkable tal> ent.or ability. When we say this, mean, or we ought to mean, that a man’s capacities are not his own invention, they are God’s li fts. Two Noughts go together here and must not be separated: the first is that what we have to start with and the opportunities which life brings us along the way, are really gifts of God. The other thought Is that God expects us to develop these gifts,, take ad< vantaee of these opportunities, do something with what we have. Cai-u<>i> the famous tenor said once, modestly, that he deserved no credit for his magniflcont voice. I-Tc born with an extraordi* n?ry muscular development in his vocal cords, something possessed by few men. Most men eould not be Ca^-usos no matter how hard they try. On the other hand. If all Cat-u5o had done was just to ^ t^'kc his throat for granted, nev« leam sing’ng, never go through the long di3Cipline of the (^leratie star, the world would never have been thrilled by that golden volee. God's gifts plus our work, that If the divine plan. Hetliliit T«0 Snail All this Is simply the prlncl^ which the church calls ‘‘steward* ship.** It is simply recognizing that what God gives us, we «r« expected to use and make the most of, la his service. The trou­ble right here Is that most of us are rather like that third man In Jesus’ parable. We see these big. able people going ‘‘great guns," we see what wonderful things oth* ers are dohig. and we know very well we can't do anything like that . . . so we don't try to do anything. Now It should b« noted that in this little story, the return* ing king does not say to the sec* ond man. who made only ftve iu>unds, “You rascal., why didn't you make ten like this other man?" On the contrary he Is pleased with the man. promotes him. What God really despises is not small results; what he des* pises is refusing to try. We are not reasonable before God for not being brighter or stronger than we are. We are t'esponsilrfe tor what we do with such ablli^ •• we have, Whether small or great III th» ChMfvh See how this works out In life of the church. A superintend­ent asks a girl to take a children'f class. Oh no. she .;an’t do it, she says, backing away.- She hasn’t had experience, she isn’t a pro* fcssional school teacher. ■ she hasn't had a lot of edueallM. she isn’t like that brlUlant Mrs. So- ■nd-So who was such a whix'irf a Sunday school teacher for twen* ty years. So what? Suppose she'* not a topnotcher? She has had little brothers and sisters, she can leam the Bible, she loves her Savior and she loves children too. Stewardship, for that girl, is not what she ean do with Mrs. So* and*So’s brains and experience, irs what she Is wfUing to do with her own. Or take a man who is elected to a minor posltioa in the church. He doesn't think be can do much in that office, jo b t de* Clines it But the question still >8—not. what can he do with an ~ ofllce he doesn’t have? But. what will he do with the office he does have? Anotiter man does not con* tribute to tha church because be has next to nothing ha can give. . Ha Is afraid of comparisons. Bui : God does not asic: How do you ■ compare? Only: Are you faith* - ful? “ NOTICE OF R ^ L E Pursuant to an order of re-sale made by S. H. Chaffin. Clerk of the Superior Court in the special proceeding emUlcd, **Marv . Pott8» George H* Mvcrs, etar'vs *'Huden F. Myers ec al,” the underslsoed Commissioner will, oti Sacuidav* 3rd day of March. 1956. at 12KX) o’clock M.» off«r for re-sale to the highest bidder ni the Court House door of Davie County, In Mocks* ville, the fo!low-ng described l;inds: 1st Trait: A tract beginning at a atone, southwest comer of Lot No. 4 in the division of the lands of )ohn Phelps, thence E. 40.19 chs. to a stake, thence S. 10.82 cha. to a atake, thence W. 5.31 chs. to a stake, thence N. 35 degs. W. 7.24 chs. to an ash oh bank of ditch, thence W. 20*18chs. to a stake on edge of Highway* thencc N. 42 degs. W. 3.10 chs. to the begin* " acres more orning. containing 15 less, and being Lot No. 5 in the di« vision of the lands of John Phelps, deceased, allotted to Faille Mvers^deceased, as appears accorded in Book No. 28. cages 499 501, Regis­ ter’s office of Dnvie Couniv, N. C. The bidding on this tract will start at$lv2nd Tract: A tract kno>yi> as a part of the “Thornton” ha\d». Be* ginning at an iron stake, corner of F. Pott* and Wesleyi. E, 10.20 chs. tojarvis.S* F. Pott* and Wesl thence N. 12 d( _ a rock at foot of twin pines, corn­ er of Lewis Hartman and \Ve>]ey Jarvis« ^ence S. 88 degs. E. 8.75 chs. to a stone. S. F. Potts* corner in line of Gray Hartman, thence S. 43 degs. E. 2.80 chs. to a stone, comer of S. F. Potts and Ilm Hart man. thence 8 .10 degs. W. 8.62 chs. to a stone, corner of Will Crews* and Frank Ports in Charley V oter’s line, thcnce N. 84 degs W. 11.13 chs. to the beginning, containing 11.09 acres more or less. The bidding on this tract will start at $385.00. 3rd Tratc: A tract known as the ‘’Thornton** lands: Begtnnii^g at a roc^ (stt>ne) Wesley Ta»^l«' corn­ er, thence N. 3 degs. E. 21.38 chs. to a stone on North side of Creek, Lewis Hartman*s comer In N4»rch Hne. thenre S. 84 degs. W. 2,57 chs. to an ash. Richard Haftman*s comer in Hne of March land, thence S. 24 d« gs. W. 6.25 chs. to an Iron s'akt*. Richard Har man'« comer, thence S. 58 degs. \V. 2 83 chs* in Hartman*s line to an Iron stake; Richard Hartman’s corner, thence N. 84 degs. W. 9.75 chs. in Hartman's line to a sweet gum tree. Hartman's corner, thence N. 31 degs. W. 1*50 chs. to a gum tree, Hartman’s «>rrer, thence N. 85 ’egs. W 1.73 rh« to a black oak Mump. Hartman’s comer, thcnce. N. 53 degs. E. 3.40 cha. with Hart man’s line to an iron stake. H:*ft- man’s comer and comer of Mrs T. T. Phetps. thence S. 3 degs. W. 17*15 cha. to a stone Earl Myer*’ comer, thence S. 87 degs. E. 22.1 • chs* to the beginning, cohtaininp ^.7 acres more or les«. Tl>e bid ^ing on thi« tr^ct will s>art at $4.- 125.00.Said lands will be offered in three separate trflcts.Terms of Safe: One Third Cash, and the balance on 30 <^ay« tlm<* with bond and approved security or all cash at the option of tlie tufchaser. ' Haee of Sale: Court House Hoor ol Davie County, Mocks* 11e,N . CTime: 12:00 o’clock M.. March •»rd. 1956. This 11th day of February, 1956. A. T. GRANT, Commissioner. r L " \ Divie Cbuntr v»Tttfy R. Bortnh. Admr. ot T.- E. Bnrton, Terry R Borloo Indlvidn' «llv, and wife. Rntti Bnrton, flani Dtmn and'bnslMnd, Lather Dimn, Adh Kerriew end hnsbantl, Cedt Karrlger, . Oeririule W»1l«ce and hnahand. Ben Wallace Notke of Service of Summona l9;PultGcati<m The defendant. Clara Dann and liaiiliand Lather Dnnn, Adis Karri cer. Gertmde Wallaw and but- l>and Ben Wallace, will take notlw •hat an action entitled aa ahovehaa •wo rommenced In the Stmrrior Court of IHvIe Conntr North Ca rollna. The aame lielog an action to forecloae a unecllie Ken on laiida owned hv J. R. Bnrton dereaKd hv .ale to relmhiirae nlalntlff lor “ Old Ace A«»l**«nc*” fnrnlahed and p«W *.» nlalntlff to J. E. Bnrton In the awn nf (666 no;And ihe aaM d.rradaM«*«lll fur. ther take not'ce that thev ate re- qttlred to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Snoerinr Conrt of Dade Connty In Mockwllle, N. C „ <m the II* dav of March ios6 and •n'wer or d.mnr to the cotnolalnl ■n aald Anion or the plalnllB will «pplv «o the Court for the relief dr. landed 'n aald Complaint. Thia the’ jsth' da» of Jadoarv.la th**»5tl .1 'S.IB ; CHAVVIK. ClKk^a|wler;Coart lS.AUic welghta |S.OfaUasiit ianat.» UKore mature 15.Glrl‘a niclmafl«a Id. Sloth iT.Obserra l8.CelUe language 28. Potato tdlal.1 99. Weird 30. Fills with solemn wonder 91.Wamaof •n airraid U. The flight of Mohammed 34.Chest '87. Toward 38. The head'< slang)41. He was byawhaletBlh.)4S. Unbind 45. For or on sale 46* Fune tChlcdy Brit.) 4T.More infrequent 48. A U. S. preatdent DOWN1. Slices -2. Ostrich^lifce bird iaSpbinlnc toya •.Toward thelee Id. Italian eolna 14. Malt beverage. lft.tllteanape80. Bast*south- east (abbr.l81. Comfort 88. Greek letter knlfht.. errant 88. Ignited 8T. Foot, like organ 80. High priest 31. Past33. Anesthctle34.Partly open35. GtrV.<i nahte 30. Knot inwood 30. Rirer (Pr.> 40.Money* -gathMing ; r Insects . beverage 08.Bxelama. tionof • disgust : 44. .Common"' or profane Suriirise Visitsrs By D. L. Atonniir The young man and woman, followed 1;^ the taxi driver car.^ tying two’ ault eases, passed through the wrought Iron gate at the palatial Montgomei? hcwna and rang the bell. It was an* swered by a roan in his late thh^ea. who loolrad at them in* qulrlngly.**1 am Mrs. iUmold Hudson. Mrs. Montgom* ery's niece, and this Is my hus> band.'* the young woman e9q>lalncd.“We neglected to let iny aunt know we were comhig. so I guess It will be a surprise to her.*' •Tm sorry,” the man at the door answered. '*The madam has been gone lor a vradt but l look for her back tomorrow night" ’*0h. That's too bad.'***Come rl^t in I guess It will be aU right." ‘'Thank you. 1 hope Aunt Hea^ ter will return before we have to go bade.'*The man at the door took the two suit cases. *‘Come this way." he directed. "1'H show you to the guest immi.'* They foUowed Mm up the broad stairway to a spacious bed room. He placed the luggage, on ttie floor and walked across the room. to another door. "Thto Is the bath." be ^qilained. as he opened it "And tf .you wish, anything •a 4hia meavt** ka aaked te a IrambUag veloe. iust ring." He Indicated a pun** Mpe beside the door. ••Thank you.” Hudson said.. The man bow hd left. The young w . stood for a few minutes, taking iit the lavish furnishings of the i-oom. Then they £a«!d each other. "Thia Is (oloE to b. a cinch," Mr. Httd«on remarked. there seemed W be no one about the place except a few wtv- ants, who kept aloof, but the young coupic passed the after­noon away wanderini throufh the different ground lloor tooma admiring the cosily ftttiUshings. After dinner they strolled about the grounds unW dark and then, selecting books from the weH- stocked library, they returned to their ^m .The next morning they an­ nounced their early departnra, "We are vci-y'sorry to have to leave without seeing Aunt Hea­ter." Mrs. HudsOT told Henry, the doorman."I'm sure Madam regret It, too." he returned.