Jul - DecfO
' *.
Lawson Joshua Bowling
Mr. Lawson Joshua Bowling,
19. of Winsion-Salem. died Tues
day evening. June 24.2003.
He was bom Nov. 22.1983 lo
Art L. Bowling and Kaihy A. Fos
ter-Jordan in Winslon-Salem.
Lawson Joshua (LJ) was a student
at the University of North Caro
lina in Greensboro until a tecent
At Davie High, he was a
Crosby Scholar and president of
the'Future Business Leaders of
America. He was on the dean's list
at Fbrsyth Technical Community
College. At age 12. he became the
youngest certified cavem diver,
was PAD! rescue diver and was a
student pilot. One of his most
cherished accomplishments was
his Jeep's third place finish in the
SPL Southern Division.
Preceding him in death were
his grandfather. William L. Bowl
ing, and an uncle. Richie M. Fos
Survivors: mother and stepfa
ther. Kathy A. Foster-Jordan and
Steve: father. Art L. Bowling; a
sister. Jessica Bowling: a brother.
Peter J. Bowling; grandparents,
Jean B. Bowling. Barbara D. Fos
ter, and James and Libby Foster;
friends and relatives; aunts and
uncles. John and Cheryl Mooney.
Jan Bowling and Danny Bowling;
great-aunts and uncles, Jimmy and
Margaret Floyd and Eunice and
Bill Sttoud; and 6 cousins.
Funeial services were at 3 p.m.
Sanirday. June 28. at First Baptist
Church in Mocksville conducted
by Dr. Larry Hovis and the Rev.
Lewis Phillips, with graveside ser
vices at Rose Cemetery.
Memorials: Davie Community
Youth Choir. 294 Holly Lane,
Terry Thomas Collins
Mr. Terry Thomas Collins of
Kemersville died June 28, 2003
at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice
Home in Winston-Salem.
*TC," as he was known to
friends, was bom May 24.19S0
in Radford, Va. to Clycle and Mary
Jo Collins. He was a graduate of
Virginia Tcch with a degree in
business administration and one of
its loyal sports fans. He spent
many years in the golf profession,
holding jobs In Atlanta, Myrtle
Beach and Winston-Salem. He
was a member of St. Pauls United
Methodist Church, in Christians-
burg, Va.
Survivors: his father, Clyde
Collins of Christiansburg, Va.; a
brother, Tim (Vicki) Collins of
Advance; 2 nephew; and a great-
The family received friends at
7 p.m. Weilnesday, July 2 at St.
Pauls United Methtxiist Church in
Christiansburg. A private family
graveside service will be held
Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds
Hospice Home, 101 Hospice
Lane, Winston-Salem. 27103.
Dekion Shadow Hardy
Deklan Shadow Hardy, infant
son of Sheila Rm Voglerand Rob
ert William Hardy, was bora and
died on Thursday, June 26.2003.
Deklan was preceded in death
by his paternal grandmother ^
uncle, Annie Davis Hardy and
Randy Jean Hardy, by his mater
nal great-grandmother. Zelma
Hendrix Lashmit, and matemal
great-grandfather. Gerald Vogler.
Survivors: his parents of
Pineville Road; a brother.
Courtland Staiiley Hardy of the
home; matemal grandparents. Ri
chard and Diana Vogler of Ad
vance; paternal grandfather. Floyd
Hardy of Advance: maternal
great-grandfather. William
Lashmit of Courtney; matemal
great-grandmother. Lucille Vogler
of Clemmons; paternal great-
grandmother, Grade Hardy of
Mocksville; and several aunts,
uncles and cousins.
A graveside service was held
at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. July 2.
in Westlawn Gardens of Memory
in Clemmons with the Rev. Mark
Vickers officiating. Family mem
bers were to receive friends at
Eaton Funeral Home from 2-3
p.m. Wednesday.
Counly Public Library
Moofisvifte, NC
Donald Ray Hendritdcs
Mr. Donald Ray Hentlricks,
69. of Hickory Drive, Mocksville,
died Thursday, June 26.2003 at
Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home
in Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were Friday.
June 27 at 7 p.m. at First United
Methodist Church with Revs.
Donald Routh, Crystal Alexander
and Charles Tiimer, and Shirley ,
Cottle officiating. Burial was Sat- :
urday.Jutie28at 11 a.m. inRose '
Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds
Hospice Home. 101 Hospice
Lane. Winston-Salem, 27103; or .
First Methodist Church, 310 N.
Main St.. Mocksville.
Mr. Hendricks was bom June ;
21, 1934 in Davie County to the ;
late William Paul and Novia Suin-
mers Hendricks and was retired !
from Davie Auto Parts and had
also been with Mocksville Build
ers Supply. He was a life long
member of First United Method
ist Church where he sang in the
Chancel Choir for more than 30
years. He served in the U.S. Air '
Force from 1934-I9S7.
Survivors; his wife. Mary
Jackson Hendricks of the home;
3 children, Donald Martin .
"Marty" Hendricks of Greenville, !S.C., Richard Paul "Richie" j
(Carol) Hendricks, and Mary i
Suzanne Hendricks. all of Mocks
ville: 3 grandchildren; a sister,
Mrs. Arthur (Wanda) Bryant of
Carthage; a brother, Charles
Hendricks of Mocksville.
He was preceded in death by 2
brothers. William P. "Bill"
Hendricks Jr.. and Worth T.
Hendricks; and a sister, COmelia
Charles Groce James
Mr. Charles Oroce James, 79.
a former judge for the Workers
Compensation Commission of
Virginia, died June 26, 2003.
He was bom in Farmington,
Davie County, the son of Elsie C,
and Harriet Croce James.
Survivors; his wife of55 years,
Kate Vestal James; 2 daughters.
Elizabeth J, WjlUngham and hus
band.. Kenneth of Brownwood
Texas, and Jante J, Gendron and
husband Ceotge of York. Maine;
a brother, B.C. James Jr. and wife
Ruth of Winsion-Salem,
A longtime member ofTrinity
United Methodist Church and
faithful In attendance to his Sun
day school class, he was a former
member of the Adminislraiive
Board and other comminees of the
church, Mr. Jamesjoined the U.S.
Navy during World War II with
three years' service including both
European and Pacific duty. He
was a graduate of the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
and the UNC School of Law, In
1950 he joined the Glens Falls
Insurance Co. working in various
capacities In Nonh Carolina and
Virginia, He was the piesldent of
the Roanoke and the Richmond
Claims Managers Councils and
served a number of years on the
Inter-Company Arbitration Com
mittee, In 1970 he joined the In
dustrial CoTturussion of Virginia
as Chief Deputy Commissioner
and from 1980 to his retliemeni
in 1994 he was a judge with the
Workers Compensation Commis
sion of Virginia,
The funeral service was con
ducted at 2 p.m. Monday, June 30
at Farmington United Methodist
Church. Bunal was in Farming-
ton Community Cemetery,
Donations; Trinity .Methodist.
903 Forest Ave., Richmond, VA
23229 for the Bi-Ceniennial Gar
den or Mission Fund,
Ellcne E. Mclntyre
Mrs, Ellcne Eiheredge
Mclntyre. 75. of 140 Elm St..
Mocksvllle. died Monday. June
30.2003 aiFonyth Medical Cen-
and Bertha ^ ^
Weems Eiheredge,
She was preceded in death by
3 sisters. Grace Eiheredge. Stella
Mongomery and Nina Bell Fritz,
and 2 brothers,T,T, Etheredgeand
Tboma s Eiheredge.
SurvivtMs: her husband of 48
years. George Mclntyre; 2 sons.
Mark E, Mclntyre and wife Lisa
of Rural Hall, and James A.
Mclntyre and wife Betty of
Dufriam; 2 sisters, B.Ann Walker
ofAlexanderCity. Ala.,and Marie
Lawrence of Lockpon, 111.; and 5
•Mrs, Mclntyre was a member,
teacher, and librarian of the First
Baptist Church in Mocksvllle, She
was agrsduaie ofAuburn Univer
sity. She earned her master's de
gree from the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro, and was
a member of Alpha Delta Kappa
and Iiiiernaiional Honorary Soci
ety for Women Teachers, She
served as past president of the
Davie County Retired School Per
sonnel, was an auxiliary member
of Davie County Gideons, and
was (he media cootdinator for
Davie High School,
A celebration of life memorial
service will be heldThursday.July
3 at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist
Church in Mocksvllle with Dr.
Van Lanlcford ofriciating, Visita-
lion will be after the service, A
private graveside service will be
held at Rowan Memorial Park.
Memorials: First Baptist Li
brary Fund. 390 N. Main St.,
Mocksvllle; or Gideon Imerna-
lional.P.O, Box 192..Mocksvllle.
Ronald Gene Rushing
Ronald Gene "Ronnie" Rush
ing. 45, of Lexington, died Sun
day. June 29,2003,
Born In Forsyih County on
Jan, 20. 1958, he was the son of
Billy Rushing and (be late Mattie
Baker Rushing, He was employed
by G&L Consinicuon,
In addition to his father, survi
vors include: stepmother. Eliza
beth Rcavls Rushing; 2 brothers.
Timothy Keith Rushing of
Salisbury and Randy Wayne
Rushing of Lexington; and a sis
ter and brother-in-law, Renee and
James Reid of Lexington,
A memorial service was held
on Wednesday. July 2 at 11 aun.
at the home of his father at 663
Cedar Grove Church Road.
Memorials; American Heart
Assoc., Memorial & Tribute Pro
cessing Center, P.O. Box 5216.
Glen Allen. VA. 23058-5216; or
the American Diabetes Assoc..
Always and Forever Memorial
and Honor Program. Attn: ADA
Web, P.O. Box 2860, Nonh Can
ton. Ohio, 44720,
Myrtle Sain Snider
Mrs, Myrtle Bell Sain Snider,
iOl, of Few Acres Lane. Har- '
mony, died Thursday. June 26. ,
2003 at Forsyih Medical Center in
Funeral services were held Sat
urday, June 28 at 2 pm, at Eaton
Funeral Chapel with the Revs,'
Wade Wright and Galen Hahn of
ficiating, Burial was in No Creek
Primitive Baptist Church Cem
Memorials: No Creek Baptist
Cemetery Fund. 107 Nail Lane.
Mrs, Snider was bom Sept, 28.
1901 in Rowan County to the late
Henry Giles and Rosa Frye Sain
and was a homemaker and had
woikcd for Erwin Mills for sev-
eral years. She anended No Creek
Baptist Church, enjoyed cooking,
crocheting, flower gardening and
reading western novels, -
She was preceded in death by
her husband, George Anderson
Snider, 2 sons, George Winston
Snider and Bobby Gene Snider,
and a grandson, David Snider,
Survivors: a daughter. Mrs,
Edward (Jerleen) Gaiiher of Har
mony; 5 grandchildren; and 3
OavW County Pubiic Ubraiy
Moct^svNle, NC
Minnie Wood Iblley
Mrs. Minnie Wood lUiey,84.
of HamptonvUle, died Saturday,
June 28.2003 at (tedell Memorial
She was a native of Yadkin
County. She was bom May 20,
1919. to the late Henry Harrison
and Annie Beli Wood. She had
retired from Beauty Maid Mills as
a seamstress. She was married to
James Alfred Tailey, who pre
ceded her in death. In addition to
her parents and husband, she was
pteceded in death by a son, Tho
mas Alfred Tailey; and a daugh
ter, Sandra Marie Tailey: 3 broth
ers, Herman, Calvin and David
Wood; 4 sisters, Amelia Cranillie,
Hattie Macy, Ethel Walker and
Eva Mae Crews.
Surviveors: ason, Ricky Wood
Ihlley (Beth) ofOlin; 2 daughters, '
Charlotte Smith ofMocksville and
Jessie Cigliano (Lany) of Win-
ston-Salem; S grandchildren: and
a great-grandchild.
She was a member of New
Hope Baptist Church, where iti-
net^ services were held at 11 am.
Tuesday, July 1 conducted by the
Rev. Larry Andrews and Chris
Flonnagan. Burial followed in the
New Hope Baptist Church Cem
Mrs. Cordia Mae West.
Trivette, 94, of N.C. 801 South,MocksvilIe,diedWedtte5day,June
25, 2003 at Autumn Care of
A memorial service was heldSunday, June 29 at 3 pm. in Eaton
Funeral Chapel with Rev, Darreli
Cox officiating. Burial was m
Union Chapel United Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Memorials: Trinity Baptist,
2722 US. 601 S.. Mocksville.
Mrs. Trivette was bom June ;
19,1909 in Iredell County to the j
late James Robert and PoUy Ann nChamberlain West and was ahousekeeper and lieldwoiker. She
was a former member of Dutch
man Creek Baptist Church and a ^member oftrinity Baptist Church.
She enjoyed sewing, quilting and i
walking*She was preceded in death by
her husband: Jack Arthur Trivette
in 1972:5 brothers and sisters.Survivors: her daughter. Mar
garet Ue West of the home: 2 sisters-in-law. Thelma West and
Pauline West of MocksviUe; sev
eral nieces, nephews and cousins.
Doris BundyUpshaw
Doris Bundy Upshaw, 81, of ]BetmudaRun,diedJune26,2003. .
She is survived by 4 children •
and g graiulchiidten.
The family plans to hold a pri
vate service and cast her cremains
into the surf at Cape Halteras.
Memorials may be made to a
charity of choice.
. W
O&m County Public Ulirai)f
Moc*«vilte, W»
James Albert Brown\/ Mr. James Albert Brown, 45,of Lexington, died Saturday, July
5, 2003 in Lexington Memorial
He was a native of DavidsonCounty and worked at Dixie Fur
niture Co.
Survivors; 2 sons, Kentrelt
Mason and Alfonzo Mason of the
home; a daughter, Shavonya Ma
son of the home: 3 brothers, WillieTerrell of Salisbury, Kenneth Ber
nard Brown of South Carolina and
Jerry Lynn Brown of Lexington;4 sisters, Arime Bush, Evelyn
Holmes, both of Lexington, Mary
Brown and Sheny Lynn Brown of
Salisbury; and a grandchild.
Funeral services will be Fri
day, July 11 at 3 p.m. at BuncombeBaptist Church, ofTiciated by the
Rev. Rufus Wyatt. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The
family will receive friends 30 min
utes prior to the service.
4 Eva Brown Campbell
Mrs. Eva Brown Campbell, 73,of Mocksville, died Friday. July
4,2003, at Forsyih Medical Cen
ter in Wtnston-Salem.
She was bom to the late Edward and Martha Luckey Brown.Sheanended R. A. Clement HighSchool and was a graduate ofRowan Cobanus Community College in Salisbury. Mrs. Campbellwas a retired employee of FiberIndustries (KOSA) of Salisbury.She was a member of Shiloh Baptist Church of Mocksville, where,
she was a deaconess, member of"''
the Spiritual Choir and Mission- 'aiy Society. She also was a mem
ber of the Order of the Eastern
Star, Good Samaritan Club andCancer Services Support Group.She was predeceased by herhusband, Carl J. Campbell in 1974and 2 daughters, Bienda Campbellin 1958 and Regina Campbell in
Survivors: a son, Robert J.Campbell of Advance; 3 daughters, Mae Campbell (James)
Feebles of Mocksville, Frances
Campbell of Advance and LisaCampbell (Bradley) Willams of
Boonville; 2 sisters. Hazel Brown
March of Mocksville and MarthaBrown Pulliam of Orongeburg,
The funeral service was at 3
p.m, Tuesday, July 8 at ShilohBaptist Church in Mocksville,
with the Rev. Dr. Donald R,Jenkins, pastor, officiating. Burialwas in the church cemetery.
Patricia Mock Cardwell
3 Mrs. Patricia Ann Mock
Cardwell, 58, of East Bend, died
Sunday, July 6,2003, at her home.
She was bora May 22, 1945,
in Forsyth County to Phillip E. and
Mary Ellen Howard Hilton. Mrs.
Cardwell was a member of Vic-
toty Baptist Church in Qemmons.
She was preceded in death by
3 brothers, Harrison "Shorty"
HUton, Lawrence "Slick" Hilton
and Jimmy Hilton: a half sister,
Evelyn Smith; and 4 half broth
ers, Roben, Ralph, Bruce and BiU
Surviving: her husband of the
home, James W. Cardwell; 4 chil
dren, Judy aien Mock McMillian
and husband Hersie of Mount
Airy, SaundraAnn Mock Powers
of Greensboro, Edward Simeon
\ Mock of Advance and Patrick
• Wayne Mock of Greensboro; 4
stepchildren, Sonia Ferraiolo and
husband David of Arcadia, Larry
Cardwell of Arcadia, Randy
Cardwell and wife Sharon of
Kemersville and Susan Rubles
and husband Eloy of Arcadia: 5
grandchildren: 8 step-grandchil
dren: 3 sisters, Mary Hilton
Myers, Doris Hilton Mock, both
of Advance and Jessie Hilton
Mullis and husband James of
Reedy Creek; a brother, Eddie
Hilton and wife Emily of Advance
and a half brother, Lester Hilton
and wife Marquelia of Advance.
A funeral service was held at
2 p.m. Tiiesday, July 8, at Victory
Baptist Church, with Drs. Mike
Duffield and Rantlall Lenderman
officiating. Burial followed in
Parklawn Memorial Gardens.
Memorials: Hospice of
Yadkin, 208 N. Jackson St.,
Yadkinville, 27055.
/Lenora SIuss Dyson
v Mrs. Lenora Sluss Dyson, 79,
formerly of Daniel Road, Mocks
ville, died Sunday, July 6,2003
at Autumn Care of Mocksville.
Funeral services were Tues
day, July 8 at 11 a.m. in Eaton Fu
neral Chapel with Rev. Billy
Stroud officiating. Burial was in
Eatons Baptist Church Cemetery.
Memorials: Alzheimets Asso
ciation, Western Carolina Chapter,
380O Shamrock Dr., 999, (Hiar-
lotte, 28215-3220.
Mrs. Dyson was bom March
15. 1924 in Davie County to the
late (Hyde and Minnie Viola Jor
dan Sluss and was a homemaker.
She was a member of Community
Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by
her husbands. Junior Stroud and
Leon L. Dyson.
Survivors: 7 children, Deborah
Stroud Bailey of Statesville,
Sharon D. Watkins of Cleveland,
Rose Elaine Spry and Sanford
Stroud, both of Cooleemee, David
Dyson of Virginia Beach, Va.,
Thomas Dyson of Mocksville and
Michael Dyson of Cooleemee; 14
grandchildren; 12 great-grandchil
dren; a sister, Lola Booe of Lex
ington; and several half brothers
and sisters living in the
Pocahontas, Va. area. '
Otvb Coun^ Public library
MoctrsvHte, NC "
Cs DAVm COUNTV EJITERPRBE record. Th..^,, j.„
F Dr. M. Wilson Nesbitt '
. 0
; Annette L. Livingston
. Anneiie LouiseLivmgston. 15. of 2295 U.S. 601
S.JWoclcsv,IIe. died Sunday. July
She wasanativeof Easi Mead-
° N.Y.. and was
n at SouthDavte Middle School in Mocks.
Survivors: her mother. Levine
Long island, and Tamrin
Livingston of MocksviUe; 2 sis-lers. Erica Lyons and Vanessa
fones. both of MocksviUe; maternal ^andfather. John Lyons of
MocksviUe; paternal grandmother. Alberta Livingslon of
Hemstead. N.y.
Funeral services were scheduled for Wednesday. July 9 at ->
PM. in the chapel of Graham Fu'
DaZn^ TimDa/ton weretoofficiate.Thefam.
oetore the service.
Nina Foster MtindayJ Nina Foster Munday. 80. a
longtime resident of Smith Grove,
died Wednesday. July 2. 2003 at
Forsyth Memorial Hospital.
. She was bom Sept. 26. 1922.
and was the last remaining child
ofJoseph Henty Foster and Sallie
Miller Foster of Smith Grove. Her
father Joseph (1847.1932). wasa
veteran of the CivU War. serving
in the Confederate States of
America. He was a member of the
Home Guard, a member of Co. E.
I SI N.C. Stale Troops. CSA.
Though young. Joseph was said to
have played the fife in a "War's
Over" parade in Richmond. Va.
Nina was educated in Davie
County at Smith Grove High
School. She was married to the
late Robert Conrad. During her
early life, she lived in Winston-
Salem and worked at Butler Shoesand also Marilyns Shoes for her
brother Cleland. After the death of
her husband. Nina moved back to
her parents'home in Smith Groveto care for her elderly mother
Sallie. In the 1960s. Nina maiiied
Garland Munday. and cared for
him throughout a long illness. She
lived the remainder of her life
there in the home her father built.
She was preceded in death by
her brothers and sisten. Evelyn
Foster Howard. Joe Foster,
Cleland Foster and Alvin Foster.
Another sister died in infancy.
She was a member of Home
Moravian Church in Wlnston-Sa-
lem and a lifetime member of
Smith Grove Methodist Church.
Survivors: several nieces and
nephews: several great nieces and
A funeral service was held Sat
urday. July 5 at II a.m. at Eaton
Funeral Service. MocksviUe. with
the Rev. Chris Clontz officiating.
Burial followed in Smith Grove
United Methodist Church Cem
Memorials: in Nina Munday's
name to Smith Grove Methodist
Building Fund. 3492 US 158.
y The Rev. Dr. M. Wilson
Nesbitt of Durham, bom Oct. 31.
1912. died Thursday evening. July
3. 2003. at Croasdaile Village in
He was the son of the late'
Marion W. and Ethel Forester
Nesbitt. Bom in Mars Hill and
raised in Gastonia. he attended
Rutherford Junior College and
graduated from Lenoir Rhyne
College and the Duke Divinity
School. He was awarded a Doc
tor of Divinity degree in 1962 by
Pfeiffer College and the Distin
guished Alumnus Award by Duke
University Alumni Association in
Dr. Nesbitt was preceded in
death by his wife of 59 years.
Mary Elizabeth Drum.
Survivors: his daughter. Vir
ginia Mann and husband Philip of
Durham; a son. J. Lany Nesbitt
and wife Bonnie of Charlotte; 4
grandchildren; 2 great-grandsons;
2 sisters; and a special friend.
Willie D. Johnson of Durham.
As a United Methodist Minis
ter. he served churches in
Mooresville. Granite Falls.
Demon. Dobson. Level Cross. •
West Jefferson and Davie County.
He served as executive secretary
of the Commission on Town &
Countiy Work in the Western N.C.
Conference of the United Meth
odist Church from 1954 to 1958.
From 1958-1978. Dr. Nesbitt was
oil the faculty of Duke Univetsity
Divinity School and served as the
director of Rural Church Affairs
under the trustees of the Duke
Endowment. His career was cen
tered on the life and ministry of
churches in town and country
communities. He served on Judi-
catory Committees at the Annual.
Jurisdictional and (Jeneral Confer
ence levels of the United Meth
odist Church us well as on state
wide ecumenical programs.
A memorial service was held
at 2 p.m. Monday. July 7, at
Asbury United Methodist Church.
Durham by the Revs. B. Maurice
Ritchie and Leonard Doucette.
Memorials: Mary Drum Nes
bitt Fund, c/o Asbury Methodist
Church. 806 Clarendon St..
Durham. 27705; the Hinton Ru
ral Life Center. P.O. Box 27.
Hayesville. 28904; or Greensboro
College. 815 W. Market St..
Geoi^e Reid Jr.
/ Mr. George Reid Jr., 72. of
Newton, died Saturday. July 5.
2003 in Catawba Valley Medical
He was a native of Catawba
County, son of the late Mary
Stewart and George Reid Sr. He
was a veteran of the U.S. Air
Force, a former city policeman, a
city councilman, and retired from
General Electric. He was a mem
ber of Cbulter's Grove AME Zion
Church, where funeral services
will be held Thursday. July 10 at
3 p.m. The Rev. Ralph Cousins
will officiate, and burial will fol
low in the church cemetery. The
body will be taken to the church
to lie in state at I p.m.. and the
family will receive friends'one
hour before the service.
Survivors: his wife. Dorothy
Coulter Reid of the home; 2 sons.
George (Carolyn) Reid 111 of
Hudson. Ohio, and Jetty (Peggy)
Coulter of Tiiscon. Ariz.; 4 daugh
ters. April (John) Rhinehatdt of
High Point. Beverly (Pastor
Bennie) White of Charlotte. Shelia
(Aiulrew) Rhinehatdt of Newton,
and Priscilla Reid of the home; a
brother. John Reid of Cleveland.
Ohio; 3 sisters. Maty Lois Gray
of Woodleaf. Louise Smith of
Bronx. N.Y.i and Betty Jo Wilson
of Brooklyn. N.Y.; 14 grandchil
dren; and 7 great-grandchildren. >
A son. Elder Aaron Reid. pre
ceded him in death in 2000.
Owi Counly PutiUc lii^
0 DAVIE county enterprise record, Thursday, July 17,2003
J Gilbert E. Cockerham
Mr. Gilbert Eugene
Cockerham. 49. of Mocksville.
died Monday. July 14. 20O3 in
Ittdell Memorial Hospital follow
ing an extended illness.
He was bom in Rowan County,
the son of Paul Clifton and EloiseTbmerCockerharo.and graduated
from Davie High School in 1972.
Survivors; his parents. Paul
Clifton and Eloise Cockerham of
Mocksville; a son. Joshua Nichols
of Hamony: 3 daughters. Yolanda
(Mark) Fowler of Cooleemee.
Vonetta (Thurman) Jordan of
Creedmoor.and KendraHowellof
Mocksville; a foster daughter.
Tressica Howell; 2 brothers. Wil
liam (Priscilla) dockerham of
Statesville andtVacey Cockerham
of Mocksville; 4 sisters. Minister
I iiiian C. Brock. Pastor (3iarlene
C. Lewis, and Kathy Cockerham.
all of Mocksville. and Gloria C.
Tumer of Statesville; a grand
child; and 2 foster grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
Sunday. July 20 at 4 pan. in Oie
chapel of Graham Funeral Home.
Mocksville. Pastor Charlene
Lewis will officiate, and burial
will follow in the family plot at
New Calvary Holiness Church
Cemetery. The family will receive
friends one hour before the ser-
Howard W. Coley
J Mr. Howard WestmorelandColey.77.ofOakIsland.fotmerly
of Rural Hall, died at the New
Hanover Medical Center in
Wilmington on Friday afternoon.
July 11.2003.
Coley was a native of Forsyth
County, where he was bom on
NOV..27.1925. to the late Jeff and(ioraiWestmoreland Coley. He
was a member of Union Cross
Baptist Church.and was retired as
a self-employed contractor. Hewas a veteran of the U.S. Navy.
having served during World War
II. He was an avid fishertnan andgardener and past president of the
Forsyth County Farm Bureau, and
was active with the Forsyth
County Lions Club.
Also preceding him in death
were a son. Charles Michael
•Mike* Coley; a sister; and 3
Surviving: his wife of 56 years.
Melba Slaydon Coley of the
home; a son and daughter-in-law.
Dennis H. and Suaye Coley of
Rural Hall; adaughter and son-in-
law.Donese C. and Tom Campbell
of Farmington; 5 grandchtldren; 2great-grandchildren; 2 sisters.
Maty Kiger and Lilly Teague; a•special brother." J. Arvol Hepler.
and a host of relatives and friends.
A graveside funeral service
was conducted at 11 a an. Monday.
July 14. in Ctestview Memorial
Park with the Rev. Kenneth
Barker officiating. T
Memorials: local or district
Veterans Administration hospital.
^ Roy W. Daniels Jr.
Mr. Roy Washington Daniels
Jr.. 79,of Salisbury.died Sunday.
July 13.2003 at Rowan Regional
M^ical Center.
He was bom Nov. 7. 1923 in
Davie County, a son of the late
Georgia Peacock Daniels and Roy
W. Daniels Sr. He was educated
in Davie County Schools, and was
a carpenter, employed by Wagoner
Cbnsmiction and Hsher Construc
His wife. Rose Catherine Byid
Daniels, preceded him in death on
. April 16.1984.
Survivors: 3 sons. Stephen
Daniels. G^ Lee Daniels, and
Jeffrey Lynn Daniels, all of
Salisbury; 3 daughters. Brenda D.
Michael of Albemarle. and Rheta
D. Wagoner and Donna D.
Ruhnow. both of Salisbury; 3
brothers. Duke Daniels of Mocks-
vUle. Paul Daniels of Salisbury
and Lindy Daniels of Texas; 7
grandchildren; and 6 great-grand-
A graveside was held at 11
a.m. Tuesday. July 15 at the
Shiloh United Church of Christ
Cemetery in Faith, officiated by
the Rev. Robert T. Heard, minis
ter of Stallings Memorial Baptist
yGladys Childress Davis
Mrs. Gladys C3iildress Davis.
88. of Salisbury, died Thursday.
July 10.2003 at Rowan Regional
Medical Outer in Salisbuiy.
She was bom Oct. 23.1914 in
Davie County to the late Sallie
Miller Childress and Wesley
Childless. She was educated in the
Davie County Schools and was a
homemaker. She was a charter
member of Southside Baptist
Church, the Sunshine Bible class
and the WMU MomingCircle.
She was preceiled in death by
her husband. John Lincoln Davis,
and 2 daughters. Brenda Davis
and Carolyn Davis.
Survivors: 3 sons. Billy Ray
Davis and John I. Davis, both of
Salisbury, and Larry Wayne Davis
of Statesville; 2 daughters. Lois
Sisk of Salisbury and Maggie
Watson of Greenville; a brother.
Lester Potts of Mocksville; 11
grandchildren; and 8 great-grand
The funeral was held at 4 p.m.
Sunday. July 13. at Southside
Baptist Church in Salisbuiy with
the Revs. Ricky Brown and Joe
Black officiating. Burial was in
Rowan Memorial Park.
Memorials: Southside Baptist.
500 Morlan Park Road.Salisbury.
*toa(S¥ilte, NC
DAVIE county enterprise record, Thursday, July 17.2003
/ Laura Belle Dulin
J Mrs.LauraBelleDulin,91,of
350 Campbell Road. Mocksville.
died Sunday. July 13. 2003 in
Fbrsyih Medical Center rollowing
an extended illness.
She was the daughter of the
late Boss and Etta Howell Bow.
man. For many years, she worked
at Mocksville Laundry and Dry
Cleaners. She was a member of
Mt. Zion Holiness Chuieh. wheie
funeral services will be held on
Friday. July 18 at 4 pan. Bishop
James Ijames will officiate, and
burial will follow in the church
cemeteiy.The family will receive
friends one hour before the ser-
Survivors: a son. Richard
(Betty) Dulin of Winston-Salem:
a daughter. Nora D. Barker of
Mocksville; a brother. James
(Janie) Bowman of Statesville; 2
sisters. Kizzie Mae Dulin of
Statesville and Haitie Moote of
Mootesville; and a large numberofgrandchildren and great-grand,
Claude D. Eagle Sr.
J Mr. Claude D. Eagle Sr.. 69.
of Winston-Salem. died Wednes-
day morning. July 9.2003.
Mr. Eagle was bom July 16.
1933. in Rowan County to Arnold
Hubert Eagle and Naomi Hahn.
He served in the U.S. Marine
Corps and was a Korean War vet-
eran. He attended the Goshen
Church and the Salvation Army
Church. He was a plumber and a
licensed plumbing contractor.
Surviving: his son. Claude D.
Eagle Jr. of Winston-Salem: a
daughter. Leanne E. Allen of
Mocksville; 3 grandchildren: 3
step-grandchildren: and a special
friend. Dora Stanley.
The funeral service was held
at 11 a.m. Samrday. July 12. at
Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek
Chapel with Jack Stoner officiat
ing. Burial followed at Westlawn
Gardens of Memory.
Fames Goins
Mr. James Goins, 75. of
Yadkinville.died Friday. July 11.
2003. at Meadowbrook Manor
Health Care in Clemmons.
He was bom Aug. I7.l927.in
Yadkin County to the late William
M. and Mozella Shore Goins. Mr.
Coins was a graduate of Courtney
High School in 1948. He worked
with Mackie.Hinshaw-(3entry and
Mackie<ientry Funeral Home for
more than 40 years. He also
worked with Gentry Family Fu-
neral Home for several years. Mr.
Goins was a member of Yadkin
Lodge No. 162 AF&AM. as well
as the order of the Eastern Star
Chapter 233 in Yadkinville. He
was an active member of Cente
nary United Methodist Church in
Winston-Salem as long as his
health permined.
In addition to his parents. Mr.
Goins was preceded in death by
his sister. Matgurette G. Trivette
and 2 brothers. Charles Edward
Coins and Walter Ray Goins.
Surviving: 2 brothers. Bill
(Betty) Goins of Winston-Salem
and Bobby (Doris) Goins of
Angell Road. Davie County; and
several nieces and nephews.
His funeral service was held at
2:30 pan. Sunday. July 13 at the
Gentry Family Chapel. Burial fol
low edat Deep Creek Baptist
Church Cemetery.
Memorials: Hospice/Palliative
CareCenter. 1100-C S. Stratford
Road. Winston-Salem. 27107.
Ruby Pauline Martin
}/ Ruby Pauline Barnes Martin.
'Nana' to friends and family, died
from cancer July 7.2003.
She was bom April 5.1932. to
Grover Cleveland and Ida Bessie
Barnes in Wnston-Salem. She
was a wimess and servant of Je
hovah God for 32 years, along^ with her family
Survivors: a daughter. Marcia
(Randy) Hauser; 2 grandchildren;
a great-grandchild: 2 brothers.
Obie (Helen) Barnes and Lee
(Mildred) Bames; and a brother-
in-law, Dick (Nancy) Martin.
She was preceded in death by
3 brothers. Harvey Barnes
(Katherine), James Bames (Jean
surviving) and Grady Bames
(Faye Appleyard surviving). Her
husband of 24 years. Bill Martin,
died in 1977. At her death she was
living with her daughter and son-
in-law. Marcia and Randy Hauser.
A memorial service was held
at 2:30 pjn. July 12. at the King
dom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
on Lewisville-Clemmons Road.
Clemmons. Steven Berry and
Michael Bames provided words of
Donations: Yadkinville Je
hovah's Witnesses. P.O. Box 1895.
Yadkinville. 27053.
Oai/i« Coun^ Public
Moskswile, N(J"
Bettye Jean Ridge
^ Mrs. Bettye Jean Millikan
' Ridge.73.ofAsheboro, died Sat
urday. July 12,2003 at Randolph
Her funeral was held on Dies-
day. July IS at 11 am. at Marlboro
Friends Meeting, conducted by
the Revs. Billy Britt. John Sides ^
and Hank Williams. Burial was in /
Meeting Cemetery. i
Mrs. Ridge was a native of
Randolph County, a member of
South Plainfleld Friends Meeting
and a homemaker. She was a
member of the Order of the East-
em Star No. 210 for more than 25
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Joseph O'Neil Ridge
and a grandchild. Emory Joseph
Survivors: a son and his wife,
Phillip O. and Meredith Ridge of
Randleman; 4 daughten and their
husbands, Jean and Michael
Hinshaw of Mocksville, Sue Ellen
and Ralph Modlin of Arcbdale.
Lynne and Doug Morgan of
Chapel Hill, and Jo Annette and
Edward Kelley of Waynesville; 4
gtanddaughten; 4 grandsons; and
4 sisters, Lola Millikan Davis. ;
Marie Millikan Hill and Ina Lee i
Millikan White, all of Archdale, t
and Bemice Millikan Davis of z
Memorials; South Plainfield
Friends. 4033 Plainfleld Rd..
Sophia. 27350; Hank Williams
Evangelistic Ministries. 350 N.
Cox St.. Asheboro. 27203; or ALS
Association National Office,
27001 Agoura Rd., Calabasas
Hills. CA. 91301.
y Walter M.C. Broadway
Mr. Walter Monroe Coy
Broadway. 78. of Ruffin Street,
Coolecmce. died Saturday. July
19. 2003 at Rowan Regional
Medical Center after a period of n
declining health. j
He was bom Jan. 1.1925 to the
late James M. and Ola Gullet
Broadway and was a meat cuuer |
for Heffners Land Of Food, had
worked for Food Lion; wa« owner '
of The Freezer Locker and retired •
from Handi Cupboard Inc. in .
1996. He served in the US Army '
during World War II in Germany
from April 19+4 unUI May 1946.
He was in Comp. C. 273fd Infantry and was awarded the EAME
Service Medal with two Bronze
Service Stars. Good Conduct
•Vtedal. Army of Occupation
Medal and the World War II Vic- '
tor> Medal.
He was preceded in death by
his first wife. Jancie Fleming
Broadway: a brother. Marson '
Broadway: 3 sisters. Margaret B.
Gregory. Inell B. Call and
Loudette B. Sledge.
Survivors: his wife of 23 years.Annette Stiller Broadway of the
home: 2 daughters. Pandora B.
Boger of Salisbury. Vera Annette
Broadway of Concord: a sister.
Catherine B. Shoemaker of
Mocksville: a step-daughter,
Deborah A. (Roger) Spillman of
Cooleemee: 2 grandchildren; 2 .
stcp-granddaughlers; a step- j
grandson: a great granddaughter, .'
a step-great granddaughter and ;
several nieces and nephews.' ;
Funeral services were Wednes- 'Jay. July 23 at II aan. at Eaton
Funeral Chapel with Robert
Creason ofTiciating. Burial was in
Union Chapel United Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Memorials: Alzheimers Asso- 'ciation. Western Carolina Chapter.3800 Shamrock drive. Charlone!
.28215-3220: American Heart As
sociation. Memorials & Tributes
Processing Center. PO Bbx'52I6.
Glen Allen. VA 23058-5216;
Union Chapel Methodist . 2030
US 601 N.. .Mocksville: or to a
charity of donor's choice.
Charles Lee Dale
The Rev. Charles Lee Dale.92,
of Advance, formerly of
Kannapolis.died at 10 p.m. Tues
day. July 15. 2003. at
Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie
after a period of declining health.
KewasbomAug. 16,1910. In
Knox County. Ind.. to the late
Henry M. Dale and the late Arm'
Gark Dale. He was a Pentecostal
minister for many years, having
lived and served churehes in
Albemarle. Winston-Salem and
Kannapolis. He was a veteran of
the military.
He was preceded in death by
his third wife, Lottie Bouldin
Dale, who died Monday. July 14.
Surviving: 3 daughters: a
brother. Raymond L. Dale of
Monlicello. Fla.: a stepdaughter.
Carolyn Rachels of Advance; a
stepson. Jeryl Rachels of Salis
bury: 10 grandchildren: and 13
A graveside service for Mr. and
Mrs. Dale was held Thursday af
ternoon. July 17. 2003. at West
Lawn Memorial Park in China
Grove, with the Rev. James i
Caldwell officiating.
