07-JulyS m a r t S t u d e n t s S c h o o ls L is t A c a d e m ic H o n o r R o lls Pages B8-9 D A V ÍE C O U N T Y USPS 149-Í60 Nurtiber26 Thursday, July 3,2008 Family iT’smbers cf Hugh Lsflor-gather around Davie Countv. and North Carolina’s newest highway historical marker, unveiled In May in Cooieemee. ......................................-Photosby MJKeBarnhardt A Teacher’s Teacher H u g h L e f le r ’s L e g a c y I C o n t i n u e s A s H i g h w a y H is t o r ic a l M a r k e r U n v e i l e d Drye Dr. Jerry Cashion, chair of the N.C. Historical Commission, tali<s about his former-teacher and friend at Liberty United Methodist Church, where a collage of Lefler’s life was displayed. B y MIk« Burnhardt Oavie County Enteipiise Record After reading a Hugh Lcfler history book while a student at StatesvUle High Schooi, Jerry Cashion was Iiooked. He was hooked on history. “I devoured it,” he said of the book. Imagine his fear when he ■became a student at the University of North Carolina, where Lefler taught, a couple of years later. He climbed the three flights of stairs, and walked down the long hallway to Lefler’s office. "I got up the courage to knock on the door. I was.scared to death,” Cashion said.' Now Dr. Jerry Cashion is chair of the N.C. Historical Commis­ sion, and he was in town in May to help unveil a North Carolina Highway Historical Marker on NC 801 at Watts Street, and to pay tribute to Lefler, at a ceremony at Liberty United Methodist Church. Cashion went on to be Lefler’s last graduate assistant at the University oir North Carolina (Lefler refused to add the words "at Chapel Hill" after consolida­ tion). “I was amazed at the amount of work he could accomplish... typing with two fingers on an old manual typewriter, he would produce reams of work." When Lefler lectured to as many as 100 students at a time, he made each student feel like he was talking to them alone, Cashion said. “He would take off his glasses and lean over the lectern... and say ‘just between us,’... and pencils would pass in mid-air. Our past was a story and he was the consummate storyteller." Lefler believed in documenting facts, and telling the truth - which wasn’t always something politi­ cians and others wanted known. He told his students not to use “weasel words," and to distinguish between myths and folklore and true history. Some of Lefler’s books were Please See Lefler • Page 8 28 PAGES Davie Woman Charged In Murder 1 O f 3 S u s p e c t s In D e a t h O f S a lis b u r y D e n t is t A Mocksville woman is one of three people charged in the stran­ gulation death of a Salisbury den­ tist last week. Candice Jo Drye, 23, of Delano’s Way, was arrested last Tliursday night, hours af­ ter the body of Dr. David Boyd was found on a bed in his home, with his hands and feet tied with cord. Police released few details of the crime. “Ms. Drye was an acquaintance of Dr. Boyd,” said Salisbmy Po- licç Chief L. Mark УVЦbclm. On Saturday ni^ht, JohiiaUian '. Alexander' Barnett, 18,' o f Kannapolis, was charged in con­ nection with the murder, and on Please Sec Murder - Page 8 P e d a l P o w e r Boy Scout Trying To Get Bicycle Route On Cornatzer Road William Mills is a bicyclist. And like most people who ride bicycles on local roads, he knows there’s a danger involved. It doesn’t have to be that way, and thé would-be Eagle Scout took his effort to get Cornatzer Road desig­ nated as a state bicycle route to county commissioners last month. He presented commissioners with a petition containing the names of 506 Davie residents who support his proposal. The Life Scout is working on the project en route to earning Boy Scouting.’s highest honor - the Eagle Scout. Please See Bicycle - Page 8 Fireworks, Parades, IVIusic And Free Watermelon Davie Communities To Celebrate Nation’s Independence Don’t let the high gasoline prices spoil your Fourth of July fun. There’s plenty to do right here in Davie County. For some, it’s as simple as a short walk up the street. For others, it could mean driving just a few miles. , The activities start on Thursday, when the Piedmont Antique Power Association starts its annual tractor show at the Masonic Picnic Grounds off North Main Street in Mpcksville. Expect to see a hundred or more antique tractors aad engines, with plenty of food available from Cor­ nerstone Christian Church. Four bands - Crusher. Run, Broke ‘N Lonesome, Hard Drive and Mike Allen and band - will play bluegrass and gospel music for free, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Thursday. The tractors will crank up on Fri­ day morning for a parade through Downtown Mocksville that begins at 9 a.m. Anyone with an antique tractor PO years old or older) may participate. Drivers must be at least age 16. All should be ready for the lineup by 8 a.m. Friday. Tlie tractors will be on display all day on Frid.iy, with plenty of prizes and contests, including the popular kiddie tractor pull at 10:30 a.m. and an auction at 12:30 p.m. If that isn’t enough, head to Cooi­ eemee for that town’s July 4th cel­ ebration, which starts at 10 a.m. Fri­ day with the annual lawnmower and Please Sec 4th - Page 4 I I n d e p e n d e n c e D a y I n D a v i e T hursday, J u ly 3 6 p.m. - Tractor show, free nnusic, Masonic Picnic Grounds, North l\/lain Street, Mocksville F rid a y J u ly 4 th 9 a.m. - Tractor Parade, Downtown Mocksville, show ■ continues with contests, give-aways, auction 10 a.m. - Bicycle, Lawnmower Parade, Cooieemee, fol-. lovyed by free watermelon and ice cream, games 6:30 p.m. - GameSf j[nu8lc and tirew Rich Park , . 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TIuirsdny, July 3,2008 EditorieJ P e ^ Declaration Of Independence IN CONGRESS, JULY 4,1776 The imaninwiis Declnriilion of the thirteen united Slates of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a dccent respect to the opinions of mankind requires ^at they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creato-: with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted omong Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute now Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to' effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomcd. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinccs a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; ,and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter theh* former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid worid ... (Twenty-seven offenses are listed) He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good ... He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and wiien so suspended, he has . uiiwly ncglccted to attend to them. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms; Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may defme a Tyrant, is unfit ito be the ruler of a free people. ■ ........... ' Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind. Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies arc, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britaip, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peacc, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. 600 In The M a il... Letter About Smokeout Not True To the editor; This letter is in response to a letter mailed to some Davie County residents. Whoever sent this letter evidently is not too concerned, or they would have signed their name to it. The letter "Your neighbor. Your friend" contained some lies. Here is the tnith. Racing does not start until noon on Sundays. Don Plemmons did not expand the drag sU-ip, he only'.iniproved it. Our county commis­ sioners did hot allow beer to be sold. Beer was not sold, it was brought in by the bikers. There was no temporary permit to sell beer. No one was forced to attend this event. Those who attended were there on their own free will and had to be at least 18 years old. The expense of extra law enforcement did not come from Davie County, it was furnished by the promoter of the event. .....Pat and Kathy Miller proviili/d.a field for camping to keep thd bikers off the roads and close to the event; 100 percent of the monies will be used to send their granddaughter, Annnbelle Lakey, who has autism, to school this summer. I was working at Gunter’s Country Store the three days of the Smokeout and served hundreds of the bikers. All of the bikers were well mapnercd, poliie, waited patiently in line, did not smell of alcohol, and even left tips for a clean bath- There was less conflict at Iho three days of the Smokeout than there has been in one event in some of our local churches. The pro­ moter of the Smokeout olTcred to reimburse the local church that gave out literature and Bibles to the bikers. If u church wanted to raise money for the ciiuse of their cholcc,,jt .is, .spnie of the same bikers who were at the Smokeoi« who would be there to support their cause. The biggest conflicts of the three days were with our local law enforcement. It was embarrassing to see our local law enforcement harass the hikers unnecessarily at an event of this magnitude. Out local officials who passed judgment on the event before it even started should reconsider their thought process before they pass judgment on another event that may come to Davie County. It is a shame ihni our county officials are so negative toward Don Plemmons when he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve the drag strip, bringing increased revenue to Davie County. In summary, a local business owner, Betty Gunlcr, suited, ‘These bikers were nicer to me than some of my regulars." Perry Hiines, Advance Smokeout Shouldn’t Be Allowed D A V IE C O U N T Y USPS 149-160) 171 S, Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mooksville, NC 27028 • (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks................................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow.....................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow...................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts........................................Sports Editor Starr Snow........................................Circulation Moeksvlile Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemea Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription'Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. , POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Davie County Enterprise Record RO. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 A' I To the editor; I see the people who own a business and rents or gives permis­ sion for camping for the biker rally are more in favor of the rally. The Bible says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” I hope they went to church Sunday if they thought what tliey did really helps the morals of Davie County. How can you teach and tell teenagers to say no to sex, drugs and drinking when his is allowed to happen by adults who are supposed to guide them. The rally was a noisy, obnoxious thing for Davie County - expressly for the Farmington community. I agree with Laura Mathis, who writes the Farmington News, that it’s not the bike show that’s a problem, but the drinking, nudity, etc. As for the topless bike(r) washing, how many bikes got washed compared to washing men? We know it was not about bikes being washed but for nudity. And, by the way, is that not wasting water when we are in a drought? If a man pulls his penis out of his pants, people will start to holler and call the law and he will be arrested for indecent exposure. But its okay and funny for females to show their boobs. Where was the law? Oh, I forgot. They were looking, too... with their tongues hanging out. Shame on the law. Shame on the people of Davie County for letting this happen even just one time. We need to take a stand. G r u b b F a m ily G r a t e f u l To the editor; We want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone for the out­ pouring of love shown to my son and Miachel’s brother during our time of sorrow. A special thank you goes out to all for the overwhelming amount of respect shown to Mark both Monday night and Tuesday after­ noon. We sincerely appreciate all the ones who came Monday night and to the ones who came and could not get in to sec us. We thank you for the food, donations and flowers. Thank you to the surround­ ing churches and ministers in the community and a special thank you to Jerusalem Baptist Church for taking such good care of us, A very special thank you is extended to Mark’s pastor, Donnie Chapman, for his spiritual guidance. Most of all, thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for us because we have a lot of dark days ahead. Mork Was a very beloved son and brother and will be missed forever. Lib and Miachel Grubb Mocksville As for the sheriff asking people about the rally on Monday, I know of nobody I talked to who was asked. He should put a poll in the Enterprise weeks before and let all in Davie County decide. The owners of Farmington Dragway should be ashamed for al­ lowing the event to take place. But I forgot, he made a lot of money from the event. The love of money is the root of all evil. God will say "enough is enough” one day. Linda Baugus Advance F a m i l y W a n t e d T o W i t n e s s P r e s e n t a t i o n O f P l a q u e To tile editor; I was disappointed to find out about the presentation of the Spurgeon James Goss plaque through the local paper. The surviv­ ing family. Perry Owen (brother), Mary Smith and Rebecca Clark (sisters) would like to tell everyone that words cannot express our appreciaton for the plaque that will hand in his remembrance. We just wish we could have been there for the presentation. Loretta Owen, sister-in-law Mocksville L e t t e r s W e lc o m e d The Enterprise Record welcojnes letters from its ers; The letters may be on topics of local, state, nationai or intematioiiol issues. , An iffort will be made to prii\t all letters, provided they, are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the.rigljt to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the ; writer, including a signature. A telephone riumber, not to be published, is itiso requested. Please have letters in the nevkispaper office no later thati 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record RO. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to: érnews ®daYÌè-enterprise.coni; ' , , ^ - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 - 3 Raleigh Report C o m m i t t e e W o r k i n g O n B u d g e t D i f f e r e n c e s Brothers In Service The Bailey boys - Frank Bailey, Richmond Bailey and John Bailey - are shown in this photograph while in the service during Worid War II in 1943. The sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey of Advance, John and Frank are twins born on July 4,1914, and Richmond was born on July 5, 1913. The Enterprise Record welcomes old photographs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street in Downtown Mocksville, By Julia C. Howard N.C. House of Representatives The conference committee appointed to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of the budget began meeting. The conferees from the subcommittees have submitted preliminary proposals to recon­ cile differences and the lead bud­ get writers from the House and Senate are working to complete and pass a flnal budget with the start of the new fiscal year. Progress is brisk in some ar­ eas, slow in others. Plans on how to fund the state’s mental health needs appears to be a point of contention. There are a nu;nber of capital projects that received funding in one chamber but not the other. Which of these projects will receive funding given the limited resources available must be resolved. The House and Senate differ shiirply on how to distribute the agreed upon $50 million in tax relief. The House supports an in­ crease in the state Earned In­ come Tax Credit, a homestead exemption for disabled veterans. ■ a Star Energy sa|es tax holiday, and a credit for small business owners providing their employ­ ees with health insurance. The Senate favors a repeal of the gift tax, providing retroactive tax re­ funds to small businesses report­ edly persecuted by the Depart­ ment of Revenue, and reducing the tax on home heating fuels. Of significant concern are the preliminary conference reports which indicate that less money may be appropHated to the pub­ lic schools. An initial report from the committee on education states that $34 million less than the House plan and $10 million less than the Senate plan will be provided to public schools, with much of the difference being shifted to the university system. In the report, $30 million is in­ cluded to provide for the In­ creased fuel costs for school buses, but estimates have indi­ cated the actual cost may exceed twice this amount, 'fhe education conference report funds ABC bonuses at $70 ‘million despite the anticipated costs of $ 107 mil­ lion. A $ 13 million reduction in the allotment for increased en- rollments is disconcerting, As the budget conference committees continue their delib­ erations and the chief budget writers consider approval of u final budget pockage, I am hope­ ful that these educational fund­ ing priorities will be better ad­ dressed. Current discussion is that the budget will be wrapped up within the first days of July. Update on Jessica’s Law ■ HB 933 Jessica Lunsford Act for NC was returned to the House after passage by the Sen­ ate and referred to the House Judiciary II Committee for fur­ ther scrutiny. Tliat committee’s charge was to make o recom­ mendation that the full House do concur with the Senate’s changes to the bill or make a recommen­ dation that the full House not concur with those changes and request that a conference com­ mittee of House and Senate members be appointed to resolve the differences. I and other sup­ porters of the bill have been ad­ vocating for a recommendation for concurrence.' The House Judiciary II Com­ mittee did meet to hear HB 933. However, in light of the Senate’s changes to the bill, the commit­ tee has requested a revised fis^ cal note to detennine the impact of those changes before malcing a recommendation to the House. It is anticipated that the bill will receive another hearing in the Judiciary II Committee. Passage of this bill is closer than ever since I originally in­ troduced the legislation in 2003, and I am optimistic it will re­ ceive final approval before the adjournment of this session. I was visited by several folks from Energy United Electric Cooperative. Kathleen Hart, Ronnie Harrison, James Horton, Roy McDonald, Alec Natt, and Wayne Wilkins dropped by the office ond we had a nice visit. These folks were visiting the General A.ssem|?ly as a part of the annual North Carolina Elec­ tric Cooperative Rally. If you have any questions or would like additional informa­ tion about the ongoing budget conference process or Jcssica's Low, contact my office, and I’ll be happy to gother any available infoVmation. Ì IW’I K < >1 1 > tU ^' / ' K'l J i ' •! 612 Mocksville Avenue, Salisbury • www.rowan.org E D U C A T IO N A L CLASSES R o w a n / CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER EDUCATION CLASS - Learn about tiie risk factors for heart disease and wliat cardiac rehabilitation options are available. The free “ class meets monthly from 9 -1 1 a.m. in the Sophia Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional’s patient tower. Call (704) 210-5412 (or class schedule or more Inlormatlon. COMPREHENSIVE DIABETES CUSSES Small group classes and individual instruction are offered on a weekly basis to help master the skills and concepts for the control of diabetes. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most Insurance plans. All classes are held in the Sophia Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional’s patient tower. Call (704) 210-5771 for more Information. Diabetes classes will be offered on the foilowino dates, and vou needtoattenlalL three sessionsi JulyS, 15,22 -9 a.m.-11a.m. July 16,23,30 - 1 p.m.-3p.m. August 4,11,18-6 p.m.-8 p.m. GESTATIONAL DIABETES CLASSES A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant mothers with gestational diabetes. The program includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glucose monitoring. These classes have a fée, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classes are held from 9-11 a.m. at the Education Resource Center on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional’s patient tower Call (704) 210-5771 for more Information. LOOK GOOD, FEEL BEnER 'An American Cancer Society program that teaches cancer patients techniques to address the cosmetic side effects of treatment. In the large classroom, 3rd floor. Second Monday of each month, Noon - 2 p.m. Call (704) 239-5563 to register or tor more information. S U P P O R T G ROUPS BEHER BREATHING CLUB Second Wednesday of the month from September - June at 1 p.m. at 1120 Martin Luther King Dn, Salisbury. Call (704) 210-5343 for more Information. BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP First Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Women's Health Education classroom on the 3rd floor of Rowan Regional’s patient tower. C3Ü (704) 210-SC78iQr mure iníórmálibh. CARDIAC SUPPORT GROUP Second Thursday of the month in February, June and September at 6 p.m. in the Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Call (704) 210-5412 for more information. COLON CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Call Eva While (704) 212-2362 for more Information on lime and location. COPING WITH GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Sponsored by Rowan Regional Home Health & Hospice. Day and evening support groups are available in Landis, Moctevilie and Salisbury. Call (704) 637-7645 for more information. DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP First Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Education Resource Center on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional’s patient tower. Call (704) 210-5771 for more information. EPILEPSY SUPPORT GROUP Second Thursday of the month from September - May at 7 p.m. at 1st United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St., Salisbury. Call (704) 639-0847 or e-mail youngcarol@hotmail.com lor more information. HIV SUPPORT GROUP Sponsored by Rowan Regional Home Health ' & Hospice. Call (704) 637-7645 for more information. RSO SUPPORT GROUP (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) Second ■ Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Cafeteria Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Cali (704) 637-1021 for more information. SURVIVING STROKE SUPPORT GROUP Meets quarterly from 6:15 - 7:45 p.m. at the Imaging & Physical Rehabilitation Center at Rowan Regional Medical Park on Julian Road, ext 74 off 1-85. Call (704) 210-6918 for more information. US TOO! INTERNATIONAL PROSTATE EDUCATION & SUPPORT GROUP Third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. In the Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional’s patifi.nt. tower..................... ............ Call (704) 210-5104 for more intocmation. W O M E N ’S H E A L TH Can (704) 210-SS44IO register. for more lnformaHoa or to arrange a lour. LAMAZE & BABY BASICS Classes meet once a weei< for five weel<s, anc a class fee is charged. Childbirth classes wfll be offered on the following dates; July 7 - August 11, 6-8:30 p.m. BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER Siblings, too, have to adjust to a new role when the baby arrives. This class helps prepare them for the arrival of a new brother,' or sister. It includes a tour of the maternity center and a visit to our newborn nursery. July 14,4:00 p.m Meet in the lobby on the 3rd floor of the patient tower. BREASTFEEDING CLASS Class will be offered on: July 29,6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. O T H E R SER VIC ES THE IMAGING CENTER at Rowan Regional Medical Pari< offers extended hours for MRI and Mammography. Mortday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Medical Pari< is located on Julian Road, Exit 74, off 1-85. ADVANCE HEALTHCARE PLANNING Get information on mal<ing end-of-iife healthcare decisions and have the opportunity to complete an advance directive form with assistance from Rowan Regional’s patient advocates. Advance directive Information is available every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon in the main lobby of the medical center. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC Every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon, a tree blood pressure clinic is held in the main lobby of Rowan Regional Medical Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parl<lng is provided in the medical center’s . parking garage on Henderson Street. NURSE-ON-DIJTY For routine, non­ emergency medical problems or for answers to your medical questions, call l\lurse-On- Duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week 1-800-335-4921. it’s free. 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 The Piedmont Antique Power Association will sponsor two raffles Tfiursday and Friday during the tractor show and parade. The first will benefit the Clai k Williams family. Williams, who was killed in a car wreck earlier this year, is shown in the photo at left with his family. The photo at right shows the utility vehicle that is the grand prize of a second raffle. 4 t h . . . Continued From Page 1 bicycle parudc. It’s free, and open to spectators and partici­ pants. Be sure to deconile with plenty of red, white and blue. Bi­ cyclists tnust wear helmets. All should be at the elementary school by 9:30. When the parade ends, free watermelon and Ice cream will be served at the town’s recreation center. Civitnns will sell hotdogs, and sno-eones will be 5 cents each. Tliere will be » giant water slide and tug-of-wur contests. Still in a patriotic mood? Then head back to Mocksville’s Rich Park Friday niglit for the.town’s annual free celebration. Parking is limited at the park, and costs $5 per ve­ hicle. Parking is free at the Brock Center on North Main Street for the short walk to the park. Con­ cessions will be sold. ■ Inflatable toys for, the chil­ dren will open at 6:30, and mu­ sic will be provided by the band 3rd Generation before the fire­ works llniiie at 9:30 p.m. Expect to see hundreds of antique tractors at the Masonic Picnic Grounds in Mocksville on Thursday and Friday. 13"'BIRTHDAY SAVANNAH HENDRIX New York City H a p p y B irth d a y n n d m a y y o u h a v e te rrific tccn years! Love, Grandma Maxine , \ a v ie P l a c e ng Assisted Living Community Davie, i’liKc salutes Niclanic Hiatt, a resident with us sincc I'cliruary of this year. Melanie is a joy to be around. She loves music, especially classic rock. She will often be foutul singing along to the “classic rock” radic) stations mucli. to the enjoyment of all those around hctr. An\ong her othev favorite activities arc long walks and playing bingo. She especially looks forward to our shopping trips each I'ficlay. Melanie is visited by her brother who enjoys taking her out on the town for lunch. ’['hanks, Melanie, for being a resident with us and makitig everyone’s day a little brighter. For Information On Placennent, Contact: Suzanne Simpson 336-751-2175 Tuesdays For Tots Rep. Julia Howard (right) hosts Pam Burton and Corey Miller at her office in Raleigh. Burton owns Kountry Kids Learning CentSr & Preschool in Cool- eemee, and Miller is the executive director of Smart Start of Davie County. It was part of “Tuesdays For Tots,” an effort by Smart Start to have legislators thinking about children’s Issues every Tuesday dur­ ing the legislative session. tASTDAYTQ PIACE SPAY FOR yOUR ORDER IS: Sunday,-July 13 И NOON-2PM DISTRIBUTONOAyiS 5atunijy,.luly26 WAM-IJNOON JULY 2008 IMENU 4Qoz. MaiieCallendei's* Family Ctock I'd Dinner (Meal Included) 1.51b. Boneless PotkFilel Mb. Breaded Chicken Cbunks 1.51b. Meaty Beel Ribs 28 02. Mealloal and Gravy 11b. Beel Fajitas 11b. Fully Cooked Meatballs 11b, All Meat Hot Dogs 1 lb. Btoaoli 11b. Peas and Cartels 28 02. Pasta Sauce 11b. Pasta 3202. Borden 2% ShelfSlable Milk 32 02. Havraüan Punch 12 ft. Com Tortillas 7 02. Bluebeny Muffin Mix 1 Oo2en Eggs 1 Dessert Item • ALL THIS FOR THE LOW COSTOF JUST.............,.,.$30.00 ■"On< or №e Speculi AvilaNt Oi4y ullh №i Pudiiu oti Rigulai s»"' JULY SPECIAL «1 7 lb. Assorted MtalGnlBo« »0,00 V5lli.NwiYi»kSln(iSteaki|2iH2u.) ' i,S ti. M m NeltHi Boslui Butt Roast 21b, Mealy BeelRia tn>. MUItaianSausag« JULY SPECIAL« 4,5 lb. Steak and Clacktn ConI» Box m1,St№u)C«y snips (Z<|2 02.) t,5lb.BonfrlnRit*vn|2x12o2,)t.ei).gK0ivWrap|iedCNclienFM(4xg JULY SPECIALS 10 lb. Breaded Ch№n BttaslTmdi» |IS,00 JULY SPECIAL#4 Fresh Fruit and Vejjie Box its« OnnCom 2(1, C«iU ' 21b. YcKwOnioni 1 Cego-Wrapptdlettw 1 Plniapplc 4 Calilomiapraiigei t ■ SewtaWiltimek» ( RuuelPolaloit We Accept Money Orders, Cash, orCBT.No Phone Orders, Pleasel Comer of Jericho Church fW. & junction Rd, PhytinlAddrets; U4 Davfe Acidem/Rd PO Box 3S( Mockiville. NC 27028 ЗЗМ92.5291 TiHESTO ORDER FORTHIS MONTH’S MFNI I- Tuesday,JulyU8'9-l0:30AM Saturday, July 5 & 12-lO-IJ NOON 5unday,July6&l3'IWPM You Must Bring A Large Box To Pick Up Your Food Local Bakery Sold Kctchlc Creek Bakery in Mocksvillc hns been .sold - nnd the I'otmdcr «nil the new owners .suy ciistoiners shouldn't nuticc much or II chungc. A letter Ironifounder Debbie M. Koont2, luid the now owners, Gcruld und Reiniii Welborn, out­ lined the coinpiiny's philosophy. “For the past 25 years, oiir corporate mission has been to provl(lc tiisteruily wonderful products and superior service to our customers. The change hi ownership will not affect the company’s day-to-day opera­ tions, primitry vision or small family-owned business tradi­ tion, but will allow the company to continue to grow nnd provide for the extended community. "Ketchie Creek Bakery will cpntinue to be a reputable deli, cafe, and bakery located in beau­ tiful Mocksville. Our focus on quality products and service will continue without interruption.” According to a deed transfer filed with the Davie County Register of Deeds, the Welborns, through Welborn Property Hold­ ings, bought the Mock.sville properties for $850,000. , The bakery nnd deli is lo­ cated at 844 Valley Road, near the US 64 intersection. Cull 751- 9147 to learn more. Kennedy Woman Earns Rowan Medical 1 St Responder County Award Linda Kennedy, formerly of Advance, has been reeogni/.c(l as Medical Responder of the Year for Rowan County. The award was presented to Kennedy by Salisbury City Fire Chief Bob Parnell at a ceremony earlier this month. Kennedy attended Davie High School and completed the EMT class at Cabarrus Conmiunity college in October, 2006. Her instructor was Joseph Ashburn of Mocksville. She is the daughter of Linda and Bob Corson of the Fork community, and Is a volunteer with the Woodleaf Fire Depurtment. W e t m o r e F a r m s W O O D LEA F LOCAL S q u a s h , l\u c c h in i, C u c u m b e r s T o m a tb e s , C a n ta lo u p e s G re e i\ P e p p e r s & C o rn W a te rm e lo n s o th e r produce as it becom es available Open Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm Closed on Sundays From Mocks¥Ul0 Qk» 601 South to 801 InlersBcHon, turn right at light, im iles to caution light la Wooitleaf. Imlmni signs to farm. If04-278-2028 D is tr ic t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 • 5 The following cases were heard in Davie District Court on June 26. Presiding; Judge Julia S. Gullett. Prosecuting; Ina Stanton and Jim Hedrick, Assis ­ tant DAs. - Robert Justin Allen, misde­ meanor probation violation out ofcounty, sentenced to ISO days. - Debra Lush Anderson, mis­ demeanor probation violation, sentenced to 120 days. - David TWnidad Bartolo, as­ sault on a female, sentenced to 47 days, ereilit for time served. - ^uordo C. Bautista, fishing without a license and unlawful taking of fish, dismissed per plea; littering not over 15 pounds, $50, cost. - Joshua Wayne Beaver, re­ sisting a public ofTicer, dismissed in the interest of justice. - Leroy Benson, driving with license revoked, reduccd to fail­ ure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost. - Michael S. Blackmon, com­ municating threats, not guilty. - Rebecca MeClamrock Booe, possession of drug para­ phernalia, simple possession of schedule IV controlled sub­ stance, expired/nci inspection sticker, unsafe movement, dis­ missed per plea, evidence or­ dered destro,yed; DWl, sen­ tenced to 60 days, suspended 24 months, $100, cos, substance abuse assesiment/trcatment, sur­ render license, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, 24 hours community ser­ vice, $425 attorney fees. ■ John J. Bowman Jr., speed­ ing 108 ii\ a 70, reriuced to care­ less/reckless driving, $800, cost; exceeding posted speed, dis- •-aiiBScdpsrplcfi........................... - Jacob Manuel Bruce, speed­ ing 62 in a 45, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $75, cost. - Edwarti Ray Bruebnker, as­ sault by pointing n gun, dis­ missed per mediation. - Randfltl 0. Burchette, pos­ session of cirug paraphernalia, $100, cost, evidence ordereid de­ stroyed, $20W attorney fees. - Edilio Ncie Ceballos, fishing without a license, littering not more than .15 pounds, dismissed in the interest of justice. - Micheál Dean Collier, driv­ ing with lic'inse revoked, dis­ missed. - Charlfts F. Collins, it^terfer- ing with emergency communica­ tion, assault on a female, dis­ missed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Caleigh Dean Cough, speed­ ing 74 in a 55, prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost. - Anthony Curlee, failure to wear drivers scat belt, fictitious/ concealed/revoked registration card/tag, dismissed per plea; driving with license revoked, re­ duced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost. - Kenneth D. Downing, pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, dismissed per compliance with prayer for judgment. - Geneva Ann Estep, simple worthless check, worthless check on closed account, dismissed per civil settlement. - Brian James Puentes, mis­ demeanor probation violation, sentenced to 45 days, credit for time served; breaking/entering, dismissed per request of pros­ ecuting witness. - Dylan Richard Fulk, posses­ sion of malt beverage/unfortified wine not 19/20, dismissed in the interest of justice. - Alberto Oama, no operators license, dismissed per comple­ tion of community service. - Harry Thomas Qordy, sell­ ing/distributing tobacco products to a minor, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Andrea Grant, shoplifting/ concealment of good and resist­ ing a public officer, dismissed per completion of community service and letter of apology. - Kevin O. Harris, driving with license revoked, reduced to no operators license, $50, cost, $200 attorney fees; driving/al­ lowing motor vehicle no regis­ tration, dismissed per plea. - Olenn Harrison, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Michael Wilson Hauser, speeding 69 in a 55, prayer (or •judgtiieiif icbiiflnucd on cos^^^^ • Michael P. Hubbard, com­ municating threats, dismissed. - Ryan Paul Hutchinson, in­ jury to personal property, dis­ missed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear, - Michael Lee Johnson, mis­ demeanor probation violation out of county, sentenced to 45 days, credit for time served. - Clay David Jones, assault on a female ond interfering with emergency communication, sen­ tenced to 75 days, suspended 24 months, anger management classes, parenting classes, not to commit any acts of domestic vio­ lence, have no contact with pros­ ecuting witness, $100, cost. - Passhan Lashae Keller, simple assault, resisting a public officer, dismissed in tlie interest of justice. - Yean Khom, speeding 57 in a 35, reduced to 44 in a 35, $10, cost. - Jason Ryan Kinard, simple possession of schedule 111 con­ trolled substance, dismissed per compliance with prayer of judg­ ment, evidence ordered de­ stroyed. - Ross Allen King Jr., domes­ tic violence protective order vio­ lation, dismissed per civil mat­ ter. - Haakon Shane Krey, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, dis­ missed per compliance with prayer for judgment, evidence ordered destroyed. - Tiffany N. Kyrland, injury to real property, sentenced to 24 days, credit for time served. - Alton Randall Lane, speed­ ing 67 in a 55, expired/no inspec­ tion sticker, dismissed per pleo; driving with license revoked, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended 24 months, $250, cost, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, $275 at­ torney fees. - Samantha Lynn Larose, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance and posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, prayer for judgment continued 90 days, 10 hours community service, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, cost, not be con­ victed of similar offense. • Roger Eugene Martin Jr., DWl, sentenced to 12 months, suspended 24 months, seven days active, $400, cost, sub­ stance abuse assessment/treat­ ment, surrender license, not to operate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, $275 attorney fees, write letter of apology to officer; failure to yield, dis- , miss?«!.Pie?.’.....................................■ - Jose Trinidad Martinez, driving with license revoked, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 months, $250, cost, not to operate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV. • Quentin McDowell, misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 52 days, credit for time served; fic­ titious info to officer, dismissed per plea. • Aaron Alexander Mill, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance and posses­ sion of drug paraphernalio, prayer for judgment continued 90 days, 10 hours community service, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, cost, not be con­ victed of similar offense. - David Lynn Mitchell, mis­ demeanor larceny, dismissed per compliance with community ser­ vice and restitution. - Jerome Pittis Moore, shop­ lifting/concealment of goods. É e n F r a n k lin Crafts, discover life’s little pleasures. OPEN JULY 4™ Mocksville 9 AM-6 PM Super Coupon-One Item Jriday, July 4» ONLY Ben Franklin Ж July 4th Coupon Good 7/04/08 ONLY Ben Franklin / V Regular Priced ItemOnty On» P*r Cuatomar Jm Sn«#, Dwndaco. Yânk** CâfvJei, cielom Iramioq., aЛc^rd».W*o•IC*l«í••VVEflKlNг.Ne<»îodw^maпYO^Л•fO^I•alгU(>dlo»tockof«fl«xl. . ^ Oneeooponp«eu»>onwf. . Store Hours Mon-Sal 9-9, Sunday 1-6 . II И) YadkiiwHIo R(l Mítcksvillü. NC 2702Ü Phono 7Ы Ь408 . sentenced to 28 days, credit for time served. - Norman Johnson Oakley, driving with license revoked, re­ duced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost. - Justin Scott Ogle, misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 months, $50, cost, not to go about Lowes Foods, not be convicted of simi­ lar offense. - Heather Lee Ray, speeding 64 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost. - Alberto R. Rodriguez, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced to 79 ina70, $10, cost. - Jimmy Thomas Russell, driving with license revoked, carrying a concealed weapon, and resisting a public officer, dis- missed per plea in Superior Court. - Liza D. Salopek, misde­ meanor child abuse, prayer for judgment continued six months, 12 hours community service + fee, enroll in parenting classes, cost. - Sherry L. Shaw, simple worthless check, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 24 months, $468.95 restitution, $50, cost, $200 attorney fees. - Erin Leanne Sherrill, speed­ ing 52 In a 40, reduced to 49 in a 40, $10, cost; failure to heed light/siren, dismissed per plea. - Barron Lee Thompson, mis­ demeanor probation violation, sentenced to 120 days; driving with license revoked, sentenced to 45 days; failure to wear driv­ ers seat belt, expired/no inspec­ tion sticker, operating vehicle no insurance, expired registration •card^tag, Fict!tisas.'c0ncsajedirc' .. voked registration card/tag, pos­ session of ope container/alcohol in passenger area, reckless driv­ ing to endanger, operating ve­ hicle no insurance, littering not more than 15 pounds, foilure to wear drivers seat belt, dismissed per plea. - Linda Thompson, simple worthless chccks, dismissed per civil settlements. - Samuel Taylor Tucker, sjmple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, dismissed per completion of community service and substance abuse as­ sessment. - Gloria Cockherman Turner, driving with license revoked, re­ duccd to failure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost. - Rowland O. Turner, assault on female, dismissed per media­ tion. - Alan Taylor Underwood, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, extend prayer for judgment 60 days. - Cecillo D. Valdez, fictitious/ concealed/revoked registration card/tag, dismissed. - Jennifer Dawn Vanhoy, in­ jury to personal property, simple assault, communicating threats, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 24 months, substance abuse sessment/treatment, $100, .:yst, not be convicted of similar of­ fense, $200 attorney fees, not to assault/threaten/harass com­ plainant. - Nathan Ryan Vass, failure to wear drivers seat belt, driving with license revoked, dismissed per plea; misdemeanor probation violation, sentenced to 120 days, enroll in DARTprogram; misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced to 120 days, credit for time served; misdemeanor pro­ bation violation, sentenced to 45 days. - Lori J. Waller, simple worth­ less check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Johnny Raymond Wilson, assault on a female, resisting a public officer, dismissed per fail­ ure of prosecuting witness to ap­ pear. - Natalie B. Winchester, simple worthless check, dis­ missed per civil settlement. - Lamar Santonio Woods, driving with license revoked, re­ duced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost. Failed To Appear; - Mark Benson, simple worth­ less check. -GilbenoBonillo:, DWl, fail­ ure to bum headlamps, no opera­ tors license. - Anthony Joaquin Brown, driving with license revoked. - Michael Scott Bullock, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance. - Pamela V. Cromortie, felony larceny. - Laura Casey Doub, driving with license revoked, failure to stop for stopsign/flashing red light, operating vehicle no insur­ ance. - Karesia Frazier, simple as- sauh. - Elbert Hernandez, driving with license revoked. - Sanford Brent Jones, misde­ meanor probation violation. C U T T I N G E D G E BushHpgqIna.............. Finish Grading Light Bulldozer Work Mulch Hauling LANETRUEH (3 3 6 )4 1 3 -3 3 2 9www.tntwtM®yohoo.com ^Sale Ends^ , 7/6/08 , G O IN G O U T O F B U S IN E S S S A L E Starting Monday, July 7 at 10 a.m. ALLGIFTS 5 0 % O F F A L L O F F I C E S U P P L I F S 4 0 % O F F A ll Sales Final. N o G ift Boxes or W rap . i 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 Public Records Land Transfers The following luhd transfers were filed with the Dnvie Reg­ ister of Deeds. The transactions are listed by parties involved, acreagc, township, and deed statnps purchased, with $2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - Adnms Egloff Avant Prop­ erties to Kinderton Village Resi­ dential, “General Green" area, ■ Farmington. - Adams Egloff Avnnl Prop­ erties to Kinderton Village Resi­ dential, Oak Wind Drive and Kilbounie Drive, Fannington. - Richard L. Bostick and Valerie E. Bostick to Timmy Jay Keaton, 1.98 acres, Calahaln, $70. - Robert S. Hollz and Anne H. Holtz to Jorge R. Guerra Jr. and Patricia J. Guerra, 1 lot, Farmington, $1,219. - Joseph Edwin Phillips to Mary Beth Forsl, .94 acre, Mocksville, $202. - W.P. Harrison to Corner­ stone Christian Cliurch of Davie County, 11.29 acres, Farming­ ton. - Walter A, Beauchamp (33% interest) and M elanie Beaucham p to Jerry F. Swicegood, 6 'lots, Mocksville, $100. • Justin M. Carter and Beth W. Carter to Craig Koons and Lisa Koons, 2 lots, Clarksville, $340. - Richard A. Carson and Ezell P. Carton to Louise Hudson, 7.S acres. - Elvin J. Bryant and Beveriy M. Bryant to Bermuda Village Retirement Center, 1 condo­ minium, Farmington, $234. - Bermuda Village Retire­ ment Center to Wade H. Lowry, I condominium. Farmington, I m .................................:.............. - Richard Dean Ball and as executor of estate of Lyndon Doyle Ball, and Robin Ball to Gregory A. Lewis and Tina R. Lewis, l.lot, Shady Grove, $398. - Robert Б. Marziano and Jongkolnece L. Mnrzlano to Jus­ tin M. Carter and Beth W, Carter, .52 acre, Mocksville, $369. - Mike Hester Building Co. to Grover C, Cooke and Wilma S. Cooke, I lot, Mocksville, $752. - Cane Ourdcn/Scenic Homes to Chao-Hsin Sun, 1 lot, Farmington, $528. - Eric Bo Martin Tutterow to Harriet Tutterow. Jehnings and John Edward Jennings, l/8th in­ terest, 1 tract, $39. - Dirk Walter Tutterow and Beverly Whitaker Tutterow to Harriet 'Futterow Jennings and John Edward Jennings, l/8th in­ terest, 1 tract, $39. - Ricky Gene Hendrix and Donna S, Hendrix to Nicholas P. Miller and Kipperly R. Miller, I.61 acres, $218. - Wayne W. Capwell and Cathy G. Capwell to'Jason T. Allen and Ingrid K. Forsberg, 1 lot, Farmington, $648. - Thomas G, Hemrick by at­ torney in fact, Jeddie Hendrix Hemrick, and Jeddie H. Hemrick to Thomas G. Hemrick and Jeddie H. Hemrick, 5 tracts. Shady Grove. - Nickolas A. Booth and Christina M. Booth to Primacy Closing Corp., 1 lot, Farming­ ton, $579. - Bob D. Koontz and Debra M. Koontz to Welbom Property Holdings, 2 tracts, Mocksville, $1,700, - Bob D. Koontz and Debra M. Koontz to Welbom Property Holdings, .81 acre, Mocksville. - Nell Lee Burton to Debbie Lee Miller, Donna Gray Tkach and Douglas Brent Burton, 2 tracts. Shady Grove. - Derry R. Barnhardt and Ommie Sue Barnhardt to Michael S. Hundley and Deana H. Hundley, 7.18 acres. Shady Grove, $90. - Ann Carolyn Beck and W illie Beck to Sheffield- .Calahaln Volunteer Fire Depart­ ment, 7.69 acres, Clarksville, $110. - Ann Carter Dyson, trustee to S. Charles Woodruff Heirs, 1/ 2 interest, 3 tracts. - Comfort Quality Homes to M. Brandon McCormick, 1 lot, $371. - Richard P. Hendricks and Carol D. Hendricks to Colonial Estates, 1 lot, Mocksville, $273. - Colonial Homes Group to Michael C. McMillan Jr., 1 lot, $250. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Po­ lice Department. - A woms'n reported June 22 she was assaulted in a parking lot on Yadkinvillc Road. - A woman reported June 24 she was assaulted at a residence on Raymond Street. - A teenage female reported June 24 she was assaulted on'' South Davie Drive. - The larceny of a license plate from a vehicle parked on North Main Street was reported June 24".................. ....... - The larceny of a bottle of wine was reported June 25 from a convenience store on South Salisbury Street. - A neighbor destroyed items in an apartment off South Main Street, it was reported June 25, - The larceny of candy, bar^ and a digital camera from Wal- Mart Supercenter was reported June 29, - The larceny of money by an em ployee at W endy’s on Yttdkinville Road was reported June 28, - A lawnmower off South Main Street was damaged, it was reported June 28, - The larceny of a pair of sun­ glasses from a convenience store on Salisbury Street was reported June 26, - Suspicious patrons were re­ ported June 26 at the Movie Gal­ lery, Volley Road. - A mailbox was knocked over by a vehicle on Country Lane, it was reported June 25. - The larceny of tools from Wal-Mart Supercenter was re­ ported June 28. - Someone was threatened off Yadkinville Road, it was re­ ported June 28. - The larceny of dog food frojn JP Green Milling, Depot Street, was reported June 28. - The larceny of a pair of Oakley sunglasses and money from the Davie Family YMCA on Cemetery Street was reported June 27. - Someone called 911 using another person’s name, it was reported June 26, Arrests -James Lewis Davenport, 18, of 128 Watt St., Cooleemeee, was charged June 21 with under­ age consumption of beer and damage to property. Trial date: Aug, 28. - Eric Paul Davenport, 19, of 128 Watt St., Cooieemee, was charged June 21 with underage possession of alcohol. Trial date: Aug. 28. - Joshua Frederick Wetzler, 3 1. of 682 Ijambs Church Road, was charged June 21 with pos­ session of marijuona, possession of drug paraphernalia, and aid­ ing underage possession of alco­ hol. Trial date: Aug. 28. - Justin Shalome Sharpe, 17, of 127 Hank Lesser Drive, was charged June 21 with underage possession of alcohol. Trial dote: Aug. 28. - Williahi Herbert Pennell IV, 17, of Statesville, was charged June 19 with coriccalment of merchandise, possession of drug paraphernalia and inhaling toxic vapors. Trial date: July 24. He is accused of taking a can of dust rem over from W al-M art Supercenter. - Justin Christopher James, 25, of 499 Raymond St., was charged June 24 with assault on a female. Trial date: July 3. - Christen Faith Bottcio, 17, of 245 N olley Road, was charged June 26 with resisting a public officer. Trial date: July 17. - Cory Lee Reed, 30, of 143 Lakewood Avc., was charged June 27 with possession of mari­ juana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial date: Aug. 14. ^ - Deborah Kathleen Ebright, .. 22,. of.57.0 S;-MEiR St. Apt,-B,- wus charged June 28 with dam­ age to personal property and vio­ lation of a court order. Trial date: July 17. - Gabino Rodrigez Cortez, 28, of 128 Sunset Drive, was charged June 26 with shoplift­ ing. Trial date: Aug. 7. ! - Roger Dale Morris Jr., 40, of 114 Calvin Lane, was charged June 28 with shoplifting and a parole and probation violation. Trial date: July 10, - Samuel Joel McEwen, 24, of 1693 Fork Bixby Road, Ad­ vance, was charged June 29 with a child support violation, on an order for arrest for DWI and op­ erating a vehicle with a fictitious registration tag/card. Trial dates: July 15 and Aug. 25. IVafnc Accidents - No charges wer; filed after a wreck on South Salisbury Street at 4:20 p.m. June 24. Jesse Clyde Ratledge, 60, of Lew isville, backed a 1997 Chevrolet into a 1997 Ford oc­ cupied by Barbara Sue Byeriy, 59, of Garner Street, reported Officer John D. Walker. - A M ocksville man was charged with aggressive driving after a wreck on Yadkinville Road at 9:44 p,m, June 25, Jolm Lee Phillips Sr,, 41, of Hardison Street, was driving a 1995 Ford at an estimated 45 mph when it went off the road to the right and struck a guide wire to a utility pole, reported Officer C.M, Preston, He told the officer he was in a hurry to P u t y o u r f r e e d o m t o u s e a n d c h o o s e t h e unlimited p l a n t h a t f it s y o u b e $ t . : My Circle choose any 5,10 or 20 pumbefs bn any network Blackberry Curve • Full QWERTY keyboard• GPS-capable' 2 MP comera with video capluro » Mtidla player • Btunloolh® THE PHONE PLACE121 Dtpol 81, MocktvtM, NC 2703« Mon.>FrL в:Э0<т4рт; Murday, OanvNoon 336-751-2626 1276 УшМпт MocklvM«, NC 27036 Moa-FrllftOOMn-rpm; Munlay, lOamOpm 336-753-1447 For lortrra wkI condilloni, bob ww«v.ali(ol.com1orm«.h(ml Samsung Muse 2.0 MP cnmera with video capabilities MP3 player with Music capabilities GPS*capableStereo Bluetooth® capable A l l t e l wireless «IlhwlnKtOOOnl get to Dollar General before the store closed. Cooieemee Police The following are from Cooi­ eemee Police Department re­ ports. - The larceny of prescription medicine from a residence on Wott Street was reported June 6. - A resident of Grove Street reported June 16 someone had stolen his identity. - A prowler was reported June 22 at a residence on Ramar Court, - A domestic disturbance was reported June 22 at a residence on Watt Street. Arrests The Davie County Slieriffs Department made the following arrests: - Barron Lee Thompson, 37, of 146 Howell Road, Mocksville was arrested June 20 for break­ ing/entering of a motor vehicle, possession of drug parapherna­ lia, common law robbery. - Jennifer Dawn Vanhoy, 25, of 210 Cedar Creek Road, Mocksville was arrested June 2.3 for failure to appear. Trial date: July 3. \ - Pidel Castro Grande, 29, of 127 Berkshire Lane, Mocksville was arrested June 23 for failure to appear. Trial date: July 3. - Cindy Lineberry Church, 48, of 1024 Daniel Road, Mocks­ ville was arrested June 23 for identity theft. Trial date: July 3. - Tracy Gene Holleman, 33, of 148 Creason Road, Mocks­ ville was arrested June 23 for breaking/entering and larceny after breaking/entering. Trial date: July 3. ........r. Ft»ace,s_ Roxanne Kurfees, 34, of 667 Greenhiii RoacI',' Mocksville was arrested June 23 for financial card fraud and iden­ tity theft. Trial date: July 3, • Luis M iguel Salas Rodriguez, 23, of 126 Sunset Drive, Mocksville was arrested June 24 for failure to appear. Trial date: July 24. - Pamela Valtina Cromortie, 35, of High Point was arrested Juno 26 on an order for arrest. Trial date: July 24. - Michael Scott Bullock, 27, of 122 Oak Ridge Lane, Mocks­ ville was arrested June 26 for failure to appear. Trial date: July 24, - Sanford Brent Jones, 27, of 127 Norma Lane, Advance was arrested June 26 for failure to appear. Trial date: Ji/ly 10. - Michael Blaine Spaugh, 35, of 153 Aurora Lane, Advance was arrested June 27 for posses­ sion of stolen property. Trial date: July 10. - Jeffrey Thomas Maki, 24, of 737 Crescent Drive, Mocksville was arrested June 27 for resist­ ing a public officer. Trial dite: July 24. - Sherri Leona Shaw, 3^, of Cleveland was arrested June 27 for identity theft and financial card fraud. Trial date: July 10. - Shannon Davis Link, 32, of 148 Creason Road, Mocksville was arrested June 28 for break­ ing/entering and larceny after breaking/entering. Trinl date: ^uly 10. - John Paul Husarick, 31, of Statesville was arrested June 28 for DWI, felony elude arrest, assault on a female, reckless driv­ ing to endanger, no operators licensei open container after con­ suming alcohol, resisting a pub­ lic officer. Trial date; July 10. Fires Davie County fire depart­ ments responded to the follow­ ing calls: June 24: Fork, 3:27 p.m., US 64 East, grass fire; Mocksville, 4:23 p.m., S. Salisbury Street, automobile accident; Mocks- ville,4:36p.m., Sanford Avenue, propane spill; Center assisted; Farmington, 12:29 p.m., Farm­ ington Road, grass fire; Farm­ ington, 4:53 p.m.. Cedar Creek Road, bam fire; William R. Davie assisted; Courtney assisted; Smith Grove assisted; Sheffield- Calahaln assisted; Center as- sisted. June 25: Advance, 8:55 a.m., Roxbury Court, gas leak; Fork assisted; County Line, 2 p.m., 1- 40 West, automobile accident; Center assisted. June 26: Center, 9:35 p.m.. Lake Myers, grass fire; Fork, 1:44 p.m.-, Fulton Road, grass fire; Advance assisted; Fork, 7:36 p.m., US 64 East, fire alorm; Mocksville, 9:01 p.m., Gaither Street, automobile accident; Sheffield-Cttlahain, 9:28 p.m„ Bear Creek Church Road, auto­ mobile accident. June 27: Smith Grove, 6 a.m., 1-40 West, automobile accident; Farmington assisted; Smith Grove, 8:42 a.m., 1-40 Bast, on stand-by; Sheffield-Caluhaln, 8:58 p.m., Turkejffoot Road, ve­ hicle fire; Center assisted; Will­ iam R. Davie assisted; Mocks­ ville, 9:45 p.m., Yadkinville Road, automobile accident. June 28: Advance, 10:02 a,m,. Underpass Road, grass fire; ■ Advance, 6:18 p.m., William Ellis Drive, hazardous condi­ tions; Center, 6:45 p.m.. Junc­ tion Road, automobile accident, June 29: Smith Grove, 2:18 p.m.. Fescue Drive, residential fire alami; Mocksville, 6:31 p.m.. Council Street, hazardous con­ ditions; Center assisted; Mocks­ ville, 6:36 p.m., US 64 West, grass/woods/brush fire; Ad­ vance, 6:38 p.m., Cornatzer Road, fire alarm; Cornatzer- Dulin assisted; County Line, 6:47 p.m,, 1-40East, automobile acci­ dent; Center assisted; Smith Grove, 7:05 p.m., 1-40 East, au­ tomobile accident; Smith Grove, 6:49 p.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident; County Line, 7:03 p.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident; Centerassisted; Mocksville, 7:03 ._p.m.. County Lane, hazardous conditions; Jerasalem, 7:06 p.m., US 601 South, hazardous condi­ tions; Cooieemee, 7:23 p.m., Midway Street, hazardous con­ ditions; CentCr, 8:13 p.m., Allison Lane, hazardous condi­ tions; Center, 8:52 p.m., US 64 West, smoke investigation; Cen­ ter, 10:51 p,m., smoke investi­ gation; Center assisted. June 30: Mocksville, ,12:19 a.m., Funder Drive, fire alarm; Fork a.ssisted; Mocksville, 12:52 a.m., Campbell Road, fire alarm; Smith Grove assisted; William R, Davie. 12:40 p,m„ Liberty Church Road, automobile acci­ dent. Sheriff’s Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department, - On June 15 a break-in was reported at a dwelling on Camp­ ground Road, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at a racetrack on NC 801 North, Mocksville on June 21. - On June 23 harassing phone calls wer? reported at a home on Dutchman Trail, Mocksville. - A dog bite was reported at a home on Shallowbrook Drive, Advance on June 23. , - On June 23 larceny was re­ ported at a home on Ridge Road, Mocksville. - The larceny of firearms was reported at a building on County Line Road, Harmony on June 23, - On June 23 larceny was re­ ported at a home on Leisure Lane, Mocksville, - The larceny of a motor ve­ hicle was reported at it business on US 64 West, Mocksville on June 23. - On June 23 financial card 'theft was reported at a home on Gladstone Road, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at a home on Daniel Road, Mocks­ ville on June 23. - On June 24 the unautho­ rized use of a motor vehicle was reported at a home on Roxbury Court, Advance. - A break-in was reported at a home on Burton Road, Ad­ vance on June 24., - On June 26 larceny was re­ ported at a business on NC 801, Advance. - Damage to property was reported at a home on Howardtown Road, Mocksville on June 26., - On Juno 26 animal cmelty was reported at a homo on Nolley Road, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at a home on US 601 North, Mocks­ ville on June 26, - On June 26 larceny and tres­ passing were reported at a home on Ben Anderson Road, Mocks­ ville. - Harassing phone calls were reported at a home on Parkhill Lane, Mocksville on June 27. - On June 27 larceny was re­ ported at a business on Cornatzer Road, Mocksville. - Simple assault was reported at a homo on Bolaire Lane, Mocksville on June 28. - On June 28 larceny of prop- ' erty *was reported at a music hall on Turkeyfoot Road, Mocks­ ville. - Harassing phone calls were reported at a home on Cornatzer Road, Advance on June 28. - On Juno 29 an animal com­ plaint was received from a home on Davie Academy Road, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at a pharmacy on NC 801 North, Advance on June 29. Highway Patrol •The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C, Highway Patrol. • No charges were filed after an accident on June 26 at 9:31 p.m, Marcus Doc Monaco of Georgia Road, Mocksville was driving a 1990 Ford east on Bear Creek Church Road. A deer en­ tered the road and Monaco ap­ plied his vehicles brakes. Mo- , naco lost control of the vchicle, crossed left of ccnter, ran off the road, and overturned, reported Trooper C.D. Hall. • No charges were filed alter an accident on Juno 26. Karli Elizabeth Dempski of Qrcenfield Road, Mocksville was driving a 1998 Acura north on US 601. Dempski's vehicle went off the right side of the road and collided with a tree. Trooper M.T, Dalton reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 2:15 p.m. and there were no Injuries. • A Davie man was charged with failure to yield right of way after the vehicle he was driving hit another June 27. James Aaron Strain of Daniel Road; Mocksville was driving his 2003 Mitsubishi onto US 601 from Arby's. Debbie Marshall Foster of Milling Road, Mocks­ ville was driving her 1992 .Chevrolet south on US 601. Strain failed to yield right of way and his vchicle collided with Foster's. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 9:43 p.m. • A Mocksville man was charged with no operators li­ cense and exceeding a safe speed after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving June 28 at 6:46 p.m. Hector Martinez Robles of Windsong Road was driving a 1992 Honda north on Greenhiii Rqad exceeding a safe speed for rainy conditions. Robles vehicle crossed left of center, ovorcor- rected, ran off the road to the right, collided with an embank­ ment, continued on, and collided with a fence, reported Trooper C.D, Hall, • Two deer were'reported hit by automobiles in the county last week. In the following reports no injuries to the drivers were re­ ported: Michelle Little Crabtree of Statesville was driving her 2000 Ford near the Rowan County line when a deer entered the road and her vehicle collided with it. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occurred at approxi- mately 11:09 p.m, on June 27, Heather Nicole Boger of Ben Anderson Road, Mocksville was driving a 2000 Toyota south on Country Lane when it collided with a deer in the road. Trooper L.J. Staley, Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 10:04 p.m. on June 27, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 - 7 What If? Three Funding Options Available For New School By Beth Cassidy Davie County Enterprise Record At least one Davie Board of Education member, Terry Renegar, has requested a vote on reorganization no later than the September meeting. Vice Chair Linda Barnette said the plan cannot go forward without construction of a new elementary school, “bccause of overcrowding,” so, with that in mind, the next issue ofter the vote Is funding. Jim Stockert, county finance officer, doesn’t like to speculate about issues that have not been presented to him, but did discuss the possibilities regarding financing a new school. There are three funding options available, he said. The first is a lease-purchase, which means the county enters into a lease for 10 or so years and then has the option to buy out of that lease at the end of the tim e for $1.- That was the funding option used for Cornatzer Elementary School, Stockert said, but it is generally for amounts of $10 million or less. However, Stockert added, tlie state government is considering increasing the lease amount. Barnett said based on last year’s construction costs, "our estimate for a 76,000 square foot building for 500 students was $13,5 million.” The second option is Certificates of Participation, or COPS, the same type of funding ‘ used to fund construction of Ellis Middle School. Stockert said COPS "w orks like a lease- purchase,” with the "paperwork a combination of a bond and lease-purchase. There are one or two public hearings, then a closing. It is sold like a bond.” County M anager Terry Bralley said it is similar to a home mortgage. Bamett said she believed the “surest way to get money for the project would be for the county commissioners to authorize a COPS. Even if the plan went to bond, I can’t believe it would fail. As citizens, we have both a legal and moral obligation to educate our children. I continue to have faith in the good people of Davie County.” The last option is a bond referendum, but if the board decides to wait until September to vole, it would be too late for the referendum to be on the November ballot. There could, however, be a special bond election that can be conducted anytime, Stockert said. All of it is speculation. "W e don’t know [about funding] bccause we haven’t soon the plan,” Bralley said, "And we haven’t talked about where it would be located. A lot of this is cart-before-the-horse, because we haven’t seen anything as far as a plan, but those are the financial mechanisms available.” Bamett said as far as location of a new school, the Allen property in Smith Grove was the most likely place since the county owns it. “That would be the decision of the commissioners,” she said. If the board votes against reorganization, she said, ‘The only other thing wo might do to alleviate overcrowding would be to redistrict and not allow students to transfer from one school to another, but that would be temporary in nature,” S u d o k u Gone Fishing N o r t h C a r o l i n a W a i v e s L i c e n s e R e q u i r e m e n t F o r A D a y Along with watching fire­ works and grilling but, celebrate Independence Day by indulging in another favorite pastime, fish­ ing - no license needed. From midnight until 11:59 p,m. on July 4, anyone - resident or non-resident - can fish in any public water, including mountain trout waters and coastal waters, in North Carolina without a fish­ ing license. So that anglers of all ages and skill levels have an ex­ cellent chance of catching fish, the N.C. W ildlife Resources Commission stocks a variety of fish across the state, from trout in the mountains to striped bass and channel catfish in the Pied­ mont and coastal regions. "The purpose of the free fish­ ing day is to show people how much fun fishing can be," said Kent Nelson, fisheries program manager for the Commission's Division of Inland Fisheries. "It's a great way to spend quality time with your kids ovitdoors and help them develop an interest in na­ ture and conservation." . To miike finding a spot to cast a line easier, the agency has on its website, www.ncwildlife.org, neariy 500 areas that are acces­ sible to the public for fishing. Click on the Fishing link on the left side; then click the Go Fish­ ing! icon on the fishing page. More than 100 areas are man­ aged by the Commission as ei­ ther a Community Fishing Pro­ gram (CFP) site or a Public Fish­ ing Area (PFA), while others are managed by local parks and rec­ reation dcpartmenls. power com­ panies, N.C. State Parks and other natural resource agencies. PFAs provide free fishing opportunities from the bonks of North Carolina's waters. The Commission clears the .banks of underbrush and, in some cases, constructs universally accessible fishing piers, and installs fish attractors. CFP sites are inten­ sively managed bodies of water receiving monthly stockings of catchable-sized channel catfish from April to September. Many sites also feature universally ac­ cessible fishing piers and solar- powered fish feeders. In addi­ tion, the Commission's Tackle Loaner Program, available at many CFP sites, lets anglers bor­ row rods and reels free of charge for a day. While the fishing is free on July 4, fishing regulations, such os size and creel limits, bait and tackle restrictions, and park use fees apply. North Carolina resi­ dents age 16 and older who are interested in fishing the remain­ ing 364 days of the year can pur­ chase a one-year comprehensive inland fishing license, which in­ cludes public trout waters, for $20. A one-year license to fish in coastal waters is $15. To fish in inland and coastal waters, in­ cluding public trout waters, a unified license is $35 and is valid for one year from purchase date. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 7 8 2 3 5 9 8 1 7 4 2 6 9 8 7 9 5 1 2 3 8 7 4 Solution On °age 11 C r o s s w o r d P u z z l e Where It's At H o w a r d S e l e c t e d F o r F e l l o w s h i p Rep. Julia Howard (R-Davie) is one of 40 emerging state lead­ ers from across the nation se­ lected for the To|l Fellowship Program sponsored by The Council of State Governments, Sept. 27-OC1. 2, The annual week-long semi- Town Planners To Meet July 10 The M ocksville Planning Board will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 10 in town hull. Board members will review text amendments to Sections 8- 3.3.5, Section 8-3.10, and Section 8-3.8.47 Recycling and Salvage O perations. The amendment proposes to add and modify uses. Theboard will review a request by Pilgrim Recycling, A North Carolina Partnership to rezone approximately I acre from Neighborhood Residential (NR) to General Industrial (GI). The property is on the south side of Bailey Street and is a portion of Davie County Tax Parcel J5010B0002. The meeting is open to the public. A full copy of agenda items will be on file at the Mocksville Town Hall and the Davie County Development Services Department. nar, named in honor of Henry Toll, u Colorado senator who founded CSG in 1933, seeks to develop the next generation of branches of state government. This year’s program in Lexing­ ton, Ky., focuses on trends analysis, policy development, media and constituent relations, and leadership and institutional changes. The experience gives these leaders perspectives they would not ordinarily obtain dur­ ing the course of Iheir regular governmental service. Howard was nominated by Speaker of the North Carolina House Joe Hackney with en­ dorsements from Texas Sen. Jeff Wentworth and Kentucky Sen­ ate President David Williams. Howard was selected by a com­ mittee of state-elected and ap­ pointed officials. This year's ap­ plicant pool included state lead­ ers from all three branches and represented 37 states and two US territories. Howard represents District 79 (Davie and portions of Iredell counties) in the N.C. House of Representatives, She has repre­ sented this district since 1988 and is serving her lOth term. She serves as chair of the Southern Legislative Conference (SLC), the southern regional branch of the Council of State Govern­ ments, and was appointed to the CSG Finance Committee by vir­ tue of her leadership position within SLC, The Council of State Govern­ ments is a multi-branch organi­ zation forecasting policy trends for the community of states, commonwealths, and territories on a national and regional basis. Jessica Snow (Conlcniponuy Styllet) CLASSICCUTS , 766-8448 ACROSS 1. Bit of verbal fanfare 5. Makes better 10. Instrument for a Marx 14. "Bearded” bloom15. Join forces 16. "Back to you" 17. Top of the standings 19 , 8cl (coll, major) 20. Jack Sprat no-no21, Muddy up 22. Up-and-comer 24. Ceramist's oven 25. ?Get Smart" bad guys 26. End of one's patience, perhaps 31. Like tabloid headlines 33. Thumbs-downs 34. Prefix with natal 35. Till stack 36. Hostilities enders 38. Lasting Impression 39. OCS grads 40. Koko Head Island 41. Mean look 42. Yoga posture 4 6 . went thatawayl" 47. "The Sweetest Taboo" singer 48. Big commotion 51, Shop sign abbr, . 52. Seashell seller 55. Stooglan assault 56. Fashionable mole 59. Braxton of R&B 60. Photographer Adams 61, San__, Italy 6 2 ,"_ boyl" Am«nc«t Pronto Hormimm Conttnt 63. "A-laylng" Christmas gifts 64. Wilson of "Starsky & Hutch" DOWN 1. Petty quanel 2. Bocelll delivery . 3. Malicious gossip 4. Pompous sort 5. St, Peter's topper 6. Disconnect 7. Iranian money 8. List-ending abbr. 9. Slow leaks10. Words of optimism 11. Bell-ringing cosmetics company \ Answers On Page 11 12. Move, In Realtor- speak 13. Strait-laced 18. Took a stab at 23. Brewer's need 24. Singer Kristofferson 25. Clove hitch or granny 26. French seaport 27. Ear’s "anvil" 28. Ancient Penjvian 29. Within earshot 30. Ran like mad 31. Veg out 32."... lamp__my feet" 36. Lunch holder 37. Seafarer's "Heyl" 38 . gin fizz 40. Workplace watchdog org.41. Lightheaded 43. Perfect worid 44. Units of Time 45. Be a snitch 48. Netmen's org. 49. It may thicken50. Talk wildly 51. Move gently 52. Eject forcefully 53. Order to James 54. School on the Thames 57. Suffix with butyl58, "Full," at a theater Bear Creek FannEquesthianCfmer Let US share our passion for Iwrses willi you! Sp«claiizlng In though^t. compatilonate Instrucllon for rider and horse. S i P 426 Alien Row), Mockivlll«, NC 336-492-54S1 or 336-391-2063P^bbuAUtny&iItmiu»wwb««rcfMklarm*qu»itctr.com Touchless ore Brush wash I M o c k s v il l e c A u t o P r id e , C a r W a s h N, Yadkinville Rd, Mocksville I (across/rom Lowes Home i Impmvemenl) Kevin J. Showfetv, DDS» MS Orthodontic Care Expert, Conservative & Affordable ~ We Do Braces on Saturdays! We are open at least 2 Saturdays a 'Month . ~ We Accept A LL Insurance! (Including Medicaid) Your O rthodontic Insurance Hassles H andled Here Phone (704) 636-9518 815 Jake Alexander Blvd. South, Salisbury, NC V EAGLE REimLS, inc. O iudM if E fliiiD H ieiift ■** Aerators Dethatchers Pressure Washers Augers Tillers Tractors Backhoes Tamps Bobcats Trowels Excavators Saws Trenchers Mixers Manlifts Screeds Forklifts Diamond Tools Much, Much More...Over 2,000 Hems!M N O W O p e n I n Mocksville 204 Coopr Creek Dr.(Across ivm WahMart Shopping Center) (136) 753-1445 Mo(vF(i 7:30 am-S:30 pm & Sat 7:30 am'12.30 pm 8 ■ DAVm COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 A crow d g ath ers at NC 801 an d W atts S treet for th e highw ay historical'm arker unveiling cerem ony com m em orating th e life of H ugh Lefler. i l N P ete C olbert talks with Lefier’s so n s. L e f l e r . . . Continued From Page 1 banned by politicians, but that didn’t deter his drive to document history. He wrote the truth with integrity, Cashlon said. The historical marker is Davie County's seventh. There ore more than 1,500 slatcwide. Lefler’s monument contains something few others do, a bit of editoriatizing, said Mike Hill of the N.C. Office of Archives and History at the unveiling. The state refrains from putting words such as “famous” and “best" on the T h e D avie Singing S en io rs provide entertainm ent for th e cerem o n y at the church. signs. Lefler’s, however, calls him a "preeminent historian" Family members from across the country attended the ceremony, as did local histori­ ans, politicians, residents and family friends, Lefler taught North Carolina history for more than 40 years. “Ho not only wrote North Carolina history, he trained people who taught that history," Cashion said. James Wall, retired Davie High School history teucher and author of the book “The History of Davie County," was among those in the audience. Retired South Davie Middle School teacher Charles Crenshaw was there, too. "He made history so fascinating, I couldn’t resist it," Cashion said. “After my own father, Hugh Lefler was the most influential person in my life." Ho read from a brief , biography Lefler had written about himself. Bom in 1901, his family moved near Cool- ccmee becauso the mill had n school, with educated tcachers. He graduated there in 1917, and went on to be the youngest recipient of a Ph.D in the country. But he didn't brag. That’s something that his son, Charles D. Lefler, talked about. “I never heard him brag. 1 later learned that he was the youngest Ph.D in the country, that ho was the state champion tennis player." He called his dad a sad, gpntlc person. Lefler himself ■ said he was just a dirt farmer who loved history. And that garden gave his father a lot of pleasure. Living in the city, Lefler always had a vegetable garden and shared tl.c bounty with neighbors. He continued that passion into his late years, even while suffering from dementia. His father loved sports, history and people. "It didn't matter where you went, people knew him," Charles Lefler said. “He told me one time he could remem­ ber 30,000 people.” Lefler was color blind. ‘T hat’s the way he saw history," Charles said. "Dad said history is history. You document. You don’t change ' it.” He didn't accept dates on the flag, because they couldn't be proven. He clashed more than once with politicians who only wanted positive things remembered. Even in his personal life, Lefler didn't manifest emotions publicly. His son never remembers receiving a hug. Leflcr's grandmother called him “the busiest boy," and it didn’t change. Just the titles of . his publication's would fill seven pages, Cashion said. Jim Rumley, Cooleemee historian, said the lure of an education brought more than one family to the mill town. “The Dukes insisted that teachers be educated. That was very important In generating great people who came out of that school system. "History Is very Important to us,” Rumley said. “All historians stand on other historians' shoulders." \ The Ideo for the marker came from Lefler’s cousin, Charles Futrell, who spent many summers with Lefler on their grandparents' farm. • Davie County Commis­ sioner Richard Poindexter said it is only fitting that a road marker be placed in Cooleemee Pure Performance‘s Flat Interior Latex H O T I n c lu d in g R e b a te ! F in a l C o s tM te r R e b ir ie S e t ñ PITTSBURGH- PA I N T S C audell Lm nber & B uilding Supplies 162 Sheek Street, Mocksville • 336-751-2167 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 > 5:00 • Saturday 7:30 -12 noon C. Boyd M u r d e r . . . Continued From Page 1 Sunday m orning, C hristo­ pher A llen Boyd (no relation to D r. B oyd ), 21, o f Kannapolis, was charged. A ll are being held in the R owan D etention C enter w ithout privilege o f bond. Dr. Boyd had been on va­ cation at the beach w ith his Barnett w ife and three children, and returned home last Tuesday to work. Co-workers went to his home on Thursday morn­ ing after he failed to show up at the office, and found the body. W ilhelm said there was no sign o f forced entry into the home. S u b s c r i b e t o d a y ! Send name, address & payment to: D avie C ounty E nterprise R ecord P O Box 99 «171 S . M ain St. M ocksville, NC 27028 commemorating the life of a great historian. Davie County, he said, is full of history, from the Great Wagon Road to Daniel Boone, from Cornwallis to Col. Thomas Ferebce. “It is only proper that Hugh Lefler should be known and recog­ nized as part of our county, slate and nalionol history." State Sen. Andrew Brock said that nowadays, history Is ..ronm.a EJudy of popular.............. culturc. He looked around at the audicnce of family and former students. “A living marker of the lives he touched are the true historical signifi­ cance," Brock said. “It's a wonderful day for a wonderful man." Cooleemee Mayor John Chandler wasn't surprised by the crowd at the unveiling , ceremony. It's what a small town is all about. "Small towns aren't being I built any more. Our goal Is to preserve what we have," Chandler said. “Many things now are similar to what Lefler saw. We love each other and that's what makes this a great town. If you use your talents God has given you, you can make a difference." Hugh Lefler did. B ic y c l e R o u t e . . . Continued From Page 1 A member of Troop 732, M ills said it hasn't been easy trying to get the “ This was state de- I n Z t portation -W illiam Mills to make the designation. He cites the benefits o f bicycling; using less gasoline, increasing health. Having a designated road in the county w ill also help promote awareness o f bi­ cycling, which M ills has been doing in several D avie schools. "This was met w ith great reviews," M ills said. County M anager Terry Bralley called the request “ great and honorable,” and said the county would request an investigation by the state, department o f transportation. Board mem ber Johnny Frye, also a bicyclist, made a m otion that passed unani­ mously that the county do all it can to get Cornatzer Road designated as an official bi­ cycle route. P e o p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 ■ 9 L a n d r y - K o s k i E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (Susan) Martin of Scottsdale, Ariz. and Dr. and Mrs. Robert (Kay) Landry of Mocksville announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Heidi Suzanne Landty,'to Kevin Keith Koskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Jacqueline) Koskl, of Champion, Mich. The bride-elect is a graduate of the North Carolina School of Sci­ ence and Math in Durham, class of2000; and the United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn., class of 2004. She is serving as u lieutenant in the U.S. Coast Guard at Naval Engineering Sup­ port Unit In Portsmouth, Va. The groom-to-be Is a graduate of Westwood High School, Ishpeming, Mich., class of 1996; and Michigan Technological Uni­ versity, Houghton, Mich., class of 2(X)I. He is serving as a lieuten­ ant In the U.S. Coast Guard at the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore, Md. The wedding will take place in March 2009 in Oriando, Fla. SOAR Supports Animals The SOAR Clvitan Club sponsored a pet food driye.for.the looa! Humane Society ani­ mals. The group had a celebration picnic dinner at Camp Manna, when they presented the food to Dolly Urdanlck, presi­ dent of the society. SOAR includes residents of the Davie County Group Home. “These folks are so gracious, and we really appreciate their efforts on behalf of our Humane Society ani­ mals," said Urdanlck. M o c k s v i ll e . H i g h C l a s s O f ‘5 3 H o l d s 5 5 t h - Y e a r R e u n i o n ij B o b a n d M i l d r e d O l s e n C e l e b r a t e 5 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y Bob and Mildred Olsen of Mocksville celebrated Ihelr 50th wed­ ding annlvensary April 14. The coupic have four daughters, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. They were bom IrfNew York and lived in Connecticut and Florida before coming to North Carolina. They took a month-long trip to Alaska including a cruise and a land tour. 4-H ers M acy Sm ith and A shlynne Kirkpatrick took part in District Activity Day. Davie 4-l-lers Win At District Day Two Dttvle County 4-Hers attended the Northwest District Activity Day June 24. D istrict A ctivity Day Is where 4-H ers who have developed presentations, speeches or who have a talent, and have qualified at the county level, go to compete against fellow 4-Hers from across the district. Ashlynne Kirkpatrick of the Davie County 4-H Clover Club won the bronze metal in the 9- 10 age category w ith her presentation titled. “Nature’s - M edicine Cabinet". She competed In the 4-H Entertains competition by singing a solo titled “Who Am I”. Macy Smith of the Davie County 4-H Teen Association com peted in the 16-18 age category with her speech titled “Choosing A Party”. Both 4-Hers learned a lot about public speaking and presentation skills and are eager to better their presentations for next year's competition, said Lyndsie Dore, Davie 4-H agent. Savannah McGunigal of the Davie County 4-H Teen Association was recognized for an outstanding project record book. She won third place in the district for her citizenship., pioject' book in the' liS-18 age category. “If you see these 4-Hers, please congratulate them. They worked' hard on each of their projects and deserve to be recognized," Dore said. The 1953 graduating class of Mocksville High School held its 55th-year reunion on June 7 at the Sagebrush in Mocksville, with class president, Keith Tutterow, presiding. Approximately 38 attended, including classmates, spouses and friends. Special guests were form er teachers, Helen Crenshaw and Dr. Josephine Foster. Another fomier teacher, Esther Wall, was unable to at­ tend. After the meal, a short pro­ gram was held in which Jim Anderson presented a tribute to the 13 classmates where are de­ ceased. A time was held for members to share their activities since the last reunion. A tenta­ tive reunion is planned for 2010. C o x G r a d u a t e s F r o m B a s i c Army National Guard Pvt. Joseph K. Cox has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. , During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice In basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical war­ fare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and un­ armed combat, map reading, field tactics, milllary courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. He is the son of Pamela Cox of Mocksville, and brother of Jeremy Greer of Columbus, Ga. Cox is a 2007 graduate of Davie High School,. Ryan and Mnndy Foster of Dallas, Texas announce the birth of their first child, a son, Camden Matthew, born Thursday, March 27 at the Ncbrasko Medical Center in Omaha, Neb. Camden weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 21 Inches long. Camden’s grandparents are Al Rogers and Joan Wagoner of Elkin and Jane and (he late Don Foster of Moeksvlile. His great-grandparents are Marie Rogers of HamptonviUc, Foda Wagoner of Jonesvllle, and Billie Foster of Advance. His late great-grandparents arc John (Jay) and Alene Rogers of Mocksville, Jack Rogers, War­ ren Wagoner and Buddie Fos­ ter. Derek and Jen Foster of Raleigh announce (he birth of their first child, a son. Jay Michael, born Friday, March 7 at Rex Hospital in Raleigh. Jay weighed 10 lbs. 4 oz. and was 22 1/2 Inches long. Jay’s grandparents are Mike and Laura McLean of Raleigh and Jane and the late Don Foster of Mocksville, His great-grandmother is Billie Foster of Advance. His late great-grandparents are Buddie Foster, John (Jay) and Alene Jones of Mocksville, Phil and Margoret Perry of Raleigh and Ernest (Mac) McLean. S av an n ah M cG unigal sh o w s her m edal an d ribbons. Get outstanding low prices on quality products. Attention Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Owners Snider A utom otive Specializing in Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Automotive repairs, with 18 years experience, ASE and Chrysler Master Certified. Performing Repairs on Gas and Diesel Vehicles. From Minor Repairs to Complete Overhauls on Engine. Transmission.Transfer Case, Electrical, Air Condition, Suspension, Front and Rear Axles. So Bring Your Vehicle to the one that knows it in and out. Also Making Repairs on other Domestic and Foriegn Vehicles. CHRIS SNIDER M OCKSVILLE, NC 336-391-2607 _________/ r H U M A N A . A M a r k e t F ® l N T S p e c ia liz in g in : • Medicare supplement insurance • Final expense insurance • Individual & temporary health insurance • Medicare Advantage health plans • Medicare Part D prescription drug plans For more Candis Rogers inform ation ,^88-290-4108 AND BUILDINa SUPPLIES162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 MOCKSVILLE’S (BOIWPLETE BUILDERS' SUPPLY Open Dally Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00 • Sal. 7:30 -12 noon DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 3,2008 - 11 t, . 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 Q>untv Line News_________ S h e f f i e l d C a l a h a J n N e w s By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent On Friday of tliis weeic our com m unity and nation will commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring our independence from Great Britain and giving birth to America - the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are indebted to our brave forefathers who fought the Revolutionary War that followed and to those who have defended our freedom since then. Many folks will celebrate the holiday weekend with trip.s to the beach and mountains. Some will celebrate with backyard cook- outs and fireworks. However you choose 10 cclebraie, here's hoping that you have a safe nnd happy lime. For those who love to join the V-Point Rurituns for breakfast the first Saturday of each month, please ren\ember there will be no breakfast this Saturday. The next breakfast will be Saturday, Aug. 2. Society Baptist Church’ will have the annual church picnic Sunday, July 6, at Camp Manna on Pine Ridge Road in Cooleemec. Activities will begin at 4 p.m . and w ill iitclude softball, swimming, and games for the entire family. Everyone is asked to bring a dessert and a drink for the picnic supper. If you wish, bring a lawn chair or blanket. Church members invite others for an evening of family enjoyment. The U nited M ethodist Women of Clarksbury will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, July 7, in the fellowship hall. Mildred Beck and Alice Waugh will lead the nrflsr.am J>nd Cars! Ann ilol Ion ' and Agnes Wooten will host the event. Following the program the women will enjoy n period of refreshments and fellowship. They invite others. Upcoming events Include a vacation Bible school from 6:30- 8;30 p.m . July 13-17 at Clarksbury United Methodist Church and an "Old Fashion Day" Sunday, July 13, with vacation Bible school registnilion followed by classes July 14-18 at Calvary Baptist Church. Our community sends get-^ well wishes to Bueford Lambert,“ who has an infection and has had to return to Iredell Memorial Hospital. Ruth Kimmer remains in serious condition in Lexington. Please pray for the L ord’s divine healing and blessings in the lives of Bueford, Ruth, and other residents who are having health problems. A Celebration and the End of an E ra Lou Ann and Parks Jones celebrated their 50th wedding ftnnivetsary Sunday, June 8, with a reception at the fellowship hall of Clarksbury United Methodist Church, hosted by their children and spouses: Jennifer.andAndy White of Statesville, Malinda and Jimmy Smith of Harmony, K aten and M ark Johnson of Statesville, Sue and W illiam Jurney of Rhode Island, and Rhoda and Todd Redmond of Harmony, The fellow ship hall was decorated with m agnolias. i.i ¥ V • GS it Ш -"' I» r ■; • К . Л yL £Ì For m any d e c a d e s Lou A nn an d Parl<s Jo n e s a n d his p aren ts an d g ran d p aren ts supplied our com m unity and others with delicious fresh se a so n e d h o m em ad e s a u s a g e an d liver m ush an d other goods. geraniums, and ferns. A focal point was an arrangement of yellow roses given in honor of the couple by the children of the Inle Edward and Sadie Elam. A trip down memory lane included fam ily pictures and news clippings through the years and the couple’s wedding album highlighted by Lou A nn’s wedding portrait. Relatives and friends assisted with serving. Approximately 250 guests attended and included many out- of-town folks. All of the couple’s grandchildren, except Zack Smith of South Dakota, joined the celebration. A daughter of the late Coite and Vagie M artin Church of Olin, Lou Ann attended Harmony High School. Parks, whose parents were the late Sam and Virginia Gaither Jones of County Line, also attended Harmony. They were friends in school ond shared a love for sports. Parks exceyed in football and baseball and Lou Ann made Northwest All Conference in basketball. They began dating after Lou Ann’s graduation in 1955. Lou Ann and Parks were m arried by the Revs, Paul Lowder and Jack McCarthy June BEARCREEK BAPTIST CHURCH JULY 14-18 On July 14-18, Bear Creel< Baptist Church will become Outrigger Island. We hope you will Join us as we celebrate God's love and learn more about Jesus through our Vacation Bible School program. We have classes for all ages nursery thru adult. We will meet nightly Mon-Thurs 6:30-8:30 for children and youth, with adults from 7:00-8:00. On Friday, we will complete the weeit with a commencement and a coqkout for children and families. Put on your island best and we'll see you here! 492 Bear Creek Church Road • Mocksville 8, 1958, at C larksbury and honeymooned in the mountains of N orth Cilrolina. A cake- cutting was held at the nearby new V-Point Building following the wedding rehearsal. After a 2-year lour of duty with the U.S. Army by Parks, the couple built a home on Rimrock Road. Parks returned to work in his family grocery business while Lou Ann becam e a homemaker and mother as their nest grew ^to include five daughters by 1973. In 1979 Lou Ann and Parks took over the family grocery business after the death of his father and the subsequent retirement of his mother. Jones Grocery, which evolved from A.M . G aither Grocery, has remained a family affair with all family members doing whatever task was needed. In 1982 the Jones’ nest on 'Rimrock Road began to empty as oldest daughter Jennifer married. As youngest daughter Rhoda married in 1996, Lou Ann and Parks were again empty nesters but not before making sure that each daughter was educated for life and had a strong faith in God. Through the years fresh locally grown beef and pork became the signature of Jones Grocery as customers spread the word. Taking orders for and making the fre.sh sausage and livermush kept the couple and family busy getting the meat ready for sale by Wednesday afternoon as customers came from a 50-mile radius. If you have ever dined at a local church or other group breakfast, you K i;n< i:.si;.M A i i\ к Julia Howaitl A 'i //(iii.u- 7‘Jlli IH mHcI Please coniaci me in; MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1t06 Raleigh, N0 27601-1096 Email: Junah@ncleg.net PAIDFOKUYJVUA flOWAKU have probably eaten Jones sausage. Jones Grocery furnished sausage to many organizations, including the V- Point Ruritans and Center, Clarksbury, Mount Bethel, Union Chapel, and Wesley Chapel Methodist churches. As the couple celebrated 50 years of marriage, they marked over 40 years in the grocery business. This past December they decided to semi-retire and eliminated the fresh meat part of the store. YeS, that has meant no more delicious Jones sausage and livermush. It has been six months si|ice a cake of their sausage passed my lips and slithered down my throat to my tummy, and I still haven’t found any as good. Fellow County Liners, we have the end of the A.M. Gaither-Jones Grocery sausage era. Can it be true? Life has been good for the Jones family but not without heartbreak and tragedy. In 1993, Parks had a continual rash on his forehead and was having sleeping problem s. He was diagnosed with a large brain tumor and had em ergency surgery. The couple was thankful it was benign but developed a deeper appreciation for one’s health and how quickly it can be endangered. In 1994 they were blessed with granddaughter Jordan Jurney, who lived on this earth for only a brief time but will live in their hearts forever as their "angel unaware." Jordan was a healthy baby and her death was unexplainable and attributed to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Many times they asked why; but for them, Jordan’s death strengthened the importance of accepting God’s divine will in their lives and keeping their faith in and eyes upon Him. Lou Ann and Parks, congratulations from all of us in County Line upon your 50 years of successful married life. We thank you for your service to our community and others and wish you good health and happiness as you ease into retirement. T h e y m a rrie d J u n e 8, 1958, at C larksbury United iVlethodist C hurch. Lou Ann and P arks both excelled in sports at H ar­ m ony H igh S ch o o l b u t didti't d ate until after Lou A nn's graduation In 1955. P arks an d Lou Ann celeb rated their 50th w edding anniversary S unday, Ju n e 8, with a reception a t C larksbury h o ste d by their d au g h ters a n d their fam ilies. P ictured (i-r) are: front row, IVieredith W hite, A nna Sm ith, M adison an d Troy Jurney: se c o n d row, E than Jo h n so n , Jennifer W hite, P arks an d Lou A nn, S u e Jurney, R hoda an d Todd R edm ond; b ack row, A ndy W hite, IVIark a n d K aren Jo h n so n , M alinda a n d Jim m y Snilth. (W illiam Ju rn ey an d Z ack Sm ith, not p ic tu re d ), Little P ark s J o n e s b eg an learning th e grocery retail b u s in e s s e arly from his p a re n ts S am an d Virginia. At the sam e tim e young m aiden Lou Ann Church of C lin w a s b ein g a g ood m other to her baby dolls. T heir children b eg an with daughter Jennifer and then M alinda an d by 1973 included three m ore daughters. ¿ a ,__________________.___________________________J In 1982 Ih e girls (i-r) S u e, Jennifer, R hoda, ("D addy Parks"), M alinda, an d K aren beg an to flee th e n e st a s Jennifer m arried Andy W hite at Clarksbury. I By Janice Jordan Shefrield-Calahaln Correspondent Summer camp sessions at the old Poplar Springs School resume on Monday, July 14 for rising first-sixth graders. Located on Ijames Church Road, each weekly camp will run from 10 a.m,-4 p.m. with child care ovailable before and after camp each day for an additional charge. More information is ¡available at the w ebsite www.popUirspringssclwoicom ^ r contact Vauda Ellis at 492- |2 7 7 or Shar Beck at 492-2305. ¿ The W illiam R. Davie liders Booster Club is gearing for its annual fundraiser golf rnament at Pudding Ridge ilf Club Saturday, July 12. All eeds benefit the William R. lavie Youth Football Program, 'onations are welcome and ¡orporate and individual spon- ors arc needed. For more formation and to register, call ilub president, Angela Wallace lát 940-5574. Ijam es Baptist- Church lonored its three high school raduates on , June 29 by 'presenting them with Bibles. ley arc Sarah Alexander, Justin ^Phillips, and Joshua Holcomb. lOne of the church’s college students, Amanda Phillips, is on 'a mission trip to Russia. She left iJune 10 and will return July 29. She will teach children in ‘Backyard Bible Clubs. The Sunday service at Ijames as a patriotic celebration of our ^country's Independence Day. M ike Branham shared ' a retrospective of the Vietnam War, and talked about the sim ilarities of the pplijicaj... climate then and now of our currcnt War on Terror. He challenged everyone to get involved, stay informed, and to be an active part of the decision making process so that we may remain a strong and free nation. His message was followed by patriotic songs by the congreg­ ation and choir, plus u moving slide show and song by George ■ Jones about the more than 50,000 names on the Vietnam memorial wall. The M en’s Fellowship of New Unión United Methodist Church served up a bunch of hotdogs Saturday in the church parking lot. This will continue to be a monthly event, with the next cookout scheduled for.Saturday, July 26. The fourth annual Fall Festival sponsored by New Union UMC, will be Saturday. Sept. 20 from 10-4 p.m. Any vendors interested in a space shpuld call Vicki Groce at 961- 6929 or Brenda Bailey at 751- 7567. New Union wanted to feature one of their members in this column, and chose James O. Mattox, who is known locally as Mr. K&W, as he loves good food and eating out in restaurants. In fact, he’s accused of being on a first name basis with nearly every local eating establishment. He is a m em ber of- several church committees, serves as a Lay Speaker, and also teaches Sunday School. His hobbies include working crossw ord puzzles, listening to big band Siidoku Solution Lizzie R e ev es begins h er 93rd birthday by having a hot dog for lunch with h er son, E ugene. N ew Union C hurch's M en's Fellow ship m em b ers G ary Allen, Larry D yson, A1 Sutphin, an d Jim m y Bailey cook hot dogs. m usic, and using every opportunity to ngt wear his hearing aid. Although he chooses not to play on the church softball team and has to endure the kidding about that, fellow members appreciate all that he docs for the church. While Jack Bailey played music with the bluegrass group Crusher Run at the Brushy Mountoin Winery Saturday, his wife Brenda took off to tour the town of Elkin. As Brenda noted, car trips to local sights will probably become more popular due to the high cost of travel these days. She found that Elkin had many more things to .see and do than most people probably realize, just as our town of Mocksvillc does. A few of Uie shops she visited and enjoyed were D ave’s Antiques and D iana's Bookstore. At Old Times she bought her husband a ,.pair-0.t.whltc.gloves V.cMisc he- wears one on his left hand w^en playing the bass. In fact, he has endured some teasing by' being called Michael Jackson Bailey. Brenda said she had to drag herself out of the General Store. The winery was introducing it newest wine, which happened to be a dessert wine called "Sweet Lou”. That seemed fitting as her sister Sweet Lou (Mary Lou Teague) had joined her. The Piedmont Antique Power Association festivities are July 3 and .4 at the Masonic Picnic Grounds, and several of our local residents arc making final their plans to participate. Chester and Wade Reeves have taken their tractors to this event for several years. Although the two arc Ford men, Wade always displays his dad’s Farmall. Continuing With the holiday events this week will be 2 Young 2 Old performing Saturday at the Sheffield Music Hall. Lizzie Reeves began her 93rd birthday June 28 with a hotdog lunch at a picnic table undera shade tree at New Union Church. Her son, Eugene Reeves and his wife, Ritz Ann were with her, ■ after Vip fiom-Augusta,- Ga. to spend a few days with his m other and- other family m em bers. The two had .celebrated their wedding anniversary June 25. Lizzie’s other children include son. Bill and a daughter, Phyllis Williams. Lizzie also has six gmndchildrcn and six great-grandchildren. Later that afternoon, 18 family members gathered at her home to have a cookout, which was follow ed by birthday cake. Visitors that evening included Zelma Reavis, the mother of Lizzie’s daughter-in-law, Brenda and a longtime friend of Lizzie. She too was celebrating her 93rd birthday that day. Reminiscent of the days before telephones when neighbors often hollered across the pastures to each other, a loud voice came over the road and hay field as I stood outside my house that night. As it was a call to come and get a piece of cake, 1 obviously could not refuse, and hurried Qver. It was a wonderful evening to sit outside and chat, and I especially enjoyed learning some history about our neighborhood. Lizzie is a gold mine of information, a joy to talk ■ -v.'ith, -end ciriainly -aii -,15.ни t lit" our community. Brandi Drye’s grandmother, Brenda Roberson had surgery last week. Mrs. Roberson’s daughter, Cindy Beaver (Brandi’s mother) is undergoing medical testing. Please keep this family on your prayer list. Sad news arrived at column deadline that Sheffield’s oldest resident, Mon'zy Dyson, died Sunday morning at the age of 101. He leaves behind a large family, many of whom still reside in our area, and they are certainly in our thoughts and prayers. Community resident Henry Edgar "Ed” Allen passed away suddenly Tuesday, June 24, at age 71.-Survivors includc his wife Susie, two sons, Tbny and Scott, and daughter. Shannon. Our condolences go out to all of them. Sympathy is also offered to the family and friends of Lonnie Gray "L.G.” Bolin, who lived for many years in Sheffield, but was most recently a resident of Lexington. Mr. Bolin, 68, lost a longtime battle with cancer June 18. Survivors include five sisters ■■whtf'All-TC.iidc -ivi tlnsn-egidii', ' three brothers, all of Mocksville, and several local nieces and nephews. Birthday wishes to songstress M ichele Dyson on July 3; Independence Day babies Villard Beck, Wayne Dyson, and Wanda White; Linda Drye and Jody Apple on the 5th: Pam Ladd, Sammy Reavis,.Jeremy Bailey, and Amanda James on the 6th; Alex Frye and Sydney Davis on the 8th; Barbara Gobble und Madeline Lapish on the 9th; and Jimmy Peel on July 10. Happy anniversary to Chariie and Sherry Keaton on July 3; Jeremy and Stephanie Barker on the Fourth of July; and neighbors Bryant and Mary McClamrock, whose wedding date is July 9th. As we all celebrate Independence Day this year in our traditional ways, perhaps we should give some thought to the origin of the document called the Declaration of Independence which was adopted on July 4, 1776. Just being able to "Google” the document in order to read what it says is a power^l freedom. Imagine how anuizcd bur' lofiirathet.vwouk! -be -vMth—.. our technology. Have a wonderful Fourth and be safe. Your news is needed for this column. Photos can be emailed to me. Please call me with any questions at 492-5836 or email jvjjordan® hotmail.com. A d v a n c e N e w s By Edith Zimm erm an Advance Correspondent We welcomed our new pas­ tor, the Rev. Cheryl Skinner, to Advance United M ethodist Church Sunday. Her hushund, the Rev. Kirk Tutterow, is the pastor at Elbuville/Fulton churches. Edith Zimmerman and Anne Osborne attended the wedding and reception of Samantha Ward and Bobby Whitaker Saturday a/temoon at Smith Grove Meth­ odist Church. Later in the after­ noon Edith visited Pat and Norman Chaffin on Baltimore Road. Anna Lee MyerS, Kathy and Rommie Barney and Marcia Goshom attended the wedding of Ryan Barney and Amy Th­ om pson at G riffith Baptist Church in Winston-Salem Satur­ day afternoon. The reception was held at Hawthorne Inn. A Tasting Party by .'Rada', sponsored by the Elbaville United Methodist Women, was held Monday night at the fellow­ ship hall. Mary and-Christine Welboni were in charge of the ' beautifully decorated tables. Church members brought re­ freshments. Rada hud a variety for tasting including dips, soup mixes, plus knives and .spatulas and other things for sale. Also recipe books were available. Erika Summers, a nurse at Chapel Hill, her mother Cynthia Summers of Mocksville and her grandmother, Bess Bennett of Cornatzer were Sunday after­ noon visitors of Edith Zimmerman. Get well wishes go out to Joe Tucker who is a paticiu at the VA hospital in Salisbury. Kids Summer Camp will be at First Baptist CThurch July J4- 17from!)a.m.-'I p.m., age 2-kin­ dergarten. Snacks provided, chil­ dren bring their lunch. Dona­ tions will be appreciated. Call Cindy Martin for Inforniatloh 766-5279. Registration forms nuiy be picked up at the church office. F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s F a r m i n g t o n N e w s By M arie White Four Comers Correspondent Cole Hanelihe spent Monday with his great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith. We extend our sincere, sym­ pathy to the family of Eddie Masten, He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Musteti and nephew of Ollive Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Atkins und boys, missionarie.s in the P i n o N e w s Ukraine, were in charge of the worship service Sunday at Courtney Baptist Church. They were honored after the service with a fellowship meal. A large crowd attended. We hope everyone will have a good and safe weekend in cel­ ebration of the Fourth of July. Thank God for our great country of America and for all the ser­ vicemen that are serving our countiy. s 6 8 1 7 9 3 2 4 9 3 1 4 2 5 8 7 6 4 2 7 3 6 8 1 S 9 7 8 4 5 9 2 6 1 3 6 S 9 8 3 1 7 4 2 2 1 3 6 4 7 5 9 8 8 4 2 7 1 6 9 3 5 1 9 6 2 5 3 4 8 7 3 7 S 9 8 4 2 6 1 Crossword Answers By Nor« Latham Pino Correspondent Shirley Cottle was the guest speaker at Wesley Chapel UMC last Sunday in the absence of Pastor Jack Tookey who was on vacation camping in Faiiy Stone Park in Virginia. She delivered am inspirational message on our homecoming with Christ. Our sincere condolences go out to the Charles and Jane M asten who lost their son, Eddie, to cancer last week. All of their family is in our thoughts and prayers. Wesley Chapel is forming a team for the Relay for Life on July 25 & 26 at the YMCA in M ocksville, Country music singer, Kevin Sharp, will be performing at the Relay this year. He is a survivor. He will go on Stage at 8 p.m. Please call •Sara Eure at 492-2299 or Kathy Ellis at 998-3987 if you would like to be on our team, purchase a luminary for $10, a Torch of. Hope for $100,- or just make a donation. We are trying to paint the county purple with big purple ■ bows for you mailbox (o bring awareness to the fight against cancer. Please let us know if you would like to purchase one for a donation of $5. The money raised by the Relay for Life goes toward research to find a cure for. this dreadful disease. Audra and Caroline Raus of Charleston, S.C. spent the weekend with her parents, Jim and Chinera Latham. ^ , - Sunday afternoon Fran Craver, Kathy Ellis and Audra Raus hosted a baby shower for Kendra Jacobs in the fellowship hall at Wesley Chapel UMC. Kendra, Jim and M .J. are expecting the new member of their family, another son, in July. By Luura Mathis Farmington Correspondent Did you go by the Farming­ ton Community Center on Sut- urdny expecting to see lots of fresh produce? Me, too. The word is that most of the crops are behind this year, due to the hot dry weather. The Galliher Farm, which supplies all those fresh or­ ganic vegetables, said that they had,to replant everything. Oth­ ers have said that they would have something to .sell a little later. So here's the deal. The space will be left open until the produce is ready. 1 will be list­ ing the market in the "Farming­ ton News" when 1 know for sure that someone will be there to sell. So if you plan to sell, let me know a week in advance. We re­ ally want this to work'for the benefit of our local farmers and our community. In days like these, people are eager to by fresh produce locally. So I’m sure there is money to be made for those who have it to sell. Fresh canncd goods and home­ made crafts are popular, too. We'll just have to be patient for it to all come together. The Senior Ice Cream ¿ocial was a hit last Friday. The Farm­ ington Com m unity Center wanted to do a little something special for our local seniors and it turned out to be u fun event. The community center has de­ cided to have a monthly Senior Social aiid do something a liule different each month. The next one will be held on July 25, I'll keep you posted on the details. Teens at the Teen Gathering Place had a great time this past Friday. They enjoyed a good water shootout with water guns. It was a great way to cool off from the hot weather. The Teen Gathering Place will not be open On July 4, but will re-open on Friday, July II. The Farmington Rurituns will meet Thursday, July 10 at 7:30. The Summer Spectacular Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth summer pro­ gram is scheduled for July 28- Aug. I from 6:30-8:30 nightly at Farmington Baptist Church. All are invited, from babies to ris­ ing fifth graders. There is an adult class, also. Call the church at 998-3826 for more informa­ tion. G r e a t C lip s R e l a x . Y o u 'r e a t G r e a t C l i p s : ■ R e - G r a n d O p e n i n g | “ " I ^ S P E C IA L * 7 . 9 9 H A IR C U T with this coupon L im it O n e P e rso n P e r C o u p o n . E x p ires July 11,2008 2 2 3 C o o p e r C r e e k D r i v e I Wal-Mart Shopping Center i Mocksville,NC 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 Need Vinyl Railing? No Painting Everll No Rotting Everll We Supply Materials & Labor. Call for Free Estimate. D-(336) 480-5984 N-(336)492-5761 O b itu a rie s i ' ' Í Don Noel Excavating & Grading TracKhoa & Dozor work. Site planning, lots oloarod, driveways, sapllc systems, sewer hookups & drainages. Installation & repairs MOW Bushogging Pasturo Land & К Largo Tracts № H a r t i s P o o l é k S u p p l i e s IM«>CMC)ll<PNlt$p)lntlil|jM Ор)А| I CM« • Vlql Um 11(фст^ Tbminy Harri.s/Owner-Ovcr 20 Yrs. Exp. 277 PlcnsantAcrc Dr, MiK-ksville Home (336) 28Ф4817 Business (336190M027 MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMIB IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! Mwy 601 s , M<uksv,ik- 1336) 751*2304 B erlie N ail W aller Mr,s. Berlic Niiil Waller, 74. of Dcudmon Road, Mocksville, died Monday evening, June 23, 2008, She was born in Duvie County on May 1, 1934 to the late Grady and Zola Swicegood Nail and was a seainstreSs. She enjoyed baking and decorating cakes, crocheting, shopping and touring Ilea markets. She was a life member of Concord United Methodist Church, , , Survivors; her husband, Herman Waller: 4 daughters, Shanan Waller of Morganton, Vickie (Paul) Carter of Advance, Vanessa Waller of iSaliSbury, and Beth (Terry) Dalton of Mocks­ ville; a granddaughter; a great- granddaugher; a sister, Donnie (Robert) Beddington of Mgck.s- ville; and a brother, Tommy Nail of Mocksville, She was preceded in death by a sister, Shelby Purdue. Her fuperal service will be held Thursday, Jtme 26 at Con­ cord United Methodist Church with the Rev. Arnold Oosnell officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The body will be placed in the church nt 1:30 p.m. Tlie fumily was to be at Eaton Funeral Home in Mocks­ ville Wednesday evening from 7- 8:30. Memorials: J. Iverson Riddle Development Center, c/o Angela W illiam s, 300 Enola Rd., Morganton, 28655. Subscribe Today to the Enterprise Record $20 per yciir 751-2120 METAL ROOFING 3 ’ C overage • 30+ Colors 25 Year W arranty Post Frame Buildings call fo r prices! 1-888-278-6050 M iS -S T A T e m E rA L S of the Carolinas, LLC P a tric ia M a rie A rc h e r Patricia Marie Hugger Ar­ cher, 78, of Charlotte, died Wednesday, June 25,2008, at her home, Mrs, Archer was born bn Nov, 25, 1929, in Rahway, N.J., the daugh­ ter of Albert and I'Lydia Hugger Sr. After gradu­ ating from Rahway High School in 1945, she married Richard Ar­ cher. She WjOrked as a payroll and cost accounting clerk for Century Place Textiles, from which she rfitired in 1993. She worshiped the Lord through the Jehovah’s W itness Kingdom Hall in Mocksville. Survivors; 6 children; Dan Archer lind wife- Debbie of M ocksville; Brad, Archer of Campton, N.H.; David Archerof W oodleaf; Amy Gural of Edgewater, Fla.; Megan Archer of Ciiarlotte; and Michael Archer of Campton; 7 grandchildren; a great-grandchild; a brother, Pe­ ter Hugger of Fanwood, N.J.; 2 sisters-in-law, Lillian Hugger of Rahway, N.J., and Ann and her. husband Bob Dohrman of Manahawkin, 12 nieces and nephews; and many friends. She was preceded In death by her husband, her parents, a sis­ ter, Karen, and a brother, Albert “Bud" Hugger Jr. . Service« will be held at a later date, . Memorials; American Diabe­ tes Assoc., PO Box 11454, Al­ exandria, VA 22312; or Ameri­ can Stroke Foundation, 5960 Dearborn, Mission, KS, 66202. GENETREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Froe Estimates 336-284-4571 U fe ’ r e j u s t a m o u s e - c lic k a w a y . . . DAVIE COUNTY E N T E R P m / ^ G C O R D ONLINE Go to the Davie County Enterprise Record website at .www.enterprise-record.com for a convenient link to our latest edition. It’s your online connection to Davie County. L O b i t u a r i B S ^ (jClassified&^ ^Ijbscriptioh^ íHéader’s 1Щ) С iUeather Ъ Davie County... WeVe Got You Covered Online! uiuitu.enterprise-record.com T lio m as M o n zy D yson Mr. Thomas Monzy Dyson, 101, of Howard Street, formerly of Dyson Road, Mocksville, died Sunday, June 29,2008, at Au­ tumn Care of Mocksville. He was bom Nov. 21, 1906, jti ; Davie 'County to the late Duvid Pink and M artha Magdalene Marlowe Dyson. Mr. Dyson was a mohiber of New Union United Methodist Church in Harmony. He was a retired farmer and enjoyed raising can­ taloupe, watermelon and work­ ing with the cows. Mr. Dyson enjoyed going to Inspiration Park for gospel sings at Chero­ kee and gospel singing. He en­ joyed traveling to Indiana to see relatives. Julia, the youngest of his grandchildren, especially en­ joyed his company. He was also preceded indeath, by his first wife, Nannie Malone Reeves Dyson in 1940; his sec­ ond wife, Mamie Edna Parks Dyson in 1995; and a grand­ daughter, Gloria Jennie Allen. Survivors; 5 children, Tho­ mas Leroy (Nannie) Dyson, Jimmy W illiam (Christine) Dyson, Carl Malone (Nellie) Dyson, all of Mocksville, Dor­ othy (Bobby) Stokes of Advance and Melba (Rodger) Feimsterof Mocksville; 11 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; 8 great- great-grandchildren; and numer­ ous nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con­ ducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 2, at New Union United M ethodist Church, with the Revs, David F. Cunha and Wayne Swisher officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes before the servicc. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Tuesday, July 1, at Eaton Funeral Home, M em orials: New Union Methodist Cemetery Fund, c/o Helen Bulla, 115 ,New Hamp­ shire Ct„ Mocksville, Online condolences; www.eaumfmtcrahcrvice.com. Berlie N. Waller 1934-2008 ' MOCpSVILtK Mark S. Grubb 19.W - 2008 ADVANCE ■ . «a ' Neil C. Evans 1923 - 2008 LEXINGTON ' ^ . ' Brenda S. Cruz Died June 17,2008 MOCKSVILLE , Jettie E. Lindsay , 1938-2008, • .MOCKSVILLE Edward L Williams \ 1954 -2008 , ADVANCE ■■ ’ IvarJ. Anderson Sr 1931 -2008 COOLEEMEE Eddie W.Masten 1962 - 2008; YADKINVILLE ^ '• Lonnie G. Bolin Jr. ' 1940 r 2008 V LEXINGTON Ellie B.iloward 1912-2008 . MOCKSVILLE : 325 N. Mala Str ot , Mócksvilie, NC (336)7Д-2148 H e n ry E d g a r A llen Henry Edgar "Ed" Allen, 71, of Sheffield Road, Mocksville, died Tuesday, June 24, at his residence. Born in Davie County Sept..3, 1936, he was the son of the late Brack and Rena Williams Allen, He had worked at Heritage Fur­ niture and retired from Sheffield Lumber, He was of the Baptist faith; On July 1, 1961, he mar­ ried Phyllis Susie Ratledge Allen, who survives. Also surviving: 2 sons, Tony E. (Dale) Allen, M. Scott (Tammy) Allen; a daughter. Shannon M. Allen, all of Mocks­ ville; 2 sisters, Carolyn McCraiy of Mocksville and Faye Comer ofYadkinville; 2 grandchildren; , and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Allen was also preceded In death by 2 brothers, Hubert and Clarence Allen and a sister. Bob Robbins. A graveside service to cel­ ebrate the life of Mr. Allen was held Friday, June 27, at 11 a.m. at the Zion Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery with the Rev. Wayne Swisher officiating. M em orials; Zion Chapel Cemetery Fund, c/o Ray Cleary, 1545 Sheffield Rd., Mocksville. W a lte r W illiam H o rto n Walter William Horton, 52, of NC 801 South. Mocksville, died Thursday, June 26, 2008, at Rowan Regional Medical Cen­ ter. Born in Newton, N.J., on Dcc. 31,1955, he was the son of Nathan M. Horton of Mocksville and the late Rose Potts Horton. He was disability retired from Saxton Falls Sand and Gravel. Also surviving: a son, Mark Horton of Connecticut; a daugh­ ter, Jessica Horton of New Jer­ sey; 2 brothers, George Horton of South Carolina and Louis Horton of Pennsylvania; and 2 « daughter, Mary Elizabeth sisters, Lisa Miekalowski o f’ Nothstjno; a son, Richard Lee R oby L o u is G ra n t Sr. Roby Louis Grant, Sr., 89, of Joe Road, M ocksville, died Thursday, June 26, 2008, at his home. Born in Alexander County on May 2 3 ,1919,hcw asthesonof the late Franklin Marion and Velma Mamie Sells Grant. Mr. Grant served in the U. S. Army during Worid War II. He was a self-employed appliance repair­ man and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors: 6 sons, Joe Rob­ ert Grant, Tumor Grant, Ronald Larry Grant, Richard E. Grant, Roby L. Gant, Jr., and Darrell L. (Denise) Grant; 6 daughters, Barbara Jean (Jerry) Gobble, Anita Lou, Teresa (Mike) Pulley, Tina (Larry) Pelliticr, Lynn Strang and Lisa Ramsey; a brother. Max Grant, a sister, Juaiiita; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great- great-grandchildren. Mr. Grant was also preceded in death by a brother, Clyde Grant, and a sister, Opal. The service to celebrate the life of Mr. Grant was held Mon­ day, June 30, at 10:30 a.m. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Darrell Cox offi­ ciating. Burial was at noon in the Salisbury National Cemetery with m ilitary honors by the Rowan Veterans Council. The family received friends Sunday, June 29, at Davie Funeral Ser­ vice. /^Ipha B u rn s L aw son Mrs. Alpha Burns Ellis Lawson, 95, fonnerly of Mock Place, Mocksville, died Satur­ day, June 28, 2008, at Autumn Care of Mocksville! She was born in Rowan County on March 24, 1913, to the late Sidney and Mary Lou McDaniel Ellis. Mrs. Lawson was a homemaker and was faith­ ful to attend the Sunday school at Autumn Care. She was preceded In death by Mocksville and Susan Fidler of New Jersey. The service to celebrate the life of Mr. Horton will be in New Jersey with burial in the Foxhill Cemetery in Himterdon County. D o n ald C u rtis Donald Curtis, 50, of Yadkinville, died June 30, 2008 at Forsyth Medical Center. ' Survivors; his wife, Chariene Hauser Curtis of the home; his parents, O.C. and Maggie Curtis of St. Louis, Mo.; 4 children, Donald Lee Curtis, Maurice R. Curtis, Nikki Hauser, and Kenya Hau.ser; 5 grandchildren; 5 sis­ ters; 7 brothers; mother-in-law, Pauline Hauser of Yadkinville; several sisters-in-law and broth- ers-in-law, including Raphael Hauser of Mocksville; many othef relatives and friends. Service will be Saturday, July 5 !it 3:30 p.m. at Pieasant Grove Baptist Church in Yadkinville. The family will receive friends 30 minutes before the service. O n-line condolenpes: GrahamFuneriilHome. net. Lawson; 2 sisters. Ivy Blakely and Gladys Ellis Thomas and 3 brothers, Gaither, Floyd and Roy Ellis. Survivors: 2 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; 5 great- great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A.graveside service was con­ ducted at 3 p.m, Monday, June 30, at Rose Cemetery in Mocks­ ville with Dr. Darrell Cox offi­ ciating. The fumily received friends one hour prior to the ser­ vicc at Eaton Funeral Home. Online condolence: www.ealoi{fmieralser\'ice.com. FOR SALE: Cars • Trucks Utility BuiWings Carports; All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442Mocksville, NC RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Roail'Mocksvlllc (336) 284-2826 • How Pumping SepUc Tanks • Skid steer Work Ttencher Work Hauling M u riel M o o re W eathers Muriel Moore Weathers, 80, died Friday at Rex Hospital in Raleigh after a short illness, A fonner resident of Mocks­ ville and 1945 graduate of Mocksville High School and later UNC-G ( Womens College) graduate, she was preceded in death by parents William Luckey Moore Sr, and Daisy Jennings Moore, and siblings William L. Moore Jr., Raymond J, Moore, and Gertrude Moore George, She had a great sense of hu­ mor and enjoyed sharing stories and being surrounded by family. She taught high school math and science for 30 years. A music, lover, she enjoyed playing the piano and organ at churches. Her hobbies included playing bridge, reading, doing crossword puzzles, traveling and cooking. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 1, at Westover United Methodist Church, Burial followed at Montlawn Memorial Park. Surviving; her husband. Charies R. Weathers; daughter, Donna W, Roberts and husband Stewart of Hilliard, Ohio; grand- ‘laughter; and several nieces and nephews. Memorials: American Cancer Society. 8300 Health Park, Suite 10. Raleigh, 27615; or Westover United Methodist Church, 300 Powell Drive, Raleigh, 27606, E a g l e H e i g h t s P l a n s V B S ; N e w B u i l d i n g O n F a r m in g to n R o a d Eagle Heights Church will hold Vacation Bible School July 28- Aug, I, Learn more by visiting wWw.eaglelieiglii.Klnirclmc.org. Pastor is Brent Spry. Youth director is Raymond Bowles. Weekly serviced include Sunday School at 9 a.m. and worship at 10. The church holds Bible studies, youth and teen programs, a children’s i program, missions program and more. I Plans are under way for a new building on Farmington Road, j Services are now held at 5103 US 158, Advance. P r o t e c t S k i n F r o m S u n ' s i a r m f u ! R a y s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 -13 With the recent string of day- Bme highs above 90 degrees, it's cfinitely summer time in Dovie County. People are spending time in heir gardens, working on con­ struction projects, swimming at I local pool iind planning their f annual vacations to the coast. Summer is a great time for outdoor projects and exercise, but the beginning of summer also means an increased risk of over exposure to the sun. U V rays are strongest during the summer, making it an impor­ tant time to know the facts about sun damage. Davie County Hos­ pital has some recommendations to help keep your family safe from the sun year-round. Rays from the sun, sunlamps and tanning beds can cause sun­ burns, skin aging and wrinkling, eye problems, immune system damage and even skin cancer. These problems can be the result of UVA and UVB radia­ tion, and even on an overcast Carolina day, up to 80 percent of these rays can get through the clouds. "UV rays roact with the chem ical m elanin, which is found in most people's skin. Those with lighter natural skin color have loss melanin to pro­ tect themselves and need to be especially careful in the sun,'" said John Levis, |>hyslcian assis­ tant at Davie County Hospital. "When the amount of UV expo­ sure is greater than what can be protected against by the skin's melanin, a sunburn results," Levis recommends extra pre­ caution in the sun for children, • as most people receive nearly 80 percent of their suh exposure by the age of 18. He said that suti- bum can sneak up on you, re­ sulting in severe sunburn even before you feel the initial effects of over exposure to the sun. "Sunburn can take 6 to 48 hours to develop, so you may not realize’your skin is burned until it is too late. You may not feel tlie full effects of a Sunday af­ ternoon at Lake Norman until late Sunday or even Monday," added Levis. "We also sec pa­ tients come back sunburned, sometimes severely, during their annual trip to Myrtle Beach. If you are always careful, the threat of sunburn and subsequent skin damage can be minimized." Five or more sunburns can double your risk for developing melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Nobody is immune to the hormful rays of the sun, but with these preven­ tion tips from Dnvie County Hospital, you can greatly reduce your chance of developing sun- related skin damage. • Avoid being in the sun from , 10 a.m.-4 p.m. when the sun is directly overhead and its effects can be most damaging. When you can see your shadow, you should probably seek shade. • Apply sunscrcen; the u.«e of sunscreen with S P F 15 or higher during the first 18 years of life can reduce some types of skin cancer by nearly 78 perccnt. This should be applied about 30 min­ utes before going outside and reapplied every 2 to 3 hours. • Water, sand and even con­ crete reflect the sun's ray, in­ creasing yoiir chance of sunburn. Be extra wary when sun-oundcd by any of these terrains. • Covering yourself with clothing will shield skin from the sun. If you can't see your hand through the garment, UV rays will be »ciecncd out by it. • The sun can also damage the eyes, burning the comea in one day or even culminating in cataracts later in life. This can be prevented by purchasing sun­ glasses that ensure UV protec­ tion. "One way to know more about the potential for over ex­ posure is to check the UV Index, which was developed by the National Weather Service to in­ dicate the strength of UV rays," Levis said. "The Weather Chan­ nel and other local weather fore­ casters for the Piedmont Triad provide the UV Index every day. Use the Index as a good tool to plan appropriate outdoor activi­ ties." Levis recommends that ev­ eryone perform self-examina­ tion of their skin once a month. If you find a new or changing mole, birthmark or spot, sec u dermatologist or family doctor. He said some medications, such as antibiotics, can increase sen­ sitivity to the sun. “If a few safely measures - and common sense - are fol­ lowed, you can feel comfortable enjoying the Davifs County sum­ mer sun without worrying about the harm it may be causing," Levis said. f STROUSE HOUSE AUCTIONS 1424 Industrial Dr., S tatesville, NC 28625 Phone: 704-«72-8444 3S e-940-6306 AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 www.strousehouse.zoomshare.com Thurs., July 3 • 6:30PM • Thickload Surplui/Salvage Sale! S K c S i R wWscoM. B«k> »so SOM W Mao., Wadm. «>50 SpoBnj Sapei. Mi, Cimlvofi PaIm .... Fri., J u l y 4 «01.0860!! H a p p y 4 t h o f J u l y ! ! CLOSED!!Sat., July 5th M l w a y s ; h e | ® W e e d s i n a s i ® a n ( d w i l l s t r e n p Y o u w i l l b e l i K e aisra I g a r d e n , l i k e a s p r ' l J w a t e r s n e v e r ' ( I s a i a h 5 8 : 1 1 ) T h i s m e s s a g e b r o u g h t t o y o u b y t h e s e l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s w h o e n c o u r a g e y o u t o w o r s h i p a t t h e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o i c e . CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, N C 27028 336-751-2167 < Ж ^ 5 Г AUTO РАЯТв MOGKSVRJUEAUTOMOnVE 884 S. Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716 Hwy, 601 N Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fox: 33e-492-604a JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING Wo Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 802 Raipn natlodgo Rd • Mockavlllo 336-492-5496 Щ S unTrust Mocksville* 751-5936 Mocksville •751-6162 CoolHmeo • 204-2542 Advance • 940-2420 Put This Space To Work For You Call 336-751-2129 W.6. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem. NC 27102 336-723-1669 F U L L E R K lt e r Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Sailsbuty Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space Ito Worte For You Call 336-751-2129 D A V IE L U M B E R & LO G G IN G 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 C r m a ( ^ R T E RВ U IL D e R 8 157 Yadkin Valloy Road • Sullo 210 Advaiice. NC 336-940-2341liulUtr oJQuiiUl) CuiliNa Ihmuifi'r tner JO Ynin ЫВ Л. Caitcf, l*rc»idtm » ,\tjnin C. Canci. Vice Prt* J.P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of D A ISY FLO U R We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, N C 336-751-2126 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, N C 27028 336-751-2141Prescription Call in.' 336-753-DRUG U llP a lle tO n e APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville. NC 27028 336-492-5565 WTUMNCARE MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 F U L L E RArchitecture69 Cci Squor. s„,a 200 М«к1Л, NC 2703Í p- 336751.0<00 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 • storage Buildings (Wood S Aluminum) • Catports & Garages Commitment ol Diott\et to Orothei 6 Faith in God 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksville Jimmy Boettcher (336) 492-5418 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORS InstalloDon - Sanding - RefinlahlngLarry McClerindy/owner 30 Years ExperiencQ 129 Wood Park Drive Mocksville, NC 27028(336)751-1721 E A T O N FU N ERA L H O M E SINCE 1951 325 Nortti Main SItool Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2148 G a l l 7 5 1 -2 1 2 9 t o A d v e r t i s e Y o d r B u s in e s s o n t h e C h u r c h P a g e . 14. DÀViE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 i i s i p p y 4 O n J u l y 4 t h p h a s e t a k e a m o m e n t t o r e m e m b e r t h e s a c r i f i c e s m a d e h y s o m a n y t o e n s u r e t h e f r e e d o m o u r n a t i o n e n j o y s . H ave a safe & happy Independence Day! A l l s t a t e I n s u r a n c e Mark Jones & Steve Ridenhour 852 US Hwy. 64 W., Suite 101 Mocksville 336-751-0669 B B & T 1386 Yaclkinville Rd., Mocksville 336-751-5951 150 Peachtree Lane, Advance 336-998-8590 C a u d e l l L u m b e r 162 Sheek Street, Mocksville 336-751-2167 D a v i e C o u n t y ' nth Mai E n t e r p r i s e R e c o r d 171 South Main Street, Mocksville 336-751-2129 D a v i e F a m i l y Y M C A 215 Cemetery St., Mocksville 336-751-YMCA D a v i e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t 959 Sali^utykd., Mocksville . 336-751-4288 E a t o n F u n e r a l S e r v i c e , I n c . 325 N. Main Street, Mocksville 336-751-2148 F o r m a c A u t o m o t i v e , I n c . 1484 US Hw. 64 W., Mocksville 336-751-3372 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road, Mocksville 336-751-2141 F u l l e r A r c h i t e c t u r e 68 Court Square, Mocksville 336-751-0400 K e t c h i e C r e e k B a k e r y 844 Valley Rd., Mocksville 336-751-9147 M i k e ’s W r e c k e r S e r v i c e 24HOURSERViCE 684 Junction Rd„ Mocksville (336) 492-7303 or 909-2018 M o c k s v i l l e A u t o m o t i v e 884 South Main Street, Mocksville 336-751-2944 O s b o r n e ’s T o w i n g 24 H r. W recker & Rolffiack Service 7776 Hwy. 801S., Cooleemee 336-284-2777 8-5:30 M-F After Hrs: 336-391-9134 or 284-4353 P h i l C a r A u t o n i o t i v e 1628 Hwy, 601S., Mocksville . 336-751-1800 W a l - M a r t S u p e r c e n t e r 261 Cooper Creek, Mocksville 336-751-1266 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 3,2008 - B1 Clutch Relief H o w e l l O n e O f M a n y S t a r s I n 1 2 - 1 1 W i n By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record The Mocksvllld Legion baseball team had enough regrettable moments to gel it Into trouble In the flrst and eighth Innings. It hud enough great per­ formances to pull out à wacky 12-11 non-league décision at Westem Forsyth on June 28. ■ Coach Mike Lovclace was both re­ lieved and overjoyed after Mocksville Improved its overall record to 13-11. TTie win came in the second-annual Erik Walker Memorial, and it was tense. As you know, it's always a grudge match when hlgh-school players from Davie County and West Forsyth hook up. ‘The last two games (including an 11-0 win over Stanly Coünty) we’ve played really, really w ell,” said Lovelace, who was on the other side of the rivalry when he starred for West Forsyth from 1989-91. “For seven in­ nings tonight we played well. We’ve really been hitting It like we’re capabltf.” A host of Mocksville players came up big, but no one made a bigger Im­ pact than Clint Howell, who picked up the win in long relief. Starter Ryan Carter walked four butters and hit two as Western bolted to a 4-0 lead In the bottom of the first. Howell came In with two outs in the first and worked through ' the .<ilxth, walking one, striking out Tive and holding the hosts to three hits. it wus a remarkable 74-pltch outing. Consider that Howell’s longest silnt In ‘08 had been Tive inning; in an 11-0 Davie High win oyer Reynolds. In his Legion áppeaíáñces, he had gone one, two, one, one, three ijnd oiib innings. Lovclace beamed at the hottest pitcher on the staff. In Howell’s last seven outiiigs, which span 15 1/3 in­ nings; he has allowed three earned runs fora'1.76 ERA. “He was dominant,” he said. “That’s ' the most he’s ever thrown. We didn’t have Bryan King (who attended a wed­ ding). That’s-why we threw (Brandon) Stewart out there'when we wore up 12- 6." Howell’s signature moment come against thé 1-2-3 batters In die seventh. He'struck out the first guy looking, then fanned the next two swinging. He ex­ iled with a 12-6 lead. “That’s pretty impressive,” Lovelace sulf Mocksyllle’s key rally came In a four-run fourth, that produced u 7-4 lead. Heman Bautista led off with u home run. With two outs, Klnard followed a Slewart walk with an opposlle-fleld double. Then camp a Ihree-run homer to left by lefty Seth Miller, who has ex­ perienced phenomenal success over six games (12 for 21). The. homer was his sixth of the year, and he has 31 RBIs In 24 games. • ■ ; Lovelace thought about sending Please See Clutch • Page B4 M ocksviile's Legion b aseb all team h am m ered S tanly C ounty 11-0 behind th e sto u t pitching of Ja k e K oontz. Koontz Tosses Two-Hit Shutout By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Mocksville got something at home on June 27 that It had been hungering for - a rout, a laugher, a runaway win where everybody feels great. Nobody had a belter time than pitcher Jake Kooniz as Mocksville trampled visiting Stanly County 11-0 In seven, mercy-rule in­ nings. After a slow slaft, Mocksville hud a big offensive night. Not that iCooniz needed It. He tossed a two-hlller and re­ corded the first shutout in 26 games, dating to last year’s 1-0, 10-lnnlng win over Concord in the firsi guiiie of the first round of the playoffs. John McDaniel pitched all 10 and outdueled Cody W alker. This was also Mocksviile's first complete game since McDaniel. Thanks to Kooniz, the teams were shaking hands a hour, 38 minutes after the first pilch. ' “He was real efficient,” coach Mike Lovelace said. “1 know two or three limes he ihrew 2-1 changeups or break­ ing balls and got them out,” Kooniz and hllters Heath Boyd (2 for 4), Brandon Stewart (three RBIs), Chris Kiriard (2-4), Clim Howell (1-1, two walks) and Zeb Cope (2-2, walk) gave, Please See Superb - Page B5 O n a 2-for-2 night, Z eb C o p eslid es hom e.' Photos by James Barringer No. 10 Rivers Made Epic Catch In 47-37 Shootout By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record I The first in a series recalling 10 memorable football wins, starting with No. 10 and counting down to No, 1, If this list of 10 football wins were a baseball team, you could pick Ihe balling order out of a hat. So many Davie wins In the last 12 years have generated electricity that It was difficult to rank them. No. 10is2006’s47-37 nonconference win over visiting West Rowan. It was a much-hyped show­ down that lived up to Us billing, and then some. It featured gut-wrenching twists, unimaginable offensive fireworks, one dde-tumlng play after another and a fitting finish. The highest-scoring gome In Davie’s 52- year history was wimessed by 4,500 funs. When die finol horn sounded, there were exhausted bodies on both sides. The 3-0 War Eogles were.dellriously happy after avenging a 17-13 loss In ‘05 and handing West its first regular- season loss In 18 gomes.' ‘That was a bunch of warriors in Ihe trenches, trading punches every round,” Dovle coach Doug tiling said al the dme. “It was punch after punch after punch.” “My guys balded and fought,” West Rowan coach Scott Young said. “Their team balded and fought. They could have rolled over when wo stprmed back. Our kids could have rolled over at the half. I hate we had to lose, but you’ve got to take your hat off to them.” Davie receiver Kenny Rivers said: “That’s the biggest game in my life. That’s one team I wanted to beat. To score 47 points on that team, when they supposedly have the best defen­ sive line, makes me feel good." Davie defensive coordinator ‘ Devore Holman sold: “I feel like I’ve been in a fight wldj Muhammad All and Joe Frazier.” Davie defensive tackle Nic O’Brien said: “That felt like a 40-round fight.” And Davie quarterback Garrett Benge said: “This is my top emodonal game of all time. If was unbelievable.” Davie scored 28 of 35 points to take a 28-10 lead. West responded by scoring 20 unanswered for a 30-28 lead. There were three touchdowns In a span of 3:56. There were 40 first downs and 1,030 yards of offense. Please See No. 10 - Page B2 Inspirational Comebacic Riddle Rejoins App Football By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Billy Riddle loves to help people, loves his faith and loves challenges. He has a big challenge coming up. Can Riddle return to a complementary role on Appalachian State’s dynasty football team after taking a year off to lead mis­ sion work In soulhem Sudan? It’s a daunting task. Riddle’s stocky ■ body find superior football conditioning ;Were diminished while spending seven months In Sudan. But don’t ever bet against the blue-collar Riddle, whose oullopk 6n life, determination and per­ severance are Inspirational. “I lost a lot of muscle, speed and con­ ditioning in that dme, and I knew there was no way I could do this on my own,” said Riddle, who graduated from Davie In 2004. “When I was sitting in Sudan I wrote in my joumal dial I feel like David facing a giant. I know physically I can’t do It on my own. It’s going to be a good opportunity to glorify God ond play for Him. “The first week or two 1 was strug- ^gllng quite a bit, but my slrengdi is com­ ing back. I’m running with Ihe team, lift­ ing with the team and gelling through the workouts and doing everything fine. I’ni having to push a little harder than 1 had to In Ihe past. I know in a few months I’ll be right back where 1 was.” Riddle played safety, mostly as a backup to star Corey Lynch, for Ihe Mountaineers In 2004-06. He has na- tlonal-champlonshlp rings from 2005- 06. In 2006 he jumped Into a starter’s role late in the regular season when Lynch, one of Ihe lop players In Ihe country, suffered a broken arm. Coming Into Ihe ‘07 season, Riddle was one of the candidates to replace Jer­ emy Wiggins al one of the safedes. But God had another plan for Riddle. He gave up football and left In September ‘07 for Sudan to rebuild churches that were destroyed by Ctvil War. When he informed coach Jprry Moore of his de­ cision, Moore smiled, nodded and of­ fered his blessing. Moore assured Riddle that his scholarship would await him In ‘08, whether he played football or not. “I went into his office and talked to him and he had a big smile on his face,” Riddle said. "He understood ond. knew that’s what I needed to do. He never Uied to convince me to slay. He said If that’s what you’ve got to do, I support you 100 percent. It was great to know I had him ' behind me.” Last summer. Riddle figured he was done with fooljall. “I was pretty sure I would never play again,” he said. “But while I was there I missed It and I knew I was coming back to finish school. I thought about doing some student coaching just to be part of the team. But the more I thought about It I knew I wanted to play my final year. I knew there was no way I was going to be able to come back to school and not play. Plus, it’s a big challenge,” Sudan is a country ravaged by Civil War and poverty. Riddle spearheaded a . nonprofit organlzotlon to help people In a war-torn region of Africa, Compared to what he faced for seven months, and what he’ll face again when he returns to Sudan in the spring of ‘09, football Is a piece of cake. It|s routine to see rebels carrying guns. Riddle’s day started at 8 a.m. and ended around 8 p.m. He came down with malaria. While he was helping people with terrible needs, he was missing out on die Mountaineers’ duree-peai. They went 39- 6 during back-lo-back-lo-back national- dlle seasons In the NCAA Division I Football Championship Series (formerly Division I-AA). The Mountaineers should be brilliant again in ‘08, and Riddle hopes to help them' add to the legacy. He always played in die shadows of Lynch, but he was a constant force on special teams and he held down the fort when he got time in the secondary. At the very least. Riddle will be an unselfish role player that every team needs. Who knows? Maybe he becomes Please See Riddle - Page B2 ' ',1 ;'f. ..T. -i* r ... A /O . 1 0 . . . Benge was 14 of 18 for 283 yards ... in the First half. He nnished 19 of 28 for 384 yards. Rivers made seven catches for 1'94 yards. In a pitch-and-calch show for the ages, Benge broke his own record for passing yards in a game and Rivers establlshid the record for ;receiving yards' in a gatne. ' Several other Wot Eagles deserved credit. Kenneth Brown rushed for 105 yards. Defensive lineman Chantz Grannamnn stuffed a third-nnd- 1 with Davie clinging to a 34- 30 lead. Sophomore comerback Perry James returned an interception 40 yards With 1:47 remaining to cap the scoring. Chris Kinard had four recep­ tions for 102 yards. Davie took a l-'i lead when Benge found Kinard for 78 yards. Benge was unconscious, going 5 of 5 on a drive that resulted in a 15-3 lead. The Falcons didn’t even blink. A 54-yard punt return helped them pull to 15-10. Benge wcnt'back to work, completing two straight 33- yard spirals to Rivers, who moments later hauled in a 26- yard pass for a 28-10 lend. There were only 43 seconds left in the half. That was enough time for West quarter­ back Jnmel Carpenter to hit Brantley Horton for 45 yards to the Davie 4. It was 28-16 at the break. * j Behind freshman sensation K.P.Porics (124 yards on 17 rushes),'West punched in two TDs in less than two minutes. B2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 K enny R ivers re a c h e s for his m iraculous reception, That made it 30-28 West. Benge sent War Eagle Stadium into pandemonium when he streaked 48 yards on a keeper for a 34-30 Davie lead. Receiver Heoth Boyd had a guy on'skates as a downfield . - blocker. With 5:45 left. Carpenter and Horton hooked up for a 37- 34 West lead. Benge was sacked on flrst down. When Davie faced second-and-17 from its 24, shoulders were slumped and you could sense air coming out of the Davie balloon. What happened next is almost indescribable. Benge connected over the middle for 29 yards to Rivers, on a pass that appeared overthrown. The 6-3 Rivers reached up with his left hand, stumbled’to the ground and somehow main­ tained possession. One of the best plays of all time, in any Davie sport, was made offbal- ance with one hand. It inspired identical reactions throughout the stands: Man, did you see that? "I thought it was way overthrown,” Illing said. "How does he come down . with that?” Holman said. “You can watch any college game on Saturday or any pro game on Sunday, and you . won’t see a better catch than that,” Davie assistant Randy Athey said. “When something like that happens, somethingjust unbelievable happens, you’re going to score,” Benge said. “That’s the best catch I’ve ever seen live,” one of the fans, Charlie Crenshaw, said recently when asked about the moment. Two plays later, Rivers turned a short diimp off into a 43-yard gain. Brown scored from the 5, failed to get up because of cramps und was carried to the sideline. With Davie leading 41-37 and 3:09 to go, bedlam engulfed the stands. There would not be a sixth lead change, James made sure of that with a pick-six of 40 yards that drove a stake through West’s heart. Oíd School Davie Sports From July, 1987 • Terry McClannon of the Mpcluvllle Legion baseball team ron his record to 3-0 by pitching into the eighth, and Denny Key got the save by striking out four of five batters as Mocksvillc de­ feated Statesville 12-8 for a 12- 7 Sputhem Division record. Todd Wallace went 4 for 6 with a home run. Earlier, M ocksville had . snapped a three-game losing streak with a wild 18-17 win over Kannapolis. M ocksville got grund-slam homers from Ron Sidmun und Brynn Bishop. At this point in the senson. J.C. Hendrix wus first with a .378 average. The leader in hits was Bob Richardson, with 33. Dunny Shore had a team-high seven steals. • Hickory Hill held the Bill Dwiggins Memorial Golf and Tennis Tournament. The first- place teum in women’s tennis ' doubles was Prances Kimball and Lynn Laughlin. Judy M cAllister and Nancy Sloss were second. In men’s tennis, Ralph Cooper and Charles M ashburn were first, while Meade Atkinson and Randy Atkinson were second. There were three divisions in the .selective-shot golf tourna­ ment. In division one, the win­ ning team was Bob Shelton, Con Shelton, Ken Shelton and G.C. Lankford. They shot a 58. In di­ vision two, the winning team (John Grouse, Ricky Potts, Bucky Barber and Walt ShoaO shot 60. C.A. Blackwekler, M.H. M urray, A.M. Upshaw nnd Donald Bingham shot 73 to claim division three. The closest-to-the-hole win­ ners were Mark Cannon, Tim Cook, Bobby Dwiggins and John Brincefield. The straight-drive contest winners were Marshall Southern and Brian Driggars. Cook tdok first in the putting contest, followed by Johnny Johnson und Barry Whittaker. • Oldtown defeated the Hickory Hill Eels swim team 623-250. Adam Grandy wus the only Eel to win more than one event. He racked up four victo­ ries. The other winners were Erin Umberger, Scott Henderson, Ryan Powell, Scott Newman, Carrie Brown, Jason Grandy, Carol Rouch, Chip Leonurd and Katherine Earnhardt. THB POWBR WITHIN - Tune^UßJnclude§ R i d d l e - . . . BriefSy N otes O ne-P U ch T o u rn a m e n t The Cooleemee Redskins will host a one-pitch, unlimited-homer softball tournament at Center on July 26. The entry fee is $130. To register cull Larry Thies at 336-692-7299 or 492-5057. R e crea tio n C am p s The Mocksvillc-Davie Parks und Recreation Department is tak­ ing registration for wrestling, soccer and basketball camps. ,, «Wrestling: July 14-17 from 5-6:30 p.m., at the Brock Gym. Reg­ ister by July 3. Cost $45. K-sixth grade. Instructor: Atkins coach Greg Atwood. • Soccer: July 28-Aug. 1 at the YMCA field. Deadline July 26. Cosí: $79 for half duys (9 a.m.-noon) or $ 115 for full days (9 a.m.-3 p.m.). Ages 4-16. • Andre Owens Basketball Camp; Boys and glris from July 21- 25. Register by July 11. Cost $60. Ages 7-12 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Ages 13-18from 1-5 p.m. Instructor: Andre Owens, former pro player in European league. • Basketball: Boys and giris on Aug. i 1-14. Register by Aug. 4. . Cost $45. Rising first through eighth grades from 6-8 p.m., at the Brock Gym. Instructors: Davie couch Mike Absher and his staff. Cull the rec at 751-2325 for more infonnution. ■ L adies T ennis Friday Moming Ladies Clinic: The clinic for ludies only will be­ gin at 9 u.m. each Friday. Call Burry Kennedy at 751-3194 to regis­ ter, The cost is $8 per day. Kennedy, Davie’s boys tennis coach, is fully insured. He is a former liigh school and college tennis player. He is currently working on his professional tennis teaching certifi­ cation. Y adl(in B aseb ali C a m p The Yadkin County Parks & Recreation Department wi|l hold a baseball camp on July 7-10 for ages 8-14 at Yadkin County Park. The camp will run from 10 u.m.-noon. The cost is $40 per camper. There is a team discount - $30 per camper - for six or more campers. The instructors will be South Davie couch Bobby Byerly imd West­ ern Carolina pitcher Corey Martin. The deadline for registration is Juno 27. For more informutioti contuct Joe Boyette ut 336-679-4228. W R D G o lf T o u rn ey The sixth-unnual William R. Davie Raiders Youth Football G olf. Tournament will be held July 12 at Pudding Ridge with a shotgun Sturt at 2 p.m. It will be a four-man cuptuin’s choice with up to 30 teums. The cost is $65 per,player or $260 per team. Regismition will start ut 12:30 p.m., with lunCh served from 12:30-1:45 p.m. There willbe door prizes und goody bags. Cull Angela Wallace at 940- '5574. O a k G ro v e G o lf T o u rn ey The Oak Grove Methodist Men will hold a first-annual golf tour­ nament at Pudding Ridge oh July 19. There will be cush prizes and free food. The cost to play will be $60 per person ($240 per team), which includes one mulligan per nine holes per player and one tec buster per player. There will be u gold sponsor und a green sponsor for euch hole. Gold sponsors donate $100 und green sponsors $50. The numes of individuals or businesses who sponsor holes will be on signs at eüch tee box. For more information, contuct Mutt Suin at 751-5698. G iris B a sk etb all C a m p s ' Coach Debbie Evans and the Davie girls basketball program will holdamiddle-schoolcamponJuly 14-17 from 10 a.m.-noon at Davie. The cost is $75 if you register after June 2. Contact Evans at 751- 5905 ext. 124 or visit www.wareaglepride.com. D avie V olleyball C a m p The Duvie volleyball camp will be July 28-31 ut Duvie. Grades 4-8 will have cump from 9 a.m-noon, and grades 9-12 will have camp from 1-4 p.m. On July 31 grades 9-12 will attend the morning session for contests und awards. All campers will receive instruction in skill techniques, game strategies nnd team concepts in a fun, competUive atmosphere. The coaching staff will be Becky Miller, the Davie varsity coach; Trish Corbin, the Davie JV coach; plus middle-school couches. Junior Olympic Coaches und senior varsity players. The cost iá $60 ($25 deposit deadline extended to June 15). Anyone registering after the deadline will not be ussured of huving the correct size T-shirt. Cash payment only after July 15, and we ^ill except on-site registration! Go to ww.w.wareaglepride.com for a camp registration form. Con­ tuct Miller at millerb@davie.kl2.nc.us with any questions. • Genuine Briggs & Stratton Air Filter • Genuine Briggs & Stratton Oil Filter (if applicable) • New Motor Oil & Spark Plug • Blade Sharpening & Balance • Starter Rope as Needed • Labor Continued From Page B1 the team’s wild curd. The first gume will be nutionally televised, Aug. 30 at LSU. "Those are the kind of things you have to see when you strap on the pads,” he said. “With the success of Appalachian, we’ve had some great players come in. Our stock is reloading uguin this yeur. Either way (starter or backup), my goal und desire is to work us hard as 1 can so they can see that and be encouraged by that.” Riddle is working on a degree in English. He is thé son of Stan and Cathy Riddle.Riddle A re you looking fo r quality A f t e r S c h o o l C d T 6 at an affordable price? Let the HflrdLsnn jl.MiC. After'Schofll Program serve your needs. We will offer care to K-5 students in the Mocksville school disuict. Homework assistance, snacks, and devotions will be provided daily. T^iition is $ 130/month. There are only a few spaces remaining that will be filled on a first-come, firet-served basis. RegisUntion will end July 15. For more information or to secure a spot, please _____________call 751-5630 and leave a message. . Ч Ч ' ki -s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I’hursday, July 3,2008 - B3 U / /■ \ , R ow an’s throw to first barely g ets the long strid es of Jo e W atson of M ocksville. Jr. Legion Turns Up The Heat When the Mocksville Junior Legion baseball teum was 9-11 with three straight losses, it iiad every reason to fall apart. But it didn’t and it doesn’t appear tliut it will. Couch diaries Kurfees’ club kept plugging away, and now it has pulled off a remark­ able turnaround. Mocksville entered the week with seven consecutive wins, in­ cluding one by 13 runs and an­ other by 14. If it keeps playing like it did the past two weeks, when it roared to a 16-11 recprd, it might find itself playing deep into July, just like the ‘06 and ‘07 teams that coilibincd for 65 wins. “We arc'rolling,” Kurfees suid. “We huve turned up the heat. We look llki; the old Junior Legion teums now. They don’t want to be in our bracket in the playoffs, and I love it. “Rowan said we’re the best team they’ve played all year.” When West Iredell came over and beat Mocksville, 8-6, for the first time in three meetings, Mocksville had three straight defeats and the 9-11 record. It hasn’t lost since. . Mocksville' 16, Kcrnersvlllc 3 . Mocksville bounced the de­ fending state champion for the second time, and it did so em­ phatically. Josh Berryhill was smooth on the hill, and he had lots of offensive help. Joe Watson went 3 for 4. Zach Long (2 for 5) blasted a threc- run homer over the scoreboard ut East Forsyth. She|ton Howard wus 2 for 3. Jess Curtner was 2 for 4. Alex Newman and Bret Peterson were both 2 for 2. Mocksvillc 6, Chcrryvllle 5 Mocksville enjoyed the sec­ ond thrilling win over Cherry villc. After scoring two in the bottom of the seventh for a 9-8 win in the first meeting, it overcame a 3-1 deficit in the rematch on the road. A four-run sixth that provided a 6-3 lead pro­ pelled Mocksvillc. ' Peterson tripled and singled. Carson Herndon matched him at 2 for 4. Three pitchers combined. for an im pressive win, with Watson throwing four, Herndon two for the win and Long one for the save, Mocksvillc 4, Surry County 1 Bnid Gaither pitched an ab­ solute gem at home, striking put nine in a one-hitter. Cartner and Howard went 2 for 3 us Mocks­ ville moved above .500 at 12-11. Mocksvillc 7, Rowan County 3 When the rivals played at Catawba .College, Mocksville handed Rowan its first Southern Division loss. It dealt loss No. 2 to Rowun at home. ,Long struck out five of the first six batters and had a mas­ terpiece cooking until he was hit on the wrist by a fourth-inning line drive. “He was pitching a great game,” Kurfees said. • Berryhill picked up where Long left off, going 2 1/3 with­ out allowing a run. “He pounds the strike zone,” Kurfees said. Peterson closed with a hitless seventh. Cartner highlighted the offense with a 3-for-3, four-RBI outburst. He roped three doubles us Mocksville won the regular- scuson series 2-1. Mocksvillc 6, South Rowan 4 ' Mocksville played sloppily on the road biit still won for the fifth straight time. Watson was 3 for 3, while Jacob Burber ond Dillon Byerly were 2 for 3. "It was good to sec Byerly do Z ach Long struck out five of six in th e first tw o innings. S helton H ow ard co n n ects.- Photos by James Barringer that because he’s a dedicated player und bus been with us for two yeurs,” he suid. The winning pitchcr was Peterson, who worked five. Watson got u two-inning suve. Mocksville 5, Charlotte 2 This wus another outstanding pitching performance by Gaither, who gave up two hits in seven innings in Charlotte. Barber’s Legion debut on the mound wasn’t too bud, either: six butters, six outs. Barber added three hits in five at-bats. Gaither was li dual star us well, going 3 for 4. The defensive play of the night, and one of the best plays of the year, came from Watson In the outfield. He raced back, ruced back some more and made a “Willie Mays-style catch in very deep center field, in the deepest part of the ballpark,” Kurfees said, M ocksville 17, W estern Forsyth 3 Mocksville put on a hitting clinic in the sccond-annual Erik W alker M em orial at West Forsyth. Peterson (3 for 4, t^vo ,, l homers), Newman (3-4), Cortner !Z ach Long ;sw lngs th e bat. (3-4), Watson (2-3) and Byerly (1-1, home run) pounded West­ ern pitches oil over the park. As if that wasn’t enough, it got ex­ cellent six-inning pitching from Watson. Peterson set the tone by lead­ ing ofi' the gume with a home run. He homered again to give him six on the year. Newman banged a double off the wall in the second. Byerly came in lute and went deep in his only at-bat. Notes: Mocksville, which fin­ ished 5-5 in the Southern Divi­ sion, has one reguiur-seuson game to play, July 3 at hom e, against Chariotte at 7 p.m.... The playoffs will begin either July 6 or 7, Jo sh Berryhill (right) h a s b een bn a roll on th e m ound. Allis Concrete Construction Specializing in Barn Floors, Driveways, Sidewalks and Manhole Rehabilitation Honest, Quality Workmanship and Competitive Prices Confined Space Certified • Fully Insured • Free Estimates 21 Years Experience (336) 940-2468 FIRECRACKER 300 Truck and Tractor Pull Presented by: Southern Truck and Tractor Pullers Association A L A R M S O U T H ' Pulling Series Alex N ew m an tag s out a R ow an C ounty runner. R ow an h ad tw o leag u e lo sse s, both to M ocksville Truck aasscs: I wneel DrWe Btown; Modifuid Diesel 4x4; Super Street Dtcsel Ttaaor Oa&ses-. Hot Farm; Heavv-Supcf SloA; Super Faim Multi Engine hVxJified Friday, July 4th and Saturday, July 5th, 2008 • 7:00 pm Tomlin Mill Road 115 Woodpeckcr Road • Statesville, NC 28677 (I*77 and Tomlin HiU Road) www.stpahoiTie.com • 888 / 880'5TPA A portion o< Ow p(oce«ai »lom iiUi eve« wK be ta Wtéi» Cjoc« RMUith B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 Sf, •%.. •hh . Clint Howell stirs dirt at se co n d b ase. A S tanly pitch u p en d s M att L eonard during an 11-0 rom ping for Mocl<svllle. Legion Loses 9-7 Shootout The Mocksville Legion base­ ball team was missing n killer instinct on Jiine 25 nt Kemersvillc, iinil the hosts took advuntnge of it, beating Mocks­ ville 9-7 in a non-league game. Afterward, Mocksville was kicking itself at several missed opportunities, including one in the sixth, when it turned a 4-3 deficit iiito n 5-4 lead. That lead could have been greater. The in­ ning started with a walk and sto­ len basQ. Kerncrsville’s second baseman told the Mocksville run­ ner who had stolen sccond that it was a foul ball, he retreated back toward first and then was tagged out. The next four batters reached (Zeb Cope, Hernán Bautista, Heath Boyd and Chris Kinard), , C l u t c h . . . but Mocksville wound up with only two runs. The third out came on a deep fly to left by Justin Kidd. "We could have busted it wide open," coach Mike Lovelace said. Mocksvillc has lost enough close games in succession that it is starting to repeat itself when the outcome is up for grabs. A day earlier, a forfeit from Wilkes County, which folded its woeful team, stopped a two-game slide. But on the field, Mocksville (II- 11 overall) lost for the third straight time, and the total mar­ gin was four runs. This one had Lovelace shak­ ing his head in disbelief. Trail­ ing 7-6, Bautista opened, the Continued From Page B1 Itewart on Kinard’s double. He’s lad he didn't. "I could have sent him,” he said. ‘'It would have been a bang- bang play, but I knew Seth was coming up." Mocksville, getting 17 hits in 44 at-buts, knocked around Jason Punkhouser for seven innings. There were plenty of stars, in- qludlng Bautista, who went 3 for 4 with four RBIs; Kinard, wlio went 3 for 6 with two doubles; Corey Norman, who went 2 for 3 with a double; and Justin Kidd, who went 4 for 5 with one of Mocksviile’s four doubles. “(Funkhouser) had just beaten Randolph to give them their sec­ ond league loss (in the Northern Division),’’ Lovelace said. Kidd was the best weapon in Ihe Mocksville ansenal for the first 11 games, going 18 for 41 (.439). Then he went Into an 11- game hibernation (9 for 43, .209). The old version of Kidd showed up in Clemmons. "He’s been working everyday (at a job), ond today he didn’t work. I think that had something to do with It," Lovelace said, ., The visitors carried the 12-6 lead into the bottom of the eighth. With the lead cut to 12-11 and the bases loaded after an Inten­ tional walk to slugger Jeff Gonza, who had homered earlier, Mocksville needed somebody to put out the fire. Zack Russell- Myers vyas ready. He struck the guy out on three jiitchcs. The first Westem batter in the ninth fiew out. Russell-Myers blew away the final two on strikes. The potential disaster was averted. "They didn’t get but seven- . hits, but we walked eight and hit five, so we gave them 13 free passes,’’ he said. Russell-Myers’ battery was charged for the challenge. He had only pitched eight innings in six games. “It’s probably good I hadn't thrown him a lot,” he said. "He looked rested and sharp.” Notes; Against Stanly lind Western, Mocksville went 31 for 73 (.425). ... Heath Boyd’s hit­ ting streak reached six........ Norman is quietly having a pro­ ductive year(10for 29, .345). ... Interestingly enough, Stewart and Kinard played four positions each. Stewart pitched, then played center, right and third. Kinard caught before playing left, first and right. Howell started In right, moved to left and returned to right. Kidd started at first, pitched and went back to first.... This was the first meet­ ing between M ocksville and Western. Lost year’s gome was rained out, „, Stewart was the third of five Mocksville pitchers. How surprising was that? He never pitched for Davie High, and his only Legion experience on the mound was three Innings In '06. Moeksvlile 12, W. Forsyth 11 eighth with a single. Boyd tried to bunt him over, but it was popped up and turned into a double play. "We had something started In the eighth,” he said. "How many times have you ever seen (Boyd do) that?" Kemersville moved ahead 9- 6 later In the eighth on a two-run honier. Mocksville started strong In the ninth, but couldn't muster but one run after Seth Miller and Justin Kidd opened with singles and Corey Norman walked with one out. Two fiy balls ended the game, Including a sac fly to deep right by Zack Russell-Myers.' "We had something going again,” he sold. Mocksville rallied from a 3-1 deficit In Ihe fifth. Miller socked a ground-rule doubled With two outs, Clint Howell tied the game with a single between short and third. -if,_The shootout was fun to' watch, but it was frustrating for Mocksville. “It was a real good ¿anie," he said. “Wo were up again, and we lost the lead again. Bautista was . a bright spot.” Notes: Bautista, a recent ad­ dition who attends West Rowan High, went 2 for 2 after starting his seoson 0 for 4. ... Boyd Is warming up, going 6 for 14 in five games to raise his average from .286 to .310. At this point he was leading the way In runs (29), hits (26), walks/hit by pitches (16) and steals (six). ... Miller, on a 9-for-l3 binge, roared to .373 by going 2 for 3. „. After foiling to get on official at-bat in five games, Howell moved to 7 for 16 (.438) on the yean ... Kemersville turned the tables after getting waxed 12-1 at Mocksville. ... Tyier Howard went four Innings In his first start on the mound. Kemersville 9, Mocksville 7 Mock nil r ti bl Leonard cr 3 0 0 0 Dnutistnc 2 I 2 0 Doyd ss 2 2 1 0 KimiiJc-lf 3 0 0 2 Miller lb 3 2 2 2 Kldddh-p 4 0 0 0 Curler p 1 0 1 0 Stcwnrl rf 1 0 0 0 Howell rf 3 1 I I Norman cf-lf 2 0 1 0 Senford 3b 2 0 1 0 Russell-Myers 3b 1 0 0 1 Wi5hon2b 2 0 0 0 Cope 2b 2 1 0 0 Tolnls ' 31 7 9 6 C o ach es Mike L ovelace an d Todd B um garner (23) talk about it. MdcUsvIIIc Kemersville 001 022 030 010 101 -7 32x-‘J 2B ■ Mlllcr(3). SB. Boyd 3 (6). Howell. Russcll-Mycts. Mock IP II Howard 4 3 King 2 2' Kidd, L I 2 Curler 1 2 EK 3 1 2 2 SO 1 2 3 3 B randon S tew art (6) g ets three RBIs. Clint Howell (1) flst-bum ps S eth Mliler, w ho h a s b een torrid with the bat. M ocksville had plenty to sm ile about, scoring six in the fourth an d four in th e sixth. GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 - 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Mock .nb r h bi Boyd ss 5 0 1 0 . Stewart cf-p-rf-3b 4 1 I 1 Kinard If'lb*rf*c 6 2 3 0 Miner dh 5 2 2 4 Howell rf-lf 1 0 0 0 Kidd Ib.p 5 2 4 0 Russcll-Mycrs 3b-p 3 2 0 1 Normnn rf 3 2 2 0 Leonard cf 2 0 0 0 Bautista c 4 1 3 4 Howard c 1 0 0 0 Scaford2b 4 0 1 0 Cope 2b 1 0 0 0 Tolnls 44 12 n 10 Mocksville W. Forsylh 030 414 000-12 400 Oil O.SO-11 2B - Kimird 2 (8), Kidd (6), Norman (2). HR - Miller (6), Baullsto. SB - Boyd (7), Mock Il> II R ER Carter .¡I '1 Howell, W 6,13 Slewurt 0 I Kidd .2 2 R-Myers.S 1,1 0 S eth Miller scram b les back to first a s th e first b asem an looks for the ball. 4) ■ -i- • Photos bv James Barringer DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 - B5 Late Homer Spoils Russell-Myers’ Pitching Zack Russell-Myers of the Mocksville Legion baseball team mowed through Lexington's or­ der once and did the same thing the second time around. Russell- M yers’ counterpart. Clay Watson, kept answering. Russell- Myers set Lexington down qui­ etly in the sixth and seventh, as did Watson to the Mocksville batters. It was like that all game long, two determined and skilled pitchers trying to carry their Legion Roundup June 22 -Lexington 2, Mock 1 Zack Russell-Myers lost his magic after carrying a 1-0 lead Into the eighth. Mocksville lost on back-to-back homers. June 24 -M ock 9, Wilkes 0 Wilkes County folded Its team and thus forfeited the rest of the season. The forfeit went down os a 9-0 win. June 25 • Kern 9, Mock 7 Kernersville prevailed in a seesaw, non-league game. Mocksville blamed itself for missing out on scoring opportu­ nities. June 27 • Mock 11, Stnnly 0 Jake Kooniz pitched the first complete gome and tlie first shut­ out In 26 games, dating to John McDaniel’s 1-0, 10-innlng win over Concord in ‘07. Zeb Cope’s sulcide-squeeze bunt opened Ihe floodgates in a six-run fourth. In five gomes. Heath Boyd ond Seth Miller ore a combined 18 for 34 (.529). June 2 8 - Mock 12, W. For 11 The heroes were plentiful In ahorrowlng 12-11 comeback at Western Forsyth. Clint' Howell pitched 6 1/3 relief innings for the win. Russell-Myers struck out three of four batters to end tile game. Chris Kinard smacked two doubles, Seth Miller’s sixth homer was a three-run shot, Jus­ tin Kidd went 4 for 5. And Heman Bautista went 3 for 4 with a homer and four RBIs. teams to victory on June 22 at Mando Field. Russell-Myers and Watson tangled in a classic duel, but someone hod to lose. Wotson slipped in the fourth but re­ sponded with four straight shut­ out frames, Russell-Myers car­ ried a shutout Into the eighth, but that’s when he finally flinched, Alex Grubb and Jarrell Albright smacked back-to-back home runs to hand Mocksville a 2-1 loss that felt like a sucker punch to the belly. It was the second narrow loss in as many games, Mocksville (10-10, 6-8 Soulhem Division) had lost 5-4 to South Rowan, The eighth-inning homers, though, didn’t take any of the luster off Russell-Myers’ complete game. He was outstanding, against maybe the best teom in the M ocksville SR. Legion Schedule W Mock 12, Randolph 11* W Mock 8, South Rowan 1 ♦ LRandolphCo, Il,M ock9* W Mock 12, Stanly County 8 W Mock 12, Kemersville 1* L Lexington 6, Mocksville 3 W Mock 8, Kannapolis 5 L S, Rowan 7-, Mocksville 5 L E, Randolph 5, Mock 3 * W Mock 6, Wilkes Co, 1 W Mock 8, E, Randolph 4 ♦ L Concord 12, Mocksville 9 L Rowan 15, Mocksville 10 W Mocksville 11, Rowan 7 W Mock 10, Statesville 7 L Moorcsvllle 8, Mock 1 L Moorcsvllle 3, Mock 0 W Mock 8, Kannapolis 6 L S. Rowan 5, Mocksville 4 L Lexington 2, Mocksville 1 W Wilkes Co. forfeit L Kemersville 9, Mock 7 * W Mocksville 11, Stanly 0 W M ock 12, W. Forsyth II ♦ L Concord 4, Mock 3 July 2 at Statesville * Denotes non-league game. league, and you can’t ask any more than that. The righthander dazzled over and over, especially against the vaunted Znch Briggs, who went 0 for 3 with a walk, "It’s tough to get a shutout. He pitched very well,” coach Mike Lovelace said. "Briggs didn’t get a hit for probably the first time all year. He was hitting .440 with 13 home runs and forty-some RBIs, He’s going to Appala­ chian," Watson blinked first. Heath Boyd led off Ihe Mocksville fourth with 0 double and Chris Kinard singled, Boyd appeared to reach home safely on Kinard’s hh, but he was punched at home for the first out. S u p e r b . . . Continued From Page Bl Mocksville (12-11,8-8 Southern Division) the kind of win it needed as it nears the playoffs. It had dropped three straight on the field, with a Wilkes County for­ feit mixed In, "It was probably the best all-around game we’ve played, and it came at a crucial tim e,” Lovelace sold. "We needed o win and they beat Moorcsvllle 4-3 a few nights ago (when Mooresville was unde­ feated in the division).” Koontz w asn’t a power pitcher, striking out just one. But he put on a spectacular Greg Maddux-like show in the final home game of the regular season, coaxing harmless ground balls and lazy flies with precision. After the game’s third batter roped a double, Koontz retired 10 in a row, the streak broken by a fifth-inning error. The 76-pitch masterpiece made Koontz 5-1 on the year and 10-3 in two years, and it chopped his ERA from 5.25 to 4.40. "That was big for him to only throw 76 pitches,” Lovelace said. "They hod one runner reach third M o c k s v i l l e B a s e b a l l S t a t s Record: 13-11, 8-8 SD AVG. AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SB Biyan King ,500 6 2 3 0 0 0 3 I 0 Heman Bautista ,500 10 2 5 0 0 1 4 0 0 Clint Howell ,444 18 6 8 1 0 1 6 4 1 Seth Miller ,373 75 17 28 3 0 6 31 13 1 Ryan Carter ,368 19 2 7 3 0 1 4 0 0 Justin Kidd ,348 89 11 31 6 0 1 18 4 0 Corey Norman ,345 29 6 10 2 0 0 4 5 1 Chris Kinard ,326 89 20 29 8 0 3 19 15 1 Heath Boyd ,312 93 30 29 3 0 0 9 17 7 Colby Seaford ,295 <\4 10 13 0 0 0 7 n 3 Matt Leonard .267 60 14 16 2 0 0 1 11 3 Brandon Stewart .253 79 15 20 4 0 2 . 16 10 1 Zeb Cope .225 40 8 9 2 0 0 2 9 1 Zack Russell-Myers .189 53 7 10 2 0 3 9 9 1 Tyler Howard .133 15 2 2 1 0 0 .1 0 0 Jdke Koontz .000 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Others .258 93 17 24 3 1 0 15 17 2 TOTALS .300 ' 814 .169 244 40 1 18 149 126 22 W-L ERA G GS CG SH s v IP H R ER BB SO Gairett Benge 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 2 5 . Bryan King 2-0 2.05 8 1 0 0 0 22 19 9 5 8 11 Jake Koontz 5-1 4.40 8 .6 1 1 0 43 34 24 21 15 28 Clint Howell 1-0 4.70 8 0 0 0 • 2 15 1/3 12 11 8 7 22 Corey Norman ' 2-2 4.76 7 4 0 0 0 28 1/3 28 21 15 11 27 Tyler Howard 0-1 4.85 4 1 0 0, 0 13 12 11 7 9 12 ' Zack R-Myers 2-3 5.87 6 4 0 0 1 30 2/3 32 '2 3 20 17 32 Justin Kidd 0-2 7.27 6 0 0 0 1 8 2/3 12 10 7. 6 17 Ryon Carter 0-2 7.31 9 6 0 0 0 32 42 31 26 22 32 Briipdon Stewart 0-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 TOTALS 13-11 5.12 1 1 4 197 194 144 112 98 186 T H E B E S T V A L U E - C A P E C O D 5 6 • N 0 1 HOUSING CENTER FactoiyBullt-FactoiySokl'WaAREtheBulldefLaKliFlnanclngAvtllablo 704.924.9393 www.StatesyilleHoiising.com Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 That moment was magnified asSelh Miller walked and Justin Kidd singled In the game’s first run. The inning ended with Kidd getting nailed at the plate. Lovelace agreed with Kidd's out call, but not the hrst one, "They never tagged Boyd,” he said, "He punched him but he was safe, Tlie guy made o per­ fect throw (to get Kidd),” Russell-Myers dodged a few bullets during his seven shutout ihnings, M ocksville turned o beautiful double play in the fourth, and Russell-Myers retired the first two batters in the eighth, "They had the leadoff on in almost every inning and he got out of it,” Lovelace said. But after getting the first two and two moré to reach second. He can throw three pitches at any time. Like (assistant Todd Bum- gamer) Bum said, he pitches like a lefthander. He can pitch back­ ward and get people out, He locked a couple people up when it was 0-2 or 1-2. They were looking for a changenp or curveball away, and he threw fastballs under their hands.” It was 1-0 through three and a half, but Mocksville tormented IStanly in the fourth, scoring six runs, Justin Kidd and Zack Russell-Myers opened the Inning with singles, Mott Leonard was beaned and Clint Howell drew a bases-loaded walk. The game-breaking moment come with the score 2-0. With Russell-Myers taking off at third. Cope executed o suicidc-squeeze bunt. The bunt was so good it resulted In a hit. The floodgates were open, "It’s probably the first lime guys in the eighth, Russell- Myers couldn't find ony more mogic. Grubb rode the first pilch over Ihe fence for a 1-1 lie. Four pitches later, Albright spoiled his bid for a third win. Notes: Both teams finished with seven hits, ... Garrett Benge’s season and seven-gome hitting streak ended on the same night. He turned in his stuff be­ cause of a church mission trip. ... Lexington defeated Mocks­ ville 6-3 earlier, and Watson, who Is headed to Cotowbo,' has both wins.... Malt Leonard pushed his hitting streak to seven.... Miller was hot once again to moke him 7 for 10 over tHree games. ... Kidd matched Miller with two I’ve done that in 10 years, and it was perfectly executed;“ Lovelace said. "They had just gone out to talk to their pltchen There was no sign. I told Cope If you don’t hit the first pitch, the second pitch is a suicide, and I just relayed It to Russell-^fyers. They didn’t hove a clue. That got us going," With one out, Stewart rapped a two-nin single up the middle, Seth Miller made it 7-0 by pull­ ing a hit to right. For good mea­ sure, Mocksville poured across four runs in the sixth, “We had three hits with 0-2 counts,” he sold. N otes: M ocksville swept Stanly, winning 12-8 on Ihe rood, ,„ Eleven different batters con­ tributed hits. ... Boyd (8 for 18 In five gomes) ond Miller (10 for 16 in Twe games) continued their rompoges.... Bryan King was 2 for 5 on the year before deliver­ ing a pinch-hit RBI single. hits, his first multl-hlt night in seven games. Lexington 2, Mocksville 1 Mocl( ab r ti bl Leonard If 4 0 1 0 Boyd ss 4 0 1 0 Kinard c 4 1 1 0 Miller clh 3 0 2 0 Kidd lb 3 0 2 1 Benge cf 4 0 0 0 Slewart rf 4 0 0 0 Cope 2b 2 0 0 0 Howell ph 0 0 0 0 Seaford 3b 4 0 0 0 Totals 32 1 7 1 Lexington 000 000 020 - 2 Mocktvllle 000 too 000-1 2B - Boyd (2). Ktdd (5). M «k IP II R ER BB so R-Myers, L 8 7 2 2 4. 6 Curler 1 0 0 0 0 I: Howell’s l-for-1 game made him on astonishing 8 for 17 overall ( .4 7 1 ) ,Koontz was backed by sparkling grabs by outfielders Leonardiand Kinard. "Leonard made a running catch ogainst the wall in the first inning,” he sold, "Kinard made two nice catches in left.” MockuvUlc 11, Stanly Co. 0 Mock lb r h bl Boyd ss 4 1 2 0 Slewart rf 3 1 1 3 Klngcf 1 1 1 1 Kinard c-lf 4 1 2 1 Miller dh 3 0 1 1 Norman dh 0 0 0 0 Kidd lb 4 1 1 0 Russell-Myers 3b 3 1 1 0 Seaford 3b 1 0 1 1 l^onard cf 2 1 1 0 Carter rf 1 0 0 0 HowoUU 1 2 1 1 Cope 2b 2 2 2 1 Tolah 29 11 14 9 Stanly Co.000 000 0 - 0 Mockavllle 001 604 * - l l 2B - Boyd (3) Mock IP II R ER BB SO Kooniz, W 7 2 0 0 3 1 m s T / m o H O N M A iN m m » m l m m n o N e A u a t Y O f m i i A i t r F O U R T H O F J U L Y C E L E B R A T E S A V I N C S E V E N T I I 2 DAYS ONLY - FRIDAY, JULY 4TH and SATURDAY, JULY Sth For these days only, save 10% on all fine art, 15% on handmade gifts and Jewelry Items, 15% on all WebKInz^” Items, 30% on everything else! SPECIAL HOLIDAY WEEKEND HOURS - 10AM - 3PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Located at 185 N. Main Street in Historic Dovi^ntown Mocksville Note: Sale discounts apply to original list price and do not apply to pravlousiy marked down Hems, prior purchases, or lay-aways. Cannot be combined with elher discounts. Specials o£ the Week Cheerwine Cans 12 packs PHOTO SPECIAL «■Tolf Second Set of Prints O n e W e e k O n ly l'(»r u rt ili inroniU llilin on (irujis <5i lu-altli probliM iis. (>(i In « \\ w .l'osti'rdi'uui'd.i'iiiii Limit 812 packs While Supplies Last I Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 4 9 5 V a l l e y R o a d • M o c k s v i l l e • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 w w w .fo sterd ru g co .co m B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 S tu d e n ts Free Food S c h o o l s O p e n S i t e s I n M o c k s v i l l e , C o o l e e m e e The Davie County Schools Child Nutrition Department Summer Food Service Program .will be offered this year at three locations, Central Davie Academy, Cooleemee Elementary and Mocksville Elementary. This program will provide n free breakfast and lunch at all locations forstudents’from the oges of 3-18 through Aug. 15. Central Davie Academy students will enter into the cafeteria from side fcntrance nearest the upper parking lot atid picnic tables. ' Cooleemee Elementary students will enter into the cafeteria from the side entrance door that is off of the parking Idt ncMcst the fire department. Mocksville Elementary students will enter through designated door between the cafeteria dining room glass doors and the dumpster (main parking lot). Signs will be posted on all designated entrance doors. There is no charge for a student’s breakfast or lunch as long as they are 18 or und6r (or of disability status). Adults can purchase items, but their meal is not free. There will be a limited section of snacks and beverages that can purchased by students and adults. Times are: • Central Davie, 8-8:30 a.m., noon-12:30p.m.; Cooleemee: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; and Mocksville: 8-8:30 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. A variety of hot and cold meals will be served each week. Many of the student’s favorites like cereal, Pop Tiurts, muffins and biscuits will be served at breakfast and beefy tacos, sub sandwiches, chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese will be served at lunch. To learn more, call: Central Davie, Sandra ‘ Walker, cafeteria manager, 751-2069; Cooleemee, Mary Carter, cafeteria manager, 284-2118; Mocksville, Priscilla Dwiggins, cafeteria manager, 751-3866. D U lin U M C S in g in g o n t h e C re e n Saturday, July 5 5:30-until * Music * Hot Dog Supper • Water Slides for the Kids D U lin UMC 897 Dulln Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-5409 O rig in a l C h ris tia n ity T h e E t e r n a l G o d Eternity is something hard for us to fathom other than to say that it is without end. We humans live in time but God inhabits eternity. (Isaiah 57:15) Or as the Psalmist said, "Even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.” (Psalm 90:2) The good new/s of Christianity is that eternity can be ours also. It is pretty certain that man was created for eternity but then sin entered and death became the lot of every man. But still there exists within the human breast a longing to live on and on. And now life and immortality have been brought to light by the gospel. (2 Timothy 1:10) Yes, we die and along the way we groan within ourselves as we feel our bodies weaken with age until finally we are planted in the earth but for Christians it is only to wait for “the redemption of our body." (Romans 8:23) At which time not only will life be restored but it will be with an eternal, immortal vigor as we enter the portals of heaven. N o r th M a in S t r e e t C h u r c h o f C h r is t 605 North Main S treet M ocksyllle, North Carolina 27028 751-2866 nm cofc.org C laude Pharr, .^Inlster , *i. •V. 'H. •*. . Cornatzer Elismentary fourth graders team about North Carolina at state museums in Raleigh. It’S Our State C o r n a t z e r 4 t h G r a d e r s T o u r C a p i t o l Cornatzer Elementary fourth graders visited the North Carolina capitol in Ra­ leigh on May 30. The students visited the Capitol building, Legislative Building, Nature Science Center and the History Mu­ seum. "We would like to thank everyone who made this trip possible, especially our teachers, Mrs, Doss, Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Stiller ilnd Mrs. Hyland,” said Heidi Jqties.Cornatzer fourth graders pose with sltatues In front of the state capital S S S P O T U G H T Full Measure^ Catering DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 3,2008 - B7 Ugly Roof Stains? A m e r i c a n R o o f - B r i t e c a n r e m o v e t h e m American Roo(-Brlte has the answer (or those unsightly, if not damaging stains that appear on shingle roofs. Professional roof cleaner and American Roof-Brite owner Don Sunday Is the expert behind the business. With over 30 years of roof-cleaning experience, American Roof-Brite has the knowledge and technical skill to kill roof fungus spores, the usual cause of the black or discoloring stains on asphalt and fiberglass shingles. Don bought his American Roof-Brite dealership over four years ago, after researching the company and its product. What he likes to Impress upon his customers Is the method he uses to clean roofs. The first step Is to apply an environmentally safe, biodegradable cleaning compound to the roof area. This application sits on the roof for several minutes. The formula eats away at the cause of the roof stains, fungus. This Is one of the steps that separates American Roof-Brite from other roof cleaners, who Just spray the roof with a high-pressure wash. The next step for Don is a low-pressure/high volume wash. Don Is passionate to let his clients know that this low-pressure Visual Changes congratulates Hailey Mize When it comes to hair design, Hailey Mize, an 18 year-old senior at Davie County High School, Is an original. Innovative, creative and always stylish, Mize was an obvious choice as this year’s winner of “Best Hair" at Davie High. Hailey Mize wins "Best Hair at DavIo High” “It was part of a senior superlative contest and there were several categories in the running," Hailey mentions. 'There were four girls and four guys nominated under this category and I was very excited to have been the winner." Hailey, who has always been interested in experimenting with her own hair, plans to start cosmetology school next spring at Davie County Community College in Lexington. “1 never wear my hair ihe same way. I love to change the style and occasionally change the color," says Hailey. ^ This summer, Hailey plans to work part time at Visual Changes under the guidance of her sister-in-law, Kristina Eddlnger. “The staff and I want to congratulate Hailey for winning the best hair award at Davie High. We are very proud of her," Kristina notes. Hailey will be getting her feet wet this summer, helping out the experienced staff and taking in all the valuable knowledge of the hair business. Visual Changes Staff The staff at Visual Changes Includes; Jennifer Hutchins, Cindy Johnson, Amy Beck, Brenda Langford, 1<aren Harris and Kristina Eddlnger. They |M| Ultra Prcmiiini Ag • Canidac M iA* Nature’s Variety • • Wellness « • . • Merrick k** InnovaCalifornia Natural’s M ^ .E v o 21311.cwiiiviU,c;CIcinni<)iisClcmincins, NC____ 3 3 6 -7 7 Ò -9 0 0 7 specialize in cuts, dimensional color and formal styling for women, men and children and are always up to date on the newest styles and modern cuts. Seminars and classes are attended regularly by the staff. New Hair Line and Sun Lover Facials Available “We are also excited to e a r a a e E > c o r l ^ e p a l r s / U l E l e c t r i c a l O p e n e r l ^ e p a i r s • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount, • 25 Years Experience _ CMteT''' G A R A G E D O O R S E R V IC E S “Mr. E d” 1 3 3 6 } 9 9 8 - 2 3 3 6 * F a r m in o to n , N C "iiT announce a new hair line, “Renu" that Is an anti-aging, age defying system which brings back the life in your hair and makes if feel and look more youthful,” adds Kristina. “If is full of amino acids and ilplds that women start losing in their forties. The hair starts to lose Its shine and becomes coarse. This product rejuvenates the hair." With summer right around the corner, you may want to begin to think about how the sun can really take a toll on your skin. Lynn Roland, an esthetlclan and facial expert at Visual Changes, offers sun lover facials along with facial and body waxing and eyelash and eyebrow tinting. Another new Item in the shop is custom made jewelry by a local client which includes earrings, bracelets and necklaces. Visual Changes Is open Tuesday through Saturday at 9 am and evening appointments are available. The shop is located at 2565 Old Glory Road In Clemmons. The phone number is 778-0604. B R O W N P A I N T I N G V “ • In te rio r / E x te rio r • W a llp a p e r R e m o v a l • P re s s u re W a s h in g • S ta in in g • B o n d e d / In s u re d • F a u x F in ish in g , F re e F .stim ates D A V T D B R O W N 9 7 0 - 7 4 0 7 -/I /MScrtico Qilvring Com/kiny - Moravian Style Chicken Pies To pticc an order hr chidvn pin or lo scheduh alerinp, c,i// Carolyn Jones 336-492-6077 • 336-909-2728 arolina Small Engine Sales A ••rvlc* ofoutdoor powsr «)ulpm«nti mowart, Irtmmari, chain tawt, blowara, gamiatora, & mora t034Fork BiKby Kd., Aärmne» 998-7755 wash is an Important difference in roof cleaning technique. Most people assume that what a roof needs is a high-pressure wash. This, Don says, could not be farther from the truth. In fact, a high-pressure wash usually causes damage to a roof, tearing up shingles from the roof, which can result in interior water damage. Not good. The low-pressure/high volume method used by American Roof-Brite has been trusted by homeowners for oVer 30 years. The third, and final step that Don Incorporates, is the application of a stainblocker, or sealer. This layer of protection Is guaranteed to prevent fungus growth for three years. Roof stains are not |ust ugly, but the fungus that causes them can damage your home. Merely washing your roof Is not enough. The three-step process used by Don Sunday and American Roof-Brite Is an environmentally safe, professionally proven method for killing roof fungus, and preventing it. American Roof-Brite Is owned by Don Sunday. You can reach Don at (336)-785-2030. S t o r m W a te r M a n a g e m e n t R e s id e n tia l D r a in a g e S y s te m s L a n d C le a r in g , D e m o litio n . L a n d s c a p e /H a r d s c a p e > C le m m o n s N C Licensed And Insured T o m J o n e s 3 3 6 -7 4 9 -0 4 6 5 Taylor Repair 9 9 8 - 7 8 7 9 W e’ll Beat Anyone’s Price On Outdoor Power Equipment Parts & Service Pickiip & DeSvetyAvaihbk 1319 us Hwy 158. Mocksville c M j ^ M c a e s’•MAI« # t Ü 0 I 0 ■ HAIR WAXING UP-DO'S 2565 Old Cilory Rd., Suite EOcmnvmt • Off Lcwisvlllc-CUnuiKMM Rd, A Cltaner WprijO336-778-0604 Over 20 Yoara BxpenoneoKnaiirm CMtPQar, Katvn Hum» Jwwf9t Hutctvn». Amy Dock. Lym HolMnd, Cindy Johnton. Dranda Langtorxi UG LYR O O fSIlREMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOK! Nation's Largest ft Oldmt Root Stain Removers 7 8 5 - 2 0 3 0 100 Royal Oak Dr. WInslon-Salem. NC 27107 P E R K I N S R O O F I N G " Q u a lity w o rk a t rea so n a b le p ric es" Phone:336-753-8355 Fax: 33ft-75»6373 Jesse Perkins - O w ner 300 Spring Street Moclttvllle, NC Rinc« T)a b‘ Cirejutn School of Traditional Irish Dance Classes Now Forming Serving this cominitnily for It years 130 Webb Way JusloltHwy isa Call 33a.7eB.74B2 Í tor mora Intormallon H air Stylist F o r M e n & W o m e n Jeannie Howard 7 6 6 - 8 4 4 5 6353 Cephls Dr., Clemmons BAKERY THRIFT STORE B u o e E T STRETCHINe PRODUCTS aPBICESI • M e n ’s B a th in g S u its B u y 1, G e t 1 F R E E • P u r p le P o w e r • Lawn & Garden Insectiddes ( U 'n u n o iis D ix 'tH in i S ilk 's Irininiiiis K<|. 7í»í»-444‘í • ( Iciiiiiiiiiis • 7W»-4‘).W EDWARDS A D D m BEAUTY AMD VALUE TO á HOMES SINCE 1978 ^ • Vinyl Siding • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Vinyl Porcfi Ralls • Decks - Wood & Vinyl • Screen Rooms • Porch Enclosures & Sun Rooms F r e e E s t im a te s ! M o b i l e P h o n e 978-2299 1 : í 'В8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 Davie Schools 3rd SemesterAcademic Honor Students H o n o r . . . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 - B9 Cooleemee Elementary Third G rade A ll A ’s: Amnnda Barbee, E laina Burr, M icah Kluttz, Brandon Koontz, Nicole Valliere. A-B Honor Roll! Amanda A nderson, M cKenzie Blackwelder, Jamie DeCess, Kayla Fortner, Emily Gosnell, M eghan Hadley, Gregory Jennings, Elvia Lascano, Karrie Lee, Zach McBride, Evan Mills, Kyle Morrison, Sadie Moses, Holden Pittsley, Jake Ratledge, V ictoria Shoaf, Dclana Spillman, Evan Spry, Brooke Summers, Carolina Verguson, Kaylan Vogler. Fourth Grade A ll A ’s; Mauricio Carrillo, Logan West, ¡ A-B Honor Roll: Rosa Arcos, Allison Carter, Lexi Carter, Kurt Dumer, Seth Easter, Guillermo Fuentes, Laura Fusaro, Destiny Lee, Hope Grubb, Rebecca H arris, Shariece , M ancc, Nathaniel Martinez, Madison Meade, Nolan Osborne, Miranda Owens, Kasey Potts, Maritza Sanchez, Joseph Spry, Katlyn Spry, Joseph Warren. Fifth G rade All A ’s; Tiffany Fleming, M orgon Fuller, Courtney M agallanes, Aspen Phillips, Taylor Sheets, Jordain Taylor, Hannah Vogler, Caroline Williams. A-B Honor Roll; Fernando Arteaga, William Beck, Gavin Brake, Destiny Calloway, Rachel Chester, Cameron Colem an, Taylor Cranfill, Essence Crevecoeur, Isaiah Gaither, David Gosnell, Austin Jones, Travis McDaniel, Luke Miller, Treacy Redmon, Tania Rodriguez, Ashlee Spillman. Cornatzer Elementary Third Grade All A ’s-. Riley Ball, Michael Brunelli, Charlie Chapman, Sara Duncan, Sidnee Everhart, Sierra Latham, David Moore, Jacob Morse, Cameron Thomas. A-B Honor Roll; Yulianna Arroyo, Connor Barringer, Kaila Bauberger, Ashleigh Clements, ZeM ora Cockerham , Ivan Enriquez, Myles Evans, Ja.smin Sanchez, Haylca Hobbs, Matthew Hoke, Haley Holbrook, Justin Lagle, Macie Latham, Kassy Myers, DeJuan Peebles, Alec Pfeifer, Josslyn Ruiz- Turcious, Brooke Russell, Kristina Shouse, Cassidy Walden. Fourth Grade All A's; Claire Devereaux, Savannah Ferguson, Kirsten Freem an, Chandler Jones, Austin Lowery, Sky Myers, Evelyn Ramirez, M adison Stakley, Emmie Tkach, Jesse Tkach, Mikayla Thomas. A-B H onor Roll; Ana Almazon, Jake Bamhardt, Janai Campbell, Humberto Cazares, Jay Clary, Kendra Davis, Angelí D illard, Alexis Hutchens, Charity Long, Jacob Madeja, Caitlin Miller, Sophie Potts, Hannah Sales, Lindsay Santiago, Chase Sheets, Cade Spencer, Emily Stiller, Francisco U riostegui, Rachel Vance, Spencer Vizcaino. Finh Grade All A ’s; Jaeline Anguiano, Laura Barney, M elanie Fichialos, Brandon Stanley. A-B H onor Roll; Parker Correll, Jordan Lagle, Jacob Latham , Joshua Lankford, Nicole Lusk, Andrew McBride, Zenith Moore, Madison Pearcy, Kara Rice, Giselle Rodriquez, Cody Shouse, Morgan Smith, Zach Spry, Kelsie Stanberr, Michael Stegall. William R. Davie Elementary Third Grade R eilly M eagher, Cyrena Lyons, Frankie Lehotta, Jared Griggs, Joy Davis, Amber Adkins, Jake Barneycastle, Dylan Shoffner, Kamryn Harris, Kassie Gray, Brianna Cranflll, Zach Bowley, Kaitlyn Booc, Jessica Beck, Jesse Carter, Sebastian Casper, Matt Nesbit, Jacob Seamon, Jordan Baity, Amanda Leonard,' Dakota Deskins, Isabella Mabe, Jordan W hite, Kayla W icker, McKenzie Barneycastle, Danny Moreno. Fourth Grade Summer Bivins, Levi Bogcr, Sarah Buie, Payton Cartner, Paul D avenport, Cameron Decanio, Michaellynn Drennen, Krystol Foster, Virgil Fossati, Caleb Jones, Madison Kitchene, Shannon M artinez, Jordan McDaniel, Adam Naylor, Casey Snider, Isaiah Olmedo, Dane Wallace, Sydney White, Holly Link, Forrest Barber, Cody Bodenhamer, Austin Childress, Carly Eddleman, Josh Hill, Goldie Killian, Jake Kitchene, Megan Mohat, Natalie Moore, Johnna Sale, Michael Walker, Dylan Waller, Allen Christopher, Kasady Turner, Mary Cloyce Collins, Katy Alexander, Brittani M ohat, Hunter M cDaniel, Hannah Brown, Makayla Hartness, Tessa Wester, Lindsey Custer, Zack Hinkle, Jake Baity, Bobby Vandiver, Brittney Roberts. Fifth Grade Diana Barron, Jacob Beaucham p, Logan Davis, Christina Grannuman, Craig Moore, Courtney Plesha, Kim­ berly Plowman, Lane Snow, Madison Sweitzer, Jonathan Whitaker, Charles Lewis, Cody Griggs, Makala Caudle, Logan Quinn, Jenny Dodd, Elizabeth Heafner, Jesse Hendricks, Spen­ cer Kelly, Taylor O'Neal, Nicole Owens, Sierra Payne, Danielle Privat, Courtney Draughn, Uriel Navarro, Alex Higgins. Pinebrook Elementary Third Grade Kariy Beck, Cassie Becker, Jala Bogard, Olivia Boger, Jessica Boner, Sam Bowles, Luke Carter, Ryan Church, G rade Clark, Sydney Cobb, Lyndsay Crotts, Jacob Day, R e ta il a n d A d j a c e n t P a d S i t e in V A L L E Y R O A D B U S I N E S S P A R K 5 4 4 AND 5 6 2 VALLEY ROAD • MOCKSVILLE, NC • 2,425±, 2,552±, 1,900±, and 2,040± sf suites available • C an b e com bined for 8 ,9 17± sf • A djacent Pad Site I2,000± Build-to-suit • Lease Rate $9.00 - $ 13.50 psf Chloe Dressier, Hayden DuPont, Cameron Fuller, Levi Gibson, George Haire, Jackson Hartman, Abby Hines, Kelly Howard, David Justen, Annie Kinder, Payton Lipscomb, Kaylx Lyons, Tori N elson, Grocie O ’Brien, Sarah Perkins, Christopher Roberts, Abby Shaver, Hunter Shelton, Katie Shoaf, Kate Sink, Makenzie Sm ith, Julia South, Hunter Spencer, Joey Sprinkle, Chris Vasquez, Avery Vining, Jensen Von Osinski, Abi Waters, Rcece Welch, Keibi Whitaker, Blake Williams, Brandon Wright. Fourth Grade Sam Allen, Preston Beaucham p, Nate Bracken, Caroline Davis, Hanon Dobbins, M eghan Donley, Penelope Donnelly, Cam Fearrington, Kaylen Fields, Eva Flores de Valgez, Sarah Fortescue, Kalea Godfrey, Julie Gough, Makayla Hardin, Ryan Harrell, Nathan Harrell, Sam Harvey, Caitlin Hill, Nathan Hines, Sarah James, Hayley Karns, Abby Kerr, Yahssain Khan, Kayley Khan, Austin King, Eryn Koty, Jessica Lancaster, Carrie Logan, Gillian Luttrell, Wclsey Lynde, Carios Maltez, Madison Marrs, Reid M arshall, Andrew M arshall, M itchell McGee, Brandon Monahan, Austin Naylor, Tyler Nichols, Zachary Oxendine, Will Parker, Logan Prysiazniuk, Michael Rauen, Seth Rin, Jack Robinson, Wyatt Roby, Jacob Rosier, Tristan Roy, Olivia Sheets, Skyler Shore, Nick Simmons, Hannah Sprinkle, Allison Staley, M akinzie Thomas, Madison Townsend, Shawn Tritt, Avery Williford, Amelia Wright, Daniel York. Fifth Grade Melisa Allen, Chris Andrews, Brandon Armsworthy, Joni Bailey, Kuitlyn Bailey, Lexy Benge, Sam Bennett, Katie Bolmer, M attie Bowles, McKenzie Brookman, Jessa Butterfleld, Garrett Byeriy, Alee Carter, Emily Coulson, lyier Davis, Johnathan Dunn, Michael Fletemeir, Jacob Hall, Brooke Hedgspeth, Jake Hendrix, Ashley Hepler, Jorge Hernandez, Austin Horne, A llison Hubbard, K irstie Hutchins, Andrew Jam es, Christian Jarvis, Noah Johnson, Kathleen Justen, Candace Lakey, Morgan M acDonald, Noah M acDonell, Adriana M artinez, Jesse M cDaniel, Daniel M ontgom ery, Sam M otley, Jeannie M ullies, Elisabeth Newman, Travis Norona, Gavin O’Brien, Sloane Pardue, Ashton Parrish, Kayla Peak, W ill Perkins, Zully Pukaneez, Jared Ridenhour, Emma Rogers, Ranni Roscios, George Rothberg, Cody Rowland, Kyle Saarm, William Sells, Katie Shoaf, Jacob Sink, Hampton Smith, Annie Snyder, Terra Stanley, Alison Steelman, Bobby Sweat, Mitch Taylor, Austin Thomas, Jorge Tutiven, Jada Von Osinski, Luke Waters, Joshua Wood, Rebecca Wpodward, Christopher Wright. Shady Grove Elementary Third Grade Dana Adams, Hope Allen, Will Allen, Jake Allison, Spencer Arey, Sierra Arm strong, Carolina Bandy, James Boyle, Haley Brown, Kelsey Brown, M cKay Cham berlain, Alexandria Collum, Dylan Cox, Marzella Ebert, Emily Edwards, Savannah Everett, Jesse Fanale, Reid Feathcmgill, Dave Fletche, Adam G allim ore, Kayli Garwood, Erin Gniewek, Elijah Gregory, Josh Grimm, John M ichael Gulledge, Ali Guttenberg, Amelia Halver, David Harvey, J.J. Hayes, Covey Hough, Courtney Howard, Jake Howell, Foster Johnson, Megan Journey, Daylanera Lawson, Jacob Love, Lauryn Mallard, Ashton Mann, Matteo Marsella, Christopher Mathes, Nicholas M athes, Kaleb M cCarson, M addie M cCartney, Tristan Merritt, Joey Myers, Shelby N elson. Bryan Ogle, Allie Orgnon, William Orrell, Cole Overstreet, Tyier Owens, John I Passero, Laura Plant, Trevor Poppc, Luke Pratapas, Andy Renegar, Valentina Roa, Tyler Roberts, Toylor Robertson, Jacob Rogers, Logan Sheets, Ryan Shelton, Molly Shuffler, Wesley Sink, Heath Slabach, Logan Smith, Rachel Smith, Foss Smithdeal, Michael Sparks, Chelsea Strange, Julianne Strauch, Nicole Surratt, Charies Terry, Tommy Trader, Rostin Tutiey, Abby Wall, Christopher Wall, Bailey Walsh, Krysta Walter, Taylor Walton, Wray Ward, M itchell Wark, Zac Weakland, Collin Weatherman, Jonathan Weaver, Madadlyn Wheeler, Hannah White, Emily Wolverton. Fourth Grade Hunter Bailey, Rebekah Barrett, Elisabeth Beauchamp, Ashley Beeding, Taylor Bennett, Jordan Boger, Kathryn Brake, Logan Bullins, Jordan Butcher, Josh Byrd, Grace Cain, Isaac Campbell, Dominick Carbone, Cade Carney, Allie Carter, Ashlyn Catcs„ Lauren Coats, Craig Colboume, Adam Conrad, Courtney Cornatzer, Luke Cranflll, Allie Cunningham, Ben DeAngelis, Ruby Dennard, Toni Depaoli, Hannah Dove, Joseph Durham, M olly Engstrom , ,Andreas Erlandsson, Hannah Evans, Lexi Flores, Jessico Floyd, Lidia Fogg, McKenzie Folk, Paige Folm ar, Gabe Gonnella, Harley Gorzelski, Austin Hamm, M atthew Harding, Josh Harper, Ryan Harrison, Cassidy Hein, Jordan Hein, Katelyn Hernandez, Holly Herring, Chase Hicks, Hadley Hilton, Cody Hodges, Joshua Howell, Joseph Ibrahim , Caroline Jester, Patterson Jones, Peyton Jones, Amanda Kabealo, Tripp Kelly, Callie Koeval, Max Kuhlenkamp, Kaitlin Lanier, Jack Larrabee, Abby LaRue, Brandt Leonard, Camryn Less, Emma Link, Brooke Marklan, Bayleigh Martin, Kade Mastaw, Julianna McCuistOn, Kasey M cKnight, M ax M eader, Sebastian MikuLski, Kelsy Mille, Todd Miller, Derrick Mitchell, Taylor M organ, Emily Muehukot, Emily O'Connor, Cameron Ogle, Zach Orgnon, Nikolas Parnell, Aubriana Peebles, Caitlyn Peebles, Faith Peterson, Jack Ratledge, Sarah Reynolds, Steve Robertson, Ryan Rothrock, Emily Ruble, Hannah Runge, M organ Sessoms, Logan Shortt, Dakota Slate, Emma Smart, Lauren Sm ith, Zack Sm ith, M aria Stillson, Rachel Sutton, Keri Tatum, M ary Tellup, Muki Viswanathan, Abby Vogler, Grade West, Andrew Whitesell, Isaiah Whitley. Fifth Grade Cole Adams, Katie Allison, Austin Angel, Andrew Ashby, Rachel Baker, Allie Batten, Payton Beaty, Grayson Benn, Anna Berrier, Bethany Brake, Alyssa Brockman, Renee Bryant, Sarah Burford, Nixon Cariello, Andrew Chase, Ayanna Cook, Cory Dalton, Jonathon Davis, Nolan Day, Patricia DeLaRosa, Shan Dhilion, Patrick Fair, Dominick Franco- Widener, Ross Ginther, Ashlyn Grimm, Jonathan Hea, Ryan Heath, Connor Hebert, Taylor Hedges, Quinn Holcomb, Emily Holdsclaw, Carly Howard, Brittany Hunter, Katharine Irwin, Marie James, Kari Kassel, Jaclene Kinyoun, Blake Koeval, Brittany Landreth, Devinn Lawson, Victoria Long, Tanner Martin, Sarah McCoy, Katherine McGum, Victoria McNeil, Will Meeker, Kari M erritt, Holly Messick, Ben Miller, Hunter Morgan, Sarah Myers, Mason Orr, Mary Ann Orrell, Kara Osborne, Amanda Osmond, Holden Poole, W alker Pow, Savannah Priestley, Caitlyn Radatovich, Jessica Ritter, Joel Rogers, Christina Rowe, Grace Rudolph, Kathryn Smiley, Lindsey Stroupe, Brooke Summers, Corey Tilley, Afton Tillm an, Nicholas Tozier, Maddy Voreh, Ashley Wark, Erin W eatherman, Rebekah Whitaker, Jake Wilts, Danielle Wood, Emily Woods. North Davie Middle Sixth Grade All A’j: Benjamin Beeson, Madisyn Creekmbre, Katarzyna Leszczuk, Danny Spry. A-B H onor Roll; Alexis Albarran, M odena Apperson, Hunter Aref, Kelsi Atkins, Wiley Baity, Michaela Boger, Meredith Bowles, Robert Brunstetter, Katherine Cassidy, Victoria Caudle, Zachary Coffey, Jonathan Edwards, W illiam Fortescue, Alexandria Harmon, Johnny Hemandez-Perez, Austin Hicks, Bryan Hiles, Rossie Hoffner, Chance Hollingsworth, Ashton Hughes, Austin Humphries, Colin Joldersmo, Elijah Jones, Matthew Keenan, Laura Kinder, Madison Kirk, Sasha Lockhart, Nicholas Logan, Alexandra Maine, Luke Martin, Kevin Martinez, Tessa Mayo, Steven McBride, Holey McDaniel, Keith McKoy, Robert Mongomery, Donny Murray, Paige Myers, Samuel Nesbit, Brandon Oakley, Zackcry Pauley, Justin Phipps, Brandon Plesha, Artist Plott, Tara Roy, Matthew Scarlett. Allison Smitli, Koyla Sm ith, Emily Swad, Brcanna Sweat, Hanoh Swett, Cloy Thompson, Kayla Thornsberry, SkylhurTranqille, Alexondro Turpin, Ellen Tutterow, Joshuo W agner, Motthew Walker, Dustin White, Jessica White. Seventh Grade Alt A ’s; Alexander Abbott, Sorah Anderson, Joseph Dovis, Brionno Eichhorn, Natalie Irelond, Justin Johnson, Malgorzala Leszczuk, Dylan McDaniel, Luke Naylor, Samuel Newman, Phillips Suzanne, Kendal Tifft, Alyssa Tlime, Tori William.s, Zachary Wright._ A-B Honor Roll'. Taylor Anderson, Brooke Boll, Andrew Bollard, Autumn Barber, Megan Barringer, Aaron Brown, Conrad Cam pbell, Haley Carter, Montero Carter, Morgan Cheek, Kirsten Cockerham , Anna Coleman, Louren Dixon, Jillian Duffner, Alejandro Espinoza, Colin Floyd, Lucas Foster, Alexander Hamm, Logon Hendricks, Kori Koty, Motthew Marshall, Danielle M artin, Austin M cClannon, Justin McClonnon, lyier Myers, Saul Navorro, Russell Ratliff, Elise Rosier, Dallas Shoffner, David Sloan, Courtney Smith, Stewart Jessica, A nnalee Tutterow, Joseph Van Nim an, Luke Walker, Brittany Wall, Jennifer W ebster, Chelsea W hitaker, Davis W hitney, M arissa Williams, Jonah Womble, John Zarbock. Eighth Grade All /I’i; Aubrey Apperson, Soroh Battles, Kothryn Bennett, Christina Bobo, Ellen Carter, Kayla Glenn, Elizabeth Hanell, Jason Johnson, Payton Kel, Eric King, Tyler Luckey, Haley McCune, Jessica Swade, Weston Walker, Daniel Wellman. A-B Honor Roll; Allison Anderson, W illiam Beeson, Amanda Bell, Kirklin Bowles, Jessica Buchanan, Ashley Byrd, Ashley Carpenter, Katherine Caudle, Taylor Chandler, Victoria Clontz, Erika Coffey, William Cope, Hunter Copen, Emily Demarest, Megan Dennis, Thomas Dillon, Mark Graham, M eredith Hanes, Brittany Hepler, Crystal Hill, Rachel Hottel, Meredith Hughes, Hallie Humphries, Briana Jackson, Heather Kimei, Sadie Lagle, Wilson Land, Ashley Levan, Jasm ine Lyons, Cloro Macdonell, Jachawn Martinez, Rebekah M cCann, McGee Maegan, Karla Miner, Amber Minor, Brehesner Montoya, Davis M ossman, M elina Obando, Elizabeth Prie, Jacob Reavis, Heather Riddle, Ashley Rowland, Nathan Roy, Andrew Rudolph, Lindsay Sanders, Nicholas Sherran, Victoria Stanley, Shahnozo Usmonova, Jessica Vaughn, Hannah W hitehead, Macy W illiams, Rachel Woodell, Alyssa York. Ellis Middle Sixth Grade A ll A ’i; Bibiano Arroyo, Braxton Bailijy, Rachael Bundy, Evon Dowell, Molly Fields, Nadio Gregory, TRiley Hein, Whitney Illing, Angelo Micozzi, Britani Peterson, Peyton Sell, Kaitlyn Soard, Christian Stoltz, Savanna Strange, Alyssa Sutton, Teddi Utt, Emily Williams. A-B H onor Roll: Kasey Alston, Comeron Altieri, Sydnee Autry, Ryon Boll, Ashley Bamhiudt, Grace Bortelt, Hunter Baskin, Chloe Berube, Megan Callahan, Louren Campbell, Ivey Carney, Tristan Comer, Travis Davis, Scott Dennar, Sabrina Dulaney, N icholas Endicott, Emili Fetherboy, Caleb Foote, Bethany Foster, Allie Fruits, Blakely Gontt, Kenny Goodin, Jacob Gorzelski, Anne- Marie Harvey, Reid Hecht, D.T. Hinkle, Honnah Hodges, Abigail Hubbard, Cosm o H utchins, Jessica James, Cody Jeffries, Tanner Junker, Eric Kasse, Gilson Kingman, Helen Koeva, Jordan Lagle, Dakota Lemm, Gabby M acaione, Luke M anning, Selina M arshall, Angel Mayfield, Avee Mcguire, Michael Mebel, Seth Morris, Charlie M uehukot, Madison Myers, Emily Nichols, Corvonn Peebles, M ckenzie Phillips, Henry Powers, Chose Prilloman, Katie Reed, Jack Robertson, Rachel Ruble, Harrison Soles, M onica Scheum ann, Logan Sessoms, Kevin Sides, Katelyn Sizemore, Elizabeth Smith,' Lilly Sm ithdeal, Kaly Steelm an, Stone Stroud, Emily Tester, Savanna Thomas, Nathaniel Tutterow, Shelby Weatherman, Maggie Webb, Austin Whitaker, Ashlyn W hitesell, Alexandra Wilson, Jared Wolfe. Seventh Grade All A ’s-. Sarah Beauchamp, Elizabeth Carbone, Ashley Dowell, Devon Dulaney, Adam Elshonowany, Leoh Gryder, B.J. Lanier, Bel Lapointe, Katherine McCuiston, Caroline Miller, Kelsey Orr, Jeffrey Phillips, Sydney Rowell, Allie Slabach, Jeremy Walker, Cassidy Webb, Sydney Wooten. A-B Honor Roll'. Landon Adams, Will Baskin Jr., Austin Boger, Nick Boswell, Austina Burton, Salem Carney, Morgan Corter, Tyler Correll, Sarah CranFdl, Kiran Dhilion, Jacob Duncan, Isaac Dunn, Abigail Dupree, Matthew Ellis, Sarah Fair, Amber Finney, Daniel Flynt, Bailey Folmar, Tyler Gaddy, Scott Gallimore, Nicole Gniewek, Aaron Guttenberg, Elizabeth Howard, Kotlynn Howell, Nick Irwin, Jennifer Jamie, Stephanie Jamie, Kayla Lane, Taylor Lankford, Celeste Long, Brett Markland, Stephen McCoy, Chase M oore, Alex Norman, A drienne Olson, Woodie Parrish, Karina Ram irez, Shannon Rogers, W ibon Rowe, Morgan Strickland, Lauren Taylor, Brynna Tremblay, Ryan Trudea, Kossy W alter, Hailey Weatherman, Claire Whitaker, Rachel W hitaker, Alexander Wilson. Eighth G rade All A’i; Darren Colboume, Morgan Parrish, Kaitlyn Smith, Jacob Walker. A-B Honor Roll; Crystal Aguqro, Jordan Baker, Katie Barber, Bryce Bartelt, Kathryn Bennett, Karen Boger, Megon Bolin, Cameron Brockman, Chelsie Brown, Briann Buchholz, Taylor Carte, Nichole Casey, Autumn Church Cole Crisco, Tommy Doub, Logan Dunn, Sergio Fernandez, Ryan Foster, Emily Gardner, Jessica Green, Paul Guntner, David Harp, Olivio H arvel, Cong Hinkle, Mason Lesser, Will Macey, Honnah McNeil, Bailey Ogle, Bethany Pan, Erika Parnell, Rachel Peterson, James Piper Jr., Corey Randall, Daniel Ritter, Laura Shelton, Kaitlyn Smart, Spencer Smith, Laura Spillman, Katie Sutherland, Laura Untz, Stephanie Watts, Nathan Webb, Gerald Whitaker, Lily Wolfe, Stacey Ziglor. South Davie Middle Sixth G rade A ll /I’j; Courtney Bode, Continued On Page B9^> Olivia Bowman, Chelsea Bulatko, Alexis Callison, Abby Daniels, Elizabeth Holland, Sam L inville, Ra'Soun M artin, Tanner Nelson, Taylor Nelson, Cynthia Reyes-M anriguez, C aitlin Rigolini, Sum mer Scordino, Summer Sm art, Corbin West, Andrew Whaley. A-B H onor Roll; Am ber Basham, Ashton Brown, Ada Caballero, Hayley Carter, Caleb Carter, Chantal Cisneros, Chasity Cleary, JQ Dalton, M iehcle Diehl, Jasm ine Dobbins, Morgan Dragon, Toni Easter, Linsey Fowler, Amondo Fuller, Antonio Gobino-Yonez, Lindsey Gale, Briseydo Gorcio, Jessica Guerrero, Micah.Guyton,' Jokelin H ernandez, Amber Hunter, Courtney Jones, Joano Leon, Gabrielee Lyons, Caleb Martin, Heather McClamrock, Pake Millsops, Adriona Moreno, Lauren Morrison, Diana Moure- Garcia, Colton Orrell, Jou.shua Peters, Dustin Potts, Lazaro Sonchcz, Nicole Scott, Casey Shoemaker, Tori Talley, David Taylor, Alyssa Thomosson, Dylan Tollie, Will Voughon- Jones, Karen Villatoro, Alyssa W aymire, Emma West, Sara Wishon. Seventh Grade . All A's: Andrew Austin, Katie B onilla, Kyle Bullins, Will Cartner. Stephen Daniel, Alii Dyer, Brianna Farris, Haley Ginther, Verenice Gronodero, Brooke Hess, Jacob Lambert, Anna M cBride, Sydney McBride, Lorena Millo, Sandra Provisor, Katie Son Filippo, Jonathon Shoaf, Lily Smith, Sarah Sponaugle, Shelby Stephens, Jennifer West. A-B Honor Roll; Venecia’ A cevedo, Dylan Andrade, Russell Antliony, Chesnee Barber, Ashlyn Blass, Mekayla Boswell, M elanie Brannock, Lysa Brooks, Zotoria Butler, Erika Calix, Jake Carter, Nakia Carter, Joel Cartner, Kenny Church, M egan Clopp, Tio Clem ent, Josh Cockman, Chelsea Curtiss, Robert Daniel, Aaron Dodd, Desirae Downs, Mary Draughn, Justin Eckart, Barry Etchison, Kenneth Freyer, Tyler Grubb, Cody Hampton, Daniel Harris, Viri Hernandez, Courtney Honeycutt, Nathan Howard, David Hursey, Keyona Jackson, Brooke Johnson, Hayley Lam bert, Renee Manzini, Ty Marshall, Dovin M cLaughlin, Rebecca M icknlowski, Carrie Miller, K rista M iller, Andrew Montgomery, Karla Moreno, Alex Myrick, Shelby Potts, Will Priestly, Jenny Rot)bins, Puty Rodriguez, Brondon Ruth, Michoelo Shaver, Mclio Sheets, Brad Smith, Kiyomi Toylor, Lauren Thurmond,- Stephanie Velotto, Amber Villaseno, Jordan W alters, Brie White, Rachel Williams, Johnathan Wiseman, Kelsey Wooten. Eighth Grade A ll A ’s; Priyonko Barad, Whittney Correll, Gina Maurice, Chelsea Oswell, Logan Wilkinson, Bccco West, Paige Maconochie, Kyle Serio, Kocy Yount. A-B H onor Roll; Anne Berkeley, John Bryan, Ana Burton, Kenio Cadena, Taylor Corpenter, Heather Cartner, Kaitlyn Cheek, Katcro Cockerham, Caroline Cozart, Ashleigh Dovis, Andrea Easter, Chelsie Endicott, Betsy Forres, Leslie Fulton, Ana G arcia, Christina Griffin, Asia Hillard, Meredith Johnson, Samantha Kiekenopp, Cheyenne Loshmit, Jansen M cDaniel, Lindsay M cDougoll, Connor McMonamy, Caleb McGee, Mitchell Miller, Christopher Miller, Sam Mills, Elizabeth Newsome, John Parker, Bcjamin Peterkin, Kelly Presley, Denzel Redmon, Christopher Rhodes, Tanio Ruanp, Kaytlyn Shoem aker, Paige Smart, M ichael Spillm an, Armani Steed, Keely Strouse, T rade Thomas, Izzy Voughan-Jones, Diana Vides, Jeremy Whitak, M adison W hitlock, Ashton Wiseman. Davie High Ninth G rade All A ’s; Taylor Anderson, Christopher Breeden, Erin Deadmon, Bradley Deal, Caitlin Hauser, Megan Hennings, De­ von Hcubel, Kenneth Hockaday, Willis Jones, Alice Kim, Daniel Needs. Stephanie Porker, Lyndsey Ruble. Conway siielton. Lake Slabach. Wesley Vanhoy, Kali Whitokcr, Chelsea Young. A-B Honor Roll; Nicholas Anders, Drew Andrade, Chan­ dler Archer, Maggie Arnold, Jus­ tin Atwood. Casey Barnes. Jaclynn Burns, Tara Burton, Matthew Busbec, Christopher Carter, Paul Cassidy, Miquelo Chitty, Rebecca Cook, Kuylo Cornotzer, Matthew Cusack, Jocelyn Dowol, Anno Derion, Andrew Dom anski, Jordan . Drenneh, Steven Durham, Zachary Fair, Perry Ferrell, M arshall Flem ing, Joson Gollimore, Brandon Gammons, Denzell Garm on, Rochel Goheen, Andrew Guardado, Jasm in Gunning, Cara Hendricks, Megan Hennings, Carson Herndon, Blake Hess, Kora Hiatt, Rachel Hoffman, Christy Holdsclaw, Brittany Home, Michad Howard, Megan Howell, Rachel Howell, Mat­ thew Hursey, Kloi Irving, Alexandra Keiser, Mary Ann Kiser, Dillon Lambe, Kyro Laroque, Tyler Laymon, Jacob Little, Chase London, Kyle Mocey, Kadesha M addox, Hailey Marsh, Codyi Mason, James Miller, Nathan Millcson, Justin Minor, Ronald Moore III, Daniel Moxley, Ryan Moxley, Jordan Myers, Alex Newman, Peter Newman, Esteban Barrantes Obando, Morgan Rowe, Brandon Rowell, John San Filippo, Cody Schneggenburger, Nathon Sheets, Joel Shuler, Blakley Simmons, Nicholas Sizemore. Ashley Spillman, David Stanley, Brittani Stewart, Holly Thomp­ son, Kelsey Tift, Steriing Tkach, Elizabeth Tucker, Jessica Tucker, Jonnely Vides, Michael Waters, Roy Whitaker Jr.. Jacob Whitaker. Bryson White, Walter WiLson ill, Darius Wilson, Elaina Womble, Brion Wood, Casey Zakamarkek. 