••Bring our luggage down, and then eaU a taxi." ••Yes. Ma'ara.’He returned to a lew minutes with the suit cases, "m call the ‘ taxi, now.”He hovered around the door for a time, and at last entered the room where they were sit­ting. "Your" taxJ has arrived," he announced.Mr. Hudson from hischair and glanced out tlxe win* dow. His' face became instantly pale as he noticed a police pa* trol at the surb and tWo officers coming to the door."What does this, mean?" be asked in a tremblUig ;volce as he . turned to the doorman. Henry wae covering tlicm with a re* volver. ■."It means. Ur. Hudson,, if. that is your name, that you . and your wife are under arrest." ,"I consider this an.outrage," the young wontan.. eried indig* nantly; "I'll teU Aunt Hester ot this insult as soon as I see her.""No need to teU me anything.'* The voice cam^ from a white haired woman who had .come in* to the room, behind them un- notteed. "1 know all about it. I • am Mrs. Montgomery, and I’ve never had a niece or nephsw, ' and have no ot^or living rcla* tlves." ' '!•"Mra. Montgo.*. .y lives alone with her servantsj' broke in Hon. ry. VI am the doot man, and aliso a private detective hired by her fur protection.. You two have been hunted for some time. <nnd Uie . notice that Mrs. Mim .gomBry had gone away for a vUit in tV.e «:o. ci*:ty columns of ih? j>a.'e; *was onlj’ a plant in uidor Vo catch , you. IF YOU H A V E- ' " 'b i^ oiva trip.'-L; .'ifitwiained gueatt \ ' celebfal^ a Urthday . ..'■Mught a.bl*fish', moved ' ' eloped'V "had a-babv ' Iwen in a fight . told vqur hoRS '■ ■ . had an operatinn Ixtught a car paliitd vour house been martied cut a new tooth ' been shot.' (tolen anything been tbbbed aold out IcM your hair bcenairested , Or Done Anything At All , Telephone^ Or Drop a Postcard, Or Come In, dr In Any Convenient Way InjForm ; THE DAVIE RECORD r ^V. ■in The , Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years CtHeia have cocac and gone>your county ncw iparer keefi* going. S-imetiinea it ha* aeemed hard In make “ buckle and tongue" meet, but (oon the sun .bines and we m arch on. O ur faithful su b so ’iber* m ost of whom pay prom ptly, give ua courage and abiding faith in our fellow m an. U your Prigbbor i^ aui taking The . . Record tell him to subicribe. The price ia only $ I.SO per >ear in the ' ■- 5t«te, M.d $2 0 0 in other i>t«le*. When Yoti Gcme To Town Make Our Office Your Headqt-arters.' ‘ W«s Are Alwavs Glad To See You. .... P r t t r o n 'z e y o u r h o m « m e r c h a n t « a n d h e p b u t i d u p y n u r t w n a n d c o u n t y . > EOR RENT ♦ S P A C E IN T H I$ P A P E R W ill A ir«fq« To Suit GOOD NEK3HeOIIS~l>«iCU TO flT VOU* BUSINESS LET US DO YOUR ^OB PRINTING We can save you m oney on your ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS. POSTERS, BIU HEADS, PACKET HEADS, Etc. Patronize your hoine newspaper and thereby help buiid up your home town and coUnty. ; D A V I E C p ir iV T T 'S d l^ O E S T J ! r E W S P A P E R ~ T H E P A P E R T H E P E O P I .E R E A D ***¥• t in iBctn» MAiiifrAiNi mUwm »r mrumict mio (imbiiikd by caih.« VOttTMtr CVI.MOCXSVILLB, WORTOCAROt^NA,.1 irBDirasDAV. PBBRUAftV 29 i,« . MEWS OF LONG AGO. GOODOLDM YS What Wm IbniM ^ fo Da. vie Btfor* Pukiiit A M A b b ^ b a d S k M . > (Davie Record, Mar. ,v 1920) . Ml«« Hattie Clierry soent the veek end witb relallm at Connel. : ly'a Sprlnca, Bom, to Mri ant Mn. Phillip A, Clemrnt, of Kannapelta,' on; Feh, »6!l>. a gii ponnd jon. Rer, r. S. Caaliwell, of Slated ll’e haa accepted the oaatorate of Faton’a Baptist ehnreb. ; ^ Mra. L. A. While, of Salembar«. N. C.. apent laat week bere the Kneal' of Mia. W. K. Clenent. Mlm Mav Penderxraft and Bean. : labiFleniailna'; apent Satai^ay Id Wlnaten.Saleni ahopplnE, Re*. C. S. Caahwell apmt PrI day hIrM. In town the fine^ of Mr. and Mra' C. B. Mooney. Mr. and Mi*. H. C. taHe, Tenvemee, ate apendinc tbia w«k fn (own with Mra. Lane’a f*t>Wr, J. N IJamea. Lternae war. leaned Wedneaday fnr the marrlaceof D. I McClain- rorVto Mtaa Mae Boger botb,' re. aldlnEon R a. - The many friends of Capt.C. N. Chriitfan, will be awry, to leam that he haa avSered a aecond at- teek of pneanonla Mr.'ahd Mra. Ryan MeBrMe, of Raefotd who have Im a Kdeata of MrJirnd Mra. Boone'Stoneatreet, ret<imed bone Snoday. Tbe many frlenda of W. A. W(.ant win be sorry to team (hat he.einthhiea quite HI All wtal* ■ for him a complete tecoverr. T.j', Allen baa completed W aure bnlldlni. near the depcrt and opened op a IliK irf (^roeerlea John ha'a a very attraMlve llitte atore hnl’dlng; Mlaa MW Oreen, daagblrr of P. P. ^ r ^ . of Cana, who baa held a pniltlon In VMon.SatCD for the paM foatteea veara, baa accepied a piWitIm with the Baofc of Davte. Charlie Pry. of Advance, and Mira Fannie Smith; of. Ckmolone. were united In marifaie Sattirday mnminc In the oSee of K.^temettt, the oSclatlnr magii Irate, Thia. ^ lo o ' awa vlatted by a yonnR bllnafd Saaarday aftmoon ahont 4;3pVdoek. TbIa waa fol­ low^ 1^ a plerdnc wlnd and the t>mperata«e dropprf to 24 degreea ahore n ra S n i^ y memlac. , The Rerard -man apeut a. few bnnraiD Advance Pitlday. While there are net aaveral of oar- loni tlme frim d a ^ anbwribeta.' We had the pteaante of takloK dimner w lthoarfrie^ A.-C. Comatzer. and ft ja needleas to .aay that *e bad tbe beat Mta that .^ I d he placed before e hnnirry man._en the Mackberry plo waa fachic » ; A bonae behmglnK w .Pred La. nlrr and cccoplrt by Johnny Tot. terow, w n deatroyed by. An laat Tneadaay. Tlie hooae and con- tenta w m t total. ItlsiKitkhoira bnv ihe fire ataited. Mr. iPnlterow bw a large family and the loaafalla he«vll)r4(n Mm. .Hia neltbben In tha Center aectlon.bm c^rlbnt- ed totbe famllv and a.^ltioii wa« pre<ralcd to the people of UMki>^ vjlle, who comrlhnied JH ^ ily to iheaedeser*iaif > ! ( ^ ‘ . , R. B. (^tupbeil M Staantop, Va.. afent thewaakimd fai towa. Col. W. K Clement baa rente an o fl« In ibe Mobaey Iwltdlpcan Wall a tf^ and: Is r^yto eltter try yw or m a ^ yoa. Mi^’ Jetlar:Be|>kliiB,:-an agd lady, of r tae Oak aaetion. dM :Tbaraday. scad 8j The feoersl .and batlal were b ^ M Oak O nm Metbodlat chnr^' Friday sficroiioa^y ttn , , Hxpklns Is anMyedSby her hand and oae daaghier, Mn. A.O. Back, ai R. a. When I cametoMoekarllleaeiih ly S« yeataajto there wera no antoa, no good mate, no rural letter ear. rleia and oiilv. 74sj)eopte'l|yla( In. aide the eofporate ;|lmlia of tbe town. There waan;t a bank or a bnlidlng: and loan aaMdatlon In tbe county and all (wnklnc waa done In Sallsbnry, Wlnaloa and Statmyilte. Dayle Couhty had an abusdance of poalbfficea In the good old days. Today there are hat three ^ t . offlcea In the connty, Hocksviile CoplMmee and Advance, There were four paaseoger Ualna eadi day that brought oiall to dnr town, 'nere were a number o f Star routes that cane Into Mockavllte —some dalty. aome twice a week. The Star ronte from Hnntavllle came throngh Farmington, Cana and Holman'a X Roada, A Negro man carried thia mall, and need a hone and buggy When deep anowa came, or the creeka got over the hrld^a he didn’t make bia roanda. A dally mall came tbtougb the country from Sallabnrv and a Ne­ gro man aim carried thia malli ua. Ing a honie and buggv. He also served two poatoffieea betw m the South River and Mockavllte. Tbe offices weieTernaatem and Bpheana. A atar ronte from Cteyeland^to MMkavtile war carried by George Smith, colored. George Is atlH llv. log In Moetavllle^ H I mistaken. Georee made three trfpa a weeVaod need a horse and buggy. He s e r^ ; Atpa and Omega. In Rowan Conntv, Kappa, which waa at Scott Smoot’s atore near Ket. ehle'a mill, and Rurfeea. wblcb waa In the atore of J: Lee K u t^ , near Terlcho Cbnreb of Cbrfat. Ammg the post officea I can ie< memtiw In Davie Conntv arere: Modnvllle. Cooleemee, Adnuce, Wella, which %aa at Cooteemee Tunction, Tennvaon, which waa near tbe North Vadkin River, in Jeruaatem Townahlp, F.orfc CbtiKb, Fulton. BIMvllle, Cornatser, Bfac. W,: Redland, Smith Grove, Nestor, w|ilch was where I, G. Rohert'a store la now loeated. Farmlngibb, Cai>a, Holman’s, ^Croaa; Rnada, Ptno, near Wealey’acfhapBl Church C.labatn, Conntv Line aud per. hapa • tew bthirs thst I-haveover. looked: I think It waa In 190S when four rural free dellveir routea were ea. taUhhed In tbia conntv. The four letter carriers were: Route I, W, F. Stoheatreei; Ronte j, John Cur. tent, Ronte 3, Franir Ratts, and Ronte 4, Frank Poster. Routia t. aerv^ west'Mockayllle, and Cate bain; Ronte s served Famlogtoi and Clarksyille T6wnahlps; Rorte j 'acrv^ part of Fulton and Shady Grove Townablpa, and Route 4 act vM part of Mockivllle and Jetu. aalem Townahlps, The rural let. OPEIVfOMflir le.oar tost arttcle we. dbceaaed the tzpulslan tram bsevtn of ss. tan and the aplrita who rebelled a. talnat Ood and fdlowed Ludfer (tbedeyll), lu vetaaa m en and eight we tead: "And there waa war In heaven: Michael and bla fongbt egalost the dragon; ahd.the dragou fought and bla gels and prevailed aot; aeltHer wss tbdr nisee found sny more In heayta,’' In aeraenlne, “And the great'dragon was east out, that old aerpent. called-the itevll, and’ Sa. tan,, which deceivelb the whole world; he waa caM out Into tbe eartb, and bla aogeb were caat oat with him,” These verses are very ta undetaland pioviding we appredMe the doctrine aet forth In the b ^ of Revelations that we extated aa aplrita before being bora Into mortality, llkewlae we will have to ^ p t tbe facts that satao waa once a aon of God,' living In the oreaence of our Father In bea. ven, and aa lialah Informs us. be tried to exalt bimself above every one In heaven, and even aucceeded In conaerting one-tbfrd of our Fe. ther’s splrltnsi chlldran from God to the csuse of sstan, and war was waged between tbe bosta following Miebael and those folloaiing Satan (tbe oM dragon), and finaBjr thru the power of teatlmony the evil aplrita weie thrown out from heav. in and caat to earth to tm pt the living upon tbe earth. Those (HdBnfldnijjjfs •k . s. Mcroney, Aahevdle, N. C. Mr. Stroud mentions the old Wifey Clement store building fn a leccitt Issue, snd that remfaids me of Mccksyitle of around half a century sgo. Soonsftet Capuin Clement died a couple of young tnen came to Mocksville and o. peiied a meat market in the old a«meh.t Store building; This was probsbly the first exclusive meat market in Davie Gountv; but there seemed to have not hem enough meat eaters, and the mar. ket was closed. Some time af>er this a man came to Moclavitle with the In­ tention of establishing a soda wa­ ter bottling bunness. He r.nted the old Wiley Clement building and had Mr. Henry Graves remod­ el the interior. It wai fixed up and p a ln ^ on the inside by Ed Griffin, the locsl barber, ii^ho did * tie painting on the side. Ma* chinery to bottle and cop soda wa- ter wsa moved In, and several dif­ ferent llavora of aodii water was made and bottled there. Later thia 'businesa was moved to a buil­ ding on the Sallabury road, near the George Feezor farm. How long thia business laated I do not know, but it can be recorded that Mocksvine once bad a soda water mfacturing and bottling busl- tn csrrins used horses and. hug, i ^ , end when fbe roads were e» tra iMd In the' winter they would carry the mall on horseWk Many times they m m turned baA by high' watera. ~ Bridges aeroaa the atrcamaWere buljt out of'Sood and only a few feet above the water; . Later on Rohte s ont of.': M ^ p : villa waa eMabllab^. Hila|^ Me ioney c a r ^ this mall, which aer. ved the; people;:In the/ I^mee X Rpada and ;^ te r se^hnis.