Lottie Bouldin Dale
y Mrs. Lottie Bouldin Dale. 73.
of Advance, formerly of
Kannapolis. died at 8:15 p.m.
Monday. July 14 . 2003, at
Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie
after a period of declining health.
She was bora Jan. 27.1930. in
Gaston County, the daughter of
the late John C. Bouldin and the
late Augusta Louise Rider
Bouldin. In her earlier years, she
worked at K&W Cafeteria.
Staley's Steakhouses and was a
custodian at Salem College, all in
Winston-Salem. In later years, she
was a certified nursing assistant
having worked in home health
care and also with Cannon Mills
Co. Plant No. I. She was active
in her church. Calvary Tabernacle
in Kannapolis. where she taught
Sunday school and sang. She and
her husband were active volun
teers in the Kannapolis commu
nity for many years.
Surviving; her husband.
Charles L. Dale; a daughter.
Carolyn Rachels of Advance: a
son.Jetyl Rachels of Salisbury; 2
niece; a sister. Florine Bouldin of
Flint. Mich.: 10 grandchildren:
and 13 great-grandchildren.
In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by a son.
Hoylt 'Sonny* Rachels and a twin
sister of Jeryl's. Sheryl Jean
Rachels, who died at birth.
A graveside service was held'
at 3:30 p.m.Thursday.July I7.at
West Lawn Memorial Park in
China Grove, with the Rev. James
Caldwell officiating.
Memorials: Cabanus Meals on
Wheels. 212-202 UPhillip Court
NE. Concord. 28205.
County Public Ubraiy
Moofrsvilte, WC
. Janet Wyatt Fleming
• Mrs. Janel Elizabeth Wyait
Fleming, 82. of 7 Hickory St.,
Cooleemee, died Monday, July
14,2003 at the Kale B. Reynolds
Home in Winston-Salem. She had
been seriously ill for three years.
Mrs. Fleming was bom on Oct.
2,1920 in Lexington to Elizabeth
Chunn Wyatt and the late Doug
Wyatt. She is a graduate of Atkins
High School and LaMae Beauty
and Cosmetology School in Win-
ston-Salem. She is a retired beau
tician and owner/operator of
Janet's Hairstyling Center in
Cooleemee. She was a member of
Ml. Vemon Presbyterian Church,
and a lifetime member of the par
ent-teacher association for Davie
County Schools. She is a. former
environmental control specialist
for Davie County Hospital.
She was preceded in death by
her husband. James B, Fleming,
and a brother, John Wyatt.
Survivors: 5 sons. Baxter D.
Fleming of Salisbury, Clement B.
Fleming of Woodleaf, Warren K.
Fleming of Germantown, Md..
Steven B. Fleming of Lewisville,
Texas and Walter W. Fleming of
Oxen Hill.Md.; 2daughters, Betty
Gray and Jeanne GaJlos, both of
Winston-Salem: a brother, the
Rev. Rufus Wyatt of Lexington; 3
sisters. Melinda Henderson of
Salisbury, and Nancy Hill and
Aliha Wyatt. both of Lexington;
23 grandchildren; and 21 great
The funeral was held was held
at 2 p.m. Monday, July 21 at Mt.
Vernon Presbyterian Church,
Woodleaf, officiated by the Revs.
George Hunter and Rufus Wyatt.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
Michael Anthony Hall
Mr. Michael Anthony Hall,43,
of Chrisiiansburg, Va., died Tues
day, July 13.2003, at his home.
He was bom Aug. 23, 1939, in
Atlanta to Joe Jackson Hall of
Long Beach, and Ona Robertson
Hall of Mocksville. He was em
ployed by Wholesale Enterprises.
He was agraduate of West Forsyth
High School, class of 1977, at
tended Forsyth Tech Career Cen
ter, was a NASCAR fan and a
member of Smith Grove United
Methodist Church.
Survivors, in addition to his
parents; his bahy girl, Erika Dawn
Hall,ofChristiansburg; a brother,
Dana Hall; a sister, Julie Gverby,
of Mocksville; 3 nephews; a
niece; a great-nephew; and fnends
and family in Christiansburg.
The funeral service was at 2
p.m.Sunday,July21 at Eaton Fu
neral Chapel in Mocksville, with
the Rev. Chris Cloniz officiating.
Burial was in the Smith Grove
United Methodist Church Cem
Memorials; Smith Grove
Methodist Cemetery Fund, c/o
James G. Hendrix, 136 Dulin
Road, Mocksville, 27028.
J Mary Lou Peavy
Mrs. Mary Lou Koone Peavy.
66, of 131 Lauren's Court, Ad
vance, died Tuesday. July 15,
2003 at the Kate B. Reynolds
Hospice Home.
She was bom July 24,1936 in
Copeland, Ark, to Robert Marian
and OIlie Belle Goats Koone. Mrs.
Peavy was a graduate of St.
Vincent's Infirmary as a nurse and
began a 30-year career as a
She was preceded in death by
a daughter, Linda Michelle, 2
granddaughters, and her parents.
Survivors; her husband of 47
years, LJ. Peavy of the home: a
daughter, Melody Black and hus
band David of Advance; 5 grand
children; 2 stepsons, Mike and
Alan Peavy of York. S.C,: a
daughter-in-law, Glenda Kirfcley
ofCharlotte; a brother, Ray Koone
and wife Maggie of Little Rock,
Ark; a niece and nephew; and a
special "son," Jason Schubert.
A funeral service was held at
II a.m. Saturday, July 19 at
Hayworth-Miller Kinderton
Chapel. Entombment followed at
Westlawn Gardens of Memory
Memorials: Hospice/Palliative
Caie Center IIOO-C. S. Stratford
Rd., Winston-Salem. 27103.
County PuUtc Ukniy
MooksvHIe, NC
'• /
/ Ruth Mays Clodfelter^ Ruth Mays Clodfelter, 77
ofJoynerStreel.CooIeemee.diedearly Saturday morning, July 26,2003 at Rowan Regional MedicalCenter in Salisbury.Funeral services were at IIa.m. Tuesday, July 29 in EatonFuneral Chapel with Pastor JohnGroff officiating. Burial was inRowan Memorial Park in
Salisbury.Memorials: First Presbyterianof Cooleemee, P.O. Bo* 27.Mrs. Clodfelter was bom inCooleemee on Jan. 14,1926 to thelate William Carl and MinnieBean Mays and was a homemaker.She was a member of the First
Presbyterian Church of Cooleemee, enjoyed flower gardening,cooking, sewing, crocheting andspending time with family.She was preceded in death byher husband, Charles GuyClodfelterin 1993,and by 2brothers. Jack and Harold Mays.Surviving: a daughter, AnnClodfelter of Cooleemee; 2 sons,Pete Clodfelter of Cooleemee andRichard Godfelter of Columbia,S.C.; and a brother. Oilbetl Mays
of Forest City.
Andrew Sanford Cooky Mr. Andrew Sanford Cook,
101,diedThursday,July24.2003,at Homestead Hills Assisted Liv
ing Center.
Mr. Cook was bom Feb. 24,
1902, in Iredell County to the late
Andrew Francis and DoraTrivette
Cook. He was retired from Pied
mont Leaf Tobacco Co., was amember of Clemmons First Bap
tist Church and the Clemmons
Masonic Lodge.
His wife, Lois, preceded Mr.Cook in death, along with a son,Fred and 2 grandsons, David Cook
and Daniel Hutchens.
Survivors: 3 daughters. AlvaC. Hutchens of Yadkinville.
Marceleen C. BodsfordofMocks-
ville and Reva C. Croce and hus
band Qaience of Winston-Salem;
a daughter-in-law, Betty C. Cook,
also of Winston-Salem; 6 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchil
An 11 aan. funeral service was
conducted Samrday, July 26, at the
Clemmons First Baptist Church
with Dr. Robert Phillips and theRev. Claxton Hall officiating.
Burial was at 2 p.m. at Westlawn
Memorial Gardens.
Memorials: Hospice/Palliative
CareCenter, 11(X)-C S. Stratford
Rd.. Winston-Salem, 27103; or
Clemmons First Baptist, 3530
Clemmons Rd., 27012.
Horace Adam Gobble
/ Mr. Horace Adam Gobble, 90,"
ofSalisbuiy.died unexpectedly on '
Tuesday, July 22. 2003 at his
He was bom on Sept. 10,1912
in Rowan County to the late
Mandy Malena Eagle Gobble and
Horace Lee Gobble. He was edu
cated in Woodleaf schools. A vet
eran of the U.S. Army during
World War n. he was a fanner and
a lifelong carpenter. He was self-
employed and later worked for
Wagoner Construction. He was a
member of Franklin Presbyterian
Church, a former deacon, and en
joyed gardening.
Survivors: his wife, Rebecca
Thomason Gobble, whom he mar
ried on June 29, 1943;a son,
Ronnie Gobble of Cleveland,
N.C.; 2 daughters, Dorothy G.
Plott and Reba G. Stephens, both
of Mocksville; 5 grandchildren;
and 7 great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was at 11
am. Thursday, July 24, at Franklin
Presbyterian Church, officiated by
Dr. Larry E. Summey, pastor, and
the Rev. John Whalen, pastor of
Friendship Baptist Church. Burial
was in Rowan Memorial Park.
Memorials: Franklin Presbyte
rian, 280 Franklin Church Dr..
Salisbury, 28147.
/ Michael T. Holloway
Mr. Michael Thompson"Mike" Holloway, 52, ofSalisbury, died Wednesday, July23.2003 at Presbyterian Hospital
in Charlotte.
He was bom on July 22.1951in Salisbury to Minnie Myers
Holloway of Mocksville and thelate Ralph Holloway. He was edu
cated in West Rowan schools, and
was a self-employed contractor
and worked at the Holiday Inn.
Survivors: his wife of 33 years,Rhonda Brin Holloway; 2 sons,Kevin R. Holloway and wife Maryof Rockwell, and Brian B-.Holloway of the home; a daugh
ter, Melissa Wiriuner and husbandMark of Salisbury; 2 brothers.Jack Holloway of Salisbury andJohnny Holloway of Mocksville;
2sisters,Judy Wagner of Mocks-
villeand Letha Kluttz of Winston-Salem; and 2 gTanilchildten. .
Funeral services were at 11a.ffl. Saturday. July 26 atSummerset! Memorial Chapel,
conducted by the Rev. Carroll
Robinson, minister of Lebanon
Lutheran Church. Burial was in
Rowan Memorial Park. 9
0«v» County Public Ubraiy
MooksvHte, NO
Esther Carter Huggins
/ Mrs. Esther Carter Huggins.
formerly of Whileville, died Mon
day. July 21. 2003. in Winston-
She was bora Sept. 21,1918.
in Columbus County. Mrs.
Huggins graduated in 1973 from
Pembroke Slate University with a
bachelor's degree in elementary
^ucation and was a retired read
ing teacher with the Whiteville
City Schools. She was a member
of First Baptist Church of
She was preceded in death by
her husband, William Sheldon
Huggins in 1990.
Surviving: 3 daughters,
Kathtyn Ford and husband Don of
Raleigh, Helen Llndsey and hus
band Bill of Durham, and CarolynHuggins of Bermuda Run; 4
grandchildren: 2 great-grandchil
dren; and a brother, Thomas
Carter of Jacksonville,
The funeral service was at 2
pm. Friday, July 25 at First Bap
tist Church in Whiteville with the
Rev. Kendall Cameron officiating.
Burial followed at Whiteville Me
morial Park.
Memorials: charity of the
donor's choice.
Veronica Day Settle
V Veronica Day Settle. 79. for
merly of Mocksville and recently
residing in Sims, died on Thurs
day, July 24,2003 at her home in
Born in Yadkin County on
May 26,1924, she was the daugh
ter of the late Dewey and Emma
Wood Day, She was retired from
Unique Furnimre and was of the
Baptist faith.
Survivors: a daughter, Renee
S. Mitchell of the home; 2 sons,
Larry Mitchell Settle of Cool-
eemee and Ronald Lee Settle of
Smithfield; a sister, Juanira Phe^
of Yadkinville; 7 grandchildren;
and 14 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were con
ducted on Monday, July 28 at 3
p.m. in the Davie Funer^ Service
Chapel with the Rev. Jack Johnson
officiating. Burial was in the
Jerusalem Baptist Church Cem
, Virginia May Waitman
/ Virginia May Ulliner
Waitman, 82, of Lexington, died
Saturday, July 19,2003 atColden
Age Nursing Home.
The funeral was Tiiesday, July
22, at 11 a.m. at Mt. Carmel
United Methodist Church, where
she was a member, by Dr. Ronald
Mann. Burial followed in the
church cemetery.
Mrs. Waitman was bom Jan.
30. 1921 in Goocliland, Va.. to
Frank Ullmer and Annie Hinken
UUmer. She was retired from PPG
Her husband, Ray Waitman,
preceded her in death on Dec. 12,
Surviving: a son, Christy A.
Waiiman of Lexington; 3 daugh
ters, Ruth Waitman Williams of
Lexington, Carol Waitman
Presnell of Mocksville and Joyce
Waitman Lanning of Holden
Beach; 4 grandchildren; and 3
Memorials: Mr. Carmel .Meth
odist or cemetery fund, 1400 Mt.
Carmel Church Road, Lexington,
ySylvia Manning WIshon
y Mrs. Sylvia Manning Wishon,
55, of Winsion-Salem, died Sun
day, July 27,2003, at her home.
• She was bom Nov. 2,1947, in
North Wilkesboro to Fred R. and
Thelma Childress Manning. Mrs.
Wishon was of the Baptist faith.
Surviving: her husband of 34
years, Charles W. Wishon of the
home; a sister, Mary Jo Trourt and
husband Jimmy of Advance; 3
brothers, Billy Manning and wife
Martha of King, Jimmy Manning
and Tommy Manning, both of
Winston-Salem; and several
nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be
held at a later dale.
Public Library
• DAVIE county enterprise record, Thu,^day,Aug; 7,2003
/ Deeo Cozart Beck
Mrs. Deeo Cozan Beck, 89 of
Yadkinville Road, Mocksville,
died early Sunday morning, Aug.
3,2003 at'WFU/Baptist Medical
Funeral services were at 11
aan.TUesday,Aug.3 at First Bap
tist Chuieh with Dr. Van Lankfotd
officiating. Burial was in Rose
Memorials: Cancer Research,
1900 S. Hawthorne Rd., Winston-
i Mrs. Beck was bom in Iredell
' County, July 28,1914 to the late
Aveiy and Lucy Renegar COzait
and was retired from Hanes Cor
poration with mote than 30 years
of service. She was a member of
Mocksville First Baptist Church
where she was active with the
Church Seniors.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Asbury Beck, and
her only brother, Charlie Cozart.
Surviving: a daughter, Ann
Morrison and husband Bill of
Mocksville; 3 sons, Gary Hursey
of Salisbury, Donald Hursey and
wife Karherine and Harvey Linuei
Hursey and wife Phyllis, all of
Mocksville; iO grandchildren; 19
great-grandchildreil; S great-
great-grandchildren; a sister-in-
law, Margie Cozart of Mocksville;
and 2 close friends, Sarah Reece
and Natalie Cash of Mocksville.
Luetta Navada Booe
' Miss Luetta Navada Booe, 92,
of Jonesville, died Aug. 3,2003,
at Forsyth Medical Center.
She was bom Oct. 12, 1910,
in Davie County to the late Rob
ert Marshall Booe and Pemie
Reavis Booe. She was a graduate
of Courtney High School, N.C.
Baptist Hospital School for
Nurses, and Duke University with
1 bachelor's degree in nursing
education. She received a master's
degree in nursing from the Uni
versity of Texas. She did special
ized study at Emory University,
Teachers College, Columbia Uni
versity and the University ofTen
nessee at Memphis. She was a
Professor of Nursing at Lander
College, Greenwood, S.C., for
seven years and for the last 18
months served as Acting Director
of Nursing. She was Retired Pro
fessor of Nursing, University of
North Carolina at Wilmington. In
1993, she was honored as the
founding director of the James
Walker Associate Degree Program
in Nursing, and her portrait was
hung in Hoggard Hail. She was a
retired major with the U.S. Army
Nurse Corps and was the first
nurse to leave Winston-Salem to
enroll when the Army began ex
panding before World War U. She
served in the Middle East, World
War n and in the Korean Conflict.
She was a life member of Old
North State Chapter DAR. She
was vice president of the South
Carolina State Nurses Association
and a director of South Carolina
and North Carolina League for
Nursing. She was a life member
of the Retired Officers Associa
tion, a past SO member of the
American Nurses Association,
and upon retirement had served
for 40 years as a registered nurse.
She was a member of Knollwood
Baptist Church, a past Sunday
school teacher, a WMU Leader,
and served on several conunittees.
She assisted in needlepointing the
covers for the Communion Rail
Kneelers. For many years she was
a volunteer receptionist at the
church office.
In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by her
brother. Burley Robert Booe, who
died as a prisoner of war in Ger
many during World War ff, and 2
sisters, Evalla Booe Sutton and
Ina Booe Harris.
Survivors: several nieces and
nephews; and several great-nieces
and great-nephews.
Her graveside service was held
at li aan. Wednesday, Aug. 6 at
New Hope BaptUt Church Cem
etery, U.S. 21 S., Hamptonville,
by Dr. Christopher CP. Chapman,
with full military honors by
Yadkin VFW Post 10346. A me
morial service was held at 2:30
pan. Wednesday by Dr. Chapman
at Knollwood Baptist Church in
Memorials: Knollwood Bap
tist, 330 Knollwood St., Winston-
Salem, 27104.
/Wallace Ivan Branch
' The Rev. Wallace Ivan "Pete*
Branch, 54, of Rural Hall, died
Tiiesday, July 29,2003, at Forsyth
Medical Center in Win$ton-Sa-
The Rev. Branch was bom
Aug. 11, i948,inGuilford County
to Walter Ivan and Ana Lorena
Haynes Branch. He was a gradu- ,
ate of Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga. He served as •/
a pastor for 25 years and as an
evangelist for the past year and a
half and was a member of Mead
ows Baptist Church in Meadows.
He devoted his life to leading
people to Christ through Us chalk
art ministry.
Survivors: his wife of 35 years,
Denise Wail Branch of the home;
a son, Chad Branch and wife Vicki
of Waikertown; a daughter, Susan
Helms and husband Robert of
King; 3 grandcUldren; Us father,
Walter "Pug" Branch and wife
Lena of Low Gap; 4 sisters, Ellen
Baird of Rural Hail, Nellie
McCann of Mocksville, Debbie
Jarrett of Brown Summit and
Dariene Watts of Mount Airy; sev
eral nieces and nephews: and a
special brother-in-iaw. The Rev.
Randy Wall and wife Pam of Wal
nut Cove. !
The funeral service was held 1
at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1, at Mead
ows Baptist Church in Meadows ,
with the Revs. Randy Wall, A.G. n
Wall and John Byerly officiating.
Burial followed at Crestview Me
morial Park in Rural Hall.
Divi# County Public Litraiy
tlosMie, NO
Elizabeth Gregoryy Carolyn Elizabeth StevensonGregory. 59. of Candi Lane.Mocksville, died on Saturday
Aug. 2.2003 at her home.Bora in Iiedell County on Aug.16.1943. she was the daughter ofthe late Budie and lettie HedriekStevenson. She was a member ofthe Mocksville Seventh Day
Adventist Church.Survivois: her husband.BobbyGregoiy: a daughter and son-in-law. Donna and Daniel Shannonof Mocksville; 2 brotheis. Burlie
Stevenson of Mocksville andSteve Stevenson of Haimony; 3sistets. Doris Jackson and MildiedDaniels, both of Statesville. and ■■Betty White of Union Grove; 3
grandchildren: and 2 step-gtand-childten.^She v?as preceded in death by
adaughter.CarolCregotyin 1988 jandby 2sistersand3brothets. |Funeral services were con- 'ducted Tbesday.Aug. 5 at 2 pm. ,in the Davie Funeral ServiceChapel with the Revs. Aieher 'Livengood. Dan Shannon and ]
Kenneth Blake officiating. Burialwas in Rose Ceraeteiy. Pallbear- 'ers were Donny Hoover. TimBaker. Jason James. Tom Chinn.Jeff Daniels. Pete Duke and Dale
Buckley.Memorials: American Heart
Assoc.. Memorial & Tribute Processing Center. P.O. Box 5216. 1
Glen Allen. Va.. 23058. ^ ,
Lottie Homey Lottie Home, 92. of Suffolk,Va.. died on Friday. Aug. 1.2003.
Lottie Lois Tiivette was bomin Iredell County on Feb. 24,1911. one of five girls and two
boys bora to Sylvanis A. Trivetteand Bettie A. Trivette. At age 21,she met her future husband,Everette R. Home, at the Mocksville Masonic Picnic. They weremarried on Valentine's Day. 1934.The family lived in Wilmington,and later Newport News. Va..
where she was active in the church
and community. She was a
founder and board meihberof theParkview Community Center and
volunteered at the James River
Convalescent Center.She was preceded in death by
her husband on Dec. 12.1975. ason-in-law. Franklin C. Jeffrey, a
grandson, Bradford Jeffrey, and a "step-gnmdson. Franklin C. Jeffrey
Survivors: 2 daughters. BettieH. Rinehart Jeffrey and Louise H.Cassell; a son-in-law. Hairy L.
Cassell Sr.: sisters. CleoT. Disherand Elizabeth T. Undingham; 5
grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grand
Funeral services were Tuesday. Aug. 5 at 2 pan. at ParkviewBaptist Church, followed by
burial in Peninsula Memorial Park
in Newport News.Memorials: Parkview Baptist, '604 Hilton Blvd..Newport News,VA. 23606; or Isle of Wight Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 97,
Sraithfield. VA, 23430; orCarrollton Volunteer Fire Dept.,
15020 Carrollton Blvd.,
Carrollton, VA 23314.
Andrew Jackson Jones Jr.
Andrew Jackson "Jack* Jones
V Jr. of 190 Bear Creek ChurchRoad, Mocksville, died at 4 p.m.
Thesday. July 29,2003. at Forsyth
Medical Center.Mr. Jones was born July 16.1921, in Btyson City to Andrew
Jackson Jones Sr. and Mary
Russell Jones.He was preceded in death byhis wife. Ruby C. Jones, and his
son. Donald Wayne Jones.Surviving: his daughter.
Deborah Jones Williams and husband Joe of Yadkinville; his sister, Jean Jones Hutcherson ofThurmond; and his brother,
Charles Wesley Jones and wifeJuanita of Viburnum, Mo.
Mr. Jones was known in thehorse world as an accomplishedjudge of equines. and had shownhorses most of his life. He and hisdaughter traveled throughout the ■country showing Quaiter Horses,Palominos and Paint, and ownedWagon Trail Fatm in Mocksville.
Horses were his passion. He was
at one time an accomplished musician playing the steel guitar andwas pait of a group known as theCarolina Troubadours, whichtraveled throughout North Caro
lina and Virginia playing country
music.A graveside service was conducted at Fdrsyth Memorial Parkby the Rev. Reece Wall.Memorials; Leukemia Societyof America. 5624 Executive Cen
ter Drive. Suite 100. Charlotte.
» ^
Charity Hayes-Lewis
Qiarity Deann Hayes-Lewis,
Infant daughter of Kelly Hayes
and Brian Lewis of Clemmons,
died Fiiday, Aug. 1,2003.
She was preceded in death by
her twin sisters. Faith Nicole and
Hope Renee.
Surviving: her parents; 3
brothers, Brian Jr., Taylor and
Christian Lewis of King; mater
nal grandpatents, Sandy Hayes
and Bill Haiper of Advance, and
Peiiy and Beth Hayes of Lexing
ton; paternal grandparents. Cany
and Becky Lewis of Wallbuig and
Lyvonne Johnston of King: mater
nal great-grandparents, Gaiy and
Betty Rice and JoAnn
Beauchamp, all of Clemmons;
paternal great-grandparents,
Harold Lewis of Winston-Salem
and Georgia Lewis of Clemmons;
an aunt. Kim Hayes (Tony Lowe)
and her children Gracen, Gary and
Shayna Gilbert; 3 uncles. Rodney
Lewis and his children Sabrina
and Melanie. Chris Hayes and
Scooter Hayes; a great-aunt,
Debbie Neal: cousin. Lanita
Doub; and other family and
A graveside service was held
Wednesday, Aug. 6 at Westlawn
Gardens of Memory in Clemmons
with Pastor Joel Boyles of Ad
vance olTiciating.
Memorials: Redland Pentecos
tal Holiness Church. 137 Balti
more Road. Advance.
Pamela Loffredo
Mrs. Pamela Loffredo, 30,'.
died Thursday. July 31,2(X)3 af
ter an 11-year battle with breast ;
Mrs. Loffredo was bom Sept.
9,1932 in Burlington, Wise. She :
spent many houn volunteering for
Davie Cancer Services and
worked as a licensed cosmetolo
gist, a medical transcriber and
payroll clerk. She was a member
of Ftrst United Methodist Church
in Mocksviile.
The family received friends on
Simday, Aug. 3, at 2:30 p.m. at
Eaton Funeral Home in Mocks
viile followed by a memorial ser- J
vice officiated by the Rev. Donald I
Routh at First United Methodist
Visitation and the funeral ser
vice will be held Thursday, Aug.
7 at 1 p.m. at Memorial Zion
Lutheran Church. Zion. 01.
Survivors: her husband, John
Loffredo; a son,Tom Loffredo of
Winston-Salem; a sister. Carol '
Sorenson of Kenosha, Wise.; 2
nephews; and many friends and
Memorials: Cancer Services,
622 N. Main St.,Mocksviile; First
United Methodist Church, 310 N.
Main St.. Mocksviile; or Kidney
Foundation. P.O. Box 6113,
Reynolda Station, Winston-Sa
lem. 27109.
Dtvii County Public Ubcafy
Mooksville, WC *
. a
Ronald G. Bates
Mr. Ronald C. Bales, 62 of
Thunnond,died Monday. Aug. 11.2003 at Kaie B. Reynolds Hospice
Home in Winslon-Salem.
An informal memorial service
was held at 11 a. m. Thursday. Aug.
14 in the Bethlehem United Meth
odist Church with Rev. Mark
Weekley. Pastor, officiating.
Memoriais: Hospice/Palliative
CareCenter. 1100 C S. Stratford
Rd.. Winston-Salem. 27103; or
Bethlehem Methodist Church.
321 RedlandRoad. Advance.
Mr. Bates was bom in Davie
COunty.May 31.1941 to the late
Marvin and Mildred Allen Bates
and was a papethanger. He had
been a driver for the Rl Reynolds
Tobacco Co. NASCAR Sports
Marketing Race Car. He was a
graduate of the Davie High
School, class of 19S9 where he
played trumpet in the school band,
and was a charter member of the
Smith Grove VFD. He enjoyed
fishing and hunting. He was a
member of the Bethlehem United
Methodist Church.
Surviving; a son Ron
(PeeWee) Bates Jr. and wife
Wanda of Davidson County; a
grandson; a great-granddaughter;
2 sisters. Patsy Hanes and husband
Sonny, and Nancy Smith, all of
Advance; a brother. Woodie Bates
and wife Janet of Advance, a spe
cial cousin. Lester (Poogie) Allen
of Farmington; and many friends
and nieces and nephews.
The body has been cremaipd.
Mary Bell BlackwellI Mrs. Mary Bell Blackwell.Y101. of Advance, died Saturday.Aug. 9.2003. in Forsyth MedicalCenter following a period of declining health.She was raised in the Farming-
ton community, where she was amember of Cedar Creek Baptist
Church.Survivors: 5 sons. ClayBlackwell. Jake Blackwell and
Phillip Blackwell. all ofAdvance.David Blackwell of Barber andOscar Blackwell of Cooleemee; 3daughters. Delia Clement of Ad
vance and Ruby Frost andNorman Moultry. both of Winston-Salem; a sister. Lucy Howell
of Mocksville; 26 grandchildren;33 great-grandchildren; and 60great-great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was heldat 4 p.m. Tuesday. Aug. 12. atCedar Creek Baptist Church. TheRev. Michael Linville officiatedand burial followed in the church
fErma Walker Blake
Mrs. Erma Walker Blake. 86.of Bobbin Road. Advance, diedlate Friday night. Aug. 8.2003. at
the home of her son.
Funeral services were at 11ajn. Monday. Aug. 11 in Eaton
Funeral Chapel with the Rev.Frank Wilson officiating. Burial
was in the Farmington Community Cemetery.
Memorials: Hospice/PalliativeCare. 1 lOOC S. Stratford Road.
Winston-Salem. 27103.Mrs. Blake was bom in DavieCounty. Sept. 23.1916. to the late
Jacob Tillett and Luna WilliamsWalker and was a homemaker.
She was a member of the Farm
ington Baptist Church and at
tended Farmington High School.She enjoyed gardening, farming,cooking and sewing.She was preceded in death byher husband. Clinton Blake, by 2
sisters and a brother.
Survivors: her son. Normanand wife Jeannette of Advance; a
granddaughter, a grandson; S
great-grandchildren; a great-great
grandson; 2 sisters. Hazel Lee and
Lois Cook, both of Advance; and
special friends.
Dwis County Public Uivaiy
Mooksvitle, NC
Myrtle Mae Burgess\J Mrs. Myrtle Mae Cox Burgess.
96. of Harmony, died Wednesday.Aug. 6.2003 following a lengthy
illness.Bom in Forsyth County onApril 10.1907. she was a gradu
ate of the Children's Home Schooland earned a bachelor's degree in
English and history from Greens
boro College. Aschool teacher for15 years, she taught in ForsythCounty. Cool Springs and Har
mony, retiring to help her husband 'in a fumiture. hardware and elec-
trie company, until both retired in !1965.ApastmemberofHarmony jUnited Methodist Church where .■she was a teacher of the Fannie i
Harmon Bible Class and member
of the church administrative
board, she was also a member of 'the Eastem Star Harmony Chap
ter 331. holding office most of the
time, and was a member for morethan SO years. She was a past ,
member of the Home Demonstration Club and Harmony Garden
Club. She married Cloud Burgess
of Hamptonville on June 6.1936.who preceded her in death in May '1982. She was also preceded indeath by her parents in 1918. 3
brothers. John Hulen Cox. Ruben
Cox Hutchens andQewell Curtis
Cox. and a sister. Phoebe LouiseCox Joyner.
Survivors: a sister-in-law. .
Belle Cox of Winston-Salem; andseveral nieces and nephews.
Services were held at 3 pan.
Monday. Aug. 11 at Reavis Fu
neral Home Chapel in Harmony,
with the Rev. Shane Page offici
ating. Burial followed in FlatRock Baptist Church Cemetery.
n V
Bobbie Phillips Moore
Mrs. Bobbie Phillips Moore,
TUofBennuda Run.died Sunday,
Aug. 10.2003. at Forsylh Medi-
caJ Center.
She was bom Aug. 29,1931,
in' McLemoresville. Tenn., to
Elbert Arthur and Bessie Gant
Phillips. Mrs. Moore was a mem
ber of Clemmons United Method
ist Church. Prior to moving to
Winston-Salem. she was involved
with the United .Methodist Pub
lishing House in Nashville and
Chicago and had been a choir di
rector and a youth director. Mrs. .
Moore was a graduate of Bethel
College in McKenzie, Tenn. and
the senior editor of Together
Survivors: her husband, Rob-
en Willis of the home; 2 brothers,
the Rev. Warren L. Phillips of
Paducah. Ky.. and the Rev. Paul
L. Phillips and wife Kathleen of
Jackson,Tenn.: and several nieces
and nephews.
The funeral service was at 10
a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13 at
Hayworth-.Miller Kindetton
Chapel, with the Revs. Phillip
Cole and Paul Phillips officiating.
A graveside service was to be held
Thursday, Aug. 14 at Calvary
Cemetery in Nashville, Tenn.
Memorials: Clemmons Meth
odist Church. P.O. Box 829,
Clenunons, 27012; or Bethel Col
lege. 325 Chetiy Ave.. McKenzie,
TN 38201.
K'lichael A. Sampson
/ Mr. Michael Anthony
Sampson. 63. of Hardy Road.
Harmony, died on Monday, Aug.
II. 2003 at UNC Hospitals in
Chapel HiU.
Bom in Wnnebago. Neb. on
Dec. 4, 1939, he was the son of
the late Lloyd M. and Mildred
Lister Sampson. He was retired
from Southern Screw Co. and later
owned and operated Sampson's
Florist. He was a member of New
Union United Methodist Chutxdi
and served on the board of direc
tors of Sheffield-Calahain Volunteer Fue Department.
Survivors: his wife. Helen
Reeves Sampson; a son. Eric
Sampson of the home; a stepson.
Rick Harris of Statesville; a
stepdaugher. Darlene (Hal) Rape
of Mineral Springs; 3
stepgrandsons; a step-grand- i
daughter; and a sister. Ester IRussell of Winnebago. t
He was preceded in death by I
his first wife, Phoebe Ann
Sampson on July 26,1998.
Funeral services were set for
Thursday. Aug. 14 at 3 p.m. at
New Union United Methodist
Church, with the Revs. Galen
Hahn. Wade Wright and Ronald
Lee ofTiciating. He was to lie in
state 30 minutes prior. Burial was
to be in the church cemetery.
Memorials: New Union Cem
etery Fund. 1436 Sheffield Road, ;
Mocksville; American Heart
Assoc.. Memorial & Tribute Pro
cessing Center. P.O. Box 5216,
Glen Allen. VA 23058.
Harold Philip Seamon
Mr. Harold Philip "Jack"
Seamon. 76. died at Loudoun
Hospital in Ashbum. Va..on Aug.
He was bom Sept. 16.1926 in
Cooleemee. the son of .Maude
Carolyn Mundy Powlas and the
late Thomas William Seamon.
He was preceded in death by
his wife. Gwendolyn Jo Smith.
Charlie Adam T\itterow7 Mr. Charlie Adam Tutterow
93. of N.C. 801 South. Mocks
ville. died Tuesday. Aug. 5.2003
at Forsyth Medical Center.
The funeral service was Thun-
day, Aug. 7 at 2 pan. at Eaton Fu
neral Chapel with the Rev. Danny
pillard officiaung. Burial was in .
Liberty United Methodist Chuich 'Cemetery.
Memorials: Shriners Hospital
c/o Oasis Shrine Temple. 604
Daniel Bumham Way. Charlotre
Mr.TitteiowwasbomJan. 19.1910 in Davie County to the late'
James Anderson and Dora Poole
Tutterow. He was a pipe fitter for
Southern Railway for 41 years, a
pipe fitter for Civil Service (Na
val Yard Charleston. S.C.) for II
years and was named an honorary
submariner, a security guard for
Ingersoll-Rand for 13 years and
retired fully at the age of 87. He
was awarded the Civil Service
Commendation for his years to theCivil Service, was a Thirty Sec
ond Degree Scottish Rite Mason,
a member of the Battlefield Lodge
525 in Atlanta. Ga. and a Shriner.
He was a member of North Main
Street United Methodist Church in
Salisbury. He enjoyed gardening
and field work with his tractor.
He was preceded in death by 2
sisters and 2 brothers.
Survivors: his wife of 57 years.
Ruby Brown Tutterow of the
home; a daughter. Deborah Sue
Strauser of Bloomington. Ind.; 3
sons. Billy R. (Jane) Tutterow of
Lexington. Charles David
(Darlene) Tutterow of Advance.
and James W. Tutterow of.Mocks
ville; 9 grandchildren; and 2 great
Lucy Elizabeth Wllklns
y Lucy Elizabeth Wilkins. 21.
died Friday. Aug. 1,2003 at Duke
University Medical Center after a
seven month battle with non-
• Hodgkin's lymphoma.
She was bom in Greensboro on
Jan. 24.1982 and lived her life in
' Ralei^. She attended Ravenscroft
School. St. Mary's School and
graduated from Friendship Chris
tian School. She was attending
Wake Technical Community Col
lege and worked full rime at her
father's medical office. She en
joyed traveling with family, espe
cially to Charleston. S.C. and Key
West. Fla. She attended Asbury
United Methodist Church and was
a member of the United Method
ist faith.
Survivors: her parents. Dr.
Ezra Brooks Welkins and Darlene
W. Wilkins of the home; her
brother. William Ezra Wilkins and
wife Amy of Raleigh: a brother.
Jeremy Brooks Wilkins of Plan
tation. Fla.; and a sister. Mary
Leone "Molly" Wilkins of the
The funeral was conducted at
3 pan. Monday. Aug. 4 at Asbury
United Methcxlist Church in Ra
Memorials: Asbury Methtxiist;
SPCA of Wake County. 219 Gar
ner Business Center. Garner.
27529; or Lymphoma and Leuke
mia Society of NC. 5950 Fairview
Rd.. 250. Charlotte. 28210.
/ Pansy Lea Allen
Mis. Pansy Lea Hauser Allen,
91. of Wyo Road. Yadkinville.
died Thursday Aug. 14. 2003 at
Forsylh Medical Center.
She was boin Oct. 8.1911 in
Davie County to the late Settle and
Maudie King Hauser. Mis. Alien
was a homemaker and enjoyed
flowers and making hand cr^ts
such as quilting and crocheting
afghans for family and friends.
She worked for several years at
Hoots Memorial Hospital as a
nurses aide. Mrs. Allen was a
member of Macedonia Moravian
Church in Davie County and the
Home Demonstration Club of
Yadkin County.
In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by her hus
band. Herman C. Allen; and by a
brother. Gene Hauser.
Surviving: her children. Patsy
A. (the late Tom) Poindenter.
Yadkinville; Katheryn (Bob)
Steelman. Yadkinville; Norman
Lee 'Buddy' (Frances) Allen.
Yadkinville; Elmer 'Doodle'
(Geraldine) Allen. Mocksville;
Brenda (Tommy) Baity.
Yadkinville; 11 grandchildren; 7
great-grandchildren; and 3 sisters.
Hazel Riddle.Ruby McBride. and
Pauline (Frank) Smith.
Her graveside service was held
at 2 p.m. Sunday. Aug. 17 at
Yadkin Valley Baptist Church
I LUIie Mae Burton
Mrs. Lillie Mae Myers Burton,
64. of Wriliaim Road. Advance,
died Wednesday. Aug. 13.2003 at
her residence.
Bora in Davie Orunly on June
11.1939. she was the daughter of
the late Lonnie Lindsay and
Alberta Spry Myers. She was a
member of Etbaville United Meth
odist Church and for 28 years was
employed at the Hanes Mill/Sara
Lee Corp.
Survivors: her husband of 44
years. Johnny W. Burton Jr.; their
dog "Squeaky;" a sister. Dorothy
Myers (Wyatt) Reeves of
Clemmons; a brother-in-law. Tho-
mas J. Cope of Mocksville; 4
nieces; a nephew; and friends and
She was preceded in death by
a sister. Mary Bell Myers Cope.
