.fusepli Lee Boyd
, . Joseph |j!e Boyd Jr.. 82. of Wiii-
slon-.Saicm.died.Siinilay.J.in. 1.1995al l-orsyth Memorial llo.spiial.
lie was horn May 6. 1912 In Hor
sy III County lo Joseph Ijcc and Belly
Cmmer Boyd.
I Ic was wilh Mengle Box Conipaiiy
for .11) years prior lo his eniployincm
ss iih lire city of Winsion-Salern as a
dispalc hcr for lite piihlic works dcpail-
inenl. rcliiing after 20 years. He was a
mrnihcrofCa-slworxIBaplislChuaJi.•Siirsiving .are 2 datigltters. Calliy
Boyd of Winsion-.Salein and .Sharon
Moser of Ailvance: a grandson. Jon
Mosrr of Advance; ■! sisters. KathleenAinisuong. Margaret Dyson. JuanitaCaiter and Virginia (iiKidrnan. all I'f
_Wlnsion..Saleni: 2 hrotliers. TlKiinasBoyd of Ciieenvlllc and Klehaid Boyd
of C'leinntons.
Mernoi lals may he made to Mineral.Springs Hire and Rescue .Stptad. 1.138
Olil Hollow Road. Wlnston-.Saleni
N.C. 27105.
Hnncral seivlccs were to be eon-
ilnelcd at 2 p.m. Ian I at Union Talrer-naclc CIma h with the Revs. KIsworthDngglns and Ijiny Hanison oBielat-
Ittg. Burial foltowedin thechurcheein-
I etcry. "
*•« . .Ray Holcomb Sh/ ;Mr. Joe Ray Holtwmb st, 51. ofSJin Road, Mocksville, died on Ridayademoon. Dec. 30. 1994, in FbrsyiliMicmoiial Hospilal pBer ^Ing in de-
cQhing health. --«A memorial service was held inEjionFutieralChapelonMonday.Jan.2.Jl99S,at2p.tn. i '• ' —} Mr. Holcomb was bom on May 20.1^3 inBastian, Va.,iothc laieioe Billat^ Maggie Eslelle'Royal Holcombaijd was a sales representative with
Bonanza Mobile Homes in Mocks-
Survivors include: his wife. JaniceEury Holcomb of the home: a soa JoeRay Holcomb Jr. of Mocksville: and 2
brothers. Louis Merle Holcomb ofAtlanta. Ga., and Mike HolcombpfAd-
.loan Petree Donegan
Joitn a-tree Doiiegan. 68. of Win-J stnn-Salem died S.-iturday. Dec 24
She was Nrm Sept. 17. 1926 Inl-orsyth County lo Henry Kenneth an
(iladys Jane Payne Petree.
She attended Old Town School andwas a graduate of Draughn Business
College. .She had worked for Piedmont
Airlines and was owner of the Hall
mark CartU shop In Hot! Laudertkile's
Ocean Manor Hotel.She was preceded in death by herlin.sband. Stephen A. Donegan.
.Surviving Include: a sister. IJIIIan
Slzemore of Satellite Beach. Fla.; anda niece. Jttdy Hem of Bemmda Run.
(iraveslde services were conductedat I p.m. IXv. 30 at Rirsy th Memorial
Paik with the Rev. Bill aiatman olTi-
Meniuri.als may bctnadctnBn:v.-udHospice. P.O. Box560965. Rockledge.
l-1a. 329.56.
Me^ Rudolphus Hooker
Meggs Rudolphus Hooker. 79. of/ Geimanton died Thursday. Dec. 29,
1994 at his home.
He wm bom inSlokes County toihelate William Elijah and Mnerva Coins
Hooker. He wasamember and deacon
of Brook Haven Baptist Church.'He tfras preced^ in death by adaughter. Rhonda Jean Hooker, and ason. Leonaid Gerald Hooker. ;
Survivots include: - his wife, Jane
Hall Hooker ofthe home;3daughiers,
Ruth and Dcbra Hooker of the home
and Unda Smith of Walnut Cove; 3
sons. Lany Hooker and Jiunes "Rudy"
Hooker of the home and Michael
Hooker of Advance; 3 sisters, Ethel
Wilmoth, Mary E. Owens and RacjhelHooker, all of^eslOeld: 3 broth^, Fiai^-;H|jok^;o^> l^bury.-'Dillard
Hook^ot^Mtrield oiid Ellis Hooker
of Aiaiat, Vo.; and 6 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 11
a.m. Dec, 31 at Brook Haven BaptistChurch in'Oen^ion with the Rev.
George Hughes ofTtciating. Burial fol
lowed at Dan River Baptist Church
Cemetery in Weslfield.
Memorials may be made to Hos
pice of Stokes County, P.O. Box 10.
Danbury, N.C. 27016.
Gray Washington Grubb
Gray Washington Gmbb, j82. of
Center Street, Cboleemee, died Tues
day night. Dec. 27. 1994 al his home
after being in declining health.
' He was bom in Davie County June
4.T912 tolhe late Charlie Marshall andAddje Mae Hanley Gmbb and was aretir^ fixer with Burlington Indus-
tnes. He was a member of Jetusalem
Bilptist Church, was an avid fishcntianaifd enjoyed gardening.''Survivors include: 2 sons. Larry
Gmbb of Orangeburg. S.C. and Jerrydhibb of Bunnell, Ra.; 5 grandchil
dren; 7 great-giamlchildien; 2 sisters.
Lena Bamhatt of Linwood and Lula
Hamilton of COoleemee; 5 brothers,Lloyd Gtubb, Clifton Grubb and Roy
Gftibb, alt of Mocksville, J.C. Grubb
of Salisbury and Hemy GnibbofFran-ki|n.. ^ Funeral services were conducted al2 p.m. Dec. 29 al Jetusalem Baptist
Chtirch with the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster
ofnciating. Burial followed in the
church cemeteiy.
Memorials may be considered for
D.ivieCounty Hospice, c/o Janet Blair.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
James Lester Keaton
^ Mr. James Lester Keaton, 62. <>f
Wyo Road, Mocksville, died on Satur
day. Dec. 31,1994 at Foisyth Mentor
nal Hospital in Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 3, at Eaton Funeral
Chapel in Mocksville, conducted by
the Revs. Carol Vossand David Nolan.
Burial was in Westlawn Garden of
Memories in Clemmons.
He was bom on April 22, 1932 in
Yadkin County, a son of the late Wil
liam Lec and Beny Logan Keaton. He
served in the U.S. Army during the
Korean Conflict and was retired from
Ingersoll Rand in Mocksville. During
reliiertteni, he loved woodworking, andmade baskets and handles and was
mechanically inclined.
Survivors include: his wife of 37
years. Edith White Kealonoflhehome;3 daughters, Mrs. Tim (Pamela) R:lts
orHamptonville,Mts.Mallhcw(Bclly)Dillon of Mocksville, and Elizabeth
Keaton ofthe home;3grandchildien:2
.stcp.grondchildren;2sisters, EtIaGroceof Mocksville and Fiances Bullins of
Wmston-Sateffl;2btDthets, George andKeaton of Mocksville: several
nieces and nephews.
Sara Katherine T\imer
Sara Katherine Williams Turner,
and formerly of Raymond Street In
Mocksville, died on Saturday, Dec. 31,
1994, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in
A graveside service was held at
3:30 p.m. .Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1995, at
Joppa Cemetery in Mocksville con
ducted by the Rev. Lelond Richardson.
She was bom on April 27,1920 in
Davie County, a daughter of the late
Lonnte G. a^ Bertha Howard Will
of Mocksville and Pete Turner of Mat
thews', a sister, Wilma Cooper ofSalis-
bury; and 4 gnmdcliildrcn.
FForence Jones Booe
J CImicli R<Ka|. Mtvksvillc, died Fridiiy
''"""buo Uhcie she I,:.,! beenresideni fur die past nvi, years.
A graveside semce was licid al 3
pin Jaii.SiiiRoarC'tcckHaiilistaiiiali
Rev. Grady Tut-
Icitiiv (>rnci<ilinp.
ehaiily of the donor's cliniee.She was In.ni {,, Davie Coumyiune 25. 1919.,« „« ,a,e Ca^;
and Beiiic Bcek Joiiesand was a home-
nuiker. .Slie had also worked al Blaek-
b" "r Bear Creek BaplisiChnrch
lterhushaiid.U-slerBnoc.p,seededher 111 death Nov. 2<l. 1972. .She was
also pieccdcd in dead, by 2 sislers and
;i hioiiuT.
Stirs iving aie a daiiglilcr. .SandraRogers of M.xrksville. a granddaiigh-
icr. Rcl ha KellerofMoeksville; 2grcai-gramlsons; andasisler. Annie M(K.k of
Charles Barron Cribble
/ Charles Barron Cribble Sr.. 88. for-/ nierjy of Yadkinville Road. Moeks
ville. dW Sunday. Jan. 8. J995 at
Grecnsbonr RclireinenI Center
lllcwasbomOel.2l.l9(tf.i„Meek-Isnburg County, a son of Charles Ue
and llterlusAblgal Cribble.
lie was a iiieiiil.eT of Rrsi Bapiisi( iiireh ,n MiKksvllle. He had been
t ip oyerl as a sales leprcsciilallvc for
Milling Conip.iny of Moeksville. In-
mialc Milling Conipany of Cliarlolie■"'<1 Rice and Railedge
... "nhbie.I icecdcd hull in deaih in 19X2,Survivors iiieliide a son. Cliarles(iribble of Pleasani Garden; .1 gnmd.sill dten ami .1 great graiidehildren.
' iineral .sets ices were comhicled ata.m.Jan. 11all-aloiiFuncralCliairelconducted by ilw Rev. Urry Holiswith bunal followiiip at Sharon Me-
Onia Louise BushOma Louise Bush. 80. of Clem
StewusbomFcb.9.l9MinfiiyelieCounty. Penn. (o William L. and taneowrey alslcy. She was a memberol-SI. C lemeni EpcscopalChua-handfor-
"Tr^." "f St. PtlcrsEpiseo-pal Oiurch in Uniontown. PennSurviving are her husband. William. of the home; a daugliler, Fredi
Hamnrer of Moeksville: fsoniwTlbamUwrenecorUnioniown:2grand-•taughters: 2 grandsons: and 2 g^tgrandsons.Euneral services were held at 11a.m. Jan. 9. I99S ni e. m Jninni IT. • " Yemeni Epis-«»pal Chureh m CIcmmons witluheRev R.ind.il| Kecney officlaling. En-
Memorials may be made lo Si^menl Eprseopai Chureh. P.O. Box1397. Clemnions. N.C. 27012
Jolin R. Morris
John Robert Mains, 84. of 637
. day. Jan. 7, 1995 at Brian Center in
' Salisbury.
, ; Bom May 24. 1910, in Rowan
CVunly. he was the son of the lale John
B. and Sarah Tucker Morris,' He is survived by his wife. Maty' Paysour Morris: 3 daughters. Cathey' C:^shionofCovinglan.La..SaraJi[jeflerof Mount Ufia and Rosafyn Kirk of' Shcrritis Ford: 6 grandchildren; and 4' great-grandchildren.
■ Funeral services were conducted al
3.p.in. Jan. 8 al First Baptist Church.' conducted by Dr. Harvey Rogers.' Memorials may be made lo First
Baptist Church, P.O. Box 419.' Mooresville. N.C. 28IJS.
3.jup.m.Jan. 11 atMoirison-Studevent
Funeral Home conducted by Bishop
Toiicy Ijamcs with burial following at
New Jerusalem Holiness Church cem
Benjamin Austin Cope
Mr. Benjamin Austin Cope. 75. of
7404 Feed Mill Road. Advance, died^ Tuesday, Jan. 3. at Fbrsylli Memorial
Hospital.j^.CopewasbomJuly 14.19l9inDayieCounlyloJohn Frank and Martha
Blljs Cope. He was a life-long resident
of Davie County; a World War 11 U.S.
Arthy veteran; a member of Elbaville, United Methodist Church. Advance; a
meinberof Advance VFW Post 8719:
a naembcr of DAV; and was a retired
Surviving are: his wife. Dotris
Tucker Cope of the home; a son,Tojnray Cope and wife Karen of AU-
vai]ce; a granddaughter, a sister. Mis.
Elija Miller of Moeksville; a brother,
J.1C Cope of Portland. Tcnn.; and aiiuthberof nieces and nephews.
Punetal services was held 2 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 5 at Vogler and SonsClemmons Chapel by the Revs. Richard'Laviner and Wayne Buff. A mili-Iruy graveside service by District 11Manorial Honor Guard followed inIhi^lbaville United Methodist Church
Cetnelery, Advance.
The family requests memorials may
be made to Elbaville United Methodist
Church, Advance.
Adam Russell Wall^ Adam Russell Wall. 6 years old.died Jan. 3. 1995 al Amos Cottage.
Adam was the son ofGary Dwight andEmily Hoskins Wail of Winston Sa-lem. ^HewasbomMay22. l988Tandhadbeen critically ill for three years. Hewas preceded in death by his grandfa-llieis. C.R. Hoskins Jr. and A.L. Wall;
and a cousin. Brit Wall.Survivors, in addition lo his par-enu, hisgiandmolheis. Mis. PfeggyHoskins of Moeksville and Mrs. A.L.
Wall of Winslon-Saiem.Adam wasoiteofCynlhia'skidsonChannel 8 in High Foinl. He had aspecial friend inMocksville. Her nameIs Megan Kropfelder.
Funeral services were al 11 a.m.Friday. Jan.6al Haywonh-MillerSilasCreek ITiapel hy the Revs. RichardEskew and George Chiddic. Burialfollowed in Fbrsyih Memorial Park.
The family requests that memoriaJsby made to the Konnoak Hills LionsClub, c/o Kenneth Beirier. P.O. BoxJ2627. Winston-Salem. N.C. 27117,' or Amos Cottage, 3325 Silas Creek
Parkway. Winslon-Salein,N.C.27103.
Davie County Public LibraryMoeksville, NC
Anna Mae Gandy
Anna Mae llarlnian GanJy, 67. of
llic Strnils cummunily in Cailarcl
County, fomieriy of Sclnia, dictl Tues
day, Jan. 10,199,1 jtt home.
She urs a daughter of Fred I).
I larttnan ofMedia, Pa. and was a fomier
tlispalcher with the Selnia Police I>e-
The funeral was Saturday, Jan, Id,
at llrtmks Funeral Home in Moieheud
City, 'the Rev. Andrea Wtxnlhouse
ofFiciated. Burial I^llowed inCartarcl
Memorial Gardens in Beaufort.
She was preceded in death by her
husband, Robert D. Gandy, Jan. 19,
Surviving in addition to lier father
.7 daughters, Karen Sampson of Ra
leigh, Christine Slappey of Columbia,
S.C. and Beth Gandy Cassidy of
Mocksville; a sister, Ernestine
Monaghan of Newlown Si)uare, Pa.;
and 5 grtindchildren.
The family suggests lliat expres
sions of sympathy be in tee form of
conlributionsto Caitoiet Ceneitil Hos
pital Foundation, Oncology Depart-
mcnt,c/o Beth Beswick,3S00 Atendell
Street, Motehead City, N.C, 28557.
John Lewis Lewder
John Lewis Lowder, 76, of Win-slon-Salem, died Thursday, Jan. 12,
1995.He was bom Aug. 24, 1918 inForeyth County toSidney R.and Mattie
Stipe Ixrwder.He spent most of his life in Foisythf.'ounty, and was with RJ. Reynolds•fobaccoCo. for 24 years before retiring. He was a member of the AdvanceMasonic Uxlge No. 7 lOand a memberof Hope Moravian Church.
He was preceded in death by hiswife, Etheletie Warner Lowder, in May1980, and a sister, Dorothy Reynolds.Surviving !ue2sotis,JohnS.Lowder
of Clemmons and Gary L. Lowder ofAdvance; 5 grandchildren; 2 greatgrandchildren; 5 sisters, Elizabeth
Mason. Mattie Whitt. Ruth Long,Janice King and Frances Hunter, all ofWiaston-Salem; and a brother. Bill
Lowder of Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were at 11 a,m,Jan, MatHayworth-MillerSilasCieekChapel by theRev.JamesCNwsoine.^Burial followed in Hope MqiaviariChurch OraveyanL :Memorials may be made to HopeMoravian Church, 2759 Hope ChurchRtrad, Wtnston-^cm, N,C.'27I27.' - -•
Betty Gartner Hathcock
Betty Alice Cartner Hathcock. 67.
of Winston-Salem. diedTuesday. Jan.
It), 1995 at Fbrsyth Memorial Hospi
She was bom in DavieCtninty Sept
22,1927 to tlie late Fred Ellis and Ola
Koontz Cartner.
She worked as a secretary at AT&T
for 39 years. She was a member of
Mount Carmel United Methodist
Survivors include her husband,
William G, "Bill" Hathcock of the
home; a daughter, Susan Hathcock
Collins of Winston-Salem; a sister.
Ruth Wilkes of McLeansville.
A memorial service was held at 3p.m. Sunday at Salem United Method
ist OiurchinMocksvillewith the Revs.
James Allied and Gary Kling ofTiciat-
Memorials be made tothecharity of
your choice, ;
Jessie Baker MayfieldI JcssieBakerMayneld,86,wholivedwith her daughter-in-law, Berniceh{ayrteld, at 120 Windward Circle,Mocksville.died Wednesday. Jan, 11.
1995 at Davie County Hospital follow-
iiig a lengthy illness,; Bom Sept.9,1908. in Cannon. Oa.,she was a daughter of the late WilliamHenry and Leitie Meriu Baker. She
a membcrof Shiltth BaptistChuich,
where she was a deaconess.' .Survivorsincluileadaughter,Willie
Jean BowmanofMocksville;abrother.E^in Baker of Mocksville; 2 sisters.
Milee Baker and Inez Mayfield, bothof Mocksville; 7 grandchildren; 13great-grandchildren; and2great-grcat-
; Funeral services were conducted at3p.m. Jan. IS.atShilohBaptistChurch
with the Rev, Donald R, Jenkins offici-aiingiindburial following inthechurch
Penny Lucille Jamesy Benny Lucille James, 27, of Win-
^-SaIeni.diedFHdaymghUan, 13,I9»a Fbrsyth Memorial Hospital.Slw ^ bom May 25. 1967 in
Webb "Jackie- staley
^wasamemberofHillciestBap-Church and an avid lover of her
pets.Surviving are her husband, Kevin
Swtey Whitman and Jo Ann niomasof Welcome: 3 uncles. Ransom Staleyof Winslon-Salem, Uon Staley ofKemersville, Larry Staley of Mocks-vMle; g^father. Augustus Webb Sr.of Valdese; and many other lelalives
Roy Jackson Nance
Roy Jackson Nance, 66, of
Comatzer Road, Mocksville, died at
his home Friday, Jan, 13,1995 after abriefillness. Funeral services were held
at 2 p,m, Jan, IS at Eaton FuneralChapel with burial following in BixbyPresbyterian Church Cbmeteiy,
He wasbomin Davie County, April
14, 1928 to the late John Noah and
Susie Howard Nance and was a self-
employed carpenter and plasterer.He wasa member of Bixby Presby
terian Church where he had served on
the Building Committee. He was a
member of the Home Builders Asso
ciation and especially enjoyed wood
working, He hod servedin the Infantry
of the U.S. Army,
Surviving are 2 sisters, BonnieDeeding of Mocksville and Marie
Wtnslow of Jamestown; 7 liieces and 3nephews and a special friend, Jessie
Boger of Faimington, He was pre
ceded in death by h sister, Elizabeth
Byerly of Raleigh-
Memorials may be made to the
Bixby Presbyterian Church, Fbrk-Dixby Road, Advance. N.C. 27006,
Oawie Coun^ Public Library
MocHsvtile, NC
Mai'y Katherine Sparks
Kalherine Sparks, 41. of 384
Paplivl I lospilal
in WiiiMon-Sa-
Il-iii. alictalonp
daiipiiiL-t uBjla^^H^H
of Mr ami Mrs.
Kciiiutli C.
Hiikcc li. cif Chacloire. she ptmltialcd
from Mu'isPaik High SilK>(>liii< har-
lotle ami ,luilii-il iliculet al Wesirni
CiiinltiiaDiiivcrsilj. Hiiriiiglhc iyXOs.
sin- (liic\ led llie Roskingliam Coiinly
Yiiiilh '1 healer and diavlcd plays fur
M.idisiutMay<*ian High Schm.i,
Sill' fiiinivd and led (he Davie
k'nimi; ( 'hap(ef of (lie Muldple Sele
iiisis Scvlely. She also suffetetl wi(h
• 1h.ll ilisrase f<tf many seres.
AiiieinlsentrMacednnla Moiaviiiii
niiiich ami im assoetnle nicinlier of
Maymlan Moravian Cliiiieh, she had
liosied .a .Sunday inoniing radio iiiinis-
lr> on W'D.SL for itw pasi isvo years.
Sursisnrs. ill addilion lo her par-
cms. iiKliKle husband Dsvipiu .Sjsaiks;
2 sons, Paul Buker Sparks. 13, and
Rcdieil Sesxi Spaiks.4, of ihe home; a
brolher, Kennclh C. Biikcr HI of Dadc
C'ily, i'l.i.uindasislcr, RulhPousliec of
Piiueml services were condiicled id
3:.'0 pm. Monday. Jan. Id ;ii
Maeedoiiia Morasian Giuieli, hy ilie
Kevs.i- llamplonMorgan(r .•uKlJeiiy
Coiicli. Hurial folloived in (tie ehuieh
Meuwrials may lie made lo Youlli
Puppei Ministry of Macedonia
Moraviiui Church, 70O N.C. Highway
801 Nuitii. Advance. N.C. 27006. or
Bplicvcis Sonship Tabernacle. 187
ThrrcnliM Road. Mocksville, N.C. i
27028, I
Beulah Mae York Stroud
• Beulah Mae York Slroud, 80. of
I3J Hillcresi Drive. Advance, died
Salurday, Jan. 14. 1995 at her home.
Bofji May 2.1914. In IredcllCounly.she wa.sihcdau|hlef of Hie late Reuben
Benjamin York and Musella Heath
H.miiony and had also been a member
of Mocks Methodist Church in Ad
vance. She lived lier entire life in Ire-
dell and Davic Counties.
Her grandparenls anti great graiid-
[• parerns. Qunkcrs. Baptists and Meih-
I odisis. also lived in Iretlell and Davie
»lerpaienial grandparcnls. William
rrankiin York and Rcbekah Johnson,
and luilcmal great grandparenls, Jim
I Burgess York and "Kitty- Bamard.
I were members of Winihrr^ Friends
Church in Union Grove. Other pater-
great gnmdparcnts weie Reuben
nndC.ithnrine Johnson ofZion BaptistChurch in Union Grove. Maternal
grandparents were John M. Heath and
Nancy E. Jones, wlio atleixled New
Hope BaptistChurchneat Cool Spring.
Maternal great grandparents were
Milhem Heath and Mary ■Polly"
WalkerofCtarksbury United Methodist Church and Cullcn Jones and MaryPoole Coker. members at Eaton's Bap-lisi Chufch in Davie Coujity.In addition to being a homemakef,j s'wsvotted 05 a seamstress for almou1 25 yeai3 at Monldgh Gatmem Co.
l958-1975inMock8vilieandSpoflJuiilin Slaiesville 1976-1982.Survivors Include.2 sons. Sidney"Sonny" Slroud and Jeny Wayne
StroudofAdvance:3daughie;s,Un(!aStroud Carter. Sylvia Stroud Smith.
both ofAdvatiee, and Bienda StioudGregory ofCbaryiilJe; 12gtandchil.dren; 15 great grandchildren; a siep-grandson; 4 slqi-greai grandchildren;a brother. Day York of Mocksville;and a sister. Bessie York Stroud of
Olin.Bout sisters and two brothers preceded her in death. Mammie ftye.Ruby and Edna York. Esther YorkCash. John Roy "Bud" Yo^ andReuben Fianklin "Frank" VoricFuneral services were conducted at2 p-m. Tuesday. Jon, 17. by Ihe Rev.Je/r Coppley with burial following atClarksbuty United Methodist Church."Die fatiuly requests memorials beinade toHospice of Davic County.225Hospital Su, Mocksville. N.C. 27028or lo Qaiksbuiy United MethodistChurch Cemetery Ihind, c/o LuAnn
Jones. 668 Rimrock Rood. SlaltsvilleN.C. 28677.
Helen Spillnian Toirence
• HelenSplllmanDysonUndetwoodrorreiice. 68, of Mullins. S.C. formerly of Rowan County, died Tucs-
<tiy.Jan.iai995atMullmsHospiurI Death was unexpected.
ShewasbomAug.7.l926inDavieCounty to the late l.c.der and EdnaBarney Spillman. She was educated inthe Davie County schools.
She was a homem-ikerand amem-bcrofihe Bapiisi fahh.site was preceded in dcalli by herfirst husband. Eugene Dyson: lier second husband, Robert N. Underwood-tmd her third husband, Tliomas w'
Torrence.She is survived by a son. Ronnie-Dyson of Mullins. S.C.; a stepsonRoger Twrence of Salisbury: a stepfbughler. Diane Bell of Maxton; abrother. Robert Spillman of Mocks-
vtlle:3hairbr«bers.Ray.Tommyan.lKcimelh Spillman,.illofMwksvillciasister.UicyMaeMyersofHumcrsville'2 half sisters. Belly Jesn Brooks of
Winslon-SaJem and Sharon Hanelineof Harmony; 4 grandchildren; and 5
great grandchildren.
funenU services were conducted atLyerlyHuneralHome'sJainesC LycrlyChapel by (he Rev. Tony S. Fox withiHinal following in Rowan MemorialPark in Salisbury Jan. 13 at 3 p.m.
Johnny Walker
: Ray JiAnson "Johnny" Walker. 7'
of Powell Road. Mocksville died Fii
day night, Jan. 13. 1995 at Yadki-
Valley Nursing Center in Yadkinvlll,• Funeral services were held at 2 p.n
Jan. 16 at Eaton Funenil Chapel wit)the Rev. Gary Kling orflcinting.
■i Burial foiiowedinthcCcnierUnitc,
Methodist Church Cemetery.
. Memorials may be considered futhe Cemetery Fund of Cenlei Unilsv
Methodist Church, c/o Bill Scafonll^ite 1. Mocksville, N.C. 27028.
• He was bom May 17. 1920 to ihi
late Etid and Lula Tmterow Wiilkctind had been a famier. During WWIIIk served in the U.S. Army,
i; Survivmgarehis wife. Dorothy LWaIkerofihehonK;astcp-son. DwighiCreason of Mocksville; 2 slep-daughlets. Carol Robeason of MtKksvlllfiuid Judy Fuller of York. S.C.; 4 step-
grandchildren; 5 sisters, Paiiline Davis
ofLcxingloii.PearlPolndcxIcrofYadkinville. Janie Koontz. Betty Crissoiiand Gail Kelly, all of Mocksville; 2brothers. Edd Walker of Mocksville4nd Jack Walker of Advance; several
nieces and nephews.He was preceded in dealh by 2. brolhcrs. James Walker and Sam
Walker, and by 2 sisters. Mildred^Iham and Aileen Gartner.
Militaty graveside rites were con-dtKled hy the District 11 MemorialHonor Guard. Veterans of iweign
Donald Ray Colbert
Mr. ni'ii.ilciHiiy"JiKk"Colbcn.64.
or Win'-ron-Siilciii (iieil Sunday. Ian.
15. IW.I al lii'i liiiim-.
Hcwa-shomJuly l.V n.^riiiPoiriylh
Cuunly in the laic Jnlin Bugene and
Susan DalioiiColbcn. Mr. Colbert was
t>r tlie BaplisI failli, and was palieni
tare assislanl al Hliiincnlli.il Jewish
Sun. ivingnav hiswife, AnoaRudolf
Colhen ofllw hoine; 2 sons. Hob Dunn
of Ultio RckK. Aik. and llcibert Dunn
or Wlnsion-Salcin: i iknighlcrs. I.anra
Clodfcilcr ol King. Ann I.eonard or
Midway and l-.llic Hosier or Advance;
IJerandchililrcn; .1 biodicts. Howanl
Coliwrt of Winsloii.Sideni. Anhnr
Colbert of Ixsvlsvillc and Haul Colbert
orr*ra1flown'. and a sister.SueMcBrlde
Funeral scivices werelichi Wednes
day. Jan. 18 at I'arklawn Mausoleum
Tlielainily iccincslslhal memorials
be made to Hospice of Winslon-Sa-
Icni/Fonyih County, ll(ll)-C S.
Stmlford Road, Winston-.Saleni, NC
Willie Ray 'Buck' Foster
Mr. Willie Ray -Buck" Fostei. 89,
of U.S. Hwy. 1.58, Mocksville. died
curly Saliirday ^
nioniiiig,Jan,22, HIT'
at N,C, Dapiisi
Hospital afler a
short illness,
Funeral scr-vices were at 2 *,* -* \v^Jn
p.m. Monday in
Church with the W
Revs. Ray O'I'ciieil and Bobhy .Swain
ofTiciating. Buria. was in Ihe church
lite family requests memorials be
ctinsidered forthc Hut Fund ofSmith
Grtjve Uriiled Mclhudisl Chuieb, do
Sue Hoggs, 5lfi Dulin Road, Mocks
ville. N.C. 27028,
Mr, Foster was horn in Davie
County, Aug. 2,1'XlSioihelalcCharlie
Monroe and Lena Mae Smith Foster
and was a caqKiiter and painter. He
was a long-time member of Smith
GrovcUnited Metlnxlist Churchwhere
Ik gad hccn a church trustee and Iwld
a3l years (>erfccl allendance record.
He W.1S a cliaKcrniciiilKrofthe Smith
Grove Rniilan Chih and held a .31
years perfect allendance record there,
also. He wa.s an avid gardener and a
devoted baseball fan.
His wife, Geneva Smith Foster,
pteccdedhintindcalh. March 19.1986.
Surviving aic a sister. Mrs. Vance
(Marg.ircl) Dunn. Livingston RwuJ.
Mocksville; and several nieces and
Bobby Edsel Day
Mr. Bobby Bdscl Day, 59, of
GreenhillRoad.dicdcarly Wednesday
moming, Jan, 18. al his home aller
lieing in declining hcallli.
Funeral services were held at 11
a.m. Friday, Jan. 20 in Ealon FutKial
Cliapel with the Revs. Joe Collins and
James Stowe officiating. Burial was in
llardison United MclhodisI Church
The fiimily requests memorials be
considered for Ihe Building Fund of
llardison United MclhodisI Church, c/
0 Mr. Glen Seaford. Buck Seaford
Rirad. Mocksville. NC 27028.
Mr. Day was bont in Rhonda on
Jan. 16. 1936 lo the late Pres-s Lewis
and Ada D.iy .ind was a retired chief
repainn.m with R] Reynolds Tobacco
Company. Me was an avid gardener,
golfer and enjoyed .lulo racing.
He was a iiKmbcr of ilte Hardison
United Methodist Church.
Surviving are his wife. JoAnn
Mcssick Day. ofthe Itome. a daughter.
Mrs, Robin Lawlcr, ofJim FtyeRoad,
Advance; a graiulson; 7 sisters. Marie
Gibson ol Rhonda, Rulh Bowers of
lewisville. Addle Chirk of Greens
boro._Bertha Adams of North
Wilkesboro. Doris Taylor of
Kernersville. Betty Jo Byrd of
Clemmons and Peggy Hunter ofChar
lotte; a brother. Stanley Day of
He was preceded in death by a
brother. Matthew Diiy.
Thomas "Bob" McDanlel
Tltomas Victor 'Boh" McDaniel.
78. of Salisbury, died Sunday. Jan. 22,-
1995 at Rowan Memorial 1 lospilal af
ler a serious illness of iwo weeks.
Bom July 12, 1916, in Rowan
Connly. hewus a son of Ihe lale Tlto
mas JefTetson and E.slhcr Jane Smith
McDaniel and allended Woodleaf
Co.unlilliisrcliremcnt, he hilcrworked
al Counlrysiilc Roses and Summersell
Funeral Home.
- He was a member of St. Luke's
Lutheran Church in Mount Ulla and
servedin iIk U.S. Amty in Indiaduring
World War II.
Survivors include his wife. Agnes
Graham McDaniel, whom he niaiiied
Jan. 18. 1953: and 3 sisters, Jeanelle
McDaniel Brown of Woodleaf, Mar-
gaiel McDaniel Snydcr of Mocksville
andFraiKis McDaniel DrownofCool-
Funeral services were cwiducted al
2 p.m. Jan. 24. al St. Luke's Lutheran
Church by Hie Rev, Milbert Kurtz.
Bmial followed in Ihe church cem-
Memorials may be made to Si.
Luke's Lutheran Church, 11020 N.C.
HighwaySOLMoufll Ulla,N.C28125.
Joyce Snider Eagle
Joyce Snider Eagle, 90, of Saiis-
J buty.diedMond.iyancmoon,Jan,23.
1995 at Lutheran Nursing HonB of
Salisbury afier a pcrioil of declining
health and being seriously ill for three
Shewas bomOct. 14,19I>4 in Davie
County to Ihe lale Samuel P. and
Malrona Walker Snider and was edu
cated in the Davie County schools.
She was a homemakerand a mem
ber of No Creek Printilive Baptist
Church in Mocksville.
Her husband. Carpenter L Fjgle
Survivors include 3 sons. B.W,
liagle and Glenn F, Eagle of Salisbury
and C,l,EagleJr.orSpcncer;2daugh-
ler.s. Ttielma Silliman of Kaimapolis
and NaiKy WatsonofFlat Rock; a ludf
brother. Samuel D. "Bud" Snider of
Woodleaf; a half sister, Nwinc Foster
of Woodleaf: 16 gnuidchiidrcn; 25
great-grandchiidren; and a number of
niece.s and nephews.
Funeral services were condocled al
2 p.m. Jan, 25. at No Creek Primitive
Baplisi Church in Mocksville with Ihe
Rev, Steve Mowciy and Elder Eugene
Ucnnell ofTiciating and burial follow- >
ing in Rowan Menwrial Park in Salis
Memorials may be made lo No
Creek Primitive BapiisI Church, c/o
R.C, Wishom, Route I, Box 324, Ad-
viuice, N.C. 27000,
John Mack Mayfleld
^ Mr, Jcdin Mack Mayfteld. 73. of
Cleveland.N.C..died al I l;12p,m,on
Sunday, Jan, 15 al Rowan Memorial
Hospital after a brief illness.
He was bom on Aug. 23. 1921 in
Smilh. He was reared by his grandfa-
tJKr. the laic Thurslon Mayfleld. and
attended public schools in Atlanta,
A retired employee of Martin
Marietta of Woodlcar, he wa.s a mem
ber of Erwin Temple CME Church,
Woodleaf, and was a former Sunday
School superintendent and member of
Uie slewanJ board and choir.
Survivors include: his wife of 54
years. Liuie Martin M.iyficlil;4 sons.
Mayfleld of Cooleemcc, Fellon May-
field of Mocksville ami Wilton May-
field of Advance; 5 daughters, Doris
Gray of Woodleaf, Ruby Howell of
Woodleaf, LexerisClineorCleveland,
Deborah James of Mocksville, and
Olympia Libby Neely of Cwleemee;
32 grandchildren; and 33 great-grand
Funeral senices were held on Fri
day, Jan. 20, at3 p.m. at ErwinTemple
CMEChurch.Woodieaf, with the Rev.
CalvinSmith.pastor.ofnciiiling. Burial
was in Ihe church cemetery.
Davie County Public Library
MoQksvilla, NC
. ^
Thomas Beny Seivers
/ M''-'n»niasBenySeiveis.54.orJoTOsyille. rormeriy of Winaon.Sa-
ctn.d«d at 12:52 p.™, Wednesday.
Mr.Scive«wasboniMay31 1940
pr Annie
ine U.S. Mannes and was disabled. He
>WB of Uic Baptist faiih.
Sim-iving are: his wife. Mis. Matyfelizatelh Cook Seivets ofthe home; a
daughter. Mrs. Kim Cobler of Win-
sion-Salem; asonanddaughler-in-law
Mark and Denise Seivers of
nilertyofJonesviIleimdHealhGtiffinof Dobson: a stepdaughter. Dawn
Weathciman of Elkin; 4 grandchil
dren; 3 sisters and brothers-in-law.
Peggy and Clete Bourne of Lexington,
Ruby and Sam Slyers of Winston-Sa-
icm and Margaret and Arch Chatman
of Kemersville.
Graveside services were lield at 11
a.m. Frid.iy. Jan. 20 at Ronda Cem
etery in Ronda. conducted by the Rev.
Edgar Yatbrough.
j Helen SpillmanTbrreqd
Helen Spillman Dyson Underwpo
Torrence. 68, of MuUins, S.C..' for
merly of Rowan Cbunty, tlied Tuesj-,.
day, Jan. 10, i995atMulliiis Hospjtaj,
Death was unexpected.
She was bom Aug. 7,1926in IJavie
Cbunty to the late Lester and
Barney Spillman. She was educated in
the Davie Cbunty schools. , j,
She was a homemaker and a mem?
ber of the Baptist faith. . . u'
She was preceded in death by liei;,^
first husband, Eugene Dyson; her sec-^ •
ond husband. Robert N. Underwood;,|
atid her third husband, Thomas W.'