^ Today one ruVal earrter wrirl^ aS'.much mall in a dajr-aa tbe carrim of ' 36 years : sgo cainM ^a e ^They all use autoa tcdsiy aiid' gat back off the Jd> ah(^ly after noon inaeead of . about dark- as, in the daifs of b agg^ and'dilt raiida. TlUhi :diae niaca more dealk in die United Smes cidi :idl odier cniscs cc wditig to U. S, Ooyei iMot. n«astlcs quoted b y the H M F ond. V We have to understaad Jobasaw In the RevelatkMia the plan of aal yatlen reaching from ..befue tbe toundaUm of the world and the esiitaace of aplrita with God, and Cnaliy the disturbance in heaven be aatan'a rebellion and to^warbetweeu tbe boata ofbeitvcn. Such lufofmatlou or doctrine baa not been ; expounded to the people very much; and no douht the hook of Revelaliona baa become a legand of mystery and a hook to be referred to- aa unfath enable aa far as understanding Ua iacmeeraed. If we beoom aa act lnour,tbink. Ing our ndn^ will dispell any new light comiag to us; tbea we be. come like the Jews of old; we fsit to wmptehend aaylbing that Is diBerent. Wew ell remember tbe j^b young man who came to Jes. us andeouM not accept the..new revelaUon given to him Of tbe Maa ter to aell what be possessed snd donate It to the poor. Jesus tbe^ remarked, ' Hardly cau a ridi man enter the kingdom ^ hnven." It k human nature to reject anything new 'w*ica they either aee or heat It. Maybe a little story will help oatbei*. A lew day* ego we bad a lot of rain, and a ijtttdent en roilled fora course la "operatloa of earth moving equipment in Char, lotte.” Tb^'stndeat came from Longlaland, N. T. He arrived In Cbsrhrttc.at Ibe aehool cin Sun. day wbile. It wes laiaiag. He got stu^ up.aad hsd to work for two hoars to ^ bis car uustnek. The man asked for hia money back. He aald that place, wesn't for him, Tb^ pisildcni of the acbool talked him late sta^ng oa and giving^ It a feir trlal. After ttra daya tbe men cease'to I be jHaaldent and aald be waalM to ibaak him for talk lag to Wm and penu^ing ^ sin drat to give tbe.achobl a tri'al. Tbe ttiwble araa. the atudent: aald; waa thu lMtelt Long iaiaad/while It was stealing, and expected hklatr imthet la CharMte. Wben airiaed be iMiri mud ead- be be. came stuck. . The nacbiacry Ipok' ed hsd (titough it was : new), the arsa looked b^, so be wsa . nol capable of apptaelating the eondit' lo ^ but tiao day* 1 ^ be fouod the food good, the iMtractoia mp. able; tbe inaehlBery'oew.- lu - (iwt, eii^bi'og bad b M giea ia a -U* NUMBBR JO ness. After tbe bottling business mov­ ed out, this.old building was used by Johnny (ones as a poultty buv Ing place, Mr. Jones bought and ahfpped many chickens and tur-| keys. To the tear of the Wiley Clem­ ent stoie, and liehind Hunt’s hard- ware'store. was a amall Iwilding In which. Mr, Didc Auatin had a grocery atore, which he operated until his death, TheoldCapt. Wiley Clement atote building, tike the oriainal C. C. Sanford store building, was of the old colonial atyle; diat Is, they had an extensive porch. In those days it seemed to be good buslaess to cater to loafers, and these store porches weie meeting placea for politldans, tradera and Just phin goaaipers. ' Sanford’a porch was supplied with a good number of substantial old atraight chairs, and much wind and wis dmn was swapped during the long summer eveiilngauntil die wind and fiost drove Ac crowd to'the old pot-bellied stove in the te a of the store. • vorahle nisnher, I told hlni the story pliant the u <b who never bad been on the train nui ever eat. eu V banana, eu he took bU fin' ride on the train and deiided to' eat a banana. When he bit the fhiit the train ran throngh a tun nel and the man Ihougbt the fruit bad made him bihid. and he never ate.another-baoana, . I.I.bE N N E IT , V D u c h au ia c . HILLTOP Service & Supply BEOT PLACE TO GET r r Gaa, Oilj Tire» And Supplies Stajple Groceries Small E nov^ To Appr«d«te Your BunneM L uge Enougb To Fill Your Tank J . m H ILL Oar County And Social Secarity By Louis H. Clement, Manager. During the month of January 1956 the 8 million marie reached in the number of people now receiving Old-Age and Sur­ vivors Insurance benefits. InS eluded among the more than 8 million persons now on the bene­ fit tolls are retired worketa over65 atid their aged wives, widows and childm and dependent parents of deceased workers. Alt gethcri there are now re­ ceiving monthly payments of mote than 415 million dollars under this Federal Insurance program'ad- ministered by the U. S. Depart' m entof Health, Education, and Welfare. ' In addition to those already re­ ceiving benefits there are ajjproxi. mately 70i million more employ­ ed people who are presendy in­ sured undsr the law—about 30 million of whom are permantlv insured—they will stay insured even If they do no mote work. In die event of their redremei death theyordieir families will be entitled to benefits- Today nine out of tm of the months and diildren In the country would be entided to survivors Insuratice payments In the event of the death ot the famile breadwinner. The average monthly payments to a retired worker based on cam* ings after 1950 Is now approxi­ mately *78 and (he paymenta to aged couplea average, about $tM. The average payment for an aged tvldow ia $65 and the average pay­ ment to a young widow with two childm $18Z per month. Looking to the future, it Is esd mated that in 1975 there will be more than 20 million persons over 65 In the United States. Poor out of evenr five of them will lie slldble for Old-Age and Sutvlvota Inaurance paymen retired wotkera, aged wives, de­ pendent husiiands, widows or de pendent widowers or parents. if you have any question con­ cerning your social security, ypu might write us at 301 Post Office Bjildlng. Salisbury, N. C , or see our representadve who visit:) the Court House, Mocksville N. C., on the fifst m d third Fridava- of each motithfromlMO^aO. Among the nation's 10.000,000 heart aufferers are 500,000children of acbool a n The Heart Fund die fi^ t againat the heart diaeases.: Hdp-Your Heart «ir Heart.Fund, Help Your 1 Less Strain On Mon Who Works AloneLOS ANGELES-Though hla )<tb may be simpler, the aasembly line worker Is under more psychcilogt- eal strain Uian the maa who works in a recent projeet at MleUgan'a Beseareh Center Itr Group Oy- aamlcs; Dr. Mvln Zander, «1 the Vniverslty el Mtehlgan helped set tip two ptodttcUon situatlona which simulated work of an assembly line natun and Oiat ot an Indi­vidualistic eratts naUire. At each worker'a loot was an dectrie hut- t6n which be waa urged to press whenever he fett ttw urge to stop work and take a break. ^The researcher found that in the assembly Une situation wotkera are very much dependent upon the actions ot fellow workers and ottier faclora beyond theh: control. A cratU worker who does each atep hi produeUon of an object himseU is under less pressure trom the group. ' ^ '^ J ^ “^ ^ f- ^ H e d -..« h c rHOT JfOB on thftn Side when • f e T r S - - btingins it under eowrw. wMtoJured. Seen Along Main Sbcet arrheSueet'RanUsr. 000000 Frank Fox and C. J. WUsoa taUdn^diings over in, postofBca lobby—Roy Holthouser carrying big crate of empty bottles into de­ partment sMne—Mrs. Dock Blown doing some shopping in apothe­ cary shop—Mrs. O, R. Allen buy. Ing cart load, of gtoceriea—PhOlip Young looking over mall ta poat- office lobby-Sheek Miller getttng Monday afternoon hair cut—Mia. . E-A. Eckerd and children ind Mra. W, M. Pennington oa dielt way to movie abow -J, Lee Cut* ner greeting ftienda around town after returning from hospital— Mrs. Charlie McClamrock getting ready to leave town—Mrs. Wade Groce pausing in drug atote for ifreshments—Pretty girl leaning against parking meter on Mata street talking with David Greene -Misses Carolyn Smidi and Jan­ ie Collette on their way to post- office—Mrs. O. K. Pope doing some afternoon grocery ahofiptag —D. R. Stroud looking over mail in postoffice lobby—Jat^ Sanford hanging around barber ahop on rainy momin3—Young lady wann­ ing to know what had hapiiencd to Dr. Mutt—Thomas leficfson - Beck Walking around town ta die tain—Pietce Poster leaving temple of justice—Senator B G B to d t. and Glenn Hammer talking a lit. tie politics in front of local cafe— Buddy Stroud parking trig green Oldsmoblle in fi»nt ofdtug .store —Attorney Lester Martin, Ir„ lu his way actoaa Main street ta the tain minua hat, coat or u m b i^ —Mrs. Clifford Rea vis tematfcl^ that the waa working batd—Mia. lames Foster rtmning across the squate in the rata—Alvta Dyaon parting with ateel engravtag Abe Lmcota—^Fiank Brown on his way to banking house—Mrs. Conrad Chappell buytag b irth ^ present—Miss Lynda Ctawfoid on her way to inovie show—Misses Flo Bennett aiid Tune Greene pid- ishlDg crystal ta Gift Shop M n. W, ], Wilson mailing big batch of letters—Miss Nancy Coiait buay helping shoppers in Moote’a d e parr'ment atore while Mias Mitsi Brewer models new spring diesaea —Ernest Hunt, Emeat F m t and Wiley Andraon talking about the Ku Klux Klan-M ia. AlvlsChesh- ire looking at costume jewdry— T, M. Hendrix and Bob Chutes talking things over In fioDt of postoffice—Young man ikolding up Alex Tucker alongside b a n t— Frank Ceruzzi getttag early morn­ ing hair cut—Young man huity. tag down South Mata atieet wlA shotgun taone hand—Mta. EdLa- gle cartying gteat big hen egg 10 newspap^oflice. Princess Theatre CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY •THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN” In Technicolor Widi Clifton Webb & IcanPetera. Cattoon THURSDAY & FRIDAY “TENOERTRAF* In Color W ith Frank Sinatra & OdiUa Reynolds N ew SATURDAY ‘FIVEGUNS WEST” In Coter Widi Tohn Lund & Dotodiy Malone Cattoon &.Seifal aNEMASCOPE MONDAY & TUESDAY “VIEW FROM POMPBY« ^ HEAD” In Cotar WIdt Richard Edgsit S o n PR ICE;We Chlidiaa lie CUiEMASOOK Adalia MeChlMaa DAVIE oouN rrs SHoW VALUE ..A A.