12-DecemberV o l. IX.MOCKSVILLE. N..C„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1907.No. 23. STINGS FROM THE YELLOW JACKET The best argument for Protec­ tion is that it protects. I Prosperity is the handmaid of the Bepnbliean party. IF The Kepublican party claims nothing but what the people have given it—in other words, Republi­ canism means the voice of the peo­ ple. • ' ,It Gov. Vardeman’sjidealof justice appears to’be to get there whit ia rope as quick as.you can and save expenses. If It appears that the people of Cleveland, Ohio, want some more of Joh usoD. All right, they can have all ,they want of him, I - Mr. Bryaa’s home, precinct went Bepublican on him again. It does seem like he might induce his own neighbors to vote like they holler. I Mr George Fred Williams says there are “plenty of good Demo­ crats left;” which is the same as saying that a lot of them have abs­ conded from the Demdcratic ranks, It ‘= .iiIn God We Trust,” they Say, has.been omitted Irom the new $10 gold coin. - 'However, we'withhold our comment until we behold the omission with our own eyes, T Since^the Japanese wrestler has given Mr. Booseveltthat big sword, let it be ‘‘the Big sword’’ instead.of “the big stick.’’ Anything to break the monotony. IF If it'is a splendid good thing to stop stock gambling for a few days to relieve financial conditions in New York, why would it not be a good thing to cut it out altogether? Yes, why! TfWhere Senator Tillman is at present we hardly know, but it is safe to conjecture that he is not very far removed from the box-man who takes in the cash at the win­ dow at a dollar a head. A Democratic paper declares that Mr. Boosevelt would be the easiest man to beat in next year’s cam­ paign. Then why, oh, why, are the Demmy leaders so afraid that • lie will be nominated! " ' ■- ' ' if ' ' •• Historyisvery silent when it comes to giving the names of American citizens who have flatly refused nominations *tb the pre­ sidency of the IJnited States. Get your histories and be convinced.. If Kow it. comes out that Gov-. Vard- ' ehian sculled out of Mississippi _to Memphis so as not to be in the State at the same time that Mr. Boosevelt was. Well,, well, no­ body’s got apy kick coming, ex­ cepting possibly Memphis. As a special inducement to those •Who are behind on their subscrip­ tion and to others whose - subscrip­ tions are about to expire. or will soon run out, we are', going to give away on Dec. 25tb, a line ElgiD hunting case gold watch. Bvery person paying 50 cents on sub scriptiOD, either new or renewal, ^etsacbanckAt* the watch. Oiie ticket.goes .with each Bifty cents paid tis. It you pay $1 you get 2 tickets, pay $2 and get 4 tickets, and so. on. Bead ad on local page for full particulars. Some, one of 'our subscribers will get this ^atoh... Call around at our office and ex­ amine it. Ceneral Coxey Now Prosperous. Goldfield, Nev. Nov. 29.—-jGeni eral” Jacob S. Coxey, who, 13 years ago, led an army of 1,000 populists Irom Massillon, O., to Washington in behalf ol good roads and non-interest bearing bonds, has again come iuto the limelight. He is now the owner of a mine at Fairview. Kev., and says that as soon as he takes out $200,000 worth of ore he will finance a free lecturetonrofthe United States. Coxey is 57 years old. He says the present financial crisis is due to the ‘‘credit system,” whiclr it is his life ambition to abolish. He has named his boy “Legal Ten­ der,” and says’the son will con­ tinue the fight if the father dies before it is won. Cosey has a stone quarry in Massillon, and is well- to-do. He has received two nom inations for congressman and one for governor frciu the Ohio Popu­ lists. A Dangerous Deadlock. That sometimes terminates fatal­ ly, is the stoppage of-live? arid bowel functions. To quickly end this condition without disagreeable sensations, Dr. King’s New Life Pills should always be your rem­ edy." Gurarnteed absolutely satis­ factory in every case or money back,, at C. C. Sanford Sons Co. 25c.‘ ‘ Cigarettes For Women Not so Bad. “The question of morality or immorality is not involved in the use of cigarettes by women,” de­ clares Miss Florence Haywood, of St. Louis, one of the South’s best known public , women. “ It is simply a jmatter of taste, like one’s choice between a beef steak or mutton chops, or laced and but­ toned shoes. It is for the woman to decide whether she shall smoke. “It is undeniably a mistake, however, for a woman to smoke when by so doing she will give of­ fense to persons of deep-rooted opinions. Itisjustas bad form to wear a low-necked dress at so­ cial entertainments where clergy­ men are expected to be present. The mere wearing of such a gar­ ment is not wrong, but it becomes wrong where it violates any estab­ lished canon of society.” It will be a hard matter for Miss Florence Hayward, or anyone else to convince the intelligent ladies of the Old North State that it is lady-like and refined to be seen walking or lounging around smok­ ing cigarettes. Duke WantedToo Much. You’d think, wouldn’t you. that a nice, pretty American girl was good enough in herself to line up with any of the so-called proud old names ot Europe? And if the girl had an income of $200,000 a year, why, it would be the finest kind of bargain for a “duke” or any other old kind of nobleman. But not so with the duke of Alba, of Spain. This Mr. Alba had many fine old ancestors and many tough ones, but at present there’s nothing much left but the name. Some timeago announcement was made of the duke’s engagement to Miss Mathilde Townsend,, a Wash­ ington belle. Alba set agents to work to investigate her income. It was found that Miss Townisend’s mother had an income.of $200,000 a year. The duke told his fiance’s mother that really he admired Miss Townsend very, much arid ioved her very greatly, but that his wife must have that much in­ come herself. Ah! Too bad, Ioo bad! Mrs. Townsend is an ambitions mother, but also' a sensible oue, -and she broke lhatengagement jn- stanten—Rural Weekly. Look here mister! You are owing us on subscription. Why not pay up and get a chance or two on that -watch and gun-we are' going to give away Christmas. - ; Here’s GoodiAdvice. " O. S. Woolever oiie of the best knowu merchants of Le Baysvillej N., Y.,says: “If you are ever troubled vriUr piles, apply Buck- len’s Arnica. Salve. It cured me of them for good 20 years ago.” Guaranteed for sores, wounds, burns or abrasions. .25e at C. .C, Saaford Sons Co. CGME TO SALEEBY’S UP-TO-DATE CANDY KITCKEN.- CANDY MADE DAILY. Salisbury,R C • I * a t* fcl. I f l f * * # 4 * * * When You Vial Salisbury, N. C., * *4* It will be to your interest to see the * enormous stock of furniture carried * I by THE BIG FURNITURE STORE. | t t h e WITHERSPOON CO. £ S Empire Block. 222-224 S. Main. % *!44*4*4*4*4^4*4*4*4*4*4*4* 4‘4*4*4‘4**I*4‘4‘4‘4*4‘4‘ The Red Front Cash Grocery. Theplace to buy your groceries. They are cheap, fresh and will be delivered'to your home free. A full line of canned goods, groceries and vegetables always on hand. Keep Your Money Busy—Yet Safe. Don’t put it in Safe Deposit boxes. Don’t keep it at home. Lt earnsnothinganddefeats the purpose of money. Piitit inSix Per Cent. Beal Estate first _ mortgages, guaranteed by the North Carolina Trust Company. Write for particulars. C apital $125,000, NORTH CAROLINA TRUST COMPANY. GREENSBORO, N.-C. JOB Letter Heads, Note Heads, 4 * Bill Heads, Statements and Envelopes. WORK GUARANTEED. PRICES REASONABLE. I TH)e Davie IRecorb 30b !Print.WORK The Davie Record and that hot insect known as The Yellow Jacket, Both One Year For Seventy-five Cents. Just § We do «21 km#* of t Modem Job Priating Z te. at Low Prices. I P Right in and subscribe for The Davie Record, It will only cost you 50 cents for one whole year. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS • North--Soiitli--Easi-West. T h fd U g ltT rain s Between Principal Cltiesaud Ttcsorts' ~ AFFORDING-FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cais on all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation ('sirs. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South- ern Railway. Bates, Schedules and other information furnished by ' addressing the undersigned: R, L. V ebnon , Trav. Pass. Agt., "j. H. W ood, Dist. Pass. Agent / Charlottel TiTG, Asheville, IC 0. 8 H . H a e d w x c k I ass. TraiBc Mgr. W. H. TAYLOE1G eu1I Pass Agt , WASHINGTON. P. C. Fresh Bread Received Tues- and Fridays, Mocksville, N. C, Now is the time when you can •V ' ■ . . . $ £ a> cm © E . I r c r I a> b o ; g '-& i This space ought to he used and paid for hy one of the business houses in Mocksville who want the trade of the people of county* I Upsqns uo • r THE DAViE RECORD. E» H. MORRIS - Proprietor. C FRANK STROUD - - Ediior Terms of Subscription: One copy, One Year,______50c.One oopy, Six Months,_____25c. Sintered at the Postofflce in Moclcs- ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail matter, Marc!i 3,1903. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANT PAPER EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY. MOCKSVILLE. N. C., DEC. 5,1907. And yet not a single bank in this State has failed. We have an interesting commu­ nication from a friend-in Georgia, which TViIl appear in our next issne. We are in no danger of freezing at present, as % friend has laid us in a supply of wood. What we need now is pumpkins and pork. We have received a copy of Out­ look, a new paper published at Beaufort. The Outlook starts off with bright prospects. We wish it much success. Misery loves company. We sent a §2 check, on one of the best banks in the state, to a leading merchant the other day and he was actually afraid to cash it. Some people are awfully easy scared, it would seem. The man who will get- mad when presented with a just bill, is mean- - er than the devil wants him to be. We are glad that there are bad debt ca-llecting agencies, for they are sorely needed. The Hickory Times-Mercary has enlarged to a 7 column, 4 page pa­ per, and will be issued weekly in­ stead of semi-weekly. It presents a neat appearance,sand is full of live, newsy matter. We congratu­ late Editor Click on the improve­ ment in his paper. * C o w h t^ AU Communications of NEWS with writer’s name attached will be ,g, gladly; accepted. ' ^ & Dutchman CreekHappenings, his saw mill Saturday, had a bad wreck with his traction - engine. The road was so ba<Uy blocked by tie smash-up that Mr. H. M. Deadmond, the road overseer, was called out to open -a driveway so people could pass. Most of our boys went lyinting Thanksgiving. We didrijlt Iiaye aiiyJurkey, but we had plenty of rabbit, and be­ sides, we killed the big pumpkin. We were looking tor • the editor. We don’t know why he didn’t come, unless he took Uncle Josha' advice and went to find the good .woman who feeds her pumpkins to the hogs. We know the editor likes pnmpkin pie and can’t help it, but we don’t believe that he has got as far along as the prodigal son, that he has to. feed with, the swine. • Mr, Beck, of Jerusalem, had a sale Saturday, in which ? he dis­ posed of all his farm, emplements, horses and cattle. Everything seemed to bring very good prices except a baby go-cart-, which sold for five cents. Those newly. mar­ ried people at Farmington didn’t know what was to b8 sold. Mr.. J. J. Daniel and family, ■ of Lexington, has moved back to Msl old home at Augusta. Thenewstorehouseof Mr. J. W. Martin, on Noi-th Main street, is nearing completion. " s ■" Lit t l e Bia c k E t e s.. From o u r Regular Co r r e s p o n d e n t * Com shuckings are about a thing of the past in this section. Mr. Frank Ellis and wife visited’ their daughter, Mrs. Will McCar­ ter at Salisbury part of last week. Mrs. Ellen Weaver celebrated her 89th birthday Nov. 25. She is in very good health for that age. As I saw something in The Re­ cord last week about a good renter, I would like to say that Mr. Japob Foster, who lives on the Hanes farm, raised 578 bushels of wheat, 875 bushels of corn, 1%7 gallons of molasses. He estimates his cot­ ton crop at 7 or 8 bales, but i he didn’t raise it all on 4 acres of land. Mr. A. M. Garwood made about ?00 bushels of corn on six acres of land, an average of 50 bushels to the acre. Can any one beat that for corn? j U kole B il l. Kurfees Item*. ITotwithstandiug the money pan­ ic, as somerte?m:-it^we~‘were kept busy all day Saturday writing re­ ceipts for The Record. The cash just literally roiled in. Our sub­ scribers had no trouble in selling their cotton, and the resnlt is that they have plenty of cash. A man wrote us the other day, telling us to discontinue his paper, as we run too many medicine ad­ vertisements. Dearly beloved, if you would take a lew doses of a good patent Inedicine1,,.we believe it would do you good. A fellow who stops his -paper because of a 'few medicine ads, certaitily needs a dose of something. Governor Glenn wanted all the preachers in the State to read his Thanksgiving proclamation from their pulpits on Thanksgiving day. We don’t know whether they com­ plied with his request or not. The Yadkin Ripple,i in commenting on this matter, says that the people in ITorth Carolina have one thing especially to be thaukful for, viz: That a new chief executive will step into power in Eorth Carolina next year. Almost daily one reads of houses being plundered and hoarded mon­ ey being stolen. It does seem to us that'people would learn by ex­ perience from others, that it is un­ wise and foolish to keep their cash hidden away in or around their homes. With two good banks in . Davie counry, there is no neceSSty for any one to keep money Mddep at home, endangering not only the loss of the money bntr human life as well. When you put your sav­ ings in a bank, it not only protects your money, but pays you interest on the same. We have not writ­ ten this.in the interest of the banks but for the benefit of those who 40 not look well to their own best interests by hiding their money in unsafe places, instead of putting it where it will-help the owner, the country, and will not be an in­ ducement to thieves to break in 'your homes-and steal, and perhaps murder yon. ^ Jfrom our Regular Correspondent. Cleve Emerson, who is attend ing school at Oak Bidge, spent several days last week with home folks. D. C. Kurfees and Miss' Marga­ ret Stonestreet spent Thanksgiving at Mr." J. A. Linville’s in South Mocksville. J. F. Stonestreet and sister. Miss Margaret, spent Saturday and Sun day with friends at Cool, Springs-. A number of young people at tended a musicale at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Booe Bailey on last Saturday nightaud all re port a delightful time. How about it, Miss M. T.» Arthur Seamon, of Salisbury, was in our berg last week: VieLi Advance Items. out a head reminds me of a school teacher I went to once. She loved the heads, so the scholars-,would carry them to school to. her. You said if I could tell how this conld occur, you would give me credit for my brooms. You could have went to the trap and cut 'the head oil and took it home and eat it and left the rest of the rabbit for the other fellow. If you are so fond of rabbits, come up and we will catch- us one -and roast and eat him, As for potatoes, we have some nice ones. U ncle J o sh. Cana Happenings. is scarce. No weddings to report yet. Hurrah for the dear old Record. It is in the lead and likely to remain so. Sotjtheen Gie l . Items From Strouds. Prom onr Regrular Correspondent. - Mrs. J. B. Holman, of Lexing­ ton, visited Mr. C. D. Crouch’s family Saturday night. Mrs. S. M. Tucker, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for the past three years, will re­ turn to her home in- Illinois Tues­ day, accompanied by her step-son, Mr. Calvin Tucker, who has been visiting here for three weeks. Mrs. Lizzie Garwood is visiting her daughter, MrB. Will Mason, at River Hill. IiIiss Maggie Stonestreet, of Kur- fees. was a pleasant visitor in our section Sunday. Miss Hattie Foy, of Hickory, is visiting in this community. She will return to her home the last of this week. Mr. Editor, you wait till J get married and I will send yVu a piece of cake and-pnmpkin pie.’ Little Blu e Bie d . North Augusta News. From our Regular Correspotdenfci Mr. Charlie Thompson and wife, of Salisbury, are visiting Mr.. Q-.' W. Cope at this place. Mr. C. M. Foster, while moving pRoiia ou r Regular Co r r e s p o n d e n t . Dr. Stork visited the home of Mr. j. W. Mechum the past week, and as-a result; left a -pair of twin girls. Commenting upon the mat­ ter, Soije gentleman said a panic had visited the home ot said party, ■burafter Iearniog that there were two in place of one, said -Sno, it’s a famine in pla^eof a panic.” Mrs. Cynthia Cornatzer, of Cor- natzer, celebrated her 94th birth­ day Thanksgiving day at the home- of her son, Mr. Ab COTnatzer 1 A large crowd was present. Mrs. Eli Hartman, w hoJIoe some months has been indisposed, died and was laid to rest in Advance cemetery Sunday evening. Also Mrs. Sim Mock, of near Mock’s church, was buried at that place last Monday' evening. Our sym­ pathy is extended to the 'relatives and friends of each of the above parties. There was a candy party given at the home of Mr. C. L. Thomp­ son last Thursdav night by .Mess. Odell Thompson and E. H. Jones. - L u n k h e a d . From onr TJc^iiLir Cbrre3()0])c!enf, On last Monday there was 18 hundred and thirty-six pounds of pork ^killed in Cana. Mr. W. H. FoOte killed a hog which weighed 4 hundred and forty-seven pounds. Mr. J. H. Haneline killed two hogs, one year old each, which weighed 808i pounds. Prof. P. H. Nance of this place went to Winston last Friday on a visit to his parents. Qnitea crowd of our young peo­ ple went to Cooleemee on Saturday to see their . friend Miss* Lizzit Granger, returning Sunday and report a pleasant trip. Miss Lina Haneline visited Misi Lizzie Kance Saturday night. Mr. J. D.' Collett and his sistei: Miss Minnie spent Sunday evening, with Miss BessieBbger, v Mr. R. W. Collett spent Sundaj night at Mr. Kath Fosters. , Mr. Geo. Haneline,‘accompanied by his sister, Miss Delia, visited their Uncle Mr. J. H. Haneline on last Friday. Miss Annie Eaton spent the day Sunday'with; her friend,- Miss Ma­ mie Driver; • Miss Mattie !Boger spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Bailey. Mr. Boyce Cain and Miss, Ina Naylor,-made, a flying trip to Mocksville last SaturSay sporting a two horse buggy. Mrs. Rush Allen of Farmingtoc came over on Sunday to see Her sis­ ter Mrs. Chas. Richie who is verj tick at this writing. Mrs. J. M. Bailey who has beer suffering with severe cold is hot­ ter at this writing. Mr. J. M. Bailey is " sufferi ag with rheumatism at this writing sorry to note. Mr. Will Allen has been appoint ed substitute rural eairier on roi.t< 2 from this place. _. . Tush . Cooleemee Items. Have just received a ear IoajJ of cotton seed hulls and meal. . Alsoa uios'lot of oats >. id chicken feed to arrive in a few - days. I also handle a nic e line of groceries, and will be glad to have a share of yonr patronage.' J. B. WHITLEY. North g£ Court House Square. . * • Furniture! Furniture!! Whon in Winston we invite you to visit our store and- see ■ the nice things in Furniture and House Furnishings. We carry a full line Floor Coverings, Parlor Goods, Cur­ tains, Furniture of every • descriytion. Also the best Cook Stores and Steel Ranges on the market. You are always welcome at our place whether you bay or not. Crim-CantreIl Fur. Co. 307-308 Main Stv East Court House. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Kappa Oats, From our Regular Correspondent. We have had one week without rain and the farmers have taken advantage of it in finishing their fall work. W. K. Felker and family visited at J. D. Walker’s Sunday.#" Mr. Mart Godby. and faffiily, visited at W. S. Walker’s Sunday. Anumberofourpeople attend­ ed the-sale of Wiley West Satur­ day. ' S. J. have you been up to see that bureau - that your best girl bought. It must mean ,something. Mr. Observer, your rabbit with- From our Bogular Correspondent, Mrs. W. E. Hartness and familj IeJfc Wednesday for South Carolina to visit relatives. ' - - Mr. H. J. Forsyth left Friday for Chester, S. C., where he has accepted a position as superinten­ dent of a cotton mill. Mr. W. E. Jones visited his par­ ents at Clemmons Sunday. Master James Hobson, who is attending school at Clemmons, vis­ ited his father Saturday and Sun­ day. Bev. H. C. Byrnm held Thanks­ giving services at the Methodist chinch Sunday night. Mrs. Fannie Bamsey and child­ ren, of Salisbury, .spent Thanks­ giving.with Mrs. A. T. Lefler, Mr. James Call, of Calahaln, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. 6 . Mur- phy. Eosebud . [Rosebud, please send us your items Monday if possible, instead of T1Uesday.. EditoiT.] Countycommissioners met Mon­ day in regular session. Routine bui iness was transacted. This space belongs to W . S . M A R T IN , • - - : ■*'' -' ■ * " - ' / , W INSWSALEM,N. C. Apd it wpl jifety you to keep your on it. ' V--- & * %■ * & * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *§► & & * * * *■ * &* & * * * * * * * ❖ * & * * * * * Soijiething New. J. J. Starrette, of Kappa, begs to inform the" public th a t he has something new in the undertaking line . —something that cannot be found anywhere else in the county. He keeps on hand at all times, a large and well assorted line of caskets, and is prepared®to suit th e largest or the smallest. His caskets are all h a u d made, and he uses air dried and kiln dried material, consisting of walnut, oak, cherry, poplar. - p in s a n d sw eet gum. Hisprices on caskets range from $2.00 to $65,00, according to trimming and m aterial, u sed . He is prepared and will gladly fill o rd e rs d a y o r night, and especially invites the pub­ lic to c a ll'a n d inspect his line of goods. He will talce g re a t pains in showing you some of the finest w o rk m a n sh ip to b e found anywhere. His _line of trim m in g s is large and well selected. 'I • " Bid you say drugs? Ilieii it will pay you to visit O’HANLON’S. \ . When You Are in Winston-Salem. Bank of Cooleemee. Cooleemee, N1. C. J, B. MASON, J. IT. LEDFORD, J. H. L. BICE, President. V, President. -Cashier. DIRECTORS: J B. MASON —Cashier National Bank, Durham, N. C. J. F. WILY--CashierTheFideiityBank1 DurhMn, N. C. B. N. DUK E—Director American Tobacco Co. and Capitalist F. L. FULTijER-AttomeyatLaw. - - . 'W. R. HAftTNESS-Agent Southern Railway Company. H. J. FORSYTH—Supt. Cooleemee Cotton Mills.T. V. TE! tRELL—Treas. Cooleemee Cotton-Mills. - - J. W. ZACHARY—Book-keeper Cooleemee Cotton Mills. ■J. H. L. RICEr-with Cooleemee Cotton Mills.. W. A. E IIWIN—President Cooleemee Cotton Mills and Canitalist J. N. LETDFORD—Treas. and Mgr., The J. N. Ledford Co.' With the strongest financial backing of any Bank in this section of the State, we invite Merchants, Farmers, Individuals, Firms 'and Corporations that have not already done so, to open an accountwith us ■. .. Weextendtoourpatronsevery accommodation consistent with good ba '.iking. Interest p.iid on all money left in our Savings Department for four montiis or longer. Give us your banking business. J. H. L. RICE, Cashier. I « THE DAV C. FRAM STR Jackson their hall over Thursday night, cordially invited R. L. Fry, Pres. Hocalan Local news is December, th with us once mo Cotton seed h‘ H: Whitley’s. ' Thanksgiving quietly in Moc G. E. Horn re a trip to Statesv C. F. Bahnso was in this city Canned peach ries at J. B. Wh E. M. Keller, town Saturday Roy Cashwell, Sunday in this c Godman Shoe Try a pair.C. C If you enjoy the carrier on * few. W. T. Starret new Sanford co street. Just received at J. B. Whitley J. K. Crotts1 in town Saturda pleasant call. J. W. Bailey for Hickory, week or ten da: I will buy see to 4 cents. • Mr. J. T. Eat spent a day or ' week. Miss Cora Bri giving in Salisb day morning. Jap-a-lac is w to make things mas. E. E. Hu George Hane’ for his renewal, ets Nos. 66 and <A goodly num in town Satur teachers meetin H. C. Jones, and W. N. Ku were in town S It is now time cakes. Grated Whitley’s. Sheriff Sheek of Fork Church hospital last Th Laundry will last time befor E. E A reward of capture of the Newton police It is a beautr guaranteed fo going to give i W. R. Ande ns a pleasant c ceived ticket Lint cotton cash 10 3-8. Miss Blanch Monbo, Cataw to spend a sho Just receive “Triple Coate Ware, at E. E A, F. Camp’ shop to Sanfo ers will run th 750 dollars pie shoes at arrived. Anumber 0 around Mond subscriptions watch contest FORSAL Organ. If yo strument this ply quick to Charles P sition in Wins! in this city la folks. Powder, sh<| Whitley’s. Boys, Christ) want a rifle.| best. Call on I you one. Cleveland E ing school at ( days in this ci Jatives and fri THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK ST|tOUD - - Editor. Jackson aJf^m eK tlicir hall over Baity’s store every Thursday night. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. R. L. Fry , Pre1S. G. M. H endrix , Sec. Xocal ant> !personal. Local news is scarce this week. December, the month of snow, is with us once more. Cotton seed hulls and meal at J. B. Whitley’s. * Thanksgiving day passed off very quietly in Mocksville. G. E. Horn returned Mondayfrom a trip to Statesville, C. F. Bahnson, of Farmington, was in this city Friday. Canned peaches, apples and ber­ries at J. B. Whitley’s. E. M. Keller, of Route I, was in town Saturday and got ticket 65. Roy Cashwell.'of Winston, spent Sunday in this city with his parents. Godman Shoes keep the feet dry. Try a pair.C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Ifyouenjoy ’possum tales, get the carrier on Koute 2, to tell you a few. W. T. Starrette has moved into the new Sanford cottage on Statesville street. Just received a barrel of pickles at J. B. Whitley’s. J. K. Crotts, of Smith Grove, was in town Saturday, and gave us a pleasant call. J. W. Bailey will leave tomorrow for Hickory. He will be gone a week or ten days. I will buy seed cotton in trade, 3 to 4 cents. M. A. Foster. Mr. J. T. Eaton, of Farmington, ''spent a day or-two in Hickoiy last week. Miss CoraBrimmer spent Thanks­ giving in Salisbury, returning Fri­ day morning./Jap-a-lac is what you want to use, to make things bright for Christ­ mas. E. E. Hunt sells it. Greorge Haneline has our thanks for his renewal. He received tick­ ets Nos. 66 and 67. A goodly number of people were in town Saturday attending the - teachers meeting. H. C. Jones, of Kappa, and D. C. and W. N. Kurfees, of Route I, were in town Saturday. It is now time to bake your Xmas cakes. Gratedpineapple at J. B. Whitley’s. Sheriff Sheek took N. L. Sheets, of Fork Church, to the Morganton hospital last Thursday night. Laundry will be sent off Dec. 16, last time before Christmas. E. E. Hunt, Jr., Agent. A reward of $500 is offered for the capture of the burglar who shot the Newton policeman. It is a beauty—the best made, and guaranteed for 20 years. We are going to give it away Christmas. W. R. Anderson, of Route 5, gave us a pleasant call Saturday and re­ ceived ticket No. 63. Lint cotton 1-3 trade at 10,50. All cash 10 3-8. M. A. Foster. MissBIanche Eaton went up to Monbo, Catawba county, Thursday, to spend a short time with friends. Just received an assortment of the “Triple Coated” Volcanic Enamel Ware, at E. E.'Hunt's. A, F. Campbell has sold his barber shop to Sanford Green. Mr. Vick­ ers will run the shop for Mr. Green. 750 dollars worth Battle Axe sam­ ple shoes at M. A. Foster’s. Just arrived. Anumber of our friends called around Monday and renewed IJieir subscriptions and got tickets in our watch contest, FOR SALE—A fine Parlor Queen Organ. Ifyouwanta firstclass in­ strument this is your chance. Ap­ ply quick to Thos. N. Chaffin. Charles Parnell, who holds a ‘ po­ sition in Winston, spent several days in this city last week with home folks. Powder, shot and primers at J, B. ■Whitley's. Boys, Christmas is near and you ‘ want a rifle. The Savageis the (best. Call on J. B. TOiitleyiandget you one. Cleveland Emerson, who is attend- school at Oak Ridge, spent a few ays in this city last week with re tives ai Miss Bertha Linville, who clerks in the Spot Cash Store, at Salisbury, spent Thanksgiving iri. this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Linville. We have everything that goes in­ to a FRUIT CAKE. 0. C. Sanford Sons Co. J. A. Livengood, of Advance, Route 2, gave us a call Saturday and secured ticket No. 71. He is one of our new subscribers. . Acompletelineof gents furnish­ings mall the latest styles at the White Front, North Cooleemee. Announcement is made of the coming marriage of Miss Mary Hanes to Mr. E. W. Crow, which will occur in this city on January 2nd, 1908. Let us show you a good heater. Coal or wood burners. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. When you come to town look in J. T. Baity’s show window and see the pretty gold watch ttte editor is going to give to one of his subscribers as a Christmas gift. W. M. Wyatt wishes to thank the ■many friends who so kindly remem­ bered himself and wife, on Thanks­ giving day. They who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord. The people of Mocksville are not the only ones who have to contend with muddy streets. The report comes from Concord that they have not been able to find the bottom in that town. ■ Whygo elsewhere to buy your shoes when you can save money by purchasing them at the White Front in North Cooleemee. Themanyfriends of Dr. W. H. Everhardt, of Newton, will be glad to learn that he has been appointed postmaster in that city, to fill out the unexpired term of Re P. Rein­ hardt, deceased. A full and complete line of ladies cloaks, all sizes and prices at- the White Front, North Cooleemee. It seems that burglars are playing havoc in this State. Marion, Hick ory, Newton and Charlotte are a- mong the suffering towns. No peed of burglars coming to Mocksville. What the people in this, town pos­ sess is nailed down. NOTICE.