12-DecemberDIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Nov. 25,1999 Davie Dateline F u n d R a is e r s ; Now Thm Christmas lights On Safe forTttc of Animals spon- ; sored by Humane Society of Davie. Lights 'may be purchased in honor or memory of ; pcRon Of animal for $3 each. To wilcr, wtit e : to Humane Society at P.O. Box l53,Mocl^ ; vUIe, N.C. 27028 or call 751 -5214. ‘Saturday, Dec. 4 Xounti^ Ham & Tenderioin Dreakfost, blocks Methodist Chtuxh, 6:30-10 a.m. jN.C 801 at Mocks Church Rd., Advance. - Proceeds for building fund. For more info or [takeouts call 336-998-5518. .l^eligion ;Sunday,Dec.5 JIuidbcII Sololsl Nancy Triplelt Eulnnks 'at Maks Methodist Churc^7p.m.N.C801 in Advance. R e u n io n s Saturday, Nov. 27 Davlelllgh Clan or 1974 :sih Reunion, Crystal Lounge, Catawba College. Salis­ bury, 7 p.m. For details, call 751 *3207 or 751-1889. S p e c ia l E v e n ts Dec.3&4 Chrbtmaj Play 'A Child >Vho Would lie King* at Brock ftrfonning Aits Center, N. Main St., Mocksville, 8 p.m. Presented by Faith & Victory Family Worship Center drama team. Tickets; $5. (Available at box bnice at Caiplina Christian Docks & Gills). For more info call 751-4611. Saturday, Dec. 4 Pet Adoptkm Day, Davie County Animal Shelter, Eaton Rd., 10am. • nooa Sponsored by Humane Society. 751-5214. Hometown Christinas Parade, do\siuo\s-n Mocksville, 4 p.m. Lighting ofoaks at dusk. Sunday, Dec. 5 - Codeemee Community Chrlitnms Con.... cert, 3 p.m. VFW Tree Lighting at Zachaiy House. Monday, Dec. 6 BigBrothers/BigSIsteraOpenHouse,l 17 East Depot St, Mocksville, 6-8 p m. Dec. 6-10 Homrtown Christmas £>tnts, dowTitown Mocksville, 6-8 p.m. Carding, omamcnt making, carnage rides, hot chocolate. Santa. Tuesday, Dec. 7 Appalachian Chrlstmai Concerl, Dnxk rVffomiing ArtsCenter.7:30p.m. Featuring Tunmy Abell & Laura Doosinger. Friday, Dec. 10 •TlicNutcracker,' Brock Performing Ans Center, 7:30 p.m. Perfomied by Lewisville/ Mocksviltc Ballet. ChristnuisHoniccttniiigPnrty,Senk)rCcn- ter, 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11 Santa Cinus In Coolecnicc,Zachary I louse. noon-2 p.m. Sponsored by Coolcemce Rec­ reation Association. Photos, $2. Advnnce Christmas Parade. 10 am. Dec.11&12 Cooleeniee Christmas Tour of Homes, 3- 6 p.m. Van ser\ ice begins at Zachary I louse. Tickets: $6. In advance: $5. (Available at CoolecmeeToM-n Hall,Zachary House.Davie Discount Dnigs, Davie Chainber of Can- mercc). Rx more info, call 284-2(4(. D a te s to R e m e m b e r NowTlim Dec. 10 Flu & Pneumonia Shots, Davie County Health Dept, Hospital Street. Mocksville. Tbesda)s.8:30-ll am.Hiursdays. l-4p.ra No ttppointment necessary. Thursday, Dec. 2 Center Volunteer Fire Department An­ nual Incorporatk)n Meeting at Ore statkin, 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5 Smith Gro^-c Volunteer Fire Department Annual Afee((ng at (he dqurtiTwnt. 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9 Davie County Republican Party Christ­ mas Party, Center Community Building, 6:30 p.m. Pot more info, call 998-2341. 4th 'niun., 7 p.m., VFW Hall, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. l7F&AM,2nd,4ih Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksville Masonic Lodge No. 134, 1st. 3rd "niesdays. 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. S e nilO t^ M e e tin g s Saturday, Nov. 27 Davic County Republican Men's Federa- ■ tten, Red Pig Baibecue(fwmerly F&F). 7:30 am. Last meeting of )tor. Tuesday, Nov. 30 Davie Democrats, Wesicm Steer, 7 p.m. All Senior Activities take place at the Davie County Senior Center kicaied in the Bnxk Building on North Main Stiret. Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Wednesday, Nov. 24 RSVPSewlng'B-,RSVP0mcc.9am.. I p.m. Card & Board Games, East Room. 1:30 p.m. Fork Club, R)rk Civic Center. 11:30 am. RSVP Birthday Party. Davie Place, 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 29 (Quilting. East Room. 10 am. Seniors & Technotogy, Nutritton Site. 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 30 Seniors & Technology, Nutrition Site, 3 p.m. Topic: Computers and teh Internet. Wednesday, Dec. 1 Incenlhv Breaknist, Parks & Roc Dept meeting room. 8:30 n.m. For walkers, exer­ cisers and those interested in joining pro­ gram. ■Thursday, Dec. 2 Lunch& Uam, WeMcmSteer.nam.Leam about post ofllce & get holkliiy nulling tips. Free drink for senwrs. Ask for coupon at door. Davfc County Stamp Club, Ea.M Room. 7 p.m. Vklcoguidctostttnipcollccting&club Christmas party with refreshments. Quilting, CNtry other Mond.iy. lOam. Bridge, Tuesdays & Frid.iys, 1 p.m. Report Davie Dateline items By Noon Monday Itenisfor Davie DatcUncshouldbercponed by noon Monday of tlie publication week. Call75l-2120ordfupilbyllwofRcc.S.Main St. ocHKs ftT)m the counhouse. EXCEPTIONAL STYLES HAIR SALON For Men, Women & CltildrenMirsh) NOW OPEN '■ i i. al 2123 Hwy. 158 Cedar Log tH^omes H^ts and turn-!Kfti Saks ColoniaCStructures, Inc. CattlMtritHifctor (336)492-2508 II TREE SERVICE 'A 33 6 -4 9 2 -2 9 4 4 _ i^mH; Free Estimates • Insured ' MocksvilleOp*n10>7Mon.,TUta,Thurt.l> Fri. For appolnlmenls call (336)751-7891 ___aai K-INS WELCOME F i r s t U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h 305 Nortli Main Street, Mocl(sviiIe Rev. Charles Turner, Pastor Sunday Worship Opporturiitics: 8;50 am - Informal Contemporary Service' 9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study ^10:55 am - Traditional Worship Service 'A caring church with a place for you." CHRISTMAS TREES O P E N O N T H A N K S G m N .G _P .A Y You Cut Or Dig Or Select A Freshly Cut Tree F ir W rea th s A n d R o p in g ACRES TO CHOOSE FROM WHITE PINES UoTo 10 Feet Bring Own Digging Tools • Saws Available I >»- C u t ^ ra a o r A y/allat^lo ^ \ Hours: 4-6 Mon.-Frl. • Sat - Sun 9-6 T A T U M F A R M S 2 MI10I East of Cooleemee on Tatum Road Between Highway 601 & 801 Located OH Pine Ridge Road 336-284-2334 Spinach Calzone w /d rl*..... Small Stea!( Stromboll w/iftlnk.... Ciccione's Normo Luigi Family Italian Restaurant 185 North Salisbury St, • Mocksville, NC to 30jm-t0 00pm M-Sat: 11:30M-10.00pm Sun. (336) 751-0358 or 751-0359 EAT IN or TAKE OUT 16’’ X-Large 2 Topping Pizza Just S g 9 9 piNNEHgP^giAL Your Choice of: > Spinach Manlcottl 'Chicken Parmlglana iv/SWs olspaghelll • Llngulnl niir Don Pripo w/Whiteorreddams uur ni;yi rriliB (incWMMbdigirllclmad) *1 0 (1 If you've been looking for something.different, you've just found it. The dramatically different Dodge. And now Dodge is making it exceptionally easy to go your own way. Dodge Ram The longesl-laslingfiill-slze pickups on the mad. • 7 0 9 . Low l.y A P R Financing on select Rams" •Based on percenugc of 7/89-7/98 new pickup registrations still rtgisiered on 7/1/98. Data source: The Polk Company. ••Short- \tenn financing for qualined buyers., Excludes Quad Cabs.” Dodge Intrepid Tivice named one of Car and Driver’s WBest. n,ooo Cash Allowance Dodge Neon Grin fmm gear 10 gear. n,ooo Cash Allowance or low 1 . 9 APti Financing’ •Short'term financing for qcaiifictl buycn. Dodge^ Different. See The Friendly Dodge Dealer Near You Dodge Caravan The most innovative, most imitated, most trusted, best-se/ling minivan even*n,250 Cash Allowance or . low 1.9APR Financing” •Based on innovations since Caravan's s... 1984 inception. ••Shon-ierm financing for ijualilled buyers. 5-1........—■■■'y Win $1,000 Cash Contest Details: Pages B4-B5 Happy At Home Davie Residents Benefit From Program That Allows Tliem To Remain At Home Page C1 DAVIE COUNTY so« ENTERPRI/^ECORD USPS149-160 Niiiiil)fr48 TInii-sdiiy, Due. 2,1999 40 PAGES l^ap Found On Murder Suspect Will Not Be Admitted, Judge Decides By Jeanne Gaither Davie County Enterprise Record A iiand drawn map found in the pos­ session of Jathiyah A. Al-Bayyinah when he was atrcsled will nol be admitted as evidence in his trial for the murder of MoclcsvillebusinessnianS.W.BrownJr., who was stabbed during an allempted robbery at his wholesale store on Depot Street March 6,1998. Judge Marvin Gray granted a motion last week by defense attorneys Lori Hamilton-DeWitt and David Minor for stjpptession of themap.whi Mocks­ ville Police Detective Ken Hunter said illustrates the area around Brown's busi- Using a comparative illustration he prepared. Hunter pointed out siniilarities between the hand drawn map and an official map of the area. Tlie map taken from the suspect has several arrows drawn,includingone point­ ing to a front enu^nce at Brown's store. It also contains a list of numbers, which appear to represent seconds totaled to equal two minutes and SOseconds, Hunter testified outside the presence of jurors. Hunter said he compared the hand writing from a job application filled out by Al-Bayyinah and that found on the ipap. The letter e was written backw^d on both. The map is a crucial part of the prosecution's case, showing that Al- Bayyinah planned the robberyof Brown's store. The map was found in his posses­ sion just hours after the robbery and stab­ bing. Dctemiining the credibility of the map should be left up to the jury, argued assislantdistrictoltomeyGrcgoryBrown. Despite arguments from the prosecu­ tion, Graygranted the defense motion. He listed several reasons, including tliat the map is speculative in nature, does not appear reliable and could be prejudicial to the defendant Though the map was found on the suspect. Hunter doesn't know who actu­ ally ma^ it. Gray s a id .________ The judge also questioned whetlier or notthedefendanthastheeducation needed to make the computations that appear on tlie map. Gray later overturned the motion to suppress, based on new arguments from the prosecution, but mled the map still to be inadmissible as evidence. Testimony Continues Testimony continued last week with Paula Reavis, the office administrator for United Plywoodlndusnies.whopresented time cards for Al-Bayyinah and Ernest LceCainfromFcbruaryandMareh 1998. Brown's son Charies had testified ear­ lier that his father told him, before losing consciousness, that he had cashed acheck forjhe maji on the previous day. The victim also iold the 911 dispatcher he thought he had cashed the man's check a day earlier and described his attacker as a black man In dark clothing. According to records at the store, Al- Bayyinah and Cain were the only two black males to have cashed checks at the store on the day before the crime. Reavis found no lime cards for Al- Bayyinah after the weekending March 1, 1998. A card belonging to Cain showed that he had been at work during the time the crime was committed. Asaforkliftdriver.shesaidCain would have to be outside to get from one build­ ing to another, and no one monitors the coming and going of employees. Ables^StaffingServicesjjperatiopnian- ager Addie Chii-Burks said she Please See Forcnsie - Page 10 Hometown Christmas Celebrations Mocksville Hosting Week Of Activities Mocksville is getting all dressed up for a Hometown Christmas celebration. And the word is that Santa Claus himself will be here Sat­ urday, greeting area children during the Christmas Parade, which will travel down North Main Street be­ ginning at 4 p.m. W X II ■ M e te o ­ rologist John W endel w ill be the parade grand marshal, which will feature marching bands, clowns, floats and all the sights and sounds expected for a Christmas Parade. Featherlite is providing a NASCAR transport truck that will be open for tours, as well as serving as the judges stand. After the parade, the town will be lit with white lights, on ■the four large oak trees and out­ lining the buildings. State Sen. Betsy Cochrane is thfc grand marshal ,for the lighting cer­ emony. . “We are working to entice jjisitors and Daviels residents to ^spendiime in the Davie Comity 1 communities," said Jane Simpson, events coordiiiator for ' : the Davie Ciiamber of Com- < metce,' \ f Throughout the county, Christmas celebrations arc Wcndcl A Walking Miracle Patrick Seats of Mocl<svllle is recovering from several complications causqid by dlabetes, Including a coma last^^ summer, and the amputatloh of all of his toes In October.. • . ■ Photo by Robin Fergusson ' S . t By Mike Bamhardt Davie County Enterprise Record Patrick .S^sls a miracle, A walk­ ing mirafteT 'Pi«75-ycar-old Mocksville man has been coping with diabetes since age 17, but this summer, his health took n turn for the worse.. On July I, he was rushed to the hospital with an infection. He was . placed m a therapeutic coma.'And for. 18 days r with his eyes taped shut, and tubes running here and there - he lay in an Intensive care bed at Baptist Hospi­ tal in Winston-Salem.' “They were afraid to move rne because it was such a high risk," he sajd.' Seats was a slim 115 pounds when he entered the hospijal. Within five days, he weighed nearly 300 pounds. His head had swollen to four times its normal size. His kidneys failed, and the fltiid continued to build up inside his body. Twice, doctors called the family to- . .jgether to tell thejtt that Seats msn \ going to make it. They needed to prepare.for a i flmerali His mother and step-father, \ “ Sherry and Pedro Plott,'his father Francis ' "(now deceased) Scots were.lhete; His- , brother, Matthew Seats^ got a'leave from the Anny in Washington state. . Gradually, Seats began to improve. When he woke up and saw his . . brother from Washington, he knew it wasserious. . And ofter 37.days at the hospital, he was released. . But his problems were far from ■ ■over, '• ,, He was released to live.in.tt rest hoifle in Winston-Salem, where he :•/'I's reciived physical therapy three times . v, • - Please See Man Continues - Page 8'“: Zoning Changing in Mocksville Mocksville town board mem­ bers on Tuesday night are ex- peeled vole on a zoning ordinance that will drastically change the way property is zoned. The proposed rules are more flexible with uses of property, but more strict with things such as . building designs, community compatibility, building .setbacks,. sidewalks and landscaping. The public hearing begins at ■ town hall at 7 p.m. The ordinance comes on the heels of years of planning by town ■ staff, the planning and town ' boards, and members of the com-, munity. It includes soriie new zoning classincations, and some ! new dennitions of zones similar to those in the past. Sewer Bills Different, Rates Same Mocksville residents ate get- titig new sewer bills, but rates have not changed. . . . . The new bills allow forbetter internal controls, and will allow staff to get information on seg- ; ments of usersi said Town Clerk : Matlha' Palmer and Town Man­ ager Terry Bralley. They got a few questioiis when the first set of bills were mailed! because the due date wasn’t statfiped on'the front. It was oil the back, as usiiol, and remains the 20th of'the month. -. , The usage shows up a? two ' numbers, and two zeroes should; be added to the eni For example,' ifunder usage the iiumberwas.ll, • it means that 1,100 gallons were; used../ ■, : ' ' ■ . Palmer said if customers still'; haye trouble understanding the ; . bills, bring them to the town'Rnd: , staff will be glad to help. 'I :il ! I T .18 •:: ; 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 EditprialPa^ i^2K Problems Now peing Compared |fo Snow Storms • December already? . If I put off my Y2K preparations another month, I can :• finally cross that off my things-to-do list. ; Unlike some of the other items on the list — painting ^A'e house — that's one that will just disappear at the begin- 'ihing of the year. Procrastination will take care of it. ;; J have my stash of firewood, not that it would keep us IJwarm in temperatures below 50 degrees. Of course, Duke PPowcr says its ready. The banks say they’re ready. The news- ^paper says its ready. ~V • What’s the worry? , : “Y2K” has become the most discussed issue of the year. 5-.^e’ve spent billions getting ready. The newspaper actually jjhad a problem with its classified ad billing system. If we ;;hadn’t fixed that all yard sale ads would have been free next •Jy6ar. No one would have complained about that. 15,^, But what should we do to get ready for the New Year? r Stock an extra jug of milk, a loaf of bread and Spam — that’s ^Oie popular advice being spread now. From earlier predic- 5tipns of a worldwide disaster, we have been reduced to pre- CgMlng for an average snow storm, i Smff money under the mattress, some had said. Cooler |£heads now say the chance of being robbed is greater than the ^cfiance of needing exmi spending money. |A ‘Sick’ H o ^ jr ; Bob Coble’s cable television service In Advance has pfeen so bad he has become a film maker. : He presented his new movie to the Davie County S fnanager to protest his poor service. S ;: His effort must have been inspired by that new movie, S •'The' Blair Witch Project,” that has made so many sick by tSthe shaking camera and strange angles. __ That’s how almost d l the channels on his television ; looked. He couldn*t^etahydn6to helpWm.-Dttysof-=-*---- calling the cable company produced no response. In • desperation, he made a movie of his television. After presenting the movie to County Manager Ken j WIndley, the cable company quickly got in touch with him. i He’s got a clear picture again. There was a problem on a I pole down the line. I Now maybe he can sell the movie for a fortune. i Changing Times, Prices I My children haven’t fiilly acquired a sense of time. ; Some of them still confuse my childhood with the dinosaur i “Se- j They may not be so far off. I recently found the stubs ! from my first checking account In the early 1970s. ; I never spent more than $ 10 at the grocery store then. J I regularly wrote checks for less than a dollar, • Everything was cheap. Those years suddenly seemed 1 a lot closer to my grandparents' expenses than to my bills ■ now. Back then, I could understand my telephone bill and ; knew what I was paying for. : — Dwight Sparks DAVIE C O U NTY EHTERPRI/^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekiy by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLiSHiNG CO. Dwight Sparks..... Robin Fergusson.. Mike Bamhardt...., Ray Tutterow........ Mocksville Enterprise 1916-1958 .................................Editor/Publisher ..............................General Manager .............;..................Managing Editor .........................Advertising Manager Davie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Jbumal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in MoclovUle, NC 27028 Subscilplion Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 per year In North Carolina $25 per year outside Noilh Carolina POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Davie County Enteiprlso Record P.O.60*99,Moclisville;NC 27028... In The Mail... Government Unfairly Involved In Development T oJlK ^ilor.......... InrhelasisumnKrlhatmymolhSwasiilivci^shc modca spccial point to make sure that I knew where the rmn boundaries were located and made me feel obligated to maintain the farm that she and my father had worked so hanl to acquire and sustain as a fami operation. I now live on the family fami but nnd this way oflifc being threatened by increasing urtun sprawl in Davie County. I am most con­ cerned by (he use of public funds to accelerate growth lhal encourages conversion of fanns to ..houslnaand indufttrint oretts.-' 1 do believe In capitalism and realiJc that devel­ opment will occur as a result of landowners making decisions to ptoftl from legitimate use of the land. What has concerned me for several years is the actions taken by government to piomote develop­ ment with no apparent regard for the cost to the environmem', increased demand for public ser­ vices, and the effect of increased Irafllc on public toads. I sec from my perspective that: I. County and municipal planning boards ap- pearto be madcup largely by individuals whoprofit directly by development. Z The Town ofMocksviiie's use of cxtra-tcrri- torial control (one mile outside of the city limits) is unfairbecause the decisions made by town oflicials have a major nnd long-term effect on people who have no representation to protect their interests. This exercise of control is now being cxtcndcJ to include adcvciojinem plan ciTnirollcd by the for areas outside tlie city limits. 3. The Town of Mix:k5villc or its deveiopmcnl group has targeted large areas of land for industrial development and roads that arc outside the cunenl "extra territorial area." One of the members of the Mocksville planning boani stated in a public hear­ ing lhal the town wasbetlerqualined lo zone land than the county commissioners. A look at the bare earth exposed by developers who strip off all trees -.andIwvareddiivatansHwy.,60I.Nonh indicates . lhal this arrogance is not justined. 4. Town, stale and county government and the local power company use lax iiKiney nnd assess­ ments io give grants to favorite industries. Instead of being given grants, these wealthy companies should be paying fees tocompensale for the cost of extra services, damage lo the environmem nnd crowding that growth brings to the area. I have attended several public hearings on de­ velopment projects where I can sec lhal any oppo­ sition lo controlling growth or the use of public funds forprivategain islotallyovcrwheimed by the presence of developers,lawyers and industry repre­ sentatives. I hope by ibis idler, lo in some way 'encourage support lo curb the destruction of fanns and open space in Davie County. I think that the govcmmcnl olHcials would be more responsive to protecting the environmem and open land ifpublic ' siTppStwourd cl)iinfcrbala¥cc dcvclbpmciiT Inter-^ ests. If you feel as I do about the need to preserve fanniand and open spaces, I urge you lo attend public meetings and make your views known to county and town ofncials. Wade Dyson Mocksville Garden Club Sale Successful Again To the editor I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped lo make the Mocksville Gar­ den Club's annual Christmas tree and wreath sale a great success. Thanks to all who supported us by purchasing a tree or wreath. Thanks lo ail club members who worked hard getting up orders and on the day of llie pick-up of trees and wreaths. Aspcciallhank-youloKarcnandMickey Ferrell for providing us with such beautiful trees nnd wreaths to sell. Pal Reilly, president Mocksville Garden Club Woman Needs Heat In House Tb the editor Do you have heal in your home? If you do, feel fortunate. There is at least one I know who doesn’t. I know a 68 year old who works two jobs lo keep a roof over her head, but doesn't have a furnace lhal works. The house has a fircplace, but she isn't home long enough with her iwo jobs lo keep a fire going. So when she comes home from her second job late at night and ihe temperaiurc is below freezing... well, you gel the picture. I have tried to get help from social services, the Salvation Army and the United Way; They say they cannot help us. A man from United Way did send me a list of contractors who might help. Meanwhile, she is stilt cold. Delores Clendenin Mocksville Letters Welcomed . The Enterprise Record wclcomcs letters from its readers. The letters may be on topicsof local, state, national or international issues. An enbrt will be made to print all letters provided they are not libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should Include (lie name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper oHlcc by 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Do You Recycle? la' V' MattSteelman Gilda Martin Mocksville Advance "Yes. It's good for tlie envi- " Yes, so tlie landfills won't ronment." overfill." (■ Scarlet Slater East Bend "No.""Yes." Bill Amnions Mocksville In The Mail... Leaders Shouldn't Be Surprised By Traffic Problems In Hillsdale To the editor. Will wonders never cease in Davie County? The powers that be have awakened to Ihe face thal East Davie has ii traffic problem. Tlie blame can only be placed at their doorsteps (past and present). Il seems that anything lhal coraes over their desk was approved; lhal contributed lo the traffic mess. Someone once said, "Duild a better mouse trap and people will come." I don’l think this is what they had in mind. These deveiopmenis and the problems they have caused didn't happen overnight. Il more or less started with Hidden Creek nnd their package plant. Mosl everyone protested that one to no avail. Then came Oak Valley, which we were lold would have no impact on school overcrowding. . Now comes Kinderlon, which is in the process of devciopraenl. It and the adjacent land couldn't have been developed wiihout sewage service. Presto, a pipeline, which basically benefils the developers. The only alleraative is lo vole in an ABC store for Davie County, so at least we can drown our sorrows with strong drink. Henry "Swede" Jurgensen Advance DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 - 3 ^ >$!' ----------------0 0 0 0 ........ b S . : - , I-.- I f t 1 , „C • >..'1 ONLY 3 W EEKS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS! Now is the lime to placc an order for your Chrislmas compulcr. With Low Down Payment Wc offer Lay-A-Way, In-Stcre Financing and wc accept Ma.stcrcard nnd Visa. $49.95 Nokia 5180 Digital Phone* NO ROAMING OR LONG DISTANCE CHARGES ANYWHERE IN THE CAROLINAS...EVER! T H E C O M P U T E R B A R N si*.siK-in.uiUti .tui s-im i.akn YOUR LOCAL GATEWAY AUTHORIZED RESELLER PREPARED FOR JUDGMENT? ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL AT EVERYTHING EXCEPT THAT WHICH MATTERS MOST-PREPARATION FOR ETERNITY? Jesus said, “Seek firsl Ihe kingdom of God and His righteousness...” Sccurc your soul’s salvation today by obeying the gospel! Believe In Christ iMk. t(:iM6; ii<t>. it.o Repent of your Sins and Turn to God iml lUiAcu im Confess the Name of Jesus im.u. iiiji;acuw7) Be Burled in Baptism for the Forgiveness of Your Sins lAcli JJS, l;M. 2!:lll Rom. 6:J-5i I Cor. 11:1 Jl Cit. W7I Be Faithful to Jesus unto Death n jn. i^t; Rn.i^toi VISIT THE JERICHO CHURCH OF CHRIST Non-DtnominatlonalisssisSTesi* tVIONTHLY ACCESS S19.95 $29.95 $39.95 $69.95 $109.95 $159.95 PACKAGE MINUTES 45 200 300 800 1200 2000 ROAMINS CHARGES IN NOSC NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE LONG DISTANCE CHARGES TO THE U.S.**NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE ALLTEL's Carolina Freedom Plans are the ultimate value In wireless communications. Lots of monthly minutes, low access fees and two whole states free from roaming or long distance cliarges. Plus, sign up now and get a digital phone for just $49.95. Offer expires December 31, 1999. Graenibatii:Gai()en Cieek Center 1603 New Garden Rd. WInslon-Salem;Pavillion Sfiopping Cenlet 536 Hanes Mall Blvd. - ReynoltJa Comrnons 3560Ya(3kinvillefload Greensboro:Landmatk Crossing Shopping Cenlef - laiMOSbriotordPKwy.- Oak Hollow Business Park 4003 Clifton fld. 0 1999 ALLTEL Cofpwaton. ’New bne o» and cre<J.I approval requrad tw cww cwUxner*. A IZ rnwm commitrrwnl t* r«qu»ed ror Ihe phone oflei, l^t^ wiwe not avaiaW^ an areas. *15 aetival«n ice appbe*. **No long diitanee chargei tw call* made rrom North aryJ Sootn Ca/olM lo ihe Umtod State*. Roanwig charoo* outMJo NC/SC. rtematKml kjng dittance charges, taies and lees may appfy- Other restnctxtns apphr- wCIUIEL The power to simplify W h e n Y o u r R o o ts G o A s D e e p A s O u rs , I t 's O n ly N a tu r a l T o H a v e T h e M o s t B ra n c h e s . F o r o ver 95 years C C B has m ad e b a n k in g easier an d m o re c o n v e n ie n t for p e o p le in N o rth C arolina. In D av ie C ounty, w e have m o re b ranches th an any o th er b a n k - five to b e ex act - an d w e h ave serv ed D av ie C o u n ty since 1935. B u t e v e n m ore im pressive are th e . p e o p le in sid e th em . T ellers, c u sto m er-.g erv ice rep resen tativ es an d len d in g officers offer you o n e-o n - o n e financial advice and services to m e e t your b an k in g n e ed s. W ith 16 D av ie C o u n ty n ativ es an d a local m a n a g e m e n t te a m w ith o v er 90 y ears o f serv ice to C C B , you can see o u r roots go d eep . A nd, as th e area grow s, w e’ll k e e p b ranching o u t to h elp you fin d a way. Mocksville Mocksville-Mortgage Office Cooleemee Water Street Main Street , Hig/tway .801 South 151-6261 751-5936 284-2542 Boone Plaza 1047 YadkinviHe Road 751-6261 - AdoancelHillsdale 5361 US Hig/tway 158 940-2420 C e n t r a l C a r o l in a B a n k Member FDIC .4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD* Dec. 2,1999 .5 Cbonl&BandCoiK«t 80.P9) CoelMfliM CommaflKjr ChrWrnMCMMtilOCtn,vnvTiMUghttftiOZKMiy 12 TMroTHofflN Coetomt-OMMimv V«i Stnta tegtv 0 Tl« tKfW] Heuw.Bonoed Lodt« OpMHOTMitOMOC^ .19 6 HMnrtmCtirtitmM Cinir«.OiTWMnilUi^.Cai^iRldM BIgBrottMi/BloMtoraOfm\kn*AifmO(m.WILOtftiUn* 13 VmUffllLOnl•PT^7MfH l«iithDivtoPTtA,740Pll 20 C«olr«.OnwninlMAkiO. Cin1^«RldMApfilKblmCtirtibMi8rodiArtiC«K«,7;30pm Moeltrrin«EHfflPTA,r.OOnitlndyOwwPTA.7CCPU 14 Pk)•breehP7^74ePm CMtnlDntaPTA.7MPH 21 8 HomttOMiClirfitmn C«olno.OmitiNr4MiUng. C«riJo«RidM 15 22 HotMtownChrltbnt Cmlrg.OmimanlMAlno.CinUfftRJM North OlvtaPTaA.7.00PM 16 23 ik •AChlldmoWeuMb*mr.ioof^Brock PtiMg Arts C«iler 10 Kotmtomi Chriitmii fcOQ.L-OOpffl Cv*a.0mamm(Ualik9, CvriagtRldM Th«Kutcriekir,7:)0pmBrock An CMv CtirtitmiiHeRMCOinlnflPwty,20Qpn.6*fltafC*rtit 17 24 LuinlAiryLl0hl>ng.l;MpmTcwnolCoolMinM *WhilChrfttmiiliin About* MiHKt 4chriitmiiP(tidi4:00DoMntown&OiktUBhlk^.m )WOOOWORKSOAUERY Op«)HouM.6.00-9.00pfn •AChMWMWouldb« King*, isctn 11 Adfinc«Pinili,tO.« SMUQZMhuyKoui* Noorv200pm.{PMNSq l»a04AV«i8«ntok«tlniOTIi*7KhiniHouu Th«Kirtutck«,T;M^ 18 25 Merry Cbriitmisi A LumlnirylIshUflg.l:30pin ToanolCocJwniftt Hometown Christmas Parade Hlttorie Downtown Mocksvilh Saturday, December 4 - 4:00 pm* (Rain Date - Sunday December 5 -4 :0 0 pm)II In question, cat Otmliulirmtaigt tiler IJ.-00/loon Satirday Parads Rout« - From Ih9 lint^p in Rich Park, the p*nd9 wiO travel west down f4aln StTBCt to the Squin; turn kft on Depot Stwt to RaBmad ^tntt^dimanUing. Llnt^p Artas - Parade Entries should tine^ by 3:00 p.m. in designated location. MS-Main Strtct CL - Churdi of Christ Parking Lot -----------PJ»-Rich Part---------------------:— PO-Poplar Stfiel AMMitlffiutthavfl " -ngnJur prrtw rtf-- dUptayM for juiJging (left MtofvtNdM). Brtrylftma MS ModsviDeChierofniica CL Davie High JROTC a Davie High SctKMlMard^Band/DarKingBooU MS DaviftCounty Board ofCotnniuionen MS PARADEGRANOMARSHAL'JohnWencM PO MocktviDaFIraDepartmBnl PP >NMon^tkmWneafTW^ " MS OasUpesertRvigen RP DMVEmorcenwt RP Pennington&Co(TipanyRMtty RP D*iggini Family‘In Menwy cl Pete* RP Blaise Baptist Churdi RP Owie County Shet« RP DARE. Sheriffs Dept MS Christy TniddngGoK^ RP Faiifield Baptist Church RP Daren Cave's 1965 Cobra RP WFMX RP Davie County Repubicans _ RP DavteHighHOSA PO Comacer-DuIinVn} RP Hillsd^Church a The Dance CoRipany RP SSCSCompany RP Davie Family YMCA RP Brownie Troop 280 RP Shloh Baptist Church RP Southern State Auction Corp. RP New Patterson Grove Faith Church RP 'Miss Davie Dude* and Escort RP Rel3ylbrUre*'2000W^iiersin200(r PO County line Fire DepL RP SteveSlroud RP American Red Cross RP JinrnyL Myers & Wayne Michael-District Court Judges CL Shady Grove Unicyde Chib CL Shady Grove Jump Rope Qub MS W.R. Davie JVFootbafl&Cheerieaders MS W.R. Davie Dance.Squad < MS W. a Davie Varsity Football & Cheerleaders . RP GranrsCarWash RP Davie County Health DepL & Healthy CaroGnians PO Center Vohinteer Fire Depailment RP Caudell Lumber Company, tnc. CL YWCAMarchingAngels(W1yfs.old] RP Dalton Fumitira RP New Bethel Baptist Churth RP Davie County Bovd of aiucation RP Autumn Care ofModtsviUe PO Coo)eemeeRreTmd(»1405 . MS CodeemeeRedsidns Football Players & Cheerleaders MS CooieemeeRedsldns Dance Team. MS BonnieBrown RP The Computer Bam *11 RP The Computer Bam *12 RP ' FimBaptistdModisviae-ChildrensMhsiGnsGtQup d ■ Norths South Davie MkUe Schools-8th Grade Band MS TOWN UGHTING MARSHAL-NC Senator BeUyCochra fV Piedmont CARS. Assn.-II RP ; Piedmon(CAR.S.Assn.-l2 RP ' >fidrantGAR&At8i.«f3 VE 001 GP 002 GP 003 VE 004 IN 005 VE , RP Piedmont CARS. Assn.. 04 RP ^ Piedmont CARS. Assn. *15 RP ' Piedmont CARS. Assn.. »6 RP Piedmont CARS. Assn.-#7 RP Piedmont CARS Assn.. tt RP Piedmont CARS. Assn.-#9 RP Piedmont CARS'. Assn.. «10 MS Goodtimers ■ ■ PO Jenjsalem Fire Department RP Bethlehem United Methodist Chofch — DflSChccricadcfs----------------------------------------- RP . DHS Homecoming Queen RP Emergency Equip. & Communications/Sound Connections CL Davie Dance Academy RP Davie County Association of Educators MS Mocfcsvill0RansFoott}all,Cheefieaders,&Dance Team MS ModisviHeJV Rams Cheerleaders . PO Advance Fire and Rescue CL Boy Scout Troop 575 V£061 VE 062 VE 063 VE 064 VE 065 VE 066 VE 067 GP 068 VE 069 a-CH 070 -071- IN 072 FL-CO 073 GP 074 VE 075 FL-SC 076 FL-SC 077 VE 078 GP 079 GP 080 IN 007 RP JatwsG.Hfifxlrix ■ .....VE 081 GP 008 MS Trailers o( the East Coast a x o 062 VE 009 RP Cedar Grove Cliufch FL-CH 083 FL-CO 010 MS Featheriitfl. If«. . VE 084 VE Oil RP Davie American Sr. AB Stars* Slate & Southern Div. Champs FL-Ct 085 FL-CH 012 RP Gold Wing Motorcycles GP '0B6 VE on RP MAmerteanFonMterajry VE 087 FL^I 014 RP Doug Caitnef Tractor VE 088 VE 015 RP DougCartner VE 089 • FL-CH 016 RP Comatuf Baptist Churdi FL-CH 090 VE 017 RP RanOyMcCIamrodt ttJ 091 VE 018 •RP . Stephen Cookson IN 092 VE 019 RP Classic Cowain d tl» Trtad •«VE 093 a-sc 020 ■ RP Classic Cofvairad the Triad-#2 VE 094_ VE 021 ■RP Classic Corvalrso( the Triad-I3 VE 095’ a-CH 022 RP Qa$sicCotvairsortheTriad-#4 VE .096 GP 023 RP Classic Corvaira of the Triad-«5 FL-CI 097 VE 024 RP Faith 4 Victofy Famiy Worship Center FL-CH 098 a-ci 025 RP Davie Hish School-FBIA F L^;099 , a-ci 028 RP Rsh^l•TaiIs VE ■100 VE 027 , RP Miller Eqdpmenl Rental FL-CO 101 a-co 028 PO Fork Fire Department VE 102 VE 029 RP TomCooltWreclierSefviOB VE 103 IN.030 CL YWCA Marching Angets (12-20 yrs. old)GP 104 a ^ i 031 RP,Uberty United Methodist Church . FL-CH 105 VE 032 RP Country Grass Band VE 106 VE 033 .RP, Mobile Conununications VE 107 VE 034'RP Daniel Fufnilure*«1 VE 108 VE 034A RP Daniel Fufnitun}-ff2 VE 109 GP 035 MS Jen/s Meat Processing IN 110 GP 036 RP Brownie Troop 880 GP 111 a-sc 037 RP . V ta L Richardson .VE 112 a-sc 038 ■ RP David Steele IN 113 a-sc 039 RP Humane Society o( Davie County a-ci 114 . VE 040 ■PO Fatmingtbn Fire Department VE 115 VE 041 RP A. J. Sanders Radng , VE 115A VEv ,042 .RP- ■ Davie Domestic Violence 4 Rape Crisis Centw^-FL-Cl 116 a ^o 043 RP Ingefsoll-Rand Company »1 FL-CO 117 GP 044 RP Ingersoll-Rand Company 12'FL-CO 118 IN 045 RP Storehouse For Jesus FL-CI 119 a-CH 046 . PO SheffiekM^alahaln Volunteer Fire Dept.VE 120 VE“047 ■ RP Swicegoodft Wan Realtors VE 121 FL-CO 048., RP 1951 Ford Tnidi. Charles 4 Betty Bell VE 122 IN 049 RP . HaroWVidters VE 123 FL-SC, 050 CL NAACP Youth SteppOT,GP 124 . GP ,051 ,RP ToddRennix VE 125 VE '052 RP ■ JeflPhipps . . . ^ . 'VE 126 FL-CO 053 RP , Randy Foster' - ;VE 127 VE 054 MS RandyBoger'-IN 128 a-CH 055 RP ■ nWHMBuflgies , V’f; > ; -IN '129 ,GP 056, RP DavieHighFFA ■FL-SC 130 ne' IN 057 RP EthanMcCoy ‘ .IN 131 VE 058 RP ParadoxFarm ;IN 132 VE 059 RP ■2H^'PaulaOm« ■ ‘ ' IN .133 VE 060 PO SantaClauf ‘ , VE 134 Communities Planning Holiday Celebrations Hometown Christmas Schedules Continued From Pngc 1 planncil. from PTA meetings to churchcs, from a parailc Dcc. 11 In Advancc to a tour of homes in Cootccmcc. Organizers hope that a week of. activities will bring plenty of actlvl- ties to downtown Mocksvilie. Horse drawn carriage rides will be offered Dcc. 6-10 from 6-8 p.m., going through selected streets, including passing by a nativity sccne at the Rr^t Methodist Church. Carolers will stroll downtown sidewalks during tiic merchants* ex­ tended holiday hours. Storytellers will be on hand to tell about "The Littlesl Christmas Tree" and “How The Grineh Stole Christmas.” Croft and ornament making work­ shops are planned to be sent to flood victims, and hot chocolatc and cook- ics will be sold by street vendors. Shoppers will be able to play a game or two of Christmas Bingo. Santa Claus will be on hand to take the wishes from area boys and giris, and parcnt.s arc invited to bring their cameras to take photos of their children with the jolly fat man. Open houses and Christmas par­ ties arc being planned. “ It will truly be a community- wide holiday celebration,” Simpson said. The Mocksvilie events are sponsored by the Chamber and the Community Development Corpora­ tion. Cooleemee will celebrate the sea­ son with a community Christmas concert and tree lichting on Sunday, Dcc. 5 at 3 p.m. Santa will visit the Zachary House on Dcc. 11, and a lour of decorated homes and achurch will take place Dcc. 11-12. The Advancc Christmas Parade will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. II. Community volunteers there will demonstrate “What Christ­ mas Is All About" on Dec. 24, carry­ ing goo^ will to residents of the area. — The Brock Performing ArU Gen- - ter on North Main Street in Mocksvilie will be the site of scv. enil events In December: “A Child Who Would Be King" Dcc. 3-1; a school Christmas Choral and Band Concert on Dcc. 5; an Appalachian Christmas Concert wtlh Timmy Abell and Laura Boosinger on Dec. 7; and The Nutcracker Dec. lO-l I. “All are designed to pul an extra twinkle in the eyes of the audience," Simpson said. “Wc invite tourists and residents alike to vlsU the Hometown Chrisl- mos celebrations for a step back in time and enjoy the spirit of the holi­ days in Davie County ... where people make a difference." Monday, Decimbir6th Hore»«awnC«rtag«RldM aOMOOPM Sa^u &OM.OOPMLM4svMU9d(Svil 8A( A PtttanWig Aitt C». OpmHouM 6:3M:00PM uorpts Irera The Hutcncto PMmkCtnkn &OM:30PM CmvnwtMakkig 8:90>7:30PMBetfMamC«cl«t 7;00PM Big BroOten/Big Sitara d Onto County OpcnHouM &OM.OOPM l17E.Otpo(SM( Hoi Qncolita; CocMm. Dougmut t .WasMlSalM ,.&OM;OGPM.i. SttyWkig.Ki1ifln>Kttoikt 7JM.00PM Tuiiday, December 7th Hcm«MnC<n1ag«Rk)M &0&40QPM Sinta &OMOOPMOm«nenlMaUno &30-7:30PMNaftOivMCirdifi &00-7.00PMSouO)Da>4«C«olen 7.0M.00PM Hoi Chocoiit*. Co(AlM. DougtMul, t W»»al Sates (mOOPM Chrtotmu SlortM by SU21IVM Thimtion 600430PM CMstmM Bingo (OOftOOPM Study Grove PTA Uocfc)v««Elaffl.PTA 7;00PM7.00PM Wednesday, December 8th HoneOnwnCifrtagaRldM &OMOOPM S«la tOIX.OOPMHoi ChooMa. CocUes. [)ciughnut. 1......VrtJiHSiia*---------lOM-OCt^FktiUdlfieauBth 6.00-7.00PM*How the Clinch SUM CMttmis* by Freda RmMy &00-7.00PM Wa«nR.Dnte Carden &30PM Thursday, Decembir Ml H(m<kMnCan1ageRUM 6:OMOOTM' BwU • meOQPM''OmwnanlUaklng 6:30>7;3(PM .MocktvlteElam.Carden ,,S0O«.30PM Code«rMElem.Cvd«t' ' i:»7.00PU Slortes by Sindra Vance 7.OM00PM Hoi CttooMd. CodiiM. Dougttfut,«WaualSilM emOOPM NolhOavlePTSA 700PM Friday, December 10th Hone^rtNnCantegaRldee &00400PM Santa SmoOPMHolChocda(e.Cod<)«.Dou^& WatialSatei. e0O4C0PM OnamentMaUng 130-7:3CPM'TlM Qvtebnat Starf* by OmitMutlc&Diama S004.45PM Taking Orders Fi^riTi Fresh Porl^ S a u s a g e Q r ^ ly ' Ready to Pick Up pn.Depembqr lSUu No Order'too'Small dr i^o Large ^Call for Prices ftpe^aiis Jerry &,Cindy Foster • Mocksvilie 33§-998-7175 • 336-998-«427 Forsyth Veterinary Hospital o f 25 5 6 S o u th S tr a tfo r d R o a d is pleased to introduce D r. A rt T a ylo r as the neivest member of their team, "Doc" comes to us from Tennessee where he practiced for 15years, he is certified in ultra sound diagnostics and has special interests in orthopedic and cosmetic surgery. "Doc" and his horse "Dakota " live in the King area and compete in the rodeo sport of team roping. Administrative Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 - 5 The following cases were dis- posed of in Davie Administrative Court on Nov. 19. Presiding: Magis­ trate Kevin D. Hendrix. Prosecuting: Doug Vrceland, assistant D.A. ; —Gary S.Allen, failure toreduce speed, dismissed. —Olarte J. Alvarez, 90 mph in 70 zone, reduced to 79 in 70. $25. cost. —Christopher K. Andrews, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in ‘70, $5,cost —^laclynA.Athey.noliccnsc,dis­ missed; exceeding safe speed, re­ duced to improper equipment, $10, cost. —Angela M. Bamey, registration ■violation, dismissed. —Albert B. Bamier, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Amanda J. Barrier, failure to stop for stop sign, rcduccd to im­ proper equipment, $ 10, cost. ■ —George P. Becker, unsafe move­ ment, dismissed. —Cary R. Benson, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, S10. cost; expired registration, dismissed. —Robert B. Beyer. 80 mph In a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10. cost. —William A. Black, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip- ,menl, $10, cost; registration viola­ tion, dismissed. —Michael L. Bolin, inspection violation, windshield tinting viola- ^on, dismissed. ' -Jeremy J. Bollman, 85 mph in / a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in 70, S25, cost. —^Wlli^m A. Bonney, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, failure to wear scat belt, $25, 'c w L ....... —Brenda J. Booe, unsafe move­ ment, dismissed. —Robyn R. Browder, 66 mph In a 44 zone, rcduced to 54 in 45, $10, cost. —RaymondW. Bumctlc, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equipment. $10, cost. —MichaelW. Burton.no license, dismiss^: mbtorcycle/moped helmet violation, $25, cost. ' —Richard F. Burton, registration violation, dismissed. ' —CraigA. Carter; failure to stop for stop sign, reduced to improper equipment,SiO, cost. —Karen D. Carter, 60 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10. cost. —Kimberly R. Carter. 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, rcduccd to improper equipment. $10, cost. —Martin C. Carter, 59 mph in a- 45 zone, reduced to improper equip- ment. $10. cost. —Alton L. Casstevens, 65 mph in a 50 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Gisela I. Castiliero. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip- mcnt, $10. cost; Inspection violation, dismissed. -Deborah L. Champlin. 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10, cost. -W ade H. Chapman, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Michael R Conlin, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to 74 in 70. $5, cost. —Robert B. Davldheiser, 88 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in 70. $ lo. cost. —Joel S. Digloria, 85 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment. SI 00, cost. —Mozella H. Dobson, 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. —Larry W. Dove, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduced to Improper equipment. $10. cost. —Richard D. Driver, 78 mph In a 55 zone, reduced to 64 in 55; failure to wear seal belt. $25, cost. —Gary S. Dunn, 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment. $10, cost. —Chariton P. Ellis, 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to Improper equip- jiwnt,$IO,cost. _ ___ —i^iidreaJr^ps’tcm, 84lnph Ina” 70 zone, rcduced to 79 in 70. $10. cost. -Aristides R. Fernandez, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment. $10. cost. —Rick A. Planner, exceeding safe speed, reduced to improper equip- ment. $10, cost. —Crystal A. Fleming, no child rcstraintsystcm.no registration card, dismissed. —Thomas G. Fleming, failure to stop for stop sign, rcduccd to im­ proper equipment, $10, cost. —Edward R. Fonscca, 82 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 In 70. $10, cost; no license, dismissed. —Charics R. Fortner, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost. —Leroy Geter. expired registra- tion card, no license, dismissed. —Charles E. Ginthcr, failure lo wear seal belt, S2S, cost; no license, dismissed. -Karen A. Green, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Adam D. Gri fTen, 80 mph in 70 zone, reduced lo improper equip, miint. SlO. cost; no licensc. dis­ missed. —Keith P. Gunn, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10. cost. —Kathy H. Hale, no license, dis­ missed. —Matthew S. Harbin, unsafe passing crest or curve, rcduccd to improper equipment, SIO, cost. —Kenneth L. Hardy, failure to wear seat belt. $25. cosi; registration violation, dismissed. -Melissa A. Harmon, 69 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo improper equii>- menl; failure to wear seal belt. $25. cost. -M arie S. Harris, 40 mph in a 25 zone, reduced to improper equip, ment. $10. cost. —Charics W. Hedrick. 82 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to Improper equip­ ment. $25. cost. —Matthew R. Hendrix, 77 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to 64 in 55, $ 10, cost. —Carrie B. Hess, 60 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd to improper equip, ment, $10. cost. —Hayley K. Hewing. 84 mph in a 70 zone, reduc^ lmmproiwrequip“_ ment, $50, cost; failure to wear scat bell, dismissed. —Bryan M. Hill, 86 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 79 In 70, $25, cost. —Roberts. Holimcld, 69 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip* ment, $10. cost. —Jennifer D. Holion, improper brakes, dismissed. -Justin K. Hoose, 64 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. $75. cost. —George V. Hoover, 67 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo Improper equip­ ment; failure to wear seat belt, S25, cost. —Sharon T. Ijames, expired reg­ istration, dismissed. —Taylor L. James, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip* ment. $10, cost. —Tranuilino G. Jimenez. 90 mph In a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 79 in 70. $25. cost. —David L. John, 68 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to 64 in 55, $10, cost. —JeannicA. Johnson, 84 mph In a 70zone, rcduccd to 74 in 70, SIO, cost. —Jonathan J. Johnson. 53 mph in a 35 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, S50, cost. -K e rri L. Jordan. 59 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, SIC, cost. —William G. Keaton, improper passing, rcduccd to improper equip- mem. SIO. cost. —James T. Kelley, 86 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to 74 in 70, S5, cost. —Dean L. Krsscl, 76 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to 64 in 55. SIO. cost. —Donna M. King. 84 mph In a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip- ment, S75, cost. —Joshua G. Lackey. 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo impmpcr equip* ment, SiO. cost. —Steven E. Lash. 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost; driving left of ccn- ter. dismissed; failure to wear scat belt, S25.COSI. —Emelda W. Lawing, 85 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, 550, cosi. —Wendy S. Levan, 73 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $25, cost. —Margaret S. Lewis, unsafe movement, dismissed. mpii in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo im­ proper equipment, $10. cost. —Camilla B. Lofiin. unsafe movemenl, dismissed. —Arthur J. Long. 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipment. $10. cost. —Levon M. Lyons, failure to wear scat belt, $25, cost; no registra- lion card, dismissed. ,—Allison L. Martin, regi&Uatlon violation, dismissed. —Latasha R. Martinez, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10. cost. —Paula A. Mastcn. expired reg­ istration. dismissed. —James E. Matcrdo, 65 mph in a 45 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. SIOO. cost. —Jerry R. McDaniel, 79 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to 64 in 55, SIO, cost. —Andy R. McLauglln, 70 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. $10. cost: liccnse nol in pos­ session, dismissed. —Jake G. Mcroney, unsafe pass­ ing yellow line, reduced lo improper equipment. $10, cost. —Kimberly C. Minton, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip* ment, SIO, cost. —Guy T. Mitchcll. 85 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $50. cost. —Michael D. Mo.ser, failure to wear scat belt, $25, cost; license not in possession, dismissed. —Bill E. Moss. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduced to improper equipment, $10. co.st. —Eric D. Molcn. 53 mph in a 35 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment, $50. cost. —John C. Nichol-son. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. SIO. cost. —Roger n. Nix. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to improper equipment, SIO. cost. —Ignacio B. Olca. failure to stop for steady red light, reduced to im­ proper equipment. $ 10, cost. —Shirley A. Parson, 85 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo 74 in 70. SIO. cost. —Chcssney L. Pharr, no license, dismissed. —Timothy R. Powell. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to improper equlp- mcpt.SlQ.cosi;inspcclion violation, dismissed. — Roland I. Russdi, inspection violation, dismissed. —Lisa M. Sawlck, expired regis­ tration, dismissed. —Jessica L. Scaford, 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd to improper equip-. ment, SIO, cost. —Robert L. Sharpe, 69 mph in a 55 zone, rcduccd lo improper equip- wcnt. SIO. cost. -Joseph S. Sheets, 80 mph in a 70 zone,’ rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. SIO, cost; failure to wear seat belt. $25. cost. —Charics B. Shelton. 72 mph In a 55 zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment. S25, cost. —Shanon P. Sheppard, failure to reduce speed, dismissed. -M cKinley W. Siffcrlen, unsafe movement, dismissed. —Angela L. Smith. 50 mph in a 35 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. SIO. cost. —Donald Ray Smith. 65 mph In a 45.zone, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment, SIOO, cost. —James E. Smith, 69 mph in a 5S zone, rcduccd to improper cquipmenl,' SIO, cost. —Timothy 0. Smith. 80 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to 64 in 55, $10,- cost. —Julie F. Stanley, no child re-‘ strainl system, dismissed. —Rotonda R. Stroud. 65 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to 54 in 45. $10. cost. —Craig D. Summers. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd lo improper cquip- menl.SlO.cosl. —Crystal L. Sweeten. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment. SIO. cost. —Kyriakos Tarasidls. 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduccd to Improper equip­ ment. SIO. cost. — Helen L. Taylor, 87 mph in a /one. rcduced to improper cquipm S50, cost. —Justin V. Taylor, failure to duce speed, dismissed. —Adam W. Tilley, expired rc tration, dismissed. —Galen B. Tolar, exceeding speed, rcduccd to Improper equi ment. SIO, cost. —Angela D.Torain, 80 mph 70 zone, reduced to improper eq mcnt. $10. cost. ___—Mark.H.-Treadway. .80 mp a 70 zone, rcduccd to Improper eq ment. SIO. cost. —Sharon K. Weltorn. 80 mp a 70 zone, reduccd lo improper eq mcnt; failure lo wear seat bell. S cost. —Richard H. Whitt, expircd rc isiration, dismissed. -^Amanda L.WiIkirisbn. 80 m in a 70 zone, reduccd lo impro equipment. SiO. cost. —John A. Wilson, 69 mph in zone, rcducedjo improper cquipm SIO. cost. —James T. Wingo, no lice dismissed. INTERNET FOR CHRISTMAS S ig n up w ith D a v ie O n lin e N o w to g e t F R E E in s ta lla tio n . * • Unlimited Internet • Up to 3 E-Mail accounts • Personal Web Pages • In-Home Tbchnical Support • Hours: M-F7am-lIpm; Sat.-Sun. 12-7pm Sign Up Today! 336.751.1080 www.DavieNC.net Connecting Davie County w lllitlw World! (•Ofln loot unlilDa.JI. 1999) Christmas Bar B Que Shoulders & Turkeys H /lb Shoulder ^2/lb Turkey Sm ith Grove Fire D epartm ent 998-5293 • 998-3241 • 998-3479 • 940-2861 Davie County Board of Commissioners 2000 Meeting Schedule Dale TimeMonday. January 3 l:UOpm -Tuesday. January t8 7:00 pmMonJay. Fcbnsary 7 l-.OOpmMonday, Fcbmary 21 7:00 pmMonday, March 13 7:00 pmMonday, April 3 1:00 pmMonday. April 17 7:00 pmMonday. May I 1:00pmMonday. May 15 7:00 pmMonday. June 5 1:00 pmMonday. June 19 7:00 pmMonday. July tO 7:00 pmMonday, August 7 1:00pmMonday. August 21 7:00 pm■Hicsday. September 5 1:00 pmMonday, September 18 7:00 pmMonday. Octobcr 2 .1:00pmMonday. Ok'tober 16 7:00 pmMonday, November 6 1:00pmMonday. November 20 7:00 pmMonday. December 4 1:00pmMonday, December 18 7:00 pmNotice will be given Tor called special orcmcrgency meetings ti ® €C> €D CD O <9 0 0 , (7 ^ I W ir e le s s f o r $ 1 0 a m o n t h ! VadhinValleu (No inore excuses) It's o u r lo w e s t p r ic e e v e r. A ll- d ig ita l w ire le s s s e rv ic e fo r jiis t $10 a m o n th . A d d u n lim ite d lo c a l w e e k e n d c a llin g fo r a n e x tra $10 a m o n th a n d 1 00 a n y tim e m in u te s fo r a n o tJ ie r $10 a m o n th . GRAND OPENING FRIDAY & SATURDAY DECEMBER 3 & 4,1999 At our New Location SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA 1057 Yadkinville Road, Mocksvilie (336)751-0528 CAIL1-888-327-2001 www.ballwuthilcB.com nV 'V i’;' Authorized Sales Representative |l*ven fnonth Mfvk# commitmert rtourect No oirtnw minuttt o kvluded wfth SIO nwitti)/occMt (m; oirtira it 39 centi'minutc or YOU con chooM th* ICO onytimi tftinutM pockOQ* ter on oddHionpl «0 o morHh. WWi thi ICO onylim* nwutM pocko9«, twftutw in of poctog# or* ctott/rrdnuta. oxl unuwd packoga minuln tipir* atxh month. Pricn ' not inciudt tom. roomino. long dittonco, univwMl iwvict In. or othv eMctkm. We*Und pockagt oppl«* ffom 8pm frictov to 7om Monfl Umicd time oAtr for new cuitomere. Sutyect lo credit oppravol, tatconceOotion BellSouth MobOity Oa T«nm ond Condifof^and cwtEMi• other mtrictiont.SMMor*tlvde(oilLei999BelSMl!<^^^ 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 Public Records Marriages The following were Issued mar* riagc licenses by ihe Davie Coumy Register or Deeds. • Larry CIllTord Hayes, 44, and Janet Renee Beal, 41, of 151 Hayes Lane, Mocksvilte. - Scon William Walls. 26, and Victoria Jennifer Rivers, 22. of 972 Wyo Road, Mocksville. - Brian Hudson Whitley, 26. and Cora Leigh Marlowe, 21. o f333 Walt Wilson Road, Mocksville. ♦ David Thomas Hall, 23, of 426 Sanford Ave., Mocksville. and An* gela Marie Barney, 19. of 284 Llvengood Road. Mocksville. - Michael Steven Fisher. 42, and Corolina Leneisc Zimmerman. 34. of Kannapolis. - Tony Lee Driver, 20. of 143 Chaucer Lane, Mocksville, and Tammy Lee Gordon, 20. of Yadkin- vlllc. - David Harding McClannon, 25, of 120 Holy Cross ChurchRoad, Mocksville, and Angela Marie Cothren. 19, of 263 Danner Road, Mocksville. • Jonathan Wesley Allen, 57. and Linda Kay Doss, 49. of 167 Warwickc Place. Advance. • Timothy Lee Willis. 28. of 268 M illing Road. Mocksville, and Catherine Michelle Minor, 21, Archdale. - Jonathan Donald VanSklver, 30, and Tonya Desiree Repass, 29. of Winston*Salem. - David Scott Baity. 27. of 259 Fulton Road. Advance, and Shelia Marie Tutterow, 26. of 438 Parker Road, Mocksvillc. - James Norton Dunn, 30, of Kosciusko, Miss., and DeAnna Carol Dyson, 28, of 504 Deadmon Road, Mocksville. • Larry Eugene West. 45. of Sal­ isbury and Kathy Ann Osborne. 42, of Concord. - Robert Ozlas Goff III, 18, of Clemmons, and Angela Brooke Herrin, 18. of Winston-Salem. - Amiando Flores, 27. and Fablola Varas Hernandez, 19. of 317 Parker Road, Mocksvillc. • Ronald Gene Bates. 58. and Pamela Jean Hendricks. 43, of 353 Danner Road. Mocksville. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds, listed by parties in­ volved. acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, with S2 represent­ ing 51,000. ■ Bcity Greene Smith to Bobby Joe Hedrick Jr. and Kelley Sheek Hcdrick. 5 acres. Calahaln. 562. • Trustees of New Bethel Baptist Church. Richard Carson, Paul Chunn, Chester Chunn, Milas Gre­ gory. J.B. Gregory, Earl Anderson, Bryan Duncan, Ray Brawley, Ricky Hudson, and Samuel Williams, to Shannon Duree Spillman and Slacee Denise Spillman, .77 acre. Jerusalem. - Edith Grey Allen to Betty Allen Hoots, Denny J. Allen and Janet Allen Graham. I tract. Jerusalem. - Hubert S. and Evelyn P. Stewart to Lawrencc Keith and Crystal S. Hilton, 1.19 acres. Fulton. - Lucy S. Brooks to Lucy S. Brooks and Frederick A. Brooks, 31.370 square feet. - Billie R. Vestal and Dorothy W. Vestal. Margaret A. Vestal. Mary Vestal Suits and Jerry Douglas Suits, Betty Vestal Upright and Tony Ray Upright. Junior L. Vestal and Irma Jean Vestal, and WesleyT. Vestal and Bevie Dianne Vestal to William Jun­ ior Revels, 26 acre, Clarksville, 5150. -Seats Construction to Jonathan Michael Lovelace and Penny Lane Hamm, 1 lot. Shady Grove, S202. - Bessie Pauline Cartner to Tho­ mas E. Cartner, Kathleen B. Cartner and James C. Cartner. I tract, Cala­ haln. ■ Ethel E. Jones to Thomas C. Meadows Jr. and Tim Stamey, 7 acres, Shady Grove. 565. • BRW t^perties to Shugart En­ terprises, 5 lots, 5150. - Platinum Constniction to CMH Homes, I lot. Farmington, 544. • Wade E. Wright and Anna R. Wright to Roger Wooten and Laticla Wooten, 22 acres. Clarksville, 5176. - Wade E. Wright and Anna R. Wright to Julia VS. Wooten and Ranny Wooten. 22.54 acres. Clarksville, 5180. - C.W. Myers Trading Post to Luther Wayne Frye and Daphne A. Frye. 2 lots, Mocksville. 520. • Mark A. Daniels and Sandra S. Daniels to Terry D. Wishon and Betty Y. Wishon, I lot. Farmington, 5244. . David R. Peoples Sr. and Kathy R Wishon and as co-administrators ofestate of Isaac Robert Peoples, and Joyce H. Peoples, and Tracy C. Wishon to Michael J. Muirhead and Linda A. Muirhead. 2.14 acres. Clarksville. 5109. - Rebecca Foster to Noel Barney Jr. and Carey S. Barney, .45 acre. Jerusalem, 534. •Calvin Blaine Petticord and Judy Y. Petticord lo Mark T. Pieczynski and Karen Pieczynski, I lot. Shady Grove, 5103. • Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to Salem Development, 2 lots. Farmington, 5228. • Paul Edward Boger and Eliza­ beth B. Bogcr to Oakwood Mobile Homes. 22,366 square feet. Shady Grove, 528. - Wayne E. Hutchins and Nancy L. Hutchins to Linda H. Smith and Norene P. Hunt, I lot. Farmington. 5247. • Jerry W. Miller and Brenda C. Miller to Ronald David Hendrix and Sandra Calloway Hendrix. I lot. Shady Grove, 5340. Sheriffs Department The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie County SherilTs Department. - Jessica McDaniel of Godbey Road. Mocksvillc. reported the tagsto- len from her vehicle Nov. 20. - Jewelye Geoijean Blrkhofcr of U.S. 601 South. Mocksville. reported Nov. 20, someone broke In to her house. - William M. Stroud reported Nov. -2UadeaIer tag.belonging to Cleary. Auto Sales of Mocksville, had been stolen from a vehicle on Fred Lanier Arrests Road. - Wendy Harris reported Nov. 21. someone drove away from 4 Brothers Amoco on U.S. 64 West without pay­ ing for 510 worth of gasoline. - Vivian Edwards of Wetstone Drive, Mocksville, reported Nov. 21, a neighbor killed her dog in her yard. -Jonathan OrrcllofGrecnhill Road, Mocksville, reported Nov. 21, some- . onc.siole.3 guns from his honse - Kathleen L. Connors of Leisure Lane, Mocksville, reported Nov. 22, checks were stolen from her mailbox. - Frankie Lee Lyons of Jasmine Lane, Mocksville, reported Nov. 22, someone had driven a vehicle into the side of his mobile home, also damag­ ing the yard and bushes. -PageDavisofPeoplesCreekRoad, Advance, reported Nov. 22, someone entered her bam, let her dog out of a stall and cut up its leash. ___- Betty Gunter reported ci|?iU5tlw stolen from Gunter's Country Store on N.C. 801 in Advance Nov. 23. Keith Gunter also reported 595 stolen from a drink machine at the store. - Minli Tran reponed 520 worth of gasstolenfromT.R.ConvenienceStorc on U.S. 64 East Nov. 23. - Joan Church of Eaton’s Church Road, Mocksville, reported scratches on the roof of her vehicle Nov. 23. - Todd Bailey reported Nov. 24, someone had attempted to break into 801 Shell Service in Advance. - Randy Ratledge of Mocl^viltc reported Nov. 24, his deer stand and steps had been stolen from the woods on Redwood Drive. - Keith Whitaker of Mocksvillc reported Nov. 25, someone broke into his truck off Farmington Road, steal- inga brief case and several other items. - Stephanie Howard reported Nov. 27, someone pumped 530 worth of gasoline at 4 Brothers Amoco on U.S. 64 W. and drove away without paying. ___-MafthaJaneHofTnerofBecktown FbiirMocksvillc'reported Nov. 27,‘ someone broke into her car and stole a camera and related equipment. - Walter C. Parker reported Nov. 28, a Winston-Salem Journal newspa­ per rack had been stolen from Ber­ muda Quay shopping center. -JamesLBoetlcherofDavie Acad­ emy Road. Mocksville, reported Nov. 28, someone stole a horse from her bam. -William Franklin O'Neil of Davlc Academy Road, Mocksville, reported 'Nov.28.somcbncljfol^^^ at his residence. The following arrests were made by the Davie Sheriffs Department - Bobby Gray Sweat Jr.. 27. of 174SwcaiTrail.Mocksville, arrested Nov. 19. for habitual misdemeanor assault Trial date: Dcc. 2. - Gregory Robert Daniel, 37, of 1128 U.S. 601 S., Mocksvillc, ar- rested Nov. 20 for failure to stop for blue light, careless and reckless driv­ ing and failure to yield right-of-way. Trial date: Dec. 9. - Ernest Lee Lewis, 28, of Mayodan, arrested Nov. 21 for DWI and carrying a concealed weapon. Trial date: Dec. 2. -LlndaMaxineEdwards,39,ofl848 Junction Road, Mocksville, arrested Nov. 22, for failure to appear in court. Trial date: Jan. 13. - Kevin Bryant Teague, 22, Wln- ston-Salem, arrested Nov. 22, on war­ rants for fictitious registration and driv­ ing after consuming alcohol by a person under 21. Trial date: Dcc. 16. -Dustin Brian Hunt, 16, of2987 U.S. 601 S., Mocksvillc, arrested Nov. 23, for vlolatingpretrialrclease.Trial date: Dcc. 9. - Carl Jenkins. 22. of 206 Fonzo's Way. Mocksville. arrested Nov. 23 for assaultandcommunicatingthreats.Trial date: Dcc. 9. - Jerald Gray Driver. 43. of 4779 U.S. 601N., Mocksville. arrested Nov. 23. for assault on a femaleand commu­ nicating threats. Trial date: Dcc. 2. - Glenn Joseph Call, 22. of 1790 Peoples Creek Road. Advance, arrested Nov. 24. for assault on a female and communicating threats.Triol date: Dcc. 16. - Alan Corey Dulin, 24, of 193 Hanlin St., Mocksville, arrested Nov. 24, for failure to appear in court. Trial date: Dcc. 13. - Andrew Davis Harris, 22. of 1931 U.S.601 S..Mocksvllle,arrestedNov. 24, for violating probation. - Brian Keith Wilson. 36, of 375 Village Road, Mocksville, arrested Nov. 26 for violating probation. Trial dale: Dec. 2. - Dionicio Violanie Asccnclo, 27, of 128 Tom C. Lane, Mocksvillc, ar­ rested Nov. 26, for possession an out of state license and driving while license revoked. Trial date: Jan. 13. - Bobby Darryle Oliver, 36, Boonville, arrested Nov. 26, for pos­ session of cr^k cocaine. Trial date: Dec. 2. - Carl Nathan Kimber, 26, Boonville, arrested Nov. 26, for main­ taining a vehicle for a controlled sub­ stance, possession with intent to sell or deliver cocaine, failure to register ve­ hicle, fictitious plate. Insurance viola­ tion and failure to apply for new title. Trial dale: Jan. 13. - Rocky Marcell Link, 23, of 130 Gloucester Lane, Mocksville. arrested Nov. 26 for DWI, driving with open containcrofalcoholandspecding.Trial date: Jan. 6. - Brian Eugene West, 21, of 120 Honey Hill Lane, Mocksvillc, arrested Nov. 26, for possession of rocaine. Trial date: Dec. 2. - Dcbble Lou Holder, 37, of 536 Redland Road, Mocksville. arrested Nov. 27 for simple assault, communi­ cating threats, two counts of assault on onofiicerandobstructlngand delaying an officer. Trial date: Jan. 27. -JoscAndrew "Boo" Velez, 16, of 196 Sonora Drive, Advancc, arrested Nov. 28 for obstructing and delaying an officer. Trial dale: Jan. 20. He was charged on Nov. 29, with violating pretrial release. Trial dale: Jan. 6. - Barron Lee Thompson, 28, of Harrisburg, Pa., arrested Nov. 28 for two counts felony breaking and enter­ ing and larceny. Bond: 515,000. Trial dale: Jan. 27. Mocksville Police The following incidents were re­ ported to Mocksville Police. • Sgt. b.T. Miller II reported Nov. 22 that someone called in a false call of a murder on Wndsong Road. - The larceny of a small amount of money and a checkbook was re­ ported Nov. 27 from Food Lion, Mocksvillc Marketplace. • A bolt was taken from a mirror at Ace Rentals. Wilkesboro Street, it was reported Nov. 27. - The larceny of 517.76 worth of gas was reported Nov. 25 from Rushco, Yadkinvllle Road. Arrest - Kenneth Lane Graham, 27, of Davidson, was charged Nov, 26 with driving while license revoked, ex­ ceeding a safc'speed, and a proba­ tion violation. Trial date: Jan. 21. Traffic Accidents • George Washington Lane, 61, of Hickory, was driving a 1996 Ford on Valley Drive at 4:40 a.m. Nov. 23 when a deer ran into the car, reported Oflicer R.M. Robbins. - Johnny Boyd Hoyle, 37, of China Grove, failed to yield in a 1995 Isuzu truck at Soudi Main and Salis­ bury streets at 1:10 p.m. Nov. 23, causing a collision with a 1997 Dodge driven by Sandra Brown Howell, 45, of 181 Holly Lane, re­ ported Officer R.A. Donathan. -Ted Plummer, 54, of 1091 U.S. 64 W., was driving a 1993 Ford truck pulling a trailer on Lexington Road at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 28, when a trailer wheel broke, causing the lawn mower he was hauling to fall o(Tonto the road, reported Officer R.A. Donathan. • A Mocksville man was cited for failure to reduce speed after a wreck on Salisbury Street at 3:40 p.m. Nov. 27. Joseph Lee Carter,22;of553 Pine Ridge Road, failed to stop the 1984 Toyota truck he was driving before itstrucktherearofa 1971 Ford truck driven by William Calvan Sanderson, 51, of 4078 U.S. 601 S., knocking It into the rear of a 1989 Ford driven by Benton Gray Payne, 52, of Albemarle, reported Officer R.A. Donathan. - A Coolecmce man was cited for falling to see before turning safely after a wreck on Yadkinvllle High­ way at 6 a.m. Nov. 26. Robert Lee Creason, 75, of 139 Wall St.. drove a 1990 Ford left Into die path of a 1998 Chevrolet driven by Dennis Ralph Vestal, 40. of Yad­ kinvllle, reported OnicerT.E. Carter. Hidiwav Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were investigated by the N.C. Highway Patrol. DHver Leaves Scene The driver of a car in a wreck on U.S. 64 East at Joe Road fled the scene at 5:25 p.m. Nov. 19. Richard Samuel James, 62. of 198 Joe Road, was turning a 1998 Chevrolet truck from U.S. 64 onto Joe Road when Ibe unknown driver started from Joe Road onto U.S. 64, causing the collision, reported Trooper M.W.Whitener. Vehicles Goes e rr 64 Bryan James Black, 18, of 4777 N.C. 801 S., Advancc, wasdrivlnga 1999 Honda on U.S. 64 West when It went off the road to the right, came back across the rood, hitting a sign and fence o(T the road to the left, re­ ported Trooper M.W. Whitcner. He told the trooper that another vehicle heading in the opposite direction was In his lane of travel. Dump IVuck Hit In Rear A dump truck that had just entered U.S. 601 North was struck from be­ hind at 6:40 p.m. Nov. 19. The truck, which was traveling slowly, was driven by Spurgeon Fos­ ter Jr., 52, of 918 Dulin Road, and the car was driven by Raymond Melvin Lomax,'74, of Salisbury, re­ ported TVooperTS. Kennedy. Lomax was taken to N.C. Baptist Hospital for treatment of injury. Driver Faces Two Charges A Big Slone Gap, Va., woman was charged with failure to reduce speed and driving without a license after a wreck on 1-40 at 9:10p.m. Nov. 19. Cooleemee Police Taraula Darlcnc Belcher, 39, foiled (0 slow the 1996 Plymouth she was driving before it slnick in the rear a 1999 Ford pickup driven by Michael Allen Dobbs, 44, of Boynton Bcach, Fla., reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Car Hydroplanes On 1-40 A Mocksvillc leen was charged with exceeding a safe speed after the car he was driving hydroplaned on 1-40 at 4:50 p.m. Nov. 21. Brandon Seth Allen, 17, of 377 Country Lane, was driving a 1996 Mazda that hydroplaned and went off the road to Ihe left, Billy Joe Mat­ thews, 62, of Hickory, was driving a 1991 Chevrolet van and swerved to miss Allen’s vehicle. His van went off the road to the right and struck a guardrail, reported Trooper M.W. Whitcner. Exceeding Safe Speed Charged A Wilkesboro man was charged with exceeding a safe speed after a wreck at 4:55 p.m. Nov. 21 on US. 64 West. Ernesto Mariano Cardenas, 20, was driving a 1993 Ford van that skidded off the road lo the right, struck several trees and overturned, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Advance Man figured An Advancc man was taken to Forsyth Hospital after a wreck on N.C. 801 at 2;48 p.m. Nov. 21. Michael Ellis Eidson, 37, of 248 Granada Drive, was driving a 1991 Honda that went off Ihe road lo the left, rolled over and struck a tree, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy., Eidson was charged with exceeding a safe speed. Tire Goes Flat A tire blew out, causing a Win- ston-Salem woman to lose control of Ihe car she was driving on N.C. 801 at 8:20 a.m. Nov. 22. ' Maria Dejesus Cabell, 32, was Continued On Page 7 The following were taken from Cooleemee Police Departroentrcpons. - Shanika Shcvone Dalton, 20, of 121 Cockerham Lane, Mocksville, charge Nov. 27 with simple posses- ' sion of marijuana. Trial date: Jan. 13. ; -Joseph Shane Campbell, 21, of ■2631 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville, was ; iaiTEsted Nov. 12 for violating pretrial ^ release. Trial dale: Dcc. 2. 'V - MUty Dawn Hall, 20, of 896 i ; Camer St., Mocksville, wasamated itt ; Ihe comer of Gladstone and Ruffin streets Nov. 12, for DWI. Ancstcd with her was Larry Eugene "Punkin"' White, 40, of the same addn:ss, for aiding and abetting DWI. Both are scheduled to appear in court Dcc. 17. - Bill Bowen reported Nov. 13, someone had broken into coin oper­ ated machines atCooleeraeeCarwosh. - Robert Dean Amos, 67, of 167 Ruffin St., was airested Nov. IS, for assault on a female. Trial date: Dec. 9. -LaUshaNlcole Young. 20,of304 Legion Hut Road, was ancstcd on Gladstone Road Nov. 17 for speeding 65 mph in a45 zone, littering, driving while license revoked, no insuiancc, improperregistration, improperequip- menl and failure to appear in court. Trial date: Dcc. 17. - Frank Richard Godin, 27, of 167 LaQuintaDrive, Advance, was ancstcd Nov. 18 on Junction Road for driving while license revoked, no insurance, improperregistration, expired inspec­ tion and possession of drug parapher­ nalia. Thai dale: Dcc. 17. Fires Davlc County (ire departments re­ sponded to the following calls. Nov. 19: Mocksville. 12:59 p.m.. investigation. DavieCounty Adm[nis• mllionBuilding.l23N.MainSt.•.Ccn- ter. 3:24 p.m.. auto accident. Center Fire Department; Shcflield-Calahaln assisted; Jerusalem. 6:42 p.m. auto ac­ cident, U.S. 601 S. at Trinity Baptist; Cooleemee, 6:48 p.m., auto accldeni. Cooleemee Shopping Center; Smith Grave, 6:48 p.m., auto accidcnt. U.S. 158 at Farmington Road; Cooleemee, 7:19 p.m.. aulo accident. N.C. 801 S. Nov, 21: Fork, 2:49 p.m, auto acci­ dent, N.C. 801 South; Center. 4:54 p.m., U.S. 64 at Lake Myers; Farming­ ton, 8:14 p.m., aulo accident. Jesse KingRoad;Mocksvllle,9:30p.m.,nre alann, 189 Foinnonl Drive. ' Nov.26:Advancc. 10:26a.m..auto accident. Fork Bixby at Markland Road; Fork assisted. Nov. 27: Smith Grove. 2:46 p.m.. grass nre, 1-40; Mocksville. 6:57 p.m., auto accident. CoUnUy Lane at U S 158. Nov.28: Advance,6;59p.m.,heavy concentration of smoke in area. River Court. f I ■■ ‘h Kansas Man Arrested After Reckless Driving At Scliool D.WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 - 7 COOLEEMEE-Wliiledcalingwidi a disiurlwnce in the Cooleemee El- ciuenlafy School parking lot about 7 p.m. Nov. 8. police officers noticed a pickup mick circle the parking lot sev- cnil limes. Tlie imck then traveled intou lower parking lot where it began spinning there the imck traveled onto Junction Road, continuing to pass slower traf­ fic. Several vehicles were forced off the road to avoid a head-on collision before the truck Mopped near the river access. Wixiten said. Tlie driver. David Cruiclier, 20, of Gixxlland, Kansas, was iirrested fur tires and turned a figure eight, accord- can;le.ssandrecklcssdriving.spa*dlng Natalie Barnes is coordinating the new Davie Bfg Brothers/Bfg Sfsters program from an office on Depot Street in Mocksville. - Photo by Milke Barnhardt Big Brothers, Sisters Needed For Davie Children By Mike Barnhardt Davie County Enterprise Record Wanted: someone to play catch with, to go to (he movies with, some­ one to be a friend and a role model. The new Dig Brothers/Dig Sisters program in Davie County is quickly getting children who need an older role model, but there aren't any vol­ unteers td nil their needs. The program, operating out of Abundant Life Church on Depot Street in Mocksville, will have an open house from 6-7:30 p.m. Mon­ day, Dec. 6. during Mocksvllle’s Hometown Christmas celebration. “ Wc want to gain visibility, let people know we’ re here," said Natalie Dames, who is coordinating the Davie program as a branch of Big Drothers/Big Sisters of Forsyth County. “We really need volunteers.” What: Big Brothers/Big Sisters Open House When: Monday, Dec. 6, 6-7:30 p.m. Where: 117 E. Depot St., Mocksville Dames hopes to match 35 young people with older role models by the end of the first year. 'The children, we don't have to recruit. It's the adults we have to work to get," she said. Volunteers must commit tosee the child at least cncc a week for a year. Relationships can last longer than that. 'They need to know that some­ one is going be there consistently for them," Barnes said. The children all come from single-parent homes where only one parent is active in the child's life. Volunteers must attend a 15-20 minute orientation, provide refer­ ences, and an extensive interview. Criminal background checks are done on each volunteer. After a match is made, the volun­ teer has Qbout an hour of additional training, and Barnes makes the first visit with (he volunteer. The volunteer/child match must be approved by the volunteer and the child’s parent or guardian. Barnes said. After the match gels started, the volunteer coordinates visits. Each month, Barnes will lalk lo the parent, the child and-the volun­ teer. Boys in the program are ages 6- 13. girls ages fi-15. Big Brothers/Big Sisters is sup­ ported by United Way and other do- n:jtions. Barnes will speak about the pm- gram in the comnmnily, as well as coordinating the volunteer efforts. She and husband David have lived in Davie County for the past two years. Barnes earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Ihe University of North Carolina at ■ Chapel Hill, and had worked in medical research at Wake Forest University. “ I decided that wasn’t what I wanted to do,” she said. *i wanted to do something more people ori­ ented. I wanted to be a Big Sister." Her call to volunteer led to the job, she said. ing lo police chief Tim Wooten. As officers ran toward the vehicle, it .siarted out of the parking Jot toward Marginal Street, spinning tires and ihrowinggravel.Thetmckspunaround coniing back toward the officers when it hit a drain that nearly caused it to turn over, he said. As Officer B.G. Phillips was at- templing lograb thedriver, he sped out of the p;irking lot, Ihe chief reported. Pursued by Officer W.B. Hafrlngion, the iruck traveled over the drain and sidewalk on the right lo p;Lss slowertraffic on Marginal Sireel. From lo elude am;sl. two counts ofassaull on a law enforcement officer and failure lo Jjced blue light and siren, lie ms placed in ihe Davie County Jail under a $6,(XX) secured btind and was sched­ uled 10 make his first appcju-ance in court Dec. 2. Crulcher had apparently borrowed Ihe Imck lo run errands and had a handicapped juvenile in ihe vehicle wiih hinj. W(K)icn said. The incident in Iheschixil parking lot was especially dangerous because the parking lot was full for an aihlelic awards banquet being held Ihere, he added. Officers Responding To Call Are Assaulted By Suspect : Highway_^tm COOLEEMBE - Two officers were assaulted afier responding lo an assault on a fenjale call on Wall Sircei on Nov. 26. Police Officer B.G. Phillips re­ ported lhal he went lo the residence on 188 Wall St. and n woman there said her boyfriend had choked punched her In ihe face. When Phillips altempled loanvsi Ihe suspect, he began fighting wiih Ihe officer. Police Chief Tim Wtwien said. Davie Sheriff's Deputy Mark Crater arrived lo help, and was also assaulted. Ronald Ferrell Church, of 188 Wall St., was charged wiUi assault on a female, malicious injury lo prop­ erty, communicating threats, two counts of assault on a law enfurce- ment officer, resisting arrest, and being drunk and disorderly. He is scheduled lo face ihe charges Dec. 16 in Davie Dislrici Court. Driver Face.s Tnvo Charges An Advance man was charged with exceeding a safe speed and driv­ ing wiihoul a license afier a wreck on U.S. 158 al 6:40 a.m. Nov. 26. Christopher William Shalzel,22, of 145 Savannah Court, was driving a iyy9 Acura lhal went off the road to the right and struck an embank­ ment, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Two Vehicles In Wreck Belly Berrier Spry, 67, of 722 Bailey's Chapel Road, Advancc, drove a 1991 Mercury from a private drive inlo ihc path of a 1992 Chev- rolel being driven on Fork-Bixby Road at 10:25 a.m. Nov. 26 by Rob­ ert David Dalton, 37. of 121 Austin Lane, Advance, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Failure To Yield Charged . A Mocksvillc man was charged wiih failure lo yield after a wreck on U.S.601 North at 7:30 p..m Nov. 27. Benjamin Hernande/.-Mena, 25, of24l Avon St., merged a 1991 Ford from the left to the right lane, strik­ ing u 1999 Ford pickup driven by Paul Corpoal Shellon, 53, of Locust, reported Trooper A. A. Justice. Failure To Yield Charged Uuirie Gordon Teague, 37, of 147 ■ Fairway Read, Advancc, drove a 1991 Chevrolet from Redland Road onloU.S. I58,slrikinga 1987Chev- . nilet, which was being turned from U.S. 158 onlo Redland Road at 1:10 p.m. Nov. 27 by Kristina Marie Harkness, 17, of 123 Foresl Court, Advancc, reported Trooper M.W. ' Whilener. Teague was cited for fail­ ure to yield. Driver Mkse.s- Slop Sign A Woodleaf man failed lo slop al u .slop sign on Parker Road and crossed Ijames Church Road In heavy fog al 6:35 a.m. Nov. 23. Tinmlhy Lee Condra, 50, was driving the 1999 Dodge pickup lhal was traveling an eslinialed 40 mph when il went olT ihe road and hit a iree, reported Tnwiper C.D. Jones. Cur III1.S Jeep Milchcll KaySeamon,29, of894 Continued From Page 6 driving Ihel995 Honda ihat went off the road lo the right and struck a mailbox and driveway culvert, re­ ported Trooper C.D. Jones. Exceeding Safe Speed Charged An.Advancc (een wa.t charged with exceeding a safe speed afier a wreck on Jesse King Road al 8:10 p.m. Nov. 21. Douglas Ryan Smith,16, of 257 Brentwood Drive, was driving the car Ihat weni off ihe road to the left and struck a utility pole, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. Driver Faces Two Charges A Mocksville man was charged with failure to yield and an inspec­ tion violation after a wreck on U.S. 601 South a ll 0:45 p.m. Nov. 21. Michael Dale Jones. 27, of 2967 U.S. 601 N., was drove a 1995 Mitsubishi from a private drive, striking a 1997 Nissan being driven on U.S. 601 by Donna Hutchins Fissel, 36, of2255 Farmington Road, Mocksville, reported Trooper EricT. Phillips. Driver Avoids Deer Stephanie Diane Payne, 18, of 112 Bright Leaf Lane, Mocksvillc, was driving a 1987 Nissan on Sheffield Road al 10:45 p.m. Nov. 21 when the car went off ihc road to the right and struck a mailbox and fire hydrant. She told Trooper Eric T. Phillips Ihat .she had swerved lo miss a deer. Pickup, Truck Collide . . Jeffrey Todd Rcnnix, 22, of 333 McCullough Road, was driving a 1999 Dodge pickup on U.S. 601 South at 6:30 a.m. Nov. 24. Carl Melvin Herron, 46, ofHudson.dnwe a tractor trailer onlo the road in fn>nl o f Rennlx, who applied ihe brakes lo his pickup and skidded into a mail­ box. ' Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A CIcmmcms man was charged wiih failure lo rcduce .speed aljer a wreck <»n 1-40 al 5:55 p.m. Nov. 22. Gary Wayne Slrohschein, 44, failed loslop the 1989 Jeep he was driving before il struck in Ihe rear u Country Lane, Mocksville, was us- iraclor trailer driven by Mark Tim- ing his 1997 Jeep lo try lo pull a mas Anderson, 43, of (iranile P'alls, pickup Iruck from a ditch, when the rep<»rledTro<)perTerrance I). .Shaw. Jeep was siruck by a 1986 Ford Cur Hits Bridge Cuurdrull driven by Paul Linn WtHalard, 47, of A Mocksville woman was laken Winslon-.Salem. on U.S. l58al6:.V) Ht Bupli.sl Hospital afier Iheearshc ' p.m.Nov.27,rep«irledTnM>perC.D. was driving struck a bridge rail on I-' .Jones. 40al 12:3.*^ a.m. Nov. 24.. ■' ■ .Cur(ioe.s IntoDlleli Hel'ly (iail l;rosi, 65, of 1281 N. , , JiiMin Balir Vanhoy, 23. of 210 MainSl.wasdrivinglhe 1997 Buick ;C'edarCn.*ek Road, Mocksyillc.was . lhal siruck Ihe rail in the median, then, drlvingii 1998,Ford <m Pudding traveled aerovs the bride, going off. Kitlge Riiailai |l)a.m,. Nov. 27 when , the road,again lo Ihe Icfljnlo.ihu lhe'carwenU>JVlheniad(ollie right; median, reporlt;U Trooper F.ric T, v-i.ii.i.u •• .■<«.< »‘np Phillips. the len, reporiedTnxiperTerrance D. Shaw. Ten Deer Struck The following siruck or were siruck by deer on Davie ro.ids: • Margarel Lake Lindsay, 51, of Charlolie, al 6:30 p.m. Nov. 28 on I- 40; • Debra Marie Frye, 44, of 142 Mallard Road, Mocksville, al 7 a.m. Nov. 25 on Farminglon Road; •John Hill Coley Jr.. 47, of 271 C.V. Smoot Lane, Mocksville, at 11:25 p.m. Nov. 24 on Bear Creek Church Road in a Mocksville police car; • Sallie Renegar Davis, 62, of Death Of Davie Man Is Ruled A Suicide The death of a Davie man was de­ termined a suicide Iasi week by inves­ tigators. ' The body of 75-year-old Dewey Thomas Nicholson was found in his home on Pine Kidge Rond near Cooleemee at 12:35 p.m. Nov. 22, where he hud apparently shol himself in the chest with a 12 gauge shotgun, reported DavieCounlyShcrifrsDcputy M.S. Nonnan. DiHinville. al 6:30 p.m. Nov. 22 on N.C. 801; • Gary Anihony Fosler, 41, of 149 Main Church Road. Mocksville, at 7:10 am. Nov. 24 on U.S. 158; • Terence Lamimt Slokes. 23. of Bunn, at 7:40 p.m. Nov. 21 on 1-40; • Raymond Walson Hellard Jr., 50, of Woodleaf, at 8 a.m. Nov. 21 on Fosler Road; • Wanda Richardson Suihpin, 59, of Rural Hall, at 7 p.m. Nov. 19 on Shefileld Road; • Su/anne Everharl Sexton. 48, of 646 Duke Whitaker Road, Mocks­ ville, at 6 p.m. Nov. 19 on Georgia Road: and • Deneice Sue Rickman. 34, of 7111 N.C. 801 S.. Mocksville, al 7:30p.oi.Nov. l9onN.C.80l. Lewisville Man Is Arrested, Davie Man Sought In Chase COOLEEMEE - A Lewisville man was arrested and warrants have been drawn for the arresi of a Mocksville man afier a vehicle chase Nov. 24. It slnrled on Duke Street, when police olTicers heard u car horn con­ tinuously sounding, said Police Chief Tim Woolen. When the police officer drove up lo Ihe car, ihe lights were turned off on Ihe parked vehicle and il began lo drive away. OfTlcers altempled to slop ihe sus­ pect vehicle, which fled onlo N.C 801 toward Greasy Corner. After about 10 minutes, the car appeared to have problems al Willboone and Fairfield niads, Wwilcn said. The car was stopped, and the driver Hed on fool. A passenger. Randall Keilh Moore. Lewisville, was charged wiih possession of marijUiina. He is scheduled lo face ihe charge Dcc. 16 in Davie District Court. Warrants ha\’e been drawn for a Shawn West, of N.C. 801. Mocksville, charging him wiih felony speeding loelude arresi, reck­ less driving, and driving while li­ cense revoked. Woolen said ihe suspect vehicle belonged lo Moore. MwO/un.. I ll\\y.60IS..AU>cksviUeinlhi' Frieiullv SliPitping Center WEHAVEAWORLDOF TREASURES! Unique giRi. adull't & chiUrcn'i cI«)|Ium{:. holiJjy iVxoratimt. IwuKwam. huoki. ne* atkl uwJ fumiiiirv. lunilbagt, till, nount, huKiiv ptctum. (kilU. l»)t. Kvk l-ilitrti. iutal thint. Lklt M»:k» (1 fur SI .CIOl. ind jiiil abuui jn>tliinj!el«)txinu>nccd. ' TREE SERVICE 336-492-2944 ^ Free Estimates • Insuredi?i iffr ^p e d a list in surgery , Vanln»y "oversicered,'-ami ihe car weni acrtisS Ihe road iiilo » dllch lo ri'sl in v .iMiiI.u .uui li.u tin .i' ^ Pi. \ lilllio l i*.ntu’vl .» Imi lu 'h ii'•> doi^ii'o lo I'ioloi^v w ith .i chiMiiisliA (toin WiIIooIhmi; \ oivv'sits in Spiini;lioUl. I )liui .uid u‘n inoJic.il Imin Ohm St.ili'I i.i\i*isil\ l.iilU*m*(i( \ l i \ l i i nu* in I « III* lOinpK’tfvl .1 ii‘siiiont\ in ^oium.iI Mii^crv .it K i\o is iilf Molhmlist I .ilso in (. nlunilnis I )i \K llh n l is Ini.itil olij^ihlo in ^I'lU'i.il iviM i/M ii/ '*/'( ( il)J \liK 'k s \i[|f \\i*n u i‘, SuiU* ^(11 s.iiisbuiv.AC (704) h.'^.V,'^44l R ( m N R e c '.i o n a l Ml hi- \i ( I \ n K \tu tr S(>«r< <•/(>» ! lit III U ctilthi 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 Man Continues ‘Miracle Recovery’ Continued From Page 1 a week. ‘TTial was the most depressing news 1 had ever heard," Seals said. "I reli like a 25 year old 12-month-old baby. Thai’s when you’ve got 10 swallow your pride. That hurt me more than any pain." His determination didn't Tade. and he worked a( the physical therapy. With ihc help of Congressman Richard Burr, Slate Rep. Julia Howard, and Claudia Dunlap, ihe manager of Cedar Ridge apart­ ments. Seats got to move back home lo Mocksville. He slill gels visits from home health nurses as he recovers. Seats continued lo have problems with his loes, which had bccome infected. On Oct. 8. he was hack In the hospital, and doctors amputated dll of his toes, and pan of one heel. "Il was the worsl pain I’ve ever fell in my life,'* he said. Seals crcdiis his “support group” as helping to save his life. His moiher never left his side, and his stcp-falher was ihere all ihe lime. His brother’s mother-in-law. Sue Boggs, visited often in ihe hospital and went to ihe nursing home *‘lo break me oui,” he said. A good friend, Fred Redmon, called daily and drove from Charlouc to see him. Countless churches offered regular prayers, and Oak Grove option iQ slay by her son. She crics when telling about ihc doctors saying her son was going to die. didn't believe them. My failh is stronger than thal.” She had received a call from ihe hospital al 3 a.m., and was there by 3:30. Patrick’s blood pressure was Patrick Seats is closer than ever lo mom Sherry Plott. 40 over 20. "He was all but gone. I sat beside him unlil 11:30 the next morning, holding his hand. I never moved.” By lhal nighl, he wasn’t Improv­ ing, and a doctor told (he family about using an experimental drug that had never been used on a person in ihe United Stales. Without il. he would surely die, and with il, the results could be the same, ihfiy said. The'family didn’t hesiiale with their decision, and within 30 minutes after receiving the drug. Patrick began lo Improve, his . Methodist pastor.Charle.s Slcv*vt____mother saidr-.... played an important role, he said. . “I got cards from people I never, ever heard of," Seats said. "Churches all over put me on their prayer lists." ' His mother said it wasn't an ‘The doctor came Into ihe lobby with a tear In his eyes. It's already working. "God’s been with us all this lime," Mrs. Plott said. "Patrick is a miracle from God. I prayed every day, ‘Please God, spare Patrick. Let him open those big brown eyes one more time and,teil me he loves me. then I could lei him go. God granted me my mirocle." There were olher setbacks, such as blood clots, kidney failure and lung damage, but Seats hung tough. "Patrick's a fighter,’’ she said. ‘There’s no way you can comprehend whal we’ve been through unless you've been there." Seats has found a new admiration for his moiher. “She shared my first steps when I was 0 baby, and when I was 25.’’ he said. "Me and mom are closer than we’ve ever been." As he continues his recovery, Patrick is looking 10 the future. No longer able lo do the warehouse work he oncodld, he wants to go back lo school. Find a good girl. Live a good life. "Il’s made me look at things dlfferenlly. You shouldn’t always pul off things until tomorrow. Tbmorrow may never come. "I want to be able to lead a normal life someday. I don’t want lo live off disability ihe rest of my life. I just need some help lo learn to do something else,” he said. "I never dreamed something like this would ever happen lo me." Don’t count Patrick Seals out. He wiun'l supposed to live, but he did. He wasn’t supposed lo be -— ablC'to walk againr and aUliouglva " * bil slower, he is, and at a much quicker pace than any physical Iherapisl ever imagined. And come Christmas, he’s planning on flying lo Washington to see his lillle brother. Patrick Seats didn’t let the amputation of all his toes stop him from walking. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Home health nurse Christina Hurt checks his blood pressure. Patrick Seats with his mother, Sherry Plott (left), and Sue Boggs, who has treated him like a son, Patrick Seats,(right) with “llttie brother" Matthew. ^ Dr. John Llgush poses with his star patient. RBDC-Best Darn ISP in NC To rcRlstcr for a Two tKwA F nc Trial On the Intcrncl In WInslon-Salcm, NC. Now Serving Greensboro area Hllhoul any long distoncc charges Call our office at 336-774-1600 Red Barn Data Center Internet Services Ulnl up Handed ISDN lines, $45.00 montly. Low Cuslomcr-To-LIni _______Hullo. In lliislness Since 1987 — litlp://'V'v«'.rlidc.coni DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 - 9 Salvation Army volunteers Roy Morse and Charies Bethel of Bermuda Village were the first to help in lulocksviiie. Mayor F.W. Slate mai<es the first donation with Major Francina Proctor, coordinator of women’s activities for the Winstcn-Saiem Com­ mand watching. - Photo by Mllke Earnhardt Helping Others Kettle Drive Kicked Off In Davie The Salvation Army officially kickcdoffitsDavlcCountykcUledrivc on Friday, Nov. 26 al 9 a.m. at Wal- Mart. Mocksville Mayor Fnincis Slate This year’s fund-raising effort will be led by seven volunteer groups who will work at Ihe keille on the following days: Nov. 26, Bermuda Village; Nov. 27, FIrI Melhodisi Church; Dec. 4, .madc.thcLQrsl.donf»tion___________CmiaD_Club;.Dcc..l.l..,Sl..Franc|jL Church; Dcc. 17, Rolary Club; Dcc. 18, Firsi Presbylcrian Church; Dcc. 24. First Oapli.st Church. All money raised will rcmain in I I Cub Scouts Participate In Activities Ethics In Action was the theme for rcccnt events ol Ihe National Guard Armory. Cub Scouls from Pack 574 partici­ pated in a variciy of aclivlties such as knot lying, bial Idenlification, and star gazing. They shared stories about spe­ cial "potato'’ friends focusing on the key woid respect. While oulslde suir gazing, ihey received an unexpected surprise visit. The evening was topped with a stage-built indoor campfire where ihe scouts performed songs, cheers and puppet skits. Scouts attending werv John Purker, Caleb Creason, MichacI Deamon, ZachcrySmith,Michacl Hastings. Josh Draughn, Joshua Holcomb. David VanAntwerpJr.,LukeRay, James Ray, Derreck Woll, Aaron Veach, Ben Brock, J.R. Paris. Chuck Melts, Juslin Barker, Andrew Dennision, and Ryan Denniston. Leaders volunlcercd their lime and parents supported iheir scouts. Davie County and will be used lo prtwide emergency services lo resi­ dents of the county. Uisl year, Tlie Salvation Amiy provided remand ulil- ityassisiance, food, lodgingand inedi- . cine 10.476 Pavic-Couniy-rc-Mdcnfi.— The Salvation Anny has been pn>- vlding services in Davie County since the mid 1980s and is n United Way participjiiing agency. D u e to th e r a in o n F a b u lo u s F rid a y , w e w ill c o n tin u e o u r s a le o n SPECTACULAR SATURDAY! Macedonia M oravian Church C hildren’s M inistries presents A Come-Celebrate the Birth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ on Sunday, December 5 at 6 p.m. ‘ Hot Chocolate & Cookies will follow in the fellowship hall! Macedonia is located at 700 NC Hwy. 801 N • 33S-998-4394 Wc w ill have spccial hours from 0 A M to 6 PM this Saturday. Como visit & shop with us before, during, & nftcr tho pnrndel Shop w ith us & save, save, snvel Can’t get dow town? N ot to w o rry! Wc w ill ru n • Excludes Letter Jnckctfl, Clcaranco Mcrch. & Christmas Decorations. Limited to in*Btock merchandise only. u n til C hristm as Evcl. Shop early for best selectionl HAPPY HOLIDAXS & THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! » Smtm fs PuMmg in at Ci&URTSIDE SP(0RTS 157 North Main Street • Mocksville, NC (336) 751-4700 M ANAGERS SPEC IA L Turn Key Sale w See Jim (336) 751-0503 L E A D E R HOME SALES COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MORTGAGES — RATES — Below Bank Prime $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 — Minimum Loan — — TERMS — Upto30Yrs. 800-807-0770 Office Buildings • Churches l\Aanufacturing • Hotels, t^otets Multi Family Dwellings • Recreation Healthcare • /W/xed Use Storage/Warehouse • Industrial COMMUNny MORTGAGE 105 East Broad St, ' Statesville, NC 28677 Fax: 704-881-0566 /TR A ILE R S \ OFTHE EAST COAST HHdns^ TlwlhrlUMSSoilM } HMhMkt ^ St It I ,;,s i s' '' • ' 'V, ^ ( 'lh\ k ( s ( )(// ,.// ih,- In U U II ll.llU'l , Come See Us Fdr YourHolUay Shaoaino Patrick looks at celling decorations Installed by brother Matthew, 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 Forensic Pathologist Testifies Tliat Stabbing Was Cause Of Deatfi Conlinuvd From Pu{$e 1 ihoujjhl httlh men. who worked at United Plywixxl through Ablc.sl. had pickcdupthcirpayehocksim»und lunch Marvh 5. AI-Uayylnahhudc»mcU)thconicc Maa'h A and hccanic ungry ba'ausc he couldn’t get his check that day,' she .said. He was no Itmger employed by Ablest when hecunw lo the ollicc then, with hi.s liLsl pay period cndtr?i* Mua'h l.sheexplainc'd. Slubbin)< Cuustf o r Deuth Forensic pathologisl Dr. Patrick Lanl/ol'N.C. Bnptixt Hospital in Win- bton-Salcm le.stilled that the autopsy hepcrfomicdonS.W.BrownJr.Maah 16. showed the cuusc or death lo be complications from u slab wound lo the chcsl. The wound had penclraled Ihruugh the skin about two Inches between Brown's ribs. cau.sing his right lung lo collapsc, he said. At the lime of his death, Drown I weighed 60 to 70 pounds more than he did when he was iransponcd lo the hospital due lo the accumulation of excess fluid In his body. Many of his organs had failed, including the lungs, liver and kidneys, he explained. He had been given fluid lo iry to keep his blood pressure up. The low blood pressure he suffered after the stabbing had also caused him to have a small stroke, the doctor lestiflcd. The autopsy revealed thal prior to the attack Brown had some hyperten­ sion, mild lo moderate hardening of ihe arteries and moderate blockage to iwo arteries. He had no major blockage, no blood clots and sufTered no previous .heart attacks, he said. : AAer listening to the 911 call made byBrownancrthestabbing.Lantzsaid he believes thal, though his breathing ^ w heavier and he began to ask for "maircal c^slanccTicariHc^^^^ of the' call. Brown remained coherent and able to give the appropriate responses to the operator. Examining the knife found in the woods where law enforcement offlc* ,ers had discovered the defendant hid­ ing on the day of the crime, Lantz said the size and shape of the blade would be consistent with tKc one used lo \n- fiict (he stab uound to Brown's chcst. The knife went through no areas of Ihe body that would cause extensive bleeding. TTierc would have been some .bleeding from the cuttingofsmali blood vessels. It's possible arteries had been nicked, but there was no evidence any .had been severed, he said. Other factors could also eiTect ihe amount of blood found on the knife, such os passing through clothing as it was withdrawn and (King wipcil or washed olT alter the stabbing, Uint/. said. Brow nS Blood Not Found Forcnsic scn)logist Jed Taub of the SBI said hedidn'l flndu lot of bl(KKl on the knife and removed ;ls much us possible fmm the blade with u cotton swab tor DNA analysis. How long the knil'e was in Ihe victim's body, ihe orientation of the wound, llw angle ut whlc)> ihc )»nirc was removed und whetlwr or not il pa.v\ed through any clothing or hair could all be factors In determining how much bl(Mxl would remainon the knife, ho said. ' Tu illusirat(^, he shared u story with Ihe jury ubt>ul nearly cutting off his own linger in an accident which lefl no bkxHlon the knife. The type ofclothi ng reportedly svtim by Brown could have removed a sig­ nificant amounlofblood fronuheknire, Taub said. Taub also took cuttings from Al- Bayyinah's coal and pants where he found blood lo be compared with known samples from the defendant and victim. DNA testing showed (he .saniptes taken from the suspect's clothing and the knife lo match Al-Bayylnah and not Brown, accoiding to SBI agent David Freeman, a nralecular geneli- cisl. The probability of finding o DNA match to Al-Bayyinah in ihe white population of North Carolina would be one In 5.1 billion and one in 870 mil­ lion in the black population, he said. IfanequalamountofBrown'sblood had appeared on ihe knife. DNA pat­ terns from both men would have been seen during analysis. At a ratio of 10 lo one, the weaker sample would prob­ ably not be visible. Freeman said. SpccialagenlEricHicksoftheSBl’s latent cVidcn£<rseclion said he could tell the knife had been handled but had been unable lo And any identiflable rmgerprintsonit. He had found one identiflable print on the pack of cigarpttes found on ihe floor of Brown's business, but the print didn't matchAI-Bayyinah's,Hicks said. Fingerprints may or may not be left on an item ihat has been lundled. he said. Nfon Denies Involvement Raymond Jackson. 20, of India­ napolis, Ind., lold jurors he had been living in Mocksville al the time of Brown's murder and had moved away just days later. He had come from Indianapolis to live with his aunt, Bridget Johnson, and sister in Mocksville In 1997, but Johnson had asked him to leave siwn after the incident because she was con­ cerned about him associating with the wn)ng crowd. He said he had entered the S.W. Brown & Son whole.sale slorc iwice on the day before the crime. Tlie flrsl time he wanted to buy cigarettes but discovered they were sold by the carton rather than the pack. The second time he had gone for cigars «nd discovered the saHic thing. On lhal trip, he changed a roll of quarters for a SlOhill,iacksonsaid. He had spent the Wednesday night before Brown's stabbing on Friday al the home of his fri9nd, Brian Wilson, he said. It was then he flrst met the defen­ dant, who was introduced lo him as Terry, he said. On the day of the attack on Brown. Jackson said he was coming home from visiting another friend when he saw a police offlcer talking to his aunt. The officer showed him a picturc of a man he recognized as Terry, .but he didn't tell the offlcer he knew him because he was nervous. A few min­ utes later he toldhis aunt he recognized the man and ihen lold the officer. He had left his aunt's house on a bicycle thal morning to visit a friend and couldn't recall what he was wear­ ing. At lhal time, Jackson said he had a black, blue and white Nike coat with a hood and wore a toboggan. His aunt Bridget Johnson said she had sent Jackson back lo Indianapolis because shecouldn'l handle him smok- Ingmarijuanaandhangingaroundwith the wrong crowd. She had taken ihe day off work und was al her neighbor's hoase when Ihc policcoftlcercamcbywiththesuspect's photo. Wlien she learned lhal Jackson knew the man, she told him to tell the officer. She heard him identify him as Terry, .she said. Jackson had been home 8*9 a.m. b^auseshc was supposed lo wake him to go gel his licensc that day. she said. Brown's store is three or four miles from her house, Johnson testified. Lead Investigator Testifles Mocksville Policc Deteclivc Ken Hunter, the lead Investigalor in the case, said ho first became involved when he received acall at home March 6. 1998, from assistant police chief Wayne Stoneman instnicllng him to go lo Davlc County Hospital lo inter* view aslabblng victim. At Ihe hospital, he found the victim unconscious. He first saw the suspect on Neely Street, where he was being led to a patrol car In handcuffs, Hunter said. At the policc station, whtfe Al- Bayyinah was being finger printed. Hunter said he noticed cuts on his hands and one wrist. While he was being processedal the police station, Al-Bayyinah said he was not the one who slabbed the old man but for the officers to arrest him so he could get some rest, Hunter lesli- fied. Among the items Hunter said he seized from the suspect were $64, a pock of cigarettes, several business cards, a Social Security card in the name Terry D. Moore, an Idenlifica- llon card with the name Jathiyah Al- Bayylnah, a blue toboggan, a spoon and a silver hollow pipe with tape around ihe end. A motion by defense attomcys lo keep a match book, which Hunter had overiooked when flrst presenting the items taken from ihc suspect, was de­ nied by Gray. The match book is clearly shown in a photograph of items seized from the defendant, he said. The item was not included on an inventory list provided by Hunter and cannot be idcntifled in the photograph bccause the match book was partially open, argued DcWitt. Prosecutor Patricia Bruce said the defense had a chance lo look at all the evidence at the policc department, and a list of all exhibits lo be presented by the prosecution had been included in Ihc court file. "There has been no attempt lo hide • anything," she said. Under law the prosecution was not required lo provide this information lo the defense, the judge said. No one is getting surprised. This was simply a failure of the witness lo put the match book in a clear plastic bag. Hunter explained his involvcmenl In the collection of numerous other pieces of evidence. He received two checks frbm j NancttcDrown,daughtcr-in-lawoflhc/ , victim and an employee of the whole*. sale store, which he had asked her to retrieve from the bank. Both were pay­ roll checks from Ablest Stafflng Scr- vIces-oneloEmestCainandiheolhcr • to Jathiyah Al-Bayyinah. He reuneved ihe clothing worn by the defendant from the Davie County Jail where It had been removed and also received the pants and bell of ihe victim from the family. Those items . had been turned over to the family at the hospital. Hunter said. He attempted to locato the t-shlrt, shirt andsweater Brown had been wear­ ing at the lime of ihc slabbing but was loldat Davie County Hosplial arid N.C. Baptist Hospital that the clothing had been destroyed, he said. He received samples of Brown's blood from both hospitals. The blood takcnalDavicCounly Hospital prior to any transfusions was the sample used for analysis a( the SBI lab. Hunter also executed a court order, giving him permission to take blood samples from the defendant, he said. Evidence by the prosecution was expected to continue into the week as court dismissed on Monday. F U R N IT U R E Whurii i h lYumii ouijj It All! YonrCmmiwce! - ftisDO im I d 8iDU p i ) J f P orce la in Friday! B r i n g i n t h i s ^ j o ^ fte e G iM manWlH-hsti) A P a ir o f P orce la in M.D. O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o l o g y Caring Medicaid Pmvidor for 20 years N ew O B patients w e lco m e at any stage of pregnancy Free P r e g n a n c y Tests We will assist your application lor pregnancy- related Medicaid coverage at no lee. Potiwil may dalivw at aMiw Shrteiville hospital 1216 Davie Avenue ■ Staleavllle, NC 704673-1438 - 9 ajn .ta6 pjn.d ally I U L i I ^WINDO 1 1 1 / b u ild in g V 1 ^ ^ IZEMCOeUNS^ ' sim m i 998-2140 Window Options for Every Need & Every Budget 1 9 - H O t l R S A L E ! G e t a jump on yw r holiday shopping...Add on to your current account^' ^ ^ Open a new account* S o c y t s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 - B1 Wrestlers Dominate Despite Forfeiting TwoOfThel\/latchups By Brlon Pitts Davie County Enlcrprise Rccord ‘ ‘ W e a in 't n o w h e r e a s g o o d a s w e 'r e g o in g t o b e . ” - Coach Buddy Lowery Larry Umberger shovels a pass around a North Player. Duane Phillips soars to the basket for the War Eagles. • Photos by James Barringer A New Chapter Phillips Scores 26 In Final Quarter To Lead DHS To Tourney Title By Brian Pills Davlc County Enterprise Record * • .. The fairy-tale stoiy of Duane Phillips has a new chapter. Phillips, a senior guard for Davlc County's varsity boys basketball team, concocted a fourth-quarter explosion for the ages last week in the chiunpionship of the Hot Hoops Classic at Lawrencc Joel Coliseum, scorching Bishop McGulnnis with 26 points in the flnal eight minutes as Davie rallied from a 19- poini deficit to steal a77-70 victory that avenged last year's 60-59 loss to Bishop and cx-teammatc Jesse Marion. T il tell you, he has had some spurts," Coach Jim Young said of Phillips, who finished with37 points for his eighth carccrgamcof3S or more,catapulting him within 22 points of becoming the fourth 1.000-point scorer in school history. "If you maintain that for four quarters; you're puulng a loi of points (104) up. If wc could just wind him up for four quarters that way, it'd be fun to watch, wouldn't It?" It's only natural for the naked eye lo gravitate toward Phillips' um;izing statistics, the 13-of-24 field-goal shooting and the seemingly linposslblc fourth- (juarteroutburst. But Young emphatically died the contributions of ihcsupport- ing cast and a ficrce defensive effort for enabling Davlc to tumo 5tt?9'fourth- quiuierdeficlilntoilsthirdsiraightwiniosiurtlhcseawn; V-r'' Urry Umberger- a 6-6 forward who has quickly emerged as ihe quintessen­ tial slat-sheet stufler, averaging seven points, 13 rebouridsand fourassisls In wins over Forsylh Country Day. North Iredell and Bishop - made five of eight field Please Set* War Eagles - Page B7 The plan was for Northern Durham and Leesvilie Road to pick on a Davie team that seemed the mosl vulnerable since Coach Buddy Lowery's dynasty sprang in the mid-1980s. So much for the plans. Instead of a giant full, Durham and Leesvilie staggered om of Durham High ripped to shreds by a War Eagle crew that won 19 of 28 duels despite giving up two forfeits in each match. "We had a loi of adversity to over­ come, but there's so much talent lhal wc did not struggle,” said Cody An­ gel!, a senior who won two decisions as Davie slammed Durham 57-18 and Leesvilie 37-28 to open the season last week. Angell estimated that the War Eiiglcs, who rolled on without perhaps half its lineup bccause of late-arriving football players, perfonned at roughly SOpcrcent,confirming that ihey'rconly going to get better. Il didn't matter that three freshmen and two sophomores dotted Ihc lineup. It didn't matter thal Davie spotted both teams 12 polnis, forfeiting al 215 and heavyweight. Leading the chargc werc double winners Larry Hudson, Andrew Scott, Chris Barnette, Brad Pack, Tony An­ gell. Drew Beck and Cody Angell. "Wc ain't nowhere near as good as we'rcgoingtobe,"said Lowery, whose team will really turn up ihe heat when football players JacobGarner, Wesley. Johnson, Patrick Lowery, Mati Foster, Adam Boger und Cliris Nichols join the mix D ^. in the Ouvic Duals. "We want to duplicate what wc did last year (30-2). 1 think last year wc got better every day. Somebody In that room got a little bit better, and that's how we're going lo do." Cody Angel I concurrcd lhal the War Eagles merely scraped ihc surface al Durham, that they intend to enhance their aura and add yet another chaplcr to their amazing history. "Last year at the end of the year wc were a‘*great team bccause of all the hard work Coach Lowery put us through, and that's what it’s going to be like this year," he said. "We've got high expeciations." Davie's tradition of unwavering excellence beats a lot of teams alone. Lowery sensed Durham and Leesvilie recoiling the moment the confident orange hordestompcdoutoflhclockcr room. "I think tradition might have had something to do with it." he said. "I mean: 'Oh. Lord, we've got to wrestle Davie County.'We've got lo lhal point. When wc vvaikedjn ther^?jhcy knewjl was going to be a tia^ match. We just ouigulted some of them." But it still boggles the mind at how Davlc cruised with Hudson. Scoil. Tony Angell. CJhris Hau-ser and Nick Goughnour entering the day with no varsity victories on their resume and three other starters who combined for just 14 wins last year- Bameite, Beck and Coily Angell. All that illustrates tha lypooTtooUDttvtehaa in iu uMidte bags. "Some of the ones thal stepped in the lineup wrestled JV last year and probably wrestled 30 matches, so they knew what was going on and It wasn't Please Si-c DHS Wnstlcrs • Ptige B3 Worth Noting, Lexington Gets Lost, On And Off The Mats Lexington's wrestling tcoin stiould liavc stayed on mVY 601, alter alL In an anemoon liiat started bad and bcciunc a downriglit mess, Lexington had bus trouble, pulled out oftheparking lot at4fora4:30 match, missed the luni inMocltsvilic, got lumed around in Yadkinvillc, missed another turn in Farmington and arrived at North Davie two hours late. That was the good news, TtieifUlcy gijtpiimmclcd 90-0. The trip oyer t(»k two houR longer than the match. ’ ' . , "They probably wish they wo.uld iiave kept going to Virginia instead of stopping in YadkinviHe and coming back," Coach Ron Kirk s,nid after Ihe Wild­ cats roiled to their sccond nonlcague win to start the season. " Wc started a little bit past 6:30 and were done at 7;02. They just never got slatted, and the kids were probably tired from riding on the bus all day. A 40- minute trip from Lexington took thent three hours." Zac Mortoii, Jeremiah Raby, Malachi Gentry, Ronnie And^', Michael Simmons, Nick Pane, Jus- tinNorswonhy,Brandon Pane andTcd Randolph all improved to 2-0 as the Wildcats strengthened their claim as the favorites to win the Piedmont Middle School Conference for the Tiflh time in seven years. Two missing starteis - Derek Cornatzer and Jacques Lyons-couldn't even slow the onslaught as MattConlcyandTanner Wilson promptlysteppcd in and delivered pins. ' "Those are pretty decent backups," Kirk said. "If Please ^N o^hi-P age B9 Kicrston Khars produced eight points and 10 rebounds in Notthj Davie's 39-27 loss toleague-favorile Erwin. , h Ryannc McDaniel of Davie's JV glrlsbaskelbiUllcamsparkeda^i 43 rally past North Iredell with 12 second-half points. . ' 1. DanSulUvatiKot^d I4ofhisgame-high 16 points in the flisl half o^' Davie's JV boys basketball team cruiscd past North Iredell 72-50,' y ‘ :j Andrew Scott recorded two pins In his freshman debut as Davie'sj ym ity wrestling teom opened the year 2-0. ' j ’ ’ Jj Tina Harkness lifted Davie's varsity girls to dieir loiie wm in three j games by pijing up 21 points on dwee 3-pointers,'six steals and four: ■ rebounds in a 6042 win over ForsyA Country Day. , Duane Phillips, who produced an unbelievable 25-point fourth; quarter to carry Davie's varsity boys past Bishop McGutnms 77-70, is j averaging 27 points, Larpr Umberger is pullmg down 13 rebounds tol !go whh seven points and four ossists,'an'd ScotUe Crump scored aJ career-high 14 in the Bishop win.' i ; i 5 War Eagle Girls Open With Win, Then Lose Two Close Games J By Brian PUts Davie County Enterprise Record DavicCouniy's varsily giris basketball team awoke last Wednesday eager lo avenge ahcart- breaking loss to North Iredell against Bishop McGulnnis in the championship of the Hot Hoops Classic at Lawrencc Joel Coliseum. But they went to bed Wednesday night dealing with the same crisis. After opening thcycarwltha60-42winovcr Forsyth Country Day in the first round of the Hot Hoops Classic, ihe War -Eaglcs let two games slip through their fingers, losing 38-37 on a buzzer-beater by North Iredell in a nonconfercncc game and falling53-49to B ishop aficr seizing a one-point lead with two minutes to play. "Wc had our opportunities," Coach Carol Cozart said after Davie fell to 1-2 In nonconfer- .ence. "We can't chahgc, the score now, but we've got to learn from those and use that because we're going to have some other close ones." ■ Trying lo gather momcritum for a brutal ponference schedule with nine underclassmen, ' Includingsixsophbmorcs, the War Eagles Imvc. “ We had our opportunities. We've got to learn from those and use them, because we're going to have some other close ones.” . - Coach Carol Cozart succumbed to pressure in the founh quarteranit^ simply showed their age. With for'vaid Emily Morton suffering mononucleosis and out in­ definitely, senior point guard Tina Harkness is die only returning starter from last year's 8-14 team. "We’re still kind of young ill some areas and we just have to learn," Cozart said. "We jusi have to protect the ball a little bit beuer. The common denominatorinboth(losses)waslhey had a veiy aggressive defense." ; ; Shelby Michael, who has nourished in her resurgence from a one-year hiatus, scoring 12. 16 and 12 points, appeared to be Ihe hero of the' North Iredell game when she drove the lane, banked in a runner and provided a 37-36 lead wldi 17 seconds left. But North spoiled the party, converting an easy rebound'putback with one sccond left. "There are just so many different areas you can look at that could have made a big differ­ ence," Coiart said. "Shelby looked like she had the game-winnint shot, bul we just lei them have a look down there. We relaxed a moment and let the ball get back in their hands when il . shouldn'i have. "Wcjustnecdoneortwprolistogoourway. They arc going lo keep pushing forward. Yeah, they're disappointed, bul they are going lo do well." ■ ! On the bright side of die lloor, Ashley Wil­ liams, Sarah Mcriau and Jerri Ann Angell have picked up the slack for the missing Morion. Williams, an extremely promising sophomore, pioduced six points and six rebounds against *FCD. five rebounds against North and five points and nine boards against Bishop. "It seemed like she had more than nine rebounds (against Bishop)," Cozan said. "She ' just gets off the floor. "All of them have really come upand helped nil thal spot. They have been switching off and have done an excellent job." Cozan ngures thal a healthy Morton would have made a signilicanl difference in Ihe close losses. The junior visited the doctor Nov. 29 lo determine whcn-aniiposslblyif-she'llbeablc 10 reluru. Also, sophomore forward Lauren Cornatzer, who has played sparingly because of seven stitches in her knee, will join the rotation this week and senior guard Elise Whitaker was released Monday after missing the nisi week with ptieuragnia. "Oneof Morton's many assets is ihe fact lhal she keeps cool under pressure, and lhal experi­ ence helps you when you're in light spots," Cozart sa!d.’"AndConiatzeraddsanolhergood scoring dimension." HARKNESS, among die lines! guards in diearea, carried cold-shooling Davie poslFCD wilh 21 points, hilling six of eight free dirows Please S« Girls-Page B6 Ashley Wllllanis gets ready to put tip a shot forthe War Eagles. — ^—fr- - - .PhotobyJaimaB«)rr|n^ B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Doc. 2,1999 William R. Davie Dancers ■ Members of the William R. Davie Raider Dance Team Include, from left: front - Tori Norris, : Kirsten Hailey, Jr. Coach Tomisha Norris, Cory Spell, Brandi Cockerham; bacl< • l>/leagan : Mathews, Mary Jarvis, Amanda Bridges, Jordan James, Brittney Knight. Not pictured: Olivia I Gregory, Jordan Hempstead. iWilliam R. Davie JV Cheerleaders ; Members of the William R. Davie varsity cheerleading team are, from left: front - Megan .'Medford, Torri Rogers, Chastity Spry, Shelton Lanning, Spencer Lanning, Sadie Lagle, Tay- ;ior Anderson, CaUlyn Hyde; middle row vBrittany f^esbit, Sara Childress, IHeather Scherer, -l^uren Strickland, Jessica McLelland, Ashley Molloy, Ashley Woodie, IHannah Hendrix, IWaliea •Meadows; back - Kalay Keaton, Sydney Nelson, Allison Wood, Jessica Blackburn, Niki Myers, rMarlah Lyons, Kasey Ireland, Brandi Carlton, Ashley Hutchens. Coaches were Connie iBarneycastle, Lisa Hyde, Angie Myers. Starting at 25‘-99* C k r i s t m a s G a r d s Boxes & Singles Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 . 4 9 5 V a lle y R o a d • M o c k s v ille • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 William R. Davie Varsity Ciieerieaders Members of the William R. Davie varsity cheerleading team include, from left: sitting - Jordan Hendrix, Cassie Shoemaker, Jenny Snyder, Tayler Cave, Tiflariy Short, Blanca Byrne; kneeling - Manda Godbey, Jennifer Childress, Casey Keaton, Ashlea Preston, Deidrea Buiiington, Gracei Hayes; back - Amanda Earley, Courtney Call, Ashleigh Byrd, Krystal Short, Brittney Gunter. Not pictured: Christie VanCuren, Amanda Wagoner, Ashley Wagonr, Stephanie Hinson. William R. Davie Varsity Football Members of the William R. Davie varsity football team Include, from left: front - Rueben Joyner, Chris Felts, John Michael Koontz, Wesley Martin, Michael Murphy; second row - Matthew Mock, Craig Brown, Sara Sheets, E.J. Shoffner, Shawn Baity, Austin Brown (water boy); in back - Nathan Walker, Ben Hinson, Crystal Doby, Chantz Grannaman, Ricky McClamrock; Coaches Andy Beck, Bill Martin (head coach), Jason Murphy and Charles Brown. Not pictured: Kirsten Angell and Billy Martin (water boy). l^illia m R. Davie JV Football 5 H/1embers of the William R. Davie JV football team are, from left: front - Trey Preston, fWesley Paugh, Caleb Anderson, Craig Draughon, Coty McEwen; second row - Ethen : Curtis, Jhon Lattimore, Jesse Ratledge, Mark Speer, Joel Barnett; row 3 - Coach Rick ;:Donathan, Cameron Webb, Luke Ray, Patrick Harris, Justin Tillety and Coach Gene ■■iiShelton. Specials of the Week Free C redit Help SEE { Steve M cCullough orCau1-800-296-W00 D We specialize-in placing the credit challenged hi. new or pre-owned vehicles! (oaci gerfu WoodAUTOCENTRS ^ ^ Honda*Jeep*Plymouth*Chr)'sler*KIA Loan By Phone 1-888-789-CARS Darrell Smith NeMorial B lu e g r a s s J a M D o r e e Friday, December 3rd, 1999 *5-11 pm Sheffield IMusic Hail (located at the corner of Turkeyfoot Rd & Sheffield Rd, 4.2 miles from 64 W) No Admission Charged • Donations Accepted Concessions wiil be availabie along witii yard sale items and balced goods. All proceeds going to widow of Darreil Smith Tommy Drifter & I the Lost Travelers ; Luke, Wayne FarmlHgtoH - o» inc Newfound Grass Bluegrass Toww Dolleie Volleyball Awards Davie High School volleyball Coach Leo Brunelll (above) presents the Most Valuable Player award for the 1999 season to Abby Bricky. Other awards went to Candice James (below, left) with the Coach’s Award and Randi Moore (below, right) with the Most Improved award. DHS Wrestlers To Host Davie Duals Saturday Continued From Page K1 like ihey were green apples," Lowery said. "\Vc pul sonic prelly good people out Iherc." Durham ;ind Lcesville dodged one of ihc siuie's foremost 125-poundcrs, Puck, forfeiting hoih matches to the dynamo whohas avemged 28 wins Ihc past three years. Although he's reluc­ tant to register two wrestlers at 125 and leave one in the dark come decision time, Lowery said he musl counter lo foil the dodge-Pack trend. "We’re going to have to try to take odd mutches, that way they're going to have to pul on first.” he said. "We’re going to have to weigh two people in and somebody else lake a forfeit. ! can't let Pa»;k lake forfeits because he’s the best I've got right now. But then you bump somebody else oul lhal's up next, and that's hard. You've got ma­ mas and daddies thal come.” Tony Angell became one of seven 2-0 wrestlers, but he arrived like no other, thriving In ways that defy con­ ventional wisdom but getting the job done nonetheless. Lowery will cer­ tainly work offThank-sglving's sccond helpings by watching Angell operate. Tm not trying to say it bad. but he's got an unorthodox style." he saiduf Ihc 135-pound junior. "Ii's hard to adjust to. He’ll do som;j of the craziest dang things and come oul on lop. Some things he doesn't do technique-sound and he comes out smelling like a rose. He's strong." Notes: Davie is idle until the Davie Duals on Dec. 4......Josh Stanley, Goufihnour, Chris Bender, Cassidy McMahan and Hauser won one match each.....Hauser, a freshman, replaced Tyler Block, who sufTered an appendi­ citis, and promptly hammered a four- point major decision. He was the only fooiball player to competc. "He was dying." Lowery said. "But he gutted it up and wrestled hard. He's going to be a good wrestler.".... Scott staged a marvelous freshman debut.posting two pins. "He's young and he's going to get better and better," Lowery said...... Lowery has a whopping 50 wrestlers among JV and varsity. "I think we've got some that just want to be apart of (tradition) and the condition part," he said. Football Awards Program Dec. 5 At DHS An awards program for Davie County's football team will be held Dec. 5 at 3 p.m. in the high-school fiym. A.C. Reynolds Upsets Anson County A.C. Reynolds, whichcarlierelimi- nated South Rowan and Davie County from the 4-A state football playoffs, whipped Anson County 17-0 at home : Friday to advance to the state semifi­ nals. Reynolds (13-1) led only 3-0 at halflimc, but sealed Ihc win on touch- • DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999-B3 Two Davie Boys In Punt, Pass & Kick Competition At Panthers' Game Kevin Winters and Brad Corriher, the local winners for ihe Mocksville- Davie Recreation Department in ihc The public is invited. Anyone who would like to attend needs to bring a (Inger food and two-liter drink. Santa’s Computer Helpers Snnla has made atrangements wllh Tlie Compuler Bam lo lielp him this Christmas. The technical slalT of Tlie Computer Barn will Ik available Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning to help with compuler problems and for delivery! Call for details. 704-S46-BARN II ( O M I’l T IU |{\U N YODK (( X Al (.All WAV Al J11)( )KI/( I) Kl NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition, won the sectional recently at Wake Forest's Groves Stadium and will com­ pete again Dcc. 5 at halfiiinc of the Carolina Panthers game. Tlie winners there will goon to the National Championships at the AFC Championship game. Winters com­ petes in the 14-15 age division, while Corriher competes in the lO-I I. down runs by Andrew Oak and Josh Meadows In the sccond half. Reynolds hcldAnsonlo67yardsoftotaloffcnsc. Anson, which beat West Charlotte the previous week, rmished 12-1. Rey­ nolds will play either Charlotte Butler or Richmond County in the Western finals. . . Caring For The Community. Dr. Melissa Champc-Scaglc M o c k s v i l l e I n t e r n a l M e d i c i n e C o m p l e t e P r i m a r y C a r e S e r v i c e s i New Patients and W alk-In’s Welcome! 101 Wilkesboro St., Suite 2 Mocksville, NC 751-2121 SPiedmont JHeafthCare Nordi Carolinians ... for information about their communities 9 out of 10 North Corolinians read their paper for news about their hometown. You can rely on us. Your newspaper— your reliable friend. D A V IE C O U N TY B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Die. 2, im E Q Q ^ NAM E THE W INNING TEAMS EACH WEEK AND W IN... CONTEST RULES I. Anyone can enior eieept ompioyest ot iht Oavie Coumy Entef{viu RMOrd and their lamd>6s. Only one ent^ allowed per peison per week. All entrtea muii be on original newiprlnl or Fax 336-7St* 9760. J. Oamei irf iMa week’a coniejt are isied In each ac^erti$»nenl on these two paje*. fa In the coflteil blank and tut^ or mai the entry lo the Enierpriie Record, P.O Bo« 99. MockWlle.NC27CC9.3. T^r lirti enirani correcily pro(tct»g the outcome at al games In a week will receive a bonus o( StfOO. WeeUy p<1ie} are $2S lor hot place ar^d J5 tor secorHl place, in case d lies, the entrant wfio came ciosest 10 ihe total number ot points mihetie breaker wini 4. Entries must be delivered to the WE HAVE MANUFAQURED HOMES TO FIT YOUR BUDGET. SEE JACE TODAY! & NC A&T V8, Youngstown SLBonanza Mpbile Homes 700 Wllkeiboro 8t. • Mockiville, NCinter. Hwya. 601 & 64 N. 33&*7S1*5959 Owned & Operated by Jack Morgan Daiiiei Furniture iiEMric€o.,Iiic. Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years JohnnyMarklia ’MelissaM. Caitner 848 Soulh Main Street • Mock’svilie, NC 336-751-2492 • 336-751-3975 A M Savings^ 1029 Salisbury Rd •at D3vie Tractor Mocksvnia* 751-5969 / C r o w d e r dissociates Your Hometown Realtor m 2762 Lewlsville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 7 6 6 - 0 5 1 5 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / E ^ E C O R D25. Miami vs. IndlanoDolls ^ FULL COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERTISING ■ RQBox99 171 South Main 5t,Mock!ville,NC2702B phone (336) 751-2129 fa* (336) 751-9760 300 Soulh Strattord Road Thruway Shopping Center 31. SutUe vs. Oakland WInston-Salcm _________________(336) 727-0600 B e f o r e w e i n v e s t y o u r m o n e y , w e i n v e s t o u r t i m e . Call or stop by today. mndaMttt 620 South Main Street Mockflvillo.NC 27028 (336)751-5672 MdfTfeofSIPC_______ E d w a r d j o n e s Senio( lodiridual Is?c«ton Siaca 1871 92. Tannessee vs. Baltimore 1,2, & 3 Three Convenient Lqcgtions 1) Hwy. BOt, Cooloemeo. 284-4141 •2) Hwy. 801 N„ Cooleemee, 284-2828 3) Hwy. 601 at 1-40, Mocksvllle 751-7797 ______ 21. Atlanta va. New Orlrana ^ 14. Burlington Wma. va. Carver 2433LemsviUe^mmom Rd. Clemmons DIAMONQ^ SyQOlD GALLERY YOUR DAVIE HIGH CLASS RING CONNECTION! MOCKSVILLE HRE & AUTOMOTIVE 992Yadklnvllle Road Phone 751-6115 ALIGNMENT BRAKES SHOCKS EXHAUST AIRCOND. SERVICE V, '.V- ■■ V Our PrictsiiitliiJtMounlUig, Balancing ijlewValvisiims&RotBtlon [^_HoursjJj^^J|30MjF_;7;30|;1^M Enterprise Record before 5 pm Friday each week. The ollice ii located at 171 S. Main St.. Mocksville, NC. S. Winners will be announced toiiowing each coniest. Dedsiona d judjes w«« be final. A new contest wiS be announced each week, e. In case ot lies, awards win be W IN! MOOO B O N U S P R IZ E For 1st Perfect Entry $25 1 s t P r iz e *5 2 n d P r iz e 19. Graham va. Robblnavllle EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE195I 32S N orth M ain Street M ocksvillc,NC 751-2148 28. SI. Louis vs. Carolina 18 holes for the Twilight Rate Mon-Thurs For Tee Times Call 940-2000Otier nld onfy with coopoo. Eiplm Novonbef 30tii, 1999 K&R Cleaners, Inc. "'We're Just Around the Corner" Tungluwood Crossing US 158 &NC 801. Hillsdale 998-7120 TangleMood Commons US 158 & Harper Rd, Clemmons 778-1505 Clemmons w 2636 Lcwisville-Clcmmons Rd ^ 766IH50 ? Mocksville I Valley Road | 731-1444 g Three steps to slotu the signs oF aging Surt tiy »rm>.«liing HJXIVA*NigMiinw Recovery Crram im >i)ur fan.'. Il imrraw.'^ tkin'« in»i\lun; level unii rirnirK'u. Tlxn jJJ the IHiweixif new I.UXIVARI irminjj NrvL aivl Chc^t Cream anJ LUXIVA* l-RnvJiSTAGH’ rirniit.#U)c CrviiK III reviiili/e. firm and pn>iat Ihcsec^peciilly vulnerable artjv No*llKMij;nMiraging*ill Jju»i have 10 v*jii. 13. Aahevllle Reynolda va. Richmond Co. I nriERLE noRiTiRn Tanglewood Commons Shopping Center4148 Clommons Road Clommons, NC 778-0510Owners Chris a Wendy Watson Good Luck, Davie War Eagles! M M I 26. New England V8.Dallaa V a ic a n Materials Company 542 Farmington Road * Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 8 3 8 Super Savings on Wallpaper Closeout Wallpaper $ 3 9 7.111.81 va. Hotatra '5 single roll CAUDELLLUIVIBER CO. 162 Sheek Street • IVIocksville • 751-2167 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 - BS Harmon NFL Forecast Sunday, Dcc. 5 A R IZ O N A 20, P H IL A D E L P H IA 10The CanllnaU clawcd back from 18 poiou down on Opening Day and beat ihe Eagles 25-24 on a 31 yard Held goal as lime ran ouL Ariiona must tiop Philly'a ninnlng game lo repeat. A T L A N T A 19. N E W O R LE A N S 16 TVo late Morten Andersen field goals gave ihe not-rtady-lo-dercnd-their-NFC-lllIe Falcons dicir' (Int win In Week Five, 20-17 over the Saints. A fiflh stnight Atlanta sweep Is no sure t>cl. D E T R O IT 31, W A S H IN G TO N 17Quick, when was the 1st time the Lions beat the Redskins? Believe It or not. It was 1965. and Washington has won 18 in a row since then. This time Detroit will eaploU a straggling defense. G R EE N B A Y 16, C H IC A G O 13After 10 stnight losses to the Packers, the Bears blocked Ryan Longwell’i game-ending field goal attempt last month and stunned O.B. 14-13. Without more defense. Chicago cui't do it again. KA N S AS C IT Y 21, D E N V E R 19September, while holding the Broncos to their lowest score since their '96 regular*season finale, the Chiefs rashed for 188 yards on the way to a 26-10 win. This matchup will be even closer. M IA M I 24, IN D IA N A P O L IS 21 The Dolphins offense doesn't have the llrepower of the Colts', but their defense should neutniize JL In a thriller two months ago, Miami scored 25 founh quarter polnU to edge Indy 34-31. N E W E N G LA N D 28, D A LLA S ISThisconiesi won't feature lots of olfente, because theCiants defensive line can coml the otherwise excellent Jets ground game. In a series tied at 4-4. the OianU won last, 13-6 In '96. ST. LO U IS 29, C A R O L IN A 12Scoring two defensive TD's. the Rams pummcled the Panthers 35-10 last month despite holding the ball for nine fewer minutes. Sl Louis will sweep Carolina for the first time in four years. SAN D IE G O 13, C L E V E L A N D 10If you'd like to see two of tlie NFL's worst offenses slug it out. help yourself; here they are. The Chargers have won four of dielr last five against the Drowns, most recently 31*13 in *95. SAN FR A N C IS C O 20, C IN C IN N A T I 13Tlie 49ers are nine for 10 against die Bengais, including Super Dowis in ‘81 and *88—matchups that seem hard to imagine these days. SFhas enough of a running attacktomakeitlOforll. SE A TTLE 21, O A K L A N D 20 On paper, the Raiders are better dun the Raiders all around, but the Seahawks have found ways to win. like they did in Week Four, scoring die game’s last 13 polnu lo sneak past Oakland 22-21. TENNESSEE 22, B A L T IM O R E 18Though dwy had a record 212 penalty yards and cuosistendy gave the Ravens good field posidon, iheTitans got by Daldmore eight weeks ago. 14*1 [.The Ravens defense could lead an upset. M onday, Dcc. 6 M IN N E S O T A 26, T A M P A BA Y 14In October. Minnesou sprinted to a 21-0 first-quarter lead over the Buccaneers and dien fell asleep, barely surviving widi a 21-14 win. The improving Vikings haven’t swept TB. since '92. CONGRATULATIONS To Last Week’s Winners! FIRST PLACE Todd Howell (5 misses) $25 SECOWD PLACE Bryan Eagle (s misses) $5 Todd Howell won the tie-breakerliy coming closest In total paints scored in the Carolina vs. Atlanta NFL'game. A Championship Golf Course Without Championship Prices •Soft Spikes Required-pnDpgMPGE Mocksvile. NC 27028 27, NY Qlanla w. 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Waahlngton 1533 Lewlsville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours: Mon.-Frl. 10-8; Sat. 9-5 766-4449 Affordable health insurance? Quality health insurance? You can have both — If you Choose Blue! i • Comprehensive major medical | • Blue Advantage* copay plans I • Medicare supplement insurance 1u] -........ ....... Call your auUiorized BCCSNC agent today: ------ - ^ Larew-Wood-Johnson, Inc. John Wood—Mocksville Hsrold Wood—AdvancaA^iUsdale (336)751^81 * (336)940.2210 m i i i i i e C r o s s B l i i e S l i i e l d W o f I N o r ll i ( C a r o li n a xMtTMm tcraM tl M M Cnu KM VMM Uucawi 23. Qreen Bay va. Chicago Tear out this coupon lo save on our comprehensive oil change. We’ll do everything from changing you roil with Quaker Stale*, one tough motor oil 10 topping off all you vital fluids, all in a matter of minutes.tliii orrtt good only u panlcipaiint kxaiiont. Not valid wiih any other offer.Coupon eipirrt txc. 31.19^ I I I I _ ___ I A QUAKER STATE COMPANY I I I ADVERTISER STATI PARM INSURANCE 24. Kanaaa City va. Danver B ra d R o m in e Agent 3770 Clemmons Rd.. Suilc A Clemmons, NC 27012 766-3245 DAVIE JEWELERS HILLSDALE DENTAL DAVIE TRACTOR FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG DANIEL FURNITURE SOUTHERN SHOWCASE CAUDELL LUMBER BONANZA MOBILE HOMES POINDEXTER LUMBER Village Hres ^ 10.Car8on-Newmanva.Norttieatarr10. Caraon-Newman va. Norttieatarn 2534 LewisviUe-CIeitimons Road •Clemmons Hours: 7:30 iun,-6p4n.Mon..Ri; 7:30-1 Sat 766”545U AH Mqjor Brands of Tires — Complete Auto Repair Shop I l ­ ia . 13. 1 4. I ;I 9 I 10. VILWGE TIRES I 11. CROWDER, MCCHESNEY I 12. TOPS TRAVEL I 13. MERLE NORMAN i 14. BURGER KING 15. DEWEY’S BAKERY 16.V0GLER&S0NS 17. LAREW-WOOD-JOHNSON Tops Travel Toyfet S tfw ie c Y iiiir l.iH d l l-'iill .Service T nivel Ai^enev■12. (Prap) Fayatt Byrd va. Fay. Pine Foreatl 336-766-7303 www.topstravel.com ^ ^ 7 5 ^ e w i s v i j l ^ l e r n ^ ^ I 18.M0CKSVILLET1RE&AUT0 I 19. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE I 20. SPILLMAN'S I 21. HANDI-CUPBOARD I 22. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT Iza.Q -LUBE 24. STATE FARM INSURANCE 25. ENTERPRISE-RECORD 26. VULCAN m a t e r ia l s' P O IN D E X T E R L u m b e r C o m p a n y , I n c . Building Materials Of All Kinds 3701 Dillon Industrial Drive, Clemmons TOVS*^ 766-6481 Hours; 7:00 a.m.-5:C0 p.m. Monday-Frlday I 27. PUDDING RIDGE GOLF _ I 28. OAK VALLEY ■ _ I 29. K & R CLEANERS _ I 30. CHAPPELL, INC. _ I 31. HOULIHAN'S' — j 32, EDWARD JONES CO. _ • TIsBrsaksr Total Po)nl»8cot«d I Army VS. Navy I NAME:..^______________ ____________^— j ADDRESS:___________ I DAY PHONE:. ToUlPointsScortd. NlQHTl. ^ Entries Must Be Received Before 5 pm Friday ■: .jp, ■ I I: i; I f I; I i I i: I I I I I I I I I: i; I i I; I; i: I ; I;f: I I: i; I iIi i: I i I! t I H EE « B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 Shelby Michael looks for an open War Eagle teammate against North Iredell. Coach Carol Cozart calls the play for her Davie High team. - Photos by James Barringer Tina Harkness grabs rebound. Girls Open Season With Win, 2 Losses Continued From Page B1 and ihrcc 3*poin(crs and snatching sh steals and four rebounds. "She hit some shots thui gave us a boost and a liUie breathing room." Cozan said. "Ourshooiing percentage wusolT. What did we shoot.'maylw 10. 12 percent?’' Davie plays nt home against North DavidsononDec. I andGaringcrCh;ir- lottc on Dec. 3, then al Nor^h IrcdcU on Dcc. 8. • Davie 60. FCD 42 - Harkness 21. Michael 12. Julie McDaniel 10. Will­ iams 6. Randi Moore 4. Amber Hamm 3 and Merlau 2. • North Iredell 38. Davie 37 - Michael 16, Harkness 9, Moore 4. McDaniel 2. Hamm 2, Stephanie Hcp- Icr 2 and Merlau 2. •BishopMcGuinnis53. Davie49- Harkness 16. Michael 12. Williams5. Christina GajewskI 4. Angell 4, Mcr- lau 4, McDaniel 2 and Moore 2. Stephanie Hepier grabs the bait with some authority. Davie County’s JV girls basketball team blew two big leads in last week's nonconfcrencc opener at North Ire­ dell. The War Eagle.s didn’t blow the game, though, thanks to their impres­ sive composure with the game on the jine. _ _ ^ “Onclhing that'wc did really wcU " toward tlie end is the girls paid real closeattentionanddidn't get panicky," Coach Mike Laronc said aHer Davie prevailed 44-43 oflersquandcring two 10-point leads. "We had panicked a couple times, but at the end wc culled timeout and did what wc were sup­ posed to and came up with the win. When they had to they came through." Ryanne McDaniel mode up for lost timeduringcrunch time. After getting saddled by thnxquick foulsand watch­ ing most of the first half from the bench, the freshman came alive with all 12 of her team-high points in the second half, including two 3-pointers, as Davie turned a 21-15 balftime ded- ' cit into a 33-29 lead heading into the fourth. "Oh, she's been hitting them lel\ and right," Lafone said of McDaniel, who has added the perimeter to her repertoire. "One she hit was a bank slvQt. She canv: walking over to nw when I called timeout and said: 'Mr. Lafone, the bank was open.'" Sara Erb contributed 11 points as Davie overcame foul trouble and two strong Raider rallies. "Erb had a real gotxl gatiie," U>fone said. "That girl right there really gave us some good huskets when we needed them. She drove a couple times to the bxsket, made some layups and got fouled." Davie played alternately brilliant ; and beastly, racing to an II-3 lead before getting outscored 18-4 in the second quiiner.'but found a way to prevail in the third straight nailbiter against North. Davie lost 37*35 and won 47-45 in last year’s matchups. - "We weren't consistent at all," Lafone said. “Wc missed some shots, had some good shots that didn't go down, and it kind of gave them a door to work their way b;ick in. Wc played good in spurts, but we didn't play as good as we could." Despite the hair-pulling inconsis­ tency, Davie responded from its dis­ mal secandquarterwithadecisive 18- 8 spurt in the third quarter. "U was cxcUlng, but when the girls came in the locker room I told them: 'Girls, I can,not take any more gray hairs,'" Lafone said. Notes: Davie got nine points from Dawn Singleton, six from Sarah Wil­ liams, four from Lindsay Smith and two from Heather McDaniel....Davie plays at North Davidson on Dcc. I, at Garinger Charlotte on Dec. 3 and at home against North Iredell on Dec. 8. ttotesA Quotes W ps Could 1,000 Point Plateau At Home ; • •IfSalisbui>licldDuiuiePlullipslo21 qrlcssonNov.30,tlicntlio i superstar will male hisloiy at home as Davie County’s varsity boys ; baslcclball team hosts Nortli Davidson on Dcc. 1 and Catinger Charlotte 'onDce;J.-1 . i.> Phillips, the masterful peneuatcr and heart and soul of Davie's : unbeaten team, bombed Bishop McGuinnis with 37 points, includiiig a i phenomenal 26 in the fourth quarter, as Davie climbed a 19-point, mountain to move to 3-0. The82-poinlwcekjackedhiscarcer total to978, ,andtothcbrinkofjoimngRandall\Vard(1967),JinglesUimies(1970) f sad Dwayne Grant (\977) in the school's 1,000-pplm club. Grant holds |, Uw'all-time rccprd at 2,007. ';Wc're going to present him with a ball on the next dead ball when it I happens," Coach Jim Young said. "We've got to have an agreement with the ollicials. I've always done that for my other 1,000-point scorers." • North Iredell's last-sccciid heroics pulled the nig out from under i Shelby Mfchael's greatest moment. ' ! ,'nie jim iorgu^ who has suged a stirring return after sitting out last: l yek, bankrfhome an apparent game-winning basket with i7 st^onds :. llefL But, as cruel fate would havcit,a^dern:boundcdainissundcrthc 1 teket and scored a 38-37 clincher with one second left. I: Coach Caitil Cozart wanted to close her eyes as Michael drove fearlessly through a congested lime with North leading 36-35. , "I was sitting there going oh no, oh yes, oh no, oh yes, oh no, oh yes," she said. . ■ ■■ , i Cozart recalled Michael's first day back when she was clearly out of sync. "The first day of practice, she was bumping the rim," she said. ' Now she's back, hitting double figures three times during Davie's U ' 2 start "Her shooting eye seems to have come back." •Davie County's JV wrestling team confirmed a couple facts against i NorthemDurhainandLcesvilleRoadthatcveryonchadsuspcctcd:The : War Eagles, who won 27 of 28 matches; could beat a lotof varsity teams and Davie's dynasty will prevail for at least anothw four or five years. . "Most people would kill to have staiters as good as we've got backups," varsity assistant Matt Wilsoa said."Wc'vc got sorao good ones. I'ni just waiting around for their chancc to get a starling place." i Buddy I^wei7, in his 24th year as head coach, revels in Davie's . prevailing tlieme; Star wrestlcis breed next year’s star wrestlers. / "When you get smoshed with the people tliat we've got on varsity, you've got to get better,’! he said "We want the hardest match that wc ■ wrestle to be back thctB lii Uiiit room. ' ^ • "They are going to be tough. They can beat some good people." HOLIDAY SPECIAL!!! *FREE!! Brake Inspection with Every $19.95 Oil Change ‘Great Gift Ideas anid Low Prices on Truck Accessories with Professional Installation ‘With Holiday Travel Ahead, Check Out ourWHOLESALiE Prices on TiresI JERRY’S TIRE AND TRUCK ACCESSORIES 1138 Salisbury Road Mocksvllle* 336-751-7555 Town a Country Remodeling Windows" • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Aluminum Storm Windows • Larson* Storm Doors • Vinyl Siding • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Ceramic Tile • Roofing (fiberglass or colored metal) • Decks • Garages • Room Additions (336)751-1414 David Cozart ■ Wayne Wall ■ Gale Sheets wc Liamed General Cantraclor . Stephen Frye ■ Deneil Burgess War Eagla players scrap fora loose ball against North Iredell. Davie High Girls Basketball Statistics Record: 1-2,0-0 CPC Gms Pts Rebs Avg Slls PPG Harkness 3 46 8 2.6 9 15.3 MichacI 3 40 11 3.6 6 13.3 McDaniel 3 14 10 3.3 5 4.6 Williams 3 11 20 6.6 2 3.6 Moore 3 10 13 4.3 3 3.3 Merlau 3 8 8 2.6 3 2.6 Angell 3 ■ 6 9 3.0 I 2.0 Gajcwski 2 4 1 0.5 0 2.0 Hamm 3 5 6 2.0 0 1.6 Hcplcr 3 2 4 1.3 0 0.6 Comatzer I 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Raynor 1 0 3-Pointers: Harkness 3. Hamm 0 0.0 1 0.0 Advance Florist & Gift Baskets Flowers fo r a ll Occasions} — We Deliver— „ (336) 9 4 0 -6 3 3 7 | Mon-FrlS-S.S«tB-3 £ O f M 0 C K M M -; ? ^ ( 3 3 8 y 7 5 1 ^ 1 7 8 2 G N C L i v e W e U : V n A M IN S ■ M IN ERALS • NATURAL COSMETICS . SPORTS NUTRITION • HERBS • W E IflH T LOSS ■ W EIQHT QAIN • HOMEOPATHY • ENERGY 3623 C le m m o n s R d., C le m m o n s Mon. Sat. 10am - 9pm • Sun. 1pm-6pm 7 6 6 - 2 8 3 6 Dockside Seafood Restaurant NEW FEATURE Sailor Combination Platters Create your own Petite two Item Combo with: Baby Flounder White Fish Trout Popcorn Shrimp Chiclicn Tenders Clams Deviled Crab Served with colc slaw, husli puppies, anil choice of potato.No subsiiiutions picas. Monday thru Thursday $5.25 - Friday thru Sunday $5.95 2520 Lcwisvlllc-Clemmons Rd Clemmons, NC 766-9927 II0UR5Mon-Tlmr4-9 Fri-Sal4-I0 Sunlt-9 Djordje Lukic goes to the basket for the War Eagles. - Photos by James Barringer War Eagles Open Season At3-0 Continued From Page HI gonlsrorcl^hl points, yunkcil down 11 boards, dished out three assists and made three Meals. DJonljc Lukic. a senior (nmsfer from Yugoslavia, had seven points and 10 boards. And RodTenor.ScottlcCnjmpand -Jonathon Hritton.ajujiiortransfcrfrom- North Rowan, delivered marvelously off (he bench, wiih Tenor hitting four of six free ihnws und snatchmg five boards. Dritton getting five assist.s and two.stealsdown the stretch andCrump staging a stunning coming'OUt party with WiK)int.sandscvcnrounds-after averjgingavirtuaUyinvistbk 1.3 points in 19 games as a.sophomore. "It was a great team elTort." said Young, whose team bit tlw bullet de­ spite serious foul trouble that ham­ pered Uinberger. Phillips and Lukic throughout the Hnit half. "DuUne led the attack but the bcnch responded real well. It's.something wc haven’t had. and that's how we got in trouble Ixsl year. Last year with those three guys In foul trouble, we'd roll over. This year we've got that depth.'’ Desides riiillips' smoking stroke, nitliicss defense and the unexpected Dritton-Cniinpsurprisc turned the tide us Bishop failed to protcct the 11- point. fourth'quurtcr lead. Tliat was our third game In thrce days, so wc knew wc couldn't put prcs.surc on the entire game." Young said. ”0n top of that. Duane and the two big guys (Umbcrgcr. Lukic) were all in foul tmuble. Qut then wc pul the pressure on and they tightened up. Tlicy didn't make the shoLs they had been making." Crump, a junior who faded Into the shadows amid the hype of four rclun^- - ing starters, the addition Of Lukic and the exceptionally deep bcnch, burst into the spotlight withacaa*cr-hlgh 14 points. "He came off the Ixinch in the Rrst half for Duane and actually kept us in the game." Young said. "He had'a couple key .steals, acouplekey putNicks and just played a great game for us. He knew where he wassupposcdtogoand did his job." Britton,spcllingscniorpoint guard Dominic Graham oftcr sitting out the • first two gamcsriasscd his debut with " flying colors. Tlie two-point, five-as- sist, two-steal showing doesn't seem like much until you consider it un­ folded under fourth-quarter pressure. ^ "niencwtransfcrwentinlhcrourth quarter and did a nice job," Young said. "I was impressed. He cnmc in in atight situation at the point and handled the ball very well." Noics: Davie played the last two games without starter John Orsillo, a 6-7 senior center, and lockup guard lyam Lynch. They were out of town forThanksgiving....Tlieoddsofconi- Ingback from l9down.theroul trouble, facing an old friend in Marion and playing the third game inas many days made the victory that much sweeter. "Wedid not want that to happen again." Young said of last year’s loss. "The way we did it coming from behind - it was aswing of ISpoints in six minutes - it was kind of special.".... Davie, which routed FCD 97-51 in the Rrst round of the Hot Hoops Classic and staved off North Iredell 59-50 before . moving to 3-0, plays at home against North Davidson on Dec. I and Gar- ingcr Charlotteon Dcc. 3, then at North Iredell on Dec. 8. • Davie 97, Forsyth Country Day 51 ” Phillips 26, Marcus Lassiter 14, Graham 13. Umbcrgcr 11. Orsillo 9, Ian Gustafson 9, Lukic 6, Josko Srzic 5, Tenor 2, Crump I and Lynch I. • Davie 59. North Iredell 50-Phil- lips 19. Graham 15. Lukic 11, Lassiter 10, Tenor 2 and Umbcrgcr 2. • Davie 77, Bishop McGuinnis 70- Phlllips 37, Crump 14, Umbcrgcr 8. Lukic7,Tcnor4,Graham4,Lassiler2 and Britton 2. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 - 1*7 JV Boys Pounce On North Iredell Dominic Graham goes underneath a North Iredell player. Davie County’s JV boys basketball tcaut had practlccd just two days as a unit and didn't play its best at North Iredell In Inst week's nonconfcrencc season opener. But it hardly mattered. A ragged War Eijglc leain was still gixxl enough to rout the Raiders 72-50. "By fiir this is the most talent I’ve had," said an elated Leo Brunelll, who worked out a patchwork team for three weeks while waiting for the arrival of football players. "1 mean, wc played a team basically after a day and a hal f of practice together and scored 72 points the flrst night. We were a step out of sync and still won by 22 points." Dan Sullivan, a backup quarter­ back during the playoffs, apparently requires little Tine tuning. Tlie sopho­ more gave DaviCQ 16-Ulcadwith 10 of his team-high 16 points in the flrst quarter. And Chris Stein.asophomore center, scored eight of his 12 in the flrst half iLs Davie built a 34-22 halftime lead. "That just shows their leadership." BrtinclllsaidoftheJVrelumcrs.'They know what I’m kx)klng for because they were with me last year." Spreading the wealth among 12 of 14 players and riding point guard Scan Stevens' 10 third-quiuicr points, the War Haglcs used a 20-6 spurt to open an cyc-p(^pping 54-28 lead Iwading into the fourth. Stevens nailcdapairof 3-pointcrstojolnSulHvan and Stein in double flgures with 12. and Davie got six friMn David WiH)ldridge and Jason HogvJC, four Donnie Vestal and Kenny Orsillo and two from Benial Davis. Nick Propst, Kwl Morgan, Micah OiUTieranil Luke Phelps. "\Ve just tumed it up a notch." BrtJnelli said. "EvcrylxKly on the tcatn scored just alxiut. Everyone got a gixHi run In and got the first game out of our system, and now we have a gtxxl four, five days of practice? to get ready. "The main thing is they know that wasn’t our best effort even though it was a 22-point win." Bnmclli said Stevens' penchant for passing up open shots to set up team­ mates reflects a team tniit that makes the War Hagles wonderful to watch. A 20-ptiint scorer for last ye;u"s 18-1 frcsJiman tcan\ Stevens didn't for his shot until the third, when Davie nailed the coffin. "He tunieil it up a notch in the second half." Brunelli said. "And he gave up a lot of(points) when he could have easily taken the shot, and that's what I like alx>ut this gmup. Tliey are very unselfish, and there's not a better way to show it than 12 out of 14 scoring." Notes: Andrew Daywalt, one of five players who went straight from fixithall to b;LsketbaII. and Jonathan Ijatiws rv>und out tlw mster.....Davie plays at North Davidson on Dec. I, at Giu-inger Charlotte on Dec. 3 and at homesigainst North Iredell on Dec. 8. Sub-Par Shooting Doesn't Slow Freshman Boys Davie County freshman boys bas­ ketball coach Derek Kumilsky wasn't about to get overly cxcited about the WarEag]cs'52-27scason-opcningrout of Ml. Pleasant last week. Thai's bc- causc they missed nearly a dozen layups, 14 of IS 3-pointers and 16 of 23 free throws. "Orrensivcly, it was a struggle." Kumilsky said of the sloppy noncon- ferenccwin. "I’m complaining and wc won by 25. but we’ve just got a lot of work to do offensively.*' Tlie same can't be said for u defense that produced 30 steals and held dis­ jointed Ml. Pleasant to three measly field goals in the second half. Wilting against Davie’s in-your-face pressure, Ml. PIcasani resembled adeer In head- lighLs, Micali Gamer, Matt Moser. Patrick Law and Josh Wallace led the jail- break defense, each swiping four or more steals.' "OfTensively wc need to improve, but defensively It may have been the best pcrfoniiance I've had as a cixich," Kumitsky said, "We have a saying if your defense is better than your of­ fense, you’re going to be OK. and wc live by that. "Ourdcrenselsama/ing.Wesmoih- ered them. Wepresscd the wholcgame and trapped a little bit out of it." If Davie would have perfonncd anywhere close to its ptuential on the otherend. the outcome would not have been suitable for children. "Oh. if we would have shot g(xxl, we wt)uld have won by 50 or W)," .said Kumitsky. encouragcd that Davie won convincingly wlihanofl'game."lthink it’s a great ^lgn." Moser led eight scorers with 12 ptiinLs. followed by Wallace with nine. Brian Hunter and Luke Phelps with eight. Matt James with four and Law withtwo. Gamer produced fourpi>inls. eight assists and six steals. Davie plays visiting North David­ son on Dcc. I. at Parkland on Dec. 3 and at West Stokes on Dec. 4. Wildcat Boys Have Their Work Cut Out For Them Chris Callison is In an unenviable position as North Davie's eighth-gnule boysbaskctballcoach.Onlythrecplay* crs return from n team that stumbled to 3-8 lost year, and the Wildcats showed their inexperience in last wcek's43-3I season-opening loss to Erwim > "We’re only returning three oiil of 12. and wc have no returning guards." Callison said afier the non-league loss. "I’mhavingtoplayDavidOrsilloalthc point, and he’s usually a low man. We'nJ just going lo try to gel better and do the best we can." Despite the substantial losses in which several players chose wrestling over basketball and the fact ihal North will be a decided underdog in nearly every game, ihe Wildcats kept the tempo at a turtle’s pace and nipped at Erwin’s heels for three quarters, trail­ ing 13-12 at harnime and 26-23 head­ ing into the final frame. "Our gome plan is going lo be to slow the ball down and try to take as much lime each possession that wc can."saidCallison,whogolclghtpoints from Michael Froggc. seven points and five rebounds from Orsillo and six points, 12 boards and three blocks from Cody Stephens. "So at halflime we felt good about where we were. Wc were only down one. and that's the (low) scoring that we want. And al the end of the thini quarter we're still in good shape." But then the wheels came off. Er­ win crushed North’s monumental-up- set bid with a 17-8 game-ending run. and a team that will invariably have to scratch and claw for every edge can hardly afford the unfortunate lapse that opened the fourthquarter.Northscored a basket on the wrong end. "Tljal hurt." Callison said. "But I wiis proud of the effort because Ihey know what we’re up against this year. "We only dressed eight (of lOplay- ers), but the guys do work hard every day and that's good." Notes: Jonathon Moisingcr added six points and Evan Beam and Pete Ramey hadlwo each....Thcrestofthc roster includes Brian Fromal, Jona­ thon Crisco. Zach Chappie and Tyler Glasgo..... Northplaysal home against China Grove on Dcc. 2 and al Corri- her-Lipe on Dec. 6. Erofl'n Puts On Denfenslve Clinic At North Davie Erwin’s eighth-grade giris basket­ ball team made a strong.first impres­ sion on North DaviccoachTrishlGng. Aficr watching the Eagles perfonn a defensive clinic and finding out why they went undefeated as seventh grad­ ers. King didn’t view Iasi week’s 39-27 nonlcague loss as a setback. Instead. King considered it agreai way todetcr- mine flaws as the Wildcats prepare for, divisional play in the Piedmont Middle School Conference. "I think It will be the toughest team wc play all year," said King, who coached her flrst game since sitting oui last year to give birth lo her first child. "I think they’re ihe best defensive team that I've seen since I've been coaching at this level. It was the most aggressive man to man that I’ve seen al this level.’’ Riding a defense that stuck to Nonh’sball-handlcrslikcwhllconrice, the Eagles quickly dumped the harried Wildcats inloa 12-4 hole andcoastcd in the season opener. •They had a phenomenal full-court press that really rattled us at the begin­ ning," King said. However, King praised the Wild­ cats forgetting off the canvas, playing Erwin relatively even afier the flrst quarter (27-23) and avoiding a slaugh­ ter that could have seriously damaged confiJence. "When they realized whal they were doing, wc played a little bit better," King said. "They had the poiential, the way they were playing, to actually blow us out, so I was real proud of the girls for sticking lo their guns and Slaying patient with the ball," Erwin’s first-quarter blitz spoiled a exceptional outing by Kierston Khars, .who led Ihe team with eight points, ripped down 10 rebounds and pro­ vided a press-breaking avenue for North’s smothered guards. "She played a really gootl gome." King said. "She produced exactly like lexpccl her to. She was a key person on the boards, and she also helped the guards break the press a lot. She was in the middle for somebody to pass to." Notes: North got four points from A.shlcy Spain and Jenny Ferrell, three from Mandy Lambc and two from Laura Riddle, Alison McNeil, Allison Schafer and Brittany Holt.....North plays al home against China Grove on Dec. 2 and at Corriher-Llpc on Dcc. 6. Todd How^l E c^ J^on Murphy For R)Otball Contest Win James Stewart Wins Plantations Golf Ad\'aiice’s James Stewart, a Davie High senior, won Hie 16-19 age divi­ sion of the Plantations Junior Golf TourToumamcntreccntlyat Southern Pines. War Eagle Coach JImYoung gets his polrt across. Stcwurt shill u 73 in ilic t1i2>l round, then sealed first place with a final- round 79. 'niePlontationsJunlorGolfTouri; open internationally to all qualified juniors ages 8-19. Todd Howell emerged from the Carolina-Allania tiebreaker to edge Bryan Eagle and Jason Murphy in the battle for first placc and $25 in last week's football contest. All three missed five games, but Howell picked 48 points In the 34-28 Carolina finol. Eagle salvaged runner- up and $5Avith 42 points to Murphy's 36* 'The Close Bui No Cigar Award - S.B. Siddcn Jr., Crystal Serfass and' David Baxter fought hard with six misses.. : The Whal liver Happened To Award - This award is especially fit-. ting since the previous winners, Tim Elmore and Treva Doulin, were mys-, terious no-shows for last week’s con­ test. The Jimmy The Greek Award - Ron Boger, Stephen Serfass and Billy Hendrix Sr. were thconly prognostlca-: lOTS of a recb^ 1,006 entries to pick ; Chiclnnali's upset of Pittsburgh. ‘ The Wail Till Nexi Week Award Billy Hendrix Si's Cincinnati prcdtc-: tionwuldn!iprcvcnithcdubious honor ofmissing 19 games. 118 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 B U S IN E S S S P O T L K H T B e r m u d a M i n i ’ sS e lf-S to ra g e iCO 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gale / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance Preserve Your Valuables At Bermuda M ini's Self-Storage • R a lp h L a u re n W o m e n ’s B la z c n > F U a M c n ’a T e m d a S hoea • B a th a B « t y C H t S e t! x /a P r im Clemmons Discount Sales ^ 1533 Lewisvllle-Clemmons Rd. 76M449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 Henryks Electric Motor Service, Inc. Celebrating 10 Years o( Service IN STOCK Honda Powered 10,500-Watt Generators 1406 s. Mnrtin Luther King Dr. Winston-Salem, NC- ( 3 3 6 ) 7 8 4 - 4 0 0 6 Bermuda Mini’s Seil-Storage Is so popular with the Krueger family, that two generations ol the lamily are using them. ■We have had sheds there (or almost three years," said Deborah Krueger ol Clemmons. “My husband and I have storage rented there, as well as my parents." Mr. and Mrs. Kreuger cite many reasons lor their satlslactlon with Bermuda Mini's Seil- Storage. “We have good access; and it Is an easy system to use," said Mrs. Krueger. "They are convenient, and have agood range ol sizes. The prices are lair, and the units are clean." Mrs. Krueger, like Deborah Foster ol Ad­ vance, also highly values the personal attention given by manager Jessica Denzendorl, and her stall. “They personally take care o( your needs," said Ms. Foster. "I lind that very satislylng. When we moved here from Georgia, they worked with us to get the big moving tuck Into the lacility and up to theunit.l think theyruna very linebusiness at Bermuda Mini's; and the personal touch Is really, nice," _she said._____________________ Bermuda Mini's Seil-Storage, located oil of Highway 158 In Advance, Is a new lacility, opened less than three years ago. The 296 storage units are surrounded by a state-ol-the- art security system. Including a computerized access gale. Each customer has their own private code. Computers monitor entrance and exit times from the property; and video security enhances perimeter protection, along with six-foot high chain link lencing, topped with barbed wire. Powerlul spotlights provide around-the-clock lighting on the units. “We go out ol our way 10 make arrangements lor our customers," said Jessica Denzendorl. Clients may use Bermuda Mini's trailer to move Items to storage units, at no additional cost. Call Bermuda Mini's lor more details on this unique opportunity. Free keyed security locks are also provided lor the seil-storage.'s customers. Businesses with overllowin:j riventories will want to discuss the lantastio opportunities available. Special arrangements can be made Bermuda-i.w Self STOR^ew 998-9661 Now Open For Business B E R M U D A C A R P E T O M E RDBKMUDAQUAY SHOPPtNO CRNTUR Ui our profeiikxul naff help jrouwlih til your floor covaing rw«dt.• lf««i(x decoriiof on lUff.• 0vcr40)'em(ombinedeipetfenccl • Carpet • Vinyl • Tile • Hardwood • Wallpaper Mon.*Frl. 9 anv6 pm; 8aL 9 am*1 pm 5411 USHwylBS, Advance (336) 998-0300 ilt D t m t l f D im t il1 & iM | 1 HOME improvements! CERAMIC-nLE^CUeTOM I PECR5 • 5CREENED-T1GHT I PORCHES • GENERAL REPAIRS | • REMODELING • STANDARP & i DIMENSIONAL SHINGLE ■ R00FING*CARP0RT5« I RUBBER MEMBRANE ROOFING I FREE ESTIMATES •INSURED TOM MARESCO, OWNERS ( 3 3 6 ) 4 6 3 4 1 6 0 E [H w ltE lH w ilto itflm i lor long-term rate discounts, rental ol consecutive blacks ol units, special access time or other perks. Contact the business ollice lor more Inlormation. Why pul up with clutter In every room? Join with your neighbors and store seasonal decorations, extra lurnlture, or other possessions. Bermuda Mini's Sell-Storage's climate-controlled units will preserve your valuable items, with the personal attention expected Irom proles- sionals. Call the ellicient, courteous stall at Bermuda Mini's Seil-Storage at (336) 998-9661 today. Bermuda Mini's is located at 146 Commerce Drive in Advance, next to Bermuda Quay Shopping Center on High­ way 158. Or e-mail them at bmlnls@hotmail.com. Advertising Promotion 3 1 T a m t-Y o u r-O v v rL , lo t te r y & ' C (^ e e C afe You paint it... Wcfireil... You'll love it! Coming in December: Children’i Holiday A rt Camp • B lrth ia y P arlies ' Show ers • A C la tte t • C all F o r D etails 766-6019 6000 Me.dowhrook M .ll, Clcmmon. ‘I f y o u h a v e n ’t sh o p p e d a t T im e le ss G ifts, y o u h a v e n ’t sh o p p e d e n o u g h ’ Books • Pottery • Kid’s Corner ' Home Accents • Gardening _ Gifts for All Occasions _______— r 6000MeatiowbrookMall • Suite I, C/fmmowy766-3307 ''Flooring Hoursi M o n . * F l r i . 1 0 - 6 S a t l o >2 S p e c ia l iz i n g I n . Carpet & ^HUiyl Ceramic Hie Hardwood Floors & Relinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336) 766^733 20 Yeats Experience NOW OPEN TO THE PUBUC h i y i 5 9 1 9 -C J a m e s S t. i M o c k s v illc F le a M a rk e t Furnilurc, AnLiqucw & C!ollc'.c'(,ibl(;« F r e e G if t M K r w llM 'ltM liw ltM ' HUntUb H w e te jm lw e w ljja jv e Koyalmgitt 653 twilkesboro street - Mocksvllle - 751-2271- Sat & Sun 9-5 1 H ock& ville 4 u to P rid C a r V(a&h Complete Automatic Car Wash Hwy 601 M ocksville, NC • B etw een W al-M art & 1-40 ^em ida 0 ^ aad I Gift Certificates i[* Available [* Full Service Salon k Spa 998-6770 • Hwy 1582i^nte«islo(Tanglewoal Tues-l7i9iin.-7|)in> Sil9an-6pm V^fttCareiSliinPiwiudsAvaiiabfe Make Your y 1,^Appointment Today'f, f for the Holidays 2 r f o r - CLEMMONS E M U [ M l S EB53[!$i ?57 W c s d illD S (BaC sso UtoSflQl Q[Il=SCkDiKB Ijifanrti K e w IV u ir H io n a l ( 'e a te r w ith O .v e r SOO N a tu r a l t'o o d Ite m s • l^ u tritio n a i SuppiemcntN • lli;;h DrinkN • O r ^ a n i « P r a d u i^ n • V egetarian lle m N F R E E C O O K I N G C L A S S E S See store for dates or call 766-1608 Class Taught By Chef Thomas Pirro F I R S T I M P R E S S I O N S • Professional Resumes • Cover Letters • Company Research • Targeted Mailing Services • Job Search Assistance & Counsulting B E T S Y J O N E S (336)766-1762 FAX (336)712-9684 Janie saiys: A nivm t M K L e a tM ayatal, T.v' A itM Ie - / . f i > \ BlownOaaa, N»w t i KuM UnOm a.’ *■' W Ieker A R attan 28% OFF D in in g R oom a 20% OFF ^fllMfiwcethy M M nteu eO% OFF ♦♦♦ Orimntal Fum ttuta u p to eo% OFF Sat. 9 to S; Sun. AO to S Located In Ih e O d Q e a im o n s S d ta o l 3550 Q em m ons R oad (Next to the Qemmons U bnty) (336) 778-2700 n m a o e s n ia E T 'c e s t o n e Dun,op.Tlres Lee Tires GEORGE’S Mlchelln Tires VILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 Lawlsvlllv-Clamnions Road, CIsmmons 7 6 6 -7 8 6 2 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 - B9 ^immers Split With North Davidson r Davie Couniy's boys swim team opened ihc year wiih an 87*65 vielory pver North Davidson; while ihc War pjigle girls fell short 86-83. ^ "For the first meet, I thought ihcy did jtally well,'' first*ycarcoach Dana Kccncy said. "They jusl looked great. U was a real disappoinUng loss Oo Nortli's girls), but It was very, very close and I was real plca.scd." The following arc first-placc win­ ners for the boys: 200 medley relay-Michael Gusef- skl. Ben Stiling, Dreni Gaither and -iCharlle Lester, 200 free- Stiling: 200 i!M-Oaithen50frcc-JeffFrisby;100 ■:butterny-Guscfski; IGOfrcc-Frisby; :200 free - Stiling, Lester, Frisby and .Gaither, 100 back - Gusefski; 100 Ibreast-Stiling;and freerclay-Danny ;Stiling. "Frisby hadn’t been in the water in ;a year and came out and look four first . places," Keeney said. "So it’s nice to haveJeffback from football.” Individually for the girls. Mcagan Clark won the 200IM iind 100 breast, Dana Call won the 100 back, Kaylyn Smilh won the 200 free, and Emma Jakob won the 50 free. The potent relay team of Call. Smith, Clark and Jakob captured the 200 medley and tied ahigh-proWc opponcm in the 200 free. "The relay team that the girls tied was the No. 3 relay In the (3-A) stale Iasi year," Keeney said. "So they had a very strong lime. The girls were real strong from North Davidson, so it was a real goixl meet and we'll sec them again in January." Keeney said folks will also hear a lot aboutGusefski, Ben Stiling, Gaither and Lester and the 200 medley relay. "Il is very promising," she said. "I'm looking forward to taking both relays to the slate this year." Davie hosts South Rowan on Dcc. I, then swims at South on Dec. 8. Opening Day Mark Goin, left, of the Fork community, and Barry Lanier ol Clemmons, formerly of Fork, bagged three deer on open­ ing day of deer rifle season last week. Lanier shot two, and Goin one, all shot around 9 a.m. on the foggy morn­ ing. They got a 10 point bucik, a seven point buck, and a spike. First Buck Zach Vogler, 11, son of Ken and Starr Snow of Mocksville, shot his first deer, a seven point buck, with a muzzie loader on Nov. 19 in Surry County. Tigers Put The Clamps On Chestnut Grove North Wrestlers A Convincing 2-0 * Continued From I*ugc R1 they would have wrestled last year, they would have been in the starling lineup somewhere bccausc they arc tB^ving the starters a fit. "Norswonhy is looking real ag­ gressive, Morton, Gentry and Andary : arc coming along, and the Panes Ux>k :good. But it’s hard to brag on a few ■ bccausc wc’rc pretty well balanced." The long wail hardly anbctcd the ; mental approach for a team that was "jackcd high to lie some loose ends from a61 -22 season-opening win over Erwin. "Against Erwin, we were not very aggressive, but even though we sal -around we were a whole lot more . aggnissivc.nndjiisl looked belter tccN ■ tiique-wise," said Kirk, who rcjecteJ the notion that lopsided scores will crealc ovcrconfidcncc as North enters the PMSC schedule. "I think when they get on a roll like that, ihcy'il keep on wanting \\ more and more. Plus, whenever you have people come l:i and sec scorcs like that posted some placeorhearaboutthcm.itcan(intimi- date)." Notes: Lyons, who recorded a pin against Erwin, was out oftown against Lexington,andContalyfr. who romped 17-4 in the opener, rcsled a sinuned muscle in his back against Lexington. .... Chris Goode got a pin in his scv- enth-gmdc debut against Lexington, while Curt Wilson, Thomas Scham- bach and Andy Ayers split two .matches. .M^Nonh_wrcsilcs.atCliina_ Grove on Dcc. 2 and al home against Corrihcr-Lipc on Dcc. 6.- By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Rccord South Davie eighth-gradcgirlsbas- ketball coach SheilaTribblc refused to divulge her halfiime message to the Tigers. Butwhatevcrshcsaid worked,spur­ ring the Tigers to a 5-0 third-quarter advantage en route to a 21-19 come­ back win in last week’s season opener. "I'm not going to share my locker- room speech, but for some unknown reason wc came out of the locker room fired up and ready to play some real tough defense," said Tribble, wlio.sc learn trailed 14-12 but responded by scoring nine of the game’s final 14 points to pull out the nonconfcrencc contest. "It was all defense in the third qujuter." Chestnut Grove's high-powered ccnicrslnkcd ilw host loahalftimc Ie;»d - by scoring almost as many points (10) as South's entire team. But Ihe stoked Tiger defense held Chestnut scoreless in the third quiuier, seized a 17-14 lead and held the biggirltotwopointsinthc second half. Andrea Dwiggins and Savannah Kowalski were the primary defenders that derailed Chestnut Grove’s main threat. "Andrew was really the one that picked her up the most, and Kowalski played her real smart, loo," Tribble said. "It was sheer hustle and grit bc­ causc they had a real good center that was getting some easy shots, (In the second halO wc double-teamed her and cut her down to two points, and that was the biggest deciding factor." Another key to South's rally was point guard Megan Jordan's remark­ able composure amid brutal road con­ ditions. Her cool and calm leadership helped South score just enough points _to.cscape_Carly.BalsleyJed-.with six • points, followed by Dwiggins with five, Kowalski and Ashley Peoples with fourand Alysc Bowden with two. "Megan did anoutstandingjobrun- ning the team under tough, tough hos­ tile conditions." Tribble said. "They were not rude but just real fired up. They stomped, yelled, screamed and cairied on.andcven with my big mouth the girls couldn't hear me calling plays or anything. There were jusl things they had to do to win this game, so it was the pcrfa't game to start a season with." Notes: Peoples, contained offen­ sively. easily compensated with a pile ofrcbounds."Shedidn'thavcthe points wc wanted out of her. but she had a real, real gixxl game rebounding," Tribble said. "Shcwaskecpingtheball high and popping it out real quick to the wing girls breaking down." .... Tribble praised Heather Boger,Brandi HarpcandAlyssaSmithformakingan impaclofrthcbcnch.*’Hcathcrcamcin and did an outstanding job defen­ sively," she said. "She gave us a spark when wc needed her to. Brandi was one that gave us a huge spark when the girls were tired. And Alyssa does a nicc job as Peoples' backup. She does exactly what I ask her todo.".... Chest­ nut Grove thrashed South's boys 51- 18......South plays visiting North Rowan on Dec. 2, then at Knox on Dec. 6. Men's Basketball Toumaments Planned Men’s church and men’s open bus- toumaments arc double-elimination, ketball tournaments arc scheduled for - CallDanlcl3rownat75M632orTim Dec.31 andJan. 1 at the Urock Gym Banner at 751-1239 to enter. TTie cost is S100 per team, and the B U S IN E S S S P O T L K H T tMove The Mouse To See The House’ ; C r o w d e r , M c C h e s n e y I m p le m e n t s O n l i n e T o u r s O f R e a l E s t a t e .., Want to go and look at homes for sale tonight? With the latest technology available through Crowder McChesney & Associates, all you have to do Is cut on your computer. I Crowder McChesney & Associates has just announced their partnership in what Is sure to be the hottest new trend in the real estate industry. In an agreement with Bamboo.com of Palo Alto, California, customers will be able to access all of Crowder McChesney’s listings In a 360-degree moving tour, ■ just by the click of their mouse. ■The Bamboo videographer shoots the home,” said Byron East, Manager ol the Clemmons office of Crowder McChesney. "Moving in a circle, you can view the kitchen, family rpom, bedrooms, and can make evaluations and choices before you go out to look.” ; Viewers can tour the houses from at least four different Vantage points, using their mouse to move in a circular view­ ing, or pause at special areas of Interest. From the camera's objective iens, a viewer can stand on the front lawn and see ihe exterior, or examine the outdoor panorama from the Mas­ ter Bedroom. The virtual tour, available from any Internet ac­ cess (such as a public library. If customers do not own a com­ puter) will greatly aid buyers who have trouble picturing a prop­ erty from two-dimensional photographs. Crowder McChesney Is one of the first agencies In North Carolina to offer this innovative service, at no cost to custom­ ers. East says that this is an advantage for those who list their homes with Crowder McChesney & Associates. “It makes the entire process more efficient," says East. “I can suggest several dozen home that lit your criteria; and you can make your decisions, cutting those down to four or five Jhatyou want to go out and see with our realtors." ; Byron East also points out that famiiies who were hav­ ing to lly thousands ol miles to come and look at houses in a ‘new location, can now glean valuable information through the Bamboo Virtual Tours offered by Crowder. Agents can also jemail prospective.cHeiits specific'virtual tours, of properties ^hat meet their critorla.'Caii Crovi/der McChesney's office at ALL ★ SEASON! R O O F I N e & S I D I N e V' CII9V.WMIIU yaiayoo o '• ' Wedojiriqhttfiof|r8t.tir^e%fM ' 22 years experience - Lloeri^ ...V V e .s ta n d M in d o ijfjy iiiM ^ M Call for a free estimate oil Free 1-800489-0220 David BunsH • Ovmet Byron East of Crowder, McChcsncy & Associates. (336) 766-0515 for more information; or visit www.bamboo.com. Crowder McChesney also lists multiple properties on a National Realtor website at www.reaitor.com, with photographs and detailed information on various sites. Crowder McChesney agents include Linda Dillingham, Bob Ganvood, Dorothy Hail, Gloria Matthews, Bev Supple, Cheryl Fink, Lee Reynolds, Walt Hash, Barry Jones, Tom Minnis, Bob Scarborough and Byron East (Manager). These experienced realtors bring a wealth of skill and knowledge to serve each customer with personal care. Crowder McChesney & Associates Is one of the few full- service real-estate firms, working with customers to arrange financing directly through Crowder's own company, CMA Mort­ gage. Agents will arrange for inspections or appraisals, smooth­ ing the home-buying process without the added stress of ad­ ditional problems. Call the experienced-professlonals at Crowder McChesney today at (336) 766-0515, or visit their office in the Clemmons Professional Center at 2265-C Lewisvllle- Ciemmons Road in Clemmons. Crowder McChesney cMssociates Your M onictow n R callor 2762 Lewisvllle-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 O rd e r Y o u r S U k F lo w m r A rra n g e m o n ta A F ru H B a a k o ta T o d a y ! N .C . C h rla tm a a Trmma Fnm h Cut Fratmnr ftwm a Miller’s^^lemmons Curb Market 2«90 LswlsvllMhCtonmioiia _ 766-3014 BIO ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 <1 < • •• I 1 ,1 '! > *i i ^( L u l l r -r '1 ' . m “HELP THE OLB im KEY RETlREr In His 48 Years, Don Has Never Sold Items This Low. Every Item In Our Inventory Will Be Sold Near At Or Below Cost!!! Ladies Diamond Anniversary Band Channel SetWhite/Yellow Gold 1/4 Carat $ 7 9 9 5 1/2 Carat $ 9 9 9 5 Seiko, Citizen & Wittnauer WatchesOver 600 in Stock 50% Off All Diamond & Gemstone Tennis Bracelets 70% Off, Carat Diamond Earring Studs $5 9 9 5 . All Diamond Solitaires 70% Off m DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 - Cl D a v ie P t o o l e Home Bodies Nurses, Chore Workers Help Keep Residents In Familiar Environments By Mike Bamhardt ' Davie County Enterprise Record ' . R.C. Smith didn't like what he heard on a recent trip to the grocery store. A man told a woman as they went by him, “I thought he was dead." Smith has had more than his share or medical problems in the last year, but he's alive and well nnd living in his home on Park Avenue in Mocks­ ville. Thanks in part to the Davie County Home Health program, he says that life is good. Home health workers help him get out of bed and get dressed, and fix breakfast. Without them. Smith said, he would likely be in a nursing home. "Wiihout this home health, 1 wouldn't live the life I live. This home health gives me quality," Smith said. "It's one thing to live, but it's another thing to have quality." Smith's life changed In I9SS, when in a railroad accident, a leg was cut off and his back was broken In three places. Doctors gave him one chance in lO.QQO of sutvlvlng. Now, he's 77. The accident did require Smith to use a wheelchair, which he did through successful business and political ventures in Davie County. He proudly pushed his own chair, think- state Rep. Julia Howard recently went on a home health visit with Joyce McClamrock, visiting R.C. Snnith. - Photos by Robin Fergusson ------------------suffered-thtough-a-kidney stone, a--------pallcnts'-mcdical-i.nd social nceds- Ing he was building up his mu.sclcs. What he was doing. Smith said, was wearing out his shoulders. "Every­ thing is gone bul my mind." He gets around nowadays in a motor-driven wheelchair. During the past year. Smith has helping to strengthen the family bond. We iniiy believe, people recover better at home," Bass said. The Davie County Home Health Agency has been caring for patients in their homes since 1972. ‘The profes­ sional staff is dedicated lo meeting all Davie Home Health Coordinator Janet Blair checks on the machine that Smith uses at night lo replace oxygen In his lungs. broken leg and nose, fluid buildup around the lungs, and an ulcer on the hip, common among those bedridden and in wheclchairs. He uses a type of respirator at night, which builds the oxygen up in his system thal gives muscle strength for the next day. There's a help button he wears all the time. Home health nurses help with those, as well. "These services are available lo people now," Smith said. "They didn't used to have these." Janet Blair, RN, and coordinator for the Davie County Health Department's Home Health program, said thal services reach 36S county residents. Last year, 567 patients were served by home health. Providing quality service is impor­ tant, said Joseph B. Bass Jr., Davie health director. "We have found home health care to be one of the most effective forms of health care," Bass said. "People receiving home health care lend to live longer and have a better quality of life. "Our home health care services foster independence and well being. providing comprehensive, quality, medical care," Bass said. Services include; • skilled nursing; • physical therapy; • speech therapy; • occupational therapy; • homemaker support; • medical social worker support; • nutritional counseling; • home health aides; and • IV infusion therapy. To receive skilled nursing care, a doctor's order is needed. Individuals can be referred for care by doctors, social workers, hospital discharge planners and family members. It is the patient’s right to choose their home care provider. Services are paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance. If those aren't available, payment is based on a fee scale and household incomes. The agency provides services lo homebound residents who are dis­ abled, acute or chronically III, and require skilled nursing care, Blair said that caring for people In their own homes Is an American tradition. Home health care has allowed ailing and infirm individuals to recover in the comfort of their homes where they are surrounded by family ' and friends, she said. Home health care professionals said patients re- — cover faslerandiirc-more content av— home. They also become more indepen­ dent, she said. That independence is what adds quality to Smith's life. The home health nurse is vital to his, health, and his being able to slay at home. When nurses had trouble operating Ihe machine that helps to lift Smjlh from his bed to the wheelchair, he suggested a PVC pipe be added for leverage. It worked, and it's much easier to lift him, now. “Of all Ihe medical programs going on, this one is Ihe greatest," Smith said. “I can't say enough about this program." Smith said he has a wonderful group of family members and friends who also help improve his quality of life, taking him lo the store, helping wilh meals, and just checking in because they care. So don’t be surprised if ybu.see ; Smith at the grocery store, or get a telephone call. “After that fella thought I was dead, I try to sit out in the yard as much as I can," he said. ’ McClamrock usesi fiiachlne every morning to help Smith piJt of bed and Into his wheelchair,’ Smith came up with the Idea of using a piece of PVG pipe tsw ke the job easier. ^ ^ ' 'J ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ' ^ 1... 4 • ' ■» .% - C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 Dyson-Dunn Couple Speak Vbi/i/s ^ ‘ DcAnna Carol Dyson of Mocks- ' * yillc and James "Jimmy" Norton Dunn '“of Ku-sciusko, Mi&s.. were united in inamiigc on Saturday. Nov. 6 in a 6 p.m. candiclight scrvlcc at Flnt Dap- \t\s\ Church orMocksvillc. OfTicialing ininisicrwasthc Rev. William H. Davis I ' TlicbridcisthcdaughlcrofDcnnis 'flrid Ann Carter Dyson of Frank Short ^ Ro;ul,Mocksvillc,und(hc£randdaugh- ; ter of Helen C. Carter of Mocksvillc. TIk bridegroom is the grandson of Mclen Dunn Gilbert of Kosciusko, “ Miss. Given in marriage by her father, ihc bride wore an A-linc short sleeve gown of matte satin adorned with Venicc ^lace and pearls. Ihc dress was ac- “''rented by a keyhole back. The cathe* l^dral train was topped by a bdw and ~,‘(rcccntcd with Venicc lacc and pearls. liara headpiecc was madt of re* •^embroidered Schiflli lacc, appllqued .'UiAvrth pearls. I( had a iwo-tiercd elbow veil acccnied by ovcrslllched •Jijdging. 1:2 : - The bride carried a stem-held bou­ quet of white roses and ivy. The bride chose her mother, Ann Dyson, os matron of honor, and Trade Allen of Mocksvillc os maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Barbie Pollard of Yadkinvllle, Donna Carter, Melanie Walker, and Michctle Kimmcr of Mocksvillc, and Jenny Jones of Kosciusko, Miss. Tlie groom wore a black Ralph Lauren Chaps Hudson tuxedo, com­ plete with a white wing shirt and bow tic, with a low cui black vest. The groom chose Joe Ivey of Kosciusko, Miss., as best man. The groomsmen were: Linncy Dyson of Mocksvillc. Craig Grisham of Ripley, Miss., Herb Woodard of Jasper, Ala., David TliomosofCarthage.Miss., Dr. Christopher Lawrchcc of Washing­ ton. D.C.. ScoU Sides,Tommy Davis, William Jones, Ronnie Hendcrsonand Ricky Henderson of Kosciusko. Miss. Bell ringers were Matthew and David Hursey, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hursey of Mocksvillc. Honorary guests wercMr. and Mrs. Tom B. Waxlruff. great aunt and uncle ofthe bride, of Mocksvillc. The wedding was directed by Lisa Myers, Advance. Music was provided by Lewis Phillips on piano and organ. Kathy Ferebcc accompanied on flute. Gucsis were greeted a( the register by Charlene Ritchie. Candis Carter and Cayla Carter greeted (he gucsis with programs and thank-y’ou scrolls. Reception The bride's parents hosted a recep­ tion in the church fellowship hall fol­ lowing; the wedding. Guests were greeted by Jimmy and Barbara Carter, aunt and uncle of (he bride. Mike Hendrix entertained with a medley of piano music. Bubbles and bells were distributed to the guests. Servers were Diane Crutts, Katie Colle(tc,andJudyBccker.Guesiswcrc served cake by Andrea Harris, Jessica Bowling and Josh Dowling, members . ofChurvh Youth Group. The wedding cake was a gifi and a creation of Judy Decker of Mocks­ villc. It wasa white four-tlcrcd hat box design cake made of rolled icing. The cake was topped with a large bow of rolled Icing, with bows accenting the comcrs of each layer of the cake. After a surprise honeymoon, the couple will make their home in Kosciusko, Miss. Brldnl Showers , • On Oci. I, a shower was given by Jenny Jones and Connie Henderson al the home of William and Jenny Jones of Kosciusko. Miss. The shower was a room by room shower with gifts being presented (0 the couple for each nx)m of their house. • On Oct. 9, a shower was given by Linda Mace, Melanie Walker and Dawn Froclich, al ihe home of Glenn and Linda MaccorMocksvillc. Gucsis were bridesmaids and close friends of the bride. •On Oct. l7,ashowcrwasglvenby BarbaraCartcr,DonnaCartcr,Melank ■ Walker, Trad Allen and Barbie Ppl- lard al thcTurrc>itlne Daptisi Church fellowship hall, Mocksvillc. • On Nov. 1, Ihe bride was treated byhermothcrwlthadayatlhcWcstglo Spa InDlowing Rock.James Norton Dunn I New Book On Lake Mattamuskeet Has Davie Connection ■ Arcadia Publishing of Charleston, : S.C., has released the book "Lake • MattomuskeclrNcwHollandandHyde ; County" by Dr. 1 ;; Lewis Forrest, ex-1 2 ecutive director of I i The Matlamuskecl | « Foundation. J Forrest’s father, 1: Lewis Conrad J .Forrcsi Sr.. wasl i raised in Davie | ] County. J TTw new book, : on Lake Forrest V Mattamuskeet is a fund-raising projcct ; of The Mattamuskeet Foundation. It ! overviews the lake history from 1585] to the prcseni, but concentrates atten* ‘i lion on the period from 1909 to 1934 J when three enirepn:neurial companies tried to develop the drained and re- ^ claimedbcdofLakeMaltamuskeetror - residential and agricultural use. They saw the lakelands os the richest soil in America, and with the favorable grow- ingconditionsof Hyde Countyand the agricultural legacy of the region, they set out to build a community with the best rural life-style in the couniry.That community camc to be known os New Holland and provided the most color­ ful era of Hyde County's history. . -.Between l9.‘W;L942,thcrc.wcrctwo. Civilian Conservation Corps camps In Hyde County. The firsl was al Dell Island and helped set up the Swan Quarter Migratory Dird Refuge. The sccond was located next to the New Holland bridge along Highway 264 on Ihc south side of Lake Mattamuskeet. These young men, ranging in ages from 19 to 23 years old, converted the fanning operation of the last privale owners of (he lake into the beginning of Mattamuskeet Migraiory Dird Ref­ uge, just one of many wildlife refuges started in the 1930s. TheCCCboysconvcrtcdthepump- • Ing plant at New Holland. Hrst built in 1915-1916 and used for sixteen yean 10 drain Lake Mattamuskeet three times, into a rustic hunting lodge that became famous to sportsmen as Mattamuskeet Lodge. They also dredged andclcancd out several canals _in.Hyd(j.Couniy.Jcncctl50.mili5.of_. boundary around the refuge, planted crops for the wildlife and migratory birds, and chormcd the young ladies of Hyde County. Many of the CCC boys married Hyde County giris and settled in the community. The book includes a chapter on the Mattamuskeet CCC Camp. From 1937 to 1960, Lake Mattamuskeet was the best place to sh(X)t Canada Geese on the cost coast andattractedhuntersfrom far and wide. Many of ihe hunters stayed al Mattamuskeet Lodge and with the as­ sistance of one of Hyde County's ca­ pable guides, such as John Harold Swindell, bagged their limil of geese and ducks during their slay. The new book includes a chapter on hunting and fishing al Lake Mattamuskeet and the phot os show the abundance ofgame killed and fish caught and the satisfied smiles on the faces of the successful sportsmen. Anyone who has ever had an inter­ est in Lake Mattamuskeet will be en­ tertained and informed by Ihc accurate history Dr. Forrest has provided, all based on primary sourcc Information. Forrest clearly distinguishes between the folklore about the lake and the real history that is backed up by soliddocu- mentation. DookstoTCsintheregionaro receivT. ing orders of the new books. In the meantime, autographed copics may be ordered directly with The Mattamuskeet Foundation,4377 Lewis Lane Road, Ayden, N.C. 28513. The cost is S18.99 cach plus $ 1.14 tax for N.Cresidentsand$3postagc($l post­ age for each additional copy). For ad­ ditional information or credit card or­ ders, call the foundation at 252-746- 4221. Christmas Fellowship Banquet Dec. 18 The United House of Prayer Dand EnsembleofSalisbury will be featured at the Christmas Fellowship Banquet being hosted by New Shepherd Dap- tlst Church, Coolccmcc, where the pastor is the Rev. Melvin E Kcsler. Othcrcntertainmentforthccvcning will bcgaspcl .soloist, Sclcnea Barker of Mocksvillc; Poctress, Gena Collins of Erwin Temple CME Church, Woodlcaf; gospel comedian, James Pearson of Firsl Waughlown Baptist Church, Winston-Salem; and Si. Paul Baptist Church Praise.Danccrs of St. Paul Baptist Church. Charlotte. The guest speaker will be Dr. Gregory K. Moss,pastorofSt. Paul Baptist Church, Charlotte. TTie master of ceremonies will be Ihe Rev. Stephen Dalton of Advance. The banquet will be held at the Holiday Inn Jake Alexander in Salisbury on Saturday, Dcc. 18, al 6 p.m. The pricc is $25 per pcn>on. Did You Know That... C. Richard Epes, M.D., is one ofthe most widely respected cataract surgeons in the world. He has been recognized by "The Best Doctors in America," Individuals from 48 states and 18 foreign countries have trusted Dr. Epes for their cataract surgery. Dr. Epes has performed over 65,000 cataract surgeries includ­ ing the "No-Stitch, No-Patch" technique. This procedure takes between four and seven minutes and only eye drops are used to numb the eye. You can return to your normal activities immediately after surgery. For unmatched experience and local convenience, call Southeastern Eye Center today.c. nicioid Efxs, im ' Trust the unmatched experience of Southeastern Eye Center. §Q u te^ .E ise Center For your convtnitnce you may set one of Ihe Soulkenslem £y< Cenfer doclon in our offices located at: M ^ ^ L L E B ermuda Q uayVISION CENT£I? . VISION CENTER^>^VISION CEt^BR Dr. Slcvcn G. Uymon, Otianni VISION CENTER Dr. SImn G. Uymon, Ofusimi. C e l e b r a t e W i t h U s Come by our offices on December 7 to help us celebrate our first anniversary and to kick off. the Christmas season. It's been a tremendous year, and your support has been great. The informal get-together is one way for us to show our gratitude. Drop by any time between 11:00 and 2:00 on the 7th and enjoy the free beverages and light snacks. Everyone is invited, customers and non-customers . alike. So, come on in and say hello to your friends and neighbors and let us , thank you personally for a very successful first year. IVs Your Bank B a n k o f D a v ie :, 1366 Highway 601 South (In Mocksville Marketplace) DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Dcc. 2,1999 - C3 Four Corners News By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Those having Thanksgiving dinner SundaywilhJeanandLconardShcIton and Abby Ferguson were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McClamrock of Mocksvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Woodlc Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tcsh, Dr. Carlo Yuson of Advance, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopcman ami Undsay of Harrisburg, Mr. m\ Mrs. Klim Ford ond Maddlc of Mon­ roe. Thanksgiving dinner Thursday al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck and Greg Beck included Mrs. Robert Cran, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hill, Drew, Blake and Abby Hill of Winston-Sa- Hendrix-Carter Engagement Announced Bobble B. Hendrix of Mocksvillc and Timothy D. Hendrix of Advance announce ihe engagcmenl of their daughter, Magan Marie Hendrix to Ri­ chard Victor Carter Jr., Ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter Sr. of Ad­ vance. The bride-elect Is a graduate of Davie High School. An honor student, she attended the University of North Carolina al Pcmbrolte. She.is em­ ployed by Ihe Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Winston-Salem. The groonj-to-be is a graduate of Davie High School and attended Guilford Community College. The wedding is planned for Jan. 8,2000 at Bethlehem United Method­ ist Church, Advance. World AIDS Day Hope Is For Better Communication I The 12lh annual World AIDS Day was observed around the world and in Davie County on Dcc. 1. This year's theme Is “Aids — End TheSilcnce. Listen, Learn, Livcm ie puiposc of this theme is lo promote communication wilh those who are affected • directly and indirectly • by HIV/AIDS. World AIDS Day aims to Increase awareness of the magnitude of the HIV/AIDS epidemic globally and in the US despite new hope in ircalmenl. EndinglhesilcnceaboutHIV/AIDS will stimulate the development of new programs for young people to mini­ mize their vulnerability to HIV and reduce the stigma and discrimination surrounding ihccpidcmic.saldLuwana COMING TO MOCKSVILLE Saturday and Sunday December 4tii&5th Ben Franklin Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm Sunday, 1 pm to 5 pmColor Portrait Package Special 3-8x10's 3 -5 x7’8 12-Wallets Custoitwt pays <11.00 when potraiti al store apffoidmatey ora week lalet. DON'T MISS IT FAMILY GROUPS ALSO NO AGE LIMIT ADULTS TOOl All work Guariuiteed by: T R I V E T T E S T U D I O Ben F ra n k lin Willow Oak Center • Mocksville, NO Icm, Mr. and Mrs. Tcny Cralt, Robbie Kinsley and Couitney, Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, Mr. and Mis. Mark White and Jessica, Ralph Shelton, Mr. and Mis. Kenny Smith, Jeny PotU, Mr. and Mn. L.S. Shelton Jr., Christopher Shore, Denise Sapp, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Dow Pendcr,PaytonTriplettandfricml,Mr. anti Mrs. Leonard Shelton, Abby Ferguson, Inez Reavis, aiid Mr. and Mn. Billy Shelton. Mr. and Mis. Joe White wcie sup­ per guests Thanksgiving night of Mr. and Mrs. R.O. Sapp. Angle and Amber Hamm visited Mr. and Mis. Kenny Smith Sunday aHemoon. Mr. ond Mrs. Leonard Shelton, and Abby Ferguson have relumed home after spending Ihc weekend at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mis. Joe While attended the Golden Wedding Celebration re­ cently of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Whiuikcr al Mount Olive United Methodist Church fellowship building. _ W a lk in g F o r M ir a c le s ' P la n s B a z a a r Walking for Miracles Kids will have a Christmas Bazaar at the VFW Hut on Peed M ill road gn Dec. 11 following the Advance Christmas Parade. The bazaar wil be from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., and will feature a visit from Santa Claus, who will be on hand for photographs and to hear Christmas wishes. There will also be crafts, food, and tickets or a giant Chrisimos bas­ ket. All proceeds will goto the Ameri­ can Cancer Society through the Re- loy for Life. The ladies auxiliary will have a hot dog fund raiser for Ihe VFW. Gardner, Davie health education spc- olalist. As of 1999. 33.4 million men, women and children worldwide were estimated tobelivingwith HIV/AIDS. If trends continue, nearly 40 million adults will be infected with HIV by the year 2000. In 1998, nearly 3 million children and young people bccame infected wilh HIV — about 590.000 children under IS and more than 2.S million 15-24 year olds. In theUniledSlatcs,688,200people have been reported infccted with HIV/ AIDS as of 1998. One hundred ninety-one counuics around the world are observing this day 10 draw attention to the AIDS epidemic. Ro w a n R e g io n a l MnDic;Ai. C k n t i:r D ecember C lasses & E vents Educational tltasses Comprehensive Diabetes Classes Small group classes and individual inslmclion are offered on a weekly basis for people who have not yet mastered the skills and concepts for the control of their diabetes. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. Call (704) 638-1040 for class locations. Diabetes classes will be offered on Ihe . (ollowing dates, and you must altend___ all three sessions: December 2,9, 16 • 6 • 8 p.m. December?, 8,9 • 9 • 11 a.m. December 15,22,29* 4 -6p.m. December 28,29,30 • I - 3 p.m. Gestational Diabetes Classes A nurse and a dietitian provide a special program for expectant mothers with gestational diabetes that includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glu­ cose moniloiing. These classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. Gestational diabetes classes will be offered on Ihe following dales: [AllaiJ iheJaltof yotir choice) December?, 14,21,28 • 9-11 a.m., Women's Health Small Classixwm, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center Look Good, Feel Better— Free An educational program designed to instmct women currently undergoing cancer treatments on how to care for their skin and choose a proper-fitting wig. December6 * 3 -5p,m. St. John's Lutheran Church, 200W.lnnesSt., Salisbuiy. Call (?04) 638-1243 to register or for more Infomiation. S tv p o rtC ta q is AWAKE Support Group— Free (Alert Well And Keeping Energetic) December 9 • 6 p.m.. Waiting Area, Wilson L Smith Family Outpatient Center Belter Breathing Qub— Free December 8 • I p.m., Rufty Holmes Senior Center,, 1120 S. Boundaiy St., Salisbuiy Cancer Support Group— Free Will not meet in December. Meetings will resume in Januaiy. Cardiac Support Group— Fnw "Chiistmas Paity...games, food, prizes andfunl" December 21 •7 p.m., Urge Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center / hIcalthNut is ihc mascot of healthy living at Rowan Regional. MoUe MedhdUnHs Rowan Regional's mobile medical units will be at the following locations in December Cholesterol & Glucose Screenings $4 charge for each test No appointment necessaiy December 10 • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse 20? Faith Rd., Salisbury Mammograms December 2*3-8 p.m. Community Care Clinic, 500 Mocksville Ave., Salisbury Call (704) 636-4523 to see If you qualify for a free mammogram. ^ Decembers In conjunction with the Rowan . County Health Department. Call the Health Department at (704) 633-0411 to find out about selection ctiteiia, location of screening or to schedule an appoititment- 'December?, 14,21 , South Rowan M ^cal Mall, 308 E. Centerview St., China Grove Call (704) 855-2400 to schedule an ap[)olritment; December II, 13 . . Cabamts Health Alliance, • I307S. Cannon Blvd., Kannapolis Call (704) 939-1200 ext.1205 to . schedule an appointment, , Diabetes Support Group— Free Aftcnmii Maliiu; "Holiday Cooking' December? • 2 p.m. Milford Hills United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 1630 Statesville Blvd.,'&lisbuiy Diabetes Support Group— Free Malinj "Holiday Cwkin^' December? •7p.m. '•^Milford HillsUniied Methodist Church' Fellowship Hall, 1630 Statesville Blvd., ^lisbuiy Epilepsy Support Group— Free DreembcT9»7pm. Fiist Baptist Church, 223 N. ftilton St., Salisbuiy Ostomy Support Group — Free December I • ? p.m. Women's Health Small aassnwm! 3rd floor. Rowan Regional Medical Center. Women's H e ^ All classes meet in the Women's Health Center, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center Infant CPR/Child Safely $ 10 per peRon or $ 15 per couple December 2 • 6 - 8:30 p.m. Lamaze and Baby Basics $65 class fee for Rowan Regional deliveries. Gasses meet once a week for six Weeks. ; December 13 • Januaiy 24 • 6 - 8:30 pm. S,ilttitlii\ ( littii, ,\l South Kii«aii Wctlical Mall A Saturday Qinic is open at South Rowan Medical Mall in China Grove for adults and children who need treatment after nomial physician hours. No appointanent necessary. Clinic hours arc 9 a.m. -1 p.m. The clinic does not provide rou­ tine physicals and procedures. For more infomialion, call the medical mall at 855-2400. I lCC Blood I ’ lC ssllIC SciL'Liuni^s Free bkx>d pressure screenings every Tuesday. Scieenings are held In the lobby of the South Rowan Medical Mall, 308 E. Centerview St., China Grove (ram 9 - U a.m. No appointment necessaiy. Call the medical mall at 855-2400 for more infomiation. :C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 Advance News :By Edith Zlramenniin : Advance Cotrcspondenl ; TheMclhodistJunior/ScnlorYoulh rcooked and delivered 31 Thanksgiv­ ing meals on Wednesday evening 10 • ;shul-ins and the elderly In the commu- Jnily. Meals consisted of turkey, gravy, i^^drcsslng, green beans and com, can- idled yams, cmnbcrty sauce, pumpkin ;ple and a roll. Many thanks go out to :the young people. ; Amanda Hendrix, student at UNC- [ChatIottc,spemThanksglving with her rmother and sister, Janie Hendrix and ■Meredith Hendrix. ; Several from our community spent '.three days last week at Opiy Land In ■Nashville, Tenn They stayed at the Opry Hotel. Among them were Albert and Nell Poole, Larry and Betty Carlton, John Carr and Jean Plielps, Bob and Maxine Bailey, Billy Bailey and wife. Monday night they enjoyed Ray Stevens’ show along with dinner. Tuesday they had a boat ride on the General Jackson, with lunch on board. In the ballroom of the Delta section they saw an old-rashioned Christmas show. They also saw the Jeonle Scaly Christmas Show and had dinner. Wednesday morning. The group cn^ Joyed breakrast in the ballroom iKfore starting for home. The trip was under the direction of the Rev. Marion Fuik and wife, Lucy. The Sallic Sue Peebles Sunday School Class bought and delivered 20 polnsett'ias to shut-in class members andothctsinthecommunitylhlsweek.. Wiley Williams, who has been a patient at Baptist Hospital for several weeks, come home Monday. Out best wishes go out to him. Mni.Paulina Barney, whohas been hospitalized at Forsyth Hospltal,came home Monday. She remains In serious conditioh. Best wishes to her. Janie Hendrix and daughters, Amandaand Meredith, and Edith Zim­ merman aleThanksgivingdinner with daughler,MelissaHcndrix,OlcnnTay- lor and Alex Kistic in Winston-Salem. Thanksgiving diiy dinner and sup­ per guestsofCharlie and Ruth Liilh.im were their daughter, Sandy and hus­ band Keith Leroy, and Keith’s parents from South Carolina. RedCoraatzcrhasbeendischarged fiom Forsyth Hospital and Isnow back at The Elms on Harper Road. ’’Rusty” and Diane Smiley of Okla­ homa City, Okla., spent the past week here visiting relatlves.Tlicy spent time with his mother, Kazie Smiley, and his sister, Louise Potts. Lorcne Simmons of Bailey Road moved this past Saturday to an apart­ ment In State.svilic. Tlic Over-the-Hill Gang boarded a bus Tuesday for a day of shopping ut Ciirolina Mall and other placcs. In the evening, they drove to Me Adenviile to see the display ofChrlstmas lights. otthc.homeofJackandDotCartcron The children and grandchildren of Friday night, Nov. 26, for th'clr family the late Harvey and Luclllc Pottsmci ThanksgWlhgdiiini|'rI “ ''"''j Hobson Family Announces Birth Pnslor nml Mrs. Kevin Hobson, David, Culcb. and John or Mocksvillc announce ihc birth of ihcir son and brother, Lcvie Joel, on Sunday, Nov. 21.1999, Qi 12:56p.mnt DnvisMedi-. cal Center, Siatesville. He weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21- > inches long. Poiemal grandparents arc Mr. and Mr. David I. Hobson orMocksville. Maternal grandparcnls arc Mr. and Mrs. Skip Sweet orMocksville. Cornatzer News B abbitt-H ansen Couple W e d ■Nov. 2 0 A t M essiah M oravian I Joanna Ellen Babbitt of [Mocksville ond Scott Andrew iiansen of Advance were united in inarriage at 6 p.m. Nov. 20 at Mes> Jiah Moravian Church. The Rev. Don ^ a rtin omdated. • The bride Is the daughter of Craig ^nd Carol Llvengood of Grecnhlll Road, Mocksville. She is employed by Cootcemee Elementary School. : Tlie groom Is the son of Andrew and Kay Lynn Hansen of River Rodd, 'Advance. He attended Appalachian |St’ate University and Is employed by iMcCrac Graphics. 1 Given in marriage by her father. ‘Craig Llvengood, the bride chose her sister. Laurie Major, as matron of Jionor, and the groom’s sister. Cara [Han.<en. as maid of honor. Brides* Inaids were: Christy Tbwnscnd, Jen- [nifer Garnett. Emily Ford, and Kerri Jordan. J .Shellie Conner was honorary - ^bridesmaid, and scripturc was read hy Lorri Griffin.] The groom’s father was best man. .Groomsmen were: Eric Babbitt, [Brian Myers, Shane Dula. Thomas Jlillis, and Brandon Mills. Ushers were Andrew Clonlnger and Jin Gherman. Acolyte was Stephen Llvengood. Flower girl was Molly Baneck. The wedding was directed by Donna Henderson. Organist was Mary Hege. trumpter was Anita CIrba and soloist was Steve Gray. After a reception at the 'Hinglewood Club House, the couple went on a wedding trip to Banner Elk. They are at home in Winston- Salem. Social Events • An around-the-clock shower was given by Janie and Jennifer Garnett, Amy Garnett and Sheila and Paige Carter at the home of Sheila Carter on Oct. 10. • A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Pat Newman, given by friends, on Oct. 23. • A luncheon honoring the bride and groom was held at the mountain home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Albarty on Oct. 17; • A bridestnald luncheon was given by Janie Garnett at the Salem ■nivem in Old Salem on Nov. 19. The bride chose this time to thank her at­ tendants with gifts. • The rehearsal dinner was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hansen at the Ramada Inn in Clemmons. By Dottle Polls Comat/cr Correspondent Knren Bishop and children, Caroline and GcoflrcyofChapcI Hill, spent Tlianksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Shoaf. Visitorr* for Thanksgiving at the home of Dottie and Homer Poits were Donald Hinkle and Debbie of Ca'cdmore, R.J. Wood of Salisbury, Spurgeon Carterand friend. Manic, of Opiingc County, Mr. and Mrs. Derck Harpe and boys of Baltimore Road. The new pastor. Rev. Richard NVhitcheart and wife, Linda, of the Cornatzer Baptist Church will be mov­ ing into the Baptist Parsonage on Cornatzer Road Saturday. Mrs. and Mrs. James Shoaf visited Charlie Williams In Autumn Care Rest Home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Allen visited his sister, LeNora, in Rowan Hospital where she liad surgery. Special Christmas Events Planned A t Blaise Baptist Lveryune is invited to join Ihc Christmas fesiiviiies at Blaise Baptist Church.............- • —------------- ------ On Dec. 12 at 7 p.m., the adult Choir will present "Journey of Hope," a musical celebration of Christ's birth and the hope be brings In uncertain times. On Dcc. 19 at 7 p.m., the childnyi’s Choir will perfonn "Jingle Bells," a musical that captures the spirit of Christmas with an evangelical mes­ sage. - —There Is no chai^c for either pOF" gram and a nursery will be provided during the adult program. Blaise Baptist Is located behind HomcmaxonU.S.60l NorthonBlalse Church Road. For more details call the churchofnceal 751 -3639,8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Yadkin V alley Telecom t e d . F r i d a y & S a t u r d a y D e c e m b e r 3 & 4 , 1 9 9 9 Located in the Squire Boone Plaza Shopping Center at 1057 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville ) ^ Opening Both Days at 9 a.m. Authorized Sales Representative for (*\S )7 BellSouth M obility DCS ^20°° REBATE w ith a c tiv a tio n o f any dcs phone ON $30"° SERVICE PLAN OR HIGHER. ^ j H r t h P n * ^ ql itoslilMitlal ft Business ; I ^ P n ^ u c t s Vodhinvalleq • r (336) 751-0528 f Office Hours: M-F 8-6/Sat 9-4 DAVIE COUN TY KN'l'KRPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 - OS Jfiitterow-Baity Couple Wed Pino News •; Sheila Marie Tuttcrow and David I :Scott Baity were united In marriage on 'Nov 13 at Ijames Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Larry ■ and Marsha Tuttcrow of Mocksville. •:She Is a graduate of Davie High and , Mitchell Community College, and Is a registered nurse at Brenner Children's I Hospital. f ThegroomisthesonofWesIeyand ; Linda Baity of Mocksville. He is a i graduate of Davie High and UTI of '■’Texas. He Is employed by Schneider ; National of Charlotte. ; TTie bride chose Sharon McDanicI, her sister, for matron ofhonor. Brides­ maids were Leslie Irvin, Crystal Hall and Teresa Peacock. Flowergiris were Peyton Irvin and Olivia McSwain. She was given in marriage by her father. The groomchose Wesley Baity, his father, for best man. Groomsmen were Buddy Irvin, Todd McDanlcI and Daniel Baity. Ringbearcrs were Wiley and Jake B^ty. Afler a reception in the church fel­ lowship hall, the couple went on a cruise to Jamaica, Cozumel, and the Grand Caymans. They will reside in Mocksville. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Tlie Annual Senior Citizens Dinner given by the North Davie Ruritan Club WO.S held lost Saturday at William R. Davie Fire Department. Those from thisjuea enjoying the meal were James and Lelia Essie, Hannon and Nora Latham. Clyde and Virginia Murray, Johnsie Shelton, and Balry and Cornelia Smith. We all look forward every year to attending and seeing old friends once again. ■ Last weekend, James and Lelia Essie had as Iheir gucMs at their home in Caswell County Mrs. Russell Long from Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Jack Burke from Charlotte. They attended the rihbon-cult ing aficr the renovation of the Old Historical Court House on Saturday. They were in school at Bartlett Yancey in Yanceyville with Leliaand have been friends eversince. OnSundaynightallofLclia’sbroth- ers and their wives were dinner guests, r Tliey were Garrett and Fay Neal of / Eden, Robert andAnncNeal,and David and Batbara Neal of Caswell, and Ben , and Ruth Neal of Oxford. Andrea Gentry, a student at'; Aldcrson-BroadusCollcgeinPhillipe,-. W.Va., spent Tliank.sgivlng week at home with her parents, Pete and.., Madelyn Gentry. Their daughter,., Christie of Cliarlotle, alst) spent the.. week al.homc. Adopt A Christmas Pet Saturday Mrs. David Scott Bailey Anyone interesied in getting a new pel for th'.‘ holidays .should visit the Davie County Animal Shelter Satur­ day, Dec. *1, where the Humane Soci­ ety of Davie will sponsor a pel adop­ tion day 10a.m.-noon. The shelter is heated at the end of EEaton Road offU.S. 601 South 10a.m. -noon. Tliegroupwlllalsoofferapel adop­ tion forcats aad dogs now being kept In foster care Dec. 18, at the Humane Society ofUcc on Valley Road near I- 40. For more Infonnation about adopt­ ing a pet through the Humane Society, call 751-5214. To help raise money for a new ani­ mal shelter and to help support its other programs, the Humane Socicty is sell­ ing lights fora Christmas tree, which is set up at the local ofllce. Lights may be purchased in honor or memory of a beloved pet or person for S3 each. The names of those represented by lights on the tree will appear In the Davie County nmcrprlse Record before' Christniiis. Lightsmaybcordcrcdbywritinglo the Humane Society of Davie, P.0‘ : Box 153. Mocksville. N.C. 27028. * This Holiday Season give the g ift o f hope... I i(tiiw)4ii.inx'AY Nobody plans to have a leg amputated. Or a stroke, brain surgery or multiple trauma. But it happens. And when it docs, lives can be put on hold, drastically altered, or even destroyed. That’s why we created the Elizabeth C. Stanback , ': Rehabilitation Unit. Here, in this state-of-the-art immw CSIANBACK DtyABILITATION UHIT Dedicated lb The Belief That No Difficulty Is Tbo Great 7b Overcome. ■ combine tlieir knowledge to literally put shattered lives back togedier again. So now, people in the Rbwaii area who face life-altering events don’t have to alter their go.ils. . Because there’s a n b th e rp a th .';. R c w A N R e g i o n a l , > MEDICAL Center ■ , ' ' , : SwrSourceBor’IblalHcUthcare. • ;Uiey can take to reach them.; inpatient facility, specialists from many different areas M o c k sv ille Av e n u e , Sa lisb u r y ~ 7 0 4 -6 3 0 -4 4 3 0 - ; 1.-8 8 8.-5 5 R.OWAN>j.-( .!\v\vw ;'r,ow an.org-, C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 la n & U o u I would like to personally and publicly thank the following employees of Webb Heating & A/C who gave so graciously of their time during their Thanksgiving holiday to install the heating and air conditioning at the Habitat for Humanity Home in Ridgemont. Vicky Allen Mark Nichols Preston Burton Doug Powell RonCranflll Brent Tomberlin Monica Eckart George Webb Thanks for a job well done! Wayne Webb, President Mocks Having Holiday Programs Darrell “Smilty” Smith Is shown in this old photograph performing at a radio show In Statesville. B lu e g r a s s J a m T o B e n e fit F a m ily O f 'S m itty ’ S m ith Ttie Darrell “Smltty" Smith Memorial Bluegrass Jamboree will l>e held from 5-11 p.m. Fri­ day, Dec. 3 at the Sheffield Mu­ sic Hal), Sherricld and Turkeyfoot roads west of Mocksvllle. Smith is a former WDSL ra­ dio personality who died, leav­ ing his wife with unpaid medical bills. Proceeds will go lo her. Playing will be Cimarron, Tommy Drifter and the Lost Travelers, Luke, Wayne & The Newfound Grass, Farmington Bluegrass and Tomm Dollee. There will be no admission, but donations will be accepted. Cocnessions will be available, along with yard sale items and baked goods. ADVANCE - Mocks United Mclhodisl Ctiurch wilt hold a vnri- eiy of Christmas season events, start­ ing with 0 country ham and tender­ loin breakfast Saturday momlng. Sponsored by the U.M. Men’s Fellowship, the 6:30-10 a.m. break­ fast will inctudc counry ham, tender­ loin, cgBS. grits, sausage, gravy, bis­ cuits, and drink for $5. Proceeds will tiencfil the building fund. Naney Tippett Eubanks, handbell soloist, will perfonn at 7 p.m. Sundoy, Dcc. 5. She uses 30 Schutmcrick liondbctls. A love offer­ ing will be taken, and refreshments will be served following the perfor­ mance in the fellowship hall. A Chrlsitan handtwll soloist from C a n a N e w s __________ Greensboro, she began ringing, handbells in her church choir and turned solo in 1981. She incorporates her testimony throughout the con­ cert, relating to every day experi­ ences. Eubanks is a full-time flight nurse for Doptisl Hospital's AlrCare. The Dnvic High School Vocal Ensemble will perform nt 6 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 12. Led by teacher Ibmmy Griffln, they will present a show titled "Do You Heor What I Heart’ Refreshments will follow in the fellowship hall. Reflections of Light, a Christmas program, will be presented at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec, 18. The program is a mixture of dramatic and mono* logues featurin the “Ponderings of •Mary, The Mother.” It will be pre* scntcd by adults and youth. Refresh­ ments will be served following the program. His Name Is Jesus, a Christmas Cantata, will be presentd at 11 a.m. Sundoy, Dcc. 19 by the adult choir. A Chrislnins Eve Candlelight Communion Service will be held at 10 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 24. A New Year’s Eve Watch Night ' Service will bo held at 11:30 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 31 with worship, praise, singing and fellowship. The church Is located off of N.C. 801, about three miles south of U.S. 158. By John "Cain" Godwin Cana Correspondent Canalostagreat neighbor and friend inDillMcrrcll.Mr.Billwossuchanicc guy. Bill once Itelpcdmegctajobond also gave me a ride when my truck ran out of gas. Most people would of laughed at me walking on the side of the road, but not Mr. Bill. Whenever you were with Bill Merrell everything was all richt. Cana takes it's straw hais off to Nick Taylor. He picked up all of the trashonCana Road,adopting thehigh- way. He saw two dead deer where people shot the deer then took the choicc meat and left the rest. What a waste. If you were wutching [ISPN2 Sun­ day night you might have seen Ui Updegraff at the NHRA Annual Awards meeting in California. She sat in the RJR special seats with the Win­ ston Racing Group. We saw many of the racers, including Alnn Johnson. He drives a Dodge Avenger and has actu­ ally visited Cana. Getrcadyforthe 1999 Cana Bazaar at the Historical Cana School. This is the 30th Annual Christmas Bazaar. Enjoycompllmcntary Christmas Was­ sail and fresh-baked cookies while shopping for Yule logs, fresh-cut box­ wood wreaths and greenery, delicious baked goods and handmadeChristmos craAs. See you there, Dcc. 11,10 a.m.- 1 p.m. T h e N u tc ra c k e r T o B e P e rfo rm e d The Ballet and Performing Arts Center will present The Nutcracker at th Brock Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 10 and Sat­ urday, Dcc. 11. Matinee pcrformahccs arc schcd-' ulcd for 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Friday. Those tickcts arc $3/. Tlckcls for the night performance arc $8 for adults and $6 for children age 5-12.. For more information, cull the box omce at 751-3000. ^ a n d ^ In te rio r D esigns “^ pniitt H O L ID A Y S A LE 20% - 60% OFFNow ihrmmh I)eceinl>cr 30tli ------ -----/-r ---------- -------------------------------------^atnpf- \ c w ( '/iriM m ih i)r/iiinii'/U.^ iiiiil I lift f^mliuieMusurks t'/hjr/cMr ‘}\ nenis ID .S A ssociiiti's ( ‘ ( li-nimi'iis Kil • ( k’miiiniiN. N(' hantture I Nk‘\i 1 )oiM lo l.iht.in I /iMKurrter (336) 766 -yyiS naals A t D a vie T ra c to r W e’re C u llin g C o s ts • Chain! • Leaf Bloi • Trimmers • Hedge & Brush Cutters 1029 Salisbury Rd • Mocksville • 751-5969 Repairs • Parts » Full Service Shop* New & Used Equipment Engagement Announced Benjamin F. and Wanda King of Advance announce the engagement of ihelr daughter, Sharon Lynn King of Bermuda Run, to Bryan Carlton Th­ ompson, the son of Judy Ellis Thompson of Bcnnuda Run and the talc Larry W. Thompson. The bride-elect is a 1992 graduate of Davie High Sch(X)l and is employed as a legal assistant at Womblc, Carlyle. Sandridgc & Rice, PLLC, in Win- ston-Salem. The groom-to-be is a 1993 graduate of Davie High School. He earned a bachelor's degree in political science from Appalachian State University and a juris doctorate degree with honors from Campbell University, where he was a member of the Campbell Law Review. He is an associate with the law office of John R. Surratt, P.A.. in Winston-Salem. The wedding is planned for Feb. 26, 2000, at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. D inner H eld F o r Ministers Graham Funcnil Home hosted the annual dinner for urea ministers Sun­ day. Nov. 21 at the Davie County Public Library. Following the home-c(H)kcd meal prepared by Dorothy Graham and served buffet style, Regina Graham did u power point presenlation on prearrangements, wills, and estate planning lo the 30 guests in atten­ dance. S ta m p C lu b M e e tin g S e t Have you ever thought about stamp coUcciing? Now is the time to oct on it. Come totliencxtmcclingofihcDavieCounty Stamp Club on Tliursday, Dcc. 2, nt 7 p.m. in the East R(wm of the Senior Center. The program will include ''Video Guide to Stamp Collecting" and a ChristnuLs Party with many re­ freshments. Tlie club welcomes colIcctors and potential collectors of all ages and inicrc.st levels. Students arc encour­ aged to join. It is sponsored by the Davie County Senior Center. DAVIE COUNTV F.NTKRIMUSE UECORl), Dcc. 2,1999 - C7 S /ia //c i S - .9 h /o ttn im / < y /ib G a itie P r e s e n t s THE'. Call tlic Box Office forTtckcIs at 751-3000 Cliildrcn ages 5-12 $6.00 Adults $8.00 NUTCRACKER at the ^ " Brock Performing Arts Center in Moclcsville Friday, December 10 at 7:30 pm and ■j Saturday, December II at 7:30 pm r MAx m E P m m im N m ] ^ On Friday, Dec. 10 at 9 am & U am; ,1 ,★ Tickets are S3.00 for the Matinee only * L u n c h P la n n e d F o r S e n io rs Learn somcthi ng new about the Post Office and holiday mailing tips at the next "Lunch & I-cam" program on Thursday. Dcc. 2 at noon,at the Mivks- vllle Western Steer. Western Steer provides a frcedrink to all seniors who attend - just ask for a coupon at the door. It is sponsored by tlie Davie County Senior Center. This HoUday S eason give th e gift of hope... I YOUR TtepOweCof U' • 1(800) .tn-UWAV hKp://ww-\v.iinitedway.nij* C finstm as L o vcfe a st Mugs of hot coffee filled to the brim. Beeswax candles with red paper trim. Moravian buns all wrapped up in the white. An eiglu-pninted ,'ilar that glows in the nighl. Inside the chiiivh people are singing. Up in the tower the church bells are ringing. A feeling o f love is around everywhere. It's Christmas at my church. Wish you could be there. Sunday, December 5,^1999 *7:00 p.m. F i r s t B a p t i s t C h u r c h 3 9 0 N o rth M a in S tre e t» M o c L s v ille , N C Everyone welcome to our special gift to the coninuinity. Childcare Will lie ProvidedV Unl(tcare m il ise rrovided A C o m p l e t e C o m m u n i c a t i o n C e n t e r C a r r y i n g a F u l l L i n e o f D e c o r a t o r P h o n e s , C o r d l e s s P h o n e s , A n s w e r i n g M a c h i n e s , P a g e r s , a n d B u s in e s s P h o n e s FREE G ift Wrapping Available through Christmas 121 Depot Street Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm Mocksville, NC 27028 Sat. 9am-lpm r r - T ik Inatnts Small package - big convenience! No matter which Motorola cellular phone yoii give for the Holidays, you’re going to get a big thanks! We have them in all shapes and sizes, plus a full line of accessories. So bring your list here today! TWO DAYS ONLY F r i. , D e c . 3 & S a t. , D e c . 4 MOTOROLA IVIicroTac 325 $095 with 2 batteries, leather carry case and dual home charger (total accessory value $79.00) Christmas Activation : Now Available ^LIIEC AUTHORIZED AGENT i . N o R o a m in g o r L o n g D ista n ce C h arg es in N C & S C I C A R O LIN A FREEDOM PLANS • STARTING AS LO W AS $19.95/month* 121 Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon-Fri. 8 am-5 pm Sat. 9 am-1 pm 3 3 6 -'7 S X -2 6 2 6 ‘NM bx 01 twvv* tnd cr»M ippTOvtl to> nt» cutlon»r». CvokM (it* pUnt ivtOM to M ottlwnM. Ptekm mrtrti* b* uMd In in« fwwh ihty OT wJ no trt b* IM unuMd iwiulM. tofifl <tounc* <>rty*y e*i*f ch ^ m*r C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 An Appalachian Christmas Set For Dec. 7 At The Brock Center The Davjc Counly Am Council will present Timmy Abell anil Laura Doosinger in concert in "An Appala­ chian Christmas" on Tuesday, Dcc. 7 al 7:30 p.m. ai the Brock Performing Arts Center. This Family Delights! proiliiclion will be the fourth, fun-mieil. whole­ some family entenainmenl presented for the Arts Council's 1999-2000 sea­ son and issponsorcdby CarolinaCon- tainer. Abell and Bix)singer have com­ bined their talents to create a spccial holiday concert featuring the finest instruments and vocal music, suitable foranyaudicnce,andcspeciallysuited for the season. Audiences will enjoy hearing traditional carols, original songs, and a collection of rare Christ­ mas melodies played on a wide variety of folk instruments, including ham­ mered dulcimer, English conccrtina. autoharp, guitar, and banjo. "Timmy and Laura's *An Appala- chianChristmas'conccnisaiivelyand engaging prcsentalionofmusical gems; ii'san invitation forevery voice to join inthecelebrationofihcscason’.undit's a spccial event designed (o fill the air with the spirit of the holidays," swiid Dagmar Durdo, arts council executive director. Boosinger’s concert perfomiances and recordings have earned for her a reputation as one of North Carolina's most talented singers and interprcter% of the traditional ballads and folk songs of the South. Her peers know her as one of the best old-time banjo players in the region. Audiences remember Booslnger for her humor and enter­ taining stage presentations. Her recordings. "My Carolina Home" and "Down the Road," have extensive radio airplay on old-time music programs throughout the coun­ try. JohnHarllbnJMtdThisJadybariJo' picker and singer is my number one, and she knows the best songs and raises the hair on my neck when she sings them." Her children's a'conling, "Sing U Yourself!," received national recognifion as a "Parent's Choicc" award winner. Abell is a national concert per­ former. storyteller, and recording art­ ist whose performances feature line music, strong values and mostly, fun. His reputation os a premier songwriter and entertainer of families and young folks has been garnered from 20 years of touring In 17 states ut countlcss festivals, schools, and concert halls, where even senior citizens nnd the coolest mlddle-schoolers have been known to give rave reviews. Abell plays hammered dulcimer, English conccrtina, bowed psaltery, lap dulci­ mer, penny whistle, guitar and banjo. Of his songwriting, Tom Paxton said "Timmy, you arc the real deal... and I hope you guard and nurture tlmt tnith." AINU’S recordings have received the highest national award forchildrcn's music both from the American Library Association and "Parent's Choicc." North Carolina Public Television fea­ tures his original songs regularly on their "Celebration Series," and In a one hour special program and home video, "Timmy and Friends." Asaduo,AbellandBoosingerhavc been hosted by Tlw National Tlieatcr In Washington, D.C., the JFK Library in Boston, the Merle Walson Memo­ rial Festival inWilkesboro.The Pcace Center in Greenville, and in numerous other communities throughout the Southeast. Their family concert was featured as part of Nonh CarolinaPub- licTclevision’s40thAnniversaryCel- chration. and has been broadcast re­ peatedly throughout the state. Tickets are on sale at the Brock Perfomiing Arts Center Box Office in the lobby of the Bnx:k Perfimning * Arts Center at 622 N. Main Si;, MocLv ville. Tickets arc $12 for adults and $ 10 forchildren, students, and seniors. For groups of 15 or more people, tick- Faith & Victory Family Worship Center - presents “A Child Who Would Be King>> A t the Brock Perform ing A rts Center 622 N orth M ain Street, Mocksville Friday, D ecem ber 3 a t 8 p.m. Saturday, D ecem ber 4 a t 8 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 Available at the Brock Perform ing A rts C enter or Carolina C hristian Books & Gifts For inform ation call 336-751-4611 D ecem ber B argain o f the IVIonth S E R V lS m R . BARCAIIUS of the MONTH M M «• Kd« lotMM M. ta im ptn. C audell L um ber an d B uilding S u p p lies , 162 Sheek Slreel • 751-2167 Udily Weukdiivs ('•JO “)(}() S.il / lU l.'injon ctsnrc$9fornllages. BoxOffice hours arcMonday-Friday, IOam.*2p.m.On the day of the perfomiancc, the box onice will be open for the daily hours and at 6:30 p.m. Tickets may be pur­ chased in person, by mall, or charged by phone, arc availahleon a first come- first paid basis, and ore non-refund* able.Toavold standing in a long line ut the box officc for your reserved seats, the Arts Council strongly encourages allaudlcnce members topurchasetlck- ets, pick up tickets, or have tickets mailed to them before the night of the performance. All audience members, no ntaller what age, must have a ticket 10 enter Ihc auditorium. In the spirit of the holiday season, Ihc Davlc Counly Arts Council would like to osk all audlcncc mcmlicrs to bringnon-perishablefixxlitemsasthey come lo the .show on the evening of Dec. 7. All food Items will be donated lo Storehouse for Jesus and shared throughout the Davie County commu­ nity. To purchase tickets or for more Infonnation. call the Box Office at 336-751-3000.Laura Boosinger and Timmy Abell will perform Tuesday nlgfit at the Brock Arts Center. Boxwood Baptist Church B oxw ood Church Road, Pastor, Rev. B .J. Milton Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 V O G L E R . ^ S O N S rutivrul 1IUI11U 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 336-284-2551 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. XPAIEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville,' NC 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 MOCKSVILLE BUILDERS SUPPLY “Together We Do It Better” Soutli Main Street 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 9 1 5 Evelyn Haynes Rh: 751-3831 Offlci: (336) 751*3338 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Churcti Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 P.O. Box 506 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 3 6 J. P. GREEN MILUNG CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 33ft-7S1-2126 EATONFUNERAL HOME A-Tradiilon o f Caring.... 325 North Main Street MocksvilIc.NC 27028 336-751-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 GENRE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 H a RORER HARDWARE S491 Hwy. 158 • Advana, NC S700S336-998-1387 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Slieek Street . Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 lU LLER K lD l^lsiir Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 ContemporaryChristianFellowship POBoilWlsiieideJittttiiMiara Mocksville Laudry & Dry Cleaners 143 E. Depot 8tre«t Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 3 0 10% DiKOuni With Your Currtnl ChurehButWlnooMondiy \ SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jerlclio Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 ' 336-940<-2341BtlUtrofQiti!inCuKmllcmttfot(ntr)0)'fan A. C««, • Mwia C.CuVt. Prv Attend The Church Of Your Choice ■■ i Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2, 1999 - C9 John Karr McCulloh Jr. Ruth Pcacock Hcllard Mr. John Karr McCulloh Jr., 69, of U.S. 158 East, Advance, died Tues­ day, Nov, 23,1999 at his residence. A graveside service was held Fri­ day at 11 am.alDulin United Method­ ist Church Cemetery with the Revs. MarkWeekleyand Donald Funderburk ofTlciating. The family retjuesls memorials be considered for Brenners Childrens Hospital Developmental Office, Medi­ cal Center Blvd., Winston-Salem, 27157. Mr. McCulloh was bom May I, 1930 in Foiiiyih County to the late John and Magdalene Potts McCulloh. He was a graduate of Shady Grove High School and was co-owner of McCulloh Produce and retired as n self-employed Imck driver. Survivors include: his wife of 49 years, Leona Myers McCulloh of the home; a son. Dennis ^cCulloh of Advance; 2 daughters, Pamela M. Crump of Brown Summit!, and Lynn M. Tutterow and husband Dean of Mocksville; 6 grandcbildccn; and a sister, Jacqueline Taylor of Augusta, Ky. Violet Armsworthy Violet Irene Smith Armsworthy, 90, of Baltimore Road, Advance, died Sunday, Nov. 28, 1999, at Forsylh Medical Center in Winston-Salem. BomApril I, l909,inDavieCounty to Ihc late Floyd and JoscphincTucker Smith, she was a lifelong member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church and spent her life caring for her family. She was preceded In death by her hus­ band, Boss Rcnsy Armsworthy, in 1978 after 51 years of marriage; a brother, Gumey Smith; and a grandson, Chris- ..topher Armsworthy._______________ Surviving arc 2 sons, Ricky 0. Anns worthyandwifeElaincand Barry R. Armsworthy, all of Advance; 2 daughters, Maxine A. Spillman and husband Robert and Sherry A. Franco, all of Advance; 3 sisters. Ruby S. McKnight, Grey S. Robertson and Jessie S. Hodson, all of Advance; 2 grandchildren: 2 great grandchildren; a great great grandchild; and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held at 11 am. Dec. I ,at Bethlehem United Meth­ odist Church by ihe Rev. Mark Weeklcy. Memorials may be made lo Bethle­ hem United M etl^ist Church Build- ingFund,321 Redland Road,Advance, N.C. 27006. Ruth Peacock Hcllard, 76, of Tur- rentine Church Road, Mocksville,died Monday moming, Nov. 22, 1999. at her home afier several months of de­ clining health. Bom in Ircdell County Oct. 9,1923, lo the late James and Lucretia Harris Peacock, she was retired from Sara Lee Corporation. She had previously worked for Baker Furniture. She at­ tended Turrentine Baptist Chun;h and was an avid camper and especially enjoyed fishing. She was preceded In death by a grandchild. Lori Roger*; an sister, Maude Bamc; and 5 brothers, Virgil Peacock, Ivory Peacock, Roy Peacock,ClayPeacockandClydcPea- cock. Survivors include her husband of 57 years, Ruben Hellardof the home; 2 daughters, Margie Hcllard and Kathy Rogers and husband Patrick, all of Mocksville: 2 sons, Johnny Hellard and wife Lola of Mocksville nnd Joe Hellard of the home; 5 grandchildren; 2 step grandchildren; 8 great grand­ children; a sister, Eva Mae Nicl^ols of Cooleemee; and a brother, Vance Pea­ cock of Statesville. Funeral services were to be held at 2p.m.Nov.24,at Eaton FuneralCliapel with the Rev. Billy Sloop and Johnny Hcllard officiating. Burial followed in Turrentine Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials may bo made to Davie County Hospice, c/o Janet Blair, P.O. Box 848, Mocksville. N.C. 27028. Dewey T. Nicholson Dewey Thomas Nicholson, 75, of Cooleemee,fomicrlyofHlddcnile,dicd ■ Monday.-Nov.'-22,--IS39.-al Davie- County Hospital. Bom In Iredell County Nov. 13, 1924,tothc late Willlc and EdnaJorv Is Nicholson, he was a retired textile worker and of the Baptist faith. He was preceded in deathby ahalfbrother, Lee Roy Lowe. Survivors include his wife, Eva Fisher Nicholsonofthehome:abrother, Junior Vance Nicholson of Hiddenite; and 3 sisters, Faye Kahl and Estelle Nicholson, both of Union Grove, and Maryce Bongino of Baltimore, Md. Funeral services werc conducted al 11 a.m. Nov. 25, at Grassy Knob Bai> list Church by the Revs. Joey Camp­ bell and Jeff Pennington. Francis Bowden Scats Mr. Francis Bowden Seats, 51, of U.S. 158 East, died al his rcsldcnce on Monday, Nov. 22. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 28, at the Oak Grove United Methodist ChurchCem- etery, with the Revs. Nonnan Frye and Charles Stewart officiating. Members of the N.C. Department ofCorrcctlons served as an honor guard al the service. In lieu of fiowcrs, the family re­ quests memorials be considered to the American RedCross,65CourtSquarc. Mocksville. Mr.ScatswasbomlnDavie County on April 24. 1948 to the late Clyde Franklin Seals Sr. und Adelaide Bowden Seats. He was retircd eariicr this year, afier serving 22 years as an officer of Ihe N.C. Department of Cor- rccllons where he had been awarded several certificates of appreciation. Mr. Seals Is survived by 2 sons. Patrick Seats of MiKksvillc. and Mal- ihewScatsofTacoma Wash.; 2 sisters, Martha (J.T. Jr.) Smith, and Jean (Wayne) James, and a brother. Clyde (Shiricy) Scats, all of MiKksvllle. B ib le B a p t i s t C h u r c hIndeptndent • Fundamental Pantor, DonJone* • 335-765-035J Sunday Night* 6pm W«dnti<}ay7:35pm Clammoftt CNk C«nt*f ' »70M)ddM)roekDr.<Ct«nmoni.NC . GENE’S a u t o PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons i i J DIRECTV.Single Systems *99“ Call 1-800-583-1339 Direct Digital Solutions 'other charges may apply DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC. 416 VaUey Rd., MocksviUe, NC • 336-751-3111 Member o f Die Onler af Ihe Caldeii Rule tfG S u S i'M F .. Robert D. WelchOiniiT Jerry G. ReavisFh/kto/ D/ViT/tfr Robert S. WelchApprmtice Funeral Pireclor Roby Luffman uoniiiialor ' , -IN M E U O R V - ^ .• Phoebe A nn Sampmn (1938-:.1988) We we ft extremely happy with the staff, and would ' . Tecommend-Davie Fuiteral Service. LLC to anyone: , i , ' ' Michael A. Sampson' — OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY. — ' Kris Howell OffiaMnsr. Cindy Giubb Tommy Bowles Stag John Sheehan Graham Hendrix George Waldrop S /# S\aS Staff Ao/iov i/ie J a m i/ie ) i/ t a i w e /u w e je iv c d l/ ib / ) a jt j/e a i a m i to m u lu a l ju fip o d lo o/ie a /w i/ia a t i/ ib je a jo u Eaton Funeral Service c o id ia /ii/ i/w ita j/o a a /id to a ttc /u l o u i a /i/iu a l Christmas Memorial Service (S m d a j/, 3 :3 0 p.m . S > c c a /i6 e i. 5 , a t 3 2 5 ( y \( > it/i C /fC a i/i G & .^ e o ie .ff^ a /i C ^ tte /id C /\i)v a n 6 e i 3 0 — • 7 5 / - 2 /4 S E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V IC E 325 North Main Slitet, MocksviUe, NC 751-2148 Rudi Faak Mr.RudlFuak.68, orSMIlowell Rd.. Mocksville. died Saturday. Nov. 27.1999. He was bom April. 6, 1931 in Helnrichswalde, Germany lo Arthur and Maria Maizlk Foitk. He was a self- employed building coniractorand was a member of the Davie Counly Build­ ers Association. Mr. Faik was an avid pigeon fiyer and was a member of the Tarheel Racing Pigeon Club. He is survived by: his wife, Giscla Hoffmann Faak of the home; 2 sons, Mike (and wife, Denell) Faak of Mocksville, and Ronald Faik of the home; one granddaughter; 2 sisters, Hedl Frar.k and Martha (and husband Max) Kurschner of Gennany; nieccs and nephews. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p. 111. Tuesday. Nov. 30, at Hayworth- Miller Kinderton Chapel by the Rev. Joel K. Boyles. Burial wasin Westlawn Gardens of Mcnv)iy. James Demiont Howard James Dcrmonl Howard, 88, of Clemmons, died Saturday, Nov. 27, 1999, al his residence. Bom May 31.1911. In DavicCounty to Casper and Maggie Luster Howard, he as preceded in death by his wife, Ella Stevens Howard. In 1982; und a son, Bobby Howard. Surviving arc his daughter, Nancy Hendrix and husband Hiury of Clem­ mons: 2 grandchildren. Sherry McCulloh and husband Lee of Mocks­ ville andLynnTliompson and husband Richard of Texas; 3 step grandchil- drcn; and a sister, Clare Parks of Clem­ mons. Funeral services werc held at 7 p.m. Nov.29.alHayworth-Miller Kinderton Chapel with the Rev. Otis Clampitl officiating. Camion F. Ijames Camion F. Ijames, 85,of Woodleaf, died Thursday. Nov. 25, 1999, at Forsyth Medical Center. She is survived by one sister, Lililis Ijames Penninger of Woodleaf. and several nicccs and nephews. Miss Ijames was a member of AT&T pioneers, nnd a memlicr of the First Baptist Church in Cooleemee. Memorials can be made to the First BaptisiChurchofCooleemce.c/oSiuii Scott.P.O.Box5l8.C(X)lccmcc27014. A graveside service was held Sun­ day, Nov. 28. at New Union United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Rev. Jeff Pennington officiating. nimli Funeral Home Kxiij635Willi«bofoStrctt Mocki\1!Ie.NC (336)751-1100 P f TMAN*S RESTAURANT • 678 Wilkesboro Street • Mocksville (336) 751-3388 Seiving Breakfast, Lunch & Supper Hours; Mon-Thurs. 5:30am-8pni • Fri. 5:30am-9pm Sal. 5:30am-12pm ■ Serving Breakfast Only •We Now O ffer Fresh Flounder Dally M onday-Friday* , M onday-C hicken & D um plins& Country Style Steak | Thesday-Homemade Chicken Pie . W ednesday-Meat Loaf ; ; Thursday - Baked Chicken Breast Friday - O ur Famous Pot Roast •Assortments of Fresh Vegetables* •Homemade Mashed Potatoes Dally* •Homemade Cobblers & Desserts* •Variety of Sandwiches & Salads Also Available; Waller Lee Wall 1921-1999 MOCKSVIUE Rilla Carwood Vogler 1916-1999 WINSTON-SAIEM a lee Collins Scott 1922 -1999 LEXINGTON m Fruiik Bums jr. 1937-1999 HAnMONY 325 N. Main Slret MocksviUe, NC (336) 751-2148 EATON FUNERAL SERVICE Cordially invites you to attend our G rief and The Holidays Workshops December 2, and December 16,1999 7:00-8:30 PM al the Davie Co. Senior Center Presented by: Rev. Mark Vickers Funeral Home Chaplain A Unileil Methodist Minister These workshops arc open to those famiUes we have served m the past as well as ihe commuiuty. For further infonnation call 751*2148 Free Hearing Tests Set For Mocksville Area Anyone who has tmuble hearing or understanding wonis is welcome lo have a free hearing lest wilh modem clccironic equipment. Even people now wearing a hearing aid or ihosc who may have . been told nothing could be done for; them should have a hearing test lo . find out if ihey arc among the many a hearing aid will help. Il may suq)risc you to know thal many people with hearing problems do not ne^ hearing aids. Bul they , do need a hearing test as a first step , in finding out exactly what the trouble is. There's no chargc for ihe ; test and absolutely no obligation. The free hearing tests will be given by Beltone Hearing Aid Specialists at the Bcltonc Hearing ! Aid Service Center at 281 N. Main SireeteveryFridayfrom,10:00am ' lo 1:00 pm. To avoid waiting call ' 723-5253 foranappointmenl forthe free test al our office or in the privacy of your own home. ; iB e lt o r ^ D ear Friends, In commemoration of our second anniversary and in loving memory of your loved one, we would like to invite you and your family to join us on Sunday, December 12 at 2:00 PM at the Brock Performing Arts Center, 622 North M ain Street, M ocksville, NC. We are plaruiing a brief time of worship and celebration for the purpose of expressing to you our deepest gratitude for the confidence yoU have shown in our firm during the past two years. In honor of each family we have served we would like to dedicate a poinsettia in memory of their loved one. The poinsettia will be available for you to take with you at the end of the service. Light refreshments will be served., • ' If possible, please RSVP as soon as possible by calling Kris, Scott, or Cindy at 336-751-3111. : DAVIE FIJMRAL SERVICE LLC. 416 VaUey Rd., Mocksville, NC • 33^751-3111-M\ "CIO . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 Area BH ■ A Brcalh For Life Poke Run was hand and Chcl»a Hall won a Nascar held Saluixlay, Nov. 13. In honor of jacket for ihe best child's hand. ITaylorLovclace. ■ Aliheendoriheriile,evctyoncwas' Nearly lOO bike riders met in fed barbccue and heard music by ihe Mocksvillc to begin the 60-mlle ilde ^oup, Daisy's Chain, which ended up al Farmington Drag ■' Taylorandhisfamilywouldiiketo Strip. thank everyone who n^e and helped Ralph DeOendva won a Nascar out. Over $3,000 was raised to help fiurchose a Phemic Nerve Pacer so that Tayloi'aylor can breathe again. For more A/C, AM/FM Cass., Bod/ Sido Steps. Stk. #990110 WAS $18,020 6 Cylinder, Auto., Cruise. Stk. #900340 WAS $21,925 Jacketanda$75giftccrtincaleforlKSt hand. Danny White won 0 saddlepack and a $25 gift eenincat?. Ron Ervin' information, call 751-7351. won a $25 gift ccrtlllcale for worst Be Safe In The Kitchen ■ Kitchens across the state will be heating upthis holiday season as North Carolinians busily prepaie festive ’ meals for family and friends. Unfortu­ nately, dlls is also the lime of year ;when mote fires begin In the kitchen'. ; State Fire Marshal and Insurance Commissioner Jim Long cautions cooks to plajUt safe while working In ihe kitchen. Cooking is Ihe cause of 1,252 lines in Ihe Stale last year. More Uian 13 percent of all structure nrts in North Carolina begin In the Idlchch, making if the' most common area of fir;'origin inihe state. ^ "Dvring this busy time of year we , become distracted and leave cooking • unattended," I^ng said. ' "Cooking is ihc leading cause o f. fire in American homes. Faniily gath- ' erings and special meals are part of the _ Joy pf ihe:holiday.scason, _but Uwy j require special attention.ln the time it takes to answer U)e doorbell, a serious Tire can start in your kitchen. Don'i ■ leave cooking food unattended. If you mustleaveihekitchcn.tumofftheheat and take a utensil widi you to remind yoii to return." . Iii additioti to fire prevention tech­ niques, everyone needs to be prepared in die event of a fire. Because a work- ■ H . ._i,iniirsinpke;dete(:ior',doubIc5' jrour chances of surviving a fire; the Ofnce ofSuiteFireMaishal recommends test­ ing your detector monthly and chang­ ing the batteries twice a year. The early warning a smoke detector provides gives fifeflghlers more lime, to save jt}ur home and valuable?. • Smoke dctcctors are so important that in new residential consttuction one is required in every bedroom, out­ side of every grouping of bedrooms and at least one must be present on every level of die home. Sraoke dclec- tors ^ required to be interconnected 'and must have q battery backup in new" raidenlial consuiiction. ■. ■’ In addition to smoke detectors, ev- ^ home should have atleast one fire extinguisher that Is easily accessible •from die kitchen. Make sure all adults and older children aie aware of where' ihe extinguiiihcis are located and know' ' Iww to use them. Consumers should ■qlsofollowlhettianufacture.t'smainle' '■ 'nancelnsKuctlonsontherrexUngtjish- eis, as Uie life will vary. _ . i Youngchildrenwhodonbt.under- _stand die consequences of touching a . hoi stove*or opening an oven are par- ttlcularly vulnerable. Long; wki Is also chair |o North Carolina SAFE KIDS, . 'n»:ommends using stove gua^' and '. oven locks lb keep small har^ and flngefs away from these ho( surfaces.-' "We can be easily distracted while .. cooking during the busy holiday sea-, • soil' by childrens excitement or by visliois slopping in," Long said. "By ;Usin^nlittlccxu^caution mostkltchea V .'fires can be prevented which not only ■ protect^ our families and our guests, but .results In an enjoyable holiday ■ .season for everyone." ■ ' ” The bikers line up behind the Brock Building in Mocksville to begin the Breath of Life Poker Run to benefit Taylor Lovelace. I iv Christmas^ Trees t For Sale i ■bJ - mile beside Gooc^ear Tire.; JB Frasier Firs, White I Pine,Wre9ths, J Ropinif.. H a l . ' !* 1 9 9 9 JEEP WRANGLER WITH 1 9 9 9 PLYMOUTH NEON NOW^^15;990 2 0 0 0 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT Auto., AM/FM CD, Tilt, Cruise. Stk. #39 WAS $14,880 now^10^958. 2 0 0 0 PLYMOUTH BREEZE 2 0 0 0 CHRYSLER CONCORDE At DIXIE JEEP- CHRYSLER- PLYMGUTH 1 9 9 9 CHRYSLER SEBRING LX Auto., AM/FM Cass. & CD, Rear Dofogger. Stk. #300130 WAS $17,725 NOW?15.556S 2 0 0 0 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER R Windows, P. Locks, AM/FM Cass. Stk. #300210 WAS $22,670 NOWJ20.447 V«6 Engine, AM/FM Cass. & CD, Towing Suspension. ■ Stk. #3911.00 WAS $20,335 NOW?16,980 WAS $19,490 NOW 1997 JEEP GRATID CHEROKEE LIMITEDLoddad, V.8, Sunroof,AM/F»A CD i Coll., H.ol.d t«olhiif WAS $22,995 NOW * 2 1 , 7 0 0 1998 JEEP CHEROKEE CLASSIC 4x4Loodfld, Fadofy Worronty, AM/FM Cai»w/CD Chongcr WAS $18,995 NOW * 1 7 , 6 8 0 1995 JEEP QRAnD CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4Alum. Wheel*. R Windowi, R Locki. TUt. CruUe, One Owner WAS $16,995 NOW * 1 4 , 7 2 0 1996 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4x4Full Power, AM/FM Cait., Alum. Wheeti, Local Trod# WAS $17,495 NOW * 1 5 , 9 9 0 1999 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 4 DR.Expreno Trim, Looded, AM/FM. Cou.. Fodory Worranfy WAS $17,<995 NOW * 1 5 , 8 1 0 1995 CHEVROLET S-10 EXT. CAB V.6, Automatic^ Alum. Wheell, AWFM Com. WAS $10,495 NOW * 9 , 3 1 9 . 1997 DODGE INTREPID ' Full F^owor, 36,000 Milsi,' LoeolTrodo.' WAS $12,995' NOW * 1 1 , 2 5 0 1995 DODGE RAM 1500 V.8, SLT, Automofic,?. Windows, f. Locks WAS $11,995 NOW * 8 , 9 1 0 1995 FORD BRONCO 4x4 XLT Trim, Full Power,Alum. Wheel}, Tow Pkg. WAS $14,995 NOW * 1 2 , 7 1 0 1999 DODGE INTREPID Full Powsr, AM/FM Can., Foclojy Worronty WAS $15,995 NOW * 1 4 , 8 9 0 1999 CHRYSLER CONCORDE Full Power, AM/FM Coss., Foefory Warranty WAS $16,995 NOW * 1 5 , 7 5 0 1995 HONDA ACCORD WAGON LX Aulomotic, P. Windowi, e Lock*, 43,000 Miles WAS $12,595 NOW * 1 0 , 9 9 0 1997 CMC FULL SIZE EXT. CAB , Till, Cruise, AM/FM Cass., Alum. Wheels, Local Trbde WAS $16,995 NOW * 1 4 , 8 9 0 2000 PLYMOUTH NEON. Aulomaiic. A/C,AM/FM Cass. WAS $12,995 NOW * 1 1 , 2 5 0 1990 DODGE SPIRIT Au1o„ A/C, AM/FM Cass., Local Trade.. WAS $3,995 NOW * 2 , 8 9 0 D I X I E J E E P C H R Y S L E RCHRySLER-PLyiWOC/TH I SrATESVILLE • 838-1557 IVlijmoutFi 838-1557 1-7 7 ,1-40 WEST, HWY.2 1 N. BeMnd Sagebrush at New Yo^k Carpet^World D a K S c h o c t e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 - D1 William R. Dnvic Elemenlnry The cafctcriu siarf would like lo lliank all the support for llic Tlianks- giving mwl. Tlicrc were 203 guests, Tim Lnlhanj of the Soil and Water Conservation District met with third, fourth.andfifthgrailcrs.Lalhamsharcd ideas with students on creating a con*, scrvationposterrorthcupcomingcom- petition in January, Items'collccted by students for the Moss Hill Elementary School were delivered over the Ttianksglving holi­ day by Maiy Ava Johnson. Students happily contributed school supplies and money to help with their recovery. South Davie Middle On Sunday, Dcc. 5 at 3:30 p.m. at the Orock Auditorium, students from the elementary and middleschools will present their annual Christmas Con* cert. Paniclpating arc the North and South Davie middle school choruses and bands along with the Shady Grove Chorus. This event is presented free as a gift to the community. J.R.JonesandAmandaMycrswcre named Cruisers of the Week for Nov. 29-[)cc. 3, becausc they arc conscien­ tious, responsible, and haal working. Coolccmcc Elementary Third graders in Donna Henderson, Janet Jones, Joan King, and Drent Wall's classes had an cxcitlng time during Book Week. Bobby Jones shared several books. One of the most exciting things was the Book Fair. Students were able to visit the Book Fair each day and make purchases. ThcPTAhadasucccssful fall fund­ raiser. The top student sellers received their prizes on Friday. Aaron Thles (first grader) sold tha n../5t^TylcrHam- (second grader) came in second; ond Breanna Snowden (first grader) came in third. Sue Knox visited the fourth grade classes and told about books she had read that were on sale at the Book Fair. Herenthusiasm forthe books was con­ tagious. Nancy Jonesshared herfavor- Ite book. "The Giving Tree." and al­ lowed the students time to share a little about their favorite book. Cecil Samantha James, 11:03. Fourth grade boys: 1st, Alex Wiliams, 7:15; 2nd. Garrett Benge, 7:23; 3rd, Michael Martin, 7:26;4th Joseph Powell, 8:12; Sth. Austin Smith, 8:18; 6th, Ryan Davis. 8:25.. Fourth grade girls: 1st. Brandy Smith, 9:12; 2nd. Gina Will­ iams, 9:18; 3rd. Sarah Sexton. 9:54; 4th. Samantha Judd. 10:20; Sth, Michelle Smith, 10:30; 6th, Alex Dickens, 10:53. Fifth grade boys: 1st, Jordan Carter, 7:18; 2nd, Jarret Fleharty, 7:33; 3rd, Chris Wantuch, 8:01;4th.JustinSmlth,8;l0;5thMark Huggins, 8:34; 6th Ben Law. 8:39. Fifth grade girls: 1st, Whitney Will­ iams, 8:24; 2nd, Natalie Martin, 9:12; 3rd. Kimberly Huggins, 9:37; 4th, Tuylor Boyles, 9:48; 5th, Ashton Stansberry, 10:11; 6th, Kuylln Stansberry, 10:36. The "Give A Kid A Coat" drive wjls a success. Plnebrook collected over 100 coats for needy kids and adults. Thcbaskctsfor"BasketsForB(X)ks" are pul together and wrapptsd. They arc on display In the Media Center. Therc arc 25 baskets in all and each is over­ flowing with great items. $1 raffle tickets will be on sale until Dcc. 14. The raffle will take place at the PTA meeting Dcc. 14. Each student was sent home with 20 tickets toseli. Ifyou need more please contact your child's teacher. Baskets can be viewed on the web at www.davle.kl2.nc.us. The kindergarten and second grade classes arc practicing for the program they will present at the Dcc. 14 PTA meeting. Under the direction of music teacher Mrs. Anna Neumann, the chil­ dren will be singing and putting on the _playJ!Thisi)UlGingerhrcad Housc.r- _ STARS for the week of Nov. 19 were: Nick Bias, Taylor Brewer, Megan Brown, Ashley Carpenter, Palgc Carter, Lee Cody, Victoria Green, Josh Gupton. Ashley Herring. Jonathan Hicks, Andrew Key, Andrew Llnhart, Avery Lutz, Tyler Minor, Melissa Nichols. Joshua Parks, Emma Powers. Katie Schlueter. Adam Sipe. Scotty Stamper, Kaylin Stansberry, Michael Stevens. Davis Swaim. and Central Davie Elementary School teacher Nancy Terry, shown here teaching one of her has been named Teacher ot the Year forthe Davie County School System. -PhotosbyRoblnFergusson Dynamite Teacher Of The Year Admired By Peers, Administrators ...And Students - Haeuman lold us JiukTiilcs.Uo was a .^uu ln Whlscnhunl. great sioijiclicr. He hiid ihc children asking Tor inoiu. Two Instructors from Tanglcwood Park also visited the fourthgRttlcis and told about Native Americans that lived in this area. The highlight of the pro­ gram wa.s when the children were al­ lowed to make pendants, ownership sticks, and purees. Jennifer Custei^s students partici­ pated In different activities with other classes and in their class throughout Ihe week. They listened to a Clifford story on the computer, visited iheDook Fair, and enjoyed Drop Everything and Read. The students said a special 'Thanks" to Miss Beth Wall for shar­ ing stories with them and to "Mother Nature" (aka I.0U Sutphin) for her sto­ ries. A big "thanks" tothesccondgmdo for sharing in Ihe "Cliffonl Day" ac- livilies with them. Kindergarten students of Nancy Harpe, Penny Johnson, Janell Yount, and Tammy Clodgo dressed up as In­ dians and Pilgrims for lunch on Mon­ day andTuesday. Students made their own Indian vests, necklaces, and head bands. During Children's Book Week, Mother Nature visited classrooms and read books about animal friends. One ofher newt friendsalso visited with the students and answered questions from students. Students had a party with Clifford which included "doggicBone" snacks, Clifford stories, and a chance to sil on Clifford's lap. Kindergarten voted that "Clifrord'sFamlly"wasthcir favorite book from the Book Fair and it will be purchased to send to Wells Elementary, whose students experi­ enced flood damage recently, Plnebrook Elementary Shady Grove Elementary The second grade will be visiting the candle tea at Old Salem on Dcc. I, the PE club will go bowling on Da-. 2, and the school conceit will be at the Block Center at 3:30 on Dec. 5. The PTA holiday progiam will be at 7 p.m. on Ihe 7th. The third, founh and nflh grades will be jwrfomlng. Venezia's Night is on the 6lh and Citiunship Lunch willbe on Ihe 10th. Also, on Ihe 10th, Ronald McDonald will visit Ihe school and the PE club will make a special presentation at Ihe N.C. PE Convention in Greensboro. Dcc. 14 will be McDonald's Night for Shady Grove and the Decembcrbinhdoypany will be on the ISth. The PE Club held the American Heart Association Jump-A-Thon dur­ ing November. The club raised over $6,600 for the light against heart dis­ ease. The club raised over $6,600 for the fight against heart disease. This was Ihc club's community service project to help others. On Tuesday, Nov. 23, student par- llcipated in a Turkey Trot during their physical education class time. All stu­ dents walkcd/ioggedaroundthe school campus with their classmates. The top five gjrls and top five boys in each class were recognized with special rib­ bons; kinderganen-Boiley Ogle. Erin Arnold, Kaillyn Smith, BiookeZigiar, Crystal Aguero, Ryan Foster, Tommy Dillon, Sergio Fernandez, Trevon Faulkner, and Mark Graham; first gradc-Jennlfer Robertson, Ashley Rowe. Tara Graham, Megan tjiwson, Roby Davis, Jimmy Miller, Caleb Howard, Nicholas Randolph, Kyle Macy, ond Andrew Buchanan; second By Jeanne Gaither Davie County Enterprise RccoiU Her love for and enjoyment of the children is what has inspired Nancy Terry to spend 28 years ofher life teaching fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Recently honored as 1909 Davie County Tcachcr of the Year, Terry said she was shucked by the honor. But her friends at Centnd Davie Elcmcnlaiy where she has taught for the past 13 years weren't surprised. "She's a dynamite teacher and a dynamite person," said principal Candy Poplin. "She's very deserving of this honor." Her leadeiship skills are recogni/cd throughout the school district, she said. Terty's responsibilities at the school extend far beyond the time she spends in Ihe classroom with her studenls, acconling to Poplin. Her extra duties include serving os chaiipcrson ofher department, chair of Ihe schiml improvement team and as a mentor for new teachers. In her years of leaching in eight school systems under 10 principals in three stales, Tcny said she's had a tremendous range of experiences, which she compares to n patchwork quilt. While working in large and small systems, she believes a school system Ihc size of Davie's has n lot of advantages over larger systems., “Our teachers arc belter informed than n lot of big systems," she said. • She attributes much of her current success as a teacher 10 the faculty, staff and adminlslnilion at her school, which has been like a family. "It's too bad It can't be a whole team winning an nwaixl," Teny said. Still it's Ihe kids that keep her coming back year after year. Living in Ohio for three years, she was unable to get a job teaching and went to work in nn office. Even more than having the summer ofi', she said she missed working with kids. Terry considers the relationship between students and leacheis the most integral patt of Ihe school. "It is here that I find teaching to be one of the most exciting careeis there could be," she said. "Teachers are those special people who are concerned with the whole child." Teachers assess the needs of their students, set the stage for learning, encourage success and evaluate progress, she explained. "Throughout the process, teachers and students share life through learning." Teachcts should be instructoi^, counselors, advisors and friends to Iheir Plnebrook Elementary ..................................... TheUlhannual"TurkeyTrol"was\ srade-Ciare Moser, Autumn Jones, held on Tuesday, Nov. 22. The .'"Tur- '.A lex Maealone, Jennifer Booth, kcyTrorlsamileninopentoalllhird, K«y«« Di*on. Tyler Seafotd, Jake 'fourth,andnfthgradestudents.Physi- Moser, Anthony Capra, Sea,, calEducaliontcachcrsJaniceJackson Davidson, and Greg Rogers; third and Bridgette Marrs organized the ^e.C«lyCoraatzer,C^lyPralapas, event along with assistant Principal , ^IseySh^man.JennyMilier.Craie Lany Lonier. Mr. Unler also partlcl- Barnes, Michael Rowe, Alex Marion, pated In the tun as he does every year. The results are; thinl grade boys- 1st, Johnny Sweat, 8;I2; 2nd, Brian Armswortby, 8; 13; 3rd, Jacob Datnell, 8;19; 4th, Jordan Kinder, 8;34; Sth, Ethan Wantuch, 8;38; and 6th, Cooper Hlnman, 8;56. Third grade girls; 1st, Jennifer Strange, 8;56; 2nd, Sarah Evans,9;36;3rd,CtysUilLesler,10;13: - 4th, Andrea Paproky, 10;18; 3th, I Ashley. McCalllsler, I0;34; 6th, CodySulicr,MichaelHarter,andChris- lian O'Connor; founh grade-Jamle Stancllff, Hannah Jacob,' Brooke Padgett, AmyGllben,JesslcaTysinger, Zach Russeil-Myers, Colby Seaford, Sam Tucker, John Haftman,and Brent Beam; llflh grade-Briltany Hill, Britt Harrison, Magi Aguero, Jennifer Hart, Amanda Russell Michael Weakley, Nancy Terry; "Teachers are those special people who are concerned with the whole child." students, Terry said. Her students are al a critical age wiUi a lot of risk factors that could create problems later. Being happy at this age will determine if they stay in school later, she said. . j Seeing that her students complete Ihcir education is Terry's biggest goal, she said. "It breaks my heart to hear about good students dropping >; out." i ’ Her students recognize that caring from Ihcir teacher, according lo ' i academically gifted specialist June Johnson. J‘. Two years after being her student, sixth grader Matt is always glad lo see her and to know that she continues 10 follow his progress. - "She is a special petson because she makes eveiyone know they are '; important," he said. Another student loves having Teny for a teacher becausc she make; ■ learning fun and likes children. "I tiy to get to know the kids os individuals and lo key on their strengths,” Teny said. In lum, they love and tespecl her, acconling to her fornier principal Bill Campbell. , She's the kind of teachcV they draribe os tough but fun, he said! ;. |i "She established high expectations for hciscif and expects no less of he^ students. As a direct result of her encouragement, her class always le ^ ini campus competitions, whether academic or philanthropic. She challenges | ; them to reacit their potential," Johnson said. ' ‘ ' >; "I encourage my students to lake pride in whatever they do.'I love my i; children and itt them know that I am Uiere to help them, as that as long as t , they try their best,! won't let them fall," Teny said. ... I She also works hard to keep parents infomted of theirchild's progress 1! through weekly contact, accotding to Campbell., . '. , , ; ^ntinued On Page D3 gtudents In ofie of her classes at Central Davie,Please Siw NancyTeny: D4! D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 County Briefs B o a r d A p p r o v e s T a x R e p o r t s Commissioners volol lo occcpt thu repons of lax releases, refunds nml collccUons for Scplcmber and Oclobcr. C o u n t y D e n ie s R e q u e s t F r o m E M C Ttic board voicd unanimously lo deny a request by the N.C. Electric Membership Corponition for release from a lute listing penalty on its 1999 tax bill. The penalty was assessed by the N.C. Dcpartmenl of Revenue, which has taken tlw position ihepcnaltyshouldnot be waived.sald lax admlnistmlorMary Nell Richie. County attorney Bob Price said he's not sure thecounty has the right to waive the penalty since the penally was assessed by the stale revenue dcpartmenl. F u n d s T o B e R e le a s e d T o C O G , Commissioners adopted a resolution releasing Its share of state funds allotied for economic developmenl to ihe Northwest Piedmont Council of Governments. If the county h ^ not approved the release of these funds, they would have reverted back to the state's general fund. B o a r d A d o p t s M e e t in g S c h e d u ie A mcciing schalulc for llw year 2000 was approved by commissioners. Meetings will be held on the firsl and third Mondays of each monlh wllli exceptions made for holidays. Marcli and July liavc only one meelin,5. Special meetings may be called as needed with notire provided. C o m m is s io n e r s A p p r o v e R e z o n in g A request by David Miller lo rczone one acre on Bcauchamp Road near Mocks Church Road from residential agricultural to highway business-special use was approved unanimously by commissioners for operation of his building and remodeling business. No complaints were expressed by neighbors. D e c e m b e r M e e t in g T im e C h a n g e d The board voted to hold Its Dec. 20 meclinj, normally scheduled for 7 p.m., at5p.m.socounlymanagcrKcn\Vlndley can sing with hischurchchoir alils Christmas program al 7 p.m. B o a r d A p p r o v e s L e a s e F o r J a il Commissioners unanimously appmved a lease agreemenl with the N.C. Dcpartmenl of Transportation, which now has the prison property in Davie County.The county will lease ihe prison compound for use as a jail for 15 years for$l per year. S u p p le m e n t s T o O r d in a n c e s O K 'd , The board adopted a resolution incorporating all changes made lo the county's code of ordinances during the pasl year. C o u n t y T o P u r c l ia s e S e w e r E a s e m e n t : _ Commissioners voted lo for.lhe counly lo spend JI500 to purchase a sewer casement from Alicia D. Drink. F u n d in g A p p r o v e d F o r S e w e r S t u d y ; Tofuinilrcqucsisbythcstatctodcalwithinnilration-inflowproblcmsinthc Coolccmecsewercollectionsystem, the board approvedaproposedstudy from Cavanaugh and Associates for $32,500. Funding would come fnam Ihe state, according to Windley. ■ B o a r d A d o p t s B u d g e t A m e n d m e n t s Commissioners approved the following budget amendments: $15,291 in siaic funds to iIto Social Services budgcl for the crisis intervention program; ,S 1,200 in donations dial helped pay for specifU events sponsored by Health jCaroliniansofDavie in 0cloben$290in prizes donat^for"Lel'sTalk" essays, 1$ 11.324 in additional funds budgeted for elderly and handicapped transportu* ,'lion and rural general public assistance; $32,500 in stale funds budgeted for the ;Coolcemec sewer study. B o a r d C o u ld S u p p o r t S a t e llit e T V B ill I Commissioner Carl Boon asked county staff members to develop a rcsolu- ;lion for consideration by the board al its next meeting. ^ A bill permitting salcllile television companies to provide local stations was jeccntly passed in the U.S. Congress, he said. The resolution would be written ^asking the Senate to support the bill. He also recommended Davie seek support of the resolution from other North Carolina counties. Uvestock Owners Eligible Pasture Assistance Davie livestock owners who suf­ fered pasture grazing losses of at least 50j)crwnirorthivcconsccutivemonths ^iwccn April I and July 31 may be (ligiblc for assistance under the Live­ stock Assistance Program (LAP). 'D a n a W o lfin g to n fa m s P ro m o tio n J Dana B. Woflington, a native of ^ocksvllle. has been elected a trust inicer of Wachovia Bank, N.A., in 'insion-Salcm. She is an estate lax inalyst in the'Personal Financial Ser­ vices Group. Wolfington is thedaughterofLiicille f. Boger of Mocksville. She earned a lachelor's degree from Appalachian Itate University. She and her husband, »lark, reside in Winston-Salem. in£ The LAP pays eligible livestock owners on qualifying grazing losses thal occunvd between April I -July 31. SIgn-up for the program has already started and will continue through Jan. 21, 2000. Producers applying for ihe program must report all acreages thal arc grazed .by eligible livestock and must report the number of livestock by weight class that ihey owned during this i)criod. Interested producers may obtain additional information by calling the Farm Service Agency in Lexington at 1-800-524-3389 or by visiting the of­ fice at 301 E. Center St. in Lexington. H ills d a le B a p tis t P la n s S p e c ia l E v e n ts Tlie Children's Choir and Youth Drama Team at Hillsdale DaptisI Church will present "Prime Time Christmas” Wednesday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. Sharon Adams and Merrillyn Helton arc the leaders of the children's choirsage K-5th grade. AnncttcMlnor coaches the Youth DrarnaTeam made up of teens from West Forsyth High School and Davie High School. Refreshments will bo served fol­ lowing Ihe prescntnlion. The Hillsdale Adult WorshipChoir will present "City of Light" Dec. 11 and 12, at 7 p.m. The chureh Is located at 126 Medical Drive (behind CCD In Hillsdale). For motu infnnnation call 940-6618. B e e f P r o d u c e r s T o M e e t O n D e c . 7 The Davie County Beef Producers will have a meeting on Tuesday, Dcc. 7, at County Line Rre Department, at 6:30 p.m. The educational program will deal with ihefuturcofihebcefinduslry and how experts predict we will manage and market cattle to Hi Industry needs. John Ervin, from Fann Credit, will discuss farm finances and obtaining and utilizing credit wisely. Merial Animal Hcahh will he on hand to di.scuss their new line of cattle vacci­ nations. Elections, a discussion of future meelingdaies, and feedback on educa­ tional programs arc planned. There will be a sponsored meal so reservalloiis are rctiuesled. Call the Extension Omce. (336) 751-6297, before Friday. Dcc. 3. ^ GRAND OPENING 7 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 *9-6 C&H Ceramics 220 Wllkesboro St., Mncbvlllc • 751-7254 All Kinds of Ceramics (Greenware or Bisque) Make Your Own Gifts This Year Christmas Items, Dolls, Animals, Outdoor Statues, Etc. Reasonable Prices i c Concord United Methodist Chureh Cherry Hill Rd. Mocksville, NC P lease join with us on Sunday, Dec. 5th, during our 11:00 AM service, for a special performance by Nancy Tippett Eubanks, a Christian Handbell Soloist from Greensboro, NC. All are invited to come hear the joy of handbell music. WORSHIP—nm AM SUNDAY SCHOOL -lO M M I With Hcv. Phillip Parks F e n - P h e n D ie J : D r u g U s e r s Some docton are conccmcd dut diese prescription drugs may damage heait valves or ause primary pulmonary hipcncnsion. Many injured people have no s>-mptoms, while oihm liave shoraiess (^breadi, chest pain, fatigue, or odicr symptoms. If you would like to know your legal rights relaring to these diet drugs, call us for a free, confidential consultation. Dmaldson Lawyers Protecting Peopu’s Riotrrs 1 -8 0 0 -5 3 1 -9 1 9 1 I V l a r l e t t e F a m i l y P r a c t i c e , P . A , Keep “track” of local events In the Enterprise-Record, .a $ 2 0 is pleased to announce that K. Aime Shick, M.D. has joined our practice. Dr. Shick is a graduate of the University of South Carolina Medical School and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Accepting Sew I'aliciils 2554 Lew isville-C lem m ons Rd, Suite 109 Clemmons, NC ,• 778-0200 THANK YOU! Wm. R. Davie Raiders Booster Club Would Like To Thank The Following Sponsors: Advance Auto • Sears • Ben Franklin • EnergyUnited (Bill Wilson) • Yadkin Valley Telephone • W.G. White & Company • S.W. Brown & Son Wholesale • Wal-Mart • Foster's Jewelers •• Home Interior (Patty Call) • Day's Gone By Country Store • YMCA • Bi-Lo'- KFC • McDonalds ■ Lowe's Foods-Yadkinville • Burker King • Pizza Hut- Yadkinyllle • Miller’s • Pudding Ridge Golf Course • QST • Paula Reavis-made programs • Kathy Wood- delivered pizzas to banquet And thanks to all the parents who have helped out in the concession stand, cleaning up after events, and much, much more. And last but not least W.R. Davie Elementary School and Mary Sine. Wm. R. Davie Booster Club VOLUNTEERS NEEDED CaroVmas Research ■ Associates is a professional research organization that conducts clinical trials with investigational medications not available to the general public. Our experienced Statesville staff consists of board certified physicians and clinical research coordinators. We are currently enrolling volunteers for the following; PMS Irritable Bowel Syndrome Impotence Osteoarthritis of the knee ...........................Rheumatoid Arthritl.<i___________ Cholesterol Flu Chronic Pain Chronic Prostatitis A ll study related visits and medications are at no charge and you may be compensated for time and travel. If you would like more information on any of our studies or to volunteer, please call (888) 334-4848 or our Statesville office at (704) 881-0796. Just In Time For Christmas^ DEER HUNTING SUPPLIES ON SALE! — Now Through Christmas — 1 0 -5 0 % o ff • Tree Stands • Rocky® Boots & Shoes • Scents • Muzzle Loaders • Muzzle Loader Accessories • Deer Calls • Scopes • All Bow Hunting Supplies (excluding arrows) / SPECIAL ORDER NOW FORCHRISTMAiSDEUVERYI Town & Country Hardware 642 W ilkesboro St., M ocksville • 75 1-M M Open Mon fii / ju.iin lu Wott, S.k HOO.m. i,. i OOi.m DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2, 1999 - D3 Pinebrook Elementary PTA volunteers Nancy McKay and Susan Beson show off just a few of the 25 baskets to be sold, with proceeds going to buy new books for the media center. Learn more on the web at www.Davie.k12.nc.us. - Photos by Mike Barnhardt Baskets For Books: Pinebrook PTA Fund Raiser Full Of Fun Activities Third grader Sarah Evans looks over items in the “Nature" basket. Wunl to cclobrnic (he millennium In style? Sonic lucky area resident could do just thut, if they win tlie “Millennium Celebration Bas­ ket” in a fund-raising project for the Pinebrook Elementary School PTA. The basket Includes a $100 gift certificate to Ryans Restaurant, confetli filled flules, a millennium pu/zle. New Year (oilet paper., a Millenniumopoly game and much more. Chances for that basket are $1. as arc chances for the 24 other baskets In the “ Bas­ kets for Books'* projecilhat have been Tilled by students, parents and staff members a( the school. All contai n at least $ 150 worth of mer­ chandise, and all arc wimped in some type of baskeror appfoprfate c^talner There's a "Great Scents" basket, full of candles, potpourri, air fresheners, and bath salts and gels. There’s a "Young Readers Bas­ ket," full of books donated by Pinebrook teach­ ers. There's a “Sports! Basket," full of things such as a skateboard, football and basketball, golf balls, watch, a Michael Jordan tribute card. Nascar items... and oven an NBA Barbie. There's a Pet Lovers Basket, a ColTcc Tea and Cocoa Lover’s Basket. Even more baskets have the themes: Young Artists, Christmas, Couch Potato, Garden. Baby. Breakfast. Children’s Games and Ac­ tivities. Beach and Summer Fun. Nature Lov­ ers, Mom’s Pamper. Baker’s Delight, Handy­ man. School Survival. Chocolate Lovers. Fam­ ily Fun. Car and Travel, Stationary, Memo­ ries, and Wrap-It-Up!. "You’ll never believe It until you see it." said Susan Beeson, PTA vice president, of the baskets. Just about every one contains some type of deMrable gift certificate,jihe said. Tickets will be sold through the'night of the Dec. 14 PTA meeting, when the lucky names will be drawn. You don’t have to be present to win. and tickets should be available from any student, staff member or parent. Each class has a theme basket, and students and teachers brought In items to be included in thal basket. Area businesses also supported the effort, Beeson said. Davie Schools Continued From Pace D1 Adam McHwain, Whit Merrifield, Chris Ange, and Tyler Baity. Parent volunteers wlw assisted in making Turkey Trot successful were: Kissy Merrifield. Patti Boehm. James Stancliff, Gina Lackey, and Roy Davidson. Tlie Bullfrogs Jump Rope Team and the Sizzling Cyclers Unicycle Team will be marching in the Mocks­ ville Piu-ade on Saturday, Dcc. 4. On tlK 1 Ith, the PTA will have a (loat in the Advance Parade. There will be several children from the school who willbcable to walk along with the float and throw candy to the children. Several tcachers from Shady Grove, Central Davie, and William R. Davie spent Monday working with Ben Brunwin.writingconsultant from Lon­ don. England. Mr. Bninwin worked with Mrs. Bullins' fourth grade class. The students became the tcochcR as Mr. Brunwin coached (he students through the steps of writing, telling their story. The teachers had the opportunity lo discuss the other areas, telling their story, reading response, fiction, mak­ ing your case, reading for infonnation. poetry for all, and teaming through drama. Students of the Week arc Kristen Dray, Anna Marie Whitaker, Jacie Hilboum, Jamie Bunon,TylcrShcllon. Jamie Stancliff. and Josh Craver. G o r d y ’ s Stump R e m o v a l • Free Estimates • 772 Willboone Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 940-5094 Mobile; C336) 749-6750 Tom Gordy, Owner A L L ^ r SEASONS ROOFING & SIDING CO. H e lp in g Y o u P r o te c t Y o u r In v e s tm e n t All T^pes of Remodeling & Repairs • R o o f i n g • V i n y l S i d i n g • S o f f i t & F a s c i a . • A d d i t i o n s , • G a r a g e s 2 2 Y e a rs o f E x p e rie n c e • L ic e n s e d & In s u re d • S u n r o o m s • K i t h e n s & B a t h s • D e c k s & P a t i o • W i n d o w s • S t o n e w o r k W E S T A N D B U H I N D O D R W O R K * F R E E E S T I M A T E S * 1-800-489-0220 D avid B u f ll, O w n»r NOW OPEN New Adult Medical Practice in Clemmons Village Professional Center BLUE RIDGE CARDIOLOGY & INTERNAL MEDICINE 2 2 3 5 - B L e w i s v i l l e - C l e m m o n s R o a d C l e m m o n s , N C 2 7 0 1 2 Filip Babnic, M . D . Board Certified Internal Medicine • Call 336-766-5478 for an appointment • A c c e p tin g n e w a n d c u rre n t p a tie n ts . • Mujor insurance plans accepted. Let us tile for you. • 24 Hour answering service — seven days a week. • You will be seen witbfn 24 hours of your call. W A L K -IN S W E L C O M E U4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Die. 2,1999 Maple Avenue Hickory Drive Angell Road Center Street Pleasant Acre Drive Sunset Circle Serenity Drive Park Avenue g 6L.to Howard Reqity! Enter the FREE pa r k in g , sm Vicki STOVALL for’ALLypur ’ Real Estate Needs' HOWAIID REALTY Red Fern Lane Cana Road Rose Arbor Lane Liberty Church Road 751-3538 D a v ie Y o u th I n v ite d T o 4 -H E v e n t D e c . 2 1 AllDavic County youlh, grades 1* 6, arc invited to join the Davie County 4-H Teen Association Dec. 21 at the County OITice Auditorium. From 9 a.m. until noon, they will have the opportunity to eelcbrate by creating crarts.plnyinggainesnndmaliinggifts for family and friends. Participants must rcgisierwith the Cooperative E.xtension Service, 210 County Office Building, 180 Main St., by Dec. IS. ASIOregistrationfee is required. Call 751-6297 for more information. DavicCounty4-Histheyouthcotn- ponenl of the Cooperative Extension Scrvice and a United Way agency. Special nccommodalions will be made for the physically disabled, vision, or hearing impaired person upon request. If special accommixlations arc re­ quired.call 751-6297 pn’ortotheevent or activity. 1 , 0 0 0 C a n s Students at Pinebrook Elementary School wanted to know what 1,000 cans of food looked like stacked up in their media center. Although most thought the cans would take up more space, the students such as Andrew Unhart and Becky Christian are glad to help their needy neighbors in Davie County through the Storehouse for Jesus. Teacher Nancy Terry explains fractions to a student in her math class. N a n c y T e n y N a m e d D a v ie C o u n t y T e a c h e r O f Y e a r Continued From Page D1 Teny also tries io help her students by encouraging them uVcommunica- ' e with their parents. If they're honest at this age, parents will have more reason to trust them ater, she explained. Believing that education begins at home, Terry said p;irents must take seriously the responsibility of being a parent and give it the priority it deserves. The effectiveness of the school is detennlned by active support for the lomes and community of which it's a part, she added. It was the influence of her own parents and teachers that led Terry to the education profession. " I grew Up knowing 1 would be tcachcr," she said. According to Johnson, that decision has been u wonderful gift to her students. W I N C h ris tm a s C a s h Register to Win ^ 7 5 0 fPepperstone Jicres m i i s m lOT 8 1129,000' Builder: Todd Younger lOT37$12S,SOO LOT 361124,900 Builder; J. Crews Builder: PlidmoEt Triod Ccmt 'yi p i e t d a c e to caff!J{ome" Directions: 601 N from Mocksville, R on Danner Rd., R into Pepperstone Acres LOT4S12S,900 LOT 71124,500 Builder: Mc&ijht Bullden Builder: J&J Enlerprise LOT 38 1122,900 LOT34 J124,S00 Builder: PitJnionl Trloil Conjt Builder: ]. Crews SWICEGOOD (^W ALL ^ R a L I 0 R s ^ Sponsored by: Swicegood-Wall, Csudell Lumber, McKr\ight Builders, JiJ Enterprises, Jerry Crews, Piedmont Triad Construction, Todd Younger. coLouueu. B A N K 0 R □ TRIAD, REALTORS* Davie County lnteiMctk>n of Hwys 158 & 801 (336)998-8816 ' Relocation: 1-800-327^4398 www.coldwellbanker.com DAVIE SAl.i;SAS5nnATFS 998-ilHMonte While/Brolar Andrea Suggs ' Bjibara Allen Umbert FerreU ■ Hendrix GkUPawlilc anelMasleis im Steed jDo(ina Potts Linda Riddiough MikeZimmerman . NoraKlri(man PaulSisla Sally McGuire Steve Owens ViddFleming 998-1171 998-1154 998-1157 998-1176 998-1183 998-1165 998-1182 998-1178 ■ 998-1169 998-1153 998-1187 998-1173 998-1185 998-1155. 998-1180 . 998-1167 We'll be collecting Help us spread Christnus joy 10’ contributions of unwrapped some less fortunate children in out toys for the Toys for Tots community.', \ , Campaign at our office '*mawnecorpsresekve' locatloed on 3342 Hwy 158. ' . Suite 1 in Advance during , ’ business hours until Dec. I7tb. . a*AflAfUAUEH»9»3(Oi i2tMC0ANKLB S1293M «M IJA OmCTNi honw U In a gratl location. Rural itnng naar good icfwoli. prtoy loi w.tuft) appeal. In eal-m bt m>tr MdnnccUd bt up Of dwn.VICKI FieMiNoaan m «tl UU UK um BmMJ tivu tarn ri lot )tw antmUt •'19 till bam. tme«i w < paiftTH I mon. Dr HO >. .•«OI,LUnMiptta.R-»MM-tr ------______U0Of«*WTTS»M.|1» lOTiumwauiiTn $IIMM JU 2U VAMW BttutAJ m MvM Mn grtal N mcwvini DouUt garagt. lV9« ipgraMd kfehan " vta Bn Mign and atpn )4aeniJANET MASTERS 9M-1162 s miuniooi KHTttOOlUitSM m ).&U UAC uvt MOM homtl.lt r (mal tUitfUn Souvwn CotoAMl tfdti ccratucacn. Ful twn «/ 2cargar^vtcxiaeunoM-m? '^‘iSSuFLEUiNQW-ner L0f4 S1S4.900 4 U 2JU'TcuiiCmnt.Bilii|lWtIUt{ Toils 'Lar|(Ltti6inl/2acrttqi 'CralArmiloW-S,MakiviOmw/•« V.»t M/N/m £ ________VICKI FLEmNqwe-1167 ireeli SldyuI tiu.000 HOuUlmlUlCMUfi. OAJLPAWUKNS^Iies L0TUfi43.IM 3U2.su!lJii)JkRiiic>atiaitibAHialk|Ub >CM»ni9UxtiiigtA^Kci.«S '• C><«in aid a^ b« nffic C0MHI7 OOTMMl'afMCtMranri^it.tanna*.. MIKE ZIMMERMAN Wfrlier Froa} 1(0.000-SfiOOpOOOf UT4UU15Neidtoboo>b(a6COKm •Oifl2mK(/|al(oui<.Ufl(KRiK8r(U,pd>i M km kU Vfl 21 kaa nfa raetwM Asm l« r * a n « I MIVICKI FIEMIW3 W»116T COLDWEU BANKER TRIAD REALTOR and Monte \Vhite, Manager of Davie County Office are pleasd to feature Steve Owens. Steve was taiseil in Ohio where he wotted as a Private Investigator and an Insurance Claims Investigator for 14 years. Most recently for 6 years, Steve wotiicd for Kroger as a department manager. While with Kroger, Steve and his wife developed a strong interest In real estate investments and when Kroger left the area, Steve decided that his knowledge and appreciation of real estate was the, beginning of a professioia! real tstatt caitti. Steve's background, points to solving matching sinjations and negotiating abilitics-so Important to homcbuytrs. Tlie Owen's family lives in Lewisville, where Steve is on the board of :the Shallowfonl Lakes Homeowner's Association. Janet, his wife, , is an anesthetist at'Forsyth Medical Center, their daughter .Laurie, began studies at Chapel Hill ' I ■ SteviOvmi. 998-1180 this yean their sons are Jason who is at NC State Univ. and Tyler who is their one year old. Golf, boating and snow skiing are Steve's pastimes. , With his real estate investor experience, Steve welcomes not only home buyei?;:and sellers but also investors. He'can be reached at his bavieCounty office, 998-1180. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 2,1999 - D5 J.D. Lintz Writes About ‘Grandma/ Wins Contest James Dcvan "J.D." Linlz re­ cently won Ihc 1999 Grandparent of the Year Essay contest in the com­ munity service category sponsored by PIncy Grove Elementary School in Kemersville. He is ihe son of June Marlin, a detention officer with the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. J.D.’s essay was one of 252 in the contest open to all children. He wrote about his grandmother, Cleta Mar­ lin, formerly of Hickory Ridge. Ark. He received a certlflcatc, Savings Bond and a restaurant gifi certificate. He used humor In his essay, which the judges noted. "When writing, sometimes 1 think WWMLD (What would Mrs. Litton do?)," referring to his former fourth grade teacher. Daphne^ Litton of Piney Grove. J.D.’s grandmother lakes him to and from elementary school, which he will complete in May. An activc member of the Doy Scouts for the past five years, he will . receive the Arow of Light award in . April. He has excelled as the Pin- ewood Derby champion and top salesman in a fund-raising effon. J.D. has been on the student coun­ cil for the past two years, chosen by classmates. He Is serving his second term on the safety patrol. J.D. attends Lindville Forrest Church of Christ. His favorite past- times arc riding his Honda dirt bike and swimming at the YMCA. J.D. said he also enjoys hanging out with his mom. M y G ra n d m a : B y J .D . L in tz My Grandmn Is 68 years old. She says "68 years young.'' She says funny things like that. Grandma drives a Bulck. Slow. She helps other old people who Uon’i drive; She visits sick people and makes soup n lot. She wears ugly shoes, but that’s ok bccnuse she Is so nice. She doesn’t gel In a hurry and she don't hurry me. □randma Is good to talk to, she renlly listens. Grandma has time when everybody else Is loo busy. I sat on he eye glosses once and she didn’t get mad. I don’t think she gels mad. Grandma is a Shepard Center worker, a senior citizen helper, a school volunteer, a Christian and the kindest person I have ever known In iny whole life. She loves me just as I am. I love my GrandmnI CLARKSON Construction Company Custom Built Ilomcs/Laiidscaplng New Homes • Garages • New Improvements Vinyl Siding • Light Grading & Dump Truck Service Kevin Mark Clarkson • 30.1 Four Corners Road • Mocksvlllc (336)998-7404 D E C IS IO N S . $125,750 Lot 52 1600 SQ FT $124,750 Lots 1680 SQ FT $123,750 Lots 1606 SQ FT D E C IS IO N S . Whatever you decide, we will pay up to $1500 of your closing costs. Y o u w a n t m o r e ? O k . H o w a b o u t 1 0 0 % f in a n c in g . (Available w ith your good cre d it) O p e n S u n d a y s 2 -4 p m I' I •''» '■;! A',Eli«l?!i Creek iiidyc xive vuu nionev .md nut ■ COLDUJeLL B A N K ^ □ before the end of 1999 if you call NOW! Markflcii by: X o i’ii K ir k n ia ii 9 9 < S - ir : j o r ( 'ra il I’ a w lik 9 i) ( S - iih 5 Special Downtown Mocksville Events December 6th to 10th • 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. every Evening Coioicrs Ornament Making Holiday Shopping SANTA! Horse-drawn Carriage Rides Spccial Open Houses Storytelling Hot Chocolate Christmas Bingo Sponsorod by: Community Dovelopmont Corporation & Davio County Chamber of Commerce. 751-3304 C e d a r L o g O i o m e s HQts and turn-JKfij So(es Colonial Structures, Inc, Cdl‘Merit Victor (336)492-ZS08 \ f f l .MLS t = r (336)751-3538 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.howanlreaIty.com 330 S. Salisbury St. (Corner Hw-ys. 601 & 64) Mocksvlllc, NC 27028 / Ofllce Hours: Monday-FHdny 8-6 • Saturday 9-12 • Sundaj; ByAppt, J ■ _ '£ D IR E C T O F F IC E L IN E S 292 Magnolia Avo. -Siaiety Georgiaa 2990 sqtt. main & upper tov, 1469 sq ft tower lov. 4BR. 3.5Ba. LR, DR, Don, tg. lutch., b'tast area, 2 car gar, playroom, laundry, ipdatod. $249,900. CALL CONNIE. 164 East Mopio Av. - This 464 Salisbury St - Circa historic homo has It rms 1B20 homo in Historic Dtstiict. w/3500 hoated sq. ft., porches, 4-5 Odrms, t1 Rms. 2-iono heated guest house arxl 1,990 gas heal & central air. freshfy sq. ft. woikslKp on 1.5 Ac. painted, wonderfj It acre kx $5,000 pointing oSowanco. w/targe trees & many planiings. $219,000 CALL MIKE. $179,000 CALL CONNIE Julia Howard.........751-B567 Connie Kowalske...751-6565 Jane Whitlock........751-8560 Jackie Coulslon 751*8562 M K il IE£!2^ Evelyn Haynes.......751-8563 Kw Sales.........-.„751-a564 Maty Howard.........751-8566 II 1 7CI DCAfi 174 Halander Drive - Gioat brick ranch - exccikinl in town locatoa Beautif J curb appeal. 3BR, 2BA, brMsL tm. kitch, LR, den. sun rm. w/wot bar. Lots of buitt-ins & attic storage. $149,900 CALL KEN. 175 JocK Booe Rd- Unique Davldson Co. - 328 TWIn 30R. 2BA brick ranch w/^artial Creeks Dr.- Cojy farm styte b.Tsement on 4.2 wooded acres wth 3BR. 2BA, lS4t+/-sl, tuB w/stream. Cozy rock tplc., bsmt. w/2-car garage, rocking sunken liv. rm., some hdwood chair front porch & frplc. In LR, ftoors, dock and outbidg OtVy 6 miles from W S. Low tai $138,500. CALL JANE rate. $136,500 CAU JANE M.j. nanoaii........../di-oooo Mike Hendrix.........751-8569 Vicki Stovall..........751-8561 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT vww.bowardfcalty.com 179 Mr. Honiy Rd.-«ui6no, hofsoi. prtvacy. 25W-AC. Backs up 10 Hurtoig Cr. PLUS flS 3en. 2QA doublewde. Poss. ownor financiog. $124,900 a Mottl* hem 1^0 Ac O U9.C00. CALL VICKI. 225 Boar Cr. Church Rd. -RocentV comptotod. now homo wAargo lutcft. & fam, area, 3BR. 2BA. singlo carport S dock on largo rural lot in Wm. R. Davie sen. disL 100% Pirvinc. lo qua!. buyvrSHMOCAUJANE 4124 Hwy. 601 S. - 1996 db»Mdo on 5 prtvato. wooded aoDS. Repo. Equity w/ a littk) wortL 46R, 2BA, midway between Sails. & Mocfcs.. Osvia sctioots. Can tor financing opp. $89,900 CALL VICKI. 366 DavIo Academy Rd. - Brtck ranch on .6 aa w/ 41x35 ho(M bam (coiid bo convoiied lo oa^aoe), I6xtl storogo bUg. (bolh wtrod), county water & wol. pretty country sotting. $79,900 CALL CONNIE. 1520 Main Church Rd-Poss. 100S financing to qua), buyers. 3BR. 1BA on 1/2 acra loi. New windows & doors. S&ner to odd now vinyl skiing & carpel. AU appliances remain. $79,900. CALL JANE. 4253 Hwy. 601 North-A work In progress - Homo bud In 1942 - 2BR. 1BA, new hoatpump, beack>d brd. Inside. Homo situated on 4 acres with numerous outbuktngs. $69,900. CALL CONNIE 2031 Junction Rd. - Great starter home. 3BR, ISA. oat-in- kach.. Fplc. in Lfl, gas fumaco. com. air, gas logs, ho4 waier & range, ^le car attached garage & pav«d drive-on targe tot $69,900. CALL JANE. • j j ’ eiB vu, I 202 Murphy Road - 38a2BA doiiilOMido on largo tol In Wm. R. Davie school dist Central heal & air, large LR w/Tireplace, deck and front porch. Needs some TUC. $56,500 CALL JANE L O T S S i L A N D on Cheilniil Trill______«.MW-Ac. $50,000 Vllky Rd_Ac, Tr, 800V^Old Irani Jin.500 Till Tlmb«t Dilvi--------------2ActA K4.000 Hoiplul SI n l_________1,3«c»30,000 H»y. lit_________lUcthouH, JI7S.OOO C«lihiln Rd---------------57*/-Ac. $205,200UllllngRiiid___________3JAc.$33,620 Ur.HeniyflMd_______I0-I5AC$4,800AC. W.itChurcliSliwl----------l74Ac.$22^00 H»y.SOIH(bKmi)-------9,76Aet/-$3M,9«5 H»y.tOI Bypiii-----------1W.Ac.S159.000H»y. e01 N_________37.5t/-Ac. $150,000 H«y. 501 Bypjw------------IW-Ac. $200,000 nc im MtN > YOJIH WI» ard lOT b gm n ris oa 3BA 9aou l0T« cn 10 anj BeisU liM km lankafe M fP,iij^ kh y ^ IS7CMimi'SRHX3E.R6«))lomMia EiSyil ctstoffl blit horo rodiig (hairh(M H owned dU garage m much mors.$249,900 Cd MM. 80 HICXOIIY TREE RO • WcnieiU al brick Ior0 wih o« 2300 SF h 1 great neijltiilical 48a 2Sik cein^ cbsei in beteYlrepto lot lieatra a bU (Uf^AC Hujeiiedonpvt^actltimCd^ ■ ■ ■ ■h b s h b b iii^ E iS117 EASrmiGE CT • A1 tni fraSinj hm 2B^UtEinti/FPinl2»9nj«.)2l9,W.CalBiltr 1 andilvgiGRiircofflerF. 199,900. C«y Uvy. iington [ C o m p a n y k l i A L r Y Mocksville • 336-751-9400 Hillsdale/Advance • 336-998-9900 il'ilcTi 1-800-539-3383 359 BOXWOOD CHURCH-TTis Ml inaMjKdm 2BAhci7iaiiiinjstse«!Ei]ru reUe; b(itin shetn tie heart) vij cein^ $78,500. Can DetM. IIU HWY H E.-Brick hm lih Us d f«n Rwy ip^ fie* MYiM, dm bran ifld (trM s ifi fMltf nn ii ^7. S«'x3f biding vrblp kUc ni Al w t ISOO Gooect RO-las a» d ;e» & qicL 4 Intd, 3 icrs lodel nel^ sal hcna tan BaaCiiJ itaM lidi tmilercejriit-StbdKk.Anjawtf tt$t,000 CJMim._______ IN CHAAESTON RK)6E (LOT 10) • Oes^bcmtnni i iSecienc]!; Tha ad planned Inni ItaAiti: m ......is D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 Farm Credit Donates To FFA The Davic Coumy High School Fuvurc FanTJCR of Arocrica Chapter Is oncof 13 chaplcrs sclcclcd nationwide lo rccclvc a Web TV unil from the Form Credit System Foundation. WebTVunil isaTV-bascd. on-line system designed to make It easier to access the Iniemel in a classroom set* ling using a large screen TV instead of a compulcr raonilor. Vk, WebTV unil consists of a wireless Iceyboard and a remote control, internet terminal ihnl can be interfaced with a classroom TV and a telephone line. The Farm Credit System Foundation’smissionistoaward grants to benelltniral America’s youth.Since 1991 the Foundalion has annually awarded around $30,000 to organiza­ tions like FFA and 4H. The Founda­ tion is part of the Fami Crcdli System, a S70 billion nationwide Hnanclal co­ operative that lends to rural America ihroughanetworkoflocalFarmCrcdit Associations. Davie County is served by the Mocksville Branch of Carolina Farm Credit, ACA. Carolina Fann Credit’s territory covers western North Caro­ lina reaching from Hillsborough to the Tennessee border and has S900 mil­ lion in loans outstanding. They spe­ cialize in financing full-time and part- time famiere and country mortgages for non'famiers. F ir s t U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u r c h 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Cliarlcs Tumor, Pastor Sunday Worsliip Opportunities: 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday Scliool and Bible Study ^10:55 am - Traditional Worship Service 'A caring church wilh a place for you." S u p e r R a t e s S u p e r Y i e l d s 6 . 