________ S5SS P\OBTWO fiit DA^R^iti). H^BTiLLi>. r FEKKUAliy 29. me Trt£ DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD. EDITOR. TELEFHOMC ftttheP<Mtonee in Uoeln- N. C.. u SkoihH!|u > Utiln. ifaKii V am. rSUBSCMPTKW RATES; OltEYeAR.INN. CAR0L1N4 • SIX MONTHS IN N. CAROLINA(mE YEAR. ouTsme st4T> SIX MONTHS. OUTSW. STAtr I '7Sf. f t 00 SIM Methodist Train- Mrs,J, 0. Messick inq School M n. R leeme« dini Wediwadajr In Ick, 76. ot Coo­ sa The Davie County Methodist ^ ,Training School will be held_ at She ba^ lived In Cooleemee few Fim Church, MocksvUle,. begin­ ning on Sutidav nighr. March 4. at Bap Itt Church of Coolei Rev. Gerald I Many Democrats throuRhout the cc-untrv a-e hoping; and lome are no doubt praying that Presi­ dent I'isenhower will not be a candiJiite for a second term. Thev realize that there is not a Demo­ crat In the United States who could deteat General Ifce'lf ha dc. elded to run again. Friends Gone Within the past . four week* The Record has lo*t two good friends who have be«!n of much assistance .to us in keeping out presses running and in good work­ ing condition The first to be call­ ed to his reward was Edward K, Kyles, of Troutman. Mr. Kvles installed our cy iitd^r press some 15 years ago, and when anything went wrong with rhe press he would come to our assi^tanei* through rai , slout or snow, eithei day or night. We will always rc member him. The death ang- visitedtSchomeof Ruf IS L. Fiyt recently and cilled him tu his rr> ward* Mr. Frve had looked afrer our presses for the past 40 years or more. Duriug the past 48 years pur ofHce has been moved five times and Mr. Frye looked after, the movi got the machinery. He never failed to answer our call when we needed help. He was a friend indeed. We shall miss these two friends very mueh. Their places will be hard to fill. Peace to thtrir ashes. IHarch Jurors 'n>e following jurors have been drAwn for the Mnrch term of Da vie Superior courr« which convcncb in this citv on Monday* March 5, at 10 o'elocic, with ludge Walter E. lohnvcon. Ir.» of Wiustim-Sal em, presiding. Only civil case* wi I be tried. There aro 33 cases docketed for iri»l: ^lahaln—Lester Dr^ughn, J. 0. Glasscock. Lester W.ilktfr. Clarksvilli.* J. GrUy Heiivis. B. A Boger. Luther Dull Farmington ^ Odell jaines, Biliv F. West, Normm Co4>k. J. N Beauchdirip Fultott Franiilin K R<rntz. Ro\ C. Phelps, John M. Ward. Jerusalem Foy Cope, Robet t G. Brown, Jack Cope, W. R. W.in<is. M icksville Arthur Snko>'i, S. T Gamer, Clyd*; H Hendri.ks, S W- Baown, 'r. Shady OA»ve—Sam Ch *'• A. Mv<ts. Paul F. M irklmd Attend Wa<ie Conierence Twen’y fiy-* delegates from Lo* cat 251. United Textile Morkers 7:30 p. m.,at>d continulttg through Thursday evening, March S.\u The following courses and instruc­ tors are scheditled: Understanding Children— Dr. lack Miller, Grcen-boro ColleB**, Greensboro. For rcschers, work ers and parents of children thru the Junior Department. Teaching Youth Miss Marion Craig, Wadesbnro. For ies»clur<i counBeU>rs and tnrercst d p. rents of Intermediates. Sen>t r.> a<Ki Ot der Youdi. What it Mcios tobeaCh»itiim —Rev )uti-in Hohn- s, Ni*wt«*n. For Senior Hii:h Sch*-ol anvl Old* er Youth Grotips. TheTeachi'ttsoffesus—Dr. C. E. Rorzelle. H^gh P<»int C- Hoce, High Point. A Bible course for the general nientbersi\ip of the church. Commi tee Chairm?n-“M. T. Hipps, District SupertnUndvni; W. Q. Grivg. Director f School; B. C. Brock, Treasurer; Mii^s Ccr- nelijj Hendricks, Texts. Minis'ers and P<micipatinc clur* g<-K W. Q. Grigc, First, Mocks- ville; H. C, Austin, Coolecmee; Hubert ClinKtJ, Advance; •. W. Hoyle. Farminaton; G. W Smith. Dulins Rt'bcri L. Oaklev. Davie Circuit; B.C. Adjm<», Liberjy Coiv cord; D. D. Broome, Mock>yille Circuit. Schedote-Sund«y, 7:30,. 7:50 Opening Assembly. 7:^0 9:30.* Class Sessions. Mond y thnmgh Wednesday. 7:30-8:20. first clas«, 6:20 6:40. Worship ujkI F^IIow.'ih p{ 8:409:30, Cla<.ses. Thut*d.»v.7:TO9:00. C I.»h, Sch- sions. 9:10, Closing AssemMv. This scl»ool is sponsored by the Conference Board of Chri'<tian Education, Carl H King, Hxeco* dve Secrec-irv and the participtt- ing charges of Davie County. Fer* sons from other denominations are cordially i>«’Mie^ parilcip^ito. the past 46 years* H^r husband J. Oliver Messick, died May 30.1941. Mrs. Messitk .wat a member of the First Bahtin Church of Coo- I Su viviog ar« four daughters, three eons, wo alacera, two broth­ ers, 16 grandchildren'and 17 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct* ed at 3;30p. m.. Fitday In the First Shoaf & Sand Co, We Can Supply > our Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call <if>PhoneU« At Any,Time PHONE 194 Fonti'erlv Davie Brick &Coa1 Co W m C E T O O R E M T O R S s-JfBs’iS srr.S i 'the same properly verified to the undenlghed on or before the 25tb of Januaiy 1957 or this nouce n ill be plead to bar uf recovery. All persuas indebted to said estate will please make prompt settle­ ment.This 25th day of January, 1956. S. M. CALL. Admr. Ol ■ Aitreii’Clevelend, Deeeased. By A. T. GRANT. Ativ: NOTICE-TO C RED ITO R S, ^ H a ^ g qualified. sent.them, the uiidervigoed, on or before the 1st day of February. 1957i or this notice will be plead in Imt of tt^ coveiy. AH piersons in d e b ^ . to said'estate. will pleasemakeprpmpt settlement. This lat day of Feb*, ruary* 1956. jOE HENLEY KELLER^ Admr. Mrs. li. M. .Keller,.dec8^d* Claude Hicks, Attorney., We don't like to malm XDo You ReadThe Record? marks afler j-our naine. Farmington High School News By Jotiffiic Mliii •>nrl 'of> Ru»ek. Date—Ftid«v nighr, Feb 26. Time-r7:0U. Scttine CiKihemce Gym. Contestants ~ Cooleem>e vs Farmington. Poipuscj*—To Du Their Lev. I Best To Win. AJI light. et*s ro. Lights Ci>m- eraU Sound! Action! And hire wa< action. T h e ‘C.oul C.t-.’* proved they wi-*e •-'.‘i'l in boih games even tlu.ugh Firtn^nttton ptit up Htiff oppo.ii(ioa. Tiu* final scores were: OirU* gmie. Farm ington 30, Cool i'lTie^ 53 and in' the ji-nio f;iniirgnn 50, Couleemec06. Can.dLi Jurviii U-d the scoiiog f»r t »e F.«nnl>igtOii sextet with 11 points and £oi Cco- leemee, Carter with 29 poiiuM. In the boy>* game Clarcnce Driver w s higS .scorer f r F.irmiiit!ioo wiih 20 points, fo lowed by Jolm* nv HauMt with 13 and Jimmy Zlmm.^rm.tn with 125 Snipe ;edof Americ . AFL. at Cooleemt e, , .u ,, -•attended a w ge conference he1d;‘’'« Cooleemee team with 22 jv i t Sou'h V rgin'a Joint Board at followed by Garwood with 12. Danville. Virginia Sunday. Ft*h 19 h, ■ The conference w^s:»t •••'d ed bv dele ’ate-* from al! h • LITnX liK5»l» In VirKini.1 and NonhCar.* li{ia. A rrsolution was atlopte I by iii Several of the Htu !int<« fium Farmingion enjoved rh-,: la-t 4 t l Coun y Council mecii t}* Among tiiem W ere: «a-» oharp-, Di tme Seacs. loe i^usick- Joi>nny H >us dee a'c« calling for a wagw* drive Melda Suiphin, Car lyn McBiiJe. I r veto be undertaken Imm .■«<<»! « nd W. B. Sharpe.It was a fair •prit-.kling but w /d lilce a light a light downpour or at K ut a tteadv driule* not jost an occa* •Imalshower. ------ --------- ^ ------ -w -- Report Cards! What (ugh) joy- $1 .90becoines«ffeciiy^^^ foloccasianl Whv it .seems Just a e y • r ise the wages of the w> rk- ers in ihe textile mills In an a. m''‘tth^ <^ufiicient t» keep t "ir wag s in line with ihe advmc* which ts'kes p^ace on March 1; 19^6, when the minimum wag; i t wot':t a win nor hr into a wrge f>truc U'ehivher n,id wor r , w... nor ^ hap. IJh c“ * oes'not f i^ 'c ^ V o 'a te P«««l '»«• «'*"• '**’* ‘’“P® t n» f- r «killf. r.:srotsihi > «'.1 - be b*tier thia time. Itties and du i«t. Hav^ you forg.Hten Farming* Ti- tw fve «' Tgtte 'f*om ton's Junior Play ’*Ur.mdpa Oo*.* L oci 251 were reprMeoU ; V to C o leg .r V.ll iji':, Mavha **''* it*'*'*’ iuln xt wcikbur il l be II* ' 1 1 * it ' "'**1 |i ts s‘*wnerira!tvouthi k. Thm.slUf*l‘ 1‘ S v r . ttuMlie S Ag nt . , , _ir .i i* o f • h c O H ^ le .iiu i* L o c;.l, S4id d a ® P fa st. J Ju e g .in^, ii>aXwqw.x* • tmmidii’fe contract H-*Hr vcl ■rs pening o n wagia would b« f i j o o '- f ' upon <he Btwin .Miiia, m ^ botii CooUeaut and UurtMm. O « jro«» r«j*d I tee iU scofdf ■■■If} ip i:. FESTIVAL SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MEN’S Belts A no rted Sizet-C olort Values To $1.50 33c Each "M O RG A N JO N ES" Dish Cloths V at D yed>Fatt C olon 12 For $1.00 O nly 1 D ozen P er C uitom er io o g Nylon Panties .First Qualitjr, A uorted Size* Regular $1.00 Pair 2 Pairs $1.00 CANNON Towels 20x40 Regular 39c 25c Each ONLY 500 YARDS Drapery Material New Sptjngr Colort A nd Patterns Regular 79c Yard 2 Yards For $1 00 200’* Kleenex O n ly 2 5 0 B o x e « T o S # Regular 19c Size lOc Box Sorrjr-2 Boxes To A Custom er B. C MOORE & SONS "BUY FROM MOORE AND SAVE MORE” MOCKSVILLE. N. C, DAVIE TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT C6. phone 310'J Salisbury Highwajr MocksviUe, N .C i n OAVIB RECOBD, ll60K8V ltilJ. lt. C.. rEBBRPAKT «■ t S«PAQETBREB THE DAVIE RECORD. Oldest PafMT In The County No Liquor,: Wiiw> Beer Ads NEWS AROUND TOWN, Mrs. T. F. Meroncv snd son Tiuimss, spent Wednesday 1 n SoiesviUe. ■ Mr. Snd' Mts, Frsnlc Fowler spent Siindsv of kst week wid> re. Isd m St Rdd ville. . ' Walter FeUcer. of Concord, an old Davie Countv mao, was a Moekst-llle visitor Wedncsdar. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stroud. )r. spent WednesdsT at Tmestowo, guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Eugene Slate. ■ Clifford Reayis a n d Johnny Boger attended the auto races at IhqptaniaBesch, Fla., last Wednes> day. ■ ■ ^ . The editor was laid up for sev« eial days last week. Overlook tlie shottace of news and mistakes in this issue. Basethall flews ^ Then will be a baseball meet- ing at I. H. Robertson’s store at Blitby Wednesday night M anh 7. at8i3Q p m., o’clock. This meet­ ing is being.called for thepurpbse of making plans for the 1956 ban Mason. All managers of both Davie County league and th e on any 1955 manager can’t lead hirteams again diis season, dun it will be necessary to elect new ma. nsgew to take (heir place. Al| players in both leaRues, and any o ne who is interested in basdMlI are uiged to attend this meeting. For any teasoii a 1955 managi who wishes to leade his team in 1956. can’t attend this 'meeting. Then this manager is g uested to sent some one to speake a ^ vote for his team at this meetihg. J.H . ROBERTSON, League Secretary. Mrs. James Fuller and son, lim- my, S i^ t the week-end with Mrs Fullei’s parentsr Mr. and -Mrs. J. B. Smith in Charlotte. Patsv Ful- let accompanied them as 6w as Mooresville.