Jan - JunDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thureday, Jan. 6,1994 •
: Mrs. Ikvy L. Davidson
Tavy Holcomb Luffman
• Davidson, 90, of Sony Res! Home.
^fomicrtyofDobson, died Friday moin-
; ing, Dec. 31, 1993. al Hugh Clialh.im
' Memorial Hospiial.
;'' Mis. Davidson was bom Nov. 15.
: 1903. in Wilkes Counly lo Fredrick
t Holcomb and Mary Elizabyth Setllc
" Holcomb. She was a homemaker and
-a member of New Hope Penlccoslal
-Holiness Oiurch.
•! • She was first married to Walter
- Luflman and later to Lindsey David-
;sqn, who died in 1988.
; I; Surviving are; 5 daughlers. Mrs.
;Epnis Jenkins of Dobson, Mrs. Sally
1 Jenkinsof Uobson.Mrs. Nonnie Royal
; otSlate Road, Mrs. Esther Durham of
lElkin and Mrs. Nellie Crawford of
.Martinsville,Va.;4sons.Leo Luff man
; of Elkin. Marvin Luffman of Las Ve-
: gas.Nev.. DonaldLulTmanofMocks-
i ville and Walter J. Lutfrnan of Win-
ston-Salem; 35 grandchildren; 64
great-grandchildren; several great-
great-grandchildren; a sister. Mrs.
Jolmny (Sally) LufTman of Ronda;
and a brother, Kirkman Holcomb of
Mrs. Davidsoit was preceded in
death by 2 sorts. Terry Luffman and
Harvey Luffman; a sister, Stella
Holcomb Childress; and a brother.
Weaver Holcomb.
Funeral services were held Sun
day, Jan. 2. at New Hope Pentecostal
Holiness C3iurch by the Revs- Ed
wardCoins and David Stanley. Burial
followed in Shoaly Branch Baptist
Church Cemetery.
Oiga Aiigie Gaitiier
Mrs. Oiga Angie Dyson Caillier,
91. of Cherry St.. Mucksville died at
DavicCoimty HospilalTuesdayrrmm-
ing. Dee. 28, 1993.
I'uneral services were at 3 p.i]i.
Tliutsday, Dec 30. in Eaton Funeral
I Ionic Cli.-ipcl w ilh the Rev, Ray Dai Is
ofricialing. Burial was in the New
Union United MethodistChurchCem-
Tlic family requests memorials be
considered for a charily of the donor's
choice. I
Mrs. Oaither was bom in Iredell
County June 8,1902, tothe late James
PinkneyondSyrinthiaL SmithDyson
and was a homemaker.
died in 1945. A son, James Earl
Caither, also preceded her in death. .
Survivors include: adaughter, Mrs.
Kathleen C. Edwards of Winston-Sa-
Icm; and a son. Mr. Hugh C. Gaither
Charlie B. Duiin Sr.
Mr- Charlie Bonce Dulin Sr.. 75.
of Winsion-Salcni died on Tuesday
aflcriKxin, Dec. 28. 1993. at Forsyih
Memorial Hospital. Winsiott-Salcm
after a serious illness.
He was bom in Rcdiand, Diivic
County, on July 22. 1918, the son of
the late Jasper J. and the lute Ella
Rosscau Dulin. He resided in Win-
slon-Salem for 46 years. He gradu
ated from Mocksville High School
and atteiidedTuskegee University.
He served in the U.S. Amiy for
four years. He was a retiredemployee
ofContainersCorporation of America.
He was a member of the Redlnnd
Church of Christ since early child
He was preceded in death by a son.
Charlie B. Dulin Jr.
He is survived by his wife of 51
years. Mary Louise Dulinof the home;
2dau^ters, Carolyn D. McLaughlin
of Salisbury and Peggy L. Dulin of
East Brunswick. N.J.; 3 grandchil
dren; 3 brothers, Jasper H. Dulin and
Henry W, Dulinof Advanceand Frank
W. Dulin of Winston-Salcm; and a
host of nieces, nephews, cousins and
Funeral services were conducted
Saturday, Jan. I, 1994, at Redland
Church of Christ, conducted by
Brother Magellan Stevenson. Burial
followed in the church cemetery.
Robby Gene Head
Robby Gene Head, 36. of Grove
Street. Cooleeniee, died Wcdne.sday.
Dec. 29, 1993, at Davis Community
Hospital. Stalesville. as the result of
injuries sustained in an uiitomobiic
Bom Dec. 6. 19.57, in Rowan
County. Head was a son ofJohn Rob
ert and Kaye Frances Moore Head of
Ctxsleemee. He was employed by
Joliii's Place in Woodleaf.
Survivors, in addition to his par
ents, include: wife Delores Pincla
Head;daughterJenniferNicholc Head
of the home; son Randall Gene Head
of the home; sisters Tracy H. Smith
and Shirley H. Barker of Mocksville;
brother, Johnny D.-Head of Cool-
eemee; andgrandfatherRobertLester
; Head ofMocksviUe.'^,
Funeral services were Saturday,
Jan.' 1,1994, atEatoaFuneral Home
I Rev. Chris Wiiliams.' Burial was in
Legion Memorial Park. Cooleemee,
Johnnie O. Edwards
Mr. Johnnie Oilcll Edwards, 80. of
Route 7.01adstnncR<)ail. Mocksville,
diedTliursday,Dcc.3l), 1993,in Davic
County Hospilrd.
Funeral services were Friday. Dec-
31. at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the
Rev. WayneOslraniler officiating. A
second service svas held in theChapel
of the Mausoleum of Blue Ridge
Memori.i! Oatdcns in Prosperity.
W.Va. on Saluid.iy. Burial wasinlhe
Gardens centelery.
Mr. Edwards was bom in Cool
eemee April 24, 1913,tothe late John
Washington and Minnie Veach
Edwards anil was a finishing carpen
ter. During WWII he was a veteran of
the U.S. Navy,
Survivors include his wife. Leola
Mills Edwards of the home; one
daughter,Mrs. HclcnflegeofSanford
Ro.-id. Mocksville; one son. Bob
Edwards of Myrtle Bench. SC.; four
grandchildren; si* great-grandchil
dren: and one half sister. Mrs. Bertlia
Thompson of Salisbury.
Roy "Tennie" Leach Jr.
/ •'" Mr. Roy 'Tennie" Norman Leach,jt 49 of Route 7. Mocksville ditd
Friday, Dec. 31. 1993. at his rest-
■""'"a memorial service was Ivcld Sunday, Jan. 2. at Eaton Funeral H^ome tn"Mocksville. Burial of the ashes followed in Rose Cemetery in Mocks-
He was bom May 27. 19«, inForsyihCountyioRoyNomianUacli
'Sr. rmdthe laic Ethel Taylor Leach.He had been employed at FutchesMotor Company in Mocksville.
Survivors, in addition W his father,include: his stepmother. Rose Uach..also of Rl. Mocksville: 3 sisters."WandaPurducofMocksville.Carolyn
iMurray of Clairmont and Sarah L--.WhUaker of Winston-Salem; and aIbrolher. Charles Uwis Leach of
gavie County- wocksyille. NO
»:• . f.;- '
Martha R. Melton
J Mis. Martha Rupard Melton, 82,
of Route 4, Yadkinville, died Friday,
Dec. 31,1993. at the Yadkin Nursing
Care Center.
She was bom Feb. 13. 1911. in
Yadkin County to the late Ail Rupard
and Mary Pearl Weatherman.
She was preceded in death by her
husband. Andrew T. Melton.
' She is survived by: a son. Jerry
Melton of Yadkinville; and a daugh
ter. Mrs. Martha (Ruth) Jones of
Clemmons; 3 brothers, aarence and
Robert Rupard of Mocksville and
• Gilmer Rupard ofThomasville; 2 sis
ters. Mrs. Jack (Inez) Hines of Ra
leigh and Mrs. Hugh (Flossie) Loflin
of Yadkinville; 3 grandchildren; and
3 great-grandchildren.
: The funeral was held Monday. Jan.
3. at Turners Creek Baptist Church
• with the Rev. Allen Barker ofTiciat-
ing. Burial was in the church ccm-
n etery.
Memorials may be made to the
American Cancer Society. P.O. Box
493. Statesville. NC 28677.
Mrs. Maie J. Swaiiti
' Mrs. Maie Jonc.s Swaim. 88. for
merly of Route 4. Mocksville died
late Tuesday night. D«c. 28.1993. in
Rowan Memorial Hospital. She had
been a resident of Spencer Health
Care Center for the past eight years.
Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
Friday. Dec. 31. in Eaton Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. Elmer Day oin-
ciating. Burial was in Rowan Memo
rial Park in Salisbury.l
Mrs, Swaim was 6cm in Wilkes
County July 5, l90S,totheIaieMilas
C and Delia Messick Jones and was a
homemaker. She attended Liberty
United Methodist Cbtitcb.
Her husbaitiL WifUiUil.Howard '
Swaim, precieded heir in'death on
March 14.
Surviving are: a datighterr Mr^
(3iarlotte Stames ofO^oite and a
son, David H,° Swalrn^or'Route 4,
Mocksville; 4 grandcUldren; a great
grandchild; and several |nieca md
nephews. '
Oavie County Pubfic Library
.«MocksvilJe, NC
Duel Edward Smith
V Mr. Duel Edward "Ed" Siiuth, 31.
of Burlington, died on Wednesday
moraing.Dec.29. l993.atDavis Com
munity Hospital in Statesville from
injuries in an auto accident
Mr. Smith was bom in Norfolk,
Va., the son of Robert Smith Sr. and
Betty Simmons Smith. He was em
ploy ed by R.E. Robertson & Sons Ma
sonry Contractors.
The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Fri
day. Dec. 31 at Lowe Funeral Home
Chapel in Burlington by the Rev.
MichaelSykes.pastorofWalnut Grove
United Methodist Church in Hurdle
Mills. Burial was in Alamance Memo
rial Park.
Survivors include; his wife. Mrs.
Gtenda Sipe Smith, of the home; 2
daughters. Miss Holly Nichole Smith
of the home, and Miss Kelly Ciera
Smith of Hillsville,Va.;his father. Mr.
Robert Smith Sr. of Cleimnons; his
mother, Mrs. Betty Simmons Smith of
Mocksville; his paternal grandmother.
Mrs. Stella Smith of Clemmons; 4
sisters. Ms. Teresa Smith of Farming-
ton Hills. Mich., Mrs. Marsha House
of Fuqua Varina, Mrs. Linda Smith of
Greensboro, and Mrs. Vanessa
Summons of Mocksville; a brother,
Bobby Smith of Mocksville.
Memorials may be made to The
Smith Daughters Trost Fund, c/o Tlie
First Citizens Bank, 237 E. Main St..
Gibsonville, NC 27249.
J Edith T. Tarleton
Mrs. Edith Taylor Tarleton. 68, of
Winston-Salem. died Thursday. Dec. ^•'993,atFbrsythMemorialHospi-
She was bom Dec. 13, 1925, to
Hamilton and Lois RrmwaylorJ^. T^etgg was a memberof Sl Tmtothy-s'Episcopal Church,
^ also ameiiiberof ihe Wbinen of^ Mo(« and Cbllege'of Regents.
j,She swed as a bMidmernber of the
tMsodatedwuh ite'#&neite^ Heart ^
Assttciattoo^h^^ployed wid».gtji^u,sj^g_ 51^ v
up m Spaitahlittiglkciihot spent f
inoM.ofteadalt.life in.BurlinBton
tbro^.Ho^rardimidjI^'l^^ /. Suryiying,^
Salem; 2 daughtersrtofa'- tirown of '^j^J^|^^^^JWaiy,Tarleton ,
ofMocks^et'^L^SuE," |
.latSt Tirorth/REpiscopal Church i
.Y e.^?-R9?f^iBackusofficiati I
y Rev. Francis L. Smith
The Rev. Francis Lee Smith of Rt.
S. Mocksville died Sunday. Jan. 2.
1994. at Forsyth Memorial Hospital.
He was a native of East Bend and
had residedinDavieand Forsyth coun
ties for all of his life. He was adevoted
and longtime member of the Morning
Star Baptist Church where he was
onccthe Associate Ministerand served
as interim pastor from 1980 to 1982.
Sunday School Superintendent and
Chairman of the D^con Board. He
was a member of the High Point
Minister's Association, a member of
the Minister's Conference of Win
ston-Salem. Rev. Smith was a retired
employee of RJR Tobacco Co., Fac
tory No. 12 with over 38 years of
Survivingare: his wife, Hilda Cain
Smith of the home; three sons, Tho
mas Lee Smith of Salisbury, Michael
Smith of Danville. Va.. and Jamien
Smith of the home; five daughters.
Dehorah E. Smilhand Vane.ssa Miller,
both of Winston-Salem. C^ossandra
Floyd and Priscilla Cooper, both of
Noreross. Ga., Marisa Hampton of
Atlanta.Ga.; two brothers. Paul Smith
and John Smith, both of East Bend;
two sisters. Almeta Puryear of
Tobaccoville and Willie Mae Massey
of East Bend; six grandchildren; and
one great-grandchild.
Funeral services were to be
Wednesday, Jan. S. at 2 p.m. at the
Morning Star Baptist Giurch, 1400
Fitch St., Winston-Salem. by Dr. J.
Ray Butler. Burial was to follow in
Pi^mont Memorial Gardens.
Ka., Winston-Salcm;NC27l03.
Cheri C. Benson
/ Ms. Cheri Anita Crump Benson,
46, of College Park, Ga., died Satur
day, Jan. 8, 1994, at N.C. Baptist
Known to her family and many
friends as *Cheny," she was a native
of Winston-Salem where she grew up
in the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
and was a graduate of Paisley High
School, Gossof 1965. Cheri hadlived
in the Atlanta, Ga. area for the past IS
years, and was a member of the Mount
Cormel Baptist Church of Atlanta.
She was employed with the Mellon
Bank of Riverdale, Ga.
Surviving ate: a daughter.Tangela
Benson of College Park, Ga.; a son,
Leslie Benson of Mocksville; three
grandchildren; her father, James
Crump of Winston-Salem; four broth
ers, Melvin Crump of Winston-Sa
lem, Roland Williams and Samuel
Williams, both of San Bemadino,
Calif, and Julius Williams of Char
Memorial service was Monday,
Jan. 10, at Russell Funeral Home
Chapel with the Rev. Harold Smith
presiding. '
Memorials may be made to the
American Cancer SrKiely.
Helen F. Gather
J Mrs. Helen Falrcloth Carter, 89,
died Friday, Jan. 7. 1994, at Forsyth
Memorial Hospital.
Mts.CarterwasbomJune4,1904,in the Advance community of Davie
Coijnty to Clarence Edward and BettieSmith Falrcloth. She was a graduate
of the City Memorial Hospital School
of Nursing and retired from Forsyth
Memorial Hospital in 1961 asaiegis-
tered nurse. She was a charter mem
ber of Konnoak Hills Moravian
Church and was active in church af
fairs. She was married Nov. 4,1927,
to Jesse Conrad Carter who preceded
her in death in 1981.
Surviving are: two sons, David C.
Carter and Edward T. Carter, both of
Winston-Salem; two grandchildren;
one^t-grandchild;andonebrother,William C. Foircloth of Lexington.
Graveside services were Monday,Jan. 10, at Moravian Graveyard. The
Rev. Ray Burke olliciated.
Memorials may be made to
Konnoak Hills Moravian Church,3401 Konnoak Dr., Winston-Salem,
NC 27127.
Paul M. Carter
/ tjit Paul Milton Carter, 83,^ 1 iJ^ocksvUle. died Monday.
County °'®;';^jeanetta Bryant
sons. Terry aitd Boooy v-"preceded him in dM • ),(((,survivors include, four
Paolelte " j^^vllle. andWhlttaker, Wh ^ nieks.bolhKaihy SpainhourwdJo^Hof Advance;two»ns^
he made to theMemorials may f4orth
1-Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
j■■ ■ • — -J ^ward E. Goodwin
r- "Mr. Edward Ernest Goodwin, 70.
bf East Lake Drive. Mocksville. died
Saturday, Jan. 8, —
Baptist Hospital
afierbelnginde-ciining health. RjSKFuneral ser- ^
vices were Tues-
day, Jan. II. in
Mocksville First
Pre tbyleriaii
Rev. Leiand
Richardson orOciating, Buiiai with
Masonic Graveside Rites was in Rose
Memorials may be made lo the
American Cancer Research Fund,
Davie County Chapter, Route 4. Bo*
223, Mocksville. NC 27028.r'Mr. Goodwin was bom Jan. 31,
1923, In Durham to the late Edward E.
and Rosa Mims Goodwin, and he be
gan a career with Duke Power Com
pany in 1945 in Durham with service
that spanned 38 year*. In I960 he
moved to Mocksville where he was
namedAteaManngerforDukePower,He sers ed as President of the Cham
ber of Commerce, President of the
Mocksville Rotary Club and was Past
Master of the Mocksvile MasonicLodge. He helped form the Industrial
Development Commission and rc-
mglnednnactivecontributorloituntilhis death. He was a member of the
DasisShrineandlhe MocksvilleFirst
Presbyterian Church where he servedas a deacon. He was educated In theDurham fhiblic Schools and played
professional baseball with the LbrhamBulls and several other minor league
Survivors include: his wife of 48
years, Roberta Donaho Goodwin ofthe home; one daughter. Susan
Goodwin Eaton of Mocksville; one
son. Edward Kevin Goodwin of
Hillsborough;rourgrandchjidren;andone sister, Mrs, Lillian Morgan of
Arvin L. "Bud" Harris
Mr, Arvin Lemuel (Bud) HaJris.74, of Sheffield Road. Mocksville,
died Friday. Jan. 7. 1994, at his resi
dence. ..''I
He was born in Forsyth County
Sept. 20. 1919, to Nathan Shobirt
Hams and Nora Ann Osbome Harris.
Mr. Harris was a retired truck drlVbr
for Holly Farms for 28 years and a
veteran of the U.S. Army. He wati a
member of Liberty Baptist Chuichb
Surviving are: his wife, Mrs,
M.irgie Louise Smith; three brothers,
S. Jack Hariisand J.H. Harris, both of
Yadkinviile, Bobby J. Harris ofMocksville; three sisters. Mrs. MslySnyder of Harmony. Mrs. HatJl
WalkerofYadkinville.andMrs. Doris(Dot) Sleelman of Harmony; and pijphalf-sister, Mrs.TheimaCook ofVYjfl-
ston-Salem.r~ i"' 'Funeral services were Sunday, Jan.
9. at New Union United MeihoilisiChurch, conducted by the Rev. Billy
K. Jarrell. Burial was in the church
William R. KeatonMr. William Ren7jeKeatt>n.87.of
Rl. 4, Advance, died Saturday. Jan. 8.1994. at Forsyth Memorial Hospiul.; Mr. Keaton was bom March 22.
1906, in DavieCounty lo FrancisMillsand Minnie King Keaton. He wasceiitedfromL.A.Reynold5Consltuc-
tion Co.Survivingisonesister, Mrs. Nannie
Canter of Clemmons.
Funeral services were Tuesday,Jan, II. at Vogler and Sons Clemmons Chapel by the Rev. H. SamuelCarter. Burial was in the Wesllawn
Gardens of Memory In Clemmons.
RoyCraigHoffnerMr.RoyCraigHofrner.56,ofBo*-wood Ftum. Davie County.dietl at his
hc.n« Friday.AwardofMargarelCraigW^n.heattendedinhisyouthMcCaheMa.-
lary School and Davidson «^aboard member of the Woodson
^""i^rsurvtved by his wife of theiwme. Martha; two daughters. Mi^ ofCharlotte and Margaret of Salisbuiy.anda5iep-son,LanYofFJPaso.Te^^
A privatecnemotial service wasbeldJan. 2 at Boxwood Farm.MecnorialstnaybemadeioNa^Childcen-sHomeofRockwcllorDavte
County Hospice.
ZeiiaR. Kirby
Zella Riecson Kirby. 91. ofJ Tob»ccovillediedFriday.Jan.7.1994,
at Evengelinc Nursing Home of King
after a brief illness.
She was bom Sept. II, 1902. in
Stokes County loJoseph A. and Betty
JaneTutlle Rierson. Mrs. Kirby was a
member of Friends Union Church.
She was preceded in death by her
husband, William Cicero "Tools"
Kirby in 1964. She was also precededby two sisters. Martha Holt and Lula
Lambeand fourbmlhets, Ernest.John,
Theodore and Prunelle Rierson.
Surviving are: one daughter. Mrs.Margaret Lourae Robertson of RL 4,
Advanceandoneson, MarvinG. Kirby
Sr. of Tobaccovilie; one grandchild;
andonebrother. OttoRierson ofJulian.
Funeral services wereSunday.Jan.
9. at Slate Funeral Home Chapel with
Minister Inez Brown officiating.
Burial followed in Ml, Pleasant United
Methodist Church cemetery.Memorials may be madeloFriends
Union Church, do Wilson D. Stone,
Rl, I, Pinnacle, NC 27043.
• V
Mr.' Ftra Eugene Long, 77, of.
Winston-Salem, died Thursday, Jan.
6.1994. I
He was; born March 1, 1916, in
Fbrsyth County to Robert l,ee and
Rosa Miller Long. Mr. Long spent
most of his life in Forsyth and Davie
counties oiul was a member ofAdvent
Moravian Church. He served in the
U.S. Army during WWII. He was
employed with Pleasant Hardware for
a number of years, retiring in 1981.
He was a member of Advance Ma
sonic Lodge 710. Mr. Long and his
brother were owners of Long's Gen
eral Merchandise on Oid Salisbury
Surviving are; two sons, Stephen
Long of Greensboro and Alan Long
of Danbury; four grandchildren; two
sisters, Jo Ann Furches of Decatur.Ga.,
and Hazel Mae Smith ofLong Beach;
and two brothers. Earl L. Long of
Amatillo, Texas and Thomas G. Long
of Advance.
Graveside services were Monday,
Jan. 10. at Wesllawn Gardens of
Memory by the Rev. Roger Kimball.
Memorials may be made to Ad
vent Moravian Church or Hospice of
Stokes County.
y Jettie C. Riley
Mrs. Jettie Frances Combs Riley.
70, of Route 4. Pine Ridge Road.
Mocksvillc. died Saturday. Jan. 8.
1994. in N.C. Baptist Hospital in
Winslon-Salem after being in declining health. |
Funeral services were Tuesday,
Jan. I i, in ^lon Funeral Chapel with
the Revs, Dairell Cox and Dana Ervin
ofTiciating. Burial was in Legion
Memorial Park in Cooleemee.
Memorials may be made toCancerServices of pavie County, 622 North
^ Main Street; Mocksville, NC 27028.
Mrs. Riiey was bom in Davie
County Feb.. 7, 1923, to, the late
Marshall P. hnd Laura ;McCraty'
Combs and had been a lioriien^er.She tvas a ujembet of;TCiiity Baptist
Chtirch.1 r.f'L
Sundvoid Incluriet; her. husband,
Muiiay Rile^ of the home, whom she
married iti.l^l; ttvo datigh^ Mrs. •
Patsy Kezpb of Salisbury and Laura'
Kim Rlley if Iho'homeiftw'Tottsi'
Jerry'Riley hfSalisfitiryiahd'Barry .Riley of 0>tleemeehi)t; jtaitdchll-'
dren; one gniatigran'dcWld! 'and foiir
sisters, ^Mrs. Catrio'May'andi Mis:Ruth TkoulnW'both'of Salisbury,t Mrs,';AI^S|lu^^|^Cbi|ie^
Mrs. Pauline j Pinicston ^ of
HenrJersonvjlle.",!^ ,A son, Te[iyBvereiteceded his iito|h« lri (de(ill^)^ j|
Mattle Lois L. Myers
.J Mrs. Mattle Lois Laird Myers, 66,
died at The Oaks Nursing Home in
WInston-Salem Thursday. Jan. 6,
1994. after an eight-year battle with
She was bom on Aug. 21,1927, in
Davie County to Alvis Martin and
Leila Mae Howard Laird. She was a
graduate of Mocksville High School,
Class of I94S, and Draughon's Busi
ness College in Winston-Salem in
1947. She was employed with the
United States Department of Veteran
Affairs In Winston-Salem forover42
years, until her retirement in 1989.
She married Mr. Tildren Ray Myers
of Advance on Sept. 17,1930. "ntey
hadthreechildrenandresidedatRt. I,
Box 3 IO,(Redland Road) in Advance.
She was an active member of
Bethlehem United Methodist Church
of Advance and a recent graduate of
She is survived by her husband of
the home; two sons. Rev. Jimmy Laird
Myers of Advance and Mr. Thomas
Ray Myers of t^arlottesvllle, Va.;
one daughter, Mrs. Maria Taylor of
Advance; three grandchildren; and two
sisters, Mrs. Mildred McDaniel and
Mrs. Carolyn Raybuck, both of Ad
Funeral services were Saturday,
Jan. 8, at Bethlehem United Method
ist Church on Redland Road in Ad
vance tvith the Revs. Dan Martin,
Don Funderburk and Dr. Robert
Peuri foy ofTiciating. Entombment was
in the church mausoleum.
Memorials may be made to the
Good Neighbor Fund of Bethlehem
United Methodist Church or to the
Church, Rl I, Box 137, Advance, NC
y ' :Mt-W'»'«*",,'Sfonne.lyof
was torn
'isBury to Thomas precededtagraroNewsome^_^^ Cobb
in'.death prtortohisitUte-N6WSome,ti»|W n
menUhew|» up m
RMftng from Boydens4isb«.y.8«<»;«'^„fcollege.HeHigh school and
WHS 'n^"''*^,!.^.,ewhetethebase-
Fabte at Eton CoU g jfeball field was m^med ^ ^
was an prosidenl's Council.
Country Ouh- .^weteToesday,
Margaret of Winston-N. ^""LarfW.NewsomeSalemvonejoiu^cg^ofls,eofPrf^S^^'\,^or6an
Henntoa N. Taylorof Florence, S& " poanof Falls Church, ^ is.
wo brothers, Byronbury, and J* . . ^ TbotitasNewsome of^te^^inore. calif.[fewsome of ^ the
df the donor's litoice.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
/ Boston M. Summers
^ Tlie Rev. Boston M.^i]inmei8,91,
of Winston-Solem died Tuesday, Jon.4,1994,atRHsythMeroolrial Hospital.
Rev. Summets was born Oct. 23,1902. in Harmony to PeterR.aiidJennie
C. Campbell Summers. He rmished
Stale Normal, now WInston-Salem
Slate University.
He joinedthe First Baptist Church
on Highland Ave. He was licensed to
preach under the leadership of Dr. J.H.
Thomas and attended classes at Shaw
University. He was ordained by the
Ordination Council of iheRowanBap-
•list Association. He pastored Boxwood
Baptist Church in Mocksvllle and
Dreamland Park Baptist Church In
Winston-Salem. He pastored for moreihan40years.Duringhlsearlyyearshe
also organized the Rrst Baptist Church
of Harmony. He was the oldest mem
ber of the Rowan Baptist Association.member of theBudget Committee, Life
Member of the Lolt Carey Baptist For
eign Missionary convention, member
of the Ministers Conference of Win-
ston-Saiem and Vicinity, the oldest
member of the Baptist Ministers Con-
ferenccofWinston-Salent.Hewasalso ;
a member of the Ni^ACP and the
YMCA. iHe is survived by: his wife. Lucy A. |
Fridy Summers; 2 sons. Boston M. '
Summers Jr.. and William S. Sum
mers; a daughter. Lucy Ann Conner; 3
brothers. Rod Summers of Washing-
Ion, D.C., Tommy;Summers and
Backer T. Summersjof Harmony, 6gnndcbild^ Sgre^-graitdcUldien. ,
He wM prowW m deaA 1^ a M
John A. Sunujietii ^^A^ughttr, .)
'MarcellaOj^bBmasJ^^^;S .i
' : FktneralseryimwmFadayBtnrstBaptist Church vdth to Rev,-Wendell
. A. JohnsonblHciatii^-'.''"'''"';-,''''''", ^Burial was mEveigriren Cemetery, j
/ Willie "Will" Watkins
v WiHie"WiirWalkins.84.ofRoule
I. Watkins Farm Road. Woodleaf.
died Thursday. Jan. 6. 1994, at his
home after a serious illness of several
Bom Dec. 22.1909. inCommerce.
Ga.. Watkins was a son of the late
William H. and Georgia Holbrook
Watkins. Educated in the schools of
Commerce. Oa.. he was a retired
farmer. He had worked atErwInCone
Mill for 50 years and also worked for
Fieldcrest Cannon.
A member of Erwin Temple CMEChurch, he had served as chairman of
the stewards board, superintendent of
the Sunday school, and had been a
class leader and lay leader.Ason, George LouisWatkins.died
Jan. 13.1978.
Survivors Include: wife L.D. For
tune Watkins; son Willie Leon
Watkins of Woodleaf; daughters, theRev.IreneW.aodfelterofWoodM
and Allene Watkins McNeil of Salis
bury; brother Boyd Watkins of Cool-eemee-.sislersAnnleCrossley ofLou
isville. Ky..CorineCrawroidofWash-
ington. D.C.. and Claudene Hosch of
Coolecmee; eight grandchildren; 15
great-grandchildren; and three foster
Funeral services were Monday,
Jan. 10, at Noble and Kelsey Funeral
Home Memorial Chapel, conducted
by the Rev. Calvin Smith. Buiid wasin Rowan Memorial Park. ' * '
i ..^Memorials rn^ be made to Hos-•piceofRowimOohnty.P.O.BoxloO?,
: Salisbury, NC 28145-1603.
. ' ..siu
Hazel Watson
Mrs. Hazel Kiger Martin WaWpp,
72, of Lexington, died Tue^y..Jai)-
n 1994 alForsyth Memorial nQSp^tal'alteraseriousiUnessoftwomonthi
Bom May 22, 1921. in Davie
County. M.-S. Watson was a daughwof the late John Wesley and 1^
Stewart Kiger. A reiiied employetySf
Porkdale Mill, she attended Arlington
Heights Freewill Baptist Chi«cb.. \
Her first husbaiuL Ralph BobbinMartin, died in September >9^J?"""h« Mxond husband. Conner Wilwn
Watson, died in August 1976. - VSutvivois include ihfee sons, BoW>y
Martin of Silver Valley, Ralph Martn^ b nale Martin
of Uxington; two daughtw, M«.
Tootie Langiey and Mrs. Geraitfh
Leonard, both of Lexington; two s^sons,OdellWatsonoflllinoisandJajto
Watson, Atlanta; six brothers, Om.
Thomas, Clarence, OUs
Kiger, all of Leidngton. and Harold
Kiger of Sparta; three sisters, HelMKiger,EihelBrinkleyandMaigieSeaft
all of Lexington; 14 grandchildren alid
11 greal-gnmdchitdien. •Funeral services are Thursday. af4
p.m. at Arringlon HeightsBaptist Church, conducted by the Rev.-DougMcGee,Rev.JuniorBaliew,feX-.
Clarence Ballew and the Rev. liiry
MichaeL Burial will be in Lexington
aty Cemetery. :.V
, c
Oavie County Public Ubrarv^locksville, NC
- DAVIE COUNTY EimRPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Jan. 13,1994
j WajveC. Young
Mr. Wayite Ctocil Young, 72. of
J"!!!!!.'* ^ Priday. Jan.7j-, 1994, in DaV!e County Hospital
afterbeJngindeclining health.
s tow'tainnor limbeh officiaUng.jBnrial with Militaiy Honom was in
, Rowtom^.OtavesideRitesweteI by the Eleventh DistrictMemorial Honor Giiaid, Veterans of
Mf. Vtfudg-^ii^'h^.'ln Rowan 'County April4,J!^I,ind
with 25jean as a driVer with
Mcl^ Dw^g Coihpany. He had
ISPs&s..®^j^fed^|o'fofihea :
member, SuniySdioo ^
d^noriheModaviilePehtecostal ;. Holiness ChtBch. He also been aveteran df,the;HjX^riny With 10 >
Survlv9o(sioclu(ie?hjg 'wife'
^fi^^%5SgVthehbiwJ: J
;itMn;pf Route
iCline ofiI^te;l,fMdcksville; four
I 'ft^-.^ey.VoungpfWinston^a.
"" y°o?8 bf Route'19/Mocki-i wile. Sieve YpunitaSd'K&'Vouna i
iMiofn..Waltoh.Ba;U8grandchil' J
son, T^ thiul Voung preceded his •father to death in 19^;^^',. j v, ,; . ;
■Wed,usday. January 19,1991. jhe Sallsbiny Post
y Bi^er Van . Eaton
i'MOCKSVILLE — The funeral will be Friday for ElmerVan Eaton, 47, Route 7, DaltonRoad, who was found dead athis home Friday (Jan. 14,1994).Services: noon Friday,Redland Church of Christ, Ad-VMce, conducted by Magellan
Stevenson. Burial in the National Cemetery of - Salisburywith military rites by theRowan County Veterans Coun
cil. ■ - ■jVIsltatlon: There will be novisitation. The family wiil be atthe home of brother John Cody,269 Mount View Drive. Nobleand Kelsey Funeral Home,Salisbury, in charge.
Dai^ County PubRc Library^fyiocksvilie, NG
Gilbert T. Bailey
Mr. Gilbert Tobias Bniicy, 94. of
Winsion-Salem, died Tuesday, Jan.
II, 1994, at Forsyih Memorial Hospi-
t lai. I
Mr. Bailey, one of twenty chil
dren, was bomjOct. 4, 1899. in
. Lewisville.toChifesPeltusandElien
. 1 KigerQpiley. '
i 1 A graveside service was held at
I I porsyth Memorial Park Cemetery on
I Friday. Jan. 14, by Carl Rolhrock.
Mr. Bidley spent all of his iife in
porsyth County and retired from R.J.
Reynolds Tobacxo Co. in 1962 after
39 years of service. Mr. Bailey was a
member of the Church of Christ at
Bayer's. '
Survivors include: his wife, Lilhe
Sprinkle Bailey of the home: two
daughters. Miss Hortense Bailey ofthe home, Mrs. Zelma (Toby) Lee of
W'inston-Salem; two grandsons,Charles R. Lee Jr. of Mocksvilie and
DavidT. Ue of Winston-Salem; two
great-grandchildren; and one brother.
Prank T. Bmley Sr. of Uwisville.
Myrtle V.E. Dull
Mrs. Myrtle Virginia Edward
Dull, 86, of Route 8, Howell Road
Mocksvilie, died Monday, Jan. 17,
1994, in Davie County Hospital after
several yeais of declining health and
seriously ill for the past two weeks.
Funeral services were to be at 11
a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 19. in Eaton
Funeral Chapel with the Rev. David
Nolan and Mr. David Powell officiat
ing; Burial was to follow in WesleyChapelUnited Methodist Church cem
etery. i
Memorials may be made to the
General Fund of Wesley Chapel
UnitedMetliodist Church, c/oMichacl
Sjjibuse, Rbule 1, Box 522, Advance,
NC 27006)
Mrs. bull was born in Wilkes
County June 17. 1907, to the late
W.M. and-Flora Davis Edwards and
had been a homemaker. She was a
member of the Wesley Chapel United
Methodist' Church and the United
Melhodisi Women. Her husband,
Luther McKinley Dull, preceded her
in death on Jan. 31,1986.
Survivors include; her daughter,
Mrs. Linda Pendleton of Gastonia;
, foiir sons! Vemon Dull of Mocks
vilie, Thimnoitd DuU of Route 6,
Mocksvilie.'W. Gene Dull of Slates-
ville and Dean bull of High Point;eight gratjdchildreii; and three grem-
Mrs. Matlie Bell Boger
Mrs. Matlie Bell Latham Boger,
SS.ofRoute 1,Crescent Drive, Mocks
vilie, died early Tuesday morning,
Jan. 18. l994,inDavieCounty Hospi
She had been in decling health for
the past several years and seriously ill
for the pa.st two months.
Funeral services were scheduled
for2 p.ra. Tliursday, Jan. 20, in Salem
United Methodist church with the
Revs. Gary Kling and Steve Kitby
olEciating. Burial was to be in the
church cemetery.
The family was to be at Eaton
Funeral Hotne Wednesday night from
They request memorials be con
sidered for the Cemetery Fund of Sa
lem UnitedMetliodist Church, c/oMr.
J.T. Winfrey, Route 1 Box 3S1B,
Mocksvilie, NC 27028.
Mrs. Boger was bom in Davic
County on SepL IS, 1905, to the late
Gaidter and Delia Ijames Uatham and
was retired from B&F Manufacturing
as an inspector. She had also been a
Methodist Churdi where she was ac
tive in assisting with church dinners
and suppers.
She was a memberofWoodmen of
the World, the Mocksvilie Senior Citi
zens and Golden Agers.
Her husband. Tliomas Holloway
Boger, preceded her in death, in i964.
Survivors include; 4 daughters.
Mrs. Sam (Virginia) Daywalt. Mrs.
Cecil (Ruth) Coitner and Mis. Fred
(Brenda) Swisher, all of Route I.
Mocksvilie, and Mrs. Lester (Helen)
keaton of Rtnite 2 Mocksvilie; 2 sons,
William Glenn Boger of Route 1.
Union Grove and Tltomos Holloway
BogerofRoute6,Statesville; lOgrand-
children; and 7 great-grandchildren.
Mattie W. Doby
® Mrs.MattieWhisenhuntDoby,87,
' of Route 5, Mocksvilie, died Friday,
y Jan. 14, 1994, at Foisyth Memoritil
Mrs. Doby was bom Sept. 6,1906,
in Winston-Salem lo Pinkison and
Ellen Holt WhisenhunL She was a
homemaker and a member of Hanes
United Methodist Church,
. Mrs. Doby w^ preceded in death
by her husband, John C. Doby; three
sons, Dallas E. Doby, Charles R Doby,
Thurmond N. Doby and three grand
Survivingareherdaughter, Fiances
D. Legg of Mocksvilie; a son, Harold
E.DobyofWinston-Salero; 17giand-
children;and2l great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were Sunday at
Vogler & Sons Clemmons Chapel by
. the Rev. J. Cecil Hill. Burial was in
the Bethel United Methodist Church
cemetery, Winston-Salem.
Memorials may be made to Bread
of Life Baptist Church, Mocksvilie,
NC 27028.
Gerry W. Head
; Mr. Gerry Wesley Head, 44, of
Route 2, Riverview Drive, Advance,
died Friday, Jan. 14,1994, at Forsyth
Memoriol Hospital in Winston-Sa
Funeral services were Monday,
Jan. 17, at Eaton Funeral Chapel con
ducted by the Rev. Craig Seaford.
Emtombment was in Rowan Memo
rial Park in Salisbury with miliury
gravesiile rites conducted by the Dis
trict 11 Memorial Honor Guard, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars.
He was bom March 5, 1949, in
Davie County, a son of Clarence W.
(Bud) and Modene Creason Head of
Mocksvilie. He was employed by
Ingersoll-Rand Company of Mocks
vilie and was a veteran ofthe Vietnam
Conflict, having served in the U.S.
Survivors, in addition to his par-
ents,are; his wife, JanetSusanHellnrd
Head of the home; a son, Eric Wayne
Head of the home; a daughter, Rnndi
Sue Head of the home; two sisters,
Mrs. Crystal Lloyd ofChapel Hill and
Mrs. Carolyn NeweIlofBristol,Tcnn.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksvilie, NC
10. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Jan. 20,1994
Bessie B. Jones {
Bessie Beulah Archie Jones, 80, of
401 Main St., Mocksville, died Tues
day. Jan. 11. 1994, at Davie County
Hospital after a serious illness of two
Bom Feh. 22. 1913, in Rock Hill,
S.C., Mrs. Jones was adaughterofthe
late Robeil and Mary Archie. A gradu
ate of Dunbar High School in East
Spencer, she was a homemaker.
She wasa foimer memberofSouth-
ern City Taberitacle AME Zion
Church, East Spencer, and
Gethsemane Baptist Cliurch, Salis
Survivors include; sons, Berkley
Jones Jr. of Durham, Jackie Jones of
Springfield Gardens, L.I., N.Y., and
Leon and Cicero Jones, botbofMocks-
ville; daughters, Ethelneal Retlly of
Queens Village, N.Y., FrancesCheny
of East Spencer, and Jeanelte Myers
of Baltimore, Md.; 32 grandchildren;
and 30 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were Saturday,
Jan. 15, at Noble and Kelsey Funeral
Home Memorial Chapel, Salisbury,
conducted by the Rev. Calvin Miller,
pastor of Southern City Tabernacle
AME Zion Church, East Spencer.
Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
George H. Neely
J Mr. George Henry Neely, 56, of
Brightmoor Nursing Home of Salis
bury, died Tuesday, Jaii. 11,1994, at
Rowan Memorial Hospital after be
ing in declining health for four years.
Bom Sept. 20, 1936, in Davie
County, Neely was a son of the late
W.O. and Lillie Dooley Neely. Edu
cated in the Davie County schools, he
was a former einployee of Burlington
Cotton Mills.
.Survivors include: stepmother.
Savannah Neely of Salisbury; sisters,
Madgline Ijames, Genester Everhart
and Glenda Fay Brown, all of Cool-
eemee, Beny Hogue of Cleveland,
Diane Neely of Salisbury, Christine
Neely of Woodleaf, Emma Jean Grif
fin of Taylorsville, Tommie Lynn
Punches of Winston-Solem, Eloise
Frost of New York, Martha Ford of
Brooklyn, N.Y., and Frrmces Bright
of Greensboro.
Funeral services were Sunday at
Noble and Kelsey Meprrial Chapel.
Burial was in Friendship Baptist
Church cemetery in Woodleaf.
Oscar Keller
7 Mr. Thomas Oscar Keller, 86, of,,,,
Center Street, Mocksville, died Sun
day, Jani H>. 1994, in Cabarrus Me- „
morial Hospital in Concord.
Funeral services were to be at -2 4
p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 19, in Eaton '>|
Funeral Chapel with the Revs. Joe ci
Collins and Charles Bfrid ofliciating.
Burial was to be in the Center United
Methodist Church cemetery.
Memorials may be made .to „
Hardison United Methodist Church, 1
P.O.Box l57.Cooleemee,NC27014.. .4
Mr. Keller was born in Davie ■,!County Jan. 21. 1907. to the lateAlexander and Leiia Bowles Keller 1jmd had been a farmer. He had alsobeen a retail clerk with Martin Bros.- nHardware. He was a member of the 1Hardison United Methodist (2hurch
and also a member of Mocksville Se- 1nior Citixens and Godlen Agets. His rwtfe.SadieSpry Keller.preccdedhim n
in death in 1984.Survivors include his daughter,Mrs. Carolyn Bickers of Hairisburg;one grandchild; and one brother, Mr."Walter Keller of High Point.
