03-March■ ?:v ' 'PorFifUShootl„_____ Id lo^illrof Snfih'silSl l* « ^ « *»■» Co., ^csfswhatv. Iflc ially d ig cststh e j f in WretiKtiicnina exliaiistc(l“ Iltistlielp.tcstdiscoi ■rtt.inio. Nootherl ppnarh it in ciBch relieves and pcrnij ■psia, Indigcslinn. ■r-nce, Sour Stoma leartachc.Gaslralirii IcrrcsultsofimpoVf kai.an. liinjestecJzc. ikK>k al] ftlxiut d j-sii l^cd by E. C. DeWITI , C. V, S . u i f ,I M. A.l-j tlrpneand.OKKOrSE. i 0 tur frt# r« w rto s iwUiiUbi a U.S. aad Foreifs Tatcntaa Faiw ttorm s erer ofle LAVTESS OF SC TI) PATENTS PROCUHED 1a<-«t cuna<ir>ti.-.t. {' Moderate charRea. |C . A . S N O l PATENT LAWYC I.S.Pst6ntOfftce, " ■ ■ [ I’aper.-i.onc ycir i wp:j*:Kr.v TiM i Itichmon;!. v j f.* OnI\- F ifty < V i ?vl iaclu«les ab«';Iij ra.it'an M tnuhiy. iirin Journ.ii. I D A I L Y A N D K U N I F arm Journal I .V Nt/w Unlj* r l c. T e r M onth byr T H l \^4 p o T s I ? 0 3 D n E O ] kswing Kac Sale. I- One Disiriii^ clia c ili r.ill on llie FOR lo u t I " , aoros o f ii I < ‘(K»l0 MiJfC <'OttOH j I c ‘t**l a!i'l K. If.Jftxjka M -B E V IL r OAN< N, SiO C IvSV ILLE, K . C ., VvEB^TESDAY, M A EC H G, 1901 ^rO M BER -IS, ^AvIE , or,’.'- ?i.o; 5o 2o S A V E U S. T he K aieigli coiresiJDudeiit to th e Chai-iottu Obscive;-, on Fel.. I niini)!C !l th a t . j;!)l lO .^. I,',..I,..is V.’iiiston Kiay l.t, <,j.o <i( tii(‘ Judge,?. X orth C arolina is sta;*;oriii.<; uiH!ti- a h ta v j loail, lii’.t like th e cam el, a feather m ore m ay Irc a k its bade, aiul if the o!<l S tate caa s u i-.h e v.ith I'ia u tis i>. W iiiSi^u 6ii l;;e L'CJiW!, !;he is lo bi, eon-iatiilate»i. Jia y th e G od cf u n til, ir.ei cy, love am i jr.sliio save h er from Uii.s -re a l calam ity. lt\s m ore Iliau s le eaii bear. i''i'oni all siio’i, good Lor,! deliver as. itV t-.) be-lioiieti t.'avt in th e shuffle Iho “ Stiiired T oad” of V 'ilkps w ill i-.ot be left o u t i:i tiie cold. T ake ea; e of th y chosen people, oh (!;.u ;. e m ove th a t tlie iej^islatilro i>r.t the 'iV iaslous on tho pension list. 1^1': I’lT .I.if O l ’ l N l O X . . ,.f liie Jloi'.se said I V.'I lo kiio'.v f ...li’ iii.iivi.Iiial I’l-ossnre Hci!;;!'' <i:i soiae ot 1!!!^"ii-'ihc .)nili;es. il he •li.'iii-'' 'V O llU i ■ ,1' i'.f:is.-.-;'U>d iiiat the 111. s i‘.': i'* »evor p-i-" '■,,,,,1 kiKi.v f;oi5>-is- v, l.oiil the iiMH' '.t is "nr.viug. rin!'(pr:ii:'.iio'.i is ai- fault. c„,.;l,ic. Ii>'i !!i this p 'l'f Ti.c' I.i'vyers— the ill liiis r.ritter— are I I: m ay bo said by Ihote who V, is!i to d etract from th e inaguiQ- (fiii adm inistration of President M, K inley ‘-th at he is president cf iiio.-o-ealled IJcpiibli.-!, and Em- v.ci'.ir of th e Islands of th e Sea,” l;;;t despite th e elar aim ed a t a ooti;! aad g reat m an, g reat pros- [,. :i!y has com e to this country. ! !;i‘ lu'.s tried to heal all scetional- I Is ii. und restoic good feelings be h-,11'11 tiit !',cop]e. It has fallen deaf eai*s with a great- many in ,:;t iioiith; they h.ive shown a ;i:;-;:iwuun to trample ttiion the : foi.siili-.ti.in. Eegoidless ui it all, ^ i:e I:;.S shov.-n th a t he \vas I’rcsi- ,!c:!l of a renniied people, and has i,-,^.-iii/.ed the Erc-t.'oufeaeratea iu t:;o ajipuiiiinient of such ineu as l it;; l.e;;, Joseph AV^heeler aud otli- Sham e upon his detractors. ii-,.,-hided ai-'ong They in this stc- , 2;;ivst a:;:inii:Kiu>ly o;>- i;iar:ici;:i;H';c:n!!?at iiiMceod thi'i ii"r hear ol i)«.-.;>le whoui the ! iir.s l.i'ltnKMir or isgro'.v- ,I.):>!;HSlih: ri;i- tow n of ; il;iys iJ.U'), a citizen UniKHi t > a UK-i:i!.;-iv,ts fi^r their views «tea ;’-t raiidiiai ju st ns ktiiu?. au'l "f ■'':>' Ii-iii'her no! 1 in favoi \Ve do not iiear e l',:i' tbe c-.iavittion of thi sliy t!ie Senate as eith er : i:i- powiag a.iaoug thi e iM'.uiiiy. alw.iys th( i; e;v;i:i.e i.iasS of oar pop- ’ifKtMt iriU’ing sought for ivluii.iuf lbe.se judge.s if = ie Ki;:iid, but it ear.- d. if wc kiiciw anything stLe:aiit;w. ii'. tlie f;:et th.:t 1 i> 1 (.-• in-1 the iiiov-.' C/l;.svrver. : ci'il.iin!;' it is gr.i'.vin". Mi"l!ie •■sfs'.rvy” te;. Mil" s!i<-li laeii as Locke !,i)f W hitaker. ,iiini liie s.veet-seeute!'. ■ h. Wiiist.in, of C ertie tora?HTa!ive masses a n "lit. amit'lii-y v.i;i be hear i‘U. it v.ill not Rur- ! il tlii.s le/islaturo docs 111 atk-M’.-it to im peael '.durj they a ljo a ra . s!'-!«?liie pM;)cr thing fo' 'iloiVi. We liave iim! !il iil!!! Oiit hoV>- 01!! ftaiid oil the 1,1'UnlpM- day.s ago w< 2~i'!y an ; one of the stron- - ill lue county, sa;- *lhoa;'iit it was th e inoi- ^Uiiii^'wn.-iWe iieip'.e e .c r e said ij.itliing, b at t ;i Kieat deal. The iai ■'^i"'<-!t « he:i lie v.’axi ar- tLe b.,r ol' the conrt !oi. - ■a speech in his de- Hekuev,-th^it death had -«'iilc!l iip:in, and th a t it fur hiii, to appeal for ^toacijurt v.hich liad al- Uj take his life, iimoctut of any crim e, PfeTOded and desi.oiletl ol « « , irat they w ill tak e r*itbtheraag.,„aaiid clean and they w ilt stand ’' “ei'opleoi x,,rt;, Caro- P^'s-sofaii iiitoU erart, vic- ™;rac<;fr,! iiiaehine. They " by hoiicbt and Jil)- ^“8 luei and womcu, w hile of their persecutors aud Piw to scoru, " ^ “ ‘■■‘“ J yi'tl.eir acts w ill ’ “aitl,r,;„.h life, .and will jj to their posterity. ^^13 ana acts will ever be ^ >a infamy as black aud 4^ '^''cst depths to j[. 'te«!ud, iu au at- 'i'ie iiiio power by such "“Chine m ethods. >ltn " v ’ c^^Wren ask for ■ M inute Couffh ‘ It it hi-rhly for 'X-anV ^ a ll co u ffh s ; It t h r o a t a n d lim gtv*.. *• SUtcifliT »r^iT>»n» W O ifK i: G : i HOL-KS A D A Y . T h ere’s no rest for those tireless ittle w .rk !i-— ) r . K isig’s 1,'ew Life P ill;. ."'.iill o!.s are al.v ajs busy, curing T>-rpid i.iver, Jau'n-. iliee, iJiiiousiiess, l-'ever au-.l A gue, in e y banish Sirlc Ji.-a.laci.e, lirive out -M alaria. N ever g ripe or wea- isen. Sm all, tavte nice, w orkw on- ;le;v. 'iry laem . a t C. C. ..'anfcrdV;. !’r.u. Ivi.i.ju’ of Lonacoriins-, ilj., .-cd icrriljly from ncnraJ<;ia oi [I;_■ s.oiiiach a.id indi”e:ition for tliir- yoar.s aud after ihe doctors fail- •j.i o.irelilni they fed him on nior- A iri-jnd aJvirfed llie use of Dyjnepjiia C jre .T.’.id a fte r t.ak- ini;- -. tc'X bottles of it he tay.H, "it iuis cured liie entiroly. I c airt say t -> • r'.ch i'or KoJol Dyj;pe;)s'a Cure. ' Il .;i,u-;.its ..vhTit yo.1 eat. C. C san- loi-.; ‘--‘d -d. A. i^ojter. A C H A X G E . Som e people fc ir tlia le,TisI itu; e because it is over.vliciniiugly in the h ands o f one p a rty . \ri,e ii ihis is th e c.isc it seem s alm ott im possible to get- good la-.vs. There is a lim it to ail th in g s, and .I'tiioiigh th e U em ocrats are un- ^juestionaidy in povix-r, theyi-hoald not forget th-.ii ^ly th e abuse (d t'-.is pow er they (a n d.im age tin .V.tale, defeat tlie j;ar'.y and deiVi-.t them selves. T he stjoiigcr v,o a rt the greater t;:o reason for onr be ing geaerous aad ju s t.— T ruth- Index. A lm ost too late v.e fear to do iaueh g-);)d w ith th e gaug a t I’al- eigh. iSueh good ad vice shordd have boeu offered earlier, and the do.=e sliould Lave been repeate'' over an d over again, though v.e seriously d o ab t w hether it w ould 'lave h ad th e desired ell'eet. X oth •ng b u t defeat w ill b rin g th a t •ro'.vd !o its tenses. -‘A n d a great change has pas.sod over tl:e sp iiii if G ;eir dreitm s,” a a d m ay the i-.vakening prove th e ir evcrl'.sting undoing is o a r p ray er. : : i a i i T W A is i i e Pv t d u r o ?., ‘ I w onld cou<rb nearly all n ight long,'’ w rites 5Ir.s. Cha-S. A pple jif e , of A exandria, In d ., ‘‘and ’•Tild h ard ly get any sleep. I had .■;nis im ption so bad th a t if I w a lk - -.‘.I a b o.-k I w onld cough frig h t- 'iilly and sp it blood, b u t, w hen all o ther nierlieine-s failed, th ree .*1 bottles o f'^ i'. K ings’s Ivew Dis- r-overy w holly cured m e and 1 rained .’•S pounds.” I t’s alisolnte- giinr-.intecd to cure Coiigi.s. "lolds, L a firip p e , IJronehitis aud dl T h ro at and L nng Troubles. I^ri:-e 50c. aiid •?! .00. T rial b o t- lees free a t C. C. S auford’s dru g store. w o n T i'IT lIO U T TK Y IX G . A m inister w as one d ay w alking .iloD ga road, and to his astonisli- aient he Kav/ a ero\vd of bo; s sit­ ting iu front of a rin g w ith a sm all log iu tbe centre. W hen he canto lip to them l;e p u t th e ful o« ing question: “ W h at are you going to do to th e d rg i” O -e litile boy said: “ W hoever tells th e biggest lie w ins it.” ‘•O h,” Biild th e m inister, “ I am surprised at you little boys, for •.vhen I w as like you I never to;d a lie .’’ T here w as silence for aw hile, un til one of th e boys shouted: “ H and him np th e dog!” — Lon Jou L abor L eader. __ S ee th a t you g e t th e o rig in a l-0 > W itt’3 Vv'itch H azil S alve v h en y o j ask fo r it. T he genuine is » ’ cu re for piles, soreoan-J s iin d itiias.s. C. 0 . S anford an d M. A . F oster. M ande—H ow do you like my latest phot )TC la ra —O h, it’s ju s t too aw fnllj lovely for anything. M aude—Do yon think it does me jnsticet , C la ra r- JH s tic c is no nam e fo it, dear; it is p o sitiv e ly m e rcifu l to yoa. _____ Tue stomach control, the Those who are hearty and strong- aic th o s e w h o c a n c a t a n dnf food Kodol Dyspep.ia < lue di (rests wiiat you eat and allows you to burn, b elch ias o r any -tom ac.l Tii:; lerr.salein th a t we see to- d.iy is nui Ihe one th a t gladdened f:i- eyes of tiie H oly F am ily jonr- u.'.viiig fnjin ira:'„iroth to w orship i:i tlie T em ple. T h at cily lies burici forty, fifty, soiae',iu:&3 over a h uKlred feet ilee;) in w astage pili lin th e overthrow of m any si('..:'s. Tlie -crim son banner oi' the Moslem i'oats above th e Tow er •jf ji.ivid, nsed as b arracks, and L.ii- 'i'lirkisli sentinel pacing his roll:', l.s l-ioks’.vith inelTable seoru oa t'lJ O 'hristiau. T ii-3 c ra n b lin g tovi’;'; of A utoui;i, ti'e citadel of the 'r.-mplo, is CK;enpicd by the Governor of Jerusalem , and, if po.s.'ie-ision pouuts in th e law , it is hi.< ria:ht, for he hold it betVjre 'iVilli-.im ^he Conqueror w as crow n­ ed w ith th e Saicon’s crow n iu Vvret!:iinster A b’oey.— 5Irs. I,ew WalliiC'O in th e Ifebruary L adies’ I£o:i\a Joi'.riial. , - -----„ b u rn , o e ic n ia g Ol h c l« -.IV '*”''''‘2'= for irrippe trouble, this P«PiSf*"® ".,rS;LitiveI^eeu a w ill! butdo yo u good. ........----------------- - - “ HiJh.^st^maclwcan tak eu . <--V;, p ■ arts,.the Music aisjuple, tl»e ElaiHi' A.I-wLer.. ana.Jl.% ,F0s^r- - , ■ The Portraits Of Ouraud itr, beavitiiul siinouciU u!2,s, th e St.ulium or athletic field, the agricultural, live stock and eth ­ nology fejitiires, and a few of th e 30 or -iO iiigeuious and novel ex­ hibits w hich prom ise to m ake the M idw ay th e m ost w onderful th a t has ever been prepared for E xpo­ sition ^■isitors. T he last page shows a ground plan of the E xpo­ sition, whereon th e location of dHl'ei-ent buildings is indicated, liie railroads w ill m ake low rates trom >ill p a rts of the country (lur­ ing the E xposition, w hich opens ^Jay 1 and continues six m ontlis, aud th e people of lltill'alo are prc- p.iring to entertain com fortably the m illions who will attend. A r.j one desiring a copy of this book­ let m ay have it free by addressing tiie I’ai'-A m erican IJnreaii of E u l- lu ity . A H O E E IB L E O U T B R E A K . “ O f large sores oa m y little naughtcr’s he.ad developed into a e.’se of scald h ead ” w rites C. I). Ishijl of M oi'ga.nton, T e n r., b u t Biickk-n’s A rnica Salve com pleie- ly cured her. I t’s a guai-.intced cure fin- Ivezema. T etter, Salt liheuni, ri-n p les, Sores, U lcers and K lcs. O nly 25 centJ a t C. C. Sanford’s. r-.EPIJESlZNTATlVE r.\S!!iO N K.iG.A.2INE TIISDESIQNER r:;bl!.~5icd Pionlhly I r '7F> ^ V V c ■ j i- V > C-- ^ ?’ WITM I5.\KDf.0:.!E C G L O H E D P L A T E S . AL<?0 Il.I.::.: ri'.ATCS t: it: czli:3:;a7i-15 -« O L rn d ^ r:! on.'y rcf-i; 'o p.-tl?rns,L'C -3ure th ey a5jc;V r.C2iii3. "libicription Ftic:: Si.CDaycar. 13 c:r.l3 f:.- c:pics. c : . y : J K S Z P . s v.v.mtld rcn t:!:3 rii3UC“T!G;i. S riITKIiS A RICH FIX1>. “T was troubled foi' several yeai-.-i v.-ith chronic indigestion aud !iervons debility,” writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, A’’. II. “ No rcmei'.y lielped ine tintil I began usin;; i ”:e.‘tric. Eitters, which did me more good tlian all the niedi- ci!K>s I ever used. They have al- .so kcjit my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bit~ lers are.i'ust kiiletidid for female troulilK; cliat they are a g'rand tonic and invigorator for v. eak.- rnn dov. n women, Xo other medi­ cine can t:ike ita place in o-tr fam­ ily.” Try them. Only 53c. Sat- isl'ai'.tiun guaranteed by C. G. San­ ford. A S I'X PO SIT IO X B O O K L E T . ITero come.j another of the beau­ tiful booklets from the B'areaa of Paoiicity cf the l ’an-A;uericau Exposition, Bnil'alo, S'. Y. It coii- sisls of IG pages and a cover in ligiit green. The uuiqnc feat'.ire of it is the miniature reproduetion of the iiimous poster. “The Spirit of IS’iagara,” which has had a most remarkable deni.iud.' The envel­ ope in which th^'psstcjf-booklet is mailed al.-?o be.’.rs a reprodnction of this artistic wcl'k. The book­ let is a popular picture book, the iirsl page having an engraving of the magniUcent Electric To-«-er, rt hieh is 3i)i feet high, and which will form the glorious ceut«r-pieee of the great Ex|>osition. On the same *‘:ige is a miniature of one of the torc.'h boaiers Avhich will adorn th eviiigsoi the Electric Tower, a d beside it a picture of K^iagara F.i!is. The second page shows a picture of tl-.e Elcctricity Building aud fi'.e other small ilUistratioi:s of the US.M of electiieity. The third page shows the splendid group of I'uihliiigs erected by the Jfational Governiaent and 'which Will conttiiu the Government e.x- hibits, also live ininiatnie illus­ trations, oue of them showing the life-saving Etition, w'here exhibit­ ions will be given daily by a jiick- ed crew of teii men, ilniing the Exposition. The fourth page is devoted to the woaderful disiilays of government ordnance; the fifth to the JIaehinery aud Trausporta- tioii Building aud four other illtis- trations of modern machines and vehicles. The center of the book­ let shows a birdseye view of the Exposition, anti gi'Fes one son e idea of the gieat extent of the ei.- terprise upon which about $10;- 000,000 is being expecCel. TI e grounds contaiu 350 acres, beirgi half a mile wide, a , u d & m ile aud a 1 quiirterJong. ' Other pages show hortieuHure, grajiliic. arts ' and miues, luamifaxitjii'cs -and liberal . i;ber;l c?,2:> cor.!!T!ii:i:-!!. V/riJj fjr ' sar.ple ocpv ar.d t:rr;:t >3 Cutscrip- ! t'0!i Lciia. Lnin;, I 71 ! 0 D n S K iN E R , ’ 3 ^ WcS!: i<.lh S t ., i:.;iv Y ork City. KOTICE! r>y virti.ie of t.he povrers con- taiii'-d in a mortgiige deed exeou- tcd to the liiuier-jigned by Sam Crawford and wii'e, JIary, whic.h said n-.ortgage appears re(;»i'(}ed iu Book No. 8. page 122, Begistei’s ofl’ice of Davie Co.. N. C., v.e will sell ptililicly for cash to the high- e-'t bidder at the court ho;’.se door ill Mocksville, on Monday, the 1st dav of A|)ril, 1901, the follo-.v-' ing tract of l.iud, to-v.it: A tract sitaatcd in the town of Advance, If. C., adjoining the lands of A. C. V«'ood,'G. A. Ailiscn, et al. Beginning at a stone iu Allison’s line and Wood’s corner; thene-3 S. degrci'S W . 13 poles to a stone i:i Allison’s aud Lippard’s line, tiK-ncG \^^ <> po’e^ to a stDiic, th e n c e 2 .i° B. i:5 poles to a stone ill Wood’s line, thence 6 poles to the beginning, contaiuiug 1 acre, mere or less; tbe same being the hoi-se aud lot now owned by Sam ('rawford, aud npon which he lives. This 2i5th day cf Feb. 1901. E. II. TAS.S, Moitgagee. A . T. Gk.^kt, Assignee, of Jacob S td w a rt, Moitgagee. A . T. Gii.-i.NX, Je., A tt’y. Clome around aud look at our spring and summer samples. If yon v/ant a tailor made, up-to-date suit, come around to the postofiice. Job priutiug of all kinds done wilh iieitue-sand dispatcli. All work guai'anteed. B U Y T H E - Presidents With Biogriphioil Sketches BY General Charles Tills pi Thelnangnral year, when- the public mind is aroused over Pre,3- idcntial qnestionss, is a fitting time to issue General Gro-svenor’s book. Its sale is already tremendous, and will perhaps exceed that of General Grant’s Personal Slemoirs. Every patriotic American de­ sires to lead what General Gros- venov has to say of George AVash- ington, Thomai-i Jeffei'son, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Linco n, I’resi- dent IilcKinley aud the other Chief Extcntives ot the I\ation. Everybody desires to road what General Grosvenor, the staunch old Heiinblican leader in Congress, will say of that staunch old Demo­ crat, Andrew Jackson, the Father of tiie Democratic Tarty. General Grosvenor lias thrown into his sketch of Jackson all the tire and and energy of hi.s nature. The Jeil'cison is Lincoln urise over the-Irilltops. General Grosvenor has personally kuov. u all the I’res- idents since the time of James Bui-hanaii. The General’s book will therefore contaiu history which ha.s never before lieeu pub­ lished, v.-ritten from his own per­ sonal oliservatiou of these great men. General Grosvenor has ser- 6. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GEEENSBOP.O,-N, C. .(5E1F.RAL FaUMDERS AND MACHINIST?. -JiA N U FA C TU Ei^- «l»»U C U C I g J U t J ie illlli.' biography of Thoma.s Jeil'f grand. The biography of is as beautiful as a suurh ongress 1 years, aud he has served his eouu- t:y in war and iu Congres.s for nearly forty years. The book con­ tains twenty-four large Photogra­ vure Eichiiigs as line as steel plates printed by Laud, ou heavy plate paper made especially fc) order. These 21 PholograVnre 1-Achings are in (iifl'erent tints, aud ate well wort h !?2 each. These Portraits are made from the Paiutiugs en- dor.-^ed by the fami’y aud near re­ latives <;f the Prcsideuts.. Two years’ time ai;d a fortune have been e:;pe;ided iu .'■.eenring these repr0 ducti(;us. The comiilete book is well v.'orth .'$.",0, but the price has been placed so low that the most humble Auierican cit;;;eu can own it. The biograpi!ic:il sketches are priatod iu large open tvpe in t wo ccjlors; t'lc v.'ork is so lieauti- ful that '.vheu people t:ce it they v.rutit. Tl'C advance sale is very iai-ge. _ Pre.'iideut j?,iclvruley was the first subscriber. 'Chere is one editiuJi knov.'ii a.s The Preivdeut Edition de Grand Luxe, initial letters baud V'"'>->*cd, Portraits hand colored, title jiage hand il' Inminated, registered aud unm- licred; siibscriptiou price, SoGO. Ordeis and applications for terri­ tory iue coming iu rapiiHy. A high class m: ii or woman of good social standing can soon make a small fortuue taking orders in this community. Scud references and aj/ply for ter-ms quick, as the ter­ ritory will all be assigned soou. Addre.ss TIIE CONTINENTAL PIJESS, Ci.iiit^osAX B uilding, Opposite U.mtbd Staxks Tif e.vs- UKY, WASHINGTON, D. C. AVater Wheels. Baud Saws, AVood Lathes. Emery GriiiderS, San' Arbors, Grate Bars, Job Cascijgs every description. Also iiianufaotures O.VKOL.1SA Cook; Stove.s, Heatirig Stoves, Hol- lovi' AVare and Feed (’attei'S, The Carolina Cook Stove is sold on ita lIEHITd. Every Stove Gnar.inteed. For sale by E. E. HOHT, Mocteville, N. C. = i to call at the Red Front and see onr new lot of ready-- made skirts. AVe carry a nice line of Dress Gootfe aiKl Trimmings, AA’hlteGoods, Lawns, Silks, Hamburgs,Ltjces^ Y o u W i l l F i n d S t o c k C o m p le t e and np to date. A\'e also carry a nice line of Shoes for all. AA'heii in Jlocksville give me a look. I will always make' prices O. K . Yours anxious to please. Record Agents. The following ge-jtlemen are au thorized to take subscriptions for the RrcottD; 51. W.Mackie, Y’^adkinville. N. C. D. I. Reavis, Criws Roads Church. AA^. G. Paftei-son, East Benir. C. B. Reavis, Footevill'J, Ben Shoie, Grant. S. F. Shorr, Shore. J. C. Piniiix, Marler. A, P. Woodrnfi, Boouville. 5 0 Y E A R S ' E X P E .'tlE N C g SI. il Year, 10 Cents a Copy The best illnstrated monthly mag­ azine of the kind published. Its p.^ge.s are filled by a brilliant array of writers and artists. Its aulhoritive aud indeptmdent re­ views of liooks, Plays, JIusio aud Art, its clever stories, strong spec­ ial articles. humor and verse, with liuo illustratious, make it a neceas- ity iu every inteliigent home. The very lo->v snbsaription price— ■51 a ye.tr—puts it within the rc;i.ch of alf. Relia'jle agents wanted in every tov,'n. Extraordinary ia- dncemeats. Write for particulars. A trial subscription will prove it. A'»^rile today for sample cc.py. Cr.iT;-;;Mo.v p.:;aLic!ATiox Co. Sabscription Department, i l East 21st St., S’. Y. City. SEWING MACHINE Do not he deceived by those who ad­ vertise a seo.oo Sewmg Machine for S20.00. Thiskind of a machine can be bonglit from iis or any of our dealers from §15.00 to §13.00. WE MAKE A VABIETY. THE HEW HOBft IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strengtfi or ; weakness of Sewing Maeliines. The D o n ltlo F e e d combined with other , stronciiolnts makes the 5few H ouiC ; the best Bewuig Machine to buy. | WiiteforClRCULARSSial^ 0 manufiicturo and prices beloro purotoaing tfHE HEW S0»& SEWIM HAGHIKE gO. ; ORANGE. HASS.S8 trnion Sq. N. Y., Chi<aso. 111-. Atlanta, d a , St. Louis,Mo., Dallas,Tcx., San Fraaclsoo,'Cal fob sale by E. E. HUNT, Mockavilie, if. C. are grown r.nd ^:elected vrifch special reference to their adaptability to the soil and cHaiate of the South. On our seed farms, and iu oiir trial grouufls, tlionsaniis of doUiirs are expended iji testing and growing the very best seeds th at it is possi­ ble to grow. IW oiir ex]>eriments we are enabled to save our custom­ ers jiiuch expense and loss from pluuling varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood’s Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, and tells oil about'the b s s t Seeds for the Soutli. It smpasses iJl other pub- ncatior.s of its kind in fielpfui and useful information for Gardeners, Truckers and Farmers. M ailed free. W rite for it. T.W. WeO9&S0NS, Seed Growers & Msrciianls, RICHMOND, VA. LARSEST SEED H3USJ IN THE SOUTH. TnaDE MarksOeSIGHS . , . . ■ COPVRIGH rs 4c.Anyone sending n sketch and description raa? oulcklr asc*rtnin oiir opinion free wtjotnRr an isivoiitlon Is probably pHtentable. Cr>njmunlcr> t'oijjstrictlyccnhdentfaL lluudboolton rstcnt. sent free. Oklest naewy for aocuriug patent*.Tatcnta tivken through Jlmiii & Co. rocelr* tpecial notice^ wlMuut cltnrgii. iutbo ^ ■ 4-r A hftndsomely IllRstrnlfirt weekly. Lnrttcpt cL — ‘— ion o f an y pniantlCc i<m m aL T e r n i a , ». ; fmirmonthB,?L Soldbyol!.ncir8t«ealeT5» for one dollar re­ ceive by freight prepaid, one of our famous Dietz Crystal Lanterns you are simply “standing in y crjr O'wti light ” by fa ilin g to “stand in oars.? ; .This Lantern h cs thoron^hly good as sixty years of Lantcm biding have rendered possible. It is strongly puc together, con- • venicnt cf adjustment, has Glass Oil Pot, which cannot leak end as a ”lighi-glTcr” it stands alone. Perhaps our little illusirated cata­ logue of Interns might interest you? Shall wc mail it ?—'tisfree. R. E. DIETZ COMPAJ^IY Ldght Street Established in 1340. Nc77 York LEGAL XOTICES. Legiil notices Tvill be t:liiirged ^or iis follows: C3.C0 iioticc for S2,n0; 0 i.50 notices lor $2.(;0j §5.00uolices for $4.00, Pq 361Broadway »,S5F8t..Washli;iroIC Greensboro iNurseries, GREEKSLORO, If, C.. iV-Z-.-'iij. k'viii AA'^e'have a large BUil'lns of standard AA'inter Apples. JTow is the lime to set; place your order before the assortment is broken. Special terms to those wish­ ing to plant largely. Address. JO H If A . YOUKG, Proprictcr. SODTHERN RAILWAY. T H E . . . STANDAED E A IL W A T O FT H E S O U m . The Direct liine tcaU Points. TEXAS, (3ALIFOEOTA, FLORID A, - ' ’ CUBA A^fD FOETO BICO.t ' Stfict'y Fiist Class Equip­ ment on a il Through a n d Li.* cal Tntins. Pullm an Sleeping Care onall Ifight Trains. Fast and Safe schedules. Travel l>y tlio Sonthern and you are iLssured a Safe, Com* f(*rtablo aud asi iLxpedltlGUH .loiiriiey. >• to Ticket Agents fcr Time Ta’ Hate'S and General Infor­ mation, or aa<a-eP3 F. R. DAREA”'! C. P. i- T. A. iiBbfivilleK.C. pply to bles. C.q,SA\?O:0.'-Agfai ■ c n . la. /F.IUx’ON, T. P. A. ,. Charlotte K. C. N9 TROUBIiE TO AHSWER QCEF-TICH S E HAEDWICX, ' (!. P. A. - •W 4SH IK G TO K .D C ': -il V t.» 111! Bill IS The Senate Adopts the Philippine and Cuban Amendments, VOTE AFTER A SPIRITED DEBATE Army Approiirfatlon BIU, ConlalBljig Pn.Ti.loi.. For . G«T.n.- of th, PhUIpplM. rntun Bclstion. Bttwten tho Dnltod Stoto. »Bd Cnb«, P,.„d bj „ W ashington, D. C ,-X ot in years has (liere been a debate in the Senate Which In intense intere.«(, excitem eat and, passionate oratory equalled that of W ednesday, which culminated in th e adoption of the Spooner amenrt- m ent to the Arm y Appropriation bill and the Cuban am endm ent to the «ame bill, offered by the Committee on Relations w ith Cuba, and then passed the bill Itself. The Spooner am endm ent coafer.son the President wide powers in connec­ tion w ith the Government of the Phil-’ an ^ n n h fi”' ^ ! d i s p o s a l ot public lands in the archipein<;o duringduring the pendeao.v of the teraporarr SHcli grant ^ ="aendmen? w al «dopted on a strict part.v vote, with Hoar, IRpp.. voted w ith the Demo- Mr. M cLamin, (Dem. R c ) ’'’00 fur the amendment *1.; J am endm ent specif.vingSt,ite.9 as to fte teim e of the future relations be- t ^ e n Cuba and this country w as Spooner amend- disposed of and passed on • party vote after a short debate led *1?’ •''J* -' ana Pettus, (Dom ,Ala.,) In opposition. to'^fas®f^l?ows:*“ “ ‘" " ‘^"‘ f s ■n^hlch is not approved bv U lands, acquired from Spain bv the treaties coucluded a t Paris on the w Sshi^Sf * 1898, and atW ashlngtou on %he Reventh Cay of Xo- ow ii otherw te S ercisp w and shall be^xercised in such manuor as the Presi- J^r the establishm ent of civil govern- t« tin e “?hp m aintaining and p™ ta the of Mid Islandsenjoyment of their libertv, provided that f™ nfhises granted under the an- tton S «0“ faiu a reserva- appeal the same. Until a iierm-in»n» ^ a lM » mcrf arciiipelago foil reports ttB Congress on or before o f tte tim ni™ P™<^«'edlnggtnted i i i S «, • government Insti- nseful to the Congress in providTng for ® ,^™ .P ^™ anent government, Provid.Ki th at no sale or lea«e nr OT toe tim w tn laed, further, that no franchise Khnii K r « t i r 1 r „ l ttrp io "^ e T b re- » .^ “ efre‘‘‘^ " s t S * „ r t r e S r rhahm ent of perm anent civil govern 2 fn i* ^ franchises shall ter­m inate one year after the esinhn,fh <=!''« Sovera. CUBANS D E F IN E RELA TIO N S. fb « Constitutional Convention Adopt< Five Declarations. H avana, Cuba. — The Constitutional Couvention has adopted a declaration of relations between Cuba and the United States as follows: 1. TBt government of Cuba wiil not make a treaty or agreement with any foreign Power which may compromise o r lim it the independence of Cuba, or .wbicb m ay perm it or authorize any Power to obtain by means of coloniza­ tion or for m ilitary or naval purposes, or in any other m anner, any foothold or anthorlly or right over any portion of Cuba. 2. The government will not perm it Its territory to be used as a base of operations for w ar against the United States or against any foreign nation. 3. The Government of Cuba accepts In entirety the treaty of Paris In w hat It affirms as to the rights of Cubans as well as regardhig obligations which are tacitly included, and especially those obligations imposed by inter­ national law referring to protection ot life and property In Cuba, substituting itself in respect to obligations assumed by the TTnited States, according to ar­ ticle* one and sixteen of said treaty. 4. Cuba recognizes as legally valid all acts of the m ilitary government duri- the period of occupation, also th» r.ghts arising out of them, in con- fwTBilty w ith the joint resolution and the Foraker am endment and the ex­ isting law s of the country. B. The governments ot the United States and Cuba ought to regulate their commercial relations by m eans of a treaty based on reciprocity and w ith tendencies tow ard free trade in natural and m anufactured products, m utually assuring ample special ad­ vantages in their respective markets. Britiih Forbidden to toot. Ixird George Hamilton, the Indian Secretary, answering a question in the British House of Commons regarding the looting in Pekin, China, replied th at the British troops had been for­ bidden to loot. . Kore MIh Io u tIm 81sin In Chlnm. Two native Christians from the northern part of the Province of Shan- Sl, China, report the massacre of tw enty male and fem ale missionaries and nine children, who have been miss- ing since October. Third Trlnl For Dr. Kennedy. 'A third trial for Dr. Kennedy, ■charged w ith the m urder of Dolly Rey­ nolds, has been decided upon by Dls- trict-A ttom ey Philbln at New York City. The first trial resulted In con­ viction, but on the new trial which w as granted the jury disagreed. Pending a third trial he will be released on bail. Smallpox In P« a b u s e s O F H O U S E C L E R K S k Syslem by Which They Raise Sal- aries of Other Employes. Permaaeal Statute Required That TTIll Adjiut Compeniatlon, Bcrol«t« plojment and Prevent Further Scandal. W aahiugton, D. C.—The reiw rt of the Special Committee of the House which investigated tbe employment rolls was m ade public b.r Chairm an Mood.v. Of the otHces of the clerk and booklceoper the Committee report that they ‘-fouud in both departm ents certain a1)uses which may be grouped under three heads, nam ely: Transfers of employes from the duties of the position towhich they were appointed to other duties; unjustiHable paym ents of compensa­ tion to employes while absent from their posts of duty, and divisions of salarieF.” The Committee says that “some of the faults observed in adm inistration of the affairs of the House are attribu­ table to tl'.e persistence of members of the House in urging upon the officers the appohitm ent of r'ueir constituents and friends to subordinate places, and that such faults are deeply rooted, of long standing, and likely to continue under the adm inistration of any politi­ cal party as long as such a system Is maintained.” The Committee finds nothing fo criti­ cise in the House Postofflec or Ser- geant-at-Arms office. The Com mittee says th at tbe ain«nnt of absenteeism is very considerable. It is stated that one employe has uot worked over six m onths in the nearly four years during which he has draw n pay. and has not been In W asliington for twelve mouths. Many cases of contributions by em­ ployes of salaries are mentioned, one of them in the last Congress l)eing $1000 annually out of a salary of $.3(KK> It is explained that these contributions w ent tow ard equalizing salaries of other employes. The Committee finds no evidence of the practice of assess­ ment, contribution or division of sala­ ries in the present Congress. The Committee says. In conclusion; “W e lielieve that the abuses and evil practices which have, by long con­ tinuance, grown up under the present system of appointm ent of House em­ ployes cannot be fully and completel.v prevented except by a perm anent stat­ ute which shall proiwrly and equitably adjust compensation and employment, and specifically prevent the abuses whicli have been herein reported.” The testimony, m aking a volume of 120 pages, giving the evidence of oac-ii employe examined, also w as made public. PECUUAR PRANKS OF ELECTP(''!TY Fam Jtnre and PJctore FrameM -.n Baltl* more House Chareeil W ith CurrcnI. Baltimore, Md.—Tho peculiar pranks of m ysterious currents of electricity in a house in Charles avenue, kept Mrs. Susan Maddox and her two daughters in a state of terror. F or tivt; or six hours everything they touclied gave them a shock. They summoned the police and electric linemen. The latter found the nearest w ires fif {y feet from tbe house. The first shock was felt by a dati/2-h- ter of Mrs. Maddox. She touched a picture fram e in the parlor and. ac­ cording to her story, receivetl a severe shock and saw tw o blue flashes or light pass from her fingers' ends to tlie fram e. An investigation followed and nearly every article in the iiou.sc w as found affected in the sam e way. TH E N EW S EP ITO M IZED The (mallpox epidemic a t Loyalsock- vlUe, has spread thronghont^ycom lng Connty, Penn., and one caae has 1>een Olacovered in W lU ianuport The Board b u o t a ^ copw iN K i: w c- GERMAN NEED OF MACHINERY. An Expert to Come Here to Inqoire Into AsrlcnltaTsI Method.. W ashington. D. C.—Baron Hcim onu. agricultural expert of the Gcriuaii em­ bassy, has received word from the Ger­ man Government that a specialist, designated by the agricultural socie­ ties, will leave Berlin soon for the United States to make a careful in­ quiry into the use of American agri­ cultural machinery, w ith a view to introduction Into general use in Ger­ many. The expert will arrive in this country about the tim e sowing begins, and through the spring and summer will give his attention to the farm s, go- 1 ^ to the agricultural factories in the SOLD *3670 FOR ELEVEN CENTS, ■jnvlno ot a Uretlme Gone In Trading Witli a n a s Piclcer. Chicago.—In the excitem ent attend­ ing the preparations of an old couple named Conley for a journey to A ustra­ lia to visit friends from whom they had parted forty years ago, their sav­ ings of a lifetime, am ounting to $3G"0, w ere sold Inadvertently to a rag picker for eleven cents. For forty-eight hours the frantic couple vainly searched the alle.vs and wandered about the city seeking to identify the dealer before their storv w as related to the police. No trace of the man has been found. AMEBiCfkH EWTEHPBISE IN WOIA. Electric P in t From New York For the Kelar Gold Fieldi. W asblngton, D. C.—The State De­ partm ent has been informed by Consul Fee, a t Bombay, th a t a steam er from New York City has arrived w ith au electric plant and party o t engineerK and electricians. The party represents a New York firm, and w as bound for the K olar gold fields, near Bangalore, the capital of Mysore. The power to operate the electric plant Is to be furnished by the Cnu- very Blver, and will be conducted across the country to tbe gold fields. The A u trsU u W heat Crop. The w heat crop of A ustralia will be about 18.800.000 bushels. DoMwr T ttM FoiMn by MIttalce. Edw ard A. Fessenden, a well-known physician, a t Portland, Me., swallowed tw o teaapoonfnls ot a ninety-five per cen t solution of carbolic acid by mis­ take. and died fifteen m inutes later. Dr. Fessenden w as about fifty-five years old. Htarviac Peaunta Bite Up. The misery of the Calabraiu peas­ antry in Sonth Italy has resulted In serlona troubles. They dem and the parceling out of feudal lands in order th a t they m ay cultivate them. A Vatiooal Antt-Clcarette Leaipie. DelegateB from onti-Cigarette leagues of eighteen States met in Chicago and formed a N ational Antl-Clgarette As- lEocIatlon. The specific object ot tbe organisation (s to aid anti-cigarette legislation now pending in tw euty State leglslatiffeE. l>v«WB«d Oomol. PresldeBt M cKinley has selected William A. Bnblee, of W isconsin, as Consnl-Graeral a t Hong Kong, to take the place inade vacant by the drown­ ing of BounsevlUe WUdman. Mr. Buli- llee served as Consul a t Fragoe under P r e M w t ___________ ^ vrA sn rsa T o y ite m s. Ferdinand W . Peek. Commissioner- G eneral to the P aris Exposition. deUv- »red his final report to the President. A fter a conference lietvreen Secre­ tary Boot and leading Senators it w as announced th at Cuba m ust accept the American term s In entirety. The fiiver and H arbor bill, carrying appropriations of .nbout $30,000,000, w as passed b.v the Senate. ^T he negotiations regarding the Hay- Paunccfote Treat.v are to be trans­ ferred from London to W ashington. It w as proposed to appropriate S900, 0 0 0 to start the construction of a build­ ing for the D epartm ent of Justice. President JrcK inley selected Cap­ tain W illiam Crozier to succeed the D Michie a t the W est P oint Jfilitary Academy. President M cKinley nom inated Ed­ ward H. Anderson, o t U tah, to be Sur­ veyor-General of Utah. OPR ADOPTED IShAKDS. •lose Scrapio, an uncle of Aguinaldo and form erly an Insurgent colonel, w as appointed Govert;or o t Bulacan Prov­ ince. P. I. Filipino insurgents attacked three towns, killing civilians, abducting oth­ ers and burning houses. Fire in P uerta Tierra, Porto Rico rendered more than 100 persons home- les.«. D eaths in H avana for January num ­ bered ir«, a rate of 22.75. the ’lowest tor that month in tw elve years. Charles Z.. Landreau w as appointed postm aster at Mayaguez, Porto BIco. The G oveinm ent buiidiugs a t Iba, Province of Zambales, P. I w ere burned. -Measures are being taken bv the American authorities at M anila to pro­ tect the gold field.s and m ining claim s tors f'oni proiipeetors and squat- DOMESTIC. Ari/,ona;s new capital w as dedicated on tile thirty-eighth anniversary of the Tenilorlal organisation. BurgJar.s are .«upposed to have killed JXay Peterson, a servant girl, who w as found my8teriously m urdered in tiie house of .lohn S. Collins, at Omaha Neb. Zuni ludian.s in Arizona and New Mexico are starving, caused bv last y e a rs drought. Toii)edo boat destroyer No. 1 2 w as launched at San Francisco. A house in Doroiiester County. Md caught fire, and Mrs. Jame.s M asher and her six-year-oW daughter were burned to death. Llex.ellyn Powers, form er Governor of aUam;:*. wa.s nom inated by the Re- pubUcan^ of the Fourth M aine D istrict as Uepre.Kcntative in Congress to suc­ ceed Charles A. Boutelle, of Bangor. Edw ard P. Miles, em hezzlins ta x col­ lector of Hudson, 3fass., w as sentenced to im prisonment for from six to nine rears. Back taxes to a considerable am ount were collected in various parts of Iowa, through the employment of “tax ferrets.” Tiie discovery of the oldest frag­ ment of the Gospels k n o Z to ?he J^orld was announced in Boston, Mass. by the \ice-P resldent of the EirvDt Exploration Fund. W illiam J. JXcJIanus, the fam ous secret service detective who m ade his repntatiou in running dow n counter- foiters. died at Baltim ore, Md. The right o( Ava.v was secured for au electric road from Schenectady to ’* “ hnect with the road to Saratoga, N. y. Fire i« the Gordova Hotel, a t Mem­ phis, Tenn.. supposed to have been paused bj- crossed electric w ires w as s T S .’"”"'’ About forty persons w ere injnred in Ten-yoar-old George M Rein dimi from lockjaw, at w fust^d, S H e nab vaccinated in school and b lo S poisoning resulted. “ om inated for the Cleveland, Ohio, at the Hepubiican prim aries. ® The assassination ot Salvo Glovan- w nrt is believed to be theW »k Of ^counterfeiters who ?laJed The total loss of life by tlie sinkina Pirn “ fy of Hio de Jan”at S'? Francisco is now placed a t 128. The loss on the vesaii onS cargo will exceed 000,000. FOSEIGN. The B ritish Governm ent will send a Strong punitive exi)edition against the rebellious Somalis. The Newfoundland Legislature has passed the French shore modus vi- vendi bill after spirited speeches de­ fining the attitude of the various mem­ bers. The report th at H aiti and San Do­ mingo are preparing for w ar on ac* count of the consular incident a t Da- jabon Is w ithout foundation. The con- 8\\lav trouble is a private quarrel of no Importance. A new list of Chinese ofiicials whose pimfsbment is dem anded w as an­ nounced at Shanghai. G erm atij dis­ claimed any thirst for more vengetoce. The works of Vickers Sons & Maxim At Sheffield, England, were seriously dam aged by fire. General French’s successes encour­ age the British W ar Office to believe the Boer w ar is near its end. A European zollverein against America is predicted as tbe result of the steel consolidation. Tho Brazilian Government ordered its Consul at Oporto, Portugal, to re­ turn immediately to Italy w ith his family. The X’owers vetoed Prince George’s proposition for the annexation of Crete. The opinion prevails in Pekin, China, that Prince Tuan’s punishm ent will necessitate the choosing of another heir to the Chinese throne in place of his son. H err Bueb, a member of the German Reichstag, was sentenced to seiTe three months In jail for lese majeste. The British House of Commons voted down Jolm Dillon's objection to farm burning i)y the Brlrish in South Africa. A B ritish punitive force, attacked by Sowalis, in E ast Africa, lost seven­ teen killed, and w as forced to retreat, after kiUins 150 native:;. Sir Bobert H art, a t Pekin, China, protested against the seizure of his property hy foreign Powers in order to enlarge their legation grounds. Prederico Mora, a form er convict of Sing Sing, N. Y., attem pted to Invade Costa Rica w ith discontented N icara­ guans, and w as taken-priaoner by Nl- caraguau troops. ^ F IR E IN A P E N IT E N T IA R Y Main Building of the Nebraska State Prison Burned. Ullltla Subdued a Panic Amouf the €on< victs — One Perished, None ISs- capeu - A l^ss of S300,000. Lincoln. Neb.—The main building of the N ebraska State Penitentiary, three miles south of this city, w as burned, together w ith ihe w arden's kitchen and one or tw o separate buildings con­ taining cells. The convicts were all taken out in safety, w ith the exception of one man. a life prisoner'w ho re­ fused to leave his cell and w as burned to death. W hen the firemen rcjiched the prison half the main l)ulldlug w as in flames, and the frenzied prisoners. 280 in num­ ber, still locked in their apartm ents in the w est cell house, were screaming in terror. W hen rclea&e came the men rushed forth in a wild mob. strik­ ing and beating one another in their haste. Some jum ped from the few three-story windows th at swing on hinges, while others leaped the full length of the stairs upon the heads of those below. Free from the buildings, m any of the men sought to escape. On tlu*ee sides they found frow ning w alls lit up by the flames, and on the other a burn­ ing barrier over which none could mount. A few m inutes later, a militia company, summoned from Lincoln, ar­ rived and the panic w as over. The following day tho men were back In the sliops at work, Avhlle the authori- tiees busied themselves fitting up the east cell house w ith cots. The convict who perished w as au old man, George Pflueger. serving a life sentence for wife murder. The ap­ proxim ate loss to the State is $<>00,000. The State carries no insurance on any of its institutions. IGNORED DISTRESS SIGNALS. A Coast GuardsTnan's Confession About the Kio dc Janeiro. San Francisco. Cal.—Ellingsoi). the coast guardsm an connected w ith t)ir F ort Point Life-Saving Station, who w as on duty at the tim e of the wreck of the steam er Rio de Janeiro, on Feb niary 22, has confe.^sed tliat ho hear<’ the Rio’s signals of distress, but n . im portance w as attached to them, and for th a t reason he failed to arous{» the life-saving station. Captain Hoilson. in cliarge of the station, has suspt*ndo«l Elllngson and will m ake a ihorougli Investigation. M any Uves would havt been saved had the*life crev,* been made aw are of the disaster. The Coroner’s jury found the cap tain and the pilot of the wrecked steam er guilty of crim inal negligcncc and responsible for the disaster. It also censured the company for hiriui,' a Chinese crew. liVIURDERER FERRELL EXECUTED. M an W h o K ille d H Ia F rie n d to G et M onej to W ed VayH th e P en alty . Columbus. Ohio. — Rosslyn Ferrell, who shot and killed Charles Lane on the night of A ugust 10. lOOt). w as exe­ cuted in tlie electric chair of the Ohio Penitentiary. Ferrell w as engaged to be married to Miss Lillian Costlow. of this city. Ho w as w ithout means, and planuetl this m urder and robbery fo secure funds w ith w hich to make suitable preparations for his marriage. H e killed Lauo in cold blood, roblied the safe In the expres.s car of $1400. and for tw o days the crime rem ained a m ystery. Circum stantial evidence IK>inted to FcrrelVs guilt and his ar­ rest followed, w ith the result that he made a confession. CIGARETTE FIEND’S AWFUL DEED. Killed Big Wife and Then Ble^v Ont Hh Brains. Savannah, tia.—Dr. W. F. Aiken, tho best known and m ost prom inent eye and ear specialist in Savannah, killed him self and his w ife w ith a revolver. B ut tw o shots were fired, and death in both Instances w as Instanraneous. Dr. Aiken w as about thirty-eight years old. H e w as born in New York City, and w as graduated from Yale a1 the age of tw enty years. H e married Miss Annie K. Potter, daughter of Rev. A. C. Potter, of New Bedford, Mass. It w as brought out at the inquesi th a t Dr. Aiken w as a cigarette smok er to excess, and th at he w as of an ex­ trem ely nervous tem peram ent. H e was m entally unbalanced. Generals WlUon and Lee Keiired. An order has been issued by th.* Wai D epartm ent at W ashington placins EBIiiADlER-OKNEPAI. MTiSBVftH LEE. Brigadier-Generals Jam es H. Wilson and Fitzhugh Lee on the retired list ol the army. KInir l8 Heac) of the Navy. The official list of the British Navy, ju st published, places King Edw ard a.i Hie head of the navy. This is an in novation. tTntu now the naval list has not recognized the existence of th*; monarch, and the omission w as a relic* of the old struggles between the Crown and Parilam ent. Electric Koad For Slanila. An American company has nego­ tiated the purchase of the Manila Street Railway, which they propose to convert to the electric system. Sporting Brevities. A Henley ti*ip is practically certain fur the first crew of the U niversity of Pennsylvania this year. For the second tim e Mr. Qu.ncy A. Shaw, Jr., of Boston, Is tbe national am ateur racquet champion. The W isconsin ’Varsity d e w will •'Ithout doubt row a t Poughkeepsie in the big intercollegiate race the com* ing summer. An International trap shooting con­ test between the best wing shots of America and England has been praci tically arranged. SENATE CCURT ORGANIZED. Prepared to Begin the Impeachme®* Trial March ii. SENATE. Thirty-ninth D ay—Ideotenant ernor Turner called th e Senate to ^ at 11 o’clock and Rev. Dr. A. A. MW shall, of the F irst 'Saptlst church, « fored prayer.H e besought divine b i ^ ing upon the Senators, w hether f'tti t in legislative or execuUve s ^ lo n ^ as the highest court ot the that their minds and hearts m ight filled w ith Ju»Uce and love from abov- so th a t they hlght nedther haim “ or i - jure any citizen of th is Commonweaiio. but guard th e w elfate of their Stote. A t 11:30 the Senate took up and dis­ cussed the rules presented for gow ern- ing the im peachm ent trial. At 12:30 the roll call began and tne Senators were sworn in five at a tiHW by Lieutenant Governor Turner. Bacu Senator repeated the oath after Presi­ dent T urner and signed the same, .sen­ ator Alexander being first on tihe rou was the first sworn. All were prKent and sworn in except Leak, Speigiit and Webb. M arshall, Republican, had con­ scientious scruples against sweannS and he affirmed. Chief Clerk Maxwell, Reading Clerk Cohoon, Sergeant ot Arms Smith, and Mr. W eldon Smilth as stenographer, w ere sworn In. London Introduced a resolution that the rules adopted by the Senate Wi' tihe im peachm ent be adopted by the court o t im peachm ent. Carried. London offered a resolution te inform the m anagers of the House th at che court was ready to receive them at us bar. AdO'Pted. A t 12:45 the m anagers entered in a body, w th their counsel, J. H. Pou and C. M. Busbee, and took seats on the left. Rountree announced {hat the man­ agers praj-ed process issue. L ondon moved to issue a summons r^turnablfc at 1:15 today. Carried. Lieutenant Gov­ ernor Turner placed the summons jn the hands of Sergeant-at-A rm s Smitli. The Senate then resumed its session and soon adjourned. ■Fortieth Day.—The Senate passed the divorce bill and discussed Alexan­ der’s road bill, m any m inor bills were Introduced and a num ber ot local bills passed. Forty-first Day.—A t noon the elec­ tion of trustees ot the State University came up as a special order. Sm ith objected to McNamee. He was not a N orth Carolinian, was a Re­ publican and he had no use under God’s sun for him. Scott said McNamee had taken great interest in the U niversity, was living in the State and he hoped the report would be adopted. Politics was not considered. Springfield said McNamee would make a fine trustee. Gudger said McNamee was an exccl- leu't man and would make an excellent trustee, but the people ot the vest wanted a N orth Carolinian also. ■ Pinnix said as McNamee was the only Republican on th e list (he did not think politics should be or was considered) he thought he should be taken off. “Don’t just put on pne. Re­ publican: it no more, then leave him off.” Foushee said he agreed with Pinnix, th a t .there should be more Republicans or none. He did not object to Mc­ Namee, hut he wanted more western men on. “Here are eight men from W ake county,” said Gudgor. “The law requires a certain number from W ake county in order to hold frequent m eetings of the executive com mittee,” said Scott. "W ell, I knew W ake county got halt the patronage ot the State, but I did not know it was by statute,” said Giidger. Aycock spoke strongly for the com­ m ittee’s report: th a t McNamee was a valuable m an to the State and if he was not put on now, then it would be a reStction on him and on Northern capitalists coming to the State. M orrison favored the report as it was and said it was necesary to have mea close to Raleigh. H enderson took the same view. Trustees were elected as follows (all except Day receiving 35 and those tw o 33 votes) until Novem'ber 30 1909: A. B. Andrews, of W ake; R . H. B at­ tle, of W ake; J . S. Carr, of Durham; W.H.Day, of W ake; W arren G. Elliot! of New H anover; A. . Norwood, of Alamance; T . W . Masonfi, ol N orth­ am pton; P. B. Means, ot Cabarrus; Jam es Parker, ot Gates; P. D. W alk, er. of M ecklenburg; A. \V. Graham; of Granville; L . S. Overman, of Row­ an; W . D. Pruden, ot Chowan; D. H . McLean, ot H arnett; J. W . Wilson, Julius Johnson, of Caswell; Josephu, Daniels, ot W ake; H . A . London, ol Chatham ; Jas. Sprunt, ot New H an­ over; L. J. Puot, of W arren. U ntil November 30, 1903: P . D. W inston, of Bertie; R . B. Creecy, oi Pasquotank, in place of E. A. W hite; deceased; Geo. Rountree, of New Hanover, in place ot E . B. Schulken; E . M. Armfield, ot Guilford, In place of Jas. E . Boyd; Chas. McNamee, ot Buncombe, In place of J . M. Moody; Victor S. B ryant, ot Durham, in place of B. S. Blackburn; R . A. Johnson, of Richmond, In place of C. A. Cook; P . G. Jam es, of P itt, in place ot H ar­ ry Skinner; G. B. Patterson, in place of H . C. wall, deceased. Until November 30, 1901: A. W . Graham, to succeed A. w . Graham, resigned, L . S. Overman, to succeed L. S. Overman, resigned. The Senate then resumed discussion of the road law, and afterwards ad­ journed Torty-second Day.—The Senate de­ voted the day to routine business consMeplng a num ber ot local bills’ Adjournm ent was reached w ithout any development ot special Interat. Forty-thlrdi Day.—Tbe Senate me* at 1 0 o’clock a. m. and translated a considenai'hle am onnt ot business W v a to and local, bills occnpl^ its full time. HOtraB. Fortieth Day.—T he House held day anl night sessions. N o general lagts- lation was enacted. Forty-first Day—Speaker Moore con­ v e n t th e H ouse a t 10 o’clock. P ra te r was offered by B ev. M r. Adams. Bills passed final reading a s fol­lows: To increase num ber ot county «om- misBioners ot Gaston, coouty. To amend the road law of Duphani county. To allow M adison county to levy »po- cial tax. To establish a school dlitriet in Cbadhurn township, Colnntbua oooDty. To establish a school distriot in W l- liains tow nship, Columbus copnty. 'To tstablish South 'WUllaqi* tonrn- shlp. In Colum bus county. ’The special order, th e daeU oii ol trustees ot th e State QaiT«tMt7 , M riT- ing. M r. Roberson, ot ChiUford, diolr- m an of the com mittee, nomlnKtea tn » > tew , a i reoommended b j tbe o o m d tr ivt WlnfltOE. the election ‘^ ^ ^ n e d MoLean wanted t o: ^ S ^ ^ “ a n y « n n e r . ^ » t h . SmithfleW- ehartet ot Durham. of the Wake T o ”tSSoint a hoard of school direc- lors build a road from T o ?''|Irtegs to Mulberry Gap.Laurel ^ r m g B i Greensboro **an?T rust Comipany. ® F or r e li r f ot Henry Welstead, ot Cur- "^‘^ S '^ ^ n r c h a r t e r ot Southport. ock law in P itt coun- ‘’’t o incorporate tbe Jam es Sprunt In- ^ e n t r b X e t i e county H i n July 1st 1901, lo r exam ination hoard on July l > This amend- w S rik in g ouit requirem ent of am end b> striK s ^ ® .f " J ld o ^ t0 pension. B rittain, speak- am endm ent, said m any la- ^M ried m en w ho cam e from the ? S e r A pril 1st, on account o t be- ‘i ‘?h\”pride ot the c o m m i t t ^ .^ ^ - r C / T t ’tSI m n d T w^re"‘ltmlted, S L « r » p ^ - s r v i v \ r o ^ *’‘AUen'’ of Columbus, made an elo- his amendment, allowing all widows to of the bin without i» d e r s to reave his widow In the '^ H e la u e d t^ ^ previous qne.vion. The vote on th e am endm ent w as ayes, -1, i s s bi’ir is"denti-al w 'tf it passed the Senate, ® m e^req u irin g examination ot appH th e day passing and vepeailng 'I'SPen- nature. NEW FORMULA FOR Trouble is sometin.es7,?"''KC.spraying with Bordea-u the clogging of the ranin J " " ' * fessor Prilieaux, Natio„a,”““ '^- hi Institute, Paris, stronelv M ccbarateof copper Bordeaux mi.xture and I solution of carbonate of spraying. The formula i° << For twenty-five gallons of ,h m g liquid slake and make L lime’ tour pounds of solve four pounds of m oiasifi: '*•* Ion of w ater and mix ivitii',1 I!me. This ,vi„ f “‘M of saccharate or lime- s*ir .i,' ly. and let st.,n<l ^ " “ “-'I hours. Next dissolve ’ ot bluestone in eight 10 gallons of w.iter. ami ^ ‘ 1 the lime-molasses solution ring briskly. The mixture bl " ! very turbid with the gvps„„, , which may be allow e/'.rie mg a clear, greenish solution „t'.' l charate of copper,' «hi,h drawn oft from the sediment viatiug all danger of cio^ spray nozzle and leaving tion on leaves or fruit, if i, i/,' used on leafless trees, it once thinned down to tlie wanted, since even thus i„e lil;,' much thinner than the BordeJ, ?, ture of equal strength." Fiirth-r'' perim ents wiil be niaiie durins . coming year b.v the liepartraon, Agriculture with this .spray. Came in Alaska. John 1. Minear. w«-ll-kii,iuii iug engineer, coim-iljutes smui.. able information i-oiu-i‘rniiis which will be a revt‘laiiua t,. n j who have rogardcil this imn „f ,f country as a hiwvvn au.l region. "Perhaps I i-aiinoi iirtii'r iliiwral he writes, “than rolatc my ,-s!) while a guest of liollis v,h:i... lives in a neat h»i; <-al)iu ou llnii|> {: H e had caught a tlijcu of wild J th at would eomo aruur'l lin- | a morning and waiic »s - honking to get their breakfasi. I s>| in bis -cabin dtior ami saw «l.vr k on the beach. 1 saw »nu- soiii!-]i:;l on the beach whii-h comaiinsi i-if salmon. The waters at wcr- ] fireworks. Fl.sh dartiui: hi :il) i! tious left a phosphiuvs.-»-iii -i„iv | hind them. 1 li:ul a >lioi ar n black bear at this calmi. lin'u:;. simply luniben'd i»fi‘ wiili a ;'nii.| disapproval. While incpaiiiv-’ !■•[ hunting the next day Wf snv bears across the bay >hiii‘i!iii:' ;.!l the beach. I saw fmty-fic'a il-.f one day's hunt, ami I havr those animals to wiMiiti fwviiryfii| where I stood. I'tariiii.iran numerous and taiiic \hnr ilu'v m i killed with a stick, and get closc enough to groiisi' at an to shoot th<‘iu wiiii a i»ist*il." Si ; (Jlinn.) Corresptnidenc' ing Transcript. GRASSHOPPER CANDY AND CAKES. Mr. George D. Rice, w riting from the Philippines, gives an interesting ac* count of the m anner in w hich some of th e natiTes catch and prepare giant grasshoppers for food. D uring May, June and July the insects appear in great sw arm s, traveling in clouds that obscure the sun. W hen they settle up­ on a field they soon destroy the crops, eating not only plants, but sm aller In­ sects as well. The Filipino farm ers keep boys posted in the church tow­ ers throughout the fslands, and when a swarm lights an alarm is rung which brings the natives to the stricken farm w ith bags. The grasshoppers are caught in nets, knocked down with paddles and stunned by explosions of gunpow der, dropping in large num­ bers. A few hours in the hot sun dries them 50 th a t they will keep a long tim e, and they are then shipped to the cities, w here they readily sell for %2 per half-bushel sack. They are con­ sidered choice m orsels, and people eat them by the pocketful in the streets and a t entertainm ents. They are also cooked in pies, w ith rows of especially large ones arranged around the top crust in lifelike attitudes, and Filipino housew ives take great pride in serving them thus. G rasshopper cake is filled w ith them , and resem bles plum or raisin cake, w hile confectioners make them up into bonbons w ith sugar, cho* colate and coloring. In som e parts of the island they are ground to powder and baked In a variety of ways, while still other uses are found for them in the m aking of fancy drinks. Mr. Rice tried them in several form s and says th a t he “experienced no serious re­ sults.” W hen they are thoroughly dried they are crisp and not at all ob­ jectionable, having, on the contrary, a sw eet flavor like th a t of ginger snaps. W hen the Filipino uses them as a sub­ stitute for i>eanuts at a fair or m erry­ m aking of any sort he usually adds to their flavor by sprinkling them with brow n sugar.