^ where she visited bet cousih Ultian Ruth Chester. Mrs. E. W . Tomer was taken to Baptist Hospital. Winston-Salem Friday morning'for observation snd tiieatment. Mrs. John Pope, Miss Mary Cashwell and Miss Mattie Suoud. of StatesviUe, were MocksviUe visitors on Sunday of last week, Mrs. L. E. F u zo rim able to re­ turn home last' Thursday from Rowan Memorial Hospital where she was a patient for a week, - There were more Americanflags displayed around the square on Washington’s birthday, Fd>, 22nd. than we had seen in many years. Among babies bom at Rowan Memorial Hospitiil on Fd>. 21st was a son to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wood,' Mbcksvitl^ and a daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs: John F. Gar- ! wood, of Modcsville. Mr. and Mra. C. C. Chapman . and dau^ter. Barbara , snd Kav, were weekend guests of Mr. snd Mrs. L. a Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foster In Spartan, burg, South Carolina. Army Pvt. Wflllam a U«le, w n ofM r. and Mrs. Thomas I. Lagle,ofRoule4. MocksyiUe. N. C . recently, arrived at Fort Lewis W ssh.,andbnow a member ol the 2nd Infantty Division. Dorothy Jean and Brenda Flytm datighters of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Flimn, of. Route underwent tonsil operations at Iceddl Mem­ orial Hospital on Monday of last week. The Smith G rm P. T. A., is giving a Chicken Pie supper on March 3rd forthe benefit of the local Boy Scout ttoop. Supper - will.be served fioin 5 to So’clock. The price .will be only fl.00 for a chicken pie supper with all, Ihe Jimmie Sheek, of Smld> Gmve. who has been stationed at Pres­ que Islandi Maine, tor 17 months, was rdeased from die Air Fbtce Feb. 17th,'after serving four years ss an sifcrsft electrician. V ^ le in setvice he spent seven months inlceland. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price st- ' teiided the fiinersl services of &frs. Price sister, Mrs. J. F. B ig g ^ who died M ond^. February atthe M m y General l^ id ta l. in Gharlotte. Funeral services were held Tuesdv at 3:00 o’clock st Chslmers Memorial ARP Chutch in Charlotte and burial was in Shsron MeinorisI h rk . 7r^ Mr. Clott« Sevtlndi Grsde of M ock^eH irih/School msde a siglit-sceiiig nip fo Winston-Sslem The tout took in Old Sslem, The n m Walm Foiut campus, Tangkwoodpatfc and other points of interest.; Accvmpanying the clasaon the trip which was ar- . ranged by W. 8. C m bs, of Com- mrce^ were Mrs. T. L. to iih and; Mr. snd Mrs. A. O. Wagner. ______JR,Mocksville R. 4. to R SALE— Six loom house with bsdijlocated on laiyie lor 15^ feet front 314 feet deep, situated on Hi^way 601, thiee rriiles from Mockavttle. E.C. MORRIS >t>R SALE OR RENT - 11 I Ite m h < ^ on Depot Street Uiihtssndwster. Near Hcritag Furaltuie Plant. Oril MISS BLANCHE LAGLE,. Phone Z23-W MocksviUe . Mocksville High School News L Y N D A CRAWFORD. R e p m w Flanos tuned, repaired, rebuilt, ifinishedor resided. Flee estf- „istes. New snd used pianos- Anything musical. Easy terms. W tlle ^ prim . ;StarHm-Thomas Music Co. 629N .T n& St, Winston-Salem The new Commercial Club members went to the meeting last Thursday night with drtsad. They were going to be itiitiated, and when they atiived a t Yoanne Hutcbin’s home in jean*, they were piepaied for the w o ts^ which came! They first lirst had to imitate barnyard chaiaciins. then they "Were blindfold^ and told to eat worms whldi were en them. 1 don’t believe t ever found out what kind worms they ate. A treasure hunt was next on the schedule. They also played Truth or Coi^ and when they thou^t __ __ well and that thev had survived, they found that .they had to eat their refreshments with tooth­ picks. None of the new members got very much to eat! The 4-H Countv Council met Thuisday night at the Davie Coun> ty office buildine. The Shady Grove Chapter, had charge of the ptogram.and Farmington se rv e d rem hm ents. Everyone enjoyed a tecreation program afrerwaids The MocksviUe boys and glrla were hosts to the Advance team* Friday o i^ t. The girls played a hard game. Advance carried a- the honoia by 5 point* with acore of 32-37. Our boys started out well, but the Advance boys were In ezsellent style-and the score was 49 to 43. Monday night we played Yad- PIANO BARGAINi-We wUI tisnsfn to someone in diis vici' nity for s very amaU down pay­ment a n d small monthly paqr- ments s 40 inch console spinet pisno IMte new. . Nationallv ad- veitlaed wldi direct blow action, inahogsny finish, with matching bench, n«wplaoO_gUBianlce, save orcr. 9300.0a For Information writes Credit Adjuster, &P.C& Box 1063, Salisbuty. N. C kinvllle here. Both of the games were very exciting because of dte close scores. The outcome was both wins for Mocks^le. The g’ri’s score was 42 to 37; the boys, 49 to 43. We, the Mocksville students, ate proud of our basketball teams this season and for the good spofts- manship and cooperation which has been shown. Both the ^ and the boys have Identical re­cords of 11 wins and 8 loses. The pmentage of gam^ won is 57.8%'. All the students were much con­ cerned when AII. e Anderson, one Of the main guards, hurther ankle Friday night playing Advance and were very much relieved to hear it wasn’t serious. The seniors' met Wednesday at activity p;.riod to choose their In- vltatlons for graduation. Farm Piews Official ptei of all allotted crops . wiU be offered to iaimera In IM e County in 19Sft according to C. V. Smoot, ChMj man ofthe Oavie County, ASC Committee. Thia year, with 12 petcmt le. duction in allotments, aiid diefact diat allotments were broken down to hundredths of m Chate-man Smoot said that fanners «rtU n e ^ moicjhan ever to haw the acreage om ^lly measuted before he plant* die etop, o f^ ^ lu ^ ^ ^ ra m n 'i^ b s v e tn be made at.dierautii^ office a ^ ahould be done by March 1st in order to bewsured of die seryto wilFhave to h e arse whfc* win be I5.00 per farm if * e farm altocmeoSs «fe not b iw than 625 acre*. (This price wUl aw>* »» most of die aUotments in this country). Farmers whose allot- nienis are 6.25 or orer wiU h^veto (pay iSO cents per acre. G ^tForPniren^i The Davie Record Is 'giving a steel engraving o f Alexander Hmilton. wl|E a Ace value of Jlp 00," to the patents of die first baby bom In the Davie Coimty Hpsirfl^, The hospltsi Is smeduled to opm for ^ e n ts on Thursdsy, Msrch 1st »ANTADSPA¥. AfaisiMlilw’t IM c. Kwing quslified sa Administra* - jta of the estate of H. C. Poster, decessedL bte of Davie Cbuhtv, Nordi CsioKnsi dito Is to notify sll petaon* having daima against said estate to present them to the lersignedwidiin twebemondis ... ndaie hereof or this notice will >e plesded In bsr of their right to reeover. All persons owing said estate wUl.plesae make immediate aettlement. |Thlsdw 22 day of February, 1956. MARY FOSTER AND I. H FOSTER, Admlnistratora Of K U Foster, Deceased. Hall & Zaehary.^Attoroevs. INVITATION Mrs. Ella Holtbouser Cordially Invites All Of ^ ~ Her Friends To Attend The C. C. Sanford Sons Cdinjiahy Gala Showing Of Outstanding SPRING MERCHANDISE To Be Held On The Second Floor At Sanford’s V ■“ ■ ' . Wednesday Evening, Feb. 29, 1956 At 8:30 P. M. Suits Gmts HATS AND ACCESSORIES Come And See Our Lovely Models Display A Beautiful Line Of Clothing And AccessonM C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. Phone 7 MocksviUe^ N. C P a c k i n g t h e b i g g e s t p o w e r p u n c i i III C h e v r o l e t t r u c k h i s t o t y ! N€fW C h e v r o le t T a s k « F o rc e T r u c k s f o r *56! ' A shaslKslrako V8 lor avery medoll Higher powarad, highar sswprosslan «'sl More power for fight scbaslules and tough |sbs . . . Aiodera'-power that saves you money every miiel TTeu g e t p le n ty o f ‘‘lio rsc s’’ to h a u l y o u r lo ad s in n e w C h e v ro le t T a sk - F o rc e tru c k s . P o w e r’s te e n b o o ste d r ig h t a c ro ss th e b o a rd in m o d e m s lio r(.s tro k e V 8 ’s a n d elD cient v alv e -in -h c a d 6’s! C o m e o n in so o n a n d let u s sh o w y o u tlic sc g re a t , new C h e v ro le t tru clcs f o r ’5 6 t An^ything le s s is a n old*ffashionecl tru c k ! F«ot« Aboirt Ne%» *06 Truofc* A V8 fo r Every Model* • M ore ful Sixes • An Automattc Drive for Every ^ e ritsf • N ew R v «4pM d Syn- chr».M eih Tronnnifsiont • H ioh4evd V entiblion • ConcM led SofM y Stopt^« Tvbetoti S k m d o td o n A» M odelt • Freth, runcHonol W ork Styling. . •V 8 stm dofd in L jC S . m odels, an cost optUm in oU others, fO p fk iu t a t 0xfra cost tn m .w ld t r a ^ 'p f modrto. PENNINGTON CHEVROLET CO., INC. FRANCHISED DEALER UCENSE 7S9 PHONE 156 . • MOCI^VILLE, N. C. ______ fSgv; l i ® iPAQfiFOVlil Christ mdHieOity f f ttH f tr c li4 » im O E 14& V S ta k e n h a v e lo n i b e e n ^ d lv id in r US A m eiiean* into ••Bttral*' M d -'UrtMi.