0 5 % » . G b 2 5 % 6 . 4 5 %A P Y We're offering two higli-yield Banl< of Davie Certificates of Deposit. Purchase anil -month term CD and earn a 6.05% rate, with a 6.24% annual percentage yield. Our 25-month term CD pays a 6.25% rate and has an annual percentage yield of 6.45%. You can open either CD with as little as $500. For more information about these offers and other savings plans, visit or call our office in Mocksville. it's Your Bank B a n k o f D a v ie 1366 Highway 601 South On Mocksville Marketplace] 751-5755 ' This rale in elfecl os ot November 23,1999. Minimum opening deposit must be maintained to eom’lhe | Annual Percentage Yield. Tliere ore penalties for early withdrawal and account terms ore sub|ect to change.* . . ................ MemberFDIC ' PUBLIC NOTICES Davie High FFA vice president Stephen Long and president Hiiiary Ledford accept award from Farm Credit branch man­ ager John Ervin. -.......- I . . NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualiflod as Exocutrix ol tho Estoto ol BILLIE LEMICKS RUSSELL, docoasod, lato of Davio County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having clolms against said oslato to presont thorn to ttio undorslgnod on or boloro ttio 16th day ol February 2000, being throe months Irom tho first day ol publlcotion or this notice wilt bo pleaded In barof their recov­ery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment lo tho undersigned.This Is the 18th day ol November. 1999. Sybil 0. Russell, Executrix P.O. 80X373 Cooleemee, NC 27014 1M6-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualiliod as Executor ol the Estate oi NAN P. KELLER, deceased, tale ol Davie County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or belore the 2Sth day ol Febru­ ary, 2000, be‘ng three months Irom tho *ir&1 day ol publication or this notice win be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to tho under­signed.This is Uie 25th day ol November. 1999.David F. Keller. Executor 1090 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 1V2S-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNT/ OF DAVIECREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executor o( tho Estate o( Vestal George Prim Sr., late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having daims against sakl estate to present them to tho undersigned on or before the 18th day of February 2000, being three months from the first day of publication or . tinis notice.will be pleaded In bar of their, recovery. All persons indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 12th day of November, 1999. Vestal George Prim Jr.. Executor 304 Southwood D'ivo Mocksville, NC27':2R Martin & Vart Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ton Court Square Mocksville, NC 27026 11-18-4:n NORTH CAROLINA DAVJE COUNTY -'- ' •NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of UURA ELIZABETH V^ALSER HEAD, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having dalmsaQalnstsaldestale to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of Febmary, 2000, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­tate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned.This is the 2Sth day ol November. 1999.- Leon Pennlnger, Executor Post Oflice Box 553 Cooleemee, NC 27014 11-25-4tn RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •Mocks^illt.NC (336) 284-2826 ADVERTISE YOUR Y A R D S A L E WITH USI •Classified ads are $5 for the first 10 words and 10 cents for each additional word. •Yard Sale ads must be paid in advance. •Deadline for placing a classifed 3d is 1Q-.30 a.m. on Tuesday. •Yard Sale signs are available for 25 cents each. ' Davio County Enterprise Record 171 S. Mairi St. MockftvUte NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTtCEOF SALE TO: Uptown Cafe, LLC/LLP John Gary WilliomsJoyce G. Williams PLEASE take notice that the under­ signed, Branch Banking and Trust Com­ pany, pursuant to a Security Agreement and Promissory Note dated Januory 12, 1999, executed by Uptown Cafe, a North Carolina, LLC or LLP. and Its general pan- nors/managers, John Gary WilUams and Joyce G. Williams on said dale above, tho undersigned will olfer for sale to the high­est bidder at a public sale tho following items: 1. Anets 2 basket deep (at fryer;2. Craig 7 ft. cM bar food preparation table; 3.4 ft. stainless stool food preparation table: 4.30 Inch stainless steel food propara- Uon table: 5. Royal 125 NT cash register; 6.6 ft. table: 7.12 metal chalrs-cushlon seats and backs; 8. Miscellaneous pots and pans. The sale shall bo conducted at tho following place, dale and time:Place of sale: Mocksville Mini Stor­age, 617 Salisbury Road. Mocksville, NC. Date ol sale: Friday. December 10, 1999 Time of sale: 12:00 noon.This the 29th day ol November. 1999.Branch Banking and Trust Company by: Greg E. Williams. V.P.119 Gaither Street Mocksville, NC 27026 336-751-5951 12-2-2tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified asadmlnlstratorol the Estate ol Juno Marion Hicks, lata ol Davie •Countyi State ol North Carolina;Uris is to- notify ail persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to presont them to the underslgnedon or before March 5.2000, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate pleaso make Immediate pay- mn( to tho undor^gned. This the 2nd day of December, 1999. Lynne Hicks, Administrator 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 336-751-3312 12-2-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C** UNTYNDTICETO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor and Ex- ecutrixoftheEstateofWiaiES.UAMES. deceased, late of Davie County. Nonh Carolina, thisistonotlfyail persons having claims against sakl estate lo present them to tho undersigned on or beforo tho 18th day ol February,2000. being three months from tho flrst day ol publk»tion or this notice will be pleaded In barof Uielr recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedlato payment lo the undersigned. This is the 16th day of November. 1999. Richard L. Ijames, Executor 583 Eaton Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 Patricia Ijames Bray, Executrix 204 Northwood Drive Morganton,NC 28655 11-18-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix of the Estale of Ann J. Smith, late of Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons having claims against sakl estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th riayolFebruary,2000,beingthreamonths from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In barof their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This 12th day of November, 1999. Jo Ann Beeson, Executrix 114 Maple Leaf Trail Wlnston-Salem. NC 27107 Martin & Van Hoy Attomeys, LLP * Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 1M8-4ln NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALEUnder and tjy virtuoot \t)o pcmr oi sale contained in a certain Deed ol Tmst made by Joe Ralph Shields end wile, Jessica D. Shloids(PRESENTRECORDOWNER(S): Jessica D. Shields) to Eugene B. Graham, ill, Tnjstee(s), dated tho 20th day ol April,1990 and recorded in Book 165 Pago 532, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, Default having boon made in tho payment ol the note thereby secured by tho said Deod of Trust and tho undorslgnod, H. TERRY HUTCHENS, P.A., having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trustbyaninstnimontdulyrecordedlntho Olfico of the Register of Deeds ol Davio County, North Carolina and tho holder of the note evidencing sakl indebtedness having directed thal tho Deed of Trust be foreclosed, tho undersigned Substitute Tnjsleo will offer for sale at the Court­house Door, In tho City o( Mocksville, Davio County. North Carolina at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday the 8lh day of December, 1999 and will sell lo the highest bidder for cash the following real estale situate In the Township of Farmington, in the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being moro particularly described as follows: A certain triangular shaped parcel ol land lying approximately one and one-hail (M/2) miles South of the intersection of the Farmington Community and tho west side of the Mocksvillo-Farmington Road (S.R. N1410), adjoining the property of Dike Bennett on tho north, and a private road betonglng lo E.S. Lakey on the south, and described as follows:BEGINNING at a point as ovidenced by an iron pin on the North side ol a private road. E.S. Lakey lino, 419 loot West ol tho center lino ol tho Mocksviilo-Farmlngton Road (S.R. ff 1410): thenco wilh tho Diko Benpett lino North 69 degrees 37 minutes 57 seconds East 392.78 feet toa concreto nailinthecenieroftheFarmlngton-Mocks- vlllo Road (S.R. #1410), Bennett comer; thenco with the center line of tho Famtlngton-MocksvilieRoad(S.R.«1410) South 20 degrees 00 minules21 seconds East, 145.00 feel to a concreto nail in tho centerolsaw Mocksviile-Farmington Road (S.R. *1410), said point Intersecting with the said private road; thenco South 89 degrees 30 minutes 28 ^conds West 419.38 Idet'albng tho'nbnhem odj^^^ of a' private road to the point and palaco ol BEGINNING, con talning45/100of an acre, more orless.assurveyedby Daniel Waller Donathan, R.S. iL*1192, on April 25,1990, and being tho Identical property described in deeds dated August 15. 'l 978, from Jo Ann Potts to Marie M. Miller, recordod In Deed Book 105, at page 735; and dated July 1, 1981, from Marie M. Miller and husband L Gene Miller, to Joo R. Shields, recorded in Deed Book 114, at page 538, Davie County Registry. Together with im­provements located thereon; said prop­erty being located at 1597 Farmington Road fka Route 5 Fonnlnglon, Mocksville. Nonh Carolina. Should the propertybo purchased by a third party, thal person must pay the tax of Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sjle, transfer and conveyance *AS IS, WHERE IS.* Neither the Tmstee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/ security agteemenl, or both, being lore- dosed, nor the olficers, directors, attor­neys. employees, agents or authorized representative of either tho Trustee or tho hokler of the note make any representa­tion of warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing |n, on, at or relating lo the pnsperly being offered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arl^ng out oj or \n any way leiaUng to any such conditkm expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subiect to all taxes, spedal assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases.A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred lifty dollars ($750.00), whicheveris greater, will bo requlredatthe time ol the sale. This 16th day ol November, 1999./s/ H. Terry Hutchens, P./\.Substitute Trustee H. Terry Hutchens. P.A. Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 25054200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayottevllie, North Carolina 28302 11-25-2ln P U B L IC B U L L E T IN “APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT FORM WILL BE PROVIDED, Tuesday, December 7th ON FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS TO RESIDENTS OF Davidson & SURROUNDING COUNTIES FOR: •LAW ENFORCEMeUT •PROTECTIVE SEmiCES •ADMINISTRATIVEF2sh& WtldlifcAdm.BngcrprintTcch.Social Servicn/Ass'i Motor Vchicic Operator Inspccion Correctional Ofliccr Pollcen'roopcr Securicy/Pnson Guard Deputy US Mortholl Cuttoms/liniiiigraiion Border I'aiiol FDl/DEA/ATF Federal Agein Park Ranger Cfiminal Invcsilgaior Compulcr Operator Medical Asi'l Medical/Lcjal Clerk Posul Scrvlcc AccinVch Eviderwcn'ecli PhotojraphyATcch & More Willi Starling Pay Of Up To; $20 per hr. •GREAT BENEFrrS .JOB SECURITY(NON EXPEBIENCED » EXPEHIENCED MAY APPLV)FREE J HOUB JOB OniENTATION S BAROMETER TEST ADMINISTERED by STATE NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE. INC*Tt DAVIDSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE - LEXINGTON 297 DCCC Rd., Honden Hall, Rm. 116 . Tuesday, Dacember 7th ONLY11:00pm or 6:00pmNote: IJiromeicrTcu by ProfmocCliniotj Rjnd. fojmer r-ftlcnlAgem. PUI ______________JbBOIMIj^io^hontCtjliorL^AnivMlB i DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISE RIXORD, Die. 2,1999 - D7 e i i A S S I F I E D S INEXEbil^jSIVE PROFITABLE Yard Sales MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET 25,000 sq. ft. Insldo 653 Wilkosboro St. Sat. &Sun.g-5 Vendor spaces call 751-2181. Carolyn's Cotloctibles Now lloms each wook, Barblos, Boannlo Batplos ( salo • 5.00 & up till Christmas) Wo now/carry Hot Wliools, antique fumituro, glassware, IIUIo bit of ovorythlng. Lay-awayavallablo. Chock us out (or your Christmas needs. Now buying Estates. Mon-Sat 9:30am - 6;00pm (336) 751-6252 CHRJSTMAS SPECIALSI Small and largo items • collectibtes plus kitchen stove, sink, microwave, computer ond printer. Woodland Subdivision oil Hwy 158, 140 Elm SL Saturday 8-2.___________ GARAGE SALE - Sat.. 8am... Hwy 64 E. Old, now items, furniture, glassware, Christmas docoratlons, pecans_____________ SATURDAY, 7AM - 11am, Madison Rd. Kitchen items, appliances, baby items & more. SATURDAY. 8 UNTIL, 434 Gladstone Rd. Porfoction oil •hoator, wood stove, miscellaneous. Animals 1 VERY CUTE fuzzy-furball FREE to good homo. 8 week old male kitten with black & gray tabby stripes. 940-5866 after 6pm. AKC CHOW PUPPIES, 5 cinnamon lemales, ready 12/9/99, 336-998-6078. ._______________ BEEFMASTER BULL, very gontle. throws lightweight, fast-growing calves. Soiling to olimlnato Inbroodinq. 998-2515 •_________ FREE STALL AND PASTURE for help with barn choros. 52 acres, ridinq arena, round pen. 998-9200 ESESESslSFOR SALE! Cars-Trucks IHIIity Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442Mocksville, NC I ' T U E S D A Y ■ 7 : 0 0 P M I Yadkin Moos^'Lodge ' Clip This Ad For Free Pack: Bring A Friend For Tuo U/ISECflRUER MINI-StORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C ail lot/ay! (336) 998-8810 Animals GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT. Black & white Cockor Spanlol puppies. Will bo roady for good homo 317 mu Oocembor6. 998-2917 HORSE BOARDING: 52 boautiful acres, pond, riding arena, round pon. $165.00 full board. 998-9200 Apartments LARGE 1 BEDROOM oparlmont, good location, water, sewor & trash ptekup^umlshed. $375/mo. 704- MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances fumlshed Including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer conneclions. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heat and air. Prewired for cablo TV & phonos. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchon& bath floors. Located In Mocksville behind tho old Hendricks Fumituro building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phono 751-0168. Apartments NUMEROUS AMENITIES, A Iriondly Community, and an Excellent location are just a few reasons why you should make your now home at Northwood Apartments. Now loasing furnished Studios, 1 Br. ana 2 Br. Apartments. Lot us provide you with small town living at its best. 800 Norlhridgo '' ‘ ----------- 336-751-4141 For Professional Auction Services call: ROWAN AUCTION CO. Salisbury, N. C.(704) 633-0809 KlpJennlnqs NCAL#6340 'Bn ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has Immediate openings • ALL AGES • lor 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibilities). Convenient hours o:30am - 1:45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In • upon availabilit Come see us at 571 S Main Si Mocksvillo (across from B & Manufacturing) Or call Claudette or Debra. 751-PLAY(7529)__________ REGISTERED NURSE HAS openings for Infants 6 weeks • 6 months. In Cooleemee area, 1 mile from Jockey. Call 284-2840. STAY-AT-HOME mom has 2 openings for first shift, one years or older. Wm. R. Davie area. 940- 2490 Farm IVlachlnery NEW FARM EQUIPMENTLow Prices Plows, Disc Harrows, Scoop Pans, ^readers, Bushogs, Box Blades, Scrape Blades, Gates, Corrals & moro. We deliver Wriqht Farm Gates 998-8637 NICE 2BR, 1BA, good location on 601 N. Central heat & air. $500/ mo. No HUD. 704-546-2188 after 5pm. 3BR, 1BA, 1 ocro, US Hwy 168 E. $49.000.00. 336-924-1B24 5 ACRES Bilh, 1996 4BR, 2BA DWMH. $89,900 lor secludad yot parfoclly localad proporty las« than 15 minutes to Mocksvllla/ Salisbury. Davis Co. schools. Use $20,000 (losludiisl. In price) for repairs/ Impiovemonlsl Call Vlckl at Howard Realty lor Into, on great Jjhancln^oppoitunlly. 751-3538 CREEKWOOD- 3BR, 2.5Ba home wilh 2134 aq. II basement, garage and fenced back yard. $127,500 Leonard Realty (336) 751-3875, 751-3650 __________^ INVESTOR OR FIRST TIME HOME BUYER, 2 bedraoms, 1 both, huge kitchen, new carpel & heatpump, lorge lot, garden space. outbuilding & dog lot. 940-2199 NEAR DAVIE H.S. off 601 S.. 3bd homo, ovor 1 acre. SO down, $60,500. Will llnanco 350. per mo. at 7 3/4% lor 30 yr. Genesis Realty Co. 1.B00-377.75r' Land For Sale Art/Artist JANET DEAN'S ART GALLERY On third floor of SERENDIPITY SHOPS, downtown Mocksville. Prints by Janet, Maria Rutter, Ann Frick, and Ralph Grady James. Enter for FREE *DavIe Count/ print. Geo’S Custom Treeworks Pruning * Thinning Trimming Repair and Minor Removal Landscape A/list/Ovvnof George "Gypsy" Hamilton, Jr 336-284-2674 GALVALUME s o YEAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors | Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS Furniture DINNING ROOM SET WITH 6 chairs and china cabinet. $500.00 Call 940-2486 or 492-5788. FOR SALE: Sofa. loveseat, chair, 2 ond tables, excellent condition. 492-2543, leave messaoe. Homes For Rent 3BR, 1BA, W/D connection, Cooleemee. 749-0992 or 998-2491 3BR, 2BA BRICK home with carpori, drive-in garage In basement. 2 firepTacos, full basement with family room. Stove, rolrlgorator, dishwasher, gari^ago disposal, W/D hookup. 1 mile from 1-40 on 801 N., 133 N. Claybon, $850/ mo. plus deposit. (336) 751- 2532__________________________ 3BR, 2BA, pool, acreage. Hwy 801 North. Advance. 940-2852_______ 4BR, 2BA, BRICK rancher, hardwood floors, carport, large storage building on 4 acres. 3 ml. Irom 1-40. 808 Sain Road. $750/mo. plus dep. (336) 751* 2532 OASHPAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE $4,996/ ACRE! 2S.secIuded and unrestricted acres can be yours • call Vicki at Howard Realty tor Info. 751-3538 or 492-2943. Properly Includes 3BR, 2BA DWl May be subdivided. Possible seller linancinq. Owner/agent. C r e a t e our ook. Bv- anil\iing j-our colorins tnd the cbihing colon you »-ett we can work i^her to crttte ■ kx>k thai’t uniqudy voun and u tm to re-creaie it Iwme. Just call me for ^-our free makeover. Rcgiiiilieliiid IromKMxr B u m CdHiuLT<xr (336)492-5249 DEADLINE for placing a classified ad 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday MILLER EQUIPMENTNJ RENTAL GET BEADY rGBWIHliB Bobcat, aeralot core iilugyer aniorelor rentlodayl 133D1751-2304 put a classified ad to work for you. You'll clean up with extra cosh. Selling or buying, we're the place for you. Call the Enterprise-Record at 751-2129 to place your ad. Yard Sale ads must b e ^ id in advance. Land For Sale FOR SALE: 5 plus acres. Four Comers area. Northern Davio County, 900 ft. road frontago. $6.000/acre. 998-3933._________ SEARCHING FOR PRIVACY? 25secluded acros with 1,900' along Hunting Creek. Includes 1985 DWMH, 3BR, 2BA. $424,900. CallVicki at Howard Realty for details 751-3538 or 492-2943. Seller financinq possible. Owner/aqent. Lost & Found FOUND: BLUE Motto Collie. Call: Steve and describe ♦ 492-2006. Of FOUND: CHOW mix found on 1-40, male, golden color. Coll to identify 751-5214. IVIiscellaneous K & G SALVAGE: 4'x12'x1/2* Shootrock, 9.95/ ea.: 5/4" treated decking bds., 8*. $3.99/ea.: 10\ $4.99/oa.; 12' $5.69/ea. New roofing shingles. $16.95/sq.3’ wide blue or green metal roofing, $1.29/; n.ft.; Porgo limainato flooring, $2.25/IIn. Vinyl windows. 22“x30', $39.95/ea.; 4x8 sheets, burch plywood, 3/4', $34.95/00.. 1/2;. $21/oa.6 panel Exterior Steel Door Units. $84.00/oa..32" Pre-hung Interior doors. $34.95/ea.: Bathroom sinks w/faucet. $14.95/ea.; Range hoods, $14.95/oa.:1/4”Interior paneling, $5.95/oa.: 4'x8' Cedar Close! liner. $9.95/00.:Btdg. stone $140 per pallet/140 sq. ft.;4'x8‘xM/2* in. thick Insulation- bd.$7.95/ea.T" ------ - ..........Roofing felt. $6.95/roll. Wo stocK stainless stool in sheets & pipe. Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36' dia. We stock pumps & accessories for wells. Formtea. $.50/sq. ft.; Steel I- beams for sale. Six panel exterior steel door units, $84/ea. K&G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 336-699-2124. atTanglew ood Assisted Living isnowiiiringforthc following positions: R slla f S yparvlaora 2nd a 3rd Shlfla Nursing Assistants W /E's All Shifts Apply in person between lflam-2 pm at 37S0 Harper Rd., Clemmons, NC A Drug-Frce Workplace Due to rapid growth Wilson-Cook Medical Inc., a world leader in the design, development, and manufacturing of quality gastrointestinal medical devices will be accepting applications for a full time Entry Level Machinist. Design, manufacture, maintain and assemble new and existing fixtures, jigs, machine parts and tooling, molds, according to detailed designs and speciftcation. Wilson-Cook Medical Inc. offers a competitive pay and comprehensive benefit package with opportunity for advaiicement. Hours of work are 7;00am-3:30pm, Monday through Friday. . Applicants must ,be 18 years of age and iiave either a high school diploma' 01 .^Oro, Two year associates degree in machine technolo^'i^pr equivalent experience in machine shop enviroiiment,' • Applications accepted each T\iesday from 7:15am - 5;00pm only, at Wilson-Cook Medical, Inc., located at 4900 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27105. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE HOE Miscellaneous DIAMOND RINGII1/2 carat solitaire with 1/4 carat wrap, $1,000.00 OBO.FOR SALE: Baby walker - designed like a car. 2-baby bouncy soats, baby car scat, all items like now. 336-492-7360__________________ DIRECTV(TM)/SATELLITE $99 includes basic Installation. Call us today. 1-800-B89-6869__________. FOR SALE: A Lowroy Carnival Spinet with Magic Genie; A completely soiid-state, self- contained homo spinet organ with two 44-note keyboards and 13 pedals. Tho organ includes a high- performance amplifier and a 12- Inch heavy-duty speaker with a whizzor cono for full fidelity sounds. Call 492-7111 evenings or weekends for appointment to see. Price negotiable.________________ FREE PUPPIES to good homo • 4 males, 2 fomales. Available now. Leonard TSC600 fiberglass tonnoau cover for ‘95 S10 or newer, $400 or best offer. Cali 492-2215 and leave messaqe. NIXXO TUTTI PAGER. $50 Motorola Pocket Ceil Phono • $75 ‘95 Nissan 200SX headlight & taiiight covers • $50 Largo dog lot & house - $150Largo dog lo Des1< - $50 (336) 284-6358 KING-SIZED WATERBED.Mirrored ond Lighted Hoadboard. Excellent condition. $100. Roady to use. Call: 492-7549 or 751- 6534. GLO-WARM BLUE FLAME Unvonled Natural/ Propane Gas Wall Heater. Excellent Condition. $200. Call: 492-7549 or 751-6534. WILL BUY JUNK CARS. 284- 4194 and 284-2859 Mobile Homes/Rent IRENTTO OWNIWhy rent when you can own? Home Zone 1-800-866-8674 12’X65' ON PRIVATE tot. $325.00 a month, first and last month’s ront with $150.00 deposit. With roferoncos only. 998-1125 after 6:00pm 2BR, 1BA just out of Davio Co. on Sheffield Rd. $350/mo. $300/mo. Call after 6, 704-546-2089 2BR, 2 BA on private lot. $400.00/mo. (336) 492-2631 ALL ELECTRIC NEW mobile home in country. $370/mo. deposit/$150. 998-8235_____________________ FOR RENT: 2BR. 1BA. limit two people, no pots. Need references. Located off Deadmon Rd7 Turrentino Ch. Rd., Red Oak Trail, right on Stoney Lane. Taking applications at 6th mobile homo on Stoney Lano. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELLING THE TIMBER OFF YOUR PROPERTY? WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR STANDING TIMBER/TIMBERLAND. CALL 704-878-9784 5 OR MORE ACRES Austin Hunt Lumber Co. 2762 Hickory Hwy. Statesville, N.C. 28677 MARTIN SAW SHOP 751-5038 Saws _ J [a r£ T o o lS jiS c ls s o r8 _ _ G E N E T R E X L E RROOFINGNew & Old Rools 24 Years Experience Free Estimates336-284-4571 A p p ly In Pmrmon A t: 2 4 3 3 Lmwlavlllm-Clmmmonm R o atl CImmnHHim, NC 2 7 0 1 3 D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 8 L A S S IF IE S D S PJEXFENSaVE PROFITABLE DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 - D9 Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale Real Estate Wanted ■ Recreational HOME FOR RENT 3 Bdrm/ 2Bth. voty nico / 295.00 por month, call (336) 767»0140_________________ HOME FOR RENT 3BR. 2BA, $395.00 a month. $500.00 deposit. Call 336-744-9557 or 800-593- 7814 MOBILE HOME FOR RENT 2Br, 1 BA, hoQtpump, retrig, washor & dryor, Smith Qrovo Aroa. $350/mo. plus deposit. RcferGnces & crodit check required.(336) 751-7502_________________ READY TO MOVE IN: 2BR brtcK apartment. Fully furnished, ofectrlcity (umlshed. 75M218 or (704) 872-3367. Mobile Homes/Sale I ALL-IN-1 I Land. homo, welt, septic, brick, otc. Ono loan, Ono low payment. Homo iono Tho Land Homo Exports 1-800-866-8874 ABANDONED HOME IN Advance • ossumo pmis or $268. (336) 751- 7734__________________________ ' ABANDONED HOME IN Cooleemeo. $499 dn & assumo pmtsof$249. (336)751-7439 BAD CREDIT? Tiy our buy-for am - easy loansll (336) 751- $499 DN ON select bank repo's • some set-up on nico lots - 2, 3 or 4 Br. (336) 751-0115._____________ $500 DOWN AND MOVE IN.ONLY AT HOME ZONE ________1-800-866-6874________ LGS HOMES: 7 now singlewldo homes, sot up and ready to move in. 6 mos free lot rent with lurchaso of any homo. Call 998-purcha;7625. “ •CREDIT HOT LINE*** Qualify over the phono, no hassles. 1-800-523-5582. *Bank Repos*Mortgage Co. has sovoral homes set-up, pay small fee & move in. (336) 751-9140_________________ 14 X 80 3 Bdrm, 2 Bth mobile home sot up roady to movo in to. Small down pymts of $245.00 _por month. Call Tammy 6 (336) 36M694. 14X70 2 BDRM set up In park In Winston-Salem. Call (336) 767* 7782.__________________________ 1982 CONNOR MOBILE Home - .2Br, good, condition, must movo immedlalely. • 998-3234 ' “ 1985^0AKWOOD / set up In park. Perfect (or 1 porson or couple. Call (336) 767-0140_________________ 1996 FLEETWOOD MOBILE home, 14'x70’, 3BR, AC on largo rented lot with shade trees. No appliances. $9,950.00 (704) 278- 1997 LIBERTY MOBILE home located off Redland Rd. Please call 998-6832______________________ 3BR & 2Bth already set-up, take up pmts of $248. (336) 751*7439 ABSOLUTE AUCTION of IMonsBokt(IMna,!nntlnmtia anCommnSt. WMon-S<^ HC WED. • DEC. 8, 1999 • I0:0()pm Dlrtciions: From WinMOfl-Satcm. uke Out. 40 Weu lo SiUi Cmk Pukway. lum ri|hL Kolluw 2.3 milctlM RubinhoixIRuailBtii.lumrjghi. Fdlow I milclu NornunRu«J and lum left. Fullow J milt ami hgafrighnm Comvan.Salcoo Rtghl. (Watch Toe iljiu) P iapertyt home) 3 Pattlol Ult: Ook Roniop Oo* Ook Boso 4 top ol Rolltop D«ki hot maldiingl Mohogony Diesstfj BR Suites; Ccdur Chesis; Buuktoses; Smol Chest; Ook Youtti Chobi Threfl sets of 4 Oak Choirs; Round Ook Table w/Oow Feel; Mohogony End Table; SoTo; Rocker; Old Pm from Mount Tobor Methodist Church; Old Moiorolo Rodio (Door modeO; Wicker Toble & Qralr; Ook Pte Sofo; Od Records (2 tMst Avon CoHoction; Old OoOs^ Chkiren^ Books. M. Uitle Block Samba OU Toys (Toriko. Hutfeyt Ra1 Irora; Slone Oock; life MogctifWS; Germon Clock; MA Con; Vtooder Bucket. Old Tool Box; Iris 4 Herrlngbona Condleholders; PKw Bonks; N.C license PIcicj 11928 & »63t lorgo Potiery Ju® OW School Bus lonchbox; School Desks; Bicydes; Snow Sled; Typcwntef,6*U>gChoin; Fooilockcr. 5'Wooden Stepi0ddcf;0fld much, much more. Kenneth G. Kclncr NCAL 3268 F ir s t C h o ic e A u c tio n PQ Box 335. Lewisville »(336) 945-4118 GIGANTIC 2-DAY ANTIQUE AUCTION Estate of Gary Hill (deceased) and Joyce Hill (IM agJa nursing home) 1716 Turfwood Drive. Pfafftowo. HC F ri. • D cc. 3 - l()a rn -2 pm S at. • D cc. 4 • lO am OIreclions; From Winsion-Sdem. toke Bus. 40 Wesi lo SOos Creek Portcwoy Wl. lum rlflhf, Foltow 3.5 milos 10 ReyrwWa Rood, turn tetl, Go opprox. 3,5 miles ond turn rtght on Belhonlo rood,................................. Ighi on Moin Slreel JBethcnlol. Go .7 rrtle. then righl onHflhl. (Wolch tor signs I____________________ PAJfTlAl U5T: 1939 Cod^ Brougham 4-dr.. Sedon. 87.000 rrttes. outcxngtlc fun power; mi ToyoloComry. 4-dr, It 25.000 rriej. oulomoik. M p -------' ' *“ *“ ................—'' cupboards;! •oatS’ooit 3’-^, th^Idd injnEi;N gome lobie; OR loUe w/4 chdrs; chira i DPgniDg UIIICU VM.Ooiff Red Rvdor Air Rifle; Avon coOeclkn CNno (Apple BiossomI; 8 Pkxe settings WOoBos SlvUng; SJh«r- Ctd Bov Seoul Rons; train set; oU tovs; chM^t boob, kid Urtde Remus end Tonoa 01 Uirnps; Hul; JevMd Tea Crysid; cut oloss; i£pressk)n glass; old b&e; A.35 nvn. Reck P8 seml-AutonvM o3mucKnwchfnofe.AUCTIOf5UR^ $orneonntjues8.co««liWes, - ..... -Items to be sold on frktoy. Rerrwmmg Hams, vehWes. house, hmture ond,pj^Sajwdo]^ drOS;•u twj wiuiai ■>«>■■*; ww" (>JbS smol Mniture and household lobesold REAL ESTATE: SAT., DEC. 4 ,1 2 NOON HeuM to bm aoM miNmI lo c nbycourt.187S fquore M Rvlflg <mm pbi 400 iqwr* feet WUhmi baeenwrt. TIvm bwkoomt. 2 bothi, 2 firefiiocM, goroge w/itaMc opener, hwt pump. ImoM ot Wedgmrood OoH Course ol 1716 Tbrfwood Drtw, Pfofriewtv NC. Lot Is 140* (rent ond ISO* deep. Septic tank, county woter. ThU Red Estate sale Is bdrtg odmWitecd by Kemelti Bobb, Anomey. Fori moy b» contDCttd at 39A/723-2404. Kenneth G. Kctner NCAL 3268 F i r s t C h o i c e A u c t i o n PO Box 335, Lew isville • (336) 945-4118 BEAUTIFUL DW oft Old Mountain Rd. Willing to loase with opt. to purchase. 1.877-75M923 orSae- TSI-igM___________________ CREDIT HOTLINE l-eOO-866-8874 Free Approval by phone In mlnutos. __________Home Zone__________ CREDIT HOTLINE NO SALES, NO Hassle. Get Pro- Approvod by Phone In 30 minutes OR LESS call 800-5937814 or 338-744-95S7._________________ FIRST TIME HOME buyer program offered beforo Y2K at $29,995.00. Call before the Y2K bug, Homemax at336«751»7340.________________ FOR SALE OR rent. 18 acres, mobile homo, bam. pasture, private, western Davio County, $550/mo. or $116.000. 940-5723 HOME LEFT IN layaway, buyor gets credit for previous buyers down pymt/Fleetwood Superstore. Call (336) 767»7782._____________ LIKE NEW REPO available. Don't miss out on an excellent deal. Leader Home Soles 336-751-0503 UKE NEW REPOSSESSEDmobile homos In stock, unbelievable prices call 336-744- 9557 or800-593-7814.___________ LOT SPECIAL. 2 bed, 1 bath home set-up & deliver to park or private lancT Turnkey, $205.00 a month. Call 800-593-7814 or 336> _.744.-9557>____________________ MANAGER’S SPECIAL, 3 bed, 2 bath, vinyl/ shingle home, set-up In park. Turnkey, $295.00 a month. Call 800-593-7814 or 338-744- 9557.__________________________ MANAGER'S SPECIAL- Invoice sell on spoclal Lot models • call Robbln 336-744-9S57 or 800-593- 7814.__________________________ NEW MULTI-SECTIONALMillenimum home with entertainment /TV/ Su^ound system. You must see. Unbelievable low price call 800- 593-7814 or 336-744-9557. New Singlewide / $59 per week / low down payment. Call (336) 767- 7782__________________________ NON QUAUFYING assumable loan, 4K down and move In today. 1-877-751-1923 or 336-751-1923. 0 DN TO Landowners - we do wells, spetics, driveway (336) 751- 7734__________________________ OWNER FINANCING 2Br. 2 Bath SW. vinyl, shingle, $320 a month. 1-877-7S1-1923 or 336-751-1923 DOUBLEWIDE LOCATED ON 1 acre boautiful country setting. Toko over pymts. small down pymt. Call (336) 767-9977_________________ DOUBLEWIDE. NEW 3 Bedroom, 26ath .939 acre, deck, heat pump Willboone Rd. ___________998-5816___________ DWOF160 Small transfer fee and take overpayments. 336-751-1931 or 336-751-1923.________________ DW ON ACRE lot • owner financing (336) 751-0115. REPO’S ON LOT - Guaranteed financing regardless of credit. (336) 751-7439_________________ SANTA SAYS 2 story Cape Cod with 2 car garage delivered to your site (or Chfr8tma8,„„Call for details save $$$$$$ before Y2K. Call Homemax at 336-751-7340 SINGLE PARENT PROGRAM, low down, low monthly, limilod timo. Coll 1-877-751-1923 or 336-751- 1923.__________________________ SINGLE PARENT PROGRAM, low down, low monthly, ilmitod tImo. Call 1-877-751-1923 or 336-751- 1923.__________________________ SLOW OR NO credit? Guaranteed financing with $1900 dn. (336) 751-7734______________________ We have OVER 30 lot spaces available (or single and doublowido homes convenient to W-S, High Polr\t, Thomasvllle, Loxinglon, Greensboro & Komersvillo. Pick your new home & lot.Fleetwood Superstono / Quail Run Homes (336) 767-7782__________ Y2K BUG ALREADYIIIII Overstocked with used homos,,. Must Gollllll Come mako an offerlllllll! Call .Homemax at 336- 751-7340.______________________ “99“ REPOSSESSED DW nevor lived in $500 down, assumo loan. Won’t last. 336-751-1923 *'AII Homes Custom Built In Mocksville" 3-80’X14' 3Br- Loaded- 220. per mo.70’x28‘ 3Br, 2 3/4 Ba - 440. por mo. 60'x28* ......................52'x20’ SkylineToll free 1-888-462-7806B«Md on 10\ on. 3eO mo». 0 7S% apr Davo's Music Christmas Spoclal Now thru Jan. 1st - Everything on SALE! Guitars, Banjos. Bass, Dobros, Band Instruments, Fiddles, Mandolins, Dmms & Keyboards. All Accessories. Layaways.79 Court Square, Mocksville 751 *1934 I BUY HOUSES, any condition, any location, any price range - ovon il you're behind on payments. For a quick sale, coll 940-2199._________ I WANT TO buy 3/4 aero to 10 acres. 336-284-2653 Slowly leavo mossoqe. FOR SALE: Cobid boat, Evlnrude motor, Cox trailer. 492-5520 RV/Motor Home 19B8 CHEVY 27* Sloops 8. 751-5604 Allegro RV. 2) loaded- 405. per mo. 3Br2Ba)350. por mo. ■actory Outlet - Call us. Motorcycles 1986 XR2D0R HONDA dirt biko, areat condition. $800 998-5040 PIANO TUNING & Rebuilding PUBLIC AUCTION 3 8 A c r e s H o u s e a n d B u i l d i n g s 3 8 A c r e s S a t u r d a y , D e c e m b e r 4 , 1 9 9 9 a t 1 0 ; 0 0 A M I.OCATION; Between Statesville and Mocksville - MO to Exit 162 - North on Hwy. 64- 2.6 miles - Left on 901 toward Harmony 3 miles - Right on Guilford Road 1/10 mile - Left on Fox Hunter Road 3/10 mile - Right on Piney Grove Road 1 mile - Property on Right at unty Line. (Mailing Address - 507 Moll Hodgson Road) WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS! /iUST/C 2 BEDROOM HOME healed on 38 BEAUTIFUL ACRES with Stream, Partially Wooded, and some Fencing, 798 FT. OF ROAD FRONTAGE. Home feature.^ 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, and Bath. Washer & Dryer Connections. Storm Wmdows and Doors. Tm Roof. Also located on property is a BARN with an Alley, 2 Stalls, Tack Room and Eqtnpment Shed. Also, SHOP with Storage and a 2-Bay Equipment Shed. TERMS: Successful Bidder shall Deposit 10% of Purchase Price Day of Auction - Cash or Good Check - Balance Due Upon Delivery of Deed (30 Days) - Property wil|^be sold “AS IS" with a 5% Buyers Premium. Property Will Not Be Sold Subject to Financing! Buyer Must Have Financing Arranged. DAYS FOR UPSET BIDS AS ALLOWED ItY COL. LONNIE TROUTMAN, AUCTIONEER m 232 Dnvie Avenue, Statesville, NC 28677 (704) 873-5233 NCAL NO. 649 LIQUIUATORS AUaiONCCKS Selt-players, Salos & Son/ice Wallace Barford 998-2789 C L E A N IN G S E R V IC E Will Clean Homes & Offices Monday-Friday, Occasional Saturday For more information, call Irene at 33M68-5204 References Available T M acfiinety A U C T IO N Saturday, December 4,1999 @ 10 am for Jerry IV. Ireland_______ 416 Jack Booe Road *** Davie Co. from NtocksviUe. N.C., l-tOcui lITU, Ukt* Hwy. 601 North Y.vlUnvitlL> for 7 mil«s to ihtf _______________________|.KkB>XK>KtV>J»l\TO_______________________ 73 Ford 3000 Tractor (1 owner, P.S.. live power, metal roll over shade cover) J.D. 4020 row crop Tractor (good rubber) J.D. 4020 row crop Tractor w/2 row front cultivator, (good rubber) Ford 9600 Tractor (good rubber) Ford 4000 LCQ Industrial Loader Tractor (bucket & pallet forks) 74 Ford F-250 Truck Powell 126 rack gas Tob. Bam*‘Powell 150 rack gas Tob. Bam**W>1,800 ft. 5’ A&M Irrigation PIpe’ VM.SOO ft. 4‘ A&M Irrigation Plpe*'16 Rain Bird Sprinklers (N60)’M&1/4 ac. Rain Bird Gun (full clrcle)*‘4' & 5* A&M Fittings (Ts. Ls, plugs. reducers)VHale 4" p.t.o. Irrigation Pump*‘HaIe S' p.I.o. Irrigation Pump**2 Pipe Trai1ers’*Taytor-Way 26 disc angle Bogg (disc 1 yr. oId)**Athens 32 disc angle Bogg (dual tires)**Ford 3«16's Plow (trip ft.)**mod »140 Ford S-16's Plow (tHp ft.)**Athens 9 sh. Chisel Plow Holland 2 row Tob. Setter (3 pt. h., ga. wheels, clect. waterers)"W&A 2 row Bedder w/subsoiler ft.**Ulllston 2 row Tob. Rolling Cultivator w/ Cole fert. boxes**Ulllston 2 row Tob. Rolling Cultlvator"901 Ford 2 row front mounted Cuttlvator*'Taylor-Way 2 row Row Busler**2 row spring il. Cultivator (3 pt. h.)**elect. 2 row Gandy RoBandaf” B all metal Tob. Traliera (14 ft.)**4 wooden Tob. Trailers (14 ft.. good)*M.100 gal. Rd. Poly Water Tank‘*twin 150 gal. Saddle Tanks*’200 gal. Poly Tank on TrailefWatson 110 gal. 5 row Sprayer (3 pt. h.. 2 yr. old)**3 pt. h. Sprayers** 150 ga. rd. Poly Tank"5 hp. Gas 3 'Transfer Pump 880 United Farm 4 wheel Wagon**Hardoe 5 ft. offset Bush Hog‘*Gill 6 ft. Box Blada'*2 roller Culltpacker (pull typo)‘*Baltimatlc fert. Spreader (3 pt. h.)**1 row Cultivator (3 pt. h.)**King Section Harrow (3 pt. h.)**3 pt. h. Carry All Frame‘*long Boom Pole’*J.D. 14 ft. Bush Hog (for parts)**two 2 row Tool Bars Powell twin Racking Table“ 2 Powell DeRackers**2 Tob. Chain Holsts**Toledo-Beaver mod. 999 elect. Pipe Dle/Cutter’*oId K.R. Gas Generator**SOO gal. Fuel Tank'*pr. Ford 8" tear Spaces**Log Chains & Jacks**Motal Parts**Misc. Parts You are Invited to visit and Inspect Jerry's farm equipment Monday thni Friday week of tt)e sale from 9 am to 5 pm. MrtHi/ Other Items *** Lunch Availnble***Restroom Y O R K A U C T I O N & J lE A L T Y 356 Fox Hunter Rd., Harmony, N.C. 28634 704-546-2696 ••• ncal #74 sincc 1935 ANTiaUESPRtumvesGUVSSWABE ToHFf##»e#-64J-M0a ^ l^ a l 336^67*9295 Saturday, Dec, 4th, 1999,10:00 A.M. \ _ / ReglitratJon 9:00 A.M. SALE SriE: CORNER OF FAWHNOTON RO. ANO M.C. HWY. IM1. FAflUlNOTON. M.C. CO.) FROM MO TAKE EXtT 174 TO FARUINQTOH RO.. THEN NORTH OH ' ' fARIUNQTON RD. 9 MIl£8. FOUOW SKJNS.SAL£ raNOUCTEO FOR: PANSY U FURCHES PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD UST IS STILL BEJNQ ADDED TO DAILY GLASSWARE • Green Depression - Pink Depression • 6 Place Setting English Chippendale by Johnson Bros. • Czechoslovakia • Manhattan • Iron Stone . Hobnail • Homer Uughlin • McCoy • Hull • Roseville Pottery • W.S. George Dishes - Salt Glaze • Rre King* and More. FURNnuRE-Oak Rocker • Art Deco Buffet • Art Oeco China Cabinet • Walnut Gate Leg Table • Drop Leal Table • Oak Ice Box • Mission Oak China Cabinet • Fainting Couch • Primitive Organ Stool • Primitive Table (laded blue paint) • Mission Oak Straight Chair • Oak Wash Stand • Cedar Chest • Walnut Dresser . TWig Table • Several Primitive Tables • Victorian Walnut Bed • Victorian Walnut Dresser with Marble Top • Walnut Candle Tible • Pine Table with Lazy Susan - Primitive ice Box* Primitive Pie Safe • Forest Pine Table • 2 Hand Made Walnut Rope Beds • Oak Server (mUed woods) • Hoosler Style Cabinet (green) - 8 FL Bow Front Pine Comer Cabinet • Oak Chest • Maple High Chair • Oak Beds • Mantle • 8 FL Painted Comer Cupboard and more. MiscgLLANEOUS. Ouilts • Atlantic Ale and Beer CUxk • Kitchen Clocks • Pipe Collection • Sears and Roebuck Catalog • 3 a Road Runner Advertising Display • O'DouTs Advertising Clock • Pottery • Bob TVnberiske Prints • Champion. Iver Johnson Arm and Cycle. 12 Gauge Shot Gun • Glenfield Model 60 Marlin Rre Arms, 22 Long Rifle Automatic W/Weaver Scope. VEHICLES • '89 High Top Conversion Van (Ford Econollne 150) • 69 Chevy C-20 Rat Bed w/5th Wheel Hitch • Scooter Eclipse II (New 105 miles) 1.5HP • 65 Barracuda 340 Boss Motor Excellent Interior Minor Body Woric Needed • *86 Toyota Van (parts only) • 75 F*100 Dodge Truck V>8 Adventurer • *62 Chrysler 300 • '84 Voyager Plymouth Van • '72 Bonneville Pontiac • ‘60 Mercedes 220 S • Mid 50's Desoto Sportman • Flat Bed Truck Intemationai 1300 Series • ‘63 Ford Fairiana 289 V-8.2 Door • Ford F150 4 Wheel Drive Long Bed 302 V-8 Reece Hitch • '79 New Yorker Chrysler • '86 Plymouth Caravelle • '72 Dodge Truck Custom 100 • Eariy 70's Dodge Truck 300 Rat Bed • Eariy 70’s Chevy Truck C*50 Dump Bed • '86 Chrysler Labaron Rag Top • '80 Dodge Ram D-50 Sport Truck • and more (a number ot these vehicles are not currently In operable condition and ore for parts only). TRACTQBa.- Ford 2000 Diesel (eariy 60*s. narrow wheel) 1950 hrs. • Oliver 550 Diesel 4100 hrs. • Long. Cut Master Bush Hog 5 FL - SOMETHING FOR EVERYONEII - Any Announcement Mad* Dey Of Sale Supersedes Any Printed Material RAIN on SHINE • SEATINQ PROVIDED OR BRING YOUR OWN NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS CONCESSIONS AVAIUBLETZRUS: ALL rrcy 8 ARC SOLO -AS 18, WHERE IS* oo guannlMi or wtrnnMi of my typa. In no iv«nt wiU (uction««r> f raipontbto for any lutfi gutrantMt or wuranMt or fw trx gwuirwMti ot tny MtotpUon of tno lUmt purtfUMd. AffKwA lUlwrwttt orlntM m Vm progttm ind imm rwi* by M •uctiortMr hav« comt from wnti l« to b* rtUbi* •ourcat. purchMir mutl iMmlAnd h« i* buyir)g proparry ontirtfy upon Nt own tumlniiio) tnd opinion. Payment ta madadirMty 10 ffitauaksn Arm from Mbvyvrvitumcdly at VII auction An paymaNa mutl ba maoa «>«n flood tunda wnicft ara dafinad aa catn. cainiar'i oiack. traval- ar'i or partonaVcompany macka. A S% Buyai'l Pramlum wtfl ba a«M lo tfw laat M, artd bacomaa a pan ol ma ptwchaM prfea. No propwty may ba rwiwvad from ifta pramlaaa balora making aatliamant and Quaranta* of funda for purctiaaa.VISA. UaatarCard or Otaeovar Card wItt ba accaptad. Sale Conducted By: GREAT STAT£ AUCTION COMPANY 1 P.O. BOX 664,331 EAST MAIN STREET, WILKESBORO, N.C. 28697 RandaU Woodruff. BrokM 13)313 Col. Unda Woednft Cot. Burt JarvU. NCAL M73a Homa{33l)MM03t__________NgALIBSSa C L A S S IF IE D S INEXPENSIVE FEtOFTTABLE Service SSPECIALSMulflor& tall pipo Instollod $69.95 CalQlilic convorter Inslallod $99.95 RoqvIs Woldlng 601 N at Cortnoy Crossing, Yadidnvlllo ^ 336.463-2517 ___________ B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Complola Homo Improvoment Comr— Bobcat Work: Wo Do Small Ropairs: Prian Darcy 336-751-4212 f)of. Availablo PC Box 424 Moc({sviite. NC 27028 RnilQyJiiLQWflEriJtQUca Doc 11th Biltmoro Houso & Shopping: $60 Dociaih McAdonvillo Lights: $15 Call 998-4338 for Rosorvations. Vehicles 1995 GEO METRO LSI. 4-dr., dark rod ovor gray, cold air, AM/FM storoo cassollo. 5-spd., has minor body damago on doors, oxtra clean, runs groat. Bocauso of modical probloms. can't dirlva straight drivo anymoro. Asking $3100, pricod bolow loan valuo. 336-998-8821._________________ 1996 DODGd NEON sporty looking, roar spoilor. only 59.473miles. *Solo prico: $5'._____ 336-284-4051 or336-2B4-6318. >.00. Call CRARMASTER CONSTRUCTION Sunrooms. Porches, Qaragos, Docks, Room Additions. Ctd Homo Rostoratlons. Commercial Upfils, Horso Bams, Kitchon & Bathroom Upgrades. All typos of Shootrock & Plastor & Floonng Ropairs. Free Estimates Gladly Given 284- 2566. Slatowido call 1-888-291- 5620 then 4817.________________ : DIREC-TV.$149.00Installed ;________1»B00»984»0772 : Kip's Reflnlshlng & Chair Caning : Reasonable Ratos SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick • Dodgo 700W.lnnes St.. Salisbury _________704-636-1341_________ '67 FORD F-350 Mon dump. 390* lod, good truck, rio bed.V8, 4' $11"’492*5509 '84 VOLVO, 1-ownor, 53,000 milos; real clean, runs real good. 998- 5580__________________________ '99 NISSAN SENTRA GXE Power Steering & Brakes • 12,000 miles, automatic, 100,00 mile warranty. (336) 284-6358 Salisbury, NC 704-633-0809 Wanted XINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Llnk-Ownor ! Free Estimates ;__________998-1798___________ t bSBdRfiE*ELECT"Ric“ r for allyour olectrical noeds.> Free Estimates. 751-3398. UNWANTED HAIR? 338-726-7790 www.bvebvehalr.com WILL DO: Roofing, Sldlno, Plumbing, Trim work. Dry waTl^ Shear wall. Decks. Yard work. Pressure washing. Single wide toar downs. Free Estimales-Call 492- BUYING STANDING TIMBER and pulp wood. Cloar cut or select cut. Shaver Wood Products Tom Huffman. Forrester (704)278-9291----------------------------- STANDING TIMBER, cash paid for largor tracts. Call P.T. Tlngler.(704) 637-9097_________________ WANTED: Infonfnatlon/ photo of John 0. Naylor and wife, Sarah Amanda Booo Naylor. Call 751- 5127.__________________________ WANTED: RELIABLE person/ family to run chicken houso-layers. Mobile home and salary provided. 998-5206 EarthShare<»K Candy Davis Is 40 Tvro’ lirllt & Kyati P D O W B m OF DAVIE LONG TERIVl CARE OPPORTUNITIES Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie is now tal<ing applications for tlie following: RN - Sat • Sun 8 Hours CNA-AII Shifts Activities Assistant Experience Preferred Competitive Salary Benefits witli a company committed to your success. Apply in person US Hwy. 801 Soutli Advance 336-998-0240 HELP WANTED: Largo roal ostato dovoiopor noods porson oxporioncod In dowoloping largo tracts of land for commorclal. Industrial and rosidontial projocts. Must bo ablo to handle a largo volume of work. Sond resume to: Rosumo: PO Box 922. Wilkosboro. NC 28697 HELP WANTED:NeededImmediately, childcaro teacher. 8:30am -5:30pm.. M-F. Salary basod on qualifications. (336) 766- 6979__________________________ Need Cook & Cashior APPLY IN PERSON ONLY.________Miller's Resturant________ PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDEDSouthland Transportation Co. has Immediate openings for single, team, and owner operators‘Excellent Pay 'Major Medical and 401K•Paid Vacation •Good Homo Time•Monthly Log Bonus •Must bo 23 years olage •CDL-A RequiredFor moro Information, Call 1-800- 849-4700. ext. 224.______________ SALESPEOPLE NEEDED NC's #1 Fleetwood Dealer is looking for qualified salospoople In the Salisbury aroa. Excollent pay plan and boneiits. Please call lor an appolntmont (704) 630*9266 or fax rosumo to (704) 630-9181. SALESPEOPLE NEEDED NC'S #1 Fleetwood Dealer Is looking for qualified salespeople In the Salisbury aroa. Excellent pay plan and benefits. Please call for ' an'oppointmont (704) 630-926u or' fax resume to (704) 630-9181. SMALL CONSTRUCTION CO. noeds helpers. Must have driver's liconso & transportation. Will train. 751-0021_______________________ TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED - clean driving record, W-CDLs. Hauling bulk commodities. Percentage pay. Guaranteed minimum. 336-708-3210 Employment BIG ELM NURSING CENTER RN Baylor Supervisor. Must havo strong loadorshlp and orgariizallonal skills. Full-Time (7am - 7pm) Excollent bonofit package. Salary nogotiablo. Apply: 1285 Wost a Street. Kannapolis. EOE_______________ BIG ELM NURSING Center: Dietary Supon/isor. must have strong loadorshlp skills. Must havo diolary exporionco. Flexible hours. Apply: 1285 Wost A Street. Kannapolis. EOE_______________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL roq. Drive's liconso preferred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Frl., 10am-2pm for application. EOE__________ Wllson-Cook Medical, Inc.A Cook Group Company A Leading Modical Manufacturer of Gastrointestinal Modical Devices Is now seeking Entry Level Custodial Services Attendant Will cloan and monitor, which includes a controlled manufacturing aroa and machine shop environment. This Includes maintaining the cleanliness of oKices and other areas. The hours will be 8:00am to 4:30pm. Starting wages averago $8,00-$8.25/ hr. ($6.00 base with monthly average incontivo).Applicants must bo 18 years of age and havo eilhor a high school diploma or GED. Must have a stable work history.We take applications at Wilson- Cook Medical on Tuesday’s from 7:15am to 5:00pm. Wilson-Cook Medical, Inc. Is located’at: 4900 Bothania Station Road WInston-Salem, NC 27105 EOENO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Medical Supply/Clerical Clerk 108 bed facility has full time openings Medical Supply/Clerical Clerk. FuI^ time position Mooday-Friday, 8.00 A.M.-4;30 P.M. Musi ha\B good organisational slulis, computer knottledgs and woriiabte knoAlcdge cl various office cquipmcnL Uedicai knowledge is helpful, must be able to handle multipid lasi^ and schedules. 1007 Howard St. * Mocksville, NC 2702B JU IU T U IV IN C A R E O i= M O C K S V IL L E Davie Family YMCA The YMCA Is looking for a part-time Site Director at the W.R. DavIo After School Site. You must l» at least 21 years ol age, 2 years experience working In a childcare setting, and 1 year experience In administrative work. The hours are 2:30 pm - 6;00 pm M-F. Must be dependable, love working with children, have good organizational skills, and ba able to supervise at least 2 staff. Additional hours are available to work in our before school program at PInebrook or Shady Grove Elementary School. The hours at» 6:30 am -e:30 am M-F. Rale ol pay will be S7.00-S8.00 an hour. You will also receive a free YMCA membership. Position will be available January 4,2000. Please conlaclJenniler Cartner al 751-9622 CNA’s To Cover Davie County All Stiifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 336-724-1197 Piedmont ' HpmeHe^lth, Inc. 'Winston-Salem' : ' The hometown company, we'll treat you like you'll expect." J liS A E.O.E ■ NEVER A FEE Holidays = $$ Spent Jobs = $$ Earned WE HAVE JOBS! CALDWEU PERSONNEL SERVICES 1101 Jeridio Ch. Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-7447 W e w a n t t o t a k e t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y t o s a y " T h a n k Y o u " t o o u r e m p lo y e e s a n d c li e n t s f o r y o u r h a r d w o r k a n d s u p p o r t ! Employment Duo to rapid growth Wiison-Cook Modical. Inc. a world loader In the dosign, dovolopmont. and manulocturing ol quality EamiSSS.fgLXmagHealthcare Company seoks RN’s/ LPN'8 Including roliroos, to promote now product. Uniimitod iccopling apptications for lull time Entry Level AsBomblers. Assemble ol products require use ot written instructions in English and verbal direction. Utilization of measuring devices and a variety of hand tools are required. Eye/ hand dexterity a must.Wiison>Cook Medical, Inc. olfors a competitive comprehensive bonelit package with opportunity for advancement. Hours of work are 7:00am • 3:30pm or 7:30- 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. Starting wages average $6.00 • $8.25/ hr. ($6.00 base with monthly average incentive).Applicants must be IB years of ago and have either a high school diploma or GED.Appiicantions accepted each Tuesday from 7:15am • 5:00pm only, at Wiison-Cook Medical. Inc.. located al 4900 Bothania Station Rd. Winston-Salem. NC 27105. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EOE **Cloverflelds** Cleaning positions availablo. Full- time Mon - FrI. No evening or weekends. Vacation & Health Insurance. Call760-4161.________ BIG ELM NURSING CENTER isnow accepting applications fon CNA’S, 2nd & 3rd shifts FT; RN Charge Nurse for FT 2nd shift. Salary based on experience. Excellent benefit package. Appiv: 1285 West A Street, Kannapolis. earning potential; up to $2000 Doforo Xmas working Ihr/ day. Can (336) 631-6963 or fax rosumo to(336) 940-5167. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-pIus hrs. weekly w/................^ lable. f drugs, no hot-hoads. t HELP WANTED - Mechanic needed, oxporlenced oil & tire changor. Western Auto. Lewisville. NC. (336) 766-9109, 8 • 7, Mon • Fri; 6 • 6. Sat.___________________ HELP WANTED • Nood Tax Proparers Jan • Apr. Computer knowledge helpful. Will train. Baso salaty plus commission. Spanish helpful, not nocessaw. Clemmons & Mocksviiio area. (336) 778-0149 or 725-1041 -Bermuda ^ iU a s e - BeraiudaVUliigeis accepting applications for Full-time Clerical Position In the Maintenance Dept. Organizational, computer and communication skilis essential. C all 998-8783 Mon.-Frl., 8:30-4:30 ovortimo. Must ba depo ndabfe. No drugs, no hot-hoads. 336-467-7061 or 336-750-9153________________ FLEXIBLE HOURS AVAILABLE. Work with people with disabilities, teaching life skills and providing a break for the family. Paid training provided. At Easter Seals you can make a difference In the life of a child or an adult. HS diploma/GED requirod. Cali KIsha Hairston- M ^oyat 336-631-9470. EOE GARDNER'S XPRESS LUBE, located In Advance, Is now taking applications for full and part-time positions. Please call 996-1723. HELP NEEDED!Small construction business needs carpenter or carpomter's helper. Must havo transportation and hand tools. Cr.!v serious-minded people need apply. Call Crossroads Construction at 492-2804 and ask for Kovin. NOW HIRING for NEW TOCO *BELL. OPENING SOON IN MOCKSVILLE C all 3 3 6 -6 7 9 -8 2 2 6 fo r In te rv ie w WAFFLE NOW HOUSE HIRING GRILL OPERATORS, W AITERS/WAITRESSES A lso P o stlo n open fo r MANAGER TRAINEE C o n ta ct D ebbie ® 1-888-425-0337 . Im nw dlBta Em ploymant O pportunity For All Thro* (3) Shifts. A ik About 2nd a 3rd S h ift Pram lum ! CALL FOR INTERVIEW OR APPLY IN PERSON AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: 513 Jonestow n Rd., W inston-Salem 7604417 2314 Ramada Dr., ClemnKMis 7609691 Arc you working in the restaurant business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Aro you getting benefits lll(e THESE?• Higli competilivo wages • First raise alter 30 days • 4 guaranteed raises in 1S months• Paid vacation •401ltretirement.plan • Heaitti/Dentai insurance • Weeidy payctieci(s• Paid meai breaks • Fiexibie sctieduie • Stoci( options ’ Position salary advancement (toward trainer, manager, etc.) .• Early closing hours IF MQI, YOU'RE BEING CHEATEDIII Business Is GREATI We are hiring (or fall & winter busi­ ness. (AS AN ADDED INCENTIVE, WE ARE OFFERING A $200SIGN-ON BONUS FOR A LIMITED TllME-WITH THIS AD. We are currently looking for:- Walters/Waitresses, Cashiers -G rill Cook COME IN TODAY AND APPLY. WE ARE A FAST-PACED. FUN PLACE TO WORK. We are looking for HIGH energy people that like to work hard and make MONEYIII .6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 . O M Cowjr^-j ”Wa are an cqunlopooftmit^m^^ pio - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 2,1999 Davie Dateline Fund R aisers Now‘Ihm Christmas Lights On Sale for Tree of Animali spi>n- sored by Humane Soeicly of Davie. Llghis may be purchawd in honor or memory of person or animal for $3 cach. To onkr. Nvtiic toHumaneSociciyaiP.O.Box 153. Mocks- villc. N.C 27028 Of call 751 *5214. Saturday, Dec. 4 Country lloni & Tendvrioin BreakfaM, Mocks Methodist Churth, 6:30-10 am. N.C. 801 at Mocks Church Rd., Advuncc. hocceds for bulkling fund. Rk more infoor takeouUcall336.‘»8-5518. Saturday, Dec. 11 Christmas Bazaar ^nsorcd by Walking ’ Por Miracles &WalUngr«r Miracles Kids RelayforLifeteoms. 11 am.*2p.m.. rollow* Ing Advance Otfisimas Partde at VBV Pust on Feed Mill Rd. Piauits wiih Santa, cniils. food, rafllc for Christmas baikci. VF\V La­ dies Auxiliary will also he selling hot dogs. Cana Ilomemaken Club jVnnual Chrbt* mas Bazaar, 10 am. • I p.m. Featuring Christmas wassail, boxwwd wrtaihs. yule logs, baked goods, crafts & greenery. Pn> ceedstoben^iillistoricalCanaSchool.Snow date: Monday, Dec. 13.6-9 p.m. Rdt nwro infocall 998-3015. Ongoing' Bingo,Mocks\1!)eMoosc Lodge 1949,Fri- dayi Doors open at 6. first game at 7 p.ra Bingo, >Vnibm R. Davie VF1). 2nd Satur­ day. Doors open, 6:30 p.m. M ig io n ____________________ Sunday, Dec. 5 HaodbtUSoloblNancyTriplcltEubnnlu at Mocks Methodist Church, 7 p.m. N.C. 801 InAdvance. Wednesday, Dec. 8 'Prime Time Christinas* presented by childitn's choir & youth d i^ team at HillsdaleBaplistChun;h.7p.m. l26Mcdk:al Drive, Reft^menis served ftdlowing pn> ductkxL Dec. 11 & 12 'City or Light* presented by HUIsdole Bap- tI$todultworshipchoir,7p.ia l26Medical Drivt. Call 9406618 for more infa Ongoing Mocksville Wesleyan Church: Hospital Stieet, Sunday School, 9:45 am. Wonhlp. 11 ant Wednesday Pra>tr Meeting. 7 p.ni Rev. George TVoyer. 751 -5595. Elbaville United Nlcthodbt Church: Sun­ day School. 10 ata Worship. 11 am. KMs F»r Otri« (.iges 3-9) & Youih for Qirist (ages 10-12), bt & 3nl Sua, 3-l;30 p.m. Teens for Giri-st meet e\try Sua nt P^iIlon UMC,5-6:30p.m. Young AdultBibleSrudy, We<i. 7 p.m. Disciple 1 Bible Study, TTiurs., 7p,m. Uxatcdin Adviince. Piistor Rev. J.ick Wull.w. Cook’cmecChnrchofGod,Sunday School, 9:45 am Wor^hipServia*. 10:45 am. Tties. hayer MeeJing, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Train­ ing I lour, 7 p.m Fi>r info alxiut transporta- lion, call Brother Dale Bicidlnger at 284* 2180. ConuilzerUnitcdMdl)odLMChurch:Cor* n:iin;rRd. Sunday School. lOarn. Worslilp, 11 am. Pastor: Dr. S.B. Wanier. Ad\Di)cc United Mciliodlvt Church: Sun* day Schixi 9:45 am. Wor\hip. 11 am. Youth.5 p.m. Rev. DavkI Childers, Located in downtown Advance. Fannhigtuii United Mdliodbtt Church: Sunday Sch(K)l. 10 ant. Worship, 11 am. l939rnumin5tonRd.998-3769.Rev.DLTnne MarMden. Oak Gnne United McthodM Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Sunday Scliool, 9:45 am. Worship. II am. ConcordUnilcd.MctlKxllstChurch.Chcny Hilt Rd..MiKksville. Worship: 11 am.Sun­ day School: 10 am. Rev. Phillip P.»rks. Hardison UnilcdMitliodLM Churcli: Wor­ ship, 9:45 am. Sunday School, 10:45 am. UttlcLigljLsClwir.l l:30.tmUMYF(Tcam Christ) 1st & 3rd Sundiy nighLs. Episcopal Church onhcGood Shcpltcrd, Chuah St., Coolcemce, Worship: 9:30 am. Children's SiitkLiy Schixil: 10:45 am. Rev. lilwin Bailey. 336-284-2303. Community Baptist Church: Sunday Sch(X)l, 10 am. Sunday Worship, II am Ewning servkc, 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m. Gladstone Raid. HiUsdafc Uniti'd Methodist Chureh: Sun* daySer\kes,8am.& 10:30am. Church for next gcncraikxi: Jr. High. 4-5 p.m. Senior High, 5:306:30 p.m SuppcrAlusic, 5-5:30 p.m P.R.A.I.S.E. Team Meetings - Pra>-er, Sund;iy, 9 am Bivk of Romans: Mond.iy. • - 6.'30 p.m- Book of James: V/ednesday,-6-.30" p.m. Ladies' Teiun (Study: Book of John): "niursday, 7 p.m WeslcyChapclUnltedMcthodlstChurch: Worship Ser\ice: 10 am Sunday School: 10:45 am Rev. Dianne Marsdcn. Pino Rd. EI*Slmddal Po\tcr of IVaUc Mlnblry, Nonhwood Ap.irtmcnis # 7(M. Sunday Sc1kx)I: 10 am. Worship: 11 am. Sunday CNcning: 5 p.m. Tuesday Prayvr & Bible Siudy, 7:30-9 p.nt Friday Sen ice: 7:30 p.m. P.bU)rViJcricNlayficldl\nj}.7(M-63MM09. Rcdland Pentecostal Holiness Church: Sunday School: 10 am. Worship; 11 am. Evening:6:30p.m.Wedncsd.iypra)trmeet- ing&Bible study,7:30p.mRev.JoelBoyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship: 10:30am.SundaySchool: 9:15 am. Pastor Rev. OI)Tm Bell. Mocksville First PrcsbjIerionChurch,261 S.M.iinSt. Worship: 1 lam.aurchSchooI: 9:45am.SundayevtnIng:Choristcrs (grades 1*5) & Youth (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m. Pas* ton Neal Carter. (336) 751*2507. Mocki United Methodist Church, N.C. 801 S., Advance. Rev. Bnice GwyaSund,iy M-orship: 8:45 & 11 am. Sunday School; 10 anL Snilth Gro« Methodist Church: Pra>-er mceiing, Saturday mcmiings, 9 am. Hillsdale Baptist Church: Sunday Wor* sliip,8:30& lO:45amSundayBibleSiudy, 9:45 am Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children & jtxiih activities & pra>rr meeting, 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. AklcnTCui, 910-940-66I8.Faith ond Vktoiy Family Wonhip Cen* ter, I687tlwy.60l N. Sunday Servkxs. 10 am., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m NctvBeUe\trsPJ*.Church.Sunday School. 10 am Worship Service. 11 am Wcdnes* day night B ible study, 5 p. m Pastor Qizabcih Mock. Assoc. Pastor DenickMock. Women's Aux. & Brotherhood Bible Study, I st & 3rd Thursday. Liberty United Methodist Church. U.S. 601 S. Woiship:9:45amSundaySchool: 11 am nrslUnltcdMcthodlstChunhorMocks- ville. Eariy Sunday Worship Service. 8:50 ata Praise singing, casual dress, contempo^ rary format 305 N. Main St. 336-751 *2503. Belle\tr's Sonshlp Tabernacle; Sunday worship.I0:30am.,6:30p.mWed.e\tning. 7 p.m ftjstor Jeny L Couch, 998*3748. Cana Rd. - Ratter's Lane. TurrentineBaptlst Church: SundaySchod, 9:45 am, Worship, 11 am.; Night Servfcc. 6 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Ascension. Fork* BixbyRd.,Sun.School, lOamWorship.l I •rrfCRi:v;EdwiiiT.Bailcy;2W^500; DialAStoo-Mlnlstiyforchlklren. Bill and Peggy Long of Advance. 998*7716. Senlces ot the Oaks, Apt 7A. Milling Road. 7 p.m.. Thursdays. Bishop T.R. Rice. Clement Gro>^ Church of God. Wednes* day praytrservke, 7 p.m Sanjiday morning SabKith School, 10 am Green Meado>«s Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 am Wonhip, 11 am, 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study. 7 pm Pastor M. Ray Davis, 998*3022, S pecial E vents Dec.3&4 Chrislmajrtoy’AChlklWlioWoukllk M e e t in g Klng'ntBrockPtrformingAnsCenter.N. ' ' •Main St.. Mocksville. 8 p.m. Presented by Faith & Victory Family Worship Center drama team. Tickets: $5. (Available nt Ixix oirKx'at Carolina Christian Books & Gil\s). For morc info call 751 -4611. Saturday, Dec. 4 Pel Adoption Day, Davie County Animal Shelter,Eaton Rd., 10am. *nooaSponsorcd by Humane Society. 751*5214. HomctOMTi Christmas Pomde.dovs-ntown Mocksvillc.4pm Llghtlngofoaksatdusk. Tuesdays, 8;30-l 1 amTTiursdays, 1*4 p.m. No nppoitilment necessaiy. Thuisday, Dec. 2 Center Volunteer Fire Department An­ nual Incorporatk)n Mceibig ot lire station. 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5 Smith Grov« Volunteer Fire Department Sunday, Dec. 5 Cooleemef Community Christmas Con­ cert, 3 pm VFW Tree Lighting at Zachary House. Monday, Dec. 6 Big Brothers/BlgSisters open House, 117 East Depot St., Mocksville, 6-8 p.m Dec. 6-10 Hometo>m Chrislmos Events, downtown Mocksville, 6-8 pm Caroling, ornament making, carriage rides, hot chocolate, Santa Tuesday, Dec. 7 Appalachbn Chrislmos Concert, Brock Performing Arts Center, 7:30 pm. Featuring Timmy Abell & Laura Boosinger. Adults, $ 12. Studcnu & senk)rs,S 10. Gnxipsof 15 or mwt, $9 for all ages. Call 751*3000 for tickets. Friday, Dec. 10 'TheNutcracker,* Brock Pcrfonning Arts Center. 7:30 pm. Performed by Lewisville/ Mocksville Ballet Christ masllomccomlng Party,SenkvCen* ter,2p.m Saturday, Dec. 11 Santa Claus In Co(deemee,Zachaiy House, noon-2 pm Sponsored by Cooleemee Rec* reatkm Association. Photos, $2. Advance Christmas Porade, 10am Dec.-11&12........................... Cooleemee ChristmosTourofHomes, 3-6 pm Van servkc begins at Zachary House. Tickets: $6. In advancc: $5. (Available at CodeemeeTown I Iall,Zadujy > louse, Davie DIscuunt Dnigs, Davie Chamber of Com* merce). For more info, call 284-2141. D ates to R e m e m b e r NowTTiruDec. 10 Flu & Pneumonb Shots, Davie Qwnty Health Dept. Hospital Street. Mocksville. Annual Mcetliig at the deponnKnt. 2 pm Thursday, Deo. 9 Davie County Republican Parly Christ* mas Party, Cenier Community Building. 6:30 pm. SKVperson. For more info, call 998*2341. S e n io rs All Senior Activities take place at the Davie County Scnkx Center located in the Brock Building on North Main Street. Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Tliursciay, Dec. 2 Lunch&Lcam,WestemStcer.noixtLeam aboiit post ofTice & get holklay mailing lips. Free drink for senwrs. Ask for coupon nt door. Davie County Stamp Chib, East Room 7 pm. Videoguide tostampcollecting&club Christmas party with refreshnKnis. Rh)1hnt Band, Carillon Assisted Living. 2 pm. Senior Cliorus, East Room, 3 pm. Grief & the Holidays, Rose Room, 7 p.m. (Hosted by Eaton Funeral Home) Friday, Deo. 3 Bridge, East Room I pm. Monday, Dec. 6 GoMen Age Club, Enst Room. 10 am Tuesday, Dec. 7 Bridge, East Room I pm RSVPBirlhday Party, Meadow brookTer* nice, 2 pm Wetdnesday, Dec, 8 WakMart SeniorMorolng, 8^10 anT East Davie Club. Bethlehem UMC fellow* ship hall, 10:30am Canl & Board Games, East Room, 1:30 pm RSVPScw1ng'B*.RSVP0rnce,9am.« I pm Thursday, Dec. 9 SIh«r Engles Club, contact Jo Check fw locaiton & time. Senior Trotten Club. Center Community Bklg..l0am Senior Chorus, East Room, 3 p.m. AUheImer'sSupportGtDup.EastRoom.7 p.m. Friday, Deo. 10 Bridge, East Room, 1 p.m ChrivtmasHomecomlng Party,Senk)rCen* ter, 2 pm. Please prcregister. Davie County Rhythm Band, Laurel of Salisbury, 2 p.m. Monday, Deo. 13 Podlairist, Dr. Dunn, Craft Room, 8:30- 11:30am. Cooleemee Club, First Baptist Church fel* lowshiplull, 10 am Tuesday, Dec. 14 Bridge, East Room, I pm RSVP Birthday Party, Autumn Care, 2:30 pm. Wednesday, Dec. 15 Fork Club, Fork Civk: Center, 11:30 am Card & Board Games, Eut Room 1:30 pm. Ongoing Silver Health Exercises, Senior Center, M, W, F. 8:30-9 am Mock llace. M. W. 10- 10:30am.,. . Sentor Nutrition Lunch, noon M*W, 11 am Thun. & Fri.' Quilting, ewry other Monday, lOatrt. Bridge, l\iesdays & Frklays, I pm., SUvvrStridcra&WaUOnBft^^iuiliDaily at Brock Oym6:30-9 am Cooleemee El* ementojy, 6-8 ant Smith Grove Gym. 7-9 am. Report Davie Dateline items By Noon IVIonday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of the publfcatfon week. Call751*2120ordropitbyihcomce.S.Main Si. across from the courthouse. ym bicV 0 LESSONS?) Lessons for Beginners to Adivnced SpeclalUlng (n Cultar/Bai^/MandoHn/Bass (iilso: Basic, beginner violin dobro) GIFT CERVnCATES AVAILABLE Counter Point Studio 83 Court Squire. Mocksville Ibniie Dm'i Hutkl (336)751*9390______ '■V. I // you’ve been looking for something .different, you've just found it. The dramatically different Dodge. And now Dodge is making it exceptionally easy to go your own way. Dodge Ram The longesl-lasi’mg full-size pickups on the mad." I Q ”'Low l.yAPR Fmancing ' on select Rams" Dodge Intrepid T\vice named one of Car ond Driver's lOBesl. m oo Cash Allowance *Basedon pickup regi itage of 7/89*7/98 new registered on 7/1/98.Data source: The Polk Company. ••Short* term financing for qualifled buyers. Excludes Quad,Cabs.’“ : Dodge Neon Grin from gear to gear, %000 Cash Allowance or low 1,9APR Fmancing' •Shon-teim financing for qualilicd buyers. . Dodge Caravan The most innovative, most iniilaled, most trusted, best-selling minivan ever.' n,250 Cash Allowance or low 1,9APR Financing" *Basedon Innovations since Caravan's.. 1984 inception. **Short-temi financing' ,: for qualified buyers.Dodge P Different. See The Friendly Dodge Dealer Near You The Brains Honor Students Listed Page D3 Christmas Tour Of Homes Residences, Church And Zachary House Open This Weel<end in Cooleemee Page C4 DAVIE COUNTY 50« ENTERPRI/^ECORD I'.SI’S 149-160 Number 49 Thursdiiy, Die. 9,1999 Coacli,45, Dies Saturday Dairell Steele Was Respected By Peers Darrell Stcclc, a former coach at North Davie Middle and Davie High schools, died Saturday of an apparent heart attack. Witnessessaidheslumpcdovcr the wheel of thecar he was driving just before it went off Deadmon Road and struck a pole. j____ Fot rcactioris on Steele’s life, please turn to page BI. AtJvance Parade Saturday Get ready to have some fun. j Tlie annual Advance Christ- ' mas Parade will begin at 10 a.m. I Saturday, traveling on Comatzer ^ Road from Shady Grove Elemen­ tary turning right on N.C. 801 and ending on Peoples Creek Road, i The parade entrants usually have as much fun, or more, than the spectators. EnUies aren't re­ stricted, so expect anything. And yes, they arc allowed to throw candy in this parade. Angels Still Available Therc are still plenty of names of Davie residents who need a dose of Christmas cheer this sea­ son. The Town of Mocksvi)le's an­ nual AngelTreeproJectstillneeds people to sponsor the individuals whose names are on the Uw.They come in all ages, from young chil­ dren to the elderly. Clothes sizes are on the angels, as arc requests for gifts. The gifts should be returned to the town hall by Dec. 13. Dressed Up For The Holdiays \ Visitors to Mocksville have a few sur- . prises In store this holiday season. The ' lights on'the oal< trees bh the town square have some connpany. Glowing with white lights, the trees are sur­ rounded by downtown buildings out­ lined with the white lights. And there's stii time to experience some of that “Hometown Ciiristmas" feeling. Carriage rides, carolers, street vendors, storyteiiers, crafts and games will be offered Thursday and Friday .nights from 6-8 p.m. , i Above, the Davie High School band: ■' plays for the lighting ceremony at dusl< 'last Saturday. At right, Santa waves from his float in the Mocksville Christ- ;■% mas Parade (More photos are on page ■ VC1). Santa has promised to be down- - town all this week. • Photos by Robin Fergusson Man Convicted In Murder Of ^ S.W. Brown Jr. By Jeanne Gaither Davie County Enterprise Record — As family and friends of mur-:" • der victim S.W. Brown Jr. sat in thecourtrtjomholdinghandsTues-, day afiemoon, the verdict they had been waiting to hear since Brown'sdeathinMarch I998was readby.theclcrk. It took the jury made up of Iredell County residents about three tioun to nnd 3 att\\yah A. M- Bayyinah guilty of the first degree murder and allemptcd aimed rob- - bery of the 71 year old at his wholesalebusinessonDepotStreet in Mocksville. Tlie family is pleased with the. verdict, said Becky Brown, the: victim's widow. The sentencing phase of the capital murder trial in which the> jury will choose between a sen-: tence of death or life in prison ' without tlie possibility of parole was set to continue Thursday, pending the judge's ruling on a motion by the defense to set aside tlie jury's verdict Defense attorney David Minor argued that the jury should have; been instructed about second de-: gree murder, despite his client's J request that not be done. Judge Marvin Gray said he would hear arguments from attor­ neys on the motion Wednesday^ morning. ;' If the motion is denied, assis- tantdistrict attorney PatriciaBruce ^ said the prosecution will be call- f ing Hve to eight additional wit-;.; nesses for the sentencing phase. : The defense plans to call five to eight witnesses, according to at- tomeyLoriHamilton-DeWitt,but : is having some difficulty getting.; cooperation from some of those^ Please Sm Murder - Page 4'' Two Arrested After Siiipment Of Drugs To Local Residence Itrtercepled A Mocksville woman was arrested last week after receiving a package contain­ ing illegal diTigs. LociU authorities were contacted by a police officer fiom Bakersfield, Calif, whereapackageeontaining I lOgramsof methamphetamine had been intercepted at Federal Express warehouse on its way to a Mocksville residence, according to Davie County Sheriffs Detective Chris , Shuskey. , - , , ' ,^nt by aiithorities to the sheriffs de- ' partment, the package was delivered by an officer disguised as a Federal Express employee to the residence of Carlos Ed- wardVVilliamsJr.on Powell Road,Mocks- ville, where it was accepted by Michael Dylan Wolfe of Lexington, the detective repotled: After the package had been accepted, officers executed a search warrant on the residence. In addition to finding the pack­ age, which had been hidden in the house, officers discovered several sets of scales, small plastic bags and Inistol, an agent- used for cutting methamphetamine, Shuskey said. . ■ Soon after the seareh had started, CyanneDeniseNifong,towhomthe pack­ age was, addressed, arrived at the resi­ dence, reported Shuskey. Nifong, 37, of 137 Whitaker Road, Mocksville,.was charged with trafficking methamphetamine. She was placM in the Davie County Jail in licit of a $100,000 secured bond. ' nC'. , ■ Wolfe, 20,-was charged, with posses­ sion ofdrug paraphemalia andpossession of aweapon ofmass destruction. Accoid- ing to Shuskey, officers found .22 rifiecut down to about 15 jnclies with a barrel threaded for a silencer. Both are scheduled to make their first court appearances Jan. 27. The SBl at(d Iredell County Sheriffs Department assisted with the investiga­ tion, which is continuing widi the possi­ bility of morc anrests, he said. ' '.............. I 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 Editorial Pa^ Raising Boys: Uptight Parents Make Life Difficult How do you raise boys? There's a national debate about that. Too many people want boys to act like girls. They want them to be nice, have perfect manners and be seen but not heard. They want to turn “slugs and snails and puppy dog tails" into “sugar and spice and everything nice." So they give boys Ritalin. It works. We have zombie boys walking the halls of our schools on drugs, nejver upsetting anyone. They've tried to emasculate boys. Take their toy guns away. Don’t let them play shoot 'em up, bang-biuig games for fear it will somehow turn them into mass murderers as teenagers. Harry Potter books frighten uptight parents because they fear reading about witches will cause their boys,,to grow up to be Satan worshippers. Pokemon toys \yoiry them because they fear some undercurrent theme that will damage the boys’ psyche and turn them into monsters. It’s hard being a boy these days. When I was a boy, we could run in the woods and play in the fields and do wiiat boys do far away from the eyes of . oiir mothers. We came inside for two main reasons: to eat and sleep. If they couldn't find us, they couldn't scold us. j We could smell bad. Fish. Hunt for squirrels and play in the creek. j Now, most boys are confined to a half-acre lot. Par­ ents must know where the children are at every moment for fear of kidnappers and sex mimjacs. You can't shoot a sguirrei without attracting the police. You can't play in the cteek because it's polluted. And smelling bad prompts an immediate order for a bath. : “Boys can't rip around the carefiilly-manicured lawn for fear of damaging the grass. So they are further limited to the size of their driveway. ; The solution has often been to turn to sports. But the parents ruin organized sports. They scream and yell on the i sidelines and turn a game-among-lO-yeor-olds into the....... Super Bowl. Coaches take losing as a personal failure arid tycome rabid maniacs. : This is a boy's life: His teachers pile on the home­ work. His older siblings are terrorist thugs. His younger siblings get all the attention. His mother wants him to do the dishes and sing in the church children’s choir which has 20 girls and two boys. His father wants him to pitch no- hitters, bat .750 and make straight “A’s” while volunteering S the soup kitchen for the homeless. ' And you thought your life was sUressfiil. : What's a kid to do? ; It's time for boys every where to take their fathers by the hands and take them camping. Leave Mom and the sisters at home. Take Dad away for a little peace and quiet in the mountains. You get to use the bathroom in the woods. The dishes don’t have to be clean. And you can enjoy the woods and the mountain streams and the peace. ; What drives kids crazy? It’s the parents. We could all lighten up and accept boys for what they are, not what we ^ant them to be. We could make sure tlieir lasting impres­ sions of us are smiles and laughter and praise, not rantings and rules and disapproval. ; — Dwight Sparks D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 ' Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the DAViE COUNTY PUBLiSHiNG CO. Dwight Sparks...... Robin Fergusson.. MikeBamhardt.... RayTutterow....... ..Editor/Publisher ..General Manager ..Managing Editor ..Advertising Manager Mocksville Enterprise 1916-1958 Davie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal. 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid In Mocluvllle, NC 27026 Subscflptlon Rates Single Copy, SO Cents $20 per year In North Carolina $25 per year outside North Carolina , POSTMASTER Send address changss to: . Davfe County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 In The Mail... Downtown Made Into A Showplace To ihc editor: \Vc warn to applaud the work by Joan Carter, Jane Simpson and Carrie Brown (Davic Cham­ ber of Commerce), Debbie Triplett, Leon Carter, Danny Smith and his crew, Terry Bralley, Ken Windlcy and our town and county boards in the ' last year to make our downtown a showplace. This week’s Mocksvillc parade* and Home­ town Christmas are just a few examples of the renewed excitement that is taking piacc in down­ town Mocksville. Events like this are long in planning and a lot of hard work and extended hours for those involved. You should be proud of what you have accomplished in a short time. Newcomers and longtime Davie County resi­ dents arc surprised and pleased by the changes that are taking place. For our Davie County friends and neighbors who have not been down yet, trca( yourself to a Hometown Christmas. You will be delighted by Family Appreciates Help To the editor Wcwouldllketothankeveryone that responded and helped us on Friday evening, Nov. 12, during the sudden death of our father. We don't know the namcsofcvcryonc,butwccspcciallythankDwayne Smith and the Davic EMS, also the first responders. Thank you to all our friends and neighbors for the food, visits, phone calls, llowers, and most of all, the many prayers. A special thank you toour Pastor Jen'PenningtonandFirstBaptistChurchcongrega- tion. Thank you also for all the prayers during my sickncss and hospitalization. May God bless all of you. Mary A. Nail Cooleemee the beautiful new lights, the horse and carriage ! rides, carolers and special events at The Brock. I This Is just the first year for this, so imagine what ; it can become In the future. If you enjoy your- ! self, please let our Chamber of Commerce and ! town and county officials know. They deserve a ' big pat on the back. Linda and Glenn Mace - Woodworks Gallery, Mocksville ; Town Lights Wonderful; To the editor ^ Downtown Mocksville is lit up with the spirit ; of the holidays with the white lights on the trees and on the outlines of the building. Thank you ; to Joan Carter for her work in making our town ; more beautiful. And thank you for a wonderful ! Christmas parade last Satui^ay. I Buster Cleary Mocksvillc ! Men Worked Diligently To Provide Aid To the editor On the morning of Nov. 27, my father left the house to do something he looked forward to every year, to go hunting. The thought never entered any of our minds that he would not return home at lunch as always. God has not promised us tomorrow and we must live and chcrish each day, especially the times we have with the ones we love. Our hope and faith in God will get us through this difficult time and will guide our future. We would like to express our sincere thankful­ ness to the men of the EMS and first rcsponden* for their compassion and their diligence in working with my father. We know the conditions were rough, but they all worked together with only my father in mind. We would also like to thank our friends and church family for food, flowers and cords. But mostly, thankyou foryourprayersand yourthoughts • they arc what have gotten us through. God Bless. Mike Faak and family Mocksville L e tte rs W e lc o m e d Tte Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its readers. Tlie letters may beon topics of local, state, national or international issues. An enbrt will be made to print all letters provided they ore not libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters In the newspaper oHlce by 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Does Television Encourage Violence? Anne Livengood MocksvUIe "We know that the mind adapts to that on whichit reeds, and this is reflected in the be­ havior of young people." , Marit Mabe Moclisville "Without a doubt Parents need to have more control of what children watch on TV." Delores Clendenin Mocksville "I'm a great believer TV has an Influence on children." katheryn Steelman Yadkin County ” Yes. There are ugly things on TV." DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 - 3 IVe invite you to attend the Advance Christmas Parade j Saturday, December 11,1999 • 10 a.m, • Downtown Advance NEW FOR YOU A Quality Consignment Shop Clothing For The Entire Family, Gratis and Household Items It is with pleasure I congratuiate Advance on their Christmas Parnde. Happy Holidays! W B i S i t s i B c c e r Davie County Sheriff Pakl for by ShortH Allon ViTDitakor Congratulations on your Advance Christmas Piarade and "Thanks To You” fo r your continued support. J u l i a H o w a r d N.C. House of Representatives ___________Palilfor by Rtpmtntaiht Mia ________ ^ ( ^ e / t / i L | Ctetmas Advance, North CaroUna (336) 998-8101 Davidson County Airport (336) 95B-7774 Air BP CiimplclL’ A iirra lt M aiiili'iiaiic Annuals'lOO Hr. insp«ctlon*General Repairs'Tle Downs Cail for Free Estimate^Hangars'Fast Courteous Service No Overnight Parking Fees “ Where Customers Meet For Fun” l&S GROCERY H appy H olidays HWYBOI ATCORNATZERROflD flPUflNCE ■ 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -7 3 4 7 ^ Natu ^ 's Way Christies TYees Wreaths Roping Hwy. 801 • Advance fM^erry C H ristm as from C ^ a a n d Fuli Service Saion & Spa 998-6770 • Hwy 1582l/2nile!weitolTan8lwood Tues-Fri9am-7pin ■ Sit9am-6pm Hair Cate 4 SHn Products Available HILLSDALE DENTAL DR. JERRY HAUSER FAMILY AND COSMETIC GENERAL DENTISTRY U tie rr ij S fin s tim s ^ jr o m ^Causer & S la jj OFFICE H o u r s BY APPOINTMENT 998-2427 OR 998-2428 135 m e d ic a l d r iv e SUITE 201 m ADVANCE, NC ^ V e t e r i n a r y H o s p i t a l JAMES BEESON, D.V.M. • KARLA FRAZIER, D.V^M. V 5346 US Highway 158 • Advance • (336) 998-0262^ /TWIN LAKES AVIATION. INC?> ^Green Acres Nursery V 5100 Hwy. 158 «Advance ■ 998-8256 ^ Merry Christinas & Happy New Millenium to the people of Advance & Davie County. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the parade, ^fy body will be in Raleigh serving our country in the Naval Reserves, but my heart will be in Advance - the place I call home. Judge Jimmy Myers PtiiJfor by Jiiilgr Jimmy Myers. ^ Johnson & Company, Inc. Irrigation Sales Sprinkler & Drip Irrigation Specialists 2000 Hwy. 801 South Advance 336-998-5621 C o n g ra tu la tio n s O n Y o u r Advance Qhristmas Parade "We are so proud of your special event. ‘ . Betsy C ochrane , ^____________Paid for fry Stnalor Bttn CcxHmnt ^TflRHEEL BflNflN6 COMPANY"^ M g p p i j Ckpistmas Highway 801 Advance 998-8202 W e 'v e G o t Y o u C o v e r e d A d v a n c e ! D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTE ECORD FUa COVERAGE ON NEWS AADVERTIMNO P.O.Box 99 • 171 South Main St,Mocksville,NC 27028 ptionE(336)75!-2129 fee(336)751.9760 ^ 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 |/lurder Charge Upheld By Jury . Continued From Page 1 wiincsscs from ihc N.C. Dcpanmcnl ;ofCorrcclion. . Prosecutor Revie^^-s Evidence • • There is no qucslion the prosccu- ; 1 iionhasmcliisburdcnofproor.auis* ; : janl disirici attorney Grcg Drown said ; Z jn his closing argumcnls (o the jury ; I Monday. : r ; S.W. Brown Jr., 71, was the vlclim : ‘ of an attempted robbery and stabbing at his business March 6,1998anddied ; nine days later, he said. •:: The state has proven that the de* • : fendant, Jathiyah Al-Bayyinah, was j : the man that slabbed and committed ;: thalattcmptcdrobberyorS.W.Brown." ; I he argued. ; : • The defendant had been living with ; Ginger Cockerham in the immediate ; areaofBrown*sbusiness.Onlhemom- ; ing of the crime. Cockerham said Al« Bayyinuh was gone when she got up. Cockerham tesiided that the knife found in ihc woods where Ihe defen­ dant had been hiding looked like one • from her house that couldn’t be found, ; he lold jurors. ; Brown reminded jurors about the ; testimony of the victim’s son, who had ; heard a commotion, coming from the : business oHlce. Charles Brown heard his father call out for him. \Vhen he reached him. his father pointed in the direction the assailant had run.' The victim was s\iU on Uk phone I with the 911 operator when his son • returned from pursuing the man. S.W. • Brown then told his son he recognized ; the man who slabbed him because he ; had cashed n check for him on the previous day, Brown said. Several witnesses testined to cvl> ; dencc of an altempted robbery, claim* : ing (o sec money and papers scattered ^ oh the ncwV.'Browh's wallet out of Ris • front pants pocket where he always • kept It he said. • It can be reasonably be believed • (hat the suspect thought he was going ; to rob a 71-year-old man, who was : alone. The robbery would have been : completed if Charles Brown had not . • come (o his father’s aid. he suggested. : • ■ During the call he made to 911, ' t i Biwm was cogn^tamraWe u> Tcpotva*^ ! I robbery and his own stabbing and pro- • I Ivide adescriptionof the suspect. In that *: call, he said he believed he hod cashed • 'the man's check on the prior day, he • r*8oid. ■ Showing (he jurors various routes . ■ taken by police officers to get to the ;: crimescene.Brownsaid,onicershadn’t ^rested the Hrst black man in dark : • tlothing they found but the only black I • .man in dark clothing, who was found I • Iwo blocks nonh and two blocks west Z-HS.W. Brown & Son. I Immediatelyaftermakingeyecon- ■; tact with onicer Joey Reynolds, the ; idefendant (led into a wooded area. ;; Flight can be considered an indication ;' ofguilt. said Brown. : When Dean Myers found Al- ; Bayyinah hiding under a log In the : woods, he asked him where the knife : was. The suspect responded he didn't ; have (he knife. • ; " Weknow (hat man'sa liar," Brown ! said, "becausc they found (he knife.” ■ The kni fe was found underneath (he • spot where Al-Bayyinah had been ly- • ing in (he woods, he said. ; He reminded jurors that AW ; Bayyinah’s hands had been bleeding ; from cuts received in (lie (hicke(. ; - The blood slain found on his jeans • would be consistent with where his • hands would have been underneath his \ body as he lay on the ground. A slain ; was found on the back of his jacket ! where one might expect him to have ; bled while handcuffed, Brown said. • The defense has made light of the. ; fact that a report by former Davie ; County Sheriffs Sgt. Harry Rawlings ; was dated 10 days after the crime. In : that report, Rawlings tells of a state- • mem made (0 him by the defendant, as \ he transported him from the scene of ; his capture to the police department. : But chief Investigator Detective Ken { Hunter of the Mocksvllle Police testi- : lied that Rawlings told him about the • statement immediately upon arrival (o • (he department. Brown said. ; InthatstatementRawlingssaidAI' < Bayyinah lold him he had just been • released from prison and didn't know • .how (he prison system expected him to • make it on the outside. He admitted ; involvement in the crime, which he ; claimed was committed with another- : man he had just met., . If Rawlings and Hunter were going i to fabricate on admission of guilt, os ! the defense as insinuate, they would I have come up with something better t .jtian (bat, Brown told tlw ju ^ . ' There have been a lot of questions about why there was no blood from the ' victim found on the knife, but three experts lestl lied about why there mighl be none of Brown's blood on the knife, he said. One SBI agent even told about severely cutting his own finger yet leaving no blood on the knife. The knife hit no mojor arteries, li had lo pass through the victim's t-shlrt, shirt and a sweater vest as it was with­ drawn. By the lime it was pulled out and taken and hidden in the leaves, one wouldn't expect much blood, he said. Addressing issues raised by the de­ fense about the unldenlifiable finger­ print found on a pack of cigaretles discovered on the floor of the ofllce at S.W. Brown & Son, he reminded ju­ rors that noidentirmble prints had been found on the pack of cigarettes seized from the suspect. Family members and friends cried in the courtroom, as he ended his argu­ ment by playing (he tape of S.W. Brown’s 911 call, asking him lo (ell wha( had happened to him "one last lime." Defense Makes Argumcnls Defense attorneys Lori Hamilton- De Will and David Minor argued Mon­ day that the prosecution had not met Its burden of proof In the case. The defense doesn't dispute much of the evidence In the case or that what happened lo Brown was a tragedy for hisfamilyandcommunity.DcWittsaid. Whal the defense disputes is that the state has proven beyond a reason- abledoubl that Al-Bayyinah is the per­ son responsible for that tragedy, she argued. In order for the jury to find the defendant guilty. Minor said the pros­ ecution must provide proof that en- (lrcly”cdn~vlnccs*(licjuly of his guilt.' Without that proof (here can be no conviction. "The prosecutors haveusedthedra- maticsofsympathy throughout the time- their witnesses have testilted," he ar­ gued. He urged jurors not to let that use of sympathycontrol them and makeihem feel like (hey have (o do somc(hlng. '^Mtnorasked-jurors to put away their emodons and analyze the evi­ dence in (he case rationally. "Something needs to be done, but It needs tobcdone to the right person," he said. Policc ofncers captured the first black man in dark clothing they sawon the moming of the crime, and (heir entire Investigation has focused on that man. Minor said. "A black man In the woods with a knife Is what they rely on for ihelr case," he said. The first words spoken by Al- Bayyinah to the chief Investigator in the case. Mocksville Policc Detective Ken Hunter, were (ha( he had no( stabbed (hat old man but to go ahead and arrest him so he could get some rest, Minor told the jury. He asked jurors if those sounded likethcwordsofsomeonefeclingguiity about something he had done. No trace evidence was col lected by policc. The crime scene was not se­ cured and was described by (he police chief as contaminated, he said. Minor reminded jurors that Raymond Jackson had testified to ly­ ing to an officer about recognizing Al- Bayyinah in a photograph because he was nervous. "Thenj’s good reason for that." he said. The first time Jackson went into S.W. Brown’s store was on (he day beforeihcstabbing.Whilehe was there, he cashed a roll of quarters for a $10 , bill.Onthedayaf\erihccrime,Jackson left die state, he said. Minor described Jackson os "ner- . vo'iis as a cat on a ho( tin rooP and "rcadytojumpoutorhisskin"whileon (he witness stand. A witness to the suspect leaving the store, Jean Sheets, had described (he man as (all and slender. He was wear­ ing a toboggan - possibly two toned. She thought it was greenon the bottom. The toboggan taken from Al-Bayyinah was not two toned, and it wos not green, he said. Noblood fromUic victim was found : on (he knife officers discovered In (he woods or on the clothing of Al- Bayyinah. Thebloodfoundbothplaces belonged to the defendant. Ninety per­ cent of the blood must have belonged to the defendant for it to have masked the blood of (he victim, Minor (old the jury. He pointed out Inconsistencies be* ^tween the attempted robbery at S.W. Brown imd Son jind t^o robberies at Friendly Center Grocery in which the victim Alexander Splilt identified Al- Bayyinah as the robber. There Is no evidence the accused has ever owned any of the weapons used in (he robberies at Friendly Center Grocery. In those crimes, the suspcct gave verKil commands to the victim. None were hciud In the Brown n)b- bery. When SpUtt was robbed, the sus­ pcct remainedincompIctecontrol.Tlie Brown robbcrysuggestssomconewiih- outexpericnceandconirol.Minorsaid. He poin(ed out (hut Splitt had lesli- fied that Brown was his friend. At the time he Idenlined the pholo of Al- Bayyinah, he knew he was (he suspcct in the crime at Brown's store. Minor questioned why Sgt. Han^ Rawlings had provided no hand writ­ ten notes about the alleged statement made to him by the defendant while traveling from the place of his capture to the policc department and why his typed statement had not been offered undl 10 days later. No fingerprints of the suspcct had been found on any of tlie p;icks of cigarettes found on the (Itwon Brown's store following the stabbing. Tlie one fingerprint found has not been linked to anyone, he said. EIToris lo tie up loose ends by run­ ning that fingerprint through the Auto­ mated Fingerprint Identification Sys­ tem during ihe trial and a parade of alibi witnesses presented for oiher black males by ihcprosecuiion is evidence of their doubt about their own case, he said. Evidcncc Is missing. There are KX) many loose ends, he said. What the prosecution has presented is a theory, which will not work unless the jury is willing to make a Jargc number of assumptions. DeWitt ar­ gued. She listed 28 assumptions the jury would have lo make to find Al- Bayyinah guilty. Among those were that a black man would have no other reason to mn fron\ a policc car with blue lights and siren aclivated than because he wus guilty of a crime. Thejury musi assume nolhingques- lionablc about: Rawlings' statement about whal Al-Bayylnah allegedly told him in the patrol car or Hunter's failure to mention ihai statement In his own notes, she said. Il must be assumed that il was rea- sonablcofHuntertodo nothing to look forasecondsuspeclorhaving Rawlings assist him with interviewing the wit­ ness. she said. She identified problems with the teslimonyofseveralwiinesses.Tonnd Al-Bayyinah guilty, one must accept the portions of that testimony while disregardingothen.DcWittexplained. Thejury must assume (hat an analy­ sis of trace evidence in (he case would not have cleared Al-Bayyinah, DeWitt argued. It's the prosecution's job to show whal happened - not what might have happened or probably happened, she said. A court of law must deal with facts and not assumptions, she told jurors. Defendant Seen On Depot Street During last week’s presentation of evidence. Clarence Melvin Parks'said he was seated iii the garbage truck he drives on ihe morning of the stabbing doing paper work, while the tmck was warming up. when he looked up to sec a black man standing In front of (he truck staring al him. He had never before seen the man he later identified as ihe defendant. ■ Walkingslowly.themanpulledout a spoon and looked at it. He was carry­ ing a large mouthed bottle in his left hand. He was wearing a dark colored wind breaker with the hood pulled up over his head. The man crossed Depot Street and headed jn the direction of ■ S.W. Brown & Son, he said. Parks saw the man for the last time in his reor view mirror as he drove the truck onto Depot Street. Af\er seeing ihe news that night. Parks said he called the sheriffs de­ partment to report whal he had seen. Looking at photos presented to him by Hunter, he identified Al-Bayyinah as the man he'd seen that moming. He hsul waved to a man he knew, who was In a parked vehicle at the taxi stand near Brown's store, but had seen no one else on the street that moming. Parks testified;. Working as a law enforcement of- ficerforanumberofyearsdidriotcolor his testimony in this case. Parks said. "IfccUikcQsacitizcn andahiiman being, it's my job to tell," he said. "It’s ■right." When questioned oL'oui what he’d Sheriff’s Detective Tony Leftwich and Sgt. Lee Whitesides escort Jathiyah Al-Bayyinah tocourt for his murder trial. - Pholo by Robin Fergusson seen that tnoming. tiie man parked at the taxi stand said he’d seen on one walking on ihe sireel but was probably asleep, according to IXMective Ken Hunter. Men Clnlm Suspect Used Drugs RobcrtTumerandRodcrickMartin tesilfled they had gone with Al- Bayyinah to Winston-Salem on the niglil before ihe slabbing lo purchase drugs. According to Martin, he had met AI-Bayylnahn((hehomeofhiscousin. Ginger Cockerham. _ .3Vhcn he sawhim talMnyon lhej>ay telephone outside the p(X)l worn be­ side S.W. Brown & Son (he night be­ fore the crime. Al*Bayyinali asked him about where he could get stnne co­ caine. Martin said. Picked up by Turner In a car, he said they traveled toWinston-Saien^ wiwrc he and the defendant bought crack cocaine. After smoking the crack together, they relumed lo Cockerhum’s house • some time aHer 3 a.m. They sat around for a while before he and Tumor went home. Mjirtin said. Alibis OITen;dForMcn Representatives from ihq businesses where Turner and Martin were em­ ployed al the time of the crime pre­ sented lime curds, which showed both tobcalworkatthelimeofihestabbing. Another man suggested as a pos­ sible suspect, Curtis Ijames. also took Ihe stand, testifying he had never been lo Brown's store. HisgirlfriendCeciliuLane tesiided that she had picked Ijames up lhat moming and dropped him off at .the home of his uncle. She was unsure of the lime. Charles Barker said Lane had dropped Ijames off at his home before 9 am., and ihey had watched The Jerry Springer Show" together. Knife May Have Been Recognized Ginger Cockerham said she was living on Mill Street at the time of Brown’s murder and had allowed Al- Bayyinah to stay with her for a while because he was the uncle of her first­ born son. She hadn't seen the defendant for about 10 years until he showed up at her home in Febniary. He said he wus trying to gel his life (ogc(her. so she tried to help him find a job. Cockerham said. He kept a bag at her house but wasn't really staying there. Sometimes he would begone for several days, she said. When an officer came to her house asking questions about the knife, she said she told him il looked like one that had been alherhouse.Shecouldn’t find thai knife in her kitchen and was uncer­ tain when she had last seen it. . "Itlooksexacllylikeonemymother had at the house, but I can't say for sure if It is or noi." Cockerham testified. Woman Sees Mon Run From Store . While she was sitting in her car outside J.P. Green Milling Company on the moming of the stabbing, Jean Sheets said she saw a black man walk­ ing from Main Street toward S.W. . Brown & Son on Depot Street. Latershe noticed him running from the store. It looked like he was doing something with his hands, and she thought.she saw a wrapper fajl to ihc ground. He had on dark clothing, and she something shiny; Sheets said. •She then sow an older white man 'comc out and njolion to the right. A younger white man conie^ou^m his truck and appc;ircd to \^c Iwking for something inside it. she said. Tliesuspcct was wearing dark p;mts and a dark light weight jacket. It kx)ked tike he was wearing a toboggan-darker on top and lighter on the btiiiom. It seems like It was a gnx'nish color. She last sight of him as he ran between Brown’s store and the building beside il, she said. Not close enough to see his face. Sheets said she couldn't identify the man as the defendant. Police Omcers Testify -OOcLSgt. Hairy _ Rawlings brought AI*Bayyin:ih lo the police departmenl. Deiectivc Ken lluntcrs:iid (he officer told him imme­ diately about stalements made by the suspcct indicating involvement in Ihc crime while Ihey were in the pairol car. He asked Rawlings to prepare a written statement alwut whal had been said. He did not feel il necessary to prep;ire his own statement about whal Ruwlings told him bccausc he would have (he officer’s statement for his file. Hunter s;iid. Hunter said he hiidn'l re(|uestcd as­ sistance from theSBI to investigateihc crime scene because he doesn't have that authority and didn't believe il was necessary. He had sent items to the SBI lab for analysis. On Nov. 29. he look Ihe identifiable fingerprint found on a pack of cigarettes Itial had been ana­ lyzed lo the Winston-Salem police de­ partment to be ran through the AFIS system losee Ifa match could Ix; found. None match was found for that prim. He was unable to send Brown’s t- shirt, shirt and sweater vest foranalysis because ihey had been destroyed by itie hospital, he said. He said he didn't believe it was nccessjiry to try to get trace evidence bccausc, not expecting Brown to die, he believed there was an eyewitness to the crime. He also had the statement from the defendant made to Rawlings that he had participated in the crime. Mocksville's assistant policc chief Wayne Stoneman also testified that, though he has the authority tocall in ihc SBI. he didn't believe it was necessary' in this case. At the time thal decision was made. Police ChicfRichardSinksaidofficers had Information thal the victim was alive and that ihe suspcct hud made a statement about his Involvement In the crimc. In addition, the building had not been secured, and EMS personnel and family members had been in and out of the business, contaminating (he crimc scene. Sink explained. In u small depar(meni like Mocksville’s, all manpowerwas needed ■ for apprehension of the suspect. Thai’s why no one was sent to securc the crimc scene or colle.ct trace evidence, he explained. Suspect Accused OfOther Crimes Friendly .Center Grocery owner Alexander Spllit testified Friday that Al-Bayyinah was ihe'man responsible lo two anned robberies at his siore in January 1998. . Despite objections from defense attorneys, Judge Marvin Gray ruled that Splilt's testimony should be al­ lowed for the purpose of showing mo­ tive, intent, plan or Idcnlity.; ' While alone in the store Jan. 20, about 6:20am.,Splhtsaidablack man ■ dressed indurkclothing and wearing a ski mask entered thcsiorb with a gun m hishand.Therobbcrrepcated the words "Money, money.' mon'ey'. Hurry up. Dttn’l l(H)k ill me." Arterhehadgivenhimnllthe money in the cash regislcr. alxiul S.*i{X), Splilt said he was forecd to his knees. As s(K)n as tlie nian tefi the store, Spliti jumped up to see the suspect run across the road toward an abandoned house. He saw no car, he s;tid. Splilt said he had not reported thal crime immediately because he didn't want (o create panic among his cus­ tomers. He decided to report the inci­ dent three days later after n second robbery at Ills siore Jan. 22. __On.lbal diiy.abonL7:40 p.m.,-while-— he was working in the store alone. Splilt said a black man dressed In dark clothing wIihalHxxIpulledtightaround his face entered the store and asked for a pack of cigaretles. As he was turning toretrievetljecigarcttcs.lhcmanpullcd out a two liter bottle containing gaso­ line and poured il on him and around the area He then held up a cigarettc lighter and repeated the words used in the previous robbery, < - He said he recognized ihc man as Ihe same one who had robbed him cariler. 'flic clothing was the same ex­ cept forihc absencc of a mask. He also recogni/.ed his size, voice, eyes and expression. "I knew I would cxplcxle like a bomb, so I gave him all the money in the cosh register." Splitt said. Unable to positively identify a sas- pect oner reviewing hundreds of pic­ tures at tlic sheriffs department, Splitt said he is 100 pereent certain that AI- Bayyinuh is the man who robbed him. He had idenlined Al-Bayylnah af­ ter his anrst for the crimes at Brown's store, when shown aslngle photograph by Davie County Sherifi's Deteclivc Robert Trotter. Seeing him facc to facc from a distance of just two or three feet. Spliti said he was positive it was the robber as soon as he saw the photograph. A large numberof his customers arc African Americans from a nearby . nelghborlio(xl. but he has never had any problem with anyone from lh;a community, Spliti said. The first time he saw the defendant in person was al a hearing Oct. 28, and he has never had an opportunity (o hear his voice, Splilt testified. When asked by DcWili if he re­ called making a smtement during that hearing that all black people look alike, Splitt said he has trouble judging the age In black's but doesn't think they all look the same. To assist in hercross-cxaminalibn, DeWitt requested a portion of the tran­ script from that hearing. Gray said the defense should have sought this information from the court reporter curlier and was not going to let such a request delay the Uial. He al­ lowed Ihc court reporter to prepare a transcript from the portion of Splilt's testimony in qucslion only. Splitt. who is from Germany, obvi­ ously has a language problem, and a iwrson's answers on one occasion may not be the same on another, said the judge. In a portion of ihc transcript pre­ pared by Ihe court reporter, Splitt had responded that lie finds black people dilllculiiodistinguish but liad explained : lhat answer as referring to age, telling ‘ ubo'ut a customer In his 60s he had , misiakenfor45or50. ■ .Whilclooklnglhroughthcmugshot: books at llicsherifrs department, Splitt: . . . Please ^ Statesville JtPage 10 District Court The following cases were dis­ posed of in Davie District Court on Dcc. 2. Presiding: Judge Kimberly S. 'Hiylor. Prosecuting: DougVreetand and Melanie Holton assistant DA’s. —Terry L. Billings, 83 mpli In a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $50, cost; no license, dis­ missed. —Adam D. Broadway, possession of Schedule U controlled substance, dismissed; possession of drug para­ phernalia, I year supervised proba­ tion, $200, cost. —Tricia Bunnell, worthless chcck, sentenced 45 days, suspended I year, $25, cost. —ValeriaA. Cook, failure to wear scat belt, dismissed; driving while li­ cense revoked, sentenced 120 days, suspended I year. $300. cost. —NVilliam D. Doby. communicat­ ing threats, assault on a female, dis­ missed, request of prosecuting wit­ ness. —Jerald G. Driver, assault on fe­ male, comtnunicating threats, dis­ missed, re({uest prosecuting witness. —Todd Edwards, worthless check, dismissed. —Robert W. Fields Jr, commu­ nicating threats, dismissed, reciuest of pro.seculing witness. —Maxine E. Forte, 84 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in 70, prayer for judgment continued on cosi. —Michael Foster, misdemeanor probation violation, sentenced 120 days; misdemeanor probation viola­ tion, sentenced 24-48 months. —Ramrich 0. Olasper, 89 mph in a 70 zone, reduced toexccedlng safe speed, $10, cost. —Susan D. Groce, expired regis­ tration, no liability insurance, dis­ missed. —Lart’y F. Habegger, assault on a female, dismissed, prosecuting wit­ ness failed to appear. —KimellaC. Hanks, four counts worthless checks, dismissed. —Will S. Hege, 65 mph In a 45 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $75, cost. —James L. Higgins, domestic criminal trespassing, dismissed, prosecuting witness failed to appeac —Charlie M. Holman Jr., misde­ meanor probation violation, active sentence. -B rent C. Ivester, threatening phone call, dismissed, request of prosecuting witness. —Katherine M. Johnson, worth­ less check, dismissed. —^Tliomasina Jones, no child re­ straint system, no liability insurance. scntcnccd45days,suspended 1 ycai; $100, cost; driving while license re­ voked. dismissed. —Tina A. Leonard, no license, dismissed. -Andrew D. Martin. 88 mph In a 70 zone, reduced lo 74 in 70,510. cost. —Randy T. McBrayer. misde­ meanor possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed. —Veronica R. McCrackcn. DWl. Forsyth Veteri^ Hospital of 2556 South Stratford Road is pleased to introduce Dr. Art Taylor as the newest member of their team. "Doc" comes to us from Tennessee where he practiced for 15 years, he is certified in ultra sound diagnostics and has special interests in orthopedic and cosmetic surgery. "Doc" and his horse "Dakota " live in the King area and compete in the rodeo sport of team roping. UniciuoChrisimas Gifts Davie County Public Library HISTORY OF DAVIE COUNTY (Tliinl Bliliiin, upduli'd lOW-OS) James W. Wall 250 years of political, business, social, religious, and educational tilstoiy, wHti 7,000 names of eaity settlers, elected oflicials, and military veterans. 450 pages -140 pictures THE HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE OF DAVIE COUNTY (Rcprinlcd 1986 edition) Kirk F. Mohney t J 250 pages • 600 pictures ol structures and drawings ' with descriptive architectural narrative and biographical accounts of builders and residents. Cost of each $26.50, lulailing $3.00. Main Desk Davie County Public Library All proceeds accnie to the Davie County l.ibrary. DAVIE COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1836 - 1900 Nancy K. Murphy A record of 4,600 marriages ol Davie County people. $22.50 DAVIE COUNTY CEMETERIES Davie County Historical & Genealogical Society Approximately 18,000 gravesites with inscribed biographical Information and dates. Two-volume sot $45.00 DAVIE COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1901 - 19S9 Nancy K. Murphy $20.00 1860 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. Murphy and Everetle G. Sain $15.00 | , 1870 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. Murphy and Everetle G. Sain $15.00 All proceeds accrue to the Davie County Historical and H Genealogical Society. Purchase price Includes mailing. Available Martln-Wall History Room, Davie County , Library. Mon • Tues • Wed • 9:00 am - 4:00 pm ' sentenced 60 days, suspended 1 yeac $ I (X), cosl. 24 hours community ser­ vice; no license, driving whilelicensc revoked, use of foreign license while driving while license revoked, dis­ missed. ' —Jeffrey H. Miller. 43 mph in a 2.^ /one, reduced to Improper equip­ ment. $50, cosl; driving wlille licensc revoked, dismissed. —Amy D. Misc. communiculing threats, prayer for judgment contin­ ued on cost. —Eller M. Nall. DWI, scnienccd I year, suspended 1 ycai; sentenced 7 days, S400, cosl, surrender licensc. —Kevin M. O'Brien, DWI, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended I year, $100, cosl. surrender license, sub­ stance abuse assessment and ireai- mcnl, 24 hours community service. —Wade A. Osborne, simple pos­ session of Schedule II controlled sub­ stance, dismissed; possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced 120 days, suspended 2 years, suhstance abuse ussessmenl. S20Q, cost; indeccnt ex­ posure, sentenced 45 days. —Darrell D. Parks, no licensc, rcgislration violation, dismissed, In- sufncient evidence. —niainc Parrish, school atten­ dance law violation, dismissed. —Michael J. Rosennieier, 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduced lo improper equipment, $10, cost. — Robert K. Snow, DWI, sen­ tenced I year, suspended 1 year, 7 days active, $400, cost, surrender li­ cense, substance abuse assessment; no liability insumnce, dismissed. —Ryan J. Stake, communicating threats, dismissed, request of pros­ ecuting witness. —Bobby G. Sweat Jr., possession of marijuana, assault inflicting seri­ ous injury, dismissed. — Ellseo O. Torres, worthless chcck. dismissed. —Bradley C. Vesi. 68 mph In a 55 /one, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10, cosl. —Donald G. Williams, misde­ meanor larceny, dismissed; registra­ tion plate violation, sentenced 45 days, suspended 2 years, $200. cost; driving while licensc revoked, sen­ tenced 120 days. —Edward L. Williams, open con­ tainer after consuming, driving while license revoked, sentenced 120 days, suspended I year. $400, cosl. —James M. Williams, two counts false ambulance request, sentenced 45 days, suspended 1 year, $200. cost; false ambulance request, sen­ tenced 45 days; imperstinating emer­ gency official, three counts false am­ bulance request, tiiree counts inter­ fering wiih emergency radio, dis­ missed. —William D. Williams, failure to- stop for stopped bus, dismissed, pros­ ecuting witness failed to appeat —Brian K. Wilson, two counts misdemeanor probation violation, active sentence. —Wayne WixxJ, communicating tlireats, dismissed, request of pros­ ecuting witness. " Taking Orders Farm Fresh Pork Sausage Only Ready to Pick Up on December 16th. No Order too Small or too Large Call for Prices & Details Jerry & Cindy Foster • Mocksville 336-998-7175 • 336-998-8427 DAVIF, COUNTY KN'I'ERl’RISK RliCORD, Dec. 9,1999 - S A /h m o ra o ^ V fS ^esl With inoie than 50 Hallmark Kuepsake Ornaments priced at less than SIO, it's easier than ever to purchase memorable gifts for everyone. Whether you need a gift for your babysitter, teacher, co-worker or friend, the sentiment is priceless. w 50% OFF Reg. $599! H I I D ia m o n d A n n iv e rs a ry M I - 1 - R in g s 3 0 -5 0 % OFF! 1/2 PRICE 1/2 Carat Diamonds Reg. $899-Sale $449! Katharine’s Shop Salisbury Mall • Salisbuiy • 704-637-2280 Next to Wal-Mart in Mocksville 751-3747 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 Public Records Civil Lawsuits ; The followjng civil lawsuits were filed wiiii (he Davie County Clerk of Court. ! ' • Janet Rose WIcst vs. Robert Bruce Wicst. absolute divorce. . • Amanda Osborne vs. Salvador Rodriguez Servano. request defen* dant not assault, threaten, abuse, fol­ low, harass or interfere with plain* tiff. . -DeraGibsonCharlesvs.Darren Stanley Charles, absolute divorcc. : • - Charisc Carter Falls vs. Terry \Vayne Falls, child custody and sup- Land Transfers port, possession of marital residence, divorce from bed and board, alimony, order that defendant not destroy marital property, equitable dlstribu* lion of marital property: counter* claim, that plaintilTrecover nothing. . Judith A. Hollis vs. Willie G. Hollis, absolute divorce, resume us­ ing maiden name. - Mary Irene Thompson Tritt vs. Michael KellyTrltt,absolute divorcc, resume using maiden name. - John Spillman vs. United Com­ panies Funding, request recovery, SU170, • Mabel K. Mintz vs. Kenneth M. Mintz, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or In­ terfere with plaintiff. - Janice Spillman vs. William Thomas Spillman, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or Interfere with plaintiff. - I-R Employees’ Federal Credit Union vs. Donna D. Nelson, request judgmem,$l4,354.4l. • Sharon H. Scott vs. Charles Keith Scott, absolute divorcc. : Providian National Dank vs. Howard E Wishon, request recovery, $13,367.05. . Ford Motor Credit Co. vs. Betty S. Snider and Stacy D. Torrence, re­ quest judgment, 58,634.27. ' -LandaKayAndrewsvs.Thomas Richard Andrews, absolute divorce. - Two Men And A Truck vs. Donald Pricc, request judgment, $3,000. , . Davie Social Services, on behalf of: Kim Grubb vs. Michael Grubb, child support: DSS vs. Carla J. Fields, voluntary support agreement; Emma White vs. Raynika N. Gre­ gory, voluntary support agreement: N.C. Foster Care vs. Joseph G.' Nelson, voluntary support agree­ ment, . Rebecca N. James vs. William D. James, absolute divorcc; counter­ claim, that plaintiff’s complaint be granted and separation agreement and equitable distribution of property be Included. - SBA Inc. and Sprlntcom Inc.. Willard Hayes and Wilma Hayes vs. (he Davie County Board of Adjust­ ment. request that court determine that Davie County Board of Adjustment's denltal of permission to construct wireless telecommuni­ cations facility be vacated and that the board be directed to issue permit. - Terry R. Phibbs vs. Cynihia C. Phlbbs, absolute divorce, resume us­ ing maiden name. - Sabrina R. Gentry vs. Scotty Gentry, absolute divorce. The following land lransfci;s were (lied with the Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds, listed by parties in­ volved, acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, with $2 represent- ihgS 1,000. ^ _ - Piedmont Properties of Lexing­ ton to Michael Scoit Davis and Judith Si. Davis, I lot, Fulion. S45. • • Glenn Johnson Builders to tim othy Lesser and Kimberly Lesser, 1 lot. Shady Grove, S300. ; - William Lawrence Davis and Sherry L. Davis to Sherry L Davis, 2 tracts. Jerusalem. . -Whip-O-Will Land and Cattle to ' Douglas E Bordner and Margaret A. Oordncr. I lot,Clarksville,SI25. - Richard C. Short loKHS Ltd., 4 Arrests lots. Shady Grove, S232. - Richard C, Short to KHS Ltd., I lot. Shady Grove, S54. - Mary McCartney and Richard McCartney to Frederick Dragon, 1 lot. Jerusalem, $64. - Unlfi Manufacturing to Harrison Properties, 162.33 acres, Farming­ ton. SI.208. • Shirley Gaither Smith to John A. Gaither and Wanda H. Gaither. 1.32 acres, Clarksville. • James Harold Cassidy and Helen J. Cassidy to Ronald G. Jones and Sandra Jones, 16.24 acres, Fulton, S228. - Deborah N. Walker and Aaron L. Walker to James E Griffey and Angela E Griffey, I acre, Farming­ ton, $150. - Joseph Scott Ashburn and Wendy James Ashburn to Betty Shores Ashburn, l.l2acres. Mocks- ville. - Mary L. Boger by attorney in fact Hubert Samuel Boger to James E. Meeker and Lucinda M. Meeker, 14.62 acres, Farmington, $167. • Charley Mac Edwards and R. Lester Edsvards and Maxine Edwards to Robert Eugene Edwards, 4.11 acres, Calahaln. -Anne H. Elam. Howard A. Elam. Edward G. Hendricks Jr., and Jamie M. Hendricks to Nelson Jones, I tract, Mocksville,$i6. •Jason Stewart Duke to L. Steven Hutton and Judith G. Hutton, I lot. Mocksvlllc.$208. - Wayne M. James and Jean S. James to Todd C. Smith and Sheila F. Smith, I lot, $210. . Robert D. Carter and Pamela W. Cnrtcr to Charlie F. Ridings and Rosalind B. Ridings. 2 acres, Jerusa­ lem. 524. - phillip L. Sullivan and Laura B. Sullivan to Ronald L. McElwee and Margaret E. McElwee, 1 lot, Mocks- ville, $206. - Robert D. Rogers and Creola G. Rogers to Jerzy. Wlodarczyk and Danuta Kaspizyk, 2 tracts, Mocks- villc,SI68. . Howard Lee Correll Jr. and Teresa S. Correll to Jill Brown, I lot, Mocksvillc, $54. - Gina R. O'Mara to Mark E. O'Maraand April F.0'Mam,5acres, Shady Grove, $272. - Edith W. Keaton to Dorman E Brown and Nancic P. Brown, 2.25 acres, Mocksvillc, $124. - Cecil S. Foushec Jr. and Gina M. Foushee to Robert Timothy Burge and Sharon Gayle Burge, I lot, Mocksvillc. $130. - G. Robert Turner HI. substitute trustee to Principal Wholesale Mort­ gage, 4.56 acres. $320. • Charles R. Corriher and Carma T. Corriher to Robert D. Galllmore, I tract. Clarksville, $329. - Paul Harrison Mason III and Ibma B. Mason, Martha M. Foster and Ronald W. Foster Sr. to Martha M. Foster and Ronald W. Foster Sr., 2 tracts, Mocksvillc. • Paul Harrison Mason III and Ibma B. Mason, Martha M. Foster and Ronald W. Foster Sr. to Paul Harrison Mason III and Tama B. Mason, 13.7 acres, Mocksvillc. - AlmaM. Zipf, trustee under Zipf Revocable Living Trust'to Bermuda Village Retirement Ceiner Limited Partnership, I condominium, Farm­ ington, $230. • Bermuda Village Retirement Center Limited Partnership to Alan Roy Marti, trustee, 1 condo­ minium, Farmington, $230. - Abba Construction to Alney James Davis and Susan McElroy Davis, 1 lot. Farmington, $610. r,The Davie County Sheriffs Dc- j^m cnt made the following arrests last week. --J u lie Ross Ferrell. 32. of 410 Riverdale Road, Mocksvillc, arrested Nov. 29 for assault with a deadly weapon. Trial date; Dec. 9. -Jerry WayncCopcJr.,27,of285 Awards Roao, Harmony, was ant on Nov. 29 for violating pretrial release, misdemeanor larceny and violating pro­ bation. Bond: $50,000. Trial date: Dec. 9. - Rachel Marie Hooper, 23, of 285 Edwards Road, Harmony, arrested a-Nov. 29, for misdemeanor larceny. ’Triardaie:'t>ec.9.' -C lint Dolin Brown. 31. of 393 Cedar Creek Road, Mocksville, ar­ rested Nov. 29. for failure to return rent. Trial date: Dec. 16. - Ricky Monroe Vamcy.44. of 297 Granada Drive. Advance, arrested Nov. 30, for domestic assault. Trial date: "Dec. 9. - Anna Marie Miller Helms. 39, of LliHnglon, arrested Nov. 30. for failure toappear and violating pretrial release. Trial date: Dec. 9. - Jimmy Witherspoon. 49. Salis­ bury, arrested Dec. I. for felony lar- ccny. Trial date: Dec. 9. - William Thomas Fariey, 24. Cleveland, arrested Dec. I for violat­ ing probation. Trial date: Dec. 9. - Mario Trejo Caballero, 25, of 1815 U.S. 158, Mocksville, arrested Dec. 3, for driving while license re­ voked and possession of out of state license revoked. Trial date: Jan. 13. -Gerardo Cabrera,24,of 111 Cana Road. Mocksville, arrested Dec. 3. for DMandopencontainer after consum­ ing. Trial date: Jan. 13.. - Randy Adam Howard, 29. of 436 Riverdale Road, Mocksvillc, arrested Dec. 4for statutory rape. Trial date: Jan. 6. Sheriffs Departmet\t ' The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie County Sheriffs Department. Grace S. Price of Advance re­ ported hercheckbookstolen from her purse in the parking lot at Tangle- wood Crossing Nov. 28. ; -CarlandMarinaDlaitnerofNew Jersey reported Nov. 29. someone Had broken into an outbuilding on Sheffield Road, stealing a lawn mower and cart. - Wayne Smith of Woodell Drive. Advance, reported Nov. 29, someone used his pickup to damage a gravel lot at DavleTmckers,aIsodamaging the tires. - Gordon Campbell reported Nov. 29.anemployechadta)(enpartofmoncy to be deposited in the bank in September from the McDonald's, Advance. -WilliamMitchellBuliardreportcd Nov.30,twospeakcrswercstolenfrom his tnick in the Davie High parking lot. -JohnJoseph Short reported money stolen from a locked cabinet at the Davie County Jail Dcc. I. - R.C. Rynn reported Dcc. 2, a lid to agasolinestorage tank, belonging to Hill Oil Company of Lexington, was danu^od at Furehes Shopping Mart Dec. 2. - Allison Cook reported Dcc. 2, her purse had been stolen from her vehicle possibly while It was in the parking lot at North Davie Middle School. - Marvin Smith reported finding a brief case, belonging to Melvin Louis Herndon of Morganton, in an aban­ doned vehicle at Farmington Exxon Dec. 2. - Peggy Sue Thomsbeny reported someone drove away without paying for fuel at Garfield Exxon on N.C. 801 In Advance Dec. 4. -Kenneths. Smith ofStoney Lane, Mocksville, reported a sleeping bag. television set and microwave oven sto­ len from his residence Dcc. 4. - Joseph Dishman of McCullough Road, Mocksville. reported Dcc. 5, his mailbox and post had been damaged ' by a vehicle. - Crystal Pcxock of Corries Lane, Mocksville, reported Dec. 5, someone had broken into her residence. - Agnes N. Young of Winston- Salem reported money and a bracelet . stolen from her In the parking lot of Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie on N.C. 801 South Dec. 6. Mocksville Police ; The following Incidents were re­ ported to Mocksville Police. : > The larceny of a cellular tele­ phone was reported from a vehicle Ih a parking lot on Nov. 30. ! - The larceny of an estimated $5,000 worth of mechanic and wood­ working tools was reported stolen from a vehicle parked at Northridge Court on Dcc. j. ; - A counterfeit $100 bill was passed dt BB&T at Willow Oaks, it was reported Dec. 2. - The larceny of a Honda all-ter­ rain vehicle, wood flooring, wheel covers, and a trailer was reported sto­ len from a yard on South Salisbury Road, it was reported Dcc. 4. - The larceny of $19.68 worth of gas was reported Dcc. 3 from Rushco 8,YadkinvilIeRoad. - The top of a Geo Tracker was damaged in the Wal-Mart parking lot, it was reported Dec. 3. - The larceny of a wallet was re­ ported Dec. 3 from South Davie Middle School. Arrests - James Birehcll Chambers Jr., 35, of 198 Bailey St., was charged Nov. 30 with assault on a female. Trial date: Dcc. 9. He was charged Dcc. 4 with violation of a court order on Dec. 4. Trial date: Jan. 12. - Antonio Graclano Andres. 33. of Pagcland, S.C.. was chargcd Dec. 5 with hit and run. Trial date: Jan. 6. Driving a 1994 Ford pickup, he Is accused of hitting a 1994 Suzuki driven by Susan Lydia Khan, 41, of 1719 U.S. 601 S., at 7:50 p.m. Dcc. 5 at South and North main streets, reported Officer Derrick L. Cline. Traffic Accidents - Susan Vance Bcck, 30, of 299 Pine Ridge Road, failed to stop the 1996. Dodge she was driving on South Main Street at 7:50 a.m. Dcc. 1 before It struck in the rear a 1999 Honda driven by Christopher Dou­ glas Haire, 18, of Mooresville, re­ ported Ofllcer R.A. Donathan. - A Mocksvillc man was charged with failure to yield after a wreck on South Salisbury Street at 1:35 p.m. Dcc. 3. Norman Anderson Snider, 78, of 1679 U.S. 601 S., drove a 1992 Pontiacinto thepalhofa 1994 Honda driven bylbnya Delaine Hudson, 17, of 142 Peters Lane, reported Officer R.A. Donathan, - The speed limit is too fast on Lexington Road at a narrow railroad underpass. Police Chief Richard Sink reported after an accident at 2:45 p.m. Dcc. 2. The mirror to a van driven by Ed­ ward Lee On^n, 56, of Taylorsville, struck the trailer to a truck driven by Jean Mercer Molo, 44, of Orlanda, Fla., the chief reported. The speed limit Is 45 mph on the road. Hidiwav Patrol ; The following IralTic wrecks were I'nvesligalQd by ihc N.C. Highway fatrol in Davie County. Car Hits Couch ; A car struck a couch that had fallen from a pickup Ituck at 6;45 p.m. Dcc. 3 on U.S. 64 East. ' Shanika Shcvone Dalton. 20, of 121 Cockerham Lane, Mocksvillc, was driving the 1997 Ford pickup thal lost the couch, anil Daniel Michcal Odell Jr., 22, of 361 Joe Road, Mocksville, was driving the 1999 Chevrolet thal struck the fur­ niture, reported Trooper CD. Jones. Driver On Cell Phone Wrecks Kenny Dale Brown, 27, of 106 Spcnccrs Lane, Mocksvillc, was driving a 1989 Mitsubishi pickup truck on Pine Ridge Road at 7:20 Fires Davie County fire depailmenls re­ sponded to the following calls. ! Nov. 29: Smith Grove, 5:47 p.m., vehicle fire, MO; Mocksville. 9:54 p.m., autoaccidcnt, Yadkinvllle Road. I Dec. 1: Farmington, 11:26 a.m., fire alarm,374YadkinVallcyRoad;Smith Grove assisted; Mocksvillc, 6:49 p.m., fire alantt, 100 Windsong Road, Apt. 4; Fork, 9:10 p.m., chimney fire, 3248 U.S. 64 &ist; Advance assisted. Dec. 2: Cooleemee, 10:16 a.m., fire alarm.Stokes County Yam; Jerusalem assistcd;SmithGrovc, 12:30p.m., auto accident, Juney Beauchamp Road at Comatzer Road; Comatzcr-Dulin as­ sisted; Advance, 12:39 p,m., woods fire, 184 Galodrim Way; Comatzcr- Dulin and Fork assisted; Jerusalem, 3:33 p.m.. assist Franklin at Bass Lake Resort in Rowan County. Dec. 3: Cooleemee, 8:37 a.m., standby at Cooleemee Water Tank, tanker in distress; Jerusalem assisted; Fork, 3:26 p.m., auto accident, Foric BIxby Road at U.S. 64; Advance and Coirotzer-Dulin assisted; Comatzcr- Dulin, 10:27 p.m., woods fire, 425 Comatzer Road. Dec. 4: Jemsalem, 1:10 p.m., auto accident, Deadmon Road; Advance, 4:42 p.m., grass fire, 730 Beauchamp Road; Farmington, 7:52 p.m., leaf fire, 655 Pinevillc Road. Dec. 6: Farmington, 6:21 a.m., auto accidcnl, N.C. 801 at Spillman Road. Cooleemee Police ; The following were taken from foolcetnce Police Dcp.idmcntrepons. I - Larty Shawn West, 18, of 168 pincclot Lone, Mocksville, was ar- fcsted Nov. 29 for speeding to elude tiniest, carcless and reckless driving, failure to heed blue light and siren, ipcedlng 1 IS In a 45 mph zone and (liiving while license revoked. West liad beeii idehtifled by a police offlcer whenhejumpedandnuifromaptckup after leading police on a high speed chase Nov. 24. according to Police Chief Tim Wooten. Trial dale: Dec. 16. - Dennis Gtay .Strain, 31, of 245 Duke St., was airested Nov. 30, for possession with intent to sell ordelivcr cocaine, sale and delivery of cocaine and conspiracy to sell or deliver co­ caine. This arrest wia pan of an ongo­ ing invMtigalion. Bond:t$15,000 se­ cured bond. Trial date: Jan. 6. - Jesse Ray Bouldln. 18, of 207 Davie St.,-arrested Nov. 30, for felony ibreaking and entering, felony larceny, felony conspiracy to commit breaking ■ and entering and lareeny and misde­ meanor larceny. Trial date: Jan. 6. - Thomas Allen McDaniel, 17, of 224 Duke St., was arrested Dcc. I, for two counts felony breaking and enter­ ing, two counts felony lita;eny, two counts of possession of stolen goods, two counts misdemeanor larceny and obstructing and delaying an ofllcer after leading oflicets on a foot chase for several blocks. Trial date; Jan. 6. • -Police are investigating a break- in at a house on N.C. 801 Nov. 29, in which several fltvarms were stolen and another that happened at a resi­ dence on Watt Street Dcc. 4, repotted Police Chief Tim Wooten. p.m. Dcc. 3. talking on a cellular tele­ phone, when he drove the truck into aditchonthe right, reported Trooper C.D.Jones. Driver Reports Wreck A Mocksville teen was chargcd with failure to reducc speed after re­ porting a wreck Dec. 4 that happened al 3;05 p.m. the previous day on U.S. 601 South. Jason Alexander Proctor, 17, of 355 Park Ave., told Trooper T.S. Kennedy the 1987 Chevrolet pickup he was driving struck the rear of an­ other car near Davie High School, and that the driver of the other car didn't stop. Two Seriously Ii^Jured The drivers of two vehicles were taken to N.C. Baptist Hospitar after a wreck on N.C. 801 at Spillman Roadat 6:15 a.m. Qcc. 6. Angela Andero Mounce, 32, of , Wilkcsboro, was driving a 1997 Nissan thal went left of center and struck head on a 1986 Chevrolet van driven by John Walter Wooten, 56, ofWinston-Salem, reported Trooper A.A. Justice.The van'stnick a util­ ity pole. Mouncc was chargeil with driving left of center. Failure To Yield Charged An Advance teen was charged with failure to yield after a wreck at 3:20 p.m. Dec. 3 on U.S. 64 East. Kimberly Renee Carter, 17, of 730 Fork Bixby Road, drove a 1989 Jeep from Fork Bixby Road into the path of a 1999 Dodge pickup being driven on U.S. 64 by Tmmy Lowe .Tifft, 30, of 2244 Angell Road, Mocksvillc, reported Trooper M.W. Whllcncr. Carter and a passenger, Amanda Carter, 15, were taken to N.C. Baptist Hospital. Failure To Yield Charged A Mocksville man was charged with failure to yield after a wreck at 9 a.m. Dec. 4. James Arthur Graves, 29, of Lake­ wood Ave. Lot 129, drove a 1989 Ford from Mocksville Marketplace, striking a 1999 Ford being driven on U.S. 601 South by Barbara Ann Kelley, 55, of 737 Milling Road, Mocksville, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. . Failure To Reduce Speed Charged An Advance teen was charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on Southwood Drive at 3:10 p.m. Dcc. 3. ' Continued On fage 7 p Hi^wav Patrol DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 - 7 Contliiucd From Page 6 John David Breier. 16, of 119 Sa- • vflnnahCourt,failcdtostopthcl992 Pontiac he was driving before It struck In the rear a 1991 Honda driven by Erin Lyon Chaffin, 16, of 171 Feczor Road, Mocksvillc, knocking It into the rear of a 1986 Chevrolet driven by Daniel Steven Potts, 17,of292 Rolllngwood Drive, Mocksvillc, reported Trooper TS. Kennedy. Driver Faces Two Charges A Winston-Salem man faces two charges nOer a wreck at 4 p.m. Dcc. 1 on U.S. 158 at Bermuda Run. John Hugh Sells, 65, was chnrped with DWI and failure to reducc speed. Trooper Eric T. Phillips re­ ported that the 1988 Ford driven by Sells struck the rear of a 1999 Mer­ cury driven by Duard Meredith Eddins, 79, of 125 Fairway Drive, Advance. Failure To Yield Charged . A Yadkinvllle man was charged with failure to yield after a wreck on U.S. 601 North at 6:30 a.m. Dcc. 3. AsacI Hernandez Martinez, 22, drove a 1991 Plymouth van from a private drive, striking a 1987 Cadillac being driven on U.S. 601 by William Paul Folcy.2l.of 389 Har­ vest Way, Mocksvillc, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. Driver, Pussenger Hurt Two Advance men were taken to N.C. Baptist Hospital after a wreck on Baltimore Road at 12:30 p.m. Dcc. 2. Walter Daniel Brock, 40. of 771 Markland Road, was drivlngu 1991 Ford that went off the road to the right, struck a fence post and over­ turned several limes, reported - -Troopcr-J.R. Allred. Brock and George Minor, 51, of 762 Markland . Road, were hurt. Fiillui^ To Yield Charged A Mocksville teen was charged with failure to yield after a wreck on U.S. 601 North at 9:55 p.m. Nov. 29. Tbnya Eve Blackwood, l7.ofl69 Foster Road, drove a 1993 Saturn left, attempting a turn, into the path of a 1986 Ford driven by Brenda Wise Waltman, 38, of 150 Fred Lanier Road, Mocksville, reported Trooper Eric T. Phillips. A Mocksville man faces two charges after a wreck on N.C. 801 at I a.m. Nov. 29. Donald Lee Huff, 57, of 2740 N.C. 801 N., was driving a 1995 Honda that went off the road to the right, struck a driveway culvert and two small trees in a yard. The truck was hauled off by truck and trailer and Huff reported it 14 hours later, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. Huff was charged with carclcss and reck­ less driving and hit and run. Three Vehicles In Wreck A Mocksville teen was chargcd with failure to reducc speed after a wreck at 3:15 p.m. Dcc. I on U.S. 601 South In front of Davie High School. David Lamar Reid, 18, of 139 White Dove Way, failed to stop the 1990 Toyota pickup he was driving before It struck the rear of a 1988 Toyota pickup driven by Jeremiah nugcnc Creason, 17, of 257R U.S. 601 N., knocking It Into the rear of a 1989 Ford pickup driven by Derick Scott Forbes, 17, of 101 Crowe St., M Okcsvillc, reported Trooper Terrance D. Shaw. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged An Advancc man was chargcd with failure to rcducc speed after a wreck on U.S. 158 at PInebrook School Ro.id at 8 a.m. Nov. 30. Scott Forest Jamie, 37, of 153 Cress Lane, failed to stop the 1989 Dodge he was driving before it struck In the rear a 1995 Oldsmoblle iliivcn by Karen Holder Jones, 42, of 142 Jctry Lane, Advance. Jones had stopped her car because a car driven by Julia Such Simms, 42,.of 1137 Bailey's Chapel Road, Ad­ vance, had problems and stopped in the road suddenly, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Fork Bixby Rond Wreck Crystil Lavon Minor. 32, of 750 Markland Road, was driving a 1998 Chevrolet on Fork Bixby Road at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 29 when the car went off the road to right, came back onto the road In a broadslldc and went into a back to the left, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy Seven Deer Struck The following motorists struck or were struck by deer on Davie roads: • William Franklin Herd, 56, of 1014 Daniel Road, Mocksvillc. at 2 a.m. Nov. 30 on Davie Academy Road: • John Anth(my Hohmann. 36, of 1 fiH Edward Deck Road, Mocksvillc, at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 29 on Dear Creek Chureh Road; • Paul David Carter, 27. of 147 Kerr Lane, Advance, at 7:50 p.m. Nov. 27 on Angell Road;' • Kimberly Dawn Garrett, 32, of 474 Mountview Drive, MtK'ksvillc, at 6:ma.m.Dcc.5onU.S. 158; • Mary Snow Potts, 51. of Yadk- Inville, at 6:35 a.m. Dec. 3 on N.C. 801; • Carol Davis Fletemier, 27, of 208 Livingston Road, Mocksville, at 4:35 p.m. Nov. 30 on U.S. 158; and •TtHld Allen Young, 22, of 131 Forest Lane Apt. 17, Mocksville, at 6:40 a.m. Nov.30on U.S. 601 South. Attorney's License Suspended ThVn'censc of^ Mocksvillc aiTor- ney has been suspended for three years by Tlie North Carolina State Bar. Jennifer Brock’s liccnse was sus­ pended afler a hearing in August. She may seek reinstatement of hr license Breakfast To Be Held At Area Church A ham and sausage breakfast will be held at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church on Pino Road from 6:30-10 a.m. Saturtlay,Dcc. 18. “litrei^year,'prtTvfdcOica)r^^^^^^^ with certain conditions. The commission’s order found that Brock ncglectcd a client's adop­ tion case, failed to conummicatc with the client, and gave the client an al­ tered adoption order which she falsely represented as authentic. Advance Florist & Gift Baslcels iS S S f — We Deliver— (336) 940-6337 t M on-Ffl9-6.Sal9-3 * One measure of a medlcal.lnstttutlcn's technological capabilities has always been Its surgical capabilities; How complex are the operations It Is able to perform? And while that measure st//i holds true, another one /jas come along: How complex an operation can a medical Institution perform with a minimal amount of Invasion to the body? I C At,Rowan Regional Medical Center, we have neurosurgeons lU l I M I I e i l C D V C 1 ^1 minimally Invasive procedures to operate on the a U K V ^ C K T S l V l L L d . spinal cord and nerves. We have Interventional radiologists capable of performing malor surgery usins an Incision as small as 1/4 Inch. . , And we have cardiologists who can look Inside your heart by simply Inserting a catheter Into a blood vessel. All of which allows for'safer, less expensive options than traditional surgery, quicker • ^ recovery times, less trauma to the body and more accurate, efficient proce- ' , . . ■ dures. Proving once again ■ that less Is often more. 1 T/^ I'- H I ’|r 1 It 6 lj2 M ockjvd le 'A ve n u e ^* S alisbury. NprtI;} Car^ollnai *. R c m N R e g i o n a l ’ M edical Center Sxir Source Farlbtal Hcalthca^ (79,-t)ili'rJ 'iT is rlic % . •■IfJfr«er.yJ-889-55-ROW AN u v/w w .row an .org it r 8 - DAVIE COUNTY KNTERl’RISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 BM ESS S P O T L K H f SAVINGS up E A '/i EVERYDAY lo 0 | | Sflfilor Citlians Discount* • R a lp h L a u re n W o m e n '* B la xe rs • F lla M en*a T ttm ia S hoes • B a th & B o d y G ift S eta 1 /2 P ric e Find Christm as Bargains At IVIoclcsville Flea M arket Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisvillfr-Ctemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons.* 766*4930 Bermuda Mini’s S c lf- S to r a g c « C d 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 / Climale Control / 24 hr Computerized Gale / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 ✓ Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay I46 Commerce Dr., Advance II Santa comes to the Mocksvllle rlea Market, the North Pole Gilt Shop may be out of a |ob, Christmas bargains abound Ir) the huge warehouse building on Wilkesboro Street. More than ten vendors display a wealth ot selec­ tions, Irom elegant marble loyer tables to barely used baby strollers. Mike and Madeline Vazquez oHer a wide variety of new and antique furniture. Dressers, lamps, kitchen appliances, even wash­ ers and dryers are just some of the many items they stock. Barbara Basham of Mocksvllle was pleased to find bar stools for her kitchen at Mocksvllle Flea Market. "I was pleasantly surprised at how much they have," said Mrs. Basham. “The bar stools I purchased are very sturdy wood, with brass bottoms. I was happy about lhat.” Bob and Yvonne Myers are another vendor with a large range of home furnishings and collectibles. An elegant six-foot hall tree with white ceramic knobs and storage seat adorns one corner, along with a Victorian dresser and red velvet toveseat with a buttoned back cushion. A tin pie safe accompanies a black wrought iron dinner bell, antique water pump, oil lamps and quilt racks. Ornately carved mantel clocks join pocket watches and silver and silver-plated candy dishes, platters, tea pots and serving trays. Collectors can even find a 1968 Ford fire truck for sale. -......Dotty Sniilh displays many-of her handmade seat cushions, - customized lor children's rockers and adult chairs of all sizes. Her gift shop at Mocksvllle Flea Market Includes ladderback chairs, van­ ity and bar stools, Dreamslcles' figurines, and wicker furniture. She stocks exquisite high quality fabrics; and makes custom bedspreads, drapes, comforters, bedskirts and shower curtains. Plump Waverly pillows line one wall, along with artistic wall hangings, table runners and aThomasvllle dining room table. Framed pictures and hand- painted ceramic pottery are other popular Hems for home decor. Vendor Roger Vernon has solid wooden bunk beds with new '"mattres^esrchlna cabinets, curios, tools, even bottles ol Industrial strength cleanser/degreaser. Vendor Jack Gardner features many collectible books, magazines, knives, antique furniture, and a lovely Bavarian decorative bowl In his glass display shelves. Customers will want to visit otten to peruse the new Items coming In weekly at Mocksvllle Flea Market. Vendor Gladys Armstrong exhibits painted wall hangings, such as wrought Iron candle holders which cradle delicate glass and vo­ tive candles. She has sconces, lace-trimmed lampshades. Barbie collectibles, and children’s lamps , which display furry hand puppets such as Peter Rabbit or a soft Christmas Gifts | cocker spaniel. Ceramic teddy bears, pcl.isettia vases and wreaths ' Are Here! . are sold, along with jeans ol all brands and sizes. Henryks Electric Motor Service, Inc, Celebrating 30 Years oE Service INSTOCK Honda Poivered 10,S00-Wa1t .Generafprs . 1406 s. Marlin Lulhcr King Dr, VVinslon-Salcm, NC (336) 784-4006 f T o rg o T T h e “ an? ' I E X C A L I B U R l I A W A R D S I I Arehe^^, \Ornaments • Key | Rings • Bag . Tags • Lighters | • Knives • > Ctocte I Sullo 3 I I 2419 Lgwlsvlllg-Climmons Rd. I I (Bahlnd Davie Jewelers) | New Hours; 10-5 M-F; I I Sat. appt. available | is i Advertising Promolion ^ S U A U i M o c k s v i l l c F l e a M a r k e t I furnilurc, AnLiquea & CollccLiblcs 2565 Old G!or)Rd. SuileE Clemmons 336-778-0604 Belvia Stanley • Enlcn^ivc Training Krisiina EJJinger* II )n.Etp„ KuskTnining (iniiul Opcninj,' i;! IH 99 ‘/ / y o u h a v e n ’t sh o p p e d a t T im e le s s G ifts , y o u h a v e n ’t sh o p p e d e n o u g h ’ Books • Pottery • Kid’s Corner Home Acccnls • Gardening Gins for All Occasions 6000Mea<lowbrtM)kMaU • Suiie I, Clemnwns^^<^‘'’**S^ F r e e G if t In th is Market You m i F in d ! m r a iiiu ti-m m m ' Wairouiga jfw e ^ jm jttW e K ia iw K w afm aift 653 wilkesboro street ■ Mocksvllle • 751-2271 - Sat & Sun 9 [ ^ock&ville Auto Pridel Car Wash Complete Automatic Car Wash Hw y 601 M ocksville, NC • B etw een W al-M art & 1-40 S e im a d a Full Service Salon k Spa 998-6770 • Hwy 158 2l/2iiiiles«islolTa4lnvo<xl T»es-lTi9m-7p' Sit9sm-6m llair Care i Skin Pnxkfs Avaiw G if t C e rtific a te s >'* A v a ila b le ' I M a k e Y o u r *3M a k e Y o u r iifiA p p o in tm e n t T o d a y j I f o r th e H o lid a y s I - f f f f CLEMMONS IM Q I M l (2$ IDm iSI S lte a to G \jJ o illl9 iij3 (BaCsH3 IV cw n iu tr itio n a l C etn icr w ith O v e r 3 0 0 n in tu r a l t'o o d Itn m n * N u tr itio n a l S u p p le m e n tN • ili|;ii D rin lin • O rf'a n iv P r o d u c e • V e g e ta r ia n Ite m N COOKING CLASSES See store for dates or call 766-1608 Class Taught By C hef Thomas Pirro FIRST IMPRESSIONS • Proft'ssiomil Resumes • Cover Letters • Compiiny Reseiircb • Targeted Mailing Services • Job Search Assistance ift Coiinsulting BETSY JO N ES (336)766-1762 FAX (336) 7 12-9684 Now Open For Business BERIVmDA CARPET CENTERm;KMiii)AgiiAY siiomNn ciiNniR Ul (Hif profntional tuff help you »iih all >o«r ni»xn»«in|• Inlcfii'r Jctorator on iijfT.• Ovff 40)fif»f(>mhinfdeipfiieiictl • Carpet • Vinyl • Tllo • Hardwood • WallpaperMon..Fil. 8 om-6 pm; Sol. 9 nm-l pm 5411 US Hwy 158, Advanco (336) 998-0300 ^ H O H E IMPROVEMENTS! 1 CERAMICTlLE*aJSTOM I D DECf;5*6CREENEP-T1GHT I f J PORCHES • GENERAL REPAIRS | > ■ • REMODELING tSTANPARPA I I DIMENSIONAL SHINGLE ■ £ ROOFING*CARPORTS* I £ ] RUBBER MEMBRANE ROOFING I FBB£ ESnMATSS»lNSUR£D eTOM maresco, owner I (336)4634160 0 Lewis'OckeTfeatures durable shoveFs, brush cutters, axes and tool fiandles, goll clubs, pellet guns, crossbows, tooled leather boots, and toys to dellghi a child's heart. Smart mothers will want to peruse the Mattel “See 'N Says,” pink Barbie bike. Hot Wheel tricycle, and big stulfed bunny rabbit for Christmas shopping. Collectors will love vendor Lewis Hoffman's red Iron gumball machine. Parents of collage students can find a dorm-slzed refrig­ erator, or a Whirlpool slngle-door refrigerator lor their own home. Vendor Jesse Stines hosts crystal bowls, pitchers, glassware, country blue creamer and sugar, salt and pepper sets, and Happy Holiday and Winter Velvet Barbie dolls. In the same building, K & AAntiques, operated by Paul Carter and Kathy Carnahan, has a wide variety ol antique bottles, Beaties' and other collectible record albums, quilts, furniture and Tom Clark gnomes. K & A will host their bimonthly aucllon this Friday night, December 4, al 7:00 PIvI, and will give away a ham and a S50 gilt certificate. Refreshments can be purchased as well. Visit Mocksville Rea Market for fabulous prices for your Christ­ mas shopping. Hours are 10-5 Thursdays and Fridays, and 9-5 on Saturdays and Sundays. Mocksville Flea Market Is located at 653 Wilkesboro Street In Mocksville. To rent a space at Ihe market, con­ tact Mike or Madeline Vazquez at (336) 751-2271. Flooring Hours: M o n .