10th Grade All A ’.i: Nicklaus Ashbum, Luke Bartelt, Rebecca Bobo. Brian Bullins, M iranda Edwards, Rosa Flores-Sanchez. Kathryn Gerdon, Ashley Green. Lauren Gryder. Tyler Ham. Roseanne Hardin. Corio Harris. Nora Hayes. Christopher Hoke. Zachary Long. Amy Macaione. N atalie M cBride, Costner Merrifield, Taylor Moore. Clare Moser. Melissa Nichols, Gre­ gory Nuckols, Courtney Ogle. Chelsea Parrish. M ichelle Phillips. Seon Reynolds. Jenni­ fer Rominger. Amiro Shehato, Dina Shehata, Omor Shehato, Courtney Sims, Gerald Stakely Jr., Taylor Stokes, Caitlin Tutterow, Brittnie Wagner, Jes­ sica Williams. / A-B H onor Roll'. Roger ..........................................M l i r A g r : to w i th as ' pofis^ed hef skttk to bring her the ktunvIfégfiaUe couttcel ;■ ‘, 1/7 f , today*s real estate market ' dmatuk. Simply putf she is one ‘' more reasón Century 2i is the number One tiame in Real estate. O n t U I ) i WWW Ccnluty2 I Tu.ul net - 2 2 2 2 Adkins II, Mark Akers, Ashley Allcom, Amber Arnold, Jordan Autry, Bria Backman, Lauren Bailey, Lindsey Bailey, Sarah Barber, James Bornhordt, Ciero Beam, Danielle Brown, Kelsey Bryan, Jarred Burcham, Ben­ jam in Burton, Kaitlin Buss, Shane Butcher, Anthony Copra, Nicholas Capro, Hannah Cartner, Brittany Clark, Cloirc Coleman, Sean Davidson, Korrli Dempski, Erin Desnoyers, Kaycee Dixon. Victoria Doub, Zachary Dreschleer, Patricio Evans, Kristin Ferebee. John Flowers, Tino Fortney, Lisa Fos­ ter, Kirsten Caddy, Emma Gor­ don, Zochery Grimm, Adino Guyton, Sara Handy, Morgan Horrison. Ryon Horrison. Kara Harvey. Chondler Holland. .Bridgette Hooks, Brandon Hoose. Sarah Hunt. Megan H utchens. Kasey Ireland. Chelsea Janson, Charles Jewell, Katherine Johnson, Julia Juhasz, Kaleb Koontz, Molly Lankford, Joanna Lucero, M oriah MocDonnell, Jessica Manspile, Michael Marrs, Joel Martin, Clint Mast, Madeline McIntyre, Gregory Miller, William Mills. Joshua Money, Kerri Morcn, ian Poce, Corrie Phelps, James Roberson. W illiam Rooney. Jacob Rudolph. Bradford Shelton. Houston Smith. Travis Smith, Ethan Snyder, Karen Spry. Asia Steed. Jessica Stephens, Joel Stiling, Jessica Strickland, Kelcey Sykes, Emily ' Tote, Audrionu Taylor, Katie Taylor, Brandon Tester, Holly Tissue. Elyssa Tucker, Kathryn Vanniman. Heather Whitehead. Kevin Whitley, Bailey Williams. Bret Williams. Morgan Wyatt, n th G rade Alt A ’s'. Chasen Arey. Cassie Barnes, Emily Bates, Carrie Brewer; Elizabeth Coiner, Caroline Cornatzer, Kaitlin Dodd, Neil Edwards, Rebecca Gerdon. Diana Green, Landon Harris, Kayleigh Heubd, Julie Jones, Victoria Kennedy, Mor­ gan Long, Brittany Mabe, Rocio Marcial-Cruz, Daniel McBride, Ashley M cCollister, Roy Melton, Vosiliko Millo, Rachel O'Brien, Robert Rusher. Jordan Schultz. Tiffnay Short. Anna" Smith. Robert Sparks, Hannah Stroupe, Margaret Tupay, Jo.icph W axman, Jonathan West. Danielle Wittlinger. A-B Honor Roll-. Jennifer Allen. Meghan Altman, Alexis Alvarado Beltran, Nathaniel Battles, Rebecca Bentley, Joseph Bode, Rebecce Boone, Michad Brewer, Cody Brown. Tracy Brown. Katherine Bnjce, James Burford. Bradley Burton. Allison Compbell. Brandi Capps. W hitneyh Chileen. Vincent Cioce. Matthew Coiner. Samantha Contos, Rachel Coo­ per. Luis Diaz. Kara Dodd, Kaitlyn Ducote, Brittany Dyson, Sarah Evans, Alexandra Folk, Jessica Foster, Jareth Frank, Garrett Fulton, Britni Grammer, Kayla Grubb, Christine Gulledge. Courtney Haldeman. Branden Hanes. Ethan Hollifield, Folon Hooper, Caleb Humphrey. Zachary Illing, Jor­ dan James, Somontho Jomes, Stacy Jolly. M ichael Jones. Veronico Jones. Justin Keaton. Kurtis Keiser. Jordan Kinder, Jordan Lane. Brin Latimer. Jes­ sica Lau. C harles Lee Hi. Charles Link, Koylo Luckey, Rachel Mockintosh, Soroh Mar­ tin, Adom McCollister, Taryn McCann, Daniel Merritt, Sean Norono, Jomes North, Julionne O lson. Joshua Pan. Joshua Parks, Kelli Parks. Aaron Peoples, Charles Peterson. Karlyn Phipps, Jessamyn Ren, Amber Rogers, Raul Romero, M ichael Rowe Jr., Kelsey Shipman, Tatum Snow, Kelly Solovtzoff, Corey Spell, James Stone. Joseph Toylor. Kelsey Taylor. Zachary Taylor. Joslynn Thomas, Brittany Tutterow, Leah Vulpitta, Ethan Wantuch, Jade Welch. Sarah Whitaker, Samuel W hitley, Megan Whittaker, Michael Wood. 12th G rade A lt A ’i: G arrett Benge, Lindley Bess. Chelsea Bordner. Amanda Bridges. Kcnzie Brown, Ernest Cain Jr.. Zeb Cope. Alyssa Cornc, Jam es Crews. M ichael Dom anski, Clayton Dwiggins. Bethany Gough. Hillary Harper. Bryce Hauser. Ashley Hendrix. Cynthia Kohnen. James Kudl. Taylor M illcson, Amanda Nichols. Ashley Padgett. Justin Phillips, Garrett Poole, Brittany Priestley, Amondo Reovis, Jor­ dan Reavis, Tamiko Reynolds, Johniithan Roesch, Billy Short. Coylo Sims, Glenn Stanley III, Kaitlin Stevens, Quinn Tesh. Emily Tierney, W illiam Turrentine, Matthew Vanhoy, Jay Waugh, Caroline Webster, Erika Wentz, Nicole While, Brooke Williams, Erin Williams, James Williams. A -B H onor Roll-. M ary A bsher, Alicia A llen. Alex Appelt. Trey Archer, Coitlin Atkinson, Anna Bailey, Matdicw B allard, Brittany Becker, Whitney Bokeno, Kayla Bowles, Lauren Boyter, Allison Bradley, Sam antha Brown, Elizabeth Budd, Nathaniel Budd, Courtney Campbell, Paige Carter, Eden Cassidy, Matthew Chapmah, Molly Chappie, Cierra Clement. M dghan Collins. Andrew Cornatzer. Morgan Costner, Jesse Cousins, Jesse Crotts. Elizabeth Crowe. Ethan Curtis. Chelsea Davis. Jeremy Davis, Soroh boyw olt, G regory Devoult, Mogan Doss, We.<le/' Doub, Abrohom Dfcchsir, Sy Easling, Tiffany Estep, Tabitha Fairiey, Aimce Falk, Q uihtoh’ Faulkner, Gregory Flem ing, Lameisha Fowler. Laura Fraune, Jcssica Frost, Andrew Gaither, Tekaira Gaither, Leslie Gray, Anna Greenwood, A ngelia Hannon, Patrick Harris, David H asting^ Jr., Lucas Hatley, Christina Hohf. Devore Holmah’ Jr.. Stephen Hubbard, Ryan Hutchinson, Diandra Jackson. Hannah Jakob. Stephanie Jarvis. Kylie Jenkins. Kathryn Johnson. Victoria korlek. Cosey Keaton, Brettly Kirk. Andrew Linhort, Stephen Livengood, Jeffrey Loos, Eric Lowery, Dee Lytle,"'* K atelyn M anspile, Brittney McGee, Kristin McMillan, Erika M iller. Sarah M iller. Sarah M oore, M ichael M orrison. Peyton M urray, K athryn Newberry. Tabitha Newell. Joan Nobles. Jeffrey Nuckols. Caleb Pearce. Elizabeth Peeler. John Piper Jr.. Kayla Plumley. Garrett Poole. Zachary Proctor, David Pruitt. Adam Ridenhour. An­ thony Rouse, Jensen Sales, Stacy Saunders, Nicholas Schambach, Brett Schnegenburger, Jasmine Scott, Justino Scott, Sarah Sex­ ton, Brandy Smith, Danielle Smith, Derek Smith, Kenneth Smith, Nora Smith. Jennifer Snyder. Justine Solom on. Suzanne Spangenberg. Jennifer Stanley, Michael Starre, Carly Stauffer. Katherine Streit, Chelsea Swyers, Chelsea'Trull. Louro Vanhoy. Christopher Veal, Louren Walker, Courtney Welch, Joseph W hitaker III, Jomes Whiteheart, Gina Williams, Aus­ tin Wood, Jordan Yuenger. R e a l t y p jD ín s u lt a n t » W e s t 336-998-9800 L o e a fd ln O m v Im C o u n ty a t 128 P m a ch tree L ane, A d v a n c e , NC CacftORiot IndupmdMnitrOMiwl A Opwat«d C6ri9(hide SusanlifHtfr itckiUutU№d JantHltmity JimStkuia Пж»Т}туеляк1 liaw/fyBiAy HtnttletrJiy Oremax.nel Ofemaji.net ttrenviK.fwt Oromax.noJ (ironvu.nct Огвшя.пв! Oronuix.ffoi eremax.net 33ft-3«»3a79 336-9o»i5ea ззмег-звоз дзв>таг-г242 33«-00»!707 ззб»ш«ов7а Э3б-99а>843 ээв-9»а»9070 R E / M A X F A C T S D i d Y o u K n o w ? When most sellers list their home for sale the first thing they think about Is hovi^ much will I get and that Is usually followed by how soon will I get the money. It's certainly understandable • that those two concerns are, most often, top of mind. After all, you're likely selling your home to buy another one or Invest the money In something else. But, If as a seller, you can get into the buyer's mindset, the sale of your home can come faster and for more money. Understanding the way buyers think Involves seeing things not from your perspective but from your potential buyer's mindset. It can sound easy but actually it's often harder to do than most sellers think. The psychology of buying Is driven by emotional experiences, money, and timing. With that In mind, sellers can help create optimal circumstances that literally help walk the buyer through the process and completion of the sale of your home. It starts with a feeling. When you meet someone for the first time, you form a first impression , based on a feeling.That's exactly what happens when buyers set foot Into your home.Work i with an experienced agent to learn exactly what kind of Impression your home Is giving off. If It's a small borne, make sure it's not overfilled and cluttered. pick up all the loose clutter that's floating around.Throw out old magazlnes.^eople like to see j things that'are streamlined or clean or fresh looklng.There's nothing worse tHan walking Into a place and seeing a stack of magazines all over the place or an unmade bed. . , • j Most people are visual buyers. If the home doesn't look clean, spotless, ahd| repaired then'the ‘ buyer thinks what's behind the walls, How much ntore money do | have to put into this home: Remember understanding the psychology of the buyer's mindset can help you sell faster and for the price you really want. ■I .< - ^ 'ф " л - ^ If ^' !• t f, 4 BIO. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,200p Davie Dateline DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3, 2008 -Bll PUBLIC NOTICES Fundraisers Saturday, July 5 Yard Sntc, picusc support Cccliir GrovcBnpt, Church Crusaders, comm, yard sntc, bukc sale, hot dog sulc, & fish fry, GYM 365 piirtung lot (ucross from Foster's Drugs), 7 n.m. until. All donntlons & proceeds to Relay for Life Campaign. Saturday, July 12 Goir Tournament, sponsored by William R. Davie Raiders youth foot­ ball, at Pudding Ridge Golf Club, 2 p.m. shotgun start. 4-mun team/cupt. choice, cost $65/player, $260/team. Field limited to first 30 teams. Regis­ tration 12;30, lunch 12:30-1:45. Door prizes, goody bags. Call WO-5547. All proceeds to WRD Raiders youth foolboll program. • Fish Fry, sponsored by youth & edu- eatlon'of New Life Apolistlc Church, 11 a.m., plates $S includes fish, bread, slaw, & dessert. Chips, suda or juice nvollable 50(! extra. Donations also accepted. Location; 357 Depot Street (bottom of hill.) Saturday, Sept. 20 Annual Fall Fc.stiviil, sponsored by New Union UMC, for more info or to rent a space, 751-7567. Ongoing SmllhGrovellMC Country Drcak- fasl, 3rd Saturday each month, 6:30- 9.'30 a.m. Coolecmec Civilnns IIBQ Chicken, 3rd Fri. of each month, at Coolecmec ClvUnnBldg.,Coolcemce. Serving 1/ chicken, BBQ slaw, bidced beans, roll & pound cake. $7 per plate. Re­ serve your plate, sign up at Cool- cemce Hardware or call 284-2196 or 284-2030. Will deliver order of five (5) or motB. Proceeds to help pay for Coolecmec Civitan Comm. BIdg. Poor Man’ Supper, at Hardison ■ UMC, 1st 'rhursday each month, 6 pm„ l630JcrichoCl\urchRd.,Mocks- ville. Reunions Sunday, July 13 SOth Annlvcrsnry Kcunlon of Holninn & Fro.st Fnmlllcs, at Pal­ metto Church, US 601 N„ Mocks- ville. Fellowship begins 10:30 a.m. Picnic dinner 1 p.m. Relatives & friends welcome. Saturday, Sept. 27 Davte High Clnsi of <83, 25th re­ union, at Village InnOolfConference Center. For info; 940-7692,998-1188, 998-3244.' For additional info visit www.daviehighnlumni.com Religion Saturday, July 5 singing on the Green, at Diilin UMC, 5:30 until. Music, hot dog sup­ per, wolcrslide. Location: DulinUMC, 897 Dulin Rd., Mocksville. Info: 998- 5409. Sunday, July 20 Annual Mtsstonnry Day, at Cedar Creek Missionary Bapt., begins Sun­ day aficmoonat 3 p.m. Guest speidter. Sun.-Thurs., July 20-24 “Cosmic City ofGod”, at St. Francis of Assisi, 6-9 p.m., ages K-5th. Tliere will crafts, games, and more. Info; 751-2973. Sunday, July 27 Usher Board Anniversary, at New Rcsuffection Life Christiim Ctr., De­ pot St., Mocksville, 4 p.m. with spe­ cial guests. Mon.-Fri., July 28-Aug. 1 VBS, ttt Eagle Heights Cliurch, 5103 US 158, Advance. Info: 998-4405. Ongoing Bible study, birth, life, death, res­ urrection of Jesus, each Wed. 6:30 p.m.. New Life Ministry, 229 Mill­ ing Rd. No charge, everyone wel­ come. Info: 704-642-0512. Women’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p.m.. In a home near Milling Road area. All women welcome. Info: 751-5229. Griefsharc, seminar and support group for people otperienclng grief and loss. Sat. mornings 9:30-11 a.m. at Cornerstone Christian Cliurch, 1585 NC 801 North. A $15 fee will be charged for materials used In 13 week seminar (begins May 17th). Info: 998-0600. Women’s Bible Study, focusing on Biblical women from female per- ' spectlve and African American, Latino, and American women, 2nd Sat. of eochmonlh at FairHeld Bapt. Church, 164 Excalibur Lane (off U.S. 601 S.). Info: 940-5149. Cornatzer Coffeehouse, 3rd Sun. of each month, 7 p.m. at Cornatzer UMC. Women’s Study Group, Phase 2, on Biblical women, presented by Hannah’s Ministries. Free & held every second Sal. of each month, 10-11 n.m. All welcome. Info: 940- 5149. The Purpose Driven Life, a di­ rected discussion for women bused on Rick Warren’s book, all women Invited, Jericlio Church of Clirist, each Tues. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Call 492-5711 or492-5291 foradditlonal Info. At The Feet Of Jesus, now study for adult women at Jerieho Church of Christ, Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m. Call 492-5711 or 492-5291 or info. CurcNet Counseling CcntGr.s, nt First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksville. Offers inter-dc- nomlnallonal counseling. Academi­ cally tniincd, cerlified counselors & mental health professionals. Info, & appt, 751-2041, I’rescliuol/I’urenls Morning Out, Bellilehem United Mclh. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M,W or T, Th. Age 3 - M,T, Til. Age 4 & Pre- K - three or four days per week. Cull 998-6820. Preschool, nt Center United Meih. Church, 2 days per week or 4 days per week (4 yr. old class); 2 days per week (3 yr. old class); 2 days per week (2 yr. old class) 8:30-11:30 a.m. Phone 940-3753. Awana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days nt 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Taber­ nacle. Spedai Events Mon.-Thurs., July 28-31 Davie High Cheerlcadlng Summer Clinic, sponsored by Davie High cheerleading squad, 5:30-8:30 p.m., at DHS gym. Pre-register until July 22. Cost; individual $50{aftcrJuly22 $60). Registration forms online at www.duviecountyclieerlending.com Thurs. & FrI., July 3 & 4 9th Annual Tractor Show & Pa­ rade, spon.soredbyPiedmontTroclor Power Association, at Masonic Pic­ nic Grounds, Mocksville. J uly 3 events stiul 6 p.m., July 4 events start 9 n.m. Food available both days, admission free both doys. For info: 336-492- 5201 or 704-437-2678. Saturday, July 19 Full Moon Festival, at Ray ten Vine­ yards & Winery, 3577 US 158, Ad­ vance, Featuring Vagabond Saint So­ ciety (Van Morrison Tribute Band), 5-9 p.m., food available for purchase from Full Moon Oyster Biu, $ 10/per­ son. Call 998-3100 for Info. Saturday, Sept. 6 Davic High Special 50th Birthday Celebration, for the Davie High Class of 1976, 4-8 p.m., Shelter #5 Rich Park. Classmates invited to bring fam­ ily & covered dishes to share. No charge. Paper products, drinks fur­ nished. Come enjoy homemlide icc cream, b'dny cake, 70s music, & remi- ni.scing with old friends. Check it out at www.daviehighalumni.com Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Sal. night blucgniss, at Sheffield Music Hall, call 492-7417 for info. CofTec House, 3rd Sun. each month, 7 p.m., at Cornatzer UMC. Good cof­ fee, good fellowship, & good music. Datés to Remember Wednesdays, thin July 16 Educational Opportunity Center Workshop.s, free and at Storehouse for Jesus. Different topics each Wed. class times 10-11:30 a.m. Cull 751- 5903 ext. 232 for info. Thursday, July 24 Breast/Cervlcal Screening Clinic, sponsored by Davie Heullh Dept., 9 a.m. Ill 3 p.m. Info: 751-8700. Fund­ ing for thc.se .services provided by SusunO. Komen Breast CancerFoun- dution and NC BreusI & Cervlcul Control progrnin. Ongoing Free Monthly Diabetes/Blood Pres- sure/ChalestcrolScrccnlngs.UutFri. of each month in 2008 at WnlMurt, 9 a.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored by Davie Lion’s Club. Visit Cooleemee's Mill Village Mu­ seum, 14 Cliureh St., Wed.-Snt. 10 a.m. til 4 p.m. Tours also available by appt. Call 284-6040. Storytlmes, at Davie Co. Library: Tues. & Fri. II u.m. - stories, songs, fun for preschoolers. 1st Sat. of every month - slories/uctlvities for kids of all ages. At Coolecmec Branch: every other Thurs. .10:30 a.m, (call or check website fordates). At Hillsdale UMC; every other Fri. IOa.m.(call library or check website for dates). Spcelal Olympics of Davie County, play activities & fun nite, Wednes­ days nt Brock BIdg. Play activities 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nite 7-8:30 p.m. Open to all persons with disabllilies & their families. Meetings Tuesday, July 29 Planning Session, for Davie High Class of 1976 event, 6:30 p.m., at Zcko'sKestaurant, 949 Salisbury Rd. Contact: 909-3396 or 751-2237. Ongoing Davie Beekeepers A.4soclntlon, sec­ ond Monday of every month, 7 p.m., al N.C. Cooperative Ext. Office, 180 S. Main Street, Mocksville. For info; 998-2975. Jcrlcho-Hnrdlson Rurltan Club, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., club building. Heallli Dept., clinic hours; Mon.-Fri., 8:30-11 ;30n.m„ 1-4:30 p.m. Davie County Board of Social Ser­ vices,4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, First Bapt. Church, 390 N. Maiti Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville American Legion Post 174. VFW Hut, Sanford Ave., 2nd Tliursday, 7 p.m. Moeksville Civitan Club, 7 p.m., 2nd &4th Mondays, nt First Prcsbyte- rinn Church. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary, 4th Tues., 7:30 p.m., post liome. Feed Mill Rond. Davie County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Tliursday, grand jury room, court­ house. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Coolecmec Memorial VFW Post 1119,2nd, 4lh Thurs., 7 p.m., VFW Hull, N.C. 801. DavleCo. MS Support Group, 2nd Mon. of each month, 6 p.m., Davic, Co. Hospital. Recreation For more information on any of the following rec. ovenls call 751 -2325. Davie Youtli Council nil students grades 9-12, attend N.C. Slate Youth Council events, serve community. Cnii Sandra 751-2325. GoodTimersSquare Dance Fttnnington Comm. Ctr, Mondays 7 p.m., cost $5 per month. Voiunlecr & H Q W A M ) R E A L T Y 330 s. Salisbury St., Moclcsville C a ll 7 5 1 -3 5 3 8 o r v isit ^ w w w .h o w a rd re a lty .c o m 1 |У |Д Н S e r v i n g L > a .v ie C o u n t y f a r 0 ^ ^ c r 3 0 Y e a r s ! R e s i d e n t i a l a A c r e a t s e I n d u s t r i a l * C o m m e r c i a l Itili K.C<Illí^Ull¡KlnSlt<nlbSVBIÜnCl.l\n (Ït md $799,000 MnmttnUntoMhialKliirinlnljúelC«« nnl к,; GM tí fuir» W», » i mMl«Jbil«(iWiltal!$ee4,900 íielra(elra'Hj)mii)«i*l4$577,a84 ' 127 & 133 WiNDsoNQ Rd. |/ш\ I 1009 Glenn Fennv Rd Inctm PiDcktlng Рп|шМ| 2 «I ipl inli w 3 bU U !(|i. sir^ My Шд. № 1 sm.$360,000 HtciD 38R JiBA, «SU !l tal itotraüfi. In Vdm Oj.jjSira fors)ii hi IW M$349,900 PRICEO TO UU IN FOSitT OLINI m 2SA»№ uo ntl ti Isti $299,900 h ADOVE AVERAGE »(«¡«оп!4еИ,35аА,и t9M'íSral¡BAíXl»Ion«lC«m.V01 tl-K. b»iL, 2»garageandMOflEI $298,500 ч1аЩ. HIVeJHITril. area $250,000 i(MESTPfiieEHiK®a*owocois6R2iw эетвА,ои.с11*тймГ1Ч(Ц1(»,1йс(!р» UtlOini>FP.BsTt.S(«l])«. $134,900 V inilinrmislLi/ggitcngglllg $119,900 30<l TOWNPAnK'«30l OWNER MOTIVATED! 4BR. 2.5BA, with extra room, $108,000 38aiBA bfiA ranch on .49»/- flc. Quiert Spadcw3efKBAcn052ffx,ttwla»JfP,l;g. NTwxl.FPinLR.Wôlmairüala$93.500 MBRWnunwxeifftem $89,500. 2WtUV|f«lMlK< aniirmiiiy«a,m>tpod $88,500. Rtimtsl ( №viatz«l гвЯ1ВА «mç/t mA TC. №w»M«n, doon. pain. tic. $83,250 S fsáu К «I O M u Ijg iw dttk, krca) yaU Hii((iin*mM)(biiOTW $73,900 Remodeled 2Bfl, IBAcoaage. Nev*sldbig& ЗВа 1ВЛ wAlen & Lfi. ЕаИп-КИ»л, г metal rool.Lig »id(xed|!«cti $69,900 slmagebUgs. on nice kn $69,900 community service opportunities. Call 998-3837 for mote info. Davie IVletro Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up, including adults. Tues. & Thurs. @ 6 p.m.. Brock Gym. Gary Keeble, instructor. Call 391-4538 for more info. Shelter Rentals Available nt Rich Pnrit, Riverpark nt Coolcemce Fnlls, and Fiuinington. Call 751-2325 to reserve. Special Olympics Fun Nites available to anyone with u disability, Wednesdays, Brock Oym, 6 p.m. Call Kathie Streit 751-2325. K-2 Instructional B’Ball Includes T-shltt. Silver Striders Brock Oym available for walking 6:30-9 n.m. Quarterly Incentives for miles walked. Senior Trips Join us for day trips & occasional ovemightcrs to interesting iocntions & let us do the driving. Cnil Knthie for info. Senior Games Open to ail 55 or better. Be nctivc, have fun, softball, basketball, badmitton, hoRCslioes,bocce, & more. Dance Company Brock Gym, Emily Robertson 998- 5163, ages 3 & up, including adults. Classes Mon. & Tues. Bocce At Rich Park Sports Complex, Wednc.sdnys, 11 n.m. Lenm sport of Boccc. Open to all seniors 55 or bet­ ter. Summer Horse Camp $230 per week, 2 weeks in June & 2 weeks in July. Cnil for Info 751 -2325. YMCA For more Infonnation, cnil 751 -9622, visit www.dnvie.ymciinwnc.org, or come to the YMCA for a lour. Kids Night Out Kids, want n night out wltiiput your pnrents? Register July 11. Children 3 mo.-12 years can come piny 6:30- 10:30 p.m. Also, dinner, games, arts, crafts, swimming, $10/members/$15 non-members. PersonalTrainingAvailable Whether you're regulwly active or want to get started, we have personal trainers to give you a himd. Tailored for your specific needs. Available in one liour sessions. $35/session for members. Summer Camp Registration open for SuminerCamp nt YMCA. CnmpSunburst (rising Ist- 6lh groders) and Camp PRYDH (ris­ ing 6th-rising 9th graders) arc guiirun- leed n good time. Field trips ench week. Camp open 6:30 n.m. til 6 p.m. Registration infonvailnble al YMCA. Specialty Camps Whether its sports or .science, YMCA lins speeinlty cnmp for you. We offer week long camps for golf, basketball, and mad science. Rates, dates & times vary, so stop by YMCA for info. Swim Lessons Signupnow for swim lessons. Choose Tues/rhurs. evening ($33 members/ $66 members) or Saturday morning lesson ($16 member.s/$33 non-mem­ bers). Additional preschool lessons have been ndded Wed./Fri. mornings 11 tt.m.Privalc&fnmilylessonsnvnil- able. Swim Team Youth ages 5-14 encouraged to im­ prove tlieir swim strokes by joining YMCA swim team. Practice Tues./ Thurs. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Monthly rale: Я 0 members/$65 non-members. Members Only Join the YMCA nnd lake ndvnntageof Wilier aerobics, yoga, biking, walk­ ing, personal training, luid more. Come visit and tour our facility at 215 Cem­ etery Street and leani how we build strongkids,slrongfamiiies,andstrong communities. Seniors All Senior Aclivities lake place at DavieCouniySeniorServiceslocated al 278 Meroney St.. Mocksville un­ less otherwise noted. Call 753-6230. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbux, M,T,W, 11:30 a.m., Th.&Fri., 11 a.m.,lunchserveddaily. Silver Henlth Exercises, Exercise Room of Senior Services, M, W, F, 8:30 a.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m. at Mock Place, (open to any senior). Quilting Club, every Monday, 10 n.m. Bridge, every Fridny, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, I p.m. Scrupbooking, every 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, Podiatrist, nt Sr. Services every three weeks, 8:30 n.m., plensc call for dales. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, at 10:30 a.m. In the Nutrition Site. Singing Seniors Chorus,Tliursdnys, 10 n.m. VFW Liidles Auxiliary, every 2nd Tliurs., I p.m. Scrabble, 1 p.m. every Monday. Rook, 1 p.m. every Monday. Texiu IIold’Eni -Tliursdays, I p.m. Pulnling - Wednesdays 8:30-11:30 n.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club, every second Tues. of the month, 12:30 p.m. Computer Cla.sse.s - are available, call for infonnation. Arthritic Exercise -every other Wed. 10:30 n.m. Low Impact Aerobics • Wed. & Fri. begins Feb. 7 11 n.m. til 12 p.m. Fitness Equipment Room • open Mon.-Thurs. 8 n.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 n.m. til 5 p.m. Table Tennis - every Tues. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondnys 9 n.m. til 12 p.m. T»1 Chi, Tuesdays (call for sessslon dates) Line Dancing, Tliurs. 11 a.m. til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Thursday, July 3 Putrlollc Parly, 2 p.m., IISVP by June 26, dress in your best red, while, & blue for this year's piuty. Refresh­ ments, favors & door prizes. Open to ndults 55 & older. Thursday, July 17 Pantry BIhgo, 10:30 a.m., al the Farmington Site, 1723 Farmington Rd„ Mocksville. Free, RSVP by July 10. Wc’ll play Bingo to win useful items. Don't miss the fun, Refresh­ ments will be served. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Iteias for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Cull 751-2120 or di«p it by the office, nt S. Main St. across from the courtiiouse. Y a r d & B a k e S a le s , H o t d o g s A n d F i s h F r y O n S a t u r d a y The Cedar Grove Baptist Church Cancer Crusaders will .spon­ sor u coniniunity yard sale, bake and hotdog sale'and fish fry on Saturday, July 5 in the Gyni365 parking lot at Valley Road and Hospital Street in Mocksville. The event begins at 7 a.m., with proceeds going to the Relay for Life campaign. J o n e s F i le s F o r S o i l, W a t e r C o n s e r v a t i o n D is t r ic t B o a r d I.H. "Cokie" Jones has filed for re-election for the Davie County Soil & Water Conserva­ tion District supervisory boutd. The filing period will close at noon, Monday, July 7. The fil­ ing fee is $5, payable to the Davie Board of Elections, Anyone interested in this po­ sition should contact the Davie County Board of Elections, 161 Poplar St„ Mocksville no later than the noon, Monday, July 7 deadline. C o m m e r c ia l S p a c e F o r L e a s e 2 0 0 0 s q . f t . o f P r i m e C o m m e r c i a l S p a c e w ith f r o n t a g e o n H w y . 6 0 1 in M o c k s v ille . H ig h tr a ff ic c o u n t a n d m o v e in c o n ( jitio n . Call 336-998-0804 for details. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ' 08SP11 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORE­ CLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sato contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by ChrlBtophor R Ingram, An Unmarried Man, which was dated January 26,2006 and re- coided on January 27,2006 In Book 645 at Page 892, Davis County Reg­ istry, North Carolina. ' Default having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the un­ dersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, hav­ ing been substitutedasTnistee In said Deed of Taist by an InstnimenI duly recorded In the Ofltaa ol the Register ol Deeds ofDavloCounty, North Caro­ lina, and the holder of Ihe note evi­ dencing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed ,o( Trust bo fore- ( closed, the undersigned Substitute I Trustee will offer (or sale at the court- Ihousa door ol Ihe county courthouse •where the property Is located, or the fusual and customary location at Ihe Jcounly courthouse for conducting Ihe a 8aleonJuty11,200Bal11:00AM,and will sell to the highest bklder tor cash the following described property situ­ ated In Davie County, North Carolina, towW: BEINQ KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED as Lot No. 1, Section 1, Block E, of Htekory Hill Golf and CountiyClub Development recorded In Plat Book 4, pages 105-107 In the ailce ol the Register of Deeds of Davie Cdunly, North Carolina. Subject to those Restrictive Cov-' enants, recorded in Deed Book 87, at page 341, In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, (torlh Cato^ llna. .Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property Is commonly known as 106 Meadowvlew Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty DollarB ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the t|me of the sale. Following the expiratton ol the Btatutoiy upset bW period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. SakI property to be offered pursu­ ant to this Notk:e ol Sole is being of­ fered (or sale, transfer and convey­ ance '^AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representattons of warranty relat­ ing to the title or any physical, envi­ ronmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, al, or relating to the , property being olfered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land trans­ fer taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights ol way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or ex­ ceptions of record. To the best of the knovrledge and belief of the under­ signed, the current owner(s) of the proper^ Is/are Christopher R. Ingram and Angela Nunez. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21.29In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parlies In pos­ session by the clerk of superior court ol the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1,2007, may, after re­ ceiving the notice of sale, temilnale the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termi­ nation ol a rental agreement, the ten­ ant Is liable (orienldueunderthe rental agreement prorated to the effective dateofthetennination. if the taistee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remeidy of the purchaser Is the return of Ihe deposit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the conlirmation of Ihe sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of Ihe toistee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the tmstee. In their sole discretion. If they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and re­ turn Ihe deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. ■ THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICA­ TION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION' OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR-. POSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. IF YOU ARE UNDERTHE PROTEC­ TION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DIS­ CHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMA­ TIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO I COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RE­ COVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSON­ ALLY Substitute Tmstee Brocks Scott, PLLC By:_____________(SEAL) Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 . Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX; (910) 392-8587 Rie No.: 07-16392 6-26-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 08SP110 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Clayton H. Burt and Theresa M. Burt to Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, Tru8tee(s), dated April 18, 2006, and recorded In Book 658, Pago 422, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby, se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded in the Odice of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note . evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will o((er (or sale at Ihe Courthouse Door In Davie County, North Carolina, at V.15 PM on July 15,2008, and will sell to the highest bidder (or cash Ihe following described property, to wit: BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED AS LOT(S) 1. AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF MARCH FERRY ACRES, SECTION 1, PHASE A, WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 6, PAGE 33, IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REFER­ ENCE TO WHICH MAP IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION. Said property is commonly known as 1733 Peoples Greek ' Road, Advance, NC 27006. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-228.30, In the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof, and the Clerk of Courts (ee, pursu­ ant to N.C.G.S. 7A-308, In the amount of Forty-five Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or fractional part thereo( or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever is greater. A deposit o( five percent (5%) of the bid, or Seven Hundred FKty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the lime o( Ihe spie and must be tendered In the lorm of certided (unds. Following the expiration of Ihe statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations o( warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being of­ fered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens', unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, if any, and encum­ brances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief o( the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Furman G. Burt and Ayieeza P. Burt. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the prop­ erty may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against Ihe party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court o( the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, af­ ter receiving the notice of sale, ter­ minate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the land­ lord, The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agree­ ment, that tenant is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to Ihe effective date of the termination. Monica Walker Substitute Trustee 1101 Nowell Rd. STE118 Raleigh, NC 27607 ■ (919)854-1200 Our File No.! 432.0806001 NQ / RBW ■ 7-3-2ln 781.0000749 08-SP-128 Convenllonal-No PMI NOTICE OF SUBSTfTLfTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Tracy F Godfrey and Michael T Godfrey, dated May 13,2005 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, recorded on May 16,2005, In Book 607 at Page 789; and because ol default In Ihe payment of the Indebtedness se­ cured thereby and failure to cany out and perform the stipulations and agreements contained therein and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness se­ cured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place (or sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder (or cash at the usual place of sale at Davie County Courthouse, in Mocksville, North Carolina al 1:30 PM on Thursday, July 17, 2008, that parcel of land, including ImprovemeniB thereon, situated, lying and being in the City of Advance, County of Davie, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as (oilows: BEINQ KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED AS LOT79 AS SHOWN ON THE PUT OF KINDERTON VIL­ LAGE PHASE 1F-2 AS RE­ CORDED IN PUT BOOK 8, PAGE 85 IN THE OFFICE OF THE REG­ ISTER OF DEEDS OF DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REFERENCE TO. WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICUUR DESCRIPTION. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECTTOADECURATiONOF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR KINDERTON RESIDENTIAL HOMEOWNERS MASTER ASSO­ CIATION AND A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE KINDERTON VILLAGE SINGLE FAMILY HOMEOWNERS SUB-AS­ SOCIATION, OF RECORD TAX PARCEL: C8010A0079 Address o( property: 169 Bridgewater Drive, Advance, NC 27006 Present Record Owners: Michael T Godlrey and Tracy F God(rey The terms o( the sale are that the real property herelnbe(ore described will be sold (or cash to the highest bidder. The Substitute Tmstee re­ serves Ihe right to require a cash de­ posit or a certified check not to ex­ ceed the greater ol five percent (5%) of the amount o( the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). In . the event that the Owner and Holder Is exempt from paying the same, the successful bidder may also be re­ quired to pay revenue stamps on the Trustee’s Deed, any Land Transfer Tax, and t|ie lax required by N.C.G.S,§7A-308 (a)(1). The real prdperty hereinabove described Is being offered (or sale "AS IS, WHERE IS’ and will be sold subject to ail superior liens, unpaid taxes, and special assessments. Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open (or ten (10) days (or upset bids as by law required. If Ihe Tnjstee Is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any rea­ son, the sole remedy of the pur­ chaser Is Ihe return of the deposit. Reasons o( such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the (iling of a bankruptcy petition prior to the sale and reinstatement o( the loan vyithoul the knowledge o( the Tnjstee(s). i( the validity ol Ihe sale Is challenged by any party, the Tnjstee(s), in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void andretum the deposit. The pur­ chaser will have no (urther remedy. Additional Notice Where the Real Property Is Residential With Less Than 15 Rental UnIJs: An order (or possession o( the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in (avor o( the pur­ chaser and against the party or par­ ties In possession by the clerk of su­ perior court of Ihe county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or after Qclober 1,2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, temilnate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, Ihe tenant Is liable (or rent due under the rental agree­ ment prorated to the effective date of the lemninallon. Dated: June 19,2008 • Kellam8>fettit,P.A. Substitute Trustee Posted: Witness: Assistant/Deputy Clerk of Superior Court ' 6-26-2tn NOFTTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUtW 08SP117 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Tnist executed by Tony Greer and Dontresstaa Greer, f\tenied toThe Law OHIcea o( Daniel A. Fulco, PLLC, Tnjstea(s), which was dated Decem- ber29,2006 and recorded on Decem­ ber 29,2006 in Book 694 at Page 987, Davie County Ftegistiy, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the un­ dersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, hav­ ing been substituted asTrustee In said Deed of Tnist by an instnjment duly recorded In the Olltee of the Register of Deeds of Davte County, North Caro­ lina, and the hokfer of the note evi­ dencing said indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed of Tmst be fore­ closed, the undersigned Substitute Trustée will offer for sale at Ihe court­ house door of Ihe county courthouse where the property is kx»ted, or the usual and customary tocation al the county courthouse (or conducting Ihe sale on July 11,2008 at 11:00 AM, and will sell to Ihe highest bidder for cash the following described property situ­ ated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED as Lot 170, as shown on the map o( RIDGEMONT, SECTION THREE, whteh map Is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 137, in the Olltee of Ihe Register of Deeds o( Davie County, North Carolina, relerence to whtoh is hereby made for a more particular description. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property Is commonly known as595Whitney Road, Mocksville, NC 27028, A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur­ chase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750,00), whichever is greater, wiil be required at the time of the sale. Follovilng the explraUon of the statutory upset bW period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and. owing. Said property to be offered pursu­ ant to this Nottee of Sale Is being of­ fered for sale, transfer and convey­ ance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of wananty relat­ ing to the title or any physteal, envi­ ronmental, health or safety condütons existing In, on, al, or rolatlng to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to ail prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land trans- fertaxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights ol way, deeds of release, and'any other encumbrances or ex­ ceptions of record. To Ihe best o( the knowledge and belief of the unde;- slgned, the cunent owner(s) ol the property \s/are Tony Curtis Greer and his wife, Dontresslca Howell Greer. An Order for possession ol the property may be issued pursuant to G.S.45-21Æ9 in favor of Ihe purchaser and against the party or parties In pos­ session by Ihe clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1,2007, may, alter re­ ceiving Ihe nottee of sale, temilnate Ihe rental agreement upon 10 days' wrttten notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termi­ nation of a rental agreement, the ten­ ant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo the effective date of the tenninatlon. If the tmstee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons o( such Inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankmptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge o( the tmstee. If the validity of the sale Is challenged • by any party, Ihe tmstee. In their sole discretton. If they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and re­ turn the deposit. The purchaser will have no (uriher remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICA­ TION ISTOCOLLECTADEBTAND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR­ POSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. IFYOUARE UNDERTHE PROTEC­ TION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DIS­ CHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANTTO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTEfvlDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALLORANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PER­ SONALLY Substitute Tmstee Brocks Scott, p a c Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32348 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 Hto N6.: 07-07717 ■ 7-3-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUriTY COMIVIISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements o( Article 20-B ol Chapter 153-A ol Ihe General Statutes of North Carolina and Section 155.251 of the Davie County Code of Ordinances, that the Davie County Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing In the Cgmmlsaloiwa Room o( the Davie County Administration Building, Mocksville, NC on Monday, July 7th at 6:00 p.m. to hear the (oiiowing requests; ^ ZaiilaaWflp.Ainetrim6D}. Grey Laymon Is requesting to rezone approximately 1,82 acres (rom Residential Suburban (R-12) to Highway Business (HB). Subject property is located on the east side of US Hwy 601 North, between Main Church Road and Cana Road and being further described as Davie County Tax Parcel G3050B/6 (portion) andG3050B/7. B) ZenlnaJMflRArngptlineot Alex S. McGuire is requesting to rezone approximately 0.704 acres from Residential (R-20) to Highway Business (HB), Subject property is located at 4231 US Hwy 158,700 feet west of Laird Road and being further described as Davie County Tax Parcel E6/99. Timothy Ferguson is requesting to rezone approximately 1.06 acres from Residential (R-20) to Residential Agriculture (RA). The subject property Is located off of County Line Road, Harmony NC and is further described as a portion of Parcel G1/2001 of the Davie County Tax Map, The publte is Invited to attend the hearing at which time there will be an opportunity to be l^eard in favor of, or in opposition lo, the above Hems. As a result of the public hearing, substantial changes might be made In the advertised proposal, reflecting objecttons, debate and discussion al the hearing. Additk>nallnfomvitlon|s available at the Development Services Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 753-6050. Andrew Meadwell Planning Department 6-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Davie County Schools will be ac­ cepting bids on the following surplus items. Sealed bids will'be received beginning June 19,2008 and con­ tinuing until July-3.2008. No bids wlil'be accepted alter 4:30 p.m. on July 3,2008. items may be viewed at the Davie County Schools Bus Garage located at 1073 Salisbury Rd., Mocksville, NC. Forquestlons cailTodd Naylor at (336) 751-2627. Sealed bids will be received at 220 Cherry Street, Mocksville, NC. 1985 Chevrolet Truck Full Size with Utility Body,152,827 miles 1990 Chevrolet S-10 Long Bed/ Side Boxes/Bed Liner, 129,359 miles 1993 Dodge Ram 350 Passen­ ger Van/16 Passenger, 99,912 miles 1994 Ford Ranger Long Bed/ Wrecked, 151,057 miles One lot of Riding and Push Mow­ ers Gravely 16G Riding Mower/62” Cut/Biown Engine, 3,633 Hours ' Onan 15 kw Generator on Tralier/4cyi Onan Gas Engine,,365 Hours 300 ib Fertilizer Spreader/Miss­ ing Drive Shad/Bad Gear Box Antique Gasboy Fuel Dispens­ ing Meler/No Pump The Davie County School sys­ tem resen/es the right to accept or reject any or ail proposals pre­ sented, and the right to waive any' information or irregularities. 6-19-3tn Driver - Mocksville Terminal TOP PAY lor Exp d Drivers!- HOME EVERY WEEKEND GUARANTEED! 65% preloaded/pretarped CDL-A req’d. 877-428-5627 w w w .ctdrlvers.com NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator of the Estaleof ELIZABETH F. AUEN (aka Elizabelh Foster Allen, Elizabeth Allen), late of Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons, (irms and corpora- ttons ha\^ng claims against said es­ tate to present them to the under­ signed on or belore September 19, 2008, (being three (3) months (rom this lirst day of pubiicallon of this nottee), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day o( June, 2008 Joseph Neal Graham' 14303 St. Paul Drive ' Aecokeek,MD 20607 6-19-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDrrORS Having quaiilledasExeaitorofthe Estate o( MARVIN KERliit'fT MYERS, late of Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned do heréby notify ail. pérsons, litms, and corporations hav­ ing clalrns against Ihe estate of said decedent tó exhibit them to Ihe under­ signed at 185 Klmel Pari< Drive, SuHe 200,. Winston-Salem, NC 27103, on or before September Id, 2008 or this notice will be pleaded in bar o( their recovery. All persons, firms, and cor­ porations Indebted to the said estate wiil please make irrwnedlate payment to the undersigned. This 10th day of June, 2008. Jerry K. Ivlyers Executor of the Estate ol Manrtn Kermit Myers Robert D. Hinshaw, Esq. .t 185 Klmel Park Drive, Suite 200 j Winston-Salem, NC 27103 6-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Adminis­ trator o( Ihe Estate of DANA C. HALL, late ol Davie County, this is lo notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present ' them to the undersigned on or belore Soplember 19, 200^, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notlco),. or this notice will be pleaded )n bar of their reoov;, ery. All pordons, firms and cor- ' poratlons Indet^ted to.said,as*, tale will please make Immedi­ ate paym ent to the urider- slgned. This the. 19th day.df June, 2008 Erin Hall Smith 2374 NC Hwy 66 South Kernersville, NC 27284 6-19-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol LONNIE AN­ DREW BARKER, late ol Oavie County, this is to notlly all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 19,2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this no­ tice), or this notice wiii be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of June, 2008 . Nellie Clement Barker 242 Neely Street Mocksville, NC 27026 6-19-4tn FOR SALE 1 9 8 6 F o r d B r o n c o 302 fuel injected, ps, pb; air, cruise, automatic. Includes new tailgate. S2100 1 9 8 7 I s u z u T ro o p e r 4, cyl., 5 speed, ps, pb, solid vehicle. S150Q Contact Flipper Harkey 704-278-9159 Tuesday-Saturday B12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3,2008 - B13 PUBLIC NOTICES D A V I E C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E RECORD Toll Free I ; i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUMTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE . DISTRICT COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY HOSPITAL, Plaln- ■ tW, vs. JENNIFER C. AGRESTO 08 CVD 287, MARQARnO AGUILAR 08 CVD 132„ELIA2AR CHAVEZ GOM EZ AGUILAR 08 CVD 132, JOHNNY DALE ALBEA 08 CVD 453, JESUS SANCHEZ AMARO 08 CVD 133, JULIA DE JESUS AMARO 08 CVD 133, MARIA ISABEL SANCHEZ AMARO 08 CVD 58, CHARLES PATRICK AMOS 08 CVD 59, ROBIN : THOMAS BARES. JR. 08 CVD 456, ' TODD MONROE BOGER 08 CVD 354, DAWN PARSONS BOGER 08 CVD354, JULIENICOLEBOGGS08 CVD 64, BOBBY DANIEL BROWN­ ING 08 CVD 357, DUSKY LORINE G, BROW NING 08 CVD 357, CHARLES LEE CAMPBELL 08 CVD 463, LOLAANNELL CANON 08 CVD 190, JOHN MICHAEL CARROLL 08 CVD 360, TAMMY M.,CARROLL 08 . CVD 360, MICHAEL WAYNE CECIL 08 CVD 465, MARK ANTHONY CHUNN 08 CVD 139, PALMER CHURCH 08 CVD 361, LINDA R. CHURCH 06 CVD 361, RICHARD EUGENE CLINE 08 CVD 469, DEANNA C O D Y 08 CVD 470, KATHY ANN COOK 08 CVD 71, KEVIN CORNELL 08 CVD 364, SHIRLEY FAYE CORNELL 08 CVD 364, LARRY STEPHEN DAVIS, JR, 08CVD292, LESLIE DENISE DAVIS 08 CVD293, LUIS FERNANDO DIAZ 08CVD370,CAMERINAB.ALONSO DIAZ 08 CVD 370, BERNICE SNIDER EBRIGHT 08 CVD 296, TIMOTHY BERNARD ECCLES 08 CVD 375, CHRISTINA LYNN B. ECCLES 08 CVD 375, DAVID JAM ES ELDRED 08 CVD 377, ELISABETH B. ELDRED 08 CVD 377, AMANDA LEE ELDRIDGE 08 CVD 297, APRIL DAWN VANOVER ENDS 08 CVD 298, WANDA JOHNSON FOWLER 08 CVD 379, JOHN DEAN FREEMAN 08 CVD 380, RACHEL LEE FREEMAN 08 CVD 380, JO H N REDM ON GAITHER 08 CVD 381, ANTONIO GARCIA-LOPEZ 08 CVD 147, CHRISTOPHER J. GINESE 08 CVD 301.THOMAS ANTHONY GLENN 08 CVD81, RANDY EUGENE GODBEY- 08 CVD 303, JANET CHERYL GREENE 08 CVD 305, D A L U S RUBEN HATHERLEE, JR, 08 CVD 386, ELIZABETH R. HATHERLEE 08 CVD 386. LARRY DEAN HEAD 08 CVD387, MIRANDADILLARDHEAD * . 08 CVD 367, TONY DALE HEGE 08 CVD 163. JULIE B, HEGE 08 CVD 183, RAYM OND WATSON HELLARD III 08 CVD388, JENNIFER LEIGH D. HELLARD 08 CVD 388. ELIZABETH HELMAN- DOLLAR 08 CVD 309, KENA DIANE HOOD 08 CVD 311. CHRISTOPHER A. HOWELL 08 CVD 314, MELISSA S. JEFFCOAT 08 CVD 88, CARLOS JIM ENEZ 08 CVD 395. BEN JOHNSON, JR. 08 CVD 319, DAVID WOFiTH JONES 07 CVD 277, AN­ DREA FUNDERBURK JONES 07 CVD 277, ROBERT KEISLER 07 CVD 279, ANITA SPRY KEISLER 07 CVD 279, NAZAKAT KHAN 08 CVD 396, JOYCE ANN HARRISON KHAN 08 CVD 396, GIN G ER SMITH KIMREY 08 CVD 322, RENEE ' WALLER KITTS 08 CVD 324, CRYS­ TAL WISE LASH 08 CVD 94, LUIS LAZARO 08 CVD 156, LUNIR S. CHAVEZ LAZARO 08 CVD 156, LORI ELIZABETH LEWIS 08 CVD 327, WILSON MICHAEL LOHMAN 08 CVD 99, KAREN CHRISTIN MALLOY 08 CVD 101, TYRONE CHRISTOPHER MARTIN 08 CVD 330, ANDREW WAYNE MELTON 08 CVD 333, DEBBIE S. MOm'GOM- ERY08CVD162, BRADLEY SCOTT MORRIS 06 CVD403, ROSE CAROL S. MORRIS 08 CVD 403, CHARLES RAYMOND NICHOLS 08 CVD 406. ROBIN LEIGH V. NICHOLS 08 CVD 406, OSCAR ORELLANA 08 CVD 407, BELEN N. ORELLANA 08 CVD 407, LARRY POOS 08 CVD 167, TAMMY RENEE POOS 08 CVD 167, DAVID LEE POTTS, SR. 08 CVD 409,. CYNTHIA DALE POTTS 08 CVD409, BETTY ALMA RATLIFF 08 CVD 103, STEVEN JEROM E REDMOND 08 CVD 188, JOHN J. REGENTHAL 08 CVD 184, TERRY REICH 08 CVD 411, CHARITY PARKER REICH 08 CVD 411, DONALD HOWARD RODA06CVD185,HELENS.RODA , 08 CVD 185, SABRINA LEIGH ROSEMAN 08 CVD 106, ANALISA Z.SANCHEZ08CVD340, EDWARD ANTHONY SMOOT OB CVD ,172, JANICE IVEY SPILLMAN 08 CVD 113, NATHAN PAUL SPRINKLE 08 •' CVD114,BRANDILYNNSTEELE08 , CVD 344, SAMANTHA EBRIGHT ,.STEEl£08,CVD 117, DONALDUNN STEVENS 08 CVD 174, DONNA LEE STEVENS 08 CVD 174, LARRY CARLOS STOVER, JR, 08 CVD 175, RACHEL J. STOVER 08 CVD 175, JAMES ANDREW SWEAT 08 CVD 345, CASEY RENEETATUM08CVD 120, CYNTHIA FOSTER TURNER 08 CVD 346, SALLY SUE TUfTLE 08 CVD 123, AMANDA CHERRI TYLER 08 CVD 124, LANDON F. VAUGHN 08 CVD 182, JOHN KELLY WALLER, 08 CVD 126, BUDDY WAYNE WARDEN 08 CVD 419, FRANCES CLARA SHIELDS WAR- DEN 08 CVD 419, JONATHAN TODD WHITE 08 CVD 348, ROY DERMONT WILLIAMS 08 CVD 421, TONIE LEE WILLIAMS 08 CVD 421,‘ VIVIAN MAE SHIELDS WOOD 08 CVD 131, Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature of relief being sought Is for re­ covery of money owed for medical goods and sen/ices rendered by the Plaintiff, Davie County Hospital. You are hereby required to make defense to such pleading within forty (40) days from the first publication of this tloUce and upon your failure to do so the party seeking sewlce against you will apply to thé Court for the relief sought. This the 10th day of Juno. 2008. SPENCER A. SMITH . Attorney at Law P.O. Box 835 Wilkesboro.NC 28697 Tel. 1-800-760-7161 6 - 2 6 ^ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE ^ NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ANP BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained ip that certain Deed of Trust executed by Pennington Construction & Development Co.. Inc., dated December 29, 2006, and re­ corded In Book 695 at page 210 in the Office of the Register of DeoiJs of DavIe County; and under and by vir­ tue of the authority vested In the un­ dersigned as Substitute Trustee by that certain Instrument recorded In Book 713 at Page 919 the Olllce of the Register of Deeds of Davie County; and under and by virtue of that certain Authorization, Findings and Or­ der entered by the Clerk of Superior Court of Davie County on June 19, 2008, and of record in File 08 S P 135, default having been made In the pay­ ment of the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Tnist and the said Deed of Tmst being by Its terms subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the In­ debtedness thereby secured having demanded the foreclosure thereof for the purpose of sdtlsfying said Indebt­ edness, and duo notice having been given to those entitied to same, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer tor sale at pubite auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court­ house door In Mocksvllle,' Davie County, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on July 11,2008, the land con­ veyed in said Deed of Trust, the same bbing owned of record by Pennington Construction & Development Co., Inc., and being more patlicuiariy described as follows; Davie County; BEING the following described portions of Lots Nos. 52 through 55; BEGINNING AT A STAKE, comer of Lots Nos. 9 and 55 in edge of Tuttefow Street and runs thence with said street 100 feet to a stake, comer of Lots Nos. 51 and 52; thence wilh linaolLotsNos.51and52150{eetto a stake In said line, comer of Uiyss M. Temple tract; thence with the said Temple tract 100 feet to a stake In line of Lot No. 55, comer of Lots Nos, 15 and 14; thence with line of Lots Nos, 14 through 9 150 feet TO THE BE­ GINNING, and being 150 feet each oft the East end of Lots Nos. 52 through 55 Inclusive, lor a more par­ ticular description of which reference Is hereby made to the said plat herein above referred to. BEGINNING at an iron pin the Southeast comer of Lot #9 (Plat Book 3. Page 340 of the D.S. Tutterow and Son land; thence from the BEGIN­ NING with the southern boundary of Lots# feet to an Iron pin; the Southwest corner of Lot #11; thence with the western line of Lot #11 10 feet; thence a parallel line with the southern boundary of Lots #11,10 and 9,75 test to a point in the eastern line of Lot #9; thence with the eastern line of Lot #9 10 feet,to POINT AND P U C E OF BEGINNING, being a strip 10 feet In width running along the southern boundary of Lots # 9,1 о and11 of said lands. BEING Lots Nos. 9 through 13 In­ clusive, accprding to a plat and sur­ vey of the D.S.TulletDw and Sons land by A, L. Bowles, dated April 28,1954, and recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 34, Davie County Registry, to which said plat reference Is hereby made (or a more particular description of said lots. Together wilh all the bulidirigs, fix­ tures and Improvements thereon, and all rights, easerhents, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong­ ing, Including all heating, plumbing, ventilating, lighting gogds, equipment andfllher tangible and inlangibie prpp- ertyi a l l i e d to or reasonably neces­ sary jo tiipj,jse of such premises. The aforesaid sale will be made subject to all encumbrances existing prior to the recording of the above-ref­ erenced.Deed of Tnist, Including all valid and enforceable liens and also will be subject to all taxes and special assessments outstanding against the property. The property to be offered pursu­ ant to this noltee of sale Is being of­ fered lor sale, transfer and convey­ ance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nelthertho Tmstee nor the holder of the note se­ cured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreckssed, nor the officers, directors, attorney^, employees, agents orauthorized rep­ resentatives of either the Tnjstee or the holder of tho note make any rep­ resentation or wananty relating to the title or any phystaal, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered (or sale, and any and all re- sponsibiiltles or liabilities arising out of or In any Way reiatirig to any such con­ dition expressly are disclaim^. Should the property be purchased by a party other than the holder of the Deed of Tnjst being foreclosed, that purchaser must pay, in addition to tho amount bid, the following items; (I) the tax required by N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec­ tion 7A-308(a)(1) of Forty-five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Doilars ($100) of the bid amount up to a maximum tax of Five Hundred Doilars ($500), and (11) the excise tax on conveyance required by N.C, Gen. Stat. Section 105-228.28 el seq. of One Dollar ($1) per Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or fractional part thereof of the bid amount. The successful bidder at sale may ba required to make an Immediate cash deposit of the greater of five per­ cent (5%) of the amount bid or Seven Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($750.00). The upset bids procedure of North Carolina General Statute Section 45- 21.27 Is applicable to this Sale. The following applies If the prop­ erty being sold Is residential real prop­ erty with less than 15 rental units; (1) Pursuant to NCGS Section 45-21.29, tho derk of superior court of the county Irl which the property Is sold may Is­ sue an order of possession of the prop- ■ erty In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In posses­ sion. (2) Any person who occupies residential real property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into on or alter October 1,2007, may, alter re; ceMng this notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days v^tten notice to the landlord. The ten-,. anllsliableforrentdueunder the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Date of Notice; June 19.2008 Elizabeth M. Ropeltl Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 21029. Winston-Salem, NC 27104 336-722-3700 ; 6-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 06SP118 INTHE MATTER OFTHE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECI.ITED BY MARIA O. SANCHEZ DATED fdOVEMBER 5, 2003 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 521 AT PAGE 779 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and un­ der and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-ref­ erenced deed of trust and because of default In the payment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to perfonnn the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and hokler of tho secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to,the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 11:00 AM on July 7, 2008 the foliowlrig de­ scribed real estate and any other Im­ provements which may be situated thereon. In Davie County, North Caro­ lina, and being more partlculariy de­ scribed as follows; BmgLotsl'kmteisOneHunclred IWsnty-Four (124), One Hundred TWenly-Five (185), One Hundred TWanfy^tx (126) And One Hundred TWenty-Seven (127), as shown on MapNo. ■m(2)oflheSubdMskmof theSarahE Kelly Estate as sunf^/ed and ptatted by Q. Sam Rowe, CM! Engineer, S^tember11,1944, whkh map is ncordedin Deed BiX^ 30, page 80, Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Can- tnatowt\lchielemncaisherebymade for a more particular descripVon. Fi>rrBference see Book 197, page 551, and Book 188, page S), Davie Registry And Being more comnnoniy known as: 801 Salisbury St S, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of the prop­ erty, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Maria Oliva Sanchez. The property to bo offered pursu­ ant to this notice of sale Is being of­ fered for sale, transfer and convey­ ance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note se­ cured by the deed of trust, being fore­ closed, nor the officers, drectors, at­ torneys, employees, agents or autho­ rized representativo of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any rep- , resentallon or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being olfered tor sals. Any and ^1 responsi­ bilities or liabilities arising out of or In I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Hrttiuf Bostick 336-4M-5992 Optician/Optical Technician for independent Advance,eye doctors. Great hours! Fitting, styling and dispensing eyewear in a nice environment. Join a growing team. Fax resume to (704) 896-0271 or email to ccec@yadtel.net 0 H E (3 ii|of Davie Cdunty P/T Marketing & Event Coordinator Local non-profit focused on the developtroni of young children Is seeking a talented Individual to serve as an Important member of our team. Marketing and event planning experience required. Responsible for implementing partnership’s mart<etlng plan and community events, as well as overseeing intemal arid external communications pieces. We desire an Individual with a personal commitment to excellence, and a passion for helping young children succeed. For more details, visit our website at www.davlesmartstart.org. D R I V E R Ki.'|4ibln. Wiisii.' K't's s(.4'ks lull liiiic iln\t'i loi I )il\ K' ' • ( 'i.'iss A o i H (1 )1 . • SaK- iln \ iiii; iiH on l '• ( Kunl VMiik h islo iv • l'.\|)i.'IH.'lli.i.' |)H'l(.'IIVll Ki.'pubin.' .Si’i \ K \ s ol ii.'i s (.'iini|K 'liln c |):i\ aiul cm. cl I licnolils iiiclm liiii; Ik mIiIi .ukI -101 (Is i. A pply ill pcisDM IxM ui'cn KMKIaiii .iiul 5:()0piii :tl: Kepuhlic VVa.ste ScM vicc.s I.'I liuliisliiiil H h d .. iVloi.ks\ liic. N C 27(IJ,S 'I ,111.1 it iii- . - 1 1 , , ' , any way relating to any such condi­ tion expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made sublect to all prior liens and encuriibrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments Including but not lim­ ited to any transfer tax assodaled wilh the foreclosure. A deposit of five per­ cent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whtehever Is greater. Is required and must bô tendered In the form of certi­ fied funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as recjuired by law. Follow­ ing the expiration of the statutory up­ set period, all rertialning amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWINQ. Failure to remit funds in a timely man­ ner will result In a Declaration of De­ fault and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASE­ HOLD TENANTS; If you are a tenant residing In the property, be advised that ,an Order for Possession of the prop­ erty may bo issued In favor of the pur­ chaser. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the elfectlve çlate of the termination. The date of this Notice is June 5, 2008. 06:81123 David W. Nelli or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Chariotte, NC 26269 (704)333-8107 htpMtapimattomeyscomiio' 6-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDrrORS Having qualified as Administrator of the Estateof DENNIS ANDERSON POTTS, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and coipo- rations having claims against said es­ tate to present them to the under­ signed on or before October 3,2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this noUce will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. All pensons, Arms and cor­ porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of July, 2008. Susan Hicks Potts 331 Speer Rd, , . Mocksvllle, NC 27208 7-3-4tn LAB TECH-MT/MLT Grciit OpportunKy for u Certified Tccli Preferred Dnckground:Generalist wilh Piihboloiny Skills, Abilily 10 MiillUTu.sk. Prioticizc Orders. & Work Inilepvndontly I'lill Time Position Mail or Fux Resume to; Humun Rc,<iourcc Davie County Hnspitnl 223 HospilHlSt Mocksvllle, NC 270281=AX: 336-751-8102 NORTH CAROLINA ' DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of GEORGE H. MINOR, Deceased, late of Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or . before September, 23, 2008, or this Nottee will be pleaded in bar of their right to recover against the estate of the said deceased. All persons in- Immedlale payment. This the 25th day of June, 2008. Dorothy M. Farmer, Administrator c/oE, Edward Vogler, Jr.. 181 South Main Street Mocksvllle, N027028 336-751-6235 6-26-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U im NOTICE TO CREDTTORS Havlngquallfled as Executor of the Estate of ETHEL SPRY BROOKS, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before 0ctober3,2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publi­ cation of this nottee), or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovefy. All persons, fimis and corporations In- debtedto said estatewlll please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 3rd day of July, 2008. Gwendolyn B. Sain 120 Antler Drive Statesville, N028625 7-34IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PublteNottee Pursuant to the Board of Educa­ tion poltey, notteo is hereby given that the Davie County School System in­ tends to destroy selected Inactlvo Ex­ ceptional Chlkiren records which are (iresently on file. Materials to ba de­ stroyed Include only the special edu­ cation records of Individuals whose record was Inactlvo as of January 1, 2003, and do not Include any Indtvidual's pemianent school record. These materials will be destroyed on or after July 10,2008. Call (336) 751- 2491 for addlttonal Information or to request copies of materials prior to their destaiction. 7-3-1 tn HEAVYEQUIPMENTOPERATOR TRAINING Cranes, Ilulldozcrs, Iluckhocs, Loiidcrs, D um p 'IVucks, Grudcrs, Scrupcrs, Excavutors - National Ccrtiiicalion - Financiiil Assistance -Job Placement Assi.Mancc 888-233-6079 Associated Training Services www.equipmentoperator.CQm IDD >UP S m ir i S e n iiv G re a t ftv / ih ' Security Officers We are known for the Great People we hire. If you are an experienced Security Officer who gets consistently positive reviews, we should talk. We are currently hiring full and part time officers starting at $8.00. Must be able to work weekends. We offer competitive pay, advancement opportunities and a positive www.budriomiip°m Fax your resume to 336-768-1628 Or, you can complete an a p p llc E * ’^ 2^^^ Road, We are committed to a diverse and drug-free workplace. 2 n d A n n u a l B e n e f it A u c t i o n Piedmont Antique Pov/er Association Friday July 4,2008 • 12:30pm Location: Masonic Picnic Grounds, Mocl(sville, NC Tools, collectibles, pedal tractors, J.D. M crawler, other equipment. Just a sample. ■ Accepting donations and consignments! 10% sale fee, $20.00 no sale fee on consignments. Piedmont Antique Power Association is non-profit Your donation is tax deductible. Proceeds from Auction helps support Hospice and other needs locally. Please call Arthur Bostick at 492,7163, Wayne Green at^492.7180, David Speer at 998.4162 for donations and consignments. Construction & Skilled Trades Conor«« Foreman. Syontt porienco (mtchcnleal «i* p«rkM prtfffrtBd). Tfflvol A an exponsoi p.-ud. Must have valid dftvor’fl licofwo. Qroai opportunely with com­pany. Call 330-040-4340 Drivers & Transportation oniven« CDL-A. Tha Qmu la Oroorwr ai PTL Siudonis •rtith COL Wolcoino* e*CBllont iralninfl. Compdny Orlvors Cam up to 46o cpm. Ownor Oporaion Earn $l.4t cpm. 22 yearn of age, 12 moe OTR. f4o Forced NoithfluU Cotrpa> ny Orivera calt: 000-848-0405. Owner Operaton call: 877' 774*3533. www.p|}-)nc.com Healthcare Medspa lerrod )noxpefloocod pro- I )лвого. chemJcai peo<8, mineral maho up. SalM orionied. Contûci704. 210-t001 or Fox resume to: 704 210-1001 or Email: rwerMtkrtamOuSBbury.nol A9AP Seeking RN.LPNor CMA for Allergy procUco. Call 33e-OTe<JeM DniVER* кn long haul. rur) re­gional and Have It AJII $.4a/mile. Homo moat week- endal ЗепЫНа! Siabiiiy Гог peace ol mlndl HoerVend Вя- ргем t-ao&44t-4053. www.heflrtlandoKpnjie.com OniVEn. 80UTHEA9T RE- QIONAt. Opportuniuesl lOSO • SlOOOVfOek. Home WeekV- OTR 0 340 > 430. OwnerOp- erator 920 loaded. Pati Or»- ematton. TuROn reimixjrte- meni. COL/A 8o(o. Team, Qraduato. 860-323 2101. KLlW.Jotoi.EOe. Drtven TR AN SAM TRUCKING Dodlcatod Root 07-08 Konworth COO. T660 Exp’d NC OTR drivors Paying proctlcQl mltos tntogrity A Rospoct GUARANTEED HOME TIME Class A CDL roquirod eOO-370-9609 0? oppfy onlino at: (üedcaiwJnoeDNCèSC DRIVCRS- Coп1petlt^e Pay. Omal Home T*me. Van and Flatbed f teelft. Acceptkng Пе­сет Qreda. 23 year* o<d, I year OTR. СИ.-А, Smithwey Motor Xpreea ввв-в1»-7в07 wwwim)ic.tofn DRiveRft* Соглретлге Pay. Great Heme Tim«, and Flatbed Fleele. AeceptrtQ Re-....................-jp6r>QRcent Qredi. 23 veer« oíd, C r OTR. COl-A, ЪлЛЬ or Xpreet 88e-et»-iwvrw.trmc.com OriMre- FLATDEO A REEFER- AvecAQe S1-40-tt.4»Mile p«id to truck an mHee. Eicel- ieni Network. Ulte Model Equ<>meiM. 401k. Ctue Cron tniurence. вОО-771-е318. www.pfinf>eino.com DRIVEfte4)TR.S.32c-.$36c^Ue 10 atari. Great Milee and Oerwrits. A«- tigned Truck! and Aiaigned FJeet Managere, Tenrtnat m Leilngton. NC t-800-Мг- 2104 b t 238 or 243 wwwtotalrrw.com DRIVenSWerner need* OTR trucKera NOWI No wpeitence neeUedl $700«Mk eamvs) potential. No ProUomI Тгал' ing avaiiablel Call Now 1-06в-557 0242. OntVERS: FRESH ЗТАГ<Т. Sign-On Donue. 35-42cpm. Eam over $1000 weeUy. E>- сеПеШ Denetiu. Need COC-A 4 3 moe recerii OTR. 600-в35-вв69. Trftctor Trallor Drivon local ond roolonal.2yr8COL-A exp roq. $750 (o $950 per wook, pluBoafoty bonus, homo time, bonofiis.Qalem Carriers. Inc. Can 1-800-700-2536 Education & __J|ralnlng_ Preechool Teacher wanted (our dayaMk. Send rosurpo' to Barbara Owona, Fint Proet^y- toTiAn Chuich, 261 S MAln St, Mocksvtiio, NC 27028. Prefer ' Earty Childhood Degreo. General Carrier Wanted to dolivor the Wimton-^alem Journal 7 days par week In Davie Courv ty. Earty momina twwre, mu« havo dopendablo A fuel e№- clonl transportation. II Inter- BMod can Jim Shod, 338- 751-4488. Laborere with concrete expe­rience A mechanical expert- once prelertDd. Travel & al ехропма pakl. Mutt have valid drlvor'e (iconso. Greal opportunity with growing com­pany. Call 338-94<H345 Bub Driver needed lor route (or August U-tS be dopendablo and have own Iraneportatlon. please cal 336-492-6343 Ж Willing to educete e n tivatod Individual lor a rewa________. - Äing career In RnarKial eor< 4tcee. CaH338-92W8ea lor Intoiview. FItt In ОепЫ (fyglenlst. 1 - 2 doy» per week lor melomlTy leave. Dr. Jeffery Oininas 0(fleo. 330 284-2595 Management & Professional FayenevKle Technical Commtjnlty College Employmenl Opportunltlea Director a Studerai Ftoandal AW Services • Job #0r-100 ReqUrement: A Qacholor'M degree. Three years ol pro­gressively reeponstUe admlrv istrative or staff ехрепегке (n Veterans Adrrtnlttralton and (marcial aki (Title IV) assis- й»кв programe. ТЪе suc- cessfii candidate mutt demonstrate evklence of.e career ttiai includee (texiUlity and wiHingnese to change; open-mifxledneu. (tímese and the abiify to see multiple perspectivee; a wtnrgnesa to lake fisks. and wWlngnese to accept геерогшЫку (or pro- fesstonal and persorwl growth. Preferred; Master's degree In busfneea admir>is- Uation or ctoiety (elated l«k). Experience 1 ) using Daiatoi or Ikn system and 2) processing oppltcabons related to (inarv clal akJ programs. Superviso­ry and t.-aming eiperier>ce. Hiring range: ifit,S42- $60.000 based on educatton and expertence, plus an ei- ceflent beneMs package. DMdine; 14 or until f*n^. Appticetlons rocetved after this dale may be screened only l( a sunident nixnber of quoirfied appficants are not . A completed FTCC appicatton, a cover letter addresung the dutiee and requtrements. a comprehensive resume ol od- ucaiional. prolestional and commurvfy quoliticanor«. ervi copiee ol cotioge transcripts, must be received ki ihe HR Office by 4 p m. on the ctoe- ing dsMt. Fof Mhet №lorma- tton aod application, pfease visit ourwebMte. RETURN COWPI.ETED APPLI­CATION TO:Hunan fl«M>urces Oihc» Fayeitevine Tochrtlcal Yard& Garage Sales YerdSaleJuty 4* A 9*Avon, crafrt. tent ond much morel Liberty Church Rd. mile on right Merchandise for Sale • An(k)U03 A Colloctibto» •Art®, Crnfts, 4 H06W08• Equ^mon» & • Busfwsa Equipnwtit & Supplies• Coll Phonoe A Son/k:o• Clothoa. AduflsA ChiWren• Computota & Soltwaio• Conslgnmont •Eloctrories• Exorclso Equip• Farm Equlpmoni & Supplies• Fkswors & Pfonis• Food A Produco• FuiHAWood• Furniture A ApptKincos• Oamo» A Toy*• Hun tino A Fishing• Jewolry• Lawn A Garden Solos A 9onrk:oMachmo^ATooH Medical Equipmool MlM. Equipmoni A Si^plios Misc. (or Solo Music Solos A Sorvtoo Sporlino Goods TtekeliTV. DVD, A VWooWar^toBuy:Morchandiso Building Equipment & Supplies Treadmill 1100. Dropieaf 1аЫе tSO. secretary S2S0., carpet cieoner $S0- UR ct>air $40. can 704-200-393t Wedding DreesIvory with Train. Site 18. t3S0 704 •431-4068 PO Box FeyettevAe, NC 28303 Ptwos; teiO) вТвв37в Ffti-. (010) 878-8289 ww.(avtecheaedu -ANEQKAL OPPÒRTUMTY EMPLOYER Restaurant & Food Service eXPCRKNCED COOK&WArr 8TAFP wanted (or 2 tocatkms to Mocksvaie arul 1 to CMve- lend. Cail336-477.43S3 Yard & Q arago Sales Yard& Garage Sales 4Fnmlly Verd Sale July 4’-AS'‘ Housohokl. ciothes. btog sur pV. home school. 4SSt iJ HwyOOIN, Mocksvirte.Rain cancela. Big, Big Yard SalelJi^ 4 and 6-8.00AM-Until 172 Puddirtg Ridge Road Lots ol Ooodiest Family Yard 8«le Sat, July S-B.00AM-12:00PM 531 FrodL^nier Road Woman's ctothes, housewaiee, corr^orier set. boy's ctothes sue 8-12, girfs ctothes site 4< 10 (narrte brands). Power vrheeis pink motorcyde, bat­tery John Deere gator, toys and tots morel QJtfit Estate 8sleJu(ya4,A5.7am-2pm U3 Fork DtxbyRd(<(om V i­sion Salem take 40 to Exil 801 toHwy84, turn right on 84, turn r((^t at 2^ Street, Fork Oixby, S* house on kift) Tons ol nko (urmture, glass­ware. antique, linerti. larnps.pictures, eiectronk:s, tiller, rods & reels. No Early Birds) QtgsnUo GstsQS 8sls.Thur,. Frl., Ä Sat. Oillerent itemedailyl Bam -3pm 321 Madison Rd. MocMviHe. Road by (3urger King. Huge Yard SaleJuly S'7:00AM-Unti 877 Rainbow Rd. Affranco Antkiues A something hr every- onel Canceled И Rslnlng sreeaFsmUyYsrdSelsFriday July 4* A Satuiday July 3015 Highway 801 South. Ride on Thomas. Pow­er Wheela, outdoor toy«, etc. UuHkFsmllyYsrdSsle Sat. 6am -until on Junctton on Tara Court 8sL July 8* 7am - 1pm. 650 Jundton Rd. Cionnet. home décor, handbags, glassware, name brand ctothing A morel WIN pick up uiisokj yard sale Items so you worft have to. 336-4 99-7f" Looking for a new pet? owner? home? Check out the ClasslfMs In today’s Salisbury Post! 7 IM -6 3 3 -8 9 5 0 Steel BulWlnga Discount­ed. Custom Canmennl Destgn. Otg or Small. No MKkJIemon. Factory t>rod to Site Can Erect, Cheop Freig»\t.Source# 02T. PleaM cal 704-0C3-718I Clothes Adult & Children Scrubs, women's, email. $5 Mch. Oood ccmülion Please can 704 038-3452 Farm Equipment _ _ jb S u g £ ¡ le s _ _ ^ Wheelhoree riding lawn mower, 42* cut, 11 hp, ExceKont conditKHi. $450. 7M-27»8270 Fuel & Wood 279 gallon lenk with 92 (pitons ol home (ueL 04 changing over to t ^ pun\p and aii. $250. Call 704-314-8906 Furniture & _ ^ g £ ¡ la n c e s _ l>n. aliltbyildarelngerator/(ree/er Whrte. hkenew. S4S0 704 857-1887 OEOROOMFURNrrURB Dresser w/mirror. Chost. Head­board A Footboard Dark wood QUeEN $200,00 279-8572 Oedroom eutte, 8 piece, wood. $450. Kannapolis Please call 704-938-34S2 Bedroom suite. 6 piece. Whiio wtok«r. $500. Pleoie calf 704-637-0653 after 8pm. MIsc For Sale First cut hey for sale. Squato batos 100 to soit. $5 pad). Please can 704-200-I240 For sale berber carpet tlxt4 no stains in eiceiioni conditton. 7M-633-1404 $70.00 Go Csrtw/fiberglassCorvette body.Ohp. $200,704.27M270 Honds 11 hp pressura washer. Needs gas tank. $200,000. 7CM-eS5^9X I ZIP ELECTRIC SCOOTER 8 months okf. rode twice, paki $125. sed for $80. Can 704.037-3379 LANDSCAPE SOLUTIONS Natural Shredded rrulch, (704)433-7049 $5.00 NEW treated lattice. Premand Reg. etsru Sheet. f?04)' 8PA/H0T TUD Never UseJI Seats Rve, Ughi, lour^er. Dl0tal Control. Under Wotrsrv IV, New $3099, Sacrifice $1.905. Call 330-9874928. Sttmpin* Up, 20 stemp •eU. itZO. Ploaso caB 704-в37-Ов5ЭаГ(огбрт. Free lyr old Male Teritsf Fun, toving. very energetic. 704-213-3M1 tesvs n«s»Age. Free Qerblls, 2 pairs o< adults. One pair soiki biacit A brown A whie. one pair red A whrte A brorm. 704-633-3308 FREB GOATS Great I« dear- land. Love kud/u. Call 278-1251 Music Sales & Service Free кЮеле. 12 wks où. Smokey gray. Uttor box trained, oreet pcrsonalify. Iriendly A toHng 839-0873 Flute for Sale. Great tor t>egtn- nerst ОЕЮ $80 00 Can f704) 2TO-I9WVW 3-8 leave mes- seg« Yamaha Bb Trumpet. ECServiced by repair tech. Plays great. 704-798-1006. SportingGoods WEIGHT OENCMII Type you sttoc4'puley •lyin prani-WoKtor.S25 (330)7981(85. Lex. Want to Buy Merchandise Timber Wanted: Ptie or Hard­wood. 10 aeree or more. Se­lect oTKt clear cut. Shavet Wood Producís, Inc. 704-278- 9291. N*gh( 704-278-4433 Pets&Liveetock 'Birds 'Cats 'Dogs 'Horses aivoslock -Olhof Pots • Pot A L^ostock Sonrices Cats 2 Oeeutlful Mitene. 12 weeks M F after 9 Sal 9-9. BeeuUtuI kmen. 14 weeks, naie sron hflir tiger. Needs |00d home. Call 704-857- 1313 M-F alter 5pm Sat. 99 Livestock For Rent - 8 stall horse bam with approximalely 5-0 ocres pasture land. Please call 336-9982581 Horseshoeing since 1971, ad types.Joe Wages 338-882-7950 Notices •Legal Notices• Froo Ads• Instnjction'LOBi A Found > Momjment A Comotary »ftoticod•Special Occosione ' Trevol Opportunitio« Free Ads Doni throw awey lownmowers. ATVs. goM caitt. A other out­door power equiprrwnt. W<l Vkk up for free. Cell Richard 338-1?3.l830. tS-2 Free kmens.8 Weeks oW. Need good hOTW. 704-838-8303 Free'male cet, neutered. 3 yrs ok), needs good homo end loving cere. 704-fl57- 1332 Free puppies. 0 weeks okJ. First shots and worms. 2 temaies.1 mele. 330-998-9592 Free to good home Aust/oiian Shepherd A Ьокег mix pup- ptee A KiVbtooded Fom. Aus­tralian Shop 704-790-4008 Free. Sliding shower.glau doors lor Isiwd Dross inm.Sue 43 wkto by 60 hicFi You ftaul 704/833<4642 Memplon Bey 18000 OTUairun«. Needs Loving, pteyftjl kitlsn OnV I lolt. 8 weeks okJ. Needs good heme.704 83^0492 Sweet blecK end white tuie<to cel. Free to good todoor home. Also free kitien to good hoftie. 704-223-1506 Win haul ewey soap iron aluminum, eto A appis A air condtioners. 704-847-1887 Will haul off okl. used or tunk cars call Jim 0704 857 8847 Lost & Found Found In China Grove stray sweet, young male rrawd breed fttxtfl hiMred dog Free to good home. 704-857-1128 Notices DAVIE PREGNANCY CARg Corner offers confrtential ond free pregnancy teste, support servicos and referrals. Moke a healthy choice for your llet Cail 336-753 HOPE for flppt. Birthday, babyt oidtng. Uovo, Deb­bio. Alox. Philip, & Nowt Opening tor one aduft male with dmotoprrwsf^nl diMbivtSe» al David County Qmup Home. Call 338-751-5014(orinto Real Estate > Business Opportunities ■ Condos A Townhomos> Homos for Sato> Invoslment Property ' Lake Promrty' Land (or Sato 'Manu(ncturod Horno Dealers ' Manufflcfurod Hjmo SalesManulni:1urod Lois tor SaloMenu(acturod Sen/ice A Repairs' Morlgago Services A loansReal Estate Services Reel estate ~ Commercial Resort A Vacation PropertyWanted Reol Estate Reduced over $18.0001 Kinder. Ion Vilnge, Atfvanco. new ^ DR plus bonus. 2 lì OA. i,2.0QUsq(t.$(00.&00 ' 0695 25 »cree with house 30R. 2ПА. Woodod. 2152 US Нму &4 West. 704-207-4499 or 330-490-3915 32» wooded aorel. Plus 2cloarod bukling srtes. 2.4-3 0 acios rural setiir>{^roiid frot\tago. 25 minutes ftom Winetun-Sftlem. DuiWer/Bro- kor/Ownor. ЗЭ6-492-2144/ЗЭ6-492-2170 8* Acres. Wed divide. Has been perked. Uroker.Owner $875(Уасгв.ЗЭ0-492-7505 BusinessOpportunities AtlenUon: Experienced Net- work Uthiieters Wanted lor laround-Ftoor Lucrartve Port- nership. Company growtt* means wealth from our Proven Plan. Calf 778-0252 fur Free VUeo Be SIÌ A'ran Rspiesenuuve.onTy $1010 get started, leave «message lor Tarwnara 7W-54Ô-5757 or Eloine at 338<4 92-2230 A partm ents & C ondos for Salo 1BR, IBA Bormuda Villageground Itoor, foe Inciudos utili­ties. cablo, transportation, maki servKo. Rtrxies claneon, pool. 338-94&5540 Home Builders Clyde Н«1( Enterprise«, Ino. New House - Cape Cod Sryie 2,300 sqlt. Oult on yair tot. $108.650 704-74C-4492 Realtor & B uilder 1BR ал в*. >t7,M ВМ» Т>хValue. Brick ranch, central hoot, hard woods, basements. LQ ysrU, car port. $124, 900 tor quick sole. 704 6304)805 3BR. tJBA. house Carport, r^ew paint end carpel 1t75 sq f1. $в2Л00. Con lor Infor, mation, 330-909-0445. I Courtlry C(ub, oarage. 2.092 eqft. beeide Ddl course and lake. $188.500.704-630-0895 Realtor & B uilder U atlngs CLEAN ANDHEFnESHED 3.*2 plus 2 storage buildings. Hard surface nnd Ooriwr in­side wrtth upgrado<l futuros and appiiances 10 remain. Pri- vocy loncod fifvi iiindec.ipod Ctoee to everythitig. See tini ZILLOW.COM-entor 206 Car­olina Olvd-28146. $1?0K. NEWLY REMODELED 2QR. 20A Gremio Qiarry. Carport. Now Paint, ktn A master QA. MRtdwooOs, tomwil DR A LR. ICI2 sti. n 019-27O-0S70 na/ago. 2.» 704-63а0( Land for Sale Large 129 Little John Or. Farmington. Dhck ranch. 2 LQ OR. t.5 DA. ktn, dish washer, stove, relg., disposal. Lg DR A LR. laundty room. Oil heal. Central air. Wood burning FP w/ insert. 2 car garage attached w/ operv era. new ftoonng throughout. Deauelul clean home. No pets. $e00/nv}. 338-786-0525 STEAL MY RIVER Access Acreage. Omw must sell. 50% under market vakjo. 1« scree riijhi oil the Catawba River. Pool, river walk, rlver- skto ban fiokls, paved roads end «leciiicity. Sieal it today, $39.900. Coi 888 270-4741. 2BR. IDA HVAC, storoge. tB acres, $565/iT>onth ♦ $565 de­posit. svariabie new Can 338- 993-6879 or (с)338-С01-1Г59 Lots for Sale Advance. Land for Salel Lasi tot In beautiful ^nngdaki divi­sion. Asking pflce $30,000. Call Marci 801-310 2033 Manufactured Homo Sales 0 Cloelng Costs, 0 Down. We buld on your lend andlinance too. 336-249-7042 0 Down. Low Payments.i1 yui own land or have family land 330-249-702e 3 Homee LefL Reduced Prtces Call Aaron В2в'308-8131 Own will Finance. Deer Run 3DR, 3BA $00S/mo Indudes tot rent. Excellont ccndtbn and has storage buMng. 330-90t-2777 We will build on your Improved tot. s 2.300 eq. ft. Cepe Cod sryie house. $105.900. Frank at 7ÌM-748-4492 Your Land Is Your CredlL We Finance Please Cal 330-249-8273 Real Estate Commercial OCM Ouslnese Park. Fu suieor loase 9.000 sq. ft. btttuing 1.500 to 4.500 sq (t. units Corrvnercnl tots (or sale or wil pukJ to sun tenant. CjI ЗЭ6-0!)в-31вб Rontals • Apartrnonta• Condo&'Town homos> Houses lor Ront■ Lnko Propoily Hontnl• OfliCQ 4 ComrwjrcialRontfll> Mamrfactuiod Homos for Ront> RosCMt A Vacation Ruotala■ Roornntnlo WantoiJ• Rooms for Rent> Stofogo- Wanted to Ront Apartments Attention UNCC. StudentsI W.iik to class. 2 OR, 2 DA. woshor/drycr, AC. cable and walor. S050/rr>onth ♦ (topoeit. 330-7788896 t BR apartment, 10НП Mocksvllle. No Houses tor Rent Nice mini tarm. House, bam. shop, pasture, woods, stream. 2093 801 N at Fturnngtoq. $l200^month. <■ enee. ЗЗв-998-31 3BR. IBA. MocksvtOe. %7W mo.«lüp. Central heal^air. re­frigerator. Stove. Can Ma/Lo A Co. 338-492-7505 3BR, tBA. Clemmons sree. Rv (rtgerator, stove, central heeVair. washer/dryer con- necVone, carport. l70Vmo.. deposit reqU 330-7864329 Century 21 Triad 336-751-3232 292 Townpork 1302. Condo tocated in Kindcrtoa 2 DR.1 DA. All appliances Included. $705M«nth 8982 Fox RWge<Wlneten*' Salem 3BR. 20A lowr^touee. Range, dishwasher, ond re- Irtgeraior. $99^mo. Call Century 21 Tnad 338-75I* 2222 ask for ExLai3Mon-Fi( Bom-.5(xntr 336-7 51-C&55 ExL 213 nighM and weekends H ouses . tor R e n t' 30П, 2 lull GA. DovM Sctalll, teo SholfiDid Rd. no pels S076-rr»o ♦ SÛ75 dop. refs. Coll 704-546-5227 or 336- 462-3600 ask for Linda Bermuda Run Ccunliy Club R(H)t to Own. 3 OR. 2 It DA tovmhouse. garage 2092 eq ft across from goif course, lake in back. $6.000 do>«n, $t,000 month. 704^30-0095 China Drove 3BR, 2BT larj play yard. $7S0 per rrw & d poeit. 704 650^2746 or 701-702.5885 Howard Reelty JC Jordan 336-751-8562 Mocksvitle - in town2BA.IDA. relrtg. Range, fliocliic heal, window air. No Smoking. NO PETS. $60(ymo. Cooleemee • DR.tOA. oil heal, window air, $450^mo. Winston Salem - 2DR.10A. gas heal, central air, neat Ashley Elem.. SbOCVmo. Howard Really JC Jordan 336-781-8562 PENNINGTON A CO. 336^S^»400 336-9094)747 Ted Street. YedklnvUle - 3 DR; I 0A small home with (roni porct) snd storsgs buiding: $550lTtt., $56(Vdep . 336-996-9400 oplton 8 Benson Street • 2 BR. 1 DA.' $e0№rio.>$600dep. 336- 998-9400 Optton 7 Courtney-Huntsvllle Rd.. ysdHlnvllle--2DR. IDAdupiex wjth front porch, brand new home. $750/mo., $750/dep. 336-906-0400 optton 9 Mr. Lsrtdtordf'Owrter - 3-4 BR Rentals. Do you have one empty? Can ue. we have quekAed sppltcstMs .IN DIVIOUAL COMMERCIAL PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE. $l,000/month for 1.010 SF (5 Oincee). Can Janice МсОапкЯ 336*909-0747 Pennington A Co. U6-M6-4400 336409^747 ERA Premier Reeliy JackleCeutslonor ssft'TsvsosA ADVANCE-Renlor Possibto tosse pur Chase-40R.2BA. New Construcson. Porch, pa­tto, bonus room or 4" beo- ro^.$140(VrTxxìth MOCKSVULe - Pudding Rtige Oorgeous 4BH. 3\^0A custom brkk home. Qoit course corrv munity. Owner fmancmg eva<- able. Rerti or possibie toase purchftse. $165(Vmonth. Cefl tordetaiis MOCKSVÌLLE-2UR.2DA. in (own wittx skle pcwrh & cO'<- eredpalo $700'monin MOCKSViaE - 2 DR. IH DA. 2 kivels. oat-in k/tchon. potio $485/montti. Nopets. MOCK8VIILE-3 0R. 2DA. Old faimhouse with ecreoge. $70(Vmonlh ERA Premier Reafly Jeckto Coulston 336-79>8777 336-996-7777 Rent to Own: New upscale 3 or 4DR w<t>onus room. 24DA. garage, near 2100 «qlt., se- cunty eysiem, tmck lighting, stairless sieel орр1югкее. hice, neat »-40. onty $0500 down. $90^mo 704-6300695 Land for Rent Manufactured Home for Rent FarmlngtonMoeksvllle Won­derful bKkysrd, 2BR. 2BA. 14X70 Alt sppKatKes. (startd Stove. New carpet. $600 de­posit. $eoo^th. 336-961- 27П br^ck home. Electric lumltfied. private. 704-287-5581 or 330-751-1218 Transportation 'Autos ' Av1a«on' Boats A WaiercrafI Collector Cars 'Commorclal Transportation ■ p ’ Molorcydos A ATVs RecroatlonolVeNd«» Rontals A Leasing ' Servico.Parts A Accossorles Transportation DoatorshipsTtansportalion Ftrtancing Truckfl. SUVs A Vans Want to Buy Autos Chrysler Sebrlng. 2001. Wh>to with gray Interior, fully loaded Ve7 good condition. $3^00. Please ca« 33<И0Х1244 Eclipse 08X. 1995.Auto. lurt)0.8-sp,g00d contttion. $4.500.Colt 336-782-3011 QREAT OEALttl1067, Ford, MUSTANG 428 Coupe $4800, excellent corri.79000 п^. dear tille. e>d:Olack,lnt:aiack. 8 cyl.2 dr. Manual. k>rriehei- tonOamoiLcom or (206) 806-3080 Boats 8i Watercraft Seeòoo RXP2007. red. black.A vrhio, very last. Comes with irailor. cover and lile tacket $10,500 ООО 704 2 02-177t Motorcycles&ATVS Mobile home lot, qute. prtvAie. country setm For Into can r* Late model only Manufactured Home for Rent 2BR, 2BA Just out ol Davie County in ^tomuny area, t425month ♦ dopowt. Please cay 704-548 2069 Private tdilngl late! SefVSOA. all appi. Coni. Heat & air. dock. A QaioQ6. No smoking. No, pots- $eOCHn>o. plus do- posit. 336-09d'3630 3007, Harley-Oevldson U«rs Oasslc , P&QfK; Dlue Poart. 1900 *1- mi, 1st service done with all synih llutos II M eiim toeded and to include 3 Harley hdmela wth 2 lr\lereom systems. Magnum pipes with the orig. pipes to go with it. Hat a 7 yr urtimited waiT. Ckiraoo kept with a lOOObroltng Mt hckjded. $21,900 Сам 704-326- 8675 Irom 0am -9pm 704- 326-6675. Vans for Sale Ford Econollrte Van 1980, oil power, irrmacuiate,. 6IK miles, 12.toa Please calf 7M-27»6620 T Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 1993. White wtth grey ksei^ or,. 4 wheel drive, power tocktkVvinttows. Ai^lFM stereo wim CD player $2300 obo 48^704-202-48; Chest Deep FreezerHotPolriflW.СаЛ704-63^350 Dreseer for Sole. 8 drawer, sol- kj ^ne dresser. 8 large and 2 smait drawers, $S0. 338-664-1975 Dryer, Roper by Whirlpool. Extra large capnaiy, $200. I callPlease о 704-857-2945 For sale belge en belge queen ebe sofa bed, $50. matching tove seat free, Pktasecail 338-751-0532 FURNITURE Outdoor Rosin Chairs, gr w ^ n table 704-637% $15.00 Love seat kke now.Plaid, beiflo, navy, mauve. $100704-657-6720 Queen bedroom ei>He. 5 piece. $450 Ptoose call 704-936-3462, Sleeper sofa, chair, tove seat. $300. Please cell 704-0360452 Solid maple crib set $100 Navy couch $50 33O-eO0-52OO Will hsul 0(1 used, old or Junked cars for (tee. Coll Jim 704 857 8647 bl.9pm _^Doga pups.Isl sliots A wormed. Great larrúly pots. Parents on stie. Do>« A Qirls $200. Ready after July 1. Can 704-C33- 0064. jnigislored Boxers.•*Mb dd. tails docked dew- claws rtfrrк^od. 2nd shots $375 Call Ka/en 338-751- 8239 before 8.00 PM AHENTIONNow owner ol 'Mai* the hound dog. plesse cal Oorvs Millar 704-7544)505 BeauttluL hill blooded Beagle lee, $85 each. Call 7(M- CHIHUAMUAPUPPIESI AKC. Femalo/male. Shou. 12weeksoto. $225 each. (338) 798-1185. Leilngton FREE BOXERSFree 10 good home only 7iM-2764J70e M isc. E quipm ent& Supplies Lennox home air condlttoning unit. 1096. Air only. MN- H525281P. Good conductton. $250. Call 704-314-6905 MIsc For Sale 2 sealer GO CART.6 HP Tecum. Vety Good Condition 336-853-8253 LM $500.00 20.3 acres ol land for sole on Oatton Road. Call Gary Arnokl 336-477-0556 Jaby changing table, Hko now, white, Jenny Und, $20. Pool float choir $15.Call 704-279-33(4 BLUEyWHrTBTDY BOX 30x17x17 good condtton can 704-637-3370 530.00 Briarvrood (Seare) pool table, usedlndudes pool cues com­plete bell set reck A acces­sories. $200. 704-213-1612 CHILDREN’S TOYS call 704-637-3379 Easy Bake Qvon-$S microecope kit- $10.00 CHILDREN'S TOYS call 704 &37-3370 stuffed Patrick Starr-$2.Q0 night vlston goggles Please call 704-249-4849 Free kinens (3) eboul six (6) weeks okl. Femalos. 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Y o u r D a v ie C o u n ty E n te r p r is e - R e c o r d is p a r t n e r ­ in g w ith its s i s t e r p u b lic a tio n s , t h e S a lis b u r y P o s t, K a n n a p o lis C itiz e n a n d th e P o s t E X T R A , t o b rin g y o u M a r k e t C la s s if ie d s I With one phone call to our new toll free number: i - 8 7 7 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 y o u 'll g e t to ta l c o v e r a g e o f a c o m p le te m a r k e t r ig h t n e x t d o o r . Buy 1, 2, 3 or 4 publications, one call and one bill - it’s your choice, one call does it all. Deadline for ads is Tuesday at 3 P.M. Want to Buy: Transportatlon $ Cash $ for Junk Cara Please Call ЗЭ6-407-8283 Ads require prepayment, except for established accounts, Child Care & Nursery Schools Elderly Caregiver in your home. 5 yrs eiper. hygiene, light housekeeping A cooking CaJiJacUe 336-264.2001 FALL ENROUMENT BERMUDA QUAY PRESCHOOLE^fore arvi after school drop* oil and pick-^> Irom Pirn Dnxikend Shady Grove. For more Information call 336-940-6450 NOW ENROLLINQI BERMUDA ÛUAY PRESCHOOLInfant Pre-K. РЯ. drop-in. WMO Advance. 336-W0^50. FinancialServices Need coital? We arrangefinancing lor as lypes o< loans. Fast approvals, (ree consJtation, no lees. Dad and No Credit. Cell 066-290-5324 «v>vw.- Iniematk>naifundsir>c com HomeImprovement Lawson's Home Improvements Windows, doors, ^nyl siding, brtck. tHock work, log siding, hard«ood fioodt^. Free esti­mâtes. Owfior Andy Lawson CaJI 336^92-5410 or 900 0695 336- Lawn Maint. & Landscaping Orad'e Lawn CereFor аЯ youi lawnand landscaping needs.336-469-2194 Painting & Decorating Wyatt'S Palming tnterkx and exterior painting and wallpa­per. Free eeUmatos. Ca> «ny. tlmo. 704-239<45l6 ■ Tree Service Canopy Tree Service, Pro^es- sk)nal Service at reasonat)ie fates. Futty Insured. Cal tor Iree estmates. Relerencee availaPie. Also, tirewood lor sak) 336-996-4374 Timber WsniecL 2 acres or more dear or select, email or larga tracts, commission lor timer bouflh on reiérraH, best prtcec guaranteed. HAM Logging, 336-468-6578 rJ B14 ■ DAVIE COUNTY EÌ4TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Ju!y 3,2008 Outstanding In Band South Davie band students earning honors at the solo and ensemble festival in Winston-Salem in­ cluded, from left: front - Aaron Dodd, Krista Smith, Kiyomi Taylor, Kyle Serio, Shanariel Spease, LaShonda Johnson; back - Eric Powell, Jose Sanchez, Haley Kelley, Amber Basham, Joanna Leon, Zack Osborne. Kateiyn Jacobs On Dean’s List Mocksville residenl Kutelyn Jacobs was named to the spring 2008 dean’s list at Emory & Henry College with a minimum 3.6 grade point average. Levin Earns Academic Honor Ale.\is Levin of Advance, daughter of Melisa and Alan Levin, wa.s named to the dean’s list at Rose-Hulnian Institute of Technol­ ogy, Terre Haute, Ind. The mechanical engineering major earned a 3.3 or higher grade point average. Lust Earns Sewanee Honor Elisabeth Lust of Mocksville earned a minimum 3.62 grade point average to be named to the dean’s list for the Easter tenn at Sewanee The University of the south in Sewanee, Tenn. She is the daughter of Rebecca Jo Jenkins and Kenneth Edward Lust. 5 Earn GWU Honors Five Davie students at Gardner Webb University earned aca­ demic honors for the spring semester. ' Named to the dean’.s list with grade point averages of 3.7 or above were: Janet R. Dyson and Melinda B. McLaughlin, both el­ ementary education majors from Mocksville. Named to the honor roll with minimum grade’point averages of 3.2 wore; William K. Lumley, « business administration major. Andrea T. Rivers, an elementary education major, and Brandi N. Knight, ii psychology major, all of Mocksvillc. 3 E a r n U N C - W D e g r e e s Three Davie students at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington earned degrees. Christy M. Oraughn of Mocksvillc earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Emily Keehln Evans of Advance earned a bachelor’s degree in communications studies. Courtney R. Springer of Advance earned a bachelor's degree in social work. 3 O n W F U D e a n ’s L i s t Wake Forest University students Amy Marie Alexaitder of Mocksville and William Gregory Simpson and Abby Dell Riddle, both of Advance, have been named to the dean's list for the ing semester with a 3.0 or higher grade point average. A 2005 graduate from Dnvie High School, Alexander is the (laughter of Ricky and Teresa Alexander. Simpson is the son of David atid Jane Simpson. Riddle is the daughter of Arnny and Paula Riddle. Brother, Sister Earn Honors Bryan Thomas King made Chancellor's List for the fall and spring semesters at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a grade point average of 3.8 or higher. Amanda Marie King made Dean’s List for the fall and ,>ipring semesters at the University of North Carolina ^hapel Hill, . The brother and sister arc Davie High graduates and live in Ad- Riclcey Smith Earns ECU Scholarship Rickey E. Smith Jr. has received the Maynard Teaching Fellows Scholarship at East Carolina University, awarded to 10 stu­ dents throughout North Carolina. He was presented the 2008 Leadership Award and scholarship from.Photonics Ex­ plorers and Photonics Leaders Program. He is the son of Avis M. Watkins-Smithi and Rickey Smith Sr, of Lillington, the grand­ son of Genclle P. Watkins and the late John H. Watkins of Cooieemee. Smith 9 Earn Academic IHonors At UNC-W Nine Davie students at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington earned academic honors for the spring semester. Andrew Joseph Darcy of Mocksville earned the Chancellor’s Achievement Award, making all A's with a minimum of 15 hours. Named to the dean’s list with a minimum 3,5 grade point aver­ age were: from Mocksville - Darcy; Dianna Bethany Becker, Lucas Brett Boger, Brennan E, Carter, Maria Aliher Denton, Katie Eliza­ beth Speer and Molly Leigh Whittaker; and from Advance - Em(ly Keehln Evans and Courtney R. Springer. Th an ks fo r M alting Us #1 IN NORTH CAROLINA. (till ti\ ill \iuii m h> tjt'i 0 tiuDlv today. Keith Hiller Matt Hiller 1109YadklnvilleRoad Willow Oaks Shopping Center Mocksville 751-6131 hlllerki ®natlonwldo.com Nationwide* On Your Side A lita H o rn l i l t B u iln tu , Souim AM »«II2001 CoAUntd K I On A Mission W om an Hoping To M ake A Positive Difference in Lives O f G hana Children Page 01 D A V IE C O U N T Y EN TER PR I/Ei^EC O R D USPS 149-160 Number 27 Thursday, July 10, 2008 Fourth Fun In Cooieemee Cooieemee celebrated the nation’s independence with plenty of activities on Friday. Above, Tanner Sechrest takes a wet ride down a slippery piece of plastic. At right, Aaron O’Neal takes part In the town’s annual lawnmower parade... without having to pay those high gasoline prices. For more photographs, please turn to page 7. - Photos by Mike Barnhardt Fuel Costs Tapping Into Schools’ Budget Davie Putting Money Back Into Fund Balance By Beth Cassidy Davie County Enterprise Record The Davie Board of Education voted unanimously last week to adopt a continuing budget resolution that will take them, into the 08-09 fiscal year, awaiting the adoption of the state’s budget. Despite rising fuel and food costs, Finance Officer Deborah Smink said of the $785,000 from the fund balance appropriated to balance the local budget, only about $450,000 is needed. “This means $335,000 will remain in fund balance. I am estimating our fund balance after our annual audit to be $ 1.1 million,” she said. The board drew criticism when it allowed the fund balance to drop, due to what Superintendent Dr. Robert Landry called “the perfect storm," a combination of state- mandated pay raises, increases in hospitalization and retirement benefits, and other costs. Although the fund balance, which is like a savings account, remained within local government commission guidelines, critics chastised the board for, among other things, the continuation of a salary provided to Steve Lane, former superintendent, and construction and operational costs of Ellis Middle School. They have recently been criticized for cutting three nursing positions. Smink said last week, “As far as the nurses, we can’t make a decision like that [bringing them back] now, not until the state has their budget in place. As soon as they pass their budget, we will have to look at, are there any areas where they didn’t fund us that they did last year, or if there are big changes in the planning allotments, we’ll have to address those first. It is always a possibility the money [that is going back into the fund balance] could be used for the nurses’ salaries. “While there is no word on the state budget, I don’t like what I’m hearing. It’s- not promising, especially in regard to transportation costs.” Smink said the state had allotted about $ 1.4 million for transportation costs for the 07-08 fiscal year. That money covers fuel, salaries and benefits, repairs on buses, contracted transportation, and any items related to upkeep on the buses, including oil, tires and supplies. - For the 2006-07 school year. $192,010 was spent on fuel. Last year, Smink said, that number increased 38 percent, to $308,569. A small portion of the increase was related to more buses,.because of Ellis, and increased ridership, Smink said, but the biggest culprit was the drastic increase in fuel prices. Because the state allotment fell way short, the system had to use almost $90,000 in local funds to pay for fuel. “We are looking at the same situation for next year (08-09). We have received updates, and it appears the state won’t be giving enough of an allotment next year either,” Smink said, “We’re hearing there will be only enough to cover about 75 percent of what the fuel will cost us, so that will put us about $77,000 short next year.” Please See Budget ■ Page 8 36 PAGES Principals Moved To New Schools Several principals and assistant principals in Davie Schools were reassigned schools at the board of education meeting Monday evening. Five are on the elementary school level. Carol Cozart, former principal at Cornatzer, has been moved to Cooieemee Elementary, and Cooleemee’s former principal, Joy Morrison, will be the principal at Pinebrook. Former Pinebrook principal Lynn Marrs is the new principal at Mocksville Elementary, and Gladys Scott has been moved from the principalship at Mocksville to Cornatzer. AU Wall, who had been an assistant principal at Davie High, will be in that same position at Mocksville Elementary. Jennifer Custer, who had been assistant principal at Mocksville will replace Wanda Shaffner as the principal at North Davie. Assistant principal Amy Holcomb, who had been at North, will be at Davie High, and Keith Whitiiker, former assistant principal at Davie High, will be in that position at North Davie. C o u n t y A s k e d T o E n f o r c e R u l e s A t D r a g w a y Jesse “Pete” Gentry has no prob­ lems with the motorcyclists who at­ tended the Smokeout rally at Farm­ ington Motorsports Park. The neighbor to the park does have a problem with promoters be­ ing allowed to repeatedly break county regulations - and state alco­ hol regulations. Gentry took his plea to county commissioners Monday evening. His name got into the mix when the roily promoter said that Gentry’s future son-in-law. State Sen. An­ drew Brock, had the rally's permit to sell beer revoked. Gentry produced a state law Please See Rally - Page 8 Relay For Life Country IVIusic Star To Perform Free Concert <evin Sharp will perform Friday evening, July 25 at Davie County’s Relay for Life. Kevin Sharp, award winning country music star and cancer survivor, will perform at the Davie County Relay For Life on Friday evening, July 25. Winner of CMT’s “Rising Male Video Star of the Year” and BMI’s "Song of the Year” for “Nobody Knows”, Sharp has been nominated for the Academy of Country Music “New Male Vocalist” and American . «3- Music Award “Favorite New Counu-y Artist”. As a cancer patient during his teenage years, he was introduced to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and acts as a national spokesperson for the organization. He has been awarded The Make-A-Wish Foundation’s “Celebrity Wish Granter of the Year” for the devotion, dedication and inspiration -i- he provides to children. Sharp uses his talent as a motivational speaker and musician to help audiences leam that all things are possible in life and that every person has something to offer. He has performed at Relay For Life events around the country and inspires audiences to hold on, fight and to never give up and to change the things in their lives that keep them from fulfilling their goals. The performance will be during the Relay For Life of Davie County on July 25-26 at the Davie Family YMCA on Cemetery Street in Mocksville. It is free to the public, however donations to the American Cancer Society are appreciated. For information about the Relay For Life, contact Barbara Basham at 751-2503. , 4 V.» . 4 ,Vj,’.V i V. t r" .r.f'.i ..V.- i- *. 1 I 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Editorial Райе C am pers W ilt In O ppressive Sum m er H eat The second annual Hidden Creek father-son camp out went on as scheduled in 95-degree heat. We’re real men in my neighborhoud, not the kind to let a little sweat and body odor deter us from communing with nature and sleeping under the stars. The hotdogs were wonderful. The campfire was charming. Boys squirted each other with water guns in Ralph Harding’s backyard, site of the annual all-male bash. Women are only allowed to briefly deliver us good things to eat and drink before retreating from our testosterone headquarters. Maybe 10 tents of Ussorted colors were erected in the suffocating heat. After the fun, after the food, after the boys had collapsed from romping about the neighborhood, sleep proved the biggest challenge. About midnight, I feared my Michael, 9, might actually fall asleep. Then I’d be stuck there to swelter through the night. Hours after darkness had fallen, it was still 86 degrees. “Want to go home?” I prodded. “No.” Home was jUst across the street, 200 feet away, where the air conditioner hummed, where the mattress was soft and where I had forgotten my pillow. The longer I squirmed in the tent’s oppressive heat, the more I longed for the comforts of home. Just across the street, it was cool. I could walk from hell to heaven in 30 seconds. “How’re you doing over there?” I pried. “Okay.” i “Is it too hot for you?” / “I’m okay.” ^ ' Realizing that he wasn’t going to cash in his chips without some serious prodding, I got more aggressive. “Let’s do this another night when it’s not so hot.” I unzipped the tent, and we stumbled in the dark across the street to home. i Elizabeth wasn’t surprised to see us. j Others among the ranks of the Hidden Creek He-Men: sunendered to the elements that night. Only four adults stuck it out, earning the official designation as True Campers and Men of the Royal Order. They earned their badges, but I got lots of sleep. D i s o r d e r l y G r a d u a t i o n ? Anyone who has attended a Davie High graduation can remember the lusty cheers some families give when their children cross the stage. Similar enthusiasm must have really bothered the principal of Fort Mill (S.C.) High School. Those attending graduation last month were warned that outbursts were strictly prohibited. A designated time for cheering would be staged at the end. Some proud relatives couldn’t contain themselves. So they were arrested. The Charlotte Observer reported recently that six were charged with disorderiy conduct. One was also charged with resisting arrest when he pulled away from the officer. They are demanding jury trials. Expect a busy district attorney to dismiss charges. Sometimes, you’ve got to let people to be people. - Dwight Sparks vieRt д а с м й ш ш «) AND m m MA№ >(xrrouR CREprr CW?DS1 Evergreen In T h e M a il ... Teacher Input Should Be Valued ; t\ } '! DAVIE C O U N T Y USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.................................Edllor/Publlsher Robin Snow....................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt...........................„..Managing Editor Ray Tut|i9row,.................................Advertising Dlrsotor Brian Pitts.........................................Sports Editor Starr Snow...............................Circulation Mockavlll« Enterprlae Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971, I Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents. , $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C, POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 To the editor; Currently before the Board of Education is a proposal to reorga­ nize the grade levels in a K-6,7-9,10-12 configuration. While this has not been done in secret, the process certainly cannot be de­ scribed as open. There has been little public discussion of the pro­ posal at all. There is no plan to involve the teachcrs, parents, stu­ dents, or the community in general in this decision. What could an open discussion offer? Perhaps simply asking why does the Central Office wont to reorganize the grades. You won't find that answer in their presentation Jan. 23 to the Board of Education. What problem is this solution supposed to fix? Question 2 might be why is the Central Office now supporting a reorganization that was short on “pros" and long on "cons” in their own handout in the run up to the 2007 bond vote and given the second lowest approval rate of many possible plans in their teacher survey that year. Que.stion 3 might be with the existing schools in need of extra funding now, how will adding more recurring costs (ignoring the property tax increase to build the elementary school) help the fi­ nancial problem we are in now. Question 4 might be why is the Board of Education continuing to rubber-stamp what is obviously going to be another unpopular proposal from the Central Office. Question 4 beors more scrutiny The Central Office has given us two unpopular, unsuccessful bond Smokeout Opponent Must Be Living In A Glass House To the editor; People in glass houses. I am responding to the letter to the Editor from the July 3rd edi­ tion, from Linda Baugus. How date you chastise the good folks and businesses of Davie County, not to mention talk about our sheriffs deputies the way you did. These people did nothing wrong, providing services from their businesses or renting out camping'Space on property they own and pay taxes oh. 1 talked to several of the attendees (bikers) who were there for the rally, yet I did not talk to one who was drunk or had been drink­ ing. Everyone I came across actcd in a courteous manner and was not in Mocksville to create murder and mayhem. 1 did not ever sec any iiffiliation to any biker gangs - only people wanting to attend a rally and get a chance to meet with fellow bikers from around the nation. As for the so-called nude washing of bikes and men and the sheriff’s deputies looking at the women with their tongues hanging • out - did you see this? If so, why were you attending an event you consider to be amoral for the residents of Davie County. Or did you just get this,as hearsay and decided’it was up to you to have it printed as truth. 1 don't ever knock anyone's religion but as a Christian (which I gather you think you are) isn't it your responsibility to be tolerant of others? Out of this letter 1 have seen so many intolerant acts on your behalf. You called the people and business owners of Davie County "evil" for making a living. You said the deputies providing security were tongue-wagging onlookers to a nude woman. You insinuated' the bikers attending the show were drunk, nudists. Yet I bet you don't have one picture or one shred of evidence to prove this fact, except that Bible you are thumping so hard on that you got the saying from. Why don't you ask the sheriff how many DUI arrests were made of bikers at the rally or arrests period at the rally. Then ask them in that same weekend how many DUI and other arrests were made of county residents away from the rally or who didn't attend the rally. 1 think you will be quite surprised. As for the rally, I think it was a huge success that brought in a lot of needed dollars to our local businesses in a time when the economy is so bad. Mike Swanfiy, Harmony votes that has divided the county in many ways. They have made questionable hires in key positions. For a number of years now the Central Office has chosen to rule versus lead. Ask teachers you know whether they feel free to speak their minds on any of these issues publicly and have no fear of retribu­ tion for doing so. The Board of Education has a chance before it now. Call a halt to another unpopular plan put forth' for its approval and give this county time to heal. The existing schools need more funding, The high school has by all accoimts an excellent new principal. Thft,,,, teachers fought to be in on that selection process. Teachefsliiec'd'ti) continue to step forward and build back the confidence we have long had in our school system. Parents too can step forward and volunteer at their children's schools. Join the PTSA/Os. Cheek out what your kids are doing at school und seek answers from the school's administrators when you have questions. Be proactive. Mr. Sparks, your appalling editorial (Teachcrs Hijack School Board’s Alignment Fix) a few weeks buck was a tremendous dis­ service to our teachers. Teachers in this county do npt feel free to speak their minds, so imagine how badly they opposed the process the reorganization proposal was taking. We very much need our teachers' input on these issues. Who would have thought a newspa­ perman would be opposed to free speech. Dean Tutterow, Mocksville Williams Family Says Thanks For A July 4th To Rem em ber To the editor; This 4th of July will always be remembered by us for the nice people we met at the 9th Piedmont Antique Power Association in Mocksville, The participation from everyone involved made ifa most memorable event for the children and family of Clark Williams, Clark was taken from us in a tragic accident in March. U is so nicc to know that people care so much. It was u thrill seeing the antique tractors and other equipment. Tatum enjoyed riding in the deputy car and Brady had fun riding on Ricky Howell’s trailer. Brady won second prize on the pedal tractor. Tatum, Kassidy, Brady and Emma were thrilled to draw for the raffle tickets. The donation was appreciated and will be used on behalf of the children. Thanks for all the hard work it took to organize and have such a remarkable event. Thanks also to the families in the associa­ tion who lost loved ones this year. We feel your pain. Special thanks to David Speer and all of the people who helped in such a generous way. We are very fortunate to have such a nice town and county in which to live. God bless each of you. Kristy, Tatum, Kassidy, Brady and Emma Williams Mocksville L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters frpm its reail- ers. The letters may be on topics'of local, state, national or iiiterriational issues. An effort wilibe mode to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor resen-es the right to edit letters for grammar and for space; A ll letters should include the name and address o f the writer, including a signatiire. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday o f the week to be published. Dityie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, M ocksville, or email to: ernews@davie-eiuerprise.com. , DAVIE C O U N TY E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , T hursday, July 10,2008 ■ 3 Raleigh Report A n n e x a t i o n M o r a t o r i u m C o u l d B e c o m e R e a l i t y Mocksville School Frank Mainer brought in this old photograph of Mocioville School, believed to have been taken in 1933. His mother, Julia May Brown, is on the far left, second row from the top. The Enterprise Record welcomes old photographs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street In Downtown Mocksville, across from the county courthouse. In T h e M a il... Law Enforcement Kept Smokeout Safe To the editor: As the respected news journalist Paul Harvey would say, “Now for the rest of the story.” The complete story of the events that tran­ spired before, during, and after the Smokeout Rally was not fully reported. A quick drive by article of the event is not a fair and bal­ anced news report to the people who live in Davie County. Let’s review a few key points: 1. Current North Carolina law states that alcohol cannot be sold in the unincorporated areas of Davie County. Alcohol sales can only occur in the towns of Cooleemee, Mocksvillc and Bermuda Run. 2. The law permitting one-time pennits for the sale of alcohol has been abused numerous times by the dragstrip. 3. Camping on site is prohibited by the mass gathering laws sec­ ondary to health violations as well as breaking zoning codes. The topless biker wash und wet t-shirt contests should also be in violation of Chapter 19 of the North Carolina statutes, "Offenses Against Public Morals.” I feel strongly that the citizens of Davie county should make their voices heard to the county commissioners that this type of conduct is not appreciated or appropriate and should not be tolerated. The actions taken by the people who live in the Farmington and Pino community should be commended. By stop­ ping the sale of alcohol on the premises of Farmington Motorsports Park, the local businesses/economy were able to benefit. The amount of tax collected from the sale of alcohol by Davie County businesses allowed money to remain in the county. By limiting camping, local hotels benefitted by occupancy taxes paid. One of the families that offered camping was able to roise money for o special needs family member. A special thank you to law enforcement, tlieir presence alone kept the events from getting out of hand. People from outside the area have criticized the actions, taken by the neighbors of the dragsirip, but hind.sight shows that the actions taken by the Farmington/Pino community were more beneficial to the families and cllizcns of Davie County. , . Andrea OenUy Pino Community By Rep. Julia C. Howard N.C. House of Representatives Budget writers conceded that negotiations between House and Senate conferees were not pro­ gressing well. The remaining differences between the budget packages have been referred to the Speaker of the House and President Pro Tempore of the Senate for resolution. Another new wrinkle in final­ izing a state budget was brought forward by tlie governor. Report­ edly, the revenues being reported nre below the original forecasts by approximately $70 million. As a result, in addition to resolv­ ing the differences in which pro­ grams to fund or tax credits to approve, the Speaker and Sen­ ate President Pro Tem must now agree on which cuts should be approved to accommodate this revenue shortfall. However, if history holds true, once the Speaker and Sen­ ate President Pro Tem are brought in to resolve the remain­ ing differences on the budget, a final agreement is near. HB 2367 - Involuntary An­ nexation M oratorium : The House overwhelmingly passed a moratorium on involuntary an­ nexations. As reported in an ear­ lier newsletter, the bill acts to stop all pending and new invol­ untary annexations throughout the state. The version of the bill passed by the full House makes the moratorium effective Aug. 31, 2008-May 31,2009. 1 am hopeful that the Senate wil^ favorably receive this bill and push for its passage quickly prior to the General Assembly's adjournment, which is expected to be within the next few weeks. The intent of the legislation is to allow the House Select Committee on Municipal An­ nexation to continue its study of the existing annexotion statutes. While cities must be able to an­ nex in order to prosper, there are increasing examples of abuse by certain municipal governments. As a result, 1 believe that changes to our annexation stat­ utes, which were originally en­ acted in the late 1950s, itiay be in order. I plan to follow this bill closely and will keep you up­ dated on this bills progress in the Senate. , If you have any questions or would like additional informa­ tion about the ongoing budget conference process or the invol­ untary onnexation moratorium, feel free to contact my office, and I'll be happy to gather any - available information. Legislative OJpce; 9I9-733- 5904; Mocksville Office: 751- 8567; E-mail: jiiliah@iicleg.nct. Three Cheers For The Smokeout To the editor; Three cheers to Perry Hanes, Don Plemmons und anyone else in support of the Smokeout motorcycle rally. And to you, Linda Baugus, apparently you may not have a special needs child or may need to pay some bills, or as the Bible might would say, be kind to your neighbor and not judge them like you seem to be doing. This event brought revenue into our county. It was well orga­ nized. I hope they continue to have it here with twice the crowd and investors who would build more motels here, so Davie could keep the tax monies here. People could've went onto The Horse web page and seen that they wdre telling people that the law would be tripled and that they had to wear DOT approved helmets due to the new North Carolina law. No beer sales on site, which doesn't make sense in some ways. My wife an I spoke with a bike builder from Michigan. He was nice and polite and said that he was being treated friendly by every­ one so far. That night at C's on 601 North there were some bikers there, and my granddaughter really liked this one chopper. The owner and his friends were outside and told her to sit on it, They even balanced it for her so she could put feet up on the pegs like she was actually riding it; and last, but not least, let her crank it. The folks didn't smell of alcohol and they had been at the event all day and were kind with no foul languoge. Tractor Show A Success To the editor: The Piedmont Antique Power Association would like to thank everyone who supported the two-day event, including the business donations for the pedal pull, tickets for the ATV raffle, and the great support for the Clark Williams Family A special thank you goes to Jason Keaton, the winner of the $500 who gave his winnings to the Williams family. That is what Davie, County is mbde of - caring people. This year, we had more than 180 entries for the July 4 parade. Downtown Mocksville was packed to see the old tractors of the past. It was on exciting event. People came on Thursday evening to socialize with friends and neighbors. Thank yous came from every corner for the event. Comments from those attending were, “It’s great to come and relax with good music, good food, a family at­ mosphere, wholesome, with free admission.” “Keep it up.” “How can 1 support the association,” The association would like to establish a pemianent agriculture museum for the people of Davie and sun-ounding counties. For in­ formation, call Arthur Bostia at 492-7163 or Wayne Green at 492- 7180. Thanks again for all of your support. Arthur Bostic Mocksvillc So maybe next time before you call the kettle black, you need to step back and look around. I once had a placque that read "When we do right no one remembisrs, but when we do wrong, no one forgets." Rob Crater Mocksville Wetmore Farms WOODLEAF LOCAL S q u a s h , Z u c c h i n i , C u c u m b e r s T o m a t o e s , C a n t a l o u p e s G r e e n P e p p e r s & C o r n W a t e r m e l o n s & B l u e b e r r i e s other produce as It becomes available Open Monday-Frlday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm Closed on Sundays Fnm Modm Ult tak» 601 SoiM to 801 HrtanMctkm, turn rIgM at light 4 mtha to cautkm light la H/ooilhaf. FoHow sign» to larm. 704-278-2028 ! Present this coupon and receive m m I i when we tune it up! ‘Offer expires 07/31/2008 I 'I' 4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 ! ' Tractors The Piedmont Antique Power Association annual July 4th tractor parade drew a crowd to Downtown Mocksville. Clockwise from top left: David KImmer, Ronnie Couch and Mark Hancock, Adam Barnhardt, spectators, patriotic children on a float, and the trac­ tors traveling down Depot Street. S H I N E " c h e c k i n g ’ r e w a r d y o u r s e l f w i t h g e n e r o u s i h t e r e s t an your balances up to $25,000 0 A p r * on your balances over $25,Q00 Apply online at Banka(theCarolinas.con> B A N K of the ,C A RO-LI'N'A S ' ^ '"/'.ilW-r',j I ■< if requirements are not mat f ' il 'iуГ !Ь M- ! Í vVisjt M pm entTaS hine.coni. Sign up for SHiNE checking^ submit a SHINE story and discover your moment to shinel mm VI }Л V?'UWín’'> ’KI^*q4 <&>*, «-V \иллЛ!*»й.«1 t V-í<r ц w ), 1 ^ rOIC Pure Performance*^ Fiat Interior Látex NOT Including Rebatel Final CostMer Rebate P I T T S B U R G H ' P A I N T S Caudell Lum ber & B uilding Supplies 162 Sheek Street, Mocksville • 336-751-2167 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 - 5:00 • Saturday 7:30 -12 noon District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - 5 Thè following eases were iiearii In Dnvic District Court on July 3. Presiding; Judge Julia S. Oullctt. Prosecuting; Micliclle Duff and Ina Stanton, Assistant DAs. - Antliony Edward AJIcn, no operators iiccnse, $50, cost; fic­ titious info to ofTiccr, dismissed per plea. - Nathan Cain Balcer, spccd- itig 55 in a 35, reduced to 44 in a 35, $10, cost. - Brent Ealier Beam, injury to personal property, dismisscd per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. ■ James Lester Beamer, com­ municating threats, dismissed per mediation. - Michael Joseph Boger, driv­ ing with license revolted, posses­ sion/display of altered/fictitious/ ’ revoked drivers license, operat­ ing vehicle no insurance, ficti- tious^concealed/revoked regis­ tration card/tag, dismi.ssed. - Anita Qaii Bohannon, driv­ ing with license revoked, reduccd to failure to notify DMV of ad­ dress change, $25, cost. - Samuel M. Brailsford, fail­ ure to stop for stopsign/fiashing red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Eddie Roberto Bruno, no op­ erators license, reduced to fail­ ure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost; expired regis­ tration tag/card, dismissed per plea. - Joescph Anthony Burns, breaking/entering, accessory af­ ter the fact, dismissed per plea; misdemeanor larceny, $ 100, cost. - Jonathan Craig Cleary, simple affray, dismissed per com­ pliance. - Tomas Lopez Diaz,* no op­ erators license, possession/dis­ play of altcred/flctitious/revokcd drivers license, dismissed per plea; speeding 51 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost. - Candace Brook Ferrell, simple possession of schedule IV controlled substance, dismissed per compliance. - Kentorious M. Holman, op­ erating vehicle no insurance, no operators license, expired regis­ tration card/tag, dismissed per plea; speeding 94 in a 70, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Shakita Ijam es, m isde­ meanor probation out of county, sentenced to 30 days, parole ex­ tended 12 months. - Justin Christopher James, as­ sault on a female, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Kelly Lynn Johnson, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, sentenced to 20 days, credit for time served, evi­ dence ordered destroyed. -Aaron Russell Kelley, simple affray, dismissed per compliance. - Michael P. Laroque, driving with licensc revoked, sentenced to 45 days; flctitious/concealed/ revoked registration card/tag, no operators licensc, driving with li- , cense revoked, possession of marijuana up to half ounce, pos­ session of drug piiraphernalia, T e e n C h a r g e d W i t h R a p e By Jnckic Scnbolt Davie County Enterprise Record A Davie teen chargcd with statutory rape remains in Jail under a $75,000 secured bond. Joshua Lane Grif­ fin, 18, of 2529 Cornatzer Road, Ad­ vance was arrested July 3 .for .felony-aUktutory rape/sex offense. According to Davie Sheriff’s Department Capt. J.D. Hartman, Griffin had consensual sex with u minor who was 14-years-old. Hartman said that the act hap­ pened between Griffin and the seventh-grade girl at Griffin’s home in March of this year. “It took place at his residence and according lo the victim the boy's grandmother was there,” Hartman said. "According to Grimn M a n G e ts S u s p e n d e d S e n te n c e By Jackie Scnbolt Davie County Enterprise Record A Davie man charged with misdemeanor death by vehicle received a suspended sentence in court last week. Allen Gray Groce of Yadkinville was involved in a wreck last August on NC 601 North. According to a call log from emergency communications the wreck occurred around 7;50 a.m. on Aug. 6 when a GMC pickup driven by Groce, 23, collided with a passenger van driven by Henry Dobbins, 50, of Boonville. Groce had stated that he was coming home from work and had fallen asleep when his truck crossed left of center. Eleven injured people were taken to either Baptist Medical Center in W inston-Salem or Hoots Memorial Hospital in Yadkinville for treatment. D o g S c a r e d B y F i r e w o r k s The fireworks may be pretty for us to watch, but for a local canine and its neighbors, the dis­ play turned ugly. Marco Tulio Calderon told Mocksville Police Officer J.D. Walker that he and his family ■ were eating outside at a picnic table off Summit Drive when the “strange" dog came onto the yard. They tried to "shoo” the dog away, but it wouldn’t leave. When the fireworks display started, they said the dog "went crazy,” causing some $400 dam­ age as it chewed on the door fac­ ing, door knob and siding on the house. The dog’s owner later said that thunderstorms have a simi­ lar impact on the dog’s bcltav- ior. resisting a public officer, dis­ missed per plea, evidence or­ dered destroyed; misdemeanor probation violation, sentenced to 75 days, credit for time served. - Jeremy Lee Lewis, posses­ sion with intent to sell/deliver marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, sub­ mit to warrantless searches/ran­ dom drug screens, $ 100, cost, not be convicted of similar criminal offenses, evidence ordered de­ stroyed; felony possession of schedule VI controlled sub­ stance, maintaining dwelllng/ve- hlcle/place for controlled .sub­ stance, dismissed per plea. - Brandi M ichell M artin, speeding 52 in a 35, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - M ichael Justin M artin, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, prayer for. judgment continued 90 days, sub­ stance abuse assessment/treat­ ment, cost, not be convictcd of similar offense, $225 attorney fees. - Travis Mash, communicat­ ing threats, dismissed per media­ tion. - Nicholas Dwayne .McKey, driving with license revoked, sentenced to 44 days, credit for time served. -William Douglas McQueen, failure to wear drivers seat belt, expircd/no inspection sticker, driving with license revoked, dis­ missed. - Kaitlyn Amanda Mote, reck­ less driving to endanger, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - William Lou Pettyjohn, pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, dismissed in the interest of jus­ tice, evidence ordered destroyed. - Jimmy Jermain Ramseur, selling fortified wine/mixed bev­ erage/liquor to person under 21, dismissed per insufficient evi­ dence. ■ •' - Jesus Duran Rivera, feloni- oui restraint, dismissed per re­ quest of prosecuting witness. - Eddie Roberto, no operators license, dismissed. - Timothy L. Smith, maintain­ ing vehiclc/dwelling/piace for controlled substance, driving left of center, dismissed per indict­ ment on related offenses. - Leslie Deni.se Stephens, fail­ ure to wear drivers scat belt, dis­ missed per wrong person being charged. - William Nathaniel Tatum, speeding 66 in a 55,. reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Matthew Daniel Torbush, consuming alcohol by person under I9„ prayer for judgment continued 90 days, 10 hours com­ munity service, cost, not be con­ victed of similar offense. - Robert Lewis Torrence, mis­ demeanor probation violation out of county, sentenced to 45 days, credit for time served. - Vlaney Herand Trevino, con­ tributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Juan Luis Valencia, driving with licensc revoked, reduced to no operators licensc, $50, cost, $162.50 attorney fees. - Russell Lane W hitlock, com m unicating threats, dis­ missed per mediation; communi­ cating threats, dismissed per fail­ ure of prosecuting witness to ap­ pear. • Brian Wesley Wike, speed­ ing 100 in a 70, dismissed per plea; reckless driving to endan­ ger, reduced lo careless/reckless, $800, cost. ' - Courtney ,Elizabeth Yetter, speeding 84 in a 70, dismissed per plea; driving after consume ing under 21, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 12 months, $100, cost, substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment, not to oper­ ate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, not be convicted of any criminal offenses. Failed To Appear - Russell Morris Bailey, driv­ ing with license revoked. - Grady Leon Lynch, driving with license revoked. - Donald Richard May, ex- plred/no inspection stickcr, driv­ ing with license revoked. - James D. Montgomery, mis­ demeanor probation violation. Peebles in New Reductions Just Taken on Great Summer Merchandise! him (Griffin) he doesn’t remem­ ber who was there." Hartman said that tlw mother of the victim discovered what had happened in late April and reported it to the sheriff’s department. A warrant was issued for Griffin on May 12 and he was located last Thursday. "Ho doesn’t deny the allegations,” Hartman said. "And, he’s admitted ' he was aware of her age.” At the lime the of­ fense occurred Griffin was on probation for charges of breaking/en­ tering, larceny, and injury to real property. According to Hartman, Grif­ fin has an extensive criminal his­ tory with the sheriff’s depart­ ment. ' Griffin is scheduled to appear in Davie District Court today. t сV' íHt, ' I» / ‘ “ : / Л 'V f 'l5 A 12th victim, Norma Parker Shore, 60, of Boonville, who was in the passenger front seat of the church van, was pro* nounced dead at the sccne. The van was from Charily Baptist Church in Boonville and was carrying a group of young people on a youth trip to Caswell Beach. Dobbins received treatment for a broken arm and other inju­ ries. Groce was taken to Baptist for treatment of several broken bones. Groce was chargcd with mis-. dem eanor death by vehicle, which was reduced to careless/ recklcss driving. He was sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail, sus­ pended 18 months, ordered to pay $100 and cost„ and not be convicted of any criminal of­ fenses. Groce was also charged with driving left of center. That charge was dismissed. Entire Stock Red-Tlcket Clearance Plus, Great Savings Storewide! SH B U Y O N E , G E T O N E 1 / 2 OFF EN TIR E S T O C K S H O ES Ladies, men's and children's styles. Reg. 12.00-125.00.2nd pair must be of oqual or lessor valuo. Prices ©tfpctive Wednesday, July 9 thru Sundayjuly13. Interim markdowns may have been taken. Entire etooks only whore indicated. Sejectlone may vary. 10*^1 OFF ALL DAY + Bonus VIP Points when you open a new credit card account* *Subjdct to crodit ApprovAl. Eictlibionft apply. E-ALERTSI Receive advance notice of sales. , Sign up at wvrtv.peeblea.com G tR CARDS{ Order at www.peebles.com In all ь \01ь», or order toll-treo 1 •800-743*в730 S Q U IR E B O O N E P LA ZA • Y A D K IN V ILLE RD. • M O C K S V ILLE H O U R S: M O N -W E D 10-8; TH U R S -S A T 10-9; S U N 12-5 A M 6 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Public Records fa Fires Duvie County fire deparl- ments responded to the follow­ ing calls; July 2i Mocksville, 5i50p.m„ Cooper Creek Drive, mulcii fire; Mocksville, 10:22 a.m., US 64 West, automobile accident; Cen­ ter assisted. July 3: Advance, 1:05 p.m., Raintree, car leaking gas; County Line, 12:50 p.m., 1-40 East, ve­ hicle fire; Center assisted. July 4: William R. Davie, 1:58 p.m., Nature Trail, field fire; Sheffield-Caiahaln assisted; William R. Davie, 3:37 p.m., Caravan Lane, grass fire; Center assisted; Advance, 7:31 p.m., vehicle fire; Cornatzer-Dulin assisted; Farmington, 11:38 p.m., Farmington Road, fire alarm; Smith Grove assisted. , July 5! Farmington, 1:16 p.m., Serenity Hills Trail, fire alarm; Smith Grove assisted. July 6: Cooleemee, 2:24 a.m., Swicegood Street, automobile accident; Mocksville, 6:41 a.m.. Squire Boone Plaza, automobile accident; Mocksville, 4 p.m., Hardison Street, building fire; Jerusalem assisted; Mocksville, 11:31 p.m., Pete Foster Road, smoke investigation; Fork as­ sisted. Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs Department made the following arrests: - Donnie L. Sellers, 50, of 315 Mountain View, Mocksville was arrested June 28 for second degree trespassing. Trial dote: Aug. 2. - Tori Latrell Etchison, 25, of J65 \^llliams Street, Mocksville ihestcd June 30for larceny issing phone call. Trial py 25 in Forsylh County. ■ PaiilHusarick, 31,of ites^ilie was arrested June 30 for injury to personal property. Trial date: July 10. - Anthony Duane Treadgill, 43, of.l42 Deck Circle, Mocks- S ttt^^as arrested iiflly I on ojii order for arrest. Trial date: July 24. - Amanda Diune Lee, 28, of 152 Glenview Lnne, Mocksville was arrested July 1 for child abuse. Trial date: Aug. 14. - Rex Alexander Cars well, 23, of 1346 N. Main Street, Mocks- k, ville, was arrested July,l for lar- ' date: July 17. "j ' -TThqmas Eugene Lowe, 16, J 'Of 409 Campbell Road, Mocks- |ii-yille was ¡»nested July 3 for mis- !;'(iemeanor, breaking/entering. Trial date: July'31. - Steveri Bradley Williams, 16, of 234 Oak Grove Church Road, Mocksville was arrested July 3 for misdemeanor break­ ing/entering. Trial date: July 3 1. - Brian James Fuentes, 18, of 155 Underpass Road, Mocks­ ville was arrested July 3 for pos­ session of stolen goods. Trial date: July 17. C hristopher Lee Shrewsbury, 40, of297 Oakland Avenue, Mocksville was arrested Juiy3 for assaultona female and communicating threats. Trial date: Aug. 28. - Pamela Renee Hedrick, 41, of 126 Wagner Street, Cool­ eemee was arrested July 5 for simple assault. Trial date: Aug. 21. Sheriff’s Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On June 26 an assault on a female and strangulation were reported at a home on Calvin Lane, Mocksville. - Harassing phone colls were repotted ot a home on Windsor Circle, Advance on July 1. - On July 1 damage to prop­ erty was reported at a pasture bn Peoples Creek Road, Advance. - Animal cruelty was reported at a home on Howardtown Road, Advance on Jdly I. - On July 1 livestock in the roadway was reported at o loca­ tion on Underpass Road, Ad­ vance. - Larceny was reported nt a gas'station'on US 64 West, Mocksville on July 3. - On July 3 a break-in and larceny were reported at a home on Claude Ratledge Road, Mocksville. - A break-in and larceny of a firearm were reported at a han­ gar ot Twin Oaks Airport, Ad­ vance on July 3. - On July 3 larceny and fraud were reported at a home on Marchmont Drive, Advance. - A break-in was reported at an airport hangar on Fork Bixby Road, Advance oh July 4. - On July 4 damage to prop­ erty was reported at a location on NC 801 South, Advance. - Larceny was reported at a home on Dulin Rood, Mocks­ ville on July 4. - On July 5 damage to prop­ erty was reported at a home on Wall Street, Cooleemee. - Harassing phone calls were reported at a business on Juney Beouchomp Rood, Advance on July 5. - On July 5 damage to a com field wus reported at a home on Edwards Road, Harmony. - Burglary was reportid.atj a home on Main Street, Cool­ eemee on July 6. - On July 6 an assault on a female was reported at a group home on NC 801 North, Mocks­ ville. - Domoge to o vehicle was reported at a location on US 64 West, Mocksville on July6. • No charges were filed after on accident on June 29. Kevin Scott M itchell of Greensboro was driving his 2000 Hyundai east on 1-40. Mitchell lost control of his vehicle and it began to hydroplane. It ran off the road to the left and collided with a guardrail. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 6:33 p.m. and there were no injuries. • A Forsyth woman was charged with safe movement violation after the vehicle she was driving hit another June 29. Nuns Ysmel Torres-Arrio of Winston-Salem was driving o 1999 Dodge west on 1-40. Rachel W hitener Gibbs of Claremont wos stopped facing west in her 2004 Volkswagon on the emergency apron of 1-40, Arria attempted to merge onto the emergency apron due a flat tire but was unable to sec Gibb's vehicle due to severe rain. Arria's vehicle collided with Gibbs'. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 6:30 p.m. and tiierc were no injuries. • A North Carolina man was charged with exceeding a safe speed for roiny conditions after he lyrecked the vehicle he was driving June 29. Anthony Credo Ventura of Taylorsville was driving a 2007 Nissan west on 1-40, attempting to change lanes. Ventura was exceeding a safe speed for rainy conditions, lost control of his vehicle, hydroplaned, ran off the rood to the left, and collided with a barrier cable. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 6:42 p.m. • TVo deer were reported KU« by automobiles in the county last week. In the following reports no injuries to the drivers were re­ ported: Sheba M cBride Harris of Jonesville was driving her 2002 Volkswagon nortl)'!'on US '^01 l^ h e n it collided with a dei Tthe road. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 10:08 p.m. on July I. Tina Ann Sweet of Statesville was driving her 1998 Mitsubishi ™south on NC 801 when it col- - On July 6 a break-in and |f.Ucled with adecr in the roodway., larceny were reported al a home I f®' on Merrells Lake Road, Mocks- thnccident occurred at approximately 3:07 a.m. on Julyvilie. T.ilghway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. • An Iredell woman was charged with exceeding a safe speed after she wrecked the ve­ hicle she was driving June 29. Sandro Liliana Gorcio Guerrero of Statesville was driv­ ing 0 1994 Honda vehicle east on 1-40. Guerrero lost control of the vehicle and it began to' hy­ droplane. It ran off the left side of the road and collided with a median cable. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re- poried the accident occuired at approximately 6:31 p.m. and there were no injuries. ¿"Мл- Th a n ks fo r M aking Us #1 IN NORTH CAROLINA. I Keith Hitler 1t09YAdklnvilieHwy.Willow Oaks Shopping Center Moeksvlile751-6131hlilork 1 enatlonwldo.com >n №«» Ы« 4(* wrvKf ihj/M of N. iim Kelly/Jr.281 North Main Street Mockwlllo751-2937kcll^/2ijPna(lonwid(},com N atio n w id e* On Your Side Auto Honie lif t Huiheu ».'Cl Н41югмкк. It 2. • No charges were filed after an accident on June 30. Lucy Crawford Dunn of Fox Run Drive, Mocksville was driv­ ing her 2004 Saturn east on Comatzer Road. Dunn's vehicle ran off the road to the right and collided with the edge of a pri­ vate concrete driveway. Dunn stated she hod swerved her ve­ hicle to avoid colliding with a truck that crossed the centeriine. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 10:10 a.m. ond there were no injuries. • A Davidson woman was charged with follow ing too closely after the vehicle she was driving hit another July 2. Frances Shernll Barrier of Thomasville was driving her 1997 Plymouth west on US 64 behind a 2004 Ford driven by Jerem y Don Brown of Thomasville. Brown ^egan to brake his vehicle abruptly and swerve to avoid colliding with a vehicle ahead. Barrier failed to reduce the speed of her vehicle in time and it collided with Brown's. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 10:20 a.m. and Barrier was taken to Davie County Hos­ pital for treatment. • A Rowan man was charged with DWI and driving left of center after he wrecked the ve­ hicle he was driving July 6. Benito Lazcano Hemandez of Salisbury was driving a 1999 Ford west on NC 801. Hemandez' vehicle ran off the road to the right, overcorrected, crossed the center line, ran off the road to the left, and over- tumed. Trooper E.C. Roten reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 2:23 a.m. and there were no injuries. Building Permits The follow ing building permits were issued in Davie County, listed by applicant, type of building, estimated cost and location. - Sonom a Building Co., single fam ily dwelling, $271,872.00, Essex Farm Rd., Advance. - Eagle Developing Co., tenant upfit, $45,000, US 158, Advance, - Mitchell and Joy Masencup, in ground swimming pool, Bear Creek Church Rd., Mocksville. - Paul Olinger, single family dwelling, $370,635, Timber Trails Lane, Mocksville. - Harkey Custom Homes, repair storm damage, $86,500, Country Circle, Advance. - Chris Wolverton, repair storm damage, $56,000, Country Circle, Advance, j - Craig Carter Builders, basement upfit, $32,000, Ken Hoots Lane, Advance. Davidson County Community College, storage building, $35,000, Salisbury Rd., Mocksville. CKJ Building and Design, convert screen porch to sunroom, $6,000, Baity Rd., Mocksville. - Adam Blake, deck addition, $3,168, Townpork Dr., Advance. - Allen Wayne Builders, single fam ily dwelling, $296,235, Essex Farm Rd., Advance. - Westphalia Construction, 'i'elocate house, Marklond Rd., Advonce. - M.W. Construction, single fam ily dw elling, $381,130, Morkland Rd., Advance. - W illiams Building Co., office building and storiige. Burton Rd., Advfince. fred C. Wilson and Co., interior renovation, $60,000, Hartley Rd., Mocksville. - Elliott Enterprise, single fam ily dw elling, $678,630, James Way, Advance. - Empire Builders and Developm ent, single family dwelling, $319,895, Grasslands Ct., Advance. - Ironstone Homes, attached garage addition, $32,660, James Way, Advance. - Scott Newsome, deck around pool, $14,960, Greenfield Rd., Mocksville. - Mattamy Carolina BIdg. Corp., single family dwelling, $180,350, Porkview Lone, Advonce. - Mattamy Carolina Bldg. Corp., single family dwelling, $191,995, Parkview Lane, Advonce. - Judy Dwyer, install accessible ram ps, $2,200, Pinewood Lane, Advance. - Ron Whitlock, Mattamy Carolina Bldg. Coi:p., single fam ily dw elling, $294,820, Stonybrook Trail, Mocksville. - Gerald Johnson, bedroom addition, $46,080, Moll Hodgson Rd., Harmbny. - W al-M art Real Estate, construct two walls for office, $800, Cooper Creek Dr., Mocksville. - Great Clips, repair damage, $12,000, Cooper Creek Dr., Mocksville. - Roger Clem ents, deck addition, $5,544, Brookstone Dr., Advance. - Jason Dobson, basement foundation, $38,500, Doby Rd., Harmony. - Nan Howard, renovation of home, $7,000, Sajisbury Rd., Mocksville. - Eugene Linton, enclose carport to garage, $ 14,800, Bent Street, Advance. - Larry McDaniel, shop ond living area, $88,700. Dulin Rd., Mocksville. - J. Rooney, in ground swimming pool, Yadkin Valley Rd., Advance. - Casey James, 14x28 deck addition, $8,624, 'Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville. - Schumacher Homes of NC, single fam ily dwelling, $249,830, Dalton Rd., Mocksville. - Dan Schmucker, single family dwelling $189,000, US 601 S., Mocksville. Cooleemee Police The follow ing are from Cooleemee Police Department reports. - A mon reported July 6 he was being harassed via telephone at a residence on Main Street. - A mon reported on July 6 that a juvenile had tobacco products at 0 residence on Dovie Street. - Officers responded to an alarm at The Bullock Company on Main Street on July 5. - The larceny of a check from the pocket of a man ut the Cooleemee Shopping Center was reported July 3. - The larceny of a catalytic converter from a truck parked off NC 801 South was reported July 3. - A trespasser was reported at the Handi-Cupboard on NC 801 on Rowoh County on June 27, - Bicycles were ridden through yards on M arginal Street, it was reported July 2, - Timothy Ray Green, 45, of Woodleof, wos charged June 27 with trespassing, - Juveniles climbed onto a residence on Duvie Street, it was reported June 26. . Land IVansfers The following lond tronsfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds. The tronsactions are listed by parties involved, ocreoge, township, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - Elizabeth M. Repetti, sub­ stitute trustee 19 , Bonk of the Caroliho's, i lot; $370." ' . ii^illy D. ByerlynBid Ronnie - B. Byerly and JaneMvBySily to- M ichelle Ann Foley, I lot, Mocksville. $30. - M ark Benson to James Ronald McCluinrock, 1 tract, Mocksville, $50. - Yelena V. Petkov to Mark E. Rondolph and Lisa M. Randolph, Eddie J. Brown and Rebecca R. Brown, Rodney L. Bailey and Debbie S. Prachel, 1 lot, $310. - Adams Egloff Avont Prop­ erties to AEA Properties, 2 units, Formington, $140. . - Adoms Egloff Avont Prop­ erties to AEA Properties, 2 units, Formington, $140. - T&A Builders to Williom E. Louer Jr. and Suson W. Louer, 1 lot, Formington, $898. - Charles T. Bell and Betty Jo Bell to Tommy B. Stewart, 3.5 lots, Jerusalem, $260, - National Trustee Services, substitute trustee to Equity One, ,69 acre, $166, i - M ary J, H endricks to Charies A, Hardin Jr. and Martha P. Hardin, 1 condom inium , Farmington, $320, - Warren A. Bates and Vir­ ginia S, Botes to John T. Petroccio and Могу Ann T. Petroccia, 1 lot, Farmington, $452. - M ary H. Potterson to Laarousse, 1 acre, Clarksville. $20. • - RDG Construction to Tony C. Carter and Annette R Carter, 1 lot, $400. - Joseph B. Bass Jr. and Marijke K. Bass to Wilford J. Jones, I lot, Mocksville, $230. - Tony C. Carter and Annette F. Carter to Randall D. Grubb and Ellen G. Grubb, 1 lot, Mocksville, $290. - Jackie W. Smith and Sandra P. Smith to Linda Jean Reed, 1 lot. Shady Grove, $29. - W. Brown Construction to Jo-Ann Mondigo, I lot, Mocks­ ville. $270. - Federol Notional Mortgage Association to Bennudo Village Retirement Center. 1 villa. Fann- ington. - Bermuda Village Retire- ment Center to Graham Wilson Darden Sr. and Shirley Hollandsworth Durden, 1 villa, Formington, $296. - Kenneth Lee Coughenour and Judy S. Miller to Don R. Honeycutt ond Johnnie N. Honeycutt. 1 lot, $172. - Steven E. Stiller ond Kiiren R. Stiller to Derek M. Branham and Andrea W. Branham. 1 lot, $410, - Equity One to Cletus Ray Miller and Mildred A, Miller, 1 lot, Jerusalem, $50, - Self-Help Credit Union to Bert Michael Tribble and Shelia Tribble, ,26 acre, Mocksville, - Pamela S, Coruthers to Deanna Elaine Shamel, ,98 acre, Mock.sville, $319. - Richard M. Heriot and Elizabeth Heriot, and Kathryn N. Heriot and Russell Heriot to Sa­ rah D. Sheppard, 1 condo­ minium, Farmington, $173. - Roger W, Reinsvold and Lena Reinsvold to Shawn Z. Robinson, 1 lot, Mocksville, $820. - H&V Construction to Leigh M. Bryant and Adam Bryant, 1 lot, Mocksville, $278. - David J. Martin and Joanna M. Martin to Jodi A. Smith, .93 acre, Farmington, $290. - David D. Posserollo and Michelle L. Passerallo to Daniel L. Corgon, I lot, $130. - James Brian Pridgen and Chorlu Smith Pridgen to Scot D. Fouts, 1 lot, $780. - Ross M iller Spry and Stephonie M. Spry to Stephen Douglas Kenyon, 1 lot, Jerusa­ lem, $186. - Harold E. Fuller Jr, and Rose Pauline Fuller to Jeffrey M. Schoap, I lot, $291. - Terri Lynn Bios ond John Dovid Bios to J. Thomas Moran and Deunne M. Moran, 1 lot, $306. - Abel Villasenor to Gory P, ' Kowolskc ond Constance O, Kowalske, I lot, Jerusalem , Kelly.'L. Wilson to Steven G. Johnson, 2 tracts, $1. - Darin Eugene Ferguson and Melanie B. Ferguson to Glenn A. Hughes and Betty M. Hughes, 1 lot, Fulton. $62. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Po­ lice Department. - A trespasser was reported at a restaurant on US 601 North on July 4. - Tires to a vehicle were slashed with a knife on Hospital Street, it was reported July 4. - A woman reported July 5 someone was calling her Gamer Street residence making threats. - A woman reported July 3 someone had taken money to erect two signs but had never posted the signs. - Dustin Hunter, 16, of East Bend, was charged June 29 with shoplifting. Trial date: Aug. 17. Arrests - Derwood Johnson, 53, of 171 W. Maple St., wos charged June 30 with ossault by strongu- lation and assault on a female. Trial date: July 10. - John Allen Evans Jr., 22, of 140 Whitaker Road, was charged July I with felony possession of morijuano. Triol dote: July 10. . - William Fronklin Tatum, 30, of 120 WinWord Circle, was charged July 3 with larceny. Triol dote: Aug. 7. - Shown Michael Dippolito. 17, of East Bend, was charged June 29 with shoplifting. Trial date; Aug, 17, - Maggie Cody, 19, of 232 Dalton Road, wos charged July 7 with simple assault. Trial dote; Aug, 7, IVafflc Accidents - No charges were filed after a wreck on Wilkesboro Street at 9;35p,m. July 1, Kati Elizabeth Seaford, 19, of Davie Academy Road, failed to stop the 2008 Honda she was driving before it struck the rear of a 1988 Dodge driven by Elijah Brian Sheppard, 19, of Welcome Springs Way. reported Sgt, R,A, Donathan. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - 7 Mombsrs of the Cooleemee Women's Civitan Club wave to the crowd, Bailey Jordan, 5, gets a boost from dad Brian Jor­ dan during the parade. Children have a good time riding In a lawnmower powered float. State Rep. Julia Howard helps Allison Ashburn get her award from Cooleemee Mayor John Chandler. Children decorated their bicycles in red, white and blue for the parade.The free watermelon slices are always a hit. Grade Hagen lets go with a yell as she goes down the giant slide as part of Cooleemee's Fourth of July celebration.Photos by Mike Barnhardt ■ г -I il 1 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 S parks C lark C orson TVotter P otts TXitterow Davie Publishing Wins 17 State Advertising Awards The Davie County Enterprise Rccord advertising staff won six awards in the annual North Carolina Press Association ad­ vertising and design contest among mcdium-size community newspapers. The Clemmons Courier, an­ other Davie Publishing newspa­ per, won 11 awards in the small community newspaper category, including one for the best ad in the contest. Enterprise Advertising Di­ rector Ray 1\itterow won a first place award in the best apparel,' jewelry and accessories category for an advertisem ent for Qianna’s Boutique. Tutterow won a second place award in best advertising cam­ paign for a series of ads for Davie Citizens fora Responsible Government. Advertising designer Jeannie Trotter won a second place K M - U I 'S I M \ H \ К Julia Howard A’i ■ lloiisc 7'Jlh l>i.\lrict Please contact me in: MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 nALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1Í06 Raleigh, N027601-1096 Eivall: Jullab@ncleg.net pmofohbyjuuaHowakh award in the best full color real estate category for an ad for Cen­ tury 21 Triad. Trotter teamed with advertis­ ing sales representative Bob Corson for second place awards in the best food ad category for Foster Dmg, and the best small ad for Animal Hospital of East Davie. The advertising staff won a third place award for best com­ munity service signature page for a Veteran’s Day Signature Page, The Courier won three first place awards, three sccond place awards and four third place awards. Trotter teamed with Courier Advertising Director Christy S. Clark of Mocksville for first and second place awords in the best real estate ad category for cre­ ations for Allen Tbte Realtors. Clark and Publisher Dwight Sparks won first place awards for two signature pages: one in the best full color institutional ad for the Clemmons Fire Depart­ ment and one in best community service signature page fora Back to School creation which was named best in show among all the winners. Clark and Trotter won a sec­ ond place award in the best in­ stitutional ad category with Clemmons Gymnasties. Clark and Sparks won second in the best community service signature page for the July 4th page. Clark and ad designer Jill Potts of Mocksville won a third place award in the best full color apparel. Jewelry ond accessories category with an ad for Maxwell Jewelers. Clark and Trotter won a third place award in the best retail category with Floral Expres­ sions, and Clark and Sparks took third In best use of full color for a Thanksgiving signature page and best community service sig­ nature page for a Halloween safety effort. R a l l y . . . Continued From Page 1 Monday that says one-time per­ mits are only allowed In Juris­ dictions that allow the sale of al­ cohol. Davie County does not. County commissioners have known for years that beer has been sold at severol events at the park, Gentry said. He said he doesn’t have anything against bikers. Just that the rules are not enforced for everyone. The park owners and lessee know that comping isn’t al- G O IN G O U T O F B U S IN E S S S A L E NOW UNDERWAY A L L G l i T S 50% OFF A L L O F F I C E S U P P L I E S 40% OFF All Sales Final. No Gift Boxes or Wrap. \ frietidsf“';"® also 1''“= ' ^ 30 V«:«® 1 “' ______„-.U begin a f4cDanielSP'T' ^Tuesday. 121 N. Main St. • Mocksville • (336) 751-3418 B u d g e t . . . Continued From Page 1 Bccause of that, l,andry, Todd Naylor, transportation director, and the board are looking at ways to reduce fuel consumption. Another hit to the local and capital outloy funds was $145,000 used to support the Child Nutrition Fund. Smink said because of rising food costs, increases in state- mandated salaries and benefits, lower meal participation, and the state forciiig schools to serve healthier meals, which cost more and contribute to lower participation, they knew they wouldn’t be able to balance the budget without using fund balance. “We knew we would have to help them out. T\vo years ago, the salaries of the director and bookkeeper were paid from local funds, but we asked them to totally support them selves through their own revenue. But picking lip those two salaries, along with the state-mandated incitases in salaries and benefits has caused a financial burden for them ,” Sm ink said. “We reimbursed them for those two salaries, and they had a little more than $30,000 capítol outlay purchases, and we reimbursed that. The total amount we reimbursed them was $145,000, In an effort to not have them use all of their fund balance. They’ve got to have something in there,” While it appeared last year that several programs were in the bulls-eye, Including Central Davie Academy and driver’s education, those program s remain intact, “CDA is intact and will continue to operate with state funds. Driver's Education has gone to Blackboard to lower the number of hours an instructor m ust bb in the classroom , thereby lowering the amount paid to the instructors, which keeps the costs to only that provided by the state,” Smink said. Two other areas being scrutinized wqre the ESL program , which has been decreased by one teacher, and the central office staff, which has been reduced by two clerical positions. Candy Poplin, executive director of human resources, said, “Anybody who left the system during the year who was not a regular classroom teacher, that position was not filled. And if there were others where they could shore o position or combine responsibilities, that’s what we did.” Some of the positions that were not filled were a teacher’s assistant, two custodians, and one instructional staff member. By not filling those positions, and w ith, state M edicaid payments that hod been held and were finally paid out, amounting to about $172,000, it allowed fund balance money to remain intact. Smink said she expects the state’s budget to be in place sometime this month. lowed, yet they advertise events where they rent camping spaces, Gentry said. He thanked Davie Sheriff Andy Stokes for the in­ creased low enforcement he said kept the rally safe, and County Manager Terry Bralley forhelp- ing to limit the camping, which isn't allowed on the residential- agriculture zoned property. He turned his attention to the county commissioners. "Guys, it's tiine to step up and,hold them responsible.” Jo h n Cook Local Police Looking For Missing Man With Health Problems Mocksville police are help­ ing the family of a Clayton man who has been missing since Monday, June 16. John Cook, who has relatives in Davie County and is known to hove visited here before, suf­ fers from disassoclotion disor­ der, turrets and bipolar disease. He has a tattoo on his upper arm that soys "Radar,” which is his nickname. He was last seen driving a 2004 light green Ford Focus with license plote number MRN-7926, Anyone with information on Cook’s whereobouts can call the Mocksville Police Department at 751-6231, the Johnston County Sheriff’s Department 919-989-5010, detective Chris Otto at 919-989-5011 or his mother, Cathy, at 919-550-8568, G l i m m e r & s l i d e y o u r w a y t h r o u g h s u m m e r t i m e f u n w i t h o n e t o u c h . L G G l i m m e r •Sleek touch screen Interface •2.0 MP camera with video capabilities •Hidden keypad for easy dialing •Music player •GPS-capable Get unlimited messaging to Your Circle of 5,10, or 20 numbers on any network when you add My Circle Message Packs to lines on your my Circle calling plan. PLUS, you'll get Unlimited mobile-to-moblle messaging to every Alltel Wireless customer €(ltel wireless authorized agent ' THE PHONE PLACE Now with two locations to better serve our customers! 121 Depot Si; Mocktvllle, NC 2702« Mon.-Frl,e:30anvípm¡ S(tunlay,9am-Noon 336-751-2626 1278 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon.-Frl. 10;00anv7pm¡ Saturday, 10am-3pm 336-753-1447 For terms and condlllona, see www.alllel.com/lerms.htnil DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 ■ 9 W of C H A M B E R F O C U S M ^ in g r ^ * ^ u r eforfl July 25-26,2008 6:00pm - 9:00am (overnight) ’ Site - Outdoor Track - Davie Family YMCiV . Featured Entertainment; ■ir.iionnl Anthem - Leonattl Kowe, linritonc ¡icviti Sharp - Countiy Music iimcrtalner Sccond Chance Band All Night music and Games! 6:20pm - Survivors Walk . 6:30pm - 0|x:nlng Ceremony 9:13pm - l-umlnor)' Ceremony 9:30pm - A Relay Warship Ex|3crience TUCC Mass diolr 1:15pm - Relay Karaoke ■* . .;00»m - Ail Night Music ^ ^ and Games ■ :0;am - Closing Ceremonies - \ - Final Uip ^ l i e i i r С ж - е е к F a r m JSQOii'S'/'MAJV b;l us ahni« our p^mion Гог Ьогяс.ч wllh youl S peolailzlng In th oughtful, com pB ««loniite In stru ctio n for rictor a n d h o rse. 428 All«n Road, Mockevllto. NC ЗЭ6-4Ю -6451 o r 336-091-2063/Л-WV»* Л iiiny SttlfriHi www.b*arorMkfarm«qu«ttotr.oom WAL-MART SUPERCENTER Mocksville 261 Cooper Creek Drive (336)751-1266 135 Boxwood Village Dr., Mocksville 751-5755 352 Hwy 801 S„ Advance „ Л . , „ 998-1003BANK oj the С A R О I. I N A S MomborFDIC Jerry A. Hauiar, DOS 4 Ad«mT.Dortatl, DOS, PA Hlllsdals Denial NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Family and Cosmetio General OenKstry93e 0U-2427 • Fax ЗЭв-0дв>1Ова • Funerals «Cremations — ' ‘Prc-AiranEenKnls —----------^—7-,------- «Insurance F u n er a l H o m e .Monuments • Notaiy 635 Willicsboro Street ^ Mocksville. NC (336)751-1100 email:dorothy@grahamfuneralhome,net Horn Oil Company, Inc. Horn's Express I • 751-7676 Horn's Express II • 751-5789 GAS, SNACKS & SO MUCH IVIORE! D a v ie C o u n ty D ay! at Ernie Shore Field S u n d a y , A u g u s t 1 0 , 5 : 0 0 p m W-S Warthogs vs. Potomac Nationals L a s t S u n d a y a t E r n ie S h o r e F ie ld ! Davie County Chamber of Commerce proudly sponsors Ihe Davie County Day... Cheering for the Warthogs and celebrating our great community! Join the fun afternoon devoted to showcasing Davie County! R e s e r v e d D a v i e s e a t i n g $ 8 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n (no charge for children 3 and under) A S3.00 donation for each ticket sold will be awarded to a local youth organization at the end of the game.. .and the Chamber has selected the Davie County Little League! "'-i -1 S h a r e t h e f u n w i t h f a m i l y , f r i e n d s , n e i g h b o r s , e m p l o y e e s a n d o t h e r D a v i e s p o r t s f a n s . • Youth invited on the field one hour prior to the game ... plus a special parade of Davie County kids around the field before game opening! • Special pre-game recognition with first pitch! • Any person, group or business purchasing 50 tickets or more may have table space bn tlie concourse and special recognition during the game! • Special scoreboard/PA’s in game recognizing our great community! Tickets must be purchased in advance for reserve Davie seats and to receive the donation for the Davie County Little League. Beginning Monday, July 14 ... Stop by one of these convenient locations to purchase your tickets: Davie County Chamber Davie County Register of Deeds IVIocksvllic / Davie Parks & Rec Town of Bermuda Run Town of Cooieemee Town of IVIocksville If you wish to receive tickets by mail... simply call the Chamber with a Visa or MC charge. For more infomiation - call your Chamber 751.3304 S u p p o r t O u r Y o u t h w h i l e e n j o y i n g a c o m m u n i t y . , f a m i l y o u t i n g f o r a l l a g e s ! ': T ü i C r it e r iu m B ic y d e R a c e s R e t u r n ! T u e s d a y , J u l y 2 9 , 2 0 0 8 Historic Downtown Mocksville Races begin-6:15pm Cycling teams from all over the nation come to north Carolina for this series of races every yearl Seeing is believing!.. .the speed of the professional racers! Ail events - Including Start/Finish line - I on the square Great fun for the whole famllyl Music, games, kids comer, food... even trlcycie' races for all agesl Contact UnitedWay for more information 751,0313 1 WWW,davleunitedw ay.org EATO N FU N ER AL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 N orth M ain Street MocksvlUc,NC 751-2148 Davidson County Cimuiiunity College 1205 SALISBURY RD* MOCKSVILLE _________336-751-2885_________ Davie Education Center 120 KINDERTON BLVD,, Ste. n 0 • ADVANCE 336-998-3220 H O W A R D R E A L T Y Rcsiclentiiil & Commercial Sales Property Management ph: 336-751-3538 fax: 336-751-7632 or visit our web site at www.howardrealty.com It a l i a n Fa m i l y R e s t a u r a n t 'nmiilewood Shopping Center • llillsdutc • 940-6787 There's o p p o rtu n ity here m m Since 1872 1386 Yiidkinville Rd„ Mocksville, NC 751-5951 150 Peachtree Lane, Advance, NC 998-8590 7 5 1 - 5 2 6 2 Get... ■ im f h • • INTEBWET ACCESS r Lightning Fatt Connectloni No Busy Slen«it Etty Setup Hatalt Frt« Support 8talt-cMh«^rl Ttchnotogy jfOmputfTSuppfy ш 10 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, July 10,2008• 111’ A U W C E i m R 1705 us HWY 601 N. • MOCKSVilU^ H O U R S : M -F 8 :30A -7P SA T. 9 A -6 P C L O S E D S U N D A Y Moa Chewy BiaKar 2WD, 4-Dr., V6, Auto «C4404B sooa chawy A«tro ■’ ’ ’ 3-Dr.,V6, Low Miles, Mlnlvan /ÍP4106B aoos Toyota colica CT Llftbaok, 2-Dr„ 4-Cyl. #P4207 Dodgo Noon fXT I 9004 Honda lltmont ix | aeoe »оШ ряо «TX 4-Cyl., Fuel Efficient & Sporty «P4134A 4-Cyl, 2.4L VTEC Engine »P4057A Supercab, V8, Bed- llner «P4201 P4140A C4698A P4161A P4144A P4211 P4237A P4254 P42B5 T4710A T4750B P4012 P4280 P4227 P4177 P4304 2002 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER.... 2002 TOYOTA CAMAY XLE............................ 2004 FORD EXPLORER.................................. 2004 JEEP QRAND CHEROKEE U R E D O .... 2007 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS O S........ 2005 SATURN L300............................................ ......V8, BUCK....................$10,990 ...............4-CYL,, SILVER....................$10,990 Ve 4,0L FLEX FUEL, RED...................$12,990 ,e-CYL„ GOLD...................$12,990 2006 MAZDA 31TOURINQ., .V8 4,eL FLEX FUEL, SILVER...................$12,990 , V6 3.0 LITER, SILVER...................$12,990 2007 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER TOURINQ.. ... 4-CYL 2.0 LITER, WHITE...................$13,990 .......4-CYL 2.4 LITER, RED....................$14,990 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRINQ LIMITED CONVERTIBLE................V6, GOLD...................$14,990 2006 CHRYSLER SEBRINQ TOURINQ CONVERTIBLE............V6, WHITE....................$14,990 2007 CHRYSLER SEBRINQ TOURINQ.................4-CYL. 2.4 LITER, WHITE....................$14,990 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA QLS...................................4-OYL. 2.4 LITER, BLUE....................$14,990 2005 JEEP QRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO.................V8 3.7 LITER, SILVER....................$14,990 2006 JEEP LIBERTY.....................................V6 3.7 LITER, BRILLIANT BLACK....................$14,990 2004 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE QT SPYDER CONVERTIBLE........V8,WHITE...................$14,990 2007 PONTIAC QRAND PRIX QT.., 2007 JEEP LIBERTY................... 2003 JEEP WRANGLER.................... 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA LIMITED.. P4178 P4234 P423D P4289 P4167 P4263 P4265 P4218 P4309 T4266A/P4274A 2007 JEEP COMMANDER.. P4303 2008 MAZDA 31 TOURINQ................. P4294 2008 MAZDA 61 QRAND TOURINQ.. P4296 2008 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA S........................5-CYL 2.5 LITER, CHARCOAL...................$17,990 P4239 2007 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING..........................V8 4.0 LfTER, GOLD...................$18,690 T472BA 2008 DODGE AVENGER SXT.........................................V6 2.7 LITER, GRAY....................$18,990 2003 MERCEDES-BENZ 0240 4MATIC.... 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX 2007 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED. 2007 HONDA ACCORD SE.. ,V8 3.8L SUPERCHARGED, SILVER...................$14,900 ....V6 3.7 LITER, BLUE...................$15,9906-CYL 4.0 LITER, TAN...................$18,990 V8 3.3 LITER, SILVER...................$16,960 .. VB 2.6 LITER, SILVER...................$18,990 ,V8 3.3 LITER, BLUE...................$17,990 ,V8 3.3 LITER, GREEN...................$17,990 V6 3.0 LITER, SILVER...................$17,990 ,4-OYL 2.4L VTEC, BLACK...................$17,990 V6 3.7 LITER, SILVER....2 TO CHOOSE AT $17,990 4-CYL. 2.0 LITER, SILVER...................$17,990 4-CYL 2.3 LITER, SILVER...................$17,990 PIUSI TAX, T*0 S379 DOC FEE. VEHItlB SUBJEO TO Pmo« SAIE. SAIE ENDS FIVE DAYS FROM PUBUCATIOK ®200i THE KING PARIKEItSHIP 1 4 9 5 Tíre Rotation & 23-Poìnt inspection Just for stopping by! Oil, Lube! & Filter ¡ Service i up to 5 quarts of oil , I $4 0 S Diesel Oil, Lube & Filter Service WE HONOR ALL IREE FACTORY OIL CHANGE COUMNS FROM ANY CHRYSLER, DODGE OR JEEP DEALER! 6 8 0 PETERS CREEK PARKWAY • WINSTON-SAIEM OffiTJ (onnol In uMd In мфпй1оп with olhn spttiol olfen. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - B1 Seth Miller wears a big smile after belting his seventh home run. Rowan Curse M o c k s v i l l e T r y i n g t o M a k e H i s t o r y I n 1 s t R o u n d By Brian Pitts Davie Coutity Enterprise Record Coach Mike LovcIace didn’t need ii specch to motivate tiis Mocksville Le­ gion baseball team when it opened a bcsl-of-fwe, first-round playofT series on July 7. All Mocksvillc had to do was look nt the name on the jerseys on the other side of the field - Rowan'County. This is it, Mocksville. This is your chance to end a certain futility that has haunted it since its first year back in American Legion'baseball in 1982. Mocksville has never beaten Rowan in a postseason series, going 0-11. That could change July 7-11, with the home site alternating each night and the "ir' games tjn July 10-11. The series started at thirdiseeded Rowan. No. 6-Mook8— ville could be at home for game four on July 10 at 7 p.m. Rowan’s numbers against Mocks­ ville are off the charts. (The puzzling aspect is it’s not like Mocksville has been a weak team. You can count its los­ ing seasons on one hand.) Mocksville is a woeful 6-40 against Rowan in playoff games. Eleven of Mocksville’s 26 sea­ sons have ended at the hands of Rowan, including seven of the last 13. What’s more demoralizing is the fact Mocks­ villc has never won even two games in a series. The dubious list; four games to one in the 1982 Southern Division finals, 4- Ointhe 1984 first round, 4-1 in the 1991 division finals, 4-0 in the 1992 division finals, 3-1 in the 1995 first round, 4-0 in the 1997 second rouhd, 4-0 in the 1998 second round, 3-0 in the 1999 first round, 4-1 in the 2001 second round, 3- 1 in the 2004 second round and 3-1 in the 2006 first round. The Rowan Curse has stung four Mocksville coaches - Ron Morgan in Zack Russell-Myers pitched four shutout Innings at Sjtatesvllle. 1982 and 1984; Dale ^ames in 1991, 1992 and 1995; George Daywalt in 1997 and 1998; and Lovelace in 1999, 2001, 2004 and 2006. Brandon Stewart and Heath Boyd, who were regulors on the '06 team, are trying to heal wounds from two years ago. Counting all M ocksville-Rowan games since 1994, Mocksvillc is a hor­ rid 9-44. Still, Lovelace is comforted by the fact that every year is a new year and every day is a new day, and that this year's division is wide open. Rowan is a mortal 20-7, finishing behind Lexing­ ton and Mooresville. This year parity rules, as Mocksville’s regular-season split with Rowan can attest. Rowan outlasted Mocksville 15-10 at Mando Field as Mocksville allowed the most runs in 38 games. But Mocks­ ville redeemed itself in its very next game, erasing a 6-1 deficit and winning 11-7 at Newman Park to end a four- game losing streak in the series. In most of the 11 playoff series. Rowan simply had too much talent for Mocksville. But a few of them were stinging disappointments. Mocksville's futility against Rowan can be symbol­ ized by what happened in 1991 and 1992. Mocksville marched to the regular- season title in 1991, at one point reeling off 17 straight home wins and entering the division finals with a sparkling 27-6' record. In a colossal letdown, it lost 4-1 to Rowan and finished 28-10. After lighting up scoreboards all year, Mocksville went 14 for96 (.146) in three home playoff games against Rowan. It led in every game, yet lost four of five. Lovelace entered the series with a 7-0 pitching record, then ended his final sea­ son at 7-2. Then-coach Ijames said in 1991:"It’s frustrating. If we'd gotten beaten by good pitching, I wouldn’t feel so bad. ■ Please See Curse - Page BS Mayfield, James Get College Offers By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record I As many as 15 former War Eagles will be playing college football this fall, and it looks like two more rising seniors at Davie will move to the next level in 2009. Perry James and James Mayfield are headed that way after receiving schol­ arship offers from East Carolina Univer­ sity and the University of Akron (Ohio), respectively. It’s the first offer for both guys. “M ayfield has caught a lot of people's eyes," Davie coach Doug Illing said. “You'd like to think he would have gotten more offers at this stage, but I think a lot of smaller schools are think­ ing he’d get some offers by bigger schools. So I think you'll see a lot of smaller schools start ofTering.” Mayfield’s combination of power and speed is the real thing. He also has reliable hands. Last year the running back churned for 1,476 yards. “He's worked hard in the offseason, and I think he’s going to have a really, really special year,” Illing said. “You'll see him among the state leaders in a lot of categories - not just rushing, but pass­ ing yardage. He's put on probably 15 pounds of muscle and increased his maxes in his workouts by a bunch from last year. He’s even gotten faster. With that kind of dedication, you ought to sec the dividends this full.” Mayfield weighs between 213-217 pounds. “You don’t want to be a defensive back trying to tackle him,” Illing said. “They’re going to take punishment." The Akron Zips are members of the Mid-American Conference. They went 5-7 in 2006, but they edged Patrick Lowery and N.C. State 20-17 in Raleigh. They went 4-8 in 2007, but they were respectable against two traditional pow­ ers, losing 20-2 to Ohio State in Colum­ bus and 7-0 to Miami. This year Akron will play three regular-season games on one of the ESPN networks. “They play good football, and they supposedly have a beautiful facility,” Illing said. Everyone is jacked about James’ re­ turn after missing the entire 2007 sea­ son with a shoulder injury. The comer- back/receiver/kick returner imitates lightning in the open field. Illing thinks it might be wise for James to jump on East Carolina’s offer. The Pirates arc on the rise under coach Skip Holtz, the son of legendary Lou Holtz. They went 7-6 in a breakthrough 2006 and 8-5 last year, beating Boise State 41-38 in the Hawaii Bowl. They wollowed through a 3-22 stretch just be^ fore Holtz arrived, and for the second straight year they’re enjoying a record- breaking sales pace that will likely re­ sult in another complete sell-out of sea­ son tickets. “That’s real good for somebody that hasn't really seen him to go out on a limb and throw an offer out there,” Illing said. ‘They came by one spring afternoon when we were working out. That’s a Please See OfTers • Page B2 No. 9 Flowers Saved Davie With MagicàI Interœpüon f e . . i i By Brian Pltls Davie County Enterprise Record The second in a series recalling JO memorable football wins. This is No. 9 in the countdown to No. 1. Davie has been in 24 playoff battles in the last 12 years, but there haven’t been many as thrilling as this one, a 22-17 second-round win over . visiting Scotland County in 2005. There were enough stunning plays that fans who packed War Eagle Stadium on a f^reezing night witnessed a duel that wasn’t decided until the final two minutes. The War Eagles built a 22-10 lead. But in the fourth quarter they were fiailing toward a meltdown and searching for a hero. That hero stepped forward with Scotland at the Davie 29. Senior linebacker Brock Flowers made a diving interception with 73 seconds left. That secured a fourth straight quarterfinal berth and set up n date with five-time defending state champion Independence. That gave Davie six straight wins and an 11 -2 record. That ended the Scots’ four-game winning streak. The game’s only turnover made Scotland’s 120-mile ride home seem like 1,200. Flowers had trouble putting the magical moment into words. “I can't explain it," he said. “It's just an unexplainable feeling. 1 can’t put into words how good it feels. The ' momentum was definitely on their side, and we just had to dig deep, find something and play out hearts out. I thank the Lord for this.” The Scots had toppled Jack Britt when Britt was 9-0 and ranked fourth in the 4-A state. “Our kids hung toe to toe with a perennial winner that’s from a conference that everybody says we can’t play with,” Davie coach Doug Illing said. “I guess we can. It’s got to rank up there as one of the big ones.” Flowers' stadium-shaking play Please See No. 9 - Page B2 Berryhill Pitches No-Hitter Against Charlotte The Mocksville Junior Legion base­ ball team warmed up for the playoffs by trouncing Charlotte 8-0 last week at Mando Field. The stroll in the park was a tribute to Josh Berryhill, who phched a no-hitter. The righthander walked one, struck out four and dispatched Charlotte in 75 pitches. He just keeps getting better for a Mocksville team that closed the regu­ lar season with eight straight victories. “He has pitched very well all year,” coach Charles Kurfees said. “He pounds the strike zone. As far as command of the strike zone, he throws a lot like John McDaniel (of Pfeiffer).” Demonstrating his customary pin­ point control, Berryhill yielded three base runners. T\vo of them reached via an error. There were only two balls that had any remote chance of falling for a hit. “They hit one deep to left-center that (Brad) Gaither caught on the warning track,” Kurfees said. “They hit one Please See Berryhill - Page B6 Josh Berryhill Only needed 75 pitches to complete seven innings in an 8-0 win over Charlotte.- Photos by James Barringer ill" I B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 The War Eagles lift game-saver Brock Flowers onto their shoulders in the postgame celebration. No. 9... Continued From Page В 1 cmno on u Chris Patterson screen pass intended for Justin McLean, in tiie postgame’s colcbratory mob scene, teammates’lifted Flowers onto their shoulders. ' “It was the greatest feeling we could ever have,” receiver Kenny Rivers said. ‘This and the (2004) Cn:st game is the best I’ve ever felt in football,” said ccnter Brent Abendroth, who recovered two Davie fumbles. Flowers bailed Davie out at less than full strength. He had waliclng pneumonia and missed practice on Monday and Tuesday, "rve still got it. but I didn’t even feel it tonight,” Flowers said, "My chest was hurling a little bit, and 1 coughed up some stuff. 1 could barely walk Rafter that'(mterceptlqn).’' "Wednesday (Flowers) was buck in there at practice, and he made up opportunity period for missing those days,” comerback/receiver Racshon • McNeil said. “He had his »hoodie on under his pads, and ’■ he was there practicing with us, and he came through big fpr us,” While Patterson went 17 of 31 for 182 passing yards, Davie's quarterback duo was equally impressive. Senior Brad Corriher was 13 of 20 for 147 yards, and sophomore Oarrett Benge was 6 of 9 for 67 yards. McNeil played a key role, making five catches for 102 yards and throwing a touchdown to Rivers on his first career pass. After a scoreless first quarter. McLean’s II-yard scamper gave Scotland a 7-0 lead. Davie didn’t have a single first down until it was thlrd- and-8 at its 22. Corriher engineered an 80-yard drive highlighted by a 41-yard connection with McNeil on a post pattern, On fourth-and-3. receiver Ziich Vogler went to his knees to move the chains. On the next play. Corriher swung it out to Jonathan Mayfield, who zigzagged 25 yards to the end zone. Jack Rooney’s point-after try made it 7-7. The elusive McLean returned the ensuing kickoff 77 yards to the Diwlo 6. That’s where linebackers Mark Huggins and Dontay Rivers flexed their muscles and forced Scotland to settle for a 23-yard field goal. Davie rolled 77 yards for a halftiine lead. McNeil covered 35 yards on another post route, this time from Benge. On the Offers... Continued From Page B1 Division I program that competes against teams on a national level. 1 said it's your choice, but the likelihood of another Division I program coming out to gel you is going to be unlikely - not to say it couldn’t happen. They’ve got things going in the right di­ rection. It’s just« matter of time (under Holtz).” Nearly 30 players have moved to the college level on play, McNeil absorbed a crunching hit, somehow held 'on and nipped the ball noncha­ lantly to the ofTicial. Abendroth and Michael Murphy created a gaping hole on a 9-yard touchdown by Kenneth Brown. "Coach (Chad) Groover got mud enough that he got on us.” Abendroth said. “Once he gets in that mood, you do what he says,” Davie faked the point-after attempt. Vogler, the holder for Rooney, fooled the entire defense by standing iip and throwing a two-point pass to linebacker Logan BUchanan. The result was tt 15-10 halftime lead. "Brock and Logan were both open,’’ Vogler said. "I ain’t no quarterback, so I just threw it up and hoped some­ body caught it.” Back-to-back penalties thrust Davie into a flrst-anci-34 , hole. No problem. Corriher. went 6 of 6 to lead Davie to the Scotland 21. "Well, sve know we'don't have to get (all 34 yards) at one time,” Corriher said. "Eight yards apiece is 32.” , ,. It was third-and-9 at the • ' • Scotland 21. McNeil took a reverse hundoff. fought off a blitzing llncbucker and floated Mayfield Jam es BrusK WdSK f M O C K SVILLE ^ A u t o P r id e , C a r W a s h N. Yadkinvllle Rd, m l^/locksvllle I (across from Lowes Home { Improvement) Bear Creek Farm IÌQVi:^iANCh:mK Lei lis sliart: inir passitm fur iiontcs with you! Spoclallzing In thoughtful, compasalonato Inatructlon for rider and horso. > Superior ito M n g i ; • Excellent Liesson Program :• Suiimér CtmpEnrolUnii Now, 42a Allon Road, Mocksvilie, NC 336-^92-^51 or 336-391-2063MHr Л Liny SiiJeniuwww.bgafcroakfafmoquoitclr.com llling’s watch. The list of college players for 2008 is mighty im­ pressive. The 15 names; Billy Riddle (Appalachian State), Ryan Boehm (Coastal Carolina), D.J, Rice (Coastal Carolina), Ted Randolph (Wake Forest), Cooter Arnold (North Carolina), Zac O’Brien (Lenoir-Rhyne), Nic O'Brien (walk-on at Lenoir- Rhyne), Raeshon McNeil (Notre Dame), ReShaun Parks (Brevard), Jaspen Gray (Catawba), Jonathan Mayfield (Richmond), Ben Kuhn (Lenoir- Rhyne), Kenny Rivers (Oardner- Webb), Kevin Boehm (MIT) and G arrett Benge (walk-on at Wingate). The Best Value И IIUUIU4Mi i: кимя !■ жш Мч t* UM4H I»*•mn iimms. L&S; DiRECTIONSi ’bT7tob(f.«A >US70 East 4.5 mlloi Urt on Builnett PeitiOrrve.4mJlei UftonQutlnutTO Stateiville Housing A S tatesvilleHOUSING CENTER Factory Built •Facloiy Sold'We ARE the Builder'Land iFlnmlng Available 704.924.9393 mvw,StatesvilleHousing.com Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 R e c r e a t i o n S o f t b a l l C h u rc h A L eag u e W-L Wcslcyun/Aclvimcc 12-2 Reillund 9-S Fork 6-9 Fnilcmity 7-7 Enton/Benr Creek ,9-5 New Union 8-6 Hillsdale Methodist 3-11 1st Mcili./St. Francis 3-il C h u rc h В L eag u e W-L Center 9-5 Society 11-3 .Cornerstone 9-5 Green Meiidows 10-4 Fannington 6-8 Eaelc Heiglits 9-5 Jericlio 9-5 Smith Grove 3-U Blnise 3-11 Liberty Mcthodi.st 1-13 O p en L eag u e W-L RH Lawncare 7-1 С & C/Osbome 6-2 James Masonry/C’s '5-3 Evans Services 3-4 Allstate 2-6 Moxie’s 0-7 Note: RH Lowncare defeated C&C Paint/Osborne Towing in the open-league tournament П- nal. GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 '3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Two From Davie Make All-State Softball Team Two Davie softball players - junior first baseman Jordan Schultz and sophomore catcher Morgan Wyatt - were voted to the N.C, Coaches Association 4-A All-State team. Ten girls from schools in Northwest North Carolina made the team, including five from North Davidson arid two from West Forsyth. The Davie duo led the War Eagles to a 14-IOrecord. Schultz paced Davie in average (.434), hits (33), doubles (seven) and RBls (20). Wyatt, who hit .364, was first in at-bats (77), runs (25), triples (six) and wplks/hit , by pitches (nine). Davie hit two home runs, one each by Schultz and Wyatt. Old School Sports From 1 980 a lollipop to Rivers, who was wide open in the end zone. The trick play gave Davie the 22-10 lead. "I didn’t think Raeshon was going to gel it off at first,” Rivers said. "Man, I felt my heart pounding.” Even with the two-score lead, the end was hardly a picnic for Dttvle. Scotland’s bread-at\d-bulter play, the screen to McLean, cut Davie’s lead to 22-17 with 4:48 to play, One first down would have dropped the curtain on Scot­ land, but Corriher punted from the Davie 17 with 2;33 left. Scotland set up shop at its 40. Patterson's fourth-and-15 pass fell incomplete, but u fiag for pass interference gave the Scot.s new life at the Davie 45. They tightened the Davie noose by getting a first down at the Davie 29. Then came the play that , etched Flower.s aj)ermancnt phice in Davie lore. Patterson tried the same screen play that McLean scored on four minutes earlier, but Flowers’ out-of-nowhere pick sent the home cfoWd into a frenzy and kicked the Scots in the gut. . "I just sat on it,” Flowers said. "My adrenaline was going so much it was crazy.” • The Astros won the Pine­ brook minor division's regular- season championship. The team consisted of Tom Reaney, Chad Williams, Jonathan Wagoner, Kevin Marion, George Long, Bobby Staley, Chris Snap, Kevin Custer, Mark Doby, Chris Gre­ gory, Phillip Pilcher, Steve Hutchins and Ryan Parker. They were coached by Charles Wag­ oner and Rogir Snap. The Dodgers won the tourna­ ment in the minor division, The team included Marc Holcomb, Rob Griffin, Rodney Money, Danny Hartmen, Scott Sluder, Shannon HalL Michael Smiley, Scott Myers; Daniel Wood, Chris Marshall, Frankie Blake and Allen Brown. They were coached by Mike Holcomb and Hank Masone. • Twenty-seven teams com­ peted In the annual parent-chlld golf tournament at Hickory Hill. The winners in the three age groups were Keith and Gene Stiller (11 -under), Bubba and Jim Brown (12-13) and Jeffrey and G.C. Lankford (14-15). • The players voted to Davie Little League’s National League All-Star team were Mike Wyatt, Kevin Ijames, Scotty Wands,, Joey Wagner, Roger West, Eric Naylor, Brian Cornatzer, Brent W inters, Dennis W hitaker, Jimmy Broadway, Mike Foster, Burl Lanier, Eric O'Neal and Charles Brooks. Coaches were Theon Vance and Don Hellard. B r i e f s , N o t e s O n c-P itch T o u rm im cn t The Cooleemee Redskins will host a one-pitch, unlimitcd-homer softball tournament at Center on July 26, Tlie entry fee is $130. To register call Larry Thies at 336-692-7299 or 492-5057. H o le In O n e Tony Smith got a holc-in-one on No. 13 at Twin Cedars. He used a 9-iron from 135 yards. He was playing with Jimmy Lookublll and Jan Young. R c c rc a tio n C am p s The Mocksville-Davle Parks and Recreation Department is tak­ ing registration for wrestling, soccer and basketball camps. • Wre.stling: July 14-17 from 5-6:30 p.m., at the Brocic Gym. Rcgi.ster by July 3. Cost .$45. K-sixtli grade. In­ structor: Atkirts coach Greg Atwood. • Soccer: July 28-Aug. 1 at the YMCA field. Deadline July 26. Cost: $79 for half days (9 a.m.-noon) or $115 for full days (9 a.m.-3 p.m.). Ages 4-16. • Andre Owens Basketball Camp: Boys and girls from July 21-25. Register by July 11. Cost $60. Ages 7-12 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Ages 13-18 from 1-5 p.m. Instructor: Andre Owens, former pro player in European league. • Basketball: Boys and girls on Aug. 11-14. Register by Aug. 4. Cost $45. Rising first through eighth grades from 6-8 p.m., at the Brock Gym. Instructors: Davie coach IVIike Absher and his staff. Call the rec at 751-2325 for more information. W R D G o lf T o u rn ey The sixth-annual William R. Davie Raiders Youth Football Golf Tournament will be held July 12 at Pudding Ridge with a shotgun start at 2 p.m. It will be a four-man captain’s choice with up to 30 teams. The cost is $65 per player or $260 per team. Registration will start at I2;30 p.m., with,lunch served from 12:30-1:45 p.m. There will be door prizes and goody bags. Call Angela Wallace at 940- 5574. O a k G ro v e G o lf T o u rn ey The Oak Grove Methodist Men will hold a first-annual gotf tour­ nament at Pudding Ridge on July 19, There will be cash priz« and free food. The cost to play will be $60 per person ($240 per team), which includes one mulligan per nine holes per player and one tee buster per player, There will be a gold sponsor and a green sponsor for each hole. Gold sponsors donate $100 and green sponsors $50. The names of individuals or businesses who sponsor holes will be on signs at each tee box. For more information, contact Matt Sain at 751-5698. G irls B a sk etb all C a m p s Coach Debbie Evans and the Davie girls basketball program will hold a mlddle-school camp on July 14-17 from 10 a.m.-noon at Davie. The cost is $75 if you register after June 2, Contact Evans at 751- 5905 ext. 124 or visit www.wareaglepride.com. D avie V olleyball C a m p The Davie volleyball camp will be July 28-31 at Davie. Grades 4-8 will have camp from 9 a.m-noon, and grades 9-12 will have camp from 1-4 p.m. OnJulySl grades 9-12 will attend the morning session for contests and awards. All campers will receive instniction in skill techniques, game strategies and team concepts in a fun, competitive atmosphere. The coaching staff willjfce Becky Miller, the Davie varsity coach; Trish Corbin, the Davie JV coach; plus mlddle-school coaches. Junior Olympic Coaches and senior varsity players, The cost is $60 ($25 deposit deadline extended to June 15). Anyone registering after the deadline will not be assured of having the correct size T-shirt. Cash payment only after July 15, and we will except on-site registration. Go to www.wareaglepride.com for a camp registration fonn. Con­ tact Miller at mlllerb@dpvie,kl2.nc,us with any questions. t J В а н т п HOWIE OF THE BEAR m iN IM U M PR IC E fXIT 75 orF 85 SALISBURY DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 • B3 P / liv e n t o h e * 1 ll,' . - I ' Ш Ш WHEN YOU WANT A TRUCK! iiction OUR LOT IS JAMMED! GET GIANT SAVINGS ON OUR GIANT SELECTION! BEN MYNATT N ISSAN- EXIT 7 5 - SALISBURY GET W n $1 0 , 0 0 0 OFF NEW N ISSIN S* BRAND NEW 2009 NISSAN IVI и R Ä l S i O _ 2 0 A V A I I - A B L E 1 = 0 1 4 D E L I V E F I V ' siKiMO«, мооЕ11м;г19 BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN F R O N T I E R K I N G O A .B S E ST0CKIt4928. M0DElltl33l3 BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN AUTO, A/C, FULL POWER S J K T T H I S F - F t l C E . A l _ l _ C O L O R S I I 5Г0СК1|4Г66. MODElUO'lin) FINANCiNGAS LOW AS 0.9% FOR UP TO 72 MOS** BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN SÍOCKB472?. M00EUI03I8 BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN T IT A N K IN G C A B S E $Т0СКП4858. M0DELtll8716 G O O D C R E D I T , B A D . C R E D I T . W E WILL W ORK TO GET YOU APPROUED. 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I s --■♦-ч-'чТрч Гт»к > , В4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 f r ! ' Э ■ Corey Norman doubled and drove in two. J . . ‘f 'b A - ! :¡ I IVIatt Leonard, an outfielder who played some catcher during the blowout, tries to turn a double play. Legion Schedule W M ock 12, Randolph 11 * W M ock 8, South Rowan 1 * L Randolph Co. 11, M ock 9 * W M ock 12, Stanly County 8 W M ock 12, Kerncrsville 1 * L Lexington 6, M ocksville 3 W M ock 8, Kannapolis 5 L S. Rowan 7, M ocksville 5 L E. Randolph 5, M ock 3 ♦ W M ock 6, W ilkes Co. 1 W M ock 8, E, Randolph 4 * L Concord 12, M bcksville 9 L Rowan 15, M ocksville 10 W M ocksville 11, Rowan 7 W M ock 10, Statesville 7 L M ooresvilie 8, M ock 1 L M ooresvilie 3, M ock 0 W M ock 8, Kannapolis 6 L S. Rowan 5, M ocksville 4 L Lexington 2, M ocksville 1 W W ilkes Co. forfeit L Kem ersville 9, M ock 7 * W M ocksville 11, Stanly 0 W M ock 12,W .Forsyth U * L Concord 4, M ock 3 ' W M ock 12, Statesville 2 * Denotes non-league game. Justin Kidd entered the playoffs with a .337 average. Brandon Stewart Injures his quad trying to beat this out. - Photos by James Barringer Tiiniyour d r e a m s ^ i n t o r e a l i t y "T'UKT/iWg (hfoVSiES Qj/Tb OioM^S" ' f e w ' l l & • c o m f 'f 'R r HOME SHOWCASE 5275 U.S.Hwy 158, Advance (Tanglewood Crossing Shopping Center) 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 7 8 0 0 "T"U'R'W'ilig OioVSiES loir'o OhwES" T bW 'lsiC 01lC h i7" (R r REMODELING 3 3 6 - 4 7 7 - 4 0 2 6 / X . Seth Miller is one of the top sluggers in recent years. M o c k s v i l l e B a s e b a l l S t a t s Record: 14-12,9-9 SD . AVG.. AU R H 2В зв HR RUI BU SB Heman Bautista ,500 10 2 5 0 0 1 4 0 0 Bryan King .429 7 2 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 Ryan Carter .368 19 2 7 3 0 4 0 0 Seth Miller .370 81 19 30 4 0 32 14 1 Clint Howell ,364 22 6 8 1 0 1 6 4 1 Justin Kidd .337 95 12 32 6 0 1 18 6 Corey Norman .333 33 7 11 3 0 6 5 1 Chris Kinard .330 97 21 32 11 0 21 16 1 Matt Leonard ,318 66 17 21 2 0 0 2 13 Heath Boyd ,293 99 31 29 3 0 0 . 10 18 7 Colby Seaford .286 49 11 14 0 0 0 8 11 3 Zeb Cope .261 46 IO Ì2 2 0 0 5 10 1 Brandon Stewart ,256 86 '17 22 4 0 2 19 И Zack Russell-Myers .207 58 8 12 2 0 4 10 9 1 Tyler Howard ,133 15 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 Jake Koontz ,000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Others ,258»93 17 24 3 1 0 15 17 ■2 TOTALS ,300 880 184 264 45 1 20 164 135 23 W-L ERA G GS CG SH SV IP H R ER вв SO Garrett Benge 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 2 ,5 Bryan King 2-0 1,96 9 1 0 0 0 23 19 9 5 8 11 Jake Koontz 5-1 4,40 8 6 1 1 0 43 34 24 21 15 28 Corey Norman 2-3 4,46 В 5 1 0 0 36 1/3 39 25 18 12 35 Clint Howell 1-0 4,70 8 0 0 0 2 15 1/3 12 11 8 7 22 Zack R-Myers 3-3 5,19 7 5 0 0 г 34 2/3 35 23 20 18 37 Tyler Howard 0-1 5.40 5 I 0 0 0 15 15 13 9 9 15Justin Kidd 0-2 7,27 6 0 0 0 ,1 8 2/3 12 10 7 6 17 Ryan Carter 0-2 7,31 9 6 0 0 0 32 42 31 26 22 32Brandon Stewart 0-0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 TOTALS 14-12 4,97 2 1 4 212 211 150 117 100 202 Attention ^ Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Owners Snider A utom otive Specializing in’Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Automotive repairs, with 18 years experience, ASE and Chrysler Master Certified. Performing Repairs on Gas and Diesel Vehicles. From Minor Repairs to Complete Overhauls on Engine, Transmission,Transfer Case, Electrical, Air Condition, Suspension, Front and Rear Axles. Soaring Your Vehicle to the one that knows it In and out, Also Making Repairs on other Domestic and Foriegn Vehicles. CHRIS SNIDER MOCKSVILLE, NC 336-391-2607 Say Happy BirthdayHerd 2x3 *30 DAVIO COUNTY ENTERPRI/á^<|ÍkECORD 171 S, Main St. • MocKsvllle 1-Run Misery Extended The Mocksvillc Legion base­ ball team is having one of those seasons where seemingly ail the breaks in close games go to the other team. A 4-3 loss at Concord on June 29 was a familiar feel­ ing for M ocksville, which dropped to 0-3 in one-run games in the Southern Division. • Take the third inning. Mocksville had taken a 1-0 lead on a Brandon Stewart sacrifice fly. The bases were loaded with two outs, and Justin Kidd banged a grounder toward the hole. “The second baseman goes all Ihe way over and throws him out," coach, Mike Lovelace said, • TWce the seventh inning. One of Mocksville’s hottest hitters, Chris'Kinard, came up with Matt Leonard and Stewart aboard with one out and the score 3-3. “Kinard hits a hard ball to third,” Lovelace said. “He touches third and throws across for a double play.” • And take the ninth inning. Leonard had legged out a pat­ ented infield hit and stolen sec­ ond to put the potential tyiiig run in scoring position. Stewart fouled off five pitches. The count was full. On the 10th pitch of the at-bat, Stewart was called out. Lovelace em pathized for Stewart, who had taken what he thought was clearly ball four. , "It was a battle,” Lovelace said. “That would have given us first and second with Kinard up. The ump called a great game but 1 thought that one was a ball. He punched him out and I couldn't believe it. Brandon daggum battled. He fouled some off straight back and he fouled off curveballs. It was one of the best at-bats of the year and he got punched out. The thing about it, he had just thrown two balls that were borderline. Brandon was mad and 1 would have been, loo,” The loss dropped Mocksville to 13-12 overall and 8-9 in Ihe Southern Division. Concord, a 12-9 winner at Rich Park, im­ proved to 13-11, 10-8 in its final division game, Mocksville came in riding high, going 31 for 73 (,425) and scoring 23 runs in consecutive wins over Stanly County and Western Forsyth. But it couldn’t m uster but four hits off lefthander Cody Walker, th(! same Walker who lost a 1 -0 ,10- inning pitchers’ duel to John McDaniel in 2007. Oanctt Furr closed in the ninth. "That was a big game',’’ Lovelace said. 'That would have put us in fifth (instead of sixth),’’ W hile Concord seemed to make every defensive play when it mattered most, Mocksville botched a critical play in ■ (lioncord’s two-run fourth. That put Mocksville in a 3-1 hole, , "They shouldn’t have scorcd but one of those,” he said. "We got a double-play ground ball and threw it away at first.” Kinard's double to right-cen­ ter pulled 'Mocksville lo 3-2 in the fifth, and Zack Russell- Myers’ homer over Ihe right-cen­ ter fence lied the game at 3 in the sixth, "He hit it to the school buses,” Lovelace marveled, Furr ultimately decided the issue by hitting a tiebreaking home run in the seventh. It was his third hit of the game. Pilcher Corey Norman went all eight for M ocksville, He slipped to 2-3 despite lowering his ERA from 4,76 to 4.46. The team’s second complete game wasn’t enough despite Norman’s . one walk and eight strikeouts. Concord challenged Norman numerous times, collecting 11 hits. But for the large part of the night, Norman recorded key outs at the right time. Notes: Russell-M yers has been all or nothing. Four of his 11 hits are homers,... Concord’s tough pitchers cooled off Heath Boyd, who had a six-game hit­ ting streak, and Seth Miller, who was 12 for21 in the previous six games. ... Concord defeated Mocksville for the fifth straight lime, dating to last year’s play­ offs. Concord 4, Mocksville 3 Mock Boyd ss Slewart rf Kinard c Miller dh Kidd lb Russell-Myets 3b Howell If Cop« 2b Seaford 2b Leonard cf Totals Mocluville Concord 2B - Kinard (9). HR - Russell-Myers (4). SB - Leonard (4). Mock IP H R ER BD SO Nonnan.L 8 II 4 3 1 8 ab r h bl 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 > 4 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 29 3 5 3 001 Oil ООО- 3 001 200 lOx -4 Mocksville Drops 11-Spot On Statesville By Brian Flits Davie County Enterprise Record After falling lo 0-3 in one-run games in the division at Concord, Ihe Mocksville Legion baseball team dusted itself off and an­ swered with authority, scoring 11 runs in the second inning at Statesville on July 2. After the top of the second, it looked as if Mocksville would drop twenty-some on the hosts. It settled for a 12-2 win in seven mercy-rule innings. The outcome' was predictably lopsided. While Mocksville finished the regular season at 14-12 overall and 9-9 in the Southern Division. Statesville’s nightmare of a sea­ son moved to 3-16, 2-15. But psychologically, the win was big. By breaking even, Mocksville still has not had a los­ ing division record since coach Mike Lovelace’s first year as head coach in 1999 (8-10). So this marked Ihe ninth straight .500-or-belter season, "It was a big game for us,” Lovelace said, "We hadn’t played since that tough (4-3) loss at Concord," Mocksville raked Statesville across the coals in the second, Seth Miller doubled, Justin Kidd singled and Brandon Slewart singled. Then Matt Leonard laid down a bunt single, Zeb Cope walked with the bases loaded and Colby Seaford got a single on a suicide-squeeze bunt. The next wave was a two-run double down the first-base line by Corey Norman, an error oh a Heath Boyd ball and a double by Chris Kinard. Remarkably, seven of the first nine batters got hits, and Statesville didn’t get the first out until the 10th batter. After back- to-back sUikeouls, the merry-go- round started again. $tewart ripped an RBI hit to left, Leonard beat out another grounder and Cope laced a two-run single. C u r s e . . . Continued From Page E l But wC'just couldti’t adjust to the strike zone or their slow stuff. They had about six hits in this series that hit the chalk line,” Rowan and Mocksville tied for the ‘92 regular-season title, but Rowan swept Mbcksville 4- 0 in the division finals, ending an otherwise stellar season at 24-13. Mocksville’s staff entered the series with a strong 3,74 ERA, Us ERA in the sweep was 9,53, The worst part: Mocksville In the second inning alone. Cope had a walk, single and three RBIs, Stewart had two RBIs, and Stewart and Leonard scorcd two runs apiece. T hat’s not all. Stewart and Leonard were both 2 for 2 in the inning. To add in­ sult to injury, four of Ihe 10 hits didn’t leave the infield. The bottom of the order flour-' ished, with Stewart, Leonard, Cope and Seaford going 9 for 14 - with six runs and seven RBIs from the 6-9 spots. Two of them have turned their averages dra­ matically, Leonard went 5 for 6 against Concord and Statesville, pushing his mark from ,267 lo .318. Cope is 5 for 9 over four games, raising his clip from .189 to .261, Leonard’s hot streak is a trib­ ute to his wheels. He had two infield hits against both Concord and Statesville. "His other (hit against Statesville) was a hard single to left, II was a shot," Lovelace said. “Cope had been putting it in play. He has finally gotten some breaks,” Mocksville coasted home. Its only other run came in the fourth on a leadoff home run by Miller, who went the other way and cleared West Iredell’s 340 sign in left-center. After going 0 for 3 at Concord, Miller went 2 for 3, pumped his average to ,370 and recorded his seventh homer, which ranks No. 2 in the last four years, Kinard went yard iight times last year. “I look M iller out after a double and homer, but (Zack) Russell-Myers got a hit in his spot,” Lovelace said. Lovelace raved about Kinard, who doubled twice to make him 8 for 18 over four games, Kinard has 11 doubles; only seven play­ ers have more in Mocksville’s 27-year history. “Kinard is the best hitter I’ve seen from gap lo gap,” he said, “He wears it out. With two strikes he can make adjustments. He’ll look bad on the first two swings, but then he knows how to bear down.” Russell-Myers (3-3) squared his record by dominating for four innings. He averaged 14.2 pitches per inning, ending his scoreless stinl with a bases- loaded strikeout. “He was sharp,” he said. “I took him out because he’s got the all-star game (last) Saturday and to get ready for (^uly;/7’ postseason).” Notes: Mocksville smoked Statesville after winning only 10- 7 at home. ... Kinard (catcher) and Russell-M yers (pitcher) were named to Ihe Area Ill’s Southern Division All-Star team. It was a second-annual event, and Kinard was voted in for Ihe sec­ ond time. Two players from each position and niiie pitchers made the team. The Northern Division All-Stars beat the Southern Di­ vision 14-5 on July 5 at Catawba’s Newman Park.... The only downer from the Statesville game was Stewart re-aggravating a pulled quad muscle in the sixth. “He went down at first trying to beat out an infield hit, and it hap­ pened when il was out of reach,” Lovelace said, Mocksville 12, Statesville 2 Mock ab r h Ы Normonlf 4 1 1 2 Kingcf-p 1 0 0 0 Boyd ss 3 1 0 1 Kooniz ss 2 0 0 0 KInordc-lf 5 1 2 1 Miller dh 3 2 2 1 Russell-Myers p 1 0 1 0 Kidd lb 4 1 1 0 Stewart rf * 4 2 2 2 Leonard cf-c 3 2 3 1 Cope 2b 3 1 2 3 Seaford 3b 4 1 1 1 Totals 37 12 15 12 Mocksville 0(11)0 100 0 - 12 Statesville ООО 020 0 - 0 2B - Norman (3), Kinard 2(11), Miller (4). HR-M iller (7). Mock IP H R ER DB SO R-Myers, W4 3 0 0 1 5 Howard 2 3 2 2 0 3 King 1 0 0 0 0 0 '!? lost each of the first three games / by one run - 8-7,16-15 and 7-6, So for all the success that M ocksville has had over 27 years, there’s obviously a cloud that hovers over it. Maybe this is the year that Rowan gets a dose of its own medicine. For Mocksville to turn the tables, it must find consistency for Ihe first time all year. It has driven Lovelace crazy with its pattern - good game, bad game, good game, bad game and then something in-between. It has not won three games in a row all year; it has fiveitwo-game win­ ning streaks. But it has not lost three straight games, stopping a two-game skid on four different occasions. Notes: For all his Rowan heartache, Lovelace entered the playoffs with a 169-133 record in 10 years, ... At slake is Mocksville’s 20th winning sea­ son in 27 years, or its 23rd non­ losing season. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - BS if you've got chronic back pain, you don't have to suffer alone. We've got the expertise to diagnose your pain and help restore your healthy lifestyle. You aren’t alone - we’ll be there with you. We’ve got your back. THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO FEEL GOOD SEPC-Rowen Ragionai Mtdlcal Canter 108 Oorutt Or. Salisbury § 704-210-6800 Southeast Pain Care The Rrst Stop For Non-Surgical Pain Relief. T H A N K V O U M < M II» V IL I.I Л Р А У 1 Й C O U M T V Cßuck^s P izza TM ее1ф?(1ид our-..............- and yos get the presents! Anniversary Specials X L-2 T o p p in g a n d C h e e s e S tix ........................................................................... * 1 9 ^ M e d i u m F a m ily P l e a s e r M e d D e l u x e a n d M e d 2 - T o p p i n g ....................................................................* 2 2 ” L a r g e D e l u x e a n d C h e e s e S tix ...........................................................................* 1 9 ” 2 M e d P i z z a s w / 2 T o p p in g s , C h e e s e S tix & 2 L ite r P e p s i .....................................................................................* 2 7 ” / Mocksville Marketplace Shoppino Center 7 K Í i i A ñ ú Across ñvw lee Jeans B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Continued From Pngc Bl bcliincl first biisc in tiic sixtli lliut (sccond bnscmun) Duvicl Hobson caught. Tliui’s about ali." Mocksville jumped out to a 2- 0 lead in tiic first, a quick start buiit around singles by Shelton S oward and Zach Long. Dillon yeriy uncorkcd a solo homer in the sccond, his second blast in as many games. Mocksville broke it wide open in u four-run ilfth. Jess Gartner and Long sand­ wiched doubles around a Jacob Barber single. Howard, Long and Byerly, who also doubled, each went 2 for3. Mocksville, the No. 7 seed in Area III, entered the playoffs with a 17-11 record. It started a bcst-of-threc series against West­ ern Forsyth on July 7. The “ir’ game is July 9 at Rich Park. Should Mocksville advance, it would face Asheboro, which had a first-round bye. The playoff games begin at 7 p.m. "CherryvilleisthcNo. 1 .seed in the West, and we beat them twice,” Kurfees said. "Pineville is No. 2 and we beat them. The teams we lost to - Asheboro and Mooresville - are on our side of the bracket, but I think we can beat them.” FARM BUREAU ^ ß O INSURANCE Effect! Plui Sportmun, StTMt Stock, and Stock Ru m 12 and Older . (10 Agss 6 through 11 • $1 Children under 6 - FHEEI www.BowmanGrayRficing.com FnrtM n! GrattsfflMYSISOO 2IHipYinlTrKllf tram Sears RLENTYiOFJFREElPARKING336-723-Í8Í9 T a k e A d v a n t a g e o f A L L O u r R e c r e a ti o n F a c i l i t i e s f o r o n e lo w r a t e : Mon.-Thurs. = $8.00/person Fri., Sat. & Sun. = $10.00/persqn Includes: • Sw im m ing • F la h in g • Volleyball • Badm inton • B asketball • H orseshoes • Playground B R IN G T H IS A D fo r $ 2 .0 0 O FF . O u r R e c r e a t i o n F e e (Special not valid Juno2B-July 6) I Midway CampgroundI J u s t 1 0 m i n u t e s fr o m M o c k s v ille ! 1 1-40 West @ Exit 162 (Cool Springs Exit) Call (704) 546-7615 for info ^ www.mldwaycampground.com ^ Dillon Byerly rounds third after his hom e run. Ja c o b B arber bats In the heart of the order. r, » DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 10,2008 - B7 S P O n iG H T Carolina Small Engine www.grantphoto.eom ;i B A B Y ’S FIRST.. YEAR Ask about our FREE newborn or There aren't many of us who can say they've been working in their profession since they were eight years old. Ken Beauchamp can. Thanks to his resourceful grandfather and father, he started work­ ing on lawn mowers and tractors before he could really even reach the pedals. He opened up his shop part-time in 1989. Carolina Small Engine became his full lime career In May 2006. He’s been trained by all the best manufac­ turers: Briggs & Stratton, Kohler, Yamaha, Honda, Craftsman, Shlndalwa, Encore, Kawasaki and Dolmar. His skills and experi­ ence support his philosophy of fixing equip­ ment riglit the first time by identifying the source of the problem. After Ken’s repaired your power equipment, if works when you need It to work. So when do you come see Ken? Like the name says, small engines are his special­ ity. A small engine Is found on all outdoor power equipment that is gasoline powered. Carolina Small Engine sells and sen/lces a long list of equipment. Here Is a sampling. New Equipment and Parts for Home Owners and Commercial Users • Engines: Factory authorized product provider for the following brands: Briggs & Stratton, Kohler, and KaWasakI • Equipment: Factory authorized product provider for the fol­ lowing brands: Shlndalwa, Encore, Dolmar, Oregon, Interstate Batteries, Generac, Carlisle Tires • Products for sale: mowers, trimmers, saws, generators, pressure washers, blowers, engines, chain saw chains and bars, pole saws, multi-tools, tires and accessories • Do It Yourself parts for all listed brands: bar and chain oil, 2-cycle oil, all types of fil­ ters, tieits, 4-oycle oil, trimmer line, brush cutter saw blades, spark plugs, tires, gas cans, chain saw chains, full line of OEM (original equipment manufacturer parts) Services and Repairs ' Repairs all the equipment he sells plus compressors and long splitters ' Pre- and post-season maintenance for lawn mowers • Engine Tune-up • Oil change ’ Oil, air, and fuel filters (and pre-filter where applicable) • Spark plug(s) • Valve adjustment • Crank case pressure test • Other • Grease fittings • Sharpen and balance blades • Manufacturer recommended adjustments • Check belt condition • Check tire pressure • Test battery condition ■ Equipment clean-up • Other Services and Conveniences ■ Pick-up and delivery available • Accept cash, Visa, Master Card, and product financing Is available • Hourly rate Is broken down Into tenths of an hour • Member of the Better Business Bureau Great Customer Service Before you leave the shop, your professionally assembled new equipment is running and you have been trained on how to use It and care for It. Like a good ol’ Davie County boy, he’ll remind you not to loan out your wife or your power equlpmenti Here are some of the comments his customers have made. • Carolina Small Engine does quality work at a reason­ able price. • I had never heard of Dolmar Full Measure“ Cateiing -/) /•>(//Oilcring Company - M oravian Style Chicken Pies To phco an order for civckvn pies or to schedule afenng call Carolyn Jones 1,356492^77 • 336-909-2728. arolina S m all Engine SalM a Mrvlce of outdoor power equlpmsntt m ow in, trlmmeri, chain taw t, blowers, generalori, & more 1034Fork BIxby Rd., Advmnc* 998-7755 IklMMKYIMIB© Storm Water Mtuiagement Residential Drainage Systems Land Clearing, Demolition . Landscape/Hardscape > C le m m o n s N C Licensed And Insured Tom Jones 336-749-0465 DA • CanidacNature’s Variety' Wellnessê ê . • Merrick Innova • Culifornin Natural’s № Evo 2131 Lcwisvillc-CIcmmons Clcnmioiis, N C :*336-770-9007 before, but my new chain saw Is the best I've ever used. • My mower runs better now than It did when It was new. • I brought my mower In after replacing the battery, starter. Ignition switch, and safety switches. I had already spent $300 and I don't know how much time. Ken fixed It for $60 - Includ­ ing parts and labor Spring Lawn Mower Maintenance Service We all know the benefits of changing the oil In your car every 3,000 miles. Well, small engines need the same care to ensure trouble-free use and extended engine life. Manufac­ turers recommend maintenance sdn/lce after every 25 hours of use (once a season for a small yard, twice or more for a larger yard). The following services are performed at Carolina Small Engine: • Remove debris and pressure wash • Perform crank case pressure test (to detect problems such as a blown head gasket) • Change oil, oil filter, air (liter, pre-filter, fuel filter, and spark plugs • Grease fittings • Check battery connections, fluid levels, charge if neces­ sary, and load test • Check and adjust tire pressure • Sharpen and balance blades • Perform all manufacturer recommended adjustments • Inspect all belts for wear or cracks •Adjust valves The price of this important maintenance Is determined by the engine size and the transmission style. Call for more Information or to sched­ ule your appointment. For the Do It Yourself Crowd There are a lot of things you can do to help maintain your equipment. Carolina Small Engine stocks many of the supplies you'll need to do that. Ken's Small Engine Fuel Tips • Use fresh quality name brand fuel • 87 octane Is fine for 4-cycle lawn mowers and lawn trac­ tors ' 93 octane Is critical for 2-cycle equipment. Spend the extra 20 cents because adding 2-cycle oil to gasoline at a 40:1 ratio lowers the octane by 6 points. If you start with 87, you end up with 81 Instead. 93 ensures you still have 87. • Spend a couple of extra dollars now to extend the life of your 2-cycle equipment. Use premier name brand oil mix with fuel stabilizers In It to help preserve your gasoline. • Manufacturers recommend keeping gasoline for only 45 days Carolina Small Engine Ken Beauchamp, Owner 1034 Fork Bixby Rd., Advance, NC 27006; 336-998-7755 Ken@CarollnaSmallEngine.com Advertising Promotion Taylor Repair 998-7879 We’ll Beat Anyone’s Price On Outdoor Power Equipment Parts & Service Pick-up & Deive/yAvoilobte 3319 u s Hwy l58,M ocksvillf i ^ l S U A U HA/X WAXING UP-DO’S 2565 Old Glory Rd.. Suite K Clcmnwns'OiTlxwijvillc-ClcmmoM Rd (UthlndA Cleanfr World) 336-778r0604 Ovor 20 Yoara Exporlorice Kftitlna EiHiingor, Karon HarriB Jennifer Hutching. Am y Dock. Lyrm Roland. ______Cindy Jdinson, Orendt Langfoni lUtLYROOFSlREMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOKI Nation's Largest & Oldest Root Stain Removers 785-2030 100 Royal Oak Dr., Winston-Salem. NC 27107 PERKINS ROOFING "Quality work at reasonable prices" Phone:336-753-8355 3 3 6 -7 5 » 8 3 7 3 Jesse Perkins - Owner , 300 Spring Street Mocksville, NC Rince Ha h' Ciruum School of Traditional Irish Dance Classes Now Forming Serving this comnmnliy for II years 130 Webb Way Just off Hwy 158 Call 336.765.7482 (or more Information H a ir Stylist For Men & Women Jeannie Howard 766-8445 6353 Cephis Dr., Clemmons J S ä iBAKERY THRIFT S fÖ № SNACKS GALORE PrienlslnillwHoM' SAVIN(;S > 1 1-|». i :m ;k m )a v to Senior Cih/en Discounts Wednesday •Light Bulbs •Storage Boxes ’ Scrapbooking ]^per ( Initnions D ím 'oiiiiI Sales I5.V' I t VMSN illc ( li'inilions Kd. • ( Iniiinons • e a r a o e [ ) € c r R e p a i r s 4 J I E l e c t r i c a l O p e n e r R e p a i r s ■ Emergency Service > Senior Citizens Discount > 25 Years Experience «>i(iNas G A R A G E D O O R S E R V IC E S "M r. E d ” ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 - 2 3 3 6 * Fa r m in o t o n , N C B R O W N P A IN T IN G ^ H • Interior / Exterior • Pressure Washing • Bonded / Insured D A V T D B R O W N I Wallpaper Removal ■ Staining 1 Faux Finishing F re e E stim ates 970-7407 EDWARDS W IN D O V I^ ADDING BEAUTY AND VALUE TD HOMES SINCE 1978 • Vinyl Siding > Vinyl Replacement Windows • Vinyl Porch Rails > Decks - Wood & Vinyl • Screen Rooms ' • Porch Enclosures & Sun Rooms FfOe EsU m ates! * 7 C y i O O O E Z M o b i l e P h o n e f 0 ^ " U O O D 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 В8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Tanner Junker of Mocksville. holds up the champion dolphin he caught in the Jolly Mon King Classic. J - ' - S A L E ! Get The warranty Protection and interest Rates of a Brand New vehicle at Pre-Owned Prices! • R e n ta l C ar R e im b u rse m e n t • v e h ic le H istory R e p o rt « in sp e c tio n b y F a c to ifT W W ie d lte c h n ic i^ ( • FuH T ank o f C as, F re sh Oil & F ilter jiV belivery ’ 07 Chrysler PT crulMrSlkfA}76 4 cyl.,auto,A/C, moonroof, Only 33k miles y i m / m a ' 07 POM Taurus SI5tklA3eo V-6,auta full power. V45kmlles. 07KiaOptimaSlklABM 4cyl,,auto,full power, J!9k miles. o n ly S S ! 3 9 /m 07 Maxcia eSlk.lP472Au(o,4 cyl, alloys, full p0^ri0njy.29k inlles. Only mo OBPord Puslon sS(k.lK356Full power, 4 cyl., auto, >181ш1!е$. o tily Г l a г я р € 1 1 Ш 1 m p m i 07 Chevy cobaltStk.«M326Auto,4cyl,A/C, onj^47k miles. o&iiv 07 Dotfgo caliberStklA3754cyl,auto,CD,fullOnly I oepordPocussSlk.lK3SS4cyl,auto,A/C, д а е т . ' Only $ 1 9 9 /m o 07Pord PocusSiStk.lA3es4cyl,auto,full power, onlySSkmlles.only $ 2 3 9 / 07 H aida 3SlkiA3794cyl.,auto,A/C fiil!.Only 08 Chevy MallbuStk.NA364.4cylyaut0bfull power, o^yiekjnjtes.Only 1 1 i M p e i f i s i i f l p e i i i s i M p e i r 3 3 M p e i i E S Ü S L I ' ’? E S H Я Г Д й г . tj м Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 FORD MERCURY Mocksviiie, I^C • (336) 751-2161 f i ‘‘ ¡1),!' -' m H fV ; Junker shows off his trophies, and the top sea bass caught in the junior division, IVIocksville Youth Wins Two Trophies At Jolly Mon Classic Tanner Junker, son of Deitre iind Will Junker of Mocksville, won in his first fisiiing lournainent unci experienced u wild ride in u violet storm iit sen. Junker purtioipated in the iinnuni Jolly Mon King CInssic, June 20-22, held from Ocean Isle Fishing Center in Ocean Isle Beach. He fished Friday aboard the “Miss Louise” with Captain Jeff Bowden on his 23-foot Sea Fox center console boat. Captain Doug Illing provided the young fisherman with all the needed knowledge and equipment. Even though the fishing was slow that day, Illing put him over the fish, and he was able to land a dolphin and a black sea bass. Of course. First Mate Jim Moore and Zach Illing (former Junior Jolly Mon Winner) provided moral support as he reeled in his catches. Sincc the sea was starting to get nasty, the group headed buck to port to weigh the fish before the official tournament cut-off time expired. With the choppy waves and w inds, tlia boat arrived nt the docks Just in time for the weigh in. As Moore and Ihe two young men jumped off the boat and carried the catch to tho scales, no one thought they had a winner. As Captain Brant McMullan, tournament organizer, weighed in each fish, he announced to Tanner that his sea bass and dolphin were the largest fish so far for cach category. It was minutes before the scales closed for the day, so everyone hoped no large fish would come in. After the dinner at the fishing center that evening, McMullan announced the winners of the’ three categories in the Junior Jolly M on. The M ocksville crowd was proud of Tanner as he won first place in two of three events. He won first place in the dolphin category with the fish weighing 6.55 lbs,, and first place in the sea bass category with the fish weighing 1.55 lbs. Armed with two trophies and some cash. Junker was beside ,himself. He also got to experience a second first on Saturday. W ith an im pressive 294 boats registered to compete in the 2008 Jolly Mon King Mackerel, 240 boats decided to head out to fish the tournament early Saturday morning since the weather forecast looked good. Little did anyone know that large thunderstorms would develop over the W hiteviile area, which quickly intensified into a major storm as it moved eastward and out to sea. With the M iss Louise 11 miles offshore, the crew could only ride out the storm. The wind went from light south direction to north at 40-50 knots and it began to hail and rain sideways. The seas wont from 2- 3 feet to over 6 feet in a matter of scconds - with the waves coming from all directions. As lightning danced around, the crew had a lot of tun for the next 45 minute or so. M ost boaters, when returning to port at the end of the day, stated that it was the worst storm they have ever seen or had been in during all their years of boating. Sadly, the fishermen learned one of the boats fishing in the same area that day took a wave over the stern and sank during. The experienced boat captain, Scott Hewett, did not survive this accident, but .his two com panions did and were rescued. Tanner and the rest of the boat crow learned a valuable lesson that Saturday about the havoc that Mother Nature can whip up in a short time. Although the crew did not catch any tournament winning fish on Saturday, they did gaff a few for the dinner table. The experienced fishermen agreed that since Tanner out-fished everyone, they will all try harder during next year’s tournament. n(В.Ш)% А.РЛ by ;a шов. wllh npprovftd nioriil I'lns In» H Inq ft Saou.oo Uud Iuo. Milonqo rnllnf)« nii. Iiunl iliailOtaiUiroi nt гм'^\/Ггп(||.|||;уур(му|п,9п1тауЬввдй1го11. People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - Cl O n A M i s s i o n J u l y 1 2 F u n d r a i s e r T o R a i s e M o n e y F o r A f r i c a n T r i p Zach Illing and Tanner Junker with the winning fish. By Beth Cassidy Davie County Enterprise Rccord When LaRue Marshall leaves Aug. 21 for a small village near Ghana, West Africa, she hopes it will be with the gift of over a thousand potentially life- saving malaria nets. . But unless people step up and open their hearts and wallets, those lives could be lost. Marshall, the wife of pastor Dennis M arshall of Bethlehem U nited Methodist Church, will be participating in her sixth mission trip, this time to Asato, a small villoge of about 2,000, where she will head up a free medical clinic. She is going with a Storehouse for Jesus mission team, which will include Lori West, a nurse and Bethlehem member, but Marshall will spend most of her time away from the team, in the village, attending to the medical needs of residents. M arshall is a dialysis nurse at Forsyth Memorial Hospital, but said her real job, and her heart much of the time, is in Africa. “I always had a dream to go to Africa, Back in about 2000, Dennis was on the board at the Storehouse, and he told me I needed to go see Marie Collins (director of the Storehouse). Siiortly after that, she was putting together a team to do a free medical clinic in Ghana, and she wanted me to be the nurse coordinator. I had just graduated [from nursing school] in 1999, and I was thinking, 'I'm not qualified to be a coordinator of anything,' but I went.” Marshall said she really thought she would go that one time and be done, that it would satisfy her need to see Africa and be of help, but it only sparked a fire that had long been smoldering. She returned for the next three years, but because of tho economy, she and others did not return for a few years. But Marshall said during that time, she kept thinking she needed to do more. The next year, the team returned, and Cynthia Baldwin, who works with tho educational needs of the villagers, asked Marshall to accompany her to Asato. “1 hadn't been to Africa in a few years, and Cynthia asked me to go to Asato, and I said ‘Yes,' even though I had no business being there. While Cynthia and Mario were meeting with the teachers, I went out on the steps of the school and there were all these children around, hanging out of windows, very curious about me. I gave them all a sheet of paper and Crayons and asked them to draw pictures.” Marshall thumbs through a notebook of those pictures as she talks, and her voice cracks. "They don't have paper very often,' and they don’t have crayons, and you would think they would have wanted to take their pictures home to their moms, but they all lined up and gave them to me. A million dollars could not buy these pictures,” she said, but adds, "well, it could because then I could use the money for medical needs,” Those needs include about 1,500 nets that are desperately needed to help prevent malaria, one of the biggest health threats, and killers, in the village. Marshall has been shopping around for the nets and estimates they will cost about $6 each. In addition to providing them, she also wants to provide training in how to use them and the insecticide that must bo applied to them. It was shortly after that last trip that M arshall started Healthier Kids, a program that not only provides care, such as giving medicine for intesdnal worms, but also education, because she knows that empowering the villagers with the knowledge of how to help themselves will serve them and their future generations. "Usually, you go and you give them medicine and tell them, 'This is what you need and this is what you doi’ but I wanted a relationship with them; I want io work with them to leam what they need,” she said. One simple step they could take to help prevent disease, said Marshall, is to boil theii woter before drinking it or cooking with it, but, surprisingly, many of them do not seem to know or understand the importance of that step. Their water is provided two ways: either through underground pipes and hand pumps, turned on at a certain time of day, and the water Is provided at a cost, or if they have no money, the children ate sent to the river to collect water, often putting it into any type of container they can find, One of M arshall's pictures shows a child putting water into an empty anti-freeze jug. , , Marshall said if there is disease up the river, such as cholera, it could find it's way into the river and doy^nstream into the waiting containei:s' of the children. To help with education, Marshall is working on buying a speaker system that can be put up in the village, to broadcast news about what is going on in the village and to pass on news of any health concerns in neighboring villages. While she has the funds to buy the speaker system, getting the nets is going to be more difficult financially, so she hopes a July 12 fundraiser will help. The fundraiser, to be held at the Masonic picnic grounds, will include a silent auction with several items, including handm ade jew elry and pbuery, face painting, a cakewalk, music by The Poor Man's Band, crafts, a huge yard sale put on by Marshall’s Sunday School class, the Messengers, and the raffling off of a Boer goat, donated by her sister, who has a goat farm. Marshal! said the yard sale will start at 7 a.m, and breakfast biscuits will be sold during that time. Later in the day, hotdogs and baked goods will bo available for sale, and Dennis has agreed to do some fly- casting demonstrations and a contest. While the fundraiser is being held to raise money for the nets, just the cost of the trip, about $2,500, is enough to keep some people from going, but for Marshall, it is money well spent. ■ She and Dennis have, for years, sponsored a giri there, helping pay for her schooling, which is not free. Marshall said websites falsely claim the government pays for school for each child, about $100, but she said the government actually pays only about $ 1 per child. Marshall isn't the only one who has been generous financially. She tells the story of Joyce Rea, who went on the mission trip last year, and saw children in an orphanage sleeping on the floor, Rea was so upset, Marshall said, that she spent her own money to buy cots for the orphanage. "All the people started calling her the Grandma of Ghana, and even though the trip was difficult for her, she's going back this year,” As for Marshall, when asked how long she will continue to make the trip, she replies, "1 will continue to go as long as God calls me to do it, 1 can’t imagine not going, 1 have to go. When I’m really tired, I think, ‘What good is it?’ but if it makes a difference in one kid, then it’s worth it.” LaRue Marshall wants to teach the children in Ghana things that could help save their lives. LaRue Marshall looks through books of memories from African mis­ sions. Scenes such as this one, with young boys getting drinking wa­ ter from a river using an old anti­ freeze jug, Inspire Marshall to want to help even more. A woman waits for help for a sick child at the medical clinic In Ghana, Marshall displays some handmade Items In her African Room. C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPIUSE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - C3 Thompson-Beck Couple Mamed Mrs. Andrew Quintín Beck Hannah Nicole Thompson and Andrew Quintín Becic, both of Mocksville, were married at 6 p.m. on June 21 nt an outdoor ceremony at Formington United Methodist Church. The Rev, Lewis Phillips officiated. The bride is the daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson. Her maternal grandparents are Nan Naylor and the late Benny Naylor. Her paternal grandpar­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson. The bride graduated from Davie High School and at­ tends the University of North Carolina at Greensboro pursuing a degree in special education. The groom is the son of Andy Beck arid Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Boger. His maternal grandpar­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Gurney AVilliams. His paternal grandpar­ ents ate Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Beck. He graduated from Davie High School and is enlisted in the United States Navy as a Gunners Mate. The bride was escorted by her father. The maid of honor was Amber Thompson, sister of the bride. The bridesmaids were Sa­ rah Naylor, cousin of the bride, Sloan Sm ith and Jenna Hendricks. The junior brides­ maid was Carly Thompson, cousin of the bride. The best man was the groom’s father. The groomsmen were ltd Randolph, Billy Sweat, Jeramie Seamon, Jonathan Britt and Dylan Reynolds. The flower giri was Ella Nan Browning, cousin of the bride. The wedding music was pre­ sented by Brent Wall and flutist Brandi Browning. Christine Sanders directed the wedding. Nanette Naylor and Christy Thompson, aunts of the bride, at­ tended the register. Due to military deployment, a wedding celebration will be hold Aug. 2 alTnnglewood Bam. The groom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at Farmington United Methodist Church and a welcome home celebration after the ceremony. Social Events - • A bridal shower was given by the bride’s aunts, Nora Naylor, Lynn Naylor, Nanette Naylor and Christy Thompson, at First Baptist Church of Mocks­ ville. • A lingerie shower was given by the bridesm aids, Sarah Naylor, Sloan Smith and Jenna Hendricks, at Sarah Naylor’.s house. • A bridal shower was given by the groom’s family, Pattie Newsome, Susan Carter, Francis Beck, Doris Williams and Gina Boger, at Bear Creek Church. • A bridesmaids brunch was held at the home of bride’s grand­ mother, Nan Naylor, and, was given by Amber ’Thompson. D a v i s - C o H i n s C o u p l e W e d A t C h i l d r e s s Sunni Lynn Davis and Jef­ frey Charles Collins, both of Yadkinville, were united in mar­ riage at 6:30 p.m. June 21 at Childress Vineyards in Lexing­ ton. The Rev. Chris Vogts offi­ ciated. The bride is the daughter of Sonny and Debbie Davis of Yadkinville. She is o graduate of Forbush High School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with u bachelor's degree in elementary education. She is employed by Cooleemee Elementary School. The groom is the son of Charies and Janice Collins of Yadkinville. Ho is a graduate of Korbush High School and at­ tended Gatdnet-Webb Univer­ sity. He is employed by Moore- Moxley Insurance. •The bride chose Amy Heath as her matron of honor. Brides­ maids were Ashley Hicks, Brooke Snow, Amanda Foster and Julie Tingen. The groom chose his father as best man. Groomsinen were Tony Snow, Perry Snow, Chad Snow and Ken Snow Jr. After a reception at the vine­ yards, the couple went on a wed­ ding trip to Jamaica. They are at home in Yadkinville.i^r. and Mrs. Jeftrey Charles Collins W e ^ v e g o t y o u c o v e r e d ... From the cornfields to the courthouse, . the Enterprise Record covers Davie County. Subscribe today for delivery each week to your mailbox. Call 751-2120 for details P e o p l e s , J a c k s o n C o u p l e M a r r i e d Ronnie and Patricia Peoples of Mocksville announce the mar­ riage of their daughter, Ashley Monique Peoples to George Brandon Jackson, son of George and Diane Jackson of Statesville. The couple was united as one by Pastor Rodney Barker on Sat­ urday, July 5 at 2 p.m. ut the home of the bride's parents. V E A G L E R E N T A L S , i n c . Aerators Dethatchers Pressure Washers Augers Tillers Tractors Backhoes Bobcats Excavators Trenchers Manllfts Forklifts Tamps Trowels Saws Mixers Screeds Diamond Tools Much, Much More...Over 2,000 Hems!!! Now Open In M o c k s v i l l e 204 Скзорег Creek Dr. {kxoss h m Wal-Mart Shopping Center) (316) 753-1445 Mon-FrI 7:30 агл'5:30 pm & Sat 7:30 ani'12:30 pm Mr. and Mrs. George Brandon Jackson A l l Y o u C a n E a t B r e a k f a s t Saturday, Ju ly 12th Hope Baptist Tabernacle Fellowship Hall 2408 H w y 158 M o ck sville , N C (336) 998-3616 Come join us for'an all-you-can-ent Saturday breakfast • Tim e; 7ain-llani • Cost: $7 adult $4 child (11 & under) • M enii: Country ham , biscuits, gravy, eggs, sauage, & pancakes. Prootiodft towurd IlHT mUttlon trip in August, Л L i n e b e r r y - S t e p h e n s E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e o Amanda Michelle Lincberry of Denton and John Henry Stephens 111 “Cody" of Advance will be married Oct. 18 at the Supona Country Club in Lexington. The bride-elect is the daughter of Leroy Lincberry of Denton and Debbie Hawks of Thomasville. She graduated from South Davidson High School, and obtained her cosmetology certification from Davidson County Community College. She is employed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. The groom-to-be is the son of John Jr. and Dianna Stephens of Advance. He graduated from Davie High School and is employed by the Davie County Sheriff's Office. R id d le - D r y e E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e o Ronnie and Susan Riddle of M ocksville announce the engagement of their daughter, Betsy Ann Riddle to Paul Alexander Drye, son of David and Cathey Drye of Matthews. The wedding will be Sept. 6 at Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Jake and Edna Waldrop and the late Robert and Sallie Riddle of Mocksville. She is a 1998 graduate of Davie High School and a 2002 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a bachelor’s of business administration degree in management information systems. She is employed at Work Software Systems in Cornelius as a training account manager and she also instructs group fitness closses at Carolina Woman. ■ The groom-to-be is the grandson of Phillip Drye and the late Amelia Drye of Stallings and the late Cole and Mildred Holbrook of Candler. He graduated from Sun Valley High School In Indian Trail. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, he earned a bachelor’s of business administration degree in marketing from the University of North Carolina at Choriotte in 2002. He is the owner of Pro-Med Solutions, Inc, a surgical sales representation company covering western North Carolina. / Are you looking for quality A fter School Cdre at an affordable price? Let the HaolisflB U-M.C. After School Program serve your needs. We will offer care to K-5 students in the Mocksville school disu-ict. Homework assistance, snacks, and devotions will be provided daily 1\iition is $13b/month. There iwe only a few spaces remaining tiiat v/ill be filled on a first-come, first-served basis, Registration will end Jiily 15. For more information or to secure a spot, please call 751-5630 and leave a message. S u d o k u 1 2 3 3 2 4 5 6 5 6 2 4 3 7 6 2 3 8 8 9 7 1 4 8 4 9 3 7 2 к 5 7 9 L i s a W o o d s T o P e r f o n v F o r M o c k s v i l l e A A R P Mocksvillc AARP Chapter 5392 will meet July 15 at 2 p.m. at Davie Senior Services with a Woods music program by vocalist Lisa Woods. Woods performs all kinds of music and has appeared on WBTV's “Top of the Day" and was a finalist on “You Can Be A Star” AARP members, guests and people from the community are invited. Refreshments will be served. Davie Senior Services is lo­ cated at 278 M eroney St., Mocksvillc, near Davie County Hospital. To learn more, call 753-6230. Cooleemee Seniors See Short Piay The Cooleemee Senior Citi- lain was in charge of the devo- Solution On Page C4 zens Club met June 9 in the fel­ lowship hall of the First Baptist Church. th e meeting was called to order by the president, nnd was opened with prayer. The chap- C r o s s w o r d P u z z l e Athletic Woes ACROSS 1. Secret store 6. Iron-gloved god 10. Rod Stewart hairdo 14. Skater-turned- actress Sonja 15. Novelist Jaffe 16. Small, at Starbucks 17. Actor In a crowd scene 18. Cast-of-thousands 19. Essayist's alias 20. Hurt athlete's least favorite vegetable? 23. Apt. extras 26. Tennis do-over 27. Bottomless pit 28. Not of the cloth 30, Yes-man 33. _ salts 34. Klutz's comment 35. _-m o replay 38. Hurt athlete's least favorite accommodations? 42. t'odeler's perch 43. WWII-era pope 44. FomiorThree Stooges associate Ted 45. Bonn's river 47. Nurses, at a bar 48. Claro residue 51. One In a six-pack 52. Suffix with acetyl 53. Hurt athlete's least favorlle system of reasoning? 58. Cookie holders 59. Male porker 60. French fries source, slangily 64. "Bus Stop" playwright 65. "Arrlvedercl,__" 66. T he Gift of the Magi" literary device 1 2 3 4 =* 1■Ì 7 0 9 14 ■Г171■ ■L 21 I 23 24 ■2в 129 Г ро 31 32 1 33 [34 38 ро 42 43 Ito 11 12 13 1в 10 р2 |27 54 35 50 01 62 03 67. Middling grades 68. Taken by mouth 69. Name In tine china DOWN 1. "That's aii_j. wrote" 2. Cowpoke's moniker 3. Aardvark's morsel 4. Impersonal letter opener 5. It may keep fast food warm 6. Doggie bonus 7. Kachlna doli- maklng tribe 8. "Com e_. the water's finer 9. Talladega 500, e.g. 10. Words after "slowly I turned ..." In a comic routine 11. "Roots" author Alex 12. Name after "a.k.a." 13 . jaw (pug's liability) 21, Fatn.member . 22, Pop • ‘ 23, A Baldwin brother 24, "It's a Wonderful Life" director Frank 25, Rope fiber 29. Makes more compact 30. Knitted cap 31. Important work 32. Naked _ Jaybird 34. Father of 6-Across 36. Car dealer's offering 37. Fabric created by DuPont 39. Prefix with center or dermis 40. Nasal woe 41. 1/1 song title word 46. FDR's successor 47. Mattress problem 48. Storage place 49. 59-Across, e.g. 50. Piece of hardware on a 55-Oown 51. Reef makeup 54. River of Spain 55. Way In or out 56. Tibetan monk 57. Fish used in gaflite fish 61. Excessively 62. Put a stop to 63. Nursery rhyme pocketful Answers On Page C4 S p e c i a l s o £ t h e W e e k H e n ^ s P H O T O C h i o s S P E C I A L W l ll| # w S e c o n d S e t A líh ^ Л Л o f P r i n t s 1 / $ 1 0 0 F R E E ¿ é I 3 5 m iti O N L Y O n e W e e k O n ly Limit 6 While Supplies Last 1 I'or ^rrat inlbi'm alioii on 1 1 (li'iiKs lu'alth |)i'ol>li'ms, ^i> to 1 1 \f \t \\.ГоЧ|1'Г(|Г11ДС'1).Г1)П1 1 Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 4 9 5 V a l l e y R o a d • M o c k s v i l l e • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 www.fostcrdrugco.com tions, using Luke 9:23, “And He said to them all. If any man will come after me, let him deny him­ self, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Prayer was said. The minutes were read, as were the Sunshine and treasurer's reports. The roll was called with nine members present. Activities taking place at Davie Senior Services were announced. The program was a short play, “Supper With The Young- Uns” by four club members. Two poems were read: "Get­ ting Old” and "W hat Goes Around Comes Around." The next meeting will be Monday, July 14 at 10 a.m. Ev­ eryone is welcome. The thought for the day: “Don't just live andlet live, live and help live." C o u p le C e l e b r a t e s 6 0 t h W e d d in g A n n i v e r s a r y Virgil and Christine Bameycastle Wyatt celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 14 with a dinner at Texas Land and Cattle in Winston-Salem, hosted by their nieces and nephews: Tony and Janet Forrest, Norman Forrest, Ruth and Chip Essie, Brenda and Neal Essie, Lan-y and Susie Wilson, Lynne and Bill Allen. Johtt ' and Debbie Matthews, Steve Bameycastle, Kim and Donnie Myers and Rusty and Lerisa Wyatt. Sisters Irene B. Matthews and Helen Bameycastle and friend Evelyn Pittman, along with great-nephews Steven Myers and Bailey Forrest and great-niece Kathy Forrest added to the occasion. Formerly of Mocksville, the couple now lives in Lexington. F I S H F O R P O N D S T O C K I N G Monday, July 14 Delivery will be: Clemmons - Clemmons Milling Company 10-11 a.m., 336-766-6871 To Plncc An Order Call The Store Above or Call l-S(X)-247-: www.farleysii.shfarm.com FARLEY & FARLEY FLSH FARM C(uh« Arkansas 72421 Alexander’s Bar B-Cl ^ NEW DOLLAR MENU ^ “Stretch Your Food Budget" • Sausage Biscuit • Corn Dog • Hot Dog • Grilled Cheese Sandwich •Tomato Sandwich • Pimento Cheese Sandwich • Small French Fries ' • Small Curley Fries • Select Soft Drinks ALL ITEMS ABOVE ARE $1 EVERYDAY! Alexander’s Bar-Bd 114 N orth Main Street, Mocksville • 751-3500 H o u rs: M o n d a y - F rid a y 5:00 A M - 2 :00 PM Ask About Our F r e q u e n t d i n e r FREE MEAL f ^ m o f i o n ! W h e n W e S a y T i m e I s M o n e y , W e R e a l l y M e a n I t O u r nc»v p rc m iu m C D ra te s a ta it o u t g o o d a n d g e t b e tte r th e lo n g e r y o u c o m m it y o u r F unds. Plus there is a low $500 minimum and no maximum to open! ^ S o u t h e r n ( o m m u m t y B A N K A N D T R U S T w w w sm allen o u g h to care.co m (336) 768-U500 l-fl8»-768-2666 Л M o x i ii C, 1) •Л.П'Т, •л-'Л--'*..-*'г ' л- («»гл • C4 ■ DAVBE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Bridge« Tierney witti tlie 400 pounds of pet food tlie got for the Humane Society of Davie County. G ir l R a is e s F o o d F o r P e ts For her 8th birthday, Bridgcit Ticmcy asked for dog food. She got 400 pounds, which Bridget! is givitig 10 the Davie County Humane Socicty to feed animals at the Moclcsville shelter. She also rcceivcd gifts of cat litter, treats and several toys, leashes and collars. The daughter of Patty and Tim Tierney of Cornwallis Drive, Bridgett is a student at Pinebrook Elementary School; A friend, Amelia Correll, had a similar party earlier that benented A Storehouse for Jesus. Bridgett dismissed thoughts of toys and games for herself to benefit the animals. R o c l( a b iliy A n d H o n i< y T o n i< S a tu r d a y A t J u n i< e r 's l \ / l i l i The Mystery Hillbillies wilt perform a conceri of honky tonk and rockabilly music at Junker's Mill outdoor theater In Down­ town Mocksville Saturday night. The free concert will be from 8-10 p.m. Bring u lawn chair for seating. Beverages and food wiil be available. Je s s ic a S n o w (O«\tcnîpomty Stylist) CLASSICCUTS 766-8448 Allis Concrete Construction Specializing in Barn Floors, Driveways, Sidewall<s and Manhole Rehabilitation Honest, Quality Workmanship and Competitive Prices Confined Space Certified • Fully Insured • Free Estimates 21 Years Experience (336) 940-2468 O rriiodoittic C are E x p e rt C onservntive & A ffo i tlabie ~ We 06 Braces on Satiiidays! We arc Open iti bfast 2 Salnrdiiys à Month - W e v ^ ç c e p t ^ ■ (liiçludiiiji M edicaid) Your t^rihodomic Insurance blas.slcs Handled I leie K e v in J S h o w fc tv . b l)S > , M S I'lioitc(7(M) 63(1-9518 S I5 ,)(il\c.Alexander Biv.d. .Sonili Salislutrv. NC ИМ Я 1 -8 m iw ìip T h is is y o u r f in a l w e e k to ta k e o d v a n tg e o f t h e b e s t p ric in g o f th e y e a r ! W e 'v e s o ld 2 5 a t th e s e in c r e d ib le p ric e s — c o m e in a n d s e e w h y b e f o r e tim e r u n s o u t) contact US ati r354@clayton.net Senior Services Honors Voiunteers Davie County Senior Services held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on June 19. This event is Senior Services way of saying thank you to all those who volunteer at the center. The evening started with a meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans catered by Sagebrush of Mocksville. Senior Services provided homemade banana pudding made by staff. Following dinner, the volunteers wore entertained by the Polka Dots, a polka band from Salisbury led by Lorna Brown. Following the entcrtttinment the volunteers were recognized by Kim Shuskey, director of Senior Services. “Everywhere I go people ask me how such a small county can do so . many program s and services,” Shuskey said. "This room full of volunteers is the only way we arc able to accomplish so much." Kelly Stellato, program nnd outrcuch coordinator stated, "The attendees enjoyed the music imm ensely and the feedback 1 have received has been positive." More than 200 people attended. “1 spent a great afternoon enjoying dinner and the wonderful music of the Polka Dots,” stated volunteer Joyce Peak. Each volunteer received a gift from Senior Services. "Volunteers are extremely important to us here at Senior Services. We value them immensely. We have programs that rely im m easurably on volunteers," said Beth Haire, administrative assistant. "For example: tile homebound meal The Polka Dots provide entertainment for the volunteer banquet. Volunteers and guests enjoy the program at Davie Senior Services. drivers. We have 85 people in Davie County on homebound m eals. We mustOiave eight drivers per day lo fill the eight homebound meal routes." Senior Services has many opportunities for those interested in volunteering, "As a volunteer at Senior Services I enjoy working at the front desk a couple afternoons each month,” said Pat Sherman. "1 also enjoy talking to the people that come in to take advantage of everything Ihe center has to offer. In addition to working at the front desk, I am a m em ber of the Davie County Singing Seniors. We go to area nursing homes and sing P r o t e c t Y o u r P e t s F r o m S u m m e r ’s H e a t Here arc some pel summer safety tips from the Humane Society of Davie County: • Never leave your pet in a car. Parking in the shade and leaving the windows open is npt an option. In a hot cur, your pet's temperature can rise rapidly. It only takes niinutes lo reach Crossword Answers n r a s a a n n Щ Sudokii Solution 5 4 6 1 8 2 3 9 7 1 3 2 9 7 4 5 8 6 9 7 8 5 3 6 2 1 4 8 9 3 6 1 7 4 S 2 6 5 4 2 g 3 1 7 8 2 1 7 8 4 5 9 6 3 7 2 1 4 s 8 6 3 9 4 8 9 3 6 1 7 2 S 3 6 S 7 2 9 8 4 1 dangerous levels leading to heatstroke and death. • Always make sure your pel has cool, clean water available. Dogs, and even cats, drink mote on hot days, and water warms up quickly. • Do not force your dog into the water if he/she is frightened. Some dogs do not like to swim. If your dog likes to swim, do not leave him/her unattended. Bathe your dog afterwards to remove all sand, mud, and chlorine. Also, be sure all pool chemicals are stored safely out of reach. • Do not allow your dog to hang out of the window of a moving car, Objects such as rocks or tree limbs could seriously injure your pet, or he/ she might fall or jump out. • Do not allow your animals to ride in the buck of a pick-up truck. They could be thrown out, or they may jump out. • Tnke your pets inside if there is the possibility of a thunderstorm. Loud thunder may frighten them, or lightning could strike them, • Do not walk your dog near. Fireworks. Besides the obvious danger, the noise can be scary. • Have your dog checked for heartworm, and administer u heartworm preventative. • Check your pet daily for fleas and licks. Talk to u veterinarian about preventing these insects. • If your pet likes to relax in the sha^e of a yard or deck, watch out for yellow jackets, bees, loads, and snakes. Bite or sting symptoms are usually swelling of the face or affected ureas. Once stung or bitten, the pet’s skin may start lo look wrinkly or bumpy. This Is a first indicator and if not treated by a veterinarian could result in death due to toxins taking over and shutting down the animal’s body or causing airway swelling imd suffocation. • Know the signs of heal stress. In these warm summer months it is best to be aware of the signs of heat stress by exposure to extrem e temperatures. Check the animal for signs of heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, restlessness, excessive thirst. 704.630.6400 1606 Jake Alaxantlei^ Blvd W, Saiisbufy S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T IO N S 1424 industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 Phone: 704-872-8444 336-940-6306 AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 www.slrousehouse.zoomslnare.com Thurs., July 10 • 6:30PM • Ihickload Suipius/Salvage Sale! HUNTM«VIWWM - AQT13' mpod SunI, Вот»« Quad W Bm РаеЦе, tad EZ Biackil), AW BiW Ranv», 3.M0 t Wirt, Baiila ВМЫ1 MO Scope, D«r Сай, Ariral Тир), BiSviell SOO OPS Syslem, ?*»« T«ml S»pe, 0№Ш Scop«, Kletiiaek, IS' T»o Man tidd« Stand, 12 Qun Sail, IWile Rile Ca», Aim to Сш, fed ftak, Ta(№Boí,HunlioíBfridj,liWaBMl),M-USteellto№,WS^^ " 'C«NNM - ТШ, Tai^atg CMis. Camp CoU, Cam«« Ring, I Campslow, Casl Iren Cootoam, OuMom CM»i Diyti, Part Sljii Oii МЮ - Outdw Ded Boiflendi, AdimM M « (M; Tacile Boi, Hunlinj BMi, Itlca BooD, M-U Steel tou, W Stolira'ter--------------- ------- . gij^sioiase Sliedj, Casi Irm Slow OooWe, - - --------------------j(M, Wood'Bddge, 6S8PlecePal»Set),Haniiiiodi), OtlselUmbJto D«*ella), Patio IWrelaj, lOilO Hoft» OieenlKwsai, Soiwtaei, Pdvaty Fmdi Panel Rajpolei, 9' TkatcW T*1 (Jntoela, M Gtaviiy loiiger), loume Cliah, Palo CliaJi Pada.mNm " Hoiii«! Tieadnil, Smlctatl Trtadnil), PiolMm - GR80!, 4» tIBj, «OH Efptlcali, Ion BdM, Evertali № a^, Mara Kaiwid EBe Pl5, Nm Bila^IWtlllll-l?Watetrra«i»tre, Mat*«', WakeSpydei2,l«tech № Pool.l«»C,-0(rttt«i,kxiicAkPi*ii,^ “ ■ • - ■ ------.......fid Ind. Skalflboa/ds. Mac Camrti. Meal ---------- iyT)№,CNav Fri., July 11 • 6:30PM • Store Quality Plus Suiplui/Salvage^l Wcmave),Ptio™iCo(dles!.RadM,Slei80),eoomBo<n Swepen, tan», DVD Ptayen, 300 №1 Speakei, flatn)Steii»,PapeiSI»idd«r),Masna«ixDVD Weedeater, Garten Tools, New Mena, Womenj i Sat., July 12 •6:30PM* Rick Hannon F O O D S A L E !!!штитшеысюмштаиштугоооDiyGfocery, ChMse. Beel. Pork, De$sefls, SleaJt..PM LuO, Lott, Uonli BRIM DIncaonf! htttohTT South toBxlt48A.a B*^Av9. (But) »ppm. S<4 mlh putSh9ll St»lhn ~N9Xtkft on hiduitMDf., Strouu Houu Auction l$onth«Ufl ^ acn»s{/wRfltracH..Juflai/>odd^anda«fyfo№Ni B E A R C R E E K B A P T IS T C H U R C H JU L Y 14-18 On July 14-18, Bear Creek Baptist Church will becoi\ie Outrigger Island. We hope you will join us as we celebrate God's love and learn more about Jesus through our Vacation Bible School program. We have classes for all ages nursery thru adult, We will meet nightly Mon-Thurs 6;30-8;30 for children and youth, with adults from 7:00-8:00, On Friday, we will complete the weel^ with a commencement and a cookout for children and families. Put on your island best and we'll see you here! 492 Bear Creek Church Road • Mocksville for the residents. If.i a good feeling to see their faces light up with Joy while we sing to them.” Senior Services believes in showing upprcciation to all iheir volimteers. Giving your time to help others is such ii selfless act, Shuskey said. To volunteer, cull 753-6230 for more information. lethargy, fever, dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivatiun, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, and unconsciousness, ir your pet Is ovcrhcntlnK... • Move your pet into the shade or an air-conditioned area. • Apply icc packs or cold towels to your pet's head, ncck, and ciiest or immerse him in cool (not cold) water • Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water or lick icc cubes. • Take .your pet to a veterinarian. Rachel Dunn, the HSDC Adoption Center coordinator, asks everyone to come by the no­ kill facility at 290 Eaton Road, M ocksville, lo see the dogs available for adoption. It is open on Mondays by appointment only (751-5214), Tuesidays II a.m .-7 p.m., W ednesdays- Fridays 11 n.m ,-5 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m .and closed Sundays. C a n c e r S c r e e n in g C lin ic J u iy 2 4 The Davie County Health Department will sponsor a Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening on Thursday, July 24, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. To receive information as to how to qualify for these screenings, women in need of either screening should contact the health department at 751-8700. Funding for these services is provided by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the North Carolina Breast and Cervical Control program. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 ■ C5 Everette Glasscock and the display of flags and tractors he sets up In his yard get quite an amount of attention. Almost all are worked on his farm. Sheffield-Cedahain News By Janice Jordan Shcffield-Cnlahnln Correspondent While hundreds of people participated in the Piedmont A ntique Power Association festivities July 3-4 at the Masonic Picnic Grounds, others in our community found their own way to commemorate our nation’s birthday. Everette Glasscock’s annual display of tractors lined up in his yard with United States flags attached and waving are u community Iradllion. Seven Furmalls sat proudly this year on the Fourth of July, and were positioned from the smallest cub to the big model 400. An accomplished carpenter by trade, who stays busy in the com m unity because people know his good work, Everette also can be found at Ijames Baptist Church, and is a supporter of the Center Volunteer Fire Department. Everelte’s tractors are all the original red color, and he started out with an H Farmall that his father, M arshall Everette Glasscock Sr., bought new in March of 1944 from Rankin Sanford in M ocksvillc. However, Everette denies that he collects tractors, claim ing instead that they Just find their way lo him. The smallest one that he has is a McCormick Formall Cub, but it isn’t the original Cub that his dad once used. Thai one w asn’t big enough at the time, and Marshall bought the 1976 International Farmall 140 from James Truck and Tractor in Statesville. This was after horses were no longer used for their farm work. The 140 is used by Everette to mow his yard and that of his daughter, Marsha Alexander, who lives nearby, plus other yards in the neighborhood from time lo lime. Everette had wanted a model 300 for quite a while, and finally found just what he was looking for over in Davidson County al Reed’s Crossroads. Sitting for years w ithout any loving attention, and full of mud daubers, the tractor was brought to Everettc’s home. After a good cleaning and some long overdue maintenance, it worked like a charm, and looked surprisingly good. With a three-point hitch conversion added, it is one of the workhorses that Everette uses for farm chores. In fact, out of the collection, I mean group, only the big model 400 is basically for show. All the others have lo earn their keep. Well, the H isn't used so much now, and there are no plans to ever sell it, since it was his father’s. Mr. Glasscock Sr. died a few years ago after more than 100 active years of life, leaving quite a legacy for his son nnd the rest of their family. There were also a Super C nnd an M that were sitting lined up in Everette’s yard with the others, and I can’t say how often they see duty around the place. His wife, Brenda seems to take it all in stride, and kept a watchful eye as Everette moved each one back under cover temporarily on Friday due lo the threat of storms in the area. But the tractors were back in formation on Saturday morning for a final day of viewing before they were returned to. Iheir garages. Once in a while somebody who is just passing through will stop to tnke a photograph and to ask questions about the tractors. Apparently people who live inside some city limits rarely sec this type of Independence Day display. In the country, we like this kind of tradition and appreciate the efforts of those who take the time lo add to our celebrations. Last week Jimmy Mattox was featured. In addition to being apprccinted for all the ways he participates in activities at his New Union United Methodist Church, he is kidded about his fondness for eating out in restaurants. M ost dining establishment owners in Davie County know him by sight, but 1 have included his photo this week so that anyone who spots him when he is out for a meal will recognize him. Also, 1 hope he is feeling in great shape now, as he spent last Tuesday night in the hospital. Summer camp sessions at the old Poplar Springs School on Ijames Church Road start Monday, July 14, Each weekly camp will run from 10 n.m. -4 p.m. with child care available before nnd after cnmp ench day for an additional chargu. You can gel more inform ation nt www.poplarspringsscliool.com or contnct Vauda Ellis at 492- 5277 or Shar Bcck at 492-2305. The W illiam R. Davie Raiders Booster Club’s nnnual fundraiser golf tournament will bo held at Pudding Ridge Golf Club Saturday, July 12. Proceeds benefit the William R. Davie Youth Football Program. For more information and lo register, call the booster club president, Angela Wallace nt 940-5574. On Saturday, Dennis and Yvonne Ijam es with their daughter Suzonne and son-in- law, Mike spent the day al Lake Hickory. Hosting the gathering at their home were Garrett and Beth Hinshaw, who entertained approxim ately 40 fam ily members and friends. Everyone enjoyed swapping stories, and were thrilled to watch about an inch of rain come down. Reba M clnnis of the Ijames Crossroads community joined in the fun. New Union United Methodist Church honored two high school graduates from its congregation. Presented Bibles from the church were Leigh Rcavis and Caleb Anderson. They received heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for their future from everyone there. Ijames Baptist Church members Randy and Melissa Davis had an experience recently that any pnrçnt would hope to nvold. Their 14-year-old daughter Ashley had a severe headache for a few days, and ended up in the hospital for tests. The diagnosis finally was made and confirm ed a bacterial infection in the brain. The doctors have no way of knowing exactly how the bacteria could have entered her body, and speculated that it may have happened u few days earlier when braces were being applied to her teelh, but that it teallA could have occurred In any other number of ways. As frightening as that may sound, Ashley is being medically treated, but was well enough to join her family at Sunday’s church services. She is expected lo recover completely. Her family would like to thank everyone for their concern. Tammy Beck has been battling pneumonia for the last few weeks, nnd nlthough she has been struggling to regain her strength, she is improving. A host of family and friends gathered Inst week to pay tribute to fam ily patriarch, Monzy Dyson, who died on June 29 at the age of 101. His children who survive him are Leroy D pon, Jimmy Dyson, Carl Dyson, Dorothy Stokes, and Melba •Felmster. Dorothy lives in eastern Davie, and the test all still live in Sheffield. With II grandchildren, 18 great­ grandchildren, 8 greal-great- grandchildren, nnd many nicces and nephews, you can itnagine what a magnificent family he leaves behind. Mnny heart­ warming and sometimes comical memories were shared nt the funernl services, led by grandson-in-lnw the Rev. Wayne Swisher and New U nion’s m inister, Dr..Dnvid C^unha/ Physically active nnd mentally on his gnme until the last few months of life, Monzy was a w ell-known personality to nearly everyone In the area, and he will be long remembered. The fourth annual Fall Festival, sponsored by Now Union UMC, will be Saturday, Sept. 20 from 10 a,m.-4 p.m. Any vendors Imotcsted In u space should call Vicki Groce at 961-6929 or Brendn Bailey at 751-7567. I Here are the birthdays and Jimmy Mattox Is known for eating In restaurants, nnniversnries that have bien sent to me for the coming week; Jnckie Harris, Jerry McDaniel, and Matthew McDaniel share July 11 birthdays; Linda Vaughn celebratcs a birthday on July 12; Zach Frye’s birthday is July 13 (I can’t believe my grandfather would have been 110 on this date. I remember him so well and miss him in many ways.); Rick Rogers, Tony Prevette, Tommy Beck, and Roger Johnson all share July 14 birthdays: Hnl Wall, Johnny Keaton, and Barbara Barney were born on July 15: J. T. Tomel’s birthday is July 16;.and Jason Brown and Timmy Gobble will celebrate birthdays on July 17. Upcoming w edding anniversaries are Johnny and Lee Ann Brown on July 12; Daniel and Tammy Hartle on July 15; and Dale and Lynn Sherrill on the 17th. Share your news In this column, Your photos can be emailed to me. Please call me with any questions at 492-5836, JvJJ(ml(m®bolmail.com. Рагггйпй1оп News By Laura Mathis Farmington Correspondent On June 23-25, the Davie County 4-H and Master Garden­ ers sponsored the Junior Master Gardener Camp. The group met at the Farmington Community Center, where they enjoyed some activities, but then headed out lo seek out other adventures. They visited the Woosley Farm, a small family farm in the countryside of Forsyth County, to learn about animals, plants, and living in the 1800,;. They toured Vulcan Materi­ als and fished al Tanglewood. Some of their projects included: learning about honeybees, Insect Safari and making hnts, bird houses, worm bins, tie-dye shirts and more. The group also worked on several com m unity service projects, some of which Were nt the Farm ington Community Center. They pulled weeds, spruced up the senior garden with a new bird house, and planted com and sunflowers to keep the scarecrow company. There were 24, third-sixth graders who attended the camp. Filling the kids’ week with lots of projects, field trips, and learn­ ing sessions look a lot of dedi­ cated volunteers. The place w busy with 4-H and Master Gar­ dener volunteers, before the kids showed up and well after they had left. We appreciate all of the hard work from tliese volunteers nnd from the staff of the Davie Cooperative Extension, to mnke this cnmp fun, educational, and available for the youlh in our area. Maria Newsome will be host­ ing a yard sale lo raise money to go toward a new playground for the Farm ington Community Center. The date will be an­ nounced soon, but get busy now. l ì Tiffany Evans, 4-H summer assistant, reads a story to begin the Web of Life activity at the Junior Master Gardener Day Camp at the Farmington Community Center. The young gardeners learn to make a compost pile powered by worms. cleaning out those closets and phonts at the Farmington Beauty Methodist Church will have a setting things aside thnt cnn be Shop. These cnn be recycled into Spaghetti Supper Snturdny, July sold at the yard sale. You can cash that will also go toward n 12 from 4:30-7 p.m., dine in or niso help by dropping off your new playground, lake out. Donations will go to Matthew Forrest an d Will Parker pull weeds at the se- old ink cartridges and cell The Farm ington United Relay for Life. nior Citizen g arden. ff' 'r . 1 ' Сб - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Г You know things are good when there’s a cold piece of watermelon In hand. There were plenty of decorated bicycles, families, food and fun at the annual KiniJerton July 4th Celebration. Kinderton News By John Godwin Kinderton Correspondent '•‘'''W hat a great 'luly 4th in Kinderton. There were lots of homes decorated, lots of family, many friends, and most of all, the fun had at the Kinderton July 4th Bicycle Parade. The watermelon and flavored icc pops, and cookies were great. The cookies were excellent, just ask John Harrison Kiger. We thank those who participated in the parade: Naesu Fowler, Marley Fowler, Hunter Testa, James Rhile, Sammy Rhile, Kristen Dwyer, Alec Harden, John Harrison Kiger, Ethan Price, Mia Foster, Ella Bowman, Mason Fowler, Howard Rhile, Brandon Dwyer, Caitie Anderson, Abby Hines, Nathan Hines, Maggie Bowman, Isiac Bowman, and Robert Bowman. Kinderton residents would like to thank the volunteers on the events committee that helped organize the parade and refreshments. Also, thanks to those who attended to celebrate with us. The Lunch Buddies gathering was great. It was held June 19 at Venezia Italian Family Restaurant with 15 in' attendance. Thanks to Theresa Huddleston for organizing the meeting at another good place with lots of good food. Oreat developm ent is happening in the area. Please stay safe with the opening of the hew traffic pattern on Hwy 801 near 1-40 this week. Kristen Dwyer, fiower bas­ inet and all, flashes her best smile. John Harrison Kiger con- This young lady gets a red, white and blue wagon ride. The fourth is a happy time, centrâtes on a cookie. Debra and Tony Moore enjoy the festivities. Advance News Volunteers keep plenty of watermelon ready for the celebration. By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent There will be a covered dish dinner Sunday July 13th at the Advance United M ethodist Church fellowship hall to wel- come the new pastor, the Rev. Cheryl Skinner and her husband, the Rev. Kirk Tutterow. Every­ one is invited to come and meet the newcomers. Many visitors attended the worship service at church Sun­ day. John Farley of Arlington, Va. spent the holiday weekend with his grandm other, Edith Zimmerman. John came home from Afghanistan and Iraq in April and will return to Iraq July M ASTER'S TOUCH A N T IQ U E PLANK Master's Touch Antique , Plank flooring captures the feel and appearance of original character distinction conditioned over time. Master’s Touch Antique Plank flooring will continue to evoke historic grandeur and unique styling for years to come, m lUldwOOd tiM rl WEAR MAX ADVANCED CERAMIC FINISH Crtated from the same technology that protects space sbutties fivm atmosphere re-entry heat, WEARMAX^prduit/es incredible wear and stain resistance to keep your floor looking great. No other flooring finish on the market today can itiatch perfltnnance ofWEAmAX?^, w é Á H.. If'ditOC /»>1M AX 21 for his second tour of duty. He attended church with his grandmother Sunday and was wished well by many of the con­ gregation. Melissa Hendri.\ Bamum has returned from a months stay in Costa Rica where she advanced her Spanish language. She trav­ eled with a group from Catawba College. Mona Potts has returned from a two-week M editerranean cruise. She went with Diane and Wiley Burns of Bermuda Run West who are directors of Sun Burst Cruise and Travel. Kathy Reed was Mona’s traveling com­ panion. The group of 40 people flew to Venice, Italy and had a two-day tour before boarding their ship 'Summit' of the Celeb­ rity Cruise Line. Mona and Kathy were joined by Linda Robinson there who is a flight attendant for U.S. Air, The group sailed to Dubrovik, Croatia spending a day there, The old city was once walled and much of the original wall re­ mains. Mona climbed on parts of the old wall. From there they Tenls-sW IU5e»-ao(( clubs-golf bogi-new compulef stand-booto-loy»Bool Covere-lndofaljla be<te-AW Cova-Hol tub cmen-tloQlIng pool chalf Aicada nrracNne-splnnina reels-omnno cosos -goll bolls-Bploaa Cofdloss Vbcuum Qeanef-NEW cookwato & olossware-Black & Deck« Mmm« NEW coHeo mateB. (talwate, (lyei, luga, |octe1& walchoscleanlng pioducis ClUSkilubes I 8»«r8tor.g.Wortd RocumbentUtes Disposabio gli Golf Qlovea-oolf bag elofoge casee / ) I /Y Water ЛЙ<н>ов hand cotls-camara cosos SW fopes-ficoles-wQll decof-hond Ifucks-massagotoW© • toot сЬей'Gum bon mochlnos-welght bench^mlllary surplus stuff • tolsscopic Под poles Weed Kltler*wator knee boords'woke boords-Nosccv stuff 1011 «»(Мигу Hwy M»oJavUI*Rout« eoi ШЬоЫх2*в1ЬоЬ totobtocooipfeswi H rs; M on. -Fri. 8-6 & Sat. 9-1 213 New H ighw ay 64 West, Lexington, N C Phone: (336)249-6672 CARPET & FLO O R IN G CO VERIN G H U M A N A .^ M a r k e t P W N T Specializing in: • M e d ic a re s u p p le m e n t in s u ra n c e • F in a l e x p e n s e in s u ra n c e • In d iv id u a l & te m p o r a r y h e a lth in s u ra n c e • M e d ic a re A d v a n ta g e h e a lth p la n s • M e d ic a re P a rt D p r e s c r ip tio n d rC jg p la n s For more information call: Candis Rogers 1-888-290-4108 went to Santorini, Greece where at one time all the houses were painted white with blue roofs, now only the churches have blue roofs. In Athens, Greece they saw all the ancient Greek build­ ings on the Acropolis on which the Parthenon was built. From Athens the group went to Naples, Italy and enjoyed a drive along the Amalfi coastline which is winding with breathtaking views, At one point between two cities they visited was 1,065 turns. Next port of call was the Vatacin, Sistine Chapel, Trevi Fountain, St. Peter’s Square, and the Colosseum in Rome. In Flo­ rence, Italy they saw the Lean­ ing Tower of Pisa and had lunch in the city plus a walking tour. Next port of call was Nice, France and from there to Mo­ naco where they saw the Castle where Princess Grace and Prince Rainer are buried. Then on to the Monte Carlo Casino which happened to be closed at this time, much to the disappoint­ ment of everyone, Last port of call was Barcelona, Spain. Mona and Kathy left the group, at this point and went on a bus tour to the mountains in north­ eastern Spain, 40 miles out of Barcelona, where the Montserrat Monastery is located. The rug­ ged mountain height is 4,058 feet. The group flew out of Barcelona on their homebound trip. Get well wishes go out to Quincy Cornatzer who was in­ jured in a, freak tractor accident last week and has undergone major surgery at Forsyth Medi­ cal Center for an intestinal punc­ ture. He hopes to come home this week. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - C7 Howdy there, Cowboys and Cowglrlsl Let's all "head 'em up and roll 'em out" for Jesus at Calvary Baptist Church for Vacation Bible School, Sunday, July 13-Frlday, July 18. Bible school will kick off Sunday with "Old Fashion Day" following the 11 a.m. worship service with Surf's Upl Let’s all go "Surfing USA" with the Bible as the guide at the Clarksbury United Methodist dinner-on-the-grounds and horseshoes and other outdoor games. Church Vacation Bible School from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Sunday, July 13 - Friday, July 18. Classes for Classes for children ages 3 - 6th grade will be held nightly from 7 - 9 children ages kindergarten-8th grade will be held nightly Sunday-Thursday and will include Bible study, Monday - Friday and will include Bible study, music, crafts, games, music, crafts, recreation, and snacks. The school will conclude on Friday with commencement fol- and refreshments. The school will conclude Friday with commence- lowed by a hotdog supper for the children and their parents at 6:30 p.m. ment and family night fellowship for the children and parents. County Line News By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Our community has been blessed with recent rains; the flowers have perked up and the berries have become fuller and juicier. The afternoon and evening rains did put a slight damper on church picnics and backyard cbokouts over the holiday weekend. Despite gas prices at four dollars per gallon, many County Liners enjoyed trips to our beautiful Carolina beaches. A few folks ventured to far away places. Betty and Lawrence Cartner visited relatives in West V irginia; Danny and Julie C artner and family visited relatives in Long Island, N.Y. Our com^iunlty has been blessed in that all folks whether they traveled near or far have reportedly hod sofe trips. The United Methodist Men of Salem will meet for breakfast and prayer at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Pino News July 13, in the fellowship hall. Jack Koontz will share pictures of his recent mission trip to Alaska. The men invite others to join them for the meeting. Salem will have a “Meet the Pastor” fellowship at 9 a.m. Sunday in the fellowship hall. Enjoy donuts and coffee while getting to know Salem's new pastor, the Rev. Robin Fitzgerald. Then stay for worship at 9:30 a.m. followed by Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. The Youth of Society Baptist Church will sponsor a spaghetti dinner immediately following the II a.m. worship service Sunday, July 13, in the fellowship hall. The menu will Include spaghetti, tossed salad, dessert, bread, and drink, eat in or take out. Just make a donation and cat until your tummy says, "Please, no more.” All proceeds will benefit the youth sutnmer camp trip expenses. Enjoy a delicious Sunday dinner and fellowship with friends and neighbors. The Kappa ECA will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 15, at the Davie Academy Building on Mr. Henry Road. Sarah Koontz will host the meeting and will lead the program. Club members invite others for an informative home and fam ily program followed by fellowship and refreshments. Piney Grove AME Zion Church will have Vacation Bible School Wednesday, July 16- Friday,July 18. The theme of the school is "The Creation." Classes for children of all ages will begin at 6:30 p.m. each day and will include Bible study, crafts, music, gam es, and refreshments. All children are invited. Upcoming com m unity events include a "Kids’ Day Out” Thursday, July 24, at Clarksbury United Methodist Church; a V-Point Ruritan country ham and sausage breakfast from 6-10 a.m. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent It was good to have Pastor Jack Tookey bacH at Wesley Chapel United M ethodist Church last Sunday. He was on vacation for a week with his family camping in Virginia. Gene Smith spent a few days in Forsyth Hospital last week. He is home and im proving slowly. The Wesley Chapel UMW held its monthly meeting at the home of Nancy Collette last Wednesday, Vice President Sara Eure conducted the meeting in the absence of President DeWilla Smith. M arie M iller had an enlightening program on growing old gracefully. Others attending were Kathy Ellis, Nora Latham, Betty West and Toby Hawkins. W esley Chapel UMC is forming a team for the Relay for Life event on July 25 & 26 at the YMCA in Mocksvilie. Country music singer, Kevin Sharp, will be performing at the Relay this year. He is a survivor, He will go on stage at 8 p.m. Please call Sara Eure at 492-2299 or Kathy Ellis at 998-3987 if you would like to purchase a luminary for $10, a Torch of Hope for $100, or just make a donation. We are trying to paint the county риф1е with big purple bows for you mailbox to bring awareness to the fight against cancer. Please let us know if you would like to purchase one for a donation of $5. The money raised by the Relay for Life goes toward Cornatzer News By DotUe Potts Cornatzer Correspondent Perry Morris had surgery and treatment at Baptist Hospital last week and has returned to Davie Place in M ocksvilie Sunday where he is a resident. Mr. and Mrs, Terry Davis va­ cationed at the beach last week. The senior citizens from Cornatzer Baptist Church en­ joyed a trip to Spencer on June 26, They toured the N,C. Trans­ portation Museum and enjoyed a brief train ride. Bobby Winters visited his brother, Wiley Winters, who is seriously ill in Thomasville Hos­ pital. Four Corners News By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and Diane Baxter were supper guests Friday night of Mr, and Mrs, Mark White and Jessica. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Friday night, Mr, and Mrs, Joe White vis­ ited Mrs, Joe Carr Harpe Tues­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Joe White vis­ ited Glenda Sapp Sunday night. God Bless Our Country Let Hi all give liianks to oiir flog so true, Its colors are so beautiful, red, white and blue.When we think of the good ole U.S.A.,Let IIS all stop and humbly pray.And serve Him whenever we can,For we all know that is ac­ cording to His plan. Love in Christ, Marie S. White Saturday, Aug, 2, at the V-Point Building on Old M ocksvilie Road; and the annual community veterans’ supper Monday, August 4, at the V-point Building, The past year the College and Career Class of Clarksbury United Methodist Church has been raising money for a class m ission trip to Romania, Wednesday, July 10, the class will leave for a lO-day trip to Teliu, Romania, The class will be doing building and evangelism. Those going include Bobby, Edna, and Kurt Anderson; Brenda Bell; Jason Faulkner; Laura Beth Galliher; Seth and Cheryl Hathcock; Cindy Heath; Bridgett Hutchens; Josh and Colby Lewis; and Ashton Welbom, Please pray for their safe travel to Romania and while there. Also, pray that many people will come to know the Lord Josus C hrist as their personal Savior. We send get-well wishes to Libby Blair and Peggy Winfrey. Libby Blair, wife of the Rev. Stephen Blair, has been in the hospital for back surgery at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Peggy had to have emergency treatment ofter being bitten by a brown recluse spider. Bueford Lambert has improved but remains at Iredell M em orial Hospital. Ruth Kim mer rem ains in serious condition at Lexington. Please join us as we pray for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings in the lives of Libby, i’eggy, Bueford, and Ruth. Also, continue to remember In prayer those who are having outpatient treatment and those who have recently had loved ones to die. If you have news or memories to share, please call Shirley at 492-5115 or email sdtlink® hotmail.com. The Women's Missionary Union of Calvary Baptist Church honored Kenneth "Ken" Stroud of Davie Academy Road for his long-term dedication and hard worl< for God and the church. He was presented a plaque in his honor dur­ ing the morning worship service Sunday, June 15. research to find a cure for this dreadful disease. , Nora Latham treated Sara Eure to lunch on her birthday, July 1. Betty West joined them. On Sunday several from Wesley Chapel took her to breakfast to celebrate her birthday. They were Tom and Toni Horton, Betty and Roland West, Vernon Dull and Ruth Davis. Harry and Ellen Rawlings of West Palm Beach, Fla., former residents of Pino, visited the community on Sunday. Bob and Kathy Ellis held open house for them and John and Beth McCashin provided Lexington barbecue with all the trimmings for lunch. Everyone else brought a covered dish. Others attending were Sean and Mary McCashin, Jim and Chinera Latham, Nora Latham, Dale Latham, Jim and Dawn Rodgers and Janice Rodgers of Winston-Salem, Karl and Dawn Tutt of Ft, Pierce, Fla,, Ethan, Allison and Reid Boger of Reidsville, and Joyce Sutton of Harmony, Those visiting after lunch were Tom and Toni Horton, Gene and Marie Miller, Robert Ellis and Betty West. The newly formed group to "Preserve Farmington” will have a meeting Tuesday, July 29 at 7 p.m. at the Farm ington Community Center. Anyone interested is invited. Some of the things to be discussed are a name for the venture and sort out fliials. There will be a Farmington Fun Day at the Farm ington Community Center on Saturday, Aug. 9 from U a.m.-2 p,m. Activities will include a hotdog lunch, cakewalk, tennis, a band, beach ball volleyball, watermelon seed spitting contest and hom em ade ice cream competition. Everyone is invited to donate food, join in the fun and enjoy the Farm ington community. 4 7 6 5 H a m p to n R d * C le m m o n s , N C 2 7 0 1 2 Under NEW Adiiiliiistntioi witiiantESHVlSIONto theFvtareofTOllRCIiilM * We Use Abeka Curriculum * Full Time Care is $100.00 Per Week, This Includes K3, K4, K5. Time; 7:00am - 5:45pm * Part Time Care is $200.00 a Month, For Preschool (K3, K4, K5) Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm * Before & After School Care is $50.00 a Weel<, For Both, or $25.00 For One Or The Other. * Multiple Child Discount. * $50.00 Reg. Fee Waived Upon Enrollment and Payment of Book f=tee. C a U ( 3 3 6 ) 3 4 5 -1 3 7 1 F o r E n r o l l m e n t ! O b it u a r ie s R e c e i v e s — G r a n t C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 'Bertie N. WMer ' 1934 - 2008 ' Moci|»viLLe Patricia M, Archer 1929 - 2008 C H A R U nTE ' Thomas Ml Dyson 1906-2008 MOCKSVILLE Henry E. Allen 1936 - 2008 MOCKSVILLE (ft Roby L. Graiil Sr. 1919-2008 MOCKSVILLE * ' Walter Wi Horton 19S5-2008 ' M O C ffitVILU !. Alpha Bi Lawson ■ 1913 - 2008 MOCKSVILLE 4k ! \ Donald Curtis r’'DlcdJimo30,2008 ' YADKlNVlLLE Muriel M. Weathers ' ' Died June 27,2008 RALEIGH I’ ill(il) I' IIIUTill S|‘t'\ i('(‘ Humane Society of Duvie County was selected to receive i\ grant from the American Humane A ssociation's M eacham Foundation Memorial, The society received $2,470 to purchase durable Kuranda pel beds for use in its no-kill pet adoption center at 290 Eaton Road in iVIocicsviile. “The Humane Society could not have purchased these pet beds without a grant, so we are thrilled to have been awarded a Mcacham grant this year,” says Rachel Dunn, adoption center coordinator. The Mcacham Foundation Memorial was established in 1969, in memory of Tressa Mcacham, to provide flnancial assistance for shelter ex|)ansion or improvements that directly impact the welfare of animals In shelters. The grants, in amounts up to $4,000, are awarded each year to several animal care agencies, To be eligible, agencies must be nonprofit, offer adoption programs and be members of American Humane, This year American Humane received more than 200 requests for assistance from organizations across Ihe country. Visit the Humane Society's adoption center to Tmd a dog or cat companion for life. H a p p y B i r t h d a y t o W h o ? Tell Everyone Who's Having a Birthday! 1 x 3 - * 1 5 • 2 x 3 * 3 0 DAVIB CO UN TY Б М Т Е П Р М /Ё ё^ Й С О П Р 171 S. Main St. Mocksville avie Place ing Assisted Living Community D avie Place salute,s K atie C h a th a m , o u r M edical T echnician SupervKs'or, K atie has been w ith us fof ab o u t .six m o n th s an d has a stafF o f tw o. H e r very Im p o rtan t role at D avie Place includes dispensing m edications in a .safe, efficient m an n e r and overseeing th e im p lem en tatio n o f new doctons’ instructions. S he lives in H arm ony, N C an d and enjoys w o rk in g a t D avie Place w hich she describes as “an excellent facility”. W h en asked ab o u t all th e staff a t o u r fiicility, K atie says, “ Lots o f care, love an d com passion goes in to th e w ork h ere.” W e are pleased th a t K atie has m ad e h er w ork h o m e here w ith us a t D avie Place. For Information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson 336-751-2175 Mary E. Kirkpatrick M ary Elizabeth W alker Kirkpatrick, 81, died on June 16, 2008 at Forsyth Medical Center while surrounded by fam ily' members. She was bom Dec. 5,1926 in Rock Hill, S.C., to Franklin Brycc and Maggie ShilHnglaw Walker. She was the seventh of eight children. She graduated from Rock Hill High School and was employed by The Equitable Insurance Co. and The Bank of Great Falls. She married William Donald Kirkpatrick of Great Falls, S.C. on Oct. 29,1948. The family moved to Winston-Salem in 1958. She wits a member of Centenary United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers Jack W alker, Grady W alker and Marshall Walker; and sisters, Margaret Walker Loflin, Carrie W alker Adams and Grace Walker Leslie. Survivors: her husband, 91, of Winston-Salem; 2 sons,.Will- • iam M ichael (Karen) Kirkpatrick of Mocksville and Carl Walker Kirkpatrick of Win- slon-Salem; and 3 grandsons. Her funeral service was at Centenary United M ethodist Church on Thursday, June 19 at 10:30 a.m. with a memorial ser­ vice following at 11, Memorials: Centenary Meth­ odist, Winston-Salem; or Ihe American Cancer Society. Arttlur Lee Jessup Mr, Arthur Lee Jessup, 64, of Pilot Mountain, died Monday, June 30, .2008 al Forsyth Medical Center, He wos bom Oct, 1,1943 in Surry County to the late George Martin Jessup and Helen Susan Holt Jessup. He was a retired linem an with Surry-Yodkin Electric M em bership and a Baptist, Mr, Jessup was a gardeiier, planting enough food to share with friends and neighbors. He loved to work in the yard and in his shop, where he always had projects. Survivors; his wife, Mary Lois Nichols Jessup of the home; daughter. Amber Jessup Southern and husband Jason of Pilot Mountain; sisters, Peggy and June Jessup of Pilot Mountain and Lottie and Roger Gammons of Claudville, Va,; brother, James Paul Jessup and Bonnie of Pilot Mountain; step half sister-in-law, Mary Jessup; step half brother-in-law, Ralph Gammons; and several nieces and nephews. He was also preceded in deoth by half sisters Mabel Bowman, Era Epperson, Bemice Gammons and Ora Jessup, and half brother Cari Jessup, Funeral services were held on Friday, July 4, at 11 a.m, at Brown Mountain Baptist Church conducted by the Revs. Rickey Rogprs and Eddie Carter with burial following in the church cemetery. . Memorials: Brown Mountain Baptist Cemetery Fund, c/o Gail Durham, 1535 Pilot Westfield Road, Pilot Mountain, 27041. Online condolences: www.howeUfuneralsenices.com. A № r y S p e cia l T H A N K YO U T h a n k y o u to all th e g o o d p e o p le o f D avie C o u n ty w h o s u p p o r te d m e In th e r e c e n t p rim a ry e le c tio n a n d e s p e c ia lly th o s e w h o g a v e th e ir v a lu a b le tim e a n d e ffo rt to s u p p o r t m e In th e run-off. It h a s b e e n a g re a t h o n o r to s e r v e y o u th e R a s t tw elv e y e a r s a n d w ith y o u r s u p p o r t In lo v e m b e r I lo o k fo rw a rd to se rv in g y o u fo u r m o re y e a rs. Richard B. P o in d exter Paid for by Richard B. Poindexter lASTOAYTOPlACE iPAYfOBVOUROnOER IS: Suniljr,-lulyl3 12N00N-JPM DISTRIBUTONOAYIS 5jlunliy,-JulY26 lOAM-lJNOON JULY 2008 MENU 40 oz. Marie Caltender's* Family Crock I’ot Dinner.(Meat Included) 1.5 Jj, Boneless Poik Filet Sib. Breaded Chicken Chunks 1.5 lb. Meaty Beef Ribs 2802. Mealk)ai and Gravy 11b. BeelFajHas 11b. Fully Cooked Meatballs 11b. All Meal Hot Dogs 1 lb. Broccoli 11b. Peas and Carrot» 2802. Pasta Sauce 11b. Pasta 32 oz. Borden 2% Shelf Stable Mill 32 02. Hawaiian Punch 12 d. ComTortilas 702. Bluebeny Muffin Mix 1 Do2enEggt 1 Dessert Hem ALL THIS FOR THE LOW COST OF JUST.................$30.00 '"OiK or Mvi SpNiili АпИаЫ) Onlf «111 №i Pintan ol ■ Rtgite Boi” JULY SPECIAL «1 7 lb. Assorted UtalGnl Box « ш 1.5 ».NiW Yolk Sliip Sleaki |2«12 oi)2.5 t Bontlni Ntlted Bceloii Butt Roail 2 lb. Meaty BnfRtn lb MUItaiinSauuge JULY SPECIALS 4.5 lb. Sleak and Chickefl Ш » Box (Ml.ili.K»ii«CilySln|»(2xl202.| l,5bBoM-lnRlli«y«(2xt2oz.)I .i b. BacavWapptd Шел FM (4 x S JULY SPECIAL «3 JULY SPECIAL «4 Fresh Fruit and v«gg^ Box SeanCom 2b CanKi 2b. YtlwtMm ItUO Mk).WKit«dL«ltit«PhMppl. CüMiOnvtSNdkMWMennlonRuHKPolaloM We teept Money Odm, Cosli, or £ВГ. No flmt ОЫт, PItasel Comif oljitltho Church Rd t Juneiiw Ri Ri/ilalAdilreii: 124 Diylt Andtniy Rd PO Bo* 354, М«Ые, NC 27MÍ J3M92.S19i TIMES TO ORDER FORTH« MONTH'S MfNI !• Tueiday,lulyl&«-9.10:30AM Saturday,July54 I2> IO.I2NOON Sundj)(,July6&l3>l2.2PM You MuitBringA Large Box To Pick Up Your Food Mary Neil Benson M rs. M ary Nell Allen "Granny" Benson, 76, of US 601 South, Mocksville, died Mon­ day, July 7, 2008, at Davie County Hospital. She was bom May 19,1932, in Davie County to the late James Gaston and Ophelia Smith Allen. Mrs. Benson was a mem­ ber of Victory Baptist Church in Cooleem ee. She was о co- founder of Twin Cedars Golf Course in M ocksville. Mrs. Benson loved to play golf and was voted most athletic in high school. One of her favorite pas­ times was eating out. She was also preceded in death by a son, James Gregory Benson: a sister, Ellen Mabe; and 3 brothers, J. C., Luther and Robert Allen. Survivors: her husband of 58 years, Robert Floyd “Big Daddy” Benson Sr. of the home; 2 daughters, Bobbi (Tony) Muilis of Mocksville tmd Debbie W orden of Boiling Springs Lake; a son, Robin (Cindy) Benson of MocksviHe; 4 grand­ children; 3 great-grandchildren; a daughter-in-law, Kim Benson of Lexington; a brother, Cecil (Lena Mae) Allen of Mocksville; several nieces and nephews; and many friends and extended fam­ ily at the golf course. A funeral service was con­ ducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 9, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Shelby Harbour offici­ ating. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery, The family received friends IVesday, July 8, at Eaton Funeral Home. M emorials; Camp Manna Ministries, c/o Stan Riddle, 243 Gibson Way, Mocksville. O nline condolences: www.eatot\funeralservice,com. W e ’v e g o t y o u c o v e r e d ... From the cornfields to the courthouse, the Enterprise Record covers Davie County. Subscribe today for delivery each week to your mailbox. Call 751-2120 for details Kevin Richard Faliey Mr. Kevin Richard Fahey died Monday, July 7, 2008, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. He was born in W h itm a n , Mass. to the late Louise M cG onagle and W illiam Fahey. He was a Vietnam veteran of the United States Marine Corps. While in the USMC, Mr. Fahey was stationed at Marine Corps barracks Wash­ ington, DC, called the 8th and I Murines, where he served as President Lyndon Johnson's limo driver. He was a member of the Marine Corps Silent Drill teom. After his honorable dis­ charge, he and his brother, Billy, owned The Cycle Shop in Whitman, Mass., where they built custom Harley-Davidson motorcycles. In 1978, he gradu­ ated from the NC School of Horseshoeing in Pleasant Gar­ den, and the following year moved to Mocksville. For the past 30 years he specialized in shoeing and caring for sick and crippled horses, working in al­ most every state and several countries. He often said his . greatest joy was helping a crippled horse stand and walk, when often the horse was lying down upon his arrival at the bam or home. He is also preceded in death by his brother, Billy Fahey. Survivors: his wife, Dorothy Fahey of the home; 2 daughters, Sarah Langdon and husband Sammy of W inston-Salem , Christina Ward of Boston, Mass.; a grandson; a sister, Diana Fahey of W hitman; a brother, Robert Fahey of Daytona Beach, Fla.; and several nephews and nieces. A mass of Christian burial will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, July 11, .at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, with the Rev. Andrew Draper and Deacon John Zimm erle officiating. Burial followed in Rose Cem­ etery in Mocksville, with Mili­ tary Honors conducted by the Veterans of Foreign War Memo­ rial Honor Guard. The family will receive friends at Eaton Fu­ neral Home in Mocksville from 6;30-8;30 p.m. Thursday. Memorials: Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. Online condolences: ii'ti’tv. eatonfuneralservice. com. O rig in a l C h ris tia n ity P u t t in g O n C h r is t We become children of God by faith in Jesus Christ but not apart from putting on Christ in baptism. The two are inseparably connected In scripture: “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ." (Galatians 3:26-27) We must never think of baptism as a mere sign or symbol but rather as the divinely apppinted ordinance In which we “put on Christ." (Galatians 3:27) Just as we clothe ourselves in appropriate garments for protection from the elements, even so in Christian baptism we are clothed with Jesus Christ and thereby become partakers of his salvation. All who "have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ" and are “children of God by faith in Jesus Christ" thereby becominq partakers of all the benefits that are found in him. North Main Street Church of Christ 605 North Main Street jVlocksville, North Carolina 27028 751-2866 nmcofc.org „Claude Pharr, Mlnlatar The Jericho Church of Christ ludie.s' Bible study will begin a new scries on Tuesday, July 15, with "Our Father in Heaven... Teach Us to Pray". All materials will be provided at no cost. The group meets every Tuesday inoming at 10:30 ut the church on Jericho Church Road near Mocksville. Any questions, cull Margaret Curtis at 416-1036, or D'Lea McDaniel ut 704-798-2038. H o td o g s , H o m e m a d e I c e C r e a m A n d A u c tio n A t F U M C J u ly 1 6 First United Methodist Church of Mocksville will have a hotdog and homemade icc cream supper on Wednesday, July 16 from 5:30- 6:30 p.m. in the family life center. Entertainment starts at 5:45, with a silent auction featuring pottery from Seagrove, art and household items. Bidding will be from 5-6 in the family life center. Donations will go to the Relay for Life. B r e a k f a s t S a tu r d a y A t H o p e An ull-you-can eat breakfast will be held Saturday, July 12 from 7-11 u.m. ut Hope Buptist Tubcmacle, 2408 US 158, Mocksville. The menu will include country ham, biscuits, gravy, eggs, sausage and pancakes for $7 for adults, $4 for children age 11 and under. Proceeds will go to u mission trip in August. P r e - S c h o o i K id s C a m p A t F o r k There will be a Preschool Kids Camp al Advance First Baptist Church Monday, July 14-Thursday, July 17 from 9 a.m.-l p.m. for ages 2-kindergarten. The camp will be filled with Bible stories, rec­ reation, crufts, and fun for the little ones. There is no charge for enrollment. Donations will be accepted. All campers will need to bring their lunch. Drinks and morning snacks will be provided. For more information, contact Pastor David Benton at 998-6302 or Cindy Martin at 766-5279. Christian Women’s Ciubs To Meet The Christian Women’s Clubs of Winston-Salem will meet on Wednesday, July 16 at Bermuda Run Country Club. The speaker will be Betty Sue McNeill from Sanford, with a special feature called “Clutter Busters” by Sylvia McClintick. Music will be by Mary Kaylcr. The meeting Is open to the public, but reservations are required. Cull 765-0881 or 765-6825. Cost: $ 13.25. D in n e r A t N e w R e s u r r e c tio n A fellowship dinner will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 11 at New Resurrection Life Christian Center, Depot Street, Mocksville. Speaker will be Pastor Green of New Birth Christian Church in Wilkesboro. All are invited, F is h F r y A t N e w A p o s t o l i c New Life Apostolic Church, 357 Depot St., Mocksville (at the bottom of the hill) will hold a fish fry beginning at 11 u.m. Satur­ day, July 12. A $5 plutc will Include fish, bread, sluw und dessert. Chips, soda and juice will be available for 50 cents each. Donutlons will be accepted. J e r i c h o B e g in n in g B i b l e S t u d y DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 10,2008 - C9 W A N T E D 10 HOMES THAT N E E D P A I N T I N G S u m m e r S k c i a l D m k o u n t ! 10 Homeowners will be given an opportunity to have Spray-On Coating applied to their honne a t a » p « c la l $ 5 0 0 o ff w a iiliir prica. No more costly repair bills or constant painting costs. • Spray-On Coalings CAN EASILY be applied over any type surface Including wood, stucco, block, or brick. • All Spray-On Coalings have a UFE-TIME WARRANTY. W hy wait? FREE E STIM A TES Contact Distinctive Exterior Coatings: C a l l N o w ( 3 3 6 ) 7 7 4 - 3 8 5 2 w lllin g 2 c o a t@ y a h o o .c o m FREE ESTIMATES HOMEWFFiCEMAWTENAHCE J U L Y & A U G U S T D IS C O U N T se; WE PROVIDE COMPLETE MAINTENANCE FOR YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS. M YEARS EXPERIENCE__________________ ✓ COMPLETE HANDYMAN SERVICE / COMPLETE CERAMIC TILE SERVICES & INSTALLATIONS . KITCHEN, COUNTERTOPS & FLOORS • BATHROOM FLOORS, SHOWERS & WALLS . WHERE EVER YOU WANT IT LAID, WE CAN LAY ITI CERAIMIC TiLE IS BEHER! . WE OFFER COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE r.cPAIRS I WE OFFER COMPLETE ROnEN WOOD REPAIRS & WATER DAMAGE all work is GUARANTEED & PROFESSIONALLY I “ -^COUPON INSTATED lElDHClTlMDIBCDUflTB Please call John Boy 121 T h i s m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e lo c a l b u s in e s s e s w h o e n c o u ra g e y o u to w o r s h ip a t th e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o ic e . CAUDELL LUIVIBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO PART* MOCKSVUJLEAlfTOMOnVE вв4 S. Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2944 SunT rust MocksvlKo • 7S1-5936 Mookevlllo* 751-6162 Cooleemoe • 264*2542 Advance • 940-2420 Put This Space To Work For You Call 336-751-2129 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 2716 Hwy. 601 N IHooksvllte, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax: 336-492-6048 W .G . W H I T E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade SI. Winston-Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meal Procesa Beef - Pork - Dear 30 years experience B92 Ralph nallodge Rd • WocKsvillo 336-492-5496 F U L L E R ]H № s ii Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space To Work For You Call 33&751.2129 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 A R T E RBUILDERS 157 Yadkin Valley Road • Suite Z\Q Advance, NC 336-940-2341UiiiUiri'f (Ju,ilit\ ('iiiii'm Homtf for our JO >rtiri >aij! A. C'incr, 1‘roiJcnt«.MartinC. Canfr. Vice 1*10, J.P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR tVe Cii.slain Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 FOSTER DRUG COIWPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141Pffscripiion Cull In: 336-753-DRUG H B P a lle tO n e APALEXCOMPAIMY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 . 336-492-5565 MUTUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Ш FULLERArchitecture*6ft Coutt ^vot« VicM 700 MocliiT.lk NC 27O?0 p:336./5i,o-<oo PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 S H E D S W N a m T E D ^ • Storage Buildings (Wood & Aluminum) • Carports & Garages Commitment of Brother to Brother & Faith In God 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksville llmmy Boettchcr (336) 492-5418 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORS Installation - Sanding ~ RofinlatilngLarry McClonney/owner 30 Years Bxperlenco ' 120 Wood PaiK Drtvo Mocksville, NO 27020 (336)751-1721 IPfWN E A T O N FUNERAL HOME SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksvillo. NC 27028 336-751-2148 Call 751-2129 to Advertise Your Business on the Church Page. i - i .1 .I '.V ' i .k . l i . JI4 : ; :t r с ю . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORb, Thursday, July 10,2008 b re a th e air? l'. i i ; r ■I-''- us to find out how you g e t FREE TPfrom EMBARQ I . ■ Everyone could use FREE TV. Now you can get America’s Top 100 from DISH Network* Satellite TV FREE for one year yvhen you purchase Triple Play from EMBARQ, which includes EMBARQ™ Home Phone with Unlimited Nationwide Long Distance and EMBARQ™ High-Speed Internet for under $59 a month.** (Credit restrictions apply. Free offer requires two-year term and $15 activation fee. Applies to up to 768K speed. Excludes taxes, fees and surcharges. Expires 8/31/08.) ,,.j Voice f Data internet Wireless Entertainment 866-2EMBARQ embarq.com^freetv EMBARQ^ Where Common Sense Meets fnnovatian’“ s s s s r s s s s s s s w in iho con№«nt4i UniM SUtei lor new, finl-lim« DISH tarviCM that an providod, are iubj«ct lo Ihe l«rmt and I. if :1 I . ■ .■Jv-' I 1 Students DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - D1 B a c k T o S c h o o l Davie Resident Receives Her Degree, Again By Jackie SeaboU Davie County Enterprise Record By the age of five Alice Riley knew she wanted to be a nurse. When she was a little girl growing up in Winston-Salem her mother bought her a nurses pinafore and a doctors kit. Riley said that when she was five she also prayed to God and told him she was going to write a rich movie star so she could afford to go to nursing school some day. After a visit to her aunt’s home in New Jersey following her first sem ester in college Riley was asked by a family ,, there if she would work one year for them taking care of their children, cooking, and cleaning. In exchange, they would pay her way through nursing school. Now Riley is 57 and a long time resident of Davie County. She did reach her dream to become a nurse after graduat­ ing in the first four-year class of nursing at North Carolina Central University in 1974.. Recently, she received her second degree in paralegal tech­ nology from Davidson County Community College. ' But the road through life and careers has been sometimes dif­ ficult, although Riley says she never gave up. "This is a journey. I just didn’t wake up one day and go back to college and graduate. I’m not even supposed to be alive. It had lo take one thing to lead to another.” Riley was involved in a car accident that left her with severe back and neck injuries. H er nursing career was halted when she was told she would never be able to do bed­ side nursing again. The accident, coupled with multiple surgeries, including a brain surgery for a pituitary tu­ mor, left Riley unable to work. But during her difficult time Riley found com fort in her church and faith in God. She received her certificate to becom e an evangelist in Januory 1999 at New Shepherd Baptist Church. “I am a representative for Jesus everywhere I go.” Riley returned to college at DCCC through a vocational re­ habilitation program and she has set her sights high for the future. She wants to use her associ­ ates of applied science degree as a paralegal as a specialist in Ihe field of occupational health and safety. Riley says her nursing de­ gree still means the most to her because it represents a dream she fulfilled. T m 57 and I’ll bo 58 in Sep­ tember. I have rem ained in Davie County becouse of the love everyone here shows.” Riley says she often applies scripture to her dally life and uses her faith in God to help keep her strong. “If you can’t find laughter in the insaneness of your life, it will be a sad day all day. For the sake of peace, let it pass.” У Riley smiles as she models her cap and gown she wore at the May 13 commencement at Davidson County Com­ munity College where she received her second degree. Riley has been through her share of surgeries and cred­ its her faith In Jesus for helping her get through them. Riley looks at the diplomas and degrees she’s earned. She says her nursing degree will always be the most special to her and she wants to use her new degree to continue in a field that helps people. ___________________ Riley spent years as a nurse until a car accldenfTeffner Riley says the ups and down of her life's story is one she wants to share. 'Tm going to write a book," she laughs, unable to continue the work. - Photos' by Robin Snow ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Celebration At an end-of-the-year celebration of the Davie County School System, teachers of the year (above) were honored, from left: Amy Spade, preschool; Marianne Stein, Cooleeniee Elementary; Kathy Mannino, Cornatzer Elementary; Laura Beth Galliher, t\/locksville Elementary: Leigh Anne Davie, Pinebrook Elementary; Janelle Ohr, Shady Grove Elementary; Jen Meagher, William R. Davie Elementary: Samantha Smiley, North Davie Middle; Mike McDougall, South Davie Middle (Hot pictured); Heather Ratledge, William Ellis Middle; Wayne Coolidge, Central Davie Academy; Daric Belter, Davie High, and at right, Linda Dorsett, director of curriculum. Below left, Ben Boger, 2005 Davie High graduate, performs. Below right, the system’s teacher of the year, Marianne Stfein, acknowledges her school.' D a v ie D a t e lin e F u n d r a i s e r s Saturday, July 12 Golf Tournnmciit, sponsored by Willimn R. Duvic RuUlcrs youth fixil- biill, ill I’uilding Ridge Golf Club. 2 p.m. shotgun Sian. 4-inan icum/capl. choice, cost $65/player, $260/leam. Field liiniled Io lirsi 30 leums. Regis- iration 12:30, lunch 12:30-1:45. Door prizes, goody bags. Call 940-.5547. All proceeds to WRD Raiders youth football program. Kish Fry, sponsored by youlli &' edu­ cai ionpf New Life Apolislic Cliiircli, 11 a.m.,platus$3incliidesnsli,bread, slaw, & dessert. Chips, soda or juice iwnilnblc S0(! uMm. Donutions also accepted. Location: 357 Depot Street (bollomofhill). All Yoil Eat Urcakfast, sponsored by Hope Bapl. Tabernacle, 2408 US 158, Mocksville, in Ihe fellow.ship ludl. Time: 7-11 a.m. Cost: $7 adull/$4 child (11 & under). Menu: country ham, biscuits, gravy, eggs, sausage & pancakes. Proceeds Io HBT mission trip in Aug. Saturday, Sept. 20 Annuul Fall Fc.4tlval, sponsored by New Union UMC, for more info or to rent a space, 751-7567. j Ongoing Smith Grove UMC Country Brcak- fiul, 3rd Saturday cach month, 6:30- 9:30 a.m. Coiilecnice Clviliiiis UUQ Chicken, 3rd Fri. of each monili, at Cooieemee Civitan Bldg., C(K)leemee. Serving 1/ 2 chicken, BBQ slaw, baked beans, roll & pound cake. $7 per plate. Re­ serve your piale, sign up al Cooi­ eemee Hardwiu-e or call 284-2106 or gourmtt kii. tkljl aru. ReUi t>y IM t • O'fil'nom.w enioy enfeililntr ю/ШипоЬеаШ Ы$ир«11 11 ШЕХ fÌAM ШМСЕ тОгш11и111, Irí frr.v Bet/ cejign laiiufcs im ЩЬ l&q FP, Ml WiU, alLKflM Qárjge, ccKeieJciihfigv Qineio;j5 aiiWtirces lOf yixj Io cfioo'ö r.ibincis, counic(iM)5. licet VicM flerrrrqwa-Ufj/ ... ___ VUlAfiE Oi_.___ADVANCE 38IÌ 2BA №« go« viHa ccom. Minft fiíAiy (Jesigríú Eneig/ Star licor plan WhfMenarce Iim Ы Ml ftjstw su'te Ä gar Ciounch nuiniciunce by HOA Ihe Ic^'y Afldras 128 Iw»:y Of (VÍ4MCMI SMion GdJtns74B'Wùf «99,000 -R 350A Dream Hofif, Bonuj foooi, utoe flKk, 3 car garage, basement Mu(]« a'ld piurii&ed lot шьолз! ban Sco |tii5 speciji hotne icda^ JW459M6} Baitara fiome w/tKick & stone enerior, screened porcti. 3 oar spaces, unlin bSTii pliiPCied lot lull BA, fti/lleO GRm, ociagon trey cMmos, Vstpii^tro, t'wei otsij^n vp\m 1092 KWY Ш SOUTH ДШГСЕ 2BR IBA88AC Spacious ьиск flanch »iin ■ ■ ■ )«1гпа:е1у В* acres Creai bnd in Advance . ..vr/(]3uiun. Batiiaiv]} bay garage GfUl Ш1ЮП loi ricisei' (W4;7l46)liDonnj Poiij 093-1160^,000 149 PEMIROOKE RIOOE CT BERMUDAЯ1М 3Sfl 3BA rwrf,ficKj$$ л/1.1|уа’е 8R su-tes Sum h spacious-UPCfiADES- Qfaniti ccunls-aitìum doors-acpis-conposiie deck & mucJ) rr^ve' AliS Wil ВЯ Mor 1гк.1 JN472fl14) Vicki Flmrifl U93-1167 139 РЕМВЙООИЕ RIDGE CT BERMUDARUN 20R 2BA Dislincrve Viila m gatc-d coi,niiy duD ccwrrunity ovedccks i.ikei S lojnians а"«! lus receni ^■a'dAoodJ bu’il-ii tnlefta rincrt cfrier, and r-c-w apniiaf'^es 2 mm 101-40,12 m.n lo dc»iti;c«sn тШ1) ViciilFiemng 903-116/S190.000 1749 AHOU_ __________ .20A 2AC ACHEAGEI Hice lionie in ru'al a/ea. son’« fencing ouiDuiiiling Spacious honw 2 car detxiieci oataoe. sevtfal outDuiidiiws, nice äm^O * ECea G'lWi Ш-Ш lljrdniood Hoots, wed bickyaid. located disünc« ot nei5t\b«nooil мк b Uooleerree ilerrentary School! (W4772”' Amanea Cianliil098-11№t79.000 c b t r i a d . c o m 284-2Q30. Will deliver order of five (5) or more. Proceeds to help pay for Cooieemee Civitan Comm. Bldg. I’oor Man’ Supper, al Hardison UMC, 1st 'rhiirsduy each iiwmlh, 6 pm., 1630JcriclioCliuivh Rd., Mocks­ ville. R e u n i o n s Sunday, July 13 SOlh Anntversury Reunion of Holman & Frost Families, at Pal- meUo Church, US 601 N„ Mocks­ ville. Fellowship begins 10:30 a.m. Picnic dinner 1 p.m. Relallvcs & friends welcome. Saturday, Sept. 27 Davic High Class of ‘83, 25lh re­ union, at Village Inn Oolf Conference Center. For info: 940-7692,998-1188, 998-3244. For ndditioml Uifo visit www.davichighalumni.com R e l i g i o n Mon,-Thurs„ July 14-17 Pre.scliool Kids Cninp, nt Advancc FirsI Bapt., 9 a.m.-l p.m. Ages 2-K. No charge for enrollment. Call 998- 6302 or 766-5279. Sunday, July 20 Annual Missionary Day, at Cedar Creek Missionary Bapt., begins Sun­ day aftemoon al 3 p.m. Guest speoker. 8un,-Thurs„ July 20-24 “Cosmic City of God”, at St. Francis of Assisi, 6-9 p.m., ages K-5th. There will cnifis, games, and more. Info; 751-2973. Sunday, July 27 Usher Board Anniversary, al New Resurrection Life Christian Clr„ De­ pot Sl„ Mocksville, 4 p.m. with spe­ cial guesls. Mon.-Fri„ July28-Aug. 1 VBS, at Eagle Heights Church, 5103 US 158, Advance. Info: 998-4405. Ongoing Bible Study, birih, life, dealh, res­ urrection of Jesus, each Wed. 6:30 p.m., New Life Mini.slry, 229 Mill­ ing Rd. No charge, everyone wel­ come. Info: 704-642-0512. Jericho Women’s Bible Study, all materials provided at no cost, meets every Tucs. morning 10:30 a.m, at Jericho Church of Chrisl. Question: 416-1036 or 704-798-2038, Women’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p.m., in a homo near Milling Road area. All women welcome. Info: 751-5229. Women’s Bible Study, focusing on Biblical women from female per­ spective and African American, Latino, and American women, 2nd Sal. of each month at FuirHeld Bapl. Church, 164 Excallbur Lone (off U.S. 601 S.). Info: 940-5149. Cornatzer Coffeehouse, 3rd Sun. of cach month, 7 p.m. at ComaUer UMC. Women's Study Group, Phase 2, on Biblical women, presented by Hannah's Minlslrics. Free & held every second Sal. of cach monlh, 10-11 a.m. All welcome. Info: 940- 5149. The Purpose Driven Life, a di­ rected discussion for women based on Rick Warren’s book, all women invited, Jericho Church of Chrisl, each Tues. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Coll 492-5711 or492-5291 for additional info. At The Feet Of Jesus, new study for adult women at Jericho Church of Christ, Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m. Call 492-5711 or 492-5291 or info. See Dateline - Page D4 т а г Coidtvell Danker M erigge Sume Dny Loan Decision... Guurontced...l-888-309-8201 C O U > U i e L L В А Н к е п с з T R I A D , R E A L T O R S Littrell Earns Degree From Salem Joanna Ruth Littrell of Mocksville was awarded a bachelor's degree from Salem College during a May 24 commencement cer­ emony. 4 Earn Catawba Degrees Four Mocksvillu residents earned degrees from Catawba Col­ lege in Salisbury on May 10. Debra Midget! Stanley earned a bachelor’s of education degree with honors. Earning bachelor’s of business administration degrees were; Juson Andrew Correll, Lori L. Earles and Shelly Brake Leuzer. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - D3 Mocksville Elementary Principal Gladys Scott accepts a grant from Wal-Mart of Mocksville’s Welma Karn for a summer literacy camp. Wal-Mart Awards Grants To Four Davie Schools At the Board of Education meeting June 2, Welma Kam, community coordinator for Wal- Mart, presented grants to four of Davie County’s schools. Cooieemee Elementary and Mocksville Elementary schools each received $500 for summer literacy camps. Davie High School received $300 for a national FBLA leadership conference. C entral Davic Academy Rupard Earns Ph.D A tN C SU Melinda D. Rupard received a Ph.D. in psychology from North Carolina State University on May 10, 2008. Dr. Rupard was born in M o c k sv ille, NC. After earning her high school diploma from Davic High School, she enrolled at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, where she earned a B.A. She then earned an M.A. from Wake Forest University. Dr. Rupard would like lo thank Dr. Erchui, Or. Johnson, her Dad, family and friends for their support and encouragem ent throughout her academic career. She Is currently employed with the Johnston County School System. received $200 for its incentive and rewards program for students. Wal-Mart hopes to continue rewarding school grunts in Ihe oncoming years, Karn said. Award Winner Christopher R. Stein of Mocksville received the GlaxoSmithKline Patient Care Award. Shown with Dr. W. Mark Moore, Stein is a graduate of Campbell University School of Pharmacy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stein. R e ta il a n d A d j a c e n t P a d S i t e in V A L L E Y R O A D B U S I N E S S P A R K 5 4 4 AND 5 6 2 Valley r o a d ♦ m o c k s v ille, NC • 2,42S±, 2,552±, 1,900±, and 2,040± sf suites available • Can be combined for 8,917± sf • Adjacent Pad Site 12,000± Build-to-suit • Lease Rate $9.00 - $ 13.50 psf Commercial Space For Lease 2 0 0 0 s q . f t . o f P r i m e C o m m e r c i a l S p a c e w ith f r o n t a g e o n H w y . 6 0 1 in M o c k s v ille . H ig h tr a f f ic c o u n t a n d m o v e in c o n d itio n . Call 336-998-0804 for details. OPEN HOUSE • SUNDAY, 2-4pm Rupard m m r • 412 S. Main St. Mocksville Contact Gien at 336-650-S172 for more Information. KEUERWIUIAMS REALTY Olen Stanlw 336-650-S172 OPEN HOUSE • SUNDAY, 2-4pm KEUERWIUIAMS REALTY Janice McDaniel 336-909-0747 3271 Hwy. 158 •Mocksville Homo has been lemodeled over Iho past 5 yrs. New plumb, new klichen, new palnt/oulslde-new shullers, alarm syslem, 14x16 Master BA w/walk In closet has boon added. 2006 he.il pump. Pool, deck, (ence. 26x26 detach. 2caroaraoow/hal(balh.$131,900 Dli9ctfom; HOW to F»rmlngton Rd. 0mII take left, go lo $top sign, tak» /»ft on Wwry. 188, pfopffty on htt Sa« Sign. Turnbeiry it Boiwuod Vill<it|U 4S SN ss.( vntui s it’l'i 'mil.iU‘1 A n n o t t m i n g T h e O p e n i n g o f a N e w A l l e r g y & P u b r w n a r y P r a c t i c e i n A d v a n c e , N C Davie Allergy & Respiratory Medicine A n e y s a C . S a n e , M D w i t h 1 4 y e a r s E x p e r i e n c e . B o a r d C e r t i f i e d i n A l l e r g y - I m m u n o l o g y a n d P u l m o n a r y M e d i c i n e . A c c e p t i n g n e w p a t i e n t s - 5 y e a r s a n d o l d e r . P h o n e :9 9 8 -3 8 3 3 1 0 8 D o m a c h W a y , S u i t e 2 0 0 K i n d e r t o n , A d v a n c e N C , 2 7 0 0 6 C a r o l i n a s M e a l t v ' ; REAL ESTATE I MORTGAGE SERVICES’’ ') rTlTLE INSURANCE I RELOCATION SERVICES ‘' ‘ 773 Bear Creek Cliurch RoacI $II4,I)()() liollvl’rillanimi,714-4420 \VcbID:H76253 5533 Moravian Heights Line $129,900 Bcv Supple, 714-4404 W ebiaw477700 5787 Misty Hill Circle $149,390 Sherri Corani Sivain, 714-4414 WcblDnv469428 7004 Har]:Lrf,lui R acl $157,900 Andrea Suggs, 714-4416 WcblD:\v477936 115 Wndsbuiy Ridge Court $172,900 Sherri Coiain Swain, 714-4414 WcblD:w472140 4229 Clinard Road $199,900 Bcv Supple, 714-4404 WcbID;\v474609 220 Cinnamon Way $209,000 Kri.slimiRirrcll, 714-4417 \VcblD:w47?B6 •4615 Meeting MouSe Lnne $239,900 Kri,slina Farrell, 714-4417 WcblD;«'472098 I Witli Prudential Carolinas Realty you can relax, because our highly trained professionals will help you with all of your ¡"real estate needs from finding the perfect home to securing a loan. 118 Roxbuiy Court $239,000 Molly Prillaman, 714-4420 WeblD:\v471527 120 Rustinburg Court $249,900 john Cosgrove, 714-7061 WcblD:\v475772 229 Iv)' Circle $385,000 Gloria M iillhtm 714-4405 VVcblD:H72711 189Tifton Street $549,000 Cliei>'IFmk, 714-4430 WebID:\v472105 8990 Centergrove Place Drive $959,000 Sherri Coram Swain,7l4-4414 Web lD;\vt74801 C le m m o n s O f fic e 3 3 6 -7 1 4 -4 4 0 0 lo viwipwparty dctaik log on (o W W W .PruG arolinas.C orilA veb ID located at ätevnd of each listing D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPmSE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 -DS D ateline ;^i<ipnllnucd From Page D2 ¡§jC A iiN c( Counseling Ccnicrs, nt V'i First Bdpllst Church, 390 N. Miiin St.. Mock.sville. Offers inler-dc- nomlnnlloniil counseling. Acndemi- cnlly Irninetl, certified counselors & nientnl health professionals. Info. & . iippt. 751-2041. S p e c i a l E v e n t s Mon.rThurs., July 28-31 Duvic High Checrlcndlng Summer Clinic, sponsored by Davie High cheericading squad, 5;30-8;30 p.m., nt DHS gym. Pre-regi.ster until July 22. Cost: iAdividual $50 (after July 22 $60). Registration forms online at www.daviccountychccrleading.com Thurs. & Fri., July 3 & 4 9lh Annual Tractor Show & Pa­ rade, sponsored by Piedmont Tractor Power Association, at Masonic Pic- ¡nlcOrounds, Mocksville. July3 events jir^tart'fi,p,fri,, July 4 events start 9 a.m. i ^ ^^'avttilablc both days, admission free both days. For info: 336492- 5201 or 704-437-2678. Saturday, July 19 Full Moon Fcstlvul, at Raylcn Vinc- yiu-ds & Winery, 3577 US 158, Ad­ vance. Featuring Vagabond Saint So­ ciety (Van Morrison Tribute Band), 5-9 p.m., food available for purchase from Full Moon Oyster Bar, $IO/per- son. Call 998-3100 for info. Saturday, Sept. 6 Onvle High Spcclul SOth Ulrthduy Celebration, for the Davie High Class of 1976, 4-8 p.m.. Shelter #3 Rich Paik.Classmalesinvitedtobringfam- ily & covcred dishes to share. No chargc. Paper products, drinks (br- nishcd. Come enjoy homemade icc cream, b’day cake. 70s music, & remi­ niscing with old friends. Check it out at WWW,davichighalumni.com Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Sat. . night bluegrass, at Shcfrield Music Hall, call 492-7417 for info. СоПсс Hou.sc, 3rd Sun. cach montli, 7 p.m.. nt Cornatzer UMC. Good cof- fee, good fellowship, & good music. D a t e s t o R e m e m b e r Wednesdays, thru July 16 Educational Opportunity Center Workshops, free and at Storehouse for Jesus, Different topics each Wed. class times 10-11:30 a.m. Call 751- 5903 ext. 232 for info. Thursday, July 24 Krcast/Ccrvlcfll Screening Clinic, spoasored by Davie Health Dept.. 9 a.m. til 3 p.m. Info: 751-8700. Fund­ ing for these services provided by Susiui O. Komen Breast Cancer Foun­ dation imd NC Breast & Ccrvicnl Contix)l program. Ongoing Free Monlhly DIabelcs/Ulood Prcs- surc/CliolestcrolScrccnlngs,lnstFri. of each month in 2008 at WalMart, 9 a.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored by Davie Lion's Club, Visit Cooleemee's MIU Village M u­ seum, 14 Church St., Wcd.-Sat. 10 a.m. til 4 p.m. Tours also available by Realty Cbna^Mltants Wèst 336-à9B -980Ò L ocatm tl In O av le C o u n ty a t 12B P e a c h tre e L an e, A d v an ce , N C cacn tiffK« hvhipcmmttty OAPed A 0(wriv«a LhmMdt Siumfurkrr VickittiilM Jmnlthnihy Jlm.letiUa ПчШшн! llmuiiyHíity HmllnrM' tíwírwrfieí (PromaYticI tífflnw.mjí Ла'тлч.по! Пгапш.ив! битпят!33S-3Í9-3I179 jae-OOO-USÍ ЗЗв-К»-222в 330-7ej-M4J ЗЗО.ИО-1Г07 ЗЗв-990-9в7а 330.99в-9|143 Э30-990-9в70 19Prino^Ct ЬлшШ (Ukm tuA )1/\Дап1 ojtimrtí C(ìm Í taf рйа tfa mi ¡jas IVI* h party tt¿Vt«htmi)mS2n;«0 Cil M i 39Ш 9 1440 Coutnoy Huntsvlo Y«Mi (Ш у Ig mUon ptó m. Lets (< oah « kí Sol« роу SS» iw«d СС b bu)«! smsoo cm Птлу Belly 69ШЗ WAdiiey Une №1№гео1а‘1 botali cet» iM <M!f #10 pono œ 5 otra h Mod®*, Я19,000 Cul №п40вШ WtknmUroHjTítoAwtóvdimHáia) 17»Т»у1л(»Р|1®су1ШШ)Б№2АССа**у 133 ВауМ &. Cuslon! ЬЛ irany оаАя dotais. It«ü Great II» plart to tmly i 1^21x16 (fedi Ciipo.38R.2BAreado5«cndoldoa)tnlElrat36»10 Custom owirat li, s&rtes infe, яаЛ ttyrip*ayftibsit514WCallVtóil9»2229 л)аг(1кк,$14ЗДС«и1т5Л*»»Ш imsl(»,jioousov*!W.S643i()OCaia»la39Mll79 № 2SI8 Fraternity Chw*IWC<i8,nx»rtyiWìdelsd 25e»edmonM,PnvacysimnSti3fti«totiS 4113 Mtwood t>. Oimicns, 3 tatami, 3 t«is, onIaisolctfamlhtJiidFtaeseoillpfinghIjtpin Klm»tóiodttm.ai)alltor|*nwtiiitíE(Ciil(L 370Osq,ll(i[œ№\#nteiodo*$M9iaiOûi 9«0lWnl9taitt139,999Ci<1lna9№2I» 3eR,a5B\2af^.$l«i90(lCillSlKil!K».m j№Gl7ia-ZM2 , appt. Call 284-6040. Storyllmcs, at Duvie Co, Librajy: Tues. & Fri. i 1 a.m. - stories, songs, fun for preschoolers. 1st Snt. of every month - stories/activities for kids of all ages. At Cooleemee Branch: every otIierThurs, 10:30a.m. (call or check website for dates). At Hillsdale UMC: every other Fri, I0a,m.(call library or check website for dates). Special Olympics of Davie County, play activities & fun nite, Wednes­ days at Brock Bldg. Play activities 6- 7 p.m. Fiin Nite 7-8:30 p.m. Open to nil persons with disabilities & their fiunilies. M e e t i n g s Tuesday, July 15 Democrat Women of DuvIc, 6 p.m, at Pier 601 Seafood, Mocksville with guest speaker. Everyone welcome. Wednesday, July 16 Chrlsllun W omen’s Clubs, nt Ber­ muda Run Country Club, guest speaker, spccial music, open to public but rcservnlions reiiuired. Cost; $ 13.25. Forrcservationscnll765-6825 or 765-0881. Tuesday, July 29 Planning Session, for Davie High Clas.s of 1976 event, 6:30 p.m., at Zcko’s Restaurant, 949 Salisbury Rd. Contnct: 909-3396 or 751-2237. Ongoing Uuvic Beekeepers Association, sec­ ond Monday of every month, 7 p.m., nt N.C, Cooperative Ext, Officd, 180 S, Main Street, Mocksvillc. For info: 998-2975. NAACP Com m unity Awareness Meeting, every 4lh Mon. of cach month,7p.m.,atShilohBapt. Church. Center ECA Club meets 3rd Tues­ day of ench month, at Center Comm. Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Plca.se join us. Disabled American Vetcram Po.st 75 niect.s on third Monday of ench month, 7 p.m., at 1958 Hwy. 601 S. Contact Ralph at 751-5118 for more Info. Town O f Cooleemee Planning Hoard, meets 3rd Tliurs. of each month lit Cooleemee Town Hall, 7 p.m. AullsmSupporlGroup3rdMonday of each month, 6:30 p.m., nt Hiiisdnlc Bapt. Church, Advance. Duvie County Diabetes Support Group, first Tliurs. of every month, 7-8:30 p.m., at Davie Co. Public Li- bnu-ySiniill Conference Room. Info; 751-8700. Duvie Co. Hospital Auxllury, every second Tucs., in board room, 6 p.m. Davie lliLslness W omen’s Associa­ tion, 1st Wed. of cach month, 12, ‘ noori, at SunTrust Bank. Speaker of interest and catered lunch, cost $8. Yearly membership $35. Contnct Cathy Boles 753- 1(K)6 for more info. Celebrate Recovery, weekly supjmrt group for those stmggling with or in recovery for bud habits - such as stress, depression, addiction, abuse, etc. Meets Thuis. 7 p.m. at Fiumington Comm. Center, FiUTnington Rd. Call H O W A R D REALTY 3 3 0 s . Salisbury St., Mocksville C a ll 7 5 1 -3 5 3 8 o r v is it w w w .h o w a rd re a lty .c o m ут/;д 1№к(1 idn^Ui past/я «tnmiSttUi Ci. ut lYoÿi CM $799,1)00 аии Ш№| № М» Il giM m ti tidEl Ct (W э;е^К1Ч;»<|1й1«шш!$вв4,900 (mator«itM!Mi)i«ra»iUh|$577,Be4 Ommt^¡xtWáa. $360,000 nrtк;üiatrtuli)intimorì ИЯ 3 ja*, тл й IIU demsw. In Yadtti PIIICEO ТО IIU IN FOMIT OUNI Ca,)ilicmFai)»li«.l*ilSMl$349,900 3en,ÌM»ihtaimidi1ols»$299,900 In ABOVE AVERAGE аиМоо! ВД 3,5вА, U bsml,2cai garage ammEl $298,500 РПЕО t-ANIEH Rd. г г в п 6664 SPIimOflELD VllLACE Ln : S £ T £ ^ o “' 1 1 * * * ! ! m 1593 COUNIV Home RuЩ ГУ Strass 36П, JBAtrt* îif<te,lenMl b«* yin). Manyi«li,!FPÎtt<a8it«g $178,600 (8ЦтЦ|Ив45РК£!Мп'Ладм[Й UWESlPBCt 111ЯгеШШШЗвЯШ, ЗМВ*,01Ш1ИсО»>1Гка1)[(»,И)(<!|ад OWNER MOTIVATEDI 4BR, 2.6BA, [atlíitaí3fPíiram)il,i«t«$1B9,900 $134,900 miirtiiereMllïieitngiilld} $119,900 wilhoxlraroom, $108,000 Э8П.1ВА Ml llKtlon .491/. ac, OlMI Ntiood, FP kl LR Wol mainlaia$93,600 S173 Hwy. 601 N. Г7ШП 304 TowNPARK M301 Г7ЖП 273 Depot Street Spaó«3Bñ®ciiCS!>K,ai™iaa(lfP,U( адШ1)(5«1м1КпИг|аи1):МявпиЛ, №|ШЫ i IMabed iCHIM шиде nml Remodeled 2ВП. IBA («Itage. New sttig i №EU,M»iui№ianc» $89,500. if|4m!SliyMii)wilft»l $88,500. TC.New»nlMS,ilimpaM,elc$83,2S0 metallool.l/g.oiidosediiadi$69,900 3BR, 1ВЛ wAlen S Lfl, Eal-h-Kildieii, г ctoragebUgi. Olí nlœiol $69,900 408-8750 or 813-9921 for mote info. Davic County Horse Emergency Res­ cue Tciun, 7:30 p.m., downstairs at tlie Agricultural Building. Mocksvillc. Ev­ ery 3rd Tliesday each montli. For info: 940-2111. Davie Co. Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tuc.sday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davie High Bund Room. Family Services "W hat Every Par­ ent Should Know", piucnting classes to interested parents of teens in local areas, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., at Mocksville office Sanford Avc. Cost $15. For more info: 751-4510. Christian Businessmen's Commll- lee of Mocksville, Tliursdays, 7 a.m. Mocksville Rotaiy Hut. Gold W ing Touring Association, Red Pig Burbccue, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Davie County Stump C lub, 2nd Tliurs., Davie Senior Center, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Duvie Homebuilders, 4th Thursday, 7 p.m., Liuigley’s in Mocksvillc,Town Squim:. Farm ington Rurltnn Club, 2nd Thursday. 7:30 p.m., Farmington Mcthwlist church. HELPS Ministries, Cliristlim recov­ ery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m.. 41 court Square, Room 210. Parents Resource Organization (PRO) support group for families of children with disabilities, 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m. Call Roscmiuy Kropfelder at 998-3311 for location. Jerlcho-Hnrdtson Rurllun Club, 2nd Tuc.sday, 7 p.m., club building. Health Dept..clinic hours; Mon.-Fri., 8;30-ll:.10a.m., l-4:30p.rn. Duvie County Bourd ofSoclul Ser- vlccs,4thTHC!iday,5:30p.in.atDSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against Ail Odds Group, First Bapt. Church, 390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Tliurs. 7 p.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville American Legion Post 174, VFW Hut, Sanford Avc., 2nd lliursday, 7 p.m. Mocksville Clvllan Club, 7 p.m., 2nd &4th Mondays, at First Presbyte­ rian Church. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wiun and Ladies Auxiliary, 4th Tucs,, 7:30 p.m., |k)si home. Feed Mill Roiul. Duvie County KIglil To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Tliursday, grand jury room, court­ house. 751-52.15 or 492-.5723. Cooleemee Memorial V FW Post 1119,2nd, 4th Tliurs., 7 p.m., VFW Hull, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. 17F&AM, 2iid, 4tli Friday.s, 7:.10 pjn. hi the lodge. Mocksvillc LoilgcNo, 134,1st Tue.s- day. 7:30 p.m, at the lodge. Cooleemee CTvilan's ClubMcelIng, 1st and 3rd Mon. each month. 7 p.m.. Red Pig. Hwy. 801, Cooleemee. Duvie Co, M S Support Group, 2nd Mon. of cnch month, 6 p.m., Dnvie Co. Ho.spitul. R e c r e a t i o n For more informntion on any of the following rcc. events cull 751-2325. Davie Youth Council all students grades 9-12, attend N.C. State Youth Council events, serve community. Call Sandra 751 -2325. GoodTimersSquareDance Fannington Comm. Ctr, Mondays 7 p.m., cost $5 per month. Volunteer & communityservicc opportunities. Call 998-3837 for more info. Davie MetroTaeKwon Do Ages 6 & up, including adults. Tucs. & Thurs. ® 6 p.m., Brock Gym. Gary Keeble, instructor. Call 391-4538 for more info. Shelter Rentals Available at Rich Park, Rivcrpark at Cooleemee Fnlis, and Farmington. Call 751-2325 to re.serve. Special Olympics Fun Nltes avnilnble to nnyone with a disnbility, Wednesdays, Brock Gym, 6 p,m. Call Kalhie Streit 751-2325. K-2 Instructional B’Ball Includes T-shirt. Silver Striders Brock Gym available for walking 6:30-9 a.m. Quarteriy incentives for miles walked. Senior Trips Join us for day trips & occasional ovemighters to interesting locations & let us do the tiriving. Call Kathie for info. Senior Gannes Open to all 55 or bctttr. Be nctivc, luive fun, softball, baskelbnll, badmitton, horseshoes, bocce, & more. Dance Company Brock Gym, Emily Robertson 998- 5163, ages 3 & up, including adults. Classes Mon. & Tucs,. Bocce y At Rich Park Sports Complex, Wednesdays, 11 a,ni. Learn sport of Bocce. Open to all seniors 55 or bet­ ter, Summer Horse Camp $230 per week, 2 weeks in June A 2 weeks in July. Cull for info 751 -2325. Y M C A For more information, call 751-9622, visit www.davie.ynicanwnc,org, or come to the YM CA for a toiir. Kids Night Out Kids, want a night out wiUiout your parents? Register July 11. Children 3 ,mo.-12 yeurs can come play 6:30- 10:30 p.m. Also, dinner, games, arts, crafts, swimming. SlO/members/SlS non-niembcrs. PersonalTrainingAvailable Wlietlicr you're regularly nctivc or want to get started, we have personal trainers to give you a hand. Tailored for your specific needs: Available in one hour sessions. $35/scsslon for members. Summer Camp Registration open for SummerComp nt YMCA.CatiipSunburst(rising 1st- 6th graders) luid Camp PRYDE (ris­ ing 6th-rising9thgraders)arcguanui- teed a good time. Field trips ench week. Camp ojMn 6:30 n.rn. til 6 p.m. Registration info available at YM CA. Specialty Camps Whether its sports or sciencc, YM CA has specialty camp for you. Wc offer week long camps for golf, basketball, nnd mud scicnce. Rules, italcs & times vary, so stop by YM CA for info. Swim Lessons Sign up now for swim lessoas. Choose Tues/l’hurs. evening ($33 members/ $66 members) or Saturday moming lesson ($16 nicmbcrs/$33 non-mem­ bers). Additional preschool lessons have been added Wed./Fri. mornings 11 a.m.Privnte&familylcssonsavuil- nble. Swim Team Youth ages 5-14 encouraged to im­ prove tlicir .swim strokes by joining YM CA swim team. Practice Tucs7 Thurs. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Monthly rate: ,$40 mcml)cr.‘i/$65 non-members. Members Only JoinlheYMCAandtakeadvantagcof water uerobics, yoga, biking, walk­ ing, personal training, and more. Come visit nnd tour our facility ut 215 Cem­ etery Street and Icam how we build strong kids, strong fiunilies. andstrong communities. S e n i o r s All Senior Activities take place nt Davie County Senior Scrvlceslocnted -at-278 Meroney St., Mocksville un­ less otherwise noted. Call 753-6230. Ongoing Sr. Lunclibox, M,T,W , 11;30 a.m., Th.& Fri,, 11 a.m.,lunch.scrvcddally. Sliver Health Exercises. Exercise Room of Senior Services, M, W , F, 8:30 u.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 u.m. nt Mock Place, (open to any senior). Quilling Club,,every Monday, 10 u.m. Ч 'Bridge, every Fridny, 2 p.m, SK IPB O , Wednesdays, I p,m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, Podiatrist, nt Sr. Services every diree weeks. 8:30 u.m,, pleuse cull for dates. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, at 10:30 a.m. in the Nutrition Site. SlngingScniorsChDnis,Thursdays, 10 u.m, V FW Ludies Auxiliary, every 2nd Thurs., 1 p.m. Scrabble, I p.m. every Monday, Rook, 1 p.m. cveiy Monday. Texas Hoid’Eni -Thursdays, I p.m. I’uinling - Wednesdnys 8:;i0-11:30 a.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club, every sccondTnes. of the month. 12:30 p.m. Compiiter Classes - are available, call for informntion. ArUirilicExercise-every other Wed. 10:30 a.m. Low Impact Acroblcs - Wcd. & Fri. begins Feb, 7 11 a.m. til 12 p.m. Fitness Equipment Room - open Mon.-Tliurs. 8 n.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 n.m. til 5 p.m. Table tennis - every Tucs. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondays 9 a.m. til 12 p.m. Tnl Cld, Tuesdays (call for sesssion <lates) Line Dancing, Tliurs. 11 a.m. til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Thursday, July 17 Puntry Bingo, 10:30 a.m., at the Farmington Site, 1723 Fiuroington Rd., Mocksville. Free, R S V P b y J u ly 1 0 . W e’ll play Bingo to win usefiil items. Don’t miss the fun. Refresh­ ments will be served. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it by the office, nt S. Main St. across from the courthpuse. PUBLIC NOTICES 781.0000749 08-SP-128 (3onventlonal-No PMI NOTICE OF SUBSrrrUTE TRUSTEE’S FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDERAND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed arid delivered by Tracy F Godfrey arid Michael T Godfrey, dated May 13,2005 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, recorded on May 16,2005, In Book 607 at Page 769; and because of default in the payment of the Indebtedness se­ cured thereby and failure to cany out and perform Ihe stipulations and agreements contained therein and, pursuant .to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness se­ cured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash at Ihe usual place of sale at Davie County Courthouse, In Mocksville, North Carolina at 1:30 PM on Thursday, July 17, 2008, that parcel of land. Including Improvements thereon, situated, lying and being In the City of Advance, County of Davie, Slate of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED AS LOT79 AS SHOWN ON THE PUT OF KINDERTON VIL­ LAGE PHASE 1F-2 AS RE­ CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 85 IN THE OFFICE OF THE REG­ ISTER OF DEEDS OF DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REFERENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECTTOADECURATION OF gOVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR KINDERTON RESIDENTIAL HOMEOWNERS MASTER ASSO­ CIATION AND A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE KINDERTON VILLAGE SINGLE FAMILY HOMEOWNERS SUB-AS­ SOCIATION, OF RECORD TAX PARCEL; C8010A0079 Address of property; 169 Bridgewater Drive, Advance, NC 27006 Present Record Owners; Mlchaoi T Godfrey and Tracy F Godfrey The terms of the sale are that Ihe real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. The Substitute Tmstee re- sen/es the right to require a cash de­ posit or a certllied check not to ex­ ceed the greater of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). In Ihe event that the Owner and Holder is exempt from paying Ihe same, the successful bidder may also be re­ quired to pay revenue stamps on the Trustee's Deed, any Land Transfer Tax, and the tax required by ' N.C.Q.S. §7A-308 (a) (1). The real property hereinabove described is being offered for sale “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold subject lo all superior liens, unpaid taxes, and special assessments. Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Trustee Is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any rea­ son, the sole remedy of Ihe pur­ chaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the Tnistee(s). If the validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the Trustee(s), In their sole discretion, II they believe the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The pur­ chaser wlll'have no lurther remedy. Additional Notice Where the Real Property Is Residential With Less Than 15 Rental Units; An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or par­ ties In possession by the cleri< of su­ perior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re- riewed on or after October 1,2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, temilnate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, Ihe tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agree­ ment prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated; June 19, 2008 Kellam & Pettit, PA. Substitute Tmstee Posted: Witness; Assistant/Deputy Clerk of Superior Court 6-28-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 08SP117 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Toisl executed by Tony Greer and Dcnlresslca Greer, Manted to The Law Offices of Daniel A. Fulco, PLLC, Truslee(s), which was dated Decem- ber29,2006 and recorded on Decem­ ber 29,2006 In Book 694 at Page 987, Davie County Reglstiy, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Tnist arid ihe un­ dersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, hav­ ing been substituted asTmstee in saki Deed of Torsi by an Instniment duly recorded In the Office ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Caro­ lina, and the holder of the note evi­ dencing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that Ihe Deed of Tnist be fore­ closed, the undersigned Substitute Tnjstee will offer for sale at the court­ house door of the county courthouse where Ihe property Is located, or the usual and customary locatton at Ihe county courthouse for conducting the sale on July 11,2008 at 11 ;00 AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situ­ ated In Davie County, North Carolina, lowll; BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED as Lot 170, as shown on Ihe map of RIDGEMONT, SECTION THREE, whk*i map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page137,inthe Ofltee of Ihe Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, reference lo whteh Is hereby made for a more particular description. Save and except any releases, deeds of release orpriorconveyances of record. Said property Is commonly known as595Whitney Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. A cash deposit (no personal chocks) of five percent (5%) of the pur­ chase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the explratkin of Ihe statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately duo and owing. Saki property lo be ollered pursu­ ant to this Notice of Sale Is being of­ fered for sale, transfer and convey­ ance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relat­ ing to Ihe title or any physical, envi­ ronments, health or safely conditions existing in, on, at, or reldflng to the property being offered for sale, This salo Is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land trans- fertaxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, lights ol way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or ex­ ceptions of record. To the best of Ihe knowledge and belief of Ihe under­ signed, the cun'ent owner(s) of the property Is/are Tony Curtis Greer and his wife, Donlresstea Howell Greer, An Order for possession ol the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in pos­ session by the cleri« of superior court of the county in whteh the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1,2007, may, after re- ceMng the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termi­ nation of a rental agreement, the ten­ ant Is liable for rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the tmstee is unable to convey title to Ihls property lor any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankmptcy petitlonpilorlothe confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the tmstee. If the validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the tmstee, In their sole discretion, If they believe the challenge lo have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and re- tum the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICA­ TION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR­ POSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTEC­ TION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DIS­ CHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE iS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMA­ TIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RE­ COVER ALLOR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSON­ ALLY. Substitute Tmstee Brocks Scott, PLLC Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 07-07717 7-3-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 08SP110 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of TmsI executed by Clayton H. Burt and Theresa M. Burt to Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC, Truslee(s), dated April 18. 2008, and recorded In Book 658, Page 422, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In Ihe payment of the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded in Ihe OHIce ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed of Tmst be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will olfer for sale at the Courthouse Door In Davie County, North Carolina, at 1:15 PM on July 15,2008, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit; BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED AS LOT(S) 1, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF MARCH FERRY ACRES, SECTION 1, PHASE A, WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 33, IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REFER­ ENCE TO WHICH MAP IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION. Said property is commonly known as 1733 Peoples Creek Road, Advance, NC 27006. Third party purchasere must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-228.30, In Ihe amount ol One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollar^, ($500.00) or Iracllonal part thereol,'' and the Cleri< of Courts fee, pursu­ ant lo N.C.G.S, 7A-308, In Ihe ' amount of Forty-five Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever Is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) o( the bid, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the lime of Ihe sale and must be tendered In Ihe form of certified funds. Following the expiration ol the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing ollered for sale, Iransler and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There, are no representations ol warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being of­ fered lor sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, If any, and encum­ brances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(8) ol the property is/are Furman G. Burt andAyleezaP. Burt. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the prop­ erty may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of Ihe purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk ol superior court of the county in which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, af­ ter receiving the notice ol sale, ter­ minate Ihe rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to Ihe land­ lord. The notice shall also slate that upon termination of a rental agree­ ment, that tenant Is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective dale ol the termination. Monica Walker Substitute Trustee 1101 Nowell Rd. STE 118 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919)854-1200 Our File No.; 432.0806001 NC / RBW 7-3-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREPrrORS Having qualllied as Administrator of the Estateof ELIZABETH F AU.EN (aka Elizabeth Foster Allen, Elizabeth Allen), late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claims against said es­ tate to present them to the under­ signed on or before September 19, 2008, (being three (3) months from this flrst day of publteallon of Ihls noltee). or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recover. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 19lh day of June, 2008 Joseph Neal Graham 14303 St. Paul Drive Accokeek, MD 20607 6-m ip NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUrnY NOTICE TO CREDITOnS Having qualified as Executor of Ihe Estate of MARVIN KERMfT MYERS, late of Davie Ckiunty, North Carolina, the undersigned doyiereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations hav­ ing claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the under­ signed at 185 KImel Pari< Drive, Suite 200. Winston-Salem, NC 27103, on or before September 19,2008 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and cor- poralkins indisbled lo the said estate will please make Immediate paymwt to the undersigned. This 10lh day of June. 2008. Jerry K. Myere Executor of the Estate of Marvin Kermit Myers Robert D. HInshaw, Esq. 185 KImel Pari; Drive, SuHe 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 6-19-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements of Article 20-B ol Choplor 153-A ol the General Statutes ol North Carolina and Section 155.238 ol the Davie County Coda ol Ordinances, that Ihe Davie County Board ol Adjust­ ment will hold a Public Hearing in the Commlaslonara Room of the ’Davie County Administration Bijild-| Ing, 123 South Main Street Mocksville, NC on Monday July 21, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. to hoar the following request: A) gotallna-Saad^.lne. have applied for a Renewal or Ex­ tension to their Special Use Per- nllt to establish a mining and dredging of sand operation along the Yadkin River in the Residential Agricultural (R-A) zon­ ing district pursuant to §155.034 of the Davie County Zoning Ordi­ nance. iThe subject property Is lo­ cated at 545 Sandpit Road, Ad­ vance, NC, 27006 and is further de­ scribed as Parcel ol the Davie County Tax Map A70000000204 A sign will be placed on ihe above listed properties to advertise the Public Hearing, Ail parties and Interested citi­ zens are invited to attend said hear­ ing at which time they shall have an opportunity lo present facts and testimony in support of, or in oppo­ sition to, the request. Prior to the hearing, additional Information on a request may be obtained by vis­ iting the Development Services Department weekdays between 8:30 a,m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone at (336) 753-6050. As a result ol the public hear­ ing, substantial changes might be made In the advertised proposal, reflecting objections, debate and discussion at the hearing. Anyone who needs an accommodation to participate in the meeting should notify the Development Sen/Ices Department at least 48 hours prior to Ihe meèling or call North Caro­ lina Relay at 1-800-735-8262. Andrew Meadwell Planning Department 7-10-2tn' NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Adminis­ trator of the Estate of DANA C. HALL, late of Davie County, this Is to nollly ail persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Septem ber 19, 2008, (being three (3) months from Ihls first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, lirms and cor­ porations indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immedi­ ate paym ent lo the under­ signed. This Ihe 19th day ol June, 2008 Erin Hall Smith 2374 NC Hwy 66 South Kernersvllie, NC 27284 6-19-4tn RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 IVliller Koad • Mocksville (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Septic ThOu- S k ld S tttrW o rk T n n c h tr W ork Hauling NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of LONNIE AN­ DREW BARKER, late of Davie County, this Is to nollly all per­ sons, lirms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate to present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or before September 19,2008, (being three (3) months Irom Ihls first day of publlcalion of this no­ tice), or this nollce will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. Ail per­ sons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of June, 2008 Nellie Clement Barker 242 Neely Street Mocksville, NC 27028 8-19-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol MARK STEVEN GRUBB, late ol Davie County, this Is lo nollly all persons, lirms and corporations having claims against said estate to prosent thorn to \ho undersigned on or belore October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months from this llrst day ol publication of Ihls nollce), or ihls notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the lOlh day of July, 2008. Melanie Sldden Grubb 4395 Hwy 801 S Advance, NC 27006 7-10-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDfTORS Having qualKied as Executor of the Estate of MARTHA TATUM EATON, lale of Davie County, (his is lo notify all , persons, firms and corporaUons hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or belore October' 10, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publlcalion of this notfce), or Ihls no- tfce will be pleaded in bar of IheIr re­ covery. All persons, firms and corpo­ rations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 10lh day of July, 2006. William Tracy Eaton 491 Cedar Creek Road Mocksville, N027028 7-1(Mlp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CReOflORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JETTIE B. LINDSAY, late of Davie County, this is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporaUons having claims against saW estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before October 10. 2008. (being three (3) months from this first day of puWka- llon of this noUce). or ihls nottee will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All per­ sons, fimra and corporaltons Indebted to sakl estate will please make imme­ diate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the lOlh day of July, 2008. Harvey B. Lindsay 249 Cedar Grove Ch. Rd Mocksville, NC 27028 7-104tn C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE |Cal№ttnM|MUck^ GENETREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs , Small Repair Jobs Freo Estimates 336-284-4571 1 Driver - Mocksville Terminal TOP PAY for Exp d Diivois' Н01ИЕ EVERY WEEKEND GUARANTEED! 65% preloadec^/pretaфвd CDL-A req'd. 877-428-5627 www.cldrlvers.com Lost June 29. 2008 Male black and cream German Shepherd named Yeti. Lives in Ihe Cburtney Huntsville area near Yadkinville. Weight 140 lbs. Very friendly. Large Reward. Please Call: Betina 336.463.4289 or 336-816-5201 Excellent Working Environment for Motivated, Dependable • MT, A ll Shifts C NAfor 1st & 2nd Shifts PCA for 3rd Shift All Full Time Apply in person at Hwy 801 in Advance or call 399-9587. m y A u c t io n Z ip .c u m # 4 5 6 9 n o tic c o f u p c o m in g N O B U Y E R ’ S P R E M I U M w w v . Y O R K A U C T I O N .c o m AUCTION S at. July 19, 2008 @ 10 am for iV lr. F r e d D , J o lly M r . F re d hus b u ilt a s m a ll re tire m e n t h o m e R E A L E S T A T E +/-3,750 s q . ft. B r i c k H o m e w / b a s e m e n t & + /- 1 ,3 2 0 s q . ft. B r ic k G a r a g e + / - 9 a c • .s u lx ilv id e d in to 6 L o ts p lu s H o u s c lio ld * A n t iq u e s * T r a c t o r S h o p & Y a r d T o o ls P e r s o n a l P r o p e r t y fo r movL' infornialion please vi.\it w w w .YO RKAUCTiQ N.cnm 7 0 4 - 5 4 6 - 2 6 9 6 H a m io n y , N C n c a l H 7 4 n c re l # 3 2 8 7 4 . lin c e ¡ 9 3 5 ■'Ч<Л •• D6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 PUBLIC NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY HOSPITAL, Plain­ tiff, vs. JENNIFER C, AQRESTO 08 CVD 287, MARQARITO AGUILAR 08 CVD 132, ELIAZAR CHAVEZ GOM EZ A Q U lU R 08 CVD 132, JOHNNY DALE ALBEA 08 CVD 453, JESUS SANCHEZ AMARO 08 CVD 133, / JULIA DE JESUS Afi/IARO 08 CVD 133, MARIA ISABEL SANCHEZ AMARO 08 CVD 58, CHARLES PATRICK AMOS 08 CVD 59, ROBIN THOMAS BARES. JR. 08 CVD 456, TODD MONROE BOGER 08 CVD 354, DAWN PARSONS BOGER 08 CVD354, JULIE NICOLE BOGGS 08 CVD 64, BOBBY DANIEL BROWN­ ING 08 CVD 357, DUSKY LORINE G, BROW NING 08 CVD 357, CHARLES LEE CAMPBELL08CVD 463, LOLAANNELL CANON 08 CVD 190, JOHN MICHAEL CARROLL 08 CVD 360, TAMMY M. CARROLL 08 CVD 360, MICHAEL WAYNE CECIL 08 CVD 465, MARK ANTHONY CHUNN 08 CVD 139, PALMER CHURCH 08 CVD 361, LINDA R, CHURCH 08 CVD 361, RICHARD EUGENE CLINE 08 CVD 469, DEANNA CO D Y 08 CVD 470, KATHY ANN COOK 08 CVD 71, KEVIN CORNELL 08 CVD 364, SHIRLEY FAYE CORNELL 08 CVD 364, LARRY STEPHEN DAVIS, JR. 06 CVD292,LESLIEDENISE DAVIS 08 CVD293, LUIS FERNANDO DIAZ 08CVD370,CAMERINAB.ALONSO DIAZ 08 CVD 370, BERNICE SNIDER EBRIGHT 08 CVD 296, TIMOTHY BERNARD ECCLES 08 CVD 375, CHRISTINA LYNN B. ECCLES 08 CVD 375^pA V ID JAM ES ELDRED 08 CVD 377, ELISABETH B. ELDRED 08 CVD 377, AMANDA LEE ELDRIDGE 08 CVD 297, APRIL DAWN VANOVER ENDS 08 CVD 298, WANDA JOHNSON FOWLER 08 CVD 379, JOHN DEAN FREEMAN 08 CVD 360, RACHEL LEE FREEMAN 08 CVD 380, JO H N REDMON GAITHER 08 CVD 381, ANTONIO GARCIA-LOPEZ 08 CVD 147, CHRISTOPHER J. GINESE 08 CVD 301,THOMASANTHONYGLENN06 CVD81, RANDY EUGENE GODBEY 08 CVD 303, JANET CHERYL GREENE 08 CVD 305, DALLAS RUBEN HATHERLEE, JR, 08 CVD 386, ELIZABETH B. HATHERLEE 08 CVD 386, U R R Y DEAN HEAD 08 'CVD367, MIRANDA DILURD HEAD 08 CVD 387, TONY DALE HEGE 08 CVD 183, JULIE B, HEGE 08 CVD 183, RAYMOND WATSON HELURDIII08CVD388, JENNIFER LEIGH D. HELLARD 08 CVD 388, ELIZABETH HELMAN- DOLU R 08 CVD 309, KENA DIANE HOOD 08 CVD311, CHRISTOPHER A. HOWELL 08 CVD 314, MEUSSA S. JEFFCOAT 08 CVD 88, CARLOS JIM ENEZ 08 CVD 395, BEN JOHNSON, JR. 08 CVD 319, DAVID WORTH JONES 07 CVD 277, AN­ DREA FUNDERBURK JONES 07 CVD 277, ROBERT KEISLER 07 CVD 279, ANITA SPRY KEISLER 07 CVD 279, NAZAKAT KHAN 08 CVD 396, JOYCE ANN HARRISON KHAN 08 CVD 396, GIN GER SMITH KIMREY 08 CVD 322, RENEE WALLER KITTS 08 CVD 324, CRYS­ TAL WISE U S H 08 CVD 94, LUIS LAZARO 08 CVD, 158, LU NIR S, CHAVEZ U Z A R O 08 CVD 156, LORI ELIZABETH LEWIS 08 CVD 327, WILSON MICHAEL LOHMAN 08 CVD 99, KAREN CHRISTIN MALLOY 08 CVD 101, TYRONE CHRISTOPHER MARTIN 08 CVD 330, ANDREW WAYNE MELTON 08 CVD 333, DEBBIE S, MONTGOM­ ERY 08 CVD 162, BRADLEY SCOTT MORRIS08CVD403, ROSE CAROL S. MORRIS 08 CVD 403, CHARLES RAYMOND NICHOLS 08 CVD 406, ROBIN LEIGH V. NICHOLS 08 CVD 406, OSCAR ORELUNA 08 CVD 407, BELEN N. ORELLANA 08 CVD 407, LARRY POOS 08 CVD 167, TAMMY RENEE POOS 08 CVD 167, DAVID LEE POTTS, SR, 08 CVD409, CYl'fTHIA DALE POTTS 08 CVD409, BETTY ALMA RATLIFF 08 CVD 103, STEVEN JEROME REDMOND 08 CVD 168, JOHN J. REGENTHAL 08 CVD 184, TERRY REICH 08 CVD 411, CHARITY PARKER REICH 08 CVD 411, DONALD HOW ARD RODA08CVD185, HELENS. RODA 08 CVD 185, SABRINA LEIGH ROSEMAN 08 CVD 106, ANALISA Z. SANCHEZ 08 CVD 340, EDWARD ANTHONY SMOOT 08 CVD 172, JANICE IVEY SPILLMAN 08 CVD 113, NATHAN PAUL SPRINKLE 08 CVD 114, BRANDI LYNN STEELE 08 CVD 344, SAMANTHA EBRIGHT STEELE 08 CVD 117, DONALD LINN STEVENS 08 CVD 174, DONNA LEE STEVENS 08 CVD 174, LARRY CARLOS STOVER, JR. 08 CVD 175, RACHEL J. STOVER 08 CVD 175, JAMES ANDREW SWEAT 08 CVD 345, CASEY RENEETATUM 08 CVD 120, CYNTHIA FOSTER TURNER 08 CVD 346, SALLY SUE TUTTLE 08 CVD 123, AMANDA CHERRI TYLER 08 CVD 124, U N D O N F, VAUGHN 08 CVD 182, JOHN KELLY WALLER, 08 CVD 126, BUDDY WAYNE WARDEN 08 CVD 419, FRANCES CLARA SHIELDS WAR­ DEN 08 CVD 419, JONATHAN TODD WHITE 08 CVD 348, ROY DERMONT WILLIAMS 08 CVD 421, TONIE LEE WILLIAMS 08 CVD 421, VIVIAN MAE SHIELDS W OOD 08 CVD 131, Detendanls. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBUCATION TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In Ihe above entitled action. The nature of relief being sought Is for re- coveiy of money owed for medical goods and services rendered by the Plalnlffl, Davie County Hospital. You are hereby required to noake defense to such pleading within forty (40) days from the first publication of this notice and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 10th day of June, 2008. SPENCER A, SMITH Attorney at Law P.O. Box 835 Wllkesboro,NC 28697 Tel. 1-800-760-7161 6-26-310 KMA9739S759 ■NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE BEFORE THE CLERK 08 S P137 IN THE MATTER O F THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECU TED BY CHARLES T. CUNNINGHAM AND MARY A. CUNNINGHAM DPED Septem ber 9, 2002 AND R E ­ CORD ED IN BOOK 437, PAGE 552, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY, TO BB&T COLLATERAL SERVICE CORP, TRUSTEE. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of Ihe power of sale contained In. that certain deed of trust executed by CHARLES T. CUNNINGHAM AND MARY A. CUNNINGHAM dated September 0,2002 to BB&T COL­ LATERAL S E R V IC E C O R P . Trustee for BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY recorded In Book 437, Page 552, DAVIE County Registry: default having been made In payment of the In- : debtedness thereby secured; and Ihe necessary findings to permit foreclosure having been made by the Clerk of Superior Court of DAVIE County, North Carolina; the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the prop­ erty conveyed In ^ald deed of trust, the sam e lying and being In the County of DAVIE and State of North Carolina, and more particularly de­ scribed as follows; Being known and designated as Apartment B, Building 2, on a plat entitled B erm uda R un QoH dom lnlum s, Section 1, re­ corded In Plat Book 4, Page 103, In Ihe Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, reference to which Is hereby made lor a more particular description. Together with a permanent right of easement for ingress and egress to and from said land over RIverbend Drive as the sam e Is shown on said plat, which ease­ ment shall be nonexclusive and shall run with the land; and Together with all rights ease­ ments appurtenant to said lot as specifically enumerated In the Dec­ laration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Issued by Ber­ muda Run, Ltd., and recorded In Deed Book 87, Page 61, and amended in Deed Book 100, Page 796, In Ihe Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and membership In Ber­ muda Run Golldomlnium Associa­ tion No. 2, inc. PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCA­ TION; 594 RIverband .DAd- vance, NC 27006 DATE OF SALE; 2006 TIME OF SALE; AtMO LOCATION OF SALE; D#IE County Courthouse R E C O R D O W N E R (S); Zenllnks, LLC TERM S OF THE SALE; (1). This sale will be made subject to; (a) all prior liens, encumbrances, easements, right-of-ways, restric­ tive covenants or other restrictions of record affecting the property; (b) property taxes and assessments for Ihe year in which the sale oc­ curs, as well as apy prior years; (c) federal lax liens With respect to which proper notice Was not given to the Internal Revenue Service; and (d) federal tax liens to which proper notice was given to the In- temal Revenue Service and to which the right of redemption applies. (2) The property is being sold "as Is”. Neither Ihe beneficiary of the deed of trust, nor the undersigned Subsll- tute Trustee, makes any warranties or representations concerning the prop- eity. Including but not limited to, the physical or environmental condition of the property. Furthqithe undersigned Substituto Trustee makes no title war­ ranties with respect to the title to the property. (3) The highest bWder will be re­ sponsible for the payment of revenue stamps payable to the Register of Deeds and any llnal court and/or au­ diting fees payable to the Cietk of Su­ perior Court which are assessed on the high bid resulting from this fore­ closure sale. (4) At the time of the sale, the high­ est bidder will be required to rpake a cash deposit of live percent (S % ) of the bid, or $750.00, whichever Is greater, with the remaining balance of the bid amount to be paid on the day following Ihe expiration of the appli­ cable ten (10) day upset bid period. (5) Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered |nlo or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after re­ ceiving the notice of sale, teimlnate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent duo under the rental agreement prorated lo the ef­ fective date of the termination. (6) An order for possession of Ihe property being sold may tw Issued pur­ suant to N.C.Q.S. §45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or patties In possession, by llie Clerk of Superior Court of the counly in which the property is sold. This the 26th day of June 2008. SMITH DEBNAMNARRON DRAKE SAINTSING& MYERS, LLP. Jeff D. Rogers, Subslllule Trustee P. 0.60X26268 Raleigh, N0 27611-6268 (919)250-2000 For more Infomiatlon conceming this foreclosure, please visit our website at m w ,s m lth d e b n a m la w .c o m . Tills communication Is from a debt collector. The purpose of this commu­ nication is to collect a debt. 7-10-2tn NORTH CAROLINA 'DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDfTORS Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of DENNIS ANDERSON POTTS, late of Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons, fimis and corpo­ rations having clalnfis against said es­ tate to present them to Ihe under­ signed on or before October 3,2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of iheir recovery. All persons, firms and cor­ porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of July, 2008. Susan Hicks Potts 331 Speer Rd. Mocksville, NC 27208 7-3-4tn NORTH CAROLINA • DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREOrrORS Having qualified as ^eculor of Ihe Estate of ETHEL SPRY BROOKS, lale of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, flmis and corpoiatlons hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Octobers, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publi­ cation of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This Ihe 3rd day of July, 2008. Gwendolyn B, Sain 120 Antter Drive Statesville, NC 28625 7-3-4IP NORTH CAROLINA July«<»/iECOUI'nY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of GEORGE H. MINOR, Deceased, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before September, 23,2008, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar of their right to recover against the estate of the said deceased. All persons In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 25th' day of June, 2008, Dorothy M. Fanner, Ac(mlnlstrator c/o E. Edward Vogler, Jr. 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-6235 6-26-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 0 8 sp g 6 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY WELDON G, SMITH ANDARLINE A. SMITH DATED DE­ CEMBER 12,2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 639 AT PAGE 628 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE , Pursuant to a Court order and un­ der and by virtue of the power and au­ thority contained In the above-refer­ enced deed of trust and because of default In the payment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to petfomi the slipulallon and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to depand of the owner and holder of the secured ■debt, Ihe undersigned substitute tnislee will expose for sale at public aucllon lo Ihe highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:30 PM on July 22, 2008 the following de­ scribed real estate and any other Im- provemenls which may be situated thereon, in Davie County, North Caro­ lina, and being more partlculaity de­ scribed as follows; ■ B B m L O T N U M B £F IO N E (1 )ln B k x k A a s a p p e a re d fro m a p la t a n d s u b d iv is io n d e s ig n a te d "T h e J .M . G ro c e S u b d iv ls ib n " b y A .L B o w ie s , R e g is te re d S u n /e y o r d a te d M a y 2 0 , 1 9 6 7 a n d re c o rd e d In P ia ! B o o l( 4 , P a g e 10, in th e O ffic e o f th e R e g is te r o fD e e d s o fO a v ie C o u n ty , N o rth C a ro ­ lin a to w h ic h s a id p ia t re fe re n c e is h e re to m a d e fo r a m o re p a rtic u la r d a - s a ip tio n o fs a ld lo t. lo t: B E Q iN N iN Q a t a p o in t, a n iro n s ta k e , n o rth e a s t c o m e r b e in g th e W e s te m m o s tc o m e ro fL o tN o , lin th e J M G n x e S u b d iv is io n a s a p p e a rs o n a p ta tb y A L . B o w le s , d a te d f^ y S O , 1 9 6 4 , re c o rd e d in P ia t b o o k 1, P a g e 10, D a v ie c o u n ty R e g is try m n s th e n c e w ith lin e o ts a k ! L o t N o rth 5 1 d e g re e s E a s t 1 2 5 fe e t to a p o in t; n o rth e a s tc o r- n e r o fs a k i to t a n d n o rth w e s t c o m e r o f L o t N o . 2 : th e n c e h J o rth 3 9 d e g re e s W e s t 2 2 fe e t to a p o in t, a n e w & m e r; th e n c e S o u th 5 1 d e g re e s W e s t 1 2 5 fe e t to a p o in t, a n e w c o m e n th e n c e S o u th 3 9 d e g re e s E a s t 2 2 fe e t to th e B E G IN N IN G . And Being more comnronly known as; 3341 US H ighw ay 1S8, Mocksviiio,NC 27028 The record owner(s) of Ihe prop­ erty, as reflected on the records of Ihe Register of Deeds, Is/are Weldon G, Smith andArllne A. Smith. The property to be offered pursu­ ant lo tills notice of sale is being of­ fered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, W HERE IS;” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note se­ cured by the deed of toist, being fore- closerl. nor Ihe officers, directors, at­ torneys, employees, agents or autho­ rized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any rep­ resentation or warranty relating to the tllle or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to Ihe property being offered for sale. Any and all responsi­ bilities or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such fiondillon expressly ere disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens and en­ cumbrances, and unpaid taxes and as­ sessments Including but not limited to any transfer tax associated wllh the foreclosure, A deposit of five percent (5%) ot the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty ¿ollars ($750.00), which­ ever Is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDI­ ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will re­ sult In a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the out­ come of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASE­ HOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing In the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of Ihe prop­ erty may be Issued In favor of the pur­ chaser. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated lo the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice Is July 1, 2008. 08-103618 Grady Ingle Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Chariotte, NC 28269 ' (704)333-8107 http://shapitvattonieys.com/ /ic/7-10-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U t ^ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 08-SP-157 FR# 200800608 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Em anuel E. Bonaparte and Forrest H. Bonaparte lo Jeffrey M. Ruben, Truslee(s), dated February 26, 2004, and recorded March 5,2004, In Book 538, on Page 889, 'Davie County Public Registry, the undersigned Substitute Trustee declares as follows: There Is a default by Ihe Owner or other person(s) owing an obligation, the performance of which Is secured by said Deed of Trust, or by Iheir suc­ cessor In interest, with respect to pro­ visions therein which authorize sale in Ihe event of default of such provision; and Ihe undersigned, on behalf of Frances S. White or John W. Fletcher 111 NC Bar # 15503, ellher one of Vihom may act, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of Ihe Register of Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina, and the Owner and Holder of the Nole evWencing saW indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Tnist be foreclosed, the un­ dersigned Substitute Trustees will of­ fer for sale at the Courthouse door or other usual and customary location as designated by the Cleri<'s Oifice on July 25,2008, at 11:00 am, and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder for cash Ihe real property secured by the above­ described Deed of Trust recorded March 5,2004 In Book 538, on Page 889, situated In Davie Counly, North Carolina, as more particularly de­ scribed liierein, which legal descrip­ tion is made a part hereof and incor­ porated herein by reference as If fully set forth herein. Said property as shown on the aboye<fescribed Deed of Tmsl Is com­ monly known as 4190 Highway 801 North, Mooksvllie, North Carolina 27028. To Ihe best of Iho knowledge and belief ol the undersigned, Ihe cur­ rent owner(s) of Ihe property within 10 days of Ihe posting ot this notice Is/ are Emanuel E. Bonaparte aka Emanuel Eugene Bonaparte and Forresi H. Bonaparte ai<a Forrest Hauser Bonaparte, in Ihe event Ihe property which Is the subject of this Nollce of Sale Is residential real prop­ erty with less than fifteen (15) rental units, an order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur­ chaser and against Ihe party or par­ lies in possession by Ihe Clori< of Su­ perior Court. Any person who occu­ pies Ihe property pursuant lo a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, temilnate the rental agreement upon ten (10) days' notice lo the landlord. The ten­ ant Is llabte for rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo the effective date ol temtlnation. Third party pur- chasera must pay the excise tax, and Ihe court costs of forty-five cents (45e) per one hundred dollars ($100.00), up to a maximum of $500.00. A cash H l t l i ï i l f MШ Ш В а Ш F O R S A L E : Cars »Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 4 4 2 Mocksville, NC Don Noel Excavating & Grading TrackhoG & Dozer work. Silo planning, lots cleared, driveways, sopllc systems, sewer hookups & drainages, Installation & repairs deposit (cashier's check or oertl- flod funds, no personal checks) ot five percent (5%) of Ihe purchaso price, or seven hundred fifty dol­ lars ($750.00), w hichever is greater, will be required at Ihe lime of Ihe sale. Following the expira­ tion of Ihe slatulory upset bid pe­ riod, all of the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Should Ihe foreclosure action be dismissed or any portion have to be redone for any reason, Ihe bid deposit will be returned lo the third party bidder and no other remedies will be assertable. The third parly bidder acts upon Iheir own risk If they expend any funds In favor of Ihe foreclosed property prior lo Ihe receipt of a deed from the Substitute Trustee. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding tllle, possession, or en­ cumbrances, lo pay Ihe remaining principal sum ol Ihe note(s) se­ cured by said Deed ol Trust, wllh Interest thereon, as provided in said nole(8), advances, if any, un­ der the terms of said Deed of Trust, tees, charges and expenses of Ihe Trustee and of Ihe trusts created by said Deed of Trust. There are no represenlallons of warranty re­ lating lo Ihe lllie or any physical, environmental, health or safety condlllons existing In, on, at, or re­ lating to the property being offered for sale, This sale Is made sub­ ject lo all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, and encum­ brances of record. Dated: July 3, 2008 Frances S, While or John W, Fletcher III NC Bar #15503, ellher oiie of whom may act, Subslllute Trustee P,0. Box 30368 Charlolte, NC 28230-0368 (704) 909-5656 TAC; 790266N 7-10-2ln H a r r i s P o o l & S u p p l i e s (М«*СЫсаЬ*Роо1«$р|1мЫи1м fl|iwt<tCMn » ftjil Цщ ll>;ticiMi< Tommy 1 larris/OwiKT-Ovcr 20 Yrs. Exp. 277 PlciBimt Acre Dr., Mocksvillc Home (3361284-4917 . Business 1336) 909-4027 . MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! Hwy 601 S . Mocksville (336) 751-2304 METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 30+ Colors 25 Year Warranty Post Frame Buildings call fo r prices! 1 - 8 8 8 - 2 7 8 - 6 0 5 0 M W ^ A I E M E T A L S Of the Carolinas, LLC Need Vinyl Railing? No Painting Ever!! No Rotting Ever!! W e Supply Materials & Labor, Call for Free Estimate. D-(336) 480-5984 N-(336)492-5761 W A N T E D T O B U Y O l d M o n e y Wuhlngton Qiuiltn HarcuiyHMd OImM Buffalo NIckols WtlMngUtaMty HtMIXiIlH Bud Hauser (336)908-8692 (336)761-6812 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 - D7 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E i ^ P R I / E R E C O R D Toll Free 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 Ж - 2 1 2 0 Market Classified Construction & Skilled Trades Concrtt* Fortmen. 5 yoars porlenco (mtchanleal tx- p«H«c« prtferred) Travel ft atl oiponws paid. Mus) havi voiid dflvor'e llcenso. Qroa' opportunly with grqwlng com­pany. Сл113Эв-940-»34в Child Care & Domestics FulHJm* nanny for 16 monUi old boy. Mondfly-Fftday 8(Ш1- 5pm. nonsmcAer. Plesso слП 330-970-5274 Drivers & J[ J222E S ÎÎ2î!2ÎL ArreNTION: GTR DmvEns *Up to S3,0QQ Sian On 'Gnotco of Flools •AffordnbH Ban»frts •{>% Mora Paid Miles nOEHL, Ewrlonc« Iho Pow^ ar ol Rod. Studonta Woiccm« ClAsa A required Free CCH Irnlning lor quaJiriod Mlitar> vata. eo8-eo7-o:^t9OoRoohlcom oniVEns* Horn# WMkanda. Qreai Payl Comparry & UP awHablo. P»W vBcaiton ft pforrtum Penante. CDt-A anc 3 moniha Eiporienca R» qured, CaJl eoo-44M27t. i Driver«- we HAVE MILES ft FREIOHTI Poaitions available ASAPI Class A-CDL wrih lank endorsement required Toe pffy A promium benefits. CaI er7-404-3060 or vlall. vnvw odktvylranaport.com Tractor Trailer Orlvort local end regional, 2 yrs CDL-A exp roq. $760 to $950 por week, plus satoty bonus, homo limo, bonoflts.Salem Corrler«, Inc. Cai 1-600*709-2530 Education & • Training PrtMhool Teecher wuntod loui day^k. Send towme' ic Oaibem Fhst lerlon Church. 8 Main St. MocKsvtiie. NC 37020 Preiei Early Chiklhood Degroo General Ubortra with oonerei« eipe- r)«n«e A moct)anie«l eip«ri- ence preferred Travel i «I experts«! paid. Musi havi vaid driver’s Ucenn. Ore« oppoiturtty Dowtng corn- party. Can ЗЭО-»4(М34в Sub DfWer гммЫ lor paMi route lor Auguel tIHS. be dependMb« and have oiwriransportaiion. WHIIng to edueota a Mghiy m> tivated indMdual tor a reward­ing еагмг In financial мг- vice». Сан зз^020<4Ввг tor interview. VIUTUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLEСГПСДПГ) TO snMCt ttiCNt srir Autumn Caro of Mocksville ts seeking e CNA Schedule Coordinator and an RN Weekend Supervisor. Please apply In person Monday through Friday 8:30am until 4:00pm at; 1007 Howard Street, Mocksville. NC 27028 Office & Clerical Advance church eeeka PI Secretary. Self starter, аЫс to work tfidor pressure anc contWonnoWy, and havi superior computor sUils Pleaso send losume to clsmithOyndte.not Sooking full-tlmo ro* coplloniot to provide . stoff support. The successful candkfote must havo profes­sional imago and be orgonized. Light ad* mlnlatratlvo duties in Qddltk}n to handling (elephono call distrf* butlon. Qroat pay & benefits. Apply in person Tuosdoy*Frl* day 9om>5pm, Restaurant & Food Service EXPERfENCEO СООКЗЛУАП STAFF wnnlod for 2 kxatwns in MochsvtKe and 1 tn Oovo- tand Сд113Эв-477-»МЗ Yard & Garage Sales Yard& Garage Sales > Family VlidSiMS«! 6-3 ITB No Спок nd. ttv t stods. TV stand, coffee ta< biea. table ft с^аИ. cMHno fans, kids, leen & adult cloth­ing, mucti, much more.Cheap Cheap Cheap 4 Family Yard Sale Friday & Saturday Julynftia-O.OOAM-uitU 3eS0Rtee4Wesi Hwesi of Ml Tahoe covw to Dodge h)M lU*pick up. bug guard for 2000 O ^fultbe picKup, small gerteralor. go« powered water pump. & coOectttMt(Avof>. Worldcup, Prlnc«»« House), tots of CDs. too many Hems to ttsti 4Pan«yYardSato.Saturday July I2, 7am>lpm 700S lf«w 001 S. mit« north of Greasy Cormr. HouMhoU Items, clothes, furniure, toots Pflft-Tlme Faculty, Psychology Qavldson County Community CotleQd Is accopling opplk:Qtk)n8 for partMimo instruc* tors to teach psychology courses on the Davie Campus In Mocksville, beginning In August. Qualifications include a Master's Degroo with eighteen graduate somestor hours in psychology. For information about fQ8ponsit>llltio&. qualilicatlona, and application requirements, please seo the 'Employment Opportunitios” seclkin on the College web* site: http://www.davWsonccc.edu or contact: Human Resources Office, Davklson County Community Coliege, P.O, Box 1287, Lexing* ton. NC 27203-1287, Telephone: 336-249- 8168, Ext. 6380. Email: humunresourcesO- davkl8onccc.edu Equal Opporturiiy Coktg^ Vard& Garage Saies e Family Yard Sale Frt. A Sat. Jutyl14 12 7am-unlil. t09 l)L>d(ingham Urne, Mocksville IMS ot bargains. Cancelled it rafn Dig Yard Sale - Saturday July 12. Bnm-lpm. 224 Uberty Poad. off OiAdstone Rodd Lots of rvce ctoihes. shoes, household, much more.FoIIon tigns. Fri A Sat, 7;00AM-1;00PMOOt N. 1 mi north of WnO school. (touaewntet, cksthing. college toxtbooks, electronics, boby'chiidien iierns. & rnorei Great Yard Salet Sal. July 12-7.00 A >12 OOP 15BE}rookDr.,tu(n onto Madison Rd In front of Burger King • one mil« to sale Hug« Vard Sak Frt, July tl«8:00AM*untll At Center Church Shelter Htghwey 64 Daby and houaehdd Hems with much rrwre? Large Yard Sei« Sal. 7am Maeomc Ркэтю Ground be­hind The Orock In Modiaviite. Sponaored by Mesaenget Sunday School Class from Oethlehem UMC. Qisciits ft refreshments win be sold Sal 7am 139 Canyon Rd Daby oquip, fumiiure and lots morel Multf-Famliy yard Sal«Saiurd^y July 12. 0am Hwy 04/ltwy 001 Croesing. Store ctoaeouta, tumttut«, jeweir/ Some Items SOc each.Rain date Saturday 7/10 MuKl-Famlty Yard Sate, Qatue- day July 12, 7am-until 141C N. Main St. Mocksvile Furni­ture. toys, clothes, ft more SaL 7anvhoon Proemi« on up, girls' name brand cbthes. lawn eqUp., furniture, smat refrigerator. leOLongwoodOr SATURDAY tOAM^IPM OVER ftOO ITEMS. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, towabl« sk tubee. furniur«, luooape. NEW Crossman air guns, rfn« scop«», binoculafs fiSMng. DBO а л * Milling STUFF EZ Up Cano^ai. Military sur. phJ«. air comprHsaort. gai generators, eierciM «quip- m«nt, boat covers, can- ' »tutt, tfts«UQdlclub*( .. bag«, BTC. ЗТАЯ STORAGE WORLD 1033 Salisbury Hwy RTOOIMockavU« Yard Sal«l20Casab«Ba D>iv«ln Advene«. 0am - 2pm Antique chair», t«U dothino. old movia poster codectbies, gicaa cortecUble« and toya. Yard Sale 7/11 4 7/12 7ani -Noon. 3fte DeadmorRd Anuques, farm tables side board, huich. household furnilure. t««n clothing, Yugioh/Pokemon. Yard Sat« lor Menll Sat. July 12-8.00A-Noon 1039Unberpa»a Road. Advance Tods. John Deere lawn mower, trailer, shovels, rakes, wood workhg Items ft much morel Alto, twuMhoM Kerns Vard Sale Frt,Jiiy11-0 0OA-4OOP . Sat. Jui/ 12«eO0A-2.00P OI2ComaiierRd (B«sk)e Comatref Elementary) Boy cbthes A shoes. Newborn 2T.4.10; Women'e Smell-large, pants 8-12, shoes 0-0 H; Man’s XL-XXL.pantt 34-30, shoeel3 Winter A Summer dothes, Chrtstmas stuff, booM. vtdeos, battiroon\sheMng. DVDs, kJds Chopper Motorcy­cle (onV used once) S1S0, kidstoys Yard & _GarageSales^ Yard Bel« FrI&SaiOnm -1pm. 157 ShofliiHd Rd, Mocksvili« Name brand maternity ctoth- Ing, Sl20 LQ to 2XL. Name brand b^y boy ckxhlnQ and baby through toddler girt ctothing. Double and single siroiior. 2 travel systems, swing and tots rnore. Con> plet« bathroom ddcor with towels. Ralph Lauren bedding and oiher nice househofd Items AJso, tons of nic« ladtesctoming, B-20W. Yard Sal« July 11 A 12, 8am* tpm. Located at 1013 Jerichc Churth Road near Seatoro Lumber. Childron'a ctothos ft toys, adult clothes ft shoes, typowrfter, printer, fax, stereo, ^ t clubs, books & tnovw». bnby Items, kitchen Hems, bedding, treadmill. Iron, day­care cubbies, daymro mats ft storage, hort^tmada baked goods M erchandise for Sale • /^llquos A Cotloctibtos• Arts. Cralt«. A Hobblos• Building EqulpmonI A Suppllos• Duslnoss Equlpmont A Supplkis• Co(i Phonos A Son^o• Ctothea, Adults A ChlMron• Compulera A Softwnio• Consignmonl• eiocironlcs• Exorciso Equip• Farm Equipment A Suppllos• Ftowvra A Plants• Food A Producá• FuotAWood• Furnituio A AppÍMincos• Gamo» A Toy«• Hvmttng & Flthing• Jowofiy• UiwnAOaidonSalosA Son,«k;o•Machlobiy&Toot»• Modical tquipmoni •Misc. Equiprnent ASuppnos •Misc. torSnlo• Music Salofl A Sorvk;o• Spomr)g Qoodn• Tlckol®•TV.DVO.AVWoo•WontloUuy:Morch^ndis« Computers & Software IBim THINKPAD П40 LAPTOPWUt!0Mn(P/O(Hce 2007 Occk ing Staik>rvCarry»)g Сам $350 330-291-4808 Exercise _E2u l£ m e n t_ Hug« Btoft«! typ« machin« Boutai from Sears 4 moniMi ago. $190 Pioasocan 704-000-4249 Farm Equipment & Supplies Furniture & Appliances OE tkltl«-by*»id« rclitg w/ico ft water In door. Smart water fll- 1er, energy off. 2t.9cu ft Like new. $400. 704-239-2837 Dillon Let Paul guitar Indudoi hardshell case_ ft practice Kenmore Deep-Chest Freezer S2SO.OO 70»-239Ю174 Kitchen table, ssa в High Back Oak Chaira, $40 ea. Oak oflk:« Chair, $30. Pteasecali ЗЗвОЗО-9023. Sefmer Clarinet Oroai for be- Please call 7М-807-8е38 LIvfng room set, denim with tan trim. 7 piece. Good condtkxi $500 or best offer. Pleas« call 7M-433-7814 Lov« »«at and »ofastiD in ptastio. Musiseli $299 w/ wanatity.Call Leon at 330-392-3349 CAMPWO TENT, Oiark ttnil 10(t.x8tt. sleep« 5 9(C«lton' condllton, $79. Picesea cai 7СИ-897-2945Refrigerator tkie by Me k;e dispenser in door 980.234.4010 $200 00 Secretary deak. Uko new $100 Lovaaeat. navy ft beigo plaid Like new. im Please cat 704 •857-0720 TWIN BED. bcmnnl СикИоп Drawers undemoaih.$390. Ploasecail.7(M-431-4450 Tlmb«r Wanjed: Pro or Hflfd wood 10 acres or more So­led and door cut. Shavei Wood Products, Inc. 7W-278 929).N)ghl704-276-4433 Waah«r A dry«r a«(, Maytag Like now. $275- Small chesi freezer. $125. Pleas« cai: 704-796-1020 Wood A meUi kitchen tablewith 4 chairs. Matching cof­fee and end table. $200 704-213^800.OCar Lawn & Garden Sales John D««r 48- rrn, model Z245. Less than 10 hours $2,950 704-602-33-100Г 330-751-5 tW ADORAOLSFREE KlHENSClack and Siamese mix kit­tens need a good horr» Please call 704-278-4001 TROY BUILT mOtNQ UWh MOWER, 2 yrs. M WorVi like new Neodi bartory $500 Call 704-232-2007 iVledicai Equipment Wlml elnlr. >7»0. Oood conai. 1№rt Double s)ro»«r, $50 Dflsainet wtth sWit. $50 Origi­nal Wnnio the Poch cnb. $100 330gQO-623t IMisc For Sale O' I O' flat lralt«f vHih spare tire. Very good condition.$40070t-245-S236 ,_______ Air<ondlilonlng unH, window 5000 DTU $05 Pieaae ш 704-232-9790 Avon product« now «old aiKomer-Stutt Store, 2 mUoi south of Harmony on Hwy 21. 704-540-9757 nd Ur«», »«I ot 1M9 ON R«d B«ily Ford Trao- tor, $3200 or b«lt Off«r, Ex c«tl«rt cort3*«on Ca» TW 900-2450 or 704-473-9007. Furniture & Appliances 4 Oak Child-« School Chaira. Munti« wtth stand $IC0. i 336-030-0023 9 drawer ctmtor dtme<s, 4 door dresaer, oval mirror. Kin< sue b«d. Can 330^00-05в1 or 330-751-0320 leave a mag. BeiiutltuI solid wooft butfel WNto. Two tx)ttlo rack». $500.СаЯ704-213-0в60. Caflfomla King water b«d W. draw«r»$150Can lor datali» 7M'23M174 DININQ 8ЕГ. Cherry. MU81 QOI Le«s than a year oU $300.С«1704ЧЭЫ45в Full aln headboard and metal frame. Headboard I» wooc with mirror». S75. Cal 704- 2134)880. Futon b«d w№ IlipHJp aid«s tor beverages. Tan matirau $99 or tm \ offer. 704-27» 0827 or 704-796-4169 $8.4 Please саЯ 7(И-&57- 7106 or 890424-8481 Oeneralor, 120 volte, 69C watts, 8990 starting watt» $500. PIMI«« can 7М-в36Ч)007. Glid«r/rock«r . wtth ottorpan. $66 OBO. 40* aguare stall Me and metal coffe« tabi«, $70 ООО. 704-647-0298 Inflnlty 10* aubwoofar w/ 25C amp 704-2394174 $t0000 MM 0 Track Up« players. $60 each. And other collectibles Call 704-638-2401 Portable “Big D«ldy" MrHeeter, Kb cyt. ehra, tOlbe , w/btower fa^ 4 *D* bait, or 6V adapter. $100.7М-в36«Ю7 Sameunga GO МРЭ Player Lola triaalur*» Brand N«w Beet Offer, $150,00. 704-вЗ^ 3362 Trauer, »4" ж a*, al ««od wW tailgele. $100.PleasecaR7M-63M007 iVlusic Sales & Service I. $450 Call Tmvlsnl 277-9031 For SalaAccordon 120 bass $200 336-463-5879 Sporting Goods Want to Buy Merchandise Pets& Livestock > Birds •Cats ►Dogs• Horses• Uvostock »OttTOr Pote» Pol A LIvostock Sorvk:os Cats FREEKinENS Beautif J black and orange kit tens Fre« to a good home Please can 704-279-3538 Free Kitten« Cant ke«p 2 ah 704-642-1328 Fr«« kltt«n«. Please can it miorosted 701-27M009 Kttt«n* 6 w««k« old, »w««t anc good natured. Freo io gooc liome.Ca/l 704-245-6238 Dogs OeauUlul, fun bk>od«d B«adi puppi««, $85 «ach. Call 7W- 6Э0-6299 Livestock We have sevemt rabbti cagoi for salo. Price is per cage $5.00. 704-279-1021 Pet & Livestock Services FISHAQU/tniUM 30 gaikjn. Excellent shape Has taeenod top. $10. 7O4-0O(M245 Notices ' Юдл1 Notices ' Freo Ads • InstrucHon 'Lost A Found ' Monumonl A Comotary Lots >Noticoa'Special Occasione ' Trnvol Opportunittoa Free Ads 2 oaautirul Mtten«. 10 w«eki bottle fed. inside only. Leuk HIV lesied. CaJi 704-&57-Г- M-F after 5 Sat 9-9.7-6313 Donl throw away lawnmowvr» ATV s. golf cans, A other out­door ролог equipmenl. Wil pick up for free. C^ii Richarc ï«e gam« chlclwn«, Ftoost- er A Hon. Pkiose call aftei 6pm 70.1-279-3175 Free hay.You cut and boi«- Please call 704-637.1292 FREE KIHEHS TO QOOC HOMEI Black and Siamese mix. Vary Cutel Please cal 704-27a4061 FREE kittan«, Long-hair«d anc shon-ha<rad. 12 week». Utiaj train«d. 1st shots and F«- L«uk. Negative. 704-239-2380 Fr«« old hey good for guil«y. fill mm horae litter, but not f«ed. You haul it away. 561-60&-7949 SuiuU »Oco Dirt Bike. Runa good. $250. Pteaaa caR 701-267-9176 Lost & Found Found »mall male white and black on Hwy 601 S. Please calilo kioniify, 336-940^931 Manufactured Home Saies 0 Closing Coat», 0 Down, We buid on your land and finance too. 336-249-7042 0 Dnwn, Low Payineme,if you own land or hove family land 336-249-7026 2ВП. 1B/^ central alr/heet, al major appliances, on rentec lot. Must S«al $7,500 car> 980-234-6106 3Hom««L«tL Reduced Price» Cali Aaron 628-308-6131 4ВЯ, 2BR inexpentive uwner financing. Pleas« can 686-203^126 Attn Davi« n««Mwrta: Spadai Finandng for al land owner» Custom bulid«r wtth ds«( pockets. 3 A 4 BR homes Lew Paymem» 686-203-6128 Own wni Finance. D««r Run 3BR, 2BA $699Дпо indudei tot reni. Excellent condiior and ha»»iorage bulding. 336-061-2777 CHEAP 4 modela to choos« liom. Can 704-630-6403 Ask tor Darren We wilt buUd on your tmprCN«c tot, a 2.300 oq. ft. Cape Cod style hous«. $105.900. Frank at 7M-746^92 Your Land la Your Credit We Finance Please Call 336-249-8273 Real Estate Commercial BCI4 Bu»ln«aft Park For sale or l04S« 9.000 *q ft building 1,500 to 4,500 sq II. unis Corrvnercial tots tor saie ot wil b^kl to «uit tenant. Cai 336-9960169 FREE Bengal ml« c«t. maie Nueterod and groat with othei animals. Please саЛ 704-2784)706 CKC r»g. РП BuH Fhjpplos 2m/3l w/ ahota, Raiort Edge btood line. Parant» or Site $250 OB0704-43M068. Found on Calahain Rd, Mookavllte, Tue», July 6. bik A tan, mal« dog. approx. 1 ytoid 336-4Q2-»42 FREE PUPPIES 6 w«ek oto Ter­rier Mixed puppte». 3 Iemale, 1 mal« PtaaM can 704-657И449 er mix. 7 w4s. oU- Had 1stshots704-245-0637 Hippy Jeek Skin Balm siopiscratchii^ ft gnawing Pro- mote» h«a.'lng ft hairgrowtr due to Hoi Spots on dogs ft cats Mthoui steroids' OOOD»MN FARM SUPPLY 704-657-5938 VQerarJMPpyiKkine.com Pan «hlh UW pait dach»hund 2 females Ready 07/11/00 704-708-7607 Horses old Cheetnut Mare. Paimino Show Mar« 1,500. 3 yr old Geiding $800.336-940-6370$4,500. Portable Heaier, I lb Daddy* Mr. 6 hour»,weight 191b». Wih btower fan 4 *0* c«<i 'batteries or 6 von AC adapter. Livestock Hor»e»ho«lng »Ine« 1071, ft« types.Joe Wages ЗЗв-ввг-7050 Mariie! Classiiieils are lierel M u ltip ly y o u r c u s to m e rs w ith o n e call! Y o u r D a v i e C o u n t y E n t e r p r i s e - R e c o r d is p a r t n e r i n g w i t h i t s s i s t e r p u b l i c a t i o n s , t h e S a l i s b u r y P o s t , K a n n a p o l i s C i t i z e n a n d t h e P o s t E X T R A , t o b r i n g y o u M a r l< e t C l a s s i f i e d s ! W i t h o n e p h o n e c a ll t o o u r new toll free number: 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 you'll get total coverage of a complete market right next door. B u y 1, 2 , 3 o r 4 p u b lic a tio n s , o n e c a ll a n d o n e bill - it's y o u r c h o ic e ,’ o n e c a ll d o e s it all. D e a d l i n e f o r a d s i s T u e s d a y a t 3 P .M . Call l-877-751-2120 or Fax to 704-630-0157 Ads require prepayment, except for established accounts. FREE CERAMIC MOLDSIn Good Condtton Call (704)230-0в82 Notices ALL CASH CANDY Route. Dc You Earn Up to $600/day (po­tential)? Your own local route. 30 MacNne» and CwvH- AI tor $9.995. 1-еб6-7634^ MultiV»nd, LLC DA Vie PREGNANCY CAR£ Canter offer» confidenijal агк fr«« pr«gnanf9 test», »иррм »en/ic«» and r*f«rrai».'Mak« a h«afiny choice for your If«' Can 336-753 HOPE lor appt. DONATE YOÜR VEHICLE- Re celv« $100 Groc«ry Cou Unted B<«ast Cancer I datton* Free Mammograms Breast Cancer lito www ubcf into/. Free Towing Tax Deducttla, NorvRunnert Accepted, 1-888-466-5964, Real Estate • Businea» Opportunttles• Condoa A Townhome»• Home« (or Sale■ Investmenl Property »Lake Property• Und for Sole• Mftnutactitf od HomoDoaJofS• Manufactured Home Si)l0SI Manutactuiod Lots tor Solo• Manufaciurod Sorvlco A Ropalra> MoilQaQO Sorvtces A Loans• Rodl Eslate Services ' Roal Estate ~Commercial• Reuon A Vacation Property'Wanted: Real Eatale 4BR, 28A. formal un, ОЛ^. tots ' ceramic Ule, garage, bonut $926Лтю, Mocksville dty ii (IB, 336-961-2777 Home Builders Clyde Hail Enterprfaee, Inc. New HouM - Cape Cod Style 2,300 »Q И. Butt on your tot $108.650 704-746-4492 Homes for Saie 3Bfl 2JI BA. 117,00 Tll Value. Brick ranch, centra heat, hard wood», basements. LQ yard, car port. $124, 0OC for quick aala, 7M-630-0695 3BR, 1.6BA, house. Carport, new paint and carpel. (i7S •q ft. $62.000. Call for Infor- maiion. 336-e09-0445. Bermuda Run Ceuntn^ Club, owner financing poaaibie, 2 BR, 2 W BA Kmnhouse, garage. 2,092 »qft. beato» gdt courte and lake $188.500.704-6304)09« Cut« 2BR, 1BA house for aale In Mocl^le. fenced back­yard. $79,000. Please cat 336-403-0244 tor details. NEWLY REMODELED 2BR. 2BA Orarie Quarry. Carport, New Paint, kin ft master BA. KardvioodSi lormai DR ft LR. 1612 eq, f1. 9l9-270-9576 Reduced over $16,0001 Kinder- ton Vllage, Advance, new 3 BR plus bonus, 2 Vi BA. I, 2.000 sq.ft. $196.800 - “195 Land for Sale 32> woodAd «СГ«». Plu»2 cleared buitoing »He». 2.4-3C acre» rural »etting/roac frontage. 336-482-2144 8» Acre«. Win divida. Ho» beer pa(k«d. Broker/Owner $e75(Vacre.336-492-7505 Manufactured Home Dealers Hug« living area tor big family. Owner tinandng. 686-203-6126 Rentals ' Apartments Condo s^ownhonto»' House» for Rent ' Lake Property Rental 'OfficoAUOihmercial Rental ' Manutactued Homo« for Rent• Roe on A Vocation Rental»»Roonvnate Wanted• Rooma for Rent »Storage• Wanted to Rent Houses for Rent Bennuda Run Country Qut Rent to Own, 3 BR, 2 H townhouse, garage. 209S sq ft. acroes from goif course take in Ьал, $6.000 down $1,000 month 704-6300695 Сшр«г «heil for truck, fall condilion, $40.Pieaae call 704-287-9170 PENNINGTON A CO. 336496^00 330-90»«747 Tan Street, Yadklrtvllle - 3 BR. 1 BA «T\eU t«jme wtth liorM porch and storage buMng $56Wno.. $56<Vdep. 336'996-9400 option 6 B*naenSlrMt-2BR,1BA. $60tfmo.4$e00d«p. 336- 998-9400 opt ton 7 Court n« J««p Grand Ch«rok«« Lar«do 1993. White with giey mtert- or. 4 wheel drive, power tocka^oHndowa, AM/FM st«r«c with CD player $2300 obc 4870 Y«cMnvlll« - 2 BR, 1 BA duplex with front porch, brand n«w horn«. $75(Vmo..$750AJep 330-906-0400 optton 9 , Mr. Undtord/Own«r - 3-4 OR Rentals. Do you have one empty? Can ue. we have quaKfled applicant» INDfVIOUAL COMMERCIAL PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE. $1.000/monthtort.010 SF (SOtftcfl») Citfi Janice McDanv» 336-909-0747 Pennington A Co. 336-9964400 336-90^747 Rent to Own: New upKaie 3 a4BR WJbonus room. 2И0А. garage, near 2t0Q aqtl. M- curlty system, track nghtng stainless steel appliances, nte«, near 1-40. only $950C down. $Э95Лпо 704-630ЧМ95 Manufactured Home lor Rent 2BR, 2BA Just out of Davi« Counly In Harrnony area $425/monih * depoert. Plea»« can 704-546-2069 3BR, 2BA In Pinetoreok Schoo DtsttM. $SStymo $300 de- poeit. Abeoiuteiy no pets. 336-940-2515 For rent: Doubi« wid« mobitc hom«. Junctkn Rd 3BR. 2BA $650/ mo. ♦ $6S0 d«p A ref r«q'd NO p«ts. 704-657-5490 Private eetlingl {mmacu* latei 2BR/2BA. all appi. Ceni Heat & alr, dock, A gatogo. No smoking. No pela. $eO(Vmo. plus do- poslt. 336-908-3636 Raady )o mov« In. 2DR, 1B> brick hont«. Electric furnished, privat« 704-267-5581 or 336-75 M216 FREE CAMPMO A GAS G»tawayl Oaautiful Privata Camp­ground In North Cardina Modam Ameni»«», Plar^oc Activitia» Famiy Funi Cai 600-700-1399 tor dotali». m tlS ìS S S S S S m Attention UNCC Stud»nt»l Walk to ciaa». 2 BR. 2.BA, waah»t/diyti, AC, cabla anc watar. $650/mcrth -» depoait 336-776^896 Large 1 BR «partmenl. ' Downtown iUodcavI»«. Ne I425 per month Call Г04-а76-ШГ Houses for Rent 129UtUe John Dr. Farmingti BrkA ranch 2 LG BR. 1.6 BA, ktn, dish washer, stove, refg. disposal. Lg DR A LR. lat^dry room. Oil heal Central air Wood burning FP w/ insen. 2 car garage Mtached w/ operv era, n«w fioortng throughout Baautiful ci«an riome. Nc pet». $800Ano. 336-766-0.525 Resort & Vacation Rentáis Service & Parts Vans for Sale 704-202.48: Want to Buy: T ran8£ o r ta tio r ^ $ Cash $ Гог Junk CarsPleaso Call ЭЗв-407-вг8Э Auctions AUCTK)N • 11AM, Saturday, July 19, Union Mm«, NC. Luxury Log Homo and 5 Ea- tata Lota. Lota To 0« Sokl Ab- •oiute. Higgenbotham Auc­tioneer». 600-257-4161 WWW higgenbothara com Ctvis Pracht NCAL278A AUCnON. COASTAL PROP­ERTIES* Topseii bi«yj Area Sat^into^, jjy 26, 11am. 4 Hunter hteath Drtve, N.Topaai island, NO 26460. 7 propef- ties, indudng a watarfrom Ex- •cutiva «»tat« hom«. two to act« w»t«r1rDnl bulking ait«t In th« gai«d A»he island 00m- munty, three buitoing aitei ir Mimoaa Bay with water ac­cess. a duplex tot Beadi Contact Blatock. Jr. 0 019-606-171 http://www.joh tiaseonV NCALT7340 Dewey И 711 AYCOCK MOOILE AUCTlOh S«ivtoe • 1-96 South. Exit 106. V. NC Сан 910-264- NCAL7632.KenV. 4002, N BEACH PROPERTY AUCTIONFrkkiy, Jiiy 10th, 11.00 AM- Thr«« N«w Constructton At- iantto B«ach CondomJnkxns 3.000 sq.ft. custom bull Spectacular oc«an viaws also tw) »lory b«ach houM on Duplex tot, wwwHou»«- AucUonCompany.oom. 292- 729-1102, NCAI#766I}. Transportation Auto»AvIaVonBoet» A Watorcratt Colector Cara 'Convneictal Tranapoilatton ■ Motorcycles A ATVs > RecrealloriaJ Vehidea • Rentata A Leasing Sarvlce.ParlaA Accossorto» Tronsportatloh DeeIor»hip»Tronsponanon Financing Trucks, SUVa A Van» Wont 10 Buy Autos 3BR, 1BA, Mœksvflle $700f mo.Kfep. Cantrai heaUair, re- frlgeraior, »tov«. СаЛ MarLo ft Ca 336^92-7509 3BR, 1BA. Cismmone area. Re­frigerator. atove, centra heaVair, washar/dr^r con- nectton», carport. $700^mo.. deposit reqU 336-766-4320 3BR, 2 hjn BA, Davia Schools 188 Sheinefd Rd, no pets $675^10 > $679 dep, refs Call 704-546-5227 or 336- 462-3600 ask tor Uncta Century 31 Trtad ЗЭ6-761-2222 2«3 Tqwnperk «302. Condo tocal»d m ttindertoa 2 BR, IDA. Ail appliances Included. $705Anonth 6962 Fox RM9«*WttwloivSatom 3BR, 2BA townhouse. Range, dishwasher, and re- • frtgerator. $90&Vnonth 321 Burton Rd-Advar)ce Very ntoe 2П BR rvme situated on 16 Acre». Very Private. $eotfmonth Сам Century 21 Triad 336-761* 2222 ask tor Ext.2t3Mon-Fri 6am-9pm or 336-751-5555 Ext. 213nighis and weekends ERA Premier Realty Jackla CQul«tat\ 336-76M777 or 336-761-2059 ADVANCE - R«nl or Poasibl« lease purc^se - 4BR, 2BA. N«w Constructton. Potete, pa­tto, bonus room or 4“ bed­room, $140C№onth MOCKSVILU - Pudding Ridge Gorgeous 4BR, 3HBA custon* brkA home, OoK course conv murlty. Owner financing avail­able, Rant or poasibie «ase purchase. $t650firorth. Can lor details. MOCKSV1LLE-2 6R,2BA, in town with skle porch A cov­ered patto. $70(VrtK!Oih MOCKSVILLE ^ 2 BR, m BA, : levels, eai-ln kitchen, patio. $4&5/month. No pets. M0CKSVILIC-3BR, 2BA, Old farmhouse wRh acreage. $700/month ERA Premier Realty Jackie CouUton 336-753-^777 336-996-7777 Howard Realty JC Jordan 336-761-6562 Mock»vllla>lntown2QA, ISA, relrlg. Range, elocuto heat, window air, N0 Smoking, NO PETS, $600^. Ceoiaemee • BR,1BA,oil heat, window air, $45(Vmo. VAntton Salem-2BR.1BA, gaa haat. central air, near AaNey Elem., $50CVma Howard R«any ^Jord«n936-761-»962 $4600, call me at 2 2070 or e-mail me at bolsy.velatquoiO hotmancom GREAT DEALIII 1997, Ford. fAJSTAMQ 428 Coupe $4800, excellant cond,79000 mi, dear title, ext:B.ack.int:eiack. 6 cyi.2 dr, Manual, tonlshei- tonOgmaiicom or (206) 666-3060 GREAT FAMILY VEHICLEI Chryaier Town A Country Van, im Loaded Leather, AB3. Good Tire». 3.6L V6 - Runt OteaW 25-29 MPO. 233K miles. Betow book value a< $2000. Please call Kely 704-657-9880 Mercury Cougar, 1974. White. Run» good, needs Instoe care $500 704-637-1060 Boats & Watercraft 75 HP SurukJ (1996) ctoan ft tow hours. Great famly ski i fishing boat. 704-2234)659 $2.200. Motorcycles &ATVS Classic , Pacilic Bii>e Peart. 1BC0 ml.. 1st service done with ail synth llukls. it is extra toaded and lo indude 3 Harl^ t^aimeia wnh 2 tniercom systems. Magnum pipes wth the orig. pipes to go with it. Has a 7 yr unlimited wart. Qafage kapt w№ a 1000 to roiing lift inciud«)d. $21,900 Can 704-320- 6675 from flam -epm 704- 326-6675, MOTORCYCLE FOR 8ALEIIII Hohda, Shadow Sabre. 2004 VTllOOCZ Red. Low, Low Mllealll Only 1800 miles. Alway» gataoed. Wall tak* an care of. Never driven in the rain. SHOWROOM CONDITIONIIIII Have to aee. Nice backrest. Great power tor 2 oduRs. Hel- ment Included. We )ust purchaaed a new sponacar tor our n«w toyll Lexington. 336-796-1185 HOME IMPROVEMENT AUC­TION- Saturday, Jufy 16 010am. 201 S. Cantrai Av- «nu«. Locust, NC. Grantti Top», Cabinat Set». Door». CarpoL Tie, Hardwood, Batr Vanties, Compoait« D«cUng Lifting. Nam« Brand Tooia NC Sa>M Tax appH»». www • classtoaudtonacom 704-907- 1449, NCAF9479 NEW HOME BID SALE. 6 New. Sin;^« Famty Attachec Homaa, MooresvWe, NC. July. 17th, 600 pm. Iron Horae Auctton. NCAL3936. 800-997- 2248. WWW >ronhor»eauctlon.com Child C a re á ' Nursery Schools Elderly Caregiver in you« home, 5 yrs e»per. hygieno. Iignt housekeeping ft cooking Ceil JdcUe 336-264-2001 FALLENROLLMEffT BERMUDA QUAY PRESCHOOL B«(ora and attar school drop- ol1 and pick-up from Pine O'ook and Shady Grova. For mor« information call 336-940-6450 N««d aumnw child care? in my homo, dll shtfts Advance area. Cali 336-940 5326 tor details. NOW ENROLUNOI Oei on« w««k freel BERMUDA OUAY PRESCHOOLinfancPre-K, F/T. drc<)-in. РИМО Advance. 339-940-6450 Financial Services Neud capital? We arrange tinandng tor all iypes ol ioani Fast approvala, free consuttaUon, no fees. Bad and No Credit CaN 666-209-5^24 VAVW.- lniarnatk}narfundsino.oom Home Improvement Windows, doors, vinyi siding brick, block work, log atoing hardwood Aoorlng Free esti­mates Owner Andy Lawson Coll 336-402-5410 or 336 Lawn Maint. & _ L a n d sc a g U ^ Brad's Uwn CareFor all your lawnand landscaping needa.336-469-2194 Painting & _DecoratinjL Wyatfe Palntlne Intartor anc axtartor painting and wiUipa- per. Free estimates. Cal any- |1гт>е. 704-239-4516 Piumliing Services АГ» Plumbing Repair»For your plumbitio needs caJI 336-492-7364 Tree Service Canopy Tree Sarvic«, Profes stonoi Service at reascmabl« rates. Fully Insured. Cai foi tree estinates. Reference« available Also, firewood toi sale. 336-996-4374 TImbar Wantad, 2 acres ot more dear or selecL sman oi large tracts, commission toi timer bough on referrals, besi prtcea guaranteed. H A 1/ Logging, 336-466-6576 JROTC cadets get in some early morning exercise at the Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge at Oak Ridge Military Academy. Davie High Cadet Caleb Humphrey (third from left) was named the outstanding honor cadet. Cadets get Instructions for the rappelling course. Camp Trains JROTC Cadets From the obstacle course to the volleyball court, from the rappel tower to Cadet American Idol, with lots more training and • fun in between, the cadcts of Davie High School enjoyed an action-packed, Five day Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) among the stately trees and gentle hills of Oak Ridge M ilitary Acadcmy (ORMA) June 16-20. A cadre composed of their norm al JROTC instructors, along with a group of volunteer chaperones, and 160 cadets provided a week of training, team work and cam araderie which the cadets will not soon forget. Cadet’s Brittany Dykes, Caleb Humphrey, Kntelin Starre, Sam antha Ledbetter, Travis Smith, Nicholas Anders, Andrew Olson, Jenny Bruce, and Anthony Donati of Davie High school JROTC deployed to ORMA on Monday, June 16, with high expectations and visions of individual prowess during the days to come. Tuesday morning started early with a 5:30 wake up call from the friendly TACs and a 6 a.m. physical fitness test comprising push-ups, sit-ups and a one-mile run - all before breakfast. After a meal at ORMA’s dining facility, the battalion of cadets, who were organized into standard Army companies of platoons and squads, begun their training day. The organization gave opportunities for many cadets to hone their leadership skills as squad leaders, platoon sergeants, platoon leaders, com pany first sergeants, exccutivc officers, commanders and, for an elite few, bottalion command sergeants major, executive officers and commanders. By rotating these positions frequently, a large number of cadets got to serve and leam in leadership positions. The training day saw the com panies involved in character-building, teamwork- enhancing octivities such as the aforementioned obstacle course and 60-foot rappel tower in addition to land navigation, a onc-rope bridge exercise, drown proofing techniques, and basic rifle marksmanship with pellet rifles. The day concluded with guest speakers, including Dr. Robert Landry, Davie Schools superintendent, who emphasized the importance of education, character, and enthusiasm. ' Approximately 200 cadets, cadre, and chaperones attended the camp, with Colonel Terry Hales, D avic High School JROTC serving as the'camp commander. Evenings found the companies com peting in volleyball, dodge ball, and a drill and ceremony knockout competition and culminating in the Cadet American Idol talent search. Cadets sang, danced, and performed step-dance routines, skits, stond up comedy and even a soccer skills demonstration for the panel of three judges. -I At Friday m orning’s graduation ceremony, company, team and individual competition winners were announced DHS C adet’s Caleb Humphrey was presented a trophy for being selected as the Distinguished Honor Graduate along with Anthony Donati receiving a trophy for overall physical fitness. “All cadets received certificates for com pleting JCLC, ond then wound their ways home, weoiy from training, marching, cleaning the barracks and the inevitable push ups, but with buoyed spirits, a sense of accomplishment and- valuable life lessons,” Hales said. / ..................4 ■ ■■ D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 10,2008 Davie Schools superintendent, Dr. Robert Landry, talks to the cadets about the Importance of education. Davie High JROTC Instructor Coi. Terry Hales listens. A friendly game of dodge ball keeps the cadets busy. Hales presents Davie High Cadet Andrew/ Olson with a certificate for completing the camp. Cadets are trained In weapons safety and marksmanship. Hales presents Davie High Cadet Samantha Ledbetter with a certificate for completing the camp. The traditional battalion formation takes place every morning and afternoon. ■i . -V Hales presents Davie High Cadet Katelln Starre with a certificate for, completing the camp. Lillie’s Biscuits G ir ls L e a r n T h e R e w a r d s O f M a k in g T h e m F r o m S c r a t c h Page C1 Deck Collapses 10 Children Hurt At Local Bible Camp Page 5 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/^ E C O R D USPS 149.160 Number 28 Thursday, July 17, 2008 S i e s t a T i m e Frank Freeman takes a break from the Cub Scout summer day camp held recently at Thousand Trails Campground. For more photos from the camp, please turn to Page D1. - Photo by Robin Snow ............................ —... ■ --------,■-------- --------- ■ -'V ................. ' ' M ■ S c h o o l s O K N e w D r e s s C o d e By Beth Cns.sidy Diivie County Enterprise Rccord The Board of Educntion adopted \ coimtywide dress code for K-12 itudents.at a meeting last week. The new policy was adopted .manimoiisly in an effort “to develop \ more detailed dress code and procedures for violation.” In the past, most dress code policy was set by individual principals, bi)t one parent, whose Jaughter was cited for a top the jdministration considered .nappropriate, urged the board months ago to consider adopting a policy for the entire county. , For K-5 students, the code states, ‘All clothing, skirts, shorts, dresses ire of an appropriate length when ;he wearer stands with arms at his Dr her sides and the clothing falls F X'jih On '. ^ J %> ,',' ^ School» Information lower than the wearer’s fingertips, not be allowed. Administrators may Pants, shorts, skirts must be secured nt the waist, and there may be no holes in clothing above the knee.” Undergarments are not to be visible, shoes must be worn at all times, and no shoes with wheels are allowed. “Clothing must overlap at the waist at all times. A neckline is considered appropriate when it does not fall below the student’s 4-closed finger horizontal hand when placed at the base of the neck. Any apparel which may be considered sexually, culturally or institutionally offensive as deemed by administration will use their discretion in addressing dress code issues which go beyond the dress code articulated above but believe the dress code issue significantly violates the intent of the policy.” "The dress code for middle- and high-schoolers is similar, in terms of necklines, no holes in clothing above the knee, no visible undergarments, lengths of all clothing, shoes, and apparel being deemed infippropriate. Those students may not wear hats, bandanas, sunglasses or head coverings during the school day and may not carry them. They are not allowed lo wear outwear, "such as bulky overcoats or raincoats.” Clothing for those students must overlap at the waist, and all clothing must have sleeves. “A student who is not in compliance with this policy or school dress code shall be given a reasonable period of time to make adjustments so that he or she will be in compliance. Failure to comply shall result in the student being removed from school until his or her appearance or clothing meets school system policy or rules. The student’s parent or guardian shall be notified prior to any such removal.” The policy will be posted no later than Aug. 25 on the website, www.davie,kl2.nc.us under the button 2008-2009 Back to School Information for Students/Parents. Frye Says No To Board Appointments If you want Johnny Frye to serve on a board, at least ask him first. The county commissioner last week turned a routine appointment of county residents to various boards into a stalemate when he asked that his name be removed from appoint­ ments to the Northwest Job Train­ ing Consortium and the Northwest Piedmont Rural Planning Organiza­ tion. “I was not asked or told by any­ one,” Frye said, as Commission Chair Tom Fleming tried to get pas­ sage of “consent” items on the agenda, ones that rarely cause dis­ cussion and even rarer - controversy. When Fleming asked for volun­ teers for those appointments among the board members - he got none. Frye also objected to the appoint­ ment of Chad Bomar of Oak Valley to the Davie County Social Services Board. “Why not appoint someone from this part of the county?” Frye asked. Richard Poindexter, county com­ missioner and chair of the social services board, objected to Frye’s reasoning. The board, he said, has members from all areas of the county - from Fork to Cooleemee, from William R. Davie to Mocks- 36 PAGES Walkable Bermuda Run Plan Draws Criticism By Jackic Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record BERMUDA RUN - A revised plan for building sidewalks was pre­ sented at the townl)oard’s monthly meeting last week. The plan for sidewalks, bike lanes, and shared use paths is being called a “Walkable Bermuda Run.” . During the public comments por­ tion of the meeting former resident Bill Burnette told council members that he opposes the plan. “1 oppose council that is voted on inside the fence who can impose requirements on people outside the fence that can cause them financial hurt.” More than a dozen residents who live outside the gates of BR in the ET] were present to show iheir op­ position to the plan. ETJ (extra territorial jurisdiction) is the one mile area beyond Ber­ muda Run’s corporate limits in which it may enforce land use regu­ lations including zoning, subdivi­ sion regulation, and building inspec-. tions. Realtor Marcia Barney told the council that residents in the ETJ should be able to give more input on the plan. “My concerns are the effect to ETJ residents and develop­ ers who may want to develop. Be­ fore this plan is presented it needs, to go to a committee for further study.” Sorne of Barney’s concerns were the large size of the sidewalks and the pre-requirement of the side­ walks, buffer areas, and bike zones prior to any site plans for future de­ velopment of the ETJ area; de­ creased land values due to increased regulations that would incur addi­ tional costs for developers: and the fact that it is a public walkable plan which still allows a major portion of the community to be an exclu­ sionary fenced-in area not accessible to the public. Mayor John Ferguson told those in attendance, “Don’t be confused by the fence. We could annex out­ side the fence. I didn’t make the rules. If it was up to me the ETJ would have a vote. All this council P le a s e S ee W a lk a b le - P a g e 4 ville - but none from eastern Davie. Bomar was placed on the social services board on a 4-1 vote. Bomar unsuccessfully sought nomination for a seat on the county commission, and Frye lost his bid for re-election in primary elections earlier this year. Other appointments; • Davie County Senior Services P le a s e S ee B o a r d s - P a g e 4 I- 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Exlitorial ProliiB-grandpii Dwight Sparks with Cayden Delaney Sparks. Birth Of Granddaughter Signals New Generation I'Pi Interstate 95 Inst week to meet our new graii^(|H^ah^cj')g|ill six pounds of her. A new neiress has been born. Cayden Delaney Sparks. 1 think she iiiced her grandpa. She even sneezed as I held her close and made introductions. I looked into those tiny eyes and found part of myself jumping the chasm to a new generation through this tiny standard bearer of the family honor. A short 27 years ago I was in my son’s role. With his generation come of age, I watched with pribe as Paul changed and swaddled his newborn and k;fflt,clo5e^atch over new mother Susan. Together, ,they spentithcipieeprileprived nights in'the hospital and built their family. - The details: Born 9:05 p.m. July 8,2008, in Anne Arundel Hospital, Annapolis, Md. Six pounds, nine ounce«. Parents Paul and Susan Delaney Sparks. Maternal grandparents, Charles and Becky Delaney of Advance; paternal grandparents, Dwight and Elizabeth Sparks and the late Mary Buker Sparks. Cayden cried with vigor and volume. She nursed hungrily, and she made us proud. ■ She timed her arrival with the newspaper’s schedule. I flnished up Tuesday well before deadline and took off. ' We slid into Annapolis an hour before the birth. As 1 had often heard, grandparenthood really is a lot easier than being the parent. We lounged in the hospital lobby during the birth, oblivious to what was happening upstairs. We went in an hour later, after the action was over and Susan h'liij drifted" into a sweet repose. Since their marriage, I have wondered what their child would look like. Cayden is beautiful, as 1 had always su.spected. And small. 1 often forget how small newborns can be — how liny their fingers and toes actually are. 1 examined her closely, and she passed every inspection. She is an A-plus baby. In T h e M a il... C o u n t y S h o u l d B e T h a n k f u l F o r D r a g w a y To the editor: This letter is in'rcfercnce to the letters In the July 3 issue: Letter About Smokeoul Not True and Sniokeout Shouldn’t Be Allowed. First, I’m sure the people who wrote (he letters weren’t even present at the event they were writing about. That being said, they had no business writing about sometliing they didn’t witness, only hearsay and gossip. As far as ihe owner of the dragslrip making money, he was not the only person who made money, every single person in Davie County benefited from the revenue which came in from that rally, as well as every other event ever held there. By the way, the track opened 45 years ago; that Is a lot of benefit. 