Torrence.She is survived by a son. Rognle'^
Dyson of Mulllns, S.C.; a stepson.?
Roger Toirence of Salisbury; a step
daughter, Diane Bell of Maxlon; a
brother, Robeit Spillman of Mocks-.i
ville;3half brothers, Ray, Tommy andii
Kenneth Spillman, all of Mocksville;a >
2 half sisters, Betty Jean Brooks of.i,
{ Winston-Salem and Sharon Haneline
of Hatiiiony; 4 grandchildren; and 5
great-grandchildren. '. JjT
Funeral services were conducted ki
Lyetly Funeral Home'sJantesC. Lyeriy^
Qiapel by the Rev. Tony S. Fox with
burial following in Rowan Memo'rial-'|
Park in Salisbury Jan. 13 at 3 p.m.•Y
Oafe County Public LibraryMocksvllle, NC
J Fannie WilliamsAnderson
Fannie Mayndd Williams Aiulcr-
son. 85. ronnerly of Mocksville. died
Tliursday. Jan. 26.1995 al Knollwood
Rest Home in Winslon-Salem afler a
period of declining liealtli and being
seriously ill for a few days.
•She was Inim Dec. 25. 1909 in
ConuiKrcc, Ga. lo the late John and
HatticMayncId Williams and was edu
cated in the public schools there.
She was retired from Mahallan In
dustries in Lexington and was a mem-
. ber of Etwin Temple CME Church.
Her husband. Aitis Fcllon Ander
son. preceded her in death.
She is survived by 3 sons. William
James Anderson of Fayelteville; 3
daughtcis. Diane Smith of Winslon-
Salem. Doris AndcisonofMocksville,
and Shiilcy Park of Upper M.ariboro,
Md.; and several grandchildren and
great.grandchild) en.
Melvin Leo Dudley
/ Melvin l-eo Dudley of Joncsville
^ died Tuescby. Jan. 24.1995.HcwasboraSept.l2.l920inYad-
kinCminlv lothc late Sam and Rachel
Dudley. He was a reliied brick and
nick mason.
He is siirvivol by his wife. Joann
Nance Dudley; 2 sons. Calvin DudleyofDobsonaiulMickcyDudleyofBoon-
viUc; 4 daughtcis. Shirley Sprinkle,
Bobbie Jean Adams. Kay Hobson and
Barbara Jester, all of BoonviUe; 4 slep-ehildren.F.ddicWolfeorNorthWilkes-
boro. Rev. Tim Wolfe of Ramseur.
gheiiy Caton of Elkin and Michael
Wolfe of Pilot Mountain; 8 grandchil-
aren; 8 great-giandchildren; 8 step-irindchj!a.w.;2br<itlteis.PeteDudley
iftd Odell Dudley, both of Wln^-
Sfdem; and a sister. Lucille Reavis of
1 j He was preceded In death by two
.4tsteis and two brothers.
-! Funendserviceswereal2p.m.Jan.at Mount Pleasant United MethotJ-
•jhe Rev. Jack Luti and David Rorie.'2[urial followed in lite church eem-
: Memorials may be made to Mount
rieasant UMC CCmeleiy Fund, c/o
JbniorMiller. l825NeboRoad.Boon-
William Beattie Sr.
William Ralph Beattie Sr. 86. of
Shelby, died Thursday. Jan. 26, 1995
at Cleveland Memorial Hospilal.
He was employed for 40 years and
wa,s store manager at Tlie Great Atlan
tic and Pacific Tea Company until his
rellreinent in 1971. He was a member
of First Baptist Church and a former
member of the Lions Qub.
He was preceded in death by his
wife, Nellie Carpenter Beanie, on Aug.29. 1992; and his parents. William
Wicr and Dora Ann Slroup Beattie.
Surviving are a son. William R.
Beattie Jr. of Beimtula Run, a daugh
ter. Mae Beanie Bairelt of Atlanta.
Ga,asister.JessieMossofCheityvilIe:3 grandchildren; and 2 great-grand
Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Jan.
28 at Webb Chapel, with Dr. Gene
WallersonolTiciating. Burial followed
in Sunset Cemelciy.
Memorials may be made to Aniioch
Melhodisi Cemetery Fund, c/o Merlyn
Ciirpenler. Ri. 1. Box IdSA. Crouse
N.C. 28033.
, Mildred L. Hendrix
7 Mildred Lorraine Livcngood Hendrix. 68. of Winslon-Salem. widow of
George F. Hendrix. died Jan. 24.1995
at Forsyih Memorial Hospital.
Site was bom in Winslon-SalemJan. 2.1927lo Ellis Monroe Livengood
Sr. and Martha Blanche Craft
A memorial service was conducted
a" 7 P-m. Jan. 26. at Mount TaborUnited Methodist Chuich by the Revs.
Randolph P. Waugh and Steve Austin.She spent all her Ufc in Foisyih
™™'y and was a member of Mountl™r United Methodist Chuich and
Circle No. II. She retired from Fitst
Llmon National Bank oAef many yeais
of service.' ' '
She was preceded in deaih by herbrother. EM. Liveiigood Jr.Syrvivors include a daughterMartha Agnew of Winston-Salem; a
son. Steven Craig Hendrix of aem-
mons: a g^daughten 3 btothei^
Joseph E Livengood and ThuimondJ.Litieng^ bolh of Witiston-Salem.
and Phillip D. Liveiigood of Mocks-
ville. . ,,
Memorials may be made to MountT^bor United Methodist Church
CTildren-s Dept.. 3543 Robinhood
Road. Winston-Salem. N.C. 27106 or
any Children-s Home of the donor's
choice. j ,
/ Gray Brewerl^esl Gray Bicwer. 87. formcrJv
°'^:™'°"-Salem.dicdSa,.;rSni?dJ995 at Meadowbrook Terrace of
County a
Methodist Men and Jonesto^S
garage closed^r!"" ^^yhound
tire mil»gc
Coach^ToVLre':'"''"^He was preceded in death by a snn
Wayne UiBrewer.TherSvtcewaseonducledJan-sS™
ReT M ""^at by the
in the church cemeleiy
years. Ruth Lemons Brewer of H.-:
ge Wood.s Retirement residence- 2
lem E,^■''^'°'^®°'^*''"'°''•Sa■em. Ernestine Tccna" Moore of
C Bn-ii' ®' drawer. Frankpn Joe Brewerand Daniel "Dan"Brewer.boihofMocksville: I3g^d*n:JOgrea,.gra„dchiIdren®SJera.LoreneB^ai„atdofFra£„.•• Rstilifie B, Han of Ofamt**.,
2 brothers. Joseph C. and oLv h"
P "™lsmaybemadetol>i,rePf^Gm""n c/on30?o ""'•"'Melhodist C^reh'l30JoneslownRd., Winston 9,t» "N.C. 27103-5209.
Pavie County Public LibraryMocksvillSr NO
j Oiiiiiiii Itailey Lenily
Liltinii tKiilcy Ijrmly. 64.of
lxxingl(>n.ilie<l|(ic«by,Jan.2'). 1995al N.r. n.n|.lisl Ibispiial in WimKin-
SIk was Nirn Miurli 26. 19.10 in
Muiilgnnicty Counly lo Die late Hcniy
.Slevenson and Fannic Lillian Reed
Bailey and w as rclircd fnim Dixie Fur-
niluic Cii.
•Site is Siiiviscd by her husband.
CTiariiclec Ix^^inly i,f ihc home; .1 ssins,
Donald Ixinly of Soullintanl. Eamcsl
Ixnily of Boonr and Raymond .Sieve
lxnilyorixxingl(m:2dauglilcis,Iili/a-hclh Ann Peace of Danville and Doris
Si-ailcllofCasar: LSgiandcliildien: IS
gical gmialchildrcn; 2 ImoiIicr. I IcniyJ. Bailey of Ixxingion and Mack Ray
BailcyofMiKksvilleiandalialfbrollicr.Tcny I enily of .Soulhinoiil.
I'lincial scniccs ssciccondiiclnl al■f p.in, Jan. 27. al Voglers I'icdmoniFuneral Home in Ixxinglun by liteRev. Roy Queen. Burial followed atM.icedonia United Mcllioslisi aiurcli.where she had lieen a member.Mcinorials may be ntadc lo HeartMemorial liind. c/o Phyllis Finger,90.1 Dogwrxxl Imil. Ixxiiiglun. N.C
James Early Shinault
James Early Shinault, 55. of Win-
ston-Salem died Saluiday, Jan. 28,
1995, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital.
He w,-is bom Nov. 4, 1939 in
ivanlioe, Vx He spent most of his life
in Winston-Salem, employed by Loeal
Union % as a pipe fltler for mote than
30 years. He was of Die Baptist faiDi.^Survivors include his wife, Layuna
Shrnaull ofthe home;adaughter. Holly
Shinauliof the home; hismoDier.Ruby
S. Hamby HoovenofWinston-Salem.
a half-sister, Susie Owens of Madeira
Beaeh, Fla., 4 half-brothers. Ronald
Hamby of Greenville, Donald Hamby
of Advance, Steve Hamby of King and
Mike HambyofWinslon-Salem; 2step-.
brothers. Robert G. Hamby and Tony
E. Hamby, boDi of Winston-Salem;
several nieces and nephews.
The funeral service was held Jan.
31, al I p.m. at Die Reese Funeral
I lome Qiapel in AusDnville, Vx wiDi
Elder E.W. Parks and the Rev. Bob
Williams oflicialing. Burial followed
in Oddfellows Cemetery in Ivanhoe,
Chester Woemer
82. of Tanglewood Farm, Clemmons,
formerly of Haveitown, Pa., died at his
liomeThursday morning,Jam26,1995.
Funeral services were at 10 xm.
Jan. 30.1995 al Holy Family Catholic
Church in Clemmons by Father Tho
mas Walsh with burial following in
Wesllawn Gardens of Memory in
He was bom in Egg Harbor. NJ.,
April 24, l9l2to Albert L.andAmelia
Braun Woemer. He served in the US
Army during WWII, was a member of
Die Veterans of Foreign Wars, the
American Legion, and Holy Family
Catholic Church in Clemmons.
He was with Warner Theaters for
27 years in Philadelphix Fx and was
the Volkswagen sales manager for
Y.B.H. Sales and ServiceinEdgemonL
Surviving are his wife. Mary
ters. Mary Lou Schubel of Broadrun,
Vx,JaniceC. Kane-Hill ofHealdsbuig,
Calif. andCaDiy A. Kofkeof Advance;
6 grandchildren.
The family requests thai any memorials he made to Hospice of Win-
slon-Salcm/Fbrsyth County. IIOO-C
S. Stratford Rd., Winston-Salem, NC
27103. or lo Cancer Services, Inc., 107
Westdale Ave., Winston-Salem. NC
. Sarah L. BarkleyJ Sarah Eliabcth Uwing Barkley.
w. ftsmcrlyofTroulman, diedFriday
Icr in Mooresville.
She was bom in Cfamenon Aug
19.19(W to ihclalc Cbailie Ales.indcf
niul Miriam AulenUwiiig,
SliL'aiieiide.llhcaevel;iii.lc:i)N,itvsdicHils. .She w.-i^ a hKniciiiaker and
rc'i'cd spiiinei for (lie Hall-Kale Te*-
•ilf \fill inTrournwii,
Jl^husbiirKLRcv. WiwIyColiim."-irkley. prceede.l her in
dcalli l"el<. IS, iqsr
^l'L'v,.i.alM.prcrvde.llii,ltiiilil,yad.iiiyliter, ("ailiciinc W, llager,
Sur\ iwi S include a son, Cliai Ics E
Winec..rroflX-Mir,,na,;asiii(cr.noraA. Reid of lialiimoic. mj,; f, gp,y,j,
flirldmi; and U)ga\al gundchlidren.
''"n"nl«niecsncmiolwhcJdi.i•I p.m. Feb. 6.« fiiid, Caplisi rtmah
•ydicKcvs. Urady Tulle,on and J(din
I-- Bronn iilTlcialing wiih burial fo|.
I»«ing in Ihc church cctnelcry.
Mcrrorials may be made lo ihe
Alzheimer's AssociaUng, N.C. .Soulh-
cm Piednioni Chapter, Epwortli Plate.'■121 .Shanmvk Dr. aiarlolte NC
Jennie Pierce Barney
Road. Mocksville died Friday after-noon. I*b. 3,1995 al Forsylh Memorial Hospiul in Winston-Salem.Funeral serviceswere hddal2p-m.ftb-SalEalonFunefalChapelwilhlhe
Rev. Glenn Sellers offtcialing. Burialfollowed in Cheslnul Gtore United
^lc^lwvli^l Cbua-h Cemetery.Mrs. Uaniey was bom in IredfllCounty, Sept. 17. 1913 lu the late fuland Viitlcy licllnrd Pierce and was aUoincmakcr. She was a member of
ClicMniit Grove United Methodist
Cliurcli, was an avid gardener and especially enjoyed outdoor activilics.11eibnshand,AvcryC.Barney,pn:-
ccded licr in death May 10.1987.
Survivors include a sister. Maude
Waiien of Colorado; several nieces
andneplicws.She was preceded in death by 3
Lcssic Sparks Moore
l.es.sieSparks Moore, 90.dicdTucs-day.Jan.3l, 1995 al Autumn Care of
Siilishuiy after a period of declining
County, (he daughter ofthe late NotiePnrks and Chiulcy Luther Sparks.
iiducnied in the Davie County
schools, she rclirctl as a seamstress
form N.C-. Finishing Co. She was a
mcmticrorYadkm United Methodist(Imrch .and Yadkin Community of
Rowan County.
She was preceded in death by her
liushand. Nay David Moore on May
21. 1979, a son. Gilbert L. Moore onMay 6, 199.1; and a daughlcr. Alma
Mivite Ingr.im in 1944.
Survivors inciudcabrolher, Luther
Parks of Advance:? sisters. Viola Lc-on.srd and Ruby Y.nbrough. both of
Tyro. Alma Bonih.itdlofChurchland.
Letha Wcavcrand Biddie Frccdie, bothof Rccdy Creek. Zcllic Weaver of
CicminunsandSuePliclpsof Advance;
2 grandchildrenandagrcal-grnndchikl.
A graveside service was conducted
at 3 p.m. Feb. 3, al Greer's Chap'"!UnilcilMelliixiisi ChurchCemetery In
Davidson County conducted by the
ReV, Fred I lilt.paslorofYadkin United
Methodist Church.
Memorials may be made lo Yadkin
United Methodist Oiurtdi in care of
Rev. Fred ilill, I6S0 Panther CreekRoad. Salisbury, N.C. 28144.
Mary MasuraMary Masura. 87, of Oxfoid. Ohio,formerly of Delruil, Mich., died Mon-Uay. Jan. 30,1995.
Slw was preceded in death by nerhusband, Joseph Masura; and sisters.Anim and Helen.She is survived n daughlcr, JoyceGoTtlouofOxford.01tio;2sons,Rus5cll
MasuraofDearborn, Mich, andDonald
Masura of Advance; 8 grandchildren;and a gienl grandchild.
Funeral services were conductedFeb. 3, at Saint Micluicl's Russian Orthodox Otuich InBedfoid. Mich, al 11a.m. Buiial followed in WoodmereCemetery in Dclroil. Mich.Memorials may be made lo SaintMieli.uVs,2f)355WcstChicagoSucel.
Redford, Mich.
^her Wood Johnson
^ EstJKf WuoclJohnson, 74.ofFantt-inglonRoad,aicde.-ulyThursday,Feb
2 1995 alForsyth Memorial Hospitalin Winslon^-Salem after being in de-
in Faniunglon.
•She Wit. i member of FamimilonUnited Methodist Church.
Survivors include her husband, ba* jolmson Sr. of ihc horjw; 2 son^ EdJidinsoii Jr. of Yadkinville and Gene: Johnson of Winston-Salem; 2 grand-dnuglilere; and 2 grcal-grandchildtenToneml services were conducted at1 p.m. Feb. 4, al F-aton Funeral Qiapelwitb die Revs. David Nolan and Fred•.Sboafofficiali"!;. Burial followed mFanninglon Commtmily Ccinclcry.Memorials may he made to DavieCounty Cancer Services, c/o Rc^Ellioll.!'-O.Box424.Mtx:ksvi!lc.N-L.
Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NC
WiUiam DennieAngell
J William DennieAngell. 94, of Kan-
napolis died Tuesday, Feb. 7.1995 al
Cabamis Memorial Hospital in Con
cord alter being in declining health for
several months and seriously ill for
three weeks.
He was bom in Davie County Aug.
9, 1900 to tlie late Waymouth Brady
and Maggie Elizabeth Gaither Angell.
He had lived in Kannapolis since
1923. He was employed with Cannon
Mills Company for 50 years until his
retirement in 1973. He was a faithful
member of First Baptist Church of
Kannapolis where he had served as a
deacon and been active in various
phases ofchurch activities through the
years. He wasamemberof theOrderof
He is survived by his wife. Pearl
Pugh Angell of the home; a daughter.
Thelma A. Churchill of Raleigh; 3
grandchildren and a great-grandson.
Funeral services were conducted at
11 a.m. Feb. 9. at First Baptist Church
in Kannapolis with the Rev. Don
McNair and Dr. John William Angell
of Winston-Salem officiating. Buiial
followed at 2 p.m. at Joppa Cemeleiy
in Mocksville where a graveade ser
vice was conducted.
Memorials may be sent to Fiist
Baptist Church, 101 N. Main St..
Karuupolis. N.C. 28081.
Wesley Eugene Fairclotli
Wesley Eugene "Penny" Faircloth.
65. of Winston-Salem di^ Tliursday,
Feb.9.1995inForsythMemorial Hos
He was bom March 9,1929 in For-
.syth County to Willie Levi and Ella
Mae Wilkins Faircloth. He was the
owner and operator of Penny's Garage
and Wrecker Service for 40 years arid
served in the National Guard from
1949 to 1953.
He was preceded in death by a sis
ter, Mary Alice Faircloth Gmbbs.
Surviving are his wife. Martha
Mozelle Faircloth of the home;3daugh-
tcrs. Cricket Faircloth of Winston-Sa
lem and Sherry and Vonce Wiles and
Margaret Ring oil of King; 2 sons.
Arlcn Eugene Faircloth and Danny
Ray and Doris Faircloth. all of Win
ston-Salem; S grandchildren; 2 broth
ers, William Mack Faircloth ofOcala,
Fla. and Donald Bodenhainer of
Mpcl^llle. ; f .
; • lWralse(viile^weieat2^Ll^.'.12 at HaywitijNilJIler-,^!^!^^ '
i foilpweil k .Oanlen^^idem^'iln '
/Annie C. Arnold
Annie Lee Cleveland Arnold, 51 .of
Excalibur Lane, Mocksville, died Sat
urday, Feb. 11, 1995 at N.C. Baptist
Hospital in Winston-Salem. She had
been in declining health for several
years and seriously ill for a week.
Bom March 12.1943. in Anderson.
S.C. Mrs. Amold.adaughteroflhe late
I lerman and Louise Kemp Cleveland,
was educated In the Davie County
schools. Last employed with Weldon-
Hall Furniture CP., she was a member
of Fairfieid Baptist Church in Mocks-
A son. Victor N. Arnold, died Jan.
Survivors include her husband,
Clayton K. Arnold; 2 sons, Ray J.
Ainoid of Mocksville and Garth N.
Arnold of Cooleemee; 2 daughters.
Brigett L. Arnold and Anita Mock,
both of Mocksville; 3 brothers. Henry
Oeveland of Woodleaf and Eric D.
and Gordon R Qeveland. both of
Mocksville; 2 sisters. Dianne C Rob
erts and Audrey L. Cleveland, both of
Cleveland; and 5 grandchildren.
The funeral was tobelhursday at 3
pan, at Fairfielti Baptist Chiirch in
lioms officiating and tnlrial foUtiwing
in the church cemetery. •' ' . 1
Harvey Lee Frost
friend Advance; a devotedh?s ul I «"■ Advance-
Wiley Abraham Ellis
/ Wiley Abraham Ellis Sr., 105, for-V merly of COoleemee and a resident of
day. Feb. 8, 1995 at Davie County
He was bom in Davie County Dec.
19. 1889, a son of the late Abraham
Lincoln and Suzanna Foster Ellis. He
was a retired merchant and a member
of Liberty United Methodist Church.
He was preceded in death by his
wife. Lydia Williams Ellis, and a son.
Wiley Ellis Jr.
Survivors include a sister. Lovie
Williams of Smith Grove community;
a grandson. Fred Ellis Sr. of Mocksville; agreat-grandson, Fred Ellis Jr. of
Mocksville; several nieces and neph
ews.A graveside service was held at 11a.nt Feb. 10. at Liberty United Meth
odist Church Cemetery conducted by
the Rev. David Reep.Memorials may mode to Liberty
United Methodist Church. Glarlstone
Road. Mocksville, N.C. 27028.
Annie Harding HauserJ Annie Hanling Hauser, 79. diedSunday.Feb. 12. l99SatPulaskiConi-munity Hospital alter a long illness.
She was bom March I, 1915 in
Davie County, the daughter of the late
William "Bud" and Mary Hawkins
She was a member of ChinquapinBaptist Chinch in Davie County. She
moved to Puiaski, Va. in 1989 to live
with her daughter.She issurvivedby2daughteis. Betty
BtdiannonofPulaski and Regina Mock
of Mocksville; 5 grarulchiithtn; KathyPeoples of Biacksburg. Va.. TerryHattser of Winston-Salem, Lee Young
of Dublin. Va.. Wayne and DeniseMock of Mocksville; 2 great granddaughters and a host of relatives oitd
Funeral services were to be conducted at I p.m. Feb. 15, at Morrison-Studevent Funeral Home Chapel in
Mocksville with burial following in
the Chinquapin Baptist Church tcra-
Davie County Public LibraryMocksvillf, NC
/ Sherill Lloyd Thompson
SlKirill Lloyd Tlioiiipson. 83. of
Ml. Oilcad. died Tuesday morning.
Feb. Id. 1995 al Monlgomeiy Memo
rial Hospital in Troy after a brief ill
He was a native of Montgomery
County, a member of Stoney Fork
Baptist Church and a retired fanner.
Survivors include his wife. Blanche
B. Thompson of Mt. Gilead; 2 sons.VeroonThompsonof Mocksville and
Gayle TItompson of Mt. Gilead; a
• daughter.ReneaDiaiteBennetlofKing;
4 grandchildren and 9 great grandchil
Tlie funeral was to be held at 2 p.m.
Thursday. Rb. 16. at Stoney Fork
^"?1ctTOriais may be made to Stoney
Fork Baptist Church. Route 2. Mt.
Gilead. N.C. 27306 or Hospice of
Montgomery County. Route 2. Box
MS 4. Troy. N.C. 27.371.
,Nina Parks ReitT
J NinaPhiksReid,7l.ofBuflitigton.
died Monday. Feb. 13. 1995 at her
She was bom in Alamance County
totlte late Clarence Franklin and Carrie
Cratchdeld Parks and was retired from
Southeastcm Savings and Loan Asso
ciation. She was a member of Davis
Street United Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by her
husband. Joseph Alden Reid in 1993.
Survivors inctudeadaughler. Becky
Helderman of Mocksville; a grand
child; 2 step-grandchildren; 2 sisters.
Carleen Shepherd of Burlington and
Margaret Barham of Washington; a
brother. Carl F. Parks of Burlington.
Funeral .services were to be con
ducted at 2p.m. Fd>. 15.1995 at Lowe
Funeral Home Chapel cortducted by
the Rev. DeimonI Reid with burial
following at Alamance Memorial Park.
Memorials may he made to the
Masonic Home for Children, 600 Col
lege Street. Oxford. N.C. 27565.
/\ - Mildred UitdtW^^
i Deadmon ^ Nursing
• was
,beenahotwtnaktf. ^ she
; the W3*r B„{talo Christi®
• a Tenn. and had
'• '"Stit: resided ^svaiefotlhepasl ^
•; Johnson, in Mocks
: months. _ jaugbw* H* In addiuon » g^e andisurvivedby^^Ji^.Tenm;
' day - If f:tyfianChurdt in » ^ considered for
OdeU Ernest Whitt
; OdellEinesl Vmitt, 74. Of Lettington.diedlaleSaluiday.Fib.ll.alN.CBapUst Hospital in Winston-Salemaf-
ter being in declining healtlu
He was bom in Foisyth Couttly
June 27,1920 to the late Sidney Win-UmipandldaF.ColourWhittandwM
aieUttd mail clerk with the KaW^l-
road. He was a veteran of w UAmy-Air Corps, and was of the Bap-
preceded him in death, Dec. 25,1985.Suivivots include a son. Jetty RWhiitofWaco.Texas;agrandsonBnd
several nieces and nephews. _
A graveside service was held at 2o.m. Feb. 14. in iheNalional Cemetery
in Salisbury with the Rev. Lynne.BlankenshipofTicialing.. V . ' .
The family ieques» meinoiials beconsideiedfortheAtneiie®Child^8
Home, Cotton Oiove'Road, Lexing
ton. N.C. 27292.
Lisa Marie Wiesener
.■;Li$a Marie Wiesener, 19. of
Hhinown, died at her hoiiie.Wednes^ t -^y,FBb.,8..1995.. . ... .-.She was bpm !S^ 28,.1975 in:'•Rtiduiion4Va:,tpSteiihietiBynn^ .7Cidtoine HestefiWteeneri j•; .-Services ; were ItohdUcled 'at 3i;30 :'tp.m.FebilOatVogiei'sR^iioldaRaad ;. Chapel by" thd Revs: Bill Yates anti iI 'Cikg B6wh)an. ^Biuial followed.t Flns^thMmqiid ^^} ^iShe 'aitenileii schobi at; The .3j aiUdienV{ 'School. , . .j ''''Survivors iitclude liw'iiwtherwd'!{ fatherofjhehoiteVmaleinalgrandpiir-'l^ enis, MaiyM.ee H«(er and Jomes.D.y1 HesterSf.ofWinslbn^alemipatemal i' grandparents, Mildreb aiid CharleS 'i! 'WieseneH'an auiik;Pebfaiiflante$^of:|! Winston-^dem;3uiKi«,GipegHester jI ofjWinslab^aleiih' Milw.Hester of .i> .'hfocksville'andJUn Hester of St. Pe- fj ■te^uig;rta:"i;f 't .f The fon^jr, letjuesls that ®y roe- i
' iiibrlals be.:tiuute' lo. The. Children's '.jCinter, 2315 Coliseum Dr.; Wipston-, jI S^em. U.C. Ml^^Spi; ;r;'' • f ?; !
Davie County Public UbraiyMocksi/ilffp NC .
Elmina Renegar Anderson, 78. of
BearCreek Church Road. Mocksville.
died early Tuesday morning at her
Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
Thursday at Sandy Springs Baptist
Church conducted by tlie Revs. David
Ktser. Howard Wagoner and Coy
Miller. Burial followed in the church
The family was to rcceivetl friends
from 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton
Funeral Home in Mocksville.
Memorials may be made to The
Alzheimers Association, 836 Oak St.,
Winston-Salem. N.C. 27101.
Mrs. Anderson was bom July 16.
1916 in Iredell County, a daughter of
the late Lanto and Annie Wallace
She was also a member of Sandy
Springs Baptist Giurch.
Survivors include: her husband.
C.R. Anderson, of the home, to whom
she married on Dec. 20.1936; 5'sons,
Charles Anderson of Winston-Salem.
Jerry and Maurice Andersrmof Mocks
ville. Donald Anderson of Statesville
artd Billy Anderson of Va. Beach, Vo.;
2 sisters. Gerline Renegar and Patty
Strrckner both of Winsttm*Salem; 5
brothers, Raymond Rcmgar of Har
mony, Jose|di Renegar of Statesville,
George Renegar of Qtarlotte, Aldean
Salem; 9 gtankhildrm; and 8 8"^*
She was preceded in death by.-3 nbrotb^,'Colin'.Renej^.llltjd^^^^
Renegar and AlvjnRetfcgar.' '' ;^- ':
jFloyd C. Baldwin
^ Floyd Clinton Baldwin, 79, of
Natalie Dr., died Feb. 17, 1995. at
Forsyth Memorial Hospital.
County to Robert and Florence Rash
He was retired from Greyhound
Bus Lines artd served in the U.S. Ma
rines Corps during WWII. He was
preceded in death byadaughter.Sharon
Surviving are his wife. Ruby Spivey
Baldwin of the home; 2 sons. Michael
Baldwin of High Point and Gary
Baldwin ofAdvartce;3grandchildrea.
Tina McDonald and Amy and Erin
Baldwin; 3 brothers. Robert Baldwin
of Winston-Salem, Sherman Baldwin
of Jacksonville. Fla. and Warren
Baldwin of Orlando, Fla.; a sister,
Akron Elkins of Broadway.
Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
Monday at Hayworth-Miller Silas
Qeek Chapel with Dr. Mark Costs
olliciating. Burial followed in Forsyth
Memorial Park.
ftwctor Brown ,
-20rat,WlllowbiookHealthCareCbn- f
^ .SwC^toJaiiiesItefei;^
:. . ;if^^9Ye^.ftoctoi;Mii.Brovm^'y; a.honifemaker and was a member of
iMptt^ View Baptist qiurclu/!" '
-• •5W^'W.^^®'ow^oflhehcme!i, h ifrl^nsltters. Rose WhltUngioti pf'/ - JijiesviUe and Jatie^ Bodetihamer ofj
-Rti^ I^; five sons, Bhiier Brown of ;
Jonn-Brown of.'HenHlon,Va. Dan Brown ofBiimn;4'
, both of Mocksviile, Haiel'Muliis'of ^
;Cittls Heights, C&lif.:3brotheis.2eno-. |™*»ofSiate8ville,;PoiteffWctorof.>i■Jones vlllej./JaTroyai Prpctdf;?.a of i)
jBttrial foUowed in the ditiith bem- c
Qen^ Foiidly Hiiiend S«vice;^4Si7 •
little Mountain Road, JonesvUle. ,
Ruby Mooney BatesJ Ruby Ellen Mooney Bates, 69. ofSuny Rest Home in Dobson, formerly
ofArarat, died Monday afternoon. Feb.13.1995 at Hugh Chatham Hospital in
Elkin after a short illness.
Bom April 28. 1925 in Hantett
County, she was the daughter of the
late Squire C. and Nora Lee BolesMooney. She attended Copeland High
School in Dobson and graduated fromWest Yodkin High School in Hamp-
She was the widow of F. William
Survivors include a son. William
Terry Bates of Mocksville and asister,Ruth Mooney Defresne of Dobson.
She was a member of'Pine HillFriends Meeting of AiaraL
Rmetal services were held tJiere at2 p.m. Feb. 16 with boiial follovving inMount Pleasant Baptist Church C^em-
eteiy.Services were conducted by Pastor I. LoydPugh.' MemotialsmaybentadetolhePineHill Fiieruls Building Fund, c/o Pat^
Bniner, Route 1, Ararat. N.C 27007.
Davie County Public Library. : Moeksviilts NO
nad," Hiunptddville^'KC^T^^
y Ambrose Lanfear Cram
Village, roimeily a New Yoik allor-
itey. died Feb. 14.1995. aAera lengthy
He was boni Feb. 14.1911 in Chi-
cago. III. to Ambrose and Phoebe
Sowden Cram. .
He was educated at Exeter Acad
emy, Danmoulh College and gradu
ated flora the University of Chicago
Law School in 1935.
He entered politics briefly as a can
didate for the New York State Senate
and was active in Young Republicans
A member of the New York Na
tional Guard, he became a major and
served in the Facificthroughout World
He practiced law at the firm of
Patterson. Belknap and Webb and be
longed to Riverside Chuich wheie he
twice served as chairman of the Board
of Deacons. He was active in the New
Yorfc Baptist Society and the National
Boards of the American Baptist
In 1970. he became special assis
tant to the president and professor of
law and political science at Linfield
Cbllege in McMinnvitle. Ore.
He also enjoyed a long association
with Chaulaugua Institution in New
York that began in l93Q. ThetBhemet
and married Mary FrancesBestor. who
In 1984. they moved to Bermuda
Village. He became involved with the
Piedmont Triad North Carolina Chap
ter of the Alzheimer's Association,
which established a leadership award
in his honor.
In addition to his wife, he is sur
vived by 2 sons. Bestor Qain of Ar
lington. Mass, and Chtistqiher Ctaniof Cuoga Lake, N.Y.; a daughter,
Louise Cram Hmtnian of Peiuiington.NJ.; a sister. ;Hio^,Pje^n p^^
Petersbi^ figraj^hlki^o (ud
Staat-granddiildreiL'' 'A tnetnoii^ service Is planned for
the sutnmer atChautauqua In^iutibn
in Chautatiqua. N.Y.' '
Dyson Road, Mocksville,SI Feb. 18.1995 at her home. ^hi^"been seriously ill since Decernber.ShewasbominDavieCounty^L
14 i9I2lolhelateWilliajnaeveIand
Thomas Monzy Dyson, whom sten I Mnv 3 1941; a son. Jimmy
vTmson of Mocksville; a daughter.
Road, Harmony, N.C 2i»^-
/Janice W.Edwards
^ Janice Whitlock Edwards. % ofWinston-Salem died Friday.1995 ai her daughttt'shomc in MOCKS
County to John A. and Haley Myers
^'alrtas a member of Hardi»n
26 years of service where she was amena«oftheAT&TPi^«to^
Surviving ate her husband. James
Howard Edwards of the home; 3 sons,
Bobbie Brown of the hoine, Jcdinnie
Brown of MocksviUe.Tommy Brown
of Danville. Va.; a daughter, MiieCartnetofMocksvine;astei«on.Tim
Edwards of Winston-Salem; a stejvdaughter, Judy Brock 'gn,«te«ldren;2step<iandchildiTO.4
^ Ruby Jones of Advance. Ruth
Davis of Mocksville, Helen Hestt* of
Winston-Salem. Blanche Vestd of
Winston-Salem; a half-sister, DoiaSheets of Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were FCb. 1^2pm-atHaywotlh-MillerSitoCi^
Chapel by the Revs.
Tim Byerly. Burial followed inOakiawnMetnoiialGaidensCeme^.
Memorials may be m^ W Hos-
nice of Davie County. 215 HospitalSueet.Mocksvine.N.C27(J28.pav,e
- nffiidmnslntemauonal.
P.O.Box 182, Mocksville.N.C. 27028orlheAmericanCaneerSocietyj^
Omce 1900 South HawthorneFbBythMedicaIPark.Snite622.Win-
unn-SaletO.N.C 27103-3901.
Ollie Gibson Evans
/ Ollie Gibson Evans, 86, of Scenic
Street, Mocksville diedThuisday, Feb.
16, 1995 at Autumn Caie of Mocks
She was bom in Old Fbit Sept. S,
1908 to the late Norman and Josie
Moore Gibson and was retired from
Burlington Industries. She moved to
Davie County in 1972, a former resi
dent of Nebo in McDowell County.
She wasamemberofVictory Bap
tist Church where she had been a Sun
day school teacher. She was a well
known area poet, an avid gardener and
She was preceded in death by her
(irst husband. Rev. Samuel L. Evans,
in 1939, arul a son. William Allen
Evans, during World War It.
Surviving are her husbaiul, Clifford
Evans of the honie;Sdaughters.Gladys
Darkis of Mocksville. Helen Curtis of
Marion, Betty Dobson of Nebo, Jean
Pyatt of Rutherfordton and Pearl
Huffman of Candor, 3 sons, Doyle
Evans of Forest City, Raymond Evans
of Oxford, Miss, and Jeny Evans of
M3con,Ga.;22 grandchildren; 30gieat
grandchildren; arul 3 sisters, Nora Hurt
of Johnson City, Term, Georgia Couch
arul Delia Queen of Marion.
Funeral services were held at 11
a.m. Feb. 18, at Eaton Funeral Chapel
with the Rev. Shelby Harbour ofTiciat-
ing.AgTaveside service was conducted
at3:30p.m. In Oak Grove Cemetery in
The family requests memorials be
considered for tire Building Fund of
Victory Baptist Church, P.O. Box 686,
Cooleemee, N.C. 27014.
Jerry Wayne Mock
J Jerry WayneMock,57,of Advance
died unexpixtedly at his home.
HewasbomS^ 19,1937in Davie
County to Elmer S. and Julia Marsh
Mock and was an employee of AMP,
Inc. in Winston-Salem.
He is survived by 2 daughters, Judy
AdamsofWinston-SalemandSaundraPbwers of Oak Ridge; 2 sons, Sim
Mock and Patrick Mode of Winston-
Solem; S grartdchildren; artd a sister,
Betty.CMtonofAdvanctC n '
ninetal services were conducted at1 pan, t%b, 20, at Vpgter and^Scns |
CtenirntmCha^l^'llieRev&Miire '
Clara Mae Griflith
y Clara Mac GaitherGrifltth, 101, of
Autumn Care of Mocksville and for
merly of Statesville, died Thursday,
Feb. 16,1995.
She was bom in Davie County Sept.
9,1893. A daughter ofthe late Richard
and Jane Owens Gaithcr. she was a
She was a membcrof Society Bap
tist Church and the Church Missiortary
Her husband, Oman Griflith, pre
ceded her in death in 1972. A son, Paul
Grimth, and a grandson, Ricky Grif
fith. also preceded her in death.