Funeral services were con
ducted Saturday.Aug. 16at 1 pan.
at Elbaville United Methodist
Church with the Revs. Neville
Storey and Will Pryor officiating.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
Memorials: Hospice of Davie.
158 Hospital St.. Mocksville.
Joyce Key Butner
^ Mrs. Joyce Madgeline Key
Butner, 75. of Germanton. died
Friday. Aug. 15.2003. at Forsyth
Medical Center.
Mrs. Butner was bora Feb. 18,
1928, in Wilkes (Jounty. to Charlie
Clinton and Lou Jeanie Goforth
Key. She was a member of
Lexwin Baptist (3iuich. She was
retrod from Dewey's Bakety, and
was a homemaker and quilter.
Preceding her in death are her
father, a brother, Ralph Key. and
a sister. Opal Myers.
Survivors: her husband. Henry
Ray Butner of the home; her
mother of Winston-Salem; 2 sons.
H. R. Butner Jr. of Glade \^ley.
and Tony Butner and wife
Deborah of Advance; 4 daughters.
Sandra Lanier and husband
Tommy of Germanton. Janice
Wlliams and husband Mike of .
East Bend. Sharon Knight of
Germanton and Cheryl Covitigton
of Germanton; 13 grandchildren; i
9 great-grandchildren; 3 sisters.
Katherine Warren of Winston-Sa
lem. Phylis Arm Martin and hus
band John of Winston-Salem and
Betty Whisenhunt and husband |
EdgarofWinston-Salem;andsev- '
eral nieces and nephews. A
graveside service was held at 1! ,
am. Monday, at Patklawn Memo- -
rial Gardens, conducted by
Brother Danny Hauser. The fam
ily received friends and relatives
from 7 to 9 pan. at Vogler & Sons
Funeral home on Reynolda Road.
^ Larry Darnell DilJard Sr.
Mr. Larry Darnell Dillard Sr..
51. of Mocksville, died Thursday.
Aug. 14.2(X)3 in Forsyth Medi
cal Center following a six-month
He was the son of Dorothy
Lewis Dillard and the late Willian
Dillard Jr. He graduated from
Davie High School in 1970. and
worked at Ingersoll-Rand Co. for
32 years.
Survivors: his wife. Debbie
Dillard; .a son, Larry Dillard Jr.;
his mother of Mocksville; 3 broth
ers'. Elton Dillard and Ricky
(Gina) Dillard, all of Mocksville.
and Terry Dillard of Salisbury; 3 •'
sisters. Patricia Redmon and
Lavera DUlard. both of Mocks
ville. and Geanna (Phillip) Peck
of Cooleemee; and 2 grandchil
Funeral services were Tties-
day.Aug. 19at4pjn. in the chapel
of Graham Funeral Home in
Mocksville. Pastor Nettye Barber
officiated, and burial followed in
Rose Cemetery in Mocksville.
Davto County Public Librafv
MooksvHfe, NO
n <u
Stanley Johnson MabeJ Mf.SlanIeyJohnjonMabe,77,of Siolcesdale. died Wednesday!
Aug. 13, 2003. at Moses Cone
The funeral was held at 11 ajnSatuiday. Aug. 16. at the First
Baptist Church ofMadison. Burialfollowed at Woodland Cetneteiy.
Mr. Mabe was born in Stokes
County on Sept. 7. 1925. to the
late Walter and Claudie Joyce
Mabe. He was a farmer, a U.S
Army World War H veteran and a
ntetnber of the First Baptist
Church of Madison.
He was preceded in death by 2
brotheis.Roger and Claude Mabe.
and 10 half brothers and sisters.
Survivors; his wife. Lucille
Collins Mabe of the home; a son.
Ronald J. Mabe and wife Grey of
Stokesdale; daughters Jatana M.
Love of Summerfleld and Teresa
M. Young and husband Tim of Ad
vance; brothers Morris Mabe of
Madison and Clarence Mabe of
Walkertown; sisters Mary M.
Bullins of Stokesdale. Ruby M.
Oodson of Winston-Salem.
Kathleen M. Hutchins of
Walkertown. Wiltna M. Freeman
of Madison and Zula M. Manuel
of Cermanion; 3 grandchildren; 3
stepgrandchildren; and a great-
Memorials: Hospice of Rock-
ingham County. P.O. Bos 281.
Wentwotth. 27375; or First Bap
tist Church of Madison. 110 S.
Franklin St.. Madison. 27025.
/Charles Virgil Newman
|V Mr. Charles Virgil Newman
diedTtiesday.Aug. I2.2003.dur-
ing a long-planned vacation to
Topsail Island with his wife and
his brothers.
He was bom in Fort Worth.
Texas. Sept. 20.1934. to the late
Dr. Stewart A. Newman atid Sara
Knupp Newman. The family
mov^ to Wake Forest In 1952.
where Dr. Newman served on the
faculty of Southeastern Baptist
Theological Seminary. Following
graduation from Wake Forest Uni
versity and service as an officer
in the U.S.Navy.heenjoyeda25-
year career with the Winston-Sa-
lem Journal., serving as special
projects manager and assistant
managing editor. After his retire-
mem from the newspaper. Charles
served as a mortgage-banking spe
cialist. and he shared his love of
journalism and writing as a
teacher in the community-college
system. He also enjoyed travel
with his wife. Shirley, especially
to Texas and the southeast. New
Orleans and Cancun.
Survivors: his wife. Shirley
Troxler Cluhb Newman; 3 chil
dren. Ann Coble and husband
Brad of Richmond. Vi.. Charles
V. Newman Jr. and wife Cynthia
of Durham, and Martha Newman
and husband Pete of Oriental; 3
grandchildren; 2 brothers, the Rev.
Dr. Stewart Newman Jr. and wife
Corinne of Connecticut, and the
Rev. Dr. Harvey Newman and
wife Patricia of Atlanta; 3 neph
ews; his wife's children. Robin
Whitley and husband David and
their 2 children ofClemmons; and
Major Brian Clubb. USMC and
wife April of San Jose, Calif.
A memorial service was held
at 3 pan. Friday. Aug. 15.at Frank
Vogler & Sons, 120 S. Main St..
Donations: American Heart
Assoc. or a charily of your choice.
Lowell Cecil Nifong
y Mr. Lowell Cecil Nifong. 57.
of Midway, died at 10:40 a.m.
Monday.Aug. 11.2003.atForsyth
Medical Center.
He was bom April 21.1946.
in Davidson County to Orady
Alfred Nifong and Blanche Hepler
Nifong. He worked for Electronic
Data Magnetics Inc. for 40 years
and was a member of the Midway
Fire & Rescue for 15 years, where
he had served as the traffic cap
He was preceded in death by
his father; an infant brother; and
a brother. Roland Nifong.
Survivors: his mother, Blanche
Hepler Nifong of Winston-Salem;
a son. Christopher N ifong of Mid
way; a daughter. Tonya Nifong ofHaywood County; brothers Alfred
Nifong and wife Peggy of Ad
vance. Catroil Nifong and wife
Kay of Midway and Charlie
Nifong and wife Linda of Wei-
come; and a sister. Bonnie Fansler
and husband Wilson of Midway.
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. i5 at
Davidson Funerai Home-Hickory
Tree Chapel with Brother David
Hedrick officiating. Burial fol
lowed at Hebron United Church
of Christ Cemetery.
Mary Elizabeth Peacock
Mrs. Maty Elizabeth Transou
Peacock. 92. of Crestview Drive.
Mocksville. formerly of Davie
Street. Cooleemee. died Monday.
Aug. 18.2003 at Rowan Regiond
Medical Center in Salisbury.
Funeral services were Wednes
day. Aug. 20 at 11 ajn. at Cool
eemee First Baptist Church with
Dr. Tommy Register officiating.
Buriai was in Concord United
Methodist Church Cemetery.
Memoriais: First Baptist
Church. P.O. Box 518, Cool
Mrs. Peacock was bom Oct. 2.
1910 in Suny County to the late
Walter and Florence Easley
Transou and was retired from
Burlington Mills. She was a
member of Cooleemee First Bap
tist Church, did ironing in her
home and enjoyed gardening.
She was preceded in death by
her husband Edward Peacock, a
son. Stephen Fredrick Peacock, a
daughter Ivy Moran. a grand
daughter. Deborah Gail Bivins
and 7 brothers and sisters.
Survivors: her daughter. Gaii
(Ronnie) Bivins of Cooieemee; 6
grandchildren; 8 great-grandchil
dren; a daughter-in-law. Peggy
Loftin of Mocksville; and severd
nieces and nephews.
Davie County Public Librafy
Mocksville, NO
o davi^ountv enterprise
/ James Crawford Sell Jr.
^ Mr. James Crawford "Bud"
Sell Jr., S4,of JoynerSlnet, Cbol-
eemee, died Saturday, Aug. 16,
20O3, at Rowan Regional Medi
cal Center in Salisbury.
Mr. Sell was bom Fbb. 5,1919,in Davie County to the late James
Crawford Sr, and Alda Sell. He
retired after more than 30 years as
a life insurance agent for Life of
Virginia Insurance Co. He served
as a welder in Navy shipyards
during World War U. He was a
member of St. Paul's Episcopal
Survivors: his wife, Maxine
Alexander Sell of the home; sev-
eral nieces and nephews and sev
eral great-nieces and great-neph
The funeral service was at 11
am. Monday, Aug. 18 at St. Paul's
Episcopal Church in Salisbury
with the Rev. Marvin Aycock Jr.
■Robert Glenn ShepherdV Mr. Robert Glenn "Bob" Shep.herd Jr., 70,of Jolly Road,Mocks-ville, died Sanirday, Aug. 16 atthe Kate B. Reynolds Hospice
Home.He was bora May 31,1933 inAlleghany County to the late Robert Glenn Shepherd Sr. and HazelCaudill Shepherd. Mr. Shepherdwas retired with 20 years of service with the U.S, Air Force, andretii^ as a seigeant with the cor
rectional department. He was amember of Bear Creek Baptist
Church.He was preceded in death bybis sister, Dorothy Laye.
Surviving: his wife, Katie
Wishon Shepherd: 4 children. Bob(Debbie) Shepherd IK of HighPoint, Keith (Diane) Shepherd ofLexington, Cynthia (Hank)
Duncan ofNorthWilkesboro,andKenneth Shepherd of Yadkinville;2 sisters, Nancy (Rom) Matlock,Pearisburg, Va., and Georgia(Clay) Sheets, Sparta; a brother,Jimmy (Nancy) Shepherd, Sparta;
and 4 grandchildren.
His funeral service was at 2p.m. Monday, Aug. 18 at the (sentry Family Chapel by Rev. Lee
Cook. Burial followed in the BearCreek Baptist Church Cemeterywith full military honors by
Yadkin VFW Post 10346.Memorials: Kate B. ReynoldsHospice Home, 101 Hospice 'Lane, Winston-Salem, 27107.
Adelee Brown Shore^ Mrs.AdeleeBrownShore,73,of Jonesville, died Monday, Aug.11,2003, at Yadkin Nursing Care
Center.Mrs, Shore was bom April 11,1930, in Yadkin County to HarvQTGlenn and Sarah Verlie Swaim
Brown. Mrs. Shore was a home-
maker and a member of IslandFord Baptist Church,In atWiion to her paienls.Mrs.Shore was preceded in death by a
son, Donnie Lee Shore; a brotherand sister-in-law, Edsel andLorene Brown; and sister andbrother-in-law, Sudie and Lamar
Survivors: her husband, William Shore Sr. of the home; 2 sons
and daughters-in-law, William"Jim" Shore Jr. and his wife,
Janice of Yadkinville and EddieShore and wife Alice of Jonesville; a brother and sister-in-law,
Wilmoth Brown and wife Pat ofMocksville; and 3 grandchildren.
The funeral service was heldat 2 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 14, atIsland Ford Baptist Church by theRev. Conard Hatfield. Burial followed in the church cemetery.
Davie County Public libray
MooksvUle, NC
Mary Jean Austin
V Mr. Maiy Jean Austin. 57. of
Mocksvillc, died Monday, Aug.
18,2003 at her home.
She was bom April 6.1946 in
Yonkers, N.Y. to Raymond
Vincent and Margaret Moore
Hand. After attending Catholic
and public schools in Yorktown
Heights, N.Y., she graduated from
the University of Noith Carolina
at Greensboro in 1969 with a de
gree in art. She worked in retail
furniture sales in High Point be
fore starting her own catalog re
tail furniture sales company in
1988. She was president of The
Deep River Trading Company
until she retired in 1998. She was
a horse enthusiast and a long-time
member of the NCDCTA. She
supported and attended of their
horse training and dressage pro
grams. She was volunteer coordi
nator for the CDI-W in Raleigh for
many years.
Survivors: her husband
Michael of the home; sisters,
Eileen Hand of Albany, N.Y. and
Bridgett Orsint of Colonie, N.Y.;
a brother. Raymond Hand of
Yorktown Heights; and 2 neph
Memorials: The Salvation
Army; or Humane Society of
Davie County.
A memorial service is planned
for early fall.
Robert Lee Cooke
Mr. Robert Lee Cooke, 61, of
N.C. 801 North.Mocksville.died
Friday night, Aug. 22,2003 at his
home after a short illness.
Mr. Cooke was born in
Caldwell County, Jan. 4,1942, to
the late Ben Edward and Pearl
Bowman Cooke, and was an up
holsterer. He attended the public
schools in Lenoir County and was
a member of Pooveys Grove Bap
tist Church in Granite Falls, where
he had served on the board of dea
cons. He was an avid nshenman
and traveled extensively to the
Beech Mountain and Watauga
County area to flsh for trout.
He was preceded in death by a
sister, Shirley Cooke, and a
brother, Ed Cooke.
Surviving: a son, Terry and
wife Hanien, of Hickory; a grand
daughter; a grandson; and 2 sis
ters, Mary Frances Pilcher and
Carolyn Woods, both of Mocks-
No service is planned. The
body has been cremated and at the
request of Mr. Cooke, his ashes
will be scattered among his favor
ite fishing spots in the Notth Caro
lina mountains.
Memorials: Hospice/Palliative
CareCenter, 1100-C S. Stratford
Road, Winston-Salem. 27103; or
Davie Cancer Services, P.O. Box
744, Mocksville; or N.C. Wildlife
& Fisheries, 1721 Mail Service
Center. Raleigh, 27699-1721.
. David Snow
V Chief Warrant Officer David
Snow, 37, United States Army,
stationed at Fort Bragg, died Aug.
12,2003, in South Korea,
He was a native of Mount Airy
and a graduate of Notth Surry
High School, where he was a
member of the football team. He
had been stationed at Fort Bragg
for II years and was assigned to
the 8th Army, Company A, 6th
Battalion, 52nd Aviation, 117th
Aviation Brigade in Seoul, South
Korea. He had served three pre
vious tours in South Korea, as well
as a tour to Honduras.
Survivors: his wife, Amy
Ntwnkester Snow of the home; 2
daughters, Emily Snow and Olivia
Snow, both of the home; his par
ents, James Let and Mary Kay
Snow of Mount Airy and Billy Joe
and Edtia Matthews of Boonville;
3 brothers, Keith Snow and Kevin
Snow, both of Mount Airy and
Daniel Matthews of Mocksville;
and 3 sisters, Holli S. Hudson of
Mount Aity, Darice M. Jefferson
of East Bend and Erica M. Pennix
of Boonville.
The funeral service was con
ducted at to a.m. Friday, Aug. 22.
at the 82nd Airborne Division Me
morial Chapel at Fort Bragg, with
Chaplains Sonny Moore and Tho
mas Killgore officiating. Burial
with fiill military honors was at
3:30 p.m. at Skyline Memoiy Gar
dens in Mount Airy.
y Virginia Griffith Walker
Mrs. Virginia Griffith Walker,
S3, of Advance, died Thursday,
Aug. 21,2003, at her home.
She was bom Aug. 11, 1920,
in Marshall, Iowa, to William
Miller and Ila Smith GrifHth.
Mrs. Walker was preceded in
death by her husband, Richard J.
Walker; a sister, Sallie Carter; 4
brothers; and a daughter-in-law.
Fiances York Walker.
Survivors: 4 sons. Roy Walker,
Gumey Walker, Lewis Walker and
wife Ruby, and Frank Walker and
wife Margaret, all of Advance; 6
grandchildren: 5 great-grandchil
dren: a step-great-grandson; and
a brother, Walter GrifTith of Ad
She was a member of Green
Meadows Baptist Church, where
the funeral service was held at 11
a.m. Saturday, Aug. 23,conducted
by the Revs. Michael Waters and
Ray Davis. Burial followed in the
church cemetery.
Memorials: Green Meadows
Baptist , 1646 N.C. 801 N.,
/ Geneva Bailey Anderson
Mrs Geneva Bailey Anderson.76. of Counly Home Road.
MocksvilJe. died Wednesday.Aug. 27.2003 at Fbrsyth Medical
t-enter in Winsion-Salem.
Funeral services were Satur
day. Aug 30 a. 2 pan. at EatonFuneral Chapel with the RevsSteve l^dgecock and Danny
Shore officiating. Burial was inLilwny Baptist Qurch Cemeteiy.
Memorials: Mocksville Lions
""''•<;{°?'G«'8eKimberly.116 Kelly St., Mocksville.
Mrs Anderson was bornMareh 2. 1927 in Davie County
Ml. h n'-.Muiphy Bailey and had been plant
manager with Andrews Profes-sto^ Products for 15 years, had
worked for B&F Manufacturingand Greenhill Grocery. She at
tended Mocksville High School
Md was a member of Greenhill
Baptist Church, where she sang inthe church choir. She was a
NASCAR fan.enjoyed crochetingj spending time with her children and grandchildren.
She was preceded in death byher husband. John Burley Ander
son on Dec. 19.2001 and 2 brothers. Charles Bailey and Judd
Survivors: a daughter. GelaneCranfill and finance Gary Sibeil
of Ml. Aiiy: a son. Wayne Ander
son and wife Donna of Mocks-
*"le: 5 granddaughters; a great-
granddaughter: and 2 sisters.Wylene Keller and Louise
Seamon. both of Mocksville.
/Blum Talbert Beck
Mr. Blum Talbeit Beck. 85. of
County Line Road. Harmony, died
Friday. Aug. 29.2003 at Forsyth
Medical Center.
Bom in Davie County on July
20.1918. he was the son of the
late Sherden St. Leager and Annie
Beatrice Dyson Beck. He was a
fanner and carpenter. Mr. Beck
was a member of New Union
United Methodist Church.
Survivors: his wife. Villard
Keller Beck, whom be married on
July 15. 1939: 4 daughters and
sons-in-law. Janie and Bob Spry.
Louise and Norman Spry, Hilda
and Johnny Keaton, and Lynn and
Mark Hendrix. all of Harmony: 6
grandchildren: 7 great-gra'ndchil-
dren; and 3 step-great-grandchil
dren: S sislers-in-Iaw; and several
nieces and nephews.
Mr. Beck was preceded in
death by 2 brothers. Clive and
Dewey Beck, and a sister. Bessie
Funeral services were con
ducted Sunday. Aug. 31 at New
Union United Methodist Church
with the Revs. Gaien Hahn,
Ronald Lee, Robert Staton and
Jeff Williamson officiating. Burial
was in the church cemetery. Pall
bearers were Billy Keaton.
.Michael Spry. Jeffrey Spry.
Delbert Ramsey. David Adkins
and Tim Keller,
Memorials: New Union UMC
Cemetery Fund. 1436 Sheffield
Road. Mocksville: or the charity
of the donor's choice.
Rudolph Jesse Click Sr.
V Rudolph Je^ Click Sr.. 67.
died on May lo'. 2003 in Los An
geles. Calif, after a shott illness.
Mr, Click, who grew up in
Itedell County, was the son of the
late Mary E. Click,
Survivors: a son. Rudolph
Jesse Click Jr. of Kemersville: and
a daughter. Fredia Williams
Chambers of Atlanta. Ga.
A memorial service will be
held Saturday. Sept. 6 at II aan.
at The Chutch of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. 426 Jane Sow
ers Road. StatesvUle.
. Arthur Calvin Cooke
/ Mr, Arthur Calvin 'Ott"
Cooke,78.ofWmslon-SalemdiedFriday. Aug. 29.2003. at Foisyth
Medical Center, <
He was bom July 17.1925. in
Forsyth County to Everette Lee
and Annie Carter Cooke, Mr,
Cooke was a member of Wood
land Baptist Church and the White
Rock Civic Club, He was retiied
from McLean Trucking Co,, with
more than 30 years of service.
Surviving: his wife. Patricia A.Cooke of Winston-Salem: 3
daughters. Deborah McNeil and
husband Patrick, and Cynthia
Darlene Patker and husband Toby,
all of Winston-Salem. and Donna
Barham and husband Chuck of
Lewisville: 2 sons. Christopher
Calvin Cooke and fiancee Kristin j
ofCharlotte.andJasonLeeCboke (and fiancee Kristie of Winston- j
Salem: a brother. Reid Cook of !
Advance: 2 sisters. Earlene
Naylor of Clemmons and Elise
'Lisa'Heplerof Wmston-Salem:
4 grandchi Idren: a great-grandson:and 2 best friends. Jack Davis and
Junior Gardner.
A graveside service was held
at 11 aan. Monday. Sept. I. at Gar- ;
d^ of Memory in Walkerlown. .
with the Rev. Zeno Grace offici
Donations: Morgan Grace
Bames Cancer Fund at any First
Citizens Bank & Trust,
County Public Library
Mooksville, NO
. 0
y Shirley V. Deimiston .. y
Shirley Virginia Sabin
Dehniston, 76, of Stockbridge,'
Oa., died Sunday, Aug. 31.2003;-
She was preceded in death byher husband, Blake Denniston.
Survivors: daughters. Darla
Mclmosh of Coming. N.Y.. and
Sue Ann Weber of Stockbridge;
sons. Michael Denniston of
Wilmington and Matthew
Denniston of Mocksville; 9 grandchildren: 1 great-grandchild; sis
ters. Hazel Hill and Myrtle
Jamison, both of New York; and
several nieces and nephews.
There will be no services.
i I-ester Worth Heath
Mr. Lester Woilh Heath, 91. ofJ Rvmony.diedSaturday,Aug.30,
Vj 2003 at the Brian Center inj Si^tesville after a lingering illness.
He ws bom in Iredell County
on July 9.1912, a son of the late
Lillard W. Heath and Fannie
Holcomb Heath. He was retiied asa self-employed refrigeration re-
Ptir technician and was a member of Wesley Chapel United
Methodist Church. He attended
Harmony High School and en
joyed helping people.
Survivors; his wife. JosephineJohnson Heath, whom he married
on Sept. 13, 1980; a son.
Lawrence Heath and wife Betty of
Florence, Ore.; a daughter,
Frances Campbell and husband
Jerry of Harmony; 6 grandchil- '
dren: 6 great-grandchildren; a
step-daughter. Jane Barren and j
husband Robert Joe Barren of
Hamptonville; and a niece.
He was preceded in death by a
brother. Roy D. Heath, and a sis
ter, Edmonia H. Crews.
Funeral services were held at
4 p.m. Wednesday. Sept. 3 at
Reavis Funeral Home of Harmony
Chapel with the Revs. AJ. Moore
and Allen Bliek ofliciating. Burial
followed in the Wesley Chapel
United Methodist Church Cem
etery. Pallbearers were Terry.
Mike. Justin. John Ray and Jerry
i Campbell, Robert J. Barren and
Otis "Shorty" Blackbum.
Memorials: Wesley Chapel .i
Cemetery Fund, c/o Dale Trivette. I358 Union Grove Road.
Hamptonville, 27020.
Paul Gray Hendricks
Mr. Paul Gray Hendricks. 76,
of Danner Road, Mocksville.died
Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003. at Davis
Regional Medical Center in
Statesville.n Mr. Hendricks was bom April5. 1927. in Davie County, a son /
of the late Willie G. and Susie '
Hunter Hendricks. He was retired
ftom Drexel Heritage Funeral Co.
and was a veteran of World Warn.havihg served in the U.S. Navy.
He was' also a retired firelighter
with the William R. Davie Fire
Department. He was a recipient of
the Jefferson Award and worked
in prison ministries.
Survivors: his wife. Rosa Lee
Pons Hendricks of the home; 3
brothers. Earl (Betty) Hendricks
of Greenwood. S.C.. L.D.
Hendricks of Mocksville and
James (Micky) Hendricks of
Greensboro; and several nieces
and nephews.
He was preceded in death by 4sisters and a brother.
The fiinerat service was at 2
p.m. Tuesday. Sept. 2, at Union
Chapel United Methodist Churchin Mocksville. conducted by the
Revs. Jim Sanders and Bobby
Beck. Burial followed in the ^
church cemetery. i
Memorials: Union Chapel
Methodist Church. 2030 U.S. 601
N.. Mocksville.
Davie County Public Ubrai]^
Mooksvilies NQ
DAVIE county enterprise record, Thursday, Sept. 4,2003
7 HaroldA.MUlerJr.
Mr. Harold A. Miller Jr.. 76, of
FayetteviUe, died Saturday, Aug.
30.2003 at VA Medical Center in
A retired Army master ser
geant. he was a veteran of World
War n and the Korean War. and
was a htember of Stone Lodge 216
in Portland. Maine.
Graveside services with full
military and Masonic rites were
Wednesday, Sept. 3 at SandhUls
State Veterans Cemetery in Spring
Lake with the Rev. Luanne Loch
officiating. , . ^
Survivors: his wife.MaudieH.
Miller of the home; 4 ^ughters. '
Sandra M. Wells of Wilmington. ''
Cynthia Stephenson of Mocks-
ville, Linda Bordeaux of Atlantic
Beach, and Lorraine Tuck of
Hillsborough; 3 step-sons. Barry
H. Carter of Kinston. Hmmy J.
Carter of Mocksville, and
Jonathan P. Carter of Advance; a
brother, Eari Miller of Sun City, j
Anz.; II grandchildren; 6 step; '
grandchildren; and 3 step-great- igrandsons. . |
Nealy Inman Simmons
Mrs. Nealy Alma Inman i
Simmons, 92, of King, the wife '
of the late Roy Eugene Simmons
Sr., died Friday, Aug. 29,2003, at
Universal Health Care in King.
She was bom Dec. 17, 1910,
in Surry County to David Andrew
Inman and Mickie Jane Simmons
Inman.She was a homemaker and
a member of First Baptist Church
of King.
Surviving: 4 daughters and
sons-in-law, Janie and Willie
Elmer Marshall of Winston-Sa-
lem, Bobbie and Johimy Idol of
King. Sue and Sandy Holt of Pi
lot Mountain and Priscilla and
Gary Wadford of Advance; 13
grandchildren; 14 great-grandchil
dren; 2 great-great-grandchildren; I5 half sisters, Mary Galley of I
Greensboro, Bonnie Whitaker of j
Dickson, Tenn., Patty Inman and
Shirley Duncan, both of
Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Peggy
Green of Winston-Salem; and 2
half brothers. Bud Inman of Pilot
Mountain and Larry Inman of
She was preceded in death by
a son, Roy Eugene 'Buck'
Simmons Jr.; a daughter, Lucy S.
Pansier; a sister. Ida Mae Imnan
Simmons; 2 brothers. Walter
Inman and Charlie Inman; and a
half brother, David Inman.
The funeral service was held
at 2 pan. Sunday, Aug. 31, at Cox-
Needham Funeral Home in Pilot
Mountain, with Brother Don
Collins officiating. Burial was at
Pilot Mountain City Cemetery.
t/Floyd Taylor Jr.
Mr. Floyd Thylor Jr., 72, of
Needmore Road, Woodleaf, died
Monday, Aug. 23,2003 at Kindred
Hospital in Greensboro.
A graveside service was held
Wednesday, Aug. 27 at 2 p.m'. at
Legion Memorial Park in Cool-
Mr. Taylor was bom Oct. 10.
1930 in Rowan County to the late
Floyd McKinsley and Leia Mae
McDaniel Taylor and was retired
from Suprior Stone Company.
He was preceded in death by
his wife, Martha Reavis Taylor.
Survivors: a daughter, Diane
Mayes of Woodleaf; 2 grandchil
dren; S great-grandchildren; a
great-great-grandchild; a sister.
Peggy Ellis of Woodleaf; a
brother. Homer Lee Taylor of
China Grove; and a half sister,
Nettie Spillman of Cooleemee.
Davii County Public UbraryMooHsvillei NC
. Lester Calvin Beam Jr.
(/ Mr. Lester "Jim" Calvin Beam
Jr., 34, of Mocksville died
Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2003, at
Davie County Hospital.
He was bom March 24,1969,
in Davie County. Mr. Beam gradu
ated from Davie High School and
was employed by Douglas Battery
Manufacturing Co. He was an
ouldoorsman and a motorcycle
He was preceded in death by
his grandfathers.
Surviving; his wife; Mary B.
Beam, of the home; 2 children,
Jinuny Dale Beam and Patti Ann
Beam of Winston-Salem; his
mother, Rebecca Arm Smith Beam
of Mocksville; his father, Lester
Calvin Beam of Bridge City,
Texas; a sister, Phyllis Turner of
Advance; a half brother. Derrick
Beam; his grandmothers, Edna
Smith of Mocksville and Phyllis
Beam of Winston-Salem; 2 step-
children,Calvin and Crystal Beam
of Texas; a niece and a nephew;
and friends Ray Smith Jr. and Bill
and Sandy Ginard.
A funeral service was held at
2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 8, at
Hayworth-Miller Kinderton
Ch^l with the Rev. Kelley Jones
officiating. Burial followed in the
Yadkin Valley Baptist Church
J Early Booe Sr.
Early Booe Sr. died Sept. 2,
2003, at Autumn Care Nursing
Home in Mocksville.
Mr. Booe was bom March 6,
1917, in Davie County. He was a
retired truck driver for Junker
Feed Mill and a veteran of World
He was preceded in death by
his wife, Nellie Etchison Booe, in
Surviving; 4 sons. Elder Early
Jr. (Deborah), Bobby Sr, (Lori
Lewis), Avery and Carlton Sr.
(Sharon) Booe; a daughter,
Brenda; 11 grandchildren; 12
great-grandchildren; and a daugh-
rer-in-law, Marie Booe.
The fiinerol service was con
ducted at 2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 3,
at Mt. Zion Holiness Church,
where Bishop James Ijames ofTi-
ciated. Burial followed in the
church cemetery.
Memorials; Mt. Zion Holiness
Cemetery Fund, c/o Deborah
Booe, 168 Williams St., Mocks
Sarah Lee Fletcher
^ Mrs. Sarah "Peggy" Lee
Fletcher, 76, of Elkin died Friday,
Sept. S, 2{X}3, at ForsyA Medical
Mrs. Fletcher was bom April
11, 1927, in Yadkin County to
Jones and Ola Vanhoy Brown.
Mrs. Fletcher was a homemaker
and a member of Elkin Valley
Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents; her
husband.Calvin Eugene Fletcher;
a son. Phillip Eugene Fletcher; a
brother, Glenn Brown; and a sis
ter, Evelyn Money, preceded her
in death.
Survivors; 2 sons. Randy
Fletcher and wife Sissy of Ronda
and Doug Fletcher and Tammy of
Elkin; 3 sisters, Joann Oaiiis and
husband Fby of Richmond, Va.,
Betty Head and husband Larry
and Shirley Shepherd and husband
Lee, all of Mocksville; a sister-in-
law, Bonnie Brown of Jonesville;
6 grandchildren; and a great
The funeral service was con
ducted at 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 7,
at Hodges Funeral Home Chapel
by the Revs. Johrmy Blevins and
Lee Money. Burial followed at
Crestwood Memorial Gardens.
Memorials; Hospice of Surry/
Yadkin, 1326 N. Main St.. Mount
Airy. NC 27030.
/Terry Douglas Graley
Terry Douglas Graley, 44, of
Gemmons died Thursday, Sept. 4,
2003, at Forsyth Medical Center
following complications from sur
Mr. Graley was born in
Charleston, W.Va., to Ralph and
Evelyn Sutphin Graley. He
worked for many years as a paint
ing contractor.
He was preceded in death by
his mother and by his father-in-
law, Basil M. Guffey.
Surviving; his wife, Jane
Guffey Graley of the home; 3 chil
dren, Jessica, TJ. and Chance
(jialey; his father of Advance; a
sister, Debbie (Paul) Dean of
Belews Creek; a brother, David
(Tammy) Graley of Tyro; an
uncle; an aunt; a mother-in-law,
Mary Guffey of Gemmons; a sis
ter-in-law, Mary Hotsclaw (Boyd)
Bobbins of Gemmons; a brother-
in-law, Basil (Julie) Guffey Jr., of
Gemmons; and a host of nieces,
nephews, great-nieces and great-
nephews, ineluding two close
nephews, Michael and Timothy
Holtsclaw of Gemmons.
A graveside service was held
at I p.m. Sunday, Sept. 7, at
Westlawn Gardens of Memory.
Donations; Wachovia Bank to
the Terry D. Graley Memorial
wooffsvllte, Wg
davie COUNTVBna„.R,SE „
Paul Gray Hendricks
Mr. Paul Gray Hendricks, 76,
of Danner Road. Mocksville.died
Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003, at Davis
Regional Medical Center in
States vi lie.
Mr. Hendricks was bom April
5, 1927, in Davie County, a son
of the late Willie C. and Susie
Hunter Hendricks. He was retired
from Drexel Heritage Furniture
Co. and was a veteran of World
War II, having served in the U.S.
Navy. He was also a retired
fireFighler with the William R.
Davie Fire Department. He was a
recipient of the Jefferson Award
and worked in prison ministries.
Survivors: his wife, Rosa Lee
Potts Hendricks of the home; 3
brothers. Earl (Betty) Hendricks
of Greenwood. S.C., L.D.
Hendricks of Mocksville and
James (Micky) Hendricks of
Greensboro; and several nieces
and nephews.
He was preceded in death by 4
sisters and a brother.
The funeral service was at 2
p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 2, at Union
Chapel Unit^ Methodist Church
in Mocksville, conducted by the
Revs. Jim Sanders and Bobby
Beck. Burial followed in the
church cemetery.
Memorials: Union Chapel
MethodistChurch.2030U5. 601
N.. Mocksville.
I Kathryn Johnston Jones
^ Mrs. Kathryn Johnston Jones,
82, of 249 Gobble Lane, Mocks
ville, died Saturday.Sept. 6,2(X>3,
at Statesville Place Assisted Liv
She was bom Nov. 26, 1920,
in Iredell County to the late
Zebelon Vance and Katie Hoover
Johnston. She was a retired pur
chasing agent at the United Meth
odist Children's Home in Win-
ston-Salem. She was a member of
First United Methodist Church in
On May 25, i976,she married
James Henry Jones, who preceded
her in death on July 31.1993.
Survivors: 2 daughters, Katie
Kinder Barker of Statesville and
Roberta Sue Kinder Gobble of
Mocksville; 6 grandchildren; 13
great-grandchildren; a brother,
Carl Johnston of Statesville; and
a sister, Frances Alien of Mocks
She was preceded in death by
S brothers, Zeb, Henry. Joe, James
and Ray Johnston; and 3 sisters,
De^ie Lazenby, MorthaTunetow
and Amelia Hager.
The funeral service was con
ducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Sept.
9, at the Westmoreland Chapel of
Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home,
with the Rev. Don Lloyd officiat
ing. Burial followed in Oakwood
Memorials: Willing Workers
Class of First United Methodist
Church, N. Main St., Mocksville;
or to the charity of the donor's
Retha Shell
J Retha "Colleen" Shell, 65, of
Mocksville, died Monday, Sept. I,
2003, at Kate B. Reynolds Hos
pice Home after battling cancer.
She was bom Jan. 10,1938, in
Pulaski, Va., the daughter of Mary
and Sherman Akers.
Survivors: 2 daughters,
Patricia Blankenship and Ronda
DeVinney, 2 sons, Lawrence Mar
tin Jr. and Tony Ransome. ail of
Winston-Salcm; 2 sisters, Betty
Edwards of Mocksville and Vio
let Kress of fhilaski, Va.; 7 grand
children; and 3. great-grandchil
A memorial service was held
at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 4, at
Immanuel Baptist Church, 1505
Lewisville-Clemmons Road.
/ I n choice.
^ / ; -2
John Walker Sr.
Mr. John Walker Sr., 80, of
Woodlands, Texas, died Monday,
Sept. 1,2003, in Texas.
He was bom Sept. 15, 1922,
in Davie County to John Hall and
Ila Smith Walker. He lived most
of his life in Davie County. Mr.
Walker served in the U.S. Navy
in World War II.
He was preceded in death by
bis parents; and a son, John V.
Walker Jr.
Surviving: his wife, Doris
Thomas Walker of Woodlands; 2
daughters, Micheil Perches and
husband Rick ofTexas, and Linda
Smith and husband Ken of
ITotida; a son,Tommy Walker and
wife Pat of Maryland; 10 grand
children; a great-grandchild; and
a brother, Wilbum Walker and
wife Jennie of Winston-Saiem. '
A memorial service will be
held at 11;30 a.m. Saturday, Sept.
13 at Macedonia Moravian
Church, 700 N.C. 801 N., Ad
Memorials: charity of the
donor's choice.
Davii County PublicMooHsv^le, Wg
nf DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Sept. 18,2003
, Adele Wilkins Azmon
^ Mrs. Adele Lee Wilkins
Azmon. 67, died Monday
evening, Sept. 8,2003, at Fofsyth
Medical Center.
Mrs. Azmon was bom in
Fofsyth County on Nov. 15,1935,
a daughter of John D. and Neirose
Lemons Wilkins. She was a long-
lime member of Pinedale Chris
tian Church and was retired from
the Forsyth County Health De
Mrs. Azmon was preceded in
death by a sister. Pat Jairard.
Surviving: 2 daughters, Vicky
(Roz) Hallenbeck of Winston-Sa-
lem and Donna (Mike) Boden-
heimer of Denver, a son, James
Kenneth (Mary) Azmon Jr. of
Mocksville; 5 grandchildren: and
2 sisters, Doris Thylor and Vivian
Huff, both of Winston-Salem.
A metnorial service was con
ducted at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept.
11, at Pinedale Christian Church
by Bill McKenzie.
Memorials: Pinedale Christian
Church in support of Jerry
Headen's missionary work in
Thailand, 3395 Peters Creek Park
way, Winston-Salem, 27127.
Alma Mars Ballard
Mrs. Alma Mars Ballard, 81,
formerly of Salisbury, died Mon
day evening, Sept. 15, 2003 at
Rowan Regional Medical Center.
Funeral arrangements ate incom
plete at Eaton Funeral Home in
Donna Adams Carter
j Mis. Donna Adams Carter, 41,of Advance died Friday, Sept. 12,
2003. at the Kate B. Reynolds
Hospice Home.