—Chicago Record. O ru of the latest inveations is imitation vaccination scar that you paste on your arm aiiri ‘.ims fool health eificcr. The "scir” costs a <r S O U T H E R N RAILWAY Central Time at Jacksouvillo ani Eastern Time at Othor Poiu!.-^. Schedule in Efft-ct Jan. ' X,-.S4 X’..'?-Dailj UJv jKOBTHBOrFD. Lv. Jackaonvilio \P. b’> . •* Savannah (!Jo. Bf ‘ -“ Baniwoli.................“ BiackvlJle...............A.r. Oolumbta . ... Lv. Oharieaton. Hjr“ Summerville...........** BranchviJie...........“ Orangeburg............“ Kingville................^r. Columbia . Lv. Au^fub.a, iw). K.v.:Lv. (rnuiienllt; ..............Lv. .................................Lv. T reoton......................“ Johnston....................Ar. Columbia, (U. D.).--- Lv. Ooiiunbia, iBldp -I “ Wiausboro.............." Obe-v.er ..................•• Itock Hill................Ar. Chttrtoue ................. Jr. Daavilie............... AiTKiciimond . • W ith divorces already increasing tw ice as faat as the population, and over 3,000 divorce courts running on fuU tim e, the discovery of any new ground for disbanding homes is to be viewed w ith distrust. Judge Burnell, of ti e Third Circuit Court, of W iscon­ sin, has juBt granted a divorce to a com plaining wife on the novel ground th a t h er husband had become de­ praved in m ind and body by excessive cigarette smoking. This adds one more to th e list of causes for dissolving W hat used to be considered "the sacred tl« ot marriage.” Ar. NVuanmgloxi *• ^itimora iPa.KU'. “ yhiladelpbi.'i.“ yew Yurk... - Lv.LVuinblft.............At. BpartanbnrB..........“ A3h«v»U« ..............Ar. Knoxville Ar. C inoiuiati.. Ar. LoulsriUe fiorrHBt>rxu. Lv. l^iiiavliK^ ......... Lv. (.mciniwti ...... Lv. Knyx%iLe..........'• ..............fcjpartanbnrfr........Ar. Co-umbto .. "■ KUiT 1255V v::--,I . Ilw> jl-l 7lU' :l... bia . 'jZ-a U l 10 lea 4&I 11'>■■8 _5aa| oujV- v;«/v| .riiv i Aliy .‘V. 5 .m'i’ '»’■ HiKT' ' jjOl.T I •• ■ f-wO ’J" Hi's r Viw? i;'. .-J»KF,;r Lv'. New YoTt‘Pa.ii.H'•• plillRdflpaia . “ Baltimore .......qir, :i .Lv. W asbiVt u i&o.Kj ' . L?. Kichm ond........ ___ — • fiv- D anville........................... Lv. (.%«r;or:e.............. I uin ■'•• K ^ n in ...................•• <;hC9l«r ....................... liil“ Wiun'jboro .... •• ..A r .C u iu m b ’j , ........ Lv. Oohunuia, (I/. i>-»” • • • |;;jp ”“ Johnston........................1 '■ '" Trenton...................... ‘A r. AiJsen ..........................315r. ,Ar. aniixitevill« ........... " Ar. AV4nw‘a Lv. Goii^bia {Ho. Kyi :. Klng^-ilic.................. r:;- •“ Oicn»eburjf. ............. .’.pt- s-.l“ ....................................." SuMin.i-rviiJ-.- - Ar. Lv. Ck>lu:ijl>i?»iUactviile “ BaruweM . ’ ••SavHJjnah ••ir..l2rt:.-i-.i'-'P ■■'I' e;.v r.! P n lJli■. • T^';. iwec:i * *■'Puliiijuii fn= ' - Aihoaand Coiunibja via ^ i’"'-. r JOhanc.i'in,.! - ‘ Yo'Ik ^ '1 Ho?, at ana .... si; ---‘.Iprets. Dra-.vw«-r<AtTgusra and . I'j-hmor.d- thniag andSav-aaaai. . Fu---Jf FnlimaJ ;>v V'.f irwecBman • ‘ j: Wajihii:gt‘>n*W.H.TALOE. AtianW. «•» c o n n E t H O T f ughWions are said tc e - absence of w< w * ® t has io r so the afl'-lsa ,he tre®‘«=®sj-steroaticall have liee» giv land owners. '* n e e u ‘W”^-succerstully ss regions, the pla ,onslr“ct dam s acr< . - “’.. r forruios fo " f “ «ome people oirrieo- W cor** moveroei - “ • ----------------------Z h s s ^ - ^ , ------------------------ „I«kleS3;__---------------------— 11 shoS.l ul Wts ” tlaii ____________ '"uw.verrhave m ade brij in c e s ._________- f e g i s i i Us a coU day ''’hen « (lU diuS S ii^ _______ . The new "om an |sTii »c .1 _______ .Ii.r.. 1« m re CutnrrU.lD tlill K “ “medle=.r.;n' "Jtreainieu , i-ro Sii«SS3Sdrj\>a to afte b'.ofil and mucousItcv offer ontjhun.ired.^olU toia by Diug-is b, < c. ■ S S'sV nrai y fcTO th e '1 KELP FOR WC ^VHO A K K A L W A ll ‘•I do uot feci very ’ tired all the time. I do r is the m atter w ith m e.’i You hear these w ords | often as you meet your 1 oftca are these w ords re than likely yu'.i speak th taut tvonls yourself, and dofet'I far from w ell mo: ^Irs. Ella Rice, of ( ■whose portrait we publi siiifered for tw o ycj inp*<lo\Tn p.-iins, head.'u ind had all kinds of mihc *11 of which w as eau.sed inflammation of th e wo_ doctoring w ith physiciaJ «u& medicines she w as on MBS. Eut*. 1 lydia Pinktiam 'a pound. K you arc trouble taintinir spells, ileprcs wluctance to go anyw Wkache, and a lw a y s' laember th u t ih*ire i nmedy which w ill reli Wfiering as it did M « roonnmerital th a t iam's Vegetable Con Kreaiest medicine for si Ao other medicine h as I it has, and no otB itelpedao tnany w om etil - te has Mrs. Pinkham ; | . « greater than th a t of I ^ If you are sick,I wr advictt; her addr f|OOD PAY . , Jtti. |l a f o r s p r ^ f e - S f;;“ " 7 " " l a J a»d m ake in to U l l ^ s o f quickiinp.*' | d s of molasses in’j |fl mix With the f 'l 1 make a solJ J>f hme.' Stir thw, I stand fo,. ■dissolve four ^ l>n eight g allon^ |« ® r . and p o u rT J t t f solution, whi J p e mixture be,. Jtli the eyusum f„j jallow ed to settle.! fccnish solution o fl |per,- «hich masf I th e sedim ent, th J of cloggingl 'eaving no disc< J or fruit. If it is I |Es trees, it may ■aown to the 2o g ■even thus i,,e lin, ■than the Bordeaux, ■ strength.” FurthJ 1 lie m ade during! i y the Departmeif■ th tbi_s spray. Im e in Alaska. ■ear. a w ell-kumv 1 oontribntes .■iuu,, ■ion eom-erniiif; ■ a revelation t„ ^'isardc<1 this purl barren :in>l ,|,j It auuot lietier ilhiM lian relate uiy ,..xp^ It ot Hollis Wliiul 1 lug (•■•ibln on Ilolll lilt a flock or wilill J>uie aronnl ihe In O w ake us *:\-iiu I t their breakfast. |li)or and saw dccil I saw one seine I which contained f ■naters at ni^-iit no fish dartius in nil j lphosi>horesceut ;rl,jf I I had a siiol at] t this cabin. 'J he j [?rcd off with a jfa While iircparlu"! I next day wc saw I the liay sliufrtins saw fon.v.ei;rht |int. and 1 have • to w itliin tw t*utyl lid . rtarniijfiin I d lame thnr they l ■a stick, and huntj liijrh to gronso at ai 111 witn a pistol."—^ ■espoudence Boston lit. |e lateit inveotionsl Icination scar that • arm ail/J llms f l The "sciu" costs! ) connE N T . commoQ to l E R N R A I L W ^ a t Jacksonville and i n Tim e at O ther Poiotd | e in Effect J an. •i7tfa. ■Dally ,U lie tT). 7 7 ^ ili %ao. Rr )........'12Kp,ia■ .............. 4 2ip;^ yj. £tj ■ 4byi'' fliiPi ( ; uu^i'i 7 41a 1 b&UiifZia :lu Icai llOGc ..............I SiSp'l..............! 4t<!pll...............................' 4171* ifru.D .).........: 5 65? rllBidp ........■ fiAipM' ...............TI;;P;!............. syiv f.............. bWJl-.............• ;i2up, ............. ‘Jviila ■ ........!. Tit-BjXrCRj...... 9 Icfl.ll............. hrg ■tsTir. . 11 4^a vi lUp I . - 7 151' _^15u _ 7 :^ J • I>.Uly I '.1 8(X)a|| ;II4oa I Ik' Pn.li.K'roBpli»2Tpi| I'll ibo.Ky) ^ ------------ llV£t>| ------ ... bK<»;.. POji!......... SSlRl............... ]3ip| i« p | I'lbo. Ky.»- r-so. Hy.) • ___ ' ' -ecpixiB C a" f c “t ^ " vork and I T ^ i <.ut SnEitav, 1 .W Yirk, rm s l^ a a b ll. U c, iL O E . lass, bt». Cita, B. .PiV-1 are said to be due ,he'aw™ « " I n i l«sr ' " ’frir- the advisability ot J**® .M iroelcsi plains. Crown ,v..ematicall>- wooded. "IL 'm 'vo been given out at '^ 0 hml owners, but little '.lonc. Irrigation has. sncceisfully carried out rtjions. the plan adopted ' ' dams across valleys rcsenoirs in l^-s 1.6 io construct < fornimi: M i^ 'jJ 'n i’cIted snow is col- ,5 s’-w'’''- Ilsrbor ■ouplc found m ar- l®dlan'.'niit got divorced. Then r ‘ • ii-v0T<- a failure and were ‘-031C people are never For the Bowels. ■ .iiiit ai]s yoa. LenJuehe lo a l=‘“-';i“ <-v.T c»t *oll until your risiit. helpfc5‘"J-i‘»v;tliout asripa or pain, p C miumI movements, coJt you RfHinS y°“r health or^.lT Oiithartlo. the ! ffiWnl’i'O” -’. « "ry ta b . t»;[c Etami«'l it- ««*“ • \V»nti*«!-At once I .,-„D ^iihor Fitborit expsrl«nce .-sj.rs-ifu j.artlcula » write cv,<» Works, ilodford CUr, >a. ^-liriib liigl) Moal^ seM om m arries S 'u t ._____________ i ......h'v'tlfK ilsof th elaru r t-.itle* *,t, ,.S, ;j«ivc:v. Il in the T U.-.V iMUbP bank w recker should be L-,*?- ___________ TO BE NO EXIRA SESSION CONGRESSMEN WILL AVOID IP POSSIBLE. THIS e o b r b w ill B e M « l« to P a u C ab an I.e e . U U tio n B efo re A a jo n rn n ie n t — S itu a ­ tio n In th e la lM d E xeltInK A tte n tio n •na ^ m e Vneavtness. 1 Washington Comspondeuce.] The situation In Cuba excites more and m ore attention, and not a lltUe. uneasiness. The P resident Is evident­ ly m uch worked up about i t Accord^ ing to the m ost reliable inform ation tlie state ot affairs iu the island Is anything but satlstactor}-. Although the urgency o t this situation Is begin­ ning to be generally acknowledged bv (^ngressm en. there Is no abatem ent of their desire to avoid an extra session, and they will m ake a strong effort to stave It off. Some of tho Senators are now busily engaged in studving over the m atter and tiyiug to form ulate some plan by which the necessary Cu­ ban legislaUou can be secured before M arch 4. This will be difficult on ac* count ot the com plexity and great im­ portance ot the subject. Any serious m istake m ade by us now iu regard to Cuba m ight be itrepttrable. and m ight result In allow ing G reat B ritain or G erm any to get in their hooks w here Spain torm erly had hers. In which case our la sr state in the "West Indies would be w orse than our first: S h ip p in g B lll'a Im p o rta n c e ; All parti.'ianship aside, it ia of the highest im portance that the people should understand tho fundam ental industrial situation upon which the proposed Shipping bill legislation is based, 'ih ls is pre-em inently an In- ___ dustrial nation. Except a t the very “Pt>o outset, w hen every citizen earned it vonsUouiJ chew a bare living for him self and his fan.ily riit^. , by the .sweat of his brow, the nation ipople have more dollars \ has alwa.vs produced more than jt'has consumed. This tact, this tendency. '"-----perceived by our early statesm en .-ariii'fjf>r'iii!i!si'»eii'®"'‘“'>'‘-' i leaders as far back ns Washinir- H am ilton and .Tefferson. who fram ed the law s in their tim e so as to provide for this situation of nffairs. It is true th at for m any years onr im­ ports exceeded our exports, but never­ theless our exports, such a« Ihey were, represented even then an exportable surplus. This surplus, av lirst small, has been steadilj increat ing for a cen­ tury, until it has now reached the gi­ gantic dim ensions of one billion dol­ lars i^l.OOO.OOO.OOO) lu value, and con­ stitutes nearly, it not quite, one-third of our total production. More than nine-tenths, of thin iui- f^.-.rurfrnr CoTisimr-non is anlnfam.- ; m ense exportable surplus—practicall.v “f >t—‘S now- carried to foreign ■ ' ‘ "" ports iu ships belonging to other na- reCatarrii in llils Fectlon c f thfc ■^ 7 ’liu oi; •'th- r p at toKethcfr, ii lie ifijt i ' ears W Rttui.posed to b®I}:, >. f.tra ^rca: :!;»uy yenr^ doctor* ta:<pad.M*is« uni i-rescribed il::::ri:eN«ni br const-nt^y tniung to " /.-.•I. twa nieu , proaounced it ia- H;€---C bss ;-ro\‘-Q catariU Vi be a ...'loai.iii? a:ehCd :be elore requirci ;rJ'.-a.trcaimwOt.Hnl.'sC«iarruCur.**‘tnre: i.y F. t'sit-ney * Co., Toledo...j’-soalf coustiiutli>a*l care on thi»2;t l'.Jitakeal’i>rua:ly iadoresfrom ;t:oate!‘s;f-«c;ul. It acts direc.ly on . ^cindu.Bc<.ii8 surfatrs ol itc sy«t«-m. rr.-casliiir. .rtrd-.olUro :or any cabe ^l■a.l for< ircu'.arannd Jesii- : r::re«Ei .J.' HiiNEV« Co. Toledo,O. l-.Tr^ri have made brief acqiiaint- .'“•ooilii’itf '“ vrop ft»r children t:.- Xvren' tlit sinns. u d tc e s fnfiam m n- E J rn. cures wind colic, a bottle. 1 (oiii ila.v 'Ilf 1"^ T rust J-v.^»iauvviF nil the tim e reiiulr**d to L^rvTViS! r.u»;i.Fss 1.I1ES. Sold by ______________ r:-St?.’ v-ctpar. v-'unis to b ra c e uj* •: i-c i niAH. EP FOR WOMEN f m ak j: a l w a y s t i r e d . 1 w !n;t feel very well. 1 am so ^•^Uhet5L^e. 1 do not know w hat ri^Tuauer with me." I To: m i ihfse words every d ay ; as k' jv.n moot your friends ju st so ■caur: tIif>o words repeat«l. More l i i ’i'iclyron j.peak the same slgnifi- Ic'v.orjUyoiirst'lf. and no doubt vou Itl-lfar froa well nso?t of the time. 1 1':. Ella cf Clielsea. W is.. portrait v:o. puhlif^h. w rites that for two years w ith bear- painji. headache. ]>ackache. mi.sorablc feelings, was oauf-cd ny falling and p of the womb, and after '.vrl^' Trith phy.sicians and numer* ■cirfr^cicea she was entirely cured by Mrs. Ella Rtce Pioliham's Vegetable Com- I fo f” troubled with pains, of spirits, iinywhere. headache, , tired, please re-? '-J»-re is an absolute .. 'vhich v.iU relieve y o u o f y o u r 1 11*1 Mrs. Rice. Proof It.'-Vdia E. Pink- '^PO'md i« the S'lffering women, fc' k. t**® curesidw^' "“I ™ "tber woman haa * las W'lmMi by di>«t advice *Featfr^^ experiencete. 21 tict of any living per- IRAp e S !Cto.eH FmI m a U I". •uj.swiM.e«ac, g Binion D o lla r e r a M«ac® and 10«. [ feliywtrthCWU («t tmmn. f ElDC0.,“3S?“ tions. This foreign service is irregu­ lar. unsym pathetic, costly and is lia­ ble to be seriously curtailed, if not ab­ solutely cut off. at any tim e b.v the In­ tervention of n w ar. M ost of these ships are English, (rerm an aud Nor­ wegian. In case of a general European w ar, or of a w ar between this country and any of these European powers, our export trade, if still carried on by the iiresent s.vstem. would be instantly crippled and very likely completely paralyzed. The present system is very uneco­ nomical. The foreign shipow ners dis­ crim inate in IheIr rates against us. and w e are paylnjr them now at <be enonnotts r.ite of neatly ?2()0,000,0(>0 a year for carrying our goods acro.ss the seas. All this money otight to be kept a t home, and it would be If we had an adequate American merchar^t marine. The people cannot uuderstand too quickly or too clearly the vital Impor­ tance of securing a regular, reliable, reasonable m eans of access to foreign m arkets for their surplus productions, and tho only w ay to secure this is by the building up of a large aud compe­ tent A m erican m ercliant m arine. The construction of such a m erchant m a­ rine would give emi)loymeut to thou­ sands and tens of thousands of opera­ tives, aud. w hen constructed, it would carry oui exports to the four quarters I ot the globe. This carrying trade ^ w ould be under the control of our own Citizens, instead of foreigners, as now. W c should see it entrusted to Ameii- can captains aud A m erican sailors, and ou the otiier side there would be Am erican agents and A m erican branch houses aud Amerlc*i*n bankers, all deeply interested in the extension of A m erican foreign trade, w'hereas now all our foreign export trade exists upon sufferance, as it w ere, and w hat­ ever grow th it has attained has been iu spite of the very disconraging con­ ditions under which it has been carried on. This country, iu the opinion of the w isest and best iuformetl buslnes.s men, w-ill soon have to face an indus­ trial crisis if a lietter outlet for our surplus products is not obtained. Pro­ ducing now one-third more than we can consume at home, the suiplns ot food products cotton and m anufac­ tured articles, am ounting annually to a bllliou of dollars iu value.-and con­ stantly increasing every year, m ust be leadily and steadily distributed in for­ eign m arkets, or w hat w ill be the al­ ternative W hat w ill happen if any considerable portion of this billion dol­ lars’ w orth of goods is undisposed of, rem aining here aud glutting the home m arket? Any schoollioy can answ er th at question. Innninm l Prep«r»tioni. The preparations tor the inaugura­ tion continue on a m ost generous scale. If the clerk of the w eather Is in a kindly mood, the celebration will go ahead o t any of its predecessors by a large m ajority. A lready there Is a great scram ble for ball tickets, pro­ gram m es. souvenirs, etc., and the de­ m and to r lodgings and eligible view­ points prom ises to be unprecedented. Among outside visitors Ohio iieople Will bo much in evidence, ot course. Among the novel features w ill be a naval disulay. thoiigh owing to the S I avto,0,, -.^AGENTS " ‘ - -frj. DjelO.'. Send »Sc(4]-ure territory atonce. Addres# T h e narrowTieM tmd Bhalioxniefig m *ha. i^otomac o n ly tiie sm aU er iighf dr.it.ght vessels, lik e the monitors in d torpedo boats, can safely work their way up to the city. A nother unusual feature is th at the President will prob­ ably ride alone in the procession. Not since (irant'a re-election In 1872 has it happened th at a President has been chosen as his own im m ediate sureea- ■ sor. So for thirty years the ceiitral i figure in the procession has been the i caiTlnge containing tw o dignitaries— i the out.going and the inconilng Presi- dent. B ut this year it is S tcK in W ' lir.st and nobody second. 1 A REPUBLICAN TRIUMPH; Wliai Sidnd Prlnclpl.a H „ , D on. to r ' American Trade. li e present era ot American pros-1 fe rtiliz e r u s e d pcrity, wuich has attracted general ! , . attention throughout the world i s ' P o ta s h , irtcntified w ith a Kepubliean tariff, u la rs s e e our D a m o h le ts 'American m anufactures are I >=> =>cc o u r pam pm ets. 'fo produce the best Results »ii fru it, v e g e ta b le or g ra in , the must contain For partic- We f i l l ! i i H SAW MILL MACHINERY, p planing MILL Machinery, t BRICK MACHINERY, A ENGINES AND BOILERS, all „ Types, Machiaery and Sup‘ U plies of Every Description. C Larjfe Stocks and Quick p Stiipmeols. n W. H. GIBBES & CO.jS CO LIIRBIA , S. C. Dr. Bull’s Cough m anufactures are going foith to every continent, and tho.se ’ them free. who purchase them are not troubled | GERMAN KALI WORKS,lu the least about the Dlngley law k a l i WURltb, ruder a system of m oderate protection _________” ^u5u.n. ',vo,i..___ our m anufacturers and artisans have advanced Until they arc able to supjily c to foreign m arkets a better article at ^ ? more favorable prices than can be oh- i P tnined elsewhere. O ur goods go to old | E m anufacturing centres abrojid. For- ■ r meriy a few A m erican specialties were T disposed ot in Europe, but the dem and 1 has greatly Increased. This !s the A third .vear of the Dingley law-. Our exports in 1900 were double those of JSSS and five tim es those of J862. E x­ ports per capita are $19.42, against S10.4fi In 1870. Im ports per capita are ,<10.no. against ¥11.98 in 1870. W itli totiil foreign exports In 1900 am ount­ ing to $1,470,000,000 and exports of manufactures of .«140,000,000 a year, the whole list of free trade argum ents Is dam aged be.vond repair. Supporters of a wise protective tar­ iff meet the sam e old weapons w hen­ ever it is proposed to apply the prlnci- ])k' to a new industry. The Democra­ tic as.«ault upon the beginnings of the tiie plate industry w as especiall.v sav­ age. Yet th a t branch of m anufacture iu the U nited States (o-day Is of ini- nieuse extent and value. A t the pres­ ent time Dem ocratic invective and rid­ icule are directed at the Ship Sub.«ldy hill Intended to revive aud build up our m erchant marine. This industry In Europe Is subsidized and eucoui- as;ed in every possible m aterial way. .vet the D em ocratic party contends tliat it is public robbery and favorit­ ism to aid our own sblpping.though it hns been cut down by* yi-otected com- pptiiion to an insignificant total. The methods that have developed our enor­ mous foreign trade and our m anufac­ tures will be equally effective w hen ap- iiiiod to our m erchant shipping.—Port Townsend (T\'ash.) Leader. Cares a cou^h or cotd at once. Conquers croup, broncbitis, frippe aad consumption. 2^Conquer» ^ croup, bronchitis, Syrup A strange Will. A fter disposing of all his other pro- perty in his will Verdi directed that “two large wooden boxes of great anit« quity,” which would be found in the dining room of his villa, St. Agata. should be burned (w ithout having been opened) im mediately after his obsequies. It is supposed tha^ the two m ysterious boxes contained m anu­ scripts of unpublished operas which Verdi did not wish to see the light. “W hat women need,” said the So­ cial Reform er, “'is more husbands.” “One is quite enough for me.” m ur­ mured the shari>-featured female. 'sidKNMMGHE •occnmb* rMdUy to tiie eaar remedy to taka It cores—Tl ’iiSiiiss 4 natural medicinal*--------\ laxative, tonic. «‘ney, ■toinauh aiiil b<_______TrtrpM U ve« Bill--------diee, Ohranlo Dl«e«M< ef tbe Djepmla HeartbttrMt ^Ick DjaeaU rr C«B«Upetioii. PUra.C r»aO re11»r4 W M tcr fa caclous of the natural mineral coQTenlenttotatce; most economical to boy. The genuine is sold by aU dmgffists with Crak Appl .trade mark onTOMgevery bottle. *— » ___ CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. Louisville. Ky. P O S I T I O N S !r M ore calls th an wo can I ant«e of poritlons backc P O S IT IO N S !!. N O O B J U C T .________ . can possibly fill. G nar-_ ------------poritions backed by S5000 C oursesunexcelied. Enter any time. Catalogue free. Address, GOLUMBIABUS. COLLEGE, COLOIIBIA. a C. B l a SEED _______Mpknefovaewli at 5o tKli sai era&dweiHI) forward TA TE SPRING, '1 I Hotel Open aad w ater Shipi ■ Tear. T&emostpeUghtful Uei East Tennessee, T b e ra rla b n d ’ of Am erica. tS em o ..D .ll,« ,u .g S K S aTS??e‘i S S tln tb a Udioq. Electric Lights. Steam------/ Works. W aler C ures indlnstioo,Dyspepsia, and aU troubles of ths Uver. Slomach. Bladdw, Bowels and tctdnera. Rheuaatlam and Blood Diseases. Write for Pamphlet. THOS. TOiflLINSON, Otrner Sc Propr. TATE 8PR1K0, TENNESSEE. GRASSandFIELDSEEDS ONION S E T S , P O T A T O E S , P E A S ; W IN T E R , R U S T P R O O F , B L A C K , W H IT E O A T S , S O JA B E A N S , & c . S . T . B E V E R I D Q E & C O ., 131T K. Cary SI., H1CH3IOND, VA. Use CERTAIN il^GURL l*WOT$ itasDl VZW DI8C0VBKY;i__ _ quick r«>inf and enrM\___ eaiiee- Book of (estimuniala aod 10 d a y s' treatasDl rree*. Sr. B. H. eBEEM'8 &ON8. Box B. Atlaata, 6a. AX T K N X IO ?! is facilitated if you m entioa this paper when writing advertisers. 8 0. 10 Foreign Trnstei. Tbe San Francisco Chronicle sug-1 gesi.s th at “the next time a free trader ; proposes to adm inister a blow to A nier-: lean industry by rem oving the duties i from articles sim ilar to those m uuu-! factured by the so-called American I trnsts, a protectionist should offer to I .nmoud by absolutely prohibiting the ; im portation of goods made by trusts ; iu foreign countries;” and it adds that i “if such a m easure became a law, tiicre would be precious little foieign i stuff consumed in the U uited States.” 1 From the best facts obtainable it a p -; pears th at the ('hronicle is pretty near­ ly correct. As has been pointed out. time and time again the trust, so- callcd. is found iu all other countries as well as in tlie United States, and it j is found in free trade G reat Britain in even greater numbei's than In p ro -! tectlonist America. It is a product of ; general industrial conditions, and is In ' no way especially due to our system ; of protection. The efforts made by the | free traders to saddle the evils Which are connected w ith certain trusts upon ouv protective tariff are made, not be­ cause they have any belief in the just- nes.'s of their contention, but because they are eager lo use any m eans w hat­ soever to injure the policy which they oppose. W h y H e is Sad. Kx-Presidput Cleveland is lifting up the voice of woe. Ho mourns for the free trade soup houses which nour­ ished under his adm inistration; for. behold, they are not w ith us, while the millions tram ping our streets 11; vain for w ork have disappeared w ith­ in the busy workKhops. Yea. verily, as (j rover beholdeth the business pros­ perity which covereth Ihe laud, and especially as he seeth farm ers pros­ pering and refusing to suffer free w'ool DON’T RUIN YOUR STOMACH W ITH MEDICINE. H u n y a d i J ^ n o s 15 A NATURAL UAXATIVE MINERAL WATER. Endorsed and used by the m ost prominent physicians in the world as the best and safest remedy for dis­ordered stomach, biliousness, liver troubles, gout and rheumatism. It C u r e s C o n s tip a tio n ! Take one-half fclassfni on r.Tistngin them om inj; and you will feel the rem arkable effects In half an hour. a t th e label. Blue w ith Red H unyadlJA noJt^ C entre Panel. Sole Exporter, F in n of A ndreas Saxlehner, i 30 F alton 5t.,N . Y. a s k S'" J LOOK *r‘?MHunv.diJinoj:* I N C H E S T E FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS, * * M s w R i v a l , " * * i ^ a i i e r , " » - a • • R e p e a t e r " Iti^ t upon haTing them, take no others and you will get the best shellfl that money can buy. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. __________ W. L. D O U G L A S$3 & $3.50 SHQES K T h e re a l w o rth o f W . L . D o u g las 83.00 a n d 83.S0 shoes co m p a red w ith o th e r m ak e s is W.OO to 85.00. O a r 94.00 G ilt K dge L in e c a n n o t l>e eq u a lle d a t an y p rice. W e m a k e a n d se ll m o re S3.00 a n d S3.50 »\\t>ca th a n a n y o th e r tw o m a n o fa c tu re rs ln th e U nited S tates. T H E S E A S O N more W.L. rvjnelai f? and W-W ihoM srcjold thananroUicrntakcisbceatiteTHlSY A B K X llK TourdcalcrBnouldkwplhcni; we give one dealer executive falp in each town.T a k e n o su}i«U(ut4>! ln>i#t on ha7ixisW.L. I^tisla«enocmwi;i» name and price Btamped on bottom. U your dcaler_vill r ot ?rt tncm for T5U. jpnd dire t lo factory, cnclontiff price and ^’>c. extra for wrrispe. istate kind leather. .md wldfU. pUiii or cap foe. Our •hoen wtU reach you anywhere. nVile /o r eattHoyat >.-io ^’pnuirW e nae P n st C olor W . lU l>ousl»s »hoe Co., E y eleU in a ll o u r shoes._________B ro c k to n , M ass. stray Shots. I Miss Ellen Leek, 63 years or age, | died at Babylon, Long Island, the oth- i er day. ol old age. H er case had at- I T C I I I N Burning S caly f V i l 1 Complete Exferoal and Internal Treatment II V. Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse tlid skin of crusts and scales, and soften tlie tb ick- cncd cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and sootlie and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the Mood, and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and Wood humors, rashes, itchii^s, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physiciaas, and all other remedies fail. WONDERFUL CUBE OF PSORIASIS, AS a sdEferer for thirty years £rom the worst form of Psori- ■ asi^ finally cured by Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, I wish to tell you my experience, tifiaf otliers may ttenefit by it. I w a s so grievotisly afflicted that the' matter that exuded from ray pores after the scales had peeled, off, would cause my onderclothing; to acttsally gttm to my tody. After remaining in one position, sitting or lying down, for an hour or two, the ilesh on my elbows and Imees’ 'would split, so thick aad hard would the cru.sty scales become.’ The humiliation I experienced, to say nothing of physical agony, was somethingf fiightwl. The detaclieo scales v/oold fairly rain from my coat sleeves. - I have read none of yotir testimonials that appear to represent a case so bad as mine. But as to the cure. I commcnced fcathing- in hot Ctiti- cora Soap scds nigrht and morning, applied the Cutkura Ointment and then wrapped myself in a sheet. In two weeks my skin was almo'st blood red in color, bat smooth, and without scales. Patches of nattiral colored skin began to appear, and in less than a month I was cured. I am now. passed forty years of age and have skin as soft and smooth. as a baby’s. Hoping that others may bcjiefit by my experi- • ence, and regretting that sensitiveness forbids me irom dis­closing my name, I am yours gratefully,•J. H. M., Boston, Mass., Sept. 30,1900. M i l l i o n s o f People Use C u t i c u r a Soap Assisted by Cutlcara Olnfment, the grcnt r-Xia cure, for preserrlnir, pnrlfyln?, and benntiM ng the skin, for cJcanglng the sc.ilp of cm etf, acales, niid ditnaruif, au'l the stop­ping o f famnjc hair, for Bofteniucr, wnltenlmr, a n i liealiny red, rouah, aud core liends, fo? baby* rashee, itehlnge. and chaflnR^, and ;or uil tho purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Sllllions of Women use C u ticu k a Soap In the lorm of batUs for uim oylnt irrita- tlone. lonamiiiationf:, and escorlatioos, or too fi-ee or oifeDsire perfplratlon, in the lurm of washes to r nlcerattve weaknesses, and for mn ny s.'inatlre antiseptic purposed wlilt-ii readily suggest theniseWes to women, an4 eepecinDy mothers. CUT1CUR.V Soap comfjlnes deli* cate emollient properties derlred from CuTicunA, the great sU n ctive, with the purest cf cleaBBlnff ingredients, and the roost refreshlD,-; of flower odore. Ko am ount of persuasion can Indnce those wbo have once>used tbeie ^'.-?at skiu purinerf a<id bc.iuUnerb to use any _ _ _ 5 skin, p^nlp, hair, and hnTfl-*. No other foreU n or domcailc. iailet'eon-pfhowever ezoenslTe, is to be compared wlti' It for .*)il the purposes of tlie toilet, bath, and nnrsery. Tfius it combines In Onb Soap .it O.ne PiacE, the bkst skfn and com ple^oa soap, and the B£ST toUet and baby soap hi the world. Sold by all druggists. to he nnllcd over theh' optics, his soul , traeted much attention in medical cir-^ ._ rat-. A onifnH nAVOT*is mode sorrow ful and siek. Behold the old shiy of state, w ithout free irade hindrance, sailing m ajestically intii the port of I>eaci> and plenty guideil by protection. And poor Gic. ver is sad. Win Tlier K.er See ItT W iihin the past year seventy-three new mills for the m anuractnre of tex­ tile fabrics w ent Into operation in Xorrh and .South Carolina, and some lime, aw ay ofC in the dim and dusty tutnre, these States may mvaken to the wisdom of standing by the policy which fam ished the foundation for this Increased industrial activity.—To. IMika (Kan.) Capital. cles. She neve/ heard a sound, never spoke a word, never walked a step, and the doctors believe she hardly knew any sensation of pain of pleas­ ure. They do not think she ever re­ alized anything. The heart and oth­ er organs of the trunk always seemed norm al, hut there appeared to be a total absence of brain activity beyond w hat was absolutely essential to life. She was never able to feed herself and throughout her life had to be fed like an infant. The nearest approach of anything norm al she is said to have attained was th a t when a child she learned to creep and for years moved about as does an ordinary infant of 8 to 12 m onths. For years she had not been out of lied except when lifted out. W hile cases of such an affliction as hers are not rare in children, the sufferers seldom live more than a very few years. Fickled railroad ties are now being used to a great extent all over the country. A num ber of railroads in- A mentor L lo^nisut a. c. Br. McKinlev’. Proiperlty 1MU». These celebrated pills are the best known rem edy for the em pty dinner pail cram p, the em pty flour barrel fev­ er, and the children's em pty stomach croup. Agrees w ith all sorts and con- , ditions of servitude. None gonuine i oJuding the B um ngton, i. e Santa Fe unless the w ord ‘-Protcetiou” is ' and the Southern Pacific, have plants Of their own in which the ties are pickled. How to preserve the ties and : add to their life and durability has I been a serious problem for railroad operatives ever since the early days of ' transportation by rail. The constant wear and tear of ties has necessitated their replacem ent as soon as they were perceptibly worn. A solution ot chloride of zinc is applied by a special- . ..w u u u ------------------------------ : J arranged process. The ties are put Som e idea of the m agnitude and pos-. "Why did the bride Insist that tbe ■ air-tight cylinders, the air /-...I— . . . . . u u . . pumped out and-the ties heated hot by steam . The chemicals are then pumped in and the ties are kept in the solution under high pressure until they are saturated. S ir Francis Jeune has modifled his recent order for the use of paper in the engrossm ent of w ills and probate decrees. Parchm ent may still be em­ ployed where the nature of the proper­ ty or some other reason renders It de­ sirable to have a m aterial m ore dur­ able than paper. stamped ou 1 Iwttle. A lw m y. W ro n r- The gist of Mr. B ryan’s speech a t the Lincoln Ciub banqnet w as; "‘My prin­ ciples—m ay they alw ays bo right: but right or wrong, my principles.”—Min- nenpolls Trlbiine.______________________ NOBLB OONBffiBRATION. £ibilitlcB of tbe sugar industry In Cuba bridegroom's present should be ran be had when It is known that near necklace of twenty-one pearls? Does the town of Fergus a plantation con- ghe think there is luck in odd Dum- tainins 13,000 acres is in operation. It bers?"1500 rereons and on it there ‘-no, i goeu not You see she had forts, thirty miles of railroad been engaged that number of times to beloncinE to the place, three steam other fellewsi and, being one 6f the locomotives, many homes for kindest-hearted girls In the world, she oeople and the natives, a big wanted the necklace as a sort of o .era*, fat’tnrv * ifver wWch floats memorial to them.”—Chicago limes* told^d with sugar from tte Herald, plantation docks to the ships on the . ^ -jgyiaK rtH S Ksttutactuve o: coeet, isllk began In England. L I O N C O F F E E A L U X U R Y W I T H I N T H E R E A C H O F A L L ! M Y P I C T U R E — joes on every package of Lion Coffee. W atch our next advertisement.* Make sure that there is a lion head on every package before purchasing. That fells you that it Is genuine, and not a glazed coffee. If you cfbn*t see my head on the package, don’t buy it. If not at your grocer’s try another store. AU leading stores keep it. LION COFFEE is aow the leader ot them all, and is used in millions of homes. !o every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list No housekeeper, fa fact no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to-their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed paduges (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOUON SPKB CO., TOLEDO. OHIO. II I ) A V I E B E G O B D M O C K S V I L L B , - - . Jf. C E . H . M O EEIS, ED ITO R. MOCESVILLE, N. C., Ma k c h 6,1901. E n t e r e d a t t e j s p o s t o f f i c e a i ilOCKSVILLB, N . C ., AS SECOND CLASS rfATTER, M a y 12t h, 1899. Amval &nd Departure of Trains. SOUTH Boitnd—Daily ex cep t S undaj. L eave M ocksville.....................1:00 P o’ Leave Mocksville.................. 0:15 p m No r th Bo u nd. Leave M ocksville..................... 7:15 a n: Leave M ock.w iile.....................11:50 a m B locksulle Produce M arket. C o rrected by W illiam s & A nderson P ro d u c e in good d em an d . Com , p er ...................................... W heat, per bu ........................... O ats, per b u............................... P eas, per bu............................... Bacon p er p o u n d................... Bacon, W estern ....................... H am s........................................... E s s s ................................................ B u tte r............................................ SprinfT C hickens....................... SC 7( 4( 7o 1C ‘ m 15 15 t LOCAL liOTES AUD INCIDENTS PAINT YOtTE HOUSE!, J. Lee Kurfees, represents the J. S'. Kurfees Paint Co., of Louis­ ville, K y., with first cla&s Paint at right price, ('an save you iiioiiey Call on or write me for price.s. J. LEE KUEFEES, K urfees, K . C . All job work spot cash, before it leavi s the office. Mrs. W . A. Griffin, is visiting In Baltimore. Chattel mortgages for gale at the post office. Mr. Bay Clement Is at home for a few days’ visit. La<Iies’ cloaks at cost, at W il­ liams & Anderson’s. Miss Celia l)o-ithit is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. H. Morris. Kew shoes; good shoes; cheap B’loes, at AV'illiams & Anderson’s. Ml'. John Jones is able to be out a.ler a severe attack of grippe. Men’s heavy over-shirts; cheap, at \\ illiams & Anderson’s. W ill Eoberts died at his home near County Line Friday night. See onr offer of fonr papers one .veirtoi 81.15. Kow is the time Io dnbscribe. M; s. Swift Hooper, ot Grecns- b 1 0 , is visiting relatives in town. :: or 4 new sewing machines lo tr le for cattle. Call on the l-’idi- to of the Eecoril. Have yon taken the “Second Dejree” in the Order of Buffaloes. Old papers for sale at the post- olice. M. W . Adams, of McCalls, S. C., was in town a tew days recent­ ly- A lot of good fruit trees for &ale cheap. Call on the editor. 1>1 Sanford reports catching a very large coon one uight last w;ck. A second hand cook stove with I'leusils foi sale cheap. Call on (lie Eilitor. Prof. Eeynolds of the Advance High school was in t o w n Satur­ day. Wanted -nrheat; 72{c. delivered iu Iilocks\Tlle. M. A . Foster, Kpliesiis, S’. C. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Geo. Feezer is quite sick with pneumonia. If you want a nice sewing ma- 'jhine, call on the Editor. He cau suit you in prices. Mr. Jas. McClamroch and bride :ire visiting their father, J. L. ISIcClamroch, in town. If you want a nice lot of job printing done, call on the Eecoid, Jilocksville, N. C. Mrs. C. A . JeLkins, ofWinston. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gaither last week. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hundred at the Kecord ofSce. W e are sorry to hear of so much sickness in C. M. Godby’s family. H is wife and three children have puenraouia. We have som e children’s, misses .tnd v.-omen*s shoes th a t we have placed on a barg ain counter aud m ust t.0 a t some price W illiam s & A nder- ijoa. Onr old friend, H . C. Foster, of Fork Church, called on us last week and paid for a years sub- d-riptioa to the Becbrd. The pa­ per b:»s no stronger friend in the county. See W . T. Wood & Bons adver- liKement iu TbeBecord. They are relial)le Eeed8nr.eu. Garden . and liti iu Bifljil a specialty. If you want •auj-tliir.,‘; iii. their iii wtite? ffiem Mrs. Geo. AV. Sheek, we are sorry to learn, is very ill with La Grippe. Sam Farabee, of W^nslon, has riccepted a position with The Pa^■ie I’imes. Sam is a good ijriutcr. W . P. Jennings, of Eichinoml, Va.. was iu towu a day or two this week. F; H . Fiost left a few days ago to enter school at Boouville. W e wish him success. Tom Parsell, who has been suf­ fering with grippe for the past week, we are glad to note, is able to be out again. I f you w an t a nioe sew ing m a ­ chine, call on the Editor. W . C. Douglas and a 3Ir. Hol­ land, sons-in-law of Mrs. Black- «ell, are both down with pneu­ monia at her house, near County Line. If you aie not already a subscri­ ber to the Eecord, this is an invi­ tation for you to become one. D. I. Epavis, of X Eoads, passed through Mocksville Siituiday, en ronte to Wiishingtoa, D. C., to take in the Inauguration and visit his son, who belongs to the U . S. Cavalry, and who will soon leave for tbe Philippines. W ANTED—Halt dozen Grand- (athtr or hall clocks with brass woiks. W ill pay fair price if you have one for s,ale. Address, Edward SiiEiiiSTB, Chester, S. C. 600 pairs shoer, .'JSl per cent un­ der regnlar price. 70 pairs ladies slippers, former prices •¥! to 81.50, now Stic. 300 hals for men at (IS5 percent under regular price at M. k . Foster’s. Ei)hesus, K. C. The Editor is taking il) the In­ auguration at AVashiugton this week, which will cause a delay in getting out the Ecoord. W e left the local page in the hauds of Fi-ank Su-oud and T. M. Bailey. We- will give au account of our trip to Washington in next week’s issue. WTien j'ou a re bilious, use those fam ous little pills known as De W itt’e L ittle E arly R isers to cleans*; th e liv­ er and bowela. T hey never gripe- C. C. Sanford and M . A. Foster. Hardly a family living within Mocksville, have escaped the La Grippe. W e are glad to s:iy, how­ ever, t|>at none of the cases have liroved serious, with the possi le exception of one or two. A d v a n c e S ew s. Cicero Cornatzer, the little son of A. C. C/ornatzer, had the mis fortune of being thrown out of a wagon Saturday aud a barrel of slop rolled over him. W c fear the little boy will not l ecover. Our friend and townsman C. F. Sheek is speaking of moving to Siilisbury at an early date. W e hate to see Mr. Sheek leave our towu, for he is agood eitizeu. The fine horse ot Mr. Tucker, which got shot last Monday is dead. The horse was worth §125 which is a great loss to Mr. Tucker. W . A. Bailey has a light attack of grippe. Bud Peebles, of Lexington, W'as in tow'u Sunday on business. Thos. Potts, who bas been teach­ ing the public school at Yadkin Valley, closed last Friday. Mi-s. W^ U. Ellis is having her new house painted. There will be a new millinery store in bur towu iu a few days and also a new lino of. tnrnitnre. S lic k , RO'jiriiia & c a iii fi!rnisiiin5 co. ■ac -I.IS M ain St. Tn fro n t Brow n's W arehouse. her liugei's eat off Tatnm & Lofler lost one of their livery hoi'sts. It run away au-l broke its back. There arc 150 hands i t work in the mills and severdl ni we fanii- lies Nvi.l move Kere this week. Sadie T atum has been on the sick li.st, b u t sl;e is able to take charge of tlie school again. Mr. P. E. Sloop got a uail s!nc!c iu bis hand, wiiich is caiisiug h an a great deal of sulleriiig. Two young men of l'phe.sus were down iu Cooleemee Sunday tak­ ing care of some of the young dies. Seems to bs a great deal of attraction. How about it, lioys.. , and adjoining Countie.‘i, to act ~ The sick is im proving nULely- 'y as .Mana.uer andCorro^poiicljat: t- rir T. M 'V(,rk c:in be (lone a t vour home! s- ULI) t.oois. Eacjo.ieself-afldres'c'tl. s-iamiicil --------------------------------- tjs enveloi)-; for particiil.-irs to .1. ^ W e have beeu crowded withii.’ KNiGIir, General Ma.Tia:ri;r.la Corcoran nuikiin<j,op])ii-ite llni-"W job work during the past montli.ili. te;l Slates Treas,iry, Wajhhi r-1;; If you want some nice printing u ton. D. C. done, it will pay you to sc-s o r write us for prices. Wc have a complete and np-to-date lino of .stationary, aud are prepared to do work on short notice. T he U ngerinir coujfh following grip calls for O ne M inute Cough (Jure. For all th ro a t and lung troubles this is th e only harm less rem edy th a t gives im m ediate results. P rev en ts con­ sum ption. Foster. C. C. Sanford and M. A , C a n a Ite m s- M. E . Bailey is quite sick with La Grippe, and is no better. Misses Uley, Mabel and Mrs. Grubb have pneumonia. Mrs. SallieAVhite died Friday night. Her remains were put t( rest in the Eaton Cemetery Sun day. Mrs. G. V i . f Geo. B. and Mr. Carl Green, are visitiL'g relatives at High Point this week. G. W. Greeu and son, and fami­lies, have moved boarding places from Mr. Frosts to Postmaster Bailey’s, more convenient to their mill. The.v have a fine lot of oak logs on their yards now, and are sawing some fine poplar ones. J. T. Bailey, of this place, has accopted a position as agent for a wall pompany, and has star­ ted 6iit with .pome nice samples, ^o.lJeaord S n ci^ .. E!A VjiSHIXGTOX SPE C IA L . Tbe Editor reached Washington Sunday, 9 a m. The weather b ciiu tifu l and prospects good lor a. T-jT'i'T^'fTJ^TT'ri'ITi! nice day tomorrow. Trains con-;|^ | stantly arriving crowded with peo­ ple. One of tbe largest crowds ever assembled ou a similar occa­ sion. Pennsylvania Avenue is thronged wit!i»peopIc, .=trce6 cars, cabs, aiitoinobileB, bauds of music and military companies constantly passing. The buildings are bean- tifiilly decorated with U. S. Hags, aud every section of this gical country of oura is well represented. S ’orth Carolina is here in force. W ill give our readers a full accoitut next week of onr visit to tlie Nat­ ional Capitol. E. H . Mowiis. AVashington, Slar. !!, ’01 ,3 p. m. C ounterfeits of D eW itt’s Vi itcli H aze! Salve are liable to cause blood poisoninsr Leave them alone. Ih e original has th e nam e of De'.Vit .s ■jnon th e box and w rapper. I t is a harn ik 'ssau d healing naive for sian disease-H. U nequalled for p ik s. C. C. Sanford ami il. A. Fodti. r C ooleem ea Ite::as. Air. r.andoipli Pools d.iuglilerj had the inisfortni.e to get two of STOVES, KIMIJALL Oll- GASTS A N D C L I M A X C JIA IiiS . Sce ns ar.d w i '.vill save ; on money. Fo;- Furnituri.' in every line go to EO JiiXG Eii & c ra ji l-'UltXIsHIN'G CO. Tlsey have tbe largest stock ir. W in sto n , an d at jirices that cannot be matched. O iiiifEa iU I® arc, IR O ;r K IN G COOK EVERMa stop to iJiink ot the dlfierenco tlifi is between a eh‘t:ip, shaekley, ing ;!!;icLine a:id one of [ I l G I I G ll'A D E and of KEPUTAULE Be not deceived by frandale;:! advertisers, claiming to sell a first class macliine for $t'> yjs drllars. Sr.ch is not case anti we will prove it to yot-.r satisf:icficu it you will iit us kuo'.v before you buy. There is no geiling arouud the fact tliat tlie .,.ti„Tc T h e S e a R o t a r y r'io tso n A N D BaH BearsncrsilAKl-: 'xHT^ KI-\v W h e e le r a V /ilson S e w i n g M a c hines Fasv Runnin<r, Quiet, Rapid and ^ U'jrab'.e. P u r c h a s e r s o a y i “ It inns ts li.p;ht a5 a fs.ithcr.” Great improvemer.t over anything, so far.:. M ARLIN i l s i W a p a rt a n d quality of finish «».k J of is o t » m ,s end a m a.u n fim JO sth«'.!s, m .ilcd lo r S .mZ . ’ fs tlie its many skleni H A C IIIN H ON T H E -MAK Kirr. All Sires and Styles for Cloth and Lertibcr. F actorj’ i iScad Office, B ritlg e rio rt, C c n n e c iic a t, U .S . A . . .1 ( p Ycp.rlv to C l r'.i- ^ O O ' O “ ="1 «!' " i- %tv ^ ^ luan lo look ;ii> k^ ter our «ro\v'nir b-.iHiiicss in lhi> L et us kno-.v if you w ant one, W e w ill m ake th e price rig lit aud will aUow you a li'jaral price l )r.vo:ir oi l m iohine, if you have one. W'e w ill m ake the term s to suit yo.i. AVe also carry one of th e LAK- G EST aud B EST stocks of organs to be fyiind in I^'orih C an liwa. ir;taiif!t.,.u:-. N,i ^ -ar. ir.pr^.ui l, .f i„ fSkicncv i',1 ■;t a .i> l_y rciiuvi'n ana ivi iiaiioMiv J ^J.^pep.-.i:l, Jn'ilj;(..s!i;,n, lltJitfcl !-i:itiili!H!'c, Soar Si(.r]i:ir*i v-,1 Prepared by E. C.CcV.-f! ico.. a,ii; U. ('. S„i;i;n!; ^1. A. j'fMci'. f CJ? « . yoiir§ to ploa'=e, B O - R t jTom?Uyp»carcd. CE KOro:. i ‘.Vi'r phittJ frf fr.'cn;>«rtpr L.k- lJ•oOhtainU.S.aairF-.rfini’l’atceisn'jiTrJrJfyrSES. F:t!rpst tera:* «v.r <-1-M 'm iv QrAtETS LA'WYEfs OF s5 TEAss* § 2C.OOO p a te :u $ PncCUF.cD TAm^V. 7 ^ x 1{I All citiliiiontul. Ncdw sMwrrice. Uodomt: eliirrc.'.. liO. S05 M,'IN STR'ilET. A . S N G W & l Vv i\L 3 U 1l !?• l/l »Cpp.U.S.FstcnlOffi«, raiK!T!!(.t| T heir proinptre.ss and th e ir pleas­ a n t effects m ake D eW itt’s L it;le E arly R isers mOat popular little i-i!ls w herever they are kno'.vn. T hey a r ■ iply p erfec t for liv er and bOwe! troubles. C. C. S anford aud M. A. P oitcr. Send us in the items of news from your neighborhood. (pi lit'I! F o o tv ille Iteni.s. Mr. Gaither Miller, v.ho lives near Nicholson’s Mills is yuite sick with La Grippe. Joel Eeavis who lived near X Roads, (lied recently, aged about 91 yea re. “ Uncle” Billie Eenigar who lives I,ear tliis place, is quite sick. AYm. Steelman informs us that he will go to Cooleemee soon to work iu the cotton mill. Giles Eeavis, AA^ill Bait.y, Lee Eeavis aud Joe Holding left foi the Lone Star Slate recently. Idr. J. B. Hayes has a good word aud a smile for everybody, on account of a “A^isitor” at his house. It’s a boy. Foots, Johnsou cS: Irving have estiibllsheil a furuitnre shop at Lone Hickory. A certain young man near Haniptonville, (a democrat of coi-i-se) goes to show what “ White Supremacy” is. Heib an ex-Se- cretary of a ‘ AA'hlte Snpremacy” clnb, and now a full fledged ne­ gro school teacher. Is this White Supremacy or not? Suceess to The Ei>eord. H usti.kh. AVe will Fend you the Davie Ee­ cord one yeur, price i;-l; the Kicu- luond Weekly TimeM, price .'50c The Farm Journal aiv.i The Para­ gon ?iIonthl.v, ail four papers fc-i- :?].];■> per year. This is a rare oi'i'er for a small puni. Scad to the E'iitor cf the L’ccord, ilock.s- ville, X. C!., and you will get all four of these papers o;:e year. J. RiiHA RHEEK, A vs !• X O T IO E O f S .iL E. LILLIE RIGE, etal J By virtue of an onler made by A. r. Giaiit, C. S. C., in the above entitled ea.se, I will sell, tor cash, at public auction, at the (!onrt- honse door iu the to-ivn ot Mocks-1 ville, ''n Monday the 8th day of April, 1901, the following town lots, situated iu the town of Mocks­ ville, H. C. and bounded as fol­ lows: 1 bt lot, beginning at a stone Mrs. B A Eiee’s corner on S side of Mineral Spring St, thence B. 15° W with Mrs E A Eice’s line, 372 ft to a stone, Mrs. E A Klees’ coi­ ner, thence S 70° E 100 ft with the line of mill lot, to a stone, in an alley; Eiee aud AV'illjon’s cor­ ner, thence If 15° E 372 ft to a stone, on S. side of Mineral Spring St, thence with said street to the beginning, containing nine-tentlis of au acre, more or less. 2nd Lot,.beginning at a, stone, E. E. Hunt's and Marj Eose cor- uer, thence S 70° E 2 1 6 -ft to a stone in Hunt’s line, thence N 15^. E 134 f t io a stone, Eice and Wil­ son’s corner, thence X 70° AV. 21S feet to a stone, Eose line, thence to the b an n in g, containing two- thirds of an acre more or less. . This th# 1st day of March 1901. ■ T.VO.S. X. CnAFrp?, i ■ --a ,■ i Q ?iilm is«onei'. 'r i l E L IG H T O F T illi: W O i{L l> —or.r^ O'JH. SAVIO R IM ART. Cost nearly SlOO.OOl to pabli.-ih. Con­ ta in s nearly one ^undr^-d full-jjage engravings' copied d ire ct from th e W orld’s (ire a te st i^’ain tin g s of O ar Savior and H is M other. Coiitain.-i Hi.story of P ain tin g , B iography of P a in te r and th e G ailaries in Kuropi; w hore th e Ori.y inal P ain tin g m ay b j seen. T he m ost beautiful puijlica- tion ever Issueil. T he stro n g est h earts w eep a t th e sig h t of the.-^c w onderful pictures of Je.5us and H is M other. IJvervbody says th ey a re grand, siih- lim e; m atchless, m agniricent. b e a u ti­ ful, inspiring and u p liftin g . The sale is unprecedented. TJie presses are running day and n ig h t to fill th e or­ ders. Tv. elve carloads of paper were required for th e la st editiou. Sm all fortu--:es are being m ade by th e th rif­ ty w ith this m arvelous w ork. Con­ tain s also a child’s sto ry beautifnlly w ritten to lit each p icture. This w onderful book, m?J chless lu its pur- it}' and beauty, appeals to every m others’ h e a rt and in e'^ery C hris­tia n hom e, w here th e re a re chil lren. it sells itself. A C hristian m an or wom an can soon clear one thousand dollars (.$1,000) takinir orders iu tliis com m unity. O thers a re doinir this. W hy no t s'on'? W e are ad v ertisin g in nearly te n thousand new spapers in tw-i country, C anada, E nglan-l and A ustralia. S hipping books to e .'cry English-speaking country ia th e world. W e shall prom ote our best w orkers to ijositions of S>:ate M ana­ gers, C orrespondents and Office As­ sistan ts W e also own and publish large P hoto-gravure Etching.i of th e G reat P ain tin g s in th e G alleries of E urope. One or m ore of these E tch­ ings can be sold in every hom e. By carryinir th e book and th e engrav­ ings your success will be trem endous. M rs. W aite, of W orcester, M ass., has sold nearly four thousand dollars w orth of books th e re. M rs. S ack e tt has sold nearly tw o thousand dollars w orth of books in Nev/ Y ork. B oth of these ladies an?w ered our adver­ tisem ent; and had n ev er sold a b 'o k before. T o o li 1 4 ordev.s f ir s t tw o rta y s^ H . Colwell. T o o k .5 o rd e rs f ir s t d a y ; 2 'i o rd e rs f ir s t w e e k , c le a rin g o v e r $ 5 0 —H a ttie Lem- w ell. Thousands of others like above. I t is printedTln velvet-finished paper: bound in C ardinal R ed, G reen and Gold and adorned w ith G olden Ro-ieg and Lillies. W rite quickly fo r term s as th e te rrito ry is .going rapidly. W hen 3’ou prove your success, we will prom ote .you to th e position of M ana­ g er and C orrespondent under yearly co n tract. W e shall soon iriove into our new a nd elegant structure to be occupied solely by us, and to be kno’A-n as the Light.o‘f the AVorld Building. Address THE BRIHSn-AMEEICAH ® . Corceran Building, O pposite U nited S tates; T reasury, ■rOTICE! Bc— i riu'je \v:ir c;i;h. o- lj| I v k ;:;:!.v Tilli-;;, Havins cjunlilied as Adniiuistra-i tor of the estate of Elizabeth Horn, llichinoiv.l. V;i. r i.\/i v»i I nc v; «'i i/xi A V esoli.-ltiiic w ork ol the dec’d, all liohling claim s Xow M y Fifiy i S against sai;l I.ccc:ise-.l, are hereby; ami i.umuuc/:ii> - .rc.i ■‘I I J I t - V no*iHoil lo Tir( yc'.i! t’:cPl to tlic un-: -'he 1':r.ir,’':i i m.Ji’’'. (■a n;e-.'a lanij and Dilsiuo.sb men i.’.r-i 1 .a' l':-'.iicl,i^ |d e r s ! g ::e l ou i.r bc\> re th e 2:;r! m e i ..r..i .i., i u, (iw. : day of F eb. or (bis ii.ti'.';' -.-Trr. n -ti.v T)of the coiiii.'-y. dersi.g: day of F eb. !S'./.:, or Ibis n. tic;' ^ ,w iil bs plead ia : a ro i tl.cir rorov-i AVc have a uii e block of'TT'-.i & X ote l.eacs. i U’ I ill Heads, T in ;D .\iL V .\x ;i M'V. A ll p< -r.--:> r-S ow ing said es ; incUuling .1.. r:r'! :i!"i iV. i tate w ill please «il! nnd M-tlln ] -'‘oatl.ly. .v.w ' -j v once. T his 2 S ri diiv ofF .-b. i!!i,!:.| ...... G . i;. H o h.n, A d m r. l.V clrcss T!;!-: T IN-I.\ Stutcii'.ents, Eiivcloi'.es. h Shipping T:i:;s, , A . T. G j!AKT, J i:., A :fy . f'V A iitl in fiict, iiiiv th ir." voil K i nop/1 Jirf» T4vf»T,in-r>'l k JU ST ISSUED . N E, W E, D I T I O N .5 “j need, and arc prc] aied to do FIltST CLASS work (,n ^ - VSlIOKTNOTiCK at icas- ii ^ oiurnlc pricos. ■j^ C^ill on or v. j'ilc lo us for ■ ^ N e w P la te s T h ro u g h o u t 25,000 N ew W ords P h r a s e s a n d D e f i n l t i o n a 1;: -K .l Prepared under the direct supervision of W .T . HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of com petent c p c c ia lis ts and •V a editors* jV IO K ltlS * S T IfO lD . P K ... „ Hg R . i c h B i n d i n g s . Jt 2 3 6 4 P a g e s D jk' H eAAA Til.. — .> N IEIocksviil-3, c ^ Better T han Ever for iiom e School, iind O ffice. luices ouaii;l!iiugyo'..wau: 'i ill O'.'.r I'.ue, Addics.-;, 3 fi fe- •OS BALI A C OOD V;SCP U \ S e v a 3^' 14ac}un2 B a ? . Any Oil ' ii si"',- ' chn cAVil I'o Well ('a!! (Ill till' roi; SALii Dr. M. B Eimlrcngh, PavsieiAN AND EcKcrcN. W c n!so publish W ebster’s Collegiate Dictionarywilti G’.ossaryof ScoU»»h\Vords and Thnvses. *• F irst class in quality, secood cia.ss in size.” Abo Ili c CHilccii icn'lloii 11 1 ■■■’ tiaibeieil an 1 waU-rt.i. I address.K. 11. ^lolTI' ^ c .'Viili' ^ Sjitcinicn paRCs, elc. of both books &ent oil npplicution. OITice first loor South of Httel D av'c | G . < S C . M E R R I A My ru b lis h e rs ' WOCKSVJLLE K. C. l o u n i :. I W IL M EET T H E T A X -P A Y E ItS of D avie C .iunly a t t jilo'.'. ing ■ tim es and places to collect the taxes t.,r tlic .vcar IX'O : ^ County Line„ AAeduesday, IMarch Gth, lliO l, 10 a m to 12 m. Calahaln, AA'cdnesday, Mai'oh Gth, 10-Jl, 1 p ,n to 4 p in. ^1 10 a in lo 12 m. Sheflield, Tuesday, M arch 5th, lOOl, I p ni to -I p in. Farmington, Thursday, March 7th, 1301. 10 a ... to 1 p ni. S.mib Grove, Friday, March 8th, ib ol, 1 p to .-,p ui. Advance, Monday, March liti. .„ji. lo a ,n to -1 p n.. Fork Church T^ivcsday, M-ai-ch 12th. m i , 10 a m to -i p ui. Jerusalem, Wednesday, March 13th, I!)01,10 a n. to -t p m. M ocksville, S atitldays 2nd au d S th, all day. - AU Taxes ant Paid by tlie 15th. of Marcli willbs collected as the La?/ directs. ^ : . su m ffo f Duvie County. ' saassd'sj.i^ I ' II |o„ec«I.y, one Year, L co i.y . Si-''. lonecol'V. l^ r^ e ^ .o n th j ' ^ I X A l ’C rK .j ffe iatc'dcd giviii.e [,„,.nclen;;tliy write | ItriptoA V ashiugton, L at prescnj Iffeleft 5Iocksville^a| fjjjand rcachcd AVashl L jy a.m - a t 0 o’chH-k.I |»S3 thronged wit.li visf |« r e coming in c'. c iy I llotilol with soldiDi-s, ll I sif, chil)S and people [sa lio n o fth is g reat I witiie-a tbe iu-l'.illalioj [dent Jlclviuley fyr I time, ren n sy lv a'iia [fiiongod n ilh iH-ople,! I clubs were m arching tl [ltt,me;9, and palriolll [lilayedby the baud.-J I Suuilay, Sumlay niglj iliiy until the A^ cnii.i[ 1 for the parade to tiicl piweatcda sceiie I ami beantilid. The I over the city were bc:j I corated with I . S. d | I [lictiire was one rarelv| I life time. Xo such < i [ lielbre asseinble.l ou a|I (as'ou. Every state I MILS represented, bul I made a poor showin.g I I rade; vciy few inilitail I were tbere tVom the 1 I I'aruliua was reprc-'cl I piilly by its private cil I from the Hoiiih could f I feel badly over the lu J ]«>ple iu taking parti I uccusion. The Xortl (lid themselves pi'oii ll tliat they honored am| coniitry regardless president. I’euusylvl [ Niiit tea thoii.