John R Penninger
Mr. John Frank Penninger, 77, of^ Penninger Drive, Woodleaf, diedThursday, Jan. 13, 1994, in RowanMemorial Hospital.Funeral services wereSunday, Jan.16. in Eaton Funeral Chapel inMocks-ville, with the Revs. Leonard Rollinsand Larty Allen officiating. Burialwas in Legion Memorial Park in Cool-
ecmcc.Mr. Penninger was bom April 10,1916. in Rowan County to the lateWilliam Henry and Lenora MoweryPenninger and was retired from theMaintenance Department of FiberIndustries. Before joining Ftber hewas with Burlington Mills in Cool-
eemee. HewasamemberoftheCool-ecmce First Baptrst Church. His wife,Willie Cook Ptenninger preceded him'
in death in 1990.Survivors include; his daughter,Deborah Penninger Misenheimer ofM- ' sville;threesons, Leon Franklin' linger of Cooleemee, TerryWayne Penninger Sr. of Uxingtonand Barry Lane Penninger of Pace.Ha.; nine grandchildren; one great-gtandchild; four stepgrandchildren;one stcpgreat-grandchild; one sister,Katherine Miller of Mocksville andone half-brother. Melvin Mclntyre of
J Jeffrey A. Lynch
Jeffrey Allen Lynch, 18, of 317
Rolling Green Dr., Winston-Salem,
died Tuesday, Jan. II, 1994, as a
. result ofan automobile accident.
He was bom Nov. 13, 1975, in
Erie, Pa., to Gary Allen and Kathleen
Mattson Lynch. Jeff was a senior at
Ledford High School and was a mem
ber of the wrestling team and the
F(2A. He was a member of King of
Glory LutheranChurch in Clemrnons.
Surviving are his parents. Gary A.
and Cynthia Lynch of Wallburg and
' Robert A. and Kathleen M. Tiller of
Advance; onesister, Jennifer A. Lynch
of Wilmington; two stepbrothers,
Shane and Justin Parker of Wiillburg;
his grandparents. Lawrence A. Ray of
Erie, Pa., and James A. and Fern t.
, Lynchof High Point.
Funeral services were Friday, Jan.
14, at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek
! Chapel by the Revs. Phillip Squire
and Charles Martin.
Methorials may be made to Ledford
Senior High Wrestling Team, do
LedfordSeniorHighSchool, l40Jesse' GreenRoad,Thomasville,NC27360.
Early Duke "ED." Poole, 96, ofPowell Bridge Road, Harmony, diedMonday, Jan. 17.1994. at Iredcll Memorial Hosptial. Hehadbeen in decliii-inghealthforthiee weeks and seriously
ill for one week.BomOct.25,1897,inDavieCounty
to the late Luico Mitchell and LydinAnn Dwiggins Poole, he wasamemberof Harmony Baptist CImrch and was a I
deaconforover 50 years. He was chair
man of the deacons and a member of
the Men's Bible Gass.His wife. Maggie Ethel Wilson
Poole, died Sept. 8,1992.
Survivors include two sons, J.Ray
Poole of Harmony and Garence L.
Pdole of Statesville; five daughters,
Clara P. Evans of Statesville, HelenCashion of Salisbury, Hazel Steele ofGevelantLRuby Harris oflndianTtail
and Mildred P. Lanney of Charlotte;sister Linda P. Foster of Winston-Sa
lem; 18grandchildren;25 great-grand-children and four great-great-grand-
Firneral services were to be at 2 p.m.Wednesday at Harmony Baptist
Church, conducted by Rev. David F.4cHugh Jr.. Rev. C. Donald Hayncs
id Rev. Steven W. Cox. Burial was to
in Harmony Cemetery.Memorials may lie made to Har-/ Baptist Church, P.O. Box 116.
ony, N.C. 28634.
Davse County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Jan. 20,1994
Tiroy M. Powers . ,
'Mr. Troy Marvin Powers of Pow
ers Farm Rd., Harmony, died Satur
day, Ian. IS, 1994, in Iredell Memo
rial Hospital after a brief illness.
' He is survived by his wife, Bemlce
King Powers; two sons, James Pow
ers of Statesville and Dennis Powers
of Tumersburg; two daughters, Mrs.
Marie Fitzgerald of Statesville and
Mrs. Hilda Kurfees of Mocksvillc;
eight grandchildren; fourgreat-grand-
children; one brother, Fred Powers of
Ft. Lauderdale, Fin.; and two sisters,
Kirs. Pauline Overcash of Suffem,
Funeral services were Tuesday at
Harmony United Methodist Church.
Memorials may be made to Har
mony United Methodist Church, P.O.
Box 85, Harmony, NC 28634.
Viola S.WiUard
Mrs. Viola Speer Willard, 96, of
Union Hill Rd., East Bend, died Saturday, Jan. 15,1994;atherresidcnce.
She was bom July 16, 1897, in
Yadkin County to Asbury and Sarah
Hunter Speer and Was a member of
Nebo Church of QmstShe was precedM in death by her
husband, Joseph Cm WiUaid. •
Mrs. Willard U survived by: twosons.'Wi9«^.,W|^
. Salem aiidBoonville;fourdatig|iterKMtiMme n
YadkinviUe, Mrs Mary Siiow ^ |
Mrs. Jessie Matthews, both of East
Bend; T6 grandchildren; 34 great-Btandchildren; three greal-gteat-
• giaiulchiid«tf;tv|o brothers, UlherSpeerbfYodldnvlljSiandpiennSpeer
of Boone; and twb sisters, Mrs. Wdey;
McEwen of Ya^hville andjite. ,',
Dolly HoBer.pf MocksviUei^ . i
Jan. 18;%;Mtujlde;Gentry Fhn^ ;Hotne. Burial wM to N^Oimch of
Christ cerneteryJ' "
Elmer VanEaton
Elnier Van Eaton, 47, of DaltonRoad, Mocksville, was fou^itod'"
Davie Central High School a^ waslastemployedatWeslemSteerRwlau-
rant in Plymouth. He was a member ofRedland Church of Christ in Advanceand a veteran of the U.S. Army.Survivofsincludefivebrothei^J^Cody of Mocksvillc, Bookers.^
Cody of Statesville; and four sister^SrahCodyofWinrf'-^j
Brinda Wilkins and M^ »Mocksville andDeannaCody of Salis
Robert Williamson
J Mr. RobeilMcDonald Williamson.
65, of 132 Thrace Court, Winston-
Salem,diedMonday,Jan. 17,1994,at
Fotsyth Memorial Hospital.
Mr. Williamson was bom July 20.
1928, in Foisyth County to C. Donald
and Sallie Holland Williamson. He
, was a UiiitedStates Army veteran ofI the Kotean^nfUcL He was a super
visor for the City of Winston-Salem
Sanitation Department for 35 years
' before retirtog.
Sutyivingare: his wife, Mary Ruth
. BiUingsWUIiamsonbfthchomettwo
Barbara Ann White
; Mis. Barbara Ann Popiin White,
^ 51, of Perryman Road, Lexington,
died Tliursday, Jan. 13,1994,at Win
ston-Salem Convalescent Center.
She was bom April 11, 1942, in
High Point to Gilbeit and Lena Hunt
Poplin Sr. Mrs. White was a member
of Victory Baptist Church.
Surviving are her parents of Win-
ston-Salem; her husband, Joe White
Sr. of Lexington: three daughters,
Twiia Dawne Everhait of Hillsdale,
Cheritn Denise Huffman of Mocks
ville and Joanna Leigh Collier of
Advance; one son, Joe Reid White Jr.
of Lexington; two brothers, Gilbert
and Boyd Poplin, both of Winston-
Salem; one sister. Sue Ring of Clem-
mons; and six grandchildren.
Funeral services were Sunday, Jan.
16. at Victory Baptist Church by the
Revs. Mike Duffield and Jim
Ciodfelter. Burial was in the church
cemetery.Memorials may be made to Arcadia
Rescue Squad or Arcadia Lions Club.
of aemmoiis, 'Debra Williamson
Mclntyie of Beimuda Run, Advance;
and twpgiahdchildren.'
FU&ral iiinices weretobeheldat.^j;p;^^^Pday,'.toul9.BtV6itler_
& Sons Clemnions Ciiapel by Bishop'^uitpnRi^tt^tirialwastofoUowto
•the IVeiiiifewitlens of Memory in
III Spang^lnng'Ave..RL2,Clem-
Coiiniy Public Library
fvJccksviile, NC
n o
. «o
. Esther Adams - 'i
^Miss Esther Adams, 87, of Win-
stqn-Salemdi^ Wednesday, Jan. 19,
1^4, at Foisylh Memorial Hospital.
Shh was a resident of Winston-Salem
Cdnvalescent Center.
'Miss Adaitis was bom Jan. 22,
19()6, in Suny County, the daughter
ofloshua and Bell Baker Adams. She
wi a member of First Pentecostal
Holiness Church and served there for
many years as a leader and Sunday
School teacher Early in her life, she
wqrked for Hanes Knitting Company
and Bawls Candy Kitchen.
;She is survived by nieces and neph-
euls, Robert C. Adams of Bethania,
Jerry Adams of Pfafftown, Ann
Adams Johnson of Advance, Bill
Adams of Morlticelloi Calvin Adams
of Browns Suihmit and Doris Adams
Clapp of Lexington.
^Funeral services were Saturday.
Jat). 22, at Voglei's Main Street Chapel
by;ihe Rev. Don Sigmon.
^Memorials may be made to First
Pehtecostal Holiness Church, 998
Hutton St., Winston-Salem, NC
Hugh C. Gaither
I Hugh Clydew Oaither, 52, of
* Route I, Mocksyille, died Jan. 25,
1994. at Davie Cdunty Hospital.
Bom Sept. 8.1941. he was the son
ofJames Ralph and Olga Gaither. He
was a supervisor in the finishing lab
of Diexel Fumiture in Morganton.
The family was to receive friends
Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. at Eaton's
Funeral Home. Funeral services are
Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in Eatons Fu
neral Home Chapel with the Rev. Ray
Davis of Green Meadows Baptist
Church and Rev. Emory Maichant of
Willowbrook Baptist Church of
Princeton, W.Va.', officiating.
Burial and a graveside service will '
be at Green Meadows Baptist diurch.
He is survived by his wife, Linda
G. Gaither of the home; a son, Terry
Dean Gaither of the home; and a sis
ter, Kathyleen G. Edwards of Win
He was preceded in death by his
father in 1944, it son, Hugh Jr.. in
1964; a brother, James Earl in 1992
and his mother in 1993.
Memorials may be made to Green
iMeadows Baptist Church, Route 2,
Mocksville. N.C. 27028.
Arnold W.Barnes
^ Mr. Arnold Washington Barnes.
53. of Linwood-Southmont Road.
Linwood, died at his home Sunday.
Jan. 23.1994. He had been in declin
ing health for one and one-half years,
but death was unexpected.
A graveside service was to be held
Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 2 p.m. in Le
gion Memorial Park in Cooleemee.
Mr. Barnes was bom in Rowan
County Feb. 22, 1940, to the late
Grover Lee and Mary Lou Leonard
I Bames and was employed witli Young
Hinkle Furniture Company in Lex
ington with over 20 years of service.
Surviving are; two daughters.
Donna Regina Bames and Lori Ann
Bames. both of Linwood; one son,Johnny BamesofUnwoodtonegrand-
child; four half-brothers. Timothy
Bames, Lonnie Bames. Gary Bames
and Kenny Bames, all of Cooleemee.
Robert S. Gandy Sr.
J Mr. Robert S. Gandy Sr., 68, of
Beaufort, N.C., died Wednesday, Jan.
19, at Carteret General Hospital in
i Funeral services were held Satur-
1 day, Jan. 22, l994.Mr.Gandy,aWorld
War II veteran, was buried with full
Military Rites in Carteret Memorial
Gardens in Beaufort.
Mr. Gandy was the father of Beth
Gandy Cassidy of Mocksville.
While in the service, Mr. Gandy
was a warded several medals ofhonor.
He served in Belgium, Holland, Ger
many, France, and Luxemburg, and
• wasamember ofoneofthe troops that
I landed on the beach of Normandy on
i D-Day.j He was employed by Eaton Cor-
I poration of Selma for 42 years, retir-
; ing in 1990 from his position as Hu
man Resources Manager.
Mr. Gandy is also survived by his
wife of 45 years, Anna Mae Hartman
' Gandy of Beaufort; two other daugh
ters, Karen G. Sampson of Raleigh
and Mrs. Chris Slappey of Columbia,
S.C.; a son Robert S. Gandy Jr. of
Southpoit; a brother. Warren Gandy
ofGlenolden, Pa.; and live grandchil
Iva Grey Blackwood
v/ Mrs. Iva Grey Eller Blackwood,
63, of Edgewood Circle, Cooleemee,
died Friday, Jan. 21.1994, in Rowan
Memorial Hospital in Salisbury.
Funeral services were Sunilay, Jan.
23, in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the
Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating. En
tombment was in the Mausoleum of
Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury.
Memorials may be made to Vic
tory Baptist Church, Cooleemee, NC
Mrs. Blackwood was bom in Davie
County Nov. 20, 1930, to the late
Hugh Gray and Ivila Susan Shultz
Eller and had been a bookkeeper with
CentralCaroIina BankandTrust Com
pany. She was a member of Victory
Baptist Church. Her husband, Fred
Lanier Blackwood, died in 1992.
Survivors include; foursons,Gaty
Michael (Mickey) Blackwoodof Con
cord, Monte Blackwood of Cool
eemee, Ronald Fred Blackwood of
Salisbury and Alan Dale Blackwood
ofCharleston,S.C.;and lOgrandchil-
J Betty Jean Gillespie
Betty Jean Mack Gillespie, 34, of
Route 3, Old Highway 64 West, Lex
ington. died Friday, Jan. 21,1994. at
Lexington Memorial Hospital alter a
period of declining health.
Bom Dec. I, 1959, in Davidson
County, Mrs. Gillespie was a daugh
ter of Smitty Lester Allen of Advance
and Gaynell Walker Threadgill of
Lexington. A 1976 graduate of West
Davidson High School, she attended
Davidson County Community Col
lege and was a teacher's assistant in
Lexington City Schools for 14 years.
She was a member of Mount Sinai
AME Zion Church, Advance, where
she served on the UsherBoard, taught
Sunday school and Bible studies and
was amemberoftheVouthChoirand
Missionary Circle.
In addition to her parents, she is
survived by husband, Bryan Warren
Gillespie; brothers, Myron Denard and
James Edward Threadgill, both of
Lexington, and Devore DeSonto
Ophelia Littlejohn, Sharon Donise
Hamilton and Gloria Jane Threadgill,
all ofLexington, Sharon Devett Alien
and Sonya Denise Allen, both of Ad
vance; and paternal grandmother,
Mary Louis Brown of Advance.
Funeral services were Tuesday,
Jan. 25, at Mount Sinai AME Zion
Church, Advance. Burial was in Yad-
kin Star Baptist Church cemetery.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
Helen M. Ginther
I Mis. Helen McMenamin Ginlher,
79. of Cwyn|5treel, Mocksville, died
Sunday. Jan. 23. 1994. in Carolina
Medical Cenler in Chailolle.
AMass rorlheOiderofTheauis-
lian Funeral was In be held at 11 a.m.
Weilnesday, Jan. 26. in Si. Francis
Catholic CliUrch with the Rev. Ber
nard Manlcy orriciating. Burial was
to be in Rose Cemetery.
Memorinl.s may be made In St.
FrancisCatholic Church, Yndkinville
Road. Mocksville, NC 27028.
Mrs. Ginlher vvas bom in Pliiladel-
phia. Pa.. April 24, 1914, to the late
Michael M. and Anna llanlun
McMenamin and was retired from
Davie County Hospital a; a nurse.
She was a Charter Member of St.
Francis Catholic Church where she
had heen active in all church activities
since I960. She was a graduate of the
.St. Joseph School of Nursing.
Her husband, John F. Ginlher, .Sr.,
preceded her in death May I.S, 1980.
Surviving are: four daughters,
Rosemary Cozarl of Mocksville.
Peggy Shilling of I iorsham. Pa., Elaine
Smith of Wilmington and Joanne
Mason of Raleigh; two sons, John
Ginlher Jr. of Lan.sdale. Pa., and Rob
ert Ginlher of Mocksville; 16 grand
children; I.5 great-grandchildren; two
sister.s, Elizabeth McMenamin and
Mary Marlin. Wh of Philadelphia,
Pa. n
, Rev. Carl A. Haire Sr.
The Rev. Carl Allison Haire. Sr..
76. of Grove Street, Cooleernee. died
Saturday, Jan. 22, 1994, in Ctibamis
Memorial Ho.spilal in Concord after
being in declining health for several
A gravesiide service was Tuesday,
Jan. 2S, in Rowan Memorial Park in
Salisbury with the Rev. Joe Collins
Rev. Haire was born Nov. 2,1917,
in Iredell County to the late Floyd and
IjiliaMcDiiniel Haire and wasaMeth-
odist minister. He attended Duke Di
vinity Schonl.
Survivors include: a daughter.
Sandra Bridges of Durham; one son.
Carl A. Haire Jr. of Cleveland; two
grandchildren; one sister. Mrs. Nettie
Spillman of Cooleernee; one half-sis
ter, Peggy EllisofWoodleaf; ami three
half-brothers. Lester Taylor and Jun
ior Taylor, both of Woodleaf and
Homer Taylor of Landis.
Wanda M. LIvengood
y - Martin Liveiigood.36, of Route 3. Joe Road. Mocksville.
died Saturday. Jan. 22.1994. in N,C.
Baptist Hospital in Winslon-Salem
from injuries sustained in an auto ac
Funeral services were to be held at11 ajn. Wednesday, Jan. 26; in Soci-
cly&piisiChunaiwIhlheRev.Steve'u>* ofliciailng'^-^uiul.w^ to follow
j.'H"'® ceinet^''^/-" - vF ''^.'UVengriod (irts birifn in Fbr-
fcddle Trfvitte and Ibe late Roger
Martin, She vt^ 5 homemalw and a ,
member of StiiHefy'feSptIsi Cliureh. '
SurviylnilitadiiiohirJhermother •I of Route IjsMMksyilleareS hethus-.
j Shephait^
c vllle; two sisteis. Saiijy Majjln of •
of Souths ^rirotfier.' Keiiny, Martin of Hickbi^.v >: f -f ' . •
Ethel T. Kesler
^ Ethel Taylor Kesler, 83. of 635
Slalesvlllc Blvd., Salisbury, died Fri
day, Jan. 21,1994, at the Brian Cenler
Nursing Care of Salisbury. She had
been in declining liealth for four years
and seriously ill for six months.
Born Jan. 20, 1911, in Davie
County, Mrs. Kesler was a daughter
of lite late John Henry and Cora
Henderson Taylor. Educated in the
Rowan Coutity scliuols, she had been
employed with Cannon and Rowan
Mills before her retirement in 1978.
•She w,is a member of Park Avenue
United Melliodisi Church.
.Ilerhushnnd, L.V. "Bill" Kesler.
died in 1965.
•Survivors include: soas, William
l„ Kesler of Salisbury and David W.
Kesler of Welcome; daughter. Mrs.
Sl|iiley Edwards of Charlotte; brother,
LIbyd Taylor of Burlington; eight
grandchildren; and live great-grand-
t Funeral services were Sunday. Jan.
2J, at Rowan Memorial Park, con
ducted by the Rev. Kevin E. House,
pastor of Park Avenue United Meth
odist Church.
^Memorials may be made to
Alzheimer's Association, in care of
.StJAR. Inc., 201 W. Harrison St.. or
Park Avenue United Methodist
Cliuich. 50O Park Ave.. both Salis
bury. NC 28144.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
J Lucille ^
! UcilleMaeJpndNif<ing..7p.f6fr
' Route 4, Lexington,' died Tuesday,
Jan. 18.1994, at her home.
Bom May 10. 1927. in Davie
County, to the late Johnny Wesley
and Sadie Waller Joiies. Mrs. Nifong
was a roemberof Reedy Creek Baptist
Church, and Uught children's Sunday
school. She retired from Burlington
Furniture Co.
A son. John Tomas "Tommy"
Perrell. died on Jan. 6.1994.
Survivors include: husband. Will-
iamTaft Nifong; other sons. TimothyNifong. ofthe home andClifford Odell
Perrell of Winston-Salem; daughter,
Legena P. Forrest ofLexington; seven
grandchildren; four great-grandchil
dren; brother, Johnny Jones of Mocks-
ville; and sisters. Mrs. Omie Barnes.
Mrs. Mildred Robertson, and Mrs.Pete Taylor, all of Mocksville. ';
Funeral services Jan-,
21. at Reedy Citel4Bh|rtis^Chuich.f^ndneted by the RevslJBg^.Cta-,.venJr.andTonunjMie^sQm^B^,;
: was in the church pmetery,'Memorials^roaybema&toReedy
ICre^'hiissiohatY MntL Route 14,
Box 2457', Lexin^!^;NC 27292. ,
Mrs. Alton F^Reddeck !
' i'Mrs. Alton Foster)te|^k, 84, a
mmt Home in King, and formerly of
TImmasville. died Monday. Jan. 24.
1994, at the retirement home.
^he was bom in Davie County July
2U 1909. a daughter of John Ellis
Ftiter and Mary Elizabeth Campbell
Foster and had been a resident of
Thbmasville for most of her life. She
was a homemaker and a member of
Prospect United Methodist Church
where she was a member of the
Mother's Bible Gius and the United
Mothodist Women.
Tier husband. Horace M. Reddeck.
diddJan. 14.1980.
iSurviving are several nieces and
funeral services were to be con
ducted Wednesday. Jan. 26. at 2 p.m.
United Methodist ChurchRe^^ton^Stricktand and
. . jited Siethc^^Churcb. P.O.'
iaSSiHibinasiride^RC 2736i;' "
Robert Ray Sowers
Mr. Robert Ray Sowers. 80, of
Hwy. 801, Advance, died Saturday.
Jan. 22.1994. in Forsyth Hospital.
Funeral services were Monday in
Advance United Methodist Church
with the Revs. Harry Sherriil and
Tommy Robertson officiating. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Memorials mayJie made to the
Cemetery Trust Fund of Advance
United methodist Church, Rt. 4. Box
28, Advance, NC 27006.
Survivors Include: his wife, Helen
CarterSowersofthehome-.lwodaugh-ters, Elaine Sowers Strider and Oaye
Sowers Wade, all of Advance and
three grandchildren,'
• t-
Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NC
DAVIE COUNTY ENTEkpmsk record; Thursday, Feb. 3,
Blanche H;
. '.MnrBlanche llavvkiiUpa^s^M,;
(if Duke Sireel, Cooleehiee. died
Thursday, Jan. V, 1994. in Fotsylh •
Memorial HnspijnI. She had heen in
declining licaidi /or several years and
seriously ill for one week.
Funeral services were Salurday in
Ealon Funerai Chapei with Ihe Revs,
ijrry Allen and Leonard Rollinsofn-
ciatiiig. Burial was in Mui.il Garden
Cemetery In High Point.
Memoiials may be tnade to Ihe
Kidney Researcti Fiiml of Bowman
Otay Schoolof Medicine, Mawlhome
Road. Winsion-Saicin, NC 2710!*.
Mn.DaviswIisbom Aphid. I9II9.
in Hickory loithe late M.J. and
Gertnule Slitewnll Hawkins and was
a retired seamstress with DiF Manu-
f.icluiing in Moiksviile. She hadpie-
viousiy woiked'for Erianger Miils in
Lesington. She |Waa a member of the
Ccx>icemee First Baptist Ciiutch.
She was pretJeded in deaili by lier
husb.md, Ralph Wilson Davis, in 1978
and a daughter; Mary Frances Pegg,
also preceded her.
Survivors include: herson. Johnny
Davis of Dukd Street, Cooleemee;
two grnndchildien; one great-grand
child; and one sister. Mrs. Delia
Noriiinn of High Point.
Suzanne L. Hiiikle
Mrs. Siiranne knlhleen Leech
Ilinkle. 48. of Campbell Road.
Woodleaf, died Thursday, Jan. 27.
1994, in Ukiah, Calif., front injuries
sustained in an aulo accieeat.
Ftiner.-il servlces|were Monday in
Eaton Funeral Cha[iei with burial inRoseCemelcry. |
Memorials mayibe mode to the
YMCA or YWCA lUated in the city
of the donor's cholcb.
Mn. ilinkle wai horn in Illinois
Aug. 9.1945, loGillWrt and Doris Sill
Leech and nperalet/ a retail produce
maikel near Woodleaf. She-was a
supporter of the YMCA both in
Rowan County and Mocksville.
Survivors include her mother,
Doris Sill Letch of Dunedin. Ra.;her
father and stepmother, Gilbert and
Jean Leech of Coal Valley, ill.; two
daughters, Dana Caddy of Mocks
ville and Sheila McElroy of
Tallapoosa, Ga.; iht^grandchildien;
twosisiers.Sandml umsofChicago,
III.andSaliyLeech tfSu Peleisburg.
ibeadmon Road,
iat Davie County
sustained in
;4d Butoaceidenl.
Funeral ser-
;v^ were Sun-
:28y in Union Chapel United Melhod-
jpt Cliurch with the Rev. Ed Tapper
leOiciating. Burial was in the church
Memorials may be made to the.yJiion ,Chapel United Methodist■Cfiurch, Route 9, Bo* 368C Mocks-;taie.NC 27028.
lI^Miss Edwards was bominOriflin,;Ca., Nov. 6.1975, to Monte Kenneth;£dwards ofCosby. Tenn., and Shetry;t«chia Hoots of Mocksville. She was
ia^tudenl at DavieCounty High School[at(d also a waitress at Miller's Restau-'fthi. ; 1Surviving in addition to her fatherIfejlier stepmother, Brenda Edwards.Wth of Cosby. Tenn.; her mother ofjMocksville; one sister, Sandra MarieEJwards of Ihe home; one brother.Raymond Phillips of Cosby, Tenn.;-one slep-brother. Brady of Cosby,
Tenn.; her maternal grandmother,Helen Tachia, of Colion, Calif., andher paternal grandparents. Mr. and'Mrs. Homer Edwards of Griffin, Ga.
I :Evelyn G. Howard• Mts.EvelynMaeOrifnnHoward.J58, fomterly of Route 2. Smith GrovetCommunily. Mocksville, died Sun-Way. Jan. 30. 1994. at her home InJPompano Beach. Fla. She had been a
Sresident there since 1968.S AgravesideservicewastobeheldUl 11 a.m. Wednesday at the SmithtcroveUnited MethodistChurchcem-
leiery withthe Revs. RayOTarrell andiTom Howard otricialing.s Mrs Howard was bom in Cht-tcago. ili.. April 19. 1935. to EdnatCushwa OrifTm ofMocksvUe and IheSlate Gtover Griffin. She was a tellertwith Savings of America Bank m•Tompkto Beach, Fla.'• SurVivinginaddilionlohermolherSis her husband. Gordon L. Howard ofHhebometodedaughier.PairicelUle ,fef,'Myxiih'^FUuiiljoe'<t6t);ibavid i
> George E. iBvans
y Mr. George Ernest Evans. 78. of
Yadkinville. Road, Mocksville, died
SI his daughter's home uneapeeledly
Tuesday. Jan. 25.1994.
Funeral services were Thursday in
CenlerUniled MelhodistOiurch withIhe Rev.GaryKlingofficiating. Burialwas in the church cemetery.
Mr. Evans was born in Wake
County. Jan. 28, 1915. to the late
George E. Evans Sr. and Cuba KesseeEvans. He moved to Davie County inehildhotxl years and lived his entire
life in Davie County. He was a gradu
ate of Mocksville High School and
also the Nashville Aulo/Diesei Col
lege in Nashville, Tenn. He served in
Ihe Army Air Carp during WWII and
had special training and ceitiflcalion
in Airplane Meehanies. He was cm-
ployed as Service Manager for Mod
em Chevrolet in Winslon-Salem and
lalerPenninglonChevrolelinMocks- ■ville before opening his own garage
as F.vans Auto Service in Mocksville,
He went to Rowan Technical College
In Salisbuty as Auto Meclinnics In-
stcuclor and retired there as Chairman
ofIhe Depaitmenl ofTrade Programs.
He was honored in 1973 as one of Ihc
"Outstanding Educators ofAmerica."
He wasnmembcrofCenter UnitedMelhodisI Church and was orgnnircrof Ihe Center Votunleer Fire Depart
ment ami Ihe Ceiilcr Communlly De
velopment Assoc. He and his father
did Ihe original plans fur Center
church. Me served as Sunday School
Teacher, served on Ihe Church Boardof Trustees, and was presently the
Chairman of llie Building Commit
He was preceded in death by his
wife of51 years. Lois Cain Evans, on
Sept, 22, 1993.
He is survived by three children,
Steve Evans of Mocksville, Jean H,
Carter of Advance and William E.
EvansofCharlolle; six grandchildren;and one sisler, Mrs. Margaret E.
Latham of Mocksville.
Memorials may be made in IheEvans Scholarship Fund, Hie Cem
etery Paving Fund, or the Building
Fund of Center United MelhodisI
Church, c/o Mrs. Linda Owrngs, 710
Slalesville Road. Mocksville. NC
Davie Coufity Public Library
Mocksville, NC
DAVIE GOliNtY Ef^Etu'RlSi^ REdORD,' Thursilay, |feil).*3,1^4 n
- ■- "I
. Qj
y nieivin isaaiV Mr.MelvinIsaaci78.ari4S60IdHollow Rd, Winstbn-Salem, diedFriday. Jan. 28. 1994. at his honte.Mr. Isaacs was born in Sorry
County July 31.1915. son of the late
Jennie Melvin and Lucinda Snow
Isaacs, was a retired farmer and was
of the Baptist faith.
He is survived by his wife. Mrs.
Marie Baitley Isaacs of the home; two
daughters. Mrs. Shelby Burrow ofKing and Mrs. Patricia Rorotnger of
Mocksville; two sons. Bobby D. Isaacsof Ft. Laudendale. Ra.. and Junior
Isaacs of King; lOgrandchildien; flve
great-grandchildreni three sisters.Mrs. Edith Thompson of Ml. Airy.
Mrs. Stella Cheek of Elkin. and Mrs.
Helen Smith of Lowgap.
Funeral services were Sunday. Jan.
30. at the Moody Funeral Home
Chapel conducted by the Rev. DaleGreene with inlermeht following inthe Gardens of Memory cemetery.Walkertown. ]
Memorials may bb made to Hospice of Winston-Salem/ForsythCounty. I lOO-C S. 'Stratford Rd..
Winston-Salem. NC 27103.
, Virginia M-SbakeJ Virginia Miller spake. 88. of Autumn Care of SalisbuU end fo"nerlyof Third Street. Spet^cer. died Monday. Jan. 31.1994. aj Rowan Meino-rial Hospital. She had been in declin-
ing health five years and seriously til
'^05. in Salisbury.Mrs. Spake wasadaughter of the ateThomas LemuelMilier and JesseClick
Miller. She was educated at the FarmLife School in Chiiia Grove.
A homemaker. she was a memberof the RfSt Baptist Church and itsFideiis Sunday School Class.Her husband. jWilliam DuncanSpake, died Nov. 21.1973.Survivors incliide: sons. ChmiE. Spake of Cooleemee and Billy J.Spake ofChattanr»ga.Tenn.; daughters. Jean S. RuRy ^ Nwcy S.Llopaid. both of Salisbury: 11 gmnd-
isbury and MildiW Wynck of BlackMountidn. ] _ jFuneral serviw were Tuesday atSummersett Funeral Home's Memorial Chapel, coriducted by ite Re •Franklin Myersl pastor of the F«RBaptist Church. Burial was m BethelLutheran Church cemetery.Memorials may be made to FirstBaptist Church. 215 Fifth St.. Spencer. NC 28159.
y Blanche G.Peele
9223 Hwy. 421, Colfa*. died M™
r • "^'"""NewHanoverMrtical Center in Wilmington.Mrs. Pfcele was born in Cuilford
Md^h flayand Ontha Dillon Gray. She was a^'^'"^^"fUwQilfa* Baptistl^urch. president of the Ladies An*J5;J?'^I-JoynerV.F.W.5352 and was retired from Biue
Mm Snmdchiidien.Mr- Geii Ann Ayers of Winston-SJm^dMamMonningofMoc^rile, two sisters. Mrs. Ruby
_.; Eugene N. Webster
I Captain Eugene Norman Webster.juSNR (retired), 5101 Bermuda Vil-
! lage. Advance, died Jan. 27,1994. at
I the Bermuda Village Health Center
'i after a long struggle with cancer,
i Capt. Webster, born in San Fran-
icisco. Calif., on May 25,1914, was
ithe oldest of five sons of Norman P.
and Ellen S.Webster. He was an Eagle
Scout and a graduate of Tamalpais
High School. Mill Valley Calif, and
of Marin Junior College before going
; to sea as adeck hand on freighters. HeI rose to second mate before comingjashorein 1942 to begin a long careerjas professor at the U.S. Merchant} Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y.'Commissioned in the Navy in 1942.
•he continued to serve in the Naval
• Reserve after WWn. retiring as a cap-
!tain in 1971. A member of the Re-Jserve Offlceis' Assoc. since 1946. hej served for many years as the secretaryjof the King's Point Chapter and as;presideiit of the New York Dept in
;I982. From 1952 to 1977 he also
|worked as a Fire Instructor for Suf-
I folk County. N. Y.. traveling to volun-jteer Tire depts. throughout the countyito teach fii^ghting. He moved fromjSetauket. LJ., N.Y., where he lived
•for 26 years, to Bermuda Village in
• 1^85. He was a member of the Holy
jFgmily Parish in Qemmons.
I tHe is survived by his wife of 50ly^rs. datherine (McHugh) of Ad-
'v4hce;'.'a son.'Dennis, of Canton,!C6nn.; a daughter. Mary Webster of!Sifnsbuiy, Conn.; ami three brothers,
iRtchard and Robert of Novalo, Calif.,
■aivd Raymond of Sari Jose. Calif.! ' He was preceded in death by his
brother, Mervin Paul of Auburn, Ca-
t A funeral mass was offered at Holy
Family Roman, Catholic Church. ..chmmonsMon^]?. Burial v
Mrs. Vir^a Shutt .J Mrs. Virginia Clemm Poe Shutt.88. formerly ofMocksville.dtedTues-
day.Feb. I. I994.al Arbor Acres.TheTriad United Methodist Home, whereshe had lived independently for six
years.She had been seriously ill for four
months.She was thewidowofGecrge Henry
Clay Shutt, to whom she was marriedfor 49 years. Mr. ShuU h^ died in1978. They had made their home inAdvance and Mocksville.Funeral services were scheduledfor 11 a.m. Thursday. Feb. 3. at FirstUnited Methodist Church in Mocksville. conducted by the Revs. MBiggers and George Auman. Burialwas in Rose Cemetery in Mocksville.The family was to receive friends atEatons Funeral Home in Mocksvillefrom 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, and atother times at the home ofCharles and
Terry S.Dunn.A memorial service will be held at2:30 p.m. Thursday at Arbor Acres.The family requests that memorialsbe made to IheBlanche Eaton Scholar
ship Fund or to Uie Chancel Choir ofFirst United Methodist Church. N.Main St.. Mocksville. NC 27028. or toArbor Acres Mothers Day Fund.Triad
United Methodist Home. 1240 ArborRoad. Winston-Salem. NC 27104.Mrs. Shutt was bom Aug. 11.1905InTaylorsville tothe late Rev. EdwardJasper and Mittie Ann Cmnford P*.She lived during her childhood withher family in many church communities served by the Western N.C. Conference of the Methodist Church.She graduated from GreensboroCollege in I926andtaughtfor30yeaisin Davie County elementary and highschools. She was a member of RetiredSchool Personnel and the Mocksville
Woman's Club.
She taught adult men. women,youth, young children and toddlers inchurch Sunday School classes. Shewas the MYF adult leader and a chancel choir member for many years. She
was active in the Unitrf MethodistWomen, serving as president and treasurer and Circle leader. While 11 ving at
Arbor 'Acres she attended CentenaryUnited Methodist Church were sheserved as Circle leader. She was amemberof the Arbor AcresSharps and
Rats. .She was preceded in death by three
brothers and a sister.Survivors include: her children.0 H.C. Shutt 111 of Orlando. Ra.. andTerry S.DunnofMocksville;six grand
children; two great-grandchildren; asister. Annie Elizabeth Haniil of Cayce.S.C.; nieces and nephews and other
DavieCouRiyPub«c Library
DAVIE COUNTY ENTEllPRiSE RECORD, Thursday, Feb.'lO, 1994
; _John "Bud" Bailey Sn
; Mr. John Wesley "Bud" Bailey
; Sr., 64.ofRoute4. Mocksville, died
; Wednesday. Feb. 2, 1994, in Davie
' County Hospital.
Funeral services were Saturday in
;i Eaton Funeral Chapel ujili the Rev.
,• James Ha/el Rollinsoflicialing. Burial
- eemee with Military Graveside rites
: conducleil by the Eleventh District
: MemorialHonorGuard., Veleransof
Foreign Wars.
Memorials may be made to the
Eleventh District Memorial Honor
Guard, c/o Mr. Sam Warden .Sr.. 2833
•' 27127.
; Mr. Bailey was born in Davie
County March 13. 1929. to the late
George Fanis and Myrtle llaniriKll
Bailey and had been a carpenter. He
Jeans in Mocksville. During the Ko
rean Conflict, he was a veteran bothof
, the U.S. Marines and the U.S. Army.
He was a member of Cornerstone
Baptist Church in Laiidis where he
also served as church usher.
Survivors include his wife. Linda
Allen Bailey ofthehome; threedaugh
ters, Kalhy Owens of Coolcemee,
Mary Jane Cook of China Grove and
Charlean llclmsteller of Ixnington;
. four sons, Jimmy Bailey of Pennsyl-
: vania. John Bailey of Dalton. Ga..
; Gary Broadway of California and
'. David Bailey ofMocksville; 20 grand-
. children; three gical-grandcliildren;
^ two sisters. Ruby Ricketson of Salis-
|. bury and Jeanetle Greene of
^ Covington.Ga.:andonebrother,G,F.
h Bailey Jr. of Mocksville,
a A son. Chorlet Bailey, preceded '
¥_hi0 TttlliAP In >lAA4h'
Sallie M. Brown
y Sallle Hudson Brawn, 93. of Au
tumn Care Nursing Home, Mocks
ville dicil Thursday. Feb. 3, 1994. at
the homeaherseveralyears of declin
ing health.
Born Aug. 6. 1900. in Davie
County, Mrs. Brown was a daughter
of the late Albeit and Delia Neely
Hudson. She was a homcmaker and
member of Shiloh Baptist Church.
Herhusband, Clifton Brown, and a
foster d.iughler. Mary Evelyn
Campbell, Imlli died in 1991.
There are no immediate survivors.
Funeral services were Sunday at
Shiloh Baptist Church, conducted by
the Rev, Donald Jenkins, Burial was
in the church cemetery,
Albert L. Cobb Jr.
y All*" Lloyd Cobb Jr, 72
alem, died Sunday, Feb. 6, 1994 at
Wmston-SalcmConvalescentCen^rHe was bom June 17. |92|
Albert LloydCobb
rot.r Cobb. MrCobb served with the U.S. Marine
CofpsdunngWWllfoiiowinggradu-^°nfropmTl.eCitadel.HepKin^Reywlds High School Band T7«Cnadel Band, the Marine Corps BaS
Sr?h rl "'
^ of Cobb Transportation Com-
He was preceded in death by hii
Virginia Aveiy Cbbb in 1990 -
w W»»»"rvivedbyihfStogh^ n
wiKp t CobbI weiu of.PauIeyV,i,iand.,cp . .
I ^sravesideservice'wMTuesdav
1^ Me'tOfial PWt&'his.paj^
'hX a""''""
Lois Beck Call
Mrs. l-olsBcckCall, 64, ofRl, 1.
Boa 242, Mocksville died Feb. 4
at N.C.
was a retired li- fc K t
censed practical v
nurse and was employed at Davie
County Hospital for 22 years and at
Blumenihal Jewish Hume In Clcm-
nions for 13 years. She was a member
of Pleasant View Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her
husband. Lee Grose Call. Jan. 14.
Surviving are: one son. David Lee
Call of Mocksville; three daughters,
Mrs. Nancy Lippard of Stalcsville.
Mrs. Barbara Kooniz of Mocksville.
Mrs. Lynn Foster of Stalesville; nine
grandchildren; two brolhere, David
LutherBeckJr. and Dorman Ray Beck,
both of Stalesville; two sisters, Mrs.
Lorene Wallace and Mrs. Shirley
Kelchie, both of Stalesville.
Funeral services were Sunday at
Pleasant View Baptist Church with
burial in the church cemetery. The
Revs. Jimmy Gryder and Jason
Whilley officiated.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NG
DA VIE COUNTY ENT^PRISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 10,1994
Lois Y. CookMrs. Lois York Cook, 85.of2540W.
Monday. Feb. 7. 1994. al roisylh
Memorial Hospital.
She was bont May 1.1908. in Imtell
County 10 Oflte Columbus and Delia
Harbin York. Mrs. Cook speni mostofheriifeinForsylhCounly.Shewas
inncinbcrof Clemmons First Baptist
Ctiurcli. Clemmons Senior CitizensClubandJonestownF-xtcnsionHome-
ntakers. She had been employed with
Thalhlmets for several years.Survivingareiberhusbarrd, A. Sanford
Cook of the home; one son. Fred A.CookofWinslon-Salemithreedaugh-
lers, Alva Hiitchcns of Yadkinville,
Miifceleen C. Bodsfotd of Mocks-
villc and Beva Grocc of Wlnslon-
Salem; six grandchildren; Five great
grandchildren: and one sister. Atha
Troulman of Hamptonviilc.
3he was preceded in death by two
Funeral services were to be at 11 a.m.
Wednesday at Clemmons First Bap
tist Church by Dr. Robert Cantwell.
Burial was to follow] in Wesllawn
Gardens of Memory. n
Memorials may be made to Clem
mons First Baptist Church or
Blumentbal JewishHimre.