She was bom Sept. 21,1961,
in Forsyth County to Wesley
Dalton Adams Sr. and Estelle
Slater. Mrs. Carter served in the
Advance Volunteer Fire Depart
ment and was a member of Mocks
United Methodist Church. She
was active in the community and
was employed by Jeffco.Surviving: her husband, Jeff
Carter a daughter, Jenny CarterandherfianceDavidTeriy.ason,
Adam Carter and his friend Leslie
Ellis; 2 grandchildren; a sister,Tina Walker and husband Mark:2halfbrothers,Dalton Adams and
wife, Wendy, and Randy Adains;
a half sister, Cheryl McMillian
and husband Barry; 4 nephews; 2nieces; and the Carter family .
A funeral service was held at3 pm. Sunday. Sept. 14 at Mocks
United Methodist Church. Bunal
followed in the church cemete^.
Memorials: Advance Fire
Dept., 'What Christmas is AllAbout." or Mocks United Meth
odist Church, 'Because We Care,both atP.O. Box 55,Advance.
Melba Slaydon Coley
J Mrs. Melba Slaydon Coley, 87,
of Oak Island, died unexpectedly
Tuesday, Sept. 9,2003.
She was preceded in death by
her husband of 56 years, Howard
Westmoreland Coley, in July
Mrs. Coley was bom in Suny
County on March 30, I9i6, the
daughter of the late Joseph R. and
Edna Holy field Slaydon. She was
a member of Union Cross Baptist
Church in Keraersville. Mrs.
Coley had retired from R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco Co. She was an
avid gardener and enjoyed cook
Survivors: a daughter, Donese
C. Campbell and husband Tom of
Farmington; a son, Dennis H.
Coley and wife Suzye of Rural
Hall; 5 grandchildren; 2 great
grandchildren: 2 sisters, Beulah
Stonestreet and Iris McKinney,
both of Lexington; and a brother,
Robert Slaydon of Asheboro.
She was preceded in death by
a son, Charles Michael Coley.
A graveside service was con
ducted at 1 i ajn. Friday, Sept. 12,
at Crestview Memorial Park in
Rural Hall by the Rev. Kenneth
Memorials: The Children's
Home Inc., 1001 Reynolda Road,
Winston-Salem, 27104-3245.
William H. Cumby Jr.
/ William Henry Cumby Jr., 66,
' of Cusseta. Oa., died Wednesday,
Sept. 10, 2003, at the Medical
Center in Cdlumbus, Ca.
Mr. Cumby was bom Aug. 22,
1937, in Forsyth County, the son
of William Henry and Edith
Cumby. He had lived in Cusseta
for the past seven years and was
retired from the U.S. Navy and
from civii service. He was the
owner of Tranquil Financial in
Cusseta and a member of Cusseta
First Baptist Church, where he
served as a deacon.
Survivors: his wife, Madeiyn
H. Cumby of Cusseta, Ga.; his
children, Mark T. Cumby and
Janet M. Leech of Jacksonville,
Fla., and Thomas Wayne Cumby
and Mary Katherine Roghelia of
Orlando, Fla.; his stepchildren,
Thomas Wilson of Columbus,
Ga., Wendy Barfield of Cusseta,
Ga., and Stacey Turner of Ari
zona; a brother, John Don Cumby
ofSuwanee,Ga.; hissisters,Billie
Kimel of Winston-Salem and
Norma Jane BuUard of Mocks
ville; and 13 grandchildren.
The funeral service was held
at 2 pan. Saturday, Sept. 13, with
military honors, at First Baptist
Church in Cusseta, Ga., with
burial following in Harmony
Cemetery. The Rev. Mark Dixon
Mocksville, NC
Betty L. Dulin
Ms. Belly L. Dulin. 76, of Win-
ston-Salem died Wednesday. Sept.
10,2003.at Foisyth Medical Cen
ter following an extended illness.
She was bom June 23, 1927,
in Salisbury to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Alexander and Elizabeth
Clouse Flynt Dulin. At a young
age her family moved back to the
Dulin homestead in Davie County,
where she was reared to adult-'
hood. At a young age, she united
with Shiloh Baptist Church in
Mocksville. where she sang in the
choir and was an usher. She gradu
ated from Davie County Training
School (the Colored School and
predecessor to Central Davie),
where she excelled in drama, sew
ing and music. Soon thereafter,
she moved to Forsyth County,
where she settled in the Belview
Community and united with
(Fust) Waughtown Baptist Church
during the tenure of Pastor J.
Pinkney Joyce. She was a mem
ber of the old Belview Flower
Club. She enjoyed playing the or
gan. singing old Christian songs
and hymns of her youth, and tend
ing to her home and family.
She was preceded in death by
her parents; 2 sisters. Ethel
(Willie) Jenkins and Pauline M.
Dulin: 2 brothers, Henry A. Dulin
Jr. and Lawrence Dulin: and 3
sons-in-law, Johimie Richardson,
Wilbur Scales and Spencer
McCall Sr.
Survivors: 4 daughters.
Daphne Scales, Sandra McCall,
Annette Dulin and Katrina (Ra
leigh) Logan: 6 grandchildren; 2
great-grandchildren: 2 sons-in-
law, Lonnie Scrivens and Donald
Glenn, both of Winston-Salem: a
sister, Elizabeth Dulin of
Salisbury; 2 brothers, George W.
(Julia Mae) Dulin of Mocksville
and John Duiin of Mooresville:
and a host of friends and relatives.
The funeral service was con
ducted at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept.
13 at First Waughtown Baptist
Church, with Pastor Dennis W.
Bishop officiating. Burial fol
lowed in Evergreen Cemetery.
Samuel Spencer Foster
Mr. Samuel Spencer "Penny"
Foster, 73, of Erwin Street, Cool-
eemee,died Fiiday,Sept. 12,2003
at Rowan Regional Medical Cen
ter in Salisboiy.
Funeral services were Mon
day, Sept. IS at 4 pan. at Eaton
Funeral Chapel In Mocksville
with the Revs. Dan Gelatt and
Brent Helton officiating. Burial
with full military, rites was in the
veteran's section of Rowan Me
morial Park.
Memorials: Samuel Foster
Nursing Scholarship Fund, c/o
Central Carolina Bank, 7784 N.C.
801 S., Cooleemee.
Mr. Foster was bom June 3,
1928 In Rowan County to the late
Samuel Luckey and Lucille
Campbell Foster and was retired
from IngersoU-Rand with 30 years
of service. He had worked with
Emin/Biullngton Mills In Cool
eemee for 22 years. He was a vet
eran of the U.S. Army, serving
during the Korean Conflict and
was a member of South River
United Methodist CThurch. He en
joyed farming, collecting tractors
and spending time with family, es
pecially grandchildren.
Survivors: a daughter, Permy
F. (George) Calhoun of Cool
eemee: a brother, Kenneth D.
(Linda) Foster of Cleveland; 2
grandchildren; several nicees and
He was preceded in death by a
brother, Harold Foster.
/ Raymond Hal! Gibson Jr.
Raymond Hall Gibson Jr.. 39,
of Greensboro, died SatuMay,
Sept. 13,2003, at his residence.
Mr. Gibson was a son of the
late Raymond H. and Lillian
Alexander Gibson Sr. and was a
native of Davie County. He moved
to Greensboro in 1964 and was
employed with JP Stevens until
1972. He was also employed with
Odell Hardware Co. for 18 years
and with Guilfoid County Health
Department for three years, in
volved In budget management. He
was an active member of Trinity
Church, where he participated in
the Trinity Chancel Choir. He
graduated from King's College in
Charlotte. Mr. Gibson was an
amateur photographer and radio
operator, K4RHG, and belonged
to the Greensboro Amateur Radio
Association. He was a longtime
member of the Greensboro Jay-
cees. His hobbies included com
puters, camping, fishing and any
thing that involved his love of the
Survivors: his wife of 33 years,
Ann Irwin Gibson; his daughter
and her husband, Beth and Jeff
(Tdttrcll of Greensboro; a stepson
and his wife. Jerry and Denise
Crater of Marietta, Ga.; a sister
and her husband, Linda and
Harold Miller of Winston-Salem:
a brother and his wife, Joe and
Celia Gibson of Davie County:
and 3 grandchildren.
A celebration of life was held
at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17, at
Trinity Church. Greensboro, with
the Rev. Marc Pumam ofBciating.
Burial was private in Guilford
Memorial Park.
Memorials: ALS Clinic at
Wake Forest University Baptist
Medical Center. .Medical Center
Boulevard, Winston-Salem,
27137-1021: or Trinity Church
Benevolent Fund, 5200 W.
Friendly Ave.. Greensboro,
iller Wilson Groce
Mr. Miller Wilson Groce, 91,
of Wyo Road, Yadklnville, died
Sunday, Sept. 14. 2003 at his
Born in Yadkin on May 4,
1912 to the late Daniel and Ida
McBride Groce, he was retired :
from Loflin Handle Co. as a ma- .
chine operator and was a member
of Mt. Olive United Methodist
Surviving: a son, Richard Wil
son Groce (Betty. Jo) of
Yadkinville; 3 daughters, Lorina
Boggs (Herbert), Delia Miller, and
Joann Campbell, all of
Yadkinville: a sister, Dora York of
Yadkinville: 17 grandchildren:
and 13 great-grandchildren.
Mr. Groce was preceded in
death by his wife, Leona W.
Groce, and 2 infant sons.
Funeral services were held at
I pan. Wednesday. Sept. 17 at Mt.
Olive United Methodist Church
with Dr. Joe Lear and Rev. Billy
Seats officiating. Burial followed
in the church cemetery.
Memorials: Mt. Olive Method
ist, 3521 Wyo Road, Yadkinville, !
David County Public Libraiy
Mook^Se, NO
/ Sadie Livcngood Howard
* Mrs. Sadie Livcngood
Howard. 95. formerly of
Salisbury, died Monday after
noon. Sept. 15. 2003 in Rowan
Regional medical Center.
She had been a resident of
Genesis ElderCare for the past
n three years.
Funeral services were sched
uled for 4 p.m. Wednesday. Sept.
17 in Eaton Funeral Chapel in
Mocksville with Dr. John
Andrews and David Hacketl offi
ciating. Burial was to be in the
Libeny United Methodist Church
Cemetery in Mocksville. The fam
ily was to receive friends at the
funeral home Wednesday after
noon from 3-4.
Memorials: Liberty Methodist.
129 Liberty Circle. Mocksville; or
Milford Hills United Methdoist
Church. 1630 Statesville Blvs..
Salisbury. 28144.
Mrs. Howard was born in
Davie County on Sept. 16. 1907
to the late Oscar and Bertha Link
Livengood and had worked at
Erwin Mills for many years. She
had been a lifelong member of the
Liberty United Methodist Church i
and enjoyed working outdoors in
her yard.
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Heathman Howard
and by 5 sisters and a brother.
Surviving; a daughter and son-
iri-law. Evelyn H. and John
Ridenhour of Salisbury; 3 grand
children; 6 great-grandchildren; 9
great-great-grandchildren; a sister.
Bessie L. (Aaron) Weir of Win-
ston-Salem; a sister-in-law.
Louise Henry of Winston-Salem;
and several nieces and nephews.
/Megan Elizabeth Howell
Miss Megan Elizabeth Howell.
16. of Mr. Henry Road. Mocks
ville. died Wedtt^ay. Sept. 10.
Funeral services were Sunday,
Sept. 14 at 4 p.m. at Trinity Bap
tist Church with the Rev. Darrcll
Con oflicialing. Entombment was
in Rowan Memorial Park in
Miss Howell was bom Jan. 28,
1987 in Davie County. She was a
junior at Davie High School, a
popular student who served as
president of the school's photog
raphy club and had been a cheer
Survivors; her parents. Ricky
and Brenda Howell of the home;
grandparents.Doris Hilton Lakey,
and Harley and Betty Howell. all
of Mocksville.
Memorials: Megan Howell
Memorial Scholarship Fund, do
Davie High School. 1200 Salis
bury Road. Mocksville.
Kathryn Johnston Jones
Mrs. Kathryn Johnston Jones,
82. of 249 Gobble Lane, Mocks- '
ville. died Saturday. Sept. 6,2003,
at Statesville Place Assisted Liv
. She was bom Nov. 26.1920.
in Iredell County to the late '
Zebelon Vance and Katie Hoover
Johnston. She was a retired pur
chasing agent at the United Meth
odist (Children's Home in Win-
ston-Salem. She was a member of
First United Methodist (Church in
Mocksville and the FaithAd Work
ers Sunday School class.
On May 25,1976. she married
James Henry Jones, who preceded
her in death on July 31,1993.
Survivors: 2 daughters. Katie
Kinder Barker of Statesville and n
Roberta Sue Kinder Gobble and
husband Larry Gobble of Mocks- n
ville; 6 giandchildren; 13 great- !
grandchildren: a brother. Carl
Johnston of Statesville; and a sis- |
ter. Frances Allen of Mocksville. |
She was preceded in death by
5 brothers.Zeb.Henry. Joe. James
and Ray Johnston; and 3 sisters.
and Amelia Hager.
The funeral service was con
ducted at 11 ajn. Tuesday, Sept.
9. at the Westmoreland Chapel of
Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home,
with the Revs. Don Routh and
Crystal Alexander officiating.
Burial followed in Oakwood
Memorials: Faithful Workers
of First United Methodist Church.
N. Main St.. Mocksville; or to the
charily of the donor's choice.
Ray Kennetb Jones Sr.
Mr. Ray Kenneth Jones Sr.. 84.
ofLewisville.died Saturday,Sept.
13.2003. at Meadowbrook Manor
of Davie.
He was bom Oct. 28.1918. in
Davidson County to the late
Phillip Sylvester and Mittie Cor
nish Jones. Mr. Jones was a mem
ber of Muddy Creek Church of
Christ and retired from Forsyth •
Medical Center. He was a mem
ber of the Clemmons VFW Post :
910. Mr. Jones was a staff sergeant
in the U.S. Air Force during World
War Hand was decorated with the '
following medals and ribbons:
American Service Medal. Gt>od
Conduct Medal. American De
fense Service Medal. Philippine
Liberation Ribbon with a Bronze
Star. World War It Victory Medal
and the Asiatic I^cific Service
Medal with two stars.
He was preceded in death by 3
brothers. Bill, Lee and Howard
Jones; 2 sisters. Bemice Scott and
Pemie Pickle; and a grandson.
Ray Payton Jones.
Survivors: his wife. Faye
Pegram Jones of the home; a son.
Ray Jones Jr. and wife Carol of
Mocksville; a daughter. Alice
TVsinger and husband Larry of .
Winston-Salem; 4 grandchildren;
a brother, Phillip Jones Jr. of .
A military graveside service
was held at 12:30 pm. Monday.
Sept. 15. in Oaklawn Memorial
Gardens with Minister Demon
Landon and the VFW Honor .
Guard officiating.
Memorials: Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation. 1401 Old
Mill Circle. Winston-Salem.
David County Public library
Mooksville, NO
Irene Vickery Moon
Irene Vickery Moon. 84, of
Lexington, died Saturday moni-
ing.Sepi. 13, 2003. at Lexington
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Moon was bom in Ander
son. S.C.. on April 23. 1919.10
Edward Andrew and Dicie Louise
Powell Vickery. A homemaker.
she loved to do needlework and
grow flowers. At her church, she
kept the nursery for a number of
years and served on (he food com
She was preceded in death by
her husband. S.Q. Moon, in 20O2;
and by 2 sons. James Hoyi Moon
and Robert Moon.
Surviving: 3 sons. Bobby Joe
Moon of Advance. Stanley Wayne
Moon of Boone's Cave and Ken
neth Allen Moon and wife Betsy
of Reeds; 4 daughters. Nancy
Moon Siovall of Reedy Creek.
Shirley Moon Potts and husband
Doug of -Mocksville. Sandra
Moon Ramsey and her husband.
Robert. of Banner Elk and Barbara
Jean Moon McOehee and her hus
band. Mike, of Yadkinvillet a
dauchter-in-1aw. Debbie S. Moon,
of Boone's Cave: 16 grandchil
dren: 12 great-grandchildren; a
sister. Fannie .Mae Brock, of
Praliville. Ala.; a brother-in-law.
Henry Duiion ofAtlanta. Ca.: and
2 sisters-in-law.Arlene Vickery of
Greenwood, S C.. and Sally Moon
of High Point-
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Sept. 16. at
Union Grove Baptist Church,
where she was a member, eon-
ducted by Pastors Ken Hants and
Harold Retcher. Burial followed
in the church cemetery.
Memorials; Union Grove Bap
tist. 2295 Union Grove Road.
Lexington. 27295.
Dustin Michael Myers
Mr.DuslIn Michael Myers, 19
ofSieppinstone Lane. Mocksville,
died Wednesday. Sept. 10. 2003
at his residence after being in de-
held Saturday, |K,^
Sept. 13 at 2
p.m. at Free-
dom Baptist
Church with il
the Rev. Will f
ing. Burial
was in (he church cemetery.
Mr. Myers was bom Jan. 5.
1984 in Davie County to Ricky
and Sandra Rressley Myers. He
was a graduate of Davie High
School class of 2003 and a mem
ber of Freedom Baptist Church.
Survivors: his parents of the
home: 2 sisters. Crystal Dawn
Mitchell of Salisbury and Tonya
Ann Prater of Mocksville; pater
nal grandparents, W.A. and Grace
Myers of Mocksville: and a
nephew. Devon Michael Mitchell.
He was preceded in death by
his maternal grandparents. Tho
mas A. and Rosa Lee Pressley.
Tara Howell Parker
y Mrs. Tara Howell Parker, 29. •
of Cornelius, formerly of Mocks
ville. died Wednesday. Sept. 10.
Funeral services were Sunday,
Sept. 14 at 4 p.m. at Trinity Bap
tist Church with Rev. Darrell Cox
Mrs.ParkerwasbomJuly U,
1974 in Davie County. She was a
former Miss Winston, who sur
vived four open-heart surgeries
growing up and a heart transplant
two years ago. She was married
to Shawn Parker; crew chief for
NASCAR driver Dale Jarrett.
They recently bought a motor
coach so they could stay together
at the race track as a family.
Survivors, in addition to her
husband, a son. Jagger Parker,
both of the home: parents. Ricky
andBrenda Howe11 ofMocksville
and Cathy and Tom Merrill of
Pleasant Garden: a half sister.
Katie Merrill: grandparents. Lela
Bengc and Betty and Harley
Howell. all of Mocksville.
Memorials: Jagger Parker
Trust Fund, do Wachovia Bank.
PO Box 2519.Cornelius, 28031.
OavtB County Public
MocHsville, NO
Janet Mount Pipkorn
y Janet Mount Pipkom. 74. of
Bermuda Run. died Wednesday.
Sept- 10. 2003. .11 the Kate B.
Reynolds Hospice Home.
She was bom June 21. 1929.
in Milwaukee. Wise., lo Siuan and
Mildred Mount. She spent the
early years of her m.irriage rais
ing her family inMilwaukec-The
family moved to Aliamonle
Springs. Ra.. where she and her
husband continued to live for 30
years before moving to North
Carolina two years ago to be
closer to family.
In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by her
bcuihcr. Stuart Mount Jr.
Survivors: her husband, John
B- Pipkorn: 3 children. Kaiie
Pipkom Kenney and husband
Sieve of Bermuda Run. Lauren J.
Pipkom of New York City and
William J. Pipkom of Deltona,
Ra.: and 2 grandchildren.
She attended Carroll College
in Wisconsin and graduated from
the University of Wisconsin-
Madison and wasa member of the
Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She was
a second-grade teacher, home-
maker. Realtor and active commu
nity volunteer. Organiiations such
as the Milwaukee Historical So
ciety. Orlando Civic Theater.
Spring Valley Garden Club. ,
Gamma Phi BetaAlumni and the
Orlando Symphony benefited
from her commitment. She was a
member of St. Clements Episco
pal Church in Clcmmons and
Holy Nativity Episcopal Church
in Whitcfish.Monl.
Donations: Hospicc/Palliiuivc
CarcCenier. IIOO-C $- Stratford
Road. Winston-Salem. 27103: or
Holy Nativity Episcopal Church.
P.o! Box 1926, Whilcfish, MT
A memorial service will be
held at 2 pan. Saturday, Oct. 4 at
All Saints Episcopal Church. 338
E. Lyman Ave., Winter Park. Ra.
/Mysti Howell-PopUn
Mrs. Mysti HoweU-Pop1in.24,
of Franlc Short Road, Mocksville,
died Wednesday. Sept. 10.2003.
Funeral services were Sunday.
Sept. 14 at 4 p.m. pt Trinity Bap
tist Giurch with Rev. Darrell Cox
ofriciating. Burial was in Rowan
Memorial Park in Salisbury.
Mrs. Poplin was bom Dec. 21.
1978 in Davie County. She was a
new mother of an 3-month-old
daughter. Mallie Elizabeth, with
husband Shane, and worked as a
Survivors, in addition to her
husband and daughter of the
home; parents. Ricky and Brenda
Howell of Mocksville; grandpar
ents. Doris Hilton Lakey. and
Harley and Betty Howell. all of
Memorials: Trinity Baptist
Church 2722 US. 601 S. Mocks
Aleksandra Wlodarczyk
Mi;. Aleksandra Wlodarczyk.
83.of Spiingfteld Drive, Advance,
died Monday. Sept. IS. 2003 at
Forsyth Medical Center.
She was bom in Miasowa. Po
land on May 23.1920. the daugh
ter of Jan Kwiecien and Anna
Bartyla. She was a homemaker,
wife, mother and grandmother, a
religious woman and member of
Holy Family Catholic Church.
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Wladyslaw
Wlodarczyk and 2 sisters and 3
Surviving: 2 sons. Edward
Urbanowicz of Linden. NJ. and
Jerzy Wlodarczyd of Mocksville;
a daughter. Maria Zakamarck of
Advance; 7 grandchildren; and 3
A Mass of Christian burial was
scheduled for 11 am. Thursday.
Sept. 18 in Holy Family Catholic
Church by Father Michael
Buttner. Burial was to be in
Forsyth Memorial Park.
Hatde Belle Sfaarpe
V Hattie Belle Shore Sharpe of
the Sandy Springs community.
Harmony, in Iredell County, died
unexpectedly at her home on Fri
day moming, Sept. 12,2003.
She was bora April 2.191S.to
Woodson Jones Shore and Fannie
Loraine Cooke Shore of Swan
Creek in Yadkin County, and was
married for 56 years to the late
Henry Woodrow Sharpe Sr. Mrs.
T Shar^ was a longtime member of
Sandy Springs Baptist Church,
and in earlier years was active in
the Iredell County Home Demon
stration Qub. In addition to main
taining the Sharpe family house
hold. and cultivating large veg
etable and flower gardens. she was
a seamstress and crocheted more '
than two dozen bedspreads for her
children and grandchildren, each
counterpana having more than a
million stitchep. She loved wel
coming family members and visi
In addition to her parents and
her husband, Mrs. Sharpe was pre
ceded in death by her sons. Tho
mas Franklin Sharpe Sr., James
Harold Sharpe and William
Donald Sharp; grandsons. Tho
mas 'Sony' Fraitklin Sharpe Jr..
Ernest 'lUcky' Enrique Kooniz
and John 'Jay' Wlliam McCoy
Jr.; and sisters. Frances Cook of
High Point and Esther Williamson
of Concord.
Survivors: her youngest son
and caregiver of the home. Roger
D. Sharpe; her son, Henry
Woodrow Sharpe Jr. and wife
Ruby of Sandy Springs; daugh
ters, Jo Ann Sharpe Koontz of
Harmony and June Carol McCoy
and husband John W. of States-
ville; 16 grandchildren; 20 great
grandchildren; 2 great-great
grandchildren; 3 sisters. Doris
Bates of Brooklyn. Md.. Nancy
Durham and Coleen Moore of
Cooleemee; 3 brothers. T.L.
Chipman of Winston-Salem and
Tomas R. Shore and Norman
'Pete' Shore, both of Cooleemee;
and numerous nephews and
A graveside service was con
ducted at 4 p.m. in the Sandy
Springs Baptist Church cemetery
by her pastor, the Rev. David
Kiser. and the Rev. Marie
Morefield Reischer. Episcopal
. Diocese of North Carolina. A re
ception followed in the church fel
lowship hall.
Memorials: Sandy Springs
Baptist, 2930 Sandy Springs
Ro^. Harmony, 28634. for main
tenance of the Japanese Maple
Tree Memorial Garden dedicated
at the springs to Mrs. Sharpe and
her late husband on May 21.1992;
Alzheimer's Assoc.. 3800 Sham
rock Drive, Charlotte. 28215-
3220; or to the charity of the
donor's choice.
/obert A. Weinman
Mr. Robert Alexander
Weinman. 88. died at his home in
Winston-Salem on Sunday. Sept.
7.2003, of congestive heart fail
The younger son of sculptor
Adolph Alexander Weinman
(1870^1952). Weinman followed
in his father's footsteps and
opned a studio in New York City
in 1948. He worked there until
1972. when he moved his snidio
to Bedford. N.Y. Weinman retired
to Winston-Salem in 1998. He was
a past president and honorary
president of the National Sculp
ture Society, which awarded him
its Gold Medal in 1997. The
American Numismatic Society, of
which he was a director. awaMed
him its highest honor, the J.
SanfordSaltusMedal.in 1964 and
named him Sculptor of the Year
in 1975. Weinman was an Acade
mician of the National Academy
of Design and served on their ex
ecutive board. In addition to as
sisting in his father's studio.
Weinman studied at the Art
Student's League and the National
Academy of Design under Paul
Manship.C. Paul Jennewein. Ed
ward McCartan, Walker Hancock
and Lee Lawrie. He served in the
U.S. Army Air Corps from 1942
to 1945.
Survivors: his wife. Jane M.
Weinman of Winston-Salem; 2
sons, Paul of Advance and Chris
topher of Norwich, Vt.; a daugh
ter-in-law. Maribelh of Winston-
Salem; and 4 grandsons.
A memorial service was
' planned for4 pan.Thursday.Sept.
II, at Heritage Woods. 3812
Forreslgate Drive. Winston-Sa
David county
Mocksville. Ww
Ruble Rozel Beauchamp
Mr. Ruble Rozel Beauchamp.
82. died in his sleep at his home
in Advance on Saturday. Sept. 13.
Raised in rural, central Texas
during the Depression era. Mr.
Beauchamp served in the Civilian
Conservation Corps in Arizona as
a teen-ager, then enlisted in the
Marirte Corps, where as a mem
ber of the 5lh Marine Division. He
was a paratrooper. He received the
Purple Heart for wounds suffered
in the battles of Guadalcanal and
Iwo Jima. carrying pieces of
shrapnel as a reminder of his par
ticipation in World War n. He was
married to Rulhanna Milligan of
National City, Calif., on Feb. 23.
1944. and resided there until his
retirement from the U.S. Post Of
fice in 1974. He was known in
National City and Bonita. where
he served as a mail carrier. He was
scoutmaster for Troop 32. spon
sored by his church. First Baptist
Church of National City. Follow
ing fomial retirement, he operated
his farm in Del Norte. Colo., then
managed the school-bus fleet in
Weatherford. Okla.. where he ob
tained his private pilot's license
and flew his own plane out of the
adjacent airport. He served on the
Maricopa County Senior Posse in
the community of Sun City West.
Survivors: his wife of 59 years.
Ruthanna M. Beauchamp; 4 sons.
Ruble Mitchel Beauchamp. Mark
Harris Beauchamp. Paul Bryant
Beauchamp and Bruce David
Beauchamp; a daughter. Andrea
Rue; a sister. Odessa Estelle; 5
brothers. J.N. "Chuck^
Beauchamp. B.C. "Johnny"
Beauchamp. Donald Alvin
Beauchamp. Bryan Stanford
Beauchamp and Glen Dale
Beauchamp; 14 grandchildren:
and 3 great-granddaughters.
A graveside service was held
at 2 p.m. Thursday. Sept. 18. in
Union Cemetery in Durango.
y Beulah Christian
Mrs. Beulah Vay Hauser
Christian. 90. of Yadkinville. died
Sunday. Sept. 21.2003 at Alterra
Clare Bridge Nursing Home in
Winston-Salem. She graduated
from Atkins High School and at
tended Winston-Salem Teachers
College and graduated from
American University in Washing
ton, D.C.
Survivors: a daughter, Vicki
Fortune Lucas of Cleveland.
Ohio; a grandson and granddaugh
ter: a brother. Dr. Charlie B.
Hauser of Winston-Salem; 4 sis
ters, Fannie M. Rice of
Northridge. Calif., Doris Elliott of
Hyattsville, Md.. Oleona Paige of
Hemdon. Va.. and Velma Jackson
of Cleveland.
A memorial service will be
held Friday, Sept. 26 at 4 p.m. in
the chapel of Graham Funeral
Home in Mocksville. Family visi
tation begins at 3:30.
Memorials: chairty of the
donor's choice.
^illiam Harding Cleary
Mr. William Harding "Bill"
Cleary. 83. of High Point, died
Wednesday. Sept. 17.2 003 at
High Point Regional Hosptial fol
lowing 10 months of declining
Mr. Cleary was bora in Davie
County on April 12. 1920. a son
of Acie and Agnes Ratledge
Cleary. He retired from Alma
Desk as a plant superintendent
after 42 years of service. He was
a humanitarian who loved people.
He enjoyed woodworking and
gardening, and was a member of
Deep River Friends Meeting.
Surviving: his wife of 53 years.
Hazel Smyre Geary of the home;
2 daughters. Wanda Cleary
: Gallman of Charleston. S.C. and
I Jeanne Swanson Davis of High
I Point; a sister. Elizabeth Gaither
I of Statesville; 2 brothers. Ray
I Cleary and wife Ernestine and
I Darnel] Geary and wife Patricia,
all of Mocksville; 8 grandchil
dren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
' A memorial service was con
ducted Saturday. Sept. 20 at II
xm. at Deep River Friends Meet
ing by the Rev. Scott Wagoner.
Memorials:Deep River
Friends. 5300 W. Wendover Ave..
High Point. 27265; or Leukemia
and Lymphoma Society.
yMichael Richard Combs
V Mr. Michael Richard Combs.'
20. of'Advance died Tuesday.
Sept. 16.20O3.
He was bom Feb. 17.1983. in
Forsyth County to Julia Ann Such.
A funeral Mass was held at 10
xm. Saturday. Sept. 20. at Holy
Family Catholic Church, with the
Rev. Adrian Ponas officiating.
Donations: Catherine Such.
4148 Wyciiff Drive. Winston-Sa
lem. 27106.
Davie County Public Ubrary
Moeksville, NO
j Florida Cheek DoweJI
Mrs. Florida Cheek Dowel!
76. of Easi Bend, died Sunday,'
Sept. 21, 2003 at Forsylh Medi
cal Center in Winston-Salem.
She was bom on July 11.1927
in Yadktn County to Franklin A.
Md Mary Elizabeth Sturdivant
Cheek. She was a member ofTrue
Gospel Chapel.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Clarence Oowell.
Surviving: her children. Kay
(Roger) Cook of PfalTtown. Steve
(Diane) Dowell- of East Bend,
Terry (Kay) Dowell and Virginia
Ann (David) Vest, all of Mocks-
ville, Pat (Earl) Hawks of Uw
Gap. and Rose (Cunis) Stewart of
East Bend; a sister. Minnie Stokes
of Graham; a brother. Spurgeon
Cheek of West Jefferson: 11
grandchildren; 8 great-grandchil
Funeral services were con
ducted Tuesday, Sept. 23 at 8 p.m.at Huff Funeral Home (Hiapel by
Rev. Gene Snow. A graveside ser
vice followed Wednesday. Sept.
24 at 2 p.m. at the Stony Knoll
United Methodist Church Cem-
Kathalean D. Flint
/ Mrs. Kathalean D.Flint. 89. of
Mocfcsville, died at Autumn Care
Nursing Home on Sunday, Sent
She was born in Iredell
County, but lived most of her life
in Davie County and was an ac
tive member of Fairfield Baptist
She was preceded in death by
her first husband, Charlie Dulin,
in 1939. and her second husband.
Lindsay Flint, in 2000.
Survivon: daughters, RachelD. Carson, Addle (Elvie) Bell,
Geneva (Cartel) Foote, Zelda
(Donald) Naylor and Betty Ftttst,
all of Mocksville, and Mildred'
(John) Blackwelt of Salisbury; a
sister. Bertha Dulin of Mocksville;
and a large number of grandchil
dren, great-grandchildren and
Funeral services were held on
Thursday, Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. at
Fairfield Baptist Oturch, with the
Rev. Marcus Wtlliarrts officiating.
Burial followed in Shiloh Baptist
Church Cemeteiy.
I Richard Earl Ford
1/ Mr. Richard Earl Ford of Ber
muda Run, the son of Lucy and
Harry Ford, was born in
Herringlon, Kan., Nov. 18. 1930,
and died Sept. 20.2003. at Fotsyth
Medical Center.
Mr. Ford graduated from Kan
sas State University and served
four years in the U.S. Air Force.
His parents and his brother. "Bill",
preceded him in death.
Survivors: his wife of31 years.
Doris; 2 sons, Randal and wife
Elizabeth of Rochester Hills,
Mich., and Gregory of Washing
ton, Kan; a daughter, Lori Ford
Winlher and husband Rick of
Kennesaw, Ga; 4 granddaughters;
a sister-in-law, Betty Ford of Ber
muda Village; 4 nephews; sisier-
in-laws, Betty Zenger and hus
band Wesley of Haddam. Kan. and
Marilyn Burt of Washington,
Kan.; and many nieces and neph
Bermuda Run was his home
for 21 years.
A memorial service was con
ducted at 11 a,m. Monday. Sept.
22 at Hayworth-Miller Kinderton
Chapel by the Rev, Edwin *
Troutmari. A military graveside
service was to be held at Haddam
Cemetery in Haddam, Kan.
Memorials: Acute Palliative
C^are Unit, Forsyth Medical Cen
ter, Winston-Salem. 27103; or
Haddam Cemetery Fund.
Haddam. KS 66944 c/o Warren
Davie County Public Ubfaiy
Mooksville, NG
y Grace Davis Foster
Grace Davis Foster, 88, of Ber
muda Run, wife of Arlie O. Fos
ter, died Sept. 20, 2003, after a
long illness.
Mrs. Foster was bom in Wllkes
County, a daughter of the late
James Harrison Davis and Mary
Ethel Vannoy Davis. She and her
husband were married in 1938 and
after World War n they moved
from Wilkes County to the Win
ston-Salem area. While her hus
band was pursuing his business
eareer he was one of the founders
of Salem Carpet Mills in Winston-
Salem. Mrs.Foster was employed
at Hanes Hosiery. She was an avid
quilter and enjoyed crossword
puzzles. Afier rearing her children
she traveled internationally with
a good friend from Wilkes County.
She also played golf at Pinebrook
Country Club and was thrilled the
day she scored a hole-in-one. She
. enjoyed attending events involv
ing her grandchildren. She was a
member of Old Town Womans
Club. Old Town Garden Club and
was active in Becks Baptist
Church in the Circle Class. IMen
her health began to decline she
and her husband moved from
Winston-Salem to Bermuda Vil
lage in Davie County.
She was preceded in death by
a daughter. Maty Elizabeth, and
several brothers and sisters.
Survivors; her husband, Arlie
0. Foster of the home; 2 daugh
ters, Joan F. Allan and husband
Peter of Winston-Salem, and
Janice F. Jordan and husband,
Chris of Mocksville; 2 sisters,
Gladys Billings of Wrlkesboro and
Doris Eysenbach of Bristol, Pa.;
4 grandchildren; a step-grand
daughter; 4 great-grandchildren;
and 2 step-great-grandchildren.
A service was held Monday.
Sept. 22. at Hayworth-Miller Fu
neral Home Chapel, Silas Creek
Parkway, Winston-Salem with Dr.
Ray Hamilton and the Rev. Paul
• Wonders Jr. ofltciattng. Burial fol
lowed at Forsyth Memorial Park.
Memorials: Becks Baptist.
' 3303 Beeks<3hurchRd.. Wrnston-
Salem. 27106; or Hospice of Wtn-
ston-Salem, IIOO-C S. Stratford
Rd., Winston-Salem, 27103.
* ^
. Janie Ann Haynes
y Janie Ann VinsonHajmes.SS.
of Tiflon, Ga.. died Wednesday,
Sept. 17, 2003, at Tift Regional
Survivors: sons, Roosevelt
Vinson, Robert Vinson, Ed
Vinson, Melvin Vinson, Earl
Vinson, Karl Vinson and Marshall
Vinson, all of Sacramento, Calif.,
and John Vinson of Los Angeles,
Calif.; daughters, Luvenia Holmes
of Tifton, Ga., Dyhanna Knapp of
San Diego, Calif., Ola Bell
Booker of Sacramento, and Ester
Haynes of New Orleans, La.: 2
brothers, John Ptuin and Levander
Praitt, both of Cooleemee: 2 sis
ters, Lizzie Teasley and Claudine
Walls, both of Sacramento, Calif.;
and IS I grandchildren.
The funeral was held at 11 a.m.
Monday, Sept. 22, at Friendship
M.B. Church, with burial follow
ing in Sunset Lawn Memorial
Park in Sacramento, Calif.
J^Ernest Lewis Howell
Ernest Lewis Howell, 27, of
Mocksville died Tuesday, Sept.
16.2003 in Davie County.
He was the son of Johnny Fos
ter and Tammy Howell, bom Jan.
12, 1976. He graduated from
Davie High School, anji was em
ployed as a raatre'd for a local res
In addition to his parents, sur
vivors are: 2 brothers, Johimy Fos
ter Jr. of Hawaii and Royal
Marrison Jr. of the home; 4 sis
ters, Yolanda Bush and Shaunda
Foster, both of Salisbury, Whimey
Wyatt aitdTichina Morrison, both
of the home: grandparents, Unnie
Howell, John Henry and Nellie
Foster, all of Mocksville, and
Mama Ruth May field of Winston-
The funeral service was at 4
p.m. Monday, Sept. 22 at New
Jerusalem Apostolic Church in
Mocksville. Pastor Nettye Barber
officiated, and burial followed in
the church cemetery.
J Jeanette Spencer
Mrs. Jeanette Spencer. 74, of
Autumn Care, Mcoksville, died
Sunday, Sept. 21,2003 in Davie
County Hospital.
She was a native of Floyd, Va.
and was taken to Chapel Funeral
Home in Bluefield, W.Va. for fu
neral and burial. Graham Funeral
Home of Mocksville is in charge
of local arrangements.
y Charlie Frank Keaton Sr.
Mr. Charlie Frank Keaton Sr..