—One house and lot, con­ taining: one acre of land for sale in North Cooleemee, Cooleemee, N. C. for further information apply to Postmaster* Cooleemee, N. C. Tickets on our watch contest have been going out rapidlv, but not as fast as they should. Let every one whose subscription is about to ex­ pire, or who is behind with their dues, come in at once and get’ tick­ ets, Theycostyounothing.! Mr. H. L. Shelton, who has been undergoing treatment at the Mor- gpnton hospital for some time, is now .at his home at Cana, much im­ proved in health. He and his. son were in this city .Saturday and gave us a pleasant call, renewing his sub­ scription and receiving ticket 68. The pretty gold watch we are go­ ing to give away Christmas can be seen any time in the show window at Baity’s store. We went up to Hickory and spent Thanksgivingand ate turkey and cake with “the old folks at home.” Wefinished up the turkey Friday morning and came home, but went back Saturday night and finished up the hash Sunday. If The Record is a little late this week, you will know the reason why. The people of Mocksville are cor­ dially invited to call at Baity’s store and take a look at those warm Elkin blankets which are on exhibition in the show window. Alsolookat the pretty gold watch we are going to give away Christmas. r Sanford Green will move into one of the Sanford cottages on States­ ville avenue, this week. W. M. Crotts killed two hogs the past week, one year and 25 days old. One weighed 380, the other428. How is that for hogs? Mark Furches1 colored, a resident Of this city, died Sunday. He had been suffering for some time with Bright’s disease. Mark was an hon­ est colored man. A gentleman writing us from Mc­ Cloud, Okla., sends us his renewal and says: “I cannotdo without The Record. It has been a welcome vis­ itor to my home every since it has been published. If you hear of any of your readers wanting to go west, tell them Oklahoma is the best poor man's country I ever saw.” Apartyofhunters went out on Thanksgiving day and engaged in an old-fashioned rabbit hunt. There were fourteen in the party. They bagged.seventy cotton-tails and two squirrels. Notashotwasfiredat a bird. Howisthat for rabbit kill­ ing? And yet people talk of a pan­ ic in this country. FOR SALE.—Strawberry plants of the following varieties: Excel­ sior, Climax,- Boston Prize, Klon- dyke, Gandy, Lady Thompson Im­proved and. Brandywine. These plants are the very best and are well rooted. Price: 15 cents per dozen, 35 cents per hundred, $2 per thousand. W riteorcall.on M. R. Chaffin, Mocksville, N. C. The schedule on No. 26, the.north- bound morning passenger train, has been changed slightly, the train ar­ riving in this city now -at %36 in­ stead of 9:48 as heretofore. Train No. 21 going west from Salisbury, arrives at BarberJunction now at 7:05 a. m., instead of 9:30 a, m„ as heretofore. Passengers traveling from Salisbury will now enjoy a two hour wait at Barber Junction, in­ stead of making close'connection. The annual meeting of the stock­ holders of the Nortii Carolina Mid­ land Railroad met in Winston Nov. 26th. The following were elected directors for the year: G.' W. Hin- shaw, P. H. Hanes, Ji W. Fries, H. E. Fries, R. J. Rejmolds, of Win­ ston; F, M. Johnson, of Mocksville; W. A. Bailey, of Advance; C. P. McNeely, of Mooresville; Col. A. B. Andrews, S. B. Patterson and H. W. Millerj of Raleigh. Col. Ak B. Andrews was elected president. The gross earnings of the road has in- sed over the preceding year, but the expenses had increased to a greater proportion on account of in­ creased cost of labor, material and supplies; consequently the net earn­ ings of the road were largely de­ creased, as compared with the cor­ responding period of last yeah The expenses of the road' were ^further increased on account of the con­ struction of the new sidetracks to reach the industries at the different points along the line. Theeffectof the reduced passenger rates is not indicated in the reports, for the re­ duced rate was not in effect at that time. NOTICE. - tiaving qualified as executor of |A. M. Richardson, dec’d, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned for pay­ ment on or before the 2nd day of December, 1908, or this notice' will be plead in bar of. their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate Eire requested to make immediate payment. This December 2, 1907^ M. P. Richardson , Ex’r of A. M. Richardson,-Dec’d. E!. L. Gaither , Attorney. Printers fee, $2. The BEST to be Had in BANKING! WACHOVIA L O ^ & TRUST CO. r Winstoi -Salem. North Carolina’s STRONGEST Bankinghouse. * Capital and Promts $775,000.00. Assets, - - ; $5,400,000.00. W eljay FOUR PERCENT inIer^st* compounded quarterly. Call and give us yckir address or mail it. f ■ :■ ■ ■ G C S A N F O R D S O N S C O . - - j CLOTHING! CLOTHINGI CLOTHING! Summer is gone and as the first Fall month approaches, you should begin to look around for your Winter Suit. To the prospective buyer we wish to submit a Few Facts concerning out­ line of Men’s and Boy7B Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Facts which should command the attention of every clothes buyer. Facts that weigh full sixteen ounces to every pound Fkcts that are strictly “netU and not subject to any discount. Facts that carry with them a hundred cents worth of merit and value for every dollar. Facts that invite and are open to the most rigid and exacting tests, STYLE. t I * * « 4> •»4» 4 « 4» I 5 « « ♦ 4» « _____________________________________ “Single men may wear double-breasted coats.” Men of average size and shape are fiee to follow their fancy as to cut of their clothes, but stout men should sc style their garments as to reduce the ap­ pearance of corpulency—therefore we.] recommend single-breasted garments for them. Broad-minded men with narrow Bide lines should “exaggerate” by. selecting double-breasted garments. QUALITY. In our clothes, Style and Quality go hand in hand. They have Snap and Tone in'appearance, with Trustworthi­ ness and Durability in the background. They are made from the very best ma-, terial and consequently will give you the very best wear. Our Fall line is now in and we invite you to.come and see for yourself if we haven’t the best and largest assortment of Men’s Up to Date Suite ever shown in Mocksville. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Successors to C. C. SANFORD. MOCKSVILLE, - -N. C. A GOLD WATCH and Winchester Rifle TO BE GIVEN AWAY. To every old or new subscriber who- pays fifty cents on subscription to The Davie Record between NoV. 6th, and ,Dec. 25tU, will be givfcQ a receipt bearing* a number on it. A ticket with a corresponding number on it, will be deposited In a sealed box and all tickets will be kept in this bo* until the day the contest closes, when tic nets will be taken out and put in a large box ana thoroughly Bhakeh up, after which a boy will draw one of the tickets out of the box, the one he draws will be the one winning the watch, which will be presented to the person holding the receipt whose number corresponds with the number on the lucky ticket. This contest is fair and open to all. The watch to. be given away is a 7-jewel Elgin movement, in a 20-year gold-filled hunting case, either ladies or gents size. Hem em berthatevery SO cents paid on subscription entities you # to one chance a t this handsome Christ­ mas present. Now is the time to re­ new or subscribe. One of our sub­ scribers will win this $20 watch. Yo1U stand as good a chance as any one.In connection with the gold watch, we are goingto giye away a good 22- W lnchester Kiflle to the person hold* ing the second lucky number. This contest is how in full blast. Call at our office and letus show you these handsome premiums. Eureka Barber Shop. A. F. CAMPBELL, Prop. First-class Work. Clean tow­ els and sharp razors. Satis- '• faction guaranteed. Shop next door north of Brown’s Livery Stable. Open Wednesday from.I to 8. Satnrday from 7 a. m. to IO P Ji G. F. Winecoff, Gladstone, ,COOLEEMEE^ Will pay IOtents per pound for dresse<l pork, waglung from 75 to 200 pounds. It will pay you to see him. ' The Record is only 50 cents a year. Issued weekly. Allhome print .Sloshing around in snow and sleet in swamp timber land is no Joke. Yet the woodsman can be made happy with an Atkins Saw—-makes his work so much easier. A Saw Sense booklet and bangle pin'tree to anyone asking to see Atkins Silver* Steel Saws. Sold by E. L HUNT. , Hardware and Paints. W.M.RUTH, DEALER IN Sewing machines and parts a for all machines, oil, needles * etc. Call or write him. SALISBURY, N. C. <(:*■ YjI & '/■> & Iw illpay the highest market price for your furs. Tags furnish­ ed and express charges paid. JOSEPH McOLAMROOH1 ' Mocksville,N. 0. Do you take the Record ? J)R. ROBT. ANDERSON, dentist , Office over Bank of Davie Dr A. Z TAYLOR, DENTIST. Is in his office over Baity’s store eve* ir y Saturday. Will go to your house and do your .work any other day in the week. Call at Baity’s store and Irave message ft address State, of Nortb Carolina ) Commissioner’s Office. Comity of Davie, f October 7, 1907. Notice is hereby given I hat North CarolinaMidIand Railroad Bonds Kos. 58, 54, 55 and 56 must be presented for payment on or be: fore January 6, 1D08. The inter­ est will cease on said Iwnds at the expiration of that time. "By order of the Board of Com­ missi jners of Davie county, N. C. J vF . M o o r e, Clerkof the Board. 60 Shares of Stock in Mt. Airy Apple Orchard Company - ForSale.* At par,- payable in four years. $75 per acre will putan orchard in bearirg. Applesare selling this year at from $200 to $300 per acre on the trees. For particulars, ad­ dress, JOHN A. YOUNG, Owner, Greensboro Nurseries, President. F. C. BOYLES, Cashier, Greensboro Commercial Savngs Bank, Sec and Treas. R heum atism I have found a tried anrt tested cure for Rheu­matism! Nota remedy that win straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony growths back to flesh again. That is impossible. Bat I can now sorely kill the pains and ,pangs ofthis deplorable d_____In Germany—with a Chemist in the Gity of Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with vliich Dr. Shoop’s Bheumatic Remedy was made a perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism: but now, at last, it uni* lormly cores all curable cases of thislheretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granulal wastes, found InBheomatic Blood, seem to dissolve and pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of Bheumatism is gone forever. There Is now no real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with­out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. ShooptS Rheumatic Jiemedy C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. ; THE HORNET SECTION. ROOT HOG, OR DIE. SOME THINGS TIIAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. The day is not far distant when “cards of thanks” will be a thing of the past. M'ben dea'.h enters a home neighbors never fail to do ali in their power to place a silver lining back of the dark cloud, they do not expect or desire any thanks through’ the public press. One subscriber, however, not to be out­ done, seul in the following: “Mr. Editor: I desire to thank the' friends and neighbors most heartily :d this manner tor the oo-oporation during the illness and death of my late husband, who escaped from ine by the hand of death on last Friday while eating breakfast. To my friends wko«alT contributed so willingly toward making the last moments of the funeral a success, I desire to remember most kindly, hoping these lines will lino them enjoying the same blessing. I have also a good milcbcow ■ and roan gelding horse, eight years old, which I will sell cheap. “God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform, He plants His footsteps on the sea and rides upon the storm.” Also a black and white shoat cheap.”—Exchange. The coal man comes, the ice man goes, the zephyrs fly the 'north wind, blows; the alpaca coat and the dropstitch waist were hustled off with hurried haste; the low cut shoe and the hose with mesh so big that it showed the pink white flesh—all these and the sleeve that meant no harm, by -showing., so much prety arms—all, all - have flown, for Boreas rude, came to _kiss—and-they-skiddooed. - The Latest Scheme. It is said that buyers are going into many remote districts offering spot cash for cotton and telling farmers that the banks will be un­ able to pay currency if the crop' is marketed later on. Scoundrels who seek to impose u p o n the ignorance of the p o o r in this fashion should not be allowed to tarry Ioug in any C om m unity. —ProgressiueFarmer. CURES BLOOD, SKIN DISEASES, . CANCER; GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER FREE. If your blood is impure, thin di- ased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, zema, itching-, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheuma­ tism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or "by express $1 per large bottle.- ' Sample free "by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. Both Puzzled. A young lady who often thought out-loud had just been shown through a garter factory. “Heavens!” she exclaimed; “90,- OOOjOOO .pair in one year? I don’t see where they all go to.” “Heither do I,” replied the young man, colorings slightly.— Judge. FEW HERE KNOW THIS. perienoe; he says: - “Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trouble; the fourth, blood, poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; but none of them- helped me; so my .wife advised tryingElec trie Bitters, -which are restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me1 more good than all the five doctors prescribed.” Guaranteed for blood poison, weakness and ail stomach, liver and. kidney com- plaiuts, by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. 50c. - ) A new star will be added to the U uited States flag, when Oklahoma and Indian Territory are admitted to the Union as one. state. . Trying to ape the rich “high rol­ lers” has brought many poor young people to grief. Indulging the “appetite” for expensive pomp and show has thrown many a young man upon the rocks and shoals. Some times - the wreck doesn’t come until after that kind of young man has tied iiimse’y up to a proud girl of extravagant disposition. After two spend lhrifts get married it doesn’t take long to “blow in” what little surplus the yonng. man ' has saved before marriage.— Our Home. A Real W onderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza 'farms, wide ranges and-strange natural- -formations; is- a veritable wonderland. - Air Mouiid City, in the home of Mrs. E. D, Clapp; a Wonderfnl case ofMalin^ has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with- Jung and throat trouble., “Exhausting coughing spells occurred'every five minutes,” writes: Mrs. Clapp, “when I began giving Dr: "King’s Kew Discovery/the great medicine, that saved his life and completely cured him.” Guaranteed for coughs and colfls, throat and lung troubles, by C- C- SanfordSons Co. 50c. and §1.00."' Trial bottle free;' Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Winterton, SimpIeHome-M ade T reatm entSaid To 'N. Y., had a very remarkable ex - Overcome Rheumatism. . When an eminent authority an- nounced in the Scraulon ;(Pa.) Times that be had found a new way" to treat that dread American dis­ ease; Rheumatism, with.just com­ mon; every-day drngsfound in nay drug store, the physicians were slow indeed - to attach much im­ portance to his claims. Ihis was Oniyia few inonth:- ago. Today nearly every .newspaper in liie country, even the metropolitan dailies, is. announcing it and the Splendid results achieved. It is so simple that any; ouC can prepare it it at home at. small cost. It is made upas fojioivs: Get.from any ,good prescription pharmacy Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon,-' one ounce; Compound Syrnp Sarsaparilla, three otiuces. Mix by shakiug in a bottle and take' in. teas poor, I ul doses.after each meal and at bed­ time.