** T he «»ct J». w h erev er w e m x f Uve» i t w e eve n o t in a city w e e re In m an y w ays affected b y c i ^ . T h e m asM ine* an d p a p e rs w e re a d a re often pub- lU h c d in eitie*. M ost o t th e things ' a fa rm e r uses—tra eto ra . com bines, fe rtiliz e ^ tools, ca m e from cities. O u r clo th es w ere m a d e in citieB, our law s w ere m ade th ere. Y our casket A a y h a v e alread y b e e n m a d e Iq som e c i^ . T h ere is a s ta te in A m erica w hich h a s ju st one la rg e city. A for* m e r resid en t of th a t sta te told th e Dr. Foreman w rite r th a t v e ry lew sm all tow ns th e re am oxm ted to anything, be­ ca u se aU th e young people Jn the s ta te w ho b a d an y am bition stru ck o u t to r th a t b ig city a s soon a s they couW . O no w a y o r an o ther, w e a re a ll becom ing “ u rb an ” p re tty fast, Ei»lllUSl«*M It FrtsMg T h e la rg e s t city Je su s e v e r «aw bro u g h t te a rs to h is eyes, and no w onder. S om e of th e th in g s h e saw a r e tru e o t cities an d of u rb an clvi. llsaU on today. T hey a re tru e of our A m erican w ay of life, JO th-eentury style. O ne w as Che sw iftly rising, an d a» sw iftly falling, enthusiasm of th e crow ds. T h ere th ey cam e w ith Joyful shouts of w elcom e on P a lm S unday m o rn in g : an d b y F ri. d a y m orning som e o f th e sam e m ob w ould b e scream ing. **Cruclly h im !" C ity people taite «uicW y to n o w ideas and new h ero es — and q iickly d ro p th e m . T hey wiU strew . Ions of tlcker*tapc and torn-up tele­ phone booits (for lacJc o f p alm bran cliesj on som e retu rn in g hero, b u t la six m onths' tim e won’t be ab le to rem e m b e r h is nam e. Ex> l lain It a s you like, th e fac t Is th at \krban entlTOslasms a te fragile. T h a t goes for m ost o f us. W hat w e liv e for in our u rb a n A m erica is m ostly excH em eot. W e liv e from head lin e to headline, from th rill to th rill. A d vcitisers do th eir b e st to s tir tis op. Tliey taBc of “ exciting' new coloi-is. exciting new fU hions. e v e n (bcl ev e it o r not> exciting new toothpaste. T he advertiser* know tha» W we can really b e p e r­ su ad ed th at s thing Is exciting, w e'U buy it I W e w ould ra th e r 11s* te n to a new id e a th a n a tru e one. T h a t's city fever. Matt Man la th e d a y s o f D avy C rockett, w hose ghost, w e tru st. wlU have b e en la id to re s t b efo re th ese lines m e e t th e public eye—in th e d ay s of D av y C. an d o f Oan*l Boone, n early aU A m erican s w ere liv in g in th e country, a s w e w ould call it today. E v e n th e cities w ere sm all. T hose w ere th e days of rugged individual* ism . W hen a neighbor cam e w ithin 90 m ile s o t D aniel B oone, h e thought th e woods w ere g etting too crowd* ed, s o th e legend h a s it—an d m oved on. N ow aday^ in o u r m o re u rb an e ra , w e h a v e com e to th e tim e of ''M a s s M an'* a s philosopher* call him . T he city is th e L and of Fol- k>w -m y-Lcsder. U la th e dwelltag* place o f th e Join ers. M r. B oone did belong; to m a n y so cieties; b u t w h ere is th e m a n to d ay w ho If hap* p y w ithout belonging to enough c lu tu a n d KocicUes to^keep h im o u t e v e ry night? M ass M an is a ra th e r sad spectacle. Je su s w ept o v erh im th e re in Je ru sa lem . T he people of th a t c ity wei-e lik e ' sheep, doing, say in g , e v e n tliin k li^ wlMit th eir S cribes and P h arisees told th e m to. T h e m e n of Jei-uralcm w ould n o t look fo r them selves, th ey “knew n o t th e tim e of. th o ir visitation.*' T h ey d id n o t know w hen G od w as knocking a t th e ir door, C hrist c o m e to A m erica today, wouM M ass M an reco g n iie W m ? O r w ould h e b e u n d er snsi^eion b e­ c a u se he w ould not O t the linlveraal p a ttern ? O t n v l l M b m T h e c ity o v er w hich Jes-iS w ept w a s th e site o f a m agm ttcent T em ­ p le , b u ilt a s a p la c e o f worstUp. B u t w hen Je su s v isited it. h e found a catU e*m atket koing on In th e v e ry m iddle o f it. W h^t , should h a v e b een w orship h a d 'tu rn e d m oney*m aldag. So it is to o often w ith a n u rb a n civilixation. Bulll o n business, o n th e m arket«place, ' it te n d s to tu rn ev erything into a ^ m arket*p)aee. A rt is com m ercial­ ized: so is education, so a re a th ­ letics. politics, so m etim es religion. I f th e re a d e r ihittk# th is I* cxag- g e ia te d , le t h im look aro u n d d u d n g th is m w th a n d «ee som e ev ery ­ d a y e x a m in e s of how i«ligioji is co m m ercia lise d In A m erica. W c a r e a p p ro a ch in g th e Joylul.CawlB. tia n fe stiv a l o f E a ste r. M ow m any ' th o u sa n d s o f people in otir land a r e plan n in g to m a k e m oney out of It? i 6AVUi Rljfoku. MOCMVliUM c . riBRUAHY » ,« ( N O TICE O F R E S A L E Pursuant to an order of re*gale made by S. H. Chaffin. Oerk of the Superior Court in -the special proceeding ettihtcd. **Marv Potts* George H* Mvera, etaP^vs ‘*Hfiden F» Myers et aV* the undersized iCommi«ftioner-will» on Saturday. 3td day of MarcK 1956« at 12:00 o’clock M., offer for re-sale to tlie highest bidder ar the Court House ’dour of Davk* Councy, in Mocks- ville, rhe follow ngde^cribt^d lands: 1st Tract: A tract b^innins at ft iton«» aouthwest comer of lx»t No. 4 in the division of the lands of fohn Phelpt, thence £. 40.19 chs, to a stake, thence S.tl0.82chs. to a stakes thence W« 5.31 cha. toa stake. theiMe N, 3S dess, W. 7.24 chs. to an ash on bank of ditch, thence W, 20.X8 chs» to a stake on edge of Htehwav. thence N. 42 degs. W. 3.10 chs. to the beidn- ningf containing 15 acres more or less* and being Lot No.5 in the di> vision of the lands ot John Phelps, deceased, allotted to Fallfe Mvcrs, deceased* as appeare aecorded in Book No. 28. wges 499 50J. Regis­ter’s office of Davie Conntv, N. C The bidding'on this tract will start at $l,500UM. 2nd Tract: A tracr known ns a part o f the “Thornton** lands. Be­ ginning at an iron stake, comer ol S. P. Potts and Wesley larvis, thence N, 12 degs. E« 10.20 chs. to a rock at foot of twin pines, corn­ er of Lewis Hartman and Wesley Jarvis, thence 8. B8 de^s. E. &75 ' chs, to a stone, S. F. Potts* corner in line of Gray Hartman, thcnce S. 43 dvgH. E. 2.8C chs. to a stone, comer of S. F. Potts and ]im Harr man, thence S* 10 degs. W. 8,62, chs, to a stone, comer of Will] Crews* and Frank'Potts in Charley Vogler’s line, thence N. 84 d«gs. W. 11.13 chs. to the beginning, containing 11.09 acres more or less. The bidding on this tracr, will start at $385.00. EPSSlll Hinif a c j:0 9 $1. Incite 8 .A d a n d y < B rit slgA fl •.DweU T10.Nobl«ma»It. f1oW«ra 14. fivenint $. H M f 4. Go down .ft, Lukewarm 0. Rowing ir .S u n iMlft.H e b iw .NCler It.G eodeU a 18. company at musiciaai 9 9 .m M d u p 24. P roduce M.SimpletMia 97. Wavy < R cr,| W.TImt » . « ru sh terri* toryinllM Yukon f tt.G m k U ittr 8S,6xcUma* ttM Krft«» aeenltttha eomlcs)34, past 8S.M errtinciA d6. N o t ever '4 9 v S iw rp p tu )t p ro c e ss' 41 .P i« v alen t 42, M elodies 43, P laces 44. Identical t.Back •.A^ieater InJIew tya lt.TwUled fabric 4MMr tl.Confnmtgl9.'Tn^for . d r y i n g bricks It. A Greek ^ physician 10. Appearing as if eaten tl.S e d i.m«nt . 19. B edeek V to b s.1' M . R iver <AIas* k a i t8 . M asses . ■ o f •• a t r a u . M ed rock (G eoLl . 2 d .8 io u an , In d ian s M .6 w in e 30, V entures 3]. Pocketbook lAtr WUKt ANSwn . n a i j n a a u a a a a 3 L :;u 'jy a u y a n aCJLJ a n ■ aajr^riH 'J f lL lu a ii ulJCSLJ □ r t i 4 j a ailiUlLJIlLiL! Q u a u L j y uliL iL u a n n a r f I i l i S y - m , Small hotel 3$.Fuhlbn 87: Compel#. 9S.Newt 40. Hawk, parrot mmmmwmmmmmammmmammmmmammummmmmmm IF YOU H A V E- ",bMh bn ii'ttip; .,V : -'v.. .....m tetnlned;8u«b/".. cekbnMd > bicthdav . cikuitht • big. fish . moved ■ ..doped ■ . ^ ^ ..... bed a babv . ^ bem In a 6|}it ■ . ' vpur hog,.. . had.an operaijon! : 'bought ’a car palnti^ vour'bouEe i . been married cutanew tooth beenahot , atolen anvthing been robbed •old bur to»t \out hair been arretted , ' Or Done Anytiiing At All Telephone, Or Drop a Potteard, Or'Come In,' Or In Any Convenient Way Infom . . . THE DAVIE REGORD NOTICE OF RESALE I Parsuan' to an ordvr and decree 3rd Tratc: A tract known as .the ttiade and entered by S. H. ChalB , Thornton" lands: Beginning' at clerk of tha Superi^ Court of O* vie Conntv. K, C., In the sptrcia' oroeeediit« entitk^d **S. Call, Almr. of Jobo H. Pea. de€s»*d v»*| AH the nnknowi helt* of fohn H. a roc5| (stone) Wesley Jarvis* com­er, thence N. .3 dej». E 2J.38 chs to a stone on Nonh side of Creek,, l^wis Hartman's corner in March- ..........—•••■rti* *ne nnanown neir«oi |0nn H.line, thence S. 84 de©. W. 2,571Pea and George W. Maithi.Otiard chs. to an ash, Richard H.ir(m^n*sl Ad Litem.**comer in line of March land. w n a v le C o n n iT , <n M o ckavH le. N .cns. in rtartman s line to an iron r> C i...aJ<«» stake, Richard Hartman*s corner, V ch* rAiiA»^&tb*n« N. 84 d«p. W. 9.75 ch^ in ? '? T « n ;Hanman*s line to a sweet gum tree, r«timv »a vii;Hartman's corner, thence N. 31 •* "*'*deg». W. 1.50 chs. to a gum tree, t«t, Lou No.. 99 30 awl ji. Hartman’s comer, rhence N. Bvtenlne at » wake 00 Baat clrfe •!eg>. W 1.73ch>.ti>a blacic oal' of E. Brmdway ro»<l. comer of .tump, Hartman's corner, thence. Lot Nn. *S. tlwnce N, *5 joN. 53 decs. E. 140 ch.. with Hart- i.ilti. E 150 feet to « atnke, corner man*, line to an iron stake. H?tt- ®f to ' No. »8 «i> >hf or(|(na( .Hue, (ttlan’. comet at\d comer of Mr*. th«ice «Uh (tie xrittloal Mu* S. -4 ' r. T. Phelp., thence S. 3 dtg«. W. Jega so ml» W. 75 feet to a at.ke,17.B ch.. to a stone Earl Myen.’ comer of I/m No. with ^oroer, thence S. 87 degs. E. 12.11 '(ne o* !>»» No. Js 8. *s •'♦*«. SO[chs. to the beninning, cnhtainirg min. W. 150 feel to • atake on the 34.7 acre, more'or lem. Tlie bid 'a*' •irte of Bri>«>*«>av »«aif, tfietireling on this tract will tian at $4,- »t*ne «*M road N 4 liegt, 30 mln. 125.00, E. IS f"* •" heelnnliiF. W««Said lands will be . ff red in a m n of the r»»Dev«v conrpvrd hy three aeparatf tracts. R. B Broadw..’ to N. A. TrexW Terms of Sale: One-Third Cash, Aiw t o n . N«. ,4 3 s i ,1« a n d th e b a la n c e o n 3 0 d a y s tim e ^ , V e t l W « , > . , w J k e m F . 1with boi^ and appm v^ security ^ B™.d*»y r««t. comet of or all cash at the option of the i,„t No. j j tfceaee with line «i lot wyof, No». 17, 1941, and being a part of the R, B. Brosdway prop, ertv. Seed Deed from R, B. Mil. let and wife to John Pea aad wife, • BMk 45. pace 95. said Reicister’s ofiice. Terms of Sa'e: Oaeitfaird cash, iMlance 011 30 daya time with bond and approved aeearily or all cash n option ol pureliasDr npnn can. firtna im of rale The bidding will siyt at the ammnt of the apwt '■M.-yi*. #16500. Tbla the Bth day of P.bro'iry, t9S«A. T. GRANT, Conimlssloner. puichaiet.Place of Sale:m oaie! CoUTt House in a «take oti t^e oriitinal Hw. Ooot o f Davie County, Modes, thence whh ori»ln*l Hue S. 4 ville, N. C ___ , 1. 'Ie»«. JO mt». W , too f ^ <« aTltne: 12.«> o’doek M., Match corner of lot No. jR. f hmc- • 1956. ■ „ , wl>li line "/ M No. 3» H, »$ Arg<.us 11th dayof February, 1956. jowUi. W, iso feet In » A. T. GRANT. Commissioner, comer of lot No. j», then<^ N. 4 Pee». .10 ml", B. •Innr ««i Br«>»il. 