Survivors include 2 sons, Raeford
Griffith of Uxington and Ralph Grif-
filh of Statesville; and 2grandchildrBn,
RandallGrilfilhand Rhonda Whiteside,
both of Harmony.
Funeral services were conducted at
Society Baptist Church at 4 p,m, l<b.
19, with the Revs. Steven 0)x and
Billy Stroud officiating. Burial fol
lowed in the chtrrch centetery.
William M. Nichols
\J William M, Nichols, 71, of
Toomsboro, Ga., died Thursday, ireb.
2,1995 in a Macon, Ga. hospitrd,
his home in Wilkinson County, Ga.,
for the past five years and had lived
most of his adult life in Jacksonville,
ITa. A veteran of World War It, he
served with the U.S. Navy, He was a
retired civil service employee at the
Jacksonville Naval Air Station and a
member of the Naval Fleet Reserve,
He was of the Baptist faith.
Survivors include wife, Nellie
Nichols ofToomsborotason, Raymond
NichotsofToomsboto;3sisters, Grace
Drahos of New York, Ruth Rich and
Reba Mclntyte, both of Woodleaf; 2
grandchildren; artd a number of nieces
and nephews.
Graveside services were conducted
at Salem Methodist Church cemetery
in Wilkinson County.
Evelyn S76i5ey
/ Evelyn SutphinOraley, 63. of 114Arbor 1-ane, Mocksville, died Thurs
day. Feb. 16.1995 at Fotsylh Memorial Hospital alter an Illness of several
weeks. .
ShewasbomSeptS, 1931 inBoone
County. W, Va.. to Booker H. and
Virginia Duty Sutphin. She was veryactiveaiYadkin Valley BapUst Church
She is survived by her husband, O.Ralph Graley of the home; a daughter.
Debra Gnilcy Dean of Belews Creek; 2
sons. DavidOraley of Mocksville airf
Teny Graley of aemmons; 3 grandchildren; a sister, Mary Marchun of St
Albans, W. Va.: a brother, CharlesSutphin of Havana, Fla,; and several
nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were at 3:30 p.nt
Sunday at Yadkln Valley Baptist
autch by the Rev, Leon Wood, withburial in the church cemetery.
/Nelle Parker
y NelleCroweParker,to,ofl«ing-
um, died Saturday, Feb. 18, \99SMForsyth Memorial Hospital tn Wm-
sion-Salem. _ „She was bom in Spartanbur^ !».u
Aus.26, l925toJamesWilliamCrowe
and Lonte Watson Crowe and wasreiired from Ingtam Studios of 1^-ington. She wasarn^of
Baptist Church in j,--^ivlngare2son8,Joseph1^
of Salisbury and John
Oa.; 5 grandchildren; a gl^^-
child; and a great great grandchildHie funeral was held at 2 p.in-Feb.
21 ai Davidson Funeral Honw ChapejoJiducted by the Rev. Jack Moms.
Burial followed in Forest Hill Memo
rial Park Cemetery, .Memorials may be made to Hm-
pice of Davidson County. P.O. Box1941, Lexington, N .C 27292,
I ElbertH. SmithElbeitHclsab«kS.mlh.7'l,ofBc-
thlfhem Road. Advance, died law Fn-
day nigh.. Feb. 1995 m Meadow-biookManorofClemmons.HewasbocninDavieCouniyMarch
16 1920 .0 Ihc lale Oils and Ula
Howafd Smilh and bad been a reallotand tesidenlial building coniracor.
Be.bl«h«n Uni.ed Melhod.sl Church.FanninglonMasonicLodgeandachar.
,ef member ofSmid. Grove Run.an
held a ban. radio opemlors license. Hewa.s active in politics and was a mem-
onmcni Association 1967-19' (-
He was an active member of SmtiltGroveFireDepatunenlformany yean,assisting irt its esiabUshmemj^o
He was preceded in death by a sis
ter. Nrjrma Cook.Surviving arehis wife. Pearl Spill-
man Smith oftl.ehome;2daugt.te.s,Gail Gregory of Winston-Salem aj^Trudy Essick of Uxington; 2 sonsEldridge Smith and Gary Smith, boof Advance; 4 sisters. ^^ Bla Gray Snuth. both of Mtxl^-
ville, lean West of Advan« and BsreBltwkofUwisville-.JbrothctsH^
smith. Arnold Smith and ChuUs. .. Smith, all of Advance; and 6 grand
I '^'pS^serviceswereiMOdt^".UB.m.Feb.20.iuBelhleliOTUoi^
' .. MethoiBsi Church with the Revs.^ManinandDonaUFunderbuikofTtc^
adng. Burial with Masotuc graye^riieswasconducwdbyiheFanmnglon
Masonic Lodge in the church cem-
r^emoriala may be ma^ ««;
-pice of Forsyth County. UOX SouA
Suatfotd Road,
or Bethlehem UntiedChurch.RDutel.Advancc.N-C;zn»6.
"SESli'CooteTst^W '
County native, died Friday, reo
, Tb 14 at South Rivet Church
lowed in the church cemetery.
Ralph Hunter-ftacy
. Judge Ralph Hunter Tracy. 84 ofBermuda Village, died19.1995 at Forsyth Mentor^ Hospi _
'^•HiwasbomMarchS.wioin^ ;{ori;Conn.ioRiilphAlon??wdGtace ;
"XiSiiaduateof^theUnivers-^ofhiichigttn and obtained Ws lawpee'from Chicago-Kent Cplle^-HU-S-Anoyvei^pfW"'"..
Ksacompeiitiveswimmer trtthe i
Trairy of the home: 2 «aen--B«;y |(^chael and Doris Pap^>J ;York; a brother. Donald G. . .Tta^ofColoradoisevetalmectsand
1 Peb 22. at Bermuda Villageirdte ^v. Dusty Fiel^ ^tina rA graveside s«vicc tollwed inIhe Veterans Cemetery in Salisbtiiy.
Gar! Lee Stroud
GatI Lee Stroud. 81. of Statesvil
died Friday. Feb. 17. 1995 at Da
Community Hospital.
HewasbomDec.6, l9l3tothel:
Henry W. and Santh Marlow Siro
and was retired from Dtexel-Heiit.s
Fumilure in Mocksvilie as a fini
He served in the U.S. Army duri
World War II and was a member
Clarksbuty United Methodist Chur-
He attended Pleasant View Etap
Church in Hannony.
Survivors include his wife, Nao
CannerSttoud;ason, Rev.lesseStn
of High Point and Gilbert Stroud
Suiesville; 4 sisters. Ruth Jrmes
Mocksvilie. Grace Lagle of Moc
ville; Bemice Williams of Greensb
and Verlia Richardson of Elkin; an
A iKolher. Roy Sirottd, preco
him in death.
Funeral setvices wereconducle.
2 p.m. Feb. 20, at the Westmorel;
Chapel of Bunch-Johnson Funi
ing in Iredell Memorial Gardens.
Full military rileswereprovider
VF.W. Post 2031 of Slatesville :
the Harold LiltlefieldChapler68 of
D.A.V. ofSlatesville.
Davie County Public Library
MocKsvillt, NC
Myrtle E-AngellMyitleEsielleEagleEidsonAngell.
80. of Bell Farni Road, Staiesvilledied
/ atihehomeofherdaughieT.whereshehad make her home for 14 yeais, late
Wednesday night, Feb- 22,1995.
A graveside service was held at 4
p.m. Feb. 24, in the DulchmM Cteek
Baptist Church Cemetery in Davie
County with the Rev. Tom Tuggle
Slie wa.s bom Sept. 12. 1914 tn
Davidson to the late John and Myille
CtKik Eagle and had been a home-
maker. She was a member of Dutchman Creek Baptist Church.
Her first husband, W.B. Eidson.
died in 1973 and her second husband,
Paul Angcll.died in 1980. She was alsopreceded in death by a daughter, Ann
Atigell Hoover, in 1982.Survivingare adaughler.Faye Davis
of Statesville with whom she made her
home; a son, Frank URoy Eidson of
Kannapolis; 12grara!children; IVgreat-
grandchildren and 8 great great-grand
LIuyd Horace Brofvn
U. Commander Lloyd Horace
Brown Sr., 65, of Cana Road, Mocks-
ville, died Wednesday morning, Feb.
22, 1995 at N.C. Baptist Hospital in
Winston-Salem afier a brief illne.ss.
He was bom in High Point Jan. I,
1930 to the late James A. and OIlie
Jones Brawn and was the wage and
salary administrator of N.C. Baptist
Hospital and Wesley Long Hospital in
Greensboro. He graduated from the
I ligh Point city schools and received a
bachelor's degree in political science
from High Point College. He attended
Wake Forest Law Scliool. He was also
a graduate of the U.S. Naval Officers
Candidate School.
His tenure in the Navy included
duty on the USS Midway, USS Shasta
and USS Thuban, with jthity at Nor
folk, Washington, D.C and Ethiopia.
He was a member of Batons Baptist
Church where te had taught die adult ■.men's Sunday Scl^'clas.a^ had
servedasanusheranddeac^Hewts '
also a member of the North Davie
Ruritan Club and the Tarheel Chapter
Retired Officers Associadon (TROA).
Survivors include his wife, Ndda
Pope Brown of the home;2sons,'Uoyd
Brown Jr. and Jimmy Brown; his step
mother. Esther Brown of High Pbinh 2step: sisters, Maty'.Qna Paih^ andH^etteBellpn^l^ofJaihKto^.' FUneial'setviceitvrilli'fiill itiiiitaty'honors were conducted at 11 ajn. I^.24, d Nitons Bapl|uphi^.vvilh the
foUpweil hi dib'cjii^'^oeaieteryiM'^Memot^ may be made to EatoiteBapdsl Opekdon>Outreac(i,
430Eatotis Clturch Road, Mocksville,N.C 27028 or the. Amecu^ HeartAssociation, t^o .^i^' LrwkabiU,Branch Banl^ a^Tinist.~P.O^^ ■406,MdcksvitIo,N.C27028t(iac^-ity of the donor's choice.
'S.cfU»ltgton,aKu..»-y.Fa>;M. >W5
at bexington Memorial Hospitd.She was born May U, 1912 mWilkes County to the late George Paul
and Emaline Holbrook Roberts and
was a homemaker.Survivors include her husband,Edward Walter Bochniak of the home,- anrfabrolher.aydeThomas Roberts
ofCooleemee.Funeral services were conducted at11 a.m. at Voglers-Piedmont FuneralHome Chapel with the Rfv. GaryGiteon oirtcialtng. Burial was at Forest Hill Memorial Park.
Memori®'' may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.
Gertha Smith Combs
Gertha Smith Combs. 96, forwrlyof Cana Road, Mocksvme,die«i^r-
day, ftb. 25,1995 at Autumn Care ofMocksville. ,,Funeral services were held j la.m. Feb. 27, al Ncedmore BaptistChurch, conducted by the Revs.HowardWagoncrandHaydenCarlnw.
Burial followed in the church cem-'''shewasbomJune9,1898inlre^UCounty.adaughterofthelateMarsh^
and Minnie Stacklealhef Smitl^^was a homemaker and ac^eriwro-
ber of Needmore Baptist Church.Survivors include 3 sons, Loyd CCombs of LexingUMi, Walter R. andHoyleCombsofMocksville;2dau^-lets,Paulii«C.OUphantofKatinapolisand RubyWalker ofWoodle^;3^
ters, Mary Slain of Kant^l^ Bw
Willis Lee Bedford
y WiUisLeeBodfotd,65,ofBodford
Lane, Mocksville. died at his homeearly Wednesday morning, Feb. 22,1995 after a sud^n illness.
He was bom in Fbrsylh CountyMay 22,1929lolhe!ateCharlesF.andBessieBrownBodfotd and was retired
from banding room supervisor at
Drexel-Heritage Furniture Company
with 38 years of service.
He was a memberofCourtney B ap-
tist Church where he was a formerSunday School director and deacon.He was most recently chairman of the
maintenance committee.
He served in the U.S. Army duringihe Korean QmfiicL Heenjoy^ refill-ishing and restori ng fumilure and lour
ing flea markets.
Survivors include his wife of 44
years, Doris Burgess Bodford of thehome; 5 sisters, Lucille Sapp, Lena
Call, Alice Hackelt and EthelStandfield, all of Winston-Salem, and
Margaret Howerton of Kemersville; 2
brothers. Franklin "Bud" Bodford and
Charles "Pete" Bodford, both of Win
ston-Salem; several nieces, nephews
and cousins.
Funeral services were conducted at2 p.m. Feb. 24, at Courtney Baptist
Church with the Rev. John Brown officiating and burial following in the
church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to IheCemetery Fund of Courtney Baptist
Church, c/o Mrs. Batry S. Smith, 4207
N.C Hwy. 801 N., Mocksville, N.C.
27028. ,
Oavie County Public LibraryWocksvillt, NG
Luther Samuel Home
/■ Lulher Samuel Home Sr.. 81, of•' I-usby,Md.foimerlyoflredelICounly,died a( his home Monday, Fcb 20
1995. * 'I le was bom in Iredell Counly Sepl.1. 1913 and was a relired conslniclion
Survivors include; his wife. HazelCooke Home; 4 sons, Luther SamuelHome Jr. and Kevin Donnahuc Home,both of Mocksville, Roger Dale Home
ofYadkinvilleandJainesLulherHomeofRalcigh; bdaughtcrs, Peggy StanleyofMocksville, Elaine Perkins and LynnWagner, both of Topsail Island. JudyBurton of Advance, Cherie Eveieil ofLusby, Md.. and I>amela Blanford of
Lewisville. Texas; 2 broUiers, RobertHome and Earl Home, both of States-ville; 2 sisters. Pansy Whiting andLouise .Shoemaker, both ofStalesville;26 grandchildren; and 20 great-grand
children.Puncral services were conducted atI I a.m. I^b. 24, .at the WestmorelandChapel of Bunch-Johnson Funeral"Home followed by burial at IredellMemorial Gardens in Statesville.
, LoisRenegar
I toisFayeSwisherRenegar,55,ol
Boonville,died Saturday morning, Feb.
25,1995 at the home of her sister.She was bom in Yadkin CountyJuly25,l939toAlvin "Ab** andMsdge
She worked at Unifi, Iiu;. and Food
Lion. She was a member of.Br^nFriends Meeting, where she was tr^surer of her Sunday school dass.
She was preceded in death by herhitsbai^ Worth "Red* Renegar and
herfather. " :Surviving are her son,'William
"Billy" of Boonville; hn-tnother ofHamptonville; 5 sisters, Nellie Winner of Hamptonville, ' MatyRichardson of Harmony, .ZelmaEddleman and Nancy Steelrnan bi^of Lbne ihclcoiiy,'Fhyys?Cn)pk of
Hamptonvilie;2bn)lhers^I^Swi$berof Mocksville, Francis Swisher of
grartddaughter; and several nieces andnephews.' >
FunetalsetviceswemheldatSpJiLFeb. 27 at Branon Frierids Meeting bythe Revs. Ken Spivey arul (ieweyPatrish. Burial followed in Ihe chu^
cemetery, . ■
Memorials may be'rria& to Hospice of Yadkin County, pio.
^Yadkinville, N,C. 27055, '
Charles T. Newcomb'J Charles Theodore Newoomb, 67,
ofMilling Road, Mocksville died early
Saturday morning, Feb. 25, 1995, at
Fbrsylh Memorial Hospital in Win-
slon-Salem alter an illness of six
Funeral services were heldat7 p.m.
Sunday evening at Eaton Funeral
Chapel with the Rev; Glenn Setters
ofricialing.Thefamily received friends
after the service.
The body was sent fo McGowen
Funeral. Home in Congers, N.Y. for
later services and burial in Gelhsemane
Cemetery in Rockland Lake, N.Y.
Memorials may be considered for
DavieCounty Hospice, c/oJanelBlair,
P.O. Box665, MocksviUe,N.C27028.
He was bom in North Bergen, NJ.
July 26, 1927 to the late Claude and
Edith Taylor Newcomb and was a re
tired auto mechanic for the Town of
Oarfcslown, N.Y. He moved to Davie
County in 1991. He was a member of
Blaise Baptist Church where he served
on Ute usher committee. He was a life
member of the Cbngers, N.Y. VFW
Post #2607 and was a Past Post and
County Commander.
He was a member of the SilverSiriders Club and very active with the
Davie County Senior Glizens. He was
a member of the Good Timers Danc
ers. During World War n he served in
the U.S. Navy, y:.
Hismfe,MaryJosepfalneRadewaldNewcatTibprecs^h!m!ndealh,De& -■■11.1991;\' Siuvivcis include 4 sons, John
Reinter of Goose Creek, S.C, PaulReimer of Ganietville, N.Y,, George
Reimv of Mocksville and Thonias
Newcomb of Stoney Point, N.Y.; a
brother, WaltefNowoonibofLake-in^The-Hill, 01; 8 grandchildreti and;S
^ great-grairdchUdren,
b&rgRret F. Patillo
Margaret Fogleman Patillo, 81, of
2IMAIamanceChurch Road, Greens-
borp, died Saturday, Feb. 25,1995, at
M(i$es H. Cone Memorial Hospital,
Bom Nov. 13, l913,daughleroflhe
. late: Waller Jay and Lucille KirkmonFoglen^, she was on active memberof Alamance Presbyterian Church, the
Anderspn Sunday School Class and
Maty apd Martha Circle.
Surviving are her husband of 56ye;^, Walter Thomas (Pal) Patillo;twowns,Thcnuis Jay PatllloofGreens-
boip arid Robert Lee Patillo of Ad-varitx; <2 grandchildren; six sisters.Ruby Coble of Greensboro, ElizabethOoftellpfAsheboro, Mildred Smith of
McLeankville, Doris Feldman of
Dadville, Va., Palsy .Nelson of Greens
boro, apd Barbara Nixon of Pleasant
Garden;the funeral was at 2 p.m. Tuesday,Fel>. 28 at Alamance Presbyterian
CSturch.Memorials may be made toAlajnance Presbyterian Church, 4000
: Presbyterian Road. Greensboro, N.C,
; 27406.
Davie Counly PubHc Ubrary; .Mocksville, NO
Charles Howard Spear
Charles Howard Spear, 71, of
CrestvieW Drive, died early Monday
moniing.Feb.27,1995 in DavieCounty
Hospital after a sliort illness.
Funeral services were to be held at
4 p.rri. Wednesday, March 1 at Eiion
Furtefal Chapel
with the Rev.
Richardson of-
fieialin^. "? j
may be made to
a charity of the
donor's choice.
, Vermonl, May
n 19, 1923 to the late Harold A. and
Eileen Ritzheimer Spear. A graduate
'! ofBtwbslnslituleofPhotography.he
was a lifelong professional photogra
pher. He started work for Ingersoll-
Rand Company in 1950 in Painted
Post, N.Y. before Uansfening to the
vllle in 1967. He rellrednfter 32 years
of service in 1982 as supervisor of
technical media.
After his early retirement, he be
came an account representative with
Winston Printing Company in Wbi-
slon-Salem, N.C. Retiring for the sec
ond time in 1992, he spent his remain
ing year^ as a self employed consull-
nnl. He wa.s in^menlal In bringing
Hickory Hill Golfand County Oub to
Davie'County and had served as its
sccretaiy for many years.
He was a life long devotee to the
desigiw^,buildingandflyingof model
aiiplastes and had compel^ in hun
dreds of .competitions, winning many
awanis'ip all phases ofthe hobby, He
wasa charterinemberof the Academy
ihehighesthonorofFellowonFeb. 19.
19^^Jjeservedas ana associate vice
prlsident of the Academy tinlil his
& 1981 he was elected to the Mod-
elmHallof pame.'He was aveimnof
VwdWarII serving in tlie Army/Air..
Corps from Jan. 1943 to Dec. 1945 in
the North African and'Middle East
tttatitt'of.opeiBdon with the Air
Ti{nspoA Commartd,
(SurviVors include his wife. SydnaC^h S^oid ofthe home; a dau^ter,
C^irline' Spear Howelts of Houston.
TdSias, 2 grandchildren; a step-daugh-
viQe, a step-son, Chip Sanford of
Pioehurs't, N.C; and a siep-grandson.
"Gari Lee Stroud
Oarl Lee Stroud, 81, of Rimrock
Road, Stntesville, died Feb. 17, 1995,
at Davis Community Hospital.
He was bom Dec. 6,1913 in IredellCountytothelateHoiryWesleyStroud
and Laura Emaline Mariow Stroud,
and was retired from Diesel Heritage
Furniture in Mocksville as a finish
He served in the U.S. Army dunng
World War II and was a member ofClarksbury United MethodistChurch.
He atlcnded Pleasant View Baptist
Survivors include; his wife.Naonu
Gartner Stroud; a son, the Rev. JesseSlroudofHarmcny;2l>tothets,Gilbert
Suoud ofLake Norman and Stammie
Stroud of High Point; 4 sisters. Virlie
Richardson of Hkin, Ruth Jones and
Giace Lagic both of Mocksville, andBemiceWilliarosofRandleman;and2
Roy and Wade Stroud, and 3 sisters,
Flossie OalUher. Beauld Ariedge and
Funeral services wereconducted at
2 p.m. Feb. 20 at the WestmorelandChapel of Bunch-Johnson Funeral
Home in Statesville, with burial fol
lowing in Iredell Memorial Ga^ns.
Full military rileswere providedby
VFW Post #2031 of Sutesvllle and
Harold LiiUefield Oiapter 68 oCDAV
Davie County Public Libraiy
Mocksville, NC
Pelma C. Barker
PelmaC Barker, TQ.diedTliursday
afternoon, Feb. 2J, 1995 at Autumn
Care Nursing Home in Mocksville,
where he was a resident. He had been
in declining health for several years.
HewasboroOct. 12, l9ISinDavie
county to the late James and Lizzie
Anderson Barker. He wasamemberof
St. John AME Zion aiurch and was
retired from Hanes Knit Textile Mills
in Winslon-Salem.
He is survived by his wife, Alice
Holman Barker of Autumn care Nurs
ing Home; a son. Freeman Barker of
Mocksville; and several relatives and
Funeral services were held Feb. 26,
at 2 p.ni. at Su John AME Zion Church
with the Rev. R.W. Myers ofTrciating.
Burial followed in the church cem
: Clydie Joyce Chavis
j Mrs.ClydieJoyceWallChavis,79,
^ of Winston-Salem, died Saturday,
' Match 4, 1995, at Forsylh Memorial
She was bom Jan. 7,1916 in Dob-
Bryant. Mrs. Chavis was a member of
n Peacehaven Church of God. She was
preceded in death by two husbands,
Willie Wall and Samuel Chavis.
Surviving are: a son, Bobby Lee
Wall ofRural Hall;2daughters, Bertha
Moran of Winston-Salem and Pat
. Overby and husband, Sid, ofAdvance;
'.a daughter-in-iaw, Leellen Wall; 8
grandchildren; Ugreat-grandchildren;
'a great-great grandson; 3 sisters; and
.two brothers, aii of Virginia..
Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
.Tuesday, March 7 at Haywcrth-Miller
;Silas Creek Chapel by the Revs. Riley
iPuckell and Todd Kiger. Burial,fol-
Pot^ at Antioch Baptist Church.
;WiUis Fremfui
• n Willis Lewis Fleeman Sr., 82, of
Winston-Salem died Thursday mom-
Jng, Match 3,1995 at his home.
j He was bom May 23, 1912 in"
;Daiton, Oa. He was retired from Fogie
;Fumiiure Company and was a member
W Macedonia Baptist Church in
* Survivors include his wife, Oste
l^owers Freeman of the home; 2 sons,
;Wiilis Lewis Freeman Jr. of Mocks-
;ville and Jackie Aionio Freeman of
Oklahoma City, Okla.; a daughter,
Jjnda Wiiloughby of Pilot Mountain;
7 grandchildren; anddgreat grandchii-
A graveside service was held at 2
':p.m. March 4, at Oaklawn Memorial
' •
Clara Poplin Goodwin
Mrs. Oara Poplin Goodwin, 72,formerly of Bethel Church Road,Mocksville.diedlateFridayaftemoon,
March 3, 1995, in Autumn Care of
Mocksville where she had been a resi
dent for the past 2 months.
Furtetal services wereat2p.m.Sun-day inEaton Funeral Chapel with burial
in Bethel United Methodist Church
Cimelery.The family requests memorials be
txinstdered for Bethel United Melhrrd-
ist Church, Bethel Church Road,
Mocksville. N.C. 27028.
Mrs. Goodwin was bom in DavieCounty. Oct. 7, 1922 to the late John
and Lola Summers Poplin and hadbeen ahomemaker. She hod been a life
long rtKmber of Bethel United Meth
odist Church.
HerrirsthusbanrLDewitt Halhcock,
preceded her in ileath in I960, and hersect>ndbusb3ntLJamesGoodwin,died
in 1981.SurvivoTSinchideSsisten, KathleenHatleyandT1ieliiiaTUirentine,bolhof -
Mocksville. and Marie Chappell ofSalisbury; and dgl^'nieoa a^ nep^, Jews,';"'-''.. . ' V;' IThe Rev. 1^ Strader, pastor'of <Bethel VaitedMediodi«Chtitdi.yiw:theofEctatingmiiuster.t;' ^ ' vi
Willie Sanford Howell
Mr. Willie Sanford Howeil, 82, ofU.S.Hwy.60i North, Mocksviiie,died~early Saturday morning, MaichS, 1995
in Davie County Hospital.
. Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
Tuesday, March 7, in Eaton FuneralChapel. Burial was in Huntsvilie Bap
tist Church Cemetery in Vadkin
The family requests memoriate be
considered for the Huntsvilie Baptist
Church Cemetery Fund, do Mr. Don
Poindexter,4821 Courtney-Huntsville
Road, Yadkinville, N.C. 27055.
Mr. Howell was bom in YadkinCounty, Oct. 4,1912 to the late John
David and Bsie Bameycastie Howeil
and was retired mechanic with Davie
Tractor and Implement of Mocksville.
He was a member of the HuntsvilieBaptist Church and was a self-cm-
ployed mechanic of farm equipmenLwas preceded m death by a^^^er,7ofanHoweU,asuter,Glad^ °
^^ite 'and .a .daughter^ Maxine
>^invivot$ include his wife Ellie ir&B^HtiwjBofthebqrtte; j
Coleen 'DuU' pf'Mock4ville;'4:CSd^Hti^HotireUqfSuttesvili^Gary.'
"**^'-eU;"Harley Howdl arid Kenneth;eU; aU of Mocks^^'17 granrh;. and 30 gii^^rahdcfaildrea;fa^sbnTtn-law,; Wchapf .Hodgspa.of jopting LaiieSsisieis, Louise Mayruud'i^f Winston-Saleffl, Virginia Seats and)^Aiultey York, both of Kemeisviile; 4
:.-''hrotheis, J.C' Howell of Mocksville, <
'Gene Howell of Oetmantoiii''Paul I•Howell and Dayut .Hotvell, of i'lyinston-Salem. '-V;'-!. w.
Ralph B.Jenningf5 _, RalphBlaneJ^W-«'f^^ ville died Tuesday,^. 8, iwaDavie County Hosp^.
Surviving are i son>>Jenni«pofMa.ti.«ta^>^B^
to"Tughtera. Holly ®
"l""- .. «„aheldMatch3,ai2p.m.otF0i8ythMenCemetery by the Rev.BobJeune.
Dsvie County Public Library
MocksviHe, NC
Mabel Lee Martin
Mrs. Mabel Lee Sprinkle Martin.
89. of W. Maple Avenue. Mocksville.
(lied .Siimkiyariemoon. March S. 1995
al her home.
A graveside service was held at 11
a m. Wednesday in Rowan Memorial
Park in Sali.sbury with the Revs. Larry
Hovis and Ijny Summey oUlcialing.
The family re»tue.sts memorials be
considered for the Mocksville Rrs!
niiplisl Church. N. Main Si..
Mocksville, N.C. 27028.
Mrs. Martin was hom in Yadkin
Counly.Sept. 14.1905 to the late Tho
mas aiKl Mattie Howell Sprinkle and
had been a homemaker. She was also
an occasional clerk in Martin Btotheis
of Mocksville. She was a member of
Ihe Mocksville Rrst BaptisI Church.
Her husband. Miles Dewey Martin,
preceded her in death April 17.1994.
Surviving is: her daughter. Ann
BarberofSali.sbury:5 grandchildrcn:5
grea|.grandchildren:2sistets. KathleenHolden of Winston-Salem .and Maty
Sue Shores, of Yadkinville; and sev
eral nieces and nephews.
Henry Thomas Nance
/ Mr. Henry Thomas Nance. 89, of
Falcon Lane. Mocksville. died Satur
day afternoon. March 4. 1995. in
Forsyth Metnorial Hospital aBerashort
Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
Monday. March 6 in Eaton Funeial
Chajiel with Elder Eugene Bennett of-
ficiating. Burial was in the No Creek
Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery.
The family requests memorials he
considered for the Cemetery Fund of
N(> Creek Baptist Church, do R.C.
Wishon. 284 Gordon Drive, Advattce.
N.C. 27006.
Mr. Nance was bora in Davidson
County. July 27.1905 to the late John
Henry andSaraElizabethGrubbNanceand was a retired finishing carpenter
from the DJ. Redding Construction
Ormpany. HeattendedNoCieekPtimi-
live Baptist Church and was an avid
His wife. Ruth Lagle Nance pre:
ceded him in death. Jan. 13.1992.
Survivors include: his daughter.
Mildred Nance ofWrnston-Salem; his
son and daughter-in-law. James and
Garnet L. Nance of Coraataer Road,
Mocksville; 2 granddaughters; and one
Robert Eugene Vogler
Robert Eugene Vogler. 74. of
Martinsville. Va.. husband of the late
Dorothy Cummings Vogler. died
March 1.1995 at Memorial Hospital of
Martinsville arrd Henry County.
Surviving are 2 daughters. Jo Ann
Brooks of Richmond. Va. and Judy
Mitchell of High Point: a son. Robert
C. Vogler of Martinsville; a brother.
Herman Vogler of Advance; and 3
Funeral services were held March
.1. at 11 a.m. at Rrst United Methodist
Church of Martinsville by the Rev.
l oramy Heradon. Burial followed in
Oakwoad Cemetery. Martinsville.
Memorials may be made to Rrst
United Methodist Church of
Martinsville General Fund. P.O. Box
4.183. Martinsville. Va. 24115 or the
Neplirology Dept. at North Carolina
Baptist Hospital. Medical Center Bou-
leviird. Winston-Salem. N.C. 27157.
Rose Wiskinan
Rose Wanda Wiskman. 61. of
Boonville, formerly of Tampa. Fla..
died Tuesday night, Feb. 28. 1995 at
Wrilowbtook Nursing Center.
Kandziela Drach.
She was preceded in death hy her
husband. Edward H. Wiskman, April
Surviving are 2 daughters. Diane
Ganzermtller of Boonville and Debra
Marcin of Elkridge. Md.; a sister.
Wanda Moore of Advance; 3 brothers.
Stephen Drach. August Drach Jr. and
Andrew Drach. all of Pennsylvania; 5
grandchildren; and a gteat-gTandchild.
A metiuirial service was held at I
p.m. at Calvary Wesleyan Church by
tire Rev. Jesse Garmon.
Mr. KenneihStatrRatledgeSr..71.
of Oak Tree Drive, Mocksville, diedearly Sunday morning. March 5.1995
at his home.
Funeral services were al 11 a.m.Tuesday in Eaton Funeral Chapel with
the Rev-BillyJartettofliciating. Burial
was in Zion Chapel United Methodist
Church Cemetery. _
The family request memorials be
considered for the Cemetery Fund ofZionChapelUnited Methodist Church.
do Jean Cleary. 1506 ShefTreld Road.
Mocksville. N.C. 27028.
Mr. Ratledge was bora Fetr- 3.1924
in Davie County to the late Jay M. and
lla Rivers Ratledge and was a selfemployed carpenter. He wasamember
of the Zion Chapel United Methodist
Church and the ShefTteld-Calahaln
RuritanGub. During World War II he
served in Ihe U.S. Army AirCoqrs.
Survivors include: his wife. Agnes
Whitaker Ratledge of the home; 3
daughters. Ann Barnes and Karen
Deadmon. both of MocksviUe, and
Sharon Ratledge of the home; a son.
Kenneth S. Ratledge Jr. of Winston-Salem;5grandchildien;3sisteis.Maty
Katherine Rogers of Mocksville.Rebecca BeltonofWinslon-Salem and
Carolyn Bodenheimer of Wallburg; 2brothers. Dennis Fied(Ham)Ratledge.
and James Ratledge. both of
Mocksville.Mr.Ratledge was preceiJed in death
by three brothers. Jay Willis Ratledge.
John Frank Ratledge and Claude M.Ratledge and byasister.LoreneSmooL
Military graveside rites were con
ducted by the 1 lih District MemorialHonorGuanLVeteransofForeignWar.
South Division.
Edith ftiWorreil
J Edith McPeak Worrell. 85. of Laurel Fork. Va. passed away on Tuesday.
Feb. 28, 1995 at Twin County Re
gional Hospital. .
She was bom May 12. 1909 in
Carroll County, Va.. daughter of thelateWise McPfeak and VictoriaTtirman
Surviving are 3 daughters, GleruiMcGradyofLaiJtelFbrk,MarieSouth-
era of Advance and COirinne Wonell
of Winston-Salem; a son. J.P. Wonell
of Browns Summit; a sister. WinnieHbnakerotMattinsville.Va.;12giand-
children; 25 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were at 2 pjn.
March 3. at the Worrell Memorial
Primitive Baptist Church with ElderaCarbon Bass and Joe McGrady offici
ating. Burial followed in WorrellCem-
DSVie County Public Library
JWocksviHe, NC
Evelyn Hall Wall
Mrs. Evelyn Hall Wall. 70. of Roll
ing Hill Lane, Mocksville, died Friday
night at her home.
Funeral services were at 11 a.m.
Monday, March 6 in Eaton Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. Ken Blake offici
ating. Burial was in Calvary Baptist
Church Cemetery.
The family requests memorials be
considered for the American Heart
Associating, do Patty LookabilL P.O.
_ Box406,Mocksville.N.C.27028orto
' the American Diabetes Association.
Mrs. Wall was bom in FL Worth.
Texas. Dec. 17.1924toihe late Duncan
M. and Eva Sharp Hall and was a
. retired musing assistant. She was a
:member'of the Mocksville Seventh
member of the Eastern Star.
Herhusband. Beverly M. Wall, pre
ceded herindeath in I986,andadaugh-
ler, Jane Elizabeth Smith, diedin 1945.
Survivingare2sons. Norman Smith
Jr.ofSainRoad,Mocksville.and David
Smith of ChestnutTrail. Mocksville; 5
. grandchildien; agreat-grandchild; and
• asister.HelenLuevezzoofSaciemento.
RulhCarlton .
Ruth Shoies Johnson
fonneriy of Slale RoaAdiedalGu^-ian Care Nursing Home in EUun Mon
day. March 13.1995.Funeral services were lo M con
and the Rev. Jeff Vogler with bunal
Sl«'was preceded in death by her
fitsl husband. Qoincy E. Johnson, in
1944; a son. Hugh>933; and her second husband. James
Havid Cailton. in 1988.• Surviving are a daughter. Ednh -Spaik.sofElkin;3stepdaughteis.Siyblc
OiUiamof State Road andC^l^
.f Mncksville; 3 sisters. Gladys CreedSS-VerlieHaynesofHamptoa^vlSdMargieBundyofSpringMATenn.;8stcpgtandchildren;and4step
C..Elkin.N.C. 28621.
y JohnTdlelMcClan|wk.86.rf
Angell Road. Mocksville. di^ late^;;Llay night. March 7. 1995 at theHomestead in Winston Sdem.
'• He was bom in Dav'ie County.
"46 i909tothelateJohnR.andOciavia
-Hendien Mcaamiock and was a re-:lLd rutisher with HeritagerSpany. He was a fpak,... n r_!*^ iLyl*ttiriclistOuilwl«
^iHls wife. Beulah AustinMcClamiock. preceded him in d^;
t Fuiteiaisetvicesw«ieheld«2p.m.i MarchlaatEatononFtinerdaia^l
! ™ih*the Rev. Ron Mann ofOciatmg.V^urial followed in the Oak GroveBurial followed m the
Glen Ray FitzgeiaM . ' T
y Glen Ray Fitzgerald, 78.'of Ber
muda Village, died at Fotsyth Memo
rial Hospital Tuesday evening. March
He was bom in Flint, Mich.,ason of
Roy W. and Mary Enone Vantifllin
He was a member of Shallowford
Presbyterian Church where a memo-
'rial service was conducted March lOat
1:30p.m. by Pastor DavidCPartington.
He was a graduate of the General
Motors Institute, a GM executive until
engineer and a member of the Society
of Automotive Engineers.
He is survived by his wife, Mary
Louise Fitzgerald ofthe home; 2 sons,
Robert futzgerald of Rochester. N.Y.
and Thomas Fitzgerald of Cupertino,
Calif.; 2 daughters. Sue Ellen
Woodward of Walsonville. Calif, and
Sara Fitzgerafd of Arlington. Va.; a
brother, Robert Hadey Fitzgerald of
Dunedin, Fla.; and 5 grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to
Shallowford PresbyterianChurcb,P.O.