60, of Swicegood Street, Cool
eemee, died Thursday, Sept. 18, i
2003 at his residence.
Mr. Keaton was bora June 3,
1943 in Davie County to the late
James R. and Annie Trivettc
He was preceded in death by
his first wife, Linda Spaugh
Keaton,on Feb. 6,1999,andasis-
ter, Mary Nevlis.
Mr. Keaton was a member of
Green Meadows Baptist Church
and worked as a truck driver for
Sherrill Paving.
Survivors: his wife, Margaret
R. Keaton: a son, Charlie F.
Keaton Jr. and wife Laura of
Mocksville; 2 daughters, Marga
ret A. Keaton of Advance and
Linda K. Spaugh and husband
Casper of Woodleaf; 4 stepchil
dren, Shetri Debusk and husband
John of Lexington. Annette
McCdnnick of Welcome, Ttmoihy
Roaik and wife Debbie of Angler,
and Roy Bean of Lexington; 10
grandchildren; 3 great-grandchil
dren; and 11 step-grandchildren.
Funeral services were Sunday,
Sept. 21 at 3 p.m. at Welch Fu
neral Home with the Rev. Jimmy
Lancaster officiating. Burial fol
lowed at Green Meadows Baptist
Church in Farmington.
Memorials: Davie Rescue
Squad, 112 Wesrside Dr., Mocks
ville; or Rowan Home Health/
Hospice, 825-A W. Henderson St.,
Salisbury, 28144.
Davi« County Public Ubraiy
Mocksville, NO
Michael Wayne Linville
The Rev. Michael Wayne'
Linville, 43, of Winston-Salem ^
died unexpectedly Sunday, Sept. j
14,2003, at Forsyth Medical Cen
He was a native of Forsyth
County, bora on Aug. 13. I960,
to the late Billy Linville and
Antionette Simmons Linville. He
was a 1979 graduate of North
Forsyth High School and a 1997 ;
graduate of Piedmont Bible Col- ;
lege with-an associate's degree, r
The Rev. Linville was a member
of Shiloh Baptist Church and later
became pastor of Cedar Creek
Missionary Baptist Church in
Mocksville. a part of the Rowan
Association. He was employed by
Kay Chemicals of Greensboro,
and was a member of Kimberly
Park Tennis Club.
Survivors: his wife, Shonia
Renee Linville of the home; 6
children, Michael Bruton, Alisha
Fullard, Michelle Fullard and Jas
mine, Sherika, and Arnita
Linville, all of Winston-Salem: 2
grandsons; his mother, Antionette
Linville; 2 brothers, the Rev.
James (Renita) Linville and Billy
Ray (Daphne) Linville; a sister,
Voncile Linville of South Caro
lina; his mother-in-law, Shirley
Fullard of Winston-Salem; 2 sis
ters-in-law, Beverly (Michael)
Rowe and Alfreda Fullard; 2
brothers-in-law, Reginald and
Charles Fullard, all of Winston-
Salem: and a host of aunts, uncles,
cousins, nieces, nephews and
The funeral service was held
at I p.m. Friday, Sept. 19, at
Shiloh Baptist Church, with Dr.
Paul Lowe Jr. officiating. Burial
followed in Evergreen Cemetery.
Richard Alan Blevins
J Richard Alan Blevins of
Mocksvillc, the infant son of Mark
Alan Blevins. who graduated from
Edgewood Christian School in
1978, and Amanda Richardson
Blevins. who graduated from
Glenn High School in 2002. died
Wednesday. Sept. 24. 2003. at
Wake Forest University Baptist
Medical Center.
He was bom Aug. 21.2003. in
Survivors: his parents of 3750
N.C. 801 N.. Mocksville; his half
'sister. Angela Blevins of
Kemersville: his paternal grand
parents. Richard Kenneth and
Colleen Quate Blevins of
Kemersville; his maternal grand
parents. Howard Lee Richardson
of Clemmons and Valerie Wright
Richardson of Kemersville; and
his maternal great-grandparents.
Virginia Richardson of Winston-
Salem and Jim and Iris Wright of
A graveside service was con
ducted at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Sept.
28. at Oaklawn Memorial Gardens
by the Rev. Pete Kunkell.
j Rayford R. Branon
V Rayford R. "Pop- Branon. 62.
of Everhart Road, Mocksville.
died Tbesday. Sept. 23. 2003. at
Wake Forest University Baptist
Medical Center after a sudden ill-
Mr. Branon was bom June 22.
1941. in Davie County to Miles
H. Branon and Mabel Sasser
Branon. He was retired from
Thomasville Furniture Industries,
and was a member of Fork Epis
copal Church.
Surviving: his wife. Linda
Jones Branon of the home: a son.
Craig Branon and wife Sheny of
Lexington; 2 daughters. Judy
Hicks and husband Terry of Win
ston-Salem and Brenda Sink and
husband Randy of Lexington; 9
grandchildren; a great-grandchild;
and 2 sisters. Annie Roberu of
Lexington and Hattie Harris and •
husband Olin of Elkin.
The funeral was at 2 p.m.
Thursday. Sept. 25. at Davidson
Funeral Home Lexington Chapel,
with the Rev. Irvin Burris offici
ating. Burial was to be at Fork
Episcopal Chureh.
I Clarence Odell Brown Jr.
y Mr. Clarence Odell Brown Jr..
68.died Wednesday,Sept. 24. fol
lowing a period of declining
He was bom in Davic County,
a son of the late Clarence Odell
Sr. and Johnsie Mason Brown. He
attended school in Davie County
and moved to Lexington. He later
moved to Long Island. N.Y.,
where he worked at Pilgrim State'
Hospital unitl his retirement.
Survivors: sisters. Lunetta
Brown of Winston-Salem. Jane
Belcher and Brenda (David)
McDonald, both of Long Island.
Onell Lewis of Mocksvillc.
Wanda Brown of Charlone. and
Angela (Tony) Webb of Warsaw;
brothers. Jesse (Doris) Brown of
Mocksville. Roben (Ernestine)
Brown of Lexington. Frank
Brown of Winston-Salem. and
Wayne Brown of Long Island; and
stepmother. Juanita Brown of
The funeral was Wednesday,
Oct. I at 11 a.m. at Cedar Grove
Baptist Church in Mocksville with
Ihe Rev. Daniel Brown officiating.
Burial followed in the church
' Sarah Jane Chaflin
^ Sarah Jane BogerChaffin, 86.
of China Grove. died
Saturday.Sept. 27,2003 at Rowan
Regional Medical Center follow
ing a brief illness.
She was bom on Oct. 2.19I6
in Davie County to the late Chaltie
Blankenship and Noah A. Boger.
She was educated in Davie
County Sehools. and was retired
from Cannon Mills where she
worked in the sewing room. She
was a member of Central Baptist
She was preceded in.death by
her husband. Adolphtis diaffin.
on Oct. 7.1996.
Survivors: brother. DeWitt L.
Boger of KannapoUs; and a sis
ter. Nora B. Slrxrp of Salisbury.
A graveside service was held
at 2 pan. Monday.Sept. 29 at West
Lawn Memorial Park with Nathan
Blackwelder and the Rev. Ralph
Robinette officiating.'
- i)
Oavie county
{)/iocksvillei NC
Everett Drake Jr.
Mr. Everelt Drake Jr. of
Holman Smeel. Mocksville, died
Friday. Sept. 26,2003 at his home.
A memorial service was held
at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Sept. 30 at
Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocks
He was bom June 25.1942 in
Clay County. W.Va.. a son of the
late Everett Sr. and Virginia
Drennan Drake. Mr. Drake was
retired from Davie Grading in
Mocksville and was a veteran of
the U5. Army.
Survivors; his children. Sherry
(Art) Stamper of Mansfield, Ohio,
Mista (Kevin) Harrison of Mocks
ville. Everett Drake of Mocks
ville. Rosie Drake and Elton
Dillard of Mocksville, and Tammy
(Lincoln) Brock of Mocksville; 3
sisters, Susie Hughes of Sugar
Creek, Ohio, Haley Rich of Nevar,
Ohio, and Eleanor lovelady of
Florida; 16 grandchildren; 2 great
grandchildren; and a special niece.
Samantha Cora Gray
Samaniha Cora Cray, 83, of
Hamptonville, died Saturday,
Sept. 27,2(K)3, at Forsyth Medi
cal Center.
She was bom May 3,1920, in
Suny County to the laie Manin
and Emma SholTner. She was a
mother and homemaker and a
member of Dennyville Baptist
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Harlie A. Gray; 2 sis-
teis; and 3 brothers.
Surviving; her daughter, Kalhy
M. Gray of Hamptonville: a sis
ter, Barbara Shoffner of Mocks
ville; 4 brothers, Richard Shoffner
of Mocksville, James Shoffner,
Billie Shoffner, and Jerry
Shoffner, all of Statesville: and 2
Her funeral service was con
ducted at 2 pan. Monday, Sept. 29,
at Dennyville Baptist Church by
the Revs. Lany Lefier and Ken
neth Jordan. Burial followed in
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Cemetery in Clingman.
/Paul R. Hampton
Mr. Paul R. Hampton, 68, of
Walkertown died on Sunday, Sept.
28,2003 at Forsyth Medici Cen
ter after an extended illness.
He was bom in Davie County,
son of the late Jesse and Lossie
Hampton. He graduated from
Central Davie High School in
1952. The majorityof his life was
spent in Baltimore, Md., whete he
retired from Bethlehem Steel
Survivors: his wife, Virginia
Carson Hampton: and 2 aunts.
The funeral service will be to
day, Oct. 2 at 1 pm. at Union Bap
tist Church in Winston-Salem with
the Rev. S.W. Mack Jr. officiating.
Burial will follow in Garden of
Memories in Walkertown. The
family will receive friends one
hour before the service.
Davie County Public Library
Mock^lei NO
John Kelly Hendrix
V Mr. John Kcllv "Johnny"
Hendrix. 67. of Elm Street.
Mocksville. died Sunday. Sept.
28.2003 at DavieCounty Hospi
Funeral serv ices were at 2 p.m.
Wednesday. Oct. 1 at Eaton Fu
neral Chapel conducted by the
Revs. Joe Smith. Jimmy Lancaster
and Tommy Register, and by
Robbie Dilmore. Burial followed
in Turrentine Baptist Church
Memorials: American Diabe
tes Association. 1820 E. 7th St..
Charlone. 28204.
Mr. Hendrix was bom Feb. 16.
1936 in Davie County, a son of the
late T.S. and Nellie Hendrix. He
was employed w ith Furches Mo
tor Company and then Westside
Chrysler in .Mocksville. Mr.
Hendrix was active in several or
ganizations including the Davie
County Hospital Auxiliary. Pied
mont CARS and the Piedmont
Tractor Association.
Survivors; his wife. Ceraldinc
Wagner Hendrix of the home: sis
ters. Nancy (Don) Beaver and
Martha (Clarence) Proctor of
Mocksville. and Linda (Dallas)
Groce ofYadkinville: 3 brothers.
Tommy (Vicky) Hendrix of
Mooresville. and Jerry (Paulette)
Hendrix and Robert (Kae)
Hendrtx. all of Mtxtksville; spe
cial friends. Bruce Rollins. Tim
Groce and Robbie Dilmore: and
several nieces, nephews, great-
nieces and nephews.
He w as preceded in death by a
sister and brother. Sara Hendrtx
Campbell and Lewis Hendrtx.
Walter E. Martin Sr.
Mr. Walter E. Martin Sr.. 82.
■of Denmark. S.C.. formerly of
Mocksville. died Saturday. Sept.
Funeral services were held at
10 a.m. Tuesday. Sept. 30 at
Bethel Park United Methodist
Church. Denmark. Burial was in
Bethel United Methodist Church
Cemetery in Mocksville.
Memorials: Bethel Park
United Methodist Church Choir
Fund. P.O. Box 207. Denmark. SC
Mr. Martin was born in
Mocksville on Aug. 21. 1921. a
son of the late Walter Franklin and
.Minnie Hall Martin. He was a re
tired veneer manufacturing plantmanager and was an aircraft com
mand pilot of B-29s in the USArmy Aircorps during World War
11. He was a member of Bethel
United Methodist Church. Mocks
Survivors: his wife. NinaNeeley Manin. and a son. Walter
E. Martin Jr.. both of Denmark: 2
nieces: and a nephew.
Carlie B. Pardue
Mr. Carlie B. Pardue. 76. of
Hamptonville. died Saturday.
Sept. 27. 2(X)3. at his home. He
was bom Dec. 4.1926.in Yadkin
County to the late Herman and
Beulah Hall Pardue. Mr. Pardue
worked with Hanes Hosiery for 20
years and retired from G&B En
ergy of Elkin with 14 years of ser
vice. He was a member of Flat
Rock Baptist Church and a vet
eran of the U.S. Armv. scrvins in
World War II.
Surviving: his w ife of 54 years.
Lois Gough Pardue of the home:
3 daughters. Carol (Tommy)
Brown of Hamptonville. Linda
(.Marty) Minton of Hamptonville
and Tammy Pinnix of
Hamptonville: 5 grandchildren: 3
great-grandchildren: 3 brothers.
Bill (Lou) Pardue of Yadkinville.
Olin (Grace) Pardue of Mocks
ville and Don Pardue of
Yadkinville: and a sister.
Geraldine Caudle of Winston-Sa-
His funeral service w-as con
ducted at 3 p.m. Monday. Sept. 29.
at Flat Rock Baptist Church by the
Rev. Tim Cannon and Dr. Chuck
Towery.Burial followed in the
church cemetery with military
honors by Yadkin VFW Post
Memorials: Flat Rock Baptist
Building Fund. Flat Rock Church
Road. Hamptonville. 27020: or
American Lung Association. 5315
Greenbiook Dr..Charlotte.28205.
Davis County Public Libraiy
Mocksville, NO
Clara Van Antwerp
Mrs. Clara Hunter "Sally" Van
Antwerp, 86.of Elkin. diedThuis-
day, Oct. 2.2003 at Wake Forest
University Baptist Medical Cen
Mrs. Van Antwerp was bom
June 10. 1917 in Mecklenburg
County to lames Nealy and
Fannie Mae Hunter Potter. She
was retired from Jonesville El
ementary School and was a mem
ber of Elkin Presbyterian Church.
In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by a son.
Robert Hunter Van Antwerp; a
brother, James Nealy Porter Jr.; a
daughter-in-law, Elaine Van
Survivors: her husband. Floyd
Van Antwerp of the home; 4 sons
and daughters-in-law. Floyd Van
Antwerp Jr. and Emily of Myrtle
Beach. S.C.; Richard L. Van
Antwerp of Boone, Peter Van
Antwerp and Cathy of Rock Hill,
S.C.; David Van Antwerp and
Patty of Mocksville; a daughter-
in-law. Becky Van Antwerp of
Castonia; a brother. Tom Porter of
Mt. Pleasant; 2 sisters-in-law; 6
grandchildren; and a great-grand
Funeral services were Mon
day. Oct. 6 at Elkin Presbyterian
at 2 pan. by Rev. Brian Rummage.
Burial followed at Hollywood
Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds
Hospice Home 101 Hospice Lane,
Winston-Salem. 27103: or
Jonesville Elementary School Li
brary, 101 Cedarbrook Road.
Jonesville, 28642.
L^r Franklin Boger
Monday. Sept. 29,2003,ForostUniversity BaptistMedical
n„ County
Alben ,!'""o NoahAlbert and Nellie Dull Boeer Hea veteran of the U.S. Ariny
seo'tng during World War n He
ri, , ® of UnionCha^lUnrtedMethodlst ChurchSurvivors; his wife of 53 yean
of Rochester, N.V.; a daughter
^'0.3pidsons; 2 brothers. Jack(Ann) Boger of Mocksville and
'ile, and a sister-in-law, par
Roger of Mocksville.
He was preceded in death by a"■vrter.AlbertDentonBogr
II- was held
/ ™'^^e»oveGiIniore
'''"«'o*'e01lmore,ho was bom July 23, 1922 in
Ashovmeto Oscar Benton andMameDonoyantTruelove.diedather home in Mocksville on Tires-
Sept. 30, 2003, after spend-»gnuny years of retirement onthe shores of Lake Norinan.She ^uated from ReynoldsHigh School and Woman's College in Greensboro and she retired
w Tobacco Co.
k" preceded indeam by her parents; and her sister, Nancy Truelove McCrowell.Survivors: her husband of 59
years, James O.Gilmore of the
Lee) Reilly of Thailand: a sonJames M. Gilmore Sr. of Mocks-ille; 2 grandchildren; 3 great
grandchildren; a niece; and 2
wiinJ'h """norial servicewill be held at a later date.
M^orials: BSA, 6600 Silas277^ P " ^'""•"'-Salem,.i'106: or donor's choice.
/Mary Elizabeth Griffin
* Mrs. Mary Elizabeth "Lib"Graves Gtiffin, 80, of Kannapolisdied Wednesday, Oct. 1,2003,"atTraditional Health Care inKannapolis.She was bom June 4,1923, inGreensboro, the daughter of thelate Dewey Hobson Graves andOlivia Prestwood Graves. Lib wasa homemakerand a member of theFirst Baptist Church of Charlotte.She was active in the RepublicanPar^ and an advocate for the pro-
leciion of animals.Survivors: her husband,Woodrow "Woody* Griffin; adaughter, Melinda Grifiin ofWin-. Chester, Va.; and numerous cousins in the Mocksville and Win
ston-Salem areas.The funeral service was conducted II ajn. Friday, Oct. 3, atthe Pint Baptist Church in Charlotte with Dr. Reid Keiger officiating. Burial followed in Sharon
Memorial Park.
Davk County Public
MooksvHIe, NC
/ Hoyle Baxter Harris
V Mr. Hoyle Baxter Harris Sr..
86. of Willow Lane, Mocksville.
ditrf Sunday.Oct.5,2003 atAu-tumnCareofMocksville.
A graveside service was held
Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 11 ajn. at
Rose Cemetery with the Rev.
Danny Shore officiating.
Memorials: Alzheimer s
Assoc., Western Carolina Chap
ter. 3800 Shamrock Drive. 999.Charlotte. 28215-3220.
Mr. Harris was bora Match
27,1917 in Davie County to the
late Curtis and Susie Kerley
Harris and was retired fromErwin Mills of Cooleemee. He
was a veteran of World War II
serving in the U.S. Army.
Survivors: his wife. Kather-
ine Leach Harris of the home; 4
children. David Harris of
Mocksville, Hoyle Harris Jr. of
Cooleemee, Steve Harris and
Brenda Shore, both of Mocks
ville; 10 grandchildren; 11 greatgrandchildren; 3 sisters. Vir
ginia Davis of Mocksville.
Nellie Snider of Cooleemee,
Betty James of New Bern; 4
brothers, Charles Harris of
Rorida, Sam Harris of Salisbury.
Bill Harris of Mocksville and
Jackie Harris of Rorida.
/James lyson Hennings
James Tyson Hennings. 73. of
Kemersville. died Monday. Oct.
6,2003. at Forsyth Medici Cen
He was bora Nov. 30.1929. in
Yadkin County. He was a mem
ber of Sedge (jiuden United Meth
odist Church. He was parts man
ager for Crescent Ford in High
Point and was an avid bowler.
Mr. Hennings was preceded in
death by his parents. Luther
Cornelius and Blanche Hennings
Cornelius. .
Surviving: his wife, Celia
Ellion Hennings of the home: 2
daughters. Karen Rynn and hus
band Ed of Greensboro and Lisa
Spillane and husband Ray of
Apex; 4 brothers, Robert (Caro
lyn) Cornelius of Advance, Rich
ard (Lynne) Cornelius of
Franklinton. William Earl
(Darlene) Cornelius of Winston-
Salem and Ralph (Lynn)
Cornelius of East Bend; and a
A funeral service was con
ducted 11 am. Wednesday, Oct.
8. at Sedge Garden United Meth
odist Church, by tbe Revs. Ellis
Rouse and Mark Evans. Burial
followed in the church cemetery.
Memorials: Sedge Garden
Methodist, 794 Sedge Garden
Road, Kernersville, 27284.
'Anna Margaret Holder
Mrs. Anna Margaret Jones
Holder, 95. of Winston-Salem
died Saturday, Oct. 4.2003. She
was bora in Forsyth County on
July 31,1908, to Charles Asa and
Lillte RoseAnna Crater Jones.
Mrs. Holder was a lifelong mem
ber of New Philadelphia Moravian
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Wilburn Roscoe
Holder, on June 27.1974; 3 sis
ters. Grace Lillian Jones Hauser,
Beulah Malassa Jones Smith and
Lucile Elizabeth Jones Quote; and
S brothers. Hester Miller Jones.
Thomas William Jones. Crater
Theodore Jones. Huber Clifton
Jones and Robert Eugene Jones.
Survivors: a daughter, Jac
queline Marie Holder Beck and
husband Bruce Baxley Beck of
Mocksville; 2 grandsons; 3 great
grandchildren; 2 great-great-
grandsons; a sister. Nell Rose
Jones Rogers and husband John
W. Rogers; and several nieces and
The funeral service was held
at 2 pan. Tuesday. Oct. 7. at New
Philadelphia Moravian Church.
Dr. Worth N. Green Jr.. the Rev.
Henry A. Lewis and Bishop Rev.
Robert lobst officiated.
Memorials: Building Fund for
New Philadelphia Moravian
Church.4440 Country Club Road,
Wtnston-Salem. 27104.
Janie Walker Koontz
Mrs. Janie Walker Koontz. 81,
of Ketcbie Creek Road, Mocks
ville. died Wednesday, Oct. 1.
2003 at Davie County Hospital.
Funeral services were Thurs
day, Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. at Eaton Fu
neral Chapel with the Rev. Steve
Blair and Tom Toipy ofriciating.
Burial was Friday. Oct. 3 at 11
am. at Salem United Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Memorials: Salem United
Methodist Church Cemetery
Fund, 169 Salem Church Road.
Mocksville; or to Carolina Bible
Camp. PO Box 1234. Mocksville.
Mrs. Koontz was bom May 16.
1922 in Davie County to the late
Ed G. and Lula TUtterow Walker
and was retired from Davie
County Schools. She was a mem
ber of Salem United Methodist
Survivors: 2 children. Judy
Koontz and Bob (Debbie) Koontz
of Mocksville: 2 grandchildren; 3
sisters. Betty Grissom of Mocks
ville. Pearl (Don) Poindexter of
Yadkinville and Gail (Jimmy)
Kelly of Mocksville; 2 brothers.
Ed S. (Ruth) Walker of Mocksville
and Jack (Doris)' Walker; and a
sister-in-law, Carmen Walker of
She was preceded in deathiby .
her husband. Everette Koontz. 3
sisters. Mildred Latham. Aileene
Cartner and Pauline Davis, and by
3 brothers. James K. Walker. Ray
Johnson and Sam Walker.
c OavieCountvPubfcUWaiy
Mocksville. NC
James Dameron Myers
Mr. James Dameron Myers,
78, of Advance died Saturday,
Oct. 4, 2003, at the Kate B.
Reynolds Hospice Home.
He was bom Aug. 8,192S, in
Caston County, to the late Henry
Dayton and Rosa Ann Dameron
Myers. Mr. Myers served in the
U.S. Army during the Korean
Conflict. He was an entrepreneur,
songwriter and a charter member^ of the Presidential Task Force with
the Republican Party during the
Reagan administration.
His parents, 2 brothers, Ernest
and Howard Myers, and 2 sisters,
Elizabeth Hufstetler and Iva
Hopkins, preceded him in death.
Survivors: his wife.Betty Tho
mas Myers of the home; 3 daugh
ters, Conda Gail Hudson and hus
band Hal of Kings Mountain,Tina
M. Engleben of Clemmons and
Jan M. Moore and husband Scott
of Lexington: a son,Thomas Kent
Myers and wife Lora of Advance;
a brother, J.B. Myers and wife
Opal of Lenoir; a sister, Eulalia
Stines of Dallas; 6 grandchildren;
4 great-grandchildren; and 2
A graveside service was held
at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, at
Westlawn Gardens of Memory, by
. the Rev. Neville Storey.
Memorials: donor's choice.
/Vivian Blackburn Smith
Mrs. Vivian Blackburn Smith,
91, of Hamptonville, died Satur
day, Oct. 4,2003, at Iiedell Me
morial Hospital in Statesviile.
She was bom in Iredell County
on April 4,1912, to the late Henry
and Daisy Carson Blackburn. Mrs.
Smith was a homemaker and a
member of Pleasant Hill Baptist
Surviving: 2 sons, Harold
(Emma) Smith of Hamptonville
and Alfred J. (Doris) Smith of
Largo, Md.; a daughter, Shelby
(Charles) Thmer, of Largo; 3 sis
ters, Celeste Blackburn of
Hamptonville, Evella (Henry)
Foote of Mocksville and Cora Lee
Studevent of Mocksville; 2 sis-
ters-in-law. Ruby Blackburn of
Salisbury and Beitha Blackburn of
Statesviile; a special cousin, Ann
L. Blackbum, of Hamptonville; a
special friend, Joann Renegar, of
Statesviile; 14 grandchildren; 21
great-gratuichildren; and a great-
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Minor Louis Smith,
on May 10,1989; a son, Norman
Smith; 2 brothers, James P.
Blackbum and Harold Blackburn;
and a sister, Helen Blackbum.
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8, at
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church with
the Rev. WalierTldline officiating.
Burial followed in the church
Helen D. Winebarger
V Mrs. Helen Dillard
Winebarger, 72,ofWest Jefferson
died Thesday, Sept. 30,2003, at
Ashe Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Winebarger was bom in
Ashe County on Sunday,-Aug. 2,
1931, to Ned Dillard and Nancy
Miller Dillard. She worked for
IRC as a machine operator.
Survivors: her husband, Carl
Winebatgerof the home; 3 sons,
Joe Winebarger, Robert
Winebarger and David
Winebarger, all of West Jefferson;
a daughter, Hilda Winebarger of
West Jefferson; 5 sisters, Betty
Bledsoe of Fleetwood, Hazel
Smith of Harmony, Doris Lackey
of Mocksville, Nellie Vannoy of
Winston-Salem and Georgia
Hattzog of Virginia; 3 half sisters.
Pansy Wilkins and Evelyn Holt of
Virginia and Libby Atheim of
Ohio; 3 brothers, Bruce Dillard of
Taylorsvilie, Clarence Dillard of
Mocksville and James Dillard of
. Indiana: 6 grandchildren; 8 great
grandchildren; 3 step-grandchil
dren; and several nieces and neph
The funeral service was held
2 p.m.Friday, Oct. 3, at Boone
Family Funeral Home Chapel.
Burial followed in the Mount Ol
ive Baptist Church Cemetery.
Memorials: The Helen Wine
barger Funeral Fund, c/o Boone
Family Funeral Home, P.O. Box
786, West Jefferson, 28694.
Davis County Public Library
MooksvHIe, NO
William Wood
y Mr. William "Clyde" Wood,
83.of Marconi Street, Mocksviile.
died on Saturday, Oct. 4,2003, in
Davie County Hospital.
He was bom in Allegbany
County on June 22,1920, the son
of the late Daniel and Haitie
Arnold Wood. He retired from
Link Taylor Fumituie Co. in Lex
ington after 27 years of employ
ment and was a member of Cool-
eemee Church of God.
His wife. Ola Van Hoy Wood,
preceded him in death in 199S.
Survivors: 3 daughters and
sons-in-law, Shirley and Lee J.
Shepherd of Cixrleemee, Betty
and Lany Head of Mocksviile and
Joan and FoyOarris of Richmond, •
Va.; a sister, Lula Lyles of Elkin;
18 grandchildren; and 28 great
grandchildren. I
Mr. Wood was preceded in
death by 3 children, Evelyn
Money, Glenn Brown and Peggy
Fletcher, and 8 brothers and sis
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Thesday, Oct. 7, in the
Davie Funeral Service Chapel,
with the Rev. Robert S. Hullette
officiating. Burial was in Rose
Memorials: Cooleemee
Church of God, P.O. Box 357,
Gwendolyn E, Woods
Mrs. Gwyndolen Furches
Woods, 83, of Pinebrook Drive,
Farmington, died Ihesday, Sept.
30,2003 at her resitlence.
Funeral services were Friday,
Oct. 3 at 2 pan. at Eaton Funeral
Chapel with Rev. Chris Clontz of
ficiating. Burial was in Smith
Grove United Methodist Church
n Cemetery.
Memorials: Hospice of Davie,
P.O. Box 848, Mocksviile.
Mrs. Woods was bom Feb. 6,
1920 in Davie County to the late
Daniel Kimbrough and Lazora
Kimbrough Furches. She gradu
ated from Farmington High
School, and entered Mercy Hos
pital School of Nursing in Char
lotte in 1938. She was a RN at
Mercy Hospital then later became
a private duty nurse. She was a
competitive ballroom dancer in
the Charlotte area, holding many
titles and trophies. After retiie-
ment she and her husband built a
home in Farmington. She was an
avid bird watcher, nanire lover and
enjoyed feeding and caring for
wild animals. She was a member
of Farmington Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Franklin Odell
Woods; a sister, Norma Furches,
2 brothers. Duke Furches and
Crockett Furches and her dog,
Survivors: a nephew and his
wife, Btuce and Ellen Furches of
Winston-Salem and a friend,
Coimie Spillman of Mocksviile.
Public Ui,^ooksvUie^ f^Q
Dorothy Abbott Bailey
Mrs. Dorothy Abbott Baiiey.
71. of Ruial Hall, died Saturday.
Oct. 11.2003 at Forsyth Medical
She was bom in VanceCounty
on May 25. 1932. to James and
Lizzie Finch Abbott, Mrs. Bailey
was a member of Meadowview
Baptist Church and had retired
from Fotsyth Technical Commu
nity College.
She was preceded in death by
her parents and 2 brothers.
Surviving; her husband. Rob
ert Bailey Sr. of the home; 2 sons.
Robert Bailey Jr. (Edith) of
Mocksville and Donald Bailey of
Winston-Salem: 3 daughters.
Wanda Dial of Winsion-Salem,
Barbara (Marty) Smith of Win-
slon-Salem and Lisa (C.K.) King
ofPinnacle; II grandchildren and
6 great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was at 2
p.m. Monday. Oct. 13. at
Hayworth-Miiler Silas Creek
Chapel, with the Revs. Bob
Whitaker and Grady Blackburn
officiating. Burial followed at
Gardens of Memory in
Paul Richard McDowell
Mr. Paul Richard McDowell
Sr., 36. of Gladstone Road,
Mocksville. formerly ofPhiladel
phia. Pa., died unexpectedly at his
residence on Sunday. Oct. 12.
Born in
I Philadelphia
H on Dec. 16.
I 1946, he was
I the son of the
y late Harry and
I Anna Rash
D McDowell.
J McDowell
served in the
U.S. Army during the Vietnam
War and received many decora
tions, including the Puiple Heart.
He was of the Catholic faith and
was last employed at Lexington
Home Brands Furniture Co.
Survivors: a daughter. Paula
M. (Terry) Church of Mocksville:
2 sons. Michael (Stephanie)
McDowell of Salisbury and Paul
Richard McDowell Jr. of Ken
tucky: 2 sisters. Anna Marie
(Charles) Balkin of Billerica,
Mass., and Darlene (Ron) Miller
of Haze!ton.Pa.:a brother. Frank
(Pauline) McDowell ofHazelton:
a sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry
McDowell of Hazelion; a god
daughter. Darlene Balkin of
Billerica; S grandchildren: 18
nieces and nephews; and S great-
nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by 2
A service of Christian burial
was to be held Thursday. Oct. 16
at II ijn. at Davie Funeral Ser
vice Chapel with the Rev. Patrick
Vallandingham officiating. Burial
was to be at I p.m. Thursday at
the National Cemetery in
Salisbury with military graveside
rites. The family was to receive
friends Wednesday night from 7-
9 at Davie Funeral Service.
/ Gilbert Wendell Walker
* Mr. Gilbert Wendell Walker.
77. died Friday. Oct. 10,2003. at
Sunrise Assisted Living of South
He was bom Dec. 11.1925. in
Foisyth County to Worth and Rosa
Yokeiey Walker. He was a lifetime
resident ofWinston-Salem before
moving to Charlotte in 2000. Mr.
Walker worked for Lucent Tech
nologies for 42 years and for Sears
in Ihe paint department for 35 .
years. He was a member of the
Telephone Pioneers and an inac
tive member of the Sears Retire
ment Club. Mr. Walker performed
in the annual performance of
Handel's Messiah until his health
He was preceded in death by
his wife of49 years. Frances Crim
Surviving: his children,
r FotiestWalkerofHawRiver.Su-
san Carol Walker of Advance.
Sandra Essie and husband Jeff of
Charlotte; 3 grandchildren; a
brother. Donald Walker and wife j
Sylvia of Wilmington; and a sis- '
ler. Carolyn Walker of Wilming-
The funeral service was held
at Haywonh-Millcr Silas Creek '
Chapel, with the Rev. BillTeague
officiating. Burial followed in
Westlawn Gardens of Memory.
Davie County Public UbratyMocksville, NC
/ Mary Estella Scott
^ Maiy Esiella Reid Scott was
bom Feb. 2.1926, to the late Wil
liam Reid and Mary Dulin Reid
in Advance.
Survivors: 5 children, Anne
McMiller. Karen Waikins (Ray) of
Winston-Salem. Ethel PruitI of
Cooleemee. Carolyn Williams
(Paul) of Boonville and Robert
Scott (Margaret) of Mocksville.
The funeral service was held
at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Oct. 14. from
the Beulah Baptist Church. Win
ston-Salem. with the Rev. L.B.
Ford ofTicialing. Burial was in the
Evergreen Ccmcicry.
Jonathan James Williams
Mr. Jonathan James Will-
^'"s'on-Salem.Wednesday. Oct. g, 2003 at
James H. Williams and Lisa A.
Hampton. He was a member of
rl."' HolinessChurch of Winston-Salem.
Survivors: his parents; step
parents. Lisa S. Williams, and
Tommy Hampton: wife
^anda Bowen Williams of
inston-Salem; a son. Aidan J.Williams of Winston-Salem- 2
brothers. JusUnR. Williams aiidScott Hampton: 2 sisteis. Brit-lany Hampton and Brittney
Spencer; grandparents. Mr. andMis. James L. Williams. Ethel
Anderson. Carol Bock. Mr. andMrs. Lany Buchanan. Mr. and
Mrs. Jimmy Stroud. Robert
Hampton, and Cathy Unning;
great-grandparent. Helen Bradley: m-laws. Mr. and Mrs. Jef-frey Bowen: a sister-in-law.
Monica Bowen; and several
aunts, uncles and cousins.
The funeral service was held
Welch Funeral Home with the
Rev. Timothy Wolfe omciating.Burial followed at Rose Cem-
Dan. tounty Public Ubran,Mocksville, HC
j James Millard Anderson
V James Millard Airderson, Ihe
youngesi son of James Garfield
and Alice Tobiaiho Tulierow
Anderson, was born Nov. 25.
1913. in ihe Ceniei Community of
Davie County. He died Oct. IS.
2003. at his home in the Calahaln
comtnunity of Davie County,
three miles from his birthplace.
He was preceded in death by
his parents; 3 brothers, Walter
Anderson of Raleigh, Ollie Ander
son and Clarence Anderson of
Winston-Salem. and by a sister,
Myrtle Maners of Jamestown.
Survivors: his wife of69 years,
Sarah Frances Andcrson.whom he
married on his 20ih birihd.iy in
1933. (Millard said he married on
his birthday so he would not for
get his anniversary: 2 children.
James Neil Anderson of the home
and Alice Anderson (Mike)
Baraeiie of Cana Road. Mocks-
ville: 2 grandchildren; 5 greai-
erandchiTdren; sisters. Anna Mae
OwingsofMocksvilleand Earle
A. Jones of Winsion-Salem; and
a host of nieces and nephews.
Millard worked at a sawmill as
a youth, where he was paid $l a
day and his noon meal. One sum
mer he worked for Ihe N.C. De
partment of Transportation, driv
ing a truck, He was a house painter
with his father-in-law and brother-
in-law. For 39ycars, Millard com
muted to Chatham Manufacturing
Co, in Elkin, where he was a su
pervisor of the Napping Dcpart-
menu second shift, from which he
retired in 1976. Always a worker,
a vear following his reiiremenl
from Chatham, he took ajoo at
William R, Davie Elementary
School, where he helped in the
school cafeteria, drove a bus, and
eventually became a custodian.
While working in Elkin in the
l'940s and the 1950s, Millard and
some fellow singing enthusiasts
formed a gospel group, the Pied
mont Quartet. They performed
locally as well as on WSJS radio,
Millard joined Center United
, Methodist Church in 1930- In the
^ 73 years that followed, he was a
member of the choir (more than
50 years), was a Sunday school su
perintendent, finance chairman,
Sunday school teacher; addition-
allv, he was inducted into the Cen
ter United Methodist Church Hall
of Fame. Millard had an optimis
tic outlook. He loved laughter and
generated that to all whom he met.
When asked "How are you?" He
almost automatically responded.
"1 was all right, but 1 got over it,"
In the last weeks, to that same
question, he responded; "I have
been a lot better, but I was a lot
The funeral service was at 4
p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21 at Center
United Methodist Church, con
ducted by the Revs. Steven Blair
and Crystal Alexander. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
Memorials; Center United
Methodist Church or Cemetery
Fund, c/o Linda Qwings. 748
Wilkesboro St.. Mocksvilletor the
charity of donors' choice.
Jacqueline Jones Bailey
I Mrs. Jacqueline "Jackie" Jones
Bailey. 71. died Wednesday, Oct.
15.2003, at her home in Advance.
She was bom Jan. 25. 1932. in
Winsion-Salem to the late James
W, and Maud Tilloison Jones. She
graduated from Reynolds High
School and the nursing program
at Alamance Community College.
She worked at Burlington Memo
rial Hospital and retired from the
office of Df. Matthew Troxler in
She was preceded in death by
a grandson, Jeremy Bailey.
Survivors; her husband, Bruce
Bailey of the home; 3 ' sons and
their wives, Tim and Georgia
Bailey of Livingston, Ala.. Don
and Pam Bailey of Charleston,
S.C.. and Alan and Samra Bailey
ofGibsonville; a daughter and her
husband, Rita and Philip Hales of
Chapel Hill; 8 grandchildren; 5
great-grandchildren; and 2 sisters.
Jewel Troxler of Concord and
Barbara OIlis of Salem. Va.
Tlie funeral service was held
at 11 a.m. Saturday. Oct. 18, at
Christ Moravian Church, with
Pasloral Assistant Randy Vogier
oiriciaiing. Burial followed in the
Moravian Graveyard.