DeweyF. Meadows
Mr DewcyFrnitkliitMeadows 80.or4->7WalesSl.,Winston-Salemdied
Saturday. Feb. 5, l'W4.
He was bom Feb. 18. 191..I eicester to Hardy Frankltn andNartnie Cox Meadows. Mr. Meadow s»as retired front Hattcs Dye and Fm
"'Se was preceded in death by his
wife, Zella Mae Meadows and sev
eral brothers and sislcrs.
Survivictg are; one
Beverly Seivers of Uxtnglon. fourS we Meadows of Walkenown.
Ken Mesdowsand Dcwcy Joe Mead-
Hsiers Janie Jones and VcmieMeadows,bothor AsfeviUe and MaUneBailey of Old Fon; and one brother.
Rov Meadows of Mocksville.•"'Cral services wereTu^Hayworth-MillerSilasCreekCha^lwith the Rev.BarryShumaker ofrtct-
Sg. Burial was in Gardens ofMemory, Walkertown.
Eliza Johnson Fowler
Eliza Johnson Fowler. 83. of N.C.
gOI. Woodleaf. died Thursday. Feb.
3, 1994, at Rowan Memorial Hospi
tal, Salisbury after a short illness.
BominDavieCounty, Mrs. Fowler
was a daughter of the late Robert and
Cora Johnson. She was a liomemaker
and member of Liberty AME Zion
Church, Davie County.
Her husband, Paul E, Fowler,died
in 1972.
Survivors include: daughters.
Culhbertson ofLexington: six grand
children; 11 great-grandchildren;and ,
five great-great-grandchildren. ^
Funeral services were Sunday al
Liberty AME Zion Church, Davie _
County, conducted by the Rev. Rob-eriL.Mackey.Burialwasintbechurch '
Sadie H. Messick
Mrs. Sadie Howard Messick. 90,
died Tuesday. Feb. 1, 1994, in Au
tumn Care of Mtx:ksville where she
had been a resident fur the past 10
Funeral services were Friday in
Eaton Funeral Chapel with tiic Rev.
Hal Vamer ofEcialing. Burial was in
Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury.
Mrs. Messick was bom Jan. 16,
1903. in Fries. Va., to the laic Arthur
D. and Adelia Young Howard and
was a homemaker.
Her husband, Bill Messick pre-
cciled her in death. She was also pre
ceded by a sister, Mae Stewart and
Iwobrothers.Cecil andFrank Howard.
Davie County Public Library
Mock&ville, NC
Jonathan M. Hansen
Jonathan Michael Hansen, age 9
, weeks, of Route 4. Mocksvillc, died
at Davie County
day. Feb. i,
den illness, t I
A graveside
service was Fri-
day in Legion
Memorial P.-irk
in Coolccmcc.
was bom
Peter Cathy
Spaugh Hansen.
Surviving in addition to his par
ents are his malemal grandparents,
Mr. andMrs. TroyE-SpaughofRoute
7. Mocksviile; paiema! grandmother,
Mrs. Kay Davis Barker of Gaslonia;
and palemal great-gmndmolhcr. Mrs.
Mary Stanley of Edeu.
y Carl H. Saine
Mr. Carl Henry Saine, 84, of
Needmore Road. Woodleaf, died at
a serious
Funeral ser-
vices were Sat-
urdny in
of Christ with
Mr. Timothy J.
Burialwa.s in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the
Corinth Church of Christ, 3570
Needmore Road, Woobleaf NC
Mr. Saine was bom in Rowan
County. Jan. 28. 1910. to the late
Henry Giles and Rosa Spry Saineand
was a retired welder in fire control
systems with American Moistening
Company, He was a retired Charter
member with 30 years ofservice with
the Scotch-Irish Volunteer Fire De
partment. He had served as Chief andassistant Chief and was a member of
die Board ofDirectors. I le is credited
with the coastniction of the first two
fire trucks used by the Scotch-Irish
Fire Department. Heownedand operated a small welding shop rroni his
home. Mr.Saiiicwasamemberofihc
Corinth Church ofinirist.
Surviving are his wife. Maggie
McClain Saine of the home; three
daughters, Norma Jean Little and
Glenda Deal, both of Salisbury, and
Rosa Brooks of Cleveland: three sons
Darriel Saine, H.G. Saine, and Ron
Satne. all of .Salisbury; 15 grandchil
dren; seven gfeal-grandchildren; and
one sister. Myrtle Snider of Route I,
DAVIE COUNTY ENT^RISE RECORD, Thursday, Feb. 10,1994
Daisy R. Stutz" ,V. .
Mrs. Daisy ReynoiiisStutz, 90, of
Chalham. Va.. <linl Wednesday, Feb.
3, 1994, in the Greina Health Care
Mrs, .Sluiz was bom March 1,1903,
in Pilisyivania County, a daughter of
the late James WyatI Reynolds and
Claudi.i ielTcrson Reynolds. She was
the widow of the late Charles Amos
Sluiz and a member ofThe Chatham
HaptlstChurch.Fldell.i Sunday School
Class. Prior to her retirement, she w.-is
employed in the Piltsylvonia County
Trc.asurer's Office.
Mrs. .Stuiz. is survived by a son. B.
Prciitiss AaronofMagttolia.Del.tiwo
gramld.iughtcrs. P.tmcla Swain of
Bermuda Run and Teresa Mahan of
Chatham; four great-grandchildren;
onesister.Mary Reynolds of Chatham;
anil a brother. Oscar Reynolds of
She was preceded in death by a
dairghter. Hazel Aaron Hill.
The funeral was Saturday at tlie
Chatham Baptist Church by the Rev.
Michael Macon. Imermcnl was in lite
Greenpond Baptist Church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Tlie
Chalham Baptist Church or the
Chalham Rescue Sriuttd.
I Kimberlee G. Troutt
Miss Kimberlee GailTroutI, 18. of
2303 Grenada Dr., Advance, died
.Sunday. Feb. 6.
She was bom
Kimberlee at- ijH
Davie High
School and at
tended church at Christ Temple.
Surviving, in adtlition to her par
ents. are her sister. Teresa Burgess of
Advance, and her grandparents, Fred
and lliclma Manning of Winston-
Graveside services were to be at 2
p.m. Wednesday at Forsyth Memo
rial Park by the Revs. Henry Bookand
Boh Williams.
Delia G. Yokeley
Mrs, Delia Grant Yokeley. 82, of
2848 Reynolds Drive. Winslon-Sa-
Icm, died Saturday, Feb. 5. 1994, at
■.'her residence.Mrs. Yokeley was bom in Mocks-, yilleonNov,2.l9M,thedaughteror5 A.TumerandHeleii BrcwsierCranl.; She was a member of CentenaryJ UnilcdMcthodislChurcltandaformcr
i elementary school teacher.: Surviving are: her husband. Dr.u Gilbert W. Yokeley of the home; onej daughter. Delia Ortml Yokeley of- Powhat.in, Va.;onesister, Mrs. Helen
r Bgiich ofMocksville; and twobrolh-
.- ers,A.T, Gram Jr. of Mocksville and
• W.A. Grant of Camden.S.C.Graveside services were Mondayat Forsylh Memorial Park with Dr.
George Robinson oflicipting.
Memorials may be made lo theArthritis Foundation. Inc.. 185 ParkRidge Circle. Winston-Salem. NC27104 or Hospice ofWInsIon-Salemand Foisyth County, Inc.. 1 lOO-C S.Stratford Road, Winslon-Salem. NC
Davie County pubtic LibraryMocksville, NC
bAVlE'cOUjvTY ENTERPRISE RECORDj Thursday, Feb. 17,1994 •
~ Cecil ITAUStui- ' nn n
Mr, Cecil LeotJard Austin, 61, of
Rouie9.Mocksville.died Feb. 4,1994,
at his home following a short illtiess.
Mr.AuslinwasboniSept. 13.1932,
in Davie County to Eva Hill Austin
and the l.ile Henry Austin. HcalteiKlcd
Davie County Public Schools ami was
maiTled lo the late Benha Hairston.
For the last eight yc.iis. Mr. Austin
Auction Bam. And although he didnot
join in membership with a chunrh, he
wasa financial supportcrof Mainville
AME Zion Oiurch,
He is survived hy his mother. Eva
era, James Austin of Jersey City. N.J.,
and Joe Louis Austin of Durham; 6
sisters, Catherine Smith of Dellona
Fla.. Addrenna Rivers ofGreensboro,
Maty Nelson Philbert of Orange. N.J.,
Hazel Crumwell and Mable Austin,
bah of Piscalaway. NJ.; and Sarah
Rose ofJersey City, NJ.
Funeral services were Feb. 6 at
Morrison-Studevenl Funeral Home
with the Rev. Robert Bailey ofTlcial-
ing. Burial followed Feb.7inMainviIle
AME Zion Church Cemetery.
Britnie N. Hutlon
Brilnie Nichol Hutton, 2. of 409
Sunpath Circle, Winston-Salent.died
Saturday, Feb. 12.1994.
She was bom Oct. 12. 1991. in
Forsyth County to John and Tina
Gibson Hutlon.
In addition lo her parents. Brilnie
is survived by her grandparents.
Harold and Frances Gibson of Rt. 12.
WinstonrSalem. and Steve and Judy
Hutton of Mocksville.
Funeral services were Tuesday at
Hayworth-Mliler Silas Creek Chapel
by Dr. Bobby Roberson. Burial was in
Oaklawn Memorial Gardens.
Davie Courty Pabllc Library
Mocksville, NC
Elsie'D. Cloud''''ii'V
Mrs. Elsie Mae Davis Cloud, 65.
J of 1248 Reynolds Forest Dr.. Win-
slon-SalcmdiedFridoy.Feb. 11.1994.
at her home.
She was a native and resident of
She wasamemberofSt. Peter's World
Outreach Center where she was a
member of lice Mother's Board and
the Spiritual Choir.
Surviving are: three daughters.
Brenda Cloud. Cynthia Cloud and
Jocqucline Carson, all of Winston-
Salem: eight sons, Robert Davis of
Mocksville. Otis J "urphy, Larry
Cloud. Reginald Cloud. Gregory
Cloud. Percy Cloud. Roland Cloud
and Raymond Cloud; four stepsons.
Haywood Cloud. Norman Brunt,
Melvin Brunt and Marvin Brunt, all
ofWinston-Salem; 50grandchildren;
10 great-grandchildren; one sister.
Mabel Evans; and three brothers,
Percy Davis, Meredith Davis and
James Davi.s, all of Winslon-Salem.
Funeral services were to be
Wednesday at 3 p.m. al St. Peter's
World Outreach Center. 3683 Old
Lexington Rd.. by BishopJ.C. Hash.
Burial was lo be in Evergreen Cent-
Mary Beck Mitchell
Mrs. Mary Beck Milchell. 96. for
merly of Route 4. Ephesus Commu
nity. Mocksville. died Wednesday.
Feb. 9.1994, in Davie County Hospi
tal. She had been a resident of Au
tumn Care of Mocksville for the past
six and one-half years.
Funeral services were Saturday in
Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev,
Hal Vamer officiating. Burial was in
Liberty United Methodist Church
Memorials may be made lo the
Liberty United Methodist Church.
Route 4, Mocksville. NC 27028.
Mrs. Milchell was bom in Davie
County Nov. 9.1897, lothe late Wil
liam Alfred and Lula Bowles Beck
and had been a homemakcr. She was
a member ofthe Liberty United Meth
odist Church and was an active mem
ber of the United Methodist Women.
Her husband. Floyd A, Milchell,
preceded her in death in 1987,
Survivors include: four daughters,
Mrs. Era Mae Conners of Winslon-
Salem, Mrs. Polly Foster and Mrs.
Eloise Pratt, both of Mocksville, and
Mrs. Helen People* ofSUilbufy! two;
' sbns. Mr.WIliiBm ArMilchdUofDen-
' vkrandMr.FldydOiMiicheliofNew'
' Liondoni'l6 grandchildren; 20 great-/
ctilldfen; one sitiet.' Mrs. Ruth
IVnnington of Lewiivlliei'and three
Inolhen. Earl Beck, Alfred Beck, and
i Wallet Beck, all of Mocksville,
^elen P. Gauldin
^ ^ Mrs.He!enAllenPhllllpsGauldin,
V4. of WInslon-Salcm, died Friday,
Feb. II. 1994, al her home.
J; She was bom June 26. 1919. in
llavie Couniy to Charlie Wilson and
jPannie Elizabeth Smith Allen. Mrs.
gauldin w.is a member of Hanes
ryniled Methodist Church and a life
line memberofthe UniledMethodisi
j^Vomen where she served as treasurer
fpr 10 years She was also involved
fjilh the Ilanes-Wesley Senior Cili-
#ns and made crafts for the Cricket'sjNesI and Arbor Acres Triad United
: Alethodlsl Home. Mrs. Gauldin re
tired,from F.W, Woolworth after 36
jfears of service.
< She was preceded in death by her
jiusband, Burnice Ray Phillips in
dHarch of 1969 and by two sisters and
jlyo brothers.
;• Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.^fegy Armsworthy: three grandchil-
^n; two great-grandchildren; and
pne brother. Gene Allen of Mocks-
jRjneral services were Monday at
.•Bayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel
jvifh the Revs. Don Sides and Sam
P^eroniciBting. Burial was inSmilh»it>ve United MethodistChurchcem-
|ra Mae H. Murph
i i ^ Howell Murph. 93. for-TCriy ofMocksville and a resident of
Meadowbrook Terrace in Advance.diedSunday, Feb. 13,1994.at WiJkes
Wifk°bo' N.
graveside service was Tuesday
« Rose Cemetery in Mocksville, con-Acted by the Rev. Ed Biggers
: S'«"'®5'>ofnFeb.6.l90l.inDavieGounly. a daughter ofthe late Robert
A. and Nancy Brown Howell. She
was a homemaker and a member of
^rsi United Methodist Church in
.J She was preceded in death by her
Willie C. Murph and a son..pill E. Murph Sr. of Raleigh.: Survivors include her daughter
^Janey Southern of N. Wiikesboro
and two grandchildren. .
UAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, Feb. 17,1994 - ^I ,f„,' :i.,' I ;.l'l 'f 1''1. F , -
Mr. Louie VeiiBl Myers. 79.'of ,
Roule4,Mocksvi1lc,ilici FnJny.Feb.
Mr. Myers was bbrn in D.ivieCouniyJan.28.1915, lOlhcblc Jesse
and Jane Dio.ntiway Myers and was
leliteil fiimi B.iker Fiiinilmc Com-
[wny.llealsnsvoi -dforscvct.nlycais
willi F.iwin Mills ii C(Mi1cemte. He
odisl Church and had served ft>r
shot! liinc as a depuiy in the Uavie
County Slietirrs Depailinenl.
Survivors include his wife. Luna
Kiminer Myers of the home; one
daughter, Mrs. Linda Leaier ofMock5vil1e;lwoson$.)lRydenMyers
of Kemersville ami Wayne Myers of
Salisbury: si* grandchildren; two
great-grandchildren; one
slepgrandson; one sisier. Mrs. Daisy
Riilenhout of Route 4, Moeksville; /
and four brothers. William Myers, j
Waller Myeis. and Hoheil Myers, ail -
i.f WcKxIleaf and Baxter Myers of)
Salisbury. —•
Tliotnas A. Smith
Mr.Tliomas A. Smith, 72. of Rt. 2,
Harmony, died Thursday. Feb. ID,
1994. . ,llewasbomJnne7.192l,inlJavie
County to the late thonias Luke and
Alma llockaday Smith. He was a re
tired farmer and logger.
Surviving are his wife. Geraldine
tinllihcr .Smith; tliree sons. Clary
Smith. Kenny .Sinilh. Randal Smith
and one daughter^ Mrs. CaroldineWinebarger.allorilartnony; lOgrand-
brothers.ClinlonSmithand John Roy
Smith; and one sister, Mrs, Iner.
Renegar. all of Mocksvilic.
Funeral services were Saturday at
Rock Spring Baptist Church with
burial in the churrjh cetnclcry.
Memorials ma i be made to Rock
Spring Baptist :hufch, c/o Mrs._
Louise Andetsor, Ri.|2rBo< 253^
Harmony, NC 28 S";.!'}
Mr'. Monion Richard Poteel. 78, ofAdvance died at Foisylh Memorial
Hospital Wednesday. Feb. 9, 1994.
He was born in tlie Morganton
area, a son of Wiley Wingate and
Phena Briltain Poteel. Mr. Poteet was
a member of Mount Home Baptist
Church in Morganton and was retired
fiom Southern Railway,
A funeral service was at Vogler's
Clemmons Chapel Saturday, con
ducted by the Revs. Donald K.
Funderbuik and Ronnie Craddock.Burial rollowcdintbe Westlawn Gar
dens of Memory in Clemmons.
He is survived by his wife.
Josephine Berry Poteel of the home; a
son. Steven Richard Poteet of the
home; twin daughters. Mrs. KayMcAiee of King and Gay Poled of!'«
l,omc; another daughter. Judy Poteet
Mcnitt of Raleigh; one grandchild; a
.win brotlutr. Conley R. Poteel ofMorganton; another brother. WiiUtd
Poteel of Morganton; and a sister.
Johnsic Swink of Morganton.
Memorials may be made to the
United Cerebral Palsy Foundation, PO
Box 12728. Raleigh. NC 27605.
f^XxMxms A. Siiiifh
Mr. Thomas A. Smith. 72. Route 2.
Harmony, died Ihiiraday. Feb. 10.
1994. at Davis Community Hospital
after .3 years ofdeclining health.
He was bom in Davie County June
7, l921.1hes<mrirTht>mas Luke and
Alms Rlwn llockaday Smilli. He was
a retired farmer and logger.
He was a former liuslec, Suixlay
scliool leaclier. superintendent and
clioir nwmlwr of Rock Spring Baptist
Me is survived hy: his wife.
Ssons.GaryT. Smith, Kenny LSiniihand Randal A. Stnilb, all ofHarmony;
a daughter. Canihline Witichaiger of
Hannony;2bor1hers.ClintonH. Smith
Biul John Roy Smith, hotliofRotitcfi,
Mocksvilic; a sister, Itier. S. Renegar
ofRottlefi, MtKksville; lOgrandchil-
dren and 2 grenl-gnindcl.ildten.
A soti, Jerry Ncal Smith, preceded
hitn in death.
Funeral services were Saturday at
Rock Spring Baptist Church with the
Revs. Jesse Stroud and Jack Franks ,
ofTlcialing, Burial was iH.lhe'chuich
Pattie C. Smith
Mrs. Pattie Canter Smith, 95, of
Winston-Salem, died Monday, Feb. 7,
1994, at lire Oaks at Forsylh.
She was bom Aug. 16, 1898, in
Forayth County to William A. and
Minervia Jenkins Canter. Mrs. Smith
was a charter member of Immanuel
Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her
hosltand. Alec Douglas Smith, and a
son. Cebtmii Smith.
Surviving arc: 35ons, ElmerSmith
and Ray Smith, both of Winslon-Sa-
lem. and Richard (Dick) Smith of
Tobaccoville; 5 daughters. Margaret
Todd of Lewisville. Lelia Williams of
Moeksville, JoAnn McKee of Ala
bama, Mary Rolhrock of Tobaccoville
and Louise Luper of Clemmons; 32
and 12 gteal-gieal-grandchildren.
Graveside services were Thursday
at Immanuel BaptislChurchcemeteiy
by Ihe Rev. Dwayne Jcdtnson.
I ' 3. Sraith-Lakey
'i ./ < M"- Jessie Lee James Sinllh-
^Jtkey. 80. of Farminglon died Mon
day, Feb. 7. 1994.
} Mrx..Smith-LakcywasbomMarch
J5, 1913. the dau^ler of Else and
llatriel Oroce James of Farminglon.
^he was preceded in death by her firsttusband.William BenjaminSmithand
;r second husband. Evan Lakey.
: Mrs. Smidi.Ijkey was a lifelong
I fesidenl of Farminglon and pianist at
, Farminglon Methodist Church for
I Jnany years,
I Funeral services were Thursday at
I I Vogler'sClemmonsChapel.cmidiicied
ty Ihe Rev. Fred .Shoaf. Burial was in
' Shei55urvivedhy:3sons.William
Benj'aiiiin Smith II. James Ue Smith
piJ Willis Kelly Smith; 5 granJchll-
flren; and Sgreai-grandchildren; 2 sis-
iers, Nell Hawkins and Elir.aheih
Moore, both of Winston-Salem; 2
brothers, F..C. James Jr. of Pfafflown
«id Oiarles James of Richmond. Va.
C Meinotials may be made to llie
Farminglon Community Cemetery
fund, c/o Naomi Greene. Route 5,
Mocksvilic, NC 271)28.
Davie CoualV PuWic UbtarvlAocksvilie,
. . .. .-..A .-a.;; ..It y, Feb. 17,1994-
; 'i i'.' ' •
; ^eorge F. Wagner
V Mr. George Prankiir, Wagner. 59,
g Route 7, O^mon Road, Mocks-'Bile, died at his home Monday, Ffcb
;,-^neial servic^>eie to be at 2
• Wednesday in Eaton Funeral
^pei with the Rev. EM. James of.Delating. Burial was to follow in
Jlowan Memorial Park in Saiisbuiy
i Mr.'Wagner was bora in Daviepunty Nov. 28, 19H to the late
James and Steila Wolford Wagner.
Jfct owned and operated the Cbmmu-
f itjr Oroceiy Store on Dedmon Road
*4itrvlving are his wife, Carolyn
pomason Wagnerof the home; one
|tepson, Donnie Broadway of Mocks-^lle; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Wendy
?ringle of Salisbury; four
|tepgrandchildren;one brother. M.Hj^te^ Wagner of Mocksviiie; and
Dve sisters, Barbara yames, DorothyjMcI^iel and Getaldine Hendrix. all
Mwksviile, Helen Ratledge of
Anni^Fishe^oodsAnnie Perkins Rsher Woods, 8 ,
died Friday, Feb. IK n
MecMenburg County. Mrs. WoodsJ^aSughwofthelateWiUiamandSieFawart Perkins. Educat^ ion,heMecklenburgCouniy8chMls,she
was a retired dotnesira .She was a member of FmwiewHeights Baptist Church, whero she
had been a member of theSurvlvots Include: sons. RotartJohnson of Mocksviiie ^Johnson of the home; stepMns.Fi^S of Salisbury. Cotenjan airf
I Woods both of Columbus,S daughters. Eiittbeth Johnsonof Mocksviiie, Margaret JohnsonRankinsandRosaiiirfWeel^^tttof
Saiisbuiy; «'«P<'®"8''^J^attsofMnofCooieemeeandF^meBWWSalisbury; brother, Hot^ PetJ^^
or Salisbury; sisters, Peariie waejohnson,GenevaMilier.Emma^u-
Funeral services
Jef^TBapSt ChOTh with virita-
tion 30 minutes prior to theBurial was tofoliowinOakdaleCem-
MieCowrty PobRc libratV
~... Mocksviiie, NC
1 ' r i' V"V \'t o rv.» . . I . • k ,, .
3 i^ster J.'i^eauchaiiip
i I Mr. I^ler John Beauchmp,'80,
IffRoute2, Advance, diedat hia twiw ,
Wednesday, ifeb. 16. 19M,'afier'aaort Illness., j , . ' —J Funeral services Wen Siuuiday in
&ion Funeral Chapel in Mocksville
with the Rev, Normia Fiye oRlciat-
; ing. Burial was in Bailey's Chapel
• Uhiled Methodist Church cemeleiy.
. Memorials may be made to the
Davie County Hospice, c/o Mrs. Janet
. niair, P.O. Bo* 665, Mocksville. NC
; 2f028.
; • Mr-DcauchampwasborninDavie
n County April 24. I9|3. to the late
; Enoch Sanford and Lola Helton
: Beauchampandwasalobaccofarroer
• and an avid hunter.
; Survivors include his wife of 54
; years. Edna Gobble Benuchamp of
; the home; one daiighler, Dorothy B.
; Barney of Route 2. Advance; three
; sons, Lester llaydeii Beauchamp,
; William Lany Beauchamp and Louie
; Steven Beauchamp. all of Route 2,
I Advance; five grandchildren; two
'■ great-grandchildren;twosislen!.Mrs.
• Fanny Black of Lcwisville and Mrs.
Emma Hege of Salisbury; and twobrothers, Ernest Beauchamp of Win-
,slon-Salem and Robert "Rob"
Beauchamp of High Point.
Taylor Imes
Mr. Taylor Imes, of 1308 Derry
Sl.,Winston-Salcm,dtcd Wednesday,
Feb. 16, 1994, At his residence.
He was a nalive of Davie County,
but had resided most of his life in
Winston-Salem. He was a retired
;-eniployee of the City of Winston-
Salem and a member of Shiloh Bap
tist Church whm he was an usher..Heissurvivedbyhiswife.MarethaImesandonedaughler.Taris Yvotme'iImes,; both ofi Win8i9n^alemi,lwp'.j
sisters, Mamie Ijames of the home ,andMaryEiisabelhCorbiitof Arcadia, '
Fls.; two brothers, Heniy Lee IJames'
I of NewpotfNcws, Va,, and Lonniej Ijames ofWinston-Saleirir i' " ^i 'i Funeral .services were MontUy j1 from the Frances S. and jerry C. ;I □UmoreJriMeniorialChapel.N.Uibr j1 ' eitySt.ioffleiakedbylheRev.PaulA; J1 Uiw_e,"lnU!nncnj;;w4s''jiLtHo^j green Cemeieiy.
Troy L.S. Boose
Mrs. Troy LucilleSapp Boose, 87.
••TWidentofSilasCreckManor, Win-sioo^alem,, died,Friday; .Feb., 18,'1994, itt Porsyth Memorial Hospitalflowing a briefillness. Mrs. Boosew£j formerly a resident "of 301 E.'I LakeDrive. MocksviUe.>.' vv:';[ rshe was bora Mareh'S, 1906, in
Trinity, to the lateWU and Mailie-Pope Sapp. She laughl in the Cool-
-cemee Sclioo! for more than 20 years
andforafewyearsinHollywood, Fla.She was a member of the First United
Methodist Church of Mocksville.where she was a Sunday School
Teacher In her active years.She was preceded in death by her
husband, Glenn 0. Boose.She is survived by one sister, Mrs.
Ruth Lambeth of Durham.
; A graveside memorial service washeld .Sunday in Hopewell United
Melhodist Church Cemetery In Trinity with the Rev, Ed Biggers officiat-
ing, assisted by lay leader. Mr. Bill
Memorials may be made to the
Mocksville l=irst United Methodist
Church. Church Street, Mocksville.
NC 27028.
Robert "Bob" Knighton
Mr. Robert Harvey "Bob"Knighton, 80, of270Eastljke Drive,
Mocksville, died Sunday. Feb. 20.
1994. at his home.
Funeral services were Tuesday
from Ealons Funeral Homein Mocksville with the Rev. Larry Hovis, pas
tor of the First Baptist Church in
Mocksville, officiating. Further ser
vices will be held from Rose-Nciith
Funeral Home in Shreveport. La., at
10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, with the
Rev. Gary Melanson officiating. In
terment will be in Arlington Cem-,elery at Homer, La..Mr. Knighton, a member'of FirstBapliil Chun^'of Mocksville..was,feriiOT MayY2^^fii11Wom«;r mRueWnH.I^ghlohBiidMlaOeren;•.'KnlghioiKH^teni^^&lirfols .In |/Homer and Sf^^pori^^ctvcd in'^the tfsmkA^lM^^lpyed 37'[yeanliy tjidSftaJl^pe.tlnd Com-I panjr. bf Knighton -' retired Uj97STh'jusdif,\'ftilas.'and'moved l<fftbekj^U<!"Jrl'-l988'to be■ nearhisfamlly;,,7' 'iP^Sutvtvtetftoliide'tonakisteb.Mn/bo^s ^et&ffP^b'fifeporU.'oiiedaugb'ieK^StwJflSswghldn S^^ iof Mock5WH§'foue5i|tindchilclteft, ■hhSfu'dliif/Mfi.cEl'fiaiielji SharpS^e>g6oa''JC^oetom«^
Evelyn P. Earnhardt
Mis. Evelyn Perkinson Earnhardt,, 77, of325 Wiley Ave..Salisbuiy, diedi/ Salutdiiy, Feb. 19, 1994, at her resi
dence. Death was unexpected-Funeral services were Monday at
Cobum Memorial United Methodist
Church with Dr. Carl F. DunkerolTici-
aling. Burial was inChestnui HillCeni-
eteiy.Mrs. Eamhaidt was born Match 5.
1916, in Spencer to the late John Wil
liam feitliuionandEmmaMayPegianiPerkinson. She was educated in Spencer City Schools and operated a cater
ing business from her home for 35
She was a member ofCobum Me
morial United MethodistChurchwhere
she wasa memberofIhe Homemakers
Sunday School Class. Circle 2, wliere
she served as co-chairman, and was a
member of the choir earlier. She wasalso a member of Harold B. Jairctt
American l-egionLadies Auxiliaryandworked with Meals on Wheels.
Survivors include; her husband.Carroll Ray Earnhardt; 2 sons, Ray
Earnhardt of Advance and John
Earnhardt ofBiddefonJ Pool, Maine;adaughter, Mrs. Becky Efird of Charlotte; a sister, Mrs, Eva May Jordan of
Salisbuiy: and 8 grandchildren,
Memorials may be made loCobum
Memorial United Methodist Church
Organ Fund. 901 S. Church Sl Salis
bury, NC. 28144.
I giW*grandehUifreo?^,'-,»<^--S,'y...'\ Memorials,ht |
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
¤ t . t. « » I I ^ ;
- <3
Donald Myers?y '^'H«'Myets, 64;'of il7 Ryttl|{
died Thursday, Feb.17, 19M, at N.C. Baptist Hospital
after a Critical illness of three weeks
Bom Oct. 29. 1929. in Davidson
County, he was a son of the late Lee
and Lillian Duvelle Gibson Myers.
He retired as district manager of
American General/Life and Casualty
Insurance Co. and was a member ofTrinity United Methodist Church,
where he sang in the choir.
Survivors include: wife. Janet
Smith Myers: sons. Steve. David, and
Paul Myers, all of Lexington; daugh
ter. Uigh Ann Daniels of Lexington:
three grandchildren; one great-grand
child; bioiheis. TaylorMyeis of Lex
ington, Roland Myersof Clover. S.C..
Clifford [Chip" Myers of Columbia.
S.C.. Harold Myers of Washington.
Ga.. and Carey Myers of Pontotoc.
Miss.; and sisters. Mrs. Oiace Butler.
Mrs. Rachel Taylor and twin sister
Doris Myers, all of Lexington, and
Mrs. Carolyn McClannan of Cool-
Funeral services were Saturday at
Trinity United Methodist Church,
conducted by the Rev. .Charles W.BaltCT Jr. Burial ,tt^jA]Lfexliigioti
jCuy&tndteiy.itM'^l '
Metnoiialsnhvh^Mit-iu.i,..'Metnoi itolWiity[Uf^iedMel
Susannah R. Peebles
Ms. Susannah Rebecca Peebles.
93, of Route 3. Advance, died Mon
day, Feb. 21, 1994. at Davie County
Hospital. She had been in declining
health for several years.
A nativeoFDavie County, she was
the daughter of the late Eli and Katie
Ellis Peebles. She was a member of
Mt. Sinai AME Zion Church in Ad
vance where she hod served as a Dea
coness. a Missionary, and was a Life
She is survived by 13 grandchil
dren; 27great-grandchildren; 19gieat-
great-grandchildren; and three greay-
Ms. Peebles was preceded in death
by her three sons: Lawrence Peebles.
James Collins Peebles and Ernest
Gene Peebles.
A Funeral service will be Thursday
at 3 p.m. at Ml. Sinai AME Zion
Church with the Rev. A.L. Downing
oFEciating. Burial will be in thechurch
cemetery. The family was to receive '
visitors on Wednesday From 7-8 p.m.
in Morrison-Studevent Funeral Home
. Chapel.'
Kenneth N. Spry
Mr. Kenneth Norman Spry. 67. of
Hanisburg. died Wednesday. Feb. 16.
1994. at University Hospital in Char
A graveside funeral service was
Friday at Sharon Memorial Pork.
A native of Cooleemee. he was
bom May 21.1926. the son of the late
Lee Sherman Spry and Emma Rae
Mr. Spry was a member of Cov
enant Chilli of Harrisburg and was
retired after 21 years from the U.S.
Navy. He served as a warrant oFIicer.
pe owned and operated K&J Fastway
^nvenience stores in Mecklenburg
fnd Cabamis counties.
i Survivors include: his wife. Jonnie
^f Harrisburg; 4 sons. Jock Payne and
Scott Payne of Harrisbuig. Kenneth
Spry of Huntersville and David Spry
if Davidson; 2 daughters. Mary Spry
if Harrisbuig and Jean Griswold of
Charlotte; a brother. Harry Spry of
Harbor. Wash.; and 9 grandchil-
IS. Main
DavIe County Public Library
Mocksville, NO
Stokes H. Alridge Sr.
y Mr. Slokes Heniy Alridge Sr.. 76,
of 5330 Alamo Drive, Winston-Sa-
iem. died Friday. Feb. 25.1994.
He wa.s born May 18. 1917.
Forsyth Counly to Stokes H. and
Eunice Myers Alridge. He was em-
pioy^ with Brenner Steel Co. before
retiring. He was a member of Pine
Grove United Methodist Church.
Surviving arc his wife. Mrs. LucilleCiick Alridge ofthe home: one daugh
ter. Patricia A. Wood ofPanama City
Fla.: one son. Stokes H. Alridge Jr. of
Winston-Salem; ins mother. Mrs.
Eunice Buliard of Winston-Salem;four grandchildren: 10 great-grand-
children: one sister. Libby Fulk of
Winston-Salem; and two brothers
Norman Buliard of Advance and Jack
Builard of Winston-Salem.
Funeral serv ices were Sunday at
Pine Grove United Methodist Church
by the Rev. Sandy Giles. Burial was
in ihe church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Pine
Grove United MelhodistChureh Cem
etery Fund.
Robert S. Jordan
Mr. Robert Scott Jordan, 78, of
Main Street, Cooleemee, died
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1994. in N.C.
Baptist Hospital.
Funeral services were Saturday in
Victory Baptist Church with the Rev.
.Shelby Hatbour ofTtciating. Burial was
in Rowan Memorial Park in Salis-
Memorials may be made to Ihe
Paving Fund of Victory Baptist
Church, P.O. Box 686, Cooleemee,
NC 27014.
Mr. Jordan was bom in Davie
County Dec. 1-5,1915, tothe late Ben
and Haltie Goodman Jordan and was
retired from Hoechst-Celanese in Sal
isbury. He worked for 40 years at
Burlington Mills in Cooleemee be
fore working with Hocchst-Cclanese.
He was a WWII veteran of the U.S.
Army. He was a Charter member of
Victory Baptist Church where he
served both as a deacon and Sunday
School teacher.
He was preceded in death by his
first wife. Ruby Smith Jotdan.
Survivors include his wife, Sadie
Messick Jordan of the home: two
daughters, Mrs. Judy J. Beck of Cool
eemee and Mrs. Linda J. Myers of
Mocksville: three grandchildren: one
brother, Ray Jordan of Cooleemee;
and two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Hodges of
Mocksville and Mrs. Alice Rainey of
' J
Marvin K. ChaffinIHI Viu —
Mr. Marvin Kenneth Chaffin, 72.of Cool Springs Road, Woodleaf. dieThursday,Feb.24, l994,inN.C. Bap-
list Hospital in Winston-Salem after
being in declining health for twomonthsandseriouslylllforoneinonth.
Funeral services were Sunday »n
Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocksville
with the Revs. John Reeves. Shirley
Jones and Floyd Wood ofTiemtrng.Burial wasinWoodleafUmted Meth
odist Church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the
Woodleaf United Methodist Church,
P.O. Box 44, Woodleaf, NC 27054.
Mr Chaffin was bom in Rowan
County Sept. 22. 1921. to the late
Kenneth Marvin and Maude Mille
Chaffin. He was a farmer and wm theowner and operator of ChaffiiJ FarmConstmclion Co. He especially en
joyed woodworking and was an avid
^""surtiving are his wife, Nell Grif
fin Chaffin of the home; one daugh-
-, ter. Mrs. Debbie Chaffin Potts of
Woodleaf; three grandchildren: four
bmthers, Hugh Chaffin of Wood eaf,
Robert Chaffin of Uxington, John
Chaffin and Charlie Chaffin, both of
Wise, Va.
John M. Kent
j Mr. John Michael Kent, 30, of Rt.
• n 21, Lexington, died Thursday, Feb.
; 24. 1994, at Lexington Memorial
Mr. Kent was bom Sept. 22,1963,
;.to John Edwin Kent and Paula Kent
> Saunders. He was a construction
n worker and more recently, a student.
Survivors include his wife, Terri
' Govern Kent; one stepson, Michael
• WelchofGreensboro:onestepdaugh-
ter. Misty Lee Welch of Lexington;
three brothers, Roy Hansel Kent of
Winston-Salem. James Eric Kent of
Gemmons. Bryant Kent of Missis-
. jsippi: two sisters, Gayla Loretta Kent
; and Deborah Lynn Abbey, both of
' Hamplonville: his father, John Edwin
Kent of Hamptonvilie; his mother,
Mrs. Paula Kent Saunders of
.'Hamptonvilie: two stepsisters. Sue
n Royall of Huntsviiie, Martha Wooten
of Mocksviiie; one stepbrother, and
Jeff Brewbaker of Rantoul. lil. Also
surviving is his stepfather, Jimmy
•Saunders of Yadkinville; his step
mother, Mrs. Mary II. Kent of
:; Hamptonvilie, and his maternal grand-
'' mother.Mrs.AnnaEadesof Alabama.
Funeral services were private.
Hobart L. Holder
Mr. Hobart Lindsay Holder. 66. of
122 Lorraine Dr.. Winston-Salem.
died Saturday, Feb. 26, 1994, at his
for several years.Mr.HolderwasbomJune30.1927,
in Lewisville to Charlie Thomas and
Ella Holder Holder. He served in Ihe
U.S. Army during WWII and was a
member of VFW Post 6367. Mr.
Holder was retired from RJ. Reynolds
Tobacco Co. with 36 years of service.
He was a fomier chief of the Triangle
Fire Dept. and was a member of
Vemon Forest Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Ruby Lawson Holder of the home;
one sister, Mrs. Marie Robertson ol
Advance: and one brother, Joseph
"Joe" Holder of Lewisville.
Funeral services were Monday at
Hayworth-Milier Silas Creek Chapel
by the Re v. Terry Coats. Burial was in
Oaklawn Memorial Gardens.
Memorials may be made to Hos
pice of Winston-Salem/Forsyth
County or to Vemon Baptist Church
Building Fund.
Daisy B. Minor
; Mrs. Daisy Viola Burton Minor.
J - 84, of Route 2, Marklin Road. Ad
vance, died Sunday, Feb. 27,1994, at
the home of her daughter in Advance.
' Funeral services were Tuesday in
Elbaviiie United Methodist Church
• with the Revs. Wayne Buff and Mark
Demon officiating. Burial was in the
• church ceiHCiciy.
Mrs. Minor was born in Davidsonn County Feb. 25.1910. to the late Roy
• and Hattie Whisenhunt Burton and
had been a homemaker. She was a
' roemberoftheElbavilleUnitedMeth-
odist Church.
Her husband, Charlie Walker Mi
nor, preceded her in death.
Survivors include two daughters,
Mary Waller of Advance arid Dor
othy Farmer of Lexington: six sons.
Jack Minor of Glade Valley, Frank
Minor, William Minor, Grady Minor.
George Minor and Calvin Minor, all
of Advance: 28 grandchildren; 31great-grandchildren; foursisters. Mrs.
Cailie Hudson and Mrs. Kathleen
Williams, both of Advance, Margaret
Keeton of Rural Hall, and Mrs. Ruby
Byrd of Uxington: and three broth
ers, Johnny Burton of Advance, Pete
Burton of Uxington, and Tommy
Burton of Winston-Salem.
Davie County Public Library
. MocWIet NC
Kenneth O. Minor
Mr. Kenneth Ornn Minor. 79, of
3052 Bonbrook Dr., Winston-Snlem,
died at his home Sunday, Feb. 27,
Mr. Minor was born in Davie
County to George Wasliington and
Betty Ziinmcrnian Minor. He spent
his early life and education in the Fork
community. He was a member of
Calvary Baptist Church, where he
taught Sunday school and was a mem
ber of the choir for many years. He
was the owner and operator of the Tar
Heel Electrical Co. and wasa licensed
realtor. Mr. Minor was a veteran of
the U.S. Navy, serving during WWII.
Funeral services were at Vogler's
Reynolda Road Chapel Tuesday by
Dr. Gary Chapman. Burial was at
Fork Baptist Church, Mocksville.
Surviving are: his wife. Vauda
Metrell Minor of the hometone daugh
ter. Mrs. Sally Price of Winston-Sa-
lem; two grandchildren: two great
grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs.
Cora Whitehead of Winston-Salem.
Memorials may be made to Hos
pice of Winston-Salem/Forsyth
County, I lOO-C S. Stratford Rd.,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103.
Eila C. Money
/ Mrs. Ella Collins Money, 66, of
Winston-Salem died Friday, Feb. 25,
1994, at Cletnmons Meadowbrook
Mrs. Money was bom Aug. 22.
1927, inSutry County to Richard Paul
Collins and Lura Johnson Collins.
She was a hometnaker and a member
of Etkin Valley Baptist Church.
Surviving are; her husband, Lloyd
Money ofAd vance; ason. Rick Money
of Rt. 2, Mocksville; one grandchild;
two sisters, Mrs. Stella C. Hooper of
< State Road, Mrs. Maxine CanFteld of
Winston-Salem; and three brothers,
Albert Collins of Ronda. Joe Collins
of Elkin, and Romie B. Collins of
She was preceded in death by a
daughter. Jewel M. Gentry and a
brother, Ralph Collins.
Funeral services were Sunday at
Elkin Valley Baptist Church by the
Revs. Charles Lethcoe and Joel
, Blevins. Burial was in the church cem-
. etery.
Stella Marie Rippy
Stella Marie Robinson Rippy, S3,
of Rt.l Mocksville,dicd unexpectedly
at her home Saturday, Feb. 26.