1 don’t live in Davie County any more (thank God), but I lived there a long time, I worked at Farmington Dragway in 1979, 1980 ond 1981 as their public relations person and reporter. 1 have books and books full of the stories 1 wrote about the track and its racers und employees and fims, not only for the Enterprise Record, but for newspapers all across the south. I went on to publish a drag racing magazine that was sent to subscribers around the worid and was privileged to have attended hundreds,"maybe as many as a thouSKhd' races at Farmington, with my three daughters, including at least one motorcycle race, 1 have pictures of all my daughters at the dragway before they were even six months old beginning in 1963. I met Don Plemmons at the track even before 1 worked there and have known him all those years. If any church, children’s organization, youth group or any charitable organization were to ask Don for his help, I have no doubt he would bend over backward to do anything they ask, including loaning them the use of the track and its facilities, 1 don’t think there is anyone in the entire county with whom he wouldn’t try to work. After all, this is his business and there ate a lot of people who depend on hiin for their very lives and the lives of Iheir families, 1 am sure he would never do anything intentionally to hurt any of those people, I sec the intelligence quotient of some of Davie County’s residents hasn’t improved nuich over the years - even though the physical aspects of the county itself have grown by leaps and bounds, I wouldn’t doubt some of the same people who were trying to close the track in 1980 arc some of the same people they’re having trouble with now. You people should be very grateful to have a sports complex like Famiington Dragway in yoiir county, especially now, with lax revenues down and people losing their jobs because of the economy. Why aren’t you asking Don Plemmons (who actually has been racing at Farmington since it opened) what you can do to help keep him in business fora change instead of doing everything you can to close the track and put so many more people out of work? . • , , If^ou can show me one public place which has never had any problems with people, you may have a legitimate gripe. But you can’t do that. As far as the sheriff’s department is concerned, ''S'omcitimes you'jhst can’t hire'enoiigh good men to fill those jobs. But for the past 45 years, lots of deputies have been able lo keep their jobs because they got to work extra hours at the track because it was bringing in the money it lakes to pay their salaries. Someone told me a long time ago, "People may just think you’re stupid until you start talking (or writing, as the case may be) but when you start, you just prove it to them.” Think before you speak (or write), especially when it is something you don't really know anything about. And call Don Plemmons and tell him thanks for having a successful business in Davie County and apologize for giving him so much grief, Becky White, Uncolnton N e w s p a p e r D i s p l a y e d D r in k in g , N u d i t y D A VIE CO U N TY ENTERPRI/^^ECORD USPS 149-160) 171 8, Main St„ P,0, Box 99, Mocksvilie, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co, Dwight Sparks.................................Editor/Publisher Robin ?now.....................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow...................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.........................................Sports Editor Starr Snow,.......................................Circulation Mocksvilie Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journai 1916-1956 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksvilie, NC 27028 ■ ' Subscription Rates M .oow.i „ 1« Single Copy, 50 Cents (i; tiiiM$20Per Yearln N,C,, $25 Outside N.G. POSTMASTER Sf ijii.. I f ' i;' I Send Address Changes to; ■iii.' j i 'V .:iiDavie County Enterprise Record P.O^ Box 99, Mocksvilie, NC 27028 To the editor: Obviously, Mike Swaney doesn't read everything in the newspa­ per or he himself would've sefcn the beer flowing and the nude women on the back page of the Davie County Enterprise Record. 1 was not at the rally, 1 didn't need to be. The pictures that this really great newspaper thought they had to splay all over the back told enough, 1 had to turn to the back page real quick to see what my 6- year-old son was squinting so hard at to see. Couldn't whoever puts this paper together show any better judgement than to put it on the M i s s i n g M a n F o u n d To the editor; There is an update on John Wrenn Cook, Late Sunday night, July 13, we, the family of John Cook, got the news that he was found and taken to a Raleigh hospital where he is being stabilized for his health conditions. Bless God for answered prayers. It has been a difficuU, sad and trying time for all who know John and soon he will be home and reunited with my sister, Cathy. John has been missing since June 16 and his condition can be^t be described as a form of temporary amnesia controlled by medica­ tion. The day he went missing he was on a simple errand for his mom and expected to return home the same day. Little is known fully of disassociation disorder. The public needs to understand what it does to an individual who has it; and to the families that live with it. It tokes a lot of love ond courage for one not to give up on a person'and to let that person live their life. In this, I commend my sister highly for allowing my nephew freedoms ,it blesses my heart; however, it does sometimes come with a cost; emotional, spiritual, and physical. Some people draw closer to God as others draw apart during life's trials. I believe we as a family during this sad, scary, trying time of not knowing where or what happen to John has brought us learning, and closer to God and closer lo each other throughout the crisis. Our failh has been tested, I want to say thank you on behalf of my entire family to the Mocksvilie Police department, and to all the people everywhere for your prayers, compassion, concern, and search in bringing Johnny home, Marilee Broadway Mocksvilie back? Nude women standing in front of men with iheir longues hanging out. Some even had the beer in their hands (same picture). I'm sure some of Davie County's finest were included in that crowd and couldn't get past what they were seeing to do anything about it. And, yes, Mike Swaney, when business owners and people in any county would rather make the money off of people getting drunk instead of any other venue hot as harmful, then, yes, it is evil. Money is the root of all evi|, don't you know this? It doesn't matter who you were talking to, people were drinking. And everyone is aware of the dangers of such behavion Isn't it the start of why so many people end up in jail and breaking laws to begin with? As for the rally, it might have been a huge success with or with­ out the beer. It could've brought in much needed money anyway. Now, we'll never know. This society has lost the care that we once had for our brothers, "Do not cause your brother lo fall.,," "And the greatest commandment of all ,„ Love your neighbor as yourseir’ Linda didn't need to show whoever you arc any evidence. The paper had it all, ■ Denise Garris Mocksvilie L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters; from its read- ,ers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves ' the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature, A telephone number, not to be publisheU, is also requested, . ■ Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 P?iii, Monday of the week to be published, Davie County Enterprise Heqord P,0, Box, 99, Mocksvilie, or email to: erncws@davie-enterprise.com. In T h e M a il... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,200H - 3 - 1 Firefighters Work Hard To the editor: We arc writing this letter to thank all the fire departmcnis and cmorgency personnel that responded lo our barn fire in Lone Hickory Monday night, July 7. Thanks to the Lone Hickory, William R, Davie, Courtney, and Yadkinvllle fire departments and the Yadkin County Rescue Squad, EMS and sheriff’s department. We are so thankful for their quick response and even though they were unable lo save the bam and shop, their actions did manage to keep the fire from spreading to our home and other shed. You never really can comprehend or appreciate how much courage these firefighters have and how hard they work until you see them in action. Words cannot adequately express our gratitude towards them and also lo all the friends and neighbors that have oflered help and have kept us in their thoughts and prayers. We lost a lot of history and sentimental items in that bam but thank the Lord, no one was injured and we still have our home. We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers, Scott, Martha, Travis and Shannon Holden Yadkinville Jones Family Thankful For Caring Community To the cdilor: My words cannot begin lo express our gratitude to the people in Davie County. My husband was on his way to work on July 6 and was involved in a serious automobile accident, 1 wish 1 knew every­ one who came out to Ihe scene, so we could thank each one in per­ son, But we don’t know the names of everyone who came out, so instead of naming them individually we want to thank them all in Ihis leller, 1 know that my husband is very lucky to be alive today He is recovering at home now and thank God, his injuries should heal and he will be back lo normal. The whole time he was in the hospital he was worried about our daughter who has been ill with a digestive tract disorder (among other things) since January of this year. She is still being seen by doctors at Brenner’s Children Hospital, So for him to be home means a lot to his family. We want lo thank everyone who was involved'with Ihe benefit lunch. We wani lo thank everyone who donated anything to ihe ben­ efit, We also want to thank all of the people who called, sent cards, and came lo the hospital and our home to visit. You are all very special lo us. You know, I have always heard that God doesn’t pul more on you limn you can handle. Well, all 1 can say is He must think thal we are very strong, but then again 1 think He knows that when our load gets too heavy, we have friends like all of you to help us stay up on our feet, I know that Üiee are lots of people in this county and the worid, who have lots of problems, whether it be with medical issues, fam­ ily matters or just making ends meet. Times are harder now then ever before. Just remember, God is always there with you, and 1 truly believe that He has a reason for everything that happens in your life. Please continue to pray for my husband to heal soon and for our daughter to recover. And if you have an extra second say an extra prayer for someone that you know is having a hard time, I’m sure they would be very grateful,,We.ore very .thankful for all the thoughts and prayers for our family. God bless you, and again, thank you all. Tina Jones and (Fireball) Mocksvilie I C o r n a t z e r P a r e n t s U p s e t W i t h A n o t h e r N e w P r i n c i p a l To Ihe editor; As Davie County citizens and parents, we would like to forward the letter below which was sent lo the Davie County Board of Edu­ cation so that all Davie County citizens and parents have the oppor­ tunity to hear our concerns regarding the recent principal changes not only to our school but to the other schools in the county. We are writing this note with passionate apprehension at the thought of losing yet another member of our Cornatzer family. We feel it is important to express our disagreement with your decision to move yet another principal from our school. While it is true that decisions are made looking at the big picture -'.it must be remembered that there are many pieces in that picture and all of them are highly valued. Cornatzer families are just as im­ portant as any other school in this system. We preach consistency, stability, teamwork. Is this only true when it is valid politically? Cornatzer has endured numerous changes in its eight-year-life. The time has come to ensure the parents of this school that our administration is with us for the long haul. Our kids have not had time to permanently connect with any leader of our school. That is wrong on so many levels. When we are pressuring our kids with EOGs and state standards, we want our leaders to know our children well enough to support them through those trying times. We want our principal to know our parents well enough to assure them when they watch their children practice a lockdown, We want our principal to make informed deci­ sions that come from time spent with the families of diis school. Most importantly, it is our belief that the principal’s job is to have the backs of the staff. We are blessed that we have so many wonder­ ful teachers at Cornatzer. We are grateful that most of them have remained loyal through all the changes. Teachers need lo know that Iheir leader is going lo back them up, understand their individual situations, and work hard lo keep them happy. If the teachers aren’t happyi the children aren’t happy. If there are issues in other schools that need fixing, don’t break ours lo do it. We have paid our dues and swallowed a lot of ques­ tions and negative comments. We as parents are putting in writing our very serious concem with your disregard for the needs of our school. You may think you know that we need - but none of us re­ member you asking. We need to discuss this dilemma in detail as soon as possible Cornatzer PTO Board Susan Alberty, Regina Bamey, Melissa Long, Rachel Morse, Katie Lumley, Corinne Everhart, Heidi Jones Fork School This photograph from Fork Si:hool was taken between 1928 and 1930, provided by Judy Hendrix Osborne, it shows, from left: front - Treva Livengood Spillman, Iona Pack Stewart, Sarah Foster Beeker, Evelyn Rattz Hendrix, and Helen Williams; back - Edna Gobble Beauchamp, Doris Shuler Foster, Marie • Barnhardt Jonep, Theima Shuler Trent, Veta Rae Pack Shoaf, The Enterprise Record welcomes old photographs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office on South Main Street, across from the county courthouse in Downtown Mocksvilie. S c h o o l S y s t e m N o t L o o k i n g A s G o o d To the editor: 1 am a parenl of Iwo children who attend Cornatzer Elementary School, 1 am proud of our school and I know that we have the best teachers and staff anyone could ask for, 1 trust the teachers and the staff immensely and I know without question that they are the ex­ perts and they have the best interests of my kids on their hands. With news of another principal change, I have decided to raise my voice and let my opinion be known about the rate of principal turn­ over happening within our schools, I am very concerned about how it affects our teachers and our children - my children. Wiih every new principal come new pro­ grams, new rules, and new procedures. There is a long period of uncertolnty and confusion as the teachers and students try to adjust to u new way of doing things and learning how the new principal handles certain issues and situations. Students need consistency and changing their leader every year is not fair. Teachers need leader­ ship that they can depend on and a principal that they can get be­ hind to moke our school strong, Cornatzer Elementary School is not being treated fairiy when it comes tapjjf students and teachers. Think about it. A chjld going into third grade has seen a new princi­ pal every year of Iheir school life. Nol one leader has remained ihe same. Is that the example that we want to show our students? Our teachers have mode it through eveiy principal and vice prin­ cipal turnover (hot the school board and superintendent have thrown at them and I know they will get through this change as well. But just because our teachers can handle it does not mean that the board should continue beating them down and making these changes. How much more con we take? 1 do not know the new principal coming in. I have never met her . and I could not pick her ou! of a crowd. 1 do not hold any ill will towards her coming to our school. I will support her because that is whot parents do - and that is what Mrs. Cozart would want us to do. This letter is not about our new principal in any way My frustration is directed at the amount of change continuously being thrown at us and what the board is doing to our school. It isn’t fair. As a parent 1 feel that my voice should be heard. I know 'they ore not going to change their minds. 1 know that even complaining about it does no good. But I have that right to speak out. My children ore not going to understand why Mrs. Cozart isn’t coming book. I haven’t told them yet. I guess a part of me is In denial -1 don’t want her to leave. I know change happens and It is something my children will hove to get used lo in life. But at their age, 1 should not have to explain this type of change every single yearWe have had enough. One of the reasons we moved to Davie County was becausi the school system. We actually chose this county and we love it. We live here, work here, and worship here. It is a great community. But betWjeBn .the, chaos with the high school, situodon,. the new orgu- m entrover school realignment, and the continual changes being made to the elementary schools that house Ihe yolingesl of all Ihe students - the students who need consistency Ihe most in their lives - 1 am wondering if our school system is really os good as everyone thinks it is. All I know is “Thank Goodness" for Coraoizer’s leoch- ers - thank goodness ihey remain strong and hold their ground through so many changes. Were it not for them, our sludents would hove no one lo depend on. Brandi Reagan, Mocksvilie Shriner’s Paper Crusade Saturday At W al-Mart To the editor; I’d like to write lo the people of Davie Couniy today about some of the most amazing places on earth. Places where children from all round Ihe globe with complex medical conditions can go 10 receive expert care in a compassionate, family-centered environment. Places children and families consider to be their second homes because of the caring and nurturing relationships ihey forge whh their doctors, nurses and other caregivers. Places where these children receive Ihis specialty core at no charge - Shriners Hospitals for Children. I’m proud lo be associated with Ihis incredible pediatric specialty health core system. It may be hard lo grasp in Ihis day of expensive health care, but Shriners have made Ihe commitment lo ensure children and Iheir families hove access lo expert medical care at no charge. Since 1922, Shriners Hospitals for Children have Ureated more than 865,000 children with orthopaedic conditions, bums, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip ond palate. Shriners Hospiiols for Children is the largest pediatric specialty health care system in the world and treats more children with these conditions than anyone else. Every day, we’re helping kids defy the odds and do more than others thought possible. In 2007, the 22 Shriners Hospitals provided care for more than 125,000 children. The organizotion’s three-fold mission is pa­ tient care, research and education. The goal is to impact Ihe lives of children everywhere through innovation and increased knowledge. Shriners Hospitals’ researchers and medical staff have discovered and invented numerous techniques and treatments. Fourteen-year-old Garrett was injured in a cor accident when he wos 4. He was airiifled to a U'ouma center. Doctors were not sure he would survive. Despite serious internal injuries and a broken neck, he clung to life, Garrett spent six months in the hospital recovering, while his family wondered what kind of a life lay oheod for Garrett, who had sustained a high-level spinal cord injury. A relative re­ searched available care and advised Ihe fomily thal Shriners Hospi­ tals for Children is a leader in pediatric spinal cord injury treatment and research. At Shriners Hospital for Children - Philodelphio, the fomily sow other children in similar siluotions and knew diey were nol alone. They met dedicated, caring staff, experts in handling the challenges Iheir family wos facing. “We found people who dedicate Iheir lives to children with spinal cord injuries,” sold Garrett’s mom. At age 6, Garreu began lo lose hand function, so doctors perfonned Iwo tendon transfer surgeries that now ollow him lo hold ond grasp items with each hand. He is hoping lo help other kids with spinal cord injuries, ond through this participation in research studies at the Philadelphio Shriners Hospital, Garrett is contributing lo a body of knowledge thot will help form new treatment methods for patients. Studies include investigotions to restore hond function in chil- dren with spinal cord injuries; and Ihe effects of stimulation cycling, using speciol bikes ond a sophisticated computerized system dial send small does of electricol current to stimulate movement. Be­ cause of Ihe rehabilitation available at Shriners Hospitals, Garrett is living life to the fullest, hanging out with friends, porticipoting in activities like swimming, fundraisers, and spreading the word lo raise awareness of spinol cord injuries and the need for reseorch. There ore so mony brave boys and giris defying the odds every day. 1 could spend all day telling you stories thot would inspire you lo moke the most of every day. Since all the expert medical core ot Shriners Hospitals is provided ot no charge to patients or Iheir fami­ lies, the hospitals relay on the generosity of Ihe general public and the Shriners of North America. Shriners Hospitals hove been excellent stewards of die donotions given over the years lo help children and have often been ronked as one of the worid’s best charities in using the money on potieni core and research. Many of the children we serve hove conditions that require multiple years of treatment. And more children come to Shriners Hospitals every day for help and hope. In today’s worid of rising health care costs and competition for quality doctors and nurses, Ihe need for support has never been greater. I am proud lo soy Uiot our philanthropy is one of the purest any­ where. By diat, I mean approximately 94 percent of the entire Shririers Hospitals operating budget is spent in direct support of the bi-fold mission of podent core, research and leoching, and only about six percent is used for odministrodve ond fundraising costs. And Shriners Hospitals will continue doing so, as long os Shriners and our friends continue to be dedicated to our mission of helping kids. Shriners Hospitals for Children is improving the lives of thou­ sands of children like Garrett. You con leom more about Shriners Hospital by visiting mm.shrinersbospiiah.org. Donations to Shriners Hospitals con be mode online at www.doiiaie2shc.org, or by calling 1-800-241-GIFT. If you know о child Shriners Hospiiols may be oble to help, pleose coll our toll-free patient referral numbers: 1- 800-237-5055 in the United Stales; and 1-800-361-7256 in Conodo. Pleose consider becoming port of Shriners Hospitals’ omazlng mis­ sion of helping children. Saturday, July 19, the Shriners will be having their Second An­ nual Paper Crusade for the benefit of Shriners Hospitols in honor of Buster Cleory ond memory of Gwen .Cleary ot the' Wol-Morl in Mocksvilie. Please come out and support this worthwhile event. We will have mini-cars, antique cards, motorcycles and lots of food and fellowship. Gos might be $4 о gallon, but helping a crippled child wolk is priceless. Terry Brown, Mocksvilie, President, W-S Shrine Club 4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Motown Sounds ,.The Night Move Band will provide the sounds of Motown among other vari- ■riiiiiieties/ofvmusic in a performance at Downtown Mocl<sville’s Junker’s Mill on .vvfj8attirday<r«ght from 8-10. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and free to those age 15 and under. Bring a lawn chair for seating. Food and beverages will be available. W a l k a b l e . Continued From Page 1 ■ 1 do. Our job is '(6 Wy tlii.s cominunUy belter for everyone, not just in­ side tiic fchce'.*’ Ferguson s'liid the intent was not to impose n hiirdship on tiiose living outside BRs gutes. Planning Board Chair Rich­ ard Heriot, wlib lives in tlie ETJ development Bf Kinderton, told Ml'ji' II] ilii Continued From Piigc 1 Advisory Council - Sharrie Campbell, Cynthia Howell, Poindexter, and rc-appoint Rep. Juliu C. Howard and Lash Sanford; • Davie County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - Sum Swnim, .re-appoint the Rev. Darren Alexander, Lyndsie council he was concerned about the lack of public say that had been received on the plan. Two public input meetings were held on the sidewalk plan and Heriot said, "The turnout for those meeting was dismally dis­ appointing. There was not a lot of public input.” Heriot said one of Ihe main concerns of the plan was that it would take up too much real es- Dore, Lynne Hicks, Cindy Hogan, Dr. Robert Landry, Judge Jimmy Myers, Wendy' Terry and Lynne Yoklcy; • Davie County Community Child Protection/Child Fatality Prevention Team - Ken Hunter: • Davie County Hospice Board - Poindexter; • Davie County Council of tale by incorporating a sidewalk, bike trail, and buffer. “We will never get a consensus from de­ velopers and real estate. This is a vision for Bermuda Run. Whether it will ever happen, I don’t know." "It’s not our desire to make things complicated for you," Ferguson said. “We’ll take u hard look at this. We’re not going to just jump into this." Economic Development - Com­ missioner Chris Anderson; • CentcrPoint Human Ser­ vices - Kent Ward; • Winston-Salem Urban Area IVIctropolitan Planning Organi­ zation - Anderson; and • Transportation Advisory Committee - Anderson. i O w n e r F i n c m c i n g A v a i l a b l e ! L a n d o w n e r s : No Money Down! FuinHuie Pkgs Available /OR jFree Rasher & Diyei W E O F F E R C U S T O M F I N A N C I N G O N S I N G L E W I D E S & ^ ^ L O t i i L O W P A Y M E N T S il iC S S f f t b jn ^ ш т т м а м ш ш ш я Ш 7^6 S tí¿ i4 contact us al r354®clayton.nel 704-630-6400 tollfree' I - 888-203-6128 16Q6 ^ake Alexander Bivd W, Salisbury Raleigh Report State Budget Approved By .lull« C. Howard N.C. House of Representatives The House and Senate passed H budget package. Because the budget does not increase taxes und keeps new spending below projected growth, I was able to support the final 'version. Here arc some of the highlights of the conference report produced from House and Senate negotiations: Education • $11.4 billion, not including salary increases, is appropriated to fund educational needs. • $30 million to expand the Governors More at Four pre- ■school initiative • $ 15 million in grants to help schools and other groups work­ ing on dropout prevention • $6,2 million more for chil­ dren with disabilities • $3.2 million more for aca­ demically gifted students • $23.8 million to fully fund enrollment growth in the com­ munity colleges and an addi­ tional $2.5 million for an enroll­ ment growth reserve fund • $34.6 million for enrollment growth in the University of North Carolina System Economy • $10 million to the North Carolina Rural Center to provide grunts und investments in se­ verely distressed rural areas • $5 million for the One North Carolina Fund to stimulate job growth and another $5 million for the One North Carolina Small Business fund to provide incentive grunts • $.') million to the Biofuels Center of North Carolina to help in the continued development of alternutive fuels • $2 million more (bringing the annual appropriation to $10 million) to the N.C. Housing Trust Fund to finance apartments for people with disabilities Haxcs • $8.5 million to extend a tax credit for small businesses that provide health insurance ben- efils to their empioyeeSy^ • Creation of a disablSffvM- erans property tax homestead ex­ clusion 10 provide disabled vet­ erans and tlieir surviving spouses some relief on their property taxes (holds local governments harmless from the resulting rev­ enue loss) • Extension of the tax credits for investment in low-income housing und investment in reha­ bilitating historic mill properties • $500,000 to allow for a sales tax exemption for items pur­ chased by disaster victims with disaster assistance puyhients • Repeal of the stute gift tax effective January 200& • Creation of a deduction for certain taxpayers that sell a’mo­ bile home community to the community’s residents in order to prevent those residents from ‘ losing their homes Health & M ental Health ^ • $9.4 million to expand the North Carolina Health Choice program, which provides health insurance for children from lower-income homes • $4.8 million in aid.to local health departments ■ $4 million for grants to ru­ ral health centers, health depart­ ments, free clinics, and other providing preventive care • $2 million to help opera­ tions at rural hospitals • $2 million for Home and Community Cure block arants, helping to pay for in-home und community-based services for seniors • $2 million for substance abuse programs • $1.5 million for the States food banks • $8.1 million for expanded local psychiatric inpatient ser­ vices and another $6.1 million for walk-in crisis and immedi­ ate psychiatric aftercare • $5.75 million for 30 mobile crisis intervention teams (in­ cludes 11 new tcilms in addition to the existing 19) • $7.3 million for 107 new positions at the States psychiat­ ric ho.spitals (63 at Broughton Hospital, 24 at Central Regional Hospital, and 20 at Cherry Hos­ pital) • $5.2 million to keep the Dorothea Dix Overflow Unit open after the opening of tlie new Central Regional Hospital Transportation • Reduce annual transfer from the Highway Trust Fund to the Ueneral Fund by $25 million with increasing amounts in svib- sequent years • Reduce DOT central admin­ istrative budget by $12 million . «$24.5 million more for high­ way maintenance that extends the life of infrastructure (i.e. pavement, bridges, und traffic signuls) • $1.8 million more for sec- ondury roud construction • $1.8 million.more in aid to municipalities Public Safety • $10 million for gang pre­ vention. suppression, and inter­ vention grants • $2.5 million for a reserve fund to address critical staffing and resource needs in Probation and Parole field offices '• $1,1 million for the Rape Victim Assistance Program to pay for forensic rape kits • $1 m illion in recurring funds for sexual assault and rape crisis services • $650,000 for domestic vio­ lence shelters • $600,000 to train sheriffs departments in immigration en­ forcement • $3 increase in the monthly pension for participating mem­ bers of the Firemens and Rescue Squad Workers Pension Fund Environment • $50 million more ($150 mil­ lion total this biennium) to the North Carolina Rural Center to help local governments address critical water und sewer needs • ,$50 million more ($ 170 mil­ lion total this biennium) to Land for Tomorrow to continue land preservation efforts • $6 million for drought re­ lief Salaries • $390 million for raises for. tcachers and state employees • 3 percent for teachers (for a total of 8 percent this biennium) • Additional $90 million in ABC bonuses for teachers at schools who meet or e.xceed ex­ pectations • 2.75 percent or $1,100 (whichever is greater) raise for state employees Update On Jcssica Lunsford Act for North Carolina The House voted not to con­ cur with the Senate's chunges to HB 933. As muny of you know, I wus supportive of the Senate version of the bill and am disap­ pointed with this latest road­ block. However, the conference committee appointed to resolve the differences was organized quickiy and appears close to pro­ ducing a final version that ad­ equately protects North Carolina’s children from sexual predators. Now more than ever, time is of the essence. With the passage of the budget, as noted above, it is anticipated that the General Assembly will adjourn witliin the next week (or two at the most). As ulwuys, 1 will keep you posted as to any further progress mude. Annexation M oratorium ' After passing the House last week, it appears that a proposed moratorium on involuntary an­ nexations across North Carolina will not be considered by the Senate this session. Senate lead­ ership states that the bill is not Please See Hov?ard ■ Page S M o n e y M a r k e t S a v i n g s A c c o u n t M a x R e t u r n M a x A c c e s s ^ S o u t h e r n ( .o m m u m ^ B A N K A N D T R U S T (336) 768-8500 or 1-888-768-2666 WWW. stTt a l i e n o u g h to c a r e , c o m d,Illy Гм1.т™ ÿSWTO и.шп1 wIvcrllMXl Are Will11ш mriium Wuw ii ililly hilim™ of SI,I)(1U nr $2,(Irti) „»¡пда ¡ЬМу l»il,ini:u llií Ию Hiitummil i:yiTiv li iiuixivм Я Ж 'г htiiUîïmim. u ЯДЮ fw lür nxccse uittuImmiNitppliiw. Лпмить tv tli w «lu« üfUl.üiW-HfMJSa «irn 2.35% (Мх»итя Iwlnm;« 0Í M,0(KWï |,(й)9 cam 2.Ш AI'V. ,\rcoimM uiili balanru iunior $5,ücw l aVv, т4-д)итя wun . _____• Mombor FUlC, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 ■ 5 10 Hurt As Deck Collapses At Camp 'By Jackie Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record Several campers from a local Bible camp were taken to the hospital after a deck on one of the buildings collapsed. According to Davie emer­ gency communication logs a call was received shortly after noon repotting a collapsed structure at Carolina Bible Camp on 1988 Jericho Church Road, Center and Cooleemee vol­ unteer fire departments, along with Davie Emergency Medical Senices, responded. According to EMS Supervi­ sor Andy Lipscomb, lOcampers attending a week long session of Bible camp received minor in­ juries after the deck fell. “They were doing crafts on the back deck." Eight were transported to Davie County Hospital and two were taken to Baptist Medical Center. Carolina Bible Cump Direc­ tor Randal Burton said, “No one was seriously injured and all, except one who was kept over­ night for observation, were re­ leased that same day from the hospital.” According to Burton, the camp has been in Davie for 18 years. He did not know the age of the craft building where the deck collapsed. The deck has not been re- piired and Burton says there hasn’t been a decision made to rebuild. “Right now, we’re not sure if we will rebuild, or what will be done.”10 children were injured when this deck collapsed last week. Dogs Don’t Have To Die; But They Can’t Come Back Here By Jackie Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record Two dogs that were ordered destroyed by a judge in May will not have to die, but they have been banned forever from the state. Originally, Jean M arie Mikhail pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges of allow­ ing her dogs to run at night in the May 8 session of Davie Dis­ trict Court. The defendants, Jonathan and Susan Cain, said that oh the evening of March 18'Mikhail’s two Rottweilers killed their 6- year-old Maltcs'e, Sassy. Jonathan-^aid that Sassy was attacjH^d by Mikhail’s dogs on Wi!/ property and even though he H o w a r d . . . Continued From Page 4 eligible under the rules of the short legislative session. Sena­ tors have pledged to participate in a continuing study initiated by the House to determine what changes to the state’s annexation laws may be needed. However, unless the bill is somehow con­ sidered and passed in the Senate within these waning days of ses­ sion, involuntary annexations will be allowed to continue in this State. Although further ac- yelled at the dogs and stomped his feet he was unable to stop the attack. Susan said that Sassy was their daughter’s pet and was a gift following treatment for a rare form of pediatric cancer. At that time the Cains were asking for restitution of more than $2,000 to cover vet bills and the cost of a new dog. Mikhail was ordered to turn her dogs over to the sheriff’s de­ partment to be destroyed. She gave notice of appeal af­ ter the judgment. In last week’s superior court session the case was heard by Judge Edgar B. Gregory and M ikhail once again pleaded guilty to two charges of allow­ ing a dog to run at night. tion is not expected, I will up­ date you should any further de- velopmehts on this legislation occur. If you have any questions or would like additional informa­ tion about the final budget pack­ age, Jessica’s Law, or the Invol­ untary Annexation Moratorium feel free to contact my office, and I’ll be happy to gather any available information. Legislative Office; 919-733- 5904; Mocksville Office; 757- 8567; E-mail; Jutiah @ ncleg.net. The Cains were present and Susan once again read a one-, page statement detailing the night of the attack and the loss her daughter and the entire fam­ ily had suffered. Mikhail’s attorney, Michael Parker, told Gregory that his cli­ ent was very attached to her dogs. “There are no prior reports on my client’s dogs. My clients have a fence for their animals. These dogs are part of the fam­ ily." As Parker spoke Mikhail’s husband and children sat in the courtroom. 'This is a sad situa­ tion and we wish it wouldn’t have happened." Gregory sentenced Mikhail to 18 months supervised proba­ tion. He ordered her to pay res­ titution of $4438.99 ($2690.15 of tliat to the Cains) and $800 in attorney fees. Both of Mikhail’s dogs were to be shipped out of North Carolina by July 15. “If the two dogs ever return to North Carolina they will be destroyed,” Gregory said. Gregory said that Mikhail could not own any dogs while living in the neighborhood where the attack happened. Parker said Mikhail and fam­ ily plan to nQpve to Neyv Jersey. Grand Jury Hands Down Indictments The following people were indicted by a grand jury for the July 7 criminal session of Davie County Superior Court. - Xeulalio Galarza Avila, U-af- ficking in cocaine by transport, tri№icking in cocaine by posses­ sion, and conspiracy to traffick in cocaine by possession. - Frankie James Coleman Jr., felony breaking/entering and breaking/entering of motor ve­ hicle. - Joshua Lee Collins, sale/de­ livery of marijuana, possession' with intent to sell/deliver mari­ juana, possession of more than one and one-half ounces mari­ juana, possession of marijuana, possession of drug parapherna­ lia. - Wynnae Ann Connoll, pos­ session with Intent to sell/deliver marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia. - Benjamin Lee Cox, break­ ing/entering, felony larceny, breaking/entering of motor ve- hicle. - Rosalind Mott Eckles, ob­ taining property by false pre­ tenses. - Randall Dwayne Fleming, sale/delivery of marijuana, pos­ session with intent to sell/deliver marijuana. - James Michael Head Jr., ha­ bitual DWI. - Jennifer Leigh Hellard, lar­ ceny of fircanns. - Raymond Watson Hellard HI, larceny of firearms. - Shane Brandon Lawter, breaking/entering of motor ve­ hicles, misdemeanor larceny, felony larceny, larceny pursuant to breaking/entering. - Jesse Leon Lynch, breaking/ entering, larceny pursuant to breaking/entering, misdemeanor larceny. - Daran Deshawn Lyons, pos­ session of cocaine. , - Fernando Pizu Morales, trafficking in cocaine by posses­ sion, conspiracy to traffick in cocaine by possession. - Richard M ichael Moses, felony larceny, breaking/enter­ ing, larceny pursuant to break­ ing/entering, misdemeanor lar­ ceny. - D errick Casey Owens, felony larceny. - Jack Allen PloU, obtaining property by false pretense. - Bemabe Perez Ruiz, DWI, felony death by vehicle. - Angela Lee Scarbro, posses­ sion with intent to sell/deliver marijuana, sale of marijuana, possession of marijuana, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia. - James Boyd Smith, muin- taining place to keep a controlled substance, trafficking in opium or heroin by possession. - Charles Robert Stanley, breaking/entering,,fejony lar­ ceny, breakipg/entering of mo­ tor vchicle., - Cynthia Renee 'hicker, ob­ taining property by false pre­ tense. - Kristopher Jacob Walters, breaking/entering of motor ve­ hicle, misdemeanor larceny, felony larcepy. - Joshua Frederick Wetzler, possession with intent to sell/ deliver psilocybin, maintaining a dwelling. ' ■bahelngpn The S q u w ' ■ S tudents fr o m the D a v ie S c h o o l o f D a n c e w ill b « danc- in g 'o n the square in D o w n to w n M o c ltsv ille at 11:30 a,m . M o n d a y - F tid a y o f next w eek. W in last a b o u t 1 S.m iniites^ « " ,' K A n n u a l C u ï* Ê RELAY FOR LIFE ¥ Y o u a re c o r d i a l l y in v i t e d t o t h e ^ 11«' Annual Relay for Life SURVIVOR DINNER to s d a y , July 24 , 2 0 0 8 6;00pm i i r s t U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t № c h F a m i l y L i f e C e n t e r , M o c k s v d l e Survivors m ay b r i n g o n e guest. 1/you did cancer survivor J ,', D o n m B O S '» » ' American - - Cancer ^ Society Io f f D a v i e C o u n t y J u l y 2 5 - 2 6 , 2 0 0 8 6:00pm - 9:00am (overnight) N E W LO C A T IO N O u t d o o r I V a c I c - D a v i e F a m i l y Y M C A F e a tu re d E n te rta in m e n t: National Anthem - Leonard Rowe, Baritone Kevin Sharp - Country Music Entertainer ' SecontJ Chance Band All Night music and games! 6:20pm - Survivors Walk 6:30pm - Opening Ceremony 9:15pm - Luminary Ceremony 9:30pm - A Relay Worship Experience TUCC Mass Choir 11:15pm - Relay Karaoke 2:00am - All Night Music and Games 9:00am - Closing Ceremonies - Final Lap 6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Public Records ■ / Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds. The transactions arc listed by parties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - Gary F. True and Phyllis Z. True to Christy Dawn True Jacobs and Brian M ichael Jacobs, I tract, Clarksville. - Brian O. Basham and Dawn Mclnnis Basham to Stephen P. Gilliland and Diane S. Gilliland, 1 lot, Mocksvllle, $1,270. - William C. Armsworthy and Peggy P. Armsworthy to Mary A. Tolar, 1.15 acrcs, Farmington. - Jeff Ferguson to Brian O. Basham and Dawn M. Basham, I lot, Mocksville, $570. . - Hubert S. Stew art and Evelyn P. Stewart to Dale Shoaf Stewart and Joshua S. Hilton, 40.85 acrcs, Fulton. • Hubert- S. Stewart and Evelyn P. Stewart to Dale Shoaf Steyvart, 4.5 acres. - Hubert S. Stewart and Evelyn p! Stewart (o David Jus­ tin' Hilton, I tract, Fulton. - Darin E. Ferguson and M elaniee B,' Ferguson, and Aubrey Dean Ferguson and Dinah S. Ferguson to Gerald D. Hinson and Mary L. Hinson, 1 lot, Fulton, $328. i - Max Hess Builders to Lena Lynctte Gibson, 1 lot, Mocks­ ville. $318. ,1 - Bermuda Village Retire­ ment Center to Allen K. Rethmeieer and Catherine I. Rethmeler, t condominium, Farmington, $340. - Loyce M. Marklin to Brad­ ley Dale Parsley and Katie Bea­ ver Parsley, 1 lot, Mocksvllle, $84. • Grady O. Posey and Delilah H. Posey to Carlton L. Markland, 1 lot, Shady Grove, $136. - Residential Funding Co. to Heather Renee Puckett, 1 lot, Calahain, $196. - Rocha Family Investtncnts to John Damon Kadlec and Lisa Ann Kadlec, 1 lot, Mocksville, $380. , - Thornton R. Deskins Sr. and Patsy M. Deskins to Patsy M. Deskins, 1 lot, Farmington. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Po­ lice Department. - A teen reported July 7 she was kicked in the mouth at a resi­ dence at Sunset Apartments. - Windows and door glass was damaged at the Norfold and Southern building on Railroad Street, it was reported July 7. - The larceny of catalytic converters from vehicles off . Bethel Church Road and US 601 South were reported July 7. - The larceny of $68.96 worth of fuel from Murphy USA, Coo­ per Creek Drive, was reported July 8. - The shoplifting of house­ hold goods from W al-M art Supercenter was reported July 11. - The larceny of items by an employee at Metal Sales wjas re­ ported July 9. - A man reported July 9 he was assaulted in a parking lot off Valley Road. - A man reported July 11 his social security number was be­ ing lised without his permission, - The larceny of a m en’s Harley Davidson insignia ring from a residence on South Main Street was reporlfcd July И. Arrests - Maggie Cody, 19, of 232 Dalton Road, was charged July 7 with assault. Triol date: Aug. 7. - Elizabeth Truitt Kearns. 47, of. 247 Baltimore Road, Ad­ vance. was charged July 11 with shoplifting. Trial dote; Aug. 21. - Vemon Lee Childress. 62, of Trap Hill, was charged July 10 with DWI and driving while license revoked. Trial date; Aug. 15. - Joshua Milton Hardin, 33. of 132 Bingham St., was charged July 13 v/ith assault on a female. Trial date; Aug. 28. - Stacy Ray Lane, 48, of 244 Boxwood Church Road, was charged July 12 with assault on a female, breaking and entering and simple assault. Trial date; Aug. 28. Tratnc Accidents - A Mocksville man was se­ riously injured when he lost con­ trol of his vehicle, causing it to slam into a building off Yadkinviile Road on July 6. Donald Lee Jones, 46. of US 601 North, was driving a 2000 Ford at an estimated 40 mph when it went off the road to the left and struck a tree. curb, crossed the Squire Boone Plaza entrance and hit a block column for a building, reported First Sgt. L. Keith Gunter. - Both drivers were cUed af­ ter a wreck on East Depot Street at 8; 15 pan. July 7. Casey Andrew Griffith. 18. of Whittf Drive, backed a 2007 Jeep into a motorcycle driven by Bobby Marion Booe. 56, of Etchison Street, reported Officer Joey Reynolds. Griffith was cited for making an unsafe traf­ fic movement. Booe'for driving without u license and failing to register a vehicle. - A vehicle owned, by Jesse Clyde Ratlcdge of Lewisville was damaged by a hit-and-run driver while , parl(ed on Crcstview Drive at 12:26 p.m. July 6. Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs , Department made the following arrests: - Jacob Kyle Boger, 16, of 391 Rainbow Road, Advance was arrested July 6 for simple assoult. Trial date; Aug. 7. r Misty Renae Lansford, 30, of Hickory was arrested July 11 for resisting/obstructing/delay­ ing. Trial date: July 31. - Carios Antwonne Redmond, 25, of373 Village Road. Mocks­ ville was arrested July II for misdemeanorprpbution violation, out of county. Trial date; Aug. 5. - Billy Joe Bryant 11, 31. of 156 Pine Street, Mocksville was arrested July 2 for assault on a female. Trial date; July 24. - Aisha Monica While, 27, of 189 Duke Street, Cooleemee was arrested July 12 for damage to property, resisting, delaying, and, obstructing. Trial date; Aug. 14. - Michael David Medves, 29, of 114 Gttwain Way, Mocksville was arrested July 13 for failure to appear. Trial date: Sept. 8. , - Robin Gayle Hubble, 37, of 132 Renee Drive, Advance was nrrestedJuly 13 for misdemeanor larceny. Trial date; July 17. SherifTs Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On July 8 larceny and an attempted break-in were re­ ported at a church on Yadkin Valley Road, Advance. - Identity theft \yas reported at a home on US 601 South, Mocksville on July 8. - On July 8 a break-in and larceny were reported at an out­ building on Becktown Road, Mocksville. - Threat communication was reported at a business on US 64 East, Advance on July 8. - On July 9 livestock running at large was reported at an area on Crescent Drive, Mocksville. - Harassing phone calls were reported at a home on Falling Creek Drive, Advance on July 9. - On July 9 a break-in and larceny were reported at a home on Granada Drive, Advance. - A break-in and larceny were reported at a store on US 64 West, Mocksville on July 10. - On July 10 a break-in and larceny were reported at a park­ ing lot on Oak Valley Boulevard, Advance. - The larceny of a wallet was reported at a home on Calvin Lane, Mocksville on July 10. - On July 13 larceny was re­ ported at a home on US 601 ,^outh, Mocksville. Fires Davie County fire depart­ ments responded to the follow­ ing calls: July 8: Mocksville, 5:58 p,m„ Rolling Hills Lane, tree on resi­ dence. ■July 9: Farmington, 3:43 p.m.. Cemetery Road, possible lightning strike; Smith Grove assisted; Farmington, 4:08 p.m., Brangus Way, smoke investiga­ tion; William R. Davie assisted; Jerusalem, 5:53 p.m.. Player Liine, structure fire; Cooleemee assisted; Mocksville. 6:38 p.m., Steelman Road, automobile ac- cidem; Fork. 6:55 p.m.. US 64 East, tree on fire; Smith Grove, 7:27 p.m.. Town Park Drive, au­ tomobile accident; Mocksville, 7:56 p.m., E. Lake Drive, rou­ tine service. July 10: Jerusalem, 5:49 a.m., Deadmon Road, automobile ac­ cident; Smith Grove, 2:23 p.m., , 1-40 West, automobile accident; Smith Grove, 6:19 p.m.. 1-40 East, automobile accident; Farm­ ington assisted. July 11: Center, 12:10 p.m., Jericho Church Road, structural collapse; Cooleemee assisted; Mocksville assisted. July 12: Mocksville, 2:42 p.m., NC Circle, residential fire alarm; Jerusalem assisted. July 13: Jerusalem, 11:15 a.m., Excalibur Lane, automo­ bile accident; Jerusalem, 12:27 p.m., Deadmon Road, hazord- ous conditions. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. • A Davie woman was charged with DWI and careless'/ reckless driving after she wrecked the vehicle she was driving July 9. Mary Annetta Lindley of Oakwind Drive, Advance was driving her 2007 Chevrolet north on Old Town Drive. Lindley, and other w itnesses, stated she abruptly swerved to miss a dbg. Her vehicle collided with a curb twice, ran off the road to the right, collided with a tree, and overturned. Trooper E.C. Roten reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 7:32 p.m. and Lindley was taken to Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem for treatment. ,• A Davie teen was charged with failure to reduce speed af­ ter the vehicle she was driving hit another July 10. Jessica’ Lynn Poulson of Farmington Road, Mocksville was driving a 1997 Acura south on NC 801. Ashley Nicole Lewis of Fantasia Lane, Advance was stopped for traffic in her 1985 Lincoln. Poulson failed to reduce the speed of her vchicle in time and it collided with Lewis'. Poulson and Lewis both stated another vehicle turned abruptly in front of Lewis and forced her to stop quickly. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occuaed at approxi­ mately 3:35 p.m. and there were no injuries. • A Davie woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after the vehicle she was driving hit another July 10. Bobbi LouToilison of Roland Road, Mocksville was driving her 2002 Dodge south on NC 801 behind a 2002 Hyundai driven by Vemay Athan Vittoe of Yadkinviile. Tollison failed to rcduce the speed of her vehicle and it collided with Vittoe's. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 8:51 a.m. and there were no injuries. • A Forsyth woman was charged with reckless driving after being involved in a five-car accident on July 10. Katie Marie Martin of Win- ston-Salem was driving a 2003 Honda vehicle east on 1-40. Four other vehicles were stopped for traffic in the eastbound lane. Martin failed to reduce the speed of her vehicle and it collided with the rear of one' of the stopped vehicles. This caused a chain reaction of collisions with the stopped vehicles. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 6:15 p.m. and two of the drivers - MichacI Scott Ruff of Hillsborough and Chris­ topher Edward Cunnings of Pfafftown - were taken for treat­ ment at Baptist Medical Center and Martin was token to Forsyth Medical Center for treatment. The other drivers - Teresa Yarborough Bias of Winston- Salem and Jamie Todd Murdock of Troutman - did not receive medical treatment. • One deer was reported hit by automobile in the county last week. In the following report no injury to the driver was reported: Caliegh Dean Couch of Woodleaf was driving a 1999 Chevrolet west on US 64 when the vehicie collided with a deer in the road. Trooper E.C. Roten reported Ihe accident occurred at approxi­ mately 4:50 p.m. on July 8. • A Davie man was charged with reckless driving and D}VI after the vehicle he was driving collided with another July 11. Cynthia Darlene Ward of Elizabeth City was turning a 2005 Ford from US 64 West onto Grcenhill Road. Victor Manuel Aria Parra of Patricia Way, Mocksville was drivitig a 1995 Nissan south on Grcenhill Road. PuiTa was unable to stop his ve­ hicle for a stopsign and it col­ lided with Ward's. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 7:32 p.m. and a passenger with Ward was taken to Davie County Hospital for treatment. • A Guilford man was charged with DWI and reckless driving after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving July 13. Richard Gene Porter of Belews Creek was driving his 1997 Jeep north on NC 801 at­ tempting to fiee from a marked Davie Sheriffs vehicle. Porter entered the traffic circle at a high speed, lost control of his vehicle, run off the road to the left, and collided with a sign nnd guard rail. Porter began driving north on NC 801 again until his ve­ hicle becam e disabled and stopped in the roadway. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occuned at approximately 2:50 a.m. and there were no injuries, • A Davie man was charged with following too closely after the vehicle he was driving hit another July 13. Brooks Edward Rondinaro of Boxwood Church Road. Mocks­ ville was driving a 2005 Chrysler north on US 601. Latisha Renee Fisher of Cleveland was driving her 1994 Geo north on US 601 and turning right onto Excalibur Lane. Rondinaro failed to reduce the speed of his vehicle in time and it collided with Fisher's. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 11:10 a.m. and two pas­ sengers with Fisher were taken to Davie County Hospital for treatment. Civil Lawsuits The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Davie Clerk of Court. - Keth Hodgson vs. Town of Cooleemee and NAACP, civil rights violation. - M elissa W. Brown vs. Dorman Eric Brown, custody, child support, alimony, equitable distribution, attorney fees, - Davie County vs. Jeremiah (also known as Jake) Arnold, et. al., tax foreclosure. - M ocksville Builders Supply, doing business as Town and Country Remodeling vs. Bobby Whitlock, collection on account, $563.24. - Martin P. Lane vs. Kerri A. Lane, child support, visitation, - Davie Social Services vs, David A. Barney, child support. - Dell Financial Services vs. Jennifer C. Wulser, collection on account, $1,718.34. - Dell Financial Services vs. M oreno Bcrtoldo M oreno, collection on ' account. $3,881.99. - Davie Social 'Services vs. Kathy M. Lowe, child support. - Richard Dean Ball vs. Amy Armbruster, negligence. - American Home Assurance vs. Freem an’s W elding, collection on accouiit, $3,248. - Bullhead Investments vs. Stephanie Willard, collection on account, $2,697.20. , - Kenneth James Toney Jr., vs. Rosaura Trejo Hernandez, motor vehicle negligence. - Sharonview Federal Credit Union vs. Dinah Beck, contract. - Bullhead Investments vs. Robin Hamm, collection on account. $555.96. - Davie Social Services vs. W ilson E. M cCray, child support. - Jennie Irene Whisenhunt vs. Roy Wayne W hisenhunt, domestic violence protective order. . ' - LVNV Funding vs. Mary T. Hester, collection on account. $2,819.79. - Billie Thomas Belcher vs. Derek D ’Angelo Jones, domestic violence protective order. - April Renee' McDaniel vs. Amy Parker, no-contact order. - Unifund CCR Partners vs.* Eugene A. Holley, collection on account, $7.995.98. - Unifund CCR Portners vs. Joseph Mahaffey, collection on account, $4,091.68. - Tim othy B, N estor vs. Suzanne A. Nestor, divorce, - Interstate Seeding vs,' Crosswinds at Rocky River,' perfection of lien. r BB&T Financial vs. Steve Spry, collection on account. $10,287.35. - BB&T Financial vs. Robert D. and Lana Salmons, collection on account, $8,485.65. - Morgan Jenea Plemmons vs. Curtis Andrew Ellis, child support. - Sandra M .^eonard vs. Richard S. LeoiMrd, domestic violence protective order. - Wachovia Dealer Services vs. Roger V. Myers Jr., contract, money owed, possession of personal property. - June Phelps McCoy vs. D. Scott McCoy, divorce. - Bert Bahnson vs. Paul Cook, money owed, $30,325.99. - Arrow Financial Services vs. Rebbecca I. Rosensteel, collection pn account, $3,002.27. - Stacey L. Shores vs. Justin N. Morgan, child support. - N orth Star Capital Acquisition vs. Dpra P. Hill, collection on account, $905.17. - Alaina Joyce Johnson vs. Curtis Johnson, child support. - Timothy Ray Mulkey vs. Michael Lux, conversion, unfair trade practices, - Catherine Wood Hooks vs. John Pittm an Hooks Jr^ domestic violence protective order. - Amy H. Parker vs. Brian W haley, dom estic violence protective order. - Davie Social Services vs. Reginald A. Gillespie, child support. - Davie Social Services vs. Oscar G. Morales, child support. - Davie Social Services vs. M ichael P. Laroque, child support. - John P. Hooks vs. Catherine W. Hooks, absolute divorce. , - Davie Social Services vs. Kenneth W. M orris, child support. -Davie Social Services vs. Ryon L. Coates, child support. - American P.O.S. Leasing vs. John Steele, collection on account, $1,034.50. ■ - Red Rock Lake Financial vs. Karen F. Griffin, collection on account, $5,404.44. - Arrow Financial Services vs. Kenneth Rushing, collection on account. $1.908.04. - Hudson & Keyse vs. Johnny P. Fpster. cpllection on occount. $6,114.92. - Bank of America vs. Dimitri and Mirjaiia Pitovski, collection on account. $4,830.82. - Theresa M. Church vs. Palm er'Church Jr., divorce, equitable distribution. - Square Investm ents vs. Katherine and Jason Neely, com plaint in summary ejectment. - Floyd Frank Barney Jr. and Melissa S. Barnpy vs. Gus and Lits'a Tsatsaronis. nuisance, monetary damage's. - First Citizens Bank vs. Donald V. Baker, collection on accoQnt, $1,128.89. - Davie Social Services vs. Jaime Hemandezbautista. child support. -LVNV Funding vs. Judy B, • Falls, collection on account. $3.811.53. - LVNy Funding vs. Brian C. M cDaniel, collection on account, $3.853.03. - Davie Farm Service vs. H.T. \Crotts and Datiiel Crotts doing tmsiness as H.T. Crotts and Sons, collcation on account, $M,476.'2'8., - Kerineilh W, Davis and Cecelia Davis V,^. Naomi Jean Shaffer, fraud. V.^ - Bullhead Investm'dflts vs. Gloria R. Pruitt, collection account, $4,954.59. ^' - Aqua Finance vs. Anito Faye Johnson, collection on account, $5,866.72. - Davie Social Services vs. Jonathan M. Allis, child support. - Davie Social Services vs. Roger E. Martin, child support. - Larry Wayne Cook vs. • Tonya J. Cook, absolute divorce. Marriages The following were issued marriage licenses by the Davie Register of Deeds. - Darren Devon Smith. 20, and Cierra Nicole Clement, 18, of Advance. - Charles Edward Prevettc. 49. and Josephine Fuentes, 40. . of Mocksville. - Joseph Allen Davis. 24. and Melissa Rhea Gulledge, 21, of Mocksville. - Jason TVrone Millan, 25. and Emily Biranna Nixon. 26. of Mocksville. - Joe Nathan Reavis, 22, and Jessica Anna Turner, 21, of Mocksville. • O'Brien Markee Barksdale, 24. and Latesha M ichelle McNeely, 33, of Mocksville. - Timothy Richard Ijames, 28, andKeli Nicole Mulder. 22. of Mocksville. - Kendall Jamaal Johnson, 24. of W inston-Salem , and Dawn M arie Garnett. 20. of Advance. - Justin Robert Cave, 20, and Rachel Ann Goin, 18, both of Mocksville. - Christopher Lee Smith. 30, and .Whitney Jane Lowe, 26, of Advance. - William Gaston Johnson 111, 29, and Scott M iilicent, . Sparks, 27, of Winston-Salem. - Lonnie Paul Burgess. 33. and Jamie Lee Miller, 30, of Advance. ■ - Ross Everette Smith. 26, of Advance, and Elise Michelle Porter, 24, of Chariotte. - James Robert Hattenbach, 22. of Louisiana, and Megan LynnTheurer, l8, ofMocksville. ■ - Christopher Todd Sherrill. 22. and Leigh Elizabeth Reynolds, 24, of Mocksville. - Scott Allen Jackson. 24, of Advance, and H eather Lee Bennett. 20. of Mocksville. - Glenn Page Clement Jr.. 78.' and Betty Jean Ward, 78. of Mocksville. - Bobby Joe House, 31. and Ann M arie Johnson, 30, of Advance. - Jatnes Evans Perdue, 30, and Elizabeth Ann Robie, 28. of Advance. - David Ray Daye Jr.. 28, of Mocksville, and Michelle Bolen Weaver, 38, of Denver. - Paul Everette Carson, 23, of Hickory, and Jessica Rena Benfield, 22, of Mocksville. - Joshua David Johnson, 21. and Shayna Wynne Turner. 20, both of Advance. - Ricky Leonard Harrison. Please Sec Records'- Pagt 7 County Planners To Meet There will be a meeting of the Davie County Planning Board on Tuesday July 22 at 6 p.m. in the second floor Commissioners Room of the Davie County Administration B uilding. 123 S. M ain St.. Mocksville. Board members will review text amendments to Landscaping and Buffer Requirements section of the Zoning Ordinance (B155.172). The amendment proposes to add and modify requirements. Davie County is requesting to rezone approximately I acre from Residential (R-20) to Residential- Agricultural (R-A). The property is west of 126 Snow Beck Trail and is Davie County Tax Parcel 01/ 21 (portion). James P. Michael is requesting to rezone approximately 4.3 acres from Residential Agricultural (R-A) to Industrial 3-Special Conditions (1-3- S). The property is on the south side of Daniel Road to the rear of properties at 155 and 167 Doniel Road and is Davie County 'Rix Parcel L5/4 (portion). The board will set a date for the next workshop. The meeting is open to tlie public. Obtain additional information or ask questions by visiting the Development Services on weekdays between 8;30 a.m. and 5 p.m. or‘by telephone at 753-6050. R e c o r d s . . . Continued From Page 6 50, of Lexington, and Deborah Ann Olsen-Romano, 43, ofMocksville. - Robert Glenn Bracken, 38, of Harmony, and Angela Dell McCall, 36. of Mocksville. - Christopher Ryan Perry. 25. of Mocksville, and Brittany Lynn Gunn, 21, of Clemmons. - Christopher Adam Wilson, 28, and Amber Marie Pharr, 21, of Mocksville. - Bobby James Keller, Jr., 24, and Jenifer Kuzan Barney, 22, of Mocksville. - Christopher Todd Brown, 27, of M ocksville, and Heather Nicole Reese, 31, of Salisbury, - Cedric Dewayne Ingram, 28, and Chasity Camill Rose, 27, of Mocksville, - Harvey Gray Brannon, 56, and Kimberly Shannon Joyce, 29. of Mocksville, - Brian Paul Murphy. 27, and Kala Rebekah Hoyle, 23. of Mocksville, - Bobby Allen Whitaker. 31, and Samatha llene Ward, 27, of Mocksville, - Ross M iller Spry, 34, and Stephanie Marie Hudson, 25, of Mocksville. - Steven Jerome Redmond, 39. of W oodleaf. and Sharon Denise Hallman. 41, of Mocksville. - Andrew Quintin Beck, 21, and Hannah Nicole Thompson, 19, both of Mocksville. - Jason Ottis Council. 22. and Tanya Jane Dixon. 21, both of Mocksville. - Randall Devon Hefner, 62, and Kim Donnette Bowers, 50, of Mocksville. - Anthony Ray Dudley. 22. ond Leslie Annette Scott, 19, of Advance. - Leslie Shay Siscoe, 29, and Christin Holt Bailey, 27, of Mocksville. - Clyde Robert Edwards, 57, and Pamela Kay Peterson, 44. of • Advance. - Jerry Todd Swicegood. 43, and Karen Rene Budd, 43. both of Advance. - Michael Ray Williams, 22. of Mocksville, and Erika Asato, 33, of Virginia. - Shane Paden Collins, 22,'of Winston-Salem, and Emily Lynne Criner, 21, of Clemmons. - Brantley Austin Angelí, 29. and Kimberly Dawn Stapf. 32. both of Mocksville. - Ronald Chad Swaim, 31, and Vickie Ann Nelson, 32, of Harmony. - Richard John Bremer, 56, and Cynthia Ann Adams, 50, of Advance. - Joseph Patrick Burchette, 28, of Clemmons, and Elizabeth Ashley T\itterow, 30, of Advance. - Justin Mitchell Lanning, 22, of Advance, and Brittney Leann Crotts, 21, of Mocksville. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - 7 SAVE ENERGY, i SAVE MONEY ENERGY STAR Offers end 7/21/08. 1 0 Ш Е ^ Let's Build Som ething Together' io :í ! ..uíá'iív ENERGY STAR® MAJOR APPLIANCES B«»i(«104otllri-«oa(arpd8p«*IOrt«ENEHQVSTAnr™|oi KJpHwcwpricod »307 or more (belom tow). Ottw valid Г/17ЛИ " ^ mough r/il/oe. Dttoounl Шаю ol nigWw, Nol valkl ort pravlous ul«. IntKMIon and iWlvwy fa«i, nlendid protecllon plans or Mlici FWteraPeyket* cr EleclrtJujc Hems. Soe slore for details. ALL SPECIAL ORDER ENEBGVSTAR® WINDOWS& PATIO DOORS DiKujnltok«nattiii«>ofon)«,Applloslo«<SpeclolOtdorwiixlows ’*0 and patfo doors with Low-E glass or Low-E witli argon glass, Enargy Sloi* requlrmwnts vaiy by rea«n. So« itore (or details. Otiw valid 7/17/08 - 7/21/00, W i ALL ENERGY STAR® INTERIOR DECOR LIGHTING, CEILING FANS &CFLS v,.j {. i’\r7.ñ Offer valid 7/17/Oe - 7/21/oe. Discount taken ut roglator. Soe aloro for dolflila. ALL ENERGV STAR® P R O G R A M M A B L E T H E R M O S T A T SOl Offorva)!d7/17/08-7/21/08. Discount taken at roglstof. So« sloro for details. , hurry in for limited-time values JU L Y 1 7 -2 1 ALL IN STOCK / I I C H O I C E D E K iLU off D E C K I N G Otlar valid 7/17A)B- 7/21/08. Discount Uikan Dl regMar. Accswoi1«a and trim txMinj not Included. Sm stem tor d«tall9. 11- .1 I, % IN SÍOCK OW ENS CORNING R -13 106.56 SQ. FT. O i l ВАТТ INSULATION Applies to item «4533 only. .Offer valid 7/M/OB - 7/21/oa! Discount taken at rogister. See store for details. $ 5 9 8 7/1в"х 4 'X 8' OSB Sheathing •Use for TOO), wall or sublloor #12212 S P E C IA L V A L U E ! n now V';,n i n c i l i ÜCL A. 6' Fiberglass Stepladder •250 lb. load capacity «98148 was *70 B. 16' Aluminum Extension Ladder •200 lb. load capacity «212660' was *70 Л Ш К Ш n d - p . $564 60 Lbs. Fast-Setting Concrete Mix «10437 SPECIALVALUE!now $ 1 6 0 8 *^f^ 11/02" X 4' X 8' 1.8" OC Classic Panel •Unfinished A2B9 SPECIALVALUE! 2" X 4" X 96" Kiln-Dried W hltewood Select Stud «6005 SPECIAL VALUE! !шшт- now $ 7 9 8 was YOUHCMOICI: 3' X S', 5/18" Durock Board #72779 3 'x 5 ',1 /4 " Thick Hardlbacker* Board «11640 per linear ft. 2-1/4"W Cosing Contractor Pack •Primed flngerlolnt pine per linear ft. 3-1/4"W Base Moulding Contractor Pack •Primed flngerlolnt pine •Mojkling #oW by bundle. Prolilas may vaiy. Available In convenient pre-cui tengths. SPECIALVALUE!now ^178 32" or 38" White Signature Storm Door ÍÍ188B79.263642 SPECIALVALUE!now $ 1 3 7 3 « a s 1"x6"x8' Dog-Ear Fence Board •Pressure treated for long life »202922 SPECIALVALUE!now *199 Framing Nailer •Ivtagneslum housing for lighter weight «175944,176836 A. 1/2" X 10' Plain End PVC SCH40Plpe «23966 $1.52 ¿Ta/i ^xlO^piain En7^C~" SCH40Plpa #23971 SI .99 C. 1" * 10' Plain EtrdTvc" SCH 40 Pipe «23976 $3.29 $ 3 9 7 24-Paok Bottled Water «45072;46266;57282,3,4,5Brands vary by market. Avaiiabieon ‘r, Loww com tn i,. somemafketi «99 ANSI/OSHA Compliance Fall Protection Kit •25'L lifeline with Integrated rope grab «134465,275586 COMMERCIAL APPRECIATION DAYS i HAYS ONLY. //;J3 - 7/2‘jm . EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL OFFERS. I RLE LUNCII ON LRILW. 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Davie County Hospital Gets New CT Technology Davie County Hospital lias Hcquireil a new, advanced Com­ puted Tomograpliy Scanncr from OE Healthcare. The BrightSpeed offers the latest in multi-slice, CT technol­ ogy along with clinical applica­ tions that will allow Davie County Hospital’s physicians to quickly and accurately perform m ultiple diagnostic exam s. These exams help diagnose dis­ ease or life-threatening illness such as chbst pain, stroke and cardiovascular disease. “With the exceptional image quality, productivity, and reli­ ability found in OE’s CT prod­ ucts, Davie County Hospital physicians are now able to offer quality care right in the patient’s hometown," said Lynne Doss, hospital administrator. The system was installed in June and the first patient was scanned July I. "Our acquisition of the scan­ ner raises the level of cate that our physicians can provide fora' multitude of injuries or illnesses which may jessen the need to transfer patients to other hospi­ tals away from their family and friends,’’ Doss said. “This sys­ tem is patient friendly and its speed of producing accurate scans will help our physicians to begin treating patients by help­ ing them to provide the diagno­ sis or cause of illness in a .shorter period of time than previously possible at Davic County Hos­ pital.” The high resolution iinaging capabilities of BrightSpeed lets physicians optimize dose to the patient while at the .same time gathering required diagnostic information that may reduce the need for additional, and some­ times uncomfortable, proce­ dures. With advanced data pro; ccssing features, patient^ infor­ mation can be (|uickly shared with referring physicians, in­ cluding three-dimensional (3-D) renderings of internal organs such as the heart and coronary arteries. “By offering this technology, Davie County Hospital is on the leading edge of providing excel­ lent patient care that benefits patients and physicians,” said Doss. “We are proud to once again raise the level of excel­ lence in the healthcare services offered to Davie residents.” Protect The Water S o il & W a t e r C o n s e r v a t io n D is t r ic t A c c e p t i n g A p p lic a t io n s D e a r D a v ie C o u n ty C itiz e n s As I leayejmy position as a member of tile Davie County Board of Education, I want to extend tlianks to everyone who voted for me and supported me during my years of servicc. I appreciate what I have gained from this experience. I give a special thanks to Mr. Allen Mebane and the Mebane Charitable Foundation for their generous gifts to our school system. I encourage our citizens to continue to inquire and become knowledgeable about what’s happening in our schools. Our children deserve the very best education we can provide and it takes the entire community working together to achieve that goal. I have the highest re.spect for the employees of the school system and wish everyone success. R e g in a G m h a m PaitJ for by Regina Graham, candidate The Davie Soil and Water Conservation D istrict wjll receive its 2009 allocation for the North Carolina Agricultural Cost Share Program soon. The district will be receiving applications until Aug. 15 for anyone wishing to apply for cost share assistance on agricultural land. These cost share funds arc available to assist landowners and operators with the installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that reduce the amount of sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, pesticides, animal waste and other agricultural- related pollutants from entering the streams and ground waters. This year’s priority has been set on stream protection measures (i.e. fencing livestock out of creeks, stream s, and rivers). BMPs that might be included, but not limited to, are alternative watering sources, sod based crop rotation, diversions, grasses, and slock trails. All applications will be approved on a priority basis. Those sites that provided the greatest water quality benefits will bo approved first (the district has a priority evaluation form to rank applicants). For more information visit the Davie Soil and Water Conservation District at 180 S. M ain St., County Office Building, Room 313, Mocksvillc, or call 751-5011. Two From Davie Attend Senior Legislature Vernon Dull and Jack Koontz from Davie County attended the spring meeting of the N.C. Se­ nior Tar Heel Legislature (STHL) in Raleigh June 10-11. The Senior Tar Heel Legisla­ ture, established by the N.C. General Assembly in 1993, pro­ vides information and education to older adults on matters being considered by the General As­ sembly and makes recommenda­ tions lo the General Assembly on the legislative needs of older North Carolinians. Dull is the delegate and Koontz the alternate to the legis­ lature. Delegates heard a report from Dennis Streets, director of the Division of Aging and Adult Ser­ vices, and Nancy Warren, adult services program administrator. Division of Aging and Adult Ser­ vices. The issues committees, in­ cluding health, long-term cure, crime/safety/security, general legislation, enrichment opportu­ nities and service access met and narrowed down the resolutions submitted earlier in the year by the delegates and alternales. The October meeting will provide the legislature an opportunity to se­ lect their top five resolutions, which will constitute the legis­ lative agenda for the long session of the General Assembly. To find out more about the SeniorTarHeel Legislature or to discuss issues of concern about senior adults, contact Dull at 260 Macy ' Langston Lane, Mocksville, 492-2868. Learn Rules Of The Road For Farm Use Vehicles Learn motor vehicle laws re­ lating to farm operations at a program July 24 sponsored by NC Cooperative Extension and the Davic County Farm Bureau. Presented by troopers with the N.C. State Highway Patrol Motor Carrier Enforcement, the seminar will be Thursday, July 24 at the Oavie County Public Library on North Main Street in Mocksvillc. Refreshments will be served al 7 p.m., the program begins at 7; 15. Register by July 22 by call­ ing Extension at 753-6100 or the Farm Bureau at 751-6207. Leam what it takes for farm vehicles to be street legal, such as hauling weight limits, proper registration tags and driver’s li­ cense and distance that can* be traveled. The seminar should be appropriate for those who drive grain trucks, cattle trailers, pick­ ups, semis for farm or commer­ cial uses. O P E N H O U S E , O A K V A L L E Y 127 Is le w o rth C t. S un d ay, J u ly 2 0 ,2 :0 0 - 4 :0 0 p .m . 4 BR, 2 Bath home on Cul-de-Sac in PRESTIGIOUS GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY. One level living featuring a HUGE deck and Rocking Chair front porch.’ Full daylight basement plumbed and studded for EXPANSION possibilités. 2 car Main Level Garage plus I ear in basement. $ 3 1 7 ,9 0 0 Dirt'c(io».ï; to Exit 801; left onto HOI; Ht into Oak Valley; Left onto Khigvnill; Ht onto Islcworth Or; Rl onto laleworth CT V EAGLE RENTALS, Inc. ( ^ I H y E ^ iiilN iie n t ^ E x c e i ^ ^ KELLER WILUAMS Go (is bpenHouse.(om for directions, mote inf^a№>n ant) Virtual Opeii Houses 24 hrs 0 doyl Marbrook New Home Community Open House All Homes Open Every Sunday, 3<4I Kotrei from ÌW.9Q0-Ì'. : Ouochonsi Ш)а onH*y.iOi Bfím : $МУ1иоптп9Ы. '.-v.-' A tte n tio n L an d lo rd s a n d R entersl Call Jqckio Coulston for all of your properly tnonag»menl ond rental i property nuodi, You cqn contact Jockle by phone at 336.753fl777 or her coll phone: 33<S.909,|722 or by email: ' • ‘ - __ • tackle,cou!rton®erq.c9(n w w w . E R A - P r e m i e r R e a l t y . c o m 02M7 CKA FriiKhit» Sniemt. Inc. htJi ЕШ1 ОПч« ii Irdtpcndcntfy ОнпЫ irvj Op«riw<t. All lnferm«wn to be vt/ifwJ. Fqiul Uoi<iir| Оррогишу.iLtftfsil« 4 ^ . ........J ГА к r.._^ _ _- _____i.. .. !fuíl»ei»4 I »f b*« ЫЦ-iJ.niA-.il ОЛ1. V.1 mi u Mílj h (KKni'H h tKA btumL И Ctl kxil (M4i Пъ<пмг«1 lo rn>iw«i(*4t.libili >bu«.TOitwa^i>, (ti r ? " В В Ш Й П Ш HOM E o r THE BEAR M IN im U M PR IC E tXIT 7 S orr as SALISBURY DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .iuly 17,2008 • 9 Р л ш t o h e * 1 О BEN MYNATT NISSAN- EXIT 7 5 - SALISBURY' Ш UP ID $1 0 , 0 0 0 OFF REW NISSAIIS* BRAND NEW 2009 NISSAN I V i и R A r s l O AS t-OW AS • ' 2 0 A V A I L . A B L - E l= O F * C > E l _ I V E I 4 V _ siKiMs^i. MUDciuom BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN F R O N T I E R K I N O C A B S E AUTOMATIC, A/C ST0CKM928.M0DEL«I33I3 BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN S T E R R A S A UTO ,A /C, FULL POWER G А П Г T I H I I 3 F > F I I O E . A L L C O L O F 1 3 I I ST0CKK4/66, MODEUtO'llld FINANCING AS LOW AS 0.9% FOR I UP TO 72 MOS** BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN E : S " T - AS LOW AS** 2 0 . 9 B 5 STOCKU4722, M00CU103I8 BRAND NEW 2008 NISSAN T IT A N K IN G C A B S E » 1 В . В В Б STOCKM405ß, М00ЕШ8718 , G O O D C R E D I T . B A D C R E D I T . W E WILL W ORK TO GET YOU APPROUEO COME SEE OUR HUGE SELECTION OF QUALITY PRE-OW NED VEHICLES!! '01 GMC JIMMY SLT ^ 7 qnn■IX4, ailR, LOADED. STKM952A...................................................................................................................V* |OUU '96 CHEVROLET 3500 DIESEL tQ QflftX-CAB, 1 OWNEn. AT. ONUV OOK Ml. STK«P 146?A........................................ . .................................................!JUO '06 DODGE STRATUS SXT $10 000FULL POWER. ALLOYS, STKHPIJ69..........................................................................................................Si I W|*IUU '02 NISSAN FRONTIER 4X4 $19 00(1X-CAD.AT, OFF ROAD PKG. STKKPl J57......................................................................................................«)» I '06 NISSAN SENTRA1.as $1^ OflA.SPECIAL EDITION, ALLOYS. 1 OWNER, STKI4354A..................................................................................,,,ir • '05KIASEDONAVANSX $14 000LEATHER, SUNROOF, DVD PLAYER, STKHPU02........................................... . ............................................*1' ■ '07 CHRYSLER PACIFICA $1d 0001 OWNER, LOADEb, ONLY 12K Ml. 8TKIP1430..............................................................................................1(1 '02 CADILLAC DEVILLE , $1d ORA LTHR. SUNROOF. ONLY60K Ml. STKHP1475.............................................................................................•*<' ' '06 CHEVROLET HHR LT *-1C QOOLEATHER, SUNROOF, LOADED, NICEST IN NCII STK»4<t47B...............................................................................' «»»WU '05 JEEP WRANGLER 4X4 R QQOAT, SOFT TOP, LIKE NEW. STK»P 1471........................................................................................................S' ■ “ IOUU №vJ№WirT HOM E OF THE REAR M IN IM U M PR IC E gX IT 7S o„35 I 5AUSBURY *07 CHEVROLET COLORADO LT (4 c MnnCREW CAB, FULL POWER. STK»P1431................................................................................................... '04 NISSAN MURANO SL AWD c QnnLEATHER. SUNROOF. CERTIFIED TO 100K Ml. STK»4-J29A........................................................................ *06 NISSAN XTERRA 4X4 *4 7 ' FULLPOWER.CBRTIFIEDT0100KMI,STK#P1430,....................................................................................■ |*fUU *07 HYUNDAI ENTOURAGE VAN ^-| 7 a|W | FULL POWER, DUAL DOORS. 8TKIP1465,,,............................................................................................." j5IUU '07 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 7 nnn AT.FULLPOWER,SAVETHOUSAND3IISTK#P140O,„.......................................................^ ^ * |%IUU '05 HONDA CR-V EX 4WD t 1 7 Q iiiiSUNROOF. AT. LOADED, 8TK«4780A,,„',................................................................................................■ f*IUU ■07 TOYOTA CAMRY SE *4 o QnnLEATHER, FULL POWER. 4 CYL, STK«4827A„,..................................................................................... '04 INFINITI 035 SDN ^4 q q o q LTHR. SUNROOF, 1 OWNER. STK«PI46a......................................................................................................^ ■ %l|5fOO *06 HONDA RIDQELINE RTL nAH 4X4, LEATHER. LOADED, STK#4645A,,..........................................................è ..... .................... , * jSWU '06 INFINITI M35 ^9 7 qqd LTHR, ROOF, LUXURY SPORT. STK«P1474 ..................................................................................................• |*fOO 1.800.264.6823 704.633.7270 6 2 9 J a k e A l e x a n d e r B l v d . S -a«,i.»R..,si.*,. .if»:'--. S a l i s b u r y , N C 2 8 1 4 7 w w w . B e n M y n a t t N i s s a n . C G m r , r r . s # | )SAIFS liniJR.S. Müii-Frl U3UAM-H;0UPM • Sjil. H :И1АМ « miPM I SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS ON ALL OFFERS, SOME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED, 'OFFER ON SELECT MODELS WITH APPROVED CREDIT "CREOIT MAY AFFECT TERM. PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE. AND ADMINISTRATION OR DOCUMENTATION FEE OF S«9 | DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCEOTiyES^SUBJECmPRIOR^Aj^OFFERSGOOPONDAmOFRJBUCfflONOh^^ Q_R PRINT ERRORS. PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. I , V .V V- AV . . V '- v . '- -». V ' 10 - DAVUS COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Davie Board of Education member Chad Fuller (right), with wife'Eleanor at his side, itaKes the oath of office from Clerk of Court Ken Boger. \>.Photos by Robin Snow f f M " '' Surrounded by family, Barbara Owens takes the oath of office for the Davie Board of Education from Clerk of Court Ken Boger. New Board Of Education Members Sworn Into Office Board of education chair Carl Lambert presents plaques of appreciation to outgoing board members Dr. Regina Graham and Carol Livengood. й!ЭД|»р У!5Я;. ч'лД'!'; n < iV ' ' i ■* ' î ' M ' ^ ■54«î f '. » A N к > . w И1 c A' « О L I N A S ■ '' ' » i I . S H IN E ch eck in g reward yourself with generous interest APY* on your balances up to $25,000 a Apy^ on your balances over$25.pQ0■’ . ♦ ' ' Apply online at BankottheCároUnas.coin it reqíltremeñls ' are not met » •••« ••« « « •« « « '•’•'••••» •'•« « « » •» « « « « « ft.« «I « .«. « <!»•«« V is it M o m e n tT o S H ln e ,c o m . S ign up fo r Ih IN E c h e c k in g , s u b m it a S H IN E s to ry M a p d d is c o v e r y o u r m o m e n t to s h in e ! ^ ibi v-’»«’ bi, ' ' ' n ' Iv* ЖГ U i^.'U Ц \ ■ -i.'- ' ...... ' 4 ' I 'л' ’■ { , Y I í,4» t'Ç^{W Wíf iJHwá-WífiíÍxiíiL' í f i» ^ VU * tj ÍMI *'Æ Шда« s ÍM f ' V { rt <i v-H , T'íyt Ч »w »-'h> 'ü-i /V*-- f r O lC By Beth Cussldy Davie County Enierprise Rccord Former Board of Education Chair Carl Lambert called last Monday “an emotional day," as two board members ended their six-year terms. Carol Livengood and Regina Graham were elccted to the board in Septem ber 2002. During their tenure, they helped bring about many changes, including the hiring of two superintendents (and one interim), acquisition of land for expansion of Shady Grove Elementary and construction of William Ellis Middle School, renovations of the stadium at Davie High, renovations of Shady Grove, Cooleem ee, Pinebrook and M ocksville elementary schools, extensive rem odeling and new construction at W illiam R. Davic, the William R. Davic sewer project, the M ebane Challenge, the M ebane-Hill Early Literacy Project, the adoption of a tobacco-free policy, establishm ent of the Early College and Central Davie Acadcmy, and the inclusion of two bond referendum s on ballots, although those bond referendum s subsequently V,failed. Lambert called them, "two past chairs who have done an impeccable job of serving their community.” Livengood said, for her, the experience was "one of the most amazing learning experiences of my life. The highlight [of serving] has been the opportunity tp.travel across this county - and see the people and the love they have for this beautiful place wc call home.” Livengood thanked her husband, four children and Five grandchildren for their support, and said she crcdits her father, who passed away many years ago, with instilling in her the importance of “giving back In some" way." Graham, a product of Davie County schools, encouraged the board to consider changing the terms from six to four years, noting that six years is a great deal of time to devote. Graham thanked her husband and parents for their support and understanding during her tenure, saying, "I gave up a lot of iiimlly time but Rafnel nnd 1 both agree the students of Davie Cotinty are worth It." ’ ■; Superintendent Dr. Robert Landry said,' “Each 6f these two outgoing board members was an active participant in these accomplishments and the many other successes of this board. Each of them sacrificed time away from both their families and their jobs. They spent countless hours over the years, commencing in 2002, planning and participating in meetings and attending conferences. They did this because they believe in education and wanted to make a difference for the children of Davie County, We are grateful for their leadership and vision.” Barbara Taylor Owens and Chad Edwin Fuller, flanked by their spouses, took the oath of ofFice and moved Into the chairs they will occupy for the next six years, Rick Ellis assum ed the position of chair and Terry Renegar will serve as vice chair. ^ ' ¡ O r f N Pure Performance^ Flat Interior Latex J y s i <i-J /> J NOT Including Kebatel Final Cost After Rebate » P IT T S B U R G H P A I N T S G audell Lm nber & B uilding Supplies 162 Sheek Street, Mocksville • 336-751-2167 Hours: Monday-Frlday 7:30 - 5:00 • Saturday 7:30 -12 noon I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 • B1 Heath Boyd goes high - real high - as Rowan slides safely Into seconds. At right, Zack Russell-Myers takes a throw at third.- Photos by James Barringer Rowan Eliminates Mocksville, 3 Games To 0 By Brian Pitt4 Davic County Enterprise Record Another Mocksvllle-Rowan County Legion baseball game, another tough loss for Mocksville. Maybe Rowan has u psychological edge on Mocksville. It certainly .seems like a plausible explunution after what Rowan did to Mocksville in the best,-of- five, first-round playoff scries and after what Rowan has down to Mocksville over the years. Third-seeded Rowan swept No. 6 Mocksville three games to none by win­ ning by three, one and three runs, in­ cluding S-2 in Game Three at Catawba’s Newman Park on July 9. ' ¿ Mocksville (14-15) camo tantaiiz- Ingly close to breaking through t|ine and again, but Rowan (23-8) did what it al­ ways does to Mocksville - it escaped every time. • In second inning, with Rowan ahead 1-0, M ocksville roped three straight hard grounders. All three were ■ gobbled up. • In the eighth, with Rowan ahead 5- 2, Mocksville put two on with nobody out. One of its most dangerous hitters was up, Chris Kinard. But Kinard popped up u changeup, and a 1-6-3 double play followed. • Moeksvllle’s luck against Rowan was summed up by Ryan Carter's at-bat in the ninth. Again there were two on and no outs. Carter laced a shot past a diving third baseman. It was headed for a double, dermltcly scoring one run and possibly two. The tying run would have been in scoring position. But the ball was foul. Just foul. Carter and the next two guys struck out to end the game. "You have to get at least one run in those situations, and to not score at all Is unacceptable,” Mocksville coach Mike Lovelace told the Sali.sbury Post. Rowan’s 1-0 lead grew to 4-0 when it banged out three doubles in the sec­ ond. Corey Norman and Znck Russoll- Myers got Mocksville back in the game , viith,solo home luiisi in the sixth and sev­ enth. It waS'4-2'when Mocksville re­ liever Bryan King retired the first two batters in the seventh. But Rowa# scratched out an insurance run anyway, walking, stealing second and singling with two strikes. Norman’s homer was his first of the season, and he went 2 for 3, Riissell- Mycrs went 2 for 4 with his fifth homer. Lovelace couldn’t complain about Mocksville’s pitching in the series, al­ though its hottest ann, Jake Koontz, was chased in the second. Philip Miclat tor­ mented Mocksville all series, going 3 for 4 in Game Three and 8 for 10 over­ all. Meanwhile, Mocksville’s three lefty hitters went 0 for 8 against Rowan’s lefty starter, Russell Michalec, who came in 2-2 but got the win by permitting just four hits In 6 1/3 Innings. , Rowan wasn’t known for its pltcK^j..' Ing, but its arms were stunningly dortii* ■ nant. For the series, Mocksville scored five runs and went 22 for 98 at the plate (.224). Mocksville never led even though It only surrendered 12 runs. "Our pitchers held down a great-hit- • tmg teani the wljole series, but we just Lovelace said. V^|i‘|^0(S^|jji''^has a good-hitting buticli.^tim gre will always beat good'hlttlrig,” said Rowan's Billy Veal, who fanned the side in the ninth for the save. “We. thought this might be a slow- pitch softball series in two small ballparks, but it tumcd out to be three very good games," Rowan coach Jim Gantt said. Notes • It seemed lij player who was fij capitall'zed ofi sville 5 time 'oppdriunities. Norman hit .350(by going 14 for 40. Carter hit .381 by going 8 for 21, He Picusc See Game 3 • Page B4 Mocksville Loses 1-0 In Game 2 By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record ;;,,^ere’s hpw bad it has become when .Mp^ksvilfc’s Legion baseball team faces iyounty - which ended 11 of Mocksville’s 25 seasons between 1982 and 2006 - in the playoffs. Mocksville lost an epic pitchers’ duel, 1-0, in Game Two of the .best-of-five, t'lrst-round se­ ries on July 8 at Mando Field. • With two on and two outs in the bottom of the sixth, Zack Russell-Myers greeted the first of four Rowan reliev­ ers with a big swing. But he flew out to deep right. • With two on and two outs in the Mocksville seventh. Heath Boyd sent a deep fly to left. Rowan’s Billy Veal drifted back, put his right hand against the fence and made the catch. A few more feet and it’s 3-1 Mocksville, which squandered a two-on, no-out threat. It popped up a bunt with two on and no outs. • The first Mocksville batter in the eighth fiew out lo deep center. If the bull is pulled, perhaps it’s 1-1. • Russell-Myers opened the last of the ninth with a single. But with one out, Rowan’s pitcher picked off Russell- Myers. The next pitch was a called third strike. • Mocksville lost to a pitcher who was 0-0 on tlte year, Zack Simpson. • And the game’s only run came off the bat of Philip Miclat, who rode a 3-1 fastball over the 310-foot fence in left in the third. The 5-7,145-pound second baseman had never homered over the fence in a live game. Third-seeded Rowan improved to 22- 8 and grabbed a 2-0 series lead. No. 6' Mocksville dropped to 14-14. M ocksville’s frustration against Rowan reached a peak as Simpson over­ came a shaky start to win his first deci­ sion of the year. Heath Boyd walked to open Ihe bottom of tlie first. The count was 2-0 to the next batter, Brandon Stewart, when Rowan pitching coach Zach Snyder paid a visit to the mound. Simpson regrouped and earned the win by working 5 2/3 innings. The young lefthander gave up just two hits, the first coming on a check-swing, in­ field hit by Matt Leonard with one out in the fifth. Please See Gnme 2 • Page B4 Jr. Legion Squanders 8-1 Lead; Bows Out In Second Round In the opening stages of Game One of the Mocksville Junior Legion base­ ball team’s second-round playoff series against Randolph County, everything was going right for Mocksville. Mocksville, seeded seventh in Area III, had won 10 straight, hud swept West­ ern Forsyth two games to none in the first round and had an 8-1 lead on sec­ ond-seeded Randolph after two and a half innings. Mocksville seemed headed for a 1-0 lead in the best-of-three series., rtowevdr, the rest of the game was a different story. After Mocksville had scored six runs in the second and two in the third, Randolph scored the final eight runs, including three in the third, three in the fourth and two in the seventh. T he' ■gume ended with a walk-off single, Mocksville never recovered from the blown lead, scoring one run in the final 11 innings of the series and losing Game Two '7-1, It lost all four games to Randolph, including two in the regular .season. ' "We should have beat them (in Game One),’’ coach Churles Kurfees said af­ ter Mocksville closed the season with a 19-13 record. "We should hove come home with a win, there’s no doubt about it.” Mocksville took firm control by scor­ ing five second-lnnlng runs with two outs.'But it could blame itself for the collapse. It committed five errors. , “(If we hold on), then we would have pjoyed the secori’d game with confi­ dence, being up one gume,” he said, ‘‘’iiiat would have l)ecn great. But it just didn’t work out. it just wasn’t meant to 1)6,” v; ,. After Josh Beiryhlll and Brad Gaither had pitched the first six innings, Kurfees trought In closer Zach Long to protect bn 8-7 lead lii 'the seventh. Randolph greeted Long with a single. Three straight walks tied the game. A single - with still no outs - clinched the heart­ breaking loss. It was u rare sight watching Long blow a save opportunity. “Hindsight is 20-20,” Kurfees said. “Mdybe we should have come back with Gaitlier. But Long has closed most of thi! year, and we figured he could get it done.” Mocksville had four batters with two hits. Jess Cartner was 2 for 4 with a triple, Joe Watson was 2 for 3 with a double, and Jacob Barber and Shelton Howard were both 2 for 4, Randolph took Mocksville to the cleaners in Game Two at Mando Field, In the top of the first, Mocksville com­ mitted a two-out error that kept the in- ning alive, A three-nm homer followed, / V ' i . ' " ,................... ’ N o . 8 T h o m p s o n , D e f e n s e S t u f f V e r e e n O n 4 t h -A n d -1 Bret Peterson pitches. and that was the beginning of the end in the 7-1 deffeat. Randolph clubbed another three-run shot in the fifth, increasing Mocksville’s deficit to 6-1. Mocksville could only manage five hits. Cartner and Watson were 2 for 3, with Watson hitting a pair of doubles. Long had a bunt hit, Kurfees swallowed hard and con­ ceded the better team moved on, “My hat goes off to them,” he said, “Their pitchers threw strikes, they hit the ball real good and they’re very well Please See Jr. Legion - Page B6 By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record The third in a series recalling 10 memorable football wins. This Is No. 8 In Ihe countdown to No, 1, When Davie’s football teom traveled to North Mecklenburg for a second-round 4-AA playoff game in 2006, it foimd itself matched against a running back who had absolutely torched everyone in his path. Senior Daryl Vereen was a 6-1, 190-pounder headed to the University of Tennessee. He had established the Mecklenburg-County record for season rushing yards with 2,470 on 280 carries, a frightening 8.8 average. He was averaging 225 yards per game. He had 3 1 touchdowns, scoring ' multiple TDs in 10 of his 11 games. Vereen looked invincible... untiihe met Davie’s defense. Fans couldn’t believe their eyes as Davie limited Vereen to one big play and noend- zone joy as the War Eagles held on for u grueling 14-11 win. By winning for the sixth straight time and stopping the Vikings’ own six-game run, the War Eagles im­ proved to 12-1 and advanced to the quarterfinals for the fifth year in a row. ■The win sent them to Independenie, which hud won 105 straight. Bolstered by linebackers Mark Huggins, Bucky Sheppard and James Mayfield, Duvle held Vereen jo a season-low 122 ywdson 27 cairies. He had a 49-yord щп witH three ’ minutes left In the third quarter. Without that, he had 73 yards on 26 rushes, a 2.8 average. Sheppard and tackle Chuntz Grannuman sent a clear message on Vereen’s first carry, a 2-yard loss. “That’s nothing but pure determina­ tion from linebackers studying film and getting coached up and pretty much knowing what wos coming before the ball was snapi«d,” Davie coach Doug llling said. “The first play really set the tone,” Huggins said. “We really didn’t give him any room to breathe.” “They played a stunting, blitzing defense, and it’s challenging on your offensive line, particulariy your tackles and center,” North Meek coach Glen Padgett said. “Because they line guys over them and you don’t know where they’re going. Obviously they’re well coached.” The defensive slobber-knocker is remembered most for a fourth-and-l Please See No, 8 • Page B7 /B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 jU14 basketball champions, from left: front - Josh Cockman, Dominique DIsmuke, "John Parker; rdW 2 - Vincent Cockerham, Denzel Redmon, Davis Absher, Nate Jones, Timothy Jones, John Wiseman, Coach Mike Absher; row 3 - Coach Tracy Arnold, Kentrell Ray, Shannon Dillard, Jesse Gunning, Coach Germain Mayfield.Shannon Dillard soars over the defense for a score. Davie Wins Two USSSA National Basketball Titles By Mike Gunning ;§j)ccinl Ip the Entcr^risB When Diivie coach Mike Absher stnileci a developmental basketball program for middle school age players three years ago, he never dreamed one day he would be holding a USSSA National Championship trophy. . Yet that was exactly where he found himself on Monday, July 7 as the Davie Fastbrcak U14 team swept the field and de­ feated the Trinity Bulldogs .66- 57 in overtime to take the Gold Medal ill the USSSA D3 Na­ tional Championships in Greens­ boro over the July 4th weekend. Two hours later, the UI2 Fastbrcak mntclicd iheir older counterparts, and won.tlie sec­ ond national championship for Davie. "Wow," Absher said. "This is Just incrcdiblc. This is really ex­ citing. It's so rewarding for all those volunteers who gave their time to this team. These coaches did a great job." Absher holds the reigns over the program, but he leaves the daily coaching duties to Tracey Arnold and Germain Mayfield. Arnold is the head coach of the U14 team, and often helps with the younger team. Mayfield holds court over the U12s, as­ sisted by Josh Sell, Reggie Carson and Jeff Sessoms. Of the two, Arnold's team took the easier road to the cham­ pionship game. An opening assignm ent against the Thunder of Charles­ ton, S.C. proved to be a tight match through the first half, but Arnold installed a full court pres­ sure defense to open the third quarter. With the Thunder shut down, guard Denzel Redmon found his touch, scoring 16ofhis game high 26 points in the quar­ ter to lead Davie to a 67-50 win. The Gastonia Nets seemed lo have Davie's number in the sec­ ond game, but a fourth quarter scoring surge by Redmon, along with timely defensive plays by Nate Jones, Kentrell Ray and Dominique DIsmuke kept the score close. Center Shannon Dillnrd swatted away a last sec­ ond shot, and Davie squeaked by Gastonia 51-50 in the second game. Davie then rallied from a 2 1-20 halftiine deficit lo beat the Trinity Bulldogs 49-43 to take a 3-0 tournament record into the championship game. Trinity then won two games to work its way back to the championship game, and came out ready to set Davie back in a physical rematch. Davie took a quick lead in the Tirst, but the Bulldogs pulled the game even early in the second quarter. Redmon, who averaged 19.5 points for the tournament, struggled from the floor in the first half. After a series of missed offensive opportunities and un­ timely turnovers pushed the Fastbrcak into an 11 point hole, the versatile guard changed tac­ tics. Often facing double learns, Redmon consistently found open teiimmales, forcing tlie Bulldogs lo spread their de№nse. That was nil Dillard needed. The lanky center became a force in Ihe paint, scoring eight consecutive points from inside, mixed with four straight blocked shots on the other end. A steal and an assist to Davis Absher pulled the Fastbrcak lo within one point at the half. Trinity opened the second half in a perimeter offense, and a barrage of three point .shots had the Fastbreak on its heels. With his team trailing 35-46, Arnold culled timeout with under four minutes to play "I told them the game was still going on," Arnold said; "They just needed to focus, play hard and start boxing out again, and wc could take the game back." D illard came out of the timeout inspired. Y A D K I N V A L L E Y R A N C H Hamptonville, N.C. liciw ccn U nio n C ilovc & I'Ukirv (27020) SEBM Championship BUILRIDING ^ ^ B A T T L E O F T H E B U L L S ^ ^ July 25-26 2008 Fri & Sat N ight 8pm “Affoalablc I'iimily Entt;rtaiiiment” Getieral Admission SI 2.00 Ages (i-l 2 S6.00 Uiuler 61'ree For More Info: 704-746-7815 or 336-468-8223 mv.MÌiiamg)lai:ti:riid ta £C)tn ♦ ♦ (o w S iris B a rre l R a c in g * * Coiice.s.sions Available (W^'imi.sor Ciossroacls Ruriraii Club) Clowns Pony Rides Mutton Buston Vendors Keith Well Drilling Olln, NC Toyota West Slaleavllle, NC Great Western Kawasaki Statesville, NC Wtaigitr Knox Law Center Charlotte, NC b c b m / V ' Hlley Livestock, Inc Hamplonvliio, NC M BB&T yadkinvllle, NC T H E B E S T V A L U E - C A P E C O D 5 6 • N 0 1 USTO Eilt 4.8 mll«a un on ButfnHt UftonBuslMMTQ________ SWMVllteHouilrtfllA’rt'«—"i .ímíleionLefJ S T A T E S V I L L E H O U S I N G C E N T E R Factory Bullt'FactorySold'We AREtheBullder’Land&FlnanclngAvallable 704.924.9393 www.StatesvilleHousing.coin Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 "I just wanted to win this," Dillard said. "1 knew wc could beat them, but we were giving them all the game." Dismuke scorcd a lay-up, and Ray followed with a defensive stop that set up a Redmon field goal. Dillard blocked three shots, then pulled a rebpund and set up Jones on a break away. Another defensive slop led to an easy score, but the Bulldogs re­ sponded with five unanswered points, leaving the Fastbrcak trailing 45-51 with under a minute to play. Dillard took over. Jones found Dillard in Ihe paint for a quick score, and then Dillard stole Ihe inbounds pass and made a lay-up lo pull Ihe Fastbreak to within llircc points. With the clock licking away, the Bulldogs callcd a final timeout. Ray said that was when he felt confident about the game's outcome. " I told them, stay focused, wc got this," Ray said. "We're like a family, and we ail believe in each other. I knew we could do ihis." Arnold, typical lo his style, went lo his bench often earlier in the contest, calling upon re­ serves Jesse Gunning, Joshua Cockman, and John Parker to give Ihe Fastbreak quality min­ utes and rest his starters for the long haul. The strategy paid off, as the Fastbrcak noticeably had the fresher legs in Ihe latter part of the game. The Bulldogs stalled on of­ fense, but the Fastbreak applied pressure, forcing the Bulldogs into a shot that was blocked by Dillard. Ray look the outlet, and found Jones racing up court. Jones caught the ball and hailed a three pointer with 11 seconds on the clock to lie tlie game 51- 51. , "That was the biggest shot of ’ his life," Arnold said. "He nailed it." Jones agreed. "I felt confident when 1 let it go," Jones said. "Coach kept switching me in and out with Davis, so I'm glad I was in there at the right time;" A last second attempt by the Bulldogs fell short, setting up the overtime. The win was met with bitter­ sweet emotions for several of the players. "Playing with these guys has. been Ihe greatest thing that ever happened in my life," Domin­ ique Dismuke said. "I'm going to miss them, they're like my family" Dismuke, who at one lime or another played rec bull or school ball in Davie with every player on the squad, will attend Salisbury High next year. "I'll probably never get lo play with them again, but I have lo go do what I have lo do," Dismuke said. "Hopefully I'll do well there, and get into a good college." For the U12 team, the road to the championships was much longer. U12 lost its opening game by 27 points to the Statesville Bears, the biggest loss the team had all season. The U I2 Fastbreak went on a tear from there. After the loss to Statesville, Ihe U12s dispatchcd the Deacs Hoops (NC) 56-39 on Saturday, tlien came back Sunday and beat the QCAA (NC) 52-38, YMCA Rockets (SC) 30-18, Deacs Hoops again 50-34, then beat Team Phoenix North (NC) on Monday 44-38 to set up the cham pionship game against Statesville. According lo assistant coach Jeff Sessoms, the game was lightly contested in the first half with each team jumping ahead by 3-6 points max. "We were up early, then Slatesville came back lo go up by 5," Sessoms said. "Caleb Marlin hit a 3-poinlcr and then got fouled at the half lime buzzer shooting a 3, he hit Ihe three free throws to go up by one at half." Sessom said the game contin­ ued to be close in the second half. "More of Ihe same in the second half, with us controlling most of the action and building a lead." Sessoms said. "Then wc started controlling Ihe rebound­ ing and the interior on offense und defense." The effort paid off, and the U12 picked away for a lead, forcing the Bears lo shoot low percentage three pointers as the clock wound down. "We did this becuusc we played as a team," Mayfield said. "These kids never hung Iheir heads after the first loss, and the boys coming off the bench did a great job for us loo." B r i e f s , D a t e s One-Pitch Tournament The Cooleemee Redskins will host a one-pilch, unlimitcd-homcr softball tournament at Ccnter on July 26. The entry fee is $130. To register call Larry Thies at 336-692-7299 or 492-5057. Soccer Workouts Davie’s boys soccer team is holding workouts on Tuesdays und Thursdays at 10 a.m. at Davie High. Tryouts will begin Aug. 4 from 6-8 p.m. at the Davie YMCA. Joe Westfall resigned as conch toward Ihe end of the second semester. The new couch will be announced Ihis week. Hole In One Pum Bryant of Advance got her first hole in one July 12 at Pud­ ding Ridge. She aced Ihe 120-yard No. 2 by using a 9-iron. Her playing partners were Linda Pons, Wendy Wade und Vickie Newell. Recreation Camps The Mocksville-Duvie Parks and Rccrcation Department is tak­ ing registration for wrestling, soccer and basketball camps. • Soccer; July 28-Aug. I at the YMCA field. Deadline July 26. Cost: $79 for half days (9 a.m.-noon) or $115 for full days (9u.m.-3 p.m.). Ages 4-16. • Andre Owens Basketball Camp: Boys und girls from July 21- 25. Register by July 11. Cost $60. Ages 7-12 from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Ages 13-18 from 1 -5 p.m. Instructor: Andre Owens, former pro player in European league. • Basketball; Boys and girls on Aug. 11-14. Register by Aug. 4. Cost $45. Rising first through eighth grades from 6-8 p.m., at the Brock Gym. Instructors; Davie coach Mike Absher and his staff. Call the rec at 751-2325 for more information. Oak Grove Golf Tourney The Oak Grove Methodist Men will hold a first-annual golf tour­ nament at Pudding Ridge on July 19. There will be cash prizes and free food. The cost lo play will be $60 per person ($240 per team), which includes one mulligan per nine holes per player and one lee busier per player. There will be a gold sponsor and a green sponsor for each hole. Gold sponsors donate $100 and green sponsors $50. The njimes of individuals or businesses who sponsor holes will be on signs at each lee box. For more information, contact ^ a li Sain at 751-5698. Davie Volleyball Camp The Duvie volleyball camp will be July 28-31 at Davie. Grades 4-8 will have camp from 9 a.m-noon, and grades 9-12 will have camp from 1-4 p.m. On July 31 grades 9-12 will attend the morning session for contests and awards. All campers will receive instruction in skill techniques, game strategies and team concepts in a fun, competitive atmosphere, The coaching stuff will be Becky Miller, Ihe Davie varsity coach; Trish Corbin, Ihe Duvie JV coach; plus middle-school couches. Junior Olympic Couches und senior vursily piuyers. The cost is $60 ($25 deposit deadline extended to June 15). Anyone registering ufter the deudline will nol be assured of having Ihe correct size T-shirt. Cash payment only after July 15, and we will except on-site registration. Go lo www.wareuglepride.com for a camp registration form. Con­ tact Miller at niillerb@davie.kl2.nc.us with any questions. Davie High Physicals Physiculs for fall, winter and spring sports at Davie High School will be offered July 28 at 5 p.m. in the multi-purpose room at Ihe school. Cost; $10. S S S P O T U G H T FuUMeasiure^ Catering - A t-'iill Smitv üilerliig Omi/xiny - Moravian Style Chicken Pies To pkcQ an order for chicken pies or to schedule catering caí/ Carolyn Jonca 336492^77 • 336.909*2728«| DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 17,2008 - B3 Paid Advertisement B r o w n P a in t in g Covering all of your needs Is the paint on your windows or trim fading or starling lo peel? Is there caulk­ ing pulling away in places? Do your doors or shutters look dull? Are your gutters dirty and black? And what about your deck? Is it gray and weathered? If you answered yes lo any of these questions then give Brown Painting a call — we can help! David Brown, owner of Brown Painting, is celebrating 10 years of doing business in Clemmons, Lewisville and the surrounding communities. He would like to thank all of his past customers for their patronage and looks forward lo providing his services to others. This is the lime of year to get your house looking nice and what better way to do that than by giving it a fresh coat of paint? The name Brown Painting docs not do justice lo the services they provide, such as pressure washing, gutter clean­ ing, window washing and much more. They also do a fantastic job on rcflnish- ing decks, porches, walkways, brick and fences. “No job is too big or loo small. We take pride in the fine detail of our work­ manship," said David. “We make sure ■ Call David Ilrowii at 336-970-7407 for help with home miprovenienl ¡mijecls like paiiiliiig, pressarc washing, giiller cleaning, wimiow washing ami more. our job sites are neat and clean, and we arc very punctual and experienced in all aspects of painting." Brown Painting has used quality Shcrwin Williams paints for more than 20 years. Brown Painting gladly provides clients with a long list of local references, and gives a free estimate of any work you would like lo have done. Don't wait! NOW is tiie lime to pick up a phone and call David Brown at 336- 970-74071 Perkins Roofing Co. of Mocksvilie Ho lives under just one roof, but Jesse Perkins cares about every roof. That's what makes his business so special. As owner of Perkins Roofing in l\^ocksville, Jesse treats each roof as if it was on his own home. If It isn't good enough for him, it will not be good enough for you. That Is the way Jesse treats each roofing job and customer. His work and integrity speak for Itself. Jesse, a Reidsville native, became Interested In roofing when he was just 13 years old. At age 17, the summer before graduating from high school, he began helping his brother In his roofing business. After graduating the next year, Jesse moved to Davie County and has been here since. After years of working for other roofers, Jesse decided it was time to go out on his own. So in the fall of 1997, he started Perkins Roofing. “1 have been roofing most of my life and that's what I love to do,” Jesse explains. "I started out with a ladder, hatchet and pick-up truck." Now, along with roofing, Jesse has added vinyl siding to his line of work. "I work with several local contractors on new homes and do tear offs for older homes that need a new roof. I have done some repair work but we Just don't have that many bad storms around here to do too much damage for roof repairs," Jesse notes. Jesse takes a great deal -M * tfltra Prem ium«D • Canidac fcjl» N ature’s Variety ^ • Wellness • M errickitInnova ^ California N atural’s fL* Evo 2131 Luwisvlllc-Clcmmons Clemmons, NC _ _' I-77Ô-9007 e a r a a e D o o r R e p a i r s M l E l e c t r i c a l O p e n e r R e p a i r s • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience ( 3 3 6 ) _ • CABLBS OARAGE DOOR SERVICES “Mr. E d” 9 9 8 - 2 3 3 6 * F a r m in q t o n , I^C BROWN PAINTING V I • Interior / Exterior • Pressure Wasliing • Bonded / Insured DAVTD BROWN > Wallpaper Removal ' Staining i Faux Finishing Free Estimates 970-7407 •p« - . ,, rw ~fW . ^ www.grnntpnoto.com B A B Y 'S FIRST- Y E A R Ajk about , our FREE ,? nowtsomor ■nalornlty session I arolina Sm all Engine SatM & lervlc« of outdoor powar oqulpmonli ' mowera, Irítnmara, chain aawt, blower«, ganaratora, A mort 10J4 Fork B/Mby Hit., AOnne» 998-7755 Storm W ater Managem ent Residential Drainage Systems Land Clearing, Demolition Landscape/Hardscape > Clemmons NC Ucenm! Ami Insured Tom Jones 336t749-0465 T a y lo r R e p a ir . 998-7879 We’ll Beat Anyone’s Price On Outdoor Power Equipment Parts & Service fWc-up & DefiveryAvailabk 3319 us Hwy 158, Mocksvilie H A /Jl W AXING ; V P-D O 'S »6 5 Old Glory Kd.,SuileEGcmttKtM • Off LcwltvUlc-Clcnwmf» Rd. (Ofhirul A Cleaner World) 336-778-0604 Over 20 Yeara ExporianceHrtslina Eddlnger, Karon Hamt Jtmitor Hutchtna. Amy D»cK Lyrv} Roland. ClnOYJotmaon, Bianda Langford U e L Y R O O f S I M I REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW IjOOKI Noton's (JugoDt & OWoal Bool Smin Romovora Äoo/-ßri^® 785-2030 100 Royal Oak Dr.. Winslon-SaJem. NC 27107 P E R K I N S R O O F I N G "Quality work at reasonable prices" ^ Phone: 336-753-4355 'ax: 3 3 & 7 5 3 « 3 7 3 Jesse Perkins - Owner 300 Spring Street Mocksvilie, NC Rince D a b' Ctrcann School of Traditional Irisri Dance C la s s e s N o w F a n n in g Serving Ihis community for II years 130 Webb WayJuslo/fHwy fSfl Call 33B.765.74B2 for mors Information H a ir Stylist For M en & W om en Jeannie Howard 766-8445 6353 Cephls Dr., Clcmmons of pride in his work and will work however many hours and days it takes to get the job finished and done right. “I keep my business somewhat small. That way I can be on the job to see what goes on and make sure the job Is completed like it would be for someone in my family." Perkins Roofing also enjoys giving back to the community. They are involved In various fundraisers including the law enforcement, rescue squad youth football and Davie High School football. So if you are need of a new roof and a good honest, dependable man for the Job, give Jesse at Perkins Roofing a call for a free estimate at (336) 753-8355. Advertising Promotion BAKERY THRIFT STO № S M A U s t o r e ; BIG : SAVINGS: SAV1N(;.S „ p > | KVKKVDAV , o ^ U Senior CUÍ20II Discounts Wedncsdny • Assorted Gift Boxes •Ladies Bracelet Watches •I-Pod Covers C'k'ninioiis D isiouni Stall's l5AU.i »^is\ ¡|h -( U(l. 7W»-4449 • ( liiiiiiiiiiis • EDWARDS S I D I N G & W I N D O W S ADDING DEAUTY AND VALUE TO Ò HDMES SINCE 1978 ^ ' Vinyl Siding • Vinyl Replacement Windows ' Vinyl Porch Rails • Decks - Wood & Vinyl > Screen Rooms • Porch Enclosures & Sun Rooms F fB B E s tim a te s ! M o b i l e P h o n e 9 7 8 - 2 2 9 9764-0885 —v * v . v'A.'L V X- *•*. v - v -v. •' B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Zack Russell-Myers gets down on a play at second.A Mocksville base runner stirs dust at first.' Photos by James Barringer Brown Cuffs Mocksviiie in Game 1 Batte/ymates QOrey Norman and Tyler Howard talk. Matt Leonard breaks up the no-hltter with a lea sinale. U M Í Q . I % 4 | ’’ 'if'-* Justin Kidd tries to save a high throw. The top of the order for Rowan County’s baseball team made all tho difference in a 6-3 Mocksville loss at Rowim on July 7 in Game One of a best-of- five, first-roimd playoff scries. Lendoff man Justin Roland went 2 for 4 with his 47th carecr double, lying Cal Hayes Jr. for the all-tim e Rowan lead in doubles. No. 2 batter Philip Miclat went 3 for 3 with three runs. No. 3 batter Trey Holmes went 2 for 3, knocking in a run in his first three at-bats with a single, sac ny and double. The top three guys were so dominant they didn't need much help from the rest of Ihe lineup. The top trio went a combined 7 for 10 while the other six spots went 5 for 20, While third-seeded Rowan improved io 21-8, sixth-seeded Mocksville fell lo 14-13. The teams had split two slugfests in the regular season, with Rowan winning 15-10 and Mocksvillc returning the favor 11-7. Rowan committed three er­ rors that led directly to the first two Mocksville nms. Mocksville played error-free defense, but Rowan’s miscues didn’t hurt be­ cause of pitcher Timner Brown. Brown's 2007 senior season at North Rowan High was ruined by a broken hand, and ho wont 0-5 us u 2008 freshm an for Wilkes Cpmmunity College. But he has become a star for Rowan, 9Xviniitng six of soyen decisions and striking out nine Mocksville batters.' He didn't issue a single walk, and both his runs wore un­ earned. Brown is nothing fancy. He doesn't throw hard. But you can’t question is stuff, which can be summed up by one key stat: He struck out Chris Kinurd four times, and Kinard is a two-time Southern Division all-star who was batting .330 and was 8 for 18 in the previous four games, “Tanner pounded thé strike zone and was able to bear down whenever we had opportunities,” Mocksville coach Mike Lovelace said. "We hit a lot of fly balls and Mocksville Baseball Stats Record: 14-15 AVG. AB R H 2B 3U UR RBI BB SB Joss Cartner .667 6 ' 2 4 1 0 0 4 2 0 Hcman Bautista .500 10 2 5 0 0 1 4 0 0 Bryan King .429 7 2 3 0 ,0 0 '3 1 0 Ryan Carter .381 21 2 8 3 0 1 4 0 0 Clint Howell .357 28 7 10 2 0 1 6 4 1 Seth Miller .355 93 21 33 4 0 7 32 14 1 Corey Norman .350 40 8 14 3 0 1 8 5 1 Justin Kidd .336 107 12 36 6 0 1 18 6 0 Chris Kinard ,308 107 21 33 11 0 3 21 16 1 Matt Leonard .297 74 17 22 2 0 0 4 14 4 Jacob Vemon .294 17 .2 5 0 0 0 3 3 1 Heath Boyd .282 110 31 31 3 0 0 10 20 7 Colby Seaford .268 56 11 15 0 0 0 8 12 3 Brandon Stewart .242 95 17 23 4 0 2 19 13 1 Zeb Cope ,240 50 10 12 2 0 0 5 11 ,1 Garrett Benge .228 57 10 13 2 1 0 7 9 1 Zack Russell-Myers .227 66 9 15 2 0 5 11 9 1 Derrick Wlshon .154 13 3 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 Tyler Howord .118 17 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 Jak'e Koomz .000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS .292 978 189 286 46 1 .22 169 142 23 W-L ERA G GS CG SH SV IP H R ER BB s o Garrett Bengo 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 2 5 Bryan King 2-0 1.69 12 1 0 0 0 32 24 10 6 10 14 Corey Norman 2-4 3.86 9 6 1 0 0 441/3 45 26 19 14 42 Clint Howell 1-0 4.70 8 0 0 0 2 15 1/3 12 11 8 7 22 Jake Koontz 5-2 5.00 9 7 1 I 0 45 39 28 25 17 28 Tyler Howard 0-1 5.40 5 1 0 0 0 15 15 13 9 9 15 ZockR-Myers 3-4 5.75 8 6 0 0 1 40 2/3 46 29 26 19 39 Justin Kidd Ö-2 7.27 6 0 0 0 1 8 2/3 12 10 7 6 17 Ryan Carter 0-2 ■7.31 9 6 0 0 0 32 42 31 26 22 32 Brandon Stewart 0-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 TOTALS 14-15 4.90 2 1 4 237.238 162 129 107 214 just couldn't get that big hit. We hit some balls hard. Brown wasn’t throwing 81 miles per hour. But he was spotting his fastball well. We just didn't hit it well." M ocksvillc hud ample chances to rattle Brown, but it found ways to stiuelch its own momentum. "We had sccond and third and no outs and only scratchcd one run," Lovelace said. "We had bases loaded and one out and didn’t scratch but one run. We had Brown on the ropes." Mocksville’s Seth Miller wont 2 for 4, raising his averngo to ,376 and making him 16 for 31 over nine games. Justin Kidd, a former West Rowan High main- ■stay Who knows Rowan well, went 3 for 4, raising his average to .354. Clint Howell doubled as u pinch-hitter, making him 9 for 23 (.391) on the year. G a m e 2 . . . Conllnucd From Pugc Itl "(Snyder) told me just lo calm down because I was a little ner­ vous out there,” Simpson told the Salisbury Post. “It just took a little while to get used to that mound." Rowan coach Jim Oantt pulled Simpson after a Seth Miller single put runners at the comers with two outs in the sixth. Thnl's when Russell-Myers flew out to deep right. “With his age, we just didn’t want to leave (Simpson) out there and let tho wheels fall off, bo- causb he had done such a good job,” Gantt said. Besides one pitch to Miclat, who accounted for the game's only extra-base hit, Mocksville pitcher Corey Norman was ex­ ceptional. He struck out seven and walked two in eight innings. The problem was he didn’t got any help from his offense, and he was just a tad outweighed by five Rowan pitchers. Rowan had six hits, Mocksville four. Norman was razor sharp for G a m e s . . . Continued From Page B1 had not batted in five games, dat­ ing to an 11-0 win over Stanly County. He had left the team for personal reasons. Clint Howell hit .357 by going 10 for 28. • King, who held Rowan to one run on four hits over six in­ nings in Game Three, was superb in three relief appearances in as many days. His ERA in nine in­ nings was 1.00. For the year, he went 2-0 with a 1,69 ERA, He had 11 relief appearances and one start. • Koontz was outstanding ex­ cept .when he faced Rowan. When not facing Rowan, he was 5-0 with a 2.63 ERA. In two los'ses to Rowan, he had a 29.25 ERA in four innings. • Russell-Myers only hit ,227, but he was a different player down the stretch. He was 9 for 47 (.191) through 22 games. Warmed up, he went 6 for 19 (.316) in the last seven games. • Mocksville simply doesn’t know how to beat Rowan. U is winless in 12 playoff series, los­ ing 43 of 4? games. • Mocksville limped home in the first round for the fourth straight year. It lost three games to one to Lexington in 2005,3-1 But outside of M iller and Kidd, the rest of the Mocksville attack went 5 for 29. Rowan’s pitchers shut down Matt Leonard and Zeb Cope, who came in riding high. Leonard was 5 for 6 in the la.st two games, and Cope was 5 for 9 in the last four, Roland, Miclat and Holmes put together consecutive singles to put Mocksville starter Zack Russell-Myers in a 2-0 hole in the first. Russell-Myers, who had pitchcd for the Southern Division in the all-stor game against the Northern Division two days cur­ lier, took the loss while going six innings. He wasn't bad while scattering 11 hits. Lovelace just gave crcdit to Rowan. "For all of our pitchers or any­ one around, it's hard to hold this Rowan team under double-figure hits," he said. "You’re just going to have to outscore them. If we only give up six runs, we ought the second straight time. His complete-game work against Concord was overshadowed by a 4-3 defeat. His ERA against Concord and Rowan was 2.25. Against Rowan he chopped his ERA from 4.46 to 3.86, giving' him the team’s best ERA among guys who are averoging an in­ ning per game played. But his record fell to a hard-luck 2-4. M ocksville coach Mike Lovelace bemoaned tho wasted pitching. “We’ve gotten two great pitching performances against a groat-hilling team,” he said. “It’s disappointing to waste two great efforts. I thought this was going to be a slugfest scries. I guess anything can happen. T hai’s baseball.” Seth Miller, Russell-Myers, Clint Howell and Leonard had M ocksville’s four hits. After teaming up to go 5 for9 in Game Ono, Miller and Justin Kidd went I for 8,'Chris Kinard, who struck out four times and threw his bat in disgitst in Game One, Was to Rowan in 2006 and 3-2 to Concord in 2007. Its record in first-round games the last four years is a brutal 4-12. The last time it advanced was in 2004, when it swept Concord 3-0. The standouts back then were West Forsyth's Dan Poindexter, Jess Maloney, Cody Crotls, Wesley Douglas and Nick Siega-Riz and Davie’s Foo Smith and John McDaniel. Of course, Mocks­ ville doesn’t draw from West Forsyth anymore. • • Mocksville’s winning tradi­ tion took a hit. At 14-15, it fin­ ished with the fewest wins in nine years. This is the first los­ ing season in six years, dating to 16-17 In ‘02, And this is only the fifth losing season In the 27-year histoiy. • On a positive note. King’s 1.69 ERA made history. Among to win every game. I thought Zack threw well. We just let Brown off the hook.” Notes: Bryan King's ninth relief appearance was a good one. He gave up one hit in two scoreless innings. He dropped his ERA to 1.80. Rowan County 6, Mocksvillc 3 Mock Norman If Boyd ss Kirnird c ' Hownrd c Miller dll Kidd lb Slewnit tf Lconnrd cf Cope 2b Howell pli Senford 3b Tolab ab r h bl 4 0 1 1 5 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 0 1 0 37 3 10 3 Mocksville Kownn Co.r 010 too OOt-3 202 o n OOx-6 2B - Howell (2). Mock IP II R ER BB SO R-M yerj,L6 II 6 6 1 2 King 2 1 0 0 0 1 benched for Ihe start of Game T\vo. Tyier Howard put on the catchcr’s equipment and batted once before Kinard took oyer. Notes: Bryan King pitched a perfect ninth for Mocksville, marking his third consecutive relief appearance in which he didn'tallow arun.... Rowan won a I -0 game for tho first lime since 1996.... Norman wiggled out of a bases-loaded, one-out jam in the first. Rowun County 1, Mocksvillc 0 Muck Boyd SJ Slcwart rf Miller dh Kidd lb Russell-Myers Howell If Leonard cf Senford 2b Howard c Kinard c Totals Rowan Co. Mocksvillc Mock IP Norman, L 8 King 1 pitchers who averaged one in­ ning per game played, it ranks sccond all time behind Jon David Crider's l.lO in ‘94. Rowan County 5, Mocksville 2 ab r h bl 3 0 0 0 2 0 '0 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 3b 4 0 I 0 4 0 , 1 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 29 0 4 0 001 000 000-1 000 000 000 - 0 ' II R ER BB so 6 1 1 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 Mock ttb r h bl Norman If 3 1 2 1 Boyd ss ■ 3 0 1 0 Kinard c 4 0 1 0 Miller dh 4 0 0 0 Russell-Myers 3b 4 1 2 1 Kidd lb 4 0 1 0 Slewart rf 3 0 0 0 Leonard cf 2 0 0 0 Carier If 2 0 1 0 Cope 2b 1 0 0 0 Seaford 2b 1 0 0 0 Howell ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 8 2 Mocksville 000 001 •100 -2 Rowan Co. 130 COO 10*.-5 HR - Norman, Russell-Myers (5). Mock IP H R ER BB SO Koonfi, L 2 5 4 4 2 0 King 6 4 1 1 2 2 Corey Norman pitched his tali off In a 1-0 loss. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - BS l-listoric [\/locl(Svllle Criterium July 2 9 ,2 0 0 8 r ;I 3 i' ‘ T h e N a s c a r o f B i k e R a c e s " Jo in Un№etl W ay & vario us bike , ..j fo r a ll the fu n a n d e k cite m e nt o f l^ a s c a K y i b u t Oh b ic y c le s!! Im a g in e b ik e s sp e e d in g $ ro u n d a h a lf m ile co urse in b e a u tifu l ■ dow ntow n M ocksville a t 35 m p h ! C ycling te a m s from a ll o ver th e n a tio n . c o h ie to N orth C aro lin a fo r th is se rie s o f y. ta c e ^ every y e a r! E a c h d a y to th e w eek a differe nt city h o sts a d a y o f rac in g \ , I c a llé d a criterium . pTaylorsvllle - Friday Concord - Wednesday f VLenoIr - Saturday Salisbury - Thursday I' Morganton - Sunday Statesville - Friday (: NO' RACING > Monday Harrisburg - Saturday ^. Mocksville - Tuesday Wlnston-Salen^fuf ” " IG M u s i c , g a m e s , k i d s c o r n e r , f o o d . . . e v e n t r i k e r a c e s ! F R E E f u n f o r t h e w h o l e f a m i l y . S c h e d u l e o f E v e n t s 6:15 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 9:35 p.m, 8:45 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Race 1 - Amateurs - Category 4/5 race (30 minutes) Kids Races Open Teen Trike Races Race 2 - Masters Race (40 minutes) Nonprofit Agency Executives Trike Race Fire / Rescue & Police Trike Race Race 3 - Intermediate - Category 2/3 race (45 minutes) County Officials Trike Race Open Adults Trike Race Professional Race (60 minutes) Racing Ends nii?--'- é i : special Thariks to Our Sponsors: r*'Fast Facts: Fourth day of a nine day festival of speed \ ' Racing held in five categories ' , Racing begins at 6:15 pm , , Vz rnile course Held in Downtown Mocksville . Start I Finish Line on Main Street Kids races held at 6:45 pm Net proceeds will STAY here Family Area Sponsors T - Shirt Sponsors i will benefit Davie County UhiteciJ ]n;Qur.countjf , '< Family Fun: . ' ‘ Children’s games & activities proyld^d] - „. local non-profit organizations ^.. .' |v;. ■■ pytt-putt; Face Paltillng; ' ' ^ ' V J Horn’s Express IVIonster Energy Bayada Nurses Don Bowles, CPA Johnson Insurance Richard Childress Racing i\/lission Sign Sponsors: BB&T Davie Chamber of Commerce Corvin Chiropractic Ellis Auto Auction Fuller Architecture Tutterow Surveying Trailers of the East Coast Wal-Mart Super Center Additional Thanks: U n ite d W ay f V " T h e D a v i e C o u n t y E n t e r p r i s e R e c o r d i s p r o u d t o Criterium Committee Cornatzer Dulin Fire Dept. Davie County Boy Scouts Davie County Rescue Squad Historic Mocksviiie Mc<rctiants Julia Howard , Mocksville Fire Dept. Republic Waste Service Town of Mocksville www.crossroadscyclingclassic.com s u p p o r t t h e H i s t o r i c M o c k s v i l l e C r i t e r i u m -----------------------. -'ч ' i'"- ' i.-- V v v - v V í > -V. '■ B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Shelfòn Howard gets In a rundown against Western Forsyth. Alex Newman bats for the Mocksville Junior Legion.Look at Jess Gartner stretch at first.- P h o to s by J a m e s B a rrin g e r Berryhill, Cartner Star In First-Round Sweep Fora most-viiliiable pluyer in Ihe Mocksville Junior Legion baseball team’s 2-0 sweep over Westem Forsyth in the first round of the playoffs, take your pick between slugger Jess Cartner and pitcher Josh Berryhill. Cartner went 2-3 with a walk in a 7-3 win in Qumc One at Mnndo Field, and he went 2-3 with two runs in a 7-6 win in Game TXvo at West Forsyth High. While Cartner continued to kill the ball, Berryhill was money on the mound in both games. He inherited u jam in both games, and both times he earned a save. "Cartner is expected to hit the ball," coach Charles Kurfees said after seventh-seeded Mocksville advanced to take on No. 2 Randolph County. “Maybe that puts pressure on him, but he has to get it done. If we're going to win, he’s got to hit.” In Game One, Berryhill re- Coach Charles Kurfees has a chat with Shelton Howard. lieved Bret Peterson with the bases loaded and the tying run at the plate. He only needed two pitches, coaxing a comebacker to the mound to preserve the 7-3 win. Berryhill had a perfect encore in Game Two. Runners were at the comers with one mn and the score 7-6. He retired two straight batters to nail down a 2-0 series sweep, a 3-0 season sweep and a 10th straight win for Mocksville. “Berryhill has been Mr. Reli­ able all year,” Kurfees said. “He has started well, and he has come in and done well. He's done ev­ erything we’ve asked him to do on the mound. I’m real pleased with his season.” Mocksville built leads of 4-0 and 7-1 in Game One. The lead­ ing hitters were Zach Long (2 for 2, walk, double, RBI), Jacob Barber (2-3, two RBIs, sac bunt) and Cartner (2-3, walk). They got help from Peterson (triple), Alex Newman (1-3, walk) and Joe Watson (1-2, walk). Peterson, the starting pitcher, was strong for .six innings. Al­ though he walked six, including four in the seventh, he offset that by holding Westem to five hits. “He got a little tired in the sev­ enth,” Kurfees said. “If Peterson keeps his composure on the mound, he can be effective. If he doesn’t get u cnil, he can't let it bother him. Sometimes when something doesn't go his way, he takes it to the mound with him. He’s got to leam he’s not going to get every call. But he’s done well. 1 can’t complain too much." There were three defining moments for Peterson and his defense. Brad Gaither raced back to make a catch at the warning track in the sccond, protecting Mocksviile’s 3-0 lead. Shortstop Alex Newman dove to his left and started a beautiful 6-4-3 double play with the score still 3-0 in the third. Mocksville .was lending 4-1 in the fifth, but West­ ern had runners at second and third with one out. Peterson re­ sponded by striking out two. “We switched Gaither from right field to left field,” Kurfees said. “We switched him to left to keep his bat in the lineup. He's not used to playing left, but he looked good out there. “Newman has really pleased us at short. He started off play­ ing center field. We had some guys leave and go on trips, and he stepped in and has done a tre- J r . L e g i o n . . . Continued From Page Bl coached. I have a lot of respect for their program. Our guys came ready to play. We just didn’t hit the baseball. We struggled with them both times in the regular season. They were just a better team. I hate it for these guys who dedicated their whole summer to this.” Notes • Randolph's coach offered kind words to Mocksville in thé aftermath of Game Two. “They said when they started their Jun- ior progrom they wanted to model it after our Junior pro­ gram ,” Kurfees said. “That makes you feel pretty good, be­ cause Asheboro is a great base­ ball town. A lot of great players have come out of Asheboro. For them to say that about cur Junior program makes you feel good about what we've done.'' • kurfees was disappointed about falling well short of the 2006-07 standards (30 and 35 wins, respectively), but he was proud of the effort. “I’m really S p e c i a l s o £ t h e W e e k Lance Honeybuns Limit 4 While Supplies Last P H O T O S P E C I A L FR EE C D w/35 mm processing One IVeeic Only l'(»r u rt ai ii)C (iriiinlion on. d rills 1.Ч; lie a llli prohk'in.s, цо to u\v\>.ro.stt'f(lrii)4i-o.i(»m Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Suri 1:30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 4 9 5 V a l l e y R o a d • M o c k s v i l l e • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 www.fosterdrugco.com u a «:e h n л «л 1к н 'г (iN itiu tA u i: i i k i n k i n u S ^à U M m Ê m PreMiited by: W X L V -rv mendous job. We’d be crazy to take him off that spot and put him back in the outfield.'’ In Ihe first inning of Game Two, Shelton Howard's two-run double staked Mocksville to a quick lead, Mocksville broke a 4-4 tie with three runs in the fourth. The surge wus keyed by doubles from Cartner and Long. Long's start on Ihe mound was short-lived, exiling in the first with a sore arm. Watson and Carson Hemdon worked in relief until Kurfees summoped Berryhill with Western lltrealen- ing in the seventh.- proud of Ihe way Brandon Meade came in and played,” he said. “Joe Watson really showed out. He's got a great baseball future. Alex Newman and Jacob Barber do, loo. Shelton Howard came on' and was one of the belter defen­ sive players we had. Zach Long was disappointed. He wanted to gel one of those (state-champi- onship) rings. It just didn't hap­ pen.” • Kurfees said it's especially gratifying to coach a guy like Dillon Byerly, who was the con­ summate team player. “I don’t think he missed a practice or a game,” he said. "He became our DH at the end of the year. He was a utility guy in the outfield, and he caught some when Barber pitched. He gives it all he’s got.” • Mocksville had been held to one run just once all year (3-1 loss to Mooresville). CAR^CRUSHINGl Pilis lili' NASCAR RiiciiiK lui Ulti Moiltlivd. S{Kiitsiii4ii,Slitt'i Stu<.k, Ulti St.ìiliuiii StiM к |)1У1к101|> лпс1 a 1 0 9 CI-PuH lt DEMOLITION DERBY/ I2ind0l(i#r«t10 Ab»» e ihrough 11 • $1 ChUdrtn und«r e • FRCEt PLENmOFjrnEt'PARKINC ' www,BowmanGrayRaclng.con^ . 336-723-Í8Í9 pTouciiiessorr I Brush Wash f ^ M o c k s v il l e c. A u t o P r id e ' q C a r IK a s h :: N. Yadklnvllla Rd. _ , Mocksville ™ (across from Lowes Home f y ImprovemenI) / DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .fuly 17,2008 - B7Long Named New Football Coach At South In the,one year they’ve spent together at South Davie Middle School, Perry Long, ihe Tigers new football coach, has made quite an impression on athletic director Bobby Byerly. “He’s a class act,” said By­ erly, who is entering his second year at South. “He will be suc­ cessful, no matter what, because of the type of person he is. He has a great rapport with kids and they respect Ijim.” Brent Wall resigned after serving as head football coach for one year in 2007. His one year couldn’t have gone much better, a 7-1 record and a co­ championship with Lexington in the Davie-Davldson Confer­ ence. But Wall’s son. Cooper, will start playing football this fall, and he wants to spend his evenings watching Cooper at practice. Wall will remain the South boys basketball coach. Long has been at South six years. He was an assistant wres­ tling coach for two years under Howard Riddle. He took over the wrestling program in 2004, and he has carved out a strong 40-11 record iti four years, in­ cluding 13-2 in 2007-08. Long assisted Wall in football last year, ■ Long is one of the nicest guys' you could ever want to meet, and Byerly is confident he can handle the head job in football. Byerly knows he will preach character. Long is dedicated. passionate and has the work ethic that u football season re­ quires. How dedicated is Long to South Davie? Last year he went straight from wrestling into baseball, assisting Bydrly on Ihe diamond. This year he is set to coach football, wrestling and 'baseball, although'he may give up baseball assistant because that would be an awfully big load on anybody. “He’s one of those that’s will­ ing to learn,” Byerly said. “He was at my house today, as a mat­ ter of fact, talking about what he needs to do and who he needs to talk to. He has an enormous work ethic; Anything that needs to be done at the school, he's there. He's u di.sciplinarian. He’s going to expect the kids to do right on the field as well us in the class room. 'V’ou always here that clirhe that a team is a re­ flection of the coach. You can look at the wrestling teams he's had and see that. He's real pas­ sionate and energetic in the wrestling room, and I think you're going to see the same type of atmosphere with his football players.” Long has already starting working out his players, meet: ing Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Davie High weight room. The workouts started June 27 and will continue through Aug. 18, the first day of practice. Chris Sponaugle (30), Justin Thompson (20), Matt Oswell (24) and Tanis Jeffries (90) sandwich Daryl Vereen. N o . 8 . . . Continucil From I'nge Bl play at the Davie 3 with 1:45 to go. The score was 14-9. One yard wus usually automatic for the shifty and powerful Vereen, and he looked for the yard behind right tackle. But outside linebacker Justin Thompson and safety Matt Oswell smacked Vereen behind the line, and a jubilant end was six plays uway. “Unbelievable,” Davie defensive coordinator Devore Holman said. Davie's rabid fans watched the War Eagles' offense go from dominating to self- destructing, then watched the defense somehow hold off Vereen with its backs against the wall. The War Eagles dashed 69 yards on their first possession. They mov^d 5 1 yards on their fourth series for a 14-0 lead. Junior quarterback Garrett Benge was picking North’s defense »part, hitting Josh Eder for 22 yards, Chris Kinard for 15, Heath Boyd for 17 and Kinard again for.15, this time on a perfect throw to the end zone. Benge was putting his uncanny accuracy on display, going 9 of 12 for 111 yards in ., the first half. Three North DBs came in with 18 interceptions between them. They had no interceptions against Benge. “We were hitting their weak spots,” Benge said. Davie’s offense was staggering with seven minutes to go. You could feel the 14-9 lead slipping away. Then Kinard did something you can not teach on third-and-l 1 at the Davie 15. He caught an out route and crossed the first- down marker by hurdling a defender. "He knew we needed a first down, and he laid it on the line,” llling .said. "He’s got a lot of savvy.” After abusing three previ­ ous opponents for 323, 270 and 228 yards, Vereen went into halftime with 35 yards on 11 tries. North’s offense looked bewildered as five first- half possessions resulted in five punts. But in the second half, Davie's offense slumped to two first downs and 18 yards. “Fortunately our defense held in there,” llling said. North lined up for a field goal with the score 14-0. But Tommy Irvin ran a fake and was tripped up for a 2-yard loss by sophomore outside linebacker Chris Sponaugle. But on North’s next offensive snap, Vereen got to the corner . and ripped off 49 yards, or 4 more than he had on 14 earlier carries. “You knew it was going to happen sooner or later,” llling said. Seven seconds into the fourth, North QB Bobby ■ Murray found his favorite receiver. Josh Yost, in the back of the end zone. The 10-yard score chopped Davie’s lead to 14-7. Less than a minute after Yost’s TD, Benge bounced a swing pass. Kenneth Brown fell on it in the end zone. Officials ruled it a lateral instead of an incompletion, and the safety cut Davie’s lead, to 14-9. Davie’s sideline seethed at the call. “They said we threw it behiitd the line," llling said. ,“lh the shotgun that’s hard to do.” The final six minutes overflowed with drama and craziness. A Murray incomple- tion was erased by pass interference. So instead of third-and-l2, it was first down at the Davie 27. Three plays later, another pass interference saved the Vikings from a fourth-and-7 dilemma and gave them first down at the 12. Davie was fuming at the second interference. When Yost made a 6-yard reception on third-and-7. North had the fateful fourth- and-1 at the 3. A timeout stopped play. “During the timeout I told them; ’Guys, one time. One time let’s bow our necks. Just one time let’s bow our necks,”’ Holman said. “By gosh they bowed their dadgone necks.” Vereen tried the right side, tried to send Davie to the brink of defeat. But Thompson, and then Oswell, cracked the runaway truck for a loss. “I had a feeling that was coming to my side,” Thomp­ son said. “Tliey'd been going there all night. I was there and I hit him low,” “Thompson came off the end unblocked, made a stick and No, 22 went down,” llling said. “He had ho cutback lane or anything. That’s the kind of player Thompson is.” Huggins soaked in the moment.' “I’ll never forget that,” he said, "They would have had four more tries to get in with really no time on the clock. JT and Oswell made the hit and stopped him.” As Padgett hung his head outside a somber locker room, he said! "We missed one block. If we would have gotten that seal... I credit their linebacker for that, (Thompson) mude a great play,” Amazingly, the game was not over. In a finish that was about as crazy as it gets, the clock mysteriously stopped when Davie could have milked the remaining time. So punter Thompson took an intentional safety with 13 seconds left, making it 14-11 but giving sophomore Michael Rowe a free kick al the Davie 20. Rowe’s kick went straight to - you guessed it - Vereen, and anxiety struck the Davie crowd as Vereen broke into the clear. He was one man from going all the way, Davie’s only hope, Rowe, saved the season by upending.Vereen at the Davie 25, North had a chance to force overtime, but kicker Eddie Parker missed a 42-y»rd field goal as the horn sounded, “What a stop,” llling said of Rovve, “In the huddle we said we didn’t want to kick it to Vereen. We wanted to squib it away from him. It scared me to death. Inexperience showed right there; but Rowe stepped up and made the tackle." Rowe replayed Vereen’s return. “I saw him coming around the corner, and I wasn't going to let him get past me," he said. “I was going to do whatever I could to not let him get, in the end zone.” GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9X48 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Long wus ecstutic to get the job. “I um reul excited,” he said. “I'm happy to have this oppor­ tunity. I’ve hud opportunities to do other things, but I love South Davie and I love the sports in Davie County. Being able to com municate with kids and coach kids is what I've always wanted to do." ' Long was a standout football player for Sun Valley High in the early 1990s. The fullback/line­ backer moved from JV to var­ sity midway through his fresh­ man season. "I have always loved foot­ ball,” he said. “I started playing football before I even knew any­ thing about wrestling.”Perry Long Notre Dame Loses A Comer; McNeil’s PT Could Increase In late June, Notre Dame corncrback Raeshon McNeil said his couches told him during spring practice to be ready for significant playing time as a jun­ ior. M cNeil, a 2006 Davie graduate from Cooleem ee, said; “Couch (Churiie) Weis und coach (Corwin) Brown (defensive co­ ordinator/defensive backs coach) said I was pretty much play­ ing at the same level as the two (projected) starters. They told me to start thinking and getting my mindset that I was going to be a starter and play like I was going to be a starter. I can't wait to get those chances, make plays out there and really become a factor on the defense," McNeil’s optimism came be­ fore last week’s news that Darrin W alls, a returning starter ut McNcll comerback, will not play for the Irish in 2008, Walls will take the fall semester off for ppi^onal rèa- i ifiqns and reliiVh hoAie 'to Pittsburgh follow­ ing the end of sum­ mer school, the Asso­ ciated Press reported. Now with Walls out of the picture, McNeil’s chances for playing time have in­ creased considerably. Weis told die AP; “Fortuna tel y comerback is u posi­ tion of strengdt on our team, und this will provide opportunities for increased playing, time for our (other) comets.” The only three comers men­ tioned in the story were Temiil Lambert, « fifth-year senior; McNeil, who played in 11 of 12 games last year; and sophomore Gary Gray, who missed the en­ tire ‘07 season after undergoing shoulder surgery. Bart Reccc O l d S c h o o l D a v ie S p o r ts F r o m J u ly , 1 9 8 2 • The AA Dodgers won the Davie County Little League cham pionship with a 15-4 record. Team members were Joey Prater, David Baity, Robert Ligon, Bryant Nichols, Bleu Reavis, Brian Dyson, Clark Rog­ ers, Shane Dyson, Greg Mar­ shall, Brian Speer, Craig Reavis, Kris Potts and Clark Gobble. Coachea were Lurry Cornelison and Gary Marshall. • The AA Phillies of the Pine- brook Little League claimed the regular season and tournament, winning 13 of 14. Team mem­ bers; Matt McKnight, Vincent M yers, Chip Young, David Abeyta, Will Blackburn, Kenny Stroud, Steven Cline, Alex Nail, Matt Moore, Ken McDaniel, Rodney Cline and Phillip Carter. The coaches were Gerald Cline, Jim Nail and Lurry McDaniel. • Davie's ace, Bart Reece, outdueled South Rowan’s pitcher to win 2-0 in a Carolina Stan Musial League game at South. Reece kept South’s hitters off. stride all game by using an as­ sortment of sliders', knucklers and changeups. The difference in the game was a two-run home run by Harold Latham. Jeff Brown was aboard after a single. • Mocksviile's baseball team ousted $tatesville four games to two to advancb in the playoffs in its first American Legion season since the 1960s. In game five. Jeff Burton buried a three-hitter for a 1-0 win. In game six, when Mocksville exploded for 18 runs and 18 hits, pitcher Dan Riddle' scattered nine hits and went the distance. Riddle added five hits and three .kBIs. Barry Whitlock had three hits and four RBIs. Randy Taylor hit nn inside-the- park home run. Mocksville lost 4-3 ut Rowan County in game one of the South­ ern Division finals. Mocksville battled a future Tar Heel in pitcher Tim Kirk, It got 11 hits off the crafty lefthander, but Kirk countered by stranding 11 run­ ners. Pitcher Burton was ejected in the fifth inning after protesting a controversial balk, J,J, Johnson was efiective in relief. Allis Concrete Construction Specializing in Barn Floors, Driveways, Sidewalks and Manhole Rehabilitation Honest, Quality Workmanship and Competitive Prices Confined Space Certified • Fully Insured-» Free Estimates H 21 Years Experience (336) 940<2468. ■/'•!. ..'.-V ч* . Л V . i, -,v.^V ■'••• V. V 4 - С - « ..V -V -i. В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 A U T O C E N T E R I C lia w y ш а ж а г 1 7 0 5 U S H W Y 6 0 1 N . * M O C K S V I U I ^ H O U R S : M -F 8:3 0 A -7 P SAT. 9 A -6 P C L O S E D S U N D A Y 2WD, 4-Dr., I I V6, Auto #C4404B aooa C h e w y Astro aoos Toyota ceiica от 3-Dr.V6, ; LIftback, Low Miles, 2-Dr., Mlnivan I DOdflO N e o n tX T 'ЙЙТ, 4-CyL, Fuel Efficient i H onda ile m e n t i x з о о в n o r d n i s o S T X 4-Cyl, 2.4LVTEC t Supsrcab, V8, Bed- </P4106B > ^$ 1 0 ,9 9 0 /fP4207 ffP4134A »P4057A ^^$ 1 3 ^9 9 0 ifP4201 И ^ 9 9 0 P4140A C4898A P4161A P4144A P4211 P4237A Р42Б4 P4285 ' T4710A T47B0B P4012 P4280. ■ .■Й P4227 P4177 P4304 2002 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER.. 2002 TOYOTA OAMBY XLE......................... 2004 FORD EXPLORER... ,...V8, BUCK.. 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE U R E D O . 2007 MERCURY GRAND MAROUIS O S.... 2005 SATURN L300........................................ 2006 MAZDA 3! TOURING.... 2007 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER TOURING... 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING LIMITED CONVERTIBLE.... 2006 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING CONVERTIBLE. ..$10,990 .........................4-CYL, SILVER...................$10,990 .........V6 4.0L FLEX FUEL, RED...................$12,990 ..........................0-CYL, GOLD...................$12,990 ....V8 4.6L FLEX FUEL, SILVER...................$12,990 ...............V6 3.0 LITER, SILVER...................$12,990 .. 4-CYL 2.0 LITER, WHITE...................$13,990 4-CYL. 2.4 LITER, RED...................$14,990 V6, GOLD...................$14,990 V6,’WHITE...................$14,990 2007 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING........ 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA QLS........................ 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE U R E D O .. 2006 JEEP LIBERTY.....................................V6 3.7 LITER, BRILLIANT BLACK...................$14,990 2004 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE QT SPYDER CONVERTIBLE........V6,WHITE...................$14,990 ......4-CYL 2.4 LITER, WHITE....................$14,990 ........4-CYL 2.4 LITER, BLUE...................$14,990 ... Ve 3.7 LITER, SILVER..................$14,990 P4178 P4234 P4230 Р42аэ P4167 P4263 Р42в5 P4218 P4309 T4266A/P4274A P4303 P4204 Р420в P423B T4729A 2007 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT............V6 3.BL SUPERCHARGED, SILVER..................'.$14,990 2007 JEEP LIBERTY............ 2003 JEEP WRANGLER................................ 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA LIMITED............. 2003 MERCEDES-BENZ C240 4MATIC.... 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY U . 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY U , 2007 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED.................... 2007 HONDA ACCORD SE....... 2007 JEEP COMMANDER.. 2008 MAZDA 31 TOURING.. 2008 MAZDA 61 GRAND TOURING. 2008 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA S ......... ,VB 3.7 LITER, BLUE...................$15,990 e-CYL 4.0 LITER, TAN...................$15,990 ve 3.3 LITER, SILVER...................$18,990 V6 2.6 LITER, SILVER...................$18,990 ...ve 3.3 LITER, BLUE...................$17,990 ,Ve 3.3 LITER, GREEN...................$17,990 ve 3.0 LITER, SILVER...................$17,990 ,4-CYL 2.4L VTEC, BLACK...................$17,990 V6 3.7 LITER, SILVER....2 TO CHOOSE AT $17,990 4-CYL. 2.0 LITER, SILVER...................$17,990 4-CYL 2.3 LITER, SILVER...................$17,990 ..5-CYL. 2.5 LITER, CHARCOAL...................$17,990 2007 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING.........................Ve 4,0 LITER, GOLD...................$18,990 2008 DODGE AVENGER SXT..........................................V6 2.7 LITER, GRAY....................$18,990 PIUST TAX, TAG S379 DOC FEE. VEHICLES SUtJEH TO PRIOR SALE. SALE ENDS FIVE DAYS FROM PUBLICATION (D200S THE KIHli PARTNERSHIP «lust for stopping by! O il, L u b e ! & F i l t e r ; S e r v i c e I U p t à 5 q u a r t s o f o i l I D i e s e l O il, L u b e & F i l t e r S e r v i c e W E H O N O R A L L F R E I F A C T O R Y O IL C H A N G E C O U P O N S F R O M A N Y C H R Y S L E R , D O D G E O R J E E P D E A L E R ! в б м г д л з » 680 PEtERS CREEK PARKWAY • WINSTON-SALEM Ollori tannol be used In (on|unclli>n wilh olhor spodal oflors. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - Cl Julia Vaughn-Jones shows off a pan of country ham biscuits, MmmmmGood G i r l s L e a r n T o M a k e B i s c u i t s L i k e M s . L i i i i e ” Katie Miller and Sara Miller fill their biscuits with country ham.- Photos by Mike Bernhardt Katie IVIIIIer taKes a bite out of a warm, fresh biscuit. Juiia. Howard watches her granddaughter practice her new bal<lng skills. Julia Vaughn-Joncs likes slapping dough. But It's not just any dough. It’s the flour and shortening and other ingredients that Lillie Mabe uses to make her Tnmous biscuits. The slap­ ping gets the air bubbles out of the dough before baking. Recently, Mabe, of M ocksville, taught her biscuit making skills to u few girls. "Every young’un needs to know (his ... and they’ll never go hungry," Mabe said, in between frying country hum and checking biscuits in the oven. Making biscuits whh Lillie in her kitchen can be fun, too. "I learned that making biscuits is fun,” Julia, 8, said. “Slappin' them is fun, and getting your hands all dirty." Sara Miller, 9, said she had no idea how to make a biscuit before spending the morning with Lillie Mabe. "1 like to get in the dough and stick it In the I pan,” she said. ‘ Mabe considers every cKlId one of licr own. Her most recent hobby was restoring old sewing, ^achlncs, and leaching young piojrte,;|ibyy ,<<? sew. Her biscuits became'fiimous when the Davie Family YMCA was being built. She made and sold thousands to help pay for the cost. But biscuit making didn't come natu­ rally. She, too, had to learn. “The first biscuit 1 made, you could throw It and knock a dog out and not even break the biscuit," she said. "Roscoe (her late husband) said, ‘You've got to do better than that’.” And she did. And she docs. She encouraged the girls to sell the biscuits they made that morning, and donate the money to a needy cause. Julia Howard, Julia Vaughn-Jones and Sara Miller learn from the master - Lillie Mabe. Lillie Mabe shares a smile with Sara Miller, Jennifer Slogick, Katie Miller and Julia Vaughn-Jones. {The best part about the morning biscult-making clafes Is, of course, the tasting part - V -л**-' C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Goin-Cave Couple United In Marpage June 7 Rachel Ann,Goin und Justin Robert Cave, both of Moclcsville, were united in mar- ri'A^t hi i p'ni. June 7 at Yadkin Vailej^Dajitist Church. Pastor Ronnie Craddock officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mark and Debora Coin of State Road. She is the granddaughter of Shirley Dixon and the late Johii Dixon of Boonville, arid Rachel Shore of Lewisville and Mt. and Mrs. Boyd Goin of Hamptonville. She is a graduate of Davie High School and is pursuing a degree in nursing ffem Mitchcll Community Col­ lege. She is employed by Davis Regional M edical Center in Statesville. The groom Is the son of Clinton and April Cave of Mocksville. He is the grandson of Jo Ann Smith and the late Jack Smith of Mocksville, and Marie Cave and the late Edward Cave of East Bend. Ho is a graduate of Davie High School and is employed by Altemtttlve Brands in Mocksville.,-I Escorted by ,her father, the bride chose her,sister, LuyUi 0. Payne of Statesville, as her ma­ tron of honor. Bridesmaids were Morgan Owens, Jessie Whitesides and Jaclyn Smith, all of Mocksville. The groom’s father was best man. Groomsmen were: Gary Bumgarner of Mocksville, Brent Tucker of Advance, and Evan Cave, brother of the groom of Mocksville. Courtney Price of Mocks­ villc was flower giri, and Ethan Lagle of Mocksville was the ring bearer. W edding m usic was pre­ sented by Stephanie Craddock. Jason Swisher was soloist, Jen-' nifer and Lee Bdmey, cousins of the groom, attended the register. The wedding was directed by Barbara Smith and Amanda Lagle. A reception was held in the fellowship hall after the cer­ emony. The groom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner on June 5 in . the church fellowship hall. • A bridal shower was given Saturday, April 19 by Kaye Call, Barbara Barney, cousin of the groom, Madeline Hire and Betty Moeller, aunts of the groom, at Bear Creek Baptist Church. • A bridal shower was given Saturday, May 17 in Statesville by the bride’s family.Mr. a n d M r s . J u s tin R o b e r t C a v e S a n d e r s - B o o e C o u p ie W e d i n O u td o o r C e r e m o n y Sarah Diana Sunders aiid MarH Steven B90C were married on,May 4 in i^n outdoor cer­ emony at Eaglemills Pond. The Rev. Eric Jones officiated. The bride is the daughter of Archie and Hnttie Sanders of Mocksville, The groom is the son of Vernon Booc and the late Ruth Booe of Mocksville, The bride wore a white chapel train dress with beaded sequins. The matron of honor wos A^undq EiU'ley.and the brides- mal(ls, \y,9re Lindsay Sanders, Kaeie Wilson, Lori Booe and Kristen Booe, The flower giris were Krista Prevette and Lydio Pilcher, The best man was Eric Brown and the groomsmen were Avery Mr. a n d M r s . M a ri< S te v e n B o o e Brown, Phillip Pilcher, Jonathon Pilcher and Jacob Stroud, The ring bearer wos Josh Pilcher, The wedding music was per- K f A K E R O O M F O R THE BEST!! 1 2 " S U B S W E S L IC E 'E M F R E S H ! C H O O SC F R O M ' - B L X M P IE B E S T ® - T U R K E Y - T H E C L U B - H A M a S W IS S E v a n s - H o o ts E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Paul und Christine Evuns of Advunce announce the engagement of their daughter, Amber Leigh Evans to Mulachi Lee Hoots, Ihe son of Phillip and Staria Hoots of Yadkinyille, , The bride-elect is a 2006 graduate of Davic High School and is enrolled in cosmetology cla.sses ul Dovidson County Community College. The groom-to-be is a 2007 gruduatc of NASCAR Technical In-" stitute ond is employed with Mercedes Benz. The couple has planned a small, intimate wedding Aug. 2 at Turn­ ers Creek Baptist Church in Yadkinville. formed by Heartland Karaoke of Mocksville. Wedding directors were Becky Pilcher and Judy Beeker, both from Mocksville. The cake was made by Judy Becker. The bride and groom had bal­ loons released in memory of the groom’s mother, Ruth Booc, and nephew, Craig Booe, and a close friend of Ihe bride, Mary Fields. Following the wedding, there was an outside barbecue chickcn reception dinner given by the bride’s brother, Dennis Booc, and sister-in-law, Janice Booe, of Ml. Ulla. The couple spent their Itoney- moon at Davis Island. The couple now resides in Mocksville. , •'i • ..1* 'B L IM P IE B E S T « P a c i< e tt- M a r tin E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e o Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B, Packett of Warsaw, Va, announce the fingogcment of their duughier. Carmen Rebekuh to Dustin A, Mar­ lin, the son of Mr, and Mrs. Gary L. Marlin of Mocksville. ' The bride-elect is the granddaughter of the Rev. and Mrs, Willard D. Bowen of Warsaw and the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis' H. Packell of Warsaw. She is a graduute of Ihe College of William ond Mary, where she received a bachelor’s degree in biology in 2003 and a master’s degree in biology in 2005. She is employed os an endangered spe­ cies listing biologist with the U.S. Fi.sh ond VVildlife Service in Ar­ lington, Va. Martin is Ihe grandson of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Tenery of Mocksville and Irene Martin and the late Paul Fletchcr Martin of Winston-Solem. He is a graduate of East Carolina University with a bachelor’s degree in biology and of Appalachian Stale University with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. He is employed as a law enforcement officer with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in War­ saw. An Oct. 11 wedding is planned al the Cobhum Park Baptist Cliurch ■ in Worsow. MAKE ZT A COMBO a v a i l a b l e a t P A R T IC IP A T IN G L O C A T IO N S F O R A L IM IT E D T IM E ONLY, CMtortiw iVoi« iM) mMi Ui. No< vtHO 111(4 itd«i/»rr«4l w tfjpl«,trd. I« «ч. c«»h Caifi • ScoHtd«!«, AÍ, iieik'uoi M Смр iivUçt iltiubfx]«!!««. 14.06Г4 F R E E P R O G R A M ------ Motor Vehicle Laws Relating to Fann Operations What You Need to Know to be “Street Legal" How much can I haul? What Drivers License do I need? What (ags should I hove? How far from homo can I go? Oe( up (0 date Information to keep you legal and avoid fines. Grain trucks, Cattle Trailers, Pickup Trucks, Semis, Farm Use, Commercial Use Co'Sponsored by: NC CooporatWo Extension & Oavie County Farm Bureau Date: Thursday, July 24.200S TImo; 7:00 PM, Refreshments 7;1S PM. Progiam begins- Location: Oavie County Public Library, 371 N. Main St., Mocksville Program to be presented by Troopers from the NC Stale Higt\way Patrol, Motor Carrier Enforcement Register by July 22 by calllng: NC Cooporatlve Extension: ЗЭ6-753-6100 or Davie County Farm Bureau: 336.761*8207 SpM'ti »ciew“ge*ie»t| »II ei m o.te' tn*ph,i<4iy4*1 (Л. or MM Г9 vMkrig рк««л ьвеп ч<|ьм1 i»• »VW 1. ..niuai »'4 •'« eiletOO.ejMti.JöMp.«- lo MoiKt B ill A n d P e g g y J o y n e r C e le b r a te 6 0 th A n n iv e r s a r y Bill and Peggy Joyner of Mocksvillc celebrated their 60lh wed­ ding anniversary July 13 with on open house at Jericho-Hordison Ruritun Club in Mocksville. The hosts of the celebration were the couple's children and their spouses; Brenda Legg of Lewisville; Bob and Merrilyn Joyner of Moorcsvillc; Debbie and Boyd Hendrix of Clemmons; Mike Joyner ond Jeff Joyner, both of Mocksville; Martha McCruw of Advance; and Ann Joyner of Ronda, wife of the late Billy Joyner. The couple hove 13 grondchildren and seven greal-grandchil- drcn. Mr. Joyner retired after 30 years of service with Atlantic Grey­ hound. Mrs. Joyner retired after 24 ycors of service as a self-em- pioyed income-tax preparer. ■ They were married July 9, 1948. H is t o r ic a l & G e n e a io g ic a i S o c ie ty T o L e a r n A b o u t E n o ia G a y , W W ii DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 ■ C3 P h ilip A n d P a tr ic ia S h e r m a n C e le b r a te S O th A n n iv e r s a r y Philip and Patricia Ruef Sherman will celebrate their 50lh wed­ ding anniversary on Sunday, July 20. They were married in Westfield, Pa. They have one daughter. Penny Lynn (David) Lurie and two grand­ daughters, Alicia Gabriclle and Kristin Jenice Lurie of Potomac Falls, Va, The Davie County Historical and Genealogical Society will meel at 7 p,m, Tuesday, July 22 in the History Room at Ihe Davie County Public Library on North Main Street in Mocksville, Sheek Bowden Jr. will give the program on World War 11, including his experiences with the Etiola Gay, from which the first alcmic bomb was dropped S n S u m m e r D a n c e S e t F o r A u g . 2 2 Davie County Senior Services is haying a Summer Dance on Friday, Aug. 22 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. The Mobile Jukebox will'be on hond for a variety of music for oil kinds of doncing - with or without a partner. Refreshments will be served. There is no charge. RSVPeariy as this event will be canceled if not enough interest is shown. Open lo adults 55 and older and exceptions under the general participation policy. Cull 753-6230. on Japan. Jane McAllister will return for Ihe August meeting and will have the program about more information available to every­ one at the librory. Meetings are open lo the public. S u d o k u 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 4 9 8 6 7 2 4 9 3 3 4 1 8 1 5 6 .6 8 3 4 9 2 1 K r a u t A n y o n e ? Jack Eudy of Broadway Road, Mocksville only grew two heads of cabbage this year. That Is all it takes when the largest one weighed at the Cooleemee Hardware at 30.5 pounds. Pictured is Eudy standing beside the head of cabbage that Is resting on a No. 2 wash tub. Bry.son Hnncs Anderson WHS born on A pril 18, 2008 at 4:12 p.m. at Forsyth Mcdlcal Center In Winston-Salem. He weighed 7 lbs. 7.5 oz., and was 21 Indies long. Parents are Kevin and Hollle Cornatzer Anderson of Advance. Maternal grandpar­ ents are Pete Cornatzer and the late S hirley Hanes Cornatzer of Advance. Pater­ nal grandparents are Charles and Linda A'nderson of Statesville. G reat-grandparents are Boyd Anderson and the late Neomla Anderson of Statesville, Fred and Peggy Evans of Harmony, the late Charlie nnd Hollle Cornatzer, and the late B ill and Lucille Hanes. He has three proud uncles, Marty and Justin Cornatzer of Advance and Chad Anderson of Statesville; and three proud cousins, C ellie C ornatzer, Caltlin Anderson and Nicole M artin. Solution On Page C7 Not AH Her l\/loney It was incorrectly slated last week in thc On A Mission article lhai Joyce Rea used her money lo buy cots for an orphanogc. While she did use some of her own money, the rest wos raised through speaking engogemenis and by donations from various sources. C r o s s w o r d P u z z l e ACROSS 1. Truman's Missouri birthplace 6. Terrible twos, e.g. 11. Euro fractions: Abbr. 14. Wipe clean 15. Edmonton skater 16. Go bad 17. Cost of a marten? 19. Tram load 20. Deleted 21. Tricky pool shot 23. Brewpub fixture 24. Clip with shears 26. "Shootl" 30. Radio problem 31. Like an oboe's sound 32. "The Sopranos" creator David 33. Greedy one 36. Compass doodles 37. Held up 38. Building block brand 39. Kauai keepsake 40. Lent support to 41. PC timesaver 42. Made dirty 44. Peddled 45. Trained with a pug 47. In place 48. Answerer's word 49. Manages 54. Tolkien creature 55. Cost of a bovine?58. Santa _ winds 59. At full speed, at sea 60. "M*A*S*H" extra 61. One of Lee's boys 62. BIte-slzed pastries 63. Knight's mount PayU pl 26 27 28 31 36 30 Ameilcan Proftle Hometown Conieni DOWN 1. Hightailed It 2. Met tune 3. Goalie's need 4. Tennis's Arthur 5. Shuttle night return 6. Easy chance on the diamond 7. "Java" trumpeter 8. Boxer played by Smith 9. Dry, to a vintner 10, Religious recluse 11, Cost of a religious symbol? 12, Sculpted form 13, Take the helm 18, Horse coloring 22, far _ can see" Answers On Page C7 24, Christmas tree holder .25, Beer bash buy 26, Like the Sabln vaccine 2.7, Roll-call yell 28, Cost of a kind of fraction? 29, Much spam 30, Reduce to confetti 32. In secret language 34. Cruel dude 35. Well-behaved 37. City m essenger's transport 38. Murphy's__ 40. Tightrope walker, e.g. 41. Dignified women 43. Bookmarked addr. 44. Crusty end of a loaf 45. Clip wool from 46. Tubular pasta 47. Reaches across 49. "Think nothing 50. Touch on 51. Poop out 52. Ultimatum ender 53. iditarod vehicle 56. Filindom's Thumian 57. Not at hand Is your son or daughter off to coUegé? Keepin^in touch/s - . g e t t w o l i n e s with all these features • Unlimited Celling lo Vbur CifCte»* • Unllmltad Mobllii-to-MotulD • Unllmltod Niohia & Weoktmda pluschoose your bonus featureIIXM p v 1000 taxt/pictureA/k)eo mossogos & unlimited My Circia i mot>ila-to-moblle maseages orNights starting at 7:00 p.m. t... choose your plan Se4.M/mo ' 1000 ^MIIonal Anytime Minutas! 10 My »cle nuiras with un«mllecice»r^ *ÎÏ4.’e9Mio' fiOÒo'NailondAnytlnw'MinuÌM’’' ’ '” I 20 My CMe nixntMrs wtti unHnnltecI еоШпд I Family Prtm lef 4 *1Se.ee/mo I ггоо National Anytime MHutoj i 20 My » d a numbof« with unlnHtM ca*rg ’I йи5.опмсйк»в«1»иЫ1«е|1ю1фИивЛ««о; ) meesi^ANOsUirtycvnighdiol7:00p.m. wireless authorized agent T H E P H O N E P L A C E N ow with two locations to better seiye our customers! 121 Depot St, Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon,-Frl,8;30am-5pmi Saturday, Sam-Noon 336-751-2626 1278 Yadklavllie Rd,, Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon,-Frl.11:00anvSpm; Saturday, 10am-3pm 336-753-1447 For terms and conditions, see vmw.alltel.com/lerms.html '•т>и- C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Specializing in: • Medicare supplement insurance • Final expense insurance • Individual & tem porary health insurance ■ l\/ledicare Advantage health plans • Medicare Part D prescription drug plans For more information call: Candis Rogers 1-888-290-4108 W e t m o r e F a r m s W O O D L E A F LOCALSquash, Zucchini, Cucumbers Tomatoes, Cantaioupes Green Peppers & Corn Watermelons & Blueberries other produce as It becomes available O p en M o n d ay-Frida y 8:00am-6:00pm S aturday 8:00am-5:00pm C lo se d on S u n d a ys From Mockiirtll» U kt B01 South to 801 lirtortoctlon, turn right Ml light 4 mlloB to ctutlon light In Woodleaf. Follow $lgn$ to ttrm. 704-278-2028 Kevin J. Showfetv. PDS» MS Orthodontic Care E x p e r t , C o n s e r v a t i v e & A f f o r d a b l e ~ We Do Braces on Saturdays! We are open at least 2 Saturdays a Month ~ We Accept ALL Insurance! (Including Medicaid) Your OrthodDntic Insurance Hassles Handled Here ¡S PHdhe (704) 636-9518 ^ 815 J^e Alexander Blvd. South, Salisbury, NC a v i e P l a c e ing Assisted Living Community D avic Placc .salutes o n e o f o u r ncvve.st residents, M r. G eorge Rudy. G eorge has been w ith us for ju.st over tw o w eeks. H e is a p ro u d arm ed services veteran w h o has alw ays enjoyed golf. In fact, o ne o f his favorite activities is w atcliing g o lf to u rn am en ts o n 'lY . H e is a lifelong resident o f M ocksvillc. G eorge’s w ife an d d au g h ter visit w ith him three or fo u r tim e a w eek. W e are very pleased th a t G eorge has chosen D avie P lace as liis n ew h o m e an d w ish h im n o th in g b u t th e best. For Information On Placennent, Contact: S u zan n e S im p so n 336-751-2175 Richard Petty poses with a group from Dulln United Methodist Church on a tour of Victory Junction Gang camp. D u U n G r o u p T o u r s V i c t o r y J u n c t i o n G a n g C a m p A group of United Method­ ist Women from Dulin UMC toured Victory Junction Gang Camp on May 13, along with their Paälor, the Rev. Marilyn Weiler. The wom en donated hnndcrnftcd blankets to be used by the campers. While waiting oh the tram for a tour of the cam p, everyone was thrilled as Richard Petty took time out to say hello and to thank everyone for coming. V ictory Junction Gang Camp opened in June of 2004 in Riindlemnn in memory of Kyle nnd Panic Petty’s son, Adam. The camp provides a life-changing camping experi­ ence for children ages 7-15, with chronic mcdical condi­ tions or serious illnesses. The children huve a fun and excit­ ing experience in a medically sound environment. The camp operates on dq- nntlons of corporations, orga­ nizations, and individuals in­ cluding a teddy bear and a blanket like those made by the women of Dulin which they can then take home. For next year’s camp, the women plan to make teddy bears and would like to Invite other women in the community to join them. They meet on the second T uesday o f each month. ■ S w i c e g o o d N a m e d R o t a r í a n O f T h e Y e a r The Rotary Club of Mocks­ ville honored Kyle Swicegood with the Rotariim of Year Awiird for the 2007-2008 yeur, pre­ sented by President Will . Dwiggins who iniinuged to lend the lociil club itself to receive u "Gold Club Status" for merito­ rious uchievements from the Rotary District during his tenure. Dwiggins described Swicegood as "someone who best exemplifies the motto ‘Ser­ vice above Self,’ as ii well- rounded Rotariun, and as some­ one who transforms lives outside of Rotary. "Swicegood is a long-time member of our club, who has been active in many roles-in- cluding president. He is a lender in our community,' has repre­ sented the R otary.C lub of Mocksvillc throughout Rotary District 7690 this past yeur by giving presentations about Op- erntion Smile, and he hus repre- ■sented our club internutionully S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T IO N S 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, N C .28625 , Phone; 704-a72-#444 336-940-^306 „ ^ AUCTIONEER; MlKE«TFiOUSE, NC LIC. #7466 ’ www.slrousehouse.zoomQhare.com Specialty Handbag and Fim Gifts Auction Saturday, July 19,20GB • IliOOam |dooTtoptn09i30amioTpnvi>w)COMI ON ourrofí Till ИЛНОвЛО 1411 OF THt ПАЯШ HANOIAOl TO WClUOl • Сс«л 10cv$. Coitijf». Нсоо Irierritcrjl, ScM# Ww/Jtfriw.FiircoSilo.Ou«« V<r«iKaiГЖ1 Oim INCIUOI -J4r^r, £lC^iлg^ L»rci Cf)JUl KM SjM« i Со4СЛ Г^Г4 Ccrl:i'.r S«ls i Utofíll!«m) ri l^»lr pbit. 0 s&lt ifi MÌT4I ’it'rt Пчм Itimi и "Al/THCMTIC*. U iltri * j b« KU i> Son* i«nt «il м * in гым 114П1 ttt С4Л M MSV!« or luCt«ri.O CCTÌ пт OffAliimCntck Cui Aj p*« CIUIUVS RirRHHlttHlJ WIL BIHRVIO.Olr*ctfon$: Ш to h77South to ЕжП 49A, 0. Оёдпш!Av. (БлИ) врргож. 3/4nmpsit Sh0ll Stetion - Nttt left on Irtdueirlâl Dr.. Blrouâ» НоивФ Auction It on Ih* Lêlt ^____________»erosi Ili» fin (rëeM$...Juêt ш iftort ctrivt üttd —«y to tina. ___ _____^ by helping to coordinute a Ro­ tary Foundation Matching Grant between the Rotary Club of Mocksville, the Rotary Club of Asuncion, Paraguay, and the Rotary Club of Munich, Ger- muny," Dwiggins suid. Swicegood represented the club over the lust two years in South American capital city of Paraguay, Asuncion with Opera­ tion Smile, serving and volun­ teering to assist indigent children who suffer with cleft lips nnd pulcttcs. With the relntlohshlps made in his travels, Swicegood munnged to create a joint ven- u turc with the Rotary Club of ■■ Munich, dwrnanT'and tliTSo-^ tary Club of Asuncion (Para­ guay) to recreate a matching grunt with the Rotary Interna­ tional Foundation to create a sus­ taining lip und palette hospital for the impoverished children of this country. Together with the matching grunts, over $60,000 was raised to accomplish this fa­ cility. Swicegood has been a member since 1992. The Rotary Club of Mocks­ ville offers scholarships annu­ ally, supports Operation Smile globally, and hus been united with the Rotary International objective of ridding the world of polio with its initiative Polio Plus. The Rotary Club of Mocks­ ville has also been a strong sup­ porter of Storehouse for Jesus. Leon Carter was passed the gavel by outgoing president Will Dwiggins on July I. Carter, com- jmunity development coordinator for the town of Mocksville, will be leading the cjub us president. "Our objective for the 2008/ 09 Rotary year is to ieam more about those who are less fortu­ nate, which will give us the op­ portunity to exercise our motto of ‘Service Above S elf," Carter said. T i r e d o f S p e n d i n g Y o u r S a t u r d a y s D o i n g T h i s ? THB p o w n n WITHIN - TM e :U R jn c Ju d e s • Genuine Briggs & Stratton Air Filter • Genuine Briggs & Stratton Oil Filter (if applicable) • New Motor Oil & Spark Plug • Blade Sharpening & Balance • Starter Rope as Needed •Labor 1 V ‘ m ' ' ' ' ' T h i s S e a s o n , L e t t h e P r o s d o i t R i g h t ! Present this coupon and receive ; mOFFi I when we tune It upl ‘Offer expires 07/31/2008 lu.. Hi DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 ■ CS D o y o u h a v e e e c t r i c i t y i ? C o n g r a t u la tio n s . C all u s t o fin d o u t h o w y o u c a n g e t FR EE T V fr o m E M B A R Q . Everyone could use FREE TV. Now you can get America's Top 100 from DISH Network* Satellite TV FREE for one year when you purchase Triple Play from EMBARQ, which includes EMBARQ™ Home Phone with Unlimited Nationwide Long Distance and EMBARQ™ High-Speed Internet ror under $59 a month.** (Credit restrictions apply. DISH and HSI require two-year term agreements. MSI at up to 768K w|th $15 activation fee. Excludes taxes, fees and surcharges. Expires 8/31/08.) Only a floppy-armed muttonhead wouldn'tlike FREE TV. Don't believe me? Check out muttonheadsays.com. Voice ■ Data internet Wireless Entertainment 866-2EMBARQ embarq.com/freetv EM BARQ: Where Common Sense Meets Innovation" and imhaij«! (induillne « Can)« UnhKrt S«ivlM etaj« o( tl.3%, irtM my b» nwilh: • Ciml«r C«t R«co«iy luctaijo ol W.Í9; л » md local (w Ihil viiy Ь» ™ ; 11« «uh kviM и «»duded, C(#l I. SJg.99 cndil applM Hdi monlh lo> 12 nonthi. Eidudn hurg rilg Иктааю. Raildmllal cuttomn only. EMARQ may don;« otcano)! Hivlcti a «Mila IMI« «апЫ al Ito ula dlKnUon «IM псИса. R«|ulni cndil ap(mal.Ad(«ll«ial nitndwii apply. Sanlcti govtmad by lami al WiMla.' ambaro, ~.,...tandmdlll«ia (IM ^Vabillal Monlhly rato: Monthly rala aiipllai аЫа oulloiiiar мЬю1Ьа< lo al q<iaU|<ng ип1он. Il on ollha lanim la cancalad. tM itonM monWy nia (И) apply lo aach tamaining aanlca. Itaal, ha^ and tMM long dlitonca (Induding load to!) larvim ara govamad If llw applabto atoto tonili aлd^l atoto tomil and condltlona locatod al VVabaiu. M latoa, torn« and oonMoiv at VVabilU. HoiM Ptoa tan*« Indudei locallarvic» j^ad by torma al Wabil». Mon«y rala appUa lo ona raildanlal phona ina «ri» dbad^llal. nalkxmlda к*« «mg; ажШа| rammardal ии, uríWlad dato. tocMIa. payiwial or mullHxiuing unito. Intomaíotal ratoa litod al Wabllto. EMBARQ" Klgh^paad Inttn»!; Sarvica tom» and стШопа kxatod al VVabilto.¡l99laniilnallon ha »II apply II any part ollhaolraltocancaladbaloraM■ndollha^yaartorm.Pal<oпnancawll vary duatocondlllonaoiitoldaolnalmkconlrol and rraipaadtogwantoad. DISH ltolwcrii:Ollaitoavl>aM lo cwllnanUIUnlUdStotoilornaw.llri|.|ima DISH Nalw^paclagai U mgraninlng lUiiact lo changa iMIhout nolica. Ucal and itoto laki toiai nuy apply, Wlwa afflIcaM, aquipoiaia iwtol Mi ar«l pn>gran«*9 ara uwl laparilaly. M DISH NatKA р|0дшт1п9 and any oltw иг<кп IM ata pmkMRatldanlla&lonwAgraonianl. avaltobla al viw» dlinnalmt.com 01 upoii raqiMl Uxad padogaa by latolto ara onV avalabto lo culonm «I» railda In IK ipaclllad local Dailgnatod IMal Araa IDkIA). Local channato may ra«ilra an additional dkh anianna 1^idiialpM local lltonnall al in» ol Initial Initolaicn. 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EMBIOMÍlíe.OS C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 James Harvey Is surprised, Keith, Rosie, James Harvey, and Ann happily celebrate life today. Ray Godbey and Paul Gartner were among over 160 who enjoyed the surprise celebration dinner. C o u r \ tv L in e N e w s By Shlrlcy Thorne County Line Correspondent Bible school continues to be the main activity in County Line. Please remember our three church Bible schools this week. Clarksbury’s school with a beach party theme begins at 6:30 p.m. cuch day through Friday. Calvary’s school with a . western theme begins nightly at 7 p.m. through Friday. Piney Grove’s school centered on the creation is 6:30 p.m. Wednesday-Friday. The Women on Mission of Society Baptist Church will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, July 21, in the fellowship hall. Mary Jo Lewis will present a program on the need for missions in South America, especially the Amazon Basin. The program will feature a video and handouts on Southern Baptist work in tho area in 2008. Mory Jo and Diane ■ Bell will host the meeting. The women invite others for the program plus a period of refreshments and fellowship. Upcoming events include a Ruritan country ham and sausage iireakfast from 6-10. a.m. Saturday, Aug. 2, at the V- Point Building on Old Mocksville Road and the annual community veterans’ supper Monday, Aug. 4, at the V-Point. Pri.scilla Correia of Godbey Road has a male yellow lab/ shepherd mixed dog that is missing. If seen or found, please call Priscilla on 492-5309. The Ernie White family - Ernie and Cindy and children Emily and Seth - of Clarksbury will be going on a sports mission trip to the Dominican Republic July 19-26. Seth will play ball for the Carolina Angels, a sports ministry group. Please pray for this family’s safe travel on the trip and that many in tlie Dom inican Republic will develop a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The members of the College and Career Class of Clarksbury who arc on the mission trip to Romania have had a safe and healthy. Continue to pray for the group and their ministry there. Our com m unity extends sym pathy to the fam ily of Kenneth M oore, who died W ednesday of last week at Iredell Memorial Hospital. A native of Davie County, he was a son of the late Dallas and Viola Nichols Moore. Prior to joining the U.S. Air Force, he lived with his family on Crescent Drive and attended Cool Spring High School. While in service, he met and married his wife Vonda; the couple settled in the Center community upon his retirement from the military. A graveside service was held Monday of this week at Salisbury National Cemetery. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Betty Jean Koontz Freeman, who died this past Saturday night at Wake Forest U niversity M edical Center. She was a daughter of the late Foley and Mary Cartner Koontz of Ketchie Creek Road and attended Salem United Methodist Church in her eariy life. A graduate of Cool Spring High School, she married Arthur Freeman in 1947; the couple ■ settled in M ocksville. She worked)\t Hanes Manufacturing and was retired from Hoest- Celanese of Cleveland. A memorial service is planned for a later date, Bucford Lam bert is recuperating at home, Ruth Kim mer rem ains in serious condition at'Lexington, Join us in prayer for the Lord's healing and blessings in the lives of Bueford, Ruth, and the families of Kenneth and Betty Jean, Surprises and Celebrations James Harvey knew nothing. Siblings Keith and Ann knew som e things. Rosie and everyone else knew everything and were ready to celebrate. Thai's how it was Saturday, June 7, at the County Line VFD. You see, Jam es Harvey thought daughter Ann was taking him and wife Rosie to meet Keith for supper in Clem m ons and they were stopping al the VFD to lake some cakes for a bake sale. Keith and Ann knew Rosie was giving their dad a surprise 80lh birthday dinner and Keith was inside the VFD awaiting their arrival. There were over 160 other relatives and friends waiting with him. Now there was one last element of surprise for James Harvey, Keith, and Ann. Rosie and everyone else were there to celebrate eight years of life for Ann-Thanks to Keith. Not only was June 8,2000, a birthday for James Harvey; it was also a gift of life from Keith to Ann. Let's lake a closer look at this family - a trip back in time to the years 1928-2000. Nannie and Rhoid Stroud married in May 1927 and lived with his parents, Johnny and Lydia Stroud in a sm ailiog house behind Society Baptist Church. Can you imagine the excitement and joy that must have filled that home on June 8, 1928, when Dr. Harvey Nicholson delivered a bouncing baby boy, James Harvey? In the mid-1930s Nannie, Rhoid, Jam es Harvey, Mr. Johnny, and Mrs. Lydia all moved to a bigger home beside Society. Being an only child and one of only two grandchildren of the latter, needless to say, James Harvey was the apple of this family's eyes. Sadly, he had to grow up fast; for by 1946 he was the only man of the house. But, there was a bright spot loom ing around the corner. Vivacious Rosie Nicholson, daughter of Woodrow and Nina, had caught his eye and they were married in 1950 - much to the delight of Nannie and Mrs. Lydia. After 0 tour of duty in the U.S. Marines by James Harvey, the couple returned to Nannie and Lydia's place and made their home in a “converted apartment." As wilh Rhoid, Nannie had been diagnosed with cancer and needed help. She and Mrs. Lydia died in 1956 and 1957, respectively, but not before seeing the couple blessed with a handsome baby boy Keiih in 1955. The couple built a brick ranch on US 64 West in 1959 and added baby daughter Ann to their family in 1963. As Rosie lay in a hospital bed, she delivered Ann by herself. Yes, premature Ann decided she was coming out regardless of what ihe doctor and nurse said and out Rosie and James Harvey pose In front of their "converted apartment." James Harvey was the apple of Grandma Lydia Stroud's eyes. In his "disposable" carry­ all, baby Keith hated peas but loved his beagle puppy. she came in Rosie's hands about midnight. What a happy family. They were an integral part of the community and were active at Society Baptist Church. Keith had graduated from Carolina and Wake Forest law school and was practicing law in Winslon- Salem. Ann graduated from Western Carolina and was a successful accountant. Now “fast forward" to 1992. As some of us know, life can change in the blink of an eye. Feeling fine, Ann went for her annual physical. Then came the ' bad news that, for some reason, her liver blood count was abnormally high and she was referred to a specialist in Charlotte, Doctors diagnosed her wilh sclerosing ciiolangitis, a disease whereby the bile duels / become inflamed and scarred./ As the scarring increases,, the ducts become blocked ancl the bile' builds up in the liver and damages the liver cells. The remedy was to try medications unlil one worked, but there was the possibility that eventually m edications wouljl cease working and a liver transplant Ann and Keith a month after their liver surgeries In 2000. The happy family - Rosie, Ann, Keith, and James Harvey at church in 1971. would be needed. By 1999 that possibility became a reality when Ann was told a transplant was needed and was pul on the national waiting list. The averoge waiting time for u donor was five years. Tliere was one other possibility: University Memorial Hospital al Chapel Hill did partial live liver transplants. That meant flnding someone willing to give Ann half of their liver, providing there was a compatible match, which required a few months of examination and testing. The next several months proved to be trying times for the' family. James Harvey prayed but worried and hurt inwardly. Rosie prayed but had constant pity parties and asked the Lord, "Why is this happening to my family?" Ann knew the Lord and was definitely the family optimist. "1 didn't really worry. The possibility of a transplant was a blessing since that was my only chance of living. 1 just hoped that, while waiting, other aspects of my health weren’t affected." The family and extended family including .their church. Baby Ann relaxes in her "real" carry-all seat and at age one enjoys a romp in the yard. physical in his entire life? Keilh relatives, and friends all prayed. Soon four people - Brenda Clanton, Keith, Alma Rogers and Rebekah Stroud - had volunteered to bo tested as a possible donor. A nn's Aunt Brenda went through the 3- month qualification process but was not a match. Then Keith completed the process and was an acceptable m atch. The transplant surgery was set for June 8,2000. As Ann and Rosie traveled to Chapel Hill on June 7,.Rosie ogain worried and had one continual pity party. Ann rem inded her m other how blessed she was to have four donors, but wasinwardly afraid for Keith, Rosie's faith was tested, “1 had my daughter having a 6-hour risky operation by one team of doctors while another team was performing a risky one on my son. Without the Lord and trem.endous prayer support, 1 couldn't have made it. It’s amazing what doctors can do, God works miracles,” But what were tiie feelings of donor Keith - one who had always stityed clear of doctors’ offices and had only had oiie said, “Initially 1 asked myself why was this happening to s/ich a very nice person as Ann f/as. Then I just felt that, with so much prayer and suppor('from everyone, things were going to be okay. The surgery meant my taking a 3-month leave from my practice. My partners aid clients were supportiv/ nnd understanding. It tow about ^ year for my liver tOiTegenerate to the.normal 95% I count it remarkable to be a№ lobe a iive donor and wouU encourage anyone to do tte same. I’m definitely glad Imd it and that it has been suctvssful, but I’m also glad it’s oier since men in white coals sti/ scare me," Ann must/ake medication daily bul renains positive and optimistic, jThe main thing I have realizó through all of this is that yoi/have to make the most of eiery day and look to the blessjigs that you have in life andnot dwell on your conditid. You will have good days aá bad days. You need to try to iiake the most of the good days iftd just gel through the bad ones/ /hat a celebration of life. F a j - m i n ü t o n N e w s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - C7 By Laura M athis Farmington Correspondent It's Finally time for the Farm­ ington Farmers Market, I heard from enough growers this past week to open the market. Because of the unusual weather this year, mony of the crops have been delayed. Look­ ing at the unusual pattern in the weather the past couple of years, makes you wonder what the next few years are going to be like.I t's getting harder and harder for the local farmer, with so much coming from overseas and out of state, weather changes, and now gas prices. 1 think this is why we need to support our local growers as much as we can. Not only on their behalf, but ours too. It is assuring to know who grew the fruits and vegetables that you put on your table and what they put on them, when they were out in the field. It's also the best tast­ ing produce you can find. Picked when it's ripe and ready to eat, not picked eariy to give the pro­ duce time to be shipped and to sit on the shelf for a white. From the people that I talked with last week, this is what could be available at the market this Saturday: peaches, plums, black­ berries, blueberries, onions and garlic, pond plants, and canned honey, relish, and jams. There is .also com, muscadines, grapes, and heirioom tomatoes that are Just about ready. Again, this is only from the people that I talked with, so I'm sure there will be other produce P in o N e w s there that was not mentioned. The Farmers Market will be open from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. every Saturday until the produce runs out. Also, mark your calendars now for Aug. 9. It will be the Farmington Fun Day at the com­ munity center. This year, they are planning something a little dif­ ferent, the Best Homemade Ice Cream contest.Y ou've got a little time to brush up on those favor­ ite recipes for the competition. There will be a prize, though I haven't heard what it will be yet. As usual, there will be the all favorite Cake Walk and Maria Newsome is collecting names of those who are willing to help with the baking. If you can bake something special for the event, please give her a call at 998- 3271. I want to make mention of a change In the lunches at the Se­ nior Center. In the past, the lunches were prepared by the Davie County school system, but because of a lack of funds, the school system was not abl to re­ new its contract to provide lunches. The contract Is now with Baptist Hospital, which brings the prepared lunches to the Senior Center. So far, the re­ sponse has been great. The se­ niors have given the food a thumbs up and Kay Kilby says there is more than enough for them to eat, so no one leaves hungry. If you would like to sign up for the senior lunch program, which runs Monday-Friday 9-1 at the Farmington Community Center, call Kilby al 998-3730. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Pastor Jack Tookey at Wesley Chapel United M ethodist Church Sunday came as Elijah from I Kings l8:22-39. He was explosive. The message was touching. We invite everyone to come hear our pastor every Sunday morning at 10. You will be blessed. Bob and Kathy Ellis were presented the Laity award by Betty West and Sara Bure during the service on Sunday. W esley Chapel UMC Is forming a team for the Relay for Life July 25-26 at the YMCA in Mocksville. Country music singer, Kevin Sharp, will be performing at the Relay this year. He is a survivor. He will go on stage at 8 p.m. Please call Sara Eure at 492- 2299 or Kathy Ellis at 998-3987 if you would like to purchase a luminary for $10, a Torch of Hope for $100, or just make a donation. We are trying to paint the county purple with big purple bows for you mailbox to bring awareness to the fight against F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By M arie White Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Joe White vis­ ited Johnsie Shelton Sunday af­ ternoon at Davie County Hospi­ tal. She was transfened to Rowan Memorial Hospital Monday for Crossword Answers DDDDEI B D D D D DBD nS ° a a g i ° 1 5 6 2 9 3 8 4 7 4 9 2 8 S 7 1 3 6 3 7 8 6 4 1 2 9 S 9 8 1 5 3 6 4 7 2 2 e 4 1 7 8 9 5 3 7 3 5 4 2 9 6 1 8 8 2 7 3 1 4 5 6 9 6 1 9 7 8 5 3 2 4 5 4 3 9 6 2 7 8 1 G e t i t w e e k ly with a subscription to the Enterprise Record C a ll 751-2120 Ail ages enjoy square dancing on Saturday nights In Sheffield S h e f f ie ld -C a la h a ln N e w s cancer. Please let us know if you would like to purchase one for a donation of $5. The money raised by the Relay for Life goes toward research to find a cure for this dreadful disease. Matthew Miller celebrated his birthday July 11. His parents, Pat and Kathy Miller, hosted a birthday lunch for him on Sunday at their home. Se^veral friends and family attended. The newly formed group to Preserve Farmington will have a meeting T\iesday, July 29 at 7 p.m. at the Farm ington Community Center. Anyone interested is invited. Some of the things to be discussed are a name for the venture and sort out goals. Farmington Fun Day at the Farmington Community Center will be Saturday, Aug. 9 from 11 a.m,-2 p.m. A ctivities will include a hotdog lunch, cakewalk, tennis, a band, beach ball volleyball, watermelon seed spitting contest and homemade ice cream competition. Everyone is invited to donate food, join in the fun and enjoy the Farmington community. By Janice Jordan Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent Thanks for sending the follow ing birthdays and anniversaries for people we know. M atthew Dyson and Wanda Hartle will enjoy birthdays on July 18, while Lynn and Marsha Laws celebrutc their wedding anniversary the same day. Johnny Brown and Daniel Baity have birthdays July 19.AI least five will have birthdays July 20 and include Crystal Payne, Renee H olland,' Stephanie Payne, Jonathan Johnson, and Kenneth Roy Thom pkins. Best wishes to Brian and Tina Dyson, whose anniversary is July 20. Vance Richardson will be getting birthday wishes July 21, the same day that Nick and Jaime Stowe and Darryl and Liza Sizem ore will acknowledge wedding anniversaries, July 22 will be Kip and Denise Miller.s' anniversary, just one day before Justin and Heather Dyson's third wedding celebration on the 23rd, A local television station featured the rising numbers of coyotes in the viewing area ' during one of the newscasts last week, focusing on the dangers they pose in populated neighborhoods. It was only a day or two after 1 happened to sec that program that Gary Allen and his daughter, Kiaire dropped by to show me the carcass of a coyote that Gary killed in an area just off Turkeyfoot Road, Although coyotes are rarely seen during daylight hours, this one, seemingly healthy, had his eye on a groundhog hole, and wasn't about to be deterred by the sight These spotted fawns were spotted with their mother In Sheffield. of humans. It was his mi.stake, as Gary is a hunter, and like many others, is concerned about the growing numbers of this predator. Many old timers in our neighborhood will tell you that coyotes w eren’t found here during the last part of the 20th century, but that their population appeared .suddenly In our area about that time and has grown rapidly. Not only are they carriers of disease, they prey on small livestock, pets, other wildlife, and can be dangerous to children, especially when they travel in packs. Kiaire knows ш ге than most youngsters about wfldlife m anagem ent and hunting .seasons without having to watch television programs. The deer population is growing neariy everywhere in North Carolina, but are fun to watch this time of year. Their offspring are usually born in May or June, and the photo of these twins near Sheffield shows that they are old enough to have some play tim e, although it makes their mother nervous. They, too, can be easy prey for coyotes, especially when the surgery. She needs our continued prayers. Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Shelton have returned home after spend­ ing last week at Emerald Isle. Little Cole Haneline spent Monday with his great-grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith. Sudoku Solution Kiaire Allen poses with the coyote that her dad l<ilied off Turi<eyfoot Road. mother can’t defend both of her youngsters at the same time or against multiple attackers. Incidentally, as summer storms appeared Sunday evening in our neighborhood, a dog came running across our yard. I try to be careful about approaching any large-size dog I don't know, but this one seemed like he was frightened and running away from something. Although he stopped and looked at me when I whistled and called out to him, he decided that it was in his best interest to continue getting away. I concluded that it was the ,.l^un^.er,that had upset him and sent him on his run, I only wish I had known where he lived so that I could have called his owners. 1 saw him again shortly thereafter, but this tim e he ignored me com pletely and continued,on his trip to wherever he was trying to go. I can only hope that he found his way back home, for too many pels end up as strays. They have little chance of survival in the wild, simply because they are domesticated and are dependent upon us. Although some may join a pack, then they become a danger to humans and other domesticated animals, and their days will be numbered. Sum mer camp sessions resumed this week at the old Poplar Springs School on Ijames Church Road. The final sessions will take place in the next two weeks, with adults participating in one, and each will camp will run from 10 a.m-4; p.m. You can gel more inform ation al www.poplarspnngsschool.com or you may contact Vauda Ellis at 492-5277 or Shar Beck at 492- 2305. Blueberries are in season, and were on the minds of a few local residents over the weekend. Paul and Betty Beck headed up the mountain for breakfast al Shatley Springs Restaurant with plans to pick their own fruit just off Highway 16 in Ashe County. Bryant McCiamroch and family members headed to the beach for Iheir vacation, wilh hopes that we might receive some much needed rain while they were gone. New Union C hurch’s Vacation Bible School is set for Sunday, Aug. 3-Thursday, Aug. 7, and will be held each evening from 6-9. All children ages 3 years to sixth grode are welcome, and will spend the week learning about serving Jesus through the Backyard Bible Club. Clolhesiine Crafts Creations, Community Corner, games, snacks, skits, and music are other ways the young ones will learn about Jesus. The week will finish with a backyard cookout for the kids and their families, and will featurp an inhaiuble jumping castle. To pre- register your child, cail Heather Dyson al 492-6408. Other events coming up at New Union Church include a hotdog lunch fundraiser sponsored by the M en's Fellowship on Saturday, July 26 from 11 a.m .-2 p.m. in the church parking lot. Homecoming will be Sunday, Aug. 10, with revival beginning that day and continuing through Wednesday, Aug. 13. The Sheffield-C alahaln Community Center will hold a Game Night Friday, Aug. 22. It will be a fundraiser for the center, and more details will follow in future columns. Before \f(e know it, the leaves will start lg|lum, and the fourth annual Nejv Union UMC Fall Festival will be just around the comer. Scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 20 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., the event welcomes vendor participation. Anyone interested in a space should call Vicki Groce at 961-6929 or Brenda' Bailey at 751-7567. The W illiam R. Dovie Raiders Booster Club would like to thank everyone who participated in its annual fundraiser golf tournament July 12. Proceeds will benefit the youth football program. Share your news in this colum n. Your photos and comments can be emailed to me. Please call me with any questions at 492-5836 or email j vfjordim @ lioliiiciil. com. Bear Creek Farm ^ EQVe^RIAflCmER Let us share our passion for horses witli yout Specializing In thoughttui, companslonate Instruction (or rider and horse. E tiaiitlDiriEkiutUnc 428 Allen Road, Mocksvllle, NC 336-492-5451 or 336-391-2063P tbbU AU im &ilenwwww.b^arcreeKfarmgqueitctf.com UKI’KK.SKN I .VI l\ к Julia Howard i\C ' H o iix f 7'Jili liis li ii l Please amuict me in: MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH; (919) 733-5904 Slate Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: ¡uliah@ncleg.net Ли» fVK т'Мил HoK\Hi> Jessica Snow (Conicinpor.jrv Scylist) CLASSICCUrS , 766-8448 !, - V - V ■•> -V Л- *V-fW-.W*V*:<— 'V / -W V - C8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - C9 R o b e rt P h ilip P a tto n Robert Philip Patton, 63, of Crcstvicw Drive, Moclcsville, died on Friday, July 4,2008 at Forsyth Medical Center. He was bom in Buncombe County on Miiy 15, 1945. His adop­ tive parents were Wendell and Daisy Patlon. He is survived by a cousin. Burial for Mr. Patton was in the Patton Family Cemetery in Bun­ combe County. Happy Birthday Dad Eugene “Dupe” Jones Jr. J u ly 17, 1928 - M arch 1, 2007 If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I would walk right up to Heaven, and bring you back again. My heart still achcs widi siulness, and sccret tears still flow, What it meant to love you, No oiie will ever know. Since you'll never be forgotten, I pletlge to you today, A hollowed place wWiin my heart, Is where you'll always stay. Wc miss you so much.Love, Cheryl H a r d i s o n U n i t e d 'M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h "W//crc God's Family Is Yotir Family" Pastor: Rev. Dr. Crystal M. Alexander Church Office Number (336) 751-5630 1 630 Jcricho Church Road, Mocksvillc I Worship: 9;45am • Early Sund.iy School.' 8;45am • Church School: 10:45am UPCOMING EVENTS VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 27-31 • 7:00pm - 8:30pm Ages 2-11 HOMECOMING SUNDAY August 10 • 9:45am Special Speaker; Rev. Jim Martin Come And Join Us — All Are Welcome! B ra d le y T h o m a s T o rp y Mr. Bradley Thomas Toipy, 30, of Hardison Street, Mocks- ville, died Thursday, July 10, 2008, at his home. He was born Jan. 17, 1978, in Dal­ las, Texas to Dr. Thomas Jam es and Barbara Frances Willis Torpy. He was a member of Jericho Church of Christ. He was a re­ cording engineer and the founder of Dccimiil Productions and had been a CNA. Mr. Torpy ex­ pressed his love for his wife, his son and for Qod through his music. He was preccdeil in death by maternal grandparents. Noble S. and Chariotte C. Willis: and pa­ ternal grandparents, John Ed­ ward and Elizabeth Ann Torpy. Survivors: his wife, Astrid Makeda Barrow Torpy of the home; a son, Lazarus Gabriel Torpy of the home; his parents of M ocksvillc; and a sister, Charlin Torpy (BJ) Coley of Mocksvilie. A funeral service was con­ ducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday, July 15, at Jericho Church of Christ. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family receive friends at the church two hours before the Service. M em orials: to his son, •Lazarus, c/o Jericho Church of Christ, PO Box 354, Mocksvilie. Online condolcnccs: www.eatonfuiicralncrvicc.com. T h o m a s  . P h elp s Jr. Mr. Thomas A, "Tommy” Phelps Jr., 70, of Lewisville, died on Thursday, July 10,2008 after a short battle with cancer. He was born Jan. 8, 1938 in Davie County. He retired from Pilot Freight Carriers and after retiring, worked part-time at Joe’s Landscaping. He was a volunteer firefighter at South Fork and Lewisville fire depart­ ments. He hud a passion for an­ tique tractors, NASCAR and Duke basketball. He was preceded in death by his father, TTiomas “Jack" Phelps Sr.; his mother, Vivian Sidden Phelps Sloan; and 2 sisters. Ruby Phelps and Roberta Moore. Survivors: his wife of 49 years, Shirley Burton Phelps; 3 children, Phyllis (Steve) Hundley, Tommy (Michelle) Phelps and Donna (Scott) Spuriock; 6 granddaughters; a great-grandson: and many other relatives and friends, A graveside service was held at 2 p.tn. Saturday, July 12 at Wcstlawn Gardens of Memory with the Revs. Riiy Waddell and Paul Sink ofriciating. The fam­ ily received friends Friday at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel, Memorials: Hospice/Pallia­ tive CareCenter, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103; or American Cancer Society, 4A Oak Branch Dr., Greensboro, 27407. Online condolences: www.hayworth-iiiiller.coiii. 4 7 6 5 fla m p to n R d * C le m m o n s , N C 2 7 0 1 2 Under NEW Administratitii with a niESH VISION for the Future of TOUR ChihM * We Use Abeka Curriculum * Full Time Care Is $100.00 Per Week, This Includes K3, K4, K5. Time: 7:00am - 5:45pm * Part Time Care Is $200.00 a f^onth, For Preschool (K3, K4, K5) Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm * Before & After School Care is $50.00 a Week, For Botti, or $25.00 For One Or The Other. * iviultlple Child Discount. * $50.00 Reg, Fee Waived Upon Enrollment and Paynient of Book Fee, C a U ( 3 3 6 ) 3 4 5 -1 3 7 1 F o r E n r o U m e n t ! K en n eth TVacy M o o re Kenneth Tracy Moore, 72, of 113 Tutterow Road, Mocksvilie, died Wednesday, July 9,2008 at Iredell Memorial Hospital. He was bom on October 19, 1935, in Davie County, to the late Dallas W Moore and Viola Nichols Moore. Mr. Moore re­ tired from the United States Air Force and was of the Baptist faith. Ho was also preceded in death by, his brother, Danny Ray, Moore. Survivors: his wife, Vonda Moore of the home; 3 sons, Randall Keith Moore of the home, Steven Wayne Moore of Mocksvillc and Kenneth Ray Moore and 'wife Katie of Fulton, Calif.; a daughter, Juanita Moore Gwilt and husband Ed of Grosse Point, Mich.; a brother, Dallas W Moore Jr. and wife Louise of Mocksvillc; 3 sisters, Dalene Whitaker and husband Jay of Mocksvillc, Betty Robinson and husband Warren of Mooresville, and Kivy Talley of Winston Sa­ lem; and 11 grandchildren. A graveside service was con­ ducted Monday, July 14 at 2 p.m. at Salisbury National Cemetery, 501 Statesville Blvd, Salisbiiry. Memorials: Center UMC Cemetery Fund, c/o Linda Owins, 728 W ilkcsboro St., Mocksvilie. Online condolences; www.chapmimfuiwralhomc.coin. G len n B ru cc T u ttero w Glenn Bruce Tutterow, 94, died Thursday, July 10 at Well- Spring Retirement Community. There was a private burial on Saturday, July 12 at 10 a.m. at W estm inster Gardens. A m em orial service was held Saturday, July 12 at 11 a.m. in the Richardson Auditorium at W ell-Spring. The family received visitors ufter the service in the rotunda. Mr. Tutterow was bom Aug. 19, 1913 in Davie County and moved to Greensboro at an early age, where he lived for the remainder of his life. Starting at a young age, he worked at Mojud Hosiery formally years. He later worked in Ihe printing industry for the Christian Advocate and then formed his own printing company, which he operated until his move to Well-Spring. He was an am ateur radio operator for almost 50 years, operating under the call letters of K4LCS, He was a member of Peace United Church of Christ. Survivors: his sons and their wives. Bill and Norma Tutterow, Ken and Kaye Tutterow, both of Greensboro; 16 grandchildren; ■and his brother the Rev. Grady Tutterow and wife Anne Tutterow of Mocksvillc. He was preceded in death by his wife of 66 years, Mary Welker Tutterow, his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. M emorial contributions; W ell-Spring Retirem ent Community, 4100 Well-Spring Drive, Greensboro, 27410; or Children’s Homo Society of N.C., PO Box 14608, Greensboro, 27415. Online condolences: wwH’forbisaiiditicIc.com. B e tty Je a n F re e m a n Betty Jean Koontz Freeman, 78, of Grey Street, Mocksvilie, died on Saturday, July 12,2008, at Wake Forest University Bap­ tist Medical Ccnter. Born in Rowan County on Aug. 19, 1929, she was the daughter of the late Foley Wil- ' son and Mary Catherine Cartner Koontz. She was of the Method­ ist faith and hud attended Salem and Oak Grove United Method­ ist churches. She retired from C elanese Industry in 1993, where she worked as a beamer operator and before that worked as a looper for Hanes Hosiery. Survivors: her husband of 61 years, Arthur Edward Freeman; 2 daughters, Karen D. Freeman and Kay F, Carter, both of M ocksvilie; 2 sisters. Fay Dwiggins of M ocksvilie and Edith M iller of W oodleaf, 2 grandchildren; and 4 great­ grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by 2 brothers, Thomas Koontz and John Roy Koontz. The family received friends on Tuesday, July 15 in Davie Funeral Scrvice Chapel. A ser­ vice celebrating her life will be held at a later diite. L ew is Ja m e s W ooten Lewis James Wooten, 83, of NC80I South, Mocksvilie, died on Friday, July II, 2008, at Yadkin Nursing Care Center. Bom in Yadkin County on June 23,1925, he was the son of the late Samuel and Vadic Denny Wooten. He was a retired fumi- turc worker and was a Baptist. Survivors; his wife of 51 years, Ella Mae Mize Wooten; 2 brothers, John W ooten and Dwight Joe (Frankie) Wooten of Mocksvilie; and a sister, Martha Ward of Woodleaf. He was also preceded in death by 3 brothers, William Wooten, Hardin Woolen, Preston Wooten. A graveside service to cel­ ebrate Ihe life of Mr. Wooten was held at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 13, at the Bethel Baptist Church Cem etery with the Rev. G, Carroll Jordan officiating. The family received friends Sunday, at Mackie-Sinclair Funeral Ser­ vice. Memorials; Yadkin Nursing Care Center Activity Fund, 903 W. Main St„ Yadkinville, 27055. W illiam H . F o rd . William Hempstead Ford, 76, of US 158, Mocksvillc, died on Monday, July 7, 2008, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Bom in Winchester, Va., on Dec. 29,1931, he was the son of the late Rev. Fletcher and Comeilla Goins Ford, He served in the U.S. Army during the Ko­ rean War. He was a self-em­ ployed cabinet maker. Survivors; 2 sons, Robin Ford of Tiro, Ohio and Charles Ford of Salisbury; and 5 grandchil­ dren. The service to celebrate the life of Mr. Ford will be held on Monday, July 14, at 1 p.m. at the Salisbury National Cemetery with military honors being ac­ corded. S h irley A n n C ollier Mrs. Shirley Ann Collier, 68, of Clemmons died July 13,2008, after an extended illness. Mrs. Collier was born in Wil­ son County to the late Ressie and Hazel Head Ferrell on Junc 28, 1940. She was a long-time men", ber of Temple Baptist Church in Lewisville and enjoyed teaching Sunday school for 43 years. Mrs. Collier enjoyed reading her Bible daily. Survivors; her husband, Don Collier; 2 .sons, Mike Collier and wife Joanna and Steve Collier and wife Lori; a daughter, Kathryn Collier: 4 grandchil­ dren; 2 great-grandchildren; and 2 sisters Edith Brock and Alla Mac Whitehead. A funeral scrvice was con­ ducted at II a.m. Wednesday July 16 at Temple Baptist Church in Lewisville with Dr. Bud Owen officiating. Burit followed in Ihe church cem ­ etery. The fam ily received friends Tuesday at Hayworth- Miller Kinderton Chapel. Online condolences: Www.bayworth-mitler.coni. A rn o ld E u g en e C oley Arnold Eugene Coley, SMSGT, USAF (Ret), 73, of Dalzcll, S.C., husband of 50 years to Ann O w i n g s Coley, lost his battle with cancer on Sunday, July 13, 2008. Born in Concord, to George and Raymelle Coley, he attended Hartsvillo High School and entered the U.S. Air Force in August 1952. He retired in 1980 after serving his country for 28 years during which time he received the Bronze Star and the Meritorious Service Medal. He retired in 1980 and then worked for Sum ter County School District Two until retiring in 1997. Mr. Coley was an active member in Ihe DAV, American Legion Post 175 and a charter member of Hillcrest Masonic Lodge. Also surviving; a .son. Col. Christopher Coley (USAF Ret.) and wife Lisa of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; a daughter, Sandra Coley of Duncanville, Texas; a brother, John Ray Coley and wife Frances of Murrells Inlet, S.C.; a sister-in-law, Linda Owings of Mocksvillc, He was preceded in death by his parents and m other and father-in-law. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 16 at the Bullock Funeral Home Chapel. A graveside .service with full militai7 honors was held at 11 a.m., Friday, July 18, at Center Methodist Church cemetery in Mocksvilie. The family received friends Wednesday, July 16, at Bullock Funerol Home. M em orials: American Legion Post 175, PO Box 301, Dalzcll, SC 29040; or Center Methodist, 728 Wilkcsboro St., Mocksvilie. Online condolences; www.bullockfimeralhoiiie.com. Cross Anchored will provide music Sunday at New Union United IVIethodist Church. ‘ Homecoming Sunday A t New Union Union Chapel United Methodist Church will celebrate 149 years of service to God with homecoming Sunday, July 20, beginning with music by “Cross Anchored" from Elkin at 11 a.m., followed by the message by the new pastor, the Rev. Jason Constantine at 11 a.m. A covercd dish meal will follow in Ihe fellowship hall. The church is on US 601 North, Mocksvillc, n mile north of 1-40. M is s io n a r y D a y A t C e d a r C r e e k The annual missionary day at Cedar Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Cedar Creek Road in the Farmington Community, will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 20. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Rodney Coleman, with his congregation from Cedar Grove Baptist Cliurch as guests. V B S J u n e 2 0 - 2 3 In C o o le e n r ie e Cooleemee United Methodist Church will have Vacation Bible School, "God’s Big Backyard Is A Blast" from 6:30-8:30 p.m. July 20-23, The event begins Sunday, July 20 with a holdog supper and Evangelist Michael McDaniel’s chalk art pre.senlalion. The school will include fun backyard games, crafts, snacks and music. To learn more or to register, call Pul Campbell at 751-0211. H o m e c o m in g A n d R e v iv a l P la n n e d A t E d g e w o o d B a p tis t Edgewood BuptisI Church on NC 801 near Cooleemee will have un old-fashioned homecoming und revivul beginning with the 11 u.m. worship scrvice on Sunday, July 20, The Rev. Timmy Blair of Piney Grove BuptisI Church of Ra- . leigh will be the guest speaker. Everyone is invited to dress old- fashioned und bring a covercd dish meal to be served after the ser­ vice. The Sunday night service with Bluir starts at 6 p.m., with ser­ vices Monday-Wednesduy ot 7 nightly. Guests, members and fonner members are invited. The Rev. Danny Shore is pastor. N e w B e t h e l A n n iv e r s a r y S u n d a y New Bethel Baptist Church, 3727 US 601 S., Mocksvillc, will cclcb'rute Pustor William L. Cowun and First Ludy Cherry Cowun on their fifth pastoral anniversary with a program led by the Rev. Ervin L. Hannah Jr., pastor of Erwin Temple CME Church, on Sun­ day, July 20 at 3 p.m. Lunch will be served at 1:30. Churches Receive New Pastor The Rev, Jason M. Constantine has been appointed to the Chestnut G ro v e /U n io n Chupel United MeihodistChurge C athy C onstantine Lawrence McCleskey of the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. “Pastor J" comes to Davie County from Ml. Zion UMC in Stokcsdulc. He is a 2006 graduate of Duke Divinity School. The churches are located on US 601 North in Mocksvilie, north of 1-40. C o ffe e @ C o r n a tz e r S u n d a y You are invited lo Coffee ® Cornatzer (u Christian coffeehouse) at Cornatzer United Methodist Church Sunday, July 20 beginning at 6 p.m. with u cookout by the United Methodist Men. This month's entertuinment is The Tilleys. All donutions will benefit Relay for Life. Comutzer is locuted at 1244 Cornatzer Roud, Mocksvilie. Visit www.cornutzeriimc.coiii or cull 998-0687 for more informution. A /e w U n io n V B S A u g . 3 - 7 Visit God's Big Buckyurd ut New Union United Methodist Church for Vucation Bible School Aug.3-7 from 6-9 p.m. Children age 3 years to sixth grade will spend the week learning about serv­ ing Jesus. There will be Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks, skits, und music. The week will end with u backyard cookout for the children and their families. For more information or to pre-register, •contact Heather Dyson at 492-6408. C e n te r P la n s B ib le S c h o o l Center United Methodist Church, US 64 West at 1-40, Mocks- ville, will hold a "Beach Parly: Surfin’ Through the Scriptures" Va­ cation Bible School from 6-8:30 p.m. July 20-24. A kickoff holdog supper und regislrulion will be held from 5-7 p.m. on July 19. T h i s m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e lo c a l b u s in e s s e s w h o e n c o u ra g e y o u to w o r s h ip a t th e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o ic e . CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162Sheek Street Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO м я т * MOCXSVIUAIJFOMOnVE 884 S. Main St, Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-2944 G E N T L E M A C H IN E & T O O L I N C . 2716 Hwy. 601 N Mocksvilie, N0 27028 336-492-5055 Fax: 33M92-6048 JERRY'S MEiir PROCESSING We Custom M o t Procaai Beof • Pork - Doer 30 years experience eo: Ralph Ralledge Rd • Mocksvilie 336-492-5496 Ш S u n T r u s t MocKsvllle* 751-5936 Mocksvilie >751.6162 CoolMmee* 264-2542 Advance • 940-2420 Put This Space To Work For You Call 336-751-2129 W .G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade SI. Wlnslon-Salom, NC 27102 336-723-1669 F U L L E R J l^ s iir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Falpricatlon 980 Salisbury Rd. ' i Mocksvlllq, (4C Z7028 336-751-3712 Put This Space TbWork For You Call 336-751-2129 D A V IE L U M B E R & LO G G IN G 872 Main Church Rd. MocksvlllB, NC 27028 336-751-9144 С т н Ä R T E RВ U IL D e R 8 167 YedkJn Valley Road • Suite 210 Advance, NC 336-940-2341 BuiUtrvJ ÜMlIiy CitJiom Uomtsfor o itr 30 Yiuri Traig A. Carter. Pretitkni « Minin C. Cangf. Vicc Рте» J.P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksvilie, NO 336-751-2126 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-2141Prescription Call In: 336-753-DRUG A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-492-5565 MUTUMNCARE ~ MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksvilie 751-3535 FULLER A rc n iie c tu re6в Coun SaiM'« SuiiB 300 Mock*«ll*.>«: 270Je p; 336751.0400 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 S H E P S ilflV lilM IT E P ^ • Slorage Buildings iWoodiAlumlnm)• Carports & Garages Commllmenl of Brother lo Orothcr & Fallh In Cod 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksvilie Jimmy Boettcher (336) 492-5418 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORS Inttallatlon - Sanding - Roflnishing Lam McClennQy/omer 30 Years BcperieiKO 129 Wood ParV Prive Mocksvi)!«. NC 27028 (336)751-1721 E A T O N FUNERAL HOME SINCE 1951 325 North Main Sirool Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-751-2148 Call 751-2129 to Advertise Your Business on the Church Page. сю - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 The Flags of Davie are flying over North Main Street in Moci<svllle. They will be sold at a benefit auction for the Davie County Arts Council on July 29. O n D i s p l a y I A i o n g N . M a i n The Davie County Arts Council incollaboraiion wilh the Town of Mock.svilic are exhibiting along North Main Street the sccond annual Flag.s of Davie, a com m unity art project of decorated flags with the theme this year being "Salute to Summertime”. Area residents of all ages and organizations such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters, M ocksvillo W omen’s Club, Davie Community Foundation and churchcs purchased a flag from the Davie County Arts Council’s Artworks Conunittee. Then they created the "flying canvases." ‘This has been an excellent opportunity for seasoned artists, as well as aspiring artists to take part in a fun community project, as an individual or a group, that wilLenablc them .to get their |w№ iii.i3Tsplay b y , ' ' rtiiivdreds. E ^ o W e driving along North Main Street can enjoy the open air art exhibit,” said Sidniee Suggs, arts council executive director. The officials of the county and town were asked to be this year’s judges and they found it hard to choose between the works of art. The following is the list of those entries chosen: • County Commissioners' - Gail W all's Sum mertime Collage; • Davie County Manager's - Elizabeth Santis' Fun in the Summertime; • Davie County Assistant Managers’ - Sheryl Beck’s Red Cardinal; • Davie County Sheriff - Big Brothers Big Sister’s Summer Farm Scene; • Davie County Chamber of Com m erce -Gen Lucas’ Butterfly; • Mocksviile’s Mayor - Davie Com m unity Foundation’s Flowers of Summer; • M ocksville Town C om m issioners’ - Sidnicc Suggs’ Butterfiy; • Mocksville Town Manager - M ocksville Parks and Rccreation-Davle Playground S & 6 Year Old Program’s Live, Laugh, Love in the Sun; • Mocksviile’s Fire Chief's - Elizabeth Bumgarner’s Tropical Paradise; '• Mocksviile's Police Chief's Siisan Beeson's Sunflowers. The exhibit over Main Street will end on Tuesday, July 22, The community is invited to purchase many of the flags at an auction on Tuesday, July 29 in front of the Brock Performing Arts Center. Proceeds will go to fund future art council projects. Best of Show, second place and third place winners will be announced at Ihe time of Ihe auction. For more information about the Flags of Davie or other arts council projects, call Suggs at 751-3112. Y Receives Food Lion Grant The Davie Family YMCA has received a $ 1,000 grant from the Food Lion Charitable Foundation, The YMCA will apply the grant to the YMCA’s Partner wilh Youth Campaign which provides scholarships for youth, families and seniors. It funds programs such as child care, day and overnight camp, member­ ship, teen leadership programs, adult literacy, swim lessons and senior programs. “It helps to ensure that people can benefit from YMCA program s and services, regardless of their circumstances or ability to pay," said Jennifer Rackley, executive director of the Davie Family YMCA. "We appreciate Food Lion Charitable Fountlation’s gift. Their gift will all^W people who would not normally have had the oppor­ tunity to enjoy our YMCA’s programs and services. It means a lot to us and our community,” D o b y O n A r m y D u t y A t ¡ H o n d u r a s A i r B a s e Army Warrant Officer 1 An­ thony R. Doby has arrived for duty at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, to serve as a member of Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF- B). The task force is comprised of almost 600 U.S. military members and more than 550 U.S. and Honduran civilians who work in six area units: the Joint Staff, the Army Forces, Air Force Forces, Joint Security Forces, the Medical Element, and the 1st Battalion, 228th' Aviation Regiment, a helicopter unit. JTF-B units conduct inili- tary-to-military training, execute counter narco-trafficking opera­ tions, human trafficking deter­ rence, and'engagement in civil affairs activities in conjunction wilh U.S. interagency partners. Doby is a BlackHawk aircraft pilot with 10 years of military service. He is the son of Grover Doby and Melissa D. Doby, both of Mocksville. The warrant officer is a 2003 graduate of Davie High School. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - D1 Brent Owens, Justin Boardwine, Payton Freeman, Brian Llnebacl<, Seb Squires, Nicl< Koon, Cody James and Scot Bradley liam it up wiiile enjoying swimming at the annual Uwiiarrie District Cub Scout day camp iast montli at Thousand Trails in Davie County. - Photos by Robin Snow Campers try to coordinate a Jump from under water. Cubs Learn At Annual Day Camp Some 84 boy.s from Davio and ■ Davidson counties, converged bn' Thousand Trails Canipground last month for the annual Uwhiuriis Dis­ trict Cub Scout day camp. There was plenty of time for learn­ ing among the activities that included swimming, shooting BB guns, an ar­ chery range, crafts, nature walks and rodeo games - including a bicycle ro­ deo conducted by the N.C, Highway Patrol. . The boys went to six stations ev­ ery day, and on the final day, got to com plete an obstacle course, said Kim Hafer, camp director, "A lot of lhpm, ,this is the first time swipiining," Hafer said, "And some of them, it’s their first time shooting BBs or archery 'Swimming pool activities are always a favorite. Щ ш ' ш В м '- Ш '* “He went thatta way," says Ben Marklin, playing a deputy in a si<it at the day camp. ave Ettman teaches the boys how to survive a canoe turnover. Brandon Durham says the best part about the camp is getting to shoot BB guns and the archery range. “You have to be strong,” he says. ■I- V... f .. ---------------------------- D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPIUSE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Mr. Koeval shows a science experiment to Shady Grove fourth graders, including Camryn Lesser and Faith Peterson. Parents As Teachers S h a d y G r o v e 4 t h G r a d e r s L e a r n F r o m D a d s Sciencc cam e to life in Kollccn Suliivan’s foiirtli grade class at Sliady Grove Elemen­ tary School during the final se­ mester, Two parents visited, sharing what they do on their jobs, Callie K oeval’s father, a chem istry toucher at W est Forsyth High School, shared '^porim ents. Students taiiccd with him about liquids, solids and gases. Students especially liked it when Koeval popped a balloon containing hydrogen gas, Jake Rycroft’s father talked about insects. Ho works fot in­ sect term inator, Orkin. He brought pictures of termites and other bugs. Students used the ^SmartBoarc} to view the insects up close, ; R ycroft brought plastic beetles and coloring books for cach student. “We had a lot of fun talking about bugs,” said M rs. Mr. Rycroft talks about bugs With the students, Including Hadley Hllton, Camryn Lesser, Sullivan. Dominick Carbone, Jake Rycroft and Grant Young. H O W A R D REALTY 3 3 0 s . Salisbury St., Mocksville C a ll 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 o r v is it w w w .h o w a r d r e a lt y .c o m R e a s i c J i e n - k i a i l -*r ■ n d u s « : K - | a l -a- C S o m m e B - v s l a i l Iio4tnilmi(lnpiilttstnd$799,000 ЗДИ|*|М8Ш!М$вв4,900 127 & 133WINOSONG RO.в а ш ttSÎWMilicGreatbfuïr9,lrto,triTiigîii l^^3iWidA$ÍMld«re!jn,lnY*ídft pWitarií«9í!Mj/wBaíf(Wiíng$577,0e4 Owit/AflcriJwWÄdi $360,000 Co.ju5lKraMFirt)iilne.ttfi«Se«l$349,900 PfUCEO ТО 1Ш. Ш FOMtT QUMl ln «»VEWERAQE condition! 4BR.3SBA, lut 36П, 2BAMth tx much tolstl $299,900 bsnl, 2 car ga;aQe and MOREI $298,500 561 Easi Depot i c n i ! FnED Lamêîi Rd. 1Шт(аш*«м!опв1)Сога11,1.01«/-ас. iWnnlitit»(V>myMto»WstaNTO»s «аЗбВД. 1.5slnie5, SSappIs.îtaiQrg, wtaÄ«g,HIVlsHTraB,ma$250,000 |»тй1>и)(о(|)<»1М1»ип»$230,000 main level maslor.Vsi)’(toi $209,900 üxatod h Nng. 39R, 2BA, lenxd In Ш 38R. Ш № nndw »№ g u liuemtit 2 yanl.bsmti um exliasll $199,900 FteiixaiaKlinudinml $184,900 S(í»Xng88a!Mt»ld(ran¡(W,HTO>íbJdiyart, адТО1(ЙМ»ММт№адм№|, lOWST РИСЕ N M НЕШШ»! ÎBWSfH Зв№1^011,0^1£,(ЫП.«Ц)р«,1Мо(1(1И OWNER MOTIVATEDI 4BR, 2.60A, M«iy«ii,2FPi!lixaailM), $178,500 p«Wisntmier»Hk)0,|wct«$189,900 lfliIW»ff.BsTt,S(*i)y(i.$134,900 , «idin(«niiilUi9iaora(et*l().$119,900 wllh extra room, $108,000 273 Depot Sthee 943 HAnoisoN 411 Campbell Rd. 3BaiBA bfWi rancti on AM- ac. Outed 2BftlBAl^LsvelüïWûnCcnto;Mo«h(^^ RerovaW S Revtafaed 2ВЯ1ВА cotlage zof»d RomodeledZBR. ЩсоИадо. Nwsiding A ЗВа IBA. wAJen & LR. Eal-h-Kilchen. 2 NTioQd.fPlRlR.WImairtaitv$93,600 $B8,S00. 1C.Hew^ir<tort,iicffl.pain>.№.$83,2S0 motal roof. l/g.endo$ed porch $69,900 storage bIdQS. on nice loi. $69,900 24 Earn Academic Honors At UNC-G I Teacher Studying In Washington DAVIE CO U N TY E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , T hursday, July 17,2008 - D3 Twenty-four Davie students at the University of Nortli Caro­ lina ttt Greensboro earned aca­ demic honors for the spring se­ mester, Nomod to tho chancellor’s list with grade point averages of 3.65 or higher were: from Advance - Melanie B, Aley, Stephanie N. Bowman, Catherine G. Harrison, Christo­ pher H. Posey; from Mocksville - Jennifer E. Horton, Staci L. W hite, Ashley R. Willard. Named to the dean’s list with minimum 3.5 grade point aver­ ages were; from Mocksville - Rebecca D. Boger, Jennifer E. Horton, Patricia Miliner, Ana L. Monge, Kristofor 0 . Readling, Hannah H. Thompson and Ashley R. Willard; from Ad­ vance - Stephanie N. Bowman, Christine P. Carter, Diedre L. Driggars, Catherine G. Harrison, Jennifer B. Harrison, Daniel D. Litton, Christopher H. Posey, Teresa L. Prizer, David S. Propsi, Anna E, Seaford, Kara K. Seaford, Audrey T. Williams and Lindsoy E. Williams. Registration Starts ■Monday For Fall Semester At DCCC The Davic Campus of Davidson County Community College will offer a wide variety of curriculum courses when fall sem ester begins Aug, 18. Courses are scheduled both in the day and evenings. Fall registration takes place on Monday, July 21; Monday, July 28; and Monday, Aug. 4 be­ tween the hours of 9 a.m. - noon and 2-6 p.m. The following curriculum or crcdit courses will be offered on the Davie Campus: Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Commu­ nications, Criminal Justice, Health, Elementary Japanese, Western Civilization, Survey of Mathematics, Statistical Analy­ sis, College Algebra, Introduc­ tory Algebra, Music Apprecia­ tion, Weight Training, Psychol­ ogy, Elementary Spanish, Chi­ nese, Religion, and Basic Weld­ ing Processes. To register or to learn more infonnation about course selec­ tion, call Rita Matthews, coordi­ nator of student services for the Davie Campus at 751 -2885. The Davie Campus of DCCC is lo­ cated at 1205 Salisbury Road, Mocksvillc. Regional Blood Supplies At Critical Low Point While temperatures and fuel prices continue to rise this sum­ mer, the American Red Cross re­ ports that the blood inventory lewis arc so low it is unable to sufficiently meet the demand of local hospitals. While there is a constant need for all blood types, donors with type О positive, О ■ niigàllve, A positivé âiid A negaï ' tive are asked to take an hour to donate right «way. It is especially crucial for do­ nors with type О blood lo donate within the next few days. TVpe О is Ihe most common blood typo and is used extensively by hos­ pitals. Type 0 blood donors are considered universal red cell do­ nors because their blood can be given to most other blood types in emergencies when there is no time to type a patient’s blood. Hospitals commonly experience an increase in traumas during the summer, making the need for type О blood even greater. “People often forget that tho need for blood never takes a va­ cation,” says Robert F. Fechner, chief executive officer, American Red Cross Carolinas Blood Ser­ vices Region. “Blood donations always decline during the sum­ mer months, but blood is used to treat area hospital patients every day, Unless donors respond im­ mediately, hospitals may need to cancel elective or non-emer- gency surgeries." In Ihe sununer, blood short­ ages often occur because indi­ vidual donations decrease, along with the number of organizations that are able to sponsor blood drives, The absence of high school and college blood drives also contributes to ihis annual drop In' donations bccause these drives account forapproxinialeiy 20 perccnt of all donations in the Carolinas Region. “We want to make the dona­ tion process as convenient as possible for those who take time out of Iheir day to help save lives. In order to avoid waits at our donor centers and blood drives, we ask that donors call to make appointments to give blood," adds Fechner. The American Red. Cross Carolinas Blood Services Region needs approxim otely .1,600 people lo donate blood and plale- lels each weekday to meet the needs of hospital patients. Most people who are age 17 or older and weigh at least 110 pounds are eligible to give blood every 56 days. There is no subsliiuto for blood, and (he only source is from volunteer donors. To schedule an appointment to donate or for information on the location of blood drives, call 1-800-01VE-LIFE (448-3543) or visit www.redcrossblooil.org. STROUSE HOUSE AUCTIONS 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625- Phone: 704-872-8444 336-940-6306 "AUCTIONEER; MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 www.slrousehouse.zoomshara.com Лл №Ы Badio, Caitoo Mo«. Селю N(«m9. Е Й Ж ™. Нал». Mas Cw, OPS, F.«) Bea MmO « to». P**' l™ Oione от Tild, Hult» Warp Diirt, Tilcychl, Sctoim Ma« Tiikwt, anv«( Wta. Sean 0«»., Martal Fri., July IB • 6;30PM • Store Quality & Sunliu/Salvage Sale! 19 • 11:00AM • SPECIAL SALEHflM flWi. Coadi. Oooney & Burke. Juicy Coulur». Marc Jieobj №chael Kofi Kala Spado.Bufberjy.Uxju.Bi^htoa Doo(>Open930AM -AMUSTAnENOSAlEH 'М:й1Я;ай1'а.Ь5я!:'й1я' *•“ Stephanie Ziglar is a recipi­ ent of the second annual “Teacher in Congress” intern­ ship. Ziglar, a history, civics and econom ics teacher at Davie County Early College High School, will travel to Washing­ ton, DC for two weeks of inten­ sive study and hands-on experi­ ence learning about American government. “This is an exciting opportu­ nity for Stephonje that will help make her classroom come alive,” said Rep. Virginia Foxx. "These two weeks in Washington will give her new tools for teaching students about their government and role in civics. My hope is that she will come away with fresh ideas for encouraging her students to become more in­ vested in their future civic du­ ties.” Ziglar has been a social stud­ ies teacher at the school for one year. She is a recent graduate of UNC-Greensboro. While in Wasliington, Ziglar will got a taste of the workings of Congress and the federal gov­ ernment while experiencing the day-to-day life of a member of Congress. The internship will consist of an introduction to the legislative process; oppprtunities for curriculum research; brief­ ings with House committee staff; attending hearings, legislative m eetings, floor debates and votes; attending meetings with Foxx: and lours of the U.S. Capi­ tol, Library of Congress and Washington-area museums. This marks the second year of Foxx’s Teachers in Congress intemship program. Ziglar will join Perry Alan Lloyd of Elkin for the interrtship. Lloyd has taught social studies al Elkin High School for more than 20 years. Commercial Space For Lease 2000 sq. ft. of Prime Commercial Space with frontage on Hwy. 601 in Mocksville. High traffic count and move in condition. Call 336-998-0804 for details. 17 From Davie Earn Degrees From UNC-Greensboro _____ ,.J DAW «ВП 45M fSirtiiΠ__________M№ »/Ueci & Wjh Mí!. Coiitmei Ы *! sumios ipp/iinca Anvxties & (kUiH VJVM. A «onúfitul Nxnei (W424676) CNtryl Мооп<у?4а-Ш|1,И|.1|1 cfanptcniiiç QQii, ¿Qtí.terM. е*лгк}, у & mor?! Елт ylo« tf 14Л бгжэу jcíocfiod c«W Tro ckciirq. соПоы .... ío/MifЙ ^ ___I 46H 4MA Uni(M. tfaííifiorjríjtofY ful! tayynert Ptr« Oivt Ow'qn Horne «iiri 3 ur №di Pianii cnwii$idno. íock í«^i(y mmi)9^-1152 ИЯ.М C7S ПОДМЮт OAR VAUIT ADVANCt46R fÉoiav üÄcm teïi/ei öfJTtfc 2-Л (tir tJenwfvjo;M »otJ öng, tüíi-ire, eyiite s5 я »I riAW MI Ш 5)e 1 SOflcn DCÍÜ1 niiKi tviwí * (Лк' 1'Л'4//8Л)) Srvyciì G'Oúcn} тШ (419.1»М19.М 1t174EIR ü W Musr SfU' Wonde^ul horm »i:fi lí j d ucüítn - a't wndj« • new «od ílarijf on SfnjrrrJ fie* icol o«» wiioom,ne* siyMrt. ifus-h p4.ni (íawnsUiri Stili rwís sorre *0(1^^4755/91 ,iifüeicfn 996-1152$: ___146Я 25íBA Büiuf'fü' irvjirüiPfdfiorr« on (jlW & woftderfuif» urxJxwd djI- (»•MC loi. Mostly r»ií*iwís cfl Mi Recef4 «Chiane«, rfcentíy »Med privale s a s , g a g ниш ГАМ в... ______Ijri(|.cf4i 4 Bedroom fl« Consjruct'ofl fwe in nwt ПлгА Oeiffcçmert. l*g« nvn le^i mcwf w/i;ii.ng focm or oH-ce M.tnv u'm (W4;i0ee)Jar«< №1906-1152 sué,ООО im ut HWT w N______....2ЙА 2 MC Rftüíy to moví in nw {«(nnsíed fiKörwd, Puiii-m swves AutTíis 3-ío.ie fyw fW4606/8) leiflfi С'П /ÔI-S-XJQIΫ,« PcífOfíTing Aits Pec Orëf. YMCA i«ai cfitjrcr«, scacci. p#i A (btr.(Mi texs<l ijwiiv «,i«s Wi'k oui tv-m *1 den. Ц'лЯи: «or«* А ГЛ1^1391) ГАЛМ AOVAKI 38R 2‘«А IЗАС DM Со сси</)1Л 1« «1 Fai!;r«a*í, 20 та 13 W-S lKirig!¡n & 1-Imí«S'Olì w» i ça«} Ю tr« »ri »ЛЛт(Ш сстл (W4r76û2) VtW Seventeen Davie students at the University of North Carolina al Greensboro earned degrees following the spring semester, Melanie B. Aley of Advancc earned a bachelor’s of nursing . degree with honors. Christine P. Carter of Ad­ vance earned a bachelor’s of nursing degree. Virginia A. Elliott of Ad­ vance earned a bachelor’s de­ gree. Evan C. Frisby of Advance earned a master’s of business administration degree. Josh Porter of Advance earned a master’s degree; Christopher H. Posey of Ad­ vancc earned a bachelor’s de­ gree wllh honors. Anna E. Seaford of Advance earned a bachelor’s degree. Lauren V. Starkey of Ad­ vancc earned a master’s of nurs­ ing degree. Rebecca D. Boger of Mocks­ villc earned u bachelor’s degree with honors. > Ashley L. Boswell of Mocks­ ville earned a bachelor’s degree. Melissa A. Carter of Mocks­ villc earned a bachelor’s degree. Sara A. Hamilton of Mocks­ ville earned a bachelor’s degree. Jennifer E. Horton of Mocks­ ville earned a bachelor’s degree with honors. Megan L. Jordan of Mocks­ villc earned a bachelor's degree wllh honors. Kehsoy D. Lulz of Mocksvillc earned ii bachelor’s degree. PalriciaT. Miliner of Mocks­ ville earned a bachelor’s of nurs­ ing degree. Sarah M. Stein of Mocksville earned a m asler's of public health degree. Л uvua 3ÍR ?6A GiM talW. nw Й0 L«j ol ШЛ. tefartuc bl«. t« carpet BeaiiFui tiOien w/iots of cita. iitarcV t» & tKMl № cata In DR Mov« in condition ?Jtinjj^(W4/24i/l «■сяши,.-Л1ШАЯС138йгМА Relit tarife p«)l' f tnft рлгя«. 1о«тл Ofl, .9 jc шг« 1« «rJyr’cíd win 11м«|гч irw аи iocj,_ 3 finies lo 1-40. ne# [Inj M.ÄJ'e ьсЛосГ Öo Bro Icf tr« Buck m ,VMrcH т4ШП ViCiTFIetTiinQ998-1l67t1T7.900 GAMtl VUAS MOOmil ?0R Mttirter.ra v«* 1 c» 0», ИИ1 Oes«!, 9 А m CMS, \M А file Prv Sic*« fP »'OB tos owd bau Nfo Pcoi ücitr СД11ЛХПСМ söron. si')»\3 A ons.*e fTirj МШОА) С'гл M ИГЕЮ ММ OAVtl ЗВП làfvtConsifuci on, Iron pcich. re.v so d SLtire ccur.!i(iMî, (tpi. iiie, atí¿c^cd çjfige. tw'js fin, cui-w-s.1:, \ti e......po»«f ^ockuc. Ul'tf (»vJ c!os:ng cofls {Ш \ti emersercv 10 М/ 1Л 10 p'/A mim) Cfifsti 100 I. IMCK WAU CT МиШ «AT 0АЯ0» ША1 MOCUVUl 2W 2BAPii*w coffin Md A plo^c«64 O^S'ie strg A HV pflig ^nrm A pintry str'ek.t oc>enlodiningAlivingaitts Wjit ■ ' " Ж » * « « “ '’ c b tr ia d .c o n n Coldwell Banker Mortgage Some Day Loan Decision... Guarantecd...l-888-309-8201 c o u D i u e u . B A N K E R □ TRIAD, REALTORS 3540 Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 i 3 3 6 - 7 1 4 - 7 0 0 “In Thji Old Cl(in)n)ons School j visit These and All ot Our fine Homes at i . www.allentate.com Kinderton 242 Bridgewater Drive W 459207 $215,000 Call Amanda Shore @ 244-4269 1.5 Acres! 124 Sumter Road W 468893 $285,000 Call Amanda Shore @ 244-4269 Ivy Glen 633 Ivy Glen Drive W 475309 $86,500 Call Amanda Shore @ 244-4269 Clemmons West 3447TanglebrookTrail W 473504 $295,000 Call Am anda Shore @ 244-4269 Kinderton 114 Millstone Lane W 471629 $209,900 Call David Weaver @ 688-9976 50 Acres/P(^id Lewisville 300 W estbend School W 467757 $1,300,000 Call Pam M atthews @ 782-4884 Lease Purchase Option 115 Sunny Acres W45881S $223,500 Call Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 New Listing SiaSAshlyn W 474883 $158,500 Cali Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 Seller M otivated! 6910 Hanesbrook Cir.#204 W 470973 $115,900 Cali Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 Move In Ready 203 Haverhill Street W 475920 $105,900 Call Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 Motivated Seller! 420 Hathaway W 462375 $119,000 Call Dee O liver @ 287-4570 Great Clemmons Location 1236 Peace Haven W 472702 $165,000 Call Dee O liver @ 287-4570 Home w /Add'l Lot 250 Lewisvilie-Vienna Rd. W 473040 $125,000 Call Dee Oliver @ 287-4570 Attn:Re$idenU/Med Studentii 1832 Swalm Road W 472412 $156,000 Call Karen Carter @ 403-1099 New Listing 3190 Old Hollow Road W 477824 $179,000 Call Karen Carter @ 403-1099 Custom Home on Lg. Lot 7015 Glenhaven Ridge Dr. W 469845 $435,000 Call David Weaver @ 688-9976 New Construction-Cleniimons 2389Sedgemont W 466936 $224,900 Call Wendy Sloan @ 692-7323 Davie Co. Custom Home 282 Birchwood Lane W 459300 $319,900 Call Pam M atthews @ 782-4884 V -:. .. '-t.. ' w . - ч..;'м Г. -* ...•. D4. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - D5 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES И NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUMTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIECOUMTY 08SP96 INTHE MATTER OFTHE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY WELDON G. SMITH ANDARUNE A. SMITH DATED DE­ CEM BER 12, 2005 AND R E ­ CORDED IN BOOK 639 AT PAGE , 628 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUB­ LIC REGISTRY, NOFITH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo a Court ordsr and un­ der and by virtue of the powerand au­ thority contained In the alxjve-refer- enced deed of trust and tjecause of default In the payment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to perfoim the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand olthe owner and holder ol the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale el public auction to Ihe highest bidder lor cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said countyal2;30PM on July 22, 2008 the following de­ scribed real estate and any other Im­ provements which may be situated thereon, In Davie County, North Caro­ lina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows; flf/A G L O T N U M B E R O N E (1 ) h B lo c k A a s a p p e a re d fr o m u p la t a n d s u lx iM s lo n d e s ig n a te d T h e J M G ro c e S u b d M s io n " A L B o w le s , R e g is te re d S u n /e y o r d a te d M a y 2 0 , 1 9 6 7 a n d n e c o rd e d In P la t B o o k 4 , P a g e 10, In th e O tfíc e o f th e R e g is te r o fD e e d s o /D a v Ie C o u n ty, C a ro ­ lin a to w h ic h s a k ! p la t m fe re n c e Is h e re ig rm a d e fa ra m o iB p a rtlc u la rd e - s c rp № o n o fs a ld k > t. B e in g a ls o U ie fo n o w in g d e s c rib e d ht: B E Q IN N IN Q a t a p o in t, a n iro n s ta k e , n o rth e a s t c o m e r b e in g th e W e s te rn m o s t c o n fe r o f L o t N o . 1 1n th e J .M .G n x e S u td M ^ a s a p p e a rs o n a p la t b y A L B o w le s , d a te d M a y S O , 1 9 6 4 , re c o rd e d In P la t b o o k 1, P a g e 10, D a v ie c o u n ty R e g is try , m n s th e n c e w ith h 'n e o fs a k iL o ttM h 5 1 d e g re e s E a s t 1 2 5 fe e tto a p o in t;n o rth - e a s t c o m e r o f s a id k> t a r id n o rth w e s t c o m e r o f L o t N o . 2 : th e n c e N o rth 3 9 d e g re e s W e s t2 2 fe e tto a p o in t, a n e w c o m e n th e n c e S o u th S I d e g re e s Mfes/ 1 2 5 fe e t to a p o in t, a n e w c o r­ n e r, th e n c e S o u th 3 9 d e g re e s E a s t 2 2 fe e tto th e B E a iN N IN Q . And Being more commonly known "' as: - 3341 US Highw ay 158, Mocksville, N027028 . The record owner(^) of Ihe prop­ erty, as reflected on the records ol tho Register ol Deeds, lasare Weldon G. Smith andArilneA. Smith. The property to be ollored pursu­ ant to this notice of sale Is being ol­ fered for sale, transfer and convey­ ance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Nelthertho Tmstee nor the holder of the note se­ cured by the deed ol tivisl, being fore­ closed, nor the olficera, directors, at­ torneys, employees, agents or autho- : I tized representative of either Trustee ¡or the holder of tho note make any representation or warranty rolatlng lo the title or any physical, environmen­ tal, health or safety conditions exit­ ing In, on, at or relating to the property being oHered tor sale. Any and all re­ sponsibilities or liabllllles arising out of or In any way relating to any such con­ dition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes ^and assessments Including but not ‘ ^ limited to any transler (px associated with the foreclosure. AdeposHolllve percent (5%) ol the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, Is re­ quired and must be tendered In Ihe form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration ol Ihe statutory upset period, all remaining amourlls are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING, Failure to remit funds Ina timely mannerwili result In a Dec- iaration ol Delauit and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale, SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASE- HOLDTENANTS; II you are a tenant residing In the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued In favor ol Ihe purchaser. Also, II your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1,2007, be advised that you may ter­ minate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice tp the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement, prorated to the effective dateofthetennination, The date of this Notice Is July 1, 2008. 08-103818 Grady Ingle Substitute Toistee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 h tp y /s h a p lio a tto m e y s .c o n v h o ^ 7-10-2tn NORTH CAROLINA ' DAVIECOUMTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 08-SP-157 FR# 200800608 Under and by virtue ol a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Emanuel E, Bonaparte and Forrest H, Bonaparte to Jeffrey M, Ruben, Tnistee(s), dated February 26, 2004, and recorded, March 5,2004, in Book 538, on Page 889, Davie County Public Registry, the undersigned Substitute Tmstee declares as follows; There Is a default by the Owner or other person(s) owing an obligation, the performance of which Is secured by said Deed ol Tmst, or by their suc­ cessor In interest, with respect to pro­ visions therein which authorize sale in the event of default of such provision; and the undersigned, on behalf ol Frances S, While or John W, Retcher III NC Bar# 15503, either one of whom may act, having tieen substituted as Tmslee In said Deed of Tmst by an inslmment duly recorded In Ihe Offlce ol Ihe Register of Deeds of Davie County, Nortii Carolina, and the Owner and Holder of the Note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Tmst be foreclosed, the. un­ dersigned Substitute Tmstees will of­ fer for sale at the Courthouse door or other usual and customary location as designated by the Clerk’s Olftee on July 25, 2008, at 11;00 am, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash tho real property secured by Ihe above- described Deed of Trust recorded March 5,2004 in Book 538, on Page 889, situated in Davie County, North Carolina, as more particularly de­ scribed therein, which legal descrip­ tion Is made a part hereof and Incor­ porated herein by reference as If fully set forth herein. Said property as shown on the abovoKlescribed Deed of Tmst is con^ monly known as 4100 Highway 801 North, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028. To tho best ol the knowleflge and beilel ol the undersigned, tho cur­ rent owner(s) ol the property within 10 days of Ihe posting of this notice is/ are Em anuel E, Bonaparte aka Emanuel Eugene Bonaparte and Forrest H, Bonaparte aka Forrest Hauser Bonaparte, In Ihe event tho property which la the subject of this Notice of Sale Is residential real prop­ erty with less than fifteen (15) rental units, an order for possession of tho property may bo Issued pursuant to N,C,G,S. 45-21.29 In favorof the pur­ chaser and against the party or par- ties In possession by the ClenrfflSu- ■ perlor Court. Any person who occu­ pies Ihe property pursuant to a rental agroomeni entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receMng the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon ten (10) days'notice to the landlord. The ten­ ant Is liable for rentdue under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of termination. Third party pur­ chasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of forty-five cents (45i) per one hundred dollars ($100.00), up to a maximum ol $500,00, A cash deposit (cashier's check or certified funds, no personal checks) of five per­ cent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred filty dollars ($750,00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time ol the sale. Following the expiiation ol the statuto^ upset bid pe­ riod, all of the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. Should the loreclosure action be dismissed or any portion have to be, redone for any reason, the bid deposit will be returned to the third party bid­ der and no other remedies will be assertable. The third party bidder acts upon their own risk if they expend any funds in lavor ol the loreclosed prop- ertypriortothe receipt of a deed from the Substitute Tmslee, Said sale will be made, but wilhout covenant or war­ ranty, expressed or Implied, regarding tilie, possession, or encumbrances, to pay Ihe remaining principal sum ol Ihe note(s) secured by said Deed of Tmst, with Interest thereon, as provided In said note(s), advances. If any, under the terms of said Deed of Tmst, fees, charges and expenses of the Tmstge and of the tmsts created by said Deed olTmst, There are no representations ol warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health br safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special as­ sessments, and encumbrances of record. Dated; July 3,2008 Frances S, White or John W. Fletcher III NC Bar# 15503, either one ol whom may act. Substitute Tmstee P.O. Box 30368 Chartotle, NC 28230-0368 (704) 909-5656 . TAC;790266N • , , 7-10-2tn . NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTfWENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant lo tho requirements of Article 20-B of Chapter 153-A of Ihe General Statutes of North Carolina , and Section 155.236 ol the Davie County Code ol Ordinances, that . the Davie County Board of Adjust­ ment will hold a Public Hearing in the Com m l88lonere Room of the Davie County Administration Build­ ing, 123 South M ain Street Mocksville, NC on M onday July 21, 2008 at 6:00 p.m, to hear the following request; A) C a ro lin a S a n d . Inc. have applied for a Renewal or Ex­ tension lo their Special Use Per­ m it to establish a m ining and d re d g in g of a a n d o p e ra tio n along the Yadkin River In the Residential Agricultural (R-A) zon­ ing district pursuant lo §155.034 ol ' the Davie County Zoning Ordi­ nance. Tho subject property Is lo­ cated at 545 Sandpit Road, Ad­ vance, NC, 27006 and Is lurther de­ scribed as Parcel of the Davie County Tax Map A70000000204 A sign will be placed on the above listed properties lo advertise the Public Hearing. All parties and interested citi­ zens are Invlteij to attend said hear­ ing at which lime they shall have an opportunity lo present facts and testimony In support of, or In oppo­ sition lo, the request. Prior to the hearing, additional information on a request may be obtained by vis­ iting the Development Services ' Department weekdays between 8;30 a.m. and 5;00 p.m, Monday through Friday, or by telephone al (336) 753-6050, As a rasull of the public hear­ ing, substantial changes might be made In the advertised proposal, reflecting objections, debate and discussion at the hearing. Anyone who needs an accommodation lo participate In the meeting shoulä notlly Ihe Development Services Department at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or call North Caro­ lina Relay at 1-800-735-8262. , Andrew Meadwell Planning Department 7-10-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY h, COOLEEMEE VOLUNTEER " FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 6 COOLEEMEE, NC 27014 336-284-2411 ON THE PROPOSED FINANCING BY C O O L E E M E E V OL. FIRE DEPT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cooleemee Volunteer Fire Department located In Cooleemee, NC, will meet on July 31 at 7;00 o'clock p.m., at the Cooleemee Volunteer Fire Department, for the purpose ol holding a public hear­ ing pursuant to the requirements ol Section 147 (I) of the Internal Rev­ enue Code ol 1986, as amended, on a proposal that the Issuer enter Into an agreement In order to fi­ nance certain equipm ent. The equipment lo be financed consists of a C E D FIRE PUM PS M FG, B R U S H /M U L T I- P U R P O S E TRUCK and; will be located at Cooleemee Volunteer Fire Depart­ ment. To finance the cost of such equipment and to pay cost and ex­ penses incidental to the llnancing, the Issuer proposes to enter Into a loan agreement In tho maximum aggregate principle am ount of $80,000.00. The issuer will be re-' quired to pay all taxes on the equip­ ment. The lease payments due pursuant to the loan agreement will be secured by a security Interest In tho equipment. All persons Interested may ap­ pear and be heard al said time and place or may file writian comments with Cooleemee Volunteer Fire Department prior to the date of hearing set forth heretofore. Juiy 8, 2008 BY ORDER OF COOLEEMEE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BRIAN R. WILLIAMS, CHIEF 7-17-2tn METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 30+ Colors 25 Year Warranty Post Frame Buildings call far prices! 1-888-278-6050 MID>STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARK STEVEN GRUBB, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all parsons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months from this lirst day of publication of this notice), or tills notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate wiil please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 10lh day of July, 2008. Melanie SIdden Grubb 4395 Hwy 801 S Advance, NC 27006 7-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having quaillied as Administrator of the Estate of GEORGE H. MINOR, Deceased, late ol Davie County, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before September, 23, 2008, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their right to recover against the estate of the said deceased. Ail parsons in­ debted to sold estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 25th day of June, 2008. Dorothy M, Farmer, Administrator c/o E, Edward Vogler, Jr, 181 South Main Street Mocksville, N027028 336-751-6235 6-26-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 07 CVD 766 County of Davie, Plaintiff vs, Mischael (aka M ichael) Louis DeVault; the Unknown Heirs of Mlschaol (aka M ichael) Louis DeVault; Jay m e Lyn Powera DeVault; Defendants, NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBUCATION TO; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF MISCHAEL (aA/a MICHAEL) . ............ LOUIS DEVAULT TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above ontllled action. The nature of the relief sought Is the collection and/or foreclosure of property taxes ow­ ing on property located In Davie County, North Carolina, and being described and designated as fol­ lows; Being located In Jerusalem Township, Davie County, North Carolina, and being Lots Forty- O ne (41) and Forty-Two (42), of the J,C, Ijames lands, platted and surveyed by N,A, Trexler, which said plat Is recorded in Book 23, Pg, 550, Davie County Registry, to which aald plat reference is hereby made for further descrip­ tion of said lots. SAVE AND EX­ CEPT from the above described lots 80 feet fronting on Jot Em Down Streot conveyed to J.S. Creason, et ux. by deed recorded In Deed Book 40, Pg. 537, Davie County Registry. The remaining property Is Informally known as Tax Parcel No. N500000072, pur­ suant to the current Davie County Tax Maps. You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading not later than the 26"' day of August, 2008, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this notice; and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking sen/ice against you will apply to the Court lor the relief sought. This the 17"’ day of July, 2008. Kyla J. Sippreli Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 595 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 753-6014 7-17-3tn RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Rood •Mocksville (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Stptlc Turin • Skid steer Work bencher Work Hauling NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R S Having qualified as Adm inis­ trator of Ihe Estate of DENNIS A N D E R S O N PO T T S, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claim s against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before O c­ tober 3, 2008, (being three (3) m onths from this first day ol publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms a n d corporations In d e b te d to s a id estate will please m ake Im m ediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. T his the 3rd day of July , 2008. S usan Hicks Potts 331 Speer Rd. Mocksville, NC 27208 7-3-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY N OT ICE TO C R E D IT O RS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of ETHEL S P R Y B R O O K S, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claim s against said estate to p resen t them to the u n d e r­ signed on or before October 3, 2008, (being three (3) m onths from this first day of publication ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, firms and cor­ porations indebted to said e s­ tate will please m ake Im m edi­ ate p a y m e n t to the u n d e r­ signed. T his the 3rd d a y of July , 2008. Gwendolyn B. Sain 120 Antler Drive Statesville, NC 28625 7-3-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Sale; Mocksville Mlnl- Storage Intends to sell the con­ tents of the following units lor unpaid rent and expenses; #129 Melllsa Randall, #115 Richard Moses, #247 Myra W il­ son, #258 Beatric Vaughters, #393 W illiam S te e le , # 20 5 C h ris tin a P a g e , # 42 0 S a m a n th a N ic h o lso n , #191 ..C harily KIger, #.a7.,Lasqndra Hogue and #73 Tammy Casey. Household items, no personal checks. Public sale date; July 31,2008 at 1;00p.m . 124 Eaton R o a d (b e sid e C re stw o o d Farms), 336-751-2483. 7-17-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO C RE D IT O R S Having quaillied as Executor of the E s ta te of M A R T H A TATUM EATON, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firm s and corporations having claim s against said es­ tate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before October 10, 2 00 8, (b e in g throe (3) m onths from this first day ol publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations Indebted to sa id e s ta te will please m ake im m e d ia te 'p ay ­ m ent to the undersigned. This the 10th day of July, 2008. W illiam Tracy Eaton 491 C edar C reek Road M ocksville, NC 27028 7-10-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JETTIE B. LINDSAY, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publica­ tion of this notk^), or this notk»wlll be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations Indebted to sakI estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 10th day of July, 2008. Han«yB. Lindsay 249 Cedar Grove Ch, Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 7-10-lln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of F R E D E R IC K T, W ARNER, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 17,2008, (being three (3) months frgm this first day of publi­ cation of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re­ covery. All persons, firms and cor­ porations Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 10th day of July, 2008. '■CHRISTOPEHW. WARNER 9717 Clarks Crossing Road Vienna, VA 22182 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Sqaure Mocksville, NC 27028 7-17-4tn EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Davic County Council of Economic Development i.s seeking a candidate who has demonstruted leadership sicills and an entrepreneurial vi.sion of achieving excellence in economic development. The Executive Director reports to the Council and is responsible for directing and administering the economic development program for expansion of existing industries and the establishment of new industries in the County. Candidate should have a Bachelor’s Degree in business administration, marketing or a related field and over ten years of experience in industrial development planning or a related field. Qualified applicants are invited to submit a cover letter of application, a resume including salary history; Davie County Council of Economic Development, Attention: Joan Carter and Council Recruiting Committee, 135 S. Salisbuiy Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. All applications will be kept strictly confidential. Salary is dependent on qualifications. i Wake Forest University Baptist Commmiitij Physicians Licensed Practical Nurse or Cerlined Medical Assistant - FhH Tmtp Hillsdale Family Practice, Advance, NC Cliiiical positions require valid LPN state nursing liccnse; CMA requires ДАМ А ccrtificntian; currcnt CPR, I’ositioii requires 1 wcckeml per month Medical Office Assistant - Full Thu. Hillsdale Family Practicc, Advance, NC Check in/out, answcr.miilti-liiic phone .system, schedule appointinems, collcot co-pays, assi.sts medical wcords. Send resumes to: Staff Recruiter 3540 Clemmons Rd, Ste 1 Clemmons, NC 27012 Fax: 336-721-3999 .illuinteifrt'iwfubmc.edu NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE O F NORTH CAROLINA SU PE R IO R COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY OS SP 105 IN THE MATTER O F THE ■ FO REC LOSU RE OF A DEED OF T RU ST EXECU TED BY R O B ­ E RT L. A R M S T R O N G AND M A U R E EN A. 'A R M S T R O N G DATED M ARCH 4, 2002 AND R E C O R D E D IN BOOK 410 AT P A G E 925 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because ol delauit In the pay­ ment of the secured Indebted­ ness and failure to perform the stip ulation a n d agreem ents therein contained and, pursuant to de m and of the ow ner and holder of the secured debt, Ihe undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auc­ tion to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place ol sale at the county courthouse ol said county at 10:30 AM on July 28,2008 the following described real estate a nd any other Im provem ents which may be situated thereon, In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particulariy de­ scribed as follows; B E IN G K N O W N a n d d e s ig ­ n a te d a s L o t N o . 4 4 o f N o r th R id g e , P h a s e 2 , a s s e t fo r th in P la t B o o k 7 , P a g e 1 0 5 ( S lid e 2 6 7 ) , D a v ie C o u n ty R e g is try , to w h ic h re fe re n c e is h e re b y m a d e lo r a m o re p a r tic u la r d e s c rip tio n . S U B J E C T T O R e s tric tiv e C o v ­ e n a n ts in D e e d B o o k 3 1 9 , P a g e 2 8 4 , D a v ie C o u n ty R e g is try , a n d a n y o th e r e a s e m e n ts a n d r e s tr ic ­ tio n s o f re c o rd . F O R B A C K T IT L E , s e e D e e d B o o k 3 3 8 , P a g e 8 2 1 , a n d D e e d B o o k 1 8 0 , P a g e 3 4 , D a v ie C o u n ty R e g is try . S e e a ls o T a x M a p H -4 - 1 3 , A , P a r c e l 4 4 , lo c a t e d in M o c k s v ille T o w n s h ip , D a v ie C o u n ty , N o rth C a ro lin a . A nd Being more com m only know n as; 148 A » h Dr, M ockavllls, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of the properly, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Maureen A. Arrpst^ong. The property lo be offered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, W H ERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder ol tho note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physi­ cal, environm ental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property be­ ing offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and en­ cum brances, and unpaid taxes and assessm ents Including but not limited to any transfer tax as­ sociated with the loreclosure. A deposit ol five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hun­ dred fifty do llars ($7 50 .00 ), whichever Is greater, Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be hold open ten days for upset bids as re­ quired by law. Following the ex­ piration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OW ­ ING. Failure to remit lunds in a timely manner wiil result In a Dec­ laration of Default and any de­ posit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale, , S P E C IA L N O T IC E FO R LEASEHOLD TENANTS; If you are a tenant residing in the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order for Possession ol the property may be Issued in favor of the pur­ chaser, Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or alter Octo­ ber 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agree­ ment upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be li­ able for rent due under the agree­ ment prorated to the effective date of the termination. th e date of this Notice Is June 30, 2008.08-104053 Richard P. McNeely Substitute Trustee PMB 288 8206-1200 Providence Road Charlotte, NO 28277-9708 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SU PERIO R COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 08SP160 IN THE MATTER O F THE FORECLOSURE O F A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY R O Y D. W A LK E R , JR . A N D C A R O L WALKER DATED JULY 29, 2005 AND R EC O RD ED IN BOOK 618 AT PAGE 959 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the pay­ ment of the secured Indebted­ ness and failure to perform the stip ulation and agreem ents therein contained and, pursuant to de m and of tho owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose lor sale at public auc­ tion to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30 AM on Ju ly 28,2008 tho following described real estate a nd any other Im provem ents which may be situated thereon, in Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particulariy de­ scribed as follows; B E IN G K N O W N A N D D E S IG ­ N A T E D a s L o t N o . 1 0 , B lo c k F o u r, S e c tio n TW O, G re e n w o o d L a k e s S u b d iv is io n , a c c o rd in g to a p ia t th e r e o f d u ly r e c o r d e d in M a p B o o k 3 , P a g e 8 8 , D a v ie C o u n ty R e g is try , to w h ic h r e fe r e n c e is h e re b y m a d e fo r a m o re p a r tic u ­ la r d e s c rip tio n . And Being more com m only known as; 120 B rookdale Dr, Advance, NC 27006 Tho record owner(s) of tho property, as reflected on tho records of the Register of Deeds, Is/are Roy Ci. W alker, Jr. and Carol J. Walker. The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, W HERE IS." Neither Ihe Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, em ­ ployees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or (he holder of the note rhake any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physi­ cal, environm ental, health o r , salely conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property be­ ing ollored for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and en­ cum brances, and unpaid taxes and assessm ents Including but not limited to any transfer tax as- sociated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hun­ dred fifty dollars ($7 50 .00 ), whichever Is gfeater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as re­ quired by law. Following the ex­ piration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND O W ­ ING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result In a Dec­ laration of Default and any de­ posit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. ' S P E C IA L N O T IC E F O R LEASEHOLD TENANTS; If you are a tenant residing in the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order lor Possession of the property may be Issued in favor.of the pur­ chaser. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or after Octo­ ber 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agree­ ment upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be li­ able for rent due under the agree­ m ent prorated to the effective date ol the termination. The date ol this Notice is July 7, 2008, 08-105456 Grady Ingle Substitute Tmstee 8520 Clllf Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Chartotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 , h ttp ://s h a p ito a tto m e y s .c o m /h c / 7 -1 7 -2 trr NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 08SP161 IN THE MATTER O F THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF T RU ST EX EC U T ED BY C H A R LE S LEE PA G E AND SHERON J, PAGE DATED JULY 31, 2006 AND R E C O R D E D IN BOOK 673 AT PAGE 945 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGIS­ TRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of tmst and because of default In Ihe payment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to perform Ihe stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder ol the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale al the county courthouse of said county at 10:30 AM on July 28, 2008 the lollowlng described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon. In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particulariy described as follows; E X H IB IT A A L E T H A T C E R T A IN L O T O R P A R C E L O F L A N D S IT U A T E D IN T H E M O C K S V IL L E T O W N S H IP , D A V iE C O U N T Y , N O R T H C A R O ­ L IN A A N D M O R E P A R T IC U L A R L Y D E S C R IB E D A S F O L L O W S : B E G IN A T S T O N E O N W E S T S ID E O F T H E O L D S A L IS B U R Y R O A D , T M . H E N D R IX C O R N E R R U N S N O R T H 7 5 W E S T 5 .5 0 C H S . T O A N IR O N H E N D R iX C O R N E R ! T H E N C E N . 4 W . 4 .0 0 C H S ., T O A N IR O N : T H E N C E N 9 D E G R E E S E A S T 4 .5 0 C H S T O A N IR O N ; T H E N C E S O U T H 8 0 E . 1 0 .2 5 C H S . T O A N IR O N O N W E S T S ID E O F O L D S A L IS B U R Y R O A D ; T H E N C E S O U T H 3 3 W E S T W IT H S A ID R O A D 9 .4 5 C H A IN S T O T H E B E G IN N IN G C O N T A IN IN G 6 3 /4 A C R E S M O R E O R L E S S . S A V E A N D E X C E P T T H O S E P R E V IO U S L Y C O N ­ V E Y E D P A R C E L S L E A V IN G R E ­ M A IN IN G IN T H IS C O N V E Y A N C E A P P R O X IM A T E L Y 1 .8 A C R E S A L S O D E S IG N A T E D A S P A R C E L * 1 0 , D A V iS C O U N T Y T A X M A P J 4 -4 G . U P D A T E D S U R V E Y D E ­ S C R IP T IO N A S F O L L O W S : B E G IN N IN G A T A N IR O N IN T H E W E S T E R N R IG H T O F W A Y M A R G IN O F S A L IS B U R Y S T R E E T , S O U T H E A S T C O R N E R O F W .M . M IL L E R (D E E D B O O K 4 8 , P A G E 5 3 4 ) A N D R U N N IN G T H E N C E W IT H T H E W E S T E R N R IG H T O F W A Y M A R G IN O F S A L IS B U R Y S T R E E T S O U T H 2 4 D E G R E E S 2 0 M IN U T E S W E S T 2 0 0 .0 F E E T T O A N IR O N , M C C L A M R O C K N O R T H E A S T C O R N E R (D E E D B O O K 9 5 , P A G E 8 9 2 ) : T H E N C E W IT H M C C L A M R O C K L IN E N O R T H 7 0 D E G R E E S 5 9 M IN U T E S 4 8 S E C ­ O N D S W E S T 3 0 7 .5 6 F E E T T O A S T O N E , M C C L A M R O C K C O R ­ N E R : T H E N C E N O R T H 0 5 D E ­ G R E E S 2 0 M IN U T E S 4 5 S E C ­ O N D S E A S T 8 7 7 2 F E E T T O A S T O N E , M C C L A M R O C K C O R ­ N E R : T H E N C E N O R T H 1 3 D E ­ G R E E S 1 5 M IN U T E S 2 0 . S E C ­ O N D S E A S T 1 0 4 .8 6 F E E T T O A N IR O N , S O U T H W E S T C O R N E R O F C .M . A N D E R S O N (D E E D B O O K 5 9 , P A G E 6 1 7 ) : T H E N C E S O U T H 7 3 D E G R E E S 0 4 M IN ­ U T E S 4 0 S E C O N D S E A S T 1 1 1 .3 4 F E E T T O A N iR O N , S O U T H E A S T C O R N E R O F C .M . A N D E R S O N A N D S O U T H W E S T C O R N E R O F R O B E R T L H E N D R IC K S (D E E D B O O K 9 7 , P A G E 8 0 1 ) : T H E N C E W IT H T H E L IN E S O F R O B E R T L H E N D R IC K S A N D W . M . M IL L E R S O U T H 7 2 D E G R E E S 1 7 M IN ­ U T E S E A S T 2 4 6 1 5 F E E T T O T H E P O IN T A N D P L A C E O F B E G IN ­ N IN G , C O N T A IN IN G 1 .5 0 3 A C R E S , M O R E O R L E S S , A S S U R V E Y E D O C T O B E R 2 2 , 1 9 9 0 B Y C . . R A Y C A T E S . B E IN G T H E S A M E P R O P E R T Y C O N V E Y E D B Y F E E S IM P L E D E E D F R O M N A N C Y L B E N S O N a n d W IL L IA M B E N S O N H U S ­ B A N D A N D W IF E a n d R O B E R T F L A T H A M , E T A L T O C H A R L E S L E E P A G E a n d S H E R O N J P A G E D A T E D 0 9 /2 7 /1 9 9 0 R E ­ C O R D E D O N 1 0 /3 1 /1 9 9 0 IN B O O K 1 5 6 , P A G E 7 3 2 IN D A V iE C O U N T Y R E C O R D S , S T A T E O F N C . A nd Being more com m only k now n as; 4 29 S o u th S alisb u ry S t, M ocksville, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the re co rds of the R e g is te r of D eeds, Is/are Charies Lee Page and Sheron J. Page. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, trans- ler and c onv e yan ce “A S IS, W H E R E IS ." N e ithe r the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, em ployees, agents or a uth o­ rized representative of either T rustee or the holder of the note m ake any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions ex­ isting In, on, at or relating to the property being olfered tor sale. Any and all responslbililles or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condi­ tion expressly are disclaim ed. This sale is m ade subject to all prior liens and encum brances, and unpaid taxes and assess­ m ents Including but not limited lo any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of liv e p e rc e n t (5 % ) ol the am ount of the bid or seven hun­ dred fifty do llars ($ 7 5 0 .0 0 ), w hichever Is greater, is re­ quired and m ust be tendered In the form of certified funds at the time ol the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for up­ set bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all re­ m aining am ounts are IM M EDI­ ATELY DUE AND O W IN G . Fail­ ure to remit funds In a timely, m anner will result In a Deolara- tion of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending tho out­ com e of any re-sale. S P E C IA L N O T IC E F O R LEA SEH OLD TENANTS: II you are a te n an t residing In the property, be advised that an O r­ der for Possession of tho prop­ erty m ay be Issued In favor of the purchaser. A lso, II your lease began or w as renewed on or alter O ctober 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreem ent upon 10 ■days written notice to Ihe land- ■ lord. You may be liable lor rent due under the agreem ent pro­ rated to tho effective date of the termination. The date ol this N otice Is July 7, 2008. . 08-105476 Grady Ingle Substitute Tmstee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Chariotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 h ttp y /s h a p iro a tto m e y s . c o m /n c / 7-10-21П H e lp W a n te d ; PERMANENT PT ANIMAL CARE TECHNICIAN to provide care (or animals and clean facility. Nights & weekends. MS diploma & valid NC drivers license. Application available on www.davlenchumano.org. Send resume & app. to Humane Society, PO Box 153, Mocksville, NC 27028, Background end driving record check required. EOE. W ANTED: i<)< I s i o M 111 II I) 10 M o m I \K iK iM i s W ll I |)IS( (H M \ i l n l \l II II I) IIO M I S 'i.lO.OOO m M )U i i)s lo ( lt< X )S| I U( Л1 ( \\ I l(n > \^ : I IM I I I I) I IM I < )M \ I-S0<M >74-4I3I C A S H COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE С«11Ь№шгВмНМЭ^^ GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING Cranes, Bulldozcrii, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump IVucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators - Notional Certification - Financial Assistance -Job Placement Assistance 8 8 8 -2 3 3 -6 0 7 9 Associated Training Services www,equipmentoperator.com NORTH CAROLINA DAViE COUNTY NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R S Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of LONNIE GRAY BOLIN, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claim s against said estate to pre se n t them to the u n d e r­ signed on or before October 17, ¿008, (being three (3) m onths from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recov­ ery. All persons, llrms and cor­ porations Indebted to said es­ tate will please m ake Im m edi­ ate p a y m e n t to the u n d e r­ signed. T his the 17th day of July, 2008. ETHEL M ARIE BOLIN HEDRICK 306 W estdale Ave. Lexington, NC 27295 7-17-4p NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R S Having qualified as Executor of the E sta te of G A R Y M A L L O R Y M A Y E S , la te of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present them to tho undersigned on or before O c ­ tober 17,2008, (being three (3) m onths from this first day of publication ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firm s and corporations In deb te d to sa id estate will please m ake Im m ediate pay­ m ent to the undersigned. This the 17th day of July, 2008. KAREN D EN ISE MAYES 156 Sonora Drive Advance, NC 27006 7-17-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Davie County W atershed July 15, 2008 The Davie County Watershed Improvement Commission Is now accepting bid proposals lor main­ tenance work at nine (9) lloodwa- ter retarding dams located within the Dutchmans Creek watershed structures. Work Includes bush hogging of vegetation on the dam, emergency spillway.and other ar­ eas. Removal and oH site disposal of all debris is required. Chemical control of vegetation Is a must and bidders must possess a valid NC Commercial Pesticide Applicator's License. 7-17-1tn NORTH CA ROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PU BLIC NOTICE REQ U EST FO R SE A LE D BID The Board of Directors for Lone Hickory V olunteer Fire Department Is accepting sealed bids until July 31, 2008, lor the purchase of a 1989 Diesel Ford E conollne 350 with First R e ­ sponder body. The vehicle can be seen^any M onday evening from 7;0q-9;00 p.m . at the fire sta tio n , c^200 Lone H ickory R oad, Yadkinville. 7-17-1 In Driver - Mocksville Terminal TOP PAY loi Exp ri Drivers' HOME EVERY WEEKEND GUARAt^TEED! 65% preloaded/pretarped CDL-A req'd. 877-428-5627 www.ctdrivors.com Say Happy Mihday Herd 2x3 * 3 0 OAVIK COUNTY EHTERPRI/E-hBCORD 171 S. Main St. « MocksVlllB INVENTORY & PROJECT MANAGER Manufacturing company seeks qualified management team member to work with Inventory management, purchasing, shop order scheduling, general project management and other responsibilities assigned. Must have good computer skills and experience with Excel,Word and exhibit capability to learn specialized Inventory management software. Must have good people skills and effectively interact w ith management, production personnel, customers and vendors. Interested candidates should forward current resume to: Attention; President POBox67 0 Yadkinville, NC 27055 brJi-' Pay level to be established based on experience and skill level. EOE. my AuctionZip.com # 4569 notice of upcoming NO BUYER’S PREMIUM ww.YORKAUCTION.com AUCTION S at. July 19, 2008 @ 10 aiin for Mr. Fred D. Jolly Mr. Fred has built a small retirement home REAL ESTATE +/- 3,750 sq, ft. B r i c k H o m e w/ basement & +/- 1,320 sq. ft. Brick Garage ■+■/-9 SiC. sulidivitlcti into 6 Lois plus Household * Antiques * Tractor Shop & Yard Tools * Personal Property for more information piea.Kc vi.<iit www.YORKAUCTlON.com 704-546-2696 Harmony, NC ncal it 74 nciel H 32874 since 1935 / D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 PUBLIC NOTICES NKMA 97395759 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE BEFORE THE CLERK 08 SP 137 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY CHARLES T. CUNNINGHAM AND MARY A. CUNNINGHAM DATED Septem ber 9, 2002 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 437, PAGE 552, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY, TO BB&T COLLATERAL SERVICE CORP. TRUSTEE, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue o< the power of Gale contained In that certain deed of trust executed by CHARLES T, CUNNINGHAM AND MARY A, CUNNINGHAM dated September 9, 2002 to BB&T COLLATERAL SERVICE CORP, Trustee for BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COM­ PANY, recorded In Book 437, Page 652, DAVIE County Reg­ istry; default having been made In payment ol the Indebtedness thereby secured; and the nec­ essary findings to permit fore­ closure having been made by the Clerk of Superior Court of DAVIE County, North Carolina; the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public äuctlon to the highest bidder for cash, the property conveyed In said deed of trust, the same lying and being In tho County of DAVIE and State of North Carolina, and more par­ ticularly described as follows; Being known and designated as Apartment B, Building 2, on a plat entitled Bermuda Run Golfdomlnlums, Section 1, re­ corded In Plat Book 4, Page 103, In the Office of the Regis­ ter ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made lor a more particular description. Together with a permanent right of easement for Ingress and egress to and from said land over RIverbend Drive as the same is shown on said plat, which'easement shaii be non- exciusiveand shall run with the land; and I Together with all rights easoii- menis appurtenant to said lot as specifically enumerated in Iho Declaration of'Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Is­ sued by Bermuda Run, Ltd., and recorded In Deed Book 87, Page 61, and amended In Deed Book 100, Page 796, In Ihe Of­ fice of Ihe Register ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and membership In Bermuda Run Golfdominium Association [^0, 2, Inc, : PROPERTY ADDRESS/LO­ CATION; 594 RIverband Dr„ Advance, NC 27006 DATE OF SALE; July 24, 2008 TIME OF SALE; 10',30A.M, LOCATION OF SALE; DAVIE County Courthouse RECORD OWNER(S); Zenlinks, LLC TERMS OF THE SALE; (1), This sale wiil be made subject to; (a) all prior liens, encum- I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 brances, easem ents, right-of- ways, restrictive covenants or other restrictions of record af­ fecting the property; (b) prop­ erly taxes and assessm ents for the year In which Ihe sale oc­ curs, as well as any prior years: (c) federal lax liens with respect to which proper notice was not given to Ihe internal Revenue Service; and (d) federal tax liens to which proper notice was given to the Internal Revenue Service and to which Ihe right of redemption applies, (2) The properly Is being sold "as Is", Neither the benell- clary of Ihe deed of trust, nor the undersigned Substitute Trustee, makes any warranties or representations concerning the property, Including but not limited to, the physical or envi­ ronmental condition of Ihe prop­ erty. Further, the undersigned , Subslltule Trustee makes no title warranties with respect to Ihe title to Ihe property. (3) The highest bidder will be responsible for Ihe payment of revenue stamps payable to Ihe Register of Deeds and any final court and/or auditing fees pay­ able to the Clerk of Superior Court which are assessed on Ihe high bid resulting from this foreclosure sale. (4) At the time ol Ihe sale, Ihe highest bidder will be re­ quired to make a cash deposit of five percent (5%) of Ihe bid, or $750,00, whichever Is greater, with the remaining bal­ ance of the bid amount to be paid on the day following the expiration of the applicable ten (10) day upset bid period, (5) Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may alter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. Upon termination ol a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to Ihe ef­ fective date ot the termination, (6) An order for possession ol the property being sold may be Issued pursuant to N,C.G.S. §45-21.29 in favor of tho pur­ chaser and against the parly or 't>artles In possession, by~ihe'" Clerk of Superior Court of the county In which Ihe properly Is sold. This the 26th day of June 2008. SMITH DEBNAM NARRON DRAKE SAINTSING & MYERS, L.L.P. Jeff D. Rogers, Sutistltute Trustee P. O. Box 28268 Raleigh, NC 27611-6268 (919) 250-2000 For more information con­ cerning this foreclosure, piec^se visit our w ebsite at w w w .s m lth d e b n a m la w .c o m . This communication Is from a debt collector, Tho purpose ol this communication is to collect a debt. 7-10-2ln Harris Pool & Supplies (Ь|к«>(Ьп1саЬ*М15|1а1«Шм ()|ml«Jitlui«>VlqlUnerlie|toMil Tommy Huiris/Owncr-Over 20 Yrs. (ixp. in PltNLsantAcre Dr., Mocksville Honw (336) 284^4817 .Business (336) 909-4027 . Ben Mynatt Nissan would like to y^efcorm 'Back 'RomieTieascmts After a year In semi-retinement, Ronnie looks forward to serving his past customers here at Ben Mynatt Nissan. So call or stop t)y and see Ronnie today! Ben Mynatt Nissan has a lar^e Inventory of New Nlssans and Pre-Owned vehicles of all makes and modcb to choose from. 629 Jake Alexander Blvd. S. Salisbury 704-633-7270/1-800-264-6823 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF . FORECLOSURE SALE 08 SP 12 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Jam es M. Sekula and Wife, Rebecca Sekula to Trustee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC, Trustee(s), dated Ihe 27th day ol September, 2004, and re­ corded In Book 574. Page 345. Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the un­ dersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, inc, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded In tho Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and Ihe holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that Ihe Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substllute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In Ihe City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 2:45 p.m, on July 30, 2008 and will sell to the highest.bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol­ lows; Being known and designated as Lot No. 7, Block 4, Section 1, as shown on the piat ol Greenwood Lake recorded in Map Book 3, Page 53 (silde 65), Davie County Registry, to which relerenoe Is hereby made lor a more particular description, Togetiier with improvements located thereon; said property being located al 334 River Road, Advance, North Carolina. Subject to l^estrlclive Cov­ enants In Deed Book 57, Pago 453, Davie County Registry, and any other easement and re­ striction of record. For Back Title see DB 77, Page 575, Davie County Reg­ istry, see also Tax Map E-8-11, B, Parcel 13, located In Shady Grove Township, Davie County North Carolina. Trustee may, In the Trustee’s ’sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided In NCGS §45-21,23, Should Ihe properly be pur­ chased by a third party, that person must pay tho tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to bo offered pursuant to this notice ol sale Is being offered for sale, trans- ler and conveyance "AS iS, WHERE- IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreem ent, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or autho­ rized representative of either the Trustee or Ihe holder of the note make any representation or Need Vinyl Rdiling? No Painting Ever!! NO Rotting Ever!! We Supply Materials & Labor. Call for Free Estimate. D-(336) 480-5984 N■(336)492-5761 warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions ex­ isting In, on, al or relating to the properly being offered for sale, and any and all responslbllllles or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are dis­ claimed, Also, this property Is being sold sub]Qcl to all taxes, special assessm ents, and prior liens or encum brances ol record and any recorded re­ leases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol five percent (5%) o( the pur­ chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), which­ ever Is greater, will be required al the time of Ihe sale. An order tor possession ol Ihe property may be Issued pur­ suant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of Iho purchaser and against Ihe party or parties In posses­ sion by Ihe clerk of superior court of the county In which Ihe property is sold. Any person who occupies the properly pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the el- fectlye date of the termination. THIS IS A COMMUNICA­ TION FROM A DEBT COLLEC­ TOR. THEPURP.OSEOFTHIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COL­ LECT A DEBT AND ANY IN­ FORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR-, POSE, except as stated below In the Instance ol bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RE­ SULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIRE­ MENT AND FOR INFORMA­ TIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT­ TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT rOH AS’AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSON­ ALLY. This 2nd day ol July, 2008. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter & Britton, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 htlp://www.fc-sales.oom ■Case No; 430.128032 7-17-21П Don Noel Excavatliig & Grading Trackhoe & Dozorwork. Site planning, lots cleared, driveways, septic systems, sewer hooltups & drainages. Installation & repairs NOW Bushogglng Pasture L ands ■ Largo Tracts- W A N T E D 1 0 H O M ES THATNEED PAINTING 10 Homeowners will be given an opportunity to have Spray-On Coaling applied to Ihelr home a t B spaclal tSOO oW raaular price. No more costly repair bills or constant painting costs. • Spray-On Coalings CAN EASILY be applied over any type surface Including wood, stucco, block, or brick. All Spray-On Coatings have a LIFE-TIME WARRANTY. Why wait? FR^E ESTIMATEK Contact Distinctive Exterior Coatings: Call Now (336) 774-3852 _____wiiiin92coat@yahoo.com STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION , 08SP163 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUSTOF FREDDIET. MILLER and CATHY R. MILLER, Qtantor(s), To; TRSTE, INC,, TRUSTEE, AND WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL AS­ SOCIATION, BENEFICIARY, As recorded In Deed of Trust Book 561, Pago 221, Davie County Regls- liy. See Substitution of Tnistee as re­ corded In Deed Book 758, Page 115, Davie County Registry, appointing Ri­ chard J. Kania as Substllute Trustee, ESMTEBtSUBSnnftli TRUSTEE TO; Cathy A. Miller 378 Plnebrook School Road Mocksville, NC 27028, Freddie T.MIIIor 378 Plnebrook School Road Mocksville, NC 27028, Occupant 378 Plnebrook School Road Mocksville, NC 27028. Under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained In that certain deed ol Inist executed and dellverod by the above-named Grantors to Wachovia Bank, Nattonal Association, dated June 21,2004, flied for record on July 14,2004, securing indebted­ ness In the original principal amount of $51,000.00 as recorded in Deed ol Tmst Book 561 al Page 221, Davie County Registry (hereinafter, the "Deed ol Tmst"), and because of the default ol In tho payment of the indebt­ edness thereby secured and Iho fail­ ure ol to carry out or perfomi the stipu­ lations and agreements therein con­ tained and pursuant to Ihe demand ol the owner and holder of tho Indebted­ ness secured by Ihe Deed of Trust, and pursuant to Ihe OnJer of the Clert< of Superior Court for Davie County, North Carolina, entered In this foreclo­ sure proceeding, the undersigned, Ri­ chard J. KanIa, Substllute Tnjstee, will expose for sale at public auction on Aug u rtl 2008 at 11:00 AM. at Ihe usual place ol sale as designated by the Cleri< of Court for foreclosute sales at the Davie County Courthouse, Mocksville, North Carolina, the real properly In Farmington Township, Davie County, North Carolina (Includ­ ing any Improvomenls thereon), with the address of 378 PInebftxjk School Road, Mocksville, NC 27028, and as described In Ihe attached Exhibit A hereto. Exhibit A; BEING ail of that 1.001 acre parcel on the eastern margin of Plnebrook School Rd., said parcel described in a deed to FreddieT. Miller and wife, Cathy A. Miller, said deed dated 104-1996and recoided In Book 190, Page 660, Davie county Regls- tiy. Reference to said deed Is hereby made lor a more perlect description. The sale will be made subject to ali prior liens, unpaW taxes, restrictkjns and easements of record and assess­ ments, H any. TTie record owner of Ihe above- described real property as reflected on Ihe records of the County Register of Deeds not more than ten (10) days prior to Ihe posting of this Notice is: CathyA Miller FreddieT Miller An order for possession ot Ihe property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favorof Iho purchaser and against the party or parties In pos­ session by Ihe County Clerk of Supe­ rior Court. Any person who occupies Ihe property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered into or renewed on or altar October 1,2007 may, after re­ ceiving this noUce of Ihe sale, termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to Iho landlord. Upon termination ot a rental agree­ ment, Ihe tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the teimlnallon. Pursuant to N.C. Gen Stat.§45- 21.10(b), and the temns of the Deed ol Trust, any successlul bkWer may be required to deposit with the Tnjslee immediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit of the greater of five percent (5%) ol Ihe amount bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). Any successful bkkler shall be required to tender Ihe lull balance purchase price so bid in cash or certi­ fied check at Ihe tinie Ihe Tnistee ten­ ders to him a deed for Ihe property or attempts to lender such deed, and should said successful bidder fall to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at the time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for In N.C. Gen.Stat. §45-21.30 (d) and (e). The sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law. This the 4lh day ol June, 2006. Rk:hardJ. Kania Substitute Tnjstee 600-1 Centrepari< Drive Ashovllle.NC 28805 (828) 252-8010 7-17-2tn MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SU M M IB IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! M(n >svpne |336) 751-2304 FOR SALE: Cars • Trucl(s Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 B/locksvllle, NC ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, July 26,2008 • 9 am Personal Property of Mrs. Georgia F. Boger (deceased) and others, 536 Danner Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 mecllons: From Mocksvillo, 601N approx. 5 miles, lum right on Danner Rd. Partial LIsllnB: Pie safe, one board walnul lable, cedar ciiesi, oak round lop labie oak dressers, old rocking chairs, B.R. suite, kitciien lable chairs, Hull, McCoy, Blue Ridge, Homer Laugtilin pollery pcs., Dazey churn, wash bench, J.D. Iraciors, clocks, die cast race cars #3, long guns, coins, farm tractors, IH, Ford, other equipment. See complatB listing ne«t weak. Go to www.auclloiulp.cain, 10*10133, tor complste listing and photos S p e e r A u c t i o n s David Speer NCAL #2984 • Arthur Bostick NCAL#1365 _______ 336-998-4162 • 336-655-9649 WRMERS MARKET in CLEMMONS!! CLEMMONS COUNTRY STORE 2690 Lewisville^lenimons Road • 76&898S Locally Crown Produca balwawtW Pally Tom atoes • C ucum bers • Squash • B eans P eaches • Canteloupe • Nectarines • Apples Zucchini • Potatoes • Vidallas • Okra • Much Morel Local H oney • pim ento Cheese • Country Ham Fresh Crop Pintos • Apple B utter •W aterm elon Itind Pickles ‘ Homemade Pound Cake* G arden Flags • M ailbox Covers • Stepping Stones 4 F r e e H o t D o e s S ^rd a y, July 19 . Цащ • xpm. Thanks for supporting our iocal fanner, ti DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 - D7 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / E R E C O R D F oil F i’eé Market Classified Automotive M#w «hop In Chinn Ofove nifode bo<V fmn. mocfmn« pointer, nncj wrilor/sfllao оззо- СШЮ.СйН 7O4-79870IO Construction & Skilled Trades CotKrett Foreman. 5 yonrn o«. porionco (mechanlcat ptifeco pretefrod) Irnvol & ait oipofifto4 paid. Musi have VftliU dflvor's licomo Ого.т opportuf»(y wtU» Qfowina com pany. Cail336 W0-434fl Child Care & Domostics Futhtim* nanny (or 18 motilh old boy. Moreiny-Frldjiy Олт 6pm, поп9пк*ог. Ploftîo сл1 ЗЗС-0Гв-5274, Нвппу lor lotldler nndInfant. С^Мслго oiparioncc roqutrod ToosdciyThtirsdny 0:30nm-l:30pm. Plonso ione ro«timo or iottor of tntorosi in ko<ij¥ny?cMdn)nOynhcxj com Drivers & Transportation DFItVEnS* Compvtlt^a Pay Oioftt Homo Timo. Van anc Flfltbed riooia. Accepting По cofit Orods, 23 уолг« dd, 1 yoar ОТП, CDt-A. Sinihway Motor Xprost OeS-GlO-TGoi wviw.enuc.com DRIVERS: Toam« ond Solee Noodod Qront Pay. Equip rrxiiit ond OenoMs. Muel hflvt 0 tnonth» 01П Exi>prtonce Call Олтоу Todoyl l-flOO eC9-3179o*t. 1411. Education & _ _ J|¡raln in 2 _ AIRLfNES ARE XtniNQ* Tmnfor Ngh piMng Аул1юп M.iih- Unanco Caroer FAA ap­proved program Fnandnl jw ti f)uatif^od- Job piACDmont nft- iltlanco. Can Aviation Intt*- Itilo of MdinlonarKQ (Обе; 349-5307. ATTEND COLLEOE ONLINEfrom homo. Metical. OuU- no*$. Porologal. Computnre Criminal Juiticfl. Job place- moni AesiBivico. Compüioi ftvatlttble. Firvkncint aid ti tiual ifiod. Сл11 есО'вг^2131 iMvw.ConiufoOnline.com НЮН SCHOOL DIPLOMA' Fati, Affordable and Accredit ed. Fioo Drochuro. Ca)l Now* 1-e00-5326540 Ед1. 457. www.coPiifwntaiacadomy.corT Conbnonlal Academy. Need a new washer or dryer? Want to get rid of the old one? Then call us to place an ad to help sell that old appliance! 1-877-751-2120 General Drlvtr- I9K 8iarH)N BONUS for Eip«r1»nc»d TMma: Dr>Van & Tomp Control. Sole lanea nioo avaJiAbio &0s A COL-A OradB wokromo. Cal CovonanI (666) C84-25I0 EOE. General I ywi!» E»peil*nc* Welder,710. MfO, GliCk. DRIVERS; 13 DRIVERS NEEDED. Siun-On Oonue. 35-Лг Cfirn. ёлпм OVEfl St,OOC WDoMy, E^col'ftnt Oonqfite NcHid CDL-A Ä 3 monlha ro corilOTn.öOÜG35üßG9. EXCMANQE PROGRAM REP­RESENTATIVE Wanlod Looking lor local voluntoors Ic lind l»9l hmiKoft ond worN Omol opporlutiiry nbout other cultures tooclt nbout tlwir own. Cal noo-473^0696. WWM assa.con- EXPERieNCED PAIHT MIX­ER' NEEDED. aEXIOLE HOURS FULL on РАПГ TIME AVIALAÜLE. IN­QUIRE AT 704 037-0700. FUN IN THE SUNDored, oul of wor47 Ti/ed of Hitting Iwmo? Sfuch nt n dodc ond )ob? Илго'в yair chonco 10-24 girl&'guys Travol CoaV to Coast. Earn 300-800 wh So hurry, (lon'l misfl oul. CaJ no« 1860-70M442 WWW loreoorioloAm.cum INDFPENDENT CONTRACT DRIVERS noodod lo transpon trucks Irom Dubita VA К witNn л 400milo mdiui. Noi Incorno potontial of $40.00C por year. Visit ив wwvyquntftydflvoowoy.com c* contact Rtctviid at 1-в00-7в4 1G03 or Mindy ot 1-0бв-76<1- 1601. Labortr» with conortlf tipo- rtenc* * mechank»! eipor« onco proforrod. Travel A ol Qxpontot pAid. Mutt l^ovt valid dflvoT# liconao. Qreo' oppodurtty with grMlfig com- pony. Call 336-940-4345 NUCLEAR POWER OPENINQ9- Natonal «mptoyer of- fot» eiTptoymorit ill onginoer- ing and nucMutr power. Oooc In sdoncttrmath, HS diploma flgos 17-34. CaII Ш-Ш' 7419 for kcal Inlorvlow. Summor InduslriosIn Mock*v«io le currently sooking qualitlod lndMdl^ ni« (or Iti« lolVoMng poeV- tjon: M<ULr«bilc«lq(/Wtld«r* Miivinum 2 yean eipert' once in molai fabricabon.' Eiporionco prodiicing тл- chinory.'peita uting bkjeprints and «holclws.' Wolilirtg oiperlonco II ro* qUiod* Must havu basic liand tooM tooio (wrofichoa, sockol set. eie) MoctllnilL(m«nutLlB№f.mlli)* MinmixTi 5 уелп oiport* eneo‘ Eiporlonco iruichining pad« uUng biuopi^nts and skoichos‘ Miiit hflve Oa№c mochinitt tool» (fnics,coiipon,Indico*tO(S.OCl)' Miitt Inve basic hand tool» (wronchos, Socket t«i,oct) Muti be dopendable, onitiih siaitk: ottd motivalod. Conddato muat be oble to worV overtimo. ond hovb own Irnniportation.Wo otior compolitiv« wiigos nml oicelloni botìulits^ i336)>{(336)793-0011 Suirvnor (ndustdos 101 Ojiloy Slroet MocKsviilo. N027028 Willing lo educale л highly mo- l»vait)d indivKWal for a rownrd- Ing caroor in fmonciAl ser­vaos. Coll 336-92&-IÛ62 for intorVKhV. Healtiicare days |)or woo)i lor matemity Ioavo Dr. Joltüfy Oilltngi Off«». 33Ö-204-2SO5 ВМЛ.РМ, fifetbhiM.tull Of port- limo. Coll Honlth Contor al Э30-М8 6775. ‘oF*Mocl«vias Autumn Caro of Moci<svlilo is SQol<lng Social Worker. Please apply In person Monday Ittrougti Friday 8:30 am until 4:00 pm at: 1007 Howard Streot Mocksvillo, NC 27028 Vard& Garage Sales Giani Moving Yord SoleFumituro, washer A dryw, dishos, pots & pans, etc Ffl. 1fl*'ASal. 19^ from Bam-? 003E.Momorlal^h«y. Harmony. 3 mics on 901 o(l G4. •18Ä7-t0 - 900a IIG5 Williams Rd. Advance Fu>n. baby iloms. hsMd items Hugo Yord Sale on comer ol GOI and 801 {Qreosy Comet). Daby Items, ontkiuo bod, women, mon, & childron'i clotlue, '93 Nissan, 3 Her V8. 5 epood Wih AC. Western SftddtQ. You r«mo it. wo'vit got it. Indoor/Outdoor Yiid 8«le Fildoy A Saturday 7om-unll. 2623 Hwy 0018. Appro*. I mile past Qreosy Corner. AduHVlds' cksthlng. houso- hokJ items, toys. & more. MuttbPomlty Yard Sote on Hsllander Drive Fridoy & Sot- ufday вот *4pm. Anttquo cd- loct'bloa. ctothing. tumttur«. ond morel Vlllogt CivlUn Club Annual Yotd Solo. Clemmons Contei across from CVS. Loiisviii« Clemmons Rd. July 19^ 8orr • 1?pm. Furniture, clothing, op plioncos, housohofd, otc. YardSa)«121 McQoe Cotfi - Oft high­way 801 |u»1 post Lowe‘1 Foods earn-12pm. TV, name brarvl doming for adults, kids, baby and maMmey, toys, houso wares, aafi supplì«« and much morel Yard 8alaFrI. & SoL 8:00- 1:00. t69 OunClut) Rd.off ^MylSS, 1* houM on lefLHouMtttid. computet port», childron'i books, booka, movies, dothes, oil sUos,SO e A $1.00. Toyi. gamos. CD'a - rooord«. h.OTS OF MANLY STUFF*. Powor (ods, wood aaiora. misc. shop items, vises. Dig John Doors Lown mower, lots moro. Yard 8al* FnOoy A Saturdoy 423 Oocktown rw. Clothos, toys, odds A ends, books. t09t WilH Tiuck, QMC 4x4 for pans. YardSak Friday 4 Saturdoy 6am Corner of Comouer Rd. A Cheitnul Trol, Household coneeior fiounnoe. boys' ctoih- ing 12-24 months, bo/s’ sltoes Silo 5-9. Uttlo Tykes toys & luinllui*, Thctw« Hems, train table, rockir hoiM, Medela Oroait pump bottles, lawnrrvMer biadoa A beiti, pool steps, solar bion- ket, baby tugbooL Yard Salo Frtday A SoiurdJy 601 North ocrou 140 0 mios on Oght. Ctothea. books, hoTM A lorm equipment, DonKoy ond misc. Itoms. YardftaloFf>dayJiiyia&OaV urday July 19. 7om*4pm, 307 Harvetl Woy. OH Country Lone. Oroonhouso (rams, blrdhousoa, DVDs, hujsehoio goods, ontlquo chopping block, and MORbl Yard Salo Irom major clean out. 2 fanVles, mother, douohter. grandson. July IBP T- brick houijf ori ' Country Ln. ofl Hwy 1S9. 7am-until. 0(d sct«o( dosk, Coco-Cofo collectibles, totsol books, klichen Hems, cook- books, floo market item« much miscdlloneous. Yord SoloJuly 1809. Bom until July 29-26, eom-uiW 740 Rainbow Road General DRIVER* COL-A. The OroM ii Oreenor at PTL. Sludonti With CDL Wok»mo- oxcollcnl training. Company Drivon Earn up 10 40c cpm. Ownof Oparatofo Earn $1.41 cpm. 22 С 1Г8 ol ago, 12 mos OTR Forced Noithoael! Compo ny ottvois ta«'. eoowe-wo5 Ownor Oporaiofo call: в77- 774-3533. vrtvw.ptl-lnc.com DRIVER* С01УА SE Regional $650 • SlOOaVvook. ^lorm Wooi4y. OTR: 34c • 43/mi loaded, S1.000 Donus, Stu­dents: Tuition nornburso moni. ModicalDontal/Viaon/ 401K, 866-323-2181. KLLM Jobs. EOE. DRIVER* WANT HOME Most Wookendo with Moro Pnyl Run Hoartlancfs Soulhoasi Regional! $.45/riulo compan) drtvors, $1.32 lor Operatore 12 monlhs OTR required Hoanland Expioes V80044V 4953. wwwtioartiandox' pross.com DRIVERS* Homo Wookonds Groat Poyl Company A. \J9 evaUable. PaW vacation i premium benefits. CDL-A anc 3 monihs Exporionco По S iirod, Call 800-441-4271. > D-100. Drivers* Seeking OWNER OP- ERATOnSt Milos & Mileage Ffoquent Homo Timo. Paic WooWy A Much Morol Col KOTon today al в00-тв393 o*t.1121 or visit www gcmml trofflcsalos.com Drlvors* WE HAVE MILES A FREIGHTI Positions availablo ASAPI Class A-CDL withtonl. ondorsomonl roquirod. Top pay A premium boneliis. Cal 877-184-3068 or v^sil www.oakleytran8poit.com DRIVERS-Worner peeda OTP truckers NOWI No oxport- ofKO noodedl $700*\vk eotn; Ing potontlal. No РгоЫет' Trenino ûvainbtol Ca» No* 1-BíM-é57-9242,_______ Office & Clerical Advance church sooka PT Socrotary. Soif staitor, лЫе lo work lindur prussuru anc with confidontiaifty, and havt ouporior compulor sUite Ploaso sorxi fosumo to clemiihOyodlo.not Recoptioniet Bermuda Run Countrv Club SooKing fuH-limo ro- coplionisi lo provido stalf support. Tho succossful candidato must havo profos- slonat imago and bo organized. Light ad- ministralivo duties In addition to handling lolophono call distri­bution. Groat pay & bonofils. Apply in person Tuesday-Ffi- day 0am-5pm._____ Yard & G arage Sales Yard& Garage Sales 3 Family Yord Sale -Thufoday. Ftidny. Saiufday. 0am-un!il SonwMiing for ovoryoni (oil Gtol Tall TimbursDr. Goorgin Rd.) 9 Family Yard Sale Saturday July 19, B.irtvlpm t07 pack Avo. (onlfonco tc Rich Poik). All bonolrts go tc LoukomWLymphomo Society. Dig Multi-Family Yord Solo TriASol, Juiyie&19 II35 Main Church Rd Stockeviiie Furniture, booka, toys, cloltioe cWldrone toplu# alio atkjila cloUtce - and mucli moro 336-492-6262 Yard Sole Saturday 8afTv3pm 64 W09t on Roborson Dhvo at doad ond. Lota ol giila' ctothos, toys, books • Something for ovoryortol Prtcod choap. You don't want tomlsat^ia cool M erciianclise ■ for Sale Antiques and Collectibles •Arts, Crafts, and Hobbles. • Building Equip­ ment and Supplies • Business Equip­ ment and Supplies • Coil Plionea and Service • dottles: Adults and Ctittdren • Computers and Software • Consignment • Electronics • Exercise Equip­ ment • Farm Equipment & Supplies • Flowers and Plants • Food and Produce • Fuel and Wood • Furniture and ’ Appliances • Games and Toys • Hunting & Flstiing • Jewelry • Lawn 8i Garden Sales and Service • Machinery and Tools • Medical Equipment • Misc. Equipment and Supplies • Misc. for Sale • Music Sales and Service • Sporting Goods • Tickets • TV, DVD, and Video • Want to Buy: Merctiandlse Antiques & Collectibles 1949 0N Red Dolly Ford Trac- lor. $3200 or bost olfor, Ex- coiioni condiuon. Cali 330- 900-2456 or 336473-9007. Farm EquipmenI & Supplies Qusli hog squtoter, 4 footNow. Usnd I hour. SOOO Pleaso call 701-S34-4772 Food & Produce JAN Fanns Poachos. Honoy m front ol Auto Zono ir Mocksvillo. M-Sot fOom -Cpi 336-492-0139 Wanted: Roma Green Ooana Dush or Polo. Plooso don' cell about ottwr vat^otxts 330-998-8876 Fuel & Wood FREEDECKfreo dock old but In good ahop< call 704 431-4907 lo co Furniture & Appliances BED FRAME* QUEEN SIZECustom mado-oak ond btrch Excortonl condition.704 G034005 $75.00 For aale - Oak coffe« labi« with storage drawerswith storage d $tOOODO СоЛ 330-624-1488 For solo: Curk) cabinet w№l*ght oak. Excoiloni sh<№0. $50. С&133М92-&Л95 KIN08IZSWATERBE0 Wavoieu. In bon. QoKsprtn( end motal fromo Indudoc 704-603^005 $123.00 Loyo seal and lofo mil in plastic. Must sell . $299 w^ warranty.Coll Leon 01330-Э92-Э349 Rofrfgerator, 06. stdo^byskio 21.8 cu. It with tct & water ir door. Smortwater niter, oner> offidont. $350. 704-43M556 Solid Marblo Top Coffee ТоЫо. You must pick up. Con 704-133-2932 $200.00 /Ifeiv J o d n u ! Washer, Maytag Neplune Nooiis minor topoirs $150 Maytag Neptunei. 704 2795139Dryer, $275. 7( WASHER^)RYER whir|>oc^ hoovy dury 5 cycio Э tempt Supetup. $15000 Lawn & Garden Sales DARELY USED HUSQVARNA UOWER21* Cut Autowalk (Setf-Pro- peifod) push mowor with bag­ger, $200 00 POOL CHAIR RECLINER8Set of 4. While. Excoiioni cond- Ш . Now О $240. Used seasons. $100.00. 704-6034003 POOL CLEANER-AUTOMATIC TtgerShork by Aquavac. Usod 2 soosona. Now. was $1000 Excellent cond. $22SOO 7W-Ç034006. Mise For Sale 2 Short bod rubber rriais $35 a piece 704-239-0174 $70.00 3 Pai. Feeders, 3 nng. $t0C each. 1 Pax feeder, 2 ring $79. 704-633 5332 4'Xr TRAILERMetal trailer. Loss then 2 yriokl. Good condllion. Cott 704-856-1527, $400 BABY SWINGQraoo battocy baby ew( spoods groat condition. 704-656-2302 $25-00 Dencf)es, wood, backless, 4-7It iong, le Inches high. $9-14 each. West Ccfonial Dr.. Sal^ )sbury.7(M-633-7Bee Cone roto palnUd buckanddoo^n bigh)$50.00 lor both. PMaso call 704-239-0179 Covorod iwlns for tale. Like now. Can to uMd on a dock, or in tho yard. Nowoi boon wot. All piltows Includ­ed. Can 336-492-5305 is Your House To SIVIALL For Your Family? Is Your House Too BIG For Just You? MAKE THE MOVEI Houses for Sale & Rent or Apartments It’s All HERE lntt\e SallsbLii7®\)st Mise For Sale Filter Oueon Veeuum doanot, $300, Wood BOW 3 point hitch, $100. Electric iron. $20. Iron­ing board $150.704 633 5332 Free klttena. 8 weoks oM, playful and cuddly noocb n good twmo. Pleaso соП 701-057-5210 JENNY LINO CRIOJenny Und cnb in cherry finish w/molrow A hardworo. Gooc corrdition $5000 704-B5G-2302 Large grill with amokai attached.Usodlwko $90.7M-637-0374 Llghtad gun cablnot (holds e guns) $50.00 Please call 7CM-239-0174 LN RASCAL eoo SCOOTERNovor usod. Noode bollorloi 704-2390543 $500.00 LN UNIFLAMEGASORia3 ГПСЛ. оИ wfskio bumor, tnnk 7W-G0W432 $123 00 lewlng Ml....................nvichine. $25. Govo»e colfee maker, 0 cup. Now. $20. 704-033-5332 Storybook cottage ployhouse.Eicolloni condition $250.Call 704-вЭ0-1637.No coHs öfter 9pm. Music Sales & Service Alto Saxophone All brass, needs pads $teo704 267-0461 Korg electric MIDI piano w cato & «tOTid, modol OllWld Excoiloni cond Soltbury 330-e92-53W $100 00 Vito BbClarinel. NowcorKHcn Period for student. 7СЙ-79в-109в.$170 00 Sporting Goods BASEBALL EQUIPMENTAdult №zo. gkMM r knoopadn wDocimotal batsA b.ige57-28íM $2500 Bow A Arrow Set Ooklon Eo Qlo, with ecCQssortot A cafte 70>S-2780Ü29 ООО $100 OO Television, DVD & Video CLASSIC ROCK PERFECT CD'S REO Sammy Ношг Roc Slowart Van Halen OSquire Eaglos704-BS7-28&4 $7.00 JVC 27* TV. 2 yrs OkJ, oicetlont concttion. Digital ready 704-795-евв7 $200 00 Want to Buy Merchandise Timber Wanted: Pne or wood. 10 acres or more. S» tod ond doar cut. Shavei Wood Products, Inc. 704-270 9291. Night 704-278-4433 Pelt, â Liv0stocl< Birds • Cats ■Dogs • Horses > Livestocli ' Other Pets 'Pet and Livestock Services Cats Free abandoned kitten, caltco. Cannot keep. Ploaso cal 704- 438-3306 or 704-224-9691 Free abandoned kitten, calico. Cannot keep. Ploaso cal 704- 436-330Aor704-224-969t FREE CATSPloaso call 704-27e-0s09 FREE kittens to good homo. 6 14 woou oU. Loving, playful, good with k)ds, imor tio> trained. Call 704-Ö30-4949 Free Kmsns. Carft koop. 2 av block, two oil gray, 9 groy ono wNto, Litter box trained. Cal 7M-642-1328 Lap Cat. Long haired, block, spayed. Stwts up lodate, 704-279-2210 blocl.okJ, litter box trained froo to goi^homo, 7(М-бЗЗ-в492 Dogs Abondoned kittens. Absdutoly adoratilo) Froo to good homo. Ploasecoil 704-636-4799 .KC registered Boxsra, 12wks oTd, tails dockod dow- claws removed, 3rd shots $375, Ready for new homel Call Karon 336- 751-5239 bolote 600 PM Beagle-pote-2 females& ^ malo-AKC-tog. 8 mos. dd-FREE-call 7СИ-463-7850, $0.00 Beagles for sale,Ono puppy, ono lull grovm. Make offor. 336-751-5008 Beautiful, full blooded Beagislies, $65 each. Call 704- Freo 6 month chocolate Lab to a good homo.Voi opprovod, 7W-647-073S or 70-1-433-4827 FREE ABANDONED DOGFomok) mix very swooi. lovoe water/oihordogs. Call 704-636-9771. FREE PUPPIES7 small mix brood FREE 704-Г- $0.00 los Free to good home 2 Lab mil puppies, MAP, 4-9 mos old Curiont on vacdnoc, spayoc and noutorod 704-Ô36-340â JDo£8 Fiee to loving home. Doxor & Qomuin Shepherd pups, t wks old, culol Alter Cpm cal 910-354-0949. Salisbury. Horses 5 year oW Chestnut Маю, $400. Poimino Shcrw Maro $4,500. 3 yf okl Gofding $800. 336-940-8370 Have room In our pasturo to boord 3 horsos. Hay fed in winter. Fnrmingion. $l25/mo. Livestock Horseshoeing elnce Ш1, all typos.JooWogosЗЗв-в82-7950 >; Notices •Legal Notices • Free Ads • Instruction • Lost & Found • Monument and Cemetery Lois • Notices • Special Occasions •Travel Opportunities Homes for Sale зон ЗЛ 0«. Sir,oa Mm T«Value. Drick rarwh, contra LG yard, cor port. $124 , 90C for quick sale. 7O1-630-0G9S 3BR, 1.5DA. houeo. Carport, now paint and corpol. 117! sqfl, $02.(X>0. Cali for infoi malKXi, ЗЭО-909-0445 Cute 2DR, IDA houao for sale in Mocksvllo, for«C(»d bock yard. $79.900. Иоаво col 330-403-0244 lor details. NEWLY REfAOOELEO20R, 2UA Qranto Quarry. Carport. Now Paint, kin A master DA, Hardwoods, formal DR A LM, 1612 sq fl. 919-270 9570 Reduced over $16,0001 Kindor- lon Vilago, Advance, new 3 on plus bonus, 2 DA 2.000 sq fl. $190,000 •1695 Lake Property LAKE GASTON VAiUC 350 rrulos slnroiirto. Froo Lok€ Млр?Оиуог8 Oiride Tangle- wood Roalty, Oox 11G Drocey, VA 23919, www.Ton- gtwoodHeotty.com 1-flOO 336-8810. Free Ads Don! throw et#ay lawnmowors ATV B. goil carts. A other cut door power oqupmonl. Wil pick up for froo. Coll Richorc 330-473-ieM. FREE 2 male kittens. I I2wks. I 14wKs Oottio fed. Inskio on­ly. Louk HIV tested. 704-857- 63I3MF aftorSSat- 9un9-9 Free female AKC Shih T;u dogs Needs a gooc homo. PioaMcail 7М-210-в8ве Free Klitena to loving homesi Oroy/Whilo lOwks dd, < males. Please call 704-7H2 2070 Leave mossogo. FREE Uttens. Mato & tomaie No shots. Outside kittene. no< litter iramod. Pleaso coll 704 6336555. Free KItlens; 1 adorable Caiicc girt. I black A wt»ile boy. 4 vory swoot playful yelkjw A whifo boys. 704-279-0143 FREE Lat)/Rottweller mU pup­pies. To good homo. Dig booutlliil di^. 6 weeks dd Please call 704-278-1461 FREE scrap wood, somo 2x4's,panoirg. Old Friendly Cue buÉkling Floate call 704-639-1800 Free tingle wide mobil* home mutt 00 mcwod. Good for >raflo oriecyding. 4-0400Й90 Stray kitten neede kivtng in- dooi/outrJoor home. Penule oppruK. 2 mo. okl orango/wti*le. 704 2090785 Lost & Found DOG FOUNDOog found In ino Eastland Est. area. Coil: 7043109213 Found black and white pupi on Hwy 601, Had red coi with whito flowers oa 336-284-2306 FOUND ON7/10 Small brown rruio dog on Miiloi Rd 704-207.7231 FOUND Shepherd mil, female About 4 mo, o*d. Black will- brown. Eoglo Heit^to area Can?D4-033-7O29 FOUND Torrior Mix CaU tc Idontlty. 704-636*1100 01 704-636-5700 Notices DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE ContoT otfots conliclonDai one froo pregnancy tosts. support serviceo and roforrals. Moke • healthy choice for your ifa' Cull 336-753 HOPE lor appt. Happy Birthday, Josh Oorfyhilll Love, Grand­ma & Grandpa R eal Estate Business Opportunities Condos and Townhomes Homes (or Salo • Investment Property Lake Property • Land for Sale Manufactured Home Dealers Manufactured Home Sales • Manufactured Lots tot Sate Manufactured Service ti Repairs Mortgage Services <> Loans Real Estate Services Real Estate: Commercial Resort and Vaca­ tion Property • Wanted: Real Estate Home Builders Clyde Hall Enterpdsea, Inc. New House ~ Capo Cod Siylo 2,300 sq.ft. OUll on your lot. $108,650 704-7464492 Land for Sale 32« wooded acres. Plus 2 cleared buMmg Mes, 2.4-3.C ocrea rurol eoitinÿroac frontage. 336492-2144 t* Acres. WiHdivklo. Vlas boor perkod. Oroker/Owner $875(Уаао.336492-7505 0» acres In housing devoiopmeni. 1ЭК per acre LocaiodinGoU Mil.Call 7044 67-7841 STEAL MY RIVER AccostAcfoags. Oimof muel sen 50% under market vaiuo. 1 « acres right off tho Coiawbs River, Pool, nvor walk, rlver- sido boil lidds. paved roodi and olectridty. Stool it today. $39,900. Cal 080-2794741. TIMBERLAND FOR SALEHRecteatMnaHnvosimont Op poitut^ties. 13 Tracts; 61 ir. 1,120 OCTOS. Sealed DkJI 08- 13-06. ColumbuB, EUadon Cumberland. Dupim, Pondor Sampson, NC. Counties 1- 803-740-1224. www.Amofi- conTimborldnds corrVSolos Manufactured Home Dealers Hugs living arealor big famiV- Owner tinandng. 668-203-0128 Manufactured Home Sales 0 Cluelng Costs, 0 Down.We buld on your land andfirvince loo. 330-249-7042 if you own ta.__have family land, kkay 336-249-7028 2BR, IBA, central а1гЛ major appi - kjl. Muai 900-234-8106Muai Seel $7,500 cot 9 Homes Left Re-Jucod Prices СаЛ Aaron 028-306-6131 4BR, 20R Inexppnslvo ownor finandng. Pleaso call 666-2036126 Attn Dovle Residente: Spodo' Finandng lor al tond owners. Custom bulkier with doop :keis, 3 A 4 DR homes Payments 8ee-203-6126pockeLo«P Own will Finance. Deer Run 3DR, 2BA $695^ Indudot k)t ronL Exceilont conctlior and has storage buMing. 336-961-2777 We finance alngfe wldee CHEAP 4 modele to dnos« Irom. Colt 7tM-030 6403 Aok lor Darren We wUt build on your imptcxec k)i. a 2,300 sq. ft. Capo Cod stylo houso. $105.900. Frank at 704-746 4492 Your Lond ie Your CredlLWoFinancg,Ploaio Can 336-249-8273 Mortgage Service/Loans Looking for a Career In Real Estate? Ono ol Davklson County LArgost Real Esiato Compof^cur^ roniiy Looking lor N.C.Real Estaio Broker. To sell in the Rowan & Davidson County, High Rock Loke area, Mu&tboSeil- Sianor, Moiivatod. Com­mission Boflod. Call Andy or Scott at 336-706-1003 Real Estate Commercial BCM Buslneee Park. For sale or lease 9.000 sq. It. buiUtng 1,500 to 4,500 sq. It. units. Commercial lots for salo oi wil build to suit umani. Cal 336-998-3105 Davie County Classi­ fieds 1.877.7S1-2120 FIND IT SELL IT RENT IT Call Us Todayl Real Estate Commercial □UILD1N0S FOR SALEI '0EA1 NEXT INCHEASEI- 20«30xl! S4900. 2Sx40xU S7EK)0 30.50.14 SSOeS. 35.5GXK SI3Í00. J0«60<le ilO.eOO 50*140я19 J47.60060.100.18 $37.000 Piomwsine» loao. ,.1.8004108 б«г • Apartments • Condos & Town homes • Houses tor Rent • Lake Property Rental •Ottice Commercial Rental • Manufactured Homes for Rent Resort & Vacation Rentals Roommate Wanted • Rooms for Rent storage Wanted to Rent Apartments Attention UNCC Studentel Wolk to class. 2 DR, 2 DA, wasf ■ • water.336-776-6690 isher/diyor, AC, cable wic ilor. $65(Vmonth » depoeit Largo 1 ВП apartment. Downtown Mockavllle. No ^ 9 per month Call 704-37M717 Houses 292Townpark f2i». Condo tocoied In Kindertoa 3 BR, IDA. Ali appliances Inckded. $79SAnonih 5961 Fox Rldoe* WtnstoivSalem 3DR, 2BA townhouso. Range, dishwasher, and re- tngerator. $939/month 921 Burton Rd-Advanco Very nico 2/Э DR homo situated 0Л 16 Acres. Vety Phvale. $600'monlh Celt Century 21 TtUtd 336-75V 2222 ask for Ext.2l3Mon Frl eam-5pmor336-7ei*S555 ExL 2l3nlghtsandwoekands ERA Premier Really Jackie Coulston 9Э6-7вМ777 or 336-7St*20M ADVANCE'Rent or Possible leaso purchase - 4DR, 2DA, Now Construction. Porch, pa­tio. bonus room or 4" bed­room. $140(Vnxnlh MOCKSVILLE - Pudding Rkigo Gorgeous 4BR, 3HDA custom brick homo. Golf course corrv muniiy. Ownor financing avail­ablo. Rent or poesibfo toaeo purchase. $165(Vmonth. Call lor details. MOCKSVILLE-2 OR. 2DA, In town with skle porch A cov­ered palio. $70<Vmontti M0CKSVIUE-2DR,.mBA,S kivels, oat-ln kltchon, patio. $46S/month, Nopots, MOCKSVILLE-3 OR. 2DA. Old farmhouse witt\ ecreago. S700/month ERA Premier Reelty Jackie Coulstoit 930*7в>6777 9Эв'996>7777 tloward Really JC Jordan 99e-761-6562 Mocksville-In town 2BA.ISA. rofrlg. Range, eloclric hoat, window air, No Smoking. NO PETS, $60(Vmo. Cooleemea • DR.IOA.oil hoat, VAndow air. $45Qi'mo. Winston Salem >2DR,IDA, gas hoot, contrai olr, near AsNoy Clom.,S500Ano. Howard Realty JC Jordan 936*791-6562 Houses (or Rent Howard Realty JC Jordan 336-751-6562 MOCKSVtaE- InlDwn, 2QR, IDA, range, o'octnc hoat. No 8mi5kir>g. NO PETS, $45amo. MOCKSVILLE' 3en.2DA,ro- frfl., rango, dehwashor, cen­ital heoi/air. Notnwkina, NO PETS $75(Vmo. C00LEEMEe>2DR. IDA, oil boat, wIiYlaw OK. $450'mo.COOLeEMEE-20R, IDA. re- frig.. conl'ol LEXINGTON - 4DR, 30A, o>l heal, central air, $99&'mo.WINSTON SALEM-3DR, IDA ol hoot, window air, noar air­port. $G5(Vmo Howard Realty JC Jordan 396*7St-6S62 Rent lo Own: Now upscale 3 w 4DR w<bonus room, 2iiOA garage, noar 2100 aqft., se­curity system, track Ughttng staimoie stool appliances nice, noar 1-40. only $9Sa d<Mn. $99Уто 704 630 0695 Manufactured Home for Rent 2BR. 2BA Jusi out of DavK County in Harmony area $425/month + dopoAil. Ploasi can 704-546-2069 2BR, 20A on large privalo k4 No pots. UOO/mo. * $400 de^ poeit. Call 330-996-8964 oi ЗЭ6-908-3170 9DR, 2BA 14x70. Shady Acroi Mobile Homei Pork. Johr Crotts Rd. US hwy 64 East Mocksvillo. 306-909-2О92/ЗЗв-О90-0222 3DR. 3BA In Plnebrook Sctv» Oittricl. $56(ymo. $300 de poeit. Absolutely no pots. 336-940-2516 ti Privais lettlngi Immooü- tale! 2BR/20A, all oppi. 129 Little John Or. Advance 1 Dtk:K ranct>. 2 LO OR. 1 5 OA. 1 kin, dish washer, stove, refg disposai. Lg DR A LR. Iaundr> room. O'l heal. Central oir ' Wood buming FP w/ insort. 2 cor gamgo attached w/ open­ers, now flooring throughout Deautitui clean home, Nc pots. $600/mo. 336-766-0525 garogo. No Brtioking No pots. $GO(Vnio. plus do- ' posit. 330-908-3630 Ready to move In. 20R. IDA brick home. Electric furnished pnvalo. 704-267-558 lor 336-751-1216 Resort & Vacation Rentals 30R. 1BA, C/A, convenienl to 1- 40. now appiancoa, carpet p«ni. $ooo^v>.Call 336-751-3471 Looking for Ihe perfed get­away? Pahietto Vacatior Rentals has the vacation foi you In Mynle BoachI Montkvi Code: SC06 up lo 25% ofl- www.PalmoitoVacatkmRental- s.com 1-666-606-3768. 9DR, 1BA, MocktvUle. $700 mo 4dep, Control hoot/air, re- ingeraior, stove. Call MaiLo A CO. 336492-7505 son. a full DA, Dtrvle SchOdt. 168 Shefliekl Rd. no pels $675/mo * $679 dep, refs Coll 704-546-5227 or 336- 1 462-3600 ask lor Undo OCEANFROHT NC BEACH Vo-, cations. Condos A Cottagsi In premier beach k>cuiioni With beach access and pods Ocoanfront A Soundfront 600-334-2727. ERA Tellertor Mgmi Oroup www.ncvaca tions.com 40R, 2BA, formal L/R. CVn. k)ts ol ceramic file, garage, bonui rm ovor garage, fenced bk yd $925/mo. Mocksville dly lim­its. 336-06V2777 PUNNED YOUn VACATION YET? Take edvantago w qrsot last minute deals ai Ocean Isle Beech. Conuict Cooke Raolty: 1-800-NC- OEACH. wwwcookeroaity- com Bermuda Run Country Out Rent to Own. 3 BR. 2 H DA towmhouse, garage. 209S - saft. across from gdf course, lake In back. $0,000 down $1,COO iTKsnth. 704-6300696 ,i , Century at Tried ' 39».7ai.aaa I Tr<insportnlion Elderty Caregiver in youi home. S yrs oipor, hyoene, light iKHJSokooping A cooking CallJacUe 336-264 2001 Autos • Aviation Boats & Watercraft Collector Cars Commercial Transportation Motorcycles & ATVa • Recreational Vehicles Rentals & Leasing Service,Parts and Accessories Transportation Dealerships Transportation Financing ‘ • Trucks, SUVs and Vans Want to Buy Transportation Autos CHEAT FAMILY VEHICLEl^.Chrysler Town A Country Van 1994. Loadod. Loathor, AOS Oocd Tires, 3 8L V6 • Hum Qreatl 25-29 MPG. 233K miles Soiow book vaiuo a* $2000. Plotiso call Kol> 7Ot-657-98e0 NICE, LOW MILEAGE VOLVOI Volvo 90. 1998 leather, sun­roof, now tiros, cd, erutto. Ыио ext/lan ri, only 83.000 mllotl 704-639-1500, pieatt PENNINGTON A CO. 396-696'9400 33»'909^747 FM Steele Rood, Mocksville -3DR,2BA,lurnlshed. S1200/manth, $l200/dopoel. 336 096-9400 option 1 Oermomon Road-HWY 8, Winetor>-8alem-DMpk)x- 2 BR. 1 OA. $62S/mon№. $62&deposJt. Indudea yard work andwaier. 336-098-9400 option 2 Taft Street, Yadklnvlile - 3 BR. 1 OA small homo with front porch and storage bulding. $550^wnlh. $550/d0p0siL 336-998-0400option6 Detwon Btiest - 2 BR, 1 OA, $600/month^ $600 deposit. 336-996-9400 C^lion 7 Courtney-Huntsvllle Rd., Yadklnvllle-2 0R, IDA duplex with front porch, brand now homo. $750/montt\ $750/dop. 336-996-9400 optksn 9 Mr. Landlord/Owner - 34 OR Rentals. Do you t>ave one empty? Call us, wo have qualified applicants INDIVIDUAL COMMERCIAL PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE, $1,000/month for 1,010 SF (5 Ottico«). Can Jonico McOai\ioi 336-909-0747 Pennington A Co. 33«-m9400 336-9094)747 Boats & Watercraft 19e7GU8STI76 HP SuiuM Г1996) ctoan A low txiurs. Groat fair^ty tki i fishing boal. 7CM-22J-0a59 $2.200. Seadoo RXP 2007, red, black,A white, very fast. Comos will’ tntilor, covet and lilo jacket. Leaking for someone lo lak« over paymenls. 704-202-1771 Motorcycles & ATVs 2007, Harley-Oavldson URra Clatsk: , Pacific Otuo Poarl. 1900 mi.. t6t service done wihWi synth fluids. It Is extra leaded and k) Indude 3 Harloy iielmets wilh 2 Intercom syttenxs. Magnun^ pipe% with tho ong. pipes to go with it. Haso7yr unJimitod warr. Oarage kopt wilh a 1000 b rolling lilt mcludod. $21,900 Coll 704-326- 6675 from 9am -9pm 704- 326-6675, Motorcycles & ATVs 2007, Sll»ef Hond« con lOOC Mnc»>g 1.000 md09 SI0.40C w/ warrnf'ty 9,500 w/0 warran ty 704 Г.47-9В73, Kawasaki, Vulcan, 600 LTD. 2003. Super N«0 Dike! H<ii Altormarket Wrdsfwlld L«i than 5000 original mite*' Great On Qasf 52 plus mptfs' Ofsat Buy at only $a.6oc Firm- 704-232 0192, MOTORCYCLE FOR SALEIIII ^k>nda. Shadow Sabre. 2004 VT1100C2 Rod, Low. Low Miioslll Only 1800 mles Always garaged Well tak­en core ol. Never drivsn in tho ram. SHOWROOM CONDITION'IKI Havo to too. NiCQ bnckrost Qmat powe' for 2 ftduls. Hel- mont rckJdod. Wo |ubI purchasod a new sporfscar lor our new loyll $5600. Lovington. Colt 336-700-1185 Vans for Sale Jeep Grand Cherokee Leredo 1999. Wtiite w^lh grey interi­or, 4 «tiool drive, powet tocka/wlndows. AM/FM sterec with CO piayor $2300 obc 704-2024676 Jeep Wrangler Sport 2001, 4.0 76,000 m. A/C, aitoys, sisreo CD, drtver A pasAonger < ai(bago> PS, 9 speed, 4 к 4 lilt, hunter green, excelion' con<ttk)n $tO.SOO OeO 704 621-6163 Want to Buy: Transportation $ Cash $ for Junk CarsPloaso Call 336-1O7-O203 Child Care & Nursery Schools Need summer child care?In my home, all shtlts. Advance area Can 330-940 5.126 lor detail«. NOW ENROLLING GET ONE WEEKFREEI BERMUDA QUAY PreSCNOOL 0399 USffWVIM' ADVANCE. NC Infant-Pre-K. F/r, (Irpp-in, MMO0«l0r0/A/ler school drCi>-off ondp<k-up (Pinobmok and ^ady Orove)2ND SHIFT AVAILABLE SOONI For morq inlcrmation call MS. MICHELLE 330-940-6450 Financial Services Need capHal? We arrange flnandng tor oil typos of kxms. Fast opprovais, free consultation, no foutL Bad fl(YlNoC(ui>t.C&n 666-209-5324 WWW.- intamotio nailundsnc.com Home Improvement WiixlowB, doors, vinyl siding bncK, block wOfk. log udmg harc>wood flooring Free osti- m.ilos Ownor Andy Lawson Call 336-402 5410 or 330 000-060ÍÍ Lawn Maint. & Landscaping Brod'e Lawn CareFor all your lawnand landscaping noods.336469-21Ö4 Masonry Masonry Work, Biioit or Block, l(X)ndaik3n», garagoa, chintnoys, porch- oa, slflps, Ola Built new or repaJrod. O^er 35 years 0)фог1опсо, insured, rea­sonable relee. Free Estl- malee. 3364624550 or 336-908 4765 Painting & Decoratinfl Wyatt'e Pointing Intenor anc Qxtorior patnbtiQ and waUpa per. Free estimates. Cal any- time. 7W-2334516 Roofing & Guttering Sunshlna Rooting A ConstructionFnjo Estimates, Insurance Claims Welcome 704-279- 3456 Tree Service Canopy Tree Service, Profos- sionai SorvicB al roasonabi« rales Fiiliy insurod. Cal lot fieti oslmates. Referencef availablo. Also, hrewood loi eaJo 336-9964374 Timber Wanted, 2 acres otmore doar or select, small oi large tracts, commission lui timer bough on roietrals. best prtces guaranteed. H & W Logging, 336466-6576 //D8 - DAVffi COUNTY ENTERPmSE RECORD, Thursday, July 17,2008 Davie Dateline Fundraisers Saturday, July 26 Hot Dog Lunch, by Men's Fsllow- shlp of New Union UMC, 11 n.m. lil 2 p.m. in chutch parking tol, 1869 Sheffield Rd. Donations ncccpted. Saturday, Aug. 16 Benefit Softball Tournament, Rich Park Softball field,entry fcc$150,10 run home-run limit. To benefit Donald “Fireball" Jones, a detention otficcr with Davie Sheriffs Office, who was seriously injured In a car uccidcnt. Donations accepted. Info: 336-480- 8847 or 753-6710. Saturday, Sept. 20 Annual Fall Festival, sponsored by New Union UMC, for more Info or lo rent a space, 751-7567. Reunions Sunday, July 20 Annual McCullough Reunion, at ’Hirrentine Bapt. Church fellowship hall. Lunch nt 1 p.m. Questions; 998- 5124. Religion Sunday, July 20 Annual Missionary Day, at Cediir Creek Missionary Bapt., begins Sun­ day afternoon at 3 p.m. Guest speaker. ColTee ® Comabcr,nChrislinn cof­ feehouse at Cornatzer United Mctli- odistChurch,bcgins6p.m.wlthcook- out by United Methodist Men. Dona­ tions bcnefit/fe/iiy/ori(/c. Location; 1244 Cornatzer Rd., Mocksvillc. Join us for evening of fun & fellowship. 5Ui№toral Anniversary Program, at Now Bethel Bapt. Church, 3 p.m., guest speaker. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Loca­ tion; 3727 US 601 S.f Mocksvillc, 284^2990. Sun.-Wed., July 20-23 “God’s Big Backyard" VBS, ut Cooleemee UMC, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Hotdog supper Sun. und special pre­ sentation. Info; 751-0211. Sun.-Thurs., July 20-24 “CosnilcCltyorGod", at St. Francis of Assisi, 6-9 p.m., uges K-5th. Tlicre wlll;cmlts, gomes, und more. Info; 73l|i2973. Sunday, July 27 Usher Board Anniversary, at New Resurrection Life Christiim dr., De­ pot St., Mocksville, 4 p.m. with spe­ cial guests. Mon.-Fri., July 28-Aug.1 VBS, at Eagle Heights Church, 5103 US 158, Advance. Info; 998-4405. Sun.-Thurs., Aug. 3-7 ‘■Gwl’i Big Backyard" VBS, ut Ne^ycjwUMC, 1869ShofncldRd., 6-? pjairiighilyj ages sVeais to 6th giMc.‘For Info or to pr^rcgi.iler call 492-IJ408., ’• J Suh.-Fri;;'Aug.-10-15 Revival, at Cedar Creek Missionary Bapt. Church. Sunday, lunch nt 1:30 p.m., service nt 3 p.m. Services con­ tinue nightly 7:30 p.m. Special Events Saturday, July 19 Full Moon Festival, nt Raylcn Vine­ yards & Winery, 3577 US 158, Ad- vimce. Featuring Vngabond Saint So­ ciety (Van Morrison Tribute Band), 5-9 p.m., food avuilable for purchase from Full Moon Oyster Bar, $ 10/per- son. Call 998-3100 for info. Mon.-Thurs., July 28-31 Davie High Cheericading Summer Clinic, sponsored by Davic High chccilcadlng squad, 5:30-8:30 p.m., nt DHS gym. Pre-register until July 22. Cost: individual $50 (after July 22 $60). RegistniUon forms online ut www.daviccounlycheerlending.com Friday, Aug. 22 Summer Dance, spoasored by Davie Sr. Services, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Mobile Juke box on hand for variety of music for ail kinds of dancing - witli or without a partner. Refreshments will be served. Free. Plca,se RSVP early. Open to adults 55 & older. Call 753- 6230 to RSVP. Saturday, Sept. 6 Davic High Spccial 5Qth Birthday Celebrulion, for the Davie High Class of 1976, 4-8 p.m., Slieltcr i» Rich Park. Classmates invited to bring fnm- ily & covcred dishes to share. No charge. Paper products, drinks fur­ nished. Come enjoy homemade ice cream, b'day cakc, 70s music,& remi­ niscing with old friends. Check it out at www.davlchlghalumnl.com Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Sat. night bluegrass, at Sheffield Music Hall, coll 492-7417 for info. Coffee Ноше, 3rd Sun. cach month, 7 p.m., at Comntzcr UMC. Good cof­ fee, good fellow.'ihip, & good music. Dates to Rememlaer Tliursday, July 24 Brcost/Cervlcal Screening Clinic, .sponsored by Davic Health Dept., 9 a.m. til 3 p.m. Info; 751-8700. Fund­ ing for these services provided by Susan 0. Komen Breast Cancer Foun­ dation and NC Breast & Cervical Control program. Ongoing Free Monthly Ulahete.<iAllood Pres­ sure/Cholesterol Screenings, last Fri. of cach month In 2008 at WalMart, 9 u.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored by Davie Lion’s Club. Visit Cooleemee's Mill Village Mu: scum, 14 Church St., Wed.-Sut, 10 n.m. til 4 p.m. Tours also available by uppt. Cull 284-60‘Ю. Storytimes, at Dnvie Co. Library; Tues. & IM. 11 u.m. - stories, songs, fun for preschoolers. 1st Sat. of every month - stories/activities for kids of oil oges. At Cooleemee Branch; every Otherlliurs. 10:30a.m. (cull orciicck website for dates). At Hillsdale UMC: every other Fri. 10 n.m. (call libnuy or check website for dates). Spccial Olympics of DaWe County, play activities & fun nite, Wednes­ days at Brock Bldg. Play activities 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nite 7-8:30 p.m. Open to all persons with disabilities & their families. Meetings Tuesday, July 29 Planning Sc.sslon, for Davie High Class of 1976 event, 6:30 p.m., at Zcko's Restaumnt, 949 Salisbury Rd. Contact: 909-3396 or 751-2237. Ongoing Davic BcckKpcrs Association, sec­ ond Monday of every month, 7 p.m., ut N.C. Cooperative Ext. Office, 180 S. Muin Street, Mocksville. For info: 998-2975. VFW Post 4024,7 p.m., 2nd Tucs. each month, VFW Hut, Sanford Avenue, Mocksville. Eligible mem­ bers welcome. Come early for re­ freshments. For info call 492-7521. Humnnc Soclcty of Davie Co., bi­ monthly meetings 2nd Tucs. of every even-numbered month, nt Humane Society Adoption Center, 290 Euton Rd. Call 751-5214 for Info, Davic Amateur Radio Club, 1st Tuesday of each montli, 7 p.m., Dnvie Co. HospituI Trnining Room. Public welcomc. Diabetes Support Group, every 3rd Tucs. of the month, 10:30-11; 15 n.m., nt Davic Co. Senior Services, 278 Meroney St, Mocksville. Sponsored by Healthy Ciuolinians of Dnvie. Questions: 751-8700. Duvic Historical & Gcncaloglcnl Soclcty, 4th Tues., 7 p.m., Davie Li­ bnuy. Ccntrnl Davic High Class of 1966, third Monday each month, ut Shiloh Biipt. Chureh fellowship hall, 6 p.m. Questions; 336-692-7104. Mocltsvillc Lions Club, 1st, 3rd 'rtiursduys, 7 p.m., fellowship hall of St. Fnmcis.of Assisi, Yadkinville Roiid, Mocksville. Ai'Anun Family Group, at Maccdoniu Moravinn Church, N.C. 801 N.. Advance, Sundays 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (above fellowship hall). Al- Anon is u group thut helps fumilles & friends of nicoholics. Cooleemee Womens Clvllan Club, meets 4th Thurs. of eueii month, 7 p.m. Cooleemee First Bupt. fellow­ ship hiUl, 204 Marginal St., Cool- ceince. All urea ludies invited. For funlicrlnfo: 336-284-4795. Stitch-ln, u gathering of cmfters ut Mocksville Library, second Wed. of euch month, 7-8:15 p.m. Bring your portable project nn nil your best tips und tricks lo share. Info; 751-2023. Conununily Foundation of Duvic County Board of Directors, 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. Rotating meeting. For Info/monthly locution cnil 753-6903. MocksvlllcGtt.rdcnClub, IstTliurs. of cach month, 7 p.m., in former fel­ lowship hall behind First UMC, Main Street, Mocksville. North Davie Ruritan Club, monlhly dinner meetings, second Mon. of cnch month, 7:30 p.m. Call 782-4276 for info and location of, next meeting. Smart Start of Davic County board meeting, 3rd Tues. of every other montli (begins Jiui.) at SunTrust on Yndkinville Rd., 9-10:30 u.m. Ques­ tions: 751-2113. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119, 2nd, 4th 'niurs., 7 p.m., VFW HiJI, N.C. 801. Corlnthinn Lodge No. I7F&AM, 2nd, 4th Friduys, 7:30 p.m. ut the lodge. Mocksville Lodge No. 134,1st Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. ut the lodge. Cooleemee CIvltan'sClubMcetIng, 1st und 3rd Mon. each month, 7 p.m.. Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Cooleemee. Duvic Co. MS Support Group, 2nd Mon. of eucli month, 6 p.m., Duvie Co. Hospital. Recreation For more infonnution on luiy of the following rcc. events cull 751-2325. l' Davie Youtii Council uli students grudes 9-12, nttend N.C. Stute Youth Council events, serve community. Cull Siuidm 751-2325. GoodTimersSquareDance Furmlngton Comm. Ctr, Mondnys 7 p.m., cost $5 per month. Volunteer & community service opporlunities. Cull 998-3837 for more info. Davie MetroTae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up, Including adults. Tues. & Thurs. @ 6 p.m.. Brock Gym. Oury Kccble, instructor. Cull 391-4538 for more info. Shelter Rentals Available ut Rich Park, Riverpurk ut Cooleemee Fulls, nnd Funnington. Cull 751 -2325 lo reserve. Special Olympics Fun Nites avuilable lo unyonc with a disnbility, Wednesdays, Brock Gym, 6 p.m. Call Kathie Streit 751-2325. K-2 Instructional B’Ball Includes T-shirt. Silver Striders Brock Gym ttvailuble for walking 6:30-9 n.m. Quarterly Incentives for miles walked. Senior Trips Join us for day trips & occnsionul ovemighters to interesting locations & let us dothedriving. Call Kathie for info. Senior Games 0|)cn to all 55 or better. Be uctivc, have fun, softball, basketball, badmitton, horseshoes, bocce, & more, Dance Company Brock Gym, Emily Robertson 998- 5163, ages 3 & up, including adults. Classes Mon. & Tues. Bocce At Rich Pnrk Sports Complex, Wednesdays, 11 n.m. Leiun sport of Boccc. Open to nil seniors 55 or bet- tcr. Summer Horse Camp $230 per week; 2 weeks in June & 2 weeks in July. Cnll forlnfo751-2325. YMCA For more information, cnll 751-9622, visit www.davio.ymcunwnc.org, or come to the YMCA for n tour. Personal!raining Available Whether you're regulariy nctivc or wimt to get stinted, we hnve personal trainers to give you a hand. Tailored for your specific needs. Available in one hour sessions. $35/scssion for members. Soccer Kids 3-13 join YMCA for fall Soccer. Senson runs Aug. 25-Oct. 18. Prac­ tices Mon., Tues., or Thurs. evenings (depending on team). Games Sat. Pee Wee Soccer (ages 3-4) meet Sat. morn­ ings. Register thm Aug. 15. Cost: $35 membcrs/$55 non-members. Cheerleading Come out and make some noise! Kids 4-12 cunjoin YMCA full cheerleading. Season run Aug. 25-Oct. 18. Practice Mon.. Tues., or Thurs evenings, will cheer at Sal. games. Register thm Aug. 15. Cost: $35 mcmbcrs/$55 non- members.- Flag Football Kids 4-12 cun join full ling football season which runs Aug. 25-Oct. 18. Practices Mon., Tues., or Thurs. eve­ nings (depending on team) Games on Sut. Register thm Aug. 15. Cost; $35 members/$55 non-members. Family Npic8CiBamSocial8i Mm Looking for fun wuy to spend nn evening? Come to YMCA on Fri., Aug. I from 7-8 p.m. for Icc crcnm social nnd fun in the pool with our big inflatable. Family night free for Y members with family memberships; $2 per person/$ 10 for individual mem­ bers und non-members. Summer Camp Registration open for Summer Cnnip at YMCA. CnmpSunburst (rising I st- 6th graders) nnd Ciunp PRYDE (ris­ ing 6th-rising 9lh graders) lui: gunran- tccd n good time. Field trips euch week. Cnmp open 6:30 n.m. til 6 p.m. Rcgistrution Info nvuiliible nt YMCA. Specialty Camps Whether its sports or science, YMCA hus specialty cump for you. Wc bffer week long camps for golf, ba.sketbiill, and mad scicnce. Rules, dales & times vary, so stop by YMCA for info. Swim Lessons Signupnowforswimle.s.sons.Cho<Kc Tucs^rinirs. evening ($33 members/ $66 members) or Saturday morning lesson ($16 mcmbcrs/$33 non-mem­ bers). Additional preschool lessons have been added Wcd./Fri. mornings 11 n.m. Privulc&fiuuily lessons avail­ able. Swim Team Youth ages 5-14 encouraged to im­ prove their swim strokes by Joining YMCA swim team. Practice Tues./ Tliurs. 4;30-5;30 p.m. Monthly rate; $40 membcrs/$65 non-mctnbers. Members Only Join the YMCA nndtakeadvanlagcof water uerobics, yoga, biking, walk­ ing, personal milning, nnd more. Come visit luid tour our facility at 215 Cem­ etery Street and leiun how we build strong kids, strong fnmilies, nnd strong communilies. Seniors All Senior Activities tnkc place at Dnvie County SeniorServiecs located at 278 Meroney St., Mocksville un­ less olhenvisc noted. Call 753-6230. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbnx, M,T,W, 11 ;30 a.m., Th. & Fri., 11 a.m., lunch serveddnily. Silver Health Exerclscs, Exercise Room of Senior Services, M, W, F, 8;30 u.m. Tucs. & Tliurs. 9 a.m. ut Mock Placc, (open to any senior). Quilting Club, cvciy Monday, 10 n.m. Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdnys, I p.m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, Podliilrkt, nt Sr. Services every three weeks, 8:30 n.m., please cull for dates. Free Blood Pressure Chccks, once n month, nt 10:30 n.m. in the Nutrition Site. SingingScniorsChDrustTliursduys, - 10 u.m. VFW Ladles Auxiliary, every 2nd Thurs., 1 p.m. Scrabbic, 1 p.m. every Monday. Rook, I p.m. every Monduy. Texas Hold’Em -Thursdnys, I p.m. PalnUng • Wednesdays 8:30-11:30 n.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdoys at 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club,evety second Tucs. of the month, 12:30 p.m. Computer Classes - nrc nvailuble, cull for infonnution. Arthritic Excrelsc-cvery other Wed, 10:30 ii.ni. Low Impnct Acroblcs - Wed. & Fri. begins Feb. 7 11 n.m. til 12 p.m. Fllncjts liqulpment Room • open Моп.-'Птв. 8 n.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 u.m. til 5 p.m. Tabic Tennis - every Tues. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondays 9 a.m. til |2 p.m. Tnl Chi, 'hiesdiiys (cnll for sc.ssslon dutes) Line Dancing, Thurs. 11 n.m. til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Thursday, July 17 Pantry »Ingo, 10:30 a.m., ut the Fumiington Site, 1723 Furmlngton Rd., Mocksvillc. Free, RSVP by July JO. We’ll play Bingo to win useful items. Don't miss the fun. Refresh­ ments will bo served. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Hems for Dnvie Dalcllne should be reported by noon Monday of Ihe pub­ lication week. Cull 751-2120 or drop it by Ihe office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse. <>f™ diíB i«n8 laigaern i^B sw ariv,ak Ю Mingciak Di O i^rtig tartiy tane lucM S S ^ a,lsgjjjtosa,4,jag3,^h3use,ha(nanii4n ^yhaMracm23iim¿Hertydde!aít^ airehHaimfiy.5W0(»C«IIJ«)(l336-78Maa № а4С1е«5299,в5О й«(««оЛз0М иГ^ 1» ligh Meada« Л Ш а М Р л б й то Cape il raTenyUinePiivxy6iTOnillB2ACCixrty 3145C outneylim isi | ?йя шlsnifcAdшяbиlionHlrfмls,TasloЦdeOIa)(!d, C^3eR,2aAiesilosiilenio(i*!ad(iiidElral.36«M Open d rtn ttM n m vte fP Vted |Wlylsmtt5233^CaCW8Gcìde39SK!879 iDaidedtS149iSMCalJI(nSeta*i»ira7 OFF PEOPLES CREEK ROAD 'i 'í I ACREAGE COMMUNITY Й;1 l« M4fcvaeyBd'AAan»,MaitliVltabGciimt V25l &iJntiy;Clrele:Ateolul£^:w^ W dw granfe hetí«x*,tK#itW iMt9ixniíwity, А А ш опай?с№ 1Ч едадв111пЛ П т9, »miX1M9l»!!2!9 г ,.М(М«ш№91тСа1Ви$ап«19'Ш Preserving History Lenolr-Rhyne Students Docum enting Those Buried A t Joppa C em etery Page Cl 5 ■- D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/^ E C O R D USPS 149-160 Number 29 Thursday, July 24, 2008 40 PAGES Code Enforcement Officer Confused H e S a y s B o a r d G i v e s M i x e d D i r e c t i o n s ; U r g e s D e m o l i t i o n A n d C i v i l P e n a l t i e s Life goes on for cancer survivor Dan Marion, who was diagnosed with a fatal cancer as a teen­ ager. - Photo by Robin Snow C a n c e r D i a g n o s i s N o t T i i e E n d O f T h e W o r i d By Jackie Scabolt Dnvie County Enlerprisc Record COOLEEMEE - The chief code enforcement officer said the town should begin demolishing properties or issuing civil penalties against zoning violators. Tony Cline, the contracted zon­ ing enforcer for the town, pointed out highlights from a report of zon­ ing violations recently submitted to commissioners. Several residents attended the monthly meeting last Tuesday. ‘‘I’ve been faced with many chal­ lenges in Cooleemee," Cline said. Some of Ihe cases on the reports have been ongoing for mote than a year. ‘‘A lot of towns, at this point, would adopt an ordinance to demol­ ish, but that's not your wish.’’ Properties in violatioijl on River­ side, Duke and Westview streets are top priorities, he said. board’s intention to conf^ehlnk.'!U_. M S y S rT d h n •C M fim e T iR lc rd -'T IT rS fia S P ^ ^ there’s anyone on this board that doesn’t want it enforced." $50 or $ 100 penalty a day. Commissioner Earl Lester said, “For me to make a decision I need to see these properties with some­ one that knows buildings jind see if the property actually needs to come down. I cannot make a decision without some expertise." Cline told the commissioners there were a few properties in the town "that are pretty bad." Chandler asked if more detailed reports and (Jictures of properties in violation could be obtained before the board took any aetion. Chandler also asked Cline is he tried to contact violators before tak­ ing any action. “1 try,” Cline replied. “Cool­ eemee has been different for me. I’ve done this for 11 years. The board has done some pushing and • pulling." Chandler told Cline it was not the Cline the amount of civil penalties. Cline said most towns impose a Criterium Here Tuesday By Beth Cassidy Davie County Enterprise Record Many years ago, on a quiet street in Mocksville, there lived a young man with his life stretched out before him like a blacktop in July. He was 21, with a pretty, energetic wife and one-year-old son named after him. He had a good job, and in his spare time, he played baseball, softball and basketball. If there was a game going on somewhere, chances are, he was there. He was in the best shape of his life. And then, one day, he noticed a lump on the side of his neck. The joints in his hands were red. He went to a local doctor, who said he had inflammatory arthritis and put him on steroids. But the lump kept getting bigger, and something told him there was more going on inside his body than arthritis. He went to a second doctor, who diagnosed a vascular infection. Another lump popped up oh the same side, so the young man went to see n relatively new county doctor, Francis Slate, who took one look at him and said, 'Go in my office and sit down.’ Dr. Slate’s diagnosis was either lymphoma or leukemia, but he felt sure it was some type of cancer and told him he wanted him to go to the hospital. Please See Marion - Page 6 , It’s billed as NASCAR on two wheels. And for those who attended last year’s inaugural Historic Mocks­ ville Criterium, they know that doz­ ens of bicyclists from across the nation traveling at break-neck speeds on the half-mile course on town streets can be exciting. The racing starts at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29. The Mocksville stop is the fourth of nine days of rac­ ing, starting in Taylorsville on Fri­ day, going to Lenoir and Morganton before hitting Mocksville's streets, then traveling to Concord, Salisbuiy, Statesville, Harrisburg and Winston- Salem. There will be plenty of food and games for the children on the square in Dov.ntown Mocksville. The races will take place on Main Street to Water Street, to Salisbury Street to Gaither Street and back to Main Street. Those streets will be closed to vehicle traffic beginning at 5 p.m. Tuesday. Races start at 6:15 with the ama­ teur category, ending at 8:45 with the hour-long professional race. In between, there will be fun "trike” races for teens, fire, rescue and po­ lice units, and county officials, as well as master’s and intermediate races. Proceeds will benefit the Davie County United Way. To learn more, visit mmhisloricdomtowninocksville.com www.davieunitedway.org, or www.crossroadscyclingclassic.com. On The Front Line R y a n H a m i l t o n H e l p s T r a i n Ir a q i F o r c e s 9«шал141м1{139Л9СйП1айадя Sergeant Ryan Hamilton, Go. B, 1st Bn., 35lh Armd. Dlv., squad leader, pulls security with a Soldier from the 3/22/6 lA during a cordon and search mission conducted June 18. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Amber Emery i ii CAMP STRIKER- Iraqi Army Soldiers conducted a cordon, search and patrol of the Fetoah area June 18 to disrupt enemy operations and detain any insurgents in the area. Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 22nd Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division were assisted by Rakkasan Soldiers from 3rd platoon. Company B, 1st Bn., 35th Armored Division. The combined effort gained intelligence about the area and demonstrated the capabilities of lA to the local populace. “The people in the houses we visited today were very calm and collected and wanting to help the lA find what they were looking for," soid Cpl. Raymond W. Miller, 1st squad A, Co. B, 1-35 Arpid. Div. ...................................i team leader. The lA actively participates in every phase of the planning process for these missions, said Sgt. Ryan Hamilton, 1st squad leader, Co. B, 1-35 Armd. Div. “The number one thing (the lA) did today was they listened. They performed everything that we expected of them and really gave 110 percent,” said Hamilton, a native of Mocksville. “I think they are capable of doing these types of missions and completing these types of missions with flying colors.” The structure of the lA is different than that of the Coalition forces, said 1st Lt. Thomas J. Woodard, 3rd Pit., Co. B„ 1-35 Armd. Div. platoon leader. “Sometimes it is less about trying to bring them to the way we do things and more just understanding the way they do it,” said Woodard, an Albuquerque, N.M., native. The importance of the mission in • the Fetoah orea, about 15 kilometers southwest of Baghdad, was to get the lA talking to the people, letting them know they were there and can do their job. This illustrates to the populace they do not have to be afraid because their national army is copable, said Miller, a McConnellsburgh, Pa., native. “We support each other. We are here for the same cause so we all put forth the effort so we can do what needs to be done,” Miller said. ‘I ц.-.w .4%^'. ■•■-V ч líj i: lu 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 24,2008 Editorial P a ^ M a l e D r i v e r F i n a l l y A s k e d F o r D i r e c t i o n s He was filling up his truck at the Farmington Exxon last Wednesday as I was checking a newspaper rack. Lost drivers always assume a newspaper guy knows where things are. Usually, I’m quizzed about how to get to Caudell Lumber, Autumn Care, one of the factories or the motels, “How do I get to Roxboro?" this man asked. Do you spell that R-p-x-b-o-r-o? i He nodded. / You can’t get there from here. You hi^ve to go somewhere else to start, I told him. He didn’t seem to get my joke. Roxboro’s back east, I told him. Where are you coming from? "Fayetteville,” It is not correct that men never ask for directions. They’re merely slow about doing so, I once knew the editor of the Roxboro newspaper, but I’ve never actually been there, It is north of Chapel Hill in Person County. The lost driver had missed it by at least 150 miles. He haxl driven until he ran out of gas. Only then did he asked for directions, 1 sent him inside the store to buy a map. Person County is on the Virginia line between Caswell and Granville counties and north of Durham County. Map rending skills will soon be as uncommon as the horse and carriage. With the emergence of in-car GPS systems and the ever-popular MapQuest, the new generation will never know how to re-fold a road map. (No generation has actually been able to accomplish that feat). Geography’s days are numbered. We will become prisoners of computer-generated directions, unable to tell cast from west. Person County's population is about 37,000. The City of Roxboro’s website includes a section of frequently asked questions. The first one: “Why does my water look like milk?” I didn’t ask the lost man why he was going to Roxboro, but he was not driving a milk truck. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I hursduy, July 24,2008 - 3 O F I A «i STRMÔHT TALK 7/18 In T h e M a il... I n T h e M a i l Tornado Victims Thankful For Firefighters, Others To the editor: We would like to thiink all the people who came out to help us after the May 8 tornado. Just minutes after the storm cleared, the Advance Fire Department was knocking on doors in our neighbor­ hood to make sure everyone was safe and unhurt. Remember that these people are volunteers - not paid personnel. They perfonn these services from the heart because they care. They deserve our utmost support in order to be there when we need them. Our home was one of the three homes destroyed in Davie County. We were in a state of shock and confusion and so many people showed up to help clear destruction that we can’t name everyone. A special thanks to the Red Cross; to Ihe people who furnished food for the family and the many workers; to Ihe people who stopped by just to offer their services; Freedom Baptist Church for their prayers and .support; and anyone else we may have overiooked. A special thanks goes out to our pastor. Will Pryor, for being by our side. Other than our faith in God, ho was a huge comfort during this time of disaster. V. Rick and Mary Hester Advance Raleigh Report: Jessica’s Law A Step Forward By Julia C. Howard N.C, House of Representatives On Friday, the General As­ sembly adjourned its 2008 short . legislative session. The House and Senate will nol reconvene until next January, following the impending elections, when the new 2009 General Assembly will begin, A final version of House Bill 933, Jessica Lunsford Act for North Carolina, passed both chambers of the Legislature by neariy unanimous margins, Tlie bill now heads to the governor, who is expected to sign it into law. As a primary sponsor of this legislation, I believe North Caro­ lina has taken a major step for­ ward in protecting our children from sexual predators. After years of perseverance in seeing this legislation passed, I am most pleased with the results and am so thankful to the many individu­ als and groups that offered con­ tinual support during this bills long debate. Under the filial version of the bill, a rápe or sexual offense committed against a child by a person 18 years of age or older is punishable with a minimum active sentence of 25 years. The court may sentence the defen­ dant to a,term in prison beyond the nonnat sentencing guidelines (up to and including life with­ out parole) due to the nature of the offense and the gravity of the harm inflicted on the victim. Any term of .imprisonment will be followed by lifetime satellite based monitoring. The bill makes it a felony for a registered sex offender to be on premises primarily intended for Ihe use, care, or supervision of minors such as schools, play- grounds, childrens museums, etc,, (wilh some very limited exceptions). It prohibits offend- , ers from being within 300 feet of such places when they arc not on premises that are intended primarily for minors (e.g,, a youth day care located in a shop­ ping center wilh other stores). The time period for a registered sex offender to make registry changes is also shortened under the bill from 10 days to three business days (e,g„ a change of address, work or school related changes). A number of other slates are considering or have passed Jessicas Law, In North Carolina, House Bill 933 was named in memory of Jessica Lunsford, a 9-year-old giri and North Caro­ lina native who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by a sexual predator in Florida in February of 2005, The perpetrator lived with his sister in the same neigh­ borhood as Lunsford and police had lost track of him. As a mother of two and grandmother of six, 1 believe this bill is one of Ihe most important pieces of legislation the North Carolina General Assembly has passed in my 20 years of service in the House, Truly, I wish such measures weren’t necessary, but I hope parents will find comfort in knowing that the stole is do­ ing all it can to ensure Ihe safety of their children, Thai's all the neWs from Ra­ leigh for this legislative session. As always, if I may be of ser­ vice lo you, contact me. I’m available and here to help with any issue involving your North Carolina State Government, Legislative Ofpce: 9I9-733- 5904: Mocksville Office: 751- 8567; E-mail; juliah ®ncleg.net. S c h o o l D e c i s i o n S l i o u i c I G o T o V o t e r s ‘S m o k e O u t P r o m p t e T o p l e s s Q u e s t i o n To the editor: I have attended every Davie County School System public workshop and/or school board meeting at which a PowerPoint presentation offered pro’s and con’s concerning Ihe proposed Davie County school reorganization plan, I commend Dr, Landry, Dr, Bost, staff and school board members for their attempt to make sure everyone had a chance to understand the process. Whether you like the reorganization plan or nol. Dr. Landry and tho school board made it perfectly clear from the beginning that their goal was to oo«nt,ftUPftxlc,..Hiiili,SchoAl.,by ,,jmnQrtttnl,tQMyo total buy-in Ibr tho plan from the whole county i.'whlch is tneapprdxlmatb'iwM cr of ' sdeief^’.''Apo’i1ilve vote 8ЬойЙ11и и 1%'Шсс1?й’даШ*№(1Н motels, the Smoke Out was. a weekend bonanza. For law ^ ninth grade students. They hove been extremely open and hone.st process. ■’criforcement, the Smoke Out was smoother than the avera|e ^ with their intent and onyone'interested in this process should have...... A sl and others hii've disclissed'with Dr. Landry and the school Davie High football game. There were no arrests. The that cleat understanding. board, realignment of the grades has tremendous merit, but it is motorcyclists weren’t the young toughs, ruffians and outlaws Many of us have felt that a freshman academy was a better, more extremely costly. That is why it must be approved by the voters, not that had been feared. Most were regular, mature folks who tide economical solution. Building a freshman academy on the Diivie by COPs or any other innovative form of financing. All facts must High School compus certoinly would allow on opportunity to remove It would be easier to be upset with the recent “Smoke Out” at'th o 'F aim in g to n D cagw ay >i{ tho patron» h ad n 'tb i^ ,to tal.stu d en t c cordial and spent so much money. For stores,’rcstatirh'nts anti' ' approiximateiysOO students,' said, 1 firmly believe that he has Ihe right ond even the obligation to bring forward the program he feels is best for the total educational opportunity for all students of Davie County with the understanding that Ihe plon must meet Ihe goal of reducing the numbers at Davie High School by approximately 500 students, I feel that the school board should give him o vote of confidence with their support to moke his request to the board of county commissioners, The commissioners then should allow the citizens of Davie County to vote "Yes” or "No” on a scheduled bond 'referendum. It will be pu re ^iio n e S |b _^^ |‘ Opon to tho public for 4 days o n iy iC a n ^ n a M t ^ ^ O N U N E a t wwv/.piircandhoncstktds.com JULY 24-27 I Thursd,!/: I0am -6pm Saturday; Sam - 12pm Friday: lOam • 6pm Sunday: Ipm ■ 5pm all mIm final, cash ami crndic cardt only. 277 Nt)rtli Mai'i Street, Mocksville I (ivvrr lr\rl !m‘síi)»‘ f irsi Mrlhodisl ( hurt h D ebbie K oontz ancl M olly Ridenhour, O w ners ■at ] Why do I need periodic eye exams after LASIK? The g o o d new s is th a t m o st loser vision p atien ts still return for a n n u a l h ealth ch eck s a n d v alu e th e re a ssu ra n c e a n d consultation of their prim ary e y e doctor. While m a n y surgery cen ters require g o o d po st-o p erativ e a n d routine e y e c a r e to qualify for future e n h a n c e m e n ts, th e n u m b er o n e reaso n th a t p atien ts return Is b e c a u s e th ey w an t to p ro te c t th e p recio u s gift of sight, fvlaybe It Is b e c a u s e having know n p o o r vision m ak es g o o d vision th a t m u c h m o re v aluable. M ost e y e d ise a se c a n b e m o re successfully tre a te d a n d vision loss p re v e n te d If It Is d ia g n o se d a n d tre a te d early. For millions of A m ericans a t risk for m a c u la r d eg en eratio n , g la u c o m a , retinal disorders a n d other e y e d ise ase, th e b e st w ay to d e a l with th e s e risks Is to se e k regular e y e h ealth a n d vision exam inations. C arolina C en te r for E y e C a r e Your cnro l6 oupfocus. Ellyn Johnson, O'.D. /ooz\ t c C a ro lln a C e n te rfo rE y e C a re .c o m ( o o O ) 9 4 0 - 2 0 1 5 Park 158 Professional Centie • 5380 US Highway 150 • Advance motorcycles for weekend pleasure, For people who don’t like the noisy drogstrlp, their opinions probably didn’t change, but the dragstrip has been a fixture in Farmington for more than four decades. The Clemmons village board praised the event, and there is talk about a possible return next yeor. The mayor of Winston- Salem, impressed with the revenue, is trying to lure it to the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds. Next year’s up in the air, but some issues linger. ^ ^ The Enteфrise Record photo of a few women at the Smoke Out who took off their tops did prompt a question from a reader; “Did the reporter reolly say that it is not illegal for a woman t6 go topless in public in NC? In other words, could a woman stand topless in the town square of downtown Mocksville nnd not be arrested?” The answer is yes. And no. Don’t expect emboldened women to throw off their blouses. A creative'policemen does have other options in his ticket book; Disturbing the рейсе. Driinii and disruptive. Speeding to elude arrest... We’ve made it this far without topless women being a problem on the court square. Expect that condition lo continue. - Dwight Sparks DAVIE C O U N T Y USPS 149-160) 171 S, Main Sl„ P,0, Box 99, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co, Dwight Sparks................................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow..............',.....................General Manager Mike Barnhardt...:..............,'...........Managing Editor Ray Tutterow,..................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.,,,.....................................Sports Editor Starr Snow,........................................Circulation Mocksvllle Enterprise 1916-1958 Davie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N,C„ $25 Outside N,C, POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Dovie County Enterprise Record P,0. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 oil mobile classrooms, which would clear up some congestion; and would create better isolation of ninth grade students, which qualified results prove to lower Ihe high school drop-out rate. The economics of a freshman academy ore extremely good, becouse the totol cost would be less than $6 million with little recurring cost. The bottom line on the freshman academy is that it did not meet the school board’s goal of reducing numbers on the Davie High School premises, We elected the BOE to make good decisions and we must be willing to accept their decisions. Many citizens have felt that a second high school was the best solution for Dovie County, The voters felt differently by voting “No" to defeat two bond referendums. The voters have spoken and their decision must be respected. That brings us bock to reorgonization and the process of realigning the grades. I feel strongly that Dr, Landry was hired to his position because of his leadership and academic skills. That being Home Health Does Good Job To tho editor; I wont to lake the time to thank some people from Davie County Home Health - Edith, Amy, Bryan, Kevin and anyone else who came to my home to help me with my bath and physical therapy after 0 knee replacement. Thank you all for a good job. God bless you all. Linda Edwards Mocksville S o i l & W a t e r D i s t r i c t S e e k s C o n t i n u e d S u p p o r t F r o m D a v i e To the editor: On behalf of the Davie Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors and the office staff, 1 would like to express our appreciation for your support and participation in our efforts lo conserve soil, water and all natural resources. The Davie Soil & Water Conservation District began sponsoring the Awords/Apprcciation Banquet in the foil of 1972. For the last 36 years, this annual event was a special way lo recognize farmers, farm fam ilies, educators, students, government officials, communicators, and other outstanding volunteers. In addition, this event also provided information, updates and education to the community. Due to a shortage in funding the Davie Soil and Woter Conservotion District has decided not to sponsor this event this year. We ask for your continued support in our endeavors of conserving the natural resources in Davie County, If we con be of service lo you please conlact us at 751-5011 or email us al ds\vccl@nwcksviUe,com. John Peeler, Chair Mocksville be brought forth to the public and everyone must hove complete irnderstanding of the cost Impact of realignment of grades. Building 0 new elementary school for ihe program will only represent less than half the total cost, A new elementary school will cost 13 to 15 million dollars. That alone, will cquol o 3-cent property tax increase. The other cost'involved comes when the new .school is completed. In her PowerPoint presentation Dr. Bost has identified a yearly recurring cost of approximately $ 1.3 million to staff and to operate this now school and lo Implement the realignment plan. This $1.3 million will equal an additional 3 lo 4-cent property tax increose. 1 personally think it would,bo 4-cents by the time the process is accomplished. This totol cost is my reason for saying thot oil focts must be pul on,the table and everyone must have an absolute understanding of the total cost impact of realignment of grades throughout the school system, 1 would recommend that Dr, Landry and Ihe school boord make their recommendation to the county commissioners by requesting a bond referendum up front. It will be important that the voters have their soy, becouse we are riot Just talking about a 3-cent tax increase to build a new elementary school; we are talking about a 7-ceni lax increase to accomplish the reolignment process, which would include the new school. This is important to know, because a 7-cent properly lax increase equals an amount greolor ihon the cost lo salisfy oU occumuloted school debt Davie County has today. In closing, please allow me lo go on record asking all organized groups to slay neutral, if the reolignment plan goes forward. Allow the voting citizens lo golher their own facts, to a.sk their own questions ond to do their own onaiysls to arrive at their voting decision, I really believe the citizens of Davie County will know when the right plan has been presented, and will vole accordingly, 1 feel confident that Dr, Landry and the school board accept their responsibility and will request only what they think is best for Davie County, Bill Foust Mocksvllle ★★ F O O D ★ F U N ★ L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read­ ers. The letters may be on topics oflocni, state, national or international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they .are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor resprves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. A ll letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a'signature, A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday o f tlve week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, M ocksville, or emml tp emews@davie-entcrprise.coin. M a s o n i c P i c n i c T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 5 ™ - S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 9 ™ a t t h e M a s o n i c P i c n i c G r o u n d s , C l e m e n t G r o v e • j u s t o f f N o r t h M a i n S t r e e t , M o c k s v i l l e R i d e s & M i d w a y O p e n 6 p m - 1 1 p m n i g i i t l y P ic m c D a y is I bU R SD A Y , A u g . 7 t h Please bring your well-WIed picnic baskets and cànié be a part of this 128 yem old Dàìde County W U h o iit y o u r s u p e r i t h e P i c n i c w i l l n o t h q ^ j i l i (Food should be on tables and readytosem by 12 Noon) ‘ T h u i ^ y ’s P r o g i ^ begim at 1 0 :(^ Featui^d Speaker and Special Presentation begim at appx. Lunch ^ be at appx. 12:00 Noon. , U V E E N H E R r A IN M E N T E A C H N IG tfT !! • )k i ' l : i r T k i e s d a y N i g h t i s F a m i l y N i g h t A ' k ' k A ll N e w R id e s a n d A ttra c tio n s ! Midway by: Smokey Mountain Amusements, Inc. Please come out and support this 128 year old Davie County tradition benefttting the Masonic Children’s Home in Oxford, NC and the Masonic Eastern Star Home in Greensboro, NC SrONSOREP t)Y WE MSSONtC LODGES OF AmWCE 11710, FARMINOmN №265 & MOCKSVIUM Itl3-t E veryone is invited T h u rsilay fo r th e ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT PICNIC LUNCH $7.00 /p e r s o n 4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 24,2008 Third Generation Starts At Sheriff’s Department By Jackie Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record Cody Stephens, 22, was sworn in as a deputy on July 1, He is a tliird-generation em­ ployee of the Davie Sheriff’s Department. Cody completed his basic law enforcem ent training at Duvidson Community College and is a five-year veteran of the National Guard Reserves who has served in Iraq. Cody is beginning his career as a patrol officer and says he hopes to carry on a long tradi­ tion of law enforcemeitt scrvice in Davie County. “I’ve always wanted to fol­ low in ray father’s footsteps,” Cody said. Cody’s father and grandfa­ ther were also sworn officers in Davie. John Stephens, 60, spent 24 of his 25 with the sheriff’s de­ partment as a detective. John retired in 2005 and when he reflects back on his time as an officer he remembers his time there fondly. “1 enjoyed it. In some aspects it’s very reward­ ing and in other aspects it can be depressing. II is a job that has to be done.” John says he's proud of Cody and he knows that he’ll make a good officer. When John was asked if he had any words of wisdom to pass on to Cody he said, "I’d tell him to listen and treat people the way you’d want to be treated. Davie County has been good to me.” Jolm is married to Dianna and also has a daughter, Courtney, 19. Buster Smith, 73, began his career with the sheriff’s depart­ ment in 1980. ■ He was the chief jailer at Davie Detention Center until he retired in 2000. When asked if working in the law enforcement field was al­ ways something he wanted to do Buster laughs, "1 never thought I’d ever go there. I iold them when I came here I’d give them two weeks, and I stayed for 20 years. I had good people to work with.” Buster has seen many changes in his time working. "When I first started, five jailers were all we had. There have been times there wouldn’t be anybody ^ ' 1 / , P e a c h e s & ( 1 Silver Queen Corn Buster Smith, John Stephens, Cody Stephens, and Sheriff Andy Stokes at Cody’s swearing in at the Davie Sheriff’s office. - Photo by P.O. Williams there but me,” ■ talked about working in law en- it. spends most of his days at home Buster worked under three forcement and he hopes his He worked part-time right af- with his Carrie, his wife of 55 different sheriffs and calls his grandson will make a career of ter he retired, but now Buster years, time there "an experience.” Buster says Cody has always N o w A v a i l a b l e ! C o r n ^ 3 ° 7 d o z e n HILL TOP ORCHARD 336-492-7246 Dlrocllons: From 1-40 Exit 170 In Mocksvilie, lako Hwy. 601 North, lett on Ijamos Church Rd., follow slgns.^ Hours: 8;0Ûam - 8:00pm , M on.-Sat. Noon-6pm , Sun. P i c n i c A u g . 9 Corinthian Lodge No. 17 will sponsor its annual picnic on Saturday, Aug. 9 with speaking and choirs begin­ ning at 3:30 p.m. at the Ma­ sonic Picnic Grounds off North Main Street in Mocks­ villc. Worshipful Master Bobby Bell will preside over the cer­ emonies. More details on the program will bo printed nex,t week. Cooleemee Eyes Growth L Ik By Jackie Seabolt Davie County Enterprise Record COOLEEM EE - Board members in Cooleemee want their small town lo grow and they’ve taken the first steps to help the process along. A six-month strategic growth plan for the town was unani­ mously approved at this month’s commissioners meeting. According to commissioner Eari Lester, "We are contracting with Benchmark to put together a plan for growth and mainte­ nance of what we have." Benchm ark, based out, of Kannapolis, was formed in 1982 and is a strategic community development company. According to tiie agreement, the town of Cooleemee will pay Benchmark $8,100 over a six- month period. Beginning next month Benchmark will hold a meeting with town staff and review cen­ sus data. In September a steering com­ mittee will be formed made up of town board members, plan­ ning board members, business loaders, residents, and represen­ tatives of community organiza­ tions. A public workshop and sur­ vey will bo conducted by Octo­ ber. That committee will conduct a workshop in December whore a vision, goals, objectives and implementations will be drafted. “I’m well pleased with what they’ve (Benchmark) pul to­ gether and anxious to get started,” Lester said. ............................... BANK n/t/ie CAROLINAS SH IN Echecking :• rew ard yo urself w ith generous irjterest 0 • a APV on yo ui'ba la nces up to $26,ODO on your bataneéis • Q ver$25i000 A p p ly o n lin e a t B fa n k o fth e C a ro lfn a s .c o m APY* if requirem ents are not m et ■Visit >iom entToShirie.com . Sign up for SHINE checking, subntiit a SHINE story and discover your m om ent to shine! n ¡M Cl 'i’* on ft, Í S r j >*/l’ir»» í/’í.« i ffhu çn ri» it,........... 1 '(V (-# ’ I < * 4t» »-í»» 9 >»• /■ ïf f f ' " I T T S B U F ’^ Pure Performance‘^ Flat Interior Latex N O T I n c lu d in g R e b a te ! F in a l C o st A fle r R e b a te P I T T S B U R G H ' P A I N T S Caudeil Lumber & Building Supplies 162 Stieelc Street, i\/locksville • 336-751-2167 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 ■ 5:00 • Saturday 7:30 -12 noon District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 ■ 5 The following cases were heard in Davie District Court on July 10. Presiding; Judge Wayne L. Michael. Prosecuting; Ina Stanton und Steve Boone, As­ sistant DAs. - Emilie S. Carpenter, posses­ sion of mall beverage/unfortified wine by 19/20, dismissed per compliance. - Anthony bewayne Chunn, unauthorized use of a motor ve­ hicle, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Jam es Lynn Durham, simple assault, $ 100, cost, not to go about Davie Farm Service. - Marco A. Flores-Areiuis, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, sus­ pended'18 months, $100, cost, surrender license, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, 24 hoiirs com­ munity service; no operators li­ cense, dismissed. -Antonio Lopez Garcia, fail­ ure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost; unlawfui use of highways, dismissed per plea. - leasha J. Hairston, misde­ meanor larceny, prayer for judg­ ment continued 120 days, 12 hours community service, write letter of apology, not to go about WalMart. - Jason C. Hawks, driving with license revoked, remit cost and fine; DWI, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, sur­ render license, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, $200, cost, 48 hours community service; driv­ ing with license revoked, ex­ pired registration card/tag, speeding 70 in a 55, larceny of motor fuel, dismissed. - Kaylee M organ Huyes, simple assault, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 18 months, comply with treatment plan: simple assault, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 18 months at expiration of previous sentence. - Miranda Lynn Hutchens, misdemeanor larceny, dismissed per compliance. ■ - John M ichael Koontz, speeding 90 in a 70 and posses^ sion of drug paraphernalia, re­ duced to 79 in a 70, $50, cost", evidence ordered destroyed; ex­ pired registration card/tag, dis­ missed per plea. - Justin David Leonard, simple assault, dismissed per mediation. * - Antonio Garcia Lopez, no operators license, dismissed per plea. - Marguerite Ann MaSsey,, failure to reducc speed, dis­ missed per civil settlement. ' Scott Austin Mise, un.safc movement, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Kaitlyn Am anda M ole, simple assault, dismissed per mediation. - Jorge Luis Nava, speeding 87 in a 70, dismissed^ - Charity Rene Passmore, DWI, sentenced to 12 months, suspended 18 months, $400, cost, surrender license, not to, operate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, subslatice abuse assessm ent/treatm ent, $237,50 attorney fees, seven days in jail. - Robert Gray Ridings, mis­ demeanor larceny, sentenced lo 120 days. - Jeffrey S. Robbins, commu­ nicating threats, dismissed per mediation; - Donald Paul Rodu, resisting a public officer and assault on a female, dismissed per plea; as­ sault on n government official/ employee, sentenced lo 60 days, credit for time served. - Dylan Vaughn Spears, pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, prayer for judgment continued 90 days, 24 hours community service, cost, - Janice Ivey Spillman, at­ tempted breaking/entering, dis­ missed per insulTicient eyidcncc. - James Aaron Strain, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia und misdemeanor conspiracy, dis­ missed per plea; possession of fortified wine/liqubr/mixed bev­ erage under 21, sentenced tp 45 days, suspended 18 months, cost, $350 attorney fees, sub­ stance abuse assessment/treat­ ment. - Kale Janine Sykes, driving with license revoked, dismissed. - Alberto S. Velazquez, no op­ erators license, cost. - Christopher Voncannon, careless/reckless driving, $100, cost; failure to exhibit/surrender license, dismis.sed. - Michael Edward Young, speeding 99 in a 70, window tinting violation, dismissed per plea. - Robert Ridings, no opera­ tors license, common law utter­ ing, misdemeanor larceny, injury to personal properly, aiding/ abetting larceny, dismissed; common law forgery, common law uttering, reduced to misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 120 days at expiration of previ­ ous sentence. Failed to appear: - Sanford Brent Jones, mis­ demeanor probation violation. - Damien Lee Langford, driv­ ing with license revoked, expired registration card/tag. - Kevin Steffon Pegues, felony larceny. - Muuricio Rivero, misde­ meanor probation violation out of county. July 17 The following cases wore heard in Davie District Court on July 17. Presiding: Judge Wayne L. Michael. Prosecuting; Ina Stanton and Michelle Duff, As­ sistant DAs. - Alex TVIer Buckles, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed per completion of commimity servicc, evidence ordered de­ stroyed. - Javier Osuna Cisneros, sec­ ond degree trespassing, prayer for judgm ent continued 120 days, 24 hours community ser­ vice. - Eric Donell Cleveland, DWI, sentenced to 24 months, suspended 18 months, $500, cost, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, surrender li­ cense, nol to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, $800 attorney fees. - Dustin Hank Colbert, mis­ demeanor possession of stolen goods, sentenced lo45 days, sus- pended 18 months, 24 hours community service, $100, cost, substance abuse assessment/ treatment, submit lo random drug screens/w arrantless searches, $275 attorney fees; misdemeanor possession of sto­ len goods, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months at expira­ tion of previous sentence, 24 hours community servicc, $ 100, cost; simple worthless check. dismissed per plea. - Joshua Leo Collins, speed­ ing 65 in a 55, dismissed per South Carolina indictment. - Cory D. Fitzpatrick, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, dismissed per plea, evidence ordered de­ stroyed; possession of drug para­ phernalia, $25, cost, evidence ordered destroyed. H U M A N A .^ specializin g in: • Medicare supplement insurance • Final expense insurance • Individual & tem porary health insurance • Medicare Advantage health plans • Medicare Part D prescription drug plans For more inform ation call: Candis Rogers 1-888-290-4108 M O C K SV U E MOOSE LOOGE #1949 T U R K E Y S H O O T Eveoy Saturday in August (August 2, 9,1 6 ,2 3 fir 3 0 ) at the Moose lodge Hwy. 601 s., Mocksvilie beside Davie High F o r I n f o C a l l 7 5 1 - 2 5 1 5 Animal Hospital of Clemmons would like for you to join us in welcoming Dr. Amy Pugh to our practice. Dr. Pugh, a recent DVM graduate from Ohio State University College enjoys internal medicine, surgery, opthalmology, and demiatoiogy In her spare time she enjoys white water rafting, hiking, scraptx>oklng, painting and traveling. She also enjoys spending time with her 2 beagles, 1 cat, 2 cockatieis, and a leopard gecko. Dr. Pugh is replacing Dr. Lindsey Hacker, who left in June to practice In Virginia.Ur. Amy Pugh Call 766-8950 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Pugh today. We know you will like her as much as we do. 2635 Neudorf Road • Clemmons C o n g r e s s w o m a n V i r g i n i a F o x x 5 th D is tric t o f N o rth C a ro lin a "I hold regular office hours in every county in the Fifth District, please call my district office to find out the next scheduled time in your area. It is an honor to serve you in the United States Congress. I look forward to hearing from you." - Congresswom an V ir g in ia F o x x s ta f f D is tric t O ffic e H o u rs A representative from C ongressw o m an Foxx’s office wili be at tiie \ M ocl<svilleTow n Hall on 171 S. Clem ent Street on lu e sd a y, A ugust 12 from 1:00-4:00p.m. •' C a ll T oll F r e e ; ( 8 6 6 ) 6 7 7 - 8 9 6 8 o r v is it o n lin e a t h t t p : / / f o x x . h o u s e . g o v If y o u h a v e F e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t - r e l a t e d p r o b l e m s o r c o n c e r n s , C o n g r e s s w o m a n V i r g i n i a F o x x a n d h e r s t a f f a r e r e a d y t o a s s i s t y o u . H e r e a r e s o m e t h i n g s w e c a n h e l p with.,. A S S I S T W IT H F E D E R A L G O V E R N M E N T -R E L A T E D P R O B L E M S . If y o u h a v e a p r o b le m w ith S o c ia l S e c u r ity , V e te r a n s ’ A ffa irs , M e d ic a r e o r a n y d e a lin g s w ith a f e d e r a l a g e n c y , w e c a n h e lp . - ■ M A K E N O M IN A T IO N S T O M IL IT A R Y A C A D E M IE S . W e a c c e p t a p p lic a tio n s fro m c o lle g e - b o u n d s t u d e n ts in te r e s te d in a p p o in tm e n ts to t h e A rm y , N av y , A ir F o rc e , o r M e r c h a n t M a rin e a c a d e m i e s . A N S W E R Q U E S T IO N S r e la tin g to p u b lic p o lic y o r le g is la tio n . P R O C U R E A M E R IC A N F L A G S flo w n o v e r th e U .S . C a p ito l b u ild in g .. O B T A IN T IC K E T S a n d in fo rm a tio n fo r W a s h in g to n D .C . v is its . ' ii I*- - •. r..,r 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 I ! Í '¡if ■'•I Life...DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - 7 Dan Marlon looks over a book of photos from his travels. M a r i o n . . . Continued From Page 1 As if it was yesterday, the young man remembers going home, getting his pajamas packed, and then throwing up, out of fear, because he’d never been in the hospital before. , The next day, May 27, the lump was tested, and an additional biopsy of bone marrow, through a needle plunged into the chest wall, was done. That Thursday night, in his room at the Davie County Hospital, the young man, his sister, Vivian, his ,^ifc, Oigi, and her family waited'for the diagnosis. Dr. Slate entered the room and told them it was Hodgkin's lymphoma. The young man was relieved, and sold to Dr. Slote, "Whew. For a minute there I thought you were gonna tell me 1 had cancer," Vivian, Gigi and Dr. Slate stepped into the hall, realizing the young man did not know that Hodgkin’s lymphoma is cancer of the lymph system, and Dr. Slate, with tears in his eyes, told Vivian he could not go back in and deliver the news again. Vivian, a nurse, did. "Dan, you have cancer, and it is terminal.” That was the moment that changed Dan Marion’s life forever. The moment the blacktop faded, but just for a moment. Dan arrived soon after at North Carolina Baptist Hospital, where he underwent four days of tests, and the results showed that his cancer was in the third - almost fourth - stage. With Hodgkin’s, there were five stages, with the fifth stage the worst. The doctor told Dan his cancer was terminal, that they were going to try to make him as comfortable as possible, but Dan and Glgl Marlon with four of their grandchildren, Davey, Kristen and Rose. - Photos by Robin Snow that he needed to get things in order to prepare for his death. That was June 10,1968. Fast forward to July 10, 2008. Dan is sitting in his living room, with his dog, Molly, on his lap and the love of his life, his wife, Gigi, sitting beside him. His three grandchildren, Kristen Neely, 12, Davy Marlon, 6, and his sister. Rose, 4, just left the spot Molly is , npw in. (His other granddaughter, Sarah Marioh, 18, is away at college.) Dan is comfortable, laughing, smiling. Alive. WohderfuHy, gracidusiy; '' " '' miraculously, alive. Oh sure; life isn’t alv\«j|;f tft picnic. He takes 12 pills a'day, chews tobacco constantly to make saliva, because his treatments burned out his salivary glands, and his sense of taste isn’t what it was. His lung capacity is decreased. But he’s in his living room, a place he never expected to be, at the age of 61, telling his story publicly for the first time. After the diagnosis, Dan was told that although his cancer would take his life in a matter of months, there was an experimental program going on for people with Hodgkin’s. “The doctor said, ‘We’d like you to enter the program. It’s strictly voluntary, and if you want to do it, we might learn something that will help someone else.’ But helping someone else wasn’t really on my mind right then,” Dan said, laughing. “There are a couple of stages of cancer, with the first being ‘why.’ Then there’s denial, then depression, then ‘oh, pity me,’ but I just took a different approach. They let me come home right after that, and I put on my tennis shoes and ran three miles. “I had a one-year-old son and a wife - 1 had an obligation. So I went back to work, and I started looking at my life in terms of days. If I got up, I was happy to just be able to get up. I looked at each day, not tomorrow.” Dan returned to his job at Ingersoll-Rand, the company he went to work for when he was 18, (and is still not completely retired from) and it; was a good job, making $1.35 an hour, more than enough to support the young family and pay the rent on their house on Poplar Street. ' ' He continued to play ball when he could, and then, one la^day, he returned to NCBH, to enter the experimental program - the administration of cobalt radiation. Forty years later, Dan can still remember the room, even the smell of the roomj where he received what was then a new, relatively unknown, treatment. ^ He also remembers the machine. “Oh,‘it jvjis crude. I’ll tell you how crude it was. I’d go in this room, and the machine was four posts and some chicken wire, and I had to lay under the chicken wire, and they didn’t know how much to give or what the effects of it would be, that’s how new it was.” Dan and four others who had also been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s received massive amounts of radiation, 22 treatments In 32 days. The four others had their spleens removed, but Dan had not. After his first and second treatments, Dan went home and played basketball. After the sixth treatment, during a pick-up game, Dan called a time out, went to the side of the court, and threw up blood. His hair fell out, and he lost 30 pounds. “But I never quit,” he said. “I was a member of the Jaycees, and I helped with the picnic that August, and I was still playing softball.” At this point, Gigi intervenes. "Oh, he’s making light of it, but he was sick. He was sick as a dog.” ; Dan replies, “Yes, I was -; ’sickcbilt I was gonna be sick if', I stayed in bed. I knew it was terminal, but you can’t spend all day on that. You’ve gotta get over that. So 1 was.aUh^ . poliit, 1 w u what I was gonna.d^^ with.what I had left. They told me I h i " made it to age 30, I'd be lucky.” Three months later, the experimental group returned for a follow-up, and at that appointment, they were all there. At the next visit, only four were there. Nine months after the program began, there were only three, and by the one-year anniversary, Dan was the sole survivor. He had already beaten the odds, but it wouldn’t be the last time. It wasn’t long after that their first child, Danny, w as\ joined by a brother. Matt, and\ then, later, a sister, Jenny, and\ always the constant, always by \ his side, there was Gigi. With a quick smile, rambunctious laugh, and a gift for seeing the good in bad, Gigi provided much of the glue that held Dan’s life together. During a time when many couples would have been tom apart by the raw emotions that made up their lives, they persevered, with Dan’s stubbornness and Gigi’s outlook. Gigi said, “I told him one day, because he kept throwing up in the sink, ‘Dan, if you throw up in the sink where I have to wash dishes one more time ... and he said, ‘But I’m sick,’ and 1 told him, ‘Oh boo hoc, so what. Don’t throw up in my sink,” ’ Don replies, “I told her, ‘I’m gonna live. I’m gonna live just to spite you, and she said, ‘Bring it on,’ ” So he did. Many times. One of the pieces of advice Dan held onto came from his doctor, Donald Hayes, during his radlution treatments. '"“He told me, ‘You’vo gotta look at it this way. You could be killed in your automobile on the way here. The odds of you getting killed in an automobile accident are greater than dying from this treatment.’" During his subsequent checkups, and after being diagnosed with skin cancer and having 17 operations to have those cancers removed, Dan held onto that advice. And on May 5, 2005, he needed it again. With his Hodgkin’s in remission, Dan was traveling quite a bit with work, having taken over the Southeast region for corporate sales, but during the spring, in March and April, he wasn’t feeling well. This time, he visited Dr. \ Evons, who suggested a CT scan. The scan took place on u Tuesday, and on Thursday, Dr. Evans called Dan and told him he was coming to his house. By the time he arrived, Matt was coming up the driveway, crying. Dan said even the doctor was crying, when he delivered the news that Dan had renal cell (kidney) cancer. "Then, he said, ‘And it’s big,”’ Dan remembers. The cancer was huge and perched on top of one of his kidneys, entangled with an artery, making surgery especially dangerous, because of the odds of bleeding to death, but the morning Dan was being wheeled into the operating room for his estimated eight to nine hour surgety, he still managed to crack a few jokes. “We were in the room with all those bright lights and everyone standing around, and I said, ‘Good morning. I want to clear the air. If anybody here went out last night and overdid it’ you arc oxqused.’, .......... ‘ Right ofter that, tiie anesthesiologist said,‘Where are you from?’ and I told him Davie County and asked him where he was from. He said, ‘About two miles south of Greasy Comer.’ We lived within two miles of each other,” Dan said, with a smile. Gigi interjects, “You tolk about divine intervention again.” About 50 people gathered in the waiting room, and when, after two hours, the doors opened and Dan was being wheeled out of the OR, Vivian, and Dan’s other two sisters, who are also nurses, said that was not a good sign, that the cancer must have been too massive to remove. But they were wrong. The doctors were able to remove it in record time and with great success. “My doctor, Morris Friedman, told me he’d done a thousand of those same operations and that was the only one with that outcome. I. didn’t even have to get any blood during the operation,” Dan said. Gigi remembers Dr. Friedman talking with them after the surgery, and she said Please See Life • Page 7 Dan proudly hugs granddaughter Sarah at her high Gardening Is one of many hobbies that keep Dan and Glgl Marlon busy - and happy - at their home in rurai Davie school graduation ceremony. County. . I' » . ■ p , Continued From Page 6 he seemed perplexed by how successful it was, but Gigi wasn’t surprised, because she knew Dan was, once again, being watched over. And she couldn’t have known it at the time, but someone else in the family would soon need that same watchful eye. Just five months after his surgery, Dan got a call late night on Oct. 28,2005, that Matt had been in a horrific accident. The call actually came from Matt, who was in shock but driving himself to the hospital, suffering from burns he received when the Bobcat he was operating fell into a pit of turning tree limbs. .Matt somehow managed to free himself and drive to Davie County Hospital. When Dan arrived at the hospital three minutes after Matt, he reached into Matt’s truck to tum it off and noticed Matt’s skin hanging from the steering wheel. For 12 days. Matt lingered in a coma in the bum unit at NCBH, with Dan at his side. ‘Those 12 days standing over his bed In that burn unit were worse than what I went through,” Dan said. The boy who once wowed a county with his baseball playing prowess was balanced, precariousiy, between life and death, with that same county in seemingly constant prayer. Miraculously,ihe lived. And that still wasn’t the last miracle in Dan’s life. On Nov. 17, 2007, Don had just returned from a pheasant- hunting trip to South Dakota with Matt. Late that night, he woke up, in pain. “I woke Gigi up and told her we needed to go to the hospital.” Gigi picks up the story there. “I was driving, and we were heading for Iredell, and we had just about gotten to the Davis Hospital exit when Dan started Igurgling. He said, ‘Well, that's something different,' and went into full congestive heart failure." Somehow, Gigi managed to keep driving, reaching Iredell, where a deputy came out and helped Dan into a" wheelchoir. Doctors started working on him immediately, got him stabilized, and then his heart stopped again. A trauma team was called in to tronsport him to a hospital in Charlotte. At this point in the story, Dan slops, smiles, and says, “But other than that. I’m OK. "When I put my foot on the floor every morning, I say, 'Thank you.’ I have every reason lo sit here and sorry for myself and feel depressed, but it’s just like that doctor told me - 1 could get killed in an automobile accident. “1 can’t quit. I can't give up. 1 didn't pick cancer. It picked me. I’m still dealing with the New Location, Major Music Star On Tap It has a new locution and a new energy. And for the first time, a major music act will be part of Ihe Davie Counly Relay for Life. The relay starts at 6:20 p.m. Friday at the Davie Family' YMCA track on Cemetery Street in Mocksville, followed by Ihe opening ceremony ■ including the recognition of cancer survi­ vors in Davie County. Country music star Kevin Sharp will perform a free con­ cert beginning at 8 p.m. .......... The all-night event will in­ clude more music and dancing, and there will be plenty of food. P fS R S W F n r’’''---------’” 7’--------r-'~"v-T ■rr-.MRe|ay;Schedule Survivors Entrance ‘Opening Ceremony Opening song, Benlta Finney 1, Invocation, Farmlngton/Wesley .Vv'i , / Chapel Pastor Jack Tookey Welcome, Barbara Basham t m .w*' •> / National Anttiem, Leonard Rowe Pf Speaker, ACS /J-'ui representative Jami Myers 5’.),,, Guest Speaker, David Bradley . ’’^iJWiyor'Lap, ; Recogriitlon of Sun/ivors Parade of Team^ r Silent Auction of Chairs Painted for [ ' , Relay In Davie Arts Council contest Second Chance Band Kevin Sharp,'country music Luminary Ceremony Lighting of the Candies '' ‘ Torch Donated in > i,*f „Memory of Crystal Hilton ■ i ’ ' ' IWemory Torch, Nellie Hargrove' ' Honor Tbrch, Deborah Payne , i For A Cure, »'^¡vt'the.Rev. Dr. Crystal Alexander : ll^vPrayer Chain, Eyeryone^Stbps • ^ i^y;)'ancl Joins Hands |'/''f,\Si|ent Lap In Honor and ^^emory Victims it -'A Pelay Worship Experience '• ’ ‘ Benita Finney, Paula Lewis, ; Susan Seaford, Leonard Rowe, Max Peterkin, Bra^eri Finney, , .CAmt)er Fjnriey, *iRefuge C(pmmunlty Church Choir Fight Baik Ceremony, Katie Junker 1 O 0 j3 (n Fjgtit Back Dance Paijy ' 11-30pjm Rel^y Karaoke ' , ~lm. ■ j^^H NIght Milsio'And Gfamps with.; ; ■ ‘ ■ Jf|e:Mc)bile JuKebox, Barry Reptz' * - ' '...........'•.......-’ei,m ^ vyiison, ymca | ^a,w ‘ CIbslng Ceremony' ; Sun^lvors Victory Lap ' ' ^ o,m effects of that radiation, but when people come up to me and say, 'How you doin'? How's your health?' I say, 'Good, probably as good as yours,'” When asked if he would change anything about his life, Dan thinks for a minute, starts lo say something, and then says, "No, 1 wouldn't change a thing, I have a wife, children, grandchildren, I love lo hunt and fish, and now I love it even more because 1 get to do it with my son and grandson. “My life changed when I met Gigi In seventh grade. She made me belter than I was. So, would I change anything? No, And this is what I want people to know if they're dealing with this. You can sit down or you can get up and do something. You might die doing it, but you've still gotta get up • and do it." And then Dan, cowboy hat on his head, walks out lo enjoy a few minutes of an unexpected afternoon rain, looks at his garden, and smiles. He's already planning next year’s garden. Dan and Gigi Marion with the family - Matt, Melissa, Rose, Kristen, Jenny, Davey and Danny. including tenderloin sand­ w iches, .sub sandw iches, hotdogs, fruit and vegetables, desserts, grilled chicken, ice cream and more. There will be games for children and adults, and plenty of chances to bid on raffie items. All money will go to help fight cancer and support cancer victims. Shuttles to the gite wUl run every 15 minutes from 5:30-7:30 p.m. . from the Davie County Public Library/First Baptist Church, and on Ihe hour from 8- 10 p.m. l/1/è H e l p e d M i c h e l l e W a l k t o t h e A l t a r The walk to the altar was not an easy one for Michelle Eudy of Statesville. A year and a half ago an accident broke her back,crushed her pelvis and left her paralyzed below the waist Many doubted she would walk again. But not Michelle. Following surgery, she began her inpatient recovery at Forsyth Medical Center's Whitaker Rehabilitation Center. During her time at Whitaker she became engaged and set a goal to be able to walk to the altar and stand on her own. I For more information about our proposed Clemmons Medical Center, which will bring \ outstanding care closer to you, visit ClemmonsMedicalCenter.org Michelle continued her recovery at Forsyth's Martlnat Outpatient Rehabilitation Center in Mocksville. Her therapists there, Shannon Kimel and Angelia Wood, used their skills and training to advance her heaiing.They also became her friends, attending her recent wedding. Michelle Eudy's walk to thé ' altar is a story of triumph over f adversity. And it is just one of the more than 850 remarkable stories bf patients who trusted Forsyth Medical Center for their rehabilitation care last year. F o r s y t h ) MEDICAL CENTER Reinavl<ablc People. Remorluible Medicine, - II 'v, ■ u [ Л \ I 7 iI’ ! 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 Public Records Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs Department made the following arrests; - Jonas Bradley Curtiss, 32, of 929 Gladstone Road, Mocks­ ville was arrested July 14 for harassing phone calls. Trial date: Aug, 14, - Eric Paul Shelton, 34, of 165 Main Street, Cooleemee was ar­ rested July 16 foi'assault inflict­ ing serious bodily injury, assault by strangulation, and communi­ cating threats. Trial date: July 31. - Samuel Dean James, 28, of 129 Piper Lane, Mocksville was anested July 18 for second de­ gree trespassing. Trial date: July 31, Cooleemee Police The following are from Cool- cemeo Police Department,re­ ports, - The larceny of $20 worth of gas from The Handi Cupboard on NC 801 South was reported July 20, - A noise ordinance violation on Duke Street was reported July 20, . -A dog bit someone at Cross and Watt streets, it was reported July 16, - A window at Cooleemee Elementary School was broken, it was reported July 15, - A disturbance among a couple at a residence on Duke Street was reported July 14. - An alarm sounded at Cool- eemee Elementary School on July 10, - The breaking, entering and larceny of items from a residence on Main Street was reported July 10, - A violation of an ordinance prohibiting'the keeping of fowl was reported on Davie Street on July 18. - An alarm sounded at Cool- ■ cemee Elementary on July 9. < , Fires Davie County fire depart-' ments responded to the follow­ ing calls: July 15: Mocksville, 7:03 a.m., Madison Road, snioke in­ vestigation; Center assisted; William R. Davie, 12:19 p.m., Cana Road, truck collided with cable line; Center assisted; Jerusalem, 2:06 p.m., Michaels Road, autom obile accident; Jerusalem, 6:08 p,m„ NC 801 South, carbon monoxide alarm, , July 16: Fork, 10:24 a,m„ NC 801 South, Held fire; Ad­ vance assisted; Smith Grove, 11:09 a,tti„ Fescue Drive, resi­ dential fire alarm; Advance, 5:24 p,m„ Markland Road, tree down; July 17: Mocksvllle, 11:25 a,m„ N, Main Street, fire alarm; Jerusalem assisted; Smith Grove, 4:23 p,m„ 1-40 West, automo­ bile accident; Clemmons as­ sisted, , July 18: Smith Grove, 9:26 a,m,, 1-40 East, automobile acci­ dent; Fiumington assisted; Smith Grove, 5:12 p.m., Gordon Drive, fire alarm; Farmington assisted; Jerusalem, 5:28 p.m., Michaels Road, automobile accident, July 21: Smith Grove, 8:03 a,m,, 1-40 East, automobile acci­ dent; Farmington assisted. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks In Davie County were listed by the N,C. Highway Patrol. • A D avidson miin was charged with DWI, no operators license, and yield violation after the vehicle he was driving hit another July 10. Charles Ray Lambeth of Lex­ ington was driving his 1998 CMC southeast o;i NC 801 near the traffic circle. Janet Arlene Dom browski of Old Towne Drive, Advance was driving her 2005 Toyota south on NC 801. Lambeth failed to yield his vc­ hicle to Dombrowskl's and it collided with her vehicle. Trooper B.B. Fleetwood re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 12:07 p.m. and there were no injuries, • No charges were filed after an accident on July 15. Jonathan Wade Cleary of Hunt Street, Mocksville was driving a 2006 Kenworth trac- tor-traller north on Cana Road. Cleary's truck collided with a low cable wire crossing the rOad, After Impact, Cleary's truck crossed the centerline and came to rest in tho roadway. Trooper M.T, Dalton reported Ihe accident occuired at approxi­ mately 12:10 p.m. and there were no Injuries. • A Davie man was charged with no operators llcci.se and reckless driving after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving July 15. Wilder Renan Fuenics of Cherry Hill Road, Mocksville was driving n 1999 Toyota cast on Michaels Road. Fuentes en­ tered a curve at an excessive rate of speed, crossed Ihe centerline, collided with a ditch, came back onto the road in a side skid, ran off the road ogaln, and collided with a utility pole guidewire. Trooper M.T, Dalton reported the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 2 p.m, and there were no Injuries, • No charges were filed after Specials of th e W eek Candy Bars PHOTO SPECIAL i c y Digital Prints No L im it O ne W e e k <hily K or )>геа( in lo iiiu itio ii on . (IniK.s & h i'iiith prohlem s, цо lo \\'\у\у.Г().ч11'Г(1г11цс'о,с’о т t; Limit 4 While Suppllc.s Last Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 wvvw.fosterdrugco.com DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER an accident on July 16. Kerri Lynn Drye of John Ijames Roud, Mocksville was driving a 2004 Jeep west on I- 40. An object traveled from un- deravchicleaheadof Drye's and collided wilh her vehicle. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 6:12 p.m, and there were no injuries, • No charges were filed after an accident on July 19. Clarence Douglas Hqdgcs of Stokesdale was driving his 2003 Dodge pick-up north on a private driveway In Thousand Trails. Campground. Two parked ve­ hicles were facing north on the campsite. Hodges made a left turn and back right corner of Hodges' trailer collided with one of Ihe parked vehicle and pushed it into the other parked vehicle. Trooper E.C, Roten reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 12:35 p.m. and there were no injuries. Sheriff’s Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On July 7 the larceny of die­ sel fuel was reported at a com­ mercial building on Redline Road, Advance, - The unauthorized use of a motor vehicle was reported at a home on Brockland Drive, Ad­ vance on July 14, - On July 14 harassing phone calls were reported at a home on Jack Booe Rond, Mocksville, - Larceny was reported at a home on US 601 South, Mocks­ ville on July 14, -On July 14 damage to prop­ erty was reported at a home on County Line Road, Mocksville, - A brcak-ln and larceny were reported at a home on NC '801 North, Advance on July 14. - On July 14 a vicious dog was reported at a location On Turkeyfoot Road, Mocksville, - A break-ln and larceny were reported'at a:homg>on!lvey Circle, Advance on Jiily, 14,' - On July 14 financial fraud .was reported at a location on US 64 West, Mocksvllle, - Damage to property was reported al u Dovie High School on July 16, - On July 17 a break-ln and larceny were reported at a home on McCullough Road, Mocks­ vllle, - A break-ln was reported at a vacant house on Michaels Road, Mocksville on July 18. - On July 18 the passing of counterfeit money was reported at a business on US 158, Ad­ vance, - A brcak-ln and larceny were reported at a home on Ruby Lane, Mocksvllle on July 18. - On July 18 the larceny of a cell phone was reported at a home on Riverbend Drive, Ad­ vance, - Larceny was reported at a home on D utchm an Trail, Mocksvllle on July 18, - On July 18 a break-ln and larceny were reported al an out- www,davlsrc building on Wyo Road, Ad­ vance. - The larceny of gas was re­ ported at a dwelling on Old Mill Road, Advance on July 18, - On July 18 prescriptloii forgery was reported at a phar­ macy on US 158, Advance, - Livestock running at large was reported at a location on Crescent Drive, Mocksville on July 17, - On July 19 a break-in and larceny were reported at a home on US 64 West, Mocksville, - An ossault wilh a deadly weapon was reported at a loca­ tion on Daniel Road, Mocksville on July 19. - On July 19 a break-in was reported at a gas station on Farmington Road, Mocksville. - Simple affray was reported at a location on ¿reason Drive, Mocksville on July 19. - On July 19 an assault was reported at a home on Rediand Road, Advance. - Simple assault was reported at a home on McDaniel Road, Advance on July 21. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds. ,The transactions are listed by parlies involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - Priority Trustee Services to Federal N ational M ortgage Assoc,, 1 lot, Farmington, - Steve Owens to Chasity Nicole Nunn, I condominium, Fantilnglon, $209. - Fred Allen Bumgarner to Johnny Wayne Bumgarner, 1 acre, Calahain. - Loyd Wade Bcauchamp and Mildred R. Bcauchamp to Kim Riley Beauchamp ond Kimberiy R. Beaucham p, 2.45 acres, Farmington, $112. - Richard/A. Freeman and Leavie A. Freeman doing busi­ ness as Freeman Construction Co. to Kevin Btueo LlUlo' and Lisa Lynne Little, 1 lot, $480. - Josephine C. McClamrock to Patricia M. Druughn, 33% in­ terest, Matthew E. Draughn, 32.5% interest, and Justin E. Draughn, 32.5% intcre.st, I tract, Mocksville. - R,J. Venturi and Jennifer Venturi to Matthew R. Smith, 1.01 acres, $246. - CitiMortgage to JBJH Prop­ erties, 1 lot, Farmington, $200. - Phillip David Shore and Tammie L, Shore to Ralph E. Everhart and Shirley B. Everhart, 16.65 acrcs, Mocks­ vllle, $171. - Florentino Arcos-Romero and Gloria Arcos-Renteria to Gloria Arcos-Renteria, 1 trad, Jerusalem. - The Hillsdale Group to Woolloomooloo, I tract, Farm­ ington, $1,237. - Jeffrey D, Hayes and Nancy M. Hayes to J, Allen Surratt and Gena B, Surratt, ,9 acre, $180, - Elizabeth A, Gulledge lo Philip D. Kelley Jr, and Lynne S, Kelley, 1 lot, Farmington, g I О n a ШгкШк1шП,Мй DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER HEALTH 2008 COM MUNflY EDUCATION SERIB I N C O N T I N E N C E & O V E R A C T I V E B L A D D E R N o t a n In e vita b le P a rt o f A g in g Wednesdiy, July 30th • 12 noon • Lone Star Restaurant Please join us for a very informative program as vi^e learn more about overactive bladder and incontinence in men and vi/omen. We'll also discuss causes as well as treatment and advances. Help is available for this condition which strikes more than 17 million men and women of all ages, A graduate of Duke University School of Medicine and New York Univereity School of Medicine, Dr, MakhiJli is a member of the American Urological Association, Southem MedicalAssociation, and Southeast American Urological Association. He was a Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude'Honors student at the University of Rochester and a resident traveling scholar with 'Cl/^i'VTS if’ A %/it lunch will be provided.. Space is limited and reservations are retjutred. Call 704-838-7255 byjujy28 to reserve your space.R E G I O N A L MOCKSVILLE S T Л I i S V I I t Г $1,980. • - J.K. Canter Builder lo Eliza­ beth A. Gulledge, 1 lot, Farm­ ington, $1,230. - Rufus Charles Huffman and Joann B. Huffman to Sterilng Trust Co., 1,33 acrcs, Calahain, $34. - R.C. Short ond Associates lo McAllister Park Homeowners Assoc,, 3 areas, Mocksville, - Otha Lee Stroud and Pauline Stroud to David A, Johnson and Edith Stroud Johnson then to David Lee Johnson, 20,71 acres, Calahain, - M arcus S, Shore and Rebecca A. Shore to N,P. Dodge Jr. as trustee, 1 lot. Shady Grove, $1,423. - Brock & Scott, substitute trustee to Wachovia Bank, 1 Iract, $1,006.. - American General Financiol Services to David Smith and Chessie Sm ith, 1.99 acres, Clarksville, $40. - Louis S, James and Carolyn M, James to M&D Properties, I tract, $129, - Cone Gorden Scenic Homes to Norman E. M itchell and Dawn C. Mitchell, 1 lol, Farm­ ington, $542, - Alan G, Mock, trustee to Lawrence Lee Mock Sr, and Nancy Jane Nelson Mock, 9,25 acrcs, $90, - Douglas H, Council and June Williams Council lo Mary N, Zimmerman, 2 tracts, $104, - Bryan C. Thompson and Sharon K. Thompson tq Anita Ketron Humphrey, I lol, Mocks­ ville, $188. - Clayton H. Burl and Theresa M. Burt lo James Doyle Collins and Terrilynn Bell Collins, 1 lot. Shady Grove, $750, - Brian Lee Linville nnd Kimberly H, Linville to Joseph E, Boger and Frances M, Boger, I tract, Jerusalem, $180, - Dick Anderson Construc­ tion to Zach Zilakakls and Kamle Zilakakls, 1 lol, Shady Grove, $990, Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksvitle Po­ lice Department, - The larceny of gus from tanks at Murphy USA was re­ ported July 13. - The larceny of gas from a vehicle on North Main, Street was reported July 17. - The lorceny of money by an employee at Comfort Inn, Madi­ son Road, was reported July 17, - The larceny of gasoline and an additive from Murphy USA was reported July 20. - Someone broke the gloss to a residence on Hardison Street, it was reported July 20. - Someone wrole a vulgor message on a truck on Marconi Street, it was reported July 18. - Counter help at Bojangles was threotened on July 20, - The lorceny of center cops from vehicle wheels on Foster Street wos reported July 18. - The lorceny of fuel from Murphy USA was reported July 20, Arrests - Mario Rodriguez Garcia, 58, of 115 Crawford Rood, was chorged July 15 with identity theft. Trial date: July 31, - Anthony Wade Sellers, 43, of 200 Avon St,, was charged July 16 with ollowing a dog to run loose, Triol dote: Sept, 11, - Lorry McLourin Jr,', 37, of 210 W indward Circle, was charged July 17 with possession of stolen goods. Trial dale: Aug, 21, - Ecklver Miranda Cortez, 33, of Yadkinviile, was charged July 15 with driving without o license. Trial dote: Aug, 15. •• Poul Joseph Beilina, 47, of 161 Jarvis Rood, Advance, was charged July 17 with larceny. Trial date; Aug, 28, - Non-is Eugene Hudson, 43, of 148 Foster St„ was charged July 19 with resisting o public officer, being intoxlcoted and disruptive, communicating • threats and assault on o female. Trial date: Aug, 28, Superior Court DAVIE COUN ГУ EN I’ERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .iuly 24,2008 • 9 The following cases were heard In Davie Superior Court the week of July 7, Presiding: Judge Edgar B, Gregory, Pros­ ecuting: Rob S. Taylor, Ina Stanton, and Michelle Duff, As­ sistant DAs. - Elyse Shari Allen, felony fi­ nancial card fraud, reduced to misdemeanor lorccny, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 18 months, $300, cost, 50 hours community service within six months, submit to warrantless searches, not lo possess any Ille­ gal substances, random drug screens, $206.54 restitution, $950 attorney fees, - Jackie Lee Bledsoe III, felony probation violation, con­ tinue under prior order, 6 months intensive probation, 10 days ac­ tive, credit for time served, - Thomas Daniel Browning, felony probation violation out of county, sentenced to 8-10 months, prayer for judgment continued until July 10, pay res­ titution .of $20,350 by July 9, credit for lime .served; felony probation violation, seiUenced lo 8-10 months ol expiration of pre­ vious sentence, $800, credit for time served; assault inflicting serious Injury, dismissed per re­ quest of prosecuting witness. - Anthony Dewayne Chunn, felony breaking/entering, lar­ ceny after breaking/entering, dis­ missed per deceased victim. - Aaron Robert Cranford, felony embezzlement, reduced to common law forgery, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 48 months, $1000, С0.Ч1, submit lo warrantless searches, not to pos- se.s.4 ony lllegol substances, ran­ dom drug screens, $350 attorney fees, 80 hours community ser­ vice. - Timothy Roy Green, felony larceny oC a motor vehicle, re­ duced lo possession of stolen goods, .senienced to 120 days, suspended 18'months, $150, cost, $387,50 altdrney fees, sub- mit to warrantless searciies, not lo possess any Illegal substances, random drug screens, keep 250 feet away from victiin or victim’s property. - Joseph Albert Herbert, felony obtaining property by false pretense, sentenced to 10- 12 m onths, suspended 36 months, submit to worrnntless searches, not to possess any ille­ gal substances, random drug screens, $398.92 restitution, $350 attorney fees, keep 250 feet- away from WolMort; felony ob­ taining property by false pre­ tense, dismissed per plea. - Matthew Erwin Howlelt, lor­ ceny of firearms, misdemeanor larceny, unauthorized use of a molor vehicle, dismissed, - Steven Gregory Ivey, mis­ demeanor larceny, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear, - Caroline Elizabeth Newton, felony possession of controlled substance on prison/jail pre­ mises, dismissed, - James Fronklln Peebles, felony probation violation, con­ tinue under prior judgment, 10 doys in jail, $425 attorney fees, submit to random drug tests, . - Robert Grey Ridings, felony larceny, sentenced lo 10-12 months, enroll in DART pro­ gram, $500, $612.50 attorney fees. - Nicholas Reynold Roig, felony possession of stolen goods, reduced to misdemeanor ‘ possession of stolen goods, sen­ tenced to 45 days, suspended 16 months, $631.25 attorney fees, $25.87,24 years community ser­ vice, subm it to w arrantless searches, not to possess any Ille­ gal substances, rAndom drug screens; felony possession of sto­ len goods/property, dismissed per plea., - James Neal Scott Jr., DWI, sentenced In 12 months, sus­ pended 24 months, $1000, cost, submit to warrantless searches, not to possess any illegal sub­ stances, random drug screens, .