- These are all simple ingre­ dients, making an absolutely harm­ less home remedy at little cost. Rheumatism, as every one knows, is a symptom "of deranged kidneys. Itisa condition produced by. the failure of the kidneys to properly filter or strain from the blood the, uric acid and other matter which, if not eradicated, either in the urine or through the skin pores, remains in the blood, decomposes and forms about the. joints apd muscles, causing the untold suffer­ ing and deformity of rheumatism. This prescription is said to be a splendid healing, cleansing aDd invigorating tonic to the kidneys and gives almost immediate relief in all forms of bladder and urinary .troubles and backache. He also warps people, -in.. a. leading.. Rew We try to supply the kind of news that readers demand. As yet we have not felt impressed with the idea that the average reader cares anything about the kind of dry goods worn by people on special occasions, or at any kind of occasion. It is true that some fashionable dress maker, or I some female dress worshipper, may have a craving appetite for that kind of tommyrot, j,ust as "the whiskej drinker craves his drink, but that doesn’t mean that such news (T) is I minutes.. “Made in a minute” saysthe -doctor. “Health Coffee” is S'S -UuLV-I ,0 -O 1 -S I g ' s•- .-,.Z 0 IS g S -'' 5 o Is a*S Tl a, & a .-!I s. .*• B S O ofeo if ^ ,I .- I • £ tS’C -e v S •&.§§'&*5 . t! b 3 » S ,. ./ gS f >l- j! - Is .5 O flifi-?/.- - The finest Coffee Substitute ‘ever made, has recently been produced by Dr. Shoop of Racins Wis. - -You. don’t have to boil it twenty or thirty needed or demanded by the gen­ eral reading public.—Our Home. Cbmfort For the “Afflicted.” Rich Uncle (to his physician)— S1O you think there is hope for mel “Not only that, but I can assure you that you are out of danger.” •‘Very well; I wish you would in­ form my nephew, but break the news gently to him.”—Fhiladel-; phia Inquirer. Mistake*‘This Time.V* r xx : " CS I - IM Uu. Sow your right eye lei is' me Ihsit your kidneys are affected.” Patient—“Excuse me, doctor, but m y right eye is a glass eye.” —Meggendorfer Blaeter. H er Revenge. “I’ll make you sorry you. ever quarrelled with me!” “What will yon do? Go home to your mother, ! suppose?” No, I’ll bring-mother here!”—Sketchy Bits. really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. Not a grain of .real Coffee, in it either Health Cof­ fee Imitation'is made from pure toasted cereals or grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it wonld fopl an expert—were he to .unknowingly drink it for Coffee. C. C. Sanford SonsCo.- - York paper against the discriminate use,gf,many.patent medicines.- - Do you want a gold watch for Christmas present? - DEAFNESS CANNOj; BE CURED by local applications,'as- they can­ not reach- the diseased portion oi' the ear. ;-.pusre is only one way to cure deafness, and - that is by con­ stitutional remedies. Deafness, is Causediby ah iuflaiited condition of the mucousliniiigpf the Eu's Jaehiau Tubei : When tins tube is.icliiiined you have-a rumbliug .sound gr in: pgrfect hearing, and when it is en­ tire! % cl osed, TfepTi! ess; .is the; resi*. I f, and unless tSe' infiammafich can be'tarken’out and this-tube-restore to', its normal condition, heiirit will be,destroyed forever; pine ca­ ses out of.ten aye'caused by .Catarrh Which is -nothing- Uiit- -an ipflamed condition of the mucous-suriaces. ''-We will give one hnmlreVl dol­ lars for any, case of TJeafuess (cans ed by catarrh) that caimofc.be cured by HdH’s'Catiw-i h- -Cure. Send for circulars, .’free.. HOT SPRINGS, ARK., is uo competition' against. Lipp !■'mail’s Givat Reinedy for the eim Rheumatism'. James Nejvlon. Aberdeen, Ohio, says P. P.P. .did h.iip more.good than three months treatment, at HotSprings1 Ark. W.T. Timmons,.of Waxahatchie. Tex., says his 'rheumatism*whs- so bad that he was confined to his bed for months. ■ : Physicians. advised Hot Springs, Ark.; and Mineral Wells, Texas, at which places I e spent- seven weeks -in -vain, with knees so badly swollen that his tortures were beyond endurance. P. P. P. made the cure and proved itself as in thousands of other cases the best blood purifier in the World and superior .to all Sarsaparillas and. the' - so-called -' Rheumatic Springsi- a :•- V--V ' : Sold by AJl Druggists: The Ke«>r4 will dp yoii good. When the Stornaeh1Heart, or KiT ney nerves get welak, then, these or­ gans always fail. 'Dori’t drug the Stomach, nor siimulate.Heart or Kid­ neys.. That is simply a rhakeshii't. Get a prescription(Igiown to Drug­ gists every where as Dr.^hoop’s Res­ torative. The Restorative is pre­ pared expressly for these weakinside nerves.. Strengthen these nerves, huild' themi.upiwith Dr. Shoop’s Ets- Iorative-tablets or liquid—and see how'quickly'help will come. Free sample test .sent on request by. Br. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. C. 1 Sahford Sons Co. ; . '•••'; • Raleigh is the next buttle.gronnd for a contest between • dispensary advocates - and prohibitionists. December 26 is the day • set, —Union Republican. Trial Catarrhtreatmentsarebeing mailed out free, on request, by. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving' to- tire^pbople—without penny’s cost—the great value of this scientific prescripiidnjknown to drug­ gists everywhere' as Dr. 'Shoop’s Sitarrh Remedy. Sold by C. C, Sanford Sons Co. Read ;,Why pay $20 for a watch yuu can get.one for nothing.- .our ad elsewhere.- A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by . Dr. Shoop’s T Cure..' And ;t; --/-thbtbugi'v 'jitrrmless and saf . h-r. Shoop mothers / - . I . given- -virhout hesstation even. to., very young babes. The whoiesbniegreen leaves and tender sterna of a -Iuno- healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr; Shoop s Cough Cure.' It cairns the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bron­ chial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resin­ ous plant extract, that helps to heal aching- lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which ' the Doctor uses, “The Ssired Herb;” Demand Dr. Shoop’s. Take no other. C. C. San- fordrSons Co. TH E IIfPTTSTRTOTTS HEH ■me i^diriz POliJLTHY 4€M*Rf3A».'o» u*'s»u. cverv Farmsr act! Chiokon Raiser Should r-ced it. BOc.l£»no Year (sample free) Titree Years SE! / THE i f . j US's SiOUS:i i £ G - !Bif e i7 c a y S tr e k t KttOXVlLLE, TENN. . UtlLWMUt KNIfiMT A C® UOTHES CF r*SM MN - - Arnvai of Tfhins. " h- MAIL TRAIN. -iorth.' Ar. at MocksvilIe 9;48 a. m. Mouth—Ar. at ' '6^)4 p. m. ' .-LPnAX* FREIGHT, ‘‘ \rorth.—Ar. at Mboksville 9:2 .S-a m. Si;:; CJi1- Ar.-.a : 1I , .---9;2 a a. in; THROUGH TRAIN, . (■Daily and Sunday) North—Ar. at Mocksvilie i ;13 p. ra. ■iouth.— Ar. at " “ 3:38 D. . : If-it is job printing you- want, w< would be glad to quote you prices: The RECORD 6 monttts for 25 « -one year 50 c. - • - ODOGOpOOOGOOOOGOGOOOpOOGOC P' If you wish to let the people § .5 know what, you have, to sell or c a wish to .buy, jusj-place, an ad. | Ijj in the R e c o r d and you will he. f g surprised at the results. . . , £ 030GOOOOOOOOOGOOC500GOOCOCC v Local representative Vf dulCU ""for £)avie and vicin-. ity to look after renewals -and in crease subscription list Of a - promi­nent monthly magazine, on a salary and commission basis.': Experience desirable, but not' necessary.-' Good opportunity for right person. Ad­ dress Publisher, Box 59, Station 0, New York. . ' (Prickly Ash, Pitke Root and PbtesBlttte.) ' -M A K E S PO SIT IV E C U RES O F A L L FORM S AN D*8TAQES OF- PbywlcttBB eBdone P . P . Pt as B'spien* did oomblnatioii. and prescribe tt with great Mtiefactioa for the e a rn of ali forms and stages of Primary* Seeondary aad Tertiary aypbUie. syphilitic Rheu- ■ atfna.. Scfofolooe Ulcere and* Sorew.- eiandular SweQings, KheumatlBm. Kid* M y Complaints, Oid Chrome Cleers that SYFttIUS O S r - 0 ■T3 y o u -will rewaln desh and strength. W aste of energy and all diseases resulting Crom overtaxing the system are. cured by the use of.p. P . p ., . 'l M i e r ^ h d M a y s t ^ ^ p(&oned(.iknd whose blood Isin an impure condition due to menstrual irregularities are peculiarly ,•benefited by -the wonderful .tonic .and SCROFULA hare iedstedall treatm ent, Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Ecsema, Chjronie P e i a a le Complaints,. IbreuriaI Poison, Totter, Soaldhead, etc., etc, - P . P . P. is a powerful tonic and an excellent eppltlser, building np th e system rapidly. If you are weak and feeble, and feet badly try P . P . P ., and WXSt O Z blood cifiansing pfopatl^es of P . P f F ./ PriOHir -Ash* Poke Boot M d P o taa^ n k •. Bold by all Dnggists*'' i F. V. LlPPMANt PropHvtor. S tinnnfihl G i. • RHEUM/VTISM MADE IN NEW YORK Where Styles Originate. ^ ’ • . . . . . Come in and we will show you this season's correct New York styles In men’s clothing. Made to fit all sizes of men. J T . BAITY (—For Sale .—A a- lot of 10-inch disc.records at 35c each.- v- Ra l ph Morris,.' , '. Mocksvilie,'N. C. 1 WANTED—Two or three cords of 18 inch stove wood split fine,-. Cash paid on deli very .j [Call at this office. SOMETHING RICH.S ‘ -I « For the next thirty days we'arel !going to o ffe r you one of thef !greatest bargains in reading m at iter that you ever run up] [against |For one dollar we will send ^youf Ilhe following three papers for bne| |jrear. They are daisies: I I T heD avie Recbrd, | * The Yellow Jadiet, . I I . The Industrious H en. 7* The Record will give , yoii -the| 'local and county news, and the| [Hornet stings.: ; j r The Yellow Jacket will give yon! 'all the political points ypu ' Itabl * the industrious Hen. is a large 172-page magazme, printed in col- *jrs,pub!ished atKrioxvillh, Tenn |and tells you all about chickens, Wd other domestic fowls. It is !the best poultry journal published |in the South. I . Now is the time to subscribe for jthese papers, so you will have !something to read during the Jlong evenings the coming winter. I Address all orders to THE DAVIE RECORD, Iox 50. Mocksvilie, N. C:| Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Honnments call On CLAUDE MJLLEit. North Wilkesboio, N. C. Dafly I n t e f ia I ; Thft only DfiOy Republicaa News- 9^)er published In I^>rth Carolina Carriestlie full Associated Press Dis­patches, supplemented by a Daily Washington Lettei, a complete State News Service, and the highest priced -Foreign Service" to be obtained, . ; ftthUdied Every Harnini : Except Menday Bight pages on week days, sixteen or more pages on Sunday. . PEICBt-SIXDOLLARS PER YKAR . :-A aamptejropy, mailed IQon request. Address CIRCULATIONDEPARTMENT DAILY INDUSTRIAL NEWS GREENSBORO. N. C KiLLtee COUCHMD CURE THI LUHCS ^ D rh K in g V Nbw Discevery FOR C8fS f s , AWP AlL THROATfllllD LUNG TROUBLES. G TIABANXEED SATISFACTORY OS MONEY REFUNDED. . Old papers for sale at the Record office. I S S U E M I S S I N G D avie R ecord V o l. IX.MOCKSYILLEi N. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1907.No. 25 .LETTER FROM GEORGIA. Editor D avie Record: Asthis isThanksgiving day, and somehow feeling that that Thanks­ giving turkey existed only in the vivid imagination of our epicurean editor, and that it did not material­ ize in such a way as to afford him the greatest pleasure, for we be­ lieve that turkey roosts high up the tree yet. still roams the fields of North Garolina with that majestic trerd, and makes the air reverberate with his gobble, which seems to me is the shout of freedom. So, after meditating on the sub ject, I thought you might be thank­ ful for a letter from a “Georgia Cracker,” or if not thankful, you would at least tolerate an epistle which, after you have read it, will remind you of a junk pile. But believe you will be thankful, for all nature' seems thankful today. I have just been feeding the cows and calves, and they were ■ contentedly chewing their cud, seeming thank­ ful that they had a few corn shucks to eat. The pig was grunting his satisfaction because he was a hog, or that his stomach was full of hom­ iny, I didn't know which. From the expression of the old horse’s eye, thought that he munched his com with joy and eat the cob with a mer­ ry heart, and was glad he was not an ass. With an unusually solemn look, the old game rooster watched the old one-eyed drake as he plodded his way acr'-iss the yard, and crowed his thankfi ’"hat he did not belong to that ■ 0S/,s of mud-splashing aquatic'00If jay bird flitting t h r o u g h / ,-=Ii appeared happy for the s city Smathers on the top of his I^cJ serv; .ch in his estimation was m^und aiming than the crown ofan> Downinthe pasture, the sheep browsing about for the few remain­ ing sprigs of green vegetation, the ram raises his head, and after an .. upward look at the dark, gray clouds, he gazes reflectively in an eastward direction from whence comes the cold and biting east wind, and bleats • his thankfulness that his back is covered with a warm coat of long wool. In the fence comer Sfiar by stands an old billy goat, and after biting the last leaf from the haw­ thorn bush that stands close by, he casts a side-long glance at the sheep, and snorts in grateful remember- ance of his appetite, supported by the strongest digestive organs in the universe, And as I sit here and listen to the _ dreary dribble of the raindrops as they are drumming a gentle tatoo against the window pane, I am thankful that I had plenty of “com dodger” for dinner. I am also very glad that I am a subscriber to The DavieRecord, for its rustling re­ minds me very much of the zooing sound made by-the lower left hand wing of ‘ ‘The Hornet. ” The Recotd is the best county paper I know of, but that Hornet, ah, the humming of that Hornet would certainly make anyone happy; : ., Now, my dear sir, I would like to renew my subscription and • get- a chance at that gold watch. But you know there is a-panic turned loose in the country at this time. However, ' I can’t tell .any difference, for one struck me. in the days thathave long since gone into what, as Tom Wat­ son says, we call “the dim realms of the past.” So, you see there is . no possibility of me- renewing at the present time. • Can’t you take a pole with a sharp spike on the end. and' give the old government .'at Wash­ ington a gouge in the short ribs. Youmightrousethe old thing up, and get it to kicking against this rotten money business with one leg auyway. If you will refer to some incidents in history, you will very correctly conclude that vou . North -Carolinians are the ones to stir the old gal up. And now sir, after giving you a little insight into how we are spend­ ing Thanksgiving here, I hope you will permit me, td say " that I trust you have been-wearing that new shirt for some time, and that you will be able to get inside of a pair of pants before the winter sets in good and strong. As I have a supperspic- ion that you are tired of listening' to my absurd ideas, I .know that you will feel very much konfurjuberka- ted, when I wish you much luck and great prosperity, and bid you adois. 