Memorials; Christ Moravian,
919 W. Academy St., Winsion-
Salem. 27101; Hospice/Palliative
CareCentcr, 1100-C S. Stratford
Rd., Winsion-Saiem. 27103.
• rnimtv Public Ubraf^
, Maxine Langston Carter
Mrs. Maxine Langston Cancr.
67, of Ivey Lane. Mocksville. died
to the
late William Macy and Sadie Har
ris Langston. She was a home-
maker and had worked at Hanes
Hosiery. She was a graduate of
Faimington High School, class of
1955, where she was active in
sports, especially basketball. She
was a member of the Beta Club.
She enjoyed gardening and all
outdoor activities. She was a fan
of Tarheels basketball. She en
joyed knitting personalized gifts
and. with her husband, traveling
the world, including (he Far East.
She grew up in Ihe Batons Baptist
Church community and had at
tended the Union Chapel United
Methodist Church for the past 35
years, where she was Ihe treasuier
of her Sunday school class.
She was preceded in death by
a sister, Mrs. Margaret Dull.
Survivors; her husband, Rich
ard Carter Sr.. whom she married
in 1955; ason, Richard "Rick' Lee
Carter Jr. and hi.s wife Lynn
.Makepeace of Winsion-Salctn; a
granddaughter; 2 sisters, Nell
(Johnny) Neilson ofCharlotte and
Rachel Howard of Mocksville;
and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral service was held
al 3;30 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 19. in
Union Chapel United Methodist
Church with Ihe Rev. Jim Sand
ers and Dr. David Gilbrcath ofTi-
ciating. Burial was in the church
Memorials: building fund of
Union Chapel United Methodist
Church. 2030 U.S. 60! N..
Mocksville; or a charity of the
donor's choice.
N /
Robert Wade EdwardsMr. Robert Wade Edwards, 78,of Oak Island, formerly of Mocks-ville, died Saturday, Oct. 18,2003,al Kindred Hospital in Greens
boro..He was bom May 24,1925, in
Davie County, son ofihe late Rob- 'iert Stamey and Alice Veach ■;Edwards. He was owner and op- ■'
erator of Edwards Furniture andUpholstery Co. in Mocksville formore than 50 years. He was amember of Shoreline BaptistChurch in Oak Island and was aveteran of the U.S. Navy. He enjoyed the furniture market andmeeting and chatting with friendsat the Webb Road Flea MarketMr. Edwards had been a Masonand a member of the Davie
County Merchants Association. ., Survivors: his wife, MarthaEfird Edwards of the home; adaughter, Susan (John) Stowers ofMocksville: 2 sons, DarrellEdwards of Boiling Springs Lakesand Don Edwards of Winston-Sa-lem; a nephew; and 6 grandchil
dren.He was preceded in death by asister, Gladys Shoemaker.The funeral service was at 2p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21 at NewUnion United Methodist CJiurch,conducted by Dr. BillyHutchenson and the Rev. GalenHahn. Burial was in the church
ccmctcfy.Memorials: Shoreline Baptist \
Church.4l89VanessaDrive,Oak \Island. 29465; or New Union 'United Methodist Church, 1436Sheffield Road, Mocksville.
y Bruce Whitley ShaverMr. Bruce Whitley Shaver, 65,of Cleveland, N.C., died unex
pectedly at his residence.Mr. Shaver was bom Feb. 9,1938 in Rowan County to the lateWalter F. and Middle Whitley
Shaver. He attended Mocksville
Church of Christ and worked forR.L. Raffaldt Inc. as a truck driver.
He was preceded in death by asister, Nancy Koontz.Survivors: 3 sons, EugeneShaver and wife Gayle of
Taylorsville, Alvin Shaver andwife Diane of Marshville, andMichael Shaver and wife Joyce of
Mocksville: 2 daughters, DeborahCochran and husband Larry ofAdvance, and Patty Shaver ofMocksville; 3 sisters, TheoleneWatson of Salisbury, JanieChaplin of Mocksville and IrisCole of King: 4 grandchildren; 6
step-grandchildren; and 7 great
grandchildren.A memorial service was scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 22 at 7 •
p.m. at Welch Funeral Home withthe Rev. L.C. Taylor officiating.
A private graveside service will be
held at Rowan Memorial Park.
Memorials; MocksvilleChurch of Christ, 844 U.S. 64 E.,
Richmond Otiis SykesJ Mr. Richmond OttisSykes,91,
of Somerset Court, Mocksville,formerly of Kenwick Drive, Win-
ston-Salem, died Wednesday af
ternoon, Oct. 15,2003, at Kate B.Reynolds Hospice Home in Win-
ston-Salem.Mr. Sykes was bom in Rowan
County on Sept. 5, 1912, and for
more than 35 years was a repre
sentative of MetLife Insurance.
He attended and graduated from
the public schools of RowanCounty. Mr. Sykes was a longtimemember and past president of the
Winston-Salem chapter of the
American Rose Society. He was a
well-known rose grower in the
Southeastern U.S. He had a repu
tation for growing and hybridizing roses. He was a rose consultant with L.A. Reynolds Garden
Showcase and was the designer,
contributor and manager of therose garden in Tanglewood Park.He worked part time for Bo-iy
Florist and Carpenter's Flower
Shop. He was a breeder and sales
man of canaries. He enjoyed cooking and was an avid Carolina fan.Mr. Sykes was a veteran of the
U.S. Navy and a member of
Burkehead United Methodist
Church.Mr. Sykes was preceded indeath by his wife, Nellie Ruth
Miller Sykes in 2002: and by adaughter, Jane Combs, in 1991.Surviving; 2 granddaughters; 6great-grandchildren: and a great-
A memorial service was heldat 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 17, in Eaton
Funeral Chapel.
Memorials: the Winston-Salem Chapter of the American Rose
Davie County Public library
Mocksviller NC
Donna Kimel Vitek
Mrs. Donna Kimel Vllek. S3,
died Saturday, Oct. 18,2003 at the
Wake Forest University Baptist
Medical Center.
She was bom Nov. 10,1947 in
Fotsyth County to Terry and Eva
Lee Smith Kimel. Mrs. Vitek was
an author of 34 published roman
tic novels.
Surviving: a daughter, Susan
Marie Vitek of Monrtte; a son,
Thomas Richard Vitek of
Kemersville: a brother, Teiiy Dale
Kimel and wife Barbara of King;
and cousins, nieces, nephews and
A memorial service was held
at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003
at Hayworth-Miller Kinderton
Chapel by the Rev. Ronnie
i'wie toyty Public uuraiy
wocKsvfWe, /vc
William Ailie White
Mr. William Allie "Bob"
White, 63, of Walkertown died
Friday, Oct. 10,2003, at his resi
Mr. White was bom March 2,
1940, in Guilford County to James
K. and Bessie Vemon. He was a
memberof Fust Baptist Churchin 1
Winston-Salem and worked for
Hanes Dye and Finishing for a
number of years. Mr. White was a
ham radio operator and enjoyed
restoring old tube radios. He was
an hunter and fisherman. He was
a U.S. Army vetenur, serving in
the 82nd Airborne Division.
His father preceded him in
Survivors: his mother of the
home: 2 sisters, Betty White Tesh
and htisband John of Salisbury
and Aiuie White'Clawson of Ad
vance: 2 brothers, James Kenneth'
White Jr. of Lewisville and
Charles Franklin White and wife
Beverly of Woodleaf; and several
nieces, nephews, great-nieces and
A memorial graveside service
was held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct.
19, at Forsyth Memorial Park
Zula Barker
Mrs. Zula Barker dJed Mon*/ day. Oct. 20.2003.
She was boni In Davle Ccuniy
to the late John and Nancy Mason
and was the youngest ofeight chih
dren. She gi^uated from St. John
Elementary School and Mocks*
vllle High School. She continued
her education through correspoo*
dence courses. Mrs. Barker joined
Cedar Grove Baptist Church as a
child and was active in the youth
choir and the usher board. She
married William Barker and from
this union two children, William
and Alberta Barker, were bom.
* Upon moving to Winston*Salem.
she joined Galilee Baptist Church,
where she was a member of the
Sunday school and mtssionary
departments. She was a member
of the Wtnston*$aIem Senior Citi*
zens and D. Everett Bible Clau
ai Emmanuel Baptist Church un*
til her health failed.
She was preceded In death by
her husband. William Barker Sr.:
a son. William Barker Jr.: her
moiherandfather:4 brothefs:and
three stscen.
Survivors: her daughter.
Alberta (Joseph) Harvey of Win*
ston-Salem: 2 grandchildren: a
greai*grandchild: a goddaughter.
Parker Price of Hemstead, N.Y4
and several nieces, nephews and
The funeral service was eon*
ducted at 2 p.m. Thursday. Oct.
23. at Galilee Missionary Baptist
Chureh. officiated by Pastor Rob*
eti L. McGowan Sr.. Burial fol*
lowed in Cedar Grove Baptist
Church in Davie County.
Jimmy Ray Brown Jr.
Mr. Jimmy Ray Brown Jr.. 26.
died unexpectedly Sunday. Oct.
26.2003. at Wake Forest Univer*
sity Baptist Medical Center.
He was bom Nov. 12.1976. In
Forsyth County to Jimmy Ray
Brown Sr. and Gae Nicholson
Brown. He had worked for
Ronnie's Wings in Clemmons.
Surviving: his mother and
stepfather. Gae and Steve
Spillmao of Lln»'ood: his father.
Jimmy Ray Brown Sr.of Winston-
Satem; a sister. Misty T. Hall and
husband Daniel of Advance; 3
stepbrothers. Brian Tdttle. John
and R.B. Splllman; 2 half broth*
ers, Jonathan and Joseph Brown;
his paternal grandmother. Marie
Smith; his maternal grandmother.
Mildred McBride; and numerous'
aunts, uncles. Dtcces. nefdtews and
The funeral service was con
ducted at 2 p jn. Wednesday. Oct.
29. at Hayworlh*Miller Silas
Cicek Chapel, by Chaplain Keith
Little. Burial followed in
Parklawn Memorial Gardens.
yThomas Harold Cranfill
Mr. Thonus Harold Cranfill.
77. of Harmony, died Saturday.
Oct. 25.2003 at Iredell .Memorial
Bora in Iredell County on Dec.
13.1925. he was a son of the lace
Guy Cranfill and Disa Renegar
Cranfill. He was a member and
deacon at Friendship Baptist
Church and served in the U.S.
Army at the ettd of World War 11.
He worked for 30 years for the
N.C. Department of Tran^ru-
Survivors: his wife, the former
Betty Henderson, whom he mar
ried on March 1.1946: a daugh
ter, Vivian Hix and husband Alan
ofHarmony; 2 grandsons: 5 great
grandchildren: 2 brothers. William
(Bill) Cranfill of Lone Hickory
and Fred Cranfill and wife Ida
Maeof MocksviUe.
Funeral services were held at
II a.m. Tuesday. Oct. 28 at
Friendship Batptsc Chureh with
I the Revs. John Whalen and Carl
Williams officiating. Burial fol-I lowed in the church cemetery. '
Memorials: Friendship Baptist
Church. 3742 Harmony Hwy..
Harmony. 28634.
J/Thelma Collette Driver
Mre. Thelma Collene Driver.
93. of Batons Church Road.
MocksviUe.died Wednesday,Oct.
22.2003 at her residence.
A graveside service was held
Saturday. Oct. 25 at 11 a.m. at
Batons Baptist Church Cemetery
with Dr. David Gtlbreaih officiat
Memorials: Eatons Baptist
Church Cemetery Fund. 495
Eaicns Church Road. .MocksviUe.
Mrs. Driver was bom Jan. 31.
1910 in Davie County to the late
William S. and Nellie Stonestreet *
Collette and was retired from
Davtc County Tax Office. She was
a lifelong member of Batons Bap
tist Church having joined in 1920.
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Lonnie S. Driver on
Sept. 18.1985attd by adau^icr.
Survivors: a son. Clarence
(Martha) Driver of MocksviUe: 4
grandchildren: 4 great-grandchil
dren: a great-great grandson.
Bryson Hunter: and a sister. Mar
garet Edwards of Winston-Salem.
<iJ Davie County Public Library
MocksvHle, NO
William H. Jojrner Jr.I Mr.Willuni Harvey/oyocf Jr.1 of Rooda died Tuesday morning.
Oct. 21.2003.
Mr. Joyncr wa$ bom in Win-ston^Salem on Jan. 12. 1951. toWilliam H. Joyner Sr. and PoggyAdams Joyner. He was a buildingcontractor. He was a graduate of
Oavie High School.class of 1969,where he played trumpet in the
mtrclung band. He was a school-
bus driver and a reader. He was amentor to his nephew. Josh Car-
pettier. He held an associate de
gree in soil and water conservation from Davidson County Coro-muni^ College. Mr. Joyner was arnemlwr of the Forsyih BuildersAssociation and Blaise Baptist
Church, but attended Faith Templein Rooda. His favorite pastimeswere reading, fishing and singing
country and gospel music.
Surviving In addition to hisparents, of Mocksviile: his wife.Frances Ann Sherman loyner, towhom he was married for 33years: 3 sisters, Brenda Legg of*V Lewlsviiie. Deborah (Boyd)
Ifeodrix of Oemmons and Martha(Tim) McCraw of Advance: 3brothers. Bob (Merrilyn) Joyner
of Mooresville. and Michael
Joyner and Jeff Joyner. both ofMocksviile: 13 nieces and neph-ews:hU mother-in-law and father-in-law. Ruben and Betty Brady
Sherman of Lexington: 4 sisters-in-law; and a brother-in-law.
The Ameral service was heldat 2 pre. Friday.Oct. 24. in Faith
Temple in Ronda with PastorRussell Gibson officiating.
Bobby Allen MartinMr. Bobby Allen Martin. 68.
of Advance died Thursday. Oct.23.2003 at MeadowbrookTemcc
of Davie.He was bora Dec. 20,1934. InForsyth County to Carl P. andGefvusc Allen Martin. Mr. Mar
tin was the owner and operator ofSedge Garden Barber Shop formany years and was a golfer.Surviving: 2 sons, Steve Mar
tin and wife Linda of Winstcn-Sa-lem and Mark A. Martin of Advance: 2 grandchildren: and a sister. Carlene Damion and husband
David of Siatesvillc.
A funeral service was held at11 a.m. Saturday. Oct. 25. atHayworth-Miller KIndenonChapel with Steve Maitin ofTici-aiing. Burial followed at Forsyth
Memorial Park.Memorials: International Ministry /Calvary Baptist. 5000 Country Club Road. Winston-Salem.
Sandra F. StewartMrs. Sandra F. Stewart dledjearly Wednesday morning. Oct.;22.2003. after an extended period jof illness. jMrs. Stewart was bom tnjForsyth County to Mrs. Maty E. |Kirby. She grafted from AtkinsHigh School, received an asso-|ciate's degree in nursing from:Forsyth Technical Community jCollege and a bachelor's degree ]
from Winston-Salem State Uni- •versity School of Nursing. She ;was employed by Wake Forest •University Baptist Medical C^-1ter for 27 years on the pediairic/ jneonatal intensive-care unit. She i
assbted in recniitment efforts, andwas featured in newspapers andnursing journals displaying her
dedication to her love of nursing.
Sbewasa member of MacedoniaTVPH Church ofGod Inc.. where
she served on the choir and nurseboatd until her health declined.She was preceded in death byher stepfather, Mr. Robert 'Bill*Kirby: an aunta and 2 sisters-in-law. Shirley Frazier and Emma
Survivors: her husband.Bishop Selester Stewart Sr.: 2daughters. Monica Frarier of Win-
ston-Salcm and Selena Stewart of
the home: 2 stepchildrcn.Selester(Freda) Stewan Jr. ofAdvance and
Christian Stewart of Winston-Sa
lem; her mother. Mary Etta Kirby
of Winston-Salem: 2 brothers.Wesley (Carol) Frazier ofPfafftown and Michael (Vemell)Kirby of New York: a sister.Patricia (Louis Jr.) Hunter of
Tobaccoville; 3 brothers-in-law.Yancey Stewart. Neil Stewart andAlden (Sharon) Stewart, all ofWinston-Salem: a sister-in-law,the Rev. Arleen (Anthony)Chaviotis of Durham: an uncle;
nieces and nephews, cousins,
friends and a best friend. Carolyn
(George) Crosby.
A celebraiioo of life was heldat noon Saturday. Oct. 25. atMacedonia Worship Center, withApostle Sylvester D. Johnscn.sc-nicf pastor, ofliciating. Burial followed in Evergreen Cemetery.
-v~-- %
Davie County Public LibraiyMocksviile, NG
. V.
Kenneth Charles BoHn
Mr. Kenneth Charles Bolin,
49, of Harmony, died Friday, Oct.
31,2003 at his home.
Mr. Bolin was bom March 26,
1954 in Yadkin Co. to Lonnie
Gray Bolin. Sr. and Irene Pettit
Bolin. He was a supervisor for
Pallet One Cotp and was of the
Baptist Faith.
Surviving: his wife, Judy
Vogler Bolin of the home; a
daughter, Carrie Angela Bolin of
Mocksville; a step-daughter,
Chasity (Daniel) Crotts Hart of
Lewisville; a step-son, Ronnie Joe
(Angela) Johnson; 3 step-giand-
children; 5 sisters, Ineze Moon of
Mocksville, Thelma Smith of
Yadkinivlle, Judy Dixon and
Marie Hedrick of Lexington,
Dollie Lingle of Salisbury: 4
brothers, L.G. Bolin of Harmony,
Lindsey Bolin and Donald Bolin
of Mocksville, David Leonard
Bolin of Yadkinville.
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4 at Gen
try Family Funeral Home (Hiapel
in Yadkinville by Rev. Danny
Leonard. Burial followed in the
Shacktown Cemetery.
Marianne M. Bond
^ Mrs. Marianne MacAulay
Bond, 79, of Wirtston-Salem died
Tuesday, Oct. 28,2003 at Arbor
Acres where she had resided for
the past 12 years.
She was bom Sept. 10, 1924
in Baltimore, Md. to Fred Rile and
Fay Mumford MacAulay. Mrs.
Bond was a 1944 graduate of
Mount Saint Agnes College in
Baltimore. She had been a mem
ber of St. Paul's Episcopal Church
since the 1940's, where she was a■i long standing member and pastpresident of the Altar Guild. She
was past president of the Leagueof Women Voters and served onthe Medical and Forsyth HospitalAuxiliaries. She was a bridgeplayer and needle artist.
She was preceded in death byher husband. Dr. Viemard Franklin
Bond Jr.Survivors: 2 sons, Vernard
Franklin Bond HI and wife Bar
bara of Littleton, Colo., and F.
Mac Bond and wife Tetri of Farro-. ington; a daughter, MarianneBond Price and husbarul Robert of
Farmington; 5 grandchildren.
A memorial service was conducted Friday, Oct. 31 at 3:30 p.p.at St. Paul's Episcopal Church by
the Rev. John E. Shields.Memorials: The ALS (Lou' Gehrig's disease) Assoc., 27001Agoura Road, Suite 150, Cala-basas Hills, CA 91301: or TheAmerican Heart Assoc., P. 0. Box25086 Winston-Salem, 27114.
Deborah Frye Burgess
Mrs. Deborah "Debby" Frye
Burgess, 47, of Statesville, died
Thursday, Oct. 30. at Forsyth
Medical Center in Winston-Sa
Bom in Rowan County on Oct.
19, (956, she was the daughter of
George Homer and Gwen
Ratladge Frye of Mocksville, Who
survive. She was ah assistant loan
secretary at Carolina Farm Credit
and attended New Union United
Methodist (Thurch. She enjoyed
horses and was a member of the
Mid Atlantic Rodeo Association
where she was the 2002 Woman
of the Year. She won many other
awards in roping and team pen
Survivors: her husband of 17
years, Roy Lane Burgess; a son,
Justin "Chad" (Candice) Burgess
of West Jefferson: a daughter,
Kristi Lane Johnson of Jefferson;
a brother, George Homer Frye Jr.
of Mocksville; and 3 grandchil
A celebration of life was held
at 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2, in the
Davie Funeral Service Chapel in
Mocksville. Burial was private. T
Memorials: in Debby's name
to Forsyth Regional Cancer Cen
ter, 1010 Bethesda Court, Win-
ston-Salem, 27103.
Davie County Public LibraiyMocksville, NO
James Mitchell Dickinson/ Mr. James Mitchell Dickinson,
59, of Las Cruces, N.M., died Sunday, Oct. 26,2003 after a linger
ing illness.
Survivors; his wife Mary; par
ents, Edgar and Louise Dickirison
of Mocksville; a sister, Anne D.
Lennie of Lancaster, Pa.; arid 2
sons. Will and Charlie Dickinson
of Phoenix, Ariz.
A memorial service is plannedfor Nov. 15 in the First Presbyte
rian Oiurch in Mocksville. The
family will receive friends after
the service in the sanctuary.
Memorials: First Presbyterian
Scholarship Fund.
\ I
/ Calvin CoolidgeGalther
Mr-Calvin Coolidge OaiiheV.78. of Coumy Line Road, Har
mony. died Jale Saturday after-
"°°";N°''l-2003,athishome.Mr. Gaiiher was born Dec. 10,1924. in Davie County to the late'
Robert Allen and Kate HashGaither. He retired from Holly
farms Poultry with mote than 20
years of service and had been
awarded a safe drivers certiCcate
with more than 10 years of con-
tinuousaccidem-ftee trucking Heenjoyed gardening, fishing wd
vistiing the Sheffield Music Hall.He was a veteran of the U.S.
Army, serving in Central Europe
dunng World War If. He receivedseveral decorations and citations
including the Croix de Guerre of
me French government.
He was preceded in death byhis wife. Laveme S. Gaithen his
parents; and a brother.
Surviving: his son and daugh
ter-in-law. Steve and Dianna
Gaither of Qemmons; a grand
daughter: and a sister. Nannie(Leroy) Dyson of Mocksville.
A graveside service was held
at 11 a.m. Tuesday. Nov. 4. at New
Union United Methodist Church
Cemetery with Pastor Wayne
Swuher officiating. Military hon
ors were conducted by the Iim
District Memorial Guard Veterans
of Foreign Wars.
Memorials: Sheffield-Cala-
haln Volunteer Rre Department.
c/o David Beck.435 Dyson Road.Mocksvilte.
jWilliam Dennis Lassiter
Mr. William Dennis Lassiter.
63, of Clemmons died Monday.
Oct. 27.2003. in Kilgoie. Texas.
He was bom Feb. 9. 1940. in
Sanford to the late William Tho
mas and Mozelle Lee Dowdy
Lassiter. He married Matjorie
Faye Hayes on Aug. 24.1957. in
Benneltsville. S.C. He retired
froni Food Lion after 25 years,
where he had been a store super
visor for more than 30 stores in
North Carolina. He was a Baptist.
Survivors; his wife of 46 years.
Faye Lassiter of the home; 2
daughters and sons-in-law,
Cynthia and Thomas Sprouse of
Advance and Angela and John
Doggett of Summerfield; a
brother. Kennem Lassiter of High
Point; a sister. Shirley Pendley of
Raleigh; 3 grandchildren; and nu
merous nieces and nephews.
A funeral service was held at
10 a.m. Friday. Oct. 31. at Vogler
& Sons Qeimnons Chapel, offi
ciated by the Rev. Atwell Hankitis.
Burial was in Westlawn Gardens
of Memory.
Charles Howard Perry
/ Mr. Charles "Charlie" Howard
Perry. 79. of 145 Pembrooke
Ridge Court. Bermuda Run. died
Sunday. Nov. 2.2003. at his home.
Mr. Perry was bom Aug. 12.
1924. in Chatham County to the
late Henry and Rilla Perry. He
served in the U.S. Army during
World War n and was awarded the
Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He
was a member of Calvary
Moravian Church and had retired
from the U.S. Postal Service.
Mr. Perry was preceded in
death by his wife. Myrtle
McKaughn Perry; and 7 brothers.
Surviving: his daughter.
Deborah Dawn Nance and hus
band Phil Redmon. of Greens
boro: a son. Charles Derek Perry
and wife Gcorganne of Green
ville; 4 grandchildren; a brother.
William Perry; a sister. Annie
Ruth Fox and husband Joe; and a
The funeral service was held
at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Nov. 4. at Cal
vary Moravian Church in Win-
ston-Salem by the Rt. Rev. Lane
Sapp. A graveside service took
place at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Nov. 5. at God's Acre in Old Sa-
Memorials: Calvary Moravian
Church. 600 HoUy Ave.. Winston-
Salero. 27101.
Oavie Countv PubVic UW
Moci^svillei NC
Frances Leftwich Brown
Mis. Frances Irene LeftwichBlown, 80, of Mount Aiiy, widowof Clyde Hanison Brown, diedSaturday, Nov. 8,2003, at Suny
Community Nursing Center.Mrs. Brown was bom in SunyCounty onApril 1, l923,to Lloyd
Fulton and Delia Victoria JohnsonLeftwich. She was retired fromRenfro Corp. with 45 years ofser
vice and was a lifetime memberof First Baptist Church of Mount
Survivors: 3 sisters and 2
brothers-in-law, Henrietta
Bingman, Inez and Bill Belton and
Norma and Steve Kallam, all of
Mount Airy: a brother and sister-in-law, Roscoe and Virginia
Leftwich ofAdvance; and severalnieces and nephews.
In addition to her husband of60 years and parents. Mis. Brown
was preceded in death by a
brother, James Elmo Leftwich.
The funeral service was held
at2pjn.Monilay,Nov. 10,at FirstBaptist Church of Mount Airy,
conducted by Dr. Roger GUbert
and the Re V. Robert McCraiy withburial in the Skyline Memory
Gardens.Memorials: First Baptist
Church, 714 N, Main St., Mount
Airy, 27030.
Margaret Pamela Brown/ Mrs. Margaret Pamela Crotts
Brown, 90, a lifelong resident of
WInston-Salem, died Saturday,Nov. 8,2003, at Fonyth Medical
Center. She was bora Nov. 6,
1913, in Wnston-Salem to Lizzie
and William Alec Crotts Sr. Mrs.
Brown was a resident ofSalemtowne and was formerly of
Butler Street She was a member
of First United Church of Christ.
She was preceded in death by
her parents; and her husband,
Jones Thomas 'Shorty' Brown.Survivors: 2 dau^tets, Mrs.
Charles (Joyce Marshall) Cary
and Mrs. William L. (Rebecca)
Foust of Mocfcsville; 4 grandchil
dren; and 4 great-grandchildren..
The funeral service was con
ducted in the Fbrsyth Memorial
Park Mausoleum Chapel, Win-
ston-Salem by the Revs. Elizabeth
Parker and Christa Warise. A '
gipveside service followed.
Memorials: First United
Church of Christ, 1912 Waugh-
town'St.Winston-Salem, 27107.
Cedelma S. Burtony Mrs. CbdelmaS. Burton, 90, ofWinston-Salem, died Monday,
Nov. 3,2003, at her home.She was bora Sept. 3,1913, inSullivan's Island, S.C., to HenryByrd and Elizabeth Carter Fant,
Mrs. Button was a member of Cal
vary Baptist Church, where shewas active in the Bible FeUowship
Class. She was also a member ofthe Forsyth County HomemakersClub. She was a graduate ofReynolds High School and wasretired from Western Electric.She was preceded in death byher parents; her son, Kenneth Burton; 2 brothers, Wilson Fant and
Proctor Fant; and 2 sisters, CedolaSman and Martha Brewer.Survivors: 3 daughters. GayKing and husband Tom of Ber
muda Run and Joyce Ring and husband Lawrence and Brenda Menill
and husband Bill, aU of Winston-Salem; 3 grandchitdrenf a great
grandchild; 2sisters,Delphine Thompson and Ollie Richardson of
Winston-Salem; and several niecesand nephews.
The funeral service was conducted at 2 pm. Nov. 6, at Vogler& Sons Main Street Chapel by the
Rev. Will Toburen.
Memorials: Hospice/PalliativeCareCfenter, llOO-C S. StratfotdRoad, Winston-Salem, 27103; orKate B. Reynolds Hospice Home,101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Sa
lem, 27103.
/Thomas Caudill
Mr. Thomas Caudill, 67, of <North Wilkesboro, died Friday ..
evening, Nov. 7, 2003; at his ■
Survivors: his wife, Georgia
Billings Caudill of the home; 5
sons, Ronnie Caudill of North
Wilkesboro, John William Caudillof Wichita, Kan., Lariy DouglasCaudill of Cooleemee, Ricky
Allen Caudill of Thomasville andStephen Caudill of Mootesville; adaughter, Lesia Bryson ofThomasville; 3 stepsons, Richard
Anders and Gary Anders of North
Wilkesboro and Jeffrey Anders ofSparta; 2 brothers, Haywood and
Henry Caudill, both of Laurel
Springs; 20 grandchildren; and 6
The funeral service was con
ducted at 2 p jn. Monday, Nov. 10.
at the Grandview Memorial
Chapel with burial in the Land
mark Baptist Church Cemetery inthe Whitehead conununity.
y/ Hugh Thomas ChafGn Sr.
Mr. Hugh Thomas ChafGn Sr.,
84, of Woodleaf, died Saturday,
Nov. 8,2003 at his residence.
Mr. Chaffin was bom Apiil 28,
1919 in Davie County to the late
Kenneth M. and Maude Miller
Chaffin. Mr. ChafGn was a self-
employed plumber, a member of
Saint Lulces Lutheran Church in
Mount Ulla, and served his coun
try in World War n in the U.S.
Survivors: his wife of 62 years.
Kathleen Waller ChafGn; 3 sons,
Hugh T. (Tommy) ChafGn Jr. and
wife Pat, Howard W. ChafGn and
wife Joy, and Harold R. ChafGn.
all of Woodleaf; a daughter,
Shirley Barton and husband Steve
of Mo^ville; 2brotheTS. Charlie
ChafGn and John ChafGn, both of
Virginia; 12 grandchildren; and
Funeral services were held
Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 11 am. at
Saint Lulces Lutheran C2nirch with
the Revs. Bob Kasting, Shirley
Jones and Melbert Kurtz ofGciat-
ing. Butial followed in the church
Memorials; Rowan Regional
Hospice, 82S-A W. Henderson St.,
Salisbury, 28144; or Saint Lukes
Cemetery Fund, 11020 N.C. 801.
I Vasta Juanita Cope
4 Miss Vasta Juanita Cope, 86,
of Somerset Court, formerly of
Mertells Lake Road, died Thurs
day, Nov. 6,2003. at Wake Forest
University Baptist Medical Cen-
Miss Cope was bom Jan. 18,
1917, in Davie County to the late
Wiley Baxter Cope Sr. and Lou
EfGe Hendrix Cope. She was a
member of Fodc Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by
a sister, Mozelle GiUean; and 2
brothers. Denny Cope and Wiley
Baxter Cope Jr.
Survivors: 3 sisters, Edria
Hendrix, Sadie Burton and Jessie
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Nov. 9, at Fork Baptist
Church, with the Rev. Timothy
Wolf oflGciating. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Memorials: Gfaiwlfalher Home
for Children, P.O. Box 98, Ban
ner Elk, 286S6.
Fern Hamilton Grouse
Mrs. Fem Hamilton Crouse,
87, of Meadowbrook Terrace of
Davie, died Tuesday, Nov. 4,
She was bom March31,1916,
in Alva, Okla„ to the late W.C. and
Veraa Morgan Hamilton. Mrs.
Crouse was a member of Calvary
Moravian Church and was retired
from Hanes Knitting.
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Pearl L.-Crouse; a
son, Laven L. Crouse; a brother.
Leiand; and a sister, Luada.
Surviving: 4 grandchildren; 12
great-grandchildren; a daughter-
in-law, Nancy Hardie of Lexing
ton; and a sister, Doris Gotham of
A graveside service was held
at 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, in
God's Acre with the Rt. Rev. Lane
Sapp ofGciating.
Memorials: Calvary Moravian
Church,600 Holly Ave.,Winston-
Salem, 27101.
Edgar Greene
Edgar "Ed" Greene, 78, of
Asheville, died Wednesday, Nov.
5,2003 at Mt. Area Hospice Cen
Mr. Green lived in Jackson
County before moving to
Asheville in 1946. He was pre
ceded in death by: his parents.''
Frank and Annie Greene; his first :
wife, Geraldine Green; a son,
Barry Green; 4 brothers, Arvel,
Daniel, Jarvis and Ruben Greene.
Before retiring, Mr. Greene
worked as a chief r^iologist at the
VA Medical Center. He was a
member of the Berea Baptist
Church and served his country
with the Navy and Marines.
Survivors: his wife. Ruth
(rreene; a daughter, Shelia Blair .
of Asheville; a step-daughter,
Diana Walker of Harmony; a step
son, Fred Summers of Stale Rood;
a brother, Avery Greene of
Whittierr 2 sisters, Edith Messer _
of Black Mountain and Maty
Brown of Asheville; 3 grandchil
dren; and several nieces and neph- i
Funeral services were held in
the Williams Funeral Home
Chapel, Asheville, on Saturday, *
Nov. 8 at 2:30 pan. with the Revs, f
Johnny Tiller, Richard Kinsland '
and Fred Summers officiating.
Burial followed at Berea Baptist
Church Cemetery.
£)svis County Public Libiain
Mooksville. NO
. ^
j Doris La^eLingley Mrj. Doris Lagle Lingle, 83,of Salisbury, died Monday, Nov.
10. 20O3 at the N.C. Lutheran
Home in Salisbuiy.
She was bora on Dec. 20,1919
to the late Jessie HoJshouser Lagle
and Hugh Lagle. She attended
Davie County Schools, and was a
graduate of the Statesville School
of Nursing. She wasahomemakerand had been a nursing supervi
sor at Rowan Memorial Hospital.
She was a member of Christiana
Lutheran Church and WELCA.
Survivors: her husband,Arnold Warren Lingle. whom she'
married on June 1,1948; 2 sons.
K Gaipr Ungle and David Lingle of. Salisbury; a brother, Andrew
Lagle of Mocksville; 2 sisters
Shirley Lagle of Mocksville and
Carolyn Hendrick of Shelby: 5
grandchildren; and a great-grand
Graveside services were set for
11:30 am. Nov. 12 at Christiana
Lutheran Church Cemetery, officiated by t^e Rev. Carl Haynes.
Memorials: Chrsitana Luther- *an Elevator Fund, 6190 U.S. 52,
Salisbury, 28146.
Anna Marie Nicolls
/ Mrs. Anna Marie (Staub)
Nicolls,82 of Avon Street. Mocks
ville. formerly of Springboto and
Cambridge Springs, Pa., died
Monday, Nove. 10. 2003 at
Fotsytfa Medical Center in Win-
She was bora Aug.21,1921 in
Akron.Ohio to the late Adam and
Katheiine Staub. She was a mem
ber of Valley United Methodist
Church. Conneautville, Pa. and
First United Methodist Church of
Mocksville and was a volunteer at
the Storehouse For Jesus in
Mocksville; She was a long-term
employee of City Hospital in
Meadville, Pa.
She was preceded in death by
a daughter. Tommy Aiute.
Survivors: her husband of 62
years. Thomas L. Nicolls; chil
dren. Connie C. Weibel of
Lewisville. and Thomas L. Nicolls
n Jr. of Jefferson City, Tenn.; a sis
ter, Carol Sue Phelps of
Fredericksburg, Va.; 2 grandchil
dren; a great grandson; and many
nieces and nephews.
; Visitation will be from 7-9
im. Friday, Nov. 14, and a funeral
service will be Sanirday, Nov. IS
at 2 pan. at White Funeral Home
in Conneautville, Pa. The family
was to be at Eaton Funeral-Home
in Mocksville Wednesday from 7-
Ray Penland
J Ray Penland, 42, of 128
Dianna Lane, Mocksville, died
early Saturday morning, Nov. 8,
2003, at home.
He was bora in Forsyth County
on Jan. 23,1961, to Franklin D.
and Marie Howerton Penland.
He was preceded in death by
his father and a brother, Ralph
Surviving: his mother, Marie
H. Shaw of Mocksville; 3 broth
ers and sisters-in-law, Roger and
Jenny Penland, Randy and Connie
Penland, all of Mocksville. and
Ronme and Suzanne of Winston-
Salem; a special friend, the Rev.
Chris Clontz; his dog Baby; and
birds Bud, Honey and Precious.
Eugene Roadman Pope
^ Mr. Eugene Roadman Pope.
81, of Angell Road, Mocksville,
died Wednesday, Nov. 5,2003 at
Forsyth Medical Center in Win-
. ston-Salem.
Funeral services were Sunday
at 3 pan. in Eaton Funeral Chapel
with Dr. David Gilbieath and Rev.
Andrew Draperofflciating. Burial
was in Eatons Baptist Church
Mr. Pope was bom March 3.
1922 in Davie County to the.late
Marshall Duke and Minnie White
Pope and was co-owner of
Weber's Char House Restaurant inArlington and was a dairy farmer.
He served in the U.S. Coast
Guard, was a charter member of
the Moose Lodge, on the William
R. Davie Advisory Board, mem
ber of the State Dairy Council
Assoc., Charter Board Member of iWm. R. Davie VFD, past mem- '
ber of Water and Soil Conserva
tion Board and a member of '
Eatons Baptist Church.
Survivois:hiswife,MaryWe- I
ber Pope ofthe home; 3 sons, Eu-gene Patricia) Pope of Mocks
ville; Richard Pope of
Mooresville; Charles (Cindy)
Pope; a daughter, Mary Jane
Clark; 5 grandchildren; 3 great
grandchildren; 2 sisters. Nelda
Brown and Jo Shaw, both of
He was preceded in death by a
brother, John Henry Pope.
Oaviefeunty Public Ubraiy
MooksvUle, Nc
Aurella Foster Potts
/ Mn.AuieliaFoswrPons, 95,
of Conuuzer Road, Advance, died
Monday, Nov. 10,2003 at Mag
nolia Gardens of Spencer.
Funeral services will be Thurs-
day.Nov. 13 at 11 aan.otAdvance
United Methodist Oiurch with the
Revs. Harry Sammons and
Marion Folk officiating. Burial
was in the church cemeteiy. The
family was to be at Eaton Funeral
Home Wednesday from 7-8:30
Memorials; Advance United
Methodist Church Building Fund.
PO Box 2021, Advance.
Mis. Potts was bom Dec. 9,
1907 in Davie County to the late
Sanford and Bessie Smith Foster
and was a homemaker. She was a
lifelong member of Advance
United Methodist Church where
she sang in the chtirch choir, was
a member of the United Method
ist Women (foimerly Ladies Aide
Society) and the Sally Sue Pediles
Sunday School Qass. She was
active in community activities,
and enjoyed quilting and fishing.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, O.A. (Anderson)
Potts, 2 sons, O.W. Potts. Roy
Potts; a sister, Pansy Howard; 2
ter; 2 grandcliildren. Wayne Polls,
Elizabeth Potts.