-iaiid ni(| ; tlie parade. Il tookl I liuiirai.il live ininut!] [ given point ou tbe a-j \ I'aroliua passed iu all we. The I'oi-t,) Itij mui'h applause its t!ie| the avenue. Tbt grounds '.vere t:iro:igp| j plewholis;eued t > j aildress of the TresiJ j Tas roundly ap])la'.id| j eil and snowed durii rises hut people w er-.J 1 kept tbeii iilacts will j tloas. AV> could noil I tf'ist the dill'erence iiJ «3 people and ouZ Soutli showed by s tij •ittituile toward the eniiueut to some e.xtc “est.UKl on I’enusyl-J “ die procession jnf "ith pride the p atl I Orations of tho«^e pe.l Actions, (principallj and West) we wishei a little diderel Mnrown people woij I “Side some of their j| : “ft (liirere-.:tly. 'J i ““‘'^ 'te-rresid eu t r l[ ovation all alon J k-^ong the A rm y '''heeler, the 6nJral wjus g eete;l] j applause. ThI t People joined the slI'^ing bin, ^ "“ oveied : | ‘^ o fh isc o m m a m li honor] a a n w ho ouJ 3>»st their count] aw o n g l [;«eude^. This is * 1 ««houl(l be a th o rl i Z , b o u n d tfo„!®^‘“atiou to I common go p e the fact t h a t l and th a tl lr "J > « '> « b „e d w it h l c l N ■r otfini.h otthlbm? °ir * G RfP^tls?' m I Aiimb Co.. m.„ 1 w ih a t y o Q . I.V cl! jjosts the f';0{] ai |:rcn;rihcning rtnfl ■- oxhr.nstcd <li;;<.<ij, l.ci.'ilo-itdiKcoTerod I . 2n{) dUh'r prei] I » Jf in ofticioncv" Ivrsat.apciiuaiienn. ■indigcs'icn, Ileai Ifeoiir Sloniuch, Gnstialfrla,(;lts of inipf;ricctd'g( • C. DcViJTi &C0.. r.l; M . A . I'Vsitcrl HO FEE. tedi=nd..|J Jrtts“or*« \ ’ SNOW & ( ATENT LAWYERS, '. ‘ tri ' 3'ear onch. < Uohmond. Vu. i'ifLy ( : : Vc •..udcd :tb ol.iiv-i'* L i M .in.hlv. Nt-. iraa!. ’ Philai^ \ :< D S l ’ K l ' i A Y rirro Jo -^nni 2i*<j J“j (>\v ::-5 T'cr V- ;i|rcr Mcith V*y M:;il. f TITK T\ y \ l.i h:- J R S A L S , ! b i''S G ? E ] ig liacliin:! I- U s i- iiig to |i;v c W il- I’o ''I M on ilio Kiiitl fOE SALE rr> iicics o f l i i i n \ . |eji:re rollon an I wiJjerui. K. II. :\roiTis 31, c ;sviiie . ?O U SH .IL U 5 o eia lJ ) A N 0 K E - M V IE I^VIOKV WIOliNl-SDAY. MOCKSVILLE, K. C., W EDNESDAY. MARCH 13, 1001 2fUMBER 49. \ , r , 0 OU'- $1.0!i j oiir peopli!. ^ Mnnliis, 'J'lircc - I,re|»!w-s fwrite u p ol' oiir " 10 ’''''t "'P ®'''C ri'*'-'''-'' ' '( 3i,K-i;svilU-Ait-.is-ilay cven- Irnicliod \V:i-iliii!S(Oii S u ’j- j j,, ;it!) (rd'kv:. Tlic cifv i‘.l wit'i vi.<itors. T rains IrWiiiiUr' ilwitli s ’]'lii'is, bauds ol niii- ’ jlulis awl iii'iiple rr^)m every ,cr«t ri'imblic tn vor of conservatism iuxl a rtc.-^ire i I ’KKSirnLN'T'S for the coiiiprvalive eleii;eiils t0 ‘ IJfAUGUKAL. }?et tojjcllier ill a:i elFort to ro!c- President M cKiuley’s inaugural Siile tim e servers to the rear, and a(li!r^s:j is not rem arkable, but it iiuite in the hope of biiililing u p ' i.s v.-ei! w ritten, breathes a cation- the M:;sle places, anil in the risLo- i :il spirit and is free from any sug- i-.ilion ol };ood foeUnss between a ll, ;;cstion ofi)artisanKhip, Itism od- The materia! and fu- ost, too; in tone, aud reverential. tu re wc-lfare of th e en tire pe.iplc The P resident is ra th e r disposed and stjite <le:nanils it, aud those to plum e him self oa th e adm inis- who love their country more Ihiui ^ Iration policy in China during the ollice. shoulil get toge'rlier in an ' eoinplieationSj and iu this he is effort to stem the tide whioli leads pardonable, for during and since to anarchism, ansi dctolation. Tew the war tn\Chin.i the conduct of of us wlio have spent our lives' the United States in that empire (juietly in the oounlry, oau have a h.’.s been digniiied, conservative propci concapliwn ot the graiuU-jr and humane. He speaks the Cu- aud greatne-s of this magniiijeut | bans fair and if his i>olicy toward ej>untry of ours. Uncil we have Uhat island as oiitliuea in this in- re;id, thought and seen and tlie: augaral is adhered to there can bej * seeing of such a scene as Iranspiied iH) charge that we have broken I on the 4th, is one of the best' faith with its people. With re means of procuring a i>roper co i-j ganl (o the Philippines the Presi- ception of our greatne.-^. Lvve; dent is Delphic, We do not Sec ■ ^ how there can be dissent from,1;, iiKtuilau^.n of Presi- J-'m'neighbor, be just and jl,.;;iiiley f'.r the secoul ri‘iinrvlv:!'iia A venue was ,.•1 with people, soldiers and ^■OTie "'ith ;,ul p;i!rioliij airs w ere J|,V the I-ands. A ll day Siniiluv liijrht and ’ifou- ivuctil till* Avenue was e'eare l :,t!ier:!ri!ae tv. ii'.hi s-eiie Jtaiitil'iii- gener-his ons, ;ove your country and st.nid | pnsposition that as long as the by it Vote ior no man who loves! I'ilipinos fight us we must light parly and self juore than liis coun | them, nor from his other propo- try and its fuUire greiitness and ; sitior that this government is in prosperity. •.V01fKi:>’'G 24 IIO U E ;j A D A Y . honor bound to the protection ol Ihe u:'.:ives who have evidenced tlieir loyalty to this governnieut. [le sneaks also of giving the in­ habitants of the islands self-gov- There's no rest for those tireless ilie Capitol, itl il'le workers—Dr. King's Xe.v liilh iiKpirin-'. il iH o n s are alw ays !y,-,nnent after their pacification Tu„ . S : ; ; : 5 : ' . s k 2 5 ' S S s . * « ■ « • « , i - tfeeiity «i-re beautifully de . T hey banish iSick iie a lache, ,;iive ■ ^ fjeneral term and wish r . S. Ihigs J‘ud th e ' o\it .M alaria. X ever g ripe or w e.i-1 one is left in doubt as to w heihe; ris one rarelv seen in >Suiall, tiiste nice, w ork w o n -; ja this ease it m eans com plete in Xo ....h crowd has ever : tasA’Uiliie'l <111 a sim ila r o c - !___________^ isoa. K'C-rv >iute in the X'nioii 6Rl.rc«i!:eil. but (he South ■2'h:. a t C. C A CA ^XPA IG N O U T E A G E . This state is being flooded dependenee or something short ol tliifl. In the light of the attitudi of Cotigre.ss, as developed in the i debates and In" its legislation, thif ea |WH-showing in th e pu- eopies of th e N orth Car . . ‘ (;oi;bI IS ra?olved into belie! that uiian: ...............................ulca o i(k;vtiy fe>v conipiiuias! cuutaiuiiig speachei m ade ij^\ iiieiii- ^ have no rtittkea* I’rom the ?5,)uth. X ortli ■ bers of the llouse in iavor of im - ! pcnuaucnt ahandoaaient. « rei.re.-;eutea princi- Peacliineat. X iuiiei ous copies oi i The address'has th e m erits < f private, citizens. One • ^ brevity and compactness and wil. is evidently a campaign doc.unoat >’« interesting and read- sent to work up i-cnUniont in fa­ vor of iiui>eacbment and if this be true it is an outi-age. Tiie paper is sent oat i'or a pur^wse and we can divine no oilier purpose than this. The impeachiueiit case is now iu the court— t'le Senate — and any effort to indueneethe re­ sult tliero is o.itrageons and de- serve.s the severest condemnation. —ytiites'i'i 1 le Xjundmark. The citizens of Hickory v. ere al- flooded with copies of that p.y^v.1 iM abnut one mi:.- | copies Tii^I'oiLi Kic.ros chcitL-d;:...................., ,________ _____ • , *are required to I ! an-.t we suppose the other p.ipsr work'excessive hours. An effort laeaveuui-. xhe Capitol h o n o i e d with « * ,erei;n -.> a,w l w ith p eo -I ■ w e ev e n saw a p re a c h e r rtiitecuea t. the 0 the P resident a n d **<'! to co n v in ce th e b re th re n o f J u d g e M iullyapphi'.ided. = ■Jklly over th e n e^ lec -t o f o u r Iw plr ia tak in g p i: t o n s u c h a n l»Ki'ian. The X o r th a n d W e s t |£ltlitaisc!vi;j p ru u 1 a n d s h o w e d IS il tilt.'linaiiri'.l a m i lo v e d I h e t r I r a ’iT rra u 'J le s s o f w h o w a s I’e iiiis y lv a iiia h u d a - |te!!'uliui;i.-:ai:(l m e n i n l i n e in Itiip.'^ile. It to o k i t j u s t o n e llrtraiiltlv e iiiim u o s to p a s s a Ipea]Kj;;riiji! liiv a v :;iu i'Xi-rth I,I so It rain- iU'lsnou'ed iliiriug the exer- ta people wero r> b lUite aud |M!litii plaets wiih few excep *• WecoiiKl not help b u t o n - NthcUia'creuee in those iCorth- PPf^'ple anil oar own. T he |fei slimve.; Iiy stjyiug aw ay its *»»«■ tuivanl Ihe X ational gov 'Eiat to soiiio extent, aud w hile '«9jik1 ou I’eiinsylvauia AveiUK' *‘Jie procession pnsi, and saw | •^priile the patriotic dem on- |®»'i«softho-e pe.)p!e fr.v.n all ipriiiciptiily the N orth "utMve v,i.siie<l th a t things •^alitlle fliiTeieat, and th a t *»'fn Ijwple would only put |**soiiie of their prejudice anti l« McTCYtiy, The P ro s'd jut iw-Fresiiient re<«ived a reg- jwaliuu all along th e line, bur p llie Army ofiicei-s, little 1 ''lieeler, the Kx-<’onfederate '=nl ira-s g eeted w ith the gre;;- appla;ise. Tho.se N orthern l“ «joiiiel the Southerners iu 'J Will ac ovation as he pas- D^iti niicoveied head, at the “fills fciiuinaud. i?'!«tlhev They show- lioiKired the brave ““n "ho ouce bore armS tbeir coimti'y, but who among its strongest is oar country. ^ dI * * "''^roughly re-uni- ^ P'f, bound together by ■ J‘*'®‘*>id patriotiam, with ®»iHtion to work together ^mmongoodofali, recag- ® fai-t that iu unity there “'>'1 that the future is “ "it'i groat possibiiies, “'"iibae.l with the ‘'«)t.-KTi Fair^'loth that he was a corrupt iuan. The question that we would like to iwk is, who pays for all these extra eopiesf The Observer does not send them oat gratis. Won­ der if Go\ ernor A^ ojck is author ■;:ed to draw on the Siato treasurer lor iti Or does Me.?si-s Craig, A l leu, Winston aud othei-s pay the u;l; in order to get their speeches out to the people? Or will they liraw OU jMr. Aycock aud othei-s who get increased salaries to pay ;or the whistle’ But it looks more rca.sou:ible to suppose that those who are candidates for this politi­ cal pie—tUe places of these Judges —agree to or will be trusted to foot the bill. Now the very fact that the Observer lud the ma­ chine have gone to so mueli e x ­ p e n s e , shows they have a weak case; and this is the conclusion every man with a gi'aiu of sense arrives at the minute he gets thati paper, whicli is nothing iu the wj rld but a carapaign sheet and slop bucket for the Ne vs and Ob- server.-^Tunes-JIercury. spirit of “V, MAY IT KVEK BE Kir.HT, BUT lilUHT OE »l«f OiUNTity.ij W e n et “w friends in the city, ~ them several Demo- ^ ecouversed w itb them “■■wnntryand its fa ra ro “>1 them heart,ly in &- T a e stom ach controlb th e situ atio n . Those who are. h e a rty and stro n g a te those who can c a t and d ig e st p len ty of food. K odol D vsjiep.ia (’ure di- o-eats w h at 3’ou e a t an d allow s you to e a t all th e good food yoa w aat. If you suffer from IndiResHOD, h e a r t barn, belching o r an y o th e r “tom ach trouble, th is p rep ara tio n c a n ’t help bu t do you good. T h e m ost sensitive stom achs can ta k e it. U. C. S an fo rd I an d M. A . F o ster. _____ O f the 65,000,000 admission tick­ ets punchea for the Paris Exposit­ ion 1 8 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 remained unused. A HORErBI/B OUTBREAK. “ Of large sores on ray little iiangbter’s Jiead dev:eloped ^ ca.se of scald head” writes C. D labill of Morganton, Tenu., but Bneklen’s Axaica Salve complere- ly cured her. ® cure for ISczema. « Hheum, Pimples, Sor^, ^ c ^ and P iles/ Only 2 o cents at 0 . C. Sanford’sJ . able paper.—Charlotte Observei. --------------■ — R;!e th a t you g e t th e orig in al De- W itt "sW iLch H azel Salve w hen you ask for it. T he genuine is a c e rta ii curt- for piles, sores and skin diseasts. C. <J .ianf ji-J and M. A . F oster. T 'u: SOUTH’S COT- TOX PPvOFITS. The Xow York Tribune, ia an editorial paragraph, says: “Disquieting reports come from the south that iu many cotton I mills in that iiart of the cou'itrj young cliildreu are required ■ ' All to regulate this matter properly by law w:is defeated leeently in South Carolina. W e have heard a great deal of late with regard t(- tho successful competition of south­ ern cotton mills with those in the northeru states. In Ifew York, Xew Euglan l aud all over the north the euiployinent of young children in inannfactories is gov­ erned strictly by wise statutes. If auy southern cotton m ill makes largei- profits tlian the average oi northern m ills because its luau- agenient is imscrupulous iu over- •working boys and girls its pros perity ought not to last. Perhaps there may be many such cases among our southern friends. There should uot be, and every southern state should pass laws which will protect its children iu the mills as carcfully as tiie- m ill children of Xe.v York and Ifew Kngland are protested.” E\cessive child labor should nowhere be permitted. It is an nnniixed evil, and on groiiuds o l hnmanity alone ought to be abol­ ished wherever it exist®. But its existence in the south canaot safe­ ly be assumed bj' New York and Xew England, or accepted upon mere report, ia conuectiou with the profits south is drawing from the cotton-spinning indus­ tries. There is every reason why those profits should be large, and larger than those realized by the manufacturers of the north, en­ gaged in the same line of business. The south is the proper fieM for the cotton spinners. Ultimatel}', and maybe a little more rapidly than one might sappose, ti ey wil! all gather there. W hy not? Why pay freight on the raw material on a long haul, when a factory to re ceive it and work it up into the finished product, ought to stand just across the big road from the cotton field,' .^nd then the south has abuodancc of cheap steam- making coal, and her climate is inviting for labor. She is ahead in many things, and behind in but few, that go to solve the great question of mauufactuiing suprem­ acy. W hy should not her cotton- spmnera fill their ppckets, 'n’ithont 'Owing over much to child labor, or to any other than a legitimate cause? And applying this same reason­ ing to the iron trade, why should uot the south work uj) the whole of her ore crop within her own borders! W hy should not Little Pittsbiu'ss dot the states of Tenne- sscB, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia aud West Virginia? In time they will. Iron foundries will be thick in those states, and no freights on the raw material will figure in the balance sheets at the end of the year. The future of the south, indeed, is in every v.'ay bright. Her raw uiatcrials are of the finest. Her mauufacturiiig intci’ests are multi­ plying by leaps and bounds. But it is only fair to say that toward the national policies which have done so mv.ch for her, and iiov,' make her iiro.spssts so rosy, she has n.)t only not contributed a thing, but lias actually been a clog upon their wheel. She was the mustering ground for the free-ti-a- ■lers when proleotion was clearly her need, and she has more recent­ ly been the hope of the free silver- ites when a sound money policy should appeal to her as strongly as ro any other section of the Union. IJiit she insists on seeing every­ thing as through a ‘-nigger” dark­ ly. Tne : bsnrd cry about uegro iomination has been prolonged far beyoiid the time of any possible leason for it; and that cry is about dl that explains her attitude of ippnsilion to those with whojii iier b3Sfc inlerests should teach her uo make alliance.—Evening Star. P rof. Ivi.son’ of L onacoaing, Md., i-jir'ered terrib ly from n eu ralg ia of :he stom ach and inrti£>e3tion for th ir- Seeii vear.s and a fte r th e doctors fail­ ed to cure him they fed him on m or- ■ihine. /V friend, advised th e use of Xodol Dy.spep.si'j. C ure and a fte r tak - ■iig a few bottles of it he says, “ I t la's cured m e en tirely . I ca n ’t say too m uch for Korlol Dyspcp-jia C ure.” [t d'ge.sts w hat vou e a t. C. C San- Ford and .M. A. F oster. If a bod.v meet a body Coinin’ thro’ the rje. If a body kiss a body Ifced a body cryt Vt'ell, not hardly, I am sure, ITnle.'ss a body Cries for more. — Detroit Free Press. XIGIIT W AS HER TEKROR. “I would congh nearly all night long,'’ writes Mis. Clias. A pple­ gate, of A'exaudria, Ind., ‘‘and aould hardly get any sleep. I had oonsiiniption so bad that if I walk­ ed a b'ock I wonld cough fright­ fully and spit blood, but, v.'hen all other mediciues failed, three §1 bottles of Dr. King.s’s Kew Dis­ covery wholly cured me and I gjiined .0 8 pounds.” It’s absolnte- ly guaranteed to cure Conges, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and .ill Throat and Lung Troubles. I’rice .'iOc. and $1.00. Trial bot- tlees free at 0. C. Sanford’s drug s;o:'e. Tasteful dress is as wholesome and necessary a thing for a v.'oman as good food and drink. But if she makes life a long debauch of clothes she is e.xactly in the posit­ ion of the glutton or the drunkard. —Ladies Ho’Jie Journal. L ike O liver T w ist, children ask for more when given One Minute Cou^'h Cure. M others endorse ic hii^hly for crou]). I t quicicly cures all c o u ^ s ani.1 colds and every th ro a t i-.nd lung- trouble. It id a specific for grippe and asth m a and has long been a w ell know n rem edy fo r wliooping- cough. C. C . S anford and M. A . F oster. B U Y T H E Tiie Portraits Of Our Presidents With BiograuMcal Sketclies B Y G eneral C harles H, Grosvenor, Titlo page <!cslgnetl lij TifTauy. The Inaugural year, when the public mind is aroused over Pres­ idential questions, is a fitting time to issue General Grosvenor’s book. Its sale is already tremendous, and will perhaps exceed that of General Grant’s Pei-sonal Memoirs, Every patriotic American de­ sires to read what General Gros- veiior has to say of George Wash ingtOH, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Presi­ dent McKinley and the other Chief Executives of the Xatiou. Everybody desires to read what General Grosvenor, the staunch old Republican leader in Congress, will say of that staunch old Hemo- crat, Andrew Jack.sou, the Father of the Democratic Party. General (rrosvenor lias thrown into his sketch of Jack.sou all the fire and and energy of his nature. The biography of Thomas Jefferson is pau d . The biography of Lincoln is as beautiful as a sunrise over the hilltops. General Grosvenor ha.s personally known all the Pres­ idents since the time of James Buchanau. . The General’s book will therefore contain history which has never before been pub­ lished, v. ritteii from his own per­ sonal observation of these great men. General Grosvenor has ser­ ved in Congress for nearly twenty years, aud iie has served his coun- tiy iu war aud in Congress for nearly forty yciu-s. The book con­ tains twenty-four large Photogra­ vure Etchings as line as steel plates printed by hand, on heavy plate paper ma<le e.“pecially to order. These 2 i Photogravure Etchings are in diirerent tints, and aie well worih-SU each. Tht'se Portrait*- are u ad j from the Paintings en­ dorsed by the fav.-.i’y aud near re­ latives of the Presidents. Two years’ time ai:d a fortune have beeu expended iu seouriug these reproiiuctions. The eomplate book is well worth 650, but the price has bean placed so low that the most humble AnieMcan citizen can own it. The biographical skelches are printed in large open tvpe in tw o cuUirs; the work is so beauti­ ful that when people see it they want it. The advance sale is very large. President McKrnley was the lirst subscril cr. There is olc ediiiou known as The I’res-.deut I'ilitiou do Grand Luxe, initial letters band painted. Portraits hand colored, title page hand iK liiminated, registeretl and num­ bered; subscription price, ^500, Orders and applications for terri­ tory are coming in rapidly. A high class man or woman of good social standing can soon make a small forlune taking orders in this community. Send references and apply for terms quick, as the ter­ ritory will all be assigned soon. Addre-ss TIIE CONTIXEXTAL PRESS, CoiicoB,vK Bu il d in g , O p p o.s it e U s it k d Sr.i.'rES T r b a s • ■ uKy, AVASIIINGTOJr, D. C. §1. a.Ycar, 10 Cents .a Copy The best illustrated monthly mag­ azine of the kind published. Its pages are filled by a biilliant array of writers and artists. Its anthoritive a,nd independent re- \’iews of Books, Plays, JIusia aud Art, its clever stories, strong spec­ ial articles, humor and_verse; with fine illustrations, m ake'ita necess­ ity in every intelligent home. The very low subscription price— §1 a year—puts it within the reich of all. Reliable agents wanted in every town. Extraordinary in­ ducements. \Vrite lor particnlars. A trial subscription will prove it. W rite today for Siiinplecop'y. C e itk b io n PUBLla.VTlON Co. Subscription Department, 41 East 2tst St.? N. Y. City. G. T, GLASCOCK & SONS, GEEEXSBOEO, X, C. ■SEffiSAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. -MAJTIIFACTURES- Water W heels, Band Saws, Wood Lathes, Emery Grinders, Arbors, Grate Bars, ,Tob <';i5tiugs e\'ery description. Also man;ifactu”cs Cai!OI,i.\a Coaic Stotiw, Heating Stoves, Hoi-- low Ware and I^eed Cutters, The Carolina Cook Stove ia sold on its 3IER1TS. Every Stove Guai-anteed, For sale by E. E. HUNT, M o e W e , N. C. to call at the Red Front and see our new lot of ready­ made skirts. W e carry a nice line of Dress Goods aud Trimmings, W hite Goods, Lawns, Silks, llambui'gs, La«a3, O u r S t o c k C o m p l e t e and up to date. W e also carry a nice line of Shoes for all. W hen iu Mocksville give me a look. I will always make prices O. IC. Y^ours anxious to please. R ecord A gents. The following gentlemen are an thorized to take subscriptions for the Rkoord: M. 'W.Maokie, Yadkinville, N. 0. D. I. Reavis, Cross Roads Church. W . G. Patterson, East 5end. C. B, Reavis, Footevills, Ben Shore, Grant. S. F. Shore, Shore. J. C. Pinnix, Marler. A, P. Woodrufl, Boonville. 6 0 Y E A R S ’ E X P E R IE N C E TnaoE M arks D e s ig n s COPYRI3HTS & C. Anyone eenrtlns a »5tet<*h nnd description ma7 qnlcklT asc*rtmn oiir oplnton free wiietber aa tnrentW Is probably P«io«tHWe. Commnnlcp. ttonnotrtetlycnnQdentbl. Ilandbookuo Patent.' Bpnt free. Oldmt nuenc; for shearing pateuta. r.-iteiita taken tbroueb Munu & Co. recelr- notice, without ohanro, tntbo Scientific :^niirlca?t. A hRnd3omelr innatTalotl weekly. Ijirzcst cnlallon of any scibJiiiUo 3oun,aL Terms, W i.mr; foor montbs, |L Sold by ail neffsrtealerF. SEWING MACHIWE Do not be deceived bv those who ad­ vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. T h is kind of a machine can be bought us or any of our dealera from $15,00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THr, HEW HOME IS THE BEST. Tl e Feed determines the strength or I weal.nes» of Sewing Machines. The jO onble F e e d combined with other I strong points makes the 9Tew H o m e the Sest Sewmg Machine to buy. I WritE for CIRCULARS I S S 2we ina aiiCocturoand prices before porchASing THE ]m fiORE SEVIHe HAgHlNE 60. OftANGE, MASS. !fflUnlcOSq. N. Y., Chlraigo,UL, Atlanta, da, St. IiOl I)allos,Tox,Saii FMolaoo,-CiH FOR SALE »y I e . e . hunt, f M ocks\'ille, IT. C. Wood’s Seeds are grown aud selected with-special reference , to their adaptability to the soil and climate of the South. O n our seed farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of doUarftire expended in testing tend growing the very best seeils tliatitispoasi- ble to grow. B y our experiments we arc enabled toSv^ve our custom­ ers much expense aud loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Soutliern soil and dimiite.. Wood’s Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other pub- hcations of its kind in helpful and useful information for Gardeners* Truckers and Farmers. Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers & Msrcliaots, - RICHMOND, VA. , U B 8EST SEED HOaSE IN THE SOUTH. Is about as rear perfection as 50 years cf Lamp-Making can altam to. It burns kerosene, and gives a powerful, clear, white light, and will neither blow nor lar out. When out driving wilh It the darkness easily keeps about tv/o hundred tcct ahead ot yo-.ir itmartest horse. V/hen you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had. isk your dealer for the **Die':7.'* We issua a special Catalopae of this Lamp. and. if you ever prowl around alter night-fail. it will interest you. T ls mailed free. C O ., 6 0 1 «aight 8 t.,N ew ? o rfe. Special tenna to Canadian cnstomer-- Branch Office. «2S F S t, WaahtOKtoii. D. C I Greensboro iNurseries, GEEENSI50E0, fT, C., ■\Ve have a large surplus of standard \Vinter A pples. Isow is the time to eet; pliice youi- order before the aSECrtuieut is broken. Special terms to those \vis.h- in» to plant largely. Address. JO HI^ A . YOUKG, Proprietcr. LEGAL IsOTICliS. notices will be (iliarge;! or as. follows: S3.00 notice for $2,50;'V?2.50 uotices loi- §2.00; i’5.03 no'tjeea for 84.00. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. R. L. iHiJRNON, T. P. A. C h arlo tte N . C. F , R . D A RBY C. P . & T . A . . A sheville N .C , . !l /I ■' 3ii :f(l t/.-> I T H E . . . STAKBABD RA ILW A Y OFTHJB SOU'J’H. The D irect Line tc all Poiuts. T E X A S , O A LIFO B SIA . FLORII>A, CUBA A^iTD POETO BICO.l Strictly Fiist Class Equip­ ment on all Through and Ll S cal Trains. Pnllm au Sleeping Cars on all Ifight T rains., Fast and Sale schedules. T ravel Oy tlie Southern and you are a.ssared a Safe, Ccni- I'ortablo aud an E xpeditious , .lourney. Apply to Ticket J^genta ior Time Tal bles, Hates arid General Infor- Diation, or address C, p. SMIPORP, Agent, Mbc’itsville, N . C KO TEOBBIiB TO AKSW EB g H IfRDWICK, If. P. A. W A SH E N G T O K . I) C rEflPBUTlOSll BiUsCany^ne $1,440,062,545 Passel , by the Fiify-sixth Congress. CHAIRMAN CANNON'S STATEMENT Smym distress H«« RedaMd Apprnprla* 11«M« S1tS.t30.091. Under Tlioic Pm* ▼idcd b7 It« PredeenMor «n<l B«i K»de an Annasl Redaction In Tmxm- Iton of SAl.OOO.OOO. WasIiiDRlou. D. C-—T h t total of ap- )»ropriatlons at tlie second session of tbe Fifty-sixth C onfess, just i»ndwl. flccoi^ingr to n stateuient prepared by Chairman Camion, of tho House Ap­ propriation Committee, is $700,911,683, nnd tbe ^ n d total for the enlire Con- ffresp, *1,440.002.54.^ apainst SI .508.- 212,037 by the Fifty-fifth Congress. Mr. Cannon's {Statement adds: The increase over the nppropriations made a t the first session of this C-on- greisR is less tlian $20,000,000. aud this loim is more than arconnted for by the Increase of $10,124,450 made on ac­ count of the postal service aud by $13.- niS.O.'vT in the bill that provides for the m aintenance of onr naval establish­ m ent and for the construction, arm or nnd arm am eut of the new ships of tbe nary. Slii^ht increases are &hown in the bills providing; for the Acricnltnral De­ partm ent. the am jy, the diplomatic jind consular service, the government of the D istrict of Columbia, fortifica- ilons. the Indian service, and for legis­ lative. exe^nitlvc and jndicial expenses; ^uf these Increases are more thaw off- Ket by the substantial reductions which are indlcate<l iu tlie Sundry Civil act. in deficiencies and for perm anent ap­ propriations. Included in tbe last named is tbe provision for our annual Interest charge, which by lejrislation cnacted by ibis Consress has Iwen re­ duced in a sum that will am ount an­ nually to *fl.40rt.00rt. The increase on nccount of miscellaneous objects Is rccasioned by the appropriation of R5.2T*0.000 authorized by legislation at the first session of tins Congress for tbe Kt. T^nis Exposition. The total appropriations made at the two sessions of the Fifty-sixth Con- rn’ess are .^128.ir»0,001.8J> less than the nppropriations made during the (wo legular sessions of the preceding Cou- rrcss. The new revenue law passed Tt this session will, it is estimated, re- »luce taxes for the comiog fiscal year W1.000.000, bringing our total estim ­ ated Income for tho comiug Hsc.il year, including postal revenues, to C'Crn,633.042. The large deficiencies provided for (luring the fiscal year 1800 by the first regular session of the FIfty-fiftli Con­ gress, am ounting to $340,772,380.00. were almost in their entirety to cover tbe expenses of the m ilitary and uaval establishments during the fiscal years 7800 and 1000 incident to the war* w ith Spain. The m ost m arked increase mdlcated In the appropriations for ordinary ex­ penses of the Government made for the two years 3001 and 1002. at the ^tw o sessions of this Congress, over those of the tw o preceding years. 1890 and 1900, provided for by the Fifty- fifth Congress, is for the postal serv­ ice. Tliis la the one branch of the public service th at cannot be re­ strained In Its growth. It registers. »7lth precision and exactness the wel­ fare of the nation, and the agricnltur- nl, industrial and commercial condi­tion of the country; That the growth of the postal service for the two years p rovide for by this Congress is near­ ly eight per cent, greater than was tl>e grow th of the appropriations made therefor by the Fifty-fifth Congress is a source of congratulation. SHOT HIS MUSIC TEA C H ER Then the Love-Maddenei Young Man Killed Himself. 8he H«d Rejected 'Waylaid Her Goins Homo — A telto^ DroTp Him to De*per«tlon. M ount Vernon. N. Y.—Bccause his pretty music teacher. Dorothy Trculib, had refused to m arry him. Jam es Campbell, a youug m an of this piacc, waylaid her near iier home and after shooting her through the head com­ m itted suicide by firing another bullet into his brain. The girl w as talcen to tlte hospital. The bullet enten*d be­ hind her esr and lodged lieneath the left eye. Campbell was also taken to the hospital, but did not regain con- SciousnesR.Miss Treulib Is nineteen .vears old. She is the eldpst dauchter of Albert Treulib. a m erchant of Mount Yernou, and w as related by m arriage to tbe youug man who attem pted her life. Miss Treulib w as returning home about 8 o'cloclc p. m.. wl»en Campbell, who w as bidden beliind a tree with a revolver in his baud, sprang out and shot her. Tlie girl's fatljer said to a reporter: “My wife and myself were eating supper wlien we heard two shots In quick succession. I w ent to the door, and as I opened it I heard Dorothy crying for iier motlier. She w as lying on tbe sidewalk In a pool of 1)lood. Campl)ell w as lying a few feet .nway. W hen I reached my daughter slie said. *0b. napa. be bas shot me and then killed himself." Wftli the assistance of neiglibors I carried Iier into the liouse and tlien ran for a doctor. I never knew until to-nlglit that Campbell w as in love w ith Doro­ thy. H e visited my I»ouse for tbe last time on Sunday night. He appeared to be in good spirits and he and Doro* thy sang and played together all even­ ing. W hen my daughter visited her aunt, Campl>eirs sister. Campbell al­ w ays i>rougIit her home. W e looked upon him as a relative and thought that his attachm ent for Dorothy was merely fam ily friendship.” It w as learned th at although Miss Treulib did not regard lUm pcrlously Campbell w as desperately in love with her. Miss Troullb Is a blonde and n very attractive young woman. She has been giving Campbell violin les­ sons for some time. Campbell has been emnloyed as an electrician at tlie plant of the Wostciipstor W ghtlng Comnany. fn >fount Vernon. Fie boarded with iiis sister. Jfrs. Anna Treullli. who is Miss Trenlib’s aunt, and whose house the yonng woman frenuently visited. H is sister said that lie had frequently spoken of his love for Doroihy, but slie had dis- couraired him by telling lilm that Doro­ thy did not care for him except as a friend. She thinks th at ihe Boston letter wiilcb Campbell in a note lefi , by liim, complained of as having pre- i cipltated the tragedy. Is ono w hich was w ritten to Miss Trculib a few davs ago by an aunt in that city. In tliis letter tl»e aunt asked Dorotljy to send her her nicturc as there w as a youug man In IJosron wlio would send a por­ trait of him self as soon as it was received. Mrs. Treulib believes that this letter drove Campbell to despera­ tion. CanipbelVs relatives in Yojiker’s aud liis niother is tlead. i mOT AT SiN JOAN Porlo R'cins Mib an Am:r!cin Sc'iool Superintendent. CRIWE TO CiVE FRIEND A DRINK. ropektt Panallie* Hoipttatity tVltli Fioa^ and Impritonnient. Topeka, K an.^A n ordinance has l>een adopted by the City Council which. It is believed, will make It al­ m ost Impossible for tbe “jolutists** to do business In this city. The ordinance m akes is unlawful to treat a friend to a drink of liquor in a private house. A m an is declared to he guilty of violating the ordinance If he is found in a place where liquor Is fx>ld. The ordinance does not require that an actual sale shall be proved. Heavy fines and Imprisonment of thir­ ty to 100 days In jail arc the penalties for violations of tbe ordinance. AN ATTACK ON THE~i^i5ER. Epileptic «t Bremen Olret Ko Explasa- tion of Hie Act. Bremen. Germany.—While Emperor William w as driving from the Raths­ keller to the railw ay Station a man threw a piece of iron into his carriage, but His M ajesty 6rove on without stopping. I t i^ stated that he was struck on the cheek and slightly in­ jured. The man who threw the missile was arrested. H is nam e is Diedricb Wel­ land. He is an epileptic, and answers In a confused m anner tbe questions put to him. Tbe PopnlntJon of AUske. According to a bulletin issued by the Census Office, at Washington, the population of Alaska Is 63.592. The toUI land stirface of Alaska is 590.884 square miles, and the average number of persons to the 100 square miles is eleven. Jnd^e Killed. Judge Meza, of the Nicaraguan Su­preme Court was kiUed at Granada by Senor I^cayos. whoae father has been well known In Nicaraguan af. la in . 2/MO.OOO Aeree of Iisnd Sold. The property of the Dlston Land p>mpany, comprUIng 2.000.000 acres In Ove countiea ot Florida, which has Been in litigation for some time, has ^ n rold to C. W. Ward, of Washing- S S ’ “ W ‘® have^>een ^0,000. I h H M h a M tt. in K obe,. For tbe flr« time In 126 years the ]a d ^ In the Supreme Jndldal CkMirt. »t Boston, the highest tribunal In Massachacetts, appeared In robes a few days ago. P rim F«r u re mt Poiirl«<ni. Travis Broivn. fourteen .rears old, of Clinton Connty, was taken to the peni- tenmry at Pranicfort, Ky, to serve » life sentence for mnider. Brown, whOT ttirteen years of age, shot from ambnsh and kiUed Celia Jones, aged twelve, who threatened to tell her father of an Insolt yonng Brown of. •ereu her. " EKM ror Aan.d. Boiw O t t m , . In an edict the Em peror of China M ini^ all decrees and reports ren- from .Tnne 20 to August 14. 1800, in order that no trace of theci be 1‘reserred in history. • CITIZEN ARMV FOR AUSTRALIA. K«w Federation Tatting 6trps to Provide For the Kat'o *al Defense. Melbourne. Australia.—The idea of a citizen arm y for the Australia Com- monwcaitb is taking a very strong hold of a large section of tbe people. The scheme which seems most likely to be adopte! is tliat formulated by. Brigadier-General Gordon, command-; ant of the South Australian forces, un-; der which every man who Is pliysically fit and between the ages of eighteen ajid twenty-one will be taught to shoot, will undergo an arm y training for a certain number of weeks every year, and will undertake to join the ranks of the Federal volunteer arm y whenever necessity arises. The Federal Government would, un­der this scheme, provide instruction, arm s, accountrements. am munition aud uniform, and would pay '‘Qch man who made himself efHciont a bonus of $50 to .$150 a year for non-coms, and regu­ lar arm y j)ay for otticers. Each State would raise sufficient men to guaranfee Immuuity against at­ tack by a foreign foe, and would sup­ ply the needs of the em pire iu the event of any such emergency as that which in South Africa has found so loyal aud enthusiastic response. Un­ der this scheme it Is calculated that it would not be difficult to raise withiu five years a capable aud eticieut citi­ zen arm y of 300.000 men. ALLEGED HYPNOTIST TO DIE. Women For Whom He Committed Double Mnrder S .y. n . Mjrimotiwd Her. Kearney, Neb.—Kranlc Dinsmore, who two .vears ago murdered iiis wife- and John Laue because of his love for Mrs. Laue, w as senteuced to death. Mrs. Lnue is also in jail in counectiou* w ith the case, though she has always contended that Diusmore hypnotized her. Everything points to this as a fact. I'he woman has never been able to testify against Dinsmore, fainting aw ay every tim e the accused looised her in the eyes. TRIV1/-.L INCIDENT THE CAUSE Caa.e of an Eiploilon in Hpain. An explosion in the custom house a t Iran, Spain, w as c.nuEed bv a worit- man opening a case ot guncotton with a ham mer for the purpose of verifving the contents ot thirty-four similar cases th at were passing through 4be' custom bouse. Twelve persons werc^ .1. I*. and fifteenSlightly Injured. , Farmers Fight a Fatal Duel. . '""S'** P ari- AfpriinUm ? Sn.vder and Isaac McCullom. farmers. Both men were fatally wounded. There has been ill- « long cXm^a^ptstol!*'’ " An Exetted Crow«l Dinpersetl by Soldier*; IVItliont Orden, After the Police ITa<i Fnlled to Act^ObJectlon to the Snpc.r- intenJent'd Alleged Roas^h Treatment of a Schoolgirl. San Juan, Porto Ilico.—A serious riot ccturrcd here a few days ago. At fi o’clock in the evening five arKllerymen and a corporal of artillery nam ed Hls- cock left their guard post, w ithout or­ ders, and charged across tiie plaza into a street in which a moi) of people had assembled. The soldiers fired a volley into the air. dispersed tlie mob, and rescued School Superintendent Arm­ strong,, who w as besieged by rioters in a house sitiiatad about a block from the city centre.For lioui's previous to the rescue of Superiutendeut Arm strong the city had been overrun by a riotous crowd of pi'obably 15(K) persons, who shouted “Down witii the A m ericansr’ and other sim ilar cries. The excitem ent originated lu a triv­ ial school incident. Involving SuperIn tendent Armstrong, and illustratiug the excitable nature of tlio Forto Iti cans. The Superintendent reprim and­ ed a girl, ten years of ago, for disoiic- dience, and forcibly, but hnrmles.'sly, marched her to the h*ont from the rear of the scl'.oolroom. H er dress cauglit in a desk and wa.s torn, and the girl reporteil to Iier mother that she Ijnd been kicked and abused. Tlii.s excited the motiier and sousa- lional stories were clrcuhiled. w ith the result that when the scliool children were dismissed a num ber of boys gath ered together aud paraded the streets. They were joined by many loafers and full-grown men, and it became neces­ sary for the police to escort Superiu- tendent Armstrong frum the school house 10 his home.The Superintendent aud the police­men were stoned as lljey passed (hrough the street.s. aud as Ihe crowd constantly increased in size they sought i*efuge iu the Intendencfa builcl ing. A number of persons from tlie crowd outside succeeded in entering the iiuilding, but were ejected i)y em­ ployes and otliers. A ti'easury clerk was attacked, stoned and disarmed. By 5 oViock nff.iirs had assunicd sucii a theatening aspect that Govern or Allen ordered the Mayor lo dispers<‘ ,the nub. notifying him that he could ask for Govei'umeut assistance if hi- was iu need of it. The Jfayor, how­ ever, paid no attention to the Govern­ or's notification, altiiough the city po­ lice were powerless. They wei*e uelth- or respected by the rioters, nor did they attem pt to di.sperse them. The insular police, who have no ju risdictiou lu the city excert iu casef of emergency, aud a t the call of th< Mayor aud GoA*eruor, were not called upon until C p. m. Bui at that time the artillery men previously referred to took tbe initiative witliout orders and dispersed tlie gatliering. In the nieanllme, tJje city police Ijad fired about 100 shols. mostly in the air, for tliere were no casualties. Several other Americans Ijeside the treasury clerk were stoned from roofs and l)alcouic.« (Jovernor Allen deplores tlie uufortu nate occurrenccs. especially the actior of the artillerymeu. Coi'poral Hiscoek has been placed under arrest, nnd Is now in the guard-house. It is probable that he will be tried by court-marlial. K llltoiu For a Bot»* A>7ln>B. Justice Palmer, at Deaver. GoL, has. sustained the will ot George W. Clay­ton, bequeathing more than $2,000,000 to found an asylum for white t^js be* tween ten and fourteen years old. llordeiwr Cbeata tbe Oallow*. John PopoTltch. one of the four Mon­ tenegrins sentenced to death for tbe murder and attempted robbery of Paymaster Hosier, of Moant Pleaaant. Penn., banged himself In hla cell. He used the chain that holds vp bis btmfc, and was dead when discovered by the jailer. Thirty TesBaU Overdue. alarine underwriters in Boston have compiled a list of overdue Tessels. all of which sailed before tbe recent northwesterly gales. The list com­prises alK)U( Ibtriy vessels of All de- b'ji'ip.ioos. THE NEW S E F U O M IZ E f________ ' TVASniNfiTOK rrt.lT f, The reporis that Lord Piinncefot'' 'Up Briilsh Amliasador, wouM remain in W ashington were coufirmexl. Senator WilKnm P. Frye, of Mainn. w as re-elect^’d unanimously President pi'o tem. of the Senate. Tlie W ar D eporlnient rec»^ivetl fron* Judge ja ft at >T.’'.nila a luTbly en'“o\n* .^gln.? renorf oii the condition of in the Phllippinec. Pi'psident McKfnlpy issu'^d n connnission to Mr. Gcorcre B. Cortel- you as Secretary to the President. Ti»e Supreme Court unboh*?? tbe con- pUtntionality of the Minne.«ota law fif lf-85 requiring storage elevators pnd wareliouses on rsnlroad lin**s. bn*" pot a t term inal stations, to take out licenses. TJje amownt of gj-o.'ts gold |ji the Treasury w?>s S».SJ>.412.1 r»R. tlip hitriii*?- point ever reaelied in the history or tlie (jovernment. In accordance with the prov:Kions of ihe Xaval Appropriation bilf. as it passed the Senate, the six years’ course at tbe Naval Academy a t Anuapoiis. Md., will be contluued. TdE JUOG-S R£PL\. o u l t A D O PTK D ISLAXDS» Tiie Cuban Conf3titutlonal Conven- lion decided to continue its sessions aud treat wllli the United States. The first Territorial Legisliiture of Ilaw aii besan iis sessions In Honolulu. 'J'iiree Americans and tw o native guides were killed by Filipinos In am- iu;sh In Cavite IVovince. P. 1. D. 31. Carm an, an American con­ tractor. who w as arrested at Manila. P. I., ou the charge of having aided tho insurgeuts, says he e.xpects .'ic- Quittal. -More insurgents in Luzon, P. I., w ere captured and more surrendered to the Americans. In H avana oOOO Cubans escorted a committee which presented to General Wood a petiiion to.President M cKinlej’ for absolute independence. DOMESTIC. Mrs. M yrtle W ebster was axTested. charged w ith killing her husband nt Topeka. K an. W ebster’s throat was cut while he slept. Mrs. ^\'ebster is thought to be insane. W illiam W isely, colored w as jailed at Knobuoster, Mo., charged w ith the m urder of Nellie Allen, n scventeen- year-old w hite girl. The G rand Ju ry at Anderson, S. C , recommends the Indictment of farm ers for holding negroes lu slavery. Despondent over his recent discijarge from the Duluth Diocese of the Catho­ lic Church, tlie Kev. Francis Bud7,iow- ski shot him self through tlie he.-jrt at Minneapolis, Minn. D eath was iustau- taneous. Isaac La Rue, clglity-s?ven years old. inventor of the system of using colors on steam boat stacks, died at Plainfield, N. J. The Indiana Legislature passed a l)ill requiring all persons practicing medicine or tlie art of healing to take exam inations and be licensed. In a dispute over the firm 's books at Chicago. Charles Merrill, tea merchant,' w as shot in the he.nd by John Correa, his bookkeeper, who then committed suicide. The British steam ship Camperdown w ent ashore 5u Cape Lookout shoals, off Beaufort. N. 0. A rthur II. Dennett, who w as known as “Angel” Dennett, broke out oi the New Ham pshire Asylum for the In­ sane, bnt w as quickly recaptured. Urs. Lizzie Millard, of Fayetteville, N. y., charged w ith trying to blind Dr. I. M. Slingerlaud w ith acid, was adjudged insane. T iieV aoliers wi.o iia™ ' bi-ei.' n.Vos-! intendent Armstrong, to tlie effect llia t, l!‘ sUocits. ^ o d?.mage Hie girl w as not liarnied. " f It Is proD-ible that four-fiftiis ot i -'iavicps from Piiiladelpliia give those who took part In the rioting did * Intimations of an impendlu? not know why they were mobbing the ! among the m iners employ^^: i-y Americans. TIic rioters mostly be- louged to the unemployed men of the population. EX-CONCftESSMAN IN AN ASYLUM. C. F. Sprasae, of MassacbuBetts, Goes to a ISetreat For the JnRane. Boston. Mass.—Form er Congressman Charles F. Sprague, of Brooklin. whose term of office expired on M arch 4. and who w as adm itted to the McLean Asylum, at AVaverley. Is said by his family physlelaa to be lu e serious con­dition. and Ilttie hope Is held out for hts recovery. For three years the patient has shown symptoms of chronic nervous diseLse. but it w as not until last sum* m er th tt aiarm ing conditions were noted. A trip to Europe followed, and one specialist after another w6s tried, w ith no beneficial result. A few days ago it w as apparent that the case was most serious, and the fam ily physician determined to place Mr. Sprague iu an institution. Mrs. Sprague is in Nas­ sau, looking after the health of their six-year-old child. New Position For Chandler. Form er Senator W illiam E. Chand­ ler, of New Hampshire, has been se­ lected to be President of the Spanish Claims Commission. In form aud method of doing business tbis Commis­ sion will approxim ate the Alabama Claims Commission, rather than any of the international commissions that have sat In recent years. To Induce-Sblpbmldlng at Halifax. The City Council of H alifax, N. S.. has decided to offer a subsidy of $200,- 000 to Induce capitalists to establish steel ship-buildlr,? and engine and boiler works at tb at port. The con* tract is open to tha v/crld. Dewey Gets His Prize Money. Tbe Treasury Departm ent, a t W ash­ ington, has issued a w arrant in favor of Admiral George Dewey for $0570, on account of prize money found to l)e due to him by the Court of Claims for the destruction of tbe Spanish fleet in M anlli harbor. May 1, 1808. Referendum !n New Zealand. T be Colonial Government has de­ cided to subm it to the referendum the question whether New Zealand shall join t2 ? commonwealth of Australia. S p o rtin g B reT ’.ties. Automobllists w ant speed limit In cities and tow ns made ten miles an hour. Browu’s University hockey team has defeated Princeton’s by three g:>al3 to nothing. The N ational League I)»sebsll sea­ son will oiKn ca April 18 and cicse ou GctolferyTtJ. The A ^ iic a u League has decided that no ¥ iu b shall carry more than fourteen jplayers this season. Jn thp ftucei'state Uve bird shoot b& tweeu :A>v Ygrk'.and New Jersey ‘.he loruisi/tearn 'u<»i\by 303 to 302. the anthracite coal railroads in Penn eyivania. “Bud” Taylor, a baseball player, in K ansas City. Mo., killed his former sweetheart. H e shot her in ihe street from a window w ith a rifle. Life im prisonment was given Solo­ mon Relgard, a Civil W’ar veteran, of Toledo. Ohio, for the m urder of his young wife. Secret tests of a new explosive at Sandy Hook proving grounds, an American’s invention, showed po'^er- ful results. Four people were killed nt Galllpolis, Ohio, by the bursting of the boiler of Jacob Lindewood's sawmill. F O K E IG N . M. Beau will succeed M. Plcbon as French M inister to China. M any wedding gifts were received by Queen W ilhelmina fron» the people of Amsterdam. Ten persons were kllUd and many Injured by an explosion of fire dam p in the Consolidatfon mln« at Gelsenkir chen, Prussia. Senor Sagasta formed a M inistry in Spain, w itn Senor M oret and General W eyler as its chief members. The Right Rev. A. F. W. Ingram, Suffragan Bishop-of Stepney, w as ap­ pointed Bishop of London. The British W'ar Office issued statem ent showing that 12,500 rein­ forcem ents are about to start for South Africa. Captain-General W eyler has issued a decree raising the state of siege at Ma­ drid. Spain. It is agreed in Boer circles in South A frica that the leaders and a majority of the burghers in the field will surren­ der if assured of am nesty and assist ance in starting life afresh. *In the French Cham ber M. Firmin Faure, an anti-Semite, w as removed from the House by gendarm es In a scene of uproar. The launching of the two battleships Montagu and Alberm arle, and of the cruiser D rake com pletes' tbe British naval program me for 1899-1000. The Sultan of Turkey has ordered a big six per cent. loan. The Duke of Abruzzi sailed from Christiania, Norway, w ith an expedi­ tion for F ranz JosePs Land, to s^ rc h for three men lost on his recent i>olar exploring trip. Two Italians, arrested for complicity In the plot to kill K ing Victor Em m an­ uel, were released for helping capture the arch conspirator. The popular memorial to Queen Vic­toria. approved of by the King, will be a statue of H er M ejesty near W est­ m inster Abbey, a t Ixindon. Count von W aldersee declines to assure tbe Chinese th at be . will not organize further expeditions^ In case circumstances require. i King Edw ard returned to( London from his visit to Germany. The bubonic plague is sprt*iAdlng at Cape Town, South Africa, the mortal­ ity being chlefiy coofiiied to tiatlves. A nsw er F.led to th e Im psrclinieat C harges of th e H ouse. T te answ er ot Just'cea Furdhes anil Dougldss of the N orth CsM llna p."cme Court to tho charges nie. agaiEst ihom by the Hotiss of R ep«' sentativo; in the Impeachment p'o- cecdiD.ss begun te fire .the Ssn^t?, presented W cJnssday. T ie very long and covers tbe charges s2~- tion by section. 'The accused judge* disclaim all intention ot reflecting upcn the legislature and deny all tisan bias In tbe decisions rendered, an'd aleo clftim the constitufonol rig i issue the m andam us In question, claim ing lli-.t the sold mtindaiBUC'was issued against an appropriation m '“® in the act creating the office of slieil- fish com m issioner; th at this act was passed by i form er lcg!8!a'ture, aid tha money to carry provisions appropriated, and th at no law abolish­ ing (Ihe office oautd eltect the ofBce cu* concel the appropristion dufing tho term for which sa.id ehell-ftsh commis- doner was elected. Closing the tices say; These respondents again solemnly declare thait while they have decidol political conrictions which they hav« COTisistSntly followed IB private life, they have never perm itted pere:nal of political reasons to interfere la the Bllshtest degree •wlith their Judicial opinions. They have a t all tim ts cheerfully accorded to the Legislature the respect and coflsdderation due to it as the law-m aking departm ent of tht State, and have always upheld its acta When they could do so by any reason­ able construction; but whenever those acts clearly appearoi to he In violation ot th e oonstitution which It is their first and 'highe;t duty to preserVo invliolate, they have said so in plain and firm but respectful words. In cbncludlDig their answ er to this article the.ie-respondents adopt the language of Chief Justice Taylor, the flrsi presiding officer of this court, who, iu de:Iarine an act ct the legislature unconstitutional in Jones vs. Critten­ den, 4 N. C., 55, deoHed In 1814, closed his opinion w ith th e following words; "Such as it is, we subm it It to the candor anKf good sense of our fellow cicizenSi who, aJthough they may think us in error, to which we ar© subject in common w ith the rest ot the humnn family, will do us the Justice to be­ lieve th at such error Is neither willful nor agreeable. W e have discharged w hat we believe to be aa imperions tluty to our country, and the mens eanscia reotl forms our consolatio.i anid su p p o rt” And th e respondent, David M. Fur- chea, further answ ering the said fifth article for himself, says th a t as herein before stated, he qualified as associate Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina on the 1st day of January, 1895. The sa'.d court was then com­ posed of Chief Justice Faircloth and Associate Justices Aver.v, Clark. Far- chcs and M ontgomery, four of whom had beep elected in 1894 by the same party th at oofitrolled the Lesislature of 1895. As aiesoclate Justice of s iir court, this rsspomdcnt delivered the opinion of a unanim ous court in th e cases of Cook vs. Meares, 116 N. C., 382, and ot Stan ford vs. Bllin®ton, 117, N. C., 158. Tho effect of these decisions was to invail- date an election by the Legislature in 1895, and to retain in ofBce a Judge and State librarian politically opposed to the Legislature as well as to the coart. As the princliples of these decisions were acquiesced in hy all parties, the d fe c t effect thereat was stop other litigation of a sim ilar character and to continue in the control of an unsuc­ cessful political party tor two yeais ■longer the State penitentiary and De­ partm ent at Agriculture. It Is true the^e cases did not depend upon prin­ ciple of Hoke vs. Henderson, but upon principles m ore recent and not so well settled. This respondent cites them merely to show that his Judicial con­ duct 'hais never been influenced by per­ sonal or political bias, bnt has al­ ways been governed by his op'nlon of h law and bis sense of duty. And further answ ering all and sin­ gular the said articles of imveachment eThiWted against them by the House ot Representatives of N orth Carolina, these respondents dcclare that In all the m atters and things therein chargel and alleged against them «h«y acted In their judicial capacity a,s justices ol the Supreme Court of N orth Carolina, and not otherwise, seeking honestly anid faithfully to ddsicharge their olB- cial duties to the best of their knowl­ edge and ability. They conscientious­ ly believed it to be 1>eir solemn and im perious duty to affirm the said judgm ent ot the Superior Court order­ ing the said m andam us to be Issued; ankl they considered themselves then, and still consider themseilves, sustain­ ed in their action iby the highest au­ thorities, including m any decisions of th e Supreme Court of this State. They declare th a t they 'have never violated, or Intended to violaite, any provision of the constitution of tbis State. But on the contrary, have al­ ways endeavored to support, m aintain and defend it. They h®vo never dis­ regarded or intended) to disregard any valid enactm ent of th e General Assem­ bly of this State: bist on all occasions, have upheld and sustained them. They have never know lnely deviated or in­ tended to deviate from the orderly course and practice of the courts; on the contrary they have steadily sought (o follow and conform to the establish­ ed' rules oif procedure and practice. They have never s'hown or intended to show any disrespect tow ards the .co­ ordinate departmemts of the SCjte gov- em-ment: but a;5 in CiHy bound, -hive always yieMed to them the rights ami pc'wers to which they are entltled.Thoy have never w rongfully taken or caused lo be taken, directly or indirectly, for them selves or otihers, a dollar from the publ’c fuw:'®; but cn the contrary, so far as consistent w ith their cfflclal duty, they have consistenly upheld the laws protecting th e State Treasury. Not have they ever in their judicial character Intentionally m istreated the benclh ot bar of the State; but have ever accorded to bcth th e cendderatlOD arid ren-'p't to whldh they are entitled. They further declare that, as juHlces o ' the Supreme Court ot N crlh Caro­ lina, they were clothed with the power an1 charged w ith the duty of expound Ing su'd cor.structlng the constllutlon and laws of th e 'land. The reply is signed; DAVID M. FITBCHES. ROBERT. M. DOUGLAS THOR. J. j \ n v i s F. 1. ri=HORNE, H . p i’SR'i’B C. M. COOTCF, 'VM. P. BVN'l'l- 3. F. LONP. LINDSAY PATTERSON, Osonsel. TRADE VEBSUS PBOFITl ^’’^ctic.m^advantac, ^ — — !Po3s,,„, 4 A.'l IDEA WHICH FREE TRADERS’ *'*•'^ “■’“insmen „r a„ Fm FAIL TO CRASP | A.Swedish cobbler canjp ^ iTAineijr* That d Conntrr May Dd art Im- hienie Araouat of Business of a Sort That llrfnss 'Witll It Xo AccumulM* tion o f National W ealth. The following from the London Stat i au d'set up his littU^ ; town not far from x,.u- v■ __ 1worked iiarcl. niiii altractcMl the atu^iiion^f!, ; owner, who Avanu-d r ; -o develop his proi„.,-iy. i,,.'"' “The foreign trade ot the Uuilcd Spates m erits the earcful atleuflou of ‘ miil s,.|lii,.. the people ot this country and of tho i - j " " ! ' “sur'iin^’'" united States. From the U nited; St.ites w e secure nearly thirty pei‘ .''"irs i„. of nil the foreign produce wccent was a iiatrioiic- Anicr aaJ visiunl Ih,. poor, and every huml*U> <l\v,‘Uiu!; ^ 1 occasion to rcjolo' ilHTcfi.r. " lie sat one d.n.v witli tw.. f;imiorjJ whoso cows ho had \vli..|i ’ wais a \»nrc(ooiod \ivy. Cin? of tlj-- said to bim; ••£ su p p o se yo\j , o u r little fa rm s n o w :' tiic y v alu e d Ihoiii ai !>'• uuswor.',;; “Yes. I could l»uy ul-oiu ;i 5 them.’' They thouiriir rcry pr..j‘.r;.v tlm iJ had been exivptionully riiniui:iii>. tbej' contended tli;if ir w;ij r,f ,, vanlagc for S "odos in in ; to America. InM-iUisi* Un- msr i-i Tnii, would overbulaufi* imv rinriiY ii^ w ages. Tiiou Mr. , l>eneU an«l pnpt'i-. and :\W Uiri’i- down to 1 can-fnl (-a'.