* F r i. 1 0 - 6 S a t . l o > 2 Specializing In .. C arpet O V inyl Ceram ic Tile H ardw ood Floors & R eH nishing C ounter Tops L am inated Floors (336) 766-0733 20Yeare Experience NOW OPEN TO THE PUBUC 5919-C James St.- Clemmons (1^ J a n ie s a y s ‘Jumt A n iv a it 30% Leaded C iy s t^ , ,4 . A rtis tic y ' f . \ B low n ,1 f ; G lass, N ew j ' ^ R ussian G ifis .’WIekor Sk Rattan 2B% OFF Dining Rooms 20% OFF *l*Slupworthy MaUnm§ 60% OFF *** Oriental Furniture up to eO% OFF S a t. 9 to 6; S un. 1 0 lo 8 Locatcd In TbeOld Q e n m o tts S d io d 3550 Clemmons Road (Next to the Gcmmons Library) (336) 778-2700 ’JBmoaesTonE Tirestone »HAIKII)K , ,_ Dunlop Tires Lee Tires GEORGE S Micheiin Tires VILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COM PLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road, Clemmons 7 6 6 -7 8 6 2 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 - 9 Filing Period For; Offices To Open Cooleemee brought in the holiday season w/ilh song, prayer and refreshments last Sunday at the VFW building. Cooleemee Celebrating Christmas Decorating Contest, Santa Visit Among Happenings In Town COOLEEMEE - Residents here ushered In the Chrislma.'i sea­ son with cookies and song Sun­ day at the VFW building. The annual ceremony featured songs by the community choir and those in attendance. The town Christmas tree at the Zachary House w ill be lit next week, featuring more than $932 worth of new lights purch^ed by (,appy Regina Chandler leads the community choir in singing some holiday tunes. honorT a loveTn:.^^ ^ ‘’ V ^^^S usson Contests for best decorations to be announced on Dec. 20. scheduld tills weekend. Saturday for children lo tell their -v.'iU-bc judged on-Saturday and........Luminary Ugh;;ngs w ill start.........Santa-Claus-will be at the* Christmas wishes. Photos w ill be Sunday, Dec. 18-19. with awards next week, and a tour of homes is Zachary House from noon-2 p.m. available for S2. Tlic filing pcrkxJ for cicctivc of- llccs 10 be filled in the year 2000 will open ill noon on the first Monilay In January (3nl) in the Davie Couniy Election Office and In all cleclion of-. fices acm.ss NorthCan)lina.Tlic filing period will close al ncwn on the first Monday in February (7lh). With Ihe exception of stale senaior and member of state house of rcpre- .seniative, all filings for stale orficc.s must be filed with the State Duard of Elections, 133 Fayetlcvllle St., Mall Suite too, Raleigh. Filings in Davie County will be accepted from qualified county voters forSlaleSenalor, District 38(filing fee one pcrccnl of current nnnuat salar)'); Member of Stale Hou.se of Reprc.sen- latives. Districl 74 (filing fc^e one per* centofcurrenl annual salary); Regisier of Deeds (filing fee one perccnl of current annual salary); three County Commissioner seals (filing fee $10); iwoSchwl BoardMcn^bers(f»ling fee S5). Soil and WaterConservatlon Dis­ trict Supervisor members may file with a $5 fee beginning Jan. 3 uniil noon Friday, July 7. Every qualified voter who is 21. yectfs of age shall be eligible for clec^ i tion by the people lo omcc. ! Forudditlonal Infomialionyoumay I call Ihe eleclions ofDce at 751-2027 : during office hours Monday-Friday. ‘ Anderson Elected Treasurer The Board of Directors of Encrgyllnited recently elecied new officers: Jimmy R. Horton of Cleve­ land, prcsldenl; N. Mack Shoaf of I Winston-Salem, I vice president; Jeanneite Overby of Danbury, secre­ tary; and Jerry W. [ Anderson of I Mocksville, trea­ surer. Tliey were elected to one-year lemisatlheOci.2l . , board meeting. Anderson Eiich of Ihe new officers h:Ls exten­ sive experience on the EnergyUnited Board. Anderson has served on the board since 1984. EnetgyUniied isanelt'clric coop-■■ erallve serving more than 93,000cus- tonicr-mciiibcrs.il was formcdin 1998 by Ihe consolidation of Cre.scenl and Davidson electric membership coop­ eratives. EnergyUnited Is the ihird- largcsl supplier of rcsldenlial electric­ ity in North Carolina and a major sup­ plier of eleciricity lo business and in­ dustry. Board members ore elected by a vote of the mcmbcRhip at the annual meeting of members. The boani then elects its own officers. EnergyUnited serves customers in parts of 19 counties (Alexander. Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba,! Davidson. Davie, Forsyth. Gaston, Guilford, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Randolph, Rockingham, Rowan, Stokes, Wllkcs and Yadkin). The co- operalive has offices In Slaiesville, Nlocksvillcr Ciiriielius, Taylorsville, Madison, Denton and Lexingion. BUSINESS S P O f L K H f Customer Service Is First Priority At George's Village Garage David York says when customers come to George's Village Garage, service is the lirsi priority."Werecentlyhadlhreedlllerentcuslomerscomeinwithconcerns about their cars," says Yorl<, Assistant Manager at George's. "They had been misled at other garages." Alter reassuring the new customers ol George's policy of honesty, York walked each one through an estimate ol needed parts, labor and pricing. "We try to assure them that we are honest," says York. "Then we taka them step by step through what repairs are needed, to get their vehicle up to operating standards." David York, whose background Includes training al General Motors In customer service, even has charts In his oKlce. He makes every ellort lo explain tocustomers in simple terms the repairs their car may need. “I sometimes show customers Ihe chart ol asuspenslon or brake system,lithetermsar0unlamiliartothem,“hesays. "Theycancome to me with even small questions. I always tellthemthattherelsnosuch thing as a silly question, when it comes to understanding your car.” George's Village Garage has long enjoyed the reputation in the Triad area as a place where the customer receives truthful evaluation ol a car's needs. Owned and operated by lather and son George and Kevin Pries ol Clemmons, the shop has grown Irom a small garage begun eight years ago, to the current seven-bay location on Old Glory Road, lust off Lewisville-Clemmons Road In Clemmpns. Business is booming at George's for another reason as well. “We work bn every kind of car," says York, "from domestic to foreign, and even restorations ofoldcuslomcars.Wearean all-around garage."George's mechanics are skilled In Ihe latest car repairs on Chryslers, Fords, General Motors, Toyotas, Nissans, Mazdas, Porsches, and many other makes; They have even worked on the rare de Loreans. George’s mechanics spend hours each year In training and seminars to be current on the latest clianges In car performance. "We have the most up-to-date computer diagnostic equipment, ■ to reveal major and minor problems," says York. "This enables us lo j pinpoint more accurately what Is wrong with their vehlcle.'and what It ; may cost to lix it." York points out that Ihe average new car has more computers i than the 1968 space module lhat went to the rnoon. 1 "Theaverage199Bcarhasapproxlmatelysevencqmputerslnits ; operating equipment," he says. "The lunar nnodule only had three." j Withcomputersnowguldingacar'stransmisslon.aircondltioning, ; lighting and electronics, II Is even more Important to li;ust your car to ! the mechanics who have the experience and expertise to fix II., ! , .; I'pur computer diagnostics eltalnate the guesswor^ pn.prlce ^ A L L ★ SEASO N R O O F I N G & S I D I N G C O . i B(f; ;•We'aiso' bull'd garages’a addltlon87i> \ ^ ' vye ao iin g riu p e nrsi iiijip ♦ f '22 years experlenda;; ? LIceriqed ^,lnsijr^ J . .Westandl?,eblndpur,WQS,!..,v>-„J George's Village Garage on Old Glory Road in Clemmons whenwearedetermlnlngwhatneedstobedone,"says York. "George's has all the different hook-ups for the different makes."' When your car needs new tires, George’s has them. Popular brands such as Bridgestone, Firestone, Dunlop, Micheiin, Lee and Hankook are all in stock at George’s. . Customers love the personal attention they receive at George’s. David York always reassures his customers that they will be consulted every step of the way. "We try lo keep in constant touch with the customer, from initial write-up to the estimate," he says. "If there Is a problem with another part of the car, we will call before Initiating repair." Experience Ihe expert car care al George's. Call (336) 766-7862, or visit the garage al 2570 Lewisville-Clemmons Road In Clemmons today. Oill for a free estimate oil Free 1-800489-0220 David Burrell - Owner Cwwder M^^Chesney cMssociates Your H om etow n Realtor 2762 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 51 •Pavnt-Your-OwtL. (fattery &'. C(0ee Cajv You paint it... We fire it... You 'II love it! Coming in December: CkiUrtm's Holiday Art Camp ■. Birthiuy Portifi • Showm • A C t a m i. CaU F o r D tlm iU 7 6 « - « 0 1 9 mbrm.HVl.ll. Clenmion. O r d o r Y o u r S U k F lo w e r A r r a n g e m e n tm A F r u U B ^ o k o ta T o d a y ! N .C . C h rla tm a a T ra a a ftv a lt C u t F M m er firm a WMathm M i l l e r ’ s ^ C l e m m o n s C u r b M a r k e t 2 8 M La 7 6 6 ^ 3 L 4 i . . .1 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 Davie Dateline F u n d R a is e r s NowThiuDeo. 17 LI^LfOn Sole forTive of Animab spon­ sored by Humane Sockty of Davie. Lights may be purctwcd in honor or memory of . pmonoranima]rorS3each.Toonler,write to Humane Sockty at P.O. Box lS3.Mocks< ' Vlllc. N.C. 27028 or call 751-5214. Saturday, Dec. 11 Chiistmas Bazaar spoawred by Walking Pof Miraclcs & Walking For Miracles Kids - RcLiy for Life teams, 11 a.m.-2p.ja, follow* ' lngAdvanocChristmasPan»dc£UVFWI>Mt on Feed Mill Rd. Pictures with Santa, crafts,. food, mfnc for Christmas basket. VFNV La­ dies Auxiliary will also be selling hoi dogs. . Cana Homemakers Club AnniklChrist' I mas Bazaari 10 a.m. • 1 p.ra Featuring Christmas wa.^iil, boxwood wreatlu, yule logs, baked goods, crafts & greenery. Pro- ’cccdsiobcncniHistoricalCanaSchool.Snow date:Monday.Dec. l3,6-9p.m.R3rmore Infocall998-30I5. Ongoing DLii>o,Mocks\UkMoose Lodge 1949.Fri- days. IXion open at 6. TirM game at 7 p.m. Bingo, WUliam R. Da\ie VFD. 2nd Satur- day. Door open, 6:30 p.m. R e lig io n____________________ Dec. 11 & 12 'CltyofLlghl' prusentedby Hillsdale tist adult worship choir. 7 p.ra 126Mcdical Driw. Call 940-6618 fw more Infa Sunday, Dec. 12 Davfolligh Vocal Ensemble at MocksMeth* odisi Church. N.C. 801 S.. Advance, 6 p.ra Refreshments following concert •Do You Hear UTwl I Hear?’ by Davie High chorus & drama dept, presented at Redland IVntecostal Hotine&s Qiurch, II am. Candktighi ComnmnlonSenicc. Redland (VmccDstal Holiness Church, 6:30 p.m. Pizzn& Concert, Hillsdale United Method­ ist Church. 6 p.m. Band: "All Too Rmiiliar.“ -Saturday, Dec. 18---------------- 'Reflections of UghI* Christmas Pro­ gram, Mocks United Ntetlxxlist Church, N.C ,801 S., Advance, 7 p.m. Refreshments fol­ lowing. Sunday, Dec. 19 , 'HbNome b Jesus' Christmas Cantata, Mocks Methodist Chutch, N.C. 801 S., Ad- vancc. II a.m. Friday, Dec. 24 Christmas E>t Candklight Communion, ,.MocUUnitcdMcihodiua\urch,N.C.80l . ’S.,Advancc, 10p.m. ' .■ ' ' Friday, Dec. 31 f^ew Year's Eve Watch Night Service, Maks United Methodist Church. N.C. 801 . k,Ad\-ance, ll:30p.m. Ongoing Mocksville We&kyan Churcli: Hospital Street, Sunday School, 9:45 am. Worship. 11 am. Wednesday Pra>tr Meeting. 7 p.m. .Rcv.GcorgcTru)«r. 751-5595. Elbaville UnllMl Methodist Churcb: Sun­ day School.'lO am. Worship, 11 am. Kkis For Christ (ages 3*9) & Youth for Christ (ages 10-12), 1st & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Christ meet evety Sun. at Fullon UMC.5-6:30p.m.YoungAdullDibleStudy. Wed.,7 p.TTt Disciple 1 Bible Study, Thurs., 7 p.ia Located in Advancc. Pastor Rev. Jack Wallace. Co(ricemeeChurchorGod,SundaySchod. 9:45 am. WoohipService. 10:45 am. T\ies. Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. Wed. Runily Train­ ing Hour. 7 p.nt For info about transpona- tion, call BfWlicr Daic Brcldinger at 284- '2180. ; Comatier United Methodist Church: Cor- natzer Rd. Sunday School. 10 am. Worship, ; 11 ara Pa^or: Dr. S.B. Warner. Adviujce United Methodist Church: Sun­ day School, 9:45 am. Worship, 11 am. ' Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Davki Chiklen. Located . in downtown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church: Sunday School, tO am. Worship. 11 am. 1939 Farmington Rd.998-3769.Rev.Diannc Klarsdea Oak Grove United Methodist Church: -1994 U.S. l58.Mocksville. Sunday School, ■^9:45 am. Worship. 11 am. '"ConcordUnitedMethodistChurdtChcny Hill Rd.,Mocksville. Worship: 11 antSun- day School: 10 am. Rev. Phillip Parks. HardisooUnitcdMethodis(ChufTh:Wor- ship, 9:45 am. Sunday School 10:45 am. LittleLlghtsChoir,! 1:30araUMYF(TMm . Christ) 1st & 3ni Sunday nights. ^ Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, ; 'Church St. Coolecmce. Worship: 9:30 am. 'Thildren's Sunday School: 10:45 am. Rev. ■ : Edwin Bailey. 336-284-2M3. '.Community Baptist Church: Sunday School. 10 am. Sunday Worship. 11 am. Ewning service, 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. ' • Hillsdale United Methodist Chuith: Sun­ day Services, 10:30 am. Church for next ' generation: Jr. High. Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Sentor H i^. Wed.. 7-8 p.m.Supper/Music, <5:30-7p.m.SmallgtDup.Mon..Wed..'niurs.. l Sat Daskctball.Tues., Smith Grove Gym. ^;8-9:30p.m. ^ WesleyChapelUnltedMethodistChurch: -'^yVoi^hip Service: 10 am. Sunday Sclwol: ^J0:45am. Rev. Diajuie Marsden. PinoRd. 'El-Shadd^ Power of Praise Ministry, ;.'Northwood Apartments # 704, Sunday jScliool: 10 am.'Worship: II am. Sunday evening: 5 p.m. Tuesday Prayer & Bible .Study, 7:30-9 p.m. Friday Service: 7;30 p,m. ■ /P;)storV^^Mayricldl^7M*636-(Ma).- Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church; Sundiiy School: 10 am. Worship: II am. E\Tning:6:30p.m.Wednesdaypra)trmcct- Ing&DiWcstudy.7:30p.m.Rev,JoelBoylcs. Holy Crx»s Lutheran Church. 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship: 10:30am. Sunday Sclwol: 9:15 am. Pastor Rev. Gl)-nn Bell. Mocksville FlretPrTsby1erianChurch.261 S.MainSt Worship: 11 am.aurchSchool: 9;45aiaSundaycNtning:Chorisiers(grades 1-5) & Youih (grades 6.12). 5:30 p.m. Pas- tor.Neal Carter. (336) 751*2507, Mocks United Methodist Church, N.C. 801 S., Ads-ance. Rev. Brucc Gwyn. Sunday wrship: 8:45 & 11 am. Sunday School: 10 am. Smith Gnn^ Methodist Church: Prayer meeting. Saturday mwiiings.9 am. Hillsdale Baptist Church: Sunday Wor- sh)p.8.-30& ]0:45am.SundayBib)cSiudy, 9;45 ant Wednesday Fellowship Meal. 6 p,m. Childien & youlh activities & prayer meeting. 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Alderman. 910-940-6618. Faith and Victory Family Worship Cen­ ter, 1687 Hwy. 601 N.Sund.iyServkxs. 10 am., 7 p.m. Wednesday. 7 p.m. NcwBelie\-enPJ’.Church.SundaySch(K>l. 10 ant Worship Ser% ice, 11 am. Wedncs- daynight Bible study.5p.m. Pastor Elizabeih Mock. Assoc Pastor DenickMock. Women’s Aux. & Brotherhood Bible Study. 1 st & 3rd TTiursday. Uberty United MetlKxlist Churclt U.S. 601S.Wotship:9:45antSund.iySchool: 11 atn. Fb^iUnitcdAfethodbtChurchofMocks* viUe. Early Sunday Worship Service. 8:50 ant Praise singing, casual dress, contempo­ rary format 305 N. Main St. 336-751 -2503. Iklkvtr's Sonship Tabernacle: Sunday ttt)rship.l0:30am.,6:30p.m.Wed.evening. 7 p.m. Pastor Jcny L Cooch, 998-3748. Cana Rd. - (Oxter's Lone. TurrmtineBaptistChurch:SundaySchnol. 9:45 am.. Worship, 11 ant: Night Ser%icc, 6p.m. Episcopal Churchofthe Ascension. Fork- BUbyRd..Sun.Sclw)l. lOam. Worship. 11 'liSTRe^rGdSmTrBaifcy. 284^4500:------- DialAStoiyMirilMryforchiklrcn.BiIland Peggy Long of Adrance. 998-7716. Seniccs at the Oaks. Apt 7A. Road. 7 p.nt.TTiursdays. Bishop T.R. Rire. Clement Grove Church of God. Wednes­ day prayer service. 7 p.nt Sanird.iy morning Sabbath School, 10 am. Grwn Meadows Baptbt Church Sund.iy School, 9:45 am. Woiship, 11 am., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. PastorM.Ray Davis,998-3021 ; PrbchooVParentafMonUng Out. Bethle­ hem United Mctlwdist Church. Agc2.TUcs. & Thurv, 9 am. • noon. Ages 3-4. Mon,. Tues.,Thurs.,9 am. - noon. Re.idiness, Mon, •Thur5..9am.-noon.Call998-6820forlnfo. 6:30 p.m. SlCVperson. For more Info, call 998-2341. ■ Monday, Deo. 20 Davie Quillen Guild, Davie Senior Center. 7 p.m. Da\ieCountyCommbsk)ncrs,CounlyAd- mlnistr.ulonBui!ding,5p.m.insteadof7p.m. Continued From Page 4 Ongoing Statesville Man Convicted Of First-Degree Muitler Progressl^t Club of Coolecmee. 2nd Sun­ day, Cooleemee Libraiy, 5 p.m. Call 284- 2975 for infa Cooleemee Recreation Association, Zachary House. 1st Tlicsday, 7 p,nt ^VnUamR.Da>icDoostel^Foo(ball&chee^• leaders. 3nJ TTiursday, Shelter. 6 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Sundays, 6 p.m. and Wednesdays, 8 p.m.. Second Presb)le- rian Church b^ment. Pine St. Coll 751- I490or 751-7786 for infa Homeschoo14-H Club, 2nd& 4th Tuesday. Call 998-8925 for more Info. Pfedmont Triad Rabbit Fanclen, lost Sun­ day of each mcmth, 2:30 p.m. Ait rabbit owners welcome. Call 336-998-9858or visit www.piedmonttriadrabbil.com or e-mail ptrf2000i3'aol.com fcH’more info. HelpYourMilfSupportGroup.ConcerSer- vkx*s. Inc.. 2nd Tuesday, noon-l:30 p.m. Davie County Library. Bring bag lunch ifyxxi wish. Vor more info, call 751-0313 or 760- 9983. MOPSCMothersorPrcscliookrs), Mace­ donia Mimvian Church. Support, fellow­ ship. crafts & food. Children gukkd in own ptogramM0PPETS.9:30-l 1:30ant Regis­ tration fee fJexibfe to #of children attending. Scholarships available. For more Info, call 998-4394.1st & 3rd Fridays. Hbtoric Davie Inc, 2nd Tuesday, Davie Cotinly Public Library. 6:30 p.nt The Aitbt Group, Davie Cbunty Library, 7 p.m. last Tucs. Call Bonnie ot 998-5274. Center Community Development. 3rd said he had pickcd out one picture but dccidcd that man was not the one who robbed him. He didn't recall if he knew Al- Bayyinoh had been onvstcd for stab­ bing Drown at the time he Idcmlflcd him, Spllli said. In the pholo of AI-Dayyinah at the time of his arrest, Splitt said he was wearing the same clothing wom in the robberies at his store. He had done business with S.W. Brown Jr. and considered him a friend, he said. Trotter testined that he first learned of the robberies at Friendly Center Grocery when Splitt camc to the sheriffs department Jan. 23. In Febru­ ary, Splitt hadan opportunity to review several thousand photographs and was unable lo identify anyone as a suspect. No photographs of Al-Bayyinah were included in the books he exam­ ined, he said. On the day of Brown's stabbing, Trotter said he called Splitt ond asked him to come to the sheriffs department to look at a photograph of the suspect from that ca«;c. He immediately Identined.Al- Bayyinah as the man who had robbed him. Trotter said. He was only shown one photograph that day. He told him it was flne if he was unsure, but Splitt said he was abso­ lutely certain that was the person. WhenhcinlerviewedSpliit.hciden- Moa. 7 p.nt Community BIdg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Tuesday, Town Hall,'7 p.m. unless otherwbe noted. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Coun* dl. 2nd Wednesday, Bap _j|n « llh 2 man as MKky ,aj|.HcsaidhehadlakcnS350durin8 S p e c ia l E v e n ts Thru Dec. 10 Homcto^m Christmas Events, doM'ntdwn M(Kksvi)Ie, 6-8 p.m. Camling, oraiment making, caniagc rides, hoi choci^late, Santa D0C.1O&11 •TheNutcrocker," DtockPcrfonnlngArts Center. 7:30 p.m. Performed by Lewbville/ Mocksville Ballet. Children 5-12, $6. Adults, S8. Matinee perfomtinces Dec. I0,at9& 11 am.just$3.Boxomce.751-300a Friday, Dec. 10 ChristmasHomecomIng Party,SenkvCen- ter,2p.nt Saturday, Dec. 11 Santa Claus In CooIcemee,Zachary House. noon-2 p.m. Sponsored by Cooleemee Rec- reolion Association. Photos, $Z Advance Christmas Parade. 10am. Dec.11&i2 CooleemeeChristmasTourof Homes, 3-6 p.m. Van service begins at Zachary House. Tickets: S6. In advance: $5. (Available at CodcemccTownHall.Z.'Kh.'tfyllouse.Davie Discount Dnjgs. Davie Chamber of Com­ merce). For more info, call 284-2141. Monday, Dec. 20 Center Community Dev«k>pment Asso­ ciation Christmas Party for reskkms & friends of Center Bre District. 6:30 p.m. CoN-ered dbh meal. Paper goods & drinks p/ovkJcd. Santa onriving at 7 p.m. Olngo. D a te s to R e m e m b e r NowThtu Dec. 10 Flu Sc Pneumonia Shots, Dayie County Health Depi., Hospital Street, Mocksville. Tuesdays. 8:30-11 am. Thursdays, I -4 p.m. No nppointment necessary. Ongoing : , Aerobics, Tuesdays & lliursdays. Mocks- vllle Elementary School. 6 p.m. Vbit Cooleemee's Mill Village Museum. 14 Chureh St.. 'Hies. & Thurs.. 9 am.-noon. Sats.. 11 am.-2 p.ni. Tours also available by. appt Call 294-6(MO. Recycling truck at Center Community BIdg.. 8-( I am. 1st Saturd.iy; RecycUng truckat Vnion Chapel MetlKxI- bi.4thSaturday.8-Il aip.. ReeyclingtruckatJerkh«>-HardbonRttri- tan bldg., 3nl Saturday, 8:30-11 am. Preschool stor)1Inie, Tucs., 11 am..Davie County Library and Cooleemee branch. 30- . minutcprogram.Forchildrenagcs3-5.Mu- sic. read aloud, stories. Ill ms. nut>cty rhymes. M e e tin g s__________________ Thuisday, Dec. 9 . Davie County Republican Party Christ; riuis Party Center Community Building lisi Fellowship Hail.” Davie Domestic Violence Senices. Sup­ port groups for victims. Sessions free, confi- deniia). 'n)C»d3ys. 7p.ranndFr)day. lOara DDVS Omcein Davie County Oftlce Bldg.. 751-3450. FamQy Vtolencc Prevwtion Services of Davie County. Free counseling for victims ofviolenccandiheirchildreaScparaiegiaips. Tuesdays, 6-7:30 pntRrst United M eth^ bt dmrch of Mocksvlllc. Call 1-800-728^ 3413. Davie County School Bus Driven Asio- c!at kNi, 2ndThurs.,7 p.m. Davie County Sr. Center, Brock Bldg. Concerned Biken Assodatton, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, Western Steer. US. 601 at 1-40.7 pm. Public wlcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tucs., 9 am..MocksUMC.998-2lll. Afocksville Garden Club, 1st Tburs., Rrsi Baptbt Ixllowship H:ill. 7 p.nt MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, I st. 3rd Fri.. 9:30-11:30 am. Macedonb Moravian Chureh. $15 regbiration plus small N^eckly fee. 998-4394. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Mot- day. Cooleemee Hbtorical Building. 7 p.m. Mocksville Rotary Club. l\iesdays. 12:10 p.nt. Rotary Hut S e n io r e _________^__________ All Senior Activities take place at the Davie County Senior Center located in the Bnxk Building on Nonh Main Street, Mocksville unless otherw ise noted. Thursday, Dec. 9 Silver Eagks Club, contact Jo CHieek for locaiton & time. Senior Trotters Club. Center Community Bldg., 10am. Senior Chorus, East Room. 3 p.m. Alzheimer'sSupportGroup.GastRoom.7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 10 Bridge, East Room. 1 p.m. ChristnuuHomeconii^nu1y.Senk)rCcn- tcr, 2 p.m. Please preregistcr. Davie County Rhythm Band, Laurel of Salisbury, 2 p,m. Monday, Dec. 13 Podiatrist, Dr. Dunn, Craft Room, 8:30- 11:30am. Cooleemee Club, Fust Baptist Church fel- lowshiphall, lOam. Tuesday, Dec. 14 Bridge, E-ist Room, 1 p.m. RSVP Birthday Party, Autumn Care. 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15 Fork Club, f^rk Civic Center, 11:30 am. Card & Board Games, East Room. 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Deo. 16 Day Of Travel, Christmas Down Under, East Room. 10 am. East Room. $5.'person. Please p^^registcr. Senior Chorus, East Room, 3 p.m. ' RSVP Birthday Party, Somerset Court. 2 p.m. Grief & the Holidays. Rose Room. 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17 Bridge, Enst Room. 1 pm. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of the publication week. Call751-2l20ordropitbytheomce.S.Ma!n St.; ‘ • the first robbery, Trotter teslificd. When DeWitt began questioning Trotter about how to conduct a proper photographic lineup. Gray said this was not a seminar on how to conduct a photo lineup. This case has bcendmggingon too long," the judge said, "You're taking too much time on trivial things," Suspcct Seen In Store March 5 , The victim's daughter'In-law Nannette Brown, who works at S.W. Brown & Son, said she remembers Al- Bayyinah first coming into the store to get his check cashed. She had asked him about his name. He pronounccd it for her and told her what it meant. On March 5,1998, the day before the stabbing, became into the business that morning about 9:30a.m. and asked for a book of matches. He asked if she was in the store alone, but she lied and told him that her father-in-law was also there bccause she never tells anyone slie's alone. She gave him a p;ick of Camel matches like theone sei/.cd from him al the policc department, she said. Later that day a young man camc In with a roll of quarters and wanted ci-- gars. There wosanothcrmanwiih him, waiting at by the door, which she had assumed was the defendant because he was'wearing the stune type of dollies she rememlwrcd from the first time he'd been In. She didn't recall seeing thedcfcn Jant in thcbusine.fsi}^’i)!n. 5he said. Only twochcckswercrccclvcd from black men on that day. Both were pay­ roll checks cashed by the store - one for Emest Cain and the other for Al- Bayyinah. AHer receiving a phone cull on the morning of the stabbing, she had gone to the store to find the door locked. There was yellow tape across tljc door, andalawenforcementofflcerwouldn't let herentcr. Brown said. When she was allowed to enter, she found the office In o mess. The victim's wallet, money, cigarettes and a tape dispenser wereonthefioor.Shecleancd up the office and counted the money before returning it to Brown's wallet. She couldn't tell that anything had been stolen from the store, she said. In her statements to Hunter, she had not mentioned Al-Bayyinah comingin to the store for matches. She remem­ bered that later, she said. Defense Makes Motion To DUmLss -.„A iih a prosecution ic.<tcd.Its case,. Monday, the defendant made a mo­ tion. which Gray denied, todismiss the charges against Al-Bayyinah. I1ic prosecution has provided no evidence olan aitempted robbery, .said Minor. Nothing was found to be taken from Ihc store, and nothing was found on the defendant to link him to a rob­ bery. , , Ttw only cvidcnceora struggle was what tho victim's ran testified he be> lieved he heai^, Minor argued. The first thing the victim said in his 911 call was that he had been robbed. His wallet was found on the fioor out­ side the pocket where he usually kept it.Tlierc was money on the floor. Brucc countered. A pack of cigarcttcs and lighter found by policc are items th;(t could connect Al-Bayyinah to the crimu scene, she said. Carrying a knife into the store showed that the defendant anticipated he may need to use that weapon, she said. But these are assumptions not sup-. ported by the evidence. There is no physical evidence connecting Al- Bayyinati to the crime. Tbe cigarettes may been purchased legally, and the knife can't be connected to the victim, Minor argued. Tlie defense chose to present no evidence In this phase of the trial. Second Degree Murder Discussed Minor asked that the jury be given. the option of finding Al-Bayylnah guilty of second degree murder. "We believe the evidence here is of u struggle, and that struggle resulted in u stubbing," he said. Theprosecutlon has not proven pre­ meditation and deliberation inquired for a first degree murder conviction, he said. If the jury finds the evidence insuf­ ficient fora nrstdcgrcemurdcrconvic* tion, it might vote for second degree murder. If that option weren't avail­ able. he would be found not guilty, suggested the judge. "Thai's a risk we're willing to take," Minor said. But, after talking with their client, the defense attorneys withdrew their request for the additional charge. ' Ifihcreisevidenccofacrime,thc court must instruct the jury regardless of the defendant's wishes, said Bmcc. It's dinicult to Imagine from the evidence in this case how a jury could .. rcast^nnbly arrive at a.verdict of .second....... degree murder. Gray said, choosing not to provide that instruction. Garden Valley To Be Lit With -Luminaries Tlic Garden Valley commu­ nity w ill l)c III with luminaries on the evenings of Dec. 18, and Dec. 19. Visitors are asked to lower Iheir lights as (hey drive through the com munity, located o ff Sanford Avenue in Mocksville. The annual lighting of the lu­ minaries is Ihe Garden Valley Association’s gift to the commu­ nity, said Fred Rogers. Happy Holidays, Davie County! We have a lot to be thankful for during the holidays bccause of you— our friends and neighbors hei« in Davie County. It is a pleasure to be part of this community. Enjoy the holiday season. You’reinviteiltoa holiday open tiouse: 820 Soiith Main St. December 10,1999 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Call or stop by today. Brinda BatUo 820 South Main Street Mockavillo.NC 27028 (336) 751-5672 or (800) 799-2220 www.edwar4jonc8.com Member SIPC Edwardjones SmibfUTUudlnteM^SiactiBTi Dockside Seafood Restaurant NEW FEATURE Sailor Combination Platters Create your own Petite two Item Combo with: Trout White Fish Popcorn Shrimp Chickcn Tenders Clams Deviled Crab Served with colc slaw, hush puppies, and choicc of potato, .Vo substitutions pleas. Monday thru Thursday Friday thru Sunday $5.25 $5.95 Dockside Daily Specials M O N D A Y TU E S D A Y W llito fis h Popcorn Shrimp » _ _ _ & Oovilod Crab$ 4 .5 0 W h lto fls h , P opcorn S h rim p & D o vilo d Crab $ 5 .2 5 P opcorn S hrim p & C hlckon $ 5 .9 5 $ 5 .7 5 THURS. $ 4 .5 0 P o rc h o r W h ito fls h & P o p c o rn S tirim i FRIDAY & SATURDAY Porch, Trout o r W h lto fis h , W ith D ovilod I Crab Trout $ 3 .5 0 T rout & P opcorn Shrim p $ 5 .2 5 S U N D A Y P o p c o rn S h rim p $ 5 .7 5 P opcorn S h rim p & W h ito fis h $ 5 .9 5 I $ 5 .9 5 I $ 5 .9 5 S.7S SERVICE CHARGE FOR SISGU: PORTIOS SHRVEl) FOR TWO 2520 Lcwisville-Clcmmons Rd Clemmons NC Stx)i1s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 - B1 Wrestlers Get Revenge, Beat Tuscola In Davie Duals Finals By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record That something special that makes Davie County's wrestling team an unparalleled giont In the stale's squared circles manifested itself In dramatic fashion In a 39-30 victory over Tus­ cola In the finals of Saturday's Davie Duals. A Mountaineer team that stopped Davie’s seven-year Davie Dual dominance and fin­ ished second in the 3-A state last year pounded out a 15-0 lead In the opening stages. Wesley Johnson, for one, started seeing the .same ghosts from last year’s 39-27 loss to Tuscola, one of only two teams that defeated the War Eagles during their 30-2 romp to runner-up In the state 4-A dual tournament. There was a little thought in the back of my mind that they might have the upper hand on us,” Johnson said after unbeaten Davie (6-0 nonconfcrence) whistled offeight of the last 11 matches to pull out a 39-30 thriller. "But my teammates sure proved me wrong, and fm glad they did. That will leach me to never doubt my teammates again. • "We're awfully glad to beat them because there was a lot of pride riding on this match.” Johnson,ajuniorat 152 whobccomeoneof Darrell Steele LivedLife To The Fullest Ron Kirk remembers Darrell Steele teaching enthusiastically for Mven hours, cdachmg thiw’schrx)! sports fiercely. l)ouncing to his rccreation men's basket­ ball game that night and playing softball all summer, a 23- hour, elght- days-a-w’cek regimen that ‘defined Steele's life. "He was always active." said Kirk, who Stecic worked more than a decade with Steele at North Davie Middle School. "He coached just about every season. I mean. I used to tell him when he was here to slow down because he used to coach three sports here a year, and he'd leave here and go to night school." So how could a man so young at heart die so young? That's the question that knocked the breath out of the county Saturday afternoon, when Steele suffered a massive heart attack while driving his car. Kirk and Matt Wilson, another close teacher-coach friend at North Davie and Davie High, hardly expected the horrid news when they approached the wreck scene. "When we road up to where the wreck was, we thought there wasn't much to it, that he'd be alright." Kirk said. Wilson couldn't fathom the sudden death of a vigorous 45-year- old thoroughbred. "We couldn't believe it because Dantill was always in such good shape," said an utteriy depressed Wilson. "He hits home because we're all about the same age. That’s not supposed to happen to somebody our age. So my heart just dropped to my shoes." Pete Gustafson, who along with Wilson shared a Davie High hall with Steele, couldn't hold his head erect. "It just fioors you," he said. "It made me take a look; A close peer like that, so close in age, just makes ■ everybody think." Ricky Hendrix, who graduated from Davie High the year after ^ Steejc in 1973 and started teaching with him in the early 1980s at North Davie, considers Steele a rare soul. . someone who transcended race, ' ' someone who was willing lo bccome anyone's brother, someone who persevered^ becoming the first block coach for Davie’s varsity boys ; basketball In 1993. . "The inost important thing is • cvciy yew when I talk about race. six 4-0 Davie performers on the day, spiccd up a sllning 27-3 Davie am by delivering a pin and 21 -18 lead it never relinquished. "It had a big part to do with what my teammates before medid,” said Johnson, swept away by emotion In the aflcrtnoth of Davie's big­ gest win of the young year, "Myteammatesreallypicked Johnson me up. It was big revenge for lost year. I felt like I had todo my part bccause I wasn’t going lo let my team down." With Davie backcd in the 15-0 comer. Brad Pack, at 125 pounds, infiated his status among the stale's show horses and triggered the rally with a convincing 8-2 victory over Scott Dou­ glas, a defending state champion who stnitted - to 46-0 last year. "I was ready to wrestle him and see what he had," Pack said. "I was nervous. I’m always nervous." "He wasn't even threatened," said Coach- Buddy Lowery, the 24-year veteran who nolchcd his 325th victory against 59 defeats as Davie stomped Freedom 73-3, North Rowan 78-3 and South Mccklcnburg 66-11 en route to the finals. "We got on a roil with Pack. He started us." Jumping on Pack's back, sophomore Adam Sain rallied 5-4 and Tony Angellwhippcd out a first- period pin as Daviecloscd within 15-12. Sain’sclulch comeback evoked stand- Rudy ing-ovatlonroari>asDavic smelled the momentum. "It was a struggle," Sain said. "I really didn’t know if I could win it going into the third period, but I just toughed it out and hung on.... I heard the fans screaming and heard Coach Lowery yell hubba bubba.” Joining Pack and Cody Angell in the 6-0 heavens. Tony Angell bounced back from a hard fall with a vengeance and Oxiy Angell, Johnstin and Jeremy Bailey capped an ava­ lanche of six wins in seven matches, building a 27-18 lead with four to go. "He dropped me and made me mad." Tony Angcllsaidofhis first-period pin at I35."lhad a halfand he wouldn’t go over, so I just hooked the teg, threw him in a hisket and held It. "I was fired up. We had to get something started." After budding superstar Patrick Lowery pinned his 189 man in the first, no-name An­ drew Rudy became a wrestling somebody with a first-period pin. icing the match at 39-24. "It's pretty much the biggest one I ever had," said Rudy, overwhelmed by the unexpected media attention. "I was just trying to hang with him and wrestle smart like Coach Lowery said." A 3-1 day with three pins was quite memo­ rable for someone who had never stepped Into the varsity ring until Saturday. Rudy moved from New York last year, grooming on JV. "I've just listened to coaches and practiced wiih teammates," said Rudy, a starting offen­ sive linemen in football. "We'vegotareal good team. I mean, that helps you out a lot." Notes; Pack. Sain, the Angells, Bailey and Loweryenjoyed4-0aftcmoons; Andrew Scott, Jt)sh Stanley, Drew Beck, Johnson, Rudy and Chris Nichols won three of four, and Larry Hudson ond Chris Bender split four. "Nine out of 10 times, we’re going to l>e alright with those two freshmen," Lowery said of 103-pounder Hudson and 112 Scott, who were 2-1 and 3-0 respectively before bumping heads with Tuscola.....Lowery had a ma.^elous day, diree pins and a decision over a South Mecklenburg stud. "He had a good day," his father said. "The guy from South Meek Is ranked third in the state (in Super 32).".... Northwest Cabarrus, Salis­ bury and Dovie's JV roundcdout the eight-team Davie Duols......Davie will compete in the Freedom Dualson Dec. 11 before hosting North Davidson on Dec. 14. Junior Varsity Excels Against Big Boys Davie's amazingly powerful JV team hardly fiinched against varsity competition, beotiiig Solisbury 52-21, Northwest Cabarrus 48-32 ond South Meek 40-39 for third place. Only Tuscola, a 60-11 winner In the semifi­ nals. could prevent Davie's JV from forging a Davie versus Davie final. "We looked real good." JV coach and var­ sity assistant Matt Wilson said. "I bet half the people in the state would like to have a varsity team as suvng as the JV team we’ve got.” Matt Wilson - the wrestler, not the coach - and Mitchell Bullard had perfect days while Jordan Khars, Jacob Garner and Cassidy McMahan posted 3-1 records. "Jordan wrestled his butt olTall doy," Wil­ son said. "Wilson and Bullard are two good athletes and good wrestlers." War Eagles Put On Show In 103-84 Win Over Ghariotte 'Hie unifonns said Davie County, yet the War Eagle varsity boys basket­ ball team sure looked a lot like the Harlem Globetroucrs in a fabulously entertaining 103-84victory over Char­ lotte Garingcr Friday mghi,---------- Tlie streaking War Eagles (6-0 in ' nonconfcrence) served a visual buffet of fast-breaking, high-strutting, pic- ture-perfect offense, finishing warp- spccd layups with fiair that resembled 1983 Houston's Phi Slamma Jamma. By the time they reached the moon in the first lOO-poinldisplayinmdmory, the home fans vs-ere amazed and a quIck.bigandaJhletically-gined Wild­ cat team from the Souihwesiem 4-A Conference was dazed and confused. "It felt great." said Marcus Lasslleir. who sank a free throw with 50 seconds left to ring up the 100th point, evoking the loudest roar in a house that roared all night. "Thai's the best feeling I've^had so far yeor.l on a pretiy good show. What do you think"?" City-school images, particularly nemesis and Cenmd Piedmont Con­ ference king Reynolds, havemaile past Davie teams shake. But it nukes this Davie team salivate. "They play in that West Charlotte league, and that's good basketball," Please See Phillips - Page B2 New Coach, New Lineup, But South Still In Hunt For Title A new head coach anil new lineup couldn't change the same old siory - South Davie's wrestling team is back in the lunning for a conference cham­ pionship. However, Coach Howani Riddle, who spent the past thieeyeais working under Matt Wilson as the Tigets won two Piedmont Middle School Confer­ ence titles, wants to see hotter compe­ tition before he starts Biking about matching last year's perfect reconl and derailing another hard-charging train from Ron Kirk and Nonh Davie. "We hit a good pan of the sched­ ule," Riddle said after South breezed past Erwin 63-12 and Nonh Rowan 74-12 last week. "We wrestled some teams that were young and madesomc mistakes. (In the second match), wc wrestled North Rowan style, which is pretty sloppy. Wc won and eveijbody wrestled hanl, but we've got to get better andgetiidorihelittle mistakes.*' Riddle,adiscipleofKirkand Davie CountycoachBuddyLowery.expectcd South to commit Its share of misuikcs aller losing a substantial chunk of last year's firepower, and not even a de­ manding boss could complain about 13 wins in 15 matches from nine sev- 'enthgradeniand fitst-ycareighthgrad-; - ers; Dylan Reynolds, Kurt Boiler,; Andrew Darcy, Cooter Arnold, Anton; Please See Nine-Page B'd WorOiNoSry. Heather Boger releases a shot for the South Davie Tigers. - Photo by James Barringer '*■■1 ' Zac Morton, Jeremiah Raby, Malacbi Gentry, Ronnte And«ry,:| : Michael Slnimodsi Nick niid Brandon Ruieyjjistib > Ted Randolph are oil 4-0 for a Nottl) Davie wrestling team that has'| South Girls Roll Past North Rowan , Hitting ^vcn 3-pointers and nine of II free ihrows* M att Mosert; 1 routed Noith Davison and Parkliuid with SiS pointe™ S ' frcshirltin^toys to iis third bldy/out win* ^ : ^ Sai^^U lfam sofpavIe'sJV pills bosketballtmicau^^ and 23 pbiiils in routs of Nortli Davidson aiid ChaHc^ G^ge^^^ :B ra d l^K ^A ^^,to n y^K e U ,C o ^^ ;/flnd Patrick l ^ r y pcttted 4-0 reco?^ m j;46 of 56:inmclics' in the pavie, > ' D i i ^ piiyiW ytwity^jro I'm il^tone ^^m tS a lisb ^.'l^^ :‘20 iptounds in siicc^typ gainei ttndl A sccond-quorter disaster against unbeaten Erwin was just a hiccup for South Davie's eighth-grade girls, bos- kelballtcam. , ’ Three days after getting flattened ■ 19-0 in thfr second quarter of a 40-25 * loss to the high-llyjng Eagles, the Ti­ gers did a little Emin imitation ft)r North Rowan, bolting to 017-0 firstr quarter lead on Ihc woy to a 35-20 ; victory last week. 1 . . : ^ "Mentally, thesis glris were ready tt) .play sonic basketball," Co^h Sheijo . tribblosald aftej^Sduih ^ 1 overall and 1-1 In the Piedmont Middle School Conference. "They ■ wereti>ily ready to ploy, and they came pm fired up with their hearts out there on their sleeves. They .tmly played almost perf^ect defense." . . The Tigers were so ferociously, tough on both ends in the opening stages that it hardly motion^ that the ; Mavericks generated an 8-2 run in the .. second period. THc game was all but overot 17;0.'A 17-polnt lead in middle-. : ■ school busketboll is thic equivalent o f; ;?M6ndaleivcntus'Rcagan. Forget it,. ' "Tliose baskets were oil on steals and layups, so their defense was just wonderful,".Tribble said. "We were In u full-court press, u’c have real quick hands and play just some tough, tough defense." ./ , . ' HcaiherBogcr.amongDlhcrs, could have been charged with shoplifting.' Tlie surging Boger has also picked up her offense after a zero opener, as she's scored 14 the past t\w games. ‘' "The last two games, she has been < - Please Sec Soiiih - Page B6 .HI B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 Phillips iScores 1000 th Continued From Page B1 said Coach Jim Young, who in three Davie years bos gone from 10-14 (o 15-10 to 6^. "It really makes me feel good bccau&e how long has it been since this program has taken on some team from Charlotte? "A yearorsoagowhenyou brought a team In like that, they tightened up and they were intimidated. These kids at this point arc not intimidated, and that (cam is as athletic as any wc’ll play.” Reiterating the supreme depth that Young has endorsed all season, the War Eagles outscored Garinger 25* 15 in the second quarter despite having all-star Duane Phillips and enforcer Larry Umbergeron the bench plagued with fouls. Undaunted. Dominic Graham (24 ; points,sevenassistsandflvercbounds), : Lassiicr(l8points,sixassists),DjordJc : Lukic (11 points, 13 boards) and John : Orsllto(eightpoints,IOrebounds,four assists and three blocks) kept pouring on the coals. Graham and Lassiterpro- duced corcer highs in points and ex- change-studcnt Lukiccooked uplikely the first of many double-doubles. "Somebody had topick it upand we were all togclher," Lassiter said. "Wc play as a team and wont to win as a team. Wc arc on the way to being the best (Davie) team I think." That was Davie at its best. Wc beat a quick team," Graham added. Not even a quarter of playing assis­ tant coach .cpuld_stpp. Phllllps_.from__ scoring 34 points on t3-of-20 field goals and piling up six rebounds and four assists. "We've got the rest of the team picking it up, so it doesn't matter this year," Phil I ips said. "Last year wc prob­ ably would have gone down, but this year we've just got so much heart and Davie High Boys Basketball Statistics Record: 6-0,0-0 CPC Phillips Graham Lassiter Oraillo Umbcrger Lukic Sraic Crump Gustafson R. Tenor Dritton Lynch Sullivan T. Tenor Gms Pta Rfbs Avg Assists Avg Stls ‘ PPG 6 6 6 4 0 6 . 1 6 5 6 4 2 1 I 158 82 70 39 48 45 5 25 14 13 7 I 0 0 26 11 12 17 (A 48 0 18 6 26 0 I 0 I 4.3 1.8 2.0 4.2 10.6 8.0 0.0 3.0 1.2 4.3 00 05 0.0 1.0 24 25 26 12 24 8 0 1 4 2 10 3 0 0 ■ 4.0 4.1 4.3 3.0 4.0 1.3 0.0 0.1 0.8 03 2.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 12 6 16 0 10 7 1 2 I 10 3 I 0 0 26.3 13.6 11.6 9.7 8.0 7.5 5.0 4.1 2.8 2.1 1.7 0.5 0.0 0.0 3>PoIn(ers: Phillips 12, Graham 9, Lassiter 2, Dritton, Gustafson Blocked shots: Orsillo 10,. Tenor 6, Phillips 4, Lukic 3, Umbcrger 3 Davie's 'Incredible' JV Boys Romp To 4-0 Coach Jim Young presents Duane Phillips with a basketball commemorating his 1,000th point for the War Eagles. conHdence that it doesn't matter. No­ body isscinsh." No matter where Young turned, he goircsults.Umbcrgcrcontribulcdfour points, six assists and six rebounds in limited duty, Scottie Crump supplied four points and seven boards, and R<xl Tenorsnatchcdeightreboundsas Davie maintained a lead between 12 and 23 points throughout the second half. "This is the firet time we really put pretty close to four quarters logelhert" Young said. This is agood step in the right direction." One Shining Moment Dccoming Davie's first 1.000-point scorer in more than 20 years - and fourth overall with Randall Ward, Jingles Ijamcs and Dwayns Grant - would have been dramatic enough. But Phillips, unmistakably (he schoorsgrcatestplayerintwodecades, al woys has more In storc. Invigorating a22-poini second halfthat included an amazing 13 points in the final two minutw, Phillips_achi(?vcd.thc.jnllcr. stone on a four-point play (3-pointer ‘ and free throw) that put Davie ahead to stay In a 90-87 victory at Salisbury on Nov. 30. "I didn't even know I had it," said Phillips, who became Young's flHh 1,000 man in 27 years of coaching. "I wasn't even thinking about that, I was Just thinking about winning the game and bringing the team back. "It really didn't matter to me at the time, but Vm happy bccausc Til be on the little plaque. I'm happy about it, but I'm nwre happy that we got the win." The fans got more than they bar­ gained for. Salisbury led by 11 in (he fourth quarter, but (he never-quit War Eagles pulled off a comeback eerily similartotheonethatwipedoutBishop McGuinnis' I Upointle^inthccham- pionship of (he Ho( Hoops Classic on Nov. 24, sustaining their early-scason perfection. "It wos almost a replica of Bishop," Young said. "In fact, it was six minutes to go and wc were 11 down again. My feeling is you're not really a (cam until you can come from behind to win." Davie sandwiched a 83-47 laugher over hapless North Davidson in the three-game week, as Umbcrger col­ lected his third double-double (13 points, 11 rebounds). ____"He h*^. definitely Improved his game," Young said. "He's doing some good things defensively, and he is start­ ing to pick up his scoring." Davieplaysat North Iredell on Dec. 8 before hosting Salisbury on Dec. 10. • Davie 90. Salisbury 87 - Phillips 28; Lossiler 15; Orsillo 13; Umbcrger 10; Graham 8; Lukic 7; Tenor 5; and Sim ta is at I • /T R A IL E F tS I OF T H E EAST COAST Y Bring In (his Ad & Receive 10% oH [«>g pfici' . . / © C U R T r r T ra ile rs o f th e E a s t Coast wouU lik e to w is h y o u H a m Hetdaifs Come See Us For Your Holiday Crump and Jonalhon Brillon 2. . Davie 83, Nonh'Davidson 47 - Graham 18; Phillips l4;Umbci;gcr 13: Lassiln 11; Orsillo 9; Lukic 6; Ian Guslafson 5; Cnimp 4; and Brillon 3. mtdnt^ ftilkrlM M oriitX EhdNikt % This Holiday Season give the g ift o f hope... o T><^refU 1(800) 4M-U\('AY h((p7/www.unitniwj; M.D. Obs te tr ic s a n d Gy n e c o lo g y Canng Medicaid Provider for 20 years New OB patients welcome at any stage of pregnancy Free Pregnancy Tests We will assist your application for pregnancy- related Medicaid coverage at no fee. PoHen* ttwy deliver of etther Statesville hospital 121BDavte Avenue • Statesvltle.NC 704473-1436 • 9 o.m. to 0 pm dally S u p e r R a te s 6 . 0 5 % . 6 . 2 4 % 6 . 2 5 % 6 . 4 5 %APY We’re offering two high-yield Bank of Davie Certificates of Deposit Purchase an 11-month term CD and earn a 6.050/0 rate, with a 6.24% annual percentage yield. Our 25-month term CD pays a 6.25% rate and has an annual . percentage yield of 6.45“/o. You can open either CD with as little as $500. For more information about these offers and other savings plans, visit or call our office in Mocksville. it's Your Bank B a n k o f D a v ie 1366 Highway 601 South On Mocksville Marketplace) 751-5755 Ihls rale In effect as oi November 23.1999. fvlinlmum opening deposit must be maintained to earn tiie Annual Percentage Yield. There are penalties for carty witfidrawal and account terms ere subject to change. Anyone who thought Davie County's JV boys basketball team would simply be the Scan Stevens show was badly mistaken. Riding extraordinary balance and an insatiable full-coun dcrcnse, the War Eagles have beaten four oppo­ nents by an average margin of^ 20, including 94-71 ovcrSalisbury, 73-53 over Nonh Davidson and 79-67 ovrr Charlotte Garinger last week. "I’m telling you, this group of kids Is incrcdibIe,"Coitch Leo Brunelli said. "I mean. I have 12 players and I prob* ably could go to any one of them at any time - that is how even it Is. Our practices have been probably harder fought than some of our games. They arc fighting to expand their roles." Eleven players scored in each game , last week as Davie continues tu erase I tlie demons of BrunelH’s previous two years, when Davie Iosl23of40games. including I9of 20 in the Central Pied­ mont Conference. Druneili's toughest job is distributing playing time, not Xs and Os. "It's very tough," he said. "But I’m not complaining. I hope I'm in this situation the rest of my life, because I've been Insituationswhcrenomatter • which way I looked I had no one to go to. "Tills year It's easy... but it's diffi­ cult to get everyone in." Scan Stevens, the superior point guard, iiail a ho-hum week, scoring 25 against Salisbury. 32 against North Davidson and 22 against Charlotte Garinger on 12 3-polnters and a biu-- rage of steal-and-layup dashes. "Me was taking ofTand we hit him In .stride," Brunelli said. "He can get the job done. Sean got hot (agalast North Davidson)and I didn't go off of him the rest of the game." Stevens bombed the Black Knights with 23 of his season-high 32 points in the second half as Davie turned an uncomronable32-27halfiimeleadinto the forecasted rout. "He was just on fire," Brunelli said. "With him in the front of that /one press, they find him for wide-open layups." Davie, however. Is hardly a one- man team. Dan Sullivan .scored 15 against Salisbury, 10 against Nonh Davidson and 15 of his 20 In the first half against Garinger, while Jason Hogue contributed 13 against Salis­ bury and nine in the first half against Garinger before .spniining his ankle and sitting out the second half. "Ninety-four points in u game." a beaming Brunelli.ssiidoftheSalisbury win. "Our offense is incredible. Wc have scored al will. Wc missed seven or eight layups (against Salisbury) or you’re talking about 110-115 points." Davie hosts North Iredell on Dcc. 8, then plays at Salisbury on Dcc. 10. Allhough Hogue missed the Garinger second half, Brunelli expects him to return to full slrengih this week. • Davie 94, Salisbury 71 - Stevens 25;Sullivan 15; Hogue 13;ChrisSicin 10; Donnie Vestal, Kenny Orsillo and Andrew Daywalt 7; and Benial Davis. David Wwldridge and Nick Propst 2. • Davie 73, Nodh David.son 53 - Stevens 32: Sullivan 10; Stein 8; Or- sillo7;Hogue6; Daywalt 3; Davis and Wixildridge 2; and Vestal. JoskoSr/ic and Propst I. • Davie 79, Giiringer 67 - Stevens 22; Sullivan 20; Ilogue 9; Sr/ic 6; Oniillo and Daywalt 5; Wix)ldrldge and Stein 3; and Davis. Vestal and IVopsl 2. jMoser Magic, Defense Spark Freshmen To Win { Davie County freshman l>oys has* I ketbail co;ich Derek Kumitsky wasn't ; sure Nvhal kind of perimeter attack his J War Eagles would haveafier last year’s ; Scan Stevens-led team roared to 18-1. ! Kumitsky's concerns have turned I out to be baseless. • "I told them 1 needed another Sean." said Kumitsky. "I na*d a guy that can score." Maw Moser iw k the cmch upon it last week, doiiig a masterful imitation of Stevens - who averaged 20.5 last year, including three 30-plus explo­ sions - with 26 points In a 72-51 win over North Davidson and 30 in u79-56 -wjn over J»arkland— — — —-------- "He came out of a sh<K)ting slump," KumitskysaidofMoser.whoknocked down seven 3-point shots and nailed nine of 11 free throws as Davie raced to 3-0. "He’s all about confidence. He just had a great game. "His first game he couldn’t hit a shot, and I challenged him a little bit. He said: 'Coach, challenge me all the time from now on.' He was on fire and hegetshimselfslcalsandeasy layups." Micah Gamer and Brian Hunter’s contributions on the perimeter can't go unnoticed amidst Moser's magical week. While Moser Is the ribbon that completes the guanl package. Gamer and Hunter have been crucial as Davie has produced a winning margin of 23 and foreed more than 30 turnovers a game. "Vm impressed with tho.sc three," Kumitsky s;iid. "They have become dominating guani.s.Tliey had 52polnLs between them (against Nonh David­ son). They’re unliclievable. Wc are avcmging 25 steals agame, and Hunter. -Gajuer^ind Moser betwecnihem arc- averaging 16 steals a game. We’re just uU over people." Kumitsky tempered tlie Ml. Pleas­ ant and North Davidson celebrations, holding the team’sstandingamong the great freshman teams in the area for the Piirkland game, a test against a pro­ gram that represented last year’s 3-A stale champion. Now. thanks to a convincing 23- point road win In which Davie donil- nated every phase of the game, Kur- nit-skyconccdesthat Davie can indeed become something special. "Tliose firM two games were kind of exhibition games," he said. "You get iiK'asured and findout e.xact ly where you’re al when you play a good teanj. Parkland Is (defending) state champs (in varsity). Wc went in Ihere, led the whole game and killed them. "1 told them: ’You play like that every singlegaine. you wlllnever lose.’ IfNick Raby, Luke Pliclpsand Jo'^h Waltaccra fronrllne that priivided 2\~ ptiints collectively at Parkland, con­ tinue to make significant strides and supplement the shining backcourt, Daviemightchallengelastyeiu’sannu'.- Ing run. "My big guys arc really starting to get better," Kumitsky said. "Raby, Phelps and Wallace arc really st;uling to score and rebound and do a great job." Against Nunh Daviilson. Daviealso got 15 points from Gamer, 11 from Hunter, nine from Wallace, six from Kurt McNabb, three fntin Phelps and two fn)m Ian MacBr>'ile. Against Park­ land, Garner added 14. Raby nine. Hunter eight, Wallace and Plielps six, Patrick Liw five and McKen/ie Wil­ loughby one. Davie plays visiting Mt. Pleasant on Dec. 11 al n(K)n,ihenatGrcensboro Day on Dec. 18 at II a.m. Ojjusqvama- CHAINSAWSstarting at MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 834S.MalnSlmfUockivllle,l<C2702B (336)751-2944 Super Super Specials Two Locations to Serve You M o n : B a b y F lo u n d e r...............3 .4 9 B a b y F lo u n d e r iah you on Eat)..............5 .9 9 C o m b o Of(Baby Flounder ABaby Shrimp)........3 .4 9 Salisbury Location Only T u e s : B a b y F lo u n d e r (AnvoucanEat)..............5 .9 9 B a b y S h rim p (ah you can Eat)..................6 .9 9 8 o z R ib E ye-w ith salad........................5 .9 9 C o m b o o f 2 (Baby Flounder ABaby Shrimp)....5 .9 9 W e d : B a b y F lo u n d e r (au you can Eat)................5 . 9 9 C a n a d ia n F lo u n d e r)...........................5 .9 9 C o m b o o f 2 (Baby Flounder aBabyShrim p)....5.99 G rilled Chlcken/Baby Shrlmp/Salad.........6 .9 9 Call Ahead 20J0 U a te iv ille B lvd • )a litb u ri|, IlC 7»V*}9-95«® nion - Thun i,pm - gpm - f ri - ii am - lo pm lat-)pm-iopm>iun-11:30 am-9pm or 88jo )ta te iv ille B lvd • Cleveland, RC 7 OI1-2 7 8 -2 2 2 6 Tuet-Thurt-bpm-9pm fri-{at-i|pm-iopm«iun-iu3oam-9pm DAVIE COUNTY ENTF.ltl’RISK RECORD, Dii;. 9,1999 - 113 ALWAYS THE DIAMOND FOR PRICE $799! 2 Carat Diamond , Tennis Bracelet T h u r : B a b y F lo u n d e r (aii you can Eat).............5 .9 9 C o m b o o f 2 (Baby Flounder &Baby Shrlm p)....5.99 9 o z C h o p p e d S irlo in -w ith salad.....6 .9 9 Register to win $2000! S u n :B a b y F lo u n d e r (aii you can Eat).............5 .9 9 C o m b o o f 2 (Baby Flounder IBaby shrimp)....5.99 C a n a d ia n Flounderasaby shrimp)......6 .9 9 C a n a d ia n F lo u n d e r............................5 .9 9 Served with cole skw S hushpuppies, baked potato, french fries or onion rings Ho Discount on Uese Specials ’ Dine In or Carry Out GOLD gallery : Next to Wal-Mart in Mocksville 751-3747 B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 suppC gH NAM E THE W INNING TEAMS EACH WEEK AND W IN... CONTEST RULES I. Anyona can enter eicepiemployees ol the Davte CouaiyEmerpnM Recoftl andOnly ore entry «nowod per personper week. Ail entries must be onor>9lnal newjpnrn or Fax m751- 9760. 3. Games in this week's coniesi are ksted in eacii asventsemetM on these two pages. fi\ in ihe contest b>ank and sutvnt or mal the entry to the Ewerpnje Rccord. P.O. Boi 99. ModLSwDe. NC 27028a. The (itn eMfsM coffcWy predctog ine oulcorrve ol al games In a week will rcceive a bonus of s 1 ooa WecUy pn»s a/e us lot r>rst ptac« and $5 lor second piaee In case d lies, ll^e entrant who came closest to tt^e total number o( points m the t« breaker wtni 4. Entries musi be Ooiivored 10 me WE HAVE MANUFAQURED HOMES TO FIT YOUR BUDGET. SEE JACE TODAY! Bonanza Mobile Homes _____ 700 Wllkesboro SI. • Mocksvllle, NC8. IntJpendonco Bowl imer. Hwys. 60i &64N.Miss. vs. Oklahoma 336«751 *5959Owned Ji Operated by Jack Morgan Daiiiei Fiiriiitiire l i E l c c h ' i c C o . J i i c . Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny M aiklitt • Melissa M. Cartner 848 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2492 •336-751-3975 li C r o w d e r M ^ C h e s n e y ( A s s o c i a t e s ra Your H om etow n R ealtor 2762 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 DAVIE COUNTY ENTC-RPRI/E^ECORD FU IL^VE R A G E ON NEWS & ADVERTISING ^ RO.Box99 171 South Main St., Mocksville. NC 27028 i Phone:(336)751-2129 ftuc(336) 751-9760 ! 300 South StraKord RoaiJ Thruway Shopping Center Winston-Salem (336) 727-0600 We don’t , ust sell )onds, we create them. Cai) or ilop by today. Brenda Battle 820 South Main Street Mockaville.NC 27028 (336)751-5672 Member SIPC________ E d w a r d j o n e s | Smiof IndirUiuIIflKttonStBMiS;! ^ 1,2, & 3 Three Convenient Locations 1) Hwy. 801, Cooleemeo, 264-4141 2} Hwy. 601 N., Cooleemee. 284'2628 3) Hwy. 601 at 1-40, Mocksville 751*7797 21. Clnclnrutl vs. Ctevelaad 14. Humanitarian Bowl Boise SL vs. Louisville 2433 LavisvUle-Clemmons Rd Clemmons lam r ymmm DIAMOND &^/COLD GALLERY YOUR DA VIE HIGH CLASS RING CONNECTION! N.;<! fo Wal-Mart • Mocksville, NC • 751-:)747 I.SugirBowt Fla. 8 t vs. Virginia Tach MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE 962 Yadklnvllle Road Phone 751-6115 ALIGNMENT BRAKES SHOCKS EXHAUST AIRCOND. SERVICE 18. Motor C , Marshall vs. Brigham Young ■ Our Prices Include Mounting, Balancing New Valve Stems & Rotation Hours: 7:30-5:30 M -F»7:30-1:00 Saturday Enlerpnso Record before 5 pm Friday each week. The olke It locatcd i\ \1\ S. Main Sv, Mocksvile, NC., 9. V/inneti will be announced foiiowirtg eacti contest. Oedsions ol fudges wd be r>nal. A new contest MB be arvwuflced eacn week. 6. In case ol ties, awards wn be divided equaiy trte w^n>eri E s c n ‘ 1 0 0 0 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Perfect Entry $2 5 1st Prize ®5 2nd Prize EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 I 325 North Main Street g Mocksville, NC 751-2148 I 20. St Louis vs. Now Orleans G O LF C LU B For Tee Times Cali 940-2000 Olhr nU Old} wttt tMpon. Nonmber m , IMS K&R Cleaners, Inc. “ Wfe 're Just Around the Corner" • Tnngtmood Crossing US 158 &NC 801. Hillsdale 998-7120 Tanglfwood Commons US 158 & Harper Rd. Clemmons 778-1505 Clemmons 2636 Lcwisvillc-CIcmmons Rd 766-W50 Mocks>ille Valley Road 751-1444 Three steps to slotu the signs oF aging Tanglewood Surt hy \moNtflilliiiK Keciitci) Crcjin ih l4cC. It inlr\‘av.’^^lin^nuli\lurv lc»cl jnd liitiinc'v Hicn .hUI ihc p»mcp. Ilf new LU.XIVA® rirniinu .Snk anJChcMCrvani and J.U.XJVA* »>RI-;Vi:NTA(ii;' nimins l:)c CcciiK III rcviuli/c. Tirm and pmlccl Iticsc c'pctially \uliKTaWtf utcji. Nim itic \l|;n% of aiiin; w ill juM hjtcliiujil. m E R L E n o ; _2» Commons Shopping Center 4140 Clommons Road Clemmons, NC { 778-0510 _ j Owners R m F I M Chris i Wendy I' II i> • t> N Watson G o o d L u c k , D a v ie W a r E a g le s ! V a ic a n Materials Company 542 Farmington Road • Moclisvllle, NC 27028 336-998-3838 Super Savings on Wallpaper Cioseout Waiipaper $095 single roll C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O . 162 Sheek Street • IVlocksville - 751-2167 Harmon NFL Forecast Suntlay, Dcc. 12 Buffalo 21, NY Giants 13 This game will 1« iletermined by defense — specincally, whclher the Giants can slow down the Bills running attack. (We already know DufTalo's D can stymie NY). The Bills won last, in 1996. Cincinnati 17, Cleveland 12 In Week Five, the Bengals ended a seven-game losing streak to die Browns, 18-17, on Akili SmiUi's TD pass to Curl Pickens with five seconds left. Cincy last swept Cleveland nine years ago. Dallas 20, Ihiladclphia 10 Also in Week Five, die Uieretofore winlcss Eagles scored 10 points in Uic final 5:42 to shock Ihe previously unbeaten Cowboys, 13-10. Philly's defensive line can’t contain Dallas runners. Green Bay 22, Carolina 18 The Fackcrs are 3-0 against Ihe Pandiers, but Uiis is a tough pick noneUielcss — like last year, when GB won a shoot-out, 37-30. TTic Pack can't run, and Carolina has a dcccnt pass defense. Indianapolis 27, New England 20 Down 28-7 to the Colts al halftimc 12 weeks ago, the Patriots shut Indy down from dicn on and won n stunner, 31-28. The Colts will finally end N.E.'s winning streak in diis series al seven. M iam i 17, NY Jets 7 Last year the Jets swept die Dolphins for die first lime sincc ‘93,20-9 and 21-16, and despite dieir ‘99 records, .Miami will have to stop NY on die ground to keep It from happening again.. Minnesota 28, Kansas City 14 This matchup will feature tots of passing agamst secondaries that have given up loo many yards. KC, which leads ihe series 4-3, was a 21-6 winner last time diey me, diree years ago. Pittsburgh 19, Baltimore 16 On a Kris Brown field goal as time expired, the Stcelers fought off die Ravens In September for their sixdi win in die seven scries games, 23-20. Anodicr close one, to be decided on the ground. St. Louis 33, New Orleans 13 1\vo weeks ago the Rams sinned slowly against the Saints but scored 28 second -half points and ran away from New Orleans 43- 12. St. Louis will gel its sixdi win in this rivalry’s last eight games. San Francisco 14. Atlanta 12 NFL schedulers saved both 49crs-Falcons games for late in the season, no doubt hoping dicy'd be battling for die NFC West tile. Atlanta beat S.F. last, 20-18 in the '98 divisional playoffs. Seattle 21, San Diego 9 The Chargers were riding high in October when they beat the Seahawks 13-10 on John Carney’s last-second field goal and took over the AFC West lead. Lately S.D.’s ofTcnse barely has a pulse. Tampa Bay 16, Detroit 14 Despite oul-gaining die Lions and holding die b.ill nine minutes longer six weeks ago, the Bucanncers lo.'.l to Detroit for the third time in a row, 20-3. T.B. will win this one with defense. Washington 26, Arizona 13 Paced by Champ Bailey's diree interceptions — one telumed 549 yards for a TD — die Redskins beat die Cardinals 24-10 in Week Six. Arizona can slow Washington's receivers, but not its runners. Monday, Dec.-13 Jacksonville 25, Denver 14 The Broncos have won three of four against die Jaguars, deflating dicm last year 37-24, but Jacksonville has too strong a running attack and way too much defense for Denver this time around. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc, 9,1999 - B5 CONGRATULATIONS To Last Week’s Winners! FIRST PLACE Bryan Davis (9 misses) $25 SECOND PLACE Treva Doulin (lontissos) S5 A Championship Golf Course Without Champiottship Prices 'Soft Spikes Required' MocksviHe, NC 27028 27. Pittsburgh vs. Baillmore 336-940-4653 'Your Hometown liakcr' BaKerv Thruway Stiopping Center • Winston-Salem • 725-8321 iCHAPPELL I 6645 HOLDER ROAD. CLEMMONS I 7 6 6 - 8 2 3 8 “ Electrical & Heatlng/Cooling Installation ^ & Service You Can Trust yOGLER ^SONS ‘Funeral Home C "See Us For Prearranged Funeral Plans” 'j ^ ^ ^ ^ I c m m o n ^ lia j) c ^ ^ 8 |( ^ llt jd ld i^ ^ Hillisdale Dental ^ Dr. Jerry Hauser I 'i Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 11 135 Medical Drive, Advance 336-998-2427 SOUTHERN SHOWCASE HOUSING of Mocksville Come See the New Models The 2000 Homes I AreHerei 1705 US Hwy 601N. • Mocksville, NC • 338-751-1571 Spillm an’s Home Fuel Delivarv gSpillman’s ^ptRead] fine & Fertilizer Cooleemee, NC 336-284-2551 • 1-800-726-0724 20.(NFL) Butlnlo vs. NY Giants Your "Honic-ToiDn" Drug SWre FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG CO. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 C LE M M O N SDISCOUNT SALES Great Savings Through Out The Store 22. Dallas vs. Philadoipiila 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours; iVion.-Frl. 10-8; Sat. 9-5 766-4449 A ffordable health insurance? Q uality health insurance? You can have both — if you Choose Blue! • C om prehensive m ajor m edical | • Blue A d vanta ge' copay plans | sS • M edicare supp lem ent insurance 1 1 Call your authored BCBSNO agent today: r; | L a r e w - W d o d - J o h n s o n , I n c . John W ood— Mocksville Harold W ood— AdvancayHiiisdalo (336)751-6281 * (336)940-2210 B lueC ross B lueSiiieid o f N orlii C arolina ♦ 3 O F F M AHp«f4K( K»RW< (I rt C:nt &.'u« U964. ^ ' ' E N t W ' B L A N K 23. Green Bay vs. Carolina Tear out ihis coupon to save on our compreiiensivc oil change. We'll do cvciylhing from changing you roil with Quaker State*, one tough motoroil to topping ofrall you vital fluids, all in u matter of minutes.Thii offer|oo(l only ai puticlpuinf locaiiont. NoivtlUwlihanyuihcfoircr.Coupon etplrvi l^..'IJ,i9‘/) Q Lube. A QUAKER STATE COMPANY STATI PAIM IN S U tA N C I 24. Indianapolis vs. Now England Brad Rominc Agent 3770 Clemmons Rd., Suite A Clemmons, NC 27012 766-3245 10. Sun Bowl Oregon vs. Minn. T ire s 2534 Lc»taille-Clcmmons Road •Clemmons m 1 lours: 7 JO a.m.-6 pjn. iMon.-FH; 7:30 -I Sal. V O D - S ^ S U All Major Brands of Tires — Complete Auto Repair Shop Tops Travel “PnaleiAiMtal Sem U ce Y o u r L o c a l F u ll S c rv ic c T ra v e l A fic iirv 336-766-7303 www.topstravel.com , 2750 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd • Clemmons 12. Poach Bowl Miss St VS. Clomson PO IN D EXTER Lumber Company, Inc. Building Materials Of All Kinds _ 3701 Dillon Industrial Drive, Clemmons Colo. S lvs. So. MIts. 766-6481 Hours; 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday ADVERTISER WINNER 1. DAVIE JEW/ELERS ___________________ 2. HILLSDALE DENTAL- ___________________ 3. DAVIE TRACTOR ___________________ 4. FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG ___________________ 5. DANIEL FURNITURE ___________________ 6. SOUTHERN SHOWCASE ___________________ 7. CAUDELL LUMBER ____________:_______ 8. BONANZA MOBILE HOMES ____________________ 9. POINDEXTER LUMBER ___________________ 10. VILLAGE TIRES ___________________ 11. CROWDER, MCCHESNEY ___________________ 12. TOPS TRAVEL ___________________ 13. MERLE NORMAN ___^________________ 14. BURGER KING _____________' 15. DEWEY'S BAKERY ___________________ 16.V0GLER&S0NS ' 17._LAREW-WOOD-JOHNSON ___________________ 18. MOCKSVILLE TIRE & AUTO _________' 19. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE ___________________ 20. SPILLMAN’S ' ____________, 21.HANDI-CUPB0ARD ' ___________ 22._CLEMMONS DISCOUNT _______________ 23.Q-LUBE 24._STATE FARM INSURANCE ___^ ^ ^______ 25. ENTERPRISE-RECORD '' ____ 26. VULCAN MATERIALS ^ 27. PUDDING RIDGE GOLF ______^_____________ 28. OAK VALLEY ______L____________ 29.K&RCLEANERS - ---------- 30.-CHAPPELL INC. ■ ‘ .....-------:-----^— 31. HOULIHAN’S , ^-------- 32. EDWARD JONES CO. ------------------------^ Tie Breaker Total Points Scored Fla. St. vs. Va. Tech — NAME:____________________________________ ADDRESS;. DAY PHONE;NIGHTi- Ili I I I I I I : i ; I I I I Ili | : i; I ' li I I I I:li I I ; V I : i: I It i'^ Ir li c I |: It1^ entries musi d6 hGceivea ueiore a pm rnaay c i B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 S'’!. ---------------------------- Nine New Players Respond For Tigers Coach Tim Kenney talks to the South Davie eighth grade boys.- Photos by James Barringer South Davie Boys Lose To Enwin, North Rowan Continued From I’ui>e 1)1 ourdcfcnsivc spark,"TribMcsaid. "Her lunds arc jusl going 90 niph, and slic really tix)k off In the first quancr. Slic and Ashley Peoples had an outsiand- • Ing first quarter." Peoplcsalsoniadcherpresence fell out of the gale, scoring nine of her team-high 11 points in the first tuslfand finishing with 14 rvbounds. "She had an outstanding rctN>und- ing gaine," Tribble said of lier low« • posi ihrrat.- -____________________ "It was a real, real good feeling. ’They believe they can play with any* • body» because against ^ v in they had three very good quarters." Three good quarters and one night­ marish one was enough to spell defeat against an lirwin team that is compa­ rable 10 the frcslunanclass that won 28 of .10 games the p;ist two ye;u^. South ouiscored Ef\vln 25-21 in the first, third and fourth periods, including 15- 3 in the final six minutes, but a 19-0 rut in the second decided the game. "Wc were with them. TJiat was (he ball game right there," Tribble said of the second stan/a. "Otir fourth quarter was avs’csonie. You t;ike away the sec­ ond quarter and we were with them. Had we played the second (juarter like wc played the other ihrce, il would -lavebeciuidilTefcnl gamcrThey n;ay - liave katen us. hut they wouldn't have beaten us by much. "But they are u very, very good team." Andrca Dwigginsand Boger backed Peoples-' 11 points with eight each against North Rowan. Savannah Kow­ alski had Ihrce. Megan Jonlan and Jennifer Horton two and AlyssaSmith one. Against Hr'vin, Peoples led with eight, followed by Boger with six. Kowalski with five. Briilany Cnnts wtihthaxMndOirlyBalsleyandBrandi Harpe with lw(». South plays host loChina Grove on Dec. y. then at Corriher-lJpe on Dec. 11 lluy.s Bow To Knvin, North Kownn Coach Titti Kenney's struggling bi>yjrtufferetl-‘{0-2l and fi {■^0 losses" to nrwin and North Rowan last week, "lam very pn>ud of their effort." the coach sail!. "Tlie problem right now is that we're geilittg gixxl l(X)ks at the luK)p. we just can't put it in the hole. Tliat's our main problem." Kevin Winters led with nine points against Hrwin. followed by four from Maurice Wilson and two each from Michael Gravait, David ScUwcit.Co* rey Wtxxl and Dustin Misc. Against North Kowan. South got six fn)m Wilson and Schweil. four from Gravatl, Wtxxl, Nathan Crowe andTnjvisHowell.lhnx* from Andrew “ McClannofijttvd WjluerSani] twiVfmnr Brian Klrkp;urick. Karl Swart/ and Jeremy Young. Continued From PageBl McNeil, Florencio Rojas, Dwayne Collins, Ben Gobble and D.J. Ricc. "You're worried to death when you start nine kids that had never been on the null before and do as well ivs wc did," Riddle.said. "I was pretty pleased. I'm happy with my first two matches. Tlie kids wrestled hanl." Boiler, Reynolds, Scott Maxwell. Tyler Lowe, Rojas, Derek Foster, Billy Riddle, Gobble and Mitchell Roberts won their first two matches as South niuied n couple tune-up teams before hitting the teelh of \\\g scliedule. "Wc don't have a lot of expcricncc, but wc wrestled wilha lot of heart, and 1 think that willpayorfatlheendorihc year," Riddle said. "When we gel to (Januiu-y). we're going to find out what we're maile of." Rice and Collins are polentially outstanding seventh graders who suf* Tered hard matchup luck In their first week. Rice, who endurcd a .scjison- ending ankle injury in fixitball, had practiced little Ivfore debuting at 171 against llrwin. "I le had a pretty tough kid, a big kid andaprcttygixxl wrestler,"siiidRiddle. /: South's Andrea Dwiggins tries to !<eep control of the ball.South Davie's Heather Boger drives past the North Rowan defense. INTERNET FOR CHRISTMAS to g e t F R E E in s ta lla tio n . * • Unlimited Iniemel • Up to 3 E-Mail accounts • Personal Web Pages • In-Homc Technical Support • Hours: M-F7arn-lipm; Sat.-Sun. 12~7pm Sign Up Today! 336.751.1080 'www.DavieNC.net Connecting Davie County with Che World! .(* Orrntood until Dec. .11.1999) Dockside Seafood Restaurant NEW FEATURE S a ilo r C o m b in a tio n P la tte rs Create jour own I’ctlte two Item Combo with: Baby Flounder White Fish Trout Popcorn Shrimp Chicken Tenders Clams Deviled Crab Served with colc slaw, hush puppies, and choice of potato. No substiiutions pleas. Monday thru Thursday . $5.25 Friday thru Sunday $5.95 2520 Lewisvitlc-Clcmmons Rd i Clemmons, NC _____ 766-9927 HOURS Mon-Tliur4-9 Fri.Sat4-IO Sun 11-9 pickinguploslngchins. "DJ. hasonly practiced about a week and a half. He liad n tough draw, and 1 don't think he was loo sure about bis ankle." Collins will face few fws belter than North Rowan’s 152-poundcr. "He had a lough match," Riddle said. "He had one of their best kids at 152. He was real tough, but Dwayne wrestled hard." Chris Beck nearly became a .sur­ prise winnerwhile filling In for Darcy against North Rowan. Daa'y, a starter, was inadvertently slammed into the wal) during practicc and rciiuircd five sliiches the day before the match. "Bcxk did a prctly gixxl job and wresilcxl hard," Riddle said. "In the second pcriiKl, he made a misl:ikc and got pinned by an eighth grader who wrestled last year." Fortunately for South. D;ux.’y's in­ jury kxiked a lot worse than il was. "Oil gosh, il sciuxjd me to death," Riddle said. "He got ellxiwed and kx)ked like a fighter. But he's only going to miss one match." Tl\c TigtfPi go to China Grove on Dec, 9. then host Corrihcr-LIpe on IX‘C. I.V F e r i ' P h e n D i e t D i n i g U s e r s Some dcxiots are cimccmcd ilut ihcsc pn.'scriptit>n dnip nuy d.im.ij,*c heart wives or ciav prinvu>' pilnuwity h^pcncnsion. M;iny injured px)plc have no s^iaptofm, while ochcre luvv • shornicssiw bread),’ciiist i^in; tariKOK\or whcr s^Tri'pti^^ If you would like to know your Icfpil rights relating to these diet drugs, call us for a free, confidential consultation. Donaldson "““ Blacl? UwYtRs rRoncriNo pEonrs Rioirrs 1-800-531-9191 Holiday L ift l^our Spirit by Lifting Others, G i v e t o y o u r U n i t e d W a y t h i s s e a s o n . U nlbedV lby P 0 Box 744 M o c k s v ille , NC 27028-074;] Reaching- those who need kelp. Touching us all.® DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 -117 Michael's Effort Wasted Against North; Girls Fall To 2-4 By Brian ritts Davie County Enterprise Record Not even Shelby Michael's llrst- half magic act could prevent Davie County's varsity girls basketball team from losing to NonU Davidson for the sixth time in seven games last week. The junior guard put Davie on her shoulders,scored ISpoinisIn I6min- utesand kept the underdog War Eagles in contention at 33-26 at hainime, hit- ting an array of unconscious H-O-R- S-E shots. "It seemed like no matter what she put up, it went in," Coach Carol Cozart said after a 67-61 defeat. "She was putting up some awesome shots. She was driving in traffic, going up with the left hand, half hooks. It didn't mat­ ter where she was coming ftom, il was just falling and kepi falling. Wc were sitting over there going cra/y." BuliheBlackKnighlscxtinguished Michael In the second half, conse­ quently raced to a decisive IS-point lead and staved off a furiouscomeback in which Davie sliced the margin to four in the final two minutes. "Of course, they made defensive adjustments," Cozart said. "Tliey saw what Shelby and Tina Harkness (16 points, four assists) were doing. "North Davidson would match up anywhere In our conference, I don’t carc w!wt their classlficalion is." Ilamm Heroics With Michael silling out the first quarter because of lingering sickness from the day before, Aml)cr Hamm stepped in against Salisbury and mounted a persuasive expanded-role campaign, forcing five of her eight sicals In the first quarterns Davie burst out toanl8-5lcadinanevcntual 52-34 victory. "That gave her more of an opportu­ nity than she nomially has, and she took advantage of it," Cozart said. "Even when she didn't steal the ball, she disrtipted their play so much. I mean; she was all over that court." Davie capitalized on the absence of Salisbury's injured star, beating the hobbling Homeis for the sixth time in seven meetings. "Unfortunately forthem, they were missing (a 20-point scorer)and that's a real big loss," Co/art said. "Tliat made that an easier game for us, "Life is going to be different be­ cause she will be back(forlhc Dcc. 10 rematch). She is going to be a forcc to be reckoned with." Notes: Davie plays at North Iredell on Dec. 8 before hosting the Hornets on Friday.....Emily Monon, a starter last year who has missed the first six games with mono, started limited work­ outs this week.....Davie fell to 2-4 In nonconfercnce with Friday's64-54 loss to Charlotte Garinger. • Davie 52, Salisbury 34 - Hark­ ness 13; Julie McDaniel ‘J; Elise \Vliitakcr6; Michacl 5; Jerri Ann An- gell, Uurcn Comat/er and Sarah Mer- lau 4; Hamm 3; and A.shley Williams and Christina Gnjewski 2. • North Davidson 67, Davie 61 - Michacl 19; Harkness 16; McDaniel 10; Haiiun H; Comat/.cr4; and Angell and Williams 2. • Giuinger 64. Davie .54- Harkness 17; McDaniel 10; Michael 6; Randi Moore 5; Williams and Comatzcr 4; Angell 3; and Mcrlau 2. Coach Delighted With Performance Of Davie JV Girls CoachMikcLijfone'ssmile seemed as wide as the distance between Davie County's JV girls basketball team and its last three victims. The War Eagles dismantled Salis­ bury 69-17, North Davidson 65-45 and Charlotte Garinger 56-30, and Lafone grinned giddily, savoring a thrcc-wins-in-four-daysblllzlaslweek that will likely set the stage for a fabu­ lous season. "I'm going 10 tell you something. I’m as proud of these girls as I can be of anylxKly," he said. "I mean, they've done a super job. I couldn't be any happier." The War Eiigles held slim halftime leads in two games - 33-29 against North Davidson and 25-20 against Garinger-but they Haunted iheirdepth, rode Sarah Williams' breakthrough week and turned both games into yawners, outscoring North and Gar­ inger 57-27 in ll)c sa'ond halves and establishing credentials as one of ihe area's teams to beat. "Oncc they got the defense started, we started getting our fast break go­ ing," Lafone said. "And oncc we got the fast break going, we just ran them todeath. Wc wore them down becausc we use 12 players. *Tlie chemistry I was hwking for cariy. I’ve got il. It’s there.Tlicy all pull for one another, they all work hard together. From No. 1 to No. 12, they don’t mindanybtxly being on the court," Williams was in the zone against NorthandGaringer, turning stealsinto backbreaking layups on ihe way to 21 and 23 points. "As soon as they were getting re- bounds,lheywcrelookingdown court," Lafone said. "She is good with her left hand or right hand." More than anything, though. Will; iams has a brilliant basketball mind. "She finds the open places, and when we gel her the ball she can put it down." Uifone said of the freshman. "Tlie thing with Siu-ah is she is so smart. It makesthe whole team belter." Low-post stalwarts Ryanne McDaniel and Dawn Singleton helped Davie rip off a 17-4 third-quarter run that sapped North Davidson. McDaniel finished with )5 points, Singleton 10. "Ryanne'sstulTwasalotofputhiJcks and some good open-floor play," Lafone said. "Or we'd run a play, get the ball to her inside and she’d put il in." Singleton feasted on North's nap­ ping inbounds tendencies. "They never did Slop an Inbounds play that we had underneath, and Dawn just shot layup afierlayupoffinboundsplays,"Lafone said. Notes: Davie hosts North Iredoll on Dcc. 8. tlwn plays at Salisbury on Dcc. 10.....Briilany Walker, wearing a brace for her rep;urcd ACL, came ofT the bench and scored 14 points in her firsi week back.....Williams made 11 of 16 free thtxnvs against Garinger..... All 12 players scored In the annihila­ tion of disjointed Salisbury. "I loved il," Lafone .said, 'Thai's what I always try to look for because I iry to play cverybody.Tlieydidn't have anything. (Salisbury's cojjch) just lost his two best players to the varsity leam that day." • Davie 69, Salisburj’ 17 - 1 leather McDaniel 12; Singleton 10; SaraErb 8; Brittany Walker and Dony iaGniy 6; Ryanne McDaniel 5; Williams. Lind­ say Smith. Anabel Romero. Erin Grey and Shannon Simmons 4; and Deanna Shamel 2. • Davie 65. North Davidson 45 - Williams 21; Ryanne McDaniel 15; Singleton U); Heailier McDaniel 6; WulkerandErb4;Smilh3;andShamel 2, • Davie 56. Chariot le G:iringer 30- Williams 23; Smith 7; Singleton 6; lleaiher McDaniel and Erh 5; Walker 4; and Ryanne McDaniel 2. War Eagle Freshmen Girls Claim Two Wins I Preiiy b:isketball it ccrtainly was nol. hut 22-18 and 25-18 victoriesover Alleghany and Forsyth Country Day Jasl.wcckcountlnthe.wincolumn and.. ihai'sall that mailers to Davie County's freshman giris. "Wc had some real gO(xl looks at the basket, but they just wouldn't fall forus," said CoachCarolCo/art. whose War Eagles withstood two poor-shoot- ing games to siart the season 2-0. "Luck­ ily for us. the other teams were doing .some of the same things." Jenny Broadway, the point guard who scortjd just two points In each game but provided so much more In an intangible sense, was as responsible as anyone for Davie's ability to answer the founh-tiuarter clullengcs. — ."5ho has just been terrific, hercourt .. sense and anticipation," Cozart said of Bro:idway,whoplayed three positions, shoot i ng guard and smal I forward along with point. "She's really been that glue to hold us together thereat the end. She hasn't scored a whole lot- that worries her-bht I'm more.concemed that she's helping get people in places and doing what we're suppose! to do." The War Eagles won despite a score­ less second quarter against Alleghany. Tliey won despile a failure to score more than seven points in any quarter against FCD. Defense was tlw ovcr- _whelming reason- —---------------- "They still have a lot to leam," Cozart .said. "Tlie main part of their scoring is coming olT transition, so their defense Is their offense. "They're slowly but surely learning their offense. They were so nervous the fiTst hair of that first game." Coziut senses promise from Alli­ son Howell, Candace Ferrell and Emily Pettorini. "Allison has shown some goodout- side shooting," Cozart said. "Candace has been real good with some putbacks and getting soiw reK^unds. And Pet- -torini is prohably-our most conslsicnt- oulside .shooter." Against Alleghany, Davie got six points from Howell, four from Eli/ii- bclh Isley, Ferrell and Kisha Parker and two from Pettorini and Broadway. Against FCD, Fent;ll had nine - in­ cluding a 3-poinler- Pettorini eight. Howell four and Megan Spry and Bro:»dway two. Davie hosts Charlotte Christian on Dec. lOat 4:30 p.m. and Mt.Taboron Dec. 18 at mwn. I M)wO/ien... lhxy.6015., Mocksville in ilie Friemllv Shopping Center WEHAVEAWORLDOF -------- TKEASUUES! l/ni)ue Iirit. atluli’t & chilJrcn't ckHliinc. holkiay iWuniHHii, hnuvwanrv hmAv new and utnl funiiurr. hamSuEV tilk OoKcn. hatUli. picturet. dullt, Ki)t. iw<U. l»)iinv tweai vhiitt, kiatKckt(!)pn.rurSI l)Oi,stidjmiah>Hil ' *0)thinjt el'tf >ixi nuy ncnl. /M USIC 0 1L E S S O N S ^ Lessons for Beginners to AJivnced Spcciiilizing in GuiUr/lknjo/Mamlolin Bdss {als0;'lidsic. bcQinncr vidlin X-'tlobfo) GIFT CERTinCATES AVAILABLE Counter Point Studio 83 Court Squari-. .Mocksville ikiUf Um i Mjiil (336) 751-9390 Davis Claims Top Prize In Football Contest Bryan Davis rolled when precious few others could, winning the fiwlball contest with 23 of 32 picks in a week that was littered with mid-icen misses. While Davis collected first place and S25, Treva Doulin had to fend off Tournaments Scheduled Men's church and men's open bas­ ketball tournaments arc scheduled for Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 at the Brock Gym The cost is $100 per icam, and the tournaments are double-elimination. Call Daniel Brown at 751 -4632 orTim Banner at 751-1239 to enter. DHS Cheerleaders To Hold Silent Auction At Games Davie High basketball cheerlead­ ers will hold a silent auction as a fund- raiseronDcc. 10, whenthc War Eagles host Salisbury. Thcsilcntauction will run from the beginning of the giris game at 6 p.m. through hainime of the boys game. Thecheericaderswillman the tables to MozelleTliompson and Billy Hendrix Jr. for second and 55. All three missed 10. but Doulin’s 38 total points were closest to the 19-9 Navy-Army tiebreaker. Thompson picked 44. and Hendrix - looking for an monumental shootout - picked 80. Close But No Cigar Award - Randall Smith, David Smith, Charlie Johnson and Conrad Chappell missed 11. What Ever Happened To Award - Todd Howell and Bryan Eiigle, the previous week's winners, missed 13 and 14 respectively. Jimmy The Greek Award - Becky Hendrix. Julie Lookabill, Bill Serfass, Thompson, Betty Hendrix, John Butero,JamieLookabill,MikeSeaford and Stephen Serfass were the only players out of 817 to pick Buriington Williams' win over Carver, the de­ fending 3-A stale champion. Walt Til Next Week Award - Delphlne DouHn suffered severe dl- rect-TV blues with 24 misses. assist anyone. Bids will have a mini­ mum bid posted with specified money incrcrhents to advance the bidding. During the third quarter of the boys game, the winning bids will be an* nounced.The item will behandedover when the winning bid is paid. Checks can be made to Davie High School. ONLY 2 WEEKS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS! Now is the time to placc an order for your Cliristmas computer. rHKC()Mi»L;ri;ui{AKN I S......... . YOUR LOCAL GATEWAY AUTHORIZED RESELLER Witli Low Down Payment Wc offer Lay-A-Way, In-Slotc Financing and we accept IVIastercard and Visa. SEmifSrAR. »Holi Inventory Reduction Closeout Items thru Dec, 21. 1999 Light Fixtures In Stock i (except fluorescents) All Wire Shelving and Accessories 5 0 % off C au d ell L um ber a n d B uilding S u p p lies 162 Sheek Street *751-2167 Open Daily Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00, Sat. 7 30 ■ 12 noon Wireless for $10 a month! . (No more excuses) It's b u r lo w e s t p r ic e e v e r. A ll- d ig ita l w ire le s s s e rv ic e fo r ju s t $10 a m o n th . A d d u n lim ite d lo c a l w e e k e n d c a llin g fo r a n e x tra $10 a m o n th a n d 1 00 a n y tim e m in u te s fo r a n o th e r $10 a m o n th . Authorized Sales Representative © B E U S O U m Mobility IMS" VadklnVallGii •TelecomI I I I I M I I I I I NQVLOp^n stPur N fw lw ^tlo n SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA 1057 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville (336)751-0528 $20<” REBATE whh activation of any DCS phone bn ’30°° service plan or higher. CALL 1-888-327-2001 wwwiMll»ou(hd«S4om {kwn-month Mfvict ccnvrvtmcnt nqukcd. No oirtim* mirtutM ort wrth SW morthhr occwi *«; wftirriB ti 39 Of conchooM th« too onytimt mnutM pock>g« for on odditional $10 o month. With lh« ICD onytinw rr^n poclog«. minutM in vent d pockoQ* ort 3S (•nti/minuK, ond untscd poc>>oo« minulM npira ioch monlK. Prim do not hchtde taut, roatrang. long dnlonct, unMftol Mfvic« (ct, or otNv wxtkm. V**4«nd pockog* oppfiw from Spm Pfxtay to 7om Monday. Iknttd time off«' for new cuitomm. Subject to ctKlit opprcml. cotV coflctfction MSoutt) Mob^ DCS Ttrmt ond Condltioni, end certain olh«'rtitrMon. Sm tlom for dctoSi. 01999 9«BS^ Al righti marved. D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 Ashley Spain prepares to take a shot for the Wildcats. NoMDaWe^Gifls Rebound From Heartbreaking Loss North's Kelrston Khars tries to take the ball from a China Grove player. North Daviccighth-gmdcgirls bas­ ketball coach Trish King went back to ihc drawing board and found a pcrrcci remedy for the Wildcats' olTensivc woes. , Running a new offense afier Slum* bling out to an 0-2 start, the Wildcats used a 17-4 game-ending run to rout China Grove 41-19 last week. . "That's the best we've played sincc we started this year," King said. "I put In a new onense the day before be­ cause the offense we've been ninning just wasn't clicking real well." Riding a balanced attack - Alison McNeil and Mandy Lambe scored eight each and Allison Schafer and Kelli Yoilc added seven apiece -< North out- scorcdChinaGrove 26-8 in the second half 10 die wound of losing 24-23 toKnoxonades{Kralionshotcarlierin the week. "It click^and seemed to work a lot better for us," King said of the fresh onense. 'It's a motion-lypc offense where we're moving all (he time. It's hard to defend becausc everybody is moving so much. . "I was real proud of the girls being able to pick up an offense so quickly. This is the first game that wc actually . ran our offense the whole game." . Schafer, the point guard, was par­ ticularly instnimental, getting seven steals and directing the olTense like a coach on the floor. . "Shehadawonderfulgameatpoint guard,” King said. "She handled the ball probably the best she's handled it since Fvc seen her play. She had a lot of assists. Shejust made some greatpasses. She probably had six or seven assists. I was really proud of her the way she passed." Schafer and York knocked down thefirstS-pointersoftheyearforNorth. which got six points from Kierston Khare. four from Courtney Bates and one from Jessica Nelms. K nox .capitallzingon North’s dis­ mal shooting (3 of 15 from the line and 20percent from thenoor).pullcd itout unconventionally, banking in a 15- footerwith lOsecondsleftto swipe (he game and stick North with painful de­ feat. "They threw up aHail Mary," Wng said. "We had somebody on her. The game was meant to be their game be­ causc It was one of those shots that normally should not have gone In. She didn't even look. I think she just threw it up. "But it shouldn't have been that close to begin with. Wejust hadapoor- shootlng night." Schaferledwith 11 points, followed by Khais with'six. McNeil with four and Brittany Holt and Jenny Ferrell with one each. North plays host to West Rowan on Dec. 9 before visiting Mooresville on Dec. 13. North's boys dropped to 0-3 last week. F i r s t U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Charles Turner, Pastor Sunday Worship Opportunities: 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study 10:55 am - Traditional Woiship Service "A caring church with a place for you." Mandy Lambe battles passes the ball to a teammate. HOLIDAY SPECIAL!!! *FREE!! Brake Inspection with Every . $19.95 Oil Ciiange ‘Great Gift Ideas and Low Prices on Truck- Accessories with Professional Installation ‘With Holiday Travel Ahead, Check Out our WHOLESALE Prices on TiresI JERRY’S TIRE AND TRUCK ACCESSORIES 1138 Salisbury Road Mocksville • 336-751-7555 DAVrE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 - B9 Darrell Steele Remembered As Good Teacher, Coach, Friend Continued From Page B1 relations and advancements in socicty, I always use my relationship with Darrell to teach my kids," Hendrix said of Steele, who devoted nearly 20 years in the Davie County school system before moving to Carver a year ago. "He was some­ body that left an imprint of himself in the people that he met, and it didn't matter that he was black. What mattered was he was a good-hearted person who gave a piecc of himself to the kids that came through his classroom." Even with all the coaching success - the six North Piedmont Conference championships in 13 years as North Davie’s softball coach, the 145-73 record and eight state playoff appearances in 10 years as Davie's soHball coach, the 23 winning rccords with 25 soHball teams, the back-to-back NPC lilies in freshman boys basketball at North in 1991-92 and the Davie varsity boys basketball team's first playoff win in more than 30 years in I995-‘ Steclc made an even bigger mark in the classroom. Amazingly he balanced inOexible discipline with remarkable rapport, chilling with the guys and charming the girls, constantly giving them Ridenhour, Earle Take Player Of Year Awards Doug Illing, Drew Ridenhour and Zckc Earle of Davie County’s confer- cnce-championship football team high­ lighted the school's all-Central Pied­ mont Conference selections this fall. Doug Illing, who guided the War Eagles to a 10-3 record in his second year, won Coach of the Year, while Ridenhour, a three-year stancr at quar­ terback, was named Offensive Player of the Year and Earle, a three-year lettemian at free safely. Defensive Player of ihe Year. Tlie football team garnered nine all-CPC picks: centcr Mall Foster, re- celvereTliaddJohnsonandRodTenor, tailbackRicky While,defensive tacklc Adam Boger, defensive end Bradford Ivey,linebackerNcil Rice,strongsafeiy Jeremy Shoffner and kicker David Wooldridge. Also selected from Davie were Molly Koontz and Erin Hege In tennis, Abby Brickey in volleyball, Janel Darcy in cross country and Jeremy Howell and Jason Winters In .soccer. Girls Swim Team Tuning Up To Out Splash Mt. Tabor :| - Davie County's girls swlmieanr improved to 2-0 last week, bombing South Rowan 110-S9,asilapproaches a measuring-stick meet with always- tough Ml. Tabor. •The girls won soundly," Coach Dana Keeney said. "It was nice for them to have their first conference meet be such a successful one." The girls, who got two first places each from Emma Jakob (200, 500), Meagan Clark (200IM, 100 fly) and Kaylyn Smith (SO free, 100 back), will seek their Central Piedmont Confer­ ence water level on Dec. 8, when South Rowan hosts Davie and Tabor. "It will be our first taste of Tabor," Keeney said. "Typically South Rowan - I'm not saying it's an easy meet - is easier than Tabor, Reynolds or Wcsl Forsyth. But wc look good." ' Davie's vaunted relay teams rc- • mained unbeaten through two ntects.' wiihJakob,Clark,DanaCallandSmilh taking ihe 200 free and 200 medley. ’ "Jakobliasapersonalgoalandwe're trying to gel that," Keeney said. "She wants to break six minutes in the 500, and Becky Call is doing really well In ' that, loo. Jakob needs to take off three seconds. "All of their times arc better than what they’ve been In the past." AlthoughBcnStllinfnoOIM, 100 breast) and Michael Gusefski (100 fly, 100 back) were doubles winners, Davie's boys dropped a 95-63 decision to South Rowan. Gusefski, Sliling, Brent Gaither and Jeff Frisby won the 200 medley. Jay McClellan Joined ihe team this week, moving in from South Carolina and giving the shorthanded War Eagles a ■ 10th member. North Davie Wrestlers Crush Competition 172-6 boyfriend advice. "He had the best nipport," Wilson said. "He taught me more about teaching and how to gel along with people than anybody I have ever worked with. They knew where the line was with Darrell. When kids respect you and you've got their aiiemion, you don’t have discipline problems, and he never did." "He worked with me for nine years and I can only remember one time that he brought somebody to me from his classroom, and that kid was a transfer from Forsyth County," Dub Potts, a former principal at North Davie, said. Gusiafson elaborated on Steele's magnetic personality and uncanny abillly to mix friendship with education. "Every morning there would be 40 or 50 kids that weren't even in his classes in his room, just talking," he said. "I mean, it was Just packtd every morning. "He was a teaching master. His class was always well*behaved, olways scoring well on their tests. He was definitely an Incrediblc teacher. He had that boundary sel. Kids had the highest rcspect for him as a teacher, and then afier class he was somebody you could come in and sit down and talk to." Steele never enjoyed anything more than coaching and playing sports, and his dedication, loyally, passion and generosity matters innnitely.morc than wins and losses. He would raise money so Steele’s Body Shop could play in tourna­ ments all summer. He would supply ba* ■ ind balls and never ask for a stinking penny. With ihe ball park two minutes from his house, he Vi-ould drive to Advance lo pick up'a“ player, then take him home after the game. The pot seldom added up when players chipped in on the entry fee. Steele would thrown In another $20, of course. Even though he seldom played an Inning in his final seasons, he played catch before the 6 o'clock game, coachcd third and left at 9, watching every game and trading slorics atop the hill. The most ironic Steele attribute: He never had a kid of his own, ' raising two brilliant stepchildren with wife Vicki, yet he raised hundreds. In the wake of somber Saturday, Steele's red-cycd admirers described his strongest trait. "I know he used his own personal bats with these kids," said Kirk, who coached with Steele from 1980-93. "I mean, you're talking about putting hundreds of dollars Into things like that and Idling anybody and everybody use them. I wish we would have stayed closer, that’s what really hurts me now." "There's so nlany things that were good about Darrell," Wilson said. "If you needed anything, Darrell was then:. He was the first one to help you out. There are so many things I've sat around and thought about the last three days that he did for me. He was so giving. He always thought of other people before he thought of himself." "He was not Just into spending time with basketlwll," said Potts, who hired Steele as Davie's varsity boysbaskeiball coach In 1993. "He devoted any lime I needed for that schw)l. If I needed aschool-dance chapemne, Darrell would volunteer. If 1 needed somebody to take up tickets, Darrell would volunteer. If I needed sornebcxly to help clean up on a Saturday, Darrell would volunteer. "You learn to rcspect somebody when they take In stepchildren, never hiid any of their own, and then raise every K>dyclsc's." Peny Named To All-Prep Team Fork Union Military Academy's (Va.) Blue Devils won Its fifth straight Virginia Independent Schools, Divi­ sion 3 championship title over St. Stephen's/St. Agnes Friday, Nov. 19, held at Fluvanna County High. TIie48-24vicloryoverSt.Stephen's marksthenrsiiimeinacademyhistory the school has won five state titles in a row. The academy finished its regular season 8-2. In post season action, the team went on to beat Hargrave 83-26 In the state semi-final game, ensuring FUMA's spot in the slate champion­ ship game. Going Into the game the Blue Dev­ ils were ranked second in the area. FUMA fought hard and proved they deser%’cd the ch:unpionship. FUMA rushed43limesforatotalof411 yards and passed for 75 yards. Raymond Chris Peny of Advance, son of Irene Perry, holds both running back and defensive back positions. The 6-2, 218-pound senior is In his third ycjwof play on the prep team for the Blue Devils. In the championship gamc,a'rryrushcdfor377yards.PcrTy has also been selected for the 1999 Virginia All-Prcp football team. Foundedin I898byDr.WilliamE Hatcher, a Virginia Baptist Minister, the independent boarding school of­ fers a college-preparatory cunrlculum for young men in grades 6-12 plus a postgraduate year. FUMA specialized in small-classroom instruction with individualizedallention.Christian val­ ues, and character education. Dragway Closes Out Century Farmington Dragway closed out this century of drag racing this past weekend with a record crowd for its annual Dollars Days and Flea Market race. Taking the record $3,000 to win Sportsman division paycheck on Sat­ urday was Richard Alford Jr. from Angler, defeating over 160 other top "foot brake" racers. Alford defeated Joe Thompson from Mooresville in Ihe'finals.-"......... Fonner Top Eliminator champion Tommy PlottofWinston-Salcmscored two wins in his "Poor Boys Toy" Ford. Plott won the regular TOP Eliminator division race, firstdcfeatingTerryFulk of Ml. Airy in Ralph Maunel's ’■Fastech" 27-T Roadster. The '96 IHRATOP CTchampPlott then came back to win the TOP "Race of Cham­ pions" race over newly crowned Big "5" second champion Ron Whitlockof Mocksville. DavidGreene ofClemmons picked up the Sportsman "Race of Champi­ ons" race for all 1999 "foot brake’" feature winners. Greene in his Chevrolet defeated veteran Ernest TysingerofTTiomasvllle for his first "ROC" win. H.L Hawks of Mt. Airy was victo­ rious in the Pure Stock "RaceofCham- plons" finals defeating another Mt. Airy racer Chris Flemming. The Halloween Junior Dragster champ, Billy Ray Varner III, captured the "Racc of Champions" win for the Junior Dragster class defeating Mike Heath of Pfafftown. Tlie racing continued on Sunday wiih Allan Carpenter from Crossnorc picking up his second TOP Eliminator win of the year and the final TOP win of this century at ihe Fann. The 19- year-old ran a 6.73 ET at 101 MPH in his Chevrolet Vega lo defeat veteran Dan Whisnanl of Casar In his Oldsraobile. Last year’s Dollars Day" Sports- man winner. Jimmy R(xyesof Spang., defended his title in his "Under Dog" FonJ. Reeves bcal out Wayne Trivette of BTOne for his second straight "Dol­ lars Day" title. Charles Brewer of Moorcsboro and Ken Downing of MiKksville finished third and fourth. In a special TOP 8 for the quickest TOPEliminatorcars, Brian "BB" Wll- llamsofKemersville won his first race In his "Yellow Banana" Dragster. Wil­ liams, in his Triad Tools sponsored Mark "Port" Jones of East Bend for the win. RBDC - Best Darn ISP in NC To rcgUlcr forn Two Week FneTH alO n the Internet In Winston-Salem, NC. Now Serving Greensboru area without any long distance chargcs Call our office at 336-774-1600 Red Barn Data Center Internet Services Dial up Bonded ISDN lines, $45.00 montly. Low Customer-To-LIm Rullo. In Buslnes-s Since 1987 — http:ZAvww.rbde.com Guess what Johnny’s bringinj[» for Sliow and TfeU todav. Judging fiDtn Coach Ron Kirk's posl-slaughlcr analysis, he probably gave his wrestlers an A-inlnus fur (he week. Lei's t o il; He's a dtraamiing guy- But if North Davie is considered less than stellar aHer stomping Knox 90-0 and China Grove 82-6, there may be little hope for the remaining 10 opponents on the schedule. AnA-nUnusnrnrkaRecacambined 172-6 week? "We still need to improve on our technique and be a little bit crisperand sharper than what wc have been In the last four matches,” Kirk said after steamrolling North moved to4-0over- all and 2-0 in the Piedmont Middle School Conference. "We are going to drill on things that wejust missed and didn’t do good. We’ro not hitting great technique strides right now." Erwin, Lexington, Knox and China Grove are certainly thrilled to have gotten the North match out of the way if the Wildcats plan to gel better. Zac Motion, Jereml^ Raby, MalachiGen- Hy,RonnieAndaty,Michael Simmons, JjicqucsLyons,DerckComatzer,Ntck Pane, Justin Norsworthy, Brandon Panc,TedRandolph,MattConleyand Chris Goode have been perfect, each with a nKord between 4-0 and 2-0. But the lineup has yet to reach its fullestpotenllal,Kirksald.Thingssuch ■as sickness have prevented the Wild­ cats from putting their best boys on the milt - not that the backups are lacking anything. Conley got a start against Knox and nxonled hissccond pin in as many tnatches. Ryan Boehm has one match undcrhisbcIt.Oncpin,ofcourse. "We'vegotrealgood balance all the way through," said Kirk, hesitantly acknowledging North's early-scason ■superiority. "If wc ever get our set lineup In gear, then I'll (be happier). "Theycanalldothejob.Wchaven'l gotten really established yet, but we've got enough depth In some places to have decent backups. “I'm tickled pink with them right now. You can't gripe too much about , 170-somc points in one week." With Kirk cxpccting the competi­ tion to stin'er considerably the test of the way, the Wildcats wrestleat North­ west Cabarrus on Dec. 8, at West Rowan on Dec. 9 oral «l home against Mooresville on Dcc. 13. GNCLiveWeU: VITAMINS - MINERALS • NATURAL COSMETICS • SPORTS NUTRITION • HERBS • WEIQHT LOSS - WEIGHT GAIN • HOMEOPATHY • CNERQY 3623 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons Bl-Lo Shopping Center (M».irroC/«/7vnoflsW(c/)«nJ Mon. Sat 10am • 9pm • Sun. 1pm • 6pm / O O -a O D O k-2 Bastcetbaii Program Starting 1 The Mocksville-Davie Recreation Department is accepting forms for K- i Instructional Basketball Prognun. I This program Is designed to teach ijasic basketball skills. This is not a Hague bm on the last day.thechtldrcn \lvlll divide up into teams Just for fun. TWs program Is for males and females grades K-2. This program will be of- feredatMocksvllleElcmenuuy School. Thedaws-.Jan. 15, Ian. 22, Ian. 29, Feb. S and Feb. 12. Each session will last 50 minutes. KIndcrgannere will Stan at 9 a.m., llrst graders at ID a.m. and second graders at 11 a.m. Preregistration Is requited, the fee is $20 and the deadline Is Jan. 8, Call the recat 751-2325. SHOE SHOW HoniK' Ml'. V '. ■<' -rJ-fi, Bl’O - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 W “ HELP THE OLD TURKEY RETIRE!" V In His 48 Years, Don Has Never Sold r Items This Low. Every Item In Our Inventory Will Be Sold Near At Or Below Cost!!! Ladies Diamond Anniversary Band Channel Set - - Wtiite/YeUow Gold Seiko, Citizen & Wittnauer Watches Over 600 in Stock 50% Off 1/4 Carat $ 7 9 9 5 1/2 Carat $ 9 9 9 5 All Diamond & Gemstone Tennis Bracelets 70% Off, Carat Diamond , Earring Studs %$5 9 9 5 , ^ O O J All Diamond Solitaires 70% Off :5- 7 /^e ^im e Jo 7 ^ u ij J in e ^ew elru! Newtowne Shopping Center • Clemiticns • 766-8505 D a v ie P e o p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 - Cl Children sang, danced, laughed and just had a good time while participating In the Mocksvllie Christmas Parade Saturday.- Photos by Robin Fergusson The Rev. Mark Weakley (right) keeps a close eye on the Bethlehem Methodist float. Hannah Shuskey went to the parade with parents Chris and Kim, and used granapa Hubert Stein to get a better view. : T h o u s a n d s C o m e T o M o c k s v i l l e F o r ‘H o m e t o w n ’ F e e l i n g Davie rcsidenis camc from near and for Saturday and stood three deep in places to catch a glimpse of (he Mocksvillc Hometown Christmas Parade. They heard the bands, saw the church and youth group floats, shopped in downtown stores and generally had a good time opening the holiday cel­ ebrations in Davie County. Winners in the Chamber of Commerce sponsored parade were: corporate floats, Autumn Core of Mocksvillc; civic/church floats, Bethlehem United Methodist Church: school floats. William R. Davie JV Fuoiball and Cheer­ leaders; group performing division. North and South Davie Middle School Band; individual entries. Dalton Furniture; and single vehicle.s, a tic be­ tween Bonnie Brown and James G. Hendrix, j Judges were: Dagmar Dardo, executive director of the Davie County Arts Council; Glenn Mace, Woodworks Gallery; and Larry Staley, Mocksvillc Fumhure& Appliance. The Cooleemee Redskins show their spirit while riding through downtown Mocksville Saturday afternoon. Police Officer Keith Gunter. Johnny Frye watch the parade.? That’s Christine Wooten holding the Happy Birth- • day sign, surrounded by friends and family. j Uena Souther rode In-stxtB, waving witi;i heijdaughter, Sharrle Campbell,Those uniovcllsts are members,of the Shadv Grove PE C l^ t: C2 - DAViE county enterprise record, Dcc. 9,1999 Hamm-Lovelace Couple Wed At Jersey Baptist ; Penny Lane Hamm of Lcxlnglon ind Jonathan MichacI "M ike" ' Lovclacc of Clemmons were united (n marriage at 6 p.m. Dec. 4 at Jer- icy Dapllsl Church. The Rev. Mike Collier oindated. • The bride is the daughter of Mr. «nd Mrs. Jimmy Hamm of Lexing­ ton. She Is a 1990 graduate ofCen- tral Davidson High School and In 1995 earned a bachejor's degree In ■ ^iology from the University of North Carolina at Choriottc. She is em­ ployed by Dr. Randy Long. ' The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lovelace Sr. of Clemmons. He Is a 1991 graduate of West Forsyth High School and In 1995 earned a bachelor's degree In psy­ chology from the University ofNotth Carolina at Charlotte. He Is a teacher and coach at Davie High School and head coach oftheMocksville-DavIe American Legion Baseball Team. The bride choso her sister, 'Rimray Ttoubielicld of Lcxlnglon, a.s matron of honor. Bridesmaids were: Tracy Gamer, o cousin of Lexington; Leigh Ann Rorle, and Kristal Temple of Lexington; Janet Lovelace, the sis­ ter-in-law of the groom of Clemmons; and Penny Lovelace, sls- tcr-in-law of the groom of Boiling Springs. The groom’s father was best mon. Groomsmen were; Ron Lovelace Jr., the groom’s brother of Clemmons; Tim Lovelacc of Dolling Springs, brother of the. groom; Randy Troublefleld of Lexington, brother- in-law of the bride; Denjie Brown of Asbcboio; and Jerry Walser of Lcx­ lnglon. Junior bridesmaid was Morgan Lovelacc, niece of the groom of Clemmons, and junior groomsman was lyier Troublefleld, nephew of the bride of Lcxlnglon. Flower girls were Taryn Troublefleld of Lexington, nicce of the bride, and Madison Lovclacc, niece of the groom of Clemmons. Ring bearer was Chase Lovclacc, nephew of the groom of Clemmons. Programs were distributed by Krista Swing and Nila Cheek. Angie Everhart attended the guest register. The wedding was directed by Becky Myers and Evelyne Swing. Music was by Julie Hammarback, harpist and vocalist. After a reception at the Lexing­ ton Municipal Club, the couple went on a wedding trip to Cancun, Mexico. They will be at home in Advance. blub Members Talk About Trip To Pennsylvania ; ThcCimlccmccScnlorCitlzensniet Monday, Nov. 22, In the fellowship hall of the First Baptist Chuich. ; Reha Holt, president, opened the ijieeting by asking James "Doll" Fos- IFr to lead die club In prayer. •; ThedcvotlonsweregivcnbyChap- Diln Pauline Hall. She read Psalm [00:1-5. She spoke of the wonderful blessings that God has given to lis, and to be thankful for them. : Reading from the Tutrentlne Bap- *tist Church builetlnshcspokcof many reasons we should be thankful. A few examples were: a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing, means that you have a home to live In; the piles of laundry that need washing means you have clothes to wear; the taxes that you pay means that you have njob; and all the complaining you hear about our government means we have freedom of specch. FranclsMlllcrcalledtherpll.Thcre were 23 members and one visitor present. Several other membcR later joined the group at the K&W In Statesville. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Nancy Foster, secretary. The thought for the day; "Time Is not measured by the passing of yean, but by whSt one achieves." The Sunshine report was given by Hannah Jones, and Barbara Thornton told of activitiesto be held at the Senior Center. Holt asked If there was any old or new business. Members told of their trip to Pennsylvania which had been arranged by Thornton. One of their more memorable tours was their visit to an Amish home where they were served attaditional Amish meal. It was an informatlveandenjoyable trip, they said. Also discussed were the visits manyofthe members had m.ideduring November to play bingo with resi­ dents at Davie Village. Plans were made for the club's annual Christmas .dinner. Bettic Smith gave the treasury re­ port, and Noah Ploltcnded the meeting with prayer. The next meeting will be held on |}ec. 13 In the fellowship hall. Mem­ bers will bring coveted dishes. Mrs. Jonathan Michael Lovelace Davie Public Library Announces Holiday Closings Pino News I The Davic Coumy Public Library wiii cjosc at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, 23, and will reopen at 9 a.in. on Tuesday. Dcc. 28. The library will be closed on Friday, Dcc. 31. Jan. 1, and .. Sundiy Jan. 2^aml will reopen at.ft- am. on Monday* Jan. 3. ; Some of the new books at DavIc bounty Public Library. 371 N. Main ^t.. Mocksville: J Nort-FIctlon r Temari: A Traditional Japanese Embroidery Technique : Tips and Traps When Buying a Condo, CoK)p, or Townhouse Nolo's Deposition Handbook: TTie Essential Book if You're: A Witness (even if you have a lawyer); An Expert Witness; Acting as Your Own Law- -j-cpf A Lawyer,-Law Student or Lcgul Assistant nie Best American Rccipcs 1999; The Year'sTop lOOfrom Books,Maga­ zines, Newspaper, and More TheCompleteGuide to Belter Den­ tal Care Dealing Effectively with Job Loss: A Unique Approach to Rebuilding Your Life HicDesigner'sGuidctoColorCom- binations Faith in the Valley: Lessons for —Women on the Journey Towaivl Pcacc— The Hop/onl Medical School Fam* ily Health Guide A Killer Among Us: A True Slory of a Family's Triumph Over Tragedy Louis XIV's Versailles Fiction Collectors - Paul Griner Fool - Frederick Dillen TTie Icams Hunt • Timothy Zahn In a Wink - Lacey Green - Mind's Eye -Paul Flcisclmian ’ Mollic Pwr-Van Reid Muscle Memory - William Tapply Oliver Wiswell - Kenneth Roberts The ry f/A Grand Masters Spiral-J.F.Healy The School WeNecdand Why We Children's PreSchool Slory time Don't Have Them is at 11 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Ourregularhamandsausagebreak- fast will be Saturday, Dec. 18 from 6:30-10. Hope to see a good turnout. Our Christmas program will be Sunday evening. Dcc. 19 at 7:30. - nie Wesley Chapel UMW met at* the home of Toby Hawkiins on Dec.l. She servcdameal.anerwhichwehad ourmecting, withDcwillaSmiih,presl- dent presiding. Marie Miller gave an interesting program about her trip to the Red Bird Missions in Cherokee and the surrounding areas. We pre­ sented $1,500 to the Building Fund which was collected from our sale of chicken pies. We also are sponsoring several families with meals for Christ­ mas. Ten members attended the meet- lng.They were Pastor DianneMarsden, ■ Bctiy-WcslVDcwilla Smlth; Coleeri~ Dull, Johnsie Shelton, Daca Thomas, Marie Miller, Kathy Ellis, Nora Latham, and hostess, Toby Hawkins. Wc were happy to see Roscoe LeHivich back in church Sunday afler being out sick for several weeks. PHOM PLACE G r T1 n?iit In a trits Small package - big convenience! No matter which Motorola cellular phone you give for the Holidays, you’re going to get a big thanks! We have them in all shapes and sizes, plus a full line of accessories. So bring your list here today! ^ MOTOROLA Profile 300 $ 1 0 0 - k ic FREE with clgaratta lighter adapter ' f IflT fM b y b U lio g ^ u m AUTHOWtZED AGENT N o R o a m in g o r L o n g D is ta n c e C harges in N C & S C C A R O LIN A FREEDOM PLANS • STARTING AS LO W AS $19.95/month* 121 Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. 9 am-1 pm •Nm iM fli ind cn« ippronl ttquM lor IIM Mlimtrt. CvebMFrMdOffl r*u pun» MOiblt 10 now ind •Iltang Mtonim. PMau nlriuMinMlMUMdnMmo««iMyinlMuodan4nocre«l>ib«iiMnMlo«uw«diriFMM.Longtfttvic«Mwyin4otMrUtVMm(viiiA. J t HE P flO lE PLACE A C o m p l e t e C o m m u n i c a t i o n C e n t e r C a r r y i n g a F u l l L i n e o f D e c o r a t o r P h o n e s , C o r d l e s s P h o n e s , A n s w e r i n g M a c h i n e s , P a g e r s , a n d B u s in e s s P h o n e s FREE G ift Wrapping Available through Christmas 121 Depot Street Mon-Fri. 8 am-S pm Mocksville, NC 27028 Sat. 9 am-1 pm 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 6 2 6 Allen-Beaver Couple Exchange Vows Yonnie Renee Allen of Mcoksville and Landon Wayne Bea* ver of Durgaw were united in mar­ riage at 6 p.m. Dec. 4 at Jerusalem Baptist Church, Mocksville. The Rev. Jimmy Lancaster ofriclated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Allen of Goldman Lane. Mocksville. She Is a 1993 graduate of Davic High School, and earned an associate degree in applied science from Forsyth Technical Community College. She is a certU tied medical assistant with Davie Dermatology. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beaver of Little John Drive, Advance. He is a I994gradu< ate of Davie High School and earned an associate degree in fish and wild* life management from Haywood Community College. He is a fishery technician with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose Emily Booth of Yadkinville as her matron of honor. Bridesmaids wee Angela Faggart of Lexington and Ginn Brown of Lewisville. The groom’s father was best man. Ushers were Shane Allen, the bride's brother of Mocksville, and Jason Lanier ofAdvance. Flower girl was Megan Gibson of Cooleemec, and ring bearer was Da­ kota Johnson of Traphill. After a reception at Coolccmee Presbyterian Church, the couple went on a wedding trip to Boone. They will be at home in Burgaw. Showers • A bridal shower was given by Penny Lagle, Nancy Harrison, Karen Creason, Ann Williams, Melissa Long, Melissa Gibson and Sherry Kiser at Jerusalem Baptist Church on Sept. 26. • A bridal luncheon was given by Emith Booth at the Victoria House in East Bend on Nov. 6. • A lawn and garden wedding shower was given by Christine Cra­ ven and Claunette Gregory at the parents of the groom’s home on Nov. 6, • A holiday bridal shower was given by Jennifer Cranfleld and Jessi Carter at Almost Home Childcare on Nov. 7. •A bride's luncheon was given by Barbara Carter, Rhonda Hendrix, Sharon Carter, and Christy Beaver at Barbara Carter’s house on Nov. 27.Mrs. Landon Wayne Beaver Over 400 Sponsored So Far For Christmas A Storehouse for Jesus would like to thank those ramllies, churches, and organizations thaihavesponsored chil­ dren and adults this Christmas. 0vcr400of the approximately 500 children and adults that were netting sponsors have been "adopted" this Christmas, which leaves about 70 plus still needing sponsors. A Storehouse for Jesus will be receiving more names of children and adults that will need sponsors until Christmas. There arc children who need both toys and clothing, and there are some children that jut need clothing as their parents will purchase toys through the South Yadkin Baptist Association toy Store. Tltcse children and adults on A Storehouse for Jesus list are nut the same children that are on the town hall's angel tree. If you. as an individual, or your church or organization would like to sponsor children or adults this Christ- mxs. contact Mary Lapish or Marie Collins at A Stbrehouse rdr Jcsus,751-' 1060 Monday through Thursday. "Tlicre is always a need for volun­ teers at A Storehouse for Jesus, and wiih the holiday season upon us, wc have an urgent need for volunteers," Collins said. If you or your church/ organization can help during the day. ora Monday or Tuesday evening, call - Mury.or.Miirie al.Storehouse._______ Salvation Army Delivers Coats To Storehouse TheSalvation Armydeliveredover 500 coats to Storehouse For Jesus last week for distribution to Davic County residents. Thecoats were donated through the Give A Kid A Coal program which is sponsored by Fox 8 and A Cleaner World. Triad Salvation Army Centers receive over 38,000 coats each year and distribute them to individuals and organizations in need. Persons in need of a coat can visit the Storehouse for Jesus, located at 464 Depot St. in Mocksvillc, on Mon­ days and Wednesdays from 9 a.m.- noon and 2-5 p.m., and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m.-noon. For more infonnationcontact Mary Lapish at 751-1262. The Salvation Army has been pro­ viding services in Davie County since the mid-1980s and is a United Way agency. In 1998, The Salvation Army opened a satellite onicc In the Brock Center located at 622 N. Main St., Mocksville. The Salvation Armypro- vides financial assistance for rent and utilities, lodging, food, and mcdicine. Persons interested in finding out more about this program can call 751-3334. Home Sw M Home* G r e a t D e a l s o n U s e d H o m e s ! Call Us Today at 336-751-7340 Right Off 1-40 in Mocksville, Exit 170 79 '87 '83 '91 Ftonlier 14x70 2Bed/2Bath $500 Oaiiwood 14x70 2Bed/2Batli $7,500 Gordon • 14x70 2Bed/2Bath M.500 Connor 14x70 2Bed/2Bath t2,900 Gordon 14x70 3Bed/2Bath (2,900 Frontier 14x70 2Bed/2Batii $3,900 Oaiwood 14x70 2Bed/2Batl)$7,250 B e s t B id b y D e c 1 5 th T a k e s I t ! ! Horn’s Auto/Truck Plaza & <1^ Horn’s Country Kitchen Hwy 601 N at 140 • Mocksville Will Be Open Regular Hours Christmas Day Happy Holidays from Everyone at Horn’s ^ presents “CityofLighr presented by The Worship Choir Saturday, December 11 • 7:00 PM Sunday, December 12 ■ 7:00 PM Childcare is Provided “Live Nativity” on the New church property on Highway 158 Saturday, December 18 • 6:30-9;00 PM Sunday, December 19 • 6:30-9:00 PM Hot Cider & Hot Chocolate will be served • Come celebrate with us! Everyone Is Welcome • No Admission For more information call (336)940-6618 . Hillsdale Baptist Church 126 Medical Drive (behind CCB) • www.hlUKUleb»ptlitchu«h.org RT. Aldeniun, pajtor • BnnI Helton, minister of music I -^E w tvotis's Coming to Our OPEN HOUSESunday, Dec. 12 -1 to 5 p.m. 41 C o u rt Square M o cksville , N. C. 336 751-0555 Come Chat, Browse & Shop in a Lovely Historic Setting! ANTIQUES - Another load o f Pa, Goodies! GIFTS -Great Selection o f Handcrafted Items plus Soaps, Candles, Balsam Pillows, Gift Baskets, Savannah Cinnamon & Camille Beckman Products, etc. ■ C l o s e o u t ! - M a s o n i c P i c n i c P i U o w s - $ 2 5 . ,\u i ^ < K A I I Miss Judy's Dolls Area's largest Selection Exquisite, Collectible, Affordable 4 3 C o u r t ^ u a r e - 3 3 6 7 5 1 -4 1 1 7 Newly Remodded Victorian Setting DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Dec. 9.1999 - C3 \ / The Necklace with a Legend WMilo the Sand Dollar Is ono of the most widely known and popular of oil shells, few people are aware ol the pretty little legend attached to it. Legend has it that these strange shells tell the story of Christ's suffering and his glory. The five holes represent the five wounds of Christ. On thefront of the Easter Lily • it's center, a five pointed star presenting the star of Bethlehem which led the shepherds from afar. On the back the outline of the ChristmasPoinsettia reminds us of His birthday. When the shell is broken open, five Doves of Peace and Good Will appear. Because of this religious legend, this fascinating creature of the sea is often referred to as the Holy Ghost shell. A beautiful story, beautifully told and crafted in sterling silver by OJ & C Ferrara Co.. Inc. Legend of Sand Dollar on Parchment Paper with each purchase. ■ jrririgs, rings and bracelet to match Startinq In Sterlinq Silver ot................ At Davie Jewelers Only $ 2 9 9 5 NolactvalsiM OJ4CF«rraraCo..lnc. M«detnU.S.A. THE MIGHTY-TINY HUMMINGBIRD The most delicate of the species, a tiny tluttering humminobitd - tiecomes a winsome adornment via this14KPitVP«ndant. With sparkling sapphire eye and a diamond dew drop at the end of it's beak. At Davie Jewelers Snmii *179 Large *249 Not Actual S « O) & C rerrara Co.. me Give Her a Kiss that W ill Last Forever This beautiful Kiss is crafted from sterling silver, solid 14 karat gold or a connbination of the two. Available in several sizes with or without diamonds. Its the perfect gift for any occa­ sion when you want to show affection. How about wrapping it with a package of real Hershe/s Milk chocolate Kisses to satisfy her sweet tooth? Then... a kiss or two of your own wouldn’t be bad! ^ Kisses starting at 1 " Have You told her lately? If you haven’t, here’s a gilt that will say It lor you. It spells... I LOV £Y©e ( It also spells I LOVE YOU MOM) Each letter contributes to the unique design of this hand-crafted pendant by J & C Ferrara. At Davie Jewelers S2 4 9 5 Next to Wal-Mart in Mocksville Silver ‘ C4. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 J*» Ap':' f' ■ • '’ - - T - r ' ; ; ; ■'.1 Jo Ann Lester kneels beside the manger scene In the (oyer of her home, with the “Hometown Christmas” print In the background.Jo Ann and Earl Lester are ready to welcome visi­ tors to their home. Cooleemee Christmas Tour Of Homes This Weekend By Mike Bornhardt Davie Couiny Enterprise Record COOLEEMEE - Jo Ann Leslcrhas lived here for less than two years, but os visitors go through her home at 2121 Junction Road - forthsChristmasTcurofHomcfithiswcck*- - end, they will feel the presence of Christ­ mases past in the 99-year-old house. Previous owners told them about music they heard in the middle of the night. Old music. And Jo Ann and husband Earl have both smelled a cake baking - black walnut cake. “Queenie," the late cook for the original owners of the house, was famous for black walnut cakes. —The tour v«iU tdto-feMure the-Zocheury>~~ ; Holt House at 131 Church St., also the home ;: of the Cooleemee Historical Association; the j: Shaver-Chandlcr House on 160 Walls St.; the Shoaf-Britiain House on 243 Main St.; the Milholen-Wensil House at 247 Center St.; the Lcwis-Daywalt House at 197 Cen­ ter St.; and Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on 141 Church St. And when visitors go through Sara Scott's house on 199 Midway St., they may see a few decorations she pickcd up on a * rccent trip to New York, or hundreds of oth­ ers bought over the years in Myrtle Beach and Calabash. Scott has 10 trees dccorated in her house, each with a theme, such as snowmen, gin­ gerbread men, angels and Santas. On most, you will see special ornaments with the names of her gmndchildrcn. Madison and Chandler. She has always decorated a lot for Christ- moft, and looks forward to showing her col­ lection to others. “I try to add a little something every year,'* Scott said. **You keep adding and add­ ing so you donU have to buy so much at one time. *i just enjoy Christmas. I enjoy seeing the kids and having them here and seeing them enjoy everything.” Jo Ann Lester agrees. Her family fills her home for the holi- daysrThey help with-the decorations dur-- ing Thanksgiving, and come back to enjoy the festivities at Christmas. “ Home Is Christmas, and family is the heart of everything," Lester said. She has been impressed with the caring nature of townsfolk, and their community spirit. Mayor Grady Spry came up with the idea for the Christmas homes tour, and the volunteers came out in droves, as they do for most worthwhile projects. Money will benefit the newly-formed Cotten Club, which stands for “Cultivating Our Town. Tending Our Neighborhoods." “We have lots of ideas, but we don’t have any money," Lester said. Half of the proceeds will go to buy deco­ rations for the Zachary House. “ We’re going to beautify Cooleemee," she said. All of the homeowners are excited about the tour. Lester said. — “Eaclrliomcowncris doing their own thing. You can buy tickets at any home or at ihe Zachary House." Tickets are S6 the days of the tour, $5 in advance, available at (^ooleemecTown Hall, Zachary Hdu.se, Davie Discount Drugs and the Davie Chamber of Commerce (Mocksville). Tour hours are 3-6 p.m. Sat­ urday and Sunday. Several of the homeowners plan to serve refreshments. Don’t get in a hurry on this tour. Tljke time to meet all of the people. “I’ve never seen a place where people care so much," Lester said. “People aren’t in a hurry. When you ask someone ‘how are you?’ they stop anti tell you, talk to you.’’ Expect to see entire houses dccorated. fmm the outside to the kitchen, from the bed­ rooms to the bathrooms. "We’d like to keep the county, mill Christmas feeling, hut everybody has some- - thing that has a spcdalmeaning.’’ * ------- At her house, you'll see the Christmas village in the dining room, the manger scene In the hallway. There will be trees every­ where. Even a tree will be decorated In her husband’s office, with things such as ducks and shotgun shells. There’s a children’s tree, and a tree with ornaments made by family members and friends. Some may be ragged and old, but those people Uwk for specific ornaments ev­ ery year. Lester said. For more information, call 284-2141. Van service to the homes will be available from the Zachary House. 1 4 ^ ‘ I i Sara Scott has themes in each room, such as snowmen around the fireplace and on a tree. ; This Christmas village is a tradition at the Lester house. New pieces are added periodically. r^cott has.decorated windows with wreaths, .3nd«n angel will greet visitors at thq front door. Call Ihe Box Office forTickcIs at 751-3000 Children ages 5-12 $6.00 ' Adults $8.00, ^ a /k t S - ^ e ^ w ii/i(/ (yF ib G cfilw Presents NUTCRACKER a t the Brock Performing Arts Center in Mocksville Friday, December 10 at 7:30 pm and Saturday, December 11 at 7:30 pm dii'IVida}^ D^vlO at DAVIE COUN1 y KN rUKl’KlSK RUCORD, Dtc. 9,1999 - C5 Safety Tips Should Be Followed Many of the three billion toys and games sold annually In the United Stales arc purchased this time of year, and the Depurtmentof Insurance urges consumers and parents to be aware of appropriate nge-selection and safety considerations when .slioppingfortoys. "Although meant to provide joy and entertainment, toys can be linked to too many Injuries," says Insurance Commissioner Jim Long, who al!=n chalRthc NorthCarolinaSAFE KIDS Coalition. The majority of toys arc safe, hut they can beramedangerous if misused or if they are in the hands of children who are loo young for them." Last year, an estimated 140,700 children were treated in hospital emer­ gency rooms for loy-rclaicd incidents and 13 children died. Small children ore at especially high risk. Objects small enough to go in a child's mouth are oHen u cause of choking, which accounts for the majority of the fatali­ ties. "Choose toys with care," reminds Long. ’There are thousands of toys to ch(X)se from, and it’s important to choose the right toy based on a child’s age. Look for well-made toys and fol­ low ttge and safety information on the 'Warning labels. Careful toy selection and proper supervision of children at play is still - and always will be • the best way to protect children from toy- related injuries." Other Toy Safety Tips • Avoid toys that are constructed with ihin, brittle plastic that might eas­ ily break into small pieces of jagged edges. • Toys with strings or cords may Ix; dangerous for infants and very young children. Never hang loys with long strings,cords,l(H)ps,orribhons in cribs or playpens where children can be­ come entangled. • Riding loys. mostly tricycles, also have been involved in toy-related deaths. Makesureridingtoysare never used near slairs, areas of traffic, or swimming ptwls. • Electric toys that are impniperly constmcted. wired or misused can shock dr bum. Children should be taught to use electric toys properly, cautiously, and under adult supervi­ sion. •Even balloons, when uninllatcdor broken.canchokeorsuffocatelfyoung children try to swallow them. More children have surfocaledonuninfiated balloons and piecesorbroken balloons Ilian on any other type of toy. • Teach olderchlldren to keep their toys away from theiryounger brothers and sisters. • Teach children to pul their loys safely away on shelves or in a toy chest after playing to prevent trips and falls. Tlie National SAFE KIDS Coali­ tion is the first and only national orga­ nization dedicated solely to ihe pre­ vention of unintentional childhood in­ juries. Since l ‘J96, the N.C. Depart­ ment of Insurance has been ihe proud sponsor of the slaiewide SAFE KIDS Ccwlilion. To Icam more about SAFE KIDS, call the N.C. Department of Insurance’s Ofllcc of the Stale Fire Marshal al !-8(X)-634-7854. R J DIRECTV. Single Systems *99“ Call 1-800-583-1339 Direct Digital Solutions 'other charges may apply Keep “track" of local events In the Enlerprise'Record. Five Generations These families who gathered fora five generation photograph include, from left; Great-Great-grandmother Eliza Cope, grandmotherTheresa Whitaker, Gabriel Coleman, father Alton Beauchamp, Rhaynely Whitaker, great-grandmother Betty B. Glass, Cameron Coleman, Sandy Coleman and Carrie Whitaker. only per yur In-itats r.0.taH M»dnata,Nt70a W e ’ r e D e d ic a te d 1 b S e r v in g H ie C o m m u n ity if a bank is going to be a true hometown bank, it needs people who care about the community. People such as Robert R. Jones, known by nearly everyone as Bobby. His commitment to this area started almost imme­ diately when he and his family moved here eleven years ago, and it has never slowed. Currently he serves on the Organizational Committee for the Relay For Life (American Cancer Society], nationally recognized as one of the most successful of its kind anywhere. Additionally, Bobby is an active member of the Davie County Council of Economic Development, the Davie County Hospital Advisory Board, the Rotary Club, the Rural Initiative Project Board, and the Northwest Piedmont Development Council. Over the years he has been active in many other civic endeavors. Including a stint as a Little League baseball coach and serving as president of the Rotary Club. BOBBY JONES Senior Vicc Prcsidetu. Oaiik of Davio All four of his children graduated from Davie County High School, and his wife, Janet, is a teacher at Cooleemee Elementary School. They reside in fVlocksvliie. Bobby is an excellent banker, and we're proud that he is part of the community and a member of Bank of Davie staff. It's Your Bank B anK o f DAVIE 1366 Highway 601 South On Mocksville Marketplace} 751-5755 ^ Floretta Baylin's Cotillion at Forsyth Country Club * Penile UBalien • 'S ^ d u tt C o u jltii Miss Judy Baylin’s Clemmons Cotillion and Florelta Baylin’s Social Graces and Dining Slcilts Classes were enleriained at a' Formal Dinner and Dance on ^ Marcli 9ih, 1999 at the Forsyth; Country Club. : Emphasis on Table Conversation; and Etiquette, Good Manners and; Dining Skills had been a major; part of each Cotillion which better; prepared members for their foimal • dinner as well as later Social and; Business life. j At Cotillion members are taught! how far in advance one should \ invite a partner, how and when to \ offer his arm, how to get the lady: up and down steps when wearing; a shoit or long dress, coping with; coats on and off, car doors,; introductions, corsages if any,; entrance to club, receiving line, ’; dinner being announced, seating; at table, your space, use of each • piece of silver, reading a menu | and ordering, what is sorbet and I what Is it for, leaving the table,: where is napkin placed when one' leaves the table, were you comfortable with the finger bowl’ and how did you use it. ; Conversation on the way home,; lady must be safely inside and; goodbyes said. • Floretta Baylin w ill offerj Ballroom Classes, Modeling, I Social Graces and Cotillions for! £th, 7th, and 8th Grade students in I the Winston, Clemmons, Bermuda; Run, Lewisville, Advance and; Mocksville areas starting; Thursday,January6th from? ; until 8:30 O’clock at Baylin j Dance Studios in Clemmons. For information call 725-8301. Jtoieiia !Bay[Cn !BayCin ‘O tn u a 7 2 5 - 8 3 0 1 C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 Lsr-g.1 '■ S v 'S l ^ n « jn ; ■ -j fciaJ-.IBar'.i-; - 1 I re s t's 'll I ESI ■ \ .■^} . Jv« tm ^^pirsa*4; /• k 'aaw*^ *3 ‘ ■ E BHTv-fi.ir*' iJi ^ ^ ii\ in fS ra l^ » j' 1; >1 iU jd *.} T4 i,»a ®~ - , / ■ : a - t f e 'mam 'rfo*.' ■' j.\o i \ ; j J I Fit For A Queen Mocksville Woman Creates Needlepoint Castle For Doll Coggins said the original plans for the castie would not have made it sturdy, so she and her husband improvised and added wood. It's so heavy it takes two people to carry it. By Lynn Hall The Clemmons Courier Dorbk'. be it Holiday, Malibu. or Ilappcnin Hair, has never lacked for Uie finer things in life — fancy cars, motor scootcrs, swimming pools, a fitness ccntcr, ice cream parlor and even her own dream house. But even Barbie will be impressed when she secs what’s in store for her at JoAnne Coggins' house. Coggins, a Mocksville resident, has crcatcd the ultimale in luxurious liv­ ing, a castle Hi for a queen. a-.r-Ev a v J j V V ■ j '.'i Cl V 'j j 'j ’j - i' j C' 'J 'J -J *J -5 “My daughlcr-in-law showed me a plcluic of a doll house made using needlepoint,” Coggins explained. "I looked at It and diought It was some­ thing I could probably do." Coggins, who works ot Calvary Baptist Church, said she has been do­ ing needlecrafts since she was a girl. “I’ve done small projects, things like covers for Kleenex boxes, Christmas ornoments, that sort of thing. But never anything diis big." The first step was obtaining the book of plans and Instructions for making the “ Fashion Doll Dream Castle." “ When my husband and I started looking at It, we decided die house would be flimsy If we did what was called for and so we decided to moke a wood frame rather than just using the plastic canvas called for." They also increased die thickness for areas such as doors, in order to make them more sturdy. The doors open and close, there Is a closet complete with hangers, two fireplaces and framed mirrors and pic­ tures on die walls. “My husband Is going to make grates and logs to pul in the fire­ places.” Now Uiat It is completed. It takes two people to lilt ond fdls almost all f die lop of a large conference table. Coggins started working on die castle when Amber was diree. She’s six now. “It has been a big job. I couldn’t begin to estimate die number of heurs I've spent on il. I do know diat some weeks I worked four or five days, diree or four hours each of diose days on it.” But, she added, it has been a labor of love." Amber loves Barbies, and I diink she and her friends will have fun with diis." $0. DOWN THRU DECEMBER 23rd i.90 OLDS SILHOUETTE VAN........................S197 mnth. 93 JEEP CHEROKEE LAREDO....................$277 mnth. 96 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE....................$248 mnth. 93 TOYOTA CAMRY LE................................$221 mnth. 93 CHRYSLER LHS.......................................$252 mnth. 95 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE....$216 mnth. 4 : JoAnne Coggins spent the last three years creating this Dream Castle, a neediecraft project. A labor of love, it will be a Christmas present for her granddaughter. - photos by Lynn Hall ................................ ’ ' ................................................^ CALL TODAY FOR INFO. 1-800-2 7 8 -3 1 4 6 ^ I BETTER VALUE AUTOll ALL^SEASO NS ROOFING & SIDING CO. “ Helping You Protect Your Investment All Types of Remodeling & Repairs • R o o fin g • V in y l S id in g • S o ffit & F a s c ia • A d d itio n s • G a ra g e s 22 Years of Experience • Licensed & Insured • S u n ro o m s • K ith e n s & B a th s • D e c k s & P a tio • W in d o w s • S to n e w o rlc WE STAND BEHIND OUR WORK *FREE ESTIMATES* 1-800-489-0220 , David BmwII, Owwr NOW OPEN New Adult Medical Practice in Clemmons Village Professional Center BLUE RIDGE CARDIOLOGY & INTERNAL MEDICINE 2235-B Lewisville-Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Filip Babnic, M.D. B o a r d C e r t i f i e d I n t e r n a l M e d i c i n e • Call 336-766-5478 for an appointment • Accepting new and current patients. • M ujor insurance plans accepted. L et us tile tor you. > 24 Hour answering service — seven days a week. • You will be seen witbin 24 bours otyour call. W ALK-IN S W ELCOME DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec, 9, 1999 - C7 Governor Honors Davie Volunteers For Service Nov. 22 Davie County recipients of the Governor's Voiunteerlsm Awards presented by Gov. and Mrs. Hunt, right, include, from left: June Hyiand, Katy Healy Junker, Ruth Steele Lewis, James Garland Young, Ted Pierce and Tanya Berghorn on behaif of the Davie High JROTC; Cathie Garner on behaif of the Mocksville Garden Ciub; William Marlin on behalf of Stokes Yarn. Not pictured: Lorri McDaniel. Gov. and Mrs. James H. Hum pro* senicd Ihc annual Governor’s Awards forOiilsianding VolunleerSer\'icc for ilie Norihwest/Ccnlral region on Nov. 22 in Grecnslxm). A Jolal of 173 awards were given to individuals, gniups and businesses fnnn 2$ counties at Hunter Hills Daptisi Cluirch. "I am proud to honor you for your dedication and comniilnicni to the peopleofihisstate," Hunt said. "North Canilinians know what it means to pitch in. Wherever there Is a need, you make sure that it docs not go unmet. Ii isyourvolunteerspiril that makes Nonh Carolina a great placc to live and to raise a family." Linda S. I’ovllch, Deputy Chief of Staff for Administnition and Ciii/en/ Conimuniiy Sei-vices in the Governor’s Office, was masterofceremonies.Tlic. InvjK'atiim was pnwided by the Rev. Jake Thornhill Jr., senior pastor of Hunter I lills Baptist Church. Tlie Rev. William Ikck.worsiiipleaderat Hunter Hills Daptisl Church, led Ihc audiencc in singing "We GatherTogether." Beck then sang "Come Har\’esl Time." Molly Keeney, Guilford County contact, and Doris Fish. Catawba County contact, assisted Gov. and Mrs. Hunt in the presentation of the awards. -: Tlie Governor’s Awanis for Out­ standing Volunteer Ser\’ice were first awarded in 1979 by Hunt, and \W) marks the 21st consecutive year that cili/ens have been honored for giving exemplary service lo their communi­ ties on a volunteer basis. Cana News By John "Coin" Godwin Cana Correspondent Gelrcadyforthc l9!)9Canal)a/aar at (he Historical Cuna Sehixit. Tliis is the 30th Annual Christmas Da/iujr. EnjoycomplimeniaryChrisimas Was­ sail and frcsh-bakcd cookics while siiopping for Yule logs, fresh cut bo)(- wood wreaths and greenery, delicious baked goods, and handmade Christ­ mas crafls. Whatever you do, don’t gel (here late. Sec you (hero • Dec. 11,10 -a.m.-rf/.m.------------------------—......... Sa(urday, our neighbor Pansy FurchcM had a grea( auction. Some very One furniture was auctioned in front of her beautiful white house. Many good people camc from near and far. IcvcnmctoneorWade Groce’s daughters from California. She told me she reads her Cana News every week. I( takes an extra week for (he DavieCounty Enterprise togct (oCali- fomia. We arc working on our Cain* Etchison Family Calendar. Hope lo have (his out by Christmtus. With this cold weather blowing in, I hope lo get a call from Chip Es.sic to take me duck hunting s(X)n. 1 love a good duck hunt. Arby’s comes to Canii, or Cana goes to Arby's. Yes, the new Arby’s built in Mocksville is built on Cana soil. T})c land had to be filled in and leveled and we alt know where the Ik\sI soil in the world is. So all you Cana people, when this new restaurant (jpcns up. Id’s go cat lunch there because, after all, you will still boon gootl Cana soil. Sec you at (he school Saturday morning. Sweet Lover's Haven Historic Downtown MocI<svillc Footlongs T H E N E W D a v ie P lace R e s i d e n t i a l C a r e 'D avii'Pbaisn newly Knovntcilbdliiy localcJ on a i/uii'l and bcauliful site in the ccntcr of I k medial commnnily orOivie Comly The newly renovaled facility, the cxccllcnt location, and the caring staff combine to provide a uniijue level of pcisonal carc for older adnlls at Davie Place. STOP Worrying... • Caring StalT •Doctor on Call •Home Health Carc on site • Physical, Occupation, and Speech Therapy on site • Psychiatric Care on site , •Eye Care and Foot Care on site • In-house Lab Work •Special Day Program for Menial Health Needs •Beauty Shop on site EASE of Living... •Home-like Atmosphere • Assistance with Daily Living Needs • Trained Staff to Monitor Medications •Daily Cleaning and Laundry •Delicious meals and snacks planned by a Registered Dietitian •Planned Activities * Fixed Incomc Residents Equally Considered. Here We G row Again! D a v ie P la c e R e s id e n tia l C a r e is p r o u d t o a n n o u n c e o u r p la n s f o r a n e w m i l l i o n d o lla r e x p a n s io n a n d r e n o v a t io n p r o je c t t o b e c o m p le te i n th e F a ll o f 1 9 9 9 w h ic h w i l l e n h a n c e o u r a lr e a d y e x c e lle n t c a r e in a f f o r d a b le a s s is te d liv in g . ‘Ihe (PuBCic is cordiatCy invited to visit us anytime or caCt ■751-2175 • (focatcitne!