Box 159. Lewisvilie. N.C. 27023 or to
lite local Salvation Army.
Beiyamin F.Moore
j Benjamin Franklin Moore, 79, of
V Mooresville, died Friday, March 10.1995 at Presbyterian Hospital in Char-
He was bom Oct. 19, 1915 m
Mooresville to the late.William
Marshall and Mag^e Gatton Moore.
. He was a retired insurance representa-
Uve for Charlotte Uberty Mutual.He was a former member of Tom
; Swan VFW Post 1072 and American-
United MethodUtC^hcem^. . Modtewille, Jill M,4I ^MemoriaU my>«^t^^J? .- :Gilerof.Cary;ian4^iaff ihd'Cemetery Fund 9 lpiu,boro;and5giandddldrw-;-:^*'i1 UnitedMethodistauid>.tfoG^, - , : pI McClamrock. 179 Dusty HiU RMfl.
Mocksville. N.C 27028.
a 1, lUHdvlS vvw , ..... *./•
: ll^im. Matdi 13, at Cavin BmMal .
'Home Chapel in l^p^ville twith.l
. LegionPosit».new™awui,u -iveteitm setviriglii the USj.Army JHr :
; Corps, as Sergeant in ilie3W
5 was - a men^. o£,^Fi««tow^^^^
' ^'^tvivors i«Jiide'lds^e,^5^5'i: SiieMitAellM^jVlwmlwinMe^0^ 12,1945; a'Miti|il^F. Moore; of,M(»resvjlletidat?iBl^^?
* Sue Coieman of Modt^vBle, Jill Mi» i
• .... # .
Noima Lewis Furches, 93. of the
Faimingloncommunitydied Saturday,
March 11,1995, at DavieCounty Hos
pital in Mocksville.
Funeral services were held at2 p.m.
March 14. at Eaton Funeral Chapel in
Beats. Burial followed in Smith Grove
n United Methodist Church cemetery.
She was bom Feb. 28, 1902 in
Farmington to the late Daniel
Kimbrough and Lazora Algernon
Kimbrough Furches.
She attended grade schools and high
school in Farmington and Clemmons.InMay l92S.s]tegraduaIedrromLonp
Sanatorium School of Nursing in
Staiesville. Fbllowing graduation, she
began her nursing career in Winston-
Salem, N.C. ddng private duty and
later became a nursing supervisor at
N.C.Bapast Hospital.
In 1929, she worked at Kapolani
Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii for 14
months. In 1930, she became adminis-
Iralor of Lowrance Hospital in
Mooresville. She later became the di
rector of nursing service and held that
poslllonuntllitliremenlin 1972. When
the school built a new nurse's home, it
was named Furches Hail in her honor
and for the recognition ofherworkand
service to the hospital.
Survivors include arisler, Gwyn F.
Woods of Farmington; and a nephew,
Bruce Furches of Winston-Salero.
She was preceded in death by 2
brothers. McGuire'Crockett" Furches
and Dtike Kimbrough Furches.
;burialfoil<Hri8?^^^y^^ .* ctety* -■*'* " :'V*' ^i .Memorials may^te2«di» Pmsbyte^Jc^^. i li^,Mocresville,'N.C:M115. ■
Oavie County Public Library•; .MocksvlKt,
Lonnie Gwyn Murphy
/ Lonnie Cwyn Murphy, 70. of
Mocksvillc. died Tuesday morning,
March 7.1995 at his home after being
in decfining heallh.
He was txim in Yadkin County,
Aug. 12, 1924 to the fate Paul and
Carrie nrowii Murphy and was a re
tired nurseryman.
He was a member of Bear Creek
Baptist Giurch and the Cooleemee
VFW Post No. 1119. He was a past
member ofthe Davie County Nursery
man Association, Piedmont Nursery
man Association, the N.C. Nursery
man As.sociation and the Southern
Nurseryman Association.
He was preceded in death by a son,
Jimrny Murphy in 1975.
Surviving are his wife of 48 years,
Mary Starr Murphy ofthe home; a son.
Bill Murpliy of Mocksville and three
Funeral services were held at 11
am. March 9, at Eaton Funeral Chapel
with the Revs. Richard Eskew andJack
Johnson officiating. Burial followed in
the Bear Creek Baptist Church Cem
Memorials may be considered for
the Cemetery Fund of Bear Creek Bap
tist Churdcri/o Clarence Elmote, Route
5, Mocksville, N.C. 27028.
Ruby Hicks Temple
/ Ruby Hicks Temple, 80, of Clero-
'' ntons, died Wednesday night. March
8,1995 at Fbtsylh Memorial Hospital
in Winston-Salem after illness of
two weeks.
She wasbom Jan.3l, I915in David
son County to Oscar Hicks and Bertha
Jeffries Hicks, She. was a member ofReedyOeekB^tUtChurchandwasa .
homemaker'; ^•'"rShe was ii|artleld'to Jack Temple, ~
who died Jani 28,' i975.'She was alM - ;
pieceded in death by ! li son; Bobby • •
Dean Temple, In 1^: a daug^tViRebeccaTempleHedriclcml992:sind I
a grandson, Robbie Dwayne Shaw, in-
1989.Stiivivingated sonSiAIbeitTei^le '
of aemmtins, I.C-Tettrte'CIiailie.^;
Temple and William Temple, all of *
Lexington; 4 daughters, Peggy. Bates
and ViiginiaShaw, both ofLexington,
Catherine Knox of Niota, Tenn., and
Daisy Briggs ofClemmons; 25 gtand-
childten; 34 great grandchildren; 9great-great grandchildren; 3 brothm, ..
of Winston-Saleni and W,0. Hicks of
Mocksville; 2 sisters, Gladys Walser
ofLexington and Maty Flotz ofQem-
Tbefuneral was held at ReedyCreek
Baptist Church March 11, at 2 pjiL
with the Rev. Egbert Craven ofTiciat-
tng. Burial followed in thechurchcem-
Memorials may be made to ReedyCieekBaptistChiirch,600R^yCRek
Baptist Church Road,Lexington,N.C
Ralph E. Sprinkle ...
• Ralph E Sprinkle, 84, of Winston-
Salem died at his home early Thurs
day, March 9, 1995followingalengthy
He was bom March 31, 1910 in
Forsyth County, the son of Foster
Elwood and Ella Mae Lineback
He lived most of his life in Forsyth
County and attended OldTown School.
He was employed by Western Electric
Company for 23 years, reliringin 1975.
He was formerlyemployed by Qialham
of^eors. He was a lifetime member of
New Hope United Methodist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Evelyn
Compton Sprinkle of the home; a
daughter, AnneCroltsofTobaccoville:
a son, Robert E. Sprinkle of
Woodbridge, Va.; 6 giandchildien; 2
- greatgrandchildren:2sistets,Dorothy
- Stoltz of Arbor Acres aiul Sarah Hol-
- Jiuid of Winston-Salem; 3 brothers,
• yvifred L. Sprinkle of Winston-Salem
: and William T. "Bub" Sprinkle of Ad-
The funeral service was conducted
at 11 a.m. March 11, at New Hope
-.United Methodist Church by the Rev.■;:William C. Cuirie Jr. Burial followed^jn the church cemeteiy.MemoiiaisraaybemadetothcNew
;Hope United Methodist Church Par-
■ "sonagc Fund.
/Grace W.Stevens
Grace Weaver Stevens, 96, ofWin-
ston-Salem, the widow of Dr. Charles
HadleyStevens,diedWednesday morning, March 8, 1995,at the Triad United
Methodist Home.
She was bom in NashviUe, Tenn.,
Nov. 17, 1898 to John Wesley and
Myrtle Rushton Weaver.
She was educated at the Southern
Baptist Theological College, Tennes
see College and UNC-Greensboro,
She moved to Winston-Salem in1926 after her marriage to Dr, CharlesH. Stevens, who was pastor of Salem
Bapdst Church at the time.
She helped him establish Piedmont
Bible College in 1945 and served as
registroranddtanofwomen. She taughtEnglish and was head of the English
department. She was a member of Salem Baptist Church.
Surviving are 2 daughters, Grace
Stevens Price of Advance and Jean
Stevens Stockton ofCharlotte; 2 sons,
Charles H.StevensJr.ofMallhews and
14 grandchildren; and 17 great grand
Memorials may be made to Salem
Baptist Church or to Kedmont Bible
Funeral services were held at 11a.m. March lO.atSalem Baptist Church
by the Revs. Wayne Hilton and HowardWilbum, Dr. Gary Chapman and
BishopTom StockloiL Butid followedin Hiisyth Memorial Park.
Davie County Public LibraryMocksvIHe, NO
Clarence W.Allen
J Clarence "Red" Weir Allen, 82. of
Kcmersville, died Sunday, March 19,
1995. al Brillhaven of Davidson.
He wa-s bom March 12. 1913 in
DavieCounlylo James Franlc and Sallie
Weir Allen.
He was a meniberofOak lawn Bap
tist Church where he served as a dea
con and trustee. He retired from Shell
OilCo.in l976aner33yearsofservice
and was a p.Tnner with Allen Brothers
Transfer Co. He Wiis also on the board
of directors of Triangle Volunteer lire
Surviving are his wife, Sylvia
Wilkias Allen of the home; a son,
Bobby C. Allen of Kemcrsville; a
daughter, Doris Yokley of Atlanta, Ga.;
2 great-grandchildren; 3 sisters, Joyce
Carter of Famiington, Martha Ketner
of Winslon-Salem and Beulah Flippin
of Mt. Airy.
Funeral senices were held at 2p.m.
March 21 at Oaklawn Baptist Church
with the Revs. Paul Riggs and James
Wilson Harmon ofliciating. Burial fol
lowed in Oaklawn Memorial Gardens.
Memorials may be made to Oaklawn
Baptist Oiurch Building Fund, 700
W,iyside Dr.. Winston-Salem, N.C.
James Burchain Sr.
James Hdtnon Burcluun Sr., 73, of
J Lexington, died at 3:08 p.m. Sunday,
March 19. 1995 at Lexington Memo
rial Hospital alter a short illness.
He w,is bom March 30, 1921 in
Forsyth County to Thomas Bdmon
Burcham and Grace Gentry Burcham.
He wasa memberof New Life Freewill
Baptist Church and was a retired em
ployee ofThoniasvilleFumitureConi-
Survivors include: his wife, Eliza
beth Louya Burcham of the home; 4
sons, James "Junior" Edmon Burcham
Jr., Billy Joe Burcham and Keith Brian
Burcham, all of Lexington, and John
Utomas Burcham of Sophia; 3 daugh
ters, Angela Faye Bostic .md Sheila
Lynn Loflin, both of Lexington, and
hlairitaSolesorrhomasville; 11 grand
children; 16 great-grandchildren; and
a sister, Grace Ola Cashatt of Lexing-
The funeral was to be conducted at
2 p.m. March 22, at Davidson Funeral
Home Chapel by the Revs. Kenneth^1, Doug McGee and Eh, Robert
noyd with burial following al ML Ta-
porllnited Church of ChristCemetery,
Ester Byeriy Berrier
y Ester Byeriy Berrier, 86, of
Linwood, died Saturday, March 18,
1995 at Meridian .Nursing Center,
Salisbury, after a serious illness of five
Bom May 19, 1908, in Davidson
County, she was a daughter of the late
William and Annie Leonard Byeriy.
She was a homemaker and a member
of Greer's CSiapel United Methodist
Herhusband, Wade Phillips Berrier,
died in 1972.
Survivors include 6 sons. Vestal,
William, Edward, Mock and Grady
Berrier, all of Linwood, ^ Sherman
Berrier of Demon; 2 tiaughtets, Betty
Spry of Advance, and Irene Bryant of
Linwood;3brotheis,Bill, Henry "Ben",
and Boyce Byeriy, all of Linwood; 4
sisters, Sadie Hampton, Lucy Jacobs,
Mary Hones and Ula Childrra, all of
Linwood; 42 grandchildren; 48 great
grandchildren andS great-great-grand
A brother, John Henderson Byeriy,
died the same day as his sister, also at
Meridian Nursing Center.
Funeral services were conducted at
2 p.m. March 20, at Greer's Chapel
United Methodist Church by the Revs.
Chris Bennett and KipMcBride. Burial
followed in the church cemetery.
Nellie Riddle EdwardsJ Ncihe Riddle Edwards, 80, of Win
ston-Salem, died Tiiesday, March 14,
1995 at Davie County Hospital.
She was bom March 30, 1914 in
H^sville,W,Va to the late UlyssesFillamorc and Julia Keith Riddle
She was a retired Congressional
libraniui, a lifetime member of the
Naomi Chapter of Eastern Star N 3
OES in Washington. D.C. and was a
memberofCenlenary UnitedMelhod-ist Church in Davidmn (3bunty.
Surviving are her husband, FredPeden Edwards of the home; a daugh-
Icr, Dorothy Edwards Lemntons of
Advance; 3 grandchildren.; a gieat-
gnmikon; a brother, Raymond Earl
Riddle ofSilverSpring, Md.; a number
of nieces and nephews.
»'"neralserviceswereheldat2p.ro.March 17, at Vogler and Sons Qem-
mons chapel by the Rev. Charles C.
Kyker. Burial followed in Oaklawn
Memorial Gardens in Winston-Salem.
Hazel Howard BinkleyJ
h! YoungHowaMShewasamember^fCIem®
Wi^fromSilveiisDepaitmentSloreSiwvois include: 2sisteis, GladysH. Kiri^ of Charlotte and Fiances
icbofWmslon-Salemtandabrother,^ Thorn Howard of Sl Pfelersbuig,
2-3ol^S^ '^wconducledatSon. "-"Vogler andSo« Mam Street Chapel. A graveside
Mrvicewasconducledat 11 a.m. March20. at Forqrth Memorial Park.
Memorials may be mode to Hos.
S®- N. Undsay
touiseS. Foster
/ >. Shadrick Foster 76 of"^'«viI,e.fom,af,,„°£^Monday, March 13.1995 J, i„:«WI Mcmonal Hospital in Stalesville.he was bom March 10, 1919 j-
Winslon-Salem to Gaither Andmon
preceded in death by her
Sl rir-
Survirors include 4 daughters
of M '"""^"aTampoya
Mary ^dnck Dimmett of Farmins-
Davie County Public Library
S/locksvIHe, NO
DAVIECOU^r^YENTERP^USE record,Ma^ 23,1995
Walters. HancockWaller Samuel Hancock Sr.. of
Winslon-Salem, 86. died eariy Sundaymorning. March 19. W."!. al FbisyUi
Memorial Hospital.
He was born May 3, 1908 jn
Henderson. Ky. loAubrey Samuel and
Wna Hancock. He moved to Winslon-
Salem in 1987 from Evansville. Ind
where he worked for Whirlpool Com!
Locally, heallended First Assembly of
He was preceded in deaUi by his
Wife, Lillian Grillin Hancock.
He is survived by a son. W. Sam
Hancock Jr. of Advance; 2 grandchil
dren; and 2 great-grandchildren.
The funeral was at 11 a.m.. Match
21. at Vogler and Sons Reynolda
Chapel by the Rev. William W.
Entombment will be in Evansville.
Ind. at a later date.
Martha Rozas
/ Martha Jane Whitt Rozas, 79. died
Tuesday. March 14.1995 at N.C. Bap-
list Hospital in Winston-Saleni.
She was bora May 30. 1915 in
Galax. Va. and moved to Suny County
in l9l8andtoWinston-Salemin 1926.
She worked at Hanes Knitting Com-
[fajiy formally years.
She was preceded in death by her
husband. Arthur Rozas. in April. 1964.
She is survived by astepson. Arthur
Rozas Jr. of Lake Cliarles. La.; 4 sis
ters. Mae Hester. Irene McMahan. Flo
rence Black, all of Winston-Salem.
and Mary Graver of Advance.
Afamilygravesideservicewasheld Jat 11 a.m. March 16. at Oaklawn Me-
iiKmal Gardens.
v/ FkcdHells^
•wlwick Eugene *Hed*Hellatd, ^57. of Westview Street. MocksvUIe,
died early Sunday, Match 19,1995 at
his home after a lengthy illn^
He was bora in Rowan County OcL14. 1937 to Versie Driver Hellard of
MocksvilleandthelateAlgerFiedericfcHellard and had been a track driverfor
33 years.
He was an active member of
Woodleaf Baptist Church where he
servedonthechurchbuildingcommit-lee. He was also coach of the church
Softball team. He was an avid gun
collector and enjoyed fishing, wood
working and gardening.
o^iying. in addition to his mother.m his wife of 39 years. Marti Binkley
Hellard of the home;2daughteis,RedaHome of Faith and Lou Ann
Coughenour of Woodleaf; 2 sons.
Roger-Doody" Hellard of Ellerbe andRick Hellard of Cboleeniee; lOgrand-
children; 5 great-giandchildicn and 5
step-grandchildreaFuneral services were held at 2p.m
Marcfi2l.atWoodleafBapUstauichwith the Rev. Chris Williams andDea-
con Charlie Williams ofnciating.Burialfollowed in Ugion Memorial Park in
Memorials may be made to Davie
County Hospice, c/o Janet Blair, P.O.
Box 665, Mocksville. N.C. or to the
gilding Fund of Woodleaf BapUsi
Uiurcli. c/o Tim Eamhan, P.O. Box
164, Woodleaf. N.C. 27054.
Lois Laird IKvette
LoisLairdTrivette.73.ofU.S. 158.
Mocksville. died early Thursday moni-ing. March 16. 1995. at Fbrsyth Me
morial Hospital after being in declin
ing health.
Funeral services were conducted at
2 p.m. Match 18. at Eaton Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. Ray O'Fanell
and Elder Eugene Bennett offtclating
and burial following in Comatzer
United Methodist Church Cemetery.
She was bom in Davie County Feb.
5.1922 to the late Oscar Lee and Eftie
Bameycastle Laird and had been a
homemaker. She was ofthe Methodist
Her husband. John David Trivette.
died in 1972.
Sands, R!clty^)tit^'ai^tais%^!|
aUofModcs^Zsa^JidmT^viiiieTof East Bend'ond Edgar Trivette of i
Uw Vallqrj'9 grMtdchildrenrd ^ '
grwdchit^ii; a'brothef.'-CbaiUe '
Raymond Uiiid.of^ MocksWj^^
several nieimliiM nepheW^-v i.'i
.Sh«.)«fas: preceded, in d^ by. 41
brothers,' Willie iLee' Lciird, GeorgejiL^ Herman Laitd and Blage Laird.
Sara B. Pbck
Sara Barrett Pack. 74. of Winston-
Salem died unexpectedly Thursday.
March 16.1995.
She was bom Dec. 17. 1920 in
Athens, Ga. to Walter and Daisy S.
She was a graduate of Hanes High
Baptist Church. '
She was preceded in death by her
husband. Wesley Jefferson Pack, in
1989. and by a sister. Nell B. Johnson.
She is survived by a son. Gory
Wesley Packof Orlando. Flo.; 4 grand
daughters including Donna Anderson
a brother. Horace BoneU of Atlantic
A graveside service was held at
Fbrsyth Memorial Park at 12:30 p.m.
March 18. conducted by the Rev. J.
Marion Rector.
Memorials may be made to Cancer
Services. Inc.. 107 Westdale Avenue.
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101. .
J Kenneth J. Vaughn
Kenneth James Vaughn. 69. of
Asheboro. died March 19.1995.
FuneralserviceswerBheldat2p.m.March 21. at Sawyersville Wesleyan
Church by the Revs. Danell Rabon
and J.P. Sizemore. Burial followed in
the ehurah eemeteiy.
He was a nau've of Fbrsyth Cbunty
^spd in the U.S. Navy during
Survivors include his wife, NinaT.y^ghn of Asheboro; 2 daughteis.
Sharon Brooks of Advance and Uura
Cbx of Asheboro; a son. Ronnie Ken
neth Vaughn of Charleston. S.C- hisftther. Rev. Troy Vaughn of
^omasville; a sUter. Betty VaughnNewsome of Asheboro; a stepsisto.
Dorothy Campbell Waisner of
Tnomasville; a stepbrother. Richard
Campbell ofTliomasville;and4grand-
_ Memorials may be made tol^nson Disease Research Center.
725 Broad St, Durham. N.C. 27705.
Davie County PubRc Libraty
MocksviHe, NO
• ^
, o
Kate Lewis Cook
: A graveside service was held for
J Kate Lewis Cook. 89. fomieriy of
Spring Sircel, Mocksville. who died
Friday.Man:h24. l995atlhcMo«vian
Relircniem Community in Winston-
Safcm. wlttre site had been a resident
fur eight years.
Bom in Sampson County, she was
a daughter ofthe late Aidemisui M. and
Sallie n. Watkins Lewis.
A homcmaker. she liad previously
been a school teacher. She was a mem
ber of Macedonia Moravian Church
for 40 yeius and was also a rneniberof
the Eastern Star.
Her husband. John Cook, died in
Survivors include a sister. Emma
Vandcrvootl of Wilmington; 4 nieces
and 2 nephews.
A graveside service was held at
3.30 p.m. at Macedonia Moravian
Church conducted by the Rev. Hamp
ton Morgan.
Memorials may be made to the
Endowment FundofSalemtowne. TheMoravian Retirement Community.
.'<401 ImlLina Ave.. Winstnn-Salem.
N.C. 27106,
Shirley L. Gray
Shirley Ann Lasltmit Gray, 58. of
J Yadkinville. died March 21, 1995 at
Fotsylh Memorial Hospital in Win-
ston-Salem. She had been in declining
health for several years.
She was bom Sept. 7,1936 in Yad-
kin County to Henry and Thelma
Lashmit. She was a retiree of Burger
King Corp. of Yadkinville and was a
member of HunLsville Baptist Chundi.
She was preceded in ileath by her
fist husband. Qiarlie Frank Willard; a
daughter. Viekie Willard; a son.
Stephen Willard; a sister and 2 bmth-
She issurvivedby adaughter. Kathy
Mojica of Yadkinville; a daughter. 4
brothers. William Lashmit and Tho
mas Lashmit of Y^kinville. Robert
Lashmit of Mocksville and Harold
Lashmit of Winston-Salem; 7 sisters.
Ruth Baity. Loui.se Groce. Frances
Allen and Alice Pickelt. all of Yadkin
ville. Dottle Shore of Boonville, Jean
Phillips of East Bend and Ella Laymon
ofAustin,Texas; several devoted nieces
and nephews.
Funeral services were conducted at
Huntsville Baptist Church at 2 p.m.
March 24. conducted by the Revs.
Dennis Bell and Grady TrivetL Burial
followed in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the
Cemetery Fund of Huntsville Baptist
Church, c/o Donald Poirtdexter, 4821
Courtney-Huntsville Road, Yodkin-
vUle, N.C. 27055.
y Pauline Walker Davis
Pauline Walker Davis, 78. of Lex
ington, died Thur^y, March23.1995
at Fiirsyth Memorial Hospital.
ShewasbomFeb. 16.1917mDavie
County to EdGicenandLulaTutterow
Walker. She was a member of Cente
nary United Methodist Churchinaem-
mons and was active in the commu
She was preceded in death by her
lirst husband, Henry Sink.
She is survived by a son, Charles
Dwayne Sink of Sophia; 3 daughters,
Mary S. Hill of Lexington, Barbara S.
Black of Winston-Salem and Bonnie
S.DiiverofChesterfield,Va.; lOgrand-
children; 10 great-grandchildren; 2
brothers, Ed and Jack Walker, both of
Mocksville; 4 sisters, Janie Koontz
and Gail Kelly, both of Mocksville,
Pearl Poindexter of Yadkinville and
Betty Grissom of Advance.
Funeral services were conducted at
2 p.m. March 25. at Centenary United
Methodist Church in Qemmons by the
Rev. Tommy Robertson. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Cente
nary United Methodist Church Cem
etery Fund. 5280 Hampton Road.
Gemmons, N.C. 27012.
Thelma Gregoiy
^ Modk'p^'a'""M«k Place Apartments, died eartyFnday morning March 24, 1995 at
riM Center of Salisbury after a year
of declining health.
Func^serviceswereheldat2pjn.faieh 26, at Victory Baptist Churchin
Co^mee with the Rev. ShelbyHt^r olTiciating. Burial followed
in Ixgion MemofiaJ I^rk.
Memorials may be made to the
Building Fund of Victory Baptist
^urch,Coolecmee.N.C.270l4ortheGideons International, P.O. Box 182.Mocksville, N.C. 27028.Slw was bom in Davie Qmnty.
Scpl.5.l^loihe|ateJohnCleveland '
ondLulaBlayloekljamesandhadbeenahonwi^cr.Shewasaaartermem-bcr of Victoiy Baptist Church where
she had beenaSunday School teachera member of the Benevolent commit
tee. the Pulpit committee and various
other departments of the church
Her husband. Romic Charlie Gre-
goty. preceded her in death in 1983
Sursnvmgare3sons,R.C. Gregory ofColdsboro. Doug Gregory of
Mocksville and Marion ."Sonny" Gre-
^ of Greensboro; fi ^rand^ildiBn;
.'Ogreal-^andchil^a&ter.Marie .Vogler of .SaUi^ and'^ brother,
James Ijames of
y Doctor Dudley Foster
Doctor Dudley lister, 96, died Fri
day afternoon. March 24. 1995 at
Rowan Memorial Hospital after being
in declining health.
He had been a resident of
BfightmoorNuising Home for the past
lOyears. A graveside service was held
at 2 p.m. March 27, at Thrrentine Bap
tist Church Cemetery with the Rev.
Otis E. Canupp officiating.
Memorials may be made to the
Salisbury Moose Lodge. Ritchie Road,
Inlemational, 1614 E. Innes Street.
Salisbury, N.C. 28144.
He was bom in Davie County, Dec.
31, 1898 to the late Rank and Nellie
Spiy Foster and was retired with 40
years of service from Rowan Cbnon
He was a member of Salisbury
Moose Lodge for 33 years. He played
semi-pro baseball with teams in
Salisbury and Cboleemee.
He was a member ofStallings Me
morial Baptist Church in Salisbury.
His wife, Lillian Head Foster, pre
ceded him in death April 22.1981.
Surviving is a foster son, Edward D.
Foster of Owensboro, Ky. and several
nieces, nephews and cousins.
J Lester Griffith
Rev. Lester Arnold GrilTin. 76. of
Winston-Salem died Ftiday.March24,
1995 at Fbrsyth Memorial Hospital.
He was bom July 17,1918 in Lex
ington. Texas, to Leonard Arnold and
Clara Winnie Lyies Griflith.
Rev. GrifTith was a street preacher
in Dallas, Texas, and Winston-Salem
for many years. He was also very ac
tive at Mount Carmel Church of the
Living God witere he served as super
intendent of the Sunday School, Sun
day School teacher and deacon.
He is survived by his wife, Lucille
Yow GrimUi of Ihe home; six step
daughters, Barbara Lumley, Ruby Sappand Norma Hyatt, all of Winslon-Sa-
lem,BettyKnightofAdvance, FrancesHull of South Carolina and Joyce
Bullins of Pilot Mountain: 14 grand-
children; 17great grandchildren; anda
brother, James Griffith ofAlba, Texas.
Funeral services were held at 2:30
p.m. March 26. at Voglei's Main Street
Chapel. Burial followed at Woodland
Cbmeteiy. Rev. David Shelton and
Bishop Robert Oannil ofnciatcd.
Davie County Public Library
MocksviKt, HQ
/ Howard R. Jordan
Rev. Howard R. Jordan. 87. of
Nlarch 26 at.Spencer HeallhOnterin
Graveside services were held al 2
Rev Jordan was bom in Cieen-*^^•^■•^•28^90710060,800^,tl^™D"""J''nian.ItewasaWired UniW Melhodisi Church min-■Mer from the Weslem N.C. Confer-ence of ihe Uniled Melhodist aurch
ElizabeihrS? '!""'"'""""'==2sons.Dr.R^harf Jordan of SaJisbuiy; and DrRoderick JonJan of Colfaa; 4 grand-'ctulr^n; 4 gr^a, grandchildren; a sis-
S r Gn«nwood.
Memorials may be made lo ihe
AlriwmersAssoc..TriadNoiihCaio-Chapter. 836 Oak Si.. Suite 451Winsion-Salcm. N.C. 27101.
Grimes A. Martinj GnniesArthnrMartin.82.ofDunn.
(lied Saturday, March 26.1995.He was a native of Rowan County
Blaylock Martin. He was a farm workerGravesideservieeswereltcldMarch2« at 2 pm at Ue-Johnson CemeteryWith the Rev. Billy Nowell omcialing
„ Su^ivors include a son. Sariuel^y Maj^ of Salisbury; 2 sisters,frothy Draugh of Mocksville and
^nicLcc Burgess ofFaycitcviltc; and2 granJchildfcf).
Helen A. Kurfees
r, Alsobrooks Kuifees. 67, ofDuke Street. Cooleemee. died earlyTu^y morning. March 21. 1995 at
herhomealterbeing indeclining healthShe was bom in Stanley CountyJune 25. 1927 to the late Tom C. andArime Spry Aksobrooks and had beenan inspector with Erwin Mills. She wasan active member of First Baptist
ChuichofCboleemeewhereshesenedas a church hostess.Surviving are her husband. Jack
DemseyKurfeesoftltehome:ason.Re^ Marchall "Marty" ThomasKuifees of Pencil BlulT. Ark.; and abrodter. Lathan ALsobrooksofRaleigh.
Funeralserviceswereconductedat3p.m. March 23.alFiislBaptist Chinch^ Cooleemee by the Revs. Jeffftnnington and Lany Allen. Burialfollowed in Rowan Memorial Park inSalisbuiy.Memorials may be considered forHospice of Davie County. P.O. Box
Pn n six Cboleemec.P.O. Box 516. Cooleemee. N.C. 27014.
HosaS. Myers
March 24. I995Salisbury. ' Cemw of
" a-m.Ghapel with the Revs R rl?"and Robert Creason o/T
followed in Libenv I r i'""'"®-®"rial
S'«>wan and l NannieMills in Cooleemer ""iiw in deaU^'l"^|*'^^'*'"P'W«Ied%«s of MoS^e•^T^i^^severalgreaig,a,4j^^''il-
. %
Davie Uui-ly LiMocksviiie, ND
, ^y^NkboIer^, '^y'oNicho°!^^"s
incfo^'^l^ °""r tfian her „
'|ep fimndmother Palcr-
- -^firaves/deswv-
^^ofMemoryino'"'""awti Gar-
®^innsin.ivi!/ '"^n'ing.
^fterT^ ®P"« Chtott
^^n. Oian^"^«''«q,Qg ^orsSSj.^^aS'C^^o.ks^
Mary S. Peoples
Maiy Esltlle Slyers Peoples, 52, ofWinston-Salem. died Friday, Maivh
2-1, 1995, alhcrhoine.
ShewasbomM.-)y6, l!W2iiiWin-
sion-Salem to John Robcn mid S.imh
AlleiiSlycis.SlieallenclcdGos|wlI.iiiJi(Baptist Church ,im] wtis an eiiiphiyce
ofHeritage Woods Relirenium j luine.
Survivors include her liusbmid,
David Eugene Peoples of the hotne; 3
sons, David Anthony Peoples of llo|.
lysvood, Fla.. BoNjy Eugene Peojilus
of Mount Airy and J.ihn M.mard
Pcaipies of Winvton-Salcin: a daugh
ter, Sharon Peoples Dillard of
Ceraianlon; 6 grandchildren; 3 sisters,
Vivian Westmoreland of Ixxington,
Ruby Smith and Betty Wysc Smith of
Advance; a stepsister. Helen Conuay
of Kemerssille; and a stepbrother.
Howard Westmoreland of King,
The funeral was held March 27 at
na.m.ntVoglcraiid.SonsMiihiSlrcctChapel by Dr. Bobby Robcrson, Burial
followed in Parklawn Memorial Gar-
Robert Lee Seaford
RobenLceScafotd,RJ.ofJoeRoad.■J died Wednesday morning, March 22,1995 at Davie County Hospital after a
lengthy illness.
He was bomSepL 4, 1910 in 9Davie County to
the late Luther P.
andDaisyXaylorSeaford and hadbeen a poultryand airy farmer. -9
He spent his
inUavie Countyahd wasactive In thecommunity, scrv-
itig on the Board of Dlreclois of Pied-njonl Mutual Insurance Company. Hewas forSI years a directorofthe REAahdlaterCrescenl EMC He wasorteoftheoriginaltrusieesoftiicDavicCouniyHospital in 1954 and was on the Boardof Directors at Branch Bank and Tmsl
itlMocksvlIle.: He was an active member of Fork
Ibplist Church and has scrvinj asSiin-
iliiySchoolsuperintcndenifor4()ycar.s.I fe was an active deacon of llic churchmany times. He was a memberofForkuvic Club and tlie Senior CitizensUub, which he served as president.
; Survivors include: his wife, HildaBecker Seaford of the home. 3 daugh-Icys. Frances Hendria of Winston-Sa-l®n, Dorothy Hemrick andJaneJwtes.ofMocksvUIe; 3 granddaughters
aid a grandson.• Fimeral services were held at 11Mandi 24. at Fork Baptist CJiurchwih the Revs. Ken Evans and Yaics
Wilkinsonofriciaiing. Burial foUowedin the church cemetery,; Memorials may be made to ForkBpplist Chuich Building Fund or ForkBpptisi Church Melissa Merrell Fund,3140 U.S. Hwy. 64 East, Mocksville.
HC. 27028.
Barbara W. Popewasd rr, ropeV ®®rt>araWij|iamsonft^diedSurv'''day. March 26, 1995 at N.C. Baptist "
HospiiaJ. ^
She was bom in Fotsytl, County Jo \lale Thomas F. and Mary SoutliaJn'-*Williamson. She wasagradunleofR JReynolds High School and attended .'i
Piedmont Bible College.She served as assistant sccrelaiy-.'
treasurerand general manager forPilotFreight Carriers for 25 years and while ••'l^re. she employed many PiedmontBible College students. She was co: i
ownerofTowneJeweieisandthefii^ •I«"<Jent of the Christian BusinessWomen s Association. . .|
ShewasalonglitnememberofSa.^ ,cm Baptist Church and a member of I^eWomens'TrafficClub.AsatrKm.her of tte Rose Society, she received .t
niany b^uc ribbons.
She was preceded in death by u'i'brother. Thomas F.WilliamsonSiirv,vmgareherhusb.sml,R|chatda Po[« of the home; 2 brotltets, Phimp':R Wtlhamson of Tampa. Ra. and 5
BennetteRayWilllamsonofAdvancc- 'a sister. Mary Alice WiIIia,„sofl ofWinston-Salcm; several nieces iu-lnephews. ; «
Funeralserviccswereconduclcdai unatn. Match 29, at Salem baptist;CTurch by Dr. Wayrw Fulton and ibeRe«. Floyd Boles and How«I ,Wilbura, Emombmem followed'iri' „
W«tlawn Gardens of MenmryMiu.toleum in Qemmons.
John Slater Sheiry
John SlaterSliclry, 84. orBcrimfila"'
Village, died Monday. March 20,1995"'
at his home.
He was bom Sept. 24. 1910 in
FriendshipHelghts.Md..toJ<AnSiaier'''and Annie FemeyboughSheity. • 'He was a member of Home Morad
vian Church in Winston-Salem andllie''local Rotary Qubs where he lived/He"'
owned an independent insurance '
agencyinBridgelon.N.J.for 18years.''
and then moved to Hanford. Conn., tobecome assistant vice president of 'safely engineering for Aetna Life and
Casually until his relitemcm. "••••'After his retirement, he moved lb-'Port Royal Plantation In Hilton H<ad.''
S.C. He wasan avid golfer and famifj''
man.He was preceded In death by hii'^
wife.EmilySheiiy. in 1990.He is survived by 2 daught'crJ,'''Elisabeth S. Laroe of Arlington, Va.1'1
and Nancy Sheiiy OlaislerofLondtin.EngUnd;asoaJohnS.SbciryofHeiltll'''
ersonviUe:and4giandchildren.Funeral services were helda-m. March 24. u Home Morai^an"'
Church with graveside services fdlt^'Jlowing in the Moravian Gtaveya/dJ;'''
Dr.RobertE.Sawyeronkiated. -'hD'Memorials may be made to Hoifie'*'Moravian Church. 529 S. Church'^!, '
Winston-Salem. N.C 27101. ■ ''-'"I
Clarence Edward Pope
' Mr. Clarence Edward "Whiley'Pplie. 74, of Butler, Ala., died Salur-dpy'March 25.1995, at Rush Hospital
ill Meridian, Miss., after an extended
! He is the brother of Mary Leola
Pope Bamhardl of Mocksville.
I Mr.PopewasbomOcl.30.1920.in
Talladega, Ala., the son of the laic
WalterEdwaidandCarrieDabbs Pope.
He was educated in Tallcdcga public
schools and had atterxled Mississippi
StaleUniversity. Hewasveteran of(lie
U.S. Navy, and served in the Pacific
during World War II. He had lived in
Selma, Ala. most of his adult life, and
was retired from Hammermill Paper
Mill. He was an avid golfer.