-al-nii.n of jjarative co3l.'< of iiviii;,' jin.i of - in ihe two c-ouiiiri.-s, a .s(;iinl:inl ofl living was agivrd U]. .n. wiili .WadJ of its re(iuiroinciH-'< ainl ilicir i-.ws month was tbi* jH-nnl ii;:iirril i.|i. w hen they got ji \v;is i..i! tbat the workiw.: ‘iviu;; .-n iii.; agreed l>asis iu Ui.< «iwu . ••uhUv be iu debt at tli<' cii.I i>f ilu> w.-iiij while if seHlr<l in Aini rira !;<•>• ..ii.J have paid all his hills left. W e ( nil ■<> smilo. Germany n<»i iiii|.,.ri a’l iiiiJ American iiicri-iiaii'lisf y\l loves us or wisiu's to tlo us a Slie buys our oottou. r.iiji. hmi. wpl per and kerosi ne iici-ansc sli.- ran ".f t!iem here of a bciitT quislli.v aiulat.i lower price tlian If 1 declares a tarilt war on us m1ii> vnt| off a small fraction of lar innh’. Im she also heavily imTon.vis tlu* rost c th'.' cssentir.l raw maii-n:iis of I;. manufactnnTs. and ilii* :iuil li^l of iier work pi’Oph*. Sarli a w.-ir wniili be worse tlian dania.^'in^ lo iJiTiiiiiny it woubi be niinou.'^. afTori to smilo at tlu‘si' li-.-a-c tli'nuai threats.—Boston Journal. A newspaper prints the rollowin?| ‘W anted—A first-class cook for a (ar.j Ily of 40, to whom stf'aily pinploymetii and the best of wages will i)*" L'iv'.n The promise of stoaily »’iiiiiloj-i.in!| snunds reasonable, at least. S O U T H E R N RAILW AY. need for food and for m anufacture,! i,„ , , ■ nnd the U nited Stales find iu G reat | wj.i,,-,-!,. o,„, . B ritain a m arket for nearly one-half ' behpUi'l!"v'7 '" ' „f the products they send •■<'>road.! [“f , “ Now let lis look at the other side of : saiuii,,,, u hiu; Ihc picture. The United States pur- ' revolver Cor aU tin- Hi chase from this country lets than ouc- Vi,,, fourth of then* total im ports of for* imm... cigii prtduce, and w e sell to the United States tiot much m ore than ten per cent, of the produce w c send abroad. In otber words, England buys from the U ni' .u States nearly four times more produce than she sells to that conntryi and it is m ainly in conse­ quence of our huge purchases that tho United Str.tes are able to buy from other cou*'tries silk, coffee, tea, etc., are able to provide for freight .'ind in­ surance charges, to meet the very large expenditwres iu Europe of A m eri­ can tourists, and to accum ulate capital out of their foreign trade. It will bo noted that in the ten years from 1880 to 1800, when our im­ ports from, tbe United States declined, the total exports from that country also fell off, and that in the ten years from 1890 to 1000, w hen our purchases of A m erican products greatly in- reased by reason of our great pros­ perity, the total exports of the United States also showed immense expan­ sion. It will thus be evident that ‘be further grow tli in American exports iu a largo m easure depends upon the capacity of tbis country to buy more largely. “The grow th of the im port trade of the Uniletl States and of our exports to that country presents a very dif­ ferent picture. < ♦ ♦ Compared w ith the total expansion in A m erica’s imports, tlie increase In im ports from this coun*’-y has been insignificant. Compared w ith the enorm ous expan­ sion in our purchases from the United States, tho sJg b t grow th in their ))ur* chases from us is a m atter which re­ quires very serious attention nt the present time, w hen our trade wirli A m erica is chccketl by the prohibitive tariff now iu force. “The quest.on now has to be put. H as not the object of imposing pro­ hibitive custom s dutiei by the United States been fulfilled, and will not their retention have a v_ry adverse effect upon A m erican trade in the future? In 180G ir wjjs essential for America to bring .'•Iwut a balance of trade w hich would enable tho country to meet all its loi-eign obligations aud to m aintain its gold standard. B ut the decision of {he Am erican people in 180G and in lyOO, Ijgcther w ith tlie laws which hr.ve been passed aud the probable .rurther am endm ents in tlie next session of Congress, have in­ sured tho m ainteuance of the gold standard, .*;nd the necessity for re­ stricting Im ports for this purpose has passed aw ay. M oreover, in view of the great ''tride*; m ade by the m anu­ facturing induatrieu of A m erica in tbe past tea years, there is now no doubt that A m erican ir.anufacturers arc well able to meet any possible com petttion, not only iu the home, but iu foreign m arkets. H ence A m erica no longer has reason for Imposing either a pro­ hibitive or a protective tarff. Am erica has, indeed, now to face the question of bow slio m ay increa&e the prosper­ ity of . other c.;un*rie , and in view of that prosperity seU still larger quanti­ ties of her produce abroad. To do this it is evident tlrat .«»hc m ust be w illing to purcbaise the products of otber coantrles In return for the produce she sells.'* T here is one idea th a t our free-trade contem poraries across the w ater do not seem to grasp, and th a t it th at our foreign trade is Incidental, not our w hole cxi .tence. W e have a home m ark et-th at is alm ost im m easurable. It is from forty to 100 tim es greater than o ar foreign m arkets. And It is as valnable to us. as producers, as all the foreign m arkets of tho world w ould be if w e possessed them exclu Kively. W hen we abandon our protec­ tive tariff w e abandon oar home m ar ket. It is a dozen years since Tom Reed told us tbe m odern Aesop fable, aud it w ill bear telling right here in case the youth of the London Statist never read it: ‘Once there w as a dog. H e w as nice little dog. N othing the m atter w ith him c-xcept a few foolish free- trade ideas in bis liead. H e w as trot­ ting along happy as the day, for he had in his m outh a nice shoulder of succulent m utton. By and by be came to a stream bridged by a plank. He trotted along, and. looking over the side of the plank, he saw the m arkets of the w o-ld and dived for them. A m inute after he w as craw ling up the bank the wettest* the slckcst, the uas ticst, the m ost m uttonless dog that ever sw am ashore!” As for increasing the prosperity of other countries so as to enable them to buy m ore of as, th a t rem inds us, of anothei* little story. It w as very dull tim es w ith Jonathan Plumb. So be took a dolla* in pennies out of tbe till and gave them to passing school­ children, some of whom came in and spent their pennies a t Plum b’s candy counter. A fter they w ere gone Plum b says to him self: "W ell, that w as a lively bit of trade. To-morrow I’ll scatter tw o dollars." B ut at night as he cast np his accounts it all dawned on him, and the candym onger summed It np as follows: "It m akes a thunder­ ing lot of trade, but blame little profit.** C entral T im e a t nn-J Snraana E astern Timt* m 6thf*r F«in:'. Schedule io K?oct .Un -27th. jroRTnBousn. CiV. JacluoQvil.c (K•' boTanash l»o. KT" Barnwoil ...............BlackvUd . •SSSSSiWr:...-........:r .^ ij- : ;BnmohTiLe .................if}." ........•* Kingviile jk.r. OoaimblR jV. A ujfuava, [ao. i.y ./... jT. &ramtertU« ............. 11^ _ . bU-fpUli?-: ,..il . A r. K n o x ^ e ^r. OiBcinnttT^ •• Lt. I»nl37linr____. _______ , „Ly. Clnoinnan ...... -- — -CrTKnexHurTTr•• Asii«TUie.... «« - • BPttrianborg..................... aajt tv. ‘ t'ft- ^ I“ PhU»de]l»hlft.......... . u‘r,-a; i « B altbuoro.........— :.........Lv. ° tiV. Lt. Daaviiic Lt. Obari'.'tte^.......................... I?« Bookaui ..................... “ o ............^ Ar.Ooiumfe. *A r. Oo!mabl Lt. O olw abU ...................................... fl4»Trenton....................... . At>. A rjniata.......... — ;— ^ -3 CrSSiSmSMsTRTi- •.................................... I tasp 3g. J- O ra a jw b w f..................- .................................. 7-tp«• B am m em U o............ •Ar. Gharleiton -------^ Lt. Ooiombla ibo. Ky7) n o p iif* B U clrriU o .. ....................................................... Savannah . ,■■ ■ ■ ; I'?At. Jaetoenvil.iMPjd AN ILLUSTRATION. It was during the natural history hour. “Give me," asked the teacher, an example ot the alleged deceitful char­ acter of the cat.”"In restaurants it is sometimes said to pass itself off for a rabbit, ” an- swered the head b o y .—PhlladelphU | Timet. S U .j ln g C .P ll<K ^ Dally a a d S a w in a J . S. tweentweenwan sleepin? cars Pullm an slwpinsPullm an siefpui# uo " WMhintion. D-1- W. B. taloe,. Vo.lH N'o.y Daily Uiily 74.1* i-i>V UH* ■■ t.bft 8*‘ more effective • «'s n° “ -»-uo than a ^Sec!)lle‘«® T h eg racet I fascinating "-Is ^her fam e in t tba‘ and other cl T h ^ established choice are gauz. chifton net a U affair m.iy edged W ' "fott^v■ith feathers, tl®''" chosen, marabou. ^ all mean® be sclc< L i4 W arts arc olte t h S h turquo * any other color choose to arr r'® ^ " ^ 're these scarf4 to and fro m ! iel“’ as°ttftef one has i ^ e o t as » w rap th e! F T s o a r T u p a r - n d J W ‘““ ,,tr i n it b o a fa s h i ^‘ 'frierE th . the m ost t r l 1“ JiV reach es nearly tl ^OBT AND I'S E F l'l. I llage that increases I 'jT ^ o o a in the soil. rioe cream 'viU some « i» forget th at salt an- Tour choice' r n h o u 'eo ; a healthy C g o o d farm er alw ajj nood drainage, bo it nati essential to succcsi f t t i l i r-ay a farm er to_ ' ‘ 1 reputation, as well Tivi- the cows a chancsl .r d c n air When the "C fan n e r whose hogs i snlphur is rarely troubHj & U n g all the buttc ‘ , milK is etjuivalcnt ..(ay money. ^^Bu*o»lv good seed. Th I h t i grade of a tew quJ a the crop. Lt. Oolmnbla, (Bids a t......... 5 ^ 1 r i l i ’” V.lnMboro.................. “ Oiio-Ii.r ........................“ BockHiU.....................I r . Ilhiiriaui: ....................~,7i — i'iB I S l - ...... —At. Waflliliigion . ........,•• Baitinior.lPa.B8i..... ■■ J-M ladelpW a...................•' New York Lt. O o'm nbia........................ 'sS l il'-* —1*P. S p artim b u ri.................. 7l4 a«Vi • '1“ ^BTillp ................ . (iS —- , . iaj, r j« J . “ ua i *’»' -of Hospitals in oi . three-fourths «<i3 are vfomen ai Why should tl Because they ' “-Tery one of tl yarning in that tt, K ■womb ‘“ oacb. Alloftl “ '''i't'onof theoi ,, What a terrif on those hos w a the consistent Mrs. K •setabie Compound kfanic Are:®ne, MUvi sSOQ AO VANTACES- D le r c a m o ,o A m e r iJ •oiu New Yurt “ a Ins sturdy qu„m,J >11.(1 r, ii..si,l,.„, „ ■oDorty. n „ . inlo his ccasicu to rosru, fcraiit. wlioin wi- „.j| fc:>us« thill wiisu'l J I s cai,al>lo iaud isollliiK 110U&. toil au insuraua.- ai jaiiy years Iio visit, ■ocial'y S««Uii. ■Vniericau citiiir,, a ip to thf I/auil ot tl fnri-ctoa th» raro sjh} tiy raising Uie Atiie Ilf carried will, i,j tviih rctiiiUs froiii ji| Ihe Slates. W)i(.r. vl ted the linnios of Imiuble dnx'llius 1 00 tlierefor. ly w ith tw o fiump, liad Uoideil whiii •«I boy. Oiiu uf t vu roiilil Imy ono nowV’ la'ariiipi: wU n at 1m‘ nnsw'orotl: buy. aboui u dozen ( Tory prt>i>trly tiuu ioimlly forU\»nu'. ; th a t if w:\s r>f m, o«^osi iu jn'tT.Tnl to till' i-osr vX ]jv U‘o ;iny s«p/riorlly >lr. .loluison look •. au<] nil s«>ii ul caloiilaUoii of <•< f livinjc an-1 of t\'u ilrlos. A stattdur.l f<l upon, w lih nts nn«l \lu*ir voi^x l>ovio«l fivruro<\ i>n Uiroujjh it Av.i z Swodo livin.'; .. , ijis own couiHry wor Ih' end t»f tin' m m " ill Atiu ri«*a If* v i 1 bills aii'l h:i ‘‘o i lo I.-.1111 <»n l | AA'iirtl to Smile. not iiuimn all (ij ••baudiso bo<Mnsf ?hi\s to do us a f:ivJ ottou. corn. lard, c j be liccjniso sli.* t an i I better <iuality and au flsewlKM-»*. If •war on uj? she etl |i-t!ou of Jtir trade, iucrea>;e.s the east | raw m aterials of aud thi? food aiul ligj >ple. SncJi a war wou dam aging to Oenuad iuous. W e can affq these fierce Gerir I Journal. prints the followini bt-class cook for a faJ ■om steady employmeT wages will be givrr.| steady eniploynici file, at least. IN R A ILW AY. I f a.~ksoaviUe and Sarann^ me at 6thpr Points*. E^CCT Jan. 27th. 10iL It. »»........^ "mVI;fCT. ........I.'«p:i2 5.4i 4 ................| -lajv..........I *::6r; J..............I sioa "5V........' •...'.......... 7«lal#xnl........ 2yja •;............. oaa -^4oa ............... iJlwu: 4 2^; 0..............‘llOua 5i»a ^ ' •lA/fi tfijyp ® s::»P:Wi6p •.81&?:.......40?p:il00p 5aa>! 2iJ a :..j cm - ,Hl7iyp lw6la 1 •------------a**-.............................. I 7i4 ; a«p - |.............;;i 4 jS ijj^ I J lie ? : “.‘T ■ •• J : t?o.33:5o.».i5l[3ailv:Dailr;o^ Twa' - 6 ^ 1 S|3»6Pi- ' «iS«' ff!;: SfOpdLSl- ___■js:i6« s s iiif l k l i SKSP; 5S | 25yp|_se0a 'iuirpi 44SP 685P filJp 7 UP 2 ^ S45» 426* 912» C «r S«rT“ >* ,nv passanger service U, flMs; u T | s £ k ‘ f SHOrLBEB SCARFS. "ore eHective accessory ‘«on The graceful woman fascinating a m anner jr s e .r u i^ ^ ' Spanish dame !:^‘'".S io n . <00. You may draw .■^,-r,„,l.ienly nssBils you. ^ L r It is the I'etter. -.iW””" -' not be all stit- fabric of POTATOES AND WEED3. It Is practically im possible to gro« a good crop o( potatoes and at tiie eama tim e allow a heavy grow th ol weeds. Last spring it became necessary to talH charge of a tarm adjoining our own, and w here to plant potatoes was a puz­ zling question, because, although the soil w as rich, it w as very foul, a large crow th of weeds having m atured seed annually for m any years. W e thought it would be very difficult to keep them in chcck, but the soil being so well adapted to potatoes otherwise, w e de­ cided to try grow ing them on a certain field. The ground was plowed w ith a reversible plow, w ith a jointer, th u i com pletely turning everything under. T hen tt w as nicely harrow ed, aud th9 row s furrow ed out three feet apart, w ith a horse hoe, the seed dropped ll> Inches apart, and covered w ith ths horse hoe, leaving a ridge over the seed. In a few days th e held w as gone over, lengthw ise of the rowa, w ith a sm oothing harrow , thus partially level­ ing off the ridges and destroying many weeds th a t w ere Just starting. In five or six days the operation was repeatei, and In about a week thereafter, before the potatoes Were all up. I w ent through w ith the cultivator throw ing P. little dirt right onto the potatoes and weeds. This operation was repeated a t int.rvalg Of ,oa .iu.ii.uu. ; week, until the tops were sc the most ' large th a t th e horse could no t go star! tracl''’.'* i through w ithout treading them down. j3 sriiith it may i>e • s digging time I do not think a bushelp-elTC inoVfs to two yar s , (y,( pj^,ionodi= o n ly f o r t lie ^ js.-Fliilaiicli’liia Recor . j Quarter, and th e yield w as very satis- ------- ‘ . factory for the year, being 155 bushels. o.T I SEFI I. POIXTEHS. j g^gn this field planted ‘ ,i;at increases the avail- many tim es and weeds were five or six ia th? soil. feet tall a t harvest tim e. Thorough [’■ sometimes cause lan d late cultivation I think w ill keep it rails' • *n.Ter"f.-i*nie in this direc- . ,f makes visits to Phila- ■ ® c=tal)lished a regular .'"■ ii;. are gauze, softest .'’jjnlfaffair may be plain, ; ;;,roi.l-re>l. edsed w .th frills ■ ' off «iil> feather;;. If feath- marabout feathers■ I, elio.ira. ‘ijfrpjl rie.tns Ik' selcrtcd. i^iovely scarfs are oftenest made I'tMt?- turquoise, black (^iid say oti'er color In which trtlcli choose to array herself j^jijrcMrc, these scarfs are as i-j joins lo and from an enter- as after one has arrived. 'usSKW oae s wrap there’s but to ,,£ fc.irf tip around one's neck, ; ^“ o th e rin j the young ipBriat''in it iJoa fashion. JUSTICES FILE TBEII ANSWfR They D eny A ny Im proper n o tlv es la Issuing M andanius. SENATE. Forty-sixth Day.—T he Senate m et at 10 o’clock aaid transacted a lot of routine business. A numbeT of pe- tCtions were Introduced and referred. wiJJiout accom plishnlg any general legislation. The Senate adjourned. Forty-seventh Day. — U eutenant G o v e rn o r T urner called the Senate to 04*Jer and Rev. Dr. Gold, of W ilson, offered pray«r. About the custom ary nuntber of private and local bills were introduced. The Senate passed the C h a rlo tte prim ary election bill, after w h ich i t adjourned. F o rty -e ig h th Day—The Senate met at 10 a. ni. At noon .the H igh Court of the Souate was organized for the trial of the Supreme Court Justices. The accu sed were present w ith their at­ torneys and filed answ er to th e House charges, dlsdaim ing any lnt«ntion of wrong or fnsailt to th e Legislature. The answer was given by Ex-Govern­ or J a r v is , and readb y th e clerk of the Senate, after which th e court adjourn­ ed lo Friday noon. Fonty-nlnth Day.—Khe Senate m et at 10 o'clock, Lieutenanft G overaor Turner presiding^ and Rev. Mr. But­ ler ojfertd prayer. Leave of absence was granted Speight amd Sugg. The Senate considered th e dog tax laiw, which was made to apply to cer- dsin counties only. A numlbcir off lo­ cal opt.ion bills w ere passed. A 'bill w.is introduced to gijve graded schools to llendersonvllle. Fifrteth Day,—The Senate m et a t 10 o’clock. The bill lo m ake sisteen ju­ dicial districts and the bill to amend the charter of W ilanlngton were con­ sidered. A num ber of bills were intro- ductd and referred. BIc*bs—"I hear your triend, the paw nbroker, has lost his w ife." Slobbs —"Yes; he’s a lone w idow er now." Tae ran, eu th and itars are all nude of the same ele^ata. _____ A n eo « rd Of almost a cflntary hw proven tluit Crab Orchard Water is a reliable ipMific for Siok Headache, DyBpepsia and Constipation. Qive it a trial. The man with an elastic conscience is always widing to stretch a point. The Ameer of Afghanistan has issued an order that all the young men throughout the country, who are not permanently em­ployed at some occupation, are to join the army. He has also caused it to be pro­claimed that a vision he had when he came to the throne, in which he was in­structed to build a wall round the coun- tr}’, has been fulfilled. C a ro o f tile B a b y . To keep the skin clean is to keep it healthy; every^mother should therefore see that her baby IS given a daily bath in warm water with iTory Soap. The nursery should also be well aired and cleaned, and all clothing washed with Ivory Soap, well rinsed and dried in the Sim. __________Euza B. Pabkeb, Union labor is building a handsome structure at Moline, 111., out of funds raised at annual fairs and Labor Day cele­ brations. During the last six years $8000 has been thus collected. Of this sum $3000 was spent for a desirable site and $15,000 was raised by loan, which leaves 120,000 to be spent on a building. This will be two stories high throughout, with a three-story front. r in butler. *;i forget that fait and nshea are B pitom ist. i:fill aiil hog's digestion. — |iscan yo'ii' rhr-ice of a damp -vrhou^e or a healthy flock. 7ie good farmor always sees to U troughs ,;re kept clean. ^rsi2ag<". he it natural or arti* them dow n.—F . H . D ., A gricultural 5 Till T-ay a farmer to work for a reFctaiion. as well as for good Cir; lid C0TT5 a chance to exercisc iieoi>eii air ^hen the weather is fa- LEGISLATION FOR SHOP GIRLS. France and England have recently taken up the ‘‘scats for shop girls” question, which has agitated our leg­ islatures and shopkeepers for years ^ p a st The Early Closing Associaton LrVessential to success in the or- | brought about the good work in Eng- land. This society is som ething like our Consumers’ League, and -watches over the shop emplcyea in paternal ! fashion. Tho English act provides one scat for every three clerks in places TV’here goods are retailed to the pub­ lic. and imposes a m aximum penalty . / of ?25. TV/farQpr T, ho?e hogs have plen.y French act is even more string- {ErjpEc: 15 rardy troubled with lice ^ jj provides one seat for each i clerk (or “assistant,” as they call them gfUia? all tlie buttfr-fat out of over there). In all places w here goods icila is cqi:ivalciit to throw ing . are sold or m anufactured, and penal- aTCor^r- tics up to $200 m ay be Imposed.—New f -03K The difference York Commercial A dvertiser. V i EHJde of a few quarts of seed ;-------------------------------- •scut to b? a Qifference of bushels . Most women w-uid ibiok heaven bIot? Ith? crop.I without auy bargain counter.So. li. k h a m S 0 e d Hospitals in our great cities are ead places to •risit. ihree-fourths of the patients lying on those sno'vr-'wliite Tta* and girls.» n.v Bhould this be the case P because they have neglected themselves, of patients in the hospital beds had plentyliirlit in that bearing-down feeling, pain at the feft or “”‘1® womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small ofitioieoniiit, f things are inScations of an unhealthywiiilrtion of the ovaries or womb.*1 ® <hought I these poor souls are lyingDnVt liospitaT beds awaiting a ftarful operation.^^^along at home or in your place of employ- an oWiged to g o to the hospital and submit to STst^' ? possible )peration. Build up the female Selves ‘® ‘^^'■angeni.snts which have signified them-Pinti.„L, signals, and remember that Lydia E. ofwnm^ V^egetable Compound has saved thousands *ith th! f 1?'” hospital. Kead the letter here published fe tni’L k ®°“8ent of the writer, and see how she escaped todfhi,: ^ ^ faithful reliance on Mrs. Pinkhau’s ad-vice consistent treatment of her medicines. M rs. K nap p te lls o f h e r O r e a t O n tltu d e . *<!elabl/r .'—I h»T8 received much ben*flt from nals^Tonr*e'impound aud Sanative Wash. Alter my chUd wa« bom, blood poisoQ act in, which left m* with ^rssnl»t«d in- flammation of the womb and con^sted ovariaa. I had suffered from anp^reased and painM menstruation from a firl. The doctors told me the ovaries would IwTe to be removed. I took treatment two yeaia to escape an operation, bat still remained in miserable health in both body and mind, eapecting to part with my reason with each coming month. After using one bottle of the Compound, I became entirely rid of the trouble in my bead. 1 continued to use jonr reme^ea nntu cured.“ The last nine months have been passed la perfect food health. T ^ , I know, I owe en> tirely to L yd ia B . P ln k b a m ’s T «ce* ta b le C sm peunda“My (rratitude is great indeed to the one to whom 60 many women owe their health and pinesa."—]i£b8. V. M. EirAPP, 1S28 Klnnio- ^ ^ ’enue, MilwatUtee, R E W A R D S Owinc t. tk. (act tksl ^(n»n tiaisto time qnM«»«d,«f iketMttowualliMOT tl7 nblU liu, «a har. < b p « M witk the M ati.a.1 . .. whifh win be psU to a a f r« s « l w»< ttstlnoaial b £ c tta °h » , or >as pal m iter’s sfirclal — —I I T he Rev. Dr. S . A . 'Ha7d « t. eC tor of the “Texas B aptist H erald," said th e Rev. Dr. Cranflll, editor ot the “exaa B aptist Stan'dard,*’ and som e flt- teen o r tw«nlty other Baptieba ot the State, for libel, in th a t by » y ln g hard tilings about him they had secui«d his exclusion’ <from th e annual m<eeiUn^ ol] the Tex'as B aptist Convenfclbn, H e -won the suit and w as awarded dam ages to the am ount of t30,000. B ut th e de­ fendant carried’ th e suit to th e Appel­ late C ourt and now th e jud'gniient has been reversed ,so ti-at unless some, thlog shall come to light. Dr. Hayden will not get th e sum aiwarded by the loiwer Ck)urt. aye with Potkak ri»ii.Esa Dyes. Sold by HOUSE. Fortv-siKth Day.—The H ouse passed two sections of the revenue bill, and II number of local blls. T he session was devoid ot special Interest.Forty-seventh Day.—Speaker Moore convened the House at 9:30 o’clock. Prayer was ottered by Rev. D r. Mar- ''sp eak e r Stevenson of the South Ca- lolina legislature ■was present and was introduced to the House and invited to =it with Speaker Moore. The edu­ cational bill passed second reading, \ number of local bills passed. Forty-eighth D ay -T h e H ouse m et at 10 a. ni. In commottee ot the whole the House coHnued consideration ot the revenue art. Two sections, those rflatin? to the Inheritance tax and tax on' slot m«ichln«s, were paspd^ The House held afternoon and nigli. sessions, w orking on the calendar. Forty-nr.iSh Day. — Speaker Moore convened the House at f :3 0 o clock, Pravrr was offered by Rev. Mr. But­ ler.' Morning, afternoon and night Sfrsions were held. The Hcrjse a t 10:30 wemt rato com n-itice of t,h« w'bole to consider tho revenue bill.Section 71, taxing liquor dealOTS was adopted wlUhout am endm ent, ^e,, ten 72. dcalEi’s In rice beer and medl cated blaers, was am ended by adding champaign, peach and orange oider Ecction 73, druggets selling was amended so that law ie!a.ting thereto is not tic-n 71., dispensaries, w as adopted without ame3-Jir.c;nt, inserting^ conn y for State Treasury. Section 7o, grain d:E:t!lleric?. w-as adopted an:.ccdmcnt. Section 76, was adcptei w ithout aimendment. Sec- 77 a^ to ?pi»lication ot taxes , was a,icn:',c:l .-.o as to m ake ap p l^ te o n s confcim to section 74, as re p rd s dfs- pEn;aries. Section 78, relating to granting ot liosnse for ^ l e and regulaUng sale and conduct of same, was adopted w lthoui am end­ ment. Eecticn 79, mOTchanfs wc-= Eir.ended by requiring morchanic to iiEt EswOTn statem ent ot gross sales twice each y eir and pay taxes ecmi- anr..Mlly, In s te a d of once a year. This section taxes all retail m e r^ a n ts ?. annually, and 5 c«.ai;s on each ol whole volume, gross ot business trans- acter. W h o le sa le m erchants are to iMv S3 annually and .^2,50 on gro..s volume of business transacted annual­ ly Section 81, dealers n pistols, dlrKs bowie knives, daggera, sling sho^s loaded canes, grass, iron or m etallic knucks, $10 annually, w ^EecHon 81, taxng organ and piano_d<.a- lers, was adopted. Section S3, cigar­ ette dealers and m anufacturing of ci- ga.rettes was amended as follows: Tne tax o-f c<mti3 a thousand on the m an­ ufacture was stricken out and follow'- ing tax war> substltu-ted, on factory wfcow output 13 250,0 0 0 ,000 or less $2oO 500.000.000 or less $ 00: exceeding 500.000.000, ?1,000. Thf^ tax of $5 on dealers rem ains at $5 annually. A t the nigh;t session of the H ouse the senatorial apportion'm eot Wll came up for conferecce in the S ^ a te am€^d- memts. Duls moved to place Aleckien- -tiurg and Cabarrus in a district with two Senators. He m ade a passionate and powerful apipeal fo-r justice to Mccklenburg. H e said th e ptropo5e4 bill g-Iving Mex^kleuburg one S p a to r wito a populaton of 50,000 disfra.noh.lsei 19,000 citizens; he said th e Democratic causus had decided t-hat M ecklenburg should be plaocd a t th e foot and not considered in th e co'^Tressicmal and ju­ dicial ajpportlonment and he b o w ^ to the will of .th>e party, however mruch.he mCg-h't suffer, but r.o canicus had put this sematorial indisnU y on hiifl people and he raised his voice in solenm pro­ test. “Caharnis county and its repre- sentati\-«s.” he said, “are asking for this. The chairm an has ju st adm itted th at to give'another district tw o S en ^ tors he has dlsfracchiaed 19,000 pe<j)le and has put his own county w ith a S tm tcr-and adm its th a t Iredell U not €i:titled to it. No caucus has acted on tt.ls and I will not eat such dirt a t aav coirnriittee’s dlctaton, I appeal to the sliie® c',' justice of tJils'Hou.?e and do not believe my appeil will be In vain. Fiftieth Day—Speaker Moore con­ vened the House at 9:30 o’clock. Fi:ayer was offered by RepresOTtaitive Weaver,The senatorial district com m ittee re­ ported the apportionmenit bill. chaiLgtia re c o m m e n d e d b e g in w iith th» tw erty-fifth d istrc t The bill as recom- m foded and passed is as follows; Twes.ly-ftfth distric.t. Caba>rrua and Meck'enburg^ two Senators. Twcra:ty-sixth, Kowan. Twtnity-saventh, Forsyth. Tlw'cn'y-eig'hth, S*okes a r i «urr'^ Twcfflty-ninth, Davis, W ilkM . Yad- fcin. Tfcfirtieth. Iredell.Thiiiy-first Cataw aba an>d Lnicoln. T^.'i.j'y-Sccond, Gaston. Thirty-'Jh'Ird, Cleve!fi*ud, Hend'crpon, Polk ai-ii R u th e r f o r d tw o Sena:o' Ttdrty-fourth. Alexanf3€ir, BurVe Caldwell and (McDowell, tw o Senators ThiTty-f‘5;4i, Ashe, Alleghany an<^ ' W atat^a, W e m ake a specialty o f m ince m eat— em ploy the best sldll — use the best materials. W c stake our fame on it. W e use it to advertise the many other good things that wc make. | L I B B Y ’ d MINCE MEA| ^ A package makes two large pies.^ Your grocer will fiimish it if you ask him. You will find it better than home-made— better than any mince'meat you ever tasted. VouMl cat libby’s foods thereafter. Ubby, McNein & Libby, Chicago Our book, "How to Make Good Tbio^ to Eat," Mntfree. Thirty minutes is all the timo required to flye with Pur: - .. . all druggists. There are no homeopathic physicians in the medical corps of either the army or the navy.____________________ The oldest (Termaa college is Heidel­berg, 1356^_____________________ «100 R ew ard. «100« The readers of this raper ivill he pleased to Icam that there is at least one dreaded dis­ease that science has been able to cure in ail its stages, and that ii Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is the only poaitive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- Etitntional dieoase, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cureia taken inter­nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu­cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy­ing the foundation of the disease, and girlng the patient strength by building up the con­ stitution and assisting nature in doin^ it<i work. The proprietors have bo much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun­ dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. AddressF. J. Chsney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c.Ball ’8 f amily Pills are the best. The average annual number of homicides in South Carolina is 221. Mrs^ Winslow’s Soothing Symp for children teething, soften thegums, reduces inflamma­tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 26c a bottle The cornerstone of the White Houk was laid on October 13, 1792. Fiso’s Cure is the best medioine we erer nsed for all affections of throat and lungs.—Wm. 0. EypsLEY, Vanburen. Ind., Feb. 10.1900. Spanish sheep are white except those of I La Alancha, which arc black. Read Prof. 8. A. Wei,tmee’8 advertisement I in this paper. It should be of interest to you. . To forget to wind a watch is a sure sign I you are getting old. A Colonel in the British South African airmy says that Adams’ Tutti Fruttl was a bleiising to his men while marching. T w o b im d re d b c s h e ls o f p o ­ tatoes remove eighty ^pounds ' of “actual” Potash from the soil. Unless this quantity is returned to the soil, the following crop -will materially decrease. R'e have books tellinjr about composition, ose and value of f^ilizers for varioos crops. They are sent free. ^ GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St, New York. Safect. snrest core fot bU throat and luns troubles. Peoplepraise TJoctorsprescribeil. mick. sure results. GetDr.BuU’sCoaghSvrup. D r. B u ll’s C o u g li S y r u pG etD r.I A Wo: w i i b o u t WoqM be m dreary place.Mnslois an In* spiration-a tonic.You expect to buy an orzan or t’iaoo »onii* time. - Why not now?An Instrumsnt is ftirnitoro—it'* •ntertal am ent, it s InTestmenC If yon set one of the S t« n d a r d makes repref»Qt> rd hj me. age Hill not affect it It- will be as sood flyo year* from now, as the day yon bongbt it. 'ay Price Is Right, O R G A N S $ 3 5 .0 0 U P , P I A N O S $1 7 5 - 0 0 U P . 0 T W rite for C atalosae a a d Term a, Addrcasy M. A. MALONE, C o l u m b i a , S . C . “ I I E C POSITIVELY CURED ^ IL E s V IVO MORE SUFFERING g;Vo Mure llanuerons Onerntlott*. ^EVEN PHYSICIANS AsVoSI'^HEO g We a«iBr»ntee to Cure you of tnU Dread t» Dlua«e: Do wot delay: Order Itttwlay W You m»y notnMtbls a<lv. ajtalD. RQfk w prepaldip Plain Wrapper for OWO ^ iDepU€, BRAND-DECKER CHEMICAL CO., 5 I milw.% i:kkk. w is. » mmm m miV^MliAD'V SOlilClTORS ofUff A M T F n Kood addreSH andoharac- W W H Il I b l l ter to introduce and se:l “DISINFKrTINK” S0.4P; the healing, wonder of modern times. Guaranteed for the prevention of contaKion and cure of any skf n diseaae. Pooular price. Repeats everywhere. Kxclnslve territory. Stcarty. go.d-'.aviuK employmont. l/lSINFECTlNF CO., rauton, Ohio. Use CERTAIN SCORE. AJ-UXURY. WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! W a tcn o u r n ex t ad v e rtise m e n t. A l l A l i k e I LION^FFEE is always the same. One package is just like another. It is uniform in every respect. I T N E V E R V A R I E e .o » .3 » If you like one package you will like all -T . T Q T J - O O T T F I E E E S . - L I O N C O F F E E is not glazed or coated with egg mixtures and chemicals, but is an absolutely pure coffee, full of strength and flavor. It easily cur<« Dyspepsia snd an stomacb, Il7er, kidney and b»>woJ disnrdors. An uo- rii-alled aperient and tixallre; InrlBoratee and tonea Ute whole system. A natural wuterottbe hicbnst mMlcinal valae, con* contrated t<i moke It oasler anil ctaoapt^r to botUe, sUlp und U6A. A 6-oz.Lotus la equaltA2palloDs* of cncondensed water.Bold b7 dmgfiiiiU eTerr-«ADE El JIMIXwhere. Crab Vpple trade- Dork on every bottle.CRAB ORCHABD WATER CO., Louinille, Kf. " S A L Z E R ’ S S E E D S 'W IL L MAKE YOU RICH" WTolutloniBa com btowUib- . Billion Dollarpras*. j k Oreatevi marrerot the I Mtoaaofbayperacre. First I ^ croprlz veclu after iowioff^ r W h a t l s 'l t ?Olfclogne teUa. .. FOB fOc. STAMPS •adibh NOTICE wt s»l>^ b% Mt* titiiof, 10 Gn:n _ , .j*(Mba. pwA.)\u,l - A buVt. 1 ver A.) lUp*. *— . . _ 4 John *■ galxer Seed Co. If Cmn. Ilh. f tfESCUE From SICKNESS andSUFFEKINQ. • WELTMERISM.th e drufflc.ss sciencc ofhealincorlflnaicd. practiced and taujrbt • . ' . by Prof. S . A. W EUT»ER, h a s rescued more hopeless cases than any other topw n method. AU who desire H ealth and Hai>- plness or a Paylnff Profession should write at once for special offer and a free copy of “Weltmerism*'. fully illustrated. Address • P R O FS. A. WELTMEO. - • 206 S . ASh S t. Mo. Ia every package of LION COFFEE you will iind a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man. boy or gir?. will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, com fort and convenience, and which they m ay have by simply cutting out a certain num ber of Lion H eads from the wrappers of oxir one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which thi.=i --ceilent coliee is sold) W OOLSON SPIC B CO ., TOLEDO, OHIO. The Carlsbad ' or America. ? K t W .h .■?d1?£5S n ...n « M ^ ^ a n d all tr -ublorf of the Uvar. Stomach. Slaclderr^owels anl Kidneys. Rheumatlem and Dlood Diseanes. Write for I'amphlet T H O S . T O M IilN S O N , O w n e r dc P r o p r .TATE 8PRIXO. TKyNKSaEE._______ $ 3 ,0 0 " ^ .'PERiOOO i i s s : T H E ALLIGATOR LINIME.NT Ci>.* t h a k l e s t o n , s. C. I f P O S IT IO N S !! ________________JiNO O B J K C T .' Morecalla than wo can possiblyflll. Guar-■ an te eo f pO 'itlonsbricked by $5f»0 CouraMmifxcelieil. Enn*r any time. Catalo.;ue irw». AOaress. COLUMBIA BUS. COLLEBZ, COIDMBIA. 8. C. g ^ O / ^ I D C V N E W DIS00V2BT: O K C J i^ O T no«ckt**IWand cared worA■ t«rSiu» iat lo d .y .’irie®. Dr. H. H. OEKEM'S SOWS. Box B. AtlUM. 0a. S o . 1 1 . S S d O O O Q O ^ j m m m s a f i j j c o B O O O o o F o r th e A ll a g e s h a il w ith d e lig h t th e c o m in g o f th e m o s t w o n d e rfu l, m e rito rio u s p re p a ra tio n th a t w ill lig h te n ih o ills im a n ity a n d w ill d o a w a y w ith th e ta k in g o f o b n o x io u s , v io le n t p u rg e s , in c o n v e n ie n t liq u id s, a n d p ills th a t te a r ' '---------------o A c o A O P T c ; r.o n rlv C .a th a rtic v o u w ill fin d iu s t w h a t y o a w a n t, c o n v e n ie n t in of humanityyour life out. Simply because in OAcao/\n.n, form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and of never-failing remedial action. They have found a place in millions o f h o m e s , a n d a r e th e fa v o rite m e d ic in e of th e w h o le fa m ily , fro m b a b y to g o o d o ld g ra n d p a . D o n t to e f o o l e d w i t h s u b s t i t u t e s f o r C A S C A R E T S ! & Mfpite.—Cmcui-.Q Enquirer. C oaS I***«er B aao tlo m s. Sn^^ r u n fo r TH IS IS b e s t f o r b o w e l s a n d liver. T H E T A B L E T lOc. 25c. 50c. U ETES SOLD IN BULK. D R U G G IS T S ---------------- E n t e r e d a t t h e p o s t o f f ic e a t ilOOKSVILLE, N. C., AS SECOND CLASS m a tt e r , May 12t h, 18«9. Amval and Departure of Trains. tjouTH Bo und—Daily except Sunday. L eave M ocksville..................... 1:00 p m L eave M ocksville..................... l>:15 I> ™ No r th Bound. Leave M ocksville..................... 7:15 a m Leave M ocksviile.....................11:50 a m MoclcsviUc Produce Market. C orrected by W illiam s & A nderson I’roiluce iu good ueniaiid. Corn, p er b u ................................ \V heat, p er bu........................... O ats, p e rb u . ............................ T eas, p er bu.T ........................... Bacon p er pound..................... Bacon, W estern....................... H a m s.............................................. E s g s ................................................ B u tte r............................................ S pring Cliickens....................... 50 70 40 75 10 !) 12i 1.5 15 8 lOCAL BOTES AND INCIDENTS !?/ A ll job work spot casli, before it feiiv.s the office. Mr. E. H. Pass is some better. Chattel mortgages for sale at the poot oflice. Frank Stroud spent Sunday at liis home iu Hickory. T. W . Wood & Son’s Garden Seeds at AVilliams & Anderson’s. Jake Hanes is traveling for the Kurniture factory. See our offer of four papers one year loi $1.15. Isow is the time to subscribe. Bob Cook, of Farmington, left l ist week for the west, Early Eose, I’eerless and Bur- I'uuk fieed potatoes at 'Williams & Anderson’s. Thos. Foster killed a supposed jnad dog last Saturday. Old papers for sale at 10 cents ] ei- hundred at the Eecord oflSce. County Commissio’.’.ers transac- 1 d routine business Monday. Old papers for sale at the post- <'ol. J. W iley Shook passed through Mocksville last week. A lot of good fruit trees for sale ci.eap. Cail on the editor. .1. m ; Bailey and Edgar Green, o' Cana, were in town Saturday. A nice line Percales, Lawns and Dimities at AVilliams & Ander- hOll’S. Mr. Stainback, of Weldon, is t;elting type for the Davie Times. Winchester Hams, breakfast f^lrips, etc., at 'Williams & Ander- si)n’.s. 5Ir. Biu't Kelly of Gaston county is visiting relatives in Mocksville. 3 or 4 new sewing machines ro trade for cattle. Call on the Edi­ tor of the Eecord. Miss Aunie Hobson spent Sun­ day night iu Mocksville with rela- tives. A second hand cook stove with tilcusils for sale. ?b€ap. Call on tUa lifiiicrr .lolin M, Furches, of Farming­ ton, is very sick, we are sorry to hear. Wanted wheat; 72!c. delivered in MocksviUe. M. A . Foster, Ephesus, N. C. Dept. Marshal W . A. Eoyal, of Yadkin, was in town one day last wetk. If you want a nice sewing ma- »:hine, call on the Editor. He can suit you in prices. The Advance Roller Mills are selling flour on the Mocksvillc market. I f yo u w a n t a nice lo t ol jo b p rin tin g done, ca ll on th e E e eo id , llo c k sv ille , N . C . Mr. J. B. Johnstone spent Sun­ day at Cleveland with the family oi B. A. Knox, Esq. Job printing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. All Work guiiranteed. Lightning struck Mr. F. M. Johnsou’s residence Sunday even­ ing doing considerable damage to the chimney. It also bornt out hiB phoue. Tlic lingerine cough follow ing grip calls for One M inute Cough Cure. For all th ro a t and lung troubles this in tlic only harm less rem edy th a t give’s im m ediate results. P revents con- ■f.Tr..*ion. C .C . Sanford and M. A. F o ste r.. If yon want a nice sewing ma­ chine; call on the Editor. . _ Capt Richmond P. Hobson, of Merrimac fame, is visiting relatives in T?owau and Iredell. If you are not already a subscri­ ber to the Eecord, this is an invi­ tation for you to Ijccoine one. Mrs. E. 0 . Painter, of Louis- burg AV. Va., is visiting relatives in Mocksville.* Come around and look at oiir spring and summer samples. 11 you want a tailor made, up-to-date suit, come around to the postofiiee. John Boger and Miss Summers were married last Wednesday, Kev. Mr. Totten officiating. \v h c n you arc bilious, usse Tho.se fam ous little pills known as D eW itt s J^ittle E arly Kissers to cleanse th e liv­ er and bowels. They never ^rripe- C. C. Sauford and M. A. Foster. A , C. ^Vood and O. Tolbert were in Mocksville last week at­ tending a J. P. trial. WAKTED—Halt dozen Grand- fathtr or hall clocks with brass works. AVill pay fair price if you have one for sale. Address, Edwakd Smekixc;, Chester, S. C. C. M. Godby. of County Line paid us a call last Friday. The" sick ones of his family are better. Another ctir load of high grade fertilizers just received. Call and see us before buying. H ors Ukos. & J oiinstonk. County Treasurer, J. W . Etchi- son of Cana, was in town Saturday and had a lot of job work done 600 pairs shoer, 333 per cent un­ der regular price. 70 pairs ladies slippere, former prices %'l to §1..50, now 8Gc. 300 hats for men at OUH percent under regular ]n-ice at M. Foster’s. Ephesus, C. The Mock.sville and Liberty col­ ored base ball teams played ball at Liberty Friday evening. The score was. Liberty IS; Mocksville, 13. Sec iid of theKurfees Paints iu this issue. The manufacturers of these paints are Davie county boys and our people should patronize them. J. T. Baity has something to say to you in this issue. He has a well selected stock of goods and will treat you right. E. IT. Paas, Jr., came home Sunday, lound his brother dead and his father very sick. See ads ol AVilliams & Ander­ son, a good firm to trade with. Call on them when j oii come to town. June Caton of Advance was tried before G. Talbot, J. P., Thursday for an assault with deadly weapon, and in default of bond, was pl.aced in jail to await trial at April term of court. Eev. A. McLees, (Black Sam Jones) will deliver a lecture at the colored Methodist church Monday night, March IStii, 8 p m , 10 cts admi-.sion. amount to go to dis­ charge the debt on the church. W e are under obligations to the Southern Printers Supply t^o., of Washington for kindnesses and courtesies extended while in the city last week. If you need any­ thing in their line you will be treated right. ■■ Black Sam Jones will preach here Sunday at 11 a ni and 7:30 pm . Subjects: Eecklessne.ss, I Don’t Care, and The Popular Ex­ cuses of the Day. Hear his Itc- tures on the 18th. The Justices have tiled their an­ swer to the impeachment, and it seems to ns unanswerable. The trial begins Monday. W e hope there is sufficient honesty and jus­ tice iu the court to acquit these innocent men. Ex-Senator But’er’s 6 year term expired March 4th; no man has lieen more abused by the machine Democracy, than he. W hile we do not endorse his party creed, wc do endorse his fight for a free ballot and fair count, and the pre­ servation of a coustitntional gov­ ernment. W e brought back with us from Washington, a copy of Mr. Bryan’s paper, “The Commoner,” possibly the firet copy brought into the county. It will only cost Demo­ crats 5 cents to take a peep at this wonderful production of the nine­ teenth century. Call early and avoid the rush. See W T. Wood & Sops adver- tisemeut in The Eecord. They are reliable seedsmen. Garden and farm seed a specialty. If you want anything m their li, e. write them ror c a t^ o g u e a n d /r ig e s . • 'if*'' x' . ■' T KORFEES PAINTS! Arc now recognizeil :is one of the best paints that has ever been placcd oil the market. The sales have been far beyond onr sanguine expectations and iire constantly in­ creasing. A\'e wish to kiiidlv tli;ink those who have so liberally patronized us and lor tbe many kind woids they have spoken in favor of T H S E 'e iif S IS We guaranteeev< ry gallon bear­ ing the label ami tnide niaik of J. F. Kurfios Paint Co., Louisville, Ky. Call and see mo or write me giving cxact size of your house and I will tell you to the ceut what i l ' will cost you to paint it, or see iny agent, 1!. F. Stonestreet. He will cheerf.illy tell you the rc.nt. • fours anxious to please, J. LEK KUEFEIiS), Knrfees, S . V . FORNITDRl! ^ D ID For Fiiruitiii'c; iu every line go to KOJIIXOEn & <;Ri:tI FU ltX lslIIX G CO. They have the largest stock in Winston, and at jiriees tliat c;innot lie niatchod. J. C. i’iiss I>ea<l. Death is always sad, but moie ,«o when it strikes down a young mail jnst entering the threshold ol yonng manhood. Tlie Editor was not intimately acqnainteil with ‘‘J. as he was familiarly call­ ed by his friends, but he hail seen enough of him to recognize the fact of his possessing sonie nol)le traits of character. He died bal- iirday at 3:.'J0 o’clock', p. in., at the age of 19 years. His remains were liiid to rose Slonday evening at Joi)pa. To his bereaved and lieiirt stricken ftiniily we e.-ctend our sym­ pathy iu this hour of distre.ss. 0 )|ju I STEIKICS A EK'Il FIXD. “ I was ti'oubled for sever:'.] years with chronic indigestion aud nervous debility,” writes F. ,r. Green, of Lanciuster, X. H. “Xo remedy helped me until I bcgiin using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medi­ cines I ever used. They have al­ so kept my wife iu excellent healtli for years. Sue says Electric Bit­ ters areju.st spleadid for fenmle troubles; that they are a gi':uid tonic aud iuvigorator for weak.- run down wimicn, ' Xo other nied - cinc can t:ike its place in our I'ain- ily,” Try them. Only .50?. Sat- isiaction gu;iranteed by ( \ C. I'oid. are, IHOX KING COOK ,STO^"ES, K DIBALL Ol!- GAXS AXD C L I M A X CHAIliS. See us and wt will save ,' on inouoy. • ROjimfiER&-CRIM FURNISHISG CO. -13G-1.1S Main St. Stop to think ol thediifercnce theiC is between a cheap, shack ley, ■ ing naicLinc and one of iliGIlGHADI^ and ofliEPUT.vnLI'' Be not deceived by fr:uulalcnt advertisers, claiming to sell a first chiss machine for *15 or S=1S d(,liars. Siich is not the case and we will prove it your K;itisfaction it you will ‘*-1 us Know befiii-e you bay. There is no geUi ig around the tact that the WEEELSE & WILSON Is the best made, and taking its many good re:itui’es infocon- sidenilion, is the CHEAPEST IIACHIXK OX THE MAIi- IvET. R o t a r y r i c t i o r .AXD Ball BearingsMAKE Tin-: N1-:V/ V /h e e lc r 6i W H son Sewin2 Machines Easy Runninp:, Q uiet, R apid and Durable. P u r c h a s e r s s a y ; “ It runs as light as a fc.ithcr." “ Great innprovement over anything so far.” “ It turns drudgery into a pastime.'' “ The magic Silent Sewer." A pcrlect machine for Dre.'ss- m a k e rs. Compared with th; VI. & W ., no other machine i. cheap at cny price. Caliato' scndtothe nearest office, and request th"t a mschinc bo ex­ hibited at A'our residence, or addres. W h eeler & W iiso a rnl’s . C o.. M a n u fa c tu r e r s c f S e w in g .M achiprs. All Sizes and Styles fyr Cloth and Leather.Factory and Head Office. Sridgeport., Connecticut, D. S. A. apart and qualiiy o}5v.V“ ,-=F«. with the ofthib. Blog of arms end JOsthaus, mailed for 3 s S JMadi 1 Let us know if you want one. W e will in;ike the p; ice right :ind j rnfrontBrown-sAVarehouse. „ ill :dlow you a liberal price for your<Jld m.ichino, if you h;ive one. %Spep8i^ i SiiijSStS ^Js'l&t VCiit- i ^ ' /.luiro in \ •an ,t j,, •j..}!!!roiiuvi’-'aniiiviuiaufiiiH Ir.vli^esi i<.n, ji. J y4;)tuieru-?. Pom* \ ail other R'siiltsol iinpt-rrect a: j P tU'c^ V .rjt.rl uirrc!:i7«Pf.MjKJ imall.sizc. 'ju-i-- | P repared Ly E. C. DcVi-Ti L ^ Yearly to Chris- li?ji man or wo- ^ mnn to look nf- I ter oiir »rrov;‘n!r business in this { and atljoinin^ Counties, to act 1 We will make the terms to suit yo.i. W e also Ciirry one of the L A E -: be fauuil iu Xorth Caroli:ia,CIEST aua liLST stocks of organs to ’ Yonrs to pU*ase, 1^; envelope fo r p-irticulnrs to .7. K i\.K X lG n r,G e n e ra i M ana;rer. g i ^ C orcoran B«ilding'.op])i)sitc Un’- v j \h ted S ta te s T reasury, W a r iliin jf - > ton, D .C . ' HO. 805 MAIN STREET.WINSTON, N. C,; X promptly proCTriMtOtt sofXL ■ plint-j fvrl.-vrr-rTn'tsa !:oOhtainr.S..‘nIV-TfirnV.: •• •(JrazE. Fiircj: •.y PA7£*rr la ^ te r s or a YEizs'mJ , , 20.C0Q PATEIITS ?m?ru TiRXtH r K.-rrico. eliarwJ.A. SKOYJaS p«te;kt '..ASV5RS. ^ SsDpp.U.S.ra:cJir'fic!, Ki-s;”! Fire iti Slocksvills, Wednesday night the residence of Mr. T. L. Kelly was destroyed by fire. The lire i.s supposed to have originated from a spark on the roof or from il defective Hue. Between 7 aud 8 o’clock the lire broke out, aud while Mocksville has no fire depiirlnient, its citizers responded to the call, aud woi ked heroic:dly to save other propeity from the flames. 3Ir. Kelly saved but a sm:ill part of his household furniture. The residence aud all outbuildiiigs were totiilly destroy­ ed. Mr. Kelly says his resideurjc eosl; about $2,.')00, he carried .?1.- 500 insurance on his residence aud §300 ou his furuitnre. This lire should impress our towu authori­ ties with the imporliiuce of buying a hook and lailder outlit. Had the wind l een blowing hard, live or SIX residences would have been burned. 'We were present at the fire, and the citizens, both white aud black, deserve mnch commeu- dation for the valiant work doue. FOR $, 1 0 , IJ O B ^ \Ve solicit Ihe work ol Ihe ine'chanls and business men S..| ^ Niof Ihe counly. fc': W e will send you the Davij Re­ cord one year, pilce-*1; the Kich- inond ^^■eckly T'inics, xiricc .■)()<: The Farm Journal iuid The Tiiia- ;.Von Idonthly, iill four i>iiiicr.s foi- ^l.l:") per year. This is a rare offer for a suiidl sum. Bend iji.l.'i to the Editor of the I'ecord, ilocks- ville, X. aud you will get all four of these papers one year. T heir prom ptness and th e ir i)leas- a u t cilects m ake D eW itt's L ittle E arly Kl-iers m ost popular little pills w herever they are known. T hey ars; sim ply p erfec t for liver and bowel troubles. C. C. S anford and M. A. F oster. low Cooleemee Item s. Mr. C. H . Hartley is very with pueuinonia. W . M. Click is sick with puen- monia. John Saiu is ou the sick list. J. W. Chamberlain is ou the sick list. Mrs. C. Munday is very sick. Miss Julia Meachain is here vis­ iting this week from Klbaville. Mrs. S. L. Collet was taken very suddenly with paralysis ou tlie 1 0 . Itev. Downura preaeued a very abl#sermon her.e Sunday. The good people ol this town are always willing to give to the sick iu time of need. A Mr. Me,ssick, one of the Old­ est men of Cooleemee, died of pneumonia ou the 7th of this month. He was 71 years old. Old Coon. C ounterfeits of D eW itt’s W itch H azel Salve are liable to cause blood poisram g- Leave them alone. The orijrinal has tn e nam e of D eW itfs upon th e box and v.-rapper. I t ia a harm less aud heaU ng salve for skin diseases. U nequalled for piles. C C. Sanford and Ivl. A. F oster The impeachment trial began Monday. This trial will cost the t.ixpayers thousands of dollars and all to satisfy, the littleness of such men a-s Lock Craige, I^ u k Win- ston aud others. T51K L IG H T O F T H K W O lU .I> —O R - OTJR S A V IO R m A R T - Cofit nearly $100,000 to publish. Con­ ta in s nearl}* one hur.drc-d full-pa^fe en^vavinirs coiiied direcc from th e W orld’s G reate st P ainting's of O ur S avior and H is M o th e r/ C ontains H istory of P ainU njr. Iiio^'rai)hy of P a in te r and th e G allaries in ijuroi>c w here th e O rioinalP aintin^^ m ay be seen. T he u jo jt beautiful publica­ tion ever issued. T he .strongest h earts w eep a t th e sig’h t of these w onderful p ictures of .lesus and H is M other. |-2vcrvbody sZLys th ey a re *rrand, sub­ lim e: m atchless, m ajfnillcent, b e a u ti­ ful, inspiring- and upliftinif. Theisale is unprecedented. T he presses are runnin^r (lay and nijrht to UIl th e or­ ders. Tw elve carloads of p iper were required for tlie la st edition. Sm all fortunes a re beinjr m ade by th e th rif­ ty w ith this m arvelous w ork. Con­ ta in s also a child's sto ry beautifully w ritten to fit each picture- Thi.^^ w onderful book, m atchless in its pur­ ity and beauty, appeals to every m others’ h e a rt and in e^-cry C hris­ tia n hom e, w here th e re a re children, it sells itself. A C hris'iiun m an or wom an can soon clear one thousand dollars ($1,000) tak in jr orders in this com m unity. O thers are doin^’ this. W hy nofyon? W e a re advertisinjr in nearly te n thousand newsi apers in this country. C anada, K n»land and A ustralia. Shippinjr books to every Enfflish-speakin." country in the world. W e shall prom ote our best w orkers to positions of S^ate M ana- jrers, Corrci^pondents and Office As­ sistan ts W e also own and publish lar^rc Photo-g-ravure Etching-s of the G reat Paintxnjfs In th e Gallerie.s of E urope. O ne or m ore of these E tch- In^iTs can be sold in every hom e. By carryinjif th e book and the. enjrrav- ingfs 3’our success will be trem endous. Mr.s. "W aite, of W orcester, Mas?;., ha> sold nearly four thousand dollar.-; w orth of books th e re. M rs. S ack ett has sold nearly tw o thousand dollars w orth of books in N ew Y ork. Both of these ladies answ ered oiir adver­ tisem ent; and had never sold a b ok before. T o o k 1 4 o rd e rs fir.st Iw c (lays—H . Colwell. T o o k 5 o rtle rs tlr« t< la y ; 2 3 o rd e rs f ir s t w e e k , c le a rin g o y e r $ 5 0 —H a ttie Lem- well. Thou:\ands of o thers like above. Tt is printed on velvet-finished paper: bound in C ardinal R ed. G reen and Gold and adorned w ith G olden Rose.*- and Lillies. W rite quickly for termj- as th e te rrito ry is jroinjr rapidly. W hen you prove j'our success, we will prom ote 3'ou to th e position of Mana* gQr and C orrespondent under yearly contract. W e shall soon move- into our new ^nd elegant stru ctu re to be occil\j:ed solely by us, and to be know n as th e Lig-ht of th e W orld Buildinfr. Addres.« THE BRmSH-AMERIGAN CO. Corceran Building, O pposite U nited S tates T reasury, W ashington, D. C. FLi i -We I;5ive u nice bU.tk ofv ^ n ^'oie Heads, S liill lica^ls, J ytatcnif-uls, § lOnvelin-cs. ^ S ■ ^ k' Shliipintc Tii-s, A nd in fact, anY thi:;!5 yon J 2 “ I“ ueeil, and arc prepared to ^ I do FlliSr CLA SS work on ^ SMOltT KOT3CK j,t reas- . IC all on o r w rite lo ns fur C priccs o u a u j lhii^^ryo’iv.iint 3 2 3inour^sne, Addres.'^;, W B lO iU M S & S T llO U l). ^ ^ aiof!:svilio, N. C ^ Dr. ¥ L D K im lsrcngli, P h y s ic ia n a n d Su r c e o n. 0(Ti.-e firs t io o r South of H otel D avie M OCK SVILLE N. c . _ JUST ISSUED N E , W E . D I T I O N W e b s te r * ^ I n t e r n a t i o n a l D i c ti o n a r y N e w P l a t e s T h r o u g f e o u t 2 5 ,0 0 0 N e w W o r d s P h rases and D efinition. ^ Prepared under the direct supervision of W .T . H A P ptc Ph.D., LL.D., United S Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of com petent s p e c ia lists andeditors* K lch B indings. a P . , . , 5000 IH u .tra.io n . P ® ? H om e.School, and O ffice. W e also publU h W ebster’s Collegiate Specimen pagcj, etc. of both books cent on appIicaUon G .d C .M E R R IA M C O . P u b lis h e r s S p rin g f ie ld . M a ss. J REHA RHEEK, )vs - X( TicK Of S.\t,k. LILLIE EIGB, etal) JJy virlne of an order luude by A . I'. t;!!n it,(\ S. ('., in the above entitledca.se, 1 will sell, lor cash, at public auelion, at the Court- hrnse door in tl:<? town id jlocks- villp ,‘>n Jfonday Ihe SIh d.iy of April, Ihe I'ollowii!;; town lots, .'iit'!iit> d in ihetov.'u ol'Moe s- ville, N. (,-. and bounded as lol- lows: ,lsl lot, be^innii;; al a .sloiK Jlrs. E A liice^s eoruer on S >i :( ol’Jliueral Hpring SI, IheueeS. I.")'' V\' with Mrs ]■: A li’ice’s line ::7- it to a .stone, ^Irs. 10 ilic'-s’ eoi- ner; Ihenre S 7ii° lO 100 ft will; ths line of mill lot, to a stone, ii. ai; alley; i.ive ar.d Wiilcon's eor lie;-, tlien<'e X l.'i° 10 ;>7.: ft to !. stone, on tt. .'■ide of ilinenil Sprin,- St, Ihenee with .“jii.l street to tin- besinnin,!;, cii'.tainir.;f iiine.'tenths of an aere, more or le.ss. lind Lot, be.i'iunin}' at a- stone. E. E. Hunt’s an<l Marj i; !-e eor ner, thenee S ViJ° !■: li’lC ft to a stone in linnt'sH ne, Uku e X I.";" E lo4 It ;•-) a stone, liiee and W'il- son’secnner, thence K 70° W . -l'> feet to a slone, l!ose line, th 'iiee to the be{;iunin<;, eontaii in;? two- thirds 4»f an a(;re more or le.ss. T his Ihe 1st day of .Mareh li'O I. Ti;o.s. X, <’iiA!'rix, ( omniissloni r KOTJOE! By virtue of the powers cou- la ned in a inort,:;agc deed e::eeu- ied to the undersigne l by >Saui Crawford and wife, JIary, which •said niortga"e aj’pears reeori!e;l in I!ook 2Co. S. page Ite.^istei's offie€ of Davie t'o.. N'. C., we will sell publicly for t-asli to tiie hi^'h- e- t bidder at the court lion.se do> r in MiKjksville, on Jlonday, the ].-t day if Ajiril, I'.lOl, Ihe foHow- in;; tra;!t of land, to-wit; A trat t sitarited in Ihe town of Ailv;iu!-e. JT. ('., a-li'iiniu!i: Ihe lands of .V. (1. AVoo 1, (J. A. Aili.si-n, et al. Kcjilining at a Slone iji AllisonV line and Wood's corner; tiience S. ‘2 1 ° de;.;rees \V. i;j poles lo a slone iu Ail soil’s aud I^i-.parrs line, theuco W i> ]>o!es to a st >r.e, thence 'J . \ ° K. i:i poles to a stone in Wood’s line, therce (i ])i lcs lo the beyinnii.