She was bom in Catawba county,
Nov. 3, 1940 to the late Leroy and
Virginia Ramseur Robinson. She was
an administrative pastor for Sacred
Hour United Bibleway Ministries,
where she was also a member.
She was preceded in death by a
sister and brother. Alberta Williams
aiul Landis Robinson.
The family was to receive friends
Wednesday, March 2, from 7-8 p.m. at
New Jerusalem Holiness Church in
Mocksville. Funeral services were
Thursday at 2 p.m. at the church. Offi
ciating ministers were the Revs. K.E
Alexander and Anita Baldwin. Burial
followed in MocksvilleCity cemetery.
Survivors include; 3 daughters;
Kathy Rocker of the home; Vivian
Howard of White Plain.s, N.Y., and
Lisa Manhall of Charlotte; 4 sons,
lames Marshall ofthe home, Mike and
Robert Marshall of Winston-Salem,
and Raymond Marahall of Maury; 2
sisters, Cora Propst of Newton and
Rachel Hillatd of Vale; and a bother,
Allen Robinson of Vale.
Kate B. Sizeinore
Miss Kate Belle Sizemore. 68, of
Rt. 2, Boonville died Tuesday, Feb.
j 22,1994,atForsythMemorialHospi-
^ tal following a brief illness.
Bom in Yadkin County on Aug.
19,1925, she was the daughter of the
late Sam Sizemore and Eula Maggie
Collins Sizemore.
Survivors include four brothers,
William,Claude and Pliilip.Sizemore,
all of Boonville and James Sizemore
of Mocksville.
Funeral services were Friday at
Mackie-Gentry Funeral Home Chapel
with the Rev. J.P. Sizemore officiat
ing. Burial was in the Deep Creek
Friends Meeting cemetery.
. Fletcher Shennan Strider
J Fletcher Shennan Strider, 90, of
Hillsborough, died Monttay, Feb. 28,
at Durliam General Hospital from a
.serious illness.
He was a native of Rockingliam
County; and was retired from R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco Company. He was
a member of Bethlcliem United Meth
odist Oiurch in Advance.
Graveside services were scheduled
for Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Rose Wood
CenKtery in Hillsborough by the Rev.
Odell Link.
He is surivived by; 2 daughters.
Miss Eva Lue Devorsky of Florida and
Miss Sevoria Mills of Hillslmrough; a
sister, Mrs. Hazel Bitdof Hillsborough;3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchil
Joseph "Hirner
^ Joseph James "J.J."Tumer,6-day-
old infant, of 815 N. Long St., East
Spencer,dicd Monday, Feb.21,1994,
at N.C. Baptist Hospital, Winston-
I Bom Feb. 15,1994, in Salisbury,
he was the son of Deanna E. Hancock
and Steven O. Turner,
Survivors, in addition to his p.-ir-
ents, include maternal grandparents,
. Joseph and Edith H. Downs of East
Spencer; maternal grandfather, Leon
. Watkins ofWoodleaf; maternal great-
I grandmothers, Mrs, L.D, Watkins of
Woodleaf and Mary Hancock of
Mocksville; paternal grandparents.
Rev, and Mrs. Louis Turner of East
Spencer; paternal great-grandfather.
Bishop Curtis Glaspy of Winston-
Salem; paternal great-granedmother,
Margaret Turner of Salisbury; mater
nal stepgrandmother, Naomi Watkins
ofWo^leaf;andsister, Erika Turner
of the home.
The funeral service was Saturday
at Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home
Chapel, conducted by the Rev, Louis
Tltmer, Burial was In Oakdale Cem
Memorials may be made to Ameri
can Heart Association, 1386 Westgate
Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27103,
^Zeola W. Walker
4 Zeola Goldie Wilson Walker, 84,
formerly ofJerusalem Avenue, Cool-
eemee, died Saturday, Feb. 26,1994.
at Brightmoor Nursing Center. She
had been in declining health for sev
eral years and seriously ill for three
BomDec.3l, l909,inCooleemee.
Mrs. Walker, a daughter of the late
Samuel and Maggie Click Wilson,
was educated in the Davie County
schools, AretiredemployeeofRowan
Memorial Hospital, she was a mem
ber of New Bethel Baptist Church,
where she served on the Usher and
Nurses' board. She was a member of
the Davie County Home
Demonstraton Club.
Funeral services were Tuesday, at
New Bethel Baptist Church, Mocks-
.: ville, conducted by the Rev. Dr. W.M.
; Adams. Burial was to be at II a.m.
; Wednesday in the church cemetery.
. o
Davie County PubRc Library
Mocksville, NC
Thelma Bowers
Thelma Overcash Bowers, 8J. of
113 E. Crawford St., Salisbury, died
Thursday, March 3, 1994. at Caroll-
nas Medical Center, Charlotte, after
being seriously ill for the past three
Bom Oct. 19, 1910, in Davie
County, she was a daughter of the late
John Sanford and Lena Swicegood
Overcash. She retired from Cone
She was preceded in death by her
husband, Bennett Lee Bowers Sr. and
a son, Bennett Lee Bowers Jr.
Survivors include sons, John M.
Bowers of Pace, Fla., and Charles W.
Bowers of Salisbury; daughters, Mrs.
Lois Womble and Mrs. Sue Benson,
both of Salisbury; 10 grandchildren;
eight great-grandchildren; and two
sisters, Mrs. Ruth FurrSr. and Johnsie
Welch, both of Salisbury.
Funeral services were Saturday at
Summersett Memorial Chapel con
ducted by Dr. Ronald J. Heddle. Burial
was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery.
Carl S. Uregory
Mr. Carl Smith Griegoty, 69, of
Clemmons died Thursday, March 3,
1994, at his home.
He was bom Aug. II, 1924, in
Davie County to Thomas Sain and
Eva Smith Gregory. Mr. Gregory was
retired from RJ, Reynolds Tobacco
Co. in 1983 after 37-1/2 years of ser
vice. He was a member of Clemmons
First Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hazel
Baity Gregory of the home; and one
sister, Catherine Hanes of Davie
Funeral services were Sunday at
Hayworth-Miiler Silas Creek Chapel
by Dr. Robert Cantwell. Burial was in
Westlawn Gardens of Memory,
Memorials may be made to Clem
mons First Baptist Church Building
Mrs. Macy F. Clark
Mrs. Macy Fair Clark, 89, of Den
nis Rd., Walnut Cove, died Tuesday,
March 1, 1994, at Forsyth Memorial
Hospital following a brief illness.
Site was bom in Forsyth County to
Roscoe and Maty Preston Fair. Mrs.
Clark was preceded in death by her
husband, Troy E. Clark.
She is survived by one son, Clyde
Clark ofWalnut Cove and three ilaugh-
ters, Mrs. Doris Burner of Walnut
Cove, Mrs. Marcy Fuip of
Kernersville, and Mrs. Melza Craven
of Mocksville; nine grandchildren;
eight grrat-grandchildren; one great-
great-grandchild; and twosisters, Mrs.
Luia Martin of Stokesdaie and Mrs.
Minnie Gray Stone of Walnut Cove.
Funeral services were Friday at
Burroughs Funeral Home Chapel con
ducted by the Rev. Max Farmer. Burial
I was in Gardens of Memory in
Memorials may be made to New
; Birth Baptist Church, 6970 Dennis
IRd., Walnut Cove, NC 27052.
EfHe Sweet Elliott
Ellie Sweet Elliott. 78, of546 Oak
St., Mooresvilie died Monday, Feb.
28, 1994, at Meridian Nursing Cen-'
Bom Jan. 18, 1916, in Iredell
County, Mrs. Elliott, a daughter of the
late I-eauden and Mary Riley Sweet,
was a retired practical nurse.
Survivors incliide: one son. Jack
Elliott of Mooresvilie; a daughter,
Doris Pruitt of Davidson; six grand
children; nine great-grandchildren;
and sisters, Jean Porch of
McAdenville, Edtia Cothrane ofConway, S.C., and Carrie Abemathy
of Mocksville.
Funeral services were Thursday at
Neill Funeral Home Chapel, con
ducted by the Rev. Wade Malioy.
Burial was at First United Methodist
Church Cemetery, Troutman.
. Abe Nail Howard
Abe Nail Howard Jr., 52, of Mag
nolia Ave.. Mocksville, died Sunday.
March 6. IW. at hia home afler aIcnglhyperiodof |
Born May 6.
1941, in Dnvie
County, he was a
son of Aiha
T u ( I e r n w ,
Howard and the
hue Abe Nail
Howard. A life-
long resident of ..
DavieCodtiiy.he ""
was educated in the local schools and
attended N.C. Slate University and
the University of North Carolina at
Formerly n meniber of BethelUnited Methodist Church, forthe past
J() years he had been a ittentber ofFirst UniledMethndislChtirch.wheie
he served n« a Sunday school teacher,
a youth counselor, an usher and a
member of the administtalive board.
He was cmployei! hy Duke Pi>wer
Co. for 2(lycars before forming Davie
Builders Inc. A member of the Davie
County Board of Realtors, he was a
licensed eleclrical and general con-
A member of the Mocksville Vol
unteer Fire Department for 30 years,
he retired as assistant chief. He was
past president of lite Davie County
Firemen's Association.
Howard served three terms on llie
Mocksville Town Board. He was first
appointed in 1989 and re-elected to
two additional lerms.
Survivors, in addition tohis mother,
include: wife Julia; son Abe Howard
of Charleston, S.C.; daughter, Mrs.
Bob (Amy) Vaughan-Jones of Point
Robeits, Wash.; sisters Mrs. Randal
; (Sue) Cave, Mrs. Jerry (Faye) Vines
and Joy Howard; and brothers Will
iam -Bill" Howard and James "Jim*
Howard,Amemorial servicewasheldTues-
day, March 7, at FirstUnited Method
ist Church.
Memorials may be made lo the
Abe Howard Humanitarian Fund.c/o
Davie Foundation, P.O. Box 843.
Mocksville, NC 27028.
The Davie Foundation is a non
profit charitable foundation. This
money is going lo be directed by the
family of Abe Howard.
Robert T. Hunt
Mr. Robert Thomhill Hunt, 52. of
Route 6, Mocksville. died Sunday,
March 6, 1994, at Porsylh Memorial
He was bom Nov. 27. 1941, in
Charleston, W.Va,, to Robert Finis
and MildredThomhill Hunt. Mr, Hunt
was a member of New Hope United
Methodist Church. He taught Indus
trial Arts at Independence High.School
inlheWinslon-Saletn/Forsyth County
School System.
He is survived by his wife, Janice
Hillhouse Hunt of the home; one
daughter, Linda Carol Hunt of Ihe
home; one son, Robert Scott HunI,
U.S. Air Force. Charleston. S.C.: and
Funeral services were lo he
Wednesilay at 3 p.m. at New Hope
United Methodist Church with Ihe
Rev. Bill Currie ofricialing. Burial
was lo follow in Forsyth Memorial
Dr. Charles I. Lewis
Dr. Charles Irving Lewis. 84, of
CIcmmons died Monday. Feb. 28,
He was bom April 5. 1909, in
Maxwelton, W.Va., lo the late
Clarence Edward and Racliel Bell
Lewis. He received degrees in theology from Union Theological Semi
nary in Richmond, Va.. and PrincetonTheological Seminary. Dr. Lewis
41 years as a Presbyterian minister.Survivingnre:hi5wife, Nancy Ross
Lewis of Clemmons; three sons. Dr.
Thomas Cary l.ewis of Nasltvillc,
Tenn.; Dr. John Metiweihcr Lewis of
Clemmons, and Mr. Charles Cotling
l-ewis and two grandchildten, all of
Bute's Creek.
Memorial services will be held ata
Memorials may be made to the
Seminary Fund at Union Theolo&cal
Seminary. 3401 Brook Road, Rich
mond, Va. 23286-3425.
"Uncle Joe" Johnson
Gideon Joseph "Uncle Joe*Johnson,75,ofAppomallos.Va.,died
General Hospital after a long illness.
He is survived by his wife. Belly
Odessa Hendricks Johnson of
Bom in Winslon-Salem, he was a
son of the late William Leonard and
Ella Sp.iugh Johnson. After moving
to l.ynchburg in 1939, Uncle Joe became a well-knownradio personality.
He was also well-known as a per
former in the blue grass band The
Blue Mountain Boys". In 1964, he
was voted on by his peers across the
country as the National Country Music Disc Jockey ofthe Year. He retired
in 1983 after 50 years in Ihe business.
In addition to his wife, he is sur
vived by liiree sons, Joseph Carson
"i.e." Johnson of Rusiburg, Va..
Leonard Leroy Johnson ofLynchburg,Va.,andChatlesLeeJohn$onofMadi-
son Heights, Va.; iwodatighters. Belly
Jo Cunningliam of Madison Heights,
Va. and Linda Kay Ramsey of
Williamson; 10 grandchildren; sixgreat-grandchildren; one brother,
Henry Johnson of Mocksville; and
four sisters. Lillian Folwell of Lex
ington, Floy Ue Gardner and Jeannie
Branon, both of Winston-Salem and
Mae Sleclman of Georgia.
Funeral services were to be at 3
p.m. Wednesday at Whilten
Timbetlake Chapel in Lynchbutg by
Ihe Rev. Wayne Laiiliam. Inlermenl
was lobe in Fort Hill Memorial Park.
Memorial contributions may be
made lo the Appomallox Rescue
Davie County Public Library
jiHocksvillea Ni/
• ij
Edwin E. Maddrey
/ Mr.EdwinEiwinMaddreyof3n4■I Bermuda Village. Advance, died Friday, March 4,1994.Mr. Maddrey. die son of CarrieErwin Smith Maddrey and JamesAnderson Maddrey. was bom March28. 1908. in Winslon-Salem. He attended the local schools of Winston-SalcmandUNC-ChapelHill.In 1927.
he hegan work with the P.H. HanesKnitlingCompanyinWinston-Salem
in the payroll department. Mr.Maddrey was made an officer in thecompany in 1947. serving as secretary and asst. treasurer until his retirement. In 196S. when the P.H. HanesCO. merged with the Hanes HosieryCo.. he served as vice president of the
knitwear division. When he retired atage 65 in 1973. he had served theHanes Corp. for 46 years. He becamea member of the First PresbyterianChurch of Winston-Salem at the age
of 12. in i922. Mr. Maddrey was aMason and a Shriner. He marriedGrace Kimtey of High Point.He is survived by his wife Grace ofBermuda Village; a son. Edwin ErwinMaddrey 11 of Greenville. S.C.; adaughter. Anne Erwin Maddrey ofGieenville. S.C.; and two grandchil-
dren.Mr. Maddrey willed his body to bedonated to the Bowman Gray Medical Center. His remains will be placedin the columbarium at the First Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem.
A memorial service was Sunday, atthe Rrst Presbyterian Church Chapelof Winston-Salem by the Rev. Henry
J. Keating.Memorials may be made to theFirst Presbyterian Church. 300 N.Cherry St.. Winston-Salem.
Harvey E. PilcherSr.
Mr. Harvey Eldridge Pilcher Sr..59.ofRt. 5. Mocksville diedJTuesday.Match 1.1994. at Forsyth MemorialHospital following a lengthy illness.Bom Aug. 13. 1934. in YadkinCounty, he was the son of the lateGeorge Cephas Pilcher andCapetollaGrace Rupard Pilcher. On June 29.1954. he married the former JoannRiddle who survives.
Also surviving are one son. Havey
E. Pilcher Jr. of Rt. 5. Mocksville; twodaughters. Mrs. Connie P. Spillman
of Rt 2. Mocksville and Miss LoneMichelle Pilcher of the home; fivegrandchildren; two brothers. George
Wilson Pilcher of Yadkinville andCharles Edward Pilcher of M«ks-ville; and onesister. Mrs. Mary Lillian
Renegar of Clemmons.He was preceded in death by twobrothers. James Thomas and AmosCephas Pilcher.He was a Dairy Farmer and activeIn Huntsville Baptist Church, wherehe served as a Sunday School teacher.Deacon. Sunday School Supt. andchoir member. He also received a 27-year perfect attendance pin from the
Funeral services were Friday atHuntsville Baptist Church with theRevs. Dennis Bell and RonnieCraddock officiating. Burial was'Jn
the church cemetery.Memorials may he made to Hunt%->ville Baptist Church Cemetery Fiindor to Hospice of Yadkin County.
Ethel H. SidesJ Mrs. Ethel Hendrix Sides. 82. ofSalisbury, died Wednesday. Match 2.1994. at N.C. Baptist Hospital after a
period of declining health.
She was bom July 30. 1911. in
Davie County to the iate William
Lonnie Hendrix and Maudie Miller
Hendrix. She was educated in DavieCou nty schools and was a homemaker.
She was a member of Providence
United Methodist Church and a mem
ber of Methodist Women. MethodistQuilting Club and United Methodist
Women.She was preceded in death by her
husband. Fred A. Sides, in 1981.
She is survived by: 5 sons. Eugene
Sides. Bill Sides and Freddie Sides, all
of Salisbury. Walter Sides of
Greenville. S.C.. and Johnny Sides of
Winston-Salem;2d3Ughters. Dot Gre
gory and Geraldine Holshouser. bothof Salisbury; a brother. Pink Hendrix
of Statesville; 2 sisters. Elva Hendrix
and Hattie McCollough. both of Advance; IS grandchildren; and 11 greatgrandchildren.
Funeral services were Friday at
Providence United Methodist ChurchwithRev.BillRagsdaleofficiatingandGene Sides assisting. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Provi
dence United Methodist Church Fellowship Building Rud: 6450 BringleFerry Road, Salisbury. NC iU 146 or to
the Rowan County Heart Association.
Heart Care 612 Mocksville Ave., Sal
isbury, NC 28144.
William l\irner
J William Tumer. 66. formerly ofHarmony.dtedFriday.March3.1994.
at Forsyth Memorial Hospital afterseveral years of declining health.
Born Jan. 25. 1928. in IredellCounty, he was a son of the late Off
Tumer and Lizzie Gaither Tumer. He
was formerly employed by the Coca
Cola Company.
Survivors include daughters
Patricia Sanders of Harrisburg. Pa..andSabrinaTumerofChilhowle.Va.;
sisters Beauice Adamson of Mocks
ville. Rosa Lee Holland of Harmony
and Laura McCorkleof Pulaskie. Va.;four grandchildren; and one great
Funeral services were Monday atPiney Grove AME Zion Church. Harmony conducted by the Rev. Lenton
Rhodes. Burial was in the church cem
owe County l^WicUtitaiy{^OCKoVlliSt
. Thelma S. Walker
j Mrs. Thcfma Slaydon Walker. 72.
of Guinevere Lane. Winslon-Salein
died Saturday. March J, 1994. at her
Mrs. Walker was bom June 28,
1921. in Surry County to Johnnie and
Alice Draughn Slaydon. She was a
gradualeof White Plains High School,
class of 1938 and was a retired em
ployee of Forsylh Country Day
School. Mrs.Walker was the widow
of Edwin A. Walker Jr.
She is survived by her mother.
Mrs. AliceSlaydon of Lexington; two
daughters. Alice Walker and Lindy
W. Blackburn, both of Winston-Sa-
lem; two sons. Edwin Wayne Walker
of Gretna. La. and Harvey Walker of
Mercerville. N.J.:eightgrandchildren
and one great-grandchild. Also sur
viving are five sisters. Maty Amatoof
College Park. Md.. Bertha Allen of
Mocksville. Janie Livengood ofTyro.
Betty Sue Reich of Arcadia. Samira
Wood of Lexington; two brothers.
Jim Slaydon of Winston-Salem and
Wallace Slaydon of Lexington.
Funeral services were Monday, at
Haywonh-MillerSilasCretk Chapel.
The Rev. Samuel Hutchens offici
ated. Entombment was in Parklawn
Memorial Gardens Mausoleum.
Memorials may be made to the
Salvation Army and/or Crisis Control
of Winston-Salem.
Boyd Watkins
t/ Mr. Boyd Watkins. 78. of 1130
JerasaIemAve..Cooleemee.dicd Mon
day. March 7. 1994. at Davie County
Hospital after being seriously ill for
several days.
Bom May 3. 1915. in Commerce.
Ga.. he was the son of the late William
and Georgia Holbrook Watkins. He
was educated in the public schools of
Georgie and Rowan County. Mr. •
Watkins was a retired employee of
Erwin Mill and White Packing Com
pany. He was a member of Erwin
Temple C.M.E. Church and was a
former Sunday school superintendent
and teacher, a fomter Mason and a
member of the NAACP.
Survivors include his wife. Annell
Woods Watkins of the home; two sons.
David Watkins of Statesville and Ray
Watkins of Cooleemee; one daughter.
Lola Newsome. Mocksville; two sis
ters. Corrine Crawford of Washington.
D.C.. Claudine Hosch of Cooleemee
and 15 grandchildren.
Funeral services were incomplete.
Anne E. White j
Mrs. Anne Bt^^kdied9725CoolSpnngR^^S,3nM^Sunday.March^^„„j,pected.morlalHMpd^- 3 i„B„AeCounty.BomNov.6.19 • ..p.c.andjhewasthedaughW^^^^^ En^and.
Alpine High Scnoo
Ro«an County
lal and ^ member ofFood service. ^-,5, church.
Francis White. . , 50,^, Glenn
^'^'SwS^ofAshboto.Rt*-Jackson lech Cleveland
ert Charles , cieve-and James l« MaiyEliMbethland; adaui^ler. " ^ sister.
Whith Haikey of j Qeve-
Woodleaf United Reeves and
with the Revs.Shirley Jones ofTiaating.
Voodleaf.NC 29054.
. ^
i.Davta County Public LibraryMocksville, NC
Bobby L. De Vault
Mary C. DeVault
A memorial service was held Satur
day. March 12. 1994. at WoodlandCemetery in Winston-Salem for Bobby
Louis DeVault and Mary LouisCOvlnglon DeVaultBobby L. DeVault died Aug. 12.1993. InMocksville.andMaiy DeVault
died several years ago In Washington.
D.C. Both were cremated and their remains saved until the family reunion.
Family members from the DeVault
and Covington families gathered dur
ing the weekend of March 12 and held
the funeral service, with Rev. JoeCollins
Memorials may be made tollie Davie
County Library Fund. North Main St..
Mocksville. N.C. 27028. or to the char
ity of the donor's choice or plant a tree
in memory of Mr. and Mrs. DeVault
James O. Hildebrand
James Overland Hildebrand. 80.of 1125 Hildebrand Road. Salisbury
died Saturday. March 12.1994. at his
home due to an apparent heart attack.
Bom Nov. 7. 1913. in Burke
County. Hildebrand was a son of the
late Thomas F. and Nettie Mostelle
Hildebrand. Educated in Burke and
Rowan county schools, he was aformerfamier and had beenemployedat CooleemeeCollon Mill. Burlington
Industries in Cooleemee and Fiber
Industriesbefore retiring in July 1976.
He was also a U.S. Army veteran of
World War II.
A son. Dennis James Hildebrand.
died Nov. 21.1978.
; Survivors include wife Grace
Hollar Hildebrand. whom he married
in l9S3;brolher.LeeAlvinHildebrandof Salisbury; sisters. Dorothy Taylor
and Mary Phillips, both of Hickory;
and one grandchild.
Funeral services were Tuesday at
Cleveland First Baptist Church, con-ihicted by the Rev. Arnold Bell, pas
tor. Burial was in the church cemetery
with military rites by the Rowan
County Veterans Council.
: Memorials may be made to First
Baptist Church of Cleveland. P.O.
Box 325. Cleveland. NC 27013. _
Eastman Infant
Sarah Marie Eastman, eight-
month-old infant daughter of Marcus
Jay Eastman and Susan Hutchens
Eastman of Rl. 3. Yadkinville, died
Thursday, March 10.1994. at Baptist
Hospital In Winston-Salem follow
ing an extended illness.
She was bom in Forsyth County on
June 19. 1993.
She is survived by her maternal
grandmother, Mrs. Vickie Hutchens
of Yadkinville; maternal grandfather,
Mr. Loren Ctanfill of Yadkinville;
and her maternal great-grandfather,
Mr. John Leak Brown of Yadkinville.
Funeral services were Sunday at
Mackie-GenUy Funeral Home Chapel
with the Rev. Allen Barker officiat
ing. Burial was In the Courtney Baptist Church cemetery.
Ronald W. Kirk
Ronald William Kirk, infantsonof
Ronnl 'i and Susan Gentry Kirk, was
Surviving in addition to the par
ents of Route 2. Mocksville, are two
sisters, Lauren and Btettly Kirk of the
home, the maternal grandparents,
Lewis and Willene Gentry of States-
ville. and Jeffand Melba Tiller of San
Augustine, Texas; the maternal great-grandparents, Marie Smith of San
Augustine, Texas and Fannie Gentry
of Houston. Texas; and the paternalgrandpa rents. Clyde and Mary Walton
Kirk of Salisbury.
trian L. Gaitlier• ?"'»'I-ainarGaither.23,of2884Sahsbujy Highway, Slalesville. diedWrfnesday.Mairh9,1994,inMocks-
• County, he was aimn of ^salind MotI Gaitherand the
i n He attended Iit-dell High School and was employed
by Crown Wood of MocksvilleSnrvivors,inadditiontohlsmother,inc^de daughter. Shynieka Gaitherof Mocksville; brother, Robert An-, ^ony Gmther of Cleveland; sisters,ftlicia Molt and Bridgette GaitherSialesville; maternal gnmd-
' f^"'fiy'^'»»MottandJohnMott,
V mother, Sophia Gaither.
? Ti.'yi?''"' were Monday atj. The M^Bigham Memorial Chapelof Rutledge and Bigham Funeral. Home,condnctedbytheRev.Toininie
-■ Templei P^bytenanChuichcemetery.aew-
Joe "Buck" McLemoreJoe Jack"Buck" McLemore, 62, of25 Forest Hill Road, Uxinglon, diedFriday,Marchn.l994.atN.C. Bap
tist Hospital.Bom July 24, 1931. m Cab^County.hewasasonofthe late Clatjde
Gilbert McUmore and Eula MaeLatham McLemore. A lathe operatorforLinwood-DixiePlanl2,hew^a
member of Wayside Baptist Taber-
Survivors include wife, MargaretLee Boger McLemore of Mocksville,sons, Donald Joe McL«niore of o
lywood, Fla., Darrell EugeneMcLemore and Barry LynnMcUmore. both of Lexington, andSteven Lee McUmoreofMocksville,
brothers, Ernest Latham McLemoreof Lexington, and Bobby LewisMcLemore of Charlolle;sislets,011ie
Mae Bowles of Mocksville. C^eNunn. Shirley Kiger. Betty LouFowler and Velroar Daniels, all ofUxington, and Claudia Young ofGhio;sixgiandchildren.andooegieat-
^uneral services were Monday atWayside Baptist Church, conductedby the Rev. Roger Lackey. Bunal wasin Forest Hill Memorial Park.
S)3yie County Public Library"■r— Mocksville, HC
Mrs. Olar C. Peebles
Mrs. Olar Clarbom Peebles. 99, of
Burton Road, Advance, died Mon
day, March 7,1994, al Davie County
Hospital after a brief illness.
She was bom July 27,1894, to the
late John R. and Lizzie Clarbom. She
was a native of Davie County and
High Point, where she attended the
public schools. She was a member of
Mt. Sinai AME Zion Church where
she served as Deaconess, a member of
the Missionary Department and Sun
day school.
She was preceded in death by her
husband, Madison J. Peebles.
Survivors include; 4 sons, Edward
W. Peebles, Duff D. Peebles, Joe J.
Peebles, all of Advance and James M.
Peebles of Mocksville; a daughter.
Ruby Brown of the home; 14 grand
children; and 17 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were Friday at Mt.
Sinai AME Zion Church with the Rev.
A.L.Downing officiating. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
Clyde 'June' Reid
Clyde Jerome "June" Reid Jr., 47,
of 5726 Sapp Road, Rockwell, died
Friday, Mareh 4,1994, as a result of
injuries sustained In an auto aceident.
Bom Jan. 14, 1947, in Salisbury,
he was a son of Helen Clodfelter ReidofSalisbury and the late Clyde J. Reid
A graduateofDunbarHighSchool,
East Spencer, he was employed by
Cone Mills. He was a former member
of Mount Olive Baptist Church.
Funeral services were March 9 at
Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home.
Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Survivors, in addition to his mother,
include wife, Gwendolyn Perry Reidofthehome;daughter,JenmferBrowii
of Concord; brother, Jerry Reid of
Salisbury: sisters, Elaine Parker of
Salisbury and Deborah Doughton of
Robert L. "Bob" Webb
Mr. Robert Lee "Bob" Webb. 56,
of Cooleemee died Wednesday,
March 9,1994, at his home after be
ing in declining health.
' Funeral services were Friday in
Eaton Funeral (Siapel in Mocksville
with the Revs. Kenneth Pollock and
Robert Coforth officiating. Burid was
in Rowan Merooriai Park,'
Mt. Webb was bom in Rowan
County Aug. 31, 1937, to the late-
Crawford and Elizabeth Spry Webb
and had been employed with Fiber
Industiiesfor20yeais.Hewasaniem- 'ber of the Cooleemee Presbyterian
Church where he was a foimer elder
and member of the Church Building
Committee. He was a member of the
Cboleemee Volunteer Fire Depart
ment and the National Guard.
Surviving are; his wife of32 years,
Judy Hampton Webb of the home;
oneson,JohnnyWebbofCooleemee; .
and two grandchildren.
ot Hony Grove Rd.,Ux^pi^,.Sunday, March 13.
mont Retirement Center.Thomasville. 18,1900,
^Elizabeth Black
T Shewasahomemaker.anda
of Christ by her
husband, George B.bmiui,
Davidson ^""^'g^^Butiaiwas in
teciptent of their choice.
Davie County Public Library
iViocksville, NO
, ^
Bill Blaylock
/ William "Bill- Blaylock. 72. of
Saturday. Mard,
tohteMr.andMrs. W.B. Blaylockof^eerna. He was employed with
Oi^OilCbmpanyofWildwood NJbefore moviog Richmond in the950s. Then he was employed by Met
ropolitan LifelnsunmceCompany. He
wMaclivcinDeepRun Baptist Chuich
wherehewasaSundaySchoolleacher'He IS survived by; his wife. Elva- 3^ughters. Katby Blaylock. Wendy
Blaylock arul Pamela Vanneman; 2
grandchildren; 3 sisteis. Nellie Houpe
cL f,!!'"' Swi«eood ofSharon. S.C.. and Catherine Milholen
of Richmond Va,He was preceded in death by a sis
ter. Kna Howard ofMocksville. anda
brother. Naylor Blaylock of Hickory.
A memorial service was March 7
and graveside services were private '
Memorials may be made to Deep
Baptist Church. 10907 Three
ChoptRoat Richmond. Va..orachari-wt)l60fff9Rt9AtTrvnAr*L.. • > .
James Boyd Edwards
/ Mr. James Boyd Edwards. 75. of
137 S. Milfoid Drive. Salisbuiy. died
Wednesday. March 16. 1994. at his
home after being in declining health
for 2 years and seriously ill 3 months.
BomDec.7. l9l8.inSurryCounty.
Mr. Edwards was the son of the late
Irwin R. and Zole Brannock Edwards.
He was educated in Suny County
schools and was employed for 42 years
with Pet Dairy in Salisbury before re
tiring in 1982 as control manager.
Mr. Edwards was a charier member
of Milford Hills Baptist Church where
he was installed as Deacon Emeritus,
served as a Sunday School readier,
church treasurer and was a member of
tite church choir. He was a former
member of Milford Hills Lions Club.
Veteran of the US Army during World
War II and attended Army Finance
^hool at Wake Forest College.
; Survivors include: his wife. Mae
Smoot Edwards; a daughter. Emily
Mounshell of Lexington; 4 brothers,
Thomas Edwards of Wayne, Pa, John
^wards of Sarasota. Fla.. Dennis
Bdwatds of Greenville, S.C. and Joe
^wards of ML Airy; 4 sisters. Alma
Snow of Boonville. Alline Badgelt of
Ml. Airy. Virginia While of Surfslde
Beach. S.C.; and Blanche Edwards of
Oobson; and 2 grandchildren.
- Funeral services were Saturday at
Milfotd Hills Baptist Church with Rev.
Philip W. Norwood and Rev. Barry
Sang ofliciating. Burial was in Rowan
Memorial Park.
. MemorialsmaybemadetoMilford
Hills BaptistChurch, 1238&Cblonial
Drive. Salisbury, NC, 28144 or Hos
pice of Rowan County, PO Box 1603
Salisbury, NC, 28145-1603.
Millie B, Claybrooks
1^7 Deny St.. Winston-SaJem diedMonday, March 21,1994. at Forsyth
Memorial Hospital.
She was a native of Davie CountyShe was of the Holiness faith.
She is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. Martha Ann Claybrooks James
of the home. Nancy Fay Claybrooks
on^ of Winston-Salem; one son,
W lltam Claybrooks Jr. of Winston-
natem; eight grandchildren; ISgreat-grandchildien; and four great-great
Funeral services were conducted
at noon Wednesday from the Frances
^andJerryCOilmore Jr. Memorial •Chapel. North Liberty Street with in
terment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Sarah L. Ellenburg
Mrs. Sarah Link Ellenburg, 83. of
1 Copley StreeL Lexington died Satur
day, March 19,1994. in Buena Vista
Nursing Center where she had been a
resident for the past three yean.
Funeral services were Ttaesday in
Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocksville
with the Rev. Billy Sosbee officiat
ing. Burial was In Liberty United
Methodist Church cemetery in Mocks
Memorials may be made to the
Building Fund of Second Presbyterian Church. CottonGroveRoad.Lex-
ington, NC 27292.
Mrs. Ellenburg was bom in Davie
County Aug. 8,19 lO.lothelate Baxter
C. and Georgia Lefier Link and re
tired with 25 years of service with
Dakota Mills. She was a member of
Second Presbyterian Church.
Surviving are her husband. John
Ellenburg ofthe home; one son, Phillip
Ellenburg of Lexington: two grand
children; one great-grandchild; one
sister, Mrs. Virginia Jones of
Asheviile; and ihieebrothets, Lindsey
Unk of Darlington. S.C., Lawrence
Link ofMocksville and Baxter Link
of Albany, N.Y.
William F. D^vi^ins
Mr. William Franklin Dwiggins.
/ IOO.ofRoule9.ToweryRoad.Mocks-
ville. died Tuesday, March 22,1994,
at his home.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.
Thursday in Ealon Funeral Chapel
with Rev. Joe Collins officiating.
Burial will be in the Center United
Methodist Church cemeteiy.Tltefam-ily was to be at Eatons Wednesday
from 7-9 p.m.
Memorials may be made to the
Cemetery Fund of Center United
Methodist Church, c/o Mr. Bill
Seaford, Route I. Mocksville. NC
Mr. Dwiggins was bom In Rowan
County Dec. 7.1893. to the late Rob
ert A. and Aittanda Marlin Dwiggins.
He was a farmer and a member of the
Center United Methodist Church. His
wife, Sadie Lee McDaniel Dwiggins
preceded him in death in 1968.
Survivors includelwoneices.FayeBarney and Marie Dwiggins, both of
Mocksville. and one nephew, Paul L.
Dwiggins of Mocksville.
y Ethel C. King
Midh"' ^*'r' t.
tem V Winston-Sa-
Wirnam'^^ Bie Widow of the latedhamlOngandwasthedaughterofg to. g™.,
f"" was preceded in death by fivebrothers and two sisteis.She is survived by two brothers
Advance and
sTsteras stem. Miss Edith Cuthrell of Win-
Davie CouRty Public Library
Mocksville, NC
Mildred Money
j Mrs. Mildred Jones Money, 69, of
l902SoulJiview Road, L.exington,died
Thursday, March 17,1994, at Using-
Ion Memorial Hospital after a serious
illness of six weeks.
Mrs. Money was bom Sept. 6,1924,
in Fbrsyth County to Ervin L Jones Sr.
and Hester Cox Jones. She was a retired
employee of Unk-Taylor Corp. and
was a member of Second Presbyterian
Church. She was the widow of Roy
Kenneth Money, who died in April
Survivors include: 4 .sons, Donald
Gene Money of Uxington. Kenneth
Money or\Vilmington.JamesE. Moneyof Advance and Steve Money of Salis-
buty:adaughter,UndaMillerofMockx-ville; a brother, Ervin Jones Jr. of
Jamestown; a sister, Margaret Harris of
High Point: II grandchildren; and 3
Funeral services were Sunday at
Davidson Funeral Home Chapel with
Rev. Reggie Parker olTiciating. Buriai
was in Uxington City Cemetery.
Gary Lee Nichols
! / Mr. Gary Ue Nichols, 40, of 221
I Georgia Ave., Carolina Beach, died
Saturday, March 19, 1994, in New
, Hanover Regional Medical Center af
ter two years of declining heath.
, Mr. Nichols was bom Oct. 7,1953,
in Rowan County to Donald D. and
Pricella Bradshaw Nichols of Mocks-
ville. He was a graduateof Davie High
I in 1971 andamemberofUbertyUnited
j Methodist Church in Mocksville. He
worked for the Wilmington Star news-
In adition to his parents he is sur-
• vived by: his grandfather, Howard H.
I Nichols of Lynchburg, Va.; 3 sisters,
, Janet Taylor of Route 4, Mocksville,
I Sharon Campbell of Clevelatrd and
Dena Nichols of Kemersville.
' He was preceded in death by his
' grandmother,UonWallerNicholsand
^ hismatemalgrandp<-irents,.Samueland
Edna Bradsliaw of Sali.sbury.
j Graveside services were Tuesday
at the Liberty UnitedMethodistChutch
; Cemetery in Mocksviile by the Revs.
J Hal Vamer and J.C. Une.
Memorials may be made to Hospi-
, tality House, 1613 Medical Center
Drive, Wilmington, NC, or the Ccm-
etery Fund of Liberty United Method-I isl Church in Mocksviile.
Wiley S. Potts
: Mr. Wiley Sanford Potts, 66, of
^ Rbute 2, Advance died Wednesday,
March 16,1994. in Forsyth Memorial
Hospital after being in declining
Funeral services were Friday in
Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs.
Edwin Bailey and Ketmit Bailey ofTi-
cialing. Burial was in the cemetery of
i the Episcopal Church of the Ascen
sion at Fork.
' Memorials may be made to the
Episcopal Church of the Ascension at
FOrk, Route 2, Advance, NC 27006.
' Mr.PottswasbominDavieCounty
June 24,1927, to the late Wiley J. and
Agnes Kimmer Potts and was retired
from R.J. Reynolds and was also a
retired farmer. He was a member of
the Episcopal Church of the Ascen
sion at Fork, was a member of the
Fork Ftre Department where he served
as Fire Chief for six years, and was a
member of lite Fork Civic Club.
- Surviving are his wife, Lucille
Myers Polls of the home; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Brenda Beck of Advance
and Mrs. Linda Baity of Mocksville;
one son, Alvin Potts of Uxington;
three sisters, Mrs. Hazel Foster of
Emerald Isle, Mrs. Vicki Ftye, and
Mrs. Helen Rutledge, both of Mocks-
I ville; two brothers. Worth Potts of
Uxington and Avalon Potts of Ad-
' Vance; and si^ grandchildren.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NO
Annie R. Powell
Mrs. Annie Lois Rotiinson Powell,
78, of Spencer, died Tuesday. March
IS. 1994. at ihe residence ofher daugh
ter. Slie had been in declining healli for
5 years and seriously ill 4 months.
Bom May 8,191S.inClajkCounly.
Miss,, she was the daulltcr of Ihe late
Luther M, and Mary Smith RobinsOT,
She was educated in Clark County
schools and was uhciincmakcr. Shewas
a member ofTrinity Baptist Church in
Surs'ivofsincludc: a son, Gary Leroy
Powell ofSpencer 3 daughters.Sherry
P, [.ewisofLynchburg, Va., Frances P,
Goodman of Spencer, and Gloria P.
West of Mocksville; a htollier. Johnny
Robinson of Meridian, Miss,; a sister.
Elina Shannon of Meridian, Miss.; 13
grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildien.
She was preceded in death by her
husband. Carl Leroy Powell June 27,
1987 and a son, James Henry Powell
July 26.1976,
Funeral services were Friday at
Lyerly Funeral Home'sJamesC, Lyeriy
Funeral Chapel with Rev, Mark D,
Wiillonofficialing.Buriitl wasinRowan
Memorial Park-
Memorials may be made to Trinity
Baptist Church. 318 Eighth St.. Spen-
txr, NC 28159.
Calvin Delano Spillman
Mt- Calvin L>e!ano Spillman Sr.
56. of Michaels Road. Coolceiiicc,
Memoritd Mospi.
Fuuer.nl set- Bb\ JI
vices were Mon-
day in Baton Fu- I
neralChapclwiih I
Mr, Robert
Creason and the
Rev, Russell Morris officiating. Burial
wa,s in I.egion Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to the
Davie County Chapter of the Ameri
can Henri Association, c/o Mrs. Pal
Lookabill, P.O. Box 406, Mocksville,
NC 27028.
Mr, Spillman was bom in Davie
County Aug. 7. l937.loSallie Brown
Spillman of Route 7, Mocksville and
the late Alfonro Grant Spillman .Sr.
He had been employed wltlt Fiber
Indtisiric.sfor 26 years. He was oflhe
Baptist faith, an avid ouldoorsman
and especially enjoyed fishing lutd
Surviving, inaddidonto hismother,
are; his wife, Belly BengeSpillman of
the htimc, one daughter. Teresa S.
Sntilh ofCu<ileemee;four sons. Calvin
Spillman Jr.. Michael Spillntnn and
Steve Spillman, all of Mocksville.
andGlcit Spillman ofCnoleenteetslx
grandchildren; sis brolhets. Clarence
Spillman and Joe Spillman of Route
7, Mocksville. Terrell Spillman of
Cooleeincc, Keith Spillman of Salis
bury, Roger Spillman of Coolccmce
and Grant Spillman Jr. of Roule 7.
Dale W. Buchanan
/ Mr. Dale Winrred Buchanan, S3,
died Monday, March 21, 1994, in y
Seniara Norfolk General Hospilal'in
Norfolk, Va.. after being in declining
health. His home was in Chesapeake.
Funeral services were Friday in
Dulin United Methodist Church with
the Rev. Ray O'Feirell ofTicialing.
Burial followed in the church cem
Mr. Buchanan was bom in High
Point Jan. 10, 1941, to Mary Jarvis
ville and the late Tom Buchanan. He
was an iron worker with S&B Salvage
and was of the Methodist faith. He
was a member of the South Norfolk
Moose Lodge.