' He was preceded in death by his
wife, Dorothy Lee McDonald, who
died in 1992; and a brother. Robert.
■ Also surviving arc: two son.s.
Michael Edward Pope of Butler and
David McDonald Pope of Binning-
ham;onebrother,Thomas Edsci'Red 'I^peof Pell City, Ala.; a sister, Carrie
Irene PopeTraxclerofLansing. Mich.
; Ctavesideserviceswereconducied
al 11 a.m. Tuesday. March 28. at
Rneview Memory Gardens in Selma.
conducledby theRev. Mike McKnight
of Butler.
Mabel SmiihSheKon
'"g. March 24 I905 L p ^ """"•
She was bom March 4 |oi, •Mocksville (0 Lon A^.. , J'
andSarahJamesSmiih ct.°r^i.-femfk,r,y,S.r"^'
Davie County Public Library
Mocksvillt, NC
... . ,
Betty West Williams
pital. ^^•=""=»'«CounlyHos.
She was boni in Rowan Couniv
&PV'7. 1923,„,he,a^WileZJ
•tS« '■"f V»dkin Valtey'"•mp„«a.,on.Stewasamen,bcr?fS<K:.eiy Baptist Church.
I death by her'w^tand.Hen,yLeeWi„i„n„S,
Survivors include a son, Hcniy Lee
Z«>la WdhamsofMocltsvillejasrand«'n:and2g.eat.gramUauir®^-
2 p-m^March 28. at Society Baptist
Elfleda F. Woosley
; Elfleda Fulcher Woosley, 87. of
Winslon-Salem, died Tuesday, March21, I99S at Forsyth Metnori^ Hospi
' She was bom April 3,1907 in For
syth County to the late Thomas Hugh
aiid Addie Cotimd Fulcher. She was a
niember of Pine Grove United Meth
odist Church. . . • •7I She was preceded In death by her ;
hfsbtmd, Walter TheodoteTed"
l^oosley; a daughter, Hilda Carolyn
Vfflliard. . , . ' •
' She is survived by 6 daughters,Marilyn Potts' of Advance, Dotolckeisbn, Nomia Sbelton; Iris Poplin, Pat Bodenhamer and Janet Royall ;
Martin, all of Winston-Salem; a son,Tiorn^T.rTorniny'ofBil^Tesin; -M granddiibireni M gr^ grandchil-dr|en;2sistets,VitrianBeni^'ofKetii7
Dallas Ray WilliamsDallas Ray Williams. 58. of Lex-/ ington, died Monday, March 27,1995al High Point Regional Hospital.He was bora in Davie Ckrtmty Aug.11. 1936 to the late Spencer Franklin
and Martha Ireland Williams and wasa member of Reeds United MethodistChurch. He was employed by MillerDesk Company in High Point for the
past 10 years.
in death. He was also preceded in deathby a sister, Willie Mae Wood.Survivors Include his wife, NancySmilh Williams of the home; 5 bioth-ers, George Franklin Williams, "Pete"Williams and Nathan WiUiams, all ofLexington, Billy Williamsof AdvanceandGuntey WilUams of Mocksville; 4sisters, Virginia Beauchamp of Ad
vance, Coleen Vestal of Arcadia, MaryHilton of Winston-Salem, and twinsisier Alice Rummage of Tyro.
Funeral services were conducted al11 a.m. Match 29, al Voglers-Pied-
mont Chapel by the Rev. Jim Martinwith burial following at Forest Hill
Memorial Paik.
Memorials may be made to Reeds
United Methodist Church, 4731 Old64 West, Lexington, N.C 27292.
slbn-Salem;'2hfotheis,'AitonFUIcheroj Winston-Salem ond TiiutsionFildier of Stokes ipoun^.'.'.v - 'r Fbneralseivicesv'ereheld^2iun.23, at Ha^ith-Kfi^ Silas 'Cteek'Qiapel by the Revs. 'Sanford '.pile^r.' and Jim Clodfdter.' Biirial"hritowed in Pine Grow United Methodist Church Cerneteiy. 'v'-* Memorials n^. be mafe.tr> PineGpwUnited^teho^ClHui^ 1130J(g]«townRi^3Mnsti»;&leth,N.C.
2^103. ■ .-A
/ food
W® bom Oct^int, a son of Jani», n""Jbhard Wood.
all bis life, h, of High£ Oepartment^foT'"^'*''''
Davie County Public Library
MocksviKf, NO
Joyce Stone Baity
Juyce Slonc Baity. 66. or Rural
llall.tlicJ Sunday. April 2.1'WS.allrcr
Slic U'ii« Ihii'I July 1.^. I''2X in
WiBc-^ CiniiUy In Itiyani awl rannic
llciulcison Sinnc Radi
runcial vtiviccr wcic cnndnclcd
Apiil d. at 2 p.m. nl Vnglrrs lU-ytiolila
Road Chapci hy tlic Rcv«. Kenneth
Iluthmi. Wayne Ciiiylc and R.I..
Waller. Iliirial fnllnwcd In 'I'liriict's
Creek Baplirl Clnneli Ccinclcty.
She lived nii»!li)r her lire in I'nrsylh
(d Cnxl. She wav reliied rnnn ECi.
Rcyiinldv Tohaecn Co.
StirvivcirsirKdudc iuiniK'lc.'rnnuiue
lletidereon or Uninn Cirirve; an annt,
l:lla Cainpliell (d Mtxlvville; a Mcp-
Iwntlier.Arlic Kaditand.aeinidti.lleely
Memorials may be tnasle In Knial
llall tlwieli orCliKl. 27(1 College St.,
Riiialllnll.N.C. 27(U.S,
Moi-ciice i. Miller
Rnrcnee niionehuig Miller, <K), i>(
Oavie Village, died .Sainnlaymntniiig,
Apiil I. 1995 at DavieConnly llnspi.
I'oncial services were hehl ,at 11
a.m. April .7, al We.sley Chapel United
Mclhtxlisl Oiureliin the I'tttotmiimu-
nily iviih tire Revs Daviil Nol.iir. Tred
Slnrarand RicharrI llskesv urrici.iling.
Iluiial rollovved in Ihe elinteh ecin-
etery. L
Mcntotials mjj be ennsiileied hir
Wesley Cliapel United Mcthoilisl
<7iureh, e/o lleliy West, .15.72 N.C.
Ilvvy. Xl)l Nonh. Mixlsville, N.C.
.''II2R or to a eliarily id the dnnor's
.She was Ixnn in ("at.iwha I 'tinnly,
iitly.7,19111 lnlhelale(!i'nige(aiinkliii
iind l.illie Jane lliionclnnji .She wns
manieillnrfi.t ye.nsli-lnseph Veinnn
Miller who pieeedfil her in ilealh Jan.
•Site griHinaleil rinin Stnrlnsvn High
SilnKilin 1921 and rrnniN.C.College
r«i Wnmcri.iinwUNC (iicenslmro.in
1925. Sire was a seliixil le.xircr for
many years in Daeie and Vnilkiiieonri-
lics. Sire was .m .ailiec nicmlicr of
Wesley Cha|>el United Melhodisl
tlmrclr nlieic she had servcil as.Siin-
il.iy Selnxil Teacher. Sire held lite of-
fiee (d Miisier artd l^elntet in Piitrr
Cnmrrrmiily Orange formally ye.srs. In
M.lfiR, she was rcengni/cd as Pino-
ramringlnnCiii/eiiof lire Year.
Al IJiivie Village she w.ns an rielivc
piti1lci(xim inallitsprograms.andhandi-
Survivors incltrdc n darrghter,
M.arlha McKniglil of Yadkinviiic; a
sun, Dr.Dayne C.MiiicrrdMocksviiie:
-I grandchildren, S.-irah BtiseocofSan
llcigo, Calif.. Robert Nicholas
MeKiiighl of Atlanta. Ca.. Ut. Aarwr
17. Miller of Sunnyvale. Calif, and A.
Bieiil Miller of Mncksvifie; 4 greal-
grainlchildrTntandasisler. M.ary Parrell
of Orirfin.Ca.
Frances Sarrit Ileilig
Frairces Saftil Ileilig. 68. of Salis
bury,diedunespetlcdiySumhiy. April
2. l995alC.ibatTus Mctnoiialllospilal
in Concord.
Sire was bom in Cabarros County
(Jet. 16,1926lothc1alcllenry Leenird
Macbclle Weaver Safril and was a
graduate ofChriiaCnrve High School.
She had heen cnrploycd by
Restaurant in Salisbury and rvas it
Sire was a member i>f .St. Ihinl's
Lutheran Oruivh. lite church clroir,
Altar Guild. Frleirdship Club and
Wotnen of Ihe ELCA. anila volunteer
alllie Lutheran Hoiire in.Salisbiriy.Slie
was also a rirenrberofEastern Slar.lhc
RowanCountyShriirettes, Ladles All*-
iliary of VFW anil Solisbuiy Women
of the Moose-
She was preceded in dcalh by tier
husband, Robert Jacob Heilig Sr.. In
Cull ofMorganloii.lJavid Scott Call of
China Grove and Roliert Jacob Ileilig
Jr. of die home; 2 dnughtcni, Rebii
Seine of Salisbury and Teresa Linker
ofSalishutyiSbrolhers, RobetlP.Safril.
Kenneth L. Safrit. James M. Safrit.
Glenn M. Saftil, Carl Neil Safrit and
Eddie M. Safril, all of Salisliury,
Tommy W. Safril of Lewis. fJel. and
Steven A. Safrit of Ruckfoid, III.; a
sister. Peggy Agner of Salisbury; 10
gtandcliildien and 2 great gcaiulclril-
Davie County Public Library
fi/locksvillt, NC
Rosa Mae Livengood
Rosa Mae Livengood, 71. of Win-
, at Porsyih Memorial Mospilal,
^ SliewasboitiDec.3,ly2.7inForsylli
Coonly to Marvin and Alice Slater,
SlieallendcdSaiinriianBaplistCTiutch.She was preceded in dentil by licf
husband, Robert Lec Livengood Sr,
Surviving are 5 dimghlcts, Mary
McKiiighl and Linda Davis, btilli of
lewisville. Josie Comer and Betty
Scott, both of Wlnstoo-Snlcm, and
Teresa VVfigbi of Danbnry; 3 sons.
Robeit Lee Livengood Jr. of Winslon-
Saleni, Josepli Cray Livengood and
David Ray Livengood. b«h of King;
11 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchil
dren; a sisler, Janie Willard of Wiii-
slon-Saleni; 5 htwhers. Hubert and
fnankSlater.bothorLcwisville, Harvey
SlalerofWinston-Salem.LeeSlalerofMooresville and Terry Slater of
Funeral services were held nl 2 p.m.
April 14, HI Hayworih-Mlller Silas
Creek Chapel with ihc Rev. Danny
■Smilh omciating. Burial followed in
Oiiklawn Memorial Gardens.
Memorials m.iy be made to Ih«-pice of Winslon-Salcm/Forsyth
County, I lOO-CS-StraifordRd.. Witi-
slon-Salcin, N.C. 27103.
Clyde Tliomas Roberts
Clyde Thomas Roberts, 69. of Flat
Rock Road.Cooleemee.diedWcdncs-ilay. Match 29.1995at Rowan Mcmo-
UtKpilal in Salisbury, afier a sliorl
Rot«tls^' Re-
tired from Y..-.- '
Hendri* Cus-India! Scr- k •' 'i-liji";"vices, he had been a finishingcar]>ciitcr
and worked at Erwin Mills. A U.S.Amiy World War |[ velerim. he at
tended lygewtwd Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife of .51
ifrs.MarieR.ConeilnndJiinnieAtxJcr-.son, IxKh of Mocksville, and Palsy R.
Magallancs and Faye Siroud. Itolli ofCooleeinee; 11 grandchildren; lOgrcat-graridchildren; and 2 step-grandchll-
Fuiieralserviceswetea(2p.m,AprilI.at EatonFuneralllomeChapel.conducted Ihe Rev. Danny Shore- Burialfollowed at Liberty United MclJiodist
Church Cemetery. Milil.iiy rites were
provitled by the I lib District Memo
rial Honor Guard- VFW.
Memorials may be made ItjEdgewood Baptist amrch. BuildingFund, Cooleeinee, N.C. 27014 or Llb-city Unite.! Methodist Chmeli, Cem-
elery Fund Gladsloiie Road,
Mocksville. N.C. 27028.
General ZoUie Rogers
General Zollle Rogers. 75. of
Mucksville, died Friday. March 31.
1995 al die Veteran's Hospllal in Salis
bury. He liad been in declining health
for several years.
He was bom in Henderson County.
July 18.1919. to the late Pinkney and
Ijila Rogers.
He was a veteran of the U.S. Army
and .served in France during World
War 11. He lived in Winston-Salem
most of hisadult life. He wasa member
of l^eacehaven Baptist Church.
He owned Rogers Building Com
pany and build residential homes until
hisietiiementin 1974. Afterhis retire
ment, lie moved to Davie County and
enjoyed gardening and raising cattle.
He is survived by his wife. Mavis
I layncs Rogers of the home; a daugh
ter, Kay R. Dunntason-MichaelZolIie
Rogers; 5 grandchildren;4 sisters, Essie
Worsham of Florida, Mildred
Worshatn and Marie Israel, both of
netehcr, atid Ftcda Frisbee of Fay-
He was preceded in death by a sis
ter, Jo Anderson of East Flat Rock.
11ic funeral was held April 2 at
Advance United Methodist Church
with burial following in the church
Memorials may be made to Ad
vance UnitedMethodislChuich.Hwy.
801 S.. Advance, N.C. or to the
Alzltcimers A.ssociation,
James Ray Shore
j James Ray Shore, 70. of Ml. Airy,
-y died Wednesday morning. Match 29,
1995 al his home following a lengthy
BomAug.3. i924.asonofihelate
French and Maggie Reymdds Shore,
he was a veteran of the U3. Army,
having served during World War B.
and a member of Westside Baptist
He is survived by his wife, Mozelle
Casstevcns Shoteof the home; adaugh-ter, Frances Bolesof PUol Mountain; a
son. Roger Shore ofMt.Aiiy;6giand-
children; 3 great grantJchildten; a sis
ter. Flora Phillips of Mocksville; 5
brothers, Linnie Shore, Herbeit Shore
and Hobert Shore, all of Yadkinville,
FonzoShoreand Raymond Shore, both
of Mocksville.
Funeral services wereheldat2p.m.Match 31. at Moody Funeral Chapel
Bishop Russell Vaughn
Bishop Russell Vaughn. 80, of
Lewisville, died Monday, March 27,
1995at his home afteralengthyillness.
He was bom SepL. 30, 1914 in
Plinceton, W.Va. to James Daniel and
Suzie Pilson Vaughn. He was a retired
Imck driver for Hennis Fiei^t Lines
and was a member of the Teamsters
Local Union 391.
He was awarded the Mack Million
Mile Award by Mack Tracks and was
amemberofWest Bend BaptistChurch.
Surviving are his wife of 60 years,
Mary Wirtz Vaughn of the home; 3
daughters, Patricia York of Pfafltown,
Mary Cookston ofBowlegs, Okla. and
Brenda Stewart of Midway; 6 sons,
Russell Edward Vaughn of Zephyr
Hills, Fla., Harold Vaughn of Lewis
ville. JetryVaughnof Advance, Donnte
Vaughn ofRural Hall. Ronnie Vaughn
of Lewisville and Mike 'Vaughn of -
Lewisville; 22 grandchildren; 17 great
grandchildren; and a brother, Roy
Vaughn of Maittnsville, Va.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m.
March 20,atWest Bend Baptist Church
in Lewisville with Pastor Motjiw Olio
and the Rev. CHls Clampitt ohitiiallng,
Butial followed in Westlawn Gardens
of Memory Cemetery in Clemtnons,
Memorials may be made t^ Hos
pice'of Winslon-Salem/Forsyth
County, 1 lOO-C S. Stratford Road.
Winston-Salem. N.C. 27101,
Pavie Courtty Public Ubr arV
MocksvlHt, NO
H. Roger Hall
H. Roger Hall, of Winslon-Salcm,
died .It his home April 10,199S.
I Ic was bom Aug. 29.1924 in For-
Kales Hall.
He was a veteran of the U.S. Army
serving in World War 11. He retired
from RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Com
pany after 36 years of service as an
ofTice manager and was a member of
Hiist Baptist Church and the Banacca
_ He was preceded in death by his
wife. Jewel James Hall, in 1984.
. He is survived by his fiancee. Bar-
bdra Onini: a son. Herb Hall; 2 grand
daughters, all of Winston-Salem; a sis
ter, Ericen Nunn of Advance; his step
mother. Eddis Hall of Winston-Salem,
several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held at 3:30
part. April 12, at Hayworlh-Miller Si-
lasCieck Chapel with the Rev. Tenence
Alspaugh and Dr. David Hughes offi
ciating and burial following in Forsyth
Memorial Park.
Johnny Boyd Proveaux
Johnny Boyd Proveaux. 47.of Lex-
/ ington. died Sunday moming at Lex
ington Memorial Hospital after a brief
He was bom June 14. 1947 in
lllington. S.C. to Eaekiel Walter and
Alma Dean Proveaux. He was em
ployed with Wellington Hall in Lex
Funeral services were conducted
April 11 at 2 p.m. at Slate Funeral
Home Chapel. Elder Jinmiy Lankford
officiated. Burial followed in Boyles
Chapel Primitive BaptistChuichCem
He was preceded in death by his
parents and a brother. Davis Ezekiel
Surviving are 2 sisters. Donna
Hedrick and Dorothy Marshal I both of
King; and 2 brothers, Jimmy Willis
Proveaux of Hkin, and Palmar Levie
Proveaux of Advance.
, JO
.•iHe HBs "fhis lite: I^sscmptov^f. - '•wiffc,whene he
^ -Oiurch
: 1983. Tii.f/^sFIoria^^f'i^r.iled'
.n V ■/ »Ann'l „ »as i
Kf rr •
r.^«sMeinQtiii aZT '""owed ia
'eslejianOrn^mw-S^ f? Rra,
Robert Allen Seamon
Robert Allen Seamon Jr. 49, of Old
FarmLane, Mocksvilledied late Thursday night, April 6,1995 at UniversityHospital in Chapel Hill after being in
declining health.Funeral services were held at 3 pan.April 9, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with
the Rev. Howard Dearth of Rockwell
Bible United Methodist Church offici
ating. Burial followed in St. MatthewsLutheran Church Cemetery.
HewasbomJune 11,1945in Rowan
County to Bessie Brindle Seamon of
Rockwell and the late Robert Allen
Seamon Sr. and was a school bus as
sembly technician with Thomas Built
Buses in High Point. He was of the
Baptist faith and had served in the US.
Surviviitg. in addition to his mother,are his wife, Patricia "Pat" TaylorSeamon of the home; 2 daughters,
Glenda Cromer of Faith and TeniSullivan of Salisbury; 2 step-daugh-
lets, Cynthia Lorenz of Mocksvilleand Patricia Lorenz Creecy of Texas; a
sister, Bonnie Bieedlove of Rockwell;a brother, David Seamon of Solisbuiy;
4 grandsons and several nieces and
The family wishes hfcommend theOrgan Procurement programs avail
able and urge publicawoiepessof these
r Oavie County Public LibraryMockswHe, NC
DAviE County enterprise rex:ord, April 20,1995
Burr Bailey
Hugh Wilbum "Buir" Bailey. 72. of
Fullon Road, Advance, died Friday
aOeinoon. April 14. 1995 at the V.A.
Medical Center in Salisbuiy after .six
months of declining health.
He was bom in Davie County, Oct.
17.1922 to the late Devilt M. oiid May
Livengood Bailey and had been a self-
employed carpenter all his life. He had
been a night watchman at Hanes Knit
ting for the past 15 yean.
He was a member of Fork Baptist
Church and Fork VFD. He was on avid
gardener and helper in the community.
During World War II, he served in the
U.S. Army.
His wife, Lcxie Alexander Bailey,
preceded him in death in 198.1
Surviving are 2son.s.Tom Bailey of
Clemmons and Doug Btiiley ofFork: a
granddaughten 2 sisters, Eloise Dcese
of Thomasville and Maielta Michaels
of Welcome; and a brother. Billy B.
Bailey of Fork.
He was preceded in death by 5
A memorial service was held at 11
am. April 18, at Eaton Funeral Chapel
with the Revs. Keimil Bailey and Ken
Evans ofliciating with participation by
the llth District Memorial Honor
Guard, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Memorials may lie made to Fork
Volunteer Fine Department, c/o Tony
Moore, Route 3, Mocksville, N.C.
27028 or the a charily of the donor's
Roxie Caudle
Roxie Lovna Driver Caudle, 71, of
Yadkinville. died Wednesday. April
12,1995 at N.C. Baptist Hospital.
She was bom in Yadkin County
Match 6, 1924 to the late Gyles and
Lilian Hutchcns Driver.
She was manicd to Ernest Caudle,
who preceded her in death Nov. 11.
1980. She was a homemaker and a
member of the Church of Chnst.
Surviving are 2 sons. David Caudle
and David Lee Caudle, both of Yad
kinville; a daughter, Marie Royall of
Mocksville; 19 grandchildren; and 18
great grandchildien.
She was preceded in detith by a son,
Arthur Ray Caudle, and a daughter.
Patsy Ruth Gregory.
Funeral services were conducted at
1 p.m. April 12. at Mackie-Gentiy Fu
neral Home and Cliapel conducted by
the Rev. Lawrence Warden with burial
following in the Union Grove Baptist
Church cemetery.
Irene McMillan Bobo ..
^ Irene McMillan Bobo, 61. of Wift"
at Fbrsyth Memorial Hospital.
Site was bora Sept 14, 1933 in
Fancy Gap, Va. to Cleve E. and Maty
Bobbitt McMillaa She was of the
Methodist faith. She tm employed
with Wachovia Bank and previously
with McLean Tracking Company. 1
Surviving are her husband, Paul F.
Bobo of the home; 2 daughters, Margie
K. Parker of Kemersville and Tammy-
K. Leonard of Mt. Airy; a son, Robeit
S. Kingsbuty of Mt. Aiiy; a stepsoii,
Paul F. Bobo of Advance; 6 grandchil'--
drcn; her mother of Hillsville. Va.ra'
brother, Roy B. McMillan of Lewis-
Fancy Gap, Va. ;
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m', n
April 12, at Haywotth-Miller ^las
Creek Chapel by the Rev. Larry
Goodrich. Burial followed in Fbisyth
Memorial Pork.
Gloria Jackson Davis
1 Gloria Jackson Davis, 62, of Okla-■' horoaCity,Okla.,diedsuddenlySaturday, Aprils, 1995. at her home.
She was boni Aprils, 1933 in Win-ston-SalemtothelateWallerClaienceand Hattie Belle Jackson Davis.
She was a longtime employee ofAT&T in WinsWn-Salem and later inOklahoma city.Sheissuryivedbyasoo,BobMcIver
of Clemmons; a daugjiter, Vicki ReidlofCincinnatj.Ohio;3grandchildren;5
sisters, Janet Maureen Christim andPhyllis Anne Davis, both of Winston-Salem.FayeD.Bodfordof Clemmons,
Patsy Crenshaw of Mocksville, andBetsy HopkinsorWarTenton,Va.; stepbrothers, HerbertBurtonandBobBur-
ton, both of Winsion-Salem, RonnieBurton, Bill Burton and Kenny Burton, all of Advance.
She was preceded in death by abrother, William Hannlton Davis, anda stepbrother. Rank Burton.
Memorials may be made to ll»AmericanCancerSocietyortheAmen-
can Heart Association.
Mary Margaret CartaerMaiyMargaielGibsonCai^,"' •ofBcthanyRetirementCenterinS^^cerandfonnetlyofDukeSiwL^I-
eemec. died Friday. Apnl 14. IMS. atRowan Memorial Hospital. She had
r:M728:T9.8,inDa^County, she was a daughter of lateG^e aiis and EBidieth Granger
^'Seated in the Davie couittySchools, she was a sitter withhomebonndandhospW^^^was a member of Cooleemee United
Methodist Church.Survivors include 2 s""'* {'"yWayne Caitner of Salisbt^aitd Rob
ert William Cartnet Jr. of DuAam.'daughters, Mary "Shorty Cartner ofCooleemee and .Durham; 2 sisters, Pauline Thome ofMocksville and Dorothy Ovetc^ of
Cooleemee; an iirhowflsiaisedlnlhchoinCe
1 p.m. April 17, at Ly^yHL'sJamesCLyerlyCbai^lb^Rev.RaiidyCiowell,pastcrofYadl(mBaptistaurch.EntombmenifoHow^inRowan Memorial parkMausoleuin.
Memorials may be made oAhhdmeis Disease and Rcl^d Dis
orders, Southern3420ShamiockDrive,Chailotte,N.C.
William C. Gentley William aatence "Mocksville, died Saturday, Apnl 15.1995 at Davie County Hospital aUeseven months of declining^*-BomOct. 10, 1907 inRowan
County, he was a son of the 1^ William Gaslon and EUa Jane DonahueGentle.Hewaseducatedin^'^County schools. He was afarmwa^self-employed cmpenter pnor to his
""iSber of Gay's ChapelUmbrf
Methodisl Church, he was a Sunday'"^'^^fe^liiwMcDanielOentle,
died May 23,1988. 'Survivors include a son. CtonaDouglasGentleofSmtMvillKaihiugh-
ter Peggy Tutterow of MocksyiUe,withwhomhemadehishome-.asister.Kaa^neG.JenkinsoflWe'«;»half sister, Eub Almon of fpan^dren and 5 great giandchil-
services were condi^ at
— fiifiav'sChapclUiutcil
Davie County Public LibraryMocksviHt. NC
ColsonandJackD.Loiher.tot^f°'-towed at Rowan Memonal Park.Memorials may be m^ w Oa/sChapelUnftedMetlwdistChuich,5WWoodleafRoad,Salisbury,N.C.28147.
Linda Smith Hege
I-inda Smith Hege»4S( of Winston-
/ Salem diedlhesday, April 11,1995.
She was bom June 30. 1948 In
aover.S.C,to Willie Victcrand Ruby
Brown Smith. She was a member of
the House of Prayer and was preceded
In death by her father and three broth
ers. Lewis. Jack and Vemon Smith.
Surviving are her husband. Richard
L. Hege of the home; a son. Robert S.
Hege of the home; 6 sisters. Beulah
Cline and Mildred Carlco. both of
Mocksvllle. Donna James of Clyde
Sandra Romlnger of Kernersvllle
Margie Presley and Margaret David
son. both of BessemerClty; 3 brothers
Ra)'mond Smith of Pacolet. S.C.. Le
onard Smith of WInston-Salem and
Leroy Smith of Kemersvllletaruimber
of nieces and nephews.
Fimetal services were held at 2 pan.
April 13. at Hayworth-MIIIer Silas
Creek Chapel by the Rev. Billy W.
Memorial Gardens.
Memorials may be mode to the
American Cancer Society. I90O S.
Hawthorne Road. Forsyth Medical
Park. Suite 622. Winston-Salem. NC
Heiuy Peterson
HenryP«eisonJr..60;ofWlnston. i
Salem,diedMonday,April 17,1993ai'• Ihe VA Medical Cwter in Saiisbtiftr j
after ari illness of two ye^ '
He was bom May 5.1934 in New
the hue Willie O.Pciersoti. He gtadu- Jated from the New York Qty Public
School System and worked for A.P.
Supermarket in New York Qty. Helater worked for the Davie County
School System.
Hewasaveteranofthearmedforcesand was a member of New Bximi
BapUst Church in Mocksville. where
he was a Sunday School teacher.
Pbteison of the home; 3 sons. Chad H.Peterson. Saud Plelerson and Rtug
Peterson, all of Winston-Salem; 3
daughters. Sheria P. Powell. RuUya
Foster and Mubeenah Annsoong, all
of Winstoit^alem; his father ofNiiw 'York. N. Y; a brother, ArthurR. ikter- '
son of Chicago, ni.; 2 sisters: AnnetteFunjuan and Deloris Muhammahad. n J
both of Chicago; and 12 grandchil
dren. ^
Memorials may be sent to HospiceOrganiiaiion. 1410 N. Main Street,
Salisbury. N.C. 28144. j
Barbara Ann Potts
Barbara Ann Pott^ 40, of Advance,
died Wednesday, April 12. 1995, at
N.C. Baptist HoqiitaL
She was bom July 7,1954 in For
syth County to Paul A. and Mary My
ers Potts. She wasamemberofTUmets
Creek Baptist Church.
' SuTvivingareherfathCTofAdvance;
2 sisters, Brenda Cline and Shirley
Wails, both of AAvimx-, 5 nieces and
FUnend services wereconducted at
2p.ro. April 15,atTknnets Creek Bap-
, list Chuidi by the Rev. Allen Batkw
with burial following iri the church
* W
uther Ray Potts
Uilher Ray Potts. 82. of Conalzer
Road,diedeariySundaymoraing.Aptil16,1995, at Forsyth Memorial Hospi
tal after a brief illness.
He was born in Davie County June
li. 1912IO the late LutherS.andTella
Carter Folts orul was a retired machin
ist with Erwin Mills. He was a member
of Coroatzer Baptist Church where he
was former church treasurer.
He was preceded in death by his
first wife. Louise Jones Potts, May 20,
a son. Barry H. Potts, in 1973 and 2
brothers, Harvey and Worth Potts.
Surviving are his second wife, Faye
Riddle Potts of the home; a daughter,
Barbara Allen of Farmington; a son,
Garry Pottsof Advance;3granildaugh-
ters; a great grandson; 5 sisters, Leona
Bowens. Pearly Rye, Eva Ptotts and
Mae Laird, ail ofMocksville, and Lena
Wall of Advance; andabrother.Homer
Potts ofMocksville.
Funeral services were coitducted at2 pjn. April 18, at Coroatzer Baptist
Church with the Revs. Elmer Day and
EM. Jamesofliciating. Burial followed
in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the RayPotts Memorial Fund of -COmatzer
Baptist Church. 609 Coroatzer Road,
Mocksville, N.C 27028.
Davie Counly PubficUibranf
MocksviHe, NC
Carrie Abernathy
Carrie Odell Sweel Abematliy, 92,
of Mutnford Road, Mocksville, lot-merlyofDaviason/Comelius.diedSal-
urclay. April 22. lyg.S at Aulumn Cue
ofMocksville. I
.She was bom April 6. 1903 in
Mecklenburg Counly lo lire laic Mary
Rilcy Sweel and Leander Niciiolas
She wa5 u irlired spou!ef of Amcfi-
canTliiead Company. She was an ac
tive member ofFirst B.iptistChurch of
Site was preceiled in death by her
husband. David Foril Abemalhy Sr.; a
son. William C. Abem.ithy; a brother
and 3 sisters.
Survivomincludeason. Rev. David
F. Abemalhy Jr. ofAdvance; a daugh
ter. Betty A. Monsces of Mocksville;
and 2 sisters, Virginia S. Porch of.Sl.inleyandEdnaS.CoohranofMyttIc
Beach. S.C.; 7 grandchildren; and R
Funeral services were conducted at
2 p.m. April 2d at First Baptist Church
of Mocksville by the Rev. Larry C.
Hovis. Burial followed at Ml. Zion
United Methodist ChurchCemetery in
Menuirials may be made to First
BapristChurch, North MainSi-.Mocks-
ville. NC 27028 orto HospiceofDavie
County. 210 Hospital Streel, Mocks
ville. NC 27028.
Lena Cleary
Arlena "Una" F.li/.abelh Cleary
Deary. 83. of Oak Haven Nursing'
J Home, died Friday. April 21, IW5 at
Davie Cmmly HiKpilal after being m
declining health for five years.S hewasbom County Apcil
12.1912 to lite late Frank A. aral Smia
Viola Richardson Cleary and was a
hon^maker. She lived most of lier Itfe
in the Shef Held community. She was a
member of Ijanics Baptist Church.
Slie was preceded in death by her
husband, James Hubert Cleary. March
27. 1983. A brother. Buford Cleary.
also preceded her in death.
She is survived by a sister. Ada C.
Veach of Cooleeiiiee; several nieces
and nephews.
A graveside service was conductedinllieljamcs Baptist ChurchCcnieiety
at 11 a.m. April 24, by the Rev. Ben V.
Memorials may be made to Ijamcs
Baptist Church Cemetery Fund. 477
ShefTield Road. Mocksville. N.C.
James Franklin Beam,
James Franklin Beam Sr.. 77, of
Winslon-Siilcni, died Tliursday, April
20. 199.1 at Forsylh Memorial Hospi
HcwaslximOcl. 12,19l7inDavie
County to RobcrtljteandBessicJarvis
Beam. He wasretired from P.II.Hanes
Company after 37 years ofservice. He
was a veteran ofWorld Wat II, serving
in IheU.S Marines.
Surv iving.trchis wife. Annie Phyllis
Beam of the home; 3 sons. Jame-s F.
Beam Jr. of Winston-Salem. Lester C.
Beam offesas and Roy Beam of
Dnvic Counly: a daughter. Carolyn
Jane Ayeis of Wlnslon-Salem: and 4
A yravcvide service was held April
22, at Parklawn Memorial Gardens by
Ihc Rev. David Slteilon.
Judy Fox Crater
Judy Fox Crater, 51. of Gaffney.
S.C. died at her home Wednesday,
April 19, IW5.
She was bom in Greenville. S.C. lo
Plioebc Harper Fox Giles and the late
Edgar G. Fox.She wasa memberofBuford Street
United Methodist Church in Gaffney
Methodist Oiureh Day Care. She was
a counselor for the youth group for 20
years, a Salkehatehie Team member
and leader for 10 years. She was a
and the Youth Council.
She was a member of the Junior
Woman's Club. TnwncDub. the Can
cer Society and the S.C. Junior Miss
Board. She was a volunteer forChero
kee Children's Home and director of
tJie Boys and Girls Club.
She was president of Luther
Vaiighan Elcitienlaiy FTO. She was a
Chamber ofCommerce volunteer and
served on the Gaffney Day School
Board of Directors.
She married Houston F. 'Dick"
Crater Jr.. the son of Houston F. and
Mary Crater of Advance, who sur-
Additional survivor! ineliMle ason.
Houston F. "Fox" Crater lU of the
Craterand Mary Elaine"Daisy" Crater
of the home; her mother of
Powdersville. S.C. and a brother, Ed
ward C. Fox ofGreenville. S.C.
Shewaspredeceasedby 2 children.
Stephanie Dawn Crater and Abingtmt
Pbelps Crater.
Sueel United Methodist ChurchApril
23. mS p.m. by Dt.Tb^ Smith. Dr,.
J.W. Sandm.and'ihe.Rev. Mlchaei -
Wolfe. Burial followed at Frederick
Memorial Qaidens In Gaffney.
Nellie Jones Gartner
Nellie Jones Cartricr, 90. of Har
mony, died Moruiay, April 24,1995 at
Itcdcll Memorial Hospital anerabrief
ShewasbominlredcIICoiinly April19.1905.adaiighterortliclalc Roltcrt
Allen and Lola RalleJgc Jones, She
was a liomcmaker. attended harmony
schools and was a member of
Clarksbury United Melhodisl Church.
She was inairicd lo William Ray
CartnerSr..whodicd Feb. 20.1975.
She is survived by 4 sons. Wiiiliim
Ray Canncr Jr.. Richard Neil Cartncr.
Robert Eugene Cnrtner .inJ Kenneth
PerryCanncr,allofll;uinony;5daugh-tcrs. Tommye Elirabelh Campbell of
Winston-Salem. Nellie Elton Wright
of Harmony. Claire Elanor Faster of
Mount Holly.NJ., BettyJaneMiehaelof Roysion. Ga, and Bobby Jo Sees of
A funeral service was held at 11
a.m. April 26. at Clarksbury United
Methodist Church with the Revs. Jeff
Coppleyand WiilinmBlamonomcial-
Belinda Daywalt
Belinda Kaye Nelson Daywalt. 21,
of Erwin Street. Cofoleerttee, died
Thursday, Apil >—
She was born
in Mesa, Ariz.
Sept. 15.197310
RussellandJudy n
Nelson and had
formerly been
employed with fll
handy Cup- [
Survivors include her mollier and
stepfather. Judy and James Carter of
Nc^ Pole. Alaska; her father, Russell
Walterand Debbie Nelson; 2 brothers.
RJ. Nelson and Jamie Carter; licr pa
ternal grandparents. Udell and
Willmiilh Nelson of Me.sa, Ariz.
Funeral services were conducted at
2 p.m. April 24. at Woodleaf Baptist
Churchwith the Revs. Chris Williams.
Jeff Pennington and Shelby Harbour
officiating. The body will be sent lo
Mesa, Ariz, for further services and
Alfred Thomas "Skeeler" Daywall
Jr.. 24. of Erwin Street, Coolccmee.
died Thorsday. April 20, 1995 at lii^
He was bom
in DavteCoiiiiiv nl)ec.22.l>>7nio I _^peTommy and 1^'** ifl
Helen Caton I li" 3^
Daywallandhad k
been a heating
and I'ondi-
lionlng lechnl-
He was a member of KIrsI Baptist
Cliiirth of Coolcemec and served in
tlic U.S. Air Force.