};, coidaininjr d iicre, UH'ie or le.ss; 11 e same liein.sr the hou.se aud lot I.OW owne.l 1-y i^ain Crawford, iuid upon v.hioh he lives. This o.'dh liay of Feb. ilHJI.. E. II. 1>AS.«, .^rlnl,!;a,^;ee. A . T. CitAN-r, Assignee, of jA foii SnnvAi.-r, .Mortgagee. A . T . Gi!A.NT, Jl!., A tt’y. Thrcj I'anc;.'..';!.’ WKiacr.v t;:.:::::. ni.-:;-.,:;,’. Now Only rifty r. rl-i! Y an.l •- :i:> •. ’- F i't rM.'T.'iM y. Th^ f:irai i Tiii-: r .A i t .Y .'x : )n '"'-' | lllchrM .Moul'Mr. 1 i!i.. I -j: V!'!;T -* K- , . A g :o ]} im c ? S s w iiig H a e lu -sl Any Oni' to clui-o \\ il- 1'" Ca'I on till' fOR Al. nt ( lie CoiiU-CTMIC cn lii’il '' ‘j', '.I ti;a !ic re < l a n d 1-- II I , NOTICE! I Ilavinn quiililied as Adniiuistra-; tor of the e.state of Elizabeth H orn,; dec’d, all per.s(uis lioldin^ claims against said deeea.sed, are hen by | notified lo y resent them to the nn-1 dersigued on or bDfore the 2:!rd | day of Feb. li'02, or this notice, will be plead in 1 arof their reeov- i ery. A ll pei'sous owing said es­ tate will please call and settle a t, ouee. This 2L'rd day of F»b. 1001. G. E. iloKN, Admr. .. T. Gkakt, Jk ., A tfy . J -iSB Ti;r.Msot'si-'n.-;o| Six M o n ll.I ; . T hroe M ont Onetoin* ■ nrPK A C !i| f;,el)'j-= eiver n n b lj i.i.i Mt this uioi-iiiuJ I :{^“iief.)ustice V O IA 'JH '^ I I. Jiistii-o 1>'‘J sme C.)'irtl m e at I :ei>rcsl th e are I > 3 ^ n U-r 'I i ijipntmi i r i h i m rJ H O B T B i J i i p S & l ” ' ^r o a n o « V J cfite Siil'ri'»‘“ * clBio: in ilieach in en t ;;e lIo u .sc o l i;e p re s abr.lt to be a ^ o c d .il heSeiiate. l u e a n s . Ivloii'4 ,„,1 leaves th e .n i.jrcj ; U i e r t h a t t h e j u d s i stronu ilelen.se. The « hole h isloi> I (jsli c.nniui.ssioner h i liliiTiitiou is revic-.vc;! i< .„ so fJr.sU c e sh n r.,| lisiii th e Ih o o p h d n .'f iiuil the on'.enn.u: <>i ,„;,s lo is.'Ue upon tli TriMS'-rer lo r W hite's ,,„,ce; th e .e o .n m o :r shown to p.ainlV ■r.c^>dents w hi.di j„ Vorlli C aro lin a h j v„ir;; the faiu'>ns d e l Vs lU-ndei-son, iu w hl (icc Itulhn, in is::;:, iuioliire is p r.)i.c rty J atsicae Ien,u4h, as cliaiii of i.'ases ba.sed risioa as a i)re,-edcii| themselves h a v e b l deals iu X ortii fa r.i;i .lence; a lar^-e n u n d | liiihliu^ cases" < Coi liccs K nrches an d l>i (rane nic'uliers of ('ourl are cited an d their aus'A er .says: ciil ailiiialior.s of th e l (iise had llie sli.^htf-f tlif*si* resiti»nd(‘n ls, a i (it fact it anpvai-s 111 in.ijorily of ol’ice holl ollicebv Ih e d ec i:d f iii hy the.se rcspondoj piis<‘d lo Ilieai in po, ri-s'.ilt, arisiuii so lel;J Irliisic m erits o f t| ftucs. is inconsis! ■ i-li:uie of poli!ic.-.l i biiiuii-s <lc 1 ire th a t \rays had tl;e stri- tc j tlieir iial'is of onice, Sivore lo s ’.p p o rt I h c l .A.'i slated ;il I he o l s w of I lie in ija rf raiikesiMit for Iheui rase and ir.dines th j llie idea t l a t th e y h} i!ed to defy t ;e <!uly to con^cienti^iU J li'iilly e;irry ord t h J *'l the la w .--C h a ri f W hat a p ity tiie iiJ "!io fan rise ab o v e i | i.t this ca.se from its Pflint. T hese .Jud};e «1 established p reco l •ice Clark coneui-redl ti.-iiiiiis w hen a J )e | 'Viis at stake, a u d y. ''iluess iu th e p r i Uuke vs U en d ers n if ■w, and if thtr p e o l ^'iirnli„ii.s„ th in k a i | >f?i«!ature sh o u ld p :| '"S it null ,1,1,1 void w if iieces.s;uy, c h a l •'titntion, ,s„ th a t l l •lerson >viH t,e. „o lo.l a iHine of coiilei{ Paniwes. Tne peol ''‘■«l«fthis thin- ‘’'‘^ I'ills fo rlU e d u u l I Oiliest ion in ■“ ilo k e v s H en d ei is, th e c o u rt d i f ’ ‘'uuim i-.ted n j If” '*" n ia u d an n ) " 't i s u o t t h e law , [ and a re eq u al 1 "’'■ tn iu st b e .s h o i a n d I m er ea.ses d e l lK )isd)il|ty o f I i (0 1 “ Ijecaif ftltocut I f te r tl r f » 'P p o r t|K « iri ‘’’ died a n d 4 I » t " I ‘he past y e iirl ‘ “®>eth«lders.l I S ts v ^ h a t ' i:il!y (M io sis th e f ' Hw c.-;i;ai:s.u.a°- Kn (iii.Hir It i„ Pffi,:jeU i.tAreariil pt-naanfl;i. Indigesi i..n, nl ?. Sour Stnmi,ch,| li'.chc.Gn.itralpia.iif !-'^nItso£imp.Tfectd ty E. C. DeV^ ^Ti &c IrocTirrd. OEHOFEE. Tcere.wtcaFst.- i.«n.lF-.rc5^I*ut |A-WnrEES OF 25iPATEJiTSr , A . Sl'JO'i!?, PATENT LAWYE lUohinond. V;i. (fnly I'irty a ; L'lClUuJS .'liJ'OlutclJ V. ’ r:I ir.Y .' N n j'f'irrri ar.'l| X‘»v; i v.-y '/•> J \-y Per Mor.il'i l>:- M; Tin:- % i;vh los imo? i h l g I I |n .' D M riiig tj ,;i-c 1>'> n'.] on tlie l ’'l foa SALS 117.". ;iiTOS of inli'l ' |l :iiiil \v :ite ru i. K. n . Jforii^ f n o u s H 's ^ ^ p j 3D /IL L ,G ene»M i o a n o k m T h e D avie R e c o r d . m o c k s v i l l e , Jr. c ., W e d n e s d a y , m a k c h 20, lo o i irtntfBEK 50- DAViB ______________: o y o r iR o x ic m s . V io le t P la n ts F o r Sale. TUfi Daiigliters of the Confeder- I I'-.VWiY WKIINl'.SDAy. oj-srHS'-iJU’T ra": 1 4- • ^ , acy atlv ittrell, Offer at §1 ^ ! One of the <m&st pieces of work, ^-oue huiulrefl, delivered frw _ I that has appeiire-l ill a X orth (';u -1 ,,„vu hpi e. Hip h=^f ..........- KDl'lOK. oliua paper iu in m y a day --------- i 15ook of (.’hrouicles which I O” TiliO ; coiuumuic4itcd to The Jlorfjantim | iiiiywhere, the b?s>t blooiiiiug aud *•■5 '‘ bcddiug varieties of Violets. Low was ' jn ,juautitie&. - $1.00 H erald of la.st week. should 00' to I The;c plauts csin be set at any / | s " ‘‘le' tim e from Septeuiber 1st to June 01 have appeided his imme j.t. Cold w'eather does uot harm , It >»‘1 ier Ihi'.t he imgh., th--i!i, therefore, they eau be pafe- credit lor it. A i>art. ol it- ly planted even in mid-wiuter |be-inuiu’^ attueU >giuuuig, is le , ' The.se Violets are the easiest of I l.-odacej herewith: ; „u to live aud grow l r,rirM o 'th e a rti-1 ^ m au. sh.mUl (ironghts these V iolets; jf.sjpH.ii';' .,,-'<‘ "1 under h i s .................- ^ t.iem afraid. And the he.irts of 11s* ^ 1’*^'^'*® rejoiced m ightily at I ihe words of the vrise kiug, I'J'T . Tlh- im >ie-iiii>a ou th e,i* “ ‘'^ w ere we^ary of striie, and “l ,ir, iu a yard or plot iu which grass ■‘’'ifftliat Ull- iii<!.U‘-s I'a'*-’ '■‘■•‘■y i behow the clnels <>1 „„t j,, summer these Violet U. the art.-1 . .niw nu;) by ' V\'“ I thrive ami beautify. They will ‘ .iu^Tresentativ^ i i ‘ also do well iu the shade. • "I I I’laiited a foot or a foot and a TiU' a;iswiT is le lious l',n'< li'.it il is an able dncuineut ^ J .1 luut ur it luut ami a I lialf apart along walks, etc., they soon form a solid emerald border; . itl* ill tl V'tiril T\1/tf iti wllifall ■ th e pc.iple, clioseu for tav ir of the shell , , , , , , , ; plants ca be set a foot aud a half „s,.,n ... ‘ knowledge assembled to- iiiur Icaslation and If’ i whole place aad last for j'e.us. . o . c .r The opiii-;^''"‘,''" 'S '\'’")> s'atiite-s I They are such luxuriant bloom- . Fui-.li'es and o iiig -:‘V"' nghteousness. And n.at during the chief blooming ■n ^ 1. es \\-llite eas^, i ' perio.l they a,t- a mass of radiant ■ in- of the luaiKhH"* ‘'*® " ’^'= ‘ <>>«j purple. They alford blooms dur- 'Ii.aiun the Amlit.u- and i*.’*-’ , l'‘-"'l>'“ i ing the whole winter except iu the ‘ .....................^ ,.,.i A nd among the chiels ot the pe>- severest spell.s, and with a little Xtf »h..!e liisl'O-.v Ujr-^ili'm i-s IV ......Ijsl.iis'm-'ii...,. VV','|,'.„y'„f-' -'■'Id among l"‘- t ie p.!! pie when they a.sseuible.l .to take protection'with straw Miiii'-i- I'** re.ie.vcd ‘ "'''“.V ">>sl>t.v men ..t^,,.;,, ^loom freely even then. I ^ . .,lv follow le-;il ' I These Violets are sold to raise a ’''t:,' Live governed “‘<’““‘^‘1-Ir-’ ^■ ...... Ii.,., ivist (>.-> illiam, the son ot Al enite soldici-s buried at Kittrell. ' time from April to I\'o- .......large basket of roses, ol had desired ],,rgest, liuest varieties, will be :.s I c-i'e>l bringing w ilh a eertiiiu dangerous iiioiiglas had 'je -; m achine.; ,.... ^ " P iy ^ e A nd m any of th e chiefs of the! laflriareiiteiiun!. Ol Uu'^e boweil tliciusiHves before! |ti,tir;iiis ver >avs: “ itic pom i- wnr.sfajpea aiKl «lrai‘cbtwjiy : I’res. ('. O. Ulackiiall Chapter r . D. V. K ittrell, if. C. p an ics lu >!o. f,,,.5,04 „ h a t m anner of m en th.-v , «.b;u! tk- sli-ntest t«e.-t upon , ihwrMiMiiileiils. aad as a m atter <hf»v l»n«l . snniA r»f Ihe . S T IilK lS A KICH FIN D . lihwrt'siiMnile; l«isitit;nii;-;n-s that th e large Is.j'jiiiy (ii.iiiii-e li'ililvrs kept in l(5t-el)\ Ihe i!e;-i:-i'nis concurre.1 |inhvtlio:-i‘rcspiii'.iii'tits w ere op- |t"^iI1o ii;(‘iii i:'. poiiiic.s. Siifli a Ik '!. ar>i:ii: siiicly iV.nn th e in- I wa-s troubled for several they had woi-shipel, some of the .years w ith chrouie iudigestionaud v, i.se and learned men of the chiefs' nervous debility,” writes- F . .T. Ilf the pe;>ple, among them l^ocke, ■ Green, of Lanca.ster, X. H . “ Xo the son of Craig; W illiam, the son : remedy helped me nntil I began ()f Allen, aud M’alter, the son of j u.siug Electric Hittei's, which did Ciark, who sat not with the chiefs; me more good than all the medi- of the people but in the c >uncil | cine.s I ever u.sed. They have al- ' Milt the people wist not lhat it had run down women, X oother medi- !>'Wii.sy,!Mi-! llio coiisl.t!;tion.l|^,g,,| ^nd nianv wiae j cine CJin take its place in onr fani- .«Halo;n>;lhc.,,ils.-t tne an-1 ohiefs ily.” Try them . Only .jOc. Sat- Btr uf iliu pn;.o;i;-he 1 .ia»^“ es ; th e ! isfaction guaranteed by C. C. Sau- Ete^.mlliirlhem a very slro rg : ^ iid th elf.ad . *a:i:l nn!,:ies the reader v i.h ,1^^;,. 1 ia\-c no. broken, weut audiLat r!:ey U «j6Mi,iy t .e ;i.e ;;is !a lu ro , l.n l , „ „ < u .m .,K -icnti..usly aii-l c :)n s :s -ji,,.g ^ ,t Wiycirryuiit th e s .le t Ictti-r <,.,..,1,1 find no h ro k en p la c e th e re-Ictti-rItlio la-.v.-Ci,;ii-i It; Observer. "i:iit a pity there are not more yimin rise ahuve party and I00I-; ■■^fiisi- friMii its proper stand- Ifsni. Tlle^e-Jiidges have follow- l«ltetablisiiod pivi-elent, and .'iis- IClark oiiit:iin-i'(! ill those de iMjusttlifu a Demoji.its scjilp I'isatstake, aud yet he is a .star !u tlie pl’jseciilion. If I Me vs 111 is not good I anil if t;;,. p c p j^ X o rih a SI think and desire, Ihe I Wure .shiiulil pa.ss a law niak- j'^it null ami void in the future, I''ifnecessirv, char.ge Ihe Con- l*l"'i'in,s<,,liat Iloke vs Ilen- I "’"I'''.ill,! longer the law. on, they called tueir wise chiefs, niid ba;le them find the break I thereon and they asked them . ; " ila th our eou.sti'.iifon been bro­ ken in tw ain and we uot know thereof.’” ' Ami the people and their *ise me:! exam ined the constitution and they could lind uo break '.hereon, and they all said. “ It IS not broken.” ' I!nt the chiefs of the ijeople said, “ It is broken, and if we caot not David, the sou iif Fiirches, and K obtrt, the son of Uoiiglns, from tiio judgm ent seat we be all dead m en.” Tliis is but a third of the ('hron- icle, bat the balauce is like uiito it, b;:lieviug which ihe reader can believe with us that the whole constitutes a v» ry line ]>iece of “^alK'ueof cuiilciition for selfish j Tlie people are gettlug ^ iftliis thing, for they foot ills fw tlio ilaiicf i-s. T he on- • W iou ill the ca.se, is this: ‘H.,kevsHeiiilersf)Uthe law?” ' wiirt decideil houest- Wconiiiii teil no crime in or- I, "i!tliemaii(];,iuii.s to be issued. ‘“suntthe law, they were in r ”''“iiiUreeijnally not guilty, I ''luust be .showu that there <le<'isions C 'r i - ■'■ li'*'''"-•fill II"''’ '“'eiit- If these of an er- Ir Ievery superior *»»(,i,ii, “ “‘uiils an er ^j^'l'llwttjnally g:,ilty. The li'W. C o u n terfeits of D eW itt's W itch H azel Salve a re liable to cause blood poi-soniTig L eave them alone. T he orig in al has tn e nam e of D e W itfs upon th e box and w rapper. I t is a harm less and healir.jr »alve fo r skin di leases. U nequaD ed for piles. C. V . S anford and M. A . F oster It is said that one of Vice-Pi’esi- deut Koosevelt’s favorite methods of taking exercise is “ ram ping with his children,” of which he is blessed with several. A ud ot Jlrs. Roosevelt it is said she “ is a woman of domestic tastes, aud finds more enjoyment in the n u r­ sery with her chil ;rtn than she doe.s iu the drawing room. The country need not fear such a couple iu any position. Xeither tre.ison, strategera nor spoils will attiact them from the path of duty to their country.—Haleigh Post. See th a t you i^et th e orig in al De- W itt's W itch H azel Salve w hen you ask for it. T he jfenuine Is a c e rta in cure for piles, sores and skin diseasts. C. C .Sanfard and M. A. F oster. A moderate outfit for a bride would lie a good street costuuie, several odd bodices, a black skirt, a silk gown and a honse gown. I'hese, with the clothes which she already has, entirely renovated aud remodeled, aud a sufficient aiuouni. of neatly made undercloth­ ing is all th at any girl iu m oder­ ate circumstances needs for her trousseau—even less would be in order.—Emma H . Hooper, in L a­ dies’ Home Journal. ten-L I--maconin(r, M d.. I.'^’loaart- neuralgia of"'Jiaestion for f.iir- li''a'rehi^ .i''-'-'"' *''‘= doctors fail- advised th e use of and a fte r ta k - li'.®«chf„r ir I ca n ’t sav“ -'■"Pcps'a tJurei’ that 0G4 post- ^‘“ftliPn f *^>***’'* resigned * tatiaii seems to beSljt^,’! "*th the soniew'hat A TeuueAseo papc' says the laws passed to keep th at state Demo­ cratic "are driving from the state a sufiieient num ber of citizens with their capital to always keep us in poverty aud ignoraiice.” X orth Carolina is snffering from just such politics. The six prom ­ inent business men w riting to the Charlotte Observer a few days ago threutening to move their plants out of Xorth f'arolina if the reve- -uue bill passed, is sufficient proof ol our cliarge.—U ickory Press. ' W hat does the machine care abont eapitsil leaving the state! It is after the offices, and ju st as long as 1 hey can feed a t the trongh they are satLsfied. If one will no­ tice the num ber of people who are leaving this state for the -iVest, you will know th at there is some­ thing wrong. “ A ll things come to him who Kuows how to w ait. T h e ir prom ptness a n t eifecta m ake F oster, A IIOKRI15LK OUTBEEAK. “ Of large sores ou my little uaughter’s heiul developed into a case of scald head” writes C. D. Isbillof M organton, T ent., but B uckkn’s A rnica Salve complete­ ly cured her. I t’s a guaranteed cnre for Eczema. Tetter, Salt Kheum, I’imples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 23 cents at C. C. Sanford’s. ' E U enboro's 'W onaerful Boy. Correspondence of the Observer. Rntherfordton, March 9.—^The fiist photos and facts about George Kandall were gotten chis week by your correspondent after many ellbits. The parents of the boy are peculiar aud sensitive and have alwaj’s objected nntil now ■when thej" gave me the tacts about him and allowed a photo­ graph taken of him . lie is one of the most wonderful freaks of nature iu the South and per­ haps in the world. H e carries on his shoulders one of the largest and heaviest heads of any ijersou known. H e lives at Ellenboro, K'Utherford county, is live years old and weighs 6~> pounds. llis head measures forty six inches iu circumference and weighs fifty pounds, llis body, arm s and legs weigh only lifteeu pounds. For four years his head has been grow­ ing rapitlly and it cannot be seen that his body has grown a particle since that date. He is skin and boues. H e eats nothing but meat and bread and occasionally drinks a cnp of coffee. W hi e he is iu perfect health, aud has been so with the exception of one illness two years ago, the parents and tamily physician do no: believe he wiil live long. A t times he cau- i:oi hold up his head, but most of the time he prefers lying in bed, only because his head is so heavy. The boy has a fair education cou- sidei ing age H e reads newspa­ pers all the while and is more fond of them than books. H e cannot write, neither can he read w rit­ ing. He says he has no desire to do so. He is very quick to catch ou to anything. He is also very sensitive, telling the correspon- deiit that he did not want his pic­ ture published. M r. W . W . Dow­ ning, who is a theatricid manager, of>Icw Vork, siiendiiig the m inter here, ofl'ered the parents 875 per week for the boy three mouths, bnt before the pareuts could a'j- S'.ver th s boy replied that he would n )t leave home for any iii'ice. He can be seen any time near ElleU- boro, aud these f. cts are well- known to the people living in that part of this couuty. 'yO K K IX G 24 HOURS A DAY. There’s no rest for those tireless little workers—D r. K ing’s X’ew Life Pills. Millions are always bnsy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaun­ dice, Bilionsne.ss, Fever aud Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out M alaria. X’ever gripe or wea­ ken. Small, taste nice, work won­ ders, Try them . 2.'5c. at C. C. Sanford’s. G-o’.d ’s H ig h w a te r M ark. W ashington, March 5.—The am ount of gross of gold in the Treasury today was ^98,412,150. the highe.st point ever reached in the history of the government. This am ount includes ?sio0,000,000 held as a reserve, $270,019,08!) held against gold eertificiites aud •9G3,;-!9i,lfi9 in Ihe general fund. GETS IT. ‘•Variety,’’ said the man who never thinks for him self, “ is the spiee ot life ” “ I envy you,” Eaid Miss Ca ycnne. “ You enyy. me w hatl” “ Your enjoym entof this climate. Tne stom ach controls th e situ atio n . Those who a re h e a rty and strong ai e those who can c a t and dig est plenty of food. K odol D yspepsia C ure di­ gests w hat you e a t an d allow s you to e a t all th e good food you w ant. If you suffer from Indigestion, h e a rt­ burn, belching or an y o th e r stom ach trouble, th is p rep ara tio n c a n ’t help b u t do you good. T he m ast sensitive stom achs can ta k e it. C. C - S an fo rd an d M. A. F o ster. The Portraits Of Our Presidents With Biograpliicil'Sketches liV G e n e r a l C h a rle .'< H . G r o s v e n o r , Title pnjjo JosigneJ li) TifTaiiy. The Inaugural year, Avhen the public mind is m-oused over Pres­ idential questions, isa fitting time to issue General (irosvenor’s book. Its sale is already tremendous, aud vi’ill perhaps e.’ieecd that of General G rant’s Personal Memoiiw. Every patriotic Am erirau de­ sires to rciid w hat General Gros­ venor has to say of George W ash­ ington, Thoma-s Jetfei’son, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Linco n, Presi- deut M cKinley aud the other Chief Executives of the Xatiou. Everybody desire.s to read what General Grosvenor, the staunch old Republican leader in (Congress, will say of that staunch old Demo­ crat, Andrew tiacksou, the Father of the Deiuoi'ratie Party. General Grosvenor has thrown into hisi sketch of Jackson all the firj and and energy of his nature. The ! biography of Thomas Jelferson is grand. The biography of Lincoln is as beautiful as a sunrise over the hilltops. General Grosvenor has personally known all the Pres­ idents since Hie tim e of James 15iii-hanaii. The General’s bonk will therefore contain history which hius never before beeu pub­ lished, w ritten from his own jier- soual observation of these great men. (ieneral Grosvenor has .ser­ ved iu Congress for nearly twenty years, and he lias .served his couu- tiy in war and iu Congress for nearly forty years. 'J he book con- 6. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GBEEX'SBOP.O, X , 0 . .GEMRAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. -JtAXITFACTURES-' AVater W heels. Band Saws, Wood Lathes. Emery Grinders, Saif Arbore, Grate Bars, Job Castings every description. Also mannfactu.'-es Cakoi.ixa Cook Stoves, lleatiug Stoves, Hol­ low' AVare and Peed Cittters, The (’aroliua Cook Stove is sold ou its ME1!1T."3. Evei'y Stove Guamnteed, For Sivle by E. E. HUNT, Moeteville, N. C. B O M ' T f o r g g t to call at the Red Front atid ^iee our new lot of ready­ made skirts. W e carry a nice Uue of Dress Oooife ami Trimmings, W hite Goods, Ijhwus, Silks, Hambnrgs, Ijtiees. Y o u W i l l F i n d O u r S t o c k C o m p l e t e and up to date. W e also carry a nice line of Shoes for all. W hen in !MocksvilIe give me a look. I will always make prices O. K . Yours anxioius to please, J . T . B A I T T . X IG IIT W AS H ER TERROR. " I w'onld cough nearly all night long,” writes Mrs. Chas. A pple­ gate, of A 'exandria, Ind., “ and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walk­ ed a b ock I would congh fright­ fully aud spit blciod, lu t, when all other medicines failed, three §1 taius ttt'onry-four largo Photogra- bot.tles of ,’)r. .K ings’s Xew Dis- vurc Etchings as fine as steel plates covery wholly cured me aud I gained .”>8 pounds.” It’s absolute­ ly gui-.i-iinteed to cure Coughe, Colds, La Gripi^e, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles, Price 50e. and §1.00. Trial bot- tlets free at C. C. Sanford’s drug store. A G i-er.t S a le o f H o g s. George W . V anderbilt’s sale of Berkshire hogs on his estate last we< k was the largest that has ever taken place in this sectioa. Over ICO thoroughbreds and registered hogs were sold, aud the average price wonld exceed SSO each. One distinguished fancier of B eik- shires said during the sale that the i)ig he had picked out he thought would cost §25 or $30, and it brought S135. This fan­ cier, an old-time planter, rem ark­ ed th at he could buy mules in his county for less money than those six mouths old pigs brought. The sale was attended by people from different sections of the West, Xorth and South and was emin­ ently successful.—Dispatch. L ike O liver T w ist, children ask for m ore when given O ne M inute C ough re. M others endorse it highly for croup. I t quickly cu res all coughs and colds and every th ro a t and lung trouble. I t is a specific fo r Jtrippe and asth m a and has long been a w ell know n rem edy for w hooping cough. C. C. Sanford and M. A . F oster. J U Y T H E priuted by hand, on heavy plate paper made e.“pecially to order. These 24 Photogiuvure Etehiufjs are iu dilfercnt tints, aud aie well worth ?2 each. These Portraits are m.ade from the Paiutings eu- doreed by the fami’y aud near re­ latives of the Presidents. Two yeai-s’ time and a fortune have been expended in securing these rcproiluctions. The complete book is well worth $50, but the price has been placed so low that the nio?t hum ble Americau citizen can own it. The biographical sketches are priuted in large open tvpe iu two colors; the work is so beauti­ ful that when i>eople see it they w 'autit. The advauce sale is very large. President JIoKrnley was the fii-st subscriber. T'here is one editiou known as The President Editiim de Grand Luxe, initial letters hand painted. Portraits hand colored, title page hand il­ luminated, registered and luim bered; subscription price, 850f>. Orders aud applications for terri­ tory are coming iu rapidly. A high ela-ss man or woman of good social standing can soon make a small fortune taking orders in this community. Scud references and apply for terms quick, a.s the ter­ ritory will all be assigned soon. A ddress TH E COXTIXEXTAL PK ISS, ConcoKAX B uilding, OppOSITK UNITKD SrATIii TI.’UAS - URY, W A SH IX fJTO y, D . C. R e c o rd A g en ts. The following gentlemen are an thorized to take subscriptions for the Kix'ORD: M. W.Mackie,. Y alkinville, X. C. D. I. Eeavis, Cross Eoads Chnrch. W . G. Patterson, East Bend. C. B. Reavis, Footevillo, Ben Shore, G rant. S. F . Shore, Shore. J. C. Pinnix, M arler. A, P . Woodruff, Boonville. DIETZ 1 MONARCH LANTERN 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE T r a d e M a r k sDcsicrts C o p y r ig h ts &c. Thla b ono of oar clioapcst lantCTD&ASdjet It isaiuarrcroC pGrfcctioa and E^cty.ItiaweH— Bis. THoo.lpot 1b drawu from a l . S ‘ Mrrc-tlnncd. add and Imruer arelilTtClabH. ,Tho “trfcfc”' for inlslRR and l0\70ri&ff the ftlobo to l<?Ut and trtm is tn- asd eOBVeUcDt. and «bcn ^ U down tbe tnirncrlsse* lockca in place, lantern sells at retail eTcrr- ‘ If year_______ and will noSKrt iVfoi yoii.Bend‘»i.ll» »» V«- »"'> WO wlllflendono tojron. postoBO or express paid. Don’tiot mm dcII you Bomo o t^ lantenu-vUcb be eays ia Anvono sending a sketch ond description ma>- nnlcklr ascertain our opinidii free wliethn- **» Invention tsprohablrp'jtm tiibla CommunH^ tiniwBlrictlycontldontlal. ITundbookon Patontc eent free. OWert ncencr for sccurtnifpatentfc Patents taken throucn Munn St Co. reeolT * tpecial Tio(ic«, TrUhout cliarge, la tbo $m m c JimurlcaM.A hanrtaomelr lllnatTntert weeWr. ,..« -J.3 ® ’Broai«y.NeWlfOrfeinch Offlco. (23 F 8t., Waibloffton. D. C. I Grreensboro iNurseries, GREEXSBORO, K, C.. ^ m d p o ^ 'c o r fn » pocket cata- loeue. R. E. Dietz Company, 6 5 U ig h t S L ,N .Y .C it y .IU% LEGAL KOTICES. Legal notices will be (iharged or as follows: .9.1.00 notice foi -92,50; ^<2..50 notices lor -?2.00; §5.00 notices for $4.00. SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad­vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. Tliis kind of a machine can be bouffht from us or any of our dealers from $16,00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. the new home is the best. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of ^w ing Machines. The XIouble F eed combined with other strong points makes the N ew H o m e , the beat Bewiug Machine to buy. | sbowUig the dif­ferent s^les of lliiiu iwi — Sewing Machineswe maniiliacture and prices before purchasing THS NSW HOME SEWIHS UeHlHE 60. ORANOC, MASS. WriteforCIRCULARS: S8 Union Sq. N. Y , Chicago, IIL, Atlonfm Ga, B t I<ouls,Mo., DalIas.Tci.,Sim Ktanctaco,«Cal FOB SALE «Y E. E. HUNT, M o c k s v ille , X . C . Wood’s Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to their adaptabihty to the aoil and cUmate of the South. On our seed farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of doUars are expended in testing and growing the very best seeds th at it is possi­ ble to grow. By oiu- experim ents we are euKbled to save our custom­ ers jiuich expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood’s Seed Book for 1901 is fullv up to date, and tiells all ab o u t'th e b e s t S e e d s fo r th e S o u th . It surpasses all other pub­ lications of its kind in helpful and useful infoi-mation for G a rd e n e n , Truckers and Farmers. M ailed free. W rite for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers & Merchants, RICHMOND. VA. URtEST SEED HOUSE 11 THE SODTM. W e have a large surplus of standard W inter, A pples. Xow is the time to set; place youv order l)cfore the asscrtm ent is broken. Special terms t« those wish- in g to plant largely. Address. JO U X A . YOUXG, Proprietcr. SODTHEM" RAILWAY. i? " i;' T H E . . . STAXDAED RA ILW A Y O F THE SOUTH. The Direct Line tc all Points. T EX A S,' UALIFOBXIA. FLORIDA, CUBA AXD POETO RICO.I Strict'y Fiist Class Eqitip- meiit on ail Through and Lv. c (I Trains. Piillmau Sleeping Cars on all Xight Trains. Fast and Sale schedules. Travel by the Sonthem aiiA you are assured a-Safe, Com­fortable aud an libipeditiouo .louruey. A pply to T ick et A gents for Tim e T a j bles, K ates and G eneral Infor­ m ation, or address R. I- /TilRNON, T . P. A.- C iiarlo tte N. C. F. R . DARBY C. P . & T. A . A sbnvilleN .C . C.C.SAHJORD. Agent, " Mock^villj, X. C I NO TROUBLS TO AHSWER QDESTKN S H HAKDWIOK, <?. P. A. V iS H IN G T O N .D C Andrew Carnegie Endows a Fund For Sup^ranuated and Disabled Men. HE RETIRES FROM BUSINESS LIFE eteel Blscnatet Beforn Sailing For Europr, Slakes PioTiilon For tlie A^ed and Sick of His Former n'orkmcu — Sets Aside Sl.OOO.OOO For the U brarles at Braddock, Homestead and Duquefne. ' Pittsbnrg, Penn.—Two communica­ tions from Andrew CarneBle, wUich are officially made public, tell of ibe Bteel king's retirem ent from active business life, and of b i^ donation of $5,000,000—?1,000,000 for tbe libraries a t Braddock, Homestead and Duques- ne and $4,000,000 for tbe endowment of a fund tor superanuatcd and dis­ abled employes of the Carnegie Com­ pany. This benefaction is l>y far the largest of tbe many gifts by Mr. C ar­ negie and is probably w ithout a par­ allel anyw here lu tbe world. In the letter which announces bis retirem ent from business, addressed to the people of Pittsburg, Mr. Carnegie says: “An opportunity to retire from busi­ ness came to me unsought, which I considered it my duty to accept. My resolve w as made in youth to retire i)efore old age. The fathers in olden days taught that a man should have tim e before the end of bis career for u AKBBEW CAHNTOIE. tUe making of his soul. I liave always felt that old age should be spent, not, as the Scotch sflj% in making mickle mair, but In m aking a good use of w bat has been acquired, and I hope my friends of Pittsburg will approve of my action In retiring wliile still in full health and vigor, and I can rea­ sonably expect many years for use­ fulness in fields which have other than personal aims.*’ The letter anuouncing his benefac­ tion of $5,000,000, is, in part, as fol­lows: *’To the President and Managerg, the j Carnegie Company: * “Gentlemen—Mr. Franks, my cash­ ier, will hand over to you upon your acceptance of the trust, $5,000,000 of the Carnegie Company bonds in trust for the following purpose: “The income of $1,000,000 to be spent in m aintaining the libraries built by me in Braddock, Homestead and Duquesnc. “The income of the other $4,000,000 Is to be applied: “F irst, to provide for employes of the Carnegie Company in all its works, mines, railw ays, Fhops, etc.. Injured in its service, and for those dependent npon such employes as are killed. “Second, to provide small pensions or aids to such employes as after long pnd creditable service, through ex­ ceptional circumstanccs, need such help in their old age and who make a good use of It. Should these uses Dot require all of the revenue and a surplus of $200,000 be left after ten years’ operation, then for all over this w orkmen In mills other than the Car­ negie Company in Allegheny County shall become eligible for participation in the funds, the mills nearest the works of the Carnegie Steel Company being first embraced.’’ CABNEGIE’S MAGNIFIC3NT GIFT. O ffers •5,200,000 F o r Sixty-flTe I.lb ra rj BnlldinsTB In N ew Y ork C ity. New York City.—Andrew Carnegie •will give $5,200,000 to the people of this city for the purpose of building Sixty-five branch public libraries, to be operated in connection w ith the gen­ eral public library now building at iFlfth avenue and Forty-second street. ‘H e has already inauc the l^vjpal offer of the money to the trustees of the New York Public Library, Astor, Len­ox and Ttiden foundations, through its director. Dr. John S. Billings. The only conditions imposed by Mr. Car­ negie are that the city shall furnish th e sites for the buildings and that provision be made for the maintenance of the libraries. C A B K EG IB SA ILS F O R SCOTLAXD. New York City—Andrew Carnegie, Mrs. Carnegie, Miss M argaret Carne­ gie and Mrs. Carnegie’s sister sailed for Europe :on the American Liner St. Louis. Mr. Carnegie expected to re­ turn to this country in October. He ■will spend m ost of the time while abroad at Skibo Castle, in Scotland. W hen asked by a reporter how much money he had given for libraries Mr. Carnegie said, smilingly: “I cannot telL You see, I have ju st begun to give aw ay money; but If you were to ask me ten years from now I might be able to answ er the question.” JU STIFIES W IFE BEATING. A Jadre Tliiaks When She Goen TVitli Anotlinr Han a Trouncing Is All Itisht Police .Justice Fiedler decided a man is justified «n- oer certain conditicns hi beating his wife. The case under consideration w as th at of George H art, who found his w ife in the company of another man. H e proceeded to beat her Jnsen- slble. H art w as arrested and was committed by Judge Fiedler, who said: “Morally, H art, I think you are jug' tifled In beating your wife.” R O BS A PEN tTEN TlA RY. N o rth C unllnm T rc a a n rr C lerk C onf.EM , H o Stoic UOOO. Baleigh, N. C.—In the Legislature a message from the Governor was read announcing th at William H. M artin, who for fonr years up to M arch 1 was a clerk in the State Treasury, had de- fam ted for $4000 and had confessed the th e ft The money w as stolen from tbe penitentiary by raising warrant?. M artin Is in jail. H e -was daring the ClTll Wai- a m ajor In a New *oric M tfO W t, |H | w e ^ Cashier C. W. Ryan, of Halifax, Penn., Stiot in a Sci'ffle. TRIED TO PREVENT THEIR ESCAPE Two Men Entered the Halifax Notional Kank anil Demomled All the Money— One Grabbed SSOGO and the Qthe: CoTered the Cashier.-Xtyau Shot DoTrn rrom ptly^Tlie U rn Caught by Citizens H arrisburg, Penn.—“All hands up and hand out that money, and be quick about it,” w as the shout that greeted the ears of four startled men in the H alifax National Bank, at H alifax, the upper end of Dauphin County, a few days ago. Cashier Charles W. Ryan and Tell­ er Issac Lj’ter were a t their desks at work in the front room, and President A braham Fortenbaugh w as in the back room conversing w ith William Swartz, an insurance man from Pun- oannon. Ryan and Lyter looked up and met the cold muzzle of a big pistol in the hands of a youth of nineteen years, named Henry Rowe, and B'ortenbaugh and Swartz confronted a huge gun pointed at them by W eston Keiper, a desperado, of twenty-one years. The cashier got into the vault and began handing out notes and silver until $2000 was dumped into the satchel Rowe held up. Then Rowe laid his pistol down on the counter, and. placing the satchel on th^ floor, began to fix the top of it. As he did so Mr. Ryan jum ped poT the pistol, and. getting possession of it, began firing at Rowe. Row^e drew another pistol and returned the fire, wounding Ryan in the breast and shooting him through the body in tho left groin. Ryan fell, mortally wounded, and died a few days later. He w as sixty years old and leaves a w ife and two sons. Meanwhile Keiper w as hunting a means of exit, and ran for the front door, w as met by a crowd of citizens who had been attracted by the fir­ ing and who hurried to the assistance of the bank oflicials. As he ran out of the door he w as fired at and wounded by Joseph Lyter, a store­ keeper. He w as captured by a con­ stable. Rowe w as captured by citi­ zens while struggling w ith the men in tlie bank. W hen arrested it w as said they had. a pal who drove them over from Elizabethville to H alifax, and Detec­ tive W alter arrested “Spikey*' Sho- ley. the third man, as he w as on his w ay from the scene of tbe m urder to Elizabethville, and put him In H ar­ risburg jail. The m urder created the greatest ex­ citem ent in H alifax, and threats were made to lynch the tw o men. The of* ficers succeeded in getting them into the cars before the mob could reach them or there would certainly have been such a sequel to the tragedy. FIRE LEAVES 1000 HOMELESS. Kentacky Town Practically Wiped Ont by Flames. Cloverport, Kj'. — Cloverport w as practically wiped out by fire and half the population—1000 people—are home­ less. The loss is $500,000. Every busi­ ness house w as burned, and the dis­tress of hundreds of women and chil­dren w as relieved only w hen trains loaded w ith supplies arrived from Louisville and Henderson. By the bursting of a natural gas pil>e in the kitchen of a private house shortly after midnight the building w as set on fire. A high w ind w as blowing and the immense tobacco warehouses owned by the American Tobacco Company were soon w rapped In flames. The Tobacco Company’s plant, consisting of tw o stem meries and 1,000,000 pounds of tobacco, w as soon in flames, and the fire continued to spread. Louisville and Henderson v/ere asked to send assistance. As Louisville is seventy-five miles distant, how^ever, no help arrived until 4.30 o’clock, and by th at tim e the fire had about exhausted Its material. Relief trains w ere made up at Louis­ ville and Henderson, and brought 5000 loaves of bread, a largesupplyof cloth­ ing, etc. The coaches will be placed at the disposal of the homeless until they can find other tem poral^ homes. Om ALH Am O H DEM The Former President Dies of Pneu­ monia at Indianapolis, Ind. HIS ILLNESS FATAL IN SIX DAYS CLEVELAND PRAISES HARRISON. CA8t X.iTlne F o rm e r F re sld e n t’B T rib u te to th e l>ead S tatesm an .^ - Princeton. N. J.—W hen ■in'lerviewed former President G tofer Cleveland, who has returne^-from the South, said conccrning iife death of form er Presi­ dent Bw ijam in H.'irrison: ^ i- a m exceedingly moved by the sad Intelligence of Mr. H arrison’s death, for notw ithstanding the recent dis­ couraging reports of bis condition, I hoped his life m ight be spared. Not one of our countrymen should for one moment fail to realize the services which have been performed in their behalf by the distinguished dead. In high public office be w as guided by patriotism and devotion to duty, often at the sacrifice of tem porary populari­ ty, and in private station his influence and example alw ays were in the di- i-ection of decency and good citizen­ ship. Such a career and tbe incidents related to it should leave a deep and useful Impression upon every section of our national life." Utab Polyeamy Law Vetoed. Governor Wells, of Utah, has vetoed tbe Evans 1>ill, regulating prosecutions for polygamy and rendering them practically impossible, on the ground th at it would work more barm than good to the people of the State and would be used as a weapon against the classes It w as designed to benefit. Bode Pout Into the PostofRce. Miss W aterbnry, of New York Citv, rode into the postoffiee at Aiken, S. C.. on a horse to get her mall, as is her custom at home. She w as summoned before the Mayor. She appeared by attorney and w as fined $5. VttniDsl Demand For Stamps. The dem and for postage stam ps dur­ ing the past three weeks has been sc irreat as to reduce the reserve in W ash­ ington below the figure fixed by law. This is h eld 'to indicate phenomena! business activity. Sporting Brevitiei. AthleUc sports are taking strong hold in E uropean universities. •Tames McGuire, the catcher, has signed w ith the Brooklyn Baseball Club. Renewed activity is beginning to m anifest Itself in the New York bicy­ cle clubs. A six days’ trotting meeting, with $25,000 In pri«e money, w ill begin on August 12 a t the Brighton Beach h ad: In New York City. The Dnivergity of Penns.vlvani.T i? trying to raise *4000 to send 1-3 ciev to Henley to compete »galn«t Oxford rbe Dlsca.e Dereloped From an Att*ck of the G rip -H e r.ssert Away W ith­ out a sten of Becoenition of HI* Kel- atlvel — Son and DauBhter railed to Beaclt the House Before Death Came. Indianapolis, Ind.—Benjam in H arri­ son, form er President of the United States, died at 4.45 o'clock W ednesday afternoon. H is death w as quiet and painless, there being a gradual sinking until the end came, which w as m arked by a single gasp for breath as life de­ parted from the body of the great statesm an. The relatives, w ith a few exceptions, and several of his old and tried friends, were at tbe bedside when he passed aw ay. None of General H arrison’s children w as present at his death. Neither Kussell H arrison nor Mrs. McKce had reached , the city, although both were hurrying on their w ay as fast as steam could carry them. The group at the bedside included Mrs. H arrison, W illiam H . H. Hiller, Samuel Miller, his son; the Kev. Dr. M. L. Haines, pastor of the F irst Pres­ byterian Church, w hich General H ar­ rison had attended for co m any years; of sixteen, Benjam in w ent to Clncl*- nati, entering Farm er’s College. H er* political science grew to engross him obove all other studies, and here he discovered his power In debate. I rom I’armei’’s College he w ent to Miami University at Oxford, Ohio.Before he left college Benjam in Har-. rison had determined to become a law.ver. Upon graduating be w as re­ ceived Into tbe 1.1 W office of Storer & Guynne, of Cincinnati. Two years later he m arried Caroline Lavm ia Scott, daughter of a sem inary prm n- pal in Oxford. They began the world w ith SSOO. derived from the sale of a Cincinnati lot which he had inherited. He moved to Indianapolis, where he set up a law office.In a one-story cottage, w here Mrs. H arison did her own housework, and the husband carried wood and w ater inorniuga before going to his office, In 1854 their first child — Russell—w as born. F our years afterw ard their daughtei’. M ary, who w as to become Mrs. JIcKee and a person of influence in the W hite House, w as born. W hen she w as two years old H arrison w as elected to his first political office—Re­ porter of the Supreme Court. W hen the Civil W ar broke ont, at the request of Governor.M orton, he raised a company and w as commissioned a second lieutenant, then captain, and afterw ards colonel of the Seventeenth Indiana Regiment. W ith th at regi­ m ent he w ent to the front, but had little opportunity to distin­ guish himself, his command ouly liaving guard or garrison duty to do. .'^n opportunity soon came, how­ ever, and at Resaca be achieved re­ nown. It w as then, according to his- tor.v, th at General Hooker rode up to biin and said: “By God, Ben H arrison, I'll make .vou a brigadier for this day’s w ork.” Shortly afterw ard Colonel Secretary Tibbett, Drs. Jam eson and Dorsey, Colonel Daniel SI. Ransdell, Sergeant-at-Arms of the United States Senate and a close personal friend of the dead statesm an; Clifford Arrick, and the tw o nurses who have been in constant attendance. General Han-i- son’s tw o sisters and an aunt were llso present. Mrs. H arrison kneeled at the right- hand side of the bed, her husband's right hand grasped In hers, w hile Dr. Jameson held the left hand of the dying man, counting the feeble imlee beats. In a few m om ents after the friends had been summoned to the room the end came, Dr. Jam eson au- iiouncing the fact. The silence that fell on the sorrowing w atchers by the bedside w as broken by the voice of Dr. H aines raised in prayer, suppli­ cating consolation for the bereaved ivife and family. The story of the General's Illness is brief. On W ednesday afternoon he walked downtown appparently in the best of health to visit his o'd law p art­ ners, M iller & E lam .. A t night he w as well enough .to oafee a social call. He w as welL^’when he arose Thursday morniffg, but shortly after breakfaist it-a he w as seized w ith a chill. The physicians who w ere summoned immediately said the chill w as an evi­ dence of grip. Not until Saturday did the General’s condition give his fam ily and friends cause for alarm . Then the left lung showed inflammation, and pneumonia developed rapidly. General H arrison’s w ealth is va­ riously estim ated, public opinion rat­ ing It as high as half a million dollars. Those who are best Informed about the form er President’s affairs, how*' ever, say he w as w orth about $300,000. CAREER OP CRNERAI^ HARRI80K, Bejean Life as a Poor Boy and Advanced Himself to Nation’s Highest Officer. Benjam in H arrison, tw enty-third President of the United States, grand­ son of a President, and great-grand­ son of a signer of the Declaration of Independence, w as the son of a farm ­ er, John Scott H arrison. H is birth­ place w as the farm near N orth Bend, Ohio, which came to .John Scott H ar­ rison w hen he m arried Miss Elizabeth Irw in. The date of his birth is Au­ gust 20, 1833. H e rem ained on the farm until be w as sixteen, one of a fam ily of six children, piously reared i)y a sweet-tempered mother, who per­ formed her own housework, including the knitting of endless stockings. From the country school at the age H arrison w as brevettcd a brigadier general. General H arrison served w ith credit and w ithout injury until the end of the war.General H arrison w as elected to the United States Senate in 1880, and filled th at office for six years. As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee he assisted in the consideration and am endm ent and united in the unani­ mous favorable com mittee report of, and voted in the Senate for, the Chi­ nese Restriction bill. H is Senate term expired on M arch 4, 1887, and he then returned to the practice of bis profes­ sion. In the Chicago convention, in June, 1SS8, he w as nom inated as the candi­ date of the Republican party for Pres­ ident of the United States, and w as selected ou the eighth ballot. H e ran as an avowed protectionist and w as elected', defeating Grover Cleveland, Democrat. H e w as inaugurated tw enty-third President of tbe United States M arch 4,1880. H is Adm inistration is famous for the passage of the M cKinley bill, a high tariff m easure; the negotiation of several commercial and reciprocity treaties and controversies w ith Chile, Italy and G reat Britain, growing out of the Chilean revolution; the New Or­ leans lynching and the Bering Sea difficulty. H e w as renom inated for President on the first ballot in Minne­ apolis on June 10, 1892, and w as de­ feated at the polls by Grover CUve- land. General H arrison’s public services w ere valuable to the country after he left the Presidential chair. H e ap­ peared for the republic of Venezuela as the agent before the tribunal la which Chief Justice Fuller and A ssist­ ant .Justice B rew er w ere selected to represent th at country, and w as asso­ ciated w ith General Benjam in F. Tracy. General H arrison w as tw ice married. H is second w ife w as Mrs. M ary Lord Dimmick. The wedding took place in April, 1896, a n d jn February, 1897. a baby girl w as born. General H arri­ son w as then sixty-four and his wife tw enty years younger. KeSTo Burned by a Taxas Mob. As a culm ination to many exciting scenes of a few days John H ender­ son, tbe negro who m urdered Mrs. Valley Younger at the fam ily home, near Corsicana, Texas, paid the pen­ alty of his crime by being burned at the stake by a mob comprised of citizens from all ovei tbe surrounding country. __ ______ Three flhlldren Perish in a Fire. D uring the absence of the parents, the residence of Guy W illiams, near W ashington, Penn., w. s destroyed, and their three children, aged one, three and five years, were burned to death. Assaasins After Queen ’Wilhelmlua. Acting on representations from The Hague, Holland, Roumanian police have been Instructed to w atch certain persons at Jassy, suspected of being engaged In a conspiracy against Queen W ilhelmina and her husband. Anti-Tax Riotlujc in Spain. W\iile officials collecting the octroi a t Madrid, Spain, w ere m altreating a w orkm an who had attem pted to evade the tax, a large crowd gathered, angrily protesting, and tbe affair cul­ minated in a riot. The gendarm es dispersed the dem onstrators. Serious riots are reported from several tow ns in Catalonia and. Cardova. American Flour For China, Contracts have been closed at Taco mn. W asii, by a Chinese firm for 50,- OOU barrels o£ flour per month for ^’oip- mfUt to Cbtaa aovlng tUe year. ■ Revenue Stamp Clerk S9500 Short. I t w as discovered in the office of the U nited States Revenue Collector, at Reading, Penn., th a t Stam p Clerk Irvin Becker w as short $2568 In his stam p account. The four bondsmen of Mr. Becker were notified and they promptly made the am ount good. Mr. Becker w as unable to account for the present discrepancy. Fending further investigation the office is In dharge of Clerk Cranston, while Mr. Becker Is assisting the officids to solve the shortage. H e has held the office for four years a t $1800 a year. Murdered For S300. George H earn, aged slxty-flve years, w as murdered at H arrington, Del. His body w ith the head crushed w as found behind a mill in which he form erly worked. H is pockets were turned in- Side out, and it is believed th at his secured about $300. There is no clue to the m urder' ers. but tram ps are susnected. SrouKht In Bra 111. There is great distress in Ceara, Brazil, because of the long drought pt slx_per6ong g'carved to IBE L€OISLATURE AIJOl)R.'S. L a s t H o u rs D e v o te d to tb e R a tific - ' tlo n o f B llld . SENATE. ClosDS Session.—The last the Senate spent in the.ra;ji“ lion ca bills. lOie hour of adjoura- m ent having been revel-ed, the was resolved into a High Court ^ Im'pcachment, and as such held in session uaUl th e trial of iUc«s Furches and Douglas is cf. The prosecut.’on was opened o. Judge W. R. Allen on the part of House. Flfly-sccond Day.—The Eieaate con­ vened alt 10 o'clock, Ueuteaan,;-Gov- CTEOr Turner presiding and Rev. A. A. Mare-hali, f>£ the First Bapdsi church, offered prayer. M arshall, Republican, aeked permis­ sion to change his vote from no to a>e on the Mil Eaiturday to provide a per­ m anent record of w hite voters. "ni= whs allowed. ' Henderson, Sugg anu Milder, of Pamlico, stated th at haa they hieen present they would have voted aye. W arren and Morton saia th at they voted aye but were not re­ corded. The Senate w ent Into committee ot the whole a t 11 o’clock, eemaitor Glenn in the chair, on the reveuue bill.Schedule A - ^ c tio n 1, "objects for which taxes are levied,” section A ’’poll tax,” section 3 ‘rate,’ were adop­ ted. Sections 5, 0 and 7 were passed over Inform ally. Section 8, tax on building and loan associationE. "'as adapted. Consideration of secilun 9 was dotcrred. S«obln 10, no exemption as to foreign oorpoiations, was adop­ ted. Sectloin. 11, S tate A uditor to make certificate ito register ot deeds, and sections 12 and 13, w ere passed over. Election 14, tax exem ptions repealed, was passed over on m otion ot Senator Henderson, who thought some limita- tioo should be placed on -the amount ot property held by literary societies or private schools. This was then passed offer. Sections 15 to 35, the in­ heritance tax, were 'passed over. Sche­ dule B.—seotion 35, defining taxes un­ der this section, wlas adopted. Section 36, theatres, was discusstd. Sonaitor Henderson w anted to know If this was a revenue or a prohibition tax?Moriton sent an am endm ent strick- ine out *200 and inserting $150, saying thait this N orth Carolina tax was high­ er than in South Carolina or Georgia. Long said the {200 tax was only on cities of over 10,000 Inhabitants. Aycock said the tax w as not prohi­ bitory, it was on the opera house and not on th e companies, anyway. Mor- risn considered the tax reasonable. M orton’s am endm ent was lost and the section was adopted. Section 37, traveling ithea<trical companies, was adopted. This imposea a tax of $10 on each performance. Section 3S, circu­ ses, menageries, etc., cam e up. Scott wanit'«id to know if It applied to shows In agricultural fairs. Aycock s'aid yes, and it ought to. He believed it would be better to keep the circuses out.M orrison w anted th e commiseioners crcuses. Foushee sent an am endm ent saying th at the am ount shall not exceed $200 tax by the oommissloners. This sec­ tion taxes circuses $200 on each per. form anco and on each side show $50. On other shows under canvass $50. The county com missioners shall not tax shows less than th e State tox and may be as much as $1,000. Senator Scott favored the section. W oodiird saJd any law which restric- ted the liberties ot the people nalleii forth censure. The people loved cir­ cuses and It was wrong to tax them out of business. M orrison said th a t this would pro­ hibit 'the exblbM on of circuses except In the large tow ns of the State and he hoped this section would go over. W oodard thought that circuses were educational and he spoke for the little boys who loved the aiuImiaU and the clowns. The little boys would sutfei and the nigger wouid be absolutely wretched. The ballot has been taken from the latter, but do leave the cir­ cus. The Senate then w ent into commit­ tee of the whole again on the revenue bill and Leak sent a substitute for sec­ tion 38. imiiosin-g the sam e tex as the present law, reducing the tax to $100. A t n'oon the court of impeachment convened. The sergeant-at-arm s made a proclam ation, the m anagers enlereii and took places on the left and t i counsel for th e defense on the right ol the cham ber, places having been pro­ vided Chief Justice Furches ai:(i Jud-ge Douglas occupied their sea;; near the front. , Senator W oodard said he was sure thait the Senate felt the importance and solenm ity of th e trial and dojlre^ to give a full hearing and slno? ibe session of the oourt now would con­ flict -with -leglislatlye work, he moved th a t tihe court adjourn until noon next Thursday. Judge Allen said th a t the managers on the p art of the H ouse desired to oonform to th e Senate’s wishes. Ex-G ovem or Jarvis said tor the de­ fence iihait they were here ready for trial, bu t would conform entirely with the washes ot th e Senatei SemaSor Travis said he thought the wdfie course would !be to w ait until leg- lelatUve w ork was ovor and the Sena­ tors could derote their whole thought to the m atter. , Senator Justice thought th a t the motion should be deferred until It was announced w-hjether th e issues were Joined, after which th e Senators wouJd 'have to ibe re-swom . Ju d g e A lle n sa id th e m an ag ers n ow regarded the m atter a t issue and had motbing else preeent»y. Ex-Governor Jarvis said their plead­ ings w e re co m p le te , bu t th e y h a d so m e w ltn eE ses s u m m o n e d to b e h e re to ­ m o rro w , and t h e issues w e re jo in ed . Senators W ard and Foushee thought the Legislature could not adjourn be­ fore Saturday. Senator W aiil moved that th e oourt adjourn until Monday mext. Senator London opposed adjourning until M vnday, saying -the Senate ould meet day and nigflit and proceed w ith the trial mxw. W ard’s m otion tailed of a second. The tesMCfl w ere dedared joined, the Senators came forw ard by fives and were sworn in. The only absemteEs were Burroughs, Poy and McNeill Senator JueUce said if ths coun-sel wished he ws willUng to proceed. Senator H enderson said unless the counsel on both sides wished other wise he preferred for the trial to pro­ ceed. Semator W oodard thought the court and legielaiHve dutes cihouQd not con­ flict. The H ouse woujd conclude by 'PhuTsdiay and he thought it better to wt’ii(.Senator Alexander tali] (esaion. ^ 6 . UfW ftom H , », w T S Senator ’T ra v is b e lie ve d it w o u ld besafer to defer until T hursday Mr F H . Busbee. .fo r defendants, sXd any course was satisfactory and « rc e ib le to tbe defendants. Mr. Roun­ tree said fgr the prosecirtlon th at tie y w ould preler to jje g in Thursday. The m c tio n to a d jo u rn prevailed, ayes 31 “„es 15. The latter were Aycock, r n v B ro u e h to n , Brown, Fou bee. Tames Leak. Lindsay, London, Me M iste r, M cIntyre, M crrison, Planix, ojjtTor and Vann. FiEty-third Day.—The Senate met at to o'clock. A fter th e IntroducUon ol a num ber cf unim portant bills tbs ce-aSe in com m itte ot the W!hole, re- "nmed’consideration of th e revenue b « L ittle progress was made. A t the afternoon session consideration of Jie bill to pay the court of im peachm ent oc-upled th e Senator’s attention. Ad­ journm ent was reached a t a late hour. F ilty-tcurth Day.—The Senate met at 9'30. Good progress w as made in the revenue bill. M any m inor m atters we e disposed of. HOUSE.ADJOUTtNUBENT. L'JEt Session—The H ouse w as in consrerable contusion. A large num ­ ber ot bills w ere ratified, and a few minor bills -passed. Bills to abolish the office ot en­ grossing clerk and have the work done in -the office cC -t-he Secretary of State, under his supervision, w ere itf'.roduc- ed in th e House. , In -the Senate it came near passin-s, w ithout objection, but num erous am endm ents were of­ fered concerning com pensation, and the 'bill w as laid on the table. In the H ouse Mr. Jenkins, ot Gran­ ville, th e aged father of the House, ffiUde 'an eloquenit speech on th e work of the legislature. H e declared th a t it had fulfilled its pledges; had provi­ ed for better schools, had gven nur­ ture an support to th e institutions tor the unfortunates and had made provision to save the ballot to illite- rite w hite men. All m em bers of 't'he H ouse srowded around him to congratulate him and bid him good bye. The H ouse sang “Auld Lang Syne” and “H6me, Sweet H om e.” The last act was to adopt a resolu­ tion on th e deaith ot ex-President H arrison. Speaker Moore returneJ thanks and said he thouglit this the greatest house th a t had ever graced the halls. Fifiy-second Day.