Survivors: 4 children, Ruth P.
(Charlie) Latham. Bob (Betty)
Potts, Glenn (Ruby) Potts, Gray
(Betty) Polls; 2 dau^ters-in-law,
Beny Potts and Diamie Potts, all
of Advance; 7 grandchildren; and
8 great-grandchitdren.
, Addle Mae Robbins
y ' Mrs. Addie Mae Keaton
Robbins, 79. of Center Circle.
Mocksville, died Saturday, Nov.
8,2003 at Ircdell Memorial Hos
pital in Statesviile.
Funeral services were at 2 pm.
Ttiesday.Nov. 11 in Eaton Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. Lester
Keaton ofiiciating. Burial was in
the Jerusalem Baptist Church
Memorials: Davie Hospice,
P.O. Box 848, MocksvUie; or Can
cer Services, 622 N. Main St.,
Mrs. Robbins was born in
Davie County on July 28,1924 to
the late Thomas Theodore and
Josie Katheiine Barney Keaton
and was retiied with 35 years ser
vice with Fray-Ray Nursing
Home. She enjoyed crocheting,
quilting, canning, and was a
NASCAR, professional wrestling
and soap opera fan.
She was preceded in death by
her ex-husband and friend, Carl
Preston Robbins, by 3 sons, 2
daughters.d sisters.d brothers and
Survivors: 5 children, Lillie
(Bill) Hayes of Newton. James
David (Freida) Robbins, Johimy
(Jixly) Robbins.Peggy (Kenneth)
Ellison and Minnie (Larry)
Bumette. all of Mocksville; 19
grandchildren; 32 great-grandchil
dren; a sister, Armie Ruth Wshon
of Lexington; and a brother, Sam
Keaton of Lexington.
Eugene Wyche Smith
Mr. Eugene Wyche Smith, 80,
of North Main Street, Mocksville,
died on Wednesday, Nov. 5,2003
at his residence.
Bom in Davie County on Aug.
20, 1923, he was the son of the
late Beal and Rosa Merony Smith.
He had been employed at
Pennington Chevrolet and had
been the Mocksville town clerk.
He was a member of Mocksville
First United Methodist Church
where he had simg in the choir,
been Sunday School superinten
dent and a Sunday School teacher.
He served in the Air Force during
World War n and was a member
of Mocksville Masonic Lodge
His wife, Letty Foster Smith,
preceded him in death.
Survivors: 2 sons. Gene C.
Smith of Salisbury and Paige F.
(Melissa) Smith of Advance; a
daughter, Elizabeth Durham of
Cooleemee; and 8 grandchildren.
He was also preceded in death
by a brother, Beal Smith, and a-4
sister, Margaret Waters.
A memorial service was held
Friday, Nov. 7 at the Mocksville
First United Methodist Church
with the Revs. Don Routh and
Crystal Alexander ofiiciating. Pri
vate burial was in Rose Cemetery.
Memorials: Letty Smith Schol
arship Fund, First UMC, 310 N.
Main St., Mocksville.
George 'Tom' WiUiams
y Mr. George Thomas "Tom"
Williams, 60 of Yadkinville, left
died Friday Oct. 31, 2003 at
Farsyth Medical Center.
Mr. Williams was bom March
9, 2003 in Forsyth County to
George Taff and Mary Kathleen
Burton Williams. He loved the
outdoors, fishing, going to auc
tions and working in his yard.
He was preceded in dirath by
his parents and a sister, Alice
Faye Wood.
Surviving: his wife, Nancy
Groce Williams of the home; 3
daughters, Lisa, Donna and Lori
Wlliams, all of Yadkinville; 7
sisters, Louise Hooker, Rosie
Soulheriand, Johnnie Hitchcock,
Carol Smith, Betty Jo Groce,
Vickie Harfcey and Ann Wilson:
a brother, Roy Williams; mother
in law; Edna Groce Lawrence; in
laws; Mr. and Mrs. Gary (Bar
bara) Groce; Mr. and Mrs. Ricky
(Judy) Doub; Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley (May Jane) Snow;
Debbie Binkley, Dee L. Binkley
and Ann Wilson; and friends.
The funeral servicewas held 2
pm. Monday, Nov. 3 at Gentry
Family Funeral Home Chapel by
the Revs. Bud McDowell, Eric
Isbel] and Earl Newton. Burial
follow in the Wyo Community
Memorials: the Wyo Cem
etery Fundjc/o Edna Lawrenee,
1002 Wyo Road. Mocksville.
Davie County Public Ubrsi^
Mocksville, NC
Arnold Dean Bowles
I Mr. Arnold Dean Bowles. 65■J of Salisbury, died Tuesday. Nov!11,2003 at Rowan Regional Medi
cal Center.
A memorial service was heldFriday in Eaton Funeral Chapelwith the Rev. Charles S.ewan of-
ficiaiing.Mr. Bowles was bom in DavieCounty, Dec. 4. 1937 to the lateEarl Thumian and Frankie WallBowles and had been with Republic Foil for many years. He hadalso worked at Sunbeam B.ikeriesand Cheerwine Bottling, and had^n a security guard at CevelandFreightliner and also at TrinityOaks Retirement Center.
Survivors include one son.Randy Bowles of Salisbury; oneiaughter, /ulia LeAnn Bowles of
Salisburyj one brother. EarlNorman Bowles of WrightsviiieBeach; foursUters. Ruby Thompson of Hilton Head, S.C.. UVemeHolder ofSalisbury. Sue Talley ofWrightsviiie Beach and JoyceBowles of Mocksville: and two
grandchildren.Memorials; American DiabetesAssociation, 3109 PoplarwoodCourt. Suite 125, Raleigh. 27604-1043; or to the American CancerSociety, 622 Forsyth MedicalPark. 1900 South Hawthorne Rd.,
WInston-Salem, 27103.
Mary Garner Graver
Mrs. Mary Gamer Craver. 88.yj ofYadkin Valley Road, Courtney,
died Wednesday. Nov. 12,2003 at
her home.
Funeral services were Saturday at Gemry Family Funeral
Chapel in Yadkinville with the
Rev. Marvin Blackburn officiat
ShewasbomAug.3l, 1915mCourtney to James F. and Ethel
Wooten Garner. A member ofCourtney Baptist Church and a
- homemaker, she is rememberedfor her gentleness of spirit andfaith, her love of nature, forgrow
ing and arranging Bowers for the
church, and for poetry.She was preceded in death by
her parents, brothers John and
Reuben Garner, half-brothers
Charles and F.W. Martin and her
husband. James W, "Jim" Craver.
She died on Edgewood Farm
where she was bom, and will be
buried at Yadkin Memorial Gar
dens with her husband.
Surviving; asister, Marie (Bill)Eagle of Salisbury: her children.
Lynn (Alan) Brown ofGrass VaJ.,ley, Calif.. Abigail (Andrew)
Reavis of Mocksville. James W.
(Wanda) Craver Jr. of Courtney.
Alice (Bill) Summers of
Staiesville. and Jane (Vladimir)Shlensky of Duriiam; 10 grand
children: and 14 great-grandchil
Memorials:Hospice ofYadkin,
POBox 1267. Yadkinville,27055.
Steven W. Daltonj Pastor Steven W. Dalton. 48, of
V Advance, died Nov. 14, 2003 in
Forsyth Medical Cenier.
He is the son of Nathaniel and
Helen Mack Dalton. and graduatedfrom Davie High School in 1973.
He was co-owner of Dalion'sCusiodial Services, and the pastor
ofTme Light Christian Ministries.Surviving, in addiiion to his
parents: his wife. Edna Keaion
Dalton of the home; a son, Cory
Dalton, and a daughter. Avami
Dalton, both of the home; four
brothers. David (Annetta) Dalton.James W. (Stephanie) Dalton.
Charles G. Dalton and Thomas E.
(Diane) Dalton. all ofMocksville;a sister. Debbie (Lemuel) Watkins
of Durham; and a half-sister.
Francis Canet of Mocksville.
Funeral services were held '
Tuesday at First Baptist Church.
.Mocksville. with the Rev, .MelvinFrazier officiating. Burial was in
Rose Cemetery.
Lindsay Eirzabeth Galesy Lindsay Eliiabeih Gales. 16,0Oakland Avenue, Mocksville died
Saturday, Nov. IS. 2003 as a resultof injuries sustained in an automo
bile acci
bom Aug. 6,
1987 in
ForsythCounty, the
daughter ofBilly Galesand Polly
Granlham Gales, both of Mocks
ville.Lindsay was a junior at DavieHigh School, where she wasamem-ber of Health Occupation Students
of America and a member ofthe recently formed Students AgainstDrunk Driving. She loved Softball
and horses.In addition lo her parents,survi
vors include; herbrodw, SethGalesof Mocksville; and maternal grandparents. Sandy and Pert GranthamofEuiawvilie.S.C, IShe was preceded in death by Jher paternal grandparents. WilliamR. and Marian Elizabeth BensaiGales, eariier this year.The funeral seivicewasat4p.m.Wednesday at Eaton Funeral Chapel
with the Rev. Jamie Pharr. the Rev,David Snipes and Bill Campbell officiating. Burial foUowed in RoseCemeleiy,Memorials: Cun Wilson Fund, ic^ Dulin United Methodist Church.897 Dulin Road. Mocksville.
Davie County Putilic
MooKsville, NC
6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thnreday, Nov. 20,2003
Ida Chalmers Jones
Mrs. Ida Chalmers Jones, 101,
of Mocksvitle, died Wednesday,
Nov. 12, 2003 following an
extended illness.
She was the widow of the late
Rev. N.V. Jones Sr. Survivors
include: two sons, Wendell Jones
of Greensboro and Calvin Jones
of Mocksville: a daughter,
Camilla Holman of Durham; six
grandchildren; nine great
grandchildren; and eight gieat-
The funeral service was held
Saturday at St. John AME Zion
Church in Mocksville with the
Rev, George Banks officiating.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
/ Anna Marie Nicolls
Mrs. Anna Marie Staub
Nicolls, 82, of Avon Street, diedMonday, Nov. 10.2003 at Foisyth
Medical Center in Winston-
She was bora Aug. 21.1921 in
Akron, Ohio, to the late Adam and
Kaiherine Staub. She was a
member of Valley United
Methodist Church in
Conneautville, Pa., and First n
United Methodist Church of
Mocksville and was a vojumeerai 'A Storehouse for Jesus in
Anna Marie was preceded indeath by a daughter. Tommy
Anne. She was survived by her '
husband of 62 years, Thomas L. •
Nicolls; a daughter, Connie C.
Weibel of Lewisville; a son,^omas L. Nicolls Jr. of JeffersonCity. Tenn.; a sister, Carol Sue
Phelps, of Fredericksburg. Va.; her
two grandchildren; a great-
grandson; and many nieces and I
Funeral services were held on '
Friday and Saturday at White
Funeral Home in Conneautville'
^Scherry Lynn Joundi
Scherry Lynn Joundi, 49, of
Main Church Road Extension.
Mocksville. died Friday, Nov. 14.
2003 at Forsyth Medical Center.
Bom in Michigan on June 7,
I9M, she was the daughter ofRuth
Brinkley of Virginia, who sur-
Aurelia Foster Pottsy Mrs. Aurelia Foster Potts. 95,of Comatzer Road died Monday'
Nov 10. 2003 at Magnolia
Gardens of Spencer.
Mre. Potts was born Dec. 9.
1907 in Davie County to the late
Sanford arid Bessie Smith Foster.
She was a homemaker and a
lifelong member of Advance
United Methodist Church, where
she sang in the church choir and '
was a member of the United
Methodist Women (formerlyI^ies Aid Society) and the Sally
Sue Peebles Sunday School Class,
Mrs. Potts was very active in
community activities and enjoyed
quilting and fishing.
She was preceded in death byher husband. G.A. "Anderson-
Potts; two sons. G. W. Potu and
Roy Potts; a sister. Pansy Howard;
two brothers, Albert Foster and
Hege Foster; arid two
Survivors include four
children. Ruth P. (Charlie)I^am. Bob (Betty) Potts. Glenn(Ruby) Potts and. Gray (Betty)
Potts; two daughters-in-law, Betty ,
Potts and Dianne Potts, all of ;
Advance; seven grandchildren; j
and eight great-grandchildren. !
The funeral service was held n
Thursday at Advance United n
Methodist Church with the Rev.Harry Sammons officiating.
Burial was in the church cemetery. •Mernorials; Advance United iMethodist Church Building Fund.P.O. Box 2021. Advance. 27006.
V Davis County Public Library
Mooksville, NG
vives. She was disabiiity retired.
She is survived by a son,
Clifford (Clifl) Hanline of Balti
more, MD; a daughter. Crystal
Lynn Wilson of Mocksville; two
sisters. Kimberly Arwood of Ten-
nes.see and Debbie Wood of Vir
ginia; and a grandson.
Gilbert Leon Smith
■J Gilbert Leon Smith. 85. of
Yadkinville, formerly of Wyo
Road, died Sunday, Nov. 16.2003
at Meadowbrook Terrace in Ad
vance, where he had been a resi
dent for the past 18 months.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday in Eaton Funeral Chapel
in Mocksville with the Rev. Joe
Lear and the Rev. Garry Foster officiating. Burial followed in the
Mt. Olive United Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Mr. Smith was born in YadkinCounty, July 1, 1918 to the late
Millard Philmore and Ida White
Smith and had been a housing con
tractor, He also had been a build
ing and grounds maintenance at
tendant at Wake Forest University
and Reynolda Village.
He was a veteran of the U.S.Navy during WWn. Mr. Smith had
been a lifelong member of the Mt.
Olive United Methodist (2hurch,
where he served on various com
mittees including the BuildingCommittee, He enjoyed gardening
and fishing.
He was preceded in death by asister, Dorothy Athan. and three
brothers, Herman Smith, Aubrey
Smith and Elmo Smith.Surviving are his wife. FloraMeryl Walker Smith of Advance;one daughter, Beverly (Bobby)
Hoots of Yadkinville; three sons,Bruce W. (Maiy A.) Smith, BreckL. (Doris) Smith, all ofYadkinville. and Terry Boyd
(Carolyn) Smith of Scarborough.Maine; six grandchildren; fivegreat-grandchildren; and several
nieces and nephews.
Memorials; Mt. Olive United
Methodist Church c/o Mrs. Letty
Whitaker, 1890 Cana Road,
James Earl Calloway
Mr. James Earl Calloway, 70,
of Yadktnville died Wednesday,
Nov. 19, 2003, at Hoots Memo
rial Hospital.
Mr.Calloway was bom Oct. I,
1933, in Boonviile to Rufford and.
Treva Micheai Calloway. He was
a retired mechanic from R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco Co. and was a
U.S. Army veteran. Mr. Calloway
was a charter member of the
Yadkin Rescue Squad and a mem
ber of Mount Zion Baptist Church.
He was preceded in death by
his parents: a son, Richard
Calloway in 1979: and a brother,
Ajlen Calloway: and his wife,
Katie Cain Calloway in 1994.
Surviving: a son, Ronnie
Calloway of Lewisvilie: 4 grand
children: 2 sisters. Dr. Pauiine
Calloway of Buies Creek and
Elizabeth Calloway of Dunedtn,
Fla.: 2 brothers, Charles (Bobby)
Calloway of Gamer and Richard
Caiioway of Mocksvilie: an aunt:
an uncle: and numerous friends
who knew him as "Pop."
The funeral service was con
ducted at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23,
at Mount Zion Baptist Church by
the Rev. Biil Hale and Brother Joe
McCoIlum. Burial foiloweed in
the church cemetery.
Memorials: Yadkin Rescue
Squad. P.O. Box 1355,
Yadkinville, 27055; or Mount
Zion Baptist of Yadkinville.
Joseph W. Everhardt
J Mr. Joseph William "JW"
Everhardt, 82 of U.S. 601 South,
Mocksvilie, died Wednesday,
Nov. 19, 20O3 at Meadowbrook
Terrace of Davie.
A funeral service was held Sat
urday, Nov. 22 at 3 p.m. at Eaton
Funeral Chapel with Chaplain
A.G. Parker officiating. Burial
was in Liberty United Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Memorials: Fotsyth Hospice/
Palliative CarcCenter, I l(X) C. S.
Stratford Road, Winston-Saiem,
Mr. Everhardt was bom Feb.
8,1921 in Davie County to the iate
Joseph and Eunice Davis Ever
hardt and was a retired auto me
chanic. He was a graduate of
Cooleemee High School class of
1938. He helped form Cooleemee
VFW Post 1119 in 1986 and was
a charter member and helped build
the Cooleemee VFW Building in
1991. He also helped form Jerusa
lem Fire Department in 1952 and
was the first fire chief. He served
in the U.S. Air Force in the Phil
ippines during World War 11. He
was a lifelong member of Liberty
United Methodist Church.
Survivors: his wife, Lena Bail
. Everhardt of the home: 3 children.
Joe (Mary Jane Earl) Everhardt of
Clemmons; Donnie Everhardt of
the home: and Marcie (Kenneth)
Bean of Cooleemee; 5 grandchil
dren; 2 great-grandchildren; and
a brother, Phillip Everhardt of
Helen Whitaker Guth
' Helen Whitaker Guth. 96, of
Elkin, died Saturday, Nov. 22,
2003, in Advance, following a
brief illness and manyyears of
She was the widow of the late
Rev. Walter C.Guth.aformer pas
tor of Elkin Valley Baptist Church
in Elkin. The Walter and Helen
Guth Chapel of the Hugh
Chatham Memorial Hospital in
Elkin is being named in their
honor. Mrs. Guth was a Bible
teacher, community leader and
businesswoman having many ar-'
tistic and caring qualities while
living in Elkin, and until recenUy,
Redlands, Calif.
Survivors: a daughter. Dr.
Caryl J. Guth of Advance and
Hillsborough, Calif.; a son,
Wendell L. Guth of Holland,
Mich.: a grandson: and a grand
A memorial service was held
at II am. Saturday. Dec. 13. at the
Elkin Valley Baptist Church in
Memorials: Guth Family
Fund. Wake Forest Univ. Baptist
Medical Center, Medical Center
Blvd., Winston-Salem, 27157.
Martha Hauser Jarvis j
j Mrs.MarthaHauserJarvis,74,l
V of 2529 Farmington Road,
Yadkinville, died Thursday, Nov. 120,2003,atFoisythMedicalCen- jter in Winston-Salem. j
Mrs. Jarvis was bom June 7,}
1929, to the late Elcer Eugene and
RuthAugustaSpaughHauser.She Ispent her early life in PfafRown}
and attended Vienna and Old[
Town schools. She was a gradu-1
ate of Draughn's Business School. J
She was a member of Westside [
Baptist Church. Formerly she had,
been a member of Farmington,!
Griffith and Jonestown Baptist'
churches, a Sunday school teacher!
and a choir member. She loved to I
work in flowers and play the pi-1
ano. For 35 years, she was em-1
pioyed by F. W. Woolworth De- '
parlment Store, working at the |
downtown and Parkway Plaza 1
stores. I
She was preceded in death by |
a son, Thomas Michael Jarvis, J
in1992: a brother, Frank Hauser:
aiul a sister, Mary Woosley. j
Survivors: her husband of 55 j
years, Thomas Tulbert Jarvis of j
the home: a daughter and son-in-
law, Elaine and Tommy York of
Yadkinville: 3 grandchildren: 4
great-grandchildren; a brother,
Eugene Hauser and wife Shirley
of Pfafflown; and a sister-in-law, '
Marie Hauser of Winston-Saiem.
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Nov. 22, at Vogier &
Sons Reynoida Road Chapei with
the Revs. Van Harrell and Amette
Harris officiating. Burial followed
at Forsyth Memorial Park.
Memorials: Alzheimer's
Assoc., 3800 Shamrock Drive,
Charloite, 28215-3220.
\Davie County Public Library
Mocksvilie, NC
s ^
Kay Ila Leeds
Kay Ila Leeds, 68, of
Batesville, Ind., formerly of
Mocksville, died Wednesday,
Nov. 19.2003.
She was bom on Ocl. 5,1935
in Victor. Iowa to Delmar and Ila
(Cant) Shuliz. She worked for
Forethought and Sleep Options
and was a member of Batesville
United Methodist Church. She
was married to Leon Dale Leeds
on Dec. 22.1957. He died on Nov.
Survivors: her mother of Vic
tor. Iowa; a daughter. Londa Foust
of Dayton, Ohio; a-son, Alan
Leeds of Arlington. Texas; 2
granddaughters; and a sister,
Delma Schnebbe of Homestead,
A graveside service was held
on Friday, Nov. 21 at 11 a.m. at
Victor Cemetery. oHlciated by the
Revs. Larry Marhanka and
Charles Flory.
Mary B. West
Mis.Maiy B. West,93.ofN.C.
801 Noith.Advance.died Sunday.
Nov. 23.2003 at Autumn Care of
A funeral service was held
Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 11 a.m. at
Yadkin Valley Baptist Church
with the Revs. Ronnie Craddock
and A.G. Parker officiating.
Burial was in the chutch cemetery.
Mrs. West was bora Feb. 9.
1910 in Davie County to the late
John Wesley Baity Jr. and Lela
Bell Leach Baity and was a home-
maker. She was a member of
Yadkin Valley Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Wilbur West; a sis
ter Pansy Baity and a brother.
Flake Baity.
Survivors: a sister. Clara Mae
Foster of Cooleemee: and a great
John Donald Nicholson
Mr. John Donald Nicholson.
77. of Tot Street. Mocksville. died
Friday, Nov. 21.2003 at Forsyth
Medical Center in Winston-Sa-
The funeral service was Sun
day. Nov. 23 at 6 p.m. at First
United Methodist Church with the
Rev. Crystal Alexander officiat
ing. Burial was Monday. Nov. 24
at 11 a.m. in Rose Cemetery.
Memorials: First United Meth
odist Church General Fund. 310
N. Main St., Mocksville.
Mr. Nicholson was born Sept.
late James and Christena Kelly
Nicholson and had been owner/
operator of Sears Catalog Store for
23 years. He served in the US Air
Force during World War II. He
was a member of First United
Methodist Church where he sang
in the Chancel Choir, was a mem
ber of Mocksville Masonic Lodge
AFAAM. 134 and was a Shriner.
He attended the University of Ala
Survivors: his wife. Jackie
Webster Nicholson of the home:
4 children. Diana (Dub) Potts of
Mocksville. John (Mig) Nichol
son of Nashville, Tenn., Sandra
(Bobby) Bowers, Patricia (Paul)
Brisson of Salisbury; 9 grandchil
dren; and a sister, Christena Peace
' of Birmingham. Ala.
y Francess Irene Simmons
Mrs. Frances Irene Hairston
Simmons. 75. of Cleveland, N.C.,
died Sunday. Nov. 23,2003.
. She was bora May 5,1928, in
Davie County, to the late
Raymond and Irene Clement
Hairston. She attended the Davie
County Public Schools. She re
tired from Hoechst Celeance Fi
ber Operations. Mrs. Simmons
was a member of Rock Hill
(2hurch of Christ in Cleveland and
a member of the Ladies Bible
She was predeceased by her
husband, Thomas Simmons, who
died in 1982.
Survivors: 3 sons, Donald
(Willie Mae) Simmons of Cleve
land. Ronald Simmons of Lexing
ton and Allen *A1* (Ann)
Simmons of Statesville; 2 daugh
ters, Phyllis (Phillip) Hogue and
Laura (Velvie) Gray, both of
Cleveland: 3 sisters, Mary
Hairston and Lula Lane, both of
Mocksville, and Helen Lyons of
New York, N.Y.; 11 grandchil
dren; and 6 great-grandchildren.
The funeral service , was at
Il;30 ajn. Tuesday, Nov. 25 at
Rock Hill Church of Christ in
Cleveland, with Brother Anthony
Reese, pastor, officiating and
Brother Allen Simmons, her son,
delivering the eulogy. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
George Thomas Williams
V Mr. George Thomas "Tom*
WiIIiams,60x>fYadkinville. diedon Friday Oct. 31.2003 at Fbisyth
Medical Center.
Mr. Williams was bora March
9. 1943 in Forsyth County to
George Taft and Mary Kathleen
Burton. He loved the outdoors,
fishing.auction and yard sales and
working in the yard.
He was preceded in death by
his parents and a sister, Alice Faye
Surviving: his wife, Nancy
Groce Williams of the home; 3
daughters, Lisa, Donna and Lori
Williams, alt of Yadkinville; 7 sis-
lers, Louise Hooker. Rosie
Sutherland. Johnnie Peacock.
Carol Smith. Betty Jo Groce.
Vickie Harkey and Ann Wilson
and a brother. Roy Williams;
mother-in-law. Edna Groce
Lawrence; in-laws, Mr. and Mrs.
Gary (Barbara) Groce; Mr. and
Mrs. Ricky (Judy) Doub; Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley (Mary Jane) Snow;
Debi Binfcley and the late Dee
Binkley; several nieces and neph
ews and special friends.
The funeral service was held
2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 3 at the Gen
try Family Funeral Home Chapel
hy the Revs. Bud McDowell, Eric
Isbell. and Earl Newton. Burial
was in the Wyo Community Cem-
Memorials: Wyo CemeteryFund, in care of, Edna Lawrence,
1002 Wyo Road. Mocksville.
Davie County Public Ubtaiy
Mocksville, Nb
J Glenn Cornell Allen
Glenn Cornell Allen died
Monday evening, Dec. 1.2003 in
Broken Arrow. Okla. He was bom
Aug. 6, 1933 in Davie County to
Glenn and Esther Allen.
Survivors: Mary Smith Allen,his wife of 51 years, a daughter,
Belinda Stewan and her husband
Andrew Stewart, and 3 grandsons,
all of Broken Arrow; a sister, Leta
(Shorty) Ellis, brothers CW. (Bar
bara) Allen of Mocksville, and
Lester "Poogie" (Vivian) Allen of
He was preceded in death by a
son. Michael, in 1957.
Mr. Allen served in the U.S.
Armed Services from 1952-1955.
He retired from Union Pacific
Railroad in 1991 with 39 years of
A memorial service will be
held Friday. Dec. 5 at Bethlehem
United Methodist Church on
Redland Road. Advance, of which
he was a long-time member. Ar
rangements are incomplete.
/Billy Burke Bailey
^ Mr. Billy Burke Bailey, 75 of
Fulton Road. Fork, died Monday.
Nov. 24.2003 at his home.
A funeral service was held Fri
day. Nov. 28 at 11 a.m. at Fork
Baptist Church with the Revs.
Kermit Bailey and Timothy Wolf
officiating. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Memorials: Fork Baptist
Building Fund. 3140 U.S. 64 E..
Mocksville;ortoFotk VFD. 3181
U.S. 64 E. Advance.
Mr. Bailey was bom Sept. 4.
1928 in Davie County to the late
DeWtt Marshall and Essie Mae
Livengood Bailey and had been a
Barber for more than SO years. He
enjoyed outdoor activities includ
ing working in his yard and spend
ing time with family. He was a
member of Fork Baptist Church.
Survivors: a son and wife. Tim
and Bethel Anderson Bailey of
Advance; 2 grandsons; several
nieces and nephews; a close friend
and cousin. Henry Livengood of
Advance; and his friend and pal.
his dog, "Peanut".
He was preceded in death by
his wife, Jackie Everhart Bailey;
2 sisters. Eloise "Sis" Deese.
Marietta "Pete" Michael; and 6
brothers, Paul. Rad. Wilbur.
Nelson. D.M. and Olin.
yThelma Ruth Chaney
Thelma Ruth Hayes Chaney.
88. of Eden, died Sunday. Nov. 30.
2003. at Avante At Wilkesboro
Rehab Center.
Mrs. Chaney was born in
Wtlkes County and retired from
Quality Cleaners as a counter
clerk. She was a member of Min
eral Springs Baptist Church in
Survivors; a daughter. Patricia
S. (R.V.) Garris of Roaring River,
a son. Eddie (Joan) Seagraves of
Eden; 2 brothers, Leo Haynes of
Winston-Salem and Homer
Haynes of Mocksville; 2 sisters.
Eva Groce of Jonesville and
Norma Garris of Elkin; 7 grand-
children;-13 great-grandchildren;
and 4 great-great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Dec. 2. at the
Fair Funeral HomeCThapel. Burial
was in Ridgeview Cemetery.
Ollie Mae Cornatzer
Mrs. Ollie Mae Melton
Cornatzer. 88. of Davie Street.
Cooleemee, died Saturday. Nov.
29.2003. at Forsyth Medical Cen
ter in Winston-Salem.
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Virdle Oliver
Cornatzer. in 1984.'
Survivors; 5 children. Peggy
(Marshall) Clawson of
Clemmons. Eugene (Norma)
Comatzer of Mocksville. Glenn
(Kimmy) Cornatzer. Donald
(Jean) Comatzer both of Cool
eemee and Jackie Comatzer of
Salisbury; 12 grandchildren; 24
great-grandchildren; 3 great-
great-grandchildren; 2 sisters.
Lucille (Spurgeon) Foster of
Mocksville and Iralee Merritt of
Statesville; a brother. Bill (Nina)
Melton of Harmony; and several
nieces and nephews.
A funeral service was held at
11 a.m. Tuesday. Dec. 2 in the
Eaton Funeral (2hapel with the
Rev. Perry Bradshaw ofTiciating.
Burial was in the Cornatzer
United Methodist Church Cem
Memorials: Comatzer Meth
odist Cemetery Fund, 244 Cor
natzer Road. Mocksville.
Mocksville, Nc
^ 70 foster./O; Of Lakeview Road. Mocks-
A funeral service was held Sai
Presbyterian Church with thes. Peter Peterson and Brian
"1 the church cemetery.
Memorials: Davie M..™.Health. P.O. Box 84«. Mocksvflie-
l806Fo^tn''u''^""''" Church."Rood. Advance.,o„r^°"*''"'«'»niJnly271933 m Forsyth County to the late
retired from AT&T with 35
yearsservice. He served as a ser
geant in the U.S. Army Ra^g^daring the Korean Conflict
Survivors: his wife. Peggy
daS;''TK"^gnter. Stephanie (Ray)I^wr^kof Remington. N.J. 2
fosterof Downmgtown. Pa. and Randy
(Dawn) Foster of LasVegas. Nev^7 ^dchildren; 2 sisters. Dr. andj^^Austin (Anna) Fortney of
^estownandNellChildte^ofWmston-Salem: and s^ralnieces and nephews.
."e*as preceded in death bya suto and a brother-in-law. Joyc^and Fred Rynt Jr. and a brother-
Gorrell Arthur Hollar
Mr. Gorrell Arthur Hollar died
Tliesday. Nov. 25.2003, at home
with his family.
Mr. Hollar was bom Feb. 1,
1925. to the late Arthur and
Jecoliah Dinkins Hollar in the
Courtney community of Yadkin
County. He was raised on the fam
ily farm near Bull Hill with 4 sis
ters and 7 brothers. Farming was
his passion and livelihood. To buy
his own farm. Gorrell trained as
an electrician in Chicago. III.,
worked in the Norfolk Naval
Shipyards, for many years owned
and operated a tobacco plantation
in Venezuela. South America, and
owned a Purina Feed Store in
Salisbury. After 20 years of sav
ing and dreaming, he purchased
his family farm in 1963 in
Boonville community, where he
raised tobacco, beef cattle and
four children. He partnered with
a brother in commercial poultry-
egg production in Courtney. He
was an avid reader.
Survivals: his wife of 54 years.
Helen Coe Hollar; 4 children.
Duncan Arthur (Loirie) Hollar of
Lewisbuig. W.Va.. Pamela Eliza
beth (Kent F. Jr.) Brendle. Mark
Kevin (Kathy) Hollar and lenni-
fer Susan (Jonathan 'Buck")
Owens, all of Boonville; 8 grand
children; a sister. Carolyn Rea;
and 4 brothers. Homer Hollar.
Gumey Hollar. Henry Lee Hollar
and Cleve Hollar.
He was preceded in death by a
granddaughter. Megan Hollar; 3
sisters. Betty Jean Hollar. Pearl
Helms and Ella Simpson; and 3
brothers. Sanford Hollar. David
Hollar and Clyde Hollar.
A graveside service was con
ducted at 2 p.m. Satuttlay. Nov.
29. at the Boonville Cemetery by
the Revss. Marion Swaiui and Ken
Memorials: charity of donor's
J Hazel Hosch
Miss Hazel Hosch. 83. of
Erie. Pa., died in that city on
Nov. 22.2003.
She was a former resident of
Davie County, a daughter of the
late Will and Maude Johnson
Survivors: a son. Ray Hosch
of Erie. Pa.; 3 brothers. Ammer
(Janester) Hosch. and Graham
Hosch of Mocksville. and Rob
ert Lee Hosch of Salisbury; 3
sisters. Doris (Charles) Greer of
Salisbury. Gwendolyn Hunter of
Taylorsville, and Bernice
Peebies of Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were held
Friday. Nov. 28. at 2 p.m. at Box
wood Baptist Church. The Rev.
B.J. Milton officiated and burial
followed in the church cemetery.
Harvey Linuel Hursey
\/ Mr. Harvey Linuel Hursey. 70,
of Gladstone Road. Mocksville.
died Sunday. Nov. 30.2003.
A graveside service was held
Tuesday, Dec. 2. at 3 p.m. at Lib
erty United Methodist Church
Cemetery with the Rev. Tommy
Register officiating.
Memorials: American Heart.
Assoc.. Memorials & Tributes ;
Processing Center. PO Box 5216. 1
Glen Allen. VA 23058-5216.
Mr. Hursey was bom March
12. 1933 in Davie County to the
late Harvey William and Deo
Cozart Hursey and was retired
from Baker Furniture with 31
years of service and had worked
at Burlington Mills and Philpon
Furniture Co. He was a veteran
oftheU-S.Army. Heenjoyedgar
dening and woodworking. He was
a member of Cooleemee First
Baptist Church and enjoyed plac
ing flowers in the church for Sun
day morning services. .
Survivors: hiswifeof45years,
Phyllis Foster Hursey of the
home; 3 children. Kristy (Tim)
While of Salisbury. Cassie (Brian)
Kanzigg of Troulman and Jeff
(Rebecca) Hursey of Cooleemee;'
5 grandchildren; a great-grand-
child; 2 brothers. Donald,
(■Catherine) Hursey of Mocksville 'and Gaiy Hursey of Salisbury; a
sister. Ann (Bill) Morrison of
Mocksville; several nieces and
Davie County Public Ubrai^
Mocksville, NO
« ^
Alice Belle Pettlt
J Mrs. Alice Belle Puclceit Pettit,
83. of Walkeitown, died Tliursday
Nov. 27. 2003, ai Wake Forest
University Baptist Medical Cen-
Mrs. Petiit was bom in Patrick
County, Va.. on Aug. IS. 1920. to
Paola and .Mary Belle Shelton
Puckett. She was the widow of
William Crosby Penit. Mrs. Pettit
was a homemaker hnd a member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints.
Surviving: 2 daughters. Bar
bara Marion of the home and
Bonnie Sue Pettit of Mocksville;
a son. Jetty Pettit of Walkertown;
4 grandchildren; 4 great-grand
children: a sister. .Martha Coins of
Mount Airy: and a stepson. John
D. Penit.
The funeral service was held
at 3 p.m. Nov. 30. at Fbrsyth Me
morial Park Mausoleum Chapel
with Bishop Giegoiy Scott offici
ating. Entombment followed at
Forsyth Memorial Park.
J Alta T. Schambach
Mrs. Alta Trankler Scham
bach. 79. of Winston-Salera. died
early Thanksgiving morning. Nov
27.2003. at the Kate B. Reynolds
Hospice Home.
She was bora Jan. 31.1924. inButler. Ky.. to Ralph Edward and
Stella Maude Moore Trankler. She
attended Highland Presbyterian
Church and recently became a
member of Macedonia MoravianChurch. She was a Past Worthy
Matron. Dora Chapter 2 Order of
Eastern Star. Dayton. Ky. She vol
unteered for 30 years with Meals
on Wheels, was for many years a
member of the Winston-Salem
Newcomer's Bridge Club and was
director and assistant secretary of
Bimco Corp. She was a prayer
parmer and supporter ofMoravian
World Missions and Compassion
ate Heart International, estab
lished by her daughter, the Rev.
Sonna Schambach, and her friend
the Rev; Linda Faber.She was preceded in death by
brothers Allen and Freddie
Surviving: her husband of 57
years, Howard R. Schambach of
the home: 3 children, Maria
Sparks and husband Bill of
Lewisville: Gaty Schambach and
wife Susan of Advance; and the
Rev. Sonna Schambach of Mocks
ville: 6 grandchildren; and by
many cousins, nieces and neph
The funeral service was held
at 11 a.m. Saturday. Nov. 29. at
Macedonia Moravian Church in
Advance with the Revs. Hampton
Morgan and Greg Little officiat
ing. Burial followed in Westlawn
Gardens of Memory in
Memorials; CompassionateHeart Intemationai, P.O. Box 309.
Clemmons. 27012.
/ Mary Anna Smoot
Mrs. Mary Anna KoontzSmoot, 81. of Calahaln Road
. J^ksville. died Sunday, Nov. 30'2003 at Forsyth Medical Center.'
k ,'^Sraveside service was to beheld Thursday, Dec. 4 at 11 a.m
at Salem United Methodist'
tnurch Cemeteiy with the Rev.
Stephen Blair officiating. The
family was to be at Eaton FuneralHome Wednesday from 7-9 p.m
Memorials: Davie MuseumFund. PO Box 148. Mocksville-
or to Salem Methodist Cemetery'
Fund. 169 Salem Church Road
April 14.1922 in Davie County to the late '
Samuel Austin and Maiy Maude !
pmpbell Kobntz and was a '
homemaker. She was one of the
otganizers of Davie County His
torical Museum, an avid gardenerand quilter and loved to grow
prize winning roses and strawber- 'nes. She was a member of Salem ,
United Methodist Church. '
She was preceded in death by
ner husband, John Wesley "Bunk**
Smoot: a son. James Gilbert
Smoot; 2 sisters. Hazel K.
MeMick, Leona K. Dellinger; 2 !
brothers. David Wilson Koontz '
and Aaron Gibson Koontz.Survivors: 2 nieces. 2 neph-ows. 3 grand nephews, and 2
grand nieces.
Davie County Public Ubtsi^
Mocksville, NC
Philip M Stonestreet
J Mr. Philip McGarvey
Stonestreet. 78, of Frederick, died .4
Monday. Nov. 24 in Conway. S.C.
He was the husband of the late
Elsie Stonestreet.
Bom Jon. 29.192S in Mocks-
ville. he was the son of the late
James Frank and Maude Petree
Stonestreet. He was a member of
the Church of Christ in Frederick.