Sutviving,in addition to his mother,
is: his wife, Ruth Melton Buchanan of
the home; one stepdaughter. Sherry
Sue McCrary of Chesapeake; a son.
Thomas Dale Buchanan of Kansas
City, Mo.; one stepson, Jeffrey Mark
Reaves of Chesapeake; two grand
children; and one sister, Dana Chalk
of Orandy.
Annie Mae Clark ^
Annie Mae Clark, 56, of 7 Coo^
St., Salisbury, died Wednesday,
March 23,1994, at Rowan Memorial
Hospital after a year of declining
Bom Nov. 7, 1937, in Rowan
County, Mrs. Clark was a daughter of
Pearlie Mae Johnson of Salisbury and
the late Lewis Clark. Educated in Sal
isbury schools, she was a domestic
worker and a Baptist.
Survivors, in addition to her
mother, include husband, Joseph Clark
of Mocksville; a daughter, Jo Ann
Clark of the home; brothers, JamM
AdamCookof East SpencerandJames
Arthur Johnson of Salisbury; sister.
Eleanora Sellers of Sa1isbury;and two
A funeral service was Monday at
Rowan Memorial Park.
Fellpa Q. Edquid
I Mrs. Felipa Q. Edquid, 81. for-
J roerly of Tampa, died Thursday,
March 24. 1994. in Advance.
Funeral services were Monday at
the Garden of Memories Funeral
Home, 4207 E. Uke Ave.. Tam^.
Fla., with the Rev. John Stanton ofTr-
ciating. Interment was in Garden of
Memories Cemetery.
A native of the phillippines, Mrs.
Edquid lived in North Carolina after
residing in Tampa from 1960 until
1989 She was a homemaker and a
pa.st member of Manhattan Baptist
Church. . L j
Survivors include her husband.
Antero D. Edquid of Advance; ftvesons,PercivalMaatubangofHayward,
Calif., Uldarico M. Edquid of SanFrancisco,Calif.,LodivinoM.Edquid
of Burlington, Vt., Daniel Edquid of
San Francisco, Calif., and Istdore
Edquid jl of Houston, Texas; seven
daughters, Tessie Casas of Taroma,
Wash., Ida Ruth Peterson of Seffner,
Fla., Rosario Edquid of Honolulu,Hawaii.Naomi Hagstrora ofAdvance,
Virginia Adams of Charlotte, Gism
Erwin of Seffner, Fla.. and MargieOllisofMorganton; 34 grandchildren;
and 11 great-grandchildren.
Jo Ann Howard
1 Mrs. Jo Ann Miller Howard. 61, of
Route 3, Yadkinville, died Monday,
March 28.1994.at her home following
a lengthy illness.
Bom in Davie County on Sept. 24,
1932. she was the daughter of Mr. Guy
Miller of Winston-Salem and the late
Daisy PiotI Miller.
She is survived by: her husband, Mr.
Robert Kenneth (Bob) Howard; 2
daughters, MissTammy Lynn Howard
ofthe home and Mrs. BobbieJoHowatd
Brandon of Yadkinville; 2 brothers,
Edward Miller of Advance and Donald
Miller of East Bend; 3 sisters. Mrs.
Wanda Atkins of Advance. Mrs. Gay
Moore of Mocksville, and Mrs. Jackie
Doby of Advance; and a granchild.
Mrs. Howard was a homemaker and
a member of Redland Pentecostal Holi
ness Church of Advance.
Fiineral services will be2p.m.Thurs-
day at the Redland Pentecostal Holi
ness Church with Rev. James Stowe
officiating. Burial will follow in the
church cemetery. The family will as
semble at the residence of the deceased
and tvas to receive friends from 7-9
p.m. Wednesday at Mackie-Gentry
Funeral Home in Yadkinville.
^eresa A. Cope
' Mrs.Teresa Atkinson Cope.31.of
y fet. 3, Bailey Rd.. Advance, died Sat-
'tsrday, March 26,1994, at N.C. Bap-
^st Hospital.
2 She was bom Sept. 16, 1962, in
(orsyth County to Ralph Wilson and
Pelen Hobson Atkinson. Mrs. Cope
^as a member of Crestwood Baptist■Church, a graduate of Salem Baptisttligh School and was a registered^urse with Baptist Hospital.Surviving are her husband, Mark
Anthony Cope; two daughters. Brittany. Renee' and Ashley Nicole, all of
the home; her parents of Winston-jSalem; and one brother, DavidAtkinson Sr. of Winston-Salem.
; Funeral services were Monday atHayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapelby the Revs.Terry CoaUand EdStines.Burial was in Parklawn Memorial
hardens.• Teresa, requested memorials toBrittany Renee" and Ashley NicoleCope Trust Fund, c/o Mark A. Cope,pt. 3, Box 90, Bailey Rd.. Advance,
NC 27006.
17 'WiU' J®"®® 'Witt*®*® ... -u/iU"JonesJ ...\ir*,itinmFrankli ^ Ortai]Mr.WtH-.umJ»^^J;,hampRoad.
83. of ■ j,, oavie CouiiiyMocksville.March 2«.Hospital ,„ere to he at 2Funeral services puneralJ.V/ednesd^^l;,SherrillChapel ''"''A ,v„astobemMocksMficiatms. Church cemetery?United Methodist Ch p ^
County M®!'^4; smith Jones ^Frank and , geynolds T^was rhtired from
baccoCornpnny- oneSurviving ^i„s,on-Salem,Mabel Clyde Uon lon^
,<U Davie CouRty Public LibrarySi/locksville, NC
Paul Whitaker
J Mr.RobeilFtiul Whitaker,€6, Rouie
5, Bo* 401 Mocksville, died Monday,
March 28,1994, at Forsylh Memorial
Bom in DavieCounty May 10,1927,
he waslhesonoflhelate RobertRetcher
Whitaker and Nettie Comer Whitaker.
He was retired from Drexel-Heritage
Pumitune Company with 40 years of
service. He was a veteran of the U.S.
Army havittg served during the Ko
rean War. He was a member of Sugar
Town Baptist Church as was a past
Master of Harmon AF&AM Masonic
Lodge No. 420 of Courtney.
Survivors include: his wife of the
home. Ruby Reavis Whitaker, whom
hemariedDec.22,1951; a son, Robert
R. Whitaker of Boonville: a daughter,
Carol Brown of Route 5. Mocksville; a
sister, Ruth Trevathan of South Caio-
lina; and 2 grandchildren.
A brother, Silas Whitaker,
predeeded him in death.
Funeral services were lobe Wednes-tlay at 2 pan. at Mackie-GenUy Fu
neral Home Chapel with Rev. W.B.
Brawley olTtciatlng. Burial with full
Masonic Rites was to be at Liberty
Baptist Church Cemetery.
\ndrew Woodruff
Mr. Andrew Woodmff, 79, of theKzalea Garden Care Facility and for-
Inerly of 30O Lexington St., Mocks
ville, died Thursday, March 24,1994,
at Fbrsyth Memorial Hospital.
I He was a native and resident of
^ocksville and was a member of the
^econd Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
jif Mocksville. He was a retired em-
jiloyee of Hanes Hosiery Corp. and
^as a veteran of the U.S. Army, hav-
mg served in WWIL
I Surviving are a son, Ronald Woo-
umiT of Mocksvile; and seven grand-^JIHieit.
» Funeral services were Monday at
V Second Presbyterian Church, 458
'ineSt., Mocksville, by the Rev. Ivan
'Lowery. Burial was in the church
vA Oavie CouBly Public LibraryMocksville, NC
William "Bill" Blaylock
William "Bill" Blaylock, 72, of
Richmond, Va.,died Saturday, March
S, 1994, at his home aRer a long
Bom Feb. 7,1922, he was the son
ofthe late Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Blaylock
of Cooleemee.
He is survived by: his wife Elva; 3
daughters, Kathy and Wendy Blaylock
and Pamela Vanncman; 2 grandsons;
a brother, Herbert Blaylock of Hun-
tington Beach, Calif.; 3 sisters, Nellie
Houpe ofCooleemee, Jane Swicegood
of Sharon, S.C., and Catherine
Milholen of Richmond, Va.
He was preceded in death by a
sister and a brother, Edna Howard of
Mocksville and Naylor Blaylock of
He was employed with Grace Oil
Company of Wildworxl, N.J., before
moving to Richmond in the SOs. Then
he was employed by Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company. He was ac
tive in Deep Run Baptist Church where
he served as a Sunday School teacher.
A memorial service was held on
Monday night, March 7. Graveside
services were private.
Memorial gifts may be made to
Deep Run Baptist Church, 10907
Three Chopt Road, Richmond, Va.,
or a charitable organi7.ation of your
Bessie B. Jones
Mrs. Bessie Mae Barney Jones,
84,ofYadkin Street, Cooleemee.died
Sunday, April 3, 1994, in Rowan
Memorial Hospital in Salisbury after
being in declining health.
Funeral services were Tuesday in
Comatzer Baptist Church with the
Revs. Elmer Day and Shelby Harbour
officiating. Burial was in the church
Mrs. Jones was born in Davie
County Oct. 30. 1909, to the late
Charlie and Bashie Doty Barney and
was a homemaker. She was a member
of Comatzer Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her
husband, Joe Harold Jones, Sept. 11,
1989, and also by adaughter, Mozelle
Nichols, in February 1989.
Survivors Include her daughter,
Mrs. Shirley Jacobs of Cooleemee;
one son. Gray Jones of Lexington; six
grandchildren; three great-grandchil
dren; and one brother, Brady Barney
of Route 3, Mocksville.
William B. Fortune
William Boyd Fortune, 81, formerly of Cooleemee. died Friday.
Apnl 1,1994. at Cardinal Care Num-ing Center, Yadkinvllle.
Bom Nov. 30. 1912. in Georgia.
™"une was a son of the late WilliamD. and Irene Morris Fortune. Edu
cated in the schools of Georgia, he
^ a member of Erwin Temple CMEChurch, wheiehebad been a member
of the senior choir.
Survivors include sons, Williamand Frank Fortune, both of Greens
boro; daughter Rena M. Fortune of
Greensboro; brother Q.D, Fortune of
Mocksville;sislers,L.D.WalkinsandLilltan Pruiti, both ofCooleemee, and
Beulah Vinson of Salisbury.
Funeral services are Thursday at
i2p.m.atErwinTeniplein Woodleaf.Burial will follow in the church cem
Sharon V. McCrary
43 " fB''"™''°''y'''VessMcCrary,
Funeral services were to be at 9^ Wirfnesday in Rowan Christian
^mbly msahsbury with the Revs.
Sharo'T"^'' to theSharon McCrajy Memorial Fund, doRev. Glynn Dickens. Rowan Chris-
Sal" Dukeville RoadSalisbury, NC 28146.
l9547nM''^'^'""'^"'M<uchl8.1954, in McDowell County to Jimmy
Guya„dDicieDavisVessofRoute2!Mon and was a homemaker. She
AutumnCare of Mocksville and attended the
Rowan Christian Assembly in Salt
enif""'"!"®-'oberpar-ents, are: her husband. Richard Dale
Mn,Dimny Lee Miller, also of the
Martha Jamison, both of Marion
brothers. Rev. Arnold Vess of Can-
of Caime, Austra-Kll'^^^'V'^ofRockwellandRev. Donald Vess of China Grove.
DdviG CouRty Public Library
Mocksville, NC
Lila M. Howard
Mrs. Lila McKnlght Howard, 86,
formerly of Route 6, Mocksville, died
Tuesday, March 29,1994, in L.exing-
ton Memorial Hospital. She had been
a resident of Lexington Health Care
for the past two years.
Funeral services were Friday in
Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Revs.
Richard Eskew and Ed Tapper offici
ating. Burial was in Yadkin Valley
Baptist Church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the
Cemetery Fund of Yadkin Valley
Baptist Church, do Mr, Jack Caudle,
Route 2, Mocksville, NC 27028.
Mrs. Howard was bom in Davie
County March 7, 1908, to the late
John Wesley and Tinnie Foster
McKnlght aned was retired Manager
of the Farmington School Cafeteria.
She was a member of Bear Creek
Baptist Church and a graduate of
Farmington High School. She attended
Salem College. Her husband, Ellis L.
Howard preceded her in death in 1975.
Surviving are: two daughters, Mrs.
Edith Beck and Mrs. Ruth Beck, both
of Route 6, Mocksville; three sons,
Dallas' McKnlght of Fayetteville,
Chester Howard of Linwood, and
George Howard of Mocksville; 13
grandchildren; 22 great-grandchil
dren; and one great-great-grandchild.
iKathleen "Katt" Pofig
{ Memorials nuy be made to the
. &
' fo^ "^''temenl. She had. omr^y been tvith Brendfes in Win-
•aurch ''"ili" Methodist
• nw In death on Oct. 16.1985
ber two sons• Ohvid Bennett Poits of CUmn. *
n Po'ts of Route• '•b'«*ksvllle;sixgrandchildren; three
' ^®''f,"""'«biWren; one sister Mrs
jVille. and two brothers, Eugene
; Bennett of Route 3. Mocksvilteaud.DykeBennctlofRoule2,Mocksvilte
<^adys O. Safrit
Mrs. Gladys OUis Safril, 77, of
^lisbuiy died Monday. Aprit4.1994,in Rowan Memorial Hospital foltow-
:ingalengiliyiilness.: She was bom Feb. 13, 1917, in
: Avery Cbunty, a daughter of the late
'*°PP'e Daniels, McOtaw. For many years, she cared
. for V. A. patients in herhomeand was
• c"l? u "n lie• Salisbury area. She was a member of
; Little PlumtreeBaptist Church. Avery
; County. ■': She was preceded in death by her
; husband, Wiiiiam Safrit.
irr William,K. Bill RayofMocksvilleandRob-;ert Lee Ray of Rockweil; a half-brother. Roben T. McOraw of San.Antonio, Texas; three grandchildren.and two great-grandchildren.I Funeral services are at 2:30 p.m.• Thur^ay in Elk Mountain Freewill• Baptist Church (formerly Little•Piumtree Baptist Church). Avery
;CouiitywiththeRev.ColiisSheppard;ornciatrng. Burial will follow in the;L^ieis Family Cemetery. The body;will lie in state at the church from 1-
;2:30p.m.: Memorial contributions may be•rnade to Elk Mountain Freewill Bap-•listChurch.Rt. i,Newland,NC28657.
Robert C. "n-exlerMr. Robert Clay Trexier. 70. ofErwin Street. Cooicemee, diedW^nesday. March 30. 1994. in theBrian Center in Salisbury.Funeral services were Friday inFirst Baptist Church of Cooicemeewith the Rev. Leonard Rollins offici-aling. Burial was in Ugion Memorial
Park.Memorials may be made to Hospice of Davie County, P.O. Box 665
Mocksviile,NC27028orfor Hospice"of Rowan County, P.O. Box 1603
Salisbury, NC 28145-1603.Mr. Trexier was bom in DavieCounty April4,1923,totheiateAdamand Maggie Sell Trexier and had beena self-employed electrician. He was ainember of the Cooicemee First Bap-list (3iurch. His wife, Mary Frances
Ttexier,precededhimindeathin 1993Survivors include his daughterPatricia Emerson of Independence."Va.; three sisters, Pauline Scott andHazel Melton, both of Cooleemee,and Angeiine Beam of Creer, S.C;and three brothers, A.T. Trexier andRay Trexier, both of Cooleemee andGlen Trexier of Charlotte.
Mae C. Smith
• Mae Omie Cranfiil Smith, 93. of
Campbell Rd.. Woodieaf, died Monday, April 4,1994, at Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury.
Funeral services were to be at 2p.m. Wednesday at Eaton FuneralChapel in Mocksviile, conducted by
the Rev. J. David Colson. Pastor of
Gays Chapel United Methodist
Church. Burial was to follow in Cen
ter United Methodist Church cem
etery in Mocksviile.Memorials may be made to Gays(:hapel United Methodist Church.Woodieaf Rd.. Salisbury. NC 28144
or toCenterUnited Methodist Church.Route 1. Mocksviile. NC 27028.She was bora July 19, 1900. inDavie County, a daughter of the late
Andy and Mary Matilda ReavisCran-
flll. She was retired from B&FManu-
facturing in Mocksviile and was a
memherofGaysChapel United Meth
odist Church.
Her husband, Walter Duke Smith,Fjeceded her in death in 1952.: Survivors include: a son. Robert L.Smith of Advance; three daughters,AMie Mae Pepiowski of Vaidese,Pauline S. Smilh of Lexington, and
Brmnie S. Baibee of Woodieaf; 10^dchildren; 18 great-grandchil-five great-great-grandchildren;onp step grandchild; three stepgieat-grgndchildren; six stepgreat-great-^andchiidren; and one sister, LydiaAthena Lash of Bassetc, Va.
Samuel K. Smith
Samuel Kyle Smith. 12- ^''3recent Court. Winston-Salem dirt
"°lEibomlan.l9.l982.inWireston-Salem to Donald Bmce SimU^
«n<« Wanda Younlz Smith (Bales).
lers Tonya Stratlon of Gteenslwro.
of Winston-Salem; greal-gfand-iSUvcunUofUxlngt-great-great-grandmother. Mary
Yountz of aeinmons. j. jqFuneral services were totals wp.ro.WrtnesdayatHayrvo^M.lleSilas Creek Chapel by the GThomas Shelton. Entombroeiilfollow in Parklawn Memonal 0dens Mausoleum.
Davie County PubKc Librwy
Mocksviile, NC ..
Chai:lie F.York:.,Mr. Charlie Frank Eugene York,5g. of4645 OJd U.S. Hwy. 421, Yad-kinville, died Wednesday, March 30,
1994, UN.C. Baptist Hospital.Bom in VadkrnCbunty on July 26,
1935. was the son of the late LewisMaitiiWork and Dora Orocd Yoik ofY^nville who survives. He was aretired mechanical specialist fromRJ.Reynolds and a U.S. Army veteran.He was a member of Huntsvllle Baptist Church .where he was a deacon,
Sunday. School Teacher and formerSunday School SuperinlendenL ;On July 30. 1960, he married theformer Nancy Smitherman who sur?
vtves.Also surviving are: two daughters,Mrs. Sherry Harrison of YadkinviUeand Miss Tonya York, a student atASU in Boone; two grandchildren;three brothers, Jimmy Yorkand Monroe York, both of Yadkinvilte andTommy Yoric of Rt 5. MoektvillHand two sisters. Mrs. Ldia OrSMichles of East Bend aitd iyit^^jafflPinnix of Yadkinville. .W C 'SFuneral services were Salrit^y^
Huntsville Baptisl Church withRev. Dennis Bell olHciatiitgr. Bui.™was in the church cemetery, -Iv tS *1
. ^
:■ Edna H. Allen
• . Mrs. Edna Hampton Allen, 87, of
Rl. 3, Advance, died Saturday, April1; ?, 1994, in Forsyth Memorial Hospi-f- tal after being in declining health for
Mveral years.
-Funeral services were Tuesday ati.Mi. Sinai A.M.E Zion Church inAdvance. Rev. A.L. tTowning offici-;-8ted and burial was in the church
temetery.' -■ Surviving are: four sons, Jerry C.,Alfred A.. Robert ,S., and Willie C., • Allen,Jr.,allofAdvanceUhreedaugh-t •' C^, Annie R. Brown of Winston-:; Salera, Annie L. Faulkner of Char-}; lotleandFloienceOwensof Advance:: one brother. Harvey L. Hampton of:;Winston-Salem; 23 grandchildren;
;and IS great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Willie H. Foster
Mrs. Willie Hendrix Foster, 83. of
Route 3. Underpass Road, Advance
died Saturday, April 9, 1994, in For
syth Memorial Hospital after a .short
Funeral services were Tuesday in
Advance United Methodist Churchwith the Revs. Harry Sherrill andHarold Creech officiating. Burial wasin the church cemetery,
Mrs. Foster was born in Davie
County Aug. 21, 1910, to the late
W.A. and Rosa Jane Comatzer Hen-
drix and had been a homemaker. She
was a member of the Advance VFW
Auxiliary and was a member of the
Advance United Methodist Church.
Her husband, Joseph O. Foster,
preceded her in death.
Surviving are: her daughter, Mrs,Jane Gaspanini of Route 3, Advance:
one son, James "Jimmy" Townsan of
Obrien, Fla.: seven grandchildren:
nine great-grandchildren:and Iwosis-tcrs, Thelma Hendricks of Lexington
and Connie Alexander of Jackson
ville, Fla,
yS '.Kenneth Custer
ll'i Mr. Kenneth Merle Custer, 56,
• ; Route 8, Slatesville, died Thursday,3; April 7,1994, at his home,Mr.CustcrwasbomSept.26,1937,
• Lincklaen, N.Y. He was employed3Concord Building Company, Mr.
i i^uster livetl for a number of years on3 .Rainbow Road in Davie County,; - 3 Funeral services were Saturday at} -Yiclory Baptist Church with the Rev,I jSlitchell Rash officiating. Burial was! ;m the church cemetery,j;' Survivors include: his wife, Diana
I ;6usierofthehome:nson, KevinCusterI Slatesville: 2 daughters. Shannon^ idusier and Laurie Custer, both of thef 3^me:3bnithers, Grant Custer of Au-r ^m, N.Y., Gary Custer and Bruce
t "-Cnster.both of Cincinnatus, N.Y.: and'4 sisters, Diana DarrowofSheds, N.Y.,
► -Marian Sweet of Pitcher, N.Y., Kathyr MaClaury of DeRuyter, N.Y., and
^ Karen Join fie of Hamden, Conn.
I Lila Belle T.Daniel
v' f. Mis, Lila Belle Tutterow Daniel,U 93,ofRoute4,Mocksville,diedThuis-
i day, April 7,1994, in Autumn Careof
> Mticksville.' 1! ' Funeral services were Saturday InFaion Funeral Chapel with the Rev,
E,M, James officiating. Burial was in
lite Liberty United Methodist Churchdeiiieteiy,
' ■ Mrs, Daniel was bom in Davie
County Aug.20,1898, loihe late Hall^Rebecca Tutterow and had been a
lidmemaker. She was a memnber of
Liberty United Methodist Church,
•"Her husband, James "Jim"
Murdoch Daniel, precededherindeath
in June, 1971.
Daniel and James Jerry Daniel, both
of Mocksville: five grandchildren: 12
great-grandchildren: three
stepgrandchildren: seven stepgreat-grandchildren; two stepgreal-gieat-
grandchildren; and one brother, Gil
bert Tutterow, of Mocksville.
4 uS
: Bishop Willie O.K. "W.O.K,"(jray, 88, of 5160 Foster Road,i^oodleaf, died Friday, April 8,1994,
A Lake Lure after several years of
declining health., Bishop Gray was bom Aug. 3,
1^5, in Rowan County. He auendedRowan County schools andLivingstone College, Salisbury. He
v?as foiinderandPastorof New Jerasa-
Um Holiness Church, was a formeretnployee of Erwin Cotton Mill and
Worked as a chauffeur,t Surviving are: five sons, ClarenceGray of Woodleaf, Bishop E,L, GrayofStalesville, Bishop WillieJoeGray,
Raymond Gray, and Bishop Junior, Gray, all of Woodleaf: seven daugh-I ters, Addie Bumett of High Point,I Mary N. Geter of Woodleaf, Thelmai Lazenby of Mocksville, Naomi
• Catkins, Mary Imes, Alice Clcve-f land, and Genesta Gray, all ofJ WoalIeaf:40grandchildren:34gteat-3 grandchildren: one brother. Wade• Montgomery of Baltimore, Md.: andjl four sisters, Eddie B, Rucker and: Willie Mae Lytles, both of Woodleaf,
t Leazer Srayre of Advance and Betty" C^y of Baltimore, Md.t ; One son, James Arthur Gray, is
g deceased,
S • Funeral services were Tuestlay at
• New Jerusalem Holiness Church inS Woodleaf, with Dr. J.L,Parkerofnci-I ating. Eulogy was by Bishop CurtisS Glaspy, Glorious Church of God.
■ Burial wps in the church cemetery.
Prudence P. Johnsony PradencePeeblesJohnson,87,for-
merly of Jerausalem Avenue, Cool-
eemee, died Friday, April 8,1994, at
Davie County Hospital after being
seriously ill for four weeks.
Born May 21, 1906, in Davie
County, Mrs, Johnson was adaughler
of the late Edward and Alice Smith
Peebles. Shewas educated in the Davie
County schools. She retired from
Yadkin Valley Economic Develop
ment District Inc., Boonvilie, and was
a former agent with Kelsey Mutual
Burial Association, She was a mem
ber of New Shepherd Baptist Church
where she was a Motherofthe Church,
formerSunday School superintendent,
a missionary and active in other local
and state religious, civic and fraternal
Survivors include: stepdaughter,
Virginia Johnson of West Virginia;
and a sister, Ethel P. Foster of Win-
Funeral services were to be at 4
p.m. Wednesday at New Shepherd
Baptist Church in Cooleemee, con
ducted by the Rev, Melvin Kesler,
Burial was to be in the church cem
, 0
John R. Lyons
'''^'""ond Lyons. 89. of770 Cart Russell Blvd.. Apt. C. Win-
son-SalemdiedFriday. Aprils. 1994.
^ Memorial Hospital.• Mr. Lyons was a native of Davie
Su^ivors include: one daughter
Salern. one foster daughter Mrs
children, 'wogreat-grandchildren; two
Iragrandchild;twobrothers.JessieLyonsofWinston-Salem and Gaston Lyonsof Statcsville; and two sisters. Dora
Foneial services were Tuesday at
Saemn, 'or Clemmons, conducted by the Rev*
Dairi Scott and Jessie Lyons Jr. of i
cnurch cemetery.
Nora G. Salmons
Mrs. Nora Gofonh Salmons. 81.
widow of Robert Clay Salmons, died
Friday. April 8.1994. at her home on
Route 6. Salmons Rd.. Mocksville.following a brief illness.
Funeral services were Monday at
the Liberty Wesleyan Church inDavie
County. Burial was in thechurch cem-
Survivors include; one son. Dean
Salmons of Mocksville; two daugh
ters. Mrs. Edith Methot of North Mi
ami Beach. Fla.. and Mrs. Dorothy
Vadnais of Hamptinville; four grand
children; four great-grandchildren;eightstepgtandchildren; 19stepgreat-
gtandchildren; one siepgreat-great-
grandchild; two brothers. Clyde and
James Goforth; and three sisters. Mis.
Sallie Penninger. Mrs. Jettie
Swaringer and Mrs. Carolyn Caster.
One brother. George Hugh
Goforth. preceded her in death.
Memorials may be made to the
Liberty Wesleyan Church Cemetery
Fund. Rt. 1. Box 390. Harmony. NC
Rev. Ronald J. Lyons
Rev. Ronald Jackson Lyans,S8. of
J Rt. 2. Box 417. Cana.Va.. died Mon
day. April 4.1994. at his home.
Mr. Lyons was bom In Carroll
County. Va.. Nov. 28. 1935. son of
Mrs. Hannah Duncan Lyons and the
late V.S. Lyons. He was a minister,
owner-operator of Ronald Lyons
Lumber Cki.. Pilot Mountain, and was
a member of Calvary Baptist Church.
He is survived by his wife. Mrs.
Pauline Bryant Lyons of the home;
two daughters. Mary Dekorte of Jack
sonville. Ore. and Susan Cain of Ad
vance; two sons. Victor Lyons of
Cordele. Ga. and Ira Lyons of Rl 2.
Cana Va.; seven grandchildren; his
mother. Mrs. Hannah Duncan Lyons
of Lambsburg. Va.; two sisters. Mrs.
Sadie Blackburn and Mrs. Louvenia
Love, both of Lambsburg. Va.; and
one brother. Homer Lyons of
Lambsburg. Va.
Mr. Lyons was preceded in death
by three brothers. Shubel Lyons. Ray
Lyons and Velpo Lyons.
Funeral services were Thursday at
the Moody Funeral Home Chapel con
ducted by the Revs. Alfred Ayscue
and Bill Pearson with interment in the
McCraw Cemetery.
Rose M. Sarratt
J Rose McClamrock Sarratt. 81. of
Big Elm NursingCenier. Kannapolis.
died Tuesday. April 5. 1994, at
Cabarrus Memorial Hospital in Con
cord. She had been in declining health
for several years.
Bora Dec. 17. 1912. in Davie
County. Mrs. Sarratt was a daughter
of the late Joseph and Camilla Bost
Her husband. Hubert B. Sarratt.
died Nov. 26.1980.
Survivors include: daughters. Betty
Lovelace and Joyce Ann Sarratt, both
of Kannapolis; brother Jake
McClamrock of Concord; and three
• Of^iintv
April 6.Puueral services were Frirf •Monniain View fit ""Hampionviiie in®"rial was in the churchMemorials mayPiano Fund of M ® "le«« Church. Rouiea" Ha'*'C 27020. Wampionville.
•^""nty MiJreh iT'igra*P'-'Wi"? and Ma"'jS'°andhadbeenah^eSrsr^'a member of Elbaviir^ . "'as"•'"I Church in Ai^v """wJMeth-WilliamLesilIoI'i'*'""^aath on March iTsSr*'"'
Wilma GreglrlAdvance-and Z' R""'® 2.2.'AdvanMi"II|°'^''''®>'®'"
James C. Shore
Rev. James Clarence Shore. 80. ofRoute 7. Vadkinville. died Friday.April 8.1994. at Hugh Chatham Me
morial Hospital.
He was bora Dec. 13. 1913. in
Vadkin County and was the son of the
late James BlaineShoreand EllaHools
He is survived by his wife. HelenaWeir Shore of the home; one son.
Mickey Shore of Mocksville; threedaughters. Mrs. Clara Jo Munday of
Florence. S.C.. Mrs. Jeannine Holt ofYadkinville; and Miss Clorencene"Clare" Shore of West Palm Beach.Fla.; four grandchildren; and two
great-grandchildren.Also surviving are: four brothers.Tom Shore. Henry Shore and FrancesShore, all of Mocksville. and ClydeShore of Vadkinville; and two sisters.
Mrs. Angeline Tutterow and Miss
Jeanelle Shore, both of Mocksville.Mr. Shore was a retired Baptist
Minister, tie served as Director ofMissions in Yadkin County for 11years. He also served as Chaplain ofHoots Memorial Hospital from 1985
until his death.Funeral services were Sunday at
Forbush Baptist Church in Yadkinville with the Revs. John Wilkinson.Bill Eaton and Ron Davis officiating.Burial was in the Farminglon Cem
etery in Davie County.
Memorials may be made to theYadkin Christian Ministries. P.O. Box
204. Yadkinville. NC 27055.
. -o
, Clyde M. Sluss
Clyde Marcus Sluss, 90, of Box
411. Pocahonlas, Va.. died Thursday,
March31,1994, at a Blueneld hospi
Bom in Pocahonlas, he was a son
of the late Marcus and Millie Shiader
Sluss. He had been a life-long resi
dent of Pocahonlas and was a retired
coal miner, having retired from Nassau
Coal Company, Bladcwolfe. He was
a member of the United Mine Work
ers of America and was of the Holi
ness faith. :
He was preceded in death by his
wife, Daisy Li IlieSluss, and two so^,
Delano and Mack Sluss. \
Survivors include sons, Johnny
Sluss and Donald Sluss, both of
Bluefield,Va.,Larry Sluss andaaudeSluss, both of Roanoke, Va., Darrell
Sluss of Princeton, Hany Sluss of
Boissevain, Va., and Terry Sluss of
Pocahonlas; daughters, Dora
Buchanan of Marlon, Va., Juanita
Johnson and Audrey Hinkle, both of
Pocahonlas, Ethel Gillespie of
Bluefield, Va., Barbara Smith of
Roanoke and Lenora Dyson ofMocks-
rille; stepdaughter, Lola Booe ofLex
ington: 46 grandchildren; 35 great
grandchildren; and three great-great-
y Nell F. Smith
Mrs. Nell Frye Smith, 79, diedThursday, April 7, 1994, in Davie
County Hospital.
Smith Grove United Methodist
cemr. churchcctneieiy.
Memorials may be made to the
^met^FundofSmilhGroveUnitedMclh^ist Church, c/o Mr. Gray Hen-dnx. Route 2, Mocksville, NC 27028
^28°''"' Mocksville, NC
Mrs. Smith was bom in Yadkin
of her Me in Davie County. She had
«"<• "'as a
She was the wifeof Chal Smith towhom she had been married for 59
addition to her bus.of the home, are two daughters
n'"'holh ofMocksville; and one brother, Usier
Frye of Route 9. Mocksville.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NO
Shirley Collliis
y Mr. Stiirley Cnllim, 86. of 794
.Scolt Rd.. Lewisville, died Salurdiiy.
April 16.1994. al his home.
He was born March 22. 1908. in
HiMshorn. 111., lo Harry Chandler and
Mary Lewey Collins. Mr. Collins was
a inctnber of the Parkway Presbyte
rian Church.
I Ic svas preceded in death by his
wife. Ruth Bemice Rice Collins and
daughter. Ann E. Rabinowilch.
Surviving are: tuodatiglilers. Jane
Ooco of Lewisville and Claudia
Mormino of Cary; one son. John M.
Collins of Advance: 14 grandchil
dren: and 14 great-grandchildren.
Graveside sers-ices will be held at
a later dale in llillsboro. III.
Memorials may be made to Hos
pice. I lOO-C S. Stratford Rd., Win-
ston-Salcm. NC 27111.1.
s/ :
Wayne A. Manz Sr.
Mr. Wayne Arthur Manz Sr.. 69,
ofMocksville died Monday. April 18,
1994, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital.
He was bom Oct. 6. 1924. in
Janesville. Wise., to Arthur Milton
and Elizabeth Myers Manz. Mr. Manz
was a veteran of World War II, serv
ing in the Army Air Force where he
received three Presidential Citations
and the Distinguished Flying Cross.
He was of the Methodist faith.
Surviving are: his wife. Mrs. Anna
Trot! Manz of the home: three daugh
ters. Mrs. Terri Stewart of
Elizabethtown, Mrs. Linda Jones of
Mocksville and Mrs. Dorothy Willis
of Belton: one son. Wayne Arthur
Manz Jr. of Greensboro: 10 grand
children: two great-grandchildren;
three brothers. Garth. Charles and
Clarence Raymond: and two sisters,
Margaret and Esther.
i A memorial service was lo be at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Hayworth-
Mlller Silas Creek Chapel.
Memorials may be made to the
charity of the donor's choice.
Pearl H. Dwiggins
y Mrs. Pearl Hendren Dwiggins. 84.
of Route 6. Bear Creek Chua-h Road.
Mocksville. died at Forsyth Mcttto-
rial Hospital in Winston-Salem Mon
day afternoon, April 18. 1994. after
being in declining health for the past
two years.
Funeral services will be al 2 p.m.
Thursday in Elton Funeral Chapel
with the Revs. Robert Burnett and
Grady Tutterow officiating. Burial
will be in Center United Methodist
Church ceiiietery.The family was to
beat Eatons Wednesday night from 7-
9 p.m. They request memorials be
tnade to the Cemetery Fund of Center
United Methodist Church, c/o Mr.
Bill Seaford. Route I, Mocksville.
NC 27028.
Mrs. Dwiggins was bora in Davie
County Jan. 26.1910, to the late Hall
and Jo.sephine Taylor Hendren and
was a homemaker. She had previ
ously worked for Blackwelder Manu
facturing in Mocksville. She was a
memberof I lanesGrove United Meth
odist Church.
Her husband. Rufus Dwiggins,
preceded her in death in 1991.
Survivors include; four daughters,
Mildred Phclps of Cleveland, N.C.,
Sue Livengood and Kalherine
Diane White ofMocksville: four sons.
Jerry Dwigginsof Yancey ville, Rufus
Dwiggins of Mocksville, Bill
Dwiggins of Woodleaf and John
Dwiggins of Salisbury: 22 grandchil
dren; 31 greal-grandchildren: one
great-great-grandchild; and one sis
ter, Ethel Kiker of Concord.
J. Sidney Kirk
i/ J. Sidney Kirk, of 730 Washington
St., #207, Raleigh, died Sunday, April
17, 1994, at Rex Hospital.
A native of Mocksville, he was the
son of the late Rev. Jacob Lovelace
Kirk and Constance Edwards Kirk.
Hewaseducatcdinlhe public schools
of D.ivie and Rowan counties and al-
tetided the Universily of North Caro
lina at Chapel Hill, where he received a
Bachelors of Science degree in Electri
cal Engineering in 1929. He did gradu
ate work al the Universily of Illinois.
During bis career he worked for the
E.R. A. with the N.C. Department of
Social Services, as chief engineer for
Ihe Edwards Company in Sanford and
for the N.C. Department ofAdministra
tion, Property Cbntrol Division, as an
electrical engineer. He was a member
of the Society of Professional Engi
Mr. Kirk was a member of First
Baptist tThurch of Raleigh, as well as
the Wake County Historical Society
and Ihe N.C. Symplmny Society. He
designed the first elevator in the stale
He is .survived by his wife, Nancy
Finch Wallace Kirk; a daughter. Dr.
Mary Susan Kirk Fulghum; a son,
Charles S.L. Kirk; four grandchildren,
all of Raleigh; one brother. Dr. Philip
M. Kirk of Greensboro; two sisters,
Mrs. Evelyn K. Ward of Thomasvilie,
and Mrs. Helen Ida K. Graham, of
He was proceeded in death by his
first wife, Josephine Wilkerson Kirk,
who was director of Social Services in
Wake County for 36 years and died in
Funeral services were to be at 2:30
p.m. Wednesday, at First BaptislChurch
in Raleigh with Dr. Wayne Stacy and
Dr. William C. Simpson Jr. ofUciating.
Entombment will be at Oakworxl Cem
Memorials may be made to the First
Baptist Church, 99 N. Salisbury St.,
Raleigh, NC.27601 orlheCapitolI^n-
dationFund,State Capitol, I09E Jones
St., Raleigh, NC, 27601.
county PubVicUbrary
. o
M. Dewey Mamn ,
Mr. Miles Dewcy Marliii, 93, ol
Wesl Maple Avenue. MwksvUle.tiled
Sunday. April ^17, 1994. al hU ^
honicariffK'ing ■'
in ileclining
servicewav'I'iics- ' I ;
day in Ruwnn 'Mctmriial Park in ^9*^
SalisburyivillillicRev. Larry llovi«
Memorials ma) be itratle Iti Mucks-
ville FirslBaplislChlift h.Notlh Main
Slrecl, Mocksville. NC 27028.
Mr. Mailin was born in Yadkiii
County March 21, 19U1, to the late
U.A. and Phoebe Renvis Martin antl
was the owner anil operator, along
with Mr. R.P. Martin, ofMartill Btolli-
ers in Mocksville since 192.S. He was
a member of Ihc Mocksville Pirsi
Baptist Church where he had served
as a deacon.
Surviving are; his wife, Mabel
Sprinkle Mailin ofthe home, to wlmin
he had been married for 09 years; otic
daughter. Mrs. Ann Uarlier of Salis
bury; five grandchildren; five great
grandchildren: ami one hrolhcr. Mr,
Elton Martin of Vadkinvillc.
Karan "Kay" W, Pittst' Mrs. Kanin "Kay" Williams Pius,47.orShmlcyville Drive, Rural Hall,died.It N.C. flapiiM Mospir;d .Sund.iyiApril 17,1994. aflctalcngrhy illness.A n.iiiic of Forsyili County, shewas horn May 10, 194fi. m l-Ved Eu.
geacandErlincPeiree Williams. Mrs.Pitts was a member of Glenn View
Baptist Chinch.Slie is surt iicd hy her husbandJohnny 1). Pills Jr. of the home; twodaughlers, Lynn PiltsComcrof Win-
sion-SalemanilJoy Piiisofihc home;her parents of Winsion-.Salcni; iwrisisters. Becky Smith and SandraSliouse, both of Wifision-Salcm; and
ooe btoilicr, Howard Williams of
Advance.She was preceded in death by herbniilier. fjud Williams, in 1991,l-uneml sendees were to be at 11a.m. Weilnesday. April 20. 1994, at
Glenn View HapiisiChuali by Pastor
Knnil) Godw in.
Memorials may k nnuic to GlennView Diipiisi Chureh Building Fund.472.S Glenn High Road. Winslon-Sa-
Icin, NC 27107.
Robert E. Rucker
Robert Earl Rucker, 39. of GIvensRo.ad. Vltorjp cciminunily. Woodleaf,
died Wednesday, April 13. 1994, ,it
Rowan Memorial llospilal. tic had
been in declining lieallli for two yearsand seriously ill for two months.
Bom Feb. 23. 195.3. in Rowan
County, Rucker, the son of Ida
Maltison Rucker lloltr.elaw of
I Woodleaf. and lite late Rolicrt Rucker.
• was ediiealed in llie Davie Coimly
• schools. A U.S. Army veteran, he was• employed in Ihc food service depart-; mcnt at the VA Medical Center in
I' Salisbury and was a nieniber of Box-
;• wood Baptist Church.
Survivors include: wife. Brenda
!• Vinson Rucker; stepson Bradley
e Rippy of Winston-Salem; stepfather.? Rofcen Holizclaw of Woodleaf; ma-■j letnal grandfather, Artis Mattison of»j Woodleaf; brothers. Jerry Rucker of^ Baltimore Rd.. and Reginald Rucker
• ofWoodleaf; and sister. Patricia Rjv-j ers.of Winston-Salem.3 .putteral services were Sunday at
;s Bcixwood Baptist Church, officiatedt by'Uie Rev. Bobby Milton. Burial wasSin Salisbury National Cemetery.
y John Rose
Mr. John Rose, 81 .of Rt. 1. RedlaiidRoad. Advance, died Wednesday,
Ajwil 1.1.1994. ai his home.
A graveside service was held inRose Cemetery in Mocksville Friday.
Mr. Ro.se was bom Dec. 25.1912.in Cherokeeand had been acoal mirier
and aulu mcclianic. He was a well-
known small engine repairman andalso an avid gardener,Surviving are two daughter:, Mn.Jaiicit Shouse of Winsion-Salem amiMrs. Bellmla Dudley of Rl. I. Ad
vance; three grarxfchildren; and three
Bessie Stroud
Amanda Eiizabcih 'Bessie' Beck• Slrouil.84.iifRoute6.TurkeyroolRoiul.hfocksville. tiled Monday, April 18.1994. Dealh was uncsjiccleil.