—S peaker Moore convened the H ouse a t 9:30 o clock. Prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. D an­ iel.Mr. Sheets, ot Davie, announced that he desired to chang" bis vote on the perm'a-nenit reglstraition roll, which passed th e House Saturday, from no to aye. The Speaker announced th a t the entry of his re-conrideration would be made in th e journal ot M onday. T he m aciinery act cam e vip as spe d a l order. G raham moved -to am end section 12 so as to provide tor re-aaaesem ent ol all property in the State in A pril, 1901, instead of A pril, 1903. H e said a re­ adjustm ent of the values of th e prop­ erty of th e State was absolutely neces­ sary to m eet th e dem ands upon the State Treasury. Sm ith moved to am end by striking out a itid e 1, Ot the act, sections 1 to 11, providing for a State board ot tax com m issioners and all m achinery con nected therew ith. W illard said article 1 was the most valuable p art ot th e whole m'aohinery act. The am endm ent w as lost. The bill then passed its final reading and was ordered sent to the Senate w ithout engrossm ent. Judge Connor asked Idavc to intro­ duce a resolution and asked th a t it be adopted unanim ously. H e said it relat­ ed to one of the m ost venerable and gifted and patriotic of N orth Oarolini- ans. (“Col. Creecy,” rem arked several). "Y-eE,” said Judge Connor, "of course it is.” H e then paid a higji trib u te to Col. Creecy. The resolution was an en­ dorsem ent of Col. Creecy’s “Historic Talcs of a G randfather,” commending it to -the people of th e State and ap­ propriating $200 to th e State Library to purchase copies thereof. M cLean called up th e bill placing the A gricultural and M echanical College under the charge of th e board of Agri- cultiure and said it was intended only to put a veil over th e farm ers. He moved th a t it be re-commiitted to the commaititee on agricultural. Adopted. The appropriaions bill was m ade a special order for tonight a t 8 o'clock. ’The bill to encourage and promote public libraries in th e country schools came up. (This bill provides th at when the patrons of a free school contlbute $10 for a library the county board ol education shall contribute $10 and the State board $8, the amoimic to be devot­ ed -to this purpose by th e State board not to exceed $5,000. Connor advocated th e bill. S m ith opposed it as im practicable. Ebbs favored the bill. H e said it was an experim ent w ell w orth trying. B ritain and Baldwin opposed it as im practicable, saying in tw o years not a book could be found, and th e money spent for them would run every school i n.the State one m onth longer. M^son said th e bill should be styled a 'bill for th e benefit of local book agents. The theory was a good one, but th e practical operation df It was sus- cepUWe Ot great abuse, and still greater friction in th e use of the books. ,Plfty-third Day—Speaker Moore con­ vened the H ouse aJt 9:30. M orning, af­ ternoon anid night sessions were held. M uch discussion and little practical results m arked th e day’s proceedings. Pifty-fourth Day.—The H ouse de­ voted the day to appropriations. Mor- ganiton H ospital for th e Insane was given f230.000. T h ey N e v er S p eak a< T h e y P aM B y . , Ho Iprenie H* • ‘-"sue I - " ■>0 is J,,.- ‘”s fCEtd, .■’''l “ '"■in th; •most’'tears life is least a'fraid The Law and the fiosncl , I monized in the law ot lovp. W hen a church bocoai« , i hous2 its stc?ple win no: .ave'It ' W hen a man turns the ligrt Vii„il ers he must not expect to -tiv T shade hlmselt. '»■- W e need to tear lest liaowin? -I r the life ot Christ we knoj- t the livmg Christ. If men were as anxious :o do rbi,, I they are to get their rishts the i 1| ■would be righted. - “'-ll ^^Beneficence is better tha. u j ^ Ease ensues only tro . ca:a«t r e r f c c t E c o n o m ic H callh Our wiiolc tr.^do with tUv wVrM l<nJ Immensely iiicroasod; wc hav(M,a.,pJ Great Britain in ihe diH-aiU>. aiul arol now the first export inj; naiio’u: tvo imi l)uyin;r less and less oi^ fooiil and fmished foroijin uwnufiuiuros- wcl are l)uyiuj! muro iiulisiK.nsaliV materials for numufarauin:'; xro are! selling more nud mon- linish,-,! can nianufaeuuvs in tlio marktts ofl the world, nnd wo ;uv MVm-’ :il,solnicJ ly more, though Kss. fo-^J products. Tliose fjH-is poim t» a conJ dition of perfecl ecoii'iuiic lionlth .idiiI vigor in America. Tlioy an- I'xadlyl tlu> rosidt.s whiclj have Ikvh i'iopii« s-ied by every jjroat iiroi.-,’ tionist from WashinsitoH. Ati:iinMn.ll Clay, to Lincoln. ISlniii'*. niii^Ky an,]| McKinley.—Boston "Why W e Arc Intlmendfur, It Is noticeaM 't;..;. w: no one’s opiiiiun was tin.* iirdsiicdiwl death of Queen Vk-torin jookvd uponl as an event wliidi coulil hr any iKts.si-1 bilily affect ilie AnuTican iiiarkH.1 Such absolute couM4U*ii.>. wmiM larel been imposi<ible in tlie days tiiel United States was a «l»-l»t«)r nation nniil when even slijiht riiiplfs iu Eiiiiyhl financial circleH wt*ro fdt wiili ia-| creased violence ovor Tlmuksl to the great balance of irado whifh ibel Dingley law has bet'U i-olliim up.l which has brouglit groat qii:iiitiii.‘?of| gold to this country, and whi<li imjl led to the buying back of larc'* iiuudT tities of American sccjirirics from I foreign holders, wc arc coniparniivoly| Independent of foreign linautial influ-| ences. The frequency of horaicifles in Soulaj Carolina has impelled tiie I.egii!u’nr^ to pass a stringent law prohibiting one, except a police officer, from carrr| ing deadly weapons. The sta. average of deaths by violence is i annually. SO.UTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jndcsonvilio aad Saraanai| Eastern Time at Other PoiatR. gchedala in Effcct Jui. 27th. IWL KOBTHBOmtD. [iT. Jftcksonvllio ^9. H)- “ Savaanali (So. ity )• “ BaniWdU...............“ Blwkville............ It. Colambii ■ Lv. Oh»rl4s*cn. Ibo- it? • -•• SttxnmerTille........... “ BrwcliVin*............ Joluiflton.....................Ar. Ooltunbia, OJ.Lv. Oolmnbia, (Bldg w.. “ ‘Wiausboro.............. Ajr. Oharlotte Ly, Oo’umtU .........~ Ax. Knoxyjflis.................. OladagWti.......?•• •_, r. LoniaviUa The first straw paper was made in the U nited States in 1828. Now it taxes the w heat fields of the nation to furnteh sufflclent matertol tor the itnv ptptr ia4ttitr7< WaaWBfton, D -wlM* W. H. TALOS- Oen* *“ ‘’-'fd°e rc p re s e n ta tlv f .r « “'X t n g e there I*"” school for ol „nd im itation l < work of the voc, E ' " : p I -schools of all ftue ■ .incs not lean T o t another instruct, ■ I, never dism ist f e " ; : % . o r . until shj ' w r pcriort ot probal ^ " ^ ^ p r o p e r . th e « toil her work, and iltious r f ,, is "-eeks before she K i ll a".'- ‘■‘"■‘Jlt « n ttion she is usuail I the slack hours R k! old craplo.'-^ can keIS , sM does, under the n- L»liv a II"-'' electric li( & <• subscriber desir 1 m,c nil'' ^0'"*' r L i n upon the opcrat L onder the old plan. " t of the bells w as co. P!ar> Intisinui-b as the ?;„ishod talkins and hi IJver tlie ii^l0P>‘0 « 0 sir, Ciiniially botiier to inquire Lncir''' a'"! ii>i‘s.n«cii as V l to make fewer motio ,f uuestidiis. she naturii sues more in any given Be.-Lcdgf“r M onthly AN ODDITY IN bTA xJ I Point laco Is the nam e < ?aper. It comes in sfi| fe lavender, light blue an, file color shines through ■Ipns of net and sm all iiTes. I^Tbe buay man who never ‘ lit eat a few d a te s . f the duty of MCf, ______ •What suffering froquel « a mothers ig ^ o ran J jnently from a m oLherl Pf^rly instruct her daug Traditioa says "wom aJ ’ wd young women a rt *re is a little tru th and I ^^aggeration in this. I suffers severely! -at. and her m othef .HUt Bhe gets it. “ Others hesitate i 'tic?- ^ physician j ithil ^ m other need fule n>nl? P in k h an i M uiner of th j .P iK ’'» 'tw e h ere p in Januan- fswiT^ T sufFeirregiilar me. p o t h P o < ! o ^ Box, h u d J ' uquid - , r - . awa ;)RNBUSTir V h e r e is alway t ’ee fur every ; cheus. 5 XInlcts He is > prem c H j 15 th e Saviour. The run t»cgue r isei, du,<t OE s.;andal.; He who is sefj ing comfort P> not win the r ' fiict. 0 /Un he least alraifl o t. h e Gospel are LVtf o t iQve, h hecomes a 1 will not save il. inis the light cn expect to stay in kr lest knowing mii tis t we know nolhil (rist. \ ■aTHf’-ous to do right! ■."h^ir rights Ihe ^-o etter tta i lenevl hly {rom cam ea |:‘o n o in ic lIcaTCi. * Avitli ibt“ \vorhI \m isod; Avy htwo i>as^ Iho ilei-niU*. ami j >ortinj? naiiuu: wo k lofs of^ foivijju fq ip i manufac-lures; ' indisiieiisablo cn fliiufiK-tm-inj;; >ve . , nioro liuislu'd Ami in tho iiiarkotsi •o avtf fic'Uiu}: ; reUiiively loss, f j ‘ facts poiut to a < i economic UoaltU .. Tbc.v aro oxaq III have boon hk I'oat Amerioa« ishlatrton, Ailanis . u r.Iaino, DiugUy ; ou .Toiinial.^rc Tndeoendonr. ‘ tLiu 1:. *.v:. r** anOl w as the prosjioci I Victoria lookou uj [;1\ oo\iUl hy awy jk Ainorican iiuira loufidence would lij l i u the days wh'*u : V s a del*tor iiaiiou i |bt ripples iu EiigJ w ere felt with over here. Tlial nee of trade whioUJ IS boon rolliu.2 :Lt sreai quijiujilp; intry. aud winch gr back of lar.io icau securities fr w c arc comparaii^ foreign finaucial ' of homicides in Sq Iipelled the Legisla jnt law prohibilin? | lice officer, from ( eapons. The slJ chs by violence is I I N R A IL W A Y f nclcsonvillo and Sava me at Other Points. I Effect J»n. S7th. 193L IXo.Ji'So.SC D a!l.y;D allr ■PTi)........ »35c' IMP ■k t - ...........!l265pll2 8to r r y - '•)........ 15p! 610s TUAUWplTUa'lSOlU 8 ^ 1 2(Xa I 088a 24to lOlba 4 —lUOdai 555a TuJfI 9WP asspio S15p........ 417p;ll20p 8 (lip tw s ToSa 1 ^ ! m No.»lI D aily I M r ^ ^ ^ T E L E P H O N H . ,lic nt'W' recruits I rif** ” V :ii' '=*'■«* J V ic e ®..u.ployes. The X ^ ,„.a w ith d u m m y ","1 ii.-.itailon apparatus K f. .<W ' ”’ Vo»alar .-.'ichange; a n d ^ " ,r ill llK- ‘‘‘'“1 ^'*'^■“^ 10 trv liM- I'a n d a t th e t of ilie v ocation, a s f ’S isb t in to .^ ^ » f ”: s n m l th eo ry . F o l-I'’ " T „ .r ii.s n i«i th e o r y , r o i - 110«- ill fu r.-e in m a n y "t ""b«^‘ ...,t »..,irn readilynot ioarntransferred to “Ifano:!"’'- in^trwior- so th at I'lH-ov ilismissed as un- ff„r!c until she has had(I’T 'fL ,.;,„ i .'f Iirohation in the '>“■ newcomer is itfJ® ,,;,v t.i sit beside an lirr w.irk. ami hear her ' ” Vui..l>T ciivnmstauces, .1 ...„Hi i'l''.i of the sys- k<'‘l.v'-.>r.' she is intrust- n.s,.onsibiIit.r.1 : ”0:1 si.,' is o» Ili.-!irk boiir.-i. when one 't, I'luii'r the new system, i* ' ,-,;,. ,,i.’.-iric light flashes .iesires to com- ■’ Villi 1 5 .. iL,. olil wherein the l^tlie I'cllf foiistiiiitly m rt jBi'inii*'!* as iiie light is ?x- -:.;i A,. Iiil'n-Kt the subscriber 15..V1 lailii"- "1’ U 'lhP li'Mill""*' Kit' “'^‘‘‘1 t" y°“ ^ r'aj.i iiiasaiucii .is she is re- nu'tious and ask siH' naturally ai-com- bCT in ,.;.r Mo:itiiIy.,1 clever w om a n-. .iidovon aKays dress your two ^ -3 sHk^? ’ queried a society *7^ 2 friend. **It m ust be a feai of trouble, aud, as they ar© jni. it is not nccessary.” TC" ias^ered the other quite jjt. “it {5 bccause of the effect, rather ordinary looking— in fact, rather pretty. I i-:id Triih fairly good figures, fjs unnoticeal'le in their ap- c*«. ({0G€ were in brown Rad 13 blue on tho street, no one Utvergive tliem a second glance, tessw ali!:e. they look really id . It is the same in a When they go In together fresh gowns, they accento- Ici: o'Jier. so lo spoak. and the fcav toilest becocies striking. A liMTbj-itself is a pink bow. and ^ eke. but two pink bows be- i iamediaiely an arrangement. Issiiia' idea eseraplined on the Ipcaballf't. It is tho repetiton tbt ffives ihs c-a'ect. If the ZRr«rc in diiierpai costumes it a is iCptt cosiplewly. Of course, I?:: 2T. it is a botlier to have to match, and ■?;hen one pfenilrel that renders the other fetM. sun. I think it pays.”— pT&rl Tribune. llVODDITY IN’ sTATION’ERY. |fclafe I? the camG of the newest it comes in square sheets. ^!Te:1-r. light blue and pale buff. p«icr shbes throush the whit« !i rf net and small flowers and ■2 ^7 iia ffbc. liPTPr has nny time So* 12. (I O'liry OF MOTHERS. ' 3! wSerisg frequently rcsulta : a mother's igTioraace; or more C^^Jrirom a moQier's neglect to p i ; initruct her daujrhter! s.ays ‘•wooaa m ust snf- p cdTounj^omen arc so taught. sUalittWtrQih and a great deal iteration in this. If a youngf 'i icSers j^vi-rely she needs cad her mother should see gets it. 1^7 Bothers he>itato to take th eir to a phy.«:cl?m for exam ina- CO rooiher need hesitate to about her daughter or ^ to Mr-. I'inkiiam aad secure ^ effick-ni jidvicc w ithout Mrs. Pinkliaaj's address is A .S., l,lVj^* ^ “Izpraf, of South ■,'Pwtrah ^‘’5nsW ■ publish, w roteinJMuary, 1899, saying •“tith iL snifered for tw o '■ .“ fustruation — '^■Icsl i P“'°generally ^«ith I j ■' '“''•'am prom ptly and under datS of ^«»i m } ™’''>>am's VepeUble ‘'l' equals Mrs. i 'o S , f<»- regn.lifci. * ix“'-uliur m onthly ^"ACRa hT o z o d o n tPowder ^ f ““ Boi, huidy ^^"HP0WDER,7Sc £ D Khi .'’J"'™ B» Mml, ASDUHt O U E E N O B M G U S E X T O R T S NEARLY $130,000,000 IN IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTS. ‘ Tremendous Totml ot Trada With Pot. •Im CountiiM In ArUcIes For irbicli We Were Formerly Dependent Upon tUe W orkshop of tbe Old World. W hen one considers the full slgnifl- eancc of th e sUfMstics relating to om’ exports of the m anufactures of iron and steel for the calendar year 1900, it Is not difficult to account for the per- turbiition felt on account of tbe loss of trade In these lines w hich G reat B rit­ ain has suffered through the competion of the U nited States. F orty years ago the m an w ho w ould predict th a t some tim e in the future this country would find itself independent of Europe in supplies o t iron and steel products for its ow n use w ould have been set down as a dream er of w ild and fantastic dream s. A m erican free traders then told A m erican consum ers th a t It w as their lot in life to produce food stuffs, raw m aterials and precious m etals, and to let Europe do the m annfactnr- ing for them . It is only w ithin a few years th a t A m erican free traders have ceased to talk th a t w ay. B ut w hat would have been thought of the m an who even ten years ago foreshadow ed an export trade am ount­ ing to ?130,000,000 a year in iron and steel products m anufactured in the United States? H e w ould have been caUed crazy. Y et the fact rem ains th a t no feature ot the exportations of the calendar year 1900 has been m ore rem arkable than th a t of m anu­ factures of iron and steel. W hen the total tor 1899 passed the $100,000,000 line m uch surprise w as felt in other parts ot the world, and the opinion w as expressed a t home and abroad th at the high prices w hich prevailed in the beginning of m e year would cause a reduction of these exports rather than an increase. This expec­ tation has not been realized. On the contrary, the year 1900 m ade even a larg er-g ain than did the year 1899, and brought the grand total of iron and steel, exclusive of iron ore, up to ?129,G33,4S0, or m ore than $100,000,000 in excess of the year 1890T w hen the total w as a little above *27,000,000, and m ore than double th a t of 1897, w hen it w as ?02.737,230. Alm ost every im portant article shows an increase in 1900 over any precedhig year. Pig iron amovmts in 1900 to $4,500,000, against $3,250,000 iu ISOO. and $2,500,000 in 1898. Build­ ers’ hardw are show s a gain of about $1,000,000 over 1899 and $2,000,000 over 1893. Steel rails am otm t in value to nearly $11,000,000 in 1900, against about $G,000,000 in 1899. Electrical m achinery, w hich is greatly in dem and in all parts of the world. Increased from $2,500,000 in 1898 to $5,250,000 iu; 1900. Sew ing m achines increased from $3,000,000 in 1898 to $4,500,000; in 1000, and t.vpewriters from $2,000,- 000 in 1898 to nearly $3,000,000 in 1900. The destination o£ ihe articles of A m erican m anufacture, and especially of our m achinery, is literally to every part ot the w orld. O ur sew ing m a­ chines, typew riters and scientific in­ strum ents go to Asia, to A frica and to the Islands of O ceania and, w hat is m ore rem arkable, they go to experi­ enced Europe w ith all her facilities for m annfacturing and her skilled w orkm en. Of the $6,788,000 w orth of instrum ents for scientific purposes, in- cludiug telephone and telegraph instm ments, over $1,000,000 w orth w ent to the U nited K ingdom alone, nearly a million dollars’ w orth to F rance and $500,000 w orth to G erm any. The Uni ted K ingdom and G erm any each take over a miUion dollars’ w orth ot our sew ing m achines oat of a total expor­ tation of $4,500,000 w orth. Over a million dolLirs’ w orth of typew riters actually w ent to the U nited Kingdom and a half million dollars’ w orth to G erm any. Of the total exportations of builders’ h.irdw are, am ounting In value to $9,782,402, over ?.Z,000,00fl w orth w ent to the U nited Kingdom, nearly a million dollars’ w orth to Ger­ m any. about a h alt million dollars’ w orth to F rance and another $1,000.- 000 w orth to other parts of Europe. 01 tile ?I0,S95,4ie w orth ot steel rails ex­ ported in 1900, over a million dollars' w orth w ent to Europe and nearly $4,- 000,000 w orth to B ritish N orth A m eri­ ca. The following table gives the exports of scientific instrum ents and sewing m achines in the calendar year 1900, as compiled from the state­ m ent Just issued by the Treasury H ureau of Statistics. It shows that these com plicated and delicately ad­ justed m achines and Instrum ents are distributed to even the m ost distant parts o t the w orld, and is a deserved tribute not only to the skill of the A m erican w orkm an, but also to the nuaiity aod relialjiiity of his w ork and of the articles w hich his labor pro duces: E.tporled to— United IGngdom.. France............................. (Icrmany.........................Other Kurope .............]3ritish N. America... Central America ........ Jlexico ..........................Domingo .......... Cuba ...............................Other W est Indies... Argentina ..................... Brazil ,........................... (’olombia .......................Other South America. Chinese Empire..." ...British East Indies... •fanan...............................British Australasia .. J'iiilippine Islands ... 00,/ Other Asia and Oce­ ania............................... 28,777 A frica............................ 1 2 .^Other countries ......... 30,332 Sewing Machines. ..$1,071,903 .. 134,598 1,019,300 393,807 171,313 37,588 343,437 8,178 121,803 27,370 206,232 106,259 7,912 178,085 7,508 14,765 20,671 567,755 Scientific Instru­ments.$1,023,426 937,948500,316 830,004200,-52367,562 351,886 m sio m .im210,497 66,093 MiiiM323,0al24,282 239,590144,581 61,597 $6,788,938 h a ib o r n a m e n t s a n d h a t s . H air ornam ents appear In m a n ; i>l& turesque novelties. There are wlr6< gause bows and w ings In silver an< gilt fastened by a Jewelled omameni in odd design; serpent combs w hicl pass through th e back coll ot hair an« appear again on top and shell claspi for fastening bow knots and loosi tresses in the back. One new collfuri has the sides undulated, w ith the bacii In soft braids low down. H igh, small coils a la W atteau are piquant with the addition of a crisp velvet bow at­ tached by a rhinestone slide.—Ameri­ can Queem_______________ Danish Hgnthouses are supplied w ith oil to pum p on the w aves in case ot II storm. Totals.....................$4,510,221 Txioking at the grand total of nearly $130,000,000 of exports of iron and steel manufactures from the United States for last j’ear, it is quite clear (hat free trade Great Britain has am­ ple cause for uneasiness over the com- oetiOoD of protected America. One of the most striking featores of our foreign commerce during the last tour years has been the heavy Increase of tbe exports ot com, the annual average for those years having been 192,270,000 bushels. The increase began five years ago, the exports for the fiscal year having been almost ex­ actly 100,000,000 bushels; but in the five years Immediately preceding 3896 the annual aT«rac« U«f tiian SO.rmm Don't fttnret •U pilni rtlieved At'oao* by Oooao Grease. Ng VJJPK «o PAT. Bogs in Hamborg are taxed according to Big» .tee bigger tbe dog the bigger the tax. _ T h e T entim ony Of many thonaanda who uae and have need Crab <>chard Water in various diaoaaee, would warrant anyone is giyiog it a trial, ^ e pen is mightier than the sword when it comes to signing checks. X>oa’t drink too xanch walG* when cycling. Adanu' Pensin Taiti Fratti is an excellent BubsUtute^^______________________ The London mint .produced 107,689,518 coins last year. ^cratohss. paddle galls, sore shonldera. sweeney, cnts, bra-.sos, and lameness ot ever/ ' ‘ '.ooiMatoBCe^y V^OOseOreate Jjinimeat. I'he new woman w ants to brace up and be a man. Speedy, Prompt and Sure. Acta quicker, never gripes and ohtains better lesulta than any laxaCiTe known. Ita action is marveloast its effect immediate.No remedy will cure constipation and biliousness so quickly and with absolutely no discomfort as HunyadI J^nos Average D e^: Oae-half glaosful on arising in the morning. Bvery druggist and general wholesale grocer In the world seUs it. a r i / for the full name, AO It " Hunyadi J&&OS.BLUE Red Centre Panel. Sole Importer: Firm of ANDREAS SAXLEHNBR. l30Piriton St., N. Y. INCH ESTER G U M C A T A L O G U E F R E E TeHs an ttnt WiiMr RIflss, ^tpns, and Aianinitioa Send name and address on a postal now. Don't delay if you are interested. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEW, c o mrto WINCHESTER AVENUE - F o r l«a G rippe an d BeadA elie. These disagreeable aad dangerous dis­eases may be relieTed immediately by the t mely use ot Hicks’ Capudine Headache Care. 15c, 85c and OOcat all drug »toree. If yoar druggist does not keep It send 6c for ~ostage on trial bottle. Hicss Caxiacaij Baleigb.N. C. Senators and Cpagress are now naina Goose Greate toy sora tnroa*, hoi^teasM andItcortawlGreasaf* {or «ora t^roaN hoarts&sss and colds; wV^ U1 else falL The Wlsenie Goo» tor man orWaftevory bottle anarant d Tbe girl with high ideals seldom marries an aeronaut. PuTKAV Fxz>2i.£88 Dtes do notspot, streak or give yonr goods an onerenly dyed appear, ance. Hold by all druggistg.______ The making of post-holes is an easy mat­ ter in Alaska. A mass of powder blasts out the hole in an instant, a telegraph pole is inserted, water is poured in, and the intense cold holds the pole secure in an encasement of ice. B ow »s T bia? We oifer Ono Hundred DoQan Beward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by HaU's Catarrh Care. F. J. Chsnby & Co., Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, hare mown F. J. Che­ ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per­fectly honorable in all bnsiness transactions and financially able to rarry ont any obliga­ tion made by their firm.W est & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. WATDuro. EimiAN & Uabtik, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­ing directly npon ihe blood and mucous sur­faces of the B j^m , Price, 75c. per bottle. ................. 'its. Testimonials free.Sold by all Drut HaH*s Family are the best. The new Senator from Utah, Thomas Keams, was once a laborer. W ben Y ou B u y In k get Cuier’s and yon will get the best every time.‘*lnklin^” free. Carter’s Ink Co., Boston. The population of New Mexico is 195,- 310, an increase of 27.2 per cent. Mrs. Winslow’s children’s Soothing Syrup for thing, soften thegums, reduces inflamma- n, aUays pain, cureswindcolio. 25cabottle A Sp: from A nish railway has ordered 52Q cars ocrican manufacturers. I*iso’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken or as a cough cure,—J. W. O’Bbibn, S22 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900. There are 320,000 maid servants In Lon* dou. A L U X U R Y W I T H I N T H E R E A C H O P A L L ! W a tch o u r n ex t ad v e rtise m e n t. There is nothing that a SOCIAL LION appreciates as much as a good cup of coffee. If you don’t drink LION COFFEE yourself, at least keep some for your guests. But what can you buy for your­ self that is better or that costs SO Uttle as ■IjJlO N O O I ^ E * E L E S ? - I I Get the genuine ! (Lion’s Head on every vrrapper). If not at yotir grocer’s try another store. LIO N C O P P E E is not glazed nor coated with egg mixtures or chemicals. We have no Imperfections to hide! L.ION COF"F-EB is absolutely pure coffee, and nothing but coffee! In every package of IlOW COFFEE you will lind a fully illustrated and descriptive lis t N o housekeeper. In fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, com fort and convenience, and which they m ay have by simply cutting out a certain num ber of Lion Heads from the w rappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOI.30 S P K B CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. n U e a s ^ n c k e o B e d ta e a d .Seaboard Aic Line Bailway one thonsand mUe ttakets are now sold from all points on its lines at rate ol »26lOO, laelnding those ivioasly sold in the State of Florida at ,-j.OO. These tickets are good oyer the en­tire Seaboard Air line Ballway System and are honored between Bicfamond and Wash- iDgton by the Biohmond, Frederickaborg & Potomao and Pennsylvania Railroads, be­tween Portsmouth and Baltimore by the BalUmore Steam Packet Company—Bay Line- and between Clinton and Columbia, S. C., by the Colombia, Newberry and Lau­ rens Ballroad. AU tickets which have been sold at $25.00 and endorsed **not good in State of Florida” will be honored over the entire system, including lines in Florida, re­ gardless of such endorsements, B tce’a Goose G rease Will absftlutelv cure Crodp, Oodobs ash Cot>DS quicker than anythini; known. Every cotton planter should write for our valuable illustrated pamphlet, “ Cotton Culture.” It is sent free. Send name and address to GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., N. Y. SAW M PLANINu BRICK MACHINERY, ENGINES AND BOILERS, all Types, Machinery and Sup­ plies of Every DescriplioD. Lar^e Stocks and Quick Shipmeats.W. H. GIBBES & CO.COLV'nBlA, s. c. $3.00 PERiOOO Paid for dUtrlbutlnsradvortUlnjc matter relative to ALLIOATOK LI.MMEVF. the best rubonearth rorRbeumatlsm, Kear&lRia and alt Halns. Price 2S(% 900 and SLOU. Sample mailed (or 15c. Address T ilC AliLIGA TO R l^lN m BN TCO .* CHARliESTON, S. C. n D D C V D I 8 C 0 7 E B T ; girsiL J F C W r O I qaiokraHefsadeareswonl eases. Buiik of testimoQids sad 10 days* IrMlmenS Free. Or. E. H. OKEEN’S SOXB. Box B. AtUata. 8a. . Us e C E R T A I N i ^ " G U R E . ’^ DEATH b e g i n s i n t h e b o w e l s . I t ’s t h e u n c l e a n p l a c e s t h a t b r e e d i n f e c t i o u s e p i d e m i c s , a n d i t ’s t h e u n c l e a n b o d y — u n c l e a n i n ­ s i d e — t h a t ‘‘c a t c h e s ” t h e d i s e a s e . A p e r s o n w h o s e s t o m a c h a n d b o w e l s a r e k e p t c l e a n a n d w h o s e l i v e r i s li v e ­ l y , a n d b l o o d p u r e , i s s a f e a g a i n s t y e l ­ l o w f e v e r , o r a n y o t h e r o f t h e d r e a d ­ f u l d i s e a s e s t h a t d e s o l a t e o u r b e a u t i f u l l a n d . S o m e o f t h e c l e a n e s t p e o p l e o u t s i d e a r e f i l t h i e s t i n s i d e , a n d t h e y a r c t h e o n e s w h o n o t o n l y " c a t c h ” t h e i n f e c t i o n s , b u t e n d a n g e r t h e l i v e s o f a l l t h e i r f r i e n d s a n d r e l a t i v e s . T h e r e ’s o n l y o n e c e r t a i n w a y o f k e e p i n g c l e a n i n s i d e s o a s t o p r e v e n t d i s e a s e a n d t h a t i s t o t a k e C A S C A R E T S . P e r f e c t d i s i n f e c t a n t a n d b o w e l s t r e n g t h e n e r s . A l l d i s e a s e s a r e PR EV EN T ED B Y lOc.25c. 50c; ALL DRIKKHST& NEVER SOLD IN BULK. , k tuwind •n d d lsslew e. larly m jf | •QflbrlMK «k«t a|U you4 Start . . . w ill aeT t. ___________yo« put ]r*nrk*wels riglite Vake oor. w ith O A iC A m B T t umAw a u » b M l« te fiia r * ep jJ P IM S sarsr W . L . D O U G L A S S3 & $3.60 SHOESThe real -worth of W. I». Donglas S3.00 and S3.50 shoes compared with other makes is 94.00 to •5.00.Our 94.00 Gilt £d{ra I4ao cannot be equalled at any price. We make and sell more 93.00 aud 93.50 shoes than any other two mannfacturersin tho United States* rrUE KEAjBOX noro W. L. DodsIu S3 and S3J0 shoei an sold thananTotherm«keiBbecauMX0£Y AK12XH£ BKSX. Tour dealer •nould kocp themt w« rive one dealer cxclniiTe lalo io eaeh tova.Take no aulMtitute! Insist on h«vin» W. I>. DourIm ihoeawita name and price stamped on bottom. II yonr dealer will not get them for yoa. lend direct lo factory, enctoclng price and iSc. extra for carriatte. State kind of leather, size, end vidth. pliin or cap toe. Onr (hr>e« vill reach you anywhere. Write/or catalogue thoitmg n«p Spring ttvlet. We na« Fuat C'olnr W« 1<- Douslua Nhoo Co.,EyeleU in aU our stioca. Urockton. Maa». k .. .. \ f. *,,■ • Pimples, Blackheads, Red Ro u g h and Oily 5kin PREVENTED BY ■nypXIONS of Women Use CUTIOJRA SOAP, listed W iVl Cuticora Ointment, the great skin aste,{ot picscrring, pari- fyins:, and beautifying; tifie skin, for cleansing tiie scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, fot softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes itching^ and chafings, in the form of baths for annoySag Irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive petspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themsSives to women and mother^ and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, ^d nur­ sery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifieis to lise any otheis. CUTICURA SO.AP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUnCURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of deaas- ing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No otiier me^c^ei/soap is to be compared with it for preserving, puri­ fying, and beautifyhig the skin, scalp> hair, and fiands. No other foreign or domestte foffef soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for ail the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thtis it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, vi;.« TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and complezion soap» and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. O om plete E xternal e n d In te rn ta T reatm en t for Every H um or.CoDsiatioKof Ctn’icuBA Soap (25c.), to eleaitas the akin of enuts aodecalea aod soften tbe iliickeafd cotleie; Cimt-uaA OiNrstaT(60e.). 9 1 I I I l k l l l i A to iDStaotlyaltayttehlmr.iDdaznoiailon. aod irrluUoo. aad soothe and wlVW £€l 1^1; andCuTjuciu.Htaf>ws«T(«e.).tocoolaBdcieaiw#tiwbIo^ _ « A8pi8L»8sTlsoftensoiaioi«iittoeor«UwmoittortarlBg,<Hsnfu»taf# VIE BECOSD. Vli r - |H I IH E n t e e e d a t t h e p o s t o f f i c e a t ilOCKSVILLE, N. C., AS SECOND CLASS KATTEB, May J.2TH, 1899. A m val and Departnw of T rains. So u t h B o u n i h -Daily except Sunday. L eave M ocksvllle..................... I:*® P ™ L eave M ocksville..................... 6:15 p m N O B T H BOUND. L eave M ocksville..................... 7:15 a m Leave M ocksville.....................11:50 a m Mocksville Froduce Market. C o rrected by W illiam s & A nderson 1‘rodiice iu good demanil. Corn, p er b u ................................ W heat, p er bu........................... O ats, per bu............................... P eas, per b u ............................... Bacon per pound ................... Bacon, W estern....................... Hams..................................... E(Tg8................................................ B u tte r............................................ Sprinff C hickens....................... 50 70 46 75 • 10 !) 12i 15 15 lOCAl S O m AKD INCIDENTS All job work spot cash, before it leaves the office. Thos. Haiiser, of tbe Farming- tou neighborhood died last week. Chattel mortgages for sale at the poit office. W e are glad to hear that our frieud John M. Fnrches is some better. T. AY. AVood & Sou’s fiardeu Seeds at W illiams & Anderson’s. Miss Sadie W ard, daughter of John L. AVard, of Farmington, died last week. Early Eose, Peerless and Bur- V.auk seed potatoes at W illiams & Anderson’s. • JJ. T. Foster died last week of ] neiimonia. He lived near Yad- tin Vailey church. Old papers for sale at 10 cents ] er hundred at the Eecord office. j Miss Mamie Steel of Eocking- l-.im, is visiting her sister, Mrs. .lohii H . Stewart, of this place. Old papers for sale at the post- o;!i<;e. Jlre. J. B. Johnston who has been visiting relatives at Cleve- i:md has returned to Mocksville. A nice line Percales, Lawns and Dimities at W illiams & Ander- Kull’S. It is reported that the Bevenne oilicers seized a quantity oi whis­ key in theciifihty last week. WWchester Hams, breakfast f I rips, etc., at W illiams & A nder­ son’s. Eev. A. McLees, will preach l;('i e Sunday at 3 p. m .. on “ W hat is the sin against the Holy Ghost.” 3 or 4 new sewing machines lo tnide for cattle. Call on the Fxil- tor of the Eecord. W ill X . Coley, who has been spending some time with his fath- oi-s tim ily, left for home last week. W anted wheat; 72!c. delivered ill Mocksville. M. A . Foster, ICpliesiis, K. C. Onr old friend F. L. Berrier, of Augusta, was in to see us last week and remembered The Record. If you want a nice sewing ma- cliiiie, call on the Editor. H e can suit you in prices. J . W . Etchison, Connty Treas­ urer, will be at Mocksville on Sat- nrdajs for some time to pay off vouchers. If you w ant a nice lot of job printing done, call on the Eecoiti, Mocksville, N. C. Jack Idol, of Forsyth county, and Frank Poindexter, attended the moeUng of the Masonic lodge last week. Job printing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. All M ork guaranteed. “ K«d Buck’’ H . E. C. Bryant, representing the Charlotte Obser­ ver, spent several days in town last week. The lingerlne cou^h following jrrip calls for One Minute Cough f.^ire. For all throat and lung troubles this ^ the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Prevents coa- sumption. C. C. Sanford and M. A. Foster. The Iccture at the colored M. E. church Monday night by Black Sam Jones, was a sneeess. Those who attended speak highly of it Something over $13.00 was made which will go to discharge the debt .isahist the church. I f yon want a nice sewing m a­ chine, call on the Editor. M r. W ill Dalton, of Tampa, Fla., has moved to Mocksville, and is living with his mother, Mi'S. M. E. Dalton. If you are not already a subscri­ ber to the Eecord, this is an invi­ tation for you to become one, The Governor has appointed Mr. Isaac Koberts, of this county, a di rector of the Deaf and Dumb Asy­ lum at Morganton. Come around and look at our spring and summer samples. If you want a tailor made, up-to-date suit, come around to the postoffice. Miss Sallie Sue Ellis who has been visiting fnei.ds in town the past week, returned to Ad.'anee Monday, accompanied by Miss Jessie Chailin. Pianos 8185 to 8550. Organs $35 to 8125, warranted. PiKDMoNT Music Co. W inston, N. C. Ex President Benjamin H . H ar­ rison, of Indiana, died last W ed­ nesday at his home in Indianapol­ is. Only one Ex-President is now living, Mr. Cleveland. W hen you are bilious, use those fam ous little pills know n as IJe W itt’s L ittle E arly Itisers to cleanse th e liv­ er and bowels. T hey never gripe- C. C. Sanford and M . A. F oster. A report of the. speech of Eep- resentative Sheets on the appoint­ ment of Magistrates for Yadkia and Stokes reached ns too late for this issue. It will appear next week. AVAifTED—H alt dozen Grand- (athcr or hall clocks with brass woiks. AVlll pay fair price if you have one for sale. Address, Edwakd Smebisg, Chester, S. C. The legislature adjournod Sat­ urday to Apr. 3rd. It liegins to look like we will have a dog day session yet, AVe will discuss its actions laier when we find out w hat has been actually done. The Celebrated Owl Brand Fer­ tilizers for sale at W illiams & A n­ derson’s. Someone hiis borrowed, or it has been taken from our offi-.-e, a book which we would be glad to have returned, Junius Letters, bound in sheep. AVe will be un­ der obligations for its immediate return to .the Editor. A nother car load of high grade fertilizers j list received. Call and sec iis before buying. Horn Beos. & Johnstone. A good Xo. 32 breech-loading rifle lor sale or trade. Call -on the Editor. M l. Geo, n . Snider, State rep­ resentative of the Peidmont Music Co., of W inston-Salem, was in town last week. H e handles) P i. anos. Organs, Guitars, Mandolins, and all kinds of first class musical instruments. See his ad. in this issue. If you need anything in his line call on or w nte him for prices 600 pairs shoer, 33i per cent nn der regular price. 70 pairs ladies slippers, former prices f l to 81.50, now 8Ge, 300 hats for men at fiCj per cent under regular price at M K. Poster’s, Ephesus, N. C. The whipping of a white convict so that death ensued, by one Ful ton. in Forsyth county, is a dis grace to Anglo Saxou civilization. It is to be hoped that Fulton will be caught and justice meted out to him at the end of a rope. Sneh dastardly, cowardly brutes deserve death. The peanut politicians at Ea leigh have placed Davie. Yadkin ai d AVilkes, wiih a population of 53, 070 in one Senatorial district and given them only one Senator. Eowan, with 31,066 and Forsyth with 35,261 are given a Senator each. How long wUl the people tolerate such a gangj The celebrated W issner & Leek erling Pianos. PiEDMosT Music Co. W inston, U C. request to lin expect mach: Horn Bios. & Johnstone us to announce that they « begin putting iu their new _ ery about A pril 1st, and that their flour mill will be shut do-vn four or five weeks from that < They expect to rnn their corn all the time and will be prep; to furnieh corn and meal to public. They request their tomere to come and supply tnem- m enough to do themtill 1st. for date, mill prepared the cus- them- F ree Heeds. The Hon. B. Z. LinneyUS a has shall quantity of garden i free distribntion, and we and distribute them all county, and not all in one w e w ill them onttoour^fhends pro sent for tryall over tbe town- Buy The Celebrated D[R LECKERLING PIANOS. The highest Standard ever reach­ ed in the Piano m akers art. 20 years iu advance of all otherm akes. Sold at striclly factory prices. The world renowned Oiians, MoUer. ‘Burdett & Sterl? Orpns, Everything iu mnsic sold at .about half price othei-s charge, on terms to suit you. W e have uever been undersold. AVrite today for catalog and prices. l>IEDMONT MUSIC CO. AVinston, N. C. FDRNITDRE! For Furniture in every line go to EOM IXGEE & CEIM FU EN IbH U fG CO. They have the largest stock iu W inston, and at prices thal cannot be m atched. OUR M l iAl Ills . THE KHRFEES PAINTS! Are now' recognized as one of the best paints that has ever been placed ou the market. Tbe sales have been far beyond our sjinguiue expectations and are consrautiy in­ creasing. AV'e wisli to kindly thank those w-ho have so liberally patronized us and for the many kind words they have spoken in favor of are, lEO X K IN G COOK STOVES, KIM BALL OR- GASrS A X D 'C L I M A X CHAIES. See ns and w i will save .you money. ROMINGER& CEIM FCRNISHIKa CO. -136-438 Main St. fn fro n t B row n's W arehouse. y d ? ^ _ Y early to Chris- g J Q Q Q tia n m an or wo- D I D e v e r : stop to think of the difference tliere is between a cheap, sliac];le.V) ing macLine and one of HIG H Gl!Al>S and of EEPUTABLE MAKH? Be not deceived by franduleul adyertisei’s, claiming to sell a first class machine for or 81S dollars. Such is not the case and we will prove it to your satisfaction if you will let ns know before you buy. There is no getti ;g iiround the fact that the WHEELER & WILSON Is the best made, and taking its many g(X)d features into coii- sidenition, is the CHEAPKST JIACIIIX K O S TH E MAIt- KET. The Secret. R o ta ry Motion. A N D Ball Bearings M A K E T H E K E W Wheeler & Wiison Sewing Machines E a s y R u n n in g , Q u ie t, R a p id a n d D u ra b le . P u r c h a s e r s s a y ; " It r u n s a s lig h t a s a fe a th e r.” ‘ ‘ G r e a t im p r o v e m e n t o v e r a n y th in g s o f a r .’*^“ It tu r n s d r u d g e r y in to a p a s tim e .” “ T h e m a g ic S ile n t S e w e r ." A p e r f e c t m a c h in e fo r D r e s s ­ m a k e r s . C o m p a r e d w ith the W . & W . , n o o th e r m a c h in e i; c h e a p a t a n y p ric e .C a ll a t o r s e n d to t h e n e a r e s t office, a n d r e q u e s t t h s t a m a c h in e b e e x ­ h ib ite d a t v o u r rc s id c n c c , o r a d d re s sWheeler a Wi!son Mfg, Co.^ M a n u fa c tu r e r s o f Sewing Machines. A ll S iz e s a n d S ty le s fo r C lo th a n d L e a th e r. F a c t o r y a n d H e a d C fH cey Bridgeport, Connecticut, U. S. A. t l i W e guarantee every gallon bear­ ing the label and trade mark of .1. P. Kiirfees Paint Co., Louisville, K y. Call and see me or write me giving e.xaet size of your honse and I will tell yon to the cent what it will cost yon to paint it, or see my agent, li. F. Stonestreet. He will cheerf.illy tell you the rest. fours anxious to please, J . LEE KITKFEliS, Kurfees, N. Y early to C hris­ tia n m an or wo- ^ m an to look :if- te r our frrow 'njr business in this ? and acljoinin^^ Counties, to a c t as M anajrer and C orrespondent: k w ork can be done a t your liome^ g Enclose self-addresstd. stam ped envelope fo r p 'lrticu lars to .7. k 3 A . KNIGHT. G eneral M ana^'er. 3 j w CorcorauB uiU U ns-.oppiisite Uni- IK ted S tates T reasury. W ashiujr- fe i j to.i. D .C . 3 Let us know if you want one. W e will m ake the price right ami will allow you a liberal price fi>r your oUl niaehii;e, if yon have one. W e will make the terais to sait yo.i. AVe also carry one of the L.\K- GEST .and liEST stocks of orgsius to be foaud iu X orth Carolina, Y nnrs to plea-se, R . J . B O W E N . : Digests what yoa ! Jaiure m riMiiii i,™ T ri i itnictingtlw cxbaiisii.d'’,]?'! ' gaus. ItlstliehiiretdiH'ov;',? iantandtnnl,-. * I can •tppnmrh it- i» nyspepsm, Sour SiMMh" Sickneadacho.Ciistralpjf'a allothcrrcsiiltsoflmp.feta P ric o 5 0 o .:iii(l? l. i: m.;LlUiz=, Prepared ty E. C. DeVLifl ICO,? rn; G. C. McClamroch, the Jeweler, will be in town during court week. Office next door to Davie Times. Mr. Byerly, of Lonisburg was iu town last week in the interest of a bank at this place. Outride parties are willing to furnish a goodly am ount of the capital if tbe home folks will do the rest. From present indications, our chances for a bank are good. P ut your shoulders to the wheel, gentlemen, and move up; its u public necees- ity- Ten cai’S were wrecked last week just this side of Dutchm an’s creek and about 50 yards of the tiack torn up. The train was delayed about 12 hours. The mail which was due here at 6:15 p. m. reached Mocksville Friday about 7 ;30 a. m. C/Ousidei-able property was broken up and destroyed, and it ■will cost the Rail road Co. a round sum to make it f^)od. Xo lives were lost. Double headers are hard on the track, and no doubt caused the damage. FOUR PAPERS HO. 305 MAIH STREET.W INSTON, N. C. promptly proenrrf, OS 10 m .or ph'*to fur fr« report fit pfmuUi-r. I toOhtivia U.S. aatl r>rci^B PikaHstiiTr FEES. FaiwMerm* er-r PATEST LAWTTRS OF 2« TEIST Fl_.„20,CC0 PftTEHTS PW£BlKawnrt All bn»ai*.<s e^ntldrntii). S-u<M>a 1sefvirtu M edtnts chinm. I A.SNOW&I PATENT UWYEHS, Opp.U.S.PitenlDffics, FOR $1.15. 1 ^ 5 We solicit tlie wuk ot the W e will send you the Davie Ee­ cord one year, pric« j the Rich­ mond W eekly Time.s, price .'iOe, The Farm Jonrnal and The Para­ gon M onthly, all four paper.s for iSl.in per year. Ih is i.s a rare oti'er for a gnmll sum . Send -91.35 to the Editor of the Eecord, Mocks­ ville, N. C., and you will get all fonr of these papers one year. ^ m erchants and business men h i .kk of the county. fcCi ' ^ T' 1 I W e have a nice stock of T i ? S Ii Xote Ileiids, i K urfees Item s. J. W . Green has been repairing his residence, John Cartner visited his daugh­ ter, Mrs. Amy Ijames last Sunday, D. C. Kurfees is on the sick list. Luther Leach of Hickory, was a pleasant visitor in our “ berg” last week. Peter Stontstreet has grip. Mrs. Della L ittle is spending some time with relatives near Salis­ bury, M. A. Foster, of Ephesus, made a business trip here last week. J . Lee ICnrfees and family have been right sick the past week. O. L. Pnlliam , of Stokes county spent a few days in this vicinity last week. Miss Lizzie Granger, of Coolee- mee, is si>ending some tim e vith her grand mother, Mrs. C. A. Brown. Mrs. John Mason is seriously ill. Several of our people attended preaching at Hardison Sunday night. Tildon Bailey of Cana, was in onr ‘iberg” last week selling wall paper. O tt Smith died Sunday night about two o’clock after a month or more suffering. H e was a young boy ju st entering the teens. W hat has become of “ Kentucky Bell!” She m ust be sleeping. W ake up and write again. to th e E ^ r d . Soldier Boy. THK I.IG H T OF THK W OKLD —OR— O U R SA V IO B IN ART- Cost nearly $100,000 to publish. Con­ ta in s nearly one hundred full-paye en^^raviujTs copied d ire ct from th e W orld'8 G reate st P.iintln^^s of O ur S avior and H is M other, (.'ontains H istory of Painting-, Bio.irrai)hj' of P a in te r and th e G allaries iu Europe w here th e O riirinal P ain tin jf m ay be seen. T he m ost beautiful i)ublica- tion ever issued. The slrong-est h ea rts w eep a t th e sig h t of these w onderful l>ictures of Jesus and H is M other. TCvervbody^ sa3’^s th e y a re jrrand, sub­ lim e; m atchless, maj.'-nificent, b e a u ti­ ful, inspirinjr and uplifting-. T he sale is unprecedented. T he presses are runninjf day and nig-ht to fill th e or­ ders. Tw elve carloads of paper w ere required for tb e la st edition. Sm all fortunes a re bein^ m ade by th e th rif­ ty w ith this m arvelous w ork. (Con­ ta in s also a child’s sto ry beautifully w ritten to lit each p icture. This w onderful book, m atchless in its pur­ ity and beauty, appeals to every m others’ h e a rt and in every C hris­ tia n hom e, w here th e re are children, it sells itself. A C hristian m an or w om an can soon clear one thousand dollars ($1,000) takinjT orders in this com m unity. O thers a re doing- this. W hy notj^ou? W e a re advertising-in nearly te n thousand new spapers in this country, C anada, Eng-land and A ustralia. Shipping- books to every K njfiish-speakinff country in th e world. W e shall prom ote our best w orkers to positions of S^^ate M ana- jffers, C orrespondents and Office As­ sistan ts W e also own and publish larg-e P hoto-gravure E tching’s of th e G reat Painting-s in th e G alleries o : E urope. One or m ore of these E lch- injrs can be sold in every hom e. By carry in g th e book and th e engrL;v- ingrs j'our success w ill je trem endous. M rs. W aite, of W orcester, M ass., has sold nearly four thousand dollars w orth of books th e re. M rs. S ack ett has sold nearly tw o thousand dollars w orth of books in N ew Y ork. B oth of these ladies answ ered our adver­ tisem ent; and had n ever sold a b^ok before. T o o k 1 4 o rd e rs H rst tw o clays—H . Colwell. T o o k 5 o rd e rs f ir s t d a y ; 3 3 o rd e rs f ir s t w e e k , clearin g : o v e r $ 5 0 —H a ttie Lem- w ell. Thousands of others like above. I t is p rin ted on velvet-finished paper: bound in C ardinal Red, G reen and Gold and adorned w ith Golden Roses and Lillies. W rite quickly for term s as th e te rrito ry is g-oing^ rapidly. W hen you prove your success, we will prom ote you to th e position of M ana­ g er and C orrespondent under yearly oontract. W© shall soon m ove into our new «nd eleg an t stru ctu re to be occupied solely by us, and to be know n as th e L ig h t of th e W orld B uilding. A ddress THE BRraSH-AMERICAK CO. C orcaran B uilding, Opposite United States Trearery,. ■Washington, D. C. S I ’.ill Hcii.ls, J Stiitcmenls, S Envelopc.s. ^ Shipping T ii-s, ;\nd ill fact, auytbiiig vmi ^ ■5 need, and are prepared lo ^ b do FIliST CLASS work on £' SHOKT NOTICE at reiis- | I ^ onable prices. ^ ^ Call Oil or wrilc to ns for | ^ priccs oniinylhingyouw ant ^ ^ iu our liue, Addies.s, ^ M O H ins & STKOVD. Nock.sville, N. C Dr. M. D Kimbrough, P h y s ic ia n a k d S m cE O N . Office first -Joor South of Hotel Davjc M O C K S V I L I^ E N . c . J U S T I S S U E D U S J N E, -w ^ ^e.d i t i o n W ebster*» International D i c t i o n a r y N e w P l a t e s T h r o u g h o u t 25.000 N ew W o rd s F h ,..e. »nd n,na|,ioa, ^Prepared under the direct ™perv.«onofWT.HARRls ra.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Educarion assisted by a large c" “ Sf «m ^.ent .p e c ia ,i„ ? „ ^ w t aUo publish W ebster’s CoUeeiate G .ac.M E R IU A M cb . J. RENA FEEffi, ) vs - XOTK'K ()i' .Sa li;. LILLIE RIGE, etal S I5y viriue of an order made by A . r. O iaiit, H. ('., iu the above entitled case, I will.^ell, for <-.i.sh, at public auelion, at the (^lurt- house door in tl;e town ot JIowlcs- ville, "u Jlouday the ^th day of A pril, I'.IOl, the follmviii.ir town lots, sitnati'.l in tlietowii ofMiK- s- ville, 2\*. (.'. auil l«)uiided as fol­ lows: l.st lot, beKiniiin}; al a stone Jlrs. K A Hice's (ronier on S sMc of jlineral .Spring St, tlieiHte.S. 1."!° W with -Airs E A l;ice"s line :!7l’ ft to a stone, Jfrs. K A lfic*‘.s’ nn- iier, Ihenec 7:i° K 100 ft willi the line of mill lot, to a stone, in ar. alley; Ivice and W illjoii's • tr­ uer, thence X l.">° ]•] :>7:; ft to a stone, oil S. .-^ide of Mineral .Spiinij St, theiiee witii said street ti> tlie beuiiiniiifr, containing nine-tenths ('f an acre, more or less. Jiid Lot, beginning at a stom-. E. E. H unt’s and JIarj l!ove < oi - nw , tlienee S 7(i° E riKi ft to a •stouein H unt's line, tJRUce X 1.")° E ft to a stone, l?i< e and W il­ son’s corner, tlience X 70“ W . 21'! feet to a stone, Itose line, thaiee to the beKiiininj;, contali.iiiK two- thirds of an aere more or less. This the 1st day of Jlare.h IDOI. TllOS. X, ClIAFI'IX, Coniniissioner. Three 1 *;ipcrs.itn * war i-.'ich. i j lliclmiDiiil. Va. Kow Only filty I'nitu VJ ;ind inc!iui'-s iilwduu-i; File PKrai::in Mnnihlv. The Farm .luurnal. i*!iii.i‘.| ^ THI-; OAli.Y .\N1) Sl'N'PAV | inchllln^' i-Virm .liitirnal:iTr.: !| ilullthlv. Xiivv ( lllv ?•' i ' aic. l e.- liv Mat-1 A c i l r e s s ■niXT!!: FOR SA '.:v mi KOTICH! By virtue of the powers con- lained ill a inort}(age deed exeen- ted to tlie nndeivigned by Sam Cr..^vfor.l and wife, Jlary, which said mortgage appeai-s recorded in liook Xo. S. page 122, Ilegi.-^tei : ftice of Davie Co., X. 0 ., we will sell 1 n ’llicly for <ash to the high- c-^t bidder at tfie court ITouse do' r i:i MucKSville, on Mouday, the l.st day of A pril, 1001, the follow­ ing ti".i:-t of land, to-wit: A ti-iK't sita:itc<l iu the town of Advance, X. adjoining the lands of A. <5. AVood, (i. A. Aillscn, et al. ISegiuniiig at a stone in Allison’.- liue and Wood’s corner; thence S. 2 i° dt^ree-! \V. i;j poles to a stunc iu AU soii’.s and Lippiird’s line, thence W C jxiles to a stone, thence 1,;! polos to a stone in Wood’s line, Ilierce (! pcdi-s to the be^'i inii.g, containing i acre, more or less; the same being the house and lot i.ow owned by Sam Crawford, and njioii whi(;h he lives. This I'.'ith day of Kcb. 1!»»1. E . II. P as.'!, Moitgagee. A . T. G rant, Assignee, of jACdn STinvAUT, Jloitgagee. A . T . Cii£.v.NT, J k ., A t t ’y . A GOOD imOP E] Sewing Ilscliuij Sale. .illy One D .“iniii' to j cliasc W il-1'" i C ail cn tlu’ Kail| fOR SALS Ab-nt I7.-.iicr(.-si'n'i"'' |'J the Cnolwiwctimbered and Wiiterd-'' | ;address. j-j,, Morris T H R O U S H SLE XOTK’E! i Having qualiiied as Adniinistra- i tor of the estate of Elizabeth Horn, | dee’d, all persons holding claims against said decea.sed, are hereby notified to present them to the nu- deisigued on or before the 23rd, day of Feb. 1902, or this notice will be plead in I aro f their recov­ ery. A ll pei-sons owing saiti es­ tate will please call and settle !it^ This 2:{rd day of Feb. lUOl. i G. E. IIOKN, Admr'. i A . T. GFA^■Ti Ju ., A tfy . J KOHFS C L O S i .R O A N O f^ E ., II . fHB DAViSl j.tTULlSilED KV1,;;| K. n. J io ia u s , TKKMH Os’ .Sl'i ouec-py, one Ye;, Onccory. Six M on! one copy. JIA tilS T U A T n S l There was q u ite ill llie honse l;wt 'I iiist., iliirin - tl^e jueuibcrs iro n i \ an, -I’lie i.i^ijislatore h ;l ,ue bills to p la -e ' ii.iijistiatcs on yiiile t:ie m e iu b c rj\v iiiiijistiatcs on 'le t:ie nu imt as sonn as tlie;, their hoin-'S. tni hliu«-ed its coasisic jii,, those .same ila-iistingsonietliii! jit^lhit tliey w<nil tbe inrtiibers vcri ,.i-e-eut:ilivc Slicel; .sjwlce a ir.ili' Ik-iu iieiov.-is given a s: his speech in b.th iwinity: Tilr.ri!)eal<er, it i the represenlative ty, i>at 1 li > t'.iis !)Ji!y of iiieii w jUis {jiiinc lue.isicrc l))',v was hCi'e, to .i: a [vanra.:;e of the : ll;pie enialive of "i a i;t a.< tlie ol'.>ei’ ilc liers l;ave lo:'t tliis lioiue.s, I feel it niy YOU of wiiiit yoii yi-iulenian while 1 vdtes. I cannot b.' want to thrust a n ]H't>i>le of Yadkin c. i!o not \;ant. I :;ei!tleinen. to be reiiieniliei- wu^it yoil siiii relative lo in tlie loe;il governuiaij i-jinitie.-.; that wa-; iie;^ro rule; is that 1 kill eonnty. Xo, fnmi Iredell, ( H r. "entleinan from Kililwin) kno.v t >o ii not 1 he case. Ti aro attei.iptin;; t' bi;ly, an 1 I call apl s.ver if there is at ti| c erbeena ne"r.i Yiulkln coanty. T ( s.Tt that a D.'iixotii ire liel'ive the i J is:i’,ite>. 1 deinaif Xanie your man! aii'l said he kiiC'V li| leonle of Vadkiu hail only been in tb time. Said lie onl. people had toid liin 111'. iSlicets, stn-.n;; yuii woal.l nndei'tal iipojpletUat yoa ki Jlf. Wait said in ^‘ili the Uulorfcviniit as tliey fo:ii I nuifvisU ate ;in | ^:,"uslature oui;lit U i‘iiu'w‘1 uuil w.inted to 'Valt why lie was Oil the magistrate q|Just a lew days ago hard ty jil .ce thesii iiatP Democrats of \ ■■Wil \VirKes in oue.-j| h;ct, fwitli only oiul O'er iwii tiion;vUK !”;««ity; Isnpp,,. lo tins body to “ &nat.-,r too, are "«y did yo;i not .i,, ’iiiendiiienl, which hwatitutect a t-Jc-nato - ^ivie, Yailkin and ^ ‘fth is time, then >;oi,ld lon e «^0'inds, if they ha,'J ,iid this > opposed my I ' f to the bili,^ J * '’:® ^•iDfitors ior B*»toi.teuey comes in ^>‘ve promise *ork, v' '^oiitofY iuikin »ilat his *** 0 u . to asl in(stin„ ‘‘‘‘tax. (J ’ ‘>e calls it""" "*'' jates “ “l>Poi ?liil va,, , lua ‘tker . Pa. ^*thaii t ‘““ y- K s p e a t^ hours H 'istru * i y“«ld not hav - ■ ■ ' ■ .- '• •.'• --.- .;,' t- * e p ^ O H o fI Icstswhatyoa»(-ul!lyd!pre5tsthef(,rl I in sircnRihcniiiir ,,1 i c the exhaustod ,I!.,', iSthclalcstdiscoTcri■ t.ini,'. No oi|ii;r iiri ■pniach It in cricienH ■ri'lievesand pi'imaufil I'ia, Indis;esii<,n jJ ■nrc, Sour Stimmch I ladache, Gastralgia ( rf ■r results of i mpcrfcct ff la r id f l. L;irjresJze?roni ‘ m. IkMjk all :ib«niHlvspi.p id by E. C. DeVl'-n &col I'. (.!, Si,Ilf- rii; y\. A.Fc I for frve report on patcntabjlitj-, k U.S. asd F*>rei{s PateatiandTr 1 Fairest trrciB «t-t »ilc-t4 t. 7 LAWTEES OF SS YtAW IJO PATENTS PROCURED THB■ ap<« e>w«tU,ret>al. S-«o4 a n Madents chatrw. A . S N O W i PATENT LAWYERS, I t Office, ipers.tm.* year t-ach \vmi:kly lUciim aiuL Va. I O nly F ifty Ccnt^i a | 111 inc!u»l--’s ab Iraira n M orihly. I'm Juuriial. Ti VILY AND r.ir {'arm .lc»urn:(l ;in V. X o 'v < n)V 1 ’c r 1 . 1 c - .Nioalh by M;i FOR Si ) 0 D P H O P r i n ? l i a c l le. l o n e 0 s iiiiig clia^^e il- ''•J C rtll on t l i c l ’ fo r sale I t irr.iicTcs l<ilepiin e CO*!*’" jiutl w sitcrcl. K. H . Morri Jlocksvil l O A N O K , f |/ M OCIvS V IL L E , jr. C\, W E D X E aC A Y , M A R C H 27, 1901 lOJMBEE 51 ( jvoter. w hich be received I ilo- KI) KVKity \Vi;ii:<J-SIlAY. . - K!)!'iX)l{. ,v s v i :s r i; i i - T i o N ,).jc Viiir. n i A T DOG T A X . u ie d th e eh a rfro , ih atth ev o iireiiM li s,nirttor A ycock’s b illto le w n oyer tw o h u iu h ed n e-ro voles n ‘ of 25 eeu'ts on eiicu d o -^ t!,e W okes, us 1 am relial.ly iiiio.nie.l. ih u s raided to be .ised iu buy bo I uem aiided the proof and y o .i; „,i,ool books for children not wo-.'.ldn fc produce th e re c n d , and ,.,jie to K'Pt them — was no doubt adnnH.e<l in th e next b realh tl.at j s„o<.;ested by th e do^-eared” books ,\ ou did not knov.- how m any th e re . belong to too'm any children :V.ero. So It is-.vilh Y adkin. Von ,,,e ^ble to b u y _ a n d m ^ p co i'li'; better u.se of them . ^ ^ were I.Lir iiipMi>. 1'"^ '' ‘b ’V,vc 1 it- i'V re en:u';- - jl.OO 5|, ! '“ 'C lryin.<>- to represent T Itisiegretablelhatdoj;. cannot w to i.is honorahio bo iy in thv ; be thus speoiiicaUy taxed for some n.n eol common ,,nsli.-e not lo .,,„a pmpose, but at this present X.e/i>late a nieasnre on this pw v. ritin- there is a judgment bv the P C Umt Uiey .'o not w: nt. They C-o„rt-not“ the i m cl.vtdieu- imiKisirules and lliey ,,,-ivato or m-.ent ..uintctte I .uc well qualii!Jii to hll el.iciei.tly b.,,t a former orfranization—to the , ,v X, • , , . cli’oot that, dogs can only be taxed - 1 *"> ' ‘ " ad valorem as other personal pros-lonnd tiiat tliey had tlirii:)t IheM' ^ niasiHtra;e.son both Yadkin and Sol.es. .----------------------------------- k f t for '■■■I' ‘lebale those oiiiw«; etc! icrs iViiiii adUui an ! .>toices Afir.,. S', i .'i-'lMlur.- had v. tj.l down 1 V mT 'i'I“o:i coantie:!,i; X IG IIT \\'A S H E IJ TKRKOK ‘U ■would congh n?arly all night lii .'C‘ mL-a.Miii'i au(i . '''1'ite.s Mrs. (.'has. Apple , ..........<^in«r, IiifJitu, ol A 'cxjujdriii, I jkI., Stici-’a these conn v.'.M'.l'i nut il.) Wliile ; e'>ald hardly get any sleep. i't'cseiit. lie-;«>'>S”»iptian go bad that if I ...... , ,r..-'itiiivr of this coiizity 1 ed a b ouk 1 would cough fright-1 "7“ " , , i"-a' il Mi" Oil eacli bili. ■ ““'I i^pH blood, but,-when all i ..... Skji.-h oi ''-“‘ei’ medicines failed, three -^1 niid render erty. If w eeau j\i3tlix -u p a court t( be Cl) ai.O'.e I of m en w hom w.; know beJ'orohaiid w ill reuddr .1 iidg- m en to n 'th is or o ther cases sal tabTe lo onr wislies, v.'c m ay .get this Ibiiner .iadgm tnt revcised, aud ■a a tax law a-s v.ell a.s I had do,;s can have fair sailing. O r we a lk -:”‘-v ni;inage to get some judges lip an d prom ote ;i ‘‘sit OU the judgm ent sns- V. U Y C E in 'A lX L Y . 'jj;-'S!H‘il;cr. it is rrne 1 am not I of Ya i;an eoai!- L.-'i.a; 1 ii ^ li'iiix it uiijnst. f>r , V' ..!yuf iiioa '-vh.> v»:'.'d down hlsiinV iiiiM'in''-''-' idlo :.Ir, lie!-.- t.'.ir:e:a;>t to lake i Ifca at C. O. I jlva'.;i:yf .i;'ti!^' :'.bseiii-e of the’S‘‘“'e. ]i',p.„.o:ii:iiive of Y :;dkin county, ji.ia-ii'.iciill e r ;:i'i) n ^ :ie ..n m e i i ! ' i«.> bive Ic.t t'ais il Mi' f»r th e;r a, 1 u d i; !.!V diiiy to rem ind I o i ' .'0.1 i>rt>i!i:se ! t ’.iis I iijte iti while lieiv. Iiy your 1 i"aii;iii; I'l'lie.e ih a t yon t t‘i tlni,>t a me.isiire on th e YadKin c i.inry th a t tliey 1 i-'dl upon you 1 tP.ifc:iKi. to U' .■.nsiste.it and yon li.-ve alv.ays I i i rdiiiv;' t'l la^eriering w ith had promo- m eans, an-d siijl.-li Ol iiieoK-ines laiie-.l, tliiee -r*! i' of Y a.ikiu boitles o f 'J r . King.s\s :\ew i)is-1 side they cavery w holly ciired m e and 1 such gained oS pou n d s.” It's ab.soljite- tiii'ongii .some court so con.stitnled. ly guaiv.iuecd to cure Coivr; s, Ihe.;ad.<inents o f those who have t’olils. La G rippe. i5: o n cliit;s'am i c--"''-' I'flore a jd expounded ihe ail T hroat and ' I.nnjr Trouble.^ ; l->to con.^cience andI'vling i'rice r,Oc. and Sl.Oy. ^Trial bot- ; admitted .justice may be wiped out Sanford's drn.g and tiieu all soits of new -fangled J'.iKtice, a,s v.’cll as new sub;ecus of t-ix;ition, cau be m ade to come witiiiii both the letter and the sp irit of th e (Joiistitiitiou. J)ul W e coucnr in th e P o st’s advice ihen we really fear a tax on th a t all liauds go to w ork now to ^ desin-.ble as such m ay be, buii I up th e S tate's inlerests and ' canaot be m a.le to stand the howl sit dow n OU th e pcs.iloroiis dema- tiiat will be piV‘diiceti w hen one is go.gues w ho a re try in g to tear ;,(ie,,ip;e-.; bv a L egislature.— Post. ; them .tow n; w ho ne^vr try to h r b .; U nit are alwa.vs seeking to h u rt ' ^some in.lividiial or interest; who, U !t cannot be reach- live of!'the )»eu o^'energy and en- e:l at present, we are iu favor of tci-prise and n iio' are yet forever | p attin g tlieni v,-itliin reach, and I ,1 ■“'“-•“ '■•sc of t^ie.^^i.etbe monev th u s raised to the ^ : : ; ^ ^ : ; ; ,; ; : t : ,i .i d ,;^ n . - h o o i .,r.,nilv,i.tiia; l.ie c a s c i’i X orih ll-an.lina and Ih a t 'th e 'w a y J-lie w an who to popu larity is by attack on th rift i thinks m ore of his dog th an he and ilecei.c3'.— ('lia r otto O b se rv e r.; -docs of his children, is a lioor c id ' I ill! county. No. the gontleiii-in |iwiiri--i‘jil. (.'li'. \Yatt) and the I I'lVi]! l-’ir.syth (Mr. I iklii™ knii.v t i-i v.-i-i! that such Ii.Boilh-liise. T;-i.‘se geaiiemen I jp r > do;".;ive this j ■ i ( i;i t-icai to au- hwrifd-rrci-^ iit this time, or has I t'j'rt‘unuuisirate iu iVikiu rii;;arv. Tiie v furl her as- I !.r; uKi; ;i iK-i:i;;c;'at tann!;t .get I k.i'-“ ihe i;:';)i;b!:ca:i aiag- li-nir-i. 1 tlcaiar.'l t)ie p'roof! nc!'_-y.)!^r !}ri:;I Mr. Watt arose | j iu-Kih-.v bar li;lle of tiiel Vu'lkii. c.nint>, as he I b'lu:i!y Ii jL’ii i:> llie ciiunty one lent. .Sii.liic oiiiy j-ine-iv" wh:it jplilsliii-i t-iiii hiia. Then saio |)ir..SiOL‘X >:r:::i.;e indee.l that iiaiii'rlaki: to repre.^eiit yu.i ki;o'.v n-ttiiiiigof. lit. \'.';iit M,;.l 1.:- syai!) itii .zed i'.ac .:r,f„ri laalc 1 )i-;no;:rals of au.st;iiv coai-.i iiot eitct a 2ua;'i-.Li:l<-aad Ihoiight this iii'ua-h; to coiae to th eir »i^l uiijiiiiiit >o:!ie. -\ir.' vuaile.l 1.1 kno'.i of Hr. i.o-,vas Si ia|iat!ie:i<. I®thema;;i.sii;,l(. ([avsiiun, v.heii I.«af--i-,iay.: iiy worke 1 « . .celausit p-.,:r uuforti.- I . ' “''(■‘'.•t.-) of V.idkin. Davie It. iii Due.'ici.atorial ])is- 1 Ill:)-, S(-i.alor) with 1*^ j;.-p(ii)!lcan li ^ yo.i arc look-I ^i«tuis lio.iy to app.iiiit iLeni ai'L- yoa iiol? t-'ir, I V iliii yiri iidt accept my lirsi "liicii v.ouid have 1 it .'■x-a^ilorial J)i:-lrii t of ;-,-ii<ikiii and Iredell, as it ^--iKtaiii-, tlii-j, your poor fel- ir! I'.'d lighting■'= if'liey had got defeated 'li'l this time. .'.gain, Illy .sec./iid ameiid- “ lull, wiiich provided '*‘'5eaat()i-s lor the present cinii'it see w here the L"‘‘Have promised these w hite Uial liiev .should be al- ‘ oiuaiiase tiu-ir own ali'aii-s; ywir fa;t!i by your “ 111 iiiay lake every iie.gro ''f'H.ikiii and stiil th e <iUi carry the c-iunty rtlii„r'^'"‘“ '5 to consult th e ‘•.111 . I *‘''l"’'seulative (rom ahi'-t^ ‘“ ’'’■‘Idw.sed to know lU w ip '’-'' Pi-f 11-i'iYgentle- ‘ Udlifux. f.Mr. i.,i,k er; Y'es, th a t le.gisl.atiirc has dor.e a g reat deal to in ju re th e S tate’s b'^st interests, aud we w ho stay at ho ne and devote out lim e and en­ ergy to b uilding tip th e B late’s: best i terosts are again c.illel on ' to i>ut onr shoulder to th e v.’heel, ■ind give th e o 'd cart a ]>ush up •jrade. T here are thoneancis of ! e.iple a ’l over th e state, and enough lo.o, to sit iloivn on these pestiferous deihagogaes, and it-i getting high tim e it v.-;i-s being done. T he people should q u it sending such m en to R aleigh for tliey are a nuisance to th e State, and should be relegated to p riv ate life tJ) I'cniain. (iood eouservative, h inosi lacy w ho have th e future w elfare o f the en tire people a t hcavt, are th e ones to m ake the 1.1WS. 'W ith such m en a t R aleigh, m uch of th e evil done here of late w ould uever have been h e ard of. !) iwn w ith these pastiferoiis fel iows. L et’s all pull together for Ihe good of all. an d all w ill be veil in th e fu tu re. zen, and deserves neith er children nor dogs. A I lOPJUBLE o u t b r e a k . “ O f large sores on m y lictle n.iugliter’.s he.iil developed into a case of scald head ” v/rites C. D. Isbill of Jlorgantou, T e u r., b u t IJiu k liii’s A rn ica Salve com pleie- iy cared her. I t ’s a guaranteed cnre for Eczem a, T etter, Kalt iihcnm , Pim ple.s, Sores, U lcers and I’iles. O nly 2 j cents a t C. C. Sanford’s. 'Violet P lan ts For-Bale. The D aughters of th e C onfeder­ acy at K ittrell, K . C ., ofl’er a t .$1 per one h undred, deliveiod free anyw here, th e be.st bloom ing aud bedding varieties of V iolets. Low or in quantities. Tl .ase plants can be .set a t any tim e from Septem ber l.st to June l.st. Cold w eather do&s not l.arni thoui, therefore, th ey cau be safe­ ly planted even in m id-w inter. ' Tiiesc V iolets are th e easiest of all plants to live and grow . The.v m ake beautiful borders for w alks, llower beds, etc , rem aining green through th e m ost intense h e at and drought of sum m er and th e sever­ est cold of w inter. J ven en soil wiiich grass cannot survi^’c theCounterfeits of De'^Vitt’s Witch H .zcl Salve are liable to cause Wood - tjcave them alone. The > dionghts these \ jole.s thrive aud beautify. T hey w ill also do w ell in the shade. Planted a foot or a foot aud a h a lf a p art along walk.s, etc., they soon form a solid em erald border; t>rigiralphas tn e nam e of D eW il-rs jp o n th e b o x and w rapper. I t is a iiarDil»*:jS and hcaliaif aalve for sicin .U seaies. U nequalled fo r piles. C. C, S anford and M. A . F o ster T he a cto r’ w as pla.ving “ Jloute C aristo .” “ T he w orld is m ine:” h 3 shrieked, a a d th e audience a p ­ plauded w i.dly. “ W h at genius!” th o u g h t th e aiidieuce, “ X w onder if 1 can borrow th e price of a fried egg sandw ich a fter th e .show ,” t!ior..cht th e actor. T here m oral to th is fable. is uo P.-of. Iv l suffered te rrib ly from ach and of Lonaconinpr, Md., from neuralffia of iad ieestio n for th lr-th e stom ach ................—------- . te en y ea rs and a fte r th e doctors fa il­ ed to cure him th ey fed him on m or­ phine. A friend ad i’i.sed th e use of Kodol D yspepsia C are and a f te r ta k ­ ing a few b o ttles of it lie says. It has cured m e en tirely . I .can t say too m uch for K odol D yspeps’a C ure.” ft digests v/hat YOU e a t. C. C ban- ford and M. A . F oster. A woman testillpd iu^ ^ , . I ________ _________ Y-ork police court Sun.lay again.st liisio^ liiis r tu r e i I'« ' husband, who had bcea arres- appoi.itint- ma<ds-' altem ptihg toit; «M iov.S ki v L r r v o tL 'S ’-'Oother. She is quoted a« ^ay- ^ ' ‘■■^Wia vou I iu.g: “ Your honor, he pulled a or, in a y ard or plot in v>’hieh grass dies out iu sum m er these V iolet plants can be set a foot and a h alf ap art each and w ill cover th e w hole place and last for je a is . Tiiey are such lu x u rian t bloom ­ ers th a t diiriug th e chief bloom ing pcrioJ_tUej'^ arc a m ass of rw liant purple'; T hey afford bloom s d u r­ ing the whole” w inter except in tlie severest spells, and w ith a little protectiou w ith leaves, or straw w ill bloom freely even th en . ' The.se A 'iolels are sold to raise a fund to m ark th e graves.of coufed- einte soldiers buried a t K ittreil. A t any tim e from A p ril to !Nc- vem ber a lar.ge basket of roses, of largest, lines’t vaiieties, w ill be sent by express, safely packed in dam p moss, for 4S1.00 G ivers of entertainm ents can th u s obtain a profusion of really m .igniliceut rose.s for a very sm all sum and s t ' F A R IIE R S ! A TTEN TIO N !! Y'on w ill .=ee by reference to th e daily m arket reports th a t cotton is selling now for delivery next D ecem ber a t about 7i cents' T his low piice, iu spite of the short stocks of th e w orld, is directly due to the claim th a t th e South is go­ ing to p lan t this year th e largest acreage iu its history; th a t th e farm ers v> ill p u t every acre they can into cotlou, aud th a t next year there w ill be such a superabun­ dance of cotton th a t iMices m ust decline very m uch lowc)-. T here is already talk of a 15.000,000 bale crop! \Vc believe th a t the sc-arcit.v of corn and its high lii-ice in the South w ill be an inducem ent t ) th e farm er.i io jihiiit m ore g ra in ' and th a t if the m atter w as pro p ­ erly lajil before them a sentim ent could be created, iu view of the very g reat decline receutly in cot­ ton, w hich w ould m ake th e farm - eio p lan t m ore grain aud less cot- t(!u. W e believe this w ould be distinclly to the advantage of the Sinithern Slato.'i; that- nothing would contribute m ore to th e m ain­ tenance and continuiinco of the piosperily of th a t section th an to rnise .Qiiothpr fair cotton crop and sell it around 10 cents a pound. W e tak e th e liberty of m aking the suggestion th a t you call espec­ ial attention to these facts, if they m eet w ith your concurreuce. A jiublic agitation w ould undoubted­ ly re,iult in g reat benclit to your seel ion. Tlie above snggeslions are .good, and deserve to be ca-.efiilly noted by our people. S upply and de­ m and greatly inUuence th e prices or all products, i'arm ers. look to your i;;tere.-:t. * T ;IE D ISSE X 'IE R . A t one tim e th e w hole court m aintained th e teuurj-of-oiiice rule hic'n has obtained in this S tate since the days of Uutiiu against the part.y of the m ajority of llie court; a t the other the m ajority of the court m air.tained the sam e rn le of law against th e p a rty to w hich th a t m njority is opjiosed. w hile theo n e and ou’y strictly uon-par- ti.san m em ber recognized as the D issenter from D issentersville vi-a.s unanim ous iu one p arty on all oc­ casions and equall,v unaniinons iu tr,\ ing to oust the other p a rly in direct conlr.a-,-ontion of his ju d g ­ m ents in th e form er eases. Y’et th e strange spectacle is p re ­ sented th a t three ot th e m ajority w ho m aintained th e law as against both parties are on trial for high crim es aud m isdem eanors and par- tizaii^hip in o.Tice, w hile th e dis- tingi.is'ied niem ber from Dissen- ter.sviHe is decorated w ith the unique distinction of being “ the onh non-partisan ou the bench.” - P o s t. W O K K IJ^G 24 H O U R S A DAY". T here’s no re.st for those tireless little w orkers— D r. K ing’s Kew Life P ills. M illions are alw ays bnsy, curing Toi-pid L iver, J a u n ­ dice, B iliousness, F ever and A gue. T hey banish Sick H eadache, drive out M alaria. K ever gripe or w ea­ ken. Sm all, taste uice, w ork w on­ ders, T ry them . 25o. a t C. V. Sanford’s. Spoiled children are not the children of self-sacrifice, b u t of selfishness and cow ardice— th e sel- .♦ishuess w hich seeks th e easiest w ay; th e cow ardice w hich shrinks from facing dangers thereby en­ gendered.— Ladies H om e Journal, STRI3CES A lU C lI E i;?D . “I v.'oa troubled for several year.? w ith chronic indigestion aud nervous d e b iiity ,” w rites F . J. O rcen, of L ancaster, N . H . “K o I cm cdy helped m e u n til I began using E lectric B itters, w hich did me m ore good th an all th e m edi­ cines I ever used. T hey have a l­ so k ep t m y w ife iu excellent h ealth for years. She says E lectric K it' lers are ju s t splcadid for fem ale troubles; th a t the.y are a gran d tonic aud invigorator tor w eak, run dow n w om en, Ko o ther m edi­ cine cau tak e its place in our fam ­ ily ,” T ry them . O nly DOc. S at­ isfaction guaranteed by C. C. San­ ford. Justice M ontgom ery evidently o u c lu d e d th a t th e tim e h ad a r­ rived for draw ing th e line betw een Judicial opinions, though disseut ing from a m a jo rity of th e court, and “ non-parti.sau” political opin­ io IS. A t least he seem s to have thought th a t a new spaper w as a- more fitting repository for such m atter than th e Suprem e C ourt R eports. A nd we are constrained to ihe belief th a t th e honorable Ju stice was correct.— Post, SUY T H E y<iur county th an Saif’*''''-''' voteis; M r. fSi'tih ’. 'lou’t know , I J ^ i M "'ith me. (a p -1 ----------saM Sheets,} scoundrel!’ '•Jliiiiie aus-.vei' to m y was as Ha„l„ '‘’“"'.V. On this lloor ■*'Kii,?- ago w hen I ''l‘P‘'Mtiou to plac- ^ak,.? Stakes county, 8^ “^Ui.= «fM r. Petree, th4 ^ir ''-olell said M r. ij ' im thavc beeu here a in- stea<l of h ittin g m e, he snot th e nose off m y lovely new teapot, the iu^! —___- revolver from his pocket and he shot th e sam e tim e aid a good cause. A ddress, M rs . O . W . B la c k x a li- , I ’res. C. C. B lacknall C hapter U . D . C. iKn,., ........ been I ^‘'*«>'forthc 000 here negro T ne stom ach controls th e situ atio n . Tho°" who a re h e a rty and « those who can e a t and d ig est ple“ ty of food. K odol D v«pep«a ( u re d^ treats w h at you e a t an d allow s you to L t all th e good food you w ant. If you sutler from burn, belching or any trouble, th is p re p ara tio n can t help bu t do you good. T he m eat bensilive stojnachs can take it. aSid M . A . foster, C. C S an fo rd SEWING MACHINE L ike O liver T w ist, children aek for m ore when g iven O ne M inute Cough C ure. M others endorse it highly for croup. I t quickly cures all coughs and colds and every th ro a t and lung trouble. I t is a specific fo r grippe and aE thm a aud lias long been a well know n rem edy fo r VJhooning cough. C. C. Sanford an d M. A. Jtoster. — :------^ I t ’s only n atu ral io r a -b rig h t m an to reflect. WiililorCIRUS G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, 0l{EBN3BC>r.O, X . C, .BEHERAL FOUNDEBS AND SACHDilSTS. -M A X U FA C T tT R iiS- The Portraits Of Our Presidents Witli Biojrapliical S’setelies BY Gcufti’Jil C hai'los H . G rosvenor, l)j Tirraiiy. T he Inaugural year, w hen the public m ind is aroused over Pres- ideutial que.stioiis, is a fitting tim e to issue G eneral G rosveuor’s book. Its sale is already trem endous, and w ill perliuiis exceed th a t of G eneral (ira n t’s Personal M em oirs. E very patriotic A m erican de­ sires to read w hat G eneral Gros- veiiov has to say of (ieorge W ash ­ ington, Thom as Jelfereon, A ndrew Jackson, A iiraham Linco n, P resi­ dent M cK iiiley and th e other C hief E xecutives ot th e X atiou. E verybody desires to read w hat G eneral (trosvenor, th e staunch old liepublican leader in (’ongress, w ill say of th a t staunch old D em o­ crat, A ndrew Jackson, the F ath er of the D em ocratic P arty . G eneral G rosvenor has throw n into his sketch of Jacksou all th e fire and and ener.gy of his iiaturo. The biogrdph.y iif Thom as JeO'erson is grand. T he biography of Lincoln is as beautiful as a sunri.se over the hilltops. G eneral G rosvenor has persoiiall.y know n all th e Pres- iileuts since the tim e of Jam es R uchanan. T he G eneral’s book w ill therefore contain history w hich has never before been p u b ­ lished, w ritten from his own p er­ sonal observation of these great m en. G eneral G rosvenor has ser­ ved ill Congre.ss for nearly tv.-enty years, aud he has served his coun- tiy iiiV i'a r and in Congress forj W ater AVheels, B aud Saws, AVoad L athes, E m ery (Jriilders, Sa’iT A rbors, G nite B ars, Job C astings every deaeription.- A lso iuanufactu;-es Ca u o li.na Cooli Sto v ik, H eating Stoves, H ol­ low W are and Feed C utters, T he C arolina Cook Stove is sold on ita M ER ITS E very Stove G uaranteed, F or sale by E. E. HDNT, MoeMle, N. C. to call a t the R ed F ront and see our new lot of ready­ m ade skirts. W e carry a nice line of DreSs (Jooils and Trim iuinga, W hiteG oods, Law ns, Silks,- H am burgs,L accs, Y o u W i l l F i n d O u r S t o c k C o m p l e t e and up to date. W e also carry a nice liiie of Shoes for all.- W hen in M ocksville give m e a look. I w ill alw ays m ake prices O . K . Y ours anxious to please, nearly forty yi The book con tains tw enty-four large Photogra­ vure E tchings as fine as steel plates printed by hand,'on heavy plate paper m ade e.specially to order. These 2-t rhoto,graV ure E tchings are in ditfej cnt tin ts, and a ie well w orth S2 cach. These P o rtraits are m ade from tlie Paintings en­ dorsed by th e fam i’y and near re­ latives of th e Prc.sideut3, Two years’ tim e aud a fortune have been expended in .securing these reproductions. T he coiopleto book is well w orth (CjO, b u t the price has been jdaced so lovi^ th a t th e m ost hum ble A m erican citizen can own it. T he bio;;Taphical sketches are p rin ted in large open tvpe iu tv. o colors; th e w ork is so b e au ti­ ful th a t W'hen people see it they w ant it. T he advance salo is very large. President I.IcKrn'ley was the lii'st subscriber. T here is one edition kuov.’u as T he Pre,sident E dition de (jran d L uxe, initial letters liand painted, P o rtraits h an d colored, title page h and il' lum inated, registered and nnm- bered; subscription price, $500. O rders and appliiM itious for te rri­ tory are com ing in rap id ly . A high class m an or woman of good social standing can soon m ake a sm all fortune taking orders in this com m uuity. Send references aud ap p ly for term s quick, as th e te r­ rito ry w ill all be assigned soon. A ddre.ss T H E C O K T U rE X T A L PRESS, CoKcoBAN B u il d in g , O p p o.s it jj U n it e d St.a t is T r e a s - TJKY, W A STIIi^G TO N ', D . C. D o no t be deceived by those w ho ad­ vertise a $60.00 Sew ing M achine for 520.00. T h isk in d o fa m a c h in e c a u be bought from ua,or an.y of our dealers from$15.C0to SIS.OO. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST, T he Feed determ ines th e strength or -weakness o f Sew ing M achines. T he ■K-iffrell -NT r , D o u b le r c c d com bined w ith otherK ittre ll, JN. I jo in ts m akes th e Sew Home I th e best Sew ing M aehhie to buy. | showing the dif­ferent su-lea of •__ Sewlug JfechJneswe manufacture and priccs before purchasing TBE hew EOHE SBWINe go. i ORAHQE. MASS. aS U n lo n S q .N .Y ., C hicago, IlL , A tlan ta, . S t, i,onls,M o., D allas,T ex., S an Franoisoo,*C»I FOR SALE BY E. E. HUFf, M o etsv iU e, 2 . 0 . food’s Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to their adaptabihty to the soil aud climate of the South. On our seed farms, aud iu our trial gi’ounda, thousands of dollars are expended in testing and growing the very best seeds th at it is possi­ ble to grow. By our experim ents we are enabled to save our custom­ ers much e.vpense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our .Southern soil and dim ate. Wood’s Seed Book for 1901 is fuUv up to date, and tells all ab o u t'th e b est Seeds for th e South. It surpasses all other pub­ lications of its kind in helpful and usefid inform ation for G ardeners, T ruckers and F arm ers. Mailed free. .Write for it. T. W.WD&SONS, Seed Gfotiets & Merchasts,' R IC H A iO IlD , V A . LARGEST SHD HOUSE IMTHE SOOTH. P«ecord A g en ts. T he following gentlem e n are au thorized to tak e subscriptions for th e R e c o r d : M . W .M ackie, Y itdkinville, S ’. C. D . I. Iteavis, Cross R oads C hurch. AV. G . P atterson, E ast B end. C. B, R eavis, Footeville, B en Shore, G rant. S. F . Shore, Shore. J . C. P innix, M arlcr. A , P . W oodrufl, B oonville. 6 0 Y E A R S ’ E X P E R IE N C E T rad e M arks Desigms C opyrights Ac. T H E } D E E T SC DRIVING LAMP Is about as near perfsetlon as 50 years et Lamp-Making can attain to. It bums kerosene, and gives a poverful. clear, whjte light, and will neither b!ow nor jar out. When out driving with U the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your rimartest horse. When >ou want the very best Driving Lamp to b$ had. %sk your dealer for the “ Diecz.** V/e Issue a special Catalogue ol thb Lamp. and. if you ever prowl around after night-fall. it will intetesi you. T is mailed free. R .E .D IE T i5 CO., 60 I^alght St., NewVcM-k. Special terms to Canadian caBtomeT& L E G A L S O T IC B S . L egal notices w ill be charged or as follows: $3.00 notice for S3.00; 82.50 notices tor $2.00; ijSo.OO notices for $1.00. C.C. SAH?OR®, Agent,'’^ - • - ^O U ockm ill J, JN'. C Anroae eendlnfT a tkefrh and d»«rlctlon xncr quickly a»c«rtiitn our opinion free Trhctbor »a hiTQiiuon la probably p^ n tab lo . Comnnralca^ Bent free. OMe«t amocr for ■oettrmgjt^nts.Patenu takea tbrough Monn & Co. reeelr* ipMioi notkA, withoftt charce, in tboScimific Httiericatt.A handsomely lllostTated weekly. T^nreat^ OQlation of any ecientl&e ^ornol. Tcnns. (3.. jdfsri fnnr months, |L Soidbyall Tiev.-ocSetileri. MUNN & YwBrancb OtBco. G36 F Bt,. Woshto^ton. D. C. Greensboro iNurseries, iG R l'E K S lO R O , K , C-, W e have a la»ge surplus ol B tandsrd W in ter A pples, N ow is the tim e to setj place yonr order before th o assortm ent is broken. Special term s to those w ish- in g to p lan t largely. A ddress, JOHJT A . Y O U N G , P ro p rietcr, SOUTHEMRAILWAY. T H E . . . ST A K D A R D R A IL W A Y O F T H E S O U T H , T he D irect L ine tc all Points. TEXAS, C A L IF O E X IA . FL O R ID A , C U B A A M ) PO R TO BICO.I Strictly Fiist Class Equip­ ment on .all Through aud L^. cal Trains. Pullman Sleeping Cars onall Kighl TnviDB. Fast and Saie sjehedules. Travel by the Soathem anrt. you are axsiived a Safe, Coi%- fortable aud uu Kxpcdltiuiui .lourney. • , to 'T icket A gents for Tim e T a j bles, ISdtes and G eneral Infor- u m ation, or address R , L . 'ITEKNOK, f . R . D ARBY T .F . A. C. P .& T . A . C h arlo tte N . C, Ashibville K.C;. I NO TROUBIEJ TO AKSWIR GTJIFTlfK 8 H HARDWICK, fi. P.A. .•W iSHiN& TON.D O- -^1 1 ''’■^ ' *^eneral Botha Relused to Accede to Announced. AMNESTY FOR ALL BUT REBELS Qnottlon of Independence For Formei Stmtes Slimlnmted—A ClTil Admlnift- Umtion In tbe Form of a Crown Col* onr TVith Bepresentetlve Govemmenl as Soon m Pofllble—The Otber Termt ' London.—Details of the negotiations lietween General Botha and General ■Kitchener clearly show w hy the Boei leader refused to accept the term s foi liiB surrender. Botha visited Kitchen­ er on February 28 in M iddleburg. and after the interview appeared to be will­ ing to accept the term s proposed by the British General, and left Middle- l)urg to present the conditions to tbe Boer generals. Before leaving Middle-. Ijurg he, however, said he w as not sure lie could get his countrymen to lay Uown their arm s w ithout independ- tnce. but General K itchener refused to discuss this question w ith him. . All th at General K itchener had pro­ posed w as qualiSed by being subject to confirmation by his Government, and on M arch 3 Sir Alfred M ilner ca­ bled the following conditions to sub­ m it to General Botha, which differed som ew hat from those proposed by K itchener: The British, on cessation of hostili­ ties and surrender of all w ar material l)y the burghers, to grant amne.sty In Transvaal and Orange River colonies for acts of w ar in the hostilities. All prisoners to be set free and brought bacli to their country. M ilitary law to be replaced by civil law, and as soon as posiilble a representative govern­ m ent to be established. A high court Independent of the executive, to be es­ tablished to adm inister the laws. Land property and religious institutions to be respected. The English and Dutch languages to be taught in the public schools and allowed in the law courts. The Government would not undertake any debts of the form er republic, bni would set aside $5,000,000 to repay the inhabitants for the goods requisi­ tioned. The Kaffir franchise, when given, would be so limited as to obtain a ju st predominance of the w hite race. These term s were forw arded to Gen­ eral Botha, who, on M arch 1C, sent the following reply to General Kitchener: “A fter the m utual exchange of views In our interview on February 28, it will certainly not surprise Yopi- Excel, lency to itnow th a t I do not feel dis­ posed to recommend the term s of said letter, but they shall have the earnest consideration of my Government. I may add th at my Government and my chief officers here entirely agree with my views.” F e e lin e o f tite B ritlali F re il. London.—It is significant that the bvertures General K itchener w as dis­ posed to offer to the Boers contained greater concessions than Sir Alfred Milner and Mr. Cham berlain would permit, and this has caused a pessimis­ tic feeling, as suggesting that the B rit­ ish m ilitary position is not really equal to ending the w ar, and th at the Eng­ lish will have to buy peace. The jingo m-ess is particularly Irritated. The Daily Mail, under the headline o( “W ar on Easy Terms,” sa.vs it is pain­ fully surprised th at the British Gov­ ernm ent should capitulate on so many vital points. The Government, it adds, is willing to concede as much as any little Englander adm inistration would dare grant. _____ THE NEWS EPITOMIZED W A .SH reO T O lf IT E M S . Two thousand soldiers w ere sent ‘.o assist the authoritiei^n the suppres­ sion of the troubles incident upon the strike a t M arseille^ Prance. In the British Honse of Ix)rds liord Salisbnry's motion to .ippoint a joint committee to revise the K ing's anti- Roman Catholic accession oath w as adopted. Fifteen lives were lost In floods in Italy. Philip Botha, brother of the Boer Commander-in-Chief. w as killed in battle in South Africa. Prince H enry w as installed a mem­ ber of the State Counci!. a t The Hagr.c. Hollnnfl. Queen W ilhelmina opening the session. The British gnnboat Plover w ent ashore in the Yangtse-Kiang, below Kinkiang. China. Secretary of W ar Root assum ed full responsibility for General Wood’s course in Cuba and commended it. The first steps were taken in a scheme to proviflc a park system costing m any millions of dollars for W ashington. The old Corcoran -4rt Gallery, at Penn Avenue and Seventeenth street, is to be bought by the Government for *300,000. senator P latt, of ' Connecticut, ex­ pects the Cubans to accept the con­ ditions of the United States. The Administration w ants Congress to authorize the President to acquire cither the Nicaragua or-Janam a Can­ al route, as he may think the better. The battleship Alabam a developed 15.2 knots on its last trial. - - AWABMDlNTHEEiST Anglo-Russian Dispute Over a Rail­ way Sidine at Tien-Tsin, Cliina. JAPAN MOBILIZES HER FLEET O IJB ADOPTED XSI.ANDS. A large number of insurgent officers and men were captured by American troops in Cavite Province, Luzon, P. I. Congressmen returning from H av­ ana declare th at Cuba m ust w ait un­ til Congress meets agaiu, and that the w ealthier classes favor annexa­ tion. Governor-General Wood appointed a commission to revise the Cuban customs. Lieutenant-General Slilcs is in Cuba inspecting the principal m ilitary posts. The PJiilippines Commission decided to make a separate province of the Island of Marinduque. The Municipal Counci! changed the name of tiie principal plaza in Vigan, P. I., to “Generiil Lawton Square,” a trilm te to tbe memory of the b r a v e A m e n c a c . .Tohn Enoch Pond, of the Berkeley (Cal.) High Scliool. w as appointed the first naval cadet from the H aw aiian Islands. The United States vessel Mayflower, with Governor Allen on board, w as Eoated from the sand, bar at Fajardo,: Porto Kico, on which she grounded. ' General WoBBCt Called on the British to Vacate the Sldlne and BequMted an A polosy-o™ ™ * Barow Kefosed Both Demands and U nrried Rein­ forcements to the Scene of Dispute. London.—“General W ogack has re­ fused to accept Count von W alder- see’s arbitration at Tien-Tsin,” wires the Pekin correspondent of the Daily Mail, “and dem ands th a t the British not only w ithdraw , but apologize for removing the Russian fiag. “General Bnrow refuses to do cither, and in so refusing has the support of the British Government. “British reinforcem ents are being Such accounts as can bo obtained here represent General Wogack. the Russian eommander and General Lord Campbell, the British commander, as obeying implicit instructions from St. Petersburg and London, between wlilch capitals negotiations are pass- lug harmoniously. A dispatch from Tien-Tsin states tiiat Count von W aldersee did not of­ fer a compromise, but on learning tiint both officers w ere under instruc­ tions from their home Governments, declared th at it w,as useless for him to even give an opinion on the m atter, which w as outside of his jurisdiction. On the other hand the serious view Is som ew hat supported by the send­ ing of reinforcements. In addition to ninety British marines, sixty A ustra­ lians and tw o companies of native in­ fantry have been sent to Tien-Tsin from Pekin, although their dispatch seems mainly to be a precaution against the irritated French soldiery taking a hand in the dispute. Count von W aldersee has returned to Pekin. SH O T FOR TREASO N . C»pe C*loni0tB Suffer tlie Death Eentenei For Train Wrecklnj;. London.—A dispatch from Cape Town states th at J. F. Minaber, Minaber and J. A. Keuwoudt were sh o t' at De A ar for treason and mnr- aer, in pursuance of the sentence of 1 court-martial. The death sentence w as passed a tveek ago in connection w ith the wrecking of a train near Taasbosch, by which five men were killed. Gen sral K itchener confirmed the verdict. The garrison w as paraded and the prisoners were led out at sunset Death w as Instantaneous. A Dutch minister and relatives rem ained with the prisoners till the end. Two others concerned in the train wrecking were sentenced to term s of ave years’ penal servitude. VERDICT FOR A SCHOOL EXPULSION Father of Boy Turned Ont of HlKh School Becelvea a Damage Award of 947U Lawrence, Mass.—In the Supreme Court a verdict of $471.07 w as aw ard­ ed to Charles Morrison in his suit against the “Inhabitants of Law­rence.” The action w as brought by Mr. Morrison for the expulsion of his Bon W ilbur from the High School last year. Mr. Morrison charged th a t his son had been barred unjustly from re. celving instruction in the school, and he sought $ 1 0 0 0 damages, as well as the reinstatem ent of the boy. i:.e case wUl go to the Supreme Court on exceptions. , PANAY INSURRECTION ENDED. General Fnllon, W ith 180 Men, Snrrer. ders to Colonel Scott. W ashington, D. C.—General MacAr- thnr, at ManiU, cables the W ar De­ partm ent as follows: “H ughes reports surrender B'ullon and command. Antique, Province Pa- nay, 180 rifles. This endi iusnrrectioa Panay.” A nother dispatch says the surrendei iwas made to Colonel Scott, of the Forty-fourth Volunteer Infantry. Bi* Gale Sweeps Over Porto B!co. A heavy storm has sw ept over the Island of Porto Bico. BaUroads were Uea up by washouts and telegraph!* communication w as interrupted. The rain fell at the rate of an inch an hour. FUlplno General Captured. Captain Shanks, of the Eighteentli United States Infantry, has captured Dloclno, the noted Tagal leader, in Caplz Province, Island of Panay, P. I Two rebels were killed and' three, in­cluding Dloclno, were wounded. K laor KenUoa. JJew Mexico has provided the deati! penalty for train robbers. The American letter-box system ha* been adopted by the Germ.in Postal' D ^artm ent. - Curtailm ent of cotton goods pro. docUon is being rapidly made a t Fa'l H irer, Mass. Democrats of Toledo, Ohio, have in- doned U ayor-Jones. of “Golden Ruio-' fame, for a third te ra . Glasgow, Scotland^.iiaB a amoUpo] *care. and 240,000 of its 600.00tf in­ habitants Jmve beea raccinated' n O U E S T IC . applications of forty Japanese for cuizensbip papers a t Sail Francis­ co, Ca!.. were refused. Miss H atti- Mills, a rich actress, ended her life w itb carbolic acid, at rroy, N. Y. A fter blindness o ' twenty-eigiif rears Valentine Balz. Baltimore, Md., bad bis slgbt restored. Fire Chief W ebber, of Boston, Mass., ivas retired on balf pay because ol b ju ry to bis eyes. Tbe battleship M assachusetts ran Bground a t Pensacola, Fla. She is not aaniaged. It is proposed by a syndicate to build ihe world’s largest dry docks on fiats between Bedloe and £llis islands, at tvew York City. George St. Cyr, wbo killed Jam es Davis, a t Dawson City, Alaska, had bis death sentence commuted to life imprisonment. Judge Nobbs, in the Probate Court in Bridgeport, Conn., nam ed the Bridgeport T rust Company as adm in­ istrator for tbe estate of George F.. ilman, the millionaire tea merchant. The shortage in the National Bank it'N iies, Mich., is SluO.OOO. Form er President H arrison's will, Mod at Indianapolis, Ind.. gives $123,- M)0 to his widow and fam ily relics and poii:rnits to his son, Russell, whose debts are cancelled. A young elephant cscaped from a Eoo in Indianapolis. Ind.. and bolted fhrough a large plate-glass window Into a barber shop, frightening the himates and upsetting the furniture. A full ticket of women w as nomin- pted by the Prohibitionists of Denver, Col. Colonel John R. Ashe, a well-known cotton m anufacturer, com mitted sui­ cide by throw ing him self iuto a deep ^vei! at Columbia, S. C. All efforts to locate the wreck of fhe steam er City of Rio de Janeiro in ^he Golden Gate, a t San Francisco, Cal., have proved fruitless. Jam es J. H ill secured control of tho Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail­ road, which is to be leased to the Great N orthern and N orthern Pacific companies. The village of Comer, B arbour Coun­ ty, Ala., w as alm ost wiped out by Bre. Niue stores w ere destroyed. There w as little insurance. The Astor M ilitary Company, which, was organized and equipped tw o years. ago by Colonel John Jacob Astor, wasi mustered out. JA P A N B IEETS R U SSIA ’S M OVE. Gets S quadron K eady to F ollow Ciar^a F le e t to K o rea. Shanghai. China.—The Tokio corre* jpondont of the North China Gazette F a y s th at all the Russian w arships off the Japanese coast have sailed for lyorea. A Japanese squadron is being mobilized for Immediate departure for Korea. London.—“Russia’s proceedings In Korea,” says tbe Kobe correspondent of the Daily Mail, “are now openly nggressive, and it is believed that she is about to make further dem ands la counection w ith Masampo.” -------------- A M E B IC A M IG H T IN T E R T E X S . in P E A C H M E N T T R IA L . T h e A c c u se d Ju d g s s O n th e S ta n d in T h e ir O w n B e h a lf- Ju d g e C la rk Q oe5 o n th e S ta n d . The case for Hhe defence was opened Monday on the m eeting at th e court The introductory speech was made by Judge Bynum, in which he outlined the defense fully. The haUs and galler­ ies of the Senate chamber were croTd- od w ith spectators. Judge Bynumn s Bpeech was an able one. The testamony of the witnees tor the defense will fof- low the speech of Judge Bynum. A t Tuesday’s seESian of the impeach- ■ m ent court Chief Justice Furchcs and Associate Justice Dougless were both put upon the stand to testify in their own dcfencei. The evidence tif both was to the elTect th at there was no wrong intention in the order to issue a m andam us in the W hite case. Both Judges testified tlia.t there was no politics in their action, and th a t they w ere influenced only by their consci­ ous ot duty. The session of the Impeachmanl court W ednesday was taken up 'by the exam ination and testim ony of Judge M ontgomery declared that Judge Clark was th e cause of the trouble. Exam ination was conducted by W atson, and was very thorough. Senator Henderson sent forw ard a resolution to pay the expenses of A. D. W atts, W . M. Robbinson. D r. S. W . Stevenson, J . H . Hoffimann and John B. Holmam character witnesses (tor Judge Furchea, also per diem and mileage. Senator London said th e court had no power to pay m ore th an tw o w it­ nesses to any one fact. Senator Justice said he doubted w hether character witnesses could be paid, anyway. Senator W oodard said th e law pro­ vided th a t upon certificate th a t w it­ nesses were necessary the law allowed pay tor moro th an two witnesses to one fact. • The resolution was then adopted. The defense concluded its evidence a t 5:10 p. m . and the court adjourned to Thursday. The roll oill a t tbo opening cf t'la court Thursday showed 46 Senators present. The prosecution called Justice W al­ te r Olark, ot i he N orth O irol.na Su­ prem e Court, as its fiist witness.Col. Theo. F. Davidson conducted the examln'atlon of this wi ne s. The flrst few questions were ot tie biographical order: “W here w ere you born,*’ ctc. The answ ers to them showed the following facts: Judge W alter C 'ark was appointed on the Supreme bench by Gov. Fowle, on the death of Chiet Jus.ice M er 1- mon. In 1889. For four yea s previous to th a t tim e he was on the Superior court bench.“Did you take part in the decisions In the office-holding eases?” asked Ccl. Davidson.“I have itaken part in every decl-jic-n dince I have boen on the ‘bench, except those cases i.n which I did not sit,-” re- If Invited, Would Use Its Good Offices to Settle the Tlen-TsIn DIgpnte. M'ashington, D. C.—If Russia and G reat Britain desire it, the United Stati« is w illins to use its pood ofllces to settle the Tien-Tsin dispute. “W e are interested iu the trouble because of its possible general effect,” said a high official of the Administration, “but w e have nothing to do w ith the attitude ot the British troops tow ard the Russian troops, or vice versa, or w ith the conditions which caused them to assum e the stand they have taken. The United States has no right to in­ tervene, nor will it do so, but if the disputants should intim ate their will­ ingness to have the American govern- m eat exercise its good offices it w ill bo glad to do so." --------------Bnsslan Press Not Alarmed. St. Petersburg, Russia.—The Ens- sian press is not alarm ed about the Tien-Tsin affair. The London corre­ spondent of the Novoe Vremya char­ acterizes the dispute as imimportant. plied th e witness. "You sat in all the offlce-holding F O S E IG N . Germany is dechired by a diplomat fn W ashington to have inspired Eng­ land’s rejection of the canal treaty, ‘ Despite the expenditure ot $21,13o.-. OOO for fam ine relief, India, had a surplus last year ot $8 ,2 0 0,0 0 0. Eight soldiers and customs officers were killed by an avalanche near Lake Como, Italy. Director M erriam caused the arresi of a W ashington policeman on account of the alleged census frauds in M ary­land. The Ambassadors and M inisters at the Court of St. Jam es, in Loudon, presented their credentials to King Edward. Edw in A. Abbey, the American art­ ist, w as commissioned by K ing Ed­ w ard VIL to paint the scene of his coronation. The general elections iu Spain will take place on May 5 and the Cortes will reassemble on June 10. Contracts for fum isbing the United States arm y w ith nearly a million pounds of meat, for use in the Philin- pines, were aw arded to Ciiicago pacli- Seven gunners were killed by the explosion of a howitzer shell at Secun. derabad, India. Huge catches of seals were made bv the Newfoundland fleet off. Labrador. Owing to a vote of no confidence in tile Chumoer of Depntles. the nen Chilean M inistry resigned. M. Sogoliepofr, the {(nssian Mlhi.<!l^-' w as tfnof 6y Karpoivich. w onna,: , The situation at Tien-Tsin, China, according to reliable reports, appears to be strained, especially between the Russians and British. The Russians took possession of a railw ay siding, .md they objected to encroachments l)y the British. W hile tiie difficulty may be settled amicably, it is undenl- alile th at an indiscreet move on either side m ight precipitate a w ar in which some of the other powers would in­ evitably be involved. ROMANCE OF A NAVAL DESERTER For tbe Sake of a Filipino Sweetheart He Joined tlie Insnreents. W ashington, D. C.—For the sake of a Filipino sweetheart. Private Fred­ erick M. Baker, of the United States M arine Corps, deserted and accepted a commission from the insurgents. To save the life of a friend, an American, and fellow deserter, he surrendered himself and received a life sentence a t iiard labor in San Quentin prison. Baker enlisted a t M are Island, Cal., in 1804, and until June 12, 1809, his record w as excellent. Then he fell a victim to the charm s of a Cebu Isl­ and girl and deserted, and became a drill m aster and lieutenant in the Fillpiuo forces. H e found another American deserter amoug his com­ panions at arm s, and a strong friend­ ship grew up between them. The friend refused to lead an am ­ buscade against the Americans and w as condemned to death. To prevent his execution. Baker rode to the American camp, surrendered himself and told his story. The rescue of the condemned man w as attem pted, but failed, and nothing Is known of his fate. Baker w as tried by court m ar­ tial and found guilty of desertion and treason. Only the extenuating cir­ cumstances saved him from a death sentence. Insnrgenta Bam a Tlllaee. Insurgents have attacked and burned the ungarrisoned village of Ugius, in the province of South Ilocos, P. I. A detachm ent of the Tw entieth Infan- ciy overtook and chastled the ma­rauders. Sampson Gets His Prlle Money, Rear-Admiral W illiam T. Sampson, at Boston, Mass., received a certified check for $8335 from the Treasury D epartm ent as his share of the aw ard foi- the desti’uction of the Spanish fleet at Santiago. I4ve Stoclc Saved W ith VaccineT” Secretary of Agriculture W ilsou, at IVashlngton, estim ated th at over $8,- 1100,000 w orth of young live stock throughout the country w as saved during 1900 by the prom pt use of medicine for blackleg sent out by the department. Mumps A nom irav a l Apprentices. The epidemic of mumps and measles among tu,- apprentices a t the NaVal Training Station, at iJcwport, R; 1., has heen IncreSslqg-daily, until the >'ava! H ospital cannot take additional .the Newport H osnital 1* ____ I did." H ere on request of Col. Davldion, Judge Clark told ot ihe dockutUng pf th e case of W hite vs. Auditor on De- cem'ber 12th, 1899, its advancem ent oa the docket on reuuest of Mr. F. K. Buebee and Mr. J. C. L. H arris and then of Kls argum ent before the court by these attorneys on December 19th."“W as any point raised in the argu­m ent in regard to th e right ot th e court •to issue a mandlamus?”“No the only quetitlon argued was cs to the am ount of salary to be paiu ■White. In the conference alsa the Judges said th a t was the only ques- Won in i't. W hen they got through I told thtem they were m istaken, that this case presented the mo^t ser.ou3 questllon th a t ever came before the court—Its rlghjt to issue a m andam us on the Treasuireir. The Chief Justice saJd no such point had been raised by counsel In the argum ent. I replied: ‘You five men said in G arner vs. W oith th a t a mandsimus cannot be issued by Uie court: oh the State T reasurer?’-The m atter was then allowed to go over till May, w hen it was decided." The w itness was then asked to tell w hat he knew of H arris com ing before the court and asklJig for the man- d^mus.“Early in October of the fall term of the court, Mr. H arris cams b eto e the court to move for a- mandamus. T n o Chief Justice asked if he had given no­ tice to 'the alfher side. He sild» he had n o t Judge M oatgome y said ho OJght to apply to tih-e clerk for his mandamus. Mr. H arris wenB ou-t."N ext m orning H arris cume back, ac­ companied by C. A. Oook, cow Asso­ciate Justtc©, but then attorney with F. H. Busbee for th e A uditor an i Treasurer. H arris renetwed his mot.oii for a mandamus. The Ohlef Justice a&lved him If he had filed affidavit?. He replied th a t he hadn’t consddered them necessary. H e was told th at as no affidavits 'had been filed he would not get 'hla m antom us, amd he w ent away again.TH E OOURT DIREOTED IT.“On Thursday, Cctol»or lltih. Col K enan m et me again and said ho reckoned he would have to issue tha mandamus. I replied th a t It was a very serious m atter and th a t before h! isssea It Be oughf. to come Into open court and let the Judgca toll him to do »o; th at I wanted to then staita my ob Jectlons. "The court m et In conference a on Friday mornfng. Col. K enan came in again and w anted to know w hat he ouglDt to do. As th « e iKemed to le no hurry to answ er liim , he polled the court, uudge Douglas w as ie.ther non­ com m ittal at first: Judge M ontgomery was -J6 same: Judge Purchea said is­ sue it; Chief Justice Falrclci'.h said ‘As an individual, I say you ought Issue i f Now tUirnlng a ^ n to Judge Douglas, he used the sam e form ula as the Chief Justice. Col. K enan ap­ peared still not to be satisfied, bat af­ te r some further words he w ent out ap- paretitly satlsfled. “W hen I came out of th« court room I asked CdI. K enan w hat he pronos&d to do ftbouS^ It. H e said he'd have to issue It. I told him L did no t think the court was explloit a'bout It-and ask ei hJm to w aft itlill I oould send down p r o te t I w rote and' sent the protest to him th a t ajiernoon. w ith the request th a t he tove It typew ritten and a copy fumiished each m em ber of the court. “T hat nlgihit about 8 o'clock Col, K enan telephoned m e th&t there was no use to send th e opinion around th at “he would not Issue the m andam u w ithout a -wrrltten order frw n th e cour'. I replied th a t this w<ae an eztrem iv Im portant m atter and I preferreJ tha he would send th« opinion around had reque£tted. H e said he wou'd so.’* “The next m orning,” said Judge Clark contlnudng the story relatnd above— Th« next morjjln® when court •m^t, I found Gov. Jarvis reading Id the Supreme Court Ubxanr. I called him into the consultation room and I^ d th e whole m atter before him — Shall I tell you w hat occurred there? This la^t rem ark waa addressei f Gov. Jarvis who was now on his fe- - w ith upraised hand, aa if commanding silence. Gov. Jarvis asked:“Judge, do you tiiJaik you ought to tell a private oonversation?”Judm Clark, bowdn« and smiling, replied amiably:•'Of course, Governor, If you objert ■will not tell it*’ Gov. J«j*vto: “I d o n t object on my own account It 1® not com petent In this case. A fter th e trlal la over j^n- ittay publtob it to th e worW 11 you .1 have fldthing to tride. I t is not evl- Judge Clark: “I will not tell It* Governor, if you object,” ^ *Gov. Jarvis: *‘My objection Is that you ought not to repeat a private con­ versation between gentlem en.” Judge Clark now resumed hl« ctory of the proceedings In court touching th e Issuance of the mandamus. "On the nea: afternoon (Tuesday) Col. K enan came in again for more ex­ plicit instructions. H e hsd a written opinion in h3s hand, and he polled the court again. Judge Douglas salpj ‘^fsue it.” Judge Montgomei'y 'sail: Col. Kenan. I'm bound to tell you that you have no oonsidtutional power to issue th at w rit.’ Judge Furches said: ‘it Is your duty to issue iit’ Tho Ch ef Jrstlce said: ‘Issue It.’ I said: ‘Col. Kenan, you knew my views. l!ou havo my protest and di-sssnt.’ “That was -the last of It.” “Do you recall,” asked Col. Dav d- son, “any o.iher e.v^pres^lon cf Judvo M ontgomery after the coart “Ju st before Col. K eoan cim e in on M onday,” replied the witness, “Judge M omgomery sUd: ‘Gentleman, I bound to tell K enan he cannot Istu- th at w ri'r You gentlemen have a poii'- r back of you; I have not?’ .ness w as th'Vn que,Tt'.oncd concerndng the erasures and al’tc^na- tions in his copy of the protest a-d -dissenting opinion. He replied: “There was some di- cusslon in conference about the mandamus. Judge t'urohc? sa:d the copy of It furnljfcci to Kemm w ai -pepared by h m (Furchcs) ar.d the Chiff Justice. Then some discusrion was had as to ray dlf- sodL I took up a p?n ,r:nd sta ’te l to strike out the objootionable parts of K. But finding th at th a t would lake too much 'time, I rem arked th a t I would carry the opinion home and make the alteration. No one objected and I p it it in m y.pockat. Later I brought the copy, as corrected by me, back and oskM to have It filed, saying: ‘I hope there is now no objection to It.’ Judge Fur^Ihes €aid it was all objectlonab e to him; Judge Montgomeary said he was tired of politieaT cases and d.8- senting opinions and he hoped this was an end of Item . Judge Douglas said he was w illing for k t> go into the obituary column. I replied: ‘Yea. .t may suit the obituary column but It is not in my funeral.’ ” (L'augWter.) “W hat did you strike out of -the opin­ ion?” “My opinion, as ttrst ts u t out. held ■thal the court Tiad no Epwer to Issue the w rit and Col. K enan'had not been directed to Issue It. This latter tf:ate- m ent was struck ou t because the court had ordered the w rit Issued.” - “Did you ask your protest and dis­ sent back?” 'Yes. when the court refused to al­low them filed. The Chief Justice and Judge Douglas said »tihey didn’t have their copies. Judge M ontpomery hand­ ed his over, and Judge Furches said th a t in view of whait had been said he tbeiieved he’d keep his.”“Is it usual for judges to make cor­ rections dn their opinions? ’“It is very frequently done. In fact, few opinions are filed th at are no: flrst corrected or altered. These correc­tions are always made in the copy of the Judge w riting the opinion.”“Did you suggest any other way out of the difficulty, other than issu'ng a perem ptory m andam vs?”“A fter Col Kenan had gone out I said: ‘Gentlemen. I don’t w ant you all to get Into trouble, and allow me to si’g g e ^ th at you issue an alternitive m andam us. To this 'bhe Treasurer can reply th at th e legislature prohibited paymen-t of tho claim; The m atter can then come before thaiS body for its ac­ tion and we will thereby both main­ tain ouir d’gnity and keep out of troub’e.’ ” , .W hat did they s9y to tha-t?’T ney replied th a t the m atter had been quarreled over enough, and they .'thought the m an o-tighfU to have h l3 money.”' W a s 'th is b e fo re tihe w rit was is- K enan went sued?”“Yes. ju st as soon as *^^Hvill you explain the difference Be­ tween an alternatilve and peremptory m andam us?'’ . , . ^ ,To this question .the defence objected anl I't was wUmlrawn.Judge Clark’s testim ony was com­ pleted and the oout:s?1 ngr^lng 4.hat no cross exam ination w oul^ be held he •was dlS'mlBseSi. The ocsb w ^ then given to \h e attorneys. The flrst sTOCch for th e prosecution as begun by M ajor Girthrie. and his argumen-t wm still In progress when the court ad­ journed to PriOiV- , . , A rgum ent wns resumed: by Maj. Gufhrie for tTie prosecuQon on the onenlng of the court Friday morning. Following, Maj. G othrle came. Capt. CkK)k6 for the d-sfense In a strong and vigorous speech. \i*be senate chamber was w ell filled w ith spectators. The argum ents of coursel on both sides have been dlgntfled and on a high or­ der. such as l8 befitting th e Impofltant case under consideration. PROTECTION PROSPERITY PilTRJOTISriPROeHESS Costly Confidence. Editor B ryan has sent us his pros­ pectus. I f Editor B ryan -wants our paper he’ll have to subscribe for it. W e hain’t got any use for Editor Bryan. W e’ve figured up what It cost us to back our judgment on Candidate Bryan. It cost us one squirrel dog that we had refused $25 for, one demijohn of bugjnice, one oyster supper, one hat and eighty-flve cents in cash.—Hick­ ory lllilge M issourian. G oing O nt o f ITM liion. The Iron and Coal Trades Review, of London, spealis of “G reat Britain’i unique economic system ,” and inti­ m ates th at if the country docs not Boon adopt one more universally popu­ la r disastrous results m ust follow. Free trade is going out of fashion rap­ idly.—San Francisco Chronicle. Sinenlarlr Appropriate. “You call your pet bear ‘William Jeim ings Bryan.’ That’s a tribute ol adm iration, I suppose, for tho fallen chief.” “Not eiactly. I call him that K cause it’s so hard to let go of him when bo takes you in his bug.”-C hlcaiio Tribune. A ll itu t C easetl. From the laud of the sunOower c-omes a m ighty wind, the sound of rustling checks and greenbacks and silver certificates, and the old hot btast of PopoUsm and Bryanlsm has aU hut ceased to blow.—New York Sun. A la sk a h a s 'b u t one ligh th ou se, and- th a t is n ot o f m uch force.' It ig r a t i ­ fy in g , h o w ever, to' k n o w ; th a t It ig sltr nated in American territory at suii. NEW FREE-TRADE PLAN WFRY W il-Y A R E t h e s e ACADEM I- CIANS AND T H EO R IST S, O ld S tock A rR nm cnta A re I«ai I Aaitlo nil » N ew C o n ten tio n in ISrouglifc O a t—C o m p e titio n S ecured by £ o co n ras^ °S In d a s tr ia l E n te rp rise s. Every few days w e read an editorial Iiarasiapl* in tho D em ocratic papers calling attention to “an im portant con tribution In another column.” This “contribution” turns ont to be a .syndi­ cated free-trade artlclc. A short time „KO it w as a uew tirade against pro­ tection by H enry W. Lam b. Now it is a "T rust llem edy,” by Trofcssor Basconi, of W illiam s College, upou whom the m antle of Professor I’erry seems to have fallen. And so the new frce-trnde propa- jranda seems to have been begun iu earnest. Very w ily are these acade­ micians and theorists. Tlie old stock argum ents are laid aside and a brand- new contention is brought out. Tlie prices lie has been filed aw ay The markets of the world are being cap­ tured so rapidly under protection tiiat the free raw m aterial idea has been "iven a quietus, and so w ith all tho old stock argum ents of the American Cobdenites. B ut taking their cue from tiie recent Populist D em ocratic plat­ form the free-traders pretend to .■see our dow nfall in the rise of so-called a-usts, and trusts, they tell us. are .rcated, nourished and m aintained i)'y protective duties. “Eecaii the Special rrivilcges,” says Professor Basconi, and then he m akes this very rem arka­ ble assertion: “The im m ediate purpose ot protec­ tive duties is to restrain competition and build a w all around tbe protected industries.” Such a statem ent convicts the w riter of being either a fool or a knave. Pro­ tection is and alw ays has been tbe very foundation of all competition. W ithout protection there would not even exist the opportunity for compe­ tition. It is com petition tiiat has built up our great m anufactures, th at has improved the quality of American goods and has constantly reduced prices. Suppose w e take aw ay the protection from goods m anufactured by so-called A m erican trusts and let in the goods m anufactured by English trusts. As soon as w e are at their mercy up w ill go prices, and w ay down will go w ages iu the U nited States. The sm aller concerns w ill be wiped out first, and if any survive it w ill be the so-called trusts. There is competi­ tion to day iu every industry protected by our tariff law s. So keen is this competition th a t goods w ere never bet­ ter m ade or prices m ore I'easonable. Professor Bascom and Secretarj' Lamb and the w hole of the New Eng land Free-Trade League m ay theorize all they will, but they cannot fool the w orkingm an by telling him th a t the w ay to im prove his condition is to lower bis w ages or give his Job to for­ eigners. Every new industry created and every established industry in­ creased m eans m ore labor aud more laborers, better goods, m aintenance of high w ages and prices equitable to both producer and consumer. It tlie tariff is needed, then keep it. If it is not needed it does no harm , and will be ready w hen it is needed. B ut if w e are to keep laijor employed, it we are to keep w ages up and prices down, we m ust have com petition. Aud w e cannot have com petition a t liome, w ith foreign goods flooding our m ar­ kets, or w ith our sm aller industries destroyed and our w eaker concerns driven out ot existence. WOOLENS Kannfncturers' Trmil,!,.. , Causes TIi:in ili,. n-ij,. '* It is douiitrui wh,.