(t to'Davie Cotmty ^o.ipitnO D a v ie P lace R e s i d e i s t t i a l C a r e 337 Hospital Street PO Box 368 Moclcsville, NC 27028 336-751-2175 Fax:336-751-0136 Davie Campus NOW througli January 6 8:30 a.m.-8;00 p.m., Monday-Tliuisday 8:30 am.-3:30 p.m., Friday Classes begin Monday, January 10,2000 'Riition: $26.75 per crvJit hour plus fees and books. No tuition or fees for individuals 63 years of age and older. Spring Semester Curriculum Courses COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE DAYS CR.HR. TIME EDU1I2 Early Childhood Credential II T 2 6:30-9:10 PM EDUI45 Child Development II M 3 6:30-9:10 PM EDU 146 ChlldGuldance Th 3 6:30-9:10 PM Spring Semester Continuing Education Courses General Interest Courses Davs Pntcs Hsun Cost 0000333 An: Watercolor Painting M 1/24-3/7 6:00-8:00 PM $55 (Beginning lo Advanced) 0000396 Beginning Conversational T 2/1-4/4 6:00-8:00 PM $40 Spanish 0000^58 CPR T&Th I/II-I/20 6:30-9:30 PM $25 0000402 Doing Business on Internet T 1/18 600-9:00 PM FREE 0000490 Fundamentals of Investing T&Th I/I 1-1/27 600-8:00 PM FREE 0000420 Wills & Estates M 3/13 6:00-9:00 PM FREE Pays T Dales Hours Cost $500000338 Basic Computer Skills 1/11-2/8 6:15-8:15 PM 0000342 Basic Computer Skills T 1/18-2/15 9:30-11:30AM $50 : 0000363 Basic Computer Skills Th 2/17-3/16 9:30-ll:30AM $50 : 0000337 Basic Computer Skills W 2/23-3/22 4:00-6:00 PM $50 0000340 Basic Computer Skills T 2Q9-3/28 6:15-8:15 PM $50 0000348 Computers: Explore the W 1/19-3/5 1:00-3:30 PM $55 Possibilities 0000371 Keyboarding & Fonnatting: Th 1/27-4/13 5:30-7:30 PM $55 Beginning 000033S MS Word: Introduction M 1/24-3/20 6:00-8:30 PM $55 : 00003S4 MS Word: Introduction W l/2fr4/12 9:30AM-12Noon $55 : 0000336 Office 2000: An Overview T 2/8 8:30AM-3:30PM $40 . of What's New 0000351 PC Maintenance I W 1/26-3/8 6:00-8:30 PM $55 0000345 Using the Internet\ . W I/I9-2/I6 6:00-8:00 PM $50 0000346 Using the Internet w 3/1-3/29 6:00-8:00 PM $50 0000353 Windows: Introduction F 1/7-2/25 9:00-11:30AM $55 0000349 Windows: Introduction w 1/19-3/8 6:15-8:45 PM $55 0000325 Windows: Introduction M 1/24-3/27 4:0^6:00 PM $55 0000339 Windows: Introduction H i 2/24-3/27 6:00-8:00 PM $55 • 0000350 Windows: Introduction T 2/29-5/2 9:30-ll:30AM $55. Davs M,T,Th Dates 2/14-3/6 Hours Post $55 :0000367 Effective Teacher Training 4:00-7:00 PM for Teachers, Assistants & Subs 0000365 Electrical Contractor’s Sat 2/19 8:00AM-2:30PM $50 , License ReneM Course 0000463 First Aid for Child Care Sat 2/12 9:OOAM-1:OOPM $10 ' Providers : 0000328 InUxxiuclion to Machining T 2/8-3/28 6:00-9:00 PM $55 : 0000334 Notary Public Education M & W 3/13 & 3/15 7:00-9:00 PM $50 :0000529 Real Estate Update:T 2/15 ,1:00-5:00 PM $50 ; Mandatory Course 0000544 Real Estate Elective: w ; 2/16 1:00-5:OOPM '$50 ^ Real Estate Bloopers MOOJtftfTigWelding , V "T&Th 2/1-3/28 6:00-8:30 PM $60 • For more inrormation or to regbter for 2000 Spring classes, contact;. Davie Campus 1205 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 Telephone: 751-2885‘ FAX: 751-6192 . E-Maikdavie@yadtel.net — .il......' < I I. r • Macedonia To Present ‘Christmas Kid’ This Weei<end Pastor Greg Little will play the lead role as Macedonia Moravian Church presents the play. “The Christmas Kid” this weekend at the North Davie Middle School Theater. ■ Performances arc scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday, Dcc. II. and 3 p.m. Sunday. Dec. - ^ — n . Tickets arc free, and are available at the church and ai the door. A love olTering will be taken for the church's building fund. The story centers around a man. who his mother callcd ‘The Christ­ mas Kid" when he w;is a boy becausc of his love of Christmas. As he got older and went into business operat­ ing a toy store, he forgot the joy as­ sociated with the holidays and be­ came wrapped up in the business. .s^id Joan Coe, director. C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 Fred McHan makes a point to fellow cast members in The Christmas Kid. Kathi James plays Angela, who leads The Christmas Kid on a tour. Not Only had he forgotten the joy uf the season, he wasn't treating em­ ployees fairly. Then comes and angel, who lakes him on a journey that brings back the Christmas spirit. A total of 26 members at Macedonia will participate in the six- act play. Coe said it is the first ye.'tr for such a priKluction, although drama is used in the church ministry often.For more infomiation, call 998- 4394 or 998-2300. City Of Light Dec. 11-12 ■ Tlwv,mhipchoiralHillsdalcBap- tist Church will be presenting "City of l;.i£hl’!nChrisimasmusic;*landdrama, - Pack, along with the pastor. Reg Ai- dcmian. qn Dcc. 11 and 12 at 7 p.m. Childcare will bo pnavidcd. The choir is directed by Brent Helton. wIki joined the church staff in atobcrof 1998. The drama will be presented by Gina Dandy and Austin The new church property on 1 Iwy. 158 will be tlte l(K*ation of the Xive Naiivity" being presented on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 18 and 19, from 6:30-9 p.m. Hot cider and hot choco­ late will be served. Center Party Is Dec. 20 • The Center CommunUy Dcvdop- ment Association will be having their annual Christmas Party for residents and friends of the Center Rre District on Monday night. Dcc. 20, at 6:30 p.m. This wiUbcacovcrcddisU meal. Paper go(xU and drinks wUl be provided. SantaClaus will be arriving an>und 7 p.m. for the young andold to get their liist minute orders in for Christmas. Following Santa's visit, bingo will be played. C o u r t n e y ' R e c i p e ' D e c . 1 8 - 1 9 The members of Cour\ncy Baptisl Churc-h will present "Candy Cane Lane, A rccipc for Life." ThechildrcnandyouthofCourtney have been hard at work preparing to bring to you ibis Christmas story in song. ; Tickets arc available through the thurch officc or from a choir member. free of chargc. Pcifonnanccs will be Saturday. Dcc. 18 at 7 p.m., and Sun­ day, Dcc. 19 at 7 p.m. Anyone without a ticket will be able to come in ufier 6:50 p.m. each night if seating is avail­ able. For more information, call Barry Dodson at 463-2681. Unity Club Plans Social The Community with Unity Club will host its Second Annual Christmas Social Saturday, Dcc. 18,at the Hickory Hill Country Club. » This dress-to-impress afTair will kickoffat 8 p.tti.. featuring music from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Proceeds from the event will help the flood victims in Eastern North Carolina. Jillybean To Be At Bethel I Jillybean and friends will be at bethel United Methodist Church m 3 p.m. Sunday. Dcc.‘l2. I Jillybean is the energetic charac­ ter created by Jill Bryan to minister to children of all ages. ^ Bryan uses her skills as a Chris­ tian in puppetry, ventrikx|uism. com­ edy. music, illusion and gospel illus- ^atlon as she shares the word of God. phe talks, sings, laughs, and inter­ acts with hr many animal puppet friends * including Alii Gator, Beano the Dino, Bosco the Dear and more. Her ministry reaches children, teens, adults and seniors. There will be no charge for the pcrfonnance, and a love offering will be taken. The church is at 375 Bethel Church Road In Mocksvllle. Call the parsonage office at 751-2417 for more information. ^and ^ Interior Designs H O L I D A Y S A L E 2 0 % - 6 0 % O F F N ow tlii'o ii^ h I) i‘i i 'i i i l ) t r .MMh In L 'in iiiy ( iliu l i/ilt lit I ,r-ulii jthi i 'lin.'iiiu’ ' iit.'ill ID S \s s o ri;iti's . 1 11... I . I ........... luu ‘)'MK Liberty AME Zion Church G l a d s t o n e R o a d , R e v . L a w s o n , P a s t o r S u n d a y S c h o o l, 1 0 W o r s h ip , 11 Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 V O G L E R X rS O N S funvrui iiotiiv 2B49 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7602 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 336-284-2551 S H E F F IE L D L U M B E R & P A L L E T C O . APA1£X COMPANV 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 M O C K S V IL L E B U IL D E R S S U P P L Y “Togettier We Do It Better" South Main Street 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 9 1 5 Evelyn Haynes nes:751-3t31 0Hlct:(336)75|.3S3B HOWARD .SjJk'i Coniuirjflf RE,u;rY lihiilsl t?t D A V IE L U M B E R & LO G G IN G 872 Main Ctiurch Rd. Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 P.O. Box 506 Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 3 6 J . P . G R E E N M IL U N G C O ., IN C . Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksvllle, NC 336-751-2126 EATON F U N E R A L H O M E A Tnulitiun o f Caring.... 325 North Main Street Mocksvilltf. NC 27028 336-751-2148 F O S T E R -R A U C H D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 G E N T LE M A C H IN E & T O O L IN C . 3319 US Hwy 158 Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 J C E RORER HARDWARE 5431 Hwy. 158 • Advance, NC 27005336-998-1987 C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O M P A N Y 162Sheek Street Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Co------ Christian Fellowship Uxbv«.rtothCarDfau PO 8011403 srutdedwttiomeffom iCoolmponiy' Mocksville Laudry & Dry Cleaners 143 E. Depot Street MocksviOe, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 3 0 110% Olacouni With Your Current I Church Bulletin on Monday I S E A F O R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y Jericho Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 8. Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 BiilittoJQualii} CutKn Hmi lot»tr}0 Iran Crvf A. CuKT. • Minin C. Cincr. Vi» lYn. Attend The Church Of Your Choice r Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 - 09 Darrell Grant Steele Mr. Darrell Gram SiccIc, 45, of Mocksville, died Saturday afternoon, Dcc. 4 ,1999 of an apparent heart at­ tack. He was born In Rowan County, son of the late Wheatley SiccIc Brown. He was educated in DavIc County Public Schools, received a bachelor’s de­ gree in history from Winston- Salem State University, and his master's degree In education from N.C. A&T State University. He began his leaching carcer in the Davie County Public Schools in 1979, where he taught social stud<> ies, and was a coach in the athletic department. Since 1998, he has taught and coachcd at Carver High School in Winston-Salem. He was a member of Shiloh Bap­ tist Church in Mocksville. He Is survived by: his wife, Vicke Speaks Steele of the home; a daugh­ ter, Marcia Wilson of Charlotte; a son, Deryl Wilson of the home; 2 brothers, the Rev. Daniel Brown and Larry Brown both of Mocksville; a sister, Debra Brown of Mocksville: and 2 grandchildren. Funeral services were Wednesday at 3 p.m. al First Baptist Church in Mocksville. The Rev. Donald Jenkins officiated. Burial followed in Mocksville Second Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Ruth Bogcr Garner Ruth Bogcr Gamer, 77, of John Crotts Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, Dcc. 1, 1999 at Baptist Mcdical Center In Winston-Salem. Funeral services were Saturday, Dcc. 4 at 2 p.m. at Bethel United Methodist Church with Dr. S.B. Warner, and the Revs. Ardis Payne and Pam Strader officiating. Burial was in the church ceinctcry. Mrs. Garner was born Aug. 6, 1922 in Davie County to the late Grady and Mary Plott Bogcr. She was retired from Autumn Care of Mocksvllle as an L.P.N. She enjoyed her hobby of baking Christmas cook* ics and working in her fiowcr gar­ den. She was a member o f Bethel United Methodist Church. Survivors include: her husband, Sidney Thomas Gamer of the home; 3 daughters, Rosemary Garner of Mocksville, Pat (Ron) Garrett of Clemmons, and Carroll (Bill) Kisner of Hickory; a son, Thomas Garner of the home; 3 grandchildren; sev­ eral great-grandchildren; 3 sisters. Ella Mae Capes of Greensboro, Ha­ zel Doywalt of Mocksvllle, and Bonnie Bogcr Milan of Winston-Sa­ lem and N. Myrtle Beach; a brother, George Bogerof Mocksville; 5stcp- grandchildren; and a spccial friend, Jan Angus. Roy Daniel Phelps Mr. Roy Daniel Phelps, 79. of Phelps Way, Advance, died Saturday. Dcc; 4, 1999 at N.C. Baptist Hospi­ tal in Winston-Salem. Mr. Phelps was bom January 4, 1920 in Davidson County to the late Dalton and Viola Cope Phelps. He was a lifelong member of Fulton United Methodist Church, where he received 16 years perfect attendance award. Mr. Phelps served during World War II from 1942-1946 in the • U.S. Army. He retired in 1981 from Foltz Concrete Pipe Company, after 18 years of scrvice. He H survived by: his wife of 53 years, Lyda Sparks Phelps; a son, Larry D. Phelps; 3 doughters, Judy P. Broadway, Patricia P. Pickett, and Noncy P. Bogcr, all of Advance; 4- grondchiWrcn; 3 greol-grandchll- dren; a brother, Howard Phelps of South Carolino; ond a sister, Lena R Winfield of Southmount. funeral services were held Tijcs- day, Dcc. 7, at 2 p.m. at FuUon United Methodist Church in Ad­ vance, with the Rev. Jack Wallace of­ ficiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Memorials may be tnade to the American Heart Association. 1386- A Westgate Center Drive, Winston- Robert W. Whisenhunt Mr. Robert Wesiley Whisenhunt, 53. of Main Church Road, Mocksvllle, died Friday, Dec. 3, 1999 uflcr seven years of declining health. He was born in Winston*Salem, Dcc. 26,1945 to the lale Webster Lee and Fannie Church Whisenhunt. Mr. Whisenhunt was prcccdcd In death by his brother, William Franklin Whisenhunt in 1993. Sur­ viving are: his wife, Peggy Grcenuwalt Whisenhunt of the home; 2 daughters, Althea Renee Furches and husband Matt, and Nancy Carol Snow and husband, Mike, both of Mocksville; 2 grand­ sons; 3 brothers, Roy, Ray, and Rick Whisenhunt, and aslster, Ruby Whisenhunt Myers, all of Mocksville; and several nicccs und nephews. Funeral services were at II a.m. Monday, Dcc. 6 at Hay worth-Millcr, Silas Creek Chapel with the Rev. Jonathan Vemon and Robert Bell of­ ficiating. Burial followed in Wood­ land Cemetery. Jessie Smith Browder Mrs. Jessie Smith Browder, 92, of Dnltimore Rond, Advance, died Sun­ day. Dec. 5. 1999 at her home. Mrs. Browder was born May 30, 1977 in Alexander County to the late Jackson and Roberta Ford Smith. She was preceded in death by her husband, B.T. Browder in 1979, af­ ter 49 years of marriage; 2 brothers, Jackson Smith and Gilbert Smith; and 3 sisters. Rowenn S. Adams, Willie S. Campbell, und Johnsie S. „Hcilrit:t..........—------------------------ Mrs. Browder spent her life tak­ ing carc of her family. She was a member of Advance Methodist Church. She is survived by: a son, Ben Browder and wife Ann of Advance; 2 daughters, Ann B. Seamon of Moorcsville and Sue B. FoJmar and husband Paul of Advance; 8 grand­ children; and 16 grcal-grandchildrcn. Funeral services were held Tues­ day, Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. at Advance Methodist Church with the Revs. Reg Alderman and David Childers officiating. Burial followed in the church ccmeicry. Memorials may be made to any church of the donor's choicc. May Bean Kinser Moy Bean Kinser. 92, of Edgcwood Circle, Mocksville, died Fridiiy, Dcc.3, l999atAuiumnCare of Mocksville. Mrs. Kinser was born May 12, ' 1907 in Davie County to the late Julius C. and Mary Bost Bean. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hubert Alvin Kinser. and several brothers and sisters. She spent her life working us u homemaker and was a member of' Cooleemee Presbyterian Church. She is survived by: 2 sons, Ronald Kinser of Rose Hill and Thomas Kinser of Mocksville; 2 daughters, Cathryn K. Taylor of Mocksville. and Mary Lou K. Whitehead of Cleveland, N.C.; 14 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were Sunday. Dcc. 5 at 8 p.m. at Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rc>. NcjI Carter officiating. Burial was Mon­ day, Dec. 6 at -11 a.m. at Liberty United Methodist Church Cemetery. ‘Bud’ Chamberlain Mr. Julian "Bud” Chambcriain. 80, of Lone Hickory Community. Mocksville, died Dcc. I, 1999 ai Iredell Memorial Hospital. He was born June 3, 1919 to the lale Lon and Lillian Baggarly Cham­ berlain. He was a retired carpcnier and of the Baptist faith. In addition lo his parents, Mr. ' Chambcriain was prcccdcd in death by his first wife, Doris Ruth Smith. , Surviving are: his wife, Inez Bell Chamberlain; a daughter, Linda "Howard” Pardue of Joncsville; a brother, Roger "Julia" Chambcriain of Mocksville; 2grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. A funeral scryicc was held at 2 p.m. Satui^ay, Dcc. 4 at Gentry Fam­ ily Chapel, Yadkinville conducted by ihc Rev. Howaril, Wagoner with burial in Yadkin Memorial Ganleiis. Louis 'William Keeton Mr. Louis William Keeton, 56. of 3722 Martin Avc. in Grccnsbom, died Tliursday evening, Dcc. 2 .1999.‘ Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dcc. 5,1999. at Bethel Bap­ tist Church with the Rev. Vemon Gales officiating. Burial followed in Lakeview Memorial Park in Grcens- botx). Bom in Greensboro at (he hospital formerly known as St. Leo’s Hospital to the late Lewis Mills and Mary Osborne Keeton, Mr. Keeton was a membcrof Bethel BaptislChurcU. Mr. Kcclon was a veteran of the Vietnam Wju* serving in the United Stales Navy and was an employee of Greensboro flousing Authority. He is survived by his wife of 23 years, Carolyn Keeton of the home; daughters, Melissa Collins. Amy Torrcllas, and Krystal Brown, all of Greensboro; 2 grandchildren; sisters, Ruby Bogcr of Waverly, Va., and JoAnn Crotts ofMocksvillc; bmthcrs, Lynn Keeton and Glen Kcclon of Mocksville, Cleo Kceion, Mariln Keeton, and John Kcclon, all of Ad­ vance; and several nicccs and neph­ ews. Memorials may be made to Bethel BaptistChurch.2230LccsChapcl Rd, Greensboro, 27405. Robert P. Rupard Mr. Robert P. Rupard, 82. of Rupard Trail, Mocksville, died Sun­ day. Dcc. 5. 1999 at Forsyth Mcdi­ cal Center in Winston-Salem. Mr. Rupard was born May 13, 1917 in Yadkin County to the late Augrct Artifus and Mary Pearl Weatherman Rupard. In 1980 he re- -tired from Carolina FrelghlTrucking^ Co., aficr 34 years of service. He was a member of Turrentine Baptist Church and served during World War II from 1942-1945 in the U.S. Navy. Mr. Rupard is survived by: the mother of his children, Dean Morrison Rupard; 2 sons. Jack Rupard and Randy Rupard both of Cherryville; 3 grandchildren; 2 brothers, Gilmer Rupard of Thomasville and Clarence Rupard of Mocksville; and 2 sisters. Flosle, Floste R. Lofiin of Yadkinville and Inez R. Hines of Raleigh. Funeral services were Wednesday. Dec. 8, at 11 a.m. at Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Jack Johnson officiating. Burial followed in Turrentine Baptist Church. Cem­ etery. ^ •QttnjDMn Funeral H om e 635 Wilkntwro Street Mocksville. NC (336) 751-1100 M arjorie CranfiU Dixon Mrs. Marjorie Cranfill Dixon. 78. of Yadkinville, died early Monday morning. Dcc. 6, 1999 at Forsyth Mcdical Center after suffering a car­ diac arrest at her home Thursday. Dec.2. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Harmony Grove Friends Meetign with the Rev. Don Cunningham, the Rev. Harold Salmons, and Wayne Dixon ofilciat- ing. Burial was In the Harmony Grove Friends Ccmeicry. The family rc(}ucst memoTlals be considered for the Association of Retarded Citizens, c/o Wanda Hall. P.O. Box 233, East Bend, 27018. Mrs. Dixon was bom in Yadkin County. Jan. 20, 1921 lo the late James Monroe and Lora Royall Mackie Cranfill and was owner and operator of Dixons Greenhouses. She had lived in Yadkin County all of her life where she was a member of Har­ mony Grove Friends Meeting. She enjoyed spending quality time with her family and working In her green­ houses. She was a well known horti­ culturist in Yadkin County. ■ She was preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Kiger and by 5 brothers. Worth Mackie, Marvin Mackic. Wade Mackie. Sidney Mackie. and Frank Cranfill. Surviving: her husband of 65 years. Ford Dixon of the home; 2 daughters, Mrs. David (Jan) Hess and Mrs. Tony (Marjelta) Shores of Yadkinville; 2 sons. Ron Dixon of Mocksville and Woyne (Belly) Dixon of Yadkinville; 6 grandchildren; 2 brothers. Cari Cranfill and wife. Belle and Earle Cranfill of ._yadkinvllle;-a-sister.in-!aw..-Ruth- Cranfill bf Yadkinville; and many nieces and nephews. Alice Clawson Belton Mrs. Alice Clawson Belton, 62, of Stokesdalc, died Friday evening. Da*. 3,1999, at Moses Cone Hospital. Mrs.BcllonwasbomMay22,1937, in Davie County, to the late Claude and Neltie Helper Clawson, was eitiployed by Cemco, and was a member of. Summerfield United Methodist Church. Her parents, a brotlwr, Ken­ neth Clawson, half-brolhcr, Roy Clawson, brolhers-in*law. Jimmy Belton and Avery Bellon. prcccdcd Mrs. Belton in death. Survivors include: her husband of 40 years, Phillip Bellon; daughter and son-in-law. Ruby and Scoii Hckle of Summerfield; sister, Nell Lagle of Mocksville; 2 brothers, Claude Clawson of Columbus. Ohio, and Marshall Clawson of Clemmons; 2 half sisicrs, Hawl Howard of Mocks- villc and Mae Warlick of Branson. Mo.; half hrolhcr. Edd Clawson of Woodlcaf; sister-in-law and husband, Rila and Fred Nordman of Charlollc; brolhcr-in-law and wife. Mike und Debbie Bellon of Summerfield; sev­ eral nieces and nephews, and her spe­ cial dog. "Lillie Bil." Funeral Services were Monday. Dcc. 6. at II a.m. at Summerfield United Mclhodist Church with the Revs. Roy Steed and Roger Burricks ofllciating. Burial was In the church ccmeicry. Pallbearers were Kenny Holi, Roger Holt, Cecil Williams. Sammy Angel, Diurell Sparks, and Dill Koonlz. In lieu of fiowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of Grcensbom or lo Summerfield United Methodist Church. CharUeC.OrreU Charlie C. Orrell, 84. of Wcstminslcr.Calif..dicdNov22,I999. of heart failure. He was a native of Advance, at­ tended Shady Grove Scliool, and was a fonner member of Mocks United Methodist Church. A military memorial service will be held Dec. 11, 1 p.m. at Mocks Church in Advance. Orrell was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps in Worid War II.serving in llie South Pacific In the Philippines. After his honorable discharge In Janu­ ary of1946, he spent .several years working for the U.S. Government, building hospitals in Japan and Guam. Reluming to the United Slates, he was employed by McDonncll Douglas Air­ craft until he retired In 1981. He was preceded in dcalh by his father, Benny Stacy Orrell; moth;r. Flora Howard Orrell; brother Kenneth Orrell of Winston-Salem; and Alton Orrell of Clemmons. Survivors include brothers, Walter Orrell of Advance, B.S. Orrell Jr. of Maggie Valley, and Frank Orrell of Winston-Salem; sisters. Lucy Gunter of Winsion-Salem. Ruby Blackburn ofCocoa, Fla., Betty Sue Omcll-Amold of Orlando, Fla.; 2 sisters-in-law, Marguita Orrell and Helen Orrell, the wives of his two deceased brothers; and 2 aunts. PtowenforaU Occasion. Stater’s ofMoicfcsville ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 1 7 8 2 Bible Baptist ChurchIndeptndent • Fundamenfal ftiilor. Den Jones • 3d6-766.0351 WORSHIP miES: SundiySchool-IOun Wonhb Swvkftlam Sur.dn Night-tpmW*dntitfiy«7:35(m ONTHBSQUABE IN • OLDCARSONDISPIAYI Bring your ttwn clulr uid apend Itie evening wUh your nelghtnn eojoytng fun and roUomhlp! VV0 wOl possJbty hav9 loow eaioSng. S u n tla y A f te m o o n , D e c e m b e r 1 2 th ( ii) , DAVIE FTOERAL SERVICE LLC. 416 Valley Rd., MocksviUe, NC • 336-751-3111 Member of the Onhr of the Cohkti Rule Robert D. WelchOumcr Jeny G. ReavisFuneral Dimtor Robert s. Welch-Af’firruticr Funeral Dimtor Roby LuffmanCoonliiuilor Kris Howell Cindj Office Mngr. S ^ -INMiBMORY- ' StevenE.Jacobs (1851-1999) \ A Special Thanks to Davie Funeral Service, LlCfqr their help ^ ana guidance so the family could do everything tHeir^ way, <; j VieFam ilyofStnenB,]ac^ -O U R FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY. — 'Gnibb Tommy Bowles John Sheehan Graham Hendrix George Waldrop 1 4 Staff Staff Staff Staff D ear Friends, In commemoration of our second anniversary and in loving memory of your loved one, we would like to invite you and your family to join us on Sunday, December 12 at 2:00 PM at the Brock Performing Arts Center, 622 North M ain Street, M ocksville, NC. We are planning a brief time of worship and celebration for the purpose of expressing to you our deepest gratitude for the confidence you have shown in our firm during the past two years. In honor of each family we have served we would like to dedicate a poinsettia in memory of their loved one. The poinsettia will be available for you to take with you at the end of the service. Light refreshments will be served. If possible, please RSVP as soon as possible by calling Kris, Scott, or Ciridy at 336-751-3111. DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC. , , v416 VaUey.Rd., Mocksville,NC •■336r751-3m , ,W., , , ,,.. CIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 C o u r s e T o B e T a u g h t Nellie Whitener of Mocksvllle shows off an egg she deco­ rated that was chosen by the N.C. Egg Association to rep- ' resent North Carolina at the White House during the Eas- ' ter season. Egg Carving To Be Demonstrated A t I Serendipity Shops ■ Davie egg carvcr/crufispcrson I Nellie Whiiencr, whose work was dis- ; played at the While House in 1997 • ..in(lwillhanijn5nln2f)00-willdcmonr., ' slraieherskiltsSunduy.Dec.I2.rrom • .1-5 p.m. at Serendipiiy Shops’ Open •.House, 41 Court Square in downlown '^'Mocksvillc. ; Whitener will be joined by crafler I Janice Jenkins of Lexington and ihe * musical group, The Wickers, as Seren­ dipity Shops offers n speciil aRemoon of hometown stress-free shopping and eniertainmenl at its renovated, historic building on Court Square. Two prints, to hcncni the Davie High PTSA, will also he available for -purchasc.-Tit!cd-^c Picnic---and- "Hometown Christmas" (limited sup­ ply), they arc the work of Yadkinvillc artist Patricia Hobson. Visitors will also find on enltu-ged gift section, a new loadofantiques and collectibles from Pennsylvania, the worksoflocal artists, Janet Dean, Maria Rutter, Ann Frick, and more al this event. For information, call 751-0555. •'McdicareSupplcmcnt/Long-term Care," pre-license education for II* ccnsed life and health insumncc pro- fcssionals,a 12-hour course of study, will be (aught at Davie County Farm Bureau, 977 Yadkinvillc Rd., Mocks- ville, on Saturday, Dec. 4, and Satur­ day, Dec. 11, from 9 o.m. until 4 p.m. Students who complete the course will satisfy one of the conditions for taking the licenseexamination required by the N.C. Department of Insurance for insurance agents who wish to sell Medicare Supplemenl Insurance and Long-Term Care Insurance in North Carolina. Q u ilt A w a r d e d B y H o m e m a l< e r s Tlie East Davie nxtension Home­ makers awarded a quilt to Chad Cornatzer of Advance, who won the drawing Dec. 3 at the county offlcc building. Money from the project goes to community projects and to help the less fortunate. 4 Corners News • By Morie While Four Corncis Coirespondcnt Mr. Terry Hamm wasdinncrgucst ofMr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh Sunday. Several people of Ihis community allended Ihe Chrislmas Parade Satur­ day In Mocksvllle. Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Shcllon Jr. have relumed homeanerspcndlnglhe week­ end in Mynle Dcach. Mr. and Mrs. Joe While have le- luracd home aller spending several .daysal.Mynle.Beach. The 12-hour course Is laughi by Dixon S. Hall or Monroe, a chorlcrcd financial consultant, a chartered life underwriter, a fellow with the Life UndcrwriterTrainingCouncilwhohas been awarded thecertincatc in general insurance from the Insurance Institute of America. He is a certified inslniclor with Ihe N.C. Department of Insur­ ance. the S.C. Dcpatlmcnl of Insur­ ance and the Life Underwriter Train­ ing Council in Oclhesda, Maryland. Hchaseanteddegrcesinhusinessedu- calion from East Carolina University. The cost of the course of study is SI SO, which includes all textbooks andacandidaleguide.Pte-rcgistralion Is nol required. Students may register at the first class meeting. Still Shopping For That Special Gift? No Need To Look Any Further! ♦ Unique Framing ♦ Affordable Prints And Originals ♦ Pottery And Ornaments ♦ Calendars And Cards And Much More FleniyO/Time To Frame Voiir Selcclioii For Chrhmms At A N G L E W O O D A R I A N D F R A M E G A L L E R Y Li 778-0060 Candy Cane Lone Christmas Musi­ cal will presented by (he children of Courtney Baptist Church Dec. 18 andl9, at 7 p.m. Everyone Is invited. Reaching those who need help. Tbuching U5 a/i.® 1(800)4I1*UWAY I http://Www.unitedway.org Have your pets picture taken with Santa Claus, Humans welcome also. ' When: December 11 Time: 1 pm-5 pm Price: You donate $5 to AARF I}: and you receive a free 5x7 of * your pet with Santa. The Place to be is Animal Ark Vet. Hospital on the cornpr nf Hwy 158 and James St. For Information Call Animal Ark at Phone: 778-2738 or Animal Adoption & Rescue Foundation (AARF) at. Phone: 416-1643 V______Photography By: Optimum Photo When Your Roots Go As Deep As Ours, It’s Only Natural To Have The Most Branches. For over 95 years CCB has made banking easier and more convenient for people in North Carolina. In Davie County, we have more branches than any other bank - five to be exact - and we have served Davie County since 1935. But even more impressive are the people inside them. Tellers, customer service representatives and lending officers ofFeryou one-on- one financial advice and services to meet your banking needs. With 16 Davie County natives and a local management team with over 90 years of service to CCB, you can see our roots go deep. And, as the area . grows, we’ll keep branching out to help you find a way. MocksviHe Water Street 751-6261 ; MocksviHe-Mortgage Office Main Street 751-5936 Cooleemee Hig/iway 801 South 284-2542 Boone Plaza. 1047 YadkiiwHle Road . 751:6261 ■ . AdvancelHillsdale 5361 US Highway 158 940-2420 C e n t r a l C a r o l in a B a n k Member FDIC D a v i e S c h o o l s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 - D1 DuvlelllKh Attention seniors: If you are a Boy Scout,GirlScoutorhaveheeninROTC for at least three years and liave a 3.5 GPA or above, see Mrs. Hobbs in guidance for information on a local renewable scholarship which is avail­ able on a competitive basis. Mr. Kcnncdyhas an apprenticeship opening at Comron-Bilt as mainte* nance/welding technlclan.Startlng pay Is $7.50 per hour. JunloR and seniors with any physi­ cal, learning, or mental disability may be able to get help with nroney for colleges. Interested studcnLsshouldscc any counselor to lei them know what they, would like to talk about with Loyd Rollins^t Vocational Rehabili­ tation. Shady Grove Elemenlory The Citizenship Lunch will be on Friday, Dec. 10. Also on the 10th, Ronald McDonald will visit and tlic PE club will make a special prc.scnta- lion at the N.C. PE Convention in Grcen.sboro. Dec. 14 w ill be McDonald's Night, and the December birthday party will boon the 15th. All ofsecond grade classes went on a field trip to Old Salem on Dec. I .The children attended theCandleTea in the Single Brother's House. The children were shown a demonstration on bees­ wax candle making and each child received a gift of a beeswax candle. The tour also included a visit to the kitchen and the sub-basement to sec the put/, (model) of Old Salem from long ago and the nativity scene. The guide told the children facts about life in Old Salem from long ago. The chil­ dren alsoenjoyed a walking touroftlie Old Salem community. On Dcc. 2, tlie PE club traveled to AMF Bowling Lancs In Winston-Sa­ lem. 130 club members and more than 20 parents participated. The trip was n pan of the PE club curriculum, expos­ ing members to lifetime activities which they can continue to enjoy. The January PE club trip will be to the ice skating rink. Tlie Bullfrogs Jump Rope Team and the Sizzling Cyclers Unlcycle Team marched In the Mocksvillc Pa­ rade Dcc. 4. Tlie Jump Rope Club and the Unicycic Team also perfonned In the parade. On the 11 th, the PTA will have a float in the Advance Parade. Tlicrc will be scvcralchildrenrromthe school who will walk along with the lloat as well os jump rope, ride unicycles, and throw candy to tlw children. The PTA will rvceive the Gold Key Award for outstanding membership. They will also qualify for the PTA's 80th Birth­ day Celebration Awjutl for reporting an increase of 100 members over last year’s membership. In addition, they qualify for the Gold Acorn Award. reporting mcmkrsliip equal to or greater than student cnn)llmcnt, and 100 percent full-time teacher enroll­ ment. Shady Grove made the I lonor Roll and will be In the Dec-Jan i.ssueof the N.C. Pm*nl-Teacher Bulletin for membership. Tlie Holiday PTA Pro­ gram was held in the GymonTucsilay, Dcc. ?. The third and nWi gniders perfonned. Students of the week are April Mabe, Michael Sharp, Colby Robertson, Isidro Agucro.JordanNeal, Matthew Potts, Brea Correll, Spencer Hall, Alex Keiscr,ChrisBarrans, Devin Johnson. Zach Long, Ashley Fulp. Andrea McKarahcr, Timothy Bingham, Terrence Neiderbrunlng, Evan Crisco, Cassie Barnes, Ian Dowdy, Whitney Bokeno, Emily Dixon. Amy Gilbert, Avanti Dalton, Esteban Febus. and Ashton Grubb. Coola’mcc Elcmvntnry Accelerated Reader New Club Members for November: Kindergarten-second: Tlerra Brewer.Tyler Durfiam, Dylan Vogler, Cody Lane, Joey IJames, Matt Gjirrctson, Nicholas Yeager, Jamie Tutterow, Brandon Hoo.se Jeremy Tulbcrt, Rah'jan Crawford. Jacob Wolford, Andrew Denniston, Michelle Hall. Nina Lofton, StcfTi Shaver, Courtney Strohl. Jennifer Shields,JcssicaButner.Tiffany Wyatt. Jamie Smilh. Tayla Smith, Shawn Ebrighl.CalebMcAttec,EvnnO'Neal, JR Paris. AnnaSmyers, Aaron Veach, Tyler Ham, ChrisSnuxit, Karen Spry. TylcrSpiy.Ju-stinPoole,FeliciaSoard, Katy VanAntvvcfp, Sonya Garretson, TliomasMezic.ChadCn)usc,Aeriellc Freeman, Katie Link, Joey Piwle, and April Carter. Tliinl-fifth: Students who have made Accelerated Reader Point Club 25 and above celebrated in the Media Ccnterwithaspccialbreakfast.Tlio.se students were: Sam Whitley, Cody Rusher, Alexis Freeman. Lauren Stephens, Camemn Yancey. Jeremish Flowers, Jake Koont/, Justin Burton, Ryan Hellard, Brandon Jones, Cody Logan, Nicholas I\)tts, Dusty Smith, Ashley Absher, Gregory Devault. Rachel Simpson. John Piirker, Tyler Miller,TatumCrews,IsialiStevenson, Sarah Bishop. Daniel Vaughn. Terry Williams, Christopher Durham. Am­ ber Sieveni, Tiffany Gibson, Shellle Goins, Ale.scia Brown, Jesse Crotts, Ebony Hogue. Crystal Oliver, James Aboral, Christopher Brogdon, Kevin Creason, David VanAntwerp, Keith Hudson, Nia Culler, and Shirley Carter. Thckindcrg;irtcnclassesofTiunmy Clodgo, Nancy Hiirpe, Penny Johnson, and Jancll Yount have been busy like Santa'sclfsgcttingreadyrortheChrist- mas scitson. Tliey have l)ccn making presents for parents (shhhh, boys and girls, don't tell), os well as colorful decorations to make the room bright. These include a Christmas tree made outofhandprinLs,snowflakes thatglit- ter, reindeer with bells, Christmas cards for parents and reading buddies, wreaths, mice from the poem ‘Tlie Night Before Chrislmas," and many more. Children have been good this week. They know Santa is watching them, so Cooleemee klndergartners be good for goodness sake. Kingcrgarten teachers traveled to the 2nd Annual N.C. Kindergarten ConventioninDurhamNov. l9.They attended sessions that taught new and fun ways to teach children phonics, motivate students to love bqoks, cre­ ate a well-balanced reading and writ­ ing program, manage the wide range of learners in the classroom, and teach English for second language learners. Third grade students gave gotten their passports ready for their trips to study the holiday customs of several countries. Janet Jones is tour director for the trip to Mexico. The students are learning about Ln Navidad and the special nine nights of Posada. Brent Wall is the guide for the children while they are in France. Children ore saying "Joycux Noel" in their best French and talking about Pere Noel. Joan King is leading the childrcn dur­ ing their stay In Germany. Tlie stu­ dents arc hearing about famous com­ poser George Frederic Handel and listening to his "Messiali." Donna Henderson takes all the children to^ Israel where the children arc learning, the origins of Hanukkah and the im-; portance of the Star of David. Third; graders are ei^’oying their study trip.; Each third grade class rotates through; cachcountry with the appropriate third gradetourguideas they complete their studyof"HolidaysAroundthcWorid.! South Davie Middle Tiger Sharks In communications, the study of Greece has Included reoding and writ; ing Greek Myths and developing i family tree of the Greek gods. Students arc working hard to achieve their indi­ vidual point anduverage goals inordcr to attend an ice crcam sundae party at the end of the semester. The study of fractions, decimals, and percents arc challenging students In math as they continue working In the Acccleratcd Math computer program. Students arc finishing a unit on rocks and mlncrals« during which they have cxamined.d variety of rocks, written a report on geological formations, and shared their own collections of minerals. Scicncc classes will then begin a mini unit on soilandwaterconservationbcforestail- ing an exciting unit on Space which will include a trip to the Morehcad Continued On Page D2 ; Ian Dowdyr demonstrates weaving as Shady Grove Elementary fourth graders re-create a colonial village in the Kim Ross tal<es a break from the quilting demonstration. 1 school media center. - Photos by Mike Barnhardt I S/iaciy Grove Fourth Graders Get 'Hands On' Knowledge OfCotonm! Times i I ADVANCE-FourthgmdcrsalShaJyGrovcElcmcn- candic making and ship building. Moon; had been studying colonial North Carolina, and waslhcirrcsponsibililytodoiesearchonthatttade.andto • laiy School learned some new - but old - trades recently. As parents and students passed through the village, the had taken a trip to Old Salem to learn more about the develop Ihelr prescnlation for the colonial village. ; i ' Thcyiecrcatcdlheitown"ColonialVillage.“compIetc students told about their chosen trade. culture of that eta. "niejj did all of the work Uiemselves, and they did a I widi a weaving shop, quilt making, blacksmith shop, The students of Mary Lynn Bullins and Michelle Oroupsof5tudentswcreallowedtoselectatrade.lt ically good job," Bullins said. 'Tiffany Triplett, Megan Norman, t^^lchelle Liicas and Coty Lee demonstrate candle maklng. D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 D a v i e S c h o o l s Continued From Page D1 , PlanclariurainCha|xlHI!l.nicrcilwy will view two programs on constclla* tions and the night sky.Pliaraolis Students in Mn. Harden's commu* nicationsclassesarereading'AChrist- raas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Stu­ dents have madejouraeycirelcs, played vocabulary games and discusscd Dlckcns* work in literature study ■groups. They also were treated toalivc perfomiancc by the North Carolina Shakespeare Festival on Dec.3»tmgh Point TTicatre. Mrs. Anderson's social studies stu­ dents are writing repods on African • endangered animals. They will be pre­ sented orally Dec. 9. In Mrs. Salyers math class, students are learning to complete unit rates so they can find better buys when shop­ ping. They are also getting ready to Icamaboutexponcnts and square roots. In advanced nuth, studcnu ate now solving equations and inequalities that involve fractions and decimals. They are also preparing to turn in their scc- . ond quarter projects which consisted of them writing, designing, and pro­ ducing their own math video. ' Students in Mr. Adams' science classes have begun a study of matter. Chemical and physical changcs of matter have been discussed. Students wi!ldoavariclyofactivitics,onewhich wilt be making butter in class. Spanish Spanish students this quarter have studied many aspects of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. Sixth graders learned basic vocabulary and studied Mexico and Spain. Students in the second rotation learned about Dia de los Muerlos (Day of the Dead) in MexicoonNov. 1 and 2, and students in the third rotation learned some Mrs. Fletcher's ad Mrs. Felt's sec­ ond grade class ore beginning aChrist- mas unit.Theclass wiU read "Anhui's Christmas Cookies" and "Imogene's Antcrs," "Merry Christmas Amelia Bedelia," and "Arthur's Christmas." The class will enjoy making stand-up Santas, Rudolph Reindccrs.Christmas candlcsanddccorativetrees.Theywill end their Christmas unit with a Christ­ mas party and games on Dec. 17. Students in the thinl grade class of Kerri Wall, Shiricy McMillan, and Gloria Pruitt have begun to study Christmas Around the Worid. Each day they will visit a new classroom to learn lioliday customs and Iradilionsof difTerent countries. At the end of our journey, they will have visited Africa, Israel, France, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, England, Germany, and China. Our class will present the customs of Kwan/aa, an African American festi­ val that celebrates Africatt family, com­ munity, and culture. Making gingerbread houses is fun and me.ssy. Sweet smells fill the air as students create unique and sometimes unusual structures. Frosting and can­ dies overflow as amateur architects ■ build houses from edible goodies and toppings. Thisweck5ludentsnrereading"The Best Christmas Pageant Ever." The big event in Miss Schneider's thitd grade class this month encom- P.XSSCS reading, writing, math, and so­ cial studies. Students are beginning a "Christmas Around the World” unit. Tlic class will be participating with the other third graders to look into how nine countries celebrate this season. Along with the holiday theme, the class has designed the hall bulletin board this month. They did their own vetsionof"TheTwelveDaysofChrist- mas" and turned it into "The Twelve Salisbury Fire Deportment where they learned what to do if there is a fire and how to prevent n fire ftora starting. Aller time'at the fire dcpariment, stu­ dents had lunch and then spent the nltemoon at the park. In December they will be taking a trip to Hanes Mall to visit with Santa and doalittle Christ­ mas shopping. William R. Davie Elementary Tlie PTO will meet Dcc. 13. After theraceting,ihcK-2classeswillpnsent a Christmas program to farailies. Stu­ dents have been invited to the dress rehearsal at 2 p.m. Citizens of the Week of Nov. 28- Dec. 3 are Jenna Dowell, Daniel Gonzalez, Derek Danner. Kendall Gobble,UndsaySandets,MoglRuano, Michael White. Mary Beth Sherrill. Freddy Carbajal, Brad Sowers, Joshua Hutchins, Oscar Flores, Timmy Alexander, Brittany Allen, Pedro Bartolo. and Michcal Beamon. Citizens of the month who were chosen from Nov. 15-Dce. 3 are; Alex Pnpnikv. Daniel Conailes. Jereniiali, Gomez, Dcrck Danner. Brittany Ander­ son. Kendall Gobble, Derek Schcrer, LindsaySanders,Jarrett Wallace. Magi Ruano.JordanBlakicy.Mlcheal White, Josh Myers. Mary Beth Sherrill. Jes­ sica Blackburn. Freddy Carb ajal. Brooke Wagoner. Jenna Dowell. Ashley Hutchins,Brad Sowers, Arturo Rodriguez. Joshuo Hutchins. Wesley Paugh. Oscar Flores. Justin Swaim. Timmy Alexander,TiffanyEstcp, Brit­ tany Allen. JoshOrifnth.PcdroBartolo. Chantz Grannaman, and Michcal Beamon. Tbe first graders have been busy getting ready for Christmas. Classes have been learning about economics as they pariicipate in Santa's Work­ shop. On Dec. 13 Ute first grade will and making modelsoftheWrightFlyer. The class welcomed a new student, SaraDownard from Yndkitwllle.Two othT students who were new to Notlh Carolina have never seen snow. Their classmates are hoping Pablo and Isaac will gel tosee some snowfiakes during school time so they cnn, enjoy their reactions. Founh grade social studies students are studying the eariy inbab- ItantsofthelandthiUisNoithCarolina. They will conclude their study with a triptothcMuseumofAnthropologyin Winston-Salem. Debbie Archer's media/computer lab students composed Thanksgiving cinquain poems and Christmas "five senscs"poems. They are using the new color printer In the computer lab which was purchased by the PTA. During Children's Book Week spe­ cial guests visited the campus on dif­ ferent days to read with students Bill Campbell, Patsy Crenshaw, Robert Hartsell, Mike Hendrix, W.C. Potts, Willie Studevant, and Kerri Wall. Mrs. Archer hosted a bookmark contest as part of the Book Week cel­ ebration. Bookmark winners included Tommy Campbell, Keith Collins, Cindy Cook, Kalah Edrington, Kelly FelB, Megan Grey, Brittany Harris, Noel Holland, Dee Ann Lytle, Junior Payne, Allyson Reynolds, and Tyler Wooten. Dates to remember; Tuesday, Dcc. H, PTA Christmas Program, 7; Fri­ day, Dec. 17, last day for students; Tuesday, Jan.4,studcntsbacktoschool and McDonald's Night. Norih Davie Middle Seventh and eighth grade students will be performing two shows at the December PTSA. Seventh graders performing "The Witch Who Stole Christmas" include; Amy Alexander, David Benge, Ryan Boehm, Megan .Thanksgiving vocabulary and ptyim Days... of School." Each child was participate In the PTO Christmas pro- Gamble, Bradford Hale, Megan Mexico's Virgen de Guadalupe and Christmas In Mexico and Spain. Seventh graders have reviewed ba­ sic vocabulary and have done units on weathcr(complcte withthelrown vid- eouiped weather forecasB in Spanish), classroom objects, adjectives, and ani­ mals. On die computer, they described their favorite animal (real or imagi­ nary) with die adjectives they had just leamcd.TheyrcadaSpanish-language responsible for creating and illustrat­ ing a verse. To finish It up, they pub­ lished the verses and illustrations us­ ing the "Kid Pix" computer program. StudenUarepracticingcursivcwrit- Ingdaily.as they composestorics about language arts b(wks. Every child tacks Intotheircreative side to come up with some fascinating twist and turns, the teacher said. The latest writing took studentsintotheworldofanlmals.The , magazine, played Pictionary widt vo-_ .class ,tnade Individual recortls about _ cabulary words, and mastered longue- how aititnals must prepare for die win- twisteh, in Spanish. In their study of Hispanic cultures, they studied Cen­ tral and South America, learned about the Virgen de Guadalupe, and went on a scavenger hunt for information on the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas. They made dancing skeletons for Dia de los Mucrtos, their own pinauis, and n typi­ cal "Naeimiemo" (Nativity scene) for Christmas. Eighthgradersfinishedanin-deputh study of the basics of Spanish gram­ mar. In the process, they have illus­ trated and labeled their own family trees, made posters on the computer describing themselves, and played Pictionary with vocabulary words. They have held a weekly in-class con­ test to see who could guess the "Secret Teacher" fromthecluesgiveninSpan- ish. They look a trip lo Monterey's Mexican Restaurant in Salisbury to order their food in Spanishand sample the Mexicandishes.They finished their study ofHispanic cullure by complet­ ing individual presentations on His­ panic countries, decorating clay skulls for Dia de los Mucrtos, and perform­ ing a bilingual show on (fhristmas traditions in Hispanic countries (that ^ they wrote thcmselves)rorCoolccmcc ' and Central Davieelementary schools. ;; Mocksville Elementary Kaye Vandiver and Jodi Walker's kindergarten boys and giris have been busy getting re^y for the PTA pro­ gram scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 7. 'They have been practicing songs and - learning speaking parts for the play, • "The Littlesl Christmas.Tree." They I havepromisedtodothcirbcstbecause I they know Santa will be watching. ' 'Santa has also been visiting via cyberspace.Theclasshasbcenwriting ; letters to him and Santa will he reply­ ing back over the interact - isn't, the ‘ world of technology wonderful? A . ’ little sur" in the class narncd Anne Beriieley will be perfonnihg in 'The >Nutcracker" prtxluctlon at the Brock ijArts Center on Dee. lOand II. First graders In Mrs. Beaver and ’ ^.Mrs. Melton's class are preparing for '.^the holiday season. They ore reading Christmas stories, studying Christmas : ’customsinvariouscountries,anddeco- :’rating the room for the holidays. They ; -areenjoyingmakingomamcntsforthc . I^tree, while listening lo favorite Christ- ;"mas'songs. m ,: .1 ,, , ter season. These records will be com­ piled Into a class book that will be available for students lo read. Students of the week of Nov. 29- Dee. 3; Alyson Eaton, Jarion Sutheriand, Jasmine Covell, Timothy Brown, Ana Burton, Maurice Jacobs, Kelsey Niebauer.Trey Carey, Bediany Bradshaw, Conner Jewell, Lauren- Ashley Wilson, Alley Snow, Josh BerTyhlll,SamanlhaPrestwood, Kilby Hurt, Joseph WaBon, Kayla Nelson, Xavier Dulin, Landon Harris, Bobby Anderton, Shelton Howard, Chris Fishel, Crystal Heaggins, Brandi Capps, Kayla Wilmoth and Cheyenne Hutchins. Students of the Mondi of Deccm- ben Christina Griffin, Christopher Rhodes. Priyanka Barad. Ashlyn Byerly. Core Randall. McKenzie Marshall.LaceyTrivette. Jacob Allred. MadisonJunker.MichelleMesiemore. Micah Hicks, Rachel Hofi'man, Brit­ tany McCrain, Elizabeth Kennedy, Kolby Hurt, Jacob Freeman. Morgan Wyatt. Kendell Lambert. Aaron Peoples. Danielle Reid. Amelia Etchison, Ashley Whitley. Rebecca Conley. Meagan Madiews, Lindsay Pharr, and Lamont Dewalt. Terrific Kids for December An­ drea Easter, Jeremy Doss, Kendra Custer, Guameshia James. Nicolas Benites. Tyron Stockton. Megan Walker. Toby Lowe. Shon Fields, Melissa Freeman, Courtney Bowman. Maurice Jacobs, Jerriek McKnIght, Casey Vieis, Chclsea Doulln, Tyler Luckey, Paige Bollow, Ryan Dyson, Rachel Howell, Kristen Stiller. Sarah Dunlap, Chase London. Ryan Moxley MariahSanders.JoshBeityhill.Patrick Mandarano, Jeremy Morgan, Trey Lowe, Chase Steele, Whitney Short. David Rodriguez. Zack Bochctte. Christy Williamson. Anthony Beaver. Zeb Ramsbotham. Keisha Yonker, Jordan James. Josh Whitaker. Shenell Collins. Chance Davis. Amber Harpe. Joshua McDaniel. Alan Shrewsbury MelindaJablonski.JessiFells,Crysti Heaggins, Olivia Gregory, Briindon Shaver, Maty Jarvis, Tyler Braddy. Trans Myers, and Xavier Dulin. Mrs.Smidi'sandMis.O'Neal'sclass hadubusyNdvcmber.Studentsgained one' new student and a new teacher, nw special topic in November was ; "fire safety." Tliey took a trip to,die . V gfiim. 'They ore working liard to leant the songs and speaking parts. On Dec. 10. the first grade will travel to the Brock Auditorium to see "The Nutcracker." Bus, Von and Car Riders of the Week for Dec. 3 ore Waylon Webb. Esmeralda Hernandez Edion Curtis. Holly Hams. Bobby Gossett, Lotrindo Tillcry,TravisDyson,BritumyGobbIe, Evelyn Alairon,MidRuano,andMadi- son Whitlock. The class with Uie most peri'ect atundance for November was Alyce Bagshaw's second grade. They have eaincd a special treat. Central Davie Elemenlar; The fifih grade DARE graduation was held Tuesday,Dcc.7, with parents andguests.MissNorthCarolina, Kelly Trogdon, was the speaker. DARE Of­ ficer, Joey Reynolds, helped present certificates to the DARE graduates. All students wrote essays about the significance of the DARE program to them. The following stuilcnis were selected to read their essays as part of the graduation ceremony: Bryce Anderson, Megan Grey. Christopher Poplin. Nicholas Pugh, and Monica Randall. Students and faculty are working hard to prepare for the performance of "Christmas in Oz" to be presented to family and friends at the I^ A meeting Tuesday. Dec. 17 at 7. Citizens of the Week for Dcc. 3 included: Kenneth Brown. Janna Hughes, Adam Miller. Katie Newberry. Justin Phillips, Heather Prestwood, David Praitt. Jack Rooney. Mac Schmitt. Kayla Tatum. Corey Taylor, and Cassondra Tilley. Bus Students of the Week were; Rachel Beaver. Cianca Byrne. Jesse Frye. Christopher Poplin. Tonetta Ramsey. William Turrentine. and Michelle Wright. Gina Smith's fifth grade communi- caUons class is reading Toll Toles. Theyarecompanngcharactcrssuchos Paul Bunyan. Johnny Appleseed and Pecos Bill. Aftcrwa^. they will be writing their own toll tale. In math, the students have been making Christmas omamenu from geometric solife Af­ terconducting research on the school's water usage, the science class deter­ mined the school uses approximately 4.578 gallons per day, Tfhey made bar graphs lo show their findings. In social studies the students mode circlegraphs lo show their famil/s heritage. The students rodeon the DARE float in the Mocksville Christmas parade. They celebratedtheirDAREgiiiduationDcc.. 7.' Margaret Jo Brock's fourth graders are trying hard to natch Accelerated Readergoals.Several studentsarenear or above the 40-point mark. In com­ munications class, students are read­ ing thehovel. "The Wright Brothers." Hendrix, Bccky Howard. Alexis Levin. Johnathan Loos, Molly McKeel. Heather Oakley. Shelley Phelps, Car­ rie Sain. Billy Sweat. Lauren Wanlucha, Laura Williams, Michael Ranney. and April Foucheux. Eighlb grade students starring in "Three Wise Chics" IncludcTanyaDixon,Rebecca Boger. Sara Connor, Jaime Banks, Lone Combron, Ben Carter, Derek Coraatzer,SamanlhaKane,AJ.Caner, Jamie Hudson. Alison McNeil, Nick Needham, Jessica O'Dohnel, Whilney • Rumple, Amanda Smith, Chris Tollison, Kara White. Christy York, MattCombs,andCryslalDillon,along with the vocal talents of Kelly Larimore, Grace Riddle, Kelli York, Liz Beck, and Jcnay Mayfield. Make plans to attend these two holiday shows on Thursday, Dcc. 9, at 7 p.m. in the theatre. The sixth grade sludcnls in Mrs. Sell's art classes are weaving and pre­ paring for printmaking. Seventh grad­ ers are researching artists of the 20th century and will be making n booklet or a comic .strip about the artist und their work. Eighdi graders are study­ ing architecture and doing a mixed media design of a Gothic cathedral. About 15 pieces of art work is being ttutted to enter in the woman's Club Art Contest. Mrs. Sell's Prime Time is filling shoe boxes for a 5-ycar-old boy. After finally getting a break from rain and wind, technology students launched their nine-foot hot ait bal­ loons. Altitudes of more than 500 feet were reached. Distances varied. Most flights were beyond the sclioolgrounds. Some nights went way beyond and the balloons were not retrievable. Eighth grade Spanish students are beginning their cultural study of the Spanlsh-spcoking countries. Tlie stu­ dents have been given n rubric to help them prepare for their five minute oral presentation. Students will make cinquain poems using Creative Writer software. Seventh grade students also are beginning n cultural unit on the Spanish-speaking countries. If time .allows students will make plnatas and breuk them on the last school day of this semestet.SixthgradestudenUi have presented oral dialogues and are be­ ginning a unit on months, season, and the weather. Mrs. Goodings' sixth graders In keyboaniing are learning how to use editing symbolsin documents they are typing. They will be editing their work and the work of theirclassmatcs. After Christmas, they will be working with databases and spreadsheets. In seventh grade career decisions, the students arc completing their sew­ ing projects. Next they will leom how to write re.sumes ond conduct on Inter­ view. A filed trip to Davie County Large Animal Hospital will be Dec. 10. Eighth gradcrsinlifeskillsrecently visited Almost Home Daycore In Mocksvillc duringauniton chiidcore. They will be going to Meodowbrook Terrace Dec. l3.StudenUiwilldienbe able tocompore and contrast the needs of young children and older adults. They are beginning a unit on cooking and kitchen. Pinebrook Elementary KindcrgartnersinMargaretRogcrs clissarestudyingChristmasinMexiro, learning about the customs and tradi­ tions. They have also heanl about the "Legend of the Poinsettia." The first grade classes of Heather Blank, Wendy Brown, Leigh Anne Davis and Lisa Sutton went to Old Salem Dcc. 1.The children weregivcn a tour of the Single Brothers House as they panicipatcd in n Moravian tradi­ tion, the Candle tea. The children watched as beeswax candlcs were made. The guide explained the history of the first Moravian settlement in Winston-Salem, thelrcustoms andtra- ditions. They saw a miniature layout of die townofOld Salem and heard die Christ­ mas story. They Incorjioratcd the lessons they had learned in school about the five senses by noticing things on the field trip that triggered their senses. They smelled the beeswax and the cookies baking, they felt the roughness of the cobblestone streeu. They saw all the sights In the village, and touched vari­ ous tools that were used in that lime period todo manyjobs that we now use m,ichines for. They heard the sounds of the bells that alerted the towns­ people to activities or meetings. Lisa Sutton’s fitsi grade class did a holiday math investigating activity called "Snowmen in a Row." This was a sequencing problem. Students had lo follow directions regarding five snowmen who all had colored hats. Thcsnowmen were lining uplogointo a freezer. Based on the instnicllon they were given, they had lo line them up in the correct onlcr, and draw a picture to illustrate their answer. He.nther Blank's first graders have Santa beards hanging in their class­ room. Thcchildren were asked to write a letter lo Santa on the beards, using Iheirhest man nets, asking him 10 bring them something for Christmas. They had to give Santa a good reason as lo why he should honor their request. Jamestown Settlement was the topic of study in Marie Steed, Vickie Potts, Cindy Orsillo, and Karen Myers' thinl grade classes this week. Tliey leamed how Ihe people had lo use their natural resources to survive. In the Jamestown colony the people used the trees to build their houses, conocs, bows ond arrows, and shelter for Iheir animals. The water from Ihe river was used lo drink, cook, and help plants grow. Fish was caught In Ihe river for food. The land was good for fanning. Today Jamestown Is a landmark you can visit and you are able to actually do the things people did aboul400yeats ago. You can even toke a tour on one of Ihe _shi|KJhepcopLejayc^uto/J^ 'ihe kindergarten and second g ^ e classes are busy practicing for the pro­ gram they will peribnn at the PTA meeting on Dcc. 14. Under die direc­ tion of music teacher Anna Neuman, Ihe students arc learning Iheir lines lo Ihe play "This Old Gingerbread House." The chonis will also be sing­ ing that night. The rallle for "Baskeu For Books" will olso be held at the meeting. STARS of Ihe week were; Tiffany Devore, Mandy Doby, Jonlan Moore, Heidi Kinder, Clint Slater, Ionian Schulz, Brandon Home, Benjamin Homer, Brandon Chandler, Jeremloh Johnson, John San Filippo, Degny Ramirez, Brannon Lynch, Justine Solomon,JarydShore, Heather Riddle, PaulCassidy,Michael,JosephConcc. Stephen St. John, Katie Ellis and Eli Sheppard. ■G R A N D O P E N IN G SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 *9-6 C & H Ceramics 220 Willtesboro St., Mocksville • 751-7254 All Kinds of Ceramics (Greenware or Bisque) Make Your Own Gifts This Year Christmas Items, Dolls, Animals, Outdoor Statues, Etc Reasonable Prices Specials oS the Week Christm as Chocolate S i Regular Hours: lUl-F 0:30-8,• Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1 ;30-5 D<ui9 C». ' 4|95 yalliey Road •;Mocksville • (336) 751 -2141 Honor Students DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 - D.1 D a v i e H i ^ Principal Linda Bosl has an­ nounced the first nine weeks honor roll for Davie High School. 9th Grade Alison Alexander, Jonathan Angell, Marion Barber, heather bcauchamp, Carolina Bell, Bradley Biackwelder. Kevin Boger, Jennirer Dokeno. Jessica Bowman, Sara Drown, Kristin Brown. Shalonda Brown, Chavez Bryant, Andrea Burgio, Alisha Burton, Angela Car­ penter, Elizabeth Caudle, Lindsay Crow, Garret Davis. Ashley Despres, Elise Dickmann, Anthony Doby, Laurd Doub, Lori Downen, Brian Durham. Megan Dwiggins, Sarah Earle, Joshua Falls. Brianna Foster, Christopher Gaither. Micah Gamer, Ashley Gaskin, Carson Glass, Jon Goode, Megan Graves. Amber Hall, Brian Hart. Tiffany Hendricks, Jared Hill, Melissa H^ges. Daniel Hollificld, Allison Howell. Emily Hunter, Aaron Hursey, Philip lies, Elizabeth Islcy, Matthew James. Candlcc James. Tyler Kauff, Kevin Kirkpatrick. Kalir Kraft, Amanda Lagle. Patrick Law, Amanda Leonard, Ashley Lewis. Emily Materdo, Matthew McAnally, John McCarthy, Cass McClure. Karen McDaniek Jessica McGown. John McKeel, Sara Miller, Nicole Miller. Danielle Moore. William Morgan, Matthew Moser, Dustin Myers, Vanessa Nichols. James Norman, Adam Olejarczyk, Thomas Parsley, Christopher Pawllk, Richard Pennington, Emily Pctlorlnl, Luke Phelps, Kylie Poole, Christopher Posey, Kenneth Powell, Ahslce Prcvette, Andrew Rcavis, Joe Reavis, Matthew Renn, Jason Royal, Andrew Scott, Deanna Shamel. Brent Simpson. Kim Singleton, Jeremy Smith, Katherine Smith, Philfp Smith, Sheena Smith, Chelsey Smith. Hugh Smith; John Snyder, Mercedes Soto. Sam Spach, Jennifer Spainhour. Keith Starnes, Lauren Stauffer, Marth Stor\e. Amber Thompson. DavidTredwcll, JoshuaTucker, Ma­ rina Vendrillo. Armand Vonsiatsky, Brittany Walker. Meghan Wanucha. Megan Warchol. Zakare Whicker, Amanda J. White. Janies Whitley, Andrea Whitley. Tara Whittaker, Emily Williams. Sarah Williams. Matthew Wilson, Justin Winters, Stephanie Wodars,ki. Jason Yellick. 10th Grade Linna Agne, Erika Ancuia, Veronica Arroyo, Bethany Atkins, Stephen Barnes, Jennifer Barney. Heather Barney, Heather Bass, Rich­ ard Blackmon, Jeremy Boswell. Gre­ gory Brooks, Rachel Burris, Becky Call. Wesley Carter. Samantha Cartner,-Thomas Caudill. Ashley Caudle, Steven Chambers. Megan Conley, Janel Darcy. Andrew Daywalt, Adam Deal, Chamreece Diggs. Leslie Ellis. Jose Febus, Nicole Flanagan. Drew Frost. Chris­ tina Gajewski. Jacob Gamer. Erin Grey, Lauren Groce, Scott Halver, Morgan Harris, Andrea Harris. Zachary Hartman, Haley Henderson. Suzanne Hockaday. Zachary Johnson, Brandi Joyner, Jordon Kahrs. Crystal Kimbrell, Zachary Kuhn, Justin Latham, Anna Lee. Patrick Lowery, Anna Mackintosh. Matthew Mandarano, Daniel Markland, Nicole Maurice. Christin McCIamrock. Katie Miller. Michael Millman. Natasha Moffitt. James Morehead. Heriberto Moreno. April Naylor. Monica Olejarczyk, Lotoya Overton, Carly Peeler. Dave Poplin. Julia Pruitt, Kristin Raynor. Jason Reavis. Adrian Rice, Jenna Richie, Bridget Robertson, Elizabeth Robinson, Kasey Robinson. Megan Russell, Adam Sain, Kristen Sauerbrun, Amanda Sink. Holly Sipe. Douglas Smith. Llnilsay Smith, Melinda Spach, Andrea Speer, Dustin Spillman, Farren Stanley, Stephen Statham, Courtney Steed, Amanda Steele. Elizabeth Slone. Michael Surber, Matthew Swaim, Brandy Taylor, Jacob Taylor. Angela Wheeler, Jennifer Wilkerson. Stephen Williams, Phillip Wogatzke. n th Grade Julie Adams. Jennifer Alllgood. Candice Anderson, Kendra Armstrong. Javier Arroyo. Diana Bahnson, Jackie Bailey. Thomas Barney. Joseph Bass. Brian Beaver. Tanya Berghorn, Kathy Bernhardt. Tonya Blackwiwd, Heather Boger, Shana Brrewer. Lauren Brogdon. Denise Burge. Amber Carter, Jenni­ fer Ctirtcr, Erin Chaftln. Amy Cope. Richard Crater. Scottie Crump. Nicole Davis. Stephanie Doby. Kristi Durham. Justin Edwards. David Eldrcd, Neil Foster. Joseph Franklin. Rebecca Heffner. Stephanie Hodges, Jordan Howell. Natalie Hunt^kler. Brandon Inscoc, Sarah Jackson, Scott Jackson. Cindy James. Stephen James; Kayla James. Iris Jimenez. Wes Johnson. Stephanie Johnson. Jeff Jones, Casey Jones. Jessica Jor­ dan. Stacye Joyner. Donna Julian, James Kcrley, Laura Key, Russell King, Joshua Lackey, Tonya Ledbetter, Shawn Levan, Jason Lingle. Rebecca Little, April Livengood. Adam Marlon, James Materdo, Jennifer McClain. Anna McCIamrock. Aaron McClannon.. Michael McCoy. Tara Medley, Jus­ tin Merlau. Shelby Michael. Wesley Miller. Teague Monger. Jennifer Moore. Leigh Ann Moore. Emily Morton. Jacquelyn Naylor. Andrew Needs Abiola Odunsi. Jon Overby. Telisca Penn. Chessney Pharr, Edford Phillips, Rachel Poindexter. Jaime Potts, Sarah Pullen. Stacy Queen. Elizabeth Sain. Ian Scott. Mindy Seamon, Amon Shirley, Angela Shore, Chris Shore, Justin Simpson, Amy Sink. Kayin Smith. Nathan Smith, Dustin Smith. Leah Snow. Brandy Sparks. Daniel Sparks. Kathy Stewart. Rebecca Stockert. Candie Taylor. Kristin Towell. Jennifer Whaley. Amanda White. Tamara White. Elizabeth H. Yokley. 12th Gnide Amanda Amnu>ns. Jeff Anderson. Julia Angell, Mark Angu.s. Nereida Arroyo, Clint Bailey. Amanda Bailey. Erin Baity. Jennifer Bassett. Katie Beaver. Chris Bender, Alaina Biackwelder, Andrew Boger. Shan­ non Dokeno. Amber Host. Monica Bowman. Sarah Brake. Abhy Brickey. Shawn Brooks. Dana Call. Timothy Carroli, Erika Chois. Josh Church. Holly Cook. Meredith C(»r- natzer. Derek Cornett. Brent Cnnfill. Michael Crowe. Joshua Crutchfield. Lucicnne Davidson. Angela Davis. Summer Daye, Elesia Dillard. Jessica Dillard, Lisa Downen. Rita Dull. Sheryl Eagle, Zeke Earle. Diana El­ lis. Ervin Evercttet. Randall Foster. Christopher Franklin Scott Frazier. Wade Garmon, Denise Gentle, Lynn Grey. Michael Gusefski. Marguerite Hale. Emily Hall, Emily Harpe. Matthew Hauser, Carolina Hauser. Kimberly Hendrix. Meredith Hendrix. Ashley Holmes. Heather Howell. Paul Kaper. Mat­ thew Keeton. Brad Lagle. John Landen, Khristen Langdon.’Heather Laxton, Djordje Luklc. lyam Lynch. Gloria Manning. Jacob Mercer. Roy Mojica. Amanda Moon, Tedy Moore. Emidia Moreno, Jerrine Peeler. Katherine Phillips, Hailey Queen, Justin Quinn, Allison Ramsey, Drew RIdenhour, Jonathan Rowe. Brandi Seaford. Jill Seamon, Shelley Sheets. Joshua Shepherd. William Stnilh. Emily Sprouse. Jackie Spry. Shawna Spry. Leslie Steele, Sanii Stein. James Stewart, Stephanie Styles, Aimee Taylor. Danny Tesia. Larry Eumberger, Nancy Vogler, .Sean Warchol, Emily Watkins. Chris Wensil. Elise Whitaker. Jessica Whit­ ley, Scott Whitaker. Johnny Willard, Bradley Willard. Teri Willoughby, Jason Winters, Charles Wyatt. , S h a d y G r o v e E l e m e n t a r y P i n e b r o o k E l e n i n t a r v Principal Barbara Owens has an­ nounced the honor roll for Shady _J3mvQ.EIemcoiarv.SchooL____„ 4th Grade Meggan Barnes, Brent Beam. Brittany Becker. Lindley Bess. Whitney Bokcno. Allison Bradley, Trent. Brooks, Sarah Bruebaker. Katie Costrovinci. J^on Cibelli, Will Clevenger, Evan Crlsco, Kasey Davis, Alyssa Delong. Epiily Dixon. Wesley Doub. Ian Dowdy, Quinton Faulkner, Mary Kate Frisby, Amy Gilbert. Mary Beth Godley. John Haftman, Christy Harmon, Chris Heffner,Tay­ lor Hewett. Bradi Hudson, Hannah - Jakob, Marshall Jefferson. Katie Johnson. Brandon Jones, Katelyn Jones, Emily Kelly, Amy Lanier, Coty Lee. Jesse Leonard, Jeffrey Loos, Michelle Lucas. Chase Macaione, T.J, McGown, Lauren MItchcll, Joey Morang, Cara Mossman, J)jioa.J^jgCD._Wcgn.n.J?Jotm.'m». Brooke Padgett. Natalie Pearce, Nicholas Pfeiffer, Zach Potter, Tip Powell, Ashley Pragar, Brittany Priestly, 2achary Proctor, Adani Ridenhour, Micah Robertson, Mat­ thew Russell. Zachary Russell- Myers. Nick Schambach. John Simpson. Jamie Stancllff. Katie Streit, Garrett Taddeucci. Hannah Tedder. Tiffany Triplett, Sam Tucker, Ben Turman. Jessica Tysinger. Dalton Vogler, Lauren Walker. Adam Ward, Daniel Wendel, Nicole White. 5lh Grade ChristophcAnge.Tyie Baity. Kim Baugh, Allyson Beeson, Kevin Boehm, Andrew Boswell. Jessica Burgess, Megan Carter, Adam Cloer, Avanti Dalton. Ross Davidson, Christopher Dean, Josh Dixon, Rachel Dunn, Jill Durham. Miranda Esposito. Esteban Febus; Dustin .JEryc»-Zachacy-Gcatry^uslin_- Goodin. Max Graham, Ashton Grubbs, Rachel Hamilton, Britt Harrison, Jennifer Hart, Jessie Hayes, Brittany Hill, Michael Jolly. Chattie Kellogg. Marjorie Landen. Mandy Lawson, Justin Lee, Daniel Litten, Jennifer Mann. Dillon Manship, Robert McCampbell. Whit Merrifleld. Bobby Miller, Matthew Myers, Jared Nelms. Travis Norman. Patrick O’Connor. Morgan Owens, Jessica Pope. Richard Price, Sabrina Quillin, Nadia Rashwan, Ali Russell, Kathryn Schamcns, Bennett Shipman, Josh Shrewsbury. Amanda Simmons, Jennifer Smith, Whitney Snow. Matthew Spach. Michael Sulier. Justin Tesh. Amanda Walser. Rachel While. Principal Mel Fogg has an­ nounced the honor roll at Pincbrot^k -Elcmcntary-Schoohfor'thx^first-sc— mcstcr. Fifth Grade Ashlee Boger. Taylor Boyles, Christopher Brown. Patricia Burgan. Ellen Carter, Jarret Fleharty. Will Markland. Wesley Potts, Juslin Smith. Ashlon Stansberry. Kaylin Stansberry. Stephen St. John. Jessica Welch. Whitney Williams. Cameron Wilson. Bryson Allen. Bradley Armsworthy. Megan Beauchamp, Marlssa Dehart, Katie Ellis. Adena Hockaday. Margo Masi. Courtney Stephens. Raven Sterling. Brandon Stewart. Kristi Sloneman, Michael Wentz, Megan Williams. Jessica Bailey. Tiffany Booe. Lauren Brown, Josh Chesnee. JodanCouncmanche. Amber Harris. William Miner. Peyton Murray. Bryan King. Ben Law. Jessica Amanda Nichols, Danny Peele. Jo- -Limtey^EficnMaincrNatulic'M’.miii;— scpfr»^w’Clt;Ainsmla'Rt‘aVis7J^n“ Kelsey McDaniel. Grant Miller. Elijah Sheppard. Martin Stephenson. Matthew \Vebb. Juslin Blackburn. Amber Jefferies, Dustin Smyers. Brittany Green, Aaron Gibson, Jerry Little. Fourth Grade Nolan Allen, Anna Bailey, Paige Carter, Ryan Davis.Tiffany Devore. Evan Fleming. David Fuentes, Brjce Hauser, Andre Humer. Qreuty Kirk. Stephen Livengood, Katelyn Manspile. Joshua Owen. Amanda Robinson. Ashley Shoaf. Cayla Sims. Sarah Watts. Jay Whiteheart. Kirston Wilson, Jordan Yuenger.Zac Bivens. Brittney Crews, Jesse Doby. Chris- lopher Flelemier. Michael Marlin, Reavis. Johnathan R»iesch. Andres Shrewsbury, Hannah Speight, Sarah Webb. Erika Wentz, Evan Wiles. Gina Williams, Alex Williams. Garrett Benge, C.J. Dwiggins. Brad Ellison. Taylor Evans. D.J. Holman. Ryan Hutchinson. Andrew Linhart. Scan Rouse. Sa­ rah Sexton. Danielle Smith. Justine Soloman. Chelsea Swyers. HolUe Tucker. Matthew Ballard. Elizabeth Budd. Den Capron. Rebccca Church. Alexandra Davis. Alexandria Dickens. Jonathan Jefferies. Samantha Judd. Cindy Kohnen, Kayla Newsom. Brandon Noel. Sunnie Stamper, Trevor White. Micah Womhle.Tony Rivero. Brooke Williams. C o o l e e m e e E l e m e n t a r y C e n t r a l D a v i e E l e m e n t a r y ' Principal Jeff Albarty has an- ; nounced the honor roll for i Cooleemee Elementary School. ! 4th Grade I Ashley Absher, Sarah Bishop. I Alcscia Brown, Adam Cox, Tatum ! Crews, Gregory Devault. Robert j Dingey, Alicia Downs, Jon Ferree, ; Jeremiah Flowers, , I Meisha Fowler, Chanelle Gaither. N o r t h D a v i e M i d d l e Tiffany Gibson. Ryan Hellard. Kristy Hite, Brandon Jones, Jake Koontz, Braxton McDaniel, Heather Medford, T^ler Miller, John Parker, Nicholas Potts, Amber Seivers, Rachel Simpson. Zac Smith. Miranda Sprouse, Kara Stephens, Chris Tcvepaugh. Daniel Vaughn, Heather Walsworth, Jay Waugh. Erin Williams, Cameron Yancey. 5th Grude Kennedy Argueta. Amy Bellucci. Rebecca Blanchard. Christopher Brogdon. Danielle Casey. Elizabeth Choplin, Kevin Creason, Nia Culler, Debbie Goldner, Bradly Grubb, Allison Hall, Mitch Link, Jennifer O'Brien, Jason Register. Kelly Riddle, Megan Theurer, Kayla Th­ ompson, David VanAntwerp, Bradi Veach. Jenna Wolford. 'w^Principal Larry Bridgewater has ; announced the honor roll for North I Davie Middle School for the first I quarter. ; 6th Grade i Andrew Allen, Brian Ballard, {JoshuaBarnes.Nicholas Bamhardt, ! Andrew Beeson. Lauren Bennett. ! Anna Bigelow, Michael Bingham, } Lauren Black, Jared Boger, Corly } Booth, Logan Buchanan, Lauren '\ Burriss, Samantha Cidolll, Matthew ; Clutts, Brittany Cooper, Megan Coo- I per. Brittany Cope. Kelley Crosslin, {Chelsea Curry, Justin Daywalt, ) Marcle Dickmann, Crystal Doby, I Jacqueline Downing, Tracy Easter, I Tabitha Edwards, Christopher Elliott, I Sarah Fleming Brock Flowers, j Kristen Fromal, Jennifer Gaither, } Mary Gamble, ' • j Katherine Gaskin, Kena Gentry, ;Michacl Goins, Holly Gosnell, I Jaspen Gray, Stefanie Gmy, Brittney j Gunter, Jeremy Gupton. Dustin Har- jris, Trent Harrison, Jacob Hauser, • Cara Hennings, Brian Hill. Brook- Hinman, Jessica Huggins, Rachel Humphries, Holly Hunter, Jonathan Hutchens, Chas Jefferjon, Logan joldcrsma, Ebony Jones, Brittany Laird, Erica Lane, „ , ; Matthew Lee, Candlcc Leonard, Jacob Lloyd, Kelly Lowdermilk, Lauren. Macaionc,- Christina Manzullo, Jonathan MayField, Jes­ sica McCallister. John McClellan, Kayla McEwen, Savanna McLamb, Jordan Michael, Amber Miller, Danielle Miller, Andrew Minor, Jes­ sica Morasco, Jon Mosr, Drew Mossman, Daniel Noller. 7th Grade Amy Alexander. Jacqueline. Baugh, Troy Blakley, Ryan Boehm. ' Lucas Boger, Casey Brewer, Troy Brooks, Felix Carbajal, Candice Cohen, Heather Cote, Jodie Draughn, Zachary Falls, Paul Ferrell, Sarah Frazler.Angela Gaither, Lisa Gilbert, Jordan Grimes, Annaliese Haftman, Lauren Hanes, Brent Harpe, Jessica Harris, Abby Hartman, Megan Hendrix. William Hockaday, Haley Hunt, Christian Johnson, Harrison Judd, Colby Kinder, Amanda King, Kimberly Kraft, Thomas Landen, Justin Lanier, Erin Ledcrcr, Michelle Lester, Johnathan Loos, Austin MacFariane, David Mcllwain, Molly McKcel, Dennis Mendez, Kelly Mitchell, Charles Monger, Tomlsha Norris. Heather Oakley, Madison Owen, Joshau Parrish, > , Corey Peoples,- Shelley Phelps,; Megan Pitts, Jessica. Plemmons, Read Plott, Russell Powell. Lauren Price, Ted Randolph, Matthew Rich, Marie Robertison, Katy Russell, Jus- • tin Schultz, Lea Scott, Scott Sexton, thew Smith. Somer Smith. Megan Stephenson, Kayla Tijerina, Serena Vancuren, Beth Walker, Lauren Wanucha, Stephanie WenileI.TilTany Wooten. 8th Grade .Courtney Allen, Helene Amarslngh, Jaime Banks, Evan Beam, Elizabeth Beck,'Michael Deck, Rebecca Boger, David Bolin, Kyle Brown, Meredith Bryson, Frankie Clontz, Matthew Conley, Amy Conner, Sara Conne, Katie Crosslin, Kristen Culler. Tanya Dixon, Christy Draughn, Jessica Dyson, Emily Evans, Jennifer Ferrell, Gianna Fleharty, Brian Fromal, Daniel Gamble, Anna Grubbs. Stormy Hamm, Adam Hanes, Emily Hunter, Lindsay Jack­ son. Zachary Jakob. Mandy Lambe, Kelli Lawhon, Kelsey Lutz, Jennifer Manzullo, Kimberly McBride, Malela Meadows, Jenna Michael, Zachary Morton, Nicholas Needham. Jessica Nelms, Ryan Npel, Justin Norsworthy, David Orsillo, Heather Patton, Stephine ‘ Phipps, Katie Pottsi,Andrea Riddle, Laura Riddle, Ashley Rowe, \Vhitney Rumple, Allison Shafer, Thomas Schambach, Erica Scherle, Anna Seaford, Shana Speer, Courtney Springer, Michael Timmons, Alana Tucker, Brittony Voyles, Christy Principal Candace Poplin has an­ nounced the Central Davie Elemen­ tary School honor roll. 4th Grade Dylan Cheek, Michael Domanski. Jamie Keegan, Matt VanHoy. Kenzie Brown. Apiffany Gaither, DceAnn Lytle, ClilTSauerbraun. Alex Appelt. Trey Archer. Meghan Collins. Gra­ ham Hannon, Haley Lamb, Lauren Hauser, Brian Hicks, Bailey Majors, Amy Presley. Stephan Studevent. Grady Cartner, Brian Gaither, Kristin McMillan, Jeff Nuckols, Taylor Randall, Patrick Shore. Sonny Stanley, Tayler Cave, Elizabeth Crowe, Magan Doss. Bethany Gough, Noel Holland. Justina Ijames, Tanner Lowe. Colin Bohannon. Sarah Blackwell, Lee Cain, Lindsay Carter, Candance Chunn, Tonya Correll, Morgan Costner, Christopher Davis. Tori Karlpk. Justin Leonard. Shaye Lewis, Nora Smith. Jacqueline Thompson. Amanda Bridges, Eden Cassidy. Caleb Creason. Nora Etchison, Ayanna Leach, Jensen Sales. 5th Grade Brian Blackwell, Bianca Byrne. Audrie Cid, Joshua Eder, Jennifer Hernandez, Nicholas Pugh, William . Rivers, Amanda Sparks, David Stovall, Corey Taylor, Derreck Wall, Karla Woodward, Tyler Wooten, Amanda Chaftln. Randall Foote. Jamie Koontz. Wess McKnight, Malt Pennington. Allyson Reynolds, Erica Scott, Aaron Strain. W illiam Turrentine, John Vandall. Jack Wombough, Michelle Wright, Derek Abendroth,Taylor Aury, Ashley Bur­ ton, John Michael Grose, Samantha Hobson, Leslie McBride. Lauren Parker, Andy Ramsbotham. Stephen Serfass, Bucky Sheppard, Juslin Th­ ompson. Bryce Andcron. Jodi Harpp, Blake London. Ashley Sales, Heat^i Boyd, Zachary Eaton, Kelly Felts, Rachel Goin. James Mighion, Jack Rooney. Jaclyn Smith, Briltini Young. Emilee Beauchamp, Cindy Cook, Jade Garrett, Rebecca Riddle, April Stockner. M AN AG ER S S PEC IA L Turn Key Sale 14x70(566) 28x56(583) $24,770 $46,195 See Jim (336) 751-0503 Hwy 601 S. Mocksville Across from Davie High Free C re d it H elpSEE : Steve McCullough ^ orcan1-800-296-W00D We specialize in placing the credit challenged in new or pre-owned vehicles! mm g e ffu W o o d A U T O C E N T R iHoiula*Jeep»Plymouth<hry^lenKIA Loan By Phone 1-888-789-CARS D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERl’RIKE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 !*> _ I l^°<^ksville Elementary students got a treat last week when they visited the honne of R.C. Smith of Mocksville. They viewed his history of ChristmasII o K^liriouilclo . q( gggi^ decade of the 1900s, and got to walk through his house where they saw the toy trains and received a treat. - Youth Handbell Choir To Be At Bixby Tlic youth lumdtx:!! clioirof Clcmmon.s Presbyterian Cluircli will perfonn at 6 p.m. on Wcdnc.sday, Dee. 15 at Bixby Presbyterian Church Tlie church is located at 1713 Fork Bixby Road in the Bixby community near Advance. A reception will follow. CedaT L o g fKomes H(its and 1‘uTn-!Kfii Salts CohnitdStructures, Inc, Call!fi{erU^ctor (336)W-250S f f l / B u ild in g' ^ISEMCCeUNS^' 998-2140 Window Options for Every Need <£ Every Budget W IN C h ris tm a s C a s h R egister to Win ^ 7 5 0 A, ' 'V ^ '-X'' fPevvcTstom Acres pavke to carnomz” r - 'v r— - - II---------....................-I LOT 8 J 129,000 Builder; Todd Younger IO T 3 7 JI2S ,S 00 LO T 36J12 4.9 00 Builder; J. Crews Builder; PitdmontTriiiii Const Directions: 601 N from Mocksville, R on Diinner Rd., R Into Pepperstone Acres LOT 411 25,9 00 BulIJcr: McKnlgbl BulMcrs LOT 7 *1 2 4 ,SOO Builder; J&J Gatcrprisc LOT 38 $122,900 LOT 3 41 124,500 Builder: Ficilmoiit Tiiad Const Builder: J. Crews SW ICEGOODl (S W A L L i R E A L T O R S ' M 7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 www.swicegoodwall.com Sponsored by: Swicegood-WaH, Caudell Lumber, McKnight Builders, J&J Enterprises, Jerry Crews, Piedmont Triad Constmctian, Todd Younger. couDiueix B A N I ^ e R □ TRIAD, REALTORS® Davie County Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 (336)998-8816 Relocation; 1-800-327-4398 w w w.coldwellbanker.com DAVIi; SALES ASSOCIATES Monte While/Broker Andrea Susgs Barbara Allen B^an Lamt»rt Bngjelt Ferrell Demse Hendrix GailPawE and Masters' imSleed jDonna Polls Linda Riddiough MikeZiiiunemian NoraKirkman PaulSiska Sally McGuire Steve Oivehs Vicki Fleminj 998-UM M8-1171 998-llM 998-1157 998-1176 998-1183 998-1165 998-1182' 998-1178 998-1169 998-1153 998-1187 998-1173 998-1185 998-1155 : 998-1180 998-1167 Ws'll. be collecting Help us spread Chrislmas joy lo conliibiillons of unwrapped some less foTtunale children in our loys for the Toys for'Tols community. Campaign al our office a marine CORPS reserve localioed on 5342 Hwy 158. ~ “ Suite 1 In Advance during business houis until Dec. I7tb. ■ LOruSDfTBXOOK SI79.900 3U 2BA 1J AC DAVIE Unqui tocr pun on M (nek hoiT« in n h«ii1 clMttMT Bn tuM on <nui IMI b6 M HpinM IM»«. Con«n«.il to HOlADONNA POnS Wft-1168 UIKNMOOUtlOU lUMUURUN S11I3M 2U 2U OAVKPe»n r Btmwu Rui' TM i»nho<T* minitnvK*. itito S u***. PmftUKi^ dKorilM. SptoM Mck. c«pcrt____________AHOfiE* SUGGS WM1?1 S2S CUDSTOilQMI RO$1)6400 2U2KA3.4AC DAVIE P«l« »nd #tw fw a Drdi uncft »V» wt Mfrtng i« you n bMudU 0<r« County. Homtl « counrr uBng Vut i cbM lo IMHBRYAN LAMBERT 09d-eei( 171 UKEYinV BO mCKOlY MLU U S2»9,»00 a i 34U DAV1CB«autilul 11/2 tty W2 FPi tcnjar* Hickory HI Gort & COOM7 Club. W*t bi». wtnripool. Rrt, 9' ctJt v\ m*n, (anutlc ttoragc. Mrm.ViCKlREMi><iM»iT6- IS9WIU5RD ttUKWOOO3N 2M DAV1C )*n» Cent/baton to « ipM to) #1-fli back rvd on I moM bl Ub« 4*n liu Viflaet.cffcii'MfltiMinM ltMH.»«rarrr. ______JkNgT MASTERS »}»»1IP I s j E i W H O I V I t i S rinnffl. [B L0TS4 SI77.900 3RR 2JU• Tnais Cmni. BiLiei & Toils•L»tLou(nal/3ictti»•CrtalAc«HloW.S,KtahvilW.A*i« Aiiuct.lt'moC0}ttaOtttVICKI FLEUWO SM*1167 Creek 81dyuFroaSIU^ I ,WL Tsn ■ H r BB DRxtm IS »’.»1. oa faaipM UtiitU*} HI I S/JiumiBoEUiMIUIttGAILPAWUKNe-lieft F a llja s c r^ Froa)l)7vOOO m lOtllSMf.MO 311 25U >Eiiracmtl>Uxti>i3c.VAucc.»S JANETMA3TERS9M-1I&2 O a k a Fnasiui;000.}600,000f mmnninM mmm «us.s*juMJSRtUuiiioalsafiCDKin•0>a 3jO X </p« ct>nc.hln rnuu f(U pstt i • $»n,na.plf(Ue((JCul OxfMbcuuUotnlibmvhcnsKKa ' (k«Mi M > ■ n • M t ■ I__________I HORAKIBKMANQ9a-1l73 COLDWELL BANKER TRIAD REALTOR and Monte White, Manager of Davie County Office welcome Btyan Lambeit. Bryan is the Davie Counly representative for a Habitat for Humanity home being built with funds and labor supplied by Coldwell Banker Triad, Realtors. Bryan's activity in “Habitat" reflects his strong work ethic In helping clients and customers find homes in the real estate profession. Among other reasons, Bryan wanted to affdlate widi Coldwell Banker Triad, Realtors because of the continuing education offered ■ by the company and the supportive agent network available throughout the Triad. Bom in West Virginia and raised in Williamsburg, Virginia, Bryan now resides in Mocksville. Before coming' lo Coldwell Banker, he worked in landscaping Bryan UmbeH99S.11S7 irrigation for Piedmont Sprinkler in Winston-Salem. Bryan enjoys riieeling new people, spending time with his family, and playing golf. You can reach Bryan at his Davie Office, 998-1157. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9, 1999 - DS Eagle Scout Creates Ropes Course At South Davie Middle School South Davie Middle School un­ veiled a rope course reccnlly. Gugtc Seoul canJidnle Stephen Long planned and created the coursc. Long, a senior at Davie High School, organized the coursc thmugh tlie help ofothers involved in the Davie County Scouting Organizations. Tlie rope course has four disllncl stations that call forniembersortcams to work together and tnist each other. Upon completion ofthe rope coursc, Long and fvllow scouts gave staff at South Davie a lesson on how lo utilize the course. Tlicp;uiicipants\vereKyleWooten, Du.sly Potts, Mike Dinkins. Kim Young, Karen Wenker, Joe Ranwbt)tham.Todd Uunigarner, Brit­ tany Young. Hecky Miller and Robert Landry conipleteil the course and are now able to lead others. South Davie will utilize the rope coursc with their PI: Dcpanincnt and /ations such as HITTA, Student Coun- also witli other teani-huilding organi- oil. and Mentors. Eagle Scout candidate Stephen Long explains the course to school personnel. Long, a senior at Davie High, supervises as teachers and other school personnel try out the course for the first time. D E C IS IO N S . I - $125,750 Lot 52 1600 SQ FT $124,750 L o ts 1680 SQ FT $123,750 Lot 5 1606 SQ FT D E C IS IO N S . Whatever you decide, we will pay up to $1500 of your closing costs. You want more? Ok. How about 100% financing. (Available with your goocJ credit) Open Sundays 2-4 pm [H,ms] I Q (336) 751-3538 ®)14]LW VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW,howaidiealty.com I 330 S. Salisbury St. (Comer Hwys. 601 & 64) Mocksvlllc, NC 27028 Office Hours: Mondny-FridayS-i* Saturday 9-12 •Sunday By Appt. ! 292 Magnotfa Avo. - Suio^ Gcorgi.vi. 2990 sqd. nviin & UTPor . 1409 sq ft lovrfir lev. 40n. 3 5B.1. U1, on. Den. Ig krtch . b last flfca. 2 car oar., ptaytoom. laundry, updated. $249,900. CALL CONNIE. 164 East Mapio Av. - TNshistoric homo has 11 rms w/3500 hcaiod sq (t.. porcho9, hoalcd guosi houso and 1,990 sq h. workshop on 1.5 Ac.55.000 painting ailowanco.5219.000 CALL MIKE. 484 Sollsbury St. - Circa 1B28 homo In Historic District. 4-5 EJdrms. 11 Rms, 2 /ono gas fwat & cer^tral air. Ireshty pmnlod. VKjntJcrtuI It aero lot «v/ largo Irccs & many ptanijngs. $179,000 CALL CONNIE. 1128Yadklnvilto Rd/601 < 3 twdroom. 2 bath homo wim 1392 square loot and partial basctTWHt. too X 400 k>l Toncd Highway Ekjsincss. $164,500 CALL MIKE. 174 Halander Drive-Groat bnch ranch - oxcoiior l In-lown location. Doauiilui cu.1> appeal. 3Sn, 2BA. bOfst. rm. kilch. LR. den. sun mi. w/wct bar. Lots ol burit'ins & onic siorago. $149,900 CALL KEN. 175 Jack Booo Rd> Unkquo 3Dn, 20A brick ranch w^iaxtial bascmoni on 4 2 wooded acres w/stream. Co/y rock fpt.. sunken Iw. rm . some hdwood ItoorB. deck and oulWdg. $138,500. CALL JANE D IR E C T OFFICE LIN E S Julia Howard.......751*8567 Connie Kowatsko..751-8565 Jane Whitlock......751-8560 JackioCoulston....751-8562 Evelyn Haynes.....751-8563 Ken Salas..........751-8564 Ntary>^6wa'fd.” ~.751'-B5B6 M.J. Randall.......751-8568 Mike Hendrix.......751-8569 VickJ Stovall........751-8561 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.howarditalty.com ' -Ui W h> I. Ill) l\iiiiiii);jh>i} Rdi'ul H. Millin': Kil. i inUf lilhh.i Crcd RiJi:!.' C O U D IU G LL b a n k ; ^ □ We will save you money and put you k in, your new home at beautiful l^ iis h u C re e k t^ id y c before the end of 1999 if you call NOW! Marketed by: Nora Kii'kman 998-1173 or (lail Favvlik 998-1165 Q . SO Crowo Street - Nowhomo under constnjction near park, schools and shopping 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. 1363 sq tt. Daylight basement for tutuia eiponsion. $134,900. CALL JANE. 179 Mr. Honrv Rd.-Hunting, horses, privacy 25*/-Ac. Elacks up to ^iunling Cr PLUS ‘OS 3BR. 2BA doublewido. Poss. owner linancing $124,900 or MotM taTM WIO It 9 JW.OOO.CALLVICKL 131 OokRIdgo Une-Thsgroat starter homo has 3 bedrooms, 2 lutt balhs - maintcnanco tieo- ranga'oven. di&hwashcr. window Uinds. Good localioa Call for showing $98,900. CALL KEN. 225 Bear Cr. Church Rd.-Reccntly complelod. new homo wAargo kitch. & tom. area, 3BR, 2BA. single carport & dock on largo rural lot in Wra R. DavM sch. (Ssl IOC/. Financ. lo qual. buyer. $94,900 CALL JANE 1943 Junction Rd. - I400 • sq. It. brtcWvinyl ranch. 3Dfl. 1EBA. spaco lor add. OR & OA. Cent heat & air, outbkigs. Ig. lot. now windows, doors & root. Conv. lo iTidustry. Movo-in cond. $92,000 CAa KEN. 590 Fred Lanlor Rd- 2BR. 1.5BA. single wido with 20x20 odditjoa Over I400sq. ft. ol living spaco. 3.2 acres, numerous outbuildings, 2-car detached garago. $72,900. CALL CONNIE. 4253 Hv^.601 North-A work In progress - Homo buJt In 1942 - 2BR. ISA. now heatpump. beaded brd. insido. Homo situated on 4 acres with numerous outbulklmgs. $69,900. CAU CONNIE. 193 Watt Street- Ready to move Into, updated, 2 bedroom, 1 bath homo, (re&hfy painted, heat purr0 and now rool. $49,900. CALL JANE L O T S S L L A N D Off Chestnut TrilL---------------8J4W-AC. S50.000 Hwy. 601 N-...37.5W-AC. $150,000 Calahitn Rd.. HotpiUl SL tit____________1.32AC $30,000 Villoy Rd....Ac. Tr. 900V-roid front S173.S00 West Church StrMi Milling Road______________3.3 Ac. $33,620 Hwy. lU..........—____14Ac* house, S175,000 Hwy. 601 B ypui_ Hwy. 601N (bypass)_____9.76AC4A $399,965 Mr. Henry Road________10-15 Ac S4.B0Q/AC. Hwy. 601 Bypass... ..57+/-Ac. $205,200 __2.74 Ac. $22,500 Ac. $159,000 „.1*/-Ac. $200,000 in g to n om pany M o c k s v ille • 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 4 0 0 H ills d a le /A d v a n c e • 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 8 9 0 0 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 3 9 - 3 3 8 3 183 CHARLESTON RIDGE • T^jrax^«huagreaI llotf plan. Th« I19! el^^n Uchefl leittfK a w stidw. a i9par.!iy ana w eiJa rwrn iwmuSHise. FP, 2 car i fodng c^a» tonl portfi $129.900. m SMN no • »el bold limr ^ w a»s n I Kr« n 1 ro lecxts £a aA. r<22 ctSutt*!] vTi » i»(in.»icdyirr «>tto(eert $96,500. CalOettM. i r r r ^ 17 UNDERPASS RO • if) ra Mwl ttd nv»8l larcfi oitt ga-n, os P? n km n\ sn OtiniYERBEK) DR-B«iudi Run • Spxmtr^hn Taser$u3cnrelA.l^sicnrahras(mPissfiitf'' iMratiOsaimflmmhiOaii D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTEKI'RISE UECOKD, Doc. 9,1999 S a n t a t t o s J h e U e a M t e s With a gift subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record, you can send the news to a friend, neighbor or relative. Santa will handle the delivery every week, so they can keep up with all the news in Davie County, all the bargains offered by area businesses, all the accomplishments of Davie students and sports teams. S u b s c r i b e N o w ! $20 Inside N.C., $25 Outside. Come by the Enterprise office across from the courthouse in downtown MocksviHe with the information, or mail it to the address below. We have attractive gift; cards you can put under the tree, or send in the mail. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/Ei^ECORD : Collins Completes Basic I Training At Parris Island • Marine Pvt. Kenneth 0. Collins, J grandson o f Vivian Bryant of 315 • Mounlain View Drive, Mocksvillc, : recently completed basic training at ! Marine Corps Rccrull Depot, Parris : Island, S.C. ! Collins successfully completed 12 weeks o f trainlne designed to chal- I tenge new Marine recruits both phy.cl* ! cally and mentally. • Collins and fellow recniits began • (heirtrainlngalSn.m.byrunnlnglhrcc • miles and perfomilng calisthenics. In • addition to the physical conditioning • program,CollinsspcninumcrouslKJurs ; in cla.«Lsrtx)m and field assignments which included learning (Irst aid, uni* ! form regulations,' combat water sur- ;! vival, marksmanship, hand-to-hand ; combiit and assorted weapons (rain- • Ing. They performed close order drill and operaied as a smuU infantry unit during field training. Collins also received Instruction on the Marine Coips* core values • honor, courage and commitment, and what the words mean in guiding personal and professional conduct. Collins ended the training phase with Tlie Crucible, a 54-hour team effort, problem .solving evolution which culminated with an emotional ceremony in which the recruits were presented the Marine Corps Emblem, and were addressed as "Marines” for the llrsl time since bool camp began. Collins joins 41,000 men and women who w ill enter the Marine Corps this year from all over the coun­ try. He is a 1999 graduate o f Davie High School. i A d v a n c e N e w s : By Edith Zimmerman : Advance Correspondent : TlieAdvanccChristmasparadcwill ; be Saturday, Dec. 11, at 10:00 a.m. ; OnSunday.Dcc. I2,thercwlllbea covered dish supper at 5 p.m. at the : fellowship hall, and at 6:30 will be the ! Christmas program "Tlie Grumpy : Shepherd" in the church sanctuary. ; Come and invite your friends to share ; in this special time. : Our community expresses deepest * sympathy to the family of Mrs. Jessie Browder.ShediedearlySundaymom* ing. Mrs. Dev Davis has relumed from Washington state where she has spent the past four weeks with her seriously H ll mother; Wc are happy torcpomhar * her mother Is much improved and do* > Ing well. Tlie Davis family arc camp* * ers at Tlwusand Trails and have been * attending our Methodist church. * Maurice Davis Is u great asset to our choir,havingbeenachoirdlrector.On Sunday he sang a solo. "Sweet LUilc JesUs Ooy." Violinist Bobby Clutts accompanied organist Sue Folmar in the hymns and in the anthem "Carol For Advent." Bobby’s wife, Becky : Clutts, will be training acolytes begin* ' ning in January. She Is hoping for a ! good response. ' A single while rose was placed in * our sanctuary Sunday morning in * memory of more than 375 persons - who have received services from Hos* pIceofDavieCounty.Thanks to Davie Florist and Sister’s II Florist for their assistance with these loving memori* . als. I Manyfromourcommunityattendcd ! the Holiday Festival, "A Chrislmas : Celebration," at Calvary Baptist Church on Sunday anemoon ; Betty Santoli liasretumed from a3- I week trip to Long Island, New York. ) Flying up on Nov. 10, she was met by ; son, John Santoli, where she visited I with him and his wife Lucille. Betty : went especially to ojtend the wedding ; o f her grandson, Thomas Santoli * (John'sson),whomarriedLoriBarrelli I inStralsburg,Penn.,onSaturday,Nov. * 13. Betty's daughter and son*in*law, * CarolandJocFranckofHickoryHill. also went up for the wedding. ArrivlnglnPennsylvaniaearly.and prior to the wedding, Betty and daugh­ ter. Connie Sanderson o f Vermont, along with Carol and Joe Franck, en* joyed a tour of The Pocono Mountains where the Francks had spent their hon­ eymoon several years ago. All of netty’s childrcn attended the wedding which included Carol and Joe Franck and family from North Carolina, Ircne and Pal Dunn and fam* ily from Pinebush, N.Y., Connie Sanderson from Vemioni, Georgene and Dennis DixonofCalifomiii, John ad Lucille Santoli and family o f Hauppauge, N.Y.. Barbara Jean and David Kayen and family o f Mlneola, N.Y., Rose DeRancy o f Potl Wash- -ingion,*N:Y.7Peterand Donna'Sanioll and family also o f Port Washinglon, N.Y.StayinginPennsylvaniaforthrce days the Santoli weddinggroupstnycd at the Hotel Sheraton. During the wedding o f Thomas Santoli and Lori Barrelll.lhelwogrand- mothers, Belty Santoli and Francos Rufo, participated In the ceremony. They brought gifis to the Priest. Going back to New York, Belty visited wiih her childrcn John and Lucillc Santoli In Hauppuugc. She spent time w ilh daughter Rose DeRancy and family In Port Washing­ ton, and visited son Peter and Donna Santoli, also of Port Washinglon; and with daughter Barbara Jean and David Kayen and family in Mlneola. On Saturday night, Nov. 27, John's ihree sons, Michael, Tltomas and Steven Santoli, surprised iheir parents John and Lucille Santoli on iheir 30th wedding anniversary wilh a dinner al a restaurant on the Jericho Turnpike on the island. Betty returned home Wednesday, Dcc. 1, in exuberant spir­ its from a wonderful trip and u beauti­ ful wedding. BrentandCarolynSlioafand daugh­ ter, Katie, spent Thanksgiving Holi­ days in Falrporl, N.Y., visiting Carolyn's brother, Richard Hahn and niece, Emily Hahn. David Hahn of Charlotiejoincdtheotherfamilymem- bers for the holidays. Afterwards the group went toCooperstown, N.Y., and tourcd the Baseball Hall of Fame. Nicole Rodriguez was killed by a drunk driver while walking next door to play w ith her friend. What should you do to stop a friond from driving drunk? Whatever you have to. Friends don't let friends drive drunk. Ous Q*p«tn^ 01 ntntpeiUUM PUBLIC NOTICES LIAVll!, CU U N 1 Y liN 1 EKI'KISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 - D7 eLA S S IFIE aiS NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Co-Admlnls- trators OTA cl tho Estate of Katie Gough ReaviA, lalo of Oavio County, this Is to notify oil persons having claims against said estate to presont Itiom to tho undor- signed on or before the 9th day of March, 2000, being three months from tho first day of publication or this notice wlii be pleaded In bar of their rocovery. /Ui persons In* dobtod to said ostato will please mal<e immediate paymoni to the undersigned. This 6th day of Docombor, 1999. Bridgetl Ingle, Co-Administrator 629 Fam\lngton Road Mocitsvllie.NC 27028 Leslie Reavls, Co-Administrator 222 Rocky Dale Lone Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ten Coul Square Mocltsvilie.NC 27028 12-9-4ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING OUALIFIEOas Administrator of tho Estate of BARBARA FROST, late of Davie County, this Is to notify ell persons having claims against said estate lo present them 10 the undersigned on or before Ihe 9th dayof March,2000, belngthreemonths from tho (irsi day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please maite immediate paymoni lo tho undersigned. This 6th day of December. 1999. ROBERT LOUIS FROST 715 WILL BOONE ROAD Mocksville. NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ten Court Square Mock&vitle, NC 27028 12-9-4tn NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu­ ant to the requirements of Article 20-B of Chapter 153-A of the General Statutes of North Carolina and Paragraph 155.250 of the Davie County Code of Ordinances, that the Board ol County Commissioners of Davie County will hold a Public Hearing in Uio Commissioners Room ol the Davie County Adn\inistiation Bulltling, Mocks­ ville, NC on Monday. December 20, 1999. at 5:15 p.m. Henry R. Johnson has applied to re­ zone approximately 0.61 acres of land from Residential (R*20) lo Highway Busi­ ness (H-B). This propeiiy is tocated off the west side of NC Hwy 801 South approxi­ mately 300 feet nonh ol Feed Mill Road and is further described as being a podion of Parcel A-9 of Davie County Tax Map G* e-5. All parties ar>d interesled citizens are invited loattend said hearing at which time they shall have an opportunity to be heard infavorof.orlnoppo^Uonto.thaforogolng changes. Prior to tho hearing, all persons interested may obtain any odditional Infor­ mation on a proposal or ask questions by visltinq the Planning Dopartmonl on week­ days between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751 -3340. John Gallimore Planning and Zoning 12-9-2tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix ol the Estate of Edna Q. Smith, late of Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons having daimsagainsl said estate to present them to the undersigned onorbeforothe9th day of March. 2000. being three (3) months from the first day of pubik:ation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recov­ ery. Ail persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 9th day ol December, 1999. Natalie S. Cash. Executrix P.O. Box 394 Mockavillo, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square ’ Mocksville, NC 27028 12-9-4tn Norih Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Fitzhugh Lavon Miller, fate of Davie County, this Is to notify ait persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day ol March, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol \t>elr recove7> All persons Indebted to said es­ tate v/ill please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This is the 9th day of December. 1999. Sylvia M. Luffman, Executor 154 Meadowvlew Road Mocksville. North Carolina 27028 12-9-4tn Gordy’s Stump Removal • Free Estimates • 772 Wlllboonc Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 940-5094 Mobile; (33C) 749-6750 Tbm Gordy, Owner NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix ol tho Estate of BILLIE LEMICKS RUSSELL, deceased, late ol Davie County, Norih Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before tho 18th day of February 2000, being Ihreo months from the first day of publication or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. Ail persons Indebted tosaid estate wiii please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This is tho 18th day of November, 1899. Sybil 0. Russell, Executrix P.O. Box 373 Cooieemeo, NC 27014 lM8-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ha\dng qualified as Executor of the Estate ol NAN P. KELLER, deceased, lato of Davie County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against sakl estate lo present them to the under­ signed on or before tho 25th day ol Febru­ ary, 2000. being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All per­ sons indebled to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This is tho 25th day ol November. 1999. DaviQ F. Keller, Executor 1090 Beauchamp Road Advance. NC 27006 11-25-4 tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executor of the Estate of Vestal George Prim Sr.. late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons having daims against sakJ estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of February 2000. being three months from Ihe first day ol publication or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their rtA»veiy. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate paymoni to the undersigned. This 12th day of November, 1999. Vestal George Prim Jr.. Executor 304SoulhwoodO';vo Mocksville, NC2702^ Martin & Van Hoy Attomeys, LLP Ton Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 11-18-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of tho Estate of LAURA ELIZABETH WALSER HEAD, deceased. late of Davie County. North Carolina, this Is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of Febmary, 2000. being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. • This Is the 25th day of November, 1999. Leon Pennlnger. Executor Post Office Box 553 Cooleemee. NC 27014 U*25-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix of tho Estate of Ann J. Smith, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having daims against sakl estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 18th day ol February.2000. being threomonths from tho first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 12th day ol November. 1999. Jo Ann Beeson, Executrix 114 Maple Leaf Trail Vflnston-Salem.NC 27107 Martin & Van Hoy Attomeys, LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 1M8-4tn n o rth CAROLINA DAVIE C' UNTY N0T1CET0 CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor and Ex- ocutrixof the Estate ol WILLIE S. IJAMES, deceased, fate of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having daims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or betote 1Bth day of Febmary, 2000, being Ihree months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted tc said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Is the 18th day of November. 1999. Richard L. Ijames, Executor 583 Eaton Church Rd. Mocksvillo.NC 27028 Patrida Ijames Bmy, Executrix 204 Northwood Drive Morganton, NC 26655 1M8-4tn PUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE TO; Uptown Cafe, LLC/LLP John 0a7 Williams Joyce G. Williams PLEASE take notice that tho undor- signed, Branch Banking and Trust Com­ pany. pursuant to a Security Agreement and Promissory Note dated January 12, 1999. executed by Uptown Cafe, a North Carolina. LLC or LLP. and Its general part- nere/managers, John Gaty Williams and Joyco G. Williams on said date above, the undersigned will olfer for sale to tho high­ est bidder at a public sale the following items: 1. Anets 2 basket deep fat fryer; 2. Craig 7 ft. cold bar food preparation table; 3.4 fi. stainless steel food preparation table; 4.30 inch stainless steel food prepara­ tion table; 5. Royal 125 NT cash register; 6.8 It. table; 7.12 motat chalrs-cushfon seats and backs; 8. Miscellaneous pots and pans. The sale shall bo conducted at the following place, date and time: Place of sale: Mocksville Mini Stor­ age, 817 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC. Date of sale: Friday, December 10, 1999 Time of sale: 12:00 noon. This tho 29th day ol November, 1999. Branch Banking and Tnjst Company by: Greg E. Williams, V.P. 119 Gaither Street Mocksvillo.NC 27028 336-751-5951 12-2-2tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE ADMINISTRATpR’S.NOTICE_____ Having qualified as administrator of the Estato of June Marion Hk;ks. late ol Davie County, State of North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of deceased to ptesem themtotheundersignedonorbeforeMarch 5,2000, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate please make Immediate pay­ ment lo tho undersigned. This the 2nd day ol December, 1999. Lynne Hicks, Administrator 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 336-751-3312 12-2-4 tn North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of William D. Dunn, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all person^ having daimsagainst said estate to present them lo the ur)dorslgned on or before the 9th day of March. 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recov­ ery. All persons indebted lo sakf estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This is tho 9th day ol December. 1999. Jerry Wayne Jenkins 1364 Ralph Bowles Road King, North Carolina 27021 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Uw Ten Court Square Mocksvllle. NC 27028 12-9-4tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICETO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estateol FRANCIS BOWDEN SEATS, deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina, this Is lo notify all persons having daimsagainst said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of March, 2000, being three months from the first day of publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This Is the 9th day of December. 1999. Sue M. Boggs, Administratrix 516Dulin Road Mocksville, NC 27028 12-9-4tn Yard Sales Garago Solo: Friday & Saturday 301 Milling Rd., 0am until Lots of coiloclablos, pots, pans, dishos, Christmas iloms, furnituro, oxoc. dosk, crystal, old hammors, books, pogs for pog board. Don’t miss this ono. Animals 1 VERY CUTE fuzzy-furball FREE to good homo. 8 wook old malo kitton with black & gray tabby stripQS. 940-5866 aflor 6pm. 21 HEAD BLACK ANGUS beef hord forsalo. 492-7218 AKC CHOW PUPPIES, 5 cinnamon fomalos, roady 12/9/99, 336-998-6078.____________________ 8EEFMASTER BULL, vory gontio, throws lightweight, fast-c calves, inbreedinn. GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT. Black i,3ibn uwkk, vuiy yuimu, lightweight, fast-growing Soiling to onminato a. 998-2515 & white Cocker Spanlol puppies. Will bo ready (or good homo Pocembere. 998-2917___________ HORSE BOARDING AVAILABLE. Wes) Rowan area. (704) 278- 0446_____________________________ PUPPIES FOR SALE: 3-month- old Sharpai mix. First shots givon. $20 ea. 492-5933 Apartments LARGE 1 BEDROOM apartmoni, good location, water, sowor & trash pickup furnished. $375/mo. 704- 437-0399_________________________ MOCK PLACE: A senior citizen complex, now taking applications (or 1BR units In Mocksville. Rent based on Income, for in(o. call 751- 2005 or write: Mock Place, P.O. Box 1056, Mocksville, NC 27028. Equal Housing Opportunity. TDD 1-800-735-2962.__________________ MOCKSVILLE SUNSET •:TERflACE:--Air- brick— energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. ' Kitchen appliances furnished Including dishwasher. 1.5 baths. washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heal and air. Prewired for cabfs TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchon& bath doors. Located in Mocksville behind tho old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. NUMEROUS AMENITIES. A friendly Community, and an Excellent location are |ust a (ovt/ reasons why you should make your new home al Northwood Apartments. Now leasing furnished Studios. 1 Br. and 2 Br. Apartments. Let us provide you with small town living at its best. 800 Northridge Court, Mocksville. 336-751-4141 ___________ ROOM FOR RENT In my home. Responsible person, for moro Info, call 751-2770, leave mossaqo. Appliances FOR SALE: range, han/est gold. $50.00 751-2120 or 751-0105, ask for Karen. Art/Artist JANET DEAN’S ART GALLERY On third floor of SERENDIPITY SHOPS, downtown Mocksville. Prints by Janet. Maria Rutter, Ann Frick, and Ralph Grady James. Enter (or FREE “Davie County” print. Yard Sales MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET 25,000 sq. ft. inside 653 WilkesboroSt. Sat. & Sun. 9-5 Vendor spaces call 751-2181. Carolyn's Collectibles New items each week. Barbies, Beannie Babies ( sale • 5.00 & up till Christmas) Wo now carry Hot Wheels, antique furniture, glassware, little bit o( everything. Lay-away available. Check us out (or your Chrislmas needs. Now buying Estates. Mon*Sat 9'.30am-6;0i (338) 751*( O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Auctions For Professional Auction Services call: ROWAN AUCTION CO. Salisbury, N. C. (704) 633-0809 Kip Jennings NCALff6340 Cliild Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Caro has immediate openings - ALL AGES • (or 1st & 2nd shlHs (3rd shift possibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am • 1:45am. Full Time. Part Time, Drop In • upon availability. Come see us al 571 S Main St.. Mocksville (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Claudette or Debra. 751-PlAY(7529)__________ HAPPY DAYS CHILD Caro Center Is now enrolling little ones In our preschool program, ages 3 • 5 years. Please contact Angle Caudle. 492-CARE GALVALUMEso YGAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Covemge / Many Colors S Pole Buildings • ' Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STA1E METALS D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 6 L A S S IF IE D S INEXPENSIVE PROETTABLB Child Care REGISTERED NURSE HASopenings for infants 6 wooks • 6 months, in Cooloomoo oroo. 1 mile from Jockov. Call 284-2840. NEW FARM EQUIPMENT Low Pricos Plows, Disc Harrows, Scoop Pans, ^roadors, Bushogs, Box Blados, Scrapo Blados, Gatos. Corrals & moro. Wo dolivor Wriqht Farm Galos 998-B637 Furniture DINNING ROOM SET WITH 6chairs and china cablnol. $500.00 Call 940-2486 or 492-57B8. KING-SIZED WATERBED, liko now. Call lor Information. $200 998-3053 3BR, 1BA. W/D connoctlon. Cooloomoo. 749-0992 or 998-2491 4BR, 2BA, LARGE living room, largo Kitchon, dininq room & don. Socludod location. Roady to movo in. 998-4020___________________ NICE 2BR, 1BA. good location on 601 N. Central hoat & air. $500/ mo. No HUD. 704-546-2188 aftor 5om. Homes For Sale 3BR, 1BA HOUSE w/workshop on 1 aero of land. $91,000, by ownor.-----------------------------284*4137 2963 US f 5 ACRES with. 1996 4BR, 2BA DWMH. $89,900 for secluded yet perfectly located property less than 15 minutes to Mocksville/ Salisbury. Davie Co. schools. Use $20,000 fIncluded in price) for repairs/ improvemenlsl Call Vicki at Howard Realty for Info, on financing opportunity. 751*353i 492-2943.or CREEKWOOD- 3BR, 2.5Ba homo with 2134 sq. ft. basement, garage I fenced back yard, $127,600and I__________Leonard Realty 751*3650 16) 751-3875. INVESTOR OR FIRST TIME HpME BUYER, 2 bedrooms. 1 b|lh, huge kitchen, new carpet & htatpump, large lot, garden space. outbuilding & dog lot. 940-2199 RANCH 3BR, 2BA, double car garage, gas log fireplace, ono acre lot, great neighborhood, $125,000.00. 75M783 I LARRY’S I WOOD FLOOR f SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Rnlshing m FREE ESTIMATES ^ Owner: Larry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drive 336-751-1721 MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL GET ntADVrOR WINTER Bobcat, aeralot core plugger & more lor rem todayl Mucksville 13361 751-2304 R.M.F. CONSTRUaiON COvlNC. Residential • Commerclai New Homes & Remodeling MICHAEL FAAK Qeniral Contractor N.C. Uconso 19676 840 Howell Road, Mocksville. NC 336-998-3514 i WISECAIiUERMINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire tibout free rental. 297SHwy.64ElnFork '' GaM (odayl (936) 998-8810 SEARCHING FOR PRIVACY? 25 socludod acros with 1,900* along Hunting Crook. Includos 1985 DWMH, 3BR, 2BA. $124,900. Call Vicki at Howard Roally for details 751-3538 or 492-2943. Soilor financing possible. Ownor/aaent. B B 54,996/ ACRE! 2S.socludod and unrestricted acros can be yours • call Vicki at Howard Realty for info. 751-3538 or 492-2943. Property includos 3BR, 2BA DWI l^ay be subdivided. Possible seller financing. Owner/agent._________ FOR SALE: 5 plus acres, Tour Comors area. Northern Davie County. 900 ft. road frontage. $6,000/acre. 998-3933. g gggggggi DIAMOND RINGIt 1/2 carat solilairo with 1/4 carat wrap, $1,000.00 OBO.FOR SALE:Baby walker • designed liko a cor, 2'baby bouncy seats, baby car scat, all Items like new. 336-492-7360___________________ OIRECTV(TM)/SATELLITE $99 Includes basic Installation. Coll us today. 1-600-869-6869__________ FOR SALE: 24 In. gad logs • new, $150.00. 336-751-2671__________ FREE PUPPIES to good homo • 4 males, 2 females. Available now. Leonard TSC600 fiboraiass tonneau cover for '95 S10 or newer, $400 or best offer. Call 492-2215 and leave message. Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile hiomes/Sale I ALL-IN-1 1 Land, homo, woll, soptic, brick, otc. One loan. One low payment.Home Zone Tho Land Home Experts ________1-800-866-8874________ $499 DN ON select bank repo's • soma set-up on nice lots • 2.3 or 4 Br. (336)751-0115._____________ $500 DOWN AND MOVE IN. ONLY AT HOME ZONE 1-800-666-8874________ LOS HOMES: 7 new singlewlde ' homes, set up and ready to movo In. 6 mos free lot rent with purchase of ony home. Call 998- 7625. Lost & Found FOUND; 10-woek-oId brown colorod puppy. Mocksvillo. 751- 1411 Lots For Rent PRIVATE LOT for rent, for DW only. Junction Rd., Mocksville. Limit 4 people. (336) 492-2477 K & Q SALVAGE: 4'x12'x1/2' Sheetrock, 9.95/ oa.; 5/4" treated docking bds., 8\ $3.99/ea.: 10\ $4.99/ea.; 12' $5.69/ea. New roofing shingles. $16.95/sq. 3* wide blue or green metal roofing. $1.29/; n.ft.; Porgo limainato flooring, $2.25/lin. ft.Vinyl windows. 22'x30’, $39.95/ea.; 4x8 shoots, burch plywood, 3/4", $34.95/oa., 1/2;, $21/ea. 6 panel Exterior Steel Door Units, $64.00/ea., 32" Pro-hung Interior doors, $34.95/oa.; ■Bathroom sinks w/iaucet, $14.95/oa.;Range hoods, $14.95/ea.;1/4” interior paneling, $5.95/oa.: 4'x8' Cedar Closet liner, $9.95/ea.: BIdg. stone $140 per pallet/140 sq. ft.; 4'x6'xM/2" In. thick Insulation bd. $7.95/ea.; Roofing folt, $6.95/roll. Wo stocK stainless steel in sheets & pipe. Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36’ a. We stock pumps & accessories for wotls. Formtoa. $.&0/Bq. ft.; Steel I- beams for sale. Six panel exterior steel door units, $84/ea. K & G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 336-699-2124. LOCAL PECANS & black walnuts, unshellod, $2.50 pecans, walnuts neqoliablo. 940-2044 NIXXO TUTTI PAGER-$50 Motorola Pocket Coll Phone • $75 '95 Nissan 200SX headlight & tailighi covers • $50 Largo dog lot & house • $150 DosT< • $50 (336) 284-6358_________________ WILL BUY JUNK CARS. 284- 4194 ond 284-2859 Mobile Homes/Rent. mENTTOOWNJ Why rent when you can own? Home Zone 1-600-866-8874 ALL ELECTRIC NEW mobile homo in country. $370/mo. deposit/$150. 998-8235______________________ FOR RENT: 1991 14x80 3Bedroom 2 Bath. Ready to move In. $325 per month, $300 security deposit. (336)751-0179_________ HOME FOR RENT 3 Bdrm/ 2Bth, vcjy-nfco /-295.00 per-month,-call (336) 767-0140_________________ READY TO MOVE IN: 2BR brick apartment. Fully fumishod,apartment efectricity fumishod. 75M218 or (704) 872-3367. DOUBLEWIDE, NEW 3 Bedroom, 2Bath .939 acre, deck, hoat pump ., Willboone Rd. 998-5616 •“ CREDIT HOT LINE*** Qualify over tho phone, no hassles. 1-800-^3-5582._______________ •Bank Repos* Mortgage Co. has several homes set-up, pay small fee & movo In. (336) 751-9140_________________ *XMAS SPECIAL Beautiful mansion double 1200 sq. ft. 3Br, 2Bth, del, sot. skirt, steps, elect, air. $500 down, $350 pmts. Call 800- 278-3146______________________ 14 X 80 3 Bdmi, 2 Bth mobile home sol up ready to move in to. Small down pymts of $245.00 per month. Call Tommy Q (336) 368-4694. 14X70 2 BDRM sot up In park In Winston-Salom. Call (336) 767- 7782.__________________________ 1982 CONNOR MOBILE Homo 26r, good condition, must movo Immediately. 998-3234__________ 1965 OAKWOOD / set up In park. . Perfect (or 1 person or couplo. .C all. (336) 767-0140_________________ 1991 OAKWOOD 2 bod /2 bath In great condition located near Goonville. Call Brian Jordan 751- 7340.__________________________ 1994 REDMAN 14X70 mobile homo 2BR, 2BA, stove and refrigerator, heat pump and AC included. $15,000.00 Must bo moved. 492-2970_______________ 1996 FLEETWOOD MOBILE home, 14’x70', 3BR, AC on large rented lot with shade trees. No agpliancos. $9,950.00 (704) 276- 1997 LIBERTY MOBILE homo locatod otf Rodland Rd. Ptoasocall' 998-6632______________________ 1099 3/2 -14.80Owner financod $225.00 month. Call 528-5198.__________________ 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath 14x70 single wide, $500 down, take over payments. Must sell nowl Call (336) 751-0190_________________ 3BR & 2Bth oiready set-up, take up pmts of $240. (336)751-7439 94 FLEETWOOD SANDPOINT complete remodeled 14x60 3Br, 2Bth, only $19,995. 800-278-3146 97 IMPERIAL 14X72 2Br, 2Bth, vinyl, shingle, now appliances. Home Is loaded. Sell for $22,900, book, $32K. 800-276-3146 97 REDMAN 14X60 3>2 vinyl, shlng. fplc., gas, fum, wash, dryer, range, frldge. d^wash. Book, 36K, soil (or 3146 !5,995. Del. 800-278- 98 BRIGADIER 14X70 now carpet, appliances, homo is belter than new. Book, $29,585. Sell, 24,585, save $5000 dollars. 800-276-3146 98 REDMAN 14X70 3Br, 2Bth. heat pump. Book $25,800, soil, $19.995. 600-278-3146__________ 98 REDMAN. 14X80 3Br, 2Blh,vinyl sdg, shingle roof, fire pic. c/alr, $500 down pmt. $269 mnth, call today 679-3519 or 800-278- 3146__________________________ ABANDONED HOME IN Advance • assume pmts or $268. (336) 751- 7734__________________________ ABANDONED HOME IN Cooleemee. $499 dn & assume pmts of $249. (336)751-7439 ' assu m e'payments$500 down. Call 526-5198. BAD CREDIT? Try our buy-for §14?)^''^ * CREDIT HOTLINE 1-800-866-8874 Froe Approval by phono in minutes. __________Homo Zone__________ DOUBLEWIDE LOCATED ON 1acre beautiful country sotting. Take over pymts, small down pymt. Call (336) 767-9977 ■______________ DOUBLEWIDE SETUP ready to movo Into. Must soo today. Call 528-5198. '• DW ON ACRE lot - ownor financing (336)751-0115. •; FLEETWOOD STERLINGDOUBLE 180&«> sq. ft. fplc, oak : cobs, diywall, upgrade T-out. • Book, $56,845, soli $39,995. Del. sot, your lot SAVEI 600-278-3146 FOR SALE BY ownor. Owner financing available. DW set up on lot. $5(}0 down ond movo in. Call 704-630-9094.__________________ FOR SALE OR ronl, 16 acres, mobile homo, bam, pasture, private, westem Davie County, $550/mo. or $116.000. 940-5723 HOME LEFT IN layaway, buyer gels credit for previous buyers down pymt/Fleetwood Superstoro. n Call (336) 767-7782._____________' LAND/HOME PACKAGES Ready to movo into. Call 528- , 5196.__________________________.• LIKE NEW REPO ovailablo. Don't miss out on an excellent deal. Loader Homo Sales 336-751-0503 - Now Singlewlde / $59 per week / low down payment. Call (336) 767- *: 7782__________________________ O DN TO Landowners ■ wo do wells, spolics. driveway (336) 751- 7734__________________________y READY TO BE movod Intol 1640 > sq. ft. modular home. 3Br/ 3 Bath. Payment under $600. 1-336-751- 7340__________________________s REPO'S ON LOT • Guaranteed financing regardless of credit. ' (336) 751-7439_________________.. SAVE THOUSANDS, 97 Horton 14x70, 3Br, 2Bth, vinyl shlnolo, like now. Bookvaluo, $26,983 Sell, $19.995. Call now. 800-278-3146 -SINGLEWIDE SETUP IN PARK - — 3/2 • TV, VCR. Alarm System from ■ $350.00/month. Call 528-9566. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 9,1999 - D9 e L A S S IE lE D S INEXPENSIVE PROFITABLE SLOW OR NO credit? Guaranteed 1 , “nan^ng^ with $1900 dn. (336) ; We hove OVER 30 lot spaces available (or single and doublewlde homos convenient to W-S, High Point, Thomasville, Lexington, Greensboro & Komersville. Pick your now home & lot.Fleetwood Superstono / Quail Run ^ Homes (336) 767-7762 YEAR END CLOSE OUT SALEAll S/W discounted 10%. 6 loft. . Call 528-9566. Dave's Muslo Christmas Special Now thru Jan. 1st • Everything on SALEI Guitars, Banjos, Bass, Dobros, Band Instmments, Fiddles, Mandolins, Drums & Keyboards. All Accessories. Layaways.79 Court Square, Mocksville ___________7SM934___________ PIANO FOR SALE. Excellent condition. Zero down, assume low garments. See locally. 1-800-437- PIANO TUNING& Rebuilding Setr-pi^ors, Sales & Service Wallace Barford- 998-2789 Real Estate Wanted I BUY HOUSES, any condilion, ony location, any price range - oven II you're behind on payments. For a quick sale, call 940-2199._________ I WANT TO buy 3/4 acre to 10 acres. 336-264-2653 Slowly leave Service DIREC-TV-$149.00 Installed ________1-800-984-0772 Kip's Reflnlshing & Chair Caning Reasonable Rates Salisbury, NC _________704-633-0809_________ LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link-Owner Free Eslimates ________ 998-1798___________ OSBORNE ELECTRIC forallyourelectrical needs.Free Estimates. 751-3398. UNWANTED HAIR? 336-726-7790 www.byebyehalr.com WILL DO IRONING in my home. Call 284-2583 fordetaiis & pricing. WILL DO: Roofing, Siding, Plumbing, Trim wori<, Dry wall, Shear wall. Docks. Yard work. Pressure washing, Single wide tear downs. Froe Eslimatos-Call 492- 7409. Employment BallayjLtlgwarilJgun Doc 11lh Billmoro Houso & Shopping: $60 Docieih McAdonvllla Lights: $15 Call 998-4338 (or Rosorvallons. Veiiicles 1996 DODGE NEON sporty looking, roar spoilor, only 59,473 milos. Sale price: $5795.00. Call 336-284-4051 or 336-264-6318. HONDA XR100. EXCELLENT condilion, $1,550.00 or bost offer. 998-5477______________________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick - Dodge 700W.lnnos SL, Salisbury _________704-636-1341_________ *99 NISSAN SENTRA GXE ' Powor Steering & Brakes -12,000 milos. automatic. 100,00 milo warranty. (336) 284-6358 HELP WANTED Need Tax ComputerPreparers Jan - Apr. knowiodae helpful. Will train. Base salary plus commission. Spanish helpful, not necessary. Clemmons & Mocksvillo area. (336) 776-0149 or 725-1041_____________________ LEAD MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANEnergyUnlted Is seeking a Lead Maintenance Technician to work primarily at the Headquarters office located in Statesville. Must be a Journeyman Lineman with experience on energized substation equipment and lines. Associates RV/Motor Home 1988 CHEVY 27' Allegro RV. Sleeps 8. 751-5604 $SPECIAL$ Muffler & tail pipe installed $69.95Cataiitic convertor inslallod $99.95 Reavis Welding601 N at Cortney Crossing, Yadkinville 336-463-2517___________________ B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY -Your Complete Home Improvement Company:To Meet Your Budoetlm iBobcat Wo)We Do Small Repairs: Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO Box 424 Mocksville, NC 27028 statewide #1 CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP and Timosharo Resale Cloaringhousol Don't want yours? •We'll take iti Buyl Selil Rontl Resort Solos Int’l 1-800-423-5967. $2500.00 OFF. Golf Course lots for limited time. Buy direct from developer. Ocean Side Really, Calabash, NC (600)443-4819. A BILL FREE LIFEI Consolidate ond reduce your debt payments immediately and confldentlaliy. Achieve debt free prosperity for 'Our family. ACCC, nonprofiL Coll ------------5-5573)._________FREE (245-5__________ ACHIEVE FINANCIAL FREEDOM. One of America's fastest growing, top "rated,' low' cost franchises. Heaven’s Best carnet cleaning. Unique Dry In One-Hour Process. Free Vldeq. 1-600-566-3605. ITS FREE, DELIVERY Included. Cell now, 1-800-987-9924. 2 For 1 Sale. Buy living room, receive free bedroom. Buy bedroom, receive RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road .M(xluv[lle,NC (336) 284-2826 New & Old Roofs • Free Estimates Perkins Roofing 336-998-1150 ■Binco; ; T U E S D A Y : ; 7 :0 0 P M \ , Yadkin Moose Lodge , " Clip This Ad For Free Pack J J Bring A Friend For Tno J FOR SALE: Cars - Trucks UtilHy Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog U»t8 336-751-3442Mocksville, NC /Prc AUCTION ,Antiques and Collectibles ) Properly of Mr. Roborl York (Deceased) ® Friday, December 10,1999 • 6 P.M. American Legion Post 55 111 Miller Street, Winston-Salem, N.C. DIRECTIONS: From Yaitkinville and Sl.j!esvllle take MO Duslni*ss 1o Siraiford Rd. exit, left io first lijjhl. Ridit on Miller Si. S.ile on left. From: Grevnstx>ro take l-IO Business to Stratford Rd. exit. RJjjht lo first light onMiller Si. on left.Sale Conducted by Mr. Donald Lawrence ------ d4P.fHems May Dc Viewed 4 P.M. to Sale Time Day of Sale Pvt^Ljstngotilemi UR«9n.B«iniGeRMny(Puc9|. UVrTANTOUECHRlSTIMS DECORATIONS. OlfillAWtWlFlEOTRlCYC^ BOJU)tWAU(CAHT(«lcto),SlOMtrocb(minaStOMbMip«l,StoN ink loot nnnir. Oldt99bitl«t. rUfUm^RE: ChiUCiteH(3aM0-t),OtiOaFH)eyChiir,Hc^CrM(Vl40't)(U4hC9m)yOUr>sr«t^ (FCn^ kUSC: SIM PMauni oU M»Mn bim. oU Chnm cul htaitr, cil iMimi. 0U> LUfTOKS WITH RED GLOBES, oU (liitnoffl Igtl prim«»i txii. oU hooU. oU taitt iU>PU PRESS. oU hOM rM M drnrig kmet. hin] cil aooden Jngcitnid noUL oU poll oOici (01 bM. CU Minj loUtig boiet oU bfttyoa Inpod (Mod). SHEARED SEAVER TOftUT, cut m rid cnckA ctti twUiti, oU iridw VI. M Dm uiWji. CIO LOCKS, hit old rvn t6H.ttxamtn.10K (PERSON).(UorhnMvWWISHEUAin.eaulLaOuHnCv((tSM(ptr.OU(fins. 0titoMtnMNU.0ldtxin0tfdaff«.0UC0lMgmler.0URC0rO|>),4S,7l}.LrE MAQAZINESfVERrOlj}),■ SATURDAY EVENMO POSTS (N't UP), LfTTLE RED CHlOfiEN'SWAGOK.UANY WORE ITEUS TM NUyEflOUS TO USTl NO GUARAmEES EVRESSE0 OR tyPUED! AUCT10MEER NOT RESPOKSeiE FOR ACCCEKtS OR IMJURYt REFRESHIIEKTSAVAILABLEI ALL SALES CASH OR APPROVED CHECKSI ASSISTED BY GEORGE RAY-AUaiONEER243 Finnaietufl Raid • MatttiQu. NC ^CA.L«192 p}6j^3in NO BUYERS PREMIUMI DAVID MCCLAMROCK Ohw P*tk StniH • Winvlon-SJrtn. NC 271© N.CA.UI6792 (336)7664415 A B S O L U T E e s t a t e A U C T I O N SATURDAY, DECEMBER II - 10 AM MOCKSVILLE, N.C. Tb settle ihc estate of ilie lale Bob Powtll which includes the remaining assets of the L.R. Powell Lumber Company, of which he was a partner. Sale Site: Mtwksvllle, N.C., from 1-40 exit #168, lake U.S. Hwy. 64 West I itii., turn left on “Powell Rd.”, sale Is 1/2 ml. on left. Al old L.R. Powell LutJiber Yard. STEAM ENGINES • STEAM TItVCTORS • HIT & MISS ENGINES MACK, FORD AND DIAMOND “T" TRUCKS OLIVER& JDTRACTORS-JDCRAWLER THRESHING MACHINES - REAPERS - FARM EQUIPMENT GAMEWF.LLFIREALARMCGNTROLSYSTEM, Early I900*s GRISTMILLS • LIQUORSTILL-SHEEPSHEARER JACKSON, MEADOWS, FRICK & MOFHT SAWMILLS; MOLINE 4 CAT POWER UNITS WOODWORKING: MOULDER; GANG RIP; EDGER; GANG MILL; TRIM SAW; CUTOFF SAW; SURFACERS; RESAW; BAND SAW; WOOD LATHE; PLUSMOREI TRAILERS: FRUEIIAUF HAT; LOWBOY; 2 OPEN TOP; VAN; 16’ UTILITY DATSUN, IIYSTER & CLARK FORKLH-TS; FORD TRACTOR LOADERS PLUS SHOP EQUIPMENT* MUCH MORE Terms: Cash or certified funds. Checks must have hank letter of guaraniecd payment. A 5% Buyere’ Premium applies. IRON HORSE AUCTION COMPANY, INC.® 174 AIRPORT ROAD**PO BOX 1267 ROCKINGHAM, NC 28360**NCAL3936 (910)997-2248 or (800)997-2248 E*MAIL: horsc@inroavc.nct**WED: ironhorsc.iuction.com Earth Sharewwv.ritth>bir(.or| U l m a r v k a v T 7 C reateyour ^ look. ^ By-inijjiing your coloring and the clothing colon you «tai; we cin work together vo crt&ie a look that i uniquely youra and ii easy to rt'create at Iwme. Juit call me for your free makeover. Kegiu Iielud . ; lMniiiii»(rBuurr CoMU.iiWr (336)492-5249 MARTIN SAW SHOP751-5038 Steel Savvs'I'carbld'e Saws _ J ^ a r£ T o o lS j^ c ls s o rs _ _ GENE TREXLER ROOFING Now & Old Rools 24Yoar8Exp8rIenco Fres Estlmaios336-2B4-4571 Fowlers Auto Removal Will Buy Junk Cars for Cash 336-751-5082 Also, Will Cut Trees 4 Paint ULTRA PURE DRINKiNG WATER . Le Bleu Water Corporation has an Immediate opening for an Accounting Manager/Controller. CPA preferred. 4 yr degree required. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: GL, financial statements and projections, bank reconcilliations and special projects. Knowledge of excel required. Peachtree a plus. Accuracy, organization, and good communication skills needed. Send resumes and salary history to: V Le Bieu Corporation ■ . PO Box 2093, • Advance, NC 27006 ' CRAFTMASTER CONSTRUCTION Sunrooms, Porches, Garages, Decks. Room Additions, Old Homo Restorations, Commerclai Upfits, Horse Bams. Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades, Ail t^es of Sheetrock & Plaster & Flooring Repairs. Free Eslimates uiadly Given 284* 2566. Statewide call 1-888-291- 5620 then 4617. free living room. Buy big screen, leive free stereo. Buy major pllance, receive froe TV. BuyI $0 down and no payments unW 2001. Interest 1.7% each month of unpaid balance. OWNER FINANCING. Mountain Land near Boone & NC Blue Ridge Parkway. Up to 10 acres. Great for cottage, cabin, pemtanent homo. ' Call Owner 1-336-635- .2281. www.buvnciand.com Wanted BUYING STANDING TIMBER and pulp wood. Clear cut or select cut. Shaver Wood Products Tom Huffman, Forrester (704) 278-9291__________________ WANTED: RELIABLE person/ family lo run chicken houso-iayers. Mobile home and salary provided. 998-5206 Employment HELP NEEDED!Small construction business needs carpenter or carpemter's helper. Must have transportation and hand tools. Only serious«mlnded people need -apply.- • • -Call- Crossroads" Constmctfon at 492-2804 and ask for Kevin. THE COMFORT INN: front desk position available. Second shift/ relief auditor. FT/ PP. Apply in person. 7S1«7310_______________ TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED • clean driving record, W*CDLs. Hauling bulk commodities. Percentage pay. Guaranteed minimum. 338-788-3210_________ WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL CARRIER NEEDED:Davie County, oarty moming hours, 7 days week, reliable & backup transportation needed. If interested, call Jim Short, 751* 4486. dMree in electronics or oquivaiont (rafning Is desired. Must have the ability To construct now substations, including reading blueprints, steel rigging, fomiing concrete, backhoe work, and equipment installation. Applicant must be a high school graduate or equivalent and have a valid NC Class A Commercial driver's license. Basic work hours will bo 7:30am • 4:00pm, Monday - Friday, with changes to accommodate workload. Must live within tho cooperative's service area. If outside tho service area, not moro than 20 miles from the headquarters' office in Statesville or crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly ... overtime. Must be dependable. No dmgs, no hot-heads. 336-467-7061 C N A ’ s To Cover Davie County All Shifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 336-724-1197 Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. Winston-Salem . The hometown company, we'll treat you like you’u expect." Davie Family YNICA \ Full-Time Position We have a position available as a SITE DIRECTOR in Ihe before and alter school program at WR Davie Elementaiy School. You must be el least 21 years ol age, have 2 years experience worliing in a childcare setting, and 1 year experience in administrative woitt. You must also be dependable, responsible, and love working with chiidren. Hie hours are MWF 6:30 am - 12;00 pm and 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm. The hours TTH are 6:30 am - 8:30 am and 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm. Rate ol pay is S7.OO-S0.OO an hour. Full medical benelits. vacation, and holiday are olfeted. As well as a YMCA metro membership lot your lamity. Please contact Jennifer Cartnerat 751-9622 or come by the YMCA and M out an application. 2nd & 3rd Shifts Immediate Openings Stait A New Career To Briahten Your RoiMov! CALDWELL PERSONNEL SERViCES 1101 Jericho Ch. Rd., MocksviUe, NC 27028 336-751-7447Applicallom Acceplctl Sam-Noon and ISpm, Mon-Fri Are you working in the restaurant business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Are you getting benefits like THESE? • High competitive wages ‘ First raise alter 30 days ‘ 4 guaranteed raises In 1S months • Paid vacation ‘ 401k retirement plan '• Health/Dental Insurance • Weekly paychecks ' Paid meal breaks • Flexible schedule • Slock options ' Position salary advancement (toward trainer, manager, • Early closing hours IF MQI. YOU'RE BEING CHEATEDIII ' Business Is GREATI We are hlrlng^tor (all & winter busi­ness. (AS AN ADDED INCENTIVE, WE ARE OFFERING A $200 SIGN-ON BONUS FOR A LIMITED TIME - WITH etc.) THIS AD. We are currently looking I — Waiters/Wailresses, Cafor:■ashlers - Grill Cook COME IN TODAY AND APPLY. WE ARE A FAST-PACED, FUN PLACE TO WORK. We are looking (or HIGH energy people that like to work hard and make MONEYIII 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 OUCoun^Q •^^^^^^^^^^JIWeafeanequalopportunrtyerTgoj^^ Employment BAYADA NURSES IS looking lor qualifiod RNs ond LPNs during this- holiday season to caro for o young Qdult in Davio County 2nd and 3rd shifts on tho wookonds. Applicant must have 1 yoar trach and vent experience. Call 723-1000 and ask for Allison at ext. 115.____________ CONCRETE HELPER. TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred, Call 284-4369, Mon.-Frl., 10am-2pm foi application. EOE________________ DO YOU PAY lor Christmas thru the next few seasons? Join Excel Staffing for a lot more reasonsll We offer: ■*Slgn on Bonus *Flex Schedules *HoHday & Travel Pay 'Direct Deposit •CNA's$10-$11/hr. LPN's$17-$23/hr. RN’s$20-$29/hr.1-B00-863-9235 ext. 328_________ DOCTOR'S OFFICE HASImmediate opening for full-time employee. Send resume & salary requirements to: PO Box 281, Mocksville, NC 27026. be willing to relocate. Apply at your local NC Employment Security Commission otflco by Friday. Decomber 10. ^999._____________ Need Cook & Cashier APPLY IN PERSON ONLY. Miller's Resturant ELMS AT TANGLEWOOD, Assisted Living. Is now hiring for the following positions:Relief Supervisors • 2nd & 3rd ShlHsNursing Asslstnant • W/E's ALL SHIFTS Earn SSSS for Xmas Healthcare Company seeks RN's/ LPN's Including retirees, to promote now producl. Unlimited earning potential; up to $2000 jeforo Xmas working 1 hr/day. Call (33G) 631-6963 or fax resume to (336) 940-5187. Apply in person between 10am • 2pm at: ----------ElmsatTar>gtewodd .....3750 Hurper Rd Clemmons. NC 27012 Elms at Tanglewood Is o drug free workplace. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing w/jsl bo dependable. Jmgs. no ho or 336-750-9153________________ FLEXIBLE HOURS AVAILABLE.Work with people with disabilities, teaching life skills and providing a break for the family. Paid training provided. At Easter Seals you can make a difference In the life of a child or an adult. HS diploma/ GED required. Call Klsha Halrston- McKoy at 336-631-9470. EOE , ^ e r m u d a B e m u d a V iU ^ ls accepting applications (or Full-time Clerical Position in the Maintenance Dept. Oiganizationol, computer and communication skills essential. CaU 998-6783 M on..Frl., 8:30-4:30 Employment ••Cloverflelds** Cleaning positions available. Full­ time Mon - Fri. No evening or weekends. Vacation & HeaKh Insurance. Call760-4161. OAKWOOD HOMES CORPORATION, America's retailer and fastest growing manufactured home company Is recruiting candidates for our management trainee program. Must have strong work ethic and be money motivated. Fax resume to: 528-9668___________^___________ PART-TIME CMA position, 3 days a week. 8:30 • 5:00. Please send resume to: Davio Dermatology. 121 Medical Dr.. Advance. NO 27006._____________^____________ SALESPEOPLE NEEDED NO'S #1 Fleetwood Dealer is looking for qualified salespeople In the Salisbury area. Excellent pay plan and benefits. Please call for an appointment (704) 630*9266 or fax resume to (704) 630-9181. SMALL CONSTRUCTION CO. needs helpers. Must have driver's license & transportation. Will train. 751-0021 NOW HIRING for NEW TACO 'BELL. OPENING SOON IN MOCKSVILLE Call 336-679-8226 lor Interview WAFFLE NOW HOUSE HIRIN G GRILL OPERATORS, WAITERS/WAITRESSES A lso P o stio n open fo r MANAGER TRAINEE Contact Debbie @ 1-888-425-0337 Im m sdlala Em ploymont O pportunity For All Three (3) Shlfta. Ask About 2nd a 3rd S h ift Prem lum l CALL FOR INTERVIEW OR AP PLY IN PERSON AT THE FOLLOWINO LOCATIONS: 513 Jonestow n Rd., W bistonS alem 7604417 2314 Ramada Dr., Clem m ons 7 6 6 4 6 M 10:30 A.M. TUESDAX- R e m e m b e r t h a t tim e a n d d a y . It's th e n e w d e a d lin e f o r c la s s ifie d a d s to b e p la c e d in th e D a v ie C o u n ty E n te r p r is e R e c o rd . A d v e rtis e rs k n o w t h a t T h e C la s s ifie d s in T h e E n te r p r is e re a lty w o rk . W h e th e r it's a y a r f s a le o r a h o u s e fo r s a le , T h e C la s s ifie d s c a n h e lp b r in g y o u r p r o d u c t to th o u s a n d s o f p o te n tia l c u s to m e rs . $5 for tite fis t 10 words, and 10 cents for each addttlonal word.Run the same ad for three weeks, and get the fourth iveekfieel All yard sales must be paid in aduance. Come by the ofBce on South M ain Street across from the courthouse, o r caU Karen a t 751-2120, and le t The Classifieds go to w ork fo r you. D A V IB C O U N T Y EHTERPRI ECORD , u *. ; .t r. v v v ♦- -i t3 V » ...... * ^ * n L DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 9,1999 Ben Turman jumps rope Members of the Shady Grove Elementary PE Club jump rope for me Amencan Heart Association, for a good cause. •rJV** ^ Brooke Padgett and Hannah Jakob show off the Jump Rope for Heart banners. Students Exercise For A Cause ADVANCE • Studems at Shady Grove Elementary School believe in having fun. And at the same lime, they can get in better physical shape and help out their cqmmunity._______________ _ The i45 members of the school’s P.H. Club recently raised approxi­ mately S6.600 for the American Heart Association by jumping rope to music. ' II was the community service project for the club, headed by teacher Karen Umbergcr. The stu* dents meet after school to explore new activities such as skiing, hiking. and other activities. ‘The club was formed to expose kids lo life choices, active things that they can do for the rest of (heir lives.” Umbergcr said. _Each of the club jncmbe« challenged lo raise sFo each for the Heart Association. Many raised much more. "I was amazed," Umbcrgcr said. Top fund raisers Included Ross Davidson. Austin Baity, Brittany Hill and Mlchclle Lucas. ' The third grade members raised S2.336.65, fourth graders S2,737.55 and fifth graders S2.539.93. Snyder’s Cleaning Service Ccrtracloo, BtsWil, R(nUOeamijSeriicM.W» WMUy, > (iwdeinnj, Itimed Call lor a free estimate. Ghuibnoi (Special MO toi S Room (Rtg Siied Hoist) 751-2706 • Photos by IWIke Barnhardt: GENE’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ^ 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Rose Robertson enjoys jumping rope, especially for a good cause such as the Heart Association. fo/' Justin Time For All Of Your Holiday Shopping Bring This Ad In And Receive 20%0ffstorewide. Coupon Expires 12/18/99 2626 lu;wisville-Clcmmons Rd. • Clemmons, NC 766-7440 • Mon.-Pri. 10-5 • Sal. 10-4 Tougher Laws To Be Enforced The N.C. Division of Alcohol Law Enforcemeni, ah agcncy within the N.C. Department of Crime Control &. Public Safety (CC&PS), announced that it will begin enforcing North Carolina's tougher laws on alcohol sales and possession by minors that look effect Dcc. 1. ' "Reducing the sale and possession of alcohol by minors has always been one ofour major enforcement goals," said ALE Diicclor John D. Smith IH. 'Tlic Legislature has given us more tools to work with, and we intend to use them." ALE largcls underage drinking through a combination of educution ondenforccmcnl. Agcnis educate iner* chants on Norih Carolina's laws through Ihe BARS (Be A Responsible Seller) program. They provide teens with educational material during on- campus presenialions. ALE'senforce* ment efforts target both merchants who sell alcohol and minors who at* tempt to purchase alcohol. Tlie new laws make It a Class III misdemeanor for 19 and 20 year olds to possess or attempi to purchase alco­ hol. A Class III misdemeanor is pun­ ishable by a fine of up lo S200. The statute also establishes a minimum pcn.i!ty for adulis who provide alcohol to minors. Adults who sell or give alcohol to an underage (less than 21 yeare of age) person will n;ccive at least a $250 fine and no less than 225 hours of community service for a first offense. If a person Is convicied of aiding and abetting the sale or provi* sion of alcohol lo a minor, they will receive a fine of $500 and at Iciist 25 hours of community service for a first offense. Y o u A re In v ite d To S p e cial 1999 Christmas Services First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Sixty-fifth Annual Candle Lighting Service and Christmas Concert Three Identical Services 5:00 p.m., Sunday, December 19 7:30 p.m., Sunday, December 19 7:30 p.m., Monday, December 20^ Nursery Care Provided for all Services C h r is tm a s E v e C e le b r a tio n Carols, Reading & Candle Lighting Service Special Music by Ihe. Chancel Choir • Hand Bell Choir 8 pm & 11 pm Friday, December 24th, 1999 Ben F ran klin Open 8 to 9 • Mon • Sat • Sun 1 to 6 Garland VOTIVE CANDLES RED, GREEN,>UGHniPTHtHOUOAT m IMIOUR/RED, GREEN, WHITEA pfcm WAT TO UGHTUP THt HOUOATS value 39< Wreaths A ll Remaining Greenery 50% reg retail EMBOSSING HEAT TOOL II ROCK TUMBLER KIT IkUm BuNm. tMCli MoHrKiM tionM,DECORATIVE TRIM SMMMMAS/SYDSUuliKUBnntgniM. 100 Points-Again War Eagle Boys Rolling Page B1 Taking The DARE S t u d e n t s V o w T o K e e p D r u g s A n d A l c o h o l O u t O f T h e i r L i v e s Page D1 D A V IE C O U N T Y 5 0 « ENTERPRI/^iECORD USPS 149rI60 Number 50 Thursday, Dec; 16.1'W!)36 PACKS Death: Jury Takes 40 Minutes To Sentence Murderer By Jcnnnc Guilher Davie County Enterprise Record Death. ' It took the jury only about 40 minutes to return a recommendation for Ihe death sentence Monday afternoon in the trial of Jathiyah A. Al-Bayyinah, who was con­ victed last week for the 1998 murder of Mocksville businessman S.W. Brown Jr. during an attempted robbery at his store on Depot Street. mcmixrs cried, Al-Bayyinah sat calmly with his antis ctt)sscd, nodding his head, as the jurors were ^lled one by one. Several membersoftlie Brown family also cried, as they sat in the courtroom holding hands. . The trial, which had begun more than si.