0. Rowe.': Dearly beloved, we sure have "en­ joyed your letter, and will get our sharp stick and go after some of the nation’s high money changers. A shirt has been put on our back, but up to Ihishourwe remain pan Let us hear from you some more, Yours, still pantless, Th^ Editor. HOLD HARD, BROTHER. Our Home, published.at Marsh ville, has the following to say: Onr Home is the only weekly paper in the Eiedmont section of the State that has a subscription price as low as 75 cents. Is it possible that the editor of Our Home has never heard of The Davie Record, a weekly paper pub­ lished in the town of Mocksville, which is in the Piedmont section of North Carolina. Brother Green surely does not travel much. The Record is only 50 cents a year. STINGS FROM THE YELLOW JACKET TheRepublicanparty may not be perfect, but it is as sound as a 100- cent gold dollar. Iflong whiskers are to come in vogue again, look out for a rise in the temperature of the Populist party. Fourteen years ago times were not like they are now. Then good cotton sfild for five cents. Now it goes like hot cakes at double that money: Secretary Cortelyou’s suggestion that stockings were made to be worn and not to wad money away in, is timely, and should be heeded. So long as King Gorn, King Wheat and King Cotton are on the throne in this country, financial flurries can ust come and go—to—to thunder. It’s enough to make the horses laugh to hear a party prating of be­ ing a prohibition force, with such a NationalChairmanas Tommy .Tag­ gart. ■ .. Money may talk, to be sure, but it is a bit difficult to.understand what it says from the bottom of an old stocking away down under the house hid away in the cellar. The Gommonerhas started up the twang about a “fifty cent dollar,” which goes to show that altho Mr. Bryan has a big heart and can forj give, he cannot forget. Ir The chap who calls his sweetheart his clearing-house certificate may noli know all about banking, biit he knows what to say to get his best girl to bank on him. .! The AustrimTcount who weds Misl Gladys Vanderbilt, says he _ likel Americans. Well, we reckon, when his. Iove for us is sweetened to the tune of about $10,000,000. j/When you hear a little pipe-orgah of a newspaper yelping “Roosevelt panic,” spot it on the snout. It’s Wall Street gad-fly with every foot] up. -S Thebeeftrustkeepsup its twang: about the price of beef going down, Theaverage beef buyer, however, has not yet felt any sudden jar be­ cause of the slump. Those who sue still propounding the query, “What is whiskey?” had better hurry up and get their answer before everything goes prohibition and the likker plays out. Oklahoma’s blind Senator will have the advantage of not having to “view with alarm” the awful conditon of his beloved country and the Republi- canruins that sure spread around him. Both Congress and Christmas are now looming up on the horizon, ahd it will be expected of . every true pat­ riot that he sit up and take noticeof the one and go to digging for the other. COME TO SALEEBY’S UP-TO-DATE CANDY KITCKEN. CANDY MADE D Salisbury, - - N. C. When You Visit yN, C, 4 4 4 4 • 4 It will be to your interest to see the J 4* enormous stock of furniture carried. $ I by THE BIG FURNITURE STORE, * I THE WITHERSPOON CO. J Empire Block. 222-224 S. Main. % lti A A A iTt jtt its a'flfc its sTt iltc ilfo i!frt itt »ke ike tkt tiFt ,it. J1Tt i^ct t v T V T T V T T T T ttT T Notwithstanding “In God We Trust” may not be. on the new $10 gold coin, the Yellow Jsmket will ac­ cept them at their full face value on subscription. Fire ’em in to the of­ fice. There" may be many and divers reasons given why Kentucky is now in the Republican column, but the Ex-GovernorTaylorhasdecided to return to his old Kentucky home far away, after Gov. Wilson is inaugu­ rated, but should he make the at­ tempt before then, he would likely have to travel by the light of the moon stnd hide in the ripe corn tops. Wanted—to khow ' what states? nism in the Democratic party will sigree to offer himself as Mr.- Bry­ an’s running mate next year. Don’t1 all speak at once. Thereisplentyofi time for sober reflection, gentlemen. DIFFERENT OPINIONS. ~j The bachelor eavw of the Ral-1 eigh Enterprise, who is also- headed, opens his mouth and says: Bister Carrie Nation says she will not kiSB a man who chews tobacco. AndwewiIinotkiss a woman who goes around making speeches like a blamed politician. .. The editor of The People’s Pa­ per,-who has been married and has but little hair of. any kind, also gets cross, and says: Well'the. man who would kiss-that old gal, would kiss V themouth of a skinned goat, - and should be miade to Chew ' dog fennel and grease his hair. with axle grease. Ashorttimeago an old negro was brought up before a judge iD Dawson county, charged with spme- trival offense.. ‘‘Have you a law­ yer, old man?’.’ inquired the j udge. “No, sab.” “Can’t you get one?” “No, sab.” “Don’t you want me to appoint one to defend you?” “No, sab,” I jest tho’t-I’d leave de case to de ignorence of de court-.— Exchange. CURES BLOOD, SKIN DISEASES, CANCER, GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER FREE. If your blood is impure, thin di­ seased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, zema, itching,ijaincgjirirl b^mmg^scabby, pimply- sk in , D one p a in s, c a ra rn ip -ijfe tm m -tism, or any blood or skin disease,take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.)> Soon all sores heal, aches and pains- J stop and the blood is made pure and (rich. Druggistsor by express $1 "per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is -especially advised for chronic, “deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. , “There will be a further dropin ^he price ofprovisious and.meats,” lays an Armour manager; “Furth- ir?” Has any one noticed the pre­ vious drop.—New York Wmrld. - A Dangerous ,Deadlock. That sometimes terminates fatal­ ly, is the , stoppage of liver and bowel functions. T-o quickly end this condition without disagreeable sensations, Dr.-KifigIs New • Xife .Pilie should always be your- rem­ edy. Gurarnteed absolutelylsiitis- Iactory in -every case or " money back, at C. 0. -Sanford- Sbns Co. 25e. - i .V--Y-" " .: ~.vfWe are not a t. ail choice. We take $10 gold pieces, with or with­ out the words, “Iu&od We Trust;” also greenbacks, silver, nickels, coppers and scrip. It all \ looks good to us.—Durham Sun. . When the Stomach, Heart; or Kid­ ney nerves get weak, ihen; these or­ gans always fail. Don’t drug the Stomach, nor stimulate|Heart or Kid­ neys. , That is simply a makeshift. Get a prescription known to Drug­ gists everywhere asDr-fShoop’s Res­ torative. The Restorative .is pre­pared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen ‘these nerves; build them up with Dr. Shoop’s Res­ torative—tablets or-liquid—and" see how quickly help will come. Free )le test sent-on ‘request by Dr.:' ‘ " I C.C. Republican column, but Ihechief one sample test sent-on !reqi is, the-Republicans over there polled 5 Shoop, Racine, Wis.1.. Your -health is more votes than the Democrats in i surely worth thisaimple test, the recent-electon. ~ Sanford Sons.Co. Here’s Good Advice. 0: S. Woolever. one of the best known merchants of Xe Baysville, N., Y.,says: “If you are ever" troubled with piles, apply Buck- len’s Arnica Salve. It cured me of'theui-for.good 20 years ago.” Guaranteed for sores,, wounds, burns or abrasions-. 25c;at',G. 'G. Sanford Sons Co^ A TIME-TRIED INVESTMENT^ 6 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE. " We offer yon an investment affording the highest return consistent with absolutesafety. AU loans negotiated through our Company are secured by the best class of Improved property, worth at least double the amount loaned. -In addition to the first mortgage, TheNorth Caro­ lina Trust Company guarantees each loan aud relei ves the lender of all trouble and expense in making the loauand looking Interest. Insuranc, taxes etc., after the loan is made. Write for loans to be submitted. NORTH CAROLINA TRUST COMPANYi Capital $125,000, Greensboro, n . C1J E. P. WHAETONy Pres. DAVID WHITE, Seo. Treas. Letter Heads, J J Note Heads, 4- Bill Heads, Statements and Envelopes. WORK GUARANTEED. PRICES REASONABLE. Zhe SDavte IRecovb 3ob print.WORK The Davie Record and that hot insect known as The Yellow Jacket, - Both One Year For Seventy-five Cents. About 3,000 actors are said to" be out of employment in New York; If they are willing to work the North Carolina cotton mills will negotiate with them.—Exchange. A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza"farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, in the, home of Mrs. E. D,, Clapp, -a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with lung and throat -tiouble.' “Exhausting coughing spells' occurred every five minutes,” writes Mrs. Ciapp, “when I began giving Dr. King’s New Discovery, the great medicine, that saved his.life- and, completely cured -him.” Guaranteed for coughs and-colds, throat and lung t ’oubles, by C O. Sanford Sons Co. 5 )c. and $1.00. TrialXottle free; Just § I P Right in arid subscribe for £* The Davie Record, It will only cost you gQ ^ents for one who]e year. Wedodl bind. Modem Job at Low Pricei. Southern Railroad. * Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS • i-?Soutli—East--West. TnroughTrains Betweea Principal Cities and Resorts’, . : . ° 'AFFOBMHO''-^BSTrCSLAfeS ACCOMMODATION" EIegantPullman Sleeping Cais on all Through Trains. Dining, Club ... r And Observation Ckirs.- For Speed, Comfort and Cpnrteous Employes, travel via the South­ ern Railway. Rates,’Schedules and other infpritiution : furnished by . addressing the undersigned:. BiX. VEEN6n,i^av..Bass,; Agt., J. H. Wood, Dist.Pass. Agent Charlotte, N C,'":-' ~. Asheville, .N. 0. S. H TTa htivvTfnrHass. TrafficMgri W. H. TAYLOE,Geu‘’l Pass Agt WASHINGTON, P. 0. - - ' ; \ : RHEUMATISM. , .M. F; Ballantyne, of Ballantyne ^ McDonough’s Iron Foundry i Sa­ vannah, Ga., says that he lias suf­ fered for yearsTroin Rheumatism-, and'could - get no. relief iroui any source but P. p. P., which eured him entirely."' He extols the prop-, j erties of T. P. P. on every occasion; 1 ’ P. P. p. is - the greatest known bhre for Rhematism; it eradicates -the diseaseout of the system quick, lyand forever. - •;. P. P. Pm Xippman’s Great Rem edy, cures Salt Rheum, with its itch-and burning,Scald Head1Tet- ter, etcv ; - . . -P. P./P. icnres Boils,. Pimpl«s, and all eruptions due to the blood. JP1- P. P. cures Rheumatism and all pains in the' sides, back- aud shoulders, knees, hips7 wrists and joints. -7 ■ .5 - . ’ ' P. P. P. cures Blood. JPo’son in all its various .stages. Old Ulcers", Sores and Kidney Complaints. P. P. P; cnres Catarrh, Eczema, Erysipelas, and all skin and blood diseases, and Mercurial Poisoning. . . . Sold by All Druggists. . Don’t pay $20 for a watch when yuu can get one for nothing. Read our ad elsewhere. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they can­ not reach the distased portion of the ear. There is only 'one way to cure deafness, and that is by con­ stitutional 'remedies'^ Deafness is- eaused by an inflamed condition of-, the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tnbe is inflamed you have a rambling sound or.im- lierfect hearing, and when it is en­ tirely closed, Deafness is the-result,- -aod unless the iuflantinalion can betaken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, .hearing will be destroyed forever; tiine ca­ ses out orteu are caused bv Catarrh which is nothiug but an inflamed condition of the mucoiis surtaees. * W’e will -give one hundred dol­ lars for any case of Deafness (caus­ ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sendfor circulars, free. THE DAVIE RECORD: E. H. MORRIS - Proprietor. C FRANK STROUD - - Editor Terms of Subscriptiom Oae copy, One Year,______50c: One copy. Six Months. 25c. Intered at the Postofflce in Mocks- ville, N. C., as Second-class Mail matter, March 3,1903. o . News S ' LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAFEf EVER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTf. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., DEC. 19,19071 The Kational Democratic Con ^ vention will meet in Denver, on July 7th. BillyBryanwill be in attendance. The city of Boston, went Repub- lican last week for the first time in many years. Our Democratic friends now- have someting else to view with alarm. The condition of the Bank of Davie does not indicate a panic. Thisbank was never in a more prosperous condition' than now. Your attention is called to the statement of this bank, which ap­ pears in this issue. -President Roosevelt has ,issued an official statement, declaring that under no circumstances will he be a candidate for re-election. There is at least one man who will be glad indeed to receive this intelli­ gence. "We refer to Hon. W. J. Bryan. UNCLE ALEX IN MOCKSVILLE COURIER. Byreaeonofhishaving ren­ dered such valuable service on behalf of the G. 0. P. and hav­ ing fought with so much zeal against the unscrupulous De- V mocratic party, the Honorable Edwin H. Morris, keeper of the postoffice at Mocksville, must-undoubtedlyhavea migh­ ty pull on the powers that be at Washington. How, there­ fore we begin in the interest of the merchants and manufac­ turers of our co&kty. Weask ^ him in the name’of the ,farm- : ers and mechanics of our coun­ try, we plead with him in the , name of the women and child- ( sen of our country to go forth j—haste to Washington and use his influence in our be­ half. We ask him in the name of all things great and noble to go at once to Washington and have that hideous Parker kick­ ed out and Roosevelt and bis eorpsof Lieutenants, who prom­ ised us a never-ending period of prosperity, aud bliss rein­ stated. The above scintillating thoughts from “Uncle Alex/’ will interest and possibly amuse-some of The Record’s readers, for in the^a^ g.? g!, °f 3 S^oWiSg'cusS,” to __»»j-tne least. We regret to in­ form him that his egotism is only surpassed by his' crass ignorance, for if we have ever had such an in­ fluence with the powers that be, we were not aware of it, and had we such influence, we 'think we have too much sense to rush in, or butt in.* Our Demonratie friends, and especially the “Uncle Alex” variety, are 'powerful anxious -to make a mountain out of a mole hill, and they would sacrifice the coun­ try and all its interests- for party gain. These Uncle Alex? have grown aud ,prospered and fattened under a Republidan administration untjl they are.in U ie same condit- ien of the children of Israel. They long for the Cleveland soup pots, to reduce the fatty degeneration ^hie1ll Jias overcome their recollec- \ion of their former task masters, and they are actually pining to re­ turn to Egypt, hut there is a ray of hope for all such benighted be­ ings as “Uncle Alex.” ,The peo­ ple of this great country are going . to the polls next Kovember -and save the lost tribes in Bpite of . themselves. In conclusion, “Uncle Alex,” we hope you are not qne of - the faithful who has dealt so un­ kindly toward our friend, The Courier, in withholding .the amount . you are due on subscription. We hope you have hot fallen back .up­ on so flimsy an excuse to get rid of paying for a paper that comes to your home 52 wteks a year, preach­ ing calamity and desolation, in a "' land of plenty and good prices. Ever your Iovinfffriend1 E , H . MoHRiSi j C o m tty j j •ffiew s. AU Communication* of NEWS with writer’* name attached will be ' gladly accepted. k NewsFrotn North County Line. Mias Rebecca Ratledge is teach­ ing school at Cherry Grove this year, and the scholars 'like her' fine.