He earned a bachelor's degree in
business from the University of
North Carolina ai Chapel Hill, and .
was retired from Monarch Appli
ance factory and as a salesman for
Momgomeiy Ward. He was a U.S.
Army veteran of World War II.
Survivors: a stepdaughter,
Vivian Egan and husband John of
Pottsville. Pa.; 2 adopted children.
Pete and Lettie Byrdic ofConway;
a brother. James F. Stonestreet of
Temple. Texas: 2 nieces; 4 step-
grandchildren; 11 step-great
Funeral services were held
Saturday. Nov. 29 at II a.m. .
Burial was in Mount Olivet Cem
Memorials: Frederick Church
of Christ. 1305 N. Market St..
Frederick. Md.. 21701; or
Catoctin Church of Christ. 14802
N. Franklinville Road. Thurmont,
Md.. 21788.
Nell Louella Taylor
/ Mis.NellLoueUaCaitnerTay-
lor of Wuiston-Salem. foraierly of
Asheboro. died Wednesday. Nov.
26. 2003. at Brookridge Retire
ment Community's Health Center.
Mrs. Taylor was bom Feb. 23.
1914. in Davie County to James
DeVitt and Maggie Smoot
Cartner. She was an independent
insurance agent, retiring at 75. af
ter which she moved to
Brookridge. She was a charter
member and the fust president of
Randolph Association of Insur
ance Women. In 1974. she was
honored as Woman of the Year by
the Asheboro^Business and Pro
fessional Women's Club.
She was predeceased by her
parents' and a sister. Mary Emily
Cartner Creason of Siler City.
Surviving: a daughter. Marie
Taylor Hathcock and her husband
Bill; 2 granddaughters; a grand
son; 4 great-grandchildren; a step-great-granddaughter. a niece; and
a special first cousin.
Mrs. Taylor was a member of
College Park Baptist Church in
Wmston-Salem. where her memo
rial service was held at 2 p.m. Nov.
29. The Rev. Ramon Smith offi
Memorials: College Park Bap
tist. 1701 Polo Road. Winston-Salem. 27106; or Brookridge Re
tirement. 1199 Hayes Forest
Drive. Winston-Salem. 27106.
Davie County Public Librai^
n Mocksvilie, NC
. 0
^ Janet S. Adkerson
Janet S. Adkerson died at her
borne in Winslon-Salem on Ihes-
day.Dec. 2,2003.
Mrs. Adkerson was bom July
3, 1940, in Covington, Term., to
Charles and Mable Southall. She
was a member of First Baptist
Church in Winston-Salem but in
recent years attended Fries
Moravian Church, where her hus
band served as director of Chris
tian Education. Mrs. Adkerson
worked for the Children's Center
for the Physically Handicapped
and the Special Children's Schml,
where she has served for the past
six years as parent-support coor
dinator under the auspices of
Smart Start. Prior to that she
served as a lead teacher of 3-year-
olds at St. Paul's Episcopal Pre
school. She owned and managed
Hie Canery, a retail outlet for bas
ket and chair-caning supplies and
services, from 1983-1997. She
began her teaching career as as
sistant director and teacher at the
Downtown Child Development
Center in 1981. She served as a
volunteer preschool Sunday
school coordinator at First Baptist
Church of Winston-Salem and in
similar positions with other
churches through the years. Mrs.
Adkerson attended Union Univer
sity, a Baptist university in Jack
son, Tenn., and graduated with
honors from.the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro in
1981 with a bachelor's degree in
home economics and child devel
opment and family relations. She
was a member of Omicron Nu
National Honor Society and was
a Junior Scholar at UNC-G. She
was a member oftheNational As-
sociation for the Education of
Young Children and the Fbrsyth
Association for the Education of
Young Children.
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/Bertie Foster Baity
Mrs. Bertie Foster Baity, 92,of
Courtney-Huntsvilie Road,
Yadkinville.died Monday, Dec. 1, '
2003 at the home of her daughter
in Advance.
She was bom March 1,1911
in Davie County to the late
Coleman and Saliie Spry Foster.
Mrs. Baity was a homemaker and
the oldest member of CourtneyBaptist Church, joining in 1929.
In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by her husband of 66 years, Lawrence Baity;a daughter. Sue Baity Glaves; 4
brothers, Rad Foster, Lester Fos-ter.Raymond Foster.Herman Fos
ter, 2 sisters, Luciile Redmond,
and Lib Mazzolini.Surviving: herdaughter.Marie
(Rick) Hartman of Advance; 5grandchildren; 6 great-grandchil
dren; a sister, Juanita Hauser,
Yadkinville; 2 brothers. Glenn
Foster, Yadkinville; Robert Foster,
Austin, Texas; 3 sisters-in-law.Dorothy Baity. Violet Baity, both
of Yadkinville; Bessie Foster,
Her funeral service was held
at 11 a.m. Thursday. Dec. 4 atCourtney Baptist Church by the
Rev. John Brown. Burial followed
in the church cemetery.Memorials: Hospice, 1100 S.
Stratford Rd., Winston-Salem; or
Courtney Baptist Church, Courtney Church Rd., Yadkinville.
Jeanette Seaford Beane^ Jeanette Seaford Be3ne,79,of
U.S. 64 E., Mocksville, died on
Saturday, Dec. 6, 2003 at
Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie.
Bom in Davie County on Feb.
29.1924. she was the daughter of
the late Jack and Minnie Hamilton
Seaford. She was a homemaker
and a member of Fork Baptist
Her husband, Ronald Beane.preceded her in death, as did 3
brothers, Reginald, Dwight and
Lee Seaford,and 3 sisters, Pauline
Livengood, Laveme Gaither and
Venice Livengood.
Survivors: a son. Ronnie (Lisa)
Beane of Mocksville; a brother.
Bill (Peggy) Seaford of Advance;
2 sisters, Maxine Correll and
Bemice Hinkle. both of Advance;
a sister-in-law, Sarah Seaford of
Advance; agrandson; and 2 great
Graveside services were con
ducted Tuesday. Dec. 9 at Fork
Baptist Church Cemeteiy with the
Rev. Craig Seaford ofTiciating.
Memorials: Fork Baptist Bus
Fund. 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocks
Davie County Public libramMocksville, NG
j Charles Fredrick Boger
y Mr. Charles Fredrick Boger, 83
of Lois Lane, Mocksville, died
.Monday, Dec. 8,2003 at his home,
A funeral services was held
Wednesday, Dec. 10 at Liberty
United Methodist Church with Dr.
John Andrews officiating. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Memorials: St. Jude's Hospital. P.O. Box 318 Memphis, TN
38101; or Disabled American Vet
erans, 19J8 U.S.601.Mocksville.Mr, Boger was bom Aug. 16,
1920 in Davie County to the late
Charlie and Rodie Privett Boger
and was retired from YVEDDI
where he had been a driver/deliv
erer for Meals On Wheels for five
years and was retired from Equi
table Life Insurance Cb. whete he
was a sales representative and of
fice manager. He had woriced at
Burlington Mills in Cooleemee.
He was a member of Liberty
United Methodist Church whete
he taught Sunday School and
served in many capacities. He was
a member of Cooleemee VFW
Post 1119, American Legion Post
34, St. JudeV. Home and had beena Scout leader for more than 20
• years. He enjoyed gardening,
camping and spending time with
family, especially his grandchil
dren, great grandchildren and
great-great grandchildren.
Survivors: his wife, Lois Mae
Seamon Boger, whom he married
Sept. 2,1939; 3 daughters, Betty
Sue Dameron of Farmington,
Phyllis (Jack) Nichols, Sylvia
(Tommy) Player both of Mocks
ville; a son, Paul (Shelby) Boger
of Advance: II grandchildren; 27
great grandchildren; 10 great-
great grandchildren; a sister Flo
rence Robeitson of Cooleemee; 2
brothers, Baxter Boger and C3.
(Dorothy) Boger of Mocksville;
his pet, his dog, "Bungle".
He was preceded in death by 2
sisters, Carrie Daniels, Mynle
Miller and a brother, Woodrow
Worth Gray Dorse
J Mr. Worth Gray Dorse, 78. of ;
US. 138 East, Mocksville, died
IVesday, Dec. 2,2003 at his resi- '
A funeral service was held '
Thuisday,Dec.4 at 2 p.m. at Dulin
United Methodist (^urch with the
Revs. David Smith and Ray
O'Ferreil officiating. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Memorials: Dulin Methodist
Church, 897 Dulin Road, Mocks
ville; or to American Lung Assoc.,
3409-D W, Wendover Ave.,
Greensboro, 27407.
Mr. Dorse was bora May 5,
1923 in Fbrsyth County to the late
William Henry and Susie Ttittle
Dorse and was retired from Na
tional Linen Service. He enjoyed
gardening, studying wildlife and
traveling. He served in the US Ma-
tines during World War II. He was
a member of Union United Meth
odist Church in Lewisvilie.
Survivors: his wife'whom he °
married July 14, 1974, Iva Neil
McDaniel Dorse of the home; a
step-daughter. Ginger Robertson
(Roger) Yokiey of Advance; 2
grandchildren; a great-grandchild;
a brother, Bahnson (Katherine)
Dorse of Lewisvilie,
Mr. Dorse was preceded in
death by a brother, Terry Dorse
and 3 sisters, Katherine Dorse,
Cecile Ketiier and Elizabeth
j Mary Loirena Dull
v Mrs. Mary Lorena Nail Dull,
84, of Gladstone Road, Mocks
ville, died Wednesday, Dec. 3,
2003 at Cedar Rock Assisted Liv
ing in Mocksville.
A funeral service was Friday
at U a an. at Cooleemee First Bap
tist Church with Rev. Tommy
Register officiating. Burial was
in Legion Memorial Park.
Memorials: Cooleemee First
Baptist, P.O. Box 518, Cool
eemee; or American Diabetes
Assoc. 1820 East 7th St., Char
lotte, 28204.
Mrs. Dull was bora March 3,
1919 in Davie County to the Late
Henry and Flora Ferebee Nail and
was retired from Rber Industries.
She was a member of Cooleemee
First Baptist Church where she
sang in the choir. She was a cook
and enjoyed woridng in her gar
Survivors: a daughter, Harriet
Dull Schuler of Mocksville, a step
daughter, Mary Otelia (Tim)
TraWs of Winston-Solem, a step
son, Melvin Ray Dull of Mocks
ville, 4 step gra^hildren; 4 step
great-grandchildren; a sister-in-
law, Nettie Allen Nail of Mocks
ville; 2 nieces; and a nephew.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Marvin Dull, in 1977
and a brother, John Henry Nail.
Davie County Public Ubraiy
Mocksville, NC
J Rickey Lee Gray
Paslor Rickey LeeGray.45,of
New London,died Saturday Dec
Wright Gray and Vallery LavemeGray. He was pastor of First Bap-
list Giurch ofNew London. Gray
attended Lexington City Schools. ;
graduating from Lexington Sr.
HighSchoolin l976.Hehadbeen '
manager of Vain House Furniture ,
inMocksville.Hegraduatedfiom IPiedmont Bible College in Win- j
ston-Salem in 2003 with a degree i
in pastoral studies. Prior to com
ing to New London, he served as
youth minister and associate pas
tor at Sumner Baptist Church in
Greensboro. As minister in New
London, he organized and imple
mented the Children's Mission
Program and the Church Brother
hood Program. He was ordained
there in March.
Funeral services were at 2 p jn.
Tuesday. Dec. 9 at First Baptist
Church ofNew London, officiated
by the Revs. Clyde Akcrs and
Charles Stevens. He was buried in
New London Cemetery.
Survivors; his wife, Kimlen
Dyess Cray of the home; a son,
Caleb Lee Gray of the home; a
daughter. Lauren Kimlen Gray of
the home; a brother. Mack Gray
Sr. of Lexington; and five sisters,Brenda Waller, Kathy Gray and '
Violet Haney, all of Lexington,
Linda SniderofSilver Valley and '
Lorada Workman of Oenton.
, Jessie Whittaker-Howell i
y Mrs. Jessie Whiiiaker-Howcll.'
89, formerly ofYadkinville Road, '
Mocksville. died Friday. Dec. 5,
2003 at Autumn Care of Mocks
Funeral sendees were at 8 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 8 at Blaise Baptist
Church, conducted by the Rev,
Glenn Sellers, Agraveside service
was held at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Dec.
9 at Bear Creek Baptist Church '
Memorials: Blaise Baptist
Missionary Fund, 134 Blaise
Church Road, Mocksville; or to
Bear Creek Baptist Cemetery
Fund. 492 Bear Creek Church
Road. Mocksville,
Mts.Howell was bora Jan. 10,
1914 in Yadkin County, a daugh
ter of the late Dudley and Lula
HarkeyReavis. Shewasahome- j
maker and a member of Blaise -
Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by
her first husband. Duke L,
Whittaker, second husband, n
Samuel H. Howell. and a son, I
Roger L. Whittaker.
Survivors: a daughter, Betty
(Verious) Angell; 2 sons. Jimmy
(Reiha) Whittaker and Gene
(Bunni) Whittaker. all of Mocks
ville; a brother. Doanid Beavis of
Mocksville; a daughter-in-law.
Peggy Whittaker of Mocksville; 3
slcp-children, Florence (Lance)
Finnegan, Sharon (John) Byid aitd
Samra (Joe) Childers; 12 grand
children; and 14 great-grandchil
Davie County Public library
Mocksville, NO
BarbaraAnnAshburn ,
•'r- of Walnut Cove FmT
Ashburn (Witi:^ \
Joshua Walter Bell
Infant Joshua Walter Bell, son
of James and Hilda Clark Bell Jr..
died Dec. 14, 2003 in Forsyth
Medical Center.
Survivors: a sister, Tekaira
Oaiiher of the home; paternal
grandparents, Sarah Bell of
Saiisbuiy and Mr. and Mrs. Elvie'
Bell of Mocksville; maternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mn. Joseph
Clark of Mocksville and Lavine
Wilds of Darlington. S.C.
A graveside service was
schedued for Thursday, Dec. ISat
New Bethel Baptist Oiurch Cem
etery at I p.m. The Rev. Wlliam
D. Turner will officiate.
y Frank Bondurant
Mr. Frank Bondurant, 83. of
Wnston-Salem, died unexpect
edly Monday, Dec. 15,2003, at his
Mr. Bondurant was born
March 23,1920, in Stokes County
to Reid and Aima Bondurant. He
. was a member of First Baptist
Church of Stanleyville. Mr.
Bondurant was a self-employed
automobile dealer for many years.
Survivors: 3 daughters. Bar-
' bara Fuqua of Winston-Salem.
Faye and husband Jetty of
Mocksville, and Diane Rutledge
and husband Randy of Winston-
Salem; a son, Lanny Bondurant
and wife Patty; his mother, Elva
Bondurant of Westfield; 7 grand
children; 6 great-grandchildren;
and a special family fiiend. Hazel
A memorial service was con
ducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec.
17, at First Baptist Church of
Stanleyville by Pastor Jon
Memorials: Hoops of Hope
Basketball Ministry, 6509 Many
Moon Drive, Colorado Springs,
CO 80918, c/o Brent Fuqua and
to the First Baptist Church of
lildred Barnes Carroll '
Mildred Barnes Crews Carroll.
78, died on Friday, Dec. 12,2003.' •
She was bom Aug. 30. 1925,
in Forsyth County to the late '
Charlie and Gurtha Robertson
Barnes. Mrs. Carroll was a life-long member of Calvary Baptist •
Church and was an ocdve mem- •
ber of the choir. •
Pfeceding her in death was her 'jfirst husband. Jack Crews; 4 '
brothers; and 3 sisten. ' I.
Survivon: her husband. Bobby ;Carroll; 2 daughters, Peggy
Holmes and husband Stephen of
Winston-Salem, and Cindy Lofkin
and husband Warren of Lewis-
ville; and 5 sons, David Crews andwife Vickie of Advance, Danny
Crews and wife LUIie of YlfgimaBeach, Va., Mark Crews and wife
Kathy of Pott Orange, Fla., Rob
ert Crews and wife Debbie of
Melbourne, Fla., and Derek Crewsand wife Trish of Pottsboro.
Texas; l9grandchildren;l2giBat- ;
Srandchildren; and a host of niecesand nephews.
A funeral service was held at '
2 p.m. Dec. 14. at Calvary Bap
tist Church, with Drs. Gary Chapman and Mark Corts officiating.
Burial followed at Westlawn Me-
mortil Gardens.
Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds '
Hospice Home. 101 Hospice ^
Lane. Winston-Salem. 27103.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
. Patricia Brown Gartner
7 Mrs. Patricia Anne BrownCartncr, 59, of Brown Drive,Mocksvitle, died Wednesday,
Dec. 10,2003 at her home.
A funeral service was held Fri
day, Dec. 12 at 11 a.m. at Eaton
Funeral Chapel with the Revs.
Dennis Marshali and Wade Chil-ders officiating. Burial was in
Hardison United MethodistChurch Cemetery.
Memorials: Hardison Method
ist, 1630 Jericho Church Road,
Mocksville; or to Gideons International. Davie Camp, P.O. Box
182, Mocksville.Mrs. Cartner was bom Aug.
12, 1944 in Davie County to the
late Thomas Allen and Janice Lee
Whitlock Brown and was a home-
maker. She was a member ofHardison United Methodist 1Church. I
Survivors: her husband, W. JoeCartner of the home; 2 children,
Barry J. Cartner, Lori C. Callison
both of Mocksville; 3 grandchil
dren; and 3 brothers.
. Dennis Edward Cook■V Dennis Edward "Eddie" Cook,34, died recently in Haywood"
County.Bom in Davie County on Feb.15, 1969, he was the son of thelate Edward and Glenda MyrickCook. He was employed by TriPower and was of the Baptist faith.Survivors: a sister, DebbieSeatt of Farroington; 2 nieces; a
great-niece; and several aunts and
uncles.A memorial service was heldon Ihesday, Dec. 9 at the Davie• Funeral Service Chapel with the iRev. Matt Anzivino of FamilyTabernacle Church officiating, A Iprivate burial was planned.
Harold Griffithsy Mr. Harold Griffiths, 78, ofMocksvilie, died Monday, Dec. .15, 2003 at Kate B. Reynolds
Hospice Home.He was bom on Aug. 22,1925in Keaisley, England to Richard
and Mary Ellen Peers Griffiths.He was retired from Ingersoll-Rand in 1986 with 37 years of ser
vice.'Survivors: his wife, Maijorie'^ Mills Griffiths of the home; a sonT and daughter-in-law, Paul and
Elaina Grifliths of Austin, Texas;a sister, Mary Tremblay of Fbiest,Ontario: and a brother, Alan IGriffiths of England. ,Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds 'Hospice Home, 101 Hospice '
Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103.
Helen Guth |/ The memorial service for1 HelenGuthofAdvance,whodied iFiiday, Nov. 21,2003, in Advance iwill be held at 11 a.m. Saturday,Dec. 13, at Elkin Valley Baptist iChurch. I.
Mrs. Guth was the wife of the 'late Rev. Walter C. Guth, a former !pastor of Elkin Valley Baptist '
Church in Elkin. The Walter andHelen Guth Chapel of the Hugh IChatham Memorial Hospital inElkin is being named in theirhoiior. Mrs. Guth was a Bible jteacher, community leader and 'businesswoman, having many artistic and caring qualities whileliving in Elkin and, until recently, .in Redlands, Calif. iSurvivors; a daughter, Caryl J. jGuth, M.D„ of Advance; a son, IWendell L. Guth of Holland,Mich.; and 2 grandchildren.Memorials: Guth Family jFund, Office of Development, ■Wake Forest University Baptist
Medical Center, Medical CenterBlvd., Winston-Salem, 27157-1021. The fund will be used to
support research focused on "healing and prevention" by the effec- :tive integration of proven "alternative" medical practices and
technologies into traditional medi-
Count/ Publio LfbratywooltsWilg, Mc
DAVIE county enterprise record, Thursday, Dec. 18,2003 -
Richard Lee Hendrix
Mr. Richard Lee Hendrix. 74.of Riverview Road. Advance,
died Monday, Dec. IJ, 2003 at
Autumn Care of Mocksville.
A funeral service was held
Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. at
Eaton Funeral Chapel with theRev. David Smith officiating.
Burial was in Fork Baptist Church
MemoriaU: Fork Baptist Cem
etery Fund. 3140 U.S. 64 EMocksvill; or Hospice of Davie.'
P.O. Box 848. Mocksville.
Hendrix was bom June 13,1929 in Davie County, a son of the
late Charles and Myrtle Sain
Hendrix. He had been in the an
tique furniture refinishing busi
ness for 25 years, formerly with
Hendricks and Merrell Furniture
Company. He was active with the
Davie Board of Elections from ,
1993-1999. served in the National
Guard and was precinct chairmanof the Democratic Party.
Survivors: his wife of 54 years.Elva Potts Hendrix of the home;
his children, a daughter, Susan
(Ronm'e) Shoaf of Pageland. S.C,
and a son, Dickie (Dana) Hentlrix
of Advance; 4 grandchildren; a
great-grandson; 3 sisters-in-law.
Evelyn Rattz Hendrix. Pauline
Beane Hendrix and Dorothy
Grubbs Hendrix.
Mr. Hendrix was preceded in
death by 4 brothers. Odell. Tho
mas, Paul and Frank "Jim"
Mai^aret Lee McLemore
Margaret Lee Boger
McLemore, 71, of Sofley Street,
Mocksville, died on Wednesday,
Dec. 10,2003 at Lexington Me
morial Hospital.
Bom in Davie County on April
10,1932, she was the daughter of
Evelyn Will Boger, who survives.
She retired in 1994 as a CNA at
Davie Village, and attended Oak
Grove United Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by
her husband of 23 years, Joe Jack
"Buck" McLemore.
Survivors: 4 sons. Donald Joe
(Shirley) McLemore, Darrell Eu
gene (Denise) McLemore. Bany
Lynn (Connie) McLemore. all of
Lexington, and Steven Lee
McLemore of Mocksville; 4
brothers. Jesse Harding Boger,
Sherman Boger and J. Harold
Boger, all of Florida, and Eugene
Boger of Cooleemee; a sister,
Madaline Shelton of Mocksville;
7 grandchildren; and a great
Funeral services were con- .
ducted Monday. Dec. IS, at.l p.m.
at Davie Funeral Service Chapel
with the Rev. Roger Lackey offi
ciating. Burial was in Forest Hills
Memorial Park in Lexington.
Annie Foster Poplin
Mrs. Annie Delora Foster
"Deedy" Poplin. 81. formerly of
Magnolia Avenue. Mocksville,
died Ttiesday afternoon, Dec. 16.
2003 at Davie County Hospital.
She had been a resident at
Somerset Place for the past few
Funeral services will be at 2
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18 in Eaton
Funeral Chapel with Dr. Van
Lankford officiating. Burial will
n be in Rose Cemetery. The family
was to be at the funeral home
Wednesday evening from 6:30-8.
Memorials: Mocksville First
Baptist Scholarship or Childrens
Funds. 390 N. Main St., Mocks
Mrs. Poplin was bom Dec. 16.
1922 in Davie County and was
retired from Western Electric. She
was a homeiqaker. She was a
member of Mocksville First Baptist Church, where she sang in the
choir and was a Children's Sun
day School teacher for many
She was preceded in death by
her husband, Harold R. Poplin, a
sister, Mabel Lanier, and a brother,
Martin G. Foster.
Surviving: a daughter, Sylvia
E Lagle and a son, David (Candy)
Poplin, all of Mocksville; 4 grand
children; 4 great-grandchildren; a
sister, Helen Hendricks, and a
brother, George Foster, both of
Davie County Publie utirery
Mocksville, NC
DAVIE county enterprise record. Thursday, Dec. 18,2003.
John Mayes Seats Sr.
^ Mr. John Mayes Seals Sr., 86,
of Kemersville, died Thursday,
Dec. 11, 2003 at Countryside
Manor in Stokesdale.
. HewasbpmMay 23,1917to
the late Laura White Seats Woo
druff. Mr. Seats served in the Ci
vilian Conservation Corps from
1935-1937. He was a veteran of
World War II serving in the South
PaciOc for three years as a chap
lain assistant. Mr. Seats retired
from Piedmont Concrete, and was
a member of Huntsville Baptist
Church where he served as a dea-
con, Sunday School teacher, and
Sunday School superintendent.
Surviving: his wife of 38
years, Virginia Howell Seats,
Kemersville; 4 children, John M,
(Linda) Seats Jr., Carolyn V.
(Ronnie) McDonald, Linda S.
(Glenn) Gregory and Judy A.
Sidden; a brother, Claude Seats of
Huntsville; 7 grandchildren; and
a great-grandson.
His funeral service was held at
3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14 at Hunts
ville Baptist Church by Rev. Vann
Harrell. Burial followed in the
church cemetery, with full military
honors by Yadkin VFW Post
Memorials: Huntsville Baptist
CHittrch Cemetery Fund, Court-
ney/Huntsville Road. Yadkinvitle.
Theodore T. Shore Jr.
Mr. Theodore T. Shore, Jr., 73,
of Pleasant Garden, died Monday,
Dec. 15,2003.
The funeral will be held at 2
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, at Christ
Wesleyan Church on Holden
Road, conducted by the Rev. Don
Shelton and Drs. Gordon Miller,
Keith Carroll, and Randall
Johnson. Burial will follow in
Lakeview Memorial Park, off of
Highway 29 North.
He was a son of the late
Theodore Worth Shore Sr., and
Beulah Ruth Shore. Mr. Shore was
a Gideon, a past member of the
VFW, a veteran of the Korean
War, serving on the USS H.W.
Burner, from 1948-1952, during
the Inchon Invasion. He worked
for Odell Hardware for 43 years,
retiring as warehouse supervisor.
Survivors: his wife of48 years.
Lee Shore; 3 children, Stuart
Shore of Mocksville, Byron Shore
of Brazil, and Adonna Shore of
Pleasant Garden; a brother, David
Shore and wife Brenda of
Kannapolis; sisters, Evangeline
Shore Cirba of Greensboro, Delia
Shore Stroud and husband, Harold
of High Point, Lois Shore Gibson
and husband Sonny of Greens
boro, Rachel Shore Black ami hus
band Ed of Rocky Mount; 4
grandchildren; and long time
friend. Johnny Shouse of Lexing
ton, Ky.
The family was to receive
frieiuls from 7-9 p.iiL Wednesday.
Dec. 17 at Hanes-Lineberry Fu
neral Home. Vanstory Street.
Memorials: Greensboro Hos
pice. 2500 Summit Ave., Greens
boro, 27405: or Sowers Interna
tional, c/o Byron Shore. P.O. Box
2260, Orange, Caif. 92859.
Davie County Public Utirarv
Mooksville, NC
David Wllbert Ball
J Mr.DavidWilbcrtB8U.64,of
Thomasville, died Friday. Dec. 19,
2003 In Fotsyih Medical Center.
He was bom Dec. 20, 1938 in
Forsyth County, a son of John Ball
and Leila Mitchell Ball. He was
an employee of Thomasville Fur
niture and served in the U.S. Nat^.
He attended Testimonial Baptist
Surviving: 4 daughters, Denise
Ball and Teresa Ball, both of Win-ston-Salem, Angel Ball of
Yadkinville and Cindy Toshi of
Orlando, Ra.: 2 sons, Keith Ball
of Thomasville and Michael Ball
of Mocksville; 2 sisters. Lucille
Luffman of Winston-Salem and
Millie Sapp of Kemersville; a
brother, Johnny Ball of Winston-
Salem; and 10 grandchildren.
A memorial service was con
ducted Monday, Dec. 22 in the
J.C. Green & Sons Chapel inThomasville. ^
Zeda McDaniel Brown
Mrs. Zeda Lee McDaniel
Brown, 82, of Winston-Salem
died Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003, at
Britthaven of Kemersville.
She was bom Jan. 22.1921, in
High Point to Carl and Nellie
Brown McDaniel. She was retired
from Sears Roebuck and Co. She
was a member of Salem Baptist
Church where she taught Sunday
school and sang in the choir. She
often went on camping trips with
her sons.■She was preceded in death byher parents; her brothers, C.Dempsey McDaniel antyValter R.
McDaniel; her sisters. Sue EllenMcDaniel and Sylvia McDanielPrince; a granddaughter. Robin
Christine Russell; and by 2 hus
bands. Frank W. Russell and Odell
J. Brown.Surviving: 4 sons, F. Patrick(Bonnie) Russell of Advance,
Michael L. Russell of Salisbury,Danny Russell of Tennessee andKieran B. (Margaret) Brown of
Winston-Salem; 6 grandchildren:3 great-grandchildren; a brother,
Aaron (Shirley) McDaniel; and a
sister, Betty Isaacs.
A funeral service was held at2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23, atHaywortlyMiller Silas Creek
Chapel with Dr. Howard Wilbum
and Dr. Donald Drake ofriciating.
Burial followed in Oaklawn Me
morial Gardens. TMemorials: Salem Baptist
Christian School, 429 S. Broad
St., Winston-Salem, 27101.
.Edwin Michael CassidyJ Mr. Edwin Michael Cassidy,54, of Winston-Salem, died Dec.16,2003 at Forsyth Medical Cen-
Mr. Cassidy was bom Dec. 12,1949 to Emcst Maxwell Cassidyand Opal Ferrell Cassidy inCharleston, W.Va. He graduated
in 1972 with a bachelor's degreein business from Marshall University. He started in the banking industry with NCNB in Charlotte in1972 and was in banking for 30years, most recently with Bank of
the Carolinas in Mocksville. Hewas a former Rotarian of Winston-
Salem.Surviving: a daughter, Cynthia
L. Cassidy; a son and daughter-in-law. Michael A. and Jaime C.Cassidy. all of Winston-Salem;his mother. Opal F. Cassidy ofHuntington. W.Va.; Nina L.i Cassidy. the mother of their children; a special friend, WendyAndrews; 2 brothers. C. Maxwelland wife Janie of Huntington.W.Va. and Kenneth L, Cassidyand wife Billie of Durham; a sister. Mary C. Nelson and husbandTerry of Hickory: and 12 nieces
and nephews.The funeral service was at 11a.m. Friday. Dec. 19atVogler&Sons Reynolda Road Chapel. Entombment followed at Forsyth
Vlemorial Park.Memorials: American HeartAssociation. Triad. 202 Centre
Port Dr. Greensboro. 27409.
/Norman Eugene Charles
Mr. Norman Eugene Charles,52, of Mocksville, died Saturday,
Dec. 20,2003 at his home.
Mr. Charles was born in
Forsyth County on March 11,
1951, the son of Carl S. and
Norma Hemrick Charles. He
served in the U.S. Army with the
82nd Airborne Division at FortBragg where he achieved Jump
Master status. He received his ;
British Jump Wings in England
and was formerly employed by the.
Veterans Administration.
Mr. Charles was preceded in
death by his father and an infam
Survivors: his wife, ElizabethJacobs Charles of the home; a .
daughter. Slacey Charles Bunch of
Houston. Texas; his mother,
Norma Hemrick Charles of
Gemmons; a sister. Carol (Jim)
Taylor of Gastonia; a special aunt
and uncle, Barbara Reich and
Charles Hemrick; a brother-in- ,
law, Mike Jacobs of Kemersville; :and a sister-in-law, Mary J. Jacobs
of Fayetteville,Graveside services were held !
at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23 in
Salem Cemetery by the Rev. Baity f
Memorials: Pine Chapel
Moravian Church, 324 Goldfloss
St., Winston-Salem, 27127. f
Ci David County Public Library
Woo<?svllle, NO
• s-
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Betty Gene Foster
MrsBeityCeneTallentFos-ler. 60. of Comatzer Road. Mocks-
"ille, died Thursday. Dec. 18.
2003 at Winslon-Salem Rehablli-
lationA Health Center.Mrs. Foster was bom May 7.
• 943 in Rutherford County, a
daughter of Dusty Lillian Calio-
way and Marvin Robert Tallem.
She was preceded in death by•ler parents, and her husband of 35
years, Mitchell T.Foster.
Survivors: a son, ThomasAllen Foster of Mocksville- a
daughter. Norma F. (James L.)
George of Harmony; 3 brothers.
Roben Lee (Ruby)Tallent of Lex
ington. Russell (UUi4n)Tallent ofFork Church, and Marshal (Doris)
Tallent of Yadkinville; 4 sisters,
Francis Hamilton and Margaret
(Johnny) Garretson, all of Ad
vance, and Marie (Jimmy) Mullis
and Nadaine (Clarence) Spillman,
7 ofMoeksville; and 4 giandchU-dren.
Funeral services were conducted Sunday. Dec. 21 by the
Revs. Danial Gamble and Marga
ret Garretson from the Mocksville
Church of God. Burial followed
at Legion Memorial Park in Cool-
Memorials: a charity of the
donor's choice.
John Frank Jones
Mr. John Frank Jones. 83. of
Bowens Road. Mocksville. died
on Saturday. Dec. 20, 2003 at
WFU Baptist Medical Center.
Bom in Davie County on July n
18, 1920, he was the son of the
late Willie and Ola Taylor Jones.
He was a retired farmer, and he
enjoyed raising chickens and
goats and sitting under the shade
tree visiting with neighbors and
His wife. Velma Mae Jones,
preceded him in death in 1984. He
was also preceded iii death by 3
brothers and a sister.
Survivors: 5 sons. William
Jones and Roy Odell Taylor, both
of Lexington. Roger Jones of
Mocksville. Charles Jones of
Farmington and John Thomas
Jones ofThomasville; a daughter,
Carol Reavis of Mocksville; 16
grandchildren; and 22 great
Funeral services were con
ducted Tuesday, Dec. 23.2003 at
Davie Funeral Service Chapel
with the Rev. Paul Sink officiat
ing. Burial was in Union Chapel
United Methotjist Church Cein-
Floyd Granville Shore
• Mr. Royd Granville Shore. 74.
of Advance, died Wednesday,
Dec. 17,2003 at Forsyth Medical
Center following a lengthy illness.
Mr. Shore was bom July I.
1929 in Yadkin County to Alfred
and Ella Mae Pinnix Shore. He
was a veteran of the Korean War,
retired after 18 years of service as
a machine operator from R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco, enjoyed farm
ing and raising livestock, member
of Advance VFW Post 8719 and
of Yadkin Valley Baptist Church
where he had served as an usher.
He was preceded in death by
his parents and a brtkher, Retcher
Survivors: his wife. Patsy
Wood Shore of the home; a daugh
ter and son-in-law Carol and Mil-
ion Hadley of Roxboro; a son and
daughter-in-law, Jeff and Yvette
Long Shore of Advance; 3 grand
children; a brother and 4 sisters.
Hazel and Garvey Gregory. Gar-
vey and Gaye Shore and M^ and
Hurley Johnson, all of Hampton-
ville. Magdiene and Sam Wall of
Yadkinville. and Eulalah and Paul
Swaim of Lewisville; 12 nieces
and nephews.
Funeral services were held
Friday, Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. at Yadkin
Valley Baptist Chuich with Pas
tor Ronnie Craddock and Chap
lain A.G. Parker officiating. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Memorials: Yadkin Valley
Building Fund, 1324 Yadkin Val
ley Rd., Advance. . I
Datfii County Public LibraryMooksvHle, NO
n <u
Richard Brent Starnes
Mr. Richard Brent Starnes, 58,
of Harmony, died Wednesday,
Dec. 17,2003 at his residence af-
ler a lengthy illness.
Bom in Cabarrus County on
July 23,1945, he was the son of
Andy Tafft and Carrie Mae
Haitsell Stames. He was disabil
ity retired from Fieldcrest-Can-
non, was of the Bapnst faith, and
anended Bailey's Chapel Church.
Survivors: his wife, Carolyn
Barnes Stames, who he married
on June 14; 2 daughters, Lori
Little andTiffany Stames, both of
Harmony; a stepson, Casey
Barnes of Advance; 3 brothers,
Johnny Stames of Kannapolis,
Junior Stames of Concord and
David Stames of China Grove; 3
sisters, Linda Dunlap and Gracie
Stames, both of Kannapolis, and
Janice Starnes of China Grove;
and 2 grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by
his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sis-
Funeral services were held Fii-
day, Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. at Davie
Funeral Service Chapel in Mocks-
ville with the Rev. Jimmy
Lancaster officiating. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Ethel Mae Stroud
Mrs. Ethel Mae Ladd Stroud,
J 92, of Statesville, died Wednes-.
day, Dec, 17, 20O3, at Davis Re
gional Medical Center after a pe
riod of declining health.
She was bom Dec. 2.191], in
Davie County to Rome L. Ladd
and Lona Belle Moore Ladd, who
preceded her in death. She at
tended Harmony High School.
She was married to John Pinkney
Stroud. who died Aug. 5, 1967.
She was a member of Jericho '
Church of Christ in Mocksville
and worked with her husband on
their farm until his death, at which
time she went to work as a ship
ping clerk at Hettrick Mfg. She J
worked there until her retirement'
She was also preceded in death |
by a daughtet Annie Mae Stroud, j
who died in infancy; and 2 broth
ers, Burlie Ladd and Carl Ladd Sr.
Survivors: a son, Donald R.
Stroud and wife Janet of .Winston-
Salem: 2 daughters, Aileen S.
Powell and husband Norman and
Marie S. Vaughn, both of
Statesville: 3 sisters, Edith L.
Little of Mooresville, Hazel L.
Frye and husband Paul of Har
mony and Maty Ellen Frazier of
Huntersville; 8 grandchildren: 10
great-grandchildren; and a num
ber of nieces and nephews.
The funeral was conducted at
3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19, at Jericho .
Church of Christ, Mocksville. by i
Mike Mobley and Harding
Lowery. Burial followed in, |
Clarksbury United Methodist j
Church Cemetery.
Memorials: Shrinets' Crippled
Children's Hospital; or Carolina
Bible Camp, P.O. Box 1234,
Sarah Elizabeth Williard
y Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie"
Williard, 91, of Wyo Road, died ^
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003, at Yadkin 1
Nursing Center.
She was bom Nov. 18, 1912,
in Forsyth County to the late John
Henry and Mary Thompson Mize.
She was a homemaker and had
lived most of her life in Yadkin
County. She anended Mount Ol
ive United Methodist Church,
where she was the oldest member.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, J.W. "Bill" Williard;
and a brother, Willie Mize.
Surviving: 2 sons, Bobby
(Charlotte) Williard and Johnny
(Janice) Williard, all of the Wyo
community: 4 grandchildren: and
7 great-grandchildren.
Her funeral service was con
ducted at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21,
at Mount Olive United Methodist
Church by Dr. Joe Lear. Burial
followed in the church cemetery.
Memorials: Mount Olive
Methodist Cemetery Fund, 3521
Wyo Road, Yadkinville, 27055. y
Davii County Publie LibraryMocksville, NO