$500 attorney fees; driving with license revoked, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 18 months at ex­ piration of previous sentence, nol lo operate a motor vchicle until licensed by DMV; driving wrong way on dual lane, dismissed per plea, - Theodore Harold Simmons, felony probation violation, sen­ tenced to 29-35 months, enroll in DART program; felony proba­ tion violation, sentenced lo 29- 35 months at expiration of pre­ vious sentence, $350 attorney fees; felony probation violotlon, sentenced to 19-23 months; felony probation violotlon, sen­ tenced to 6-8 months at expira­ tion of previous sentence, - Moices Ayona-Areilancs, felony trafficking in marijuana, senienced lo 6-8 months, credit for time served, $300, $650 a(- lomey fees; trafficking In mari­ juana, conspire to traffic In mari­ juana, dismissed. - M ichael Shawn Atkins, felony breaking/entering, sen­ tenced to 6-10 months, sus­ pended 36 months, $200, cosi, 32 hours community service, submit to warrantless searches, not to possess any illegal substances, random drug screens, keep 250 feet away from victim and victim’s property, submit to DNA testing, write one page letter of ' apology within 21 days, $537.50 altorney fees, - Jammy Roy Dancy, felony possession of schedule II con­ trolled subslonce, defer prosecu­ tion 12 months, probation 12 monllis, submit lo warrantless searches, not to possess any ille­ gal substances, random drug screens, ^350 attorney fees, 24 hours community service. - Rebekah Podarae James, felony obtaining' property by false pretense, sentenced to 12- 15 m onths, credit for lim e served, $382.20 restitution. Cheval Mirror Oak or Cherry Finish Only$2 5 0 0 W hile S upplies L ast B a r S t o o l s o n ,y * 5 9 ® ® • Swivel Ball B earings • 2 S tyles On D isplay '■*crS5rrr; ^ Sale! Don't Buy Just Any Mattress Get The Best One That Will Last You For Years We Have D w a Foam Base • Zoned Coil Plus Much More Come By Today For A Demonstration M A T T R E S S & B O X S P R IN G S A L E LAMPS Buy 1- Snd 1/S prio* All Sofas & Chairs Have Been Reduced Featuring new system technology that w orks a s hard a s you do. Give your back the correct support it n eed s to excel at the everyday perform ance called life. P ric e s s ta r t IV v fn S e t *2 9 9 » F u ll ‘ 3 4 9 « Q u e e n *4 9 9 » K in g 3 p c . * 5 9 9 ^ 330 Coll FREE DELIVERY »189“ Table & 4 C hairs ip r e e DELIVERY & REM OVAL! gy Cochran— Thresher Oak Solfd Oak Table Tops Feature W e C lin e r a Cochran Plus ling at ® 2 4 9 Protection-Protective Coating ALL BEDROOM SUITES ON SALE, ALL WOOD Wo Discount All Furniture = Chock Our Price.s Bofore You Buy < Я а Ш И П » M O C K S V I L L E F U R N I T U R E lililí downtown mocksville, NC , $500, mental health evaluation. - Melanie Vanderwerk Jordan, felony obtaining property by fraud/forgery, sentenced to 4-5 months, suspended 48 months, $750, cost, 40 hours community service, submit lo warrantless searches, not to possess any ille­ gal substances, random drug screens, provide doctor’s letter naming all medlcollons, not pos­ sess medications nol prescribed, $740 altorney fees; felony ob­ taining property by fraud/forg­ ery, sentenced lo 45-48 months, suspended 6 months at expiration of previous sentence, $750, cost, 40 hours community service, submit to warrantless searches, not possess any illegal sub­ stances, random drug screens, some conditions previously or­ dered; felony obtaining con­ trolled substance by fraud/forg­ ery, sentenced to 45-48 months, suspended 6 months at expiration of previous sentence, $750, cost, 40 hours community service, submit lo warrantless searches, nol possess illegal substances, random drug screens, same con­ ditions as previously ordered. - Robert Louis Scales IV, felony possession of firearm by felon, sentenced to 20-24 months, suspended 24 months, $425 altorney fees, cost, submit to warrantless searches, nol to possess any illegal substances, random drug screens, submit to DNA testing, credit for time served. ■ - Michael Dale Wofford, mis­ demeanor pos.sesslon of stolen goods, sentenced to 9-11 months, enroll in DART program, $ 1 ООО, $5(Ю attorney fees, credit to lime served. - David Allen Wlnebarger Jr., larceny from the person, sen­ tenced to 8-10 months, enroll in DART program, $127, $500 at­ torney fees; liuceny from the per­ son, senienced to 8-10 months at expiration of previous sentence, complete DART program. . Now Enrolling G et One W eek Free! B e rm u d a Q u a y P re S c h o o l S 3 9 3 U S H w y 1 5 8 A d v a n c e , N C • Infant-Pre-K, FA', drop-in, MMO • Before/After school drop-off and pick-up (Pinebrook and Shady Grove) • 2nd SHIFT AVAIUBLE SOON! For More Information call: Ms. MICHELLE 336-940-6450 J e s s i c a S n o w (OiiuunifKmir)' Slvllst) CLASSICCUTS 766-8448 S h a re Y o u r In d e p e n d e n c e W ith U s! Come visit us at Northwood Apartments/or HOT SUMMER SPECIALS 800 Northridge Court (ait Milling M) 751-4141 Accounts Payable Clerk - FT for fast paced, multi-company, team environment in Clemmons. Experience is needed in accounts payable, payroll, and J/E prep. Peachtree Accounting & Excel experience is preferred. Must be dedicated, self­ motivated, organized, nnd able to muiti-taslc with high attention to detail. Competitive benefits & pay. E-mail/fax resume to mstrattonsehs@bellsouth.net 336-766-0596, or mail to Human Resources, PC Box 1670, Clemmons, NC 27012 T o w n C e n t e c « snlesfo'M iucksvillelurnituru cum 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 8 1 2 www.mocksvlllolurniluro.cum “ D r . ' s F r e s h w a t e r a n d J a m e s o n a r e p r o u d t o a n n o u n c e t h e r e l o c a t i o n o f t h e i r o p t o m e t r i c p r a c t i c e f r o m H a n e s M a l l t o C l e m m o n s T o w n C e n t e r . W e o f f e r c o m p r e h e n s i v e e y e e x a m s a n d a w i d e s e l e c t i o n o f e y e g l a s s e s a n d c o n t a c t l e n s e s / ' B r i n g t h i s a d d i n f o r 3 0 % o f f a c o m p l e t e e y e g l a s s p u r c h a s e * . 6 2 7 0 T o w n c e n t e r D r i v e C l e m m o n s , N C 2 7 0 1 2 , ph on e: 7 1 2 ^ I S E E ( 4 7 3 3 ) h ttp:H w w w .to w n c e n te r v is io n .c o m l TownCciiLcPt VisL®n "Offer cainiot he used wilh insurance. Must /iresc/ft niltl at time of purchase, Offer not viillit ivith any other offer,Offer ex[)lres 8131108." 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 H o w a r d D e l i g h t e d W i t h S t a t e ’ s N e w J e s s i c a ’ s L a w RALEIGH - A final version of House Bill 933, Jessica Lunsford Acl for North Carolina, passed the North Carolina House and Senate by nearly unanimous margins. The bill now heads to the governor, who is expected to sign the bill into law. "North Carolina took a ma­ jor step forward today in protect­ ing our children from sexual predators," said Rep. Julia Howard (R-Davie) a primary sponsor of the bill. "After years of perseverance in seeing this legislation passed, I am pleased with the results and am so thank­ ful to the many individuals and groups that offered continual support during this bill's long debate." Under the final version of the bill, a rape or sexual offense committed against a child by a person 18 years of age or older is punishable with a minimum active sentence of 25 years. The ■ court may sentence the defen­ dant to a term in prison beyond the normal sentencing guide­ lines (up to and including life without parole) due to the nature of the offense and the gravity of the harm inflicted.on the victim. Any term of imprisonment will be followed by lifetime satellite based monitoring. House Bill 933 makes it a felony for a registered sex of­ fender to be on premises prima­ rily intended for the use, care, or supervision of minors such as schools, playgrounds, children's museums, etc., (with some lim­ ited exceptions). It prohibits offenders from being within 300 feet of such places when they are not on "premises" that are in- tended primarily for minors (e.g., a youth day care located in a shopping center with other stores). The time period for a registered sex offender to make registry changes is shortened under the bill from 10 days to three business days (e.g., a change of address, work or school related changes). A number of other states arc considering or have passed W e ’r e d o i n g o u r b e s t , b e c a u s e D a v i e C o u n t y d e s e r v e s t h e b e s t . •While filing a n á applying for a Certificate of Need witti the State is a complicated— and often lengthy— process, residents of Davie County should know that Davie County Hospital and Wake Forest University Baptist IVIedicai Center are still working hard to make a modern hospital in Davie County a reality. We filed another CON application on July 16, because: . • We believe that Davie County residents deserve obstetrical services. • We know that Davie County needs a modern hospital. • We made a commitment to do everything within our power to secure a new hospital for Davie County, and we will continue to fight for what the community needs. We appreciate your continued support of our applipations to make Davie County Hospital one that reflects the strength and potential of the County. PloaM know that bacauM you askod for it, wa’II kaap flghtlnil for It. W a k e F o r e s t U n i v e r s i t y B a p t i s t MEDICAI, C K N I E RI® D A V I E COUNTY HOSPITAL F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , p le a s e v i s i t w w w . c la v j e h o s p i t n l. n e t . Jessica's Law, In North Carolina, House Bill 933 was named in memory of Jessica Lunsford, a 9-year-old girl and North Caro­ lina native who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by a sexual predator in Florida in February of 2005. The perpetrator lived with his sister in the same neigh­ borhood as Lunsford and police had lost track of him. "As a mother of two and grandmother of six, I believe this bill is one of Ihe most important pieces of legislation the North Carolina General Assembly has passed in my 20 years of service in the House," stated Howard. "I wish such measures weren't nec­ essary, but I believe parents will find comfort in knowing that the state is doing all it can'to ensure the safety of their children." For more information, please contact Howard at her office in Raleigh at (919) 733-5904 or Mocksvilie at 751-8567. D e m o c r a c y N C R e p r e s e n t a t i v e T o B e A t N A A C P M e e t i n g J u l y 2 8 Christina Anderson will be the speaker at the NAACF meet­ ing on July 28 at 7 p.m. at the Shiloh Baptist Church Fellow­ ship Hall on Depot Street in Mocksvilie. A representative from De­ mocracy NC, a nonprofit, non­ partisan organization with a mis­ sion to cncourage more citizen involvement in politics, Ander­ son will talk about get-out-the vote strategies. The public is invited. Habitat ‘Blitz Build’ This Weekend They're calling it a "Blitz Build." And after starting at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, Gary Boggs and his teams of volunteers with. Habitat for Humanity of Davie County will have a new home under roof for a single Davie County mother with three sons. Some 40-50 volunteers will be at the Cooleemee site each day, with a worship service at 9 Sunday morning for the volun- , teers and visitors. It will be the second Habitat house opened in Davie County this year. H u n t e r T r a i n i n g C o u r s e O f f e r e d A North Carolina hunter’s education training course will be taught Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Aug. 4, 6 and 7 from 8 a.m.-noon at the Davie C ounty Law E nforcem ent Training Center at 370 Dalton Road, Mocksvilie. This is a state-m andated training class for any hunter age 16 and older who has not had a prior North Carolina hunting li­ cense or other recognized hunter safety training. To reach the center, take US 64 east from M ocksvilie to­ ward Lexington for approxi­ mately 3.2 miles. Turn right onto Dalton Road. Travel .7 of a mile, and turn right into the entrance of the Davie County Landfill. Drive straight for 150 yards to the driveway to the left. The first two days will be in­ door classroom work, and part of the final day will be on the range firing shotguns. For more information, con­ tact Daniel Matthews at 753- 6710 or Alana Geiger at 751- 6238. Soofts DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - B1 Hall Of Famer End Of Bubba Era Coincided With End Of 3-Sport Atfilete ■' i i- ' 4 ^ iro " By Brian Pitts Davie Counly Enterprise Rccord First in a two-part series on Davie High hall of famer Bubba Coleman. Bubba Coleman was Ihe athlete we all would like lo be. The top dog of his era and one of the most decorated ath­ letes in Davie’s 52-year history, Bubba could play anything, and Bubba didn’t need a last name. When you menliohed "Bubba” in 1992-93, everyone knew you were talking about Ihe tnighly mite who was all-Central Piedmont Confer­ ence in football, basketball and base­ ball. Better yet, he played the premier position in each sport - quarterback, point guard and shortstop. Jesse Eugene Coleman was inducted into the Davie County High School Ath­ letic Hall of Fame in fall 2005. He and wife Heather live in Advance. They have a young son, Braddock. When he was growing up in Cool­ eemee, no one ever called him Jesse. He got his nickname from twin sister Jami. "When I was little, Jami was always trying to say ‘brother,”’ Bubba said in '93. "It wasn’t coming out clearly. She mumbled something and it came out ‘Bubba.’ That’s what it’s been ever since." Whot made Bubba unusual is he es­ tablished impeccable hall-of-fame cre­ dentials despite a 5-foot-7, 150-pound frame. He was listed at 150, which means he was probably closer to 140. But he proved there arc no such things as an undersized quarterback or point guard. Ho was named all-CPC in five straight seasons, including twice in bas­ ketball and baseball. He made the all- state team in baseball. Davie’s end-of- year athletic banquet in ‘93 belonged to Bubba: Male Athlete of Ihe Year, Golden Helmet award in football, most valuable player in basketball and MVP in baseball. He was the only CPC base­ ball player named to the Greensboro News & Rccord all-state first team. From Ihe first day of football prac­ tice through Davie’s final baseball game, Bubba’s picture was in the sports section 35 times. Not only was he one of the best all-around athletes ever, he was one of the most-lovcd players of all lime. But through all the accolades and publicity, few stars have ever deflected praise as quickly as Bubba. He couldn’t have cared less if he made headlines. All he wanted lo do was play ball and have fun, and he carried an enthusias­ tic personality that was infectious. "He has an air about him," Ihe base­ ball coach, Dave Hunt, said in ‘93. "He doesn’t strut, but he has that flash. I looked over and saw him signing an autograph for a little kid. Bubba has that charisma. He’s of small stature and is smiling and outgoing. Kids flock to that." "I know Ihe people of Davie Counly are sad about him leaving," the Reynolds basketball coach, Howard West, said in ‘93. "But I’m glad to see him go." Though it’s only been 15 years since Bubba’s senior year, ihings were a lot different in his day. When Bubba left the sports pages at the conclusion of the ‘93 American Legion baseball season, little did anyone know he represenled a dying breed. Bubba was the traditional Ihree-sport athlete. In his day, many of the top athletes played three sports. In his day, kids lived out.side - unsuper­ vised - used their imaginations and Please See Bubba - Page B4 Church League Action Tim McKnight of Fork stirs dust as he beats the tag after going from first to third on a hit. Below, Redland’s Dave Owens gets caught In a rundown between Ron Lee (left) and Donnie “Wormy” Qhaffin of New Union. Owens manages to escape as he retreats to third. Redland tied for second In the regular season, but was knocked out by No. 4 New Union In the church-league tournament. For more photos please turn to page B8. - Photos by James Barringer ’ N o . 7 Defense Overcomes Noble’s Record-Setting Night By Brian Pitlfi Dovie Counly Enterprise Record The fourth in a series recalling JO memorable football win.i. This is No. 7 in the countdown to No. I. From one chapter lo another during Ihe 2002 football season, Davie would inspire hope and then follow it with disappointment. The final chapter of Ihe regular season, on Ihe other hand, was scrapbook material. Despite having shown little capability of surviving an offensive shootout, Ihe War Eagles turned six North Davidson turnovers into 23 points, weathered 462 passing yards by Daniel Light and 292 receiving yards by Chris Noble and upset the heavily-favored Black Knights 26-24 in Welcome. Davie spoiled a historic night for Light (21 of 41 for 462 yards) and Noble (nine catches, 292 yards). Noble set a slate record for receiving yards in a game, and the record still stands today. Light’s passing yards ranked fourth in state history at the time and ranks fifth today. While North’s offense moved the ball at case between the 20s, Davie’s defense showed the guts of a burglar and defied logic. North had 19 first downs to Davie’s 13. North more than doubled Davie in possing yards, 462 to 208. North had 506 total yards to Davie’s 293. North rolled into Davie territory on 10 of 15 possessions and only punted twice. Davie, by contrast, punted eight limes. What’s more. North came in with an 8-2 record, while Davie was 4-6. But this is why you play the game, Davie trumped North's huge edge in statistics by converting nine of 17 third- and founh-down plays. "We killed ourself,” Light said. "We kind of came into the game big­ headed and it hurt us. We just over­ looked them because we thought we would be able to beat them with no trouble. Davie really deserved to win that game. They played a heckuva game.” The War Eagles had spent a year stewing over the 2001 regular-season finale at home against North. They folded in the fourth quarter and lost 20-13, forcing a three-way tie for first in the Central Piedmont Conference. Then their sca.son was wrecked - despite a 9-2 record - by a drawing for two state-playoff berths. With battered body parts every­ where and a handful of sophomores and one freshman holding starting jobs, frustrations of losing every other game had mounted on Davie. A two- game skid and a fifth s№iight loss to Please See No. 7 - Page B6 Former Pitching Star Named Ellis Coach In the 12-year history of fastpitch, Davie softball hasn’t seen a better pitcher than Shannon (Handy) Wood. She led Davie to four Central Piedmont Confer­ ence championships in three years (1999-01), to a 39-8 record in 2000-01 and to back-to-back appearances in the state quarterfinals. Softball still runs in Wood’s veins, and now she’s going to try her skills at head coaching. Wood, who married Brian Wood in April, assisted Janice Jack­ son on Davie’s varsity team in 2008, when Wood was a teacher assistant at the high school. This fall she’s going to coach Ellis Middle School’s softball team. She replaced Dana Keeney, who coached Ellis’ first team in 2007. Wood will remain Jackson’s assistant at Davie. "When 1 was in high school 1 always said my dream job would be a PE teacher and softball coach,” Wood said. “And after getting the opportunity at Ellis, I would be crazy not to take h. (Assisting Jackson) gove me a chance to get my foot in the door.” As a 2000 jvmior. Wood was 12-4 with an 0.79 ERA. She was neariy an invincible force in 2001, going 15-1 with an 0.59 ERA as Davie went 20-2. Her only loss came from Alexander Central in the quarterfinals. Wood holds the one and two spots in season wins, at 15 and 12. She holds Davie career records in wins (40), innings pitched (347 1/3) and strikeouts (341). Wood and sister Stacey Handy, who played shortstop on the 20-2 Davie team, played softball together at Catawba College. The youngest of three sis­ ters, Sara Handy, is a rising junior at Davie. Please See Coach • Page B6 D C C C B o u n d Darius Hall To Play Basketball For Community College Team • Eric Lowery (Pfeiffer) is not the only Davie boys basketball player who will play at the college level in 2008-09. Darius Hail has signed with Davidson County Community College. It’s not hard to root for a guy like Hall. His future looked uncertain for a while, but he pushed on, persevered and gave himself a chance to play at the next level. ‘There were a lot of hurdles to clear,” Davie'coach Mike Absher said. "It’s a great story because he kept battling through different things. This is an op­ portunity for him lo further his educa­ tion and continue to play basketball. He’s put himself in position to make (he rest of his life successful.” As a senior, the 6-5 center helped Davie to 13-13 overall and 5-5 in the Central Piedmont Conference by lead­ ing the War Eagles in rebounding and blocks. He was the second-leading scorer, averaging 11.7 points, 7.9 re­ bounds and 2.8 blocks. At DCCC, Hall will play for a coach (Matt Ridge) who inspired a red-hot start in the Storm’s inaugural season in 2007-08, Playing Junior College Divi­ sion 111 as part of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), the Storm came out smoking, tying for first in the Tarheel Conference and rank­ ing as high as ninth in the nation among NJCAA teams. The Storm led the na­ tion in scoring (108 points per game) and free-throw shooting (74.9 percent). “Darius was sitting there as a senior not sure about his future,” Absher said. "With some work on the court and off the court, he put himself in position where he’s got an opportunity now. You’re looking for the right fit for kids. Pfeiffer is a great fit for Eric academi­ cally and athletically, and I think this one is, too, because Matt Ridge is a great coach. He cares about his players on the court and off the court, and Darius couldn’t be going to a better place for him.” Ridge was an assistant coach at Guilford College in 2006-07. DCCC offers two sports, the other being women’s volleyball, I l *, 'S B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 24,2008 D i x o n H e l p s L a d y M a g i c I n N a t i o n a l T o u r n a m e n t Jimna Dixon’s Boiul Lady Magic basicetball team reached Ihe bracket championship game by finishing third in pool play in the 13-under AAU Division II national toiirnament in Kingsport, Tenn. Even though the Division II tournament didn’t have the qual­ ity of teams iis the Division I tournament, it was still a nice accomplishment for a first-year team. The Magic placed in the regional and stale tournaments lo earn the riglit to play in the na­ tional tournament. “The coach of the Lady Magic, Lacardo Means, deserves a lot of the credit because of the way he has worked and prepared his team,” Janna’s father, Howard Dixon, said. “He truly is a great coach, mentor and friend to these girls and their families.” ■ The Lady Magic went 2-2 in pool play, finishing in a three- way tie for second with Staten Island and Tennessee Storm. Tho point spread served as the tiebreaker, and the Magic got third. In ¿he double-elimination Classic Bracket, the Lady Magic went 8-1, including a 65-59 overtime win over the Indiana Ice in the championship game. The Lady Magic played 13 games, more than anyone else in the tournament. Dixon is a rising freshman at Davic High. Lady Magic team members include: front - Janna Dixon, Joslyn Spires, Jonesha Davis; row 2 - Kabria Hines, Nora J. Mclver, Alexis Lambert, Tori Cook, Ashley Purvis, Cherry Tindall; back - Coaches Lacardo Means and Earl Wilson. <•.1 Gold medal soccer winners Include Katie Freeman, Savannah Goodin, Brooklyn Berry, Erin Blevin, Skyier Prillaman and Coach Joe Freeman. 3V3 Soccer Team Does Well A local 8 year'old girl's soc­ cer team did well July 12-13 at the Dick's Sporting Goods Kick It 3v3 Live Soccer Tournament in Slatesvillc. On the second day of compe- lition, the "Knock-outs" defeated "England 99" in the 2000 Girls Championship Game to bring home the gold. It was a pliysical game with a final score of 3-2. England 99 finished last year No. 5 in the na­ tion for the U7 age group, so these girls coming out on top was a formidable task. The " Knock-Outs" team is a U8 girls soccer team; Katie Freeman (of Advance), Savannah Goodin, Brooklyn Berry, Erin Blevin, and Skyier Prillamanof Ridgeway, Va.), coached by Joe Freeman of Advance. This is the second year the team has participated in the event. Last year they lost to En-, gland 99 and won the silver. Champions Members of the Davie Fastbreak national champion U12 USSSA basketball team, from left: front - Ben Beeson, Tre Redmond, Coleman Sell, Chavln Peebles, Isalsh Gaither; back - Caleb Martin, Peyton Sell, Adam Peoples, Kenyon Tatum, Cedric Wilson, Logan Sessoms, Cody Martin. Owner Financing Available! L a n d o w n e r s : No Money Doym! FmnHuteMigs / Available OR Free — mashet & Dryer WE OFFER CUSTOM FINANCING ON SINGLEWIDES& LOW, LOW PAYMENTS! iPiÆ MMTOtrË^ m Ê m 'H a m m m m Ê Ê Ê é ' ’TVí' T h M w i contad US at rïS4@clayton.net 7 04 -6 3 0 -6 4 0 0 TouFBEd ■ 888-203-6128 1606 Jake Alexander Blvd W, Salisbury Softball All-Stars The Davie Junior League Girls All-Star softball team won the District 2 champi­ onship. The team includes, from left: front row - Emily Jones, Maggie Barneycastle, Brooke Ball, Tori Clontz and Allison Anderson; second row - Megan Hennings, Megan Jarvis, Heather Kimel, Rebekah “Bob" McCann, Sadie Lagie and Hailey Caudle. All-Stars The Davie County Little League 7-8 year old tournament of champions all- star district runners-up Include, from left: front - Corey Wiles, Jack Barringer, Cody Smith, Hunter Snow, Michael Sheltori; row 2 - Cody Hendrix, Jesse Draughn, Michael Long, Tyler Roberts, Chris Wall, Evan Marshall, Levi Hobson; row 3 - Coach Junior Smith, Coach Mark Snow, Coach Jim Wall. Not pictured: Mason Wilson, Carson Whisenhunt. * -.'»■‘..I.- i'- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24, 2008 - B3 HOME OF THE BEAR miNIMUIVI PRICE Dnwm to he *1 BEN MYNATT NISSAN- EXIT 75- SALISBURY GET UP TO $10,000 OFF NEW NISSANS* NEW 2008 NISSANFR O N TIER S10CK»4926. MODELHI33I8 NEW 2009 NISSAN IV I U R T A r s i O SÍKII4B46, M00ait07219 NEW 2008 NISSAN W K Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ü s s s ic s s M Ê Ê Ê K iÊ K Ê K Ê e« 1 7 . 4 4 4 ST0CKH-1766.MODÍIIIO4II0 LOW AS 0.9% FOR UP TO 72 MOS** NEW 2008 NISSAN C D t i - J I Œ : : S T r smmi22, MODEiHiojia NEW 2008 NISSAN T I T A N AS LOW AS** 1 8 . 4 B B S10CKtt4856, MOOEUtl8718 G O O D C R E D IT , B A D C R E D IT . VUE WILL VUORK10 GET YOU APPROUEO. C O M E S E E O U R H U G E SE LE C T IO N O F Q U A LIT Y P R E - O W N E D V E H IC L E S !! '01 GMC JIMMY SLT * 7 q n n4X.1. LTHR. I.OADED. STK»I052A...................................................................................................,'r ' '96 CHEVROLET 3500 DIESELX-CAB, 1 OWNER, AT, ONLY OOK Ml, STK1PI467A, '06 DODGE STRATUS SXT $10 400FULL POWER, ALLOYS, STKHPI459...............................................................................................' MjUUW '02 NISSAN FRONTIER 4X4 0 QOOAB. AT. 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S _ - _Salisbury, NC 28147 www.BenMynattNissaii.com SAILS UOUUS Mtin-l;cJ: 0;30AM-O OOPM » SiU U 3UAM-U (lUPM 'Diird OB Hnal Stindmgt* ol thtfMidAtijfllicRiBioii Yur la OjU RR let 200T SEE DEALER FOR COMPIETE DEMILS ON All OFFERSSOME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED. All OFFERS BASED ON APPROVED CREDIT PLUS TAX. TAG. TITIE. AND AOMINISTRAIION OR DOCUMENTATION FEE OT S4B9 DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES. SUBJECT TO PRIOR SAIE OFFERS GOOD ON DATE OF PUBLICATION ONIV UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TVPOGRAPHICAL. OR PRINT ERRORS PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES OMY. is ì ili ' 'J ! B4. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 B u b b a . . . 1 Continued From Page H I played pickup games until tliey were told it was time for din- • ner. The traditional three-sport athletes have been few and for between since Bubba. When Bubba left; a new age was emerging. AAU basketball/ baseball was on the verge of tak­ ing over. The greatest increase ever in organized sports was on the horizon, and a major shift in our culture was unfolding. Nowadays, many of the top ath­ letes drop a sport and concen­ trate on one or two. Some drop two sports and specialize in one. Bubba grew up on Duke Street at the home of his grand­ mother, the late Nanny Pat Jor­ dan. His home included mother Jan Coleman, twin sister Jami (Coleman) Lawhon and older sister Julie (Coleman) Phelps. Bubba had a father figure in Grimes Parker, who lived next door. “There wasn’t a man around, just his mom and grandmother,” Parker said in ‘93. "Sometimes he'd get down on himself and I’d say: ‘OK, Bubba. Come on over to the house und we’ll talk.’ It’d be just us two. I’d tell him about the facts of life.” Thinking back to those years brought back a lot of fond memories for Andy Everhart, who grew up on Watt Street, a pitching wedge from Bubba’s house. In Cooleemee it was al­ ways easy to round up players for a backyard game. Bubba, Andy, Steven Parker, Gary Bla­ lock and Todd Bumgarner were always around. The list goes on; Britt Osborne, Michael McDaniel, Jason Garwood, Brent Wall, Chad Correll... “We’d tell (our parents) wc were going lo the pool and we’d go lo the Bullhole,” Everhart said. “We’d ride the rapids and climb up the water fall and swing off the rope (into the Yadkin River). We’d go over to Sidney King’s house to get on his trnn\poUne. He was older than usi' Sldncy never really played with us, but we’d always go over to his house and jump on his trampoline because he was the only one in Cooleemee that had one. We’d have a slip- ’n-slidc in the yard and Bum (Bumgarner) would be the coach. We’d all try to make the team, and we’d all have names. We had the slip-’n-slide set up at second so you could slide into second. You’d have a catcher and a pitcher und Bum would be the umpire. We’d get a lad­ der and put a camera on the lad­ der to film us on the trampoline. We’d go inside und watch the real big hits in slow-mo.” While the boys played on their own - for hours and hours, day after day - Bubba was One of those short guys the bigger kids beat around. They picked on each other, goaded each other, relentlessly - all in fun, of course. Bubba was too short to get his shot off, too small to hit the tennis ball or whiffle ball with any authority. But BubSa was going to prove you wrong - in due time. Steven Parker talked about the way things were back then. “When we were growing up, Bubba was always the last one to get picked,” he said. “Be­ cause he was so tiny out there. Charles Clement, Honey, Bun Fowler and some of those boy.s that my dad (Grimes) had in school at Cooleemee, they were all nice to us at the Cooleemee rcc center, and they’d let Bubba run every now and then. Like every fifth game he'd get in the game. They’d pass it to him and let him shoot, and kind of took him under their wing. That’s how he got better. Ho was Just playing with everybody older and bigger all those years. Now he’s Ihe first one to get picked.” “We played football on our knees at Bubba’s house, and he’d get sandwiched and go in and cry,” Everhart said. “On Ihe trampoline over at Garwood’s, he’d get knocked off.” “I remember him crying all the time,” Blalock said. “Bubba was always the last choice. He was pretty good, but he just wasn’t as big as we were. Most of the time he ended up getting hurt at some point and he’d cry. But you knew he was going to be good. The thing we always said: ‘Well, there’s no wonder he's good. He wus always play­ ing with us bigger boys.’ And we’d llko'to think tiint w e' weren’t half-bad.” ‘ As Bubba wus enduring the rough play, a star was being born. The backyard battles is where he honed the skills that led to two. years on the North Carolina Tar Heels’ JV basket­ ball team. Bubba started as uTur Heel sophomore for coach Dave Hanners, now the assistant coach for the Charlotte Bobcats. “He had to learn at a young age how to be tough, or he wouldn’t'be able to play with us,” Bumgarner suid. “He learned to do some things, es­ pecially in basketball. He learned to do a lot of those run­ ning shots and floaters. When we played in the neighborhood he wus always short and little and he had to use those kind of shots to get them off. That’s where he perfected those run­ ners and leaners and things like that. “We were rough on him and he’d keep coming. He wus a tough little dude. He’d get hurt and go inside. Minutes later he wus buck and he’d want some more. He’d just keep coming. 1 mean you couldn’t keep him down long. “We could go out anytime on u Suturduy or Sunday and get eight or 10 guys and play any­ thing we wanted lo play. We played a lot of baseball with u tennis bull. Bubbu saw a lot of pitching from older kids that could throw it a lot harder than somebody his age. So he hud to learn to hit fast pitching at a younger age.” Over the last 15 years, there’s been a virtual disappearance of outdoor games in an unstruc­ tured environment. “Bubba was sort of the last one of all of us, and so he got all the best of everything," Blalock said. “He was like the youngest son, nnd he gets the benefit of being around und pluying with nil the older kids. He wus bound lo be the best one out of the bunch.” It was years, later before Bubba realized those backyard lessons had paid off. As he got older, everything seemed lo come easy. “Older guys were bigger, better and faster, The expense for me was physically und sometimes emotionully,” Bubbu suid lust week. ‘Those were the guys that attributed to me grow­ ing (athletically) |he wuy thut 1 dldi Aiiidy, Qary,‘^Stcvo and all' those boys used to make me cry on a weekly basis. When I got into college, having played against older and bigger guys all my life, that’s when I finally realized it made me a better player in any sport thut 1 played.” Next week; The second In a two-part series on Bubba Coleman, Bubba Coleman Juggled three sports at Davie - football, basketball and baseball. '*•....■ i T H B P O W B R W IT H IN Bubba Coleman and wife Heather enjoy the ceremony on hall-of-fame night In fall '05. T M e :U R .!n c Ju d e s ' G e n u in e B rig gs & S tratton A ir Filter • G e n u in e B rig gs & S tratton O il Filter (if app licable ) • N ew M otor Oil & S park P lug • B lade S h a rp e n in g & B alan ce • Starter R o p e as N eeded • Labor Coach Charles Crenshaw presents the plaque to Bubba. Present this coupon anij receive ; mOFFlI when we tune It upl i •Offor expires 07/31/2008 Bubba was an all-CPC quarterback In '92 at 5-foot-7. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - B5 D o y o u n a v e e e c t r ic i t y i ? Call us to find out how you can get FREE TV from EMBARQ Everyone could use FREE TV. Now you can get America's top 100 from DISH Network* Satellite TV FREE for one year when you purchase Triple Play from EMBARQ, which includes EMBARQ™ Home Phone with Unlimited Nationwide Long Distance and EMBARQ™ High-Speed Internet for under $59 a month.** ICredit restrictions apply. DISH and HSI require two-year term agreements. HSI at up to 760K with $15 activation fee. Excludes taxes, fees and surcharges. Expires 8/31/08.) Only a floppy-armed muttorihead wouldn't like FREE TV. Don't believe me? Check out muttonheadsays.com. Voice Data Internet Wireless Entertainment 866-2EMBARQ embarq.com/freetv EM BARa^ Where Common Sense Meets Innovation" . . . ................................................................. . , .Kvie»in0«evaiab»# о? w oí« u ü e» ind d Ita Im i Pírtemanc» V« ï»y (lu* lo radilo™ сиЫЛ ol |»1МЛ anW «ni 1Ю ip«d h (u™ S ™ Л lü Z á K Loeali«llnmílMH<«™ yaprt. Wlw« «PPtobl«, «qulpnwil twW Imi иЧ projwnmlng an1ng<lu|inW/.AI0ISH№lmxii pre^immlng and iny oltw шу» 1 II»I am pravM«! an мфс1 lotlnleimandMiKlilioraollh. pranoloMl agmnw J S r i K T J îS ffiS S enMuÏÏiSnl fwWh« o< « MracflhMT сопблчалы шплесМ U) euUomw'» phone h», le*» uporedi f» may »ppty fer »•»•« гкЫлг» {bewd on moôel). 0)SH Netwrti It a ragitterod tredemark of DISH Nelwofk LLC. 0 2008 Embanj Hotfngi Company LLC. M righli retetv«!. f«ma EMBARÛ■ !SííS%WStnonthlylofí3iiüAfKeíwcootinüOUilyc¿n«WU)Cuito^, andll»|«ltoeoafetr9dem^ofEmb8n?HoWin0iCon4^ •Ы DISH Network LLC. 0 2006 Entoq HokfinQl Company LLC. M righb retetv«!. nama EMBARQEM6t-Oe46ie9_05 * ; 1 ,.r B6 - DAVBE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 Л / 0 . 7 . . . Continued From Page B1 North would have left Davic with a demoralizing four seed from the CPC. Light and Noble came in as the marquee players, but Davie quarterback Andrew McClnn- non and receiver Brian Hunter stole the show. McClannon enjoyed a remarkable breakout, sophomore Dewayne Collins becatnc an unlikely hero and Davie’s head-hanging agony from a series of losses was replaced by nonstop shouting in the postgame. The upset tied Davie for second with North Davidson and Reynolds with 3-2 CPC records. Davie first-yeur assistant Barry Whitlock plucked the two seed in the drawing to give Davie a home game in the first round. “It's about time we beat those suckers,” said Davie coach Doug llling, who was 0- 4 against North, "We didn’t back down. We stood toe-to-toe like a heavyweight bout and slugged it out, back and forth. It was a special moment and n sweet victoiy.” ‘This makes up for all of it,” senior outside linebacker Timmy Redmond said. “We had big play after big play, so we can give our home erowd something lo cheer about. We Just started putting pads on (Light), and after wc hit him a couple times he started getting up slower and slower. We started hitting (Noble) and they weren’t wanting it anymore.” Light came out hotter than a two-dollar pistol, throwing lightning bolts to three receiv­ ers as the Black Knights thundered 60 yards in 10 plays. They looked unstoppable before stalling at the Davie 20 and missing a 37-yard field goal. They fumbled at the Davic 20 on their second possession. Davie’s offense - which came to life in a loss to Reynolds but hud been exasper­ ated for the first nine games - drove 80 yards in six plays. Sophomore James “Cooter" Arnold, who rotated between tailback and quarterback, rolled right, planted and reversed direction to gain 20 yards. McClannon hit a streaking Hunter for 38 yards. Arnold returned under center and lofted an 18-yard moon ball to Larry Hudson for a 7-0 lead. “McClannon and Arnold interchanged at quarterback and executed perfebtly,” llling said. North’s dynainic duo answered. Light and Noble connected for 70 yards as Noble made an unbelievable one-handed catch to set up a field goal. Less than two minutes later. Noble used a brilliant stop-and-go move for a 31-yard touchdown and 10-7 North lead. “Noble's an amazing player,” North coach Mark Holcomb said.'"He does some stuff that you just sit there and gosh, you don’t know what to say.” Meanwhile, McClannon came in with modest.stats (II of 28 for 98 yards). The junior had little flash, but he delivered plenty of results at North. With Davie’s running game shut down, McClannon went 9 of 14 for 148 yards and wasn’t intercepted. “At Ihe start of the year, you would have never guessed McClannon would lead this team to victory against North Davidson,” llling said. “With his attitude and character, there’s not enough good things you can say about hirn as a person. And this shows what can happen to good people." McClannon pumped and found Hudson, who beat Noble over the middle'and caught a deflection off a linebackcr’s fingers. The 33-yard play gave Davie a 14-10 halftime lead. The second half was a mind- numbing exchange of big plays. Davic freshman comerback Raeshon McNeil deflected a pass, only to watch Noble grab it and gallop 77 yards. Hunter’s 44-yard punt return to the North 14 set up a game-tying field goal by KevitfWintcrs. A North fumble resulted in u short TD run by Arnold, Hunter hauled in a 30-yarder from McClannon, and another Jeremy West punishes a ball carrier. Old School \ D a v ie S p o r t s F r o m J u iy , 1 9 9 7 • Victory’s church softball team rode Jason McCray and Britt Osborne lo an 11-10 win over New Union in the tourna­ ment final. McCray, the leadoff batter, went 4-4 with four runs, and Osborne went 3-4 with two homers and five RBls as Victory claimed its second straight cham­ pionship. Ofibome’s only out was ' '^’ atbcVot oVei the fence when Vie-' lory had used its two homers. Osborne was forgiven bccause he had cranked a Ihrec-run homer in the first and a two-run shot in the third. With Vicioiy leading 5-2 in the bottom of the fourth, pitcher Andy Everhart walked five of six batters to help New ' Union creep back. With the bases loaded, two outs and Ihe score 5- 4, New Union’s Jerry McDaniel hit a grounder in thii hole. Vic­ tory shortstop Steven Parker gobbled it up and threw oflbalance to second for the third out, Victory was the seventh seed. U defeated No. 10 Concord, No. 2 Blaise and No. 3 Turrcn- tine. No. 5 New Union went through No. 12 Jerusalem, No. 4 Green Mfeudows and No. 8 First Methodist. The regular-season champ, Redland, was upset by First Methodist in the first round. • The Bar-B-Que House col­ lected its third championship in Fowler paced the Bar-B-Que House, going 4 for 4 with two triples. Among Village Cue’s highlights were William Armsworthy’s two triples and Brent Wall’s Iwo-run, insidc-the- park home run. • Johnny Miller defeated Pete Amore 1-up in 20 holes lo cap­ ture the championship flight of 4hree ve«r»,bÿ, beating VlHágc-v thoiHloksty.HmfMntctí^Play.! Cue und Pub 15-11 in the men’s chainpionships. There were six open final. The Bar-B-Que| House poured across eight runs in the fourth to turn a 6-4 deficit into a 12-6 lead, There were two outs in Ihe fourth when the Bar- B-Que House went to work, Frank Dotson, Jeff Beane, Jack Fowler and Tracey Arnold had consecutive singles before Tyrone Martin stroked an oppo- site-field homer to right. Two batters later, Jesse Dalton, flights, Ken Thornes beat Bob Vandiver I-up in first flight, Harvey Miller beat Jim Heath I - up in the second flight. Gene Kizer beat Joe McGowan 1 -up in the third flight. Ted Bigcnho beat Ken Sales 3-2 in the fourth flight. Al Tkach beat Dave Anderson 1 - up in the fifth flight. And Don­ nie Goodin beat M.J. Randall 2- 1 in the sixth night. • At age 86, Dave Springer Winters field goal gave Davie a 26-17 lead. Hunter torched North with five catches for 133 yards. “(Hunter and Hudson) made mo look good,” McClannon said. “ And we couldn’t do it without the offensive line (Justin Lanning, Zach Jakob, Justin Norsworthy, Malt Markland, Trent Young nnd tight ends Ted Randolph and Cody Stephens).” Davie held on by a thread. Each time the game seemed to be slipping away, a courageous Davic defender would come lo the rescue. • When Ihe Black Knights hud first down at the Davie 20, Gureth While, Sam Stovall and D.J. Rice turned them back. • When Davie was leading C o a o i? Conllnut'd From Page B1 “The iniddle-school level is different thun tiie liigh-school level, and I’m anxious lo see how it’s going to be,” Wood said. “I’ve never worked with girls that young on u teum, so I'm ex­ cited for the opportunity. They are always so eager to leam at that age, so it’s going to be an exciting experience. "Our first game could possi­ bly be Ihe week after school slarls. It depends on if ' Thtimd^VHIe and Uexlngton have a leam, 1 still don’t know for sure when our first game is going lo blasted a two-run homer. Shane ' shot an II-over 83 at Hickory Dyson followed with an RBI Hill. Springer’s playing partner double off the right-center fence, was G.B. Smith. Money Market Savings Account Max Return Max Access ^ S o u t h e r n ( .o m m u m t y B A N K A N D T R U S T (336) 768-8500 or 1-888-768-2666 WWW. sm alien o ugh toca re. com GENE’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ^ 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons 7-0, North reached the'Duvie 5, But defensive backs Billy Riddle and Derek Cornatzer forced them to settle for a 23- yard field goal. • Collins busied Light on an option, Brandon Pane recov­ ered the lost pitch and Davic scored three plays later for the 14-10 lead. • Collins blocked a 34-yard field goal ul the end of the half. • With Davie clinging to a 23-17 lead. Light went for Noble. But White picked it off. • North was in business at the Davie 23. With Ihe War Engles’ hearts in their throats. North faked a reverse and sent running buck Braxton Dubose around the end. Defensive tackle Jeremy West dropped Dubose for a 4-yard loss. On Brian Hunter sheds a tackier on a punt return. fourth down Redmond leaped and knocked dowji a pass. “Dewayne told me it’s lime for him to start stepping up, and I’ve got lo throw my hat off to him,” Redmond said. "And Raeshon’s first iiitercep- tion came at the right lime.” McNeil intercepted Light with two minutes left. If that wasn't the exclamation murk, this was; Winters, who made two pressure-packed field goals, pinned a punt at the North 1 with 1:12 to go. “It’s a sweet win becausc for four years against this team it seemed like the games were decided In the last series,” llling said. “Wc got a victory in their last home game. After the ups and downs of this year, our kids just keep bouncing back.” be.” Wood will never have to look far for coaching help. She can always call on her sisters. Her father, Keith Handy, coached his girls growing up, and he was an assistant at Catawba. “Sara said she wants to come and help,” Wood said. “Mrs. Jackson said a couple other Davie players want to help me some. It should be good for those (Ellis) giris lo play with high- scliool players.” JV Girls 8-0 At Winthrop Camp Davie’s JV girls basketball team went 8-0 ul the Winthrop Lady Eagle camp. Coach Mike Garner’s War Eagles defeated South Poinie (S.C.), Northwest­ ern (S.C.), Elkin, Reagan, LMA (S.C.) and York (S.C.). They de­ feated Elkin and York twice each, including u win over York in tlie championship game. The team members included Jannu Dixon, Cara Hendricks, Carmen Grubb, Brittani Stewart, Alex Keiser, Myshia Turner, Hailey Miller, Liz Hartman and Jasmine Gunning. "Some of these giris possibly will be varsity (in the 2008-09 Davie season),” Garner suid. “Tiiey pluycd very good and the coiiipetition was comparable. It’s nice since we're going to have Reagan in our conference (in 2009-10) to sec where they’re al. “This summer we’ve had more participation in different camps, and we’re hoping to build on the girls program.” Briefs, Notes One-Pitch Tournament The Cooleemee Redskins will host a one-pitch, unlimited-homer softball tournament ut Center on July 26, The entry fee is $130, To regislercail Larry Thies at 336-692-7299 or492-5057,' Youth Football Signups Davie County Youth League Football signups will be Aug, 2 at the Brock Gym from 8 a.m,-noon. The cost is $50. Physicals (free of charge) will be oliered Aug. 2 as well, Fall Church Softball There will be a church softball league this fall al Center, The deadline lo enter a team is Aug, 21, and the league will begin after Labor Day, The entry fee has not been set; it will depend on the number of teams. Call David Childress at 336-466-0423. Bcneflt Tournament There will be a benefit softball tournament Aug. 16 at Rich Park for Donald "Fireball" Jones and family, Entry fee is $ 150 for the 10- home run limit. Teams must furnish their own balls, Jones, a Davie Sheriff's Department detention officer, was injured in a wreck on his way to work on July 6, Donations will be accepted. Football Clinic A free football clinic will be open lo third-sixth graders in Davic County on July 28,29,31 al William R. Davie Elementary from 6-8 p.m. Participants need to be at the field July 28 at 5:30 for registra­ tion. For more information contact Joe Caudle at 336-669-3435 or 336-463-4638. Soccer Workout.s Davie’s boys soccer team is holding workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. at Davie High. Tryouts will begin Aug. 4 from 6-8 p.m. ut the Davie YMCA. Joe Westfiill resigned as coach toward Ihe end of Ihe second semester. The new coach will be announced this week. Recreation Camps The Mocksville-Davle Parks and Recreation Department is tak­ ing registration for soccer and basketball camps. • Soccer; July 28-Aug. I at the YMCA field. Deadline July 26. Cost: $79 for half days (9 a.m.-noon) or $115 for full days (9 a.m.-3 p.m.). Ages 4-16. • Basketball: Boys and girls on Aug. 11-14. Register by Aug. 4. Cost $45. Rising first through eighth grades from 6-8 p.m., at the Brock Gym. Instructors: Davie coach Mike Absher jjnd his staff. Call the rec at 751-2325 for more information. Davie VoUeybalt Camp The Davie volleyball camp will be July 28-31 at Davie. Grades 4-8 will have camp from 9 a.m-noon, and grades 9-12 will have, camp from 1-4 p.m, On July 31 grades 9-12 will attend the morning session for contests nnd awards. All campers will receive insiniction in skill techniques, game strategies and leam concepts in a fun, competitive atmosphere. The coaching staff will be Becky Miller, the Davie varsity coach; Trish Corbin, the Duvie JV conch; plus middle-school coaches. Junior Olympic Coaches and senior varsity players. The cost is $60 ($25 deposit deadline extended lo June 15). Anyone registering after Ihe deadline will not be assured of having the correct size T-shirt. Cash payment only after July 15, and we will except on-site registration. Go to www.wareaglepride.com for a camp registration form. Con- • tact Mineral millerb@duvic;kl2.nc.us with any questions. Davie High Physicals Physicals for full, winter and spring sports ut Davie High School will be offered Juiy 28 al 5 p.m. in Ihe multi-purpose room at the school. Cost; $10. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 24.2008 - B7 ^ 5 U M M r iK 5 f E - C lA L S P 0 r U 6 H T From left, the staff of Anne Grant, The Village Photographer, Kerri Lard, Denise Christian, Anne Grant, Nolan Grant, Jonathan Clark and Kirsten Oakes. Upon request, we have two furry studio greeters, Cooper 8, Oils. Anne Grant, The Village Photographer Anne Grant ~ The Village Photographer Is proud to an­ nounce and walcome Denise Christian as a wedding pho­ tographer and portrait consultant. Denise Is a graduate of Hawkeye College In Waterloo, lA, with a degree In portrait photography and photojournalism and Is an active member of the Professional Photographers of America. She comes with 5 years of experience at a well established studio In Quincy, IL. She and her husband Ben have recently relocated to the triad from the Chicago area.Denise also enjoys photographing children, photojournalls- tic weddings with creative album design, and creating emo­ tional portraits of expectant mothers.Other new staff members added this year are Kirsten Oakes and Kerri Lard as administrative and marketing as­sistants. In addition to her position at Anne Grant Photography, Kirsten Is also a successful real estate broker with Yost & Little. Kerri provides administrative support and has an educational background in the arts, social work and computer basics. Jonathan Clark has been an associate with the studio for over a year and is also attending Forsyth Tech studying digital effects animation. His studio duties are many, ranging from retouching to landscap­ ing.Nolan Grant, the studio manager, says, “Anne and I feel fortunate to have a team who share, the same vi­ sion of providing a memorable portrait experience while we develop long term relationships with our clients."For more Information you may visit the studio website at www.grantphoto. com. '••©Qamm Pg*/F^d.” gt‘siipplic8 • Cnnidac Nature’s V.iriety • •Wellness• Merrick Innova^ • California Natural’s A S l'E v o 9 2131 Lcwisvi!Ic-Clcmn«>ns A A Clemmons. NC■¡¿•336-77&-9007 UGLYROOF STAINREMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKINation's Largest & Oldest Bool Stain Rsmovers Roof-Brik^ 7S5-2030 100 Royal Oak Dr.. 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P r e s s u r e W a s l i i n g • B o n d e d / I n s n r e d DAVID BROWN Wallpaper Removal Staining Faux Finishing F r e e E s t i m a t e s 970-7407 1/2 Price Session Fee' when you menlion this ad! *A F u ll M e a s u r e " C a t e r in g - /I hillSm ice Caleiing Qimlxmy - M oravian Style C hicken Pies To pidcv ,m order for chickcn pies or to schvdulc cMvrinn call Oirolyn Jones ^33M92-6077 * 336^09-27^ .......■.-'■г'- WWW.l^r.'intpilLítcí.CC.n arolina S m a l l E n g i n e Solos Д urvtca of outdoor power «lulptntnti mowers, Irlmmars, chain saws, blowors, gonorators, A mora 1034 Fork B/Kby Rd., Advmnee 9 9 8 -7 7 5 5 M M w im '^Storm Water Management^ Residential Drainage Systems Land Clearing, Demolition I Landscape/Iiardscape J II^ Licemeä Ami Insured 1 1 Clemmons NC Tom Jones 336-749-0465 1 Taylor Repair 998-7879 We'll Beat Anyone’s Price On Outdoor Power Equipment Parts & Service Pickvp & DeSveiyAvailabk 3319 US Hwy 158, Mocksville jc B B S ia lM E u» I « 1 f U 0 I 0 HAIR WAXING ' UP-DO’S 2565 Old Glory Rd., Suite EClcmmmu • Off LewlsvllleOmmon] Rd imOulACUmtrW)rU)336-778-0604 Over 20 years ExporfBnce Kn$tina Edding0t. Kann Harri*Jww(9f Htifciun«. Amy 0»ck, tynn Roi*n<i, Cindy Johition, DmKta L»ng/ord I n t r o P r o g r a m s 0Mtn9tcma»dir«et.ceiii Clemmons Center Piaza (Next to Starbucks) Anne Grant photos: Al left, high school senior Vika Smith, one of our Class of 2009 SpokesModals. Above, the baby & child are Ava Claire & Camdyn, children ol Brlon & Rachel Daly. The family photo below is Luke & Julie dravely with daughters Phoebe & Chloe. PERKINS ROOFING ‘'Quality work at reasonable prices” Phone:336-753-8355 Fax: 336-753-8373 Jesse Perkins - Owner 300 Spring Street Mocksville, NC Wncc b' Circann School of Traditional Irish Dance Classes Now Forming Scrvinf! cnnmmnily for 11 \iar.i 130 Webb Way Just oH Hwy 158 Call 336.765.7482 for more Information Hair Stylist For Men & Women Jeaim ie H oward 766-8445 6353 Ccphls Dr., Clemmons : BAKERY THRIFT STORE !Customers Say :We love; This Store 2666 Lew lsvlllò-C lem m ons Rd. 7 6 6 - 3 0 8 0 •U.S. Flag Kits • Picnic Sui^Ues • Heavy Duty Outdoor Sprayers C'k'iiiiiiDiis I)i.44>iiiil Siik's 15Л< 1.1Л» is\ llU'-( li-muiMitv Uil- 7W>-44-4<>. ( .. ............... • EDWARDS S I D I N G & W I N D O W S ADDING BEAUTY AND VALUE TO HOMES SINCE 1978 • Vinyl Siding• Vinyl Replacement Windows • Vinyl Porch Rails • Decl<s - Wood & Vinyl ' Screen Rooms • Porch Enclosures & Sun Rooms FreO E stim ates! Mobile Phone 9 7 8 - 2 2 9 9764- B8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 Peebles NOW THRU MONDAY, JULY 28 Summer Sale & Clearance! Redland’s Tony Gray Foster gets tagged out at home by New Union's Trey Stewart. ■I. i• r I On Entire Stock Red-Ticketed Merchandise Storewide! Plus, Bring in your Savings Pass & Save More on Summer’s Bast Looks for the Entire Family! SAVINGS PASS VALID THRU MONDAY, JULY 28 Extra 1 5 % OFF All Your Purchases • Regular Price, Sale & Clearance *Exc:Iu(ltiK cosnuilKcosnmlic.s. !riiyf}iin;«is, (ormjjlwonr mnlitl, gift ciwd.s ami Ci«»no{ bo cotnbiiHKl wt1l> ollìu» t;o(i(Vins or privalo Kavir)r<)vioiiH piirchaso!i an olluiH, Peebles • YADKINVILLE RD, • M OCKSVILLE HOURS: M ON-W ED 10-8; TH U R S -SA T 10-9; SUN 12-5 A Fraternity runner is out as First Methodist/St, Francis' Kevin Macl< applies the tag. Peter Fail< of First IVlethodist/St. Francis focusses on the bail. Do You or Someone You Know Have Alzheimer's Disease? Men and women ages 55 to 90 are needed to participate in a researcii study of an investigational medication for Aiziieinier's Disease. i 5^' 3 3 Qualllled Participants Will Receive at No Cost: • Study medication • Study related medical care • Memory testing • Reimbursement for time and travelrY>nu Ka ou'xIIoKIa Health insurance is not required. To learn more, call Segal Institute for Clinical Research at 336-760-5737, Qualified Participants iviusi Be: • Diagnosed witii Aiziieimer's disease • Currently tai(ing Aricept®, Exelon'^’ or Razadyne® • Have a reliable caregiver Fraternity's Brian Wall hits. Hiildale’s Rodney Perdue (33) high fives Bob Richardson. SEGAL INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH liwrlhm hi Cliiiiciil Dniji liM t 3 3 6 .7 6 0 .5 7 3 7 www.segaltrails.coiii Corbin Dirl<s bats for First MethodisVSt, Francis! ■ Photos by JamesBardnger 84 Participate In The Davie Senior Games DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RÉtORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 ■ B9 Eighty-four people partici­ pated in Ihe Davie Senior Games last week. There were 39 evenis. The following is Ihe lop finish­ ers in erich event, Herilage Arls Crocheting - ^ Mabel Couch first, Sue Allen ’ second. Heritage Arls Knitting - Reba Holt firsl, Dpphne Slate second. Heritage Arts Needlework - Gail Query first, Jean Shipley second, Mabel Couch third. Heritage Arts Quilling - Mabel Couch first. Gamelle Chapman second, Gail Query third. Herilage Arts Stained Glass- Rachel “Van” Fagon firsl. Literary Arts Life Experience - George Kimberly first. Visual Arls Photography - Sue Allen first. Basketball Tournament - first-place finishers; Jim Epperson, Louie Hayden Myers, John Wright, George Kimberly, Mickel Barnette, Wade Lowder, Doris Lightfoot, Sarah Clark, Aileen Sleelman, Joyce Smith, Patsy Willinrd, Vickie Frye, Mary Newton, Lois Green, Sue Allen, Alice Barnellc, Rachel Howard, Chariotte Miller, Eliza­ beth Williard and Lucy Swaim. Bocce Singles • Michael Gar­ ner first, William Shipley sec­ ond, Don Fowler firsl, Robert Phillips second, Dewey Kimmer lhird,.Wade Lowder firsl, Mickel Barnette second, Marvin Query third, David Miller firsl, Fred Voreh second, Harry "Bud” Stroud third, Donald Allen fourth, Givseppe Dilembo firsl, George Kimberly second, Fran­ cis Slate firsl, Roni Baniey firsl, Peggy Evans second, Jane Kimmer firsl, Judjlh Phillips sec­ ond, Aileen Sleelman third, Bar­ bara Chapman'fourth, Lois Green firsl, Alice Bamelte sec­ ond, Charlotte Miller third. Maty Newlon fourth. Sué Allen firsl, Nancy TutteroW first, Helen Avery second and Hollis Smith firsl. Bowling Doubles - Benny Powell & Dewey Kimmer firsl, David Harris & Jesse Smith first, David Miller & Henry Hagner firsl, Bill Fender & Willard Byrd second. Bud Siroud & John Wright third, George Kimberly & Wade Lowder fourth, Mickel Burnette & Donald Allen fiflh, Jan Marlin & John Smilh firsl, Peggy Evans & Roni Barney firsl, Jane Kimmer & Alice Bamelte first, Vickie Frye & Ai­ leen Sleelman second, Mildred Miller & Barbara Chapman third, Chariotte Miller & Lois Green firsl, Patricia Lalla & Sue Allen first, Hollis Smith & Dor­ othy Williams first and Nancy Tuttcrow & Sarah Byrd first. Bowling Mixed Doubles - Charles Sidden & Louise Sidden firsl, Jesse Smilh & Roni Barney second, David Harris & Peggy Evans third, Robert Phillips & Judith Phillips firsl, Dewey Kimmer & Jane Kimmer second. Bill Fender & Barbara Chapman third, Jan Martin & Vickie Frye fifth, John Smith & Hollis Smith firsl, Donald Allen & Helen Avery third, Thomas Nicolls & Nancy Tuttcrow second, Mildred Miller & John Wright first, Lois Green & Bud Stroud second, Charlotte Miller & David Miller third, Alice Barnette & Mickel Barnette fourth, Sue Allen & George Kimberly second and Sarah Byrd & Willard Byrd firsl. Bowling Singles - Chades Sidden firsl, Benny Powell sec­ ond, Robert Phillips firsl, Jesse Smith second, Dewey Kimmer Ihird, John Wright firsl, David Harris second, William Wiseman third. Bill Fender fourth, Henry Hagner fiflh, Mickel Barnette sixth, Wade Lowder seventh. Bud Siroud firsl, David Miller second, John Smith third, Donald Allen fourth, George Kimberly first, Willard Byrd firsl, Roni Barney first. Peggy Evans second, Judith Phillips first, Louise Sidden second, Ai­ leen Sleelman Ihird, Jane Kimmer fourth, Barbara Chapman fifth, Peggy Wiseman sixlh, Mildred Miller first, Lois Green second, Charlotte Miller third, Vickie Frye-fourth, Alice Barnette fiflh, Jessica Shields sixlh, Patricia Lalla first. Sue Allen second, Dorothy Williams firsl, Nancy Tuttcrow first, Sa­ rah Byrd second, Helen Avery third and Hollis Smilh firsl. Cycling One Mile - Robert Phillips first. Cycling iOK-Robert Phillips first. Cycling 5K-Robert Phillips firsl. Discus - Dewey Kimmer firsl, Mickel Bamelte firsl. Bud Siroud firsl, Donald Allen sec­ ond, Aileen Sleelman first, Jane kimmer second, Lois Green firsl, Alice Bamelte second and Sue Allen first. Running Long Jump - Dewey Kimmer firsl, Marvin Query firsl. Bud Stroud first, Donald Allen second, Jane Kimmer firsl, Aileen Sleelman second, Alice Bamelte firsl, Lois Green sec­ ond, Sue Allen firsl, Nancy Tul- lerow first and Hollis Smith firsl. Shot Put - Dewey Kimmer firsl, Mickel Barnette firsl. Bud Siroud first, Donald Allen sec­ ond, Aileen Sleelman firsl, Jane Kimmer second, Lois Green firsl, Alice Bamelte second and Sue Alien first. Standing Long Jump - Dewey Kimmer first, Marvin Query firsl, Bud Stroud firsl, Donald Allen second, Jane Kimmer firsl, Aileen Sleelman second, Alice Barnette firsl, Lois Green sec­ ond, Sue Allen first, Nancy Tut- lerow firsl and Hollis Smilh firsl. Horseshoes Singles - William Shipley firsl, Dewey Kimmer first, John Wright firsl, Mickel Bamelte second, Wade Lowder third, John Smith first, David Miller second. Bud Siroud third, Charlie Barker fourth, George Kimberly first, Peggy Evans first, Roni Barney second, Judilh Phillips firsl, Aileen Sleelman second, Barbara Chapman third, Lois Green firsl, Chariolie Miller second, Alice Barnette third and Sue Allen firsl. Local Event Javelin - Ted Freshwater firsl. Local Event Pull-Pull - Sue Allen first. Basketball Shooting - Michael Garner firsl, Dewey Kimmer first, Jim Epperson first, Wade Lowder second. Bud Stroud first, David Miller sec­ ond, John Smilh third, George Kimberly firsl, Roni Barney firsl, Peggy Evans second, Ai­ leen Sleelman firsl, Jane Kimmer second, Charlolte Miller firsl, Lois Green second, Alice Barnellc third. Sue Allen firsl, Nancy Tullerow firsl and Hollis Smilh firsl. Billiards - Robert Phillips first, Dewey Kimmer second, Wade Lowder firsl, John Wright second, Mickel Bametle third. Bud Siroud firsl, Jan Marlin sec­ ond, David Miller Ihird, Judilh Phillips first, Aileen Sleelman second, Jane Kimmer third, Chariolie Miller firsl and Alice Barnette second. ' Croqucl - first-place finish­ ers; Wade Lowder, George Kim- beriy. Sue Allen und Nancy Tut- lerow. Football Throw - Wade Lowder first, Ted Freshwater second, Mickel Bametle third. Bud Siroud firsl, Donald Allen second, Jan Marlin Ihird, Char­ lie Barker fourth, George Kim- beriy first, Roni Barney first, Peggy Evans second, Aileen Sleelman first, Jane Kimmer second, Lois Green firsl, Alice- Barnette second, Joyce Smilh Ihird, Sue Allen firsl, Nancy Tut- terow first and Hollis Smith first. Golf - John Daily first, Rob­ ert Phillips second, Joseph Mar­ tin first, Lana Barbee first, Judilh Phillips first, Phyllis Nichols first, Sharon Deal second, Carole Payne firsl and Libby Creason first. Racquelball - Ted Freshwater firsl, Henry Hagner second and Doris Lightfoot first. SilverSlriders Fun Walk - Donald Allen firsl, David Miller first, Mickel Bametle first, Roni Barney first. Sue Allen first, Nancy Tuttcrow firsl, Chariolie Miller firsl, Peggy Evans first and Alice Bamctte first. • Softball Throw - Dewey Kimmer first, Marvin Query first, Ted Freshwater second, Mickel Burnetle Ihird, Wade Lowder fourth. Bud Stroud first, Jan Martin second, Donald Allen third, George Kimberly firsl, Roni Barney first, Peggy Evans second, Aileen Sleelman firsl, Jane Kimmer second, Lois Green firsl, Joyce Smilh second, Alice Bomette third, Sue Allen first, Nancy Tullerow firsl and Hollis Smilh firsl. Spin casting - Dewey Kimmer firsl, Ted Freshwater first, Marvin Query second, Charlie Barker first, Jun Martin second, Donald Allen third, Peggy Evans firsl, Roni Barney second, Aileen Sleelman firsl, Lois Green firsl, Alice Bametle second, Joyce Smilh Ihird, Sue Allen first, Nancy Tullerow first and Hollis Smilh firsl. ShuffleBoard Singles - Dewey Kimmer first, John Wright first, Wade Lowder sec­ ond, Ivllckci Barnette third, Mar­ vin Query fourth, Bud Siroud first, Jan Martin second, David Miller third, Donald Allen fourth, George Kimberly firsl, Roni Barney first, Peggy Evans second, Barbara Chapman firsl, Aileen Sleelman.second, Jane Kimmer third, Lois Green first, Charlolte Miller second, Alice Barnette third, Doris Jones fourth, Sue Allen first, Nancy Tullerow firsl, Helen Avery sec­ ond und Hollis Smith firsl. "nible Tennis Singles - Dewey Kimmer first, John Wright first, Jan Martin firsl. Bud Siroud sec­ ond, Fred Voreh Ihird, Aileen Sleelman firsl, Jane Kimmer second, Lois Green firsl, Alice Bamelle second and Sue Allen first. Tennis Singles - first-place finishers; Ted Freshwater and Fred Voreh. Truck lOOM Dush - Marvin Query first, George Kimberly first, June Kimmer firsl, Aileen Sleelman second, Alice Bamelte firsl and Sue Allen first. Truck 1500M Race Walk - first-place-finishers; William Shipley, Jim Epperson, Fred Voreh und George Kimberiy. Track 200M Dush - George Kimberiy first. Track 5K Race Walk - first- place finishers: Jim Epperson and George Kimberly. Track 5K Run - Dave Salmon first. ^ A tte n tio n Chryster, D odge and Jeep O w n ers Snider Automotive Speclalizinig in Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Automotive repairs, with 18 years experience, ASE and Chrysler Master Certified. Performing Repairs on Gas and Diesel Vehicles, From Minor Repairs to Complete Overhauls on Engine, Transmission,Transfer Case, Electrical, Air Condition, Suspension, Front and Rear Axles, So BringYourVehlcle to the one that knows It in and out. Also Making Repairs on other Domestic and Foriegn\fehlcles, CHRIS SNIDER MOCKSVILLE, NC 336-391-2607 If you've got chronic back pain, you don't have to suffer alone. We've got the expertise to diagnose your pain and help restore your'healthy lifestyle. You aren't alone - we’ll be there with you. We’ve got your back. T H IS IS W H A T IT M E A N S T O F E E L G O O D SEPC-Rowan Regional Madleal Cantar 108 Dorso« Or. Solbbury § 704-210-6800 Southeast Pain Care The First Stop For Non-Surglcal Pain Relief. P ie d m o n t L a ttd s ctd p is D e s ig n , In c . 1 0 2 9 S a l i s b u r y R o a d • M o c k s v i l l e 3 3 6 - 7 5 3 - 8 1 1 0 www.pledmontlanclscapedeslgn.com We're at the old Davie Tractor location ■ close to Davie High Mid-Summer Mulch Sale ( a n d m o r e ! ) R e g u l a r P r i c e S a l e P r i c e Mulch Fine Ground Hardwood $12,00 $10.00 Course Ground Hardwood $ 9.00 $ 7.50 Pine Nuggets $13.00 $11.00 Dyed (Red, Black & Brown) $13.50 $12.50 Kid Cushion $10.00 $ 8.00 Pine Needles (Slash) $4.50/bale $ 4.10 Pine Needles (NC Longleaf)$5.00/bale $ 4.75 Decorative Stone & Gravels River Jak 1 1/2-2 1/2”Also Available River Jak 3 - S”Also Available Pea Gravel $48.00 $45.00 Pocono River Rock 3/4” (SOib, bag)$5.47/bag $ 4.92 Brick Chips ■$37.00 $36.00 #57 Wash Stone $24.00 $23.00 ABC $21.00 $19.00 Granite Dust $19.00 $18.00 Soils Screened Topsoil $11.00 $ 9.00 Compost $13.00 $11.00 Fill Soil $7.00 $ 5.00 Mortar Sand $21.00 $19.00 Prices are per scoop unless noted otherwise. Scoop = 1/2 yard 1/2 Price Delivery a v a i l a b l e d u r i n g t h i s o f f e r * ^Delivery rates m ay vary geographically. All offers are for a limited time. BIO-DAVIE COUNTY ENTËRPIÉSE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 W I N S T G N ^ S A U M ■ f A u m c E m E R PRE-OWNED SUPERCENTER 17 0 5 US H W Y 601 N .« M O C K S V IIlf^ HOURS; M-F 8:30A-7P SAT. 9A-6P CLOSED SUNDAY У'';'aoos e h « w y B ia s a r i a o e a c h aw y « a tr o | aooi Toyota colica a t i soos oedgo Noon m r 2WD, 4-Dr., L | ^ 3-Dr., V6, jfflfcfe* LIftbaok, > T 4-Cyl., Fuel V6, Auto Low Miles, 2-Dr., Efficient #044048 Mlnlvan 4-Cyl. & Sporty MP4207 1 M 04 Honda iiom ont ix | ao o e p o m Piaio s t x Ш Ц Ц л . 4-Cyl. Supercab, 2.4LVTEC ve. Bed- Engine г а М Р Щ Р К #P4057A #P4201 / ^ $ 8 ^ 9 9 0 » ^ 1 0 ^ 9 9 0 ^ « ^ $ 1 3 ^ 9 9 0 > ^ 1 ^ 9 9 0 P4140A С4в98А Р41Б1А P4144A P4211 P4237A P4254 P4285 T4710A T4750B P4012 P4280 P4227 P4177 P4304 2002 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER.. 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY XLE....................... ....................V8, BUCK..................$10,990 ..............4-CYL, SILVER..................$10,990 2004 FORD EXPLORER........................................V8 4.0L FLEX FUEL, RED..................$12.990 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE UREDO.........................e-CYL„ GOLD.................$12,990 2007 MERCURY QHAND MARQUIS OS.........V8 4.8L FLEX FUEL, SILVER..................$12,990 2005 SATURN L300....................................................V8 3.0 LITER, SILVER..................$12,990 2006 MAZDA 31 TOURING...................................4-CYL 2.0 LITER, WHITE..................$13,990 2007 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER TOURING..............4-CYL 2.4 LITER, RED..................$14,990 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRINQ LIMITED CONVERTIBLE..............V6, GOLD..................$14,990 2006 CHRYSLER SEBRINQ TOURING CONVERTIBLE...........V6, WHITE..................$14,990 2007 CHRYSLER SEBRINQ TOURING...............4-CYL 2.4 LITER, WHITE...................$14,990 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA QLS................................4-CYL. 2.4 UTER, BLUE............I.....$14,990 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO...............V8 3.7 LITER, .4ILVER..................$14,990 2006 JEEP LIBERTY..................................VB 3.7 LITER, BRILLIANT BLACK..................$14,990 2004 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE GT SPYDER CONVERTIBLE.......V8,WHITE..................$14,990 P4178 P4234 P4230 P4289 P4167 P4283 P4285 P4218 P4309 T4266A/P4274A P4303 P4204 P4298 P4239 T4729A 2007 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX QT. 2007 JEEP LIBERTY...................... 2003 JEEP WRANGLER............... 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA LIMITED.. 20b3 MERCEDES-BENZ C240 4MATIC....... 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX.... 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY U .... 2007 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED..................... 2007 HONDA ACCORD SE........................... 2007 JEEP COMMANDER..... 2008 MAZDA 31 TOURING..... 2008 MAZDA 61QRAND TOURINQ 2008 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA S........ ,V6 3.8L SUPERCHARGED. SILVER.................$14,090 ..............V6 3.7 LITER, BLUE..................«15,090 .........6-CYL 4.0 LITER, TAN..................$15,990 ...........V6 3.3 LITER, SILVER..................$16,990 ...........V6 2.8 LITER, SILVER..................$18,990 ..............V8 3.3 LITER, BLUE.................$17,990 ...........V6 3.3 UTER, GREEN..................$17,990 VB 3.0 LITER, SILVER.................$17,990 ..4-CYL 2.4L VTEC, BLACK.................$17,990 V6 3.7 LITER, SILVER....2 TO CHOOSE AT $17,990 4-CYL. 2.0 LITER, SILVER.................$17,990 4-CYL 2.3 LITER, SILVER.................$17,990 ,5-CYL 2.5 LITER, CHARCOAL.................$17,990 PIUSI TAX, lAO S379 OOC FEt. VtHltlES SUBJEaTO PRIOR SAIL SAIE EKD5 FIVE DAYS FROM PUBIICATIDN ©2008 THE KING PARTNERSHIP 2007 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING.......................V6 4.0 LITER, GOLD..................$18,990 2008 DODGE AVENGER SXT......................................V6 2.7 UTER, GRAY..................$18,990 6 6 -8 3 Tire Rotation & 23-Point Inspection J u s t f o r s t o p p in g b y ! O i l , L u b e l & F i l t e r ; S e r v i c e I Up to S quarts o f oil $ 4 9 S D i e s e l O i l , L u b e & F i l t e r S e r v i c e WE HONOR ALL FREE FACTORY OIL CHANGE COUPONS FROM AN Y CHRYSLER, DODOE OR JEEP DEALER! 8 6 6 ^ 1 4 ^ 3 5 9 6 8 0 PETERS CREEK PARK W AY » W INStON-SALEM Offen cannot bo uied In (on|unillon wllh olhor ¡pedal offen. People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - Cl Lenoir-Rhyne Professor Mark Hager and students Kelly Jankowski and Kierry Christmas try to read the writing on a grave marker at Joppa Cemetery In Mocksvilie. ■ Photos by Robin Snow Pyth Harkey tries to match a name with the writing on the marker. D iscovering H isto iy S t u d e n t s L e a r n F r o m , A n d D o c u n f i e n t J o p p a C e m e t e r y By M ike B am h ardt Davie County Enlcrprise Record Pyth Harkey gently brushes an ag­ ing grave marker at Joppa Cemetery in Mocksvilie. ’ V . ' He checks the name with a list he and other history students from Lenoir- Rhyne College had formed through re­ search. He carefully marks the name with a* plat of the cemetery, just off Yadkinville Road in Mocksvilie. Harkey hopes to take his enthusiasm for history to the classroom. He can now tell his younger students about the people buried at Joppa. Almost all of the students taking part in the Joppa project are training to be teachers. The brainchild of Lenoir-Rhyne pro­ fessor Mark Hager, students have spent the summer semester and beyond find­ ing out more about Joppa Cemetery - the final burial place for Squire and Sarah Boone - Daniel Boone's parents. What Ihey have found has amazed all. Infants - scores of infants are bur­ ied there. With a cemetery dating back into the 1700s, they realized that pre­ natal care wasn’t'available.' ’ ' ’ ' The work is painstakingly long. They spent hour upon hour researching the people at the Davie and Rowan Regis­ ter of Deeds offices, at libraries, with the N.C. State Archives and on Ihe internet. That was before they got to go to the cemetery, where they used gentle sprays of water and soft brushes to try to glean names from gravestones. Professional engravers weren’t around back then, either. Many of the stones were hand carved, and letters were sometimes left out because of space - or possibly because Ihe engraver couldn’t spell, or broke a tool, or had another more important job to get to. “I think I can take this to the class­ room and keep the students interested,” Harkey sai,d. That’s exactly what Hager had in mind. And it doesn’t hurt that the stu­ dents’ work - to be followed in the fall by student and state archaeological studies - will help identify families whose ancestors are still around today. While an effort to get the cemetery 'on the National Register of Historic Places failed in the 1970s, the added information should help with a new application, Hager said. The 1970s ap­ plication was based mostly on the fact lhat'Doniel Boone's parents were bur­ ied there, and cemeteries are difficult to get on the registry. But Boone’s fa­ ther, Squire, was prominent in his own ' right, leading the community, helping build the first Rowan County Court­ house (Davie was a part of Rowan County in the mid-1700s). Other promi­ nent families have relations there, such '' as the founder of the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co. and the man who designed and built the first Davie County Jail. And there’s the other people - aver­ age, everyday people just trying to make a living for their families. They’re coming up with more than just a grave is here, another there. The students are contacting family members and researching records to find out about the people. What did they do for a living? What did they do for fun? How many lived in a house, and how big was that house? They’re w'flUng iowifeT*^‘|usn\1« ety ounce ^f information they can find. 'Before we can do any preservation. we want to find everybody who was buried in this cemetery," Hager said. "We’re trying lo find out about these people. Many of these people in here were just like us ... they face problems ing lo do Ihe best they could do for their families.” The skills Daniel Boone became fa­ mous for were honed in Davie County, and those same skills are the ones Please See Joppa - Page 03 lAllison Bradshaw, Lyndsey Falls, Katie Lineberry and Tashanna Chapmah study the grave markers. Kelly Jankowski tries to make the engraving easier to read. 1,.. ■.y,,.,.' Il'’: I l - ' C2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RÈCORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 Sexton-Logue Couple Mamed Whitney Elizubeth Sexton of Advancc and Stephen Stuart Logue Jr. of Fayetteville were married at 6 p.m. June 28 in Uni­ versity Presbyterian Church in Chapel Hill. The Rev, Dr. Anna Pinckney Straight officiated. The bride is the daughter of Steven and Marcia Sexton of Advance. Her maternal grand­ parents are Kenneth and Billie Simcox of Georgetown, Texas, an the late Louis Galloway. Her paternal grandparents arc Horace Miles Smythers of Roanoke, Va. and the late Dorothy Ingram Sex­ ton Smythers; and the late Ernest Algernon Sexton. The bride graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is a pharmaceutical represen­ tative for Merck in Raleigh. The groom is the son of Marshall and Dr. Stephen Logue of Fayetteville. His maternal grandparents are June Miller of Fayetteville and the late Horace William Miller. His paternal grandparents arc the late Robert and Mary Logue. The groom graduated from N.C. State Uni­ versity in Raleigh, received a^M- ris doctorate from UNC Chapel Hill, and received a Master of Laws in taxation from New York University. He is an attorney with Kilpatrick Stockton in Raleigh. The bride was escorted by her father, She wore a Vera Wang Luxe gown of tvory-colored silk satin duchess featuring a hand- flnished sheer French Alencon lace applique with a scalloped luce edge along the godet and train, and a button detail at the back zipper. The bride also wore a matching full-length veil of Alencon lace by Vera Wang, along with a diamond ring, pearl eairings and a necklace from her maternal grandmother. She car­ ried a bouquet of p^nk and white roses. The maids of honor were the bride's sister, Sivah Sexton; and Molly Tilley. The bridesmoids were the bride’s cousin, Ginna Ezernack; the groom’s sister, Carolina Logue; Harper Gwatney; Anna Patel; and Alison Williams. The best men were tho groom’s father and Matthew Skidmore. The groomsmen were the groom’s brother, Jason Logue; the bride’s brother, Scott Sexton; Jeremiah Jackson; and Houston Sutton, The flower girls were Emily Mills and Rebecca Mills. The ring bearers were Nathaniel Mills and Noah Mills. Cara Zeuhlke directed the wedding. Ceremony music was per­ formed by Ivy Gunter, soloist; Thomas Brown, organist; and Paul Neebe, trumpeter, Emily Richardson and Chessica Logue were the read­ ers. The program attendants were Gina Butler, Grace Richardson and Sh6lby Miller, FloWers were provided by Lyn Graves of Fresh Affairs. Following the ceremony, a cocktail hour was held on the front lawn of the Carolina inn, with music by a jazz band, A candlelight reception followed in the Old Well Room of the Caro­ lina Inn with reception music performed by The Maxx, A rehearsal dinner, hosted by the groom’s parents, was held at the Carolina Club in Chapel Hill, After a honeymoon trip, the couple will live in Raleigh,Mrs. Stephen Stuart Logue Jn Goin-Cave Couple United In Marnage June 7 R o b e r t s E d m o n la H o H is C e le b r a t e 5 0 t t i A n n iv e r s a r y Robert James and Edmonla Holman Hollis of US 601 North, Mocksvillc, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends at the Holinan/Frost Family Reunion on Ju|y 13, al Pal? ^ mctto Church in Mocksvillc, The couple was manied on July 21, 1958 in New York. N,Y, They are the parents of five; Louise Gaither, Stella Hollis, Mary Gaither-Newsome, James Hollis, and Robert Bobby Gaither, de­ ceased. They are the grandparents of three and great-grandparents of two. Rachel Ann Goin and Justin Robert Cave, both of Mocksville, were united in mar­ riage at 2 p,m, June 7 at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Pastor Ronnie Craddock officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mark and Dcbora Goin of State Road, Her maternal grandpar­ ents arc Shirley Dixon and the late John Dixon of Boonville. Her paternal grandparents are Rachel Shore of Lewisville and Mr, and Mrs. Boyd Goin of Hamptonville, She is a graduate of Davie High School and is pursuing a degree in nursing from Mitchell Community Col­ lege, She is employed by Davis Regional Medical Center in Statesville, The groom is the son of Clinton and April Cave of Mocksville, His maternal grand­ parents arc Jo Ann Smith and Ihe late Jack Smith of Mocksville. His paternal grandparents are Marie Cave and the late Edward Cave of East Bend. He is a graduate of Davie High School and is employed by Alternative Brands In Mocksville. Escorted by her father, the bride chose her sister, Layla G, Payne of Statesville, as her ma­ tron of honor. Bridesmaids were Morgan Owens, Jessie Whitesides and Jaclyn Smith, all of Mocksville. The groom's father was best man. Groomsmen were: Gary Bumgarner of Mocksville, Brent Tucker of Advance, and Evan Cave, brother of the groom of Mocksville. Courtney Price of Mocksville was flower girl, and Ethan Lagle of Mocksville was the ring bearer.' Wedding music was pre­ sented by Stephanie Craddock, Jason Swisher was soloist, Jen­ nifer and Lee Barney, cousins of the groom, attended the register. The wedding was directed by Barbara Smith and Amanda Lagle. A reception was held in the fellowship hall after the ccr- emony. After a wedding trip to Walt Disney World in Florida, the couple are residing in Mocks­ ville. The groom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner on June S in the church fellowship hall. •"A'Virldal shower whs given Saturday, April 19 by KuyeCall, Barbara Barney, cousin of the groom, Madeline Hire and Betty Moeller, aunts of the groom, at SEARS DEALER STORES, ONE OF AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING RETAIL FORMATS, IS LOOKING FOR AN ENTREPRENEOR TO OWN AND OPERATE A SEARS DEALER STORE. North Carolina Market Now Available Mocksville Providing You With The Strength of Sears • Extensive advertising and marketing support • Complete inventory with no i»st to the owner . • Professlonaitralnlng and on-going support • Sears collects no fees or royalties For inumidiate accoss lo liihimi.'ilioii rugiirdiruj the StMrs Airlhurízcd Rotali Ooalcr program ami uur conlideiillal apiiliciitkiii. visit us (mliiiu at: www.searsdealerstores.com if you (to not thiw jctvas lo Чш infunioi nnd wutiiil like to it-cmv ,i ¡.aivi.ii infonnnlionfiiickvl jIhhiI oarf)rOi¡nini, (\ill toll hvo't Islimaled ПптсШ re^ilreimnls-StOJW available cash snd a positive net mth. Estimated Initial Investment S50, ООО lo $70,000. avie Place (ng Assisted Living Community Davic Placc salutes one of our newest residents, Carrie Drane. , Carrie has been with us sincc July third and is proud to be “91 years young”. She is a lifelong crossword puzzle fan, Other fayorite activities include reading, especially the biblc, and enjoying TV. Her favorite shows include both local and cable news and the religious channels. A great-grandmother, Carrie is visited by her son Tiffin as well as four gratjdchildren and four great-grandchildren. She says that she enjoys “Being as active as I can. The food here at Davie Place is really good. They take good care o f people.” All our staff is pleased that Carrie Drane has chosen Davie Place as her new home. For Information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 7 5 Bear Creek Baptist Church. • A bridal shower was given Saturday, May 17 in Slatesvillc by the bride’s family. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Robert Cave What Does 'family” Mean To You? Lots of families we know are giving their children a sense of belonging by teaching them about their heritage. Famll5|^portraits have an important role In building a family.ulldlng jey are a gift you give yourself, your children, and generations to come. Great family portraits are a tradition with us.With 28 years of experience and quality, why not call today or an appointment? A nvfr/mlimal n>rimU Isn’t PrlcelvHH...(DaXton P H O T O G R A P H Y (336) 753-0071 www.daltonphoto.net I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S w im m in g PooT Open To The Public! Hours; Mon. 1PM-BPMTues.-Sat, 10AM-8PM Sun. 10AM-6PM Take Advantage of ALL Our Recreation Facilities for one low rate: MQn,-Thurs. = $8,00/person FrI,, Sat, & Sun, = $10,00/person Includes: • Sw im m ing • Fishing • V olleyball • B adm inton • B asketball • Horseshoes • Playground BRING THIS AD for $2.00 OFF Our Recreation Fee (Special not valid Juno 28^uly 6) Midway Campground Just 10 m inutes from M ocksville! 1-40 West @ Exit 162 (Cool Springs Exit) Call (704) 546-7615 for info I .\ •-.I. Continued From Page Cl people buried in the cemetery had. Some names have changed over the years, Hager said, such as Marz to March to Martin. The students found stones J o p p a . . . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 24,2008 - C3 that had been reported missing sincc Ihe 1800s. They’re careful not to disturb the grounds, and understand that some stones (and wooden markers) have deterio­ rated or may have sunken under the ground. “These people will not be lost,” Hager said. "When some­ one comes here to connect with their ancestors, they will know which part of tho cemetery to Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Crazy Horse, for one 6. Police Jacket letters 10.''_,18"(Urls novel) 14. "Amazing" magician 15. Andean land 16 , -Eaters (shoeInserts) 17, Something to look for In clothes 19. Infamous "fiddler"20. Banned Insecticide 21. Con votes 22. Turkey's capital ’ 24. Does some lumbering 25. Pew attachment26, Take charge 29, Bad guy 30, Like Peary's explorations 31, Lacto-_- vegelarlan32, K.T. of country mgslo 36, Grid coach iVlangini 37, indy 500 locale 38, Radiator attachment39, Shrivel up 41, _Tafari (Hallo Selassie) 42, Bran provides it 43, White House architect James 45. Made taut 48. Fastest land animal 49. Dog treat 50. Send again 51. January 1 song word52. Suppositions 55, Workbook segment 56, Movie Stand-In, perhaps Suits Mel 59, Roger Bannister event 60, Move like the Blob 61, "Molly Sweeney" playwright Brian62, Pretzels go-wlth 63, Mimicking sort 64, Che cohort DOWN 1. Filthy deposit 2. Two pairs, e.g. 3. "What's _ for me?" 4. Tokyo, formerly '5. Like to Helslnkl- Vantaa Airport 6, Neuters 7, Fly catchers 8 , " we there yet?" 9, New Orleans school 10, Playful prank 11, Model of excellence 12, Mr, Moto player 13, Loud, like a crowd 16, Croquet area 23. Nautilus skipper 24. Portable source of warmth 25. Granny, Windsor, etc,26. Eject, as lava 27. Actress Spelling 28. Monarch crowned in 1953; Abbr. 29. Bottled water brand 31. First name In daytime TV talk 33, Soft tosses 34, "That's clear" 35, Social goofball 40, Words of denial 42. Repel, as an attack 44. Stallone’s fictional boxer 45. Spilled the beans 46. Biscuit bit 47. Actress-skater Sonja 48. Writer Zola 49. Part of an eBay transaction 51. Wood-dressing tool 52. Footnote abbr, 53. Run for it 54 . out (turn traitor)57. Caveman Alley 58. Entails! Geller Answers On Page C7 lY im y o t ir d r e a m s in to r I (iw n iS; ( ,(iu i\irv I liiiiR - S h iiw i ,isr u ill liiltill ;ill M iu r (k c iM M lin ^ iic iiK .is (lu r i% m i\vlfili;f.ilili' stilli ■i''''isl'. vini in liim iii^ \ (iu i iln -.im s iiilii ic .ilin : W 'Iu i I k t viiu V i' liiiiM in ji ;i lu w lio n u ', n iiiiu lr lm g iir ri'ilc K ii.iliiii; yiJUI' rxl.stlllf' Ik h ir'. lIlM II \ t .()iiiur\'sf>(i,il is lii m -.iU ' iIk ' IKiiccl ìiviugi-’UviinanRiu liv lo t'iisiiii; u n M U ir m c iK .iiid liiK liiif; llii' iili'.il li-il.iiii U i iw iT n siyk-, lo iiii .»ili ù in i lio n . \ V illi filli lim i’ iiiU 'rio r (Ic'sigiicTs ,m il (..lim ici spc'c ialisis Oli '<t;ill, lo w n l'i: C im n ir v has rlii-rig h i i.iip c i, lik -, h .ird w iK K l la niiiiau- lld iirm g and la b iiH is io in.iki' y o u i h o iiU ' a s h o w p la n '. ( mIIiiI'ì OMì' /')' liidiy' yi^\e ^U \ÌÌZ crtZ CABINE TRY „EUMITcom™. "Ta/'Ri/'iTVg ‘ifo'iiS'ES 'I'tii'o ‘?fo'Mxs" rb w ^ ic o v fU r'^ r H O M E S H O W C A S E 5275 U.S. Hwy 158, Advance (Tanglewood Crossing Shopping Center) 336-998-7800 “'Thi'R'ti'i'Ug (Hb'iisxs 1‘ii'fo ‘Jio'MiEs" R E M O D E L IN G 336-477-4026 go,’ “If they’re not taken care of,. they’ll just disappear," student fCierry Christmiis said of the graves. She studied the Brown family that had seven children. Six had .died at age 1 year or younger. “The infant mortality rate was high back then." ' Kelly Jankowski said «he has found connections between families.buried in Ihe cemetery. And they found a child’s tombstone with no parents listed. Of the 143 documented graves, more than 30 are children under age 10. Several Revolutionary War soldiers are buried there. “The kids arc excited about this project," Hager said, “They enjoyed meeting with the fami­ lies. Some are excited enough to continue with the research.” If they teach history the way Hager does, it won’t be the bor­ ing subject many remember. Attorney To Discuss ‘Legal Forms Everyone Should Have’ On Wednesday, Aug. 13 at 10:30 a.m. Davie County Senior Services will host its next Town Hall Meeting. Brian Williams, attorney with Martin & Van Hoy, will discuss wills, living wills, power of attorney, and healthcare power of attorney. This-is a great opportunity to ask questions and get the answers you need. Join the “Legal Forms Everyone Should Have" seminar to ensure that you and your loved ones are aware of what legal forms are needed to be prepared for the future. The meeting is open to adults of all ages - no children. Call 753-6230' to register. Refreshments will be served. There is no charge. S u d o k u 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 1 5 3 7 1 3 8 9 4 8 6 5 2 7 3 6 5 1 8 9 Solution On Page C7 Grady and HUong McClamrock of Apex would like to announce the birth of their new baby girl. Mndlson Grace Le McClamrock was born on July 9, 2008 at 7:01 a.m. at WakeMcd Hospital In Cary. She weighed 6 lbs 1 oz and >vns 18.5 inclie.s long. Maternal grandparents are Be Tran and Hong Le of M ocksville. . Paternal grandparents are Marilyn McClamrock of Mocksvillc and Grady and Cathy McClamrock of Mocksvillc. Maternal great- grandpurents are the late Luong Le and Man TVon of Vietnam and Chum Thi Nguyen of Vietnam and the late Lai T^an of Mocksville. Paternal great-grandparents are Carolyn Corriher and the late Grady Corriher of Mooresvllle, Sylvia Kennedy of Raleigh, and Grady and Lucy McClamrock of Mocksville. Maternal aunts and uncles arc Ha Tran and Hung Nguyen of Lexington, Sanh and Thanh Tran of Lexington, Linh Tran and Stephanie McCoy of Mocksvillc, Son Tran and Loc Nguyen of Lexington, Long Tran of Lfts Vegas and Violet Tran of W inston Salem. Paternal aunts and uncles are Adam M cClamrock of Mocksville and Anna and Chris Roth of Huntersville. Is YQur son or daughter off to coUij vn gjn touch IS simple.. - . g e t t w olines with all these features • Unlimited Cailing lo Vbur QfCte"• Unlimited MoWlo lo-MotHo• Unlimited Niohla 4 Woekefids ’’'“choose your bonus feature(Oft^pwlin*) 1000 loxl/picturo/Viaoo mossflgns S unlimited My Circle & mob(le-lo-mob:le mosMaosorNights staniiKI al 7:00 p.m. clioose your plan ' *S4.»B/mo' ' 1000 Mauonal Anytime Mnulos I ! to My Orels ruinb«« with unlitrtled calkng : *1 i4.»8/mo • 2000 Nnllonal /inytimo Mniilas; 20 My Circle rvumtiefs wilh urtWlod calling' Family Premier S13«,0«/mo 2200NaNonnlAnytiimMinul(»: 20 My CM) nurnbe» Hilh linlnnltQd caitng ' 0fKo:;eieft&AN08tart>curr»GhiQa) ?:00p.m CfUrOI« HV/y' Alltel wireless authorized agent THE PHONE PLACE Now with two locations to better serve our customers! 121 Depot SL, Mocksville, NC 27026 Mon.-Frl, 8:30am-5pm; Saturday, 9am-Noon 336-751-2626 1278 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksviiie, NC 27028 Mon,-Frl,11;00anv6pm; Saturday, 10am-3pm 336-753-1447 For terms and conditions, see vjww.alllel.com/lerms.hlml [h C4 - DAVEE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 T h a n k \ o u We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our friends and famUy in the Davie County community who reached out to us in the loss of our beloved, Lonnie. Your thoughtful expressions of sympathy throught the many cards, flowers, calls, food, and visits, brought much comfort to us during our loss. We are grateful for your kindness. May God bless you all. The Family of Lonnie Barker meg brown home furnishings Queen SetsStarting at *399TermWang ,,OYftRTA‘ -"i ' .-uu...... ii,V '■-■■'А'-'— FneeREMOVAL meg brown home furnishings 5491 US Hwy. 158, Advance, NC 336-998-7277 MJ.W.F 9-0 • Thur. 0-8 • Sol. 9-5 www.megbrownhome.com Keith HllierП09 Yadkinville Hwy. Willow Oiiki Shopping Cir. Mockivlllo751-6131 IIIANKSÍOI Making Ui ItlnNorthCaroflna. Jim Kelly, Jr. 261 North M.lln SI. Mockiville751-2937 Nationwide’ On Your side Auto Иопч Ш euürtf« -----<%*««• 1ЛАм1 lrrtu«4* »"<1 АЛк»« CwTiwtm HíUeiMil* lib Intiivx« ¿(пчкпу e*"«* A S t o r e h o u s e F o r J e s u s w ill be helping w ith School Supplies fo r Davie Co. School Children Parents must meet Income Requirements, Proof of residence Is required also, August 18th thru August 21st REGULAR CUENT houre Mon., Wed. & Thurs.* 9:00am (musl sign In by 11:00am) Tuesday • 1:00pm (must sign In by 3:00pm)Working parents may come on Tlies. evening, Aug, 19th, 5-7pm, for Davie County SchoolPencils, Pens, Cokxed Pendls, HtahOghlers, Maitm & Thh Un« Martiers, (Sdisora IpoliM & fouii^, Po^ Foldeis & 2-PoiMCmiosltlon Books (black & white). Glue SUcki, Dkidonaiy (combinagon En^sh), DMdet Sheets, ZIppered Pouch lor Pencils, Small Pendl Box, №ck & Pencil Erasers, Index Cards, Three FM Binders (d sizes), Cakxilalorsl (Texas instruments Ti 30x113 and TI 63 or TI 84), Booi(8m araAlwayt NeededI —WY SCHOOl tinn NC MJMm ImsI year we were able fa help over 300 sliidents because ojthe genervslty of Davie County. /1 Storehouse For Jesus wants lo say "TImnkyou Davie County for all the help you have given us In Ihe past," IIV coiiUn'r do Ihls without youlJEAN YOUNG, School Supply Coordinator A S t o r e h o u s e F o r J e s u s 675 E. Lexington Rd. • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-1060 Tactician® Plus Flexible-Promlum Deferred Annuity Want guarantees? We’ll give you guarantees.' 6.90% FIRST Y E A R RATE“ II you’ve got lime to let your money grow, Taollolan* Plus may be the fixed annuity (or you, offering: ' • Competitive rate of return' • "Bonus" Interest for large deposits’ • Tax-deferred growth • Emergency access to your savings* * We’re here to help you: M ark Jo n es S te v e R id e n h o u r 852 US Hwy. 64 West, Ste. 101, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-0669 ' Guarani»« based on the clali ty of Lincoln OeneM Ufe. ' ^ig{vd*!lu^^^008* d«Pendloo on lenflth of Investmenl. Rale vulll lower aner »econd year and la ' BoTHia inlereal li offered al Uncoln BeneM Uel diacrelion and may be wfihdrawn at any Ume. > May bo wbjoct 10 itate avftHabllty. Umitaliooi apply. Diilrtbutk)na taken pftor lo amUtUatlon are generally contUered to come Irom the gain In Ihe conlrect firtt. II Ihe contract ta UuK^aUM, oenetally «11 withdrawaK are treated m dt«utbution»o( q^r. Withdrawal« o( gain ue taxed u ordinal Income and, Ftaken to ao« SOVi. may bo lu^oct to an addtkmU 10% lederai tax peTuiiiy. L I N C O L N B E N E F I T L I F E A N ALLSTATE COMPANY TKtldw* put U a (l«Kibla-«wWum dafoned annuity w№ a Maikat WKM U|i»(ment maant. upon luifwdet, avallaUalniMiialoiSccnDKIX'leiAP 9SM. caiUllca»Hilai(Well9a.«id »t>im VAn SKU and QVAR iTO,lmdAni*oe.1 .B IM 9 4 -I__________________ Mocksville Lions Club officers, from left: front - Perry Seawrlght, Glenn Clement, Mark Hecht, Dale Brown, Frank Burgle, Charles Crenshaw; back - George Kimberly, David Carroll, Bill Fender, Demsiò Grimes, Patsy Crenshaw, Rick Raynor and Fred Francis, installing officer. M o c k s v i l l e U o n s I n s t a l l N e w O f f i c e r s Tlic Mocksville Lions Club instntlcd new officers June 19. Zone 4 Chair Fred Fruncis of the Konnoalc Hills Lions Club in Winston-Salem performed the ceremony that saw Rick Raynor being installed as president of the club for the second consecu­ tive term. Following a presentation of certificates of appreciation to club committee chairs nnd offic­ ers for 2007-2008, a special gift of appreciation was given to Lion Katie Collette for her work as treasurer four years, and to Raynor for his leadership and service to the visually impaired. Raynor, who attended the district awards and installation banquet at Ihe Archdale/Trinity Lions Club, announced awards Mocksville had received on the district level, including 100 per­ cent club, 100 perccnt secretary, and best bulletin. Raynor received the Jack Stickley Fellowship, and George Kimberly was awarded the Wil­ liam U. Woolard Partner In Ser­ vice Award. ■ The club was also recognized for contributions to the Lions Campaign Sight First II (Vision For All), and for exceeding the goal for raising funds for Camp Dogwood for the Blind, Raynor reviewed service ac­ tivities for 2007-2008: • provided vision care such as examinations and glasses to 55 people; • collected approximately 950 pairs of eyeglasses for dis­ tribution in needy areas; • awarded a $750 college scholarship to a Davie High School graduate; • awarded the John LWalker Scholarship to pay summer tu­ ition for college courses In Costa Rica for a local blind student majoring in Spanish; • hosted a Red Cross Blood- mobile visit; • contributed lo the Davie Family YMCA Partners With Youth; • contributed to Lions Cot­ tage renovation at the N.C, Boys and Girls Home; • surpassed its goal for the N.C. Lions Foundation Humani­ tarian White Cane Fund; • contributed to the Davie Advodacy Center; • contributed to Lions Inter national Campaign SightFirst II Vision For All; • conducted a monthly diabe­ tes and hypertension screening; • two Lions worked one day each at Camp Dogwood for the Blind; • conducted peaceposter con­ test in middle schools; • sponsored the Leo Club at South Davic Middle School; • completed payment to the Meban Challenge; • completed pledge payments to'A Storehouse for Jesus; • entered a float in the Christ­ mas parade; • contracted to participate In the Adopt-A-Highway road beuutincation program; • participated In the Salvation Anny bell ringing collections for two days; My name is Parker Bailey nnd I’m 2 years old. I want to tell you about my new baby sister, Zowie Addison Uaiicy, My sissy was born on April 2 al 11:27 a.m. at Forsyth Mcdleui Center. She was 7 lbs. 9 oz. nnd 21 Incbcs long, and is rcd-hcaded Just like me. My mommy and daddy are Michael and Mandy Bailey of Advance. Me and sls.sy have many grandparents that love us, We hnve our nana and pappy (Dale nnd Darlene Naylor) nnd our mamaw and pappy (Charles and Judy Bailey). Sissy also has one great- grnndpn (Lester Nnylor). I can’t wait until she’s big like me so wc can play. T A m « r l c « 's B « « t W i n g * D a ily S p e c ia ls Monday - Friday Sandwich & Salad Combo includes soft drinic $g95 Monday ■ Thursday 25 Wings & Chips$1375 Wild Wednesday 49'* wings Hwy. 601, Mocksville Across from the Post Office 336-751-9464 T Christopher and Amy Boardwine, along .with their son, Justin, are pleased to an­ nounce the birth of their daughter and little sister, Emma Grace Boardwine. Emma was born on May 19 at 2:58 p.m. at Forsyth Medical Center. She weighed 7 lbs. 7.9 0 2 . and was 201/2 inches long. Proud grandparents arc Joe and Judy Bailey of Mocksville and the late Sherry and Herbert Boardwine of Middletown, Md. Emma was named after a very special lady, her great-grandmother, the late Emma Louise York. • held a Christmas dinner for the blind; • provided gifts for the blin at Christmas; • provided services for the blind and visually impaired; • contributed to Triad Infor­ mation Reading Servlcc for the blind; • one Lion volunteered as grccter at the N.C. Lions State Convention; • . sent four people to Cam Dogwood this summer; • sent four blind people to Ihe visually impaired fishing toumo- ment at Nags Head, sent four people to help those fishing. Fundraisers include a fall cit­ rus fruit sale, birthday calendar sales, ruffles, concessions, yard sales and others. The Mocksvillc Lions Club has 40 members. Meetings arc held at 7 p.m. on the first Thurs­ day of every month, with board members meeting at 6 p.m. on the flrst and third Thursdays. Membership is open. Board meetings are open to all mem­ bers and invited guests. Grant To Help Buy Pet Beds The Humane Society of Davie County wus selected to receive a grunt from the American Humane Association’s Meacham Foundation Memorial. The society received $2,470 lo purchase durable Kuranda pet beds for use in its no-kiil pet adoption center nt 290 Eaton Road in Mocksville. “The Humane Society could not have purchased these pet beds without a grant, so we are thrilled to have been awarded a Meacham grant this year,” says Rachel Dunn, adoption center coordinator. Visit the Humane Society's adoption center to find your next dog or cat companion for life. Ии* Sportwim, Str«et Stock, aád Stadhim Stock Rm m and П Davidson Auto Salvage C H A I N R A C E ■ ' li^t II Saturday iNightWmOatoi орвТПбг practice at в FIRSTJRACEZATS Fans’Priie: KW’s4.Wh««lwfrom Kevin Powell's --- Foothill Fort Ш ГО © Ш 131Ш !1Ш 336-723.1819 12 and Older-«10 Ages e through 11 <$1 Chlldran under 6 - FREE! www.BowmanGrayRaclng.com ..V. DAVIE COUNTY ENl'ERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - CS 7 American - » Cancer « Society D a v i e C o u n t y ’s llt h A nnual A m e rica n C ancer Sodety ..... и ш July 25-26,2008 • Davie Family YMCA Thick 6КЮ pnv-9:00 am (overnight) F e a t u r ir ig C o u n t r y M u s ic S t a r K e v in S h a rp CORPORATE SPONSOR LEVELS PUllnum Lev«!i Doo«n-ln|er»oll Rand Cold Uveh &ink of The Carolmat BB&T Pkdntont Nitural Ga» FtHindation Salem Baking Company HSdWrtWley Telecom Silver Level: Conviuer United Mcthodiit Church Divle County &itefprl»e Rccord Erwin Tcmplo-CME Chureh . Fir»» United Mcthodiit Chtirth Sagebnith Sieakhou»« of MocktviUe Tnltenoiihe Eau.Coau Wi^tiabs VFJean»wMr -VSU-Man$tonB»l096 Brvnie U vfb AcoutUol Concepu Buck's Ptna Dnn Robertson, Atioriuiy DaMe D«rmatok)|y PA Dxfii St|n Cofnpany Deano^ Birt>ocuo Fultor^rdiltenure Keirhle Creek Bakery Sun Prlntinj Con^pany. Inc. The Mobile Jukebox Friends of Rolayi Anno Holland-In Memory ot her Moiher, Clara Sunn«ld Bob Cope A Sort Conitructtoo Kotintry Kldi Learning Comer & Pre-School Linda Barnette *( M usic & Fun F o r A il Ages! S h u t t l e S e r v ic e from Davie Public Library or First Baptist Church to the YMCA 5:30 to 7:30 pm EVERY IS MINUTES. From 8 pm to 10 pm ON THE HOUR (8pm, 9pm & 10pm) S C H E D U L E O F E V E N T S FRIDAY, July 25. 2008 6:20prrl Survivors* Entrance 6;30pm Opening Ceremony Opening Song-Beplta Flnne/ InvocatlOT-FarmlngtonAVesley Chapel UMC Pastor JackTookey Woicomo-Barban\ Basham National Anthcm-Leonard Rowe Introduction of Guest Speaker-ACS representatlve,Jami Myers Guest Speaker-David Bradiey Survivor Lap Recognition of Survivors-Barbara Basham and Kathy Ellis Parade of Teams-Barbara Basham and Kathy Eiiis 7i00-9i00pm Silent Aliction for Relay chairs painted for ^ e Davie County Arts Council 7:00pm Second Chance - Voriety Bond ' 8;00pm Country Music Star • Kevin Sharp 7^ 9:15pm Luminary Ceremony Lighting of the Candles Memory torch donated In memory of Crystal Hilton MenioryTorch-Nellie Hargrove Honor Torch-Deborah Payne Prayer for a Cure-Reverend Dr. Crystal Alexander Prayer Chaln-everyone stop where you are af\d |oin hands Silent Lap-in honor and in memory of cancer victims A Relay Worshipr Experience Benita Rnney Max Peterkin Paula Lewis Braden Finney Susan Seaford Amber Finney Leonard Rowe Refuge Communjry Church Choir 9;30pm I0;30pm 10.45pm i 1:30pm Fight Baci< Ceremony- Katie Junker Fight Bacic Dance Party ^ Relay Karaol<e 'k SATURDAY, July 26, 2008 12:00 Midnight Relay Karaoi<e - continues n J '^ j 2:00am , All Night Music and Games by - The Mobile JukeboK, D/s Barry Rentz and Max Peterkin 7:00am Aerobics by - Sonya Wilson from theYMCA 9:00am ,, Closing Ceremony - Barbara Basham Survivors Victory Lap - everyone pack the track Ж Pack up, Go home, Rest! Сб ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 Farminüton News By Laura Mathis Farmington Correspondent Saturday, July 19, was a good day for tlie Farmington Farmers Market. Tliank-you to all who came out to buy. We couldn't believe huw many people came out looking for f^resh produce. For those of you who said that you would have some produce ready for picking soon, bring it as soon as it comes in. Carol Head was there with her great collection of relishes, jelly and jams. She even had sweet potato butter. She had also brought tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. She sold out and had her husband to bring more. It, too, was gone in no lime. Patty Howell did well also. She brought sweet onions and garlic and sold most of what she had. All of the produce there last Saturday was organically grown and fresh and sold at a good price, There was a couple of people who came by who said that they were going to bring vegetables next week, so we are looking for a good turn-out this Saturday. We had several people com­ ing by who were looking for lo­ cal honey, green beans, peaches, and cantaloupe so if you have some available, bring it on out. I think the best thing about Ihe event is how appreciative people are for the community center taking the effort to open up the Farmington Farmers Market. It’s a great place to sell produce with the covered picnic shelter, bath­ rooms available, and a safe place for families to bring their chil­ dren. It's safer than selling along the roadside and it allows pro­ duce to be sold in one place, making it easier for those who arc wanting to buy local pro­ duce. The Farmers Market is open Saturdays from 8 a.m.-l p.m. or until the produce sales out. The Farmington Community Center will be hosting another Senior Social Friday, July 25 from 1-3 p.m. All local seniors Charles Alexander and Paula HIckok buy onions from Patty Howell (left) and Carol weighs tomatoes for Betty Ann Kimel at the Farmington Farmer’s IVIarket last Saturday. are invited. There will be games and summer desserts and of course, good fellowship and fun. Desserts are provided for you to enjoy, but if you have a favorite recipe and want to bring some­ thing, that will be just fine. It would be nice if some of you fellows would bring along your guitars and play a little. There’s nothing like having some string music to top off the afternoon. On July 31, Farmington will be visited by Ann Swallow, Na­ tional Register coordinator for the State Historic Preservation office. She will be meeting with me and Beth McCashin, who is heading up our Farmington Pres­ ervation Society. We will be dis­ cussing the process of filing the Historical Registry application and look over some improve­ ments made in the community. If you live in one of the histori­ cal homes along Farmington Road, between Queen Bess' old home and through the crossroads to the end of the historical homes there, please make sure that your yards have been nicely groomed if able. Though I'm sure that she will be most interested in the old structures, it is helpful to have the landscape looking nice, Sheffield-Calaheiln News By Janice Jordan Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent Vacation Bible Schools are going strong, with Center United Methodist Church finishing last week, and New Union UMC’s scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 3- Thursday, Aug, 7 each evening from 6-9, All children ages 3 to sixth grade level are welcome, and will spend the week learning about serving Jesus through the Backyard Bible Club. The week will finish with a backyard cookout for the kids and their families, and will feature an inflatable jumping castle. To pre-. register your child, call Heather Dyson at 492-6408, Here are the community birthdays and anniversaries I received for this week, S,T. and Ruth Snow will celebrate their wedding anniversary on July 24, Yvonne Ijames and Tommy Dyson’s birthdays are July 25, Several share July 26 birthdays and include AI Sutphin, McKenna Reynolds, Sandra Boger, Kourtney Cohen, and Christian Reeves. That’s also the wedding anniversary for Sherrill and Teresa Johnson. Stacey Johnson and Eugene Reeves have July 27th birthdays. Sherry Keaton, Tyson Wilson, Morgan Cunha, and Ernestine Cleary all have birthdays July 28. Clark Gobble and Corey R. Dyson were bom July 29, the same day as Ed and Amber Thutt’s anniversary, Brenda Beck’s birthday is July 30. Summer camp sessions are nearly over at the Poplar Springs School on Ijames Church Road. Whether or not you have an interest in Ihe camp, you might want lo read about the school at, mvw.poplarspr'mgsschool.com since the building is part of the history of Davie Counly. Saturday, July 26 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. is the New Union Men’s Fellowship Hot Dog Lunch in the parking lot of the church. Picnic tables arc available for everyone to sit down and eat or you can get your order to go. Donations are accepted. Homecoming at tlie church will be Sunday, Aug. 10, with revival beginning that day and continuing through 1376 Salisbury Road mocksullle (b e h in d B u c ii’s P iz z a ) 3 3 6 -9 3 6 -9 1 0 5 SURF THE INTERNET Play Sweepstakes C A S H P R I Z E S ■ All Your Favorite Games ç a # a « » S h a m r o c k 7 ’s D e u c e s W i l d K e n o S i z z l e n S e v e n s a n d m a n y m o r e / « # *AII Cash Prizes over $600 will receive a 1099 form * Must be 18 years old to play sweepstakes • O P E N 7 D A YS A W EEK • Wednesday, Aug. 13. The fourth annual New Union UMC Fall Festival is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 20 from iO a.m.-4 p.m. Vendor participation is welcome,''to anyone who is interested in a space should call Vicki Groce at 961-6929 or Brenda Bailey at 751-7567. Fourteen-year-old Ashleigh Davis was in the hospital last week for a biopsy of a growth in her brain. She and her parents, Randy and Melissa Davis, await test results that will determine the course of, treatment. The family’s fellow church members at Ijames Baptist have rallied around them, along with Ihe community at large. Please include Ashleigh in your prayers. Anyone who has photos or information about the Hunters Helping Kids event that was held on Saturday, July 19 is asked to send them lo me for use in this column. Call me at 492-5836 or wtm\jvfjordan®hotmaH.com. Advance News By Edith Zimmcrmnn Advance Correspondent Ivury Barnum celebruted her third birthday with a parly at her home on Bridle Lane Saturday, July 12, Guests were her aunts Amanda Hendrix of Salisbury, Meredith Hendrix of Durham, her grandmother Janie Hendrix and great-grandmother Edith Zimmerman, Ivory’s sister Isabelle also celebrated her Sth birthday with this group. Her birthday had fallen on June 14 and she was out-of-town on this particular day, Lelia Gray, husband Jay Gray and son Jack of Winter Haven, Fla, spent the weekend with Lelia’s mother, Jeanette Cornatzer. Daughter Erin Gray, who is in summer school at Chapel Hill, joined her family. Alvin Myers underwent sur­ gery for replacement of a heart valve last week at Forsyth Medi­ cal Center. He was discharged Monday and went to the home of his daughter, Melissa Garvin und husband in High Point for further recuperation. Dale Myers, long distance truck driver, spent Sunday with his mother Anna Lee Myers. Get well wishes go out to Pat Chaffin who was in Forsyth Medical Center for observation and treatment a few days last week.. She Is home and is await- , ing results of the tests. Denise Fariey of Ariington, Va. arrived Wednesday, July 16 and spent through Saturday with her grandmother, Edith Zimmerman. On Thursday Meredith Hendrix of Durham came to visit her cousin Denise through Friday. During Friday afternoon Melissa Barnum and daughters Isabelle and IVory and Janie Hendrix came for a visit. Get well wishes go out to Joe Morgan and to Leelee Monda who are recuperating from re­ cent surgeries. The Rev. Kermit Bailey of Kerncrsville was a church re­ lated visitor of Edith Zimmerman on Friday. He also visited the Revs. Cheryl Skinner and Kirk Tuttcrow. Bess Bennett, Cynthia Sum­ mers and Edith Zimmerman vis­ ited relative Mahala Collette West in Winston-Salem Sunday afternoon.'Mahala is recovering from gall bladder surgery. Get well wishes go out to'' Chariic Latham who is undergo'- ing cardiology therapy three times weekly. An arrangement of pink and while ro.ses, in a beautiful vase, was placed on the Advance United Methodist Church altar Sunday in honor of Baby Kate Wilson, bom July 14 to Jamie and Anne Wilson and big sister Abby Wilson. Mother and baby are doing fine and hopefully will soon be home at Peoples Creek Road, Advance. We send our congratulations to Ihe young family. Ü ^ r e r n / e r S T A lN M A S T E ß Go//c<r(t'an' I i u S' W ' 9 / ) j / / ( ‘ ( V/и >// \ The Premier STAINMASTER'* Carpet Collection - only at Abbey Carpet. The numbef-one-selllng carpet brand In America, STAINMASTER* carpet comblnat luxurloui style with unbeatable performance.STAINMASTER* catpett are designed with the latest technologies to keep them looking great year after year. And now, exclusively at Abbey stores, you'll tind an Incredible selection of America's best-loved carpet In The Premier STAINMASTER* Carpet Collection.Featuring today's gorgeous colors and styles In an easyto-shop environment, this collection has the STAINMASTER* carpet that's just right lor your Interior and your lifestyle. Visit us today and see what all the excitement's about. /\/0 P O yiT \& ntS No Interest C00048 ___ Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8-d & Sat. 9-1 213 New Highway 64 West, Lexington, NC P h o n e :2 4 9 -6 6 7 2 CARPET & FLO O RIN G COVERIN G ___ «INVISTA Inc. 20M. Ml light! itu rw l., I V I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - C7 County Line News By Shirley Thome County Line Correspondent The Youth of Salein United Methodist Church will sponsor a sandwich and cold cuts dinner at noon Sunday, July 27, in Ihe 'fellowship hall. Just make a donation and cat ‘til your heart’s desire. Proceeds will be used to send “tlood buckets” (buckets filled with needed household items) to areas that have been devastated by floods. The Piney Grove AME Zion Church Senior Choir will celebrate its 69th anniversary with a service at 3 p.m. Sunday. Local church choirs will participate. There will be a period of refreshments and fellowship prior lo the service. Church members invite others for oln afternoon of great gospel music. This Sunday, Pleasant View Baptist Church will have a birthday fellowship honoring those with birthdays during July in the fellowship hall following the 6 p.m. worship service. Church members invite others for worship followed by cake and other finger foods. Upcoming community events include Salem United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School from 10 a.m.-5;30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2; a Ruritan country ham and sausage breakfast from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, Aug, 2, at the V-Point Sudoku Solution Building on Old Mocksville Road; and the annual community veterans’ supper Monday, Aug. 4 at V-Point. Our community sends happy birthday wishes to Paul Cartner, who is celebrating his 94th birthday today (Thursday). He has been homebound since suffering a severe stroke in 1996 but has received excellent care by his wife Lois. The couple resides on US 64 West near Oakdale, Paul, we all wish you a great day and a happy new year of life. We extend our deepest sympathy lo the family of Denesc Nail, who died unexpectedly at her home this past Saturday, She was bom in 1963 in Torrance, Calif. She and her husband Ronnie lived on Ridge Road near Little Creek- Ketchie Creek, he was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. The family was to receive friends from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton Funeral Home, and a funeral was lo be held at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) at Eaton’s chapel with burial to follow at Iredell Memorial Gardens of Statesville. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Laura Turner McCorkle, who died Monday of last week. She was bom in 1925 to the late Offie and Lizzie Turner of Iredell Counly und attended Iredell schools. She was a long-time member of Crossword Answers 6 5 В 7 1 9 4 2 3 7 1 3 8 2 4 9 5 6 9 4 2 6 5 3 8 7 1 В 9 S 2 3 6 7 1 4 1 3 6 4 7 S 2 8 9 2 7 4 9 8 1 6 3 5 5 2 9 1 6 7 3 4 8 3 6 7 S 4 B 1 9 4 В 1 3 9 2 5 6 7 Piney Grove AME Zion Church. At the time of her death, she resided in Pulaski, Va. A service to celebrate her life was held Saturday at Piney Grove, where she was laid lo rest in the ceipetery, Ruth Kimmer remains in serious condition in Lexington. Libby Blair is recuperating at home. Join us as we pray for the Lord’s comfort and healing in the lives of Ruth, Libby, and the families of Denese and Laura. Please also remember in prayer those who have health problems or other difficulties in life. Regarding our story last week about the Strouds’ celebration of life and Ann Stroud’s liver transplant, technically it took only six months for Keith’s liver to regenerate to 95% but took one year for him lo recover from the surgery. My mother and I like to watch Jim Cramer’s "Mad Money” TV show on CNBC. Mother is glad he no longer throws the stools. We were excited when wc were among 80 or so selected lo attend the taping of his NBC Sunday night special, "The American Dream,” which aired nationally July 13. The program was taped Memorial Day weekend under a big lent on the infield of the Lowes Motor Speedway. When I took the picture of my mother and President Clinton, publisher Dwight Sparks said the picture was good but it would have been better if we had the newspaper with us. So, this lime my mother and I made our national TV debut with the newspaper ai our side on the front row next lo Kyle Busch’s race car, Kyle and Cari Edwards were Jim’s special guests. After the taping, I told Jim about Dwight and the newspaper and he gladly posed with us and the paper. Yes, the L O R D y . L O R D Y DONNIE STROUD k 4 0 !! Happy № iitiday to a great brother, hunting buddy and all around great guy. Love, LH tle P ro tbe rJo h w Davie Counly Enterprise Record NBC. definitely gets around as it made If you took a spccial trip this national TV two weeks ago on summer or had an cxciti'ng experience, please share your adventure with us. Just call Shiriey at 492-5115 or email sdtlink® hotmuU.com. During a recent Methodist building mission trip to Alaska, Jack Koontz took these pictures of the lone eagle. In the picture on the left, he was about 20 feet from the eagle, which was eating Its supper on the beach at Anchor Point and was not about to fly away. Shirley and Pauline Thorne attended the taping of "The American Dream with Jim Cramer," an NBC Sunday night special that aired nationally July 13. The Enterprise Record definitely gets around as it made national TV with Pauline and Shirley on the front row beside Kyle Busch's famous No, 18 race car. BELLA NAPOLI P o lio f P a s ta , S u b s & P iz z a I*/- J « W e 6 r t n ç A u t h e n t ic D e lic io L U I t a l i a n C u ià in e to y o u r n e ig h b o r h o o d ! ~ A Selection of Rôtisserie Chicken ~ ~ Variety of Pasta Dishes ~ ~ Salads, ii^petizers & Subs ~ We Now Have PIZZA , AUo a Variety of Gourmet PizzMl Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials ~ Beer & Wine Available ~ 16» Pizza with 2 Toppings TakQ Out Only Expiree AugusOI, 2008 Must Present Coupon 1*5® " j i ^ O F F 2 Seafood Specialties I (Off Mem OiilyJ |Dine In Only J E<|wes August 31, :00a j .JMu«l Preeer« Coupon For Take Out, Delivery or Reservations call 766-8290 A lso for D elivery (336) 245-2394 Open 7 Days A Week • 1 lam-9:30pm 6235 Tow n Center Drive, Clemmons Smoke Free Facility • N o Personal Checks Accepted I,- I '- C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 Obituaries Pauline Truelove West Mrs, Pauline Truelove West, 81, of Harding Street, Mocks­ ville, died Wednesday, July 16, 2008, at her home. Mrs. West she was born Jan. 12. 1927, in Davie County to L u z i n c Crcason nnd John Captain True- love. Mrs. West attended Trin­ ity Baptist Church. She enjoyed gardening, canning nnd .spending time in the mountnins. She was also preceded In death by her husband, Jntnes Robert West Sr.; a son, Walter Lee West; 2 grandchildren, Cynthia Jane Gaither and Scotty Lee West; 3 brothers, Frank, Rob, and William West. Survivors; 3 sons, James Robert (nanc6 Anna) We.st Jr., Lnrry Eugene (Knthy) West, all of Mocksville, John William West of Snlisbury; nnd a daugh­ ter, Jonnnc (Levi) Phillips of Oalax, Vii. A graveside service was con­ ducted at 3 p.m, Friday, July 18, al Liberty Methodist Cemetery. The family received friends friends July 17, at Eaton Funeral Home. Online condolences; ti’U'tf. eutonfwwralservice. com. Don Walser Brooks Don Walser Brooks, 69, of Winston-Salem died Saturday, July 19,2008 nt Forsyth Medical Center. A memorial service was lo be held at 7 p.m, Wednesday July 23 at Davidson Funeral Home Hickory Tree Chapel, The service will be conducted by Elder Robert Hall, Mr, Brooks was bom Oct. 21, 1938 in Davidson County to Fred Monroe Brooks and Laura Veigh Walser Brooks. He was retired from Duke Energy. Mr. Brooks was ii veterim with the US Army He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Clara Ellen Brooks. Surviving; his wife. Belly Spillman Brooks of the home; son, Terry Dwayne Brooks aiid wife Tummy of Midway; daughter Jackie Brooks Cline and husband Richard of Arcadia; brothers Vernon Lee (Butch) Brooks and wife Nancy of Yadkin College, Hnrvey Monroe Brooks and wife Melinda of Trinity; 3 grandchildren. The family was to receive friends from 6-7 p.m. Wednesday July 23, at Davidson Funeral Home Hickory Tree Chapel. Memorials; WInslon Salem South Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 3799 Old Lexington Rond, Winston Salem, 27107 Online condolences; wivu'. da vidsonfiiiieralhome. lie I, io ~ Touchless ore 7 Brush Wash f ¿1^ M o c k s v ille A u to P rid e C a r W ash 2 N. Yadkinviile Rd. Mocksville i (across Irom Lowes Home G m Improvement) (" Itl'.rUKSKN TATIVK J u lia H o w a rd N C ' /taii.w 79ih D i.snid Flca.se coiiiaci me in: MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 16 W. Jonas Street, Rm 1108 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: ¡utiahdincleg.nel l‘Mn ЮК mJuiM Howmi С Ш У //Л •////,)' We’ve gotyou covered... From the cornfields to the courthouse, the Enterprise Record covers Davie County. Subscribe today for delivery each week to your mailbox. Call 751-2120 for details Dcncse Deason Nail Mrs. Denese Denson Nnil, 44, of Ridge Road, Mocksvillc, died Saturday, July 19, 2008, at her home. She was bom Aug. 31,1963, in Torrance, Calif. Mrs. Nail loved spending time with her grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her mother, Geneva Josephine Akers Cook; and a granddaugh­ ter, Ava Mackenzie Baune. Survivors: her husband, Ronald Dean Nail of the home; 3 daughters, Stephanie (Jeff) Zolsman of Mocksvillc, Ashlee (Jeremy) Baune of Minnesota and Meagan Andrade of Mocks­ ville: 4 grnndchildren; fnther, Leonnrd Blevins of Calif.; a brother, Leonard Dwayne Blevins of Calif.; stepfather, Bobby Lee Cook; and a cousin. A funeral service will be con­ ducted nt 2 p.m., Tliursday, July 24, nt Enton Funeral Chapel, Burial will follow in Iredell Me­ morial Gardens in Stntesville. The fainlly was to receive friends from 7-9 p.m. Wednes­ day, July 23, al Eaton Funeral Home; Online condolences; www.eaionfiineralservice.com. William June Allen Jr. Mr. William June Allen Jr., 79, of Wyo Rond, Mocksville, died Saturday, July 19, 2008 nt his home, - He was born Sept. 4, 1928 in Davie County to the late Will­ iam Sr. and Dora Luther Allen. Mr. Allen was retired from Thomnsville Furniture Co. of Winston-Salem and was a mem­ ber of Turners Creek Baptist Church. He wns also preceded in death by a son, Bobby Gene Allen in 1986. Surviving: his wife of 60 years, Margaret Gunter Allen of the home; a daughter, Carolyn Allen (Leon) Fulton, Lewisville; a son, Barry (Sonya) Allen, MQ.cksvlUo; '2j.grandsonB ho raised as his own, Matthew Allen and Chad Allen; 5 grandchil­ dren; 9 great-grandchildren; 6 brothers and sisters, Donnell Goss, Dorothy West, Frances (Nellie) Allen, Jim (Magdalene) Allen, Sam (Sue) Allen, Betty Johnson; several nieces, neph­ ews, neighbors and friends. His funeral service was held 2:30 p,m. Tuesday, July 22 at Turners Creek Baptist Church by the Revs. Bobby Russell, Allen Barker, and David Maynard. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Monday at Gentry Fam­ ily Funeral Service, in Yadkinviile. Memorials: Lexington Dialy­ sis Center, Lexington. Get outstanding low prices on quality products. Heip U Jutt Aivund Th* Cotmr. MOCKSVILLE’S COMPLETE BUILDERS’ SUPPLY Open Dally Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00 • Sat. 7:30 -12 noon Elizabeth Harris Evans Elizabeth “Betsy” Anna Nooe Harris Evans, 86, died early Sun­ day morning, July 20, 2008 in Mocksville. Mrs. Evans was bom Jan. 17, 1922 in Lexington to the late Allie Hutchison Harris of Lex­ ington and Ihe hue William Osmond Harris of Asheville, who was a native of the Baha­ mas, She grew up itl Lexington . and nttended Appnlachinn State University where she met her husband of 66 years, Neil C. Evans. After completing a busi­ ness course at UNC-Greensboro, she worked nt Commercial Bank of Lexington and the Lexington Retail Merchtmts Associnlion until she started raising her chil­ dren. In the late 1960s, she re­ turned lo work as a ceramics teacher and eventually became Ihe aclivilies director for the Lex­ ington Recreation Department for 20 years. Mrs. Evans spent much of her free time coolcing and caring for senior citizens in the community and volunteering for scouts and the schools, in­ cluding taking needy children to iheir dental and doctor appoint­ ments. Her hobbies included ce­ ramics, sewing, puzzles, bridge, gardening imd crafts. Mrs, Evans was also preceded in death by her husband Neil who died on June 19, 20(J8, and two half-brothers, Willlnm and Don Harris, Survivors: 3 children, Neil C, Evans Jr. and wife Anne of Bennett; Dr. James H. (Jim) Evans and wife Melinda of Mocksville; nnd Elizabeth A. (Libby) Evans of Chapel Hill; 5 grnndchildren; 3 great-grandchil- dren; several nieces and neph­ ews; nnd a half-sister, Rosalind Boss. Funeral services were to be conducted nt 4 p.m. Wednesday, July 23 al Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church in Davidson County with the Rev. Ray Surratt offieialing. A graveside service wns to follow in the church cem­ etery. The family was to receive frtehds at the chlirch before the service, starling at 3:00. Memorials; Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church, Norris London Fellovi's Norris London Fellows, 84, of US 601 South, Mocksville, diedThur.sday morning, July 17, 2008 at his home. Born in Springfield, Mo. April 9,1924, he was the son of the late Gladys London Fellows and Norris Livingston Fellows. He wns a graduate of Druru College and completed his Master of Divinity nt Duke University. Fellows was a Presbyterian minister who served in the US Air Force us a chaplain during the Korean Conflict. A'fter preaching in Springfield, Mo. and Oxford and Wadesboro, he was the founding minister at Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church in Gaithersburg, Md, He preached at Northgate Presbyterian Church in Durham until his retirement. He continued to preach after he retired to Sweet Dreams Farm in Mocksville. He attended First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury. He enjoyed a life of avocations such as wood working, sculpting, geometric drawing, personal computing, fashion modeling and bicycling. Surviving: his wife of 57 year, Betty Jean Mclnnis Fellows of Mocksville; 3 daughters: Elisabeth London King nnd husband Michael Burton King of Charlotte, Barbara Jean Meloy and husband Dr. Thomas Stuart Meloy ofMocksville, and Helen Frances Fellows of PrescoU, Ariz.; and 4 grandchildren. ** Memorial services were held at the First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury on Sunday, July 20. Arthur Lee Watkins The Rev. Arthur Lee Wntkins, 67, died on July 18, 2008. He was bom on Dec. 28,1940 in Salisbury, nnd wns n graduate of Atkins High School in Win- ston-Salem and later earned an associate degree in eariy child­ hood education. He accepted the cnll to prench in October 1980, nnd wns licensed to preach un­ der the leadership of the Rev. Will Chambers at Ml. Zion CME Church in Salisbury. He was or­ dained deacon and elder while a member of the CME Church. The Rev. Watkins pastored churches in South Carolina, North Carolina and Galax, Va. In 2(X)2, he moved his membership to'the AME zion Conference and pastored Long Leaf AME Zion Church in Robbins before returning to McAuley AME Zion Church as associate pastor, where he worked unlil his death. He loved preaching from the pulpit, and visiting and praying for members of his community. He also visited and witnessed those who were in prison. He loved lo talk and visit wilh the elderiy. Survivors; his wife Fannie of the home; 4 sons, Terri L. Watkins (Ikuko) of Ewa Beach, Hawaii, Arthur Lamont Watkins of Detroit, Mich., Avery Ritter of Fayetteville, nnd Waller L. Lee of Norwood; 2 daughters, Tressa Simmons of Phoenix, Ariz., and Toni Smith ofDeU-oit; 13 grandchildren; 14 great­ grandchildren; 4 sisters, Jacqueline Cook (Walter) of Cooleemee, the Rev. Brenda Geter of Cooleemee; Dr. Barbara Bosey and the Rev. Jane Mitchell (Bruce) of Durham; and a host of nieces, nephews, cous­ ins, uncles, aunts and friends. Funeral services were held July 23 at 2 p.m. at McAuley AME Zion Church in Mt. Gilead with the Rev. Maurice Hooper Sr. officiating. Burial followed in Ihe church cemeiery. Lamon Lester Johnson Lamon Lester Johnson, 89, of NC 801 South, died on Sunday, July 20, 2008, at Forsyth Medi­ cal Center, Born in Swain County on June 25,1919, he was the son of the Inte Robert Henry Johnson and Mary Rebecca Cole Johnson, He was retired from Buriington Industries and wns a member of Sonlighl Baptist Church. He served in the U.S. Anny during Worid War II. Survivors: his wife, Shirley Lyons Johnson of the home; 2 sons, Kelly (Ег|ка) Johnson of Advance and R.L. (Linda) Johnson of Lexington; 3 daugh­ ters, Carolina (Roger) Lyons of Clemmons, Ann (Bobbji) House of Advance and Carol (Tommy) Rogers of Lexington; 4 sisters. Gay (Cari) Burkhart and Ruth (Phil) Phillips of Lexington, Imogene Poole of Gold Hill and Marie Payne of Baltimore, Md.; a niece; and a number of grand­ children and great-grandchil­ dren. Mr. Johnson was also pre­ ceded in death by 2 sons. Ralph Johnson and Baby Boy Johnson; 2 daughters. Mary Lou Harrelson nnd Brenda Joyce Johnson; 5 sisters, Nellie Duvall, Robbie Gaddis, Emma Franklin, Athelene Stanbury and Thelma Frizell nnd a brother. Rnstus Johnson. The service to celebrate the life of Mr. Johnson will be held on Thursday, July 24, at 11:30 a.m. at the Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Revs. Sieve Brooks and Scott Steed officiat­ ing. Buriol will be at I p.m. at the Salisbury National Cemetery with military honors by the VFW Memorial Honor Guard. The family was to receive friends July 23 from 6-8 p.m. at Davie Funeral Service. Memorials: Hospice of Davidson, PO Box 1941 Lexing­ ton, 27293-1941; or Davie Fu­ neral, 416 Valley Road, Mocks­ ville, to help with funeral ex­ penses. 1» . .r . Ella Howard Dalton Ella Rose Howard Dnlton, 79. died on Friday, July 18, 2008 after bauling a long illness. She was born in Forsyth' County on Nov. 24, 1928 to the lale Rev. Charies Elijah Howard and Esther Gaither Howard. She was a 1942 gradu­ ate of Davie County Training School. On Dec. 7,1947 she was married to Nathaniel "Nat” Carson Dalton. Their marriage lasted 43 years unlil his death on Oct. 3, 1990. Shortly after their marriage, she began pursuing a carecr in education, and attended New York and Howard univer­ sities before eaming a bachelor’s degree in English from Living­ stone College in Salisbury on June 3, 1962. She began her teaching career'at Price High School and continued to teach for the next 34 years in the Saiisbury-Rowan School Sys­ tem. She earned a master’s de­ gree from North Carolina A&T on May 14, 1972. After retiring in June 1909, she taught under­ graduate English literature for six years al Livingstone. She was a life member of St. John AME Zion Church, where she served as senior choir president, a dea­ coness, president of the Women Home Oversea Mission and di­ rector of the Mothers Day pro­ gram. She loved music, learning, children, travel, family and friends. Survivors: her son, Eric N. Dalton of the home and her fu­ ture daughter-in-law, Laura D. Peebles of Wade.sboro; 2 broth­ ers-in-law, Mass (Josephine) Dalton and Nathaniel (Helen) Dalton; 3 sislers-in-law, Lillian Doulin, Elizabeth Dalton and Myrtle Dalton, and a host of nieces, nephews, relntives and friends. Her funeral service wns Wednesday. July 23 at II a.m. at St. John AME Zion Church in Mocksvllle with the Rev. Gwendolyn Hampton officiat­ ing. Online, condolences: www.grahamfimerallwme.nel. Steven Richard Poteet Mr, Steven Richard Poteel, 63, of Advance, died on Wednesday, July 16, 2008, He was bom July 25,1944 in Burke County to Josephine Poleel nnd the late Monion Poteet. Although his life was re stricled by Cerebrnl Pnlsy. he gave and received much joy and love. Survivors: his mother Josephine'and sister, Gny, both of the home; his sister. Kay and husband Floyd McAlee of King; his sister Judy Merritt of Ra­ leigh; and a nephew. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 19 at Westlawn Gardens of Memory with tho Rev. Dr. Crystal M. Alexander officiating.' Thefam ily received friends 1 hour prior to the service at Hayworlh- Miller Kinderton Chapel. Memorials; The Nature Con­ servancy, Attn: Treasury, 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Ar­ lington, VA 22203. Henry Ray Williams Mr. Henry Ray Williams. 88. of Mocksville died Friday. July 18. 2008 at Forsyth Medical Center. He was born Aug. 4,1919 in Hairell, Ark. to Ray and Ruth Childs Williams. MrWilliams wns of the Methodist faith and a veteran of the U.S. Navy who served during Worid War II on a submarine chaser on the east coast. Surviving: his wife of 67 years, Lillian D. Williams of the home; 2 daughters, Judy Konopnicki and husband David of Lakeland, Fla. and Janene Chessman and husband Michael of Advance; 4 grandchildren; nnd 3 great-grandchildren. A privnte memorinl service will be held at a later date. On-line' condolences; www.iiayworth-mlUer.coni. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, July 24,2008 - C9 Outstanding Commander Deputy National Royal Rangers Commander Michael Hubbard (left) presents Commander Jeddy Hilton (riglit) of Reiiland Pentecostal Holiness Church Royal Ranger Outpost 91 with the Outstand­ ing Service Award medal. The medal was awarded to Hilton for 30 years os service to the ministry, reaching, teaching and keeping boys for Christ. Hilton has made a positive influence on the lives of hundreds of boys and young men as outpost com­ mander. “A man never stands 50 tall as when he stoops to help a boy." E a g l e H e i g h t s P l a n s V B S Eagle Heiglus Church will hold Vacation Bible School for chil­ dren age 3-12 July 28-Aug. 1 from 6-8:30 nightly with the tlieme, "God’s Big Backyard; Where Kids Have A Blasl Serving Jesus!” Leam more by visiting www.cagleheight.schurchnc.or^. Pnstor is Brent Spry. Youth director is Raymond Bowles. Weekly services include Sunday School at 9 a.m. nnd worship al 10. The church holds Bible studies, youth nnd teen programs, a children's program, missions program and more. Plans are under way for a new building on Farmington Road. Services are now held at,5103 US 158, Advance. G r e a t e r M o u n t M o r i a h T o S e l l F i s h , B a r b e c u e d C h i c k e n P l a t e s The youth of Greater Mouni Moriah Missionary Baptist Church will have n fish fry nnd bnrbecued chicken sale on Saturday, July 26 from beginning at 9 a.m. at the Masonic Picnic Groimds in Mocks­ villc. Prices are: plates with one meat, baked beans, slaw, bread, des.sert, and drink; $6.50; combination plate with both meats $7.50; sandwiches $3.50; drinks $.50; desserts $1. Proceeds will be used to help purchase choir robes and softball equipmeiU. Hotdog Lunch A t New Union The Men's Fellowship of New Union United Methodist Church will sponsor a hotdog lunch in the church parking lol al 1869 Sheffield Road on Saturday, July 26 from 11 a,ni.-2 p.m. Dona­ tions will be accepted. R e v iv a l, C a m p M e e t in g A t d e m e n t G r o v e C iiu r c ii Annual revival services for Clement Grove Church of God 7th Day will begin each night at 7:30 July 23-25. Revivalist will be Elder John Fodrell, pastor of Church of Church of God 7lh Day Greensboro. The Annual Camp Meeting for Church of God, Body of Chri will be held at 159 Parker Road, Mocksville July 25-27. Bible study sessions will begin each day at 10 a.m. The theme will be “The Supremacy of Christ”. U s h e r B o a r d A t N e w R e s u r r e c t i o n The usher board anniversary will be held at New Resuitection Life Christian Center, Depot Street, Mocksville, beginning at 4 p.m, on July 27 with the Rev. Marvin Harper and members of Taber­ nacle United Church of Christ in Huntsville ns the guests. F r id a y F is h F t y A t i\Z it Z io n Mt. Zion Holiness Church, 113 Mill St. in Mocksville, will host a fish fry on Friday, July 25. Fish plates will be sold for $6.50 each, fish sandwiches for $4. hotdogs for $1.25, homemade cake for $1 per slice, and drinks for 50 cents. To learn more, call 751-2978. T r u e L ig h t T o H o n o r P a s t o r True Light Christian Ministries will hold an anniversary service honoring the pastor, the Rev. Edna K. Dalton’s third pastoral anni­ versary on Saturday, July 26 at 4 p.m, in the multi-purpose room at Ihe Davie County Public Library, North Main Street, Mocksville, Bishop Terry Dalton of New Calvary Holiness Church will be the speaker. The public is invited. V E A G L E R E N T A L S , i n c . QiMlHy l^uiim ieiit Aerators Backhoes Tamps Dethatciiers Bobcats Trow/els Pressure Washers Excavators Saws Augers Trencliers Mixers Tillers Manllfts Screeds Tractors Forklltts Diamond Tools M uch, Much M ore...Over 2 ,0 0 0 Hem s!!! NOW оцеп in M o c k s v i l l e 204 Cooper Creek Dr. ^ '(Across from Wal-Mart Shopping Center) (336) 753-1445 Mon-Fri 7:30 am-5:30 pm & Sal 7.-30am-l2:30pm_______ This message brought to you by these local businesses who encourage you to worship at the church of your choice. CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO PARTS MOGKSVRIE AUTOMOTIVE 084 S. Main SI. Mocksvlllo, NC 27028336-751-2944 Щ SunTrust Mocksvllle «ysi'SSSe MockeviUe •751-6162 Cooleemee • 204-2542 Advance • 940*2420 Put This Space To Work For You Call 336-751-2129 GENTLE AAACHINE & T O O L IN C . 2716 Hwy. 601 N MocksvlIlD, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax: 338-492-6048 W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY'S MEATPROCESSINfi We Custom Meat Proces» Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 692 Ralph Rnlledgs Rd • Mocksvllle 336-492-5496 F U L L E R M s iir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space To Work For You Call 336-751-2129 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-9144 C m U -ARTER0UILDCR8 157 Yadkin Valley Hoad • Suite 210 Advance, NC 336-940-2341lliiilihr of Cuitom Homf\ /of «»i tr JO if an .’raii! A. Ciflcf. IVciiJcM • .Slailin C. Cailcr. \1cc P«» J.P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksvllle, NC 336-751-2126 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road' Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 Prescripiion Call ¡n: 336-753-DRUG sUPalletOneAPALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvlllo, NC 27028 336-492-5565 MITUMNCARE OFMOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksvllle 751-3535 FULLERArchitecture60 S<h)Or« Suiu 200 AVxbyill«, \k 27020 p ;.m -»51.0400 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 S H E D S V lS im iV E D ^ • storage Buildings (Wood S Aluminum)• Carports & Qoragee Commllmern jI Oiolhcr lo Brother a F3llh In God 1668 Hwy 64 W * /Hocksvllle llmmy Boettcher (336) 492-5418 - LARRY’S WOOD FLOORSInstallation - Sanding - ReflnlshlngLany McClenney/owner 30 Years Experience 120 Wood ParV Drive Mocksville, NC 27028(336)751-1721 EATON FUNERAL HOME SINCE 1951 325 North Main Strool Mocksvlllo, NC 2702B 336-751-2148 Call 751-2129 to Advertise Your B usiness on the Church P age . CIO. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 T C o lo rful C hairs Works O f Art To Be Sold These chairs will be sold at a silent auction at the Relay for Life Friday night. Daniel Furniture, Relay for Life and the Davie County Arts Council teamed up to sponsor a contest benefiting the American Cancer Society. “The response has been amazing," said Sidniee Suggs, executive director ot the Davie County Arts Council. Each entrant received a chair, and on the night of the Relay for Life each participant will receive an American flag and a hat. All entrants started'out with the same unfinished Troutman wooden chair manufactured in nearby Troutman. The finished chairs were judged July 11 by two of Piedmont's professional artists. Daphne Cliipman and John Reidy. “The chairs that were entered show a variety of creative and very original designs,” Suggs said. "They includc a chair turned into on outdoor grill titled, Chairbroiled, a Davie High School Spirit Chair, Zebra Chair, Girlie Chair, Cat in the Garden, Chair of Life and lots more. Each chair is truly a work of art and could be used as acccnt pieces throughout in anyone's home or office.” They are on display in the Brock Performing Arts Center Gallery until Friday, July 25. Many of the chairs will then be sold at a silent auction during the Relay for Life event July 25. The first place winner will receive a .$100 savings bond. There will also be awards given to second and third place winners. Judges selected three honorable mention winners. The This "Chair of Life" was cre­ ated by Brenda Hanes. names of those who were scIccted will be announced at the Relay for Life. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society. Four Corners News By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Mark White and Jessica and Mr. and Mrs. Brad Atkins and sons have returned homo after spending last week at the bcach. Terry Hamm spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith. We extend our sincere sym­ pathy lo Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Murray in the loss of Betty Th­ ompson of Lexington. She is the sister-in-law of Mrs. Clyde Murray. Johnsie Shelton is at Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury and needs our continued prayers. Cornatzer News By Dottle Potts Cornatzer Correspondent Graham Hendrix returned home from the hospital after hav­ ing surgery on his toes. Homer Potts was honored for his 85th birthday with a break­ fast at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Pam and Dcrck Harpe. Several friends joined the celebration on July 15. Landon and Jill Potts and daughter, Sophie, spent a few days in the mountains last week. Mr. and. Mrs. Homer Potts and Sharon attended a surprise Pino News birthday dinner for Dot Koontz in Churchland on July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Smith of Wareham, Mass. visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith last week. Shirley Potts and granddaugh­ ter, Sophie Potts, attended the annual July Sale at Lces-McRae College last week. Mr. und Mrs. Richard CroHs visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts Monday night. Our community extends sym­ pathy to Bobby Winters and fam­ ily in the death of his brother, Wiley Wintereof'nibmasville. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent it was good to have DeWilla and Gene Smith back in church last Sunday. They have had health problems lately. Visiting Wesley Chapel last Sunday were Toni Horton's mother, Helen Martindalc, and her sister, Julie Strong, both of Indianapolis, Ind. They were here to celebrate her other sister, Melanie Pillar’s 65th birtliday in the North Carolina mountains. Melanie’s daughter, Suzanne Lindsay, was flown home for the celebration. Suzanne is a missionary in Taiwan. The Relay for Life is Friday, July 25, at the YMCA in Mocks­ vilie. The opening ceremony starts at 6:30 p.m. Wesley Chapel UMC has a team and will have a tent at the Relay. Bring a lawn chair and come join us for the festivities. Country music singer and cancer survivor, Kevin Sharp, will be performing at 8 p.m. There will be lots of food and fun. The money raised by the Relay for Life goes toward research to find a cure for this dreadful disease. Mrs. Johnsie Shelton will celebrate her 97th birthday this week in the hospital,_ We wish her a good recovery from breaking her hip and we wish her a happy birthday Audra and Caroline Raus of Charleston, S.C. spent a few A days with her parents, Jim and Chinera Latham, this past week. Betty West spent a few days in Raleigh visiting her sister Marty Babcock and husband. Bill. While there they attended the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit and listened to a lecture. On her way home she visited her brother, John and his wife, Rachael,' in Siler City. The newly formed group Preserve Farmington will have a meeting 29 fiç 7 p.m. at the ' Parmington Community Center. Anyone interested is invited. Some of the things to be discussed are a name for the venture and goals. There will be a Farmington Fuii Day at thé Farmington Community Center Saturday, Aug. 9 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Activities will include o hotdog lunch, cakewalk, tennis, a band, beach ball volleyball, watermelon seed spitting contest and homemade ice cream competition. Everyone is invited to donate food, join the fun and enjoy the community. 1 am the proud great­ grandmother of another grandson, Stephen Weldon Jacobs, bom Monday, July 21. He weighed 9.2 pounds and was 21.5 inches tall. The proud parents are my granddaughter, Kendra and husband, Jim. The proud grandparents are my son, Jim and wife, Chinera, He is a beautiful baby. F e a t u r e DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - DI I Jerry Anderson’s ‘56 Chevrolet is on display at the free Piedmont CARS Cruise In, held the first and third f^onday evenings in Downtown Mocksvilie. Cruisin’ To The Cruise in Visitors check'out this 1956 Chevrolet.Arthur Spillman of Courtney brought this ‘55 Ford pickup to the Cruise In. ■V - ri 1 ^ ^ - a s . This ‘67 Camaro SS owned by Ted Irby of Advance sports a 350 engine.• Photos by Robin Snow fhis 1970 Plymouth caught a lot of attention. ..r ..e i ..s' ,,w. -V •- •' D2. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 Allis Concrete Construction specializing In Barn Floors, Driveways, SIdewalKs and Manhole Rehabilitation Honest, Quality Workmanship and Competlttve Prices Confined Space Cerlified • Fully Insured • Free Estimates И 21 Years Experience (336) 940-2468 STROUSE HOUSE AUCTIONS 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 Phone:704-872-8444 336-940-6306 AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 www.slrousohouse.zoomsharo.coni FISHING & TOOL AUCTION & MORE! Friday, Ju iy 2 5 , 2 0 0 8 • 6:3 0 p mPItHINQ - Now arid Ounrnnlood Rods a Reels from Shaliospoiro, Abu Oarcio, Ohuma, Johnson. Shimano, SoultT Qond. Eag'« Claw & m mTOOLS • New arxl Ouiiraniooü MnnJ. Powor. Portable, and Air Tools from Mi^aukeo, Makila. Oostich, Dosch, Dolta. 0«wnll, Sktl nrnJ MOnEtMOntl - Now arx) Ounranlood Oonoral Mofchandiso. Cdioclibfes. E’octronics, Househo-'d Goods, Small AppliarKoj, Novoitios, Noods. Oolia Havos ft Wanisl i\/locl<svil!e Civitan scholarship winners include Tatum Crews, Amanda Nichols, Tekaira Gaither and Meagan Brookman. M o c k s v i l l e C i v i t a n s A w a r d S c h o l a r s h i p s The Mocksville Civitan Club iiwarded .scholarships to four Davic High School graduates. Two - Talum Crevi^s and Amanda Nichols - were active members of the Davie High Jr. Civitan Club. Crews will attend N.C. State University this fail, while Nichols will attend Wake Forest University. Also earning scholarships v/erc Meagan Brookman, who will' attend UNC-Greensboro, and Tekaira Gaither, who will attend UNC- Charlotte, Parents and family members accompanied the students to the meeting. Dr. Robert Landry, superin­ tendent of Davic County Schools, was the guest speaker. He used the anl as an industri­ ous, forward looking example to follow in preparing for life. Ellis Student Earns Math Award STROUSEHOUSEAUCnONS 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 Phone; 704-872-8444 336-940-6306 AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 www.slrousohouso.zoomsharo.com Thurs., July 24 • 6;30PM • Ihickload 8иф1и5/$а1уаде Sale!HUNTINCbTISHINfl • 13' Tripod Sland, Stump Feeder, 90i90 Spotting Scoce$. lOOilOO Scope, Flaro Pittol, 6<pod Shooting Resi, QeaMew Scope, Dood Tiacklna Uoht. Laser TacUcdl ned System. Frog Tog^i, Siearns Ladies flìlnsutu. Г1Ш Jackels, Tactica! Scopes, Tactical Weapons Light Sfwl Savof Bench, Puma Knives. Biowmng Krtvei Pvtiti Х*Т»ете Air Soft Quo. Beeman Air Rdloj, .22 Cai. Cart^ ВеП. РеЮ1 Putol, Boat Seats. MarVio Cooior, Boal Covers, Oal)y Alf Soft, 9i26 Tid. Scop«, Ша Tiips, AW Gun Ca», Ouartum Поо», FììM parfisìi Reels. Je Potes, »Ann Rota Troiimo Moiors. Thompson 50 Rd. Mag. Kersha* Kr^es, Beoman AJr Plsiol. Pop Up HwIm Binds, Mags - Beretta. 221 AX-47. sKs, 9mm. Holstori, MKII Grips, 30 {tod Rack. Mùta/y Helmets. Rug« Amw Сш. Hodgeman Waiers. T-6 CoaspstI« Stock.CAMPINO - Tenis-LarM Selection (ca№ S dome), 4 to 10 Person Terils, Heated Sleeping Bags, Sleeping Ba^, Camo Tovtel Set. Camp Stoves. CooWt. C ^ Coolert. TreUng Poles, Camp Cots, New Lands End Shoe«, Quidi ShaM Cara^M lt - Be^ch B>Kes. Adult ^irvi 3 VVheele<. ЗсЫт Rl^ AL. SchvHrn Suburt^ Smoke Trtck, BAi Trall^^ Strofler.PiiiwScoolef.Aawiftkeflack,OOlf - Oriama; Clack ke & МЯ» Irons. Aspoct X Ckjbs, Jr. СШ. Camo Ool) Bag, Callaway i Taylor Made OoK Bags, Oailee Range FWer,tKl TUIli - 90* UFOt. HO Bontwi, Comply Cwief. tó' Hd Bod. «СГ Шь Spydet, Ы Freniy. W Fonrnia 2.10.12,4 18 FL Inlech Swimming Pools. Water Loirger, Boogie Воадй, Throw Щ PFDs,(MILLI - Chargnilori Outlaw ft Patio, Barrel QhOs, ChartroUSMf 8пшг, Aimie Orti. Chartxol Charcoal. SlraleFim FITNUt • Merit 720 E, Юл Вг1я Wleder IS5, Heavy Bag Stand, Marcy 9S0 4 MO90I0, Edge S9S, Sport CflftTnadnM, Poto Chain. PaOo MaiVet Urrtnlu. 0Ш UmbnBa. Hanmxks, 10i20 CMWfln, Wooden Swing Sets, F^iaMe Flyer Swku Sets. Patio Loungers, WlcJier Loveseat ft Chair.ШК. -Oteck Air PunWv PoiUbi« 7IV Бы. Sola Bed. Basliil Ы Ooah. Skaieboanis. Turbo П П. Air Hockey T^, Gathering Chairs, Flat Panel TV SÙrà^Mandoln« SiKers, Xmas Pocket Watches, WeaiherX Power Stations, Nmv In Bos 5,000 Wan Waton. Fri, July 25 • 6;30PM • FISHING and TOOL MLETcTryHilborn НЕЙ _ - Okuma, ABU Garcia. Оама. Shimano, Eagi ft Portaba - SXD, Dewa», МаШ. M*\«aukee, £iCiawftMorelt «h, Bottich ft Morel! Sat., July 26 • 6:30PM • Rick Hannon FOOD SALE!!Dry Goods - Pape» Product», Cereal, Juice, Bo« Dinners, Pet Food. Cleaner. Soap, Cannod Food. Candy 4 Sfiacü, Chee« i lunch Meat, PLUSlOTSMOflE'l Dlr9clhn$: MO to h77 South to Ejtit 49A, 0. BägrutlAv». IEa$l) approx. 3/4 mlh patt Shall Station > NoMt ktt on Induatrlal Dr., Strouaa Hou$o Auction la on tha La ft acmta (ha fíR track$...Juit a «hört dtiva aixJaaty to find. Matthew Ellis recently com­ peted in the math contest at the National Beta Club Convention against other state winners from across the country and placed sccond. He was invited lo represent North Carolina at nationals af­ ter qualifying at the state con­ vention. The national convention was held al the Shoraton Con­ vention Center in Myrtle Beach, S.C. June 14-17. BETA is an acronym for Bet­ ter Education Through Achieve­ ment and the organization, along with academic achievement, promotes leadership an,d service. Ellis,' a rising 8th grader, is a member of the Gllis Middle School Beta Club which is spon­ sored by Pam Young und Debbie Archer.Mutthcw EIILs Vacation Bible School July 27-31 6:30-8:30 pifn Ages 4 thru 6th grade (rising 7th graders) Bring your neighbors and friends Check out our website; wwvtf.hillsdalebaptistchurch.org <' Click on the large VBS button for more info or registration Hillsdale Baptist Church 4815 Hwy 158 • Advance • 336.940.6618 Joni Parks receives her gift from the Davie County As­ sociation of educational Office Professionals./ S c h o o l O f f i c e P e r s o n n e l H o n o r R e t i r i n g C o - W o r k e r s and Whitaker. Debbie Shepherd provided an inspirational message and the honorées were given gifts as a token of appreciation for all they have done for Davic County Schools and DCAEOP. Both retirees will continue to be a part of DCAEOP. On May 15 the Davie Couitty Association of Educational Office Professionals (DCAEQP) honored Davic Schools’ retirees Joni Parks and Joyce Whitaker. Members of the association met for dinner at Sagebrush Steakhouse in Mocksvillc to celebrate and congratulate Parks П Я " ‘W M » ''ísrrs? c b t r i a d . c o n n Duvlc/Clemnions Offlcc Intersection of Hwy 158 & 801 Phone:336-998-8816 Relocation: 1-800-317-4398 Cotdwcll Banker Mortgage Sume Day Loan Decision... Guaranlcc(l...l-888-309-8201 2008 Cokiwell Denker Леи! Eilate Corporation. Coldwell Dankor li a logittDfMi liadornark ot Co>(iv>o)l Danker Согрога1юп. An equal opponumty company. Euch ollice i< liviependomiy owned and operated. COLDUieiX B A N K e R O TR TAD ,REA LTO R S W e t m o r e F a r m s WOODLEAF LOCAL S q u a s h , Z u c c h in i, C u c u m b e r s T o m a to e s , C a n ta lo u p e s G re e n P e p p e r s & C o rn W a te rm e lo n s & B lu e b e r r ie s other produce as It becomes available O p e n M o n d a y -F rid a y 8:00am -6:00pm S a tu rd a y 8:00am -5:00pm C lo s e d o n S u n d a y s from Mocksville tako 601 South to 801 latmectkm, turn right al light 4 miles to cauttoa light In Woodleat. Follow signs lo farm. 704-278-2028 " n r ” ----------------------------------- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .luly 24, 2008 - D3 Buses Available For Summer ■ Davie County Schools Sum­ mer Food Service Program is being offered this year at three locations; Central Davie Acad­ emy, Cooleemee Elementary and Mocksville Elementary. This program will provide a free breakfast and lunch at all lo­ cations this summer to students from the ages of 3-18. The pro­ gram will run this summer Mon­ day-Friday until Aug. 15, Three bus routes have been established for students partici­ pating in the program at Cool- cemee. The student pick-ups started Monday, July 14. The bus will stop al the end Breakfast, Lunch Programs of Hobson Road at 8 a.m. for breakfast, and 11 a.m. for lunch; at the ond of Swicegood Street at 8:10-8:15 and 11:10-11:15; and at Junction and Docs roads at 8:25 and 11:25. Students participating at Cooleemee, whelher or not they ride a bus, will enter into the ca(^- etcria from the side entrance door that is off of the parking lot nearest the fire department. Breakfast is served from 8:30- 9:30 a.m. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. While transportation has not been established for the other two locations, students are en- Eight Earn WSSU Degrees Eight Mocksville residents earned degrees from Winston-Salem State University on May 10. Heather Grant, Stacey Martin, Lamyra Mayfield, Ryanne McDaniel, Jennifer Wall, Candice Walter and Tammy Kowalski earned degrees in nursing. Zachary Levine earned a degree in po­ litical science. couraged to participate in the program at cither of tlie locations in Mocksville. Students partici­ pating ut Central Davic Acad­ emy will enter into the cafeteria from side entrance nearest the upper parking lot and picnic tables. Breakfast is served from 8-8:30 a.m. Lunch is served from noon-12:30 p.m. Students participating at Mocksville Elementary will en­ ter through designated door be­ tween the cafeteria dining room glass doors and the dumpster (main parking lot). Breakfast is served from 8-8:30 a.m. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. There is no charge for a stu­ dent breakfast or lunch us long as they are under 18 (or of dis­ ability status). Adults can pur­ chase items, but their meal is not free. There is a limited section of snacks and beverages that can be purchased by students and adults. You do not need to call ahead and reserve meals. For more information, call: Central Davic, Sandra Walker, cafeteria manuger, 751-2059; Cooleemee, Mury Carter, cafete­ ria manager, 284-2118; and Mocksvillc Elementary, Priscilla Dwiggins, cafeteria manager, 751-3866. For Sale Townhouse in Milling Way Convenient Mocksville location. 2B R .2B A , I 1/2 years old. Beautiful pool complex. Call (336) 470-2951, (336) 655-3447 or (336) 751-5448 Onhjç^ Triad 7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 S O L D 751-2222 W4Cn4ahnttaLn,' lin privato siiDüiv. « i 'f -dBä: ms. bcíeaipofo). :• ■ ___________. ’l i t 1141 Eatons Church Rd. O n t ^ TRIAD lU3ll040watk ■''■sÄa btnbtxty n Boivtond^iMA4e V U .( <111111 N Л I {'¡;i(l.lU‘t ^Prudential C arolinas Realty w w w . P m C a r o l m a s . c o m REAL ESTATE 1 TITLE INSURANCE MORTGAGE SERVICES I RELOCATION SERVICES 773 Ikar Creek Cliurch Road SI 19.1)00 M()llvl>rilhimim,7H-‘)420 \Vcl)lD:wt7f)253 5533 Mora ilk^ltL $129,900 Bcv Supple, 714-4404 WcblD:Nv477700 5787 Misty Hill Circle S149.390 Sherri Corani Swain. 714-4414 W cl)ID :«4 6 9 4 2 8 70041 laqxTgleii Road $157,900 Amlrea Suggs, 714-4416 \Vcliiniw477936 115 Windsbuiy Ridge Court $172,900 Slictii Coram Swain, 714-4414 W cblD :w 472l40 4229 Cliiiard Road $199,900 Bcv Supple, 714-4404 W c b lD : «474609 220 Cinnamon Way S2()9,000 Kristin:! hiirdl, 714-4417 W cb ll):w 4 7 3 B 6 «PII 4615 Meeting 1 louse Lane $259,900 Krisliji.i I'iirtcll, 714-4417 W cl) 1П:«472098 T With Prudential Carolinas Realty you can relax, because our highly trained professionals will help you with all of your real estate needs from finding the perfect home to securing a loan. 118 Roxbiir)'Court S239,()00 1 lolly I’rillaman, 714-4420 \Vci)lD :H 71527 120 RuslinburgComt $249,900 John Cosymvc, 714-7061 W eb lD:w475772 229 l\y Circle $385,000 CîloriaMaltlicvw, 714-4405 W cblD:\v47271l 189Tifton Street $549,000 Clicr)'IPnik, 714-4430 W eblD:\v472l05 8990 Centergrove Place Drive $959,000 Sherri Corani Swain, 714-4414 W eblD ;w 47480l Glemmons Offlce 336-714-4400 Toncwpwpertyclelails.losonto WWVV.PniCarolinaS.COmAveb ID locateci at the i'nd of each Ibling ^re m ie r Realty A d v a n c k M o c k s v il l e 3 3 6 . 9 9 8 . 7 7 7 7 3 3 6 . 7 5 1 . 2 0 5 5 O f’t N H O U S E \wnUyl.A •с. 2ÜI O P IN M C U iS r Viíut.iy ? ■^r'V г í6o to OpenHouse.com for directions, more 1ц1оЦаНоп and .Vtrtuoi Орел Houses 24 hrs a doyl ®;Openliouso.com Stifl ><iK tioriK^h^loj «1x1 wil'O] >C9rno£«r%Bi) ict^,dUtrk( ’ < Marbrook New Homo Community Open House All Homes'Open . Evary Sunday, ?-4l $209.900 Attention Landlords and Renterel .' -Coll Jackia Coulston for all of your properly monagmisnt «id rantól :: property needs. You can contact Jackie by phone crt 33^.?53.8777i• ' , or her cell phone; 336.909.1722 or by «mail;.. .-'i .'.-' > < |qcl(le.iioul»tpn@era,com . . w w w . E R A - P r e m i e r R e a l t y . c o m ityilfmi.lri. Uili [Mi OIKc It Iri^vpcoJcni/) OmhiJ i/«J Op<rM«d.AS hfcrmiittn to fc« Itjui OK-wturviry. D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdny, July 24,2008 Davie Dateline Fundraisers Friday, July 25 Fish Fry, at Ml. Zion Holiness Churcli, 113 Mill Slrcel, Mocksvillo. Fish Plates $6.50, Fish Sandwich $4, Holdogs $ 1.25, Homemade Cake $1, Drinks 50(i. Call 751-1978 for Info. Saturday, July 26 Hot Dog Lunch, by Men’s Fellow­ ship of New Union UMC, 11 a.m. til 2 p.m. In church parking lot, 1869 Shefneld Rd. Donations accepted. Fish Fry & BBQ Chlckcn, by the youUi of Greater Ml. Moriah Bapl. Church, 9 a.m. until, at Masonic Pic­ nic Grounds. Prices; piules with one meat, baked beans, slaw, bread, des­ sert & drink $6.50; Combo plale wllh both meals $7.50; Simdwichcs$3.5Q; Drinks .50(<; Drinks $1. Proceeds to help purchase choir robes & softball eciuipmenl. Saturday, Aug. 16 Benefit Softball Tournament, Rich ParkSoftball field, entry fec$150,10 run home-nin limil.Tobcnefil Donald "Fireball" Jones, a dclenllon officer wllh Davie Sheriffs Office, who was seriously injured in a car accident. Donalions acceplcd, Info: 336-480- 8847 or 753-6710. Saturday, Sept. 20 Annual Fnll Festival, sponsored by New Union UMC, for more info or lo rent a .space, 751-7567. Reunions Saturday, Sept. 27 Dnvltt Hlgli Clnss of ‘83, 25lh re­ union, 111 Village Inn Golf Conference Center. For info: 940-7692,998-1188, 99Й244. For additional info visil www.davlehighalumni.com Religion Wed.-Fri.. July 23-25 Anniinl Hcvlviil Scrvlecs, at Clem- enl Grove Church of God 7lh Day, 7:30 p.m. nightly. Guest .speaker. Fri.-Sun., July 25-27 Annual Cnmp Meeting, for Church of God, Body of ChrisI, nl 159 Parker Rd. Billie study sessions 10 n.m. each day. Theme “The Supremacy of Clirisl." Saturday, July 26 Aniilvcrsnry Scrvice, byTiMcLiglil Chrislian Minislrics lo honor Iheir piislor’s 3rd annive.sary, 4 p.m., in mulli-purposo room of Davie Co. Li­ brary, guest speaker. Public invited. Sunday, July 27 Usher Board Anniversary, ill New Resurreclion Life Christian Ctf., De­ pot Sl„ Mocksvillc, 4 p.m. with spe­ cial guests. Mon.-Fri., July 28-Aug. 1 VBS, at liagle Heiglits Church, 5103 US 158, Advance. Info: 998-4405. Sun.-Thurs., Aug. 3-7 "God’s 1«8 Backyard" VBS, at NewUnionUMC, 1869ShenicldRd., 6-9 p.m. nightly, ages 3 years lo 6lli grade. For info or lo prc-regisler call 492-6408. Sun.-Frl., Aug. 10-15 Revival, at Cedar Creek Missionary Bapl. Church. Sunday, lunch at 1:30 p.m., service nl 3 p.m. Services con­ tinue nightly 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 23 2nd Annual Flockslock, an outdoor Chrislian music festival, presented by Cornatzer UMC, 12 noon until wc’ro done, featuring all types of Christian music. Hot dogs, chips, & sodas $1 each. Moby’s will be on site selling smoothies, cookies, and frozen coffees. Free jumping castle for kids. Bring lawn chair or blunkcl. S p edai Events Mon.-Thurs., July 28-31 Davie High Checrlcadlng Summer Clinic, spoasored by Davie High cheerieading squad, 5:30-8:30 p.m., at DHS gym. 1^-rogistcr until July 22. CosI: individual $50 (after July 22 $60). RegisUiilion forms online nl www.daviccountychccrleuding.com Friday, Aug. 22 Summer Dance, sponsored by Davie Sr. Services, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Mobile juke box on luuid for variety of music for alt kinds of dancing - with or without a partner. Refreshments will be served. Free. Please RSVP carly. Open lo adults 55 & older. Call 753- 6230 lo RSVP. Saturday, Sept. 6 Davic High Special 50lh Birthday Cclcbrallon, forllie Davie High Class of 1976, 4-8 p.m., Shelter #5 Rich Park. Classmates inviledlobring fiim- ily & covered dishes to shiuc. No charge. Paper products, drinks fur­ nished. Como enjoy homemado icc creiun, b’day cake, 70s music, & remi­ niscing with old friends. Check it out at www.davichighulumni.com Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Siil. night bluegniss, at Shefllcid Music Hail, call 492-7417 for info. СоГГео House, 3rd Sun. each month, 7 p.m., at Cornatzer UMC. Good cof­ fee, good fellowship, & gootl music. Dates to R em em ber Thursday, July 24 Breasl/Cervical Screening Clinic, spon.sored by Davic Health Dept., 9 a.m. til 3 p.m, Info: 751-8700. Fund­ ing for these services provided by Susan G. Komcn Breast Cancer Foun­ dation and NC Brca.4t & Cervical Control program. Ongoing Free Monthly Diabctc.4/Blood l*res- surc/ChoIcslcralScrecnlng.s,lastFri. of each month in 2008 at WalMart, 9 n.m. Ill 12 noon. Sponsored by Diiviu Lion’s Club. Visit Cooleemee's Mill Village Mu­ seum, 14 Church St., Wed.-Sal. 10 a.m. til 4 p.m. Tours alsoavuiiablc by appt. Call 284-6040. Sfnrytlmcs, at Davie Co. Library: Tues. & Fri. 11 a.m'. - stories, .songs, fun for preschoolers. 1 si Sat. of every montii - slories/uctivillcs for kids of all ages. At Cooleemee Bnuich: every ollier'Ftiurs, 10:30 a.m. (call or check website for dales). At Hillsdale UMC: every other Fri. 10 a.m. (call I ibnuy or check website for dates). Spcclal Olympics of Davic County, play activities & fun nitc, Wednes­ days at Brock BIdg. Piny activities 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open to all persons with disabilities & their families. M e etin g s Monday, July 28 NAACPMceting, willi guest speaker, 7 p.m., at Shiloh Bapl, Fellowship Hall, Depot Slrcel, Mocksvillo. Tuesday, July 29 Planning Scs.sion, for Davic High Cia.ss of 1976 event, 6:30 p.m., at Zcko’s Restaurant, 949 Salisbury Rd. Contact: 909-3396 or 751-2237. Ongoing Davic Beekeepers Association, sec­ ond Monday of every month, 7 p.m., at N.C. Cooperative Hxl. Office, 180 S. Main Street, Mocksvillc. For info: 998-2975. VFW Post 4024,7 p.m., 2nd Tues. each month, VFW Hut, Sanford Avenue, Mocksvilie. Eligible mem­ bers welcome. Come early for re­ freshments. For info call 492-7521. Humane Society of Davic Co., bi- monlhly meetings 2nd Tues. of every even-niimbercd month, nl llumane Society Adoption Center, 290 Eaton Rd. Call 751-5214 for info. Davie Amateur Radio Club, 1st Tiie.sday of each month. 7 p.m., Davic Co. Hospital Training Room. Public welcome. Olnbetes Support Group, every 3rd Tues. oflho month, 10:30-11:15 a.m., at Duvie Co. Senior Services, 278 Meraney St, Mocksvillc. Sponsored by Healthy Carolinians of Davie. Questions: 751-8700. Ccnlral Davie lligli Cia.ss of 1966, third Monday each month, at Shiloh Bapl. Clnircii fellowship hall, 6 p.m. Questions: 336-692-7104. Mocksvilie Lions Club, 1st, 3rd Tiiursdays, 7 p.m., fcllow.ship hall of St. Francis of Assisi, Yadkiiiviiie Road, Mocksvilie.- Al'Anon Family Group, at Macedonia Moravian Cliurch, N.C. 801 N., Advance, Sundays 8 p.m., Rm.225 (above fellowship hall). Л1- Anon Is a group that helps families & friends of alcoholics. , ^ Cmilecmce Womeas Clvltan Club, meets 4th Thurs. of each month, 7 p.m. Cooleemee f’irst Bnpt. fellow­ ship hall, 204 Marginal St., Cool­ eemee. All arca ladies Invited. I'or fimhcr info: 336-284-4795. Stltch-In, u gathering of crnfters at Mocksvilie Library, second Wed. of each month, 7-8:15 p.m. Bring your portable project an all your best lips and tricks to sliare. Info: 751-2023. Community Foundation of Davie Counly Board of Directors, 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. Rotating meeting. For info/monthly location call 753-6903. MocksvlllcGa.rdcnClub, Ist'rhurs. of each month,<7 p.m.. In former fel­ lowship hull behind First UMC, Main Street, Mocksvillo. North Davie Ruritan Club, monthly dinner meetings, second Mon. ofeach montli, 7:30 p.m. Call 782-4276 for Info nnd location of next meeting. Smart Start of Dttvle County board meeting, 3rd Tues. of every other month (begins Jan.) at SunTrust on Yadkinville Rd., 9-10:30 n.m. Ques­ tions: 751-2113. Alzhclmer’.T Support Group, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., at Autumn Core, Mocksvilie. Info; 751 ■ 3535. Davic Clvltan Club meets 4th Thurs. of each month, Feb.-Oct., 7 pm., at Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Hwy. 158. All visitors welcome. NAACP Community Awareness Meeting, every 4th Mon. of each montli,7p.m.,alShiIoh Bapl. Church. Center ECA Club meets 3rd Tues­ day of each month, ut Center Comm. BIdg., 7:30 p.m. Please join us. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monday of each month, 7 p.m., at 1958 Hwy. 601 S, Contact Ralph ut 751-5118 for more info. Town or Cooleemee Planning Board, meets 3rd Tliurs. of each moiith at Cooleemee Town Hall, 7 p.m. AutlsmSupportGroup3rdMonday of cach month, 6:30 p.m., at Hillsdale Bapt. Clnirch, Advancc. Davie Counly Diabetes Support Group, first 'ITiurs. of every montli, 7-8:30 pm., at Davic Co. Public Ll- bnu7 Small Conference Room. Info: 751-8700. Davie Cu. Hospilnl Auxllary, every second Tues., in bonrd room, 6 p.m. Davic Business VVomcn’s As.socla- lion, 1st Wed. of each month, 12 noon, al'SunTnist Bank. Speaker of interest luid entered lunch, cost $8. Yearly membership $35. Contact Cathy Boles 753-1006 for more Info. CclcbrateRecovcry.wccklysupport group for those stniggling witli or in recovery forbad habits - such as stress, depression, addiction, abuse, etc. Meets 'lliiirs. 7 p.m. at Farmington Comm. Center, Farmington Rd. Call 408-8750 or 813-9921 for more info. DavleCountyHorsc Emergency Kcs- сии'Гешп,7:30 p.m.. dowaslaini at tlie Agricultunil Biilidlng, Mocksvillo. Bv- ciy 3rd Tticstlay each montli. For info: 940-2111. DavlcCo. Band Boosters,meets 2nd Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davic High Biuid Room. Family Services "What Every Par- entShould Know",parcnlingclusses to interested parents of teens in local arcus, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., ut Mocksvllle.offlcc Sanford Ave. Cost ■ $15. Fonnorc info: 751-4510. Christian Businessmen's Commit- H OWARD REALTY 330 s. Salisbury St., M ocksvilie Call 751-3538 or visit w w w .how ardrealtv.com [ iilu g g AvÎBlIàblB L i l i s -к Hwy. 601S_________ ISTHtwHiuiipshliiCtlol... PolnlRoad. SütaSMlr J M m (27,900 974D«ilelRd... ................526,000 3537H»y.60l.. (J2S,50fl H«ï.M)S...... ..W-асгй m JoyML...... в2(/-асге8 $577,864 LlbiilyCtotliRiMd. .J i9 m 519,900 ~52(,900 527,900 te№(l«Co,.,ll2K.fam 5799,000 H*y.iOI...........................Bulldlnj Loi 525,000 ШОалИШ.....................0.«acrís $17,500 Й4 Daniel Rd---------------------0.«аим 517,500 992DanlelRd........................0,82 аяй 519,900 j m m 5166,2» j M - т Ш GieenOraisRd----------------l,75V-acreJ, $29,900 niveivlwRoail....................0.92i/-acres, 524,500 ItelyStieel----------------..J.MIi/-aow, ЯЦООО 224tKamplonvllleRd............... 4 W-acres, 5307,500 FredLanlerRoad.---------------2W-acres, 5230,MOj SULPtlUn SpniNOS HD, ll]«Aic.{«rcAig,tj!hpastini>^S&ya)jiave ^ utnbkí Гам carmin Wei СаШ tfi4K(Mte«{jj£*f<Aie5icnil$799,000 3îa\bsrtpe(A3ai4()cdiilctf$8B4,ÔOO nm к.: (Veal кг ^ Mer, а 1 pfw» hcrne feteí ! Ujy сспяй Atlng $5^^ 1920's era tamtfttuse zoned Cornm. 1.01 iAac. «/оиШд. HI VM M m $250,000 ) № Í 1 ир. И Л1Й » I4Í1, to «*na Í »w. Om««<nlJn№M $360,000 Fred Laníeh Rd. 2hA uil К ileajy b вШп №mrae («mis thajycttnd Cal bnn № $230,000 utscale зеа SiBA, tddt si »al. (lMns:an. h Ykiii Ca. ^ acms Ifv. Must See' $349,900 6664 SPHINGFIELO VllUQt Lll PRICID TO sell IN FCeEIT OLENI lnABOVEAVEIWGEe««itall4Bn.3.50Ay 38R. WwiitaimrttolstI $299,900 bsM., 2 oi garajs »xl m i\ $298,500 4№. 3.5BA, 1.5 stxku. SS 2 cai m ruin lovel гтш. Щ Шее! $209,900 IjKSIed In King, ЗВЯ, 2BA, Iwced 1Л ЬаЛ <ÍH,2iB*,i((HeUSftta32íl' уап1.1»т1.{.швеМ$199,900 m гел №( шЫ1 «№ 1U ьашш. г FfífUm mt null iml $184,900 121 Hillside DnivE S(<a»inj ЗВЯ, 20Д М* raidi»,laud ludí М Мал» I«*, 2f P S sKiage W3 $176,500 imîsr mc£ и M ш в д ш » msiK LRll!ai>FP.6M,S(«ti)n, $134,900 3B(VIBÎ.ml,OI(fB&Mlfl«lWe(.bUrtspj» OWNER MOTIVATED! 4BR, 2.6BA. mí iriqiwBi U90 itng« W} $119,900 wllh oxlra loom, $108,000 т ш bdck «Ïh <n ,49t(. X. Que«Nlmd, I^P in LR W»i iraiilaiti$93,500 2£IVWU№<intl Muta toile: f(<3ncHitay.(ledi.n1ioxlfn]l $88,500.S №ilabeil 2BR.IBA ища mí К. Не» tojii, pain Л $83,250 R«nodoW2Bn, IBAcoltago, NwsIdmS ЗВП, IBA. w*l«i i LR, EaHn-Kiletim, 2 melilrool.ljg, endosad poicli $69,900 slorage t*)Qj,on nice 1Л $89,900 tec of Mocksvilie, Thursdays, 7 a.m. Mocksvillc Rotary Hut. Gold Wing Touring Association, Red Pig Burbccue, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601, 6 pm. 284- 4799. Davic Counly Stamp Club, 2nd lliiirs., Davic Senior Center, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Kcerentlon Assoclution, Zachary Hou.se, I5I Tuesday, 7 p.m. The Artist Group, Davie County Li­ brary, 7 p.m. Inst Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Development, • 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Community BIdg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Tues­ day, Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noled. Cooleemee AA, behind Good Shep­ herd Episcopal, Tues. & Fri., 8 p.m. North Cooleemee and Clark Koad Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship Hall. Mocksvillc AA, clo.scd non-smok- Ing meeting, at St. Francis of Assisi Church fellowship hall, 862 Yadkinvllle Rd., Mocksvilie. Thurs­ day, 7 p.m. Info: Jan 753-6863. Davie Doniesllc Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center. Offers weekly support gtoup for domestic violence & sexual iLssuult victims. Tlie group meets every Tues. evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Please call office for location, 751-3450. Soas of Confedérale Veterans, 1st Monday, Cooleemee Hislorieal Build­ ing, 7 p.m: Davic County Board of Social Scr- vlces,4lh Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, First Bnpl. Church, 390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. R ecreation For more infomialiun on aiiy of the following rec. events call 75 i-2325. Davie Youth Council all students grades 9-12, attend N.C. Stale Youth Council events, serve community. Call Sandra 751-2325. GoodTimeisSquareDance Farmington Comm. Ctr, Mondays 7 p.m., cost $5 per montli. Volunteer & community scrviccopportunities. Call 998-3837 for more info. Davle MetroTae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up, Including adults. Tues. & Tliurs. O 6 p.m.. Brock Gym. Gary Kecblc, Instmctor. Call 391-4538 for more Info. Shelter Rentals Available at Rich Park, Rivcrpark at Cooleemee Falls, and Fmiiington. Call 751-2325 tore.scrve. Special Olympics Fun Nltes available lo anyone with a disability, Wednesdays, Brock Gym, 6p.in. Call Knihio Streit 751-2325. K-2 Instructional B’Bail Includes T-shirt. Silver Striders Brock Gym iwailabic for walking 6:30-9 a.m. Quartcriy incentives for miles walked. Senior Trips Join us for day trips & occitsional ovcmigliters lo interesting iocalions & let us do the driving. Call Kathic for info. Senior Games Open to all 55 or better. Be active, have fun, softball, basketball, badinitton, liorscsliocs, bocce, & more. Dance Company Brock Gym, Emily Robertson 998- 5163, ages 3 & up, including adults. Classes Mon. & Tues. Bocce At Rich Park Sports Complex, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Leam sport of Bocce. Open to nil .seniors 55 or bet­ ter. Summer Horse Camp $230 per week, 2 weeks in June'& 2 weeks in July. Call for info 751-2325. Y M C A For tnore information, ciUl 751-9622, visit www.davie.ymcanwnc.org, or come to the YMCA for a tour. Soccer Kids 3-13 join YMCA for fall Socccr, Season runs Aug. 25-Oct. 18. Prac­ tices Mon., ^^les., or Thurs. evenings (depending on team). Games Sat. Pee Wee Soccer(ages 3-4) meet Sat. morn­ ings. Registerthru Aug. 15, Cost; $35 meniber.s/$55 non-members. Flag Football Kids 4-12 can join full flag football season which runs Aug. 25-Oct. 18, Practices Mon., Tues., or Thurs. eve­ nings (depending on team) Games on Sat. Register thm Aug. 15. Cost; $35 jiicmber.s/$55 non-members. Family Nigtit l(» CiBam Soiáal & Swim Looking for fun way to spend an evening? Come lo YMCA on Fri., Aug. I from 7-8 p.m. for ice cream social and fun in the pool with our big inflatable. Family night free for Y members witli family memberships; $2 per pcrson/$ 1 Ofor individual mem­ bers and non-members. Mad Science Camp Bring your mad scientist lo tlie Y for week of half-day scicnce camp. This camp shows the fun behind science wc never saw in the classroom. Laser light shows, catapults, slimy scicnce, nnd rockets are just a taste of what they’ll be working with. Aug. 4-8, 8 a.m,-noon. $70 mcmbcrs/$85 non­ members. Sign up today. Before and After School Child Care Before & after school available in all Davic public elementafy schools. Su­ pervised middle school Is available ufter school at YMCA (tnuisporatlon available). Care also available for out of .school days, spring break, overtlio summer. Rates vary. RcgisUntion bc- ' ginsAug. Urinnnclttlassistanceavail- ablo. Summer Camp Summer Isn’t over yet, so come play at the YMCA. Camp Sunburst (rising lsl-6th graders) and Camp PRYDE (rising 6th-rislng 9th graders) arc guar­ anteed a good time. Field trips cach week. Camp open 6:30 n.m. til 6 p.m. Registration infonvailablo at YMCA. Adult Swim Lessons Never Icmh as a kid? No problem, swimmirtg is a life skill we offer in adult swim lessons. Morning or evening lessons offered Tues./rhurs. Join us and find out how much fun swimming is. Sessions Aug. 8-28. $33 membcrs/$66 non-members. Members Only Join the YMCA and take advantage of water aerobics, yoga, biking, walk­ ing, personal training, imd more. Come visit luid tour our facility at 215 Cem­ etery Street and leam how wc build strongkids.slrongfamilics.andstrang communities. S e n io rs All Senior Activities take place at Duvie Counly Senior Services localcd ut 278 Mcroney St., Mocksvilie un­ less ollierwiso noted. Call 753-6230. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W. 11:30 a.m., Th.&Fri.,l 1 a.m., lunch served dally. Silver Ilenllh Excrclscs. Exercise Room of Senior Services. M, W, F, 8:30 n.m. Tues. & TIuirs. 9 u.m. at Mock Place, (open to any senior). Quilling Club, every Monday, 10 a.m. Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m. SKIHBO, Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Scrupbooklng, every 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, Podiatrist, at Sr. Services every three weeks, 8:30 a.m., please call for dates. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, ul 10:30 n.m. in the Nutrition Site. SinglngSeniors Chorus, Thursdays, 10 u.m. VFW Ladies Auxiliary, every 2nd Tliurs., I p.m. Scrabble, I p.m. every Monday. Rook, 1 p.m. every Monday. Texas Hold’Em -Tiiursdays, I pm. Painting - Wednesdays 8:30-11:30 a.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays nl 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club, every second Tues. of the month, I2:.30p.m. Computer Classes - are available, call for Infonnulion. ArlhrllicExcrclsc-everyothcrWcd. 10:30 u.m. Low Impact Acrobics - Wed. & Fri. begins Feb. 7 11 a.m. Ill 12 p.m. Fitness Equipment Room - open Mon.-Thurs. 8 u.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 a.m. til 5 p.m. Tabic Tciinls - every Tues. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondays 9 a.m. til 12 p.m. Tai Chi, Tuesdays (call for scsssion dales) Line Dancing, Thurs, 11 a.m. Ill 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13 Sr. Services Town Hall Meeting, Davie Sr. Services will host it’s next town meeting with local attorney, 10:30 a.m., this is great opportunity lo ask questions and get answers about wills, living wills, power of attorney, heahhcarepowcrofatlomey. Opcnio adults of'all ages. Cull 753-6230 lo register. Refreshments will be served. Friday, Aug. 22 SummcrDance,6:30-9:30p.m., free, refreshments will be served, the mo­ bile jukebox will be here for a variety of music for dancing - with or without a partner. Please RSVP curly (event will be cancelled if nol enough inler- esl). Call 753-6230. Report Davle Dateline Items By Noon Monday Itcini for Dttvle Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop II by Ihe office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thurstlay, July 24,2008 - D5 Construction on additions and renovations at the Davidson County Community College Davle Campus should be completó this fall. D a v ie C a m p u s C o n s t r u c t i o n A b o u t 7 5 % C o m p le t e Students returning for fall classes on the Davic Campus of Duvidson Counly Community College Aug. 18 will sec that construction projects are well under way and that the campus looks much differ­ ent than when they left for summer break, A major addition lo the Laboratory Building is proceeding on schedule as the conversion of the first floor of the Community Building to a new li­ brary. ' Construction of the Laboratory Building addi­ tion and the renovation of the Community Build­ ing are approximately 75 percent complete. Both projects are under roof witli electric, plumbing and mechanical work ongoing. “We anticipate a completion dale of November 2008, which will give us a month to move in be­ fore students begin in the new facilities when spring semester opens in Januaiy 2009,” said Dr, Maty Rittling, DCCC president. The front of the new Laboratory Building will become the new face of the campus. The addition will feature a new student services area, bookstore and convenience store, large classroom, conference room and kitchen. Both projects represent a total of 11,000 square feet of new und renovated space. The first floor of the Community Building will be transformed to a modem new library, featuring a curved history wall that will become the focal point of the facility. The wall will offer a visual history of the Davie Cam­ pus in a prominent place as library patrons check out books, videos, DVDs, books on tape, and other resource materials. Glass walls along the rear of tlie Community Building will provide a bright, spacious gathering spot for students at tablc.s both indoors und out­ doors. A new patio area will allow students addi­ tional space to enjoy a sunny day. This area, as well as the library, will offer wireless Internet con­ nections. Registration for fall classes on the Davic Cam­ pus of DCCC will continue on Monday, July 28 and Monday, Aug. 4 between 9 a.m. and noon and 2-6 p.m. T r y T h e s e T i p s T o S a v e E n e r g y D u r in g H o t W e a t h e r As the dog days of summer arrive, it’s important lo remember thal it’s always n good time to save energy. Here are some tips from EnergyUnited to help keep energy bills low no matter how hot it gels outside. • Make sure central air conditioning systems or window units arc properly sized for the space it is intended to coot, Improperly sized units use more energy than necessary. • Window air conditioning units generally are not designed to cool more than one room. Clean or replace window unit or central air conditioning system filters monthly. Dirty filters cause air conditioners to work harder nnd use more energy. • Check weather stripping around doors and caulking around windows. Properly sealed,doors and windows help prevent warm outside air from entering the home. • Close blinds, shades or drapes during the day. • Make sure un outside air conditioning unitor heat pump is nol blocked by shrubbery, leaves or other objects. • Set the thermostat on the highest comfortable setting. Raising the temperature just 2 degrees can reduce cooling costs by as much as 5 percent. • Place heat-producing appliances such as lamps and televisions away from the air conditioning thermostat to prevent inaccurate temperature readings. • Make sure the attic is properly ventilated to relieve exccss summer heat. • For homes without air conditioning systems, use fans to draw cooler air inside during the night and to circulate air throughout the home during the day. Fan blades should rotate clockwise in the summer. • Save jobs that producc moisture - like mopping, dishwashing and washing clothcs - for early morning or nighttime hours. The humidity from these activities can make homes uncomfortable. • On hot days, cook outdoors, use a microwave oven or prepare cold meals lo avoid excess heat in the kitchcn. • If it's time to replace appliances, try lo purchase a new appliance with the highest Energy Star rating. For even more tips, and applications to see the money-saving effects of simple home changes, visit the website wmv.cnergyiinlled.com and click on the "Home Energy Saver” button. Cool O ff A t Em erald Pointe W ith 4-H Having a hard time cooling off in the summer heat? Join Davie County 4-Hcrs as they travel to Emerald Polntc on July 29. In addition to learning about sun and water safety, participants get lo enjoy a full day at the water park. This trip is for youth grades 7 and up and you don’t need lo be a 4-H member to attend. The day will start by learning a few basic sun and water safety tips, then head into Ihe park lo cool off from the hot summer sun. The cost is $35 and transportation is provided. Cull the Cooperative Extension Office for registration information, 753- (, f 6100. There are also spaces left in a variety of other summer fun programs, chcck them out at davie.ces.ncsu.edu and click on “Youth and 4-H” for the summer fun flyer and additional information about 4-H. D6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 24,2008 P U B LIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 08SP155 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by vMue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Dawn E. Crane, A Married Woman and Husband, Thomas W. Crane to Wade H. Leonard, Jr., Trustee(s), which was dated March 9, 2006 and recorded on March 9,2006 In Book 652 at Page 415, DavIe County Registry, North Carolina.Detaull having been made In the payment of the note thereby se­cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brook & Scott, PLLC, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be fore­closed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer lor sale at the courthouse door of ttie county courthouss where the property Is located, or the usual and custom­ ary location at the county court­ house for conducting the sale on August 1, 2008 at 11i30 AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop­ erty situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to Wit: Lying and being In Jerusalem Township, Davie County, North Carolina and beginning at an axle found being located In the Eastern right of way of U.S. Highway 601, said axle found being the North­ west corner of the within described property and being the Southwest corner of Alex F. McClamrock and wife, Alice M. McClamrock, Deed Book 148, page 493, Tax Map L-5- 2, Tax Lot 11; thence with said McClamrock line. North 71 de­ grees, 04 minutes, 15 seconds East 200.01 feel to a 3/4 Inch ex­ isting Iron pipe, said existing Iron pipe being the Southwest corner ol Alex McClamrock and wife, Alice M. McClamrock, Deed Book 163, page 408, Tax Map L-S-2, Tax Lot .11.01; thence with said McClamrock line, North 66 de­ grees, 32 minutes, 50 seconds East 346.99 feet to a "U” channel Iron found, being located In the Western line of Harold L. Carter and wife, Margaret R. Carter, Deed Book 93, page 886 and Deed Book 142, page 368, Tax Map L-S-2, part of Tax Lot 12; thence with said Carter line, South 02 degrees, 02 minutes, 45 seconds East 145.46 feet to a 11nch existing Iron pipe, said existing Iron pipe being located In the Northerя line of R.F. Benson formerly W.F. Benson, and wile, Gussle L. Benson, Deed Book 86, page 434, Tax Map L-S-2, Tax Lot 14.01: thence with said Benson line. South 67 degrees, 08 minutes, SO seconds West 585.60 feet to a 11nch existing Iron pipe bent, said 11nch existing Iron pipe bent being located in the Eastern right of way of U.S. Highway 601; thence with said right of way. North 03 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds East 162.27 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and con­ taining 1.744 acres more or less and being part of Tax Lot 12 as sur­ veyed by Stone Land Surveying Company, February 6, 1999, and being part of Tax Lot 12, Tax Map L-S-2, Deed Book 93, page 886. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly known as 1977 US Highway 601 South, Mocksville, NC 27028.A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at tho time of the sale. Following Ihe ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being of­ fered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re­ lease, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and be­ lief of the undersigned, Ihe current owner(s) ol the property Is/are Tho­ mas W. Crane and wife. Dawn E. Crane. An Order lor possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21,29 In favor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any per­ son who occupies the property pur­ suant to a rental agreement en­ tered Into or renewed on or after October 1,2007, may, after receiv­ ing the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due un­ der the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of Ihe termina­ tion. If the trustee Is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any rea­ son, the sole remedy ol the pur­ chaser Is the return of Ihe deposit. Reasons of such Inability lo con­ vey Include, but are not limited to, the' filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale ai(d reinstatement ol the loan with­ out the knowledge of Ihe trustee. If Ihe validity ol |he sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee, In their sole discretion, If they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNI­ CATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB­ TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE is GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.; 08-07657 "7.24i2tn‘ ! I NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 07CVD786 County of DavIe, Plaintiff vs. Mischael (aka Michael) Louis DeVault; the Unknown Heirs of Mischael (aka Michael) Louis DeVault; Jaymo Lyn Powers DeVaull; Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF MISCHAEL (a/Wa MICHAEL) LOUIS DEVAULT TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature ol the rellel sought Is the collection and/or - foreclosure of property taxes ow­ ing on property located In Davie County, North Carolina, and being described and designated as fol­ lows: Being located In Jerusalem Township, Davie County, North Carolina, and being Lots Forty-- One (41) and Forty-Two (42), of the J.C. Ijames lands, platted and sun^eyed by N.A. Trexler, which said plat Is recorded In Book 23, Pg. 550, DavIe County Registry, to which said plat reference Is hereby made for further descrip­ tion of said lots. SAVe AND EX­ CEPT from the above described lots 80 feet fronting on Jot Em Down Street conveyed to J.S. Creason, et ux. by deed recorded In Deed BooK 40, Pg, 537, Davie County Registry, The remaining property is Informally known as Tax Parcel No. N500000072, pur­ suant to the current Davie County Tax Maps. You are required to make de- lense to such pleading not later than the 26“' day of August, 2008, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this notice; and upon your failure lo do so, the parly seeking sen/ice against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.This the 17"’ day of July, 2008, Kyla J. SIpprell Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Boy, 595- Mocksville, NC 27026 (336)753-6014 7-17-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 08 SP146 Under and by virtue of the au­ thority contained in a certain deed of trust dated May 10, 2005, se­ curing a note and Indebtedness ol $86,478.00, which was executed by Benjam'en T, Gobble and wife, Jessica L. Gobble, (the current owner of the property described therein Is BenjamenT. Gobble and wife, Jessica L. Gobble), and which Is recorded In Book 607 at Page 88, Davie County Registry, the undersigned having been ap­pointed Substitute Trustee by Instrument recorded in Book 756 at Page 897 of said Registry, de­ fault having occurred in the pay­ ment of thé note secured by said deed of trust, and at tho request ol tho holder ol said note and pur­ suant to Order of Foreclosure dated the 15th day of July, 2008, tho undersigned Substitute Trustee, In accordance wllh the prévisions of said deod of trust, will offer for sale at public auction lo the highest bidder for cash at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 7,2008, at Ihe Davie County Courthouse, Mocksville, Davio County, North Carolina, the lot and fixtures lo­ cated at 108 Center OIrcle, Mocksville, NC 27028, Which Is more particularly described as fol­ lows: LYING AND BEING IN CALAHAN TOWNSHIP, DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND BEGINNING ATAN ESTAB­ LISHED IRON PIN, SAID ESTAB­ LISHED IRON PIN BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT #33 ON THE MAP OF SHEFFIELD PARK, PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 98, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY; THENCE SOUTH 82 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 30 SEC­ ONDS EAST, 33.88 FEET TO AN ESTABLISHED IRON PIN; THENCE NORTH 76 DEGREES10 MINUTES 40 SECONDS ,EAST, 135.39 FEET TO AN ES­ TABLISHED IRON PIN; THENCE NORTH 76 DEGREES 10 MIN­ UTES 40 SECONDS EAST, 30,0 FEET TO A POINT IN THE CEN­ TER OF SHEFFIELD ROAD; THENCE WITH SAID SHEFFIELD ROAD SOUTH 15 DEGREES 32 MINUTES EAST, 70.60 FEET TO A POINT IN THE CENTER OF SHEFFIELD ROAD; . THENCE NORTH 81 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, 42.42 FEET TO AN ES­ TABLISHED IRON PIN; THENCE SOUTH 24 DEGREES 32 MIN­ UTES EAST, 66.58 FEET TO AN ESTABLISHED IRON PIN; THENCE SOUTH 24 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, 22,62 FEET TO AN ES­ TABLISHED IRON PIN; THENCE SOUTH 72.DEGREES 38 MIN­ UTES WEST, 129.44 FEET TO A POINT IN 'ÓOMCRETE DITCH; THENCE NORTH 24 DEGREES 11 MINUTES WEST, 180.23 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING AND BEING ALL OF LOT #33 OF SHEFFIELD PARK AS RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 4, PAGE 98, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY TO WHICH REFER­ ENCE IS MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION AND BEING AN ADDITIONAL TRACT OF PROPERTY LO­ CATED ALONG THE NORTH­ WEST PROPERTY LINE OF SAID LOT #33. Said property will be sold sub­ ject to taxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights of way, restrictions of record, prior Hens, or other prior encumbrances, said sale to remain open for In­ creased bids for ten days after re­ port thereof to the Clerk of Supe­ rior Court. The Substitute Trustee may require the high bidder to de­ posit cash at the çale In an amount equal to five percent of the amount bid as a good faith deposit. The sale is-also subject to any appli­ cable county and/or state land transfer and/or revenue tax, and the successful third-party bidder shall be required to make payment for any such tax.Any successful bidder shall be required lo tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid. In cash or certified check, at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or at­tempts to tender siich deed, and should said successful bidder fall to pay the full balance of the pur­ chase price so bid, at that time he shall remain liable oh his bid, as provided for in N.C.G.S. §45-21.30 (d) and (e). In the event the Substituto Trustee allows the successful bld- , der to delay payment of Ihe pur­ chase price, said bidder shall be required to pay interest on the bid amount at the rate specllled by the Note whioh secures the deed of trust, from the date the upset period ended until such time Ihe bidder ten­ders the full balance. An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to NCGS §45-21,29 in favor of Ihe pur­ chaser and against Ihe party or par­ ties in possession by the Clerk ol Su­ perior Court of thé county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or after October 1,2007 may, alter re­ceiving the Notice of Sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 16 days' written notice to Ihe landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due un­ der the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termina­ tion. This the 15th day of July, 2008. Philip E. Searcy, Substitute Trustee WELLS JENKINS LUCAS & JENKINS PLLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law 155 Sunnynoll Court, Sulte.200 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Telephone; (336) 725-2900 7-24-2tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements ol Article 20-B of Chapter 153-A of Ihe General Statutes ol North Carolina and Section 155.251 of tho Davie County Code of Ordinances, that the Davie County Board of Com­ missioners will hold a Public Hear* of the Davie County Administration Building, Mocksville, NC on Mon­ day, August 4th at 6:00 p.m. to hear the following requests; Westvlew Development Company and Brant Godfrey Is requesting to rozone approximately 3.05 acres that consists of two parcels of prop­ erty from Residential (R-20) to Highway Business (HB). Subject property Is located on the north side of LJS Hwy 156 at the Intersection ol Redland Road (west side) and being further described as Davie. County Tax Parcels E7/33 (portion)and E7/3304’. ■ i' ■ ’ . ............ B) ZonlngJUflP-Amfliiilmenl Jeff Hayes Is requesting to rezone approximately 0.607 acres from Residential (R-20) to Highway Business (HB). Subject property Is located north of US Hwy 158 at Iho Intersection of Redland Road (oast side) and being further de­scribed as Davie County Tax Par­ cel E7/3301 (portion) and E7/180 (portion). Jeff Hayes Is requesting to amend Highway Business Special.Condi­ tions (HB-S) zoning tor property located at 4360 US Hwy 158, and being further described as Davie County Tax Parcel E7/34. County Is proposing text amend­ ments to the Landscaping and Buffer Requirements section of the Zoning Ordinance (§155.172). The amendment proposes to add and modify requirements. The public Is invited to attend the hearing at which time there will be an opportunity to be heard In favor of, or in opposition io, the above Items. As a result of the public hearing, substantial changes might be made in the adverllsed pro­ posal, rellecling objecllons, debate and discussion at the hearing. Additional Information Is available at the Development Services De­ partment on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by tele­ phone at (336) 753-6050. ’ Andrew Meadwell Planning Department . 7-24-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate of MARGARET S. MYERS late of Davie County, this is to notlly all persons, flmns and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before October 24, 2008, (being three (3) months from this llrst day of publication of this no­ tice), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of July, 2008. JOE HARDEN MYERS 727 Rainbow Road Advance, NC 27006 7-24-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Adminis­ trator of tho Estate of DENNIS ANDERSON POTTS, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Oc­ tober 3, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of July, 2008,Susan Hicks Potts 331 Speer Rd, Mooksvllle, NC 27208 7-3-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of ETHEL SPRY BROOKS, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before October 3, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, firms and cor­ porations Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to Iho under­ signed.This the 3rd day of July, 2008.Gwendolyn B. Sain 120 Antler Drive Statesville, NC 28625 7-3-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE Public Sale: Mocksville Mlnl- Storago intends to sell the con­ tents ol tho following uriits lor unpaid rent and expenses: #129 Melllsa Randall, #11Et Richard Moses, #247 Myra Wil­ son, #256 Beatric Vaughtere, #393 William Sleeio, #205 Christina Page, #420 Sahnantha Nidholsbn, :#191 Charity Kiger, #87 Lasondra Hogue and #73 Tammy Casey. Household Items, no porsonal checks. Public sale date: July 31,2008 at 1:00 p.m. 124 Eaton Road (beside Crostwood Farms), 336-751-2483. 7-17-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY COOLEEMEE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPAFJTMENT P.O. BCk 6 COOLEEMEE, NC 27014 336-284-2411 ON THE PROPOSED FINANC­ ING BY COOLEEMEE VOL. FIRE DEPT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cooieemee Volunteer Fire Department located In Cooieemee, NC, will meet on July 31 at 7:00'o'clock p.m., at the Cooieemee Volunteer Fire Department, for the purpose of holding a public hearing pursu­ ant to the requirements of Sec­ tion 147 (f) of the Internal Rev­ enue Code of 1986, as amended, on a proposal that the Issuer enter into an agree­ ment In order to finance certain equipment. The equipment to be llnanoed consists ot a CED FIRE PUMPS MFG, BRUSH/ MUt,TI-PURPOSE TRUCK and: will be located at Cooieemee Volunteer Fire Department.To finance the cost ol such equipment and to pay cost and expenses Incidental to the fi­ nancing, tho Issuer proposes to enter into a loan agreement In the maximum aggregate prin­ ciple amount of $80,000.00. The issuer will be required to pay all taxes on the equipment. The lease payments due pursu­ ant to the loan agreement will be secured by a security Inter­ est In the equipment. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place or may file writ­ ten comments with Cooieemee Volunteer Fire Department prior to the .date of hearing set forth heretofore. July 8, 2008 BY ORDER OF COOLEEMEE VOLIJN- TEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BRIAN R. WILLIAMS, CHIEF 7-17-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARTHA TATUM EATON, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations having claims against said es­ tate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of- publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to tho undersigned. This Ihe 10th day of July, 2008.William Tracy Eaton 491 Cedar Creek Road Mocksville, NC 27028 7-10-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ot the Estate ol JETTIE B. LINDSAY, late of , Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and coiporatlons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publlca- llon of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, All per­sons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Imme- ' dIale payment to the undersigned.This the 10th day of July, 2008. Han/ey B. Lindsay 249 Cedar Grove Ch. Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 7-10-«n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY f^OTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of FREDERICK T. WARNER, lato of Davio County, this Is to notlly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 17, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make . ImmedlatB payment to the under- slgned. This the 10th day of July, 2008. CHRISTOPER W. WARNER 9717 Clarks Crossing Road Vienna, VA 22182 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys al Law Ten Court Sqaure Mocksville, NC 27028 7-17-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol MARK STEVEN GRUBB, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) rnonths from this llrst day of publication of this notice), or this notice will • be plaaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, firms and cor­ porations Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to Ihe under­ signed. This the lOlh day ol July, 2008. Melanie SIdden Grubb 4395 Hwy 801 S Advance, N0 27006 7-10-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of WILLIAM H. FORD late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persona, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 24, 2008, (be­ ing three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of July, 2008. TERRY D. MULLIS 106 Renee Drive Advance, NC 27008 7-24-4tp DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursduy, July 24,2008 - D7 P U B LIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY ' 08 SP 105 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ROBERT L. ARMSTRONG AND MAUREEN A. ARMSTRONG DATED MARCH 4, 2002 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 410 AT PAGE 925 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue of the power ' and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default In the pay­ment ol tho secured Indobtednoss and failure to perform the stipu­ lation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to de­ mand of Ihe owner and holder of the secured debt, the under­ signed substitute trustee will ex­ pose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at tho usual place of sale at the county courthouse ol said county at 10:30 AM on July 28, 2008 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may bo situated thereon. In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows: B£/Na KNOWN and desig­ nated as Lot No. 44 of North Ridge, Phase S, as set forth In Ptat Book 7, Pago 105 (Slide S67), Davie County Registry, to which reference Is hereby made fora more particular description. SUBJECT TO Restrictive Cov­enants In Deed Book 319, Page S84, Davie County Registry, and any other easements and restric­ tions of record. FOR BACK TITLE, see Deed Book 338, Page B21, and Deed Book 180, Page 34, Davie County Registry. See also TaxMapH-4- 13, A, Parcel 44, located In Mocksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina. And Being more commonly known as: 148 Ash Dr, Mooksvllle, NC 27028 Tho record ownor(s) of tho property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deods, Is/are Maureen A. Armstrong. The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of saio is be­ ing offered for aalo, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor tho holder of'the note secured by the deed of trust, boing foroclosod, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any represonlatlon or warranty relat­ ing to the title or any physical, en­ vironmental, health or safety con­ ditions existing In, on, al or relat­ ing to the property being offered for sale. Anyandallrosponslblil- tles or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are dis­ claimed. This sale Is made sub­ ject to all prior Hens and encum­ brances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associ­ ated with the foreclosure. A de­ posit ol five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hun­ dred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater. Is required and must be tendered In Ihe form of certified funds at the lime of the sale. This sale will bo held open ten days for upset bids as re­ quired by law. Following tho ex­ piration of the statutory upset po­ rted, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OW­ ING, Failure to remit lunds in a timely manner will result In a Dec­laration of Default and any de­ posit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale, SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: if you are a tenant residing in the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be Issued In favor of the pur­ chaser, Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after Octo­ ber 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agree­ ment upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be li­ able for rent due under the agree­ ment prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice Is June 30,2008, 08-104053 Richard P, McNeely Substitute Trustee PMB 288 8206-1200 Providence Road Chartotte, NC 28277-9708 (704) 341-2002 7-17-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 08SP160 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ROY D. WALKER, JR, AND CAROL WALKER DATED JULY 29, 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 618 AT PAGE 959 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default In tho paymont of the secured in­ debtedness and failure to per­ form the stipulation and agree­ ments therein contained and, pursuant lo demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale al public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30 AM on July 28, 2008 the following described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon, in Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows: BEING KNOWN AND DES­IGNATED as Lot No. 10, Block Four, Section Two, Greenwood Lakes Subdivision, according to a plat thereof duly recorded in Map Book 3, Page 88, Davie County Registry, to which refer­ence Is hereby made fora more particular description. And Being more commonly known as; 120 Brookdale Dr, Advance, NC 27006 The record owner(s) of the property, as refiectod on the records of the Register of Deeds, Is/are Roy D. Walker, Jr. and Carol J. Walker. The property to bo offered pursuant to this notice ot sale Is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note se­ cured by the deed ol trust, be­ing foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employ­ ees, agents or authorized rep­ resentative of either Trustee or Ihe holder of the note make any ropresentatlon or warranty re­ lating to the title or any physi­ cal, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property be­ ing offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or llabllllles aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments Includ­ ing but not limited to any trans­ fer tax associated with tfie fore­ closure. A deposit of five per­ cent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMME­ DIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result in a Declara­ tion of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the out­ come of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing In the property, be advised that an Or­ der for Possession of the prop­ erty may be Issued In favor of the purchaser. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the land­ lord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement pro­ rated to tho effective date of Ihe termination. The date of this Notice Is July 7, 2008.08-105456 Grady Ingle Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NG 28269 (704) 333-8107 http://shaplroattorneys. com/ nc/ 7-17-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSUflE SALE Under and by virtue of tho power of sale contained In a cer­tain Deed of Trust made by Paul Cook and wife, Nila Cook to An­ drew Valentine, TrustOB(s), dated the 1st day of December, 2006, and recorded In Book fiSl, Page 551. Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having boon made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, Substitute Trustee Ser­ vices, Inc. having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In the Office of the Regis­ ter of Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and tho holder of the note evidencing said indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for aalo at tho court­ house door In the City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 2:45 pm on August 6, 2008 and will sell to tho highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being known and designated as Lot 42 as shown on Map of Bermuda Run Golf and Country Club, Section 2, recorded In Plat Book 4, Page 80 In Ihe Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina. Together with improvo- ments located thereon; said prop­ erty being located at 1117 Riverbend Drive, Advance, North Carolina. Being tho same property as convoyed lo Ronald J. Raylo and wife, Sharon W. Rayie (now de­ ceased) by deed from Bets Build­ ers by deed dated 6/2S/1981 and recorded In Deed Book 114, Page 94 In the Davio County Records. Trustee may. In tho Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale tor up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third parly, that per­ son must pay the lax of Forty-Five Cents ($0,45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1), The property to be olferod pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS," Nolthor tho Trustee nor Ihe holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or Ihe holder of the note make any ropresontation or war­ ranty relating to the iltle or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property be­ ing offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relat­ ing to any such condition ex­ pressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior lions or encumbrances ol record and any recorded re­ leases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ot five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will bo required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S, 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk ol superior, court ol the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agree­ ment prorated to the effective' date of the termination. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stated below in the Instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RE­ SULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING. THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIRE­ MENT AND FOR INFORMA­ TIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT­ TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSON­ALLY. This 16th day of July, 2008. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senior & Britton, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311 http;//www. fc-sates. com Case No: 415.132012 7-24-21П C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATE^ COLLECTABLES, OLD MÉTAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE CiK В«|Мс1(аЗвЦ92-5992 Driver - Mocksville Terminal TOP PAY lor Exp d Drivers! HOME EVERY WEEKEND GUARANTEED! 65% preloaded/prelarped CDL-A req'd. 877-428-5627 wviw.ctdrlvers.com Help Wanted: PERMANENT PT ANIMAL CARE TECHNICIAN to provide care for animals and clean favlllty. Nights & wsekonds. HS diploma & valid NC drivers llcenso. Application available on www.davlonchumano.org. Send resume & app. to Humane Soclely, PO Box 153,Mocksvlllo. NC 27028. Background and driving record check requlrod. EOE CambridgeCreekApartments 268 Milling Road Mocksville, NC Family Households 1&2 Bedroom Apartments Units (or Persons with Disabilities Available. Rental Assistance Available Please Call: 1-336-751-5128 TDDH^Y# 1-800-735-2962 “This Institution Is an Equal Opportunity Provider la Y Employer" f Equal HouBlng Opportunity RECEPTIONIST Join our growing team in private practice in Advance. LoQl<ing for friendly team players witfi tlie ability to manage patient care. Computer and insurance experience helpful. Great Inours and opportunities. Fax resume to 336.940.2069 or email ccec@yadtei.net NORfH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDfTORS Having qualified asExecutorolthe Estate of LONNIE GRAY BOLIN, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons, flmis and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them' to the undersigned on or before October 17, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publteatlon of this nolk»), or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir re­ covery. Ail persons, firms and corpo­ rations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 17th day of July, 2008. ETHEL MARIE BOLIN HEDRICK 306WestdaleAve. Lexington, NC 27295 7-17-4P NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY lniBlSy9ni9nt.gpminlMlPtl July 15,2008 Tiie Davie County Watershed Im­ provement Commission Is now ac­ cepting bid proposals for maintenance wori< at nine (9) floodwater retarding dams located within the Dutchmans Creeic watershed structures. Work In­cludes bush hogging of vegetatton on the dam, emergency spillway and other areas. Removal and off site dis­ posal of all debris Is required. Chemi­ cal control of vegetation Is a must and bidders must possess a valid NC Commercial Pesttelde Applteator's Li­ cense. Don Noel Excavating & Grading Trackhoo & Dozer work. Site planning, lots cleared, driveways, septic systems, sowor hookups & dralnagos, Installation & repairs Proporty Mgml. Firm iooks Exp. MaInt, Sup«rvlior to oversee/ handle operalions for one of Its apt. communities In Ihe Mocksville aroa. Must have exp. In Ihe apt. Industry, have obllllles to oversee other maint. personnel. HVAC a must. CPO and bilingual a plus. Full Time, Benefits. Immediate Opening. Only serious candidates nood apply. Fax or email resume w ith s a la ry req. to norlhwoodaptOembarqmall.com or 336.751.1030 atln. Mocksville Position. CrystaÍTlnnette 'ÉmcCy ¡Evans Jufi) г?, tt)5íf- Тсб Л5, 2008p ^ ‘Hlipjnf ‘Biníicfay íit ÍHccivcn “З (ove \/ou aticT ^ 11UX.S \¡ou so mxicfx, 'ЗЧот : TheGLEN • •' 300 Milling Road •• Mocksville • • Family Households * . 2 & 3 Bedroom _• Apartments * , Units for Persons with _ « Disabilities Available « • • « Rental Assistance • • Available • • Please Call: 1-336-751-2070 *• TDD/TYY# 1-800-735-2962 *• "ThI« Institution Ii an EqutI * • Opportunity Provider •• ^ and Einployor" . • ® ÄJI EqualHouiinoOpportunity A l®• • • • • • • • • • «TV* DAVIB C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/i^ fiE C O R D The Davie County Enterprise Record seeks a full-time Advertising Sales Representative Responsibilities Include selling and sen/icing existing customers, increasing customer base and other duties as assigned. Must have the ability to worl< with customers and sell advertising, have excellent verbal and written communication skills and knowledge of advertising procedures. Please submit resume to; Davfe County Enterprise Record Attn: Dwight Sparks PO Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 DAVIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. Medical Lab Teclinician, Full time Description of work: f^uvidc latioralory .services for clients, including obtaining spcclincns. Maniigc lub quality iissurancc program as dircctcd by lab dircclor. Qualiflcntluivs; Completion of certified laboratory assistant course in incdical technology or a compiu'able course; or graduation from high suiuxil and two years of medical laboratory e.xpcrience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. VVORK HOURS: Monday - Friday. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. REQUIREMENTS FOR POSITION: Unencumbered N.C. State Driver’s Licen.se, and reliable velilcle for work purposes. Fingerprinting for criminal background checks and drug testing rcquired. Submit state application (PD-107) lo: Caroldinc Wincbargcr, Davic County Health Department, P.O. Box 848, Mocksvillc, N.C. 27028 Etiual Opportunity Employer INVENTORY & PROJECT MANAGER iVianufacturlng company seel<s qualified management team member to worl< with inventory management, purchasing, shop order scheduling, general project management and other responsibilities assigned. Must have good computer sl<iils and experience with Excel, Word and exhibit capability to learn specialized inventory management software. Must have good people skills and effectively interact with management, production personnel, customers and vendors. Interested candidates should forward current resume to:Attention: PresidentPOBOX67Yadkinville, NC 27055 Pay level to be established based on experience and skill level. EOE. D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports; All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442IVlocksvllle, NC P U B LIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORE­ CLOSURE SALE 08SP12 Under and by virtue o( ihe power o( sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by James M. Sekula and Wife, Rebecca Sekula loTaistee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC, Trustee(s), dated Ihe 27tfi day of September, 2004, and recorded In Book SZi, Page 345. Davie Counly Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In Ihe payment of Ihe note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted asTmstee In said Deed of Tmst by an Instalment duly recorded in the Office ol the Register of Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina and Ihe holder of the nole evidencing said indebted­ ness having directed that the Deed ol Toist be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Tmstee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In the City of Mocksvtlle, Davte County, North Caro­ lina at 2:45 p.m, on July 30,200B and will sell lo the highest bidder lor cash Ihe lollowlng real estate situated In the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being known and designated as Lot No. 7, Block 4, Section 1, as shown on Ihe plat ol Greenwood Lake re­ corded In Map Book 3, Page 53 (slide 65), Davie County Reglstiy, to which reference Is hereby made lor a more particular description. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being located at 334 River Road, Advance, North Carolina.Subject lo Restrictive Covenants In Deed Book 57, Pago 453, Davie County Registry, and any other ease­ment and restriction ol record. For Back Title see DB 77, Page 575, Davie County Reglsliy, see also Tax Map E-8-11, B, Parcel 13, located In Shady Grove Township, Davie Counly f'jorth Carolina. Trustee may, In the Tnistee’s sole discretion, delay Ihe sale lor up to one hour as provided In NCOS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay Ihe lax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) re­ quired by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursu­ ant to this nollce ol sale Is being ol- lered lor sale, transler and convey­ ance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neltlier the Tnjslee nor Ihe holder ol Iho note se­ cured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or aulhoilzed rep- resenlallvo of ellher Ihe Tmstee or the holder ol the note make any represen­ tation or warranty relating to Ihe tllle orany physical, environmental, health or safety condlllons existing In, on, at or relating to the property tjeing offered lor sale, and any and all responslblll- llos or liabilities arising out ol or In any way relating lo any such condition ex­ pressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty Is being sold subject lo all taxes, T T f f i f T M Ш ш Ш Ш ж special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred filly dollars ($750.00), which­ ever Is greater, will be required at the time ol Ihe sale.An order lor possession ol the property may be Issued pursuant lo Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor ol Ihe purchaser and against the party or parties In pos­ session by the clerk ol superior court ol the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1,2007, may after receiving the nottee ol sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written no­ tice lo the landlord. Upon lemilnatlon ot a rental agreement, Ihe tenant Is li­ able lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to Ihe elfecllve dateofthetemiinalion. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICA­ TION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR­ POSE, except as stated below In Ihe Instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PRO­TECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DIS­CHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMA- TIONALPURPOSESANDISNOTIN- TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COL­ LECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL on ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. This 2nd day of July, 2008. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law The Law Rrm of Hutchens, Senior & Britton, P. A. Attorneys for Substitute Tnjstee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 httpy/Vvww.fc-sales.com Case No; 430.128032 7-17-2иг ^ H m H s P o o l & S u p p lie s Clming*(Mciib>Pocl&$palnstaOatlofl 0|)eiilng & Ctelrig • Vinyl Unw Kepixennt Tommy llanis/OwmT-Ovc;r20Yrs. Kxp. 277 Plciisiim Лсгс I3r„ Mut'ksvillc Home 1336) 2844817 Business (3361909-4027 i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 08SP163 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST OF FREDDIET MILLER and CATHY R. MILLER, Grantor(s),• To; TRSTE, INC., TRUSTEE, AND WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL AS­ SOCIATION, BENEFICIARY, As recorded In Deed of Tmst Book 561, Page 221, Davie County Regis­ try. See Substitution of Tmstee as re­ corded In Deed Book 758, Page 115, Davie County Registry, appointing Ri­ chard J. Kania as Substitute Tmstee, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE TO; Cathy A. Miller 378 Plnebrook School Road MocksvlllQ, N0 27028, Freddie T Miller 378 Plnebrook School Road Mocksville, NC27028, Occupant378 Plnebrook SchoolRoad Mocksville, NC 27028.Under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained in that certain dead ol tmst executed and delivered by the above-named Grantors to Wachovia Bank, National Associatk>n, dated June 21,2004, filed for record on July 14,2004, securing Indebted­ ness in Ihe original principal amount ol $51,000.00 as recorded In Deed ol Tmst Book 561 at Page 221, Davie County Registry (herelnaller, Iho "Deed ol Tmst"), and because ot the delault ol In Iho payment ol the Indebt­ edness thereby secured and the lall- ure ol to carry out or perlorm the stipu­ lations and agreements therein con­ tained and pursuant to the demand ol the owner and holder ol Ihe indebted­ ness secured by the Deed ol Tmst, and pursuant to the Order ol the Clert< of Superior Court lor Davie County, North Carolina, entered In this lore- closure proceeding, the undersigned, Richard J, Kania, Substitute Tmsteo, will expose lor sale at public auction the usual place ol sale as designated by the Cleri< ol Court lor loreclosuro sales at the Davie Counly Court- houso, MocKsvllle, North Carolina, the real property InfffimtofltaaTownshlp, - Davie County, North Carolina (Includ­ ing any improvements thereon), with the address ol 378 Plnebrook School Road, Mocksvlllo, NC 27028, and as WANTED: TO CUS l'QM випл) 10 MODIII.AK НОМК.Ч WIM.DISCOUNTALI. У11ЛЫ1IICDIIOMICS $l(l,(KtU miNDumxs TÒ C IIOOSK I к ом с Л1Л. rOOAYl 1ЛМГ1К1) riMKONLYl-8«(»-974-4I3l METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 30-I- Colors 25 Year Warranty Post Frame Buildings call fo r prices! 1 -8 8 8 -2 7 8 -6 0 5 0 M ID-STA TE M ETA LS .of the Carolinas, LLC MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! Hwy. 601 S.. Mocksvillc |338) 75l-Zo04 ESTATE AUCTION S a t., Ju ly 2 6 , 2 0 0 8 • 9 AM 536 Danner Road, Mocksville, NC Direclions: From Mocksville, Hwy 601N approx. 5 miles turn right on Danner Road Personal Property of Georgia F. Boger (deceased) and others. HOUSEHOLD: VlnlagQ Plu Salo w/Orloliial Tins. Oak RquiiíI Top Tublo, 1-Boari) Walnul Tiililo, Cortar Chiisl,Cortar Tublo.Wasli SInnrt. Oak Drossors, Bodroom Sijllos, Rocklna Clialis, Wardiobo, Kllchoii T,ililo & Ctialia, TioUillo Sowing Machino oxrjullonl cablnol, Colluo Tablo, 3-Board Pino Tapoiort Lop Tablo, Hand-marto Chost, Ma/lap RInoor Washlno Mai;hlrio, Wash Bonch. Cooklo Jar, Hull, Walls, McCoy, Flro Kliip, Bluü nirtuu, Homor Laiiahlln.Fonlon.PInk Dopioalon,Carnival Glass,Moinian Rockwoll Colloclor Plalos.rool Warinor, Whilo Houso Vlnopar Jug, NIco Pollory Jugs. Counlry Quills. Old PIcluros w/Fiamos, Olrt Kllchon llonis.Bullor Molli,Milk Slralnor.Dazoy Cliurn, Wovorl Ego Ba3kol,Co3t lion Fiylno Pan3,MoiU1a Broatl Bo*,Wood Cook Slovo, Woorton Artvorllsornoril B0XÜ3, Marlin Brolhor's lloms,Whllo Mountlan Ico Fiooior. Cloarollo LIglilors. Chlldron's Books, Marblos, Poa Planlor, David Biartloy Tllloi w/Plow & Disc, Woodon Baiiols, Old Box Wagon, Cotlocllblo Dyo Casi naco Cars, JD Traclor Clocks, Crall Wood Burnlnu InsoiI.Hospllal Bod oloclric llko now. Whool Chalrs,Walkors.010 MONEY: Ulgo Ono Dollai Tioasuiy Nolo-1B91. Larpo Ono Dollar US N0I0-ID17, Ono Dollar Sllvor Corllllcalo-1023, A0^ Sllvor Dollars, <1G Rolls Whoal Ponnlos, 26 Rolls Búllalo NIcklos, 3 Rolls V-Nlcklos, 2 noils Indian 1 Coni, 16 ncs Laroo Com >1 ncs 2 Coni.QUNS; Wlnclrostoi Modol 189? 12-ga 40-Inch Borrol w/scopo & 3 chokos, Wlnchosloi Mortol 12 12-Ga.WWII nusslan 7,62 cal, Wants Wnslorn Flold 22 Aulo Rlllo, Glonlolld Modol20 22 cal,Boll Acllon,Now England 20- ga.Sliol Gun,Now England -110- ga. Shol Gun,H&R 1G -oa Sliol Qun,Wlnchosloi Modol 04 44 cal, Harry Ganll 1994 Farowoll Tour.#33 Bandit's Last Rido Edlllon 75/ 200,FARM EQUIPMENT: IH 230 3 pt. Hitch. Ford 8N, Ford 800. N.H. Modol 472 Hayblno.N.H. Modol 846 Ballot, N.H. Model 56 Hay Rako,1093G.M.C.1500P.U.350A/T P/S P/L AC L-Dod, Calilo Foodars.BOATS 1997 Maycrafl 18.5 It..115 HP. Johnson V-A .Two Slroko, Outboard Motor. All Saloly Equlpmom, GPS. Fish Flndftf, Maiino nadlo, AM/FM Radio, Salt or Ffosh Wntor w/Loadrlflhl Trallor. READY TO GO FISHINGII TERMS: Cash, Credit Cards, Afiproved Check. Out-ol-State Buyers: Cash or Credit Cards ONLY. ‘SEE COMPUTE LIsflNQS and PHOTOS AT AUCTIOKZIP.COM, AUCTIONEER ID: 10133’ Food A vailab le * R ain or Shine 3 p e e r A u c t i o n s 261 Rag Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 • 336-998-4162 David Speer, NCAL #2984 Arthur Bostick, NCAUÍ1365 described In Ihe attached Exhibit A hereto. Exhibit A; BEING all ol that 1.001 acre parcel on Ihe eastem margin ol . Plnebrook School Rd., said parcel de­ scribed In a deed to Freddie T. Miller and wile, Cathy A. Miller, said deed dated 10-4-1996 and recorded In Book 190, Page 660, Davie county Regls- liy. Reference to said deed Is hereby made lor a more perlect description. The sale will be made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, roslrictlons and easements ol record and assess­ ments, II any The record owner ol the above<le- scribed real property as rellected on the records ol the County Register bl Deeds not more than ten (lO) days prior to the posting ol this Notice Is; Cathy A. Miller FreddL-T. Miller An order lor possession ol the property may be issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21.29In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In pos­ session by the Counly Cleri< ol Supe­ rior Court. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007 may, after re­ ceiving this notice ol the sale, temnl- nato the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written nollce lo the landlord. Upon tennlnatlon ol a rental agree­ ment, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the ellectlve dato ol the termination, Pursuant to N.C, Gen Stal.§45- 21.10(b), and Ihe tenna ol the Deed ol Tmst, any successlul bidder may be required to deposit with the Tmstee Immediately upon conclusion ol Ihe sale a cash deposit ol Ihe greater ol live percent (5%) ol the amount bid or Seven Hundred Fllty Dollars ($750.00). Any successful bidder shall bo required to tender the lull balance purchase prico so bid in cash or certl- lled check at the time the Tmstee ten­ ders lo him a deed lor the property or allompis to lender such deed, and should said successlul bidder lail to pay the lull balance purchase price so bid at the time, ho shall remain liable on his bid as provided lor In N.C. Gen.Stat. §45-21.30 (d) and (o). The sale will bo hold open ton (10) days lor upset bids as required by law. This the 4th day ol June, 2008. Richard J. Kania Substituto Trustee 600-1 Cenlrepark Drive Asheville, NC 28805 (828)252-8010 7-17-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE MOCKSVILLE TOWN BOARD FOR THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE AND ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIRE­ MENTS ol Chapter 160A-364 ol the General Statutes ol North Carolina and pursuant lo Section 8-3.9.7 ol the Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, thal Iho Town Board ol Commissioners will hold a PUBLIC HEARING In Ihe Town Hall, Mocksville, NC, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday,August5,2008 lohearihe lollowlng Items; A. The Board will review text amendments to Sections 8-3.3.5, 8- 3.10, and 8-3.8.47 Recycling and Sal­ vage Operations. The amendment proposes lo add and modify uses. B. The Board will review a request by Pilgrim Recycling, A North Carolina Partnership to rezone approximately 1 acre from Neighbortiood Residen­tial (NR) to General Industrial (01). Sublect property Is located on tho south side ol Bailey Street and being lurther described as a portion ol Davie County Tax Parcel J501OB0002. All parties and Interested citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard In lavor ol or In opposition lo the fore­ going changes. Prior to the hearing, all persons Interested may obtain any additional information on Ihe proposal by visiting the Development Senrices Department, 172 Clement Street, Mocksville, f^.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 753-6050. 7-24-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate of GARY MALLORY MAYES, late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before Oo- lober 17,2008, (being three (3) months Irom this llrat day ol publication ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons, llrms and corporations In­ debted to' said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to Ihe undersigned. This the 17lh day of July, 2008.KAREN DENISE MAYES 156 Sonora Drive Advance, NC 27006 7-17-4tn HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING Crunc.s, Diillduzcrs, llncktinc.?, Luiitlcrs, Dump 'lYuclis, Graders, Si'mpers, Excuvnturs - NiUiniiul Ccrtilicallon - Finunciiil Asslsluncc -Job Placement A.s.sistance 888-233-6079 As.socliUed Training .Servlcc.s www.cquipmentopcrator.com G E N E T R E X L E R R O O F IN G Now & Old Roots Small Ropnir Jobs t^roD Estímulos 336-284-4571 RANDY MILLER &SONS 29.'; Miller Itiiiiil'Mm'ksvlllc (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Septic Tanks ■ Skid Sleor Work Trencher Work Hauling Scpllc Systems Footings Loader Work E S T A T E SATURDAY July 26th, 2008 - 10:00 a.m.'ГЬс lístate u l'C a rl W. Вгасксм (D cccascil) 1507 Jimtlii D rivvW instoiKSaleiinN C 27127 Real Estate • Vehicles - I’ersoiuil Properly D lH iiC riO N S: iROMiirsi\i..ss.Hi,i¡4irovií).s(«*iii.siu^í mi;».k»'ahkw,\y.’It'KSKIiilll (ЛГ(И.т-.К1 KtiAl).(iO}Mll.|.S. tl'KSI.I rr ONU)IKUI()VI!|.ANf;.SM V. is OS 1 nii M ri. ИКЖ 1 OK ГЯ 'H MOSS' VUIIICbUS: 2m\ Cin.VY AS ГКО VAN l .S Mll.liS IN VI.UV (J(K)t) (’ONDIIIOS- lw n()V()IA(4:i.|C A(i l IN lAlKiONDMlON mjRNITURU: HAI,|.AiC4.A\VKHJl AUMCUAm-MAKHLinW rAlM.ti- tlHiKRy IJR01» l.UAI' ГЛтЛ; - ПЛ1Л. Л CI.AW lOOl SDI ATAHLIi - l'AINIINíJ COUCH (2) }> H ' Sin ri-S - ntSPl.AY CAIUNI-1 - S()|*A -Tlil.liPIIONK lAHLU • niNINO TAIUJi W/4 C IIAIKS - WJNOIiACK CIIAIKS - MISC. SMALL TAm.ns - (2ЮЖС1: |)|-SKS-H()OKCASi:- I ILINO CAHINin\S-AKIiARlin- IKAMI-DAimVOKK- IV.SCOLLHCTIIJLUS: ASSORIIiDCOLLiriOK I'I.ATIiS. llliI.LS, f KUiRINI-ii Л I4)\\ IlLR HOXLS I I;AU'RINC} SI-.VI;RAL 1:A(UJ'S. tlUMMtNOmUOS & (»KIIMAI. I MANY ITIi.MS HV HRADIOKI). I RANKLIN MINT. l.liNOX, l.U ’ I.AKdK PANIUKH S'lATUl'.MISC; MI AC K S I l;\V I4JI W/ STA.M) - ÍIAS (ЖМ.1. - Mil.К CAN - MILK UtH'l Í.I: |1ЛММ1К(К)К )AUMS.M(K KSV|I.I,|;MAXMACIIINL IVl'KhWRin.K - M l Um ( I ASSK’AI ALIU'.MS ACD'SMK KOWAVU- SMAl.UM’RKUtr I Kl I /I к Kl IX HI N Ari'I.lANCHS - m iS A; PANS - \VAS|||-R A: DRVLR • (Í) KHMN(i MONVURS I KONl TlNtidARDUN Vll.LI-RS - 2 ALUM. I.ADDLRS - I ,\\V.N lOOI .S Sl.rOI XiriCALLONVAVíiOLI t LUHSIM.ll.SOI IILRSA AsSOUn l)HALI-S/Aa i.SSORH:SCIJiANlNO liQUIHMUNT: HONDA I'KCiPANIi I'OWnRIJ) МЛКЖ mH li:« - 3 1,1 I.CIKK HIH I I.K.S-. (КМРГКНИП VACmiM.S-”('AS n-X'‘ SI HAMCIb\N|N(l Í AKCi; I tlNt I - WQV tiUCKl lS - SllOf VAC IH.t'S Л1Л. KINDS 0\ ClJlANlNíí M im .ii'S!AlirriONIUai'SNWnii MM U4V KtNWSSUm»WSiK»«»HAH«t4 ,\UiMM»WMmiAM4nS1KMI (III WASASAVIIi(.»l|||KANiiroitlC-|OM И rlSOMil'AI И V К Í MM.MIIH Ш1\11 IIIAt *l| I. МЛК1.А I<-\MY.M.(||II<»4 KHOINIIONIIHI VI 1М11»1»ЛХ.| t si l Is till mUMOl ( AMIt>Hl'IHIIHilMtiM>4 IUIA^<I,II||^ Wmil4.»OI»AY>(i«I >11IVI M III till nun ll'M'M:bHMS(.4ll|l>IS-A4|s-M.M.|||.iSAI»MHI!n.nMIII IIK.IIIM HimUMmi ihmi'mnki.m i í<i xh шчми имччщтпинш AmiosAM»m kiadvnun ON I'llKXONAI. I'kOPIiKTY - lulMUШJml)JiUUUlJULULiШJlLl^H.lUЖlU:дШДШ41Ш AllCniON COMI'ANY NOT RtlSI*ONSim.li ANY ACC»)HNTS11'Kl.VaiW 1 HOliR I'KICm lO.SAl.l. HMI;l)\^ t)l SAI i; Í (»M LSSIONSAVAII.Am.lLAl.LANNOl'NCI.MLMS UAVOVSM.I.SL'W I;RIALSAI.l-(’(»N1)11(4 I DIIY: LEINBAQi AUCnON & REALTY, LLCOWM.K. Al'CIIO.SI.I.k 'nKOKI U AH'U Visi.k VOtm \.t.US|l M.'n ••Т1Ш HSTA'nJ SinTLHMUNT PROl'HSSIONALS"\Migri.s< oi 1 KTim.i .s 1АКМ МА<тм;к\ кглl.f,чv\ll; ш’sls^ssl.^yv!tl)^lи>ss 3 3 6 -7 6 4 -5 1 4 6 N.C.A.I..#ííi7l N.C.A.|‘.L.«fiH56 N.C.K.K.H.I.. IJVW22lim 1Ч1111ИЧ,(1| ЛМИ>1Н»ППON'K) ODR >VI!nsri lC AT hm>!//Mww.U-lnl»>flia4cti(m4.c>iin/ Sat. July 26,10 am R a i n o r S h i n e Nice Brick House with Basement & Lot Household & Personal Property Silver Money, Glassware, & (2) VeMcle's Form er Property of the late F ranldin PhilHp.s 2017 Baltim ore Rtl., East Bend- Forbush, 2 m iles north o f Forbush Fire D epartm ent NIco Brick Homo; Large Lot, Basoment & Contral AC Approx. 1,250 SI. Scroonod Porch, Carport & Outbuilding Excellent Location In Eastern Yadkin County. Great for Starter ' Homo, Rental, Fixer Upper, Investment House ollered @ 10 AM Appro.s 100 Silvor Dollars, Othor Silver Money, Hull Vases, McCoy Cookie Jar Iniorniilionnl Storling Silverware Set, Duncan Phyfo Tables Moher I/atighlin Chinn Set, 01(1 Lumps, 87 Buick Omtury (бОК milo.s), 7й Chovrolot Pickup, (дИ HolVigorator Electrolux VdKuum (’Icnnor, Pols & Pans, Oil Lamp, Pictures, Hlgin Mantlo Clock, l''ir()|)lac;e Sul, Clnsswaro,4, Cnko Platea, Uockittg Chairs, Straight, Chairs. Drop Loaf Table & (J Chaii'.s, Couch & Chair.4 Bookcaso, 4 pieco bedroom suite, 4 )ic melal porch .sot, 01(1 Cabinet Radio, Pigiirine.s & What-nots, Craftsman Tools, Piano-George Sleek, Yard & Hand Tools, #215 Qitakor State Grease Can, Many other items P re v ie w iia y a : ------v V ThurHtlay, July 17. 3-5pni » Friday, July 25. 2-5nni or by annointmont J Тогтя:Pnyim*nt in full on nuli» iiny foi* pfrwnnul j»ro|u4'tv. lloiHÍ I’IkUíu*: Htwnnn ilny w iib liiibinoo' (lui) w iiliin <10 (tnyb. Any & ill! iiiHpoiaitinH lim'Uutinu paint) tbul uri’ fm- thobnviT to clobo nn llii' prijp»,'»'(v mo (o ho coinnli'lorl by .July 2 t. 2008. PtNiwr mil Ohvis 1.иЖ1*.8иП(т'н ПК1ЧХ r«ir niipiummmit (u- iuliiitionnl »пГогтиПип -1 :i;u\.U7ü-8Hn D ireotiona: N ow H ig h w a y 421 ® B a ltim o re R d E x it (N e a r Y a d kin Jtive r),Go l5Altimor(> Hd & cimn Old 121 noiiv Kor))ii.sh Firt* Dc*pt. Follow Hnltinuire Rond appaix 2 milcrt. Salo on yo\u‘ left. oNCAI.n20 Dcvelopaients * Sahdivisioas » harms Groce Agencies, Inc. G roce A uction nm i R ealty• SUCCESSFUL SALES SINCE 1$7ä"NCRLÍKS.U. Chris Groce, Pres. » 200 East M ain Street, Vudkinvillc » (336)679-8817 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 24,2008 - D9 D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/É RECORD T o l l F r e e 1-877-7Ж -2120 M a rk e t C lassified j * Employment • Accounting and Finance • Construction and Skilled Trades • Qovernmant Jobs • Hair, Nalls & Beauty • Retail • Child Care and Domestics • Computer, Engi­neering, nr & Tech­nical • Drivers and Transportation • Education & Train­ing • Qeneral • Health Caro • Hotel & Hospitality • Jobs Wantad • Management and Prolesslonal • Manufaclurlng and Production • OHIco and Clerical • Restaurant and Food Service • Sales a Marketing • Seasonal Employment SiAccounting & Finance tntMe/ouitld* collMtor for local conuimor Лплгко compnny. Compnny caf pfDvkMd. DonoM proQfom avaiiAblo - nyt|of n>ed>cAi, (ieolal. 40IK. D<iig (croon, bAckground c^ock and erodi chock ro()uirod Fai roiuino 10 7o4 M7-M32 or тл<1 )o: 44D JoKo AloMnd4f Divd. Woal, Sal- itbuty, NC 2eU7 Only ••flout InqulrM piMM. Autoinotlve Nflw ihop In China Orov«noodi bo&( nwri. lnoc^anic. pointer. andtAnior/AAfoa atso Ctete. CaJi 7О470в-7в1в Construction & Skilled Trades Conortlt FofMnan. 5 year» p«rlflf>c« (mtehanlcal р*П*м prttwrad). Travel & «H охрелиа pakJ. MmI havi valid drtvw'« Ьсаом. Qr«w opportuniry «tith growing coirv pany. СаНЗЗв-МО-4348 TOOL /ne MAKER 3 ynmin ояр. 40 hrt • Nigtii thitl. Sol up and шп 30 & 4S ton proU, С|)ЛП{)0 (Hefft & ptttlorm minor ropain on Ю011 lor piogro»- •ivo Dim accortfpg lo prim •poca. Mtjti bo prDficieni In Surface Qrtndori. advanced blue* prni roAdng and in tho uto of moaturtng I ^u^nQ lnt’.rumoivts, both englen & moltk:. 40IK, modical bonelits. App'a Ukon botwoon I A 4 pm Tuoi Ffi ai 4535 Orphan- ago Bd, Concord, NC 26027 • No Call« pifl(U9 GovernmentJobs AIRLINES АПЕ MIRINO- Train for tTigh pawo Avvalion Wain- tonanco Caroor. FAA ap proved program. Finiindal aie if qualified- Job plocemont a», •isiance. Call Aviaijon Insii^ lulo 0» Mantononco t 349-6387. Child Care & Domestics A naal fraak who lovot klda - dooa Bho oxisi? Davio family noods your hMp wilh batiy an ling, tlraigriting. doanlng waahlng, foldino, Ironirig, of- fonds. ole, Non amokor pro forrod. toavo volco mail ai e41-7l5-3000 axl. S27S3 Full-Umo nanny for IB month old boy. Mockavliio aroa Monday-Fflday Bam-Spm nontmoker. ЗЗв-07в-5274. Nanny nMdod lot toddlof and «porlonce rfiureday. roeumo or loiio' ol intorofll to: Коорту2сЬ1ЦкопОуа hoo.com tnfanL Chtldcaro o^rlonce roqiirod. 'Tuesday*Thursday. 8;30am-1:30pm. Pleaeo eenc Drivers & Transportation ,000 SION OH • Exporitfncoc OTR Drtvore. *5*A Moro Paic Mi'oa ’Choceo Your Pay Piar *Van. FUiibod. Rofrtg 'Chooee Vour Flaot. ROEHL TRANS PORT* Eupertcnce Uie Powot of Rod, Siudonls Wolcomo. CIAC« A CDL roqtilrod. Traln^ Ing Availabio. OoRoehlcon- •бЮ-вв7-6345. ATTENTION: OTR DRIVERS•Up to S3,000 Sign On *VarVFIatbod^oolor ’Alford- ablo Donolits *&% Moro Paid Miloa. ROEHL. B mo Power ol Rod.Weicomo. Class A Training Avallablo,• 6345.QoRoohl.com DRIVER- CDL-A. Tho Grass 1« Qroorwr at PTL Studof\U with COL Welcome- excollont iralQlng. Company Drtvorr Eam up to 46g cpm. Ownoi OporatorB Eam $1.41 cpm. 22 ye&ra o( t№o. 12 mo« GTR No Forced Northoasll Compa- ny Drivers call: 8CO-840-O4Q5- C^or Oporalora call: 077* 774-3533.www.piMnc.com DRIVER. COUA 8E ReoicoaJ. $650 - $1000Avook. Horn« WeoWy, OTR: 34o • 4^ml loaded, $1.000 Bonus. Sty donia; Tuition Relmburao- mont. Modical/DentaWlsior^/ 401K. 660-323-2101. KUM Jobe. EOE. Bormuda Commons, a 127 bod sklllod nursing facility locQlod In Advanco. NC Is now accepUng Gpplicatlons lor Iho following positions: RN 3*11 Froihfloatlng supervisor RN-M OS Nurse RNorLPN 3-11port*llmo 11-7fulMlmQ C.N.A. 3*11 full-time and part'tlme Please apply at: Bermuda Commons 310 NC Hlgliwny 801 South Advance, N.C. Yard Saif Saturd<iy July 20. Tnm until, 250 Lakovkw Rd,. M«kiv\«o. HtW ИSubdlvi9k?n) Lots ofclii'dron’t iloms, dothmg. toys, ftirniluro. CHEAP. CHEAP. CHEAPÍ EvorytNng fvlUSTgoll D riv e rs & T ra n s p o rta tio n G e n e ra l DRIVER- Class A CDL, Compn ny Driver«, Studonls. Giodu ales. Owner Oporaiors, Ex- coflont Pay. Medical Insur­ance. 401K, nidor Program Tuition Roinibursemonl foi Sludonts. Star TmnsportAiior MECHANICS; Up to $SO.OOC bonus Koop tfie Army Nation- ol Guard Rowing Fl* Humvoos, Sirykors, etc. Expc№d yo^ir skills throu^ CA-roor training. Do a Soki«r. r UOOOOOUARDcom/mo- portiilion.com NUCLEAR POWER 0P6f+ INGS- Notional omptoyor of­fers ompioymenl In engineor- Ing and nudoar powor. Qóoc age« 17-:». Can 600-062- DRIVER- HOME WEEKENDS'Comparry drivors up to .49 cpm. 0/0« .OOcpm ♦ FSC 1 yoflr T/7 Exporolnco. Gooc MVR, Statolo Work >iist07 re­quired. Epos Transporl (008;RQfl nUQ lUliUi tinwlmr»QtKi'U.Mv, »rrFri.epeauanvport corn REP08SES8K)N AGENT! DRIVER- WANT HOME Mo«i Wooiiond« With M«e Pay? Run Hoamnntfs Southoati Rogtonalt $.45/milo company drtvors. $1.32 for Operatore 12 months OTH roquirod Heartland Expro«s t-eoo-441- 4953. wwwJieartandflx- Nccuiu. crostoa tree onono lesume at www.ropoman)ot «.com. Regiotor today! Willing to educate a h^hv mo- tivBted irxjivkiiai for a reward­ing career In Rnanaal sor- Vtoos. 0011336-920-4802 tor infon/iow. DRlVSnS* Compoiitlvo Pay. Orsal Homo Timo. Van anc Flatbed Ftoots. AcMpUng Re­cent Orads. 23 yean old. 1 year OTR. CDt*A, Smihway Motor Xpreas B6B-910-7607www.«rrxccom Drlvart- FLATBED t nEEFER Average )l.40-$l.4ftViii paid lo imcK all miios. Excel- lorxt N«^мo(Ч, lata Modo Equ^ment. 401k. №ua Cmsi Insurance. 800-771-6310 WWW prtmeinc com DRIVERS- »k>m* WMkonds Qreai Payl Company A flvaiiablQ Paid vacation i premmn benefili. CDL-A anc 3 month« Eiporlonce Пе- quirod. Coll eOO-441-4271. i NC-tOO. Drtvor*- WE HAVE MILES A FREЮHTf Posiliona avaiUtbk ASAPI Class A COL with lank ondorwim«>l mrjuired. Top ft pmmixim borolit«. Caí ’-484-3066 or visil w oakloylransport com pay e 077-4 DRIVERS-Wtrnor noodi 01Я iruckert NOW) No eiportonce noodmll S700»Mk oamirt( pi^onliet. No ProUemI Train­ing availablal Coll Now 1-866- 557-9242. OmVERQ: 13 DRIVERS NEE&eo. Siun-On Bonus. 3MS cpm. oARN OVER Sl.OOC weekly. ЕдсоПбт Denofits Nood CDL-A Д 3 riwnlhi ro- com OTR 000-635-6669. INPePENDEOT CONTRACT ORIvene n«edod to (rantpon trucks from Dublin, VA К wittun a 400-mito radus. No( incom« роюпИл1 of I40.00C per year. Visit us coniaci Richard at 1-0в6-7в4- 1603 or Mirtdy at 1-вбв-7в4' 1601. OWNER 0PIRAT0B8I Ownot oporators wanted for regkjno ПЛВ. NC-SC-OA-TN. Earr $129,000 por year plm ponu«. 1004 nu touch. liOfM «V07 wookond CorrvnLvi;) Expross 80O-7O3-OIG6 Ед1 112. ConpUrte ftppiicuiion ti\ rtww.commodifye*proes not OWNER DPERATORSI Owngi oporaton wanted for rognna run» NC-SC-QA-TN. Earr $125,000 por year pim bonus- 100% no touch, hom< ovory weekend. Commot»t> Exproos 800-763 0166 Ext 112. Corrpleio application at WWW commodfyex pros* not Education & Training NEED A OED « HELP findng о Career PLUS FREE Caroot Training? Molos & Fcmoios AQos 16-24, call Uio N0 JoC Corps Acknlftsone Office 910 054 0Ö9I or I-600-733JOOS. General 4 yearn Experience Welder.TIQ, MIQ. Stick. Loxlnflton, NC ЗЭ6-Э57-2В00 EXPERIENCED PAINT MIX­ER NEEOeO. aEWOLE HOURS FULL OR PART TIME AVIALADLE. IN­QUIRE AT 704 637-6700. Laborers wllh concrete exp«-rlonce * mechanical oxporl onco proforred. Travel & al expenses paid. Must have valid driver^ liconso. Qroai Opoortunliy w^ih orowlng com- pony. Coll 330-0^348 Land-Tek QMS, Inc. hiring supofvlsorB and laborers Pay DOE. Call 336-BdQ- 8340 Maintenance lechnlclan warn­ed. Must have general main­tenance oxpotlonco, as wfll as «olid oiectncal background Ploaso call PSC in...........for moro Information. 336- 761-7300 Summor industriesin Mocksville is currently aooklng qualified Individu­als tor ttw lolKmmg poe^ tion; MftULfJbrlcaloi/Wstdor* Minimum 2 yoars oxport- onco in metal tabricaiion.* Exporionco producing ma- chtiviry/pans using Dkjoprints and sketches.* Wolding oxporlonco io re- quirod.* Musi have basic hand tools lools tvrtonchos, sockol «01. otc) Ua&tilniiUnunuaLifUhfi. 5 yoars oxporl'once ' Exporionco pans using blueprints sketches.* Must havo Dasic machinist tools (mlcs,caiipors.fndica- tors.ecl)* Must have basic hand tools (wronchos. «ochoi 60I.0C1) Must bo dopendabk), ontfiu- siastic ond motivaiod. Candidate must be ablo lo work overiimo, and havo ovsn transportation.Wo offor compeUtivo andoxcollont bonol You may fax your resume to (336)763-6ti97 Of call (336)793-6611 Suirmor Industries 101 Bailey Stroot f^ockBVillo, NC 27020 tachli^ng rlnts and Antfqu« Oak Olnatte.G captains chatr seals.I V, inchofl Ifiick. $500. 704-633-7905 ANTIOUfl 8HOPPER81 MakeSelma your bostination. Arv tk^a shops and mAiis opor dtuty. SoktMi ts |u« 25 East ol Ralonh or exit 08 ott 195. Healthcare RN/lPN.flret Shift. fuH or part lime. Calf HoafUt Contor a< D36-OTQ-6775. Vard& Garage Sales irtmiiï-Vituein,Friday Zi* 8am - until Sat 2(T Sam - 2pm Daby Iloms, small boyo ciothos, loyt, books, ciir and truck pani, 1973 mavorickanirorol 1400 Шшд Road, klocKsy\ilo 7 Family Yerd Sale, 2 k>aitions 470 Country lane & 512 Country Lano.Friday July 25 $ & Saturday Jtiy 20. 7:30am-5pm Ctothos <aU «lie»), dtahM, baskets, books, desk, pic­ture«, Christmas stuff, pitncess house, bottles, 3 wheel bicycle, tots of good, mkic. sturi. PaiUng on Oual Ridge Lane bOtwoon houses. 810 Yard 8aMEverylhlng Musi Oo Daby and kids cloih«B. nowborr thru 8/10, crib. tMssinoi. iod diet bod. «trDHers. toy«, gtats OB A dishes, pyrox, tods, much more. 712 Ouko WUt laker Rd. Fn- Sal. e:30om tc 4pm, Estoio Salo FrUay & Saturday 6am - unni 214 Montlls Uke Rd. Ol 64 East. Farm eriuipment. tools, ^lrri)turв. TVs, Ions ol house­hold item*, adult Ä ktdi ctothos, toys end mtjch moret H U G E YA R D S A LECroat Stuff, Groal Ooolsl Ftidoy July 25 & Satur­day July 26, 7am-until. 122ft HwardlownCif. Off 156.Look (or signe. Moving Salo Saturday Ju^ 26, 7om-lpm. 343 Oak Grove Church Rd. Chridton'ft & houcohofd iloms, and MORE! Fri, July 29 9.0& 8alijfy2e7;00AM-untU 144 НкЛогу Tree Rd. Mocksville Mary Kay. toys, movies, kitchen supplkis. exorcise ecfuip. baby.iiids dothea, gril & sink Set. 7/26-e:00am-4:00pm301 Spooks Rd, Advanco (off Hwy 158 ft Rainbow Rd) Whole tiouso - everything mutt tKJiil Furniure, kitchon goods, tools, sporting goods ft gonerator Sal. Jiiy 28. e ooam - 2.00pm Antiques, usod furn, coloctibfos. card tables. Rotolller. wood oalor. bookcases, lamps, sh(living at Serendipity Antlquo«,2l0HwV00t, Umi from Hwy 64. 336-4 02-2234 Frt ft Sal. 7.00am-f.OOnm 220 Oroadway Rd. (oil Pine Rid« Rd.oH60ISJ Lots of k Js stuff, nsher f»ncc toy box. Loving Family doll house, baby doll beds, games, dottioa, etc. Yard Sal«Saturday July 2 B:00am • until Corrut;er Rd to Chestnut Trail Pnncoss Houso. figurines, toys, to speed bike.lawn mower blades $2 «a & bolts $5 oa. Clothing priced per Item or •tuff a bag (or $6. boy’s 12 to 24 months, women's medium to plus sl2os Items hBlt price alter t1:00am Manufacturing & Professional Yard& Garage Sales Yard SaleSai, July 26 - 7,00nm. tO!> CovonanI Covo Olivo Tabig, chairs. foys, car soat. ari oasota. scooter, numorous olhor Itomi Csnon copier, emitoner, £xcol»ent $50. Pfoase cali 704-279-9178 Antiques & Collectibles Christmas trees, 6 fool, artifi­cial (2 aval.) $30 oach. Doot docoraitons $10 obo. Like now-PteasocftU 704-232-4135 CorKrete pointed buck and doe$50 for both 704-2394)174 $50.00 Couoi>att>«irtso. ivatx corfingfan$l5, Daewoo IS'cotor ivA^r. $30. 704-633-6538 $0.00 Business Equipment & Supplies SCREeNPniNTlNQ EQUff»- MENT lor Olatii and Cemmk Waro. IncfudoB soml-aulomal- Ic prinlor. InOutliial ovon, l^hi tabioi dant room, inks and al accossonos Pricod to soil 800-7004671. Oloat Erpro« Sion*. Rociunghflm, NC. Clothes Adult & Children Scrub uniform« (or sale. 22 Women's Si/o S SChjbs ■ $500 00 or nil for $100. Cal 704 930-3452. Electronics extras cot'solo A keytioarc 704-657-2604 groal buy $200OOr Neitel 1580 Phonewith a 260 Scan Disk. Asking $150. Call Josh ul 7(M-245-002f Food & Produce J « N Farms Jam ft Jdfy Peachoa. Honoy in twt o< Auto Zone in Mocksvlllo. M Sal 10am -6pm 336 492 0139 Furniture & Appliances $ Piece Queen BR Suite - iighi wood finiih • call 7(Н-9Эв 3452.$450 00 Dik Kenmor« «Me-by-skleretrIg for »ale. 3 1/7 yrs okJ $GOO..i e?0-217-31l6 Ashloy 011-62в 217-3032 m Celllno Fan 4Г, Huniai -NIQ Model 23660, 4 biados- wa» nut / oak 704-603-400Î »40.00 Computet desk (or «ale. Шл etudenl eompuier desk кн sale • can 7&t-936-3453 $50 00 tnd tables. $2VU. Stn^ drvsser, $45. Largo collee ta- moni. OC 336-78t.166l Oec«r*mtolop$tove Diack andwhilo2yrs oU 704-278-7100 $10000 loper washer/dryer sel $279RofrigorBtor $125; Electhcdryer $100. 7O4-790-t92e White Whirlpool Dishwasher 7W-270-71OO $17500 Hunting & Fishing Turkey shoot gun 12 ga sav-ogo pump, 36' barrel, 67C choke, WiJiiams adjtrsiabM silea. $550. Alien Clonu 336-990-5667 Lawn & Garden Sales Bagger. 2 bag for 3a*/42' mow- «< deck. LlKft noM. only usoc onco. $110 Ploaso call 704- 278-0779, Lawn Mowsr, Scott by Johr Dooro. t6hp/47 auiomaUc Kollier engine. Qtoaf »na m . $475. Call704-278 0779 Outdoor tfreplsc«. Grand new Novar out ol box. $35. Assort ed garden Iron work. JSC oach. Ca»704-232-4335 usod once. 53Ù0 obo. Oardor statuary. $20. Pleaso cat 704-232-4335 Machine & Tools t2" band saw, Sears. Ш \ ai>lachrnonls. Della 12' txincr dnil prose with altjchmont $125 ea. Fimi. 330-751-1433 Manufacturing & Professional Well Bslablished, local mnnulaclurlng plant Is seeking employees wllh a strong woik liistorv to (ill the lollowlng posllions: Operator Trainees 1st & 3rd Shifts inspectors 1st & 3rd Shifts Forklift Drivers 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Shifts 2+ yrs ExperloRce Computer Experience HYDRAULIC AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Seeking a hydraulic and PM mechanic w/ Syrs experience. Independently work lull-time. Must bo able lo Interpret hydraulic diagrams, be able lo rebuild pumps, repair and trou­bleshoot Hydraulic and meohanical equip­ment. PIpe/hosa titling and welding required. Excellent Wages,.Benellts, 401K. Apply In person or send resume lo; FAIAttn; Human Rasoutoes POBox7Z9, Mocksvlllo, NC 27028 EOE. Or E-mail lo: KAdams@FunderAmorlca.com MIsc For Sale f8 Dale Jr. Stand-Up. porfoct coodillon S100. Womon'i biVo.2tr Mutty. 10spood$75 7MO33^6530 $225 00 Horseshoeing elnce 1971.all typos.JooWogos 330 602-7050 1S.OOOOTU window air condi lioning unit for salo. Lese thar two yoari okJ- $100 (sold fa $310) 336-751-3471 Ueed Rsbbft Huichwith foodor, wator bowl and choice of rabbit. $75. 704-855-2200 OIrl'a bloyele. Groat conditkm $20. Kormoro refrtgeraior Qontty usod $250. PleoM cat 7CH-232-4335 ttP Гая, print, copy, scan w/pfwno $25. 4 drawer file CAblnot $25. Tinkabon lamp $20. 704-633 6538 nid»4»n4wheelef.S79.Donti do(A)le side, $ISO. Carstoybox. $50 704-209-1001 •Legal Notices • Free Ads Instruction Lost & Found • Monument and Cemetery Lots • Notices Special Occasions Travel Opportunities Rugl.lMWlU,ClinlM>IK ApprOK. 6‘X0', blue. Ottont& design. Usod for dismay only, bookcases $10 ft up. Qlost shelving varloue sim Serendlptty Antksue« 330-492-22:» Samsung ЗОВ MP3 Pta^r Vary i*;o. »ti now Dost offor 764-039-3352 $125.00 AU CASH CANDY Rcuto. D< You Earn Up lo $600/dey (po tontiai)? You» own local ro^o. 30 MacNnoe arxl Cendy. A^ for $9.999. l-eoe-7&3-34S0 MufBVend. LLC Wool Ate* Rug Sitt Ortonta Rod. Dlack, and Gold. $tOO Whirlpool WMher/Dfver. $400. Call 704-232-4335 ALL CASH CANDY Route. Oc You Earn Up to $e0OAfay (po­tential)? Your twn beat го\йо. 30 MacNnee and Candv. At for $9,995. 1-6ea-753-34S0 MufUVorvt. LLC Music Saies & Service Atvarei oooustlo guitar with soft caso Excollont condiiicn $200. Plodsocail 70l27g-0176 Artley 104 Flute wHh caseVery good cot4»tion. Porloci stiidoni flute. $150.Pleaso call 7D4-79e-1009. Drum set, 7 ploce. First $150. Ploaso call 704' 857-t004 Want to Buy Merchandise Ouyina all coins goki and s*i- 40« lowoiry. Ca* 330-tt3- 6CV6 and leave mssaago if nc answer Timber Wanled! Phe or Hartt wood, to actee or moio. So- loct and cioar cut. Shavoi Wood Producls. Inc. 704-278- 9291. Night 704-278-4433 • Birds •Cats • Dogs • Horses • Livestock • other Pets •Pet and t-lveslock Services !i" Mi"isa a Cats 2 Free kltlerte. Born 3/1S08 Current on all shots Including loukomia and robo s- 70t-230-9113 FREE kitten to good homo. 7 Vi wooks okl. Loving, playful, good With kjds. litter bo> trainod. Call 704-630-4949 Fie* Khtena Can’t koop. 2 at> block, two all gray, 5 gray and wlvto. Litter boK trained.704 642-1320 LCal Free lo good home) 1 have 4 kmons Littor box trained. Free ptoosscaU 704-2090430 _D0g8 year old, malo Spayod. neulorod. shots Raised Wllh goato. $400 for both. 336 9OO-5053 AKC roQisterod Ooxere. 12wVs dd, Mils dockod dew- claws romovod, 3rd shots $300 Ready <or new homel Call Kftfon 336- 751-5239 boforo 6 00 PM Beagle puppies tor ule. Full- blooded, vory culo. $05 oach Call 704-279-6620 For salo, 1 yr AKC block fa- malo Great Dane. Call 33&- 492-6363 lor dotails. Free Female black Lab 3 yrioid. groat with people & 3 mo old choo female Lab (has had (irsi Shots) 704-24&0364 FREE KITTENS4 Kittens. Qom6/12. So adorable. 704-224-4767 SO.OO FREE Mastltt/Doberman mh puppies. 7 weoka. Wormod. 5 fertviie. 4 male. Vo« Itiond- ly& lovable. 336-751-3927 Free lo a pood home. 2 fomaki tong halrod Calico klttons. 1 short haiicxl n^e. black. V/iii be fixed. 704-212-2343 WANTED; AT STUDFull-bloodod daimation. Papon not roquirod. Wili board $75фф 704-754-0505 Horses 8 year Old Chestnut ktaro. $400. Paimino Show Maro. $4,500. 3 yr oU Qoldlng. $eoO.33fr94O-037O Have room In our boardwinlor........330-098-3160 )om In our paahire to I 3 horsoe. Hay fed In r. Farmington. $126/ma o th e r P ets *1'Notices:.___llu. B u s in e s s _ O g g o rtu n lt¡e s ^ Free Ads Don't throw away lawrvnowors ATV'«. golf cans, ft oihor oui' door power oquipmont, Wil pick up for freo. Coll R>c' 330-473-1038. FREE t maki kittens. t3 wooka Oottlo fod. fnskio only. L HIV totted. 7O4-057-631 F after 5 Sal- Sun 9 9 FRBB Beautiful klttana lo good home. 1 white witlus •y«s. t tong haired cai<o & 4 black tabbioa. 704-278-3754 FREB Chow chow, black mato. 1 yoar okJ. FuU btood. Needi fornaio companion, Pleas« call 704-905-ЬЗГ7 arge 2BR, 2BA CondoV7a3hor/dryor fiookup, nc lawn malntennnco, pool pnv Call 704-279-1431 Home Builders Clyde Hall EnterpHsea, Inc. New House - C.ipo Cod Stylo 2,300 sq It. Oulit on your to). $100,650 704-746-4492 Apartmenta • Condos & Town homes Houses lor Rent Lake Property Rental Homes for Sale 30K гя e*. itT.w BXcM UtValue. OrkA. ranch, centraf heai. hard woods, bosemonts. LO yard, car port $124 . 90C for quick aale. 704-в30-0695 3DR. IJiBA. house. Carport, now paint and carpet. t17S sq n. $62,000. Call for infor­mation. 33Q-900-0445. Cute 9BR, IDA houso for «alo in Mockfvlle, fonc«d buck- yard. $79.900. Р1«ам1 cel 330-40:^0244 for detalle. FOR 8ALB0R •REMT TOOWN*$110.000ог$8«Уто. RTO 2 Dodroom« 2Fult0athe Slngfo CarAltachod Qarsgo Vinyl Sidng Now Carpet Now Paint 1/4 */. eae toi Ouief NolçiTborhood Cioeo lo Catawbo Coiiogo and Sfllisbury Май Approximalo 1.050 sq ft ••CALL** Chits1-704 294- 0214 Reduced ov«i $t6.000( landet, ton Vllago, ArNanco, now 3 OR plue bonus. 2 Ik OA. 1.2.000 sq.ft. $198.000■ 'i99 Lake Property LAKBOABTON VA/NC 350 mtloB shofotino. Fro« lake Map/Duyon Guido. Tan­glewood Realty. Oo> 116 Qracm. VA 23919. www.tangiewoodReairy.com 1-ООО-330-в010. Sunset Terrace Apertmenta.Mocksv^He 1 ft 3 0Я. Move ir speciali Alf appl«. central hoai ААССаПЗЭ0-781-О(вв Houses tor Rent 129 Llltie John Dr. Advance Brttk ranch. 2 LO BR. t.S OA. ktn. dish washer, stove, refg dlspoeaf. Lg DR A LR. Iaundi> room. Oa heat. Certtal alt Wood burning FP w/ Insert. 2 car girage attached wi^ oporv on, niiw fkiortng throughout Beautiful clean homo, pets. $800/nn. 336-760-0525 3BR 2 BATH COUNTRY RANCHAvailAblo August 1. SOOO. 30R 2 Oath with bonus room $000 por motvth « $900 d* poalt. Call 704-630-0659. Bermuda Run Country Out Rent lo Own. 3 BR. 2 W DA lownhousA. garage. 209« sq n. acroes from lyif courso (ako in bad*. $8.000 down $1,000 monlh. 704 630-0695 Completely п-допё 2ВППВ» $500 Doposil floiibfo. •O fllce Commercial Rental • Manufactured Homes lor Rent • Resort & Vacation Rentals • Roommste Wanted • Rooms for Rent • Storage • Wanted to Rent Rent to Own: New upscale 3 ot 4DR w/twnus room, 2!»BA garage, near 2100 sq.ft.. se­curity system, trade lighbng, stairless steol appliances, nice, near )-40, cnty $ ^ down, $99S^ 7O4-03O<>695 M a n u fa c tu re d H o m e fo r R e n t 2BR. 2BA Jusf out of Oovif CourMy iif Harmony ttfea $425^th ♦ deposit. Please call 704-546-2069 A p a rtm e n ts 2BR, 2BA on largo privaio to! No pots. »00/mo ♦ $400 de- poail. CaR 336-996-8964 oi 33O'990-3170 Attention UNCC StudsntsI Walk to class. 2 DR. 2 DA, washor/dryor. AC. саЫо anc water. $050/monlh * dopoelt 33O-778-8096 3BR, 1BA In nice safe park, counlry settinj, north Mocksviile, eosy access to 40, $47Vmo33e-399-2210 3BR. 2BA 14x70. Shady Acre* Mobile Homes Park. Johr, Crolts Rd US hwy 64 EastLarge 1 DR apartment. 2092/330-998-6222 001 N. 1 H ml. N. of 1-40.гвхТО’. 3BR, 2BA VilU- dock on 5 acres. Indudea stove, refrigeritor.dleh-wasfier, wasfter. dryer Л 17x18' storage building. SeOO/mo. 4 dop. 336-492-7634. Lv. meg. 336-492- 2061 after 7:30pm Davte Couitty 30R, IBA. Re­modeled. Water, mowing irv eluded. $97S/)no. » $575 dep with yoar lease. 330-975-2101 Harley Davkieon.VRSCA-V r • • • -2002.Rod. Mint Low miles. Extras.Pteasecali 33O-990-2992 KfWMOkl, Vulcan, BOO LTD. 2003. Super Nice Oike* Ha« Afiermarkot V/ndshoild. Lett than 5000 original m»es< Qroat On Oast 52 plus mptf «' Groat Buy St only S2.60C FHm.704-a32-01W. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALElllf (kx^da. Shadow Sabre. 2004. VT1100C2 Red. Low. Low f^itoslll Only 1800 miles. Ahway« garaood. Wen tak­en core of. Never driven in Iho rain. SHOWROOM CONOlTIONIltll Have to son. Nice backrest. Qroat power for 2 aduNS. Hel- mont tncbdod. We just purchased a now sportscar for our new toyll $5600. Loilngion. C«l 336-790-1169 Want to Buy; ^ranegortaMon^ $ Cash $for JunK Car»Please Call 336-407-8283 Auctions 30R. IBA brick home with car port. Virryl window« (tnd con­trai air/heal. В rmlea south of Mocksviue. No pels $650Anonlh, $650 depoa« Call 336-204-0332 6pm-9pm FREE latvboxer mix puppies Appto«. 12 weokt СЮ, fw shots, wormed. Very friendly Pioasocan 704 639^3» Free Puppy. Male Mixed Broeo (will be a mod siiod dog) ( wooks oki Call 1704) Ы 4961 Leavomoesago Instruction 'CAN YOU DKl ГТ7* Нол< Equipment Scfwol. 3 Wei Traintng Prouiom. ОлсМюое Oulidoreri, frackhooe Loca Job Piacernoiit auistanco Stan dcgir4I (*rl New. lol\- Freo: 60в’302-6407. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINItrom homo. Mo<>ca), Busi nee«. Paralegal, Corrputer« CrttTunal Jutoce. Job place­ment assistance. Computei available. Financial aid if qual­ified. Can 06в-85в-2121 www.CenturaOrllne.com orr CRANE TRAINEDCrai Trai iton.Financial.—Sclttd ot www.tiea.vy5 oum Use Code •NCCNM* 1-808-210-4460. БТ СНАГ4В IHAJneUCrane/Heavy Eqyipmerr Tralnirn. Notional Cemfk:«- lion. Placomoni Asslslanoe. Financial Assistance. G«or(ÿe HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA' Fast. Affordable and Accredit­ed. Free Orochuro, Call Now< 1-0OO-532-6540 Ext. 457 vrww.continenialacadomy.ccfr Continental Academy. Huge living area for big family. Owner financing. 888-203-6128 INCREASE YOUR Ralfroadhiring poientiail Tram n< NARS. Overland Park. KS Compote training 4-8 weeks Averago potonOal salary $63K. Lenckr Info av»iabio Conductor. Eloctrtcal/Vochafv k;al. Freight Car. Signal Weldor. 600-228-3378. wvrtv.raiifoadtraining.com 0 Closing Costs, 0 Down. Wo buw on your land and finance loo. 336-249-7042 Q Down, Low PaymaM«,if you own land or havo family land, kkay 9-7020 Lost & Found 4ВП. 2BR Inoxpontivtr owner fmandng. Pioaaocall 6S8-2O>et20 FOUND dog. Fomak) black lab. Al VA hospital on 7/te. Vory friendly. 704-433-0169 FOUND older Mtten. Grey ft while. At Shuping Mil Rd. ft RocK Orovo Cnutch Rd. агьа very friendly. 704-239-9047 Found on Society Rd. Mocksville Wednesday, Jiiy 16, mediurr mixod brood dog. Call to kkin- lify 33M02-7148 Found-male dog,blacWton. Richfield.Oringlo Forry ft Wyat Grove, call 633-60Q6 FREE Shepherd mtx, tomaio About & mo. old. Black with brovm. Eaglo Heights -area Call 704-633-7029 HOST FAMIUES Sought tor Foreign Exchange Studorin 1S-t6 yoats old. Has owr spondinb money ft Insurance Call Tooayl American Intercul­tural Siudonl Exchange, 1- eOO-SIOLlNQ. wrww.aleo com Notices DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center offers oonfúontial anc froo prognancy tesis, support sondeos and rolerrols. Ma)te a healthy choice for your Ife' сад 336-753 HOPE tor appt. DONATE YOUR VEHICLE- Re- celvo $1000 Qrocery Cotpor - Unitod Broasi Cancor Foun­dation- Froe Mummograms. Broast Cancor mfo www.ubci.into/. Free Towing Tax Ooductlbto. Non-Runnon Accepted, 1-ваа-46в-5864. Ttt« family o( Mark Qrubti greatly approciatos all the act« of kindness sharoo with us during our time ol aadness. AU tno visits, kina words, prayers, food, ttow- ors and cards wore a groal, comtor1.May Qod blesi eacti o( yoii.Tho QriA>b family Land tor Sale 3BR, 1BA, central air, home loi rent. АП new applancee. 6'7M-W1 32« wooded acres, Plue 2cleared burfdmg sites. 2.4-3.C aciot furai soning^oec Irontago. 336-492-2144 NCi Best Buy In Mounlalnat20% Off through August) Uryson City, Э.6 ecroB, over, tooking Smoky Mountain Na- .ttonat PaiH, paved roed, oosity accosstble. Owner ftnoncing $55.000. Omtw t-000-ete 1590. www.wldcalknob com STEAL MY RIVER Accea« Acreage. Owner rrxal aefl, 504 under market vakie, I« acre« righi olt the Catawba (tivor. Pool ctvor wsk, rtv«r> Btoo ball fields, paved roedi and eiectriaty. Sieal it fodey, $30.000. Can 668-279-4741. TIMBERLANDRacrei FOR SALEHOp- 3BR, 18A. Clemmone aree. Re frtgerator, stcwe, centra t\eat/air. wtshet/drnt con- necSona, carport. |70(Ymo. deposit req'd. 336-766-4329 30R. IBA. No «moUng. Nc pet«. Aval. »1. Jertcfc Church Rd., Mockavtlle. $70(V mo. 4 dep. 336-492-6400 33e>7Bt-322aCentury 21 Triad 336-: m Townpark tocatedlnrar pottufities. 12 Tracts; 61 tc 1,120 acre«. Sealed Bidl OS 13-08. Columbus, Bladen Cumbsrtand. OU>>in. Pender Sampson, NC. Counlios 1- 000-740-1224. wrwwAmerV conTimberiandscorrvSaios. Manufactured Home Dealers Manufactured Home Sales 330-240-7( Aitn Davie ReekJaota: Spedai Finandng for al (and owner«. Custom buiWoi wtth doof pockets. 3 ft 4 OR homoe. Low Paymoni« 00a-2O3-012& We finance CHEAP 4 modol« to choose from. Call 704-630-6403 A«ktorDarron Your Land la Your Credit Wo Finance,Ploasa Call 330-249^8273 Real Estate Commercial BCM Buslne«« Park. For sale or loaso 9.000 sq. It. buiUing. 1.500 to 4.500 «q. il unit«. Commercial lots for sale oi wil buikl to suit tenant. Cal 336-996-3165 Resort & Vacation Property Looking for Ihe perfect get­away? PakTioito Vacaitor Rental« has the vacation for you In Myitlo DeachI Mention Code: SCOO up to 254 off- www.PoimotioVacattonRotttal- S.COm 1-88S808-2788. NC COASTAL WATERFRONT'Sianing at $19.900 for deep- walar accoMl Waierfroni trom $79.9001 Up 10 lOf acroBt Di­rect Bcceu to ICW. Sounc and Adanttot 000-455-1981 oxt.tOt NEW BEACH Buddies Project- N. Mynlo Beach, large 3 DR oceanfroni oondo, 2 pools i spa. t/13 Iniontt. use 4^«Vr. Only $35,000. Possi­ble financing avaiablo. (704) 992-6940. jrk *m Condo \Klnd«(to(vaOR. tBA.Aaappli«nc«a Included. ITOft^nonih 8962 Foi RMee*WlrHlorvSatem 3Sa 2BA townhouse. Range, dishwasher, and re­frigerator. $938Anortth 321 Burton Rd-Advonce Verynto«2^BRhome snuaiedonl6Acres. Very Pftvate. $80Q'monih CallCanturySt Trtad330-761- 2222 ask torExL2l3Mon-Frt 8am-8pm or 336-781-8858 Ext. 213 nighis and weekend« MUST SEEI Private sottlngl 2BFV2BA. as appi. Cent. Hoot & air. dock. Д garage. Mo smoWng. No pets. S575/mo. plus de­posit. 336-098-3636. Transportation • Autos • Aviation • Boats & W atercraft • Collector Cars • Commercial Transportation • M otorcycles & ATV» • Ftecreatlonal Vehicles • R sntsl* & Leasing 8ervlca,Parts and Accessories •Transportation Deatsrshtps •Transportation Financing • Trucks, SUVsand Vans • Want to Buy Transportation AB SOLUTI лислон. 17 Ш . Шогу Watwfitint Lott. Moni- gomery County. NC. July 24 S p.m. Imn Horse Auctton 0Od-997-2248. NCALSese www.ironhOfBoauceonxen Wodnoaday, JuV 30th, 10 0G AM • Fra) liquktatton ol Scott Cabinet«. Ferrum, Virginia. 57,000«/- «qft. Iriduetna bulkJing on 33* acre«, wood^ working and cabinet manufac- tunng oquipmeni. looi«. tonv ber. caUnoliy. Inventory ano numoroue othet nome. Every- thing «eli« indM(>jaly, ai your prlc«l Boyd Tempio. aOQ-Ut- 3588. www.woiti.com WoiU ft As«odale«. Inc. Broker« A Aucttoneer«,VA«321. ConAUCDOM ________Equtpment Л Тпмкв, Auousi 81h. Rtof«nor«J. VA. TOH Lot«. Feefurtna TWO Site Con trsdor Lk^kUitone, Ркя: Vtr- tfrU Depvtment Ы Tran«, ponatton. DomMon Vlr^ü Powet & Ottwtl b4ludk>g Ex­cavators, Оомя. Dump« ft More. Motleya AucSon Í Re­alty Огоц), eo«-2S2-3300 VAAL tie, www.Moifeyt.com AUCTION COUNinY ISTATl3000« eq. N. njrel tettlm horse berns, в acres to tat acrsA. Musi «ее. a rnUa« South ot Hantax, N0. 6«tu^ day, Auguat B, II a.m con 0OO-42O<M48. 252 878- 6612. Broker NCRBL 14999 NGAL70eO. ERA Premier Reetty Jackie Coulaton 336-76M777 or 336-781-2095 ADVANCE-Reni or Po««ible lease purchase - 4BR. 2BA, New Constnjctton. Porch, pa­tio, bonus room or 4" bed­room. $1400'monih MOCKSVILLE > Pudding Ridge Gorgooua 40R, 3HBA euatom brick horrw, Got! courso com­munity. Owner financing avail- able. Rent or poesibfeuase purchaso. $165(ymonth. Can for details. MOCKSVILLE-2 BR.2BA, in tovm with skie porch ft cov­ered paw. $70(ymonih MOCKSVIUE - 2 SR,m BA, 2 lovols. oal-lnkltcbon. patto. $46S/monih, No pels. MOCKSVILLC-3BR, 2BA, Okl farmhouse wHh acreage. $700/month ERA Premier Realty Jackie Coulaton 336-7834777 33«-ns<7777 DONATE YOUn VEHtCLE- Re­ceive $1000 Grocery Cooper - United Breast Cancer Foun- dattorb Free Mammograma Breast Cancer Info: wrww.ubctJnlo/. Free Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runnen Acoopted. 1-в0а-460-бО64. GREAT FAMILY VEHICUl Ch^er Town ft Couniry Van. 19M. Loedod. Leather, ABS, Good TVos, 3.BL V8 - Rum Gruatl 29-29 MPQ. 233K rttllos. Botow book value at $2000. Please call Koly 701-697-9600 NICE. LOW MILEAGE VOLVO!Votvo 90, 1990 leather, sun­roof, new lires, cd. cnise. blue exVlan Int. only saooo milost 704'639-1S00, pkusc leave a meesage. Howard Realty JC Jordan 33в-7в1-б553 Mocksville • In iown20A.IBA, refrtg. Rango, electric heat, window air. No Smoking, NO PETS. $eO(Vmo. Cooleemee • OR,lBA,oil hoot, window air. $450'mo. Winston Salem-20R.10A. gas heat, contral air. near AsNoy Elom.. $500/mo. Howard Rsatly JC Jordan 336-78i-a862 PENNINGTON ft CO. 336-9904400 ЗЗв-90М747 FM Stoeie Road, MockavtUe - 3 BR. 2 OAfurnlshed. $1200/month. $1200/dopoeit. 336-99в-9400 opt toni Oeimanton Road - HWY 8, Winston-Salem-Duple*.2 BR. 1 DA. $025/month, $02&'dopo«il. indudos yord work and wator. 336-990-9400 opi ton 2 Tan Street, YadklnvMe - 3 BR, 1 BA small home with front and storai 336-00e-94OOop(ton6 Benson Street - 2 BR. IBA, $600/month * $600 doposil.336-988-0400optton7 Counney-Huntavllle Rd.. Yadkinville-2 BR. IBA duplex with front porch, brand new home. $760/month. $750/dep. 336-996-9400 option 9 Mr. Landtord/Ownor - 3-4 BR .Rentals. Oo you have one empty? Can ua. we have qualified appiicania INDtVtOUAL COMMERCIAL PRIVATE OFFWE SPACE. $t .OOO/month lor t ,0t0 SF (9 Offices). Call Jantoo McOanio 336 009-0747 Pennington ft Co. 330-99^9400 336-90M747 Autos 1967 Toyota Cemry. 2CO,00( milea. Needs tnviarnlsaior wonc but Btin drtvab/e. 704- 431-0544 $50a00 AUCTION* Ctvysler Financlat. South HiH. VA. Saturday. Jufy 1ЙП. 9AM. Compieie Shop Equ|)ment, Tods, Office In­ventory. New Parta. TV#a. Ve­hicle»! www.carwiiMucitone.' com (434) 647-01Oa VAAR302 DONATE YOUR VENICU- Re­ceive $1000 Grocery Софог • United Sreast Cancer Fourv daiton- Free Mammograma Breast Cancer Ufo; www.ubcf.inkV. Free Towtng Tax Deductible. f*>n-Rmnen Accepted. 1-888-460-SM4. SUPER CAR III 1970 Dodge Chargor coupo, aulcmatic. orange, 1п|Гь1аск. 8 cyl. cloar nuo, $4700 call mo 206-350- 4721 or e-mail mo at maiiebaronsO(;r^l.com Boats & Watercraft 75 HP SuzuU (1996) cteen ft low hours. Qroat famiy sU i fishing boat 704-223-0aS9 $2,200. Freel 1978 Carver 33 ft boat 302 Ford Motor, needs rostiar- Ing. You pick up Can 704-64(И)129 Motorcycles &ATVS 200T. Hailey-Oavldson UKra Classto , Padfic Blue Pearl. 1900 */• mi., tit sorvtoe done win alt synih fiukts. It ia extra toaded and to indude 3 Hailey halmota with 2 intercom systoms. Magnum pipes Wllh tho orig. pipe« to go with it. Has a 7 yr ur^imitod wan. Garage kept with a 1000 b roling lift mcludod. $21.900 CaS 704-320- 6675 from 9am -9pm 704- 326-6675, AUCTfON- COASTAL PROPER TIES- TopsaH IKand Area. Saiufday, Ji^ 26. 11am. 4 Hirler Hoatn Ortve, N.Tope<M Island. tiC 29460. 7 pnoer- liea, Inducing a waierfrpni Exscuttve estate home, twc lOacre waterfront btik^ sites In the «iied Aahe Island community, three bulklfno sites In Mimoea Bay with wa­ter accesa. a duplex tot in Topsail Beech. Contact Oewey Blakxk. Jr. 0 91»- 605-1711, hiip//Www.John- sonpropeit>es.conV Your ctesetfled ed couk) be feaching over 1.8 MAlon Homes acroes Nonn Carollnaf Place your ad with our papei tor publtoeiton on the NC Statewkle Oasaified Ad Net­work- t IB N0 newspapers (or a kTw coet o( $330 for^-word ad to appear In each paperi Addiitonai words are $10 each. The whole state at vom fingempsf trs a sman adver- lising buyf Call this newspa- per*« ciauitied depanmeni к» more inlormatton or vWI Ihe N.C. Pro«« Aaeodatton's web­site al www.ncpress.coml Home Improvement Laminate and cenimlo floor­ing, fences, dock, sheet rock. ----- - name it. we can Bonded and Insured 704-245-2002 Ijiwson'« Horrte Improvements Windows, doora. vinyl skiing, brick, block work, tog siding. hardMOod flooring. Free esti- males. Owner Andy Lawson Call 336^92-5416 or 336- Masonry Maeonry Work. Brick or Btock, toundattona, garagee, chimneys, porch­es, steps, etc. BUR fww or repaired. Over 35 yeans experience. Insured, rea- еопаЫе ratee. Free Eett- matos. 336-462-4550 336-9904765 Painting & Decorating Wyatt'e Painting Intartor and exterior painting and wallpa­per. Free eettmate«. CaN any­time. 704-239-4510 Roofing a Guttering Sunshine Roofing ft Constructton Free Estimates, Insurarwe CleiiraWolcom« 704-279- 3450 Tree Service Canopy Tree Service, Profea- sk)nal Sorvtoe at reasonabi* ratos. futy Insured. Call toi free estimates. Reference« available. Also, firewood fot sale. 336-990-4374 Timber Wanled, 2 acres or more clear or soioct. small or taige tracts, comirdstion toi timer bough on referrals, best prtoes guaranteed. H A M Logging, 336-460-5570 DIO • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECÖRD, Thursday, July 24,2008 H is t o r ic IV Io c lc s v ill^ C r it e r iu m July 29, 2008 ^ r |,g ‘The Nascar of Bike Races' fro m a ll o v e r th e n a ih m fc ( ^ ^ e M N o r th C a ro lin a fo r th is s 4 tlp s 'iff : ra c e s e v e ry y e a r! B a c h d a y t b t h e M e L l .v.a d iffe re n t c ity hosjts a d a y o fr^ 6 ih s l,:-[^ \:if: ff^ a lle d a crite riu m . ' ■ - [ ‘.T aylorsville - F rid g y C o n c o rd - ^ V V e d n e s d a y ’ i ■ L e n o ir - S a tu r d a y S a lls b u iy - t h u r s d iiy . V I M o rg a n to n - S u n d a y S ta te a Y lll? * l7 H d a y a ,.'/, ‘ N O R A C IN G - M o n d a y H a rris b u rd r S a tu rd k jr^ M o c k s v ille - T u e s d a y W inston- Salem - 3uncjai^'i * ' * r , I i </1, V Presented by aemmons Bicycle ill.' ~ Music, games, kids corner, food...even trike races! FREE fun for the whole family. Schedule of Events 6:15 p.m. Race 1 - Amateurs - Category 4/5 race (30 minutes) 6:45 p.rh. Kids Races Open Teen Tril<e Races 7:00 p.m. Race 2 - Masters Race (40 minutes) 7:40 p.m. Nonprofit Agency Executives Trii<e Race Fire / Rescue & Police Trli<e Race 7:50 p.m. Race 3 - Intermediate - Category 2/3 race (45 minutes) 8:35 p.m. County Officials Tril<e Race Open Adults Trii<e Race 8:45 p.m. Professional Race (60 minutes) 9:45 p.m. Racing Ends Fast Facts: Fourtii day of a nine day festival of speed Racing held in five categories Racing begins at 6:15 pm >2 mile course . , Held in Downtown Mocl<sviile ^ Start / Finisii Line on Main Street Kids races held at 6:45 pm . 'Net proceeds will benefit Davi & STAY iiere in our county ■ - „.v- Family Fun: Cliildren's games & activities provided by ' local non-profit organizations Putt-Putt, Face Painting, Science Exploration & More! Moonwalk Balloori Juriip, 20 Ft. Slide, 2 Misting Stations United Way Special Thar)l<s to Our Sponsors: Farnliy Area Sponsors T- Shirt Sponsors Horn’s Express Monstei" Energy Bayada Nurses Don Bowles, CPA - ^ Johnson Insurance Richard Childress Racing ' .............. Mission Sign Sponsors: 6B&T Davie .Chamber of Commerce Corvin Chiropractic Ellis Auto Auction Fuller Architecture Tutterow Surveying Trailers of the East Coast Wal-Mart Super Center Additional Thanks: Th e D a v ie C o u n t y En t erprise R e c o r d is p r o u d Criterium Committee Cornatzer Dulin Fire Dept. Davie County Boy Scouts Davie County Rescue Squad Historic Mocksville Merchants Julia Howard Mocksville Fire Dept. Republic Waste Service Town of Mocksville www.crossroadscyclingclassic.com TO SUPPORT THE H ist o r ic M o c k s v iu e C r it e r iu m :rvi ■ H:cN:co “Co о(D CO VD '-,тм'',тш’г.:п>тг‘:.тат№шInspirational C a r o li n a B ib le C a m p B r in g s T h e m B a c k Y e a r A f t e r Y e a r Page D1 All Stars . D a v i e H i g h Q u a r t e r b a c k ; C o a c h I n E a s t - W e s t G a m e s Page BI 1шепб:д1ц1гж$«1!к:1"яегт:гт,-.:!?'®г:г:м%и‘:1г7:згг»г^г4и.'аз4гуги91т D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P m / e E C O R DM r . USPS 149-160 Number 30 Thursday, July 31, 2008 40 PAGES Baptist, Forsyth Submit New Hospital Plans O b s t e t r ic s A r e B a c k In D a v ie P la n s Uy M ik e n iirn h iird l Davie G oim ty Enterprise Record Pack up the buses and head to Raleigh. T hat’s a suggestion from Ber­ muda Run M ayor John Ferguson - as (lie state is receiving n third re­ quest from Baptist M cdical Center to build a replacement fa cility for Davie County Hospital. The state’s certificate o f need (C O N ) section also received a sec­ ond application from Forsyth M edi­ cal Center to build a hospital three milos away ut Harper Road and 1- 40. Sound fam iliar? It is. The state h o sp ita l lice n s in g agency in February denied sim ilar plans by Baptist nnd Forsyth, m ainly „bcouuso»tho»propose<li'were’ “ com ­ peting.” It is expected to rule Inter, this m onth on B aptist’s second ap­ plication. Ferguson’s comments cahie din­ ing a brainstorm ing session hosted by county and Baptist officials in M ocksville. He said he could guar­ antee tw o bus loads to head to Ra­ leigh to let the officials m aking the decision know that D avie residents want a hospital. .‘‘That w ould m ake an itnpres- sion; That would get their attention,” Ferguson said. M ost all at the meeting said it is hard to understand w hy the state w on’t t\llow a replacement to D avie County Hospital to be built. Even though it w o u ld be lo ca ted in H illsdale, the hospital w ould be ac­ cessible to residents - and has sup­ p o rt fro m residents across the county, said Donny Lambeth, Bap­ tist interim president and chief op­ erating officer. .‘‘The logic o f it is unbelievably straightforw ard... yet there’s some­ thing political obstructing it,” said Don Yeager, a member o f a com m it­ tee trying to get approval o f the new hospital. Baptist officials said they’re do­ ing everything possible to get a new hospital in D avie County. The first application included beds fo r obstet­ rics. The second did not. The third docs. ‘‘We’re playing by the niles,” said Lqm beth. " I don’t see how in the world^ if the state follow s its rules, they can deny this ap plica tio n. ■ D avie C ounty is a grow ing county. W e^regoingtp be moreiSggressive In m oving oui“ services out into the regibni W e’re excited. Davie County is an extrem ely im portant county to the medical center. Wc want the state, lo have every option possible to ap­ prove a hospital.” Tlie hospital is building a prim ary and urgent care center at Country . Lane and US 601 N orth in M ocks­ ville that should ppen later this yeor, w ith urgent care services, physician offices and occupational medicine. ‘ Lambeth said he understands the confusion and frustration people have w ith the C O N process. Lynne Doss, Davie County Hos­ pital adm inistrator, said employees rem ain upbeat and appreciate the Please See H ospital - Page 8 Reaching New l-leigiits Cameron Brown, 11, climbs to the top of the rock wall at the annual Davie County Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society last weekend. For more photos of the event, please turn to page C1. - Photo by Robin Snow D o n ’t P a n ic : N e w F lo o d P la in M a p s O n T h e W a y B y M ik e B u rn h u rd t Davie County Enterprise Record D on’t panic. T hat’s the advice from D avie County Planner Andrew M eadwell, as his office is getting ready to send out some 6,000 letters to property owners saying there w ill be a hear­ ing concerning the flood plain. The flood plain maps are chang­ ing. That’s federally mandated ; f anyone in D avie wants to be in ­ cluded in the flood insurance pro­ gram. A nd because flood plains ore a zoning o v e rla y m a p -in D a vie County, those w ith property in the flood plain - as w ell as those w ith adjoining properties - w ill be noti­ fied by letter o f the hearings by gov­ erning boards in Berm uda R un, M ocksville and Davie County. “ M ost people w ill be happily sur­ prised,” said C ounty Manager Terry Bralley. The area considered to be in the 100-yeor flood zone overall has been reduced. W illia m W haley, who heads the county’s development services de- • portment, said the new maps should Please See Flood • Page 8 Math Scores Increase 6 O f 1 0 S c h o o l s M e e t A Y P G o a l s B y Beth Cassidy Dayie C ounty Enterprise Record P re lim in a ry A dequate Y early Progress (AYP) results show a slight increase in m ath scores ,fo r the county’s students, w ith six o f the 10 schools, or 60 perccnt, m aking AYP, up from 55.6 percent last year. Two o f the schools, Cornatzer and M o cksville elem entary, m et AYP fo r at least the last three years. According to N C Public Schools, A Y P is a defined as a scries o f perform ance targets that states, school districts, and schools m ust achieve each yeor to m eet the req uirem cuts o f N o C h ild L e ft Behind (N C LB ). Each schpol has target goals and m ust m eet 100 percent o f those., goals4ik^ot(i«(-'to- m akcA Y P , , The scores com e from end o f grade testp given in grades 3-12. " AYP is usually given fo r reading and math, but becatise reading.tests were changed, those scores w ill not be available u n til N ovem ber o r D ecem ber, a cco rd in g to A n n G raham , director o f testing and accountability for the D avie system. Graham said one school. South D avie M id d le , had m ore target goals, 21, than any other school, and met 100 percent o f those goals. The reason they had'm ore target goals, Graham said, is because they have more subgroups. There are 10 defined subgroups in each public school and district in NC. , They are S.chool ‘as a W hole, A m erican Indian, A sian, B lack, H isp a n ic, M u lti-ra c ia l, W h ite , Econom ically Disadvantaged (Free and R educed L u n c h ), L im ite d E n g lis h P ro fic ie n t (L E P ), and Students w ith D isabilities (SW D). E ach subg rou p m ust have 40 students, w ith the exception o f School as a‘ W hole if there are no subgroups, Please See A Y P - Page 8 D a v ie C o u ld G e t D ia ly s is C e n t e r By M ike Barnhardt Davie Courily Enterprise Record Wake Forest University Health Sci­ ences wants to build a kidney dialysis center in Davie County. Expect dialysis centcr provider DaVita to want to do the same, maybe even others. The state hospital licensing agency, the certificate of need (CON) section, will decide what company will provide the service here. Mnrshia Coe, regional administra­ tor for WFU- Health Sciences (WFUHS), siild Davie is becoming eli­ gible for, a center because 32 patients are needed before a lO-station unit could be approved. “We really want your support,” she tv V told a group of county and town, offi­ cials at Ihe Davie EMS headquarters recently. “It’s the community that makes a difference. Il needs to have strong support. Make letters personal,” she said. The process is similar to the one hospitals must go through to add beds. Companies apply, and the slate awards tlie service. ' Coe said WFUHS has broad support from physicians in the areas it serves - from most hospitals anc| related com­ panies, It’s run by local people for lo-. cal comiriunitics, “The dialysis patient needs to slay close lo home,” she said. Betty Howell, whose lale grand­ daughter, Tara went through dialysis, was pleased with WFUHS services. : , ' , ' ' ' / 1 A ' ............... "They were kind and professional in eveiything they did,” Howell said. She was impressed with the way the company tniins patients and iheir families to perform the blood-cleansing process at home. “Tara learned and one time she wouldn’t let a nurse in a hospital do it because she hadn’t followed proce­ dures,’’ she said,' William McDonald said it’s impor­ tant to employ local people - with local access lo administration - because the dialysis patient often spends more time with tlie employees at the centcr than with their own families. “The dialysis patient needs to stay close to home,” ho said. “The bottom line is how the patients are treated.” Please See Dialysis - Page 8 Marcia Coe explains the proposal for a kidney dialysis unit to Davie County Hospital’s M.A. Brewer and Lynne Doss. - Photo by Mike Barnhardt i ■ •»■'-ч-лда-?; Laurel Ridge Camp Cookie Goes Low-Fat 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 Editorial Р айе M y youngest, 9, returned from camp a couple weeks ago, not entirely sure he had had a good time. The days were good. Falling to sleep in a prim itive cabin on a m ountain w ith a bunch o f other boys proved difficult.- The food, the games, the crafts were fun. B ut the cot was hard, the n ig h t sounds could be frig h te n in g and the surroundings were strange fo r a little boy from Advance. ' It was his first tim e at camp — the M oravian Church’s wonderful Laurel Ridge. A ll m y boys have gone there. The. older boys went every chance they got. I steered them there, partly because I never went to church camp. Instead, 1 opted fo r basketball camp. Sure o f m y prospects for a career w ith the Boston Celtics, I opted out o f fun and games at church camp for the torture o f basketball camp. The coaches ran us from dawn to dusk. We did pushups and deep- knee bends. And I quickly assessed m y skills were nothing more than mediocre among the hundreds o f others w ho also figured to be the next basketball phenom. A t Farm ington Elementary, I was good. B ut m y ju m p shot had trouble finding its m ark, and m y height was ju st average. TheC eltics never called. I w ould have had m uch more fun at church camp. M y little sister, Alethea Sparks Segal o f H igh Point, has also sent her children to Laurel Ridge, and she has perfected the camp’s notable cookie. I had sent her the recipe for the camp cookie a decade ago. It called fo r a pound o f butter and a cup o f oil, Little wonder the cookie was tasty. A nutritionist, m y sister decided to refine the recipe without clogging anyone’s arteries. H ere’s her new and im proved recipe: La ure l R idge Cookies 1 cup butter, softened 1 cup packed brown sugar ! ■ 1 cup sugar , I 2 eggs f . : 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda ' 3/4 teaspoon-Salt..... 2 cups cornflakes, crushed 1 cup old-fashioned oats 1 cup shredded coconut 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans Vegetable cooking spiray Com bine butter, brow n sugar and sugar in a m ixing bowl: beat until creamy, Add eggs and vanilla extract; beat w ell, scraping sides o f bow l occasionally. Com bine flour, soda and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture, beating w ell. S tir in crushed cornflakes, oats, coconut and walnuts. D rop large dollops (at least 2 tablespoons) o f batter onto cookie sheet coated w ith cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden. Note: I prefer cookies that are the size o f the palm o f your hand. I f made this large the recipe yields about 2 dozen cookies. Otherwise you can expect a yield o f about 6 dozen small cookies. Rains Revive Area Lawns Recent rains have caused m y lawn to grow a little. I mowed last week fo r the first tim e in five or six weeks. I wasn’t sure the lawnm ower would crank. The grass had actually turned green. The success o f corn crops in the area seem varied. Some fields look pretty good. Others are severely stunted, • Farmers made an amazing crop o f hay in early summer, but lack o f rain has dried up the pastures. — D w ight Sparks 7/28 I n T h e M a i l . . . T m A M an A n d I’m A sk in g F o r D ire ctio n s’ To the editor; I decided long ago not lo be so mnlc us lo nol ask Гог directions, especially now with the price of gas. If I am in an urea I am nol familiar with I go into a convenience store and say ‘You’re not going to believe this, but I'm a man and I’m asking for directions.' I get a laugh and directions. Julia Howard, if you really, really want lo help the people of Norlli Carolina, introduce and gel a Inw introduced to require a vote on annexation. If Iwo-lhirds of the residents of the area vote yes, then let it happen. If not, then the city must learn how to cut costs instead of forcing people to help pay for their costs. Taxation With­ out Representation is what 1 cull it. As citizens, we need support from those people we elect. Jere Dailey, Advance DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, July 31,2008 - 3 JBDJÇ Helps Guide Young Man’s Life To the editor: My husband and 1 just left our spn, Michael, in Charlotte. This morning Mike was swom into the United States Navy. He has started a new chapter in his adult life. When we moved our family, which consists of ourselves and three children, here to Davie Countji, Mike was going into the ninth grade. It was hard leaving friends and family and moving so far away. We went to the high school and met with Mr. Hobson to gel everything in order for him, Mr. Hobson gave Mike a list of all the classes he could take. It didn’t take him long to figure out that JROTC was for him. At the time, I didn't even know what that was. We didn’t have anything like that in the school system we had moved from, up in Ohio. Needless to say, I now know and I also know what a wonderful program JROTC is and have seen firsthand how the kids ciiri thrive from being a part of it. Mike worked'his way up through Ihe ranks and when he graduated, he was the Battalion Commander. Col. Hales and ISO Wolfe helped shape Mike into the good guy, or should 1 say man, he has become. Throughout the years there were some rough spots, but on June 6, when his name was announced as a graduate, it was one of the happiest days of my life. Anyhow, today Mike left for boot camp at the Great Lakes Naval Base in Illinois. After his eight weeks there, he’ll head across country to train for Special Forces. He’ll be SWCC, training and working with the elite Navy Seals. Our family is extremely proud of our son, Seaman Michael Stnrre. We already miss his smiling face and humor. In our hearts and in our prayers, we wish him nothing but happiness, health and success. We love you, Mike. Sue Starre Mocksville Letters Welcomed 'rab Enterprise Record welcom es letters from its read-' ers. 'The letters m ay be oh topics o f local, state, national or international issues. ; A n effort w ill be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters fo r gramm ar and for space. A ll letters should include the name and address o f the w riter, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. M onday o f the week to be published. Davie C ounty Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, M ocksville, or em ail to: eniews @ da vie-enterprise.com. D AVIE C O U N TY % USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 (336) 751r212p Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks............................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt...........................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow..............................Advertising Director Brian Pitts....................................Sports Editor Starr Snow....................................Circulation Mocksvllle Enterprise I Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1099-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 7/26 ^ V / 1836 Davie County C om eclion EMS Station Brings Balance to Services In June, Davie County EMS answered 448 calls throughout the county. That’s an average o f 15 calls a day, “ M ocksville has the largest percentage o f calls,” said M ark Hancock, Director, EMS. “ The next largest percentage comes from the Sm ith Grove/Advance area. Tho third largest, 18%, comes from the Jerusalem and Greasy Corner area, so it made sense to put tiie third station there to bring balance to the system." Tile county broke ground on the new EMS station on M ay 21, and at the current rate, Hancock anticipates the building on US 601 South w ill be completed by mid- August, and open for business sometime in September. The 2,000 squarc-foot stat on w ill include two bays for emergencj; vehicles as w ell as storage spacc and living quarters for the two-man teams that w i 1 be on call twenty- four hours a day. Currently, there arc three staffed ambulances in Ihe count)/: tw o in M ocksville and one in Hillsdale. There are also three backup ambulances that can be manned by off-duty staff when needed. "These are dedicated people who drop wliat they’re doing and go when they get the call,” said Hancock o f his stuff witen they're off-duty. When the new station open.i, one o f the teams w ill be moved irom M ocksville. Tlie spare ambulances w ill remain at Hillsdale and M ocksvillc. “ Right now, the response time to the Jerusalem,area is 8-10 minutes. By having a team in that area, we can knock o ff four minutes from that response time. That’s big when you’re talking about a major medical emergency. There lu-e a lot 'lile ■ Construction on EMS Station 3 will be coinplete in August. didyoukiiow that Davie Emergency Services Is responsible for more lhati emergency medical care? Emergency Medical v. Services Is a bit o( a misnomer, as Emergency Management - manai a major crisis, whether It be tomac destruction or an overturned truck carrying hazardous waste on 1-40 - is another of their responsibilities. • In addition to the full paramedic service this county office provides, they are also responsible for the . county’s Medical Examiner service when there Is a death under questionable circumstances. The fire Investigator over arson cases also works in Ihe Emergency Services ’ Qffice. o f lile threatening situations where there could be a huge difference in the outcome ^.>w>boct^tiie of/the,lim e saved.” . /' Opening the new staticjn doesn’t iw a n „ that coverage w ill lucK any w fie ^ jiV, the county. Rescue districts are iieing redrawn to include the new station so that each station covers the area clo.sest to it and response teams are evenly spaced througiiout the county. Keeping response lim e is key because about 70% o f all Ihe EM S calls w ill result in someone being taken to a hospital, and many times that hospital is out o f Davie County. “ We take them to the neiu-est hospital that can handle that type o f injury or Mark Hancock, EMS director, stressés that it takes the v/ork of ‘ both the county government and strong community support to provWe > 'I theee sen/lces effectively ana thanks , ,yev4|ryQn0,;Whp isjnvolvod /n.lTIAklnQ!,,,; T a s t e o f . t h e T o w n Don’t miss tlie 6th Annual Taste o f Ihe Town, September 23, 6:7:30pm at Senior Services. Participants can sample “ tastes” from many different local restaurants and caterers. Entrance tickets are $5, plus $.50 per tasting ticket. A silent auction w ill also lake place during the event w ith a variety o f items to bid on. Proceeds w ill help support the many programs and services that Davie County Senior Services offers to older adults. Buy your ticket at Senior Services after Aug. 1. Open to everyone. H e l p I s a P h o n e C a l l A w a y Tlie domestic abuse and rape crisis center provides a 24- hour crisis line, 7 5 1-HELP (4357), for individuals experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault or rape. Crisis counseling is available. W hile representatives are unable to go to a iiom e, they w ill send help, and meet victim s at Ihe magistrate's office or the hospital. T h e B r i l l i a n t a n d B i z a r r e B r o n t e s Tliursday, November 6, E lliot Engel w ill be back by popular demand w ilh a presentation on the Brontes. Hear the tragic story o f the Bronte fam ily, w ith an emphasis on Charlotte and Em ily, aiUhors o f W uliiering Heiglits and Jane Eyre. Presentations are at -1pm and 7pm at the Dc.vie County Public Library and are free to ilw public. Engel's other presentations are available at the libraiy on CD iuid cassette. N e w R e s e a r c h o n T r e a t i n g A l z h e i m e r ’s D i s e a s e Learn about some new research which has promise in treating this crippling disease from Dr. Jeff W illiam son, director o f the J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging. The event w ill be held on August 2 0 ,1pm at Senior Services. Open to adults o f any age - no children, please. RSVP by August 13. Davie County Public Officials И1, ^ q r j ^ p r e j n f o r m a t i p n O f i: v;^^cpuntyseivlc68 please i contact the appropriate office from the list at the bottom of the page. J f!e-M h I ». lJ U L Y 2 0 0 8 illness,” Hancock said. Since that can mean an ambulance could be on a call for an hour or more, the other stations have to be ready to deploy outside o f their service area if needed. In fact, if both M ocksville ambulances are in use, the Hillsdale ambulance team moves to a central part o f the county - Farmington Road - so they can respond faster to an incident in any part o f the county, until a M ockiiville team returns. W hen the new station opens, that w ill continue to be the case, although the central point w ill be adjusted based on all three stations. W hen there is a large accident, it's possible that all three ambulances w ill be called to respond, regardless o f where the accident occurs. W hile there are lines on a map dial are Iheir prim ary response areas, Hancock stressed, “ If there's an event somewhere else in the county and one o f these trucks are needed, we deploy it. When a life is at stake, the station district lines don’t matter. We send the closest team, but if that team is already on a call, we’re sending Ihe next closest team and so on.” Hancock hum bly says the service system in Davie is “ pretty effective. We iiave a great pre-hospital program here.” Tiiat's a bit o f an understatement. If you continue to press him , he 'll admit that Davie County EM S is a M odel EMS System. To become one, counties must go beyond the m inim um requirements for EM S, participating in state compliance ciiecks and records review. They m ust also have tightly integrated systems in place w ith the other emergency medical services in the county. “ Davie EM S is one o f only 13 M odel ^Systems in the state," he said. “ W e’re the ,’s/n.ailgj|t and most rural county to have ¡¿¿hia'vjfl diis classification.'' ■ Hancock and his staff are planning an open house for the com m unity to come and visit the new station once it is open, giving people a chance to see Ihe facility and the equipment, and get to know some o f the team members in a relaxed environment. “ We really hope yo u 'll only meet us al die open house and not have to meet us because o f an emergency. But if you do iiave to call us, we’d like you to see a friendly face you may already know when we arrive." Jour Senior Services extended hours al our MocksVilleSite:Moiickiy - Thursdtxy 8a.m.-Spjn., Friday 8аж~5^Ж<11и1 SotiinUtys 9a Jn. - 1p.m. ' MayfeitHrry L ife L e s s o n » Each month we will watch an episode of The Andy Griffith Shew and discuss impottani values portrayed in the episode. ¡. Join us pn Allgust 22, lOam, as We watch “/^idy Forecloses." дТЫа с1м4 offeis people on opportunity to gel together, have ' fiin A thiiik hboul how we handle certain situations in life, facilitate by Kim Shuskey, Senior Services director. Join any . .time, but please call before attending your first class. C^a lo adults SS & older and exceptions under the general partieipalion ■ policy RSVP by August II I 'S u m m e r D a n c e ', ■ Come dance to all your favorites on August 22,' б;3б-9;30р(п. f DJ Валу Rente will pvide a variety of music for all kinds of L, dAnqing - with or wiaout a partner. Refreshments will be H\|etveA ,Р1ш^ RSVP early as this event will I» canceled if not K' chough interest is sliowii. Open to adults 55 & older and 'й ^ciptioia iinder the general participation policy. ^ 'ip b n th iy M o v ie - T h e B u e k s t L M ' V somber 16,2pih. In this movie, two temiinally ill men МЙШ Iroiii a cancer ward wilh a list of things to do before they \ di& Although they have nothing in common except their lihiess, |hey become unlikiily friends and help each other find the joy in ¡,V their Uvei,'Staning Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, tms inovie i.<i rated PG-13 for language. Open to adults 55 & elder W i l l Y o u r V o t e C o u n t ? The candidates have been chosen ancl the 'plecfions staff and board move forwiu-d w ilh plans for the Novem ber 4 General Elections. But you can't vote if you aren't registered! If you’re new in tiie county, or are eligible to register but haven’t, you need to file a voter registration form by Friday, October 10. If you’ve moved or recently changed your name, it’s helpful if you’ve filed,your changes by the deadline as well. Forms may be printed from tlie NC State Board web site, www.sboe.nc.us and mailed to the Board o f Elections, 161 Poplar St., Ste 102, M ocksville, NC 27028. Request for m ail-in ballots may be filed w ith the Elections office September 15 - October 28 by the voter or a member o f Iheir immediate fam ily. The requirements are that the person, must be registered and that there is a signature either by the voter or Iheir near relative. M ailed ballots must be relumed to Ihe Elections office no later than 5pm, Monday, November 3, properly signed and witnessed. The no excuse/one-stop early voting w ill be available in the Elections office October 16 - October 31, 8am - 5pm, and Novem ber 1, 8am - 1pm. Additional one-stop voting sites may be available in the weeks leading up to the election. Please contact the Elections office closer to die election for more inform ation regarding additional sites, voting or the registration process at 753-6072. I‘ inovie i.?'rated PG-13 for language. Open to adults 55 & ¿Ider plexcq)tioMúriderthegencraípnrticipaiionpolicy.MPLC 'license #123TM40 in order to make our events more accessible, fn closed captiomiig will be Med for all movies, li'R ó ttio n o u s S n a k e s a n d S p id e rs I’ , Are there dangerous snakes* spiders ill your back yard?? Uorn how to identify them on August 26,10;30arn at die . Famiinglon site. RSVP by August 19. D ig ita l. T V C o n v e rs io n Í .Are you ready for the changeover to digiüil television? Find ' ■ out which TVs will be nffecled, what you need lo do to prepare I for the changeover and how you can save money. September 15, r,, 10;30ara at the Fannington site. RSVP by September 8. tiF IlÍ M m 'R o o m ' I’” ;nASenior Services fltne.ss room is stocked with great fitness that can be used by adulu 55 and older at no charge. f \ Equipment 1» available on a first come first serve basis. TVaintag ^requlKdpriorto the first time using equipment Each 15, J nuie ¿(f-- '—!— tetis/cattfofapp »-¡■¡Ctím-^iOOprn------i-'5;()()pm ■' iv,1:00pm -s. ' , , Tbiqiidii)« • liO ' Mowluis-iiOfl-8:00pm-txerdseClassntora I .Qetiome exercise & have fun loo! Tlie Wills no regular vkleo game. In these sjxirts {.nmes you aclually do Ihe moves - ' > swing ihé tennis racket, the baseball bat, the golf club, etc. i * The Wu IS available pn Mondays 6-8pm and Thuredays 1- l,T ,<(pm and on a drop in basis when.the exercise classroom is not i£i .in UK. Suifi will be av^able Ihe firet few sessions to show you ^ how* to play. Otllerwise simply make an appointment for a short, I omt^on №wiob if you need one. Call with questions ' bmf^báll^bilíiiuxls, ping ^iig, fishing, slmdiig niiige ^ imdmore'! '- ' i'ijRenfrei V alley , ICY llrip "'^/iiSÍ№,MP now for our ttip to Renfro Valley, KY. Some of the , acuvlties include the Colonel Sanders Ori¿n.tl Café and Museum; KY Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Mountak. Gospel Jubilee; The Charlie Pride Show, shopping and niore! ' 'Complete déuúls available at Senior Services. Hotel ' jiCMmodation « the Hampton Inn, motorcoach tniyel and Í Í, tóveial meáis iricluded in price. Oclober24-26. Prices; $459 t ;,''single, $3iS9 double, $349Uiple, $329 quad (double, triple and . quod rates are per person) - v f. Reserve your seat wjlli a $50 deposit. Deposit must be ,i««!Íved before iianie can be placed on registration list. Rehmds I'' ion only be issued if we have nol yet turned money in to louring ivi,i company. After that dine no refiiiids can be i^ued. Generally, . thiswillbethecutoffdateforregisteringforthetrip. Atrip - vi(iivfr fonn must be on file for all p^cipanls. All money is sf due jjy deadline for trip signup on September 12. i\ S a m IN iih e r T h e a tre : - ^ ^p é ie W , t o y é a n d M y M o th e r íih L a Í¥ VOctobet 28 • Depart at 11:00am I Price: $^.00 (includes Iransportation), Regbtrallpn D^dUne; &^mber 12 I , . Register now for our trip to enjoy Bam Dinner Theatre on October 28; departing at 1 lam; In №ace. Love and My Mother- I , In-Lawi newlyweds Crystd and Jack bve been married for» ' - year ^d are havm| Th.'mksgiving dmner at their house in NC ^ " The only problem is that the son-hi-law and mother%-law got off on the wrong foot \vhen they fust met, now die reladonship , veige^'ifn all-pul-war. Throw in an ice stoim dial keeps , everyoni^ iugether 9vemi^t, and the laughs.keep building as küit ii! $35 arid includes transportation. Must pay in full to www.co.davie.nc.us County Board of Commissioners Johnny L. Frye Tom neming, Cluiiminn Chris Amlersoii, Vice Chairman Bobby Knidil Richard Polnilexlcr Planning BoardJoim rullcr, Chairman Piili Fuiier, Vico Chairman Dob Carter Sue Cave BrenlQobbioLoydRotllna ' .Hcniy Walker • ' * - , ■. . ' Miriam Wrighl (iillemale) Richard Zellvogei (ailemalp) Board ol AdjustmentDan Smilli, Chairman MichacI Branham Jim Qtttgoty Jack Jeiume Wayne Webb Dnpiine Fiye (ailcmme)J.T. Smith (aileniale) Department Heads Tetty Bnilioy, County Manager ,753-6001 Oreg Hoover, Cooperative Extension Servicc 753-6 i IX)Ronnie Robcitson, Communications 751-0896Neal Smith, Computer Services 753-6040William Wiialey. Development Services 753-6050Cindy Hendricks. Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center 753-6150 'Margaret Sliew, Elections 751-2027■ Mark Hancock, Enwrgoncy Medical Services 753-6160 Jim Stockert, Deputy County Manager/Finance 753-6020John Galllmon:, QtS/PuWic Safely Director 753-6050Corotdine Winebarger. Interim Health Dept. Dir. 751-8700 Delh Ditks, Assistant County Mwager/Human Resources ..753-6001 Ruth Hoyle, Library 751-2023Andrew Meadweti, P|.inning 753-6050BreM Shoaf, Register of Deeds 753-6080 Kim Shuskey, Senior Center 751-0611 Andy Stakes. Siierift 751-6238 Becky Finney. Social Services 751-8800Jackio Hall, Tax Adminismition 753-6120Don Cover, Veterans Service's 753-6225Jeff Crisco, Water Departroent ; 753-6090 Kim Hatiis, Gnmt Adminislralion 753-6070 A 4 ■ DAVIË COUNTY ENTERPRISÉ RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 Caudell Lumber is operated by the Bowden family, including in ttie ptioto at ieft, Louise, Jeiff, Aiyse and Sheek Bowden, and at right, Sheek, Jeff and Louise Bowden and Linda Bowden Hale. , - Photos by Robin Snow C a u d e ll C e le b r a t in g 7 5 t h Y e a r O f F a m ily O w n e r s h ip Sheek and Louise Bowden walk from the family-owned Caudell Lumber off North Main Street In Mocksville. Caudell Lumber Company hns comc (I long way. Walk in the door now, and you’ll Tind solar yard lights and hose guides. If you had walked into it some 75 years ago, you would have found Jeff Caudell - if he wasn’t out delivering lumber from Davie County sawmills. Celebrating its 75th anniver­ sary this week, Caudell Lumber now employees 14 people, and they still cater to the home­ owner and the contractor. There’s the lumber and related products, and the paint and flooring, There’s gardening needs and lighting. Expect to find n unique item hero and there. Tile company is still owned by the same family. Jeff Caudell founded the company in 1933, He und wife Margaret hud two daughters - Eleanor and Louise. Now, Louise Bowden’s son Jeff Bowden and her daughter, Lindn Bowden Hale, arc in charge. Jeff’s daughter, Alyse Bowden, works the register in the front of the store. It helps to have good em­ ployees, Jeff Bowden said. Dean Foster has been on the job there sincc 1976, Curia Bameycastle for 25 years. The list goes on, Saturday will be customer appreciation day, with cake, door prizes and music from The Hobson Family from ID a,m.- noon. Jeff Caudell said in an inter­ view 25 years ago that he hud to start his business in 1933, during the Great Deprcission. There was nowhere to go but up. In 1948, his .son-in-law, Bill Daniel (Eleanor’s husband), joined the staff. It was incorpo­ rated four years later with T. Jeff Caudell as president, Margaret Fisher Caudell us vice president. Bill Daniel as sccrctary-treu- surcr, Louise Cuudell Bowden und Eleunor Caudell Daniel us stockHoldcrs und directors. "My daddy is up there clap­ ping his hands," Louise suid. A U 'A m e ric a n F o r d M e rc u ry Tuesday, july^9^^- Saturday, August 2' (SI) Current paystub (!^ Current utility bill 0^ Current phone bill 8 references (Name, Address & Ph.») К50Я BRING THE KIDS! FREE HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS &BBQ CHICKEN District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - 5 The following cuses were heurd in Duvie District Court on July 24. Presiding; Judge Wayne L. Michael. Prosecuting; Michelle Duff and Ina Stunton, A.ssistant DAs. - Rafael Santo Alvarado, re­ sisting u public officer, dis­ missed in Ihe interest of justice. - Irvin Duvid Buiicy, speed­ ing 83 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost; expired/no inspection sticker, expired registration curd/tug, dismissed per pleu. - Justin C. Brucken, simple ussuult, dismissed per self de­ fense. - Lurry Brinkley, misde- meunor probation violution out of county, parole revoked, sen­ tenced to 120 days; misde­ meanor probation violation, pro­ bation revoked, sentenced to 120 duys. - Duvid Bruce Cumpbell, misdemcunor probution violu­ tion, .sentenced to 120 days, .su.s- pcndcd 12 months, waive super- , vision fee. - Ryun Christopher Curtcr, cyberstulking, dismissed per me­ diation. - Charles Melvin Clement, breaking/entering motor vehicle, dismissed per pleu; misde- meunor larceny, sentenced sus­ pended 12 months, abide by all laws of state, 120 hours commu­ nity scrvicc. - Stephanie Reid Davis, as­ sault with u deudly weapon, dis­ missed per failure of prosecut­ ing witness to appear. - Luuru Cusey Doub, misde­ meanor probation violation, pa­ role revoked, sentcnccd lo 45 days, credit for lime served; driving with iiccnse revoked, reduced to failure lo notify DMV of address change; fuiluro to slop ul stopsign/flushing red light, operating vuhicic no insurance, dismissed per plea. - Fidel Castro Orunde, viola­ tion of unsupcrvised probation, . dismissed, conlinue on unsuper- viscd probation. - John Thomas Haflmun, DWl, sentenced lo 60 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $100, cost, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assess- mcnt/treutment; driving ufler consuming under 21, dismissed per pleu. - Jonathan W. Hargrave, pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, senlenci^ to 45 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, evidence ordered destroyed, substance abuse assessment/treatment, submit to random drug screens/ wurruntlcss searches, 24 hours community service; simple pos­ session of schedule VI con­ trolled substuncc, dismissed per pleu, evidcncc ordered de­ stroyed. - Olenn Harrison, simple worthless check, dismissed. - Christopher D. Hiatl, com­ municating tlircats, dismissed per mediation. - He'uth Michael Jarvis, simple ussault, dismissed per self defense. - Charles I^amonl Mans, driv­ ing with licensc revoked, re­ duced to no operators licensc, senlcnccd lo 45 days, credit for time served. - Bailey Elizabeth Marrs, pos­ session of malt beverage/unfor­ tified wine not 19/20, injury to real property, dismissed per completion of community ser­ vice and therapy sessions, - George Wesley Mock, fail­ ure to wear drivers seat bell, reckless driving to endanger, dis­ missed per plea; DWl, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, $200, cost, 48 hours community scrvicc, not to oper­ ate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment, - Francisco J. Montejo, tak­ ing Pish w/use of cast net, dis- missed, - Wayne Ogle, no operators license, drink becr/wine while driving, dismissed per plea; DWl, sentenced to 60 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $100, cost, surrender license, not to operute a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse ussess- menl/ireutment, - Angelo Anthony Palopoli, ussuult on u femule, dismissed per requoRt of prosecuting wit­ ness. r Susun Pifer, simple worth­ less check, dismissed, - Dionicio Rumirez, assault on a femule, dismissed per fuil- ure of prosecuting witness to appear, - Santoago Alva Ramirez, no operators license, dismissed per pica to DWl. - Evan Tramaine Redmond, speeding 86 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $50, cost; operating vehicle no insurance, licensc not In possession, ficti- tious/conccaled/revokcd regis­ tration card/tug, expired registra­ tion card/tag, dismissed per plea. - Romaro Theodore Scott, misdemeanor probation viola­ tion, sentenced to 72 days, credit for time served. - Co^y James Suller, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, evi­ dence ordered destroyed; DWl, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, surrender licensc, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assessment/ treatment, 24 hours community scrvicc; no operators licensc, driving ufler consiiming under 21, dismissed per plea. - Bobby Gray Sweut Jr., sec­ ond degree trcspussing, dis­ missed per pleu; resisting a pub­ lic officer, sentenced to two days, credit for time served. - Anthony Neil Tardcll, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substancc, dis­ missed per plea, evidcncc or- dered destroyed; possession of drug paraphernalia, prayer for judgment continued 120 days, 12 hours community service, substancc abuse assessment/ trcutmcnt, rcmuin of good be­ havior. - Janie Allen Teague, simple assault, sentenced to seven days, credit for time served. - Anthony D. Thrcadgill, as­ sault on a female, prayer for judgment continued on cost, continue treutment/medicution, not to nssnult/threuten/haruss complainant. - Leonardo 0. Trejo, failure to wear drivers scut belt, dis­ missed per pica; driving with li­ censc revoked, reduccd to fail­ ure lo notify DMV of address change, $25, cost; possession/ display of altercd/rictitious/rc- voked drivers licensc, dismissed per plea. - James Vcmon lyncr, driv­ ing with licensc revoked, re­ duced to failure lo notify DMV of address change; fictitious info to officer, rccklcss driving to endanger, resisting a public of­ ficer, dismissed per pica. - Donna J. Whitaker, simple worthless check, dismissed, - Elliott Rudolph Wilds, as­ sault on a female and resisting u public officer, sentenced lo 75 days, suspended 18 months, $50, cost, have no contuct with pros­ ecuting witness.except child visitations; misdemeanor child abuse, dismissed per pleu. - Debru Ann Williams, mis­ demeanor larceny, senlcnccd lo 120 days, suspended 18 months, $50, cost, not to go about WalMart, $500 attorney fees, $596 resiitution; second degree trespassing, dismissed per plea. - Tracy Lynn Willlumson, misdemcunor larceny und simple ussuult, sentenced to 63 duys, credit for time served, $ 13 resti­ tution. - Trucy Lynn Willlumson, possession of drug paraphema- lia, dismissed per pica, evidence ordered destroyed. - Crystal Lynn Wilson, no op­ erators licensc, operating vehicle no insurance, expircd/no inspec­ tion slicker, fictitious/concealcd/ revoked registration card/lag, dismissed. Failed To Appear: - Jeni Rumirez, taking game fish by other means. - Dianne Thibodeau, speed­ ing 83 in a 70. - Luke James Werdon, molor- cyclc/mopcd helmet violation. July 17 The following cases were heard in Davie District Court on July 17. Presiding; Judge Wayne L. Michael. Prosecuting: Ina Stanton and Michelle Duff, As­ sistant DAs. - Lashonda Cole Gaither, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, prayer for judgment continued 90 days, 24 hours community scrvicc, cost. - Alena Joan Gale, failure to report uccidcnt, dismissed per completion of community scr­ vicc, - Mario Alberto Gurciu, speeding 70 in u 55, reduccd lo 60 in u 55, $25, cost, , • Munnle James Oruhum 11, fuilurc to notify DMV of uddress chungc, $25, cost, - Mutthew Scott Hugcr, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, eonirib- ulliig lo Ihe delinquency of a ju­ venile, breaking/entering, dis­ missed; possession of drug paru- phemalia und misdemeanor lur- ccny ufter breaking/entering, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 18 months, cost, obtain OBD, substancc ubusc ussessment/ treatment, evidence ordered de­ stroyed, submit to random drug screens/warrantless searches, 24 hours community scrvicc. • Kathryn Michelle Vlall, pos­ session of drug paraphernalia. prayer for judgment continued 90 days, 24 hours community service. - Gary Lee Harding, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, cost, evidence ordered destroyed. - Timothy Dewuync Hurmon, misdemeanor larceny, obtaining properly by false pretense, dis­ missed per failure of prosecut- ■ ing witness to appear, - Shmondra N, Harrison, driving with license revoked, ex­ pired/no inspection sticker, pos­ session/display of ultcrcd/ncii- tious/revolied drivers license, dismissed per pleu; following to closely, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost, $350 uttor- ncy fees. - Jeffrey Durun Hayes, injury to personal property, breaking/ entering, injury to rcul property, dismissed per request of pros­ ecuting witness. - Raymond Watson Hcllurd, expired/no inspection slicker, dismissed; misdcmcunor lur- ceny, break coin/currency ma­ chine, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Christopher Henderson, DWl, sentenced to 24 months, suspended 18 months, $1000, cost, surrender Iiccnse, not to op­ erate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, substancc abuse usscssment/treatmcnt, 30 days in jail, submit to random drug screens/warrantless searches, substance abuse us- sessmenl/trcutmeni, $662.17 rcs- lilution, $502.90 attorney fees; reckless driving to endanger, possession of open container/ consuming alcohol in passenger area, dismissed. - Robin Gayle Hubble, mis­ demeanor larceny, pruyer for judgment continued 90 days, not to go about WalMart. - Bryan S. Jefferies, posses­ sion of open container/consum­ ing alcohol in passenger ureo, Please See Court - Page 10 r Meet Your Candulate For The NORTH CAROLINA SENATORIAL DISTRICT 34 William A. Burnette Rcsklcs at I jike Louise Golf Club in Mocksville, NC FAMII.Y; WkloMcd. Three Daughters. Oldest is a Wake Forest University Graduate. The middle daughter b a Safcni College Graduate, and tlie youngest is a graduate of UNC-Chapel HE Seven grondehUdren. Baptist Mason (46 years) Former Jaycee FomierPTAPresidenl Various Ad Hoc Communities Democrat (lifelong) RJ. Keynolds Tobacco Company (including Managemnl Position in RJ. Reynolds Inlemationol in Asia in die I960's) Prcsldent, PieduMRl Leaf'Ibbacco Company Owner, Assodaled Supply Intemadonal LTD, an inteniational leaf lohacco merchant and l ^ g company Cikuvner, Salem TVading LTD, an inlcmational ttading company Co^)^^ncг, llie Hillsdale Group, developers of'Kinderion" at Bemiuda Run. A 350 acre mixed use development. CoKMvner, Klnderton Place Shopping Center at Bermuda Run Ovmer, Lake Loube Golf Club In Mocksville 0>mer, ‘'Tlie Reseñ e at Lake Louise" and ‘'Fhe Villas al Lake Louise”, bodi residential developments. Past Chalmian, Bemmda Run Sanitary Seiver District which controlled the water, sewer and streets in Bemiuda Run. Fomwr Dkeclor of Salem 'IVust Bank k\ Wiiislon-Salcm (bought by CCB Bank). Founding*Director and Current Director of Bank of Uie Carolinas which has oflices in Rowan and Davie Counties, Contributed $15,000,00 to tlie Allen Mebaiie Chalfcnge to buy computéis for school aged children. I have created and managed budgets of millions of dollars, I have borrowed and repaid millions of dollars, I will take the expertise learned during my business career to Raleigh if elected. I ain a fiscal conservative qnd philosophically moderate. V o te f o r WaiiamA. (ВШ) il’* N.C. SENATE F r o m D a v i e & R o w a n C o v n t y Paid for by Burnette For Senate Committee Bar Stools $ e C I 9 SOnly 9 9 Swivel Ball Bearings 2 Styles On Display Cheval Mirror Mattrttss Oak or C h jh yfe b c o m p a h y Finish Qyy Manress Get The Best One That Will Last You For Years We Have Dura Foam Base • Zoned Coil While Supplies Last PIUS MUCH MOPB Come By Today For A Demonstration M ATTRESS & BO X SPR IN G SALE Only LAMPS Buy 1« and t/ft prio« All Sofas & Chairs Have Been Heduced Featuring new system technology that iMOrks as hard as you do. Give your back the correct support it needs to excel at the everyday performance called life. Prices start IVvin Set *299“ Full ‘349” Queen *499» King 3pc. >599>o 336 Coll FREE DELlVEHY ТаЫе & 4 Chairs f r e e D E L IV E R Y & R E M O V A L ! R e c l i n e r s «ne a. « 2 4 8 “ By Cochran— Thresher Oak Solid Oak Table Tops Feature Cochran Plus Protection-Protective Coating A LL B ED R O O M SU ITE S ON SALE, A L L W O O D Wo D iscount AH Furniture = Chock Our Prices Before You Buy MOCKSVILLE FURt^lTURE DOWNTOVÍN MOCKSUILI-I: , NC siilüs-‘‘ inucksviHt;liiiniluit! cum 336-751-5812 www m ncksvilleliimiliiri! com Г ^I» I 11 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 Public Records DAVEE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - 7» ' Marriages. The following were issued marriage licenses by the Davie Register of Deeds. - Freddie Wayne Nichols, 34, and Tammy Lee Caudle, 37, of Moclcsville. - Caleb Garrett Davis, 23, of Advance, and. Sara Elizabeth Snow, 22, of Moclcsville. - George Brandon Jackson, 19, of Hiddenite, and Ashley Monique Peoples, 21, of Mocksville. - Nathanial Aaron Shaffer, 22, of Kentucky, and Esther Grace Podunavac, 24, of Mocksville. - Fidel Antonio Amaya, 22, of Statesville, and Rubicelia Hernandez, 20, of Mocksville. Civil LaH^suits The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Davie Clerk of Court. - Midland Funding vs. Wayne S. Young, collcctlon on account, $2,244.13. - LVNV Funding vs. Thomas L. Baker, collection on account, $4,621.45. Meghan Slobhan Weatherman vs. Mark Edward Weatherman, child support. - Davie Social Services vs. Jason D. Redd, child support. - LVNV Funding vs. Angela Key, collection on account, $4,206.44. - Freída J. Foster vs. Michael O. Foster, domestic violence protective order. - Mark Anthony Chunn vs. Leah Rochelle Chunn, divorce. - Maria Christine Noa vs, Manuelo Macias Noo Jr., alimony, custody, divorce from bed and board, equitable distribution, post separation support, attorney fees. - RJM Acquisitions vs. Reginald Guyton, contract, money owed, $10,617,99. %RJM Acquisitions vs. Terry S. Johnson, contract, money owed, $6,401.18. Capital One Bank vs. iftiiilie M. Dixon, Collection on account, $1,178.82. - Manuelo Macias Noa Jr. vs. Maria Christine Noa, divorce from bed and board, equitable distribution. - Lisa Mock vs. Ronnie Hall, domestic violence protective order. - Discover Bank vs, Lisa Shelton, collection on account, $5,374.45. - Discover Bank vs, Audrey Teresa Williams, collection on account, $4,287.98; - Davie Social Services vs. , Lamont Manns, child support. - Citibank vs. Gary W. Wagoner, collection on account, $3,372.74, ' - bell Financial Services vs. Michael A. Cline, collection on account, $2,084.90. - Misty Dawn Griffin vs. Donnie Allen Jr., domestic violence protective order. - Isabell Lynn Deskins vs. Joshua Milton Hardin, domestic violence protective order. - Bradley Scott Evans vs. ^Tracy Evans, ex parte order. - Cathy Jean Mock Wagoner vs. Jeffrey Dwayne Wagoner, divorce, resumption of maiden name. - Davie Social Services vs. Stacy E. Pruitt, child support. - Davie Sociol Services vs. Jonathan L. Wright, -child support. - LVNV Funding vs. Amy Cooper, collection on account, $4,140.30. - FIA Card Services vs. ‘Martha Ferguson, collection on account, $10,181.78. - Kerri A. Lane vs. Martin P. Lane, divorce. - Mandie Michelle O’Neal vs. Eric Paul Shelton, domestic violence protective order. - Sherri Ann Sheltra vs. Daniel Harold French, domestic violence protective order. - Target National Bank/ Target Visa vs. Marlena Knight, collection on account, $11,329.60. - Fairlane Credit vs. Henry Lee Dulin Jr., collection on account, $13,86.99. - Olivion Alexander Brown vs.' Felicia Renee Brown, custody, divorce, - American Express Travel Related Services vs. Allen Wayne Schill, collection on account, $5,534.51. - North Star Acquisition vs. Ginger 1. Hendrix, collection on account, $2,828.65. - Randall S. Hubbard vs. Edwin Wylie Musgrove and Western Express, motor vohicle negjipnce. - Anita D. Poinde^tpr ^s. Vincent Taylor, complaint fbr money owed. - Wendy Combs Kiser vs. James David Kiser, divorce. - Triad Surgical Assoc, vs. Julia M. Dyson, collection on account, $2,646. Christopher Shane Sanderson vs. Cassandra Renee Smith Sanderson, divorce, - Chase Manhattan Bank USA vs. Brenda Key, collection on account, $10,521.84. - Hudson and Keyse vs. Blaine D. Willard, collection on account, $7,755.89. - Hudson and Keys'e vs. 199 Southern Modified Tout Race PluBSportsman, Stoeet Stock, and Stadium Stock Race* PreMnttd Iqr: . ____________________________ I S T I G H T OatM ?or prsctloa at в 'PRBSBNTED BY 104.1 WTQRRmIi« lor ModHMi, UCMMi«, I»«!))!«»)« anu> M«WM Twr «ulHylnc (or AugMil 2 $1.99 tickets for Friday, August 1 event nvailable at participatiiie Advanced Auto Parts Stores.......................... I'M,«01,1.., ..................... St Frank L. Barber, collection on account, $4,530.44. - Jason Matthew Murray vs. Jill Donna Murray, divorcé. - Amanda Hayes vs. Charles L. Hayes, child support. - Randolf Thor Woodward vs. Larissa D. Woodward, child support, custody, mediation. - Isabell Lynn Deskins vs. Joshua Milton Hardin, child support, custody. - Discover Bank vs. R, Phil Martin III, collection on occount, $7,644.76. - Parks Land Trust vs. Wachovia Bank and iSuntrust Bonk, action to quiet title. - Lakey’s Backhoe Service vs. Hendrix and Corriher Construction Co., contract. - Billie Jo Peel vs. James Peel Jr., domestic violence protective order. Land Ti-ansfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds. The transactions are listed by parlies involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - Gary L. Brown and Deneen A. Brown to Debra L. Rowe, 22,500 square feet. - Joann F. Blakeley to Susan B. Anderson and Janitu B, Speight, 3 tracts, Farmington. - Joann F. Blakeley to Susan B. Anderson and Janita B. Speight, 1 tract, Farmington. - Henry L. Wolker aiid Sandra T. Walker to Chandra Swaim, 1.1 acres, Calahaln. - Wilbum E, Long and Edith H. Long to Richard Dean Ball and Robin Leigh Ball, I lot, Fulton, $180. - Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. to Gregory A. Rapisardi and Nicole Z. Rapisardi, I lot, Farmington, $239. - Bank of New York to SENG Partners, .39 acre, Mocksvillc, $54. - Bradley Hoke Conrad and Denise D. Conrad to Jared Dav || Reinert, 1 lot, $200. - Kenneth L. Foster and Gail F. Foster to Jack G. Corriher Jr. and Mary L. Corriher, 1.67 acres, Mocksvillc, $10. • Hubert M. Dalton und Josephine C. Dalton to Cynthia Denise Dalton, 2 acres, Mocks- yille. ' - PSC Development to Jones & Jones Investment Group, 1 lot, Shady Grove, $85. - Clara Holland Andrews Sinopoli and Anthony Sinopoli to Brian Lee Linville and Kim­ berly H. Linville, 1 lot, Mocks­ ville, $370. - Michelle Vellucci-Young to Scolt D. Claybrook and Janice W. Claybrook, 1 lot, Farmington, $490. - Scott S. Lynch and as ad- mitiislrator of estate of Joyce W. Burchete and Sandy D. Black Lynch to Jerry Wayne Jacksoil and Mary Foster Jackson, 1 lot, Farmington, $450. - Scott Claybrook and Janice W. Claybrook to Jon W. Wclbom and Amber L. Crawford, I lot. Shady Grove, $378. - Rodney L. Bailey and Jef­ frey D. Hayes and Nancy M. Hayes to Bob Cope?'and Son Construction, I lot, $55. - JDSJ to Christopher Guske and Kimberiy Guske, .77 acre, Clarksville, $160. - Michael A. Mayo to Thayne Heisel and Claudia Heisel, 2 acres, ClarksviilCi $140. - Charlie W. Johnson and Lethia P. Johnson to Terry Wayne Johnson and Timmy Eu­ gene Johnson, 1.17 acres, Mocksville. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Po­ lice Department. - A man reported July 22 someone borrowed his vehicle and never returned it. - A man reported July 22 he was harassed via a cell phone call. - The attempted breaking and entering of Jersey Mike’s was reported July 22. - The larceny of peaches from a stand on Wilkesboro Street was reported July 23. - A counterfeit $50 bill ,was attempted to be used July 24 at Horn’s Milestone. - Tlie larceny of a wallet from a building on North Main Street was reported July 24. - Someone used a marker to draw on a picnic table at Rich Park, it was reported July 24. - The larceny of a debit card from a residence on Blue Bon­ net Court was reported Jiily 25. - The larceny of money by nn employee at Rim-Rina was re­ ported July 27. - Someone harassed employ­ ees at Milestone Restaurant by 4le'|}H(;nc, it was reported July. ' 2 5 .'“ ’' - A disturbance at a residence on Wilkesboro Street was re­ ported July 26. - A witness was intimidated in front of the Davie County Courthouse, it was reported July 23. Arrests Kentorious Milton Lark Holman, 19, of 300 Campbell Road, was charged July 23 with larceny. TVial date: Aug. 21. - Justin Darnell Hylton, 27, of 170 Jarvis Road, Advance, was charged July 18 with larceny by employee and conspiracy. Trial date; July 31. - Mark Anthony Cogdill, 44, of Kernersville, was charged July 26 with illegal possession of alcohol, resisting a public of­ ficer nnd being ln\oxicatcd and disruptive. Trial date: Sept. 19. - Jesse Allen Walls, 20, of 391 Cherry Hill Road, was charged July 26 with breaking and entering and possession of hydrocodone. Trial date: Aug. 21. IVafTlc Accidents - No charges were filed after a wreck on Yadkinville Road al 1:10 p.m. July 25. Clause William Barringer, 45, of Salisbury, failed to stop the 1992 Pontiac he was driving before it struck the rear of a 2000 Chevrolet driven by Cody Kevin Lanning, 18, of Lexington, re­ ported Officer E.M. Parker, - No charges were filed after a wreck on Cooper Creek Drive at 2; 14 p.m. July 25. An unknown driver left a pri­ vate drive in a vehicle, striking a 2002 Dodge driven by Danielle Jo-Dawn Casey, 19, of Lake- wbod Drive, reported Sgt. Robin M. Robbins. - A Mocksville woman was cited for failing to yield the right of way after a wreck on South Salisbury Street at 3:31 p.m. July 25. • Lorraine Seeley Rentro, 54, of US 601. South, drove a 2006 from South Salisbury Street, striking a 2003 Kia driven by James Leroy Williams, 69, of Cherry Hill Road, reported Sgt. Robin M. Robbins. ■- No charges were filed after a wreck on Yadkinville Road at 10:35 a.m. July 24. Hazel Boger Daywalt, 81, of US 64 East, drove a 1996 Buick from u private drive into the path ' of a 1998 Dodge driven by Patrick Thomas Hennell,y, 40, of East Maple Avenue, reported Officer Chris Hefner. Arrests The Davie County Sheriff's Department made the following arrests; - Brian Keith DeBusk, 45, of 214DutchmanTrail, Mocksville was arrested July 23 for assault location on In & Out Lane, Ad­ vance. - Larceny was reported at a home on Cana Road, Mocksville on July 21. On July 21 identity theft was reported at a home oh Eari Road, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at a home on Hillcrest Road, Ad­ vance on July 21.- - On July 21 damage to prop­ erty was reported at a group home on NC 801 North, Mocks­ ville. - Harassing phone calls were reported at a home on Sycamore Lane, Mocksville on July 22. - On July 22 identity theft was reported at the Intersection of US 601 and NC80I. - Abreak-in and larceny were reported at a business on NC 801 South, Mocksvillc on July 22. - On July 23 a break-in and larceny were reported at a home on LaQuinta Drive, Advance. - The unauthorized use of a motor vehicle was reported at a home on Brockland Road, Ad­ vance on July 23.. - On July 23 vicious dogs were reported at a home on NC 801 North, Advance. - The larceny of prescription medications was reported at a home on Cornatzer Road, Mocksville on July 23. - On July 24 littering was re­ ported ut a home on Cornatzer Road, Advunce. - Larceny was reported at a business on US 64 West, Mocks­ ville on July 25. - On July 25 dumuge to reui property was reported at a loca­ tion on NC 801, Mocksville. - Damage to property whs reported nt a locution on Livingston Roud, Mocksville on July 26. - On July 26 u kidnapping was reported at a gas station on Farmington Road, Mocksville. - Road rage und threats were reported at a location on 1-40 in Davie on Aug, 27. - On Aug. .27 the liuceny of' :o'nlc¥d''und"erAug; 28; ‘ ^ "onTlC 801 North, Mocksville. - John McArthur Sharpe, 57, ftr M ip d«M nd рш1|| IMh Tndi (M t Stillili ^ Hi ^шлУЕшштЗ&.] Tactician® Plus FlexIble-Premlum Deferred Annuity W ant guarantees? We’ll give you guarantees.' 6.90% FIRST YEAR RATE* If.you've got time to let your money grow. Tactician* Plus may be the fixed annuity for you, offering: • Competitive rate of return' • “Bonus" Interest for large deposits' •Tax-deferred growth • Emergency access to your savings“ We 're here to help you: M a r k J o n e s S te v e R id e n h o u r B52 US Hwy. 64 West, Ste. 101, IMocksvilie, NC 27028 (336)751-0669 ’ OuwantM tMMd on the claim-paying aottty ol Lincoln BonelH Ufo. /’ Rsl« W.low«iiittw wcondvmi h») 1* * Donut IntofBii la o«o(«j Bi Uncoin B«n«frt Urt diKfotton «nd may t» withdtawn at any tima.* May be wbled lo »lata avalabilty, Umnationt appry.* DIaUttwUpn» laXen prior lo annuMbatkn ara oanetaUy contJdeted lo come from iho oain In №a conUaci nril. II (he contract la lax-quaiM, oenerally all withdrawal« ara treaiad at ditlrUwUont of oala WHhdrawalt or oaln aie taxed M wdinary inoorw ancJTtokan prkx to ape 68’^. may be tuPjacl lo an addHtoMi 10% toSS • ' LINCOLN BENEFIT LIFE AN ALLSTATE. COMPANY mmSta hnm «■ treso, K tS “»i! SSSrl'Sn "bm Jnd avAn0039, arKjAHOoOo, ■ of Woodleaf was arrested July 23 for assault on a female. Trial date: Aug. 7. - Ronnie Lee Hull, 48, of 112 Courtney Road, Mocksvillc was arrested July 23 foi-domestic vio­ lence protective order violation. Trial date; Aug. 21. - Johnny Lee Boger, 35, of 1891 US 601 South, Mocksville was arrested July 23 for child support. Trial date; Aug. 11 in Yadkin County. -Tina Marie Miller, 25, of 22 Cedar Ridge Apts., Mocksville was arrested July 24 forstalking. Trial date: Aug. 28. - Tony Major Barney 111, 34, of2178US 158, Mocksvillc was urrested J uly 24 for non-support. Triul date: Aug. 19, - James Eric Teague, 40, of 222 Calvin Lane, Mocksvillc was urrested July 24 for violation of court order. Trial date; July 31. Sheriff’s Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On July 19 the break-in of an automobile was reported at a Fires Davic County fire depart­ ments responded to the follow­ ing calls; July 21; Mocksville, 4:30- ■p.m., Ken Dwiggins Drive, fire alarm; Fork assisted; Willium R. Duvie, 5:16 p.m., Bear Creek Church Road, grass fire; Sheffield-Calahaln assisted. July 22; Mocksville, 2:40 a.m.. Bethel Church Road, fire alarm; Fork assisted; Mocksville, 10;57 a.m.. Milling Roud, fire ulurm; Comutzer-Dulin assisted; Jerusalem, 10:57 a.m., US 601 South, vehicle fire; Cooleemee assisted; Mocksville, 2:22 p.m.. Enterprise Way, building fiie; Willium R. Duvie assisted; Ad­ vance, 6:21 p.m.,' Cornatzer Roud, huprdous conditions; Advance, 6:40 p.m., Murklund Roud, tree in roud. July 23; Mocksville, 6;22 u.m., Sunford Avenue, power line in tree; Mocksville, 3:24 p.ni., Sunford Avenue, gruss fire; Jerusalem, 4; 19 p.m., US 601 South, automobile accident; Cooleemee assisted; Mocksville, PIcHse See Records - Page 7 m e g b r o w n h o m e fu r n is h in g s perfect Зпу'Л} iVtUtA* 'Queen Set> Starting ac »399 . FREE REMOVAL meg brown home furnishings 5491 US Hwy. 158, Advance, NC 336-998-7277 • M,T,W,F 0-e • Thur. 9-B • Sni. 9-5 www.megbrownhQme.Rom Records... Continued From Page 6 7:20 p.m.. Cooper Creek Drive, fire alarm; William R. Davie as­ sisted. July 24: Mocksville, 10;35 a.m., Yadkinville Road, automo­ bile accident; William R. Davie assisted; William R. Davie, 12:17 p.m., US 601 North, automobile accident: Center assisted; Will­ iam R. Duvie, 6; 14 p.m., NC 801 North, fire alarm; Center, 8:54 p.m., 1-40 West, vehicle fire; County Line assisted; Smith Grove, 11:25 p.m., Millbrooke Court, odor investigation. July 25; Advunce, 7:53 a.m., NC 801 South, smoke investiga­ tion; Mocksvillc, 2:43 p.m.. Quality Drive, dumpster- fire; William R. Davie assisted; Mocksville, 4:02 p.m., Salisbury Street, automobile accident; Smith Grove, 8:27 a.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident. July 26; Cooleemee, 11:28 p.m., Junction Roud, explosion; Jerusalem assisted; Advance, 11:41 p.m., Sonora Drive, ille- gnlbum;Pantiington, 12;40p.m., Farmington Road, uutomobile uccident. June 27: Advance, 3:28 p.m., Beauchamp Road, tree down; Center, 10:19 a.m.. US 64 West, hazardous conditions; Farming­ ton, 2:46 p.m., NC 801 North, automobile accident; Farming­ ton, 3:07 p.m., 1-40 East, auto­ mobile accident. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. • A Duvie woman was charged with failure to stop for red light after the vehicle she was driving hit another July 21. Amanda Lynn Smith of Michaels Roud, Mocksvillc was driving a 2004 Chrysler south on US 601. Caria Michelli Wolford of Fred Lanier Road, Mocksville was driving her 1997 Nissan cast on the 1-40 exit ramp. Smith failed to stop her vehicle for a red stop signal and her vehicle collided with Wolford's. Trooper E.C. Roten reported the accident occurred ot approxi­ mately 3:51 p.m. and there were no injuries. • A Davie man was chnrgcd with fuilure to reduce speed uf- ter the vehicle he was driving hit unother July 1% Curt Daniel Furberg of Saint George Place, Advance was driving his 2006 Toyota north on NC 801 behind a 2008 Pontiac driven by Marcia Colleen Weaver of River Road, Advance. Weaver stopped for a red light at US 158. When the light turned green Weaver's vehicle began to move forward, then stopped again for traffic. Furberg failed to reduce the speed of his vehicle and it collided with Weaver's. Trooper E.C. Roten reported the accident occuned al approxi­ mately 7:20 u.m. und there were no Injuries. • A North Carolina man was charged with failure to see be­ fore turning after the vehicle he was driving hit another July 22. Barry Robert McKibbin pf Luwnduie was driving u 2005 International tractor-truilcr west in the left lane of 1-40 and ut- temptcd to merge right. Jerry Robert Fate of Winston-Sulem was driving his 2002 Saturn in the right lane of 1-40 west. McKibbin failed to see Pate's vehicle, merged his tractor- trailer, and collided with Pate’s vehicle. Trooper A.J. Farmer reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 7:55 a.m. and there were no injuries. • No charges were filed after an accident on July 23. William H.Chundier of Ohio was driving his 2003 Ford cast on 1-40 in the right lane through a construction zone. Chandler stated he thought another driver struck his vehicle and caused him to run off the road to the left and collide with a median cable, Trooper A.J. Farmer reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 4:28 a.m. and there were no injuries. • A Duvie teen was charged with failure to yield right of way after the vehicle hb wus driving was involved in an uccident on July 23. Jesse Clyde Ratledge of Pete Foster Road, Mocksville was driving his 1997 Chevrolet north on US 601. Carolyn Chambers Correll of Salisbury was driving her 2006 Buick south oh US 601. Michael Shane Phillips of Win­ chester Road, Advance was stopped in his 2006 Dodge pick­ up on NC 801 North for a red light. Ratledge tumed his vehicle left onto NC 801, failing to yield to Corrcll's vehicle. Tlie two col­ lided. Correll's vehicle continued out of control and collided with Phillips' truck. Trooper E.C. Roten reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 4:17 p.m. • A Forsyth man was churgcd with fuilure to rcduce speed af­ ter the vehicle he was driving hit another July 24. Octavio Garcia Guzman of Winston-Salem was driving a 1996 Nissan east on 1-40. Michael.Spurgeon Marlowe of Huntersville was driving his 1997 Jeep east on MO. The right lane of 1-40 was closed for con­ struction. Guzman failed to re­ duce the speed of his vehicle in time and it collided with Mariowe's. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at upproximutely 4:53 p.m. and there were no injuries. • A New Hanover woman was charged failure to yield after the vehicle she wus driving hit un­ other July 24. Vickie Michelle Ball of Wilmington was driving her 1999 Jeep north on US 601 nnd had slowed to make a turn onto Caravan Lane. Jackie Lee P i e d m o n t L a n d s c a p e D e s i g n , I n c . 1 0 2 9 S a l i s b u r y R o a d • M o c k s v i l l e 3 3 6 - 7 5 3 ^ 1 1 0 www.piedmontlandscapedesign.com We're at the old Davie Tractor location - close to Davie High M id -S u m m e r M u ic ii S a le(and more!) R egular Price . Sale Price Mulch Fine Ground Hardwood $12.00 $10.00 Course Ground Hardwood $ 9.00 $ 7.50 Pine Nuggeta $13,00 $11.00 Dyed (Red, Blacl< & Brown)$13.50 $12.50 Kid Cushion $10.00 $ 8.00 Pine Needles (Slash)$4.S0/bale $ 4.10 Pine Needles (NC Longleaf)$5.00/baie '$ 4.75 Decorative Stone & Gravels River Jak i 1/2-2 1/2”Also Ayaiiabie River Jak 3-5"Also Available Pea Gravel $48.00 $45,00 Pocono River Rock 3/4” (501b, bag)$5.47/bag $ 4.92 Brick Chips $37.00 $36.00 #57 Wash Stone $24.00 $23.00 ABC $21.00 $19.00 Granite Dust $19.00 $18.00 Soils Screened Topsoil $11.00 $ 9.00 Compost $13,00 $11.00 Fill Soli $7.00 $ 5.00 Mortar Sand '$21.00 $19.00 Prices are per scoop unless noted otherwise. Scoop = /12 yard 1/2 Price Delivery available during this offer* *Dellvery rates m ay vary geographically. All offers are for g limited time. i— — Bledsoe III of US 601 North, Mocksville was driving his 1991 Ford south on US 601. Bull failed to yield to Bledsoe's ve­ hicle and the two collided. After impact, Ball's vehicle spun off the road to the right, collided with mailboxes and a street sign. Bledsoe's vehicle ran off the road to the right, down an embank­ ment, and collided with a tree. Trooper M.T. Dttlton reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 12:15 p.m. • An Iredell man was churgcd with possession of a stolen ve­ hicle, DWj, reckless driving, driving with license revoked, no insurance, no registration, and failure to report a collision after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving July 26. Joshua Eugene Nichols, of Statesville was driving u 2006 Kuwusaki motorcycle west on US 64 at a high rute of speed. The bike run off the right side of the road, ejected Nichols, con­ tinued but of control, und col­ lided with a telephone box. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported thé accident occurred at approxi­ mately 9 u.m. and Nichols was taken to Iredell Memorial Hos­ pital in Statesville for trcutment. • A Davie woman was charged with DWI, reckless driving, open container, and fail­ ure to report a collision after she wrecked the vehicle she was driving July 26. Amy Long Jones of Cana Road, Mocksville was driving u - 2000 Kia south on Main Church Road. Jones drove her. vehicle off the right side of the rood, came bock onto the road, crossed ‘ the centeriinc, run off the roud to the lefi, traveled'down an embankment, overturned, and came to rest upside down in a wooded urea. Jones then left Ihe scene of the accident nnd was later taken into custody at her home. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the accident occurred nt approxi- mately 1 u.m. • A Duvie womun^Wos charged with exceeding sufe speed nfter she wrecked the ve­ hicle she wus driving July 27. Linh Thao Thi Bui of Yadkinville Road, Mocksville was driving her 1997 Buick west on 1-40. Bui lost control of her vehicle on the wet rood, ron off the rood to the left, und collided with n medinn barrier cable. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 3:03 p.m. and there were no injuries. • No charges were filed after an accident on July 27. Sara Ann Franklin of Deer Run Drive, Mocksville was driv­ ing a 2006 Honda vehicle west on 1-40. Franklin lost control of her vehicle on the wet road, ran off the road to the right, and col­ lided with a guardrail. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. re­ ported the accident occurred at upproximutely 4:37 p.ni. und there were no injuries. • A porsyth man was charged whh following'to closely after the vehicle he was driving hit another July 27. Javier Cultzoncint Gonzalez of Winston-Salem was driving a 2005 Chevrolet pick-up east on 1-40 behind a 2003 Lincoln driven by Bryan Ward Motes of Virginia. Motes was stopped due to traffic. Gonzalez failed to re­ duce the speed of his vehicle in time and'it collided with Motes', Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the accident occurred at upproxi- mutcly 3:35 p.m. und there were no injuries. ■ A Churlotte womnn wus charged with exceeding safe speed after she wrecked the ve­ hicle she wns driving July 27 at 2:55 p.m. Celina Bartlett Chapin was driving a 2005 Toyotu west on 1-40. Chapin's vehicle hydro­ planed, ran off the road to the left, and collided with a median cable, reported Trooper M.T. Dalton. • A Robeson County woman wns churged with failure to re­ duce speed after the vehicle she was driving lilt another July 27. Carlene Kinluw Burns of Lumberton was driving her 1998 Chrysler east on US 64 behind a 1990 Jeep driyen by Rodney Darrell Chunn of US 64 West, Mocksville. Chunn had stopped his vehicle to make a left turn. Bums failed to slow her vehicle in time and it collided with Chunn's. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the uccident occurred at approxi­ mately 10:10 a.m. and there were no injuries. • Christopher Brett Stutts of Parker Road, Mocksville was driving a 2004 Chevrolet pick-, up west on 1-40 when it collided with a deer in the roadway nt 2:14 u.m. June Trooper L.J. Stuley Jr. reported the accident occurred at approximately 2:14 a.m. on July 27. Allis Concrete Construction specializing In Barn Floors, Driveways, Sidewalks and Manhole Rehabilitation Honest, Quality Workmanship and Competitive Prices Confined Space Certified • Fully Insured • Free Estimates H t 21 'fears Experience (336) 940-2468 иепш 1 3 7 6 S a li s b u r y R o a d m o c h s v il l e (beiiind Buck’s Pizza) 3 3 6 -9 3 6 -9 1 0 5 SURF THE INTERNET P la y S w e e p s ta k e s CASH PRIZES A ll Y o u r F a v o rite G a m e s S h am rock 7’s D euces W ild K eno S izzlen Sevens an d m an y m ore *AII Cash Prizes over $600 will receive a 1099 form * Must be 18 years old to play sweepstakes • O P E N 7 D A YS A W E E K . H o s p it a l. . . Continued From Pnge 1 support from Biiptist. “They un­ derstand the right nnd under­ stand that it may get worse,” she said. Even if a remodeling was at­ tempted at the 50-plus year old facility in Mocksville, the state would still have lo grarii ft CON because of the magnitude of the remodeling, Lambeth said, Forsyth Medical Center's newest application is closer to 1- 40 and Harper Road, and further away from the Waterford neigh­ borhood where opposition formed. It also.Includes more green space, bike trails and enough acreage for an elemen­ tary school. Forsyth media spokesman Mike Horn said plans follow details in Clemmons’ new trans­ portation plans being developed. "We read their missions and goals, and this lines up perfectly with what they arc advocating," he said. The newest application would draw beds from Forsyth Medical Center, while the first one was proposed as a replace­ ment for Medical Park Hospital. "We have shifted the pro­ posed location so that U is closer to the interstate to help keep hos- 8. DAVBE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 pital related traffic and activity evenTurther away froiti private homes,” said Sallye Liner, chief operating officer of Forsyth Medical Center. Don’t expect the folks in Davie County to take Forsyth’s proposal lying down. Novant, Forsyth’s parent company, once managed Davie County Hospital, and left on less than cordial tenns. Baptist came In and kept the hospital open, and has committed to keeping the hospital open until a replace­ ment is built. Lambeth said that while Bap­ tist appreciates the support from Davie officials and residents - that support needs to continue. Friday is the beginning of the public comment' period for the latest applications. Baptist’s plans again include obstetrical services. "We listened to the people of Davie Coilnty,” Lambeth said. "Many told us that they felt they had the right to have their babies born in Davie County. "We are leaving no stone imturned in our effort to get per­ mission to build a hospital, and we must abide by the rules set by the state.” He called support for the lat­ est application "essential.” Sup- 128th Annual Masonic Picnic is Next \ N e e k Get your stomachs ready, and get ready lo honor a hero. The 128th annual Masonic Picnic takes place Monday-Fri- day at the grounds off North Main Street in Mocksville. The fomous picnic dinner will be spread at noon Thursday. Carnival rides will be open every night, and there will be entertainment under the arbor. Prior to Tliursday’s lunch, Davie County Masonic Lodges will honor native son Major General George Johnson. Johnson was a pilot who carried members of the 82nd Airborrie to D-Day during World War ll. That program will begin at about 11:15 a.m. Bermuda Run Mayor John Ferguson says it’s time to do what it tal<es lo get the state’s attention. - Photos by Robin Snow port can be shov/n by visiting www.duvieho.4piial.net and clicking on show youf support on the left column. Or write to Lambeth at Medical Center Blvd., Winston-Sa!em, 27157. A public hearing is scheduled for Sept. 18 at River Oaks Com­ munity Church on Lewisvllle- Clemmons Road. "It is likely that the state will not approve both applications, so it is impor­ tant to have many supporters from Davie County at the hear­ ing," Lambeth said. He said if Novant’s appiiea- tion were approved, Forsyth would have five modem hospi­ tals. Davie would have none. The newest Davie applica­ tion would be for a $ 104 million facility with 46 acute care and four obstotrio bods, a lO-bed observation unit, two operating rooms, physical and respiratory therapy, endoscopy, lab and di­ agnostic imaging services in­ cluding mammography, and 24- hour emergency services. To leorn more about Davie’s application, contact Doss at 751- 8304. Baptist interim president, Donny Lambeth, listens to Davie County Manager Terry Bralley talk about the hospital. F l o o d . . . Continued From Page 1 be more accurate because of modem technology. Some of the maps haven’t been updated since the 1970s. To leam more, call 753-6050, or visit www.ncfload'maps.com or wwwjloodsmarl.gov. Davie County ond towns here', in order for residents to be allowed the chance to purchase flood insurance, must participate in the program. That means the county must follow federal А У Р . . . Continued From Pngc 1 Two different measures are used to determine AYP; participation and proficiency. Last year, five out of nine schools met AYP. Graham said while there has been a slight increase over the previous year, there is still work to be done. "We are never comfortable with the AYP results beeouse any time you miss one target subgroup, you want to improve on that. We alvyays look at the results with wanting to improve areas where we did not make our targets," she .4aid. The 2003-04 school year was the only one in the last five years in which all schools, except Davie High, met AYP. In 2005- 06, only four schools met AYP. Graham cautions against making comparisons, however, becauso each year, it U a different group of students being tested. Schools that do not make AYP for two years in a row face sanctions, and Graham said those sanctions are tougher in Title I schools, but none of guidelines.' Even on properties not in ii mapped fiood zone, flood insur­ ance would not be possible with­ out county participation. The purpose of the guidelines is to preserve and maintain the flood plain Is'an undisturbed vegetative state to hold floods, control stormwater, improve water quality and conserve plant and animal habitat. It is also de­ signed to promote public health and prevent losses to floods. Davie’s Title 1 schools, Cooleemee, Cornatzer, Mocksville nnd William R. Davie, failed to ineetAYPfor the last two years. . The only two schools that have not met AYP for two straight years art; the high school and North Davie Middle. The county’s newest school, William Ellis, did not make AYP this year. . As a comparison with other districts, Davie’s scores were the third highest of eight surrounding districts. The lowest was Yadkin County, where 18.2 percent of schools made AYP, and the highest was Surry County, where 82.4 percent of schools made AYP, according to the Department of Public Instruction’s website, Graham said Davie also met 88.6 percent of fcdcral'NCLB goals, up from 82.7 the previous year. "Other than the high school, our schools only missed their targets by one or two, which I think is pretty good,” Graham said. ' 'AuttiorlzqilRotallDtieior O W N Y O U R O W N S E A R S S T O R E Take tliB first step todayl Visit our websile for more details. SEARS DEALER STORES, ONE OF AMERICA’S FASTEST GROVyiNG RETAIL FORMATS, IS LOOKING FOR AN ENTREPRENEUR TO OVUN AND OPERATE A SEARS DEALER STORE. N o rth C a r o lin a M a r k e t N o w A v a ila b le Mocksville Providing You Witli The Strength of Sears • Extensive advertising and marketing support • Complete Inventory with no cost to the owner • Professional training and on-going support Sears collects no fees or royalties Dr. John Burl<hart (center) talks to Robert Cook and Ralph Hoitshouser about Wake Forest University Health Sciences dialysis centers. - Photo by Mike Barnhardt D ia ly s is ... Continued From Page 1 Dr. John Burkhart, WFUHS medical director, said the com­ pany embraces the philosophy of a patient’s choice for types of di­ alysis, liome or at the center. “Dialysis patients, in some cases, are about restrictions... so we try to set it up for individu- ais. We are able to work with patients as individuals,” Burkhart said. He said it’s important the center is a local organization with minimal bureaucracy. Any qualified doctor can refer pa­ tients to the unit, he said. Coe said the center could be riji iriiinudliilu iiccii»5 lo irilotinntion regardln;) tliu Soars Autlioiizod lloliiil Duiilcr [iiogmrn nnU our contidontial application, visit us uniino ak www.searsdealerstores.com It ymi (k> not iiiivv iii LVKS lo tlio inlvtiwi .tad vmutia liKv (a. nxcm u ytiK-ra/ iiitiiniutnHiiKickel.Mmilon/ fiivurwv, atfl loll ШлиЫ ИижШ requlfonienls-SW, ООО availablo cash ami a poslllvo net woilii EsSiMtodiimi Investment $50,000 ¡0 $70.000. »"S Western Store '704-278-4973 - 555 Parks Rd - W oodleaf DON’T FORGET TAX FREE WEEKEND fi'/ August 1-3 A * .; O pen Sunday A ug. 3 Only. l2N-4pn< ■ BOUlS !)V Tony 1ППШ 311 (Nowill stock) Rocky tioimiifi Iiv 0% -20% O F^ IlillHlle *> Select ^ Slims '%__^CIothlrtg ^ wrmràer )uslln-Mens& Womens опшаск Conventlently Located Between IHocksvllle, Salisbury, Mooresville & Statesville Monday - Friday, 10-e __________________Salutday, 8-4 open as early as the summer of 2010. The location would be decided by looking at the resi­ dences of those using the ser­ vices, and matching that with avoilabie property, which nor­ mally is 2.5-3 acres. She urged those at the meet­ ing to make letters personal, in­ cluding the need for the service to be provided locally. Talk about patients and employees. If there’s a public hearing, show up for that, too, Coe said. “If you want us, please write the letter,” she said. Contact Coe at 336-748- 0575, 721-4603, or via email at Mcoe@wfopd.com. The address is 605 Cotton St., Suite 200, Wlnston-Salera, 27101. WFUHS just opened a new center In Yadklnvlile, and also operates units in Winston-Salem, Elkin, High Point, King, Mooresville, Lexington, Mt. Airy, Statesville and Thomasville. — A T T E N T I O N — Anyone who has bought or sold Frito-Lay Products In Davie County in the past 27 years... THANK YOU! After 30 yrs. (27 in Davie) with Frito-Lay I'm retiring. It's been a hootl . .— Rick DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - 9 h a ve electriGity? Ï Call us to find out can get ! ■ "A- ■ , Everyone could use FREE TV. Now you can get AiTierica’s Top 100 frorn DISH Network* Satellite TV FREE for one year when you purchase Triple Play from EMBARQ, which includes EiVlBARQ™ Home Phone with Unlimited Nationwide Long Distance and EIVIBARQ'" High-Speed internet for under $59 a month.** (Credit restrictions apply. DISH and HSI require two-year term agreements. HSI at up to 768K with $15 activation fee. Excludes taxes, fees and surcharges. Expires 8/31/08.1 Only a floppy-armed muttonhead wouldn't like FREE TV. Don't believe me? Check out muttonjieadsays.com. J Voice Data Internet Wireless Entertainment 866-2EMBARQ embarq.com/freetv E M B A R Q “ Where Common Sense Meets Innovation" •T«M M l ini Mitmro« IWIudino a Ciml«r иЛопа! Swvlo ol 11.3». »tiidi m»» »uy by mwlli: a CmI R»o«iy «ufchiig« ol W.S9| llalo and local IHI ftal ушу by ana; and certain ln.|lalo mnhinMl »• e«*iad. Coll faco«iy l« i an nol la»i a (ovemmanl nquind diaigai. S«vIcm nol availabla«Mïwtia™ «9Metadllai!i<l»deachmonü>(oil2TOo№i,E>tludsilubr«rat«lntnaMi.R«rt«liMewlo(Mí«0(íy,EM8ARQirayclmj«otcanc«(«anlc«|ot««b«ti^llmll«i«r(lc«ialltiiol«diKi«tlon»talnjlk*.R«quic««ti^«iipio»*l.^t»™iiMlKlia\i cAlíHwIcoiKlilOTl ||Л«Ь|11в-|. MonlWy tait! MooWy rala appllgi »Ma cuilom« wbloibal lo al nijalilylnj ипЫ . Ilom olí» laivlcei li eairalad. tha llandani monWy rala « i apply lo aadi ramaJnHg »ivlca. Ta»ai, lata and «kíuíss« m add.«onal and ata baiad on ilandaid monWy rala, local lanlcai local ' and In-lUla lona dlitanc« (Induding local Ы) lanlcai aia govamad by Itia appicabla lia« ladlli and/o> líala larnn and conditonl kxalad al Watuila. S«a tal», lama and conditoni al Wabiila. Нола Plione »nica Mudai local caling ind ippllabla caling faatutai. Unllmltad Natlonwld« Long Dlilanca: Long dltlanca gefYlca govanwd by lama al Wabilla MonNy rato apptai № ona ratldanUal phona Una v^Ui dlracW, nalíomtida volca caling: aidutai Kmmaiclal им. unlMIad dala, lacaUa. pa(.pai<al oí mullHiouiing unill. Inlamallonal ratal Mtad al Wabiita. EHBARa” Hlgh.Sp<id IntiniU Santn lamvi anl onUont locatad al Wabilla Ates lanningllon lu «il apply If any paît ol II» olai II cancalad baloia Dn and ol Ihe S.yau temí. Paifcnnanco win my doa to conditlwil ouUlda ol netmk nntiol and no'ipaad ll guaiontaad. DQH Kilwoili: Oflai li avalabla to continantil Unilad SlaM loi new. Ikll-lim OISX Nal«nk leildtnM anloman. Ml pilcai. package) and pregiamming lublect to dianga »lllioiil notica. Local and ilala lalai laui may apply. Wtiaie applcaMa, (wuipmanl lantal leei and pregiammlng aia la»d lapaialaly. AH DISH Natwort piogiamming and any olliei lendcai that an piovidad are mbjecl В the laimi and сслЛИот ol Die pranoional agieenwnl and Reildenllal Cuilomai AvaamenL available al mw.dlilvieMoit .coin « upon nqueil. Local dianneli packagea by laleilila aia only availabla to aiilomen »1» lalida In the ipecilled local Deiignaled Maikol Ana (DMA). Local channaH may requiil an additional diih antenna M l DISH Netwoit. InitaM »aa d any chaigai «iti ■ lubiolptloil lo local ctiannell al (me ol Initial Inilaltallon. Social Sacoiily numben are uied to obtain ciedil icorei and will not ba ralaaied to «iW paiUel except lu veiilication and colleclion purpoiai only и II tequiled by govemmenlal authoiiïei. DIglul Home AdvinUga: Raquliei 244ncnlli queUylng pregiammlng puichaie, Social Seanlty numbei, voild maloiiiedil caid and credit approval. Ilqualil|ing mice la lamilnaled pii« lo end ol24w th paiiod, a cancelalion lee equal lo the ieualol S240 0( ilO pel canceled monti ol »nice wtl apply. Equipmanl muil be niumid lo DiSH Nelmli upon lamiinatinn ol quatlylng lanlca. Limit 4 tunen pel account Monlhiv раскш pilce inckidel an equlpmeni rental lee ol (S.OO oi VM loi lint nce^eI. beied on lelecled model. A monthly equipment rental lee ol $5.00 « S7.00 wl) be chaiged loi each lecelvei beycnd №e tn l baud on Hledad modal. A SS.OOfmo. additional oulat piognmming accau lee appiei loi aadi dual. lunei mcalvui lee vAI be vnheil monlHy loi eaiti luch recaiVM cwimouily coimedeil to cuilome^i plene Une. leaie upgrade tee may api^ 1« letecl nceiven (baied on modal). DiSH NaWojk li a regiilend trademaiii ol DiSH Nalvnxfc L.I.C. 0 2001 Emban) HoUingi Conpany UC. Al ilgbli niened. The name EM8ARQ andtheletlogoantrademailcaolEmbeniHoldlnglCOTpanyLlO. . .. „ , i - , .;g. , ЕМВ1<МвШ.05 iM C o u r t . . . Continued From Page 5 dismissed per plea; possession of fortified winc/iiquor/mixcd bev­ erage under 21, remit cost nnd uttomey fees. - Donna Bail Jolinson, simple ussauit, misdemeanor child abuse, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Blender Grey Johnson, leash law violation, dismissed per compliance. - Michael Ray Jones, posses- 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31> 2008 sion of drug paraphernalia, sen­ tenced to 90 days, suspended 12 months, 24 hours community se^ice, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, attend school, obey all rules. - John Tanner Kilby, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, dismissed per completion of community ser­ vice. - Lesa Sarver Kinard,- leash low violation, dismissed per compliance. ' ; - Tonya Lyons, p'ossessioti of stolen goods/property, teinit cost and attorney fees. - Thomas Jeffrey Marion,' possession of drug parapherna­ lia, sentenced to 19 days, credit for time served; possession of open container/consuming alco­ hol in passenger area, dismissed per plea. - Peggy Lorette Marlin, simple assault, dismissed per mediation. - Simon David McDowell, driving with license revolied, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18-months, $100, cost, not lo operate a motor, vehicle until li­ censed by J3MV; riclitious/con- cealed/revoked registration card/ lag, operating vehicle no insur­ ance, driving/allowing motor vehicle no registration, dis­ missed per plea. - Jonathan L. Patterson, simple possession of schedule v i controlled siibslancc, $25, cost, evidence ordered de­ stroyed. - Santiago Alva Ramirez, DWI, sentenced lo 60 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $100, cost, surrender license, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, 24 hours com­ munity service; rear lamps vio­ lation, dismissed. , re aoing our because Davie County deserves the best. While filing and applying for a Certificate of Need \>\/ith the State is a complicatedr-and often lengthy-process, residents of Davie County should know that Davie County Hospital and Wake Forest University Baptist IVIedicai Center are still working hard to make a modern hospital in Davie County a reality. We filed another CON application on July 16, because: • We believe that Davie County residents deserve obstetrical services, • We know that Davie County needs a modern hospital. ^ • We made a commitment to do everything within our power to secure a new hospital for Davie County, and we will continue to fight for what the community needs. We appreciate your continued Siupport of our applications to make Davle County ; Hospital one that reflects the strength and potential of the County. PloaM that bocauM you asked for it, wa’II kiiap flglitlng for it. Wake Forest University Baptist M K I) I c A I. c H N Í f; r I® ; DAVI E COUNTY HOSPITAL Si! For more information, please visit www.clavieliospital.net. - Ashley W. Reavis, expired registration card/tag, dismissed. - Joe D. Reavis, permit opera­ tion of vehicle no insurance, dis­ missed. - Tamera Faye Robertson, break coin/currency machine, dismissed per pica of co-defen­ dant. - Pablo Rodriguez Romero, misdemeanor larceny, dismissed per mediation. - Amber Faith Sands, intoxi­ cated und disruptive and inisde- meanor larceny, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service. - John' Speight Sanford, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, evi­ dence ordered destroyed. - Brandi Lynn Steele, simple posse.ssion of schedule VI con-' trolled substance, driving with li­ cense revoked, dismiss.ed per plea, eyidence, ordered de­ stroyed; possessio of drug para­ phernalia, cost, $350 attorney fees, evidence ordered de­ stroyed. - Frankie William'flilum, fajl- urc to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost. - James Eugene Waller, fail­ ure to stop for stopsign/flashing red light, dismissed in the inter­ est of justice. - Andre Jamal Walser, speed­ ing 87 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, cost, $25. - Joshua F. Wetzlcr, failure to wear drivers seat belt, driving with license revoked, dismissed per indictment. - Brandon White, injury to personal property, breaking/en­ tering, dismissed per plea; mis­ demeanor larceny after break­ ing/entering, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, submit lo random drug screens/warrantless searched, 50 hours community service. - David Allen Wineborger, misdemeanor iaiycny, dismissed per plea in Superior Court. Fulled To Appear: - Ttamica Slierello Cain, driv­ ing with license revoked. - Anita Sue Horne, mlsde- ‘ v-meanor probation violation. - Jeremy A. Inale, simple pos­ session of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia. - Vickie Harrison Koller, DWI, possession of open con­ tainer/consuming alcohol in pas­ senger area, reckless driving lo endanger. - Samuel Joel McEwen, driv­ ing with license revoked, DWI, no operators license. - Poula Denise Phillips, ob­ taining property by false pre­ tense. , ; - Anita Home Profrut, second degree trespassing. - Jeremy Lee West, misde­ meanor larceny, obtaining prop­ erty by false pretense, - Ashley Celeste Wilheltti, misdemeanor larceny.V . Republicans Plan Meetings M e n O n A u g . 7 A t S a g e b r u s h Tile Davie County Repubii- ■ can Men’s club will meet Thurs­ day, Aug. 7 at 7 p.m. at Sage­ brush Steakhouse in Mocksvilie. For more information, call Mark Jones at 940-2591. W o m e n O n A u g . 1 4 A t Z e k o ’s Davie Republican Women will have a dinner/meeting on Thursday, Aug. 14 at Zeko's, US 601 South, Mocksvillc, begin­ ning at 6 p.m. ui:i’ki:siA rAH\ 1. Julia Howard A'i ' H ouse 7'}th Dislricl Please coniaci me in; MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-A567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 16 W. Jones Street, RmífoB Raleigh, N0 27601-1096 Email: jullah@ncleg.net HMD fOH m’JUMllOWAHD Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - B1 New Soccer Coach Set Records At North Wilkes By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Davie’s new principal, Jeff Wallace, searched for a boys soccer coach lo transform a long-suffering program, and he found a young man - Lance Everette - who authored an improbable success story at North Wilkes High. From 1997, the first year North Wilkes fielded a boys soccer team, through 2005, the Vikings we,re dread­ ful, never winning more than four games. Everette grabbed the reins in 2006, and the 2-A Viking^ promptly won six games. It was no fluke. TTiey went II-7-1 in 2007. Now Everette, age 25 and single, lakes over a Davie team that has en­ joyed one winning season in 20 years. Everette is a personable guy who brings energy that is infectious. “He went lo a school where there was not a real emphasis on socccr, and he ended up being conference coach of the year one year and county coach of the year two years,” said Wallace, who coached Everette when he played bas­ ketball at Forbush High. “Seeing the excitement I saw In tiiose kids he coached at North Wilkes is one reason I really like him'. I’ve known him since he was a little, boy. I know who he is, he knows who I am and he’s known me in many capacities. And he knows he needs tq,come here to build a program. We have had long conversations about this job, and he has had long conversa­ tions with other people about this job before we both decided lo go this route." Davie athletic director Mike Ab.sher added: “I’m real excited. I think we got a really good coach with a lot of enthu­ siasm. He understands what it takes to build a program. He’s still young but he’s got some experience, and he’s had success turning a program around. He’s just a quality guy, and he comes highly recommended.” Everette has been a resident of Yadkin Counly his whole life. He pitiyed varsity soccer at Forbush for four years, making the all-conference team as a junior and senior. He scored 60 career goals, including 27 as a 2001 senior. Everette wAs equally strong in bas- kctball, moving up to vursily late In his freshman year and earning all-confer- ence honors in 2001 and 2002. Everette earned an academic schol­ arship lo Ferrum College in Virginia, where he played basketball for two years. The point guai-d started every game us a sophomore, leading the USA South Conference in ossists. He trans­ ferred to Pfeiffer University and was on' two conference champions. He got his first teaching position at North Wilkes. Coaches for Davie boys socccr has been a rfcvolving door, with Everette re­ placing Joe Westfall und becoming the eighth coach in 21 years. David Hayes (one year), Jim Lighlle (one), Pete Gustafson (nine), Sean Oamett (three), Jim Caudill (one), Jeremy Byrd (four) and Westfall (one) were the first seven coaches, But Wallace has plenty of rea­ sons to feel good about Everette. "When he played basketball for me, we would be there breaking down tape until 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning, and I’d have to run him out of the gym at that time,” Wallace said, “And it wasn’t play time. 1 mean you’d go in there two hours after the game and he’s wringing wet with'sweot. I also had him in the class room and things just didn’t fall in place for him. He had to work his rear end off, and he’s made himself what he is.” When Everette showed up at North Wilkes’ first soccer practice in 2006, the Please See Conch ■ Page B9 Beñge, Absher Participate In East-West All-Star Games Garrett Benge looks for a receiver. - Photo by James Barringer Garrett Benge’s legendary prep foot­ ball career was capped by an appear­ ance in last week’s East-West All-Slur Football Game at Greensboro Grimsley. Benge set more passing records than you can count oyer three years ut Davie, but his arm for tiic West was a non-fac- lor in the West’s 27-3 loss to the East. The same cun be said for A.L. Brown’s Jonathan Efird, who rotated every se­ ries with Benge. West coach David Diamont loves to run the ball right up the gut, so the West employed the 1-formation und kept the bull on ihegrouiid.The only offense that Benge knew nl Duvie was the spread thal has become increasingly popular in high-school football. Benge attempted two passes, com­ pleting one to West Forsyth’s Andrew Bodenhcimer. Efird was 5 of 11 for 32 •yards. The statistics were not pretty for either side, with the East outgaining the West 89-65 in total yards from scrim­ mage. Davie assistant coach Barry Whidock said: “He completed a pass to Bodenhcimer across the middle for 8 yards. He ran a bootleg for 13 yards and ran another one for 6. In practice Benge felt right at home when he ran the East offense - the spread - against the West defense. “I’m an oldtfashioned, smush- mouth, run-it-at-you kind of guy.” Diamont, the coach at East Surry, told the Salisbury Post. “A lot of people like the spread because Ihey like to sell tick­ ets, but that’s not me. (Benge and Efird) are good ulhletes. But in jny system they weren’t necessarily going to .get a chance tp show how good. They were going to spend u lot of time handing off.” Efird is walking on at Western Caro­ lina. Benge, a 6-0, 195-pounder, is walking on ut Wingate. Diamont said both have what it lakes lo succeed on the college level. , “Watching tape y/e knew these two guys were quarterbacks wc wanted be­ cause Ihey were going lo be in shape Please See All Stars - Page B6 No. 6 Win At West Laid Foijndation For Tities By Brian Pltls . Davie County Enterprise Record Tliejiflh in a series recalling 10 memorable football wins. This is No. 6 in the countdown lo No, 1. In 1998 West Fonsyth’s football team defeated Davie for Ihe lOth time in 11 years. West added insult lo injury by punctuating a 14-6 win at Davie with a celebration at midfield. When the War Engles visited West in 1999, they wanted to give the Titans a dose of their own medicine, and Ihey did. When a skin-crawling 28-2 i overtime victory Was in the books, Davie coaches hugged, funs streamed onto the field and players stomped uiid pounded their chests at midfield. The showdown was the Central Piedmont Conference opener for both teams. With the CPC only getting two state-playoff berths, it was a pivotal moment. Davie improved to 6-2 overall, while West dropped lo 3-4-1., The ‘9? War Eagles didn’t lose again until the second round of the playoffs, notching the first conference title in 15 years and laying the foundation for seven CPC crowns in nine years. Senior quarterback prew Ridenhour recalled the aftermath of ‘98 against West. < ■ “They did that crap lo us last year at our field, stomping on our War Eagle,” Ridenhour said. "We weren’t going to take that. We i;cmember stuff like that and we were going to show them, We came to their house and did it. The seniors had been wanting it for four years, and we weren’t going to be denied. 1 love it.” Davie got its acl logelher just in lime, after losing buck-lo-back noiiconferehee games to North Davidson und Central Davidson. “Man, I’m excited,” Davie coach Doug Illing said. “This is the greatest victo|y I’ve been in in 10 years of coaching. I’m excited for the kids. I’m excited for the program and it’s a big confidence boost for the boys. Nobody believed in us after two losses. Nobody was giving us a chance, but wc believed ’in what we could do. 1 fell like this was the first Step to making a statement tha( we can play with Forsyth Cotmly schools and be conference champions.” The prove-’em-wrong triumph was a dreum come true for senior Bradford Ivey, the btilly defensive end, and assistant coach Devjire Holman. "It’s a long-liyed dream of mine,” Ivey said. ‘-We really needed this lo make , up for what happened the last two weeks." “It means more than words can explain,” Holman said, "I saw the focus in their eyes. We weren’t focussed (against Central Davidson). I told theni: ‘Look, I’m not going lo ask you lo win. I’m nol saying we might win. We’re going out there/0 win.’” ' , , ' After Davie had blown a 13-0 lend and found itself down 21-13, Ridenhour and his receivers fueled a dramatic drive in the fourth. Ridenhour unraveled West’s defense by converting a puir of third-and-lOs. The third-down comple- lions went to junior Rod Tenor, who enjoyed a career night with eight catches for 110 yards, and senior Thadd Johnson, who made five catches for 91 yards. A 15-yarder to Johnson set up senior tailback Ricky White, wh'o plunged in from the 1 to cut the deficit'lo 21-19 with 9:55 to go. “I/had great protection and Thadd and Rod caught the ball,” Ridenhour said. “You’ve got to give them the credit because they did stuff after, they caught it.” Despite playing on a tom ACL in his right knee, Ridenhour went 14 of 27 for ?02 yards. "I thought Drew was absolutely fantastic," West coach Russell Sioiie said. '‘I rnean Drew on two good legs must be outstanding.” With chatiipionship hopes for both teams quite possibly hinging on a two Please See No. ti Bubba Coleman leads the JV Tar Heels out of the locker'room at the Dean Dome. Bubba Caps Career With UNC JV Basketball Team P^ge B6 Coleman remains active, playing softball for Fraternity church. By Brian Pitts Davic Counly Enterprise Record Second in a two-part story on Davie High hall o f fam er Bubba Coleman. . In 1992-93 Bubba Coleman put to­ gether one of the most compelling three- sport years Davie has ever seen. He played quarterback and safety in foot­ ball, point guard in basketball and short­ stop in baseball. He made all-Central Piednjont Conference in each, made all- state in busebull, led Davie baseball to a then-record 23 wins arid led Mocks­ vilie Legion busebull to ?8 wins, which remains the second most in its 27-year history. Bubba was a little wonderboy who used his lack of height for constant motivation. “When I look back at everybody who has played at Davie, I’d say Bubba is right up there at the lop of the list,” Grimes Parker, a fellow Davie High Hall of Famer who couched Bubba at South Davie, said'tn'93.' Even when Bubba was off the field and away from the court, he kept a play­ ground mindset at all times. He epito- nijzed the phrase “Boys will be boys.” Please See Bubba f Page B8 i6 ''I &■ В2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 31,2008 M A K E R O O M F O R THE BEST!! 1 2 " S U B S E a s t M e e k F o rfe it M e a n s L ittle T o D a v ie ’s ‘0 7 S e a s o n W E S L I C E ' E M F R E S H ! CH OOSE FRO M ! - B L IM P IE BEST® - TXmiCEY - T H E C L U B - H A M & S W IS S It’s u little lute to make a dif­ ference in tile Dnvie football teatn’s 2007 playoff fnto, but East Mecklenburg has forfeited the entire 2007 season after dis­ trict officials found East guilty of recruiting tlirce players and in violation of the rule banning Sunday practices, Tlie Charlotte Observer reported on July 24. East knocked Davic out of the first round 20-17 last Novemberi East went on to lose a close sec­ ond-round game at Richmond County. The Observer reported that an East Meek athletic director has been demoted, t^vvo coaches sus­ pended and that u volunteer coach was involved in recruiting three players. That volunteer coach has been dismissed. Head coach Greg Hill, has been sus- pended for five weeks. And an assistant coach has been sus­ pended for two seasons. East Meek is the fourth Char- lotte-Mecklenburg football team to forfeit the '07 season because of eligibility violations. East Meek was tagged with stiffer penalties than the others because school officials were involved in the violations, Ihe Observer re­ ported. East must play Ihe North Carolina High School Athletic Association over $7,000 in fines and gate receipts. The forfeit turned Davie’s 7- 5 record in ‘07 to 8-4. Coach Doug Illlng's rccord is now 90- 39 (.697) in 10 years. Before fall­ ing short in a hard-fought battle with East, Davie had advanced to at least the third-round quar­ terfinals five straight years. H u n t e r E d u c a t io n T r a in in g C o u r s e S t a r t s N e x t W e e k MAKE IT A COMBO A V A IL A B L E A T P A R T IC IP A T IN G LO CA T IO N S FO R A L IM IT E D T IM E ONLY. WlM Rnil0«lT)«U«On>)rirt е;оойК«ь*)л Curp SsrttMMNi. ЛЛ. BliUHl«* Ч Й i<r KafttM C«<a 4>4l/wUOUM A North Carolina hunter’s education training course will be taught Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Aug. 4,6 and 7 from 8 u.in.-noon at the Davic County Law Enforcement Training Cen­ ter at 370 Dalton Road, Mocks­ ville. This is a stalc-mandutcd training class for any hunter age 16 and older who has not had a prior North Carolina hunting li­ cense or other recognized hunter safely training. To reach the center, take US 64 cast from Mocksville toward Lexington for approximately 3.2 miles. Turn right onto Dalton Road. Travel .7 of a mile, and turn right into the entrance of Ihe Davie County Landfill. Drive straight for 150 yards to Ihe driveway to the left. The first two days will bo in­ door classroom work, and part of the final day will be on the range firing .shotguns. For more inrormaiion, con­ tact Daniel Matthews at 753- 6710 or Alana Geiger at 751- 6238. » Ä ш м C ongresswoman V irginia F oxx 5th District of North Carolina "I hold regular offica hours in every county in the Fifth District, please call my district office to find out the next scheduled time in your area. It is an honor to serve you in the United States Congress. I look forward to hearing from you." - Congresswoman Virginia Foxx Staff District Office Hours A representative from C ongressw om an Foxx’s office will be at tlie M ocksville Town Hall on 171 S. C lem ent Street on Tuesday, A ugust 12 from 1 :00-4:00 p.m . C a ll Toll F ree : ( 8 6 6 ) 6 7 7 - 8 9 6 8 o r v isit o n lin e a t h t t p : / / f o x x . h o u s e . g o v If y o u h a v e F e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t- r e la te d p r o b le m s o r c o n c e r n s , C o n g r e s s w o m a n V ir g in ia F o x x a n d lie r s ta ff a re r e a d y to a s s is t y o u . H e re a r e s o m e ttiin g s w e c a n fie lp w i t h . ., • A S S IS T W IT H F E D E R A L G O V E R N M E N T - R E L A T E D P R O B L E M S . If you have a p ro b le m w ith S o c ia l Security, V e te ra n s 'A ffa irs , M e d ica re or an y d e alin g s w ith a federal a g en cy , w e c a n help. i • M A K E N O M IN A T IO N S T O M IL IT A R Y A C A D E M IE S . W e a c c e p t a p p lic a tio n s fro m co lle g e - b o u n d s tu d e n ts interested in a p p o in tm e n ts to th e A rm y, Navy, Air Force, or M e rc h a n t M a rin e a c a d e m ie s . .• A N S W E R Q U E S T IO N S relating to p u b lic policy or legislation. . • P R O C U R E A M E R IC A N F L A G S flo w n over th e U .S, C apito l build ing . • O B T A IN T IC K E T S a n d in fo rm ation for W a s h in g to n D .C . visits. • I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - B3 Рлш to he * 1 * 0 ♦ Í i w ‘ , >( WHEN YOU W AN T A TRUCK! H i i m i OUR LOT IS JAM M ED! GET GIAN T SAVINGS ON OUR GIANT SELECTION! B E N M Y N A T T N I S S A N - E X I T 7 5 - S A L I S B U R Y ИЕ* NISSANS NEW 2008 NISSAN F R O N T I E R ST0CKH4928, MOO£L«)33ie NEW 2009 NISSAN IVI U 141 C=> STKH48<16, M00UH072I9 NEW 2008 NISSAN NEW 2008 NISSAN SrOCKtM766, MODELIIO4II0 FINANCING AS LOW AS 0.9% FOR UPT072 M0S** . srocK«4?22,Hooanio3i8 NEW 2008 NISSANIIÜ A N STOCKHm MOOEL(I187I8 G O O D C R E D IT . B A D C R E D IT . WE W IU WORK TO GET YOO APPROVED COME SEE OUR HUGE SELECTION OF QUALITY PRE-OWNED VEHICLES!! '01 GMC JIMMY SLT ^ 7 n n n 4X4. LTHa LOADED, STKI.I952A................................................................................................................................................................., V ‘ | 3 U U '96 CHEVROLET 3500 DIESEL frn n o p X-CAD, 1 OWNER, AT, ONLV 60K Ml, STKHPI46M...............................................................................................................................; . « J » 3 |O 0 0 ■06 DODQE STRATUS SXT ¿-I n n n n FULL POWER, ALLOYS, STK.P1459........................................................................................................................................................V • U | I I U U '02 NISSAN FRONTIER 4X4 0 n n n X-CAD, AT, OFF ROAD PKQ, STKHPI457.................................................................................................................................................V • t j U U U '06 NISSAN SENTRA 1.8S d>-f 4 QQD SPECIAL EDITION, ALLOYS, 1 OWNER, STKK4054A............................................................................................................................. l . 0 | 3 0 0 '05 KIA SEDONA VAN EX A n n n LEATHER, SUNROOF, DVD PLAYER, STKHP1462...................................................................................................................................V ' * t | » W U '07 CHRYSLER PACIFICA tl/ L Q n f l 1 OWNER, LOADED, ONLV 12K Ml, STKHP14DD...................................................................................................................................V ■ * t | O U U '02 CADILUC DEVILLE t I d Q f lf t LTHR. SUNROOF, ONLY OOK Ml, STK*Pt«5........................................................................................................................................jS » U O '06 CHEVROLET HHR LT d>-f c n n n LEATHER, SUNROOF, LOADED, NICEST IN NCII STKH4447B , ........................................................................................ '05 JEEP WRANGLER 4X4 R QRR AT. SOFT TOP, LIKE NEW, STKHPI47I...................................................................................................................................................." r ' « lO U t J \ №V ffiWITr É n '07 CHEVROLET COLORADO LT CREW CAB, FULL POWER, STK«P1431 ..................................................................................................................................................I D jH U U '04 NISSAN MURANO SL AWD ^ Q n n LEATHER, SUNROOF, CERTIFIED TO 100K Ml. S T K » 4 4 2 9 A ,,,,,,,,,,,.............................. '06 NISSAN XTERRA 4X4 ^-4 7 Af\n FULL POWER. CERTIFIED TO IOOK Ml. 8TKHP1430,...........................................................................................................................▼ * ' |*tU U ‘07 HYUNDAI ENTOURAGE VAN 7 n n n FULLP0WER.DUAL000R8,STK<(P1465,........................................................................................................................................* J ^ IU U '07 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 7 n n n AT. FULL POWER, SAVE THOUSANDS!ISTK/(Pi460,,,,..................................................................... ® " jw U U ■05 HONDA CR-V EX 4WD ^-| 7 n n n SUNROOF. AT, LOADED. S T K M 7 8 0 A ,,,,,,,..............................................................................................................................* ju U U ■07 TOYOTA CAMRY SE n n n n LEATHER. FULL POWER, 4 CYL, STK»4827A,.,,,...........................................................................................................................l O j i l U U '04 INFINITI G35 SDN q n n n LTHR. SUNROOF. 1 OWNER. STK#P1460,,,.......................................................................................................................................ip I J ljU O O '06 HONDA RIDGELINE RTL * 9 4 n n n 4X4. LEATHER. LOADED. S T K « 4 6 4 5 A ,,,,,,,,,,,,„,.................................................................................................................. *06 INFINITI M35 * 9 7 n n p LTHR, ROOF. LUXURY SPORT, Sn<#Pt474 ........................................................................................................................................jS lO O 1 . 8 0 0 . 2 6 4 . 6 8 2 3 ^ 7 0 4 . 6 3 3 . 7 2 7 0HOME OF THE BEAR M IW IM U M PRICE '6 2 9 J a k e A le x a n d e r B lv d . S , _ _ _ - -B„.d«Rn.isu*„Salisbury, NC 28147 w w w .B e n M y n a ttN is s a ii.c o m c rs s #5)SAI I Я HIMIHS Miiii-I It H :u)AM H UUI’M ‘ Sal Ü ÜUAM Ü UÜ»»M » SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS ON AU OFFERS. SOME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED. ALL OFFERS BASED ON APPROVED CREDIT PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE. AND ADMINISTRATION OR DOCUMENTATION FEE OF $409 DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES AND INCENTIVES, SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. OFFERS COOO ON DATE Of PUBLiCATlOH ONLY UHUSS OTHtRWlSt STATED. HOT RESPOHSIBLE FOR TYPOOfiAPHlCAl. OR PRINT ERRORS, PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. , , , B4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31, 2008 Terry Campbell of Mocksville took the Enterprise-Record with him during a trip to the Coliseum in Rome. Jane Click of Winston-Salem, a Davie County girl by birth, took the Enterprise-Record with her on a trip to Belize. Jane has been a subscriber since 1956. \ •! Michigan subscriber and Mocksvllle native Jerry Card showed his Dad, Richard, a good time when he visted. They read the Enterprise-Record at the Detroit Tigers-New York Yankees game at CoAmerica Park In Detroit. From left, Jerry, father Richard, and sons Cody and Richard at the May 10 game. The Yankees won. T h is newsp£^)er really gets around. D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/ E | # E C O R D To subscribe, call 751-2120 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - BS ■ ■■■«■W f ■■■■■■■■.■■■■I..... .... I...... III ...........................a., I , ■ ,.f, .-n.-ifc T ^ ,--r' ■■ .7 v ■ t ^ v. ..v »1 ♦ >. • r- Coach Bobby Byerly directs his baseball camp at the Davie Youth Complex, teaching the children how to have “soft hands" by tossing eggs back and forth. The players enjoy watching each other trying to catch the egg. Camp Teaches Baseball Fundamentals Baseball is fun. A nd when you’re a part o f Bobby B yerly’s annual base- Paul Folmar practices his bunting technique. Bobby Byerly: "Just to see them learn, that’s what it’s all about.” ball camp in D avie County, you leiUTi w hile having fun. B yerly and other coaches and players from every Davie m iddle and high school spent a week recently teaching the sport to some 63 children age 6-15. B yerly eiyoys listening to the younger players between drills and games. “ They’re pumped up,” he said. "Just to sec them learn something every day, that’s what it’s all about.” Paul Folm ar, 12, said he learned to square his body to the pitcher when bunting. Christopher M athis, 9, said he enjoys pitch in g, and is looking forward to next year when he moves up from the coach pitch league. Kyle Buiiins, who plays catcher and third, lays down a bunt In a camp contest. 2008 FORD MUSTMG i t J - ^ -<n,‘ ChrI.stopher Mathis shows off his skills at catghlhg. .............................»".i ' - Photos by Robin Snow áOOD CREDIT, Dim CREQIT, NO PROBIEMI . mmmiABiut ' ® 1 1 ^ nromrecMOk#UIM.) »8,995 w m " f S IB ■ te s gH ■M MeiM 'm á 'W M i mfroMuuM M1.B95 10!s«#ut<w •11,935 Q | I j g j nFfiMMHCn IB1 MLNcaurewicM « § 5 ■ i "WuSr *12,995 'i S s "STijW ‘12.995mm 07RUinCTUet^»uioE4 M3,935 •TOfVMUTCStttr ■ • № iÉÉil m m " 'W S ‘i ® m feflHi»fOM im uKovu m H g H n m ■Ü ■ftTfSs 'H H m \ I i-» «4 Вб - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 Garrett Benge rolls out In the East-West All-Star game. Benge hit one of two passes for the West, which used a conservative scheme. ■ Photos by James Barringer A H S t a r s . . , Continued From I’ngc 1)1 wlien they got here, and tticy had no egos," he said. “If you’re go­ ing to play in college, you must be competitive and hungry, and you have lo really want it. Tliose two kids look like they do." Benge’s incomparable Davie carcer saw him ruck up one rccord after another. He holds G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons the 1-2 spots in season cotppletions (203, 161) and passing yards (3,071 nnd 2,068). He holds the season record for TD pusses (34). He holds the 1-2 spots for single-game passing yards (384, 297). He owns career rccorils for puss attempts (732), completions (443), passing yards (6,392) und TD passes (57). And he’s re­ sponsible for three of the six games in which u QB threw four TD passes. Most important, Duvie won 31 of 40 games'during Benge’s tliree-yeur varsity carcer. Diivic wns also represented during East-West All-Stur week by boys basketbull couch Mike Ab.shcr Absher, who wus the ussistant of the West boys. The Bust won an exciting game 99-93 at the Greensboro Coli­ seum. "It was truly an honor,” Absher said. “I enjoyed every minute of it. It was neat work­ ing with guys you competed against like (East Rowan’s) Justin Vandcrford, He wus mujcing 3s for us instcud of me watching him make them uga'inst us. It wus definitely a highlight in my ca­ reer,” The West head coach was Ashbrook’s Marty Hatchell, Ab­ sher hus been a varsity basket­ ball head couch for 15 yeurs, in­ cluding six ut Davie.The all-star game was the crowning moment for Benge's prep career. YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION Twins Juniors Recreational Program F a ll S o c c e r S e a s o n R e g is tr a tio n is N o w O p e n On-line registration open now through August 10"' (late registration begins August 11'"). Fore more information and to register online,' go to www.twincitysoccer.com and click on the Practices Begin Week of August 25'^ 2008 Season Ends: October 18'^ 2008 Open to Ages 5-10 ♦ Ages 5-6 meet once a week for practice and games ' • Ages 7-10 practice once per week and play games on Saturdays • Volunteer coaches receive the benefit of professional training from the Twin City Coaching Staff No T ryouts an d Everyone Plays! “W e were IbriUed tvilb the Twins Juniors program . With few er players on the leant and few er players on the field, our son touches the ball more and is developing his skills fa ster and having more fun. He loved the season ending Festival and can't wait to start the season again. ” I’liriiiil of /1 Siivliifi JO(>H Twins Jiilitors I’ltiyur Twin City Youth Soccer AHsociation \n\'\v.rwini;itvsn(:ci.‘r.coiii N o . 6 . . . Cominucil Fvoni Page li 1 point convcrsioi), Davie offensive coordinator Bill Oakley made a shrewd call; u screen pass lo While, who eluded a tuckler deep in the backficld und lied the gume ut 21-21. "We knew they’d be sending the house and we had to fuke it,” Illing said. “We hoped nobody would tackle Ricky. We iiad to drop it oi'f to him, and we knew he could get it. That wus a good call by Oakley." In overtime Davie got first shot Irom the 10. Wiiite burned West for 9 yards on fir.4t down, shaking Bryun Brudshuw in the buckfieid. White scored on second down and David Wooldridge’s point-after kick made it 28-21. White, who rushed for 104 yards on 24 carries, became the second rusher since ‘81 to pick up i,0(K) yards in two different seasons. The other was David Daye. “I’ve been playing.for four years and hud never beat West Forsyth,” White said. “My ■ senior year, I felt like I had to put it in there for the team. I I'eii like I owed it to thern. I believe everybody doubted us. It doesn’t get any better. I just want to thank llte 0-line for tiiis gume because they really picked it up.” Senior sufely Jeremy Shoffner deserved a postgame f|jjdfie|uhdne, In We^ overtime try on offense, Shoffner blitzed on fourth down from the 3, grubbed a shoc.string'and upended Anthony puller. Quarterback Josh McGcc had completed a first-down puss 10 the 4, und Duvie’s interior brutes hud stuffed Butler on second und third down. •• , On fourth down, Shoffner closed the door und opened the emotional floodgates. Butler, a workhorse conriing off 268 yards in u win over Northwest Guilford, put up 213 yards on 37 carries. “That’s the thing we’vo been talking to Jeremy about the lust . three weeks, coming up, muking a pluy on a tailback and keeping contairimenl," Illing said, "We talked ubout our seniors stepping up anil making plays, and that’s what Jeremy did.” Ridenhour, setting his greatest performunce in motion, orche.straled a 12-play, 75-yard march out of the gale. He hit Tenor for 25 yards and Johnson for 21, and Davie hud a 7-0 lead, “ We just tried to step il up because wc know Drew’s in his last year,” Tenor suid, “We beat West for all the seniors. We’re very happy, especially after what they did to us lust year, jumping on our DC like thut.” ■’ Malt Hind'S'l4-ynrd punt for West and Ridenhoiir’s 40- yurd connection to Johnson set up two Wooldridge field goals as Davie’s stunning lead increuscd to 13-0. Wooldridge lied Jerry Riddle for the most field goals in a season (nine) since‘81, Tlie 13-0 lead uppeurcd to have crushed West, but it didn’t; Butler ruled the lust five minutes of the first hulf and all of the third quarter, the slippery runner dashing for three TDs in u span of 6:30, Tiie result was a 21-13 Duvic deficit. But for the first time since 1987, Davic ended up with the lust laugh, “(Butler) gassed us, bin we cumc back and slopped him nt the end,” Ivey said. “1 was proud of how we stepped up." “We had some adversity al times," Holman said. “But you know what, when it counied we bowed our bucks und shut the water oi'f - becifuse wc be­ lieved." Stone saluted the upslurl Wur Bugles. “Duvie was a little stronger than us,” he said. “I’ve told our guys that’s a wukeup call because we’ve always been stronger than these guys. We need to get our butts back in the steel busine.ss.” FISH DAY! ITS TIME TO STOCK YOURPONDI Delivery Will Bo; Wednesday, August 13; Clemmons11:30AM-12:15®Clotrtnons Milling Co.Lexington 2:45-3:30PM@Davldson Farmer's Co-Op Thursday, August 14; Salisbury7:45-8:30AM@Soulhiim Slales • Statesville 9:15-10:00AM@Soulhorn States FISHWAGONToPlacoAnOrckirCatl Toll Free 1-800-643-8439 www.llshwagon.com MOCKSVHXE MOOSE UKIGE #1949 TURKEY SHOOT Every Saturday in August (A ugust 2 , 9,1 6 ,2 3 h 3 0 ) at the Moose lodge Hwy. 601 s., Mocksville beside Davie High For Info Call 751-2515 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, .JULY 31,200« - B7 S S S P 0 I U 6 H T Visual Changes’ Brenda Langford Listening is one of Brenda Langford’s strongest virtues - especially when she is discussing a client’s hairstyle. Brenda, who recently joined the talented staff at Visual Changes, says that she learns a lot from her customers just by simply listening to them. Listening to her customers Is paramount 1 like to listen to my customers so we both get the same picture on what’s best for their hair," Brenda notes. “My clients teach me to be the best hairdresser that I can be for them.” And with 16 years experience In the hair business, Brenda understands how Important relating and listening to her clients is. Short cuts are Brenda's forte A native of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Brenda received some of her education In Ft. Walton Beach, Florida before moving to Winston- Salem about 20 years ago. She continued her education at Leon’s Beauty School In Greensboro and received a cosmetology degree. “I enjoy doing all kinds of hair but short hair cuts are my forte," Brenda adds, “When I was a young girl, whenever we played house, I was the one..who did everyone's make-up and hair, it’s just something I have enjoyed doing my whole life," When Brenda Is not cutting hair, she enjoys acrylic painting and other artistic endeavors, as well as traveling, "Gutting and coloring hair Is another art form for me," Brenda says. “My love of artistry comes In handy In my career," Brenda uses three different color lines at the shop - Wella, Goldwell and Joico. She frequently attends hair shows to stay up with the latest haircuts and styles, “I love people and I knew at an early age that I wanted to work with the public,” Brenda says with a smile, “I always aim to please." Brenda Langford of Visual Changes of Clemmons. Brenda’s hours and Hair Studio location Brenda's hours at Visual Changes are Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9 am to 8 pm, Wednesday's and Friday’s from 9 am -until and Saturday’s 9 am to 3 pm. All walk-ins and call-ins are welcome. Visual Changes Hair Studio Is located 2565 Old Glory Road, Ste E (behind A Cleaner World off of Lewlsvllle-Ciemmons Road.) Brenda can be reached at 778-0604. UGLY ROOF STAIN REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKINation's Largest & Oldest Rooi Stdip Romovors R o o f - B r i t ^ l S S - 'm O 100 Royal Oak Dr., WInslon-Salem, NC 27107 AA * Caniciae Nature’s Variety •WcUness .•A * Merrick Innova ^ • Californin Natural’s |M,-Evo 2131 Lew iHville-ClemmunB AA ClenimonH, NC►S&336-77&-9007 Tiny Tots Consignment (Chlldren’e Furniture & Clotiilng) C h o k e C o n s ig n m e n t (Ladies & Household) 2 Great Locations To Serve All Your Needs Please, call for more info: 940-5098 ¡м ш кпиш Storm Water Management Residential Drainage Systems Land Clearing, Demolition . 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Onnda Langford I n t r o P r o g r a m s $095 K A R ' Á T E OVM-25 Умга Experfwice oweni.cmatdlrect.comClemmons Center Plaza (Next lo Starbucks)_____7M-W19____ P E R K IN S R O O F IN G "Quality work at reasonable prices" Phone: 336-753^55 ix: 336-753«373 Jesse Perkins - O w ner a 300 Spring Street B B B Mocksville, N C fT " Kince b‘ €iKAnn School ol Traditional Irish Dance Classes Now Fanning Scr\‘lng Otis conmnmiiy for II years 130 Webb Way Just Bit Hwy (58 Call 336.765,7482 1 for more Information .-■ij".: Hair Stylist For Men & Women Je a n n ie H o w a r d 766-8445 6353 CcptiLs Dr., Clemmons SjIH .SAVINCJS / I Senior Cilizon Discounts Wednesday BAKERY THRIFT STORE K EEB LER M % : ИГР :•THBU SUHDIIY 8/3 • • • f • 4 0 % O FF S A IE Fri. a Sat., Aug. 1st a 2nil ALL S A L E S F IN A L ( 'Ic'iiiiiion.s I)l44>uiit Sales 15-U 1Д И ls\ ¡llc-( 'U'inniDiis K«l. 7М)-ШУ • ( К'пткн» • 7М>-4‘Ш EDWARDS S I D I N G & W I N D O W S АОШе BEAUTY AND VALUE TO й HOMES SINCE 1978 ^ • Vinyl Siding Vinyl Replacement Windows Vinyl Porch Ralls Decks - Wood & Vinyl Screen Rooms Porch Enclosures & Sun Rooms F re e E s tim a te s ! M o b ile P h o n e 9 7 8 - 2 2 9 9 B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 Bubba Coleman looks downfleld during the '92 Davie football season. At right, shortstop Coleman leaps for a throw during a playoff win. Davie made the 4-A final four In '93. B u b b a . . . Continued From Page Bl Parker found footprints all over his garden. Ttie footprints were courtesy of Bubba. Tlie late Nanny Pat Jordan found sliat- tcrcd glass in her car. The shat­ tered glass was courtesy of Bubba’s BB gun. When mother Jan or cheerieading listers Julie and Jami couldn’t Find Bubba, the first place they looked was the Bullhole, before it became RiverPark. Coach Dale Ijames’ powerful Legion team played Just about every night. Instead of staying inside, out of the hot sun and resting up for the game, Bubba would slip off on week­ ends and play in men's softball tournaments wilh his older bud­ dies. Ijamos presumably novcrno- ticed that Bubba had played two or three softball games before showing up at the park for bat­ ting practice. After all, he led '92 Mocksville (24-13) in at-bats (152), was sccond in runs (43), hits (49), RBIs (32) and steals (19), hit ,322, and only struck out 13 times. He hit .343 for a 28- 10 Mocksville squad in ‘93, leading the team in runs (45), walks (37) and steals (17) and striking out seven times in 105 at-bats. "He's playing softball with us, and then having to leave to go play Legion ball," Todd Bum­ garner said, "You'd think some­ body that had seen slowpitch softball all day wouldn't bo worth a nickel in a baseball game that night. It didn't even bother him. We were just hoping he didn't get hurt," Bubba said in. ‘93 that he dreamed of "being 6-2, 190 pounds and getting a full ride to (North) Carolina." Even though he was seven inches and 40 pounds short of his dream stat­ ure, he turned heads during ‘92 football. Davie trailed West Rowan 14- 7 in the season opener. Bubba threw an 18-yard pass to Jon Ward in the corner of the end zone with 19 seconds left, and Hamilton Cuthreil's two-point run gave Davie a 15-14 win. Coach Randall Ward sum­ moned Bubba to the secondary for the first time in the fourth game, and he responded with a diving interception, Davie's first pick of the year, Davie was 0-3 against Dudley before pulling off a spirited 25- 16 CPC upset on the road. Bubba rushed 12 times for 97 yards and passed for 76 yards, In a 28-0 win over South Rowan, Bubba returned a punt 46 yards and picked off a pass, Davie was 0-3 against Grims- ley, losing by a combined 66-7 In ‘90 and ‘91, But Davie stunned Orimsley in the season finale, 17-6, to knock the Whirlies out of the playoff pic­ ture. Davie's 5-5 mark was its first non-losing record in five years, and it went a commend­ able ,4-3 in the demanding CPC, Bubba broke Grimsley's back with 1:50 left, faking a dive, zig­ zagging 37 yards on an option keeper and sliding into tho end zone, ‘‘1 saw him do that against Dudley for a touchdown," Qrlmsloy coach Jeff Smousc said in ‘92. "He's a gamer. He's a competitor." Bubba hit Gerald Roberts for 72 yards and a 7-0 lead. He added 74 rushing yards on 10 carries. “My mom played high- school and college basketball,” Bubba said of his athletic blood­ lines in ‘93. "My great-uncle was Baxter Jordan, who played major-league baseball.” During the early part of his senior basketball season, Bubba was messing around in a men's league at the YMCA, turned his ankle and missed a couple games. He dominated In his first game back - 20 points, eight steals and five assists in a win over North Rowan. That was a preview of things lo come for a crossover dribbling ankle- breaker who often carried the low-voltage War Eagles all by himself. He had 11 points and 11 as­ sists in a loss to West Rowan. He had 18 points, six rebounds, six steals ond five assists in a 71-62 loss to Mount Tabor. "I wish 1 had him," West For­ syth coach Denny Key said in ‘93, Davie lost 73-60 at Grimsley, despite 18 points, six steals and five assists from Bubba, who drained three 3s from NBA range, "He could have had 10 assists if we hadn't missed so many layups,'' coach Charles Cren­ shaw said then, Bubba had 15 points, seven assists and five steals in a 75-73 loss to Dudley, 'They're bump­ ing him all the way upcourt, nnd he still beats the press,” Cren­ shaw said afterward, “And when he beats it, what's he doing? He's giving it up to someone for a layup. There can't be many people with as many steals as Bubba hos," Davie went 2-12 in the CPC, When seventh-seeded Davie traveled to No, 2 Reynolds in the first round of the tournament, Davie pulled off the biggest up­ set in CPC history, Bubba - you'll be shocked to hear this - scored the last five points in a 64-59 win over coach Howard West's Demons, who came in 17-5 to Davie's 7-16, Reynolds and its 6-11 center, Jiri Formanek, had throttled Duvie by 30 and 24 points, but Bubba stole the show with 17 points, seven assists and four steals, Dttvie wouldn't beat Reynolds again until seven years later in 2000. "Nobody in this gym thought we could win but us," Crenshaw said then, "We played our hearts out," It was 59-59 in the final minute, Crenshaw ordered the weave. Bubba drove past Linwood Skinner, used the glass, was fouled und 'completed the three-point ploy. “Bubbo showed he con play with anybody," Crenshaw said then, "1 wish there were college scouts here,” Davie finished 8-17, the most wins in five years. This was Crenshaw’s fourth and final year os coach, and Davie’s only all- CPC player in that span was Bubbo in ‘92 and ‘93, Bubba averaged almost os many points as Davie’s 2-3 scorers combined, "He’s so tough,” Crenshaw soid. "You can’t rattle him.” In the sprlng-of ‘93, the War Eagles delivered one of Ihe big­ gest chapters in Ihe Davie base­ ball history books. They went 23-5, which ranked No. 1 until a 24-4 finish in ‘06. They won 14 straight, bagged the sixth CPC championship in seven years, won the CPC Tournament and advanced to the 4-A final four. Davie obliterated West For­ syth 22-1 behind a 16-run fourth, but it slumped to 3-3 in the CPC and was fourth in the standings. Then came a remarkable run, with eight straight wins vaulting Dovle to sole possession of first. Much of Davie’s success re­ volved around two crafty lefty pitchers, Brock Keene (12-1, 1,63) and Marcus King (5-3, 2.54), Among the key ingrcdi- enls were Brad Mechani (.338), Brad Chapman (.337) and King (.333). Bubbo was a machine os usual, leading Davie in average (.415), hits (34), triples (two) and doubles (11), He was second in homers (three), RBIs (21) and runs (26), A wonderful story unfolded in the playoffs, Davie rallied past McDowell 2-1, Davie’s only hit was Chad Helton’s two-strike, two-run, game-winning double in the bottom of the seventh, Davie squeezed past A,C, Rey­ nolds 1-0 in Ihe second round, scoring in the bottom of the sev­ enth, Amid throngs of fans, Davie kept finding ways to win, beating East_ Forsylh 2-1 wilh two runs in the bottom of the sixth, Davie hosted Alexander Cen­ tral for the Western North Coro- lino chompionship. They were one win from facing shortstop Trot Nixon and New Hanovei^in the slate-title series. Nixon wus the No, 7 pick in the Major L cague Droft. Davie lost an epic, 10-inning elosh 7-3. UNC recruit A,Y, Yoder, o 6-2, 195-pound lefty, pitched all 10 for AC and improved to 12-1, The War Eagles came tonta- lizingly close, stronding a run­ ner at third three times and get­ ting thrown out at third ond home. It was 3-3 after two and a half. The next seven innings were scoreless, Yoder couldn’t get Bubba out, going 2 for 2 with three wolks. But the curtain closed on eight senior starters, Bubba’s final Davie County sports season was ‘93 Legion, and the sparkplug helped •Mocksville claim the Soulhem Division, It hosn’l won the divi­ sion since that summer. While Bubba received some small-college offers in oil three sports, most colleges shunned the 5-7, I50-pouiider, But what Bubba did at North Carolina was the cherry on the sundae. He had always bled Carolina blue, and he tried out for tjic Tar Heels’ J V basketball leam as a freshman. Seventy-five prospects showed up ot the Dean Dome. You con imagine how big o step that wos for Bubbo. Cooleemee’s'popula­ tion was 900, and the Dean Dome holds 22,000. "The first coupic of days I had sweaty palms,” Bubba said in ‘93. "It’s going pretty good, but there arc five or six other point guards out there," ‘ But when the finol cut wus announced by couch Duvc Hun- ners, Bubbu wus one of 19 still standing. In Ihe opener against Methodist College, Bubba’s only playing time was the last two minutes. The sccond game, a win over Richard Bland College, was vintage Bubba; 10 points, four assists and three steals. The Tar Heels finished 10-4. Bubba shared lime with three other point guards and averaged be­ tween 10-15 minutes a game. I Deiln Smith, the legendary Carolina couch who retired in 1997, started the JV program, the only one in the ACC, when freshman eligibility for varsity began in 1972. "1 can’t remember another ‘Bubbu’ pluying ut Curolinu,” Hunners, currently an ussistunt for the Charlotte Bobcats, said then, "I asked him if his name was Jesse, and he let me know right off the bat that he wunted to be culled Bubbu, He’s reully been good for us, Bubbu’s u great shooter. He somehow gets to the basket, gets them up and they go in, I don’t know how he does it, I wish he would shoot more. But he’s unselfish and enjoys getting his teammates the ball,” Among Ihe perks for playing on the JV were two free pair of Nike shoes and sitting on the front row - directly behind the Curolinu bench - for every vur- sUy home gume, "I’m so close to couch Smith thut I find myself just sitting there sturing at him,” Bubbu said then. "He's like a god here,” As a sophomore in 1994-95, Bubba started at point guard, played 25 minutes a game and uveruged 10 points. His peak performances; 17 points in one gume und five 3-polnters in un- other game. One teammate was Greg Ellis, u 6-6,270-pound de­ fensive end who hus been wilh the Dallas Cowboys for 11 years. Another was Octavus Barnes, who set football records as a Tar Heels receiver, "You wouldn’t believe how strong (Ellis) was," Bubba said last week, "He would rip a goal down. He couldn’t shoot worth u (durn), but he wus pretty nimble," Pearce Landry went from JV to, varsity in 1993-94, David Neal made the jump from JV to varsity in 1994-95, Hunners told Bubba his chances of making the Carolina varsity in 1995-96 were slim to none, so he didn’t try out. The decision still gnaws ut him. The heartbreaking purl is Webb Tyndall made the varsity, Tyn­ dall wus a 5-10,156-pound point guard who pluyed behind Bubba In 1994-95, "I wus wrestling wilh the idea, but 1 had classes aitd then decided ut Ihe last minute nol to,” Bubbu suid lust week, "It wus u bud, bad mistake. The guy that played behind me made it. That’s what hurt Ihe worst, that somebody that played behind me mude the team. It still (hurts to­ day). I don’t really like tulking about it," Still, Bubbu has more than his shuro of fond memories from Carolina, There were dully battles, heated grudge matches, in old Woollen Gym. Ho pluyed pickup games wilh und uguinst well-known Tur Heels like Jerry Stackhouse, Rashecd Walluce, Jeff Mclnnls, Antwan Jumlson und Shammond Willlums. "My dorm was right across from Woollen Qym, and it had eight courts," he said last week, “My freshman year 1 was a little runt, so I had to get in Ihe early games' because 1 never got picked up. Nobody ever wanted to play with me, so If 1 lost a game I’d kind of wander around those courts, Nol until late in my freshman year did I really get recognized for being able to play, I had lo guard Mclnnis during some games. My sophomore year I became u little more known, so rd be able to pick up with some of the better players. I played u lot uguinst Scott Cherry. I pluyed several times againsf Riuihecd, Stackhouse and Jamison, I played against Sham­ mond Williams, Actually I played against Shammond when I was u freshman and he wus at Fork Union, I played with Slack- housc, but a lot of times they cume iiiflogethcr," Nowadays you can find Bubba playing in a men's bas­ ketball league at the Brock Gym and church-league softball at Rich Park, Though he’s not as quick as he once was, you belter not leave him open, “He could put you on his shoulders - and still cun," Bum- gurner said last week. "He scored, whal, 45 points in a bas­ ketball gume (last spring)? He hit 10 or 11 3-pointcrs, And he’s 33 years old," Bubba Coleman and wife Heather enjoy the ceremony on hall-of-fame night In fall '05. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - B9 C a ta w b a’s G ra y M o ves To S afe ty Jaspen Gray of Catawba has moved from outside linebacker to sufetV, and Indians football couch Chip Hester likes whal he sees., Gray,' a rising junior, was o strong special teams player last year, when Catawba went 11-2 and.5-I, tying Curson-Newmun for the South Atlantic Confer­ ence chumplonohip. "His biggest impuct has been on special teams," Hester said, "We've put a big, big emphasis on special teams, and he’ll be one ofourcandidotes-ofcourse, we’ll vote on it - for our special teams captain.” But after playing a backup role for two years. Gray could be a factor at safety. He could be u perfect fit for run support. The only issue is his pass de­ fense, but that should get better with reps. “1 think he's finally found his home at safety,” Hester suid. “This coming year Is a big op­ portunity for him to get in that starting mix. We're pretty ex­ cited about what he brings to the lable. He's fust and he's not afraid to hit. Those orb two good things when you’re looking at o safety; When you make that tran­ sition (from outside linebacker to safety) what you worry about is pass coverage. That’s what he’s going to have to continue to work on and gel more consistent in. He makes great ploys. He’s that safety we feel great about in run situations. "But he’s becoining a com­ plete safety and leorning that position. I’m pretty excited about what he might be able to pull off this year.” Gray is 0 2006 graduóte from Davie. The Advance resident started at outside linebacker on 14-1 and 11-3 Davie teams in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Coach Pitch Dodgers The Davie County Little League Coach Pitch Dodgers, regular season and tournament champions with a 15-0 record, from left: front - Jacob Humphrey, Alex Ratledge, John Davenport. Hunter Snow, Alex Myers; baci< ■ Assistant . Coach Jim Wall, Justin Wallace, Mason Wilson, Head Coach Mark Snow, Jack Barringer, Chris Wall, Dakota Miller and Assistant Coach Mike Humphrey. Not pictured; David Lucas. Grimsley triple-teams Coleman C o a c h . . . . Continued From Page Bl circumstanccs could not have been more dire. There were 12 players. The Vikings were pe­ rennial ccllur dwellers. Then cume a 6-12 season that broke the record for wins und gave Everetle the Wilkes County Coach of the Yean award. "Nobody expected us to do anything my first year,” Ever- etle .said, "In u lot of people’s eyes six wins is not a lot, but in my eyes, knowing what I had to deal with and whut 1 had to work with, it was u good stepping stone. They had been used to getting beut by 12 or 13 goals,” The turnaround became a fairy tale story in Everelie’s sec­ ond year. The Vikings started 8- 0, beoting defending conference champ Starmount in overtime. They knocked off a 4-A oppo­ nent. They settled for 11-7-1 largely , because the foremost player missed four gumes with an Injury. North lost all four, muking Everetle wonder whut might have been, “My best player got hurt in the overtime win aguinst Slur- mount,” he suid, “He wus out for four important games.” • The Vikings still made .thS ' state playoffs,'another unprec­ edented accomplishment for.the school, Everetle was narned Wllkcs County Coach of the Yeitf for the second time, uS well us Conference Coach of the ■feur. "It was a total chunge in mo­ rale,” he said, "I had a lot of people coming up to me and osking; ‘Whot ore you doing that’s getting these guys to work for you?' 1 sold it’s them believ­ ing in themselves and believing In me,” Everetle is fully aware he’s taking on a daunting tusk at Davie. The War Eagles are 120- 230-28 all time, including a 31- 84-3 mark in the Central Pied-' monl Conference since 1996, There are three problematic foes in Davie’s way. It is 0-31 uguinst Mount Tabor, 2-36 against West Forsyth and 4-31-1 aguinst Rey­ nolds, Last year the War Eagles finished 2-14-1 und 0-9-1. Their only winning season was 9-7-2 in ‘96. They’ve never finished above .500 in the CPC. • But the thing about sports is there’s always a new season, al­ ways another chance.riPlMS, Michael Rowe, Matt Coiner and Jordan Kinder will provide a good foundation this seasoh. "If they see you excited, they’re going to be excited,” Everette said. “I’m a young guy. 1 con get out there and mix it up with them. I’m goingto bust my butt. They will see somebody willing to sweat just like they are and not just somebody yell­ ing at them.” Can Davie do big things in ‘08? Everette doesn’t have a crystal ball. What he does huve is a fearless attitude, a dogged determination and a belief that anything is possible with enough blood, sweat, tears and battle scars. “I’m not real worried about (past) records,” he said. “That’s the past. I know what kind of conference Davie’s in. It’s very demonding, very challenging. I can promise you this: You’re going to get everything from me. I’m hoping I’m going to have' guys ready to jump on board and go ot it. Because that’s the way I um," • T h e B e st V a lu e w iTuuna Ü 4»* W i KTK.M«»H 1 11 ’ LtfionButJim* ParkOrtv«.4mliM • UnonBMlfwuro HOUSING CINTER ■ Factoiy Built-FatíinySold'WeAREtiwBultíei-lMtH Financing Available 704.924.9393 www.StatesvilleHoiisiiig.coin Toll Free L877.283.4344 BriefSy Dates Youth Football Signups Davie County Youth League Football signups will be Aug. 2 ut the Brock Gym from 8 a,m,-noon. The cost is $50, Physicals (free of charge) will be offered Aug, 2 as well. Fall Church Softball There will be a church softball league this fall at. Center. The deadline to enter u teum is Aug. 21, and the league will begin after Labor Day. The entry fee has not been set; it will depend on the number of teams. Cull Duvid Childress ot 336-466-0423, Benefit Tournament There will be a benefit softball tournament Aug, 16 at Rich Pork for Donald "Fireball” Jones and family. Entry fee is'$150 for the 10- home run limit. Teams must furnish their own bails. Jones, a Duvie Sheriff’s Depurtment detention officer, was injured in a wreck on his way to work on July 6, Donations will be acceptcd. Soccer V^orkouts Davie’s boys soccer team is holding workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 u,m. at Davie High, Tryouts will begin Aug. 4 from 6-8 p.m. at the Davie YMCA. Joe Westfall resigned as coach toward the end of the second semester. The new coach will be announced this week. Recreation Camps The MoQksvillc-Davic Parks and Recreation Department Is tak­ ing registration for a boys and giris basketball camp - Aug. 11-14 at the Brock Gym from 6-8 p.m. The camp is for rising first through eighth grades. You need to register by Aug, 4, The cost is $45. The instructors will be Davie coach Mike Absher and his staff. Call the rcc at 751-2325 for more infonnation. One-Pitch Tournament The Cooleemee Redskins football progrom will host a one-pitch, unlimited-homer softball tournament at Center on Aug. 30. The en­ try fee is $130. Call Lorry Thies ot 336-692-7299 or 492-5057. J o r d a n s , S t e w a r t , J a m e s W i n C o o l e e m e e C i v i t a n A n n u a l G o l f T o u r n a m e n t David "Dude" Jordan, his tournament commlttec and the Cooleemee Civiton Club, would ,like to thank oil the sponsors, participants and volunteers which helped moke this tournament a success. The winning teoms of the second annuol.golfing event held Saturday, June 21 at the- Foxwood Golf Course arc; first place - Trey Stewart, Kenny Jordan, Ken Jordan, and Logon James; sccond - David “Mody" Hancock, Joey Reynolds, Jerry Vestal and Sam Howard; third - Britt Osborne, Jason Correll, Cad Dyson ond David Mason, For. lists of tournament sponsors and the charities supported by the Cooleemee Civiton Club go to www.cooleemeecivllans.com. O l d S c h o o l 1971 Sports • The Mocksville Jaycecs honored winners in (heir summer sports programs. In tennis among the first- and second-place finish­ ers were Billy Case (first in 18- under), Pete Martin (sccond in 18-under), Sandra Brown (first in 18-under), Betsy Pennington (first in I6-under) and Will Mar­ tin (first in 16-under). Robin Benson captured the golf title, with Mitchell Whitaker second, • Dovie’s Babe Ruth All-Stor busebull team went lo Franklin for 0 tournament, Davie opened against Parkwood Conference of East Asheville and faced one of the best pitchers in Western North Carolina In Lester Wright, Davie lost 2-1 in extra innings. Wright huried a two-hittcr with 17 strikeouts, Dave Williams and Paul Ijames had the Davie hits, with Ijames knocking in the only run, Ijames pitched a seven-hit­ ter and struck out nine. Both runs were uneomed. The next day Davlc thumped Cotowba Valley 7-1. Mike Alex­ ander was the winning pitcher, while Williams and Bill Jumey supplied run-scoring hits. Dovie lost 5-2 to Coastal Carolina, Ijomes was impressive in relief, and Williams smacked a double. Throughout the tourna­ ment Davlc also got impressive performances from Robert Anderson and Ricky Allred. • Twin Cedars was preparing to host a one-day handicap tour­ nament in the Carolinos Golf Association. There were 236 golfers from the Corolinas signed up to play. f • The Mocksville Joycees Little League baseball team routed North Davie 8-1, Kevin Goodwin was the winning pitcher as Mocksville Imptoved to 7-5, Mocksvillo outlasted Funnington 19-13, Mocksviile’s offciise wus puced by Sid Short (4 for 4) and Thomos Dalton (2 for 3), Pitcher Ken Jordun gdt the win. c p u c k * s P i z z a ñ TM 10 years in Mocksville with ^0 Anniversary Specials for 10 №ys ONLY« Moeksviliej^ii^laM Shopping Cen^ 791-*0409 BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 3J; 2008 , ; i ¡»iMtótiàiBBikiiBtiiii 170 5 US H W Y 601 N . • M O CKSVIliE ^ PRE-OWNED SUPERCENTER a o o s C h ew y B la z e r 1 20 02 C h ew y A f t r o | a o o i Toyota Calico CT I aoos DodBo N oon'sxT ' i B L n L ^ 2Wb. 4-Dr., L | j ^ ' ' " 3^^Dr..‘Ve5lflllÌMÌ'''^^-V ’. LIftbaof. 4-Gyl., Fuel Efficient tfC4404B Mlnlvan 4-Cyl. & Sporty /fP4106B #P4207 «/P4134A 1 ^stoo« Honoa iM iiM n t IX 1 a o o o p o m i p «s o s t x 4-Cyl, Supercab, ■ ■ M l j j j M 2.4L VTEC V8, Bed- Engine (■ ^ ■ jjjjjjP P «/P4057A //P4201 ^“^ % 9 9 0 ^ ^ % 9 9 0 ^^'^1X990 > $1^990 ^ ^ % 9 9 0 P4140A C489BA P4151A P4144A P4211 P4237A P4254 P4285 T4710A T4750B P4012 P4280 P4227 P4177 , P4304 V8, BLACK.................$10,9902002 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER..................... 2002 TOYOTA CAMBY XLE................................................4-CYL., SILVER..................$10.990 2004 FORD EXPLORER.........................................V8 4.0L FLEX FUEL, RED..................$12,990 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO..........................a-CYL., GOLD..................$12,990 2007 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS GS.........V8 4.6L FLEX FUEL, SILVER..................$12,990 2005 SATURti L300....................................................VB 3.0 LITER, SILVER..................$12,990 2006 MAZDA 31 TOURING..........................4-CYL 2.0 LITER, WHITE...................$13,990 2007 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER TOURING..............4-CYL 2.4 LITER, RED..................$14,990 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING LIMITED CONVERTIBLE...............V6, QOLD..................$14,990 200B CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING CONVERTIBLE............V8, WHITE..................$14,990 2007 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING...............4-CYL. 2.4 LITER, WHITE...................$14,990 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS.................................4-CYL. 2.4 LITER, BLUE..................$14,990 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE UREDO ...............V6 3.7 LITER, SILVER...................$14,990 2006 JEEP LIBERTY...................................VO 3.7 LITER, BRILLIANT BLACK..................$14,990 2004 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE GT SPYDER CONVERTIBLE.......V6,WHITE..................$14,990 P4178 P4234 P4230 P4289 P4167 P42B3 P4265 P4218 P4309 2007 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT............V6 3.8L SUPERCHARGED, SILVER..................$14,990 2007 JEEP LIBERTY.......................................................V6 3.7 LITER, BLUE..................$15,990 2003 JEEP WRANGLER............................................6-CYL 4.0 LITER, TAN...................$15,990 2007 HYUNDAI SONATA LIMITED.............................V6 3.3 LITER, SILVER...................$16,990 2003 MERCEDES-BENZ C240 4MATIC.....................V6 2.6 LITER, SILVER...................$16,990 2007 CHRYSLER TOVtfN & COUNTRY U ., 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX... 2007 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED............... ,V6 3.3 LITER, BLUE..................$17,090 V6 3.3 LITER, GREEN..................$17,990 ,. V6 3.0 LITER, SILVER..................$17,990 2007 HONDA ACCORD SE..................................4-CYL 2.4L VTEC, BLACK..................$17,990 T4266A/P4274A 2007 JEEP COMMANDER.........................V6 3.7 LITER, SILVER....2 TO CHOOSE AT $17,990 P4303 2008 MAZDA 31 TOURING.................................4-CYL 2.0 LITER, SILVER.....................$17,990 P4294 2008 MAZDA 61 GRAND TOURING......................4-CYL 2^3 LITER, SILVER..................$17,990 P4290 2008 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA S.......................5-CYL. 2.5 LITER, CHARCOAL..................$17,990 P4239 2007 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING........................V6 4.0 LITER, QOLD..................$18,990 T4729A • 2008 DODGE AVENGER SXT.......................................V8 2.7 LITER, GRAY.....'..............$18,990 FLUSI TAX, lAC S379 DOC FCE. VEHICLES SUBJEa TO PRIOR SALE. SALE ENDS FIVE DAYS FROM PUBLICATION ®200B TIIE KING PARTNERSNIP C A U T O D A Y ! 1 -8 6 6 -8 3 0 - Tire R otation & 23-Point inspection « lu s t f o r s t o p p in g b y ! O il, L u b e ! & F ilte r [ S e rv ic e i Up to S quarts o f oil I D i e s e l O i l , L u b e & F i l t e r S e r v i c e WE HONOR ALL FREE FACTORY OIL CHANGE COUPONS FROM ANY CHRYSLER, DODGE OR JEEP DEALER! w 8 6 6 f 7 № l 3 5 9 680 PETERS CREEK PARKWAY • VWNSION-SAIEM 0((en (annoi bo used In tonluntllon with olhoi spetlol oHets. P e o p l e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thunsdny, July 31,2008 - Cl 13-year cancer survivor David Bradley tells his story. Kevin Sharp greets the The 11th Annual Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society gets started. Mocksville crowd. - Photos by Robin Snow U R V I V O R Chairs painted for a raffle draw some interest.Cancer survivors make their way around the YMCA track for the opening lap. ' li Area residents listen to Kevin Sharp as he intersperses his music with testimonies from those battling cancer - including himself. ' ■ I • . C2 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31, 2008 S n o w - D a v i s C o u p l e U n i t e d I n M a r r i a g e Sara Elizabeth Snow of Mocksvillc and Caleb Oatrett Davis of Advance were married July 11 at the Centennial Oak in Tanglewbod Park. Claude Pharr offlciated the ccremony. The bride is the daughter of, ■"Jimmy and Elaine Snow. The maternal grandparents are Oiscar and Sara Koontz. The paternal grandparents are Jerry and Wilma Hanes and the late James Snow. The bride graduated from Davie High School and the Uni­ versity of North Carolina at Charlotte with a bachelor’s de­ gree in special education. The groom is the son of Rick and Stephanie Davis. Tlie mater­ nal grandparents are Melvin and. Wilma Gregory, The paternal grandfather is the late Joseph Davis. The groom graduated from Davie High School and the University of North Carolina at Chariotte with a bachelor’s de­ gree in exercise science. He is a personal trainer at the. Winston- Salem Athletic Club. The bride was escorted by her fnther. The maid of honor wns Kristen Proctor of Cary. Brides- mnids were Jacquie Downing of Mocksville, Hillary Moyer of Charlotte, Jessica Nichols, cousin of the bride, and Riley and Roby Davis, sisters of the groom. The best man was the groom’s father, The groomsmen were Kyle Winters of Advance, Paul Ijames of Clemmons, Lucas Ray of Huntersville, Brian Durham of Myrtle Beach, nnd Jncob Snow, brother of the bride. Wedding music was per­ formed by guitarist, Lucas Ray, vocalist, Julie Tipton, and keyboardist, Charies Tipton. The wedding was directed by Kristine Kokoski and assisted by Joy Howard. The wedding was followed by a reception at the Manor House in Tnnglewood Park. The groom’s parents hosted an outdoor barbecue rehearsal dinneV at Tanglcwood. After a honeymooit trip to St. Augustine, Fla., the couple will reside in Advance. • A wedding shower was given on June 7 by the groom’s family at the home of Rick and Stephanie Davis. • A wedding shower was given on June 8 by the ladies of the North Main St. Church of Christ. -• A wedding dinner and shower was given by Ken nnd Robin Snow and Oary and Rhonda Snow, aunts and uncles of the bride, nt the home of Ken nnd Robin on June 14.Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Garrett Davm Mrs. Ernest Clemmons Lane Jr. B e r n h a r d t - L a n e C o u p l e M a r r i e d L e o n a r d - K i d w e i ! C o u p l e U n i t e d Mr and Mrs. Derek Brian Kldwell Alisha Ann Leonnrd and Dei-ek Brian Kidwell of St. Paul, Minn, were united in marriage Saturday, July 26 at Macedonia Moravian Church in Advance. Jeff Carter wns officinting min­ ister. The bride is the daughter of Vnnce and Debornh Leonard of Mooresville. She is a grndunte of Mooresvillc Senior High School and N.C, Stale University She is nttcnding the College of Vet­ erinary Medicine in St, Pnul, She is employed by Dr. McKeever Dermatology Veterinary Clinic in Eden Prnirie, Minn. The groom is. the son of Mark and Mary Kidwell of Mooresville. He is a graduate of Mooresville Senior High School _ (and the N.C. State University School of Engineering. He is employed by Dynamic Air in Vndnnis Heights, Minn. Given in marriage by her fn- Ihcr, the bride chosc her friend, Cnrolinc Parker of Mooresville as the maid of honor. Brides­ maids werei Rachel Kidwell, sis­ ter of the groom of Mooresvillc; Cnitlin Johnston, cousin of the bride of Winston-Snlem; Jenny Belz, friend of the bride of Stillwnter, Minn.; Dnniel Hiintcr, friend of the bride of Richmond, Vn.; nnd Mellssn Lesch, friend of Ihe bride of Wnshington, D.C. The groom chose, his friend, Strunn Telford of Mooresville, as best man, Ushers were: Steve Schmidt, friend of the groom; Mntthew Leonard, the bride’s brother of Mooresville; Brandon Carroll nnd Corey Archer, friends of the groom of Mooresville; and Hogim Moody, cousin of the groom of Mooresville. 1 FloWer giri wns Emery Joyce, Ring bearer was John Sheek, After a reception in the church fellowship hnll, the couple went on n wedding trip to the Florida Keys. They will be nt home in St. Pnul. Kathryn Leone Bernhardt nnd Ernest Clemmons Lnne Jr. of Greenville were united in mnr- riage ut 6 p.m. Saturday, July 26 at St. James United Methodist Church in Greenville. Officiating minister was Johnny Branch. The bride is the daughter of Victoria Morrow Bernhardt of Mocksville and Michael and Dolores Bernhardt of Raleigh. She is the granddaughter of Clifford "Snook” and Marian Bernhnrdt of Faith and Helen Leonard of Churchland. A 2001 graduate of Diivie High School, she earned a bachelor’s degree with honors in social work in 2005 from N.C. State University and a master’s degree in social work from East Cnrolina Univer­ sity in 2006, She is an inpntidnt social work case manager in the neonatal Intensive care unit nt Pitt County Memorial Hospital. The groom is tho son of Bnr- bara lind Olen Smith of Wilmington, nnd the grandson of Barbara Sellars of Wilmington. A 1996 grndunte of Hoggnrd High School, he enrned a bachelor’s degree in athletic training from East Carolina Uni- versily in 2001. He is assistant director of operations wilh East Carolina Athletic Department in Greenville. Escorted by her father, Michael Bernhnrdt, the bride chose Shnna Brooks of Winston- Snlem as her matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Lauren Chestnutt of Chnrieston, S.C., Amy Cooper of Greenville, and Knyli> Fink and Knthy Wood, both of Raleigh. The groom chose Will Coo­ per of Greenville ns his best man. Groomsmen were Greg Brock, Mike Cherry and Rusty Wood­ land, all of Greenville, and Ri­ chard Helms of Raleigh. Honornry attendants were McKenna Bernhardt of Salisbury and Kimber Fink of Faith, cousins of the bride. They also attended the guest registry and were greeters. Music was provided by Mike Hendrix ofMocksville, organist, and Kent Bernhardt of Salisbury, soloist nnd uncle of the bride. After n reception nt the Rock Springs Equestrian Center, the couple went on n wedding trip to Boston, Mass. They will be at home in Greenville. N o w E n r o l l i n g G e t O n e W e e ic F r e e ! B e r m u d a Q u a y P r e S c h o o l5393 US Hwy 158 Advance, NC • In1ant-Pre-K, F/T, drop-in, MMO• Before/Alter school drop-off and pick-up (Pinebrook and Shady Grava) • 2nd SHIFT AVAILABLE SOONl For More Information call: Ms. MICHELLE 336-940-6450 W a r d - W h ita k e r C o u p le S p e a k V o m Arc of Davie A United Way A g en cy Would like to invite you to: Family Fun Day Date: August 9*, 2008 Location; Carolina Bible Camp Timé: 11:00am - 6:00pm The Arc ofIMvIe la я volunteer otganizatíonaening • petsom with developmental dlsabUitles m d their ГтШеа. Admission Is FREE with lunch and dinner provided. Wear comfortable clothing and enjoy the follovsing activities: • Arts/Crafts • BINGC)_ • Dancing • Swinunlng (bring yovirowlmsult) • Special Entertainment Please contact Jcssl or Rose at (336) 731- for questltins about this event, Wc look forward to seeing you there) Samatha llene Ward of Mocksville and Bobby Allen Whitaker of Mocksville were married at 2 p.m. on June 28 at Smith Grove United Methodist Church in Mocksville. The Rev. Joe Collins officiated. The bride is the daughter of Kelly N. Ward ofMocksville and Nancy C. Eekelson' of Mocksville, Her maternal grand­ parents are Nellie Couch and the late George Couch of Mocksville, Her paternal grnnd- pnrents nre the late Owen nnd Opal Ward of Mocksville, The bride graduated from Davie High School in 1999 and Forsyth Tech in 2002 and is employed with Sheffield Financial in Clemmons, The groom is the son of Shiriey A. Whitaker and the late Bobby Ray Whitaker of Mocks­ ville. His mntcrnni grnndparents are Josie Richardson of Mocks­ ville and the late Raymond Richardson. His paternal grand­ parents are the late Wesley and Mnude Whitnker of Surry County. The groom is employed with Socotab .Durhnm Corp. in Advance. The bride was escorted by her father. The matron of honor was Julie Leonard of Mocksville, cousin of the bride. Bridesmaids were Susan Correll of Mocks­ ville, cousin of the bride, and Tammy Alien ofMocksville, sis­ ter of the groom. The flower girl was Amelia Correll of Mocksville, cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Alien Whitaker the bride. The best man wns Roger Whitaker of Yndkinville, brother of the groom. Groomsmen were Matthew Ward of Tallahassee, Fla,, brother of the bride, and Dennis Whitaker of Mocksville, brother of the groom. The ring bearer was Landon Leonnrd ofMocksville, cousin of the bride. The program attendants were Brandi Allen of Mocksville, niece of the groom, and Jennifer Whitaker of Mocksville, sister- in-law of the groom. The wedding director was Nellie Couch, grnndmother of Ihe bride. Wedding music wns provided by soloist Julie Leonard, cousin of the bride, and pianist Betty Sue Benm of Mocksville. The bride chose "No Place That Far” nnd “The Rose” to be sung by Julie Leonnrd. At the end of tlie ceremony, the bride and groom chose a song to be played to each other called “I Couldn’t Love You More” ty Vem Gosdin. Following the ccremony, the reception was held in the fellow­ ship hall. The couple honey-' mooned in Gatlinburg and Pi­ geon Forge, Tenn, before return­ ing to their hpme in Mocksville, Social Events • The groom’s family hosted a rehearsal dinner on Friday evening, June 27 at Smith Grove United Methodist Chufch fellow­ ship hnll. At this time, the bride nnd groom chose to present their gifts to the wedding pnrty. • On April 6, the bride was given a shower by Nancy Ward, the bride’s nunt, and Susan Correll, the bride’s cousin, at Pudding Ridge Golf Course. • On April 13, the bride was given a shower by Tracie Everhardt and Emily Walker, CO workers of, the bride nt the home of Tracie Everhardt. • On May 4, the bride was given a' shower by the Ladies Circle and UMW of Hardison United Methodist Church. • On June 7, the bride was given n shower by the groom’s fnmily at William R. Davie Fire Department. www.enterprise-record.com DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - C3 AHen-Barnes Engagem ent Announced Dnvid Allen ofMocksville and Bonnie Allen of Advnncc nnnounce the engngcment of their daughter, Tracy Danielle Allen, to Stephen Timothy Bnmcs. The bride-to-be is n 2002 grndunte of Dnvid High School. She is employed by Doosnn Infrncore of Stnteville. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Allen of Mocksville and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Benfield of Statesville arc her grandparents. The groom-to-bc is the son of Jerry and Belinda Barnes of Ad­ vance, He graduated in 2002 from Davie High School. He is em­ ployed by United Parcel Services (UPS). Mr. and Mrs, T.O. Bnmcs . of Advance and Nancy Doub of Advance and the late Arliss “Toby” Doub of East Bend are his grandparents. The couple will be united in marriÿge Sept. 13 at New Union United Methodist Church. Sudoku Dancy-AHen Engagem ent Announced Meli.ssa Ann Dancy nnd Oary Shane Allen of Millers Creek will be married in the ampliitlieatrc ut Fort Hamby Park, Kerr Scott Lake, on Sept. 13. The bride-elect Is the daughter of Ed Dnncy nnd Rebecca Robinson of Wilkcsboro. She is a graduate of Wilkes Central High School and is studying nursing at Wilkes Community College. She is employed nt Applcbee’s. The groom-to-be is the son of Gary and Pat Allen ofMocksville. He is n graduate of Davie High School and of the building con­ struction program at Wilkes Community College, where he is em­ ployed. Churcties Receive Duke Grants Hutchlns-lnscoe Engagem entAnnouncea Donald nnd Betty Hutchins of Enst Bend nnnounce Ihe engnge- mcnt of their daughter, Bridget Danielle Hutchins of East Bend, to Brundon Lee Inscoe of Advance, the son of Mike and Kathy Inscoe of Harmony. The bride-elect is a 2006 graduate of Forbush High School. In December 2007, she earned her associate degree from Forsydi Tech­ nical Community College. She is employed by Oliver Family Den­ tistry. The groom-elect is a 2001 graduate of Dnvic High School. In Mny 2007, he enmed his nssocinte degree from Forsyth Technicnl College. He is employed by Doosan Infrncore. The wedding is planned for Oct. 4 at Enon Baptist Church, East Bend, 1 2 3 4 4 5 3 6 4 7 2 5 8 4 9 4 3 2 2 7 6 7 2 9 1 J.,3 8 8 if6 '•Id . 7 2 r |C, Anmers On Page C7 Bethlehem United Methodist Church received « $135,000 grant from the Duke Endowment to support Carpenters for Christ, a program thnt builds homes for needy people. Smith Grove United Method­ ist Church received .$34,872 to provide trnnsportntion for min­ istry teams. Smith Grove re­ ceived $48,200 to support youth ministries and implement a children's progrnm. The grunts were purl of $110 awarded by the Duke Endow­ ment across North Carolina and South Carolina. Based in Chariotte, N.C., and established in 1924 by N.C. in­ dustrialist and philanthropist James B. Duke, The Duke En­ dowment is the largest privnte foundation in the Carolinas. Its more than 200 new grants from the first half of this year include: • $16 million to fo.stcr excel­ lence through education; • $23 million to improve health and wellness; • $13 million to safeguard children nnd help them develop; • $8 million to fortify the leadership of faith communities nnd to rcwnrd retired United Methodist ministers and ihcir families for service. Peaches & ( Silver Queen Corn Still Available! Corn ^3°7dozen H U L TO P O RCHARD Hours; Mon.-Sat. 8;00am • 7:00pm, Sun., Noon-6pm 336-492-7246 DIroclions; From i-40 Exit 170 In Mocksvlllo, lake Mwy. 601 North, loft on Ijamos Ctiurcti Rd., follow signs. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1, Smoking, to some 5, Kegler's pickup 10, Speak III of 14. Not working 15. Sweater synthetic 16. Woody's boy 17. Legendary Crimson Tide coach 19. "Keep lt_l" 20. Mr. Potato Head piece 21. Laundry item 22. Buyer's Incentive 24. Need a bib 26. Vena__(main vein) 27. Under the weather 28. Crank out 32. Out-of-date 35. "Java" trumpeter 36. Explorer Tasman 37 . of Sandwich 36. Blacktops, say 39. Pooch's plaything 40. Corn holder 41..Som9 Monopoly properties: Abbr. 42. Alternative to dish 43. Unwrap In a hurry 45 . Lanka 46. Yemeni port 47. Hindered, as growth 51. Eloper’s need 54. Grin from ear to ear 55. Without further 56. ^one for many Libras 57. Longtime Giant slugger 60. Philosopher. Descartes 61. Bit of wisdom Type В Personalities 1 2 3 ■14 17 20 ■24 2S „ 11 12 13 Г 1 51 52 53 50 во вз Do You or Someone You Know Have Alzheimer's Disease? AnwilcAn Prolil« ^tomolown ConlonI 62. Sedgwick or McClurg 63. All tensed up 64. Like many exclusive communities 65. Some whiskeys DOWN 1. Hampton's instrument 2. Having no drawbacks 3. Mild smoke 4. Suffix with chariot 5. Horse color 6. Richard of "Bustin' Loose" 7. Actor Bates 8. Author/vet Kovic , 9. Ones In a race 10. "Mission; Impossible" actress 11. Plane measure 12. Bed frame piece 13. Links target 18. Book to swear on 23. Time of anticipation 25. Hoopster-turned- senator 26. A dwarf planet 28. Like a first name 29. Simple rhyme scheme 30. Spill the beans 31. Reese's "Legally Blonde" role, 32. Sunnis, e.g. 33. Scale button 34. Opera highlight 35. Place of refuge ,38. Lunch holder, maybe 42. Cake bit44. Poem of Sappho 45. Hung around 47. Twilled material 48. Jessica of "Driving Miss Daisy" 49. Dog on "Frasier" 50. Prescribed amounts 51. Tribal tales 52. Did a takeoff on 53. "Dratl" 54. Rotten little kid 58. Abbr. on a toothpaste box 59. Not 'neath Men and women ages 55 to 90 are needed to participate in a research study of an investigational medication for Alzheimer's Disease. Qualified Participants Will Receive at No Cost: • Study medication • Study related medical care • Memory testing • Reimbursement tor time and travel may be available Health insurance is not required. To learn more, call Segal Institute for Clinical Research at 336-760-5737. Qualified Participants IVIust Be: • Diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease • Currently taking Aricept», Exelon® orRazadyne® • Have a reliable caregiver SEGAL INSTITUTE FOilClllNlCAL RESEARCH liw tlhuy ill CHuicnl lin iti I'rinls Answers On Page C7 3 3 6 .7 6 0 .5 7 3 7 www.segaltrials.com C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 31,2008 James & Barbara Gentry Celebrate Silver Anniversary James iind Barbara Gentry of Bowman Road, Mocksville, will cclebralc their 25lh wedding anniversary on Aug. 3. They arc the parents of two; Brandon and Kona Gentry, nml a daughter-in-law, Shalonda Gentry. They have two granddaughters: Kenadi and McKcnzi Gentry. They arc members of Tabernacle United Church of Christ. Christopher W atson Com pietes infantry Training Army Pvk Christopher L. Watson has graduated from the Infantrymaii One Station Unit Training flt Fort Henning, Co­ lumbus, Ga. The training con­ sists of Basic Infantry Training and Advanced Individual Train­ ing. During the nine weeks of ba­ sic combat training, thi: soldier received training in drill and cer­ emonies, weapons employment. map reading,.tactics, military courtesy, militury justice, physi­ cal ntness, first aid skills, and Army history, core values and traditions. Additional training included development of basic D n s F r e s h w a t e r a n d J a m e s o n a r e p r o u d t o a n n o u n c e t h e r e l o c a t i o n o f t h e i r o p t o m e t r i c p r a c t i c e f r o m H a n e s M a l l t o C l e m m o n s T o w n C e n t e r . W e o f f e r c o m p r e h e n s i v e e y e e x a m s a n d a w i d e s e l e c t i o n o f e y e g l a s s e s a n d c o n t a c t l e n s e s . Some of (iic/rimu's luc offer fire reitili, Miiiii Jim, Rn;/ Onii, Conch, Nike, Slllioiictte, iiiiil sevcnil ollwr lufll known Iminils. Paul And Dot Breedlove Celebrate 54th Anniversary ■ ' Paul and Dot Breedlove of Winston-Salem celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary on Aug. 1 with family and friends at a dinner in the Fellowship Hall of New Friendship Baptist Church in Winston- Salem. The dinner was given by their children and grandchildren and their spouses; Debbie anti'Paul Davis Breedlove Jr. of Advance, and Alisa and Mark Arslan of Cary. Grandchildren are Forrest Breedlove, Amber Breedlove Smith, Anna Arslan and step- grandchildren ard Ron and Mike Arslan. Mr. Breedlove retired from RJR Archer as credit manager. Mrs. Breedlove retired from Consultant Engineering Service as secretary- treasurer. The couple was marriedAug. 14,1954 at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church in Advance. combat skills and battleneld op­ erations and tactics, and experi­ enced use of various weapons and weapons defenses available to the infantry crewman. The Advanced Individual Training course is designed to train infantry soldiers to perform reconnaissance operalions; em­ ploy, fire and recover anti-per­ sonnel and anti-tank mines; lo­ cate and neutralize land mines and operate target and sight equipment; operate and maintain communications equipment and radio networks; construct field firing aids for infantry weapons; and perform infantry combat exercises and dismounted battle drills, which includes survival procedures in a nuclear, biologi­ cal or chemical contaminated area. Watson is the son of Michelle Watson of Galliher Road, Har­ mony. NA Can Help If you or ft family member is struggling with substance abuse, help is a phone call away. TheTwin City Area Narcojics Anonymous Helpline number is 800-365-1035, Visit w w w.tcanii.org for meeting schedules and additional infonnation. This is a 12 step recovery program. li/lr. And Mrs. Cecil Cartner Celebrate 60th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cartner celebrated their 60th wedding anni­ versary on July 24. They are the parents of Janice (Larry) Meyer and have one grand­ daughter, Elizabeth. Keith Ew eii Reports Fo r O/larine Duty Marine Corps Sgl. Keith S. Ewell, son of Karen L. Wiggin of Farmington, N.H. and An­ drew S. Ewell of Mocksville, recently reported for duty with Marine Aerial Refueler Trans­ port Squadron 152, Marine Air­ craft Group 36, Okinawa, Japan. Ewell is a 1999 graduate of Noble High School of Berwick, Maine and joined the Marine Corps in August 1999. Summer Sutherland cel­ ebrated her 13lh birthday on Friday, July 18. Her dad, Chad Sutherland, took her lo Emer­ ald Point on Thursday and .■■he had a pool porty at her Aunt Cindy and Uncle Larry’s house on Friday with family and friends. Her cake was dcco- ratcd with u picture of her and her Jr. Dragster on it which she races ol Farmington Dragway. Happy 13 th birthday. Summer. Love, Dad and all the Sutherlimd family. Ryan Myers turns 5 - On Thursday, June 26, I cel­ ebrated my 5th birthday. 1 started out my morning by having breakfast at I-Hop, then my Paw I’aw took me to niy favorite place. Chuck E. Cheese. I had a great time but niy favorite part was when Chucky came over and gave me n stuffed animal that looked Just like him. Later on that nf- ternoon my family celebrated , with cake and Ice cream. Then ’ It was off to Vacation Biblc School where I celebrated with all of my church friends. Mom brought Krispy Kreme dough- nut.s for me to share with ev­ eryone. On Siunday, June 29,1 had a party at my Granny’s house. My friends and family were served lunch, then we all en­ joyed my Batman cake and icc cream. 1 would like to thank everyone for all the great gifts that I received. My dad and mom are Cliff “Brad” and Michelle Myers, my big brother is CJ Myers of Smith Grove. My maternal grandparents are Lindsey and Joyce Fishel of Cornatzer. My paternal grandmother is Faye Myers of Smith Grove. My great aunt is Carolyn Atwood of Cornatzer. A special thanks to my dad for making my Batman cake, it was delicious. Love, Ryan. TownCciitcr V i s L ê n Offer ciiiinol be nseii toith insurance. Must fresent mid nt time of purchase. Offer not vaiiii with iiny other offer. Kxcliiiles Mimi ]iin. Offer expires 8l31l08. Alexander’s Bar-B-Q 1 1 4 N o r t h M a i n S t r e e t , M o c k s v ille • 7 5 1 > 3 5 0 0 H ours; M onday - Friday 5:00 A M - 2:00 PM E A R L Y B IR D B R E A K F A S T S P E C IA L Throughout August Between 5:00AM and 7:00AM A ll B r e a k f a s t It e m s 1 / 2 P R I C E ! (Dine-ln O nly — Excludes D ollar M enu Item s) I i Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent We welcomed Jennie Yost of Fork as our pianist at Advancc United Methodist Church Sun­ day in the absence of Wilma Lou Gregory, who is away on vaca­ tion. Sunday, Aug. 3 is desig­ nated as Bring a Friend to Church Day. We are looking forward to a good response, there will be a community Pino News breakfast Saturday, Aug. 2 at the AUMC fellowiihip hull begin­ ning from 7;-10 a.m. Menu will be country ham, sausage, eggs, grits, gravy, muffins, biscuits, orange juice and coffee. Rick and Leila DeLucia and Rick’s mother Nancy have re­ turned from a three-week trip to Florida to visit friends and rela­ tives. Get well wishes go out to Larry Carlton who is a patient at Medical Park Hospital where he underwent gall bladder surgery last week. Betty, his wife who is homebound, is being cared for in Davie County Hospital while he is recuperating. We wish Sutiie Howard a happy birthday. She celebrated her 89th birthday July 29. Sudie is a resident at Bermuda Com­ mons but grew up in this com­ munity. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - CS S p e c i a l s o f t h e W e e k By Norn Latham Pino Correspondent It was good to have Louise Dill at church last Sunday. She broke her hiii a few wceics ago and has not been able to attend. Long time friend, Nova Fleming, from Wichita Falls, Texas attended with her.-Nova and husband, Willie, will be visiting here for a few weeks. The Relay for Hfe event was held Friday, July 25, at the YMCA in Mocksville. Wesley Chapel’s team has raised $1,702.23 and still has money, coming in, We want to thank everyone who donated to help fund research to find a, cure for cancer. Mrs. Johnsie Shelton has been moved to Davie County Hospital for rehab on her hip. She will be there for quite some time. All cards and visits are appreciated. 'There will be a Farmington Fun Day at the Farmington Community Ccnter on Saturday, Aug. 9 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Activities will include a hotdog lunch, cakewalk, tennis, a band, beach bail volleyball, watermelon seed spitting contcst and , homemade icc cream competition. Everyone is invited to donate food, join in the fun and enjoy the community. I G E N E ’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons' 24 OZ. • 6 pack Pepsi Pro d ucts Limit 4 6-packs While Supplies Last P H O T O S P E C I A L S e c o n d S e t o f P r in t s F R E E 3 5 m m O N L Y One Week Only Tor («real iiiform ntion on (lriii>s heiiKh prohlvms, j><> lo « Nvw.losU-rd rtiKco.com Regular Hours: iVI-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 4 9 5 V a lle y R o a d • M o c k s v ille • (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 1 4 1 www.fasferdrugco.com ivm i ;í Î-] U Ú; I'Cr- • ' / /ji *9 P'J ï^j ¡‘1 iij ' ;■! I . 612 Mocksville Avenue, Salisbury • www.rowan.org EDUCATIONAL CLASSES R o w a n / CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER EDUCATION CLASS ■ Learn about the risk factors for heart disease and what cardiac rehabliitation options are available. The free ^ class meets monthly from 9-11 a.m. in the Sophia Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional’s patient tower. Call (704) 210-5412 (or class schedule or more information. COMPREHENSIVE DIABETES CLASSES Small group classes and individual Instruction are offered on a weekly basis to help master the skills and concepts for the control of diabetes. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most Insurance plans. Ail classes are held in the Sophia Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Call (704) 210-5771 for more information. Biabeles classes will be ottered on the tollQwinq.dates. aacl.you need to attend all three sessions: August 4,11,18-6p.m.-8p.m. August 12,19,26 -9 a.m.-11a.m. August 20,27, Sept 3 - 1p.m.-3p.m. GESTATIONAL DIABETES CLASSES A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant mothers with gestational diabetes. The program includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glucose monitoring. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. Ail classes are held from 9-11 a.m. at the Education Resource Center on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Call (704) 210-5771 for more information. LOOK GOOD, FEEL BEHER An American Cancer Society program that teaches cancer pàtients techniques to address the cosmetic side effects of treatment, in the large classroom, 3rd floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Second Monday of each month. Noon - 2 p.m. Call (704) 239-5563 to register or for more information. SUPPORT GROUPS BEHER BREATHING CLUB Second Wednesday of the month from September - June at 1 p.m. at 1120 IVIartin Luther King Dr., Salisbury. Call (704) 210-5343 for more information. BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP First Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Women's Health Education classroom on the 3rd floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Call (704) 210-6870 (or more information. CARDIAC SUPPORT GROUP Second Thursday of the month in February, June and September at 6 p.m. in the Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Call (704) 210-5412 (or more information. COLON CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Call Eva White (704) 212-2362 for more information on time and location. COPING WITH GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Sponsored by Rowan Regional Home Health & Hospice. Day and evening support groups are available in Landis, Mocksville and Salisbury. Call (704) 637-7645 for more information. DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP First Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Education Resource Center on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Call (704) 210-5771 for more Information. EPILEPSY SUPPORT GROUP Second Thursday of the month from September - !\/lay at 7 p.m. at 1st United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St., Salisbury. Call (704) 639-0847 or e-mail youngcarol@hotmail.com for more information. HIV SUPPORT GROUP Sponsored by Rowan Regional Home Health & Hospice. Call (704) 637-7645 (or more information. RSD SUPPORT GROUP (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) Second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Cafeteria Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 637-1021 for more information. SURVIVING STROKE SUPPORT GROUP Meets quarterly from 6:15 - 7:45 p.m. at the Imaging & Physical Rehabilitation Center at Rowan Regional Medical Park on Julian Road, ext 74 off 1-85. Call (704) 210-6918 for more information. V. . I, i' US TOD! INTERNATIONAL PROSTATE EDUCATION & SUPPORT GROUP Third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. In the Clay Classroom on the 4th floor of Rowan Regional's patient tower. Call (704) 210-5104 for more information. WOMEN’S HEALTH Call (704) 210-554410 register, for more Information or to arrange a tour. LAMAZE & BABY BASICS Classes meet once a week for five weeks, and a class fee Is charged. Childbirth classes wl be offered on the following dates: August 10-September 26 6 p.m. -8:30 p.m. August 25 - Soptember 29 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. OTHER SERVICES THE IMAGING CENTER at Rowan Regional Medical Park offers extended hours for MRI and Mammography. Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Medical Park is located on Julian Road, Exit 74. off 1-85. ADVANCE HEALTHCARE PLANNING Get Information on making end-of-llfe healthcare decisions and have the opportunity to complete an advance directive form with assistance from Rowan Regional's jatient advocates. Advance directive nformation Is available every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon In the main lobby of the medical center. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC Every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon, a free blood pressure clinic is held In the main lobby of Rowan Regional Medical Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parking is provided In the medical center’s parking garage on Henderson Street. NURSE-ON-DUTY for routine non-emergency medical problems or for a physician referral, call Nurse-On-Duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week 1-800-335-4921. It’s free. ii- C« - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008Sheffield-CeJeihaln News By Janice Jordan Shcffield-Catahaln Correspondent There was rejoicing In western Davie County on Friday IIS word spread througiiout several of our communities that the lab report for Ashleigh Davis was back and that the news was good. The small brain tumor that had causcd Ashleigh’s headaches and creatcd so much concem is benign. Rather than continue with possible side effects from its location and the chance that it could enlarge, Ashleigh has dccided to have it removed. We all pray that the worst is indeed behind her, and everyone hopes that she cun get back to being a normal teenager. The second annual Hunters Helping Kids at the Smoot Farm on Calahaln Road was held Saturday, July 19. Headed up by Jim and Margie Roberson and son, Dale Roberson and his wife, Pam, with help from other family members and support from the community, the event attracted more than 100 children from ages 5-16.1 don't know the names of every volunteer who made the whole thing possible, but I am certain that they all dedicated many hours of their time and worked hard to give every child a first class experience with the many types of outdoor activities. Each child was registered by a parent or guiudian before being divided into age groups witli an adult leader assigned to each section. Then they spread out to rotate through each display. The varied attractions included a rock climbing wall; an opportunity to shoot a bow and arrow; a fishing contest, where catching'cven the smallest Tish could win a prize; a shotgun . shoot; a BB gun shoot sponsored by North Carolina Wildlife; an exhibit of arrowheads; a rubber duck race set up in a fire department drop tank and directed by Mocksvilie Police Chief Robert Cook; law enforcement’s DARE car exhibited and finger priming for identification purposes for each kid; a demonstration of hundng dogs used in a waterfowl hunt; a tour of Center VFD’s smokehouse that is used to teach youngsters how to get out of a smoke-filled house; und two of Sheffield-Calahaln’s fire trucks set up on display with members showing the children the equipment that is stored on the trucks and how it is used, as well as a chance to try on actual flre fighter turnout gear, including a helmet. Sheffield also had EMT’s on hand and its tent with cool misters set iip just in case anyone overheated from all the excitement on that wonderfully sunny day. A banquet had been held ■ eariier in the year to raise funds ' for the day, and many corporate sponsors cume through with donations of money for prizes. Joseph Spry won n BB gun for having the best shotgun target closest to the bull’s eye. Jordan Myers was the first giri to reach the top of the climbing wall, where she rang the bell. The shortest fish caught award went to Trent Hill, and smallest was won by Grayson Keaton. Largest fish of the day, at 12.5 inches long was caught by Duvis Byers. Sam Collins, Peyton Kelly, and Logun Lester caught the most fish. Stephen Lewis Farmir^ton News DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,200S - C7 Alex Myers takes his turn to lead the singing at Hunters Helping Kids. Jordan Myers is the first girl to reach the top of the rock wail. won the bow contest. And the list goes on. Even if a child did not win n particular event, a drawing was held at the end of the day for the dozens of prizes still available, and everyone .got to go to the table to pick out their choice. The air horn blew about every 30 minutes to signify the switch to another event, but when the horn sounded at 11:30, a line quickly formed so everyone could get a choice of a wonderful grilled hamburger, hotdog, chicken tenders, with chips, watermelon, cantaloupe, and of course, cake foi^ dessert. Before the end of the day, each child received a goodie bag containing treats, pencils, coloring books, a tee-shirt, and a big gift - a brand new fishing rod and reel, Having spent the day there volunteering with the fire department, 1 was able to see the children’s enthusiasm first hand. What struck ms most was their general behuvior, which 1 can only describe as well-mannered competition. Everyone knows that kids can and should be kids, but no one acted out, whined, or William R. Davie Cheerleaders need your help. They will hold a Cur Wash und Bake Sale at the Mocksvilie Wal-Mart on Saturday, Aug. 9 from 10 u.m-2 p.m. They will use the money earned to help with the costs of their uniforms and shirts. For all you fans of the Crusher Run band that includes bass player, Jack Bailey, the group will be entertaining at Redding’s Country Kitchen, just off Highway 421 west of Yadkinville on Friday night, Aug. I. That address is 5606 Wilkes Yadkin Road, Ronda,. For further information, cull the restaurant at 336-984-3455. On Saturday, Aug. 2, Four on the Floor will perform lit the Sheffield Music Hull. Belated wedding anniversary wishes to Cluyton and Teresa Campbell, who married some 20-plus years ago on July 25. 1 understand that Teresa had another reason to celcbrute last week, since the 23rd wos her birthduy. July 31 is the birth dute for Dennis Ijames, Cody Brown, und Janice Beck. August begins and supported each other. Most of these children have had good role models to teach them, und should be able to carry that forward throughout Iheir lives. It’s unfortunate that more urban children don't have such wonderful opportunities to find that there are many outdoor activities outside of slick fantosy amuspment parks. Leai^iing to enjoy what nature offers in Ihe country can give young people more appreciation for the worid they will inherit and a desire to keep it in the best condition they can, My hat is off to the fine Roberson family and all the people who helped put together this worthwhile event. New Union United . Methodist Church has Bible School scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 3-Thursday, Aug. 7 each evening from 6-9. Children ages 3 to sixth grade are invited, and will spend the week learning about serving Jesus through the Backyard Bible Club. There will be Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks, skits, and music. The school will finish with a backyard cookout for the kids and their families, and will feature on inflatable jumping custle. To pre-register your child, call Heather Dyson ot 492-6408. Sheffieid-Calahaln VFD members watch the awards presentation. cried, und ulthough they wertp^'with birthdays for Ben Coh^nl competing, they ulso cheered and Paul Ijames on the first; Fred Firefighters and a building contractor check damage on Gaither roof. Roth and Mary Alice Lapish on the second, with wedding unniversorics for Lurry und Doris Dyson, Juy urid Renee Vandoll, And Bobby and Shewnee Johnson. Noah Drye and Chris Wilson’s birthdays are Aug. 3; Slade Keaton and Allison Swisher follow with their on Aug. 5. Richord and Tracey Hunt and Sam and Bonnie Lambert’s wedding anniversaries ore on the fifth. The sixth is Matt Wise’s birthday and an anniversary for Jamie and Wendi White. Thursday, Aug, 7 is the birth date of Annie Wright, Andrew Reavis, and Robin Gallon. Game Night is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 22 at the Sheffieid- Calahaln Community Center. Proceeds will fund improvements to the center. Tuesdoy afternoon, July 22 we finally had a chance for a good summer rain. Those of you watching the television or the radar on your computer screen saw green and yellow areas start to form in areas around Davic County. The wind was our first notice that maybe the rain wouldn’t bypass us this time, and shortly afler it began, the fire alarm sounded. Dispatched to the Gaither home just off County Line Road, we found that a huge old Hickory tree had given up to a strong burst of wind and hod toppled. Ed Gaither hod just walked outside to take care of some chores before the rains come, ond as timing would sometimes have it, was in the appropriate place at just that moment to witness the fall of that tree that had stood for numerous years in his yard. The bud news was thot it did not entirely miss his house, und from his vantage point in the yard, Ed wus unable to determine just how much of his roof, windows, and doors had taking the brunt of the tree. A Yellow Lab shows he can fly into the pond after a bird is launched. Could this be one of Sheffieid-Caiahain's future firefighters? There was no obvious collapse of any part of the structure, and nothing could be seen protruding from inside the house, but there was tremendous weight resting on parts of the roof which shouldn’t be there. Firefighters with chainsows went right to work lo begin cutting through Ihe maze to lessen the load on Ihe structure. It didn’t take long to see thut good luck had come ulong with the bod, A few feet further alongside the path the tree fell would huve resulted in on unwelcome guest in the middle Adam Trent of Sheffieid-Caiahain shows the kids a firefighter breathing apparatus. This week is the last camp session for the sunimer at the Poplar Springs School on Ijames Church Roud. Last week Ihe campers got a jump on Christmas, by designing and making all kinds of ornaments and a few gifts that might appear under the tree in December. By the time Friday rolled around, it look armloads of boxes lo haul their creations out to cars for the trip home. Shor Beck is a talented instructor und with Vauda Ellis, the two of them hove brought a real lusle of urt to children und odulls alike at the of the den and kitchen. The worst former school building. Get actual domage, in addition to 'more information about/this some shattered nerves, was some holes in the roof. Those were covered with temporary shingles, to keep out any ruin. And it did indeed finally rain shortly thereofter occompunied by thunder nnd lightning. This time Sheffield got an ullotment, and it was a truly welcome event. community’ treasure at www.poplarsprings^chool.com, Saturduy, July 26 wus Ihe New Union Men’s Fellowship Hot Dog Lunch. This time strulegically placed signs on missed the dogs. Picnic tables were heavily used in Ihe great weolher, and diners lingered to calch up on area news. Although many Sheffield residents were on beach vacations, there was still a lorger than usual crowd that showed up for an outdoor lunch. The men would like to thank everyone who come out. Homecoming ot the church will be Sunday, Aug. 10, with revival beginning that day and continuing through Wednesday, Aug. 13. The fourth annual New Union UMC Fall Festival is scheduled for Saturday, Sept, 20 from 10 u,m,-4 p.m. Vendor participation is welcome, so unyone who is interested in a spuce should call Vicki Groce at 336-961-6929 or Brenda Bailey ut 751-7567. Anyone who ‘ has Sheffield Rood directed drivers- jnformotion for this column may to Ihe church parking lot, and let call me at 492-5836 or email them know, too, if they had Morilan@botmail.com. . * ' t By Laura Mathis Farmington Correspondent On Saturday, July 26, family members of Major General George Johnson gathered at his home on Farmington Road to en­ joy dinner prepared by Wink Hendrix of Mocksvillc, und to calch up on family news. The following Sunday morn­ ing, July 27, they joined other members of the Johnson Clan for the 55th Annual Johnson Fam­ ily Reunion at Tangle wood Park. They began with a morning worship service at Ihe Ml. Pleas­ ant Church led by Ihe Rev. Tho­ mas H. Johnson. The service was followed by a Memorial Prayer and Benediction in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Flowers were laid on Ihe graves of Ihe William Johnson family and names of family members, who had passed on this post year, where called out and ocknowl- edged. The group then gathered ut the Pavilion 3 shelter for a Re­ union Dinner. Prizes were given out to James E. Johnson of Clemmons, who was Ihe oldest lo attend at age 83, and Sidney William Johnson, son of James and Kelly McGrew of Mocks­ vilie, os the youngest. Elizabeth Martin of Vancouver, Canada, who came with her grandparents Lester and Elizabeth Martin of Mocksvilie, won a prize for coming from the greatest dis­ tance -1,200 miles. There was a The Rev. Thomas H. Johnson and wife Emmie, and Major General George Johnson at the reunion. door prize, II Family Bible, which was awarded to Ann Johnson of Clemmons, The Johnson Family history dates back lo 1757, when Will­ iam Johnson, a immigrant from Wales, purchased 640 acres of land for $192. On that land, he built his home and a log fort to protect his family and neighbors from attack by the Indians. That land is known us Tunglewood Park. George Wesley Johnson, son of William Jdhnson, come out lo whut wus called ut the time, Little Currituck, in 1837 and built a generol store in which he culled Farmington. Later, he built his home and another store in which held o post office and at one lime, the only telephone in town. George Wesley Johnson was responsible for the building of 0 Blacksmith Shop, a Brick Yard and Tannery Yard, a Tin Shop, and a Furniture Manufac­ turing Shop. He farmed, plonled vineyards, mode wine and vin­ egar, and is credited for build­ ing Ihe "Fair Grounds House", located north of the Farmington Methodist Church, He gave land for 0 local church and school and renohied the uren, Furmington, ufter Ihe store which he had built when he first settled here. There are still around 90 de­ scendants of William Johnson in the arcoi and several others who . come in from other stales. We are blessed to have so much history here in Farmington, lo shore with our children, and history that continues to live on in the' Johnson Family und within the hisloricul structures of our com­ munity. I um happy to report that lust Saturday's Farmers Market was successful. We had vendors that sold fresh green beans, cucum­ bers, tomatoes, carrots, squash, cantaloupe, watermelon and more. There also was canned jams, jellies, relishes and local Members of the Johnson clan at the tombstone of William Johnson in Tanglewood. Family members attend the memorial service at Mt. Pleasant Church. honey and some wonderful fresh irich eggs for sole. They ore suni- ore expecting more this Suturduy bnked goods. All were sold at tized and ready to use for crafts so spread the word. The market great prices. There was even os- or for holiday decorations, Wc is from 8:30 a,m.-1 p.m, , Countv Line News By Shirley Thorne Counly Line Correspondent Join Ihe-V-Poini Rurituns for breakfast from 6-10 a,m, Saturday, Aug, 2, at Ihe V-Point Building on Old Mocksvilie Road, The menu will include fried country ham, fresh seasoned saupge, scrambled eggs, tcd-eye\gravy, sawmill gravy; grits, cornmeal mush, baked apples, biscuits, and drink. Make a donation and eat all you ‘ Wiiht.''’Take-o,ulS will be 'available. Proceeds will benefit the club's community projects. Enjoy a great Saturday morning breakfast with friends and neighbors, Salem United Methodist Church Vocation Bible School will be held this Saturday from 10 a,'m.-5:30 p,m. Classes for all children will include Bible sludy, crafts, games and recreation, and refreshments. At 5:30, there will be a holdog supper for the children and their families. All children in Ihe cdmmunity are invited, ( Our annual \communily veterans’ supper wilt be^Monday, Aug, 4, at the V-Point,Building on Old Mocksvilie Rood, It will be hosted by the Clarksbury Home Demonstration Club, All donated prepared food - vegetables, salads, and desserts - should be brmight to the V- Point no later than 6 p,m. Meats, bread, drinlcs, and paper products will be furnished. Special guesH will include the veterans of PTSD - Group 86 of the W,G. Hifner VA Medical Centei' of Salisbury and our own local County Line community veterans, sjjrving li,nes for Ihe delicious ouffet supper will begin at 6:30 p.m. ond 'will be preceded by fellowship. . Upcomin^g community events inpiude Clorksbury United Methodist Church Homecoming Sunday morning, Aug. 17, followed by the full revival'.nightly Aug, 17-20 and "Back-to-School This Romanian village home with a gale has been con­ verted to a church. The building team, including Clarksbury and Asheville members, pause for a photo. There was plenty of painting to do for the mission team. Sudoku Solution Empowerment Day” Friday, Aug. 15, at Piney Grove AME Zion Church. The County Line VFD continues to sell reflective address signs at $15 per sign. Reflective signs are helpful when locating places at night. For further information or to order 0 sign, call David Lee Johnson at 492-5540 or Dovid Childress at 466-0423. The members of the College ond Career Class of Clarksbury who went on a mission trip to Teliu, Romania, returned home Crossword Answers 9 7 1 2 3 6 4 5 8 8 4 2 7 9 5 6 1 3 5 3 6 8 1 4 9 7 2 1 S 3 6 a 2 7 9 4 9 7 4 5 3 8 2 1 2 a 4 1 7 9 3 6 5 7 2 b/9 4 a 1 3 6 -4 6 3 2 1 5 8 7 3 a S 6^ 7 2 -4 9 last week safe ond sound. Those who went were Bobby and Edno Anderson, Kirt Anderson, Brendo Bell, Loura Beth Galliher, Seth and Cheryl Hathcock, Bridgett Hutchens, Colby Lewis, Josh Lewis, Cindy Heath, Asheton Welborn, nnd Jason Falkner, The group was joined by eight people from Ihe Asheville area. Upon arrival in Bucharest, Ihey traveled by bus for seven hours to the villoge of Teliu, They stayed in the homes of host families nnd worked on a church that began three yeais ogo. The teom renovoted the sunctuory nnd pnrsonnge and completed renovolions to u youth retreni, Muny villagers wondered why Americans would travel so far und work for free. The pnslor visited muny homes to witness and explain that Christians help each other. The leom experienced many cultural differences. Meals always included goM cheese and sometimes included raw fat Mission team members take a ride on an ox cart in the village of Teliu, Romania. meat. The children Ipved Ihe candy ond chips brought from North Carolina, Housing was interesting in that oil of the houses were behind gates. During communist rule, the gules were for protection but hove since become u cultural custom. Livestock customs were amazing. Each morning the people open their gates for the cows lo walk out freely down the road to an open field to graze and return home around 7:30 p.m. Driving 0 vehicje was unusual as gas was $8 per gallon and there were no driving laws. Drivers drive the speed’they want und pass whenever they want. During .the past year the College uni Career Class hud many fundraising events to benefit the trip. The events and Ihe trip were rewarding. The class appreciates greatly the support of nil contributors, Ruth Kimmer has relumed to the Lexington Heallhcnre Center. She remains in serious condition and needs our prayers for the Lord’s divine healing and comfort. Also, please remember in pruyer those residents who ore focing difficult limes. If you huve news or memories lo shore, plense cull Shirley at 492-5115 or email sdtliiik.@ltotmaii.com. Jessica Snow (Conicniponirj' Srj'Visi) CXASSICCUrS 766-8448 T C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 'kuWleZWest 1927 - 2008' V;' MOCmvtLLE : .(ft ■Don W Brooksiy ■ 1938 - 200S - ‘WINSTON-SALEM ; , <6 De'mse D. Nail ! I 1963 - 2008 I r<' ' i^ocksvilLe j i i ' f ' >1 ^ •: \%miiaii^J.AIknJr., l4'"''M M 8- 2008 | ® '“'MOCKSV»LlB ‘ i ' * '■¡j£UzabetH H. Evans; ' ' 1922 - 2008 .j.'iK ^OCKSVitLB " «> ' •t; ■ Vi‘y Arthur L WatkifU ,%VMRCILtAI),iilC i: 7 .ElUtH. Dalton ' " .' ;'"19Z8 - 2008 '' MOCKSVILLE f^onisLFellmvx ,1924 - 2008 MOCKSVILLE ' \LamonLJohnion 1919 - 2008 ' MOCKSVILLE . Steven R.Poteet . , 1944 - 2008 ADVANCE '(ftHenry R. Williams ' 1919 - 2008 MOCKSVILLE lesdnyi Ш1Е80А1 a t Mocksville A uto Pride C ar Wash N. Yadkinville Rd, Mocksville (acmss Irom Lowes Homo ' Improvement)WiDNESPAYS IN AUGUST LADIES only' PAY $4 ffor w a s h Prom ioam<2pm AnENDAKTWILL BBONDUTY Obituaries In lio ving M em ory of Jam oe “Snm” Cox July 2Я, 1044 - Kobniao’ Hit ÜOOH Ho was hioru tlinii a D addy m id Poppy, hii was the best friuiul you could a.sk for. To have h im In your life, lo lovo h im and to bo loved by b lm waH purely an honor, lliiiniy llli'ihdjiy, Ä Ambwr 325 N; Main Street Mock!ivHi«,NC (33«)791>2148 i'//le r¡) ris e-re с о rd Ann Reeves Jackson Anil Reeves Jack.son of Cnnlon died Fridny, July 25, 2008, ut Greenville (S,C,) Memoriul Ho.spital after a brief illness. She wus born Muy 12, 1926, in Huy wood County nnd wns the daughter of the late McNally und Stella Westmoreland Reeves. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack R, Jackson, in 1980; a brother, Curl Reeves; sister. Ruby Van Hook;,und 2 sisters-in-law, Ruth Sinathers and Wilda Leatherwood, She wus a reul estnte broker in HuyWood County for 40 yeurs andAVus a member of Canton Central United Methodist Church. Surviving; 2 daughters, Vicki Hendricks nnd husband Jerry of Mocksvillc, and JoAnn Robertson and husband Don of Greer, S.C.; 3 sisters, Reva Sayles of Fairview, Hazel Edmunds of Cnndler, and Margie Ferriss nnd husband Bill of Hendersonville; 2 brothers, McNally Reeves of Greenville, and Jack Reeves of Cunton; sister- in-law, Doris Turner and husband Bill of Clyde; 4 grandchildren; und I greut-grnndson, Gruvcside services were held at 11 a,m, Monduy, July 28, ut Bon- A-Venturc Cemetery on Old Clyde Road with Ihe Rev. Carrol Lindsey ofncinling. The fumily received friends Sunduy, July 27, at Wells Funerul Home of Cunton. Memoriuls; Hubitat for Humanity of Haywood, 112 S. Main St., Wuynesville, 28786; or a charity of one's choice. Online condolences: www.wellsfuneralhome.com. Fork Baptist Church Family invites you to our HOMECOMING CELEBRATION Celebrating 215 years of worshiping & serving oiir Lord together. Sunday. August 10 HomceonilngSchcdul*; 8:30 u.m. Early Worship 9:45 u.m. Sunday School 10:45 Cclcbrnllon 12:00 p.m. Covered Dish lunclicon SPECIAL GlIKST SPEAKER: REV TIMOTHY WOLF Interim Pastor September 2002-March 2004 Fork Baptist Church H w y, 64, 1/4 m ile w est o f H w y 801 For more information call 336-998-8306 Rev, R obert G arrett, S enior Pastor Pauline IVuelove West Mrs, Pauline Truelove West, 81, of Harding Street, Mocksvillc, died Wednesday, July 16, 2008, at her home, Mrs, West she was born Jan, 12,1927, in Davic County to Luzine Creuson and John Captain Truelove, Mrs. West at­ tended Trinity Baptist Church. She enjoyed garden­ ing, cunning und spending lime in Ihe inounlnins. She was also preceded in death by her husband, James Robert West Sr,; a son. Waller Lee West; 2 grandchildren, Cynthia Jane Gaither and Scotty Lee West: 3 brothers, Frank, Rob, and William West, Survivors: 3 sons, Jnmes Robert (fiancé Annu) West Jr,, Larry Eugene (Kathy) West, all of Mocksville, John Will­ iam West of Salisbury; und u duughter, Jonnne (Levi) Phillips of Galux, Vn. A çraveside service was conduclcd at 3 p.m. Friday, July 18, ut Liberty Methodist Cemetery. The fumily received friends July 17, ut Euton Funeral Home. Online condolences: www.eatonfuncralservke.coi». Elizabeth Harris Evans Elizabeth “Betsy” Annu Nooe Hurris Evuns, 86, died early Sun­ day morning, July 20,2008 in Mocksvillc. Mrs. Evuns wus bom Jan. 17,1922 in Lexington lo Ihe lute Allie Hutchison Hurris of Lexington und Ihe lute Will- ium Osmond Harris of Asheville, who was a native of Ihe Bahumas. sHc grew'up in Lexington and at­ tended Appalachian Stale University where she met her husband of 66 years, Neil C. Evans. After com­ pleting a business course al UNC-Greensboro, she worked at Commercial Bank of Lexington und the Lexington Retail Merchants Association until she started raising her children. In the late 1960s, she relumed lo work as u ceramics leucher und eventuully bccume the activities director for the Lexington Recreation Department for 20 years, Mrs, Evans spent much of her free time cooking and caring for senior citizens in the community und volunteering for scouts und Ihe schools, including luking needy children to their denlul and doc­ tor appointments. Her hobbies included cerumics, sewing, puzzles, bridge, gardening and crafts, Mrs, Evuns wus also preceded in death by her husband Neil who died on June 19,2008, and two hulf-brolhcrs, Willium nnd Don Hur­ ris, Survivors; 3 children, Neil C, Evans Jr, und wife Anne of Bennett; Dr, Jnmes H, (Jim) Evuns und wife Mclindu of Mocksvillc; nnd Elizu- beth A. (Libby) Evuns of Chapel Hill; 5 grandchildren; 3 great-grand­ children; several nieces and nephews; nnd u hnlf-sister, Rosulind Boss, Funerul services were to be conduclcd at 4 p.m, Wednesday, July 23 at Ml. Olivet United Methodist Church in Davidson County with the Rev. Ray Surrnit officinling. A gruvcside service wus to follow in the church cemetery. Tlie fumily wus to reccive friends ut the church before Ihe service, starting at 3:00. Memorials: Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church, n s ^ ^ ^ '^ h i o c h s v i U e / D a v i e M a s o n i c P i c m c T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 5 ™ - S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 9 ™ a t t h e M a s o n i c P i c n i c G r o u n d s , C l e m e n t G r o v e • j u s t o f f N o r t h M a i n S t r e e t , M o c k s v il le Rides & Midway Open в р т -11pm nightly T h u r s d a y , A u g . T ra b e a p a r t o f t h i s 1 2 8 y ^ r o l d D ^ v ie C o u n t y t n d i t i o n . WUhout your suppoH theiHc will not happen! (Food should be on tables an4 ready to serve by 12 Noon) , T h u i ^ y ’s P r o g i ^ b e g iiK t'esentation Honoring General Qeorgo Johnson (UJSAF.RM) for his service to our coiuiti^ begins at appx. 11:15 am. L I V E E M T E R T A I N I V I E N T E A C H N I C H T S ! T t M G s d ^ Y N S s f M i s F & m U Y N i g M -A A l l N e w R i d e s « i n c i A t t r a o t i o n s ! M i d w a y b y : S m o k e y M o u n t a i n A m u s e m e n t s , I n c . Please come out and support this 128 year old Davie County tradition benefiuing the M asonic Children’s Home in Oxford, N C and the M asonic Eastern Star Home in Greensboro, N C SpoNSORBi UY rim Masonic изш:ч urAinmci: 1/710, Г-'лкмшаты 11265 & Mocksvujj-: #134 Everyone is invited Thursday for the ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT PICNIC LUNCH $7»00 / person fi® VBS A t New Union Aug. 3-7 God’s Big Backyard will be Ihe theme for Vucution Bible School at New Union United Methodist Church from 6-9 p,m, Sunday, Aug, 3-Thursday, Aug, 7, Children age 3 through sixth grade will spend the week learning about serving Jesus. There will be Bible stories, crufts, gumes, snacks, skits und music. The week will end with a backyard cook­ out for the children and Iheir families. For more infoimntion or to pre-register, cnll Heather Dyson nt 492-6408, ' • Macedonia VBS Aug. 4-8 Vacation Bible School with the theme “Sonworld" will be held from 5:30-8 nightly Aug, 4-8 at Macedonia Moravinn Church, 700 NC 801 N, between Farmington and Hillsdale, Children nge 3 yeurs through rising sixth gruders nre welcome, and will be served dinner each night ul 5:30, To register or lo Icnm more, visit mncedonia@yadtel.net or call 998-4394, Craft Brothers A t Mt. d ive The Cruft Brothers will perform at Ml, Olive United Methodist Church on Saturday, Aug. 2 at 7 p.m. Proceeds will go to Ihe Relay for Life, Refreshments and fellowship will follow. The church is at 3521 Wyo Road, M Z/on Plans Special Day A yard sale, us well as hotdog nnd humburgersule will take plucc at Mt, Zion Holiness Church Fellowship, US 64 East at Mill Street, Mocksville, on Saturday, Aug, 2 from 8 a,m,-3 p.m. Beat The Heat At Yadkin Valley Yadkin Valley Baptist Church will huve n community ice crcnm sociul on Saturday, Aug. 2, at 6 p.m. The church is al 1324 Yadkin Valley Road in Advance, Everyone is welcomc. Homecoming Sunday A t Concord United Methodist Concord United Methodist Church will celebrate 163 years of .service lo God with homecoming on Sunday, Aug, 3 beginning with special music by the Calvary Gospel Trio of New Hope at 10 n,m„ followed by the message by the Rev, Jim Sanders, pastor of First Jonesville and Ebcnezer United Methodist churches in Joncsvillc at 11 a,m, Acovered dish meal will follow in the fellowship hull. The church is at 161 Cherry Hill Road, Mocksville, The Rev, Arnold P. Gosnell is pastor. Guests, members and former members are invited. Tenti-ild tubo»aall chjbegc« bogniew computet ttand-tioott-lcv«Bool CovwinnaTotile Bed»-AIV Cove-Hot tub covm-Doallng poo( eh«* Arcotle mocWne-iphrtng teeu-ommo cos« -ool» boiMplcMOeonoiNEW cookwote Ъ dcmwae-eiock & Оисш Wntvn« NEW солее mgh» floMcifft (lyet luoi Kx:ut» watcnee^:leanioe product! g£S £iS d. Q i'S W Tubes i [}1нх1«Яв<<с»оивро>гЕ1всв1о^ I/ lESSrSiGoNgtowM^tiaoitaiaoeGaM« 1 ^ f /> . шъймамшкMU«iU*Oolhm>cart»camaKicami V J / Ц Д Л ! / Ма5си!в«Ш ropM-tcetoMvoldvcof^wnd Ьиска-лккюо* 1оЫа ■ tool che(t< A Storehouse For Jesus Parents must meet Income Requltemenls.Proof of residence Is required also. August 18th thru August 21st REGULAR CUENT hours Mon., Wed. & Thun.* ЭЛОат (must sign In by 11:00am) Ibesilay • 1Ю0рт (must sign In by 3:OOpm) Working parents may come on TUea. evening, Aug. 19lh, 5~7pm. for a iC H O O b « U P P U M т м т r Davie County School Chiidren 2008/2009 Colored Pendls, Highlighters, Mailiers & Thin Une Maitters, С ■ & round), PockoT Fol^rs with brads & 2-Poekel I Pendl InsttuirenliTI Conmoslllon Books (tilack & whHe), Qhjs Sticks, OlcUonaiv (combinationEngffi Divider Sheets, Zippered Pouch tor Pencils, Small Pendl Box,_____Erasers, Index Cards, Three Rkw Binders (all sizes), Calculaloral (Texas tents TI 30x118 and TI 63 or TI 64), t o Baas are Mweys NeededI Las! star we wire able lo help over300 sliutenls because of Ihe gtntroi/iy of Varíe CoanO’, A Slorehouse For Jesus wants lo say “Thank you Davie County for all Ihe help you have given us in Ihe pasl." IW couldn ’/ do Ihls without you!JEAN YOUNG, School Supply CoontlnalorA Storehouse For Jesus 675 E. Lexington Rd. • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-1060 D u lin U M C H O M EC O M IN G Sunday, August 3rd featuring:Sons O f Thuncier Q uartet singing: 9am-10:30am • Worship: 11:00am Covered Dish Lunch: Noon Dulin UMC 897 Dulin Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-^409 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - C9 /Г - T he Lord lo o K s d o w n fr o m h e a v e n o n lirümäi race; ile ooks to see if anyone is trul§ Mse,;if ^y fn e . I |eeks God. ' Ш r í? : ,; 'íí Щ '!]U‘ ■ - • i ' W This message brought to you by these local businesses who encourage you to worship at the church of your choice. CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO PART* MOCKSVIUE AUnMMmVE 884 s. Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE & TO O LIN C . 2716 Hwy. 601 N IHocksvillB, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax; 336-492-6048 VRRV'S MEAT PROCESSING We Cuttom Meat Procais Boot - РогЦ - Deer 30 years experience 692 Halph RalMoo Ий • Mocksvillii 336-492-5496 Ш SunTrust Mocksville •751-5936 Mocksville •751-6152 Cooleemee • 284-2542 Advence> 940-2420 Put This Space To Work For You Call 336-751-2129 W .G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 F U L L E R ! № l l s i r Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space To Work For You Cali 336-751-2129 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 ^ R T E RBUILDERS 167 Yadkin VaUoy Road • Sutto 2tO Advance, NC 336-940-2341HuiUrr of Quality Cuuom llimtt for u\tr 30 Yruii Craig A. Cjncf. i'rttldeni»Manin C.Caner. Vicc Prtv. J.P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC Makers of DAISY FLOUR № Ciisrom Blend Depot St„ Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 Prescription Call In.- 336-753-DRUG B B P a l l e t O n eA PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 MJTUMNCARE -MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Ч F U L L E RArchitecturea Co»(l Squo>. Sui» 200 Múcluvtll«. № г70ЭВ p:336./51.D400 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 S H E D S W m m iT E D > • storage Buildings (Wood S Aluminum)• Carports & Oarages Commllmcnt ol lir'otlict lo Qtollict B faith In God 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksville Jimmy Boettcher (336) 492-S418 . L A R R Y ’S W O O D F L O O R S Inatallailon - Sanding » ReflnlshingLarry McC/onney/o wner 30 Years Experience 129 Wood Park Dnvo Mocksville. NC 27026(336) 75M721 EATON FUNERAL HO M E SINCE 1951 325 North Main Suoet Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2148 Call 751-2129 to Advertise You Business on the Church Page. сю - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,20Ó8 B e u t e r C o m p l e t e s N a v y T r a i n i n g Navy Reserve Seaman Mark R. Beuter, son of Lynn M. and Richard L. Beuter of Mocksville, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Train­ ing Command, Great Lakes, III. During the eight-week pro-' gram, Beuter completed training which included classroom study. and practical instruction on na­ val customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival, and shipboard and air­ craft safety. An emphasis was placed on physical fitness. The capstone event of boot camp is "Battle Stations". This exercise gives recruits the skills and confidence they need lo suc­ ceed in the fleet. "Battle Sta­ tions" is designed to galvanize the basic warrior attributes of sacrifice, dedication, teamwork and endurance in each rccruit through the practical application of basic Navy skiUs and the core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment, Its distinctly "Navy" flavor was designed lo take into account what it means to be a Sailor. Beuter is a 1995 graduate o f. Davie High School of Mocks­ ville, He is a 2000 graduate of North Carolina Slate University, with a bachelor’s degree. Four Corner News D a n c in ’ I n T h e S tr e e ts By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith were supper guests Saturday night of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. Glenda Sapp visited Joe White Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White vis- ited Mrs. Joe Carr Harpe Sunday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark White and Jessica have returned home after spending last week in Orlando, Fla. Johnsie Shelton is still on our sick list and needs our contin­ ued prayers. Six members of the Davie School of Dance gave free performances of original choreography last week in Downtown Mocksville. Above, Natalie Donati, Grace Riendeau, Clhdy Corriher, Anna Corriher and Claudia Solis make their entrance. Below, Grace, Cindy, Anna, Natalie, Savannah Stone and Claudia show some moves.Photos by Robin Snow By Dottle Potts Cornatzer Correspondent Mary Lou Ellis returned home from Baptist Hospital last Friday where she was treated for a blood disorder. Margie Boger had knee sur­ gery Monday. Wo wish her a quick recovery. Sarah Beverly was honored for her 7th birthday Saturday. She is Ihe daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Jeff Beverly. Also at­ tending were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Diwid Lambeth Jr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Bernie Beverly, and her great-grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Everhart. The Vickery Reunion was held at the activity biiilding of Cornatzer Baptist Church Suh- day. These are relatives and friends of Shirley Potts. Her overnight guest was Vera Green of Greenwood, S.C. Spanish friends of the Rev. Jeff Beverly from Cary attended services at Cornatzer Baptist Church Sunday morning. Elaine Reid visited Lena Wall on Baltimore Road last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts vis­ ited Perry Morris and Jo Bowens al Davie Place last Thursday. Dottle and Sharon Polls vis­ ited Pal Carter last Monday. The Rev. Elmer Day was con­ gratulated for his 87lh birthday Sunday at Cornatzer Baplisl Church. Mr. und Mrs. Bruce Hinkle visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts Sunday afternoon. ! F e a t u r e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - D1 Ш C a m p C h a n g e s L i v e s By Mike Barnhnrdt Davie County Enterprise Rccord Everywhere you turn at Carolina Bible Camp'in Mocksvillc, there's a chance to encounter Jesus. < All you have'to do is watch and lis­ ten to the more than thousand children who spend a week at the camp every summer. Watch how they care for one another, how they focus on each other and Iheir relationship with Christ. "It’s a place where you can come and encounter Jesus,” said Malt Hudson, interim pastor nt Journey of Faith Church of Christ in Hillsdale. ‘The staff works to provide an environment where that can happen. Wc try to inspire young people to live for something more im­ portant than themselves - Jesus." A former camppr, Hudson was teach­ ing Bible classes last week. Dr. Bonnie Grigsby of Mock.svillc has,volunteered at the camp for 15 years. “The spirit of the kids teaches me more about Christianity than any adult has ever taught me,” she said. “They support each other no matter what. This is my boost for the year. "Being used by God in the kids’ lives, you feel like you’re making a dif­ ference in the kids’ future.” rUilk lo counselors and campers, und you hear those themes keep recurring. Last week's camp director, Dennis Conner, has been attending the camp for 46 straight years. The Mocksville loca­ tion - its first permanent site - opened in 1992. “The objective is to provide a placc for Christians to enjoy some recre­ ation,” Conner said. “We have a strong spiritual focus to help young people grow in their faith.” Campers start their day - after break­ fast, of course - with two Bible classes, •Then>thoy-tBke»i('iii)nttin^la^^he af­ ternoons are free basketball, softball, swimming in the camp pool, making crafts - or just hang­ ing out with friends. At night, there’s a worship service and late-night devo­ tional. Danne Casteel especially enjoys the singing. She said the camp-wide sings on Friday night arc her highlights for the year. “Carolina Bible Camp changcd my life,” she said. Paul Constantine of Raleigh said the camp is a nice get-away from the mod­ ern worid. “1 just love the uplifting and encouragement you get from every­ body,” he said. "It’s a supportive envi­ ronment, and it helps me find my role in Christ.” Conner is also a Church of Christ minister, and said the camp led him to the pulpit. "1 would not be preaching today if it were not for Carolina Bible Camp. It's a magnificent thing to see how lives are changed.” Geoff Sikes has been at the camp for 45 straight years, and said that friends made there become friends for life. Carolina Bible Camp is open to chil­ dren from all denominations. Learn more at www.carolhiabiblecamp.org. Young people at Carolina Bible Camp near Mocksville enjoy an afternoon of free time.• Photos by Mike Barnhardt Ian Hodges, Dennis Conner, Geoff Sikes and Matt Hudson walk through the camp grounds.The campers are housed In air-conditioned cabins. Í ■ t :I r W 1 • r Young people find a shady spot to watch the daily camper-counselor softball game. The Yolleyball court is one of many recreational opportunities provided for the campers. V ...............................» ^ J D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 31, 2008 Students take part In the Davidson County Community College Student Leadership Academy on the Davie Campus. 4 1 D a v ie M id d le S c h o o l S t u d e n t s L e a m T o B e L e a d e r s Interest in the second Dnvidson County Community College Duvie Student Lcuder- ship Academy wns high this sum­ mer with twicc ns muny Duvie middle school students partici­ pating this year compared to the first acadcmy in 2007. A total of 41 Davie County students in grades seven through nine completed the 2008 Davie Student Leadership' Acadcmy held in Moclcsvillc on the Davie Campus of DCCC June 16-20. Students apply to participate in the Davie County Student Leadership Academy that pro­ motes leadership and responsi­ bility in the classroom and com­ munity. They must have recom­ mendations frotn II school teacher, counselor or principal. Acadcmy experiences this year included speakers, semi­ nars, team building exercises, and a service learning activity at Tanglewood Park. Dr. Dwaine Phifer returned as the academy’s facilitator, assisted by counselors Candice Sotriffer and Brittany Wharton. "Judging from the evaluation we received from our academy graduates, I feel really good about the academy and its suc- ccss," said Scott Oantt„program director of Workl'orce Develop­ ment and Continuing Education at DCCC. "I honestly believe the students developed an enormous amount bf self-awareness and took in some valuable mes­ sages," he added. "I believe it will continue to develop and re­ main a think-tank for creating the leaders of tomorrow.” Students practiced their lead­ ership skills in several hands-on activities arid a new service learning project at Tanglewood Park. "I feel the students were able to actually connect with und pracllcc leadership through the hands-on community service project," Gantt said. “They were pi'oud to sec the before and after photos of the mulched area they created, and they were proud of accomplishing soniething tan­ gible." Guest speakers included local leaders such as N.C. Rep. Julia Davie Schools counselor Dr. Dwayne Phifer helps the students learn to strive to reach their potential. Howard; Pal Elinore of Embarq; Wilda Spalding of Bermuda Run; Davie Sheriff Andy Stokes: Jane Simpson of the Cojiimunily Foundation of Davie; Beth Dirks, assistant Davie County Manager; Mary Beth Stanley of the Davie County United Way; Toby Royston, DCCC Small Business Director; and Teresa Kines, as- sociatc dean of the Davie Cam­ pus of DCCC. "Leadership is a personal choice, and you can'develop skills to increase your leadership potential," counselor Brittany Wharton told the group.'During their final group discussion, academy students said they learned a lot about themselves F e a t u r e cl L is t in g I IS C h iis u r Ш hn-Mdiv Infovmadmi 'J'/ ( Oliliul í^-tlItlRs .11 luitiu- StdM«' 'Kllnjj III«' homi' InitiW ih.ir.u irt 'luii \\lll till' hmbilK 1><>п I ||||ч'(И1г' I IslU'U nt I h( к Mmih H U M A N A . A S p e c ia liz in g in : • Medicare supplement insurance • Final expense.insurance • Individual & temporary health Insurance • Medicare Advantage health plans • Medicare Part D prescription drug plans For m ore inform atioh call; Candis Rogers 1-888-290-4108 and others during tlie week-long growth opportunity. "I learned to have an open mind about things," one .student said. Another said, "I learned Iww to work better with people and haVe more teamwork." Cill­ ers sold the academy helped iliem have more self-confidence, think out of the box, show more respect for others, trust other people, and listen to ideas iinlike their own. Acadcmy students practiced their technological skills on the last diiy of camp when tliey par- i|'i£ip'Sic!l in u rcarrtim<i''vidc6-. U lil’RICSIiNTAITVICJulia Howard NC /louse 791/1 /Jistiict Please coiilaci me in: MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1i06 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096Email: ¡ullah@ncleg.net ¡'MD eOR BY JVM HOWMtl) conferencc with students in the Bernard Thomas Leadership Academy on the Davidson Cam­ pus of DCCC. Graduates of the 2008 Davie Student Leadership Academy are Andrew Austin, Ryan Bull, Am­ ber Basham, Salem Camey, Matt Carr, Huyiey Carter, Tia Clem­ ent; Derek Danner, Jillian Duffner, Amber Finney, Blakely Gantt, Cody Hampton, Jacob Holcomb, Dalton Hummer, Tmvis Holden, Natalie Ireland, Julie Keaton, Heather Klmmel, ""Ariiia 'McBride, Jansen McDaniel, Connor McManamy, Shelby Mast, Jack Robertson, Rebccca Robertson, Peyton Sell, Michaela Shaver, Ailic Siubach, Paige Smart, Mattie Smith, . Kaitlyn Soard, Christian Siollz, SliylhurTmquile,Tcddl Utt, Izzy Vuughn-Jones, Cassidy Webb, Meggie Webb, Austin Whitaker, • Gerald Whitaker, Emily Will­ iams, Zach Williams and Kacy ■Vount. Prem ier Realty A d v a n ce M o c k sv ille 336.998.7777 336.751.2055 üubí»íP»Jchcl nodfwya-eiw MwylfcrtKWэз&ою-зйи и,-«/мв71 я ф ^ IwBuftKf C4iifum SitiKlt.i JníMiv»! Iìmto-rf>22 \Mymv.v ) OPFNhlOUSf: Sunday 2-4 86S Main ChuttiT R(i, 12*1 Wcsisido Go to OpenHous9.(om fpr diredions, immiiüfomii 'Virtual 0|мп 300 R.tili ü.kJ Si imminifoiniaKoiiani) ll Open House; 24 hrs a day! Vf Marbrook l^ew Home Community Open House I ; CALL and Л5КAlHlUt UUY£H. INCENHVEiil ShWUlt , Cogniyvrtjfer ''"---'-ГК) MO. ‘ Attention Landlords and Rénters! .C^Acr^is school (Strict ’ All Homes Open Every Sunday, 2-41 New Ho(iiw from ' SyWwíKWflfl/ipW. ; rc^lpljo■ , [асЫ.соиЫопЗвга'.сот w w w . E R A - P r e m i e r R e a l t y . c o m C'}007 (RA f rirKhii» Sjritcm, Inc. bUi ЕЯА$ ti lnJep«i>J«ntl)r Oadrí OpenW AR HfefiTniion to ba vr/ffioA iq<gil Ocpariiinity. ■Лкл»»; I h-m* *4,4 be Ci1 iiv Ю«1 »'"I •*** w coifw «« ________Bl DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 • S c h o o l O p e n H o u s e s L i s t e d ; S t h G r a d e V a c c i n e s N o w R e q u i r e d Important back-to-school information for Davie County students and staff can be found on the school system’s website at www.davie.kI2.nc.u.i. Tlie Davie County School’s 2008-2009 Open House schedule is as.follows: Dovle County Early College High School Monday, Aug. 4 Freshmen 6:00 - 7:30 pm Sophomores 7:45 - 8:45 pm All elementary, middle schools*, and Davie High Thursday, Aug. 21 Preschools Elementary Middle* Central Davie Academy High School Freshman Orientation 2:00-6:00 pm 5:00-7:30 pm 5:30 - 8:30 pm 2:00 - 4:00 pm 3:30-8:30 pm 5:30-7:30 pm *5th Grade Orientation Wednesday, Aug. 20,5:30-7:30 .pm. Due to the new immunization law that goes into effect on Aug. I stating that all students entering sixth grade have proof of a Tdap vaccination or a Td within the last 5 years on the first day of school, arrangements have been made with the Davie County Health Department to provide a public health nurse to be at each middle school on the night of sixth grade open house to provide the parents and students an opportunity to meet this requirement that evening at school. A parent/legal guardian will be required to sign for the student to receive the vaccine. OPEN HOUSE • SUNDAY, 2-4pm 205 Beecliwood • Mocksville Veiy woll cared (ot home in nice upscale noiolibothood. 3BR, 2BA. Lois Q( living & sloiage spaco. KELLER WiaiAMS REALTY Glen Stanley 336-650-5172 I niiM yoj luua. I iituio uci/n.All appliances stav. New roof & heal pumps. AHS HomoWarianly. DI(ecllons:N0Wto£xin70,Lon flw)' 60ÍS. fi on SanlofdAvo..L on Magnolia. L on Beechwood For Sale Townhouse in Milling Way C onvenient M o c k s v ille location. 2 B R .2 B A , 1 l/2 y c a rs o ld . B e a u tifu l pool com plex. $111,900. Call (336) 470-2951, (336) 655-3447 or (336) 751-5448 2Юшй m мшоА mm ten ьваЕдсвх! youf íitectíiiods' A Cisiincii« ar.d gfaciws her« det'gn«) lor coftic»t arxj erieft3i;'iog JjrTiCS щ ÿ Вогпчкй Run Gol! & Cowtry С'иЬ оПеи i iitfîlyie ol luiuy i Ifwe W«7023)Vickiflííii(ng9»-n6; W krnuoa m DR..5BR 45BA PiesüQ'Ous d«i(, ...ec.fefUiPii«, giaceful of duj'Clofirj'iri Í ipoocffi cofWifK«. ir^tfTjd'Of, •jjrj ifon itrte Ä rrwi Í1 (4jf#JY Л BfiC¿]v/lM202) V-Cki FlífTifjj !»9-lI67 ........-___________,J3BR2BA15AC YAOKlfJ RIVER ACflEAGE. RAflE' Aciifci 15 acfM ulo'fí 20) « fllVlR ffiWfAGE ym f ill tiick PWT« on FUIL■ ■ III built îhijpf ' ....... V i ШМ Ю NXWOQO htm МОСШШ 3BR SBA 6AC С ГоФ« n/mjiiy arrneri!«' , wtHiQ I'f К M:*! Gl A' m E XWU MOM И MUDO« MDM иосяти 4PR 35BA 21AC Eirçn ^ йй fP rr.r1'f b t.; 1 r.î i(î cig Mumtî kl, 13 MBR «/ AS YOUR LIFE CHANGES, BE SUREYOUR INSURANCE KEEPS UP. Get your lf»M- Dn Youi Sidt* Rt’vicw lod.iy Yoiif .iqent will look .11 hundfiHls of ways in s.ivp you up to SSOO.' 1109 Yadklnvlile Rd. Willow Oäks Shopping CenterMocksville751-6131 hllletk1®natlonwlde.com Nationwide*Ori Your Side Auhi Homt life fOCffl, iiTM Allí. 3 Mf aifige, b.i«rrer| siiKfcî aná c'uiTiiçil 1« inni Sw tM sriciii ron« lortjY ГЛ4^9Нб) dvtkvá Ai:«fi №1154 tlM.WO 115 ______ШДИСЕ 36R __ ..coMf once and cwniDii if* iriî ЗВЯ.icij 0» iwoij ticctj, Qtifi'ie cixr'ief icom, JCf«ry;d Kfcfl згн) laiji -Jeck kiMiioc-iticn (W4591M)ßa(Wij*iw 90В-1Ы»ЗЯИ0 ..............m 25.BA G'MI(JW'QíVK) Witt» lynily in rftiivj largì finiiy fOtfn »iiti fifepiiM. S.Biwt km inrling Hfj w.!fi i,i:m deck CCiW s«' ' ''Wtiiînù'ifctïfe-lîBeiJil.OOO C^ufCf^. wk & dî*r!wn Sunrm lencrt u»:)!. \шч W,rn Obt fcsm den. Íl^^íl■c 5iwK» S Kkifp fiV4?JJat) V>ctirieiT^<pa9Ge-n67 ШО.ООО . . . 6(<k fixn Q/p«. i [й'Г| Bftfrt RííláCíftKrl *in<33«rt Wilriicoifw cj&rit lifoe Ifl Wood lioofjti'yj':* CAW »»if full ОУП A.laifi, йк ' " " ' пз/Г|^М^ (W4£ú6Í4) Ш PtMIMX_________ит гея 28А WoMaW^y С(СТ trt3 vil](nicy S'jfifi« Wï 1Л* QOH СОЛ« & «Р!ег*ЛЛon СНГ.» t«fx< *;ifi Jiytít cwf pcnj fraiv;ijii loojiion i 14) prd Ydof c^ûc^•c()^(, tfnnisjpooi A>iSWifríítí|VíUSM6lVOi f^iryjife6-1l6/HM,50D 1ВЛ!6«,ЮШОиИОР001 CiWycorijem hejri of Mcckwii« WîâJ liwî,updated & BA, surwocm.weened tack cwtfi, & sioíjm fo< cool Jüppi « AnS Wyrintv №4/2018) Vicài -.A 2AC ACREAGE' fi« Hcnv}in furji i... ui deti^d avjoe, sfwral wbijiiiir«, me* '4<mf) Ellfn Giutù »в-пвв иосшш ?BR 2ßA PiiïiiI Ь Ci»in & c-cifi'c а.'м Cn-s Mself stwaa & RV pjri rg 5i.rrocm A p.y¡[tytwaçü&l .. kilcw own lo flr.rn f, |(,:f.g jre.1 K.m bicrjc*!* 903- 2BA Pettcci tifvj in K,nOfitcn Man if«l, 2 BR 2 BA СОЛМ *rirt Л1 ine ut^raiin • ijmnjle »ОД} foot-nç n I.Ww jnd l/virg гк»п. S5i d sjf‘a:9 coirttt ш Me in batfis Har^ Wyrariy frtiWeW) Wffit Curwivn 751 bT^tlDt.WO___________ Keith Hiller Matt Hiller IHANKS for Making Ut — ■ *1 In North Cirolinj. C<*r(wfv Urt«ftnnw<Wl 4Cr*HW> Drr.fiIIM ri c b trid d .c o m Duvlc/Clcninions onice Intersection of Ilwy 158 & 801 Phone: 336-998-8816 Relocation: 1-800-317-4398 Coldwell Banker Mortgage Same Day Loan Decision... Guaranleed...l-888-309-8201 2000 Cnidw»n Oiniiir Пм1 Eitdl« Corptxilioa Сок>м»11 Oanhar i« а of CokMtB Danktr С0ф0(11Юп. Ал «див!oppoflunity cofi>p«tìy. Eicn omc« Il ind«p«nd«nny owned and opataiad C O L D U i e U . B A N K E R □ T R IA D ,R E A L T O R S 3540 Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 3 3 6 -7 1 4 -7 0 0 *In Th (2 Old Glizmmons School visit These and All of Our fine Homes at www.allentatexom ^ 2-f Acres in Lewisville 2424 Sattsgate Drive W478737 $215,000 CafI Amanda Shore @ 244-4269 1.5Acresl 124 Sumter Road W468893 $285,000 Call Amanda Shore @ 244-4269 Ivy Glen 633 Ivy Glen Drive W475309 $86,500 Call Amanda Shore @ 244-4269 UNDER CONTRACT ш ж щ щ I - . ^'.»1 Clemmons West 3447 Tanglebrook Trail W473504 $295,000 Call Amanda Shore @ 244-4269 Kinderton 114 Millstone Lane W471629 $209,900 Call David Weaver @ 688-9976 50 Acres/Pond Lewisville 300 Westbend School W467757 $1,300,000 Call Pam Matthews @ 782-4884 Lease Purchase Option 115 Sunny Acres W458815 $223,500 Call Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 New Listing 518SAshlyn W474883 $158,500 Call Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 Seller Motivated! 6910HanesbrookCir.#204 W470973 $115,900 Call Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 Home w/Add'l Lot AttntResidents/Med Students 250 Lewlsville-Vienna Rd. Í832 Swaim Road New Listing Move in Ready 203 Haverhill Street W475920 $105,900 Call Lynn Gough @ 714-7012 ' ЧА ), j I I ü'-' ^ Custom Home on Lg. Lot Motivated Sellerl 420 Hathaway W462375 $119,000 Call Dee Oliver @ 287-4570 Great Clemmons Location 1236 Pcuice Haven W472702 $165,000 Call Dee Oliver @ 287-4570 3190 Old Hollow Road 701S Glenliaven Ridge Dr. W473040 $125,000 W472412 $156,000 W477824 $179,000 W469845 Call Karen Carter @ Call Karen Carter @Call Dee Oliver @ 287-4570 403-1099 403-1099 $435,000 Call David Weaver @ 688-9976 New Constructlon-Cleinnnons 2393 Sedgemont W466950 $224,900 Call Wendy Sloan @ 692-7323 Lewisville 6098ShallowfordRd. W477939 $319,900 Call Pam Matthews @> 782-4884 D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 31,2008 E d u c a t io n C e n t e r N o w O p e n F o r D C C C R e g is t r a t io n Duviclson Counly Commu­ nity College now ofl'crs registra­ tion, enrollment, nnil finimcial aid counseling, and carcer advis­ ing at the Davic Education Cen­ ter in Advance. Rita Matthews, coordinator of student services, is available to speak to anyone interested in tak­ ing classes al' DCCC. Potential students may be individuals in high school, those considering a carecr change, students pursuing a two- or four-year degree, or adults who want to engage in per­ sonal development. "It is always a good time to ask que.stions and collect infor- miilion about your education op- tiolis, and Matthews is the best placc to begin,” said Leanne Bcauchamp, ccnter director. Matthews will be at the Davie Education Center every other Thursday from 3-5 or by appoint­ ment. Her next scheduled date is Aug. 7. She can be reached at 751-2885, ext. 6130 or by email a v i e P l a c e ng Assisted Living Community D nvie Pliicc prouiily suKites C,imly Rubbtiis, o iir cm ploj'cc oF the week! C inily is a M eilical 'rcclinician in t)ur Special Care U nit. She is a gtaiiuatc o f D avie (bounty H igh Schon! aiul a lifelonf; fesitleni o f M f)cksvilie. She has been ehiploycti at D avie Placc for tw o iiiicl ii half years atnl enjoys the interaction w ith the residents. She is clescribecl as, “ sweet w ith a great .sense o f h um or” by her co-w orkcrs. D edicated to providing excellent care to the residents, C indy Is a real asset to otn- people and our facility. C indy has m any friends throughout D avie County. I f you see her, plettse congratulate her on being recognized as out's^iecial em ployee o f week! >'1114:)«; For Information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 7 5 at rlmathc@duvid.wnccc.edu. “Many people arc surprised to find out that they can cam a cer- tificate in an area of specializa­ tion by taking only five classes," Beauchamp said. “Davidson County Community College of­ fers certiFtcates, diplomas (I year of certificate and core college classes), associate degrees (2 years) and college transfer pro­ grams for those seeking a four- year degree after their time at DCCC. There arc also two free programs for students to earn collegc credits while they are still in high school. In addition, all crcdit courscs (docs not includ­ ing continuing education Say H ap p y K r th d a y Herd 2x3 ®30 DAVIB eOUNTV ENTERPRI/É-nECORD 171 S. Main SI. • Mocksville W e ’ v e g o t y o u c o v e r e d . . . From the cornfields to the courthouse, the Enterprise Record covers Davie County. Subscribe today for delivery each week to your mailbox. Call 751-2120 for details D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E RECORD ! . ■ O u r a g e n ts M k e g n a t p r id e in th e n e e d s o f o u t c lie n ts a n d c u s to m e rs . D ic k S m ith is a p r im e eiK0 t ^ k th is . W ith 2 5 y e a r s o f s a le s ex p erience^ h e k n o w s h o w m u c h i t m e a n s to g o th e e x tra m ile . D i ^ is M e ty p e o f a g e n t y o u w a n t a n d \ n e e d w h e n y o u *re d o in g a r e a l e s ta te tr a n s a c tio n . Triad • H*S.^ Valley Ril SiiiUí 100 . Mocksville, NC 27Ü20 www.Century21Triad.net 7 5 1 - 2 2 2 2 J. * ' М к > .лJ,' 1 -i‘ I courses) are free to adults 65 years old or’more.” The application is free to nil part-time and full-time students. The process is simple and Matthews assists students in cor­ rectly submitting their applica­ tion. A diploma is not required to apply. Examples of areas of study include; accounting, air conditioning, heating and refrig­ eration, business administration, computer prognimming, criminal justice, emergency medical sci- enccs, medical assisting, nursing, welding, and many more. Fall semester courses begin the week of Aug, 18. The Davie Education Center is located at 120 Kinderton Blvd., Suite 120. It is off US 158 across from the main entrance to Ber- , muda Run. The phone number is 998-3220. T o o l s F o r S c h o o l s ’ K i c k s O f f The 2008 “Tools for Schools” campaign will kick off this week in Davie County. During August, parents, principals, school administrators, teachers, staff and partners of tho schools will volunteer at Mocksvillc Super Wal-Mart lo collect school supplies for children in need. The campaign is asking community members to donate Share Y our .dependence W ith Us! Come visit iis at Northwood Apartments/br < HOT S U M M E R SPECIALS 800 Northrldge Court (off Milling Rd) 751 -4141 tASTDAYTOPlACE SPAY FOR raURORDERIS: Sunday,-Au| 10 12 NOON-3PM DISTRIBUTION DAY IS Siiurdav,-Au|23 lOAM-UNOON AUGUST 2008 MENU 1.5 lb. Ril)eyeSleaks(4i(6oz.) Sib. Chicken Leg Quaiters 29 oz. Chicken Breast Nuggets 28 oz, Salisbury Sleak Dinner Entrto 32 01 Breaded ChW(en Breast Filets lBoz Smoked Sausaoe 15 oz. California Blend Frozen Vegetables 16 oz Frozen Carrols 16 oz. Frozen Chopped Spinach 10 ct. Frozen Waffles 16 oz. Bean Soup Mix 11b. Rice 90Z. Instant Potatoes (14 servings) 15 oz. SSced Peaches 32 oz. Borden Shelf Stable Milk One Dozen Eggs One Dessert Horn ALL THIS FOR TH E LOW CO ST OF JU S T.............$30.00 ‘"Oni я Mon StKUl hnatit Oiiimtn ol i RigU« am'- Tlb.FimllyAiioitidarlllBox imN t.ill BtubllCutSMlFMH<«u.|(№'CK| 2ti Juicy Bon^tiGkMiiChidiinBrtttl 21» SlLouit-StyliRibl 1.51) Hinibun}<rPlIMi(4(eot.) т ш ^ ? ш п4.5 lb. Stiikindllklt combo МШ I.Sb. N«wYorliS(rlpt(2i(t2u.) iSb. е«сооУУпрИ6«1(ГМ(4хб01)I.Sb. 8KOA-WrK9«dPoAFM(4xeei) ¿ygyOPEQIAlff?4.9 lb. 8tufT*d Chlcktn Br«ul ComboliiM l.Sb. froecolCMM«(4ieoi) 1.Sb.C№kMBr«tt1Ki«y(4ieot) imh Fruit indVieei« Вок4 RadOiUoutApfin4b 0ЧО(Опп9Мt CtDO'WippidUftic«1 UrgiCibÚg« e RuiMPobtott2 Oicumbwi 1 Cinitioiipl I Hon«y4«wlMon We Accept Money Orders, Cash, or £BT, No Phone Orders, Pleosel Comir Ы jericho Churth ftiL 1 |uncii«i Rd. Pliyilal Aiilrui: Ш Di*le Ш щ Ri PO Box 1S4, М«Ык NC 271)18 ИИП-И91 TIM6STQ 0№6R FQRTHIS MONTH'S m U ; Tuesday, Aug 5 -9-l0:30AM Saturday,Aug 2 & 9> 10-12 NOON Sunday,Aug3&IO*l2-2PM You Must BrIngA Large Box To Pick Up Your Food school supplies for students in Davie County. Supplies needed incliidc notebook paper, thrcc- ring binders, pencils, glue, rulers, CDs/DVDs, calculators and copicr paper that students often use to print out reports and projects. According to the N.C. Department of Revenue’s website, the dates for this year’s Sales Tax Holiday arc Friday, Aug. 1-Sunday, Aug. 3. Clothing, footwear, and school supplies of $ 100 or less per item; school instructional materials of ,$300 or less per item; sports and recreation equipment of $50 or less per itetn, computers of $3,500 or less per item; and computer supplies of $250 or less per item will be exempt. This is the I3thyearWFMY News 2 has coordinated a school supply drive with the school systems and Wal-Mart stores in its market area. H i t e E a r n s B M H A w a r d s Kristy Hite, a 2008 graduate of Bishop McOuincss High School, received two servicc awards at senior awards program May 29. Bishop McOuincss re­ quires students to complete at least 15 servicc hours each year. Hite logged in more than 280 cominu- nity .scrvicc hours helping at Sa­ maritan Ministries, St. Francis Church and Aiiicricorps., She was also president of Roses Club, a scrviee club at that raises awareness and funds for the in­ visible child. The funds they raised helped children in third wprld countries be able to re­ ceive food and education. Hite is the daughter of Maureen Oildein of Mock.sville and Keith Hite of Charlotte. She is a member of St. Ffancis Church in Mocksvillc and will attend Mars Hill College in the fall. Hite j o( m юе avdable in this ЬезиШ ora С01Ш11у in Dif№on Cocrty $22,!Ш Cal Jand 336- №2242 Beautiful 4 ВП homo m 5 AC wii stocta) pond, Hafikod, ma№S yarti loortig arajusl a lewofltiij fete, №A!№ylnS3l9,l)00(MIRon4(lMW TO BE CONSTRUCTED 133 Bayhl Ik. 0Ш1 bun, irav 0^ deäb. Gusto goumel kil, stainless appli, giani» to|is, ML пуф',д}|(ПЮу1№|849|()1)0Са1№1э39МП9 251 Couitiy Ckte Atsdutìy шх1аМ home h LotSCounty MaadowsTo Be CotBttdaJftancii 3t45C(«tneyHu*vleUAChVaitói38fl,^ Aitoiœon256 act09,P«vacy,æR,allxlci(h™. 4BR, г т Trey & œilim hsîtoils. Buy Орш m wto №. VW !йпй fa FonmliínhaiDom$3l9W0CallSusanW1566 ncwSduosoWt33.S299i7ll0Caíl,llm9l»-17t(7 díri(,b^l5imiSOOOíTmiiyBilySÍMe43 148 №ple Valey Rd. Arot« ctrebuM Iwne by [W Andas«! Core»u*a Custm foaiures !рЫ|!6а!|1ШЬ($399да)Са1№Мй»2229 2818 FtaiOT»iy ОшЛ 1Й Ой, reosrt/rmodeied Ш larga Ы Recessed y Éig h laigoi cpoi gral roun tj|í93b9nt№mn(ySIN^9CelTlnag7»7IS9 170 IMnctton Ct tJnique Cape Iter (lan boasis Íítiy great im wbaloony »ak щ т Ы. P«fecl fcr erWM*iQlS2acrett»79,900CílCtiÍ839WS7e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - D5 D a v i e H i g h C l a s s O f ‘ 8 8 P l a n n i n g R e u n i o n The Davie High School Class of 1988 reunion planning Committee has been meeting Sain Earns PU Honor Carrie Rac Sain of Mocks­ villc was named to chancellor’s list at Pembroke University with a minimum 3.7 grade point av­ erage. Snead Earns VT Degree Ke;ith Snead of Mocksvillc earned a bachelor’s degree in forestry from the College of Natural Resources at Virginia Tech at commencement cer­ emony on May 9. Five Earn UNC Degrees Five Davie residents earned degrees in May from the Univer­ sity of North Carolina at Chilpel Hill. Jessica Louise Anderson of Advancc earned a bachelor’s degree in communication stud- ics. ^ Lauren Ashley Brogdon of Cooieemee earned a doctor of pharmacy degree. Jeffrey Diamond Mighion of Mocksville earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. - Jason Bradley Overbey of Mocksville earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Jessica Ryan Whitley of Ad­ vance eamecl a juris doctor law degree. since October 2007 to plan for the upcoming 20-year reunion. They’ve put together a weekend of activities beginning with the Davie High Homecoming game against Mt. Tabor on Oct. 17. Postcards were mailed earlier this summer announcing the following plans. Friday, Oct. 17 at 5 p.m., the classmates will bring their families and meet for a special tailgate party. Afterwards, they will attend the homecoming game. Saturday, Oct. 18, from 7 p.m.-midnight, they will host a “Mystery Party” as their 20-year T a n n e r H o l d e n S e r v e s A s P a g e I n N C H o u s e Timner Holden, a student at Forsyth Country Day School, recently served as a Page for the N.C. House of Representatives. He is the son of Chris and Luanne Holden of Advance and was sponsored by Rep. George Holmes (R-Yadkin). For decades, the House has relied on the servicc of Pages, who help deliver bills and , amendments for representatives during daily House sessions and committee meetings, offer assis­ tance in individual representa­ tives’ offices, and run errands around the Legislature. Pages spend a week at the General As­ sembly assisting members and their staff and learning about the structure of North Carolina gov­ ernment. reunion main event at the Village Inn Oolf and Conference Center in Clemmons. Guests will have the opportunity to reunite with old friends as they arc challenged to solve mysteries involving former classmates. The reunion committee has set up a website for the Class of 1988. At wmv.davichlgh88.com you can leam more about this reunion weekend, register for any of the events, update personal information (whether you attend the reunion o^ not), and pay for reunion weekend tickets on-line or send by mail. Early birds can register atid save money if their event tickets are purchased before July 31. The committee is interested in finding classmates who they’ve lost touch with. Those classmates 'who have not received a postcard by mail arc on the unable to locate list. Anyone who has information about class o f 1988 graduates can c-mnil names and addresses to daviehigh88@yohoo.com or contact Melinda Phillips at 284- 4682. W in A C r u is e B y S u p p o r t in g S c h o la r s h ip F u n d The Duvie High Class of 1976 is working on a scholarshp fund through the Davie Commu­ nity Foundation, Mote than $2,000 has been raised: $5,000 is needed to es­ tablish a yearly $200 scholarship to a deserving Davie High se­ nior. Members of the class are planning a 50th birthday celebra­ tion for Saturday, Sept. 6 at Shel­ ter 5 in'Rich Park from 4-8 p.m. Classmates who donate $50 or more to the fund will be eligible Building Blitz Habitat Btiilds House in Three Days In N ext W eek’s Enterprise Rccord W e t m o r e F a r m s WOODLEAF LOCAL S q u a s h , Z u c c h in i, C u c u m b e r s T o m a to e s , C a n ta lo u p e s G re e n P e p p e r s & C o rn W a te rm e lo n s & B lu e b e r r ie s Othar produce as It becomes available Open Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:06am-5:00pm Closed on Sundays From MocksvtlHt take 601 South to 801 tatanectkm, turn right et tight 4 mih» to caution Itglit la WooillMf. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 4 0 ^ O F F EVERYTHING Friday and Saturday August 1 & 2 Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lcwisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • 766-4938 Hours; Mon.-Fri. 9 to 7 • Sat. 9 to 5 All Sale.s Final • No Exchanges • No Refunds HOW ARD R E A L T Y .430 S. S a lis b u ry .St., M o c k .s v illo C a ll 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 o r v is it Г Я w w w .h o w a r d r e a lty .c o n i | Щ |77И V.EOIS... l7NewHampshl[8CI.Lol.. FmiliMlMRŒl fiLm- PoWfload™. SulfurS Huy. К IN 'Available L o ts & L an d >Ar »7,900 974Dani«IRL i№im(29,S00 Hwy.SOIS. М т Ш Joy Trail -0,85a«iS$l5,9M ..»4,900 ...I.3W-acres, »7,900 Ш -mi, $166^50 tm -m W ЦЬег1уСМ111Ш!Ш1М1-асга.й7,500 lOKDaiiielRd.. 994Diiil(IRiL. .0.49асгй|17,!011 RIvenlewRoal. .0.48aerei (17,500 NeelyStaL.. -I.7M-acres, $29,900 J.92I/-acres, »4,500 k9(2DiiiMlld.. J.Kacres 119,900 224INani|KoiivllleRl.. „0,Mattes $19,900 FiedlinietRoad.. J,34W-acres, $10,000 ...JW-acre^ $307,5001 acres, $230,000j SuiPHun Spmincis Rl)Serving Davie County for Over 30 Years! Resid6nttal t Acreage m«Aicc/rcitiQ,ljsA|Wi/HMHiS.№UiCiiin naunr^ i&; &U1 to a i Industrial A.Commercial twfi0n\ati^ftinsini$799,000 mtBitpKlba(rgdxiiltoX!$664,900 Iníome Produclnj frtpwtyll 2 Bidgs. ft ? apt urti cn 3 Icö U $ep. $iT^ ( а й / lots i saw, $360,000 FtiED Lanier Rd. M ieto TO M U IN Г0М1Т OUNI lnAeOVEAVBWGEran»onHKl,mM l92il'jmla«taMMns(ICoiTO.t,0l4/-«c, Ci,M‘icniF(n)tiN,HiJlSi<l$349,900 эеЯ2М|лЛ1мпиЛВИ1$299,900 b»iil,2cafj«rae««ndnOfiti$288,500 »/«jlWdg,К«Ш ТЛигеа$250,000 ronl K. tfpemä^eai^ctiiarelCallDrnreNo$230,GOO 139 WOODHAVEN 4ВП,3SBMSslode).S3appb.2ca/grg. Looledin Юч. 36R, 28A. 1ère«)h batk №,íií*,i;*tHSPACa¡MnMjt(í«í»), Э8П, 28A W* ranci»»m a М basaneni, 2 malnlmli«sl*.Ve(yitol$209,900 yaril,t»ml.4mit9exliisll$199,900 |iiiUi>ta<,)ff*i»lll|il,p*l«$189,900 Fnptasandmirtmre!$184,900 Sfmtng 3Sa 2BA №( lancto.ltre»] bade yiil lta(mls,!FPistiiset*^ $176,500 LÖÄESTрК ж Н Ю Ю Ш »3H U » J8IVIBA,flnl.lll(>ac,(iIíalft»UKM,tt(<ipiM 2B0dt00ms,1 Baiti,lullbasoniotllon OWNER MOTIVATEDI 4ВП, 2.6BA, $134,900 artinqumMlUjesteajatidi, $119,900 1.6t/-ocres. $115,000 Ä o x l;a room, $108,000 273 Difi'O tSrnEEi 2BR. IBA üpfw Levtì KifideiW Cordo: Wm stay dàcX.iiììcoi} pod $68,500. R ¡!vS d?R S ed 2ВЯ1ВА cottage m i 2BR, IBA, fenced back yard, etofage RwnodetodíBMeAcottage.Newsidngi 3ßfl, IBA w«en & LR, Eatin-KHchoa 2 TC,Hw»Wö«.(Jcm.paW.et$a3,250 bM9,.pteHyhanttfooda) $82,500 molai tool-U^.wctoscdporeh $69,900 stofayMdQs. on nica lot. $69,900 2.70Í-A acfOâ wilh Improvomonls. Ready lof 3BR/2DA homoll $40,000 Should Davie Welcome Motorcycle Smokeout? Tell us your opinion __________www.enterprise-record.com___________ S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T IO N S for tt drawing for tlic following items: a round trip cruise for two to, Nassau Bahamas, a Nordic Track elliptical machine, and a $100 gift certificate to Lowes Home Improvement. Class members do not have to be present to win. Mail chccks to: Davie Com­ munity Foundation, PO Box 546, Mocksville before Sept. 6. To learn more, contact the foundation at 753-6903 Alice (Smith) Hanes at 751-2237, www.davichighalumni.com. 1424 IntJustrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 Phone; 704-872-8444 336-940-6306 AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 www.strousehouse.zoomshare.com i ajSalvaseSale!13' Trtpod, 6i’ 16' Jumbo L«jder SWids, 20* Clnting Stick}, Treestand Cover, ' MnnKoä30i5ÖtTro*^»^.Oo-M!^Spy Seep*. Trv.GunCiurèglOireh'N Thurs., July 31 *6!30PM«1hKkload Su vm m om m • 13' im Т<м«г. I6' Jumbo шавг su ATV Bucket Canier, 60 b. ATV Spreader, Boa! Seats, Boat Cov»MNi Boots i Clo№g. S2^ hm Binoculu«, Okk SX Thorr^ison Maos, Яек) & Stream Watches, Wenger ¿eaforce Walch, Shxilers KrtWakti Waders, Boat Hook CAMPWQ - Tenb (cabin A domi, Tert Sec T«(« Cots, Catt^ StM, C«T9 Cots. tOilO OJcJi Set Quebos, S In 1 Pmt Stations. Moàtàr Tent, Hot Travel Showr.Bmp - Inlir^ Vblex Dual Susp. Bie, Schwlnrv%ricane. Sport BM Trailer. Mongoose Monlvu. K// A^. Pacffc Traverse. Drone.МТЮ-Offset Uriibrefla. Madtet Unibrelas, TW IMreflas. HamrnocJs, Garden Party 0 ^Box ff/Seat. Wood Fence Panels, Tde Qas fìrebowl. Lounwa Aitrondadi Chairs, 2 Person Sw1rq.Screen Houses. Garden Composter. Wagon Wheet Benciiei Patio Chair». Confess Oarden Tod Seti (Ш - Orlmar Black Ice Ckjbs. XV 460 C)ub$. Orbnar Ardie Bag. Hppo Beg. Aspect X CUM.MNJJ-Aussie Koala. Char-Broi Kettle Qrl, 3 Bmw Stairs. CharOrfltor Wrnler.MIC - Tables & Chairs. Folan Baker's rucks. TV Sttfd. Marlkm CkJb ChA, entertalrviM^Cabir«ls, Skaleboanh, luo^.Eddto eauer Bean Bag Toss, Schuit Heknet. New 5,000 Matters. Double Fryer. Too(K(^ Set Bar Stools. Jurr^startsiuViwters.Fa^ 'IKI TUtU - 6'Water TratTY*«. 60* Wake Spyder,•Heavy 6«ljwston&i^Pe^^UCKYCTTOARRIVEIII SOI lers, Fann Jack. Eddie Bauer Booster A Stroler.....—.......................6fHc(Rod,OMenLeTube,OvilPoci.mWII-Heavy BMkwston Peried PusWp, SfortcuftTrMdrrfc.ONE TRUCK YCT TO ARRIVEIII SOME PALLET QUAKTITIESIIiNEW - CAR PARTS (SOLD INDIVIDUAL AND PAUETQUANTWeS THtSSALBlll) Fri., Aug. 1 • 6:3()PM • Store QuaNty Pkis SwpkN/Salvage Wcrwaves. Kitchen Appiances. Toys, (UnJefi Tools, (Uito, 0ooir<»ies, OVO Player», Compact Fittoe, W Tower Fans. Wooden Chair», Nw Ladies. Mens A Kids Sun>nerCio(>HScffleFumft^ Sat., Aug. 2 • 6:30PM • Ston Quality Plus Salvage Power Stations. Micrmaves, Garden Toob. Radk», Boom Boxes. DVD Players, Mens, (iies, Kds Stfnmer Clothfig. Dkfcik>fi»:h40H>hnSouttttoExHm a BtgnalAy. S'4mJhfmtSh«aStMtk>n‘ N$jdl9ffonMu$trklDr.,9trotmHoimAtKS5nliontt)0L»tt Г ' A u g u s t 3 - 8 • 6 ; 3 0 - 9 :0 0 p m F o r R is in g K in d e r g a r t e n - 5 t h G r a d e R e g is t e r N o w ! Hillsdale UMC will b« bubbling with excitement as we explore Power Lab! Each day kids will sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, nibble Test Tube Treats, experience electrifying Bible adventures and create Bible Point Crafts they'll take home and play with oil summer long. Power Lab Is an exciting way for kids to' learn more about Jesus' po.wer. The first night, Sunday, Aug. 3 is for the whole family! Come at 6;30pm For a cookout and experience Power Labi Pliat* Pr«-Reglit«r by calling Hllltdale UMC or go ‘ onllna to www.groupvbt.com/webtoybox/myvbi/humc. i H illsd ale U n ite d M e tK o d is t C iiu rc ii 5016 u s 1^8 • Advance • 998-^010 3 DAY ESTATE AUCTIONEstate of Albert Edward £ Cathy M. Taylor (Living) 116S Mary Ann Road, W alnut Cove, NC 870SS THUR-SAT AUGUST 7-9 10:00AMl)imiCTmH.S. I ii«n VlnM !i<lcw. UU.« N,«ih t. llamtMw, «.»dNC 1 |:>II I K. rum kl) xiJ lolIoM Tor 7 7 KitK'tflulct. Iiinitcli«!» Kl' R-. fntluw Ttvf V Contbiu« Mrtigirt tmto iWgeit’wn KuiJ; i'olldtt ft'r I-I'lOih*mile*, fuml<.*n<xi Klvmlcw RiuJ; fi*.)'IOlh«niik'. Tunil«t)an ,Mjij,\rni«o*il(K«»clnwid>. K.iIcaJcnJcfnMd(irrn'xim.i(cly I liJmilct). F tiR N lT U R K <Ton<> Sold FrltUy A t 1pm): l940-t950'tStnncviUeTaMeAnil6Chain Will. ГслГ. I liHwicr CublntfU. Child'* Rocker. Folk Art Side Table, Oak Pcdwlal Table, Cane lljck And Uoitom KiKker, Walnut Side Table, Vintagu Sewin^i Tubttf, Johnny Pot Chair, Maiiogan> t lui Hack Tuble. Red Ouk ПиПе1, Mahogany I>n>p I.eaf Side Table Wllh IX»ctail Draucr, Иш» l.ainpt. Nfarble Tup Table. Victorian Chain, Trunk, Wcuh StantU, .Splnninj; Wltc«i. Spinning Wheel Aitachinenl«, (b k Rocker, Eniertalnmem Center, Hanging Hulltfiin Dijpiay Caws. ГИе Cablneu, 3 Wooden Ruilruod ПегкЬс« Ггот London IX*pot __ ___ _____^____i: HimdrediOfCoíAlcJaraiToBoSoMlliundey And Friday 10am«lpm*M(.'Coy, HtiU, American tíitque, PÍU & Tloyd, California. Sluiwnce, I ire King, trdnkuina. Mellox, H ^iili. 7\ъ1п Winion). 45 Tom Clark Gnomes (7 Signed Ну t't.irk, I Signed Ily Designer Wolpo), Pockcl Waivhes, O ld'Ппщ Folk Art Prlntv \1ni.igtf li) f ПЫле», Hurricane Ump». Plnger Umps, lOSO’i Marvel Comic Dooka. Old Huuot». 1970'* Sno(^y Hank, Old Marbles, ‘’Zion'a Undmarfc" Ncwaleners, PoKery (SkC'rtv, t- uctt Jvigi. Sea^rove. USA, Mcxicafl). Pfalt/^trafT. CoMtime Jewelry, Paper Mache. Chjik Wnre. Complete Set ОГПгс King 1\ilip Rowit, parflclds; Plrv King Collection, Noriiiike "Gardena” China Collection, Rnomelware (Red, Black And WhlleX Glauwnre (CnmKat. Cut. p№swd, Depression, Westmoreland, Pin» King). Julian Crystal Perfumo BtMiIe». Wire ligg naiket. Porky Pig Rank, Dull Dog Bank, Goebel West Germany. Pitcher And Bowl, World Globe CoUeciion, Vintage nirdcugee. Gum Oall Ntachine» Filled With MntHgc Marble». Stained Glass Artwork, Vintage Linen». Pipes And Stands (Meerschaum), Krankonia 19721-asitvr Dccorailvc Plate (Christmas Card Series), Prankoma Potiilcal Mugs, Vnuage CanUicr Sci&, Boxes O f Fire King Still Uiwpcncd, Wooden Coke Crate, Boy Scout Mcmurabilin. Old Crocks, tunee Jar, Miscellaneous Glasx\«iire, Smith &. Corono Гу|>си rilen, Inc. Wooden Boxes ■A Day To Remembci^ Ily Peter Corbin 807/4500, “ 1 bppy Drcani.V* By Bessie Peaie Guünann. Ann Klein Artwork, Various PrinU, Wiwden Basket, Piiin\cd Checjw Во.че», Tonka Dump Т пкк, Conscw Model 206KB UpboUteiy Machine With Walking I'oot And Original Manual, Model Я17 Consew Blind Stitch Machine. Old Mcrrosv Machine, К Various industrial Machines With Tables Including 1‘i^ric Spreader And Grnnnnct Machine. Sew Ma'Uer Machine And Cabinet, Vinmge Male And Temale Mimnctjuins. NASCAR Collectible Cards, Special Ranger Badge, WiKHbloves, Ntlscelludcous Carpcmry Tools. Ladders (Extension And Step), Scaffnlding, MlscelUneom Piiinl nquipmcnt RBNCY (To Do Sold Tburaday And Friday 10am>tpm): 1776 14-wtcrContlncniaI Currency Coin, IK53 Big Penny, l.Incoln Pennies Set (VDB I909* 1<>5К), Rolls o r Uncirculated \04) Steel Pennies, IB90.I900 Indian Head Pennies, I {«mlredv Ol'Rollcd Wheat Pvnnlcs. 10 Boxes O f Rolled CoIm (Pennies, Nickels, Dimw. Quaiicrs), Silver American Tagle (193.1, 1986,1988), Canon Cily Uncirculated Silver Oolhir^ (IKK2.188J, Ш М Bo.4 OfKonnedy ilalfDollani. Bog O f Susan B. Amhony IXiDurs, JctTcrson Nickel Collection. MÍ»ccllaneiHis Quartcn (Some Standing Liberty), 1916 l.ibcdy Quaricr, Pnwf Sets, Rolls Ofl^'sidcm s SI. (incianilaied Nickeli 2004-2006, Uncirculuicd Coin M ini Seta, Kennedy llalfD ollar Book 1964-1988, (-isenhoMxr Dollar Book(l97M 978). Ilundrvdi OfSilver DollAiv (l800V l900’s), 34kl Gold Plated 1999- u rn Sinte Coin» (5 Coins Per Set), 2001-2006 US Buffalo ProofSet Each I Ouncc S ilw , 197414senlw>wvr Pr44>f Dollar, US Comiltutlwial Coin, 1999 Commemorailve Set (S5 Gold Picce-Siuttding Liberty, Walking Liberty Dnltar, Liberty Dime). 10-2006 World Reserve CcrtiHed Uncirculatvd JoiTerscHi I^ckcls(PhiladelphÍ(iAnd Denv-crMInuX 1933 Gold Ploicd Copy Silver Dollar. 1804 And 1889 Sterling I Ounce Copy OfSilver Dollar. Coin Sets (i\rm ic.i, Nickcis, DImesX S2 B ill SeU^Tona-cutive Serial Number», S5 B ill .4et- Consccuilw Serial Numbers, Uncut Shccu (St, S2, SSL Unclrculatcd $ i Red Seal And (}a-cn Seal. Unclrculatcd SI Silver Certifícate, Circulated S2 Red And Gr«en Sell. SlOO, $20, SIO, S5 Small lleud Bills, MiKelleneous Roma Coins (307-337AD). Widow’s Mite (103-76BC). 1999 $100 Silver Proof (99.99 Pine Sl^r^.25 LB,), Silver Ban, Shell O il Advcni.iing Prcftldemiul Collector Coins, t^uiies Coin Box. Foreign Cunvncy And Coini, Vegan Colnm $5 Disney Bill, Pvarl Harbor Соттш олиК'О Coin, Genend M ills 1988 US Olympic Flgui« Skaiing Commemorailve Coin, 1893 Chicago 50 Cents Commemorative Coin. Mi.wcllancoui Souvenir Coin Tokens, Cusino Tokens, Boxes And Che»l O f Coins Still Unopened ■ViUUCma rro no RoM Ihum day Ipm ): 1954 Chovrolet Bel A ir (2 Door), 195« OMMDohite (4 IXH)n 49.238 Original Miles). 1964 1/2 Miutung V8 Red & While (Runs), I9M 1/2 MuMAng V6 Red & White (Runs). 1964 IC Mustang V8 Block (83,185 Miles- . Runs), 1967 \V)ikftW»gcn (Good For Parts), I950’s Chevrolet Truck Re»U>rabltf (21,(HK) Phi* 2-I95il‘s Chevrolet TwcU(CKH>d 101 Pans). 1984 (Hujw). 1986 & l9»<)Pord Von ((iiHKl i'oi' Purls). 1997 I'ord Van (Good Work Van, Runs) FOR CUKRUNr LISTING AND PJCTURHS PLEA88 VISIT OUR WfiDSITO AT WWW.FIRSTCIIOICUAUCTION.COM OR WWWu\UCTIONZIPrOM (II) 19470) AUCTION SCHIiD ULn: T1iur«day lOata-lpm: Cook!« Jars AadMooty. Ipm: VcfclelM. Remtlnilcr: Htaccllaaeous Item« Aod Boi Lola. Prldor IOajn>Ipm: CookU Jan And Momv.I pm: Potniiurc. Romalwler MlKcIIaaeow Iteau Aad Soa Lots. Satvnlay: lOam-Uatll:All Romiiniai Ilcms, locludiof Cookla Jan, MoMcy, MUceltas«o«s liras Asd Boa Lots. FIRM UCBNSE NC 27023 H'Wir.i'tltSTCUOICaAVCTiON,CO»i í i . ’> J * (>D6. OAVIE COÜNTYENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 D e m o c r a t ic W o m e n I4 e a r F r o m C a n d id a t e s The Dcniocralic Wpmcii of Davic Counly met at the Pier 601 Seafood Restaurant Tuesday, July 15. Chair Sue Nokovich welcomed everyone, “It’s so good lo see so many new faces.” Attcndnnce at the meetings has increased. “The prospect of electing Dcmocrnts to Ihe NC State Senate, the US Senate, the US House of Representatives and the While House is arousing the interest of Democrats throughout the county,” she said. Tl\e brief business meeting included making plans for the ice cream social Aug. 23 nt Rich Park In Mocksville. Attendees will be eating icc cream, meeting Democratic candidates, and participating in a silent auction. Rosalyn fielding, chair of the Hillsdatc precinct, is organizing the silent auction. Gracia Littaucr will Set up a booth to register iicw voters during the Cooleemee Heritage Day event on Sept. 27. The Democratic Women und invited guests heard from Dimiel Stroud, who is working with Bill Burnette’s campaign; from Lorette Batiste, who is working for the NC Democrnt P(irty und from Roy Carter, who is running for Congress representing the 5th District. The speakers told about ^heir vision of victory and how lo achieve it by making sweeping changes throughout Ihe counly, state and country. Stroud, speaking on behalf of Burnette, who Is running for the Slate Senate, told the audience about the need to have representation for the people of the 34th District which Includes Davie and Rowan counties. He pointed out tho ineffccliveness of the incumbent, noting that progress within the 34th District in the arcus of education, healthcare, und the economy must be achieved by getting all the benefit’s from the stute that the deserving citizens need and are entitled to gel. Batiste, who is working for the NC Democrat Party, briefly outlined the state strategy of coordinating uil the Democratic campaigns within the county and district lo ensure victory for all Deitiocrals in November. She is Ihe leader of the Obama Volunteers In the urea and in that capacity, she will help organize canvassing committees, phone banking committees and voter registration drives. Carter has been to several Democratic events in the county since beginning his campaign on Labor Day of last year, und will attend the ice cream social In August. Carter told several humorous stories about his experiences on Ihe campaign trail. Laughter and ^ the pleasure he gets from meeting new, people is what makes the campaign fun, he suid. Seeing Ihe needs of the people whhin Ihe 5lh District is what encourages him to keep working. Carter is a retired high school football coacii. Many people still refer to him us "Couch Carter.” Having worked with youngsters most of his life, he still feels deeply the need lo work to ensure that children have the benefils of healthcare, education, and a healthy environment in, ' which lo live. Recently, Carter was in Washington D.C. meeting with other Democratic Congressmen from the state. The message he received from them was that the incumbent was dead set on partisan voting, and would not even discuss bills with them. Carter said he has and will continue lo reveal the voting rccord of the incumbent nt every slop along the campaign trail. Many residents in the counly will be enlightened by knowing just what bills the incmnbenl has voted for or against, he said. Carter suid ihut everywhere he traveled throughout the 5th District, he met people who were without medical insurance and people who were having a difficult lime making ends meet due lo the high price of gasoline and ^od. Carter said the high price of gas is due to the "Enron Loophole,” which allows investors lo bet on the future price of oil. Drilling offshore and in pristine atcas of the US is not the answer lo ending our dependence on foreign oil, he said. Big oil companies, whose profits have soured would still be the benefactors of Ihe small amount of oil here, selling always to the highest bidder. No legislation is in place or has even been considered that would guiu-antee that the oil drilled here would be sold only to American users within the United States. He closed his speech by telling everyone that the roud to victory would not be an easy one and he asked for the support from oil. After the speech, Curler answered questions from Ihe audicnce. Congressional candidate Roy Carter speaks to the Dem ocratic W om en of Davie County. .1 Some of tlie attendees at the Democratic women meeting are pictured above and below. Subscribe today! !&20 in North Carolina $25 Out of State Send name, address & payment to: Davie County Enterprise Record PO Box 99 »171 S. Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028 BELLA NAPOLI -------:-------------------;---------^— u¡________________ P o lio , P a s t a , S u b s & P iz z a 'fK 'I!J W e b r in g A u tio e n t ic c 3 D e lic io L U I t a t l a n C a u fin e to y o u r n e lg ljb o r lw o d l ~ A S e l e c t i o n o f R ô t i s s e r i e C h i c k e n ~ ~ V a r i e t y o f P a s t a D i s h e s ~ ~ S a la d s ^ A p p e t i z e r s & S u b s ~ W e N o w H a v e PIZZA Alito a Variety of Gourmet Pizxadl ~ D a i l y L u n c h & D i n n e r S p e c i a l s ~ ~ B e e r & W i n e A v a i l a b l e ~ !$ Ç 9 5 !!*5 0 0 A ny Purchase o f $30 or more Dino In. Tflko Out or Dolivory Expires AU0(ISI31,2003 16" Pizza ^ w ith 1 Toppings I Dina In, M o Out or OalWoiy | | E»piioiiAuou8l3l,200U I I / | |h |h*Must Pi«Mnl Coupon J X MuM Present Coupon j For Take Out, Delivery or Reservations call 766-8290 A l s o f o r D e l i v e r y ( 3 3 6 ) 2 4 5 - 2 3 9 4 , open 7 Days A Week • 1 lam-9:30pm 6235 Town Center Drive, Clemmons Smoke Free Facility • N o Personal Cliecks Accepted Ì Urilim ited Texting to Your Circle adcl a nevv My bircle* Message Pack to your My Circle calling plan Get UNLIMITED text ijfca & lltcku.to Your Cltclo ' ' ‘ . plus UNLIMITED moDiio-io^motJiio-mBSsaglng. ' LQ Scoop^M £lltei w i r e l e s s authorized agent THE PHONE PLACE Now with two locations to better serve our customers! 121 Depot St., Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon.-Frl. 8;30am-5pm; Saturday, 9anvNoon 336-751-2626 1278 Yadkinville Rd,, Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon.-Frl. 11:00am-6pm: Saturday, 10am-3pm 336-753-1447 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 ■ D7 ; P U B LIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 08 SP 155 NOTICE 0,F FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power ol Sale conlalnsd In lhal certain Deed ol Trust executed by Dawn E. Crane, A Married Woman and Husband, Thomas W. Crane lo Wade H. Leonard, Jr., Truslee(s), which was dated March 9, 2006 and recorded on March 9,2008 In Book 652 al Page 415, Davie Counly Registry, North Carolina. Delauit having been made In Ihe payment of tl\e note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, Brock 8i Scott, PLLC,.having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Ollice of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be fore­ closed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler Tor sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and custom­ ary location al the county courl- • house (or conducting the sale on August 1,2008 at 11:30 AM, and will sell to tho highest bidder lor cash the lollowlng described prop­ erty situated In Davie County, North Carolina, lo wll: Lying and being In Jerusalem Township, Davie County, North Carolina and beginning al an axle found being located In the Eastern right of way of U.S. Highway 601, said axle found being the North­ west corner of the within described property and being the Southwest corner of Alex F. McClamrock and wife, Alice M. McClamrocK, Deed Book 148, page 493, Tax Map L-5- 2, Tax Lot 11; thence with said McClamrock line, North 71 de­ grees, 04 minutes, 15 seconds East 200.01 loot to a 3/4 inch ex­ isting Iron pipe, said existing Iron pipe being the Southwest corner ol Alex F. McClamrock and wile, Alice M. McClamrock, Deed Book 183, page 408, Tax Map L-5-2, Tax Lot 11.01; thepoe with said McClamrock line. North 86 de­ grees, 32 minutes, 50 seconds East 348.99 feet lo a "U" channel Iron lound, being located In Ihe Western line ol Harold,L. Carter and wile, Margaret R. Carter, Daed Book 93, page 886 and Deed Book 142, page 388, Tax Map L-5-2, part ol Tax Lol 12; thence with said Carter line, South 02 degrees, 02 . minutes, 45 seconds East 145.46 leet lo a 11nch existing Iron pipe, said existing Iron pips being located In the Northern line ol R.F. Benson formerly W.F. Bensorf, and wife, Gussle L. Benson, Deed Book 86, page 434, Tax Map L-5-2, Tax Lot 14.01; thence with said Benson line, South 67 degrees, 08 minutes, 50 seconds West 565.60 feel to a 11nch existing Iron pipe bent, said 11nch existing Iron pipe bent being located In Ihe Easlern right ol way ol U.S. Highway 601; thence with said right of way. North 03 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds East 162.27 feet to the POINT AND PUCE OF BEGINNING and con­ taining 1.744 acres more or lass and being part of Tax Lol 12 as sur­veyed by Slone Land Surveying Company, February 6, 1999, and being part ol Tax Lot 12, Tax Map L-5-2, Deed Book 93, page 886. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances ot record.Said properly Is commonly known as 1977 US Highway 601 South, Mocksville, NC 27028. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the lime of the sale. Following tlie ex­ piration ol the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property to be olfered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance'“AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the tllle or any physical, environmental, health or safely condltlons’exlstlng In, on, al, or relating lo the property being of­ fered for sale. This sale Is made sublecl to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re­ lease, and any other enourfi- brances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and be­ lief of the undersigned, Ihe current owner(s) of the properly Is/are Tho­ mas W. Crane and wife, Dawn E. Crane,An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G,S, 45-21,29 In lavor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any per­ son who occupies the property pur­ suant to a rental agreement en­ tered Into or renewed on or after October 1,2007, may, alter receiv­ ing the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, tho tenant Is liable lor rent due un­ der the rental agreement prorated to the elfecllve date of tho termina­ tion. if the trustee Is unable lo con­ vey title lo this property lor any rea­ son, the sole remedy of the pur­ chaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to con­ vey Include, but are not limited to, Ihe filing of a bankruptcy petition prior lo the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of Ihe loan with­ out the knowledge of the trustee, II the validity of the sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee, In Ihoir sole discretion. If they believe the challenge lo have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR, THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNI­ CATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB­ TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION, IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY, Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No,; 08-07657 7-24-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 07 CVD 766 Counly of Davie, Plaintiff vs, Mischael (aka Michael) Louis DeVault: the Unknown Heirs ol Mischael (aka Michael) Louis DeVault; Jayme Lyn Powers DeVault; Defendants, NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLfCATfON TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF MISCHAEL (a/k/a MICHAEL) LOUIS DEVAULT TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking rellel against you has been Iliad In Ihe above entitled action. The nature of tho relief sought Is the collection and/or foreclosure of property taxes owing on property located In Davie County, North Carolina, and being described and designated as lollows: Being located In Jerusalem Township, Davie Counly, Norlh Carolina, and being Lots Forty-One (41) and Forty-Two (42), of the J,C, Ijames lands, plaited and sun/eyed by N,A. Trexler, which said plat Is recorded In Book 23, Pg, 550, Davie County Registry, to which said plat reference Is hereby made for further description ot said lots, SAVE a n d'EXCEPT from the above described lots SO feet Ironting on Jot Em Down Street conveyed lo J,S, Creason, et ux, by deed recorded In Deed Book 40, Pg, 537, Davie Counly Registry, The remaining property Is Infor­ mally known as Tax Parcel No, N500000072, pursuant to the cur­ rent Davie County Tax Maps. You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading not later than the 26"' day ol August, 2008, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this notice; and upon your failure lo do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for tha relief sought.This the 17® day of July, 2006, Kyla J, Sippreli Attorney forPlaintllf P,0, Box 595 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 763-6014 7-17-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 08 SP167 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ROBIN LEIGH DATED MAY 2, 2006 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 660 AT PAGE 602 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo a Court order and under and by virtue ol Ihe power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default In Ihe payment ol the secured Indebtedness and lallure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant lo demand ol Ihe owner and holder ol the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place ol sale al the counly courthouse of said county at 10:30 AM on August 14, 2008 the lollowlng described real estate and any,other Improvements which may be situated thereon. In Davie Counly, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as lollows: BEGINNING al a nail In the pavement ol Underpass Road, said nail being a corner of the property ol Charlie Chambers; thence from said Beginning point, Norlh 46 degs, 31' East along Underpass Road 281 feet to a nail in the pave­ment of said road, the corner of Hartman; thence along Hartman's line South 82 degs, 59' East 256,38 leet to a stone, corner ol Hartman and Bailey; thence along Bailey’s line South 11 dees, 43' West 194,66 feet to an Iron, Chartle Chambers' corner In Bailey's line; thence along Chambers’ line North 86 degs, 06’ West 420,44 leet to the point and place ol Beginning, all according lo a survey prepared by John G, Bano dated July 30, 1975, and updated by Daniel W, Donathan, R,L,S, dated October 30, 1989, Subject to right ol way and portion lying with right ol way of Underpass Road, ■ And Being more commonly known as: 606 Underpass Rd, Advance, NC 27006 The record owner(s) of the prdp- erty. as reflected on Ihe records of tho Register ol Deeds, Is/are Robin Leigh. The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is being oflered lor sale,- Iransler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS," Nei­ ther the Trustee nor Ihe holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed ol trust, being foreclosed, nor the of­ ficers, directors, allorneys, employ­ ees, agents or authorized repre­ sentative ol either Trustee or the holder of the note make any repre­ sentation or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmen­ tal, health or salely conditions ex­ isting In, on, at or relating lo the property being offered for sala. Any and all responsibilities or liabllllles arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made sub­ ject lo all prior liens and encum­ brances, and unpaid taxes and as­ sessments Including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure, A deposit ol live percent (5%) ol the amount ol the bid or seven hundred llfly dollars ($750,00), whichever Is. greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds al the time ol Ihe sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING, Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result In a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be Irozen pending Ihe outcome of any re-sale, SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant resldlngJn the property, be advised that an Order for Posses­ sion of the property may be Issued In favor of the purchaser. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice lo the landlord. You may be liable lor rent due under tha agreement prorated lo the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice Is July 24,2008, 08-101089 Grady Ingle Substitute Trustee . 8520 Cliff Camarón Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte; NC 28269 , (704) 333-8107 http-J/shapimnomeys. com/na> '7-31-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements of Article 20-B of Chapter 153-A of the General Statutes of North Carolina and Section 155.251 of the Davie Counly Code ol Ordi­ nances, lhal the Davie Counly Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing In the Com- mlgglQOerS-flQPJll ol the Davie County Administration Building, Mocksville, NC on Monday, Au­ gust 4th at 6:00 p.m, lo hear the following requests: A) Zonlnp Mnp Amendmanl. Westvlew Development Com­ pany and Brant Godfrey Is re­ questing lo rezone approximately 3.05 acres that consists of two parcels of property from Reslden-. Hal (R-20) lo Highway Business (HB). Subjôol property Is located on Ihe north side of US Hwy 158 al the Intersection of Redland Road (west side) and being'lur­ ther described as Davie County Tax Parcels E7/33 (portion) and E7/3304. Jeff Hayes Is requesting lo re­ zone approximately 0.607 acres from Residential (R-20) to High­ way Business (HB). Subject property Is located north of US Hwy 158 at the Intersection ol Redland Road (east side) and be­ ing lurther described as Davie Counly Tax Parcel E7/3301 (por­tion) andE7/180 (portion). C) ZgnlntLMaP-Anlainlinant Jeff Hayes is requesting lo amend Highway Business Spe­ cial Conditions (HB-'S) zoning for property located al 4360 US Hwy 158, and being further described as Davio County Tax Parcel E7/ 34. County Is proposing text amend­ ments lo the Landscaping and Bulfer'Requirements section ol the Zoning Ordinance (§155.172). The amendment pro­ poses lo add and modify require­ ments. The public Is Invited to attend Ihe hearing al which lime there will be an opportunity lo be heard In lavor ol, or In opposlllon to, Ihe above Items. As a result of the iiubllc hearing, substantial changes mighi 'bo made In the advertised proposal, reflecting objections, debate and discus­ sion al Ihe hearing. Additional information Is available at the De­ velopment Services Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 753-6050. Andrew Meadwell ■ Planning Department 7-24-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR­ ING BEFORE THE MOCKSVILLE TOWN BOARD FOR THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE AND ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS ol Chapter 160A-364 of Ihe General. Stat­ utes of Norlh Carolina and pur­ suant lo Section 8-3.9.7 of the Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, lhal the Town Board of Commis­ sioners will hold a PUBLIC HEARING In the town Hall, Mocksville, NC, at 7-.00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 lo hear the following items: A. The Board will review text amendmenta to Sections B- 3.3.5, 8-3.10, and 8-3,8.47 Re­ cycling and Salvage Opera­ tions, The amendment pro­ poses to a'dd and modify uses, B. The Board will review a request by Pllgrtm Recycling, A Norlh Carolina Partnership to rezone approximately 1 acre from Nelghborhçod Residential (NR) to General Industrial (Gl). Subject property Is located on tha south side of Bailey Street and being further described as a portion ol Oavie Counly Tax Parcel J5010B0002. All parlies and Interested citizens shall have an opportu­ nity lo be heard In favor of or In opposition to the foregoing changes. Prior lo the hearing, all persons Interested may ob­ tain any additional Information on the proposal by visiting the Developthenl Services Depart­ ment, 172 Clement Street, Mocksville, N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by tele­ phone at (336) 753-6050. 7-24-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 05-CVS-551 C. Roger Harris, PlalntlH, vs. Travelers Management Corpora­ tion and Frank J. Schllagl,Oeien- danls. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To all creditors and parties holding claims against Travelers Management Corporation, Travel­ ers Inn of Wylhevllle, Inc., and Travco-BRT Limited Partnership: Pursuant lo N,C.G,S. §1- 507.6, you are hereby notified lo present your claims duly Itemized and verllled. In writing, lo the un­ dersigned Receivers al Iheir oHIce In Ihe City of Lexington, N.C., on or before, 5:00 p.m. on the 10th day of October, 2008, or your claims will be barred (rom partici­ pation In the distribution of the assets of Travelers Management Corporation, Travelers Inns of Wylhevllle, Inc., and Travco-BRT Umlted Partnership. You are lurther notllled that the Receivers will provide a report to the Court giving a list of all Credi­ tors, and the amounts (or which claims are allowed or dlsallowod, the said report lo be filed In the Office of the Clerk ol Superior Court of Davie Counly, N.C., and with The Honorable Mark E. Klass, Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for the 22nd Judicial District, on the 17th day of Novem­ ber, 2008, and that any person Interested may file exceptions to the allowance or the disallowance of any claim or part of claim. In the manner prescribed by N.C,G,S, §1-507-7. No exception to the allowance^ or the.disallowance o( any claim will be permllled lo be filed after the time set forth In N,C,G,S. #1- 507.7. This notice Is given pursuant lo an Order wherein Ihe under­ signed were appointed Receivers of Travelers Management Corpo­ ration, Travelers Inns ol Wylhevllle, Inc., and Travco-BRT Limited Partnership. This 23rd day of July, 2008. Charles H. McGIrt Stephen D. Barnhill Receivers ol Travelers Management Corporation, Travelers Inns ol Wylhevllle, Inc. and Travco-BRT BRINKLEY WALSER, PLLC 10 LSB Plaza Lexington, NC 27292 Telephone: 336-249-2101 Fax: 336-249-4572 7-31-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ot the Estate of MARGARET S, MYERS late of Davie Counly, this Is to notify all persons, firrns and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 24,2008, (being three (3) months Irom this lirst day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar o( Iheir recovery,MII per­ sons, (Irms and corporations In­ debted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day ol July, 2008, JOE H/\RDEN MYERS 727Rainbow Road Advance, NC 27006 7-24-4IP INORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having quaillied as Execu­ trix of the Estate ol JIMMIE LUE TABOR-STEELE, deceased, of Davie County, Norlh Carolina, this Is lo notify all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 31st day of October, 2008, being three months from the first day of publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons Indebted to said estate will please make Irnmedlate pay­ment to the undersigned. This the 31st day ol July, 2008, LILLIAN JANE STEELE 1565 US Hwy 601 S Mocksville, NC 27028 PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, pA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-3312 ■7-31-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quaillied as Executor ol the Estate ol MARTHA TATUM EATON, lato of Davie County, this Is lo notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations having claims against said es­ tate lo present them to the un­ dersigned on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 10th day ol July, 2008. .William Tracy Eaton 491 Cedar Creek Road Mocksville, NC 27028 7-10-41P NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUMTYNOTICE TO CREDrrORS Having qualilied as Executor of the Estate of JETTIE B. LINDSAY, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months Irom this first day of publlca- tkin ol this notk:e), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations Indebted lo said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the uiiderslgned. This the 10th day of July, 2008. HaweyB. Lindsay 249 Cedar Grove Ch. Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 7-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol FREDERICK T. WARNER, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them fo the undersigned on or before October 17, 2008, (being three (3) months Irom this lirst day ol publication ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe under­ signed. This the 10th day of July, 2008. CHRISTOPERW. WARNER 9717 Clarks Crossing Road Vienna, VA 22182 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys al Law Ten Court Sqaure • ■Mocksville, NC 27028 7-17-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quaillied as Executor ol Ihe Estate ol MARK STEVEN GRUBB, late ot Davie Counly, this Is lo notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present them to the under­ signed on or before October 10, 2008, (being three (3) months Irom this lirst day ol publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, firms and cor­ porations Indebted lo said es­ tate will please make Immedi­ ate payment lo the under­ signed. This the 10th day of July, 2008. Melanie SIdden Grubb 4395 Hwy 801 S Advance, NC 27006 7-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDIT9 RS Having qualified as Executor of. the Estate ol WILLIAM H. FORD late of Davie County, this is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before October 24, 2008, (be­ ing three (3) months from this llrsi day of publication ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of July, 2008. TERRY D. MULLIS 106 Renee DrIye Advance, NC 27006 7-24-4IP } ì D8 . DAVŒ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 31,2008 M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L SUMMER IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! Hwy, 6015, ti<icksviik' (336) 751-Zo04 P U B LIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA I3AV1E COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Paul Cook and wife, NIta Cook to . Andrew Valentine, Trustee(s), dated the 1 st day ol December, 2006, and recorded In Boot< sai. Page 551. Davie County Registry, North Caro­ lina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, Substitute Trustee Ser­vices, Inc. Having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olllce ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In the City of fvlooksvllle, DavIe County, North Carolina at 2:45 pm on August 6, 2008 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and be­ ing more particularly described as follows: Being known and desig­ nated as Lot 42 as shown on Map of Bermuda Run Goll and Country Club, Section 2, re­ corded In Plat Book 4, Page 80 In the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina, Together with improvements lo­ cated thereon; said property being located at 1117 Riverbend Drive, Advance, North Carolina. Being the same property as conveyed to Ronald J. Rayle and wile, Sharon W. Rayle (now deceased) by deed from Bets Builders by deed dated 6/ 25/1981 and recorded In Deed Book 114, Page 94 In the DavIe County Records. Trustee may. In the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale lor up to one hour as provided In NCOS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 30B(a)(1). The property to bo offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance “AS IS, W/HERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/SBOurlty agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or autho­ rized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions ex­ isting In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or In any way relating lo any such condition expressly are dis­ claimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded re­ leases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe pur­ chase price, or seven hundred llfly dollars ($750.00), which­ ever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale.An order for possession of the property may be issued pur­ suant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor ol the purchaser and against the party or parties In posses­ sion by the clerk ol superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant lo a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may alter receiving the notice ol sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination ol a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the el- leotlve date ol Ihe termination. THIS IS A COMMUNICA­ TION FROM A DEBT COLLEC­ TOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COL­ LECT A DEBT AND ANY IN­ FORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR­ POSE, except as stated below In the Instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RE­ SULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIRE­ MENT AND FOR INFORMA­ TIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT­ TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL • OR ANY PORTION OF THE •DEBT FROM YOU PERSON­ ALLY This 16th day of July, 2008, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law The Law Firm ol Hutchens, Senter & Britton, P.A. Attorneys lor Substitute Trustee Servlcaa, Inc. P.O. Box 1028- 4317 Ramsey Street Fayeltevlllo, NC 28311 http;//wwm fc-sales, com Case No: 415.132012 7-24-2tn F O R S A L E : C a rs • T ru c k s Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 30+ Colors 25 Year Warranty Post Frame Buildingscall for prices! 1 - 8 8 8 - 2 7 8 - 6 0 5 0 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Special Proceedings No.: 08 SP 159 Substitute Trustee: Philip A. Glass NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Date ol Sale: August 13,2008 Time of Sale: 12:00 p.m. Place ol Sale: Davie County Courthouse Description ol Properly: Exhibit “A": Being known and designated as Lot Sixteen (16) ol New Hamp­ shire Court as shown on Plat Book 6, page 141 (slide 226), Davie County Registry, to which refer­ ence Is hereby made for a more particular description. Subject lo Architectural Guide­ lines as set forth In Deed Book 186, page' 151; Restrictive Cov­ enants In Deed Book 186, page 155: and Restrictions in Deed Book 198, page 411, Davie County Registry, and such amendments of the guidelines and restrictions which shall occur from time to time as provided In those documents.' For back title see. Deed Book 177’, page 608: Deed Book 161, page 405; Deed Book 23, pages 217-218; and Deed Book 20, page 297, Davie County Registry. Soe also, Plat Book 1, page 53 (slide 14), Davie County Registry; Estate Files 89-E-15S and 90-E-75 In Ihe Office ol the Clerk of Superior Court In Davie County, and Tax Map J-4-14, Block a. Parcel 31, located In Mocksvllle Township, Davie County, North Carolina. Record Owners: Eleanor D. Galllmore Address of Properly; 144 New Hampshire Court, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Deed ol Trust: Book: 502, Page: 508 Dated: July 28, 2003 Grantors: Eleanor D. Galllmore (Single) Original Beneficiary; Stale Em­ ployees' Credit Union CONDITIONS OF SALE: Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). This sale Is made subject lo all unpaid taxes and superior liens or & S u p p lie s Cleiég • Mcib • РмЛ t Spa ШШм Opeid«l(»)ég>Vi«IUtierl!tpbcemi)t Tommy Uartis/Owncr-Ovcr 20 Yrs. lixp. 277 PIcasflnl Acre Dr., Mocksville Home (336) 2844817 ^№ вяИ ЗЭ Д 909 - 4 0^ METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 30+ Colors 25 Year Warranty Post Frame Buildingscall for prices! 1 - 8 8 8 - 2 7 8 - 8 0 5 0 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC R A N D Y M IL L E R & S O N S 295 Miller Road'Mocksvllle (336)284-2826 ■ Now Pumping Septic Tanks • Skid steer Work Trencher Work Hauling WANTED TO BUY Old M oney Wt№lt)«Ub«tyHaltOotlv Bud Hauser (336)998-8692 (336)761-5812 encumbrances of record and as­sessments, If any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale Is also subject to any ap­ plicable county land transfer lax, and the successful third parly bid­ der shall be required to make pay­ ment for any such county land transfer tax. A cash deposit of 5% of the pur­ chase price will be required at the time of the sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender Ihe full balance ol the purchase price so bid in cash or certilled check at the time Ihe Substitute Trustee lenders lo him a deed lor the propsdy or attempts to lender such deed, and should said suc- cesslul bidder fall to pay the lull balance purchase price so bid al that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for In North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30(d) and (e). This sale shall be held opon ten (10) days for up­set bids as required by law. Residential real property with loss than 15 rental units: an order lor possession of Ihe property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45- 21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In pos­ session by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the properly pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice ol sale, terminate the rental agree­ ment upon 10 days' wriiten notice to the landlord. iJpon termination ol a rental agreement, Ihe tenant is liable for rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated lo the ellectlve dale ol Ihe termination. Dated: 6-9-08 Posted on 7-15-08 Philip A. Glass, Substitute Trustee NodcMI, Glass & Haskell, LLP 7-31-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllied as Administra­ tor ol the Estate ol ELLA ROSE DALTON, late ol Davie County, this Is to notily all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to \ha undersigned on or belore October 31,2008, (being three (3) months Irom this first day ol publication ol this notice), cr this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Ail persons, llrms and corporations Indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day ol July, 2008. ERIC NATHANIEL DALTON 1918 US Highway 64 East Mocksvllle, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY LLP Attorneys al Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27006 7-31-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllied as Administra­ tor ol the Estate ol HENRY EU­ GENE BOONE, SR. iato ol Davie County, this Is lo notily all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present tham to tho undersigned on or belore October 31,2008, (being three (3) months Irom this lirst day ol publication ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and cor­ porations Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ment to the undersigned. This the 31st day ol July, 2008. JEWEL GOFORTH BOONE 372 Hilton Rd. Advance, NC 27006 7-31-4tn G ENETREXLER ROOFING Now fi Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs rroo Rsllmatos 336-284-4571 C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATESj COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Don Noel ExcavaUng & Grading Trnckhoo & Dozor work. Silo planning, Ids cloarod, driveways, sopllc systems, sower hookups & dralnagos, Installation & repairs Ptoporty Mgml. Firm seoks Exp. Molnt. Supervisor to oversoo/ handle oporatlons lor one ol Its apt, communities In tho Mocksvlllo aron. Must have exp. In the apt. Industry, havo abllltlos to oversoo other mnlnt. porsonnol. HVAC a must, CPO and bilingual a plus. Full TImo, Bonoflts. Immodlato Opening. Only serious condldalos nood apply. Fax or email resume w ith s a la ry ro q . to northwoodapt9embarqmall.com or 336.751.1030 attn. Mocksvllle Position. Accounts Payable Clerk - F T fo r fast paced, m ulti-com pany, team en vironm en t in C lem m ons. Experience is Heeded in accounts payable, p a yro ll, and J/E prep. Peachtree A cco u n tin g &. E xcel experience is preferred. M u st be dedicated, self­ m otivated, organized, and able to m u lti-ta sk w ith high attention to detail. C o m p e titive benefits •& pay. E -m a il/fa x resum e to m strattonsehs@ bellsouth.net 336-766-0596, or m a il to H um an R esources, PO B ox 1670, C lem m ons, N C 27012 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllied as Executor ol the Estate ol GARY MALLORY MAYES, late of Davie County, this Is to notily all persons, llrms and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore Oc- tobar 17, 2008, (being three (3) months from this first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol thoir recovery. All per­ sons, llrms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned) This the 17th day ol July, 2006.KAREN DENISE MAYES 156 Sonora Drive Advance, NC 27006 7i17-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllied as Executor ol the Estate ol LONNIE GRAY BOLIN, iato ol Davio County, this Is to nollly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before October 17,2008, (being throe (3) months from this first day of pubikiatlon of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th day ol July, 2008, ETHEL MARIE BOLIN HEDRICK 306 Westdale Ave. Lexington, NC 27295 7-17-4P WANTED; K x I M O M m II I)I \K HOMI ,s WII I |)IS( O l M M l (^i VI и II о lu m i s SIO.IMMI I I I N D U l M S |(> ( l i n o s i I К О М Í \i I ioi)\\ : MMIM I) ПМКОМЛ I-S0(M >74-4I3I T i m e D i d n ’t M a k e Y o u N o S m a r t e r ! rsycliRN! Mnliail Surgical RN: CriUcatCartRN! Telemetry RN: EmerecncyRoomRNi m v i s Ы ш аш е C linical O pportunities Full Time, 3:00 pm lo 11:00 pm during week and every olher weekend. Provide nursing carc lo Behavioral Heollh Inpatienl population.Full Time, 7:00 am lo 7:00 pm or 7:00 pm lo 7:00 am. Musi have current NC RN license and CPR Full Time, 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. Must have current NC RN license and CPR Full lime, 7:00 pm lo 7:00 am. Musi have currenl NC RN license and CPR $5)000Sign on Bonus for Qualifitii Caralidate. Full time, 7;00 pm to 7 Л0 am shifts available, or Every Weeiicnd 7;00 pm lo 7:00 am opponunlty. PRN (As needed positions available, oil shifts). Join a GROWING limcrgcncy Services team. Must have cuitenl NC RN license and CPR CllnlcatOBportunltie.s • 1пГес(1оп Control/Employee Health RN? Full Tunc, Exempt. M-F and occasional weekends. Must have current NC RN license. Will conduct pre-employment screenings for potential employees and annual employee health screenings; serve os workers’ Compensalion coordinator/investigator. Coonlinaie Infection Control duties fortnpalicnu and employees. Prior cxpcriciKe as tin Employee Health RN prcfened. BSN preferred S upport Scrvlccs O pportunities . * Dietary Aide/Dlshwasiien FullTlmc, will serve in cafelcria in multiple capacity. Pa*fer food prep;iralion and serving experience.Will work in the dishnwm also»Schedullng/LPN Clerk: Full Time, Day shift, LPN required. Previous medical appointment scheduling preferred.Exp. Nvilh AIM software preferred i<i,\ ii:\v Ol u i:x( Ki.i.ijNi hknki ris i*At кл(;к ()n o u u w k si i k! l oi иичх'mlomi.ilion, pk'asL-t'(4ilMi.l D A V IS R K ( ; i O N A L M E D IC A L C E N T E R llimi.m K.4,411,.Di p.iiliiu-MI Г11 UcA ISJI. JI.SOM Mii,k\\ilk' Knul SI.iIi-smIIi- N( JS(,S7 I ,IX I ’II li S is 7 ||.| I'limn- I /O il Ü In 71 III ' Ji>h I.IIK' (ViMl X !,S 7S(»I ««»A'JMÏUMiiLsM! 101. NKmci. WoDiuu 1Ы DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008 - D9 D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / E R E C O R D T o l l F re e 1-877-7Ш -2120 Construction & Skilled Trades Transportation Driver* $5K SIGN^N BONUS tot Expoilenced Teams; Dry Van A. Temp Control. Sdc Lanes also ovnilable. aOn S CDL-A Qrads welcome. Cal Covonnnt (B66) 664-2519 EOE. Concrete Foreman. 5yoors ox- porience (mechenlcal ex- perlec« preferred) Travel A nn expenses pakl. Must have valid tJrlvor's Bcense. Qrooi opportunity with growing com­pany. Call336-940-4348 DRIVERS- CompelHlve Pay. Great Home Time, Van anc Flatbed Fkiets. Accoptlng Re­cent Grads, 23 years dd, 1 year OTR, CDL-A, SmKhwav Motor Xpress 808-619-760) wwwsfpxccomChild Care & Domestics DRIVERS- Home Weekends., Oreai Payl Company A UP available. Paid vacaiton S premium beneRls. CDL*A anc 3 months Experience Re- qured. Can 800-14M271, > NC-100. A neat Traak who loves kids, toves the Lord, and doesn'i smoke. Does she exisr? Fam ity needs your help wiih baby silting, cieaning. slrolghting. washing, lokling, irontng, er­rands, olc. Eostern Oovie Leave voice mail al 641-715- 3900 ext 52753 Driver»* WE HAVE MILE8 A FREIGHT1 Posittons avallabi« ASAPI Class A-CDL with lank -endorsement required Top pay A premium benefits. Cal 677-484-306в or visit www.oakieytranepcrtcom Fuil-llme nsnnv for 18 month old boy. Mocksville area Monday-Frklay 6am-5pm nonsmoker, 336-976-52/4. DRIVERS-Werner needs OTP truckers NOWI No experi­ence neededl $700*МН earn­ing potential. No Pradem' Training avfllabkil Coll No« 1'66a-657-924a. Nsnny needed for toddler and InfsnL CNklcaro exporlenci required Tuesday-Thursday 8,30am-t,30pm Please senc resume or letter ol Interest to: keepmy2chikJren<»yohoo com ORIVERSt 13 DRIVERS NEED­ED. Sign^n Bonus. 36>42 cpm. eARN OVER $1,00C weekly. Exceileni Denefils Need CDL-A A 3 months re cent OTR. 600-635-6069. INDEPENDENT CONTRACT DRIVERS needed to itimsoon tnicks from Dublin, VA ic within a 400-mito radius. Nei Income poteniial of $40.00C per year. Visit us ai WWW qualftydrtveaway.com ot contact Richord at 1-066-764 1603 ot Mindy nt 1-866-761- Drivers & Transportation АТТЕМТЮМ; ОТП OniVERStoS3.000 agn Ol •Altenla I•Cboico of FleqH OenoTitt *S%MoroPflid Mileo nOEHL. EkporMnco tho Pow- ei ol Hod, Studonia Wotcom« Clau A roqulfdti Fr«o CDl training lor qualin«<t M<ilar> Voti евв-6в7-в34ВOoRoeWcori Dniven- CDt.-A. Tbt OriM ll Огмпи It FTL. SluMtili with COL Woloonw. oiiMlient training. Corr<pany Ortveri Earn up lo 46o com. 0«vnei Op»ralort EarnSl.41cprri.23 vMd ol 60«. 12 mo* OTR No Forcod №(th«asii Coirlo- ny Dtlvers call; 000-a40-<H09 Ownif Operatori call: 877- 774*3&33. wwwpti-tno com ORtven* CLASS A COL> Ccnv f Oflveii, Studom Qradi. ExcQflent Pay, Ineuranco, 401(4}Ä o p .M«<lcel Ineu m TtaiKpcriation вев-в70-5900 Mww.itartianipoftatkHicom Rid«r Program. Tuition Ren burwiiwoflo oniven* HOMB WÍCKENO» Company dr^en up to . 42cpm. CVOs .Mcpm f F8C 1 year ТД Expariarw*. Qooc Mvn. Stable Work HitOfV t» qiiiod. Epee Trontport (ввв; 606-0349. www.epeitrsnt- portcom DRIVER« WAKT HOME MoilWMkertda vMth More Pay? Run Honittantfi Southoasi Rogionnli $.49Anilo соглрап) drtvert, $1.32 lor Oporntora 12 montha OTR foquired Иел<Пагк1 Eipreas t-eo6^4l- 409Э. wwwhooitlandox' press corn General Drivers & Education & Training ELIZABETH' CITY-PASQUOTANK PUBLIC SCHOOLS IS SMking to Itl tno folowing vnconciot Elo mamaty Teac^ieis (Vitrtoui Orude Lbveli); Elomantnr) MuM Teachor, MS Convnun( cntton Suiis TaacNir, MS Clwut Teach«. Etwnwiarj Mada Coordirulor; H3 OfAlt Ing Teacher; MS Lniin Tonch' er; HS Malh TAacher, MS At aistant Prtr>cipol, MS PE Teacher; >tS AgrtcuUurai Edu- camx) Teacher; Exceptiona Chiidron • ToflcherB nrx; Teacher Aatlslania (Vdrtoui Qrada Lavelt); Schoot Pty- cNMooist (Elementary). Elua’ beih Ci№ ta tocated in nortN eaat NC along ttw beauiifu PaaquotarA fiNor. We ar« lust a one hour drivo from mi Outer Banke of NC nnd Nor- lolK-Vlrffnla Beach, VA Ploaae vitil our wetWte ai wwwecppa.hl2.no us foi more Information on •cl>ool ayiiem. YoumayalK contact Km OarcIN at 2&2- 339-2081 lor more infotmatior on trie pmceM General Experienced groomer needed a) upscale pet center, Ad­vance, NC. Inquiries ЗЭв-в08’ 0263 or 336-407.6428 Lend-Tek QMS, Inc. Wrinfl supervisore and teborere Pay 00Ê. Can 336-998- 9340 Maintenance lechnklan want­ed. Must have general mafrv tenonce experience, ai wel as tdid elecirtcel background Please cau PSG In tor more Information. 336- 761-7300 MODERATE 0AP1I81CHURCH sook» ccrnrnmec Christian as minister lo chil- drea youth and their families. SlrooQ leadership and Bacfte- lor'e degree required Subirtt resume: First Baptist Church. 412 N. Madeon ‘ 8l„ Whtteviiie. NC 28472 or caf Rev,Fort910-642-ai39, NEGDAQEDAHELP llnding a Career PLUS FREE Care« Training? Males A Females. Agee 16-34, call the NC Jot Corps Admiutons Oince 019- вМ-oeot or t•вOO-73Э^10вS, WAREHOUSIWMNVEWTORY CONTOOl/ No eipertence necessary. Pakt trainirv^uil- lime)obwith salary andbene- fils. Age t7>34 wRh high school diplome. Fork>call nterview, can 800682-7231 todayl Willing to educate a highly m>- tfvated individual lor a reward­ing career in finandal aer* vices. Call 336-926^802 lorlnienriew. /Vew Todaa! MuM^wm Packaqinp tiiim opening o n ttiilitiliin lor an slsetrical malnlinanti etianie with iipirlenes In ACOC,lntsr, Sirvo onitPLC inciaplui. Ssnd riiuniM to;dititrtonOmulllwill.eom or maíllo MuttlWall Paekao- POBoi)3.8ilit!)ury,NC VMCA After sohool oounsok)rineeded Irom 2 30>epm, Mon PrI. Mutlbe I8w/highachoo diploma. Apply ai DaHi YMCA, 218 Cemeiery St. General Weekly. OTR: 34c • 41'ml toadecL Sl.OOO Bonus. Siu dents' Tuition f^en>t>(irse- moni. Medicai/Dont.WVision/ 40IK. 866-323-2101. KLLM Jobs EOÏÏ Laborera with concrete eipe>rtence Д moctionicflt et\ once proforrod Travel Í eiponus paid Must hovi valid dnvof's Itcense. Oreai opponunlty Wtfi I pony. Coll 335-9' Summor Industrlos In Mocksvlllo Is currontly soaking qualiflod Individuals for the following positions: M achinist and Maintenance M echanics Welding experlonco helpful W o offer competitive wages and excellent bonefits. You may fax your losum o to; (336)731'7709 or email to; Bermuda Comm ons, a 127 bed skilled nursing facility located In Advance, NC Is now accoptlng applications for the following positions: RN 3*11 Froe*iloatlng supervisor R N -M D S N urso R N orLP N 3-11 part-tim e t1-7fu)M lm e C.N.A. 3*11 lull-tlm o and part-time Please apply at: Bermuda Comniions 316 NO M idw ay 601 South Advance, N.C. ^/AJTUMNCARE0РМ0СЖ5У11И Autumn Care of Mocksvllle is seeking Social Wori<er. PlaasB apply In person Monday through Friday 8:30 am until 4:00 pm at: 1007 Howard Straol Mockavllle, NC 27028 N u r s in g A s s is t a n t Hospica & Palliative CaioConter Is currently soeK Ing a Caitltlod Nurso Assistant tor our Mockavlllo Olllce. Ttils poslllon will be responsi­ble tor providing quality ptiyslcal care and tiome- maker iu lio s to patients, tu e Ideal candidate will Iiave 1 yr. ol experience, preferably In tione care an(Vor care ol terminally III patienls. Cur­ rent CPR cerflficallon. valid drivers license and transportation required. Interested candidates should send resume to: Q llcipiffh MluliivI m« Hospice & Palliative CareGenter Attention: Human Resources Department 377 Hospital Street Suite 103 Mocksvllle. NO 27038 Fax: (336)201-5222 Email: lobsOhosplcecarecenler.org Apply online: wwM/.tiosplcenarecenterorg eoew F/iw ■ Healthcare RN/LPN, first tthift. lull or part- limo Gnu ttOAlIh Contor n’ 330-000-6775, Sales & J|larkelln2_ HAnKETINO DineCTOP {Purlington. NC) Plan nnd ad nriinittor antes poicles anc progrnm to lost« and pro­mote restaurants Acepulcc Rostaurant (iWa Lo f^iei . Mexican Restaurant. Emlgdk Castro, Prtskleni, 1820 8 Chuich Street. Duri№gk>r>. NC 27216. (No Phone Calli) WANTED: IIFB AQCmSI Po> tannai Ю Eam isoo a CMy- Qreat Agent Benefis-Com mlsskms Pakl Oaily-Libera Underwntino-leads, Leads. Leads. Uis InsurarKO, U- centM Required. Can t-886- 713-6020. ' _GaragYardSi le Sales 3 ApguBl 2, 7am-tpm wme Dove Way, Mochi On Ihe corner ol V^ite Dove WayAHvvYflOt Norm 4 Family Yard Sale Fridiiy August 1. 8om-6pm Oolurday August 2, 8un>5prn aw Manv Church Rtl.Oil 158 4-Famlly Yard Sale 'FrI, Auq 1 A Sat, Aug 2 7.00 a m, • until i77Cabk>Lane. 601 South off Oladsiono Road Everything rrtusi got Priced cheap! Furntuft, houtehcM Items, toy«, 190S Dodge Caravan, Barbiee, Too much lo mentioni Back-to-School Sale Frklay August I & Saturday August 2, 8sm-untl. 316 Riverdaie Rd., MocKsvlie. (601 South iNu Greasy Cor­ner about 3 miles, Rivordale on rtght. Follow s ^ s ) Name brand clothes, gins' sizes 12- 16, boys' 10-14. books, CDs. toys, movios. Playstation & games, PS2 games, & LOTS MOnEI Buick Park Avenue, Ш 7 27 b miles gallon New liras $5,000 Cfiittuahua dog. rruia 8 months old. $150 336-463- 2359 Estate YardMain Church Rd. (Off OOt North acroes Irom Qospoi Baptist Church) FrtASats^1 & 2 7am- unti. Tons QTont stuH t>\ cheap prices* EvorylNng must go to pay hoapital bills Como see whai wo have to sell. Family Yard Sale Boliimore Rd. Advance FrI. Aug I. Sam *2pm. Sal. Atig 2. Sam - ipm. Oarage SaleFrI, Aug 1 -OOOam-4:-OOpni Sat, Aug2-900am-12:00pn 236 liames Church Road Furniture, appliances, tools household goods HUOE Community Yard Sale Dutchman Hills loll Eaton'i Church Rd ) Sal. Aug.7am • Unlil. Basket weaving material, weed eaier, kids toys, clothes, etc. Too much to IlStI HuM Multt-Famlly Yard Sala Fri. Aug. 1, eam-lpm & Sai. Aug. 2, Bam-untU. 247 Cane Rd. (on 601 ondi. Eloction- k;8, housohoki ooods, ctoihea, toys. Something lor Yard & jGarage^Sates^ la'l’ flbMly ndrofl Olad Siono Rd past Liberty Methodisl Church. Sot. Aug. 2^ 7am «Ipm. Lots ol Ouoen sOe & smaller site ctoiNng. golf carl wheels & liras, blko rock, celling fan, curtains. euKcisa equipment, baked goods, much morel SATURDAY 10AM > 1PMOVER 6000 ITEMS. SOME­THING FOR EVERYONE. TowaWe Ski Tues, Furniture, Sk3t Machine, NEW Croes- man products. Rifle Scop Oinoculat« P ls ^ . B Orllls, Hunting STUFF, EZ Up Canopies. Miltan Surplus. Ali Compressors, ; (3as Genera- tors, Exerdse Eqiipment, Boat Covers, Camping StulT, lOseU QoHCHjbsA30~ ETC. STAR WORLD 1033 Salisbury 1 ^ RT. 601 Mocksvllle Yard Sate Set, 8-3-8A-12P269 Walt Wilson Rd.6"lvuso on left. Reciners. piano, lows &more Yard S(tle-Sal-8:00am-7 Whfle Dove Way oll80t N, Oirrsnamebfiindbkto sch ckjthes, ml so household Yard Sale Aug. 2 8am > until. 248 Turtieyfool Rd. oft Shetfieks Rd Race car bed, Bradley, scrap booking sup­plies, bow, fumltuie. Yard Safe August 2, 8am. 643 Qlad- Slone Road, Modisvtiie. Coins, glau. appliances Yard Sale Fri A Sal. 8:00am-tiOOpm Junctton Rd to Tara Cl on righi TodOeitwys, tfrts, 3T-ÍT, , men and women'e ctothes, most everything 2Se Yard Sale Fri, August 1 & Sat, August 2 600am-until 106 Pleasant Ljine, №cksvlë (lake County Home Rd beskie Ingetson-nand. til you come to Reecue Squsd tum left on Oreen Si, 7* house on 1еП)Chklran s clothes and hiys. lots ol household stutl, everything rTHJSt gol Yard Sale Fhday August 1 8 Saiuttltty August a, 7 30am> until 1286 Deadmon Rd. Mocksviila Dresser. c№ dien's ctoiNng, toys, bikes, household Hems, and LOTS MOREIt Yard SaleFiklay August 1 A Saturday Auguil 3, Q OOom-untll. 206 Jonos Road d l of Davi« AcAdomy. All dlllofonl sUos of ctothoa & shoM. (kids A »dutt»), computet, umc eompulor parts, computei desk, outakfo play equip- ment, 2slotoot. _____ ___wolghl bench. Yorl-Dog oorl, odds A ondi, big box of frooble's, play sot (ffood Cbnd.) Anythlna you cnn think o(. This Is a mi^ot yard sak) Wnams brands, it's way worth coming lot Qood condltton Wetdor S510 Yard Sale Sal Sem-apra WUvl- Ina Creek Rd. (In CMrtesion Ridge) Thomas Toddler Bed. ctoihlng, housahcM items, . mi№.,itoms.Atoys. Yard SaleSat, Aug 7 - 00am-2.00pm 601 North to JACk Bode Rd, right cnCotwnLano II ranmg. August 9 Yard Sale Saturday at 2809 801 South At the Bargain Bam 7am - Uniti Lots Ы llsms. Yard Sale Saturday Augusi 2, 8отч)ОСп. 283 Park Ave. MocksviBe. Sports A recr» anon equtoment. househdo Items, and MUCH MOREIt Furniture Si jjg£liances Puton bed t}/ fllp<up eldes lor bevgs. Tan mnttr. S50 Alar' sys w/41 gamos $50. 7СИ- 279-9827 Of 70-l-798-«t89 aissa lop ^de table, $20. Twc table lamps, $15 each or $2! for both. Please call 7СИ-630Ю192 Kenmore rsfrlgerator, extri wide, water dispenser arvl k:e maker. Like new. $425 OBO 336<4796546 Love seat and sola stiN In plastK}. Mustien $299 w/warranty.Can Leon al 336-392-3349 8ofe •tilt in plaatlo. Must soil $105 w/warranty.Call Loon at 336-392-3349 /Vew Today! Washer. Maytag' Neptune. Needs minor repairs. $100 Dryer, Maytag Neptune. $250. 704-279-5139 WHIRLPOOL DRYER _ 27i(iäfe. ¿ÍÜi i 2sm Hunting & Fishing Turkey ehool gun. 12 ga sav--- -1, Зб‘ ■ - • *-adjustabli sites. $S6U. Alien Cionii ЭЭ6-9С8-в667 Lawn & Garden Sales MULCH Landacepo 8окЛЮп| Natura shredded mtich $5 00 Machine & Tools 12" bend saw, Sears. With at- lachments Delta 12* bencf dnn press with allachraent $125 ea. Flmt.338-75M433 Mise For Sale ia-8'Telephone Polea«misc. length poles, nil 4 ‘ $30. Oreet 4 landscaping 7M-655-2208 hee.wood, b............3-7 M k)ng 16* Inches Ngh $6 ЛМ each. 704-633-7886 leave message _Dogs_ Free to good home. F bik Lob mix, good w/chMren. toe playful lor eklerfy couple spayed A shots 704^33-0169 Free to good home. Three logged black lab mix.Please can 704.657-5в31 lof moro Into. Pré« very cute puppies Cat 704-638-6911 Happy Jack mango modldnQ promotes hoaHng and halt growth lo any mange, hoi spot, or fungus on dogs A horses without storoklsf Yadkinvitie Qu&Uty KardMnte 679-2049mywitttpflyjiicldntitconi THIS ONE NEEDS YOUI Very sweet lem. ml* in need oi good home, lound abandonee on tes. 637-2281 $0.00 Horses 8 year old Cheetnut More. $400. Pnlmino Show Ma/e $4,500 3 yr old GeWing $000. 336-0406370 Have room In our posture to board 3 horses. Hoy fwl in winter. Farmington $l25/mo. Э30-996-31С0 Livestock Horeeehoeltig elnce 1971, all types Joe Woges 336-682-7950 Other Pets 10 wk. Old purebred pH bullHas modkuil condllior noods toving homo Cal 704-314-0170 70 galtort aquarium w/sUnd. punp. A accessories $250 Please can 704-633-8037 after 5pm Pet & Livestock Services FREE CATS 2 cats Neulored Please call 7W-279-5743 BUILDINOS FOR SALEt ’BEAI NEXT SUBSTANTIAL IN- CREASEI* 20x30x12 $4900 25i40x14 $7900 30x50il4 $9065. 35к56я18 $13.200 40x601(16 $18,90060x140x19 $47.60080x100x18 $37,coa Pk>neei sirve 1980 ,.1-800-66в-5422. Custom Window Blinde 001 honeyco^ - R sue puns • 10-8ftnL«M:y8tn.W. $5C each, $400 al. 336-9404614 PkiBsocalt704-630-0102 FrMdlrt. CaRDorek 704-213-0259 -’f.JÎ ОПАСО CENÎtiRV BABY SWlNO. BatieiV pwrd oper Юр 2 spds 3 positions oreai condtton. $25.704-666-2302 Hardy pitnk cedar shake staggered edge, now. 16 i 48.26 pieces. $208. Ploasi са1133в'787'6в03 JAZZY POWER CHAIR overstM. VOC 704-e03-431C firm $500,00. Yard Sale Saturday August 2. 290 Windward Orde, h^rs Park. Table A chairs. Belts band Instnjmem, much morel Electronics Toshiba TV, 35 Inch. Excellont condition $195. Ploosecail 336-787-5803 Farm Equipment & Supplies AC DIO irsctor with cults, Qooc tires, metal, paint. Sheiiered neatly to work. $2800. Please call 336-908-3015 Food & Produce A N Farme Jam A Jelly Peaches, Honey in front oi Auto Zone In Mocksvlllo. M Sal lOom -epm 336^02-6130 Furniture & Appliances BEAUTIFUL CHERRY CURO Cabinet, lighted LN 704-603^310 $300.00 CATNAPPER RECLININO SOFAw/bullt In messagers. LN 704 603-4310 $376 00 DESKStanley desk. White w/ Ikvai design on drawers. 7(Н-213-7в07$5000 Din!tntng с1шГга,Aekl Room table A 4 Qood conditkin $t00. Please cal 1671. OININO TABLE American Drew dning table w/ ( chairs A 2 leale,7M-213-7607 $350.00 Subscribe to the Davie County Enterprise Record You’ll find a wealth of inform ation about News • Sports • Local Events • School News • Advertising Call Today- 1-877-751-2120 Porch columna, new 6 Inch round, fluted. 86 mch length. $96 each.Са11ЭЭе-7в7-860Э PREMIUM lettloe (or sale. Never used, a^4X4X6 sheets. (960)-234-8093 $12.00 Two air cotOne 6000 BTU and one 700C BTU. $05 each 7&4-640-2322 Want to Buy Merchandise Tlmb« PM « HonJwood to acres or more. S» lect and dear cut. Shavei Wood Producis, Inc. 7CM-278- ' 9291. Night 704-276-4433 Cats Adorabt« Cat or 3 Kittens, Abandoned A Nood now Homo, Coll 704-857-5224 Curtain climbing kittene free 10 a good home. Yeiow. Please call . 7M.223-1506 Free stray cat Approx. 1 yeai okf. Spayed, rabies shou anc wormed. Very sweet to gooc home. 704-9380137 FREE TO A GOOD HOME.4 year OkJ black and white Md female cat. good wlit' . $000 Free to good home, male or­onge A while tabby, досч! w< cNldfsn, atl shots, moving A cani take w/us 704-642-1144 DofliIS 2 Orest Pyreneee doge. 2H year old. mate A 1er Good wKh goats. $400 lot both. 336-098-5853 :psglstsi wksoid, tails docked, dew- claws removed, 3rd shots $250 Ready lor new homel call Karen 336- 751-5239 b0lore600 PM Please call 704-640-7325 Free Beagle.Approxlmoiely please caH 70t-202-422S Free lo a good home, male Lab (Wx puppy BQctQximaiely 3 months c4d Very sweel 704-224-0171 .leave mwg. Fre« to good homo only. Fe­male mix brood, 3 yrs oM. Pleasa call 980-621-6865 BusinessOpportunities ALL CASH CANDY Route. Dc You Earn Up to $80iVday (po­tential)? Ynir own local route 30 MacMnes and CarxV. A» k>r $9.995. 1 •686-753^58 Free Ads 3 reeeue hlttene. 2 males,I Iemale. Mother is a Calko Free lo good homes. 704-232-9234 Alf eompceteor. \ Vt HP.2 Stage speed air on wtieels $200704-633-7906 OoiAlltfOM sway 1агмг(т>ст«т% AfyÛ gort csrts, A other out- doóf power equbmenl. Wil pick up lor free. Call Ric ЗЭ6-47Э-1638. Free S month old mate puppy Waikef and Aiatraikin Shep­herd mix. Needs a gooc home, 704-232-4014 SpecialOccasions COOL, COLORFUL MOUNTAth Days, kxlging, earning, cab­ins. gem mining, ptonooi town, music. Craft rtemomlra- lions, indtan Vllingo, sctmk towor, biking, hiking, fishing blrding, giftshops. 677-606- 2224, www.vaweekeod com Home Builders Clyde Holt Enterprises, Inc. New House - Cnpe Cod Style 2.300 sq It. Bulli on your tot $108.650 704-746-4492 Homes for Sale 3BR 3.S BA. >17,00 Briow TalValue. Brk:k ranch, coritra haaL hard woods, bosemenis LQ yecd, cor port. $124, 90C lor quick sale. 7W-030-0695 3BR, 1.9DA. houso. Carport, now paint and сафв1. f i75 ■ sq ft. $62,000. Call for Inlor- mation. 336-909-0145. Boonville. 3BR, 1QA brkk home on f^ln St $74,900. CollMaiLoACo. 336-492-7506 Cute 2BR, 1BA house lor sale In Mocksvile. fenced back­yard $79,000. Please car 336^030244 for details. •RENT TO OWN*$110,000 or $850mo RTO 2 Bedrooms 2 FUI Baths Single Car Attachod Qarago Virfyi SiJng Nffw Carpel New Poim t/4 W- acre tot OtMi Nei(^rhood Ctoee Ю Catawba CoOege and Salisbury Ma* Approximate 1,060 sqft ••CALL“ Chrti 1-704-294. 0214 Mooksvlile. ЗА BR. 2 H DA.NEW Глтл Oft Liberty Ct\ Rd Orante counters, h<bvde. Ills $194.500, Call MarLo A Cc 336-492-76Q6 ____ Mocksvlile. 406 DR, 2 И BA InHk»ory Hill. View ol goll course. ML MBR, Coll Marie A Co, 336-492-7506 Reduced over $18,0001 Kinder­ton Vilage, Advance, new 3 riut bonus, 2 H BA, --------1, $106,800 _LakeJProgertjr_ LAK8 GASTON VA/NC 360 miles Shoreline, Free Laki MapiOuysrs OuMe. Tangle- wood Reolty, Box 116 Bracey, VA 23910, www.Tun- glewooorWafty com t-800- 338 8816, Land for Sale FREE 6 ITD, man Shei Qood House If: Rottweler/Oer- mlx. Female Í.704- FRES doge. Several types. AT vary friendly- Al shou caugN up. Please сей 704-63W040. FREE Mttene. 2 males A mom Lap cats, very tovhg. Littei box (rained. 704-687*3777 al­ter 4pm or 704-433-0618 FREE kittens. 8 woekflReody-tcHiot Very friendlyi Please call 704-855^678 FREE puppies. Vory culol Wormed. 5 available. Ploasa can 704-200-3493 Free lo good home Germer wks ott. Mother ♦_ _____Qer Shepherd 70(-279-6916 Free to good home. 2 male kit­tens A mom. Litter boi trained, vory toving 704-657- 3777after4pm.0r433-0618 Two free male mix, PH Butl/AtaskanMsUmule pup­pies to a good home. CaJ; 336-752-4222 Instruction *CAN YOU DfO IT?' Heavy Equtpmenl School. 3-Weel Training Program, Backhoes, Buiklo/ers. TracKhoes. Li>ca Job Ptacumenl assistance Start digging tfn New. Toll- Free: 866-362-6407. AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for Ngh paying Aviation Main­tenance Career. FAA o(>Sroved progrnm. Fhandai ale qualiflod- -icb placomeni as­sistance. Call Aviation insti­tute o( Maintenance (8&61 340-5387, ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINEfrom home. Metical, Busl- nea«. Paralegal, Computers. Criminal Justice. Job place­ment assistance. Computet available, Finandal aU II qual- tiled. Cali 866-658-2121 www,CenturaOnline com BECOME DIETARY MANAGER(avefMe annual solary $40.374.00) In eiÿ>t moc>ths Irt online program offered b> Tennessee Technology Cerv ter. Elixabethton. Details: vAvwHcollubeihtonedu 1-868-986-2368 0reirmil; patilcla.roark at ticoliiabeihton.edu HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA' Fast, Affordable erd Aaredlt- ed Free Brochure. Can Now* 1-600-532-6546 Ext. 457, www.conilnentalacadomy.com Continental Academy. Notices DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center offers confidential anc free pregnancy tests, suppon services and referrals. Make s healthy choice lor your He’ Call 336-753 HOPE forappt. HOST FAMILIES' Sought lot Foreign Exchange Students 15-18 years old. Has owripenciirá money A insurance Cali Todayl Amertoan Intercul­tural Student Exchange, t- 600-SIBLINQ. www.eise.oom 32« wooded sores. Pius 2 cleared buUding sites, 2.4-3 С acres rural setting/reec Irontago. 336-492-2144 Mocksvliki. 4 scree perked ine surveyed. $35K. Broker Owner. 33M02-7&05 Mooksvlile. 6 ♦ seras perked d $7CK. - • I92-760Sand surveyed $70K. Broker ownor. 336-49," OWNER 9АСН1РЮе lacre Riv­er Access only $29,900 Nslghbor paid $80,900 tor Ns Pool, rWerwaik. baiillekis next torwer. FSst $29,900 takes It >,Cl|l886-OI7-6287. TtMBERLAND FOR SALEH RecrsaitonaHnvestment Op- ponunrtles 12 Tracts; 61 ic 1.120 aeree. Sealed Bidi oa 13-06. Columbus. Bladen Cumberland, Duplin, Pender Sampson, NC Counties t- 803-748-1224. wwwAmorl- canTlmberlonds conVSales. Manufactured Home Dealers Hugs living area for big family. Ownor flnandng. 880-20Mt28 Manufactured Home Sales 0 Closing Costs, 0 Down. We buld on your land and finance loo. 336-249-7042 0 Down, Low Paymenie,II you ovm land or have lamily land May 336-249-7028 4DR. 2BRInexpensi owner finandng. Ptoasecan 608-203-6128 Attn Davfe Reeidenis: Spedai Financing lor al land owr«rs. Custom buider with dee; pockets. 3 A 4 BR homes Low Payments 888-203-6126 .. ilnglewMee CHEAP 4 models to choosc Irom. Call 704'630-6403 Ask lor Darren Your Land Is Your CredlL We Finance.Please Cali 336-249-6273 Real Estate Commercial BCM Business Park For saleor lease 0,000 sq. ft. buikling 1,500 to 4.500 aq It. units. Commercia) lots lor sale oi wll build to suit tenant. Cal 336-9980165 Resort & Vacatlon^Progert^ M0UHTAIN3 OF NC. Ooneri Loss Your Qaln. Must sen ioQ cabin on 3.72 acres $89,600 Deck ovettooklng large cieek ei lo finish, wooded, private. 628-286-1666, broker. Resort & Vacatlon^Progert^ SHARED OWNERSHIP PltOP- ERTIES In North Carolinn Salos or consuitotkxi Visit WWW boachcQrrtjetpiopofties com -Call Chfliios McCormicIi toll friM at l-868-560-t0Sa _A£artmenl8_ Larg« 1 BR apwlment. Downtown Mockavnie. Nc 125 por month. Ceil 704-278-1717 Sunset Terrace Apartments,Mocksvllle I A 2 BR. Move-lr spodali All appis, central heo' A AC Can 336-751-0166 Houses for Rent 128 Little John Dr. Advance Brick ranch.2LQ BR. 1.5 OA, ktn. dith washer, stove, relg. disposai. Lg DR A LR. laundry room. Oli heal Central air. Wood buming FP w/ Inserì. 2 car garage attachod w/ opon- ers, new fkxrtng throughout Beautiful clean homo. Nc pels. $78№mo. 336-766-0526 3 OwV a Bath brtok ranch ir Sails centrai air A heatpump No peta. $900amontfV$90C deposit. 919-971-4103 3BR2BATH COUNTRY RANCHAvaiiat^e Augusi 1,2006. 3BR 2 Bath with bonus room $900 per month « $900 de­posit. Cen704'630-0859 3BR, 1BA brkk home with c«r- p<xt. Vlnyl windows snd cen­trai air/heat 5 miss soutf) or Mocksvllle. No pets $650Anonih $680 depoel Coll 336-284-6332 6pm-9pm 3BR, IBA. Clemmons area. Re- frtgeraior, stove. centra hoeUair, washer/dr^r con­nections. carpai. $70Qimo deposit rsq'd 336-7664329 3BR, IBA. No smoking Nc pels Aval. A'I. Jerichc Church Rd,MocksvlBe. $700r mo. > dop. 336492-6400 Century ai Triad 336-7Bt-222a located In Kmderton 2 BR. IBA. All appliances itviuded. $795Mxmth 8962 Fox Ridge- Winston-Salem ЗОН 2BA kjwnhouse. Range, dishwasher, and г e- fngerator. $939/month 321 Burton Rd-Advance Vsiy nloe 2Q en home situated on 18 Acres. Vsry Private. $80C№tonth Calt Century 21 Triad 336-751- 2222 ask lor Ext. 213 Mcn-Frl 6am - 8pm cr ЭЭ6-761-8505 Ext 213nights end weekends cnAPrsmlwReeMy Jackie Coulston 336.78M7n or a36-7B1-2056 ADVANCB-Rentor Poesibie lesso puichase - 4QR, 8DA. NSW Coiist/ucticfi. Porch, pa- tk), bonus room or 4*' bed­room. $l400fmonth MOCKSVILLE- Pudding Rklge , Ooraeous4BR, 3hBAcuston- ' brldi homo. Ootfcouriecom- munrty. Owner llnencing a^^il- ade. Rent or possible loese purchase. $166C^morHh, Call for details, MOCKS VILLE-2 OR, 2BA.m fownwith skle porch A cov­ered patio. $700'monlh M0CKSViae-2eR. tHBA.s levels, eet-in kitchen, petto,. $485Anonth. Nopets. MOCKSVILLE-3BR, 2BA. Old farmhouse wlh acrssgs.$700/monm ERA Premier Reefty Jackie Couleton 336-78M777 336-995-7777 Howard Realty JC Jordan 336<78t-656a Mocksvllle-in town 2BA.IBA, relrtg. Range, eleclrto heal, window air, No Smoking, NOPETS. $60Q^mo. Cooleemee • BR, I BA, oil heaL window air, $450’mo. WInaton 8alem-2BR,lBA. gas hoai, ceniroi air, near AsNey Elem, $500MX). Howard Realty JCJorden 336*781-8562 Howard Realty JC Jordan Э36-7в1-вв62 MOCKSVIUE- In town, 2BR, IBA. range, electilc heat. No smoking, NO PETS, $451Уто. MOCKSViUE* 3QR. 2BA.ro- liig.. range, dishwashet. cen­tral heai/alr, No smoking, NOPETS. $76(ViTO. C00l£EMEE-2BR. IDA,re* frig.. COOLEEMEE-3BR, IBA.oil heal, window ak. $450^. LEXtNGTON-4BR,3BA,oil heat, central air, $995/mo. WINSTON 8ALEM-30R, IBA dl heal, windoyv air. near ek' port. $63(Угтв. Howard Realty JC Jordan 336*781-8662 PENNINGTON «CO. 336-998-9400 336-9090747 FM Slesle Roed, Mocksvllle - 3BR,2BA,lurnished $120(Vmonth, $1200Л)еров1.336-096-9400 opitoni Gsrmanton Roed-HWY 8, Winston-Salem-’ Duplex- 2 BR. 1 BA. $625Anon(h, $625^deposlt Indudes yard work and'waist. 338-996-9400 optton 2 IrlshmsnFlace-Advance- 3BR, 2BA. $1350Лпоп№, $1350 deposit 336-998-9406 option ч Teft Street. Yadkinviile-3BR, 1 OA sman home wlih front porch and storage buMing. $550/month, $55(Vdeposit. 336-996-9400 OptK^ 8 Beneon Street - 2 BR. IBA, Seoo/month > $000 deposit.336-996-9400 option 7 Courtney-HunUviile Rd., Yedkinvilie - 2 BR, t BA duplex with tfont porch, brand new homo. $750Anonth, $750/dep. 338-908-0400 option 9 Mr.Undiord/Owner-3-4 BRRentals. Do you havo one empty7 Cali us, we have qualined applicants INDIVIDUAL COMMERCIAL PRtVATi OFFKiE SPACE,$t,000/monmiorl,OIOSF (5 (DIftoes). Call Janice McDanlo 336-0094)747 Pennington A Co. 336-998*0400 336-9094)747 Houses for Rent Motorcycles & ATVs Advance, large 4BR, tBA. печ< remodel with epplloncos. Cerv Irfll Heal A Air, $750/гтк) * $750 deposit 336-998-7003 Harley Davidson Road King Classic, 2002 White pearl fuellnjocted 15k miles. Extins, excellent condition. $11.000- 704-213-7106Bermuda Run Country Out Rent to Own. 3 OR. 2 M OA lownhouse. garage 2092 sq ft across from gdf course, take in bock. $6.000 dovm $1,000 month. 704-6304)695 Harley Dsvidaon, 2002. VRSCA-V-Rod Mini Low miles Extras.Please can 336-998-2992 Gun Club Roed in Advance 2BR. ihBA. fenced backyard $62Sm>cn\h pk)S Oepoail 877-245^700 Scooter, new. Eagle Shark 50CC4 stroke. $950 Goto •cootarkjruie'CUlblogMKit com For detail« 330-793-6326 Mocksvllle new 3BR, 2BA, ap­pliances. $7SO'mo 4 $750 de­posit no pets. 336-996-7003 RecreationalVehicles Reni lo Own: New opscato 3 ot 4BR w1»nus room, 2ViBA. gaiage, noet 2100 tq h.. se­curity system, track iighiing staidess steel appliances nlco. near i-40. only $950C down. $99Vmo 704-6304»95 Mallard Camper, 2000. Built by Ftoatwood Hooiea. 8' x 29*. 336-909-3618 Service & PartsManufactured Home (or Rent Chevrolet, 1962 right A ЮП Irom fonders. $50 eacn. Please Ы 704-633-3507 Leave mos sage if no answer.aen, IDA. Extra nlco. fuin on pnv tot betv/oen Lee A Jock­ey plants, no pels, no HUD, 3 people limn. 330-284-4758 Tires, P22S-75R18. 6 liros. Liko now. $30 ench. Ploflss can 336-264-2708 or 336- 302-9108.20R, 2BA. 14 1 80. Overk)0k.n( small pond. Located oil Batty Road near YadkkvDav^ Co line Quiet tocation. Nc large/meon pets. Access tc W.S., Mocksville or Yed klnvilie. Easy 15*20 minuti drive. Long term lesso pre- Isrred $590 down A 550mxinlh. 336-406-1981 Vans for Sale Nissan Psthllnder, 1994. 4 door. 4 wheel ditve. aufomat- to - New tires A wheels $1.000. 336-264-2708 or 336- 302-9166aOR. IBA In ntoe safe park, country setting. nort^ Mocksville, easy access tc 40, $475MKJ336<J99-22ie Want to Buy: Transportation3BR. аВА 14x70. Shady Acroi Crotts Rd. US hwy 04 East Mocksvine. 336-909- 2092^36-996-8222 $ Cash $ to r J u n k C ars Ploaso Call 3эе“ 107.в283 MU8TSEEI Privato sottingl 2BR/2BA. all appi. Cent. Heat & air, do<;K, & garago. No smoking. No pots. $575/mo. plus do- poeiL 336-998-3638.Auctions Resort & Vacation Rentals ADSOtUTE AUCTIOfI- Tuoi. day, August 12 0 10am 201 S Central Avenue, Locust. NC Otiice Fumnute, Medtcitf Equipment C<^uters. vAVwckissicauctK>ne com 7O4-t07-«Oie. NCAF5479.FREE CAMPHO t OAS a.I awnyi Beautiful Pl^oto Соглр- ground И North Carolina Modem Amenities, Plannee AcHvitles FamlV Funi CaI 600-790-1399 tordeta.le АиСТЮН • Ctftstructton Equip- msnt A Trucks, August 8 ^ Rfchmond. VA 700* lots, Featuring Two Site Comractoi ligutdations, P kr vw i^i Department ol TransportsIK», Dominton Virginia Pow«r A Othersi Induding Excavators. DMOrs, Dumps A Mora. Moi- ie/s Auctton A Rsatty Group, 604-232-3300, • VAAL «16, WWW Motleys com * * Autos DONATE YOUR VEHICLE- Re­ceive $1000 Grocery Coupor • United Breast Cancer Foun- dalton* Free Mammograms BieAst Cancer into WWW ubcf Inlo/. Free Towing Tax Deductible. Non-Runnen Accepted, 1-б8в-4ба-5064 Child Care & Nursery Schools GREAT FAMILY VEHICLE!Chrysler Town A Country Van, 1W . Loaded Leather, ABS Good Tkes. 38L ve • Rum Qreatt 25-29 MPG. 233K miles. Betow book value at $2000. Please caH Kel> .704-657-9880 Legally operated In home сПк) care available 2 spots aval- able. Advance area. Pleas« coll 336-918-9650 Child ¿are & NeededNICE, LOW MILEAGE V0LV01 Volvo 90, 1990 leather, sun roof, new tires, cd. cruioe blue exvian mt. only 83.00G mileol TO4-839-t506, pkus< leave о message. Child Care Needed,Ellio School Dislrlct 336-098-0233 CleaningServicesBoats & Watercraft WINDOW ctoanlng. convnerda and reskionDal. Cel for free ostimate. 704-764-2786 1 M 7 a B fM T H 0 N z S e ^75 HP SutuM (1996) cktan & tow hours Qreat famiy eki / fishing boot. 7W-2230059 $2.200. HomeImprovement Lamlnsta and oeramie ftoor* Ing, lences. deck, sheet rock, poJnt: you name.n, w« can Bondeo and insured 704-246-2002 A white, very fost Comes wiir trailer, cover and life lacKot. Looking for someone lo take over poymenis. 704-202-1771 Lawson's Home Improvements Windows, doors, vinyl skiing, bnck, dock work, log siding, hardwood flooing. Freo esti­mates Ownor Andy Lawson Call 336-492-5410 or 336- 0090695 JunkRemoval Motorcycles&ATVS Will haul away for free scrap Iron, aluminum, etc A appis computers, batteries A aii condttonora 704-857-1867 KewasakI, Vulcan'500 LTD, 2003. Super Nice Oikel Has Aftermarket Wmdshoikl. Loei than 5000 oflglnal mllest , Qraat On Qasl 52 plus rr\ptfs! Great Buy ot only $2.60C Firm. 701-2324)192, Masonry Maaonry Work, Bricli or Btock. loundaitons. garages, chimneys, poreh- BS, steps, oto. BUR new or repaired. Over 35 years experienco, Insured, roo- sonable raise, Freo Estl* так». 336-462-4550 or 336-998-4766 MusicServices MusicServices Profotalonal Plano taaoher In Mocksvilla/Salisbory with 20+ years experlenco lor all ages. Have the op* perform in a taige tetilal r Si'-w spring as well as porlorm In 9 " programs involving other instnitnents. ^ Limited apace available. 704-230-8400 Motorcycles & ATVs Painting & Decorating MOTORCYCLE FOR SALEIIll Honda, Shadow Sabre, 2004. VT1I00C2 Red Low, Low Mtlealll Only 1000 miles. Always garaged Well tak­en care ot fiever driven In the rain. SHOWROOM C0NDITI0NNI1I Have to see. Nice backrest. Qreat power lor 2 adults Hel- ment Inckided We )uBt purchased a new sportscar for our new toyil $5600. LoKlnmon CaU 336-706-1105 Wyatt'S Painting Intertor arxl extortor palnthg and wallpa­per. Free estimates. Coll any- tlmo. 7W-239-45ta Roofing & Guttering Sunshine Rootlno A Construction Froe Estimates. insurar\ca Clakra Wsteome 70I-279- W56 Tree Service F IN D IT S E LL IT H IN T IT In th » Classifieds Canopy Tree Service. Profes­sional Servtoo at reasonable rates. Fully Insured. Cali foi free estimates References available. Also, lirewood lor sale. 336-998-t374 Timber Wanted, 2 acres oi more clear or select, small oi large tracts, commission for timer bough on referrals, beat pilceo gusranioed. H A M Logging. 336-466-6578 DIO - DAVIE COl/NTy ENTERPRISE KECORD, Thursday, July 31,2008Davie High Class Of ‘ 0 8Grows By 1 8 Students Central Davic Academy lias provided high school summer scliool for sludents fulling short of eiirning crcdit in core courses during the 2007-2008 school yew. Summer school began on . July 7 and will be wrapping up by July 31. ‘ This summer school opportunity allowed 18 seniors to earn crcdit towards graduation this summer. Of those, eight students chose to participate in a small graduation ceremony in the auditorium ut Central Davic Aeadcmy on July 28. Summer school principal, Ali Wall, led the processional of graduates to the stage and cach received their diploma from superintendent. Dr. Robert Landry. More than 40 guests watched as the summer school staff honored graduates, As of July 28, students in grades 9-12 have earned more than 200 credits this summer. “Summer school instruction will positively Impact the district graduation rate, retention rate, and drop out rale,” said Beth Weatherman, Central Davie principal. "Since iCentral Davie Academy opened in 2006, over 1000 students iiave participated in one of our opportunities for academic success.” Seniors earning credit toward graduation this summer; Cherron Alexander Nathan Budd Christian Conalcs Brittany Crews Corwin Crews Daniel Diaz * Robert Dingey III ♦Alicia Downs * Ashley Estep Darius Hall ' * Dustin Leonard Matt Leonard- Josh Owen * Jessica Paige John Pfaff * Marcus Renwrlck ’"Megan Scaford * Demetrius Williams * denotes participation in the, July 28 ceremony. Davie Dateline Ashley Estep (left) and Alicia Downs display their Davle High School diplomas. F u n d ra is e rs Saturday, Aug. 2 Yard Sale, nnd holdog & hiimburgcr saic.Ml.ZlonCluireli. rcllowshlphull, US 64 E. & Mill Street, 8 n.m. Ill 3 p.m. , Crnn Brothers, pctforming at Mt. Olive UMC, 3521 Wyo Rd., 7 p.m., nil proceeds lo Rclny For Life. Rc- frcshmenls & fellowship tu follow. Saturday, Aug. 9 Cur Wash & Bake Siilc, .by the William R. Ouvle Rnidcrs, 10 n.m. til 2 p.m., WnlMun parking lot. Saturday, Aug. 16 Benefit Soflbull Tournnmi'nt, Rich Putk Softball ncid, entry fee $150.10 riinhonic-nmllmll.'l’obcncniDonuld "Flrcbnll" Jones, a dclcniion officer willi Davle SlicrifPs Ofllce, who wns seriously injured In a car wcciilent. Donations ncceplcd. Info: 336-480- 8847 or 753-6710. Friday, Aug. 22 Game Night, at Sheffiold-Calalittln Comm. Center, 174 Turkcyfoot Rd,, 7 p.m. Proceeds lo fund Improve- nicnls to ccnter. R e u n io n s Sunday, Aug. 10 Annual Bnlly Reunion, at Turners Creek Bnpt. Church feIlow.shlp build­ ing. Lunch I p.m., bring n picnic bas­ ket. Drinks, plnles, etc. will be fur­ nished. R e lig io n Saturday, Aug. 2 CoAnnunity Wide Ice Creum So­ cial, at Yndkin Vnllcy Bnpl. Church, 6p,m. Locnilon; 1324 Yndkin Vnllcy Rd„ Adv'nncc, Everyone welcome. Sunday, Aug. 3 163i^-Annual Hoinecoming, nl Concord UMC. 161 Cheny Hill Rd„ Rev; Jim Sanders at 11 a.m. scrvice, Sun.-Thurs., Aug. 3-7 “God’s Big Backyard” VBS, at NewUnionUMC, l869ShenieldRd„ 6-9 p.m. nightly, ages 3 years to 6lh grade. For info or to prc-regisler cnil 492-6408, Mon.-Fri., Aug. 4-8 "Son World” VBS, nt Macedonia Monivlan Church, 5:30-8 p,m., cnch night serving dinner 5:30 p.m. Ages: 3 yrs, (potty trained) lo 6th gnide, Locntion: 700 NC 801 North, Ad- vnnce. Info: 998-4394, Sun.-Fri., Aug. 10-15 Kcvivul, at Cednr Creek Missioamy Bnpl, Church. Sunday, lunch nt 1:30 p,in„ service al 3 p,m. Services con­ tinue nightly 7:30 pm. . Ч t U ,1 и ' «ff «Sriilíjíwii - ' ^ г и SHINEchecking reward yourself with generous Interest m m * : ■on yüúr báiaiiéés • 'uptö$5S,ÖÖ0 i Ш APY* o w r $25,000 tírequIrámenU'. are nol met Apply ¡online at 6anko(llhéGartíltt>aB,ci)|tii.: V I si I M o n 'ie n tT 0 S ld rii? ,(;o m , S ig n u p ftjr S H IN E c h e c k in g * s u b m it 9 S H IN E s to ry a n d d ls c o v is r y o u r in o m e n 4 a * » » * ^ « A' I t 4 * K « k • ft'* i ft * A • b '«.k » i 'тш Friday, Aug, 15 Youth Explosion, Refuge Commu­ nity Church, 7 p.m. Guest speaker: Pastor Kenny Onmt of Ctirisl’s Com­ munity Church in Snvnnnnh, On. Saturday, Aug. 16 Annual Farm D.ty, ntBrendofLlfc Bnplist Churcli, 8:30 n.m. lil noon. Pony rides, hny rides, fnce painting, balloon figures, bubbles, slides, & more. Lunch providedat noon, Locn- lion:NC80i NordintUS60l,Mock.s- villc. Youth Picnic, Camp Manna, Pine Ridge Rond, sponsored by Refuge Comihunlty Church. 11 u.m. Saturday, Aug. 23 2nd Annual Flock.<itock, nn outdoor Chrislian music festival, presented by Cornnlzer UMC, 12 noon until wc’ro done, featuring all types of Christian music. Hot dogs,, chips, & sodns $1 each. Moby’s will be on site selling smodlhles, cookies, and frozen coffees. Free jumping castle for kids. Bring lawn chair or bliuiket. S o e d a J E v e n ts Friday, Aug. 22, Summer Dance, sponsored by Duviu Sr. Services, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Mobile juke box on hand for variety of music for all kinds of dancing - with or without a piulncr. Refreshments will be served. Free. Plense RSVP early. Opeii lo ndults 55 & older. Call 753- 6230 to RSVP. Saturday, Sept, 6 Davle High Special 50lh Birthday celebration, for the Dnvie MIgli Clnss of 1976,4-8 p.m., SheltcrS Rich Piuk. Clnssmatcs may bring fnmlly Sc cov­ ered dishes. Paper products, drinks furnished. Homemade ice crenm, b'dny cnkc, 70s music, reminiscing. WNVw.davichighnlumni.coin D a te s to R e m e m b e r l^on., Wed. & Thurs., Aug. 4,6 & 7 NC Hunters Kd. Training, 8 n.m. til 12 noon each day, nt Dnvie Co. Lnw Enforcement'Training Center, 370 Dalton Rd, Mocksvilie. State mnn- dnted class for hunters 16 nnd older who have nol hnd a prior NC hunting license. For info: 753-6710 or 751- 6238. Ongoing , Free Monlhly Diabctc.s/Bloud Pres- .surc/ChulcstcrolScrecnlngs, Inst Fri. of each month in 2008 at WnlMnrt, 9 n.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored by Davie , Lion’s Club. M e e t in g s Monday, Aug. 4 County Commissioners Special Meeting, 5 p.m, Commissioners Room, Davie Administration BIdg., 123 S. Main St., Mocksvilie, Tliursday, Aug, 7 Duvie Co. Kepubllcan Men, 7 p.m., Sngebnish Steakhouse, Mocksvillc^ For info: 940-2591. Thursday, Aug. 14 Mocksvilie Planning Board, 6p.m., Mocksvillc Town Hnll. hifo: 753- 6050. Davle Republican Women, dinner/ meeting ut Zeko's, 6 p.m. Ongoing Davie Beekeepers Assoelallon, sec­ ond Monday of every month, 7 p,m„ nl N,C, Cooperative Ext, Office, 180 S, Main Street, Mocksvilie. For info: 998-2975. VFW Po.st 4024,7 p.m., 2nd Tues. ouch month, VFW Hut, Sanford Avenue. Mocksvillc. Eligible mem­ bers welcome. Come early for re- fre.shments. For info cnil 492-7521. Humane Society at Davle Co., bi­ monthly meetings 2nd Tues. ofevety even-numbered month, nl Humane Society Adoption Center, 290 Entdn Rd. Call 751-5214 for info. Family Services "What Every Par- cntShuuldKnnw",parcntingclasscs to interested piuvnts of teens in loeal nrcns, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., nt Mocksvillc office Simford Ave. Cost $15. For more Info: 751-4510. Christian Buslne.<ismcn's Conimlt- tee of Mocksvilie, Thuradnys, 7 u,m, Mocksvilie Rotiuy Hut, Gold Wing Touring Assoclatlun, Red Pig Barbecue, Greasy Comer, N,C. 801 nt U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Davle High Athlctle Boosters, 3rd Mondny, 7 p.m., school cufctcria. Farmington Ruritan Club, 2nd Thursdny, 7:30 p.m., Fannington Meihoilisl church. Davle Counly Board of Social Scr- vlccsl4thTuesday, 5:30p.m. nt DSS. Narcotics Anonymnus Agninst All Odds Group, First Bnpl. Church, 390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug l*roblcin7 Helpline, 336-785-7280, Mocksvillc American Legion Post 174, VFW Hut, Sanford Ave,, 2nd Thursdny, 7 p.m. Advancc Memorial Past 8719 Vcl- eroas of Foreign Wius nnd Lndles Auxiliiuy, 4th Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Rond. Davle County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursdny, grand juiyrixim, court­ house. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Y M C A For more infonnntlon, cull 751 -9622, visil www.dnvie.ynicnawnc.org, or come to the YMCA for a lour. Soccer Kids 3-13 join YMCA for fidl Socccr. Season nins Aug. 25-Ocl, 18. Prnc- tices Mon., Tues., or Thurs. evenings (depending on team). Omnes Sat. Pee Wee Socccr (ngcs 3-4) meet Snt. morn­ ings. Rcgi.ster Ihm Aug. IS, Cost: $35 mcmben!/$55 non-members. Flag Football Kids 4-12 can join fnll fing foolbnll season which mns Aug, 25-Ocl. 18. Practices Mon., Tues., orTIairs. eve­ nings (depending on team) Games on Sal. Register Ihm Aug. 15. Cost: $35 members/$55 non-members. Kids Night Out, Parents can enjoy date night while kids enjoy night at YMCA. Register now for Kids Night Out on Friday, Aug. 8. Children ages 3 mo.-12 years con come play from 6:30-10:30 pim. While there they will enjoy dinner, giunes, nrts, cmfls, and swimming. Cost: $10 mcmbcrs/$l5 non-mem­ bers. Mad Science Camp Bring your mad scientist lo the Y for week of hnlf-dny science camp. This camp shows the fun behind science we never saw in tiie classroom. Laser light shows, cotupulls, slimy science, and rockets nre just a taste of whnt they’ll be working with. Aug. 4-8, 8 a.m.-noon. $70 membets/$85 non­ members. Sign up today. Before, After School Care Before & ahcr school available in all Davie public elementary schools. Su­ pervised middle school is avnilnble nfier school al-YMC A (transporalion available). Cure also available for out of school cinys, spring brenk, over the summer. Rales viuy. Registmlion be- ginsAug. I'.rmnncialassislanceavail- nbie. Summer Camp Summer isn't over yet, so come play, nl the YMCA. Cnmp Sunbunt (rising lst-6lh graders) nnd Camp PRYDE (rising6lh-risinB9lhgradera)areguiu--- anlecd a good time. Field trips each week. Camp open 6:30 n.mi ill 6 p.m. Regislmtion info nvnilnble ul YMCA. Adult Swim Lessons Never Icorn as a kid? No problem, swimming is a life skill wc offer in ndult swim, lessons. Morning or evening lessons offered Tues.mi»rs. Join us and find out how much fun swimming is. Sessions Aug. 8-28. $33 mcmbers/$66 non-members. Members Only Join the YMCA and take ndvantage of water acrobics, yoga, biking, walk­ ing, personal training, and more. Come visit nnd tour our fnclilty at 215 Cem­ etery Street nnd leam how wc build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. S e n io r s All Senior Acllvities lake place at DnvleCounty Senior Services locnicd ut 278 Meroney St., Mocksvilie tm- less otherwise noted. Cnil 753-6230. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W , 11:30 a.m., Th.&Fri., 11 a.ni.,lunch.scrveddaily. Silver Health Excrcise.4', Exercise Room of Senior Services, M, W, F, 8:30 tt.m. Tues. & Tlium. 9 n.m. al Mock Place, (open lo any senior). Quilling Club, every Mondny, 10 a.m. Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd 'htesday, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, PodlatrLst, at Sr. Services every three weeks, 8;3Ci a.m., please cull for dnlcs. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, nl 10:30 n.m. in the NuUilion Site. SlngingSenloni Chorus,Tiiursdays, 10 a.m. VFW Ladles Auxiliary, cvciy 2nd Thurs., 1 p.m. Scrabble, I p.pi. every Monday. Rook, 1 p.m. every Mondny. Texas Hold'Em -Thursdnys, 1 p.m. Painting - Wednc.sdnys 8:30-11:30 a.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club, every second Tues. of the month, 12:30 p.m. Computer Classes ■ are available, call for infonnntlon. Arthritic Exercise - every other Wed. 10:30 a.m. Low Impact Aerobics - Wed, & Fri. begins Feb. 7 11 n.m. lil 12 p.m. Fitness Equipment Room ■ open Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 n.th. lil 5 p.m. Table Teimis-every Tues. 1-4 pm. Art, Mondays 9 n.m. lil 12 p.m. Tal Chi, Tuesdays (call for sesssion dates) Line Dancing, Thurs. 11 n.m, til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13 Sr, Services Town Hall Meeting, Duvie Sr. Services will host it’s next town meeting with local allomey, 10:30 a.m., tliis.is great opportunity to nsk questions and get nhswers about wills, living wills, power of attorney, healthcare power of allomey. Open to adults of all ngcs. Cnli 753-6230 lo register. Refreshments will be served. Friday, Aug, 22 SummcrDancc,6:30-9:30p.m., free, refreshments will be served, the mo­ bile jukeiiox will be licre for a variety of music for dancing - with or without tt plainer. Plen-se RSVP enriy (event will be cancelled if nol enough Inter- esO. Call 753-6230. Report Davfe Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davle Dalelltie should be reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse.