Jul - Dec• DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 6,1995, A- -.. A .-r ifi n « f v*//.' Lloyd Anderson V ■0 sS Heiman LIuyd Andersan, 67. of V Slalesville, died at his hume Wednes day, June 28, 1993, following an ex- lended illness. He was bom Sept. 10,1927 in Ire- dell County to the late Richard Ander son Jr. and Lazora Hum Anderson. He was married Aug. 21, 1961 to JosephineUiomas Anderson, who sur vives.He was a member of Wesley Me morial Uni led Methodist Church wherehe was a member of the Tumipseed Sunday School class, a former mem ber of the administrative board and in earlier years helped with the scouting program. A graduate of Harmony High School, he attended Mitchell Commu nity College and Catawba College. Heserved in the U.S. Navy during WorldWar 11. He was disability retired fromLowe's Hardware Company. Survivors, in addition to his wife, arc 3 sons, Roger W, Anderson of Statesville, Robert Lee Anderson of Matthews and James Micliael Ander son ofStatesville; and4 gnuidchildren. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. June 30, at Wesley Memorial UnitedMcthodistChureh with the Rev.Mike Jordan officiating. Burial fol lowed at Zioii Chapel United Methodist Cliurch Cemetery in Davie County.. Memorials may be made to WesleyMemorial United Methodist Church, 825 Wesley Drive, Statesville, N.C. 28677 or to Zion Cliapel United Meth- (Klist Church, 1306 Shefneld Road, Mocksville, N.C. 27018. y rRbbert Head Robert Lester Head, 89, of Hobsooa?Dve, MocksvilIe,died Monday, JnneIWSatForsythMemorial HospitalapAVinston-Salem.|:jBom Sept. 23, 1903, in DavieOunty, he was a son of the late Tho-yflas A. and Betty Peacock Head.' He^as previously employed with Bttrl- jogton Industries in Cboleemee.:-:His wife. Maty Belle Head, died in :;:Survivors include 3 sons, Bobbyto. John and James Head, all of Cool-trehtee; a daughter, Sadie Head ofMocksville; I3grandchildren;2l gioatpindchildren: and 9greatgicatgrand-c]iildren.: iFuneralservices wereheldat2p.m.June 29, at Eaton Funeral Chapel conducted by the Revs. Dwight Durhamand Robert Creason. Burial followed ai Legion Memorial Park in Cboleemee. Raymond Renegar , RaymondRenegar,83iofHamioiiy,^ died Tuesday, June 27,1993 at Davis Community Hospital in Statesville.He was bom in Iredcll County Sept. 1,1911 to the late George Lanton andLydia Ann Wallace Renegar and was a retired farmer and saw miller at C.R. Anderson Lumber Company. He was married Dec. 18, 1945 to Mary Lois Boger, who survives. Survivors include a son, Ranald H. RenegarofHarmony;2grandchildren, Jamie S. Renegar and Adana L. Renegar, both of Hamiony; a great granddaughter, 4 brothers, Joseph L. Renegar of Statesville, George L. Rencg.ir of Charlotte, Thomas "Lee Renegar of Winston-Salem and Pattie R. Stockton of Winston-Salem. He was preceded in death by 3 brothers, Colin Renegar, David Alvin Renegar and Rudolph Parker Renegar, and a sister, Elmina R. Anderson. A graveside service was held at Sandy Springs BaptistChurch June 30,at 2 p.m. with'the Revs,^ Kenneth'F.Sechlerandt^vidlilGserofliciUitifr Gerry Wesley Head A memorial service was held forGerry Wesley Head 44,omvcmevv Drive. Advance, ai3 p.m. July 2. m theMausoleumChapelofRowartMem^rial Park in Salisbury wrth^ ^v.Ctaig Seafoid ofTiciating. Tlw HthDistrict Memorial Honor Guard, Vet-erins of Foreign War, sisted. ^'"He was bom March 5,Davie County, a son of-Bud- and Modene Creason ofMocksville and was employed wtlhtagersoU-Rand. He was a veimn oftheU5.Aimy.servingdunng^^- ConOict He died Jan. 14,19M.Surviving, in addiUon to hs parents, are his wife. Janet Susan HellardHc^ of the home; a son, Enc WayneHead of the home; a dau^w. ^Sue Head, ofthe home; 2 sisters, Ctys- Hal Lloyd of Chapel HiU and Carolyn'isTewellof BristoLTenn.: ameceandS ■iephews. Robert Naliianiel SeatsRobert Nathaniel "Punk" Seals, 63, of Yadkinville, died Saturday morning, July 1,1995 at his hohte.HcwasbomFeb. 14,1932in Davie County to'the late Ira Natlianiel andAgnes Sain Seats. He wasrctited from RJ. ReynoldsTobaccoCompany with31 yeaisofservice.HeattendcdTumer'sCreek Baptist Church.'Surviving are his wife of 43 years, |4eUie Plowman Seals of YadkinviUe;■y sons, Ronald Nathaniel Scats ofMocksville, Donald Lee Seals of PilotMounimn and Darrell Burton Seats ofAlivin Island, S.C.; a daughter, FreidaSpats Oroce of Yadkinville; a sister,Nancy Seats Haynes of Harmony; 4 glondsons ano i step grauufcimuiv...J Funeral services were conducted at3:p.m. July 3, alTtimei's Creek BaptistChuich with the Revs. Allen Barkertihd George Farmer officiating. Me-liorials may be made to the American dtncer Society. (A ,9 i -Si —0 cc, «s— Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC DAVDB COUNTY E^E^RISE I^CpRD, J^uly 13,1995 VI <Sj Jwies Anderson Foster j ' James Amicrson Fosler Jr.. 70. of JeijichoCtiuaii Roail. Mocksville. died kVcdnesday. July .S. 199.5. at his lionie. Jle was b«irn in Knwan County July 9. 1924 to llie late James Aiuletson I'osicr .Sr. and lleKa Kiidacil l-oslcr ami was a jeweler ami founder of Fos ter Jewelers in 19.52. lie wasamcinherof the Mocksville Masunie Kodite. a charter menilrerol' Mocksville I.ions Club, and inemhcr of the Rowan Rose Stviely and lite Winsion-Salcm Rose Smiety. He was also a member of Mocksville Hrst (liiited Methodist Church. I le w as a velcian of the U.S. Army, serving during World War II. Survivors include his wife, bkarga- Ict Cress Foster of lite home: .5 daugh ters, C.-in>lyn F. Spry of Sidisbiiry. Ilrenda F. I^mlci and Cathy F". Smith. lNitht<fMocksvillc:ason. Allen Fosler of Mocksville: 4 gnindchildrcn: a sis ter. Janie Fosler of Cleveland: and 4 btrilhers. R. I'attI Fu.stet iiml lloyle Foster. Nilh of Salisbury. Samuel F. "I'dp" Foster itml Keith Foster, both of Cleveland. Funeral services were Iteld at 11 a.ni. July 8. at Faton FunerttI Chapel w ith lite Rev. lul Biggers oiriciuting. Burial followetl in the St. I .tike's Lutlt- crait Cltualt Cemelciy in Bear I'opLtr. Memorials may lie considereil for I lotne Jleallh care of Davic County. P.O. Bo.v 66.5. Mocksville. N.C. 271128 or to the Chancel Choir of MiK'ksville Fitst United MelhiKlist Cltttmh. North Main Street. Mocksville. N.C. 27028. Mattie Virginia Noakes / Virginia Noakes. 91. „fClemmons. died Mnmlay. July io1995. at Forsyih Memorial Hospital in wmslon-SalciiKShe Wits bom Sept. 12. I9(M jn Kappahanock County. Va. Survivors include a son. William Noakes of Advance: 3 grandchildren;and 6 great grattdchildrett. Funeral .sen-ice were to be Iteld in Flint Hill. Va. Menu,rials may he made to HimHtll United Mcthndi.si Church. P.O. Box 179. Hint Hill. Va. 2262'/. Helen Latinier Hayes Helen Latimer Hayes, 86. of Ber muda Village. Advance.died Wednes- dity.July5.1995. She was bom May 6.1909 in Com ing, Ark. to Newtoti J. and Lydia laitimcr. She was a graduate of Hen- drix College in Conway, Ark. and was a retired school teacher. She was a member of Qemmons United Methodist Church in Clem mons. .She is survived by ason. A. Wallace HaycsofAralover. Maine; and3grand- cliildren. Memorials may be made to Ber muda Village Giapel Fund. Bemtuda Village. Advamre. N.C. 27006. : / Janies Henry Qtven ! James Henry Owen Sr.. 80. of Sal- ^ isbnry.diedMonday.July 10,1995,al n Salisbury Nuising and Rehabililaiibn Center after being in declining licallhfor lite past six ntonlhs. I le was bom in Rowan County Feb. 2, lOIS.tollielaieMinnieTanrliOwen and William Fratiklin Owen and was educated in the Woodleaf Schools. He was employed with Cone MIIU ror42 years until his rcliremeni in 1983. He was a member of Edgewtxtd Baptist Church in Coolcemee where he had been a deacon, a member of the choir and the men's Sunday school class. He was also a member of the Coolecmcc Senior Citizens. Survivois include his wife. Anna U Owen: 2 sons, Janies H. Owen Jr. of Matthews ondTony B. Owen of Caiy; a step-son. Ralph Dameron of Woodleaf; 2 daughleis. Phyllis Peeler of Salisbuiy and Trish Neer of Qti- cago. 111.: a brother, Oiarlie Owen of Ruthctfoidton.NJ.; lOgrandchildien; and 7 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held al 11 a.m. July 12. at Edgcwood Baptist Oturch with the Rev. Danny Shore officialing. Burial followed in Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials may lie made to Edge- wotxl Baptist Chutch. JefTrey Allen McCraiy ^5effrey Ajlen McCraiy, 36.orJunc- tion Road, Mocksville, died late Satur- d^ afternoon, July 8, 1995. al N.C. Baptist Hosptial after a brief illness. J He was bora In Davie County Dee. 2y. 195810Carolyn Allen McCraiy of h^ksville and the late Bruce Colum- McCraiy and was employed with Food Lion, Inc. wilh 10 years of ser-y§e. ^ Hetvasanavid fisherman andhunlcr a^ was of the Baptist faith. He al- limded Davie County High School. i2Surviving,inadditiontohlsmother.a^ his wife, Sonya Hum McCraiy of lKshome;adaugliter,JenniferMcCraiy o^hehoine;ason,Tim McCraiy oftheh^9ne; 2 brothers. Richard "Squirrel" hjtCraiy of Mocksvllleand Bruce Lee hjtCraiy of Salisbury; several nieces aijll nephews. jFuneia] services were held al 2 p.m. Jidy 13, al Eaton Funeral Chapel wilh ih® Rev. Danny Shore officialing. Bliial followed in Legion MemorialP^ in Coolcemee. Davie Counfy Public Libraiy Mocf(5v«lle« NC Thomas Junior THvetle / Thomas Junior "Tommy" Tnvelle.54.ofBearCicekChurchBoad.Mocks- ville. died early Wednesday morning. July 5 1995. at Forsyih MemorialHospitol after an illnessof six romuhs. He was bom in Davie County. Feb. 23.1941 tothe late Henry W.and UnaWhitakerTrivellc and was a rural car rier with the U.S. Postal Service tn '^'^H^was previously with Helfnei's Land of food as manager at the dtvwn-town Mocksville store. He w^a 1959paduale of Davie High School.^ wasamemberamlpastgove^f"'"^MocksviUeMoose.Hewasalsoaiijem- bcr of the Rural Uner Carriers Asso ciation and was an avM gardenetvSurvivingarehiswife.Limlal eler- son Trivette of lite Itome; 2 step-so^Greg McCraw of Advance and TtmMcCraw of the home: a granddaughter, Btooke McCraw; 3 sisters. Paulme Smith of Wilmington. Nanqr McH^ of Advance and Joann Hawks tJRandleman;3brolhers.Grady'rnveue and Bill trivcllc. bolh of Mocksvt ,and Harold Trivette of Moorcsvtlle. He was preceded in death by abrother, UsI'te Trivette.Funeralsetvices were held at2p.m. July 7, al Ealon Funeral Chapel with,he Revs. Jimmy Dillon ^ MajvmBlackburoofrteiating.Bmtal follow^ in the Ubeity Baptist Chinch Cem- cicry. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 20,^1995 n ■i Jiarold Dewey Benson/ ; Han)IdDeweyBen$on,73.ofDustyJlill Road, Mocksville. died Monday,3uly 17, 1995. ai Foreyih Memorialjllospilal In Winslon-Salcm anerbeingAn (icclining hcallJi.■ He was horn March 27. 1922 inHavie Couiily. a son of Utc late FelixKimhmugh and isabellc Thomason.Benson. He was retired from J.P. Green■Milling Company in Mocksville and Was a member of Rrsl Baptist Church.: Survivors include his wife. MelvteeMtClammck Benson of the home- 2sisters. Dorothy Keller and Sadie Naylor.bothofMocksvillc;2brolhers.I John Green Bercson of Mocksville and, Wifliiu,, H. Benson of aiarlotte; andwvcral nieces and nephews.j Buneral serv ices were to be held at2 p.m. July 19. at Eaton Funeral Chapel?<.iKluctcd by the Rev. Uiny HovisVith burial following in the Oak GroveUnited Methodist Church Cemetery.; Memorials may be made to FirstBaptist Church, m N. Main Street.I Mockwille. N.C. 27028 or lotheCem-«ety l-inid of Oak Grove United Melh- odisi Church.c/oGlenasMcaamrock, 179 Dusty Hill Road. Mocksville. N C 27028. Regiiiald Clehis CravM"Reginald Cleius Craven Sr., 60. ofWit^n-Salem. died Tuesday. JulyI. 1995. at N.C. Baptist Hospital.He was bom April 1.1935 in Fbr-syth County to TliariKr and Eva Smith Craven a^workedasafarmermostofhis hf^ He was a member of GospelLighi Bapiisi Church.He was preceded in death by hiswife. Farcy Craven: a grandson. RyanSteven Edwards; and a brother. Rov Craven. ' Surviving are 2 sons. Ricky WayneCraven of Mocksville and Reginald Ctoven Jr. of Lexington: 3 daughteis.tohy DiaiuieCraven andCingerCra-y:n Williams of Winslon-Salem. andrammie Craven Espinoza ofW.-iiif.r-[^n: 6 grandchildren: 2 brothers.^nald Craven of Churchland andReeves Craven of Winston-Salem. i conducted at12:30pm. July I4.at Haywotlh-MillerSilM Creek Chapd by Dr. BobbyRobesMn jyith, burial. foUowlna /,OaklaWn Meipij pice of Wituton-Salem,, ilOOC S. NBIIarf Bd^ ■ Road,'M'o(^WUe/;^^'fhuisday af- . temoon, July 13,1995 at Brian Center of Salisbury.He was bom in Davie County. June27.1912. to the late Noah and Chatty Blankenship Boger and was a farmer.He was a member of Union Chapel United Methodist Church.His wife, Ella Mae Potu Boger, preceded him in death in 1988. Survivors include 4 daughters, Vir ginia Cope and Gladys Beaver, both of Mocksville, Linda Lyeily of Faith and Sarah Kertey of Cooleemee; 2 sons, Carl Boger of Mocksviile and Bobby E. Boger of Clemmons; 13 grandchil dren: 2 sisters. Jane Challin of China Grove and Nora Sloop of Salisbuiy; and a brother, D.L Bogerof Kaiuiapo- lis. ■ ■ Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m.July IS.alEatonRjneialChapelwith the Rev. Roger Cope ofTiciating. Burial followed in'Ihe Union Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to a chm'- Lois Walk^ Goss.. / ■ Lois Walker Goss, 91,° formerly ofIjames Church Road, Mocksville. died early Tuesday morning. July 18,1995in Davic County Hospital. She was bom in DavieCounly Sept. 16, 1903 and was a homemaker. She had been a lesident of Davie Place Residential Care for the past live years. Herhusband, James Goss,preceded her in death in 1966. Surviving are 3 half-sisters. Private graveside services were heldIn the Nniinnal Ceilielerv in Salisbuiy. Maurice Howard Cdl^ Maurice Howaid Colby Sr.. 75, ofV Mock Place Apartments, North Main SttecLMocksville,died°niuisday.July13. 1995 at his borne aller being in declining heallh.He was bom inConcoid. N.H.. Jan.21, 1920 to the late Frank and HazelMyers Colby and was a retired Security Guard with Ingersoll-Rand Corp. in Mocksville. He was of ihe Method ist Faith. Survivorsincludehiswife.MaybethHemphill Colby of Mocksville; 4 daughters. Barbara Louise ZamoraandSandra Rizzo.bothofCaUfomia.Chris-Une Marion and Stacy Parks, both ofMocksville; 3 sons, David Colby and iAllen Colby, both of Califomia. andMaurice H. Colby Jr.. of Washington:24 grandchildren; 21 great grandchil-dren; and 3 sister. Marilyn Moody,Betsy Tiliolson, and Helen Cheney; aJJof New Hampshire.The body has been cremated, andIhe ashes will be token to for services and burial. / RoDertEHiatf '/ '^°'*[«PraJiklinHhtt,74,ofLex-inglw.diedTuesday,July 11.1995,3,htstomeafier two weeks of serious jv».ems ne was a member of Wesl Heighu United Methodist aurch.Survivors include his wife, Maraa- of "'««!» son. Bobby HialtofAdvanceiadaughter.AmyHanesofLexington: and 8 graijdchiWten.A. memorial seivice was held at 11July l3.alDavidsonFuneralHonieconducted by the Rev. Roy . Memorials may be made to Hos-of Davidson County. P.O. Bo*1941. Uxmglop N.C. 27292. rouHV t 5^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 20,'1995 (N CN -3 N V) t/ i t *-0 o y IMEae Johnson Holden |«1ae Johnson Holden. 74, of East ,/ Bcnd.diedThursaaymoroinB.Julyl3, 1995. at Hools Memorial Hospital in Yadkinville. She was Imm Sept. 19. 1920 in Yndkin Counly to Joseph and Myrtle Voglcr Johnson. She was preceded in death by a brother, Eugene Johnson; 3 half-hroth- ers, Umcsi. Carl and Roy Johnson; a sister, Jcweii I limter; and a half-sister. Eunice Johnson. Surviving are her husband, Paul Holden of East Bend: 2 daughters, Margaret Nonnan and Betty Spillinan, , Ixith of East Bend; 2 sons, Paul Hugh 1 Holden of Cireensboro and Steve I lolden of East Bend; a sister, Hallie I S|Kcr of MiK-ksvillc; a twin brother, tiray Johnson of Yadkinville; 8 grand children; aial 2 great grandchildren. ' A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. ; July 15, at I luff Eunetal Home Chapel , in liast Bend with the Rev. Randy Johnson ofTiciating. Burial followed in Allen-Johnson Pamily Cemetery. Memorials ntay be rttade to Home Health of Yadkin Counly, P.O. Box 457, Yadkinville. N.C. 27055; or toYadkinCountyCouncilonAging.P.O. Box 789, Yadkinville. N.C. 27055. i^^ond Homer Key ^ J- Raymond Homer Key Sr.. 69. of Vfrnston-SalemdiedSaliinlay.July IS. 1995 at Fbrsyth Memorial Hospital, r He was bom Jan. 5, l926inWilkes Guuhty to the late Sam Wesley and Cennie Miller Key. He retired after 33 years with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Contpany. JSurvivors include his wife, Gloria Lirlville Key of the home; three sons Raymond Key Jr. of Rural Hall. Van Key of Tobaccovtlle. Jimmy Key of Pfrifftown; grandchildren, brothers, O.V. Key and Alton Key. both ofWin- ston-Salem; sisters. Eva K, Pardue of North Wilkesboro. Opal Bailey of Mocksvilte, Gertha Kepley of Lexing- lon.Geneva AlbeeofRdeigh and Weta PIrillips of Winston-Salem, Graveside services were held July 18< irt II a.m, at Parklawr) Memorial Gardens with the Rev, Curtis Whaley officiating. Richard Duke Nail ^ Richard Duke "Dick" Nail. 56. of Salisbury Street. Mocksville. died late Monday. July 17.1995 at his home, HewasbominMocksvilleNov.28, 1938 and was a tepieseniative with Woodmen of the World Insurance, He was a member of Mocksville First United Methodist Church where he was in the Chancel Choir, Through the years he had been veryactive in Ameri can Legion Baseball programs. He was preceded in death by his step-fatlier and mother. Earl Lamb, Survivors irrelude his wife. Peggy Lamb Nail of the home; his mother. Rebecca Nail Lamb of Greensboro; 2 sons. Rodney B, Nail of Wtn.ston-Sa- lem and Todd Nail of Charlotte; and a halfsister. Diane Lambof Greensboro. A graveside service was to be held at 4 p.m. July 19, in Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Rev, Ed Biggers officiating. Memorials may be made to the Chancel Choir of Mocksville Frrst United Methodist Church. North Main Street. Mocksville. N,C, 27028. Roy Leonard Plielps Roy Leonard Phelps Sr., 72, Ad vance, died at Davis Hospital in States- villc, Friday. July 14, IW5. He was bom in Forsyth County, a son of Conrad and Bertha McDaniels Phelps. He was ofihe Methodist Faith and was with the Frank IX & Sons Weaving Co. in Lexington prior to taking retirement due to his disability. Funeral services were conducted at Elbaville United Methodist Church June 17, at I p.rn,, by the Rev, Wayne Buff and Harold Zimmerman. Burial followed in the church cemetery. He is survived by his wife. Hard Marie Myers Phelps of llic honK: a son, Roy l.eunard Plielps Jr. of Monroe; two grandchildren. Michael' and Alisa Phelps; a sister. Helen Matthews of Winston-Salem, Memorials may be made to lite Elbaville United Methodist Church Cemetery Fund. 2825 Highway 801 South. Advance. N.C. 27006. /Pamela Marie Shires Pamela Marie Shires. 28. of Hamptonville. died unexpectedly Thur^ay, July 13.1995, She was bom Feb. II, l%7 in Rowan County to the late Glenn F, Shires and Carolyn T. Shires Welch. Surviving are her children, Bradley and Cody, both of Hamptonville; her mother and stepfalJier. Richard Welch of Yadkinville; grandparents. Charles and Madeline Freeman of Ellenboro; sisters Tricia Shires of Advance and Angela Foster of Hamptonville; three stepsisters, Pamela Hodge of Orlando, Fla., Barbara Stevens of New York and Patricia Swindle of Fort Lauderdale, Fla,; two nieces and a nephew. Funeral services were held July 17, at 2 p.m. at Gentry Family Chapel by lire Revs. John Winfrey and Bruce Freeman. Burial follow^ in Yadkin Memorial Gardens. / Wilma Cottrell Spainhour Wilma Cottrell Spainhour. 71, of Winston-Salem. died at her home Sat urday morning. July 15.1995, She was bom in Winston-Salcm Nov. 10. 1923, to Rufus Hester and Ella Cornish Cottrell She lived all her life in Winston-Salem and was of the Momvian faith. Surviving are her husband, Calvin Roberson Spainhour of the home; 2 sons. Ronald B. Spainhour of Advance and Neil Spainhour of Winston-Sa lem; a daughter, Rena Lou Spainhour of Winston-Salem; 4 grandchildren; a great grandchildtabrother.JoeCottrell of Clemmons; and a sister. Rena Co- chrane of Winston-Salem, Funeral services were held at 2p.m, July 17. at Vogler'sMain Street Chapel by the Revs, JJ, Thomburg and Joe McWelhy with burial following in Crestview Memorial Park, Beniy Strickland y/ J HenryStrickland.S4,ofHawthome goad, Mocksville. died Sunday. July tl^, 1995 at his home. He was bom March 31. 1941 in ^olumbus County to Vestcr Blease Sirickland and Pauline Strickland, He was retired from RJ. Reynolds To- Imcco Company and is survived by his wife, Sandra Rice Strickland of the Iwme; a daughter, Teresa Strickland Rudue of Advance; 3 sons, Nickey ^rickland of Salisbury. Anthony ^ckIandandJohnnyStrickland.both the home; 3 grandchildren;4 sisters, Margaret Somersetl of Florence, S,C.. Alice LupoofFairmonl Carolyn Floyd of Wilmington and Debbie Bullard of 11airBlutf;3brolhers,VeslerSlrickland Mocksville, Denny Strickland of t^w.Bem and Curtis Strickland of ."ftborOly, r ^ Funeral services were conducted at ^,m. July 18, at Redland Pentecostal - I^liness Cliurch in Advance with the I^tv. R.B. Leviner ofliciating. Burial fdHowed at Westlawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons, Davie County Public Library Mocksviller NO <r- o fQ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 27,1995 - U Amos Caliuway Brown A Callawiy Rrovni Si., 76. of ' Hcliiiiiiit.(liedJuIy2ll. I'WS.ii!Gi.Moil Ciutiily flox|)iiiil in (Ijilontil. A iiiitivi- of ,Si.n ioiville, Tfrai., he wiisilie winofitic line JiiiiicsaiKl Lillie Leiviv llniwri He w.is .i sujicrvisor wilh R.|_ Sloae Mills, a U.S. Arniy veieraii of World War 11 iind was a inetiilvr of liisi Ilelmoiil Giurch of (iisl. Siiiihots liicliiile his wife. Anna lieDc Allen l)niwn:adan(!liler,llienila Ta> liii of BchiHinl; 2 sons, Amos C, iiiown Jr. of Mivl.ssillc ami Lloyd Hiimii of Craiiieilon; a daiinhlcf-in- law. iiiiic RrowtiofMocksville;and2 pniiii idiildrcn. I'nnemI seniees were liekl al M a.m Jill) 22. al Inoi liclmonl C'hiiali oKloilwillilliellevs.Kennelli Hudson, Aaioii l-liilllps and liarl hipe oriiciat- ing. Hiirial followed al Casion Memo rial Park inGasioiiia. Memorials may lie made to K.asl lleliiionl Cluireh of God. ,120 Iv. C'al- awha.Slreol, Heliiioiil, NC 2X012, Juanita Cross ; Juanila Azella Cn)s», 61, of Win- slorHSalem. died Wednesday. July 19, 1995 al Forsylli Merrxirial Hospilal, She was a native of Forsyth Coumy andlivedinWashinglon.iJ.C. formany years before reluming to Winston-Sa- 1cm. She was a tncmbcr of Macedonia T.V.P.H, Church of God. Inc. where shewas a member of the SeniorChoir, She. was a graduate of Alklns High Sehool.waseniployedforover31 years as a regi.siered nurse al D. C. Hospital inWashinglon.D.C. and was a mem ber of ihe D.C. Nurses Associalion. Inc. Survivors include 3 sons, Willie Cross ofMocksville. Charles Moullric and Keilh Mouilrie both of Winstun- .Siilcm; 8 gmndchildtcn, her mother, GladysCnissofWinslon-Salemtiisis- Icr.Mary BiadlcyofGrccnbell.Md,;3 brothers Edward Cross of Washing- Ion, D.C,. YatcsJohnCrossand Robert Cross both of Winslon-Siilcm. Puneral services were held Mon day.July2'i, l99S.at2p.m.Macedonia TV.P.H.ChurcliofGod, Inc. by Bishop S.D. Johnson, Burial followed in Paiklawn Menxiria] Gardens, John EUenburg John B, Pliilip EUenburg. 82. of L«:iiitiglon,diedSunday.July23,1995, al Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salis bury, He was bom Feb. 10. l9l3inDavie County, a son of Ihe laie Joseph and Hester Robinson Elicnburg. He was a member of Secotrd Pres byterian Church in Lexington and had served in the U.S. Amiy during World WarlL He was ralircd fromConeMills in Lexington. I His wife. .Sarah Link EUenburg, preceded him in dc.-ith in 1994, Survivors include his son, Philip EUenburg of Lexington; 4 sisters. FraiKCS Davis.CeliaCopleyand Sadie Burkehan, all of Salisbury, and Ruby Nichols of Eiu Galle, Fia.t 2 graml- uns; a great grandchild: and 2 step ^.indchildten, - Funeral services were held al 11 am, July 26. at Eaton Funeral Chapel iwnducied by the Rev, Billy Sosebee xui burial following in lite Liberty ynited Methodisl Church Cemetery, Kevin Anlwuan Hovveli Kevin Antwiiiin Howell, 3. of 193 I -ikewixKi Village Drive, Mocksville, dieilTuc.sday.Jiily 18, 199,5. llewasNimiiiRowanCtHinlj Aug. 17,1 'J91, theson ofAnthony and Sarah I'ayiie Hmvcll, He was a sludcm at Miaksville Dcvelopmcnial Center, .SiirilMirs, in niklilion to his par- eiiis.iirciiviiirtulgraiKliivillier.nielnia l.iniisc Payne of WiKxlIciif; paternal giiuiil|iaicnl'.,Mr.amlMrs.LoiiicHow- ell of Mocksville; and great grand- nioihcrs.rele.svie Allen and Savtinnah i'liync, both of Saii.sbiiry, l iinenil services wete held July 21. at Ipiii.iilErwiiiTcmpleCMEChurch in Winiillcaf with ilie Revs, Calvin Sniiili ;inJ Dimiel Drown ofltcialing, iliiiiiil followed in llie chuich cem- LolaMuel'ittniaiiLanniiig , Lola Mae Piliman Laiining, 85, of Wans Sircci, Cooleemee. tiled early■niurstlay morning, July 20, 1995. at her home. Sitehad been seriously II! forone week.She was bom in MiitJicIl CountyMarch 2,1. i9l(lioiiKlalcJamcsF„ajidl-ucy Eli/aMi Canoll Piiiman and Wiisa retired patient care assislanl. Shewas a member of Dutchman Creek Baptist Oturah and the Cooleemee Senior Cilixctis. Herhusband.TroyS.Unning. preceded her in dc.-uli in 1972. A son, Ch.itles Lanning, died In 1929,Surviving arc .1 dauglilcrs, VioletW(KisiincofAlbui|uim}uc,N,M,. Betty I'aikcrof.SalisburyandEli/abclh Williams of Wtxidlcaf; 4 .sons, JaitxtsUinning of Virginia Betidi, Va„ TroyLimning ofMarion, Hanildljiming ofCtKiIceniee and Robcn Lmning ofNel'o;24graiidihiWrcn;25gie.ngrantJ-childien; a great great grandchild; 2sisters, Lucille Krausc and Hazel1-orhcs, both of Marion; 2 hroihers. JaiiiosrSttmanofSulfolk, Va.and FrankFillman of Marion; several nieces and nephews,I'lineral services weic held at 11a.m, July 22. al Dutchman Crsvk Hiip-iist aiurch with Ihe Rev, 'PommyTuggle ofPiciating. Burial followed inthe church cemciciy. Memonats may be made to the• Ccmetay Fund of Dutchman Creek Baplisi,Church.e/oRev.'TomTuggle, ,I Hwy. 801 South. Mocksville. NC 27028, Guy Steele Letterman Guy Steele Leilerman, 90. of Woodlcaf. died Friday, July 21.1995. Bom Jan, 13. 1905, in Calawba County, he was the son of the late Summy and Minne Ledford Lealhcmian, A retired textile woHter. he was an accomplished woodworker who built his own home. He was educated in (he Catawba County schools. His wife. Sarali Rcep Lealhcrman. {receded him in death. Survivors include 3 sons. Paul. Freilcrick and David LeallKmian, all otWiiodicaf.and EvaiiD. I,ealhcrman, Hollywood, Ra.; 5 daughlers. Helen Hellard. Woodlcaf; Willie Brooks, Cooleemee; and Bonnie Moore. Anne Morris and Nell Brown all of Salis bury, 3 brotlicrs, Hugh. Bill and Ben Lrcsthcrman. all of Calawba County; 37 graixichildren. 62 great grandchil dren,and lOgreat-grcatgrandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m., July 24, al Corinth Church of Chri.st by Hm Pinkston, Burial fol- lowctl In Ihe church ccmelety. Memorials maybe madeloCorinth Church of Christ. 3570 Needmore Road, WootHeaf. N,C, 27054, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 27,1995 -11 V. (r~ .0 / Eric Dalton Mitcheni Eric Dallon MitclKm. infanl son of Allen and Kiintwrly Wchb Mitclicni. was<lead al hirlli al Forsydi Memorial ilospilal Tiiestlay. July 18. IW. A graveside service was held al 2 p.m. July 21. in Westlawn Gardens of Memory in (,'lemmons with the Rev. Umny Alkins. paslorof AdvaiKc Bap tist Church officiating. Surviving archisparentsof Alamosa Drive. Advance; maternal grandpar ents. Mrs. ami Mrs. Jerry Webb of Mocksville and Janet Co/art ofMocks- ville; paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mitchem of Advance: ma ternal great grandparents. Mildred l-letcher of Mocksville: Mr. and Mrs. CM". Coz.ir1 of Mocksville: several aunts, uncles ami cousins. Rodney L. Way Rodney U Way, 48. of Giaham. 7 died suddenly at Alamance County flospital Sunday night. July 23.1995. He was bom In Alamance'Cbunly to Joyce Mundy Hicks of Graham and Ralph hi. Way of Burlington. He was a sales representative for RUS of Bur lington. Inc. ' He was a member ofSwepsonvilie Baptist Church and was a veteran of theUS. Army,serving during the Viet nam Conflict. In addition to his parents, survivors include his wife. Si^ Smith Way ofthe home: a daughter Stephanie Way Hiiiard of Burlington: a son, John Wesley Way ofthe home; a halfsister. Deborah Way McGowen of Gteens- boro:and2hidfbroihets.KimDavisofRichmond, Mo. and Jay Hicks of At lanta, Ga. Rinieral services were conducted at2 pan. July 26, uSwepspnvUle Baptist Church by the Revs. E'Paul Wdsi Jr. andW.T.Cockmari.BtirialfoliowedaiGraham Memorial Rark. Thomas J. Sales Tliomas J. Sales, 72, of Camp Hill. Pa. died Wednesday, July 19,1995 at his home. A Davie County native, he was bom May 6. 1923 to Cosby C. and Lorinie R Sales. He was retired from Appleton Pa pers in Camp Hill and from the Anny. A Protestant, he was a retired barber and a member of Camp Hill American Legion Post 43. He was preceded in death by a sis ter. Lillian S. Chandler, and a brother, George B. Sales. Surviving are his wife. Carol Koppenheffer Sales: a stepdaughter. Madeiyn Keelon of Aliquippa. Pa.: 3 sisters. Maty Walker and Doris Lrtkey, both of Mocksville, and Nellie Webb of Cooleemee: 2 brothers. L. Floyd Sales of Salisbury and Kenneth Sales ofMocksville:3grandsons:nnd4greal grartdchildren. Services were held at 11 a.m. July 22. at Hoover Funeral Home in Ellzabcthville, Pa. Burial withfullmili- tary honors followed in Maple grove Cemetery. Memorials nuy be made to Hos pice Community and Home Health Services, 117 N. Hanover St.. Carlisle, Pa. 17013. Oigie w. J Mocksvi«e«W Shcwasborn^ ,.,eandSusan,j.jq05K>ihela»eCT Everttard'^'^^romBurt'nBto" 35 yeais oi w UbeityU™"^. ^campins-OilbettVtoustonTut-Hethasbat^il.O' terow. Kelvin HouswnT"^',qo4.HersonM"v Sutvivme ^ 6 gtandchd nieces andFonetalseivi^ iChapeV luWlS. „{r.ciaf,n8- Burial '^^eiery- Memonate <wy P.O. y ■fei^ce Van Eaton f |TeiianceBemardVanEatoii,23.of •listington, died Werlttesday. July 19, 'jat jiis residence,t{He was bom in Forsyth County ■]'l^v, 18,1971, to Bernard and Chris-tin^VonEaton. Hewasag^uateof '^kland High'School and athmded '■l^yth Technical Instittite^'' ' ■ ■^tAtanearlyagehejoinedEmmanuel '.^tlstfChureh iti -'Winston-Salem, 'ji^dyedguiiaTandsangwiththeOmpel i^reme Singers. He was employed ' bjcthe Davidson Gouttty SherifTs De partment as a detention officer.^Stityivors include his Wife, Chaiia'Van Eaton of the hotiK; sons. ,wphoi^ Domini^tie and TerronoetR«(l^| ofVfii^n-Salem; a stepson, ,h^ddltf^rbf. the home;ia stq>- ijhteiv l^et Saddler of the home;li3l»i«tts.,Mr.'andMrs.BefflaidVan ;of.WiD^n-Saltim; his grand- ^^tto, &sie Shavers ofWinston-Salt;^; itnoles and autits, Mr. and Mrs.. Davio County Public UbforyJHocksville, NC ' ipwlce' weie'conducted iat (■!Bapiist Cbtirch, Jtily 22. at'.' '' •latnes R. Woodson.. IB^d:'^otyed in the church cem- ■' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 3,1995 • <L Jay Raymond AderjayRaymondAder.98.ofAdvance y died early Sunday moroing. July • "^iwasbon,Oct.2J.1896»David- son Couniy w Sidney Harmon and ofArancera«s.cr.AliceHa,«numof Advance; a nepltew and 2 tueces.A Etaveside service was held a 4n m.JulyM.inllieMount01ivelUinlcdMelhodisi Church Cemclety >y Wallace Haifonl. William Carroll Moore I William Carroll Mcxrrie, 74. was , bom July 9. 1921 in Lenoir, a son of Margaret Taylor Barber and William Carroll Moore II. He was a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and Juliiatd School of Music in New York. He was a violinist for 30 years with the San Antonio, Texas Symphony and also played with the National Symphony in Washington. I3.C. and the N.C. Symphony in Ra leigh. He is survived by a sister. Mariana Matthewson of Bermuda Village; 3 nephews; 2 great nieces and a great niece. Memorial .services were conducted at 11 a.m. Aug. I. at tlie Episcopal Church of the Ascension in the Fork, community by the Rev. Frank : MacKenzie. Memorials may be made to Hos pice of Winston-Snlem/Forsytii County. IIOO-C S. Stratford Road. Winston-Salem. N.C. 27103-3200. Harold Henry Barringer Mr. Harold Henry Barringer. 74. of Hwy. ISO North. Lexington, died Thursday. July 27.1995. at his home. Bom Dec.23. l930inSalisbttiy.he was a son of the late ha Heniy "Buck" and Rorence Emma Rex Barringer. He was a retired meat cutter. A U.S. Army Korean War veteran, he wasa life memberofDAV Post 39 and American Legion Post 8. Funeral services were held on Ttics-day. Aug. I. at Trinity Baptist Chuich in Mocksvitle. conducted by the Rev. Daneli Cox. Burial was at Foicsl Hill Memorial Pork. Survivors Include: his wife. Alta LoreneHiliiotdBaningei; sons. Harold H. Barringer Jr. of Mocksville and Alan Bairinger of Lexington; stepson. Mike Mabiy of Soulhmont; brolheis, Ward Barringer of Salisbury and Joe Barringer of Mayodan; sister, Margie CrubbofNewpoitNews, Va.; 3 grand children; 5 step-grandchildren; and a stqr-great-grattdchild. y Hessie Ola Paiieer / Hessie Ola Parker, 84. of Old Stage Road, died Monday evening at Vadkin Nursing Center in Yadkinville. She i was bom in Suny Couniy Sept. 2. 191 l.tothelaleByidandJennieCole ' Peele. She was a member of Courtney Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband Samuel D. Parker. Survivingare; 3sons.Cliarles(Maiy LouJPaikerofHarmony.MaxfColeen) Parker and S.D. (Lela) Parker, both of Yadkinville; a daughter Fayeriiie (Loyd) Nance of Winslon-Salem; a brother, Edward Peele of Mocksville: 4 sisters. Lula Myers of the LutherOii. Home in Salisbury, Irene Lowety, Kathleen Reming and Polly S^onL,' altcfMocksville; Ugtanttehjlilieo; 11 greot-giandchildien; 2 step-grandchil dren; and 4 step-great-gtandchildren.- n She was preceded in death by one son. William Edgar Parker. Funeral services were Thursday, at 2 p.m. at Courtney Baptist Chureh by the Revs. Alien Barker and John Brown.. Burialfollowedinlhechurch cemetery. / Ruth Groce Jones Mrs. Ruth Groce Jones, 81. of Bear Oeek Church Road, Mocksville, died early Wednesday moroing, July 26. 1995, at Davie Couniy Hospital. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Friday, July 28, i Eaton Funeial Chapel with the Revs. Richard Eskew and Albert Bracken ofliciating. Burial wasinBearCreekBaptistChurchCtm- eteiy. Mrs. Jones was bom in Iredell Omnty on April 3. 1914 to the late Marshall and Carrie Ireland Groce and was retiied from Monleigh Garment Co. She was a member of Bear Creek Baptist church and was a community seamstress. Her husband. Charlie Marshall Jones, preceded her in death in 1980. Survivors include: adaughler. Mis. Margaret Shoffner of Mocksville; a son, Don Jones Jr. ofGeorgia; 5 grand children; 9 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Dongid Scott Teegarden Donald Scott Teegaiden, 37, of Winston-Soiem, died Friday, July 21, 1995, at Foisylh Memorial Hospital. He was bom Aug. 29,1957, in An chorage, Alaska, to Clarence E and Mildred L. Teegaiden. He was an ac complished artist and author. He eamed his associated degree in psychology in 1993 from Edison Com munity College in Rorido. He is survived by his (lance, Lorrie Manoyian of Winston-Salem; his par ents of Rorida; 2 brotheis, Clarence Teegaiden of Advance and Qirislo- pber Teegarden of Kemersville; and 2 sisters, April Chltakus and Scarlett Herring, both of Rorida. Davie County Public UbratyMocksville, NC Grace Hege Peacock Grace Hege Peacock. 90, of Avondale Street, Winston-Salem, a Davie County native, died on Friday, July 28. 1995, at Forsylh Memorial Hospital. Bom May 31,1905, Mrs. Peacock was a daughter of the late Jacob Bud and Annie Robinson Hege. A home- maker. she was a member of Fulton United Methodist Church. Advance. * Her husband, Luther E Peacock, and lierdaughter.HelenMagefine Pea cock Clodfel ler, preceded her in death. Graveside services were held at 4 p.ro.Salurday,July293tFullonUnited Methodist Church by the Rev. Wayne Buff. Survivors include: a son. Baxter Odd! "Pete" Peacock of Weslfield; 5 grandchildren; 7 gieat-grandchiliiren; and a great-great-grandchild. • DA VIE cduim ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 10,1995 «r- cn Myrtle W. Bodenheinier J Myitlc W. BiHknheimer. 76. of Winston-SsilemdicU Aug.4,1995.' She and her hushnnd. James M. "Jim" Rodcnheimer of ihe home, were cel- ehniling (heir 6(hii year of marriage. .Slie was bom March 24, 1919 to Sadie W. and Will Willard in Davie County. Site is surv'ivesl by 4 children, Vir ginia 'Jenny* Jones of Adviuice, Annie WcslniorclandufPfafflown,JamesM. Rixicnheimcr Jr. of Lewisville, Robert "Hob" Uodcniicimer of Winslon-Sa- Icm: II grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a dangliter. Udna Clark, and a grandson, Robert R.ay Poindester. She was a member of Mineral Springs Baptist Chutch. Services were held at 2 p.in., Aug. 6. at Vogler's Reynolda Chapel by the Rev. Phillip Wagoner. Burial was at lit a.m. Aug. 7. at Forsyth Memorial Park by Dr. Cecil Cave. Memorials nmy be made to Mineral Springs Home Bound.Mineral Springs Baptist Otun.'h. 3733 Ogbum Ave., Winston-Salcm. N.C. 27105. Ruth Baker Flynt ; Mrs. Ruth Baker Rynt, 93, of5145 Murray Road, Winston-Salem, died early Sunday, Aug. 6, l995.atFbn!ylh (lemorial Hospital. " n Mis. Flynlwasbom in DavieCounty IpRobert and Nancy Baker. She was a ittsmberofBethania Moravian Chureh,di avid gardener, and enjoyed cooki ng liul homemaking. I She wm preceded in death by her husband, Nal E. Rynt. and 8 brothers sisters. Funeral services were held at Vogler's Reynolda Road Chapel at 2 p.m. Tuesday by the Revs. John Kapp and Roy Beverly. Burial followed in lUe Moravian graveyard. : Survivingareason,WilliamE.and hk wife, Susie, Rynt of 5135 Murray Itoad: 3 granddaughleis; 2 great-grand- cfiildren: a brother, Raleigh Baker of bfcw York; andanumberofnieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Se nior Services Inc., 836 Oak St., Win ston-Salem. N. C. 27101. Minton '^"^^ofpieasantGrove BaptistChurch.H y/orU worker company D, ^^trved in Europe •/ African MuUle^ ; .Hh waswou^«^^^,^p^ie • .YfdrtdWwH. Clusters for I .Heart and two Oak Lear I -britvery. death by 3 , brothe^ Wms; and 2 sisters, i sons and Ray p [^-^hols.: -RbsaP.Ung^B"^^^^ \ :;;Sa'^«'^h-sof*ehonte',two • N""" "^/rl^^ra sister, lt««• vMaikla^ of D C.; attd an Parsons of WMnii B .(-harUe" .grandson, Ch'riM ,Maridand HI of ^ug. 3. ■; • Fum™" Grove Baptist. . af n a-m. »t P ctapman; Church with ^ ^i„dtej ofTiciating. Bt"""} church cent«ery.^^^^^^p,gjg. I. Church Cemeteryi tS™l6N Hwy.i6.»boro,j kC. 28697. .tC —a O OavleCounlyPnbfclibrafyMocksw/le, NC s. tr~- • DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 10,1995 iE-CTbtum ; ' ECTaiutnjr,,Miof'Tat^Roal). Mocksville, died Wedn(Ud.iy. Aug. 2. 1995 al his home from injuries su.s- luiiied in u furm iraclur nccicJenl. He was bom in Forsylh Counly Nov. 26. l926tolbelnlcli.C.Talum Sr. andJamie Mauney Taliim and w.xs the owner and operator ofTalum Tree I-arm for llic past 35 years. He taught agriculture in the Ran- doiph ami DavicCounty schools, retir ing in 1977. He was II graduate ofN.C. State University and a member of Al pha Ganuiia Rbo fralemily. He wis 3 member of Cooleemec First Baptist Church where he was a funner Sunday sciiool teacher and chaintirui of the board ofdeacons, He was also past president of the N.C, Forestry Association, past presi dent of lite N,CChrisliniis Tree (Grow ers Associating, past cliairnian of the Davie County Democratic party and past chairman of Itic Davie Counly PubiicUbrory Uoarci.Hewasaisopast president of the Davie County Farm Bureau and vicechaimtan of the Davie County Soil and Water Conservation District. He was the first president of Davie Futures, In 1991. he was se- icciedasN.C-Treeromicrorihe Year. Me was a member of the Board of Directors of the Mocksviile/Davic CiuimbcrofComnierce. During Worid War II. lie served .\s a sergeant in the U.S. Army. Surviving are itis wife oftiie iionie, Katherine Feezof Tutuni; a daughter, Kalhy Talum Crews of Mocksville; B; ; son. Carl Tatum Ul.of Mocksville; 3>< gruitdcliiMren; 2 sisters. Janet Daven-c ponofMocksyilieandF-lleiiYuungo^':BillsChurch.Viands brother.PcBnl^Tatum of Mpcksville, t jLj Funcrolscrviccswereheldat lOiSOn B-m; Aug. 5. at Cooleeniee First Bap-Ji list Church with the Revs.Penningion and Shelby Harbour ofTi^elating. Burial followed In ihej^sa^;' lem Bapli-sl Church Cenielciy. < Memorials maybe madetothe&CA'vTaluih Jr. Memorial Inind.c/oCenit^a*Carolina Bank,'P.O. Box 38, Copied eemee, N.C 27014,or Davie . Public Library. North Main Slrecl,V,< Mocksville.N.C 27028.-.-.fyp., ^thel White WaUer • C^tlliel White Waller. 89, of Salis- C-Sry. died Wednesday, Aug. Z 1995,■Zji Rowan Memorial Hospital after a Z serious illness of threeShe was bom March 16- 1906 in>CahamisCountyt(ithelateLulaRitchie ?wld Thomas P. White. A homemakef.?gtf6 was educated in the CaharrusSebunty schools. She was a member of -•"GSsee Lutheran Chuich.•iZ^Hcr husband, Nathaniel Franklinit'yiallcr, preceded her in death June 1.>^7. She was also preceded in death:-3«ilin infant son and daughter- i-~-vSurvivots include 5 sons. J T.1'W.aller. Lee C- Waller. Billy E. WallerRobert L. Waller, all of Salisbury,George F. Waller of Woodlcaf; 4-r&ighters. Edith Jackson. Rosalce■ 2:gni.s,.,n. JoAnn Cauble and Oaynelle^CsSdwine. ail of Salisbuiy, 15 grand-••7chiWTen;15grealgrandchiiaren'.4stepi-'^hdchildren; and 4 step great grand- ;-children. . ...;->;Funeral services were conducted atAug. 4. at Norlhcrest Chapel of::ljnn-Honeycutt Funeral Home in • 'China Grove with the Rev. Gene C.Bost ofrieialiiig. Burial followed inRowan Memorial Park in Salisbury.Memorials may be made to Grace, UulheranCliurch.3020GraceChuTch" Raad.Sali5huty.N.C.28l47. Daifle County Public Library Mocksville, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 17,1995 y 1 OS (N •N K - 4. v; t S. <3^ I'earl Potte Fi^e I'cail Geneva I'ltiK (-rye. 88. of Goriial/cr Road, MotksvjUe. died Wednesday morning, Aug. 9,1995, a, licr luitiic. .Slie was die wlilow ofihe lale Itenjaniin Hoyd l-iye. l-imeialscrviee.sweiclieldal3p.in..Aug. 11 al Conialxcj flaplisi Cluircli svilli die Kes s. Elmer Day and E. M. James idlieialing. Itmiaj followed in •lie eliuivli eeiiiclery. Memorials may be considered for Coinal/ei Ua|ilisi CImrcli. Corrat/er Road, Mockstillc. N. ('. 27028. .Siieuaslaim in D.n ieCoimiy.JnIy■Ml. I<J07 lo ihe laic l-ullier and TeliaOnell Tolls and was a liomeniaker.■She was a member of Connii/er Bap-lisl flmieh. was an avid ganlener and'imllcr. Site was prcccdcrl in dcalli bvIterhnsband in I'JM.andalsoby asonl.lndsay I ee Eiyc. Site was also pw- ceiled by ilnee hmlhers.•Snrvii Ing are ^ daugblcis. Annie Rnlli Allen. I lelcnf icncva "Peg",Slioaf.and Ennna lx>ii "Polly" |.«„be, all ofMivksville: 2 sons. Ludier Carl Frye and lloiislon Jim Fiy e. bolh of Moc ks-»'lie: 18 grandcliildrcn: 26great.gnind-cliildrcn; •! sisters. lj;ona Bowcns. EvaRolls. Mae l aiid. all id MiK-ksvilleand Una Wall of Advance: and abioihcr. Homer Polls of Mocksvillc. / Secnst Harivll II l-^asllend died .Sunday moniing. Aug. MI W.S al Vadkin Coiiniy Nnniing Cen- ; ler m Vadkinvil/e.; SliewiisbomNov.4. l897ii)David- .«m County to Uwis and Jane Beck. Scercsl. She was of ihe Holiness faith.She was pa-ceded in deadi by herhnsband. Clarence Harrcll. and by 2sons. T.W. and Clifton Harrell-Surviving .aa- a danglners. RmhGtbson of Wisconsin and Virginia•Hiees of East Bcml: 2 sons. U-ollaadi of Advance and Uster I lanell"f Wisconsin; 2(. grandchild,e„ andnumerous great grandchildren and great-gaat grandchildren.Funeral services were to he con-J'Merl Aug. If. at 2 p.m. al HuffFnnend Home Chapel by ihe RevsD<"1 .Signion and Gene Hall. Burialfollowed m Easi Bend f^riends Ceni Ethel Sain GibsonEthel .Sain Gibson. 79. of Liberty/ Circle, died early Wednesday morning. Aug. 9. 1995. al MeadowbniokTerrace ol Davit- in Advance. She wasIhe widow of Hit- lale BasterT. Gibson.Funeral services were held at 11a.m.. Aug. 11 at Eaton Funeral Chapelw ilh Ihe Rev. David Reep. Dr. BobbyRidge, iirid Ihe Rev. Jim Gryderomci-•iling. A graveside service was held al2 p.ni.. Aug. 11 in the Antioch BaptistChiircli Cemc-lery near Ml. Airy.She was bom in Davte. County.Aug. 22.1915 to Hie late James F. SainSr. and Eugenia GaiilierSain and wasretired from Bnrlinglon Mills wiih 36 years of service.She wiis a charter member of Calvary Baptist Church where .she hadbtena Sunday .Sclioul Teacher and hadsang in the church choir. She was a member of the Coolcemee Senior Ciii-rens and Ihe VI-AV Auxilary.Survivors include 2 daughters.Gardenia G. Boger and Trady 0. Speer.both of Mocksvillc; fgrandchildien: 6 great grandchildren: a sister, Inez Sainof Advance; and a brother. James F.Sain Jr. of Salisbury. Charlotte Payne Mitchell 9. a, her home after being sen-pusly ill several weeks., Born Aug. 3. 1912. in RowanCounty, she was a daughter of the lale&nma and Enrcsi Payne. Educated in ,e Rowan Counlyschools. she retiredfrom Rovvan Memorial HospitaTs nousekceping Uepojimcni.< ShewasamemberorTrinityprc.,.bytenan Church, wirere she was a dea-.coftiss and ordained elder. She le-.reivrf the Helping Hand Award from.Salisbury Parks and Recreation De partment.■ ""busband.JohnL.Mitchcll.died May8.98l.anda.son.JohnL.Mitch-ell Jr., died April 19.1970.Survivors include 2 sisters. Mrs. Ijames of Mocksvillc and MaeMel^niei of West Virginia: 6 gnmd-f hildien. rncluding Darren Mitchell offtie home; and 15 gre.it-grandchildien. Maude Davis Goodman, MandeDavisGoodman.97.ofSaI-y isbnry.diedSatnrday.Aug. 12.1995atBrian Center Health and Rehabilitation after a serioiLs illness of 3 1/2 years. : Born Feb. 18. 1898. in DavieCounty, she was the daughter of thelate Will and Jennie Miller Davis.Educated in Ihe Davie Countyschools, she worked for Carinon Mills■for 25 years. She was a member of Franklin Presbyterian Church.Her husband. Jay Elwood Goodman, died Dec. 18.1969. A son. :Oyde Goodman, died in October 1993;.and a daughter Catherine 0. Young, died Jon. 1.1986. Survivors include 3 sons, /krthur EGoodman of China Grove, Jay W.■Goodman of Charleston. S. C, andWalter Goodman of Salisbury; 2 sis- lets Alice D. Naile of Mocksvillc. and •VersieD.CampbellofDunn; I2grand-children; 24 great-grandchildren; and|9 great-great grandchildren.Funeral services were held Aug. IS,at Immkiin Presbyterian Church, con- ■ducledbyDr.LanyESummey. Burialfollowed in Rowan Memorial Park. • Memorialsmaybemadetol^nklin Presbyterian Church. 280 FranklinChurch. 280 Franklin Church Drive.Sallsbuiy, N. C. 28147. John F. Piercey John F. Pierce, 82. of Franconio.Va.. died of congestive heait failureAug. 7. 1995 at Alexandria Hospital. Bom in Coolcemee, he attended Rulheribrd College. During World War11. he served in the U.S. Army in Eu rope.Me was a retired supervisor for the Gicsapeake and Potomac TelephoneCompany. He retired from the telephone company in 1972 with 30 yearsof service, the last 15 as supervisor of service and personnel at the White House on Capitol Hitl. He wasa member of the TelephonePioneers of America and Olivet Epis copal Church in Fiartconia. Survivors include his wife. Helen "Dixie" Pierce of laanconia, Va.; 5 brothers. Baxter B. Pierce of Waynesboro. Va.. Joseph K. Pierce of Kinsalu.Va.. Fred Pierce ofCoolccmee.James A. Pierce of Sedona. Ariz., and Edgar F. Pierce of Midlothian. Va.; and a sister. Mary Frances Ttllman of Burlington. toie County Public Library< Wocksville, NC DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 17,1995 Buddy I'ilcliLT Vc\l;il I):ivis "Bmlil)" Hildicr, 5S, I iilTJltii'l imc,iilllicl-;iniiingl"iicoiii- A\ig. Ml, IWS :il lii« li"me Aiij! I '.;il l-Jlon piiiiri;il Oiapcl cim- iIui.i,hII') IIi« Ki.'v.J.Civil Hill. Hurlal ill l-ainiiiigion Cmiimuiiily Cemclcry. Mi-mnrialu may Iv iiiailo in rarm- mgionCimiiniiiiUy Cemetery.Wllhiim .S|iillni.Ti.F.irniiiigl«KiRJ .Mivktvillc. N. (". 27()2S.1 lewiislviiii,(let. 11.1 W(>ill l>avie Cniintv, a Sim nf Wiley Davii. I'lldier „l MivkMillc iiiulllv late Mary WtHnl I'iklK-r. Mc will leila-cl fitimllic N. C. DeparlmeiU ni 'i r.m«p<'tl:ilii>n Milli Ml j't'tMS o( servitc, Stiivlviui. ill aililiiiim lo hK liillicr i\ a ilmipliler. AileiK Aimnroii cif Ail- liiive. .7 lislere. Jean naily of YailLlll- villc.lieneDavi.;iif AilmtitcaiuHiililll I'InUiilMivkivilliMiiiilagriiiililaJgll- ler. Jimmie Lev Tvaguv Jr. JiiiimieLccTcagueJr.,45. of Win- slon-Sulcm.dicdFriiJuy.Aug. I l.titN. C. UaplisI Hospital. HcuasbomJuly 14.1930in Win- sion-.Saleni to Jimniic Teague Sr. and (^iricia Messick Foster. He was a gradiuic of West Forsyih High School in 1967. a U. S. Navy veteran, serving on the U. S. S. Jolm F. Kennedy for two yean, and was in volved in the Mediterranean Conllicl during this time. He served an uddi-; tioiial six years in IhcNavtd Reserves, and wasamemberofVFWPost 1134 inWinston-Salein. He was president ufH. M. A. Unit|iieCabitiets ofCicni- mons. Surviving arc his wife. April Rye Teague ofthe home; a daughter. Dana I'cague Lanner of Winston-Salein: 2 sons.JimmieLcuTeagucilland Kevin li. Teague. botli of the home; a gmnd- son. his motherand stepfather. Pal and Ocie Fosterof Winslon-Salem: his fa ther. Jimmie Lee Tetiguc Sr. of Form- ington; a biollier, Danny Ray Teague of Advance. Funeral services were held at 2;3U p.ni. Aug. 13. at CHemmons Moravian IThurch in CIcmmons by Bishop Bur- ion Rights. Buriul followed in the church graveyard. Memorials may be made lo Clem- mons Moravian Church. P. O. Box 236, Gcmmons. N. C. 27012; or lo VFW Post 1134, Winslon-Salcm. Maty Smith Reynolds Mary Smith KcynulJs. 81, of High Riini, died at 12:30 p.m.. Tuesday, Aug. 8. 1995. shortly after arrival at High Point Regional I (ospital. .Slic had hccn in declining health for 18 iiioiillis. .Slie was bom Sept. 10. 1913 in Davie County. :i dauglilcr of Byrd Quincy and Mary Lapisli Smilli. She hiiil been aresiileril of I ligh Point for5f) years and was a honicmakcr. She was II memberofBearCrcek BaptistChurch in Moeksvillc. On June 30. 19.54 she was married to Benjamin Hoyt Reynolds who ilied June 20. 1982. .Surviving are 2 daughters, Mary Diinlcn of Baltimore. Md. and Jixin HiigginsorHigli Polntia son.James K. Reynolds of Archtlale; 3 sisters, Betty Swjsher. Jennie Mac!lanesaiuUSylvui .Smilli, all of .McK ksvillc; 7 gr.indeliil- drcn; and 6 grciil-gmiidehildren. Funeral services were conducted Aug. 10. at 2 p.m. at the Cumhy. linsiehcster Drive Chape! by the Rev. Anlis D. Payne. Burial was in the Floral UanJeu Park Cemetery. Archie Jones Steelman Archie Jones .Sieelman, 84. ofYad- kinville, died Sunday afternoon. Aug. 13,1995, at Davie County llospilaJ. He was bom Jan. 9.1911 in Wllkes County 10 Camniie mid Rebecca Maslcn Steelman. He wa.s rcllnxl from Steeliivan Mill ing Company, where he was a fomicr owner, operator and fuundcr. He was also a member of Woodmen of Ihe World and Courtney Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife. Georgia 'Ihonvas Steelman of the home: 4 chil dren.HaroldSleelmanofPowhawaiaR, Va.. Anne Steelman of CIcmmons, Lucille CtaverofVadkiiivilleund Max Steelman of Yadkinville; 2 stepchil dren, Rela Richardson of Columbia, S.C. and Kay Wrightley of Bowie, Md.; 3 sisters, Grace Sloopand Clarine York, both of Yadkinville, and Doris Fields of Mocksville; a brother. Leewood Steelman of Yadkinville; 9 grandchilda-n; 2 step grandchildren; and 10 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sis ter. Stella Hayes. Funeral services were to be held at 2p.m. Aug. 16. at Gentry Family Fu neral Clia|x:i by Ihe Rev. John Brown. Burial followed in Deep Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. John Robert Wilson JohnRobenWllson,84,ofLexmg- , Itjn.diedFrid-ny. Aug. 1,1.1995 atllie . VA Medical Center in Salisbury after several months ofdeclining heallti. • BoniMay6.19llinDavieCounly. be was a son ofthe late Robert W. andUuisaCampbell Wiison-Hcwasedu cated in Davie County. LastemployedalPcerlcssMattr«s -. Company,liehadalsobeencmploycd I atDixieFumilureCompany.Hewasa \ liiemberofRrslBaplisiaurchanda j U.S. Army veteran of World War U. i His wife. Viola Hudson Wilson. ^ died Dec. 18. 1973. '.1 I SurvivoTsinclude2brotliers.Erviii , Wilson of Advanceand James Gilbert ! Wilson of Mocksviiic; and 3 sisters. ; Beulah W. Scott and Ira.W. James, nboth of Mocksville. and Alberta W. n Foster of Inwood. N.Y. Funeral services wcreeonducled at 12:30 p.m. Aug. .15, at First Baptist Church by the Rev. Glenn Pellironi wilJi burial following at National Cein-.. etety in Salisbuiy. ^avie County Public Library • Mocksville, NG . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 24,1995 Marthena Harrison Ellisor Mrs Miiiilifiii] ffamsoii of Joclsoiivillc.nii.iliciniiesday.Aug. 15. 1995. •Slif wa\ l>ini Aug. 10, 1917 In NorlVilk. Vii .Shchiul lived lninclcM>n< ville siiKf MJ'I.V coining from Her inudii Viilitgc, Ailvonce. .She «us a piisl coordinaior of ijic l>iiiiciiig Coliilioii, Congressional Woniens C'luli in Washingion, U.C...1 1942 grailii.ilcM.r Ck'orgc Wusliinglon Universiiy and a mcniher of Kapjia Kappa fiaiiiiiia .Soiorily. .She was llic grcal-greal-graml- (laiigiiler nt I'lcsldenl William Mcniy SJicis Mlrs i\ cJby: *i son.PaulTerry RMisor of Nc>v York Cily; a daughter. Maiy EiniiKTliiig of New York City; and2graiiilil)ililrcn. She was preceded in dcalh hy her hushaiiil.JiitiiindilEllisorJr.wtiudieii in 1984. Services look ptme in Arlinglon Naliorial (Vnieleiv . Mamie Driver Reavis , Mri. Mamie |),jvcr Rcavis ,S.|■J formerly of l.ibeily I'Juirch Road'M.«k.sviIJe. ilied |.M,|,j, 3f|cfn,„„;Aug. 18. lUy.Sin McailowbrookTer-roee of Davie in Ailvancc. where sliehail hecm a resident for iJie pasi iw„ years. Funeral service.s were ai 11 a mMonday, in Raion Funeral Chapel wilh"llwRev.EdTiippcroffiuiaimg, Burial«as in Union Chapel Untied Mcibod-isl ChuichCeiiicleiyThe fanitiy iTi|ttesis memorials heeotisidercd li.r il,c Ccmeieiy Fund ofUnion Chapel Uniied Melhodi.siC'iuah,c/oMi Doiin.iiiBrowii 18115USHwy.WII Noiih.MiKiksville N(- 27028. •Mrs. Re.ois was honi in DavieCiHimy,Jan.l.Jui||„„^,3,^j3„^,^T. and Mary l:li/:,lvih l.ailiain Driverand was a ho„«;„i„kei. .She was a Uniied Melh- ihIisI Church. HerhusbiiMcrniomas"Cord"Reavlspreceded hi-r in dcalh In 1976. and ason Billy Reasis died in 1995. j,,^diiioii. Mis. Reas Is was preceded indcaili hy two sisicis, Annie and LenaMac Driver, hy five hroihcrs. Fr«| and ClaudeDr7verofNeweas|le,Ind.,Jesse,OsearimdUinnieDiivcraliorMocks-villc.She is survived by 2 daughters.NancyJones and Lucille Melipo, bothof Mocksvilie; and a son. Menel! R"viaofMockiville:3sup<hiidrE,Lpilier Foster and Wade Reavis ofMocksviUe and Felia RMvls ofWin- ■•sion-Salem; 9 grandchildreni'8 step-'grandchildren; 1 SgreaJ-gnindchildten:and 8 step-great-grandchildren. Susie 01111(11*688 Elmore Mrs. Susie Childless Elmore. 70, wife ofJames "Jim" Elmore. of North Wilkesboro. died Tuesday, Aug. ISat N. C. Baptist Hospital. Funeral services were held Friday at 11 a.m. at Arbor Grove Baptist Church witlithc Revs. KennethAnder son. Ted Combs and Ronnie Comer ofllcialing. Burial was in the church ccincieD-Mrs. BIniore was bom In Forsyth Counly.Scpt. 1.1924 loOsand Linda Combs Chiklrcss, Site wasatiKinber of Arbor Griivc liaptist Church. .She was retired fiom Chatham Manufac turing Company. In addition to tier liusband. she is survived by a daughter. Mrs. J. D. (Shirley) MaheofHamptonviiie; 3 sis ters. Betty Royal of Winslon-Salem. I leleit Evans ofGreensboro and Stella Chiidress of Advance: and 2 grand children. Earle Gaitlicr Simpson Ms. EarleGaillict Simpson.of.36.19 Carver School Road. Winslon-Snlcm. died Sunday. Aug. 1.3 alN.C. Daplisl Hospital. - Site was a mills c of Mocksvilie, had lived in Wiiiston-Salcin for more titan 67 yean and was a iitember of Coler Memorial A.M.EZion Church, where she was a Siind.iy School leaclicr, a memberoftiie Five "Ws" Club,a former memberofthe Senior Choir, and was a member of the Scholarship Coniinit- tec. She received her bacheliMS degree in edueiilioii from Winslun-SalemTcacliers' College and her Masters degree ftom New York University. She taught for 46 years in the Winston-Salcm/Fsttsyth County School System, having tauglit at Columbia lleiglilsElementary. AiuleisonJuniorHighand WalkertownJuniorHigh Schools. She wasoneofthe founders ofthe Best Yet Flower/Garden Club. She was preceded in death by her son, Virgil (1. Simpson. She is survived hy: 2 granddaugh ters. 2 great-grandchildren. 2 brolhcis, the Rev. Israel I..Oailher Jr. and Bcmiie M. Oaithcr. holh uf Newcastle. Pa.; adaughter-in-law. Marion B. Simpson of WinsIoii-.Salem: a host of nieces, nephews,great-nieces, great-nephews, and cousins. Funeral services were Saturdayrrtoming at 10:30 a.ro. from Goler Memorial A.M.E 2ion Chureh by the Rev. Seth O. Lottey. Burial followed in Evergreen Cemetery. Gertrude Haiies JycMillian ; Mrs. GertrudeHones McMillian,orI" Camellia Lane. Mocksvilie andfurmcrlyon0IW.25ihSl..Wlns(on-iitoniing. Aug. -She was bom April 7. J905 In^iofville. Va., ,0 John andTWtsia Banes. She allcrKled the public schools ofWinston-Safem andattended Slater State College. Mrs.hfcMilhan was a memlier of Cleveland Avenue airistian Chun.-h. where every organ™. ;She was preceded in death by herhifband. Mr. George W. McMillian andasister.M,s.Mar,RoseCopela«I^Survivors irKlude; a daughter. Mis.- ira(Jamts)Campbelloftltehome-asjepdaughter.Mis.Ceorgia(James)Gpgory of Hampton. Va.;a sfsler-in-raw. Mrs. Beufah Roseborsmgh ofWinsion-Salem; 7 frandehildren- 3MT-Sranddtildren; ISgreal-grandchir-d^n: and many other relatives and Tnends.iFunenii services were held on Fri day. Aug. 18. 1995 at Cleveland Avenue ChrisUan Church at 2 p.m. wlihRi^s. J. 0. Williams and SheldonM^anerofficialiitg. Burial followedin Jhe Evergreen Cemetery. Micliaei Coniin Slecd-/ Mich,icl Coniin Steed. 4-day old«">n of Richard Dixon and Jane KellerSteed uf 610 Cross Timbers OrDurltam. died Wednesday allerTKren"Aug. 16. in UNC Hospital in ChapelMill following an illness since binh.He was bom on Saturday in UNC Hospital.Surviving, in addition to his par-tnts. are; a brother. Frank Dixon Steedofthe home; his paternal grandparents.Hal Dixon andMargaret RobbitisSleedof A.dicboro; and his ntalemal grand-parcms, Lester J, and Dorothy BensonKeller ofMocksviile.A private memorial service will be conducted for the family.■n>e family requesLs that in lieu trf .nowetx. mciTwrial contributions bemade to the Infants Special Gift Fund oflhcMcdical Foundation. Division ofNcunatiil-RcrinalalMcdicliie 4lhRuorUNC Hospital. CB #7596. Chapel HillN. C. 27599-7596; Davie County Public LibraryMocksvilie* .MC DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 31,1995 Henry K." CranfiU" Mr. Henry Roland CranfiU. 94. of HeriliigcWoods, Wiiwon-Salcm, died Wcilnesday. Aug. 2.1.1 iU rinsjth McntoriaJ Hospilul. Ml- was bom Muy 2.S. i'^li in Couniicy lu Washiiiglun anil laiiiiii Rca\is CranfiU. He was reared In Davie County, ami lived must of his adult life in Forsylh County where Ik was the olde.s! male meruber iifCUvel Moravian Cliiireh. He had K-en a delivery m.-ui for Hillrtaire Ralry. and IlkI worked pan.lime for (irandview I'iKxl Market. Mr.Crannil issurvivedby: adangh' ler. Miss Doris Kuih Crarinii of the Brian Center, a son. Henry David Crnttfili of Memphis, Tenn.; 2 jtrand sons: and 2 gteat-gramlehildren. Thc<uneral was ui 2 p.m., l-'tiday, Atrg. 25 at Olivet MoravianChureh by Rev. Neal Jones. Guri.al follriued at Forsyth Menrotial Ihirk. Memorials ni:iy be made to Olivet Moras ian Oinah. Ruth H. Hardy Mrs RuthHuichensllaidy.22..W8Limeroek Rd., died Saturday. Aug. 2(.. 1995 at Forsylh Memorial Hospital.She s^as bom July 28, IQlSinYadkin CounlyloOumcy and DoUie I'allcnson HulcUvns. She was preccilctl in Jcalli oy "cfhushiuKlGlen Martin Hardy, in 1985 aiKl by 2 brothers. Brewer HulelKns atid Pat Hulchens. She wa.s a home-maker, moUier and graiidmutiwr. She was a member of Richmond Hill Bap tist Church. Surviving are 3 sons. Bill (AniK) •«ardy. Jim (Judy) Hardy and EtWre "ttjnda) Hardy, all of East Bend; a"^ghter Mary Rutli (Richard) Tho- 'itiii of Boonvilta 9 pandcWlton-. 4^t-gi4ndchildren; a devoted mece.«ndaAdamsAngen:3uster>.Bonme S HinshawofBoonvill^DollieMac K Davisb Bend and Bemico H,«ieelman of Mocksville.FuneralserviceswereheldooToes- •"(iiy,Aug;29.ai2:30p.m. atWehmond 'liill Baptist Church. » ; In lieu of nowen. memonals may be made to the Richmond Hill Bapiia •■<3huiehBuildingFund,220SRichmoiid 'Hill Church Road. Boonville, NC,',^011. Charles Li Garragh^ •. 1Mr. Charles Liithcr Cann^ly, 53. 'of 608 Rjvetbend Dr.. Advance, died suddenly Friday niomlng, Aug 25 1995.He w-js bom in Bedford. Va., Sept.26,1941 to Martin Luther and PaulineScollGarraghly. HewasagraduatcofNew [.oridon Academy in Forest, Vu.,and attended Femim Junior College. HewasamemberofTimberlakeUniledMethodist Church in Lynehburg, imdwas maiiiigcr oftransportation for Lee Apparel Co.Me is survived by: his wife, Mrs. Delores Owen Camighly ofllK home; a ilaughter, Teresa C. Jones of Nash ville. 't'enn.: 3 sons Kevin and Sieve Oarraghty. bolh ofNashville, and SlanCiarraghly of Advance; a brother.Donah! Canaghly of Summervillc. S C.; 2 granddaughters; and severalaunis, uneles and cousins in Virginia. Fum-rul services were at II a.m.Monday, Aug. 28 at Maywonh-MillerSilas Creek Chapel by the Rev. Rich ard Robinson.Graveside services were at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Aug29at VirginiaMcmoriiUGardens in Forest. Va., by the Rev. Doug Pillow. The family reijucsis that memorialsbe mutlc lo the Heart Association. Delia B. Lewis of7WOn.-|e Dr.. Mooresville. diedTuesday, Atig. 22 a. Davis Co,nmu- miy Hospital followmg a lengthy ill- North WiUesboro on Oct'915. she was the daughter of the R ru; '- CitnsadaKh^es Btlhngs. She was a Jiome- .Siuvivor. include; 4Ray Utiris pfJZcbulon. David Lewis of Stalesvilfc '7^ laswfs of Ml. Moume;fe . Mrs. Wuiiant (toifl jMd^Moor9ville,Ms.EuhiceH4!-1of Moorosvtlle, Mra, Jerry (Mahhri^■ rr"® and Mrs. /erryf^i; (CaroW) Bottoms of StiiMvii(ft'i7^fif^dchtldtw; ISgreat-grarrfchndre^, | 'awlaereat-great-grandchild. '' •• Funeral services were ofj p.mf-j^u^ay. Aug. 24 at WestmoielnndVtthnpel of innch^Joftnion Fuhe,^"^me.tvith the Revs.v LawrehVe j-^nbeyandBenjaininfllacko/IlciatJLli?hed i!r^ r ^.pnhed Methpdtsi Church Cemetery.Wilt be Shsven Lewis,;James Phiiup tS" 'k 'hay l» made 'to'the 1 57^(Qiaptef.3420ShamrwkDr !^olfeNC 28215-3298 Of to-Mt, ';Moume.Chu,chofaod.POBos:85Mt. MourTw,NC28J23. t , lKentE.Gwyn ' Mr.KenlEdwardGwyiidiedSatur-'4ay.Aug.26.ailhehomeofhis<bugh- ttr. Hehadbeenindeclining health for spveial years.; He WB.S preceded in death by his vVife. Lavinia Nell Tilley Gwyn.•: Mr.OwynwasbamApril21.1921ibSurryCountytoMargarelSchumakeT Gwyn and Nathaniel Monroe Gwyn.He graduated from Ml. Airy High School. He was a member of TheAmerican Legion-Post 290 in King.■; Mr.OwynwasaveleranofWorldWar 11. serving with the Isl GroupRegulating Stations. TransportationGorps tJiroughoot the European Theater. He served with Ihe Winston-_Salem Police Department for 14 if2years, earning the rank of lieutenant. During his career at the police department, he attended The University ofTennessee. Nonhweslem University, and tlw University of North Carolina.Mr. Gwyn was employed wilh StateMerchants Patrol, overseeing the day-to-day operations ofthe company untiljoining Wachoviii Bank in 1976. He ictited in 1986.•' Surviving are his daughter. RenteEllen Gwyn Snody of AdvarKe; 2grandchildren. Coilcr and JessicaSnody of AdvaiKe; and a sister, Virginia Draughn of Winslon-Salem.Funeral services were held at 11a.m., Tuesday. Aug. 29. 1995. atVoglet's Reynolda Road Ctuipcl byChaplain Fred Morclz. Burial fol lowed in Forsyth Memorial Park.• The family ask lhat memorials be maiJe 10 Hospice tif Winston-SalemfForsyth County, 1 iOO-C S. StratfordRd„Winslon-Salcm.NC27103-3200. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 31,1995 Charlie A, Marshall Sr./ Chariie Andrew Marshall Sr. of l365PineblufrRiad.Winslon-SaJeni died Aug. 26. 1995 ailiis home. HcwasbomAug.25,l908mSlolcsCouniy to Htnry niid Oelly Lou Murxhall. lie is survived h) his wife. Alvahll.nl MiirshaJLofilx^ Hcispreeededindc.ilhb)-his6rand--'■n. Scolt Lec R|,c,,and Rcbetci. Mareholl; and a I'l'ilhi'f.PaiilMarsliiill, Surviving i,ISO aruiSdaugiHcfs and•' «'"-i"-law. dinimyc M. OJivey(iistnsboru. Sandra M. Rilcyandhus-I'UIKI. George M. Smirli, ofWinslon-Vilcrii; 2 sons and Idaufihlcrs-in-law,niarhc A. Marshall Jr. .hkI wife April"I I annrngion, and Jack I). Marshall and wife.ManhaorWinsion..Salcm;2prandd.iughlers, 6gr:ind.«)ns: 2 great-piariridaughiers; and a greai-grandson. Aeraveside.sersti-cwasconduclird'7 J.L W'risun SUnniiy. Auy 28IW5. at I p.m. ill Porsyih Memorial I'.irk.Memorials should Iw made to Uiechanty ofdonor's choiee. Eunice E. SlewartI M'^EuMiceI;llaShoafSluarl,9l ^ "'IheRorkCormnuiiity.diedWedncs.•t'y.Au6.2.LI995aitlKrhonH;orhcrsom after being in declining health. Hineiat services wereal2p,m. Frl- slChurchwiihiheRevs.RayOFeneilJ.C. Lane, and Bobby Swaini omciai- "as In (he church cem-^icxy.■Tte family requests tnemoriaJs beconsidered for Rospice of, bavie fS'" ™ '^°«'sviiie. NC_ Mrs. ^ewariwls bom in Davidson^'^•^2.l903.oiftetaieChariiehfldSi^SnyderShoaf. After mov-•nguDavie County, she and her hus- ^Coolecmec^)d at li^ Ctly Market iitiWinston-• i opened StewartsGrocery MHwy.'tW«^Mocksv,lle,andformanyyeais ■ She was known as-Granny" to her fniiidyand (riendsand was well-knownforh^w^^tchickenanddumpllh's'andalsoforhcrbomemadcbtead She"ns« memberofDulln United M«h- Oum Church.H« hustod of60 years. Winfield Stewart, ptecededherin death in Survivingare:ssonanddau8hier:^•law.HubertShoaf-Pcte-andEvelyii ««n^gbteragrandson;and2gfeal-S'BndchddrBn, EimerF.Smith " Mr. Elmer Franklin Smith, 79, of Wiaston-Saleni. died early Tuesdaymorning, Aug. 22.1995 alTheOaksal Forsylli. He was born June 25. 1916 in Marshalltown, IowatoAlecandPatlieCanierSmitJi. Mr.Smithwasarcllred diesci mechanic, .and served in the U. S. Army. Surviving are 5 sisters, Mrs, L. R.(Margaret) Todd of Lewisville. Maiy Rolhrock of Tobaccoville, JoannMcKee of Alabama. Louise LuperofCiemmons and Mae Williams ofMocksvillc; and 2 brothers, Ray Smith of Ciemmons and Richaitl Smilh of Tobaccoville.A memorial service was held at 11a.m. Thursday, Aug. 2*. alHayworlh-Miller Silas Creek Chapel. Memorialsmaybemadelothechar.iiy of the doTOfs choice. Franklin James York Franklin James York, 51. of Yail- kinville, died al his home Thuriday.Aug. 24.1995. aftera long illness. He was bom in Davic Couniy. July9.1944 to Jay Burette and Viola Coe York. He was employed by AT&T. Surviving are u son, Farreil Ray York; his mother of Dobson; a granddaughter. 2 sisteis. Juanila Hodges of Dobson and Wanda Fortner of Dob-son; 2 brothers. JackT. York of Yad-,ikiiiVnieari'dDvviglii YdrkOfDobson., ' : .;-"Giav«ide'Mt9ic»wcrehcld'Aug.|27Vat 2 p.iiiVnt Zion^BapusGecneiety Irt Unibn'Ot^-' '' <••'V Harvey B. Smith • 2 Mr. Harvey Dyerly Smilh, 78. of US. Hwy.601 South. Mocksville.diedSwiirday evening, Aug. 26. al Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbuty. Funeral services were at II a.m. ..Tuesday. Aug. 29 in Eaton Funeral\ Chapel with David Powell officialing. ; Burial was held in the Jericho Church 2 of Christ Cemetery.3 The family requests memorials be 2 considered for the North Main Street'• Church of Christ. 605 N. Main St.. ; Mocksville.NCortolbcCarolinaBiblcCamp, do Jericho Church of Christ.Hardlson Street, Mocksville, NC 27028.Y Mr.SmithwasbominDavieCouni)May5.19l7lolhe!aieCharlesl-eeanil Z Delia Allen Smilh and was leliredwillp 33 yearsof servicewith theV.A.Medi ■; cal Center In Sali.sbury. He was ; I*member.of Ihc North Main Slret"'• Church of Christ. During WWII In "• was a velenin of the U.S. Army.' He was preceded in death by • ; brother, Robah Smith, and by a sistei •JMertie Belle Jones. Mr. Smilh was;^ well-knowncommunitySamaritan an 2 volunteer.Surviving arc; his wife, whom h "marriedin 1946,JosieAnnJonesSmii'.Ioflhehome;adaughler,Mis.Joe(M3i•;garel)SimmeTsonofSalisbury.2$on' •Mike Smith of Granite Qtauiy, anBilly Smilh of Salisbury: 5 grandchi;'dren; and 2 siep-granclchildren; a si- ■ ier, Mis. Tyler (Virgie) Thompson •2 Lexington; and abrolher. A.C. Smii :;of High Point. jpgvie County Public l..•^sHocksville, NC DAVIE copm EmRPWSERITO &pt 7,199S - M James H. 7Buck" BestMr James Heathman "Buck" Best, ^.di«leaflySuiulay.Scpl.3.1995.alForsyih Memorial Hospilal in Win ston-Salcm. A iong-iime rcsideiil of Erwin. he had lived for ihe past two ycjirs at The Homestead at Burke Mill in Winston- Salein. He was bom Sept. 17,1910 in Mocksvillc, the second of lluee sons born go Grace Coley and Edwin Heathman Bost. Never rnairied, he lived with his parents and later with his siepmotlter, Maude Graham Bost, in Erwin. where he worked for about 50 years at Erwin jMills. His fallier was general inanagA of the mills. An active memlwr of St. Sleplien's episcopal Church in Ersvin, he had sened on the cjmrch vc.suy. He was also active in Erwin's .Senior Cititcns group, delivering meals for years for the Meals*On-Wheels program aitd visiting tho.se in hospitals and nursing homes. He was preceded in death by his brothers. Edwin Mclamd Bost and Henry Connor Bost. and is survived by two half brothers. Robert Graham Bost of Marion. Mass, and Samuel Fraley Bosi of Advance. A graveside service was conducted Tuesday. Sept. 5 at 3 p.m. in MaplewoodO:tiicteiy.Duiham,bytheRev. Peter Rob^son. Memorials rnay be made to Hos pice of W-S/Forsyth, I lOO-C S. Stratford Rd.. Winston-Salem. NC 27103. : CalherineHainston i p£eRd'M"V'~°f378 ' ,lsV. • died Salur- ; She was a native of Davie County ^^anrernberofCedorCreekBapti^- Fibre aiair ''''''''''^ 2 daughters,^'ore nia Harrston. Sadie D. (James ' %."«''anl>.bothofMocksville a^': J^™>AbbottHairstonJr.„fM.4": v'llc; 2grandchildren: 3 bmihers Wil 'jii.es. all of "Cksvilfc"''"'"'"'^ Rjuiees S. and Je^ (^'q/"""Mental Chapel, with Dr. WE M^ Mai7 M.C. Bracken / Mrs. Mary Magdalinc Carter Bracken. 73. of Liberty Church Road. Mocksville. died Thursday. Aug. 31 in Fbrsyth Memorial Hospital. She was the wife of James Franklin Bracken. Funeral services were at 4 p.m. Sun day. Sept. 3 in Liberty Baptist Church wSlh the Rev. Marvin Blackburn ofTt- dating. Burial was in Ihe church cem etery. ! Survivors in addition to her hus- l^d include: 2 sisters.iErma Zimmer- nian and Charlotte Weatherman, both of Advance: and a brother, Lawrence C^er of Advance. n ; Memorials may be made to the CJmetery Fund of Liberty Baptist CJiurch c/o Lowell Reavis, Duard Reavis Rd.. Mocksville. NC 27028. Martin Vw Jennings Mr. Martiri Van Jennings, 76, of ^ Mocksville, dfed Saturday, Sept. 2 at Davie County Hospital. Hewasbon)Dec. 13,19l8in Avery County to Van and Daisy Shelton , Jennings. j '' \ He was preceded in death by a son, Billy Joe Jennings. Survivors irlclude: his wife. Hazel Cook Jennings of Autumn Care, • Mocksville; 5 wns. Harold and wife Lynn Jenninu of Winston-Salem, . Eddie and Glwa Jennings of Grand Prairie. Texas. Tony and Linda Jennings of Maryville, Tenn., Jimmy and Betsy Jeniitngs of High Point, and Paul and Chrolyn Jennings of Friendsville,Tenn.; a daughter, Surie Martin and husband Johrv of Mocks ville. . I Memorials.may be made to the Calvary Moravian Church Band or Christmas Decorating Committee Fund. . j&nie Becker Hege t/ "®ee. 88, of, ; Wmston-Salem, died Thursday, Aue .' ; ^1* l995atSa]emtowite. ^ She was bom on Oct. 20.1906 to . Qtherine Handrich and August I FffJinand Becker. SheraovedtoWin- slbn-Salem in 1922 and attended business college before working for RJ. ReynoldsTobaccoCo.inthesecretary's de^ment for 20 years. It was there• she met Oscar F. Hege. who later be- . ; Cairo her husband of 53 years. • : She was the seventh of 9 children. . ^ was acdve in calvary Moravian Qurch and was a charter member of; tht Pine Needles Garden Qub. After • r ^sinshwfamily.sheworkedforDavid P. Mast, attorroy, for about 6 years. . Survivors include: 3 sons. Keith B. ™ge of Mocksville, O. Kendall Hege: "{Cocoanut Grove. Fla., and Geoige LrHegeofCharlotte:5grandchildren; 1 greal-gtand-I cljild; and 7 step-gieal-grandchildren. I IA graveside service was conducted; at: 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 3 at the MbravianGraveyardbytheRev.DavidFischier. ^ Memorials may be mode to the n Moravian Church Band ofWistmas Decorating Committee Fund. y William N. McKamy i/ ' Mr. William Northcote McKamy, 8^, of Advance, died Tuesday, Aug. 29, at his honie in Bermuda Village with congestive heart failure. A long-time executive with the J. WalterThompson Advertising Agency inNew York and chairman of the plans board ofLong, Haynles & Cttrr Adver tising in WiiMon-Solem, he was re tired and had lived in Bermuda Village for four years. Before entering the advertisingbusi- ness in 1939, he worked for radio sta tion KMOX in St. Louis. He attended Northwestern Univeisity. After going to New York in 1945 from Louisville, Ky. Mr. McKamy was asked by Time Magazine to sit for a portrait of V.M. Molotov, the Soviet foreign minister to whom Mr. McKamy bore a striking resemblance. The cover was published in late 1945. Survivors include: his second wife, Helen Weed.formetlyof Omaha. NeE; 2 sons, Kent C. ofNew York, N.Y. and R. Neil of Charlotte; and a daughter, Brooke H. Beebe of Briaicliif Manor, N.Y.: 8 grandchildren. His fust wife, Magdelon Hamilton, died in 1988. The family asks that contributions be made in Mr. McKamy's name to tlie American Heart Association. Services were private. Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC DAVffiCOJJNTY ENTERPIUSE_RECORD, Sept 7,1995 - Willis Mock Sr. n Mr. Willis "Biir Mock Sr., K2. of ^ Ixxinglon. died Thursday. Aug. 31. ijyS ul BuplisI Hospital in Winslon- .Slilcm. ; Mi.MockwaslmrninThoniasville iifi April 16. 1913. the srm of John I'aisonMock.indraniiicTalbeflMock. ifc was the graiKlson of Isaac Henry "fecii" Mock.Slid Mary AdelinePhelps hiiK'k of Advance. • He graduated from Thomasville High School in 1933. He played fool- h^ll at Rulhcrforil Junior College ain! (Jjik Ridge Military Academy. He pljiycd Itisehall for Unique Furniture Milkers of Winslon-Salem and wtis a cturlcr memliei of Greensboro Elks Udge 214. He worked for Nationwide Itiiurance and P.it Winston Really iti Otccnsboro and retired in 1979 as inn- kiper at Holiday Inn of Lexington. Mr. Mock was a member of the Memorial United Methodisl Cliurcli antltlwRI-. Po|>cSundaySchoolCiass iiiTliomasville. Survivors include; his wife. Sybil liUis Mock; a son and daughter in law. Willis and Margaret L. Mock of ftiedcricksbuig. Va.; a daughter and son iti law. Sn/.anttc M. and Rolicrt H.JcssupSr.ofGiccnsboro-.dgnuidchil- drpn: a great-gi;itidchlld. Funcial serviceswere at4 p.m. Sun- slay. Sepl. 3 at J.C. Green and Sons Funeral Hamelti'niomasviiiewillilhc Rev. Uaviil Mclloti offlciiiting. Bitrial wis in Roral Ganlcn Park Cctnclcry in llinh Point Rodney dMcNeU Rodney Cliiisiophcr McNeil. 25.0fClemtn.ms,diedSatutUay,Scpt2al his residence- He was bom in IredcllCounty June to 1910. a son of Gail Dullard otHarmony and the late Franklin McNeill. ,Heissurvivilby;hisw.fe.Sa^ra Ashley McNejl; his mother. Oail Dullard McNeil of Harmony; a sisterWinifred OwenofHannony.maiernagrandmother. Mrs. CloyccBuliard of Harmooy. Graveside services were at L p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5 at Sandy SpringsBapiivtChutcliCemetcry.YadkinviUe, with the Revs. Paul Simpson. David Kiscr and Howard Wagoner ofncial- in|. Eleanor M. Nelson I Mrs, Eleanor M. Nelson. 84. o^ Bermuda Village, died Saturday. Augj. 26. iq-IS. Memorial services will beheld ajJ p.iii.'nii\rsday.Sept.7.iii ShailowfofiJ; Presliytcrian Church. Mrs. Nelson was a trustee einenC^ ofUoixl College in Frederick. and pist president ofthe 1 loodCoJfeg^ AliuiinaeAssociation. Shewasarnem.^ her of the Woman's AssociatioiT^Sliallowfordl'resb)lcriaiiCliurcK._S(^ in St- Jean Quebec. C.inada, she In Summit, N.J.. for .K) years bett^ moving to Bermuda Village in l?^}'i;Survivors include: her huslja'ctfc^Geofge:ason.Danicl.niid3graiKfchlP;; dien. Jack Warren Paige Mr J.ackWacicnPaige.76.ofU.S.- llwy l5«U.asl.Mock.svi«e.died-niuts- A,„. 31 !995alKishome. * il'Sr^ceBapto Church, Dundee. '''■GSdomtliia.yri'"'^'"'"";I -inlbvlhe UthDidtidMenHinalG— V,..™. .1 p.. w. siss JohnFronUin,^^",^^^ of Peace JisVp'Sae,*''-"'-'''''- a^Zgrcat-gtaDdchiWiM-' Robert Mi Nicks Sr. Mr. Robetl'Mclboume Nicks Sr., 72. of 143 Metcliani lame. AdvarKC.died Sunday evening, Aug. 27. l99Sal Forsyth Memorial llospiial. He was bom March 27, 1923 lo Sherman Glenn Nicks and Beulah Clioplln Nicks. He resided in (be Win- slon-Salem area for imrsl ofhis life. Mr. Nicks was a veteran of World WarII as anaval aviulur. He worked us an ofFicer with ihc Winslon-Salem Police Dept. and wa.s in aulomolivc sales. He wasanieniberoflbe MasonicOrder, '. He was preceded in death by a sis- ler. KcbeccaNlcksPiercc.and 2 broth ers. Elmer C. Nicks and Kenneth G. Nicks Sr. Survivors include; 3 sons, Robert M. Nicks Jr.. .Stephen W. Nicks and William Gregory Nicks. Funeral services were at Westiawn Canlens of Memory InOenunonson Friday. Sept. 1. with the Rev. Amell Harris ofhelating. Memorials may be made lo the Atnerican Hean Assoc.. c/o Phoebe Kirkinan, 101 BtainplonCl., Winslon- Salem, NC 27106; or to the American Cancer Society, 1900 S. Hawthorne Rd., Suite 622, Winslon-Salem, NC 27103- DAVIE COUNTY ENT^H^ &pt 7,1995. <3v \ Rufus Burl TUttle Mr. Rufus Burl Tulllc, 79. of Wal- / nulCove.iliedat home Thursday, Aug V 31.1995. He was bom 10 ihe 'lole Joseph Sealon and Susan Chaii lyYatesfuttle. HewasamemberofSlokesbuig United^ Methodist Church in Walnut Cove. He was preceded in death by a sis ter, Ma^ Pansier. Survivors inciude: his wife of 57 ycars.RuthWanBnTdttIeoflhchonic; a daughter and friend, Hilda Sheiton and Biii Bennett of Walnut Cove; 6 sisters and 3 brothers in law, EOie Marshall of Advance, Gladys and Cllnard Nonis of WInston-Salem, Stacy and Paul Hobson of Yodkinville, Stella Boles of PfafRown, Pauline Tilley of Lexington and Roslie and Don Collins of Rutai Hail; 3 brothers • and sisters in law, Rcnzie imd Naomi ^ Tunle and Wayne iuid Esta Tkiitle.of Winslon-Salem, and Max and Kaye Tutlle ofGermanton; 3 grandchildren; and a greal-gtanddaughler. Funeral services were at 2:30 p.m. Saturday,Sept.2atStokcsburgUnited MelhixlistChurch with the Rev. Jinuny Jones ofneiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Samuel R Warden Sr. / SamuelEdwardWardenSr.,68,of Winslon-Salem, died Monday, Sept. 4,1995, at N.C Baptist Hospital. He was bom march 14, 1927 in Forsyth County to Robert L. Warden Sr. and Ruth Everidge Warden, Mr. Warden served in the U.S. Navy dur ing World War 11. He was the pastmasteroftheAdvanccMasonicLodge No. 710 A.F.&A.M., and past com mander of VFW Post 9010. He was coordinator of the District 11 Memo rial Honor Guard in aemmons, and; • was a ntemherof Ftalemity Church of the Brethren, , ,:. n , "'Survivotsinclude:hiswife,Audtey n Church Warden of the home; 4 sons, Michael Warden;0f Salisbury, Sam Warden Jr.. of Lraington, Shane Ed- _ watdofFalls, Pa., and Robert Wardw ' of Bonifay, Fla.; 3 daughters, Debbie Andrews of Advance, Crystal Marie Warden of the home, and Yuvonne Phillips of Yorktown, Va.; 10 graiid- children; 4 sisters, Mrs. M.C. "Sadie BerrierofMidway.Mrs. W.D. "Edith" Fanner andMrs..LD."Elher Blakeley, both of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Robah "Katherine" Hicks of Lewis- ville. 'Mr. Warden was preceded in death by his parents and 2 brothers, R.U. Warden Jr. and Cletus "Pete" Warden. Funeral services were heidat2p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6 at Haywonh- MillerSilasCreekChapel by theRevs. A.G. Parker, Robert Roller and Ed Sears. Entombment followed at Parklawn Memorial Gardens Mauso leum with full military graveside rites by District 11 Memorial HonorGuard. Memorials may be made to the District 11 Memorial Honor Guard. 2833 Woodard Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27127. Davie County Public Library Mocksviller NC . Sw DAVE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept 14,199S Zachary Keith Bell ;: Zuchaiy Kcilh Dell,seven of Lexinglon, died Thureday, Se^ 7. I99S al N.C. Baplisl Hospil^ in Win- slon-Salem. He was bom Aug. 31,1995 in For- sylli County to Miehellc Renee^nd Steven KeiA Deli. > Surviving arc his parents oHthe hoiDc; grandparents, Ruth L. BeR of U-Kinglon. J.K. and Maty Smith of Mocksviilc, M:n and Vickie BallanI of Sliuiiey. Daniel Hi-il of Winston- .Saieiii ;iiid Willl.itn .Sioitli of MncVv- villc; great antndptrrentv, Jaincv and Uiln Mae .Smith of Mix'kwiiie: gieal- preal gnindmotiifr, Mtity Ciougil i>f Mocksviite: ttnd vcr'citd tiuntv timl iirKies Funerji.services were heldat .3 p.m. .Sept. 10. at Canaan Unilcti MelliudiO Cliuati with tlw Rev. Joseph Weslfali ofliciitting. Duiiai followed irt the vinimh ceiTwtciy. Memorials nitiy Ivc made loCiti.itni UriiledMctlK>listC'inia-ii, l760.Shady Citove Giurcli Rotui. Wmslon-S.aiem, N.C. 27ir)7. Ferry Arnold Doby Ferry Arnold Doby. 59. of Doby Road. Mocksvlllc.died Saturday. Sept, 9, 1995 at ForsytliMctnoriid Hospital in Winslon-S.aletn after being in de clining tiealih fur a year and seriously ill for two moiilhs He was bom in Surry County July 29, 1936 to the lidc Walter Henry and DIlie Frances I'arkcr Doby and was employed as a rtveiharric with the N.C. Dcpartmcnl of Transportation for 22 years. j Hewasaitiemberof Sandy Springs Baptist Church in the Lone Hickory commuiutywRcrchewasadeaconand a tiKmberot lhe Brotherhood Men's Group. He was niatiied Nov. II. 1995 to Unda Ruth Reavis. who survives. In addition to his wife, survivors lncludeason,SieplienA."Stevc''Doby of Mocksvilli!; a grandsoo: 2 btttlhers. J.D. Doby of Winslon-Salem and Gar net N. Doby of Cleveland; 5 sisters, Christine Cobb of Winston-Salem, Marie Elmore, Dorothy Crowson. Shirley Chapman and CarolynTaylor, allofSlalesviUe. He was preceded in death by a brother. Ralph Dan Doby. Funeral services wereconducted al 3 p.m. Sept. 11. al Sandy Springs Bpp- (jsl Church with die Revs. David L. Kiser. R. HowardWagonerand Paul S. Simpson ofTicialing. Burial followed In (he chiuch cemetery. Memorials may be made lo Ilie ; church or charily ofthe donor'schoice. Melvin C.,Crawford " ^ MclvinCarlyleCrawrordSr.,63,of i Lexington.dicdSunday.Sept. 10.1995'1 at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston- ; Salcm after'lb months of declining i health. ' •, ' ( Funcrtd services were conducted at ' 2 p.m., Sept. 12, at Davidson Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Ron Free- ] man. Burial wasintheForest Hill Memo rial Park with milila^ graveside rites by VFW Post 3074. He was bum in Creig County, Va., July 12. 1932; 10 Matt Lcc Crawford andAmyllostterCrawford. Hewasa carpcnlcf with Lexinglon Furniture Industries Plant HI cunstcucliun/main- Iciiance crew.' He was a veteran of tlic Korean Coiiflitl.amcmbcrofVl-'W Post 3074. Amvels Post 1.3. and a life member of Amcrii;an Legion Posl 8. He was preceded in death by a son. Roger AdkinsCtawford.in l%l. Survivingarehis wife.AliceAdkins Crawford of the home; 3 sons Melvin C. Crawford Jr.. Jeffrey Wayne Crawford .Sr. and Timothy Warren Crawford, all of Lexington: a daugh ter, Janet Ann Crawford ofthe home; 3 brothers, Porter C. Crawfonl of Vir ginia Beach, Va.. Denny G. Crawford of Tyro, and Raymond Crawford of Mocksvillc: 2 sisters, Juanitu Waldron of Hardy, Va.. and Peggy Colston of Lexington; utxld grandchildren. Donald Felker j WilllamDonaldFelker.55.ofLex- Ingtoii.dicdMonday.Scpt. 11,1995atl.cxing[o;i Memorial llosjiital aller a brief illness. Hewa.sbomNov.4, l939inDavie County,to.William Dewey Felker and: M4^^}»Ei|e^McDanielFclker He■, operated Sllvto Valley Gmcery for 18• years before retiring. Survivors include his wife, BettyTysingcr Felker of the home; a son,Dgnajd W. Felker of Lexington; his mother of Mocbyillc;'2 brolhers,Jolinny ftlker ofDemon and Leonard felkerofTennesM; '5 sisters. WillieMae Yarborough and Betty Godbey,both of Lexington. Jessie Ruth Smith andElizabclh Hendren, lioth of Mocks-villc. and MargieMiller ofCleveland; and 4 grandchildren. Funeral services were to be conduced at-2 p.m. Sept 13, atBriggsFuneral Home Chapel in Demon bytheRev. Ltuiy Peterson with burial fol-'owmg in ForestHillMemorial in Lexinglon, , Raymond Wesley Daniels/ Raymond Wesley Daniels, 83. ofCiadslone Road. Mocksville. died Thursday momiiig.Sepl. 7.1995 at hishome aflcr being i„ declining health.I Ic was bom in Davic County. MayM. 1912 to the late Silas Dulin amiAnnie Martin Daniels and was retiredfrom Ingcisoll-Rand Coiporation. He had also workcdforawltileal Burling-Ion Industries in Cooie-cmee. He vasamember of Liberty United Methodist Church.Surviving are his wife of60 years.Sarah Lucille Shulcr Daniels of iliehome: 2 daughlers. Diunne Sain andJoyce James, both of Mocksville; 5 grandchildren; 5 great grandchildren;4 sjstcrs. Margaret Seamon. BelleDi>gcr. Minnie Foster and Peggy Tut-tennv. all ofMocksviJJc; and a brother. Sam D.-micIs of Mocksville.l^ncral services were held at 2p.ni.Sept. 9, al Eaton Funeral Chapel withIhe Revs. D.wld Keep and E.M. Jamesofnciating. Buiial followed in UberlyUnited Methodist Church Cemetery.Memorials may beconsidered fromIheCemclety Fund ofLibcOy UnitedMethodist Church, c/o Bruce Hinkle, 2702^''"'^ Lane. Mocksville, N.C. Davie County Public LibraijfMocksville, Ntt. - DAVIE COUNTY ^NT^RISE R^ORD, Sept 14, i995 v/ T £ •5 / Wilbur Fuller Hymah Wilbur i'uUer Hyman, 75, of Wig SirccI, Mocksville. died Tliursday morning. Sepl. 7.1995. a'l N.C. napiist Hospital ill Winslon-Salcm. He waslKim in Dalliniorc. Md. June 30.1920 to the late l-runcis Clnttde and I'car! l-lllngton liyniait and was the manager of hhvk Place Apartitlcnts for the piist 11 yeais. He was the fotnter execntive secic- tary for the Mocksville-Davie Ch.im- berofComtnetvc and was formerly the office manager of American Hospital Supply with 25 years of sers ice. He sersed in the U.S. Anny Air Corp during World War II in the Pa cific llteatci on Tinian Island. 1 le was a former itiemher of MiKksville Ro tary and was prc.sently scrsing on the Davie Nursing Domiciliary/lloitic Advisory Committee. Surviving are his wife. Beniiece Beightel Hyman of the hotne; 2 daugh ters. Wilda Mitchell of Matthews and Connie B. Call of Moclcsville; 4 sons. Charles W. Hytnan of Coppell. Texas. Jerome I,. Hyman of Hope. Kan.. KntiaUl L. Olds Jr.and John A. Olds, both of Winston. Mo.; 11 grandchil- dien: 8 great grandchildren; and a sis ter. Margaret l.ujxrr of Lconardtowit. Md. Ftineral services were held at 2 p.m. Sept. II). at l;alou I'liner.i! Chapel with Henry Riilge ofliei.ating. Biitial fol lowed ill Rose Cemetery. Mernoriids may he considered for Cancer Services. 622 North Main Street. Mocksville. N.C. 271)28. Elizabelli Price y l-lizahcth Ucelsford Chambers Price. 83. of Country L.Tne. Mrwks- ville. dicil llniisday. .Sept. 7. 199,8 .it her home. She was bom in Philadelphia. Pa. Sept. 9. 1911 to the late William and Mary Knuna Snyder BeelsfonI and wasa retired owner and publisher of thiee newsjiapcrs in Pennsylvania. Her first husband. Frank E. Cliam- bers. died in 1947. Her sccrtnd hus band. Clamnce Price, died in 1972. Survivors include 2 daughters. Nelda Lynne Massoth of North Pomfret. Vt. and Constance L. Cltam- hcrs of Andover. Conn.; 5 grandchil dren and 4 great grandchildren. The brxly was l.ikcn to Fosters Fu neral Home in Collingswood, N.J. for services and burial in Harlcigh Cem etery in Catnderi. N.J. I Thky E. McDanier ^' J \ Troy Eugene McDaniel Sr., 67. of I ; Dulin Road. Mocksville. died Satur- ; day morning. Sept 9.1995 at Fbtsyth I Memorial Hospital. I Funeral services were held at 2 p.ti). n Sept. I I. at Eaton Funeral Chapel with I • tite Revs. Ray O'Fetrell and J-C. Lane n officiating. Burialfollowedintbecem- • elery of Dulin United Methodist ; Church. ; Memorials may be considered for ; the Oxford Orphanage, 6(X) College : Street. Oxford. N.C. 27565. Masonic ; gravcsiiJe rites weic conducted by Mocksville Masonic Lodge. ; He was bom In Davie County. Sepl. ; .26,1927 to the late George Bonus and i Ivey Comatzer McDaniel and was a • retired memberof Dulin United Meth- odist Church and a member of Mocks-' 1 ; ville Masonic Lodge. I ; Surviving are his wife, Bonnie i JantesMcDanieiofIhehoine,2(^gh-: [ t lets. Debbie Beck of Mocksviile. and I '■ Lisa McLelland of Advrmce; 2 sons.Troy "Mackie" McDaniel and Todd,I . MgDaniel.buthofMocksville;3g)and-i children; 2 sisters, Ruth Foster of ■ - Mocksville and Hazel Cobble of Advance; anda brother. Bob McDaraei of Mocksville. Ruby RatledgeI Ruby Mae Ratledge, 90, of N.C.I 801. Mocksville, died Friday, Sept. 8. 1995 at Davie County Hospital. ShewasbomJan. 18. lOOS.adough-tcr of the late Ellen and J.A. Baity. OnOcl. 17. l925.shcntarriedQelus 11. Ratledge. who preceded herindeath Aug. 4.1989. She wasalsopicccdedtndcalhby a brother and two sisters. Site wasahomemakerond lifelongmember of Counney Baptist Church. She is survived by 2 daughters. Marie PowellandZeliaGough, both ofMtK-ksville; 2 sons. Herman Ratledge ofMucksvilleandThumiond Ratledgeof Joticsville; 3 gtandchildren; 2 step- grandchildren; 2 step-great grandchil dren and 6 step-great grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at11 a.n). Sept. 11, at Mackie-Genliy l-uncral Home and Chapel in Yadkin- ville with the Rev. John Brown olfici-ating. Burial followed in the CounneyBaptist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made toCounney Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Betty Smith, 4207 N.C. 801 N.. Mocksville, N.C. 27028. )/ jEdwanJMfflerJ Edwaid Miller. 88, of Forest City.■ diedTuesday.SeptS, 1995 atForsylh I It i i I ; t, twi w. »"Miller. He was retired from B.r.';Huntley Fiimiture Company and was; of the Holiness faith.; He was preceded in death by his^ wife. Marie Brown Miller, in 1954.2 Surviving are 3 daughters, Odessa> Martin of Gastonta, Josephine Uyelli; of State Road and Dorothy Nickelsotii; of FOrest City; a son. Glenn Miller ofV Advance; 19 grandchildren; several^gnsat grandchildren and great-greatgtandchildren.A graveside service was held at 2- p.m. SepL 8, at Hollywood Cemetery; conducted by the Rev. Gary Helton. j: 1 Aaron Roosevelt White Aaron Roosevelt White, 84, ofGrannaman Drive, Mocksviile. dW • Saturday morning, Sept. 9,1995 at his ; home. He was bom in Davie County, ■ March 3.1911 to the late Joseph and; Lucietia Boyd White and was a retired • shippingclctk with Winston Fumilure; company with 35 years of service.During World War il. he served In; the U.S. Army. He was a member of.;ljames Crossroads Baptist Church where he had been a Sunday Schooli; teacher.afoimerdeaconandamcmber■; of the church choir.Survivingaiehiswife,LuraAnders '; White of the home; 2 daughters. Dor-•; othy While Giannaman of Mocksville1 and Wilma While Shelley of.GeoiBeIown.S.C;2sons. Doug While :;and Richard White, both of Mocks-2 ville; 10 giandchildien; 8 gieat giand-2 children; 4 sisters. Naomi Ijames of■; HaWjny, Rachel Call of Coolecmee.> Annie Belle Ingram ofMocksville and1 Vemclle Bodcnheimer of Winston-1 Salem; and a brother. John White of 1 Mocksville. •i Funeral services were held at 11 ;:a.m. Sepl. 11. at Ijames Crossroadsj Baptist Church with the Rev. Ben Mull; officiating. Burial followed in the'church cemetery.- ' Memorials may be considered for 2the' C^pieteiy Fund of Ijames Ctoss-- roads Baptist Church, c/o Robert• Rogers, 569 Sheffield Road. Mocks-• ville. N.C. 27028 or to Davie County• Hospice. P.O. Box 665. Mocksville. •N.C. 27028. Aft c— Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO • DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, SepL 21,1995 Ruby Bivias Buiiies Ru('>' niviiis IliinR'-v. 7S. of Salis- bur^MliciiTik'siby, Sc|U-12,199.1.al ho lionii: afler a period of detlining iiealih. Bom I'eh, 1, 1917, in Cooleemee. she was a (liiuyliicr of the laic Joseph Matk and Minnie Ridenhour Bivins, Educated in the Davie County schools, she w as a gioduale of Cool eemee lliith .School. Fonnerly em ployed at Erwin Mills in Cooleemee, site later worked with Rowan Food Service for IJ years, Slie retired in 1979 from Hocschl-Ceianese after ID years with the company, A inetither ofYadkin United Meth odistQiurch in.S|icncer, she wasactive In tlie adult Sundtiy School class and the United Methodist Women, She was alsoa memberofthe Salisbury Retired Citizens Qub. • A son. Jantcs Dewey Barnes Jr., tlicdSept.. ID, 1985, • Survivors ineltide her husband, James IJ. Barnes, wlioin she married Dec. 17, j9Jl!;a datiglitcr. Suzanne B, Turner of Salisbury; 5 grandcliiidren; and 7 great graiidchiidrcn. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Sept, 1.1, at SuinmersetlFunenil Home Chapel hy the Rev, Fred A. Hill, pastor of Yailkiii United MelhixJisI Chinch. Buritd followed at Rowan Memorial Park. Mentittials may be made to Yadkin United Metlwdist Church, c/oTed A. Moore, 114W, l7thSt„Spencer,N.C, 281 -19 or Rowan I lonwCaic. P.O. Box IGOJ.Satlshury.N.C. 28145-1603. Lola Parks Clement l-ola Parks "Big Mama" Clemei^tfofFairficldRoad.Mocksville.died fuesday.Sept. 12.1995. at her home.Bom' May 25. 1903. in YadktnCounty, she was a daughter of the late GtLsion and Addcline Parks Hwslon. Shewaseducated intlteYadkinCoiiWy schools A retired domestic worker,:itiaemberofUber,yAMEZion Oturch and a volumcer for several 3 C.-.ParksofMocksviUe. LoyalClementof Osing, N.Y. and Haydcn Clement ofAshevillc; 6 daughters. Jean C, Murdoch of Salisbury. Mary CLipscontb of Cooleemee. Ahee tune. Lola Pcttiford, Hannah McC^^ftggyC. Jones. allofMocl^Ue; 56 gtartikhildren; 57 great gr^hil-dren;and23 great-greatgrandchildren. Norris William Feimster Nonis William Feimster. 89. for- k mctly of Harmony, died Wednesday, Sept. 13. 1995. at Maple Uaf Health Care Center in Slaicsvillc. He was bom in Inalell County Jan. 11.1906 to the laic Waller Columbus and Birdie Ward Feimster, He was a retired farmer andhad worked with theN.C.DepartmemofTransportalionfor 20 years. After retiring at 62, lie was a Har mony Town police oftlccf for several years before raking up gardening and fishing. He wasamcmber ofHarmony United Methodist Clturcli where he was a former inislcc, usher and care taker. He was preceded in death by his wife, Aileen Current Feim-ster April 7. 1990. A brothcf. Waller Durand Feimsler, and a sister, Margaret F, Jenkins, also preceded him in death. Survivors include 3 sons, A. Dent Feimsler of Hamplonville, Jimmy S, "Jim'FeimstetofHarmonyandDwighl F.' "Doby'.Fetmslef of Clarernont; adaughter. Ruth F.'Welah^'of.I^ j pentJ^. Va.; 10 gninc^ldten; II, ; great grandchildren; 2 biotJiers.'Rob-enW.FeinuleiQfHaimonyandFrank ' D-FeimsierofStatesville-.andasisjer. j EdnaF.SloinofH^ony. ; Funerol services were eoridticted at c3 p,m. Sept. 15. at Harmony "United■Melhodist,Church" with (he'.'Revs. " Jeffery Coppley and William. W, ; • BlMttnoftic'ialing. Burial foUowrt in HWiony Cemetery. Henry L. Dulin I HcnryL.DulinJr.,71.ofl70Wil.k" liams Street. Mocksvillc. died Tuesday. Sept. 12.1995arFofsyih Memo-riiil Hospital in Winslon-Salcm,Bom Aug. 30, 1924. in DavieCounty, he was ason ofihe late Henryand Elizabeth Cloulh Dulin, Survivors include 2 brothers,Ceorge Dulin and John Dulin, both ofMocksville; and3 sisien, Betty Diijin of Winsron-Salem. Elizabeth Dulin ofSalisbury and Mamie Smith of Buf falo. N.Y. Funeral services weie conducted at .3 p.m. Sept. 16,alMorrison-SludcvenlFuneral Home with die Rev, Donald Ray Jenkins ofTiciadng, Burial fol lowed In Rose Cemelety, Kathleen WhiHey GrayKathleenWhideyGray.6^'®^^ Run Drive.Mocksville. diedSept. 18,1995alDavieCounlyHospt-"'"Shewasbom0c..30.1925in Davie County schools. She was reu^^m Norman's of Salisbury w Memorial Park. . ^^feu-caro-Memorials may be in^UnaBible camp, «5N, Mam Street. Mocksville. N,C. 27028. Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Sept. 21,1995 Nellie Hitterow Green Nellie Tuiiurow Citccn.95. of June. limi Road. Cooieeiiicc, died Miimiay, Scpl, IS, I'W, at Autumn Care of Mockssillc. Site was bom in l>:ivie County Feb. 14,1900 to tlie late I Icnry G. iind Hetty Arrtnglon Tutterow and had been a liotiicinaker. She was a memberofthe C'laia-h of Jcsiis Chiisl of Uitlcr Gay SainlsatClcinnions.wa.san asidtiutlter luid gaalcncf ami espaially enjoyed fishing. She was a member of Jericho ilaixlison Ruiitan CUih. tier husband, James Rurris Green, preccdni lierin ileathin 1965. Sun isors ineluilcd dau^ters. laJra Beck of Winston .S.ilern, Marie Haiie.s niKl HeiiiiceSaniKlers.NilhofMocks- ville. and .Shirley Siroiid ofSlalesville; •1stins.James farltiieen.HohbyCletin Green. Kcimeili Ray Gnaen aivl John Waycv Cireett. all of M<ick.sville: .10 grandchildren-. .'(>great grrttnicliililreti iirtd H gmat great gtartdchildren. Funeral ser\ ices wetv to be helil tit II a.m. .Sejil. 21, al Haton Futieral Oia|iel syilh Hishop Starr Eckltulilt officiating: Burial follonedin tltc Cen ter United MetlKHlist Church Cetn- cicry, Mcntorials tiiiiy Ite made to the Cemetery FundofCcitlerllniicdMeth odist Church, c/o Bill Seaford. U.S. Uwj. W \V.. MiK-ksvlllc. N.C. 27028. Victor J.D. Moore VictorJ.D. Moore died at his home rtt Bentiuda Village in Advance Sept. 15, !'W5. lie wa.sbaminTale,Tenn. in !9I2. He graJu.attrd from VirginiaTech Uni versity in 1954 with a degree in chemi cal engineering and became a DuPont empliaycc where he worked for 40 years, he served in Argentina aixl as plant inanageratOiestnul Run inWilm ington. Gel. After retiring, he lived at Hilton Heat! IslitntI, S.C., St, Thomas in the Virgin Islands and Dciieair. Fla. In 1989, he and his wife moved to Ber- itiuda Village. He is survived by his wife. Ruth; and 5 eliildren. Walter Moore of Mailmsvillc. Va.. Bliaabelh Lawrence of Aslieville. James Moore of Rich- nwiid, Va., Gail Ward of New Bern andTitnothy BranamanofMonument Colo.; and 7 grandchildren. A private service will be held in Wilmington, Gel. < Alton Stanley Renegar l\ Alton Stanley Renegar. 69, of ; Mocksville.diedFridaymoming.SepI. • 15.1995 at his home. He was bom in Iredcll County Nov. I. 192.5. to Silas and Lizzie Croce . Renegar. He was a farmer, retired from . Dtexel-Heril.ige i-uniiturcCompany. i avcieraitofWorldWarllaixlamem- berofLiberiyBaptistChurchviherche . scrvcdusadeaeon and Sunday Schtxjl ; tcaelier for many years. I ;Surviving arc his wife. Maltie ;McEwen Renegar of tJie home; his I^onilier of-Harmony; 2 sisters. Nina ','JJ^ion ofMocksviUe and Belly Ruth ' t;Bj|ownofNorthWi1kesbo'ro;abnDlher. t • ;C^iie'Reneg!iTOfMocl»^lle;sevcntl i ''intpiesBiid'nephews. was preceded in dMth by his iJojiienason.RandyRenegarin 1971: : 'I^a.brother.0del1 Renegar.' ' I •^^funetalserviccswcreheidatSp.m. /i'iSdgt. iV.ai Liberty Baptist Church by I llthe^Rcva. Marvin Blackbumr Roger j srtd Guy T. Robbins.. Burial { ;!Mlpwed in the church cemetery with ' ;Zme^deacott board of Liberty Baptist ;2^urch serving as pall bearers. •Arthur Done'Pierce • Arthur T. "Doiie" Pierec. 72, ofWattsStreet.Coofeemec. died Sunday ,995. at Autumn (/ rnoming. Sept 11. 'vv .CareofMocksville. • HewasbominDavteCoun^.Dea13 1922. to the Uie Charles Edward was retired from Erwm Mills. : For reveral years ^«ngerwilhtheN.C.SlatcParksCom-Sion. stationed in MoreheadC^ W was later an insltucl.rr w.th theVocational Rehabilitation WorkshopiR^rCountyHehadalsobeena i^'vli^ w'^Rulh 1°"-'='" ceded him in death - Surviving are a daughter, PeggyPieeTcon^" of Mocksville; a s^.RichatdPieroeofMoeteviU^Ag^; rhildten- 4 great grandchildren. 2rets. Mabel KiUianttfClemmons^ P ultneRice of Atlanta. Oa.t and 2brothers. Charles H.Pterce of^and Williams. Pierce ofMoeks '"Funeralsetviecswereheldan^ Sept 12. at Vtciory Baphst ChurchJhtheRev.Shelbyllarbourorr^-Ing.Buriid followed at Ugion Memo Vieioty Baptist Church. Cooleer^N d 27014 or to the Cooleemee HToSal society. Church Street, cool. cemee,N.C. 27014, Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC. • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, SepL 21,1995 y -o 0\ N. Edwin Richard Smith y Edwin Richard Smilh, 90, of Ad vance, died Sotuhlay afternoon. Sept 16, li^SalFor^MemorialHospibd following a tenglhy illness. ,He was bom in Monlicellp; Ky„ a sonofH^CandMaiyDobbsSmilh.He graduated froin:BdwIiiig Green University in QoWling Green, Ky, and ^letiredjfi^Ej^andfnajked^^^ n«anager,HehadwcitkedforExxonfor more than 36 years.' He is sujyjyed by his wife, Evelyn Prichaid Sndill'd^tlie home; ason,E WchardSiruth^<^iisboix):2giand-:sons; a brt^, Cl»^ D. Smith of Winter Hav^ijia^ asister. Ceo^a BlairofSasa|^;pid^ j ;.,., ' ^ i A lUhertil,^ei^ce*was conduct^ at Voglef Clemtoons Chapel Sept. 19, ' el ^30 pmi, by the Rev, H. Samuel Carter,; Entombntent foUpwed in. Westlawn Qardens of Menu^'Mmr- splermijT ; ' riiadeltp^the American H!^'-||^ialioif,'iRigi6n 3,1386_West^dini5*Dr., Witistcih- Salem, N.C, 27103-2949. 'jfebitlia Mae York•^itfia Mae Trivetie York rw ftb, 17 'i ■' ®l''®''e''ghterofthel3to'I J^v.:and.Harri«, "^"WradfromB&FShinMl f 'eide "*• e^"8liter, :'iiSSSrar<ssi" w-r . ^ i o H- DaMi®count!/ DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, SepL 28,1995 • Ana Belle C. Elmore Mr:. Aiiii Hc-llc Ciablree Elmofe, 77,ofria!)lti-cRii.i(), died earlyThurs day iiioniiini.,Se|il. 21. I')95at(wsylh Memorial ll<i:|)iial. riincial '■eis ice.'! were aid p.m.SkI- urday.Si'is. 2.', in Hear Creek Baptist Oiutch wiili the Revs. Richard ILskcw :iik1 Jack Johnsnn offtelallng. Burial followed in the church cemetery. McmoriaK may be consiiierci! for the iTlIowslilpllall i'undofScat Creek Biiplislt'hiirch,'l92 llcarCreck CImicli Road. M.Kksviltr. NC 27()2R.Site was lit>iu in I'i>rsylh County. Jan. IS. iOjS (o the late Willie Rich.ird and Cirace Haily iilinore and was the owner ami opcraUir of Ulmore'.s Store. She was ti former dietician iii Will iam K. IJat'ie School and had also workcil for Monlcigli Camieiil as an inspector Stie ssius a member of Bear Creek Baptist Oiurth where she had served as a Sunday school teacher for 44 yean, and was a chanertnembcr of iheWMU. She was an avid gardener wd a community Samaritan.Her husba^, Grover Elniore. pre ceded her in dealh in 1988. . .. . SurvlvDisincludeadaughler.UKkand of MpckstrillepZ so^ QareDceElmore wd Rich^ Elmoce. both of Mocksville; 7 grandchildren anil 3 greai-gmndchiidrcn.. Mabel Howerton Head • Mabel Howerton Head. 89. diedearly Sunday morning Sept. 24.1995at Rowan Memorial Hospital in .Salisbury after being in declitting.She was born in Gaslon County.Aug. 8. 1906 to the late John andMary Taylor Howerton and was retired with 46 years of service from Erwin Mills.• She was a member of the Cool-eeinecHonte Demonstration Club and attended the Senior Citizens meetings at the Brock Center in Mocksville. .She was also a member of theCoolecntec Historical Society and a member of the Cooleemec Senior Citizens. She was a member of the CoOlcemce Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd.She was preceded in death by a son. A-T. Head. • Survivors include a son. Luther;Head Jr. of Danville. Va.; 8 grand-■children;4 great grandchildren; and 2 Lila Hancock tmd Virginia,both of Cooieemee. \ jS^emorial services will be hcldFri-2 p.ra at the EpiKOpal Church '' ^feCoodSbepheidqiiQiurebSireet .^ooleemee by the Revs. Edwin P.vicor. and Datdd Snipes ofthe'''.JMed Methodist.Church of Lcaing- • J^cmoriak niay be made to the@^pal Chur^ of the Good Shep-,SftPO-Bta l(M7iCooicemce.N.C.. EarselWoodrowHooven-/ EarsclWrnxlrowHoovenSr 75 of Hoover.. He served in the U.S. Armyand was reured from RJ. ReynoJiU Tobacco Company ■^^ynoius Stuon Uooven of the home; .7 sonsEWj|<H,venJr.orKemersvillc,BillyM- Hooveit of ftopewell v, . .M«ksvil|c'^"2s.e^ugh.en:.ViekiByrdorWi„s„;n str. c I " Win-s^n-Salent: 10 gmrxlchildren: and 5great grandchildren. 24 held SentH at Saims Delight Primitive bJsJChurch at 3 p.m. with Elder. Eufic jBennettandM.Langhamo/IickfS j ^yerKoton^rfeyer Koion, 91. of Blun^thai 'J&jsh Home, formerly of Winsion-^W.died Sunday, Sept. 24,1995.!^e is survived 1^2 children, Sand! , Appel ofWlasion-Snlem and Sheldon'Kolcn ofScarsdale, N.Y.tdgroiidchil- dren. Beverly Maurice ofMockisville, IjUiri Bernstein of Suffem. RY., Steven Koton and KenKotonofNetv York. N.Y.'.andS greatgrandchildren, 3 In Mocksville artd 2 in Suffem, RY. Oavie County Public Libraiy WockswI/e, NC DAVIE COUi^ EN^^RI^ ^ W9S • Zannie Kenee Pettiford ZanmcRciiccPellironl.37.ofMill- ingR(Ku].M<K'ksville.fonnerlyorHigli Poim. died Saturday evening. Sept. 23. IW.S.al Forsylh Memorial Hospi tal following a short illness. She was bom in Queens County. New York, daughter of Ben and Mary Lee Scott Pettiford. She was a member of Redland Chureh of Christ and was last employed hy Sara Ijee/HanesCom- pany of Winston-Salem. She is survived by hcrpaienlsof the hnmeta son, Derrick Ulandus Pettiford of High Point: a daughter, Bridgette Necolc Pettiford of High Point; a brother. Perry IVrtiford of Fort Dix. N J.; 2 sisters. Avis Pettiford of High Point and Tracy Deneal Pettiford of Mocksville. A funeral service was to he Iteld at 4 p.m. Sept. 28. at Redland Churhc of Christ in Advance with Minister Magellan Stevenson ofliciating and burial following in the church cem etery. 7 phlbcker ''joseph'nicker,74,dfAdvtutoe,died..j^ 'ednesday ntoming, Sept'2p;.199S,'''i ^ Forsylh Memorial Hospital follow- ' Ijig n brief illness. ' HewashominDavieCounly.ason of Hilary and Ella Riddle Tucker. He was a member of Yadkin Valley Bap- t^ Church. He served in the U.S. Army during World War 11. His service included Normandy, Northern France, lUiineland, Aidetuies and Central Eu rope. He was known as an avid out doors person with a great interest in Ipinting. : A funeral service was conducted at 1.1 a.m. SepL 22, at Vogler's Qem- mons Chapel by the Rev, Donald K. Funderburke, Burial followed in West- lawn Gardens of Memory with mili tary honors hy American Legion Post 2i90ofKing. ' He is survived by his wife, Marga- ivl Turtle Tucker of the home; 2 sons,l^naldJoeTuckerandThomasTucker, l»th of Advance; S daughters, Joyce Smith and Marcia Tucker, both of Advance, Peggy Evans and Cathy Adams, both ofMocksville, and Hilda TumerofTroutman; 11 grandchildren; ^ great-grandchildren; a brother, 1 hurman of,Advance; and a' 8 stcfi Jeaii'CPMo£Ad^hce, ih J; 'f.MemdiidlSiS&^i 'n^ to Hps- d[ lii' pH^iMo^g|cnt/^ (oUruy It^oidltead Jacob Wesley Ward Jacob Wesley Ward, 81, of Salis- V bury, died Friday aDemoon, Sept. 22, 1995, at Salisbury Nursing and Reha bilitation Center after being in declin ing health for two and a half years. Born Oct. 27, 1913, in Davie County, he was the son of the late Nannie Sheets and John Wiley Ward. Educated in the Rowan County schools, he was an electrician for 35 years at Erwin Mills in Cboleetnee andretired from N.C Fmishing Company, He attended Franklin Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Frances MillerWanJ;2$ons,John Wesley Ward ofSLCenevieve,Mo.andHany Miller Ward of Salisbirry; 3 grandchildren; and a great grandchild. n Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Sept, 25, at Summerselt Memo rial Chapel by Dr. Lony E. Summey, pastorofFmnklinPresbyterinnaiurch. Burial followed at Chestnut Hill Cem etery. ,,W^n-Sai^l^C,^f(»^3^ Davie County Public Library Alocksville, NC n DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPIUSE RECORD,.Oct 5,1995 / / Odell L. Adams Odell I,. Adams. 87. of Yadkin- villc. died Tuesday aficmoon. Sepl. 26. IWS.ai I loots Memorial Hospilal. He was horn April 17.1908in Viid- kill County to the laic Wade and Anianda Ilobson Adatm. He was a leiired farmer, carpenter and electrician. He was a member of Union Cross Triends Meeting. Surviving are his wife. Lucille Hob-son Adams of the home; 4 sons. Billy Adamsoflatst Bend, laiwrence Adamsof Boonville. Larry Adams of East Bend jnd Roger Adams of Yadkin- ville; a daughter. Belly Gentle of Mocksville; I2grandchildren; Bgieal grandchildren; a sister. U-xie Fletcher of Pfafltown; and 3 brotheii, Shiiell Adams, Burlie Adams and Charlie Adams, all of Yadkinvillc. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. Sept. 29. at Union Cross Friends Meeting by the Revs. Recce Wall and Jake Penley. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Joan Redinger Davis Joan Redinger Davis, 41, of Rocky Point, died Saturday aRcmoon, Sept. 30.1995.aner being in declining health.She was bom in Sandusky, Ohio, May 28. 1954 to Ann Wornley Redinger of Sandusky and tlte late Robert Rcdingerand was ahomemaker. She had served in the U.S. Army and Navy. Surviving, in addition to hermoliter, is her husband. tZharlie Ray Davis of the home; 2 daughters. Karen Suchan of Ohio and Amanda Diivis of the home; a sister, Janet Hoover of Sandusky; a brother, Robert Redinger of Rhode Island; and licr maternal grandfather, W.O. Womley of Panna. Ohio. Funeral services were conducted at , 11 a.m. Oct. 4. at Eaton Funeral Chaircl with tire Rev. Billy Sloop ofTiciating. Burial followed intheTurrentincBap- ti.st CIrurch Cemetery. Elizabeth Arnold Elirnbeth Pauline Howard Arnold, j 78,ofLewisville,diedSatuttlay,Sept. 30,1995, at Forsylh Memorial Hospi tal. ShewasbomApril2, l9l7inDavie County toTheo and Ada Howard. She was a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church. Surviving are 2 daughters, Betty Arnold Spry of Advance and Peggy Arnold Freeman of Lewisville; a son, Jeny Bradley Arnold of Winston-Sa- lem; 8 grandchildren; and 6 great grandchildren. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m.. Oct. 3, at the Legion Memorial Cemetery in Cooleemee with the Rev. Lester Keaton oritciating. ^reen Brewer Foster / n Loreen Brewer Foster, 96, of Flo-',tcnce.Ala.,fonnetlyofDavieCounty. ' "died Saturday, SepU 30,1995. it TliebodywastobebroughlloEaWn Vpunetal Home in Mocksville. A ' Btavesideservicewastobeheldal 1:30^^m.,0ct.4in the Fork BapUst Church Cemetery with the Rev. Ken Evans ofTiciating. : She was a native of Gasport, inu. • and had lived in Florence for the past '.16 years. • I She was the widow of the late Cap , Foster. n i-.h■' Survivors include a son. Dr. KoijenR. Foster of Florence; a granddaugli-- ten a grandson; 2 sisters. Fannie Estep•of Covington, Ky. and Dorothy KitW:prMontiose,Colo.;and2gieat-gtand- •children.i. Memorials may be made to the U-ibtary Fund of First BapUst Church mFlorence. Ala. .V David Filmore Cleary David Filmoie Geary, 48, of Yad- 'J kinvillc, died Wednesday night, Sept. 27,1995, as a result of an automobile accident on Howell Road in Davie County. HewasbomApril29,1947in[>avieCounty to Clyde and Flora Tutterow Geary. Surviving are his motherof Mocksville; his wife, Mary Jane Murphy Geary of Yadkinvillc, 2 sons, David B. Geary and Barry R. Geary, botli of Yadkinville; 2 daughters, Melis.sa C. Hutchensand Amanda Geary, both of Yadkinville; 2grandchildren; 6 broth-'ers, James Clyde Cleaiy and Bobby Odell Cleary, both of Statesville,Tommy Eugene "Dean" Cleaiy, fXirman Geary and Wayne Cleaiy, all of Yadkinville, Kirk Cleary of h]ocks- ville; and2sisters, Elizabeth Baity and Marie Hawks, both of Yadkinville. Funeral services were held at 3:30 p.m., Oct. I, Courtney Baptist Chuich conducted by the Rev. John Brownwith burial following in the church cemetery. Terry C. GUlaspie/ Terry Columbus Gillaspic, 48, ofCasabella Drive, Advance, diedWednesday allemoon, Sept. 20,1995at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in Win-ston-Salem after being in declining health for two years.He was bom May 25,1947 in For syth County, a son ofWillie Era BogerGillaspie of Advance and the lateBoyden Gillaspie. He was employedwith Hanes Dye and FmishingofWin-ston-Salem and was a veteran of theU.S. Army, serving 1967-69.Surviving.in addition to his mollier,are his wife, Sandra HiltonGillaspieofthehome-.adaughtcr.AngelaGillaspie of Ml. Olive; 3 sisters, Corrina Williams of Lexington, Doris Bradley ofThomasville and ITorothy Stera ofKing; 3 brothers, Melvin and WilliamGillaspie of Lexington and JohnnyGillaspie of Thomasville; and 2 grand children.He was preceded in death by a sis ter.Funeral services were held at2 p.in.Sept. 23, at Eaton Ftateral Chapel inMocksville by the Revs. Bruce Gwynand Dan Maitin. Burial followed inBethlehem United Methodist Church Cemetery. V. Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC - DAVm COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Oct 5,1995 IS \ V 0 Raymond M. Gregory , Raymond McKinley Gregory, 88 </ "I Junction Road. Mocksvillc. died I Inirsday nigln. Sept. 21. IWS a| Au- """» Care ..I .Mocksville. |-u„cralM-'i vices were lield at 2 p.m.. Sept. 24. P""ui al Chiipcl with the Rev. Jefri'cnniiigion orncialing. Burial ibl- luwetl in the largion Menwrial Park in ^"Jolccince. I le w .as born in DavicComily. April lb. 1907 to the late John I-van and vnpima Geneva Campbell Gregotyand had been a textile mill worker He «as a member of Cooleemcx- First »a|)ltst Chutvh. Durittg World Warllhe served in the U.S. Army. Survivors include 2 sisters. Susie lichlsofCooleemtx-andMildraBunch "I Moeksville; a brother. Iva Gregoty"I {(H.lecitiee: and several nieces and nr(ihetts. Jack H. Johnson Jack Hetscel Johnson. 65. of Witi- y sion-Salcm. died Monday. Sew JH'995 a,N.c.Br,p,,,H4£'^|;: sion-Saiern.He was born Feb. |(). jcjjo j„ Ccda,1own.Ga.to.l«..|ate John David I otvell and Jewel Farrow Powell.He Wits a broker for Pacinc Inter- mountain lixpre.s.s Company .and mostrecently worked in security for loss presention.Surviving are his wife, Doris KalHyttJohnson:2sons.GaiyJohti.sonof Wmtcr Haven. Fla. .and Randy Johnson of .Sebring. Fla.; 2 daughters Jacqiiihne lohreson of Tennessee artd leresa DuensofWinter Haven. Fla.:a sister. Virginia Turner of Phuit Citv. Fla.: and 8 grandchildren.A memorial serviec w.as held at 11 •a.m.. Oct. 7.19<J5 at Haywonli-Miller Silas Creek Ch.apcl by the Rev. Steve Kerhoulas. Memorials ittay be ttiadcio the For-sy th County Chapter of the Atnerican CmccrSiiciely. 1900 S. Hawthorned.. Forsyth Medical Park. Suite 622. Wmston-.S.aletii. N.C. 2710.1. J Mary Cleveland Haire CareTMSiffc! ShewasbominElbertCounly.Ga. " the EIM County School SystemSh^^^m^edJohnStokleyHLrn She was an active member of slur w^a vtsttorofthe sick. She w^aOf the Senior Citizens ::d" „r ?!^""8'w2«>ns.Geor8eHaire Wa!h" 'f ""'"e ofWashington. D.C.; 4 grandchildren- 6 Sreat grandchildren; a step-daughierh^Reeceofacntmonstast^SHcttert Haire of G.eensi;orS^7a'^ther. Fred Cleveland of aC" 3d m "w 7'''*' '}^«"K«"ctedat3p.in.Sept29.aiEatonI^ChapdbytheRev.La„yHovis.BurtX'lowed m Rose Cemeteiy MentorialsmaybernadetoMocks-VI c Rrsi Baptist Church. 390 North I" Mocksville. N.C. 27028. SaraliJanie JordanSat^Uanie Jordan, 38. of Batons ^..i'^'^'bslainedinanauto Lill n • r""* "Joe" and "asofthe Baptist Faith.Surviving inaildiiion toher parents villc andPtggy aiS •' Jonlan' lo m wercconductcdat-p in. SepL30.at Eaton FuneralCharrel Jack Johnson omciatitig. Burial foJ in Eaton Baptist Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC y Donald G. Henuick y r "^''O'Jy" Hemrick, 69.of Winston-Salem died Wednesday mommg. Sept. 27. 1995. at his rcsi- dence. He was bora Nov. 23. l925inWin-«on-SaIem to the late Cirl Jesse and Pearl Hudson Hemrick. He was retired from RJ. ReynoldsJob^ Company with 36 years of ^ice. He served in the U.S. Navvduring World War II. Forraotc than 20 years, he was active in AA. He was piccedcd in death by his wifc, Ewla Wooten Hemrick. in 1988. Sui^'TORinclLdeadaughter.UndaMane H. GullegeofWinslon-Salcm- 3 grandchildiien: a brother. Charles R.Hemnck of Winslon-Salem; and 2 sis-•ers. N^ H. Charles of Mocksville and Barbara H. Reich of Clemmons. Funeral services were conductedSept. 29. at 2 p.m. at Vogler & Sons MainStreeiChapelbytheRev.Geoige C^iddte. Burial followed in OaklawnMemonal Gaidens, Memorials may be made to Hos-pice of Winsion-Salem/ForsythCounty. Iloo-C S. Stratford Road. Wrnston-Salem. N.C. 27103. AmosM.Kiser . Rev. Amos M. Krser Sr., 88, of Cbeny vi He. passed away at Cleveland Memorial Hospital in Shelby OcL I. i«5. n AtiatlvcofGastonia,hewastbeson of^the late Henry Clay and Bessie Al exander Krser. ; A graduate of Tiyon High School, Furman University and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminaiy in Lou isville. Ky.,he was an ordained Baptist minister, who retired after34 years. He was ordained at Shady Grove Baptist Church July 17, 1938. Among tlie churches he served as pastor was Fork Baptist Church 1953-1961. After his lelirement in 1972, he served several churches in Gaston tmd Cleveland Counties as an interim pastor. He was alsoapublic school teacher. He taught at Piedmont Elementary in Lawndale, Waco High School and Ml Beulati Elementaiy School: He was a fomtcr president of the Oakboro Lions Club and a trustee of Stanly County Hospital. A daughter, Moiy Morin, preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, Vera Inez Stroupe Krser of the home; a son. Amos M. Krser Jr. of Mocksville; a dauglitcr.M3tthaK.ofRockHiU.S.C.; 4 brothers. James Kiser of Chariotte. Wither KtserofShelby, Howard Kiser of Lincolnton and Norman Kiser of Gastonia; 6 grandsons; and 5 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. ^ OcL 3, at Shady Grove Baptist Church in(3ieiTyviUeby theRcvs. Keitli Hollar and Chris Harrison with burial follow ing in the church cemetery. <r-- . -o - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. GcL 5,1995 199S mness- husband. , viUC find DOf®®y • _^-i frrftnd* ^ wilh the Revs. ing.ourialfol-s:q£S-» • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, OcL 12,1995 1 - ' Mattie Wood BrackenJ MMlieWoodBnu:keii,85.ofBoozie Lane. Mocksville. died eaily Sunday morning. 0<;l. 8.1995alhcrhonieafter a short iUness. Funeral services were to be held at 2p.m..Ocl. I l.atEalonFuneralChapcl »ilh the Revs. Jim Giyder. Ed Tapper and Brother Jetiy Bracken omdatitig andburialfollowinginChesinutCroveUnited Methodisi Church Cemetery. Memorials may be considered fora charity of the donoi's choice. She was born in Davie Couiily Match 1.1910tolhelate James tianklin and Nancy EliTabelh Bowles Wood and bad been a homemakcr. She was a member of Chestnirt Grove United Methodisi Church and an avid gar dener. She was preceded in death by her husband. W.H. "Boozie" Bracken in 1990; a son. John Heiuy Bracken, in \ 9«);and by adaughtcr. Nancy Pauline "Polly" Bracken Myers, in 1979. Survivors include her daughter. Nclia Bracken of the home. 3 sons. William Franklin Bracken of fJarmony! Unnie Bracken of Mocksville and Jc^ Bracken of Advance: 16 giand- children. 19 great grandchildren and a gical great grandchild. C.L, Folds j '•■"SX.Srfci'^ r "'Jt l- 5.199.\ at New 'nmrsday; ^vusbominkreytT^'*''''^'''''"'-lUlward Jessie andloldsJuly/o 1042 „ MWs ; '''•''Wdn.,l.er.,"sr"'"''^'» Tarnm^Hrwd'Sh"''''"' n Brian Swairri of w " wn. Srandchild,c«;a,KlXXft"'' ^Folds of Mocksville "'"y EstatcofC.Lfsiiiif , ' Q> C. ClodfeRtf . .rjClattie Lee Cciunp.Clbdfelter, 75.' of. Lexington, ilied Sunday,'Oct 8,J IW5 at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Win- ston-Salem. - She was bom in Davidson County Nov. 2.1920. to Ciiflon C. Ciump Sr. and Ella'Fitzgeiald Cnunp. ' She was a member of Yadkin StarBaptist Church where she served aspresident of the senior choir, memberofihe missionary and pastoi'saide.She was a retired cabinet room operator from Burlington Industries.' Her husband, dayman R. Clodfelter, prKcded her in death. Survivors include a son, Baxter Clodfelter of Lexington; a daughter, Mary Walker of Jacksonville, Fla.; agnutdchild; 2 great grandchildren; agreat-great grandchild; 7 brothers, James Crump, Roscoe Crump,Tlicodore Cmmp, Clifton C. Cramp Jr., Roy Crump and Jack Cramp, all ofLexington, and Frank Cramp of Tho- masville; 2 sisters. Hallie Woodberry of Lexington and Martha Clement of Mocksville. - A funeral service was to be conducted at3p.m. OcL 1 l.atYadkmStarBtiptistChuichbytheRev.PaulMosley wjih burial following in the church Mtnetery. Fannie Frye , Fatmie Evola Smith Frye. 97, for-y merly of Vogler Road. Advance, diedSatuiday,0ct.7.1995at Autumn Care of Mocksville.Funeral services were held at 11 am.. Oct. 10. at Macedonia MoravianChurchin Advance. Burial followedat Bethlehem United Methodist Church Cemetery in Advance.She was bom Aug. 3,1898 in Fbr-.syth County, a daughter of the lateCharlie Monroe and Sallie Fsuicloth Smith. She was a lifelong member ofMacedonia Moravian Church in Ad vance. Her husband, Charlie GilbertFrye, preceded her in death May 17, 1975.She is siiJvived by a son, JamesFrye of Advance; a daughter, StellaVoglerofAdmce;abrother,Clarence Smith of Lexington, a sister, LillianSmith Hoc^day of Clemmons; 4grandchildren; 2 great grarulehildren; and 2 stop grarulehildren. In addition to her husband, she waspreceded in tteath by a daughter, Mary Lucille Frye cope; in 1965; 2 sisters,Mary Smith of Clemmons and HattieCope of Advance, 6 brotheis, Elmer,Bryant, Rennie, Kenneth, Lester, andCharlie Smith; and a grandchild, Kay EliseCope, in 1994. y Clarence Edward Dotson 2'ClarenceEdwardDotsonofMocks- yille, died Sunday. OcL 8, 1995, attf,^. Baptist Hospital in Winston-Sa- lenj.'~':He was bom in FOrsyth COunty to Charles Edgar and Audra Moody Dotson. He was of the Baptist faith and retired from Hanes Dye & Finishing Company in 1986 after 40 years of service. He served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army in the Paciftc operation during World War II. He was a graduate of Mineral Springs High School. ■ Surviving are his wife, Dorothy Roberts Dotson of the home; a daugh ter, Debia Leigh Dotson of Mocks ville; a son, Robert Edward Dotson Sr. of Advance; 2 grandchildren; 2 step- grandchildren; and a sister, Gladys Dotson Lambert of Winston-SaleiiL • A graveside service was held at II a.m.OcL 10,atForsyth Memorial Park by Elder Dwight Stuckey. < Memorials may be mode to a ehar- ity of the donor's choice. / Naomi R.Fiirches Naomi Rollins Furches. 87, of Forest Lane, Mocksville,<lied late Wednes- daynighL0cL4,1995,atDavieCounty Hospital.Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m.,Oct.7,atEatonFuneral Chapelwith the Rev. Ed Tapper ofTiciatiitg.Burial followed in Batons Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be considered forthe Cemetery Fund of Batons BaptistChurch, c/o Jim Eaton. Batons Church Road, Mocksville, N.C. 27028. She was bom in Davie County,March 5,1908 to the late BoydW. andCoraDeweese Rollins and wasabome- maker. She had been a long limeresident of the Cana community in• northern Davie County, later moving to Forest Lane. She was presently aresidem of Autumn Care of Mocks ville. ' Her husband, Robert Earl Furches,preceded herinrleath in 1967. She was a member of Chestnut Grove UnitedMethodist Church arulalifetime mem ber of Cana Homemakers Oub.Survivors include2 daughteis, Gail Boger of Okeechobec, Fla., and CoraNaylor of Mocksville; 2 sons, John L.Furches ofAdvanceandEarlCFurchesofMocksville;9grantlehiIdrcnand 10 great grandchildren; 3 sisters, BelvaBeck and Ellen Closscock, both ofMocksville, and Emma Glass of Win-ston-Salem; and a brother. Glenn Rollins of Mocksville. o Davie Counfy PuUhl ...wi ary • . .. .WocksvHIe, NC • DAVIE COUNTY EN1ERPRISE RECORD, Oct 12,1995 \ Cl 3- <r~ • c y Dorothy Nell HedrickDorolliy Nell Campbell Hcdriek, <>3. of Ixxinglon. died Wednesday! Ocl.4. l995.alhcrliontcaflcrbcingin declining Itealih for Uvo yean. She was bom in navicCounly June22. 1932 10 Clark Cliflon Campbell and I.illy Coidillia Goodman Camp bell and was self-employed as a pri vate duty nursing assisianl. She was of the l:pisco|)aJ faith. Surv iving arc her husband. Bobby Ray Hedrick of the home; 3 .sons Tony f-undcrburk of Salisbury. Mike Fundeiburk and Shannon Fundeiburk. both of Coolcemec; a daughter. An drea "Sissy" Jones of Mocksvillc; 3 stcpsrrns. Danny Hedrick and Benny Hcdriek. both ofLexington, and Steve Hedrick of Salisbury; a stepdaughter. Rcncc Hedrick of die home; 4 grand- childien;5stepgrandchildrcn:2bnjth- ci5.Rich!trdCampbcllorPlano. Texasand David Campbell ofSalisbury; and 4 sisters. Lucille King of Coolccmee. Ruth Riggins of Norwood. Bonnie Barney of Lexington and Ruby Eagle ofWoodlcaf. Funeral services were held at 2 p. lit. Oct. 6. at Davidson Funeral HomeChapel in Uxington with the Rev. John Rolierts olTieiating. Burial fol lowed ill the Episcopal Church of tlie A.scensionCcmcteiyinDavieCounty.Memorials may be made to Hos pice of Davidson County. P.O. Box 1941. Lexington. N.C. 27292. Lester Leroy Owens 1 .... Owens. 61. of Main piial in Wrnslon-Salem. 7a VoxT'County July23.1934 to ihclatcDolphisand Annie wmimdhadbeenasawmillworter."e was an avid fisherman and • "dhtorsman. He was preceded in «l«hbyason.RiekyOwens.inl988.Survivors include 3 daughters Mmnre Lynch of Moeksville.Juanita' "Owens and Barbara Harold, both of^xmgion; 3 stepsons. Grady Carter. "8™'^='"'d«n:2gicat omdbnviIle;abrothcr. WadeOwcns ofMocksvi||c;scvcralnreeesandneph-~d.„n«.imecorr,pa„io„.Lata EL?" !" ""P"'" Church Marvin F. Hudspeth : y Marviii FrankJin Hudspeth. 84..of Rorida. died early Monday. Oct,. 9, 1995. at Iredeli Memorial Hospital in Statesville. "ewasboraScpLI6.I9llinYad-km County to Lum and Fannie Hudspeth and was retired from Har mony Heights Lumber Company. He was preceded in death by a Son.Vcrnon Hudspeth: 2 grandchildren. Mike Hudspeth and Anita Hudspeih;2 sisters; and 3 brothers. • jf Surviving aio his wife. Dentoie Hollcman Hudqreth of the home; a son. Dallas Hudspeth of Ronda; axis- ler. Blanche Shores of WinsloniSa- lem: 8 grandchildren. Jeff Hudspeth; Tim Hudspeth. Mickey Hudspethiaiid Tammy Hudspeth.allofRonda.Freida StanlcyofMccksvilie.JocyitndShenyHudspeth of Traphill and Tiba Remhandt of Jonesville; and 8 gieat grandchildren. Funeral services were to be held at2 p.m. OcL 11, at Gentry Family Fu- neial Chapel by the Revs. Jack and Ronnie McMillan with burial fof- lowJng in the Wilkes Faith Temple Church Cemetery. Howell Edward Reavis Howell Edward Reavis, 83. of / Powell Road. Mocksville. died Tues-day morning. Get-3. 1995. at Davie County Hospital. He was bom in Yadkin County July 25,1912, to the late Hershel and Pcroie Reavis. He was preceded in death by his wife. Susie Reavis. in 1984. Survivors include a daughter, Wanda Home of Mocksvillc; a son, Jerry Reavis of Advance; 3 sisters, Edna Reavis of Yadkinvillc, Agnes Hutchcns of Lexington and Jo Ann Steading of Wtnston-Salcm; 2 broth ers, Phillip Reavis of Yadkinville aiia Kelly Reavis of Lcwisvillc; 6 grand children; and 3 great grandchildren.A funeral service was conducted at 2 p.ro. Oct. 5. at Mackie-Gentty Fu neral Home in YadkinviUeby theRcv.RayDavis.BuiialfoVtowwi">theSoulh Oak Ridge Baptist Church Centeteiy. Elvira AwOurs y ElviraAnlhony Ours. 56. ofNew V London, died Sunday, OcL 8.1995, at Montgomery Memorial Hospital In Troy. ShewasbomNov.6,193gin China Grove to Russell Red and Broudis Lowder Anthony. She wasagraduate of China Grove High School and was a homemaker. She was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include; her husband. Scott Ray Ours of the home; 3 step sons. Vance. Mark and Scott Ours, all of Pensacola, Fla.; 3 brothers, Paul Anthony of China Grove, Ray An thony ofSalisbury and Jeny Anthony ofSalisbury; 2 sisreis, Bart^ Phelps ofMocksviile and Sarah HillofSeflhcr, Fla.; and a step-grandchild. Funeral services were conducted at Colonial Chapel of Linn-Honeycutl Funeral Home in China Grove with burial following at West Lawn Me morial Park. James "Dock" Smith j 'smes Kelly "Dock" Smith. 77. of MoclcsvillediedFriday,OcL6.1995alMeadowbrook Manor in aemmons. Hewasbom Aug.25.1918inDavicCounty to Bnford "Dock" Augustus artd Moltie Howard Smith. He was a member and deacon of Green MeadowsBaptislChureh. Fishing was one of his favorite pasttimes. Sureiving are his wife, Lula Mite Cough Smith of the home, 6 children. Arvesla McEwen of Mocksville. J.K. Smilii Jr. of Mocksville. Steve Smith of Mocksville. Julia Jones of Ulbum. Ga., William Gray Smith of the home; Naaman Smilii of Mocksville; 14 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; brothers, Hotvard Smith of Yadkin ville, Balry Smith of Mocksville and Buford Smith ofAdvance. Funeral services were held at3p.m.Oct. 8, at Green Meadows Baptist Church by the Rev. Ray Davis. Btiriai fallowed in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to GreenMeadows Baptist aiurch Building FuntL 1646 Hwy. 801N.. Mocksville. N.C. 27028. Glenn Edgar IVexler I Glenn Edgar Trexler, 79. of Cliar- •' lolte, died Thursday, OcL 5,1995, at Carolioas Medical Center. Bora Aug. 22. 1916, in Davie County, he was ason of the late Adam andMaggieSellsTrexIer.Hehadbecn mplt^asadofrerbyConnonMillsin Kannapoiis. Survivors include: 3 sons, Wayne Tlexler of Salisbury, David Trexler ^ and Qyde "Gene" Trexler, both of Cooleemce; 2si$lers, Hazel Melton of Cooleemce and Angelenc Lalncr of Greenvillc,S.C.; 7 grandchtldren; and 4 great grandchildren. Funeral services were private. Memorials may be made to Hos pice at Charloue. 1420 & Seventh Suect, Charlotte. N.C. 28204. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Oct. 19,1995 - 5 Ain Marie Barber I AnnMoricHiirbcr, IV.orConimu- y nily L-iiic, Mwksville. died Wciliies- tva': IviniIliiiuivcr^BnC'uiiiiiy Dec. 2y, H l977liil>aiilJcisophuikI Riumie June P^Br Wunell Barhcruiu! [iW I wa'iamcnilKriifllicsciiiiii cl.i" III J);nic Cimniy Hjj,), -Schmil. Sfu- i\ni aclivc in Kic scluvij In,,,,} aittliviis aiwiiilicniriiieroreigii iim- tlMiigccliih Sliewinamcmbcroll-ii^l I'lc.Oijicii.iii l liurch when- sk- was .accivp III ibc ciiii^h jnuih gmiip. She «ii;i n jiail lliric wmUr ai ihc Ymiiig ChililicnV I cjiiiiiiji Ccnlcr in vilit;. Smiivinj;, jn iiiWiHoii In licr icii- c»ls.aie2hriHlK:iv,PuulJ<niepliliiirlKTami hiic Cliiirfei; Umber. Ixiili nf ihe Ikjiiic; nialcmii! (uaiuiparculs, Wilj- iniii C. "Rocf " mill Alma WllliainsWniicll „f Miwlsville; .ukI her bny- rriiMiil, Brent CmllMifMocksvillc. Puiicr.il SCI vices were concliiciedai lp."i. OcL 15, al Firsi Preshylcrian Oiufch of Mociseilie by the Hee. UUmlRichanJson. Burialfulloweiiin Rnsc f'ctiicieiy. Etliel Wdbaum Drew liiiel P.iuline VVclbauiii Dicw S""J "HJninnCily.Jiiddieil la,e Tuesday mglil.Oc,. I0.|W5.m,heh<„i„„r,,c'r|la»sh.cr fJebliie Cox of LaQni,„„ '^nvc, AdvaiicL*. ''"""alsciviceswe,uhcldiii7ii,m12. Ui Ealori l-uncral Cti.ipcl !„ Mock-sville will, ihe Rev. Clem. Sell,crsnmciacing. Hut Ixxly was «„i m Kic/erFuneralKomcmAaamiurn, OlMoloiagraveside service alllam^1- 1-1, in Abboissille Cemeiery in Abhoisville, Oliio. MeoTOrials m.iy he considered for gv » fc""®" 271*0? ^'"s'on-SiJcni, N.C. Couniy.Oluo. March 27.1913k, me laeNo4mti Orpha Beiscckcr Wolbaum and was a form«housekeeper with Union ^ Menwtial Hospiu] in UnionCiiy, r, «"i®'7-l*rofBanoniaUmicd Meihodisi Churehin Banonla. Onio. She was preceded in dead, by herhu^.HaroldWa,neDrcw.ia 1961, SldSll."Suiwi^rs include 2 daujhcers. McGlolhlin of YadkinviUe indDebbie Cox ofAdvance; 8 gtandchil- 2 greai-gnmdchildren; 2 siscera ^vaBndcnbanghandOJadysHlnes. . ownof Aitanuum.Ohio; andabfoihcr^I^-Bob-WelbaumofAraKunun." Jack Caudle Carl Alexander "Jack" Caudle. 67. nf 139Naaman Lane, Mocksville.died Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1995 al his home.Hewiis bom April25.1925 inDavie Coumy 10 Dock and Hauic Adams Caudle. HewasamcmberofYadkin Valley Hiiplisl Church, wlwre he served as ciueiidtei of Ihc church grounds and ccnwlery for more dian 40 years. He also served as a deacon of Ihe church and owned and operalcd a sawtrull busincssfotnmny years. Hewasknown for his fine nwihanical work on aulo- iwAiles and lawn equipment Surviving are his wife, Edna Gray Caudle of the home; 2 brolhers. L.R. Caudle and James Caudle, bolh of Mocksville; a sister.Lucille Broadway of Mocksville; a special niece. Lisa Reed of llw home; and a number of olherniece-s aivl nephews. Funeral serviceswere held at2p.m. Oa 13al YadkinValley Bt^Chuich by llK Revs. Ronnie CraihJock, Leon Wood and Bill Hale. Burial followed in Ihe chumli cemeleiy. Memorials may be niaile lo Yadkin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery or Building Fund. 1324 Yadkin Valley Road, Advance. N.C. 27006. Pearl DiauglmPearlDraughn.87.ofYadkinv.llc, ^ died Wednesday mommE- Oct. 'I.1995 al Ihc honw of her daughlet. Nannie Rulh Harris.ShewasbomJuly .5.1908 inYadkin '"The was married lo Samuel Rus«llOmughnSept.21.1926. Hepece^ her in tktaih Match 28. 1966. Alsoprecedmgherii,aealhwcreiwmk.ys i^n November. 1935 and a som CIcnThomisDiaughn.Nov, 11.199 . Surviving are d.iughlers. RiJby H.aves of Mixtksville and N. Rulii Har ris of Winslon-Saiem; 3 sons, CarlDraught, of Gamer. Gilmer Draughn of Boonvtlle and Orady Draughn ofHiunptonviUe; 11 gnmdchildreir. and eight greai-gmndchildten., ,,Funeral services werehelduet la, ttt2p.caalMa^9^?n«yP''~'^ Home in YadkinviUe by i^handUieRev.MarvinBlackbiim. Bunal followed In Boonville Ccmeie^- Ora Mae Comatzer ' I OraMacLynchComal7<r.82,died at herhome in .St. Oair Shores, Mich., early Saluniay, Oct. 14, 1995. She was bom March 27. 191,3 in Marion, Ind. and was a mcmher ofthe United Church of Chrisi of Crosse Point Mich. She was retired from S.S. Kresge Company with 25 years of ser vice in sales. Surviving are her husband, IL Bm- dlcy ComatJtcr, a son, Jerry Dennis Coti»izer of iIk home; a sisicr, Mary Case of Indiana; and a brollter, Glenn Lynch of Indiana. Funeral serviceswere held al Pelers Funeral Home in St. ClairShores Ocl. 16, with Ihe Rev. Mary Beriidge ofll- ciating. A graveside service and burial look place in ibe Advance United Melhod- IstChuichCenKleiyal 11a.m. Oct. 18, with the Rev. Mary Bciridge official- ing. Memorial conlribulions may be made lo Hospice of Winslon-Salem/ Forsylh County, IIOO-CS. Slratford Road, Winslon-Salem, N.C. 27103. Wennv Gene Hunt dtcdSalurday. • Lim, u, declin- iiKtludelbioiber^ 3 sisters. A'"/® "• codboll ot Mocksville. Davie County Public Llbraiy - . Wocksville, NO DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, OcL 19,1995 - 5 '''liy-iihiil, f| , / ''""xxh V,( "'>■ '-xly. 79 r '"'-•"lit;,"•'^5 -ii/' '' ii.-K I. v..r sgsss'r<srs?»-iiSr- ■ I"' '"■■'.t („ H„ Laura C. Koontz l-iiira Campbell Kooiilz, 90, of Uuvie Academy RuuJ, Mucksvillc, died Thursday, Ocl- 12, 1995 al For- sylli Mcinooal iiuiVer and a mem- IvrofSalcmUnited Melliodist Church, llcr husband. Marshall WilsonKoonI/, preceded her in dealh. A son, Charlie Alexorklcr Koonlz, died April 19.1969. .Survivors include 5 sons. Glenn Wilson KoonliJolmMaishallKoonu, Jack Gailher KnunizandSamuelAidiur Kooniz, all of Mocksville. and Joe l-Dslcr Koontz of norcrwe. S.C,; 2 dauphlcts. hJizabelh "Lib" Woodward of Mocksville and Glenda Mosny of Durham; a sister, lilla Mae Ploll of MucLsville; 21 grandchildren: 3 step-gtandchildien:22 ^It-grandchildren; 8 slep-greal-gnmdchildren; 2 gtcal- greal-grandchildren and a step-greal- greal-grandchild.One godchild and one greal-grattdchild preceded tier In death,' Funeral services were conducted al2 p,m., Oct. ]4, alSalemUniled Meth-odislChutchwiththeRevs.GaryKling and Lany Hovis officiating.Memorials may be given to theWesley S, Koontz Fund of Salem Unit^ MetirodisI Church, do Cecil Gartner, 1577 Davie Academy Road,Mocksyille.N.C.27028ortoBelhesda Baptist Cbuich in Durham. SaUieNivensSallieUlizabeth Myers Nivcn5.T7,/ofHowardlownRoad,M«kav,lle.du^ eariy Sunday monting. Oct. 15, 1993,at her home after being rn declinmg Funeral serviceswereheld ai2p.m^ Oci 17 alBixbyPcesbyteiranChurcnwithlheRev.HaroldFullerofncUtmg. Burial followed in the church eem-"'Meirtorialsmaybeconsideredfora charity of the donor's chmce.HewasbotninDavieCmui'y.Sep'- 18 1918, to the late William Tliomasand Mamie Boger Myers and had^nahomcmaker, Shehadbeettahfelongmember of the Bixby fTesbytcnan husband, Utoy WashlngicmNivens,p.«ededhetmdeaihml9S3, She was also preceded by a son. Ken--„ethNivens.ml991.andbyason^daughier-in-law.BillandFrancesBill- inits Nivens, in 1985.Surviving ate a daughter, F^esWatson ofKrng;2son$.UroyNivej«ofMoeksvilleandJerryNrvensofSanAnto"io,Texas-.6grantfchtldram^d3 sister Nonnie Lee Evethaft of Mocksville: several nieces and nephews. / ^''"'•"Cam"RaUedge M Ra'ledge I02 nfM^fcsv,lle,diedMomtry.o:., i"'^vicCountyHospitir Rxir r.™ '""'e"' of theComers community. He wn< »"-^rofWoodmenofLworir LRalledgc, in 1986 '■ AJvona UoBer nf w • ChmchCemetfi; Davie County Public Libraiy Mocksville, NO DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, OcL 19,1995 - 5 K^^el E. Reavis l^iriel Eugene Reavis, 63. ofLib- Church Road. Mocksville, died l^onday aflcmoon, Oct. 16,199S athia hotne, .. .funeral services were 10 be held at 11a.m. Del. l^aiEalonruneralChapel ivilli hiiti;il rnllovr ing in l!)c Chesmul Grove United McliioJi-il ChurchCem- clcty. Mciiuiriuls may he considered fur Clieslnul Grove Uiiileil Methodist Church..tM(lHwy-6l)l North.Mocks- ville.N.C. 27(128. ; He was Ih>iii in 17;ivie County. May 7,19.72 lotlie late nKtiiias "Cord" and Mamie Driver Reavis ami had been a heavy iiirKhine operator with Sparks CoiKlmclionCo. He hud served in (lie O.S. Navy. *. Mr. Reavis was a meinlvr of Chest nut Grove United Methodist Church, was nn avid oiitdiKusroan. and espc* ctally enjityed auto racing und base- ^1. ; Survivors include: 3 daughter, •Shelia R. Cohen ofMocksville; a son, Mickey Reavis, nlso of Mucksviile; 2 Erjnddiildren:2sisters, Lucille Mellon and Nancy ioiies. both of Mock.sville; a slep-sisier. i-isihcr Reav is of Mocks- ville; 2 siep-hrolbets. Wade Rcavisnf Mocksville and I-clix Reavis of Wiii- slvn-Sulem. He was prccedfil in death by two sons, Hairy tind Gctic Reavis and Mar tin Eugaic Reavis, and by a brollier. Rilly Rciivis. ' ThcRcv.tidTuppcr.paslorofChcsl- niil Grove United Melliodisi Church, svill ofllci.alc ai lire serv ice. Mattie H. Sliaw Maliic RIanche Heiidricks Shaw. , 90, of Hannony. died Sat. Oct. 14. ' 1995, at her residence after a brief illness. She was born in Davie County March 29, 1905. to Jesse Adam and Mary Ann Eliza Anderson Hcndricks and was a homemaker, ShewasamemberofSalcm UnitedMelliixlist Ctiurch in Davie County. Her husband. Robert Glen Shaw, preceded licr in death .Sept. 24.1982. She was also preceded in death by 3 brothers, Willie. Hubert and Ralph Hendrick.s; and 3 sisters. Bessie Hcndricks. BeulahTulleioivandSndie Willie.■Survivors include a son. Raymond G.ShawofHannonyiadaughter, Belly■Sue Shaw ofHannony; 2granddaugii-lers; and a sisler. Mary Catherine Hcndricks of Hickory.Funcrcl services were conducted at2 p.m. Oct. 17, at Rock Spring BaptistChurch by ilie Revs. Jesse L. Slroudand Grady Tullerow. Burial followedin ihe church cemelcry. Memorials may be made to Rock Spring BaptisiChuichCemcteiyFund,c/o l.a>uise Anderson, 913 PowellBridge Road. Hamiony. N.C. 28634. Juhii Stephen Yandull John Sicplicn Yandcll, 49. of 296 Creekwood Drive. Advance, died athis home Tuesday nJlemoon, Get; 10, 1995. •' • HewasbommWinsion-SaieinJuly17, 194610 John Wit^ and Helen SappYandell. ■);Hewasag^ualebfRJ, ReynoldsHigh School and WingaleCollcge. He servedinthe U.S. MarineCorpsduringihc Vietnam War and was employed byHauserRen'ialserviccforiTiorclhan20 years. He was a charter member of King ofGJoiy Lutheran Church.• Survivingarchiswife,AnneLewis Yiindellorthehome;2sons.Sgt.BiamS. Yandcll. serving in the U.S. Marine CoipsinOkinawa.antijohnW.Yandell ■'of Boone; 2 grandchildren, Melissa ' and Tylei; his molhcT of Winslon-Sa-Iein:3sisJers.JanieMuellerandBeveriyMueller, both ofAtlanta, Oa„ mid Bar bara Sunn ofCharlotici and abioiher,David H. YanrfclJ ofGreensboro.Funeral services wwccondtKlcd al2:30 pan. Oct. 13, at King of GloryLulhcran CTiurch by Paslor PhillipSquire. Burial followed in Wcsllawn Memtdialtjanlenswithmiliuuygraveside riles by Memorial Honor Guard- District 11, Veterans of Foreign Wars.Meinorials may be made lo King ofGlory Lutheran Church, 2580 Old Glory Road, Clcmmons, N.C 270IZ /TJ. Sparks ; Thomas Jefferson'T.J." Sparks, of ^elhel ChurchRoad, Mocksville, died$aiunjay, Oct. 14, 1995. at Forsylh MctiKiria] Hospital in Winston-SaJem. I- A graveside service was held at 4 g.m.Ocl. I7.in Bethel UnitedMelhod-Hl Church (Cemetery with the Rev. PamStrader-Woodofficiating. MocLs- Irille Masonic Lodge was in charge of Masonic graveside riles. 2; Memorials may be considered for the Cemeleiy Fund of Bethel UnitedMethodist t^urch. c/o David Esses.193 Call Road. Mocksville, N.C. J7028. «; He was bora in Davie County, March 10, 1928, to die late Henry Martinand Maggie KellanlSparksandwas a self-employed construction porker. ; HewasamemlKroflhcMocksvillc Masonic Lodge, a member of theV-F.W. and die American Legion of Mocksville. During the Korean Con flict. he served in (he United StalesArmy. He wasof the Methodist faidi. ; Survivors include his wife, Mary SainSparks.of diehometason.TommySparks of Mocksville; a granddaugli- ^r, Brandy Sparks;4 sislers, Helen S. yoWcy, Doris S. McD.iniel and BeltyJb £ Bowcns, all of Mocksville, andgmily S. Stimpson ofWinston-Salem; 2 brolhers, William "BiM* Sparks of\Vinsloii-Salcm and Bobby Gene Spsiks of Mocksville; several nieces and nephews. County Pubfic Library Mocksville, NC .5 V Cr- Laura Baningw/ Lauia Jane Charles Bairioger, 85 V Gnmiie<iJany,diedTij^y,OcL^^^^^ 1995. at Meridian Nursing Center in Slh""^ "f'w fwing in declining She was bcm June 28. 1910 in IJavie County lo the late Sally Crump and John Charles and was educated in die Davie Couiiiy schools. She was a liomernakcr and retired substitute teacher from Granite Quarry. She was a member of Wilienburg Lutheran Church where .she was a tnemberoftheW.E.L.C.A.Shcwasa al.s(> a member ofSalisbury Women ofthe Lodge No. 1430 and Senior Citi- rcns Club and the Granite Quarry Se nior Citizens Club. She was preceded in death by herhustod. Virgil C.M. Bariinger. April She is survived by 2 sons, John H. Batringer of Folly Beach. S.C. and George C. Barringer of Hackensack. N J.: 2 sisters. Sarah C. Woodruff of Mocksville and Helen C. Carter of Mocks ville: 3 gntndchildren andSgreal grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11 am. Oct. 20. at Wilienburg Lutheran Church by the Rev. John H. Woodaid with burial following in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to Wrttenburg Lutheran Church. Cern- cieiy Fund. P.O. Box 345. Granite Quarry. N.C. 28072. Robert "Buck" Grifllny "Buck" Griffin Jr.. 69, of Greenville, died Monday. Oct. 16.W5. at Pitt County Memorial Hospi- HcwasanaliveofPitiCountyandhad lived in Greenville all his life. He attended the Bethel schools and later WraMSl.'^ He was employed by N.C Equip- ^tCompanyfor33years.retiringi„1987. After retirement, he worked for B.E. Singleton Company. He was a member of the Pactolus Ruritan Club and American Legion Post 39. He had attended Pactolus Baptist Church. ^ivivingarchiswife.LaRueDixonGntfin; a daughter. Gayle Windley of Mocksville: a son. R.H. "Bobby: Grif fin of Greenville: 3 grandchildren, in-eluding Laura Windley ofMoctsville- a brother. Earl Griffin of Morehead City; and 8 sisters. Christine G. Stocks of New Bern. Elba G. McLawhoro of SdtcrPath. Helen G. Manning of Dan ville. Va..AudreyG.LeggettorStokes.G. Briley. Edna 0. Simmons.Shirley G. Henderson and Faye G Adarm. all of Greenville. * A funeral service svas conducted at |2 p.m Oa 19. at Wilkerson Funeral ^pel withcntombmentfollowinBin Pinewood Mausoleum. ;^^^MeiKiriabniay|)eiiia(leihttoni.>|, DAVIE COUNTY ENlWRI®;I^blU)^ Craig A. Foster y Craig Anderson Foster. %. of Lex ington Road. Mocksville. died early Tliurtiday, Oct. 19.1995. at Whitakcr Center in Winston-Salem. He was bom in Davie County Sept 15.1899.tothe late Samuel Albenond Alice Leonard Foster and was retired from Hendricks Furniture Company. He was the oldest living member of Mocksville First United Methodist Church. He had served on the Mocks ville Town Board. His wife, Lola Uagle Foster, pre ceded him in death. Surviving are a daughter Louise Spear Godlrey of Greenville; 2 grand-' children; and 3 great grandchildren. A graveside service was held at 2 p.ro. OcL 22. in Rose Ctanetery with the Rev. Ed Biggeis officiating. Memorials may be considered fora charily of the donoi's choice. Ruby Hicks Ruby Mae Hanis Hicks. 88. of Slalesville. died Thursday. OcL 19. 19^ at Human Service Alliance in Winston-Salem. She was born in Montgomery County Aug. 15. 1907 to Eli Wilson and Maude Morgan Harris and was a : hoipemaker. She was a member of Mocksville Se^fenlh Day Adventisi Church. She wa4 a past president of the Winston- Salem Woman's Club and a lifetime memberof the McDowell MusicClub. ber husband. Patrick Henry Hicks Jr.. preceded herJndeathJaii.21.1985. She was also preceded in deafsis^ and 2 brothers, Nora Harris, . Agatha Russell, Mayme Holeome, LU}anEidson.GeorgeMaxHarrisand Eli}^] Harris. Survivors include a son. Patrick He^HicksniofSlalesville;2grand-soib; and several nieces, nephews and otbo' relatives. kunetal seivices werecrmducted at 2;3pp.m.OcL2l,atSnowCteekUnited Mrthodist Church with the Revs. OtisSmjw and Kenneth Blake officiating. Bupal followed in the church cem etery. Sadie Mary Neil Freeman Sadie Mary Nell Freeman. 75. died / alHamptonGeneialHospitalinHamp- ton, Vo. Sunday. Oct. 22,1995. BominDavieCounty.she attended the Davie County schools. At 12. she began working as a live-in domestic in f^rmington while attending school. She later began her career as a la- borerwiththeDepartmentoftheAnny Picalinny Arsenal in Dover. N J. Dur ing her tenure, she received superior perfotmance and commendation awards plus acitation and certificalion from the Department of the Army be fore retiring as an ammunition inspec tor. While living in Morristown, NJ.. she and her husband, Frank, owned and operated Freeman's Taxi Service. Her husband preceded her in death. She moved td Mocksville in 1979. In 1990, shemovcd to Hampton. Va. to live with her daughter alter being told she bad two weeks to live. Among the churches she attended were The Saints of Beulah Tabernacle in Newpoit News. Va.. Victoiy Life Fellowship In Richmond. Va. and Ce dar Creek Baptist Church in Mocks ville. Survivors include her daughter. E. Joann Cornish of Hampton. Va.; a granddaughter,arister.Sarah Wisemanof Faiftiington; several nieces; neph ews and cousins. Funeral services were conducted at Beulah Tabernacle in Newport News. Va. and I pan. OcL 25. A memorial service was held at 7 p.m. OcL 26. at Morrison & Studevent Funeral Chapel In Mocksville. Burial will be at Cedar Creek Baptist Church Cemetery at I pan. Get 27. / Kelsey LynnlMasoli Kelsey Lynn Mason, the seven- week-olddaughterofJohn Eugene and LindaNettles Masonof Atlantic Beach. Fla., died Tuesday. Oct. 17. 1995 atBaptist-Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville. Fla. She was bom Aug. 28. 1995. in Jacksonville. Surviving, in addition lo her par ents, are her maternal grandparents. Reva Benson of Cooleemee and Ed Nettles of Yadkinville; and paternal .giandparents, Diane Grill of Jackson ville, Fla. and Richard Mason of Buf falo. N.Y. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. OcL 20. in Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury with the Rev. Jeff Pennington of Cooleemee Fiist Bap tist Church officiating. Davie County Public Ubratv KlocksviHe, NC DAVffi COUNTY EMTERPWSE'mCOI^^< - i ■- Lawrence Ried Mills Lawrence Fred Mills. 80. of WallsV Slreel, Coolccmee. died Thursday nlgliuOcl. 19.1995. allheV.A. Medical Cenler in Salisbuiy.He was bom In Rowan Counly July31. l9l5lolhelaleThoniasandGrace LIngIc Mills and was a retired me- cluuiicwi!hFiberlnduslries.Hewoi1cedal Krwin Mills until it closed. He was a member of Cooleeniee United Methodist Church and servedin the U.S. Amiy during World War II.His wife. Margaret Vogler Mills, preceded him in dcaih.Survivors include 2 daughters,Evelyn Parks of Southmont and JaneCampbell of Boonville; 4 grandchildren; a brother. James Mills of Salisbury; and 2sisteis. Naomi Morgan andMildred Beaver, both of Salisbuiy. I'uneral services were held at 2:30p.m. Oct. 22. at Eaton Funeral Chapelwilh the Rev. Joe Collins officiating.Burial followed in Rowan MemorialPark in Salisbury. v/ Thomas F. Sheek , Tliomas Franklin Sheek. 77. for;J merlyofBroadwayRoad.CooIeemee, .1died Monday. Oct. 23. 1995 at Brian MCenler in Sajisbury. . . ..r; Funeral services were to 'be con.-ducted at 2 p.m.. Oct. 26. at Edgewgod kBaptist Church in Cboleemee by lhe|URevs. Daimy Shore, Otis Cdiinup an^mi Fred Carlton with burial following in Legion Memorial Park. . ni.HewasbomNov.27.1917in Day ie; ACounty. a son of the late Richmond and, i I Fannic Beauchamp Sheek. He was, amember of Edgewood Baptist Church n: in Coolccmee and was retired from /I Fiber Industries in Salisbury. He had <:/ previously been employed with;v Burlington Industries in Cooleemce. i.u Survivors include 2 sons. Richard y Sheek of Cleveland and Frank Sh^of llarrisbuig. Pa.; a sister. Hmrel Adamsof Cooleemce; 3 grandchildrenand a great grandchild. Ihrner C. Robolsoh Turner Gcero Robertson. 82. of Lexington, died at his home OcL .19, 1995. He was bom Feb. 10.1913inDavie Copnty to the late Crover Scales and Lii^e Potts Robertson. He retired from Second AvenueBa^r Shop and later worked as asei^ty guard at PPG. He served as a coimselor and chaplain ofJunior OrderHt)^ CounciL He was a member of Ebenezer United Methodist Church. Burvivors include Laura Michael Robertson of Mebane. a son, Tommy Tupker Robeitson of Welcome; 2 daiighteis, Eugenia Robertson Rumley ofAtcadia and Lana Robeitson Clinard onhontasville;Sgrandcliildren;2great grahdchildrcn;3brothers, Arnold RoB- ertron and Taft Robertson, both of Mocksville. and Preston Robertson of Bixby; and 2 sisters, Ruth Sheets of Bixby and Opal Howard of Mocks ville. funeral services were held at 2 p.ni. Oc(. 21. at Ebenezer United Methodist Church with the Rev. Jack Wallace ofltciating. Burial followed IntheBixbyPr^yterian Church Cemeteiy in Davie County. Klemorials may be made to Ebenezer United Methodist Church, 204 Nonhside Drive, Lexington, N.C.27^2 or Bixby Presbyteiian Church, c/oBhitleyComatzer. 149Blackbeny Lane. Advance. N.C. 27006. Geneva B. SheetsGeneva Baroliardt Sheets. 88, for-J metlyofWiltes^.St^t. M^^ville. died Monday, Oct. 23. 1995 atMeadowbrookof Davie in Advance- Funeral services were held at Ita.in..Oct.25 atFbik BaptislChi^bythe Revs. Ken Evans. Glenn Sellera andTimPtuitL Burial followed in the church cemetery. .She was bom Sept. 19. 1907 mDavie County, a daughter of the laMJim and Bessie Hendiix Bamharfl.She was a homemaker and a memberof Fork Baptist Church.Survivors include her daughterRubv i-an Blackwelder of NorthWilkesboro; 3 sisters. Mabel Allen ofMocksville: Wilma Smith ^Cullowhec and PaulineSbanks of theFork community; a brothw, JanusBamhardl ofMocksville; and2 grand- chitflren. \Cliarles Rowe/ Dr. Charles Roy Rowe Jr.. 70. a well-lmownStatesville medical doctorand general surgeon, died Friday evening. Oct. 20,1995. at his home. He had been associated wilh bedellMemorial Hospital for a number of years following his private practice. He was a member of the American Cbllege of Surgeons and the South eastern Surgical Congress. He was a member of PM Delta Theta. Phi Chi fraternity and Phi Beta Kappa.He was a graduate of UNC-Cbapel Hill ondVandabih and didpost gradu ate troiningat Duke Hospital and UNC-Chapel Hill. On June 5.1950. he married Helen Castine Rowe, who survives. He was a member of Broad Street United Methodist Church where he had served on numerous boards and committees. He was a member of the Slatesville Rotary Club, StatesviUeCountry Club and his golfing group aubl8. In addition to his wife, he is survived by 3 sons. Charles Roy Rowe HI ofLake Fbrest.nL, John Benson Rowe ofMocksville and Allen Douglas Roweof Manhatten Beach, Calif.; a daugh ter, Laura Arm Rowe; and 6 grandchil dren. A memorial service was ixinducted at 2 p.m. Oa 23. at the Broad Street Unit^MethocfistChurch with the Rev,Kelley R. Jones ofliciating. Memorials may be maile to tlie American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 493, StatesviUe. N.C. 28677. / Tbri Rose Souffrant ^ Tori Rose SoulTranl. infant daugh ter of Dean and Sheila Anderson Souffrant, died Sunday. Oct 22,1995. Survlvois, in addition to her parents, are herpaieinalgiandp3renls,BiU and Rosemary Souffrant of Charlotte;maternal grandparents. Gerald and Mildred Andeison of Mocksville; and patetnal great-grandparents. William and Catherine Souffnuu of Carnegie, ■ Pa. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Oct. 24. at Blaise Baptist Church Cemeieiy.Memorials may be moile to Make A Wish Foundation, 1823BankingSlreet. Gieensboro, N.C. 27028. ■"•Ksrs"" I -3— -c r '' V ^ ^ "V . O -'v .■ a -S :DAVIECOimYENTORPIUSERECORD/Oa2(S X!^- W.BickettSteelnian W. BickeUSleelinan.77,ofWilkcs- lioro Slreel, Mocksville. died Sunday. Ocl. 22. 1995. al Foisylh MemorialI lospital after being indcclining health. He was bom Nov.22.1917in Yad- kin County, a sonoftbc lateTliomas A. ami Ollie Hiwts Steelinan. He was retired from titc N.C. De-pattinent of Transportation and was a veteran of the U.S. Army, serving during World War II. He wasamemher ofFarmington Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife. Joylaikey Steelinan of the home;abtotlter. George L. Sleclman of Farmington; 4sisiets. Sally S. McNeil and Edith S.Sparks of Winslon-Salcro. Josephine S. Bmwn of Yadkinville and Ailene S. Palierson of Pilot Mountain; and sev eral nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted at2 p.m. Oct. 24. at Eaton Funeral Othpelby Ibe Rev Riry Beals. Burial followed in ihe cluirdx ccmcter>*- William A. Strickland William A. Strickland, 63. of Slaiesboro. Ga., died Saturday, Oct. 21 .!1995. at Bulloch Memorial Hospi tal after a short illness. A native of Savannah, he had lived in Statesboro for about 10 years. Hewas retired ffDmtheU.S. AirForce and was a member of White Bluff United Methodist Church. He was a Mason. Surviving are a son. William W. Strickland of Statesboro. Ca.; 3 broth ers.' R. Earl Strickland of Garden City. Tex J. Strickland of Nevils. Ga. and S. Ca^o Strickland of Mocksfille; sev eral nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at2p.m. Oct 23. at Fox & Weeks Funeral Di rectors' Drayton Chapel. Burial fol lowed in the Lawrence Baptist Church Cemetery. y RosaMcDanielSwicegood Rosa McDaniel Swicegood. 90. ofWoodIeaf.diedSunday.Oct.22,1995. at Meridian Nursing and Rehabilitation CenterinSalisburyafteralengthy illness. Bom Sept. 7. 1905. in Rowancounty, she was a daughter of the late John A. and Mary Creason Swicegood. She was educated in the RowanCounty schools. A homemaker. she was a former teacher in the Rowan County schools. An active member of Bethel Luth eran Church in Salisbury, she was a member of Ihe Annie Kennetly CircleandtheWorldWarl LadiesAuxiliary. Her husband, Garland C. Swicegood Jr.. preceded her in death.Survivors include a daughter. Mary Sain of Salisbury; 2 brothers. WalterMcDaniel of Salisbury and IveyMcDaniel of Fuquay-Varina; 2 sisters.Willie Watson of China Grove andGrace RatledgeofMocksvilletSgrandy. children; and 6 great grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Oct. 24. at Bethel Lutheran Church bythe Rev. Jerry Sloop. Burial followed at Rowan Memorial Park.Memorials may be made to BethelLutheran Church. 355 E. Ridge Road. Salisbury. N.C. UAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Nov. 2,199? Elizabeth P. Bailey Elizabelh Peebles Bailey. 84. of 13(1 Umletpass Road, Advance, died Wednesday,Oci.25, l995.alFarsylli Slcmorial Hospital inWinston-Salem. Ste was botn March 23, 1911 inAdvancetoCieeroD.l'echlcsandSallic Sue Ellis Peebles. She was a member of Advance United Methodist OtuK'h and was a hostess for MSDA for a numbcrof years. She was preceded in dealb by lier husband, Nailiaii 0. Bailey; a daugh ter. Sallie Bailey B:iniey: a brolher. Wiley E. Peebles; and a sister, Jennie Lowe Bean. Surviving are 2 gianddaoghiers, Ann Anderson of Moeksville and Su san Huffman of Moeksville; 5 great grandchildren; a son-in-law', Ronald Barney of Advance; and a number of iiieeesaml nephews. A graveside service was held at 2 p.iti. Oct. 27, at Advance United Meth- (Klist Church Cemetery by the Rev. Dennis Marshall. Memorials m.iy be made u> Ad vance United MethodistChutchorloa charity of the donor's choice. Ruth M. Grubb RulhMilnlyre Myers Grubb, 75. of Cleveland,dicdTuesday,Oci.24,1995, at herrc.sidcnee. ; She was bom in Rowan Counly Joly30.192010 (lie Inic I.lllian Micluiclajxl Cyru.s Mclmyre and waseducaled iri lite Woixlle.Tr seluxils. Ahomern.iier,slicwasoriheMcth- rxlisl faith. Site was preecdeil in death by her luusband.VanM.Giubb.andbyason, Tony C. Myers. . She is survived by a son, Cody C. Myen ofK.Tnnapoli.s; a brother, JamesMcinlyre ofWoodlcuEa sister. Millie Ward of Woodleaf; 7 grandchildren; ahd 5 gteat-grandcbildrtn. , Funeral .services were conducted at 2p.m. Oct. 26, at.Summcrscll Memo rialCha[<l bythe Rev. Shirley T.Joneswith burial following ai Rowan Me- rnorial Ptirk. ; Memorials may be made to ^foodieaf United MetbodisJ a^urc^ ®)00 Church Sirecl, iWoodleaf, N.C. Roy C. Beaiichamp Roy Charlie Beaucham'pSr.. 92, of Junie Bcaucftanip Road, "died TTiurs. day. Oct. 26,199SatMeadowbtookof Davie. Fuiieftii servicM were conducted at I la.m.Oct.2B,atKcdlandPeiitccoslal Holiness Qiurch in Advance by the Rev. Joel Boyles, Burial followed in Ihc church cemetery, Memorials may be made to the Building Fund ofRcdland Pentecostal HoliiiessChorch.l37BillimoreRoad, Advance, N.C. 27006. He wiisbom April l4.1903inDavie County, a siKi of llic late Charlie and SennieOrrell Beaiichamp. He was a dairy fanner and was a member of Redlaixl Pentecostal HolinessQiurch, where he had been a Sunday school teacher, member ofIhc Board of Dea cons and Sunday School Superinten dent. He was also known as an avid bird huiilcr and dog trader. Hi.s wife. Anna Elirabelli Rights Beaueliamp, preceded him in death in 1989. Siiivivorsincludc4iJaugliicrs,Elslc Whitaker, Uveme Hicks, Sue Ellis and Beuy Pardue, all of Advance; a son, Roy BeauchampJr,of Advance; 3 sisters.ManhaDavis,LillianSprinkle. and Evola Phelps, all of Winslon-Sa- lent; ISgrandcJiildien; 15greal-giand- children; 4 great-great grandchildren; 6 step grandchildren; and a step great grandchild. Lucille Hanes Helen Lucille Ward Hanes, 75. of Bobbin Road, Advance, died Thurs day. Oct. 26.1995 at Focsyth Memo rial Hospital in WInslon-Salem. FuneraJserviccs wereheldai3 p.m.. Oct. 29. at Macedonia Moravian Church, conducted by the Rev. Rich ard Saniucl. Burial followed in the church graveyard. She was bom April 9.192U In For- syth County, a daughter of the late Phillip P. and Mary Taylor Ward. She was a homemakcr and a mem berofMacedonia Moravian Church in Advance. She was retired from RJ. Reynolds in Winston-Salem. Survivors include her husband, Willie "Bill* Hege Haoeiofthebome; a daughuir. Rachel; Virginia, Hanes .Eckenrode.ofAdvance. 3 sdnsr Ridpli ''Mai1iR.KednethDale,a»]Je^etyCriiig "Buck" Hanes. all of Advance; 2 sis ters, Mary Fannie Templeion of Har- jriody and 0^ Craver of Winston-; SaJem; 14gisadchildren;aiid9great-; grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two daughters. Shirley Ann Hanes Cor- naizer and Ruth Han« Diuin; luid a grandchild. Teny Dale Hanes, Bessie "Bicker Green Bessie Tucker Green. 89, fomteriy .j ofWestSixthStiecl,CrystalTowers, Winslon-Salem, died Saturday after noon. Oct. 28, 1995,afMeadawbrook Terrace ofDavie where she had been a resident for the past four years. Funeral services wereheld at 2 p.m. Oct. 30, at Eaton Funeral Chapel withthe Rev.DanMartin officiating. Burial followed in Bethlehem United Meth odist Church Cemetery. Site was bora in Davie Counly. Dec, 23, 1905 to the late A.C. and Rebecca Fry Tucka and had been ahomcmaker. Sbewa.saIongtimemenv ber of Bethlehem United Methodist CIturch. Her husband, Clifford Green, pre ceded her in death in 1990. and two brothers predeceased her, Charlie Tucker and Glenn Tucker. SurvivoisiiKiudeadaughter.Berma T. Foster of Advance; 2 grandsons. Neal and Kenny Foster, both of Ail- vancc; 2 ncpliews; and 2 sisters-in- law. B.G. Hare y Road, Moeksville died r;"''«>''<^-27,1995atCa,,eret£eral Hospital in Morehead City.Funeral services were Iwld'ai i] Tk ?°'' Chattel mg. BunaJ followedin Rowan Memo, nal Park in Salisbury. County. . ". •'®28 to the late Wallace^ Addie Rouleiicf Hare and was a ertsHT'"rV"Rob- Q fST» 2 sons. Wallace Jerry Hare of Moeksville- a ^P-^,IraBenfTeldofStcvcnCouniy^ 3s-stcra;3bro.hers;6grandchd:and 2 great-grandchildren. Ltiv.c; County PublioJ^ibrary Moeksville, NC UAVlk COCmT-EOTEIWRiBE n: Roy Scarlette Roy Junior Scarieiic, 69. of Slar, / Jicil Sunday. Oct. 29, 1995. al Monl- gonieiy Hospilal'Healihcorc. Funeral services weieal I p.m. Ocl.31.1995. al Long Hill Baptist Church conducted by the Revs. Uny Beaver and John Winfrey with burial al Grape vine Baptist Church cemetery in lajvvisvilleatdp.m.He wasanativeofCherokeeCounty. a veteran of WWII arid a member of 1-ong Hill Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife. FannieScrulelle of the liome; 2 sons. Terry Scarlette of Thomasville and Pat Scarlette of Mocksvllle; 2 daughters. Sandra Chancy of Lexington and Loti Scarlette of Winston-Salem; 3 step daughters. Gaynelle Rothrock. Debbie While and Sherie Nifong. all of Win- sion-Salcm;3stcp-.sons.JackieHaiper.Ronnie Myers, both of Winston-Sa- Icm. Mark Harper. Troy; 3 sKsters. Lib Sunintey. Margaret Hartley and Deanie Eddinger. all of Thomasville. He was preceded in death by his foniier wife. Nell Haywood Scarlette. Memorials may be sent to Long Hill Baptist Cburch. Rt. 3. Chpelsie Rd Troy. N.C. 27371. • I>oiiald Shore/ Donald WilUe Lee Shore of win- ston-SaJcm,(IiedSiinday,Oct29, i995at Veterans Administration M^ical Centerui Salisbiuy. • '950in IV-' He was a graduate of Carver HighSchool served in the U.S. Army.iqd' was presently a painter by trade He- was a member of St. Stephens Mis-';aonaiy Baptist Church. Winston^;; He is survived hy his parents. Mr"' f L. Shore; 4 daugtitii": Satrte'Shore-Tumerof Honolulu. Ha^^warn Sh^aaeShoreofSanFrancisco;»If.. Tia Shore of Winston-Safen,anJ L^nna Marlin of Salisbury a ers. Pnde Edwin Shore and Thomas''Nathaniel Shore, both of Winston.s,.:; ''"•2 8^''«<'n=n:6aunts.J^--Md Monroe Wharton of East Bejtd.E^lh Cox of Winston-Salem. Lot,i« " f Mrxfcsville. Mary Donna •Ihomiis nof Wmston-Salem and Anna Peail 'Siore of Uwisville; an uncle. Harry i Missio^Church.wiihtheRev.j;R.' •^!rVK'"''«'ngandburial.£".. TG ■77"race Smith f Grace IreneGoodnightSmith. 100.of Salisbury, died Monday, Oct. 23. 1995. at Rowan Memorial Hospital following a brief illness. She was bom SepL 10,1895 in the Millbridge community of Rowan County to Mary Petreaand Henry Neel GoodnighL She was educated in the Rowan. Cobarms and Wayne Coumy schools. She was a homemaker and partner with her husband, the late RobM Lee ' Smith, in theii family form and dairy business in Woodleaf, The oldest mem ber of Woodleaf United Methodist Church, she was a member of the Friendly NeigfaborhoodClub and Circle 3 of Milford Hills United Methodist Church. A lifelong Democrat, she still voted at age 99. She is survived by2daughters.Lillie Mae Smith with who she made her home in Salisbury and Maijorie Plummer of Raleigh; 2 sons. Richard Lee Smitli of Lexington and Addison Neal Smith, a former state representa- tiveofWoodleaf;9grandchildren;and a great grandchild. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Oct. 27. at Woodleaf United Methodist Church with the Rev, Brcnda Newman ofliciating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to Woodleaf Untied Methodist Church. 9000 Church Sueet, Woodleaf. N.C. 27054. •-at Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NO • DAVIE COUINTY Em'EKI'KlSE RECORD, Nov. 9,1995 y y Claude Athan ClaiiUc Milan. 82. of YaJkinville. tlicil l'ucsilay moniing. Ocl. .11.1'W.'i. at Yadkin Niimini; Cxnicr. He was bom Feb. 15. l9UinYatl- kill ciiumy 10 the laic John and Ada Allen Allian. He was a rclircd fanner and meiiilwr of Turners Creek Baplisl Clmrcli.S ur\' i vors include several nieces a nd nepliews. Graveside services were held at 11 a.m. Nov. 2, at Hunlsville Baplisl CTiurcli Ceinelcry by the Rev. Allen Barker :>:^nne Dobson • I* ;■ Yvonne Dobson. 47. of Yadkin-•'Tilit. died al Moots Memorial Hospital•"5^.2.1995.•CrijShe was bom in Surry County, a•IflaifehictofHaitieCoekerbam Dobson I^Tihe lale Hatty Lee Dobson.{^Siuneral services were held Nov. 5.;^^leasaat Grove Baptist Church in^^^kinviile with! Elder Arvil^Mkerham oiTicialing and burial fol-t:S^gin ClarksChapelBaptislChurch ' .InBconville." in addition to her mother, she is' survived by a daughter. Beverly S.• "Dbbsoii of Mocksville; 5 brothers.Ronnie. Samuel. Hugh U-e. and MackDobson. all of Yadkinvilte. James; DdbsoiiofMock.svillc;4sistcn!.Earline; RoiscllofYadkinville.CarolynSpcaksSfiiarniony. Elaine Coulter of New- ; lomandMarieGaitherofWiKidbridge. ' Va.; and 3 gniiidcliildrcn. Hasten W. Cartery Hasten Wade Carter. 92. of East Lexington Road. Mocksville.died Sunday. Nov. 5.1995 at his home.Kuncial services were held at 11a.m.. Nov. 8. at Eaton Funeral Chapelwith the Rev, Wayne BuITofficiating.Burial followed in the Center UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery.Memorials may be considered forFulton United Methodist Chuich, U.S.Hwy.801 South, Advance,N.C27006.or for the Cemetery Paving Fund ofCenter United Methodist Chuich. doMrs. Unda Owings, 721 WilkesboroStreet. Mocksville. N.C. 27028 or to acharity of tlic donor's choice.He was bom in DavieCounty. Aug.22. 1903 to the late John Wesley andMaty F. Austin Carter and retired with 35 years of service with Eiwin Mills.He Iiad also been a houscpainler andworked for Monroe Cope.ilc was one of the oldest livingmembers of Fulton United MethodistChuich. He was an avid gardener and especiallyenjoyedlraveling.Hewasa -member of the Patriotic Sons of America.Surviving arc hU wife, Maiy EvaGaneu ^er of Autumn ofMocksville; 3 daughters, ^Minnie JoseptuneMeClamrockofMocksville,Elva Grace Elanj of O'Fallon, m. andMargaret Ann Biyant of Flat Rock; ason^Lawrence Ray Carter of Mocks-ville. 9 grandchildren, I2great-grand-children; 2 step-grandchildren, and asister, Sallie Carter Dick.son of Jack sonville. Fla. James M. Culler iJames Matthew Culler. 77, ofWin- 3 ®"»'Sideni.diedSunday,Nov.5,l995al N.C. Baptist Hospital. HewasbomJuJy4.l918raScokes^nly to the late Robert Lee and Bessie James Meeks Culler. He was fomierly employed al Bradley and owaifii Restaufant He was preceded in death by a sts- '"'"'y 2 brotheis,KobcrtRayandFianklin "PWe'Culler.He is survived by a sister. Ruby Tenyleion of Village Gate of King; a brother. Richard "Babe" CuUer and a fM«Uaughter, Candy Riser DuartewJlh of Winston-Salem; a sistcr-in-law, Olive R. CuUer of Mocksville- and several meees and nephews. A graveside service was to be held at 2 p.ra.. Nov. 5, at Oaklawn Memo- n^OaidenswithChaplainFictMorclzodiaoiing. . Memorials may be made to Hospice of Winston-Salem/Forsylh County. IIOO-C S. Stratford Road. Winston-Salem, N.C 27103. Floyd Ray Ferguson Floyd Ray Ferguson Sr.. 62, of / Mocksville formerly of Gawr. dudFriday.Nov.3. l995.atDavteCouniy Hospital after a period of declmtng He was bom April 12. 1933. inGuilford County to Nancy HlenBean andNewroanEdgarFergusonandvm . retired from A&P Grocery Stoics m Raleigh. He was of the Bapbst faith.Hrwasprccededindeathbyason. Floyd R. Ferguson Jr., and a daughter. Teresa Ferguson. Survivors include his wife. Jo Ann Baysinger Ferguson, whom he mar ried July IS. 1956. of the home; 3daughters. Dartene Baker of aayt">n.SueNuUofGamerantlAnnMichais of Mocksville; 3 brothers. Kcnrieth Ferguson of Greensboro. Jf'Ferguson of McCleansville and Tho-•masFefgusonofSedlia;2sisters.Betly ColeroanofMcaeansvUleandFau^lSlum of Greensboro; and 5 grandchil dren. \ ,. 11., ■>A graveside service was held at 2p.m. Nov. 6. at Monllawn McmonalPark in Raleigh- Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC cr^ DA VIE COUNTY ENTEKFKISE RECORD, Nov. 9,1995 I'l'ank Fisher l-iiiiiklin "Krank" nslicr. 'J!?, ofWiHidlcar, JicdalhislwnicNov. 1, IW5 tiilliirtiiijinpcriod of illness, He wa-i iKim In Rowan Coutily. a I soil nf itw laic CIcorgc P, ani! Jennie l-islicr. lie tiaii woikcii al Rrwln Colion MilKiuidwasselfcmpiojcdasiifamKr. carpcnlcr, and blacksmidi. Mc is sors ivcd by 3 sons, JanK-s laslicf of Ml. Uiia, Jonas 1-. FislKr of l.c*iiiguin and Samuel Rshcr of Cali fornia: 2daiiglilcr<.Joscphincllanulion ol Rockvillc, Md. and Maggie UHiioy III Slalcsvillciabrolher.Qafenee Fisher laikehind, Fla.; and 15 gnindchil- drcn. Funeral services were held Nov. 4. al Rock Hill Church of Christ in Wixidlcaf wilh Minister Tony Reese cifficialing and burial following in ihc chnu'h ccmclcry. CaiUyn 1>. Hunt Caitlyn nawo lluni. 29 d.iy-old ilaiigUlcr of Jason Wayne and Angela Dawn Hum, of Lexingm". tl'®" Wednesday, Nov. 1,1995 al her home.ShewasbomOcl,3,l995,mUavids.m Couniy. Survivors, in addilinii to tier par- enLs. include a brother. Jason Philip Hum of the lionte: malerttal grandparentsJenyaiVdWandaBrooksofMocte- ville. and Buddy Absher of Mocks- villc; paternal grandparents Fuay and IJcbia Hunt of Uxington; maternalen,-:tl-grandparents Anna Bare ofSal-IslmiyandJamcsandElizabelltAbsher ofCTimtpler, paternal greal-gr.indpm- cnls llic Rev, Robert llagler of China drove and Tom Hum of Usinglon:andslepiralcnial grandparents,Mr, ami Mrs, J .1.. Youngand Mr. and Mrs. Carl Owens, all of Lexington.Funeral serviceswerehcldal2p.nt.. Nov. 3..at Mount Carincl Fa-cwill Bap tist Church, conducted by the Rev,Dcaig McCec. Burial followed in the .■limi-h-'c'in'-iiTs- Jaines "Danny" Harrison y James Daniel "Danny" Harrison.36. of Mock.tvilic, formerly of Princ eton. W,Va„ died Wednesriay, Nov. I, Born in J.C. Grubb elon.W,Va„diedV James Clarence "J.C." Grubb. 72. '^95.ofSalisbury.diedWctlnesday.Nov, I. Born in 1995. at the V.A. Medical Center in Spartanburg. S.C..Salisbuiyafterbeingindeclininghealth '*8® a son of since last December. Betty PalmerHe was bom in Davic County May Hamson of Princ-l. 1923 to Addle Mac Hartley and eton.W.Va.andlhe CharlesMatshallGrubbandwasedu- late James Paulcalcd in the Davie Couniy schools. Harrison. ,. LHe served in the UdS. Army in the HewasaconctWefinishcrfofbridge -ri <r~- • >0 spear Head Division during World ^iMrucIion with Boss CotiMnKIionWar II. He retired from Hoeschl- CompanyofMocksville.Celanese after 20 years as an electri- Survivors.inadditionlohisntolher. ciun. includchiswife.RilaReirtousHairison;He was a member of Jerusalem » ""i- Mich.icl Harrison ofliaplislChurchwherehewasadeacon Pipestem. W.Va.; 3 daughters. Kandiand a Sunday School teacher. He was Lynn Harrison. Stacie Marie Harrisona member of the V.F.W. and the An- tndSashaLccHatrison.allofPipcslem.drew Jackson Masonic Lodge for 26 ^ 3 sisters. Brenda Kay Hok t>fyt.vs. Milledgeville. Ga.. Barbara Ann Gray Survivors include his wife.Juanila Calhoun. Ga.. and Wilma.Jean Kimblc Grubb. whom he m.trricd in Lowe/yofMocksvilletabrrjlher,DavidJune 1950; a .von. C. Kim Grubb of MichaelHatrisonofPrlncelon.W.Va.;Greensboro; a daughter, Reglna G. and paternal grandmother, Sarah iai«FaggiinofSali5bury;3 brothers,Clifton Moore of Una. S.C.W. Grubb and Roy Ciubb. both of MemorlalserviceswereconduciedMocksvillc.andHeiuyGiubbofSalis- " 2 p.m. Nov. 4. at Bums Womalbury; 2 sisters. Lula Hamilton of Chapel of the Memorial Funeral Di- Mocksvillc and Lena Bamhardt of """fy in Princeton wilh the Rev.Churchland; and 5 grandchildren. Orville Harvey officiating.Funcralservlieswerchcldat2p.m. hody was cremated and ashesNov. T.alierusalemBuplisl Church in *'il' he scailered over the New RiverMocksvilie .with the Rev. Jimmy Gofge. Lancaster officiating. Burial followed in RowanMemorial Park wilh military ■ vgravesidehcHioisbytheRowanCoumy Veterans Council.MemoriaJsmaybeniiidetoJerusa- __ .. — .Naomt White-tiam^ ' Naomi White Ijanies. 86. of Har-mony. died Tliursday night. Nov. 2.1995 in DavisCommunity Hospital in Sialesville after a short illness. Site was born in Mocksvilie. Jan.31. 1909 to the laic Joe and LucrcliaDoyd White and had been a home- maker.Siiewasalifelongmemberofljames Crossroads Baptist Church where shehadbeen a Sunday School teacher. She was an avid crocheler and enjoyedflower gardening. Her husband. Walter L. Ijames Sr..preceded her in death in 1993.Siirvivon include adaughlcr. Judy Ijames Merrill of Tobaccovllle; 2 sons.W.L. Ijames Jr. of Advance and SteveIj.vmes of Franklinion; 5 grandchil dren; a great grandchild; 3 sisters.Rachel Call of Cooleemee. Annie BellIngram of Mocksvilie and Veniell'ti'TliC LlbldlV BodcnhcimcrofWinsion-Salem;anda brother. John While of Mocksvilie.Il6i Funcralserviceswereheldal2p.m.Nov. 5. al Ijanves Crossroads BaptistChurch wilh the Rev. Ben Mull officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.Memorials may be made to IjamesCrossroads Baptist Oiutcli. 728 Shef field Road. Mocksvilie. N.C. 27028. DAViE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Nov. 9,1995 EJVI. James The Rev, Enos Monroe "E.M." y Jama. 70, nfDeadmoii Roaci. Mocks- villc. iJieil Thursitay iiMmimg. Nov. 2, 1995, :ii IJnvicCouiuy Hospiial, He wasboniiii Davit C'ounly,A(ihl -'0. 1925 10 itie laa- Alex Carl ami linill) Spiy James aiul was a retirvd iliinisicr, seiving many eliuiulies in North Caniliiia and especially Davic CoiiiKy, Hcw,isiiprjdualeorj'njlll;indBilileInsiituic III HcnclersonviJIc and wa.s a mcnilierolTununiine Bapiisi Cliurcli, He was also a reiired liricfcniason. IJiiring World War II.he served in ihe tl.S. Army ami received die Cumle Heart. Survivors include his wife. Sarah I'.li/alvihllathcockJ.iiiicsorihehome; •I ilaiiphlci, Ueeky ScmnccofMaiden; -Non., WayneJamesami D.ividJames,N.ihul M"eksvillc;6gr.indehildn;ii:2 greal gnuidehildren; 2 sislers, Juaniia UgleandShlrieySeals, bwhofMoeks- villc;aml3hrolhets.GencJamcs, CarolJames aiul Jesse James, all of Mocks- vilie. Funeral services were held ul 2 p.m.Nov. 4. al Turreniinc Uaplisl Church Wiilt die Revs. Billy .Slrmp, Jack Johnson and William Urawley otTlei. atiny. Hutial liillovved in ilie church ivnicici y. Meimiri.ils may he considered fur rurTenii.icllapti.siChu;cli.e/oMil((tedlames. If«nil..S.Hwy.(yi-jsi Mocks- villc. N.C, 270211. Edward KobertMjn Edward Ale.xander Rc-bensoii. 74, ' I'eopics C.'reek Road, Advance, dierl Saturday. Nov. 4, |yy.5 in Medical I'urk Hospiial in Wiiision-Salein. Funeral services wereheld al2p.m., Nov. 7, ai Elbaville Unilcd Melhodisl Chutth wiih Ihe Rev. Wayne Buff officiating. Burial wilh military graveside tiles followed in iJie church ccmeieiy. He was bom in Davie County May 5.1921 toihelaieNoahandOedevieveLyons Robertson and was a retired fumiiure repainnan wilh Buriington Industries in Lexington. He was a memberpf Elbaville United Mediodist Churrfi. During WWD, he was a vet eran of the U.S. Army Air Fbnre. Surviving family includes 2 sons, David E. Robertson and Daniel 0. Robertson, bolh ofAdvance, a daugh ter, Donna Faye Stessman of Char- lotteihisfoimerwife,HelenRobertsonof Chariotte: 6 grandchildren; and 2bfothiers, Wiliiam Robeitson of High Point and Virgil Robertson ofMocks- ville. Clyde Neeiy Clyde Eugene Neely, 72, of ^ Durham, died at his home OcL 26, •. 1W5 following a period of illness. n ;Hc was bom in Davie County, son ofihe late Joseph Frank and Elizabeth Pa^ Neely. He was a WWII Navy vciieran and a retiree of RJ. Reynolds Tolucco Company. Prior to his em- ploymcnial Reynolds.hewasapolicc- man forthe City of Winsion-Salem for six years. Kc is survived by his wife. Marga ret H. Neely ufthc home; a son. Adrian -.E-Necly of Chapel Hill; a daughter, Sonya N. Sbcehy of Cineinnali, Ohio: -'an'd'a brother, DcwhitI W. Neely of Rural Hall. ' .FuiieralserviceswereheldOct,30. at Friendship Baptist Church-in Cool- cemee with the Rev. Quincy Caldwell ofliciating and burial in the church cemetery. CraigA- "Chop"Robison CralgAlan "Chop" Robison,2l.of . 191 Corrie's Lane. Mocksville, died Wednesday, Nov. t, 1995. due to inju ries sustained in an auiomobilcaecU in New Albany, Ind., he wasasonofWII- Ham Keith and Martha Bycrley Owen of Sails- btay. He gradu- alcdin l992rroin South Rowan High School in China Grove. Employed by Boss Construction Company, he attended FcanJdin Bap tist Churchill Salisbury. Survivors, in addilion to his par- . cms, include fiancee, Jamie Smith of Mocksville;2bro(lKis,CunisRobi^ of Salisbuiy and Chris Robison of Mocksville; paternal grandmother, Wilma Owen of Cordon, Ind.; and < maicmat grandparents. Glenn and Wilma Walls of Georgetown. Ind. Funeralservices wereconducted ai ; 4p.rn,_Nov.3,aiLyerlyFuncralHome V WSal&buiyby.lheRev.LanyTwitiy.i ' pasibr. of-FttinWinV.Baplist.Church. Eniombineni followed at Rowbit Me- < morial Park Mausoleum. ' , Memonals may be made to Fiank-: i,linBa^^Churci^2^FrankltnCom- 'ouni^i&nier RoacT Salisbiry, N.C r RubyJ.Pegram ^ Ruby Jaojueiine Pegram. 66, of Kemersvillc, died Saturday, Nov. 4,1995. at Forsyih Memorlol Hospital.' She was bom in High Poinu the daughierofDavidE.ardMiuyWelboni Culler. Surviving are 3 daughlere, Marsha WilliardofOak Ridge. Kay DeHaan of Advance and Penny Poole of Kemersviiie; 2 sons. Tommy Pegram of Kemersviiie and Steve Pegram of Walkerlown; 3 sisters, Imojean Pegram, Lillian Banner and Rebecca Rash, all of Kemersviiie: 2 brothers, David Culler and Daniel Culler, both ofKemersviiie; ggrandchiidren and 2 great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held at 2 p.m., Nov. 6. at Main Street Baptist Church by the Rev. Mike Willard. John Harry Sbeek' John Harry Sheek, 62. of Lexing- Ion, died Saturday, Nov. 4,1995. AfuncralscrvlcewashcldalSp.m.,Nov. 6, 1995, at Davidson Funeral Home Chapel conducted by the Rev. Thomas Juggle. A graveside servit* was held at 2 p.m., Nov. 7, at Smith Grove United Metliodist ChurehCem. etery. He was a native of Davie County and a machinist wilh AMP, Inc. Suiv iving arc his wife, Nancy Fos- IcrSheek of Hie home; a son, Kevin T. Sheek of Crcenshoro; a daughter. Denise Beck ofMidway; a step-grand- iJaughler; 2 brothers James L. "Jim- Shcek of Mocksville. Alton Sheek of Garland,Tcxus;andaslsier,JancCrolts of Mocksville. Davie County Public LiotiiiyMocksville, NC n DAVIE COUNTY ENTliKPKlSE ^'ORD. Nov. 1995 y V, Cs Empress L.Stariey En,press I^fonJ " Runil Hall. Jied Thuisday. Nov. 2.1995 at Forsyth Memorial Iteptalafiei one month of decUrang h^m. She was the widow of Juhs Veiron sianlev. who preceded her in death in1970. Shewasbominl^rsyth^un^Dec 6,1913. live daughter of the toRufusJeffet^nandBettyJtoSpmvte Ixdfoirl. She was a memher of RuralIlallChurehofChristandwasacltveas ' long a-s health permitted. i Surviving are a daughter. Kal.c . Stanley Uneback of Boone; a so vAdrian Sunley of SwansbomJ 1. grandchildren; 7 great-gr^dc^"-asisterElhclUrffordMandooW«ksville;andabiothcr.GeorgeLcdfonlof n Hciitvcstead. Fla. .u k„ 7Site was preceded in death by 2 sons. JitnmyVenvon Stanley and W-wardUdfordStanley;andasisterOpal Udford Morel?.. In A funeral service was cot^ucted at2p.in..Nov.5.atRuralHaHChvrchof Ovrist by Ron Voss. and John Snow,•.ministers. Burial followed in Ruraln Hall Memorial Paik. ,Memorials may be ma^ to R^' • Hall Chuieh of Christ. P.O. Bos 146.Rural Hall. N.C. 27045. / Nora E. Sutzer j Nora E. Sutzer. 59. of MocksvHle. died Nov. 7.199S.atDavte Place Resi dential Care following a period of Ill ness. The body Is at Moirison-Sludevent Funeral Home, wherefuneraland burial plans are being made. purleyS.Himer ? The Rev. Burley S. Turner. 83. of ^ Winston-Salem. died Thursday night. jNov. 2,1995 at The Blumemhal iew- jish Home in Clemmons. j He was bora May 4.1912 in For- ssytljj County to Edwin R. and Annie sSlager Ttuner. He was a member of IjGetnmons First Baptist Church where ^he 4^05 associate minister emeritus. ; (lewasagraduateofSouthemBap- JlistvTheologlcal Seminary and had - cpaslored churches for more than 40 ilyears in Indiana. Kentucky and at For rest hills' Baptist Church In Wlnston- ^alem. Waco Baptist Church in Waco >an(( Samaria Baptist Church In Ra- lld^ He served the Pilot Mountain iantf 'Yadkin Baptist Associations as tinhorn pastor for 10 years during his 'retifemto i Surviving are his wife. Anna zLashmit Turner of the home; a son. iOennyL.TOmerofCharlotte;adaugh- ^ter,GlettdaTiimerofOastonia;2grand- Isons; and 2 sisters, Lucille Ciinord of «MocksvilIe and Irene Smith of East vBend. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. |!Nov. S. at Genunons First Baptist iGgucb by the Revs. Les Davis. Bob 3 Ma|tin and Dr. colon Jackson. Burial •foilpwed in Westlawn Oordens of jM$inory in Genunons. • ;]blRs may be serit to the Memorial jFund at Clemmons First Baptist ^Chiirch. P.O. Box 279. Clemmons. ^1^.27102. >- I Davie County Public Library D^fcSVill^ MC .-.-rz,i4 n V- .0 DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD; Nov. 16,1995 - f Annie H. BaityAnnieHulchensBaily.m.ofOiin- .liinpin Road Mocksville, died Nov. 10. ai Auninm Care of Mocksville. She w.Ti boni fu™ Davic Ciiiiiily I" ibc laic John andMarjUctklluldicns.Shewasaluime- niakcr.imiiimciiibctofl-ilicnyliaplisl Church. She "as preceded in ilcaih by herliusbaml.R.A.Baity.oiiScpi.29,1973. and by iwins, Uilly Dean and Bobby Gene Hairy in 1937. Sufvivirp are 2 daughters Nellie Prim and Mary Kalhryn Baily bolh of • Mocksville: i sons, Roby IA-e Baity of YadkiiiviUe, James Harvey Baily of Triiiiiinan and Jerry Harding Baiiy of Advance; 10 grandchildren; luid 10 gieal-grandchildten. FuneralserviceswereheldruZp-ro. Nov. 12. al Gemry Family Chapel by ihc Rcv.s. J A. Bracken and Marvin Blackburn, liurial followed in lire Lib erty Haplisr Church cemclery. Pauline B. Carter Pauline BowlesC;irter, RH.rormcrly J of Winsrott-S;tleni. died Wednesday.Nov.8.1'W.i.alStokcs-RcynoldsHos- pilalinDanlHtr). . Sire was bom Nov. 15. 1906 tn'■ Uavio Counly lo rhe lure John C. and■ 'SalllcBution Bowles.She was preceded in dearh by herh»slxind.HisFranklmCaner.inl993 ■She » as a fomicr member ofSouib• SlokcsChurcliofClirrstandhudtauglu• Sunday School at her prcsenl church.• " S<30lh Fort: Church of ChrisL whereshe was an active member of tire La-•" dies Bible Class. She bad worked al'•""DavisDcpartmentSiorcinearli^ye^- anawasachanermcmberotiheWm- sion-Salem and Stokes County Semr*t^CiiizensOub.t -iSurvivingareasdn.JoeF.CanerolI l^g;2sisters.GraceW^of Ale**t an(lria.Va. and Ruby Fr^,ofUtigt Be'tielvCtdif.;2^d»ns;and2g^i-c gnuidchildren.I-" Funeral services were held at 11(i.m..Nov.ll.aiHaywotth-MaierSilas Creek Chapel with Claude Phait andHomer Lloyd officiating. Bu^ foi-•: tovfedinJerichoChurchofChrislcem-i pOT in Mocksville. . ,.5 !^Mcn»riaHinay,beri»arleti>Hi*and5 Inline Carter Oferiiable-'nust, P.O.^ ^917. png, N.C. 27021- EdgarF.Baraette • EdgarFranWiii Bameue Sr„ 70, ofHarmony, di^ Monday, Nov. l3,1995, al N.C. Baptist Hospiwl in Win-ston-Salcm afler being in declining health for several morilhs and criU- eally ill for one week.Bum in liedell Counly SepLSL1925. to the late Ronald Devid andJessie Cliurch Bamclle, he was retired I'rsim Burlington Industries after 36 yc.nrs in maintenance. He was a veteran oftheU.S. Army, serving duririgWorid War 11- He was a mcpiber of Hebron Baptist Church. i He was married March 12.1943,loEmmaFcmHenderson.whosurvives. Ho is ulso survived by 3 daughlers,Sandy Millsaps of Orange Park. P9.. Shara McDaniels of Mocksville Sarah Lou Bamene of Harmonyiidsons, Edgar "Ed" F. Bamclte, Michael J, "Mike" Dameite. Robert L. Bamclleand Roger L. Bamellc. all of Siates-ville:abroUicr.WoodrowW,Bamelie of I larmony: 4 sisters. Eula Kicks andIna Byers. bolh of Stalcsville. Ruby York of Mocksville an d Onirca Den-son ofCharlotte; 8 grandcliildren: and2grcalgrandclulilrcn. "i He was preceded in death by a son.DonalilRayBameiie;3grandchjldt^ Stephanie and Kimberly Millsaps andSamaniha Bamene; a sister, Mabel B.Padgctt;and3bn)thers.Lonme,Brtslol and Glenn Bamene. Funeral services were to be held al2 p.m. Nov. 15, at Reavis FuneralHome Chapelby the Revs. William LWease and Bobby Henderson withburial fcdlowing'inlhc Hebron Baptist Chureh Cemetery. FranWin D. 95, of ^ iMinaion.dicdbun > DaptistCbutchml^^' 6 a former pastor o ^Chureh in Mocks ^ gnFuneral servt^^jp ^^Files Saturday. Nov. .Chapel Bapust^r^^W- lowing inLexiub Johnsie Mae Divers Johnsie Mac Divers. 62, of 241NeelyRoad.Cooleemee.diedWednes- day, Nov. 8. 1995. at N.C. BaptistHosfHiaJ in Winslon-SaJem. Bom Aug. 21. 1933. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of the late John and Ella While Divers. A home- maJter. she was a member of Friend ship Baptist Church.Survivors include a son, KevinDivetsofSaIisbury;andafo$terdaugh- ler, lyanna Council of the home. Funeral services were conducted at3 p.m. Nov. 13. at Friendship Baptist Chureh with the Rev. J.R. SamuelsofTiclaling. Burial followed in the church cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD; Nov.' 16,1995 - ^ Josephine H. EllisJosqAine Hulchins Ellis. 79 nt Monday morning, Nov. |3, 1995 at AuiumnCarcofMocksvlllv. Puneral-v^wv,oioK-heldai2,.m.,No:, k!' L "" CIupcl ,viu, the " "^'"SmCowuizcr United Mell.-iHiiM ChuichCcmcicy be consideretj for v'NrNC27t;r""'" Sbc-uslK.n.i„i)avieC.«,.,,y,,H. "rCcni4l«rU„.icdMeih.xllMa,uahMl. uasaitavld no.vergttoJomand e'-ixvi.iiry ctijojed tfocheilttg.She was pa-veded in death by t^rliuslMiid. Raymond EHis. in lygy. „ "ii"-Roger Dale KichkMn 19M;a„,ia "I'lighler.Elai^ Morrison, in im ">'^i"''.-edaughler.JodyCnlhspte of Fciann. Va,; a son. David Ri^eofMoe|ksviIJe;9g,amJchildm„.yoaf-grandchildren; 2 stcp««ai ofAdvaneeMd/MnBellofRotcnce KvaKejipynlue '"•''•''-^""'•^'MedietdCcn. Miller Key and was Pardiic of Wilkesh^" ''' OpiJ Bailev „fKepline of L Cenha f-S"t5ESi^ Joyce Green Fp^r i^redeii Memorial Hospimi in Slates' i""nerandln«sofl6monlhs. ShewasbominDavieCounlyOetf Wallace and Uis had been a hot,«. ".ilcrShchadworkcdatCenlralCam-l'"P^-inCooleen«for;?y^Sl« was a member of Tanglewood =ssr'^-"- ShewasprecededindeathbyasonKenneth MarkFostcr.in 1967Sttrvtvors incl.tde her hasband of ''^^''"•'^^nt^ihFoateroftheTomeJtS^-PCart^randLTy• oPfSilofer. both of Mocksviti,- NovTafFT'T''''"''"''-'"2p''"- S«"h Ris^^^leo Ktehodjsi Oiiuch Cemeie~ with Ihe graveside serviceMettmrials may be made to the Emery J. James Emety Junior James, 63. ofClem- i/ ttwns. died niursday, Nov. 9.1995 al Fbisyth Memorial Hospital in Win- ston-Salem. Bom Dee, 12. 1931, in Davidson Coutiiy, he was a son ofthe late Emeiy and Sallie Wearer James. A Baptist, be retired from Pallet Resources. Survivors include his wife. Marie Childers James; 3 sons, Danny Moss of Salisbury, Emery James Jr. and Robbie James, both of Winston-Sa- lem, and Aniu Durlcy of Kannapolis; 2 brothers, Odeli James of Lexington, and Ray James of Advatrce; 2 sisters, Ethel Dunnand Elsie Roirrminger.both ofClcmmons; I2gtatxlchildren;and8 great-grandchildren. FuncntI services were heldai2p.m..Nov. l2.aiWeslsldcBapUstChutthof LexInglon.byiheRevs.ClennSanford and Craig Edwards. BuriaJ followed at Forest Hill Memorial Park. BiUSeteer ' Rural HaU. djed unexpectedly Thure- iJay. Nov. 9,1995 at his home.Hewasbont lnHickoty.Aug. 23. a! ^ Walterand Tinme Lowcry Setzer. He was a member of Kineswoori Church in RuralHall.He had been a ales represematjve fo, • Ki ® Company. locatedmNcwManinsvllle WVa.Surviving are his wife. Jimn.ieCollle Setzer of the home; 2 tons Eetman Tim" Server cf Winsion-Sa- lem and Bobby K. Setzer of BadSa^tg. Germany; 2 grandchildren Mocksville andRonald G. Setzer of Stanleyville' 2 ^t.gmndchildrcn:4siepgiarKlchll.?'"/2"^P8™'-8™dchildren;ajHla^|her,Htmy Setzer ofLong Beach, at2 n was conducted«2p.m Nov.ll.atKjngswocdUnilcdMethodist Chutch by the Rev. Lee airanjc. Memorials may be made to P.O. Box 399. Rural Hall, N,C 27045. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE record; Nov. 16,1995- peParx Stimson IJePara Slimson, 86, of Win:.li>ii- i Salem, died Sunday. Nov. 5. 1!W5 in ,N.C. Buplisi Hospiud. He was bom ;1^'. 13. 1908 in Florence, S.C.. to ;Samiicl C. and Mary Ucllc Pan 1 Slirnson. He lived most of hiv life in jWinslon-Salem. ; He wa< a graduate of N.C. Stale 'University, Auburn University and •^iflTord College. He wus a school •pRiwipal in the Francisco district in ;Swkcs County for a number of years. -He later went to work for the Bahnson . Company, where he was chief sales cngirsccr. He was later operator of DePani ' Stiinsonllngineering. Hcwaslistedin • Wha'sWhouflheSoulhaiullheSoulh- - i«jr, HTio's Who in Commerce and '^ Induaiy, Who's Who in Finana gnd J /ncfc/ry. Who's IWio in lAe World, ; No0h Carolina Lives;Persoialilles of ; rhe^mluDiciiona^of/niemasional i Biography, The Royal Blue Book qf England, and Wisdom Hall of Fame, i Hewasalongdmemeniberandwas < pastnationalseCTetaiyoftbeAmericsa j SodeQrofHeatiogandAirCondilion- r ing En^neers. Ha was past pnesiilent ' of the North Carolina Engineers. He j was a member of Lamba Chi Alpha ; Society. He was the inventor of the i heat pump. i He is survived by his wife. Emily ^Spatiu SiirosoDofttebone; adaugh-.' liter. Ma^ y. Stimson of Wi'oflon- . {Salem; 2 sons. Samuel E. Stiinimn of ^ Auslin.Texas,andRkhotd B. Stimson J of King's Mountain; a sister. Cornelia CSpeaks of Greer, S.C.; 3 grandchil- i dren; 2 nieces; and a nephew. ■f A mcmoriid service was held ui 11;'p.tB., Nov. 8, u Vogiei's ReynoldatRoad Chapel by-the Rev. ^land jBarnharLi Memorials made to die ^Aiperican Heart Association. 1386-A j W^stgateCenterDr.. Winslon-Salem,sN.^. 27l(^2949;'or to BrooksionejR4tHo^^68 OldSalisbury Road,jf-extngto^NJc. 27292; or to a chadty rpf the dortot's choice.I—? • Nora E. Sulzer y Nora E Sutzcr, 58. of Etchison Slieet,MocksvilIe,diedTuesday morning. Nov.7. !995.atDavie Place Resi dential Care following a period of ilJ- nes-s.She was bom in Davie County, a daughter of the late Katie Sutrotr. Survivors include iiii aunt. Lucy Tatum of Mocksviile, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services wereconducted at 2 pm. Nov. 9. at Morrison-Sludevent Funeral Home with the Rev. R.W. Myers officiating. Burial followed inthe family plot at Cedar Creek Baptist- Church. Gariieid TruUt Garfield Truill. 82. of Sparta, died- Monday morning. Nov. 13. 1995. at his home.He is survived by his wife, Evelyn , CaudillTruittofthehomeiadaughler.BaibaraioinesofSpanatoneson, Page Truitl of Advarse; 3 granddaughters.Sonya Sawyer of Winslon-Salem, Christa Truill of Advance and SlierryJolncs of Charlotte; a great-granddaughter. anti one brother. Talniaiigc Tiuitt of Glade Valley. Funeral services were to be, con-ducledat2p.m.,Nov. IS.atGrandview Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with the Elder Jess B. Hig&ns ofTiciaiingand burial ftdlowing in Sparta Cem etery. SheilaDianaWall,.; .. , lyiefuneralservirsforSh^aDiona 'Widl. 17.ofSpencer, was held at 3G0) p.m.Nov, 13. at SummersettMemo-"rial Chapel in Salisbiny. • i •'She was bom in Rowan County , Aug. 1, 1978 to Daisy Kyles Wall of i SpencerwdKenneihGerald.WaliSr, iofSalisbury. She was educated in the { RowanandDavieCoumyschoolsShc ■ ! uttendedSecoikiStrcctChuichofGod -in^llsbury.' Sipvivori in addition to her par- 'ents, are maternal grandparents, Mr. Kyles of Spencer. ; paternal grandmother. Lizzie B. Wall ofSallsbury; ahalf:bnjther, Kenneth |r'Subba" Wall Jr. of Shelby; 3 sisters, .^Elizal^eth "Sissy" Eason of Salisbury. .. I Site Qavis ^ Jeannie Gray of Spcn-Lcer. and 2'haif-sisiers, Stephanie and Brinany Wall ofShelby. ; MemorialsmaybemadetoBethomy1 Retirement Center Activity Fund. .MemoiyofShrilaWall.909N.Spen- ;'cerAvenue,;Spencer.N.C.28159. ^ i)dvis County Public Library^l^cksville, iw • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Nov. 23,1995 Donnie E. Carter / l^oiinicEverelleCailer,54.ofLe*- inglon ilicij Monday iiiglii. Nov. 13. 1995. al Lc*ingion Memorial iluspiial after a LTilieal illness of one week. He was Imm in DiivieCoiinlyJiin, 20, I9dl 10 James Tlldcn ami l.ola RidentUHirCuner. He wascniployed si Bermuda Vjjjiige Relircmeni Ccnier and was a member of Orate Bupilsi Qiurch. Survivors Include his wife, Mela Myers Caner of ihe iumic; a .son, Michael C.inet of Ihc h.Hiie; 3 bnxh- ers, Lewis, Hilly and Junior Carter, ail ofMocksville;4sisiers. BcnIiaTucker ofLcxinglon,KayePrevelleundCladysTysinger. boih of lyro. and AnnieMooe of Moeksvilie: and his siq>- mother. Velma Caner of Lcsingion. Funeral services were al 11 a.m, Nov. 15 ai Davidson Funeral Home Chapel wlUi ihc Rev. Noah Ftycomci- aiing. Burial followed in Lexiugion Cily Cemciefy. Memorials may be made lo Spruce Si. Baptist Church. 407 .Spruce St., Lexington, NC 37292. Mildred Ellis Hege Mildred FJlis Hege. 89, of N.C. 801, Advance, died Friday, Nov. 17. 1995, alBradfordVillagefiLSI in Kern- ersville. She was bom in Davie County. April 29. 190fi, to the laic Tliomas J. and Mamie roindexler Rilis and had been a huiiicnuker. She was n member ofElhaville United Mclhodisi Church. Her husbiind. Samuel 1, Hege, pre ceded her in death in 1963. Surviving .ire 2 daughters, Mary H. Dunn of Winsion-Salem, Lee H. Ed wards of Austin. Texas; ti son. Robert C. Hege of Greensboro;'6 granikliil- dren; 6 great-grandchildren; and a brother. Bill Ellis of Mounlciii View Mo. A gravesiilc service was held at 2 p.m.Nov. ly.atElbavillBUnilcdMeth- odisl Church Cemelciy in Advance with the Rev. Wayne BuffofTiciating. Albert "Max" Doss ' ^ Al^ "Max-Dos$,'59,ofMocks-villCedied Wedftcsihy, Nov. 15 J905 al home. lie was bom May 12. 1936 in l^vtd»n County to James Emmilt ^'"-""5'^cfDoss, Hewasretiredfrom R.R. Deal Construction Com pany, where he worked as a carpenter "-as preceded in death by a brollKr.DonaldRayDoss.andag,a^.uaughier. Sabritui Campbell. • Hcissurvivcdbyhiswife.Bcllyofliomc; 2 sons. Tcrty C. Doss of Greensboro and James M. Doss of MocksviJIe; 2 daughters. Sandre M CampteH and Kaihy L. Robertson. ^ of actions and Douglas Dossof Hrgh RockLake; and 2siflere Ubby Allen of Ciemnwns and Maty Sue Martin of Welcome. AfuneralservicewashcJdal2p.m N"v,l7,atHaywonl)MillerSilasCteek Chapel withthe Rev.JImmyaodfelterofncmttng. Burial followed in Wcsllawn Gardens ofMemory. Flossie C. Jones Flossie ComaSzcr Jones. 100. for- j merly of Baltimore Road, Advance, died Wednesday aflcmoon, Nov. 15, 1995, at Meridian Nursing Center in Salisbury. Funeral services wereconducted at II a.m. Nov. 17, at Mocks United McthodisiChurchwiihtlieRevs. Bruce Gwyn and Dan Martin officialing. Burial followed in the church cem etery. Memorials may be considered for the BiiilJing Fund of Mocks United MelhixJIst Church, Advance, N.C. 27006. Shewas bom in DavieCounty,July 12,1895 to the late Henry and Agnes . TaylorComalxerandhadbeenahonie- nmker. She wasacharteimemberofMocks United Methodist Church where she wasa memberof IheUnited MetlKidist Women and was a fonner Sunday - School Teacher, She was an avid gar dener and seamstress. Her husband, Marvin R. Jones pre ceded hcrin death in 1950. Adaughter, Louise Jones, died in 1990, and her son. Paul Jones, died in 1993. Survivors include 2 daughters,Annie Rudi. Qn^^f.Advance aadj Mfg.Mi|titedBcQwfefStinin>etfiel<l^ in the church cemetery. Mrs. Carrie Love ^ Mrs, Carrie Jane Jones Kennedy y Love. 79. of Salisbury, formerly of Oiikboro, died on Sunday, Nov. 19. 1995, at Rowan Memorial Hospital,' She was the mother of Ms, Lee Head ofMoeksvilie. Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 22, at Mineral Springs Baptist Church in Oakboro, with the Rev. Ollls Revels omdating. Burial was to be in aark's Grove Primitive Baptist Cemetery In Slunfield. Lowell Gene Martin Lowell Gene Martin. 56, of Ad vance, a native of noyd. Va., dted Thuisday, Nov. 16,1995.HewasadriverforT&LTcuckmg in Advance (or 33 He was preceded in dealh by hisparents. Luther E, "hd BeatrkeHouchinsMastin.andabtoihcr.Elbeil Lee Martin. Survivors include; 2 sons. DaireU Duncan and Terry Duncan. 2 daugh. ters. Linda Whitlaker and Sherry Blankenship, all of Radford, Vi; •randchiidren; his Fiance. Atlene BenReldofAdvance, whom hewas to have married on Nov. 18; father and mother-in-law. Joseph and Essie Franklin of Radford. Funeral services were al 2 p.m. Sunday atthe Salem Church. Copper Hill. Va., with Elders Hale Tei^ andLarry Hollandsworlh otficiaiing. Burial was in Restvale Cemetery. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 371 NORTH MAIN STREEt MOCKSVILLLMC 27021 • DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Nov. 23,1995 Roy S. McClamrock Sr. ,/ Mr.Kc>ySnnfordMcClamrockSr.;J 8().of Kannapolis.died Nov. 19,199S- ai his home. He was prec.-ded in death by his wife. Mrs. E.illinn Com McCiamiock, in 1980. Funenil services were scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday. Nov. 22 ol Wliiiicy's i'uncral Home chapel ip' Kannnpolis by the Rev. Curtis Parker2j Burial was in Union Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery in Mocluviiie. where graveside services n wcn:tubche!dat4p.ni, He was bom in Davie County on. April 3, 1990, to the lale Calvin McClamrock and Hester Mayberry McClamrock. lIclivcdinMocksville . Air many years. Bascom E. Proctor ^BascomSeanaProclor.84.on3i^K masville. died Nov. 15, 1995 at 1^ home. He was the father ofGn« ofBemttKlaRun. Funeral ser^ces weic at 2 P-nwrj Nov. 18 at Zion United Church of ;ChristbyDr.JocColnane^iheRey. j Lynwood Hubbaid. Burial was in the jj church cemetery. 5 Walter A. McDaniel Walter Alfred McDaniel, 83, oCr y Salisbury, died Saturday, Nov. 18.. 1995, n( his residence after a period of. declining health. He was bom March 12, 1912 iti' DavieCouniytothelaleMoUyCreasm and John Aiidecson McDaniel. He ^ tended the Davie County schools N.C. Slate University. . Survivors include a sister, Grai^ RullcdgcofMocksville. Hvi Funeral services were conductedw 1 p.m. Nov. 20, in the chapel of 8w^ John's LutheranChurch with the Reyfj Carl Sachtleban and Matty Slev^^] officiating. Burial followed in Ruwd^ ' Memorial Park. ;-»J .-•i n Jon Vincent Mueller Jon Vincent Mueller. 57, of LaQuinta Drive, Advance, died lale . Tuesday afternoon. Nov. U, 1995. at bis home. He was bom in Brooklyn. N.Y. Dee. 19. 1937 to the late Henry and Edith Arrigali Mueller and was a lifememberoflheNalional Rifle Associa tion. Survivors include; his wife, Joy Seavone Mueller; 2 dau^lers, Lori AllenofMocksvilleandLindaMueller of New York. N.Y.; 2 sons, Jon V. Mueller Jr. of Advance and Denis Mueller of Winston-Salem; a grand daughter; and a sisUr, Joy Meyers of Mcdford,N.Y- FuneralsetviceswereheldalBp-nt. Nov. 17, at Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocksvillc with the Rev. Bernard Manley officiating. Kosooe Shelton f'n *as bom Jan. 8 I oru 1.1-> . p-ds^tal,his adult hTeinwS. of the Ohio College of Jn June, 1993 n . ' .®fs. leiinng ISSS"-I'",j .jrf^nmPanmngioa . . ...j DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRlSJE RECOib, No^^O, 19»S^- y 0 Lila Mae Beaudiamp Lila Mae Wall Beauchamp, 91, of Advance, died Monday, Nov, 20, al Korsylh Memorial Ho$piUl. She was bom in Davie County, May 26.1904, to William Hdwaixland Cora Lee Ijames Wall. She attended DavicCounty schools and was ahotne- maker. She w.-is a mcmlter of Mace donia Moravian Church. She w,as picceded in death hy her husband, Fordic Kichnioiid Beauchamp, (let 21, 1989. Surviving are a daughter, l-m«>n Blackweldcr of AdvaiKc: a grand daughter; and a gieat granddaughter. Funeral .sers'ices weie held iit 2 p.m. Nov. 22, at Macedonia Moravian Church with the Revs. Richard Shaniel and Noniian Byerly ofTiciating. Burial followcti in the chinch grave) ani. Janie Adams Goforth lanie Adatns Ooforlh. 94, of Win- 3 slon-Salcm Convalescent Center dicij Monday afternoon, Nov. 27, 1995. Bom May 2.1901 in Temple Hill, she was the sisterofAirlee Malhctlyof Mocksvillc. A memorial service w ill he held at a later d,ite in Hilton HeatI, S.C. f,,. maker. ;,„.iude 2 sons, ClyJe UwtsofMocs. LoisRoseof / .•d^aitdalar8cnumb«»f^'8 i T- —)—rr r n "• n A n n ' n • Mary Ethel Bivens Mary Ediel Bivens, 79, of Joyner Slieci, Cooleemee, died Sunday, Nov, 26, 1995 al Brian Center Heallh'and Rch.abititation in Salisbiuy, i n Born June 25, 1916, in Davie Coutity, she was a daughter of the late Fred J, and Nannie Rodden Bivens, Retired, she was formerly employed by inber Industries in the packaging department. Survivors include a brother, James R. Bivens of Salisbury, and a sister, Maude Wofford of Cooleemee, ~ ■; Gmveside services were held at 2 p.iti. Nov. 27, at Liberty United Meth odist Church conducted by Robert Creasoit. i;Dorothea M. Gnibb ;; Dorothea M, Gmbbs, 75, of Win-y i^titon-Salein, the sister of ^ilh Huntwiiof Bennuda Run; died Mdnddy, Nov,I ;27,1995, at Fbrsylh Memorial Hospl- ';tal. '1 Funeral services were held at 11 ■;a.m, Nov. 29, at New Hope United : Methodist Chuich with the Rev, Will- ;; iiun CUirie officiating. Burial followed ,;at Forsyth Memorial Park, Memorials may be made to New :! Hope United Methodist Church, 5125 " Shaltalon Drive, Winston-Salem,N,C, : 27106or to tlteAmerittan Cancer Soci- ' ety, 1900 S. Hawthorne Road, Win- ston-Salem.N.C. 27103. Joyce W. Crouch Joyce Whitlock Crouch. 58. ofDuiham, died Friday afternoon. Nov, 24.1995. at Durham Regional Hospi tal following a brief illness,A native of Davie County, prior to her retirement, she was cafeteria manager al Mongum School,Surviving ate her husband, RicliardT. Crouch ofthe home; her mother and stepfather, Ruth and Qement Stone of Mocksville; 2 daughters, Renee Cook of Richmond and Michele Cook Thompson of Dttrham:ason,Qyde Rob ert Cook Jr. of Duiham; 2 sisters, PatW. Boger of Mocksville and BrendnW. Voglcr of Cooleemee; a biotlier,Joe Whitlock of Mocksville; and 5grandchildren. Graveside rites were conducted at 11 a.m, Nov. 27, at Rose and SharonBaptist Church by the Rev. Charles Ruff. / CMarileeAUgood Latham . Mrs. MarileeAllgood Latham, 88,t-foimeily of Gwyn Street, Mocksville,Pdied Saturday afternoon, Nov.25.1995, ''in Meadowbrook of Qemmons after^being in declining health for several tyears, ■;j- Funeral services were at II a,m.: ;Monday, Nov. 27, in Wesley ChapeltUniledMethodistChurch with the Revi jTammy Talbeit, pastor, officiating, uBurial was in the church cemeteiy, 2 Mrs, Lalham was bom in Yadkin°:County, May 3.1907, to the late JohniJoseph and Belle Myers Allgood and •had been a homertuilcer. She was ajmember of Wesley Chapel United;;Mcthodist Church, y: Her husband, Hugh Latham, pre- 'ceded her in death,' r. Survivors include: a sister, Mrs.'Sylvia Todd of Winston-Salem; and• Seveial nieces and nephews, including •Mrs. Maty Btoek of Mocksville,The family request memorials be ■ransideied for the Meituirial Ftind atiWesley Chapek 124 Ometeiy Road, -Mocksville. 5'^ davie CO'JNTY public LIBR^Y371 NORTH MAIN STREETMOCKSVaiLN. 027029. da VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECO^^ Nov.abriWS^ J Zaddie Mae Long Zoddie Mae Livengcxxl Long. 74, of Boonville. died Monday nighi al Cuaidian Care Center in iilkin. ShewasbomDec.Z I920,inDavie County to lite late Ernest Wel)sleriind Mary Myers Uvciigi«*l. She was a iiiembtT ot i'ullDii United MelluKiist Cliiintii. Surviving nie her luishand oi .13 yeuis. Virgil M;irvinl.c niguUiiehomc; (i eliildrcn. Mane (iiiicv and Mlairx: Hell, hoih of 1'adkinville. 7ai>cl l.rnig III Miami. Ma.. Joyce l.nng aiul Cail (iny lanig. hotll iif la^singlun. .hhI laiiy l.nng of Hnnnville; 5 sivicrs. MaryRnlhSnyJerandluirlineGnjbtrs, linlli of I.inwiahl. Sylvia Sinilh and Veil Jones, hoih of l.esington. and l;i>el]eHenilrivolMi*-l.sville;5liii)lli- crs. Frank l.ivciigiKid of Mock.sville, Henry U\cngi«xl and li.W. "Chunk' l.ivcnpixid Jr.. both id Ailvjnte. and Maynard LivcngiKx! id l.inwood: 9 ehildren; and .3 great giandehildrcn. Stic Has preecdcil in death by 2 htiilhers.Gilinerl.iveiiginxl tnul James l.ivengiXHhandasisler.l'aulineWalscr. i-uneral services were lield at 2:.3() p.m. Nov. 2.3, al lamgtosvn lloiled Mclliodisi Church with the Revs. lioh Humctte andJ.P.Si/eiiKircuniciatmg llurial folloued in the cliureh eem- clery. Sadie B. Naylor / Sadie Benson Nay lot. »9. of Wilkcsbotu Situel. Moeksvillc. diedeariyTuesdayinoming,Nov.28.l995. . atlhehomeofherson Benny Naylor , on Metoney Street. ' She was bom in Rowan County Aug. 31. 1906, to the late FelixKimbroughandBellcntomasonBen- n 'son and was a retired seiactary to the■j.P. Green Milling Company with 60yearsofservice. Shewasamemberof • MocVsville Brst Baptist Church and an avid gardener. •, Her husband, J<dm Hoyd Naylor.preceded her in death May 26. i982. Survivors include adaughlet, Janie Coian of Mocksville; 3 sons. Benny,Johnny andJack Naylor, allof Mocksville; 12gtandchildrcn;22great-gtand- .Children: a sister. Dorothy Keller of,Moeksvilie;and2brolhers,JohnCreen 1 Benson of Mocksville and Bill Ben- ■'son of Charlotte,Funeral services wcit to be held at ' 2 p.m. Nov. 30. at Mocksville First' Baptist Chuich with the Revs.Hovisand Paul Riggs officiating with ■burial following i.n Rose Cemetery.MccDotialsmaybcmadetoMocks- ville Fust BaptistChurch, North Main Street. Mocksville. N.C. 27028. ^nrgaret L. Mottioger Mrs. Margaret (Peggy) LouiseHively Moltinger, 76, dietl Sunday.Nov.26.199.'i.aithe MapleLeafNurs ing Center in Slalesvillc. She was a formerresident of DavieCounty, and had worked forthe DavieCounty School System food services.She wa-s the widow of Edward Clark Mottinger-Survivws include; 5 sons, EdwardC. Mollinget Jr., Ralph W. Moltinger.Claler C. Moltinger. William (Dill) J.Moltinger and J. M;tfk Moltinger. 4daughters,Ms.Caroline Mollinger.Ms. Jackie Wetter. Mrs, Margaret (Meg)Lambetiand Mrs. Sara Mills; a sister.Mrs. Margie Bell; 23 grandchildren;and 3 great-grandchildren.Funeral serviccsweteal 10;30am. Tuesday. Nov. 29 al Ilie Nicholsonl^uncralHomeChapel. Burial followed in the Wliiievilie Memorial Cemetery in Whiieville al 4;30p.m. Ralph Coiad PhilUps Jr.Mr.RaIphCozadPhillipsJr..58.of J CIcmmons. died Sunday, Nov.'1995. al Forsyih Mcmonal Hospital.. Mr. Philips w;u5boni Feb.20,1937,ih Davie County to Ralph C, and LunaOtrell Phillips. He was employed byRJR Tobacco for over 24 years. -V Survivors include a sister. Mrs.•DelnotaSinkofCIemmons.' y, Funei^ services were.iit 2 p.m.,Tuesday,Nov.28.ai'YoglertindSt^ ,, , ■feiemmonsChapilbyjtieRev.Eg^'' '^Iraven. Buri^ follosyed in ite^Ad-: :;anceUruiedM'etliodi5tChi^Cem.. Walter "Sarge" Munday Walter "Sarge" Hugh Monday. 78, of Salisbury, died Friday. Nov. 24, I99S, at Rowan Memorial Kospilal. I Ic had been in declining health for six months, but death was unexpected. He was bom Feb. 16.19l7in Davie County to the late Delia Williams and John E. Munday and was educated in the Davie County schools. He retired from SoulJiem Railroad Poslai Service In 1968 after 23 years of service, later working for Catawba College in the maintenance department. He was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church. He was a veteran of WorldWarII.serving inlheU.S.Army. He was a member of Hudson-Miller- Tatum VFW Post, Brotherhood of Railway Clerks and tlie Woodmen of (lie World. His wife, Lois Parker Munday, pre ceded him in death. Survivors include 2 daughters. Sylvia Tyree and Kay Wensil. both of Sa]isbury:2gtanddaughlets:and2great grandchildren. Funeral serviceswere held at I p.m. Nov. 27, at Lycrly Funeral Home's James C. Lyeily Chapel with the Rev. Tom Roberts officiating. llurial fol lowed al Carolina Memorial Park in Concord. DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE REc6imVNo\^ 30^1^5:- ^ Jean Smith '' I'ilal iififr MicUe,, ''uiK-nit si-rvicc 7 j '•IfscUniicUMcihod. li"iCIiua-hofMoclui. | I^''le ivith the Rev. I |lid Biggcfs, p.i,iof. L (; 8vh.,wavi„R<^Cer,.. M's. .Smhh iva. bom m IJaWe ^"uniyonJulyy. |9i2.m,h i . Sps James Bassett 'Bifierow Jatnes Bassett Tullerallf. 72, for- tiKriyolRambowRoad, A^ancc.dicd j TucstLiy nioming, Nov. 21, 1995, at ' Auluniti Core of Mocksvi&.He was bom in Oavie^ntyfuly 24.1923,10 ihelateThoin^atKl Daisy J Ba-ssellTutlcrow. I I Survivors include a sonlLanyTut- leruw oTMocksville; 2 grt^hil Jren; a brother, Eveielte TuUc^w of Ad vance; luul a sister, Ora Mie Boyd of f^vance. ' ' He was preceded in (rath by 3 brothers,Oeo. RayandTotiTullerow; imd 2 sisters. M.vgarel 1 Fox arxl MocilaT. Foster. He wasa retired farmerand textile wurttcr ctnploycd by Ervijn Mills in Coolecmec and Kerr Dye and BlC'ichcty in Concord. A graveside service waiheld at 10 a.m. Nov. 23, in Center Unted Meth odist Ctuuch Cemetery wih the Rev. David Ciibreaifa ofDciaiint - Memorials may be madltothe Red Cross Disaster RellefFunJdSO Coli seum Drive. Winslon-Saem, N.C. ZeoIaWiiliains , Zcola McDanicIs Williams, 78. of 1313 Ridge Road. Moeksville. died Saturday, Nov. 25,1995, at her home aflerabrtef illness. Bom Dec. 18, 1916, in Davie County, she was the dau^ter of the late Minnie McDaniels West. She was a retired adult and child care worker and was a member of Sodeiy Baptist Church. She waspreceded in death by ason. Sonny Willlains Jr. Survivors include her husband, ClyileH.Williamstason.RaymondE. Williams; 3 ^andchildren; and 3 step- grandchildien. • ^ Funeral services weie conducted at 3 p.m. Nov. 28. at Society Baptist Church by the Revs. Steve Cox and Bobby Henderson with burial follow ing in the church cemetery, r,. y.p COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY fAOCKSVlLLE, N, C. 27028 DAVIE COUOTY.EOTERPRISE "RECORD, Dec. 7,1995 n Joe Thomas Alderman rtharlieJusUceAJIen lci.-ThiimasAIdeniian.67.ofQiar- , "Oinrli. ... Ajien Os V VI % 'i / JocThi>inasAIdeniian.67.ofaiar- |iilli.Mliciir)ce.2. IW5.alHumci«illc Oak^. I k- was bom in Kin.irJ. Ha. ami iclirml in fioin A r&TTcnoIo[;y as a supcivisor with .12 year s ol ser vice. He hail previously livcJ in Cool- eeiiiee ami worked .at Krwin Mills. He Wits a nicniber of .Sharon BaplisI Chinch. Surviving arc his wife. Kulirriirner Aldciman; 2sons,MyronAlilermanor Greenville, S.C.. Rnniiy Alderman of Kcniersville; 4 grandchiltlten; 'd great pramlilaughter: a brother. Charles liinies AUIenrian Jr. orRichinond Hill, (ia ; a sister. Jcancttc Hoef of San llicgo.Calir.:andasislcr-in-law.lidilh r 'liiippcll i>r Mockss ille. I'um tal scn ices were hclil at 11 a 111. I X-c. 1. al Slunrn Baptist Church willi Ills' Revs. Wayne Adkisson and I tail I X-aloii ol liciating and burial fol- lowitie al .Sharon Memorial ParkCern- el.'is Heni7T.Bahnson I Iciiry Theodore Bahnson Jr.,50.of y Wininock Hann. Advance, died Tues day. Nov. 28. 1995 as a result of an automobile accident. He was bom in Forsyth County, a son of Dr. Henry T. Bahnson Sr. and Louise Porter Bahnson. Hischildhood was spent in Baltimore. Md. and North Carolina 1 Ic attended the University ofColo rado and lived in that state lor 11 years Iwfore moving to Davie Oiunty rit 197(1. He had a career in aviation in North Carolina and Colorado for 26 I Ic is survived by his wife. Judy B. Bahnson of tire home; a son. Henry -Pee- Bahnson III of the home; a step son. James Robert of Colorado; his parents of Pittsburgh. Pa-". 2 Becer.bothQf^tBbitrghi:.. .. nAniernotidsemcewasrwndttcted at 11 a-m. Dec. I. at Home Moravian Church with the Rev. Wayne Bitriolte dTTrciating. ; . L"' 'Meniori^lslpiaytwin^tolheSoax- ing Society of Arnerica Scholars^pFund.P.O,B!>xE,H(^te.N.M,.^>i American Hcjatt Asi^iation. UBd-a Westgate Center Drive. Win^n-^a-lera.N.C.27p3-2949;ortolhc>l^ imcrs Association, 836 Oak St„ To-baccoSquam;Suite45l,Winston-Sa. IcnuNC 27101-1407. *. ^ •''"■"">''>MeraorialHospiiaI. Hewasbomi„DavicCoumy.Ju„e1.1. 19.0 to the late John G. and Mel-,Ji^ Plielps Allen and was a self-em-.ploy^eonslniclion worlter. He wasa : "'■W«-ks United Methodist i Survivors include his wife, Emma jG. rmd Tcny C. Allen, both of Ad-. mce; 4 grandsons: and 2 brothers. .BnterG.AIIcnofMoclcsvillcandJohn.Ray Allen of Chesapeake. Va.-: Funeral services were held al 11 .a.ni^ 5. at Mocks United Method-i« Church with the Rev. Brace Gwynpfficraling. Burial followed in thechurch cemeieiy.Memrjrials may be made to theBurldrng FundofMocfcs UniledMeih- ^isl Church. 523 Beauchamp Road. 'Advance. N.C. 27006. Elizabeth Guy Calhoun . Frances Elizabeth "Lib" GuyJ Calhoun. 82. of Harmony, diedThurs-^yi Nov. 30.1995. following a brief illness. % ShewosbominlrcdellCountyDec.^9.3 912. to the late Boldi Franklin andEffie Mae Kestlcr Guy. She taught schmrl for 37 years in Davie County tmd at lite Children's Home in Lexing ton. 1 Survivors include her husband, Harold Calhoun; a niece and 3 neph ews. Funeral services were conducted atJlcavis Funeral Home Chapel in Har- }nony at 2 p.m. Dec. 2. Burial followedJhRWiony Cemetery. ;MetRorialsiiiayheiiia&ioiheSpe-&1 iWd.of Harmony yluii^Methad-&altIch.T359EattMmoIialHigh- way, Haimony, N.C. 28634.' Harold W. Arthur A memcria] service for Harold W. Arthur. 89. of Margate. Ra. was held al the Kingdom Hall ofJehovah's Wit ness in Margate. The funeral was held at Forest Lawn Funeral Home in Pom- pano Beach. Fla. BomFeb. 10.1906.inSlingerlands. N.Y.. he was tlie father of Deborah Hill of Advance. v/ Creola S. Campbell .Creola Sanders Campbell. 78. of Salisbuiy.diedMonday.Nov.4.1995. at Rowan Regional Medical Center afier being in declining health forlhree months. .She was bom Nov. 25. 1917 in Darlington, S.C. to Elizabeth and . Emmanuel Eady and was a home- maker. She was tiie mother of Elizabeth Alex^der of Mocksville. . Funeral arrangements ore incom plete. Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home of.Salisbury is in charge of orrange- .ments. ;WwardH. Graver C Edward Hughes Craver. 73 ofVaemmohs.diedWednesday.Nov.29. , ::?Se was tire father of Kay Cnrver •l^ll of Mocksville.Funeral services "■»-m Dec i.alHaywotlh-MtllcrSilas^-cLrOti with the Rev. OtisVciimpUl omciating. Burial followed' W Fbrsyih Memorial Park, Davie County Public Library ?t/locksviiie, NO . "SJ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 7,1995 n n <L v. t o William Taft Fleming / William Taft Fleming. 70, of Har mony. died at iii^ home Nov. .10.1 Oy.S. follim ing a ireriod of Illness, A iiallve of Iredell C'oonly. he was 'lie son of (he late TliiMe neming and Sill. iv ois liK-liide his wife. MaiK-st ll.lleoiMigorilnhoiitetrisoiis.lJonnie■'! Vhgini.i, Arlhnr, Fieddle■Till Mai .in lovner.allofSorlen Hill. "^.r . N.nhanlel.milJamesJoviici.Ixiih'^''■"'•^'dle; .i danelilers. DoniiieMinolij. Itarhara Wilson and leiesajoyner. all of Slalesvjile; and 2 sistersFdllh M. lampbell of WInsion-.Salemand Alice Marie Tc.xlie\" Davidson of MiR.fs'ivlKe.Funeral sen Ices were lield at .1 p in.Da l.ai Moirlson .Siodcvcni Fiiiiei.ilHome ( h.i|w| with Ihe Rev Dansi Ms<■nnel,.iiielaiing HurlallolhmcdmthcPmeWhincAMFZionCh,,,,!,' 'enieiets In llairnoiiv. Ethel Baity Jolly IJlhcl Bally Jolly, f>(i,ofJolley Road.J died lale .Sainiday nighl. Dec. 2. I 'Jy.1 .11 Davis C'oiiimniiily Hospital aftei a long Illness. Fiinenil services were held al 2 p.m. Dgc.S.alTumersCrcekBaplislChurch- wilh the Revs. Allen Barker and Regg - Alderman ofTiciating. Burial rollowed ill the church cemetery. MemorLals may he considered for tlie Missionary Fuml ofTurners Creek Baptist Oiureh. Courtney-lluntsville Road. Yadkinville. N.C. 27055.•She was bom in Yadkin Coiinly t)st. 12. 1920. to the late Dewey and .Sarah Shore Baity and was retired with 24 years of service al Monleigh Ciar-' nicnt Company. She was a lifelong iiiemlier of Turners Creek Baptisi Church where she had laughl Sunday school. She was preceded in dealh by 2 htolhers. I .ulhcr Eugene Bjiily and John D. Baily. Survivois Inelude her hiishaiid ol "the Itoine. Lloyd Jolly: a daughter ■I'IiylllsAllg«>dorMocksvllle:2gi;iod-"children; 5 sisters. Ruby Shore. StellaHiilchcns and Nancy Edieman. all of •Yadkinville. Nellie Craiifill of Mocks- : ville. and Frances MycisofCleiimMins:2 brothels. Charles Baily and Haiold .Bally, both of Yadkinville; and tier Taitier-ln law. James Luther Jolh of Mocl.svllle. Mrs.ViiTgiiiiaH.irdin/ Mrs. Virginia Hailhcodc Haidin.Y 04. of Gina Road. Mocksville, diedearly Tucsrlay rrraming, Dec. 5,1995,in Davie County Hospital after a sud' den illness.Funeral services will be at 3:30p.m. Thursday. Dec. 7, in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. DavidGilbrcalh and Chaplain A.G. Parkerofficiating. Burial will be in BatonsBaptist Church Cemetery.Tlic family will be at Eaton FuneralI loinc Wediiesdaynighifrom7-9p.m.Hiey reriucst memorials be consid- eicd for Eatons Baptist Church, BatonsChurch Ri>ad, Mocksville, NC27028.Mrs. Hardin was born inBcnncltsville, S.C., on Jan. 12,1931, lolhclalcHowanlB.andSallieHononHaithcock and was a retail clerk. She was of Ihe Baptist Faith, an avid gar-clcnerand enjoyed canning and travel-ing.•She was precetled in dealh by asister. Winnie Hall, in 1992, and a brother. Billy Gene Haithcock in 1965.Survivors include: her husband.Donald Milton Hanlin, of Ihe home; 4daughters, Linda Thompson of PortSi. Lucre, Fla., Virginia Diane Smithof Advance. Cynthia Lynn Harris ofBoone and Tcrri Michelle Hanlin ofMocksville; 4 sons. Terry MiltonHardin. Donald Mickey Hanlin, David KeilhHardinandMarkDevronHanlin.all ofMocfcsville; 11 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; a sister, LqIsWhiileyofMooresvme;andabrolher,Howard Haithcock of SufTolk, Va. Bucit JVfem'jjOli, crFrankiin "Buck" Ki ■ held at JuanKaCampbeUJohnson Sally Juanila Campbell Johnsoi'.70. of Harmony, died ^nday, Dec. 3. 1995. at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Win- ston-Salem after being in declininghealth for a year and seriously ill for three weeks. She was bom in Davie County April 8, 1925, to the late Raleigh Dean and Miuy Lou Horn Campbell and was retired from the kitchen .staff at Rosewood Rest Home in Harmony.She was preceded in dealh by her ' husband. Horace Edward "Buster"Johnson. Oct. 16.1977; 3 sons. Randy Dale Johnson, Gary Dean Jolinson and Stanley Craig Johreson; and 2 grand- childien. Candy Dcnise Johnson and ' Jeremy Howard Slerga.s. Survivors include 3 sons, James E. "Sonny'JohnsonofHarmony, Harvey1. "Buildy" Johnson of Lake Wylie, S.C. and Rex A. Johnson ofColumbia. S.C.; 2 daughters, Linda Norman of llaniptonvlllc and Teresa J. Day of Harmony; 14 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildien; a sister, Gwendolyn C. Padgett of Olin. Funeral services were lobe held al 2 p.in. Dec. 6, at Reavis Funeral Home Chapel in Hannony wilh the Rev. Raymon A. "Bill" Shaver officiating and burial following in Hebron Baptist Cliureh Cemetery. Davie County Public Library NC William Robert Latham , William Robert Latham Sr., 60. of'y Advance, died al his home Wednes day, Nov. 29,1995.He was bom in Greensboro, a son of the late Jesse Hertford and ClclhiaSvvanner Latham. He was of the Meth odist faith and was retired from Wachovia Bank in 1991. He was an avid fisherman. A memorial service was conductedat Vogler'sCle ramons Chapel al2p.m.Dec.2by lite Rev.J.Slimpson Hawkins. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn McBride Latham of the home; 2 sons,William "Bill" Robert Latham Jr. ofThomasville and Mark McBrideLalharo of Raleigh; a daughler. CalhySue Latham of Mocksville; a granddaughter; and a brother, Jesse H. Latham Jr. of Qiarlottc.Memorials may be made to Hospice of Winslon-Salem/ForsylhCounty. 1 lOO-C S. Stratford Road,Wtnslon-Salem. N.C 27103-321)0. or to Ihe American Cancer Society, AreaOffice, 1900 S. Hawthorne Road. Por-sylh Medical Park. Suite 622, Win-ston-Salem, N.C. 27103-3901. I- <J -o DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Dec. 7,1J>95 - u N A \ \a Q> i-' V Joseph Harold Powell / Mr. Joseph Harold Powell, 66. of ' U.S.Hwy.60INoilh,MocksvUle.died Monday, Dec. 4,199S al his home. Funcr.-il sersiccs will be at 2 p.m. Ihiirvljiy. Doc 7. in luilon riincr.il t'li!i|K-l wiili ilic Revs. Ray O'l-'airell and J.C. Lane ufricialing. Burial will be in Rose Cemetery with military ^ inaveside tiles by die I III) District Meniurial Honor liiiuril. Veterans of I'oreign Wins. The raniily was to he at Eaton's Funeral I lonie Wednesday night from 7-8:30. They request memorials be considered for the Davie County Hos pice. c/o Mrs Janet Blair. P.O. Box 665. Mocksville. NC 27028 or to C-an- cerServiees. 107 Wesldale Ave.. Win- ston-Saleni. NC. 27101. Mr. Powell uses bom in Iredell County on May 28. 1921 to the late Roger and Sallie Norman Powell and was a rctireil sewing machine nie- chanie with Blackwelder Manufactur ing. During the Korean Conflict, he was a velcnin of the U.S. Army. Mr. Powell Wits of die Baptist Faith. Survivors include: his wife of the honie. Barbara Shoffncr Powell: 2 daughters. Joyce Ann Pulley aiulJanicc M. Puwell.boihofMocksville;4 sons. Bobby Joe Powell, Jason Powell, Randy Powell and Marty Powel I. al I of Mock-sville; and a step-son, Ranald Shoffncr of Harmony; 10 grandehil- da'n:4stepgreat-grandchildrcn:3step- great-greal-gnindchildnMi:and2hrt>th- cis. Paul Powell of Harmony and Norman Powell of Statesville. Robert Henry Sofley -1 Robert I leiiry Sotley.f>4.analiveot 1 )avic Cinmiy ami fotnierly of Mocks- ••illc. died Saliuday. Dec. 2. H'W. a' New Hanover Regional Medical Cen- ler in Wdmingli'ir.HewasltotnJnIy 16.19.31.in Davie County , a son of the late llailey ami lessi Belle Henry Sollcy. He was re- tired Ironi A l'&'l in Maryland as a eonniuuiiealiorts engineer. A niend'er of Masonbmo Baptist Chureh in Wilm ington. he served in the U.S. Air loree dirrirtg the Korean Loidlicl.Survivors inclirdehiswIfc.Carolyn Rankin Solley of the home; adaughter. BartraraSofley of Laurel,Md.;2 sons, Scott SoBey of Frederit^ Md. andSteven Sofley ofLjrwrenceviUe,Ga.;a btother.BillSoneycfCroflin.Md;and '6 grandchildren. i n Funeral scrvic*» were lo be held al 11 a.m. Dec. 7, at Hrst Baptist Churchof Moeksvillebyt^.R^lliny Hovis with burial following Ip-Rosc Cemt etery. , ..Memorials may be made to a char ity of the donor's choii^;; Richard S. Setzer n Richard Scolimon Setzcr, 32. pfWinsloii-Salcm, died Friday. D^ I. PWS. at N C. Baptist Hospital m Win- ston*Salcra. . \ ic was ihc sicp-broiher of Melissa Ann Barney of Mocksville. A graveside service was held at4:30p.m. Dec. 2, at ForsylhMenmnal Park Cemetery with the Rev. SteveMcCulchaiionicialing. Stella Key league Stella Key rcague, 88. of Cedar J Creek Road in the Famiingion com-ntunity.diedThuisday.Nov.30.1995, al Silas Creek Manor in Winstoir-Sa- Icm after several years of declining licallh. . She was bom Jan. 12. 1907. in Suny Coirnly to the late Jacob and Ida Denny Keyandwasahomemakcr.She was a member of Farmington Baptist Church. . , .T Surviving arc her husband of o7 years. Clyde Doulhit Teaguc of the home; 3 daughters. Mildrod Evans of Ciainesville. Fla.. Nancy Teague of Fanninglon and Lucy Randolph ofNashville.Tcnn.;6grandchildien;and 4 great-grandchildren. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. Dec. 3. at Farmington Commu nity Cemetery with the Rev. Roy Beals ofnciating. Memorials may he made to Fartn-inglonCommunilyCemetcry.c/oMrs. J .T. Green. Farmington Road. Mocks ville, N.C. 27028 or to Farmington Baptist Church, Farmington Road. Mrx:ksvillc. N.C. 27028. Espy L, ShoafEspy Leroy Shoaf.75. of U.S. Hwy. V 601. died Sunday morning. Dec. 3. 1995, al Davie County Hospital after a long illness.Funeral services were held at4p.in.. Dec. 5. at Eaton Funeral Chapel withIhcRev.DavidReepofficialing. Burial followed in Liberty United Methodist ChurdiCcmeteiy. He was bom in Davie County. March 19.1920 to the late Daniel and Maggie Swink Shoaf and was ^redwith 40 years ofservicefioroBuriington Mills.He wirsamemberof Liberty United Methodist Church arul a veteran of the U5. Army, serving during 3VWIL He enjoyed wood carving and ieadrngO.S. history. Surviving are his wife of 48 years. Colean Myers Shoaf of the home; a daughter. Mary Lou Darnell of Pilot Mountain; a son. Gerald Shoaf of Mocksville; 4 grandchildren; 2 great giarulchildren; a step granddaughter, a step gteat-gianddaughtcr. and 2 sls; teis. Lena Taylor of Cooleeinee and Hillary Murph of Woodleaf. v/ Ftohugh uTWatson Fitahugh Lee ^ ,^5Woodleaf.diedMonday^-4.W^^ the past year. ^ catedatlheWoodtof«hoo^ A veteran of the U.S. Atroy. orgamtc Little i-"b ^ ^;::rmeSst.George'sBpis. '^"'SeTstwedbyhiswifeLi.JBuileyWatson;2sons;and5grand- ''orveside services were tobeheld ."oec 7. at Rowan Memorial. PairbyUteRev:aaudeA.Conins. Davie County Public Libras^ Mocksville, NC V . <5 DAVIE COUMY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec.' 14,199S - Leora MilJer Archer y ljs)nMillcrAn:her. 70. ofWin- slon-Satcm. died Monday, Dec. 4, I 99S, al Arbor Acres Triad Melhodia Honw- TKs'slciofDorisFdsierorMocks-villc. she wa.s bom Match 24,1925 in Forsyth Counly to Lindsay Franklin and-nshie Calculi Miller Sr. and wasreUred rrom Mac Panel Company. A funeral service was held al 2 p.m. I7cc. 7. .11 Neiv I'liiladeJpliiaMontvian Chuich with Di. Worth Green official- mg and burial following in tJie church graveyard. JajQes G. Atwood 11 c T* Sr.; 83, of'^^MocksvilWdied^ySundayDec. 10. l995aiDushar«Hmily Care in Winswn-Salem. Funeral serv ices were conducted al M^odisl Church with Revs. David B^^"'^^""Weekley officiating.Bunal followed in ihe church cem- cteiy Ada Deal Carter J „ 'V'^.^Catler.SP.ofU.S.bOl^'h. Mocksville. died lateSunday10 1995 at Rowan Regional' Medical Center in .Salisbury..Sin- w as bom in Rowan Counly 1906. to the late C.A. arilM^tc Htlcman Deal arul was re- lired from Burlington Industries, She "asamemlK, of Liberty United McllKKli.t Church. Site »-.n,s preceded In death bvlicr''"'hand, i-aul Catier. in l-»4 She wasaIs.,prec.ededinde.i,hbyasoa<.".r,il,l Ray Carter, and a daughter Lmdii Carter. Survivi„gare2sons.HaraldCaner"f Utuomown, Pcnn. and Edward 2"TorMucksvilte;ggmndohl|."tin. 8 grc-tit grandchildren; 4 broth-C's. Carl Dc.ll of Woodleaf. C.T Buck" Deal and Jairies Deal, both of hull, and I.evi Deal ofGreenshon.;S sisicrs. Bcnha Talley of R"ckwelLCoraAndcw,orConiraMaty .irxl Nannie Withelm. bmhof Funeral services were held at 11 M'-Occ. l3..itEaionFuncralChapel w'Uithe Rev. David ReepoOiciaUng•^^tial following in UbcrtyUnited Methodist Church CemeteryMemorials may made to theCemetery l-„nd or Organ Fund ofLiberty United Methodist Church H.eid, Mocksville, N.C. . n Memorials may be considered for n Ihe Cemetery Fund of Oak Grove 158 East. Mocksville. N.C. 27028 Hcwasbomir,MocksvilIc,lan.'25. ' iti- Ka'hiynOliss Alwood and was u retired supply Salt buty, HehMalsobeencaretakerof Ihe National Gu.irJ Armory in MaksvilJe, worked at lirwin Cotton Mills atid ulso with Thomas andHoward Wholesale in Salisbury, Un ^ Methodist Church wl«m he I ^^.lSurulaySchooi.5angmthe churchchoir.servedaschairmanofthe Iwofthechurch trustee board, llcwas afomtcrMYFcounselorandan^tn'"f «he VFW. Mocksville Post.American Ugion, DisabledAMVETS a«l Uie Doelte Foster Christian Se- luoisClub, He was an avid hunter, fishcniLin garde,«r. HewasavcteranofiheU.S. Amiy. serving during WWJl and amemberoftl«NaiionalGuardfor26ycsrs. His wife. Buiiicc Baker Atwood dicdin l988. Hcwasalsoprticcdedin by a brother, WilHum Andrew Atwood. in 1944.Survivors include. 2 daughtersBonnieAlndge ofWinston-Salem and' ' ConmcMcManusorNorfolk.Va and aWjan„sG.Atwoo.r;r.ofMocks. Lx)uje fields Beck Uuie Fields Beck. 64. of Walnut Cove, died Tuesday. Dec. 5. 1995. al Foisylh Memorial Hospital. Hcwasbom Aug. 14.1931 iiiDavie Counly to Nathan and Genie Keller Beck. He was a retired schoolteacher in Foisyth County and a real estate broker. He was a member of First Baptist Chuich ofWalnut Cove, Winston-Sa lem Board of Rcaltots and was active in the Walnut Cove Rotary for many years. He is survived by his wife of 45 years. Nancy Ridenhour Beck of tlie home: a daughter. Luanne Morgan of Walnut Cove; a son, Mike Beck of King; a sister, Helen Poole of Lebanon,lnd.;2btt>lliets.HaydenBeckiind Wayne Beck, both ofCooleemee; and 4 ^andchildren. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m.Dec.7,atBunoughsFunetalHome Chapel with the Rev. Bill Fryar offici-aling. Burial followed intheFirst Bap- ust Church Cemetery inWalnutCove. Geor^ Davis Foster Georgia Davis Foster, 84. of ftedmill Road. Advance, died early Monday morning, Dec. 11,1995. at Forsydi Memorial Hospital. She was bom in Davic County, Oct. 4, 1911 to the late William H. and Lula Minor Davis and was a homcmaker. She had been a life long member of AdvanceUnited MethodistChurch where she had been a member ofOie United MethodistWomen. She wasa well-known quilter and an avid gar dener. Her husband. Clarence Foster, preceded her in death in 1968. Surviving are a son. C.W. Foster ofAdvance: 2 giandchildren; a great grandsem; and several nieces and ne[9>ews. Funeral servicesweretobeheldat l:30p.m.Dec-l3.atAdvanceUnited MethodistChurch with the Rev. Den nis Marshall officiating and burial following in the church cemetery. Memorials may be considered for Advance United Methodist Church, Advance, N.C. 27006. Davie County Public LibraryMocksvjllQf NU DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec' U, 1995 - 'yf <r V z Margaret T. Lockemy y Margarel Taylor Lockemy. 71. of Wiiulon-Salem. died Friday, Dec. 8, 1995. at ihc Nursing Center al Oak Siininiil. Site wusltic nuutierof Donljockemy 1)1 Mi)cksviltc. A graveside service was licid al 2 |).ni. Dec. 11. al Oaklawn Memorial Ciardens willi llie Rev. Bill Chalman otiiciating. Bob CppkMiUer . .;.r • • / Bob Cook Milleri 81, of Mocks- ville, died-late Fiid^'aig^'Dec. 8, 1995, at N.CBai»kHo^ilal in Win- ston-Salem.' •; ' •• n so'; n Hineial'sMces were held at 11 a.iaDec. II, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs. Ed Brggers and Doug Irvin oflicialing. Burial followed in the Rose Cemetery. Memorials may be considered for the Handbell Choir of Mocksville Fust United Methodist Church, North Main St., Mocksville, N.C 27028. He was bom In Davie County, May 30, 1914. to the late Chal V. and Ida Markland Miller and was retired man ager of Miller's RestauianL He was a tiienilw of .Mocksville Masonic Lodge'apd^MviU^ United MelhS^ Cbtiichl He was a veteran bjfUiet)^; ,■ i "A vSurvivt>B|jiicj^'W^^^ losieIrvin MiUivMlj&lipmlaIrvin MiilerW 'h&i^villel'z giarid-cWldtw; ifsfe ^aMQe^(^^|^b^iipthM ^ville; sever^'nieoM^i^ he^wsi A Laura C. Smith y Laura Chambless Smith of Clem-ymons died Dec. 5.1995 at Meadow- brook Manor.She was the mother of Kaien Smiin Crowe of MocksviHe.At her rcqwcsU there was no funeral service. \ Davie County Public Librafv Mocksviliei NO DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 1^ 199S • Joliii li-vin (;ekT N J.. ihtnl \Vc(l«M|:iv, U^c. ft II'"" M,.j. ">''^"".-flhcI.-UcBctr"'Hi Han)Lx( tt«. A dif^wichcr Rjit^ay. Ik »i«ali,S Aniiy vcicnin. Sii'vivor. mJu,lr |,i, wife, fcny«,„,K„.„,OelcrorU,c-|„«,c' ' "ncJ^•"'""«r^-l",iill..rWocHllcaf Willie '""li^huryJ.W.flc.iefofC.H.I-'vnKV;u..lMi,„hew(;..,e..,f„n,.^. N.V; ;„„t^ «.d..,fNe,vJc,Ney,Arlec(:e.er<.f«""<ll.--il aiul I.. Willie Haikley a.xl '\ncfa(..t.|ef.lHHlH)r,S"lisl>.,ry.Hh: luncral "■.iscimdiiciedaj I2;.WR'li. r^'. 12, ai Moiri.wn-SliHfcvejich'lieral H.^nc In M.^kavillc by Jotui^tkiT. Huiial followed inihcNa'ionalI i*riwic(\ in .Sali<|„iry Emesi Eugene Huupe F.nK« liugcncHoupc. 80,ofJunc- lioii Road, died W«Jncsd.iy afiemoon, Dei'.6, IWS.athisliomealteraloni} illnc!» I le wa'i IxHn in IredcllCounly. Jan. 16. 1915 lo iIm late Jarvic and DeliaCuiopbi-lllloupejiMlhadheenaelKnii- cal supervisor wilh N.C. l-1nisliiiig Company.He had previously been with Burl- ii]gU)n Mills. He had also been ownerapdop^torof Gene's BilliardsInNonli Cooleeniee. He enjoyed imveling in weslem Nonli Carolina and eastern Tennessee. Survivors inelmle his wife of 57 years. Nell DIaylock Houpe of litelionie; !i daughter. DelortsDale Blcvins'of Bristol. Va.; 2 granddau^ttcrs;-! grcitl grandeliildrcii; fl sister. Estcllc Deadniott of Ringgold. Gii.; and a Itrolher, Jack Houpe ofMissouK. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Dec. 9. al Eaton Funenil Chapel -v^th the Rev. JeffPenningion official-Burial follow^inJerus^mBap- tlit Church Cemciery. i-Meinorials may be made to Cool- «niee Risl Baptist Church. 2W Marvel Street. Cooleemee, N.C. 27014tJie Cemcieiy Fund ofJerusalem'^ilst Church. 3203 U.S. Hwy. 601Sp^ Mocksville. N.C. 27028. Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO Julius Goss JuliusC.W. Goss. 69. ofLanca-sler. .S.C.diedSundny.Dce. JO. l99S.ulliis hoinc. ['uneral services were held al 10 a.m. Dec. 12. at Mahnffcy Funeral Hoine Memorial Chapel in Lancasterby the Kcvs. David Carter and Jock Jolinson. Burial followed at 3 p.m. in ioppa Cemciery in MocLsville. Theodore R-Ijames Tlic funeral was scheduled forWednesday for Thesxiorc RooseveltIJajiKs. 81. of 175 Hickory St.. who died Monday. Dec. II. 1995. at hishomeonHickoryStreelinCooleemce. aftcrascriousillncssofseveral months- Bom Jan. 15. 19l4.ljanieswasasonofthe late Bobby andRose Ijanies.He was previously employed as apainter andcompressor by Burlington Mills.Survivors Include; 11 grandchildren: 22 great-grandcliiUlren: and 5great-great-grandchildren. Services were to be at 2:30 p.m.Wednesday, Dec. 13. at Liberty AMEZlonChurch.conductcdby Dr. Robert lawton, pastor, and llie Rev. Karen Miller. Burial was in the church cem etery. Jerry W. Jacobs Jcriy Wesley Jacobs. 51. of Junc tion Road. Cooleemee. died Fridiiy morning. Dec- 8 1995 at Forsylh Me- niiifial llospilDl after a long illness. Memorials may be made to Cooleemee Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 27, Cwleemee. N.C. 27014 or to tlicVl-'W.C'ixileemecPosl. Box466.Cool eemee. N.C.27014. Me was bom in Horsytli County. Sept. 12...I9^ to Uie late CharlesWesley and Lucy Head Jacobs and was a brick mason. He was D inember of CooleemeeFirst Presb'ylerim dmrch. He was an avid fidictiiian'and hunter and especially enjoyed gaidening.Surviving is his yvife of 33 years.M^.Funileiburk Jacobsofthe homis; 3 daiighlers, Lori Waller'and UsaBcnson.boihof Cooleemee. and PattieAngell of Miksville; 2 soni DavidJacobs and Jeffrey, Jacobs, both ofCooleemee; 7 grandchildren; 3 stepgmndchildfcn: 8 step great grandchildren; andlbroiJi'ers. GeorgeJacobs of CooleemMOiid'SieveJacobsofClever land, A funeralservice washeld at 8 p.m.Dec-9 at Ealon Funeral Chapel. Ronald Roy Hendrix Ronald Roy Hendrix. 51. of Advance. died Friday. Dec. 8,1995. al his / home. M o I aOiurch. He was provincial treasurerfor the Moravian Church for 21 years.He was preceded in death by his falher. March 16.1986.He is survived by his wife. Linda LeeHendnxofthebomethismotherofDavie Ciiunty: 2 sons. R. David Hen-tWx and R. Lee Hendrix, both of Lewisville: a daughter. Melissa LHendrix of Chapel Hill: a brother,Donald Hendrix ofDavie County andGlenda Vandiver ofForsylh County.Funeral serviceswere beldat2 p.m.Dec. II. at Macedonia Moravian ChurchbytheRevs-EHamptonMor-gan Jr.. Richard ShamcL and Gtea Uttle. ® : Burial followedinthechurchgrave-yard. Memorials may be made lo Hospice of Winston-Salem/Forsylh County.n00.CS.StratfordRd..Win- "stqn-Salem. N.C. 27103 I Gladys Dotson Lamberti/ Gladys Dotson Lambert, 69. ofWinston-Salem died Sunday. Dec.10,1995 at her residence. Among her survivors is a sister-in-law, Dorothy Dotson of Mocks ville.The funeral service washeld at 11a.m. Dec. 13. at VogiePs Reynolda RoadChapci. • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Dec. 21,199S Louise Lewis Bare Louise Lewis Bate. 74. ofMocks- ville-diedlaie Sunday, Dec. 17,1995, al her honie. She was bom in Forsylh Coumv. April3,1921 lolhc late SidneyT.an'd Amanda TriplcUe Lewis and was re nted from the finishing depanmentor HeiilagerutniiureCninpany.Shcwasa chillier member of Hope Haptisi Tabernacle. She waspreceded in death byasoii, Danny Hareu sister, Helen Ashbiini; and 2 broitien.. Harold and Agncie Lewis. Survivors include her husband, Hardy C. B.ur; 2 daugliicis, Atiila Reich of I'almcuo, Fla. and Reia Burgaii of Moeksville; 7 grandchil- ilien; 5 great grandehiidrcn: .ind 2 bmthers. Bobby Lewis and James Ijtwis, hoili of Harmony. Funenl services were to be heldal 2p.m. Dec.21,alHopeBaptistTabcr- naclc wiili ilic Revs. David Jordan and Niimian Frye olFicialing. Burial fol lowed in the churdi ccmcleiy. Memorials may be considered for D:ivicCountyHiispice,P.O..Ho)sfi6.S, Moeksville. N.C. 27028. Coyne CampMl CnyiieCa.^^ died Friday. Dec. 15- dencc. . County- Ricky Ctin-pteU of Timothy 7'?hier Sharon C.Suoud1 lickoty".adaught - ....— niid' • brmhers. John tyiiverCamiibe" ^.„^;o„duclcdal f"""'""'XiOrassyKn..h2p.ni.Dco. 1*. . R,„,R.Michael BaplislChutchby -Mike" Muendct. i„ OieTy^omaaTodiBund^^ ehutch ^ VP.V/. Po« Chapter- Alice HolmaD Barker Alice Holman Barker.79.orMocks- villc.diedDiursday.Dee. 14,1995.al Autumn Care Nursing Home. Dsirti March 14. 1916. in Davic y County, site was a ilaugbter of the late HiomasandCIcmcnlincBoocHoLman, i A cook and honKinaker, she was a mcniiicr of St. John A.M.E. Zion C'liurch. 1 Hcihoslund.l'clma Barker, died in , Fchriiaiy 1995. Survivors include a son. Freeman BarkerorMucksvillct2brotlicrs. Alvis HolmaiiorWiiiston-SalemandtheRev. T,.S. Holman of Moeksville; 4 sisters, ! lilriola Lineburger, Pinky Barker and Kallierinc JeJfers. all of Moeksville, and Willie Holman ufAlbemarletand 2 grandehiidrcn. Funeral services were held al 2:30 p.m. Dec. 18, at St. John A.M.E Zion Oiurch by llieRev. R.W.Myers. Burial liillowed in the church cemelety. John Willis Davis I : j<.„nWillisDnvis,65.o(HW- ; J ville, died Friday. . iwi at Forsyth Memonal Hos^tal. . HewasbomJulyl3.1929.>nD»^'= County to Robert and Nannie OixoniSiewasagraduateofFamtng. •.rHigh School Class on949 and: ccrvcd with tlie National Guard for I. i years. He was retired from R-J-:Rey,.olds Tobacco Company ato . many years of service and torn 1 Pleasanls Hardwaretended the Longtown Pentecostal H I . liness Church where he sang in the ' -""LvivingatehiswifeofA^, :Maxine Shote Davis of•.sons,Tony Chris Davis ofHOT^ wille and Johnny Chru tosus of the home; his mother of Moeksville. aIrs^^-MyraDavisElUsofMoctoillc and 2 brothers, Donald Gray Daw of.Moeksville and Robert Eugene Davis ufrarptcccded in death by hisfutl.erand2sistcrs.ManhaAi.nDavis ■Mcdlin and Winifred Davis: FuneralseiviceswereheldalZpJ^W.n.atLongtownPemecostalH^ hness Church with the Revs.^ieMishoe and Shirley McssiekofrwuW-^ng.ButialfollowedinLongtownCem- ' rMemoriaU may be made to .1 Longiown Pentecostal Holinessfchitch. cJo Vtckte.^"^^tovmRiL,Yatlkinville,NC27055. "iMarvin Bracken y '. Marvin Bracken. 88, of 263 Ralph' Rallcdge Road. Moeksville, formerly'of Harmony, died Dec. 12, 1995, at' Davis Conununily Hospital in Slales-vilic. He had been in declining health-;for six months and seriously ill one ^fwcek.A retired fanner, he was t»m in2pavic County Aug. 6.1907 lolhelate*JuliimyCeneandEli7flO'NealDracken. His wife. Ester Emily Prevette'Bracken, preceded him in death. He-Vas also preceded in death by 2 sons,fAaron L- Bracken and Joseph E.•Bracken; a brotlKr,Charlie Bracken; •and 3 sisters. Gertie Cook, AlicejBiacken and Mary Bracken. *i Survivors include 4 sons. John R.{feracken of Harmony, Carl J. Bracken *«f Gemi.imown. Paul J. Bracken ofi^organion, Marvin J- Bracken of'ivilsonville,Oie.;adaughler,Bealrice i8_. Damcll of Spruce Pine; 3 brothers.4 Roy Bracken Sr. of Harmony. Rev.'J.A. Bracken and James F. Bracken,ifeilh of Moeksville; 2 sisters, Isabclle^lley of Winsion-Salem and Ida•tlcary of Moeksville; 13 grandehil-^n, including Robin Wagoner ofMocksviilewUhwhomheresided: 14 ^al grandchildren; 3 step grandchildren; and 5 step great grandchildren.Funeral services were conducted al^,m. Dec. 15,1995, al Uberty Wes-lieyan Church with the Rev. David M.Rollins officiating. Burial followed in Harmony Cemetery. William L. Davis " WilliamLawrenee"Bill"Davis,76. of CIcnimons. the fallier of Lawrence R. Davisof Adviuice,diedalJ.R.JonesMedical Center in King. • Funeral services were contiueled at i p.m. Dec. 16, at CIcmnions First Baptist Cliureh with burial following In Westlawn O.nrdcns of Memory. - Memorials may be rnade to the Aiiieric.Tn Cancer Society, 1900 S. Hawthorne Ro,id, Forsylh Medical Park, Suite 622, Winslon-Salem, N.C. 27103-3901. lit Ubrarv - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 21,199S Margaix'l Hwwai il Cull Miwaril, X.l.ofU.S. Kll Si>all>, MiicksvillL-tiiciliHiriyS-Jl- uiiUy niiiciiiiiii.IXi'. 16. I ;ii Au- UII11I1 C;irv iif Mixkvviiic- runcrdi'u.'tviceswciclKiiiallp.ni. v IJcc. l').iilll.iliiiil^liKlulCh:>pclwilli ; Ihc Kcv Ji-liii D SIu>re iifficiiiiiii^. 1 nuiiul IdllovvvJ ill Rciwiin Municiriiil Part, in Salisbury. SlKrvi'asbi)ininI)avicC<>niily.Jan- 15.1912.liilliclali-Jiiliii MarNliallnwl Ilia Ann Yiwiig Call mk! sva* rcliicil froml>.ivicCiwnlylUispilal.i^nnuiw. Slic was a incinba of Rilgcw<*xl Bap- lislChunli. ! Her liusKiiul. Allwit S. Honaril. ' piccciled Iwf ill ilcalli in SiirsiviiiilareaMin.JiitainyR. Wil liams III Mis.ks\ illc: .< i-iamlelilkliein .1 Ktral-graaikliiklien; S step praml- cliilda-ii ami III slep pa-al-Braiiikhil- ilicii: 2 sisters, Mac luldinyur uf Summcrvillc. Ga.l and Prances Smith of Mocksville; 2 ttcpchildren. Tho mas Huwotd of Pikevillc and Venia Howell of Admnce. Mary Aim PUtman M.vy Ann I'tansoii i'illnuin. for- iiK'ily of Lewisville. ilicU iil Pelkarc Niiisinp I Ionic MmiJ.iylJcc. 11.1'WS- A nalisc of l-ors)tli County, she wisrLcd for Mcailowhtook Terrace Nuisinp Home. Site wasIhc sisicroflimcslTraiisciu ■ifDavicCi'iinly. OpaJ Mae Taylor , OP''Mn=Ban!Taylor,77.ofaeve-y Ifhd.diedcariyMontlay.Dec. 18,1995,ai Davie Village Residcnu'al Care inMocksville when: she had been a resi-denl for the pasl five years;" andl^jeBareanilwas ren and was an avid j memberofiheChurehoflh^rclhrenand was an avid gardener, 'she was preceded tndcaih by her husbaiKL/cssTaylor.in !975:3daugh.ters, Dorolhy AliceTaylor. Laura Lou Taylorand FraneesrtaeTaylor; anda1 son, Jesse Paul Taylor. - "Surviving are 5 daughtias. Mary WallerofMocksviiIe.BaincGoodman ^and Jurre Ciaramdlo, boih of Sails- 'bury, R<« Jones of Greenville," S Cand Bonnie Props! of Cleveland- 4sons, James Taylorof Harmony. Rob-en Taylor, Howard Taylor and R.C Taylor,allofaevelaml: 23 gnimJchil-dnrn; 14 gnat grandchlldfen: 3 great 8reaigtandeluldren:3haJf$i5Cers;and '2 half brothers.Funeral services were held al 11am. Dec. 20, al Eaton Funeral Chapelwith the Rev, Ralph HolTman omcial-mg. Burial followed at'3 p.ni. in theRichardson Runily Cemeiery in AsheCouniy. Sarah Jane , Sarah Jane died latey Spring S"«'-M ,995.i„FotsyihFridaymg'^''"'!^',Memorial "'"P."^",.5rehe!dal2P "'-Funeral , Q^apel withDec-lS-Hj^^S^^ofTtciai- 1931.IC1I*'®"' ^.-dwasahotoc-'^^^^asofd^Presbylcrian MaiuneD^- ^y,l,jnd,JohnD. 1Survivitigarehe ryougSands ISundsofthehome.a • ^ ( johnsonofMocW Oscar Beaver.. „aodUonBca-Camphed-Da^'^ OordonBeavcr South Carolina- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 28,199S Jessie Irene Ambum Jessie Iceiie Anibum. 74, of Oiey- eimc Lane, Mocksvilte, died caily Fn- day morning. Dec. 22,1995, at Forsylh MemoriaJ Hospital after being in de clining Itealth. She was bom in Surry County, Feb. 27. 1921, to the late George and Etta Dbby Andium and was retired with more than 25 years of service lo Btackweldcr Manufacturing, She was a welt-known craftsman, an avid cro- cheterandfofmedyapnvatcduty nurse. She was preceded in death by a dster. Made Williams, and a grand son. James Eugeiw Slyers. Survivorsincludeadaughter.Millie BaruKrufWinslon-Salem:2sons,Gene StycrsofLewisvilleandCeorgeSlyers of Advance; 8 grandchildren; 7 great grajHlchildren; and 2 sisters. Maggie Smith of Low Cap and Frances Miller of Nashville. Tena Funeral services werebeldal2p.ni. Dec.24.atEaionFunera]aiapel.Biidal followed in Westlawn Gardens of MemoryinClemmons.Memorialsmay be made tothe Kidney DialysisCenler, Miller Street, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27103. WUfred "Larry" Call i« wrvlvcd by 2WUfted L -Larry-Calldied Swu^ ^j„i^,5fSo^,.Ky.andShirley iby. Nov. 25. 1995. at Shepard Air 2 sons. KeithForce Base Hospital in Wichita Falls. ^ cjH ofFresno. Calif, and Kevin W. Texas. of San Jose. OUf.; 2 daughter^ HewasbomAug.5, Cte^lTS^k^fShepatdA.F.B. Davie County Hi^i School, He was a j^^oiorial services were held at 2,ctiredMasietSergcaitlmthcU.S^ p m Nov. 30. at First Southern Baptist l^«e where he served a.s a logistics engineer- Pride E.McKnight ^ PrideE.McKniglii.82.orWinslon- Salem, died unexpectedly at his homeTliursday.Dcc.21.l995- . HewasbomJulyl9.1913toJames ' /Madison and Molly Sears Mctoghi • / inYadkinCouniy.Ameclmnicalengi-' neerbewasrctiredfromN.C.BaptBl Hospital- He was an avid racing fan.HewaslhefalhetofBarbaraCollins of Advance. A memorial service was held at 2 p.m. Dec. 23, at Gardens of Memory Chapel in Walkenown. iJdVk Counly Public Library Mocksville, NC