BominDavleCouniyNov. 15,1909.
shewasihettTOgliicrofthelalcShcfidanSi. Lolgcr 'Builtly' Beck and Annie
Beatrice Dyson Beck. She was a tiome-maker and a member of LibcMy
Wesleyan Church.Site is survived by her husband. RoyE, Boy' Stroud of the home; Iwo .sons,;3V.ade W. StmutI of Roiile 1. Mocks-: ville. and W.iyne E. Stmud of Rouie 5,.•Mtxrksvllle; one daughter, Mrs. Frieda-Dyson of Route I, Mocksville; eigtil
Jgrandchiltlreni.inillwobrtillicrr.Blumc:t; Beck and N. Clive Beck, both of• Rouie 1. Harmony.; She was prececded In dealh l>y a;brollKr, Dcwey P. Beck.; ; A funeral service will be Tlnirsihiy;arl l a.m. at Liberty WeslcyanCtiurch,:^uetedbylhcRev.D.av|dM.Romtis..Burial will follow in the cliiirch cent-
Uieiy.I; : The family was to leceive friends at.Reavis Funeral Home of HarmonyWednesday from 7-8:30 p.m.
• V
Ola Koontz Gartner
Mrs. Ola Kooniz Gartner, 94. of
Bradford Village East in Ketnersville
died Monday, April 2S, 1994, at the
A graveside service was to be held
in Salem United Methodist Church
cemetery Wednesday morning at 11
a.m. with the Rev. Gary Kling ofTici-
Memorials may be made to the
Salem United Methodist Church,
I Route I. Mocksville, NC 2702S.
Mrs. Gartner was bom in Davie
County Feb.2l, 1900, tothe late Tho
mas Lynn and Alice Moseley Koontz
and had been a homemaker. She was
a member of the Salem United Meth
odist Church.
Her husband, Fred E. Gartner, pre
ceded her in death Dec. 21,1993.
Surviving are; two daughter, Mrs.
Betty Hathcock of Winston-Salem and
Mrs. Ruth Wilkes of McLeansville;
three grandchildren; one great-grand-
child; one sister, Mrs. Minnie Smoot
of Mocksville; and one brother, Mr.
Rufus Koontz of Winston-Salem.
Donna Lynn Eaton
Donna Lynn Eaton, 33, of
</ RiverviewApartments,Advance,died
Friday, April 22, 1994, in Mercer
County, W. Va. Death was attributed
to the crash of an AirCare Helicopter
of N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-
Salem in which she was a flight nurse.
Funeral services were Tuesday in
Mocks United Methodist Church with
the Rev. Harry Sherrill, pastor, ofTici-
ating. Burial was in the church cem
Memorials may be made to the
Donna Eaton ScholarshipTrust Fund,
c/o Mocks United Methodist Church,
P.O. Box 2122, Advance, NC 27006.
Miss Eaton was bom in Forsyth
County Oct. 11,1960, to DotialdTay
lor and Emily Mock Eaton of Ad
vance. Including her work as a flight
nurse, she was an active member of
Mocks United Methodist Church
where she served as UMYF Leader,
served on the Pastoral/Parish Rela
tions Committee, and was a member
of the United Methodist Women. She
was actively involved with church
missions work and served on the
church newsletter staff.
Surviving, in addition to her par
ents, are: two brothers, Donald Mark
Eaton of Winston-Salem and Eric
Taylor Eaton of Advance; and her
paternal grandparents, Barney Taylor
and Beulah Eaton of Winston-Salem.
She was preceded in death by her
maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Mock.
[inez I. ChaiTin
! Mrs. Inez Ijames Chaffin, 92, for-
. merly of Route 8, ShefEeld Road,I Mocksville died Monday, April 2S,
; 1994, in Davie County Hospital after
! an illness of 2-1/2 weeks. She had
! been a resident of Autumn Care of
j Mocksville for six years.
^ Funeral services were to be at 4
^p.m. Wednesday in Eaton Funeral
' Chapel with burial in the Ijames Cross-
; roads Baptist Church cemetery.
;■ Memorials may be made to the•.Cemetery Fund of Ijames CrossroadsI Baptist Church, c/o Robert Rogers,I Route I, Mocksville, NC27028.
; Mrs. Chaffin was bora in Davie
: County July 19, 1901, to the late'Morgan Cass and Nannie Powelli ijames and was a homemaker. Shet had been a lifelong member of ijamesI Crossroads Baptist Church. She wasj an avid crocheter and gardener.
; Her husband, Stacy H. Chaffin,
; preceded her in death. She was alsoI preceded in death by twogreat-grand-• children, Daneli Ray Stephens andJason Kent Potts; four brothers and;. one sister. Cleave Ijames, Dent Ijames,I Dukeijames,LewieljamesandSebiaI Ijames Tharpe.Surviving are: three daughters,Hloise Stephens of Route 4, Mocksville, Doris Kurfees and BonnieGunter, both of Route i. Harmony:
live sons. NormanS,Chaninof Route4, Advance, Dale E. Chaffin of Route
I, Mocksville, T. Odus ChafTtn ofWelaka, Ra., Morgan A, Chaflin ofRoute 8, Mocksville, and Gary I.
Chaffin of Winston-Salem; 19 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; andthree great-great-grandchildren.
Jack Leon Cope
Mr. Jack Leon Cope, 79, of
(lladstone Road, Mocksville, died
Monday, April 25, 1994, in Rowan
Metnorial Husplial in Salisbury.
Funeral services will he at 2 p.m.
Thursday in Eaton Funeral Chapel with
Rev. Hal VamerofTiciiiting. Tlie family
was to be at Ealons Wednesday night
from 7-8:30 p.m. Memorials may be
made to Liberty United Methodist
Church, Route 4, Mocksville, N.C.
Mr. Cope was bom in Knoxville,
Tenn., June 23,1914. tothe late CJ. and
Reba Pratt Cope and was a retired
grocery department manager with 22
years of service. He had been a veteran
with the U.S. Army. He ws a member
and former church treasurer for Liberty
United Methodist Church and was an
avid fisherman.
Surviving are his wife, Lola
Livengood Cope of the home: otie son,
Jerry Cope of Route 4, Mocksville; two
grandchildren and two great
grandchildren; four sisters, Thelma
Rogers of Salisbury, Alma Drew
Velosen of Atlanta. Ga., Margaret
Westerfield of East Spencer and Nell
Barfield of Albany, Ga.
Frances T. Hanes/ Mrs. Ranees Totten Crews Hanes,67, of Winslon-Salem died Sunday
April 24, 1994, at her home.She was bom Feb. 13, 1927, inWalkertown to Thomas Albert andHelen Whitman Crews. Mrs. Haneswas a graduate of Walkertown High
Schoof.Class of l944,Cily MemorialHospital School of Nutsing, Class of^7 and of City Memorial HospitalSchool of Anesthesia, aass of '52.She was a memberof Ardmorc UnitedMethodist Church and was precededin death by her husband. Dr. G.I.
Hanes.Survivors include: one son, DavidHanes of Advance; three grandchildren; one sister, Alice C. Rogers ofWinston-Salem; and two brothers, theRev. Thomas Crews of Chattanooga,Tenn. and Addison Crews of
Snellville, Ga.A memorial service was Tuesdayat Vogler & Sons Main Street Chapelby the Rev. John W. Totten.Memorials may be made to Samaritan Ministries, 1243 N. PattersonAve., Winston-Salem, NC 27101-
Davie County Public UbrantWocksvllle, NC
Stella T.Hillard
Mrs. Slella Elizabeth Truelove
Hiilanl, 82. died Sunday, Aprii 24,
1994, at (he home of her daughter,
Mrs. Anna Anderson on Madison
Road, Mocksville.
Punerai services were to be at 2
p.m. Wednesday in Eaton Funeral
Chapel with Mr. Robert Creason offi
ciating. Burial was tofoilow in Rowan
Memorial Park in Salisbury.
Mrs. Itiilard was born in Davie
County March 19. 1912. to the late
John Captain and Louzene Creason
Truelove and was a retired nursing
assistant with Fran Ray Rest Home.
She was a member of the Cooieemee
First Presbyterian Church and an avid
Her husband. Glenn David Hiiiaid,
preceded her in death in 1985. Two
sons also preceded her indeath, Jimmy
Hillard in 1968 and Don Hillaid in
1981. She had made her home on
Watts Street in Cooieemee before
going to live with her daughter.
Surviving in addition to Mrs.
Anderson ofMocksville isher second
daughter, Mickey Grubb of Cooi
eemee; also II grandchildren; 14
great-grandchildren; and one sister,
Mrs. Pauline West of Routed, Mocks
j SHarvey F. Koontz Sr.
7 5 Mr. Harvey Frederick Koontz Sr.,
•54»DfRoute l,Harmony,diedFiiday,
(April 22, 1994, at his home. Death
Swas unexpected.
; Bom in Davie County Dec. 18,
M 939, he was the son of the lateHarvey, ,C.KoontzandDorothyMaitinKoontz
rDraughn of Mocksville. He was a
ttruck driver for Roadway Freight
Abased in the Kemersville terminal and
•was a member of Liberty Baptist
j • He is survived by: his wife, Jo Ann■Sharpe Koontz of the home; twosons,;Hatvey F. Koontz Jr. of Route I,
;HaiiipUnviileand Ronald Dale KoontzJof Harmony; one grandson; oneI ibroiher, Ken Koontz of Callighan,;F1a.; a half-brother, Larry "Buck"praughn of Mocksville; and a half-_,sister,Mrs. BarbaiaBumettof Mocks-
Tville.• He was preceded in death by a son,|£mest E. Koontz, and one brother,
deny Koontz.; Funeral services were Sunday at[the Mackie-Gentry Funeral Home.■Chapel with the Rev. J.A. Bracken■ Jtfficiating.BurialwasinLibertyBap-, yist^Church Cemetery.
Beverly Ann SeafordJ Mrs. Beverly Ann Morin Seaford,
52. of Daniel Road, Mocksville, died
Monday at her home after an illness of
20 years.
Funeral services will be at 7:30p.m. Thursday in Eaton Funeral Chapelwith the Revs. Danny Shore and OtisJohnson officiating. The family will
receive friends at the funeral homeThursday from 5-7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Seaford was bom in Caribou,
Maine, on Feb. 18. 1942 to the late
Frank and Ethel Raymond Morin and
was a homemaker. She attended
Edgcwood Baptist Church in Cooi
eemee and was a member of the
Women of the Moose.
Survivors rnclude: her husband,
Douglas Fielden Seaford of the home;a daughter, Beverly LuRay Myers ofMocksville; a son, Douglas "Chip"ijiiines Jr. of Slatesville; 4 sisters,Maxine Noland of Wichita, Kan.,
ClaudiaMorin of Virginia Beach, Va.,and Trisha Morin of Gotham, Maine,
and Cheryl Morin of Topshan, Maine;a brother, Raymond Morin of Portland, Maine; and five gtandcbildrea
Vergie Scott
I \ Mis. Vergie McConeyliead Scott,V fomteriy of Cooieemee, died Sunday,
April 17,1994, in Hartford, Conn.I ■ She was the daughter pf the_ lateCarrie Lucky McConeyhead.
• Survivors include three sisters, EvaMae of Washington, D.C., Mildred
and Nellie Sue of Brooklyn, N.Y.
John Thomas WellsJ Mr.JohnTltomasWells,86,ofRt.8, Mocksville.died Wednesday, April20,1994,at Hoots Memorial Hospital
in Yadkinville.He was bom July 9,1909,in Yad-
kin County to William Green andLula Lash Wells. Mr. Wells was retired from R.J. ReynoldsTobaccoCo.and was a member of Liberty Baptist
Church.Preceding him in death were hiswife, Beulah Mae Reavis Wells, Dec.17, 1993, and a son, Thomas Ervin
Wells.Survivingare: a son. William Leon
Wells of Yadkinville; two daughters,Ms. Dorothy W. Collins, Mrs. LulaMac W. Joyner. both of Yadkinville;eight grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grand
child.Funeral services were Friday atLiberty Baptist Church by the Revs.Marvin Blackburn and Jeff Collins.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
J i Mary Baiber Allied, 54, of 2346
^even Oaks Drive, Linwood, died
Monday, May 2, 1994, at Rowan
Memorial Hospital in Salisbury after
two years of declining health and one
tveek of serious illness.
; A graveside service will be Thurs
day, May 5, at I p.m. in Salisbury
National Cemetery, conducted by the
kev. Raymond Miller. Mrs. Allred
will remain at Lyerly Funeral Home
in Salisbury until taken to the cem-
jtety for final rites. The family will
tcccive friends at the funeral home
Thursday at 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
At other times the family ;.^ill be at
(heir respective homes.
• Mrs. Allied was bom June 22,
i939, in Rowan County to the late
Charlie and Minnie Potts Barber. She
jvas educated in Rowan County
Jchools and last worked as a seam-
ftress for Haleyville Drapery Manu
facturing of Salisbury. She was of the
Baptist faith.
' Survivors include her husband,
■Watson Everett Allred of the home,
whom she married August 2, 1959;
tt(o sons, Darrin Lee Allred of Salis-!buiy and Monty Antonin Allred of
iLexington; three daughters, Mary
• Louise Parker of Lexington, Sheila
'Diane Gobble of Mocksville and^Jcanette Allred Heffron of Lexing-',ton; two grandchildren; five^stepgrandchildren; three brothers,
Daniel Franklin Barber and Charlie
',Lee Barber, both of Salisbury, and
iLuther Thomas Barber of Lexington;
'•and one sister, Virginia Louise Spry!of Salisbury.• (^.Allred was preceded in death•by a sister, Una Mae Baiber Talbert•"on Kanuary 10,1994.
J Bewey~"Fuzzy" FosterJ Mr. Dewey Alvin'Fuzzy* Foster,
of Westview Street, Cooleemee,
died Saturday, April 30,1994, at his
Home alter being in declining health
fpr the past five years.
;; Funeral services were Monday inHatin Funeral Chapel with Mr. JeffWilliams officiating. Burial was in'die Liberty United Methodist Church.ixnjetery.J Memorials may be made to thetjlaiplina Bible Camp and Agape, do
.^ritbo Church of ChrisL Route 7,
Mocksville, NC 27028.
• Mr. Foster was bom in Davie
CoifntyJuly 19,1910, tothelate Daniel
CaKon and Mary Peacock Foster and
d'as a retired truck driver with
Burlington Industries. He was a mem
ber of the Jericho Church of Christ
md had been a deliveryman for Meals
on Wheels.
; His first wife, Audrey LeVaughn^rham Foster, preceded him i n death.
Also preceding him was a son Archie
OBud) Sherman Foster in 1986 and
:Bsci three brothers.I Surviving are: his second wife,
BebieccaMcDanielFosterofthe home;
dvo daughters, Mrs. Phyllis F, Hursey^ Mrs. Wanda F. Barney, both ofCooleemee; four sons, Clifford Adam
foster of Ringgold, Ga., Donald Grey
Foster of Cooleemee, Carl Douglasposter of Greenwood, S.C., GradyAlvjnFosterofClemmons; three step-
dans, James T.McDaniel of Marshall,
Texas, Thomas (Tom) Allen
tfcDaniel of Waco, Texas, and Dou
glas (Smiley) McDaniel of Cool-^niee; 21 grandchildren; 27 great-
Irandchildren; six stepgrandchildren;
M stepgreat-grandchildren; three sis-
ers, Mrs. Ella Swicegood, Mrs. Elsie
Mail, and Mrs. JennieTutterow, all of'Mocksville; and one brother, Mr, <
gSSjy Fp](ter.pf Mpe!Bvil)<i,,,.a,.,,,^
Strawberry Lackey
y Mr. Carl Edward "Strawberry"Lackcy,77.oflOOHackettSt.,Spencer,died Tbutsday, April 28,1994, at his
home after being in declining health
for two years.Bora March 30, 1917, In RowanCounty, he was the son of the lateDorce Charles and Maitie KennedyLackey. He was educated at Farm UfeSchool in Otina Grove and was aveteranofWoridWarlLservinginthe
U.S. Army. .He was a retired foreman wtth theN.C. Department of Transportation.He later worked at the Spencer MooseLodge. He wasachartermemberoflheSpencer Moose Lodge and was a past
Govemor of the Moose. He was itmember of Harold B. JarreU Post andAmvets Post and a member of BackCreek Presbyterian Church.His wife, Margaret Brittain LackeyprecededhimindeathonJan. 16,1978.Survivors include: a son, RonaldLackey ofSaUsbury;adaughter,Cindy
Lackey Tutterow of Mocksville; 2brothers, Jimmy Lee Lackey of NewJersey and Steve Lackey of Salisbury;a sister, Ruth Agner of Salisbuiy; 5grandchildren and a great-grandchild.Funeral services were Saturday atLyerlyFuneralHomewitliRev.Darrell
Cox officiating. Burial was in RowimMemorial Park with military graveside
rites conducted by the Rowan CountyVeterans Council and Spencer Moose
V Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO
j Bruce E. Myers
Mr. Bruce Eugene Myers, 64. of
Midway Slreel. Cooleemee died Fri
day, April 29,1994, at his home.
Funeral services were Tuesday in
Baton Funeral Chapel in Mocksville
the the Revs. Hal Vamer and Charles
Kilcerofnciating. Burial was in Chest
nut Grove United Methodist Church
Memorials may be made to a char
ity of the donor's choice.
Mr. Myers was born in Davie
County May 20,1929, to the late Fred
and Mary Miller Myers and was re
tired with 26 years of service with
Ingersoll-Rand Corporation. He had
previously been with Dixie Furniture
Company in Lexington for 15 years.
He was a member of Chestnut Grove
United Methodist Church and was a
veteran of the U.S. Army. He was a
well-known woodcarver and stritig
musician and had played in various
string bands. He was also an avid
Fishermanand hunter. His wife, Nancy
Pauline (Polly) Bracken Myers, pre
ceded him in death in 1979,
Surviving are: three daughters,
Patricia Jean Foster, Norma Myers
Barney, and Lorie Myers McBride,
all of Mocksville: three sons, David
Bruce Myers, Franklin Dale Myers,
and Danny Ray Myers, all of
Mocksvile: 13 grandchildren; one
great-grandchild; one sister, Mrs.
LaVell Howard of Clemmons; and
his liancee, Judy Taylor of Laurel
Springs.. , . ^
ImTs. Thelma C. Ott
; Mrs. Thelma Harding Crotchneld
y :Ott, 81, of 925 New Garden Rd..
iGreensboro, died Sunday, May 1.
;i994, at the Friends Homes at
t A memorial service was held May
I3 at the New Garden Friends Meeting
'(vhere she was a member,
i Mis- Ott was a native of Davie
County and a former resident of^FayettevilleandGuilfoidCollege.She
;was a retired nurse from Wesley Long
I ;Hospital.
' Surviving are: one sister, Martha
' McNairofRichmond,Va.;lwobroth-
"ers, J. Charles Harding of Farmington
Mil Harvey A. Harding of Winston-
Salem; stepdaughter, Jane Ballus of
Winston-Salero; stepson, Richard Ott
of Athens, Ga.; and four grandchil
I Memorials may be made to New
Garden Friends Meeting, 801 New
Garden Rd., Greensboro, NC 27410,
Mrs. Rebah S. Wilcox
Mrs. Rebah Bell Snider Wilcox,
91, formerly of Avon Street, Mocks
ville, died Friday, April 29, 1994, in
Autumn Care of Mocksville where
she had been a resident for the past
A graveside service was held In
Rose Cemetery Sunday with the Rev.
Ed Biggers ofliciating.
Mrs. Wilcox was bom in Davie
Osunty Nov. 23, 1902, to the late
Henry Baxter and Irene Smith Snider
and had been a homemaker. She was
a member of the Mocksville Pente
costal Holiness Church, and was a
forptcr resident of Mecklenburg
County. Her husband, Mark Harrison
Wilcox, preceded her in death,
Julia Howard arid Mrs. June Panish,
both of Mocksville.
Memorials may be made to a char
ity of the donor's choice, - < .
Flossie Joyner Ratledge ofGreensborodiedSimday.May 1.1994.
A native of liedell Omnty, she ^
the daughter of the late Walter RightJoynerand Delilah Richardson Joyner.
She was the widow of John Fred
Mis. Ratledge was a homemaker.
In 1955 she won a cake contestsponsoiedbyalocal automobile dealer
and won a new Ford. As the winner of
a contest in which 3,800 cokes were
entered she appeared on the Cordelia
Kelly show on local television.
Survivors Include; 6 children,
Charlotte R. Pnngle of Holden Beach,
FreddaR. Hobbs of Greensboro, Curtis
J. Ratledge of Atlanta, Ga., Hayes O.
Ratledge of Greensboro, Bob J.
Ratledge of Rancho Mirage, Calif.,
and Bill R- Ratledge of ColoradoSprings, Colo.; 23 grandchildren; and
23 great-grandchildren.She was preceded in death by a son,
John Fred Ratledge Jr.
Funeral services are at 2 p.m.
Thursday at Hancs-Linebetry Funeral
Service in Greensboro with the Rev.
Dr. Joseph Garrison officiating. A
graveside servicewillbeat4:30p.m,at
Chestnut Grove Cemetery in
Mocksville with the Rev. Wilson
Joyner officiating.
The family was to receive friends at
the funeral home Wednesday from
7:30-9 p.m.
Davie County Public Library
^ Stella B. Auman
Mrs. Stella Elizabeth Bailey
Au,«,„.g3.ofM02N.lla„,iltoaSt..High Poitit, died ITiursday. May S
1994. at her residence.She was born March 14. 1911
Davie County, a daughter of Joe and
Emma Foster Bailey and had been aresident of High poim
McthodislChuichaiidattendedChristCommunity Church. She was era-ployed with Harris-Covlnglon I lo
ttery Mill for 40 years. On Aug. 24.I93J. she was married to Thomas I,.
Auman who died Oct. 16. 1986.
Siimving are one daughter. Mrs
Nancy Walker of High Point: three»ns. R^W. Auman of High Point.
tonaldG. andCarlL. Auman. bothofTnmty; 10 grandchildren; 10 great
grandchildren: three sisters. MrsMaltie Tucker and Mrs. Lula Mae
^ler both of Advance, and Mrs.Eliza Cope of Mocksville: and one
brother. John H. Bailey of Uxington.
Euneral services were Saturday in
SechrestChapelonaUxingtonAve.bythe Rev. Tim Albert. Burial was inMoral Garden Park Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Hos-Piee of the Piedmont. 21.4 N. Lindsay
St.. Suite 110. High Point. NC 27262.
Davie County Public Ubraty
Sadie M. Campbell'^SadieMcIntyreCampbell.82of Route 1. Woodleaf. died Tuesday"May 3 1994. in Rowan Memorial
Hospital.She was bom June 10. 1911 inRowan County to Calvin Edw^Mclnlyre and Bessie Shean. She was anomemalcef and (he widow of Ralph
tiMthmanCampbellwhodiedin I960.ShewasBm«miivp/\rM^^
' o
Sutvivoisinciude:3daughteis.Mts.Ruby Bell Moore of Woodleaf. Mrs.Mildred V. Bumgamer of Woodleaf.
u^Mis. Dorothy HanisofMocksville-abrolher.GlennMcIntyreofRockwell:'9 grandchildren: 12 great
grandchildren.She was preceded in death by aduller. Mrs. Ruth C. Moweiy i„
Funeral services were Thursday atWestmoreland Chapel with the Revs.
OiaseWhite. KeiuiethKoontzandJohnK«vesolIiciaUng.BurialwasinSouUiRiver United Methodist Church
j cemetery.
James BuFord Goforth
y Mr. James Buford Goforth, 77. ofCoffee Co., Tenn., died Tuesday, May3. 1994, at St. Tliomas Hospital in
Nashville aRer a brief illness.
A native of Iredell County, he was
the son of the late Thomas Carter and
Lela Sale Goforth. He was a retired
farmerand sawyerwith Pbiiy'sSawmill
and a memberofShady Grove Church
of Christ in Coffee Co.
Mr. Gofcilh was a veteran with the
bcenareconnaissance car driver733. aTitompson sub machine gun expert
and a 45 caliber revolver marksman.
He served in the French Morocco.
Sicilian, Normany. Northern Franceand Central European battles and
campaigns. He received numerousdecorations and cititations. includingthe Purple Heart. European African
Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon with
nveBtonzcStars.GoodConduct Medal
iuid American Defense Service Medal.
Mr. Goforth was preceded in death
by his wife. Nellie Letha McMahan
Goforth. on June 17.1993.
Survivors include: 2 sons. Howard
Buford Goforth of Manchester. Tenn..
andSteveThomasGofotthofMadison.Tenn.; 2 daughters. Martha Fay Hahn
ofTuitnellon. W.Va and Deborah Kay
Smaitt of Manchester. Teim.:ahrDther.
Clyde GofoithofMocksville:3 sisters.Leuna Goforth of Wa.shington. D.C..
Sally Penninger of Mocksville, and
Jeltie Swaniger of Salisbury; 7
grandchildren. 6 gieat-grandchildren;
2 great-great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were Friday at
Manchester Funeral Home. Burial was
InSliadyGrove Cemetery with militaiy
Robert Lee Gilley
Mr. Robert LeeGilley. 57. ofRt. 3.Mocksville. died Saturday. May 7.1994. at Forsyth Memorial Hospital.
He was bom Aug. 14.1936. in MLAiry to Robert Elcye and lona Win
ters Gilley.
Mr. Gilley was preceded in deathby his wife. Maria-Luisa GilJey.
Surviving are: a daughter. Maria"Jo" Gilley of Charlotte; his mother.Ms. lona W. Dishcr of the home; 2brothers. Richard Gilley of East Bendand Donald Gilley of Clemmons; atida half-sister. Mrs. Betty Sluder of
Winston-Salem.Funeral services were at 11 a.m.Monday at Hayworth-Miller Silas
(TreekChapelbytheRev.SieveTilley.Burial followed al Crestview Memorial Park in Rural Hall.
Anderson "Gene" HeadV funeral was to be Wednesdayfor Anderson Eugene "Gene" HeadM. of Salisbury, who died Sunday'May 8, 1994. ^t Rowan Memorial"
BDmDec.3l.l929.inCoolcemee.Head, a son of the late Lindsay andAnnie Wall Head, was educated in the
Dav,cCouiityschools.HeworkedforWSOC radio for many years and re-lired m 1986 from Canex Mills Co.where he was an electrician. He was anientherof the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints and worked withthe Boy Scouts and other communityand church organizations.Survivors include: wife. MaryEllen Maggaid Head, whom he mar-
nedOcl.3o.l970:slepsonA.CobumFarley of Raleigh; stepdaughter Mrs.
Am!" Calgary.-, f^unuBa; brother Ralph Headof Welcome: 11 grandchildren: and
Iwo great-grandchildren.Euncral services were to he at IIa.ni. Wednesday. May ij, at Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,conducted by Bishop Craig HiattEnloinbment was at Rowan Memo-nal Park Mausoleum.TIte body will he placed in theChurch 30 minutes prior to the ser-
Vices.Memorials may he made to BoyScout Troop 427. 1255 Julian Road.Saltsbuiy.Nc 28146.
William V. "Buck" Kdler
Mr. Williiim V'mccnl "Buck"
Keller. 7S,olLc*ingHiii Road. M()ck5-
villc, died Saiurday, May 7. 1994, al
Meadoubioiik Manor in Clemnions.
Funend scrvice-i were al 2 p i".
Monday al lialon Funeral Chapel in
Mocksville. tondiicted by ihe Rev.
James Snme. Huiial was in Rowan
Memorial I'ark in .'Jiilisbiiry.
Hie r.amily teipicsls incnioiiah be
I'enlecoslal Holiness Cliuich. Rl. 4,
Uos 4(1. Advance. NC 27(H)6.
He was born Nov. 16. 1915. in
Davic C'ouniy. a son of lire lale Will
iam F. and Gentuilc Siroud Keller. I le
was co-owner of Union Grove Mill
ing Company in Union Grove and
wa.s also relired from Buriingion In-
duslries in Cooieemce. He allcnded
RedlandPeniecosial HolinessChurcti
in Advance.
Survivors include: liis wife. Nan
Beauchamp Keller, of (he home; a
son. Jerry Kellerof Rl. 3. Advance; a
gnmdson;nndtwohrotliers. Raymond
Keller and I.esler Keller, both of
Pamela F. Kulp
Mrs. Pamela Fenlress Kulp. wife
of Robert W. Kulp of Bermuda Run,
died May 6, 1994. al N.C. Baptist
Born in Rockville. Ind. July I.
1927. daughter of the late A.T. and
Grace Ctiild Fcara. Mrs. Kulp was an
A.S.I.D. member and had her own
space planning/inlerioi design busi
ness for 18 years before retiring. Site
was a member of Centenary United
MetliodisI aiurchofWinston-Salem
and served on llic boards of CancerPalienI Support Piopram.ChildGuid-
ance Center. Comprcbensive Cancer
Center Advisory Board. Hasleiii Mu
sic Festival, and the Shakespeare Fes
tival. She also was a past president of
the Wtnterlark and volunteered her
lime and talents to many other chari
table endeavors.
She is survived by; her husband.
Robert W. Kulp; a brolhcr. ihc Rev.
Edgar C. Pcara of Park Forest. 111.;
daughters Pamela Hardy of Carmel,
Ind.. and Leslie Porter of Winslon-
Salcm; a son, W. Forest Pressncll of
Claodville. Va.; and 3 grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held
Silurriay. M.sy 14,1994. at llla.tn. at
Centenary United MetltodislChurcli.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may
be made to Cancer Patient Support
Program of Bowm.in Gray School of
Medicine. 300 S. Hawthorne Rd..
Winsloit-Solem. NC 2710.3.
Edna F. Long
Mrs. Edna Foster l-ong. 71, of
Grove Street. Cooleemee. died early
vices were to be |B
at p.m.B
Eaton Funeral
Chapel with IheLconard^^l ^
ing. Burial was
to be in RowanMemorial Park in Salisbury.
The family requests memonals be
considered for the Cooleemee His
torical Association, do Thurman
Miller. P.O. Box 667. Cooleemee.
Mrs. Long was boni in Davie
County Match 12. 1923. to the late
Guy and Ella Nail Foster and was
retired in 1985 from Hoechstf
Celenese. She had previously been
with Ecwin Mills in Cooleemee with
20 years of service.
She was a member of Cooleemee
First BapltstCliurch and was a volun
teer worker with the Cooleemee His
torical Association aiidHetilageDay.
Her husband, Major Long, pre
ceded her in death in I960.
Survivors include; a daughter.
Donna L. Fortune of Salisbury; agranddaughter; a grandson; 2 sisters.SueMilhoienofPottOrange.Fla.and
Modene lleitdtix of Mocksville; and
2 brothers. Floyd "Soimy" Foster of
Cooleemee and Don Foster of Holly
Hill. Pa.
iJavie CouRty Public Library
MocKsulUe, ^
Robert E. Powe Sr.
</ Mr. Robert Earl Powc Sr., 74. of
Route 3, Dulin Road. Mocksville died
earlyTuesday moniing.May 10.1994.
at Ills home after a short illness.
Funeral services will be at 4 p.m.
Thursday. May 12. in Baton Funeral
Chapel with the Revs. Pam Strader.
Jack Luther, and Alvin Pope officiat
ing. Burial will be inCornatzer United
Methodist Church Cemetery with
military graveside rites.
Tlie family was to be at Eaton
Funeral Home Wednesday night from
7-9. Tliey request memorials be con-
sideied for the Gideons International.
do Mr. Mark Jones. P.O. Box 182.
Mocksville, NC.
Mr. Powe was bom in Choctaw
County. Ala. May 23.1919. to the late
Earl Price and Emma Chestnut Powe
and was employed with Lexington
Furniture Company. He had previ
ously been with Hanes Corporation
for 17 years.
He was a veteran of the 101st Air
borne Division of the U.S. Army dur
ing WWII. He was a member of Cor-
natzer United Methodist Church
where he was Church Lay Leader. He
had also been a Teacher of the Men's
Bible Class and a former Sunday
School Superinlendent. He was an
active member of the Gideons, and
had served as their treasurer. He was
a member of the Davie Council on
Hewasanavid beekeeper and gar
Surviving are: his wife of 50 years.
daughters. Billie While andStephanie
"Sissy" Powe of Route 3. Mocksville
and Emily Couch of Route 7, Mocks
ville; 2sons. Robert Powe Jr. of Route
3. Mocksville and Reggie Powe ofTaylorsvi lie; 6 grandchildren; 6 great
grandchildren; and a brother. Oliver
Chestnut of Silas, Ala.
Mr. Odeil Wilson Shutt. 81, ofy Winston-Salem died Sunday. May 8.
1994. at Brookrtdge Baptist Home.
He was bom .Sept. 3. l9l2.inFor-
syth County to the late John and Dora
Burke Shutt. Mr. SbutI was a member
of New Philadelphia Moravian
Church. He served in the Army dur
ing WWII and was a lifelong member
of the VFW Post 9010. Mr. Shutt
retired from McCrory Co. where he
was the manager of the meat dept. for
many years.
He was preceded in death hy his
wife. Ruth Elizabeth Saylor Shutt.
Surviving are: his son. John C.
Shutt of Winston-Salem; 2 daughters,
Mrs. Ray (Kaye) Hollar of Winston-
Salem and Ms. Faye Tilley of Mocks
ville: 3 brothers. Tlieo Shutt of Win
ston-Salem. Leslie Shutt of Laurel
Fork. Va.. and Jessie Shutt of Win
ston-Salem; 3 sisters. Frankie Shutt.
Lillian Shutt and Mary Shult. all of
Winston-Salem; 6grandchildien; and
2 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were at 11 a.m.
Tuesday at New Philadelphia
Moravian Church. Dr. Worth Green
officiated. Burial followed in the
church graveyard.
, Caroline Lee Sj-dnor'^"■CarolineLee WoodSydnor.»6. of Mt. Airy, widow of Grey Ban-ner Sydnor. died Saturday. May 7.1994, at her home.Mrs. Sydnor was born inRoanoke.Va., Sept. 27,1907. daughter of the late Lawrence S. and AliceIrene ^kwood Wood, was retired
IroinMLAityHighSchoolafterleach-rng for32 years, and was an Elder ofthe First Presbyterian Church.
Shetssurvivedbyadaughter.Mrs.Gray Sydnor Haynes of Winston-Salem: 5 grandchildren. Mrs. LinWoosley of Winston-Salem. Mrs.Allison Cook of Faimington. DavidHaynes of Asheville. Mrs. CharlotteOreensboroand Frank Haynesof Fuquay-Varina; ggreat-grandchil-<lrra: and a sister. Mrs. Ircne Robertsof Bristol. Va.
hte.Sydnorwasprecededindeathby a brother, James L. Wood.A fnemorial service was held Fn.
dayatlIa.m.attheFi,stPresbylerian^ureh ioMl Any with services conducted by Dr. Paul Ridolfi.
Nellie Souther
J '■ Mrs.NellicJohnsonSouther.83.ofRoute 5. Statesville. died Friday, May6 I994i at Iredell Memorial Hospital..' BominIfedellCountyJan.14.19U,she was a daughter of Austin Feimstcr'and Dovie Shoemaker Feimstcr. Shewas the retired former owner ofJohnson's Rest Home and a phoneassistantforL.A.JohnsonTaxService.
• Mrs. Souther was a member ofHebron Baptist Church.Sufvivois include: a son. James C.Johnson of Advance; 5 daughters.Lucille Shenill. Sara Cleary. BettieJohnson, Jessie J. Campbell andLaranda Johnson, all of Statesville; 2biothers. Zeb Feimsler of Statesvilleand James Clyde Feimstcr ofMooresville; 2 sisters. NorrisShoemakerofStatesvilleandAdaWanlof llarmony;9grandchiIdfBn. 12gieat-grandchildren; I great-greatgrandchild.Mis. Souther waspreceded mdeatti
by her fust husband. Chester Johnson;her second husband. George Souther.2 daughleis. Mary Helen and BobbieJean; a son; 3 grandchildren and abrother. Lonnie Feimstcr.A funeral service was Monday atHebron Baptist Church withRevs. JackFranks. Joe Dellinger and William
WeaseolTiciating.; Burial was in Tabor Ptesbytenan
Chuteli cemetery.
Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO
Marva C. Speaks
Mrs. Marva Carson Speaks, 54. of
Tennessee Road. Yadkinville. died
Tuesday. May 3. 1994. al Moots Me
morial Hospital in Yadkinville.
Mrs. Speaks was born in Yadkin
County July 2.5. 1939. to Victor and
Julia Carson. On May 26. 1962. she
married Marvin Speaks, wliosurv jves.
of the home. She was a supervisor at
Unifl in Yadkinville and a memherof
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church where
funeral services were conducted Sat
urday by the Rev. Raymond C.
Wilkins. Dr. F.A. Leak and the Rev.
Daryl McCunncll. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Also surviving are one daughter.
Mrs. VickeStceleof Mocksville; two
grandchildren; two brothers. Robert
Victor Carson of Atlanta. Ga.. and
Ronald Itugcnc Carson of Antioch.
Calif.; and two sisters. Mrs. Shirley
Ann Clark of Raleigh and Mrs. Judith
Dare Roane of Annapolis. Md.
Also surviving arc her mother and
stepfather. Julia Carson Dalton and
Luther Dalton of Rl. 7. Yadkinville.
L.C.Troutman - •
Lorenzo C. "L.C." Troutman. 74,
of Salisbury, died Saturday. May. 7i
1994. at Rowan Metnorial Hospital.;
Born Feb. 22. 1920. in Norwood;Troutmanwasasonofthelate Geor ^
and Bessie Turner Troutman. Hesvas
educated in the Stanley County^and
Mocksville schools and was letifql
from Wagoner Consmrction Co; He
was a member of Thomas ^^6t
Church of God. • t
Survivors include: wife, hjefj
Battle Troutman; sons Jasper and
Lorenzo C. Troutman Jr.. both of Sal
isbury; daughters. Kathy T. Gray.
Woodleaf. Annie Mae Robinson and
Judy T. Smith, both ofSalisbury. Hopt
Troutmanofthe home.and Essie Hyde
of Lancaster. S.C.; 20 grandchildren;
and 14 great-gratidchildren.
. DorcieLeeReedVaughters.73.ofBatber.died Wednesday. May4.1994.at Rowan Memorial Hospitalfollowing
a serious illness of two montlis.BomJune28.l920.inToccoa.Ga..
|ihe was a daughter of the late Wade
wd Mary Jane Gaines Reed. Educated
in the Thomasville city schools, she
ietired from Daniel's Rest Home.
Mocksville. as a nursing assistant. She
was a member of Mount Vetnon
Presbyterian Church.
> Her husband. Will Vaughters,
preceded her in death.
A sister. Willie Mae Button of
Thomasville. survives.
; Funeral services were Saturday at
Mount Vemon Presbyterian Church
fconducted by the Rev. Ivan Lowery.Huriai was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Leroy Tenipleton
J Mr. Leroy Templcton. 75. of Salis-
bury.dicd on Saturday. May 7.1994 at
his residence following a short illnesji.
The funeral was lie Id at 2p.m. Tues
day. May 10. at Lycrly Paineral Homes
Jatttes C. Lyeriy Chapel by the Rev.
Urry Twitiy. pastor of Franklin Bap
tist Church, and Jeff .Spry. Burial was
in Rowan Memorial Park with military
graveside rites by the Rowan County
Veterans Council.
He was bom Aug. 5. 1918 in For-
sylh County to the late Thomas R. and
LeAnna Gregory Templcton. He was
educated in Davie County schools, and
was retired from Macke Vending Co.
after 35 years as service manager. He
and his wife later operated tire Show-
Biz Videos in Spencer. Rockwell and
Granite Quarry. They also operated
Draperies by Dale.
He was a veteran of the U.S. Anny
servingduring World War II and wasa
recipient of tire Purple I lean. He was a
memherofthe Salisbury Moose Lodge
and attended Franklin Baptist Church.
Survivors include: his wife. Dale
ParksTempIetonof the home; 3dauglr-
ters.LindaTempletonSpryofHidden-ite. Marlene Templcton Bennett of
Spencer and Tcri Templcton Teague
of Rockwell: a sister. Mrs. Gladys
arafltn of Davie County; 8 grandchil
dren; and 2 great-grandchildrerr. '
He was preceded in death by a
brother. Fred Templcton. and sister.
Etta Templcton Ctcason.
1 Walter J. Benge
; Mr. Walter Junior Benge, 66. of
•■Ralph Jones Road, Mocksville. died
j 'jl^atChape^ with■ tlKt Revs. John Allen
aifdUrry Bradford officiating. Burial_ .whs in Ronda Cemetery in Ronda.
;. ;.'["he family requests memorials be
;.|^sidered fortheDavieCoonlyHeart;-Ai$ocialion,c/oMrs. Patty LookahiH,: ^BSAT. P.O. Box 406. Mocksville.:;BC 2702K.
i;>Mr. Benge was born in Wilkes
'-County Sept. 25, 1927. to the late
• Onscon Eugene and Bessie Harris^ BengeandwasemployedwiihWeeks
; Consltuciion Company in Asheboro-
• He was ofthe Baptist faith.
Survivors include; his wife, Mrs.1 L«IaRayBcngeoflhehome:5daugh-
;-lers. Betty Spillman of Cooleemce.
Shelby Bradford.FrancesCartiicrand•Cathy Dull, all of Mocksville and•Lena Benge of Hamplonville; 5 sons.Cooler Benge ofCooleemee. RandyBenge of Yadkinville. Kenny Benge.of. Mocksville, Earl Benge of Salis-_ Sury. and David Benge of the home;16 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchil
dren; 5 sisters. Tilda Marion of Elkin.Martha Adanis of Ronda. MargieBenge of Clemmons. Ruth Benge of
Winslon-Silem and Pauline Noah ofKing; 4 brothers. Hillary Benge and
Jimmy Benge. both of Elkin. BasconBf nge Jr. ofRonda and Bud Benge of
Kathleen L. Brown
^ Mrs. Kathleen Lineback Brown.
7l.ofRoule9. Milling Road. Mocksville. died early Friday morning, May13. i994,inFt>rsyihMcniorial Hospital after being in declining health for
the past 3 months.Funeral services were at 4 p.m.Sunday in Mocksville First Presbyte
rian Church with the Rev. Leiand
Richardson, paslor.officialing-Burialwas in RuscC'cniclcry.
The fantily requests memorials be
considered for the Mocksville First
Presbyterian Church. P.O. Box 97.