.Survivors, in addition to his par
ents. are 2 .sisters. April Carter of
Moeksville and Jessica Daywalt of
Coolecntce; his grandmotlicr, Claytic
Caton ofCooleemee; and a niece.
Funeral services were condocled at
2 p.m. April 24, at Woodleaf Baptist
Oiutch with the Revs. Chris Willtms.
Jeff Penningion and Shelby Harbour
officiating. Graveside military riles
were coruiucterl by the Eleventh I3is-
trict Memorial Honor Guard. Veterans
of Foreign War.
Memorials may be considered for
Wnodlcaf Bapist Church, Worxllcaf
Roail, WcKvileaf. N.C. 270.^4.
MsilikA. Mtrntgomery
Mnlik Alexander Monlgomciy. 2.
ihc sun of John A. and Wendy Yaie<MimtgrmieiyufSpcneer.diedSumlay.
April 2.3. IW5at N.C. Uaptistllospilal
Irr Winsloti-Salem after a short ilhrcsvllewasbornmRowaiiCourrly April
17. IW.3 attd altenilcd Shady Grove
llapllsl (liurwh.
SurMving. in addilii'n to his par-
vrirs. are a linaiwr. Jidin Moitlgoniery
Jt.ortlK-hurrre.iiwtcmal gtandmulher,
l),.nTia Yales of Salisbury; m.itemal
gniirdlulhcT. Carl Yalcs of Salisbury;
mareinal gicalgrandpirenls.Raynttmd
and Helen Hellatd of Wmdicaf: ma-
rertial greal great grandfather, Guy
U-alheitrran of Woodleaf; paternal
giairdpaieiits. John and Sadie Mont
gomery of Cleveland; maicmal greatgnmdmolher. Virginia Yalesof China
Cti ove; several aunts, uncles and cous-
A gravcsitle service was to be held
at 11 a.m. April 27. at Rowan Memo
rial I'aik in Salisbtrry with the Rev.
Joint Giiston irfficialing.
Rulh G. Foster
Ruth Gamctte Foster, 70, of Davie
23.1995 in ihcOsceola Regional Hos
pital in Klssimrnec, TTa. after a short
Funeral services were lobe field at
2 p.m. April 26.allialraiFuneralChapel
in Moeksville will; the Rev. Danny
Shore orricialing. Burial followed in
l.eglon Meiiiorial Park.
Memorials may l>e considered for
the Tiiilhling Fund of Edgewood Bap-
llsl Church. Cooleemee, N.C. 27014.
Slic was born in Davie County,
Nov. 22. 1924 to (he late William E.
anil Amiie Dora Foster Foster and was
retired from Fiber Industries. She was
a charier member of Fnlgcwood Bap
tist Church and was a member of the
Cooleemee VFW Auxiliary.
Surviving are her son, Kent Foster
crs, Glenn Foster of Moeksville and
William E. fixsierJr. of Swannee, Ra
Cody Parker
CiMly Parker, 81, formerly of Cen
ter Street, Coolccmee, died Sunday,
April 23, 1995 at Salisbuiy Nursing
and Rehabilitation Center wheie she
had lieeii a resident for the past two
She was bom in Davie County,
• August 12, l913lolhelaleJohnH.and
Eflic Mac Miller Pariier and was re
tired after 30yeatsservicetolheRowan
County Scluxrls.leaching at Woodleaf
Elementary 1944-1975.
Sl)c was a graduate of Cooleemee
a iJegiee ineducation. She wasa mem
ber of First Baptist Orurdi of Cool
eemee wliere she had been a Sunday
Scliool teacher and served as church
She was preceded in death by a
sister, BlancheStephensonand3broltv-
cis. Grimes H. Parker Sr., Boyd A.
' Parker and Wallace Parker.
Bnshforth ofCooleemee. Sadie Wood
of California and Nellie Zisetlie of
Chalhaiii, Mass.; several nieces and
Funeral services were conducted at
11 a.m. April 26. at Eaton Funeral
Oiapel with the Rev. Jeff Penningion
omcialing. Burial followed in Rowan
Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to First
Baptist Church, Cooleemee, N.C.
TW)y Hairston
Troy Hairston, 61, of Mill Street,
Moeksville, died unexpectedly
Wednesday,April 19, l995athi5home.
Bom Sept. 29. 1933, in Davie
County, he wa.s a son of the late Alma
Frost Hairston. He attended Davie
County Khools and worked part-lime
for E&L Motors. He was a former
in Fork.
His wife, Mary Culhrell Hairston,
died May 25. 1990.
Survivors Include u siepdaughler,
Mary Diane Pruitl of Moeksville; a
brolhcr.Juiic HalrsionofAtlanta. Oa.;
4 sisters, Geneva Mason of Fork: Vir
ginia Mae MasonofBrantwood, N.Y.,
Colleen Clement of Brooklyn, N.v!
and Bertha Hairston of Lexington,
Sberrie Powers
. Sheryl'Shefrie'l.ynnAmoldPow-
ers'p 37. of fTublin, Va. died Sunday,
• BomJan.lO,1958inNorfolk,Va.,
die Is the daiighler of Norma Ruth
besso Arnold Hart and llic late Ronald
James Amulil. Site was also preceded
in dealh by her palemal grandmother,
Roience Arnold, and nialemal grand
father, Elmer Desso, and maternal
grandmotlicr, Laura Desso.
; ShcwaiamcmberofHeritageAs-
sembly ofGod Church in Dublin, Va.,
whereshe wasdireclorof missloncnea,
tnlcTcessorand a vital part of(he ladies
ministry, Shewasemployedby Pulaski
Cmnmunity Hospital as a secretary.
n Surviving are her husband, Wylie
Carson Powers lofDublin, Va.; ason,
Wylic Carson Powers 11 of llie U.S.
Navy in Ouuleston, S C.; a daughter,
^uraEllrabclh PuweisofDublin, Va.;
hcrmotber, Norma RulhDes.soAnio!tI
jiart of Wiaston-Salem; 3 sisters, Ro-
renceB.Pellyjotin ofMoeksville, Dor
othy Jean Riser of Lovlngston, Va.,
Va.; 2 brothers, Robert Charles Hartof
Moeksville and Bruce Roger Hart of
;Wlnslon-Salem; her palemal grandfa-
Jhiir, Eldrelh Amold of Boca Ralon,
;. ;Funeral services were held April 26
3it ] I a.m. at the I leritage Assembly of
l^OdOiurcli in Dublin, Vs. with P.-istor
;^Onkin Shinn orficiating. Burial fol-
Jotved in the Higldand Memory Gar-
tlms In Dublin, Va.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksviile, NO
Hilly Reuvis
(Jill) Reavis.N), ofCc)luiiibiit.S.C.
y iliei) suddenly April 17. 1995.
Me wns horn In Mocksville Dec. 5.
1954 lulliclale'lhoniiis C. Keavis and
Minnie Driver Reavls.
1 Ic was rclireri from ihe U.S. Navy
nrril served r>n Viiriiius ships and sla-
llriris IIS a .Senior Chief I'elly Officer.
Me was [X'piily Direcltirof Riclitanil
C'ounly tlnicrgency frepareihiess.
.Srirvivini! areIlls wife.Carol Schwip
Keavis; his rnnlher of Meaitovvhnxik
reiiiKcofDavtc:ason.Kcnnelh Keavis
of l^singltin. S.C.; a daughier. Dawn
Wrvnii ofIVIion.S.C.;2sisiets. Nancy
Junes and Lucille Mellon. l>i>lh of
Mocksville; a bfodier, Meiriel Keavis
of Mocksville; a half sisier. Eslhcr
Iswier of Mocksville; 2half htollicts.
Wade Reavisof Mocksville and Wili-
iani Teiix Reavis of WiiLslon-Saleni.
and 3 graivdchildren.
Funeral services wereheld at 2 p.m.
April 19 al Dunbar Funeral Horr>e,
Dulch Fork Chape! witliburial follow
ing in Busli River Memorial Ganiens.
Pearlie Warren Smith
PeariieWanenSmilh, 74, ofCana >
Road,Mocksville,(CedMonday aiN.C.
Baplisi Hospi-
He was bt>ni
ihc lale Byrd
Quincy and
Mary lisa Daily W
I.upish Srniih
and bad been a *
suw mill npernlor. He wasof Uic Bap-
dsl faiih.
He was preceded in death by 2
sisters, Liia Eaton and Ola Vaughn;
and by4biDlhers,RobertSmith,Calvin
Cootidge Smith, Asbuiy Smith and
Brodus Smith.
Survivors include his wife, Viriie
Buger Smith of the home; a daughter,
Beniice WalkerofMocksville; 5 sons,
Wayne Smith of Albemaile. Lonnie
Warren Smith, Willis Smith and
Lawrence Patrick Smith, all ofMocks
ville, and Roger Dale Smith of Salis-
$iOy; 8 grandchildren; 2 great grand- .
\c!illdien; 4 sisters, Maiy Nell Rey-,
•^ialdsofHighPointiJeanyMaeHane^ ^
I Belly Belle Swisherand Sylvia Smithi
•yiofMocksville, . . , i
jI^Funera! services wiae to be con-"'
jdiibled at 4 p.m. April 26, at Eaton v
Ik^ciating imd burial following in the
Be^ Creek Baptist Church Cemeteiy .
Fred W. Thompson
Fied Willis Thompson Jr.. 19. of
Wlnslon-Salem. died Tuesday. April
18.1995 as the result ofan automobile
He was born Feb. I. 1976 in
Wliilevillc to Fred Willis Tliompson
Sr. and Lucille Marie Tucker Thomp
son. He wwa memberofUnion Grove
Baptist Diurch, a graduate of Notth
Davidson Higli .School and an em
ployee ofHalico Mechanical Services.
Surviving In adtlilion to his parentsare a brother, Corey Matthew Thomp
son of Winsion-Salcm; 3 half-sisters,
Lisa Cain of Winslon-Salem, Erin
DeHaitofYadkinvilleattdAprilMillefof Mocksville; and paternal giand-
moiher. Gladys Thompson of
Thefuneralwasheldatl p.m. April21, at Union Grove Baplisi Church by
the Rev. Harold Fletcher. Burial fol
lowed In the church cemeieiy.
Davie County Pubnc Library
Mocksville, NO
Eugene K. WiUiams ^
Eugene Knighion William^ 66, of
Winston-Salem, died Friday nx»ning
he had been a patient for the laiu 12
He was bom in Lynchburg, Va., a
son of William Nathaniel and Mary
Ann Motley Williams.
He was a driver withCentral Motor
LInes'and later a business agent for
iTeamstenNp. 391,./.l ,
A military graveside service was
conducted by Chaplain A.G. Parker
with full military honors by the VFW
District II Memorial HonorOuaMat I
p.m. April 25, in the National Cem
etery in Salisbury.
He is survived by his wife, Onnie
Mildred Barton WilBams ofWinston-
Salem; 2 dau^lers, Gail W, Daves of
Hope Mills and Anne M. Williams of
Ml Airy; 2 soiu, Kenneth W. Will-
: lamrof Mocksvilleand.Mlch:^ Lee
Williams ofBoone:TOgtaitdchildren;
2great-grandchil<iren;2sislets, Willie
' Mae Wilmpth of Columbia, S.C. and
Curtis Marie Randalo of Sl August
ine, Ha.; a mimbeioflUeces and neph
ews. '
Memofials may be directed to the
VFW'DislncI it Memc^al Honor
Guard, c/o Sam Warden; 2833
or Disabled American Veterans. 251
. N. Main St., Federal Bldg.,Rm.'550,
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27155-3914." • '•
Louise B<^er
Wilma Louise Dyson Boger, 70, of
GrecnhillRoad,Mocksvilie,dicdMon-diiy.May 1.1995atForsylhMemorial
HospiialinWinston-Salcinafierbeingin declj-lng he.ilth.
She was bom May J4, 1924 In
Davie County, a daughter of the iaic
Noah and Maniic 'i'uticrow Dyson.
She had been employed as a dietary
manager with the Davtc County.
Sthool.'; form least 20years. She was a
tiKiiiber of Center United Melliixlist
Survivorsincludcherlui.sliaiid.ClayBogcr of the home; 2 .sons, Kcrmctli
RogerofMocksvilleand Randy Boger
orspana;2daughteni. RilaB.Bmilson
of Win.sion-Salctn and Teresa B.
RaisbeckofMocksville;.! sister. HelenChaffln of Moek.sville; 2 brothers.
and 8 graiiilchildren.
•She was prca-deii in dealh by 2
sisters. Maggie Harpe and Deo
Kininicr, and a Inoitier. Clyde Dyson.
Funeral services were to be held at
2 p.m. May X at Ccnicr Uniled Meth
odist Oiitn-h, conducted hy the Rev.
Gary Kling. Burial followed in the
church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Center
Uniled Metliodist Church Cemetery
Fund, c/o LinilaOwings. 728 Wilkes-
horo .Street, Mocksvillc. N.C. 27028.
Rev. 'Jim' Darby
The Rev. James "Jim" Harold
Darby, 59. of Salisbury, died Satur
day. April 29, 1993 after a period of
declining bealtb.
Born April 9. 1976. in Manmiolh.
W. Va., he was tbc son of the late
Myrtle Johnson and Bud Darby.
He ailcttded Kanawha County, W.
Va. schools, retired from W.S. Tyler
Company in Sali.sbury. and was pas
torofFirst Freewill BaptistChurch in
Salisbury. He was a member of Pied
mont Ficewill Baptist Association and
Spencer Moose l.odge.
A son. Paul Raymond Darby, pre
ceded hitti In death.
Survivors include his wife. Rita
Stone Darby, whom he married March
10.1962.3 sons. James Lee and Rob-
ertEarlDarby.bothofSalisbuiy.and '
a daughter, Pamela Darby Knight of;
Salisbury; 3 brothers, Willatd Darby;,
of Charleston, W. Va.. Ralph Darby .'
ofOswega. HI.. and.Ceocge Darby oft!
Si. Charles, Ilk; an^Rgmpdchildren. i
Gravesideservic;^ were'to be con
ducted at 2 p.m. May. 3. ai Myers
family cemetery in Elkview.W. Va..
by (he Rev. John Lbcklear, associate .
pastor of First Freewill Baptist ~
- Church, n ' '' '■ ■'
\ Memorials may be made to Hos-, piircofRowanCounty.P.b. Box 1603. ,
' Salisbury. 28145-1603.
Lola Money Brown
Loia Money Brown, 82. of 350
Foster Road. Mocksvilie died Satur
day, April 29, 1995 at Davie County
Hospital folluwing an automobile ac
Bom in Yadkin County. Feb. 28,
1913, she was the daughterofthe late
Benj.imiii C. Money and Valley
Drown Money. On June 6, 1931 she
married Mr.John EveretleBrownwho
died Get. I, 1991.
She was a member of Landmark
Church ofGod whereshe wasaformef
nursery worker. She was also a vol
unteer worker at County Line Volun
teer Fire Dept. and was a school vol-
unleer at Shady Grove School. ■
Survivors include 4 sons, Paul
Brown of WInslun-Salem, J.W.
Brown and Dennis Brown, both of
Mocksvilie, and Charlie Brown of
Lake Norman; 2 daughters, Ciara
Thompson of Salisbury and Beck!
Robertson ofAdvancetabrolher, Ben
jamin C. Money Jr. ofYadkinvillctS
sisters, Ura Martin of Snellville. Ga..
Ruth Whilaker of Siloain, Leia
Johnson of Yadkinville, Adie Lee
JesterofRural Hall and Doris Hobson
of Yadkinville: 15 grandchildren and
20 greiil-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at II
a.m. M.iy 3, at Landmark Church of
God with the Rev. Edward L. Will
iams ofricialing.
Memorials may be made to the
Building Fund of Landmark Church
of God. 2200 E. Broad Street. Stales-
ville, N.C. 28677,
Martha Susan Deaton
Martha Susan Deaton, 2, of U.S.llighway64Wesi,Mocksville,diedat
onJune 12,1992.loDebbicCharlcs "■andTercyOeaton. ^Survivors, in addilioii to her par-enis,include:t^osistcRXynnChaflesof L^ngion and Pail^e Diaries of ^
tbehome. "■ ;Funeral services will.be., ' ••niufsday.MBy'4.at2p,:m.alEaion|s ;
Fun^l Chapel with"the Revs. ,Gurus
Wood and Jonathan Virgin omcat-ing. Burial will follow in the Union .Chapel Metliodist Church Cemetery.
[^rgaret F. Covington/ M'"garelFoglemanCovington.88,''ofWinston-.Salein.diedTuesday, April125.1995 at Meadowbruok Terrace of
Davie., She was bom Jan. 15. 1907 in
f. Gibsonvillelo Martin LulherandFIoraj^ParkerFoglenian. She was a member:-pf Augsburg Lutheran Cliurch,r*: Surviving are lier Jiusband, J, ReidJjCovmglon of Advance; a daughter.,: ;Bec^. Cflvriiglon Shore of Greens-.; boro; 2 sons, Joe R. Covingion Jr, off;Ashcboro and Lezlie Covington of• rRaleigh; a grandson; 2 brothers,;: Woodrow W. Foglembn and William1.: B. Fogleman, bwhorwinslon-Salem,Funeral services were lield al 11j.ami. April 27, at Augsburg Lutheran^Qiurch by the Rev. David Winkle,j: Burial followed at Forsyih Memorial
Memorials may be made to
;• Augsburg Memorial Organ Fund 845,. JVesi 5lh Street. Winslon-SaJem N C
I' 27101. ,r
/ Ruth Rummage Rye
/n^eRuIh'Gratmy-RunmiageFrye 92ofOwynStreei.Mocksville.diedMon^'iay.niayLWSalherlwme.SlKwas bom Aug. I, [903 (o thelate Arthur and Laura McClamrcck
ShewasalifeiimeniemberofnrstBaplrsi Church of Moek.svilleSlie was preceded in dealh" by lierhusband, Tliomas Claude Frye She^ also predeceased by a sister andfour broJheR.
SuivlvorsincUideadaughler.OnalFDeofihchonicrason.AvilonFryeofMocksvillc; 2 grandchildren; and 3
great grandchildren.
Furwral services were lobe held at4p.n,.May3.atRrstB.ipiisiChurchofMocksvillc, conducied by the RevsLarry Hovis and John Frank FiyeBuna! followed In Rose Cenicleiy.Memorials may be m.ide to FirslR=|>li.sl Church, 390 N, Main StreetMocksvilie. N.C. 27028.
Magtliileiie C. Heiidrix
Mii^ Jaleitc Comal/cr Hendrix, 95.
ofWirtslon-Salcm.died Monday, May
I, 1995 atlierliuinc.
She was bom May 24, 1899 in
Uavic Coiinly Co Dan and Minnie
ThiwiiiinsnnCtmi.ilzer. Sliespciil mi>sl
oftier lireinronylh Cuuiily and wa.\n
memlcr or Onlin llnilcd Melliodisl
Chua-h. She w as preceded in dcalli by
her husband, Hayrvrxid R. Kerrdrix, in
196C), andadaugtiler, Mildred 11. Ftu-
Icr, in 1987.
Surviving are 2 d.nugliTera. Enin
PeiiveaiulMargattlM. Whilakcr.l»>lh
of Winsiori-Saieni; 2 sons, H.R. Hen-
drix Jr. of Mocksvillc aru! Charles E.
"Dean" Hendrix of Wiiision-Salem: 4
grandchildren; fi gfeal-grandchildrcn:
5 grcal-greal grandchildren; and sev
eral nieces and rrepitew'.s.
Porreral services werelobc al 2 p.m.
Chapel by Ihe Revs. Ray 0. rctrcll and
J.C. luuie and burial following in Pot-
sylli Memorial Park.
Memorials maybe in-nde10lhech,-ij-
iiy of Ihe doiiuf's clioicc.
Lindsay L. PaUei'son
The funeral was April 30 for Lind
say L.Pallerson.76.ofHickorySireel.
Cooleemee whodiedThursday, April
27,1995 al Rowan Memorial Hospi
tal after a short period of declining
health. ,
Funeral services were held at 3
p.m. Sunday, al RedUod Church of
Christ in Advance, cooduMed by the
minister Magellan Stevenson. BuriaV
cemetery in Woodleaf,
Jimmie Gilbert HufT
Jimmic Gillicil Huff, 57, of Ca-
bmi;i Lane. Mocksvillc, died Thurs
day mehl. April 27, 1995 at Davie
Cuunly Uospilal after a short illness.
A graveside service was held al 4
p.m. April 30 in Chcslnul Grove
United Melliodisl Church ccmeiery
with Ihe Ucv. Ed Tapper officialing.
Memorials niay be considered for
IheCemelcry PundofChcslnulCrove
United Melliodisl Church, do Ken-.
He wus bom in Porsylh Couiiiy,
June 19.1936 to Ihe late Rumeyand
Lillian Shadrick Huff and was a
paiiiler wilh Black Pontlac In Slates-
Surviving are his wife, Brenda
Deck Huff of Ihe home, a daughter,
Michelle Huff Beamer of Yadkin-
ville; 2 sons. Randall Kehh Bell of
Clemmoiis and Jimmie Gilbert Huff
irufihc liumc; a sister, Joan Molsinger
of CJemmons; 3 brothers, Jerry Huff
Of . Raleigh. Ronnie Huff of
Kcinersville and Randy HuffofWin-
slon-Salem; and 6 grandchildren.
:.:Doris Styron-Sjostroni
••'' Doris Moore Slyron-Sjostroin. 50.
Bermiida Run, Advance, diedfJv»^iltsesdJy.Apiil26.l995alherhomc.^^■JShe was bora SqiL 26, 1944 inStwpp^Tenn-.loClaudeand Lucillegtfconnell Moore. She' attended EastStiiessee Slate tlnivetsiiy andwas anvice^ident of Wachoviaa number ory^ts.^sButvi'viig aiet.hu husband. I^ier^^uomo^thehbnieia'ste'p-daughter,ayBSjhst^'of'Ci^Mdgerb^^^^isUler.CmlyMarekofCaidwell.'j
Imia Fisher Kluttz
Imia Fisher Kluttz, 71, of Salis-
bury.died Monday. April24, 1995 alher home following a serious illness.
Bom Feb. 18, 1924 in RowanCounty, she was a daughter of llic laic
Helen Davidson and i lorry Lee FislKr,
A 1942 graduate of Hoyden High
School, .she was a Peniagon secrelury
during World War II.She was co-owner of KIuilz Piano^
Company and worked Iliere as a secre-
. loryduongllleI$5U's.SbeaIsoworked
al Kob-Lee Fabrics.
She was a member of Christiana
Luihenui Church, the choir, Jennie
Tllomas Sunday School class andWELCA Group No. i.She was chair-
nun of the Mission Commiltet and
assistant literature coordinator.
Her husband, Paul Lec Kluttz. died
Sept. 7,1994.
Survivors include a sun, Paul L
Klultz Jr. of Salisbury: 2 daughters,
Helen K, KikerofSpencerand Viclcvia
Hancockof Salisbury; 2sisiers,Ann EHartley ofSalisbury and Helen Jacobs
of Cooleemee; 6 grandchildren and a
great grandchild.
Funeral services were conducted at
4 p.m. April 26, al Cbrisliana Lutheran
cliurch by lite Rev. Carl M. Haynes.
Burial followed in ihe church cem
Mcnwrials nuy be nuile to Hos-
piceofRowan County. P.O. Box 1603,
Salisbory, N.C. 28145-160.1,0110 the
Highway 52, Salisbury, N.C. 28146.
^.Memorials may be madc to Hoa-'pich of ^instdn-SalemJForaythjCMtuy, UOO-CSouthSlratfordRoad,l
-''®."®C'"'nlyPublicl.it)rafyWocksw'He, Nc
Buster Cook
Elbetl 'Builer' Hwleen Coot 60.
ofRedland Road. Advance, died Sun
day morning ai For^yih Memorial
Hospilal following aeveral years of
declining heallh.
Me was bominlJavlcCoiiniy.ason
of Ihe laic Cljsic iiiul Rosa Waller
He was n ineniber of Beihlehem
Unilcd Mclhodisi Church where Ihe
funeral service was conducied al 2
p.m. May 9. by the Revs. Dan Martin.
Donald Fundetburii and Mark Mock.
Burial followed In llie church ccni-
He was an avid din liack race fan.
Me was preceded in dcalh by a brrnher,
Norman Cook, and n sister, Ailecn
He is survived by his wife, Margie
Smith Cook of the home; a daugluer.
Terena Cook of Slanlcyvifle: a sicp-
son. Rev. Mark Mock of Monlicello.
Ca.;4 graiKlchildrcri, including .Shan
non Cook ofdie home; .1 brodicrs. J.C.
Cook of Advance, l.csicr Crnik of
Mocksvillc and Toiii Cook of Cool-
cemee; 4 sislcrs. Carolyn Cornebu.s.
Doris Walker and Peggy Caner. allof
Advance, and Ola Mae Boger of
Mocksvillc; several nieces ;uid ncph-
TTie family reqocslslhal memorials
bedireciedtollie American RedCross.Noithwesi N.C. Chaider of ihe Blood
Program. 690 Coliseum Drive. Win-
Maxwell N. Hinshaw
Maxwell.Nmman Hinshaw, 7S.of
Randieman, died Thursday, May.4.i
199SatMosesConeHQ«piU. '. .
He Was a raiivepf Vt^
and a resident of Randieman for the
past 60 years. He was a member of.Risi United Methodist Chuteh'wffcr^
he was a member of the Men's Biblo
Class. ]
He was a veteran ofthe U.S. Army,;
serving during World War II. He'^^
owner and operator of The Lad &Lassie Clothing Store in Randlentan. |
'Survivors include his wifelfiancem
Jr. brKtooruvltle, Chris Hinshaw
Sophia Slid.Michael Hinshaw^of
Mocksville; .6 gfgi^.hild;^; ZsUfen.i
both^Raniefhan.' ' i i
.-;;.'.Kirit^t<ifVides were conducted a(j2p.m.May6,ainrs«UiiitedMethodist!
Church In Randieman by Dr. Sl^ej
Raltiey and Ibe Rev. Tim Smith with;
buri/tlfoUowihgaiO^aWDCemel^tinA^riwdj.,'-. !
may be made 10 .Rrtt'
- Putchie Folfz •
1/ ' KaiieWhite"Puichie"Folta.88.of
Winslon-Sfliem.died Saturday,May 6,1995, at Forsylh Memorial Hospital.
Slic was bom in Surry County to
Joseph William and Mary Ann Crouse
Willie. She was employed by RJ. Rey.
rwlds Tobacco Company for 22 years
and Cinleen Corporation. She was a
member of New Ml Vemon United
Methodist Churcii where she taught
Sunday Sctiool.
She was preceded in death by lier
hitsharid. ClilTord R. Foltz Jan. 26.
1989. and lier son. Wiliiam E. Parker
March 21. 1994.
Survivors include a daughter; Rita
F. Mosticr of Winston-Salcm; a son.
Jinimie Russell Follz of Advance; 5
grandchildren: lOgrealgmndchildrcn;
ai>d a sister. Naomi While Adams of
Funeral services were held May 9.
al 2 p.m. at NewMl. Vemon MelhodisI
Church wiiti the Revs. Will Randolph
and Gaiy Kiing officialing. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to New
Ml, Vcnuin t lulled Methodist Oiurch.
'°<'e ,ii f '"y/Hrz-u
Miliard liylor Foster •1
Millard Taylor Foster. 85. of Cotl"',
cord, died Tuesday. May 9. 1995 at ;Cabamis Memorii Hospital in Con- i
cord.Hewasbommay29.1909inDavie '
County to the late Nathan T. and OHie
Mae Foster Foster.
He retired from l^annon Mills in-.
J979r-Tle was a charter member of ,
Winecoff Fire Depanmenl. a member .
of First Baptist Oiuich of Kanrvnpolis
where he served as Boy Scout Master '
and was a former junior high Sunday'Schoolleacher.Hehadbeenaiesidenl _
oftlwareasince 1937. ; .•
Survivors include his wife. Florella
Atesander Ftjsier 2 sons. Kenneth 1.
l^lerofRaieighandRonaldC.Foster -.
orKannapolistdsistefs.RuthMetoney •
and Rebecca Zander, both of Mocl{s- •
ville. Sadie Mae Knight of aiariotle
and Frances Page of Rowland; and.4.,,
grandchildren. . -
Funeral services were to be con-. •
duciedat3p.m.Thursday. May lUl.
the Rev. Norman Brisson officiating
and burial following at Carolina Me
morial Park in Kannapolis.
Memorials may be made to Rtst •BaptisiChutch. 101 NoithMainStreet.
Kannapolis. N.C. or American Cani^.
Society. 390 Copperfield Blvd. N;E..
Concoid. N.C. 28025- , •,
Davie county P^ibrary
WocKsviile, NO
RJB. Madison r;
' ILB.:'Ma^s^ 95. of StatnyUI^i
died Su^yrMay 7? at~Slai».
villeMnnor.--.'- -
Bora in Iredell County May 18,
1899, he was a si^ of the late Thomas
Jeffeison and Minnie While Madison.
A graduate of Appalachian Stale
Teachers College aivd a post graduate
of Duke University, he wasa long time
educator in and around the Pie^ont
area. He taught school and was a prin
cipal for 20 years at Cool Springs,
Cele.ste Henkle and others for years,
spending 44 years as a teacher and
educator. He was founder, president
and ownerof Madison Toursof States-
He was married July 23; 1922to the
former Leia Sloan, who preceded him
in death Jan. 22,1990.
He is suTvivedbyadaughter, Wilma
M. White of Statesville; 2 brotheis,
Graham R. Madison of Salisbury and
the Rev. Clay Madison of Lake
He was a member of the Fust Bap
tist Church of Mocksville and was a
former Sunday School teacher and su
perintendent of Ml Vemon Baptist
Church in Iredell County.
Funeral services were held at 11
a.m. May 9, at Westmoreland Chapel
of Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home in
Statesville with burial following in
Cemet^,;; '■'I Memorials niay.be initde toCpveUhihsdM^^lifll^^^^jr'
Union Grove, .. -
joim 1/ \
Street, Cooleeme^'died Wednesday,May 3,199S at Davie County Hospitalafler being in declining health.He was bom in Alexander County,
Sept. 13, 1909, to the late James
Adnorm and Mollie Smith Miller andwas retired with 35 years of service
from Erwin Mills. He later work^
with Gravely Tractors and retired therewith seven years ^ice.He had been'a member of First
Baptist Church of Cooleemee for 45years, serving on the deacon boatd,; building committee, the pulpit com-
. mittee and was a church usher.1 Hiswife.MyTtleBogerMilIer,pre-ceded him in d^ in 1989.Surviving ate 2 sons, James W."Jim* Miller of Wilmington, Del. and
Johnny E Miller of Chaileston. S.C: 2grandchildren: 2 step grandsons; and 2
step great grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 2 p.m.May 5,atFirst Baptist Church of Cbol-eemee with the Revs. Lany Allen andJeff Pennington officiating. Burial fol
lowed in Rowan Memorial Park inSalisbury.Memorials may be made to FirstBaptist Church of Cooleemee, Cool
eemee, N.C. 27014.
^ I 9 .» < ■ThunnanEugeneO'Mara
y Thiiiman Eugene O'Mara. 58, ofShamfockLane,Advance,diedatFor-
syth Memorial Hospital Wednesdaymoming. May 3,1995^-*He was bom iirt?>fsyth County, ason of Washington Eugene and Dorothy Mae White O'Mara.
He was a veteran of the U.S. AirFame, employed with Waste Manage
ment of the Piedmont and a formeremployee of McLean Trucking Company. He was a member of AdvanceUnited Methodist church. AdvanceMasonic Lodge No. 710. He was a .
former member of the Scottish Rites
aiul Oasis Shrine.Funeral services were conductedbytheRev.HanyShetrillMay5,atthe
Vogler Clemmons Chapel with burialfollowingintheElbavilleUnitedMeth-
odist Church Cemetery with Masonicgraveside rites.
He is survived by his wife, Tama
Maifcland O'Mara of the home; a son,Mark Eugene O'Mara of the home; 2daughters, Gina Renee O'Mara of the
home and Suzie O'Mara Cooper ofAdvaitce; a sister, BrendaO. Hutchins
of Advance; and 4 grandchildren.
Davie County PubVic LibraryMocKsville, NC
1995atSalishuiyVA. Medical Omterafter being in declining health for two
>•6215 and seriously ill for one month.
He waslwmOct. 19.1924inDavieCbunty to the late Gianviile Hobson
Spry Sr. and the late Beulah Fletcher
Spiy. HewasagraduateofCooleemee
High School and Caiawba College.
In earlier life he was employed by
MlllerEqulpment Company and laterretired as oflice manager for Triad
Steel Conqiany In Thomasville. He
was a veteian of Worid War II. servina
with the U.S. Navy. (An active member of Cobum Me-,
morial United Methodist Church, he .
had served as choir director for 15'
yeare, was a member of the
choir for 48 years, a member qf the
homemaJceis class, the United Meth
odist Men's Qub and served on the
administrative board. He served as
iroopcommitteechairmanofBoyScoutTroop 448 for 43 years at the church.
He was a charier member and past
commander of the Harold B. Janett
American Legion Post 342, performed
in several Piedmont Players produc
tions and w^a member ofthe Society
of Preservation and Encouragement ofBarbershop Singing for 36 years. Hewas a longtime member of the Char
lotte Barbershop Chorus. He also sang
bass with tlie Coachmen Barbershop
quarterfor many years. He wasameiti-
ber oftheSlnging Seniors ofthe Ruhy-Holmes (inter.
He was a member and past presi
dent ofthe Salisbury Lions a ub, serving as chairman of the Sight-First Pro
gram for District 31 -E. He was elected
Lion of the Year In 1991 and was
namedaMelvinJones Fellow.liie highest award in Lionism in 1994.
He is survived by his wife, Mary
Ruth Kepley Spry of the home whom
he married June 22, 1946; a son
Gi^vlUe Hobson Spry III of Ape*; a^ter, Mary Beth Spry Mqynaid of
^i^don. a br6ther.-Marvittg
was preceM in dcittifi| hy^ ris-
ter,:Ruby Gales of ^
dn^ed at2;30pkm. Wednhsdav*Mav'
; Mein^a^'
MeSitbritU Ui '
BoyceFVianklin'Rshy Boyce Franklin "Cowbt^- Tesh,
55, ofElkin died Sunday evening. May7, 1995 at Hugh Chatham Hospital
aller an extended illness.He was bom in Forsyth County
Tesh. He was a retired house painter
and a member of Pleasant Hill BaptistChurch. He served in the UA Air
Surviving are a sister/ icathy T.
Freeman of Mocksville;'a brother.
OeoigeLeeTeshofWiriston-Salemja ?niece and nephew.
Fkineral services were to be con
ducted at 2 pan. May 10, at Pleasant
Hill >BapUst Church by Dr. Don
Stephens with burial foUowing in the
church cemetery.
EugeneKnightonWilliams ^
Eugene Knighton Williams, 66, of
Winston-Salent, died Friday morning,
April 28, 1995, at the V.A. Medical <
Center in Salisbury where he had been
a patient for the past 12 years. .
He was bom In Lynchburg, Va., a
son of William Nathaniel and Mary '
n Ann Motley Williams. He served in
theU.S. Army 1945-53, dutig^itihlch
1 timehewaswiththeixxiijGifionaiaimy
!'ions, 72nd Heavy Tank Battalion, the '
22nd Division and Tank Battalion, the
13l5tTankDivlslonandthe 12thTank
, Company, spending much of the time
, in Korea.
He was awarded the World War II
Vtctory medaL the Army of Occupa- .
tional MedaL Plesldent United Gta-
tion. District Unit Gtation, Korean
President Unit Gtation, Korean Ser
vice Medal with six campstars and the '
U.N. Service Medal.
He was a member of the VT.W., a
driver with Central Motor Lines and
later a business agent for Teamsteis '
A graveside service was conducted
last week by Chaplain A.G. Parker
' wilhlullmilitaryhonorsbytheV.F.W.
District 11 Memorial Honor Guard in
National Cemetery in Salisbury.