- \ Mr. Spurgeon Gaither went to the mountains on-business one day last week. - " Mr. W. A, West Iiad a cotton picking last Saturday night. AU who were present report a nice time, Mr. Tennyson Lowery went to Statesville on business last Wed­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Rives vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. West last Sunday. Miss Edith Gray and Mrs. Rich Rieves went to Cooleemee last Sat­ urday on business. MisB Beulah Dyson was the guest of her aunt last week. Messrs. John and Lonnie Dyson,' of Cooleemee, were visiting, their father, Mr. J. C. Dyson, who lives near County Line, last Sunday. MissMary Ratledge spent last Thursday with her sister, Miss Grade, who lives near Calahaln. As news is scarce, I willring off, wishingTheRecord and all the correspondents success. Peach Blossom. Lowery. Mrs. Aldrick—Luua Haneline. ' Susie—Bessie Womack. Lillian Clyde—Elizabeth Ranee. Eriskey—Cleopatra Collette. Let everybody begin the Xmas festivities by taking in the play and helping buy desks for the academy. Admission 15c. Thwe Willbestring band music to enter­ tain the audience between acts. * There will also be an Xmas tree here on the night of the 24th, Leap Yeah . Only a few more days -until our ,watch contest will; close,'• If 1 yOtt have not taken advantage of otir contest, you bad better dov so at once. Your chance at the watch and gun costs yon nothing. Come or send in your renewal at once The contest elosesDee. 25th, at high noon. -The names of the, for­ tunate ones will be published in Our. first issue after the contest closes. The contest is fair aud open to all, aud every person holding tickets are’ invited to be present at 3 p. m., on Christmas day, when the sealed box containing the tick­ ets will be turned over to two dis­ interested parties, who will see that the drawing is conducted fair­ ly and above board. We wish to say that we, or no one else, know what the number of the two lucky- tickets will be. LOOK HERE, MISTER If there is an X mark op­ posite your name this week, it means that you owe us and drat we want you to settle with us before Christmas. Do not put this m atter off longer. Items From Strouds. A large number of our subscribers on the rural routes out from this city, are behind on their subscrip­ tion. Sendinthecashbyyour car­ rier, and we will pay the postage on it, and mail you tickets in our watch contest. , Do this today. High Point News. Rabbit hunting is the order of the day. Mr. Anderson, Carson is all smiles—its a girl Little Wilmer Clodfelter is visit­ ing her grandparents at High Point this week. Mr. C. R. Garrison died at his home at Wallburg last week. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn their loss. He has been sick for some time and bis suffer­ ing was intense, . but he bore i with patience. He was a gooi neighbor and will be missed—- extend symjwi*='- ^iae ^ reave' Wishing The Record a Merry Christmas, I’ll ring off. ‘ High Point Boy. Mr. Offie Garwood went to Fork Friday on business. Misses Lethia Williams, Cora and May Starrette and Lizzie Mason visited Miss Bettie Crouch Wed­ nesday night. Mr. J., A. Daywalt, wife and two sons, went to Cooleemee shop ping Monday. —Mr. Frank Stroud and wife, of County Line, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. Stroud Sunday. Christmas tree and entertain ment at Stroud’s school house on Dec. 20th.' All cordially' iriVited. Ke weddings to report this week. Wait till Christmas and we will tell you more about it. Little Blhe Bird . Look here mister! .You are owing us on subscription, Why not ^pay up and get a chance or two on That watch and gun We are going to give away Christmas. CaiiiiX Happenings. I - Owing to the big rain Friday night, it was impossible for our carrier on Route 2 to make his round. . • *' ’ Misses Luha Haneline, Besnie Womack and'Cleo Collett .spent Friday night awith Miss Lizuie Nance. Mr. and Mrs. L.S.'Kurfees spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. J. M. Bailey. ' Mr. Tom Stonestreet 'and wife spent Sunday night-with their fath­ er, Mr. PetenGrangeri . * Mrs. G. L. White who has been quite iU with rheumatism, is im­ proving, we are. glad to note. The play which ,was mentioned in these columns some time ago, will be given Saturday night, Dec. 21,1907. ‘.‘The turn of the Tide”- Is a temperance play in three "acts, and contains a pleasing variety ol fun and pathos. . ' CHARACTERS: Jonas Aldrick, a fis herman—G. L. White. Capt. Hugh St. .> Morrisc-J. Boyce Caia Herman Clyde, a pirate—Chas, S. Eaton. Col. Elsworth—P. H. Nance. Sliugshot Rube—Jno. ft. Eaton. Bowie Knife Jack—Sam Stone- street. Pepper, a colored servant—C, W . VL X. . ' iX- - X■ • Remember that our watch contest will close Wednesday at 12 o’clock. Better come in this week and gbt your tickets before the rush begiris. Atickling cough, from "any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Bhoop’s Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that DrX Shoop tells mothers everywhere to" give it without hesstation even to very young babes. Thewholesomegreen leaves and tender stems of a lung- healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. . It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bron­ chial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resin­ous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, ‘The Sacred Herb.” Demand Dr. Shoop’s. TalJeno other. C. C. San­ ford Sons Co. X 'tf*. se A Bold Robberyat Advance. The store of J.'W. Jobes, at Ad­ vance, was broken into and robb-ad Saturday night by parties unknow ffiiieyoa—r-figT- -tvd' through Hie back door. By the u of a brace and bit, lock on the do was removed. A large quantity of goods, such as shoes, groceries, load­ ed .-shells, etc., were stolen. They also attempted to break into another store through. tfie, - back door, bpt failed to get it open*. The officers are making diligent effort to locdte the robbers,, but up to today had no clue whatever, - ' ' Christmas Tree. . ^1 ' We are requested to annotS that therewill be a Christmas Ujjee at the Davie Academy, near Kal pa, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 24th. The hour was not mentioned, bjit we presume it will be about 7:30. Allcordiallyinvitedi Will Erect a Monument, at His Fathei7* Grave in Iredell. Winston Sentinel, 5th. -• W. 0. Macymf Santa Rosa, Caib fornia, was here today on route, to Mocksville and, Iredell county. “I left here 27 years ago,” said Mr. Macy. He went to Indianafifst where he • married. Twenty one years ago he moved to California, where he has met with splendid success, being engaged in the grape and fruit growing business. Mr, Macy stated further that' he was a native, oi Guilford county and that his father rests in the family grave­ yard near Nicholson's Mills, Itedell county. ..Thepurposeofhis visitis to have a monument erected over his grave. - His mother, MrS. Nan­ cy MJiSwain, was married twice and is how. a resideut of Iqdiitna. Sherecently suffered £ stroke of paralysis apd is nowqnite feeble. Cotton dropped down to' 11 cents last week, but the .wise farmer shook his head and waited a day or two, and got 11:45. - To Patron* of Mocksville Postofffce. For the past Vfive months the postmaster add clerk have had' to weigh and seperateall the mail for the five R. F. D. routes, as well as all mail deposited in the office, and it has added-much to the work. The Christmas' holidays are .about here, and an increased amount; will have to be handled. Four of the R. F. D. carriers are scheduled to arrive at the;postoffice at 5:30 p. m., only giving us about 30 min­ utes to, register the letters, issue the money orders, separate and weigh all the mail brought in, arid* it often taxes us to the utmost to get all this mail off on the 6:04 p. m. train. We wish to dispatch ajl mail promptly, and we respectfully ask the people of the town to tran­ sact all their business with the postoffice by 5 o’clook, p. 'm., possible. EspeciaUy do we ask you to get your money orders,. aijd have your packages registered be­ fore 5 p. m„ as we do not wish to hold over registered matter until the day following. We hope these suggestions will be taken in the spirit they are made, for it is our earnest desire to give the patrons of the office the best service pos­ sible. '" Respectfully, E. H. Mobbis, P. M.. SWEET ELLA’S GRAVE. Published by Request. Gentle zephyrs blow ye lightly, O’er the place where sleeps the dee d, Where the moonbeams shining brightly,All around"her narrowbedV- ----For where yonder ivey'creeps Is the place sweet Ella sleeps. Arigel wings have borne her spirit To the brighter land above, • Where the blest fore’er inherit All a Father’s holy love:And while love its vigil keeps In her grave sweet Ella sleeps. When the night of death came o’ei her. ' IAwu-^r eyes began to close. ■ • j nappy dreams went on hofore hef-1- Leading her to sweet repose; j Then she fell and slumbered deep ! Leaving us below to weep. J Then we laid her tiny fingers ~ ? Lightly across her peaceful breast Often now her memory lingers As if by divine behest ' 'Though now her reward she reaps We will mourn her while she sleepy. Then ye zephyrs blow ye lightly O’er the sacred, hallowed spot Where the. moonbeams shinibk. brightly, • - ' \ Oh; it cannot be forgot,For where yonder ivev ereepg Is the place where ElferieepsT^ [ NOTICE. As guardian of N. L. * Sheets, Il will sell publicly for cask at th Court House door in Mocksville, on Saturday1-December 21st, 1907, two good well broke and good condit­ioned young horses, and a 2-horse wagon and harness, and other prop­erty. Thisl6th day of Dec. 1907. T. M, Sheets , Guardian.1 BALANCING YOUR CASH is an easy matter if you have an ac­count at THE BANK OF DAVIE Capital and Profits, $25,000.00. The stub of your check book will show exactly how much you have on hand. You don’t have to count and. recount ip order to be sure of . the amount. Andeach paid cheek will- be a receipt showing exactly -where your money has gone and what for. Why not have such an account and adj-ita advantages. ' - Bwilv Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Winterton, N: T., had; a very remarkable ex­ perience; he says: “Doctors got- badly mixed up over mb; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trouble; the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; but none of them helped me; so my wife advised tryingElec- t-ric Bitters, which are .restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me more good than all the five doctors prescribed.” Guaranteed for blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney com­ plaints,- by C. G. Sanford Sons Co. 50c. Furniture! Furniture!! ‘ When in Winston we invite you to visit our store and see the nice things in-'-: Furnifiire and House Furnishings. We carry a full line Floor Coverings, Parlor Goods, Cur­ tains, Furniture' of every descriytion. Also the best Cook Stoves and Steel Ranges on the market. Youarealways welcome at our place whether you buy or not. X Crim-CantrelI Fur. Co. 307-309 Main St., East Court House. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Something New. iere nes, a l® g ^ * * ❖ ❖ * *§► * %■ *■ * *§■ *■ * * * ❖ * * % * % ❖ I I- * * * * & % * * * * 4* * * * * J. J. Starrette,'of Kappa, .begs to inform 1 that he has something hew in the undertak —something that cannot be found anywhere the county. He keeps on hand at all times, and well assorted line of caskets, and is prepared to snit the largest or the smallest. Hiscasketsare all. hand-made, and he uses-air dried and kiln dried material, consisting of walnut, oak, cherry, poplar, pine and-sweet gum. His prices on caskets range from »2.00 to $65.00, according to trimming' and material used. He is .prepared and will gladly fill orders day or night, and especially invites the pub­ lic to call and inspect his line of goods. He will take great pains in showing you some of the finest woikmauship to be found anywhere. His line of ti-imimugs io large and well selected. Did you say drugs? Then it will pay you to visit When You Are in Winston-Salem. ©ank ot Cooleefnee. Cooleemee, IN. C. - .. J, B. MASON, . J. K. LEDFORD, - J. H. L. RICE President. Y, President. Crishier DIRECTORS: ~ J B. MASON—Cashier National Bank, Durham. N. C J. F. WILY—Cashier The Fidelity Bank, Durham, N C ~ B. N. DUKE—Director American Tobacco Co. and Caoitalist F. L. FULLER—Attomeyat Law. p W. R. HARTNESS-Agent Southern Railway Companv. H. J ;1 FORSYTH—Supt. Cooleemee Cotton Mills.. T. V. TERRELL—Treas. Cooleemee Cotton Mills. J. W. ZACHARY—Book-keeper Cooleemee Cotton Mills.J, H. L. RICE—with Cooleemee Cotton Mills. ;' : X. - * •-W. A. ERWIN-Prraident Cooleeiriee Cotton Mills and Canitalist J. N. LEDFORD—Treasr and Mgr., The J. N. Ledford Co; With the strongest financial backing of any Bank in this section of the State, we invite Merchants1^Farmers, Individuals, Firms and Corporations that have not alreridy done so, to open an-account with us. ' * I We extend to our patrons every accommodation consistent with good banking. • . Interest paid on all money left in-our Savings Department for four months or longer. Giveusyourbanking business. J- Hi JL. RICE, Cashier. THE DA c. fra n k : Jacks their hall ove Thursday nig' cordially invi R. L. Fey, P Arri- MA Sorth Ar. at Nouth-Ar. a' LOG North.—Ar. a South,—Ar. a THR (Dail North—Ar. a South.— Ar. a V* Xocal A. T. Gran Winston. Floyd Fry Winston Sun Buy your and oranges Remember close Dec. 25 Get your C J. B. Whitie: /^F. P. Rattz /in Winston. Eastman H. M. Dea in town last Nice line etc., at ( S . G. Ho to Gastonia I 'Just receiv apples. f ~Hugh Sanf \Queen City I The best darfin’s. Henry Kel in this city S , Good servi Kefound at’ / Mrs. M. E l^day last wee1 Santa Cla his headqu Front Groce • Owingto Saturday, o in town. A full and cloaks, all si White Fron P. M. C called at ou subscribed f Toilet Set Framed Pic Charlie S part of last JRoute I. Why go shoes when purchasing InNorth C Rev. and ed last Wed visit to_rela 400 volu including t ( esse De in town las from a visi If you a Guitar, M show the A numb Monday an tions. M A few I left, to go Misses Route 5, ping. Just re “Clauss” zors, whic' ' >r Xmas, Mrs. R. mee Junct- ■vcity, the FOR Organ, strument ply quick The old widows ca the Court checks. See our military b es, purses, cases and ing a pre THE DAVIE RTCOWK * * * ifI &' t0 * ii *: t «• j ,d *in * b- 4 ill a t f - f * *§> , , C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. Jackson C. M. A., meets in their hall over Baity’s store every Thursday night. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend;R. L. Fry, Pres. G. M. Hendrix , Sec. Arrival of Trains. MAIL TRAIN. Sorth Ar. at Mocksville 9:34 a. m. Nouth—Ar. at '* 6.04 p. m. LOCAL FREIGHT, North.—Ar. at Mocksville 9:28 a m. South1-A r. a “ 9:28 a. m. THROUGH TRAIN (Daily and Sunday)' North—Ar. at Mocksville 1:10 p. m. South.— Ar. at “ 3:38' p. <n That beautiful gold watch 'we are going to give away next Wednesday will matte some one a nice Christmas present. Men’s, youths and boys suits and pants at special prices. J. T. Baity . Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bailey, and Miss Alice Lee returned last' Wed­ nesday from a visit to Charlotte. Men’s.and boys clothing to go at some price. Bailey & Martiu, Misses Margaret Bell, Mary Me- roney and Marie and Helen Allison D.’C, Kurfees left Thursday even- spent Thursdayin Winston shopping. ing for Salisbury, where he has ac- I ' ' _. j «i« . . m. } OftDQVy orsi]f6S< rsisioS) nutscepted a position as salesman in The, Zother ^ od things for Christmas. Spot Cash Store, Xocal anb !Personal. A. T. Grant, Jr., spent Friday in I Winston. Floyd Fry made a hurried trip to Winston Sunday. apples L* Buyyour Xmas and oranges at B. E. Hunt’s. Remember our watch contest will close Dec. 25th, at 12 o’clock. GetyourChristmas pickles from J. B. Whitley. / F. P. Rattz spent one day last week /ii Winston. Eastman Kodaks and Cameras. T. F. S a n f o r d . H. M. Deadmon, of Auguste, was in town last week. Nice line candy, raisins, cheese, etc., at Bailey & Martin’s. / L. G. Horn made a business trip / to Gastonia last week. Just received a nice lot of Baldwin apples. J. B Whitley. , (~ Hugh Sanford made a trip to the \Queen City last week. The best flour in town at Bailey /Martin’s. Henry Kelly, of Taylorsville, was in this city Sunday and Monday. , Good serviceable Xmas gifts can ‘be found at E. E. Hunt’s. Mrs. M. E. Swicegood spent one day last week in Winston, shopping. Santa Claus will make our store his headquarters this year. Red Front Grocery. • Owing to the enclement weather Saturday, only a few farmers were in town. I A full and complete line of ladies cloaks, all sizes and prices at the White Front, North Cooleemee. Vv P. M. Cartner, of near Kappa, called at our office Thursday and subscribed for The Record. Toilet Sets from $3.50 to $10. Framed Pictures from 15c. to $10. T . F . S a n f o r d . ^Charlie Smoot, of Salisbury, spent part of last week with his parents on I1Routel. Whygo elsewhere to buy your shoes when you can save money byy purchasing them at the White Front ,in North Cooleemee. \ / Rev. and Mrs. G. P. Goode return- I ed last Wednesday from a two weeks' A complete line of gents furnish­ings in all the latest styles at the White Front, North Cooleemee. G. M. WUlson,- who lives on the turbid waters of Hunting creek, gave us a call Saturday and secured ticket No. 130. Come quick and get you a suit before they are gone. B ailey & M artin.. " W. T. Watkins and little son, of Route I, Salisbury, were in town Friday, and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. Watkins got ticket No. 125. “Old Santa Claus” has plenty of apples, oranges, nuts, raisins and candy of all kinds in abundance now’ ready foe you atJ. Lee K urfees. „ R. L. Walker, of Route I, and C. C. Craven, of Route 2, were among our friends who called in last .week and secured tickets in our contest. Tou jcill always get- what you wautat less price at Bailey & Martin’s. C C S. J. Smcot, who lives on the tur- J. Bi-Whitley. Mrs. Walter Rattz, of Salisbury, spent a few days last week in this city, the guest of the Misses Rattz. Nice line of groceries always_jutf hand at Bailey & Martin’s. Thenext issue ofThe Davie Re­ cord will be printed on Monday even­ ing, Dec. 23rd'. AU our correspon­ dents are earnestly requested to let their news items reach us Saturday evening or Sunday, as Monday will be too late. BuyyourGhristmascandies, ap­ples, oranges, bananas and other fruits at The Red Front Grocery. Two of Our neighbors, realizing the starving condition of the editor, sent us a nice lot of fresh meat Sat­ urday, consisting of back ribs and spare bonep, souce, hash, sausage and mush, for which they have our everlasting gratitude. Just opened a barrel of White House Syrup. Red Front Grocery. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Summer is gone and as the first Fall mouth approaches, you should begin to look around for your Winter Snit. To the prospective buyer *ve wish to submit ,a Few Facts concerning our IineofMenlSandBoyjSciothingforFallandWinteruse. _ 5, Facte which should command the attention of every clothes buyer. Facts that weigh full sixteen ounces to every pound Facts that are strictly’ “net” and not subject to any discount. Facts that carry with them a hundred cents worth of merit and value for every dollar.' Facts that invite.and are open to the most rigid and exacting tests,. v ' , STYLE.!QUALITY. “Single men may wear double-breasted j coats.” Menofaveragesizeand shape] are fiee to follow their fancy as to cut of j their clothes, but stont men should so j style their garments as to reduce the ap- ] pearance of oorpulency—therefore we j recommend single-breasted garments for j them. . J Broad-minded men with narrow side lines should “exaggerate” by selecting I double-breasted garments. j In our clothes, Style and Quality go m hand in hand. They have Snap and Tone in appearance, with Trustworlhi- , ness and Durability in thebackground. They are made from the very best ma­ terial and consequently will give you the very best wear. F, M. Willirms, Esq., of Bixby, spent Friday in this city, and gave i..-j . „ rri .. , - 1 us a pleasant call and renewed hisbid waters of Hunting creek, gave I subs^ ption> Mr. williams inforffi_ us a pleasant call Saturday, and re­ newed his subscription, for which he has our thanks. A shipment of oats and, Jiay to ar­rive in a few days. J. B. Whitley. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lilliard,'of Winston, spent from Saturday until Mondayinthis city, the guests of Mrs. Lilliard’s father, Mr, T. L. Kelly, on Sahsbury-street. — Just received a large lot of cotton seed meal and hulls at J.&B. Whit­ley’s. Try it. / ‘\ visit tqrelatives in Cleveland county. 400 volumeB of Standardlyorks, including the Poets, at 15 and 2Ocy T. F. S a n f o r d . / ' ^Jesse Deadmon, of Salisbury, was in town last weejc on his way honm from a visit to relatives in Augusta^ - If you are thinking of buying a Guitar, Mandolin or Violin, let us show the Lyon and Healey. T. F. Sa n f o r d . A number of our friends called in Monday and renewed- their subscrip­ tions. Many thanks. A few ladies read y-trimmed hats left, to go at and below cost. j. T.- B a it y . MissesMaryand Ida. Bpwles,. of- / Route 5, were in town Monday shop- \ ping. V. Just received a new stock of “Clauss” Scissors, Shears and Ra­zors, which will make a nice present Jor Xmas, at E. E. Hunt’s. / Mrs. R. W. Kurfees, of 1 mee Junction, spent Friday Veity, the guest of Mrs. C. F. FOR SALE-A fine Parlor Queen Organ. If you want a first-class in­ strument this is your chance. Ap­ ply quick to Thos. N. Chaffin. The old confederate veterans and widows can now call on the Clerk of the Court and receive • their pension checks. - - Seeourlioe of razors, knives, ' military brushes, pipes, cigar caB es, pnrses, fountain pens, match cases and stick pins, before select­ ing a present for him. - T. F . Sa n f o r d . Mr, and Mrs. W. F. H, Ketchie,) of Kappa, spent Friday in this city shopping, and Mr. Ketchie left a life preserver with us, and secured tick­ et No, 124. Something new—Dandarine for the hair and* head at Bailey & Martin’s. / Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Walker; near Kappa, spent Friday in city shopping. Mr. Walker gave a pleasant.call, and renewed his Si scription.. Rogers’ Triple Plated Kniv{ Forks and Spoons. T. F. Sa n f o r d . You can buy 13 2 cent -stamps the postoffice in MocksvilIe until Ji 1st, 1908, for a cent and a qu: Go early and avoid the rush. Rifle cartridges, gun wads other ammunition on sale at - J. B. Whitiey’i '^The Baptist Sunday school give a treat at the church on Ghrii mas night. Santa Claus will be ^iand to see the children. Dinner sets with 100 pieci $10.00 and $12.00. ^ T.'F. Sa n f o r d . George Fry, who has been worl ing at the chair factory in this ci for'several months, has resigned his position, and left Sunday for his home near Advance. | VfOR SALE.—Strawberry plant: of the following varieties: Excel-, sior, Climax, Boston Prize, Klon- dyke, Gandy, Lady Thompson Im1 proved and Brandywine. Thi plants are the very best and well rooted. Price: 15 cents pei dozen, 35 cents per hundred, $2 pei thousand. Write or call on M. ■ R. Chaffin, Mocksville, N. C. ed us that he had married 22 couples sincelast Christmas—more than afiy other magistrate' in the county. Rufus Spry, of Cooleemee, and MissMaggie Foster, of near Tur- rentine, were married at the home Iof the bride’s father, W. D. Foster, on Thursday evening, Dec. 12th, Rev. C. P. Goode officiating. The Record extends congratulations W the happy couple. -sV Rev. Wm. Parker, a brother of Mrs. W. C. P. Etchison, committed suicide by drowning himself in a canal near Goshen, Indiana, several |days ago. Mr. Parker was a popu­ lar Christian preacher in Indiana, and we extend our sympathies to the relatives of the deceased. If you want some good Christmas flour, call at Hom-Johnstone Co’s. We will be closed down from Our Fall line is now in and we invite you to come and see for yourself if we haven’t the best andjargest assortment of Men’s Up to Date Suits ever shown in Mocksville. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Successors to C. C. SANFORD. MOCKSVILLE, - -N. C. f / K GOLD WATCH and Wmchester Rifle TO BE GIVEN AWAY. Coolee- in this Stroud. To every old or new subscriber who pays fifty cents on subscription to TheDavieRecordbetweenNov. 6th, and Dec. 25th, will be given.a receipt bearing a number on it. A ticket with a corresponding number on it, "wlia be deposited in a sealed box and all tickets will be kept in this box until the day the.contest closes,.when ticxets will be talcen out and put in a large box and thoroughly shaken up, after which a boy. will draw one of the tickets out of the box, the one he draws will be the one winning the watch, which will.be presented to the person holding the receipt whose .number corresponds with the number ticket. This contest -is fair and openJo walrh to movement, in a 20-year golflffiUeiT hunting case, either ladies or gents size. Remember that every 50 cents paid on subscription entitles you to one chance at this, handsome !Christ­ mas present. Now is the time to re­new or subscribe. One of our sub­scribers will win this $20 watch. You stand as good a chanee as any one.Iu connection with the gold watch, we are going to giye away a good 22- Winchester Riille to the person hold­ing the second lucky number. This contest is now in full blast* Call at our office and letus show you these handsome premiums. day morning, and was laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery on Monday even­ ing at two o’clock. Dr. Gwaltney had been pastor of the First Baptist GhurchinHickoryfor many years, and was one of the ablest divines in the State. He served the Mocks­ ville Baptist church some twenty- five or thirty years ago, and has- many friends in this city who will be pained to Ieam of his death. No better man has lived in this age. The BEST to be had in BANKING! • * >* WACHOVIA LOAN & TRUST CO. Winston-Salem. North Carolina’s STRONGEST Bankinghouse, Capita] and Prof its $775,000.00. Assets, - $5,400,000.00. We Pay FOUR PERCENT intere8tj comPoun^ed quarterly. Call and give us your address or mail it Eureka Barber Shop. W .J. VICKERS Prop. First-class work. C'ean tow­ els and sharp razors. Satis­ faction guaranteed. w S- Shop next door north of Brown’s Livery Stable. Open Wednesday from I to 8 . Satnrday from 7 a. m. to IO p. m. NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of A. M. Richardson, dec’d, notice- is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to. present them to the undersigned for pay­ ment on or before the 2nd day of December, 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This December 2, 1907. M. P. Richardson , Ex’r of A. M. Richardson, Dec’d. E. L. Gaither , Attorney. Printers fee, $2. insnow-and sleetin swamp timber i-u. Yet the woodsman can be maSe ’ happy with an Atkins Saw—makes his work so much easier. A Saw Sense booklet and bangle pin tree to anyone asking to see Atkins Silver- Steel Saws. Soldby E. E HUNT Hardware and Paints. J)R. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, Office over Bank of Davie Dr A Z TAYLOR, DENTIST. Is in his office over Baity’s store eve­ry Saturday. Will go to your house and do your work any other day in the week. Callat Baity’s store and leave message & address State'of North Carolina I Commissioner’s Office. County of Davie, f October 7, 1907 Notice is hereby given that North Caroliua Midland Railroad Bonds Nos, 53, 54, 55 andv 5(1 must be presented for payment on or be'." fore January^}, 1908. The inter­ est will cease on said bonds at the expiration of that time. Ity order of the Board of Corn- J?'F? iWrVS_of Davie county, N. 0. L-ol-Jhe Board. W. M. RUTH, DEALER IN Sewing machines and parts for all machines, oil, needles etc. CalLor write him. SALISBURY, N. C. FRUIT TREES. Great Bargains* Order Today. Agents Wanted. Greensboro Nurseries, John A. Young, Owner. Greensboro, N. G. Heart Strength if. The Record is only 50 cents a year. Issued weekly. AU home prinf I will pay the highest market price for your furs. Tags furnish­ ed and express charges paid. JOSEPH McCL AM ROCH,- > Mocksville,-N. C. lake theRecord ? Heart St rength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerved enknoss—nothing more.’Pos^* itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is, in it* self, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all a$ fault. This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or IIea rt -Nerve —simply needs, and must have, more power, more Stability, more controlling, more governing *“ strength. -VVitlioutthattheHeart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves.This clearly explains why. as a medicine. Dr. - Shoop’s Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat­ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—this * popular prescription—is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds I* it strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help.If you would have strong Hearts, strong di­gestion. strengthen these jierves-? re-establish' them as needed, with --- Dr. Shoop’s Restoirettive 5 C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. " -'..i.." XrrF'- % THE HORNET SECTION. ROOT HOGvOR DIE. SOME THINGS THAT WILL KEEP YOU GRINNING FOR A WEEK. TRIP TO SALISBURY. "We, (that means'the editor and our friend D. C. KurfeeB) left last Tuesday night on a fljing trip to Salisbury. The flying part did not last long. We dumped our weary bones oft at a little station called Barber Junction, about 6:40-p. m., and after enjoying a nice supper at the Junction House, which is run by our friend, J. T. Barber, we made ourselves.miserable in the depot waiting room. Our traia go­ ing east was due at 7:20, but wheD it was learned that we had arrived at the said Junction, the train was marked up one hour late to start off with. That hour was spent in trying to get a fire started in the afore-mentioned waiting room stove which is owned by the Southern ltailroad and which was operated by all those who were present on Tuesday night. After working an hour with the stove—not the fire, for it wasn’t there—and using a half-gallon of oil and various com­ plimentary words in regard to the coal, we were iuforined by our old