Mocksville, NC 27028.
Mrs. Brown was bom in Winslon-Salem April 7.1923. to the late Jamie
Herman and Carrie CrutchfieldLineback and was a retired secretary
with the X-Ray Department of N.C.
Baptist Hospilal. She w.is a memberof the Mocksville First Presbyterian
Church and wa.s active in all phases of
church work. She was a member of
the Davie Womcns Club where she
had served as vice president and was
also a member of the Home Demon
stration Club. She was a graduate ofReynolds High School. Cla.ss of 1941
in Winslon-Snlcm.
Her husband. Frank Stevenson
Brown preceded her in death in 1992.Survivors include: 2 sons. JamieStevenson Brown of Wilmington and
George Thomas Brown of Mocks
ville; 2 sisters. Doris Lineback Brown
ofEden BttdJean Lineback SeawellofO«manton: and several nieces and
Lula P. GatesMrs Lula Pauline Ptmut Cnles.88 ofKcmcrsvine.diedWedcvcsaay.Mavll 1994.atherhome.■^Ihewasbom April 24. 1906. mForsylhCoumytoChatUe and AgnesPinnix.Mts.Caieswasemp1oyedw.lh
RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co. for iiyears and was a member of Mission-
C. Evans of Kemetsville. Mary JennGiles and FmtrcesDuggms^.^. ofAdvaiKC.DorothyTrivilieofM'^ksville and Margie Sales of RuraUUn,
a son. Howard Gates of Raleigh, abrolhcr. Dixie Pinntx of Wmstttn-Sa-lem3ststeTS.GIadysBtownandlj1lieBcllcCoinns.bolhofWinston.Sa1em
and Edna Holsion of Belmonl, 127grandchildren and greal-grandchil-
drcn. . „Funeral services were «» 2Friday. May 13. at Haywonhddil erSilasCreekChapclhylheRev.CT^WhUakct. Burial followed in Wood
land Cemetery.Memorials may be made to Hospice of Winsion-Salem/FotsyrnCounty. UOO-C S. Stratford Rd..Winston-Salem, NC 27103.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, WC
: CoraM. Gaines
/ • 1 Gaines. 85. of Landis./ . *««Fnday. May 13.1994. at Rowan
• Memorial Hospital.
0"- "7. 1908. in StolesCounty, she was the daughter of the
late Winston Haidin and Martha Jane
, Duncan Mabe. She attended Slolces
; County schools and was a Baptist
: She had retired from the Linn Mill
. spinning room.
- • 'Her husband. Daniel Dewey
n Gaines. died in 1953.
• include: sons. Nelson• Tim GainesofLandis: W.I,"Dub"
n Landis: James Gaines ofChina Grove; Forrest Gaines of
Kannapolis; Dewey Gaines of White
; Spnngs. Fla.; daughters. Frances
Black of China Grove. Vernie
Frederick of Salisbury; brothers.
Woodrow Mabe of Mocksville.
Roscoe Mabe of Mocksville. Odis
Mabe of Myrtle Beach. S.C.; sisteis.
Bylhe Williams and Matlie Whilcher.
: ofGeorgla; 28 grandchildren; 39;; great-grandchildren and agreal-greal-
;; grandchild.
•: Funeral services were at 11 a.m.
• Monday. May 16. at Cotriher Heiglits: Baptist Church. China Grove, con-
: <i"«e<lbythcRevs.RayBlackweldcr
.. and Buddy Truman. Burial was in the
:: National Cemetery In Salisbury.
. Memorials may be made to
.. Comher Heights Baptist Church. 208
. Park St.. China Grove, NC 28023.
. ^
J. Thurman Holt
J J. Thurman "Biddy" Holt. 83. of
Salisbury, died Tuesday. May 10.
Bom Oct. 10.1910. in Spencer, he
was a son of the late J.T. and Glennie
Kelly Holt. A graduate of the Spencer
city schoolsandMount Pleasant Mili
tary Academy, he recei ved his master'sdegree in mathematics from Appala
chian State University. Boone.
He taught and coached in the
Stonevilleond Mocksvilleschoolsand
was employed by Southern Railway
asaconductorbefore retiring In 1986.
A World War II veteran, he served
with the U.S. Navy and was a member
of the VFW. Salisbury Elks Club and
Spencer Moose Lodge. He wasa mem
ber of Central United Methodist
Church and attended First Baptist
Survivors Include: a brother. Jake
Warren Holt. Spencer; 4 sisters. Mar
garet Harris. Abble Short. Glennie
Gaines and Mrs. Anthony (Ganelda)
Vandervliet. all of Spencer.
A memorial service was to be at 11a-m. May 12 at First Baptist Church.
Spencer, conducted by the Rev.'
FianklinMyers, pastor. Thebody is to n
be cremated. '
Calvin L. Godbey
J Mr. Calvin Lewis Godbey. 82. of
Route I. Godbey Road. Mocksville.
died early Thursday morning. May
12.1994. in Davie County Hospital.
Funeral services were Saturday.
May M.inComntzerUnlted Method
ist Church with the Revs. PamStrader.
Jack Luther and Alvin Pope oiriciat-
ing. Burial was in the church cem
Mr. Godbey was born In DavIe
County Sept. 15. 1911. to the late
James Edward and Minnie Bell
Dwiggins Godbey and was a retired
textile worker.
He was a member of Comatzer
United Methodist Church.
He was preceded in death by 3
brothers. Noel Godbey. John Godbey
and Sherrill Godbey.
Surviving are: his wife. OIlie Car
rie Barney Godbey of the home; 2
sisters. Margaret Foster of Mocks
ville and Mamie Hart of Amarlllo,
Texas; a brother. Millard Godbey of
Mocksville; and several nieces and
Hugh L. Kinyoun Jr.
^ Mr. Hugh Lcmly Kinyoun. Jr.. 6/.
of Seminole. Fla.. died Friday. May
13, l994.atNonhsideMemorial Hos
pital of St. Petersburg. Fla.
He was bom May 10.1927. In N.
Wilkesboro to Stella Ann and Hugh
Lemly Kinyoun Sr. He was of the
Baptist faith.
^ Survlvlngare: hiswifc. Jennie Lee
Kinyoun of Seinlnole. Fla.; 6 sons.
Thomas Jackson Pcrrcll of Winston-
Salem. Charles Kinyoun of Yndkln-
ville. Charles Kenneth Pcrrell of
Spotsylvania, Va.. Timothy Lee
Perrell of King and Ricky Dale
Kinyoun and Gerry Lemly Kinyoun.
both of St. Petersburg. Fla.; a daugh
ter. N.incv Martin of Mocksville; 2
brotheis. Phillip Gray Kinyoun and
Perry Kinyoun. both of Winston-Sa-
lem; 3 sisters. Barbara Cook. Betty
Matthew and Meta Wall, all of Win-
ston-Salem; 21 grandchildren; and 7
Graveside services were held at 2
p.m. Tuesday, May 17. at Parklawn
Memorial Gardens by the Rev. Wade
Henry D. Hartman Sr.
v/ Mr. Henry Dalton Hartman Sr..
68. of Route 3. Advance, died Tues
day. May 10. at DavIe County Hospi
Mr. Hartman was born Dec. 22.
1925. in DavIe County to Lewis and
OIlie Mock Hartman. He was a retired
tobacco farmer and served with the
U.S. Army during World War II as a
messenger, trained rifleman and In
the Military Police. He was a member
of Mocks United Methodist Church
and VFW Post 8719.
Surviving are: his wife. Inez Dull
Hartman of the home; 4 daughters.
Doris Hutchins. Julia Ellis. Mandy
Grubbs and Mary Potts, all of Ad
vance; a son. Henry Dalton Hartman
Jr. of Advance; 11 grandchildren; 3
sisters. Ann Bamhardt, Bette Bam-
bardt. bothof Advance. MaggleCarter
of Hickoiy;2 halfsisters. MableBplley
and Vogie Marsh, both of Advance.
He was preceded In death by two
brothers, Alvin and Robert Hartman.
and two half sisters. Mary Lewis
Hartman and Sally Bailey,
A graveside service was held
Thursday. May 12. at Mocks United
Methodist Church by the Rev. Harry
Sherrill and a military graveside ser
vice was conducted by the District 11
Memorial Honor Guard.
. Harold R. Poplin
v' Mr. Harold Russell Poplin. 65.
Magnolia Avenue. Mocksville. died
Thursday. May 12. 1994. in DavIe
County Hospital.
Funeral services were at 2 p.m.
Sunday. May IS, in Eaton Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. Larry Hovis
ofEclating. Burial was In Rose Cem
They request memorials be con
sidered for the Mocksville First Bap
tist Church. N. Main St.. Mocksville,
NC27028 or toacharity ofthe donor's
Mr. Poplin was bom In DavIe
County Dec. 2. 1928. and was co-
owner of P&G Auto Parts. He was
employed with Mocksville Builders
Supply. He was a veteran of the U.S.
Air Force, and was a member of the
Mocksville First Baptist Church.
Surviving are: his wife. Delora
Foster (Deedy) Poplin, of the home;
his mother. Ethel Poplin Hanellne of
Mocksville; a daughter. Sylvia E.
Lagle ofMocksvllle; and a son. David
R. Poplin, also ofMocksville; 4 grand
children; and 3 great-grandchildren;
3 stepsisters and a stepbrother.
Davie County Public Libraiy
Mocksville, NC
Evelyn O. Reeves
! ;Mrs. Evelyn Owens Reeves, 68, of
(iermanton, died at Forsylh Memo-ijal Hospital on Saturday, May IS,
" Mrs. Reeves had been in declining
health for some time.
; A native of Forsyth County, she
Was bom Sept. 26. 1925, to Jessie
Martin and Maty Griffith Owens. Mrs.
Reeves was a member of Sycamore
Baptist Church and a pianist at the
church. She retired from R J. Reynolds
tob3ccoCo.in I980.arier37yearsof
; SuTvivingareherhusband. Howard
M. Reeves of the home; a son, Marty
H. Reeves of Ml. Airy; 3 grandchil
dren, Amy Reeves of Mt. Airy, Kelly
Reeves of Mocksville and James
Eeeves of Farmington; 2 sisters. Mrs.
Lmise Peters of Clemmons and Mrs.
Helen Reeves of Ml Olive and sev
eral nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held at noon
Tuesday. May 17. at Sycamore Bap
tist Church by Brothers Raymond E.
^taley and Robert Retcher. Burial
followed in Skyline Memory Oar-
dens, Mt. Airy.
The family requests that memori
als be made to Stokes County Hos
pice. P.O. Box 10. Danbury, NC
Bascom Richardson
Bascom Roosevelt Richardson, 86,
of Harmony, father of the Rev.
Harding Richardson, Salisbury, died
Tuesday, May 10, 1994, at Iredell
Memorial Hospital, Statesville.
Bom July 30, 1907, In Davie
County, Richardson, a son of the late
Jimmy and Celia Jane Richardson
Richardson, was retired from Gilson
Machine Shop.
Survivors, in addition to his son.
include: wife Marie Lamberth
Richardson; sons. Robert Richardson
of Statesville, Wade Richardson of
Courtney and Johnny Richardson of .
Harmony; 14 grandchildren; and IS
Services were Thursday at Reavis
Funeral Home Chapel in Harmony by
the Revs. Billy R. Jarrett and Don
Haynes. Burial was at New Union
United Methodist Church cemetery.
Adelaide B. Seats
Mrs. Adelaide Bowden Seats. 76,
of Route 9. Mocksville. died Sunday,
May 15,1994, In Davie County Hos
Funeral services were to be held at
2 p.m. Wednesday, May 18. in Eaton
Funeral Chapel with the Revs. Ray
O'Ferrell and Billy Sloop officiating.
Burial was tobe inSmith Grove United
Methodist Church cemetery.
Mrs. Seats was bom in Davie
County June 16, 1917, to the late
Henry Fries and Mattie Butner
Bowden and was a homemaker. She
was a member of the Smith Grove
United Methodist Church. Her hus
band. Clyde Franklin SeaU, Sr. pre
ceded her in death in 1980.
Survivors include2daughters, Mrs.
Martha Smith and Mrs. Jean James,
both of Mocksville; 2 sons, ClydeFranklinSeats,Jr.and Francis Bowden
Seats, both of Mocksville; 11 grand
children; and 2 great-grandchildren.
Two sisters, Lotraine B. Redden
and Evelyn Petway, also preceded her
in death.
Richard Roach
Mr. Richard Roach. 93, ofRoute 3,
Hickory Hill, Mocksville, died early
Thursday morning. May 12.1994. in
Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie at
Advance, alter being in extreme de
clining health for the past two weeks.
Funeral services were at 11 a.m.
Saturday, May 14. in Fork Baptist
Church with the Rev. Kenneth Evans,
pastor, officiating. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
The family requests memorials be
considered for the Davie County Hos
pice. do Mrs. Janet Blair, P.O. Box
66S. Mocksville. NC 27028.
Mr. Roach was bom Dec. IS, I90O.
in Wickliffe. Ky., to the late Pink and
Mattie Wells Roach and was retired
with 49 years of service as track su
pervisor with the Illinois-Central Rail
road. He was a member of the Fork
Baptist Church and was a former
member of the Pickneyville. III., First
Baptist Church where he had been a
formerdeacon, trustee, and head usher.
He had also been a custodian with
Shady Grove Elementary School in
Davie County.
He was preceded in death by his
wife.BeatriceSullivanRoachin 1984,
and by an infant son. in 1921.
He enjoyed outdoor work and his
work was also his hobby. He enjoyed
reading his Bible and especially took
time to pray with family, friends and
Survivors include: his son, David
Roach of Route 3, Mocksville; 4
granddaughters; a grandson; and a
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
, ^
Ethel "Polly" Swicegootl
Ethel "Polly'SpillmanSwicegood,
59, of Salisbuiy, ilied Tuesday. May
10,1994, at her home after an illness
of four months.
Born Aug. 22, 1934, in Davic
County, site was a daughter of the late
Calvin McKinley Spillman and Eliza
beth Tutterow Spillman Turner. Edu
cated in the Davie County schools and
Rowan-Cabamis Community Col
lege, she wasacetlined nursing assis
tant at Lutheran Nursing Home of
Salisbury from 1986to 1994. She was
a member of Bethel Lutheran Church.
Her husband. Garland G.
Swicegood. preceded her in death.
Survivors include: son Jeffrey G.
Swicegood of Woodleaf; daughters,
Cindy S. Smith ofSalisbuty and Cathy
S. Ross of Charlotte; brother John A.
Spillman of Mocksville; sisters Lois
S. Brown of Mootesville and Mildred
S. Harwood of Montrose, Mich.; and
six grandchildren.
Funeral services were at 11 a.m.
Friday at Summersett Funeral Home
Memorial Chapel by the Rev. Brian J.
Slamm, vice pastorof Bethel Lutheran
Church. Burial was in Rowan Memo-
Memorials may be made to Hos
pice ofRowanCounty.PO Box 1603,
Salisbury, NC 28145-1603 or Bethel
Lutheran Church, 355 E. Ridge Rd.,
Salisbury, NC 28144.
Marvin R. IVillent
y Mr. Marvin Robert Tallent, 78, of
Route 7, FairTield Drive, Mocksville,
died Sunday night at Davie County
Hospital after two months of declin
ing health.
Funeral services were to be held at
11 a.m. Wednesday, May 18, in the
Cooleemee Church of Grxl with the
Revs. Gary Phillips and Russell Morris
ofTiciating. Burial was lobe in Legion
Memorial Park in Cooleemee.
Mr. Tallent was bom in Burke
County May 17, 1915, to the late
Your and Martha Jane Buff Tallent
and was a retired carpenter. He was a
member of the Cooleemee Church of
God where he had been a Sunday
School teacher and had served on the
Church Mission Board. He was the
retired church lay minister and was
visiting lay ministerat Fran Ray Nurs
ing Home. He was a well known and
avid gardener.
His first wife, Lillie Duskey
Calloway Tallent preceded him in
death in 1978 and his second wife,
Fannie Lee Mclntyre Tallent died in
Surviving are 5 daughters, Frances
Hamilton of Advance, Marie T.
Mullis, Betty Tallem Foster, Rev.
! Margaret Oarrelson and Nadine Mor
gan Spillman, all of Mocksville; 3
. sons, Robert Lee (R.L.) Tallent of
Lexington, RussellTallentof Advance
and Rev, James M. Tallent ofYadkin-
. ville; 16 grandchildren; 14 great
grandchildren; and asister, Mary Jane
Tallent of Boiling Springs.
Mrs. Oa>« 2. Harmony
Wallace, 42. o ^594^ it Ite-died Monday. MJ.(i„staiesvine.dellMemonalH^P county
®''to''r95^».helateG«.neiC»''J^^ug. 19. >9' • On ApM »• ;Ester Hawks ^ Chri^Enct993,shewasroarn^
Wanace,who^ ■^^n.lfevin
Also va.;iwo««P-Loftin of Twnw • anddnugh.em.M.«Kn^ botH of
Miss brothers.Botlingwn- ^ j^^^dte. RayChandler "f Rev.DeanChan-dicrofYadkmvdjR charldlerof East Bend.^''„e 5^s«te.s,Mts.;por-ilamptonvdle.*'^^ Odessa
several mecw ;She was of «h^ ^e heWFuneral FuneralWednesday aiMw „.,cotiduct^y
Home Chapel a P" . y g and'IOale*^'^«^^*'SKtllowin«ke
Wallace church cem-Holly Sprmgs Bapt»
Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NC
Eddie "Ed" Beauchanip
Mr. l-ddic Graham "I-d"
Hcaucliamp. 95, of 3525 Roscimmt
Ave.. Winslon-Salcindied Thursday.
May 19. 1994. at Forsylh Memorial
He was bom July 18. 1898. in
Davie County to Charlie and Cennie
Mr. Bcauchamp spent most of his
life in Forsyth County and was em
ployed with Greyhound for over thirty
years before retiring. He was the old
est member of Advent Moravian
Church and was a charter member of
the Grifnth Volunteer Fire Depart
He was preceded in death by his
first wife, Mrs. Ethel Howard
Beauchamp. in 1975.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Viola
Wallace Beauchamp of the home; 2
daughters. Doris Foltz of Winston- ,
Salcm and Nancy Nomian of Greensboro; 2 .sons. Olin L. and Charles E.
Beauchamp. both of Winston-Salerrr;
7 granddaughters; 6 great-grandchil
dren; a brother. Roy Be.iuchamp of
Advance; 3 sisters. Lillian Sprinkle.
Evelo Phelps and Martha Davis, all of
Winston-Salent; a stepson. Bow Fos
terofMocksville;3stepgrandchildren;and 3 stepgreat-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 11
a.m. Saturday at Advent Moravian
Church by the Revs. Roger Kirnball
artd Donald Sigmon.
Memorials maybe made to AdvanI
Moravian Church.
Gladys Mae Potts Cope
Gladys Mae Potts Cope. 80. a resi
dent of Autumn Care in Mocksville
and formerly of Advance, died Mon
day. May 23, 1994 at Forsyth Merrto-
rial Hospital in Winslorr-Salem.
• A graveside service was to be held
at 2 p.m. May 25 at Bixby PresbyterianChurch Cemetery, conducted by the
Rev- Leiand Richardson.
ShewasbomApril I. l9l4inD3vie
Cbtmty.adaughterof the late HattressPotts Spry. She was a homemaker and
a member of Bixby Presbyterian
Church in Advance.
Survivors include several nieces and
Oamette Smith Carlton
^ Z Mrs. Gamette Smith Carlton of
' China Grove died Satunlay. May 21.
at 3:40 a.m. at Autumn Care of
I &lisbuty.
'• The funeral service was Iteld May
I ^3 at Northcrest Chapel of Linn
I Honeycutt Bineral Home in China
I Qtttve with the Revs. Deiald Adams
I a;td Jim Stamp oifrciating.
Memorials may be made to South
I China Grove Baptrst Church, P.O. Box
iB3. China Grove. N.C. 28023.
* Mrs. Carlton was bom April 26,
i9l9 in Alexander County to tire late
F4oyd Smith and Maty Dale Ovella
Sharpe Smith.
'■ She graduated from Stony Pointijigh School, retired from South China
Grove Cotton Mill as a textile workeri and was a member of South China' Grove Baptist Qrurch.
i j Mrs. Carlton was preceded in deathI ^ her husband, Eddie L. Carlton.I ^ She is survived by 3 sons, N.L.
i ^Larry" Carltori of Advance, T.W.
.' 'Buck" Carlton of Winslon-Salemandfillip Lynn Carlton of Salisbury; 3I mughters,Norma Lee Kimbell ofSal
isbury, Ovella Carlton Turner and
Clen^ Carlton Benier, both of ChinaCirove; a brother. Clay Smith of Ra-' liigh: 3 sisters. Opal Stewart of Poits-
inouth, Va-r Pearl Seibert and RubyBlumne, both of Levittown, Pa.; 13grandchildren and 13 great-grandchil-1 then.
Margaret A. Carter1/ Mrs. Margiuct Ellen Allen Carterof Route 3, Advance died ThursdayMay 19.1994. at her home.She was the wife of James R. Carter
Mrs.Carterw,asbDmApril9,1918 inDavie County to Lydia Smith and
Branch Allen.
She wasamemberofMocks UnitedMethodist Church artd was retiredfrom AT&T after 25 years of service.She was a member of the PioneersClub of America. Margaret and herhusband. James, were married for 59
years.She is survived by her husband; ason, Johnny Gray Carter of the home;granddaughter, Lerisa Wyatt ofMocksville; grandson. Kenneth GrayCarter of Advance: 4 sisters. Mrs.Mildred Smith of Advance. Mrs.Orpha Nomran of Yadkinville. Mrs.Frances Stewart of Mocksville. Mrs.Dorothy Hutchens of Yadkinville; and2 brothers. Herman Allen of Yadkinville. and Heber Allen of Mocksville.She was preceded in death by ason, Jimmy Gray Carter and a brother
Joseph Johason Allen.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. May 21 at Mocks United Methodist Chureh by the Revs. HarrySherrill and Torn McLean. Burial followed in the ehurclr cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Hos-piee of Davie County or Cancer Ser-vtces. Inc.. c/o Davie Health Center/Family Services. 210 Hospital St
Mocksville. NC 27028.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC
Mary Everhart Eller
J MiuyEveihart Eller. 98. orCranite
Quany, died Tuesday. May 24,1994al
Davie County Hospital.
Funeral services will be held at 4
p.m. TInirsday at Eaton Funeral Home
Qiapel conducted by the Rev. Carl M.
Haynes. Burial will be in Fork Baptist
Chuich Ccmeteiy in Mocksville.
Memorials may be made to
Christiana Evangelical Lutheran
aiurch. 6190 U.S. Hwy. 52. Salis-
buiy. N.C. 28146 or to Fork Baptist
Church Cemetery Fund. Route 3.
Mocksville. N.C. 27028.
She was bom May 13. 1896 in
Davie County, a daughter of the late
Geoige andSimmie Hendiix Everhart.
She was a homemaker andanAvon
representative. After marrying and
moving to Granite Quarry, she joined
the Qirisliana Evangelical Lutheran
Church. After deciding she could no
longer live alone, she moved to Davie
She was preceded in death by lier
husband En^t Eller.
Survivors include 2 step daughters. 1
Mrs. VeraEllerHolbrookofKiinnapo-
lis and Mrs. Ixuise Eller Everhart of
South Port; a number of step grand
children and several nieces and neph-
Jolin Edward Fisher
j John Edward Fisher. 62. of JoynerSheet. Cooleemce. died Monday, M.iy
23.1994 at the V.A. Medical Center in
Funeral services were to be held at
2 p.m. Tliursday at Eaton Funeral
Chapel conducted by the Revs. Larry
Allen and Shelby Harbour, followed
by burial in Legion Memorial Park in
He was hom March 17. 1932 in
Fayelleville.a sonofKatieBelle Anderson Rsherand the late lliillip Edward
He was a .self-employed plumber
and a member of Cool Springs Baptist
Church in Fayelleville. He was also a
lifetime member of the VFW. He was
a veteran of the U.S. Army and retired
from Daniels Construction Co.
Survivors include his wife. Eva
Peacrxrk Fisher; 3 children, Kenny
Fishcrof Annadale. Va.. Vivian Kersey
and Iviin Rsher of SpringEeld. Va.;
one brother. J. Harvey Rsher of Fay
elleville; 3 sislets. Jcanetle Whilner
f nd Judy Pate of Fayelleville and Jean
Ward of Lakeland. Ra.; one grand
child and several nieces iutd nephews.
Annie Bamhardt Foster
y' Annie Bamliardl Foster. 84. of Ad
vance, died Monday. May 23.1994 at
N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winslon-Sa-
Funeral services were to be held at
II a.m. Thursday at Fork Baptist
aiurcti by the Rev. Kenneth Evans
with burial following in the church
Memorials may be made to Fork
Baptist Church building Fund. Route
3, Box 235, Mocksville. N.C. 27028.
She was bom September 24.1909
in Davie County, a daughter of the late
James C. and Bes-sie Hendrix Bam
hardt. She was a homemaker and a
memberof Fork Baptist Church where
she was also activeintlteSunday school
junior department.
Survivors include her husband. J.
Lester Foster. 2 daughters. Elixabelh
F. Hendrix and Frances F. Wilkinson,
both of Advance; 4 sons. James B.
(Jim) Foster of Greensboro. Robert N.
(Bob) Foster. John Lee Foster and C.
DcjmFoster.allof Advance: I2grand-
children. 5 great-grandchildren; 4 sis
ters. Geneva Sheets and Pauline Shaiik
of Advance; Mabel B. Allen and Wilnut
B. Smith of Mocksville; and a brother.
James Bamhardt of Mocksville.
J. Clarence Frost
j J. Clarence Frost, 83. of Salisbury,
V died Saturday. May 21. 1994 at his
home. He had been in declining health
for several years and seriously ill for
two months.
BomJuIy 17. l9IOinDavieCouniy.
he was a son of the late Evangelist and
Jearmie Campbell Frost. Educated in
Davie County Schools, he had retired
as a wood packer at Ingersoll-Rand
and was also a minister. He was a
member of Mount Vemon Presbyte-
' rianChurchwherehewasanElderand
member of the Senior Choir.
His son. Clarence Frost Jr.. died
May 19.1994.
Survivors include wife Addie Frost;
2 stepsons. James and Joe Lyerly of
Salisbury; 2 stepdaughters, Martha L.
both of Salisbury;asister, Agnes Hamp
ton of Mocksville; 6 step-grandchil
dren. 20 step-great grartdchildren and
7 slep-great-great-grarrdchildren.
I Emest Miilard Crodbey
y ' Emest Miilard Godbey, 79. of S.
Main Street, died Monday. May 23.
1994 at his residence after being in
declining health.
Firneta] services were to be held at
II a.m. May 25. at Eaton Funeral
Chapel conducted by the Rev. J.B.
Wbitneld. pastor of Agape Faith
Church in Clemmons, with burial to
follow at Salem United Methodist
Church in Mocksville.
. Mr.GodbeywasbomMay I.I9I5
in Davie Cbtmty, a son of the late
James Edward and Minnie Bell
Dwiggins Godbey. He was a retired
construction worker with George W.
,Sparks Cbnstrtiction Co. inQemmons.
;He was a veteran oftire U.S. Army and
'.attended Salem United Methodist
;■ Survivors include his wife. Alice
lee Winters Godbey; 2 sons. Gary
iflelcher of Greenstero and Emest
iMillard Godbey, Jr. of the home; adaughter.DebbieCodbeyofAdvarrce;
2 sisters. Margaret Foster of Mocks
ville artd Mamie Hart of Amarillo.
Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO
j John Francis Johnson
Mr. John Francis Johnson, 68, of
at his home following a period of de
clining health.
- Mr. Johnson was a native of Fann-
ington where he was bom December
29,1925 to the late George Wesley and
Marian Hauser Johnson. He was a vet
eran of tite U.S. Navy, who served
during World War II. He was a mem
ber of the Methodist faith and retired
from Piedmont Aviation following 42
years of service.
'. He was married August 17,1945 to
Mis. Mildred Poindexter Johnson, who
survives. Also surviving are a daugh
ter, Manila J. Musien of Kemersville,
a^, John William Johnson of Kem
ersville, 6 grandchildren; a sister, Mrs.
Orey Johnson Walls of Kemersville
and a brother, Edwin T. Johnson of
; Graveside services were to be con
ducted at 11 a.m. May 25 at Famiing-
ton CommunityCemetery with the Rev.
david Nolan officiating. Military I lon-
drs were to he provided by VI'W Dis-
liict II Memorial Honor Guard.
> Memorials may be made to Fami-
iiigton Community Cemetery Fund, c/
dNaomi Greene, Route 5, Mocksville,
NC. 27028.
Edward Lee Parker
Edward Lee Parker, 77, Nursing
CenleT,diedSaturday,May 21,1994 at
Cabtuius Memorial Hospital after a
serious Illness of three weeks.
Bom September 14,1916, in Iredcil
county, he was a son of the late Joseph
Alexander and Emma Harris Parker. A
truck driver in early life, he retired as a
painter. He was a Baptist.
Survivors include wife Mary Lou
Cooper Itarker; a son, Gerald Edwards
Parker, Texas; 2 stepsons, Sanford
Stillman and Jimmy Slillman, both of
Mocksville; 3 dau^teis. Mis, Brace
Atwell, Phyllis Sirallon and Tammie
ters, Doris Houston and CoIIen
McCubbins, both of Salisbury; a
brother, Clarence Parker of Salisbury;
16 grandchildren and 11 great-grand
Graveside services were to be con
ducted at 2 p.m. May 25 by the Rev.
Junior Bradshaw.
V.E. "Jack" Speaks
Mr V.B. -lack- Speaks, 79. formerly ofHickoryTreeRoad,d.cd M^"
day. Mayrial Hospital. ,, oo 1915 in
He was bom March 29, 19IMnYadkinviileioJonasEdwardandDarsy
Howard Speaks, Mr. Speaks was e^ployed with NewTOrtN«"'f®'"P^,'^
during World War II and laW'SmDukePower-CityCoachUnes
after 20 years of service.
He was active in genealogy anilmcmberofSpeak-ESFamilyAvsocra-
S He w^s an oral historian withsre^ialexpeniseintheDepressronaml
and Lexington Coin Clubs. During re-£rl;:nt,he-an.U«corn^^
praiser and antiqueowned adelivery service for the Lex
inglon Dispatch for many years.^Surviving ate 2 daughtets, Ga^Speaks Mire of Winston-Salern andSueline S. Goocb of Uxingtoii; 2
wins Fred G. Speaks of Midiolhian.Va. and Ricky L. Speaks "f ^grandchildren, Deby M>«. JohnW"jrGuyGooch,T.evorGoocha^Abbey Speaks; a step grandson^t
Wall;2brolhers,VrvanandJ.t-Spei^.asisler Annie LeePloll,anofMocks-
Speaks was preceded in death
County Meats on Wheels.
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NO
J r ] Terry Lee Cardwell Sr.
•■; Mr. Terry Lee Canlwell Sr.. 64, of
Danbury died Saturday, May 28,1994
at Stokes Reynolds Memorial Hospi-
^ - tal,I ;V He was bom in Stokes County to
Charlie Raymond and Dovie Coins
He was retired from pilot Freight
; Carriers and was a member of
Lawsonville Church of God.
J" Surviving are 5 sons, Terry Kenj" Cardwell of Belews Creek, Jerry L.
Cardwell of Salisbury, Terry Lee
" Cardwell Jr. and Joseph Cardwell of
; Danbury and Ricky Cardwell ofSandy
Ridge; 2 sisters. Mrs. Lorene Nelsonof
LawsonvilleandMrs.JosephineTuttleof Advance; 6 grandchildren; and 2
Funeral services were held May 31
at Nelson Funeral Home Chapel by the
Rev. Paul Burress with burial in the
Snow Hill United Methodist Church
Mozelle Riddle LeeJ Mrs. Mozelle Riddle Lee. 78, ofAdvance died Monday, May 30,1994in Davie County Hospitalafter several
years of declining health.A graveside service was to be heldal2p.m.June I at Macedonia MoravianQturch Graveyard with the Rev.Ronnie Craddock ofliciating.TTte family requests that memorialsbe considered for Yadkin Valley Bap-
li$tOturch,Rt.6,Advance, NC 27006.Mrs. Lee was bom in DavieCountyJune 12, 1915 and had been a home-maker. Her husband Alvis Ervin l.eepreceded her in death, Dec. 26, 1992,Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. EllaHupp of Mocksville: 3 grandsons; 3
great-grandsons; 2 sisters, aeoSherrillof Harmony, Norma Bowden of
Mocksville: 2 brothers, Hubert Reavisand Robert "Leo" Reavis, both of Harmony; several nieces and nephews.
Lana Jean Collins
/ Lana Jean Collins, 22, of Mocks
ville, died May 27, 1994 at Rowan
Memorial Hospital.
Bom Dec, 4, 1971, in Forsyth
County, she was a daughter of George
Collins Jr. of Charlotte and Sammie
Mae Clement, of Columbus, Ohio.
A 1991 graduate of Davie High
School, she was formerly employed at
Yadkin Cleaners in Yadkinville. She
was a member of Redland Church of
Christ in Advance.
Survivors, in addition to her par
ents, include stepfather, Charles Clem
ent of Columbus, Ohio; son Floyd
Collins of Mocksville; 2 daughters,
Shimika Gaither and Sherell Colliasof
Mocksville; 4 brothers, a twin, Dana
Eugene, and Christopher Collins ofMocksville, George Collins III ofChar-lotte and Danny \^ite of Statesville; a
sister,MarvaD. Collins ofMocksville;
3 stepsisters; 3 stepbrothers; patemal
grandmother, Rosa Lee Williams of
Charlotte; materrral grandparents, Jake
and Margaret Blackwell of Advance.
Funeral services were conducted at
3 p. nr. May 30 at Morrison-Sturdevent
Funeral Home Chapel by Magellan
Stevenson, ministerofRedland Church
of Christ with burial following in the
church cemetery.
Franklin Delano McNeilJ Mr. Franklin Delano "Mack"McNeil, 55, of Elkin, died unexpectedly Sunday moming of an apparent
heart attack at Hugh Chatham Memo
rial Hospital in Elkin.
Mr. McNeil was bom Oct. 9,1938
in Wilkes County to Rufus and Anna
Mae Peele McNeil.
He served in the National Guard for23 years and was an employee of the
Town of Elkin for 13 years. He was anrember of East Elkin Full Gospel
' Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. MatyLou Ford Roberts McNeil; a daughter,Mrs. Wendy Owens of Hamtony; ason,Cliris McNeil of Harmony; 2 step
sons, Donnie RobertsofJonesvilleand
Ronnie Roberts of Hamptonville; 5
grandchildien,BtookeOwens, JohnnyRoberts Jenny Roberts, Emily Robertsand Ashley Roberts; several fostergrandchildren; 3 sisters, Mrs, Ruby^McKenzie of Bluefield, W^Va,, Ms.Paul McNeil of Baltimore, Md. and] Mis.MagdalineWishonofSlateRoad,: a Brother, LartyWalkerofWilkesbotoata 3 half-sisters, Mrs. Nancy Miller,Mrs, Patricia Walker and Mrs. Terry
Walker, all of Wilkesboro.} Pdneral serves were at 3 p,m. Mayj SIptFallCreekFullOospelChurchby'the Revs, Doug Combs, Dan Calhoun
(" and Martha Childre.ss, with burial fol-I flfiySng in tlte church cemctety.
Otis E. Hancocki/ Mr. Otis E Hancock, 79, of Win-ston-Salem, died Monday, May 30,1994 at Forsyth Memorial Hospital.Mr. Hancock was bom in Chester-field County, S.C., to Vestal and RilliaHancock. He retired after 32 years ofservice from Norfolk & Southern Rail
road.He was a member of the MineralSprings Fire DepL and Mr. Pleasarit
United Methodist <3iurch and Men's
Bible class.Surviving are: his wife, Mrs. PatBishopHaneockofthehome;2daugh-
ters, Bonnie H. Hege of Pfafftown andCathy Kirklandof Huntetsville;2sons,Larry E Hancock of Advance andMichael 0. Hancock of aeaiwater,Ra.; a brother, Harold Hancock ofWinston-Salero; 9 grandchildren; 2great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were at 11 a.ro.Wednesday, June I, at Mt, PleasantMethodist by Or, Don Sides, Burial
followed in the chuich cemetery.Memorials may be made to MLPleasant United Methodist Church,47(X)01dWalkertownRoad,Win5ton-
Salem,NC 27105.
■ Mocksvilledi'^''"'^*' , i926 m
Davie County PubfieMocksville, NC
DAVIE COUNtVenterprise RECORD, Thursday, June 2,1994
Wallace Dean Minor
/ Mr. Wallace Dean Minor. 38, of
•I Cootceinee.diedSuR(IayMay29.1994
at fvrsyih Memorial Hospital in Win-
slon-Salem. He had been in declining
health for the past year due to cancer.
Bom June 15.1WS. he was the .son
of Mrs. June Watson Minor of Cool-
ecniec and the late Royal Marvin Mi
He was a graduate of Culpepper
County High School and East Tennes
see Slate University with a degtee in
electrical engineering. He was owner
and operator of a consulting linn for
eiretrical utilities and a member of
Trinity Baptist Church.
Survivors include his mothen 2
brothers, Gregoty Minor of Concord
and Marvin Minor of Richmond. Va.;
and a sister. Mrs. Delotes M. Putyear
of Richmond, Va.
Funeral services were conducted at
I p.m.May3I bytheRev.Dr.Damll
Cox. Burial followed at Gethsemane
Memorial Gardens in Charlotte.
Alexander Robert Owens
Alexander Robert Owens, infant
son of Paul and Shirley Owens of
MtKksville, died at birth on Saturday,
May 28, 1994 in Davis Community
Hospital, Statesville.
Surviving, in addition to his par
ents. are: grandparents, Dennis and
Mary Sine of M(x;ksville, and John
and Shirley Owens of Mocksville;
great-grandparents. Polly Harbin of
Mocksville. Paul and Margie Collier
of Cooleemee. Watle and Margaret
Owens ofMocksville, Robeitand Jiiyce
Sine ofGreen Lane, Pa.; and tltegreat-
gieat-grandmother. Mrs. Jesse Spaugh
of Cooleemee.
Claude Massey Wilkins
Mr. Gaude Massey Wilkins. 81. of
J King, died Wednesday, May 25.1994,
at Rowan Memorial Hospital follow
ing a brief illness.
He was bom Dec. 19. l9l2inSuny
County to GeoigeW.ondMatlieBrown
Mr. Wilkins was a member of Cal
vary Baptist Church in King, He lived
most ofhis adult lifeinForsyth County
and was a member of Maishall Baptist
Church for more than 40 years. He was
employed as a brick mason.
Surviving are his wife of 59 years,
Mrs, Lona A. Wilkins; 2 daughters,
Mrs, Shirley Plemmons of Winston-
Salem and Mrs, Lynda Smith of Ad
vance; 2 grandsons; a great-grand
daughter. 2 sisters, Connie Rominger
ofGenunons and Doris Pack ofWaDt-
Mr, Wilkins was preceded in death
by 4 brothers and 5 sisters, '
Funeral services were conducted
May 27atHayworth-MillerSilas Creek
Chapel by the Revs. Roger Baker and
Don Martin, followed by burial in Gar
dens of Memory in Walkettown.
the law aied
toetnlW' jdhnl^.®®
Chow**'^' U.S.A«wV^q.Vle"'® ngscPte. .-Martha
nfthehowel®*"" ^ 5 sisters.polVtaP*"^ ^.svitte, jessre
t mitts
^.llodS^ phVledel^^. ot
Oavie County Public Library
Mocksvilier NO
Mrs. Allie L. Bolin
J Mrs. Allie Lambelh Bolin, 84, died
May 30,1994, nl lite WInslon-Salem
Convalescent Cenler.
She was bom March 3,1910, the
daughter of Julius Lee and Minnie
Bell Kanoy Lambeth.
She was a homemaker and lifetime
resident of the Waughtown commu-»
She was preceded in death hy her
husband, William Bolin, May 30,
She is survived by 3 daughters,
Jacqueline Chatha in of Myrtle Beach,
S.C., Laura Gay Whittington of Win-
ston-.Salem, Amelia Ann Yates of
l.ewisville: S sons, Davie Lee Bolin
of Linthicum, Md., William H. Bolin
of Winston-Salem, Roy J. Bolin of
Advance, Steve R. Bolin of Ea.st Bend
and Gene R. Bolin of Tobaccoville;
19 grandchildren and a number of
great-grandchildren; a half sister,
Juanita Bobbins of Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were held June 2
at VogleYs Reynolda Road Chapel by
the Rev. Crista Warise. Interment fol
lowed in Fnrsyth Memorial Park.
Grady C. Corriher
J Grady Clinton Corriher, 68, of
Mooresville, died Thursday, June 2,
1994, at his residence.
He was bom Feb. 25, 1926, in
Rowan County to the late Bernard W.
end Lillie Bradshaw Corriher.
Mr. Corriher retired in 1986 from
Hoechsl Celanese in Salisbury where
he worked for 21 years in the pump
maintenance depanment. He was a
member or Centenary United Meth
odist Church, Ml. Ulla. Mr. Corriher
was a World War II and Korean War
veteran, having served in the U.S.
Array. Hewasa 1947 graduate of Ml.
Ulla High School.
He is survived by his wife. Mrs.
Carolyn Brosvn Corriher, whom he
married July 6, 1952.
Also siirvivingareadaughter, Mrs.
Marilyn McClamtock of Mocksville
and 3 grandchildren, Grady Lee
McClamrock III, Adam McClamrock,
and Anna McClamrock: and a brother,
Bennett W, "Dood" Corriher of Ml.
Funeral services were conducted
at Centenary United Methodist
Giurch, Ml. Ulla on June 5 by the
Revs,. Jaek D. Luther and David
Noyes with burial following at Iredell
Memorial Park in Statesville.
Memorials may be made to Cente
nary United Methodist Church, 620
Centenary Church Road, Mt. Ulla,
NC 28125,
Bryan T. Church
BryanTaylorQmrch, 20, of Cleve
land, N.C., died Friday, June 3,1994,
atN.C. BaptistHospital after being in
declining health for 12 weeks.
He was bom Dec. 24, 1973, in
Rowan County to Margie L. Church
of Cleveland.
He received home school through
West Rowan High School and was a
member of Community Baptist
Church in Cooleemee.