'wav r<Mrt too fee* totheheeinnlmr. «ee Owl re<nn<e<) i« Rnnk 44. ns«e 174. WBce of T>«vle Jo,- N. C . for nnte particular lie. «'ilo»lon.' N o . ■ Many Families Help Support Their Elders M I.N N EA PO IJS — O n e mldtHe- class A m erican couple o u t of fvcj-j' s e '’«n partially' o r com plcls- ly supports one o r.m o re a n sd rcl* aU ves. H c w d in g to a - ••••jr of 7.00U puficytintder fam ilii?. Of the 7.000 fam ilies covered by the survey, 984 o r 14 p e r cen t ve*' ported th a t they w ere w holly or pnrlfolly su p p orting o ld er rc»a- tivps, tis'jally th e ir paren ts. . . E ld erly m o th e rs b e in ; so su p ' o iitn u m b ^ ta th c rs by near- - ty four to one. T he m o tliirs’ aver- a e r i* 72; th e fath ers' is 74. Av«rt)gc ag e of th e hesdK of 7,000 households covered b y the survfjr If y e a rs. A verage an- n*ia» inconic of those supporting o r h<;JpInn su p p o rt eld erly rela- Mves is $6.^03. A verage incom e of :hnr.e not contributing to stip' {Tor'l of an y «ilder re la tiv e is $0.> 771. the survey show s. 3'd. Beelnnlnxat a slake on !«• »li*e of Hrowlway r.nA, corner M loi No, J I . !h.in» with line of (ot Nn. 3t N. «s flec<.,30 itiin. R. l.v> feet lit a Make, rornei of |.-t No. JI oo the orlcinal inie. ih.nct •Ith (aid lliii. S. 4 de*». min, W. y> feet-to a «t»k*, corner of l<>. Vo. 34, thence with l!nr »f lo t N. 34 I'eea. 30 mln. W. ijo feet to a stake on the eatt aide of East Broadway road, thence t1on( saH road N. 4 de«s. jo mln. E. 50 fe»- >0 the heciDntite, hefn» lots No«.. U and 33 of Ira Bm.dwav proner. t -11 - v e - .. I r» ' ...I - S ir ^ SSI" l( *• DAVIF'CODNTY Walter 1 .r«a and wife. Sadie Jones, Aribur Bailey and wlf.-, Amelia P.' Howard Bailey Notice of S ervi^ S i i ^ ^ B^PuUication Tb d fmlants M’aUer Jone« aad bis wife,.Sadie Joi^; >ill take no. tice tha' an sction,' s« entitled a^ ahove his been cotnmen'eti in the Superior Cnttri of Davie woiinty. Kotih Csrofins. %hv aam^ helne f*n aeUoo b f tbe pishitlff. to for«<«i’<e • tape^fieM n on roal est«»e o rned by Ida Howarl, defendant^ Sadie )oBea. anCHaier. in reimhnrse Davie Con'oty for mon^ tnrnished Ha Howard on.i c'mi I of Old Ace A<i* •i tance. end the Nstd . dt'fenrfanto wiU fitrtb>*f lake n itic? that tH(*v •ra rtqnired t<. appeal; n| the office of the Clerk «f the S<iperu»r Court of saM Cotinty' in the .roun hi»w«e in Mocl^Ue, North Carntini. on- S4*nrdav, the 941!} dav of March. 1956^ and answer or demur to tbe cnmplaiot in saM aetloD. or the ptalntlflf «ni apply ip the Cooit for tho reHef deoiarded tbereio. Tbla tdtb dar of PebmafT* t956. S. a CHAFFIN. .Cterk Sn^rior Coon The Davie Record Has Been Published Since 1899 56 Years t Ihfita h»»* come and' gone-your county n ew tparcr kerii* coing. S'>inetime* it h«( tecntecl Uard tn m ake *'t>uckte and toitgua" ireet, but aoon the tu n fhine* and we m a t e b 'a n . O ur faithful aub(crib«n ' aw »t of w>hom pay.|>roinptly, Kive u» courage and abiding faith in o«nr fellow m an.' If your noighbor it nut taking The — R econl tell him t<> ■itbacribe. The : price ia ’an'y $ i . ^ p e r je a r in iho , ' St«tr, ar<d $2 0 0 lit other st«te«. V^en You Cc'me To ToMmi Make'Our Office -Your Headqt-ai’ter*. We Are Always Glad To See You. Opporinnit K M c k « C K K A P I b e A B g LET trs DO New LitHe Rich Boy G'ves His Money Av/ay N SW Y O R K -'H enry M orales. 7. w ns very po p u lar Uie d ay he 9;{.940 to school w ith lilm .’ H e b?. ca n p arsin g it o u t to h is ftJ.nd^ ‘bticausc U»ey v ery nice to mu.'* U etccU vcs found th e boy phUan- lhfi>i>lst. Ills sebool boff cram m ed w ith m cncy.. in th e c c n tsr o t ait Interesled th rong o ( pupils. At hl« hom e they found a fra n tic ' g ra n j- father, w ho h a d com e b ^ rc from P u erto R ico jrecen tly w ith lUs he.-i;t Patrcn»ze:.ybvr i.i mt inihxhanu and | .ietp build up ycur tv Wn and Munty. egg. hoping to guy a Uttte busi' ♦ FOR RENT ♦ SPACE IN THIS PAPER W iir^na. To s«»' GOOD MSK3HBORS-.WICES TO P r v o u » ' b u ^ s s c a ii s a v e y o u m o n e y - o n - y o t i f '^ : - ENVEL0PF5, CEtTtF HEADS STATEMENT^, POSTEf^^ HEADS PACKET filADS^ : Pa troiiize your Koj^e tiiewspaper and: thf*rebv h*?lp bisiW up your ' t o w i i a riid C O O T T « E D?i VIE RlflEORD. s:k s h b ;« y . ' j aw © The D A T IB IC O U N T T 'S O E D B ST N E!W SPA .PS:R~TH£ P A P E R T H B PEO PIiiB H BA O •w m sHAa THB.*r««K Tlie n o H .n M iiin maintaini uhawed iir mfuiencc and unbribeo «v c a w VOLUUS LVL MOCKSVILt,B. H pR -m C A I^O U M ^ WBONItSOAT; HARCH 7, 1456 NEWS OF LONG AGO. W hat W m th p p m h ii In D»> ''vialB afoN P a.khic M rtar* A nd A U w « ^ a ia Skirl*. (Davie Record, Mar. ,10, 1901) .. E,'H. Paaa who haa tw o quite III; la aotne better. Prank Stroud apnd Soaday at hla home In HleVo^. lake Ranea la traveling (or tke > Bob Cooki of Parmlagtoo left laat week (ortbe mat,- . Thoa. Poaier killed a auvpo^ mad dog Friday,. Cov;- I.; Wltay Shook' ptased ihr^Ch Mockavine laat week. , H;- Bailey and Edgar Green, of Cana, were ta town Saturday. Mir. David ^inhaek. of VeldM, la aetUngtviie lor;the'DavleTlnMa. Burt Kelly, of Gaatoa connty, la vlaltliig retatlvea In Moekavllte., Mlaa Annte: Hobwn, ot Jesna. alem. apent Sundav night I n Moekavllle witb relattvea. J<ibn H,-FnrebM. of Panning, ton; fa v*ry atek, (. B.‘JohoBtone apmt Snnday In Cleveland with the hmily'of B.; A. . Knox. V . Ughtnlng atrttek P. M. John. ~aon'ai«8ldeiiM Sondav.evealng do. fng., ci>naldmble damage to tbel RIehittood P. Hobaon, of We^tnri! fame, la vlaltlttg relallvea In Rowan and Iredell.' Kra B. O. Painter, of Xewia. bury, W. Va , la vlalting relatlvea loMoekavllle. Jobs, Boger and Snninete wei» laarrled leal Wedneaday, Rev, . Kr. TM tn ^ d a tin g .' A. C. Wood and O. Talbett, of Advance, were in town tM . week atteadliig-a trial; C. M. Goodby. ett CouulT Line, waa In town Prlday and. reiMtted that tbe alck In bti tamlly m re te tt^ ' -B. H. Paaa, jr.; eomehotacSna. day and found bU broHkw dead and hla father very III, , ^ Black Sam Totiea win (Hcach here Sunday at 11 a. m„ 7 T>.-m. j . C. PandM at lila tonie UMrj town on Satuiday afternoon. - ageil t'9 yeen, Hla b ^ y 'waT'Iald to reat Monday a t. Jdpna^ Hr. Paw had keen III for: acme time wUb tvpbold fever; ' Wedneaday nfcM 'the rl^dennl of T;i»' keUv waa dMlror fft»i Mr., Kelly aav^ bv a,, aiiial) nett of hla houaeb'oM gooda. . Tbei realdmee and all out-bulldlnca wfre totally deatroyed.r Mr. Rally hail Inaiiranee im h'la boaae aM cohtenta. Mopitaville baa no 6re depaitmrat. m t Ita citlieiia re. api^ed .to the call- and workeit bmlcally to aave other property from the f re,. ■ Rev. J. M. Dowunm pAad Intereatlbg aermou: at tbe Cooler, mee Malllodtat church ^nday. Egga a n i^ ' per ddxen; benr iaJio, cijn- joc.;'^^ btiabei atid bacon 91! per pound. : ' (bavie Record. Mar, 3, rvw,): ~ Re*. R M. Avietr h h e ^ g an did taahtoned working a t the !»•- aonace on Wedoeaday of thb.m k, tearing, dowd -hla; oM barn and b«ndlnriiew,; alao; ander|4alng the! ' p ^ i^ a ^ w itb eraolte. A regu|.| ar chlckeii diowr 'will i Mhethe p a ^ la galag to ."rabe, chfckra tbe ollcM befm*. D: B. .Koont*, of CooIeea>», : atid Mlaa Naaale Jonaa, dangbler Mra.'. I.' W. Jonea, ; of Advene*. Were united la : narrlaga. at the ‘ boat* of the bilde’a mother 00 Wed. nMky :e*afilag; ' Be*. . I;' A. PattbM of CoOleemee. ofidal - The 'aUrriagc waa a very-qnlet at. w ly a fkw tflenda of the WMa and g w beln* ateaen T lM lU eog4i»M dhpS'cnl> • w M k. S u b tiM k ld a a f. GQODOLDPAfS Btick In tbe good oidtlayaMtK^ *ll|e had-but two white barber [aboiu and one Negto ahop. Bd Girlffiu operated a ahop i where the Prlnceas Theatre la now located, and Ed- B<int, a Negto bartier ran a abop (or white people h ^. hla b;ialneas (n the old Weaat block on the east ^de o( the aqoare, where’the Rardlog.aoro' KnlMlng now atanda." Torn Lyona, Negro, operated a ahop In en otd .areodea tmlldtng where the Sanford Motor Co.. now atanda. Re aerved the colored population, Mmetlmea the two white bar. her aho(K had moie than they could do, eapeelally court weekaj when meny (ermera came to town to .have their barbe^ng dona; In tboM daya a hair cat coat you 15 Iceiita and a ahave aet you back t» centa After the Erwin cotton mllla weft bdllt at Cooleemee tone of tbe young fellowa would bire a horae and hnegy and go to Cooleemee to a shave and a bair cut There waa a barber aho|^ In the baaenent of tbeJ. N Ledford atore, but I can’t remember'the namM of the three barbera.who worked there. Moat of the merebanta who were tn bnalneaahere soor more yeara ago, have heeo called to their re-] C. C. Sanford Sona Co.. atore l» the only atore now operat­ ing which waa In bnalneaa’ when I arrived here aome 50 odd yeara ago W. L. Call move'd from Advance to MockavMIe aiid opened" a atore In the L. G. Horn bulMlnc.on North Main Street which la now o^pled bv the Wallaoe Store and theLlttle Jewelrv Store. Mr. Call eartled a We tine of graceHea aboea, drv, gooda and.iibilona. Mlaa Dalav Tnraer‘.had a . mlllloiiwT Iti tbh atore. Mr. Call deddM Aat would bnv-a boiw and.mgoa : dellter gooda free to hla cnatomera Wh6:llved within't ha oorpairale Hinlta M the toirn. At thif time I waa iM ngjn North Mocktvine. a.j bout a mlle.frnm tha aquare In the hcnae! where :Prof W. P, RoM . |aon now llvea. ^ My'office wiu over f. T. Angell’a atore. and I had to walk about-fouif mllea-^i day: gefc. ting to mv office jnd hacki home; t. M. Horn, a voung man fromthe Smith Grove aec Ion. took a Job with Mr. Call aa a cterk. He alao rtea and other foMa for the atore. - On ralov dava' I would croaa the utrwt to Mr; Call'a atore and tell him I had to bav*::a few gm»rl»» d’Hvwed t o bonae that afternoon.. I would Irtiy two or thre,i dollars worth of gro. eerlea and hang aroniid the atore nnlll the dry.wagoo waa'ready to Idellver. my «ood«. In tbla way aaved walking a mile In bad weath. er. Mr. Call waa ln bn<lneaa brae (or many, yeara ' He later btougbt lihe Red Pront store from-Dr: R, P. AadmiM, located neat door to the| Atti^l atore: building and tnoved hla atock of gooda aeroaa the atreet' He operatM tbla atore until bhj death aboni is yeara ago. Mra. W t . (Sir atlllowna the building. Which U occupied by the United Varliitv Store, After Mr, Coll moved ‘ftom the Haro building It waa occupied byi AlllMd:iohn«oo Co . for neaflv Jo veara antllthev moved their atore to the W. W -Smith bnlMlhg t^ Sallabnry a l ^ Nearly 40 yeara ago Charlea Hooper of Wloatoa Salem, -togetb. (er Wlth bla brother. Ben Hooper, a hardware. More la the rbkh tbev From A^evifk In writiug about the; orlatera of gone by daya la Modcavllle Mr. Stnad probably never kuMr Mr. |T: R. Walah, orlf hedld, be baa (alM to meatloB him. Mr. Walah came to MockavUle fnm Racking, beat, .where titafatUHr publlabed a weekly paper, to aw k for Mr. Bd, Morrla.'