friend, GK Olevelapd Witherspoon, the depot agent, that the train was two hours late, instead of one. When this sad intelligence was made known, it was suggested that the song, “We won’t get home till morning,” be sung by the congre­ gation. Various exclamation and interregation points were scattered around. In due course of time the two hours, passed but the train didn’t. And that stove and the atmosphere had almost reached the freezing point. We quit beeping tab on the time after that. But all tfcisgs come to those who wait, and after a time it was announced with joy that a faint rumbling was heard in the distant®. And about the same time, or a- little., samer, that stove got down to business. Strange that all the good luck bits a fellow at one time. We left the Junction at a few minutes befoi'e XO o’clock, aud-thought of the fol­ lowing poem, which has long since become famous: The night was dark and stormy, Bain clouds lingered overhead. When I arrived at a little station Barber Junction, the porter said. My heart was sad Jmd lonely, Notafriendwasstandingby that itl^ —.....................And thoughts that filled my ba^U-««-inany’ friends who' would be Caused many a burdeneA-^ - - - - - - —- .. -,^cmsa to loved ones, IitSidT should see no more, And was waiting a train to take me Puzzles wiser heads than yours Or mine, indeed, to-know. We arrived in,Salisbury and got- to bed justJn time to meet our­ selves getting up. We only had short while in that hustling town, and came near breaking our fool necks trying to cetch a 9;55 train which didn’t leave till 10:30, but we didn’t know.it. Eleven o’clock found us again at Barbgr Junction with other two hours yet to wait. The noon hour found our feet again stuck under friend Barber’s dining room table, and the way we went -down after one of his chickens was a sight to behold. We always feel sorry for the man who has to feed us after we have been boarding at home lor a week or two. The hour of one found us crawling on the 12:42 Mocksville North-eastern Lightning Express, which whizzed us home a little before two. Not a train on the Southern, to our knowledge, run on time while we were away. The Hoot-Owl Spec­ ial actually run;into Barber Junc­ tion five minutes ahead of time as we went over Tuesday night, giv­ ing us a little extra time there, thinking we might want to vote in that precinct at the next election. Won’t some friend be kind enough to send or bringing another pump­ kin. We getteth empty, Wehavoreceivedtwp or three letters from our Hornet subscribers telling us The Record was a good county papery but that they could not be interested in news about people they didn’t know. Now, dearly beloved, you fellows are the very ones that we are running The Hornet Seetion for. We have hundreds of subscribers who never saw or even heard tell of Mocks- ville. “We mean to make this part of our paper rich and rare, and want all of our Hornet subscribers to stand by us. Many of. you la­ dies and gentlemen are behind on subscription, and we would appre­ ciate it very much if you would re­ new, as our pants are getting thin, and our shoes are gone to ruin and the weather getteth colder. An exchange tells of a man out west who sent an obituary notice to his home PapvL^l^e W e ^ d To loved ones on before. _A£-fke 7fi'eary J10Urs crept slowly. ' ADd I listened longingly, Mauy were the-sighs around me ' Erom companions in misery. On all the dreary landscape, Rested a heavy gloom, I could almost see a funeral train In fhe distance loom. Shipwrecked on a desert island, . Were a joy compared to this; When I think of Barber Junction Even toothache seems a bliss. I strained my ears arid listened Eor the coining of my train,. But only heard that endless click And the' beating of the rain. Serving out my long probation, Endless moments I spent there; - One hour spent at Barber Junction Ts the acme of despair. Suddenly I heard a rumbling In the distance far away; Iatoseanddimly wondered if my hair had yet turned gray. Never was bread to. the starving, A more welcome sight, Than No. 22, whose coming Was hailed with such delight. Many are the nation’s heroes, Who well have won renown, They who wait at Barber Junction, HeBerve a martyr’s ci-own. How that everlasting place, Oan be so pokey, slow, And how three hours of waiting is such a weight of woe, pleased to hear of his death. The editor published the notice and it later developed that the dead man belonged to that heartless gang, who after reading the paper for several years had the postmaster mark it “refused” before settling his subscription bill. This action on the deceased scrub probably had ;much to do with his death. Others of the gentry would do well to take warning before it is- forever too late, says the R’ockwood Times. EASY TO MIX THIS Prepare It at Home By Shaking ingre­ dients Well in a Bottle Whatwill appear very interesting .to many people here is the article taken from a New York daily peper, giving a simple prescription, as for­ mulated by a noted authority, who claims that he has found a positive remedy to cure almost any case of backache or kidney or bladder de­ rangement, in the following simple prescription, if taken before the stage of Bright’s disease: - Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake-well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A well-known druggist here at home, when asked regarding this pre­ scription, stated that the ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good pre­ scription pharmacy, or the mixture would be put up if asked to do so. He further stated that while this prescription is ofter prescribed in rheumatic afflictions with splendid results, he could.see no reason why it would not be a splendid remedy for kidney and urinary troubles and backache, as it has a peculliar action upon the kidney structure, cleansing these most important organs and helping them to sift and filter from lhebloodthefoul acid and waste matter which cause sickness and suf­ fering. Those of our readers who suffer cam make no mistake in giving it a-trial." Dearly beloved, wilt thou not pay that thou owest us. We are badly in need of a pair of panta­ loons, a couple of pairs of socks and a pair of shoes. We cannot get these necessities of life without the cash, for the merchants here have learned not to credit editors for anything. Our merchaDts are a smart set of people, and have an eye for business. Without the as­ sistance of onr subscribers we will, to use a big word, soon be des hab ile, or something else. As a special, inducement to those who are behind on their subscrip­ tion and to others whose > subscrip­ tions are about to expire, or will soon run ont, we are going to give away on Dec. 25tb, a fine Blginj hunting case gold- watch.') Every person paying 60 "cents on . sub scription, either new or renewal, gets a chance at the watch. -One ticket goes with each" fifty, cents paid us. It you pay $1 you get 2 tickets, pay $2 and get 4 tickets, and so on. Bead ad on local page for full particulars. Some one of our subscribers will get this watch. Call around at our office and ex­ amine,it. Eire at Lexington about mid­ night on Dec. 11th, destroyed the Taylor Mendenhall dry goods store, also damaging the stock of; the Lexington Drug Co. Loss $25,000 ' . R E P O R T OF THE CONDITION OF <Bbe Bank of E>avie —AT— M o c k s v ille , N. C. At the close of business December '3rd, 1907. . RESOURCES.*’ '• Loans and discounts, - $ 93,981.09 Overdrafts secured; 1,400 .unsecured 524.50 - 1,924 500. S. Bonds on hand, - - 800,00AU other Bonds, 6 per cent '500.00 Premium on Bonds, - - - 40.00 Banking house, $2,190, furni­ture and fixtures, $1,400 3,590.00Due from Banks & Bankers, 63,754.00 Gash items . . . 1,106.67 Gold coin, _ - - - 1,595.00Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, - 1,720.00National Bank notes andother U. S. notes, ,- 12,188.00 15 expenses out for 190J 1,565.35 Total, $182,364.61 l i a b i l i t i e s . Capital stock, $ 20,000.00 Undivided profits, 6,100 82Time Certificates of Deposit 80,131.70 Deposits subject to check 77,030.85 Cashier’s Checks outstanding; 101.24 Total, : $182,364.61 North Carolina I sq County of Davie. f I, T-J. Byerly. Cashierof the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the, best of my knowledge and belief.T. J. Bvbrly , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3rd day of December, 1907.[Seal ] 12. E. Hunt,Notary Public.. Correct—Attest:A. M. M cGlamery ,B- L. Gaither ,T. B. Baile 1V,Z. N. ANDERSON.Directors About 125 tickets have been given in our contest. We Want every one • of our subscribers to get one. If you hav not yet got yours, call around at’our of­ fice and get it, or if you- Iive at a distance write us and we wiU mail it ‘ Special Prices. Trial Gatarrhtreatmentsare being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. ShOop1 Racine, Wis. Thesetests are proving to the people—without a penny’s cost—the great value of this scientific prescription ltnown to drug-1 gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop’sl Catarrh Remedy. Sold by C. ~ Sanford Sons Co. 50 in. Ladies Cloth 79c. 4 pieces'of 50 itch Ladies doth, colors: castor, green; blue and black. Goodswesold at 95c. per - yard, sold most everywhere for $1. Special Price the yard 79c. 46 in. 75c, PIaid Flannel, 59c. 5 pieces of shadow plaid flannel . in steel grey, blue, dark brown and red, 46 inches wide. The very thing for a nice coat suit, and all 75c. qualities too. The yard 59c. 36 in. 50c. Plaids, 39c. Several pieces of plaid goods that we told for 50c. per yard, mostly all dark, in brown, green and red, small and large plaids, all 36 inches to go at 39c. 50c. 42 in. Crepe Cloth, 39c. - 36 inch Orepe Cloth in dark blue, red, light blue and black. This goods is just a little lighter weight than serge and is a striking value. 42 inch wide, the yard 39c. 75c. Solid Black * Suiting, 59c. 42 inch solid black suiting in a laney weave.- For a serviceable dress or skirt you could not get a belter one. Regular price 75c. Special price the yard 59c. Say, girls, could you love a map who wore false hair on -• his head when he had enough of his' own who paints his face and. improves his form as -you improve yours; who pinches hiB feet with shoes, his hands with small gloves, his waist with corsets, and then if kc had not been deformed- pnougfa, ties a huge bustle to his back.— MaryvilleEnterpnse. • . The Kansas fellow who said that every man ought to ask himself if he is a fool, forgets that quite a number of us are married and get some information without asking for it. . ■ A .South . Qarolina paper ha started more controversy by inquir­ ing, “Are a mule’s hindfeetalike. No sensible man has ever bee: close enough to them when off th ground to see, and the other soi was in no condition afterwards ' ti tell. What difference does it make| anyhow.—Exchange. The finest Goffee Substitute eve made, has recently been produci by Dr. Shoop of- Racins Wis. Yoi don’t haveto hoil it twenty or thi: minutto, '' “Made in' a minute’ ’ »• the doctor. “Health Coffee' really the closest' Coffee Imitatii ever yet produced. Not a' grain real; Coffee in it either Health Coj fee Imitation is made from pur. toasted cereals or grains, with mall, nuts, etc. Reallyit wonld fool an. T. BAITY. &33C0G800PQGG0G3 If you Wito to let the people know what you have to sell or wish to buy, just place an ad. ih the Record and you will be surprised at the results. OODOtkSQOOQQOQQOQOOGCer Wanted* The following card of thanks ap­ peared in a paper last week: “I wish, through the columns of your paper, to thank all -the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted me in the loss of my wife. ... J. B. THE INDUSTRIOUS HEN POULTRY JOURNAL of the South: Every Farmer .and Chicken Raiser Should Read it: 5 0 c. One Year (Sample free) ThreeY ears SI THE INDUSTRIOUS HEN CO. OJ 7 Cav St r e e t IKNOXVILLEr TENN. Local r Opr esentativi for; Davieand, vicin­ ity to-look after renewals arid itel crease subscription list of a !: pi-omi-| neat monthly megazihdf oita- salaryl and commission basis: Experience . r .1. , - • , : desirable, but not riecessSry,- ,GooJl °PP°rtunity for. right perse®.,,M-, dnnk it for Coffee. • C, C. Sanford j dress Publisher, Box 69,. Sthtipri Q, New York. v\"'Sons Co.. (Prickly Asti, Poke Rcot and Potassium.) -MAMCS POSITIVE OURRrs OF* ALL F1OllMS AAIi SfTAfll!?* OF- Pb.vs>c»*i>9 PDtJwrse P. P- P. a# a g Aid combination. end prescribe it with ^ grant *atBf,tnt::oQ far the cares nf all ? foraU-an-l-aUiAis n: Piiraarv, Srrcowltt/y fc . and Tertinrv SyphMal Ayuhilitic Rbmu- & matUm, Serufnloiu Ulcert- and Sn?***, g-SCHanduiar Sweiiitiget Rhutifi'oMnTu. Kld- B67 ComjibLlato. O d chronic UlcnrR linn | yet ail) refrain Bceb aed strengths Witoteof energy end ail ducnhft? reralttsg.. rom overtaxing the*ayniem axi euretfby £ the UBo Ol-P. P. P. - ^ v K Lbdtpp whose systems ere poifloftiod wbnse blood in man smiiurr:condition due " to aieuairunl IrregQlnriMea are peculiarly... bnnefluid by th* wonderful bnu- and ITtnaniBBBW LA •beve resisted all. trcattu-nt, Catarrh. Disue ro6. Ecz-'tr.a. Ciiruuic PeuiKlc Ooxnplatnlg, Kercnrial Polsoa, Tetter, Scaldheed, etc., etc. - P. P. P. Ib a powerful tonle and an exoelleot sppitizer, building op th e rapidly. If you ore weak and . feeble, and fee? badly try P..P. P., and blond clesnslnp proyerties of P. P. ..P., r'rickly Aah, Robe Ruut and PeCaBeiaaB. Sold by all Pragglata. F. V. LlFPM AN-, F roprlator S av an n ah , Ga. . RHEUM ATI SOMETHING RI CH. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab or Elonuments call On CLAUDE MILLEK.. North Wilkesboio, Jg c. E1Fbr the next thirty -days vie are|. going to offer; you ybne|6f greatest bargains in reacting mat-] |ter thatydu ever ran up- ^agairistJ [Fof bne dollar we will 1Sbrid y oril ' [the following three papers, for one* Jyear. -They are daisies: M I The Davie Record, ' I ; The. yellow Jacket, - v I I ' The Industrious Hen: b j • The Record will give yon !local and county-’ news^ and ’ •Hornet stings,. I The Yellow Jacket will giveyoi faltthe: political points; you !digest • - ’ ? I I The Industrious Hen is a IargM |72-page magazine, printed in col-1 m s, published at Knoxville, TennJ land tolls you all about chickens,] •and other domestic fowls. It is; Ithe best poultry journal published jin the Soutb. - " j ] Now is the time to subscribe fori •these papers, so you will hav (something to' read during thei (long evenings the coming winter: j Address alforders to I THE DAVIE RECORD, j |box 50. . -Mocksville, N. C.I / r , The only.DaQy Republican News* , paper published in North Carolina r ^.Carries the fall Associated Press Dig- vMtches, '9upplerriented by a Daily Washington Lettet. a complete State News Service,-and the highest priced Foreign Service to be obtained,. FublhhedEveryHdrning SxceptHonday .JBlUrit pages on week days, sixteen or more pages on Sunday. PRICE: SIX BOLUBS FEB ItiK A sample copy mailed qpon request. Address. - C- CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT DAKY INDUSTRIAL NEWS GREENSBORO, N. C K I L L th e COUGH AND CURE th e lung s wnnDr. King’s Nsw Discovery fob CotS?8 MlPALtTWBOATAHP UINQ TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB HOBBY REFUNDED. V o l. IX . Old papers for sale at the Record - ISSUE MISSING