In addition to his mother, he is
survived by his maternal grandpar
ents, William and Ann Church of
Funeral services were conducted
June 5 at Community Baptist Church
in Cooleemee by the Revs. Clyde
Settles and Tommy Church. Burial
look place at Rowan Memorial Park.
Kim Harper 3?^died of leukoeiioeiih^?"'''''""Thursday, Miv . _ ^^"'"pathy
P m. Ma^S at^ '? '''ional Church, ° Congtiega-
Mrs. Ella R. Church
J Mrs. Ella Robertson Church, 71,
of Winston-Salem died Wednesday,
June I."1994, at Fbrsyth Memorial
She was bom Feb. IS. 1923, in
Forsyth County to William Melvin
and Bertha Woodie Robertson.
Mrs. Church retired from Western
Electric in 1978 after 32 years of
service. She was a lifetime member of
Fraternity Church of the Brethren.
Surviving are her husband. Doctor
Grant Church; 2 daughters, Jeanne
Cmtchfield of Winston-Salem and
Linda Stanford of Advance; a son,
Phillip Thomas Mauser of Winston-
children; 8 stepchildren: 20
stepgrandchildren; 32 stepgreat-
grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mary R,
Pickett of Winston-Salem and Dor
othy R. Brewer of Clemmons.
Funeral services were June 3 at
Fratemity Church of the Brethren by
the Rev. Robert Roller. Burial fol
lowed in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Hos
pice of Winston-Salem/Forsyth
County, IIOO-C S. Stratfoid Rd.,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103 or Frater
nity Church of the Brethren, 3760
Fraternity (3hurch Rd., Winston-Sa
lem, NC 27127.
HighSchoor '^'"^'"ColKervilte
Tommy and MivdJ^HjTO T""'
cousins in ,hemid Statesville area "
Memphis. 1169Tenn. 38,04 '^Ave.,Mem-
. |).G. Latham
J • Mr. E.G. Lalham* 87, of Monroeaied Sunday, Junes, 1994, at Presby
terian Hospital In Charlotte.
; He was a retired vocational agri
culture teacher with Union County
* Funeral services were held at 11
im. June 8 in the McEwen Colonial
Chapel with interment following at
Lakeland Memorial Park.
2 He was the son ofthe late John M.
^d Flora Hunter Latham, bom in
Mocksville Jan. 30,1907.
.• Survivors include his wife, Helen
Holloway Latham of Monroe; 3 sons,
David Latham of Matthews, Johnny
I^tham and Roger Latham of Mon
roe; 2 daughters. Mrs. Helen
McCaskill of FL Washington, Md.
OTd Mrs. Loma Price of Monroe; a
brother, Harmon Latham of Mocks-
tnlle; a sister. Louise Dill of Mocks
ville; 11 grandchildren; and 5 great
; Memorials may be made to Hos-
pjce of Union County, 700 W,
Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe, NC 28110.
Beulah V. Leazer
y ? Mrs. Beulah ViUePonleaux Leazer,
• of Winston-Salem. died Thurs-
4iy,June2. l994,atherhomefoUow-
iQg a iwo-monlh illness.
; She was bom July 9. 1901. in
Charleslon.S.C.lhedaughlef of Alvin
H. and Lillian Bdgeworlh
VillePonteaux. She was raised in
Burkley County, S.C., and moved to
Winston-Salem in 1919.
; Mrs.LeazerwasamcmberofFirst
United Church of Christ for 50 years
ahd was also a member of Ladies
Auxiliary, Veteraris of World War I.
For 71 years, she was married to
ChloeS.LeazerSr.. who died in 1988.
She was also preceded in death by
2 sons, James Alvin and Hugh Boyce
i; Survivors include: 2 sons, Harry
Lee of Greensboro and Chloe
Sherwood Jr. of Mocksville: a daugh-
children, including Patricia Rennix.
Stm Bull. Keith Leazer, and Beth
bionne. all of Mocksville; 6 great-
girandchildren. including Melissa
Rennix, Todd Rennix. imd Shannon
Leazer of Mocksville: 2 great-great-
gmndchildren; and 2 sisters. Mrs. Lena
Taylor of Richmond. Va.. and Mrs.
EttaLee Crawley of Raleigh.
t Funeral services were conducted
Sdlurday afternoon by the Rev. Chrisia
Warise. Burial followed in Salem
Memorials may be made to Hos-
Bobby D. Milani
Bobby Delane Milam, 60. died
suddenly May 30.1994. at his home
in Lilbum. Ga.
A memorial service was held June
3 in Lilbum with burial taking place
in Floral Gardens Cemetery in High
Point June 5.
Mr. Milam was bom in Winston-
SalemAprilS. 1934, to the late Roland
and Sena Golding Milam. He was a
baker by profession, having worked
for several cafeterias in the Winston-
Salem area. His last years were spent
as manager and head bakerof Dunkin
Doughnuts in Lilbum.
He attended Griffith High School
and served for 12 years in the U.S.
Navy during the Korean Conflict.
Survivors include his wife JoAnna
Milam; 3 sons, David Milam, Roland
Milam and Jack Milam; 3 siep^il-
dren. Teddy Barnes. Lisa Petty and
Jeff Petty; 6 grandchildren; a sister,
Hilda Milam of Winston-Salem and a
brother, Harry Milam of Mocksville.
^lelvin L. Mclntyre
y . Melvin Lenoir Mclntyre, 72. of
Meridian Nursing Center, formerly of
Woodleaf, died Tuesday, May 31.
1994, at the center. He had been in
declining health.
. Bom Oct. 18, 1921, in Rowan
County, Mclntyre, a son of the late
James A. and Alice Lenoir Mclntyre,
Ivas educated in the Rowan County
ichools. He worked at the Cannon
llills Co. and later in airplane con-
stmction in Baltimore. Md.
■l He is survived by a half-sister.
Catherine Miller of Mocksville.
■; GravesideserviceswereheldJune
Z at Rowan Memorial Park, conductedby the Rev. David Colson, pastor of
Cay's Chapel United Methodist
Roy C. Safley
, Mr. Roy Campbell Safley, 64. of
/ 506 CranfillRd.. Harmony, died June
6,1994, at Iredell Memorial Hospital
in Statesville, following a lengthy ill
He was bom in Davie County Dec.
11, 1929. to the late Robert Lee and
Mamie Lee Campbell Safley. He was
a veteran of the U.S. Army and served
in Okinawa during the Korean Con
flict. He was a retired poultry farmer
and a member of Harmony Baptist
He was married June 6, 1952. to
Minnie Tharpe, who survives. Other
survivors include 2 sons, Jeffety Rob
ert Safley Sr. of Harmony and Gre
gory Edmund Safley ofHamptonville;
a daughter. Trade Safley Murphy of
Harmony; 4 grandchildren; 2 broth
ers. Clarence Safley of Bonita. Calif..
Carl Safley of Clemmons; and a sis
ter, Evelyn Safley Fetebee of Mocks
Memorials may be made to
Parkinson Foundation, c/o Mrs. L.B.
Tomlinson, 429 Ridgeway Ave.,
Statesville, NC 28677.
Military graveside rites were to be
performed by V.F.W. Post 2031 and
the Harold Littlefield Chapter 1168 of
theD.A.V. at Harmony Cemetery fol
lowing funeral services at Reavis Fu
neral Home Chapel at2p.m.June8by
the Revs. Jeff Coppley, DavidMcHugh and Edward Miti^um.
rarrie Combs Mays
. ^ i« li.l9vs 79. formerly^Tsir^diedlateMonday.Juncof Duke St^. Salisbury6. in the Bnan she was thewhere she w'"® ^we Mays,widow of ^leemee Feb. 1.
rite Marshall and Winnie1915 ami was retired fromM^-^^SwasmemberofTrin-Her husband pre-UyBapi<stCl^urch.H ^
rrrc^lite!pauUnePinkstonShoaf of Cooiec R«ihTrovUmaiiofHendersonvtlletedRum^^^^^^^^ofSalisbury.severalmw®®"®
Gilbert H. Tbtterow
/ Gilbert Houston Tutterow, 86, for-meilyofTwinCedarsGolfClubRoad.
Mocksville, died June 2, 1994, at
Autumn Care of Mocksville.
I Funeral services were held June 4
' in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev.
Hal Vamer officiating. Burial followed in Liberty United Methodist
Church cemetery.Mr. Tutterow was bom in DavieCounty Feb. 10,1908, to the late Aus
tin Hall and Rebecca Godbey Tutterow and had been a self-employedcarpenter. He was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church. A son,Melvin Houston Tutterow preceded
him in death.Survivors include his wife, Olgie
Kimmer Tutterow of Mocksville; ason, Bobby Ray Tutterow of Mocksville; 6 grandchildren; and 6 greatgrandchildren.
• o
,^e County Public LibraiyMocks vil/e, NC
;'i*hoinas S. Whitlock
V . Mr. Thomas Sloan Whillock, 65,
of Cleminons died Monday, May 30,
^ 1994. al Forsylh Memorial Hospital.
He was bom July 28, 1928, in
^rsylh County to Thomas Clifford
jind Viola Sloan Whitlock.
A memberofClemmons Moravian
Church, American.lnslitute of Real
%Jtate Appraisers, Winslon-Salem
]^oard of Realtors, he served in the
U.S. Army during World War II.
Surviving are his wife. Pat Wells
Whitlock; 2 daughters, Cindy W.
Kohul of Mocksville and Sandy W.
King of West Enfield, Maine; 2
grandchildren; 2 stepgrandchildren; a
sister, Evelyn F. Biandon of Midway
and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held June I
at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek
Chapel with the Rev. David L. Robbins
officiating. Burial followed in For
sylh Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to Na
tional Kidney Foundation, 5970
Ftiirview Rd,. Suite 408, Charlotte,
N,C 28210-3167,
Thomas G.WilUard
■nromasGrady Williard, 86, ofRoute 5, Mocksville, died Thursday,
tune 2 1994, at his home.'''He wrbomFeb.23, 1908. in
Yadkin County to Charles and MaryJane Fetbee Williard.
Mr Wiliiard was a retired farmerand a member of Mt. Oiive UnitedMethodist Church where he was secretary for 40 years. He was a memberof the Woodmen of the World for
over 50 years.Surviving are his wife of 55 years,Velma Pilcher Williard and a s«ter,Susan W. Spillman "f ^adkinvi le.Funeral services were held June 4at the Mackie-Oentry Chapel by theRev. Robin G. Dixon Sr. Bunal followed in Forsyth Memorial Park.Memorials may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.
^vie County Public Library
.Mocksville, NO
I y
Rolla A. Bailey Jr.
Mr. Rolla Andrew Bailey Jr., 71.
of Advance died Monday. June 6,
1994.al Forsylh Memorial Hospital.
He was bom Dec. 13. 1922. in
Charleston. S.C.. to Rolla Andrew
Bailey Sr. and Frances Kennedy.
He was a 32nd Degree Mason, a
member of the Oasis Temple. Char
lotte, Benjamin B. French Lodge No.
15, Washington. D.C., the Namoi
Chapter No. 3. Eastern Star. Wash
ington. D.C. and was a member of
Sharon United Methodist Church in
' Charlotte.
Surviving are his wife, Leona
' Sukmanowsky Bailey; 2 sons, Rolla
; A. Bailey III of Bakersville, Calif.,
Richard A. Bailey of Long Island.
: N.Y.;adaughter.Mrs.CynthiaUnzo
of Advance; 4 grandchildren; and 4
' sisters. Mrs. Frances Chambers. Mrs.
. Ethel Martinez, both of Winston-Sa-
Md., and Mrs. Mabel Shatum of New
' Pott Richey, Fla.
Memorials may be made to the
• Organ Fund. Sharon United Method-
n ist Church. 4411 Sharon Road, Char-
n lotte.NC282l I or to the charity ofthe
donor's choice.
Louise H. Gaither
j LouiseHowellGailhcr.79,of401
Pine Street, Mocksville, died Satur
day. June 11, 1994, in Davie County
Born Feb. 19. 1915. in Davie
County to the late Arthur and Clyde
H. Carr Howell. she was a graduate of
Burkeville Academy in Burkeville,
Va. She received an undergraduate
degree from Livingstone College and
her masters and doctorate degrees from
New York University.
She was a memberofAlpha Kappa
Alpha sorority. She taught in the Davie
County school system and was retired
from Winston-Salem State Univer
She was a lifetime member of St,
John's AME Tioa Church, having
served ott the board of trustees, stew
ardess board, superintendent of the
Sunday schools, and in the church
choir and Missionary Society.
Herhusband, William Gaithef.died
in 1969.
Survivorsinclude: ason, Frederick
Gaither of Mocksville and 2 grand
Funeral services were Ttiesday at
St. John's AME Zion Church, con- .
ductedbytheRev.R,W.Myets.Burial ;
followed in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Aline E. Dwiggins
y Mrs. Aline Everhardt Dwiggins,
94. formerly of the Center Commu
nity, died Sunday, June 12. 1994, in
Autumn Care of Mocksville.
Funeral services will be at 11 a.m.
Satuiday. June 18, at Center United
Methodist Church with the Rev. Keith
Glover officiating. Burial will be in
the church cemetery.
The family will receive friends at
Etiton Funeral Home Friday night from
7-9 p.m.
Mrs. Dwiggins was born in Davie
County Jan. 30, 1989. to the late
George Washington and Sally Carter
Everhardt and was retired from
Duplan Corporation.
In her earlier years she had been a
teacher in the Davie County schools.
She was a member of Center United
Methodist Church. Her husband.
Lattie Ralph Dwiggins, preceded her
in death April 8,1975.
Surviving are a daughter, Marjory
Knoir of Wauwatosa, Wise.; a son,
^ Carl Edward DwigginsofConover, 8
grandchildren and 5 great-grandchil
She was preceded in death by a
daughter. Marie Dwiggins Phillips,
and a son. Lattie Ralph Dwiggins Jr.
"wpital. ' County
^'ft'heRev.Era;/''"'"''a>''PeIBurial followed In ih tT ""'"^'uring.
«onsider^^^'^'' memorials be
choice '^®'='««'J'ofthedonor's
'HeFiederickan/i a' n 'u Ihe
undhad been a too'fl"d!ir°''""«'"
,Methodist United
mi avid
Wid house eonstmctiM.'^''
Bom New Yorici„ 1959"''
Carroll R. Earnhardt Sr.
y Carroll Ray Earnhardt Sr.. 82, of
Salisbury diedTuesday,June7,1994,
at the V A Medical Center in Salisbury
after an extended illness.
He was born Aug. 24, 1911, in
Salisbury to the late Jessie Daniels
and T.C. Earnhardt.
He was educated in the Salisbury
City Schools and was a graduate of
Catawba College. An independent
retail grocer, he operated E^hardt
Supermarket until 1966.
He was a member of Cobum Me
morial United Methodist Church, the
church choir and the Homemaker
Sunday Schooi Class. He was a vet
eran of the U.S. Army, serving during
Worid War II. a memberof the Harold
B. Jarrett American Legion where he
was a past commander and a member
of Andrew Jackson Masonic Lodge
8576. Earnhardt served Meals on
His wife, Evelyn Perkinson
Earnhardt preceded him in death on
Feb. 19,1994.
He is survived by 2 sons, C. Ray
Earnhardt Jr. of Advance and John'T.
Earnhardt of Biddeford Pool, Maine;
1 daughter. Mrs. Paul H. "Rebecca
E." Efird of Charlotte; 8 grandchil
dren; and 2 sisters. Mrs. Evelyn E.
Johnson of Salisbury and Mrs. Edna
E. Rufty of Wilson.
ThefuneraiwasJune lOatCobum
Memorial Unit^ Methodist Church
with Dr. Carl Danker, minister, ofTi-
ciating. Burial was in Chestnut Hill
Memorials may be madetoCobum
Memorial United Methodist Church,
Organ Fund. 901S. Church St., Salis
bury. NC 28144.
firandchiidren. ! Ky.; 5■'phnson of New Jei^"""^^and nephews,
Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NC.
Mrs. Lucy S. McBride
Mrs. Lucy Smidi McBride. SI, of
Roulc 2. Mocksville. died Saturday.
June 11.1994. in Davie County Hos
pital after being in declining health.
She was a resident of Autumn Care of
She was horn in Davie County
Aug. I, 1912. to the late James and
HmmaSanders Smith and was a home-
maker. She wasa lifelong member of
Smith Grove United Methodist
Her husband. Grady McBride. pre
ceded her in death on Jan. 5.1982. A
daughter. Jane Knott. died in Febru
ary 1993.
Survivors include; 3 daughters.
Betty Foster of Mocluville. Dorothy
Compton of Clemmons and Stella
McCam of Advance; 2 sons. Charlie
McBride of Mocksville and Glenn
McBride of Houston. Texas; 3 grand
children; and 2 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were June 14 at
Smith Grove United Methodist
Church with the Rev. Ray O'FerrcIl
offlciating. Burial followed in the
church cemetery.
Thomas "Tom" Payne
Thomas Ray "Tom" Payne. 77. of
Winston-Salemdied Monday. June 6.
1994. at Forsylh Memorial Hospital
in Winston-Salemafterabrief illness.
He was bom in Stokes County
June 24.1916. to Joseph Cephus and
Nannie Page Payne.
He was retired from Service Dis
tributing Company in Winston-Sa-
lem. having served as a station man
ager for many years and was a mem
ber of Woodland Baptist Church.
Survivingatehis wife. Mrs. Clarice
Rierson Payne; a daughter, Virginia
Payne GrilTin of Winston-Salem; a
son. Mr. Robert Wayne Payne Sr. of
Love Valley; an adopted son. Jim F.
Steele of Mocksville; 6 grandchil
dren; 9 great-grandchildren; a sister.
Mrs. Eva Knight Moore ofStokesdale;
and a brother. Oscar Payne of Pin
Funeral services were conducted
Thursday. June 9. at Cox-Needham
Funeral Home Chapel in Pilot Moun
tain, conducted by the Rev. Cdcil Cave.
Burial followed in Trinity United
Methodist Church cemetery in King.
Memorials may be made to the
American Heart Association. P.O. Box
S.Mt. Aiiy.N.C.27030.
Carrie C. Mays
y Mrs. Carrie Combs Mays. 79. for-
nierly of Duke Street. Cooleemee.
died late Monday, June 6. 1994. in
Brian Center in Salisbury where she
had been a resident for the past two
Funeral services were held June 9
at Trinity Baptist Church with Dr.
Darrell Cox olTlciating. Burial was in
Legion Memorial Park.
The family requests memorials heconsidered forTrinily Baptist Church.
Route 4. Box 330. Mocksville, NC
Mrs. Mays was bom in Cooleemee
to the late Marshall and Winnie
McCrary Combs and had been em
ployed with Erwin Mills. She was an
avid quilter. Mrs. Mays was a faithful
member of Trinity Baptist Church.Her husband. Jack Flowe Mays
preceded her in death on Oct 29
Surviving are: 3 sisters. ElmaShoaf
of Cooleemee. Pauline Pinkston of
Hendersonville. Ruth Troutman of
Salisbury; and several nieces and
Louise M. Walters
Louise Meroney Walters, 67. of
J Shelby died Saturday. June 11.1994.
at Presbyterian Hospital.
A homemaker and former school
teacher in Cleveland County, she was
the wife of Ralph R. Walters.
She was bom March 15. 1927. In
Davie County to the late Thomas F.
and Louise Rodwell Meroney Sr.
In addition to her husband, she is
survived by 2 sons. Bill Wallers of
Nashville. Tenn.. and Flynn Walters
of Grover; a stepson, Wayne Walters
of Calhoun, Ga.; a daughter, Susan
Martin of Shelby; a brother, Thomas
F. Meroney Jr. of Mocksville; and 7
She was a member of Central
United Methodist Church and past
president of the aeveland Cbunty
Working Artist Guild.
Graveside services were conducted
at 2 p.m. Monday, June 13, at Cleve
land Memorial Park by the Rev. Paul
Stames oflicialing.
Memorials may be made to Cen
tral United Methodist Chutch, 200 E.
Marion St., Shelby, NC 28150 or
Hospice of Cleveland Cbunty, 201
W. Marion SL, Shelby.
; Willie Mae H. Messick
^ Mrs.WtllieMaeHendrixMessick,
' 80. of Route 1. Advance, died Satur-
n day aftemiron. June 11.1994. in For-
syth Memorial Hospital after being in
declining health.
A grandson. Perry Latrd. had made
bis home with her for the past several
. • Funeral services were held at 11
n a.m. June 14 at Redland Pentecostal
Holiness Church with the Revs. James
Stowe and Tony Finney olTtciating.
Burial followed in the church cem-
itery.The family requests memorials be
, considered for Redland Pentecostal
! Holiness Church, Route 4, Box 40.
Advance, NC 27006.
Mrs. Messick was bom in Davie
County Dec. 22. 1913, to the late
Milton and Ida Jane McDaniel Hen-
drix and was a homemaker.
She was a longtime member of
r Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Her husband. Glenn Aldon
Messick, precedwl her in death in
Survivors include: 4 daughters,
Phoebe Smith of Clemmons, JoAnn
Day of Mocksville. Jean Marler and
Patsy Phillips, both of East Bend; 3
sons, Donnie Messick of Pfafftown,
Glenn "Dickie" Messick Jr. of Win-
n ston-Salem. and Gerald "Bo" Messick
of East Bend; 16 grandchildren; 15great-grandchildren; and several
nieces and nephews.
NC ^rary
y :GaitherL.Wike
Oaither Lonas Wike. 77, of
• TaylorsvillediedJune 11.1994, at his
; residence after being in deciining
• health for five months and seriously
; ill for the past week.
The funeral was held at 3 p.m.
: Sunday, June 12, at ML Hebron Bap-
: list Church with the Revs. Peny Link
: 9nd Wade Miller officiating. The
; churchdeaconswereseatedinagroup
: at the service. Bmiai foliowed in the
; church cemeteiy.
Memorials may be made to ML
: Hebron Baptist Church in memory of
: Oaither Wike, c/o aara Wike, Route
: 4, Box 357, Taylorsvilie, NC 28681.
r He was bom April II, 1917, in
; Alexander County to the late Venion
: and Lola Keriey Wike.I Educated in the Alexander County
n schools, he was a retired supervisor
• for Broyhill Furniture Co. in
n Taylorsvilie. n
• He was a member of ML Hebron
n Baptist Church where he served as
I church deacon for 50 years. He was
• also a member ofthe church choir and
• the building committee. He served as
; a Sunday school teacher and superin-
I tendent of the Sunday school various
' He received a commendation from•Gov. Jim Hunt for his years ofservice
on the Department of Prisons Com-
;tnittee. /'
: Survivors include his wife, Aima
Davidson Wike, whom he married
Feb. 11,1945:2 sons, Michael Wike
of Taylorsvilie and Cumey Wike of
Statesviile; 2 daughters, Kay Love of
:Lawrenceville, Ga., and Janet Smith
ofAdvance;8grandchildren;2broth-ers. Jonie Wike and Waitsei Wike,
both of Taylorsvilie; and 3 sisters,
Lillian Childers, Stella Davidson and
.^pssie Davidson, all of Taylorsvilie. j
Harvey H. Zimmerman
/ Harvey Harold Zimmerman, 71,of Route 2, Advance died at his home
late Friday, June 10, 1994, after a
sudden illness.
Funeral services were held at 11a.m. June l3atAdvanceUnited Meth
odist Church with the Rev. Harry
Sherrill officiaUng. Burial followed
in the church cemetery.
The family requests memorials beconsideiedforAdvanceUnitedMeth-
odist Church, Advance, NC 27006.Zimmerman wasbomlan.4,1923,
inDavieCountyto the late Ottie Daniel
and Julia Sprinkle Zimmerman and
was a retired concrete contractor.He had been a lifelong member of
Advance United Methodist Church.
He was an avid outdoorsman espe
cially in fishing and beekeeping. Healso restored and repairedold engines.
He was preceded in death by a
sister, Mildred Sowers andby3 broth
ers, James Zimmerman Sr., William
Zimmerman and O.D. Ziinmerman.
n Surviving are; his wife, Nancy
Holder Zimmerman; a daughter,
Cammie Walker of Advance; 3 sons,
Harold Zimmerman Jr., Randy D.
Zimmerman, and Michwl
Zimmerman, all ofthe home; a grand-
daughter; a brother, Elmer
Zimmerman of Mocksville and sev
eral nieces andnephews.
H. Sherman Durham Jr.
Harold Sherman Durham Jr., 47,
of Woodleaf died June 14, 1994, in
UNC Hospiial in Chapel Hill after
being in declining health for the past
18 months.
Funeral services were conducted
at 2 p.m. June 17 in Eaton Funeral
Chapel in Mocksville with Kenny
Forrest officiating. Burial took place
in Rowan Memorial Park in Salis
He was bom Feb. 18. 1947, in
Rowan County to Rebecca Louise
Correll Durham of Mocksville and
the late Harold Sherman Durham Sr.
and was a retired assistant manager
with Food Lion. He was employed
with Spillman Oil Company in Cool-
ecmec. He was a member of North
Main Street Church of Christ in
Surviving in addiiion toliis motheris his wife, Nancy Phelps Durham; a
daughter, Teresa Johnson of
Woodleaf: a grandson; 3 sisters,
Brenda Smith of Advance, Betty Fos-
lerofNashvilIe.Tenn..BonnieMyersof Mocksville and Beitina Atwell of
Salisbury; and 3 brothers, Danny
Durham of Mocksville, Oeorge
Durham of Lexington and Morris
Durham of R<K-kwell.
I June S. Misenheimer
■I Doris June Swink Misenheimer.
tiO, of Rockwell died Tuesday, June
14,1994, at her home. She had been in
declining health.
Born Aug. II, 1933. in RowanCounty, Mrs. Misenheimer, a daugh
ter of the late Waller Ray and Lilly
Burris Swink, attended 1-andis High
School. She was a homemaker and a
Survivors include her husband.
Walter Ray Misenheimer; a son,
Donald Ray Misenheimer of Mocks
ville; 4 daughters. Linda Sue Hess,
Becky Hunsucker andTeresa Hudson
Ponds, all of Rockwell and Janet Hill
of Gold Hill; I0grandchildren;2great-
grandchildren; and a sister, Dorothy
Smith of Faith.
Services wereconducledat 11 a.m.
June 16 in Noilhcresi Chapel. Linn-
Honeycutt Funeral Home, China
Grove, conducted by the Rev. Delmar
Johnson. Burial followed at Brookhill
Memorial Gardens.
Memorials may be made to Hos-
piceofRowan County, P.O. Box 1603,
Salisbury, NC 2814S-1603.
jGracie C. Gaither (a ''
^ I; Grade Cleo Gaither, 78.! Brightmoor Nursing Home, formerly' of Route I, Harmony, died Saturday,
June 18, 1994, at Rowan Memoriali Hospital in Salisbury.Bom in Iredell County to the late
■James and BellaTumer Gaither, Mrs.
;.Gailher was a member of Piney Grove
;; AME Zion Church.Her husband. Clyde Wilson, prc-
ceded her in death.
Survivors include son. James Wil-
; sonofEdenton;brother,AltonCaither! ofHarmony;agfandchild;andagreal-
I grandchild.
Funeral services were to be at 2r p.m. June 22 at Piney Grove AME
■ Zion Church, conducted by the Rev.
; L.D. Rhodes with burial following in
; tite church cemetery.
; Shawn R. MullensJ • Shawn Robert Mullens, 27, of■ liospital Street, Mocksville, died Sun-• day morning, June 19. 1994, from• iirjuries sustained in a plane accident' near Twin Lakes Airport in Davie
. County.
A memorial service will be announced at a laterdate.The family hasrequested memorials be made to the• Shawn Robert Mullens MemorialFund, c/o Neil Marshall, Route 1, Box
; 129, Nauvoo, III. 62354.He was bom in Macomb. 111..; Maich30, l967,toCharlesandMitzae; Foster Mullens of Colchester, 111., and
■ was a mechanic with USAir.Hewasa 198SgraduateofHancock
: Central High School in Carthage, 111.,and a member of Colchester United
Methodist Church. He was also a
member of Hancock Masonic LodgeiNo. 20. He especially enjoyed wood
: Working and flying.
' * Surviving in addition to his par
ents. ate his wife. Shelley Marshall: Mullens; a sister, Michelle Sweder oft ciildsboro;abrother,J.R..Mullensof
- Qurollton, 111.; 2 nieces; a nephew;- his grandparenU, James and Margaret
• lister of Colchester, llL,andThelma• hiullens of Jacksonville, III.
:Carmei C. Kerley
Carmel Cren Kerley, 72, of Cool-
V eemee, died late Monday, June 20, at■; Davie County Hospital.; Funeral services were to be at 2* p.m. June 22 at Eaton Funeral Chapel
t in Mocksville with the Rev. Leonard
I Rollins ofltciating and burial follow-' ing in Rowan Memorial Park in Salis-Cbury.
* "The family rerpiests memorials be
•considered forCooIeemee First Bap-
•tist Church, Cooleemee, NC 27014.
* Kerley was bom Sept. 22,1921, in
Z Alexander County to the late Pickney
:and Matilda Smith Kerley and was
tretired from Hoechst-Celanese. He
Zhad also worked at Cooleemee Hard-
Zware. He was of the Baptist faith.
- Surviving are his wife, Pauline^Anderson Kerley; 3 sons,Steve Kerley
•and Ronnie Kerley, both of Cool-feemee and Jerry Kerley of Charlotte;^2 daughters, Wanda Collins of North
ZMyrtle Beach, S.C., and Diane
ZChapman of Charlotte; and 4 grand^
•Sally O. Myersy I Mrs. Sally Helen Orrell Myers, 82,.'of Route I, Advance, died June IS,'• 1994, at N.C. Baptist Hospital.
Mrs. Myers was bom Sept. 25,
> 1911, In Davie County to Lee BrovmI and Nannie Belle Beauchamp Orrell.
; ShewasamemberofMocks United, Methodist Church and Is survived by
! 3 daughters, Mrs. Jean Dzeskewicz of
. Winston-Salem, Mrs. Betty Horn of;East Bend, Mrs. Pat Crews of Ad-
: Vance; 3 sons, Jimmy L. Myers ofZAdvance, Donald Myers ofForest City' and Kermit Myers of Advance; 11
■grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren;4 sisters, Mrs. Mtxiell Mundy of Ad
vance, Mrs. Dorothy Chaplin of; Mocksville, Mrs. Kirby Lee Pride of
: Greensboro, Aldlne Daniel of Cool-
::eemee; and 3 brothers, John Orrell,
I.Sleve Orrell of Advance, and Herman
I'.Orrell of Clemmons.
Funeral services were held Satur-;day, June 18, at 4 p.m. at Mocks
|:United Methodist Church by the Revs.
I.HarrySherrillandMarionFulk. Burial;;followedlhe servicesin Mocks United
\Methodist Church cemetery.
The family requests that memorl-lials be made to the Leukemia Society..of America, North Carolina Chapter,
;.'S624ExeculiveCenterDr.,Sulle 100,
.';Charlotte,NC 28212. '
Mrs. Lois H. Plyler »
Mrs. Lois Ester Haines Plyier, 82,
of Route I. Advance, died Sunday
morning, June 19, 1994, at Fdrsyth
Memorial Hospital.
She was the widow of William B.
Plyler who preceded her indeathNov.
14,1991. - '
Mrs. Plyler was' born in
Spartanburg County, S.C., adaughter
of William S. and Charlotte Hotyell
She was a member of Clemmons
Moravian Church, a chatter member
of Helen Marie Smith Chapter of the
' Eastern Star, OES-316. and a past
worthy matron in the Eastern Star.
Mrs. Plyler was retired from Davis
dept. store where she worked in the '
shoe department.
A graveside service wasconducted
June 21 at II a.m. at Clemmons
Moravian Qraveyard by the Right Rev.
Burton Rights and the Rev. David L.
She is survived by 2 sons, Phillip
H. PlylerSr. and William "Pat" Plyler,
2 grandchildren and a great-gr^-
son, all of Advance: and a sister. Mary
Lahier of Matthews.
Memorials may be mode to the
memorial fund, Clemmons Moravian
Church, P.O. Box 236, Clemmons,
NC 27012.
Charlie L. Yokley
Charlie Lindsay Yokley. 72. of
4820 Rex Road. Winston-Salem.died
Monday. June 13. 1994, at Forsyth
Memorial Hospital.
He was bom Sept. 18, 1921, inForsylhCountytoWilliamEmestand :
Cora Leonard Yokley. He was a mem
ber of Union Cross Moravian Church
where he had taught men's Bible class
for several years and served as an
elder and as superintendent. ^
Surviving are his wife, Virginia
Weaifil Yokley; his mother ofBradford Village;adaughter,Deborah
Trotter of Pickens, S.C.; 4 sons,
Maurice Yokley and Michael Yokley,
both of Winston-Salem, Mahlon
Yokley of New Bern and Roger
Yokley of Advance; 10 grandchil
dren: and 2 sisters, Dorothy Shipley
and Juanita Reid, both of Winston-
P'uneral services were June 16 at
Union Cross Moravian Church by the
Revs. Jack Nance and Donald Griffin.
Burial followed in the church grave
Memorials may be made to Union
Cross Moravian Church.
Oavie County Public Librai'y
Mocksville, NC
, a
Dorothy O. Chaplin
Mrs. Dorothy Oirell Chaplin. 71,
of Comalzer Road. Mocksville. died
Thursday. June 23. 1994. at Forsyth
Memorial Hospital after being in de
clining health.
Funeral services were conducted
at 3 p.m. June 2S at F.aton Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. Elmer Day offi
ciating. Burial was in Comatzer Bap
tist Church cemetery.
Mrs. Chaplin was bom in Davie
County Oct. 21.1922. to the late Lee
Brown and Nannie Belle Beauchamp
Oitell and was a homemaker. She was
the former owner of Chaplin's Green
house. She was a member of Cor-
natzer Baptist Church and a member
of the Winston-Salem Farmers Mar
Surviving are her husband. Arnold
G. Chaplin: 2 daughters. Mrs. Carol
Strickland of Mocksville and Mrs.
Jane Holder of Advance; a son. Alvin
Kent Chaplin of the home; 6 grand
children; 3 great-grandchildren; 3 sis
ters. Mrs. Modell Monday of Ad
vance, Mrs. Kiiby Lee Price ofGieens-
boro and Mrs. Aldine Daniel of Cool-
eemee; 3 brothers, John Otiell and
Steve Onell, both of Advance and
Herman Oirell of Clemmons.
'• OIlie B. Holleman
I Mrs. OIlie Pearl Brannon
Holleman, 76, of Liberty Baptist
Church Road died Friday morning,
; June 24, 1994. at Baptist Hospital
' after an illness of one week.
j Funeral services were conducted
j at 3 p.m. June 26 at Green Meadows
i Baptist Church with the Revs. Ray
• Davis and Doug McGee officiating.
: Burial followed in the church cem-
; elery.
\ Mrs. Holleman was bom in Yad-
^ kin County Aug. 4. 1917. to the late
• Miles and Pearl Nicks Brannon and
had been a homemaker. She attended
CJreen Meadows Baptist Church and
was a dedicated and loving mother
• and grandmother.
• . Her husband. Willie Clarence
• Holleman preceded her in death in
21988 and 2 daughters also preceded
' h^. Mary Bowman in 1987 and Merlie
{lleavis in 1993.
{ Survivors include 2 daughters.
\ Goldia Tyler of Route 8, Mocksville.
{street. Mocksville; a son, VemonI Holleman of Gibsonville; 14 grand-
tchildren; II great-grandchildreri; 2
Isisters, Hattie Harris of Elkln-and
Annie Roberts of Lexingtrin; ^ a
brother, Raford Brarmon of Letting-
Martha C. GanvoofI
° Mrs. Martha Christine Cook
Garwood, 6S. of Lexingtoi died
Thursday. June23.1994.atN.< ^Bap-
tist Hospital following an ill less of
three months.
She was bom March 8. |-I29. in
Davidson County to the late h obe R.
Cook and Lucille Cross Cook Hedrick
of Lexington.
ShewasamemberofTyro United
Methodist Church and was emoloyed
for 30 years as an L.P.N. i-t N.C.
Baptist Hospital in Winston-! alcm.
Survivors include her hisband.
Wiley Morris Garwood; a da ighter.
Tanya R. Hartman of Advance. a son.
Wiley Craig of Winslon-Sa em; 2
grandchildren; 2 sisters. Mr. Fred
Williams and Mrs. Richard M K^am.
both of Lexington; 2 brothers. Grady
Cook of Lexington. Nobe Ciok of
Big Springs. Texas; and his mother.
Mn. Lucille Cross Cook Hed ick of
Teresa R. Myers«'
I n Mts.TetesaRbbettsmMyets.2'}, '
of Fosters Dairy Road. Mocksville.
died early Thursday nviming. June
23.1994. at Davis Com nunity Hos
pital in Statesville after i sudden ill
ness of one day.
Funeral services we e conducted
at 11 a.m. Saturday. Jur e 25. at Victory Baptist Church inCI rmmons with
the Revs. Mike Duffie>d and Aartjn
Carter officiating. Burir l followed in
Davie Baptist Church c rmetery.
Mrs. Myers was bim in Davie
County to William H. kobertson Jr.
and Linda Ward Adaris and was a
registered nurse. She was a 1985
graduate of the Davie County High
School, a graduate o" the nursing
school at Foisyth Techoical College,
and had wmked with Total Care in
Winston-Salem. She vas a member
of the Davie Baptist C lurch.
Surviving are her h isband. James
Myers; her mother a-td stepfather,
Linda Ward and Alf ird Adams of
Route 9, Mocksville; her father and
stepmother. William K Robertson Jr.
andDeborahT. Rober sonof Route7,
Mocksville: a daugrter, Kalhryn
Brooke Myers; a son Zachary Paul
Myers, both of the home; a sister.Julie Adams of Route 9. Mocksville;
maternal grandmotha. Opal Foster j
Vfanl of , Route d, Mocksville and {maternal'.siepgrandmofter, Audrey )
Adamsof^lBend.n . /
^;TiiShe"Wa8,pitc4dW in death by a {^ghtei.'liuOTiiln^.VjT v; j
Doris H; Hodgson
' « I*"'"" "^'Sson.
I Thursday, June 23,1994.
J She was bom in Davie County on
jHowellofRoule 6, Mocksville
>ei husband,jRlchaid Arzie Hodgson; her parenu;
i ""Sb'efs. Djuna Reaves ofRoefoidj and Dianne Rausehenberg of Benson;, a son. Dean Hodgson of Spring Lake;
{6 grandchildren: a sister, Coleen Dull
,of M^ksville; 4 brothers, HarleyjHowe I, Kenneth Howell, and GaryjHowell, all of Mocksville, Hatty Lee
jHoweliofStatesvilleiandher mother-
held June127. 1994, in Spnng Lakewiih burial
{at Fort Bragg Military Base Cem-
•eJciy. *
L '"'*'«™i'y'Wi«esis memorials be'"Saint Jude's Children's Hos-^'."I'P'OBox IOOO.DepL300.Mefb-p)his.Tenn. 38148-0552.
Martlk® n,
Valley Medtu"tended illP®*' ^ cotnmetcial
deniLivine^ her husbattd^Survivors WC sr.. a
„f Nevpo*^ " „f Favette"'*'®*foan Sh^ ° f» Calhetines-
Davie County Public LibraryMocksville, NO
y : Mary KatherynJ. Smith
; Mrs. Maiy Kalhetyn Jones Smiih,
• 66. of U.S. 601, Mocksville, died
. Monday. June 20.1994, from injuries
• sustained in a tnick accident.
; She was bom in Davie County
; Match 28.1928, to the late W.C. and
; Ida Jones Jones and had been a seam-
I ""'s w'h Southeastern Sewing Cen-j ler. She was an avid fisherman and
C fraflsmanespecially sewing,crochet-
t ing and quilting.
1 Survivors include: 2 daughters,
. Bienda Bishop of Randleman. and
• Dorothy Floyd of Lexington; 2 sons.
; WilliainM.FIynnandLutherM.FIyna
; Jr.. both of Lexington; 5 grandchil-
I oren; 2 great-grandchildren; a sister,
: Ruby Lee Merritt of Cairo, Ga., and a
• brother, William Boyce Jones of^ Mocksville.
f A memorial service will be an-
S nounced at a later date.
• Memorial gifts may be made tothe
1 Davie County EMS, P.O. Box 935,
« Mocksville, NC 27028,
J James D. "J.D." Taylor
James Donald' J.D."Taylor,54,of
Rural HalldiedSunday.June 26.1994.
at Forsyth Memor al Hospital follow
ing a brief illness.
He was bom -lune 16. 1940. in
Winston-Salem to' Jamey and Pauline
Norman Taylor. H; was a retired auto
Survivingaie hi t wife, Mrs. Shirley
M. GrubbsTay Ion 4 daughters, Jamie
Lynn Taylor, Meli :sa Taylor Infinger
and Deanna Johns in, all of Winston-
Salem. Kathy Lyr a Doss of Mocks
ville; 2 sons, Foger Taylor of
Rockwood, Tenn. and Terry Taylor
of Advance; a stcodaughter, Nancy
Gunnell Chavez o( Siler City; a step
son, Bobby Dugg ns of Virginia; 8
grandchildren; 5 itepgrandcbildren;
his mother, Paulim N. Tay ior of Win
ston-Salem; a siste •, Ann Hudgins of
Winston-Salem an 12 brothers, Billy
Taylor of Mocksville and Jerry Tay
lor of Lexington.
Funeral service: were conducted
at 11 a.m.June29aiHaywoith-Miller
. Rural Hall Chapel with Pastor.Carlee
iStallafd and'lhr Rev, Perry J,
' Huffstetleroffit^ting. Interment fql-
r lowed in.Gtifdeni ofI Memory in
£yfalkertown,\-J :
/Graew W.Worh,,» Miss Geneva W u/ i
J-'WOHomeRd Wta«Sa™,Z-i'?''-S»ten'.<Iied:'9M.atFoSM, 25,;roIlowing several we"b of"""^'""
• illness. senous
{Co. in 1975 folloi^^""'*''
: SheissuS^®'!'"«'f«"--
. Hazel Anrngion of W^ "
;'«m; a nephew x
• Advance; 2 Eteai ^ """fi'on of
J nephew; andan uncle a! V
•liehome '^'neWorleyof I
^ Road Chapel. ^""'Reynolda
• Poisyth Memorial P^' «'
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NC