Survivors incfude his wife, Onnle '
Mildred Barton Williams of the home;
2 daughters, Gail W. Daves of Hope
Mills and Anne M Williams of Ml
Airy; 2 sons, Kenneth W. Williains of
Mocksville and Michael Lee Williams
of Boone; 6 grandchildren; 2 great
grandchildren; 2 sisters, Willie Mae
Wllmolh of Columbia, S.C and Curtis
Marie Randolph of St. Augustine, Fla;
a number of nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be directed to the
VJt.W. District 11 Memorial Honor
Guard or to the Disabled American
Veterans, j- •
Davie County PublicUbraryMocksville, NC
^ iCiwl^^pinasW^< Chaitp^in» Woidpan^n^'died' Salmdaj^^mqminglNtey 6,-U^j at Rits^ Memorial .
i He vw bom in Advance (o the late 'Wllliainl,«MnaiidMaiyWaildnsWatd^fltleimSl^dibveUghSchooL! He joltmi the Pyiilaii Consenra-tionCp^lworldngtmiheBlue RidgeParley a^ in -Oregon , for severalyefrt: He .i«li!hteitediltar theM^ne,Cori»and was with the FourthMarinepiyidon; He ^ in five majoriiatiies.'aiidWel^ the Purple Heoif,Tor ^i^i^ded during tthe first• ihyasibh^nw
VJ HeielitMmi!it6e.U.Siposiai!
lettercatrierforQenunonsandLewis- Jviiie in the e^y years but retired rtomihe Oenirno^ofRce'.He alsd woticed'm a 8Ut^' tern seytad ye^m Ihe'^
Quitch,'piesidetit rtf the Junior CoifAssodadon'aryl'.^unteer^Wger atTanglnwofidIh»fe"r.v,/'''-'-'i ■.■ ■! He.b^imeededjrideaihbyas^ IQttishipfaerb^.'Waiil; and a brother, IlohnljteWiitdAvy i^iHe^ n^v^l^Jiis'wjfe' of 5i"yemivJKIaniiSr^Sth. Ward;, a son, 'Qiartes x^lWaril }ri if LeridsviUe;' d •sister,Miu;^ue|Bfp)jiWpfClenunchs;'ibtodwivWJL^rMjr.'udliavid R'War^ liOtB^f Advance;' and a' si^,
■ V • V'v
lll.^ .by iK. uraJactSm mihbi^fowtnA rn Weiitawn Oardehs ^of"
rnm^PiriKtBc^liA Ptlihch 'Bulldiiig
r . i'... , . (
Pavie County Public LibraryMocksville, NC
r ?JM ^lipisjfoowWBjqn Ojiqnd AjunoQ 9;abo
' i
Johnny Barney
^ John Wi(liam*Johnny''Baniey,SI.
of Toik Bixby Road. Advance, died
liilc Wednesday aRemoon. May 10.
I W.S at his home after heing in dwiin-
ing health.
Me was Ixnn in DavieCoumy May
21, 19-I.1 to lire late Joe Henry and
Hiiinu Margaiet Blake Bdmey. Mewas
a nreinber. of Davic Baptist Oiuich
wiretc Ire was a fonncr chinch inisiee.
He was .an avid C'B radio operator.
Survivors include a sister. Jo.in
Hooie of Advance: a biotlier. 'Ibonias
lianiey of Mocksville; 5 ireplrews and
a niece.
A graveside service was held at 2
p.m. May 1.1. in the IJavie Baptist
CliuichCenictciy witbtlte Revs. Aaron
Carter and Noiinan I'ryc ofllciatinp"
Howard C. Peoples
, Howard CealKin Peoples. 81. of
V Winston..Salctn. dial Friday niominc
Miiy 12. 199,5.
A graveside service was held at 4
p.m. May 14. alChestnulGrove United
Methodist Church with the Rev. Ed
Tapper olTiciating.
He was bom in Davie County.
March 1.1914 to the late Claude Mon
roe and Essie Boger Peoples and was
retired from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco
C oitipaiiy with 47 years of service.
•Surviving ate his riaughtcr. .Shirley
Peoples of Wiiiston-Salem: a son.
Claude Peoples of Winston-.Salem; a
He was piaaleil in ileatli by a son,
Ricky Peoples in 1981.
.rariuui Doger Hi«cKWelder;86. of
B1^kweIderRoad.diedeailyWednes-! 'laJ!n'oming.Mayl0.1995atAutumn
I v' Ci^ of Mocksville.
Funerd services were held at 2 p.m.
M^ 12. at Eaton Funeral Chapel withI the-Rev. Ben Mull ofliciating. Burial
follmved in theljamesCrnssfoods Baptist Church Cemetery.■Memorials may be considered fortire cemetery fund of Ijames Cross-ro^ Baptist Church. 477 SheffieldRogd. Mocksville, N.C 27028.
ShewasbominDavieCbunty.F^.; l5.;l909tolhelaleN.A.aitdi:2iattie
Blipikenship Boger and was a home-,mafter. She had been a lifelong member; of Ijames Crossroads BaptistChurch where she had been a SundaysctUwl teacher for 25 years and held a15 year perfect attendance. She was anavid gardener and especially enjoyed
crocheting.Her husband. James Leonard "Jim"Blackwelder. passed away in 1973.Sh? was also preceded in death by adatjghter, Annie Blackwelder, a sister,InrfHogw, and 2 brothers. Gilmer and
M^k Boger. ^Survivors include 2 sisters, NoraSlohp of Salisbury and Jane Chaffin Of
Chfra Grove: and 2 brothets. MillatdBo^r of Stilisbuiy and Dec Boger ofKannapolis; and several nieces and
Davie County Public UbraiyMocksville, NC
Bruce "Billy" Fahey
feruce WilUam "Billy" Fahey, 50,v/ of aemmons, died Tuesday, May 9,19955. at Forsylh Memorial Hospital inWii>ston-Salem.frominjurtesreceived
in aiiivck accidenLBom July 12, 1944. in Quincy.Maw., he was a son of the late Quincy
and Louise McGonagle Fahey. was adriver for Jelfco; Irrc. of Advance. AU5. Navy veteran, he served in theVietnam War and during the 1962Alaika earthquake. He was a Catholic.Survivorsincludeadaughler.Lind-
say fahey of Mocksville; a son. BlakeFahby of Mocksville; a sister. Dee Deerutitielli of Whitman. Mass; and 2brothers. Robert Fahey of Rockltind,Mais, and Kevin Fahey of Mocksville.Funeral services were conducted atlOa-m- May 12. at St. Francis CatholicChiitch by the Rev. Bernard Manley.
Burial followed at Rose Cemetery.
"TSonias Rhynehardt
/, 5liomasIsaialtRhynehardt,99,son^ of the late Abe and Anna Rhynehordt,died Saturday, May 13,1995.
lie Was bom in Catawba Countyanj spent the last 50 years in DavteCbtinty. He was an active member of
Redtand Chuah of Christ in Advance
beftm his decline in health. He was a. fardier by trade.He was preceded in death by his
wife. Lovie Killian Rhynehardl.He is survived by 3 sons. Thomas J.Rhynehardl of Mocksville. OdellRhynehardt of Newton and WadeRhynehardt of Columbus. Ohio; 2daughters. Gracie R. Carter of Columbus, Ohio and Dorothy R. Jackson ofHartford. Conn.; 15 grandchildren; 36
gieut grandchildren; 16 great greatgratidchildren and a number of nieces,
nephews and other relatives.
Funeral services were conducted at3:30,p.m. May 15. at Redland Church
of OhrisL Burial followed in the church
Minnie Alice Snioot
Mrs. Minnie Alice Knonu Smool.
HJ. of Bradford Village We.sl.
Kciiicrsvillc. died on Monday. May
15; al Rirsyih Memorial Hospiial. '
Site was boni on May 4. I9|2, in
I.taneCounly lollioinas l.ynn Kcxinlzand Minnie Alice Mosley Koontz.
Slie was preceded in dealh by her
liushand, John A, Simmi. hi Scpleni-
Iwr. I%l.
. .Survivors include; 2 daughlers and
sti)is-ni -law, Janice and Marshall
Sguihcrnof Adrsinccand BarbaraandDavid Walker of Clemnions; 4 graiid-
diildrcri: 2greal-grnndchildren; a sis
ter-in-law. Mary Ellen Deadnion of
; Funeral services will be held at 11
a.rri. 11nirsd.ay. May 18. at Hrst United
Methodisi Church, Mncksville. with
the Rev. Ed BiggcrsnfTiciating. Burial
followed at Saleiii l.tniicd Methodisi
Pie family was lo be at Eaton's
l-iuieral Home. MocksviHe. Wednes
day. may 17 from 7-8 30 p.m. Tliey
requesi memorials be considered for
the Al/heirner's Association. 8360ak
St.. Winston-Salem. NC. or to the
Chmtcel Choir of First United Metli-
txljst Church, 305 N. Main SuMocks-
ville. NC 27028.
I'honias Oraton 'Toney
UHimas Dtaton Toney. the new
born son of Paul and Donda Toney of
Advance, died May 13.1995.
Surviving areabrother.Josh Daniels
of the home; maternal grandparents.
Jimmy and Liz Dull; paternal grand
parents. Bud and Mae Lawson; gteat-
gmndmother. Jane Clark, all of Win-
ston-Salem; and great-grandmother,
EInia Dull of Mocksville.
A graveside service was held Mon
day. May 15. al II a.m. at Center
Grove Baptist Church with the Rev.
Mark Harris ofltciating.
Memorials may be made lo Center
Grove Baptist Church, Clemnions,
N.C. 27012.
Eva Ijames Wilson
Eva Ijames Wilson. 89. Bingham
Parks Rd.. Advance, died Saturday
morning. May 13, 1995 at Davie
County Hospital.
She was bom in DavieCouniy Apnl
27. 1906,10 the late John and Nettie
Hitwell Ijames. She was a member ofSmith Oiove AME Zion Church and
wasahomcmakcf.. •. ;
Survivors; her husband, Ervin Wl-
son of ihehome; 3 sons, Leroy Wilson .
of Badin, Harold Wilson of Mocks- .
ville, Bobby WilsonofChicago.ni.;2 ;daughters, Rpsetta Willianwflf Oem-
mons, Saiidia Holman of Advance; 2
sisters, Everlee Hodges of. Boston, ;
Mass., Delphine Lyons of Lexington; -18 grandchildren: 23 gtMt-grandchil-
dten; and a great-great-gtandchlld.
Funeral services were May 16 at 2pm.atSmilh Grove AMEZionChuich.
The Rev. Daityl ScottofTiciated. Burial
followed in WesUawn, Gardens of
Memory in Clemmons.
Meraoriah may be made to; Smith
Grove AME Zion Building Fund, doSarah Brown. 216 BalUmoie Rd.. Ad-
Thelma Mackey Tbtterow
Thelma Katherinc Mackey Tul-
leruw. 72. ofShefTteldRoad. Harmony,
diedThursday.May 11, l99Sailredell
Memorial Hospital in Statesville. She
had been seriously ill for four monllis.
, She was bom in Iredell County Jan.
19. 1923 to the late William Franklin
and Maty Bell Mayhew Mackey. A
homemaker. she was a memberofLib
erty Weslcjan Church in DavieCouniy.
She'was married Sept. 4. 1948 to
Alfred Harding Tullerow, who sur
In addition to her husband, survi
vors include 2 brothers, Samuel F.
Mackey of Hickory and William T.
Mackey ofHarmony; 2 sisters. Pauline
"Polly" Kennedy of Statesville and
Shirley Walker of Olin; a number of
nieces and nepliews.
She was preceded in death by 2
brothers. Benjamin "Benny" Emanual
Mackey and Robert E Mackey.
Funeral services were conducted at
II a.m. May 13. at Re-ivis Funeral
Home Chapel in Harmony with the
Revs. David M. Rollins and Donald D.
Gantofliciating. Burial followed in the
Liberty Wesleyan Oturch Cemetery.
.Count/Public UbraryMocksville, NC
Conrad G. Angell
Conrad Gray Angell, 91, died at
Meadowbrook Terrace in Cleinmons.
• HewasbomAug,25,1903toEarly
and Martha Norman Angell in East
Bend. He was a retired fannet and
He was preceded in death by his
wife, Delia Williams Angell, and a
sister. Hallle Angell Kirk.
Survivors include a son, Don Gray
Angell of Bermuda Run; 2 grandsons;
a great-grandchild; a sister. Lexie An
gell Sliouse; several nieces and neph
He was a member of Friendship
Baptist Church and lived in East Bend
for 87 years. He was past president of
Fall Creek Grange, a Sunday school
teacher, past chairman of the board of
de,icons ofFriendship BaptistChurch,
and chairman of A.S C.S. of Yadkin
Funeral services were lield May 23
atFricndshipBaplistCliurcliat 11 a.m.
, "RsiiTffrJttlHisoH
-a , Fiiiil irancyJolinson, T^.ofSiillsJ' 0 biii.v.Slrct'l.Miicksvilledicd.Siiturda)/
^ May 3(1. I'WSal DavieCnunly Hospj
al h]l altei hHag in declining luMltli.
' .Funcr.Vv;niccsHereheM;v2p~0 May 2X a^atst Freshylciian Cliu
in Mnck(.vine. conducted by the 1
5? kicli,Vlson,Williaml.oijjv- Jack.lohn'on.I^urialfollowciiiiyJoppj
ksvilie.emetery in M
Mcmmi.ils mW he niadc/o. !lii<-
pleeof I);nic Coikiiy, P.O./lox
M<Kk.svHlc, N.C.2 ,
\ • llewasbcunJniic.
oi' Coiinly.ii soiiofMitti
• Mixksvillc and the
nSj Wesley Johnson. He
] Heritage Furniture i
. ^]was a member of First
1(1.1 '22ltiSurry
^Johnson of
retired from
:ksvlire and
{resbyterian2;Ch I.S. Navyurch. He serv
Survivors,InydditionlohKmolher,.include his wifo; Anne FosterJohnson_^.of the homey a daughter, (Anthia
•_J;S'3ppeyorFwetlviIle;4brotherARev.^ JgcK Johnson, Landon Johnsori
jCfiJrlie Johnson, all of Mocksvwie,
5:^ilntl We^ey Junior Johnson of High■^^iht: f sisters, Odessa'Taylor of^^wkyviile, Beulah HoneycuiibfLo-
Goss of Lancaster, S.CW>&tiblsleHartleyofSevierville.TeniL;i^^atidchjldren} several nieces and^iiews.
If,., y ' I Curtis M. Gebauer, ,Mtnieen Lewder Biye i Ctmls Marshall Oebaucr, 67. of IKathleen Lowdcr Brye. 83 of' ^'"'"6 Mocksville. died early \Sai^ota.Fla. died May 10,1995,' , Monday moming, May 22,1995 at hisShe Was bom April 13, I912 j_'home after being in declining health.
Rowan County to the late Abner Lee'' bomOct. 25. 1927 in 'and Lucy Robenson Lowder. . Ellicottville.N.Y.tothelateJohnand <ShelivedinCooleemeeandgradu. Moon Gebauer and was a 'aied from Cooleemee High School "'e'lredbusmechanicwiihWestValleyane worked at Ldweiy Hosoiial in Central Schools in West Valley, N.Y.
for30yeai5.Hewa.saveleranofihe •U.S. Army, serving during WWII. He
was an avid auto racing fan and espe
cially enjoyed restoring old care.
Surviving are his wife. Patricia. , —"V., uno a CogE'Gebauerofthehometowhohe■ sisto. Blanche L. Reavis, .. W .been niaiiied 47 years; 3 daugh- ;
Survivors are a daughler Lind4 Nellie Hebdon, DianeDubois, arrf 3 grandchildren, all TfSai^a. Fla^She had many relalT111 the Davie County area also,graveside service W.1S held May
Hospital before moving to Sarasola.
bhemamcdDaleW.fl[yeml947He dted March 22,1981, * '
^hJla T ''wih by a^ atid a
Abraroowski, both of New York, and
LuAnne VaiiCuren of Mocksville; 4
sons. John Gebauer. Richard Gebauer
and Dale Gebauer, all of New York,
Veriioii Ray Livengood
Vcinon Ray I.ivengtiod. 56, ofCiawain Way, Mocksville. died laic
Tuesday. May 16. 1995 at RowanMclnorial Hospital iiflcr being in de
clining health for the p.ist ID years.
He was bom in Davie County Jan.
. 12,i939.toMarthaUonardLivcngood
■of l.cxing(i>n and the late Rad OdcllU.ivengood and was a self-employed
vhrick mason. He wnsamemberofFork
yllaplist Church.
y Surviving, inadditiontohisniothcr,
Ij.-ire his wife. Sarah Wood LIvengoodi^of the home; 8 daughters. Raynell
?Cagle, Debta Livengood. both of^Mocksville. Kelly Livengood ofTho-ijmasvllle, Ann Whilt and Biei^Sip^.<of Salisbury, Glenda UvMgood, Gail,.'^iv^goodandJonicUvengood.allof >^j^lnglon; 3 sons, Johnny LivengoodJif Mocksville. Dale Livengood offflarmony and Bobby Livengood ofnLex^ngton; 30 grandchildren; 3 great
Tgrandchildren; 2 step daughters. Carol^t(edge of Mocksyille'tmd Dianefearer of Lexington; 7 sisters. Pansy^vengopd. Becky Lwkabill, Dons-fWobd. Patsy Myers. Rita James, Judy^cpn and Kathy Leonard, all of Lex-
3 He was preceded in death by a step •'^iv.^Bobby Wood,i Funera]serviceswereheldat2p.m.
Way 12, at Fork Baptist Church withjhc Rev, Kenneth Evans officiating,^urial followed iii the^chUich'cei^-ttery. ,
and Wayne Gebauer of Texas: 24
gr.andchlldren; 2 great-grandchildren;
3 sisters, Jean Chapman. Betty Kcyes
and Ila Maynnrd, all of New York; 3
brothers. Luke Gebauer. Robert
Gebauerand LeonGebauer. all of New
He was preceded in death by 2 sons.Mark Gebauer and Bryan Gebauer.
Services and burial will be in West
Valley. New York.
Ece S^ersJ Frank Isaac "Ike" Styers. 76, of
Winston-Salcm died Sunday. May 21.1995 at Oak Summit Nursing Center.
He was bom March 22, 1919 inJackson Springs, to (he late JosephCephas Styers and Ada Shore Styers.He was .a.retired warehouseman for
j Peppers Tobacco Warehouse..., Heissurvlvedby2$ons,F.E."Gene"'StyersofLewisvilleandCeorgeStyers,• ofAdvance; a daughler, Millie S. Ban-
nerofWinston-Salemiabrother.AbeSiyeis of Wiriston-Salem; 4 sisters.
' Jettie Fix ofLewisville. Annie MaudeStlmson ofYadkinville, Ina Lackey ofCharlotte and Millie Humphrey of.Columbia, S.C.; 8 grandchildren; and
7 great-grandcliildren...
Graveside services were held at 11!Lrri, May'23, at Lewisville'Baptist; ChurchCemeteiybyDr.JettyLaugh
ter and the Rev. Scott Pond.Memorials may be made to Hos-pice,of Winston-Saiem/Forsylh^ County,IKjo-CS.StralfordRd.,Win-r ston-Salem,N.C.27103brihechiity ■ofthe donor's choice. ' ,
Mary A. Deschene McCullough.
61, ofStatesville. died Thursday. May
17.1995. at her residence.
She was bom March 19. 1934 in
Brunswick. Maine to Clara Deschene
and the late Rene Deschene,
Onjune 20,19.53,shemarried Roger
D. McCiilluugh, who preceded her in
death July2l, 1988.
In addition to her mother, survivors
include2suns,Michael D. McCullough
flfClevelandand RogerR. McCullough
of Charlotte; 2 daughters, Hope A.
Cline ofMocksvilleandJoy V.Dowell
of Yadkinville; and 4 grandchildren.
A memorial service was held at
Fairvlew Baptist Qiurchal2p.m.May
21.conductedbythe Revs. Scott Eancs
and Wendell Davis.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
4 ^
Margaret F. Caud^
Marjairt Fisher Caudell, 94. for
merly of Wilkcsbofo Stieel. Mocks-
ville.diedearlySaturday morning, May
27, 1995 alTiiad Mcllwdisl Miiinc in
Winslon-Salem where she had been a
resident for the ivist live years.
A graveside service was hehl at 4
p.m. May 2R in Rose C'emciery with
the Rev. I'aul Riggs omciiiting.
Memorials may be considered for
the Bus Fund ofMoeksvillc First Bap
tist Church. 390 North Main Street.
Mocksville, N.C. 27028 or loa cliarity
of the donor's elioice.
She was horn in Koheson County.
Match 14. 19(11 to lite late (ieorge
Thomas and Margaret Brisstin fnsher
and graduated ftuiii St. Pauls High
School in St. Pauls..She wusa graduate
of Kings Business College in Raleigh.
When she married Thomas
Jefferson Caudell in 1923, she mosW
to Mocksville wlierc she worked tus a
secretarial assisttitil to ttltomcy Jtxob
Stewart. Later slie wtts an assisttitit to
the Davie County Schools
supcrintetident's ofriee and was also a
secretarial assistanttotltcDavieCounty
Re^ster of Deeds. She was a fitfroer
activememberofMocksvillcfnrst Pres
byterian Church atid later joined
Mocksville Women's Club.
Her husband |xcecdcd her in death
in 1986. She was also preceded in
death by 2 sisters. 2 brothcist and a
granddaughter, Barbara Daniel
Survivors include 2 daughters,
Eleanor Daniel iurd Louise Obwiien.
' both of Mocksville; 3 grandchildren.
Margaret Harris of Winston-Salem. .
Linda Hale of Advance end Je^
Bowden ofMocksville; 7 great-grand
children; 2 sisters. Clyde F. Caudell of
Lumbenm and Ethel F. McComiick
of FloteiKC. S.C; and 2 sirien-ln-Iaw.
MaeHowaidandLucille Howard,both
of Mocksville.
Floyd K Craven
Floyd Edgar Craven, 69, of Salis
bury. ^ed as hit home early Sutrday
morning. May 28. 199S afW a short
A graveside service was held in
Rowan Memorial Park, May 30 at 2
p.m. w ith the Rcv.Ed Biggersotnciat-
. ing.
Memorials may be considered for
the Rowan County Chapter of the
American Heart Atsociation. 300 Sil
ver Cedar Ckruct. Chapel Hill. N.C.
3. 1925 to the late C.L. ai>d Dorcas
Odella Allen Craven and was telired
from Macke Vending with 40 years of
service specialirjng in repair and ser
vice to music machines, tie was a U.S.
Navy veteran, serving during World
War II. After his retirement heconlin-
ucdtoenjoy restoringandrepairingold
juke hoses.
His wife, Nellie Correil Craven,
preceded hint in deatli in 1969.
Surviving are his son, Dean Craven
of thchome;2sisters, CarolynThomas
of Palmdalc, Calif, and Martha Short
ven of Camden. S.C. C.C. Craven of
Mocksville and ClennCravenofSalis-
, ^auiH. Johnson
' v/4^ulHarveyl6hhsonv72.ofSalis- .,
v/ fcfeSlreei. Mocksville. died Saiur-'SsjjCmay 20, 1995 al Davic.Counly, j.
kigpulaRerbeinginiJeclinin^heallh.^;p^wasbom]une30.19221tiSuny ,.,
Cr^^.ascnofMlltieCoeJohnsonof j
^iteville and the late Raymond
K^£y jotinson. He was cetiriM fpm bi^^J^e'Fbtnituce in Mocksville ahd 'T^jfi^merhber of First Presbyterian .j
Me served in the U.S. Navy,r SSj'WoridWarll. .• jy. '
I C'Survivors.inadditiontoliismother.Mil^hiswife.AnnePosterjohnson ^
^ifiS home; a daughter. Cynthia '
of Fayciicville: 4 brothers.
R^rjack Johnson, Landon Johnson
Snd.ChaiUe Johnson, ail of Mocks- .
vflfciand Wesley Junior Johnson of ;HiftPoim;45istert.OdessaTayiorof-'" *
iibdUvilie. Beu^ Honeycutt of LoJ
jeriine Goss of Lancaster, S.Cf-iyalSEisieHanleyofSevierville.Tenn.'!"^;,
2 |tthdchildteri;. several nieces;^-
B^hews. -'
L:J^tal servicesweieheldatlpjTi,..:
i»lSj;23,'atFtist Presbyterian tt'ureh-l
JackJohnson.Burialfollbwcdlri/oppa Ij
^SjettiyinMocloyilie.- , ... f;;)
^fenbrials may W hiadc to HOs-..
pceiof Davie County, P.O.'Bon 665, •M^viUe.N.C. 27028. : „
Callie William Horn
Mrs. Callie Willinin Horn . 90. of
344 Boxwood Church Road. Mocks
ville. died on Monday. May 29. 1995.
at her rcsitlcnce. She had been in de
clining health for five years, seriously
illfor thice weeks.
She was bom on July 5. 1904 in
Davie Couniy to the late Shetrill and
Sophia William Mason. She was a
graduate of J.C Price High School,
iuxl had been employed as a domestic
She was n member of New Bethel
Baptist Church, where she worked
faithfully on numerous organiialions.
Site was [wecedcd in death by her
husband. Jarrtes Alexander Horn in
Survivors include: a son. Paul
Alexander Horn oftl« home; 3 daugh
ters. Sophia G. Parker of Winston-
Salem; Ellen Hudson of Mocksville
and Verttena Young of Winston-Sa
lem; 5 grandchildren; and 8 great-
Funeral services will be heldJune 2
M 3 p.m. at New Bethel BaptistChurch
in Mocksville with the Rev. Billy
Holderollieiating. Visitation will beat
2 p.m. prior to the funeral.
le, NC
Carlos Norman
Carlos Junior Norman. 69, of Win-
slon-Salcm dieil Wednesday, May 24,
1995 at Poisylh Memorial Hospital.
He was bom June 21.1925 in For-
sytli County to Oscar and Maude
WiKMiel Nonnan.
He was preceded In death by his
wife. Earlcne "Pauline" Norman In
• Survivors Include 2 sons. Timothy
James Norman and Phillip Wayne
Nonnan of the home; and a sister,
^ma Spacb of Mocksville.
; Fiineral services were conducted
Sunday at 2 p.m. at Parklawn Memo
rial Gardens Mausoleum Chapel by
the Rev. Amell Hanis.
John Henry Williams
Jolm Henry Williams, 84,af Mocks
ville, died W^nesday, may 234,1995
at Autumn Leaf Rest Home.
He was bom in Rowan County No V.
2.1910 to the late John Franklin and
Nannie Dyson Williams and was re
tired from the N.C. Department of
Transportation. He was a member of
Jericho Church of Christ in Mocks
He was preceded in death by his
first wife, ElizabethSeamon Williams,
Nov. 7,1975.
Survivors include his wife. Frances
Jones Williams; a son, John Lee Will
iams of Mocksville; 2 step sons, James
M.TbmerofWinston-Salem and Bruce
Steven Turner of Troutman; 3 step
daughters. Mary Hilton of Lexington,
Carol Forrest and Elizabeth Turner,
both of Mocksville; a broUter, Leo
Williams of Mocksville; 6 sisters,
Thelma Wooten of Statesville, Hazel
Steele. Beatrice Btimgamer and'Mrs.
JamiesCaitner.allofWoadleaf; Irene
Faust of Qeveland and Mary Bell
Myers ofClemmons; and 2 giw^l-;
Ola Wood n
/ .01aVanhoyBrownWood,90,for-
>/ meriyofMocksville,diedlateMonday
anemoon. May 29. 1995 at Autumn
iCSrfc'of Mocksville where she was a
U Funeral services were held at 2 p.m.■. Wy 3 •. Eaton Funeral Chapel withilheRev.DavidRorieoffrciating. Burial
followed in Rose Cemetery.5 She was bom in Wilkes County,l4ov. 1,1904 to the late Joseph andSarah Wagoner Vanhoy and was nretired manager of Mocksville Hotelwitii 14 years of service.
' She was preceded in death by her|rst husband, Jones Brown, by severalJnotheis. sisters, andadaughter.Evelyn
l^rown Money.Suivivofs include her second hus-Band, Williamayde Wood of Mocks-
Jille, 4 daughters. Peggy Fletcher ofElkti^ Joan Gartis of Richmond. Va..■ Betty Headand Shirley Shepherd, both
6f Cooleemee; a son. Glenn Brown ofjbnesville. 18 grandchildren and 21
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NO
Mary Boj>er Aiigell
M.ir\ linger Aiigell. K4, of Aiigell
Road, died eaily 'iliui^silny mommg.
June 1.1W, ill her home afler being in
declining heallli for ihe pas! year.
She was bora in DavieC'ounlyNov.
27, I9II110 llic hue C'luirles Siewiin
ami Amanda Miller Uoger and was a
liomemakdr. She was a member of
Union Chapel Unilcd Melliudisi
Church. She VI, as an avid gardener :imi
Survivors iiKlude iKr husband of
47 years. W,W. "Bill" Angcll of the
home: 3 broihets. John M, Bogcr Sr..
Cnidy K- Boger. bwh of Mocksville.
and OaiciKe Boger of China Gruvc.
She was preceded in death b^2
sisters, I'eari While iind lu)is Brown.
Funeral services were held al 11
.a.m. June 3, al Eiilon Funeral Ciiapcl
with the Revs. Ed Tapper and Donald
Fundetbiirkofrieiitlingliurinl followed
In die Union Clia|icl Unilcd Mcihodisl
Cliurch Ccrnclery.
Hannah E. Cleiiients
Hannah Elieaheili Cleinenis, bom
March 18. i99,Sioaiiisiira:andf:iifton
alF.iirfa*Hospiialin Fairfax, Va. whereshe had been since birth.
Surviving are lier parents of
Manis.sas, Va.; her sister, Kclsea JoyClenieni of ihc home; paicmul grand-
paienls, William iiml Joy Ty„|j y,-
Advance;andpalemalgrca(graridpar.ems. Russell and Lillian Tiillcnl of
Funeral services were to be con
ducted June 8, ai Lee's Furrcral Homewith bunal following in Baby Land
Cemeleiy in Manassas. Va,
Donald WiUiainBro^vning
J William Browning. 62, of
- ,'"^l"^"""P^-|^lySalu,xhy,June3,1W5 at J.R. Jones Medical Center,
. He was a nallvc of Boonc County,
W^Ya.. where he was bom Dec, 14.1932 to Aiva Edison and Luna Hunter
flf»5vninf. , ,
.Surviving are2daughtcrs.BiubaraO^ey of King and Usa Miick of
Mocksville; 2 sons. Franklin Drown
ing of King and Alva Browning of
ville: 5 grandchildren: 4 sisters.
^'eTolhofaeveland.Ohlo!Maryof Wilmington. Watxta ^all of
WMon-Salem and Betsy Copley of
Bear, OeL !
.Oravesidcservicc.swereconducied .an a.m. June 7. at King Memorial
Park with theRev.RogerBakerofficl-aling.
Loyd Alexander Grubb C
J Loyd Alexander Grubb. 89 ftiprnerly ofCheny Hill road, died Mo^
day morning, June 5, 1995. at Yadtili
l^rsing Care Center where he liaU
beenaresidentforthepaslfourmontlicHe was bom in Davie County. Oefc'
25. 1905 to the late Charlie ManhaTl
and Addie Hanley Grubb and was r^-;
bred from Burlington Industries wiBr
more than 50 years ofservice, He w£(
amemberofJetusalemBapilslChunrffand enjoyed farming and gardening;;
Surviving are his wife of 66 years*Florence Ethel Smith Grubb of [lie
h0TO;4daughters, Janell Vick ofLout'isville, Ky.. Peggy Gofonh of Wiiit
slon-Salcm, Jean Crimn of Monnk'
andBcttyRussellofConcordtSgratii;children; 3 great grandchildren; 2 sis?
lers. Lula G. Hamilton ofCooleemek"'
and L«>a Bamharrfi ofLexington; and
4 brothers. Qifton Grubb of Mocks-
ville.RoyGnibbofCooreemee.Henry;Grubb and J.C Gmbb. both of Sails-!
bury. '
Hcwasprccededindeathbyasoij.Douglas Clay Grubb, in ] 980,
Funeral services were to be'eon-dueled at 2 p.m. Thursday at Eatoo
Funeral Chapel with the Rev. JJnlmC
Lancaster, officiating and butiaCfolRlowing in Rowan MemonaJ Pitk IS
MemoriaJs may be made to .the
Building Fund of Jerusalem BaAiist'
Church, 495 Pleasant Acre Drivi' '
Mocksville,N.C 27028. i ' , . •
Margaret Caudell ' /
Margaret Rsher Caudell, 94, fpr-
meily of Wiifcesiwi,. St.. Mocksville.
diec^arly Saturday morning, May 27,
l995^aiTnad MeihrxlistHomc in Win-
sion-Safem where she had been a resi
dent fciihe past five years, fA griveside service was held at 4
p.m. MaA28 in Rose Cemetery witii
the Rev. PSul Riggs ofiicialliig. '
Memorials may be considered for
the Bus FundprMocksville First Bap-
tist Church. 390 North Main Street.
Mocksville. N:C. 27028 or to a charily
of the dcmor's choice. ;
She was born m Rr^ieson Coonly,
Match 14. I90l\to the late George
Thomas and Marg^t Brisson Fisher
and graduated from St. Pauls'Hrgh
School in St. Pauls. She was agradu.uc
ofKings Business C^Iege in Riilcigh.
When she mareied Thomas
Jefferson Caudell in 1923, shemovcti
to Mocksville where she worked as a
secretarial assistant to iiiomey Jacob
Slewaa Later she was in assistant to
the Davie County 'Schools
superintendent's office aniwas also a
seerelarialassislanlloihealvieCounlyRegister of Deeds, She.'was fonncr
activememberofMocksvilla FirstPresbyterian Church and later joined
Moctsvilte First Baplhl Ohirch. She
was a charter member of ihi Mocks
ville Women's Club,,' I
Her husbarul pruedcd her'in dc.Khin 1986. She was/also preceded in
death by 2 sisters, 2 broiheri' and n
granddaughter,' Barbara lianlclJolmson. / " ^
Survivors-'include 2 daugliicrs,Eleanor Daniel and Louise Bowmen,
both of M^ksville; 3 grandchildren,
Margare^farris of Winslon-Salem.
Linda Hale of Advance and Jeff
Bowd^ofMocksville;7grcal-grand-children; 2 sisters. Clyde F. Caudell of
Uirabcrton and Ethel P. McCormick
omorence, S.C.; and 2 sislers-in-law,
Duiialcl Halsey
l)oti;ilif M.ilsey, 77, cif Sp;iila, illcil
liiiliiy iiflemiKin. Juik; 2. l99S;i1 Tor-
lie issiiniv'LtHiy;! s()ii,I.iinyM;il<<y
itf Wliision»Suleni: 2 claugliltTs. I'alsy
IJinigIa'! ofCrumiiicnbgninijchiUiicn;
.1 grcat-grinilcliililtetv, 2 "listers. Avn
lUisic of Piney rreek iiiul plla Jean
Perry of Bel Air. Md.; 3 sistcrs-in law,
Palynie Biisie of Spiiilii, Wanda Wills
ofAdsanceand MaryllalscyofOcvc-
hind. Ohio; a hrolher-iii-laM-, Jim
Reeves (>r.Spnrta.
Eduard C. Mailin
Edward C. Matliii, 67. of l/tsing-
ion. died Tuesday, May 30, 1995 at
ijjxinglon Memorial llospiial alter a
serious illness of five monlhs.
Me was born in Potsylli Counly
Aug. 9, 192710 Louis Ray martin and
Manila Tfninnon Martin, A rctimd su
pervisor for the N.C. Department of
Traiisponalion. lie was of tliu Buplisi
Survivors include liis wife. Margie
poster Martin of the home; 2 sons,
Kenyon Martin ofthe homearxl Doug
Martin of Win<aon-Sa1em: 5 daugh
ters, Patty Reece of Advance. Ula
Rollins of Fork. Jerri Brooks of Colo
rado Springs. Colo,. Keiia MillhofTof
Chesapeake. Va. and Donna York of
King fjeorge. Va; and 1.3 grandchil
A inemorial service was held at 7
p.in, June 2. at Fork Baptist Cliua-h
with the Rev. Ken Evans oflleiiiling.
James Tliomas "J.T." Harris. M. of
Pilot Mountain, died Saturday after
noon. June3, 1995,at hishoine afteran
extended illness.
Hewasbom in Suny County Mareli
5, 1927 to Richard Jordon "RJ," and
I.oIj Mill Harris.
He attended Pilot Mountain Gnim-
ttiiir School, Glade Valley Presbyte
rian School and graduated from
Edwards Military Institute in
.Siiiemhurg. After graduation he at
tended National Business College in
Roanoke. Va,. graduated with a busi
ness degree.
He was a panner in 1 lairis Builders
Supply. He was a tobacctmisi arul in
tlie tobacco warehouse business.
353 A.P.&A.M, ioMynle Beach.S.C,
and the Omar Temple in ITharleston.
S.C, He was Senior Vice Cominandcr
ofV.F.W, Post II3J .iWinslon-Sa-
Icrnaiidainembcroflhc National Rifle
Association, He served in the U.S.
Navy during WWII. He was of Ihe
Methodist faith.
Surviving are 3 daughters, Shccri
Simmons ofPinnacle, Jay Andersonof
Ml. Juliet. Tenn, and Catherine Harris
lain: his fiancee. Rose Marie of the
home; 2 brothers, Roger Harris of
Mocksville and CIcve Harris of Pilot
Funeral services were conducted
June 6, at 11 a.m. at Rrsl Presbyterian
Churelt in Pilot Mountain by the Rev.
JesseBledsoe. Burial followed in Pilot
MountainCityCemeterywith full mili
tary burial rites conducted by Uslrict
1 i Memorial Hont>r GuanL
^ylor Vestal Howard
V j';Mr. Taylor Vesta] Howard, 75. of
801 South. Advance.died Salur-
{t^moming, June 3.1995 at his home,
{funeral servieeswnsconductedat 2Tue.sda^^^iti
■W Considered for
rlhe'Men's Bible
Ous of Advance United Methodist
;Church. Advance. NC 27006 or VFW
;Posl 8719 e/o Mr. Eddie Weatherman,
Coltomail fjinc. Advance, NC 27006,
; Militaty graveside rites were con-
xlucted by the District 11 Mehtorial
UonorOuard, VeieransofForeighWar.