. After a year w'mm on The Reemd Mr.. Walah'waa forced to qalt on accotmt nl falling health. Aboat tbla tlaie a company waa formed In Moekavllle to launch paper. The man selected to manage and edit the new paper bad tor a abort lime had charge of the old Davie TImea. and had poaea. alon of tbe Tlmea outfit when Mr. Walah bought tbla, with the Inten­ tion ot continuing the publication of-the Davt* TImea. Re look po».j aeaalonof tbe-old printing outfit; but the Big Editor ot the new p a ^ , who had tbe mailing llai of the Davie'TImea In hla poaaeaslnn retnaed t o releaae tbla to Mr, Walah. The anbaerlptlon Hat of a imMlcathm being one-of the mmt Important tblpga, Mr. Walah found It Impoaalble to make a go of the TImea without tbla. And being a aodeat, unaanming man, and alao ta bad health, he forfeited wh.t rightly belonged to him ratNer than eater lata -.a legal eeatroversy. There wereacoundrela In that day, the aame aa there are M ayl Walah later aold tbe old Ttmea outfit to Mr. Sella; of the Cooleemec'Ionrnal, and he and my. Nil went to Cooleemee and aet the trpe and printed the firat two Ir. iau<» of the Cooleemee Journal that were ever printed in that town. |Soam rime after tbla Mr. Walah hotitbt a amall farm a n r Hickory, Iwbere he apent hla laat dava. and » h m I vlaltMl h'm aeveral Hmea. He dM M HIckory. and waa bnrl.| led at Mociiavlli*. ta the Roae Ceme. H r Walah waa one of the] kiadaat aad araat generoaa men evary kii«m, and to myl yoiiag daya he waa a great bdp to me, both at MoekavHle ^ and at Hlckoity. Ita mighty pleasant to Ithluklliiek afetd tr l ^ a Siicii aa iTracy R, Walah waa. R. S. MBRONBY , HER HUSBAND At ai banquet the a ieaker had finiahed a tlrtng ovation and one of Ac gucta exhaled a puff of in tense relief. "I’m glad that bombeatic wind jammer ia thtDagh,” he told the pretty ivomaa beaide him. ”To me he’, pu.iilanimon., and a pre- meditated and deliberate hypo* eriie.r ' “Would you mind aaylngthat a- gain2” amiledtbcladv. “I m l^ t aome dav have occaaion to use die woida on him. He’amy huiband,’ •United Mine Woikera loural. DRINKS OUR MILK Two daitlea were engaged in an adverting war.- One of the com- paniea'hired a darcslevil racer to drive a car aiood town, with large placarda, "Thia daredml dtinka out milk.’' The rival company came out [with placards twice as targe re^- «g. "You don’t, have to be a date devil to drink our milk.”— ;eii. ' - HomjblOck for- aeveral .; yeara. Later C. P; . bought their atock of lhardware. ^-Mri.Mc. , . , [a t-a t^ brick hhildlng .adibliiing |thc M«aoole-temolei -where ha 'and ^ W a rim irhaM*are. atarc «atU| b a d ^ b ahonrthreeyeata'ilii^ D» Ym RmS Tto tUeairiiT Poto Jb France T a v i . ' f i m e e - S p c e i ^ T h ic d |0aaa Ctetua'A. IVittai aon of Na-j tiuunC ^atta; SouM 3. Mocfca. viOa,kN. C . ia aaalgiid to thej Ahmr:Unft of the U. & Ainiy: Etirbpa ..Cbraraiinicatioaaj Z o n a in M H ic e .. Spadalbt Potta, a atore keeper! hi the unit’a StarwOampaity, en- tetadA aA fm yln October. 1954, and cooaplcted baak training at Fcntjadim . S. C -He.anived in |Europa In M ai^ 1955. Fotia wmsndttatedfnimShadyl Grove H i^ School, Advatice. N. C . to 195 ^, B altor a t ^ «Hie* n o w an d g at r m k « d po« ta n Iwfag* ^ M W lr if «k Hl«S. PM piM m Sm v * Ic g ^ 'b a iM SO b-iW ' dwND. Aanabtratoi^ Notice! HvriM laiificdaaAdminlatia. iMi of the ailate df H. :C' : Vbimt, d e a n ^ hte of Davie Uountv. iNonh Catottna, Ala la to n o t^ ijh i i d e i d a t o wda ttheia to ifce lemoniKa____o r ^ n o ti c a i^ fa bat ofntenm. - All peiaona '1 eatate wMplean laiUEc tli(a the 3l2 day of Bebniary; I# 5 i—--" ■■■ ■ ■- V . MARY VOSIBR AMD. iHiH & ZM bw . AtMHM«i.; Oar County And Social Security R tn rra R 31 Sen Aloag Mua Street By TIM StfMrRamMw. ' Ry Lotiia H. Qe ,Mai Now that Taniiary 1956 haa come and gone, workera haqe received atatementa of their 195S earning their emplppera. Theap atatementa, known, as Form W-2, are fiim iah^ to workera as re. quired by law. and ..show the wotlcer'a name, aocial aeciirltv number: total wages paid to him in that vear, amount of income taq withheld and amount of wages p o rte d for racial security ciedita. Workers who have b m paid Doer, aalaries, etc. KEPT MISSING BUS Youngatcta are different nowa- daya—you never know how tbeyll react to your fovorite old atoriea. I recently told a 12-yearold about aom eonalna of mine who lived seven miles iMit in the cotmtrv b i^ In the M days, and bad to «^lc to acbool ea^, morning and home cad) night. They all grew up to be succeasful, tea^onsible liien and wometi. ItoM all thia l«D the U.yearold and addd diat diiswaa K>mcthlng to thiitk a. Ibout, Ife thought for a few minutes, and remarked. "Craty kids. They kept inisaing the bua, ch.” SHORT ON GOLD “Why.” asked the teacher, “did Aaron ma^e a golifen caU?" Replied a hrii^t little girl from [the country: “Becauae he did not have gold enough to inake a cow."| BONES ADDED 'Haven’t you any' more recenl booka on anatomy^ complained the student,. 'Tlieae ari at Icaat ten years old." "Look. Bud." aaid the Ubrarlan, "there have been no honca added to the human body in the last, ten yeara." MUST BE COLD All excited as she intrt the cddntitv to her party guests, the hostess said. ■‘Thia U Captain Banka.. He haa just tetumedfrom [the Arctb; tctfooa.” *V3hr burat out one pretty gnest. l"Do come over to the fire. You Itmut coldl" of $4,200 or more dating 1955, should check their Forms W-2 to make sure they will receive credlt| Jfor $4,000 on their social accounts (Prior to 1955, the maximum so­ cial security wage credits allowable for a worker for any one year was ♦3.600.) If a worker was paid at least $4,200 in 1955. but his F<wm W.2. shows PICA (or DAIS) wagesles. than this amount, he should im- mediatdly contact bia employer or payroll supervisor the amount of nwucity eantlngs reporfed for him If. for some reason, the employer cannot or will not correct the Form W-2 and hla social aecurity tau remrns, the worker should get in touch with his Social Secotityl Administration district office, lofiice, where he will receive assist­ ance to have his social security ac>1 count cotected. When he comes to the soda) security office, the worker should bring with aim his 1855 Form W-2. The worker should also com- ipare the name and aocial security number adpearing on his sosial se. |curity card wiih the name and number ahown on hia Form W*2, If they are not the same, he should^ also ttU his employer or payroll aupervisot about thia, ao the em-^ ployet’a tecotda can be corrected to Aow the cotract information. If you have any question con­ cerning your aocial security, you might write us at 301 Post Office Bjilding, Sallaburv, N. C.. or see our reprwntative who visits tfte Court House; Mocksvllle N. C.,1 on the first and third Fridava of each month from 1230-1:30. duced Jerry: Were you out in all that tain?Rufua: No. Juat that pan that fell around me. NOTICE TO CREDTORS, Having quaUfied at A dm ii^tor of the estate of Mra. E. M. Kdler, deceased, notice i. hereby given M all persons holdingdainis a^lnst the said deceaaed, to pre­ sent them,' properly venlled, to the undersigned, on or before the< 1st day of fobraaty, 1957. or this otica will be plead in bar- of_ re. AU personf Jndebted to niflcv 1956alOEHBNlEyKEUER. Admr; Mia. E. M- deci’d. OiudaHldai,AHHiicr. Shoof Coal & Sand Co, We Can Supply J(o u r Needs IN GOOD COAL, SAND and BRICK Call ot Phone Ua At Any Time PHONE 194 Fotmerlv Davie Bride &Coal Co Gilmer Brewer on hla way down Maiti street on chilly momteg— Jack Crouch on his way ud M ^ stteet through heavy traffic—Mta. . Nera Godbey crossing the sqtiate with hand .fail of mon«)r-r*MiaMa Beaveylella and Shirt^ Gaithei do­ ing some Saturday inomiiig ahop- pin^H appv Cozart on Wa way across ^ e sqinre—Rlke W ithon dispenaing hen fhiit around the squar.—Dr. Mutt busy Gountfatg pills—George Hendridu standtag ill front of Mocksvllle Cash Store getting a litde fresh alt—Wood, row Wilson doing some s h o p i^ in drug .store—Malden h ir !*• irking that whatthls town need- was a KuKlux Klan lodge- Bob Charles talking wid> fUeods on Main atreet—A. E. Alford busy waitfaig on customers in Mooee^a department store—Kermir Snddi standing in store door w atck ^ part of the world go. by—Mias Martha Call talking about spend­ ing a month recently in Florida— Man carrying big oil can down Main street-Robt.Baalnget load­ ing up faithful old ^ p e at Be me­ anders down Depot strectr-Mta. Fletcher Clii^ on het way to work as the clock strikes the how— Young couple walking atoond the square holding hands on warm af­ ternoon—lake Metoney looking over cars ill used car lot—I. B« Howard rambling around town |on rainy mom ing-C. T. Hupp hurrying into apothecary ahop in jearly aftcnvoon-Matvin Wateia on his way down Main street— Mra. Conrad Chappell gsttbig tea- dv to go to work on.-rainy morn­ ing—R. H. Johnson dtivfag laun­ dry truck down Main atre^R cv . Robert Oakley walking up Main street on rainy afternoon, mintn hat, rain-«oat ot uaabtetta—M n. Spurgeon Anderson doing saOM afternoon shopping—Dr. and Mw. S. A. Harding walking down S. Main atieet—Rev. G. W . Rnk on hia way up Mata atieee-Chatll* Com looking for Blum’s Almanac —Haines Yates greeting fUenda in front of drug store. NOTICE TO CREDrFORS Haqing qualified-aa adminstta- tor of A lf ^ Cleveland. deccaKd. Inotice is hereby given to all per­ sons boldiiig daims against the ea- tateofaaid deceaaed, to-present the same ptopedy verified to the iiundersigncd on or before the 2Sth llday of Januaay 1657. or thia notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to aaid estate will please make prompt satde- ment. This 2Sth day of Janturv. 19S& S. M. CALL. A dm t.O f A lf ^ aevdend,.Deeeaaed. ByA.T.GRAM T.Attv: HILLTOP Service & Supply 1 ^ PLACE TO GET rr ' ia», Oil, Tires And Supplies Staple Grocerieg [SnMtt Enough To Appreciate Your Bufiaeai' Large Eaough To .-FW Your Tank J.W .HILL OWBW Prince Tbeatre CINEMASCOPE WEDNESDAY •SCARLET COAT»ln Colot With Cornel Wilde & Anne Francis Cartoon . CINEMASCOPE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “BLOOD ALLEY” In C«*»t With John Wayne fit Laonea Bacall. News! SATURDAY "IDAHO” with Roy Rogaia Also Cartom & Seiial CINEMASCOPE MONDAY & TUESDAY "REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSET In Color With James Dean. Newa pmCB: CIMSMASOOPBAMtsNaCHiinBtia DJiVIE tXNINtrS liQGER■aowvikuic : I. ij