|ii,.|- 1 ■ and manufactHi-ors will i,,.,,'. s explanation ot Hr. industry wiiicii D emocratic jouniais. v.i;., disregard ot facl.s tli,,,.' .”'"t triinite everythin- i|,;„ , ' tariir. The real cau.-^c i.f w as discussed re«-ml,- in' when tiie situatiuii lir^i li,.,.., ing. Besides tlie nniisiiiiUvV-.r'^.''''.''' ter aud the suljstiimioi. f,'t i!',;'];, siioddy, there was e.Nii-ujiv,. r..f to tho overproiUu'tlru uf .^,,..,1^.' .“' spoculativG advjuuv ..t hijylicst price in uinny rise am ounted to tliiriy-scv.-ii i,' V • iu the seven moiulis’ lif.-inin;,..' 'V' ‘ May. 185)0. it could noi w,.^} i,‘. ] to Ji tariff that luul luvii in r , ' two years, rndouln. iily iii.r-' V - im ports just prior to un- the Dingley lariff f;u- in ’’ sum ptive rcquircuu-ms r,.;- ' riod. H ad it noj liffii i,n- tiji, these foreisu shiiun.'sii'; in--,, continued larcre muil now. iijsi, ;.',t being ruslied hen- in l.nik to avoid the dutj-, and ili.-u ralipi - ,/i t ?29,naO,33S iu tho two tisv:5l and 1000, asaiiisi \n ’ and 181)7. It is dilli.-nlt lo s.,. American manufni-inriT*: sinTt v '. decrease iu importations. Nm-.' -s easy to denionstrau- tlmi •wool growers would lun;'{if liy ii,', greater conipoiition ranchos if thoir piMilui i \ui\. m itted free of duly, i'/. i-n ait.-i- sharp decline of iwi-iuy-iu-,) ivv.vut in price with ihe suhsitU-iii'.' i>!‘ lative operations :it ih- rl-.s* domestic flt'oct* still srlls I'orty-iw.t cent, higher Than on .l:iuii;My l. \K)'. when the Wilson bill \v:is li; ::;i) Imports of )i,.i:n.Is ,ii' f,ir. elgn wool in ou- y,-ar alui.xi n\m\ sheep raisinir. Equally rampanl opposhi.n countered by ihosr wiri opment of the iron an«l 'n ! in-i'i'irj-. but surely e.\iMTi«‘n»>- lia^ stratcd that lejiishUitin s-.rva tion w ases abroail nion- tli:m fn'.uUni the promises of proU’riit'iiishJ. iiMliis branch of niannfji'-n':- a sim ilar sethad: wlu-n iu.bi;, ;i ,i{ prices and overpn»dn«-tii>n oirnrrt.l :;t tlie close of ISUl) an-i iu ih' t-ntlr months of llXHt. Witli a reasonable posiiiou ili’-n- liavo :i;v poared vigorous deni;Hi-l prosperous conditions. Il'oiuovjil iif liu- duty would have availeii nuiiiin:'whi'U the industry was crippli‘»l *>.v siKdil;;- tion and ovem-alous di-:diiia'. Fur­ naces tunied out unoMUni-.sl iiiiaiiiitii-s of pig iron, wlilie mills luriniiiuliJ enormous stoelis of proiiui-is. naturally fell off as iiiioi.itioiis U rjUii- absurdly higlK and thon- wus a eral restriction of operations mull tUu atmosphere t-learetl. \Vt:,ii I'n.’.v.rs and makers of wooU’Us linvv cli'iin'uis to contend with that diil m*t ;u>it.:irlu the Iron and steel inarlvi’i. I'lH ilit'e will be overcome in liiiH’- Tribune. Hull, England, has tli-' li(’’ior .<r tablishlng the first mmii'-ii>al cr tory for the disposition "i tho 'K-'l- It cost $12,500 and the eh:tr r<' t'l-r ilie I crem ation of a body is only ?.i. Sboald Be J^eft VDtouclied* There w as a general agreem ent am ong the m anufacturers who testi­ fied before tbe Industrial Commission th at the present tariff law should be left untouched, oven some w ho hold them selves in opposition to the gen­ eral principle of protection taking this view. Some m en m ay still, in spite of the course of events, cling to the the­ ory of free trade, but w hen it comes to the practical question of periling the w onderful business activity which tho country has know n since the restora­ tion of protection In 1897, and of risk­ ing a return to the industrial pai*alysis of W ilson law days, they are not ready to tru st the theory In w hich they pro­ fess to believe. And th at is how It happened th a t even those men who profess to believe In free trade talked against any changes in the Dingley law. As for the vast m ajority of the people, m anufacturers and nil, they believe In speaking w ell of tbe horse w hich carried them over the stream , and are ready to stand by protection in both w ord and deed. A Typical Instance. The President of the Cham ber of Commerce of P ittsburg is authority for the statem ent th at in^the neighbor­ hood of P ittsburg “mills, factories aud workshops of every kind have had a phenom enal period of prosperity, ac­ com panied by the usual rew ard for those who earn,” during the year 1900. P ittsburg has alw ays been a centre of industrial activity, and has always been am ong the first to feel the de­ pression w hich a departure from our system of protection has alw ays pro­ duced, and has alw ays been one of the principal beneficiaries from the pros­ perity w hich has alw ays m arked our return to economic sanity. W hile the trem endous grow th of our industrial interests under the fostering care of our protective system has m ade other cities and localities quite as impor­ ta n t c e n ^ s of Industry as Is Pitts- hurg, yet th a t city is still quite as much a barom eter of industrial condi­ tions as form erly, and the prosperity w hich Is to be found there to-day is m erely typical of the prosperity Avhich the Dingley tariff law has brought to all sections of th e country. Tbere is No B alm . E xports for the year 1900 will foot not fa r from $1,475,000,000; Imports of $825,000,000, leaving In the neighbor­ hood of $650,000,00 balance in our fa­ vor. No bonds required to replenish an em pty treasury, but a surplus of funds In Uncle Sam*s vaults. AU this is gall and wormwood to the average free traders. Is there no balm in Gi­ lead for the enem y of protection? Not a balm. The M edical Society of Paris has exj pressed the opinion th at it is necessary to adopt some measures against the alanninff spread of petroleum drink­ ing. T h u does a new field open up SOUTHERN RAILWAY. O entral lim o a t Jaolcsouvillo o ai Savannah. J ^ t e p i T im e at Otlii-*r P olnti Schedule in Effcct Jan. 27iU. l&JL V0BTBB0I7ND. jjaiir Lv. Oiiarlcaton, {Ho. tty *• BununervUld................•• Bhmchvilio ................. :: gfSSISfe"'.-.-.-,;::::;;: A.f. Columbia Lv. Autfurito^ iiy-) ■ ■ LjT. G ram tovU Je ,lit- i t s :... At. Ckaum bia,' ( V -.......... L v. OolumbUk, iB ldg b t.......... “ W in p sb o ro...........“ 6beat«r .“ K ockH iU -. A,r. Ohnrlott^ ■ iville . 4i'P 1- . o-ilp'SM ’j2 | jtBpiSttllw l 3lil| A^rWchmona m 1 ''1111 A r. ............................................' ! At. Oindlimati..........^___i ,4:^ 4-^ BOUTHBOIWD. Lt. Loolsrtlio Lt. Oinclnnatl .--r ' — ^.....I.......I 4 r. B partanharg“ AshovlUe ABhevtild. r— ■■--J-----T5—V..TV. iTV^ ...< ^ ^ ^ ^ “1:::::: I f t i g» Eftltimore .........Lv. n Lv. DanvllleTrr^ u :ibnrlotto.. • H ill . Ar. Columbia, ....... 11'io ......L t. Columbia, (u . ..................j . ;;ip ■■■ •• Johnston............................. liifv'7 iJL-'l JT ren to n....... c • r 1Ar. Aihon .............................. Ar. G raniteTille......................| - 1 A r .i jom m ervillo . Ar. Obarleaton --------------------- j ;c.-v • Ar. Jftokson^l«e o- -------------j S l« o p ln B C or E x cellen t ^ ' ’S t r i a ' l l " - V ”? “ ^ ^ 3 n i l Itod. DftUydvely of Pullm an flnW; K rv a to r} ' Aiigu.Hta and W cabington.P.C. W. H. T A L O B ^fcJoti.Pass. AUaiittt. GA m nt to-aay <*“*°“ „eclctle alm ost a l o' ‘■ J T ^ r t s and la J , dainty S'- J te ^ s M m e tW n s n e ^ simple to H r ^ a r t l s t l c tooch of (J «iain costume. LW s r e a u l r e d a r e t . . ! f C n fcents apiece. T J large quantity ot mtour n eekl * to Uavc the five p i each ° “I' . blue, ycllow l ' ml all of tho m ost I »*■ “ hie By buying t-wT saves piecing. of that length. . ‘T e Chilton into fouil thread to cut it b ^ hem all around e a J , Saest of silk, or U (rom the chiffon : of ribbon through ‘l u t three tim es the ’ „ and sew across 1 L ’leaving a sm all s j color. T h e rlb b o J Iwuld be put on t h e j „the right side th at L covered and also tol P t h e t o - T ^ ^ h » '» fG 'ra rd '‘ D u S '''< tfw h o 13 now In his 2. f c t royal m atch m Eure 1 ‘tV th e precarious staj ' to his throne. It i certain th at he Lfhe year is out. Th Iffllllani Ernest has t .nd a great position, h t h e ro sp o n slb llltl- ' „ whlcli a throne us' m J He has inherited v< K err valuable estates 1-^ 1 of northern G erm any.l luid ia Holland, besides M n r i 100.0 0 0 ,000 frai L uke is at Present the ^ throne of the N ether I jmothcr, the late G rand! r having been the aunt I rimina. The grand dulte 7 a choice of seven bJ J Duchess Helena V lad 5sia P rin cess B e a tr ic e ! fcs-Gotha, Princess A ll* L ptlacess Thyra ot ■ wter of the crown p rin t, [cKiila of M ecklenburgJ of the reigning g ra i lUic two daughters ot th J .Mi:lit.-Lou'‘"° Truth. I'tlor'^nlT lialas rellev.',| X'Me. XocDi.E,NorA'-| Noted Bo its Sympt| Severe Cal Pinkham’sl ADELE m iw a b d» U ch w illl •re ooVg( (OR C H Ic u i S o . 1 3 . I T - J the t ..:r1pp;- f •'■I- Uuiy.*'’ '" ’"a ilMi'l l)ccaii!.. al:,,.,,'.; ■".sr.aliy tardy wi,| I -'-ot cotioii ar.i I'Xtousivo n . , .«t Soo,U- a,„i J^' "£ 'ivool w ||.„ |n .v .vears. a. l>n.v-sov.>u „,., ■ lis iH'Kiniii,,-- Vi ii ! |u o t w..!i ; V ii, lur,,. f o , J 'tertly ,lH.ro v.-,,,. ■10 tlu' witu-ha.Mu ■•■"■ '■* nr■oius fnr a 1„„... 1 lliat ^-.iv■•incnts w’uwh] frtil now. insu-a.i ,,f I', '--.nkJil <l:i'U raliins: i i " " I'sral .vrar.s iMi'i 1 i„ i,s-i.j‘ Illicult to R,.,. ,vl„.r,. |lu rc rs suir.-i- i.y u,;^ ■•tjitioijf?. Xoi- ijj fiHO thUT Am..ru-:iu ’■y lilt- 'Jaiiau ■ «“ v- iiiin .-XUK' l u U l IX 'U oflf in |o u Of Ausii.u » IM-oiluot W, r.* jul. ■ty. Evin after u„. ■v.'oniy-two i)oi- \ JiiIisi.loiK-e or SJ, ■it tli«‘ close of I il soils foi-jy-t\v„ i,rr Jim Jaiiujiry 1. is-j7^ ^ ■till \V;1S ill foVl's* T.02<; ])ouiuls oi fof-1I yoar aluio'Ji luiuyj It opposition n -. j • who fnvort'tl I li luu! qu'ol iinldstry, | IritMiei' luis litioii iijrains! s .-irva-1 II umrv than inhilhdl l-oicM.-lionisis. liiihisl p'*inr‘' ihi*!'!* caiiK* a l I wlien iiitlaiUn of Iloduetion ocouri'til atl nuil iu the' oarlyl I With ivsloratii.n Jiiiou ihoiv liavo ap-Tlemanil anti .uoncrally loat. Komoval of ilid pvaik'd notbinjr wlicjJ I crippled by spec-iilaJ jiloiis dealiitg. FurJ luaoqiuilcd quansitio^ lo mills aceuuuiIaU’d |»f products?. Dcinaini as qiiotatioay |id there -was a ,ffcu|' operaiious until tl« cd. Wool ■oolens have eh'nicuiJ lhat did not appear Iq >1 market, 1‘ui ili iu time.—New Vori I has the honor or csj p=t m unicipal cv-' usltion of the dead jid the charifc for thj |d y is only $5. R ^ A IL W A V . <Dvl]le oad Savanni e at Other Points. a. 27th. I93L p. xor*. |>u. Necktie. T to-day makes th t / “J k tlc almost a neces- f 'T s c a r f s and laces are K ' d f l The rainbowR s fim o tb in s n c w .is ln - P Airaplc *® “ nlain costume. :^rblffon,aml live ploces of “^ ribbon, which is 0“'^ apiece. This m a, fo'"" neckties. It ; Mno. yellow, violet ■■ I all of ™“ ‘ dellcato■‘”1 Bv imying two yards it av « r ' .1 that li’iigth. p . -mffon into four strips, to cut it by. Make l(‘ jii around each strip, P .^ t of silk, or “ r , ! f the chiffon. Gather # '7 ri'.t» n through the cen- three times the width ot I f ; and sew across the ends ^ in rin g a small space be- I^Kolor The ribbon on the lr*idbo riit on the wrong as right siJc. that the hem retired and also to give a lr< i< '--T l'c l.adtes' W orld.. c-itch. IS fcran J Duke of Saxc- 13 now in h is 24th r e a r . L ro ta l o a tc h in E u ro p e , a n d , « iiic p recarious s t a t e ot t&e fto Us ttroaf'’ it m ight hn -rjcertain that he will m arry K ( vear is out. The Grand I r iia immense I ;; a great position, w ithout # / tv responsibilities nnd Ttwhlcli a tiirone usually in- [Be tas iaherited very largo JL tjliiable estates in varioti.s KnortSfra Germany, in Aus- liiHollanil. hfsiJfs 0 fortune El’sst WWO.OfJ francs. Tho lu e u at prcsrat the next heir l ^ j e ot the Netherlands, his L-v: the late Grand Duchess Cuiio? l)«a Queen r .... The grand duke has prac- brides—the llhth« Helena Vladimirovna * princess Beatrice of Saxe- b*'la Princess Alice of Al- fprlncess Thyra of Denmark wof He crov.-n prince). Dueh- fer'i of Meekienburg-Schwerin liTuie reigning grand duke) Ltw aaoghters of the Duke of ^ t .—LonJoa Trutb. lltoTa!! l-a“ ^ rellt-ir.-a at onco by .V' ci;iE >0 I'lv. D o M e n U n d e rsta n d W o m e n ? A m an can very seldom toll w bat Is passing iu a wom an’s mmd. H e talks vritli another m an and lie can follow ills processes; he gets his point ot view; he can m ake a shrew d guess as to how he came to say that, or w hy he refrained from saying the other. But a w om an's m ental processes are not those of a man. H er m ental machinery is geared differently. You iiear w hat she tells you. You can make inferoiiees from it; they w ill be wrong, i>ecause you do not know bow she came to say w liat she did; you do not have the clew. T ry to guess w hat she will say next, and you w ill find that you are all a t sea; The m an who says th a t be under­ stands wom an is him self a woman. No m an can understand a woman. lie may love her. There may exist be­ tween h!s soul and hers th a t inde- flnabie and celestial sym pathy w hich Is the sw eetest thing on earth; but he does not understand her. H er m ental operation, her w ays of thought, her point ot view, will alw ays be as inscrutable to him as the m ental processes of an angel. W hether wom­ en understand each other is not quite certain. A greater p art ot the delight lh at men find in tho com panionship of women arises from their fascrutabll- ity. Yon cannot m easure or exhaust tiiem. Their charm ing Inconsequence, as they seem to you, w ill never cease to puzzle you and every fresli CQnvers.a- tion reveals a novelty of attitude or opinion.—The W atchm an. European Shawls For Asiatics. In C entral Asia woolen shaw ls ot European m anufacture find a ready p.ile. T he trade in merino shaw ls In Thibet bids fair to develop into a profitable business. The shaw ls come from France and Germany, and, being very cheap, are readily sold. They even seem to be supplanting the bet­ ter. but much dearer, cashm ere shawls. Revival Fires. The N ashville C hristian Advocate saj-s: “Th.e revival fires are aiigy; in so m any of the M ethodist E^plscopai churches. The adocates, especially of the W est, have m ost encouraging re­ ports. The "Western reports 65 chur­ ches. 1,510 conversions; Northwest&rn, ; i churches, 872 conversions; Central, 20 churches, 1,123 conversions; P itts­ burg Advocate,, 29 churches, 989 con­ versions. In th e C entral is an ac­ count by the Rev. George L. H aight of a reviral at Tarkio, Mo., at which 562 persons were canverted. Over 200 persons have joined Central Church at Daven-port, Iowa, in th e year and a quarter of tho present; pastorate— over halt the num ber trom conver­ sions. I Noted B o sto n W o m a n D e s c r ib e s its Sym ptom s a n d T e r r o r s.— T w o Severe C ases C u red b y L y d ia E . Pinkham’s V e g e ta b le C o m p o u n d . ADELE W IL L IA M S O N . 'Ian so nervous! no one ever suffered as I do! _ There “swell inch in my body. I honestly believe my lungs ^feedj my cliest pains me so, but I have no cough. I jw weak at my stomach, and have indigestion terribl}^ and ¥ati(m of the heart; am losing fle.sh; and this headache 'fekaclie nearly kills me, ;ind yesterday I had hysterics, ‘ttere is a weight in the lower part of my bowels, bearing fU the time, with pains in my groins and thighs—-1 %. walk, or sit, and blue — oh goodness! I am simply miserable of women.” . . , " samost vivid description of a woman suffermg mtn prostration, caused by inflammation or some other condition of the womb. . *“,'foman .should allow herself to reach such a perfection ^hen there is no need of it. Eead about Miss case and how slie was cured. ^ . Cases o f N ervm us P ro stra tio n O u n A JIrs. Pin-kiiam ■__I «I had nervous prostration * afferinK such tortures' terribly, caused by female weakness. I suffered every­ thing; WM unable to eat, sleep, or work. After a while I was induced to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound, and I really begafl to improve on takmg the first bottle. I contmued to take the medicine, and am better in every way, and teel like a different person.^ 1 am sim ply a w e ll w om an. . ^ ^ Mbs. D kix a K e is j^MarienviUe, Pa» *.'n.u.a.2Ti , X —.uig such tortures' ’■en-ous pro.stration that * biir'lan. I could all, and was tooIj, r ai], ana was toe E 7 'alk aerosa the flor,r, 6 affected so that ^IcoiiU n,..* l;. .1____uiiucieu so xnai F Wiild not lie down at l^^ut almost suffocating, ftoll E. .Pinkham’s l^ |.i Conipound and it magic. Ifeelthat C^Micmehas ljeen of in- 13. KILLS HER 3IX CHILDREN I n s a n e M other M u rd e rs H e r LIU Ib O nes a n d A tte m p ts S u ic id e . EWent CiiiW Her riM t Viotlm, and th« OtUerB SlHln W ith Ax« and ClQli, Accordlne to Ace. Cold Bl'ook, M ass.—M rs. liz iic Nar- r.miore. while in a fit ot insanity, killed her entire fam ily of six clill- dren at her home, a farm house half a mile from this villa-;', and then tried to talie her own life. The children rangci! from ten years to a babe ot ten months.and tbeir lives were taken iiv tho mother w ith an axe and a ciub. Then she la il ihe blood drenched i)oflies on the beds, tw o on one bed and the other tour on a bed In another room.The tcrril)!c sight m et tne eyes of tho iiushand and father, F rank Nar- ramore, when he returned home,some iiours later. Jlrs. N arram ore then at. tempted lo take her own life by cnt- iin.a lior throat w ith a razor.and when rtlscnvoicd she w as in the bed on wliich the bodies ot tour children were lying. A lthough she cut a deep -ash in her throat and suffered the Toss of much Wood, it is believed sho will recover. Mr.?. Narramore, w hen asked bow she did the deed,said th a t she took the lives in four different rooms, and as Kile killed each child the body w as placed in a bed. She first m urdered Eliiol. the eldest child, and then fol­ lowed with the five others. She ap­ peared rational in the evening and displayed signs ot sorrow for the deed she had committed, although she Is unable to give any reason w hy she killed the children. Faiincr Kills His Three Children. Clinton. Me.—Jacob D earborn M art, a farm er living eight miles from this village, kined his three children— Alice M.. aged thirteen; Elwin, aged nine, and H t! ;n, aged seven, w ith an axe shortly after the fam ily In happy mood had risen from the dinner table, fla rr had been despondent for some time, but hie actions w ere not such as to make his w ife believe th a t he had any serious trouble on bis mind to brood over. L ater he w as taken to W atervllle under arrest. Mad Slotlicr Drowns Dangliter. Milford. N. H .—W hile m entally de­ ranged Mrs. W illiam H . W ilkins drowned her daughter, M aud, eleven years old, in the Souhegan Biver. TROUBLE ENDS A T TIEN-TSIN, ’ Itnssiac and British Troops W ithdraw From l>ispated Point. Pekin, Cbiua.—Count von W alder- sce, General Barrow and G eneral Wo- gack were in consultation and General Wogack agieed to w ithdraw tlie Rus­ sian troops from the disputed ground at Tien-Tsin provided the B ritish also withdraw. H e insisted also upon a guarantee Uiat work on the railw ay siding should not proceed until the m atter liad been diplom atically adjusted. This proposal and stipulation were satisfactory to General Barrow and wore accepted by him. Consequently the B ritish and Rus­ sian troops w ere w ithdraw n, thereby avoiding all trouble at p resent TVni Be Settled by Diplomacy^ London.—Lord Lansdowne, the For­ eign Secretary, announced In the House of Lords, th a t by agreem ent between the B ritish and R ussian Gov­ ernm ents, the danger of bloodshed at Tien-Tsin had been averted by each side agreeing to w ithdraw the troops from the disputed territory, leaving the m erits of the controversy to be set­ tled by the tw o Governments. A P P E A L TO T H E L EG ISLA TU R E. Parents of a Texas Bride W ant H er Blar- risce Annnled. Austin, Texas.—The Texas Legisla;- cure has been called upon for the first time iu the history of th a t body to perform the functions of a divorce court. Several m onths ago F rank W illiams and B ettie Green, both be­ longing to prom inent fam ilies of Brown County, eloped and w ere m ar­ ried. They w ere both under m ar­ riageable age, and th^ parents of the bride took her aw ay from her young husband. Although the couple are anxious to carry out their m arriage vows and to live together as m an and wife, the parents of the young wom an are film in their stand against the propo­ sition. and a t their request a bill w as introduced in tho State Senate by Mr. carry out their m arriage vows and to G riunan to annul and set aside the m arriage and to restore to Mrs. W ill­ iam s her m aiden nam e. H er young husband and his friends w ill oppose the passage of the bill. Stray Shots. The board of aw ards of th e N avy De- ^ rtm e n t has recom mended to Secre­ tary Long th a t Colonel L. Meade, of ^ e United States m arine corps, be breveted brigadier general “United Stetes m arine corps, "for distinguish­ ed conduct in the presence of the enemy at the batUe of Tien-Tfiln* July 33, 1900/’ Junior grade. United States javy, be junior grade, U nited States Navy, be advanced "four num.bers “for em inent and conspicuous conduct in battle at Malabon, Philippine Islands, M arch 4, 1899.” In Philadelphia a f&st trolley car Is being tested. It takes news<paipers in th e early m orning to O hestaut Hill, fourteen and three-quarter milea away. It runs a t a rate of thirty-five miles a a hour, including a stop at least every three-quarters of a mile. Occasionally it has run a m ile in a m inute and an eJghth and it has made the entire distance in tiwenty-five m in­ utes, including stops, which is tho same tim e as the express trains make for the same distance. It m aintains Its schodulo tim e regularly, -but on one occision it was late ten m inuies, ow­ ing to the wreck of a hay wagon which w w on th e road. Swedes Making: Steel by Electricity. Consul Nelson, a t Bergen, Sweden, iu a report to the State Departm ent, a t W ashington, says th a t a success­ ful attem pt has been m ade to produce steel by electricity in' th a t country. Experim ents are being carried on jn a factory there, and already about 25,- 000 pounds have been produced, in six drafts dally .This steel is of an excel­ lent quality, and m eets w ith ready sale a t high prices. On account of the cheap method of production, the prof* its are declared to be iarge. Mrs. BIain« Oives Away Sl.OOOtCO. Mrs. Em mons Blaine, according to an announcem ent by President W il­ liam R. H arper, a t the U niversity of Chicago convocation, has given $1,000,- 000 to the U niversity of Chicago School of Education, lately organized by the am iiation of the Chicago InsU* tute and the uniYe.rsity>_________ Attempu Upon tbc Cu t's l.ire Stories are current of, recent at­ tem pts upon the Czar of R ussia’s life in connection w ith a w idespread i*evo- lutionary movement, of which the stu­ dents’ riots in St. P etersburg and else­ w here are said to form a part. Family of Six Bnrned to Death The w ife of John G authier and his five children w ere burned to death by the explosion ot a coal oil stove, at Little Cascapeda, Quebec. G authier Jumped from a second-story window for help and broke his leg. Prominent People. T he Duke ot Connaught has been g.i zetted G rand M aster of the Order of the Bath. Senator H oar believes and aels on the belief th a t the last ear In a train Is the safest. The outdoor sportins tastes of the Em peror ot Japan range from lawn tennis to football.' Two large red apples from his own State of M issouri form Senalor Cock­ rell’s standard luncheon. A rthur Jam es Balfour. F lrk r.ord of this. B ritish Treasury, is A 8ne pianist, Scratobee, saddle galls, soro ahouldera, Bweeney, cuts, bruisop, aod lamenoas of every Iclad, cured at once by Goose Orease Liniment. Lawyers have mad© brief acquaint­ ances. A H a n d a o m e C a le n d a r. The Seaboard Air Line Ball way has issued one of the neatest calendars yet It Is suita­ble (or a business offlco, tbe type being large and easy to read. Copies can be had by ad­ dressing, B. E. L. Bunch, G. P. A, Ports­mouth, Ya. H. H. Geben’s Boss, of Atlanta, Ga., aro tho only Bucceflsful Dropsy Specialists in tho world. See their liberal offer in advertisement in another column of this paper. Rice’s Goose Grease will absolutely cure Cboot, Couobs and Colts quicker than any­thing known. Mrs. Winslow*B Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, rodaces inflamma­tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25cabottlo Tell a dignified individual to pull down his vest and you raise his choler. I do not believe Piao’s Cure for Gousnmp- iion has an equal for e o u ^ and colds.—JouK P. Boteb, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. Harrowing a man’s feelings won’t help toward cultivating his acquaintance. Senators and Congress are now using Goose Grease for sore throat, hoarseness and colds, it cures when all else fail. Tho wise use Goose Grease for man or beast; every bottle guaranteed. F o r l«a G r lp p o m n d H e a d A e h e . These disagreeable and dangerous dts- eases may be relieved Immediately by the t mely use of Hioks’ Capudlne Headache Cure. 16o, 25o and GOo at all drug &tores. It your druggist does not keep it send 6e for postage on trial bottle. Hicss Cbxiqoal Co., Balelgb,N.O. PcTKAM’s PAnsLEsa Dte produces tho fairt- est and brightest colors of any known dyo staff. Sold by all dmg^iBts. Every mineral and metal of value in the arts and industrifes is found within the hmits ot tbe United States. Woman is a conumdrum that iftan never seems to give up. Demffnesw Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, arid that is by constitu­tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in-' flamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear­ ing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless tho inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever. Nine eases out of ton are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. 'We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for ony case of Deafness (caused by catarrh), that can­not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Circulan eent free. P. J. CnsNST & Co., Toledo, 0.. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. In five years tho exports of this country to Mexico have doubled in value. Indigestion is a bad companion. Got rid of ,it by chewing a bar of Adams’ Pepsin Tutti Frutti after each meal. O rlgla of O ne of V ictoria’s T itles. Sir Andrew Clarke first entitled the Queen “Em press of India.” This he did in a proclam ation dated November 2, 1874, which he issued, as governor of the Straits Settlem ents, '‘to the ‘M alay Rajahs, Elders and People to m ake known to them the good wishes of the great Queen of England.” He w as uncertain how to convoy to the Malays w hat and who the Queen real­ ly was, and the relation which she bore to them. R ani of Ranis w as tOD feeble a term . A certain M ajor Mac- nalr suggested, “Suppose you call her M ajesty, ‘Em press of India?’ ” “Capi­ ta l!” replied Sir Andrew Clarke. And so, accordingly, she was designated in a proclam ation which was subsequent­ ly published In a blue book, from which, doubtless. Lord Beaconsfleld gained his idea of conferring the title on the Queen.—M ainly About People. The £aihxro to' tlw goal sc6 in lifo ifl not neo<asartly a def^tl P a r i t i e s tlio H lo o4|.»G oN ta IffOtlkingr to B. B. B. (I^tanio Blood Balm) Is tho finest Humors, 'BoUb. Pimples, by giving a healthy blood trapply to the skin. B. B. B. cures Ul- cors, 'Eatins Sores, Scrofula, Cancer, heals every soro and mokes the blood pore and rich. B. B. B. cnres old Rheon'atism, Aches and Patna in Bones, Joints. Try Botanic Blood Doha t^ds spring. Draraists, $1. Trial treat­ ment froo by writiM Blood Balm Co., 12 Mit­chell St.. AUanta, Ga. Dosoribo trouble, and free moaiori odvico fliven. An astronomer reports that hid business is looking up. Dr« l<ake P. Illackburn ^ Writes oonocmlng Crab Orchard Water: “Tn tardy motinu and chronic con.stlpation of tho bowolB it excols all other modicUMS known to tho profession.” Tho distinction among onimals requiring least alecp belongs to ihe elcphanti lailcaee Tlrketa Heduccd. Seaboard Air Line Hallway one tbou.°aud mile tloketB are now sold from nil p oints on its llaes at rate ol $25.00, lucluaing tboso previously sold in the btate of Florida at $90.00. These tickets are good over tho ud- tire Seaboard Air line Railway System uud are honored between Richmond and Wash- iogton by the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac and Pennsylvania Railroads, be­tween Portsmouth and Baltimore by tho Baltimore Steam Pa-ket Company—Bay Lino— and between Clinton and Columbia, 8. C., by the dolumbln, Newberry and Lau­rens Railroad. All tickets which bave been sold at $25.00 and endorsed “ucS good in State of Florida” will be honore<l over tho entire system, including lines in Florida, re­ gardless ot such endorsements, rR A C R A N T Sozodon!Tooth Powder in a new Patent Box, handy to use * .......................^ M A SOZODONT UQU1D . 25c Large LIQUID & POWDER,75c b « l At a l l th s Stoubs, ok By M ail. Address, HALL 4 RUCKFL, NEW YOBK 01 No crop can be grown without Potasb; Supply auntgh Pot-| ash and your profits will be' large; without' Potash your’ crop will be “scrubby.” Our book/, telling about composirion of ierta«e»» best adapted for all crops, are frw to all li»rmcrs. GERM AN KALI W ORKS,93 Nassau St., New York. B U I P S aU'tbroat aud lung Cougli Syrup*!Refuse subsUtutea. Get Dr. Safest, surest cure for troubles. People praise *•,. Doctors prescribe It, luick, sure results. BuU’s Cou«h Svrup. *^The 8anco that made West Feint ramons.” MclLHENNY’S TABASCO. A L U X U R Y W I T H I N T H E R E A C H O F A L L ! W e a re k eep in g u p th e g ra d e o t LION COFFEE to a high p o in t! It is known all over the country as " the best package coflce, and its quality will be strictly maintained. iiAVE YOU TRIED IT YET? LIO N COI=F5EE is not a glazed coffee. We do not need to resort to egg mix­ tures or chemicals which are used to hide im­ perfections and to make the coffee look shiny. LIO N COI=I=EE is absolutely pure, and that is the reason why it is now used in millions of homes. 1 • I W a t c h our n e x t a d v e r t l s a m e n t . In e v e ^ package of LION i CO FFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to 6nd in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certaiu num ber of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this exceUent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO. OHIO. W«Bl»llthefo1tO«l For 14 Gants KanBldUrvratBCMhvrbMd, . 1 (ItrOmnini 1 •• 18.D*7lU4UbSr««,1 M LaX. aulirtUltHceBcH, . S UrlUlsat Hover W o r t h $ 1 .0 0 Abate 10 pwkftsn raw D»tr«IUe* wlU mall Toa ft-er, lojrtliar with ««r Itlu4trata<l Cftulof, iclllas all abont 8ots*r*aR llllen D sIU rC raaa A lao C holec O rIob Keetl, OOe. b IK Toplhir vllh thon»«nrtiof tabUs ami rarni ircdi, iip«Dr«eclpien4a. an-l th lan etlv*. one* jen plant8ewl< rro «>lt o e m do wiUMal. .SA LIU taBeS..U C M «».W Ia. B e s t fo r th e Bowel Troubles; Caused by over-work! Over-eating! Over-drinking! No part of the human body receives more ill treatment than the bowels. Load after load is imposed until the intestines become clo^e^ refuse to act worn out. Then you-must assist nature. Do it, and see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETb Candy Cathartic. Not,a mass of mercurial and mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound tliat acts directly upon the diseased and worn out intestinal canal, making it strong, and gently stimulating ‘p® kidneys; a candy tablet,, pleasant to take, easy and delightful in action. Don t accept a substitute for CASCARE15. r « bring a sargeoiL--oew der'8 W eekly. WE WISH TO MAKE YOU A PRESENT OF A VOLUMB OF “ T H E STORY O F M Y L IF K AN D WOKK»»BY BOOKBR T. WASEWGTON. 8en<l U s Y our N am e anil A ildrnss. Wo w aat you to havo a copy n( tlils aut'.»blogrnpLy of 'bo greaioac living N<*gro for tbe purpose of intro, (luctng it In your com« m unlty. Wo niBo want nB**nts In evory county nuU dfBtrlct lu tlit> coun­ try to Hoil It. Only a liiulted num ber ot free copica fo cacb town.. W rite now and be sure to get ono. AtlUrops J.L. MCnOLSSCO.ATLANTA, USOBOIA. WANTED for tUo Brohard Sash Lock and Brohard Door HolderAi'tlvo workeni cvi‘r>-wIior« can «am big money; alwayf» u steady ileuian.l for our gumla. samiue tash W k. with i.rici-s tnriiij. ctr . free for 3c stamy fori>ost^'. T » lh H K O H A ltD (.0.»Stutlqu “ O.” i*liUadcluIila, 1*«.. $3.00 :p£Rl.QOO OUcaodtLUO. Batople m allei for 15c. Addre*» THK ALLIGATOB CO.,CUABI.ESTON, S. C. n c ; V f-KW DI800VEST: iti.-I l f v V ^ r ^ S 1 quick r«H«f and cnrw w o«4ljrk -’ftcrtiioi.oia£.aad lOdayJ*’ tte*tro«n»Dr. H. H. QBBBS’8 B0S8. BoX B. AtUBta. 8a. _____lafftctlonG-—_______I »»r»v«forprlie8. JKSSfellAK^ i 109 3. C harles S 4A D A Y STJRES;?I man with ri^ lo Inlmduce our gfvds In trj. haiisaa Ftiodi:o.,l>ept.Kon'vo ATTE:VTI0N la facllltatetl If you mention this paper when writlnjf advertlsere. So. 13 Wc pay $4 a diiy salary for "■us In tilts coun- Kan'vos City, Mo. f| c D A V I E S E C O E D . SrOCKSVILLE,'K . C. E. H . MORRIS,EDITOE. MOCKS\aLLE, N. C., MAKCH 2", 1901. En t e e e d a t t h e po st o f f ic e at ilOCKSVIIiLE, N. C., AS SECOND CLASS MATTER, Ma y 12t h, 1899. Amvail and Departure of Trains. SOUTH BonND—D ally ex cep t Sunday L eave M ocksville.....................1:00 p m L eave M ocksville..................... 6:15 p m No r th Bo u nd. L eave M ocksville..................... 7:15 a m Leave M ocksville.....................11:50 a m Bloctatillo I'rortuce Market. C o rrected by W illiam s (c A nderson Produce in good demaml. Corn, p er bu.................................... W heat, p er bu ................................. O ats, p e rb u ................................... P eas, per bu .................................... Bacon p er pound........................... Bacon, W estern............................. H a m s.................................................... ........................... B u tte r......................... S pring C hickens.. 00 70 45 1.00 10 9 121 ............. 10 .............12tol5 .............flto 8 LOCAL BOTES AHD INCIDENTS All job work spot cash, before it leaves tlie office. Cljattel mortgages the post office. for sale at F. A. Foster, of Augusta paid US a call Saturday. T. W . "n’ood & Son’s Garden Seeds at W illiams & Anderson’s. You -n il] find nicc silk for shirt ••.vaiHts at Jliss Annie P, Grant’s Millinery. Early Rose, Peerless ami Bur- bauk seed polatoe.s at W illiams & Anderson’s, II. B. Ireland of AVinston was ill to'vvn oiie day last week. Old papers for Siile at 10 cents per hundred -it the Record office. Revenue officera, McKoy and Tiirash were in town last week. Old papei-s for sale at the poste «);‘iice. A nice line Percales, Law’ns and I)im ities at W illiams & Ander- BOll'S. Hail fell in Mocksville Monday evening nearly as large as a guinea <'SS- Vrinchester Hams, breakfast strips, etc., at iUiams & Ander- soa’s. One of Mocksville’s young la­ dies, its reported, will be married s.)me time in A pril. Job printing of all kinds done with neatuessand dispatch. All work guaranteed. Mrs. HcM aitin .and little daugh­ ter, of Johnstown, N. Y ., are stop­ ping at Inglcside Inn. 3 or i new sewing machines to traile for cattle. Call on the Edi- tjr of the Record. ir you want a nice lot of job printing done, call on the Recoid, Mocksville, N. O. A. Jf. Fitzgerald S. & G. has been assigned to C. B. Leonard’s, distillery near Oak Grove. SIi.ss Anne P . Grant has a full line of nev.' spring millinery. Call on her, one aud all. If you want a nice sewing ma- cliiuf, call on the Editor. H e can suit yon in prices. Sevei'al little schemes are incu- b sting so we hear. We will wait iintil they hatch before w'e have an ything further to say. The celebrated W issner & Leck- crling Pianos. PlEDSIONT M usic Co. W inston, N. C. W e will be found at the Post CfHee court week by our friends and we want you to call on iis when in town. 600 pairs shoec, 33J per cent un­ der regulai’ price. 70 pairs ladies 8li;)p8rs, former prices SI to $1.50, now 8Gc. 300 hats for men at C63 per cent under regular price at M. A . Foster’s, Ephesus, K. C, Protracted meeting began at the MetluMlist church Sunday night, and wil; probably continu’ all the week. G. C. McClamroch, th. weler, will be in town during coi' cweek.. Ofiice next door to Davie Times. Mrs. B uth Davis who has been conllned in the county jail for sev- reirkl months, has been removed to the cuanty home. If you want a nice sewing ma­ chine, call on the Editor.’ -r 111 If you need any job printing done be sure and call on us court week. W e will give you a nice job at reasonable prices. Mrs. W . T, Gow'ens sold her pcreonal property at her residence last Thursday and left for Texas Mondaj' evening to join her hus­ band. Come around and look at our spring and summer samples. 1 f you want a tailor made, up-to-date suit, .conic around to the postoffice W hat about the b'ank and chair factory? W e do not hear much about them here of late. Mocks­ ville needs a bauk and we should not let tdis opportunily pass. Pianos iJlS.T to 85i50. Organs $35 to §125, wari-anted. PlED.VOXT M usic Co. ■\A"inston, K. C. Mocksville needs manufacturing plants, and our people should properly encourage every enter­ prise that will give labor employ­ ment, and make a m arket for the farmers products. W hen j-ou are bilious, use those fam ous little pills known as De W itt’s L ittle E arly R isers to cleanse th e liv­ er and bowels. They never gripe. C. C. Sanford and M. A. Foster. Tlie amount of one cent stamps sold one day last week, to a cer- biiu young lady in town, rather indiciites an event which raiely happens but once in one’s life time. W ANTED—H alt dozen Graud- fathtr or hall clocks with brass woiks. AVill pay fair price if you have one for sale. Address, Edwakd Sm erikg, Chester, S. C. T. L. Kelly aud si.ster, wish to express their most gratefnl thanks to the friends who came to their assistance in saving their property. Most especially to those whp risk­ ed so much in saving Miss S. E. Kelly’s house from burning. The Celebrated Owl Brand Fer­ tilizers for sale at W illiams & A n­ derson’s. TO O U lt SU B SC R IB ER S. W ith the next issue we will have completed our second year. W e have had a pretfy tongh time of it, publi.shing a paper for two long years, mar'ke<l aud m:iiled every issue, and have made no money ont of the venture. W e have some staunch friends—friends who have aided by paying for the paper, and othci-s have lakeu it for a year, sonic nearly two years Buy Tlie Celebrated !i. :|J0 B FORNITURH LECKERLING ANOS. The liigliest Standard everreach- cd in the Piano makers art. 20c*t W..W -------. -V and have not paid us a cent. W e years iu advance ofall otherm akes. cannot coatinne those who do not pay us much longer. W e are not able to give you the paper. A\'c are not rich, aud are working for our living. W e have our bills to pay and we need what you owe us. Come up court week and pay it; we will .appreciate it. W e don’t like to .a-sk for money, but we need it, and innst have it if we keep tiie paper going. Come in to see us aud settle up. Sold at strictly factory The world renowned prices. Mason & Hainlin Orpns, Moller, Biirdett & Sterlig Oriajis, Evcjyrhing iu niu.sic sold at about half price others charge, on terms to suit you. We have never 1,'een understild. W rite today for The U n'ferinif coiijrh folUnvinjy g rip calls for One M inute C'ou'fh t.’urc. For all th ro a t aud lun}f troubles thi-< is th e onU’harm less rem edy th iitgivvs caCillo" nm l p rices, im m ediate results. P rev en ts con­ sum ption. C. C. Sanford aud M. A. F oster. Jo h n M. F urches Dead- Friday evening at 3 o’clock, Jonn M. Furches breathed his last, surrounded by relatives aud friends. M r. Furches was about 03 years of age. H e was a native of Davie County. He is survived by two brothers, W . F. Fuicbes, or this county, aud Chief Justice D. M. Furches of Iredell, a;id a sis­ ter, Miss Jennie Furches. One ot the saddest things connected with his death is the fact of his brother being kepffroni his bedside, at­ tending the impeachment trial at Kaleigh. Mr. Furches had never m arried, and had spent the most of his life near Farmington, his old home. He was a good citizen, and commanded the respect of the people of the county. H is remains were laid to r;;st at Eaton’s church Sunday. To the bereaved family we extend our sym pathy. Be the futuic what it may, its to be hoped that when he crossed the river ol W e employed a .sign painter to . death, he left behind him all cares. PIE D M O N T M U SIC CO. W instfm, S'. put ‘‘Davie Kecord” ou our ofiice window' Monday and while v,e were busy opening the mail, wc are of the opinion a job v.'as put up on us. The sign shows as much. Sheriff J. h . Sheek carried W al­ ter Clifford to the Morganton Asy­ lum last Tuesday evening. AVal ter was much pleased with the change. AVhen he got to the A sy­ lum he remarked ‘-that it was grand.” He requested the SberitT to send him copies of the H e c o r d and Times with the court proceed­ ings. A . T. Grant, Clerk of the Court, showed us a .$2 bill raised to 920 which some one passed on him about 3 months ago. The work on the face of the bill w;\s neatly done, and almost any one without giving a close look would have taken it for .$20. W e iiope there is no one in Davie trying to break into the Albany penitentiary. This is a grave offense, and the party if caught, should be sei'erelj dealt w ith .L e t the public take notice, and look at your money. K u rfe e s Ite m s. Spring is here! Mr. aud Mrs. M L. Godby of Connty Line, spent Saturday night with her grandmother. Mi's. Mary Kurfees. Charlie Deadmon of Ephesus, made a business trip toour “ bei'g” last week. Misses Tronic and Lou W alker from near K appa risited their un­ cle B. L. W alker the past week. Mr. W alter Kurfees and family of Cooleemee visited relatives here recently, M r. and Mrs. C. C. Stonestreet, of Concord, spent last week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stonestreet. Miss Ada Anderson ^and sister visited the family of T. S. Emerson lately. Mrs. M ary Kurfees has quite siek for some time. Miss Belle McClamroch of Cool­ eemee, visited Mrs. N. F . Smith recently. Fred Booe and Tom H endrix of Ephesus were in this vicinity Sun­ day, Z. 0 . Kurfees is on the sick list. Messrs W all and Crump from near R h esu s were <in our berg Sanday. Mrs. John Mason who has been very sick with pneumouia is im ­ proving. A num ber of our young people attended preaching at H ardison’s Chajiel last Sunday evening. W hat has become of ‘ ‘Old Coon!’ ’ S o ijJiB B Bo y. vexations aud troubles. The un­ known sea hiis to be crossed by all sooner or later. A X N O U S rC E M E N 'r. Large line of Kotions, Shirts, Pauts, Overalls, Hosiery, Corsets, Towels, Suspenders, etc, and 1,000 other things at 8c.; all 10c. arti­ cles, or 3 for 20c. Higlier xiriced articles at same rate. Shoes and hats for all. Yours anxij)us to please, M. A . FosTEit, Ejihesus, C. THE KURFEES PAINTS! Arc now recognized as one of the best paints that has ever been placed oil the m arket. The sales have been far beyond our sanguine expectations and arc consraiitly in­ creasing. W e wish to kindly tl-.ank those who hijive so liberallj- patronized us and lor tlic many kind words they have spoken in favor of TS B IflS FEg S m ( W e solicit the work of the merciiauts aud business men of the county. S ^ W e have a nice stock *1 ICote Heads,^ ? ts Bill Heads, S tatem e n ts, g E n v elo p es. ^ S h ip p in g Tags, ^ "A nd in fact, a n y th in g you g n eed , a u d a re p rep are d to ^ do F l l t s r C L A S S w ork on ^ S lIO K T N O T IC E a t reas- | o n ab le p ric es. ^ C all ou o r w rite to us for ^ p ric es o n a n y th in g y o u w a n t ^ in o u r lin e. x\.ddrcss, a i o i t i n .s & ST K O U D . aiock.sville, S . C I FURNITURE! For F urniturf in every line go ti» RO.M1XGEK &- CRIM FU RX ISlIIX G CO. They have the largest stock in W inston, and at prices that cannot be matched. tlfPEilAUlffiS are, L i of Oailine, >*,^55iitiy wjth the superiority j-. the single MtiLiH piR, ahm;; o“ ' ‘- m o x K IX G COOK Ijs T O V lS , KIM P.ALL OR- K| GAN'S A \D CLIMAX ^ CHA IRS. See us aud wo will save you money. O io e s ts § W e guarantee every g-allon bear­ ing the label aud trade mark nf J. F. Kurfees Paint Co., Louisville, Ivy. Call aud see me or write me giviug exact siz.p of yonr house and I will tell you to the ceut w hat it will cost .you to paint it, or see my iigeut, B. F. Stouestreet. He will cheerf.illy tell you the rest. i'onrs auxions to please, J. LEE KUiiFE!-:S, K urfies, N. C'. Dr. M. B Eimbrougii,i P h y sic ia n a n d Su r g eo n. Office firs t -Joor South of H otel D avie MOCKSVILLIO N . C. J. RENA R H m , ■) vs ICoTit'i; Ol'' S.vuj. LILLIE RIGE, eial) By virtue of an order made by A. t . G iant, C. S. in t e above entitled case, I will sell, tor ra.sh, at public auction, at tlie Court­ house door in the town ot Mocks­ ville, “11 iMonilay the Sth day of April, inol, the following town lots, .sit’^atcd in the town of Mocks­ ville, X. C. and bounded as fol- i lows: ]st lot, beginniug at a stone j Mrs. E A Rice’s corner ou S side | of Mineral Spring St, I hence S. 1.')° j W’’ with JIrs E A Rice’s line, 372 ft to a stone, Mrs. E A IMces’ coi­ ner, thence S 7U° E 100 ft with the Hue of mill lot, to a stone, in an alley; I’ice and Willoon’s cor-, ner, thence X 1.'5° E 372 ft to a! ./:iiuro atriicUr.'; 1]I gans. 'ant can slant lyiciiuvi'-;;inil ROMINGER& CRIM FURNISHINa CO. 4.3G-4.38 M ain S t. tn fro n t B row n's W arehon.’c Ih'JDyspepsia, ]n(lii;t.sii,:„ |latiil(.rico, goiir all other rusiilts of imp 'ri'ccWcn5(\% a,„I 51. small sue. I!, K.1; a: 1 alp- ,ui "|T' Prepared by E. c. Den;Ti .‘co. $ 9 0 0 Y early to (.'hr tia n m an or w ^ m an to took :\S- tc ro u r grovv’ng buaiiiesa in this S and adjoininjr C'onnties, to a c t as M anager and C orrespondent: w ork can be done a t your hom e. Enclo:je self-addrosM cd. titani])ed envelope fo r iw rticular.s to J. k A . K NIG H r. G eneral M anafrer. ? C orcoran lluildinjf.opppsite Uni- ^ te d S ta te s T reasury, 'n’ashinfr- ’ ton, D .C . T heir prom ptness and th e ir pleas­ a n t effects m ake D eW itt’.s L ittle E arly R isers m ost popular littli; pills w herever they are knov.-n. The}- a r ■ sim ply p erfec t for liv er and bowel troubles. C. C. Sanford and M. A. F oster. been A d v a n c e K ew s. Capt. A. B. Jenks who put up the machinery for the roller mills at this place, left for his home in Ohio Saturday. Mr. Jenks made many friends w'hile here. Bailej' & Bailey now' have a good corn mill att’dched to their iloiu' mills. James 0. Jones, the m iller at this place, will move his family iu the house that C. F. Sheek occu­ pied. Prof. Eeyuolds who has been teachiug the public school at the Academy closed last Friday. He opened up subscription school to­ day with about 36 scholars. Mrs. W . E . Ellis & Co.. will have their opening Friday aud Saturday. Eveiybody cordially envited. They have a nice line of hats. Johu Cawdell, the champion horse swapper of Fork Church fl as ia town today. E. P. Hege who has been con­ fined to his bed a few days with grippe is now able to be out. Mis. Alice W alls, daughter of Jack Owen, who lives near this place, is seriously ill with pneu­ monia. E. Frost, of Cana, attended the Baptise meeeting here last Sunday. Miss Jessie Chaffin, of Mocks- ville,is visiting Miss Sallie Sue Ellis. Eev. Henry Sheets preached iu the Baptist church la.st Sunday and Sunday night. Slick. Horn Bios. & Johnstone request us to announce that they cxpect to begin putting in their new mach'ln- ery about A pril 1st, and that their floar mill will be shut do’vn for four or five weeks from that date. They expect to run their corn mill all the time aud will be prepared to furnifih corn and meal to the pubKn. They request tncir cns- toipers to come and supply them­ selves with flonr enough to do them tiU May 1st. XOTK^E! llaviuR qualilied as Adaiinistra- tor of the estate of Elizabeth Horn, dcc’d, all persons holding claims against said deceased, are Iicreby not i lied to preseut them to the un- ilersigued on or before the 2Hrd day of Feb. li)02, or this notice will be plead iu l aro f their recov­ ery. A ll persons owing said es- tate'w ill please call and settle at once. This 2ord day of Fob. 1901. G. E. H oi!K, Adnir. A . T. G b a k t, Jii., A tfy . .stone, ou S. .‘■ide of MincKil Spring St, thence with said street to the beuiiiniiig, eontiiiuing niue-tenth.s of an acre, more or less. 2nd Lot, begiuuing at a stone, E. E. H unt's and M arj Kove cor­ ner, thence .S 70° E 2IG ft to a stone in H unl's liue, thence X l.">° E 134 ft i-o a stone, IJice aud W il­ son’s comer, thence X 70° W . 21'5 feet to a stone, Rose liue, theiice to the beginning, conlainiug two- thirds of an acre more or less. This the 1st day < ;' March 15)01. TlIOS. X. (.'IIAFFIS, Coniiiiissioner. B ssolutions of llocksvillo LodRS W hereas, it has plea.scil the (jreat A rchitcct of the Universe iu H is wi.;dom to lemove from this earthly Lodge t o the glorious peaceful and celestial Grand Lodge, our beloved brother, S. Henley, who departed this life ou the 3rd day of 3Iarch, 1901, therefore be i t ' Reisolved 1st, T hat by the death i of brother S. Henley, Mocksville | Lodge, No 134, A . F . & A . M., has lost a faithful aud cousi.steut meml’cr, the brethren atrne frieud, the family a kind and afi'cctiouate husband and father, the church an ardent lover, the community a valuable citiz,eu. Resolved 2nd, T hat while we bow in humble submission to this visitation of the angel of death, we mournfully deplore the loss we h av e' sustained by the decease of our be- i 'oved brother. ' Resolved 3rd, T hat we tender our sym pathies to our deceiised b rothers family in this, their great bereavment and commend them to the tender merc^ and love I of Him who is too wise to err and | too good to be unkind. | Resolved 4th. T hat we wear the j usual badge of mourning for 30 ■ days, aud that a copy of these r e '; solutions be spread upon the Lodge' records aud that the Secretary send * a copy to the family of the deceas­ ed, also to the Davie Times, D avie: Record and the Salisbui-y Sun for publication. A. M. McGlJ;SrEKY, V . E . SwAiM, 5-Com. J, B. Johnston. XOTICK! By viitue of tlie powers con- (ained in a niortgage deed execu­ ted to the iinden^igned by Sam Cr.iwior. I iuid wi e, Jlary ,' which said niorta:»f;e appears recu-iled in Boi k ^ d . S. page 122, Registei’s oftice of Davie Co.j/'X. C., we will .sell publicly for ciish to the high­ est biddM- a t the-'coiirt house doi r iu aio.'ksville,y<)n Mouday, the 1st day of Api-jK IfO l, the follcw- ing tract ol^ind, to-wit: A tract sitaated \yl the town of Advancc X. ( \, iyijoining the lauds of a ’. C. W o^J, G. A . Alliscn, ot al. B egi^iing at a stone iu Allison’s lin ^ n d W ooil’s corner; thence S. 2A/degreas W . 13 poles to a ftone Allison’s aud Lippard’s lin--, ence W. fl poles to a stone’ thence 2-1° E. 11 poles to :i stone iu Wood’s line, theuce (! pohs to the beginning, containing J acrc, more or less; the .-iame being the house and lot now owned by Sam Crawford, and upon which he lives. This 2.->ih day of Feb. 1901.. E . II. P.\KK, Moitgagee. A . T. Grant, Assignee, of J aoob Stdavakt, Moitsra-'ee A . T. Gk.vnt, J k., A tt’y. ° A good Xo. 32 breech-loading rille lor sa'e or trade. Call on the Editor. ’|c o See th a t you g e t th e oriirinal De- W itt’s W itch H azel S alve w hen you ask fo r it. T he g-enuine is a c e rta in cure for piles, sores and skin diseases. C. C S anford and M. A . F oster. M rs. M oore D ead. Died, last week near Holman, M rs. Sallie Moore, a t an advanced age. To the bereaved fam ily we 'j extend oar symp'itliy. ' J . .. __________________ ^ J U S T I S S U E D N E. W E.DI.TION Webster*^ InternatioTial D i c t i o n a i » Y N ew P la te * • T h ro u g h o u t 25.000 New Words P h r a s e s u d D e f in itio n . * Prepared under the direct supervision of W . T. HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United StSL!Commissioner of Education assisted by a large corps of competent specialist* and editors. K I c h B in d in g s . 0 2 S » a __ B e tte r T h a n E v e r f o r H o m e . S c h o o l, a n d O H lc e . V7e also publish Webster’s Collegiate Dlctim.™ with Glossarvof SeottifhWonU ■■ Pi..t cuss ia Sptdmen pajss. ttc. of hoB. books sent on application G .d C .M E R R IA M cb p u b lis h e r s ' FOUR PAPERS FOR $1.15. will seinVyon the I>avic ile- cord oiie^earfprice jj!!; llie liicli- niond A\'eelily Tinier, price The Farm Jourim l and The ram P:ou M onthly, nil four papei-s foi J$1.15 per y(**,n*. This is a ran offer lor a small suju. h'entl to the 1‘Mitor of the Het-onl, Mouks- ville, 2s. ami you «i!l ;;et ali four of these papei-.s one year. T H E LIG H T OF T H E AVOKLl) —OU— O U R S A V IO R ESI A R T - Coat nearly $100,000 to pubUsh. Con­ ta in s n earlj'” one hundred full-pajfc en«rravin«-8 copied d ire ct from the W orld’s G re a te st P aintinjfs of Our S avior an d H is M other. (Jonlain.* EiH tory of P aintiuff, B ioirraphy o1 P a in te r and th e G nllaries in Kuroj)' w here th e O riffinal P ain tin jj m ay >jl seen. T he m ost b eau tifu l i>ublica- tio n ev e r issued. Thestrong^cst heart.- w eep a t th e sifiht of these w onderful pictu res of .lesus and H is M other. Bvervbod}’ sa 3*d th ey a re «rrand. .sub­ lim e; m atchless, m a^rniricent, b ea u ti­ ful, in spiring and ui)liftin'r. T he sale is unprecedented. T ae presses a ic runninjr day and nijrht to fill th e or­ ders. Tw elve carloads of i>aper wert. required fo r th e la st edition. Smal^ fortunes a re being’ m ade by th e th rif­ ty w ith th is m arveluus w ork, (.'on* ta in s also a child's sto ry beautifully w ritten to lit each p icture. Thi> w onderful book, m p.tchless in its pur­ ity and beauty, ap p eals to e v e p m others* h e a rt and in e’*ery C hris­ tia n hom e, w here th e re a re children, it sells itse lf. A C hristian m an oi wom an can soon clear one thousano dollars ($1,000) ta k in g orders in this com m unity. O thers are doia.ir this. W hy not you? W e a re advcrtisinjf ir. uearly ten. thousand ncwsj aj>ers h; •iii- country. C anadn. T‘]n}rlaud am- A .ustralia. Shippinjf books to ever\ Rng^lish-speakinif co u n try in iln I w orld. W e tshall prom ote our besi : w orkers to positions of S ^ate .Mana- «/er-, C orrespondents and Ofiice As sistauLs W e also own aud publi. l. Iar<fe P hoto-|rravure Etchinffs oi the G reat P aintinjrs in th e G alleries o E urope. O ne or m ore of these Ei* h inirs can be sold iu every home- 1 y carryiniT th e book and th e eniriiiV- in"» your success will be tremciidou.--. M rs. W aite, of W orcester. M ass.. hu: sold n early four thousand doll.'ir- w orth of books th e re. M rs. S:icke t has sold nearly tv.a thousand dollar? w orth of books in New Y ork. Boih of these ladies answ ered our adver- tisem ei t; and had n ever s^old a b ok before. T o o k 1 4 onlci*M H rst tw o (lays—H . Colwell. T o o k 5 o rd ei> n r.st< lrty ;'a ;5 «>r<U»rs f ir s t w eek . c leariiiK o v e r $5 0 —H a ttie I^ra- w ell. T housands of others like above- It is p rin ted on velvet-finished paper; bound in C ardinal R ed, G reen and Gold and adorned w ith Golden Ro:ics and Lillies. W rite quickly fo r term s as th e te rrito ry is ffoing' rapidly. W hen you prove your success, wc will prom ote you to th e position of M ana­ g e r and C orrespondent under yearly c o n tract. W e shall soon m ove in to our new 5»ndele4fant stru c tu re to be occupied solely by us, and to be know n as th e L iffht of th e W orld BuUdinR- Addres.“ THE BUraSE-AMIEICAH CO. C o rcsraa Buildin?, O ppgsite U nited S tates T r-asury, WashingtoDj D. O. U>M«ptl7prMmn4.0Saom. W»rTJiut<>ferfrMrfp*rte«rMrakklm. 1— U tAOUtainU.S. rtraip P((rat*i»4Tn<3 UntEX. Fairttt Urmt »rrr WPATTirr lATTTEta OP it m»5‘0 .,,20,000 PSTEHIS PSCISIRED T!W rtUAll biuiD»M ajim. |n»Krrie«. ehar#^ I PATENT LAWYinS, rM 0pp. U. S. Patent Office, L’hi-cj P;ipcrs.<.;io yv:u- WKKKLV TiMKS. llicnin.»:itl. V.i. Now Only Fifiy (Vnt. a VJ ami iDchule.s Fhc P;ir:«!/:in Xr I’he ['’annJuuriKiL ‘ THE OAM.Y AN!) .Si'XnAY ' inclmlirijr f'ann .lo- run! an.l 1'^ •iontliiv. No\v('nly 2t)C. i ’cr .M l.ill-. l;y | .Vedross 'lliKTi.’ l /iii SALi .Vnv O n ,* 1). til ch«sL•^^il C,-i;i nil tlie I'-'l'H FOK SaLj Atviit th e Ci«>l«'ir.rc tijiibereil iddre.s.s. W .B .B E V iL U = T .e iJ ljH R O A i W ^ ^ - n ^ H S ^ V I E e v e i:y | ^ 1 1 . JIO U K IS , - 1 TEBMSOF! O„ecopy. o n e Y ear, O„ecopy, Tl^ee MoiJ O X IM I’l iiml K. If. .''I'”''''* .1 A G O O D m o ? F E'ew ing 2Iachii'o| Sale. mmi p l i i J K C H r O lK T O G C Ii;.;]aos£q.s£yiAToMW'^i