< Mr. Howard was bom in Davietounly, July9,1919.10 thelale)oeH.
and'Martha Allen Howard, He was a
1938 graduate of Cleinmons High
School and was a retired hardware
salesman with Belknap Hardware Co,
in Louisville, Ky, He wasa memberof
Advance Untied Methodist Church
where he was a teacher of the Men's
Bible Class for the past 47 yeais. He
tfW;also church lay leatterforamum-bjfpr years. He was a WWII vgieran
s6jlng in Ihe Army. He was paJl Post
CSrimandcr of Advance VFW Post
83J0 for eight years, and District 11
paSI*PosI Commander for 4 yeaib, andal^a member of District 11 Honor(S^, Ijl^rvivors include his wife of 52yfap. Sudie Marklnnd Howanlljf the
hp^;ndaughterandson-in-law,doyceuc^Pamell Robertson of Advance; 3gtaSilchildreii; 3 great-grandchildren;
2;sKler5, Mrs. Edna Allen of Mocks-villlSand Mrs, Nina J, Barnes ^f Ad-v^ioe: 2 brothers, Samuel Howard ofdemons and Johnny Howard of^Vence; and several nieces andneph-e"^j I
*Mr. Howard was preceded in deathbj'Jhrcc brothers. I.eotianl Horward.
Allen Howard and William Hcrwoid;
add two sisters. Ila H. King and Ellen
DavIe County Public Libraiy
MocKsviile, NC
l^iam Thell Mustiaii
William Hiell Muslian Sij. 76. ofI wrnston-Salem, died sliirday
evening, June 3.1995, al his home.
He wasbom Dec. 25,191K In Dniics
Bfanch. Va. lo William TtwII and Ro-
rence Adkins Muslian,
HewasamembcrofWeslsicicBap-lisi Church and ihe American Legion,
Me u-as a World War II veleran, sorv-
ing in tlie U.S. Aniiy in France, He
spent seven years in ihe Meihodisl
Children's Home in Richmond. Va. as
a child. '
He was preceded in ^mh by a
daughter. Tabillia MiislianTfaff,
Surviving are his wife. Helen
Grubhs Mustian of llie tiome; 2 sons,
William Thell Mustian Jr. of Orlando,
Ra, and Milton Muslian of Winsion-
Siilem; 3 daughters. Rebecca M,
Mustian of Winston-.Salcm and Vir
ginia "Jinny" L, Mustian of Ihe home;
a sister. RcrenccM. Tlritlain of Rich
mond. Va,; 3 biothers, Charlie R.. J.
Milton and Raymond Muslian, all of
Ricfensond. Va,; and 8 gtandchildrcn,
: AfiineralservicewasheUat2p,m,
Jti%6, al Wesiside Baptist rhnfrb byIfie' Rev. Arnelt Hairts with b|jfi^ol-I6wing In Westlawn Qa^'^-ofMemory in Clemmons with jnjlil^ '
riieSby American Legion Post^of •'Klifg. • , .•••,
R- Nifong - i
n ' Mattlb Railedge Nifong, 95,-of iWinstbn-SBlemdiedSuij^yiJuned, -
Site was bom SepL 20. 1899 in
DavicCounty loSam and Emma Baity
Ratledge. She spent most of her life in
Davidson County and was a charter
member of Faith Missionary Alliance,
Site was the widow of Russell D,
Nifong .Sr., who died in 1972,
Surviving arc 3 daughters. I-ois
Nifong of WInslon-Salem, Thelma
l.eoiiard of l.i!*ington and Fairene N.Hill ofWinslon-Saicm; 3 sons, Russell
Nifong. Harold Nifong and Arthur E.
Nifong, ail of Winston-Salem; 12
gmndciiildrcn; 17 great grandchildren:
l-uneral services wereheldal 2 p.m.
Junefi.alFaitliMissionaty Allianceby
die Revs. Michael Gates and Donald
l.yerly. Burial followed in the church
' Lindsay Marion Parlfs
1 indsay Marion Parks, 93. of Wtit-
v' stort-Salent. died Saturday morning.
i..rv-3 1995. at his home.'""e was bom March i2.190 -
Porsyth County to H-cRobah and U«ila Heroth Parks He
was retired from ";W^rvice,HcwAsot.h=B^pt,s,
He was preceded in death by hiswii, LOU Key Parks in 1991. a.J «
duuchtcr. GcrulditK Teague m 19^3.'^tJvilmgareSdauehtem.noss.e
Holder of i^wisville. Ruby lU K •Maty Hilton and Frances Jan«s^ of
Advance and Edward M. l^Ks ofWinston-Salem; a number of grandchildren, great grandchild^n and sev-
eral gnat great grandehtldren.
Annie Pearie Tatum •
•AniiiePearieT9Luin-W,dt^,Sutt-. i
'day.Junc4, alteralimgiUnekV .,,_
' The daughter of.lhe late A.&:^ ;''ida Miller Taium. she wiis,aUfeUB|e .
resident of Jemsaiem.i.Townslup in
• She attended Cooleemee Sehwl
and graduated from Mars Hill Higfi
School. She was a graduate .of,the nSoutheastern Conservatory.of MiUic -
In Durham. Shisuuglii musiciirpublic
schools before being employed, by -
ASCS of Davie County until rabra"
Jioonk . j' i. ' 1i. Until her illness she had'been aHongdme active memberofJehi«1ein
Iveafs as chiiioh pianist, a Sunday
'School teacher and in various other
Icapscillw. n ,
, Survivors include 4 meces, BettyMoore Sides of Stony Poitit,IanelT.,
Daveitport- ef;Mocksvi|l?; Marte ■, •MooreSuinmeraofChapelHill.Ellen •
T. Young of Fallsatutch. Va-lnephews.EC.andFr8nkTatum,bol^ ;
ofMocksvillc. ' . M .i ■A memorial service wm held ^ .Jemsalem Baptist OiurehJune 6, at 7.
Memorial contributions may -^madeU)JerusalemBapii»lChunA.iheAlahelmer'sl^ndaaonofachantyof
County Public LibranMocksville, NQ ^
t Mary Nell Jones Barney
\ Miiiy Nell Jones Barney. 79. of
i^k-Bisb) R(i:kI. Advance,diedenriy
.Sa'iniday. June 10. I'N5 al Forsyili
Menioiial llospiial.
SlieMosbotn iiiDavicCiiunly Mny
2K. O'lA !<> die hile Alc.s .-ind ileillia
To-ier Jimcs and wii» a lionicireiUT.
•She was a nieniK'r of Totk Baplisl
l.'linrei;, was a(|inllcf andeiyoyeil >!iir-
denitit;, laisiiii: and caring for niscs.
Ilci hiishand. Major Henry Ixc
lliriicy. preccdeil licr iriilcalti in l''7f).
Sire was also prcveiied iji dealli hy
Irroilicrs.Clyile, I'anI and Gray Jones.
of Advance and Jinnny Bailey of
Hnnli-rssillc; 2 gtanifcliildrcn: sis-
leis.AlniaWilliams, Addic Mac Waiver
andMagdaliiwSUirJd. all of Advance:
aiHl.^hnxhcrs. Fiviljones.BotkcJones.
Wade Jones. RayJones and Maynaid
JurK's. all of Ailvance.
June 12.all;a(pn Funeral Cliii|X!l wiili
(lie Rev. Ken^.vanvoflicialing.lluiial
follovvcil in Flliavillellniled MeiluHl-
isi nuiieli.Cemeieiy.
Memorials niuy be consiilered for
lilbuville United MelliodislChorcli.e/
o Mairie TuckJt. 2984 N.C. Hwyi 80!
S.. Advance. N.C. 27006 or In Fork
K'irvlsville. N.i:, 27028.
'IVacyJili Gamer
•| tiicy Jill Garner. 22. of Jack Bimk
Road. Mocksville.diedTucsday. June
(■. l'W5. j
Sbc was N>rn
Aug. in
Ytulkinville tol.airy U. Gamer H
Dresa Camp-
was employisl hy
Miaksvillc.Slieissuiviveil h) hcrfallier.Uany
1). Gatnci: lier sislcr. Misty Dawn
Gtitner of Mocksville; grandptirenls.Ciirlis l.ee Campbell and Mamie.Swaim Camiilrcll of Mocksville; and
iiunvcnHis relalivcs.
FunemI serv ices were lield til 3 p.m.
June II. 199.S. at Vogler and SonsClcnunonsChtiiwI. Burial followed in
ctcry in IluniKHiy.
Harry Hubert Benson
Harry Hulictt Benson. 90. a DavicCouIlly native, diedlaie Friday iiiglil at
Rowan Memorial Hospital.
lie bad been u resident of Hclhany
Keliremctil Ccuicr in Spencer for lirepast 12 years ai«l was a former resident
o| the Franklin eomniunily.
He was laiin in Davie Counly Oct.7, 191M to ihe late E.W. arui Mary
Canble Benson and was a relired car-penlcrwilll Cone Mills. Me enjoyed all
types of woodworking.His wife. ZadaTaylor Benson, pre
ceded him in death in 1983.Survivors include 2 nieces and a
nc|)hews.A graveside service was held alRowan MenKxialParkJune12.al 10:30
a.m.Memorials may be made to the
American Cancer Society. 19(KI S.Ilawihornc Road, Winston-Sulcm,
N.C. 27103 or lo the Kidney Founda
tion. 7315 Wisconsin Avenue.
Uethesda, Md.
Roy Alexander Gaither
Roy Alexander Gaither Sr., 75, of
luinnony.diedJuiicS. 1995 atCarolina
Mciiical Center in Cluulottc.
He was born March 9.1920 in Ire-
dell County, the son of iJie late Alex
ander Millon and Eli/.ahclh Ann
Nichols Gnilher. He was a retired
I Ic was married to llic former Maty
Templeton. who survives.
lie Is also survived by 2 sons, Roy
AlexanderOailhcrJr.andDradlcy ScoU
Gaither, Ixuli of Harmony: 2 daugh
ters, Flora Ann Jordan of Slalesville
ami Mary FrancesRupardofHarmony;.3brolliers.KalpliGailher,JohnCailher
and JaniesGallhcr. allof Harmony; 2
sisters. Mary lamiseCajincrofMocks-
villc and FolrcrCampbellofH.inmmy;
4 grandchildren anddgreal-gtandchil-
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m.
June 8. at Clarksbuty United Method
ist Cliurch in Harmony widi tlie Revs.
Jeff Copplcy and William Blanton.
Burial followed in (he church cem
Memorials may be made lo
Clarkshury United Methodist Church
Cemetery Fund. P.O. Box 26. Har-
donor's choice.
Kathy Brown Feiker
Kalhy Ann Brown Feiker, of RoanMountnin.Tcnn. died Monday.June 5.
1995.She was bom in Forsylli Countyand lived in DavIe Counly for manyyears. She h.vl lived in Carter County
for the past two years-She attended Roan Mounlain Seventh Day Adventisi Church-Survivors include her husband.George L- F'clker. 3 daughters. Jennifer Duivcnii of Rockwell. Cituly BakerofMocksvilleand Megan Feikeroflhe
home; her mother, Wanda HiltonBrown of Advance; her father. BobbyHenry litowitofYadkirivi11c;2ststm.
Shclia BrooksofAdvance and Sabiina
Siamore of Yadkinvillc; a brother.Kenny Brown of Panama City. Fla.;paternal grandfather. Dock Brown ofMocksviiie'.andmaiemal grandmother.
Kathleen Hilton of Advance.Graveside services wercconductcd■n ilie Birchfield ametcry in RoanMountain al 2:30 p.m. June 8 withPastor Lewis Norwood ofTiciaUng.
- -Roger Gray Howell'• RogerOrayHowell.SS.ofRedland-Road, diesi Tuesday moming. June 6.
JW5 in Forsyth Memorial Hospital
ahcr a sudden illness.HewasbominD.nvicCounty.Nov.
' - 10, 1939 to Ihe late Robert 1.. HowcllSr. and ClydeThomas 1 lowell and was
.1 _-tf1ocal driver with Fredrickson Molorf ' Express Co. in High Poinl. He was amember of Green Meadows Baptist
'• Church..I Survivingarehiswife-NancySmilli1 Howelloflhehome;3sons,DaleCray5 Howell and Dwighl David Howell,p. bolh of Advance, ami Ronald Dean,V:-"fiowcll oflhe home; 3 sisters, CrtiieviiSmiiliofMocksville, PearlHopeSpill-
2j manofAdsaneeandLorineWilliams
5- of Clcmmons; 4 brollicrs. Lee Royi"; Howcll ofAdvance, Robert L. HowcllJr. of Clemmons.Tliurman F. Howell
>•,' of Winston-Salem ami John Hugh
il Howell of llie SliefTtcld communily;>•_ several nieces and nepticws..i' Funeral services were lield at 11JtmcS.alEalonFimcralChapclin
"^fMoeksville with tlie Rev. Ray Davisofficiating.BurialfoUowedinlheCrecn
sr Meadows Baplist Church Cemetery.
Davie County Public Librai'y
Mocksville, NQ
.. Russell .lob McEwcii
n ; Kiis^cll Jiil> Mcr-v.<^ii. "f {'hill-.■ i|iiapin Roiiil, Mocksvilli;. Jii'il iil l"s
lininc.;• llcwashumOcl.S. !932iii Yndkin
- CVwinlv lo llie laic Stanley and l.ciia» Tri\ cue McKwen ami was rellreil fiuni■ IngCTscill Rand. lie was a velcr.m nf
chc U.S. Army.
Surviving arc 4 «nis. Joel RussclMt-Kwcn. Gregory Scoci McUwen.Tnniniy l>;an Mclvwen aixlM.TiIy Kim
Mvliwen, all of Mcvksvilli:; 3 sisters,SheilteM.Renepar.MalucM.Rem'gar
and Mao' Fay Hobson, all of Mocks-villc: 3 brothers. J.C. MepAvcii andJesse MeEwcn. bwti of Mocksville,
ami I'rieeMcRwenufSalisburyiand'lgranilehildren.
Inineiiil services were coniioclcil at2 p.m. June II). al l-ilwrly HnplisIChurclibylhc Revs. Marvin lllackbuiiiaiislWilliamllulehensTUniiilfolliiwed
in lliecbnnli eenu-ifiv.
DresaC.MatayoshiDrcsa Campbell Malayosh., 42.0
222 Hrook Drive. Mocksville- dr^''
rmpIoycU ^spetlof for Ixtslngion Hom.ture for -2
*"sorviving are her husband. KazuoMaiayoshi "f <he 1k"«: » dauglwf.Misly Dawn Ciamer of ihc home. I«rll,,herandtalheri2brolhe.s.CurbsS.CampbcllorSlaleyandRogetS.C^.p-
bell of Mocksville; 2 sisters, RebaS;.;bcllandPl.ymsMyers,botbof'^'^irerllsetvieeswereeondue^al
Inm June ll.atVoglerandSonsClcntn.onsChapel.Buri^follo^mtbeRtrckSpringsBapiisiChurchCem
etcry in Harmony.
V A. J; ^SvSson cou^
1 ShoafSr.ao'l"®'^' .Hitedfro.oN.C.Bnish.n6Hewastcwco , ^mbet of bi-\ Compa.)F«':^;jrao^.beVFVf.' UiWe'sU««^nheU.S.A^y'lie.was a \ „ worldVfarll-rttvingd"""^ his wife. HiW»StrfvW°""^^fofthehome;»Vac Leonard St^irwinofSp-^-sbto»Wer.Su«"Sl^ .r„,,^ySboaf.lames Shoaf./red Ca.scySl^' j "chiles Henry
Sboafand^S [ souihmorH.aftdlilo ,^ijeSlmw»non'>
abd 5 of Uxingion.KatWeen G"*'VhaoelHdl.Ma]""®MabefK<^'^f MocksvUle and TmaRlcluirdson oMayoCManassM. mbccon-.•.i:ui«"l«f"''",4.alSt. Lukes
5 CteekCemel^"'J^lolheSt; TMeroo'i^^^'^h^ldingFot^iUWsLulbe^^;^N,C.HiEb««y
t •
/ M^NellJonesBailey
Mao'NeirjoiKsBailey,79.ofroA-Bixby Roiid, Advance, dicdcaity .Sat
urday nmming. June 10, MS p^r.
2X, 'y'fi.'olhelnicAlevandlivnhn
Fooler Junes and
Site «as a nK-,„l,er ,.f r-o.y
Cliiiaha>»lnas„n,ivid()nilict ,SI,e
fnjoyclgatdvninKandtiiivingandcar-ttig fur rosvs
Her Imsbmd. Major Hc„r,. J uu
B.-"ley.pfm-,WKt in d,,,II,
AhrDlher.n,deJ,.ne..aUo,.reced«rItcr inrlealli.
Sunisir,ga(u3.sons,Charri;Hiailvj"/ Jimmy Iiailey ofHunteixvillc: 2 grjiidchildreii. Sheny
^ley McKjiiglii and Michael Wayne
'Advance; 3,is,irs.Al™ Wrllianu, Addie Mae Walser
and5brc«!>eis,|:n:dj,vies,n.„KcJ,Hies'Wade Jones, "ay Jarvi, and M.i).,ar.l
Jn"e.s.ariofAdvaiK>e.Funeral sers ices were held at 2 „ ni
J'mel2. at lia,on riincnil Chapel wilhthe Rev. Ken livinisofnciaiing. Burial
rollowedmrlKililhavillcUnliclMcih-ChurcJi Ccjiiccpry,
Memorials may he considercil for
l--Jviv,„elIni,v.lM«ihorlisiau,mh.c/0 Maine Tucker, 2')(^I N.C. Hwy 801
South. Advance, N.C 27(»J6 or r.-rt;
Hapnsi Church, ,M.IO Us. JW, fvj
Fast. Mocks\i(t|., hj f-
JtJhnnle Jay Carter
„ /"'■""'^-'-''yCarTer.Tg.ofWinstonSwelled-n,ursdayn,oming,)n,«'-.1995 at KnnlhvooclUalj
^.les Carter. Me |i,ed all hi.s life in
Wtnston-Salem, w..ys a World V^r Ivc<-n .„d retired from HalS"ndnn,sh„,gCo„.panyaner28yca^iWoodh^^r"'" »'Wo^land Cctiwtery at JI a.m. J«„e17. byiheRev. Kirn WilliamsSur^vinj are ,,is wife. R„se Lee
Otlda Taddeucct ofAdvance; a sister^Ca,«r7,«mpsonofWi,«,on:
Dorothy Richardson
Dorothy Corrine Baggaily Richardson. 63, of Salisbury, died Saturday, June 17, 1995 »l her home. Shehad been in declining hcallh and critically illforsixweeK.ShcwasbominlredellCoonly Oct.
6,193110 the lale Floyd Franklin andIjila Frances Slcelinan Baggarlj. .\homeniaker. she hadbeen arocml*rof
Bible Methodist Church of Brislol.Tenn. where she asasled in the Mis
sionary Department..Slie was married July 6-1949 to tlieRev. F-ugencHardingRichardson,who
jturvives.Additional sunivors include a soit,GaryE.RichatdsooofSutnmerrteld;5daughlers.LindaDanielofRoekwood.
Tenn.. Joann Couch of Mocksville.Cindy Anderson of 1 lays, Debra Foyof Demon and Sharon L. Richardsonof SalisbuDi » brother, Cliatlle L,Baggatly of Harmony; 3 sisters. Mar-gBretCianrillofAdvonce.MariePowell
of HarTOony and Mary, NichotaAlexandria. Va.; and 9 grandchildren.Funeral services were condtKled al2:3OpJii.lune20.aia^W&leyan,
Chuiclt in the ShcfffiiStoti^Unity of i,x..'cH.....<\.u,iihitt«%evi.RobetlM
0 '^er Herman DorseltLesterHemianDor5en.87,orAshe-dted June 16. 1995 al ForsythMemorrnl Hospiu,, Winston-SalemSurvivors include his wife, Annie^keiiDo,wrrofAshetort,:2daugh-
""dRuth Dortcii of Allanla,Oa>asons. Hoy, DorseilorBermudn R»„; 5
Enindchildren; a great grandson; 3 sis-
^e funeral service was conducteda 10a.m. June '9.alNewHopeUnitedMethodist Diurch with burial follow-">e m llie church cemetery.
BertiiaSinfty BcilhaM8eHicks.Sink.9R,ofClem-
mons. died Saturday, June 17.1995.alFoisyth Memorial Hospital.She was bom in Forsylh Coiinly
July7.1896toEd.S.J«rrrey and EllenSicwart Jeffrey. She wa.s a homemaker^ member of Reedy Creek BapUsiOiurch. She was preceded in death byher husbands, William Oscar Hicks in
l956niKJMarveyRansoniSinkin 1978Surviving are 3 sons, William Oscar Hicls Jr. of MocksvilJe. GradyEdward llicts of Weiconw and BillyGray Hicksof Walnut Cove, 2 daughters. Gladys Walser of Lexington andMary Dean rroltr.ofClcmmon.s; a sister, Martha Cline of Yadkrnville;'38
grandchildren; 75great-grantlchrldren;43 greq|-great|randchildren;and threegrMl-gieal-great grandchildren.Funeral .services were heldat 2p ni
Junc20.mReedyCreekBap(isiChurehconducted by UwRevs. Egbert Craven,Sammy Shoafand David Hkks. Burial
followed in the church cemetery.
Tnibert and Howard Uearin oiiiciai-ing.BurialfollowedlnBtechureheem-
eleD-i Met^rials may; .be, tnade to Hos-.pice' of'Rowan County,. 14ip.NorthMain Street. Sslisb.^,N.C.:2?144;>; I
Mary Ann "Aiinie",SinJth
Mary Ann "Annie' Smith, 86. ibf-
merlyofShenield Road at the UttMll-
Davie County line, died Sunday, June
18.1995 at Rlumenthal Jewish Home
In Clertiiivoits.
She wns horn in iJnvie roiiniy
Miirch U, IW to the Itiie Jnmcs
Aiipitstus aiiil Bessie Vinl.i Smilli
Smith Shewmltedwiltuiflind.ilMinv.
CIS .nnd tissisicd ivilh raini cimtcs. She
was a mcmlvi id New Union United
Siirviviirs inelude 2 sisters. Belle S.
Harris of Sliilesvillc nod Louise S.
Mnrtis ofMocksville.
She was preceded in death try a
bmiher, William Jay Smith, and 4 sis
ters. Zcimn Myrtle S. .Smitti. Minnie
Mac Smilli, ()tp.-i Luetta S. Roger and
Angle Cirace S. Cdfotlh.
I'linetol ser\ iecs were in lie held at
2 p.ni. June 21, at New- Uninn United
MelliodisiChnrchwiihthc Kevs, Wil
liam "Billy" Jarrett and David M,
Rollins omei.iting and hiirial follow
ing ill the diirreh cemetery.
Memorials may lie made to New
Union United Methodist Church, c/u
Pal Moore, 5S1 Turfceyfool Road,
Mocksville, N.C. 27028,,
Sallle Howard Suber
Sallie Howard Suber. of
\Valkertown, died Saturday. June 16,'J9.5. ni The Nursing Center at OiiJ;
Mr.mv,anChnahfr,r,liepasl50yearsH" e.irly life was spent in Davic
^7925 ^'""""-Saleiit
prccKled in death hy herhusband, Paul G. Suber in 1977, SIkwas also preceded in death by 2 brotli-
ers and 5 sisters,
SnrviviYig ate a sister. Alma Kineof
Advance and several nieces and iieph-
ews. ^
A graveside service was held at 11a.tn, June 19. by the Rev, Norman C
Byerly at Gardens of Memory in
Memorials may be made to
OalgmveMoiavianChurch. l20Ham-
"wkFarmHd..Wins,on-Salem.N,C.27105 or to Outreach of Walkerlown.
P.O. Box 8, Walkerlown. N.C. 27051.
Gladys Wagoner
Gladys Kaiherine Vannoy Wag
oner, 62, wife of James .Wa'goiier, Of n
Mocksville. dled. Satu'rday.Juite'ii''
1995 at l)ef home. -■ • IShe was both in Wiikes CountyApril 20, 1933, (a the late George N.
Vannoy and Meiia Myers Lesler. Shewas a member of Beaver baptist
I2huieh. '
In addition to her husband, she ii
suivivedby3daugh(ers,SandraWyati -of Union Grove, Georgia Wiiliams of
Austin and DebomhMarlow ofStates-
villei3son5,Mike'Anderson'ofNonh '
Wilkeaborot Dcttitie Dickens of GladeVaileyondJamieWagonerofMockt- ;ville; her molhdf.'Mettfl'Le'slet'ofbur- '
lington, W.Va.; 2 sisters. Wi jiliiier of
Slaiesville and Laura Blevinsof Bud-ingiori; 16 grandchildreti and 2 gre^
. Funeralservicesweteheldlune 19. .
at 11 a.m. atReins-ShiitjivantChapel ,InWllkesCountywiththeReviHoivafd •Laney oriicialJng. Burial followed In
the Roberts Cemetery in McCtady.
Mary JarVis Thompson'
Mary JarvisThompson,72,ofjnrvlsRoad, Adviince, died Monday, June
19. at Forsylh Memorial Hospluil,
She was bom Dec, 12. 1922 in
Advance to John H, and Lillle Cham
bers Jarvis, Site wasa irtember of Ad
vance Unhcd Meiliodist Chuieh and
was retired from the spinning depart
ment of Hancs Corp. in Winsion-Sa-
She is survivedby a granddaugliler,
Lisa Dawn Thompson, and a grand
son. Bryan C. Thompson, both of Ad
vance, as well as several nieces and
nephews, i>
A graveside .service was held June
22. at 2 p.m. at Advance Unit^ Methodist Church with the Rev. HarryShcnill ofricialing. '
Memorials ttiay he made to Ad
vance United Methodist Chutidi.
Da^e County Public LibfinfMocksville. HQ
DAVIE C6lJ^mr EOTERPMSi 2», 1995 -
Mary Clement Baker
Maiy aement Baker, 86. of US.
158, Mock^vitte, died Monday morn
ing, June 26.1995, at her home afler a
long Illness.
She was bom in Davie County June
19, 1909 to the late D.A. and Minnie
Summers Clement and was letiied from
Hanes Corp. She had previously been
with Erwin Mills in Cooleemee with
over 40 years of service.
She was a member of Oak Grove
United Methodist Church where she
had been active in all phases of church
work and was a faithful member of the
United Methodist Women. She was a
member of Oak Grove Senior Citi
zens, was an avid gardener and en
joyed crocheting and quilting.
She was preceded in death by a
daughter, Mary Garlene Baker, and a
brother, Avety Clement.
Surviving are her husband of 67
years, Carl Bakerofthe home;^daugh-
ters, Marie Seamon, Polly Lagle, Jean
Rolhrock and Jenny Aquallo, all of
Mocksville; 6 grandchildren; 5 great
grandchildren; a brother. Lee Qement
of Raleigh; 3 nephews and a niece.
Funeral services were to be held at
2 p.m. June 28 at Oak Grove United
Methodist Church with burial follow
ing in the church cemetery.
John Thomas King
John Thomas King II. 71, of Boone
and Gamer, died Thursday. June 22
He was retired from Nationwide
Insurance Company.
Surviving are his wife. LLsa King of
Gamer. 2 daughters, Martha Watson
of Clemmons and Margot King of
Matthews; a brother, Albert King of
Chapel Hill; 2 sisters, Eva King Cobb
of Boone and Mcsu Dean of Indian
Harbor Beach, Fla.; 7 grandchildren;
and several nieces and nephews.
Memorial services were conducted
at 2 ■p.m. June 26, at Austin & BamesFuneral Home Chapel with the Rev.Dr. James F. Ferry Jr. olltciating. A-second memorial service will be heldSaturday, July 15, at 2 p.m. at First
Piesbyterian Church of Gamer withthe Rev. Dr. James F. Ferry Jr. ofBciat-
Memorials may be made to FirstPresbyterian Church of Gamer, 503Lakeside Dr., Gamer. N.C. 27529.
Noah Nathan "Buck" Hendrix, 77,
of U.S. 158, Mocksville, died Satur
day, June 24,1995 at Davis Commu
nity Hospital in Stalesville alter a brief
HewasbomJuly 6, l9l7inFbrsylh
County, a son of the late Casper andTiny Hudson Hendrix and was retired
from Glosson Motor Lines in Lexing
ton. He was a member ofSmith Grove
United Methodist Church,
Survivors inciudeddaughlers, MaryH. South and Shirley H. Brooks, both
of Winston-Salem, Louise H. Spill-
man and Vickie H. Blackwelder, both
of Mocksville; 3 sons, Noah Nathan
Hendrix Jr. of Winston-Salem, Gene
Hendrix of Chesapeake, Va. and
George Hendrix of Lewisville; a sister
Pauline Pierce of Kings Mountain; 2
brothers.CarlandHendrixofWInston-Salem and Brady Hendrix of Danville,Va.; 11 grandchlldrenaruiSgreatgrand-
He was preceded in death by his
wife, Flossie Cantor Hendrix In 1983
and by 2 daughters, Linda and Brenda
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m.
June 26, at Smith Grove United Meth
odist Church conducted by the Itevs.Ray O'Fetreli and Gamess Bttidcs.
Buriai followed in the church cem
Memorials may be made to Smith
Grove Untied Methodist Church, c/o
Vickie Blackwelder, 214 Rock House
Road, Mocksville, NIC. 27028.,
Davie county PuWi^Waty
Wocksviile, NO , -
Frances Lee Ward Hepler, 79, of
Gamer street, died at her home Tues
day, June 30,1995,
She was bom Sept. 18, 1915 in
Davie County, a daughter of the late
Luther andBlanche Latham Ward. She
wasamemberofWestey Chapel United
Methodist Church, She began her ca
reer with Casslevens Hospital in Wln-
ston-Salem and continued with Medl-
cai Park Hospitai in Winston-Salem
until retirement.' Survivors include her husband,
William Irvin Hepler of the home; a
daughter, Carolyn Bowman of Ad
vance; a brother, John GaitherWardof
the Pino community; 2 step grand
daughters; andastepgreat granddaugh
Funeral services tvere held at 2 p.m.
June 23. at Eaton Funeral Home in
Mocksville, conducted, by the Rev.
Billy Rintz. Burial followed in Oak
Grove United Methodist Church Cem
Memorials may be made to the
Cemetery Fund of Oak Grove United
Methodist Church, c/o Glenas
McGamrock, i79 Dusty Hill Road,
Mocksville, KG. 27028,
Jack Padgett
Luther Hicks "Jack" Padgett, 79, of
Harmony, died Wednesday, June 21,1995 at N.C, Baptist Hospitai after
being critically ill for two weeks.
He was bom in Iredetl County to the
late Wiley Hicks and Flora Bell Steele
Padgett and was a retired carpenter and
He was a member of Holly Springs
Baptist Church where he served as a
deacon, choir member and teacher ofthe adult men's Sunday school class.
He served on various committees ami
was controlleroflights, doors and ther
mostats. He was former superintendent arul cemetery supervisor.
He was preceded in death by his
wife. Mabel Margaret Bomettelhidgett.
OcLl4,1990.. AIsoprecedinghimindeathweie2
brothers. James Norris Padgett and
Horace Nathaniel Padgett; and 2 sis
ters, Oeo Lillian Keller and Annie
Ethel Herulerson.
Survivors include a son, Dwight
Padgett of Harmony; 3 grandchildren;2 sisters. Haltie P. Uolton of Harmony
and Lizzie P. Turner of Mocksville.
Funeral services were held June 23,
at Holly Springs Baptist Church with
the Revs. OilTord L. Gwaltney and CDonald Hayes oflidaling. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery. 'Memorials may be made to Holly
-Springs Baptist Church Youth Minis
try, 526Houstonville Road, Hompton-
ville. N.C 27020.
Mary Ruth Pardue
Mary Ruth Pardue, 65, of Hamp-
lonville, died Thursday morning, June
22. 199.5. at N.C. Daptisi Hospital in
She was Imm July 4,1929 in Yad-
kin County to Grover and Annie
Holcumb. She worked at Blackwddei's
Inc. in Mix-ksville and was a member
of Victory Cliapel Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her
husband, ThoimLs E Pardue in 1990.
Surviving ate tier daugliter. Sherry
Whitakcr of Hamplonville; 2 grand
sons. a step grandson: and a sister.
Helen Holcomb of Sp.-uk.
Puneral services were held at 2 p.m.
June 25. at Vietory Chapel Baptist
Church by the Rev.s. Spencer King and
Keith Stanley. Burial followed in the
Swaim's Baptist Church Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Victoiy
Qtapel Baptist Church, Hwy.67, Jones-
Katheiyn Jones Smith
A memorial .service was held at 2
p.m. June 27. for Katheryn Jones Smith.
66, of U.S. 6(11, Mocksville in the
Salcm United Methodist Church Cem
etery with the Rev. Gary Kling offici
ating. She died June 20, from injuries
sustained in a truck accident.
She was bom in Davie County
March 28. 1928 to the late W.C and
Ida Joites Jones and had been em
ployed with Southeastern Sewing Cen
ter. She was an avid fisherman and
craftsman and especiaffy enjoyed sew
ing. crocheting and (|uilting.
Survivors include 2 daughters.
Breiida Bishop of Randlcman and
Dorothy Ployd of Lexington; 2 sons,
William M. I^ynnand Luther M. Flynn
Jr.. both of L.exington: 5 grandchil
dren; 2 great grandchildren; a sister.
Ruby Lee Mcrritt of Cairo, Ga.; and a
brother. William Boyce Jones of
Memorials may be made to Davie
County fsMS. P.O. Box 935. Mocks
ville. N.C. 27028.
Adam Clyde Pinion
Adam Clyde Pinion, 89, of Salis
bury, died .Saturday, June 24,1995 at
his hortte.
Bora Oct. 23, 1905, in Stanly
County, he was the son of the late Ellis
Pinion. Educated in the Stanly County
.schooLs, he was a retired textile worker
and a member of Providence Church.
Survivors include his wife, Lois
DaltonPinion;3stepdaughters, Shirley
Hazel Wood of Mount Airy, Earleen
Jacobs ofMocksvilleandEvelyn Shep
herd; 18 grandchildren; and 34 great
A graveside service was held at 11
a.m. June 26, at West Lawn Memorial
Park in China Grove conducted by the
Rev. George Denham.
John Isaac Snyder
I John Isaac Snyder, 66, of 837
tDirkeyfoot Road, Moeksvilh^'died at
t^rsyth Memorial hospital in Win-
ston-Salem after a fengthy illness.
He was bom in Davidson County
Jan. 14, 1929 to Affie T. Snyder and
; i Lenora Fishel Snyder. He spent his
; •'early life iff Davicton County, where
: • he was a member of Enterprise Mora-
!;vian Church.
!; HewosemployedwithFlav-O-Rieh
' ^dairies for 20 years. He had owned attd
^operated his own uueking company
'Jot 30 years. He was fcnown to his
ifriends in the trucking business by his
iCB handle "Prowler',
i He was preceded in death by 2
isisters, Margaret Snyder Spach and
i Polly Snyder Sides.
.- In l948,hewasmarTiedtoMaelene
-Teague, who survives.
; Also surviving are a son, Jerry
; Wayne Snyderof Mocksville; adaugh-
-.ter, Pat SnyderPayneofMocksville; 7
;grandchildren; a great grandson; a
tbrolher, Lutlier Snyder of Winston-
.Salem; several nieces aitd nephews.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m.
.Uune 24, at Vogler and Sons Clem-
^monsChapel by iheRev. David Rollins.
ZBuriol followed in Wes^wn GardensW Moifoiy in Qefnnifflte;lr;-|^^^!j. ,v\
r Clattie Mae Reece
j- Mae Reece, 86, died Thuis-
day, Jone22,atMeadowbrook Tenace
'.. in Yadkin County
:"'^^"I909tothelate Wesley and; to Matthews. She was a seamstress;Md^a^member of Charity Baptist
_ Si^wng are her husband, EL.
•n^ "i" Boonville; 3 sons, Phillip
Tullaho^ Term., and Edwin Neal
K^oKebulonradaugluer.Rebecca;H'« of aemmons; 6 grandchildren:.and 3 sisters, Bessie Matthews of Ad-
vaitee, Evie Richardson of WinSton-iSal^ and Dee Flyntof West Virginia.
were conducted at
Awh by the Rev. j.c. McQueen
>ilh btinal following in the church
Robert Lewis Ibylor
Robert Lewis "Mitt* Taylor, 56, of
Comer community in Davie County,
died Thursday, June 22, 1995 at his
i ThesonofthelateMiltonLondlva
berof the firstgiaduatingclassofDavie
County High School where he played
' He was a retired veteran of the U.S.
Coast Guard after 22 years of service,
tie was Chief Petty Officer. He was
also a memberofthe U.S. Coast Guard
Auxiliary. He was a member of
Woodvale Baptists Qiurcli, American
Legion Post 34, VFW Post 2889 and
Moose Lodge 1720.
; ' Funera]servieeswereheldat2p.m.
June 24, at the Greene Funeral Home
Chapel with burial following in
Grandwew Memorial Park.
; Memorials may be made to
Woodvale Baptist Church Van Fund,
1538 Springsteen Road, Rock Hill,
S.C. 29730.
. o
Davie County Public Library
Mocksvillei NC