\ weeks ago, caine to an end Tuesday morning when Judge Marvin Gray offi­ cially pronounccd sentence on Al- Bayyinah in Davie Superior Court. Al-Bayyinah was also sen­ tenced lo 146 to 180 months in prison lo nin consecutively with Ihe muriler sentence for the at­ tempted armed robbery of Brawn. Defense attorneys immedl- atelyappealed thedecision.Gray ■appointe¥theappeliatedcfender'^,_^"^^^ for the state lo handle Al- Bayyinah's automatic appeal. Alternate counsel would be David Minor and Lori Hamilton-DcWiu, Ihe attorneys who handled this case. Al-Bayyinah spoke briellylo his attor­ neys and patted DeWitton the shoulder,is law enforcement officers led him from the courlrocm. Prior Crimes Presented Following Ihe guilty verdict, the prosecution began the penalty phaseoflhecapltalcaseonThurs- day by presenting evidence of the defendant’s history of violence. First to take the stand was Al- Bayyinah's fomiergirifriend and the mother of his two children, Josie Matlhevys Keaton of Siaiesville. Al-Bayyinah, who was then known asTeny Dennis Moore, hadshown up at the mobile home where she and their iwodaughlerswerelivingwiih her mother lale one night in 1984. He said he had come to see the children, Keaton said. After having aphysical fight with him, she had gone outside when she realized he had come out after her and was shoot­ ing at her from the porch. It was dark, tind shecouldsccnashesfromthegun, Keaton testified. As he rode away, she could still sec flashes from the gun being fired in her direction from the passenger side of the car in which he was traveling. She had continued walking up the road when she was met by her cousin, who told her that her mother had been shot, she sajd. Over tiie years Al-Bayyinah wrote on occasion lo ask about their two daugh­ ters, who are now 17 and 19, Keaton testified. "He would just say that he hoped they were doing well in school and that he loved them," she said. Tlie youngest daughter stays in contact with her father, but the oldest, who is now a student at N.C. State University, does not, she said. Since they were bom. Keaton said Al- Bayyinah had paid a total of S500-S600 in child support and bought two dresses for the giris. Defendant Interrupts Witness A fight had started between Al- Bayyinah and her daughter because he kept sliding his hand up her drcss, said Keaton's mother, Georgia Matthews Turner of Statesville. After repeatedly telling him to stop, Keaton reuievcd a knife from the kitchen and told him she would cut his fingers off if he did it one more time. To keep any­ thing from happening. Turner said she Please See Murder - Page 4 Little Angel ' f I — Stephanie Watts will play the part,of an angel as the youth of Hillsdale Methodist Church present the play, wwwichristmasonline.com this weekend. For more InformMlon, please turn to page C4. ,. , , - Photo by Mike Barnhardt ' Relief The Prevailing Sentiment Among Tliose Involved In Trial Principal Selected For New Elementary School By Kim Justen Davie County Enterprise Record Candy Poplin was named principal of Cornalzer Elemen­ tary School by the Davie County Board of Education last week. The school, scheduled lo open in August 2000, will take : students from Mocksville, Cooleemee and Shady Grove elementary schools. Poplin began her career with the Davie County School Sys­ tem in 1978 at Pinebrook El­ ementary . Her leadership expe­ riences there included being a department chair and team leader. With the death of Larry Jones, she was also an active part of the leadership while a re­ placement was found. “Ms. Poplin has lots of expe­ rience dealing with leadership roles,” stated Dr. William Steed, Davie County Schools supei in- tendent. "I have lots of confi­ dence and trust in her abiliiies." In 1994, Poplin look a leave of absence after being selected lo participate in the Principal . Fellows program, which offers ' scholarships for teachers want- ing 10 become principals. She spent one year; attending classes, and a second year in an intern­ ship. Having completed the pro­ gram, in July 1997 she became principal of Central Davie. . Poplin will be active in the final phases of planning for the new school; and will soon be­ gin work with ihe^:entral office Please See Plans - Page 5 .........% ' . By Jeanne Gnithcr Davie County Enterprise Record Relief was Ihe prevailing senti­ ment among those involved in the trial of Jathiyah A. Al-Bayyinah after Judge Marvin Gray had prtj- nounced sentence in the case and dismissed court for the final lime Tuesday morning. Convicted last week of mur­ dering 71-year-old S.W. Brawn Jr. during an attempted armed rob­ bery at his wholesale business on Depot Street in Mocksville, Al- Bayyinah was sentenced lo death Tuesday after Ihe jury relumed a recommendation of the death sen­ tence Monday afternoon. "Wc'rc glad it's over," said Becky Brawn, wife of the victim. The family feels Ihe verdict was fair. Though they expect ihe ap­ peals process lo lake lime, shesaid that she hopes they will now be able to get on with their lives. Her plans arc locany on, work­ ing at the family business. "I find no joy in sending a man tohis death," said Deborah Brown, daughter of Ihe victim. 'Taking the life of Jathiyah Al-, Bayyiiiah will not bring my daddy backlolife.Icanonlyhope through this death sentence other families will be spared tlie horrendous or­ deal wo iiave suffered," she said. Though she expects the family will be in for a long road of ap- , peals. Brown said the process of the trial has given her a sense of closure. Both expressed their thanks to prosecutors Patricia' Bruce and, Greg Brown, the Mocksville Po­ lice Department, Davie County ■ 4 • “ I can only hope through this death sentence other families will be spared the horrendous ordeal we have suffered,” - Deborah Brown Victim's Daughter SherifTs I3epartment, Davie EMS, AirCare.theslaffatDavie County Hospital and the trauma center at Wake Forest University Medical Center, Dean Myers and everyone who has helped in getting to this point. . Elizabeth Flynn, daughter of the victim, said that God, family and friends have helped them through Ihe ordeal. "We miss our dad," she said, but she felt a burden had been lifted from her when the jury re- : turned its guilty verdict. It didn't matter to her if Al- Bayyinah received the death pen- ally of life in prison, bul she be­ lieves he's a dangerous person and doesn't want him lobe able lo hurt other families as he's-hurt hers, . Flyiinsaid. With the trial at an end,shesaid she's looking forward lo reluming ; | lo work and getting on with life. “ Attorneys in the case said they vi ; are also glad tlie trial has come to -j an end. ;, A trial like this is an emotional i ,, ex^nence'for everyone, saW aifi ■ sistant district attorney K tsy'’ ' ' Please See Brown - Page 55; : ■ j y . E k iito ria l P g ^ r:Pokemon Madness: pdsAtB Wild About ^Collectible Cards ‘ ■ ADVANCE— The third grade boys had only one thing , on Ihcir minds Monday in the lunchroom. - Not girls. Not cars. Not politics. Not baseball, football, soccer or basketball. They wanted to talk about Pokemon. This will be a Pokemon Christmas for most of them. The little pocket monsters from Japan have taken over the .. .... minds of our children. '::. It is amazing how smart these children are. They can recite the names of 150 different little mon- ■ ' sters, their vital statistics, their morph terms, their power levels and all kinds of silly stuff, i ‘ , They may not be able to recite the names of five presi- ■ dents, but they can give instant biographies on the major Pokemon critters. They may not be able to name two nations 'I '“ in Europe, but they can recognize a host of Pokemon trivia. The Pokemon craze is very similar to the baseball card sensation. Once boys could recite the batting average of -1'-. Mickey Mantle and the earned run average of Sandy Koufax. In the same way, kids now can recite all the information on 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 "' V Pokemon cards. The Pokemon monsters are strange looking j / '■ beasts that imitate some real-life animals. And a kid’s relative I merit these days is based on how much Pokemon information he can produce in a conversation among peers, j " I Adults have U'ied and failed to understand Pokemon. There is no lasting educational value, unless you count the ^^“ 'memoriJation'sklirsV ThereWno'morariessons. There is no' ^iphysical exercise involved. Even the Pokemon cards are inferior to the quality of today’s average sports cards. They are also wildly more • A expensive. S i: Pokemon isjust... something to bewilder parents. That ^ m u s t explain the appeal. 3 S : ‘ - • tables or h e D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECO RD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 {336)751-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Dwight Sparks......................... Robin Fergusson............... Mike Bamhardt................... Ray Tutterow................. .................Editor/Publisher ............General Manager Maniiging Editor ..Advertising Manager Mocksvlllo Enterprise 1916-1958 □avie Record 1699-1958 Cooleemee ' Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid In Mocteville, NO; 27028 ' Subscription nates Single Copy, SO Cents . . $20peryearlnNorthCaiollna . . $25 per year outside North Carolina POSTMASTER,' , . . . t . Send address changes to:y ii f ,, . Davie County Ente'ipiise Record T, /■'.. V PC Box99,'Moi:l(8vtlle.’NC-27028. - ' ^ W li In The M a il... Litter Problem Is Disturbing Beauty Of Davie County t i ^.spelling riiles; the appeal would slip drastically. Many schools have banned Pokemon from tlie school grounds because of the disUraction. Hating in the school cafeteria can be worth a bachelor’s I degree or two. It’s amazing the things you can learn about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. S S For instance, can you believe some boy has traded a Mew Two card for a Pikachu? What a lucky kid. One of my nephews has learned economics firom * ^ Pokemon. He knows all the comparative prices for Pokemon cards at every store in Charlotte. 2 ^ Between bites of hotdog, pineapple wedges and french fries, the boys examined all the peculiar aspects of Pokemon ____1 mania. 1 didn’t manage to offer a single intelUgent comment |S 2 on the subject. Back when 1 was in first grade, the only statistics we voluntarily memorized were batting averages. Years later, we xH discovered that a few of those baseball cards we traded and chewed and folded in our pockets would now be valuable. But only a few. Pokemon has taken center stage now. Beanie Babies, I your day is over. ; — Dwight Sparks To Ihc edilor; -----"Bcauij^isilsowncxcusefortwittg...". - • . Do you know who wiolc lhal proround IlioughI? II stays In one's mind when somclhing so exquisite or lively is seen. II may not liavc any value what­ soever, linancially or malerially. bui its very ticauiy cnriches your soul. Paul. Ihc great Apostle, gave an admonishnicnl lo think on wtai is lovely a.s a line altrihule lor a good person. Davic County is so ticauliful. One can travel ..anywhere in the world and not ilnd amorclicauiirul “ Kaco.T*«®i^nsW Kcye5fmW liraooK6te for ticauly. People lake great pride in their homes and yards. Beauty is trca.sured and glorined. Wc thrill every Christmas with the crforts from every home to display sonic beauty. Tlierc Is a distuihing problem here in Davic County. Have you noticed Ihc ugly, terrible trash littering the rDaJs!des?Thc routes tothe landfill arc the worst. OnSaunlay morning,jjilrivcrmustzisv. zag 10 keep from driving over tbe garbage that lias dropped tiom tnicks headed Tor Ihc landnil. Papere. garbage bags and debris cover Ibe sides ofthe road. Pla.Mic b.ngs fly up Inlo the trees. Tbc people who live along these routes can never bope to have attractive roadsides. [)o you know the fine rorlillering?irtliesc lines were enforced, what a tcrrilic amount of money would be on hand to use for schools and extra law r.amcctarJuatfti»o">l»v«hlol«»lothalttnariUond— think of all the froes ibat could be collcetcd. Recently, driving down Hwy. 54. a van pulled out from a convenience store; as it drove down the road trash was thrown from every window. Places of business and fast-food places have trash cans conveniently located, and yet they must hire people 'Furnace Fund' Started At Bank To Ihc editor: This Is a rol tow-up Idler lo my letter concerning ihe person without a furnace. I have had good response and I wish lo thank everyone who got involved. But wc stIJI need more money. The cost Tor the furnace is $2,000. I have started a fund at BB&T known os the "Furnace Fund." Anyone who wants to donate money can dropoffailonation or send it to Furnace Fund, c/o BB&T Bank. 119 Gaither St., Mocks­ villc. NC 27028,751-5951 (uptown location). Any and nil donations received above the cost of the fumacc will be tumed over to other charitable organizations. Please, lei’s make this person's Christmas not only merry, but wtum. Delores Clendenin Cherry Hill Road, Mocksvillc to clean up their grounds. Tliis needs to stop. .Jivcryf.itiren ll).Jhisc})untx-ihould_assumc,th? . responsibility of reporting every sign of littering tlicy sec. Call the SherifTs office if you can get the license nuniberofany vehlclcthat is seen littering. Let's make littering a financially painful experi; ence. r Let's dean Davic County up and make it even prettier. Our county's appearancc makes a staler ment about us. VioIclCain ,___- T Mocksvill^ R a f f l e S u c c e s s f u l .V To tltc editor We thank the people in and around Cooleemee for their mosl generous support during our reccnf rafTlellckctfund-raisingproject.TItc winners were: $500, Lesley Gordon; $200, Sam W. Bailey: and $100, Sean Phifer. With your generosity wc will be able lo assist many of our friends and neighbors. Progressive Club of Cooleemee Maryann Campbell Cooleemee Idea Of Santa Is A Lie Straight From Satan man in a red suit is giving them what they want, free.To the editon What Is the true mcatiingof Christmas? It's "Our Lord Jesus Christ's Birthday." So many people cclebratc Christmas without once thinking of Ibe inic meaning. Wc need lo slop and think about Ibis -Santa or Salan? You know Salan is the only word I can make outofSatan. Scramble iiaround and you will get tbe word Santa. I guess that's only right tbougb, being that the whole idea of Santa is a lie straight from Satan. Instead of teaching our children of Jesus Christ and his love, wc are telling them that a fat of charge. It's Jesus that docs that, not Saint Nick. Nick, by Ihe way, is an old name for Satan, who is no saint at all. This year, let's start telling ourselves and our children Ihe Initb, lhal everything comes from Jesus Christ and it is free of charge. Just open up your heart, your homes, and welcome him in with his love for all. I God Bless you all. Your Friend in Christ. Ronald C. Reynolds' r Mocksvillc Letters Welcomed The Enterprise Record weleonws letters from its readers.The letters may be on lopicsof local, stale, national or intemalional issues. An effort will be made lo print all letters provided they arc not libelous, vulgar, or in poor taste. The editor reserves the righl lo edli Ictlers for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published. Is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper ofHce by 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. W ill It Be Safe To Fly In 2000? Clyde Brewer Raymond McClamrock Mocksville Mocksville "Yes. I think it will be.» ' "Yts," BJ. Nichols Mocksville "N o;" James Sale Turkeyfoot ” Ithink it will be just as safe as it's ahvays been." jlTiViT .... , Jeanne Gaither It's The TiPfie Of Year To Catch Glimpses Of Jesus In Eyes Of Others It's the most wonderful time of Ihe year. . Instead of feeling dread at the thought of bills and junk mnil, we look forward to the holiday greetings that await us each day in the mailbox. It's the time of year when folks reach out to friends and family in faraway places with cards, phone calls and visits. People flock to church for special services of love and thanks­ giving ami can't hide ihcir cxcitemcnt at the prospect of countless parties and family gatherings. ? Decorations arc hung from tlie street lights. The air is filled with such delightful scents as pine, cedar, peppermint and gingetbiead. Trees quickly disappear from the lots that began popping up in late November only to reoppear, all decked with lights, through the windows of the homes we drive past on our way home from work each day. Beloved characters like Rudolph, Frosty, the Grinch and Ebenezer Scrooge have made their annual appearances on television. Radio stations have begun playing all our favorite old holiday tunes. -------------------- Stores are crowded with holiday shoppers. Children line up at Ihe mall to tell Santa what they're hoping to find under the tree when they awoke on Christ­ mas morning. The season is magical. Despite the stress shopping, traveling and trying to attend every festivity the holidays have to offer add to already hectic schedules, people seem to find more time for the important things. They take time to explain the meaning of Christmas to their children and ignore household chores to take them to see Santa at their favorite holiday parade. Groups carry Ihc Christmas spirit lo nursing homes and hospitals and anywhere they think visitors might be rare. People become kinder. As they rush from store to store desper­ ately trying to finish their shopping, overwhelmed by the Christ­ mas spirit, they find themselves pausing now and then to smile at a stranger or let another shopper go ahead of them in the checkout line. For these few weeks people are at their most generous. Not, enough to-givo.only to those dearest thenv, they make extra----- contributions to charities. They happily toss money into Ihe buckets as they exit stores where dedicated volunteers stand ringing bells. And somehow every angel from every angel tree everywhere has always vanished by the appointed date, ensuring a brighter Christmas for thousands of deserving children. Perhaps, it's the happiness the holidays bring to us that make us want to share it with everyone everywhere. Perhaps, it's Ihe memory of what the holiday really means - a time for rcjoicing in God's love for us. I'm not sure what causcs It. I only Know the' nidgic is 1*601. It's so real I sometimes think that, when I look into Ihe sky one December night, I might see that special star that rested over Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago. At the lime of year when I'm sure lo catch glimpses of Jesus in the eyes of others as they go about spreading his love, anything is possible. In T he M a il... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 - 3 F r e e n n a s o n r y A b o u t R e l i g i o n , B r o t h e r l y L o v e , B e n e v o l e n c e To Ihe editor: We, the Masons In Mocksvillc Lodge have every wish that the public rccogni/c us as doing good and helping those in need. We have taken many “bum” raps In the past and now believe It is time to make the public aware of ihis great insti* lution. We support the Masonic Home For Children in Oxford and The Masonic and Eastern Star Home near Greensboro. Some of our guys were “Down East'* during the devastation there and wc recently bought, cooked and sold “Boston Butts" for a worthy Brother down there who had lost everything. Our meeting Jan. 4 will be an open Installa­ tion. All arc Invited lo see this and wc wclcomc wives, children, family anil friends. Refreshments will be served after the meeting, prepared and served by the Order of the Eastern Star. A Mason is a friend and brother who believes in the Falherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Men. He is one who helps the widows and or­ phans and supports charitable causcs in his com­ munity. His beliefs are of friendship, morality, and brotberiy love. A Mason Is a good man made better by Ma­ sonry. He first and foremost must publicly declare h\s beUet in God. When asked, in whom do you put your irust, he must answer In God. InThe Lord or In Jesus Christ. It does not matter which words he uses, so long as ihc brethren arc satisned he believes in a Supreme Being. Freemasonry Is a beautifully workable system that goes back lo Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist. It is the oldest frutcrnily In the world, having survived the Cnisades, world wars and upsets of nations the world over. Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, ruled in alle­ gory and illustrated by symbols. The most ancient society in the worid, it’s principles arc based on pure morality, it’s ethics arc the ethics of pure re­ ligion, it's doctrines the doctrines of brotherly love, and it's sentiments the sentiments of exalted benevolences. It encourages all that is good, kind and charitable, and reproves all lhal is vicious, cruel and oppressive. This is printed for those who arc not conver­ sant with Freemasonry. The Masons ajready know these things and have practiced them as they can. This text on Freemasonry Is taken from our “Bahnson Manual,” in which is printed all that can be and is available to those who wish the knowledge. Van Swicegood Mocksvillc Child Was Left On Street After Christmas Parade To the editor: Responsibility, trust and safety tuv all the things you expeci from the football team and boosterclub your child plays for. Bui this was not the case at this year's Mocksvillc Christmas parade. My sister-in-law put rpy children on their floats. My 6 year old was put on the DARE float, and my 10-year-old daugh­ ter was put on the W.R. Davic Varsliy Football float. She was told lo pick them both up at the Brock Building. Af^cr their floats went by, wc left. My brother said ihcy would pick up the giris. They picked up my daughter who was on the DARE float. But my oldest daughter was nowhere to be found. The children on the W.R. Davie floals were lei off across from the Storehouse for Jesus on Depot Street so that Ihc trucks could go back to Skyline. I later found oui that some of the chil­ dren were allowed to ride the floats back to Sky­ line. Meanwhile, my daughter was lost. My brother and his wife were frantic with worry. At 6:45 that evening, I received a phone call from my daugh­ ter, finding out she had been stranded sincc being put ofT the float, even after telling the adults on the float that she was not supposed lo leave it un­ til I or her aunt came lo get her. If it had not been for the kindness of one of her friends* fathers, she would have been completely alone. Later, my brother had been instructed to go to Skyline, nol Depot Street. These children were not watched. Other chil­ dren were half way up the street before their par­ ents got to them. At no time were we lold to go to Depot Street. Others were nol luld until the mo­ ment they put their children on this float. We were nol told. Apparently, noi all of those In charge of the floal knew of this change. After talking lo the person in chargc with Ihe booster club, I was shown no remorse. Instead, I was told it was mine and my child's fault, not those in charge of the float. All the other children on other floats were made lo remain on the tioat until a family membo/ catne. for them. And they certainly were not told to stand on the street. But it was my daughter's fault (a 10 year old) who they paid so little attention to her lhal they didn't even know no one had come to pick her up. There could have been any number of reasons as to why there was no one there. But the responsibility belonged to those in charge of that float lo keep my child safe until someone ar­ rived for her. For two and a half hours my child was miss­ ing. It took me another two hours lo locale my brother and my fiance to let them know she wa.< safe. 1 truly feel lhal at Ihe least, me, my daugliicr and family deserve an apology from the booster club; and at the most, apparently the booster club needs a new leader, for you do not put the safety of our kids at risk just to hurry up and return trucks to where they came from. Kathy Myers Shoffner ___ .... ..M ocksville ^MILSIC LESSONS_ Lessons for Beginners lo Aihvnced ^dalizingin Gullar/BanJo/Mandolii\/Hass (also: Basic, beginner violin dobm) GIFT CEfmnCATES AVAILABLE Counter Point Studio S3 court Squaie, MockSMlle Ibnklt Dnt'i Mtaic) (336)751-9390 A R E Y O U P A Y IN G T O O M U C H F O R Y O U R N E W H O M E ! We Represent 3 Manufacturers You Do Have A Choice! Hwy 601 S. Mocksville Across from Davie High Unique Christmas Gifts Davie County Public Library HISTORY OF DAVIE COUNTY (Thitd Edition, updated tW -gS) James W. Wall 250 years of political, business, social, religious, and educational history, with 7,000 names ol early settlers, elected oHiclals, and military veterans. 450 pages ■ 140 pictures THE HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE OF DAVIE COUNTY (Reprinted 1986 edition) Kirk F. Mohnoy i j 250 pages - 600 pictures o( structures and drawings with descriptive architectural riarrativs and biographical accounts ol builders and residents. Cost of each $26.50, (bailing $3.00. Ivlain Desi< Davie County Public Library Ail proceeds accrue to Ihe Davie County Library. DAVIE COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1836 -1900 Nancy K. Murphy A record of 4,600 marriages of Davie County people. $22.50 DAVIE COUNTY CEMETERIES Davie County Historical & Genealogical Society Approximately 18,000 gravesltes with inscribed biographical information and dates. Tviio-voiume set $45.00 DAVIE COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1901 -1959 Nancy K. Murphy $20.00 1860 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. Murphy and Everette Q. Sain $15.00 1870 FEDERAL CENSUS OF DAVIE COUNTY Nancy K. Murphy and Everelte G. Sain $15.00 All proceeds accrue lo the Davie County IHIstorlcal and Geheaiogicai Society. Purchase price includes mailing. Available Martin-Wall History Room, Davie County 1^ LIbran/. Mon • Tues • Wed * 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 5100Series S to p W a itin g . G o D ig ita l. Nokia 5180 Digital Phone VltilALLUliUMeinnilociUeai: finiMbeiB:tinAturt Domg SftoppinjCertei DC-Di8nttrtPh.y (UHoUMBi»mjPark4003CtinanRd Garden CnckCeftltr 16a3r**GvdenRd Hl|k Pelal; 26MS.IlUnSt Suit 145 Pwllwn Showing CtnlH S36H«wtl.UieMl ReynoldiCornncra ^ 3S60Y»JwviieRo»(J Biriiagtoa: SkxitusKfPUn 24rSSQvcASl Rildtvlllt: t560FitfnyDm«SuttF Sif*rDiwDt. Wll-Mirt Aluledetjioubort) $49.95 D ig ita l Phone! 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IniemaUonal long distancfl charges, taxes and lees may app^- Other restncttons apphr. wauxEi Th« power to slmpiily EXTEIUDED HOLIDAY HOURS. 5i*"1 £1 !i‘S it- I '. a 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 I I. ' “ I I p m-.-i t o Murder Trial Ends As Jury Recommends Death Sentence iDistrict Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 - Continued From Page 1 look the knife. Al-Bayylnahhadbccndrinklng.Hc had a tall con of beer, which he spilled on her floor, she said. As hcrtcslimonycontinucd. Turner was intemipicd as the defendant jumped to his feet shouting that he objected. "Ain't nobody stuck their hand up nobody’s dress. Thai's a lie," he said. AHer removing the jury from the courtroom, Ony warned Al-Bayyinah against any further outbursts. "Idon't see any reason to sit here for this circus," Al-Bnyyinah responded. It's been a circus for six weeks, he told the judge. Gray Instructed the jury not to con­ sider the outburst of the defendant. According to Turner, her daughter slapped Al-Bayyinah for sliding his .hand up her dress again. The defendant 'then jumped up, grabbed herand threw her down. He was on top of her strad­ dling her. AHer spitting in her face, he finally let her up. Turner said. Keaton had goneout the door when the man driving Al-Bayylnah told him they should leave. \Vhile on the phone with the sheriffs department, she said heard gunshots and could see flares from a gun because there was no light outside. Afraid her daughter would be shot, • she was looking outside from the door when she was stnick by a bullet fired back toward the house from the cor. Turner said. Her injury might have been worse If the bullet hadn't passed through the door before entering her body. That bullet, which pierced her lung, remains in her body today, Tumertold thejury. Al-Bayyinah whispered to Turner as she exited the witness stand. For this incident, the defendant was . convlcrrd-of assault, with a-deadly - weapon inflicting serious injury. iNfon Beaten With Bat James McCorkle of Statesville has lost the senses of smell and taste be­ cause of injuries he received from At- BayylnahduringarobberyalWshome in 1989.hcteslined. After taking Al-Bayyinah and a woman m enands earlier in tho day. ,■ I McCorkle said the defendant showed up at his house about midnight and asked him to take drive him some­ where. Becausc he'd been drinking, McCorkle refused. He had turned to leave the room when he was struck from behind with a metal baseball bat. Turning to try to grabthebauhe saw Al-Bayyinah hold­ ing it. As he tried to escape, the defen­ dant continued to beat him all the way down the hallway from the kitchen to his bedroom where he lost conscious­ ness. McCorkle said. When he regained consciousness he discovered S500 had been taken from his wallet, the lile in his kitchen was damaged and his telephone line had been cut. he said. He spent two weeks in the hospital, suffering numerous broken bones and skull fracturcsin fourplaces,McCorkle told thejury. Al-Bayyinah was ordered by thecourt to pay his mcdical bills, but he has not. For the attack on McCorkle. Al- Bayyinah had been convicted of as­ sault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill infilcting serious Injury and armed robbery. McCorkle denied that the fight had started overadispute about cocaine. A recovering alcoholic, he said he had been drinking on the night of the at­ tack. Man Killed With Hammer Al-Boyyinah had shown up at his house about 5:30 a.m. Dec. 29. 1993 shortly before he was (o drive his brother, who was in the U.S. Navy lo the aiqwrt in Charlotte, said Douglas Pass of Statesville. After asking for a drink of alcohol. Al-Bayylnah had asked lo accompany them to the airport. When he told him no, thedefendant asked Ifhecould stay there withhisunclcTalmadge "Sonny" Pass. Hehadasked his uncle tocomeover and watch his house because someone had broken in on the previous night. Pass testified. When he returned tothe house about 8 a.m., he noticed his brother’s car missing. The door to his house was locked. Pass said. When he entered, he found his uncle on the couch with his head leaning to one side. There was blood everywhere. On the floor lay a bloody hammer. When he asked If Al-Bayylnah had done this, his uncle said yes. He died from his injuries two days later. Pass ■said. — • - — - - . Prosecutors presented evidence of Al-Bayyinah'sconvictlonof voluntary manslaughter for thisj;rime. AVCR.stcreo.cloihingandmoney. had been taken from his residence. Pass testified. Davie County Sheriffs Deputy Vicki Fields testified that the car stolen . thaiday was found al UniUid Plywood in Mocksvllle Jan. 3,'1994. ' . . Age Was Factor In Death A younger, morc conditioned per­ son would have probably survived the stab wound suffered by S.W. Brown Jr.in 1998, testified former statemedi- cal examiner Dr. Page Hudson. It's highly likely that Brown's age and general physical condition con­ tributed to the fact that he didn't sur­ vive. Hudson said. There arc some wounds that no one isgoingtosurvive.andsomethatevcry person would survive. The wound suf­ fered by Brown falls in between where age and general health play an impor­ tant role, Hudson explaini^. Gregory Brown and Patsy Bruce prosecuted the murder case, torthe district attorney’s office. Al-Bayylnahgoestojalltofiear his death sentence. ' BulhcsaiJlhcrcisnorcasonBrown would have died wiihoul the knife wound. It's possible Ihe wound surTered by ■ BrdWn could have'happcned during a struggle, he said. Parents Take Stand Al-Bayyinah had son of withdrawn alter she and his fadier were divorced. She had lltsl learned he was using drugs and alcohol when he was 14 or 15, testified his mother Lucy Moore, He has given her money and helped -hermound the house, M^^esald, _ _ While in piiW , he has kept in con­ tact with her, sending her ail Ihccenifi- cates of achievement he has received. Among the items she brought to court were certincatcs for completing an electiical installation course, fumi- tun: manufactuiing course and two business courses plus his high school diploma and a ccrtil^cate for comple­ tion of a 30 hour alcohol and drug abuse class. She also shared a certifi­ cate he earned asachildfor completing a Bible study program. In prison he has held a variety of jobs, including fumitun: making and kitchen duty, she said. He has a good relationship with his youngest daughter, keeping in contact with her. He asks other family mem­ bers to look out for her becausc he loves her, she said. Moore said she isn't trying tojustify her son's actions but loves him despite the wrongs he's committed. His father William Moore said Al- Bayylnah was the Ideal son when he wasn't drinking oron drugs but experi­ ences pcisonality changcs while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. His son has held jobs as a cook in and out of prison and had said before that he would like to open his own restaurant. Moon: said. He talked about watching Al- Bayylnah perform some of the rituals of the Muslim faldi, including fasting. Not trying to condone his son's be- haviorormakecxcuscs for him, Moore said he loves Al-Bayylnah despite his wrong-doings. Prison Employees Testify Al-Bayylnah hasaiwaysbcencour- tcous, kind and respectful to her, said Pamela Davis, a conectlonai officer at N.C. CentialPrison. She sold she had never heard of any problems with him or had any indica­ tion he couldn't conform himself to the rules of the prison system. He had volunteered lo work as ujanltoron his block. To contradict this testimony, Btjice introduced documents showing Al- Bayyinah had been convicted of es- capcon two occasions while in a mini­ mum security prison unlL Another prison document intro­ duced by defense attorney Lori Hamilton-DeWitt said Al-Bayyinah had been charged with escape while home on leave and was unable to return duo to u snow storm. After that inci­ dent, he still qualified for a number of prison programs, including work re­ lease. Former correctional officer Tremaine Henry said, lo the best of his knowledge, Al-Bayyinah had obeyed the rules while at the Statesville prison unit where he hod also worked in the kitchen. Because prison chaplain Brian Chesmnt ivas unable to appear in court due'to a tamlly emergency, the nttor- neys on both sides agreed to allow a statement of what his testimony would have been to be read to thejury. Responsible for the religious wel­ fare ofinnutesondeath tow. Chestnut has known Al-Bnyyinah about a year, acconllng lo Ihe statement read by DeWitt. . Al-Bayyinah is the inmate respon­ sible for conducting Muslim prayer sessions - a job given lo him by the prison chaplains. Chestnut has been impressed with Ihe care taken by Al-Bayylnah in pre­ paring for those sessions. He has been a positive inlluencc on other Inmnlcs because of his religious activity, she said. Factors Presented To Jury The aggravating factors presented lo thejury tohelpdeterminewhcthcror not the death penalty was called for in this cose included his three prior con­ victions for violent crimes and for two altemptcd robberies at Friendly Center Grocery in which Ihe sloreowner iden­ tified him as Ihe robber, suggesting the same coursc of conduct as at Brawn’s store. Mitigating foclorslnlroduccdby Ihe defense were that Al-Bayyinah had been employed outside prison and had been a good employee, that he had been employed in jobs that provide assistance toothers while in prison and -had been 0 good employee and that he' conforms to prison life. The defense also presented as mili- galingcitcumstanccsdialhehasaclose, loving relationship widt his younger daughter, has shown concern for her welfare ond is In contact with her. Other mitigating factors included that he had provided some financial support for his daughters, has assisted 'his parents nnancialtyimd with houso-,.' hold chores and maintenance. The final mitigating factor was that Brown's age and health made it less likely for him to survive the wound he suffered. The law also allows Ihe jury to find any other mitigating factor presented by the evidence. To dclermlne whedier or not to in­ voke the death penally, jurors must weigh the aggravating and mitigating circumstances against one another. Motions Made By Attorneys Gray granted a motion Monday by Ihe prosecution against Ihe defense providing a description of Ihe execu- lionproccdureorrequestlngeachjuror indivlduallytospareAl-Bayylnah'sllfe. The motion also prevented argu­ ments about the defendant's guilt since he was already found guilty by thejury or making any comparison of Brown's murder to other speeific crimes. Gray denied a motion by the de­ fense to rcsm'ci the prasccution from arguing thedcadi penalty is a delerrent to crime. The law permits that argument to be made, the judge said. Cray reserved judgment on other ' requested exclusions by die prosecu­ tion, which included arguing that the defendant wrote his own death war­ rant, that his background has no bear­ ing in this case or that IheBiblecalls for the death penalty. Prosecutor Makes Argument In hercloslng arguments 10 thejury, Bruce reminded jurors that the death penalty is reserved for only the most serious crimes. "Itisasolemnandgravedutywhlch you as jurors hold," she said. The death penalty is society's form of self-defense, she said. "You are Ihe last defense for Mr. Brown ond soci- cty." If Charles Brown had been able 10 reach his father seconds sooner ond hod shot and killed Al-Boyylnoh as he stood with a knife poised over his fa­ ther, hlsocis would hove beenjustlfied, Bruce argued. . UndcrdieConsllnitionAI-Bayyinoh haddierighttoairial,butihatshouldn't change what was right and just on the day he stabbed Brown. "He tiiade himself then judge, jury ond executioner of Simon Wllford Brown," she s^d. .Bniceorgu^againsljM-Boyyinah's claim in a statement lo bovie County Mocksville attorney Lori Hamilton was appointed by ttie state t represent the murder suspect. Sheriffs Sgt. Harry Rawlings that he was with someone else who stabbed Brown. In his 911 call. Brown refeticd to one man, who had rubbed and slabbed him. Witnesses saw one man walking toward S.W. Brown & Son that morn­ ing and one man run from the store. Only one man was seen trying to es- cope low enforcement officers, luld “ only one man was found with 0 kitchen knife underneath him, she said. "He alone went into that store," she said. "He alone robbed and slabbed Mr. Brawn." One by one Bruce presented the prosecution's aggravating factors. She reminded the jury of Al-Boyyinoh's three prior convictions for violent •crimci...„T~-i. She compared Ihe robberies ol Friendly Center Grocery just o few weeks before Ihe stabbing of Brawn duringan altemptcd robbery at hisstore. InbothcasesAI-Bayyinahhadgone Inloo business tun by older men lo lake what he wonted and do whotever It look to gel it, she explained. Addressing Ihe millgoling factors to be presenled by the defense, Bruce said Ihe big question is if they really hold ony mitigating value. Do any of them make Al-Bayylni lessresponsiblcindiemunlercfBrow she asked. She suggested the jury should I offended by the mitigotlng circun stance Uiot Brown's oge and heoil mode it less likely for him to surviv die slob wound. Al-Bayylnah had gone into a slot ■whtfthcTcne'wthe proprietdi^lobca " older man, she said. She reminded themof the sufferin McCorkle hod gone through from AI Bayyinoh'sossaultandlholTuraerstil hoso bullet in her bock. She asked thejury to consider who In Ihe defcndont’s choracter cnabla him to bcol McCorkle with a bat o pound Talmadge Pass in the hcod unti ThedmiiipSffiyisllieopproprlk' sentence under the low, she s^d. "II i< justice." Al-Bayyinoh took the lifeofBrawn after having chance after chance at rehabilitation, she sold. "Can't weinlhiscaseglvelheBrown romilythcjusdce that dieyso deserve?" she asked. The evidence shows Al-Boyylnah lo be a cold-blooded, cold-hearted Please See Attorneys - Page S Still Shopping For That Special Gift? No Need To Look Any Further! 4 Unique Framing ♦ Affordable Prints And Originals ♦ Poiiery And Omninenls ♦ Calendars And Cards And Much More ‘ Plenty OfTune To Frame Your Selection For Christmas At 'ANGLEWQQD AR1 . AND FRAME GALLERY 778-0060 Across Frotn Tanglcwood Park In Ttw Harris-Tccier Shopping Center F o r s y t h V e t e r i n a r y H o s p i t a l of 2556 South Stratford Road is pleased to introduci: Dr. Art Taylor as the new est m em ber o f their team. "D oc" comes to us from Tennessee where he practiced fo r 15years, he is certified in ultra sou nd diagnostics an d has special interests in orthopedic an d cosm etic surgery. "D o c" a n d h is horse "D akota" liv e in the K in g area a n d com pete in the rodeo sport o f team roping. ■Vi! The following coses were disposed of in. Davie District Court on Dec. 9. Presiding; Judge Kimberly S. Toylor. Prosecuting; Chuck Kinsey ond Melanie Holton usslsiont DA's. —Robert D. Amos, assault on a female, complete counselingytrcot- ment program, do not assault, threaten or harass prosecuting wit­ ness. : —Jeonetlra L. Arnold, worthless check, dismissed. —Goy M. Demon, worthless check, dismissed. —George L. Bernhardt, 85 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to 79 In 70, $10, cost, —Tnmsen F. Beroth, failure lo Slop for stop sign, $10, cost. ; -Wendy Boger, obtaining prop­ erly by false preicn.se, dismissed, re­ quest of prosecuting witness. ; -George N. Bostion, worthless check, dismissed. —Albert T. Bracken, reckless driving lo endanger, dismissed. —Shannon W. Brooks, worthless check, dismissed. —Robert D. Conlrell, breaking or entering, scnlenced 120 days; posses­ sion of Schedule II controlled sub- stonce, reduced to misdemeanor pos­ session of drug porophemollo, sen­ tenced 120 days, —Gustavo I. Castrejon, sentenced 30 days, suspended I ycor.SICO.cost. —Carlton M. Coleman, driving while license revoked, prayer for ■ judgment continued on cost; expired registration, dismissed. ^Jerry W. Cope Jr., misdemeanor probation violation, 2 year sentence activated; misdemeanor lorceny, dis­ missed. —Thomas H. Cosgrove, sen­ tenced 30 days, suspended I year, $75, cost. —Mary S. Deol, three counts worthless checks, dismissed. -M ichael T. Deaver. failure lo yield stop sign, dismissed; open con­ tainer after consuming, prayer for judgment continued on cost. —Seturnino R. Diaz, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. —Henry Dulln, driving while li­ cense revoked, prayer for judgment Brown Family Reiieved By Verdict, Sentence Readied in iViurder Triai Continued From Pnge I Dnicc." Acase like tl\is you take home wiih you." Bruce saidshe believes,aHcrspeak- ing wiihjurorsMondayafternoqn, they arecomfo^able with iheir decision lo recommcnd the dcalh penalty. • She was not surprised by the jury's recommendation becausc theevldence showed Al-Bayyinah to he a violent pcRon, she said. The jury has spoken, said defense attorney Lori Hamilion-DeWitt. I "We have a system of justice that works 99.9 percent of Ihe time," she said. If siw didn't believe In that sys­ tem, she couldn't do her job. DeWitt said she's relieved the trial has finally e.nd^ continued on cost. —David F. Dwiggins, three counts worthless checks, dismissed. —Vickie C. Dwiggins, worthless check, dismissed. --Julie R. Ferrell, assault with a deadly weapon, prayer for judgment continued on cost. —Neddie A. Hess. DWI, sen­ tenced 60 days,' suspended I year, SlOO, cosit, surrender license, 24 hours community service ond fee: driving left of center, dismissed. —Royal S. Howell, open con­ tainer aRer consuming, sentenced 10 days, suspended 1 year, $50, cost: misdemeanor possession of mari­ juana, dismissed. —Angel C. Jimenez, DWI. 90 mph in a 55 mph zone, sentenced 60 days, suspended I year, SlOO. cost, surrender license, substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment. 24 hours com­ munity service and fee; open con­ tainer aAcr consuming alcohol, sen­ tenced 30 days, suspended \ year, $100, cost. —Burl M. Lanier Jr.. 72 mph in a 55 mph zone, dismissed: DWI, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended I year. $100, cost, surrender license, 24 hours community scrvice and fee. —Shayne D. Lory, worthless check, dismissed. —Mazie O. Mahaffey, 50 mph in a 35 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment. —Mark McCall, violating domes­ tic violence protection order, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, dismissed, request of prosecuting witness: mis-. demeanor possession of marijuana, sentenced lOdays,suspended I year, SlOO. cost. —Phyllis R. McCrary, simple as­ sault, prayer for judgment continued on not assaulting, threatening or ha- stolen goods, sentenced 120 days, suspended 3 years, S200. cost. —Brian M. Spain, driving while liccnse reVokcd, prayer for judgment continued on cost; registration viola­ tion, dismissed. -Michael E. Taylor, town ordi­ nance violation, prayer for judgment continued on not allowing dog to run at large at night. —Jose D. Umana, registration vio­ lation, failure to apply for new title, dismissed; no liability insurance, sen­ tenced 30 days, suspended 1 year. $50. cost. —Gary N. Willis. DWI. exceed­ ing posted speed, sentenced 60 da> suspended I year. $100. cost, surre der license, substance assessment. * hours community scrvice and fee. —Oscar L. Young, driving whi license revoked, sentenced 45 day suspended 1 year. S200, cost; rcgl; tration violation, dismissed. Plans Being Made For School Conlinuctl From Page 1 to asscmlilc i\ staff, wliicli will be announced this spring. Over the next few months she will take on morc responsibility for the school, and it is cxpectcd that she will be dcvotin? all of her lime lo Cornazlcr Elemen­ tary by March. Al lhal lime. Pop­ lin will move lo an officc at Ihc cctural office building until titc start of the next school year. Because Central Davie does not have an assistant principal position, the board of education will name an interim principal lo complete Ihis, the final school year, at Central Davie. The de­ cision will be made as Popli lakes oti more responsibility fc Ihc new school sometime I early 2000. “Tliis is a very cxciling lim for an administrator," rcporte Steed, "being able to asscmbi a staff, sclcci equipment an plan instruclion." Nabbed Workers Caught Stealing From Schoo COOLEEMEE - Two M(x:ksvi!lc men were arrested la.st weekend while performing community service work at Cooleemee Elementary School. School employees reported Nov. 29. that someone had broken into draw­ ers and closets at the school and taken money, according to Police ChiefTIm Woolen. Suspecting the crime mayhavebeen committed by someone performing community service work there on Nov. 27. officers were able to capture two men red-handed on the following Sat­ urday. Wooten reported. Joey U-e Benson. 19.of3516U.! 601 North wasarrestedforfelonybrcal ing and entering and felony larcen; Timothy Matthew Foster, l7,of244* Angetl Road, was charged with atdin and abetting breaking and entering an larceny. Both arc scheduled lo appcc in Davie District Court Jan. 6. iravlngadui7loreVrescnthcrdl.'‘''!“ >'"8P™“ CUllh8wirncSS Teens Arrested For Racing Two teen-agers were charged with charged with speed competition, racing after speeding past an officer They are scheduled to face the . on.UvS..60lNmth near. MOJast . charges.Jan..2 1.io Davie District- enl to the best of her ability while feelingastrongconnectiontothiscom- munity made her job extremely diffi­ cult, she said. The Browns are wonderful people, DeWilt said. "My heart went out to them every day In court." Attorneys lUlake Final Arguments To Jurors Continued From Page 4 murderer with no caring for anyone, ^mce said. There's some spark of a human being missing from him. and that's a conscicnce," she said. . Likean 18-wheelerontheroadwith no driver, he is a violent man, and no one can predict when he’ll explode. He can stilldo harm in the prison system to the people who go there every day to work, Bmce told thejury. The only way to be sure he can : never harm again- to make sure all arc ; protected from this man Is a sentence ; of death, she'said. the power of life," DeWitt said. Shetoldjurorsitwouldn'thelpthem to deal with future misgivings about the decision they made to say they did it will 11 others becauseeach holds the power to change the outcome. She said they may think it wrong for herto plead for mercy, but she feels no shame in begging for mercy for her client. Ultimately therc Is a divineness is asking for mercy, she said. "Mercy is an Important and essen­ tial element to our judicial system," DeNVitt told thejury. Through tears she commended the' .. I r __ Jiiv vwi,unv«iuv\» u»w■Howdoweslophtsreignoftcnor lifeoftoctoitohcrhandsinloihc ; if not by the ultimate punishment that s •. ; allowed under our low?” she asked. ^ ^ Ifever a cose deserved ttralpums - j|^(,„|,(,f|,jspjn.„y^|umingloolco- mcnl. it's this one. Brace sotd hoi and drugs, he sold. Al-Boyyinohbciievamdw death ,f ^od nwived morc extended pcnolly,,sheloldjuro.s,toausehehas L,p o ffc cnforeed it by his own hand. ^ ^ „ ,Defens«SeeksMercy different life. Minor argued. History to taught >1>“ “P t^ "8 Al.Bayyinoh is deeply religious.violenceanddralhtoaprohlemdMsn t solveil,orgucddefcnsealtorncyDavid ^ —Kenan D. Myers, Injury to per­ sonal property, assault by pointing a gun, Injury to personal property, dis­ missed. prosecuting witness failed to appear, misdemeanor child abuse, sentenced 120 days, suspended I year, $200, cost. —Kenneth T. Nalls, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, possession o f d ru g p a rop lie m o lta, c rc d it fo r tim e served. -Kenneth D. Nieft, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost; driving/allowing vehicle not register/titled, registration violation, dismissed. -Connie Orren, misdemeanor larceny, dismissed, request of pros­ ecuting witness. —Steven F. Peacock, assault on a female, dimissed, prosecuting witness failed to appear. —Patricia W. Pierce, worthless check, dismissed. —Ernest Pyrtle, second degree trespassing, dismissed. —Keith K. Roten, DWL sen­ tenced I year, suspended I year, 7 days active, $400, cost, surrender li­ cense. —Theresa R. Sample, worthless check, dismissed. —John J. Short, misdemeanor pro­ bation violation, activate sentence. —Julia S. Sims. DWL sentenced 1 year, suspended I year, 7 days ac­ tive, S400, cost, surrender license, —John B. Small Jr., breaking and or entering, larceny after breaking/ entering, dismissed; possession of week. Matthew Scott Raulcrson, 18. of Winston-Salem, was charged with speed competition, failure to sign his vehicle registration card, and Inop­ erable headlights. Christopher James Bolin. 18. of 165 W. Bolin Road. Mocksville. was Court. Mocksville Police Sgt. D.T. Miller reported seeing the vehicles driven by the two go by the BP Station on U.S. 601 North, side by side, at a high rate of speed al abut \ \ p.m. Dcc. 6. Officer Keith Gunter assisted in the arrests. m j D IR E C T V . Single'Systems *99“ Call 1-800-583-1339 Direct Digital Solutions chafQwrnayapphf Minor. He asked jurats to opply Ihe rules a mother uses in her home fordiseipline, telling them love is the greatest prob­ lem solver. "Iflve Is Ihc strongest force of oil," he said. "Only love conqucrs hatred and violence." has worked,' earned his GED. been o model Inmole ond helped others, he sold. The deoth penally is a last rtsort for only the' worst crimes, he said. Al-Dayylnoh did not enter Brown's store with the intention of commiiting murder. This was a situational offenseLowe respects life and puts and end - not acold, calculated murder, he told to the killing, he said. : He urged thejurors to be guided by common sense, evidence and con- isclencc - not anger, resentment and I feor.' i ''is death the only appropriole pun- !ishment?"heasked. thejury. He suggested the deoth penalty should be reserved for portlculorly hei­ nous murders, involving torture or sexual assault or murder of children. In prison Al-Bayyinoh will have to live with the pain and suffering he has Minor told jurors diey would be . caused tho Brown fomily ond his own ; protecting society by sentencing Al- fomily, Minor sold. • IBayylnohtoiifeinprison. He is not beyond hope. He has ifil-Bayylnoh Is 36 and will die a helped odtera in prison ond has shown ! Hide each day he's in prison, he sold, respectforhisfamilyandprisonguords. i There can be no rcol dispute about There is humanity in Al-Bayylnah, he 1 onyofhisprevlouscrimes.Minorsold, sold. . ' bulAl-Bayylnahhosalreadybecnpun- - Minor urged the jury to judge his Ishi^ for those crimes. . • ■clienlwithundetstandingandcompos- Many escope die iraumoof prob-.;slon^ 1 , ■ lettjs .from their childhood, but Al- ^ "Each of you holds in your hands Antiques, Art & Gifts 336-751-0555 41 Court Square • Mocksvllle, N.C A n tiq u e s , A r t & G ifts “Far from the madding crowd.” ‘Soaps, Towels, Candles & Hotne Dccor •Savannah Cinnamon MLtcs, Coffees, Teas •All Natural “Critter Omamcnts'"Balsam Pillows OPEN DAILY M-W 10am-5;30ptn Th, & Fri 10am-8pm Sat. 10am-5;3Qpm Sun. Ipm-Spm : 1 All Recllners Have Been Reduced Twin Set $229 Full Set $299 Queen Set $359 King Set $499 We Sell Gliders That Are Made In The USA We are Over Stoclted 30%-50%0FF Kip RECLINERS ^4 o c k s v i l l e F u r n i t u r e & A D D l i a n c e , I n c . 59 c o rr t Square • M o c k s v llle . NC »(336) 751-5812 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Doc. 16,1999Public Records Marriages The followjng were Issued mar­ riage licenses by (he Davie Register Qf Deeds. - MichacI Barrett Guilbaull. 27. and Sharon Elaine Bowman, 27. of Winston-Salem. * James Lee Hclmstellcr. 52. and Patricia Ann Taylor, 49, of 843 Gladstone Road, Mocksvillc. • Zackariah Nathaniel Pinkard, 32, and Shelia Marica Troy, 27, of 492 Hobson St., Mocksvillc. • Stevie Dale Buelln, 22. of 274 Jack Dooe Road, and Nicole Lynn King. 19, of 305 Danner Road. Mocksvillc. - Edward Earl Bartlett, 38, of 939 Deadmon Road, and Sharon Denise Spry, 36, of 943 Deadmon Road, Mocksville. • Jason Ryan Correll, 21, of 422 Bcektown Road, Mocksvillc, and Teresa Jane England, 20. Statesville. - James Howard Dccess, 33, and Cathy Ann Sprouse, 39, of 172 Main Si., Cooleemee. -Timothy Franklin White, 36, and Paula Ann Mastcn, 35, of 147 Franklin Lane. Mocksvillc! • Ralph Hodges Leonard, 57, of 860 Rcdland Road. Advance, and Elizabeth Neely Turner, 52, of 505 Davie Academy Road. Mocksville. • Thomas Edward Phillips Jr., 39, and Xinyun Duan, 30, Waukegan, 111. - Dewaync Allen King. 35, and Teresa Dianne Bryan, 34, of762 Bear Creek Church Road, Mocksville. • Gary Lee Dunn, 45, and Juanita Shores Allen, 36. of 133 Oak Tree Drive. Mocksville. : - HenryClay HeathJr.,51,of 162 Sail) Cope Road, Advuncc,;and Weeta Gaye Baker, 50, of 126 rtolly Hill Court, Advance. ;• - Gerald Edward Spors, 44, and Denise Theresc Rego, 45, of 605 Richie Road, Mocksvillc. • Patrick Scoll Bradley, 36. and Uslie Lynn Rcavis. 22, of222 Rocky Dale Lane, Mocksvillc. ■ Lester Eldon Browder, 46, and Connie Jean Collet, 41, of 220 Wllkesboro St.. Mocksville. Land Transfers The following land transfers were nied with the Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds, listed by parties in­ volved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with S2 represent­ ing SI.000. • Larry McDaniel Builders to Cynthia L. Black and Bryan J. Black, 1 lot, Mocksville. $218. - Cynthia L. Black to Michael J. Black, .61 acre, Fulton. - MichacI Hoyle Llvengood and Denisha Setzcr Llvengood to Robert B. Smitherman and Claudette B. Smlthcrman, I lot, Jerusalem. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to Samnaz, I lot, Fann- lngton,$108, - Zeno D. Hoots Jr. lo Jeanette 0. Cornalzer, .79 acre. Shady Grove, S2. - Joe L. Puckett III and Jenny R. Puckett to Scotl C. Butterfield and Lisa M. Butterfield, I lot. Farming­ ton. $670. • Barbara Cooper Gentry and Lewis Gentry to John E. McManus and Charlotte L. McManus. 2.79 acres, Jerusalem, $208. - Howard Lee Correll Jr. and Teresa Correll lo Shuler Building. I lot, 540. • David Eugene Shuler and Jan Sink Shuler lo Robert C. Helms and Jean E. Helms, 1 lot, Calahaln, S250. - Norman Gene James and Hubert Stine to Carol D. James and Ronnie James, 2 tracts, Mocksvillc. S120. • Sandra Gall Bennett and as at­ torney In fact for Fayck Elmesalemy, 10 Ronald C. Kirk and Susan G. Kirk, 2.35 acres, Farmington, S48. • Robert V. Hardin and Yolanda G. Hardin lo William V. Foster Jr.. 2 lots, Fulton, S100. - Peter W. Hairston lo Hairslon Family, 1,902 acres. Fulton. • Morgan Earl Smllh and Gall J. Smith to Peggy A. Joyner, 3 tracts, Mocksvillc, S36. • D. Jack Bodcnhamcr and Betty N. Bodcnhamcr lo Bruce F. Taylor and Rosemarie H. Taylor, 1 lot, Ful­ ton, $395. -Bob Cope & Son Construction to Samuel J. Wright, 1 lot, Mocksville, S155. - Mary L. Boger by attorney In fact Hubert Samuel Boger lo Ken­ neth B. Klker and Ellen W, Kiker (half interest) ond Carla Renee Kiker (halflnteresl), 14.96 acres, Farming­ ton, $170. -Barry William Hanson and Caryn Lee Hanson lo Stephanie S. Kaye, I lot, $304. ■ - Lloyd Kent Hancock and Carla Prcsnell Hancock to Melvin D. Spen­ cer and Teresa L. Spencer. 1 lol. Mocksville, $238. -F. Kevin Gorham, substitute trustee to Grady L. McClamrock Sr. and Lucy S. McClamrock, I lot, Famiinglon,$189. - Shannon Hall Construction to Mary Caroline Gamble, I lot, Farm­ ington. $429. - Teresa Dyson Lusk to Jerome Thomas M iller Jr. and Heather Nicole Miller, I lol, Fulton. $146. • Wcstvlew Development to David S. Mallard Construction, 2 lots, SI 12. • J&A Investments to Smith Re­ ally of Lexington, 4.52 acres, Fulton, S450. • Thomas F. Foster to C.F. Allen Enterprises. .12 acre, Mocksvillc. • C.H. Brogdon and Dorcas A. Brogdon lo Billy Lynn Sharpe and Brenda James Sharpe, .61 acre, Jerusalem, S2. - Tilden Madison Angcll and Elsie Bowens Angcll. Robert Michael Angcll and Leuna Mahaffey Angell, Myron Mooney Angell, David Mitchell Angcll and Geraldine Stephens Angcll. James Marcus Angell and Brenda Harris Angell, Charlie Gaither Angcll and Nellie Wilson Angcll, Verlous Barnes Angell and Betty Whitaker Angell, Ervin Jones Angell and Peggy Cline Angcll, Ruby Angcll Purvis and Jewell Denman Purvis. Vrlginla A. Eaton and Lester Eaton. C.J. Angell Jr. and Caiherine Brown Angell. Bobbie Angell Curler and George Alton Carter, Burrell D. Angell and Betty M. Angcll. Donald G. Angcll and Robbie H. Angcll, Richard L. Angell and Carol K. Angell to R. Nelson Jones and Jane S. Jones, 126.85 acres, Mocksville, $1,497. - Howard Lee Correll Jr. and Teresa S. Correll to David Blackwell. I lot, Calahaln, $56. - Elsie Hodges Summers to James Woodrow Summers Jr. and Anne Hoffman Summers, 2 tracts; Mocks­ villc. - John M. Grose and Ann M. Morrison to Brian S. Rosen and Cecelia Rosen, .84 ocre, Jerusalem, $37. • Ricky Gray Dull and Wyonna Ann Dull lo James P. Armstrong Jr. and Patricia Armstrong, 4.62 acres, Mocksvillc, $65. - Kenneth J. Williams to Diana F. Eubanks, I lot. Jerusalem. •Timothy Pennington and Debbie Pennington lo Timothy Curll and Angela Curll, 1.1 acres, Calahaln. $44. • Kenneth Lee Snow and Maijorie Snow to Diana Snow, 16.5 acres, Clarksville. • James Carl Bailey and Connie W, Bailey to Jeffrey Paul Bailey and Lori H. Bailey, 1.8 acres,Farmlngton, $19. - Julian D. Gaither to Naomi C. Spratlcy, I tract. Mocksvillc. - Bayne E, Miller and Inez F. Miller lo Bayne E. Miller and Inez F. Miller (half Interesl each), 7 lots, Mocksville. • Arlyne B. Comellson, cxecutrix of estate of Ralph B. Corncllson to Larry B. Cornelison and Jerry B. Comellson (holf interest eoch), Mocksvillc. • Jeanette Beane to Ronald E, Beane Jr., 2 acrcs, Fulton. - G&B Oil Co. to Davie County, 1.02 acres, Mocksvillc. • Dewey H. Parks and Juanita H. Parks to Derrick Fitzgerald Parks and Lisa Chappell Parks, 1.29 acres, Clarksville. Arrests --•Th^DavIo Goumy-ShcrifTs Dc-- partment made the following arrests. - Patricia Wood Pierce, 29, of 286 Hillcrcst Drive, Advance, arrested Dcc.6forworthlesscheck.Trialdatc: Dec. 6. - Michael David Mcdves, 19, of 287 Michaels Rood, Mocksville, ar­ rested Doo» 6, for niisdcmcanorposses- - slon of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and violating pretrial re­ lease condlllons. Bond: $30,000. Trial date: Jan. 13. - Melissa Ann Rcavis, 23, of 354 West Maple Avc., Mocksvillc, arrested . Dcc. 7, for communicating ihrcals. - Keith-Gray Queen.-22r of- Yadkinvillc. arrested Dcc. 7 for failure lo appear in court. Trial date: Jan. 13. - Joey Scott Plemmons, 35. Win­ ston-Salem, arrested Dec. 7 for misde­ meanor breaking and entering, assault on a female and damage lo real prop­ erty. Trial date: Jan. 20. • -RaclKlMaric Hooper^ 23;of 285- Edwards Road, Harmony, arrested Dcc. 8. for misdemeanor larceny, fictitious registration, no insurance and dispos­ ing of secured property. - Monica Smith Shore, 25, of 378 Michaels Road, Mocksville, arrcsled Dcc. 9 for felony speeding to elude •arrest,-dclaying and obsinicling an o f ­ ficer and misdemeanor speeding to cludcarrcst. Bond: $20,000. Trial date: Feb. 25. - Mark Anthony Holland, 36, of 2200 N.C. 801 S., Advance, arrested Dcc. 10 for failure to appear in court. Trial date: Jan. 13. .Sheriff's D epartm ent The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie County Sheriffs ■ Department. -Jane WhlleCartcr reported Nov. 20, money hadbecnsiolcn from Shady Grove Elementary School. - Leonard Bobbitt reported Dec. 6.thalncarly$20,000worthofcquip- menl had been stolen from Vulcan Materials on Farmington Road. -NancyTumerofLlbcrtyChureh Road, Mocksville, reported Dec. 6, someone broke Into her residence. - Steven Lawson reported someone hud broken into Heartland Tobacco on U.S. 158 Dcc. 7. stealing cigarettes. >PhillipBullinreportcdaboul$1.500 worth of equipment stolen from Coastal Transport on Madison Road. Mocks­ ville. Dcc. 7. - Amanda Leigh Harris of Junciion Road. Mocksville. reported Dec. 7. a VCR.SuperNiniendo.30gamcs, money, clothing and other Items had been stolen from her residence. . - Vickie Cope Phelps reported someone trespassing on her property on ParkwayCourt, Mocksville, Dec. 7. - Georgia Schocnberger Taylor of Turrentlne Church Road. Mocksville. reported Dcc. 7, a shovel, rake and sickle blade stolen from her home. - William Whaley of Mocksvillc reported someone had attempted louse hlscrcdiicardinfonnaiionlogainprop- crty Dec. 7. - A Davie High student reported his book bag. a pair of bools, two compact disks, a CD player and three school books stolen from the gym at the high school Dec. 7. - George Franklin Wlshon of Mela B rceze Lane, Mocksvl He. reported Dec. 8, someone took ihc rear wheel from his bicycle. -Tlziano Patrick Temple, manager of McDonald's In Hillsdale, reported a customer had threatened him and tried to cross the counter Dec. 8. -Jimmy Myers of Cornalzer Road. Mocksvillc, reported Dec. 8, a vehicle had struck his mailbox. - Diane Little reported acounterfeit check for $75 passed al Center Exxon Dcc. 8. - Jerry Wayne Hagar of Casa Bella Drived Advance, reported a neighbor hod robbed him Dcc. 8. - Bclty Gunter reported Dec. 9, someone broke Into Gunter's Country Store, stealing cigarettes. - Rebecca F. Eldson of Granada Drive, Advancc, reported Dcc. 9, some­ one had attempted to bre.Tk into her Mocksville Police The following incidents were re­ ported to the Mocksvillc Pollcc Dc-. partmcni. - A drink machlnc off Depot Street was broken Into, it was reported Dec. 7. • A fax machine, generator and two way radios were stolen a car hauler off Blaise Church Road, It was reported Dec. 6. - The larceny of a variety of items was reported Dec. 8 from Food Lion South. • A ball hitch mount and locking pin were stolen from a vehicle parked at Wal Mart, ii was reported Dcc. 8. - An amplifier was stolen from a vehicle parked at Davidson Couniy Community College, It was reported Dec. 9. ' . - The breaking and entering and damage lo trailers was reported Dcc. 12 off Blaise Church Road. Arrests - John Bruce Driver, 57, of 3868 U.S. 601, was charged Dec. 7 with driving left of center and DWI. Trial date: Feb. 3. • Rodger Lee Lewis, 24, of 305 Northridgc, was charged Dcc. 7 with resisting arrest, obstructing and de­ laying an officer, communicating threats, assault on a female and sec- ond-dcgrce rape. Trial date: Jan. 20. Traffic Accidents • A Mocksvillc woman wos charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on Gaither Street at 2:32 p.m. Dec. 7. Tonya Crouse Overby, 32, of 126 Ashley Brook Lane, failed lo stop the 1994 Ford v- an she was driving be^ fore ll struck in the rear a 1973 Mack truck driven by Stephen Mack Walker, 47, of 263 Speer Road, re­ ported Officer R.A. Donalhan. • No charges were filed after a 3- vchlclc wreck on South Main Street at B&F Manufacturing at 6:45 a.m. Dcc. 9. Peggy Ddvls Baily, 65, of 785 Farmington Road, failed lo slop ihc 1991 Volkswagen she was driving before it struck in the rear a 1995 Geo driven by Adrienne Mossen Lazcnby, 65, of 126 Sunset Drive Apl. 38, knocking il into the rear of a 1988 Ford inick driven by MichacI Lewis Beane, 33, of 205 Nancy Easter Loop, reported Officer John Coley. • AThomasville man was charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on U.S. 601 at South Main Strecl at 7:25 a.m. Dec. 10. Arnold Roy Laws Jr., 39. failed toslop the 1999 Dodge truck he was driving before It struck the rear of a 1990 Chevrolet driven by Larhonda Keincr Marshall, 31, of 156 Drum Lane, reported Asst. Chief WJ. Stoneman. ^ • No charges were fijed after a 3- vehlcle wreck on South iSallsbury St. at 8:22 a.m. Dec. 10. Wanda Boone Southern, 47, of 1698 U.S. 601 S.. failed to slop the 1992 Ford she was I Highway Patrol The following irafilc wrecks were Investigated by the N.C. Highway Patrol in Davlc County. Vehicles Collide At Intersection T\vo vehicles collided at U.S. 64 and U.S. 601 at 7:50 o.m. Dec. 6. Terry McColm Crisco, 50, of Sal-, isbury, was slowing u 1988 Honda lo a stop and Keith Douglas Stiller, 30. of 3irW . Maple Ave., Mocks- ville, was making a left turn ina 1998 Ford van when the two collided, re- i Fires : Davie Couniy fire departments re- I sponded lo the following calls. Dec.6:Advonce, 10:11 p.m.,auto : accident, LaQuinia Drive at Bcau- *: champ Road. 1 Dec. 7; Couniy Line, 5:28 p.m., ; 'i chimney fire, 1664 Ridge koad; Cen- ; ; ter assisied; Jenisalcm, 6:23’ p.m., smoke in residence,438 Hobson Drive. , ; Dec. 8: Advance, 10:08 a.m., auto ! ; accident. Fork Bixby Rood; Fork as- I : sisled. ) ! Dec. 9: Jerusalem. 8:36 a.m.. auto r 1-^ accidcm, Pinendge Road at U.S. 601; Cooleemee assistcd:CoumyLlnc,4:23 p.m., auto accident, U.S. 64 at Iredell Couniy line. Dcc. 10; Center, 9:29 p.m., vehicle firc,U.S.64atHorscsbocTrail;Mocks- ville assisted; Couniy Line, 9:45 p.m,. chimney fire, 1140^ircc Drive; Cen- icrassistcd; Advance, 11:59 p.m., auto accident, Burton Road. ^ Dec. 11: Smith Grove, 1:09 p.m„ auto accident, 1-40; Center, 5:(M p.m., auti) accidcnl,‘;u.S. 64 West; Cwl- ccmce, 5:06 p.m., tree fire, Creason Road. ported Trooper J.R. Allred. Driver Charged, Passenger Hurt An Arden man was chargcd with DWI and having an open alcohol container in his car after a wreck on 1-40 at 6 a.m. Dec. 6. Arturo Calvillo Vazquez, 26, was driving a 1987 Lincoln that went off the road to the right, went behind a guardrail and struck an overpass sup­ port, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. Juan Martinez, a passenger, was taken 10 Bapllsl Hospital. ' Woman Charged With DWI An Advancc woman was chargcd with DWI after a wreck on Laquinta Drive at 9:55 p.m. Dec, 6. . Rose Ellen Everidge, 39, of 155 Alamoso Drive, was driving a 1979 AMC that went off ihe road to the right, went down an embankment and struck a tree. She told Trooper C.D. Jones she had mei onolhcr.ve­ hicle that forced.her off the road. Left Of Center Charged A Mocksville man was chargcd with driving lefi of ccnier after a wreck on U.S. 601 at Pine Ridge Road at 8:35 a.m. Dec. 9. Delano Maurice Dcdmon, 66, of 353 Pine Ridge Road, was making a left lura from U.S. 601 and turned into the opposite travel lane, strik­ ing a 1996 Ford driven by Jannie Marie Shore, 22, of 239 Pine Ridge Road, Mocksville, reported Trooper Terrancc D. Shaw. Driver Faces Four Charges An Advancc man was chargcd with DWI, driving while license re­ voked, no registration and no insur­ ance after a wreck on Fork Bixby Road'at 10 a.m. Dec. 8.: I Robin Lamont Campbell, 26, of ; 534 N.C. 801N.; was'drivlng a 1989 ' Nissan that went off the road to the . right and struck a tree, reported Trooper Terrance D. Shaw. Vehicles Collide At Intersection Two vchiclcs collided on N.C. 801 at Farmington Road at 7:30 a.m. Dcc. 10. Gerald Dwight Fox, 51, of Taylorsville, was allempting to go straight through the inierseciion, and a 1999 Ford was being turned left from ihe opposite direction by Sonja Michelle Collins, 22. of Yadkinvlllc, when the two collided, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy, Failure To Yield Charged A Stalcsyillc woman was charged, with failure io yield after a wreck on U.S. 601 at Madison Road al 12:05 p.m. Dcc. 10. Jayne Goodman'niylor, 39, drove a 1991 Chevrolet from Madlsoii Road sinking a 1999 Mercury being .driven on UiS. 601 by Brandi DAVIK COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16; 1999 - 7 Just Doing Their Jobs Members of the N.C. Highway Patrol assigned to Davie County inciude, from left; E.T. Phillips, J.R. Allred, T.S. Kennedy, T.D. Shaw, Line Sgt. M.D. Hayes, A.J. Farmer, A.A. Justice, C.D. Jones, and M.W. Whitener. MJcnjamin FrankKnTharpe, 53;of 119 Northridgc Court, Mocksville. ar­ rested Dcc. 11 for failure to appear in court. Trial date: Jan. 20. - MichacI Clarence Cody. 25, of 376VillagcRoad,Mocksvil!c, arrested Dcc. 12 for assault on a female. Trial date: Jan. 20. house. - Deputy Mark Crater reported Dcc. 10, finding a 1985 BMW, belonging to Mark Franklin Rogers of Rural Hall, on Gordon Drive. - G. Vcmon Hendrix Jr. of Ad­ vance reported Dec. lO.someoncbroke into his vehicle and stole a two way radio and wrench on Gordon Drive. - Ernest Bradley Williams of Oak Grove Church R o ^ Mocksville, re­ ported Dec. 11, money had been stolen from his home. driving before it struck in the rear a 1997 Chevrolet driven by Perry Nothanlcl Snow, 25, of Yadkinvillc, knocking it into the rear of a 1994 Jeep driven by Judith R. Llvengood, 54, of 157 Woodbridgc Way, reported Officcr R.A. Donalhan. • Shanta Schelila Kimbrough, 20, of379 Monlview Drive, failed lo slop the 1994 Mazda'she was driving at 7:23 p.m. Dec. 11 before it stnick in the rear a 1989 Toyota driven by Tamlca Sherelle Cain, 24, of Win­ ston-Salem, reported Officer L. Keith Gunlcr. Nichole Seaford, 17, of 3311 N.C. 801 S., Advance, reported Trooper M.W. Whitener. Michigan Man Charged A Michigan man was chargcd with failure to yield aftcra wreck on U.S. 601 at 140 at 3:25 p.m. Dec. 8. Terry Lynn Briggs, 46, drove u tractor trailer from the exit ramp striking a 1968 Ford licing driven on U.S. 601 by Brian Justin Beaver, 16, of654 Cherry Hill RoW, Mocks­ villc, reported Trooper A.A. Justice. Harmony Woman Ii\jured Linda Henderson Goforth, 53, was lakcn 10 Iredell Memorial Hos­ pital after a wreck at 4520 p.m. Dec. ‘ 9 on U.S. 64 West. , Goforth was driving a 1998 Bulck and said she heard a loud noise come from her car jusl prior to il going off Ihe road to thcleft and overturning ConltnuedOnPage? ;; Hi^wav Patrol Continued From Page 6 several limes, reportedTrwipcr C.D. Jones. FallurcTo Reduce Speed Charged An Advancc woman was chargcd with failure to reduce speed after a wreck al 1:35 p.m. Dec. 11 on Ber­ muda Run Drive. Lottie Jessup Gutchcr, 68, of 232 Spyglass Drive, failed lo slop the 1994 Merccdez she was driving be­ fore Il struck in the rear a 1992 Nissan driven by Zana Mayberry Wheeler, 7l,of 155 Spyglass Drive, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Driving Left Of Center Charged An Advancc man was charged with driving left of center after n wreck on U.S. 158 at 12:40 p..m Dec. II. Michael Blaine Spaugh, 26, of 397 Armsworthy Road, was driving a 1979 Ford pickup that went off the road 10 the right, and came back onto the road, crossing ihc center line and striking a 1987 Ford pickup driven • by Ronald Lee Leonard, 42, of 266 Foster Dairy Road, Mocksville, re­ ported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Driver Misses End Of Road A Clemmons teen was slighlly injured after the car he was driving hit a gate at the end of Bermuda Road at 12:05 p.m. Dcc. II. Monlr Mohamcd Elmlwany, 19, •was driving a 1992 Ford ihai hll ihc ' gate at the end of ihe dead-end road. He lold Trooper J.R. Allred that he had become lost and wasn’t familiar with the road. ^ < Driver Avoids Car A Hamplonvllle motorist dodged another molorisl on U.S. 64 Wesi al 5:30p.m. Dcc. II. Donna Eller Rcncgar, 38, was driving a 1991 Plymouth van and veered to the right lo avoid colliding with an oncoming vehicle, and the van struck a telephone junciion box. reported Tnnipcr A.J. Farmer. TVactor Trailer Overturns A tractor trailer overturned on U.S. 601 North at 9:05 a.m. Dcc. 8. Earl Banner Tilley Jr., 72, of Elkin, was driving the truck and drove it to the righl lo avoid hitting the rear of another vehicle, reported TrtKipcr A.J. Fanner. Failure To Yield Charged A Moeksvillc woman was charged with failure lo yield after a wreck on U.S. 64 Eiisl at N.C. 801 al 7:50 a.m. Dcc. II. Cora Elizekth Vannostran, 78, of 317 Avon St., drtjvc a 1994 Toyota fn>m N.C. 801, .striking u 1987 Fonl driven on U.S. 64 by Tummy Boger Shore, 38, of Yudkinville, reported Trooper Terrancc D. Shaw. Cor Wrecks On U.S. 64 West A Mocksvillc man lost control of Ihe car he was driving on U.S. 64 We.sl at 8:30 a.m. Dcc. 12. William Kenneih French, 47, of 600 Ijanfcs Church Koad,‘was driv­ ing a 1993 Pontiac that went off the road to the right, came back across the road lo the left and went down an embankmeni lo the left, reported Trocjpcr Terrance D. Shaw. Teen Misses Driveway An Advance teen missed the turn to a'drlvcway al 5:20 p.m. Dec. 10. Sarah Christine Simmons, 17, of 4156 U.S. 158, was driving the 1994 Honda that struck a tree just lo the righl of Ihc drive, reported Line Sgt. M.D. Hayes. She was charged with making an unsafe tranic movement. Four Deer Struck The follosving motorists struck or were struck by deer on Davie roads: • Johnny Eugene Spillman, 49, of Yadkinvillc, al 6:50 p.m. Dec. 9 on N.C. 801; • Andrew Edward Wagner, 23, of 1813 Jcricho Church Road, Mocks­ villc, at 12:05 a.m. Dcc. 10 on Junc­ tion Road; • Dennis Glen Durham, 42, of 178 Main Si., Cooleemee, al 1 p.m. Dcc. 11 on 1-40; and * • Kicliard Gvcrcli Shcck, 6.S, of Clemmons, at 7:30 p.m. Dcc. 11 on Dulin Road. i i T h e p e r f e c t c h o ic e f o r t h e r a c i n g f a n o n y o u r g i f t l i s t ! Check out our Imas Ridng CiTiimplom,Wimei’s aide & Action cats, models, diecast banks and motel Andy's (Stoceiy Intofsectlon of Hlnhway 158 E. & Rodhncl Road. Advance NC (910) 998-4879 Happy .u l :x-J CP J IV ; . : i to yours. i-ia .Y .' * •»' ' ly .i* . : ■ ,7jV SCI ■ ' : ' 1-' ‘‘ J - o ]! ' .'-V,' " tCi> '.S';- -V M fi O . A ■■•/-J- During this special time of the year, Sprint would lil« to thank you for allowing us to serve you. We hope you and your farnlly haveasafeandhappyholiday season. ^Sprint. •' Die point of cbntacr?, • ^ Free Credit Help 1 ^ SEE : Steve McCuHoueh orcaii1-800-296-W00D tVc specialize in placing Ihe credit challenged in Ht'U' or pre-owned vehiclea! 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There are penaliles (or early withdrawal and account temis are subject to change. 8 -.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 P- K ft'- ._____ bavie High Social Studies Club president Lauren Brogdon presents a $1,000 donation lor World War II memorial to Lillie Mabe of Wal-Mart, as employees Cindy King and Tim Stewart and DHS Principal Linda bost look on. Mocksville Wal-Mart Helping Raise Funds For World War II Memorial This artist’s rendering shows the proposed World War I! Memorial in Washinglon, ' Area residents and businesses are doing Iheir part to help build a World War II Memorial Monument in Washington, D.C. ; The Mocksvillc Wal-Mart is tak­ ing the idea a step further. Nol only is the business raising funds, they arc planning a recognition of local World War 11 veterans on a store wall. Rcccntly, the campaign was boosted by a $1,()0() donation from Ihe Suciul Studies Club at Davie High Schiwl. “We want to challenge other clubs and organizations to meet or beat the Davie High School effort,” said County Briefs B o a r d A p p r o v e s 1 9 9 8 - 9 9 A u d it The Davie County Board of Commissioners voted Dcc. 6, to approve the 11998-99 audit presented by Dixon-Odom. Tlie auditing firm said ihc county js in good shape hut made several recommendations for improvements. Y V E D D I P u b lic H e a r in g C o n d u c t e d The board, acting as the county tramponation authority, voted to approve ihecommunity transportation plan presented by YVEDDI followingahearing for public input and questions on the proposed plan. C o u n t y N o t T o A p p ly F o r O r d e r County manager Ken Windley informed commissioners il will not be Incce&sary for thcxounty to apply fur a Special Order by Cons(!iit, as the board iiuihorizcd rccenily for the Cooleemee Wastewater Treatmeni Facility. Improvcmentsatthcplantnowputilincompliancewithstatcrcquircmcnts, and a plan for further improvements is in place. Almost $1 million worth of improvements arc needed, Windley said. M in o r it y P a r t ic ip a t io n S o u g h t Commissionen examined documentation presented by thcarchitect forlhc Helen C. Gantt Child Development Center of a plan to solicit minority ' participatifin in the bidding process for the project.. C h a n g e s M a d e A t D a v ie L i b r a r y ' The board approved arcquest by library director Ruth Hoyle to increase the hours for one employee from 15 hours per week to 22.5 hours weekly, which would provide retirement benefits. A part-time employee was hired lo fill the positionofanemployee who rccentlyrctircd,making fundingavailableforlhc Increase in hours. R e z o n in g H e a r in g S c h e d u le d ■ Planning nnd zoning dinxlor John Gallimore informed Ihe boani opublic hearing has been scheduled for 5:15 p.m. Dcc. 20, lo hear Um rcqucsi of Henry Johnson to rczone one half acre on N.C. 801 in Advance near Fcedmill Road from residemlal to highway business. B o a r d A p p r o v e s S u b d iv is io n P la t A final subdivision plat for the second phase of Twin Cedars, which includes eight lots, was approved by the board. The area adjoins several holes on the Twin Cedars Coif Course. P a v in g C o m p a n y H ir e d F o r J o b : To avoid spending an additional $4,300 lo Brewer's Excavating for the rcsurfacingofMedicalDrivc,whichwasinadvcncntlyomitted by the architect in the bid specifications, public works director David Plott was able to negotiate with Yadkin Valley Paving lo do all patching and resurfacing for 1510,720. The board voted to transfer the $10,720, earmarked for patching, from Brower's contract to Yadkin Valley Paving. E q u ip m e n t P u r c i ia s e A p p r o v e d Commissioner approved Ihe purchase of corapulcr equipment for the tax dcpaitracnl and computer services dcpaitmenl al a cost of $20,198i B u d g e t A m e n d m e n t A d o p t e d ; The board voted to approvea budgei carry-over of$ 13,575 for fuel systems ai the school bus garage. jA p p o in t m e n t s M a d e T o D D V S B o a r d * The following reappointments to the Davie Domestic Violence Services Board wen: approved by commissioners; Carolyn Beaver, Bobby Knight, Alan Martin and Ken Windley. New membcfs will be: Kathy Comalzer, Perce Musselman, Joyce Prillaman and Doug Vrceland. C o n t r a c t W it h A t t o r n e y A p p r o v e d The board voted to renew its contract with county attorney Bob Price for 2000 and approved on increase In the retainer fee from $22,000 lo $23,000 annually. Pricc said he sought the incrcaseduc to the increased frequency and difficulty of BoanI of Adjustment meetings. S a t e llit e T V R e s o lu t io n A d o p t e d • Commissioners adopted a resolution in suppod of a bill recently made into federal law, which will allow satellite companies to provide local television stations. Cindy King, who is heading Wal- Mart’s campaign. "This is a great undertaking, and we will need all the support of Davie County residents." Donations will go toward build­ ing the $100 memorial in Washing­ ton, which will sit al the east end of the Reflecting Pool between the Lin­ coln Memorial and the Washington Monumenl. Por more information or to send a donation, contact king al Wal-Mart Store 1096,1063 Yadkinvillc Road, MiK'ksville, 27028. Donation boxes arc at the store, Mocksville Town Hall, with veteran's groups and al the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. The Mocksvillc Wal-Marl will honor Davlc World War II veterans wilh a wall plaque to be penuanenlly displayed. The store Is asking for names, branch of service and years Town Planners To Meet Friday Therc will beamcctingofthe Town of Mocksville Planning Dixirdon Fri­ day, Dec. 17, at 8 a.in. at the M(x:k.s- ville Town Hall. Ken Foster has submitted for pre­ liminary review a 29-lot single family residemlal subdivision titled Meadowridge.This98.1 acre property is located off ihe south side of Sain Road, opproxlrnately 1/2 mile east of US 158, and is funhcr described as being Parcel 61 of Davie County Tax Map 11-5. Prior lo the meeting, all persons interested may obtain any additional infomiaiion on the proposals by visit­ ing the Mocksville Town Hall or the planning department in the Davie County Adrninisiralion Building, MiKksville, between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., or by telephone at (336) 751- 33-10. Cochi^ne On Utility Review Committee State Sen. Betsy Cochrane (R* Davie) has been rc.ippointcd by the Senate Pro Tempore to the Joint Leg­ islative Utility Review Conunittec. Tills committee exercises legisla­ tive oversight of the Nonh Camlina Utilities Commission and the various regulated utilities in the state. Regu* latcd utilities includo clcctric power, telephone, natural gas, nnd private water and sewer companies. Cochrane wasalso appointed lo the Credit Insurance and Mortgage Credit Comniiltee. Wilh regard to inorlgage credit insurance, ihe committee is to study whether there are specific cir- cumstancesinwhtchconsumers would benefit from pennilting a lender lo Ellyn Johnson is Recognized Ellyn Johnson of Mocksville was recently recognized with an Outstand* ingClinician Award by Southern Col­ lege of Optonwiry (SCO). Johnson was one of 10 fourth- year optometry stu­ dents recognized atl a November lun­ cheon, which hon-| ored them for their | outstanding clini­ cal skills demon-1 strated during thei summer and fall Johnson quarters In the college's Eye Institute. Selected by SCOclinical faculty,award recipients wercchosen based upon iheir cllnicaland patient managcmcnl skills. Additionally,Johnson was recently awarded a travel fellowship to attend the American Academy of Optomeiry meeting scheduled for Dec. 9-13 in Seattle, Wash. She is co-author of two posters that'will be presented at the meeting. Johnson is the daughter of Bill and June Johnson of Mocksvillc. She is a 1996 graduate of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hilt, and a 1993 graduate of Davie High School. RBDC - Best Darn ISP in NC To ru h ltr for a IVo frtc TrItI On the Internel In Wtalon-Salem, NC. Now Serving Gretnjboro area wllhoul any long dljlancc chargcs Call our office at 336-774-1600 R e d B a r n D a t a C e n t e r I n t e r n e t S e r v i c e s i Dial up Bonded ISDN lines, $45.00 monlly. Low Ciutoraer-To-LIni Ratio. In BiiilneM Since 1987 — hHp:/fttww.rlidc.coni CLARKSON Construction Company Custom Built Homcs/Landscaping New Homes • Garages • New Improvements Vinyl Siding • Light Grading & Dump Truck Service Kevin Mark Clarkson • 303 Four Corners Road • Mocksvllle (336)998-7404 served, nnd addresses of World War II veterans,and fora$10tidonation for the wall plaque nnd a $10 dona­ tion fur a plaque to he presented to the veteran or his or her family. Names and other information can be sent to King al ihe above address. Four Corners News llnance credit insurance premiums. With regard lo nwrtgage credit, the committee is lo .study the nwrtgage lending indu.stry, including the licens­ ing, regulation, nnd examination of motlgage brokers and mortgage lend­ ers, nnd otiier aspects of ihe mortgage market relating lo the availability of mortgage credit. H ic k o r y H ill L u m in a r y S h o w D e c . 1 8 The Hickory Hill community off U.S. 64 west of Mocksville will be all aglow with luminaries beginning at dusk Saturday, Dec. 18. Sponsored by the Hickory Hill Neighbors' Association, ihe event will be a perfect time to refresh spir­ its with a few moments of peace and serenity, said Mary Lou Musselman. "Ifs the perfect time to relax, en­ joy and remember the true meaning of Chrislmas," she said. C i n d y B o g g s W in s $ 1 , 0 0 0 Cindy Doggs of Mocksvllle wenl to the Southern Fasteners Supply Co. Christmas parly Saturday night with a slight chance to win $1,000. She came home wilh the money. Employees got one chance for each of iheir years of service, and Boggs, working on her second year, only had one chance. Weather Report Last Week’s High, 63.7° Friday, Dec. 10 Last Week’s Low 22.7° Wed., Dec. 8 Formore Davie County weather ir)fonnation, call James George's weather system at 492-6:174. By Marie While Four Comers Correspondent Several people of this community attended the 50th wedding anniver­ sary celebration and renewing of wed­ ding vows of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daily Saturday afternoon al Courtney Baptist Chureh. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fogg of Win- ston-Salem visited Mrs. Johnsic Shelton Sunday. We extend our sincere sympiithy to Mrs. Frances Pilcher and family in the lossofherhrother,EdC(xik, Ihis week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark White and Jes­ sica were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Candy Cane Lane Christmas pro­ gram by the childrcn and youth choirs of Courtney Baptist Church will be presented Dcc. 18 and 19 at 7 p.m. . Everyone is invited. Bobby Kniglit Elected Ciiairman Bobby Knight will serve us the new cbaimian for the Davie County Baird of Commissioners In 20(K). Knight, who ser\’cd as vice chair­ man in 1999, was unanimously elected Dtv. 6, replacing Rtchiud I^)indexler in the position. Elected to replace Knight in ihe vicechairposiiionwa.s Michael Allen. Knight and Allen are the newest tncinlwrs of ihc board. Merry Christmas from everyone at Town & Country Hardware & Mocksville Builders Supply! All In-Stock Pointer® Brand Overalls & Carpenter Jeans (Kids sizes avaiiabie) 15% off THRU CHRISTMAS V AU POinnR* SPECIAL ORDERS r ; MUST BE IN BY FRIDAV^ DEC 17TH ^ can'i guarontM dcKvary (or Chriilmai.V All In-Stocic Rocky® Boots 10% off THRU CHRISTMAS (Look for Work Boots coming soon) MONITOR* HEATERS Now! Both locations will close for Christmas on Wed., Dec. 22 a t 3:00 pm and will re-open on Mon., Dec. 27 at the regular time. Town & Country Hardware 6 4 2 Wilkesboro S t., Mocksville • 7 5 1 -1 4 1 4 Open M on-h I / iO.int lu S JOpin b.it 8 OO.un to 3 OOpni DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 - 9 We've Got Your La st M inute Gift A ll Year L o n g ... With a gift subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record, you can send the news to a fnend, neighbor or relative. Santa will handle the delivery every week, so they can keep up with all the news in Davie County, all the bargains offered by area businesses, all the accomplishments of Davie students and sports teams. S u b s c r ib e N o w ! $20 Inside N.C., $25 Outside. Come by the Enterprise office across fix)m the courthouse in downtown Mocksville with the information, or mail it to the address below. We have attractive gift cards you can put under the tree, or send In the mail. i V ■ ' ■' Davie County Enterprise Record RO. Box99 MocliSviUe, NC 27028 C O U N T Y en ter p r i / ^ I ec o r d ,V' 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 |g£ CHAMBER FOCUS G antt I nERSiCM«m!L,IMC. 96SYadkinvilIoR(i. Mocksville.NC R. Scott Gantt 336-751-GANT Telephone (336) 998-2427 DR. JERRY HAUSER FAMILY AND COSMETIC QENEHAL DENTISTRY Olllce Houi» By Appointment 135 Medical Drive AdvBncQ, Nbrth Carolina 270QB BB&r l&tt can tell we mntyourbusiiKss. Suuxl872 119 Gaiihcr Strcci, Mix'ksvillc, NC 751-5951 Willow Oak Shopping Ccnicr, Mocksvillc, NC 751-5956 J THE PHONE PLACE ■CRLLULAR SPECIALIST" (336) 751-2626 CELLULAR PHONES PACERS 121 Dtpul Sired » *6 m ig g r MiKl«vllle,NC2702S ■ Bank of DAVIE Member FDIC 1366 Highway 601 Soulh '(laMocksvilleMaikelplace) 151-5755 David Smith owner \ . 3SA.662.4893 ^ •moll homdaiOlbrn.net MCouitSquQi».$ullff201 MocktvlllB.NC 27028 A n d r e w W h it e A ttornbv at L aw Our special thanks to all who took part In Davie County’s "Hometown Christmas." Whether you were a participant, spectator, or just drove through town one evening last week, we hope your holiday spirits were lifted by the magic that was in the airl From the beginning of the parade to closing of the evenings' events, last week in downtown Ivlocksvliie was a special lime. Thousands enjoyed one of the largest Christmas parades ever in Mocksvliie with over 150 entries from school groups to businesses to churches to SANTAI Each evening of the week that foiiowed treated visitors to a variety of activities, talents, and sights to behold. True community-wide participation made the week a time to remember. So many In the community took part in making the first Hometown Christmas week a success, and WE TH A N K YOU... For (/IS P arade Ail Participating Entries and Spectators Grand Marshal, John Wendei IVIocksvilie-Davie Jaycees l^ocksvilie Public Works Department f^ocksvilie Police Department For I/IS Tow n Lig h tin g Town of fulocksvllie County of Davie Community Development Corp. Senator Betsy Cochrane Bob DeWitt Mocksvliie Public Works Department Jim West Electric EnergyUnited For I/IS S to ry te lle rs Kristine KokoskI Suzanne Thomasson Jean White Freda Ramsey Hank Van Hoy Sandra Vance For the M usIc Barbara Basham and First United Methodist Church Beiis Vicki Potts and PIneboork Carolers Peggy Nuckoiis and Bethlehem Carolers Melissa Brown and Wlliiarn B. Dayle Carolers Russ Wilder, Beverly Hembree and North & South Davie Carolers Elaine Snow, Mocksvliie Elementary & Cooleemee Elementary Carolers For I/IS O rnam ent M aking Peggy Nuckoiis and Davie Homemakers Extension Lauren Wanucha Amy Alexander Shelley Phelps R efreshm ents Tracy Carter and Davie County 4-H Samuel's on Main "Happenings on the Square” Thank you ... Participating Merchants ... and to So Many Volunteers! Thank you to SANTA's ELVES - Carrie Sain and Molly McKeel HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ^ lfa 6 tc r* '’ a ' V 3 e f o c l e r 0 171 N. Main Street Mocksvliie, NC 27028 Phone: 336-7S1-2737 Margaret Foster, Owner Eaton’s Funeral Home 325 N. Main St. Mocksvliie, NC 27028 336-751-2148 Daniel Fiirnihirc ii'l']lc('fru‘('ii.,liic.Courteous £ Dependable Service (or over M Yetrs Johnny Martlin • Melissa M Cartner 848 Soulh Mull) SirccI ■ Mocksvliie, NC 336-751-2492'336-751-3975 C C B 148W.WiitcrSia*ci MocksvHlc.NC27028*75l-626l ' 1(M7 Yatlkinvillc Road Mocksvillc, NC 27028 • 751-6261 Coolccmcc Shopping Cciucr Coolccmcc. NC 27014 • 284-2542 58-3 Court Square Mocksvillc, NC 27028 (336)751-2858 Hours: Wcd-Fri 10 am-5 pm Sat 10 am *3 pm CrcJii Cardi Actc{«id UiiktllnkkMniiMnMiUitilletciikccn WIX)UW()HK!iaALL£RYA I'lmil) Tvu CawfinaUOmputer Supply • Custom PC Salas • Quality Upgrades • On-SI(e Service • Networks 9t<ocl(3VllU mown S<jwirt • internet Access Mobile Phones Pagers751-5262 Edwardjohes 100WE5TUXISOTON ROAOPOST Omd Box 1191 MOCKSVILU.NG 27034-1191 Circa 1823 Loo Cabin COKKER OFUXlNinON & MAIN TEUn»NE:336-7SM06S Brenda B. Battle Inveitment Repreienlative 820 S. Main St MockivUle,NC 27028 336-751-5672 MEiOER OF Bau: North Carouka • Fumda * Ccurcu « Colorado • Fu n e r a l H o m e • Funerals • Cremations • Pre-Arrangements • Insurance • Monuments •Nolaiy 635 Wilkcsboro Street Mocksvillc, NC (336)7514100 Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPIUSE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 - 111 Wrestlers Lose To S. Stokes By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Davie County's wrestling team has been so dominant for so long that it’s seldom a question of whether Davie won - It’s invariably "How bad did Davie win?" But upstart Soulh Stokes pulled the oncc-in-a*bluc-moon trick Saturday In an 11-team individual (oumament in WalnutCove,upscttlngthc\Var Eagles 192J-I9I. •TTic bad thing about it is, we’ve been successful for so long that (lofty) expectations arc there," Coach Buddy Lowery said aAer a Davie team with two freshmen and three sophomores fell short against one of South Stokes' b(»t teams ever. "But again, that's agood problem to have. South is pretty solid, they've got some quality wrestlers this year. \Vc wresllod as haul as wc could and we came up just a little bit short." It would have been easy for Lowery (o lean on excuses, the unexpected vacancy at 103, the absence of 5-0 Jeremy Bailey at 160 becausc of the ACT and four losses by two points or less. But instead of singing the blues, hu saluted South's magnificent show- IngandstucktodK premise that Davie's barbwirc-tough schedule will pay ofl* ■ come February and beyond. "With thd youth that's on our team, wcorcgolngtogetas much experience as wc possibly c^. Wrestle good people and try to reap the benefits at theend of the season and in upcoming years,” said Lowery, who will continue to test his leom's meule in Saturdoy's 16-team Afield at Parkland and in the prominent WRAL tounuunenl ori 22-23 In • Rnlclgh. "(Parkland) will be a'good one. I mean, they will have some dang good teams. It doesn't matter - win, lose or draw wc are going to drill and tiy to correct our mistakes." Brad Pack, Tony Angell, Cody Angell and Patrick Lowery marched to first placc with three consecullvc wins. Josh Stanley and Andrew Rudy secured runncr-upandWcsley Johnson and Chris Nichols won consolation finals to claim third. Lowery continued his tear, ham­ mering three pins to give him seven in eight unblemished matches. "He's wrestling well right now," his father said in a vast understatement. "He has wrestled during the oR'-scason - andgalnedstrengththroughtheweight program. Coach (Mike) Herndon does a real good job with him (in weightlifting class). He hears it all the time. Maybe some of it goes in that thick head." Pack (10-0) is so good that not even somewhat of a subpar day could pre- venthimfrom winning his lOthstraight match. "Maybe it opened his eyes a little bit that maybe he's got to get a little bit better," Lowery said. "I'm not by any meansdowngradingit.thatwasaqual- ily guy (in the finals) and he wrestled hard." ThcAngellsresumedthelrimprob- able journey from JV anonymity to varsity prowess. Both Juniors arc a surprising 10*0. "It's a surprise being that they Please See Angells - Page BS Duane Phillips goes around a Salisbury defender. The senior averages over 25 points a game. - Photo by James Barringer War Eagles Whip Salisbury, 101-61 By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record The end came swiftly for Salisbury, but nowhere close to painlessly. DavleCounty's varsity boys basketball team ran off 15 of the game's first 17 points, lit up the visiting Hornets like the Oklahoma midday sun and administered a 101-61 spanking Friday that represented the second lOO-point outburst in seven days. Led by Duane Phlllips'34 points on 12-of-20shooting, including four of five 3-pointers, the War Eagles showed the90-87 close call in the first meeting with Salisbury was merely a fiuke. This time the Hornets had about as much a chance as a guy falling in love with a giri on the movie screen. "Everybody was ready," said forward Larry Umbcrger, who managed six points, four assists, seven rebounds and two steals despite foul trouble. "They kind of embarrassed us last game, taking us down to the fourth quarter, and we just wanted tocomcout and show them that we were ready for them." Dominic Graham, the blazing point guard, ignited the rout with lOofhis lapointsln the openingsixminutes. His layup off a long Umbcrger pass made it 21-4, a prelude to Davie's eighth straight nonconferencc win. Graham, one of six double-figure scorers In Davie's monstrous rotation, is producing 14 points and four assists after averaging six points and one assist as a junior. "The difference tonight was wc jumped on them early and they never regrouped," Coach Jim Young said. ■'Doniinicha.siniproved.Wemnvt*dhimrn)msho()ting guard to point guard, and he's done a nicc job. If you back off. he'll bang some 3s, and lie can penetrate. So he's a scoring point guard, which is nice.” Phillips, the 26-point machine, scalded Salisbury in tw'ostages,scoring I0p«inlsin9fl seconds foru35-l4iead and scoring 11 in two minutes for a 50-22 lead late in the second. T o tell you the truth, 1 knew we were going to blow thcmoutlikethat because wc are gelling belterasuieam," ^ said Phillips, who caught fire for 22 second-quarterpoints after going scorelcss the first seven minutes. "Wc arc playing together real gixxl, and once we play good as a team, wc are unstoppable. Watch out becausc wc an; soaring." The unrelenting Young usually finds sonicthlng to grumbleoverathairtime.Thishairtimewasdiffcrent.a'55- 23 highlight reel that approached perfection. "I went in and said: 'You know guys. I'm really trying to search for someihing to give you crap about,' becausc I'm used to doing that a little bit at halftime," he said. "It's sometimes tough when you have a big lead to keep your focns, but I complemented them because they stayed focussed and played as a team the entire evening." Youngemptied the bench after Davie opened its Iftrgcst, lead of the night at 73-29 with 4:12 lefi in the third quarter. Besides Phillips matching his season high of 34, Graham made eight of 13 shots for 18 points. Djordje Lukic hit six of eight shots for 15 points to go with 12 boards and Rod Tenorcompilcd eight points, five rebounds, fourstcalsand Please See OrsUlo • Page B3 Tina Harkness Leads DHSGirisTo5&45 Win Over Salisbury Fmmihcfirsidayofpraclicc, Coach Carol Co/art said Davie County's girls baskeiball team would ride Tina I lark- ness’ shoulders. And Friday against hobbling and winless Salisbury, Harkness carried the War Eagles lo a 58-45 victory lhat underscored Harkness' value and snapped a three-game losing streak. 'Tina got some steals and wc capi­ talized on them," Co/an said after Harkness hammered the Hornets with 22 points and seven steals. "She got sonic steals, but she also got some feeds. Tlieir intent was: 'We don't care who is down.there, we're going to get it down there.' Tlic thing is. Tina is heads-up on her own. I mean, I don’t need to tell her things, she is really snian." AflerDavieailowedaHomelsieam playing withoul24-point scorer Sheree Gillespie and Keke Chunn (their sec- ond-leading scorer who left midway through with asthma attacks) to stay within 21 -17 at hal fliine. Davie picked . up the defensive pressure and Hark- i ness look over, scoring five layups off steals in a span of four minutes in the third quarter to open a 39-27 lead. "Itwasoneofihoscsituaiiunswherc wc were saying: 'Listen, wc shouldn't be playing like this,'" Cozart said. "We didn't play the firsl half like we know we can play it." Salisbury closed within39-33 early in the fourth, but Harkness hit a d;i/- zling double-pump drive, fed l^iuren Comatzer foran easy bucket and nailed a jumper for a 45-33 lead. Shelhy Michael scored sixofher lOpitlnts in 70secondsloicethc game at 55-41 in the final minute. Please See Defense - Page B2 DHS Freshmen Win 69-42 To Remain Undefeated By Brian Pitts Davie County Enicrprise Reconl An ugly game turned pretty after Davie County freshman boys basket­ ball coxh Derek Kumitsky turned to varsity coach Jim Young at halftime. "Wcwereina funk forNonh David- son(a44-41 win)andthisgame,"said Kumilsky, whose War Eagles turned on the defensive gas in the second half and burned Ml. Pleasant 69-42 aOer finding ihcmselves tied 17-17 at half- time. "It was kind of my fault. I'm so stubtx)m and old-fashioned, and I like that halfcourt man. And Coach Young said: 'You're not getting enough easy baskets - start pressing and get your­ self some easy baskets.'" Kumitsky embraced the mentor's advice, and the rest was history, a 52* 25 second-half blitz in which Josh Wallace (14 points), Micah Gamer (eight points) and Luke Phelps (six points) scored all of their points after the break. "We pressed the whole second half and scored 52 points, so I'm going to get out of my stubborn mode and gel hack to pressing a little bit more." Kumilsky said after Davie impmved 105-0 in nonconferencc. 'That second half was as good as we've played all year." Gamer, a freshman point guard, was the straw that stirred the second- half drink. When Gamer clicks, Davie usually plays at an unstoppable level. Gam^struggledagain&lNortltDavtd- son,' and Davie needed a late rally to prevail. Mt.l’leasant held Gamer score­ less in the first half, and the result spelled tfDuble. "He'.sour heart and soul,'.' Kumitsky said, "and we're going to go as far as Micah. I don't like to put pressure on him. but he's ourhean and soul. When he's struggling, we're going tostniggle. "He had agreat sccond half. He had eight points, like five assists, rebounds -all the little things. And they couldn't handle our pressure." Please See Gamer's - Page B3 I Jacques Lyons, Nick Pane and Justin Nors>vorthy have recorded ' a staggering 17 pins in 17 matches for North Davie's uneaten wrestling (te a m .--''';'/'' ^ Maurice\ViIsonscored I2pointsandDavidSchweithadarebound putback in the closing moments as South Davie's boys basketball team ‘ snapped a four-game losing suieok with a 35*34 win over China Grove. ^ AsWey Peoples of Soudi Davie's girls basketball team led a 38:17 rout of Knox witii 16 ^ints and 13 rebounds. Dan Sullivan has been a model of consistency for Davie's unbeaten ■ JV boys basketball team, scoring between 10 and 20 ppirits in each ;game. . ■ Josh Wallace of Davie's freshman boys basketball team hit two big I free throws in a 44-41 comeback win over North Davidson, then scored 114 second-half points as Davie blew open a tie game and beat Mt.' Pleasantby27. ; Brad Pack, Tony Angell and Cody AngeU arc 10-0 and Patrick ' lowery is 8-0 for Davie's wrestling team. Tina Harkness scored l6ofhercareer-high22pointsinthe'second’ half os Davie's girls basketball team pulled away for a 5845 win over; Sallsbuiy. . ! North Wrestlers Come On Strong At End For Sixth Straight Win By Brian Pllb ■ ■ Davie County Emeiprise Rccoid A season wilh so much promise was slip­ ping away for North Davie's wrestling team. ARer decimating Tive opponents 406-34, winning 72 of 78 matches with 38 pins anil boasting 14 unbeaten wresUets (two or more decisions), the Wildcats found themselves In a stunning tallspln at West Rowan, unillng by 13 after dropping five of the firet eight matches. : Five successive pins down the stietch res­ cued North, but a 44-39 win was a bit too close for Coach Ron Kirit’s laste. "We were swelled tip too big, I can tell you that,” Coach Ron Kirk said after Nonh im­ proved to 6-0 by the slimmest of margins. "We had the big head at lot of dinencnt places. They thought we couldn't be touched, and It JusI wasn't a good weeii of practice, either, so that was probably ray fault." Although Kirl< endorsed the Bulldogs os a PiedmonlMlddleSchoolConfetcnceconiender at the start of the season, a most unthinitable scenario unfolded out of the starting blocks when West knocked off pieviously-unbcaten. Wildcats Zac Morton, Jeieraiah Raby, Ronnie Andary and Michael Simmons to build a2l-S lead. AndevcnwlnsbyMalachlGenuy, Jacques Lyons and Derek Comatzer couldn't prevent ’ Nonh from facing a 27-14 deficit with seven matches remaining. "Some of them were shocked," Kirk said. "We just didn't wrestle veiy well - of couise. West has a real good team. They worked hard on not getting pinned, and they worked their technique real well, too. They were just stout, and we got some bad breaks atdifferent .spots." Three losses were particularly agonizing. Morton lost 4-2, Andary held a commanding 13-0 lead before suffenng a heartbreaking pin andSimmons was tied 8-8 beforcgettingplnncd. "We just didn't finish things up real well In the lower weights,” Kirk said. "West is better (this year) but if we would have done what wc were supposed todo, tiiescore would have been 50-somcthing to 20-somethlng easily." But the Wildcats responded under the gun, preser\ ed Kirk's hopes of an 11 th conference title in 20 years and Improved to an Incredible 63-2 sincejolning the Piedmont Middle School Conference in 1993. Turning the 27-14 deficit to an insurmountable 44-29 lead, Nick Pane, Chris (loode, JusUn Norsworthy, Thomas ' Schombach and Brandon Pane - who have a . comb|ii(^ 24-1 record - pieced together five straight pins as North moved to 6-0 overall an 4-OlnthePMSC. / ’ ; ‘ "If It wouldn't have been for those upper weights, we would have been lit trouble," Kirk, 1 said. "I didn't know if wc had enough punch at the end to pull It out, but they did. There were a lot of ifs, ands and buts in different places, but ; nobody gave up." Notes: Nonh smashed Corriher-LIpe 83-6 , earlier in the week.....While five previously- ; unbeaten wrestlers suffered their fiist defeat, ' including Ted Randolph at 190, Nick Pane (6- ' 0), Norsworthy (6-0), Brandon Pane (6-0), Gentry (5-0), Lyons (5-0), Comatzer (5-0), Goode (3-0), Matt Conley (2-0) and Ryan Boehm (2-0) remain perfect among wrestlers wilh at leasl'two decisions.....North goes to Northwest Cabanus Dec. 16 in the final nutch before-the Ch. Istmas break. ' B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 Davie's Jerri Ann Angell goes up for the loose ball against Salisbury. I JV Girls Showing improvement Dy Brian Pills Davie Counly Enterprise Rcconl Davie County's JV girls ba^ikctbuli team figures to cause more and more trouble for the opposition os the season goes on. The War Eagles' steady Im- provcmcnlwasevidcnt last week when they cruised past North Iredell 42*28 only two weeks aOer surviving 44-43 against the same Raider team. "We've got some games under our belt now and they arc starling lo gel more comfortable with each other and with the plays," said Coach Mike Lafone, whose War Eagles thrashed Salisbury 52-24 later in the week to soar to frO In nonconfercnce. They are starling lo work well together." Against North, catalyst Sarah Wil­ liams led the attack with 13 points and DawnSinglclonenjoyedanotherblock party, redirecting six more shots as the War Eagles demonstmicd that iheclose call In the season upcncr against North was merely an aberration. "She had 28 blocks ihrough live games, so she is averaging about six blocks a game," Lafone said of the freshman center. ‘That’s one of the places whercourdefcnselsprctlygood. We've got some girls that can contest the shots without drawing silly fouls." Davie, which has won its last fiveal a yawning 28-point clip, might meet its match Friday al home against Alex­ ander Central, a tradilionally formi­ dable program that Lafone anxiously awaits. "They've usually got some pretty strong girls, and we'll see how they do against them," said Lafone, who ac­ knowledged Ihat the nonconfcrencc schedule will pale in comparison whh the Central Piedmont Conference. "I don't particularly carc about playing many one-point games, but yeah I’d like to see whal ihey could do against somebody that could stay with them foraliltlewhile,because the Salisbury game was basically over after the first quarter." • Davie 52, Salisbury 24 - Heather McDaniel, Sara Erb and Singleton 8; Williams 6 and Erin Grey 6; Deanna Shamcl 4; Lindsay Smith 3; and Brit­ tany Walker, Anabel Romero and Ry- anne McDanicl 2. • Davie 42, North Iredell 28 - Wil­ liams 13; Smith 9; Ryanne McDaniel 7; Singleton 5; Walker4; and Heather McDanicl and Grcy 2. Defense Ignites Davie Run Contlnui'd From Page B1 Cozart altribuicd Davie's 37 scc- ond-half|K)in(sandiibiliiytopullaway lo jLssistant Debbie Evans, u defensive gum. "This is where Coach Evans conics in." Cozart said. "We call il the E-Press (I -2-1 • 1). She is excellent, really good on defense, and you could sec il. Tliat was definiiely to her credit." Still, the win was a small step In Davie’s quest lo achieve consistency and rccover from four tosses by six or less points, including a 51-46 setback 10 North Iredell earlier in the week. Despite Gillespie's absence, Davie trailed twice during the first 12 min­ utes and didn't jump ahead for good until Jullc McDaniel’s 3-ptMmcr with two minutes left in ihe first half. "(Salisbury coach Jennifer ShoaO was well prepami, and their defense was farniorecrfectivethat firstquartcr than what il was IjlsI time (a 52-34 Davie win)," Cozart s;>id. "And we tux5 stillsimgglingwiihpositioning. We've siill got to work on that. I've tried everything and we're going to keep right on trying. We don't have huge size, but technique you can do." Amber Hamm became sick Friday and missed the game, and Davie con­ tinued to play without Emily Morton, who has ntissed every game with mononucleosis. "Tliey have just let her come back to school half a day this week," Cozart said. "It's going to take a lot lo build her back up. This Is Ihe first game that she even fell like coming to." Cold Shooling Plagues Davie Afler leading at hainime, Davie botchcd nine straight possessions in the third quarter andfalled to make Ihe big shots in the fourth as the War Eiigles suffered theirsecond close loss to North Iredell. 51 -46. North won the first rneeilng 38-37. "Il was just like somebody put a lid ovcrilKjbaskci,"Co/artsaid."Micljacl had some sliols that were dead in. and 11 would not fall."Co/M\ realized il wasn't meant to be when Hamm's 3-pointer rattled out In the closing minutes. Hamm, just moments earlier, had hit a 3-pointer that broke Davie's second-halt drought and revived its hopes. "We couldn’t get the sucker lo fall to save our life," Cozart said. "Hamm had another three that I thought was in there, and il just rolled off." Davie (3-5 nonconfcrencc) plays at Alexander Ccniral on Dec. 17 and at home against Forbush on Dcc. 21. • North Iredell 51, Davie 46 - Michael 15; Horkness and Sarah Mer- lau 10; Hamm 5; McDanicl, Ashley Williams and Christina Gajewski 2; •andComalzcr 1. * Davie 58, Salisbury 45 - Hark- ncss 22; Michael 10; McDaniel 7; Comaizcr 6; Williams and Meriau 4; Kristen Raynor 3; and Randl Moore 2. Freshmen Raise Record To 3-1 The pn>gress of Davie County's freshman girts basketball team has been slow and sometimes unsteady ihrough four games, but it is being made. "Wc arc still having trouble keep­ ing our composure, but our instincts and reactions arc getting belter and wc arc learning something every game," Coach Carol Cozart said al^cr Ihe War Eagles rebounded from a humbling 56-18 loss to Bishop McGuinnis wiih Friday's 34-23 win over Charlotte Christian, raising their record to 3-1. "We've gol 10 protect the bal I more, but just like the' varsity they’re scoring when they nccid lo." Jenny Broadway, Megan Wanucha and Allison Howell induced praise from the coach as Davie relied on its dcfcnsctoovcreomeaChristlan player who scored 15 ofils team's 23 points. "Pushing on defense is whal is crc- ating opportunities for them," Cozart said. "Wc gol some layups. Our de­ fense was our offense, and the team that wc played was a good team. They arc going lo be hard to contain when wegodownihcrc." PatriciaParkcrrecelvcdhighmarks in her first sla^ and Elizabeth Isley sp^ed^D^ie wUh spunky play off : Ihe bcnch. "I ihoughl Patricia did real good," Cozart said. "She kept her composure. "Isley came off the bench two or three times and handled the ball good and gave us good heads-up play." Davie was hardly as fortunate against a vicious Bishop team that swarmed as though il was playing with 10 players, forcing a ton of turnovers while racing to a 26-5 halftime lead. "As strong as a program as they have and as strong a circumstance as Ihey arecurrenlly in-lhey arc in ahigh point in their program - lhai's as good a JV as there is around here," Cozart said. First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Charles Turner, Pastor Sunday Worship Opportunities: ’ 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study 10:55 am - TTaditional Worship Service "A caring church with a place fpt you." Kristen Raynor drives In (or a layup. - Photos by James Barringer Davie's Ashley Williams shows off her left hand. Specials of the Week "We had trouble even gelling to halfcourt. Their feel did not stay still the whole time." . Davie's cause wasn’t helped by the fact that Bishop held a dcclded age advantage. "We fell some consolation in Ihe fact lhai they had four sopho- morcs on that team," Cozart said. • Bishop 56, Davie 18 - Megan Spry 5; Jenny Broadway 4; Howell, Pctlorini and Candacc Ferrell 2; and Wanucha. KIsha Parker and Jenny Frogge I. • Davie 34,Charloue Christian 23 - Ferrell 10; Peltorini 9, Broadway 8; Kisha Parker, Jenifer Barney and Spry 2; and Wanucha 1. C k r ii r i s t m a s . e r c n a n d is e 'Does NOT include Hallmark Ornaments 2 0 % Off Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Fuia-I^odi C». 495 Valley.Road,* Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 • Dominic Graham shoots for two of his 18 polnts.„c.! — DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE KliCORD, Dcc. 16,1999 - B3 Orsillo Shines In Win Over North Iredell Continued From Page Bl two blocks. Davie's regulars shot a blazing 62 percent, hilling 33 of 53 shots. ■ "We’ve had some games where we only played one quarter and won. and when wc did ihal we knew we had hope," Young said. "But now we arc dcfinliclystaninglo pul three ond four quarters together." The War Eagles play al Alexander Central on Dcc. 17. They host a tour­ nament on Dcc. 22-23. • Davie 101, Salisbury 61 ^ Phillips 34; Graham 18; Lukic 15; Tenor 8; Umbcrgcr. Ian Gustafson and John Orsillo 6; Marcus Lassiter 5; Scotlie CrtJmp 2; and lyam Lynch I. Big Men Rule 30-polnt Rout Umbcrgcr, Orsillo and Lukic swiped the spotlight from Phillips and the rabbits as Davie wiped out North Iredell’s 25-16 firswjuartcr lead, out- scoring the Raiders 65-26 ihe rest of the way for art 81 -51 victory earlier In the week. "Their point guard is like 6-3 and they average 6-6 on the fromVme, so we look our large lineup instead of three guards," Young «ud as the three lowers combined for 53 points, 20 rebounds and 12 blocks. "Our for­ wards look over, and il wasn't against midgets." Orsillo, who had been mired in a mild slump since missing two early games, broke out with a vcngciuicc, piling up 18 poinls, eight assists, seven rebounds, six blocks and two steals in perhaps the greatest game of his ca­ reer. "It was by far the lx;sl game of his carccr 1 think," said Young, who mar- vclcdatlhc6-70r5lllo’suncannyp;Lss- Ing. "He Is a greai passer. Several of (Ihe assist.s) were off Ihc fa.sl break where he got the ruK^und and led (Ik brcak like u guard. He also played good defense, and that's the missing link John's had." With Phillips held to 15 points. Umbcrgcr amassed a cjirecr-high 19 points, eight rebounds and five assists and Lukic added 16 points, six Meals and five rebounds, hilling live of eight fieldgwils and six ofeight free ihniws. "We went lo a halfcourt trap, and that rcallylwlhercd them," Youngsaid. Graham added nine points. Lissiler iwo and Tenor and Crump one each. Garner's Layup Beats N. Davidson 44-41 Continued From Page Bl Wallace's 14 points were a season high. Mall James' seven points were three more than he had scorcd in four games, and Phelps accumulated 11 relx)unds and six blocked shots to go with his six points. "Between those three big guys. I had 27 poinls and around 20 blocks," Kumi tsky said. "Wallace has just been great. He's so much better, and so Is Phelps." W allace hit two huge frce throws and Gamer converted a steal into the go-ahead basket as Davie overcame a four-point dcndl in the final three and a half minutes lo beat North Davidson 44-41 eariier in the week. "We never panicked." Kumllsky said. "We were kind of cool. Wc found a way lo win, and it's a m;uk of a championship-caliberlcam when you don’t panic." Kumiiskysaidlhcunexpcctcdclose shaves can only help when Central Pictlmonl Confercncc play anivcs in January. "Il’s g(KKl because we're going to play a close game agalnsi Reynolds and we'rc going lo play close against Ml. Tabor," he said. "Tlwl's what hurt my team last year uhen wc lost to Talxir." Leading scorer Mall Moser drilled four 3-pointcrs and scorcd 16 of his game-high 19 poinls in the first half against North Davld.son, then added 10 for his fifth consecutive doublc- figurccffort against Ml. Plea.sanl. Kurt McNabb had a season-high 11 against Ml. Pleasant. "Ilc'.sjuM a scorer." Kurnitsky said of Moser. Davie plays at Greensbtiro Day Dec. 18 at II a.m. • Davie 44. North Davidson 41 - Moser 19; Wallace 8; Gamer6; Brian Hunier and Phelps 4; and McNabb 3. • Davie 69, Mi. Pleasant 42 - Wal­ lace l4;McNabb I UMnscr 10; Patrick Law 9; Garner 8; James 7; Phelps 6; andllunierandMcKcn/ie Willoughby ^ DHSToHostJV Boys Rolling Without Best Stuff Hoopsciassic Oavie's Larry Umberger looks for an open man By Brian PIlLs Davie Couniy Enieqirisc Record Davie County's JV boys basketball team is proof that undcfeaicd and per­ fect are entirely different things. The War Eagles were less than stel­ lar In 86-51 and 73-52 wins over North Iredell and Salisbury last week, and Coach Leo Brunclli knows that isn't going to cut il when Ccniral Piedmont Conference action begins in January. "I’m conccmcd with what is going to happen when we play decent teams." Brtinclli .said. "I don't Ihink wc could have beaten a fiood team (lost .week) Ihc way wc played. Wc had a lot of turnovers (agalnsi North) and we had two 3-pointcrs and I bet wc missed closc 10 25 or 30 open ones (against Salisbury)." Then Brtinelll emphasized the fiip side. Ifihc War Eaglcs(6-0nonconfcr- cnce) can play fair and win by an average of 23 poinls, there’s no telling how good they could become. "Oh the other hand, to score 73 points and ciin'l buy a bucket from behind ihe3*polntlincjust shows whal wc can do," Brunclli said. "It's going lo be scary for iHc other teams. For us, it's going to Be enjoyable becausc I'm go­ ing to be able to relax a little bil. I can't complain loo much winning by 32 (over North), but I'm conccmcd about our level oflniensliy." Sean Sicvcns fueled the 35-point North roul with 26 poinls on six-of-six frec-throvv shooting and two 3-point- ers, Chris Slcln contributed 13 poinls and II rebounds, and Kenny Orsillo ripped down nine rebounds in his fin­ est defensive effort of ihe year. "He played incrcdiblc," Brunclli said. "Looking al the scorebook and the sialshcci,you wouldn't noiiceoihcr than his nine rebounds, but he played as close to a perfect game as he can. He controlled a lot of the boards, espe­ cially In Ih6 ^o n d half." Stcvci^s produced his fifth straight game of 22 or more points and David Wooldridge scored six and took two chargcsfor;Davic, which gol 10 points from Nick^Propsi and Dan Sullivan, nine from Andrew Day wall, fourfn)m Jonathan Ijamcs and two from Benial Davis and Orsillo and one fn)m Josko Sr/ic. "Scan was on again. Sean Is on every game,” Brunclli said. Jason Hogue, who missed the North game while recovering froma sprained ankle, made an emphatic return lo the lineup, distributing ihc ball with John Slockton-like cffccllvcncss. "He jusi had a plwnomcnal game," Brunclli said ofihe Hogue experimcnl at poinl guard. "He just took contnil al the point, giving the ball up. He would have probalily had 25 assists If we could have hit any outside shots." Stevens had his typical 20 points, while Sullivan reached double figures for Ihc sixih straight time with 18. "Dan is just a great kid." Brtjnelll Stiid. "He works h;utl every day. and he's gelling rewarded right now." Hogue had eight points, followed by Daywall with seven. Orsillo with six. Wooldridge, Stein and Srzic with four and IVopsl with two. Davie plays visiting Alexander Central Da*. 17 before hosting a tour­ nament on Dec. 22-23. Davie County’s varsity boys bas­ ketball team will host ihc Domino's Pizza Hoops Classic Dcc. 22-23. Hosting Rockingham,Northwest Cabarrus and a highly-touted Ontario, Canada team that features two Division-I college pruspccls, the JV teams will play at 4:30 and 6 pm. each day In one gym and the varsities willplayai6and7:30inlhc other gym. Fans can purchase iwo- > day passes for $5 Instead of paying $5 cach day. For morc information, contact Davie coiich Jim Younc.aiJSI-, ^ Smtm tfi the I II /TRAILERS I ^ o f t h e E A S T c o a s t TI Hitdns S UmllwACMSSQliM ^ EImIiwIcs X Davie High Boys Baslcetball Statistics Record: 8-0,0-0 CPC Gms Pts Rebs Avg Assists Avg Slls PPG ! Phillips 8 207 31 3.8 33 4.1 17 . 25.8 iGraham 8 109 12 1.5 31 3.8 8 13.6 !Orsillo 6 63 27 4.5 22 3.6 4 •10.5 ! Umbcrgcr 8 73 79 9.8 33 4.1 13. 9.d i Lassiter 8 77 16 2.0 32 4.0 19 9.6 ll.ukic 8 76 65 8.1 11 1.3 13 9.5. ^Sfzic I 5 0 .0.0 0 o.b I .,5.0 Crtimp 8 28 - 25 .3.1 , 2 0.2' ; 2' ' ■' "3.5-'- Gustafson .7 20 •9 1'.2 5 • 6.1 ■ 3'v 2.8 R. Tenor 8 22 ■ ••33 ..4.1 4 0.5 14 27 ’ Britton 6 •■ r: ■■3 '0.5 12 2.0,6 ' Lynch ,v'4 •I ; / -0.2:' '5 - 1.2’■’ . 05 • Sullivan .-i' ■0 0,0.0. 0 0.0 or 0.0 T. Tenor ' '^'3" • ^0 0.6 0.3 0 0.0. . 3NPoIntersiPhllllps 16,Graham 12, Gusmfson2,Lasslier2,Bmton Blocked ^ots: Orsillo 19,Tenor 8, Phillip$4. Umbcrgcr 4. Lukic 3,GusiaTsun'2 Bring In this Ad & Receivc i AO/I #0 ott IL'9 pricc n ailers o f the East Coast w ould like to w ish you H a m H o l i t l a y s Come See Us For YourHoliday Shopping. t t t t ^1 BUSINESS SPOTLKHT SAVINGS up C A V . EVERYDAY 10 9 U Sanier CIttiena OlKounta • Ladles Lingerie • Assorted Sweaters $10 • Reebock (mens & ladles) Running Shoes Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsville-Cletnmons Rd. 76M449 • Clemmons • 76W938 New Beauty Salon Visual Changes To Hold Its Grand Opening Dec. 18 Bermuda Mini’sS c lf-S to ra g c 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 lir Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5*5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance Henry’s Electric Motor Service, Inc. Celebrating 30 Years of Service IN STOCK Honda Powered 10,500-Watt Generators 1406 S. Martin Luther King Dr. WInston-Salcm, NC ^ (336V784.4QQ6 i f T o r g o T V h o IM a m ' I EXCALIBURl I A W A R D S I C hristm as G ifts I Are Here! Z Ornaments • Key | Rings • Bag , Tags • Lighters | • Knives • > docks I Sulla 3 I 2419 Lowlsvllle-Clemmoni Rd.((Behind Davie Jewelers) ■ Hew Hours: 10-5 M-F; I I Sal. appl. available | ^ J [ 7 £ 2 1 2 ^ ) A new beauty salon, owned and operated by veteran cosmetologist Kristina Eddlnger, will cel­ ebrate their Grand Opening on Saturday night, December 18,1999, from 6-8 P. M. Visual Changes will host free relreshments and door prizes (Including a coupon lor a tree haircut) at their Clemmons location at 2565 Old Glory Road, Suite E (behind Sagebrush Restaurant). Free travel gifts of hair products will also be given away. Kristina Eddlnger, who has worked as a cos­ metologist for 11 years In the Winston-Salem area, will offer expert hair and nail care to area residents, along with trained cosmetologist Belvia Stanley. Kristina says that she and Belvia are specialists In the new techniques and products to color hair. “There are a lot of new highlighting styles," said Kristina. ■Chunl<y highlights, with all over col­ oring, Is very popular now." Visual Changes Is ’ skilled In color shell highlighting, which Is superior to the older foil method. Color shell highlighting, which uses plastic, keeps the color from pulling away from the scalp, and ruining the appearance. This often happens with foil, when the beautician has to unwrap the foil to check the progress of the chemicals. Kristina and Belvia say that the Jennifer Aniston look, with long hair cut around the shape of the face, Is prevalent now. Both stylists lake lime to customize hair texture with each customer's individual facial design, to create a look that will be attractive and easy to wear. This Is the very reason that Bobby Stockton has been going to Kristina Eddlnger for .11 veara.... ■I liavo ihick tialr with a few cowlicks, and It Is hard to manage," said Stockton, who Is Research Manager for Economic Develop­ ment with the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce. ■Kristina Is a great person, always prompt; and the professional service is won­ derful. I feel comfortable with her." Robin Holder of Winston-Salem also Is a faithful customer of Kristina's. “She's been doing my hair since 1996, and now she does my husband's and son's," said Mrs. Holder. She especially likes the way that Kristina does what Mrs. Holder wants. Instead of Imposing her own opinion onto the customer. I COPIERS UNLIMITED.com nS-2619 Sale to be held at 827 N. Liberty St. 1215-E Link Kd. • Winsinn-Salcm Warehouse Clearance Salel Dec. 16th. 17th, 18th, 1999 . V I S U A L ^ I Get monthly Inlerncl service, FREE, Just for .slopping by. | I___________o f% ll'n w J o r b r a n ^ T ] Copier r “ "Brti9lnT!luAa'“ n '2i'aperTfa>t ■ \ ■ 2565 Old Glory Rd. V/'; ■ ' SutteEClcmmoos 336-77W)6W Belvia Stanley • Exteiuive Training Kroiiru Eddlnger • II yrs. Exp.. Rusk Training ( il'.iiK l ()|H 'iiiii;.; I.; M i ')•) ___________ttO P •CommcfvUI Copiett similar iaWon on other inod»k RKonAbonedOWfmoWi For$25Dlieounl I On Neit Servlet cm | "If she has Ideas, she tells me and lets me make my own deci­ sions. Her prices are very reasonable. And believe me. I've shopped around. I am very pleased," said Mrs. Holder. During December 20-25,1999, all customers will receive 10% off all services at Visual Changes. For those elegant Christmas par­ ties, have Belvia Stanley style your hair In a French twist, or other formal updo. Visual Changes can add trendy twists, curts and hair decorations with each personal styling. And while you are there, get your nails done In a color to match your holiday outtit (or that special night. Red |3 a popular color now In (lair, Let Kristina or Belvia ex­ pertly cover your gray with the new colors that can match your hair and eliminate a root line as your hair grows out. Or try some of the new gloss that puts shine back Into your hair. Call Kristina Eddlnger at 778-0604 for more details or a per­ sonal consultation on how to look your best for the holiday season. Visual Changes' hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9- 6; Tuesday and Thursday 9-9; and Saturday 9-4. Drop by for the Grand Opening Saturday night, December 18, from 6-8 R M., at Visual Changes' new shop at 2565 Old Glory Road, Suite E, behind Sagebrush Restaurant in Clemmons. ‘I f y o u h a v e n ’t s h o p p e d a t T im e le s s G ifts , y o u h a v e n ’t s h o p p e d e n o u g h ’ Books • Pottery • Kid’s Corner Home Accents • Gardening Wilts for Ali Occasions 6000MiaJowbrookMall.SulKl, -.________766-3307 fA Tamt-Your-OmLj (fottery & ' C ^e e Cafe You paintit... Weflmit... You’ll love it! Coming im December: Children*s Holiday Art Camp • Birthday Partiti • Showers • A CloMseM • Catl For Details i e M 0 X 9 ,600(^Je«dowl^ool^Ja11^Clenmioti^ M A IL B O X P A C K 8c S H I P R a c a iv * a FREE C ar C h a r^a r W ith ' A c tiv a tio n In D aeam bar O f A n A T«T P hona •N o Rooming Chorg«Acrou50 StatM •N o LengOCstoocaChorgMAoouSO Sfofw C le im S o n ? "” " *"<*•> (336) 766-3688 |Mock&viiie4ut^Prid^ CarWa»h I C o m p le te A u to m a tic C a r W ash H w y 601 IVtocksville, NC • B etw e en Wal-IVl.lrt S. 1-40 Full Service Salon £ Spa 998-6770 'Hwy 158 ; 21/2 miles west olTaifb'ooil ,'TueJ:Ri9a-7pin* Sal9m-Gp ,:il*Carei 5= Gift Certificates Available p Make Your j^Appointmcnt Todsyft I for the Holidays W GOING OUT OF BUSINESS E verything M ust Qo B efore Year-Endl - Holiday Yard Signs • Jams, Jollies A Pickled Veggies ■ S ilk Floral Arrangements ■ Baskets ■ Coolers • Large Variety Insectlj ■ Store Fixtures • Produce Tables' ■ And IH u c K M orolf B E S T S A L E P R I C E S E V E R ! M ille r’s-C le m m o n s C u rb M a rk e t ' ' aSflO Lawlsvllla^tommons Rd. 766-3014 Now Open For Business ' , B E R M U D A C A R P E T C E N T E Rm-RMlllMQUAY SIIOPPINO CliNTIiR I.rl i)ur pr»f(t<toniI iiafT help you wlih all your Ijnictlor tifcoraior on tiafT.• 0tri\40)cancombincjf(periencet• Carbet • Vinyi • Tlio • l-lardMood • WailpaperMoii.-Frl. 9 ^m.6 pm; Sal. S om-l pm S411 U9.Hwy <S8, Advance (336ra98-0300 Flooring Hours) M m i. « F r i . 1 0 * 6 S a t , i Q . z Specializing In Carpet O V inyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & ReEinishIng Counter Tops Lam inated Floors (336) 766-0733 20Yeara Experience NOW OPEN TO THE PUBUG 5919-C James St. -----Cleinmons I HOME IMPROVEMENTS I CERAMIC ULE. CUSTOM PECKS • SCREENED-TIGHT PORCHES • GENERAL REPAIRS • REMODELING. STANOARP 4 DIMENSIONAL SHINGLE ROOFING .CARFORTS* RUBBER MEMBRANE ROOFING eTOMMABESCO, OWNERA (336)4634160 Janie saiys: HOLIDAY SPECIALI 20% Or More Off Everything In Store! • V ? T: \ Wicker A Kattan 28% OFF *1* Dining RoomB 30% OFF *> S lfliw o ith y M M n u a t 60% OFF Oriantal Furniture up to 60% OFF sat. 9 to 5; Sun. 10 to 5 Located In T h e C M Q e m w o n s S c h o c i3550 Clemmons Road (Next to the Clemmons Library) (336) 778-2700 BnwOESTOne T ire s to n e Lee Tires’ GEORGE’S IVIIchelln TiresVILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 Lewlsville-Clammons Road, Clammons 7 6 6 -7 8 6 2 t. * Lost amid the Duane Phillips higliUglitsstiow,wliicli oils twice a Jweck at a court near you, lias bcenthe rise of Lar« Unibergcr. ' . pavleCounty's6-6seniorrorwatdiscomingpfrafruslnilingjunior : seascninwliichhesustalnedabrokcncoll^bon^inthecigtiiliganieand niiss^ six gomes befon: hobbling to five [winis and seven rebounds a game. ; ; ' Biitthls year Umberger has been s u ^ . particularly in two recent I games:, 13 points and i I rebounds against North Davidson and a career- ,high 19 poina, eight letotinds and five assists against North Iredell. ■ Last year Umbei^r reached double figures twice in 19 games. Contnuty,iw'sscored l06rmoreinrou|ofDav!e'selghlgamesthisyear. , r"Last year alter I got hurt, my cof/lldenco went down really low," Umbcrger said; "Now everybody Isp aying better, and that mai<es me : better. It's our last year and I want i win." ' ^ !; • DJor^eXuldc, a 6-7 foreigj<exchange student, is another major reasoh Davie is 8^ with five blowouts. A to an understandable slow stait, Lukie hit 11 of i6field g(^ls, yanked down 17 rebounds and scored 01 points in two wins last week. Jacking his numbers to 10 points and eightrebounds.; | "Itjustgivesusonother^bi|man,"Umbergersaid."He'shardlostop DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 - IIS JV Team Pins 12 Straight - 1 mean, 6-7 and a kid his size and anns. He can stand fiatfooted and • touch the backboard, so that is pretty hard to slop. I think he's hclptd a s lot" • ■ ; • Despite the vast attention he commands from every team's best': defender. Phillips is still scoring 26 points a game. Still fans were mystified when Phillips scoredjust 14 against North Davidson and 15 . against North Iredell. , TherearetwoUislinctrcasonsiPhillipsiscomfortablespotlingopeii : shooters and the supporting cast is lethal. Five players are averaging j between lOand 14points. • "DuanehadI5andpeoplcsaid;'Whathappenedt6him?'"C6achJim , Youngsaid.'.'\Vcll,nothinghappcnedtohim,hegolaloto'fassisls.That' i p le ^ me that we can play both an inside and outside game." • Dercit Kumitsiiy has coached 24 games since moving from : Florida to lake over Davie's freshman boys program, but he’s only taken off his coat two limes, last year's lone loss to Mt. Tabor and last week's 44-41 squeaker over North Davidson. "Like Coach Young said, I finally had to coach a game." the flamboyani Kumitsky said. "I think it's good for me and the kids. I need to improve as a coach and canch in close games." Davie Counly's JV wrestling Icain isn't making many friends iliis season, and niitc is a mild description of Itic War liagtcs' bctmvior against Ml. Ta- txirand its new coach. Ttic new coach over there was a lilllebitawcslnickhywliat happened," Daviccoach Mali Wilson said arierllic higti-oclanc War liigles natiened Ta- txir72-Owiih 12 consecutive pins. "I don'l think he cxpccled that. I did be­ cause I know how gwxi we arc." The pin parade included Carson Olass, Chris llmctte, D.J. Sales, Jor­ dan Khars, Jacob Gamer. Mall Wil­ son. Kevin Doger, Chris Hauser. Dran- don Gentry. Timmy Redmon. Jon Mictuict Goode and Adam Batlxr. Tlicre were two douWe forfeils. "It's a good group of young men," Wilson said. "I'll leli you whal, iflhcre's any lioies in Itie varsity (Coach Buddy Lowery) can slide somebody right in tlierc. In most of the weight classes, we're Iwo or liirec deep. Tlicrc's not a whole lot of dilTciencc. Ttiey'rc all good.” Davie competes in a quad tourna­ ment at Glenn on Dec. 17. Angells, Pack, Lowery Surge To First Place Clark Leads Swim Team To Strong Showing I Mcugan Cliirk. llnishcd (1ni( in the ;iOO free and 100 brcjislslrokc and helped the 200 medley relay team re­ main unbwien as Davie Counly's girls s\vir^i team look second in a thrcc*leam incci last week. > "I don’t know what Reynolds was doing, but the girls that Meagan Is used to swimming against didn't swim against her," Coach Dana Keeney said after Reynolds won with 137 polnLs, followed by Davie with IW and South Rowan with 62. "And she was worried about her breaststroke, and It was al­ most half a pool length that she l)cai this girl by.", nmmaJnkohwonthe lOOfrce.and she and Cku-k joined Kaylyn Smith and Dana Call on the victorious 200 medley relay as DavIe displayed stay­ ing power against the highly-skilled Demons. "That's u real close race, and to be against Reynolds the kids were real pleased with It." Keeney said. "They haveseveral swimmers thatswlmyear- round." Michelle Huncklerclaimcd third in her firet 200 IM attempt and Kate Pcttorini, Ashley Go.skln. Megan Rus­ sell and Decky Call continued to make considerable Improvement. "Kate look six scconds off her best lime (in the 500 free), so that was an excellent .swim for her," Keeney said. "Gaskin Is u fre.shman but she has taken almost 10 .seconds off her time. She and Russell have made unbeliev­ able .strides. And Becky is iwo or three scconds off regional (qualification) in every event she swims." In ihe boys mcci, Reynolds rolled with 143, followed by South with 86 and Davie with 73. "1 was disappoimed to get beat so badly by Reynold.s," Keeney said. Davie’s lone winner was Den Stil- ing. who claimcd the 100 breast. Fin- ishingsecond were Charlie Lc.sier(2()0 free)andMichaclGuscrskl(IOOback). Davie captured second in two relays, with Jeff Frisby, Gusefski, Drenl Gaither and Stiling swimming on the 200 medley and Frisby, Lester. Gusef- ski and Stiling performing in the 400 free. '’Billy Nonman has never swam competiiively but he has made enor­ mous improvement." Keeney said of the freshman. Jay McClellan and James Carter have joined ihe boys team. Davie is idle through the holidays, swimming its next meet Jan. 5 at home against Reynolds. Conilnui'd From Poge B1 wrestled JV last year," Lc^wery said. "I think wliat helps Is we wrestled 30- some mulches on the J V level last year, and they've doi\c a real good job." Stanley and Rudy fell inches short of joining the Angells, Pack and Low- cfyonlhechampionshippedestal.with Stanley losing 10-9 in the finals and Rudy losing 6-1. "I thought Rudy wrestled hard," said Lowery, citing Rudy’s distinct weight disadvantage at 21 S. "Me’d be a real good 189-pounder, hut you want him to eat as much as he can for f(X)tball. He's 25 pounds under 215, but he's not a bad wrestler and ihis is only his second year." Notes: Tlie tournament results: South Stokes 192.5, Davie 191, River­ side 139, Northwest Guilford 115, Forbush KM. Surry Central 55, Hast Surry 53. Northeast Guilford 49, Ml. Airy 28. West Stokes 26 and North Stokes 8.....Johnson lost 10-9 in the semifinalsandNiclwlslostlothcevcn- tual heavyweighlchampin the .semifi­ nals......Andrew Scoit, Adam Sain, Drew Beck and Chris Hau.sersplit four matches, losing in the consolation fi­ nals. Scott lost a laie lead in the conso­ lation finals, Sain lost a seesaw match to u prevlously-unbeaten man and freshman Hauser filled in admirably at 160 for Bailey. '’He's probably a 152- pounder," Lowery said. "He was out­ weighed but he did a good job. I guar­ antee you he slept good.".... Cassidy McMahon won one match at 171. "He has had his strength zapped (from moving down from 189)." U)WC7 said. BUSINESS SPOTUCHT Natural Foods Center Open at Lowes Foods Lowes Foods in Clemmons is the lirst in the grocery chain's history to leature in the innovative Natural Foods Center. It opened at the Lewisville-Clemmons Road location in October 1998. Lowes Foods, which includes dozens ol grocery stores through­ out North Carolina and Virginia, is responding to customer demand, says specialist Jennller Gas. 5 "Natural and organic loods are the lastest growing category in i grocery retail,” says Gas, the Natural Foods and Supplements spe- :• cialist (or Lov^es Foods. "We are |usl giving our customers what f< they have been asking lor In one easy localion." Gas says that many customers who have moved to the Triad ’• area Irom the West Coasl'or northeastern United Siates are used to purchasing preservative-free products available In this area. . "Many people today are on specialized diets," says Gas. ‘They ;• maybelaclose-lnloleranloronawheal-lreedieL We carry certilied :;.organlc foods that give them many more choices in what they can %-eal.” Natural lobds may be defined as foods which feature no artili- 5 cial colorants, preservatives or llavoring. The Clemmons' Lowes i Foods stocks organic teas, flours, raisins, cake mixes, pastas and I milks. >' "It takes the mystery out o( natural foods," says Gas. "Syn- .5 thetio preservMves are known to cause sensitivities in certain people. ;• Asthmatics are sensitive to sulfates, which Is used a lot In breads, :• solt cheeses, and juices. Yellow dye #6 is also an allergin," Gas ^ Many people also prefer the Iresher taste of natural and or- i ganic foods. Gas says. “Imagine Foods has a shelf-stable tomato ;! soup that tastes like you make it yourself.. They have a butternut i squash soup that Is absolutely delicious.” J Lowes Foods carries Organic Cow milk Irom Vermont. This J specialized milk is made from dersey cows led on organically pure 5 grain, who have not been treated with the controversial hormone 5 BST,given 'to increase milk production. The process by which the - i milk Is bottled actually extends pasteurization, Gas says. W e also have organic eggs, and more organic produce com- ing," Gas notes. ' , „ . ( ' ' One of the most popular sections ol the Natural Foods Center ' stocks herbs. This rapidly growing market Includes the well-known ' S t. J o h n 's Wort (taken to combat depression). Ginseng (toincrease • energy), and Goldenseal (a cold and Hue remedy.) Lowes Foods \ has a number of name brand supplements, such as Nature's Way, ^ Super Value and Twin Lab. * Store manager Pat Cundari has made a singular effort to oiler J every type of supplement needed for athletes. J • "We carry the powdered energy drinks and energy bars," says { Cundari. Natural items which enhance muscle mass cater to Ihe f serious body builders. And for those who want to lose weight In a ■ ShealtNy fashion, fat-burning drinks and other products aai in abun- I Mocksville Flea Market j K urniLurc, A n tiq u e s & C o llc c tib lc M Last MinuteStocking Stutters 05 0 653 t/Uilkesboro Sti;eet - Mocksville - 751-2271. Sat & Sun 9-5 See Lowes Foods' Jennifer Gas about the store's natural foods selection. Prevention of disease Is another major theme ol Ihe natural Foods Cenler. Lowes Foods has set up a unique computer pro­ gram, where customers can access on-site Information developed by a group of pharmacists, about suggested natural remedies lor disease. Contradictions and side elfects ol varioUs remedies are also listed. The Natural Foods Cenler shelves are lined with a host of medical and homeopathic books, also for sale. Lowes Foods employee Lisa Bailey can provide further assistant to Inquiring cus­ tomers. Lowes Foods furnishes maps which list each category ol or­ ganic foods available throughout the store. Each aisle has a header that marks where natural and organic loods are slocked. Every­ thing has been done to facilitate shoppirig ease for the discriminat­ ing customer. , Visit the new Natural Foods Center today, with over 500 natu­ ral food ilems. Lowes Foods Is located at 2501 Lewisville-Clemmons Road In Clemmons, In the New Towne Shopping Cenler. CrowderM^Chesney xMssociates Yoiit 1 loitU -iow n Kcalior 2762 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd, • Clemmons 7 6 ^ 1 5 b l I l l ^ L o w e s j• S io o ^ X ;o r - t^ jO x u CLEMMONS E M Q S o tP ^yS sa EDcbOQ iS j 0 3 3 ) 0 0 ^ S te a xQ G lIIssiilQ ( M is s o M ew t V u ir iiia n a l ('p itie r w ith O v e r SOO ly/a tu ra l V a u d H orn s • l^ u lr it iu n a l .S u p p lrm fn t.s • lli^ ih l>;nor(<y llr in k N • l* ro d u c o • V o g p t a r i a n li p n i N COOKING CLASSES See store for dates or call 766-1608 Class Taught By C k e fT k o m m s P ih m B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 'Andrea Dwlggins drives to the basket (or the South Davie Tigers with Aiyse Bowden (right) trailing. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Dwiggins Plays Big In Two S. Davie Wins .fourth In.fivc games. "Shcconsisicnily 'rcbbunds In cxccss ofcight and higher, and she's unly 5-5. She knows where lo be, and il's like she i.s where rhe hill is." U's Ruing Dwiggins pbyeil big last week. Chnrles Oorktcy, who last , week SulTercd a season-ending injury By Brian PiiU Davie County Enterprise Reconl Andrea Dwiggins isn't the stron­ gest or the biggest player on the cowrt for South Davie's eighth-grade girls kiskeihall team. But what Dwiggins has is a huge \that nbrCiptly obbrevlated his farewell heart, .savvy and an cxiraordinary nose tour around the NBA. is widely rc* for the ball, and those qualities have ! gardcd as the greatest power forward made up for anything slw lacks. . ever for someone his size, 6-1. Dwlg- "I don't know how Andrea, as short gins, rolncidently, also plays power as .she is (5*5), can gel as many rc- *• forward, along with every other posi* boundsconsistcntlyasthatchilddocs,’'. tipn. , Coach Sheila Tribble said ofter the’ , "She can play all five positions," scrappy, determined Dwiggins scorcd Tribble said. "You'd be surprised how six points and grabbed nine rebound j Ihd child can jump." inlastweek's41-18vlctoryoverChlna . VVhileDwigginsconllnuedhermle Grove, South's third straight win and ' as unsung hero. Heather Boger led nine scorers wiihl4sc;Lson-high points to go along with six rebounds as South won convincingly forthc third straight imc. Bogcr has averaged more than eight points over the Iasi four games. "She had an outstanding game," saidTribblc,whogoteightpointsfrom Savannah Kowalski, four points and .seven rebounds from Ashley Peoples, two points ffDm Carly Balslcy, Jenni­ fer Horton, Alyssa Smith and Brittany Crotts and one from Alyse Bowden. Pcoplt^ Plercvs Knox Validating Tribble's wave of prc- season accolades. Peoples exploded for l6pointsand I3reboundsina38- 17 wut of Knox in the first game of the week. South Boys End Skid, 35-34 "That was the kind of game she should have every game iKcause she played like she is inily capable of playing,"TribbIe said of Peoples, who was hampered hy shin spUnls against China Grove. "She has a shin splint in her right leg, and you could really tell it (against China Grove). Tlierc wasn't (hat jumping ability and that firein her. "Hopefully that will heal and she'll be belter by (this) week." Dwiggins and Boger added .seven points, while Megan Jordan, Kowal­ ski, Bowden and Brandi Harpe had two apiece. Notes: Tribble cited Jordan and Bowden's polnt-guard contributions. They did a real good job rotating at point (against Knox), and Megan did a nice job running the point (against ChinuGrove)."shesaid....Southplays host to unbeaten West Rowan on Dec. 16. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 - B7 Tigers Put Mark On Line Thursday Against West Rowan If By Brian PItls Davie County Entcrpri.se Rccord South Davie wrestling coach Howanl Riddle has dealt with a lot of things in the first two weeks of the season - the Booker Cody injury ond void at heavy weight, a full duringproc- tice that resulted In a slash across the forehead and stitches for Andrew Darcy, a family tragedy to Tyler Lowe ond a suspen.sion thot erases a starter indennitely. ' Through all that. Riddle has guided the Tigers to five wins that have aver­ aged 58 points, including 89-0 over Knox, 57-27 over North Iredell and 74-12 over China Grove last week, but i)ow the coach must figure a way to win at West Rowan Thursday against a Bulldog team that almost pulled offa miraculous win over North Davie be­ fore losing 44-39. */. "I think everybody has been a little surprised by West Rowan," said Riddle, whose Tigers will try to keep pace with unbeaten North DavicinthePicilmom IMIddle School Conference race. "In ;the past, they have not been much of a wrestling program, it's always been football and basketball. But they obvi­ ously have got some good athletes. To scorcthatmonypointsonNorthDavie, they've got a good lineup." A win and South, the defending league champion, will likely roll intoa season-ending showdown for all the PMSC marbles with North. A toss and the Tigers will have to mn the tables over the final five matches to salvage a share of the prize. "It's going to be a test lo find out if we can move into the upper echelon of the conference," Riddle said. "West is going to be fired up to wrestle us afier losing (to North) Iasi week. It means a lot to both schools because If West wants a chance lo share the title, they have 10 beat us. For us lo have a chance to win it outright (for the third time in four years), we've got lo beat them. "I hope I'm still in ugood mood next Friday." Dylan Reynolds. Scott Maxwell, Billy Riddle, Derek Foster, Ben.Gobble and MitchcH Roberts rolled their per­ fect marks to 5-0 while Kurt Boiler, Anton McNeil and Josh Thompson improved to 4-0. "Riddle's wrestled a couple lough kids, but he takes his time and doesn't make any mistakes,” Coach Riddle said. "Roberts has been pretty domi­ nant. He really hasn't had a match yet, he's been going, out there and taking care of business quick." . McNeills a blossoming star, osev- enthgraderwholnnuicdhisresumeby sticking the South Rowan Highcoach's son from China Grove. ' "Anton is a .seventh grader but he's picked up a lot of stuff and his talent level Is pretty high," Riddle said. "(The China Grove kid) Is one of the top wrestlers in ihe conference at that weight and Anton got a pin." Another pleasant surprise was Th­ ompson. An emergency starter for Lowe, who missed lost week in the wake of his mother's car accldenl, Tli- ompson used the unexpected opporiu- nliy to make a name for himself. "Josh is going to be u real good wrestler," Riddle said as Thompson is suddenly 4-0. "Josh would start at a lot of other schools, he's just behind two eighth graders and a reel good seventh grader (McNeil)." Notes: D.J. Rice has won four straight since losing his seventh-grade debut.....South, which has overcome loads ofodverslty, got some good news last week. Cody, wlio sustained a bro­ ken foot during preseason, could re­ turn for Ihe final five matches, starting Jan. 4. "It will help us just not having to forfeit," Riddle said. "He's behind a little bit obviously, but we are going lo have lodo all we can to gel him caught up. He's a pretly good athlete and I think he'll do alright." Orsillo Sinks Five 3-Polnters There have been at least a couple positivesemerge from the North Davie eighth-grade boys basketball team's woefolseason-theproduclivityofdo- everything David Orsillo and big cen­ ter Cody Stevens. Trying valiantly to help a Wildcat team that has been outscorcd by an average of 18 polnlsand committed 26 turnovers a game, Orsillo scorcd eight ina42-21 lossloCorriher-Llpe.scored nineina37-261osstoNonhwestCabar- rus and drilled five 3-polnters for 17 season-high points in Thursday's 62- 26 loss to unbeaten West Rowan. "He has played well," Coach Chris Calllson said as Orsillo has averaged nearly 10 points and six rebounds. "He's got a lot on his shoulders right now. He's trying to bring the ball up the fioor, he's trying to rebound and he's trying lo take shots. And il's rough on him." Stephens has been the only other consistent performer, pacing North wUh nine points against Corrihcr-Upc and 11 against Northwest and scoring seven against West, giving him avcr- agcsofelghtpointsandeightrebounds. But Orsillo and Stephens haven't been nearly enough as turnovers and offensive flameoutscontlnueto plague Ihe Wildcats, who have failed to score more than 31 nor hold the opposition under 35 In any game. Still. Calllson refuses lo wave the while flag. They're working hard and trying to gel belter, and that’s all I can ask of them," he sold. "I wouldn't trade my team for anything. They woric hard in practice and I look forward to practice. The effort Isihere.** Brian Fromal and Jonathon Motsinger scorcd two each against Corriher-Lipe. Evan Beam and Motsinger had three apiece against Northwest and Zach Chappie had two against West. NorthplaysvisitingNorthwestDec. 16 in the final game before the Christ­ mas break. ^ By Brian Pitts right now." Coach Tim Kenney s;iid ''l>av\c County EntferpiiM Recowl.>,;,aa^j ^ Soul^^ &nap[KHl a dcpre ssi ng four- " * game losing streak. "You would have ForSouihDavle'seighth-grade.bnys thought at the end ofthe game that the basketball team, iherc's nothing likea 'kidshadjustwontheworldchampion- ■ dale with China Grove. ‘ • ship. There was u lot of excitement, LastyearSouihbeatthcRcdDcvils they were happy." 35-34 in overtime for its only victory.'.’ '• ,MauriceWilson.thconcnsivcsp.irk ' duringadisniall-9season. Last week,', wiihJ2 season-high points, enjoyed ■ under eerily similar circumstances in .*• hi< finest hour as the fioor general, which both teams were desperately - KevinWlnlerssupplledasscrtivebulk ; searchingforwinNo. I,dejavusuiick ^ nsldeand David Schweit converted . astheHgersprevailedbylhesameSS" 34 margin. "It'subigcloudoutofallofoureycs’ the game-winner off o rebound stick- :k for a South team that wouldn't be [fed. The triumph was especially sweet Tournaments Set For Jan. 1 Men's church and men's open bas-The cost is $ 100 per team, and the ketball tournaments are scheduled for ’ tournaments arc double-elimination. Dec.3I and Jan. 1 at the Brock Gym. ' 6ilIDanlclBrownat751-4632orTim Bahnerat 751-1239 to enicr. K-2 Basketball Program Planned The Mocksville-Davle Recreation ■ Department Is accepting forms for K-;. 2 InstrtJctional Basketball Program. ■ This program is designed to teach' basic basketball skills. This is not a Irague but on the last day, the children, will divide up into teams just for fun./ This program is for males and females . grades K-2. This program will be of- ^.^fi^atMocksvillc Elementary School. ■V .The dates: Jan. 15, Jan. 22, Jan. 29, /,Feb'.,5 and Feb. 12. Each session will Vlasl SO minules. Kinderganners will ^•,start at 9 a.m., first graders at 10 a.m. '’’and second graders at 11 a.m. , h Pfcregistration is required, the fee Is $20 and the deadline is Jan. 8. Call the rec at 751-2325. since theTlgers werc coming ofT u 40- 14 shellacking to Knox and Ihrcc oiher lopsided losses. Tlw kids were fired up and played with a lot of heart," Kenney said. "We didn't lct(thccelebration)gettoomuch out of hand, but we enjoyed the win and the kids were very happy lo break that win column." Kenney hopes Wilson's all-around peJformance foreshadows the next five weeks. "He had his best game of the year, offensively and defensively,*’ Kenney said. "He saw the floor real well. They were denying the wing pass off Indi- ‘ ana, which opens up things Inside for the post itKn, and Mauricc did an ex­ cellent job getting the ball to our post­ men. "And Winters played extremely lough on the inside for us." Notes: While the Tigers had Just one turnover in the flrst half of ihelr, win. they commitled31 inthe26-point loss to Knox. "We have trouble with athletic teams," Kenney said. "We matched up very well against China Grove.".... Besides Wilson's 12points against China Grove, Schweit and Travis Howell had six. Nathan Crowe five. Winters four and Dustin Mise two. Against Knox, Wilson had five. Winters four, Howell three and Corcy Wood two......South plays host to unbeaten West Rowan on Dec. 16. ■ V Andrea Dwigglris tries to shoot through several defenders. Wireless for $ 1 0 a month! VadhinValleu ■ (No more excuses) It's our lowest'.pnce ever. All-digital wireless service for just $10 a month. Add unlimited local weekend calling for an extra $10 a month and 100 anytime minutes for another $10 a month. Now Open at our New Localinn SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA ■1057 YadWnvilie Road, Mocksvllle (336)751-0528 $20°° REBATE witli activarion of any DCS phone on ^30°° service plan orhighisr. CAIL1-888-327-2001 . wrwwJMllMUthdcMom 'Authorized Sales Represenlative ©BELLSOUTH Mobility I DCS* chooi# tti# JOO onytime mJnulw pockog* for on odditiooal $10 o nxWh. With |h« 100 oriytime nwtuSn pockog*. rrinutM In eicni of poclMo« or« 3S c<r,ltATWKjl*. and unntd pockoge mioutei eipira »och montK PriCM do Art inrhidt lorn, foomino. lonfl «fi»«ance, univwtal wrwce fe«. or o»hw •uKUont. WM(*nct poctog* oppbn (nsm tpm ffidav to 7om Mendof . Umilcd timt off»r (or new cuttoawrv Subject lo credit oppnM.<; Mriy coTKcflotion fe«. B«aSouth Mobility DCS Terrm ond Condiliooi. ond ctrtoin othw mtrictiont. Sm tioret for dttoiH. 019^ MSouth. All rlghtt tMwv«L Nobody plans to have a teg amputated. Or a stroke, brain surgeiy or'multiple trauma. But it happens. And when it does, lives can be put on hold, drastically altered, or even destroyed.' That’s why we created the Elizabeth C. Stanback ■ Rehabilitation Unit. Here, in this state-of-the-art inpatient facility, specialists from many difTerenc areas [LlIABEiyCSTAHBAaPEyABILITATIOHUHIT combine their knowledge to literally put shattered lives back together again. So now, people in the Rowan Dedicated TbTlie Belief That No Difficulty Islbo Great lb Overcome. area who &ce life-altering events don’t Rcwan Regional M ED IC A L'C E I^R liiu r Source F o rlb ta l Hcaltfacarc. have to alter their goals. Because there’s another path they can take to reach them. 612 M o c k s v il l e A v e n u e , Sa l is b u r y 704-630-4,430 1-888-55ROWAN - www.rowan.org ■k ■. ^ B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 I n - very Item In Our Inventory Will We Sold Near At or Below C ostlll T im e I s R u n n in g O u t ! JLadies Diamond Anniversary Diamond SolitairesWhlte/YeUow Gold 70% OFF Diamond Earring Studs MGold Necklaces Bracelets Anklets Seiko, Citizen & W ittnauer Watches J/ie ^im e "Jo 7 ]u i/ D'ine ^ew elru! Newtowne Shopping Center • Clemmons • 766-8505 H O U RS: y-y Mon.-Sat.; 1-7 Sun. '.y ■ * Davie People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 - Cl Santa Claus points out that good little boy, or is it a bad old boy, at the Advance Christmas Parade Saturday. Little elves help usher in the Christnnas season in Advance. C e le b ra tio n In A d v a n c e Annual Parade Brings In The Christmas Season To Advance That's Rudolph the Red Nosed Guitar Picker riding on the hillbilly band bus.Hey, there comes Santa, children shout as the parade neared its end. ; Area church groups helped parade spectators remember the real reason for the Old cars ride past Advance Methodist Church, which was lined with spectators.for the hour and ' Christmas season. — - -Photosby Mike Barnhardt a half long parade. |i*< :2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 i| Downtown Mocksville A ll Aglow With Christmas Spirit I * . '! ' Downtown Mocksville was alive with activity last week as the Hometown Christmas celebration brought hundreds'of people downtown to enjoy the sights and sounds of the holiday season. Activities Included, clockwise from || above left, a school chorus group singing from the steps of the courthouse, a choral :| group from Bethlehem United Methodist Church, popular carriage rides through town, visits with Santa Claus, and more sing­ ing in front of stores. J tm e phome p l a c e T keG i& T katFiis ^ Small package - big convenience! No matter which Motorola y C cellular phone you give for the Holidays, you’re going to get a big thanks! We have them in all shapes and sizes, plus a full line of accessories. So bring your list here today! ^ M O TO R O LA Profile 300 00 **$1 FREE wilh cigarette lighter adapter MChmtmas Activation - , I Available , tp’ '.tO p u rc liw a p h o n e fo r . ’ jonxm AUTHOBIZEO AGENT No Roaming or Long Distance Charges in NC & SC CAROLINA FREEDOM PLANS • STARTING AS LOW AS $19.95/month* 121 Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 WeE Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat.'9 am-1 pm *Nm m* o( MTVkt and ttvM approvtl riquirid lor mw CMionwrt. Ctioku FfHdom tiM'pUrti ii*lontwind*iiiUignisienwi. F..................................- . ---------- i.P*clu8«nynuM mat b« UHd In «w rnonm My «rt lttu*4 inl no cr*«l w< b« iittnM iw unuud mnutn. Long «tl»nci d«K«nr and offiw cfurgM nwy tppV- CweiwFtMdomrtiopitntmtynMMaviiUtMlnaMWOiNonhCvoUu.ltSacKvitentiiiipplttOOxrrtttnctcniiFfiV'S***'"*'^'^ '- *Thi«eiiff»ougtiT1»Phontriie*.lni ...........«. me. enlyL 0«« iipm 1M t-M. 8m Uora tor MM. 1:. JT H E PH01E PLACE A C o m p l e t e C o m m u n i c a t i o n C e n t e r C a r r y i n g a F u l l L i n e o f D e c o r a t o r P h o n e s , C o r d l e s s P h o n e s , A n s w e r i n g M a c h i n e s , P a g e r s , a n d B u s in e s s P h o n e s FREE G ift W rapping Available through Christmas 121 Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. 9 am-1 pm Cana Homemakers Bazaar A Success •i' TheCunaHomtfimkcfsCIubliosied ihcir 30th annual Christmas Uo/a.von Satunlay, Dcc. II. Tills year. N9 people attended. Many return each year who attcniled the school such as^ Bill An£c)l. Walter Eiehlson, Faye Cain Rich, Betly Elchison West, Vada Boger Bcck, NeldaPopcBrown.andRubyLcagans. NcighlKirs. friends and family arc dniwn back to the old school each year to shop, visit and rcniinlsce. Upon entering the soulh room of the historic school, the shoppers were jjrceted by Ruby Leagans and Nelda Bmwn. Bcuy Smith. Ruby Bogcrand IveyNellBogcrasslstedshopperswlth thelrcholces from tablesofhomcniade cakes, pics, ctxikies. candles, and jel­ lies made by the club members. In the main room, Ruth Essie regis­ tered shoppers for the door prizes do­ nated by Ann White. Gmce Forrest and Marilyn Simon. Winners were Ell/abcth Yokley, Ruth Essie and Bemio Guscfski. Vada Beck and Susan Cujas served shoppers wassail and cookies os they shopped along the aisles orhandmade arts and crafts. Tlic hot Christmas Wassalt served has been a tradition since the first Cana Bazaar. Memlwrs meet at Vada Beck’s house every year and spendihcdaymixingupthc recipe, as did one of our founding members. Miss Mossa Eaton, who startcHl the tradition. In the north room, shoppers were assisted by Ann White, Sue Couch, and Chip Essie where they could pur­ chase fresh cut greenery, Yule logs made by Ruth Essie, and ft^sh box- wo<x) wreaths made by the Cana Club and neighbors. Marilyn Simon and Dariene Hawks assisted shoppers with tlw trcasures foundat the bargain tables. Friends and neighbors visited and exchanged Chri.stmasgreetlngsastliey wereclwckedoutbythecashlersiGmcc Forrest, Edwina Barney, Diane Ire­ land, Sandy Foster and DacaTliomas. MemhersSue Ireland, Karen Price and Sandy Brewer, who assisted greatly in prcpamiion bu; could not attend this year, were missed. The members would like to give Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent 'nieChristmasCantatatitled''Grcat Day" was presented by the Methodist church choir Sunday morning during worship hour. Many visitors were present for the Cantata. Among them were the parents ofour Pastor, the Rev. David Childers, Jack and Beatrice Childers, also David's uncle and aunt Flake and Ruth Childers, all of Moorcsvlllc; Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn from Clemmons, who were friends of Paul and Sue Folmar and of Irene Barney: Ms. Marceal Cummings of Cleveland, Ohio, who Is visiting her daughter and family. Christine and Don Maftman; Frances Dunn of Win­ ston-Salem with her son and family, Kent and Kaye Dunn; Ben Owens' mother, Rachel Richards of Denton. Mary AnnCraigofVlrginlaspent a fewdays last week with heraunt, Kazlc Smiley. Frank Markland was rushed to Forsyth Hospital Wednesday night by ambulance. He Is in serious condition and has pneumonia. His wife, Margie. Is also very sick at home. David Folmaranddaughter.Bailey, of Knoxville, Tenn.. spent the week­ end with his parents, Paul and Sue Folmar. David sang In our choir Sun­ day. Brenda Zimmerman of Glen Cove. Long Island, N.Y..s})cni Friday night and Saturday with her mother, Edith Zimmerman. Brenda camc especially to be with Edith In the Advance Christ­ mas parade on Saturday as "Miss Ad­ vance." I fell honored to represent our wonderful village in the parade. "Bo" and Mona Potts have returned from a 12-day cmise. They Hew to Acapulco, Mexico, where they had u lour before boarding the Royal Carib­ bean ship "Vision of the Sea." Their first port of call was Costa Rica where they had a 6-hour bus tour which in­ cluded coffee plantations and other pointsofintcrest. From thereihey went 10 Panama where they went through the Panama Canal locks, which look 8 hours. This was the hlghllghl of their cmise. Next was Curacao Island where they enjoyed an open-oir trolley tour. On to Aruba where they had a bus lour. Cruising on to St. Thomas, they cn- joyed slwpplngandslght-seeing.Thelr last port of call was San Juan, Puerto Rico, where they caught their (light home. Wiley Williams was rushed lo the hospital Sunday morning by ambu­ lance. Sunday luncheon guests of Paul and Sue Folmar were Mr. and Mrs. James DavlsofClemmons.Gail Davis and granddaughter Ashley of Mocks- ville, David Folmar and daughter Bailey of Knoxville, Tenn. Sandy Rogers underwent major surgery lasl week at Forsyth hospital. She Is recuperating sailsluctorily and cameout to the church Sunday nighi to see her children In the Christmas play, "Tlic Cmmpy Shepherd." Get well wishes and aspcedy recovery goout to Sandy. Mattie Tucker was admitted to Forsyth Hospital last week.She under­ went surgery for blood clots on her brain. Wc wish her a speedy recovery. Mattie Is such an active member of Elbaville Methodist chureh and is greatly missed during her hospitall»i- tion. Following thechildrcn’sChristmas play at the Methodist chureh Sunday night, Jilly-Bean, a MissionaryA'en- trilo({ulsl from Charlotte, gave an im­ pressive performance to the delight of the children and adults. Sister’s II ofMtfCksvUle (336) 751-1782 W e e k ly S p e c ia ls M on: Baby Flounder.............................3.49 Baby Flounder (ah you can e>i)..........5.99 Combo of (Baby Flounder ABaby Shrimp).....5.99 Salisbury Location Only T ues: Baby Flounder (ah you can Eat).........3.49 Baby Shrimp (ah you can Eao............6.99 8 oz Rib Eye-wiih salad.................5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby FloundoT &Baby Shrimp)....5.99 NVed: Baby Flounder (ah you can Eai).........5.99 Canadian Flounder)...................5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby Floundar SBaby Shrimp)....5.99 Grilled Chicken/Baby Shrlmp/Salad.....6.99 Call Ahead 2030 {tateiville Blvd • )aliibur^, DC 70«i-6M-»5«0 fllon - Thurt ^pm - 9pm • fri - ii am - lo pm iat-}pm-iopm-iun-ii:)oam-9pm or 8850 {tateivilk Blvd • Cleveland, DC 7 O I1-2 7 8 -2 I Z 6 Tu»i-Thuri -4pm-9pm fri - (at 4 pm -10 pm • tun -11:30 am - 9 pm Thur: Baby Flounder (ah you can Eai).........5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby Floundar &Baby Shrlnip)....5.99 9oz Chopped Sirloin-with salad...6.99 Sun: Baby Flounder (ah you can Eat).........5.99 Combo of' 2 (Baby Floundor SBaby Shrimp)....5.99 ' Canadian Flouiiderasaby shrimp)....6.99 Canadian Flounder....................5.99 Seiyed wth cole $law 4 hushpuppies, baked potato, french fries or onion rings No Discount on These Specials • Dine In or Carry Out ____________________Limited Time Only_____________■ Make Your Christmas Party Reservations Now DAW, COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16, 1999 - C3 A L W A Y S T H E D I A M O N D F O R T H E P R IC E spccial thanks io;!xvvis Bcck andChip Essie for bringing wood and starting fires, W(xhI craHsman Brent Boger for his donation of wixxlen bowls lo sell, and lo husbands and family for their help and support. Tlie members of the Cana Home­ makers Club would like to thank ev­ eryone who came this year and sup­ ported our mission of maintaining this historic landmark in our community. All the priKX'cds go lo t he maintenance oftlieCanaSchcKil.Ttieclubhiisgmwn by seven new members this year. If you would like to join the club call ‘J98-3015. Tl\eCana Ba/aar is always l^eld tlw sa'ondSaturdayinDccembcrfrom 10 to I. DIAMOND EARRINGS 1/4 CARAT OF DIAMONDS ^49! 1/2 CARAT OF DIAMONDS ^299! ONE CARAT OF DIAMONDS ^999! Janna Watson and son, Michael AlanofPuricJU’,wercSundayguestsof her parents. Leonard and Mary Nell Jones. Tlicy aki attended chureh ser­ vice. Nancy Zimmcniian and herfamily, the Rev. llaroldZimmcmianand wife, Lori, and Gregory^ Randy and Mike Zimmerman, Cammle Z. Walker and husband. Steve, their children Lauren and Luke, went over to cousins John Frank and Helen Holder’s home in Clemmons Saturday night for their Christmas gatlwringandanoysterstew. The Holder's daughter and husband and boys. Penny and Eddie Home, and John and James Home of Clemmons were also present. A live Nativity by the Methodist church will be Dec. 20 and 21 at the recreation center during the evening hours. Flowers for all Occasions $299! 1/2 Carat Diamond Ladie.s Cluster Ring n/2 CARAT PfilNGSS I Ul ['I.V.H ’NP LalfaiOalf now For Christmas Super Buy! 2 Carat Diamond Tennis Bracelet Register to win $2000! Next to Wal-Mart in Mocksville 751-3747 COLD GALLERY 39‘"Yesff C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dtc. 16,1999 - ( Joey Turman, Jacob Wood, Clair Turman and Paul Beauchamp rehearse their parts.The older students rehearse a classroom scene in wvw.christmasonllne.com. Malt Lee plays one of the lead roles in the production of www.christmasoniine.com. Hillsdale Methodist young people rehearse for a play to be presented this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.M.D. O b s t e t r ic s a n d G y n e c o l o q yCaring Medicaid Providar (or 20 yoars N ew OB patients w e lcom e a t any stage o f pregnancy Free Pregnancy Tests We Will assist your application for pregnancy- related Medicaid coverage at no fee. Patient may deliver at either Statesville hospital 1216Davle Avenue • Statesville, NC 704473-143a - 9 a m to 5 p m dolly The younger children get to change costumes, sing and dance, while the cider ones get the message across with the piay. w w w .c h ris tm a s o n lin e .c o m Hillsdale Methodist Youth Play This Weekend Town & Country Remodeling ^^ePoWindows^^ • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Ceramic Tile • Aluminum Storm Windows • Roofing • Larson* Storm Doors (fiberglass or colored metal) • Vinyl Siding • Decks • Garages • Kitctien & Batfi Remodeling ■ Room Additions (336)751-1414 D avid C ozart Wayne Wall • Gale SheetsNC Lkensod General Conmctor Stephen Frye • Deneil Burgess Log into Hillsdale Methodist Church this weekend, and you'll hear the message of the binh of Christ as told by some young people ... via computer. The play ‘“wv.iW.chrisimasonlinc.com” will be presented by youth of the church age 4-12.; Shows will be at 8 p.m. (Rcrrcsh- meats will be available at 7:30) on Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday. Admission will be agift that will be given to a needy child, age 4- 12. The play centers around a school class which gets the opportunity to design a Christmas web site as a project. “At first, they design it around what they want, the toys,” said Melinda Phillips, director. With the help of lead characters. Matt Lee and LcAnna Marccy, they. end up designing a site that tells the true meaning of Christmas. The teacher is played by Melissa Black. Other cast members include: Siephanie Watts, Lake Slabach. Allie Slabach, Clair Turman, Gunnar Ginther. Joe Sink, Michael Thurrhond, Joey Turman, Paul Beauchamp. Christian Lee, Ben Sink, Megan Huffman, Megan Beauchamp. Sarah Bishop. Jusiin Lee, Nick Tucker, Ben Turman, Sam Tucker, Stacey Statham and Lauren Thurmond. “I'm hoping a lot of people come because they’ve worked so hard," Phillips said. “ I’m so proud of all of them.” The children have been practicing since August, getting some voice and theatre training along the way. The have named the group the Promised Land Theater Co. of Hillsdale Meth­ odist Church. The church is located on U.S. 158 just west of N.C. 801, in thcold Webb building. HOLIPAY SPECIAL!!! ; ‘FREE!! Brake Inspection with Every $19.95 Oil Change *(3reat Gift Ideas and Low Prices on Truck Accessories with Professional Installation ;*With Holiday Travel Ahead, Check Out ■ our WHOLESALE Prices on TiresI JERRY’S TIRE AND TRUCK ACCESSORIES 1138 Sallsbgry Road iVlocksville« 336-751-7555 Horn’s Aiito/Truck Pfaza & ^ Horn’s Country Kitchen Jqjs Hwy 601 N at 140 • Mocksville Will Be Open Regular Hours j|j, Christmas Day ^ Happy Holidays from ^ Everyone at Horn’s ^ $ L A R E W - W O O D - J O H N S O N , IN C . — Insurance Since 1915 — • Farms • Dwellings and Homemners • Manufactured Homes • Business Insurance • Auto • Life • Health Andy Carliicr Representing: PIEDMONT MUTUAL INSURANCE and other fine Companies "Professional and Customer Centered Insurance Service." 135 S. Salisbury St, MocksvUle,NC 27028 33.6-75i;6281 130 Hwy. 801S, HiUsdale,NC 27006 336-940-2210 800-255-7777 Civitan Club Celebrates Christmas The Mocksville Civitan Club had its annual Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Curtiss on Gladstone Road. 1 The home was dccorated for the piristmas season. Jack Naylor gave the invocation for the covercd dish meal. Following the meal, a short busi­ ness session was led by the president, Pam Curtiss. She also read a short, appropriate Christmas story, after Community Decorated ; The Garden Valley community in MiK'ksville will be decorated with lu* itiinaries this Christmas on Saturday, Occ. 18 and Sunday, Dec. 19, from 6 p.m.-midnight. Mon; than 1.200 luminaries will line the streets of Garden Valley. Mo* torists arc asked to dim their auto's rights and to drive slowly. The Carden Valley community Is located ofT Val* ley Drive/Sanford Avenue near the Ingcrsoll'Rand Company In Mocks* ville. Tliisisthe 15th yearGorden Valley residents have offered this Christmas gid for the enjoyment of the commu- miy. Service, Pet Adoption Planned : A candlelight service to honor ani­ mals will be heldThursday,Dec. 16,at •7:30 p.m. at the Davie County Humane Socicty office on Valley Road near I* 40. Just In lime forChristmas, the group will also sponsor an adoption day for pets being held in foster homes Satur­ day, Dcc. 18, at the Humane Society office 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Humane Socicty also has kit­ tens in foster care available for adop* tion. To see the kittens or learn more about Humane Soclctyevcnts,calI75l- 5214. which Jack Naylor read the Christmas story from Luke. Tliehosisthcnpresentcdcach mem­ ber 0 humorous memento from Santa. A gift exchange followed, after which thcgroupjolned handsand sang "Silent Night." "Happy Dlrthday'*wassungtoJc,ssie Hinkle. Twenty*five members and guests attended.Hallmans Announce Birth Of Son Doug and Danielle Hallman of Wilmington announce thebirthofthcir fintchild.ason.HunterDane Hallman, on Dcc. 8,1999, at 11:20 a.m. at New Hanover Medical Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was21 inches long. Maternal grandparents arc Roger and Kaye Spry of Advance. Paternal grandparent is thelntc Dane Hallman of Palm Bcach. Fla. Y o u A re In v ite d To S p e cia l 1999 Christmas Services First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Sixty-fifth Annual Candle Lighting Service and Christmas Concert Three Identical Services 5:00 p.m., Sunday, December 19 i, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, December 19 7:30 p.m., Monday, December 2Qj[ Nursery Care Provided for all Services Christmas Eve Celebration Carols, Reading & Candle Lighting Sen'Ice, Special Music by the Chancel Choir • Hand Bell Choir 8 pm & 11 pm Friday, December 24th, 1999 W e ’ r e D e d ic a te d T o S e r v in g T h e C o m m u n ity If a bank Is going to be a true hometown bank, it need's people who care about the community. People such as Robert R. Jones, known by nearly everyone as Bobby. His commitment to this area started almost imme­ diately when he and his family moved here eleven years ago, and it has never slowed. Currently he serves on the Organizational Committee for the Relay For Life CAmerlcan Cancer Society), nationally recognized as one of the most successful of its kind anywhere. Additionally, Bobby is an active member of the Davie County Council of Economic Development, the Davie County Hospital Advisory Board, the Rotary Club, the Rural Initiative Project Board, and the Northwest Piedmont Development Council. Over the years he has been active in many other civic endeavors, including a stint as a Little League baseball coach and serving as president of the Rotary Club.BOBBY JONES Senior Vico President. Dank ol Davio C ataract Surgery... “See” the difference experience can m ake C, Richard Epes, M.D., is one of the most widely respected cataract surgeons in the world. He has been recognized by "The Best Doctors in America." Individuals from 48 states and 18 foreign countries have trusted Dr. Epes for their cataract surgery. Dr. Epes has performed over 65,000 cataract surgeries including the "No-Stitch, No-Palch" technique. This procedure takes betiveen four and seven minutes and only eyedrops are used lo numb the eye. You can return lo your normal activilies immediately after surgery. For unmatched experience and local con­ venience, call Southeastern Eye Center today. TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE. C.nlcliaidEpu.MD O Souttieastem CenterCwr»ICin>lmjSurj«IE,fAnaflil»i.PA,/ Mtd«f»Aui|«aniMAtf»rUd i/ TRUST VOUI r i/ivir n’HiTJr/i'iiri'yciu r«av see one of. M (5 ^ S V IL L E CfninlCi'olwiSurtnlEjtAiiadiifi.rA,/ TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE,For i/itiir ivitirii/.-uri' you may tee one of the Soulhtaiteni Eye Cenlrr Joclorf incur oficti localettat: VISION CENTER Dr, Slntn G. Uynmn, Oimmi B erm uda Q uay VISION C E N IE R ^^Dr. SUvcn G. Laymon, Oiuksw A re YOU R e a d y fo r Y 2K ? Let us give your com puter a check-up! W e will send a technician to your home or business for a complete YEK evaluation. Intel 400 MHz Computers Irom with 15” monitor! 'Internet Ready Computers make GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTSI II nil —II fgcoffl m m '^-.1 All four of his children graduated from Davie County High School, and his wife, rr; Janet, is a teacher at Cooleemee Elementary School. They reside in Mocksville. Bobby is an excellent banker, and we’re proud that he is part of the community and " a member of Bank of Davie staff. - It's Your Bank | B a n k o f D A V IE I 1366 Highway 601 South On Mocksville IVIarketplace] 751-5755 THE COMPUTER SOLUTION66 Court Square • Downtown Mocksville, NC 336-7Sh9499 FIN A N C IN G A V A IL A B L E i38C C S H 1 80 D A Y S S A M E A S C A SH C6 - DAVIE c o u n t y e n t e r p r is e r e c o r d , l)t!C. 16,1999 R a lp h S ta n le y To B rin g O ld -T im e M u sic H e re *nw Davie Counly Arts Council will prcscnl K:ilph Stanley nnil Tlie Clinch Mountain Hoy.s at Ihc UnKik IVrlonnini; Arts Center itn Sntunlay, Jan. 15 at 7:30 p.m. This Fujiiily Delights! prinluctitm is just one oftlK per fonnances the Arts Council has lineil up for the 1999- 2(XX) sciLSiin of Ininily entertainment. Tickets lor reser\cd scats arc on sjile andureuvailablejusiintimeforChrist- HULS gilU. Davie County's own Tour Oaks Kcvue will he Icalua'd ;ls tlie opening aci Tor Stanley, uncJ WDSL rndio's Gary Tilley will ctiKtc the evening of imilitionul blucgnivs I'nusie. As a singer. Ralph Stanley has few pa*rs. For over half a ccntuiy he has traveled America's highways and by­ ways perfomiing his original moun- lain style of country music. Stanley’s voice ptjssesses whal bluegrass patri- ;m:h Bill Monroe oncc described as "old tones." His sky-high lenor voice can trans­ port listeners Kick In time iwo or three hundred years. It is a voice connected to the past, yet it has a placc in our prc.sent and, more importantly, it is a legacy for our future. Stanley’s distinc­ tive. claw-hammer banjo playing is capable of bringing an audience lo llKir feet lo d;ince in u matter of .sec­ onds. yet his interpretation of an a cappella gospel song can have (hose samelistener2>n:achingrortheirDible.s inse.'uvh of salvation. Ralph Stanley Is one of the Iasi direct links we have to traditional mountain music, ycl he has had a pro­ found impact on our contemporaiy musical landscape. Stanley and his music have influenced three genera­ tions ofbluegniss musicians, but his magic docs not slop there. Stanley’s admirers range from country singers Dwight Yokam and Vincc Gill, who states. "Ralph Is one of those truly great people in music that had an im­ pact" to rock legends Bob Dylan nwl the late Jerry Gracia, the founderofthc Grateful Dead. education, tlic music they learned at home and in the Primitive Baptist Church they attended was equally as impt»rlanl. Tlieir father. Ux’ Stanley, was a ballad singer who couldn't play a thing as far as an instniment but his voice was just the same as Ralph’s and Carter's. Tlwir iiMitlwr. Lucy, was a fine old-time, claw-hammer banjo player and taught Ralph all the tunes .she knew. Uegiamngin l‘M7,Ralph undCuner recorded an imprevsive Ixnly of mate­ rial for a variety of lak'ls including Rich-R-ToneColumhia.Men:ury,and King Recoals. Caner Stanley wrote the 1 jon'sshaici>f ihcir stings and >nany. such as Tlic White Di»vc." "TIjc Uinc- .some River" and "She's Ntore to Be Pitied" arc now considercd country classics. Tlie IxKly of work created hy Ralph Stanley over the p;tst 32 years, combined with his 20-year part nership with Carter, who died in 1966. is as­ tounding. Fewcountry art islshavepn>- duced suchan impressive body ofwork save Hank Williams. Tlie Louvin Bnithenand Bill Monme. Throughout the years, Ralph Stanley has manageil to maintain a continuity in his sound that few otlier performers have achieved. He has tin incrcdible ear for gmxl talent and has rccniitc*d some (jf the finest singers and musicians Into his Clinch Mountain Uoys. Urry Sparks. Keith WhUley. and Ricky Skaggs arc but a few who have apprenticed with Stanley heAire striking out on ihcir own. Stanley and his Clinch Mountain Boys have played every type «f venue imaginable fmm small, smoky bluc- grass clubs to .some of Ihc most presti­ gious In the world. Counted among these arc the Queen Gli/abcth Hall In London, New York’s Camcgle Hall. Ihc vvorld-fanious Gnmd Ole Opry. and now Davie County’s own Urock Performing Arts Center. He has amavsedalargefollowingofloyalfans and his contributions lo our cultural heritage have been acknowledged by the National Endowment for the Arts County Music Hull of Fame, an honor many fans believe is long ovenluc. In rvcent years, Ralph’s recordings have iK'cn nominated for numennis music industry awards including four Grammys, the County Music Ass<x.'ia- t ion awartls, and scvemi !>)ve A wanis for his gospel music reconls. Mis crit i- cally-acclaimcd album. "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning” was named Ihc Intcrnnlional DIuegrass Music AK«Kialion’s Rectwded Uvcnt of the Year In 1993, and, in 1966. Stanley was feted at a reception in Nashville (ocommemoratc his Golden Anniversary in country music. When most n)cn his age arc think­ ing about retirement. Ralph Stanley gives no indication of slowing down. He is not content lo simply rest on his laurels. Ralph and his Clinch Moun­ tain Boys work well over 200 dates a year and he maintainsan active record­ ing schedule. His latest recording. "Clinch MounlainCountry,"lsadoublc CD which rcccntly won Album of the Year and Recording of the Year fmm the Intemalional Bluegrass Music As­ sociation. Tlic album features several bluegrass,country,andfolkaniMsjoin- ing Stanley In his traditional style. TickctsarconsalealthcBnK’k Box Omccal 622 N. Main St., Mivksvlllc. Tickets arc S1» for adults and $ 16 for children, students, and .seniors. Tick­ ets nuy be putvhased in perscm, hy nuiil, or clKU’gcd by plK)nc, arc avail­ able on a first «)ine-f1rst paid kisls, and arc non-rcfundahlc. Box office Iwurs are Mondiiy*Friday. 10 am.-2 p.m. The perfoniiancc pmmises to he a scll-oul, so please don't wail to pur­ chase your tickcts," said Dagmar Bardo, arts council executive director. "If you delay, you will miss out on this historic event. The Arts Council Tickets are now on sale for the Jan. 15 performanca of Ralph Stanley at The Brock Center. stronglyencouragesallaudiena'mcn)- bers lo purchase tickets, pick up tick­ ets. or have tickets mailed to tliem several w eeks before the night of the performance." Audience members of all ages will be required to havea ticket toenlerthc auditorium. To purchase tickets or for more information, call the Box Ofllcc at 336-751-3000. -'“Bom In l927,’ RalphStantcywas—wUhihclr"Nmionol Heritage Fellow* reared in the Western Virginia High- ship" prcsenled by Prcsidenl Ronald t:. lands. Along with his older brother, Carter, he made his recording debut in the firstquaitcrcenluryofcommercial , country music. The Stanley’s musical mentors included the Caner Family, the Monroe Brothers and Mainer’s Mountaineers. As important as these early per­ formers were to the Stanleys’ musical Reagan In 1984. In 1992, Stanley was Inducted inlo the International Bluegrass Music Asstxriallon's Hall of Honor. The only performers who preceded him in that honor were Bill Monroe, Lester Flatl and fellow banjo player Earl Scruggs. The Stimley name lias also appeared on the ballot for induction into the Piinu Uunpj BffnUun Aetasirles fknti Pruus Um/a fUmitm Auasala H O LID A Y SALE 2 0 % - 6 0 % O F F lliH M i^h l)i*ci*iiil)i*r 3()tli ('hn^tnui.- ( iiiul i,ilt s'r/i’i Interior Designs I 'hiHli'Hi '}> I till,11 'hn.siiiii- I nr.'illi ID S .\ssuciati.*s '■'f'li ( ( k'nininiix Kil, • ( Iciuiiinii' • iNv.\l l)om in I i (XV>) 7(>6-y‘;iN /W/i/t iumfli fumttiar k(C.iunf4 f»iu\ lamp\ fuiniiuir SErnlSSut .Holic Inventory Reduction Closeout Items lhruDec.21,1999 Light Fixtures In Stock (except fluores'cents) All Wire Shelving and Accessories50% off Caudeli Lumber and Building Supplies 162 Sheek Street •751-2167 Open Daily Weekdays 7:30 • 5;00, Sal. 7:30 ■ 12 noon SHOE SHOW HCKJIII’ Pl.J/.t MockSVI M'. f.toii S.M It) Sun 1 N o tic e o f T A X L IS T IN G F O R D A V IE C O U N T Y All property on hand January 1,2000 both real and personal Is subject to taxation regardless of age and sex ot owner. You are no longer required to list motor vehicles which are currently LICENSED with the North Carolina Department o( Motor Vehicles. These vehicles will be billed by the County after the current registration is renewed or an application is made for a new registration. About three months after your registration renewal you will receive a bill from the County. You will have 30 days to pay the bill before Interest is added at the rate of 3/4 of 1 % per month. ; Taxpayers must list UNLICENSED vehicles not licensed on January 1, 2000 DURING THE REGULAR LISTING PERIOD, there Is no change In the listing requirements for those vehicles. Other property required to be listed in January include: mobile homes, boats and motors, jet skis, aircrafi, farm equipment, tools used by carpenters and mechanics, all assets and supplies of businesses, furnishings owned and rented by a landlord. Taxpayers should report any new; buildings or any improvements built on real estate, or any changes to real estate to the Tax Office. The Tax Administrator’s Office will be sending listing forms to everyone that listed personal property In 1999. If you need to list personal property as indicated above or report changes to real property and you do not receive a form In the mail, please contact the Tax Administrator's Office for the proper forms. E X E M P T IO N FOR E U E R L Y A N D D IS A B LE D North Carolina excludes from property taxes the first $20,000 in assessed value of owner occupied residence for persons aged 65 or older whose income does not exceed $15,000, or totally and permanently disabled whose income does not exceed $15,000. if you received the exclusion in 1999, you do not need to apply again unless you have changed your permanent residence, if you received the exclusion in 1999 and your disposable Income In 1999 was above $15,000, you must notify the Assessor. If the person receiving the exemption-has died, the person required by law to list the property must notify the Assessor. Any person who fails to give the notice required by N.C. Law shall not only be. subject to loss of the exemption, but also to the penalties provided by N.C. Law. It you did not receive the oxclusion but are now eligible, you may obtain a copy of an application from the Assessor, it must be filed by April 15. You must file a listing form to continue to receive the exemption. Listing will begin January 3, 2000 in the Tax Administrator's Office in the County Administration Building. Office listing help Is available Jan. 3-31, 2000. Hours will be 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday. The deadline for listing is January 31,2000. Completed forms must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service not later than January 31, 2000. All late listings are subject to a 10% penalty. Please make your return early to avoid a late penalty. Davie County Tax Administrator Mary Neil Richie DAVIK COUNTY ENTEUl'RISK RECORD, Dcc. 16, 1999 - Special Services To Be l-ield At First Methodist First United Methodist Church, 305 N. Main St., Mocksvillc, will cclebratc its 65th annual Candle Lighting Scr* vlccandChristmasConccrton Dcc. 19 and 20. Three Idcntlcol services will he held; 5 and 7:30 p.m. on Sundoy, Dcc. 19, and 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Dcc. 20. Nursery cans will be available for nil . scrvlccs. The sancluory of the church willhc dccorated with garlands, wreaths, nearly 200 polnscttios, dozens of candlcs. and a 12-fooi Ciirismon ircc. Outside the church, luminaries will Uncthe walkways. Alive nativityscenc will olso be on the front lawn of Ihc church. Ttic ChristmjLS Concert by the 50- voiccChanccI Choir will feature tradi­ tional anthems and carol arrangeincnts. The conccrt will concludc with the tradilional singing of the "Hallclujuh Chorus” from Handel's Messiah. Tlic congregation will join In singing "Si­ lent Nighr as each person lights his own candle. Special prelude music will be pro* vidcd by Mike Hendrix, organist; Kathy Fercbec, flautist; and MIchacI Ostaszcwskl. trumpeter, prior to cach scrvlcc. Tlic musical prelude will be- ginoi 4:45 and 7:15. Tlie Candlclighting Scrvlcc and Christmas Conccrt has hccomc u Christmas tradition for many Davie County families. Tlic public is Invited to participate in this Davie County trxulillon at the 65lh annual service an Dcc. 19 and 20. Charles Turner Is pastor of the church. Barbara BiLshain isdin;ctorof the Chanccl Choir. Skibsted Serving On Marine Deployment During Holidays While moslAmcricansarc celebrat­ ing the holiday season at home or with family, Navy Hospilalman Robert C. Skibsted, whose wife, Dunna, Is the daughter of Faye H. Burchman of Mocksvillc, Is scheduled lo spend the hoi Idays forward deployed to Oki nawa, Japan, with 1st Battalion, 2nd Ma­ rines, home based at Camp Lcjcune. Skibsted Isoneof more than 63,000 Sailors, Murines and CotLst Guards­ men who arc scrvingourcountry,sepa­ rated from Ihcir families and loved ones this holiday period. Skibsted Is working abroad to preserve peace as part of our nation’s forward defense forces. * Units based in the United States travel to Okinawa for six months to train as part of the Unit Deployment Program. From Okinawa, they can deploy lo mainland Japan. Korea and many other Pacific countries. TTic 1981 graduatcof Athens Drive High School of Raleigh joined the Navy in July 1998. .1 Fen-Phen Diet Drug Users S«ne doctors are conccmed that these pnscription drugs nuy damage hean valves or cause primary pulmonary hypcncnsion. Many injured pcq)le have no s)Tnptoms, while odicrs have shortness of breadi, chest pain, fatigue, or odicr symptoms. r ' b r F n g t h i s a d " f o r " \vA *10“ Off Any fn-Stoci< Item Over ‘50” (Good Thru Christmas Eve) Open Everyday But Wed. I0-6& Sun. 1-S Open Christmas Eve Until....? Miss Jud/s Dolls 43 Court (Sqiiore » 336/7314117 Wishing You /I Illvssal Chrislmiis & TiumkYou For Your I'aiimmge j H o H o th e M e r r y O For the Little Farmer on Your List. 50% OFF Reg. $599! A l I A n n iv e r s a r y R in g s 3 0 -5 0 % O FFl C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 ■Quinns Host Grandmother-Granddaughter Christmas Party * On Saturday, Dcc. 11. Carol Quinn and her gmnddaughlcrs. Slcphanlc ^ n y and Danielle Quinn, cnictlaincd at' a Ciiristmas Party at llic Quinn's home in Dcnnuda Run. This was ihc firsl of whal will be an dnnual event. Ten guests, bcilwccn (he dgcs of 5 and 8 years oU, and iheir Irandmothers altended LauraTripietl was t'.)c winnerof (he "Guess the number of picces of candy in ihe jar" contest. She was presented with (he container fllted with choco* iate candy for her prize. Christa Malhis, etiquette consult- an(, presented a short program for the girts. Her goal is (o develop lifetime skills that increase self-esteem and conOdence and help the girls leom to be comfortable in any situation. Jerusalem Baptist Planning Events The congregation of Jerusalem Baptist Church, U.S. 601 South, in­ vites you to share In the celebration of the season with special experiences of worship. Sunday moming. Dcc. 19 at 11 a.m., the Sanctuary Choir and Cast will present "1 have Seen the Light," by Deborah Craig-Claar. This cantata at- teinpts to combine the sentiment be­ hind the meaning of Christmas with the wamith and grandeur of songs familiar and new. On Sunday evening, Dcc. 19 at 6, the Children's Christmas program, "Candles of Christmas," will be held. This experience will draw all ages to a simple undeistanding of the joy and hope of Christmas • Jesus. A nursery (for infants and toddlers) will be pro­ vided for both of these services. On Christmas Eve, Dcc. 24, at 6 p.m., the church will observe its an­ nual Candlelight/Lord's Supper Ser­ vice. This is an informal cclcbration built on familiar carols, the sharing of the Christmas story, the partaking of the Lord's Supper, and lighting of candles. It is intended for the whole family as we share together in the reason for the season. Ifyouhavcanyquestionsaboutany of these spccial opportunities of wor­ ship, call 284-2328 for further details. Adventists Program Friday On Friday evening at 7, the Mocks- ville and Statesville Seventh Day Adventist churches will hold their an­ nual Christmas Service, titled The Greatest Story Ever Told." Pastor Ron Davis will give his Christmas message followed by a va­ riety program of Christmas Carols, ducts, quartets, instrumental and con­ gregational singing, which will be cli­ maxed by the congregational candle- lighting service. Thepublic is invited. The church is on Milling Road in Mocksville. Bread Of Life Sen/ice Dec. 19 . ThechildrenofBrcadofLifcBap- tist Chureh will present a Christmas t>1ay "Wise Men Still Seek Him" at the I-l a.m. worship service on Dcc. 19. **. Also on Dcc*. 19. the Broad of Life lingers wiUprcsentacaniaia"Scason's Gfeetings" at 7 p.m. Blessings will be rwcived by these presentations. A spccial candlelight service, in­ cluding lighting of the Christ Child candle, will be held on Dcc. 22 at 7 p.m..alongwithanauihcnticMoravian Love Feast. " Everyone is invited. The church is Iocatcdat4557N.C.801 N.offUSGOl N. TREE SERVICE . - 336-492-2944 |.|||||; Free Estimates • Insured 171 N. Main St. • Mocksville (336)751-2737 Mrs. Quinn and her granildaugli- Icrs served Chrislmas Tea Punch, irufncs, cream cheese candies, mini meringue cool<ics, cliecse wafers, Chrislmas barii candy, sausjige biscuit blls, Moravian cookies and nuls. Afterrern:shmcnIs,Siephanic,Mts. Quinn's oidesl granddaughlcr, read "Tlie Candy Cane Sloiy" which Iciis impodanl facls about Jesus as Ihey are symbolized by a candy cane. The girls then enjoyed a gift ex­ change. Those invited were Vera Angeil and Nicole, Jackie Bryant and Uiurin, Shirley Hamlet and Jansen, Judy Hendrix and Allie, Mar Keiser and AIcx, Manha Marshall and Megan, JoAnn McAlphine and Sarali, Lindy Roach and Lindy.CarolynTriplett and Laura, and Betsy White and Kathleen. ■ The girl5 received a candy cane as Ihey led as a remembrance of what the candy canc symbolizes. Smith Grove United Methodist Church U.S. 158 Pastor, Bob McLawhorn Support These Local Businesses W .G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade SL Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLERi^SONS i-uniTui iiunic 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 7 1 4 S P I L L M A N ’ S O IL & F E R T I L IZ E R 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee.NC 27014 3 3 6 - 2 8 4 - 2 5 5 1 M O C K S V IL L E E v e ly n H a y n e s D A V IE L U M B E R B U IL D E R S S U P P L Y Rh:791-3«]1 OtllM (336) 791-393)& LO G G IN G "Together We Do It Better"HOWARD 872 Main Church Rd. South Main Street 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 9 1 5 RIALTY ll/w isl 1SJttCenuJunt M ocKSVllie, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 J . P . G R E E N M IL U N G C O ., IN C . Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 EATON FUNERAL HOME A Tradition of Caring.... 325 North Main Street Mocksvillc. NC 27028 336-751-2148 F O S T E R -R A U C H D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 A ilD E RORER HARDWARE 5431 Hv»y. 158 .Advance, NO 27005 336-99P-1987 C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O M P A N Y 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 r U L L E R i m ^ A F Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road. Mocksville. NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 7 1 2 M o c k s v ille L a u d r y & D r y C le a n e r s 143 E Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 3 0 S E A F O R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 2702B C R A I G C A R T E R B U IL D E R , IN C . 110 Hwy. 801 8, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -2 3 4 1 10% Dlicouni With Your Currant Church Bulletin on Monday 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 tiiUrr Cukin Havi formtiJO Ytan Crai* A. Cutft, PmiJffll • M«iia C Cmcf, Vw Pm. S H E F F IE L D L U M B E R & P A U E T CO. APAUX IXWIPXNf 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 . 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 P.O. Box 506 Mocksville, NC 2702B 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 3 6 G EM TLE M A C H IN E & T O O L IN C . 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 Contemporary Chrisdan Fellowship Uoctsvl<.IMCinfci POBox 1403 (meadeOiftttonerxan Attend The Church Of Your Choice O b itu a rie s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Doc. 16,1999 - C9 FOR SALE NEW FURNITURE Hulda Taylor Nolley Mrs. Hulda Tliylor Nolley, 85, of Nollcy Koncl, Mocksvillc, dici) late Wednesday nifihl, Dcc. 8,1999 at her home. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Saturday. Dcc. 11 in Liberty United Meihodist Church with Ihc Rev. Phillip Park, pastor, tifdclating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family requests memorials he considered for Liberty United Meth* odist Church Air Conditioning Fund. 141 Liberty Circle, Mocksville. 27028. Mrs. Nolley was born In Davic County, May 20, 1914 and was a homemaker. She was a lifelong member of Liberty United Method* ‘ isl Church where she was a charter : member of the United Methodlsi Women. She enjoyed quilting, cook* ; ing, and flower gardening. She hod I worked at Erwin Mills for many 1 years. Her husband. W illiam Roy Nollcy, to whom she was married for 63 years, preceded in death Aug. 30, 1994. Survivors include: lier daughter, Ann N. Hancock of M(x:ksville; u son; Eldwin Nollcy of Sherrills Ford; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grand­ children. James DeBoyce Brock Mr. James DeBoyce Brock. 55. of Pfafftown. died Sunday afternoon, Dcc. 12,1999atMcadowbrookTer- i race of Davie. ; He wos bom In Duplin County I Dcc. 25.1943 to James R. and Mar- I garcl Williams Brock. Mr. Brock had I retired from the N.C. Employment I Security Commission and from the ; N.C. Growers Association. He was [ the founder of Fourtc. Inc. and served I as the company's vice president. I A graveside service was held at I noon Thursday In the Pate Family • Cemetery in Duplin County by the ; Rev. McCoy Brock. •John Guy Hamilton ! Funeral services for John fiuy f Hamilton,64,ofSmilhneld, were held ! Tuesday. Dcc. 7. 1999, at Parrish Fu­ neral HomcinSelma.Ofllcialingmin- ! isters were ihe Revs. Darrell Sauls and ; Allen W. Stanley. He died Dcc. 5, at ‘ Johnston Memorial Hospital. ; HcwasthesonofthclateJohnGuy ; and Ida Hamilton, and adopted son of ; Ihc lateAlandEdith Hamilton, riewas ! preceded indeathbyhiswife.Mildrcd ; Hughes Hamilton. Surviving arc: a sister, Sara J. Campbell orMocksville;ason, James ; Hamilton; grandstin, Daryl Hamilton, both of Smlthlleld; and an adopted sister, Carolyn Allen of Jacksonville. Fla. • Mr. Hamilton was a U.S. Marine ; Corps veteran of Ihe Korean War, and ; was a member of Calvary Baptist I Church at Clayton. Joseph Wayne Anderson Mr. Joseph Wayne Anderson Sr., 69. of King, died Friday. Dec. 10, 1999 at his home. Mr. Anderson was bom in Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 2,1930, to Roy Marlon and Ruby Evelyn Key Anderson. A vet­ eran of the U.S. Army, he hod lived in Forsyth County most of his adult life. He retired from Sara Lee Ho­ siery In February. 1992, and moved to his home in Stokes County. Survivors: his wife, Frances Hinkle Anderson of the home; 5 chil­ dren, Joseph Wayne Anderson Jr. of Pfamown, (Brcm) and Cynthia Wag­ oner of King. David and (Ann) Anderson of Walkertown, Richard and (Tammy) Anderson of Walnut Cove, and (Dill) and Michelle Tli- ompson of Chariottc; 10 grandchil­ dren; and a sister, Ann and (Charies) Folds of Mocksvillc. The funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Monday at Vogler's Reynolda Chapel by Pastor Ralph Sproles with burial following In Parklawn Memo­ rial Gardens Memorials may be made to Hos­ pice of Stokes County, P.O. Box 10, Danbury. 27106. Hubert Clinton Hart Mr. Hubert Clinton Hart, 81, of 252 PIncbrook School Road, Mocksvillc. died Wedne.sday nftcr- noon, Dec. 8. 1999 at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. He was bom March 19, 1918 in Buncombe County to John and Bessie Hart. Mr. Hart was preceded in death by his wife. Lucille Lockemy Hart and served In the U.S. Army during Worid War II. Surviving arc: 2 daughters and sons-ln-law. Peggy and Brucc Brady of Winston-Salem and Becky and Billy Hendrix of Mocksville; a son and daughter-in-law, Billy and Pam Hart of Advance; 3 sisters and a brother; 5 grandchildrcn; and a great- grandson. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Friday. Dcc. 10 in Hayworth- Miller Silas Creek Chapel by the Revs. Norwood Green and Ray O'Farrell. Burial followed in Oaklawn Memorial Gardens. In Hcu of nowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of Winston-Sa­ lem/Forsyth County. IIOO-C S. Stratford Rd.. Winston-Salem, 27103. Charles Edward Groce Charles Edward Groce, 58, of Linwood, formeriy of Hamptonville. died Saturday. Dcc. II, 1999. He was born In Yadkin County to the late Howard and Bertha Cook Groce. Mr. Groce worked at Parkdalc Mills and was the manager of Vil­ lage South Trailer Park. He was preceded In death by his mother. Bertha Groce, in 1998. Surviving: 6 children. Lynn (Pea­ nut) Doby of Mocksvllc; James (Brenda) Cuz7.en and John Cuz/.cn of Lexington; Katie Fcrgusen and Spencer (Angie) Grocc of Linwood, and Carlcnc Siddcn; 3 stepchildren, Gwen Fortner, Barbara Owens. Doug Everhart; 2 sisters, Peggy Trivcttc and Hilda Williams of Yadkinvllle: 2 brothers. Eugene Groce of Yadkinvillc and Ray Grocc of Hamptonville; and 17 grandchil­ dren. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15 at Gentry Family Chapel by the Rev. Jack Cook. Edward Clifton Cook Mr. Edward Clifton Cook, 61. of McClamrock Road. Mocksville. died Sunday. Dcc.l2.199 at his home. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dcc. 15 in Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Farmington Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for the Underprivileged Childrens Fund of PeeWcc Baseball. do Mocksvillc Recrcatlon Dept., 644 N. Main St.. Mocksvillc. Mr. Cook was preceded In death by his wife, Glenda Myrick Cook. Surviving: his daughter, Deborah C. Seats of Farmington: a son. Den­ nis Cook of Mocksville; 2 grand­ daughters; 2 sisters. Frances Pilcher of Farmington and Carolyn Woods of Coolecince; a brother. Bob Cook of Hickory; several nieces and neph­ ews; and a special close friend, Elsie Simpson of Mocksville. Sofas, Loveseats, Recliners, etc. JJ’s Furniture Dec. 16,17,18 Hwy. 601 Norlli at Ihe 1-40 BP Station Plaf il safe IMs holidaj. Don’t drink and drive. m 1999 iwKM mia. ^opumous. un « mark ol Nationwide Mutual Insuronca Company Robert Westley Whisenhunt On December 3,1 lost my Dad to a bfoalhing disease that he had battled (or 7 years. I know that ho is in a belter ptaco now, but my heart is broken that he is not here anymore. The Lord could've taken him back in 1995, but he didn't. I am so gralelul lor Ihe extra 4 years He gave him. I believe that God altowed him to live to see his two grandsons, (Nathan and Westley). My son. Nathan, was able to know his ‘Papap* (or three years, while my sister, Nanc/s son, Westksy, will carry his Grandpa's name, but rety on photos and family to tell him ol memorable stories. Some ol Daddy’s lavorites were WCW Wreslling, the Braves, Bowman-Gray Races, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, nabs, and Pepsi. He kept life simple, that's how he liked H. I believe that he will not only be missed by his family and Iriends, but in the community, and In his church. I was telling my mom the other day that December was always Daddy's favorite month. He loved the cooler weather, Christmas and his birthday. Now he has another reason to tove December, because he's In Heaven, and will be celebrating Christmas with Jesus this year. II my Dad were here, he’d be In church, because I'm writing this on a Sunday. He k)ved and uplifted Ns church. My daddy was never wealthy, but when he said something you could lake it to the bank. He was always honest and he always spoke his mind. He raised me and my sister to be good people. Several family members told me at the luneral how proud he was ol us. I ]ust wanted to take the ^me to let him know how proud I was ol him. In closing. I'd like to thank aD who read this article, and wish them a veiy Mer^ Christmas. Merry Christmas, and Happy Birthday Daddy... ^ Love, Althea Furches Xt./vrAer/n—' Funeral H om e SJSWilkoliotoSiita Moduvillc,NC (336)751-1100 Bible Baptist Church !ndep*ndent • Fundamental Pantor, Don Jones • 336‘766‘0351 WORSHIP miES: SundivSctMOl-IOwn WonhbS«rvlc«-11tffl SundiyNlgM-epffl WwtaMday-7:30pm DAVIE FTOERAL SERVICE LLC. 416 VaUey Rd„ MocksviUe, NC • 336-751-3111 ' Mclithrof the Onkrof the Cohht Rule Robert D. WelchOu'ner Jer^ G. ReavisfijHcTuf Dinxlor Robert s. WelchFitnml Dimlor Roby Luffman uun/ii -D V M E M O R Y - M a rg a ra t W . W e s tm o r e lra d (1 9 1 0 -1 0 0 8 ) ntcStaffxvasvenjJwlpfitl, I appreciate them very much. ; i ' . James Westnioreland — OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY — Kris Howell Office SUi^r. Cindy Grubb Stuff Tommy DowlesStuff John Sheehan Graham Hendrix George WaldropStaff Staff Staff Darrell Crnnl Steele 1954 ■ 1999 MOCKSVILLE Rii//j Boger Garner 1922-1999 MOCKSVILLE Roy Daniel Phelps 1920-1999 ADVANCE Rdat H Wfttwi/iim/ 1945 -1999 MOCKSVILLE &Jessie Stuith Browder 1907-1999 ADVANCE &May Bean Kinser 1907-1999 MOCKSVILLE & Julinn 'Bud' Clmiberlm 1919-1999 R l MOCKSVILLE * * Louis William Keeton 1943 -1999 GREENSBORO Robert P. Rupard 1917-1999 MOCKSVILLE &Marjorie Crmifill Dixon I 1921 • 1999 YADKINVILLE Alice Cinwson Belton 1937-1999 STOKESDALE Charlie C Orrell 1915-1999 WESTMtNSTER,CA n.ilon Funor.ii Sorvico 325 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC (336) 751>2148 Special PuAckaie. Due To Tremendous Response Sale Exiended From Friday, December 17lh thru Wednesday, December For Your Convenience Open Saturday Night Until 9 PM. Bringing you this special sleep set to thank Davidson & surrounding area (o i^ u r supppjtjif’oii'riicw business TH,!')! r»rr* w/*lnon pfof»ied mjtueii tctt ★Local Dellvci'y ★Extended Warranty ★30 Day Comfon Sleep Guarantee See Store for details. Nobody sells >- - national brand i mattress for less! '3 ' .''W fT<>“ 'Must Bring Ad For Free Items! )• AMNOLU IIOAO. LtlXINUIOH. NC SraVK336-23S -I731 H O II.H I t-t • I H • l»N !•» DAYBEDS FUTONS BUriKBEOS ftMOREI FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ADVENT SERVICES HE CAI^E TO US (a program of readings and anthems.) Will Be Featured Sunday, December 19, During the 11:00 A.M. Worship Service Come Enjoy the Musical Worship of the Chancel Choir Hank Van Hoy will be narrating this program. The Choristers, Sandie Greene and Peggy Wallace will be featured singers;i CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION SERVICE December 24 • 8:00 P.M._____________ All Are Welcome To Participate In This,Very Special Service That Has Been A ” Tradition At First Presbyterian For Many Years ' ' ’ 261 South M ain Street, Mocksville (Parking Behind the Church) 751-2507 CIO - DAVIE county enterprise r e c o r d, Dcc. 16,1999 Ray Awarded Commendation Medal ' The Adjulam General of North Carolina, Major General Gerald A. Riidisill Jr., has awarded ihe N.C. Na* lional Guard Commendalion Medal lo Captain Luiher Kidd Ray of Newlon. Ray was decorated by Colonel Ronnie Wnync Grifrin at (ho Momsvillc Annory on Sunday, Dec.. 4.aliheRcgiiiientalOnicers'Danquct. Ray was cited to the governor for "exceptional meritorious achievement during the period 13 September lhmugh29Scptemberl999whllepro* viding humanitarian assistance in sup* port of the North Carolina Emergency Management Agencics during Hurri­ cane Floyd. His personal dedication and cutsinnding performance signifi­ cantly contributed lo the response ef­ fort for the citizens of North Carolina. Captain Ray's tremendous effort re­ flected great credit upon himself, the 139th Rear Tactical Operations Cen­ ter, The unit is part of the XVII Air­ borne Coq)s Command Post and is slated to deploy early os an Integrated part of America’s elite power projec­ tion forcc located at Fort Bragg. Ray has been selected for promo­ tion to major and Is awaiting orders to Tccclvc the ncsy ranlc and correspond­ ing position within the forcc. Ray is a native of Newton and is employed as a North Carolina Intensive Probation Cornatzer News By Dotde Potts Cornatzer Correspondenl Our community expresses sympa­ thy to George Uoger and family in (he death of his sister, Ruth Gamer, who passed away recently. We welcome (he Rev. Richard SVhlwhcim and wife, Linda, to ow community. They moved into (he Dap« tisl Parsonage on Dcc. 4 on Cornatzer Road, and he is (he new pastor of Cornatzer Baptist Church. Dale and Dana Lyon and children. Cassidy and Zachery, of Gloucester, Vir., helped her parents. Pastor and Mrs. Whiteheart, move and ottended scrviccatthcComatzerBaptis(Church on Sunday. Tom Hemrick is recuperating a( home aOer surgery for a knee replace­ ment at a hospital in Durham. Norman Smith visited him last week. Shiriey Watkins and daughter, Jada, ofForestCity visited hermother,Mary Smith, on Cornatzer Road Sunday. Pino News By Nora Ladmm PinoCofrespondcn( The December breakfast at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church will bo Saturday, Dcc. 18, 6:30-10.1110 proceeds will go to the Building Fund. Remember, (his is a wonderful (ime of year (ogive donations in honoroforin memory of a loved one to the Building Fund., The Annual Christmas Program will be presented Sunday night, Dcc. 19, 7;30 p.m. Everyone Is Invited. The Fellowship Class of Wesley Chapel had (heir Christmas get-to- getW last Satualay night at Yadkin Valley Seafood Restaurant in Yadkinvillle. Those attending were Gene and Marie Miller, Gene and Club Celebrates Christmas Thirteen members attended the December mcetingoftheDavieCounty Golden Age Club with Vice l^sident Arline Spear presiding in the absence of President Louise Stroud, who was ill. Dwain Carter played the piano for . the group, singing of Christmas Carols led hy Dot! Whitaker. Lorine Sain read The Christmas Story from (he book of Luke. Members signed up for providing programs for the year 2000, and a day (rip will be planned for October. Barbara Thornton gave the an­ nouncements for upcoming events at (he Senor Center, including (he Mil­ lennium Party on Dec. 30. For more Cana News By John "Coin" Godwin Cana Correspondent It's Christmas time in Cana and wc just finished with our Cana Christmas Bazaar. Many people camc and the Homemakers did a great job. Sue Couch madesomecookies that I could not get enough of. It just isn’t Christ­ mas until you get your Cana Yule Log. Harold Latham got his new chick­ ens in. How do you leach a chicken to lay an egg? Our Mocksville Lions Club will have their Christmas party this Thurs­ day. 1 hear that Garth Brooks might make a special appearance. Last year Elvis sang lo us. All you Lions and guests don’t forget (his meeting is one hour early. I Now Open... , lh\y. 601 s.. Mocksville in the Friendly Shopping Center WE HAVE A WORLD OF TREASURES! Unkjue girit. iMt’t & chilJren'i ckxhint. boliiby decoruknt. hauuuam. booli, ww inJ uicJ furniture, lumibif i. tilL no«ni, bukni. pkium. dolli. toyt. took i-ihini. lucil ihint, kkli wcU (3 pf*. for $ I .UOK tnd jusc iboui ' ' an)thing cite you nuy ne^. C H A IN S A W S starting at MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOlfE SMS.IUnSlraet>MKl(ivllle,NC2702a (336)751-2944 S to re w id e G ift S a |e 3 0 % Off Plus An Additional ,1 •Mystery Discount! G ifts 121 N. Main St. & Onice Mocksvillc, S u p p lie s N.C. 27028 (336) 751-3418 Officcr In Catawba Counly. He is a graduate of Newton-Conpvcr High School.atlcndeilLcnoir-Ryne College, has a bachelors degree from Regents' College and is pursuing a graduate degree from the University of Mary­ land. Ray is also a graduate of the Com­ bined Amis Service School and the Command and Ccnerol Staff College. He was commissioned in 1988 at the North Carolina Military Academy at Fori Dragg. Ray's two young sons, Luther Wil- iiarn Ray and James Anderson Ray, A N ew Nam e . . , Greentree Financial i,mu' fCoiWeco'Fimnce',! Samt CmilSmlrt. Saiiie Crfot Company Go With the Leader In Manufactured Home Equity Loam ■ AssUiancc in biiylnR or selling yxnir Iiomc ■ Rcnnincing ■ tloriK c(|ult)' nnincing Call 1400-530^165 www.coniKoloani.com %rflp "Adding dignity value and choice lo funeral senrice” The Casket Store is a retail store offering an e.xcellent selectioii of quality ■funeral products such as caskets, urns, monuments and stationery. HARDWOOD CASKETS from $795 STEEL CASKETS rrom $895 4003-A Country Club Rd. • 760-6335 • 766-7387 Open 24 Hours • Wc also hove a pet casket room Wc deliver to the funeral home o f your choice _________Financing Available Mr. and Mrs. Billy Carter spent Ihe weekend in Virginia visiting friends. Shanda Smith and daughter, Tara, spent last weekend at Myrtle Beach. S,C.,and attended the RockcttesShow. The ladies class and mens class of Cornatzer Baptist Church had dinner at Blue Bay Restaurant Saturday night for their Christmas treat. Deon Myers visited Mr. Charlie Williams in Autumn Care Rest Home Saturday. Dewilla Smith, Clyde and Virginia Murray, Boband Louise Dill, Harmon and Nora Latham, Toby and Frank Hawkins. Betty West, Colecn Dull, Ruth Davis, Vcmon Dull nndVeraon's grandson, Alex Gobble. Mr. and Mrs. Roby Drown and Mrs. Faye Green from Boone visited Mr. and Mrs. John McClannon last week. Y o u r D a v i e C o u n t y M u s i c C o n n e c t i o n . . . Dave’s M usic & C ounter P o in t S tu d io Court Square in Downtown Mocksvillc • (336) 751-1934 D A V E ’S M U S IC Featuring a large selection of all types of musical instruments. Including Karaoke Mactiincs and Drums! BUY-SELL-TRADE Uiyaways Avaitabtc C O U N T E R P O IN T S T U D IO Music Lessons for: • Elcctric & Acoustic Guitar & Ba.ss • Mandolin • Banjo • Dobro • Fiddle Gifl Ccrtifleates Available EVERYTHING at Dave’s Music isi ON SALE through Christmas! TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 311% OFF SALE GOOD THROUGH 12-19-99 SUNDAY , infonuaiion on ihcsc programs, call (he Senior Center at 751 -0611. Tlicre will be no club tncclings In January and February. The next tncci- ing will be March 6,2000, at 10 a.m., in Uie East Room at the Senior Center. The meeting was dosed with the group singing the club song, and then they had lunch at K&W in Statesville. ALL MENS & LADIES SWEATERS CHOOSE FR0IV1 AIVIERICAN EAGLE ’ EDDIE BAUER POLO & MUCH MORE NEW SHIPMENT! KHAKIS UP TO SIZE 50 L.L.BEAN - DOCKERS & OTHER FAMOUS 2 FOR REGULAR PRICE »36«m 00 ADULT HOODED & CREW NECK SWEATSHIRTS *5 0 0 $24 Have you seen my friends with the red Christmas ribbon on their pink flamingo? I spotted these birds lost on 601 South. TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 30% OFF MEN'S POLO BY RALPH LAUREN ALL DRESS SHIRTS & SPORT SHIRTS 99 REG. $69 to $94 ALL OUTERWEAR A B E R C R O M B IE & FITCH - PO LO FIE LD & S TR EA M - L L . B E A N - J.C R E W A M E R IC A N E A G LE NORTH PINESWAREHOUSE OUTLET 1514 Jake Alexander Blvd. • Salisbury Store Hours: Mon • Fri 9:30-7:00 Saturday - 10-7, Sunday -1-5 Phone (704)637-3456___________ D avie Place R e s id e n t ia l C a r e (Next to Davie County Hospital) 337 Hospital Street Here We Grow Again! W e a r e c u r r e n t l y a d d i n g a 6 , 0 0 0 s q . f t . a d d i t i o n * W e a r e a c c e p t i n g n e w r e s i d e n t s t * W e a r e h i r i n g f u l l a n d p a r t - t i m e p o s i t i o n s o n 3 s l i i f t s a n d w e e k e n d s ( a t t e n d a n t s - c o o k s ) * W e a r e s e e k i n g v o l u n t e e r s t o h e l p w i t h b e i n g a f r i e n d t o a r e s i d e n t . M o c k s v i l l e . - 7 5 1 - 2 1 7 5 ' : : ^aaeSdiools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 - D Mocksville Elemcnlaty ^ SccondsradcislnMis.Balsleyand ^^IIS. Giles' class have been busy pre­ paring for the holidays. They have read "Merry Christmas Amelia Be<lclia."and”Imogcnc'sAntlci5."The lastweckorschooltheydccoratedcloy oraamenu like Aithurdid in "Arthur’s^ Christmas Cookies" and also mode real cookies and hot chocolate toenjoy while reading the bock. Christmas festivities would not be complete withoutchlidrenperfonnlng In plays. The kindcrgoiten classes or JodiPatton-AdicyandDaibaroSicwait, Chris Kares and Sonja Russell, Karcn Kirkpatrick, Shiriey Driggars, and Roxanne McDaniel, performed "Santa's Wori(shop" on Tuesday, Dcc. k.nicelvcsworicedtirelcsslylowind up the dancing dolls, trains, toy sol­ diers, tops, and race cars to pack in Santa's sleigh. Students in Chris Kares' and Sonja Russell's kindergarten presented the play "Santa's Workshop" for parents on Tuesday, Dec. M. They performed the play with the students from Jodie Athey and Karen Kirkpatrick'sclasses. Thestudentshave been raaWngChrist- mas ornaments and learning about holiday traditions. The students in Mrs. Robinson's and Mrs. Knight's sccond grade class read the book "Arthur's Christmas Cookies." On Dcc. 9, Lou Hun shared her cookie cutter collection with the class and helped each child decorate a gingerbread cookie. The class said a sad farewell lo Jaime Harper, student teacher. Her last doy was Dec. 10. Tlie class wrote a memory book for her, telling some ofthethingsthey enjoyed most about the lime she was in the class, and had special refreshments. They also made reindeer surprises for diechildreninYoungChildren'sLcam- ing Center for Christmas. . The third grade started their sev­ enth annual "Christmas Around Ihe Worid" unit on Dec. I. Each child nilcd out his/her passport and deco­ rated their own souvenir bag for their (trip- The children began by learning about Hanukkah. Kim Vanhoy, media coordinator, told the children all about the Menorah, thedreidel game, and the reason for Hanukkah. The children then saw a video about the holiday'. \yhcn the children returned to their n»ms, they ate latkes (potato pan­ cakes) prepared by the cafeteria and tip assistants, received a Hanukkah coloring book, a dreidcl, a sticker, and afampleofgelt. { On Friday, the children attended an Old Salem Lovefeast prepared by Don and IJnda Giles. The children walked to the Public Library for the celebra­ tion. Jim Andeison played the piano tiiroughoul the activity as Mrs. Giles explained to the children about the pjitz, the coffec and bun, the candle, sharing with others. A special thank you to all the people who helped with serving, preparing, and cleaning up at ine lovefeast: Don and Linda Giles, Jim Anderson, Dean Seaford, Mrs. JanieCozart,PamJcwell,JuliusSuiicr. Rev. Neal Carter, Marlene Shamel, Van Johnson, Janice Mull, Audrey rteeman, Joyce Whitaker, Nancy Sheets, Amy Southern, Martha Bogcr, Andrew Laichford,SueKnox,Theresa rieyne, and Patsy Crenshaw. ( The third grade continued their C^stmas Around theWorld with each tHird grade teacher sharing with each class about a different countiy each d4y. : Elizabeth Vogler shared the coun- tiV of Great Britain. She told ihc chil­ dren about the cracker, an English present. She gave each child a cracker ala souvenir. Each child made astock- iijg. They had cookies and wassail, j Kerri Wall shared with the Ihind gpideis about Fnuice. She told the ^ildren about the French children putting their shoes at the fireplace for I^re Noel to leave gifts in. The chil- lien made santons, people who visited tfe Christ Child. J. Shiriey McMillan shared with the c^ass about Kwanzao. She told the <±ildren about the candies and their ireanings. Each color means some- tfdngdlfferent.1hechildrenmadelittie quilts for the souvenir. They ate fruit . sticks. Mr.Suiterdancedforeachclass to show how Ihe celebration Is carried out. ’> Doris Ford told the classes about Christmas In Mexico. The children *ere told about the polnsettia and Ijasados. They made a polnsettia and it was Ihe souvenir. They ate nachos and salsa. Cathy Byerly shared about Ihc Ital­ ian Christmas and La Befana, "the good Christmas witch." They made a wall hanging of the three kings as a souvenir and were given a small toy. Thepresepioornallvitylsthcccmcrof the Italian Christmas, 'hie children me ginger cookies and drank gropejgicc.. Judy Shcirill told thechlldren about Sweden. She told Ihe children about St. Lucia who is Ihe oldest daughter who wears a wreath on her head and a while robe with a red ribbon around it. The children made Swedish mouse- Uapsforsouvcnirs and they wcreglvcn siring dolls. They ate crackers, Danish weddingcookies, and broth.Thcy also had a pudding that had one nut in It. Whoever got Ihe nut will get married In the next year. Wendy DcLury shared wlih the children about China. She told thcmof Ihc traditions there and the children made a pagoda. They ate rice wiih chopsticks. Mitzl Schncidcr told the children aboulChrislmasinGcrmany.Thcchil- dren ate Icibniz - a cookie crackcr and sireudel. The children made tree orna­ ments. The children went to each suite on Wednesday aftcmoonandsangChrist- mas Carols for each class led by the music teacher, Mrs. Elaine Snow. On Friday, Dec. 10, all the ckuses walked to Ihe Brock Auditorium to see "The Nutcracker." The boys in Jeremy Brook.4' class arc anxiously awaiting Santa's visit. This week they pul up a class Christ­ mas tree loaded with homcmadedeco- rations. They have a boatload of projects 10 complete before the holi­ day recess. Academically, stiidents are moving nl a good pace. I have seen considerable improvement in alt areas. The boys are enjoying their reading projectsaswellasthcirwritingassign- • ments. They finished a dinosaur unit and a mini-unit on sound. Mrs. Kirkpatrick's, Mrs. McDaniel's, and Mrs. Driggar's class worked hard to make their Indian cos­ tumes fonhe kinderganenparade. They made head pieces, necklaces, a shirt with Indian designs, and tom-toms. A special thank you lo Grandma Cress for providing special material to make the tom-toms. The class paraded throughout the school and then ate a Thanksgiving feast withall Ihe kinder­ garten classes in Ihc gym. In Decem­ ber, the students are busy making Christmas crafts and practicing their songs for a Christmas play to be pre­ sented lo Ihe parents on Dec. 14,along with Mis. Alhcy's and Ms. Kares' classes. On Dcc. 9,theclass traveled to Hanes Mali to visit Santa, scethedeco- rations, and shop for Christmas. They ate lunch at the mall and enjoyed a cookie from Ihe cookie factory. Students of the week of Dec. 5-10; Christopher Gobble, Tyler Neeley, Betsy Forrest, Alex Costner, Britlany Money, JoixlanO'Ncill,TiffanyDulln, Darius Wilson. Dustcn Peacock. J.D. Mlse, Cody Bnllain, Mariah Sanders, Angel Rubln.Chad Watkins, Whitney Short, Avi Gomez, Andrew Allen, Shane Butcher, Daniel Perey, Jonathan West, Justin Sharpe, Tomorrow Vaughters, Christy Myers, Ryan Thome, TJ. Dillard, and Alex Wilson. Central Davie Elementnry Christmas came early as students and slaff^ presented their annual PTA Christmas program Tuesday evening, Dec. 14, under ihedirectlonorFaybita Brannan and Elaine Snow. The audi­ ence enjoyed Ihe music and drama of "Christmas in Oz" with some familiar chaiactcrs In a holiday setting. The program was presented again on Wednesday to the thlid graders from Mocksville Elcriicntaiy School. Central Davie continues lo support Pattilio Elementary School InTa^ro with monlhly projects. The total pro­ ceeds from McDonald's Night on Dec. 7 were sent lo Pattilio. Principal Candy Poplin thanks all Ihe parenu and stu­ dents who gave their support in this way. Citizens of the Week for Dcc. 10 include; Morgan Lynn, Austin Wood, Justlna IJomes, Matt VunHoy, Marie Nail,Elizabeth Pecler.RebcccaRlddic, BIqir Sleclman, Kevin Harrison, Jodi Haipe, and Michelle Wright. Busstudenlsoflheweekarc:Kayla Ti«um,AudricCid,TaylcrCavc, W il­ liam Rivers, Jasmine Gallher, Noel Holland, and Blanca Byme. ConUnued On Page D4 Miss North Carolina Kelly Trogidon encourages DARE graduates at Central Davie Elementary School. - P h otos by R obin Fergussoi DARE Graduates Vow To Remain Drug Free Dy Mike Darnhurdt Duvic County Enicq^risc Record DARE works. Jusl ask Joey Reynolds, tlie Davie Counly ShcrlfT’s DARE Officcr who works with fifth graders across the counly lo help ihcir self esteem, lo help them live a lifestyle wiihnuttrill Illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco. “DARE is the largest and most cfTective drug prevention program in Amcrica today," Reynolds said at the Central Davie Eleineniary DARE graduation ceremony last week. “Success looks like a proud group of fifth graders wearing their DARE t- shirts.” More than 500 students w ill graduate from DARE in Davie County this month. “If it stops just oen from doing drugs, then it’s successful," Reynolds said. To find even more proof, just lis­ ten 10 the students. “You could die If you lake drugs," said Christopher Poplin. “Drugs can make you ill and can also kill Q person," said DryceAndcr* son. "Officcr Reynolds taught us Michelle Reynolds praises her husband, DARE Otticer Joey Reynolds, for his work with children. positive things to do to slay away frotn drugs. Drugs mess up dreams and hopes and slop you from going to the lop." Reynolds’ wife, Michelle, said ihe officcr truly cares about the students. He comes home every night idling of iheir accomplishmenls, and sio- ries she hears from students prove that admiration goes both ways. Megan Grey tells about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. "One boy was asked what he warns lo be when he grows up. He said, ‘I want lo be like my buddy. Officer Reynolds'," she said. Miss North Carolina Kelly Trogdon was on hand at the ceremo­ nies lo encourage ihe fifth graders to do their best. She pointed to her crown, and used Ihe letters lo spread her mes­ sage. The “C" stands for courage. “It lakes courage lo be who you arc. All of us arc unique. It takes courage lo stand up for who you are, for what you believe in," she said. The “R" stands for respect and responsibility. She told ihe students ihey have only one body. “You have to respect that body and be careful, whal you pul in it," she said. “Drugs, alcohol and lobacco aren’t good for your body." She told about having to repeat the sccond grade, because she hadn’t taken the responsibility to do her own work. “ I learned that nobody v/as going 10 pay allenlion in class for me. Nobody was going to do my home­ work for me." The “0 " stands for optimism. ‘That means having a positive atti­ tude. You have to keep a positive at­ titude to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself." The “W" and “N" stand for work­ ing now. You have to work now lo be somebody lalcr.. "You can do anything if you believe in yourself and if you put your mind to it." - Kelly Trogtion, Miss North Carolina “ You guys arc somebody,’ Trogdon said. “You can do anything if you believe in yourself and if you put your mind to ll.” ReynoldssaidthcDAREprogram • gels lo children just when ihey arc reaching a vulnerable age, steering them in the right direction. More than 50 indcpendeni evaluations show that students learn lo resist peer pres­ sure and drugs because of the DARE curriculum. The curriculum uses facts. Many teens think that most others use drugs, when they do not. “By dispel­ ling many of the mylhs and misin- . formation surroundign drugs, DARE helps kids make informed deci­ sions," he said. DARE leaches kids to be asser- live and to deal wilh peer pressure by saying “no" effectively, he said. “Students Icam about the dangers of drugs and gain self-confidencc by acting oul problem siluallons. "They arc taught to keep their bodies healthy, control their feelings when angry or under stress and de­ cide wheiher to take a risk. “ Your child is also taught how to respond when a friend pressures them to use alcohol or drugs and lo recognize forms of infiuencc from peers, parents and ihe media. They even get alternaiive activities io ‘hanging out’ on the streeis," Reynolds said. DARE is taught in all 50 stales and many other countries. “ DARE works hard to keep your child away from drugs and violence. And wc couldn't do it without your help," he said. For more information, contact Reynolds anSl-6238. DARE officer Joey Reynolds congratulates Central Davie fifth graders at the graduation c'aremony. ‘ D2.- DAVIE county ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 School Briefs Statewide Tip Line Soon Operational Tlic Davie Counly DoartI of Educallon announced that a new sludcnt (ip line will be operational within North Carolina in the near future. Slu* dents will be able to call and report problems ranging from a laclc of security to the possibility that someone is planning an assault. Cornatzer Elementary On Schedule Dub Polts, director of auxiliary services, told board members that progress on Cornatzer Elementary School has improved over the last 30 days and is back on schedule. *Hte time was made up using weekend labor and adding a third masonry crcw. He Is Iwpcfut that they will be able to pour the mezzanine In the near future to allow other crews access to the sight. There ore also plans to lower the speed limit on Cornatzer Road around the school and to add a turning lane to ease traffic conges­ tion. he said. Suiter Elected Principal Of The Year Each year the Davie Counly principals elect their Principal of the Year. Ttiis year the honor was awarded to Julius Suiter, principal at Mocksville Elementary School. The award is all the sweeter since Suiter Is retiring at the end of the school year. ‘Thank you for the hotior," Suiter said at a board of education meeting, “but I'm just a member of the team." Cooleemee In Breakfast Program Cooleemee Elementary was selected by the state to porticipate in Its kindergarten breakfast pilot program. The program offers all Cooleemee kindergartncrs breakfast before school. Beginning Jan. 3, the kindcrgart* ners will be brought in by class and served breakfast. “Children do better when they've had breakfast," stated Dr. William Steed, school superin­ tendent. The meals will be onc-cholce, fast rmger-foods, such as egg and sausage biscuits that will provide one third of recommended daily allow­ ances and can be eaten in the 10 minutes allotted. Overnight Field Trips Approved The following overnight field trips for the Davie High School foren- sics team were unanimously approved by the board: Jan. 28-29, Fayctleville; Feb. 4-6, Atlanta, Ga; March 3*4, Charlotte; Morch 24-25, Raleigh. Also approved was the South Davie Middle School eighth grade trip to the Outer Banks May 10-12. Audit Report Approved The I998-I999 Audit Report, presented by Turlington & Company, showed no instances of noncompliance and was unanimously approved by the Board. Request Made to Name CD Gym A request was made that the board name the Central Davie Gymna­ sium the Clyde Studiveni Junior Gymnuslum in recognition of his years as teacher, coach and volunteer. The board Is reviewing the request. Budget Amendments Passed The following budget amendments were approved: an Increase of $23,537 for additional development day funds and an interest on tech­ nology; $17,537.79 for the capacity building grant for exceptional chil­ dren. Additionally, in an effort to comply with other coding practices, equal funds were moved from .the Principal's Travel account into the Principal's Workshops account. Board Recognized For Training The Davie Counly School Board was one of thirty schwil boards in the state to receive recognition for. exemplary training, having gone I above and beyond the training requirements. DEADLINE for placing a classified ad 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday Advance Florist & G ift Baskets — W c D eliv er—(336) 940-6337 M on-m 9-6. SjI 9-3 To our Catholic brotfiftn and tiitsra warefting tor your ChunSt... COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! Maa» Setiadula Saturtay 3;30pm Sunday 7;45am 9:l5am t1:Q0am Hispanic 4:00pm £lSSQSi!Ulfl2a-Saturday 4pmHofy Ftnmy Catholic Chuntfi 4620 Kinnamon Road 336-778-2«70 Chnttmas Eva 4:OOpm 6:30pm A<lv«nt R econelllillon 3 « rv lc . IZ O O M w S t' Decamber22at 7pin Chriatmi® Day-Same as Sunday Sctiedula Come Join Us For the Live N ativity presented by Location; new church propertyl mili .west of Hwy. 158 & 801 Saturday, December 18 • 6:30-9!00 PM Sunday, December 19 • 6:30-9:00 PM Hot Cider & Hot Chocolate will be served Hotdog & Marshmallow Roast at Bonfire ^ Come celebrate with usi For more information call (336)940-6618 Hillsdale Baptist Church 126 Medical Drive (behind CCB) • www.hlllsdalcbaptlslchurch.org RT. Alderman, pastor • Brcnl Helton, minister of music Now & Always, May you enjoy the reason for this season: Christ's Hope, Love, & Peace,2ace. — Vicki Stovall ^ < 3 ^ REAL'I'Y Joyous Holidays to All! W IN C h ris tm a s C a s h Register to Win ^T S O ‘B i v m s t o m S l c r e s ‘a p u d m to c a r n m ’ —— ? 4 > ‘ ^ Directions; 601 N from Vm lO T 8 J I2 9 .0 0 0 LOT 37 J12S.S00 LOT 36 $124,900 B u ild e r; Todd Younger B u ild e r: ]. Crews Builder: PitimoDlTiiiil Const Directions; 601 N from Mocksville, R on Danner Rd., R into Pepperstone Acres LO T 4 J1 2 5 .9 0 0 LOT 7 1 1 24,5 00 BuiIJtr: Mc&ijhi BulIJcrs Builder: J&J Enterprise LOT 381 1 2 2 ,9 0 0 LOT 341 1 2 4 ,5 0 0 Builder: Pitdmont Triad Coost Builder: J. Crews fSW ICEGOODi (^ W A l l J L R E A L T O R S 'J: 7 S 1 - 2 2 2 2 www.swicegoodwall.com Sponsored by: Swicegood-Wall, Caudell Lumber, McKtjight Builders, J&J Enterprises, Jerry Crews, Piedmont Triad Construction, Todd Younger C O L D I U e U . B A N I^e R □ TRIAD, REALTORS® Davie County Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 (336) 998-8816 Relocation; 1-800-327-4398 www.coldwellbanker.com DAVIE SALES ASSOaATES Monie White/Broker Andrea Suggs BaibaraAUm Biyan Lambert Bnggelt Ferrell DeSM Hendrix GailPawlik Janet Masleis jim Steed laDonna Potts Linda RIddiough MikeZimmeiman NotaKukmm PaulSiska SaUy McGuire Steve Owens Vicki Flemiiig 998-1164 998-1171 998-1154 998-1157 998-1176 998-1183 998-1165 ■ 998-1182 998-1178 998-1169 998-1153 998-1187 998-1173 998-1185 998-1155 998-1180 998-1167 Tommoirow-Dec. 17lh-will be the last day we'll Ix collecting unwrapped toys for the TOYS FOR TOTS Campaign. Please bring your unwrapped toys to our Davie County Office located at 5342 Hwy 158, Suite I in Advance during business liouis, Help us spread Chiistmas Joy to some less foitunate children in our community. 9 MAIUNE CORPS RESEBVE i0r4MauMnriuu sissjM a n iu mvxIhiM fto fttn r »»fw tfc* torn n jDl cam nrw «r. ^ hr* M um. Jvnwt DOA. faiOwod taa ■^r«ec< tA M ftm L>PONWAPOTT<iQW.|189_________ UimUOOUitOCE lOWVOAIM Sl]|.fOO 211 2tA OAHC Pew* fOAtd i> Bvnid* Run! Thi iMntorr* incMM Cow)»Y CWb mt<rt>«rth(L ttim mwt»ft*re*. i»il« t Pro(#»WM»K ■McaciM Sptmtf«ck.U9«t ____________*X)fieA$tx»5WHi?l un.m 4M m m mvk . PrtrrMn 0»^ C«jr«| prapifty Qrt| tMS (MVto HtnM lid Pod. tnct pas. prwi Ptojiottn •n Ml bn vd U M c»*t9i on mtn VICXIFl£Una99«-IU ITOMCIO 2H2BA3.4AC OAVIER*tuMn«y)MUbnckrincAiryl«hom««4t nUng l« you in Dint CeuMy. HomM MI nu«y MOng r«ri ctow 19 (otnn.BRYAN LAMBERT » m e i6 muuwcnM ouuiurUM.m «M U»iU UYI Oati4iU«tmi»bc«*lQAM7»Ur«ty moOrgi cow cartM, trau ICRAKinAUANSM-lin S2«SAMMttO |l».900 3U 2IA DAMEIxti of UMn ubmtt. ptniry. Uundry chutt te tutnwU dORTwr «n)iM m l ivgt bouti. rum pwu. cMrtg lint VICKI FlgMiNqWMIB? I M l - iT s u im n n MoocTMusn imm 4u MU DAvu 6i»ukU n/J ttf Wl f bQrt« M Col i Counry Oub Wit t«r. ohdpooi. hrHwl ftt. O'c*4 on min UnUitc tine*, tiurtVICKI Fl{MlN0998-116T m iu in r St».NS 4M lU tutnimmii kxtton. 5M K Ktnl inl NwlCipiCMnrHi VICKI aEMNQSU-IKl 291INWYU SI79,»00 lU 2.5U «AC DAV1C U «ory ticiT* in iittlwA ctrOlxA. liMtvtf UetKd abotts. ceftnc Ut now. TirttiUc* In irvwg room Loa ol tiorig*JANET MASTERS W8-1183 tS9W1USM UtUKWOOO $ 1 1 4 ^ 3 U 2IA OAVtEGrM Dm Cotfty kxaon to ir« loy«f atfi JANET MASTERS 996-1162 N I i W l I O M L i C O I V I I V l I J N l ' r i l i S lo r is $172,900 3M 2IA ' Tcsfiii Coum, Bikiat k WalUot TnU>•Lai;eLcuftoaI/2KRyp »Cfol Aofu K) W-S. HociiYilk. Adnoct Miea,limC0iifuOtd■ viCTiruMJiiom-iw £ll«lia I LOT 12 $123,900 3M 2,StA• Na1 IB 1 suUx K*a. Knesitu Aua • B«1 M Geinl (tescxaa Bi«| Naniie DnaxKMWMiiFMimtaUuMlLHijIJtLUOetULmilUiOatliiili - NOnAKlRKUAN998-1173 i f iW li P w ir a L0T7S1S4.900 3U 2jaA> IJ B U Ktt uts a t iiduit htdci. dht| Ub >Es;iatuBUxtpil^KtW4 O a k a Frostl60.000.{«00^f • |JN(#ixiinlsa6C0Kre •Ota:mKC^|itfcMV.Unre batopit !'■ •S*iB.nt)i,|i^cUaiaul DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 -1 Local Woman Looking For Band Instruments For Flood Victims ThcTarboro High School Marching Band is the pride of ihc school, of ihc communily. The band travels extensively, on a light budget, to competitions, pa­ rades and other events across the state. . But like most things In the EdgecombciCounty town, the band has •'changed. / Paula Herion, a Davie Counly Health Department employee and mem* ber of a SORT team that wen t to Tarboro just after the floods, made friends with the band director, Chris Dunn. Many of the band members lost their homes. More than 25 no longer luvc an inslrumcnl to play, and there is little hope to come up with the money any time soon. Herion came up with the idea to try to get donations of band instru­ ments from area residents. One of her children took band fora short while, and the instrument ended up in the attic. Not only ore entire instmments of any type needed, parts for instru­ ments would be helpful, as would money to help pay for repairs, she said. Donated instruments will become the property of the band association at the school, and will be loaned to students as needed. Donors will re­ ceive a letter of appreciation along with the estimated value for tax pur­ poses, she said, , If interested, call Herion at 751-8760. GNCLiveWeli; VITAM IN S - M IN ERALS • NATURAL COSM ETICS • SPORTS NUTRITION • HERBS • W EIQHT LOSS • W EIGHT OAIN _______ ■ HOMEOPATHY • ENERGY 3623 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons BHoShoppingCefilef|W #ifMC/#mmofljK/fcfttfn; •m /’ / ’ r%r\rt / " Mon. Sat. lOom - 9pm • Sun. 1pm-6pm 7 0 O “ Z o 3 0 Revision To School Volunteer Policy Being Considered The next Davie County Board of : Education meeting will be Jan. 3 at .1 p.m. at North Davie Middle School. Gxpccted topics to be voted on include a revision to the school vol­ unteer policy, as well as new poli­ cies regarding schcwl visitors, school safety, and school improvements. If approved, the school volunteer Il^olicy would allow for adequate Iscrccning and supervision of volun- :tcers based on the amount of student ‘cuniact. It also addresses the need for training for volunteers, which would Includc administrative poiiclcs and kch(M)l rules. ■'i The program would have schools notify parents of their right to take four hours of paid leave from their j(ibs every year to volunteer in ;^‘hool. : Two new policies have been in- Itroduced in an effort to improve ;school safety. The new school visi- I'ors policy would require visitors to report to the administrative olTicc of )he school if not attending a public function. School staff and students would direct visitors to the olTlce and report anyone acting suspiciously. The school safety policy ad­ dresses the safety of school grounds and buildings, staff safety training and emergency drills, reporting sus- student behavior standards. The safety training would include how to recognize potentially dangerous be­ havior and how to respond to it. The school improvement plan would allow each school to create a school Improvement team. Teams would be made up of electcd staff members and parents of current stu­ dents. The purpose of the teams would be to develop improvement plans for the schools dealing with everything from improving academic perfor­ mance to safety and discipline. Once created, the plans would he reviewed annually. C tia r Log 9{omes adls and'turn-!K fy S alts C olonial Structures, Inc. C a llM trit H(fCtor (336)492-2508 S M B S i g S RENTER’S ALERT! Are you tired of paying your landlord's mortgage? CALL TODAY to lind out how to own this Immaculate 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home on a great lot in a quiet neighborhood. $79,900. Call Diane Foster at DESign Properties. DESign Properties 336-751 0131 D E C IS IO N S . $117,500 Lot 52 1600 SQ FT $119,950 Lot 6 1680 SQ FT $ 1 1 7 ,5 0 0 Lots 1606 SQ FT D E C IS IO N S . Whatever you decide, we will pay up to $1500 of your closing costs. You want more? bk. How about 100% financing. (Available with your good credit) n I J ,'X i"’0'vv .mdputyoOpen Sunddys 2-4 pm ' > > >' I .I'll u'i rii I K,i, ui K ElTsba Crccl{ Ijiduc i / u i / '■ '/ I m l.'I li^lu ( :.\i K u iir __________________________________ belore the end of 1999 il you call NOW! I N.H-aKiii:;;;r:;;«-ii7,o.- B E D B S H g i S l D3 __TGT s i n ir@ W A lIE ) (336) 751-3538 VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW,howaidreaIty.com 330 s. Salisbury St. (Corner Hwys. 601 & 64) Mocluvlllc, NO 27028 OHicc Hours: Mondny-Friday 8-4 • Saturday 9-12 • Sunday By Appl. 290 BIrchwood Ln. - Won- dcrtii 2 SIQ7 w/lO" ceiimgs. oilra moldir^. ceramic tiV). M Dsmt.-part. fm, siorago bkJg, 3(XX)«SF of living spaco on k]. Garden Vanoy lot. $274,500. CALL EVELYN or CONNIE 237 Hepter Road - Ranch f»mo on 10*/- sccluded awes. 3DR, 2BA. fiil baSCmTparUJliy finished. 2 fircplaccs LA and FR. Additorvij 10 Ac ava>l whorno 0 S4.00a'Ac. Can lor info. $199,900. CALL JANE 4S4 Salisbury St - Orca ia?9 homo in Mistoftc DtsJnct. 4-5 Bd*ms. tt Rms, 2-«5no gas heal & central air, freshly painted, wonderful t * aero lot w/ largo trees & many plantings. $179,000 CALL CONNIE. 1128 Yadklnvlllo Rd/601 - 3 bedroom. 2 bath homo with 1392 square feel and partial Oasomenl. 100 x 400 lot raned H<ghwny Ousmess. $164,500 CALL MIKE 607 Hwy. 801 N.-Nowconsl. (Creefcwod SiixJiv) 3BR. 20A. largo maslor. tiio ftoorMsome}. exlorior stono & vinyl. Split bedroom plan-Ouai<ty b l^ throuQhouL $135,500 CALL MARY. 377 Madison Road - NowCor«ruction - 3 bedroom. 2 bath homo wiih 1600 sq ft. ol bvtng area and 2 ca/ artochod garago. Cathedral cetmgs. deck and palo. $129,900 CALL CONNIE. D IRECT OFFICE LINES Julia Howard...........751-8567 Connio Kowalske....751-8565 Jano Whitlock..........751-8560 JackioCouIston.......751-8562 Evelyn Haynes........751-8563 Kon Sales................751-8564 Mary Howard...........751-8566 MJ. Randall............751-8568 Mike Hendrix...........751-8569 VtckiSlovall.............751-8561 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.h0wirdrealt7.com 179 Mr. Honry Rd.-Hunting, horses, privacy. 25t/-Ac- Backs up to Hunting Cr. PLUS '85 30R, 2BA doublewido. Poss. owner linancing. $124,900 ot UobM hWM Ac 0 U9A». CALL VICKI. 225 Bear Cr. Church Rd. - Rocenlty corrpJelod, now horrw w.1argo Kilch. & fam. area, 3DR, 20A. singk) carport & dock on largo rural kX in Wm. B. Oavio sen. dist. lOO^i Fmanc. to quo). buyer. $94,900 CALL JANE 1M3 Junction Rd. - 1400 sq ft. bnck/rtnyi ranch. 38R. IDA, spaco lor add. BR & BA. Cent heal & air. outttdgs. Ig lot. now mndows, doors & txxl. Conv. to Industry. Movo in cond. $92,000 CALL KEN. 131 Oak RkJgo Lano- TM great suirter homo Nis 3 bedrooms. 2 fJI baihs - mamtenanco free- range.’ovon. dishwasher, window Winds Good tocation. CaH lor shovwng $89,900. CALL KEN. 4124 Hwy. 601 S. - 1W6 dWwdo on 5 prtvato, woodod acrcs. Repo. Eqiity w/ a htlle WKk. 4BR, 2BA. michvay betwcea SoUs. & Mockv, D^vVi schools. Can for financing opp. $89,900 CALL VICKI. 1520 Main Church Rd- Poss. tOOt^ firvincing to qual. buyers. 3BR, IBA on 1/2 aero k)(. Now windows & doors. SqUqc to add now & carpol AX appliancos remain. --------CALL JANE$79,900. C 366 Davie Academy Rd. - Brick ranch on .6 ac. w/ 4ti35 horse bam (could bo convened 10 garage). 16x11 storago bUg. (bon wired), county waiet & weB. pretty country setting. $79,900 CALL CONNIE 202 Murphy Road - 3Bn, 20A doiDiowido on large lot In Wm. R. Davie school dtsL Central heat & air, largo LR V(iti(«place. dock and (rent porch. Needs some TLC. 542,900 CALL JANE L O T S SL L A N D OK Chestnut Triil________a44W-Ac. $50,000 H*y.601 N______________37Ji/.Ac. $150,000 CiUhilnRd-..------------------57*/-Ac. $205^00 Hospital SL ext______L..____U 2Ac $30,000 Vallty R d^Ac. Tr. 900'W-road front $173,500 Watt Church Street--------------2.74 Ac. $22,500 MillingRoad___________--.-.3.3 Ac. $33,620 Hwy.lSI____________14Ac*hou»a, $175,000 Hwy.601 Bypass----------------W-Ac.$1S9,000 Kwy. W^H (bvpits)______9.76ACW. S1W.965 Us. Heniy R ut}---------------10-15 Ac M.MWAe. Hwy. M l B ypist----------------1W- At. 5200,000 tW'CHULESnwnOGEM Kff rby pin liUaj tnu^ tie hiTAhUnfcwlntaicicsi'nlBW ihitod ^ tub. 1160 HWY M E.-Brd hxre »«i bb cf room and nary itdaiei Nm lindon i;riac( and etfltral ait healer n Sri3^ buUrq i^cic arei At cn 1 acre.$ltO.OOaCUUrissa Itt (MIW n • Famivtn arei lara13 ion b ^ bndv C U ba»Tiat r» littotf. 2 hea arts, 60mK!erheakSi{n2i5acra. FrebDok sdioo^A & m ---------------- WEST CHURCH STREET tSaWCHURCHST* C^anrnkxscnvilanrirceaiipYt )ou cai aJcrj IKs 4 ER Qn;< tai rrsi 19^ al nei ml siira rd rerojeied n Near stacr«mU0.CdU^erS(3Vi 38flf 2 Feafejtes ixWfl' ^ti. Formal jiing focm, 911 heafil15,900. Cal LOT 7 • 120 Autuim Cl • OAK CREST -38a 2SA ^50? 147l}EEnRUN.-SMN(tfnrcatetKm im . 3M BOXWOOD CHURCH-This welriiairj^ 2BAhomaisanustse(IEi]ras ktkde;buRinshef«,iai heartiind(a()e(hlceih^|78,$00.CdMiM. • lin g to n Company REAL T___Y M o c k s v ille • 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 4 0 0 H ills d a le /A d v a n c e • 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 8 9 0 0 n r , 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 3 9 - 3 3 8 3 «=> ,atadtcraiinp:^M4te ol hro focra an} ^ room. FP h den and -^eeowtt««JwcUCMy 20S3 HWY U1S • Maxt and M ia . Tm Mnb SMO in tie same sentefte. Nur«nus updafes on U aaeldcnly {99,000. Ca Cindy 157 CARTER'S RIDGE'Riidy to novi In. Easyal ISO CHARLESTON fUOGE (LOT tO) • Dcs?« b orvcftete i e?ec«T)(. T^a Hi for* 3 1 G.=l opeft ^ ^ ^ -51 kt I» i», »ra;nwd fO?i. J121,000. 2ia HW «W • tisaxi JXDtSf nw r N CQrty snevl n pcrA {1HKO. Cd M«i WONDERFUL NE1CHB0RH00D m 1M)ERPIQ LM • Sett Ml nn< vvrM hm................................................hf to M irdm dU MM real vU otitt i bdd, MM i jea.rtei{Mr»(ttgM8-BWJfll | D4 - DAVIE county enterprise r e c o r d, Dcc. 16,1999 Davie Schools Continued From Page D1 Spanishtcathcr.DclsyVclci,spon­ sors an annual pinata dccoratlng con* lesl for fi (th gmilcrs as part of the study of Hisp;inic culiurc. This year’s win- ncRandthcirdcslgnswcrc: Kelly Fclis, a snowman; Charlie Colbcn, a clown; and James Wilson, a person. Nancy Terry’s fourth grade class welcomed new sludenl Elizabeth Peeler, who recently moved to Mocks- ville from Georgia. She anil otherclass members have created descriplivcsen* sory holiday poems. These were keyed in the computer lab. Colorful graphics were inscrted.The final published work created a festive display lhal serves as a background in the picture used on Dr. Steed's Christmas cards. North Carolina's regions, vegetation, and re­ sources have been discussed in social studies. The class has also read and discassed the historyofNatlvcAmeri* cans in our stale In preparation for a field trip toibcMuseum of Anthropol­ ogy on ihe campus of Wake Forest University. Students in Mrs. Terry’s communications class enjoyed listen­ ing to "My Prdirie ChHstmas" by Brett Harvey. Aneriilentifylng the elemenls of the story, original stories were writ­ ten and illustrated about problems that can arise at Christmas. A forest of "factor trees" appeared in Mrs.Terry’s math class when students used their knowledge of factors and prime num­ bers. along with a variety of craft ma­ terials. to create holiday projects. Dates torememben Dec. l7,Christ* mas parties and last day for students; Tuesday, Jan.4,students backtoschool and McDonald's nighl. Shady Grove Elenienlory The people of the 21 st century In­ cludes the third and linh graders. On Dcc. 7, these students presented a mil­ lennium program to the I^A . Impor­ tant inventions and discoveries of the last century were highlighted by the fifth gradestudems.Theunlcycle club, jump rope club, and the chorus per­ formed for a large crowd. The third graders performed a biisketball rou­ tine, acountry line dance, and Spanish songs.Thcprogramendcdwithatouch- ing Fcndiiion ofJ'Wc Arc.Thc Ppoplc. Df the 21st Century" by all third and fifth graders. Choms students of Anna Newman joined with Ihe Pinebrook Chorus to sing at the Brock Performing Arts Center on Sunday. Dcc. 5. The fifth graders were a part of the North Davie and South Davie Middle School con­ cert. The elementary chorus sang "Northern Lights’* and "Jazzy Jinglln’ Bells." Shady Grove Chorus members includc Samantha Teague, Nadia Rashwan, Justin Tesh, Conrad Beauchamp, David Pills, Maijorie Landen, Jessie Hayes, Rachel Dunn, Rachel Hamilton, Jennifer Han (cap­ tain), Amesha Carter, Jill Durham, Amanda Russell (captain). Josh Hartman, Kyle Rcichel, Chattie Kellogg, SabrinaQuillln, Josh Griffin, John Comaticer, Kim Baugh, Ross Davidson, Whitney Snow, Rachel White, Dustin Fryp, Miranda Esposito. Drew Esposito, and Loryn Markland. The PTA 1999-2000 budget was pre­ sented. voted on, and approved by a unanimous vote. Ronald McDonald visited our school on Friday. The students were presented a program called "You Arc A Star." The students sang along with Ronald and learned about having a can-do attitude. This program is part of our Character Building Program. TTie Bullfrogs Jump Rope Team and Ihe more than 45 students, teach­ ers and PTA members displayed iheir school spirit on Dcc. \ \ In the Advancc Parade. The students had a lot of fun throwing candy to the children watch­ ing. . pec. 14 is McDonald’s nighl, and although Ihe children will be out ot school for the holidays, the PTA will still have Venezia's nighl on the 20th. Celebrate With A Book'was a suc­ cess. The media center received oyer $980 for the purchase of new books. ReHeclions entry forms and instmc- lions are still available in the office if anyone is inicrcsted m participating. ; Students of ihe week are Taylor Ferguson,ChrisiopherSwlcr^cUBrent Pontillo, Danielle Nigra, Alex Cloer, Jonathan Mason, Tara Carter, Sarah Miller, Andrew Ledford, Alex Kelser, Katie Lewis, Jennifer R u^ll, Nicolc ' Casstevens, John Flowers, Alyssa Mossman, John Stigall, Sydney Crawford, Jennifer Stanley, Tom : Schmidt, Israel Ooiiecn, Tulah Jones, y KatieCostrovinci, Kasey Davis, Chase fMacaione, Chris Pueschel. M ic ^ l ’ jolj^r'nnd Kevin Miller. ' , North Davie MiddleSum The eighth grade Stars team at­ tended the CandleTeaat Old Salem on Dcc. 6. The students enjoyed partici­ pating in Ihe colonial Christmas cel­ ebration of candle making and learn­ ing of the history of Ihe candle tea. Tlie Stars Decembcrservice projccl has been to collect toys for children in the annual Christmas shoe boxes for the •Storehouse’’ In Mocksvllle. Each PTgroup wilt fill fourshoe boxes with appropriate toys for tots. Ronda Ely’s history classes arc studying ihe fonning of the govem- ment of the United Slates and the U.S. Constitution. They are also learning about the rights and responsibilities of a giKKl citizen. Students in Josh Jenkins' Language Arts classes have been studying the elements of short stories using selcc* lions by Mark Twain and 0. l^enry. Students have also been learning the form of an essay and how to add artis­ tic elements to iheir writing. Cindy Cline’s prC'algebra classes arc working on factorization and mo- nomlals.Tlwalgcbraclasscshavebeen analyzing problems that have no solu­ tion. DonTabat’sscicnccclasses are con­ tinuing to monitor the water quality of two creeks for the GLOBEprojcct and arc starting to see some interesting trends. Log on to www.globe.gov to sec what North Davie is doing. Stu­ dents have been Immersed In the study of electricity and have had a "shock­ ingly" good lime. For Children’s book week the me­ dia ccntcr sponsored contests to pro­ mote books and reading. Justin Potts was the student who won the contest to guess the number of books in Ihe li­ brary. His guess was 11,000; the cor­ rect answer is 10,994. Candace Wood was the first place winner of the Y2 Readbookmarkcontest.GrcgSimpson and Consuelo Fuentes won honorable mention. Chris Goode was winner of the contest matching teachers middle school pictures with their names and favorite books. __,,Coolecmw Elementary^ ■ The Decenifeer Family Rwding Night look place on Tuesday, Dcc. 7. Numerousfamilles took timeout from Iheir busy schedules to read and relax in theschool'smediaccntcr. Fourcom- putcis stayed busy os studenis look Accelerated Reader usts. Four stu­ dents won door prizes and everyone enjoyed the refreshments. On Dec. 8,seven students who were winners of the preliminary compcti-, tion poiticipilled in the National Geo­ graphic Geography Bee: Alex Gamer, Tyler Miller, Evan Steele, Michael Walls, CJ. While, Terry Williams, and Matthew Wolfoid. Adam Hcllard was nol present. Terry Williams and Matthew Wolford were then the win­ ners who participated in the Champi­ onship Round. Terry Williams wasthc second place winner and Matthew Wolford is the National Geographic Geography Bee Champion at Coot- eemec Elementary. Matthew will now take a written test which will be mailed to the state competition. Good luck, Matthew, and congratulations to all the students who participated. The Santa Shop was open for busi­ ness last week. This annual PTA ser­ vice project went well. Students en* joyed beingabletoshppforfamilyand friends. A grcat group of Santa's elves enjoyed helping ihe children shop, wrapping their gifts, and then deliver­ ing the gifts to the children.. Spccial lhanks go to the elves for their help from the PTA Board. . Many kindergarten students have met Iheir Book It! reading goal for the month of November and have earned certificates for free pizzas at Pizza Hut. This week students have been reading books and singing songs of the season. They have been busy making decora­ tions and gifts for families. Art teacher Ruth Keim'helped students make an ; ornament for the school tree. These . omamentshavclheirpicturesonihem and will be used on ihe school tree every year through our fifth grade. ' Thentheywilltakctheomainentshome os a ntentory from Coolecmcc School days. FifthgradcstudenlsofSusic Wilcox recently held a trial to determine vvhcther Goldilocks was guilty or in­ nocent of breaking and entering at the ‘ Three Bears' house. The roles were played by the following students: Judgc-Kennedy Arguenta; PapaBear- AnthonySlmpson;MamaBear-Staccy , McDaniel; Bal}y B^-Allison Hall; Rnnrs' I.nwven;-Klait Harrison and Central Davie fifth grader Bryce Anderson reads his DARE essay at llie graduation ceremony. Jiircn Johnson: Be;irs' Wilncss-J.R. Lopcr, Goldilocks’ Wltncss'Mcgan Theufcr; Balliff-Gcne Mellon; Jury- Pat Blackmon, Kayla Tliompson, Eli/Jibeth Hicks, Russ Hancock, Malt Wolford. Michael Caudill, and Samantha Villegas. Mrs. Wilcox scr\*cd as ihe court reporter. Oh. yeahl Goldilocks was found guilty ofbreak- ing and entering. She had to pay a SI fine, according to Judge Kennedy. Mrs. Wilcox and her students wel­ comed James Colvell. The third grade classcs welcomed his sister, Jilllanc Colvcll. Hope Elliott’s class was busy this week. Students shopped for frit‘nds and family at the Santa Shop. They nwde Christmas cards for their third grade reading buddies. In math they practiced plus Iwo addition facts, and dividing objects In half. On Friday, they went to sec ’The Nulcrackcr" nl the Brock Auditorium. Third grade studentsarc.still travel­ ing 10 Mexico, Israel, France, and Ger­ many. Their passports are filling up wiih stamps as they go through cus­ toms for each country. In Mexico, Jancl Jones showed students how to make giftbogluminaries.Thcsiudenlsdeco- 'ratedihelrldmlnaricsandlncludedgift coupons in them. In Israel, tour guide Donna Henderson taught the children aboul the Menorah. The children had lots of fun playing the dreldel game. Brent Wall explained that the manger scene in Franco is "la creche" and Is made up of the Biblical people and includes people from the French com­ munity where one lives. The commu­ nity people arc dressed in their own clothes. AsthedaysgetclosertoChrist- mas, Ihe statues arc moved closer to Ihe munger. These groupings are on display in the media ccntcr. Joan King planncdafullschcduleforthechildren while they wen: louring Gennany.The students learned about the Advent Wreath. They discovered ihe German composer and lyricist for the hymn "Silent Night." Students participated in a Moravian Love Feast which in­ cluded Moravian cookies and apple elder. Davie High Students in Mr. Oakley, Mr. Kumitsky, and Mr. \Vhitaker’s fresh­ men ELPS classcs heard a presenta­ tion on Dec. 9 from Rodney Nail, former DHS graduate and financial planner, who spoke about the stock markci,dirrcrcntkindsofinvcstmcnts, and his career as a financial planner. William R. Davie Elementary • WRD needs help with technology. Parents can help through an AT&T Poinu for Schools program to cam computerhorxlwarc and software p iq ­ uets. AT&T Residential Long Dis­ tance customers can enroll to support the school and cam points on all their qualifying AT&T services. Sign up by calling I■800-232.8200. WRD's ac­ count number is 0102(M34. DAREgraduation washcld Dec. 8. MarySine.princip;d,\velcomedguesis. The Davie High JROTC presented colors, andNathan Walker,fifthgradcr, led Ihe pledge. Ofilccr Joey Reynolds recognized special guests including role models from Ihe high school. Spe­ cial speaker was Miss North Carolina, Kelly Trogdon. Essay winners presented essays: Samuel Curtis, Gabriel Mendez, Sarah Sheets, and LeaTarlclon. Jen Meagher and Sudie Whaley, fifth grade teachers, presented DARE certificates to graduates. Fifth grade students sangihcDAREsong "Think." Closing remarks were given by Mary Sine. Refreshments were served to graduates and Iheir families. Tlie JV Chccrlejulers’ fioal won first place In the annual Mocksville Christ­ mas Parade. Citizens of the Week for the week of Dcc. 10: Sudie Lagle. Brandon Toney, Maria Ramirez. Casey Keaton. Sierra Doucette. Margaret Anderson, Alan Spry, Raleigh Dooley, Clifton Bodenhamer, Anayeli Romero, Caro­ lina Oliva, Brillany Slaton, Anthony King, Shand.i Styers, May Fcrebee, and JcikSica Buchanan. Fourth grade students under the supervision of Tracy Cleary, Tumi Langdon, and Judy White have been getting into the Christmas spirit with "A North Carolina Christmas." The fourth grade was divided into three groups representing the regions of North Carolina: Mountain Region. Piedmont, and Coastal Region. Each - group has researched ihelr regions, mode Christmas ornaments, and have written paragraphs aboul iheir region. They have decorated a North Carolina tree wilh ornaments representing their region. Each group will present their region, and each individual student is writing a region report. Pinebrook Elementary On Thursday, Dec. 9, cafeteria manager Priscilla Dwiggins anil her staff. Including Vickie Kehdrick,Geor- gia Smith, U)u Smith, and Dorothy, Freidt, held aChristmas lunch for stu-' dents and parents. Sinccso many par- cms showed up to dine wUh ihelr chil­ dren, they even enlisted help In the kitchen from Principal Mel l^gg and Assistant Principal Lany Lanier. Ad­ ditional staff members Don and Tricia Howard, andAnnellcBeauchampalso pitched in. Mrs. Dwiggins’ husband Jim, and mother, Evelyn, Seamon, were also called into service. The menu included turkey withdressing, creamed potatoes, sweet potato casserole and green beans. Tlic cafcteria and com­ mons areas were Jammed as 591 lunches were served. This was a grcal oppottunity for p.irents and children to share a meal with their friends. Thanks to the cafeteria staff for all their hard work in organizing this event. Students In Mrs. Bailey’s class this week learned about Chanukah when Sus;in Ne wm;>n reiul them a story cal led "Uitkcs. Latkes Gixxl to EiU," by Naomi Howland. They then got to taste potato latkes when iiK’dia spe­ cialist Sandy Young used the rccipe in the book to make some. Heather Blank's class at limes this week has sounded like and resembled Santa's workshop. While Christmas music played, the first graders were busy making secret crafts to give as gifts to all the parents that have been nice this year. No word yet as lo what the naughty ones will be receiving. Mrs. Blank’s chiss had a great turnout for the Chrisimas lunch; her students enjoyed the lime wilh Iheir parcnls and want to thank them all for coming. The third grade classcs of Marie Steed, Karen Myers, Vickic Potts, and Cindy Orsillo have been learning how to read rccipes as part of a math ucliv- ity.Thisacliviiyteacheschildren about fractions as well as measurements of solids and liquids. After gathering all the neccssory ingredients the children followed the directions provided and prepared the mix. They then baked brownies in class. All the students agreed the best part of their cooking lesson was eatingtheirwork.They had no idea math could be so delicious. Melt two squares unsweetened choco­ late and 1/2 cup butter or msirgarine. Beat iwo eggs wilh 1 cup sugar, add chocolate and butter and beat. Add 3/ 4cupfiour, 1/2 teaspoon baking pow­ der and beat again. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1/3 cup walnuts. Bake in a greased eight inch dish at 300 degrees for 55 minutes. Do nol preheat oven. ■ The fourth grade sludehls.of Flo­ rence Simmons, Angle Williams, Me­ lissa Lynch and Sarah Hartman have concluded theirstudyofNati ve Ameri- cansofNorthCarolina.Asaculminat- ing activity the four classes went on a field trip to the Anthropology Mu- sdumat Wake ForestUnivcrsity. They spent about 45 minutes looking at arti- facts and listening to stories uboui Native Americons. They learned that the Native Americans from Mexico hadagrcatlnnucnecontheN.C.tribc Tliey Intnxluced them to bows ai arrows, com, and clay pottery. Tl iiuide their live.s easier. After the le turc the children were given a sheet questions that ihey had to find tl answers lo in the museunt. Tlicrc wc displays from Indian tribes from aroui. the world. Fifth gradeclossesofLinda Hitrri Sue Howard and Linda Idol held th(f cijlminalionexerciscof DAREon Dc; 6 at I p.m. The gytti was filled wi, supportive andproud parents, gram parcnls and siblings, fourth grade and friends, as w’cll as special gues including board members, high schoJ role models, Davie Sheriff Alle Whitaker, and spccial guest Kelj Trogdon, Miss North Carolina 199! MIssTrogdontoldalllhestudcntsihe have a "crown" better than the one sh wears. The crown they have is one c Courage,Respecl,andResponsibilil) Optimism, and Work Now, l^ure Brown, Ben Law, Margo Masi, Brit lany Wharton, Raven Sterling am Whiiney Williams readDAREessays The fifth grade chorus presented j song titled "Think" under the direclioi of music teacher Anna Newman. Of­ ficer Joey Reynolds presented eacl student wilh a certificate and pin, rec­ ognizing Ihelr completion of ihe pro­ gram and iheircommllmenl tobcdrug. alcohol and tobacco free. Officei Reynolds was also presented with a gift certificate in appreciation for his outsianding instruction and heartfelt conccm for Ihe students during iheir 17-wcek study. Marissa DeHart was Ihe lucky recipient of "Darren," the DARE mascot. Following closing re- marksbyPrinclpalMel Fogg, the gue.sis were invited to join each class for a roceplionlnlheclassrooms. Pinebrook slafi' and fifth graders would like ib thank Frances Tuttcrow and her staff for their involvement and work throughout the course of the program and especially In planning this special graduation exercise. STARS of, the week were: Anna Bailey, Chandler Bradshaw, Becky Christian, Major: Collier, Teri Cope, Katy Cox, Kristie Davis, Miranda Edwards, Austiii Farnham, Jonah Kinder, Belh Lashmil, Jenna Pummill, Stephanie Siler, Devon Spencer, CoutincySicphens.SamanlhaSwaim, Cameron Taylor, Jacob Walker, and Christ Wantuch. ' Ellis Auto Auction Auction eyery Wednesday 6:30 pm OPEN TO DEALERS & PUBLIC ’ BUY OR SELL i 350425 Vehicles Every Week To Choose From E llis Auto A uction Phone (336) 2844080 ; Highway 601 approximately 10 miles north ;' : of Salisbury, and approximately 5 miles ' south of Mocksville . r . RO; Box 1018 Co(^eemee, NO.27014 RESTAURANT I Buy 2 Soft Drinks & I j 1 Dinner Combo (#i-30) % A n d G e t A n o th e r i I D in n e r C o m b ol| FR££ S iV AU D SUN. -TIIUR. DWB-IN ONLY iV I Not ValM wnth Any OUmt •p — M ! W,* lx p ir« a ia /M /tO 1■ *0« Equal Of L*M »r V«ly« | | ! l______________________- ______I 2 tM U w ls v llla -C la n im s M C lM a M S 77S-0300 I illO U. atoMl »C, WslMvUt* • ' IM O a. StoatfMi M , W-S • TtM OM S t a r t C e le b r a t in g ] C h r is t m a s H e r e ! Try Our Famuious Margaritas! , Sun.«Tliun., 11 imrlO pm Friday tta n i'Il pm Siturdiiy,Noonrllpm PUBLIC NOTICES _____________________________DAVIE COUNTY KNTERI'RISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 - PS eaASsaFiEDS NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ot the .Estate olMamleHutchlns Smith,doceasod, late of DavioCounty, North Carolina, tills is 10 notify all persons having claims ogainst said estate to present them to the under* signed on or before Tuesday, March 21, ZOOO.salddatobelngatieaslthroemonths from the date of first publication of this noUco, or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their rocovery. All persons indebted to said estate will ploass make immediate payment to tho undersigned. This 16th day of December. 1999, the • samfl being tho first publication date. Betty Ann Smith, Executrix ol the Estate of Mamie Hutchins Smith Qrady L. McCtamrock Jr. Law Offices of; Grady L McCfamrock Jr., J.D., P.A. Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NO 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 12-16-4tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of FRANCIS BOWDENSEATS, deceased, tato ol Davie County, Nonh Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned onor before the 9lhday ot March, 2000. being three months from the first day of publication or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted tosakl estate will please make Immediate payment to the under* signed. TNs Is the 0th day ot December, 1999. Sue M. Boggs. Administratrix 516 Dulln Road Mocksville, NC 27028 12-9-4tn North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate o( Wiliam D. Dunn, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day ot March, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publh:ation or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov* ety. All persons indebted to saU estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. ’ This is the 9th day ol December, 1999. ' Jerry Wayne Jenkins . 1364 Ralph Bowles Road ’ King, North Carolina 27021 Manln&VanHoy.LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square ■ Mocksville. NC 27028 12-9-4tn STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA .COUNTY OF DAVIE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE *' Havingqualifledasadminlstr&torofthe Estate of June Marlon Hk;ks, late of Davie ' County. State ol North Carolina, this is to ratify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased lo present themtotheunderslgnedonorbeforeMarch - 5,2000, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to .. said estate please make Immediate pay* ment to the undersigned. ' TN8the2nddayofDecember,1999. Lynne Hicks. Adrhinistrator 124 Wesi Depot Street .. Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 335-751-3312 12-2-4tn “■'state OF NORTH CAROLINA • COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION . 99M___ •DAVIE COUNTY. .’Plaintiff, ..'VS. ■ Kelts of George W> Si^th. known and unknown; the Heirs ol M.Q. Marsh, known and unknown, F.W. Marsh and Uzzie V. Marsh, Defendants. NOTICE r .> Pursuant to the requirements of G.S. •Section 105-375, NoUcels hereby given lo 'Heirs of George W. Smith, known and \ljnkndwn; the Heirs of M.G. Marsh, known , r*and unknown; F.W. Marsh and Uizle V. vMarsh; That a judgment ol forectosure will be ^‘‘docketed against the property described ''Ibetow on or before January 1,2000. BEING KNOWN and designated as "'Lots 15 and 16 ol the property, of M.G. ;*Marsh and F.W. Marsh known as Marsh Ij'Subdlviston, and recorded In Plat Book 2, • .«‘page 3, Davie County Registry. 's< Being Infonnally known as Tax Parcel >!lS160A0017of the DavfeCountyTax Maps [/as they are presently constituted. These •!two tots are toMted on Honeysuckle Street >'lln Mocksville Township. . 5 Execution will be Issued on the {udg* '^ e n t and the property will be sokl as •^'provided by law. The tax lien, including 'Mnterest and cost, may be paid before the *‘iudgment Is docketed and at any Ume '^•thereafter as allowed by law.. * This the 3rd day of December, 1999. Mary Nell Richie . Davie County Tax Collector V. Robert E. Price, Jr. . Attorney for Plaintiff *<0F COUNSEL r^Robert E. price, Jr. &Assodates, P.A. ' v;3400Healy Drive, Suite B, ,>.O.Box26364 ’ - ' \Wlnston-Salem. NC 27114-6364 .‘Vrefephone: (336) 760-2870, ' . .. Msacslmlki: (336) 760-2479. .• . X 12-16-2tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Undorand by virtue ofa Powerof Sale contained In that certain Deed of Tnist executed by Shennan L Lyons and Paula F. Hutchens loOary L. Lackey, Trustoe(8), dated June 4,1996, and recorded in Book 239. Page 700, Davie County Registry. North Carolina. Default having, and re-recorded in Deed Book been made in tho payment ol the note thereby secured by tho said Deed of Tmst and the undersigned, LAWRENCE S. MAITIN, having been substituted as Tmstee In said Deed of Tmst by an instru­ ment duly recorded in the Oirice ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the hotdor ol tho note evi- dencingsaid indebtedness havingdirected that }he Deed of Trust be foreclosed, tho undersigned Substitute Tnjstee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door, in the City of Mocksville. Davie County, Nonh Caro­ lina. at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, De« cembor20,1099, and will sell to tho high­ est bidder for cash the follov^ng described property situated in Davie County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING known and designated as Lot 18 as shown on tho Map ol WOODLEE. SECTION THREE recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 169 in tho Office of the Register of Deeds ol Davie County. Nonh Carolina. Said property is commonly known as 141 Norma Uno, Advance. NC 27006. Should the propeny bepurchased by a tt^rd paity, that person must pay the ex­ cise tax and the court costs ot Thirty Cents (30e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). A cash deposit (no personal checks or letters ol credit) ol five percent (S%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Rfty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required al the time ol the sale. Following tho expiration ot tho statutory upsetbklperkxi.alitheremainlngamounts are Immediately due end owing. The right is resennxl toadjoum the day of the sale to another day, time, and placo certain with­ out further publication, upon announca- menl at ttie time and place for the sale sol forth above. Said property to be offered pursuant to - this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance *AS IS WHERE IS.* This property Is being soW subject to tho foltovirfng items which may affect the title tosakl property: all zonlngordinances; matters which would bo disctosed'by an accurate survey or by an inspection of tho property: any outstanding taxes, Including but not limited to ad valorem taxes, which constitute liens upon said property; spe­ cial assessments; ait outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way and any other matters ol record superior to said Deed of Taist. To the best of the knowlodgo and belief of the undersigned, the current owners of Ihe property is (are) Sherman L. Lyons and Paula F. Hutchens. THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT AOEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WIU. BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Lawrence S. Maitin Substitute Trustee 7330 Chapel Hill Road. Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 054-1200 12-16-2tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ot the Estate ol R. Edith Priester. late ol 3226 Bermuda Village. Davie County, Advance, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firmsand corpo­ rations having claims against the estate ol said docedenttoexhlbltthemlo the under- slgnedat380KnoHwoodStreet.Suite700, Winston-Salem, NC 27103-4152, on or before the 20th day of March, 2000. or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 16th day of December, 1999. Bank of America Executor ot the Estate of R. Edith Priester 380 Knollwood Street, Suite 700 Winston-Salem, NC 27103^152 12-16-4tn NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Executor of the Estate of Jessie S. Browder, late of Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against sakJ estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day ol March, 2000, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to tho undetslgned. This 16th day ot December, 1999. Benjamin Thomas Browder Jr. ' 2669 ComaUer Road Advance. NC 27006 Maitin & Van Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ten Court Square . Mocksvllle, NC 27028 12-16-4ln R.M.F. CONSTRUCnONCOvlNC. Residential • Commercial New Homes & Remodeling MICHAEL FAAK General ConUactor N.C. Ucertse 19676 NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Co-Adminis­ trators CTA of the Estate of Katie Gough Reavis, tate of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to tho under­ signed on or before tho 9lh day of Match, 2000, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice Mrill be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons in­ debted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 6th day of December, 1999. Bridgett ingle, Co-Administrator 829 Farmington Road Mocksville, NC 27020 Leslie Reavis, Co-Adm1n)strator 222 Rocky Dale Uno Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin A Von Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 12-9-4tn NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING OUAUFlEDas Administrator of the Estate ot BARBARA FROST, late of Davie County, this is lo notify ail persons having dalmsagalnstsaidestatolopresont them to the undersigned on or before the 9lhday of March, 2000, being three month's from the first day of pubiicatton or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo tho undersigned. This 6th day of December, 1999. ROBERT LOUIS FROST 715 WILL BOONE ROAD Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin A Van Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 12-9-4tn NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu­ ant to the requirements of Anicle 20-B of Chapter 153-Acl tho General Statutes of Nonh Carolina and Paragraph 155.250 ot tho Davie County Code of Ordinances, that the Board ot County Commissioners ol Davie County will holda Public Hearing in the Commissioners Room ol the Davie County Admlnlstratton Building. Mocks- vilie, NC on Monday, December 20,1999, at 5:15 p.m. Henry R. Johnson has applied to re­ zone approximately 0.81 acres of land from Residential (R-20) to Highway Busi­ ness (H-B). This property Is located olt the wesi side of NC Hwy 801 South approxi­ mately 300 feet north of Feed Mill Road and is further described as being a ponlon of Parcel A-9 of Davie County Tax Map G- 6-5. All parties and interested citizens are invited to attend said t\earing at wt^lch time they shall.have an opportunity to be heard In favorof.orin opposition to.the foregoing changes. Prior to the hearing, all persons interested may obtain any additional irfor- mation on a proposaf or ask questions by visiting the Planning Department on week­ days bohfveen 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (326) 751-3340. John Galllmore Planning and Zoning 12-9-2tn NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUAUFIED AS Executrix ol the Estate of Edna G. Smith, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to f^esent them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day ot March, 2000. being three (3) months fn>m the first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to sakl estate vrili please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 9th day ol December. 1999. Natalia S. Cash. Executrix P.O. Box 394 Mocksville. NC 27028 Martin 4 Van Hoy. LLP Attomey ot Law Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27026 12-9-4tn North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol Fltzhugh Uvon Miller, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 0th day of March, 2000. being three (3) ' months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tlieir • recovery. All persons Indebted to said es- tate will please make immediate payment to tho undersigned. TNsistheOthdayofDecember. 1999. Sylvia M. Luffman. Executor 154Meadowview Road Mocksvllle. North Can)lina P.7028 12-9-4tn 640 Mowell Road, Mocksville. NC 336-908-35^4 Yard Sales MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET25,000 sq. ft. Insldo 653 Wllkosboro St.Sat & Sun. 9-5 Vondor8pacescal)751-2181. Carolyn's Collectibles Now items each week, Barbies, Beannie Babies ( sale • 5.00 & up till Christmas) We now carry Hoi - Wheels, antique furniture, glassware, little bit of everything. Lay-nway available. Check us out (or your Christmas needs. Now buying Estates. Mon • Sat 9;30am • 6:00pm (336) 751-6252 GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons FOB SALE 1988 Burchwood Mobile Home. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Set up In park In Clemmons. $9,500. Celllormom Into: 766-3370 LARRY’S WOOD FLOOR ^ SERVICE Liiylng • Sanding • Rntsliing FREE ESTIMATES Owner; UtiyMcCI«nn«y 129 Lakewood Drive 336-751-1721 ISALE:Cars*Trucki iniinyBuiMings Carports! AUSizai,Alieah«iliMl A H S h iie w iiiK t 336-751-3442Mocksvllle. NC MOVINQ/QARAQESALE Everything GoosI Davie Co. 157 Woodbum Place ■ ell 601. Sal., 6am. Rain or Shine._____________ SATURDAY, 8 UNTIL, 3122 US Hwy 601 Soulh. Toys, clothes, baby Items, and more. PUBLIC NOTICES NOHTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of NAN P. KELLER, doceasod, late of Davie County. North Carolina, this l9 to rwtify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the under­ signed on or before the 2Sth day of Febru­ ary, 2000, being three months from the first day ot publication or this notice will be pteaiSed in bar ot their recovery. All per­ sons Indebted to said estate will i^ease make Immediate paymet}t lo the under­ signed. This Is the 25th day of November, 1999. David F. Keller, Executor 1090 Beauchamp Road Advance. NC 27006 11-2S-4tn NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of LAURA ELIZABETH WALSER HEAD, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having daimsagalnst said estatetopresent them to the undei^gned on or belote the 25th day ot Februaiy, 2000, being throe months from the r»st day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Is the 25th day ot November, 1999. Leon Penninger, Executor Post Office Box 553 Cooleemee.NC 27014 1t-25-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix ot the Estate ol GEORQE EDGAR MERRELL JR.,deceased,lateotDavle County. North Carolina,this is tonotify allpersons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 16tti day of March, 2000, being three months from the first day of pubiicatk>n, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under^ned. This is the 16th day of December, 1999. Oneida H. Merreil, Executrix 1321 Eatons Church Road Mocksville. NC 27028 12-t6-4tn Animals 3 PYGMY GOATS - nanny, billy & 3-mo-old billy, $120 for all. 751* 0387.__________________________ FREE PUPS, females only. Golden Rolrlever/ Black Lab mix. 336-998-6388___________________ FREE TO GOOD Home; 10-12 week old puppy • will be largo dog. 75M411 or 998-0262.___________ FREE TO LOVING homo; Urao male dog • lab/ retriever mix. Gentle, good wilh children, loves to play. Call 751-3184._____________ GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT. Black & white Cocker Spaniel puppies. Will be ready for good home December6. 998-29ir_________ HORSE BOARDING AVAIUBLE, West Rowan area. (704) 278- 0446___________________________ PUPPIES FOR SALE: 3-month- old Sharpal mix. First shots given. $20 ea. 492-5933 Card Of Thanks THE FAMILY OF Hulda I. Nolloy would like to thank tho friends, relatives and church family lor tho many acts ot kindness shown to us during the sickness and death of our mother and grandmother. You will always bo remembered. The family of Hulda T. Noliey Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has Immodiale openings - ALL AGES - (or 1st & 2nd shirts (3rd shirt posslbllillos). Convenient tiows 5:30am - 1:45am. Full Time, Pan Time, Drop In - upon availability. Come see us at 571 S Main St.. Mocksville (across Irom B & F ManulactUfIng) Or call Claudette or Debra. 751-PlAY(7529)__________ HAPPY DAYS CHILD Care Center Is now enrolling little ones In our preschool program, ages 3 - 5 Please contact Angle e. 492-CARE Apartments $100.00 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH’S RENT! NOAPPLICATION FEEl Northwood Is now leasing: Furnished Studio, IBr. a(^d 2Br. Apartments. Our friendly stall Is eager to provide you with small town living al its best. Call Today! 336-751-4141 800 Northrldqe Court, Mocksville LARGE 1 BEDROOM apartment, good location, water, sewer & trash pickup furnished. $375/mo. 704- 437-0399 Fowiers Auto Removal Will Buy Junk Cars for Cash 336-751-5082 Also, Will Cut Trees & Paint years. Caudle. MOCK PLACE: A senior citizen complex, now taking applications (or 1BR units In Mocksville. Rent based on Income, for info, call 751* 2005 or write: Mock Place. P.O. Box 1056, Mocksville. NC 27028. f 73°^29^2 MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings, kitchen appliances furnished including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen& bath floors. Located In Mocksville behind the old Hendrtcks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machineiv) on Sunset Dr. oil ol Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sal. 10-12. Phono 751-0168. ROOM FOR RENT In my home. Responsible person, for more info, call 751*2770. leave message. Art/Artist JANET DEAN’S ART GALLERY On third floor of SERENDIPITY SHOPS, downtown Mocksville. Prints by Janet, Maria Rutter, Ann Frick, and Ralph Grady James. Enter for FREE “Davie County" prinL HAVE OPENING FOR one child, newborn to 5 years, after Christmas. Christian home. 492* 7974 REGISTERED NURSE HAS Openings lor infants 6 weeks • 6 months, In Cooleemee area, 1 mile from Jockey. Call 284-2840. Farm Machinery NEW FARM EQUIPMENT Low Prices Plows, Disc Harrows, Scoop Pans. Spreaders, Bushogs, Box Blades, Scrape Blades, Gates, Corrals & more. We deliver Wriqht Farm Gales 998-8637 Auctions For Professional Auction Services call: ROWAN AUCTION CO. Salisbury, N. C.(704) 633*0809 KlpJenninns NCALff6340 Card Of Thanks i'd like to take this time to thank all the many people who offered their time ana kindness during the loss o( our father, Robert Westley WWsenhunt. I’d like lo lhank all the churches, neighbors, relatives, and friends who provided meals, (lowers, cards, babysitting and prayers. Also, I’d like to thank all of my father’s brothers and sister, (Roy, Ra9, Rick and Ruby) for sticking by my mother In the preparations of the funeral. Everyone has been so caring and Giving \n our time of sorrow.Althea Furches Nancy Snow Furniture- DINNING ROOM SET WITH 6 chairs and china cabinet. S500.00 Call 940-2486 or 492-5788. KiNG-SIZED WATERBED, like new. Call for information. S200 998-3053 Homes For Rent 3 BR HOME located in Mocksville area. 336-909-2147_____________ 4BR, 2BA, LARGE living room, large kitchen, dining room & don. Secluded location. Ready to move in. 998-4020___________________ FURNISHED SMALL RUSTIC home In country but near town. Ideal for single person or couple. $350.00/mo. plus deposit. No pets, no HUD. (336)751-3729 Homes For Sale $124,900 FOR 1985 3BR, 2BA DWMH and 25 acres • secluded and unrestricted with 1,900' on Hunting Creek. Great hunting and fishing. Horses welcomel Call Vicki at Howard Realty 741-3538 or 492-2943. May subdivide. Possible seller financing. Owner/ agent._________________________ 3BR, 1BA HOUSE w/ woritshop on 1 acre of land. $91,000, by owner. ^336^284*4137 2963 US Hwy CREEKWOOD- 3BR, 2.5Ba home with 2134 sq. (t. basement, garage and fenced back yard. $12 Leonard Realty (336) 751*3675. 751-3650______________________ GREAT BUY WITH JUST a little woritl 1996 4BR. 2BA DWMH with 5 wooded acres off Hwy 601 S. Call Vicki at Howard Really 751* 3538 or 492*2943 (or details on unique purchasing and financing options $89.900.________________ RANCH 3BR, 2BA, double car garage, gas log fireplace, one acre rot, great nelghboriiood. $125,000.00. 751*1783 MARTIN SAW SHOP 751-5038 Steel Saws, Carbide Saws Yard Tools. Scissors HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELLING THE TliVIBER OFF YOUR PROPERTY? WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR STANDING TIMBER/TIMBERLAND. CALL 704-878-9784 5 OR MORE ACRES Austin Hunt Lumber Co. 2762 Hickory Hwy. Statesyiiie,N.C. 28677 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 16,1999 - D7 D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 16,1999 CLASSIFIEDS INEXPENSIVE FEtOFETABLB Land For Sale 25 UNRESTRICTED & secluded acros with '65 DWMH and sitting olong 1,900' of beautiful l-lunting Crook. $124,900, but may divide. Call Vicki at Howard Roalty. 751- 3538 or 492-2943 Possible seller financing. Owner/agent._________ FOR SALE: 5 plus acres, Four Comers area. Northern Davie County, 900 ft. road frontage. $6,000/ acre. 998-3933. Lost & Found XOST: BLACK & white Brlndle .Bulldog on 12-6-99, last seen near CaudoTl Lumber. Has a serious .eye problem, wilt go blind without her medicine. Call 751-2938. .Reward. Lots For Rent :PRIVATE LOT for rent, for DW lonty. Junction Rd., Mocksville. ILImit 4 people. (336)492-2477 ;FOR SALE: 24 In. gas logs • new, $150.00. 336-751-2671__________ ’FOR SALE: Oil circulator, plus 250 ;gal. drum and stand; and 300-gal. drum and stand. 336-751-9665, •565 Hospitat Street Extension. K & Q SALVAGE: 4’x12'x1/2’' Sheetrock. 9.95/ ea.; 5/4' treated decking bds., 8*. $3.99/ea.: 10\ , $4.99/ea.; 12' $5.69/ea. New roofing shingles, $16.95/sq. 3’ wide blue or green metal roofing, $1.29/: n.ft.; Pergo limalnale flooring, $2.25/lin. ' ft. Vinyl windows. 22'x30*, $39.9S/ea.; 4x8 sheets, burch plwood, 3/4", $34.95/ea., 1/2;. $21/ea.B panel Exterior Steel Door Units, $84.00/ea.,32" Pre-hung Interior doors, $34.95/ea.;Bathroom sinks I w/faucel.. $14.95/ea.; Range hoods. $14.95/ea.;1/4* interior paneling, $5.95/ea.; 4'x8' Cedar Closet liner, $9.95/ea.; BIdg. stone $140 per pallet/140 - sq. ft.; 4'x6'x1*1/2” In. thick insulation : bd. $7.95/ea.:Roofing felt. $6.95/roII. % We stock stainless steel In sheets > pipe. CoTTugaied culvert pipe up Ho36’ dia. Wo stock pumps & accessories for' wells. Fomiica, $.50/sq. ft.; Steel l« t>6ams for sale. Six panel exterior' steel door units, $84/ea. ’ K & G Salvage (Reyno SONY PLAYSTATION with six games; extra controller, $150.' Total Gym 1000, $150. 284-4425 . i STEAL A BUILDINGII Repossessed 3 Arch Type Steel Buildings. One Is New. 25x32,-* 30x40. Take Over Payments, no Reasonable Offer Refused. 1-800- 222-6335. Serious Buyers Only. STEEL BUILDINGS, new must sell . ;30x40x12 was $10,200 now $6,990 40x60x14 was $16,400 now '$10,971 50x100x16 was $27,590 now $19,990 «0x200x16 was $58,760 now $39,990 ;1-800-406-5126_________________ •WILL BUY JUNK CARS. 284-: • 4194 and 284-2859 Miscellaneous ■ Mobile Homes/Sale H Mobile Homes/Sale 14 FT. JON boat, good condition, camouflaged; asking $300. 751- DiAMOI^RINQll 1/2» carat solitaire with 1/4 carat wrap, $1,000.00 OBO.FOR SALE: Baby walker • designed like a car, 2-t)aby bouncy seats, baby car seat, all items like new. 336-492-7360___________________ D1RECTV(TM)/SATELUTE $99 Includes basic Installation. Call us today. 1-800-889-6869__________ ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED. $200; wheelchair with removable, adjustable foot/ leg rests & ■ removable arm rests. Jay cushion $500 new- barely used). $400.00 (336) ^84-2890. Mobile Homes/Rent FOR RENT: 1991 14x70 mobile home on private lot. $375.00 751- 2605, 751-3675________________ FOR RENT: 2BR. ISA, limit two people, no pets. Need references. Located off Deadmon Rd7 Turrentlne Ch. Rd.. Rod Oak Trail, right on Stoney Lane. Taking applications at 6th mobile home on Stoney Lane.___________________ HOME FOR RENT 3 Bdrm/ 2Blh, very nice / 295.00 per month, call (336)767-0140_________________ RfeADY TO MOVE IN: 2BR brick apartment. Fully fumlshed, electricity fumlshed. 751*1218 or (704) 872-3367. 1991 OAKWOOD 2 bod / 2 bath In great condition located noar Boonvllle. Call Brian Jordan 751- 7340.__________________________ 1994 REDMAN 14X70 mobile home 2BR, 2BA, stove and refrigerator, heat pump and AC Included. $15,006.00 Must be moved. 492-2970 __________ 1996 FLEETWOOD MOBILE home, 14’x70’, 3BR, AC on large rented lot with shade trees. fQo appljances. $9,950.00 (704) 278* 1997 LIBERTY MOBILE home located off Redland Rd. Please call 998-6832______________________ 1999 3/2 -14.80Owner financed $225.00 month. Call 528-5198.__________________ 3BR & 2Bth already set-up. take up pmtsof$248. (336)751-7439 499 DOWN ON Double & Single Wide repo’s. Several to choose from. 2,3 & 4 Br. available. 336* 468-9615______________________ 94 FLEETWOOD SANDPOINT complete remodeled 14x80 3Br, 2Bth, only $19,995. 800*278-3146 97 IMPERIAL 14X72 2Br, 2Bth, vinyl, shingle, new appliances. Home Is loaded. Sell for $22,900, book,$32K. 800-278-3146 97 REDMAN 14X80 3+2 vinyl. 3146 Mobile Homes/Sale $499 DN ON select bank repo's • some set-up on nice tots - 2,3 or 4 Br. (336)751-0115._____________ $500 DOWN AND MOVE IN. ONLY AT HOME ZONE ' 1*800*866*8874 LGS HOMES: 7 new slnglewide homes, set up and ready to move In. 6 mos free lot rent with , purchase of any home. Call 998* ‘ ^025; ........ r.“ *CREDIT HOT LINE*** Qualify • over the phone, no hassles. 1*600*^3-5582._______________ *Bank Repos* ‘ Mortgage Co. has several homes , set-up. p^y small fee & move in. . (336) 751*9140_________________ *XMAS SPECIAL Beautiful ■mansion double 1200 sq. ft. 3Br,‘ 2Bth, del, set, skirt, steps, elect, air. . $500 down. $350 pmts. Call 800- . 278-3146 _____________ 14 X 60 3 Bdrm, 2 Bth mobile home up ready to move In to. Small down pymts of $245.00 per month. C<»ll Tammy O (336) 368-4694. ■ ' 14X70 2 BDRM set up In park In Winston-Salem. Call (336) 767*' , 7762. 1965 OAKWOOD / set up In parit. Perfect for 1 person or couple. Call (336) 767-0140__________________ OB' REDMAN 14X70 3Br. 2Bth, ,heat pump. Book $25,600, sell, $19,995. 800-278-3146 GALVALUM E B O YEA R W A RRA N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors a Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS GUARANTEED FINANCING 2000 Own. Bad or no credit OK. 336- 468-9615______________________ HOME LEFT IN layaway. buyer gets credit for previous buyers down pymt/Fleetwood Superstore. Call (336) 767-7782._____________ LAND/ HOME PACKAGES Ready to move Into. Call 528* 5198.__________________________ LIKE NEW REPO available. Don't miss out on an excellent deal. Loader Home Sales 336-751-0503 New Slnglewide / $59 per week / low down payment. Call (336) 767* 7782__________________________ 0 DN TO Landowners * we do wells, spetlcs, driveway (336) 751* 7734 READY TO BE moved Into! 1640 sq. It. modular home. 3Br/ 3 Bath. Payment under $600. 1-336*751- 7340 98 BRIGADIER 14X70 new carpet, appliances, home is better than new. Book. $29,585. Sell. 24,585. save $5000 dollars. 800-278-3146 98 REDMAN, 14X80 3Br. 2Bth, vinyl sdg, shingle roof, fire pic. c/air, $500 down pmt. $269 mnth, call today 679-3519 or 800-278- 3146__________________________ ABANDONED HOME IN Advance • assume pmts or $268. (336) 751* 7734__________________________ ABANDONED . HOME IN Cooleemee. $499 dn & assume pmts of $249. (336)751*7439 ASSUME PAYMENTS$500 down. Call 526-5198._______ BAD CREDIT? Try our buy-forpri^ram - easy loansll (336) 751* DOUBLEWIDE LOCATED ON 1 acre beautiful country setting. Take over pymts. small down pymt. Call (336) 767*e—^9977_________________ DOUBLEWIDE SETUPready to move into. Must see today. Call 528-5198.___________ DOUBLEWIDE. NEW 3 Bedroom. 2Bath .939 acre. deck, heat pump Willboone Rd. ___________998-5816___________ DW ON ACRE lot • owner financing (336) 751-0115. FLEETWOOD STERLING DOUBLE 1800+ sq. ft. fpic, oak cabs, drywall, upgrade T-out. Book, $56,845. sell $39,995. Del, set, your lot SAVEl 800-278-3146 FOR SALE OR rent, 16 acres, mobile home, barn, pasture, private, westem Davie County, $550/mo. or $116,000. 940-5723 MILLER equipm entn ] RENTAL ^ c n R E A B Y m w iH lS B Bobcal. aeralo( core uluguer & more lor reiittodavl M ocksville (3361 751-2304 You’re a terrific guy! «Love, •»^Cntiuhiut Rose Gordy’s Stump Removal • Free Estimates • 772 VVillboone Ril. Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 940-5094 Mobile: (336) 749-6750 Tom Gordy, Owner Earth Sharewww.tiMhiIim.uri Vo ^ M A R V KAV------- R E A T ECour look. By your eotocing «nd the dothing colon you «tK we din work tflgnher lo cre«ie ■ look ’ ihu i u iw ^ ' youn «nd U Miy to rename u home. JuM call me for your frtc makeover. Scfiaa lieliod MvrliAvnrCoMuiTARr (33<)492-i2«9 i , How to advertise to over a million North Carolinians... for $220! If you hove something lo selr, keie's the way to moke your voice heord. It's tiie North Corolinn Statewide Clossifled Nelwoiit. For $220, you ton piece o 25 word ad that will appear in newspopers thrrughout North Corolina - on audience ol ever 1.4 million readers. We've sold everything from mountain property to beach houses,'froii) restaurants to steel buildings. Call this newspaper's dassided odvertiang department for dstcils.“ Can Karen: 751-2120 D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD PIANO TUNING opairing & Rebuilding Solf-playors, Sales & Sen/ice Wallace Barford 998-2789 Real Estate Wanted I WANT TO bu acres. 336-284-2 message. 3/4 acre to 10 553 Slowly leave PERSONALTOUCH HOUSECLEANINQ Honest, trustworthy housocleanlng available. Reasonable rates. Call 336-463-4B79: pager- 336-957^* 9456. ________________•: WILL DO IRONING in my home.** Call 264-2583 for details & pricing.»“ WILL DO: Roofing, Siding,:.' Plumbing. Trim work. Dry waltr Shear wall, Decks, Yard wori<. Pressure washing, Single wide tear-* downs. Free Estlmates-Call 492*.; 7409. REPO’S ON LOT • Guaranteed financing regardless of credit. (336) 751-7439_________________ SAVE THOUSANDS, 97 Horton 14x70,3Br, 2Bth, vinyl shingle, like new. Book value, $26,963 Sell, $19,995. Call now. 600-276-3146 SINQLEWIDE SETUP IN PARK 3/2 • TV, VCR. Alarm System from $350.00/month. Call 526-9566. SLOW OR NO credit? Guaranteed financing with $1900 dn. (336) 751-7734______________________. VJo have OVER 30 lot spaces available (or single and doublewide homes convenient to W-S. High Point, Thomasville. Lexington. Greensboro & Kemersville. Pick your new home & lot.Reetwood Superstone / Quail Run Homes (336) 767-7782__________ YEAR END CLOSE OUT SALEAll S/W discounted 10%. 6 left. Call 528-9566. Dave's Music Christmas Special Now thru Jan. 1st • Everything on SALEl Guitars, Banjos. Bass. Dobros, Band Instruments, Fiddles, Mandolins, Drums & Keyboards. All Accessories. Layawaya.79 Court Square. Mocksville ___________75M934___________ PIANO FOR SALE. Excellent condition. Zero down, assume low payments. See locally. 1-800-437* Happy 16th Birtliday $SPECIAL$ f^ufder & tail pipe installed $69.95Catalitic converter Installed $99.95 Roavis Welding 601 N at Cortney Crossing.Yadklnville 336-463-2517__________________ ANGIE’S CLEANING SERVICE has openings. Taking on new clients. 10 yrs. experience. Call 336-463-5610. leave message. B&DDESIGN& CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Complete Home Improvement Corhpany: Wfl-WorK To Meet .Your Budget! Bobcat Work:We Do Small Repairs:Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO Box 424 Mocksville, NC 27028 CRAFTMASTER CONSTRUCTIONSunrooms, Porches, Garages, Decks, Room Additions, Old Home Restorations, Commercial Upfits, Horse Bams, Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades, All Wpos of Sheetrock & Plaster & Floorfng Repairs. Free Estimates uladly Given 284- 2566. Statewide call 1-888-291- 5620 then 4817._________________ DIREC-TV-$149.00 Installed 1»800-964-0772________ Kip's Reflnlshing & Chair Caning Reasonable Rates Salisbury, NC _________704-633-0809_________ LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates ___________996-1798___________ OSBORNE ELECTRICfor all your electrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398. statewide #1 CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP and Timeshare Resale Clearinghouse! Don't want yours?• We'll take Itl Buyl Sell! Rent!' Resort Sales Int'l 1-600-423-5967^ 2-BEDROOM GOLF Villas on; Oyster Bay, Sunset Beach. Fully furnished. Guaranteed lease back $1000/mo. 95% Financing. Only 3; left. $129,900. Cali Chris l-BOOi** 222-1524._____________________ ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL* Seniors, Grads, College Students; and Prior Service Personnel: You ■ can have all of these benefits with, the North Carolina Army National Guardi For about two days a' month and two weeks a year, you • can make a difference. You’ll be' eligible for educational benefits likd> the Montgomery G1 Bill, Tuition' Assistance, and you’ll get an extra paycheck. Call the North Carolina* National Guard today! 1-800-G0^. GUARD._______________________ LESS THAN PERFECT credit? Need debt consolidation? Call Chase Manhattan to get the. financial relief you need througfv* our innovative residential mortgage/^ refinance programs. Call nowl 1*-* 800-554-3273. 1999 The Chased' Manhattan Corporation. All rights-: reserved. Equal Housing Lender. 7: PAID OTR TRAINING - Tractor-*! Trailer Drivers *No Experience *No' Problemlll 287 Jobs, $35,000 & Up > First Year. Call 1 -868-776-3748 t YOUR CLASSIFIED AD could be 1reaching over 1.7 Million Homes* across NC Place your ad with our < paper for publication on the NC* Statewide Classified Ad Network - ' 105 NC newspapers for a low cost ^ of $250 fora 25-word ad to appear^ In each paperl Additional words* are $10 each. The whole state at* your fingertipsi It's a smart" advertising buyl Call this* newspaper's classified department* for more information or visit the NC Press Association's website at www.ncpress.coml WAFFLE NOW HOUSE HIRING GRILL OPERATORS, WAITERS/WAITRESSES A lso P o stlo n open fo r MANAGER TRAINEE C o n ta c t D eb b ie @ 1 -8 8 8 -4 2 5 -0 3 3 7 Im m adlato Em ployment O pportunity For All Thraa (3) S hifts. Ask About 2nd a 3rd ShlH PremlumI CALL FOR INTERVIEW OR A P PLY IN PERSON AT THE FOLLOWINO LOCATIONS: 513 Jonestow n Rd., W inston-Salem 7604417 2314 Ramada Dr., Clem m ons 766-9691 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, DEC. 17,7:00 P.M. Art, Antiques, Furniture, Sporting Collectibles, Hard to find Christmas Gifts — PARTIAL LISTING — 1955 fUR Annual Repoit*Whilehouse Lighihouse'C»d Ouills'Dob Timberlake Print (Saw- Whet Owl In Cedar) 1974 Print 1385 Of 1000 Royale Germania Umited Edition Collectors Plates’CM Coins To Include Mint Sots. Silver Dollars. Indian Pennies. Etc.Tilfany & Co. GlasswareTitfany Style t^mps'Mint 15c Comic BooksMOOs Of Commemoralive Coke Bottles’Old Coke. Pepsi Syrup Jugs'Corporale Seat From OkJ Mocksville Telephone Co.*Old Slamps’Andrevii Wyelh Collector Plalfl*W.S. George Colleclor Plate’Salt & Pepper Shakers'Hull Pcttery'Old Joe Cdlectit)les'Old BB Gun'Selectton 01 I^Coy Pottety’Ok) Cookbooks'Okt Cameras. To Indude Boyscout’Old Pholos'Early Fniil Jars'American Dynamite Wooden Box’Eaity Bo/^n Milk Sign'Early Pepsi Coolei'Earty Coke Cooler*OkJ Coke flutton’Okl Dollies*Assonment 01 Old Tods’White House Vinegar Jugs*0kl Newspapers*Depressk)n Glass*OkJ Metal Coke BolUe Carriers*0ld Photo Print of Bird's Eye View ol Conlederale Prison Pen at Salistjury, N.C. Taken in 1664 Print dr around t900*0ld Oak Mantel’Old Oak Mirror’Mahogany Dining Room Tatrfe'OW Wood Whiskey Barrel'Bookstwlves'Oak Dresser’Wtat Not Stielves’Early Tat>les*Ait Deco. Dresser’Earty Sctwol Desk’Mahogany Bed’More Furniture Coming In’Early Urge Tom’s Peanut Butter Sandv^tras Jar'Old Ba&et>all Photos'Old Trading Cards. 40s, 50s. 60s, up'NASCAR Cards & Posters’Many Box Lots, Kousehokl Hems, Too Many To Ust AUCTION IS TO BE HELD AT OUR AUCTION GALLERY at649WILKESBOROSI, MOCKSVILLE. NC _______Beside the Mocksville Antique & Flea Market For More Information call 336-998-7183 or 336-909-1576PAUL G. CARTER NCAL #6532 ______________Advance N.C._______________ TERMS-CASH OR GOOD CHECK' EVERYTHING SOLD AS /IS WHERE IS . (NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES) THIS WILL BE OUR CHRISTMAS SALE SO AT THE END OFTHE SALE WE WILL GIVE AWAY $500 III MERCHANDISE & $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE, ' PLUS A CASE OF COUNTRY HAH MERRV CHRISTM AS & HAPPY NEW YEAR If c la ssified s INEXPENSIVE PROFITABLE Employment Ballev 8| Howard Tours Doc ieth McAdenvillo LIghls: $15 Coll 998-4338 lor Rosorvalions. Vehicles 1996 DODGE NEON SjSorty looking, rear spoiler, only 59,473 miles. Sole price: $5795.00. Call 336.284-4051 or336-2B4-6318. FOR SALE - 1989 Black Camaro 5'Speed, air, power windows, power locks, CD player, excellent condition. $3900.00 492-2453 Great Car • SALISBURY MOTOR CO.* Buick* Dodge > 700 W.Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341_________ '86 Z28 CONVERTIBLE, $5000;'55 QMC 4x4 drive train, $650 336-751-4152 ••Cloverflelde**Cleaning positions available. Full* time Mon • FrI. No evening or weekends. Vacation & Health Insurance. Call760«4161.________ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT to work under executive director of group home needed. Duties include completing monthly reports, Invoices, bookkeeping, maintaining (lies and records. Experience with Word, Excel, Publisher 98 and Quick Books needed. Experience In ODA group home woula also be helpful. Degree In Secretarial Science or related Human Service field preferred. Send resumo to: 785 Sanford Ave., Mocksville, NC 27028._________________________ DAYADA NURSES IS looking (or qualified RNs and LPNs during this holiday season to care for a young adult in Davie County 2nd and 3rd shifts on the weekends. Applicant must have 1 year trach and vent experience. Call 723*1000 and ask for Allison at ext. 115. Wanted BUYING STANDING TIMBER and pulp wood. Clear cut or select cut. Shaver Wood Products Tom Huffman, Forrester (704) 278*9291__________________ WANT TO LEASE land (or horse boarding/ training business. Will help with Improvements. Established professional. 338-765- 7124 (W*S) or 336 971-2105 WANTED: RELIABLE person/ family to run chicken house-layers. Mobile home and salary provided. 998-5206 HELP WANTED Preparers Jan knowled( ‘ ' salary pi WAnieu • neoa lax ers Jan • Apr. Computer idoo helpful. Will train. Base plus commission. Spanish COME GROW WITH us at Westslde Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep. Part-time olfice clerif, automotive experience helpful, immediate opening 8:30- 2:30 M*F to start. Call Teresa @ 751*5948.______________________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 284*4389, Mon.-Fri., 10am*2pm for application. EOE________________ DO YOU PAY (or Christmas thru (he next few seasons? Join ExcelStaffing (or a lot more reasonsll We o(fen*Slgn on Bonus *Flex Schedules•Holiday & Travel Pay ‘Direct Deposit•CNA’s $10-$11/hr. LPN’s $17-$23/hr. RN's$20-$29/hr. 1-800-883-9235 ext. 328_________ DOCTOR’S OFFICE HAS immediate opening for full-time employee. Send resume & salary requirements to: PO Box 281, Mocksville, NC 27028. Employment NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Equipment Operators, Scrapers, Bulldozers, Rollers Contractor needing experienced persons for the above positions. Experience required. Confjtruction to beoln at Southpoint industrial Pork, State Hvyy 801, Mocksville, NC. Competitive compensation and benefits package. All applicants subject to drug screening Call to apply Earthworks, Inc. 10625 Lexington Drive Knoxville, TN 37932 800} 396-5048 865) 966-3210 Equal Opportunity Employer Drug*Freo Wori<place Employment Eafii$SS$ for Xmas Healthcare Company seeks RN's/ LPN's including retirees, to promote new product. Unlimited earning potential; up to $2000 Defore Xmas working 1 hr/ day. C _ (336) 631-6963 orlax resume to hr/day. Call - ______._< rosi(336) 940*5187. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framii crew. 40*olus hrs. weekly overtime. Must be dependable. No '"wT drugs, no hot-heads. i or 336-750*9153 3-467-7061 STYLIST/ NAIL TECH. Salon In Advance area fookinc nail technician. 998*6670________ WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL CARRIER NEEDED:Davie County, early moming hours, 7 days week, reliable & backup transportatlor) needed. If interested, call Jim Short, 751- 4486. helpful, not necessary. Clemmons ................. I. (336)7& Mocksvillo area, or 725-1041 ) 778*0149 NEED TRUCK DRIVER, long distance, late model conventional high hp tractors. Good pay. Local Company. 338*751*0144 or 888*Company.706*9671 O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE (^tl Arthur Bostick 336-492- VsillI ye; Davie Family YMGA After School Counselors We are needing counselors at Ihe WR Davie School site Alter School Program. This is a brand new site that wiii open January 4,2000. You must be al least 17 years o( age. Positions are available from 2:30 pm-6;00 pm and 3:15 pm-6;00 pm. The pay is from $5.75-$6.25 an hour and includes a YMCA membership. P/aasa conlaci Jcnnilcr Carlner al 751-9622 or stop by Ihe Y and fill oul an application. SMALL COMPANY LOOKINti lordopondabiB, hardworking (ull-tlme hourly employes. Call 492-2492. THE DAVIE COUNTY Vyalsr System has a |ob opening lor water treatment plant operator. Duties Include, but not limited to operation and maintenance ol water treatment plant, sample collection and analyses ol samples and other duties as assigned.Must be a high school graduate with a valid North Carolina drivers locense and hold a minimum level C water treatment operator certilication. Actual starting salary may depend on certilication and experience.Salary Range $20,725 - $32,152 Submit appTlcations to: Bruce M. Pratt,261 Chalfin Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Davie County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment THE COMFORT INN: Irani desk position available. Second shill/ reiiel auditor, FT/ PP. Apply In person. 751-7310_______________ TRACTOR-TRAILER DRIVER noeded lor local hauls lor expanding business. (No ovemlghi) Class A CDL required, current DOT medical, drug/alcohol screening req’d, 25 yrs. or older with 3 yrs. min. tractor-trailer experience. Clean record a must. Health Ins., vacation & holiday Sand resume to PO Box Mocksville, NC 27028. Will Clean Your House For Christmas or Anytime. Ph: 998-5589 FREE ESTIMATES WISECARUER MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 mvy. 64 Bin Fork CoCC (otloy! (996) 998-8810 CORRFXTIONAL OFFICICRS WANTKD THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DESIRES TO RECRUIT QUALIFIED MEN AND WOMEN for position.s available at the following correctional facilitie.s: Davidson Corr. Ctr., Forsyth Corr. Cm, N. I’ledmont Corr. Ctr. for Women, Piedmont Corr. Inst., Rowan Corr. Ctr., ctc. Must be at least 20 years of age, U.S. citizcn, high .school graduate or equivalent. Good benefits. Beginning salary $20,951. Submit State application (PD-107) available at Employment Security Commission, local library, or internet. Send application to; N.C. Department of Correction Piedmont IViad Regional Employment Office P.O. Box 11067 ___________Winston-/Salem, N.C. 27116-1067___________ Davie Family YMCAYFull-Time Position We have a position available as a SITE DIRECTOR in the belore and after school program at Wfl Davie Elementaiy School. You must be at least 21 years ol age, have 2 years experience wortdng in a childcare setting, and 1 year experience in admlnislrative wori<. You must also be dependable, responsible, and love working with children. The hours are MWF 6:30 am -12:00 pm and 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm. The hours TTH are 6:30 am - 8:30 am and 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm. Rale ol pay Is $7.0O-$B.OO an hour. Full medical benellts, vacation, and holiday are ollered. As well as a YMCA metro membership lor your lamlly. Please contact Jennifer Carlnerat 751-9622 or come by the YMCA and lill out an application. C N A ’ S To Cover Davie County All Shifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 336-724-1197Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. Winston-Salem The hometown company, we'll treat you like you 'J expect.' NOW PAY IN G i^E E K LV i Part.Tlm s>ac> F u l^ T lh w H irin g All^PoslUonc..'.: Brfng.In. Y a iir Pay;StulK’llaV.U») You: W hat W fvCaiv D a ./ ’ "v ' ‘in to rv fa w s ’bially ' Apply In Person A t: 2433 Lewlsvllle-Clam m ons Road Clommona, N C 27012 Snyder’s Cleaning ServiceConlradofs. Residential, Rental Qeaning Seivices. Ws OoWindowi.WeekJy, 1 time dea^. Irttiiei daliforalreeeslimate. Ghm tnm (Special 751-2706 GENETREXLERROOFING New & Old Roofs 24 Years Experience Free Estimates 33B-284-4571 r I, ■, % ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I BinG O ; ; TUESDAY ; ; 7:00 PM ; Yadkin M0080 Lodga , ■. Clip Thit Ad For Fraa Pack \ Bring A Friend For TWO | RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •MoclurUle.NC (336) 284-2826 Are you working in the restaurant business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Are you gelling benellts like THESE? ' High competitive wages • First raise alter 30 days • 4 guaranteed raises In 15 nrtonlhs • Paid vacation •401k retirement plan • Heailh/Denlal insurance ' Weekly paychecks ' Paid meal breaks ' Rexible schedule • Slock options ■ Position salary advancement (toward trainer, manager, etc.) ‘ Early closing hours IF N Q I. YOU’RE BEING CHEATEDIII ' Business Is GREATI We are hiring lor fall & winter busi­ness. (AS AN ADDED INCENTIVE. WE ARE OFFERING A $200 SIGN-ON BONUS FOR A LIMITED TIME - WITH THIS AD. for:■ashiers - Grill Cook COME IN TODAY AND APPLY. WE ARE A FAST-PACED. FUN PLACE TO WORK. We are looking for HIGH energy people that like to work hard and make MONEYIII We are currently looking I - Waiters/Waitresses, Ca 6420 Sessions Cl. Clemmons,NC .'Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 • '_______ ••Wa aro an equal opp ULTRA PURE DRINKING WATER Le Bleu Water Corporation has an immediate opening for an Accounting Manager/Controller. CPA preferred. 4 yr degree required. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: GL, financial statements and projections, bank reconcilliations and special projects. Knowledge of excel required. Peachtree a plus. Accuracy, organization, and good communication skills needed. Send resumes and salary history to: Le Bleu Corporation PO Box 2093, Advance, NC 27006 RECEPTIONIST/ADIVIINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Precision Concepts, Inc., a twenty-five year old high speed precision metal stamping, and Insert molding company has an immediate opening for a Receptionist/Administrative Assistant. Must be detail oriented, with excellent computer and communication skills. Excellent compensation and benefits package. If you feel this opportunity meets your capabilities and interests^ please remit your resume with salary history and requirements to: Precision Concepts, Inc. 2701 Boulder Park Court WInston-Salem, NC 27101 ATTN: Human Resources E-mail: ieb§.@B£LJncj!fii Fax ■ 336-761-8575 Only Qualified Candidates need apply No Phone Calls Please EEO/M/F D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE UECORD, Dcc. 16,1999Davie Dateline F u n d R a is e r s Saturday, Deo. 18 lloin & Sausage DrcakfUst, Wcstcy Chapel UnitcO Methodist Church. dtBO-10 o.m. Ongoing IlIii8o,Macks\iIteMoosc Lodge I949,Fri- iliys. tXwR open ul 6. first panic m 7 p.m. Blnpo, WUliain R. Davie VFD, 2nd &uur- diy. tXxMS Open. 6:30 p.m. Religion_____________ Friday, Dec. 17 •The Grrale&l Slory ENtrTold,* Mocks* \i!k.*Se>-eiilhDuyAdventbt Church joined hySLiicsvillcchua-h.Ibstix’smns.'tge.ChriM* nvis cin)Is. spccsa) ma^ic. candle lighting scrvlcc. Dec. 17-19 'ChrUinas Comes To Dclroll Louie,” Rcdland Pcwccostal I lolincss Church, Balli- more Rd. oi U.S. 158. Fridiiy, 7 p.m. Saiur- d.iy. 6:30 pm. Sundiy, 6:30 pm Saturday, Dec. 18 'Rcricctioiu of Light* Christmas Pro- enun,Ma-ksUniicilMcth(idiMChurvh.N.C. * 801 S.. Adv;mcc. 7 p.m. Refreshments fol­ lowing. Sunday, Dec. 19 'HUName Is Jesus* Christmas Cantata. Ntocb Mctholist Qmah, N.C. 801 S.. Ad­ vance, 11 am. Dec. 19 & 20 6Sih Annua) Candle Llfihtins Senlce & ChristnwsConccrt,First United Methodist Church. N. Ntaiti St.. MtvksN illc. TTwe ser­ vices; Dec. 19.5 & 7:30 pm. DcC. 20,7:30 p.m. Nurrfry care avail.iWc. *Mai7, Did You Know?' Christmas drama, Victi)ty Baptist Church.CTOlccmec. Sunday. 6 p.m. Monday. 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 21 •Jesus Is the Heart of Christmas* Caih tata by Bethlehem UMC Choir at Tangle- \vxxxl Crossing Shopping Center in Rood Lion parking lot, 7 pm. Dec. 22-25 Annual Bible School Study, Church of God, Body of Christ, Parker Rd.. Mocks- ville. Bible study sessions begin a( 10 am. daily.Nightlyevangclicalserviccs.6:30pm 'Riurdsday,Dec.23 •MySon,MySa>ior* Childrrn's Christ- mo.s Prognuu, BearCa*ek Baptist Chuicli, 7:30 p.m. Rerrcshments in fcllovv-ship hall afler program. Friday, Dec. 24 Christmas EveCandlelight Communion, Mocks United Methodist Churcli. N.C. 801 ^..Ads-ancc, Wp.m, Christmas E>cn Candlellgltt Commun* ton, Dear Creek Baptist Church, midnight. Christmas Eve Scrvfces, Mocksvillc First United Methodist Church. N. Main St. Christmas Eve Rmilly Celebration, 8 p.m. ChristnusEveCommunwn Service. 11 pm. Friday, Dec. 31 New Year's Eve Watch Nlglit Senke, Mocks United Ntcthodist Church. N.C. 801 S„ Advance. 11:30 p.m. Ongoing Mockssille Wesleyan Church: Hospital Street, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting. 7 p.tn. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Elba>ille United Afethodist Church: Sun­ day School, lOam. Wc«hip. 11 am. Kkls For Christ (ages 3-9) & Youth for Christ (ages 10-12). 1st & 3rd Sua, 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Christ meet e\eiy Sua at Rilton UMC.5-6:30pm. Young Adult BibleStudy, Wed.. 7 p.m. Disciple 1 Bible Study, Ihurs., 7 p.m. Located In Advance. Pastor Re v. Jack Wallacc. Cooleemef Church ofGodiSundaySchool, 9:45ara WonhipSenicc, 10:45 ataTbes. Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Wed. Fandly Train­ ing Hour, 7 p.m. I^r info about tnmsporta- tioa call Brother Dale Brcidinger at 284- 2180. ComatzerUnitcdMethoi21stChurch:Cor- natzerRd. Sunday School, lOam. Worship, 11 am. Pastor: Dr. S.B. Warner. Advance United Methodist Church: Sun­ day School, 9:45 am. Worship, 11 am. Youth. 5 p.m. Rev. David Childen. Located in doM-ntown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church: Sunday School. 10 am. Worship, 11 am. l939RmnlngtonRd.998-3769. Rev. Dianne Maisdea Oak Gro\e United Methodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158, MoAsville. Sunday School, 9:45 Worship, II am. ConconlUnitedMethodistChurch,Cheny Hill Rd., Mocksvillc. Worship: 11 am.Sun- day School: 10am. Rev. Phillip Parks. IlaniisonUniledMe(hodistChurcli:Wor- ship, 9:45 am. Sunday School, 10:45 am. LittleLighuChoir. 11:30am.UM YF(Team Christ) lst&3rdSundiynighis. Episcopal Chuirh of IheGood Shepherd, Church Sl, Cooleemee. Worship: 9:30 am. Children's Sunday School: 10:45 am. Rev. Edwin Bailey. 336-284-2303. > Community Baptist Church; Sunday . School, to am. Sunday Worship, 11 am. Evening service, 6 p.m, Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hillsdale United Methodist Church: Sun­ day Services, 10:30 am. Church for next / gencraiioa- Jr. High, Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. ; Senk)r High, Wed, 7-8 p.m.Supper/\fusic, 6:30*7p,m.Smallg5Wp,MonHWcd.,'nm., ; &Sat.Ba$ketball.'njcs..SmiihGrovcGym. '8-9:30 p.m. • WesleyChapelUnltedMethodlstChureh: Wonhip Servia; 10 ara Sunday School: ' 10:45 ant'Rev; Dianne Miisdea Rno Rd. --------- -------------------------^—------ El-Shnddai Vmnr of Pi^lsc Ministry, Nonhwood Apartnjents # 7(M, Sunday Sclwol: 10 am. Worship; 11 am. Sunday evening: 5 p.m. Tuesday Prayer & Bible Study,7:30-9pntFrid.iy Service: 7:30pm. P.«torValcTieMayficIdl\Hg.7(M-636-OK». Rcdland Pentecostal Holiness Church: Sundiy School: 10 am. Worship: U a.m. Evening: 6:30prn.Wcdncsdaypraycr meet- lng& B ible study. 7:30p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheraii Churcli, 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship: 10:30am. Sunday Sclwol: 9:15 am. huKr. Rev. Glynn Bell. MocksvillcHrstPmb)1crianChuith.26l ' S.MoinSt. Worship: 11 am.ChurchSclKX}l: 9:45am. Sundaycvening:ChoristCTSfgnidcs 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m. Pas­ tor, Neal Carter. (336) 751-2507. Mocks United Methodist Church. N.C. 801 S..Advunce.Rev.BtuccGwya Sunday wxK^hjp:8:45&llam.Sund.'iySchool: 10 am. Smith Grove ^(ethodlst Church: Prayer meeting. Satunby momings. 9 am. Hillsdale Baptist Church; Sunday Wor­ ship. 8:30& IO;45am.Sund.iy BibleStudy. ’ 9:45 am. Wednesday Rllowship Meal. 6 pm. Children & youth activities & prayer ' meeting. 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Atdcmian. 910-940^)618. Faith and Vktoiy Family Worship Cen* (er. 1687llwy.f01 N. .Sunday Services. 10 am.. 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. NcwBi‘llcversPJ».ChurcluSundayScl»ol. 10 am. Worship Service. 11 am. Wcdnes- d.iy night Bible study, 5 pm. P,istor Bi/abcth Mock. AS.S41C. Pastor DcnickMock. Women's Aux. & BnMlKrhood Bible Study, 1 st & 3nl Tl«irsd.iy. Llberly United Methodist Churcli. U.S. 601 S. Wo«^hip;9:45aIaSund;^ySchool: 11 am. Fli^t United Methodist Church ofMocks- viile. &uly Sunday Worship Sersice, 8:50 am. Pmlsc singing, osual dress, cixitenipo* rary forrau Traditional service, 10:55 am 305 N. Main St. 336-751-2503. Believer's Sonship Tabcnincle: Suixkiy wtwship,l0:30anv,6:30pm.Wed,cvening. 7 p.m. P.istor Jerry L Couch. 998-3748. Cana Rd. - Potter’s Une. l\im.nfineBaptkiChufch;Sund.iySch(X)l. 9:45 ant.. Worship. 11 am.; Niglit Scrv k-e. 6 p.m. Episcopal Church oftlie Asceasion. R)rk- BixbyRd.,SuaSch(Xil. 10am. Wor^hip, 11 am. Rev. Edwin T. Bailey. 284-4500. DialASioryMinisliyrorchlklren.Billand Peggy Long of Advance. 998-7716. Services at the Oaks, Apt 7A. Milling Road. 7 p.m.. Thursdays. BisliopT.R. Rit'C. Clement Grove Church of Gpd, Wednes­ day pra^’cr servkx.7 p.n\.Saiurd:iy morning Sai^uh School, 10 am. Green Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School. 9:45 am. Worship, 11 am., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor M. Ray Davis, 998-3022. Preschool/Parents' Morning Out, Bethle­ hem United Methodist Church. Age2,Tucs. & Tliurs., 9 am. ♦ nooa Ages 3-4. Mon,. T\)CS.,Thurs..9ant-nooa Readiness, Mon. •’nnirs.,9am.-n»'i)aCall9y8-6820rorinfo. S p e c ia l E v e n ts Thursday, Dec. 16 Candlelight Service for Animals, Davie Coui«y Humane Society Omce, Valley Rd., 7:30 pm. Saturday, Dec. 18 Lighting of Luminarks, Hickory Hill, oft U.S.M East. dusk. Pet Adoption Day, Davie County Humane Society omce. Valley Rd., lOam.-1 pm. Dec.18&19 1,200 Luminaries In Garden Valley com­ munity. 6 pm. • midnight. Monday, Dec. 20 Center Community Desekpment Asso- ciatkm Christmas Party for rcsklents & friends of Center Rre District. 6:30 p.m. Covered dish meal. Paper goods & drinks provided. Santa arriving at 7 pm. Bingo. Satu[day,Jan. 15 Ralph Stanley & The Cinch Mountain Boyj^BrockPerformingArtsCentcr,N.Main St., Mocksville. 7:30 p.m. Opening act: Tlic Four Oaks Rcvw. Adults, $18. Students & seniors, $16. Boxofllcc: 336-751-3000. D a te s to R e m e m b e r Monday, Jan. 3 Filing Period for Year 2000 ckctk>ns be­ gins at nooa Board of Elections OfHcc. Ongoing Aerobics, Tuesdays & Ihursdays, Mocks- viile Elementary School, 6 p.m. Visit Cooleemev's Mill Village Museum, 14 Church St.. Tues. & 'Diurs.. 9 am.-noon. Sals., 11 am.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appt.Call294-6(MO. Recycling truck ot Center Community Bldg^8-ll am. IstSatunJay. Rec)cling truck at Unk)ii Chapel Method­ ist. 4th Saturday. 8-II am.. Rc^cUnglnickatJcricho-HardisonRuri- ton bldg., 3rd Saturday, 8:30-11 am. Preschool storytime, Tues., II am..Davie County Library and Cooleemee branch. 30- minute program. For children ages 3-5. Mu- sic.readaloud.storics,films, nurseiyrhymes. ■ M e e tin g s . Monday, Dec. 20 Davle(^ilters Guild, Davie Senior Center, 7 p.m. DavieCountyCommissk)ners,CountyAd- mln'istratk)nBuilding.5p.m.imteadof7p.m. Ongoing, . Progresdve Club of Cooleemee, 2nd Sun- d.iy, Cwlcenvx Lihmiy, 5 p.m. Call 284- 2975 for irjfo. DasleCountyStampClub, 1st Thurs.,Davie Senior Ccntcr,7p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recreation Association, Zachjuy House, lst'n»esday.7p.ni WlHamR.DavteBoosfiTS.Rwbnll&chccr- leaders. 3rd Tl)ursd;iy, Slicltcr, 6 p.m. Alcoholics Anonytnotts, Sund.iys, 6 p.m. imd \\'ednesd;iys, 8 p.m., Sccond Prcsbyie- rian Clitirch Kisement, Pins St. Call 751- 1490 or 751-7786 for info. Homeschool 4-H Club, 2nd & 4th Tuesday. Call 9<;8.8925 for more info. I^edmontTriad Rabbit Fancicra,lastSun- day of each month, 2:30 p.m. All rabbit owners wtlcome. Call 336-998-9858or visit www.picdmonttriadrabbit.com or e-mail pirilOOOdf aol.com for more info. lIclpYoursclfSupporiGroup.CancerScr- vkrs. Inc., 2nd 'Hjcsday, noon-t:30 p.m. DavieCounty Library. Bring bag lunch Ifyou wish. R)r more info, call 751-0313 or 760- 9983. MOPS(^^othe^iorP^Gschooters); Mace- Ntoravian Church. Supi^. fellow­ ship. cmlU & food. Children guided in own program MOPPITrS,9:30-l 1:30am. Regis- trufon fee ITcxiblo to tt of children attending. Scholarslilps,available. Fw more info, call 998-I3W. 1st & 3rd Fridays. Historic Davie Inc:, 2nd 'Hjcsday, Davie County Public Lihary, 6:30 poa The Artist Group, DavieCounty Lib[iuy, 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274.'^^.^ Center Community Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bldg. CookemceTovtn Boaitl,3Rn\wsd.jy,Town I iall, 7 p.m. unless othcnvlsc noted. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Coun­ cil, 2tKl WeilncMtiy, 7 p.m Friend.ship Bap­ tist Fxllowship Hall. Davk Domestic Violence Services. Sup­ port groups for victims. Sessions free, confi­ dential. Tuesdays.7pm. and Friday, lOam. DDVS OfTicc inDavie County Omce Bldg.. 751-3450. Family Vfelence Proentlon Senlces of Davk County. Free counseling for victims ofvk)lcnceandiheirchildreaSeparategtujps. Tuesdays. 6-7:30 p.m.R»st United Mcthod- i.st aurch of Mocksville. Call 1-800-728- 3413. Davie County School Bus Drivers Asso- cialk)n,2nd'niurs..7pm. Davie County Sr. Center. Brock Bldg. Concerned Bikers Associatton, FooUiilis Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, Westem Steer, VS. 601 at 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 am.,MocksUMC,998*2in. Mocksville Garden Club, I st Hiurs.. First ' Daptisi Fellowship \ lii, 7 p.m. MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, 1 st. 3nl Fri., 9:30-11:30 am. Macedonia Moravian Church. $15 registration plus small weekly fee. 9984394. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Mon­ day. Cooleemee Historical Building. 7 p.m. Mocksville Rotary Club, "niesdays. 12:10 p.m.. Rotary Hut. Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Bethlehem United Methodist Church. 6:45 p.m. Tliut^. Farmington Masonic Lodge No. 265.2nd Monday. 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cancer support group. 2nd Tuesday. 7 pm..Davk5Library,forcanccrpatk:nts,fricnd. family. 1-800-228-7421 or 751-0313. Mocksville Lions Club. lst,3rdThursdays, 7 p.m.. Rotary Club. Mocksville-Davie Homebuilders, 4th , Thursday. 7 p.m. Captain Steven's. Davie High Athkt kBoosten, 3nl Monday, 7 p.m., school cafeteria Disabled American Veterans No. 75 and Auxiliary,3nlMonday.7pm.,chapter home, U5.601 south of Mocksville. Farmington Ruritan Club. 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.nt. Farmington Methodbt church. HELPS Mln&tries, Christ ian rccoveryTfO* gramforwomensexuallyobusedas children. Mondays. 7;30p.m.,41 court SquiVC, Room 210. Golden Age Club. 1st Monday, East Room. Sr. Center, Brock Bldg., 10 am. Alzhelmers Support Group, 2nd Thurs­ day, 7 p.m, East Room, Sr. C^cntcr. Brock Bldg.,N. Main St. 751-8770or 751-0611. Humane SodetyofDavie.Humane Society Office, Valley Road, Mocksville. 2nd Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. Breast-fenilngSupport Group, 2ndT\jes- day, Davie Health Dept., 6-7:30 p.m. Parents Resource Orpuikation (PROjsup- pMt group for families of children with dis­ abilities, 2ndT\iesday.7 pm.Call Rosemary ' Kroprclderat998-331l forlocatioa Jerkho-llardlson Ruritan Club,2ndTlies- day. 7 p.m.,club building. Health DepL. clinic hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30- 11:30 am. 1-4:30 p.m.; Tuesdays, 4:30-7 p.m; Teen Health Pivmotlon Clinic, 8:30 am.-noon, 2nd. 4th Satunkiys. Davk County Board of ^ lo l Servkes, 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Mocksvilk AA. Wed.. 8 p.m. • closed mtng. Sun., 8 p.m. -open mtng. Call Chris­ tine at 998-9885 or Terry 940-5944. Cookemee American L^lon Post 5-t, Le­ gion I lut, Gladstone Road, 7:30 p.m., I st and 3rd Mondays exccpt holklays. Advance ^losonk Lodge No. 710, 2nd T\jesday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksvlll^Davlc■rccleation, 751-2325. AAandAI-Anon,Tliutsdays.8p.m.,Eaior.'s Baptlit Church. Nor-Anon for families ofdnig addicts. Sun­ days, 6 p.m. Davie Senbr Center, Brock Building. Main St., Mocksville. 998-2657. Davk County Youth Football League Di­ rectors, Tties., 7 p.m. Counliousc, Grand JuiyRoora . UnItedWayboardofdlrcct6n.4th Monday. 5:30 p.nt. Brock Bldg.. Room 208. Mocks\lllcVF\V Post4024, l\»t llui.S.-m. ford Avc.. 7p.m., 2nd Tucsd;»y. Advocates for Gined Children. 2nd, 4th Thursdays. 149 LAeside Drive. 751-2194. Narcotics Anonymotis Against All Odds Group, Sundays. 6 p.m., Tluirsd.iys. 8 p.m.. Room 208, Bn<k Bldg. Drug Problcnt? Hclpline.910-785-7280. Mocksvilk American Li'^lon l\»t 174. VFW Hut. Sanfonl Aw.. 2nd TTiiirsday, 7 p.m. Mocksvilk CIvltan Club. 6:30 pm.. 2nd. 4th NlMxlay. Cuptain Steven's. Davie Scrtoma Club. 1st. 3rd ThurvLiy, 6:30 p.m.. Captain Steven's. Advnncc Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of ForcignWarsandU>dicsAuxiliary.4iliT\ies., 7:30 pm., post hon«. Feed Mill R«ul. Davie County Right To Life, 7 pm.. 3nl Thursday, grand jury room, counlxxisc. 751 • 5235 or 492-5723. CoolccmccMemorialVFVVI\)st 11 |9.2nd. 4ih Thurs.. 7 p.m.. VFW I Iall, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. 17F&AM.2nd,4th Frid.^ys, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksvilk Masonk Lodge No. 134.1st. 3nl TUesdiiys. 7:30 p.m. at tlte kxlge. E x te n s io n _________________ Monday, Dec. 20 Kappa Extension Homemakers, Davie AcadcmyCommunity Dldg..6;30pm. Fam­ ily Night Omstnus Dinner & P.uty. R e c re a tio n _________ For more InfonaitkMi on these events, cUl 751-2325. ' BeginningJan.3 Let's Get m , Moa. Wed.. Fri:; 8:30:9:15 am. Rcc. Dept $ 1 QAixmili. JancFnixit. ICdliy Smith & other fanxxis imtiuctors under su- pervisKMi of Rec. stiiff member. Limit 20. Register in advance. Line Dancing RtfmlngionComnnmityCentcr.EveryTUcs- d.iy. Cost: $2. lastnictors: Steve & Linda Hatley. Fwmore info.call 751-3848. Rec Club Before (SI 5)or ancr ($1^)scIkx)1 and out of sclxwlptDgrnms. Registration open.. Good Timers Square Dance CtoupnKxisjitPamiingtottCoinmunityCcn- ter. 7 pm. every Monday. Siiverstriders Wall< Club Scnion. 50 and up. M-P, 6:30-9 iro. No chaigc. MottiersMonfiingOut Tuesdays andTI)ursdays,$7 per day. $40 per month. YMCA For more informal ion. call 751 -9622 or visit Davk Family YMCA. Water Exercise Tuesday & Thursday. 9:30 am Arthritis Rehab. MWF, 10:30am Bailerific Ballet Classes Begit\ncrs,3:3(M;lSp.nvlMcmKdialc,4‘.lS- 5 p.m Members: $30. Non*memlvn: $40. Swimming ijessons Ages6months&up. Parent/child,preschool, khool agcd& adult group lessons & prisatc. • Classes 2 days per week. Cull for limes. S e n io r s All Senior Activities take place at the Davie County Sentor Center located in the Brock Building on Nonh Main Street, Mocksvillc unless otherw ise noted, T^iureday, Dec. 16 Day Of Trnvxl, Qiristmas Down Under, Enst Room, 10am. East Room. $5/pcrsoa Please pre-register. Senior Chorus. East Room, 3 p.m RSVP Birthday Party, Somerset Cbun, 2 p.m. G rkf& the Holidays, Rose Room, 7 pm. Friday, Dec. 17 Bridge, East Room, 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20 Advance, Club, First Baptist' Fellowship Hall. 10:30 am. - Quilting Guild, East Room, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 21 Bridge, East Room, I p.m. RSVP Blnhday Party. Davie'villagc, 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 22 RSVFScvring-B-,RSVP0rricc,9ara.-1 pm. Card & Board Games, East Room. 1:30 p.m. Ttiutsday, Dec. 23 Senior Chorus, East Room, 3 p.m. Monday, Dec. 27 Cooleemee Club. Fust Baptist Fellowship Hall. 10am. Tuesday. Dec. 28 Bridge, Eas Room. 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29 Card & Board Games. East Room. 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30 Memories of tehMilknlum.TimeCapsulc Party,NuiritionSite,2 p.m.' Senior Chorus, East Room, 3 p.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon iVlonday IlenuforDovleDalelliKihxHildbercportcd by noon Monday of the piiHtauioii week. C«l,17JI-2l20ocdropitbylheomct,S.Maln Si. acioss rram Ihe minhousc. The Necklace with a Legend While tho Sand Dollar Is ono of tho most widely known and popular of all sholls, fow peoplo are aware of the pretty littio legend attached to It. Legend has it that t\iese strange shells toll the story of Christ's suffering and his glory. Tho fivo holes represent the five wounds of Christ. On the front of the Easter Lily • It's center, a five pointed star representing the star of Bethlehem which led the shepherds from afar. On the back tho outline of the Christmas Polnsettia reminds us of His birthday. When tho shell is broken open, fve Doves of Peace ond Good Will appear. Because of this religious legend, this fascinating creature of the sea is often referred to as the Holy Ghost shell. A beautiful story, beautifully told and cratted In sterling silver by OJ & C Ferrara Co., Inc. Legend of Sand Dollar on Parchment Paper with each purchase. i jrrings, rings and bracelet to match Starting In Sterling Sliver at.............................S ^ A 9 5 At Davie Jewelers Only r - " THE MIGHTY-TINY HUMMINGBIRD The most delicate of the species, a tiny fluttering humminoblrd - becomes a winsome adornment via this 14K Pin/Pendant. With sparkling sapphire eye and a diamond dew drop at the end oi it's beak. At Davie Jewelers Small *179 Large ®249 Not Aaual Size OJ & C Ferrara Co, Inc G iv e H e r a K is s t h a t W i l l L a s t F o r e v e r This beautiful Kiss is crafted from rteriing silver, solid IA karat gold or a combination of the two. Available in several sizes with or without diamonds. Its the perfect gift for any occa­ sion when you want to show affection. How about wrapping it with a package of real Hershey's Milk chocolate Kisses to satisfy her sweet tooth? Then... a kiss or two of your own wouldn't be bad! ^^rting at ^19®® H a v e Y o u t o ld h e r la t e ly ? If you haven % hera’s a gift that will say it for you//f spells... ( it also spells I LOVE Each letter contributes to tt^e unique design of ttiis tiand-crafted pendant by J & C Ferrara. At Davie Jewelers Next to Wal-Mart in Mocksville Silver ....- - -...... M erry Christmas Brock Ball iVlocksviile-Davie Recreation Leagues Teach Children Basl<etbali Sl<iils P a g e s B 1 - B 2 D A V IE C O U N T Y 50« enterpri /eni I ecord USPS149460 Number 51 Tliuniday, Dec. 23,1999 32 PAGES Man Shoots Ex-Girlfriend Behind School, Then Himself By Mike Barnhardt Davic County Enterprise Rccord TVo Davie children will spend this Christ­ mas without their mother, who was killed Sunday nighl by her cx-boyfrlcnd. who is also the father of one of the children. Jerry Thomas Williams, 55, of Vadkin- vlllc, shot Norma Frye Fowler, 29. of Mocksvillc. twice in the head near an activ­ ity bus behind South Davie Middle School Sunday evening. As authorities closed in on him near his home a short while later, he took his own life, said Mocksvillc Police Chief Richard Sink. Former co-workers of Fowler can't stop thinking about the children, ages 5 and 7. The two were with Fowler when she met Willtatns bchlntl the school. Sink said he isn't sure why she met Williams, a corrections onicer and former dctective with the Davic County Sheriff's Department. They plan to have SBI agents who specialize in interview­ ing children to talk to the two at a later date. Sink said that it appears lhat Fowler met Williams behind the school. As he drug her from the car, the Uulc girl, age 7, ran. He shot Fowler twice in the head in front of the car with a .25 automatic pistol. Williams then took his 5-ycar-old son and drove to Davic County Hospital, where heovc to Davic County Hospital, where he Please See Mociuviiie Woman Pa e 4 Slieriff Alien Wtiital<er (rigiit) and Ciiief of Enforcement Jimnay Phipps wall< away after finding tlie body of former co-worl<er Jerry Williams.: ■ V e 0 an- age -Photo by Robin Fergusson'j Agencies Offer Y2K Assurances If you notice any of your lo­ cal services are not working properly, contact tlie respective utility or service provider. Duke Power, 800-769-3766. EnergyUnited, 800-483- 8237. Sprint, 611. Piedmont Natural Gas, (336) 751-4954. Benciimark Cable. (336)751- 3005. Do not call emergency ser­ vices regarding a power outage, or delay in service. In case of an emergency and the phones are inoperable, go to the nearest fire station to report a fire, medi­ cal or law enforcement emer­ gency. Problems will only occur if there is a power outage, and both Duke Power and EnergyUnited have stated that they are aiming for reliable energy services on New Year’s Day and every other day. Inspections office - If the power is out and you have the use of a generator, use extreme caution in connecting and oper­ ating this equipment. It is im­ portant to make sure that the existing power supply to your home is disconnected, and if lime permits, have an electrician wire it properly before the an­ ticipated date of use. Social Services - Again, the majority of problems will result in Ihe absence of power. If this occurs, they will be available to assist in the use of the EBT cards and if necessary food vouchers will be issued. EMS - It is recommended lhat each person have approximately one gallon of water per person per day along with a three-day food supply. All nursing homes are encouraged to have a gen­ erator and an alternate plan in case of a loss of power. All medical equipment has been tested and is ready. Tax Office - The tax office will be closed on Friday, Dec. 31 and tax payments must be made accordingly. Fire Deparimeni -Try to use a battery-powered flashlight or lantern. Do not leave candles burning unattended and keep them away from combustible items sucli as curtains, table­ cloths, and f^umiture. Please be careful with alternate heating sources. Do not use charcoal or other heat producing material indoors due lo the harmful by­ product of carbon monoxide. Heallh Deparimeni - Check with your doctor to make sure all medical equipment you niay have is Year 2000 compliant. This equipment includes pace Please'SceArea-Page4 He’s Making His List Jayan A'dkins dtid Katie Wilson, 4, sit dh SanWs lap''^ at a'recent visit to the Brock Center. For more pfiotos, please turn to page 7. r Photo by Robin Fergusnn It's Official: Eastern Davie; Pediatiics Office To Close ' By Jeanne Gaither Davie County Enterprise Record The hopes of hundreds of pa­ tients and their parents were crushed last week when they re­ ceived word their pediatrician's office will be closed permanently Dec. 31. After announcing plans in Oc­ tober to close the Hillsdale office of Forsyth Pediatrics where Dr. Lee Finklca sees about 2,500 pa­ tients, in November, Novant Health agreed to keep the practice operating through the end of the year while negotiating wilh Finklca, who had hoped to open a private practice in the same loca­ tion. To the disappointment of the, many parents, who had written leners and made phone calls in protest of Novant’s decision. Dr. William Sayers, Novant Heallh Triad Region Physician Division president, notified them that Finklca would not be opening a private practice there in January. To assist Fmklea in his transi­ tion toprivatepractice,Sayers said Novant had agreed to honor the financial terms of his contract through May 31,2000, to sell or lease all equipment from’the of­ fice at fair market value and pro­ vide financing for five years, to sell all medicines and supplies at cost, to lease the current office space to Finklca and to provide relief on-call phy.s|cian coverage from Forsyth Pediatric Associates^' • until the end of May. 'tJ "NovantHealth madeasincere'^. effort to niake it possible for Dr. ; Finklca to continue his practice in' that location," Sayers said in the letter. NovantcouldnotmeetFinklea'sv requests for additional financial^ support, which includcdpaymenti:; oftliepractice's administrative and*. clinical expenses and subsidizing v practice losses through May 31,' 2000, because it would have put -■ both in violation of federal laws, ' he said. Novantis anon-profitcoipora^:;; tion and can't divert funds to sj-J; private entity, according to Jacltjl -^ Ross, vice president of Novant'i;; . Triad Region Physician Division:^; . But Fmklea said he had been:: assured Novant would honor his": contract and began negotiations^; byaskingthatcontractbehonoredt- as it related lo nurses, office staff^; and facilities through its expira-^- tion. ' , "I asked for no subsidy," he^j ' explained. This was simply a dis-^i agreement about what was meant;' , by iionoring his contract. Notice from Novant in October; that the office would be closing.' ■ came ds much as a shock to him as J : it did to the parents of his patientsjii Fmklea said. ' ~ « Continuing to work full time.at] the office has made it diffiiuil fq " jJPIease See Novant -T * A ‘.t (I ■ A - 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999Editorial Pa^ iThe Biblefe Stary p Christmas j And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. . This census first took place while Quirinius was govem- frig Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. : ■ And Joseph also went up from Galilee, cut of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, <0 be registered with Mary, his beux)thed wife, who was with phild. ; So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. ■ And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. ; •: j And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for be­ hold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is bom to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. "And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe '■: wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger." ' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying; "Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace, good will toward men!" ■ So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, "Let us now go t,d Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us." ; And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, iflid the Babe lying in a manger. • Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. : And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were'totdlhem shepneras.' — -— But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart, ^ Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God - for all the Uiings that they had heard and seen, as it was told them. And when eight days were completed for the circumci­ sion of the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. (Luke 2:1-24) i Now after Jesus was bom in Bethlehem of Judea in the ^ys of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came ; to Jerasalem, saying, "Where is He who has been bom King ^ the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have Come to worship H im ..." ■; When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly ^ a tjo y . And when they had come into the house, they saw tlie young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and wor­ shiped him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, fnmkincense, and myrrh. : (Malt.2:f-2.I0-11,NKJV) •A ■ DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECO RD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 • (336) 751-2120 ' Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. I Dwight Sparks..... Robin Fergusson.. ..Editor/Publisher Mike Bamhardt.. Ray Tutteraw.. Mocksville Enterprise 1916-1958 ..General Manager ..Managing Editor ........................Advertising Manager Davie Cooleemee Record Journal 1899-1958 , 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid In Mocksvllls, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 per year In North Carolina $25 per year outside North Carolina . POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Davie County Enteipilse Record P.O. Box 99i Mocksville, NC 27028 In The Mail... There Is A Santa Claus Who Loves Children To the editor: In the Dcc. 17 publication of the paper was a letter to the editor th.it was the most unenlightened piece of wrillng I have read. A man called Santa Satan. He was wrong. Here Is the tmih about Santa Claus. First, I want to agree with him on one thing. We who do celcbrate Christmas do need to remember it is the day wc cclehrate (he coming of Christ, and (hat He is the most important gift wc could ever rcceive. Wc should also remember that everything wc rcceivc in our lire comes from Him. I agree wc should praise Him. nol just on Dec. 25, but every - day ihroughom the year." • ......... ' To say Santa is Satan is tike saying an apple is an oronge, it is totally false. To the man who wrote the letter, here comes an important Sunday School lesson you must have missed. Santa Claus is de­ rived from Saint Nicholas, a bishop of Myra in Lycia. which is now a part of Turkey. He was known for his great charity towards children. He gave children clothes, food, medicines, and occa­ sionally giUs of toys. His birth date Is unknown, because rccordsof birlh and death were not kept up with in the way they arc in modem limes. However, his death was recoded Dcc. 6,350. He was canon­ ized (that means he was declared a saint by the Catholic Church) sometime between the years of 450-600. I have serious reason to doubt that there is any truth behind the devil being rcrcrred to as Nick. There arc many males whoarcgiven that name, and if it was a name for Lucifcr I truly suspect parents would nol nantc their child Nick or Nicholas. I believe the term St. Nick isshort forSalnl Nicholas, considering the fact you hear Nick in Nicholas. If you want to say Santa is just Satan scrambled then l‘m sorry, but I have to burst yet another bubble. Santa is the Spanish language word for Saint. Children whocclebrateChristmasare taught the true mcomng; a\ least 1 know they arc in this area. I was raised knowing Christmas wasn't just about Santa Claus coming to visit my home, it was also obout Q baby who was bom lo give eternal life. I, likcmanyotherkids.participaicdinchurchproduc- tions about the birth of Jesus, I sang carols and hymns that reminded me of His birth. You never forget the real meanlngofthc season, it'sconstantly around. I hope I haven’t embarrassed the author of the letter I am angered by. Truthfully, I hope 1 have given him and others who share the same unedu­ cated view a better understanding of a wonderful man whoonce lived for the wellne&sand happiness ofchildrcn. One more thing I wish to express, if ony Kindness, Prayers Appreciated Tb the editor: We would like to thank all the wonderful people of Davie Counly for the many acts of kindness shown to our family following ihe au­ tomobile accident of our son. Rodney Cline. Thank you for the many cards, phone calls, flow* ers, balloons, visits to UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill, and most especially, the prayers for Rodney. A special thanks to his co-workers, custom­ ers and friends at Foster Rauch Drug Co. and Ihe many churches which remembered him in their prayers. Rodney is home now and is dolngreally well. The doctors tell us his recovery so far is a miracle. Wc give thanks to God as we have truly seen those prayers being answered each day. Thank you so much for your love and support for the last two months. Words cannot express how much it meant to us. May God bless you all. Gerald and Brenda Cline Advance child who still bclicvesinSanta Claus was exposed to the letter I am writing in rcfercncc to. jusi overlook what that man wrote. He didn’t know the facts, and yes, there is a Santa Claus, who loves all children and, if possible, his spirit will visit your home on Dcc. 24. Merry Christmas lo all. Amanda Brown Mocksvillc Anniversary Celebrated To Ihe ^iton Anothcrycar. whcrcdid it go? Iccrtainlydonot i know. Dcc. 10.1945-Dcc. 10,1999-54 years I've worked in this great town. A better placc could nol be found. I would like to thank everyone who has been a pan. sincercly and lovingly from my heart, I think I am the longest continuous business in Mocksville. Clyde Taylor and myself started in business the same year, and he is deceased. Again.Isaylhanks,Mcfry Christmas, and Happy New Year to everyone. Marie S. White Marie's Beauty Shoppe Mocksvillc Letters Welcomed The Emerprise Record wclconres Icltcis from lu readers. The Idlers may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. An efTort will be made to print all Icltcrs provided they are not libelous, vulgar, or in poor tasle. The edllor reserves the right to edit letters for granmiar and for space. - All teuc'rs should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published Is also requested. Please have lellcrs in die newspaper office by 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. What Do You Want For Christmas? K e rry Hutchins Second Grade “ A d irt bike, a C D Rom, baseball and football cards, a football, a com puter and clothes.” Lindsey Hapeman Age 3 “ Make Me Up Angelica and a GIddy-Up Girl.” Elizabeth Strange Second Grade “Computer, a Barbie and a bike.” C a itlin 1\ilterow Second Grade ” A loom that you can make things w ith and toy dolphins. T h a t's a ll I w a n t to r C hristm as." V DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 - 3' In T h e M a il... Children Were Supervised By Adults At Parade To the editor: This is in response to the letter last week. First of all, there were no kids let off by themselves. There were two adult coaches with them until all parents came lo pick them up. Sccond, wc. meaning the parents, had two meetings about how todo the (loat and where to fix ll up at and where the drop-off spol Would be. So if you were so conccmcd, you should have attended the meetings and voiccd your opin- * Ion. But you chose not to, and arrangements were Inndc by other parents. Also, there were numerous phone calls made, and I know for a fact you received one because I made one lo you and a grandparent of your dough* Teen's Morality Inspires Fannily To the editor My daughter wrote this the day before her 13th binhdayon Dcc. 12. Samantha isastudcnt at North Davie, in the seventh grade. Vm l2yearsol(l, almost 13, and I know TU have some battles while / am a teen.But with Cod by myshle, He'll lead me the right way.Then He'll make sure / »ro/iV have to pay. — Samantha Frank Sammy Isa wonderful human being. She could be an inspiration for others her age. Her dad and I and siblings are crazy about her - she’s heaven' bound. We love her and want lo say "Happy Birth* day." Wc need more spiritually moral kids like her. Sec. there is hope. Danny and Larie Frank Advancc Seniors Helped To Ihc editor The Davie County SeniorCcntcr would like to thank the many people who donated items to help make Christmas merrier for seniors in our counly. Participants of the Annual Senior Christmas Party donated gifls to seniors on the Davie County Bell/Angel Tree. The Senior Center was able to sponsor IS seniors with the help of these partici­ pants. Students and teachers of North and South Davie middle schools held a drive for small gins and personal items. These were distributed in treat bags lo over 100 senior adulLs, many of whom are homebound. Thanks again for the love and support oflcrcd lo the Seniors in Davie County. Kim Shuskcy and the Staff of the Davic County Senior Center ters. So, as a parent ond a booster, you chose to ignore all of this. Also, there was an announcement made at Ihc parade where Ihc drop-ofT would be. and many parents that weren't there stopped and asked where to pick up their child. As fur as me blaming yourchild furbcinglost isalic. What I told you was I gave her instructions and told her to stay with those coaches until her parent got there and if she never showed up, they would help her find thcm.Soifshedid not follow what laskcdhcrtodo, that was beyond my control. And you say these kids were not watched. How do you know? Did you bother to show up and participate and help supervise these kids as other parenlsdid? No. All the parents there have full-time jobs so don't use that os an excuse. You say we were u^organi^cdandlhoscinchargedidnotknowoflhe change. Whal change? It was planned ihls way from thcbcginning, but you would havd known this if you would have been an acting participant. You said there were kids on the float riding back to Skyline. Yes, there were the ones who parked at Skyline and their kids. As I recall, this Is ihc same young giri (10 years old) that was drop(!cd off at the school with nobody there and told to wait for someone lo show up. Practice was canceled and she had been notillcd. If it wasn't for a parent driving by and seeing licr wandering around and took her home, she would have been there by herself for two hours. Was this okay? Before she points Angers at others, she needs to think about what she had done to make sure her child was safe, nol rely on others. Instead of using the boosters as a baby-sitting service, get involved and devote whal little time wc as parents have and help make this a good and worthwhile event for our children. Don't expect others to do your job os a parent. Debbie Barnett William R. Davie Booster Club President. Merry Christmas from Ciccione's Nonno Luigi Family Italian Restaurant 185 North Salisbury St. • Mocksville, NC ^0 30am-10.00pm M-Sai: 11:30am-1000pm Sun, (336) 751-0358 or 751*0359 EAT IN or TAKE OUT HOMEMADE P izza P AST flG MORE! I Letter Was In Poor Taste To Ihe editor In regards lo liist week’s letter to Ihc editor, "Santa means Satan,” I am appalled that such a letter could be printed in our community newspa­ per. ll firmly slates in ihc "Letters Welcomed" block that all tellers will be considered as long os it’s nol vulgar or in poor taste. Well, whal would you call this "Santa is Satan" letter if il's nol in poor taste? I am just glad that my 7-year-old son did not gel hold of this week's paper before myself. Did the slalT and Mr. Reynolds nol take Into consideration that ihc children in our community read this paper too? 1 think that many would agree with me lhat this letter was nol only in poor taste, but absolutely n’diculous. Whal person in their right state of mind would consider Ihc name Satan and Sania the same? I will agree that society has lakenChristmas abil loo far. and sure, some may be forgetting the trae reiisonbehlndChri.stmas,buiyou'rcwayoutoriine. Mr. Reynolds, to pul something so stupid inlo our kid.s' heads, that Santa Is Satan. If my T-year-oldsun would have read this letter. I'm sure this is what he would think. I just certainly hope and pray that any kid of any age did not read your letter. Let our small kids be kids. As we grow, wc arc taught the true meaning of Christmas. 1 guess this was not the case when you were a child. Karen D. Cope Mocksvillc Season's Greetings We wish to lhank the families thnl wc liavc scrv'ctl during liie past years for your confider^cc and trust in us and our establishment. We hope that tlie Memorial Service served as a meaningful experience in the rcinembranco of loved ones for each of you and tliat you will continue to allow us to sharc this time with you every year. We wish each of you a peaceful and joyous houday season. DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE LLC. KobtT/ D. Wckh, Jerry G. Riwis. Holy L Luffmn, Rdvrt Scolt Welch, Kris Hmvll, Ciiuly CriiN', Tommy Boiv/i's. /itfm Sliivhm, Cnilmi Heiiitrix,ml Cwrge Wiihhvp 416 Valley Rd., Mocksville, NC 336-751-3111 "Our Fninily Your Fmiiily Appointment Should Be l\/lade Fairly To the editor: I've heard rumors that ihc Coolccmcc Town Board Is thinking of appointing a member lo the bo;ird whodid nol run forclccllon. Votersobjcci lo this practice. Wc feel if a person doesn't run thui he or she is nol really inlcresicd in the town's future, is nol tt caring person, and is sclcclcd to becomc a palsy friend issue/volcr to further board members' personal agenditf. Though I realize that a statute is not in place to prevent appointing friends, one is badly needed. Board members should appoinl Ihc next highest vote-geitcr lo be tulally fair, honest, and acting in accordance ,with wishes and voles of citi/cns. We've heard, also, that oppt)intmem(s) arc con- lemplated that involve nepotism. Let us hope not. Here's hoping this will serve as an open letter to our governing body to act in a imly honest and fair manner. Hayden Benson Coolecnicc HolidayTiashPteti- UpSctiedule All Trash Pick-Ups will run on the NORMAL SCHEDULE for both Christmas and New Years. ’Tftevtu. G . D . S . / D A V I E 131 Industrial Blvd., Mocksville, NC> 751-1585 Merry Christmas from the Davie County Humane Society Lights Were Purchased In Honor or Memory of Pets From DavIc County I HkIh in memory of Spinky Pcoplra by James I’eoplcs 1 light In memory of Abby by Whitney llogere 2 lights In memory of Miss Wrinkles by Martha A Itldenhour 2 lights in memory of Poochy Drooks by Jim andjaney Urooks 2 lights in memory of Spike Brooks byjim andjancy Urooks 1 light in memory of lliomas by John Urock 1 light in memory of Aillc i>y Dr. Ilobln Urock I llgiit in memory of Poishc by Dr. Robin Urock 1 light in memory of Prisky by Dr. Hobin Urock 4 lights in memory of Tarheel by Cathy Bycily 1 light in memory for the lost ones by Mildred Pennington 2 lights in memory of Jesse by Jamie Smith 1 light in memory of Fluff byjamic Smith 1 light in memory of Lady by Jamie Smith I light in memory of TIsli by Jamie Smith 1 light in memory of Dumplin byjamic Smith , , 1 light in memory of Clyde by Tammy & Janet 1 light in memory of Snoopy by Tammy & Janet 1 light in memory of Nig by Tammy & Janet 1 light In memory of Casey by Terri & Kenny Hamm 1 light in memory of Rosie by Terri & Kenny Hamm 10 lights in memory of all the animals killed at tlie shelter 1 light in memory of Mrs. Priss by Neely Alexander 1 light In memory of PI Pi tlie Cat by Lauren Myets 1 I l^ t In memory of Tiffany the Dog by Catherine Crowe 2 lights in honor of Pee-Wcc Brooks by Jin: andjaney Urooks 2 lights In honor of Muffin by Martha A. Uidenhour 2 lights In honor of Cody & Pepper by Benjy McClamrock 1 light in honor of Finny frock by Margaret Hoyle 1 light in hono.r of Shiloh by Cora Nostran 1 light in honor of Becky by Cora Nostran 2 lights In honor of Rex by William S. Smith 2 lights In honor of Bruno by William S. Smith 1 light in honorof Junior by Dr. Robin Brock 1 light in honor of Howard and "Foxy" by Mildred Pennington 1 light in honor Harriet & "Lexlc" by Mildred Pennington 1 light in honor of Edna Foster by Mildred Pennington 1 light in honor of the animals by Mildred Pennington 1 light in honor of Buddy by Sarah Teague 1 light in honor of Dixie by Meredith Cheek 1 light In honor of Clco by Monica Randall 1 light in honor ofBugster by Jessica Overby 1 light In honor of Snowflake by Meghan Appelt 1 light in honor of Sparkle by Amanda Sparks 1 light In honor of Gizmo by Asiilcy Davidson 1 light in honor of Rabbit Julie by Jenna Durham 1 light In honor of Rucbcn by Jenna Hcmlricka 1 light in honor of Karen Chapin by Amanda Blackwell M e m o r ie s n e v e r f a d e .. . t h e y s e e m t o g lo w . L i k e a c o z y f i r e w h e n t h e w o r l d ’s w h it e w i t h s n o w . M a y y o u r h o l i d a y s b e f i l l e d w i t h b e a u t i f u l m e m o r ie s t o w a r m t h e y e a r a h e a d . I MEKDY CHDISTMAS & HAPPY HOIDAYS | l,i,ti^J,)!IJ,ILiyj from the Staff ofSWICEGOOD & WALL REALTORS 854 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2222 Agent on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Gordy’s Stump Removal • Free Estimates • 771 Wiilboone Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 (3 3 6 ) 9 4 0 -5 0 9 4 Mobile; (336) 749-6750 Tbm Gordy, Owner GALVALUME 20 Y6AR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors s Pole Buildings * Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-60S0 MID-STA11 METALS Always keep a shovel, rake and water neaity when burning debris. REMEMBEf^. ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 Mocksville Woman, Yadkinville Man Die In Murder-Suicide Conllnucd From Pnge 1 dropped ihe boy off, asking them to lake carc or him. Witnesses at the hospital noticed blood on Williams and the boy (He wasn't injuiiid.). and got a license plate number. They called police because Ihe boy told them that daddy killed mommy. Near that time, the communica­ tions centcr also received a call from a resident on Salisbury Street, where Ihe little girl had ran. She had also identified Williams as the man who had shot her mother. Davie Sheriff’s Deputy V.S. Fields and Chief of Enforcement Jimmy Phipps found the body a short while later. Sink and Mocksville Assistant Chief Wayne Stoncman came to investigate, with help from the SBI's mobile crime lab. While Mocksville police were investigating the incident at South Davie, a Yadkin sheriff's otlicer spotted W illiam s' car near Courtney. He stopped the car. and ; back up officers, including Davie ■ Sheriff Allen Whitakcr.tried to talk ■ Williams into giving himself up. When they approached the car and opened the door, Williams' body partially fell out the door. He had died from an apparent self-in­ flicted gunshot to the head, prob­ ably from Ihe same gun that killed , Fowler, Sink said. W iliams' and Fowler's relation­ ship had been rocky from the start, according to acquaintances. ■ Beginning in 1996, each had ac­ cused the other of child molesta­ tion and assault. Williams had bccit arrested for molesting the children. and was scheduled to face trial next month in Yadkin County. After W illiams had accused Fowler of "me and the children several times” in 1996, the two ap­ peared to work out their problems. That same court case was resolved with both agreeing to seek coun­ seling and agreeing on shared cus­ tody of their son. In 1998, Fowler claimed that Williams had molested Ihe chil­ dren. "He molested my 6-ycar-old daughter, made threats to me con­ cerning what he would do if he was to go to jail,'| she wrote in a docu­ ment in Ihe Davie Clerk of Court's office. “Concerned about my 4- year-old son who has been in Jerry's carc." Forrocr co-workers of Fowler, Debbie Pittman and Tracy Chunn. said the couple had a humpy and sometimes violent relationship. "I still can't believe it." Chunn said. "I'm shocked." She said Fowler was afraid of Williams hut wouldn't let anyone know it. Pittman said that co-work­ ers know of Fowler's problems, but she wouldn't dwell on them. “She always had a smile on her face." Pittman said. "She was a good person to work with." "She never tcally wanted people to know she had problems." Chunn said. “She was always laughing." Her laugh was like a cackle, re­ vealing all her teeth, Chunn said. Her first thought when she learned of the tragedy was that she wished she could have been there for Fowler when she needed her, os Fowler had helped Chunn. The last time she saw Fowler. Mocksville Police Assistant Chief Wayne Stoneman, Davie Sheriff's Deputy Vicki Fields, Sgt. Brian Diggs antd Chief of Enforcement Jimmy Phipps talk at scene of murder. The body was fourid In front of the car at the right. - Photo by Robin Fergusson' she was excited about getting cus­ tody of her children. "I'msun: that was one of the last things she thought of." Like Fowler, friends said there was no question about Williams' love for his son. Many o f the couple's problems stemmed from custody of the child. The whole situation might have been avoided, according to Chunn. if Ihe two had simply left each other alone. She said she feels sorry for Ihe families of Fowler and Williams. especially for the children, who; will always remember Christmas as a lime of great loss. Slajf writer Jeanne Gaither con- tribiited to this article. Area, National Agencies Ready For New Millennium Conllnucd From Page I makers, vcntiluiors, heart monilors, etc. Check your mcdicalion anti iry tu keep al least a month’s supply on hand.Water (fi i'tfu’tff Dtpanmmts - Year’s Eve. In addition, close atten* tion will be paid to busy intersectiuns and if the power fails, they will he available to direct the flow of traf­ fic. Try not to keep lar^e quantities of cash in the house or car due \q the jProviUing’WMer wHHtoi be o prob^usunlinctcnse^ln crime mie* during lem for either Davie County or the the holidays. • townofMocksville. Gencratorsarc * Be Awore and Informed Jn plac(5 at the Water anil Mwer plants In regards to home computers and . to help insure that services continue. ■ I Coimmmications - During Ihe jiulidays, communications will have pxira staff on hand to assist in Ihe Increase of calls. New hardware and software is in place that is Year 2000 compliani and they arc ready to move into the New Year. E)o not make any false calls to 911. These extra non-emeigency calls will flood he system and may hinder incom- • ng emergency calls. ♦ Law Enforcemeni - Doth the jhcriff’s and police departments will ^ in full force as they arc every New equipment, lake precautions and pur­ chase some form of anti-virus soft­ ware or update your current soft­ ware. Now is the time that some indi­ viduals will lake advantage of the an­ ticipated Y2K problems; therefore, there arc more “bugs" circulating than usual. Do not open any e-mail from people you do not know. If there is an attachmenl, do not open it and delete it as soon as possible. If you have a preview panel do not use this feature because once you arc able to preview the c-mail you have opened it. Some products such as VCRs, coffee makers, alarm clocks, radios, may or may not be oirected by the transition into the new millennium. Be aware of these potcniiaJ problems and contact the vendor of the prod • uct in question to see if it isY2K ready. A lot of uncertainty surrounds the potential Y2K “bug.” However, with all the preparation that has occurred it is anticipated that “Y2K should be a nonevent”. Due to the added concern sur­ rounding possible Y2K glitches, be aware that there arc a lot of scams developed by individuals looking to capitalize on the “ Y2K fear factor". Be cautious of giving out vital Infor­ mation over Ihe phone or Internet concerning bank account numbers, social security numbers, credit card numbers, etc. If you have questions regarding Y2K scams, contact the Federal Trade Commission toll-free at (888- USA-4-Y2K). The greatest defense against ihese fraudulent tricks is to be aware and use common sense to determine what is Icgitimute. Some Y2K 2Inrormat[onal Web Sites American Red Cross: HYPERLINK U»p;// www.rcdcross.org/disaster/sofety/ Y2K.html Error! Bookmark not dellned. FEMA: HYPERLINK hllp:// www.fema.gov/y2k/wait 1216.htm Error! Bookmark not dedned. Y2K Kilchcn Tips: HYPERLINK http:// www.y2kkitchcn.com/ E rror! Bookmark not defined. General Questions & Answers: faqs.htm GNCLiveWeU: VITAM IN S - M IN ERALS - NATURAL COSMETICS - SPORTS NUTRITION - HERBS • W EIQHT LOSS • W EIGHT GAIN • HOMEOPATHY • ENERGY 3623 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons Bt-Lo Shopping Center (AfoxMo C/«/rvnon« X/rcften; Mon. Sat. 10am - 9pm • Sun. 1pm - 6pm / O O -Z O J O Novant Announces Closing Of Davie's Only Pediatrics Office ^Continued From Page 1 him to explore alternatives, he said in alctterscnttoparentsonhise-mail list. When the most rcccnt letter from Novant was mailed to parents, Fmklea said he was out of town and asked the letter not be sent as he had understood he would be sending a letter, written jointly with Novant representatives. But Ross said Finklea's requests were beyond whnt Novant believed op^priate. There Is nothing to prevent Finklea from entering privotc practice. It just hasn't worked out for him at this point, Ross said. Ross said Forsyth Pcdiairic Associ- , ates has other offices located within a ; reasonable distance from Davie • County, which are much more effi­ cient and economical than the Hills- dalcoffice. The Hillsdale officc was busy bul not busy enough to wamint additional staffing. To cover for Rnk|eo, physi­ cians had be topulled from other prac- ;; ticcs, which meant taking them away : •: from their regular patients,' he raid. !• AccordingtoRossiFocsythPedlal- ' ricshasnoplanstoopcnanolherprac* lice in the immediate orea. In the meantime, all patient rera ^ from the Hillsdale office will bc trans- fe i^ io the KImel Park ^ ic c of For- syih Pediatrics unless parents notify ;i-.' , '.Novantotherwise.;: As his oftjce closes. Finklea's fu­ ture remains uncertain. He still must negotiate with Novant. which could prevent him from practicing before his contract expires May 31.2000. His immediate plansarc to pursue a method of providing a stable, patient oriehted pMliatric practice in Davie County for years to come, Finklea said. He expects to be able to do that early in 2000. Fmklea said he leaves Forsyth Pe­ diatrics with respect for his colleagues there and at Novant. This has simply been a situation in which Novant representatives and he wcreunaWctoagrcconwhalisfairand equitable, he said. Finklea said he believes Ross Is an honorable man and respects him. but the two disagree on what it means to honor a contract. In medicine there's a balance be­ tween cost and care. It's Ross' job to concentrate primarily on cost and his to concentrate on core, which means they are likely to disagree from time to time, he explained. Looking beyond the present diffi­ culties, Finklea said he believes he'll be happier In a dincrem setting and that good things are to come. He said he appreciates the support .-he has received from parents and the , f rivilcBc to care for the finest group of *hiM ,„„i„,h^world.-"- ‘ ■■■■ ' ^ Horn’s Auto/Truck Plaza & ^ Horn’s Country Kitchen Hwy601 Nat 140 •Mocksville Will Be Open Regular Hours Christmas Day ^ Happy Holidays from jjs Everyone at Horn’s Ik Forsyth Veterinary Hospital of 2556 South Stratford Road is pleased to introduceDr. Art Taylor as the newest member of their team. "Doc" comes to us from Tetmessee where he practiced for 15years, he is certified in ultra sound diagnostics and has special interests in orthopedic and cosmetic surgery. ■ "Doc" and his horse "DaI<ota " live in the king area and compete in the rodeo sport of team roping. SOIL & WATER C O N S E R V A T IO N ’Your gift fo r R fe. Closed December 24 & 27 and on December 31. D A V I E S O I L A N D V V .V i K R C ' O N S K R V A T I O N D I S I R IC I Hiiorn 11 1 • CoiiPtly Otlit.i* HtiildiiHj lull South M.iin Siteol • Mocksvillo DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 - S S u p e rio r C o u rt I The following cases were disposed jbfinthe lastsessionofDavIe Superior ^ourt with Judge Sanford L Steelman presiding. ! -Daniel Eugene Ames, felony lar- ccny,scntencedto7-9monthsln prison suspendcd3 years with supervised pro­ bation to include searches by probation pfficer, no association with co-defen- dant, 30 days house arrest, restitution pnd attendance at NA meetings, $420 fcourt appointed attorney fee; felony breaking and entering, larceny, dis­ missed for plea. ! -Linda Shchan Dlackwelder, 3 counts felony breaking and entering. 2 counts larceny, rcduccd to aiding and abetting felony larceny, sentenced to 18- 24 months in prison suspended 30 months with supervised probation to include no contact widi victims or co­ defendant, rcstitudon. community ser­ vice, Intensive probation, court costs. - Bobby Marion Booe Jr., posses­ sion with intent to sell of deliver a contToUed substance, sentenced to 9- II months in prison, substance abuse treatment recommended, $210 attor­ ney fec,$ 100 restitution and councost; possession of firearm by a felon, com- municatingthrcats,dismissedforplea. -Jesse Ray QouMtn, violating pro­ bation. 75 day sentence invoked; 2 counts common law robbery rcduccd to 2countsof acccssory after the fact to common law robbery, felony breaking andeniering.felonylarceny,sentcnced to20-26 months in prison suspended 2 years with supervised probation to in­ clude 6 months intensive probation, no association with co-defendant, searches by probation olTicers. no possession of aconut)Iled substance, documentation of evaluation within 3 weeks, restitu­ tion, court cost; misdemeanor larceny, 45 days In prison suspended one year. - Elton Lee Campbell. 2 counts of possession with intent to sell or deliver .cocaine, 2 counts of sale and delivery pfcocaine, sentenced to 30-36 months In prison suspended 30 months with Supervised probation to include 6 hionths Intensive probation, no pos­ session of controlled substance, drug treatment program, $100 restitution, S300 attorney fee. court cost. - Allen Wilson Chatham, misde­ meanor possession of marijuana, re­ manded to District Courtjudgmcnt. - Clifford Jerome Clement, posses­ sion with intent to sell or deliver co- cainc, sale and delivery of cocaine, sentenced 14-17 months In prison sus- pendcd30 months with supervisedpro- batlon to Include searches and dmg tests by probation officcr, substance abuse treatment evaluation, intensive probation, community service. $120 restitution,$280courtappointcd attor­ ney fee. court cost. -Tracy Mitchell Cockerham, com­ mon law robbery, felony larceny, dis­ missed. prosecuting witness failed to appear. -Joseph Chandler Cowen, misde­ meanor possession of less than a half ounce of marijuana, sentenced to 10 days In jail suspended one year. - Charles Candler Doisey Jr., pos­ session with intent to sell or deliver marijuana, sentenced to 9-11 months in prison with work release recom­ mended, $ 100 restitution, court cost. -Sean David Foster, probation vio­ lation, transfcTTcd l6 intensive proba­ tion with curfew and comiriunity scr- ‘ vice to be determined by probation officer. - Michael Freeman, two counts of violation of domestic order, remanded to District Court judgment. - Francis Kay Gobble, six counts obtaining a controlled substance by fraud, sentenced to 18-24 months In prison suspended 2 years with super­ vised probation, 6 counts obtaining a controlled substancc by fraud, dis­ missed for plea; 3 counts obtaining a prescription by misrepresentation, dis­ missed by DA. - Marcus Anthony Hauser, obtain­ ing property by false pretense, felony larceny, sentenced to 16-20 months suspended for 30 months, searches by * probationomcer,30 dayshousc arrest, not goabout victim, S1.500 restitution; May your holidays be filled with Joy... and may < the coming year bring you health & happiness staff Teresa Smiley KrisKalish Debbie WillifonI Lisa Oillattl Bobby H. Knight 346 So. Salisbury St. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5908 |nsu|.g|,jg Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, IllinoisLike a good neighbor. Slate Form is there. aottdDee.2)A24 H app/H olida/S i Vii/ ■■ ... 'iv„ Ablest Stafl Thank You for a Wonderful 1999 & we're looking forward Io the year 2000. 4 counts obtaining property by false pretense, dismissed for plea; felony breaking and entering, dismissed for plea. - Quentin Maurice Johnson, pos­ session with intent to sell or deliver cocaine reduced to possession of co­ caine, maintaining a place for a con­ trolled substance, sentenced to 6-8 months suspended 2 years with super­ vised probation to Include 48 hours community service within 60 days and searches by probation officer. - Cicero Henry Jones Jr., felony breaking and entering, felony larceny, possession of stolen goods, sentenced to I0-I2months suspended 30 months with probation to include searches by probation officer, substance abuse evaluation, lOdays in jail, $1,230 res­ titution, $350 attorney fee, court cost; second degree burglary, felony break­ ing and entering, dismissed for plea. - Marvin Jones, probation viola­ tion, 120 day sentence invoked. - Kenneth Gray Jordan, probation violation, probation to be terminated Jan. lOifclasscs and monetary obliga­ tions met. - Jarmal Anthony Joyner, 6 counts misdemeanor braking into coinor cur­ rency machine, withdrew appeal. - Terry Dean Leonard, probation violation. 9-11 month prison sentence activated, work release rucommended. restitution. $300 attorney fee. - Emmanuel Perez Lopc^4 counts of armed robbery reduced to 4 counts common law robbery, sentenced to26- 32 months in prison suspended 3 years with supervised, probation to include searches by probation officer, no con­ tact with victims, eight months Inten­ sive probation, community service. restitution;4counts second degrcckid- napping, dismissed for plea. - Grady Lee Lynch. 2 counts com­ mon law robbery reduced to 2 counts larceny from person, sentenced to 20- 24 months in prison suspended 30 months with supervised probation to Include searches by probation ofilccr, no contact with victims, drug treat­ ment program. 6months intensive pro­ bation. community service, $269 resti- , tutlon. $420 court appointed attorney fee; felony breaking and entering, felony larceny, dismissed for plea; felony breaking and entering, felony larceny, dismissed due to insufficient evidence. - Melvin Mock, possession with Intent to sell or deliver a controlled substancc, sale and delivery of a con­ trolled substance, sentenced to 18-22 mondisinprison.$100restitutlon.$200 court appointed attorney fee. - Adam Eugene Mullles, 3 counts felony breaking and entering. 3 counts felony larceny, felony larceny of a firearm, possession of stolen goods, ficeing to elude arrest with a motor vehicle, sentenced to 40-18 months in prison suspended 30 months with su­ pervised probation. $1,447.61 restitu­ tion, court cost; felonyconspiracy.dis- missed for plea. - Jason Ernest Neal, common la\v robbery, sentenced to l3-16momhsin prison with substancc abuse treatment and psychological counseling recom­ mended, $420 court appointed attor­ ney fee. - Ernest Lee Neely, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, sentenced to 20 days In jail suspended one year with supervised probation to include 48 hours of community service, submis­ sion to searches, drug treatment evalu­ ation. $490 court appointed attorney fee. councost; possession ofdrug para- phemalia. dismissed for plea. - Dennis Leveme Nichols, proba­ tion violation, modified to intensive probation for 6 months after house arrest. - Goiry Steven Pirk Jr., intimidat­ ing a witness reduced to obstruction of justice, sentenced to 45 days in Jail suspended one year with supervised probation to include submission to searches, no association with co-de- fcndants, 72 hours of community ser­ vice. $335 attorney fee, court cost. -Jesse Wayne Purlle,misdemcanor breaking and entering, misdemeanor BIRTH-------------- THROUGH ADOLESCENCE WINSTON-SALEH PEDIATRICS An Independent Practicc for 29 Years A c c e p t i n g N e w P a t i e n t s C a l l T o d a y f o r a n A p p o i n t m e n t 2 8 0 8 M a p l e w o o d A v e . 7 6 5 - 9 0 0 0 Jerry L. Bennett, M.D. Lura W. Stagg, M.D. Kathy Gross, M.D. Gwyn Kooy-Smith, M.D. Marguerite Wilson, M.D. Guess who’s wishing you a wonderful Christmas season! May the festive spirit be yours throughout the holidays ^ and after! Closed Dec. 24,25) Dec. 31 at Noon & Jan. 1,2000 Phone J.P. Green Mocksville, NC I £ Milling Co. larceny, sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended one yearto Include submis­ sion to searches. 48 hours community service. $ 165 court appointed attorney fee. court cost; felony breaking and entering and felony larceny, dismissed for plea. - James Neal Scott. DWI, remanded toDIstrictCourtjudgment; motorcycle helmet violation, dismissed. - Monica Smith Shore, maintain­ ing a place for a controlled substance, possession with intent to sell or deliver marijuana reduced to possession of marijuana, sentenced to 6-8 months in prison suspended 2 years with super­ vised probation to include submission to searches and drag tests, substancc abuse treatment assessment. $ 100 res­ titution. $250 fine, court cost. -Timothy Dameon Shore, posses­ sion with intent to sell or deliver mari­ juana rcduccd to possession of mari­ juana. one year suspended sentence. $525court appoi nted attorney fee, $ 100 lab fee. -Joseph A. Spillman Sr., harassing phone call.reslstingpubllcofficer.dis- missed for Insufficient evidence. - Robbie William Stewart, fieeing toelude arrest with motorvehicle. 8-10 months in prison suspended 30 months with supervised probation to include intensive probation and 30 days in jail, court cost; DWI. sentenced to one year inprisonsuspcnded2ycarswithsuper- viscd probation to include substancc abuse treatment, nouscorillegal drugs, drug testing; assault on a govemtmnt official, nxkless driving to endanger, dismissed for plea. - Herbert Wesley Tatum, posses­ sion with intent to sell or deliver co­ caine. sentenced to 11-14 ninths in prison suspended 30 months with su­ pervised probation toincludc6monlhs intensive probation, substance abuse treatment, submission to searches and drag testing. $140 restitution. $350 court appointed attorney fee. court cost; sale and delivery ofcocaine. dismissed for plea. - Joshua Lee Thomason, felony larceny rcduccd to misdemeanor lar­ ceny, sentenced to 45 days in Jail sus­ pended one year, court cost. -Stephen DeShawn While, felony robbery, dismissed; possession with intent to sell or deliver cocaine, sale and delivery of cocaine, sentenced to 15-18 months in prison suspended 30 njonths with supervised probation to include searches and drug tests by pro­ bation officer, substance abuse evalu­ ation, sU months intensive probation, community service. S120 restitution, $450 court appointed attorney fee. -James Edward Williams, posses­ sion with inient to sell or deliver mari­ juana, sentenced to6-8 months in prison suspcndcd2years with supervised pn> bation to include searches and drug tests by probation officer, substancc abuse U7aimenlcvaluatlon:passc$sion of weapon of mass destraction. dis­ missed for plea, weapon to be de­ stroyed; possession of marijuana, pos­ session of cocaine, dismissed for plea. -KenncthJohnsonWilliams.DWl. withdrew appeal. Foiled To Appear ' - Jason Michael Damell. misde-* meanor possession of marijuana, pos­ session of drag paniphemalia. - Randy Junior Dewalt, damage to property, resisting public officer, two counts felony larceny, assault with a deadly weapon infiicting serious in­ jury. - Ronnie Lee Gobble, probation violation. - Michael Dale Hankins, misde­ meanor larceny. - Brenda Kay Joyner, DWI, failure; to yield for stop sign or fiashing red light, driving with open container after consuming. - Jose C. Morales, second degree rape. 2 counts second degree sex of­ fense. - Brian Keith Turner, 2 counts of possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver marijuana; felony pos session of marijuana, dismissed. - Gregory Washington Jr.. Injury to real property. W est F o rsyth F a m ily M e d ic in e Treating Your Whole Family From Newborns to Seniors Maria ' Dichoso-Wood, MD Board Certified in Family Medieitic Accepting New Pediatric And Adult Patients 166-0547|j 105 stadium Oaks Drive, Clemmons <l\ /IS. I t I DrJotUduiudt Dr.UlilliimRinfrof Dr.GfoiffKimbtrly Dr.UlilliamHim'ion KithM(omatur,fnP Juli(Bimit|,GnP m irth iB o lin d J n P GnHviHouidlPrutittinfr Pitfbttir.Rn.(lini(illup (iro!i)nDillird,(infl VI(ki(KlnftPli KithsUlhhtalw.lPn m d in d iiB n d liy LPn KlmUluM,LPn Tmiilpillmin,lPn UI(nd«Kttdiif,lPnJ(nniffrm(Gn,tPnGuiinBoftr TiffinyVindillIlMrraBurflioKitiilUllkitTinvaPninfll,iutlaldidi, ihiralBaliintn ilwf^lBrofden AnniLeddnrQiubithnUuoJMktHutwl] T m m y R iy(onHMi Holiday Hoiiii: 8am • 7pm Hon-Tliin ■ fii Bam ■ 5 p ■ Sat Bam • 12 noon 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999Public Records DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,19^9 - 7 Sheriffs Department The following incidents were re­ ported to ihe Davie Sheriffs Dept. -AmbcrNicolcBrankofHickory reported someone pointed a gun at her vehicle on WO in Davie County Dcc. 12. - Trade Wills of Wills Road. Advance, reported Dcc. 12, an ac­ quaintance burned part of her lawn. -Davie High School assistant prin­ cipal Rex Allen reported Dec. 12. a fire extinguisher had been partially discharged at the school. Arrests - Ray Eubanks of East Robin Drive, Advancc, reported the registration and vehicle manual stolen from his car in his driveway Dec. 13. - Kent Cope o f Cope Road, Advancc, reported Dec. 13, someone stoleacellu- lar phone from his vehicle. - Gary Jones reported a Ford F-600 utility truck stolen from Cablecon USA of Gulf Breeze, Fla. Dec. 13. - Davie High principal Linda Host reported a student had a knife in a bath­ room at the school Dcc. 13. - Brian J. Garetl of Dock’s Way, Mocksville,rcportedamoiorcycle sto­ len from his residence Dcc. 14. -Richard VictorCartcrJr.ofDulin Road, Mocksville, reported Dcc. 14, a motorcycic stolen from his garage. - Justin Michael Bryant reported Dcc. 14, someone cut a tire and broke the windshield of the vehicle in the Davie High School parking lot. - Alicia Bean reported her mailbox and the mailboxes of two other resi­ dents on Rose Arbor Lone in Mocks­ ville had been hit by a vetiicle Dec. 14. - Deputy S. W. S hore reported a car stolen from Christopher Jacob Blankenship of Clemmons found in the parking lot of Yadkin Valley Bap­ tist Church Dcc. IS. - Rachel Maxime reported Dcc. 15, money and medication hod been stolen fromherpurseinthe Davie HighSchool gym. - Donald William Parks reported money stolen by an employee from Parks and Sons in Advancc Dcc. 15. - Perry Allen Sample of Hobson Drive. Mocksville, reported Dec. 1^, reported a neighbor threatened his son. - Moiy S. Smith of Rainbow Rood, Advancc, reported Dec. 17, someone had scratched her car door and khi panel while it was parked in her drive­ way. -ChristincMcCallandKatieWhilc of Clemmons reported money stolen from their purses in the kitchen area at Bermuda Run CounUy Club Dcc. 17. -Cpl.Lec Whitesides reported Dec. 17. an interpreter had taken monc^ from Paul Quiterio Hemandcz ond AsuncionCardaCanoofHamptonville and provided them with false receipts at the Davie County Courthouse. -About l2gallonsof gasoline were reportedstolen from Hom’sToick Slop on U.S. 601 North, Mocksville, Dec. 18. ; - A Winston-Salem Journal news­ paper box was reported stolen front Furches Mart on N.C. 801 at Farmington Road Dcc. 18. ; The Davie County SherilTs De­ portment made the following arrests. - Mitzi Cook Bailey, 20, of 301 Eastlake Drive. Apt. 7, Mocksville, arrested Dcc. 13forwotihlesschcck. Trial date: Dec. 16. - Benji Eugene McDaniel, 21, of 801 Milling Road, Mocksville ar­ rested Dec. 13 for simple afTray. Trial dale: Jan. 27. - Douglas Edward Bridgeman, 35, of 408 Hobson Drive, Mocks­ ville, arrested Dcc. 13, at a residence on U.S. 601 South for simple affray. Trial date: Jan. 27. - Shelby Moriess Edwards, 33, of 269 Markland Road, arrested Dec. 13, for communicating threats. Trial date: Jan. 13. ■ - Jeremy Richard Campbell, 20, of 2152 U.S. M West, Mocksville. arrcsied Dcc. 13,forfailurctorclumrenial prop­ erty. Trial date: Dec. 30. - Patrick Stanley "Peanut" "J.R." Horan. 16, of 156 Avon St.. Mocksville. arrested Dec. 13, at Davie High School for possession of a weapon on campus. Trail date: Jan. 6. - Brian Joseph CarTctt, 25, of 167 Dock’s Way, Mocksville, orrested Dec. 14. for making a false report. Trial date: Jan. 6. -Emmanuel Perez Lopez, 22, Win- ston-Salem, orresied Dec. 14, for fail­ ure toappcarincourt. Trial dale: Jan. 6. - James Monroe Shore, 20. of 378 Michaels Road, Mocksville, arrested Dec. 14,foraiding and abetting speed­ ing to elude arrest. . - Ronald Howard "Rodney" Link, 27, of 148 Haniing St., Mocksville, arrested Dec. l4,formakingharassing phone calls. Trial dale: Jan. 6. -GrayllnTyrone Blackwell, 26,of 1708 US. 601 S.,Mocksville, arrested Dec. 15 forscconddegree trespassing. Trial date: Jan. 13. - Jimmy Ray "J J." Cowan Jr., 26, of 127 Vircassdell Lane. Mocksville, arrested Dec. 15 for simple assault. Trial date: Jan. 13. - David Lee Money, 31, of 434 Powell Road,Mocksvillc,arrcstcd Dcc. 15 for two counts of nm degree statu­ tory rape and two counts (Irst degree sexual offense. Bond; S50.000. Trial date: Jan. 6. - Brandon Lee Spencer. 22. of 1445 County Line Road, Mocksvillc, ar- restedOec. I6fortwocountsofassault on a government ofUcial. Trial date: Jan. 20. - Christopher Bryant Carter, 31, of l83DayeLane, Advance,am.'sted Dcc. 16. for failure lo pay child support. Trial date: Dec. 28. - Beth Lawrence, 16. of 124 River­ side Drive, Coolccmcc. arrested Dcc. 17, for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Trial dale: Jan. 13. - Cicero Henry Jones Jr., 34, of 139 Fairfield Road. Mocksvillc, arrested Dcc. 17, for violating release order. Trial date: Jan. 13. - Jason Brent Calhoun. 21, of Win­ ston-Salem, arrested onCountry Lane, for speeding, no license and sticker location. Trial dale: Jan. 21. - Asuncion Garcia Cano, 25, Hamplonvillc, arrested Dec. 17, for failure topaycourtcost.Trial date: Jan; 13. - Reginald Wayne Lyons, 42, of 374 Pineville Road, Mocksville, ar- rcslcd Dec. 18 for failure lo appear in court. Trial date: Jan. 4. - Lisa Claudette Gregory, 31, of 1297 Junction Road, Mocksvillc, ar­ rested Dec. 18, forpossession ofmari­ juana, possession of drug paraphem;f- lia and simple assault. Trial dale: Jan. 27. - Jeffery Jacobs. 27. of 1313 Junc­ tion Road. Mocksville, arrested Dcc. 18, for violating pretrial release. Trial date: Jan. 6. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds. The transactions are listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with S2 rep­ resenting $1,000. - D.L. Robertson lo Joel Wayne Hill and Anita Deanne Hill, 1 con­ dominium, Farmington, $244. - Richard D. Johnson. Gregory W. Shciro and Lilona S. Schiro to Donald D. Boyd and April Lynn Boyd, L75 acres, Fulton. $55. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to St. Andrews Golf Vil­ las, 1 tract, Farmington, $70. • Charles J. Pharr and Lucy G. Pharr to Jesse Charles Vance and Nancy Carol Vance, 2 tracts, Fulton. - Ray Jones and Eula Mae Jones to Sherry Lynn Jones, Mark Dou­ glas Jones, Donna Kay Seaford and Ronald Gray Jones, 12.83 acres, Ful­ ton. - Kevin Glenn Allen to Lester R. Allen, 4.38 acrcs, Farmington. • Billy T. Reavis to Dorothy J. Salterwhite, .62 acre, $113. • Clyde Hendricks and Helen Hendricks. Raymond J. Markland and Ruth S. Markland lo Richard P. Hendricks and Carol D. Hendricks, 1 lot. Mocksvillc. $36. • C.W. Myers Trading Post to Jerald L. Martin. 2 lots. Mocksville. $20. • William Carl Fletchcr by attor­ ney in fact Elaine F. Brown to Elaine F. Brown. 1 acre. • James A. Eaton and Brenda Eaton. Charles F. Eaton and Eleanor Eaton. James A. Eaton and Charics F. Eaton doing business as Eaton Farms to Rodney Bryan Custer and Jennifer Eaton Custer. 6.19 acres. Clarksville. - Claridge Homes Inc. to Patrick E. Pesavento and Jacqualyne M. Pesavento. 1 lot. Farmington, $504. - Terry G. Lee and Lynette A. Lee to James H. Smith and Tamara Jean Smith, 1 lot. - James H. Smith and Tamara Jean Smith 10 Wayne David Fetherbay Jr. and Abigail E. Fetherbay, I lot, Mocksville, $247. - David M. Hanes Contracting to Kellogg & Hanes Construction, I lot, Farmington. $120. • Oak Valley Associates Limited .Partnership toSt. Andrews Golf Vil­ las, I buildingenvelope, Farmington. $70. - Richanl C. Short to Timothy Ri Hughes and Dawn S. Hughes, I lot'; Shady Grove, $60. - Bob Cope & Son Construction to Tammy Jo Hamm, I lot, Mocks­ villc. $155. • Tama M. O’Mara to Norman Building& Remodeling, I lot. Shady Grove, $36. • Tama M. O'Mara lo Nancy Nonnan Harter, I lot. Shady Grove. - Ollie F. Ward to Ward Farm As­ sociates, 8 tracts, Farmington. Mocksville Police The following incidents were re­ ported to Mocksville Police. ; -Thelarcenyof$12.51 ingoswos -reported Dcc. 15 from Fast Track, jVadkinville Road. J -Two boxesofgoods were stolen jfrom the loading dock at Storehouse ;for Jesus, it was reported Dec. 18. - The breaking and entering of the Bonk of Davie office on South Main Street was reported Dcc. 20. - The breaking, entering and lar­ ceny of personal checks and money was reported Dec. 20 from an office on South Main Street. Tronic Accidents - No charges were filed after a wreck on South Main Street at 3:56 p.m. Dcc. 13. Jessie James Blevins, 79, of 1018 Howard St., failed to stop the 1995 Ford he was driving before it hit in the rear a 1992 Chevrolet driven by Clarence Franklin Free­ man, 54, of 1489 Angell Road, re­ ported Officer D.T. Matthews. • An Oklahoma man was charged with hit and run after a wreckon South Main Street at 7 a.m. Dcc. 16. Jorge Castillo Cues, 50. was turning a tractor trailer around at Mocksville Builders Supply when it struck and broke a utility pole. - Both drivers were cited after a wreck on Bethel Church Road at 6:41 p.m. Dcc. 16. Miles Anthony Driver, 29,ofYadkinvilie, had drivena 1984 Plymouth from the Skyline Drive to turn into another Skyline Drive when it was passed by a 1997 Ford pickup driven by Jason Matthew Hicks, 28, of354 Deer Run Drive, when the two collided, reported Officer L. Keith Gunter. Driver was cited for having an expired registration. Hicks for pass­ ing in a no passing zone. -James Walter Rose Jr., 45, of 379 Montvicw Drive, failed to stop the 1994 Oldsmobile he was driving on South Salisbury Street at 11:50 a.m. Dec. 18 before it struck in the rear a 1988 Chevrolet driven by WaltcF Harbin Warren, 73, of 401 S. Main St., reported Officer Rick Gilliland. Hi^wav Patrol The following traffic wrecks in JDavie County were investigated by Jthc N.C. Highway Patrol. jPailure To Reduce Speed Chatted I A Mocksville man was charged jwith failure to reducc speed after a 'wrcck on N.C. 801 al 4:30 p.m. Dcc. ;13.AIan Brent Boger. 24. of 495 ;Cana Road, failed to stop the 1992 iChevrolet he was driving before it I struck the rear of a 1995 Chevrolet ^driven by Charles William Marsh, 52, !of 133 Forest Drive, Advance, re- Iported Trooper M.W. Whltener. tExceedtng Safe Speed Charged ( A Lexington woman was charged jwith exceeding a safe speed after a Iwreckon N.C. 801 at 7 p.m. Dec. 13. Marcia Renee Williams, 26. was driving a 1994 Honda that went off the road to the right, down an em­ bankment, reported Trooper M.W. Whitcner. Driver Faces Two Charges A Winston-Salem man was charged with exceeding a safe speed and driving without a license after a wreckon 1-40 al 12:20a.m. Dcc. 14. Carlos Graciano Valentin, 21, was driving a 1986 Honda that hydro­ planed and struck a guardrail to the right, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Driver Avoids IVuck TVacy Ann Shores. 28. of925 Har­ dison St.. Mock.^' 'e. swerved the 1990 Dodge van sue was driving on U.S. 601 North at 9 a.m. Dec. 14bc- causc of a truck which was pijrtially in the road, causing her van to go off the road to the right into a ditch, re­ ported Tnx)per A.A. Justice. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A Mocksvillc woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreckon U.S. 601 South at 3:05 p.m. Dcc. 15. Billie Sue Privctt, 29, of 317 Deer Run Drive, failed to stop the 1996 Ford she was driving before it struck in the rear a 1990 Oldsmobile driven by Wendy Swires Shoemaker, 29, of 169 Stonewood Road, Mocksville, reported Trooper M.W. Whitener. Driver Faces Charge Glen Elwood Hiatt, 41, of Lexing­ ton, was charged with running a stop sign at 3:40 p.m. Dcc. 16 when the 1993 Ford he was driving went through a stop sign on Garwood Road, crossing Willboone Road and hitting a sign and trash can. reported Trooper M.W. Whitener. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged A North Wilkcsboro man was charged with failure to reduce speed after a wrcck on U.S. 601 North at 6:10 a.m. Dcc. 17. Samuel Bays Mills Jr.. 22. failed lo stop the 1986 Toyota he was driving before it struck the rear of aToyoia pickup driven by Jimmie Wayne Matthews. 51. Yadk- inville, said Trooper A.A. Justice. Driving Left O f Center Charged A Mocksvillc woman waschargcd with driving left of center after a wreck on Davie Academy Road at 4:30 p.m. Dcc. 17.Emily Vestal Snider. 23, of 558 Davie Acadcmy Road, was driving a 1995 Honda that went off the road to the right, then crossed the center line going off the road to the left into a ditch, reported Trooper M.W. Whitener. Failure To Yield Charged A Mocksvillc man was charged with failure to yield after a wrcck at 1:50 p.m. Dec. 17. Carlos Salgado Barrera, 31, of 241 Avon St.. drove a 1993 Mitsubishi from Madison Road into the path of a 1987 Honda being driven on U.S. 601 by Tiffany Dorrenn Scoii, 16, of ■361 Whitney Road, Mocksville, re­ ported Trooper M.W. Whitener. Bottle Thrown From Vehicle iCooleemee Police COOLEEMEE ♦ On Dec. 9, of- ficcrs invesltgaied an incident in which an unoccupied vehicle rolled down Watts Street, just missed a “Welcome to Coolcemee” sign and wrecked into a creek at N.C. 801, Police Chief Tim Wooten sald. Thc vehicle, which traveled 500-600 feet, was owned by Alice Eason of Watts Street. The vehicle damaged a brick wall belonging to Mary Carter. • Jeffrey Shane Jacobs, 27, of . 1313 Junction Road, was charged Dec. 12 with possession of stolen property, breaking, entering and lar­ ceny and conspiracy to commit breaking entering and larceny. The arrest was the result'of a break-in in March of a house being renovated on Duke Street. Trial date: Jaii. 6. Fires • On Dec. 11, a Walts Street resi­ dent reported that someone at­ tempted to enter his home and when confronted, said they were looking for someone who lived there. Offic­ ers found an intoxicated man fitting ’the description on Walts Street who said he thought u friend lived there. The resident didn't want lo press charges. - Anyone with information about someone in a burgundy pickup truck who travels N.C. 801 near the Rowan line in the early morning is asked lo call the police department. Wooten said that several people have re­ ported that the suspect, driving a faded red Mazda, slams on the brakes, weaves and dangerously passes other vehicles. • Adam Gray Hutchens. 23, of 129 Center St., was charged on Dcc. 16 with violating a domestic violence prevention order. Trial date: Jan. 3. K e t c t ie C r e e k T a s te fu lly W o n d e rfu l... i ' Davie County fire departments re- I sponded lo the following calls.\ . Dec. 12: Smith Grove, 5:16 p.m.. J woods fire. 154 Wills Road; Farming- I ton assisted. j Dec. 15: Jerusalem, 3:41 p.m., fire I InvesUgalion. 200 Boxwood Chureh • Rood: Coolcemcc assisted. Dec 16: Mocksville, 6:56 a.m., ^ power line down, near Mocksville' 3uikIcnSuppIy:Mocksville,7:49a.m.,, auto accident. 253 Milling Road. Dec. 17: William R. Davie, 6:09 a.m.. outo accidcnt, U.S. 601 North; Smith Grove, 11:29 a.m., fire alarm, 374 Yadkin Valley Rood; Farmington assisted; Center, 4 p.m., direcl traffic, Davie Acadcmy Road ot Western Drive. Dec. 18: Smith Grove, 11 ;29 a.m., Ore alarm, 374 Yadkin Valley Road; Formlngiohassisted.; . RBDC - Best Darn ISP in NC To register for a Two Week Fnc DrM On the Internet In Winston*SaIem, NC. Now Serving Greensboro area without any long distance chargcs Call our office at 336-774-1600 Red Barn Data Center Internet Services Dial up Bonded ISDN linn, $45,00 monlly. Low Cuslomcr-To-LIm lUtlo. In Bialnew SInct 1987— http://www.rbdc.coni Thanks For A Great 1999 Have A Wonderful Holidayl Closed: December 25-27,1999 dc January 1-3,2000 644 Valley Road Hours: M-Th 7-6 A bottle was thrown from a pass; ing vchicle hilling a 1996 Ford pickup being driven on U.S. 60|, South at 6 p.m. Dcc. 19 by Eri^ Mitchcll Ireland, 22.of 1290 Liberty. Church Road, Mocksville. Trooper M.W. Whitener reported the vchicle from which the bollle was thrown did not stop. Two Deer Struck The following vehicles struck or were struck by dccn • Lynn Blair Campbell. 42. of 203 Mountclair Drive, Advancc, al 645;. p.m. Dec. 17 on Baltimore Road; an^b • Anastacio Gonzalez Hemande^S 29, of ?29 Turkeyfoot Road*,^ Mocksvilel, at 7:50 p.m. Dcc. 17 oh; Shcmcld Road. ! I Children reacted with glee when Santa visited the Northwest Child Developnaent Center. - Photos by Robin Fergusson I S abre H elps j S an ta D eliver P resents H ere Employees of Sabre. Inc. in Win- ston-Salem made Christmas a bit brighter for about 80 children at the Northwest Child Development Cen­ ter al the Brock Building in Mocksville. The employees got Santa Claus (6 come and visit the children, and ifrop off some presents.- Sabre, which provides infurma- lion and technology services lo the ailinc and iransportation industries, has an employee volunteer council that coordinates such activities. Through United Way and the An­ gel Tree projcct. they brought some Christmas chcer lo Mocksvillc. “We try to reach out lo the chil­ dren, to the elderly,'* said Annelda KlcGinn,sitc manager of communily relations and employee develop- mcnl. "We’re really proud of our employees for their generosity and caring for ihe children." • About 300 employees, several of whom live in Davie County, work in the Winsion-Salcm officc, with usAir Ihe primary account. employees help Santa deliver presents to children. W e U n d e rs ta n d H o w Im p o rta n t Y o u r H o m e Is Because your house is your biggest and most valuable possession, you ought lo be able to w(orl< witii someone who really understands ail tiie ins and outs of residential mortgages and refinancing. You deserve a hometown expert. Someone Just like Alien Carter. Allen has been a residential mortgage expert for 15 years, all of them in IVIocksvliie. We're proud that he is part of the team al your bank. Bank of Davie. A true hometown bank. He understands the Importance of hometown. He is treasurer of the Davie County Crosby Scholars Program, is an active member of the Smith Grove Ruritan Club and has held several offices in that organization, including that of president, and Is a member of the Mocksville/ Davie Homebuilders Association. He and his wife Diane, who owns and runs Diane's Cut/N/Stitch In Mocksville, attend Victory Baptist Church in Cooieemee. They have 'a son in college and a teenage daughter at home. Allen's mother, JoAnn, was In banking in Davie County several years ago. If you want to talk with someone about financing to buy, build, or make major improvements, call Allen. He understands and talks hometown. He’ll give you a quick response because all decisions are made right here, not at some conglomerate in another part of the state. /f's Your Bank B a n k o f D a v ie 1366 Highway 601 South On Mocksville Marketplace^751-5755 ALLEN CARTER Vico President Morigaflo Lending Dank of Dnvio Election Filings To Begin The Davie County Board of Elec- lions office will be open Monday. Jan. 3.2000 and ready toreccivc filings for elective offices for the year 2000 at noon. Filing with the DavieCountyofficc will be candidates for State Senate. Slate House of Representatives. Davie County Register of Deeds, Davie CouniyCommissioncr(3sca\s),Diwic County School Board (2 scats), and Davie County Soil and Water (1 scat). The filing fees for Stale Senate and State House will be $207; for Davie County Register of Deeds, $489.59; for Davie County Commissioner, $ 10; for Davie County Scliool Board and the Soil &. Water, S5. All fees must be paid by check made payable to the Davie County Board of Elections. Tlie filing deadline will be at noon. Monday. Feb. 7, with the exception of Soil & Waierwhich will not close until July?. Evcryqualilledvotcrwhoistweniy- onc (21) years of age shall be eligible for election by the people to olTicc. Additional information may be ob­ tained from the Board of Elections office at 751-2027 during regular of­ ficc hours, Monday-Friday of cach week. Make tl«s your N w Msirs rcsdubon: Mike a difference! 1(800) ^1I•UWAY hiip;//www.uniinlwjy.org GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Palht766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons e""" 1 Special oS the Week | i M & M Dispenser | ? i T h e r e W i l l B e N O This Sunday 1 Regular Hours: M-F 8;30-8 1 Fiwlet-liaw: I 495 Valley Road • Mod • Sat 0;3O-4» Sun 1:30-5 iDwtgC*. <sville»(336)751-2141 J t h e phone p l a c e Great Gifts Come In Small Packages Holiday shopping comvniencf can be n’diiccd to Inv ivords:"Molowh phoiwsr Small in size am! uviglit, but big in convcnicna’, lln'rc's a Motoral ccllutnr phone for every personality and lifi'styk. Wf have them in all shapes and sizes, plus (1 full line of accessories. So bring yottr list here todayl CHRISTMAS SPECIAL C e l l u l a r P h o n e s S t a r t i n g a s l o w a s S l . O O * * H o l i d a y H o u r s / l | | l T r Fri., Dec. 24 - 8am-lpm CLOSED Dec. 25-28 V o°*: t“ * N o R o a m in g o r L o n g D ista n ce C iia rg e s in N C & S C C A R O LIN A FREEDOM PLANS • STARTING AS LO W AS $19,95/m ontii* 121 Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. 9 am-1 pm Ctriiint FriMom r«t« pitni miv not M ivtMM m u MU ol Nwn Cinlnt. t IS MmtK» IM tppin. CHMr rat»lc«aw 8m Hen tor ‘•Ti»ell«*wgghTh«Prw» Pile#, <«**». _______ 'I b - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 A d m in is t r a t iv e C o u r t ' The following cases were dis­ posed of in Davie Administrative Court Dec. 3. Presiding; Kevin D. Hendrix. Prosecuting; Doug Vreciand assistant DA. —Erie S. Absher, 72 niph in a 55 'zone, reduced 10 64 in 55. $10, cost; 'expired registration, dismissed. —Shelby J. Adams, 82 raph in a '70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. ' ' —Donald M. Alexander, 85 mph 'in a70 zone, reduced lo 74 in 70, $5, 'cost. ' —Anthony R. Allison, 70 raph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. ' ; —Tomas M, Arroyo, 80 raph in a '70 zone, reduced to irapropcr equip- 'Yncnl, $10, cost. —Wiliic I. Ashford, inspection Violation, dismissed. . —Juan C. Aviles, 83 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo improper equlp- raenti $25, cost. : —DairylS.Barron.faiiuretostop for steady red light, rcduced lo ira- propcr equipment, $10, cost. ; —Terrie A. Baziw, 84 mph in a ■ 70 mph zone, reduced lo 74 in a 70, ■ $5, cost. ; —Nalhan T. Beckerraan, expired registration, disraissed. : —John F. Blake, 72 mph In a 55 zone, reduced lo 54 In 55, $10, cosl; Inspection violation, disraissed. —Erik S. Blankenship, 84 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced lo Improper . ^ulpmenl, $50, cosl. —Nancy M. Bonham, exceeding ; posted speed, reduced lo improper equlpracnl,$10,cosl. —Henry C. Bristol, 54 raph in a 45 zone, r^uced to Improper equip­ ment, $50, cost. —Gary S. Bullard, 60 mph In a 45 zone, reduccd to 54 in 45, $10, cosl; expired regislralion, disraissed. -Baxter L. Burkhart, 68 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —Stacie J. Byrd, 87 mph in a 70 rone, reduccd to exceeding safe speed, $25, cost. —Michael J. Campbell, 69 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to Improper equipment, $10, cost. -Courtney D. Carter, failure to yield, dismissed. —Shannon E. Cody, 67 mph in a 55 zone, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —lose Colon Jr., 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to Improper equipment, $IO,cosl. -^Llbby R, Correli, 70 raph in a 55 zone, reduccd to improper equip- racnt,$10,cost. —Daralan C. Davis, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced 10 74 in 70, $5, cosl. —Santos V. Diaz, no license, no registration card, dismissed. —Judldi D. Dobbs, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo improper equip- menl, $10, cosl. —Justin R. Douglaf, 90 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $25, cosl; no operator's llcensc, dismissed. —Enin L. Draughn. 66 mph In a 45 zone, reduccd lo 54 In 45, $10, cost. —Belinda R. Dudley, 58 mph In a 45 zone, reduced to Irapropcr equip­ ment, $10. cosl. —David L. Edwards, 69 raph In a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Rita N. Epperson, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl; llcensc nol in pos­ session, dismissed. —Shannon B. Fee, 84 mph In a 70 zone, reduccd to 74 in 70, $5, cost. —Michel E. Fcmald, 91 raph in a 70 zone, reduced to 79 in 70, $10, cost. —Howard W. Flshel, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip- raent,$IO,cosi. —Ross D. Fogleraan, 90 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to 74 In 70, $5, cost —Teresa L. Frakes, 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Sherri D. Furr, 70 raph in a 55 zone, rcduced lo Improper cquipraeni, $10, cost. —William W. Grimn. 85 mph In a 70 zone, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $100, cosl. —GabrielT.Gullc[Tcz,no llccnsc, disraissed. —Kathy Hale, two counts no li­ cense, dismissed; reckless driving to endanger, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Jeremy B. Hambcllon, 70 mph In a 55 zone, reduced to Improper equipment, $10, cost. —Domonic R. Harriett, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed. —Dehhy L Hartman, no license, driving left of center, dismissed; ex­ ceeding safe speed, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $10, cosl. —Elraer P. Hendrix, 68 mph In a 55 zone, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Karen E Hesler, unsafe move­ ment, Injury to real property, dis­ missed. —Roger K. Hockaday, 84 raph In a 70 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $75, cosl. —Ricky R. Holder, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —Adam VV. Howell, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to improper cquip- menl.$10,cost. —Louis T. Howell, 91 mph In a 70 zone, reduced lo74 in70,$5, cost. —Debbie D. Jones, 60 mph In a 45 zone, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Steven M. Jones, 59 mph in a 45 zone, reduccd to 54 in 45. $10, cost. -Julie L. Kahl, 80 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced to Improper equipment, $10, cost. —JclTrey J. Kern, 58 mph in a 45 zone, rcduced to improper equipment, $10, cost. —Christine M. Ketchle, 80 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced lo Improper equipment, $10, cost. —James C. Kraft. 70 raph in a 55 zone, reduccd lo 64 in a 55, $ 10, cosl. —Rusty A. Lanier, driving left of center, dismissed. —Hcldi Lantin, 90 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to 74 in 70, $5, cosl. -Stephen L. Lawson, expired registration, registration violation, dismissed. —Robert K. Leonard, 69 raph in a 55 zone, reduccd to Improper cquip­ raeni, $10, cost. —Scott D. Levosky, 85 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $100, cost. —Wilbert R. Lewis Jr., no child tesiraint system. Inspection violation, dismissed. —lared B. Luckhart, 80 mph in n 70 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. , —Keith B.McCorkle, 87 raph in a 70 zone, reduccd to 79 In 70, $10, cost. —Constance McCoy, 80 raph In a 70 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Rose R. MoDanleL 56 mph In a 35 zone, reduccd lo 44 In 35, SIO, cost. —Juan F. Meonteale, no license, dismissed: driving left of center, $10, cost. —Eugene J. Mitchcl. 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd to Improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Charles R. Monday, expired registration, dismissed. —Mondi M. Morgan. 83 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $50, cost. —Bobby G. Myera, 69 mph In a 55 zone, rcduced lo Irapropcr equip­ ment; failure 10 wear seat belt, $25, cost. —Myron S. Nelson, 50 raph In a 35 zone, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Steven C. Nichols, operating vchicic with no Insurance, dismissed. —Steven W. Oak, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in 70, $10, cosl. —Mary S. Parker, 70 mph In a 55 zone, reduced lo improper equipment, $10, cost. —Faye M. Peebles, 75 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $100, cost. —Nalhan J. Pennington, 60 raph in n 45 zone, rcduced lo Improper equipment, $10, cost. —Thomas R. Pennington, failure 10 stop for stop sign, dismissed. —Laurence M. Pollard, 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced lo 74 in 70, $5, cost. —Stephen P Prcmo, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Sharon Reeves, 65 raph In 45 zone, reduced to 54 in 45, $ 10, cost. —George E. Reltner, 55 mph in a 35 zone, rcduced to 44 in 35, $10, cost. —Jill S. Rowe, 80 raph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo improper equipment, $10, cost. . —George W. Rush, expired regis­ tration, dismissed. —Miguel A. Salraeron, 79 mph in a 55 raph zone, rcduced to 70 in a 65, $5, cosl. —Timothy L. Savage, 87 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to exceeding safe speed, cosl. —Joshua C. Scaford, driving while license revoked, dismissed; failure lo yield, dismissed. —•nmothy S. Sessions, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10, cosl. —Robert A. Sexton, 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo Irapropcr equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Douglas E Shaffer, 82 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo 74 in 70, $5, cosl. —Vickie L. Shepherd, failure lo reducc speed, dismissed. - —Jessica D. Shields, 60 mph In a 45 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment; failure lo wear seat bell, $25, cost. —Mark E. Slusher, 86 raph In a 70 zone, reduccd to 74 in a 70; fail­ ure lo wear seal belt, $25, cost. —Mark A. Smith, 82 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equipment, $25, cost. —Mark Solan, expired registra­ tion, disraissed. —Raul O. Solis, 85 raph in a 70 zone, reduccd 10 improper equipment, $100, cost. -R obert B. Steele, failure to yield, dismissed. —Vicke S. Steele, 80 mph In a 70 zone, rcduced to improperequipmcnl, $10, cosl. -Ernest R. Sicclmon, 80 mph in a70 zone, reduced io improper equip-: meni, $10, cost; expired registration, dismissed. —Kari M. Stewart, 80 raph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. -Tiffany D. Stiles, 67 raph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —Robert L. Stokes, no liability insurance, dismissed. -Tim m y D. Street, 84 mph in a 70 zone, reduccd lo 74 in 70, $5, cost. —AlisonN.Swift,9l raphlna70 zone, rcduced 10 79 In a 70, $ 10, cosl. —Christine L. Teague, 60 mph In n45 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —David C. Thomas, 80 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —KenneUi J. Tripletl, 70 mph lit a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Lesley G. Tucker, failure to yield stop sign, reduced to improper equipment, $ 10, cosl; 70 mph In n 55 zone, reduced io improper equipmeni, $IO,cost. —Leonard H. White, 68 mph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost. —Lisa R. Whitener, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —Deborah S. Whitt, 69 raph in a 55 zone, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —Steven R. Wilson, 68 raph in a 55 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —Michael D. Wolfe, 80 mph in a 55 zone, reduccd lo 64 in 55, $10, cost; failure lo wear seal belt $25, cosl; no operator’s license, dismissed. —Michael T. Wright, 70 raph in a 55 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cosl. —Justin J. Wu, 85 mph in a 70 zone, rcduced lo 74 in a 70, $5, cosl; expired registration, dismissed.o -M innie R Young, 69 mph in a 50 zone, reduced 10 54 In 50, $5, cosl. —Kazlralerz Zakamarek, driving left of center, disraissed. T,"' - Bring In The New Year With BENCHMARK COMMUNICATIONS Exclusive H oliday O ffer!! F O R 1 W E E K O N L Y ! * I n s t a l l a t i o n H o • R e c o n n e c t i o n ^ 5 Aportion of the proceeds from his offer w ill be donated to the flood victims oftheeastempart of North Carolina Save Money While Supporting a Community in Need! C a ll F o r Y o u r A p p o iiitm e n t T o d a y (3 3 6 )7 5 1 -3 0 0 5 Al appointments are guaranteed. If a teclinlclan Is any later than 2 hours of their time scheduled, you will receive installation free. Appointments are on a first come, first served basis i limited space is available. (Special Offer for Davie County Residents Oh^.) * Installation Includes up to 3 outlets and reconnection activates ptMxlsllng outlets. Limited time offer, some restriction apply. Offer effective only during December 27th thru Dec 31st, 1999 Soorte DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999'- B} The Total Package: War Eagles Continue To Impress Opponenis By Brian Pills , Davic County Emerprise Record TAYLORSVILLE - Just how good can ^ Davic County’s varsity boys basi(ctball team become? Thai was the question after the visiting War Q Eagles handcurfcd Alcxqnder Central 94*59 J Friday and oncc again showed why they're the , hottest Item since Bob Henry's iroops won 20 , games in 1969. "I told my kids they've got the total pack- .. age,” Alexander Central coach Ron Hargrave ■, said after the Cougars becamc the ninth straight victim lo will against Davie's phenomenal mix . of insidcH)Utsidc firepower. 'TTicy'vc got size, they've got quickness and they've got a guard that when he wants to is unstoppable. So any* lime you've got that going for you, you can go places." The unstoppable one is Duane Phillips, of coursc. The dazzling senior canned 14 of 22 field goals, three of six 3-poiniers, dished out six assists and scored 31 points, the llth 30- poinlgameofhiscarcerand third in fourgames. Thekidcan play. I’ll tell you lhat." Hargrave said. "He’s an outstanding player and an out­ standing kid also from whal lean tell. Hcseems to have a good attitude and good head on his shoulders." But there were manydistinguished actors In this low-comedy rout, the sixth sequel of the young season. Djordje Luklc wenl eight for eight from the field, grabbed nine rebounds and scorcdoscason*highl7;JohnOrsillohitfiveof eight shots, five of six free throws and scored 15; Dominic Graham had six assists and four rebounds to go with 14 points: and Larry Umbcrger jusi missed a triple-double - the sport’s golden individual feat-with 10 points, 13 rebounds, eight assists and five steals. "TTicy'vc got a lot of weapons," Hargrave said. H ie kids can move and shoot the ball. I mean. (Phillips) is going to get his (points) somehow, you've got to keep everybody else from getting theirs, too. and we didn't do that tonight for sure." Davie sent Central reeling to the trash heap behind foureye-crossing spurts, with 14-4 and 13*0 second-quarter mns providing a 45-22 lead 50 seconds before intemiission. Then 12* 2and 18*2cruptions funned the runaway flames in the sccond half. While Central couldn't have hit the ocean if it would have been standing on the pier, Davie made 41 of 76 shots (53 per­ cent). most of which in the open floor against Central’s wooden defense. "We were working so hard on offense that we’d slip up, forget and let somebody slide behind us. and they ended up with an easy layup. Thai kind of lakes the wind out of you." Hargrave said. "You’ve got lo lake away those easy layups, and you've got to somehowcontrol the tempo. If you can get them into a halfcourt set, then you give yourself a chance. Bui you can't give them 18-20 points on just guards sneaking out and getting layups." Inretrospccl.it'shardtobelievcDaviccoach Jim Young was worried going in, fearing ex­ ams and six days off would disrupt Davie's rhythm. Central did stay within lS-13 in ihe first quarter and pulled wilhln 62-49 late in the third, but that was as closc as suspense got lo checking into the game. "I was worried about the layoff atjd testing." Young said." Westaned a little slow, that's why we went to the trap and picked up the pace a little. That’s good when you can turn It up. If wc Please See Inside - Page B5 Brock Ball Payne Miller dribbles up court for the third grade Blue Devels in a Mocksville-Davie Recreation basketball game at the Brock Gym in Mocksville. Also in the photo are Brandon Wals of the Tar Heels, Drew Hancock of the Blue Devils and Steven Wilson of Ihe Tar Heels. For recreation scores, please turn to page B2. . Photo by Mike Barnhardt jligers Win Six Straiglit Decisions For Come-From-Behind Win By Brian Pitts • t Davie County Enterprise Record MT. ULLA - Like a colleclion of Tin Men s from the" WizardofOz," South Davie's wrestling ^ team found a heart. ^ The result was one of the greatest comebacks H possiblc.Trailing32-12 with West Rowan nced- B ing just one pin or two decisions in the final six 0 matches to close ihc deal, the visiting Tigers responded with six straight wins- including four *;pins-forahean-pounding4S-38 comeback win 1 ^Thursday'. Coach Howard Riddle still can’t believe it shappened. ^5 "We had to be pcrfeci. and we were," Riddle § said of the rally from 20 down lhat raised South's jJBy Brian Pitts g Davic County Enterprise Record s H After losing two straight and falling on the RbrinkofthcPiedmontMiddlcSchoolConfcrence’s' g purgatory. North Davie's girls basketball team found a remedy. 'C Kierston Kahrs scored 18 of her career-high '^22 points in ihe first halfas the Wildcats raced to «ia decisive 28-12 lead on the way lo a 39-30 s^victory. S "We had been working on inside posl moves y and turnaround shots, and for some reason some- Hlhingjusl clicked thai game," CoachTrish King H said of Kahrs, who outscorcd the entire Moorcs- ^,ville team in the first half after averaging 6.6 r^poinis the (Int six games, helping Nodji'(4-4 ; overall) even its PMSC^mark al 3*3. / * , i._ ”Shcdidn't,misshardlyanything.Imcan,Ibct she shot 60 percent lhat game, s^ this was her record to 8-0 overall and 5-0 in the Piedmont Middle School Conference heading into ihe holi­ days. "One mistake and wc could have been beaien.and wedidn't make lhat mistake. We were lucky. We’re lucky and good.I guess. "Down 32-12 and winning six in a row shows a lot of guts and a lot of heart." ■ Riddle recalled ihe sagging spirits when West burst to p 17-0 lead and captured six of the first eight m. ,ics. One South wrestler goi pinned after owning an 8-2 lead, another got pinned after leading 7-2, and thus Riddle anticipated the worsi as West celebrated the seemingly untouchable 20-point lead., "U was prcuy solemn," he said. "We were a Iiitleshockcdwatching(stalwarts)AmonMcNeil and Tyler Lowe boih get pinned, and somcof the guys thought there was a good chance we were going lo get beat. You don't ever want to put yourself in a situation to put pressure on six kids becausc all six kids had to win. Down 20, you knew you‘had to win. Wc could afford one decision, but if any of our kids would have gotten pinned the match would have been over." Riddle's only hope stemmed from a virtually identical North Davie comeback. The Wildcats (8-0.5-0 PMSC) trailed a West team that is lethal in Ihc low weights 27-14 before escaping 45-39 on Dec. 9. "I knew it was ihcsame kind ofscenarioNorth was in," Riddle said. "We knew their upper weighls weren'l as strong. One thing 1 knew was wc could win up top." And like a Jeannie in a bottle. Derek Foster, Florencio Rojos, Billy Riddle, Ben Gobble, DJ. Rice and Mitchell Roberts made South's wishes come true. Igniting the incrcdible finish. Foster got a pin and Rojas pulled out an 11-10 cage match. After Riddle took a forfeit. Gobble. Rice and Roberts capped 33 unanswered points with three straight pins. Rojas was the unlikely hero, delivering a lasl- secondreversal to avoidapoienlially fatal defeat "It was a tough match," Riddle said of Rojas, who pulled South within 32-21 when it looked like West would lead 35-18. "He wrestled hani and did whal he needed to. Wiih him winning, it took some pressure ofT, it didn't mean we had to pin." Please See Soulh Wrestlers • Page B7 coming-out parly I guess." Mooresviilc - or perhaps the law of averages -sloweddownKahrsandouiscofedNonh 18-11 ■ in the second half, but thedamage had been done. Now Kahrsneedsiodeliverafewmorehaymakers so North can stay afloat In the outrageously stout PMSC. . . . "Thiswaswmelhingihallknewshccoulddo ■; since the beginning of the season, and I've jusl' ‘ been waiting for it to come out." King said of Kahrs, North’s second-leading scorer at 8.6 ppg behind Allison Schafer (10). "I hope that will help her confidence for the rest of the season." • Schafer adi!^ clghl poin«.-Alison McNeil four, Laura lUddle and Courtney Bates two and. MandyLamtHJone.^';, ' Later in thcj^eek in the final game before the, V holidays, Nprth^cvastated a virtual walking for- ., • feit,Dq^town'47-!2,\,.; \ ‘ _ ’. "Thi^ |s pnly ilie^pnd year they Vc ever had. a prognuh, so obviously you could tell they were wcak,"said King, who got 11 points from Schafer, eight from Ashley Sp^n. seven from Kahrs, six. from McNeil, five from Riddle, four from Bates and iwo from Brittany Holt, Lambe and Jessica Nelms. -. . .; ' , ’’Somctimeswhenyouplaysloppy teams,you lendjipplaysloppy. But wedidn'tdo that,and that- was the thinig that I praised my girls ifof." , The Wildcats arc oft until Jan. 5. when they visit Kannapplis. They host Concord on Jan. 6., North43,Corriher.Llpe36 Schafer had a field day against the Yellow Jackels'fmilcbaU-haridlcTS.convertingslx steals and seven-of-12 shooting into a career-high 17 poinlsas North hungon in the first’ofthrec games the previous week. • McNeil, who along with Schafer and Kahrs has scored in every game, added eight points and Kahrs had seven as North protected a two-point halftimclead. "This is probably the best game ss'c'vc played all year." said King, who got four points from Kelli York, three from Lambe'and two from Nelms and Riddle. ‘ • Noiihw^t Cabamis 38, North 36' The Wildcats rallied furiously and pull(^ * .within two in thcclqsing seconds, b'utamiscrabic first quarter ultimately cost ihem their sccond ' loss by two pointspr less.' , "Theyl, had.an excellent press, and wc kepi ' losing the ball and they kept scorihgofTof it," sud ' King, whose girls iniiled 1 l-O after one. Things were looking kind of grim and t was thinking: p K . this is going to one of^ those games.'• Lowery, Pack Win In Tourney Dy Itrian Pills Davic County Enterprise Rcconl WINST0N-SA1.EM - Brad Pock and Patrick Lowery put a pretty finish' ; on an ugly day. winning their rcspcc- : live weight classes and helping Davic County's wrestling team clinch thliJ placc in a highly^ompctltlvc I8*tcam toumamenl lhat took a sour tura when Coach Buddy t-owcry was ejcclcd at the first Mustang Stampede held at Parkland High Saturday. While the triumph by Pxk, a Im ­ pound senlorwhdalrcady ranks among the school's all-time greats. Is considr ercd as merely another day al the of- flce, t.owery continued luming heads with a romp through the 189Jungle.. Il's hanlly news for a Davic wres­ tler 10 start 14-0, but Il's news-nash material when the 14-0 yrisllcrjs a sophomore compeilng In a wvigfil elks that is largely occupied with senior brotes. What's more intriguing Is t-owcry has expected nothing less. ; "1 worked really hard in the sum- : mer. and I think it's really showing right now." said t-owcry. who has won 26of28 matches since an 1 l-IOfnsh; man bcglnningj^l worked Tor this this summer so Tm nol surprised at all." The surprised rellecllon belonged lo Fuquay-Varina's Karlton Dixon,-a pylhon-armedsnidwho finished fourth iniheslatclaslycarandcamciriranked - second in Super 32 before meeting • tjwery, who methodically drained Dixon's battery berore delivering Ihc kill in Ihe second period. "1 knew he would gel tired becausc Ihad been watchinghimcvcry match," Lowery said. "He relied on pinning Ihem pretly quick, so I knew if I stayed off my bxk I could do it. I mean, you've jusl got to outthink Ihem." Lowery is well ori his way to the flnest sophomore season sincc Neil Cornalzer's unbeaten rccord was snapped In Ihe 1994 slate individual finals. Bui I^wcry is intent on luniing one page at a time. "1 don'l know," he said when askixl how long he can sustain Ihe streak. Trnjust looking al ii match by match. I'm nol looking ahead lo February or anything like that." Pack cleared another formidable hurdle in his march toward Adam Connor’s four-year win record of 126 (Coraatzer and Scotlie Spry are the only ones lo win ICO in three years). Three weeks alter knocking offa Tas- cola custother who had nol lost in 51 matches, Packcapped his I6lhstraight win and 5-0 day with an 8-2 decision over Fuquay-Vorina's Uonle Elliott, who finished founh in the state Iasi year and has spent time atop Ihc Super 32 ^nkings this year. ,"1 think I'm performing well," Pack Id, almost hesiuntly. "There’s, al­ ways room for iroprovemcnL If I beat (Connoi's rKord), I beat ll. If I don't, I don’j." .; ' ; ; Allhoogh he just msscd ihe Pack- Lowery tiiiln, there was certainly no shame in Lony Hudson's game, 'nie freshmaii rwlcd off four straight wins befotpsuirenderingtoAveryCounly's,. "Shf^had a lot of critical steals," King said of, her'pointgiiaid. "She kept picking olf their polnV , , .. ,j.. . .. , p, c „ n u p . « guard atid just had a wnilcrful shooting night,: . ■piea!ieSceWesV^PoMB7'“ ^ * " '^ ’ ™ “ - • B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23,1999 S h e e t s N a m e d T o H o n o r S o c i e t y ’ Boys 4th Grade Sat. Dec. 4 : SPURS (13) Micah Womble 3 J Jeffery Loos 2 • William Davis 4 ■ Zack Myers 4 : DEACONS (16) : Tip Powell 3 • Michael Domanski 4 ; Clint Howell 7 ? Ryan Hutchison 2 •: TARHEELS (IS) I Alex Williams 6 I Nick Schambach 2 Will Clevenger 2 :|Evan Crisco 4 Girls 3\4 Grade Sa(. Dec. 4 :;WILDCATS(19) ^ijChanelle Gaither 8 •iCierra Clement 6 I Sarah Moore 3 Avery Lutz 2 . STINGERS (II) : LaMeisha Fowler 4 Sarah Miller 2 •; Lauren Walker 2 S Carly Pratapas 3 ; HORNETS (20) I Alicia Allen 16 ; Gina Williams 2 I ' -'fdan Schultz 2. ;;i3oys 3rd Grade Sat. Dec. 4 CAVALIERS (9) Brent Beam 6 Colby Seaford 3 HORNETS (15) Daniel Peele 4 Jefiery Nucklos 6 Lee Cain 3 Sonny Stanley 2 HEAT (II) Darius Hall 9 Matthew Vanhoy 2 ALL-STARS (16) Amanda Stewart 11 Annie Shrewsbury 1 Hannah Stroupe 4 TARHEELS (8) Ayanna Leach 2 Nora Smith 4 Candance Chunn 2 STING RAYS (6) Lauren Mitchell 2 Lauren Hauser 4 BLUE DEVILS DEACONS ; Jess Cartner 8 Tyler Seaford 4 . Luke Hollifleld 4 Adam McCollister 2 ; Nathan Vernon 2 Brandon Doby 2 ji CELTICS TARHEELS •■Jordan Kinder 4 Steven Wilson 4 |:Brenden Hanes 2 Landon Harris 8 BULLS WOLFPACK T.J. Dillard 2 Joshua McDaniel 2 David Oakley 2 Jake Sheek 6 Daniel Henderson 2 Gus Meloy 2 Steven Perkins 2 Chad Lee 2 Josh Disher 4 Church League Sun. Dec. S ST PRES. (51) •Matt James 12 Brian Pitts 12 f-FAIRFIELD (107) I" ChadHeiner39 :i LIBERTY (64) i; Andy Ward 17 BETHLEHEM (34) Kendall Howard 11 Jericho (S'*) Brad Dyer 14 ISTMETH. (48) Allyn Morton 9 Gary Hatley 9 The Tar Heels' Landon Harris holds on to the ball, with Luke Hollifleld, Payne Miller and Thomas Seaford ready to make a move. - Photos by Mike Barnhardt Boys 5th Grade Wed. Dec. 8 PACERS (28) David Stovall 14 Jack Wombough 9 Josh Eder 5 LAKERS (27) Christopher Brogdon 4 Jack Rooney 14 Tucker Ren 5 Wesley Martin 2 Tristan Hairston 2 Girls 6th Grade Wed. Dec. 8 DEACONS (15) Ashley Whitlock 7 Christina Manzulla 2 Nakoda Ramsey 6 Girls 5th Grade Thurs. Dec. 9 DEACONS (20) ' Jennifer Mann 7 Whitney Williams 7 Emilee Beauchampe 2 Jessica Welch 4 H00PSTER(16) Brittini Young 9 Tonetta Ramsey 4 Morgan Owens 3 Boys 5th Grade Thurs. Dec. 9 HEAT (23) Nate Lawerance 5 Jared Nelms 6 Matthew Pennington 8 Travis Williams 2 Joshua Vernon 2 COMETS (10) Hannah Tienery 8 Ashley Davidson 2 HUSKIES (8) Lauren Parker 8 TARHEELS (8) Jennifer Beck 4 Ashton Grubbs 2 Kristie Widener 2 DEACONS (14) JarrettFleharty 9 Kevin Boehm 5 Boys 3rd Sat. Deo. 18 BLUE DEVILS BULLS Jess Cartner Daniel Henderson 1 Drew Hancock 2 T.J. Dillard 4 CELTICS TARHEELS Jordan kinder 4 Steven Wilson 6 Jake Prim 2 Landon Harris 10 Adam McKinght 4 Brandon Walls 2 WOLFPACK DEACONS Jake Sheek S Tyler Seaford 5 WilICockerham2 Micah Barron 1 Josh Disher 2 Adam McCollister 2 3\4 Grade Girls Sat. Dec. 18 HORNETS (16)ALL STARS (10) Alicia Allen 12 Amanda Stewart 4 Gina Williams 2 Sarah Alexander 2 Brittany Cass 2 Annie Shrewsbury 2 Sydney Crawford 2 FILLrS(ll)TARHEELS (10) Hannah Tedder 3 Ayanna Leach 8 Samanth Judd 2 Candance Chunn 2 Tyara Wagnor 4 Christy Myers 2 STINGERS (6)STING RAYS (3) LaMeicha Flower 4 Lauren Mitchell I Carly Pratapas 2 Lauren Hauser 2 Please See Rec-Page B3 Boys 4th Grade Sat. Dec. 18 TARHEELS (26) Alex Williams 16 Nick Schambach 2 Jake Koontz 4 Evan Crisco 2 Justin Downs 2 HORNETS (23) Eric Lowery 2 Daniel Peele 6 Jeff Nucklos 2 Alax Appelt 4 Sonny Stanley 8 Stephen Studevent 1 BLUE DEVILS (16) Will Byerly4 Floyd Collins 4-. Jensen Sells 8 ■ ,, ' \ CAVALIERS (22) Casey Link 3 Brent Beam 2 Colby Seaford |2 Christopher Durham 2 Steven Livengcod 3' SPURS (29) HEAT (21) Micah Womble 10 DaruisHallS Jeffery Loos 13 . Matthew Vanhoy 13 -SAsslstant Coach Larry Holljtield and Coach Joe Boyette en- Zack Myers 6 Quinton Faulkner 3 courage the Blue Devils third grade.team to do their best. December Bargain of the Month serviS tar BARGAINS of the MOIUTH 3’I *M* cr 'AM*, vniawuoja vruMmuaMMMnuam mhum m Caudell Lumber and Building Suppiies 162 Sheek Streel-751-2167 Open D.iily WdCkitayi/'ll) :■ llli S.rl / .lO l.’ iiuuii DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23,1999 -113 Rec League Scores Released Continued From Pnge B2 Boys 6th Grade Sat. Dec. 18 MAGIC (19) LAKERS (18) John McDaniel 3 Evan Hall 8 Jon Hutchins 2 Jermey Hardin 2 Jermey Gupton 2 Brad Corriher 6 Jon Ayers 6 Brock Flowers 6 Kenny Riddle 2 SUMS (19)WOLVERINES (12) Kyle Winters 1 Zach Vogler 4 : Jonathon Mayfield 13 Alex Baldwin 4 Kenyon Hollis 5 Danny Smith 2 Mitchell Ivey 1 Matthew Morris 2 CELTICS (25)TARHEELS (14) ' Devon Venable 12 Andrew Pryor 2 Aaron Hollifield 12 Brook Hinman I Richard Kelly 1 Kyle Wooten 2 John York 2 William Goad 6 j Girls 6th Grade Sat. Dec. 18 TARHEELS (13) STING (12) Sloan Smith 11 Shanicka Brown 8 Neely Alexander 2 Elizabeth Furches 2 Jenna Hendricks 2 DEACONS (17) COMETS (14) Ashley Whitlock 1 Justine Gamble 6 Kara Seaford 2 Kristen Fromal 2 Nakoda Ramsey 4 Jew-el Darbone 2 Bailey Marrs 8 Hannah Tiemay 6 Girls Sth Grade Sat. Dec. 18 DEACONS (18)HUSKIES (12) Taylor Boyles 2 Lauren Parker 8 Jessica Welch 2 Emilee Beachamp 2 Whitney Williams 6 Jennifer Mann 6 Rachel Goins 4 HOOPSTERS (20)TARHEELS (2) Brittini Young 17 Tonette Ramsey 2 Cindy Cook I Jennifer Beck 2 Boys Sth Grade Sat. Dec. 18 LAKERS (16)DEACONS (14) Christopher Brogdon 6 Jarrett Fleharty 6 Jack Rooney 2 Kevin Boehm 6 Tucker Ren 2 Tristin Hariston 6 Travis Dellinger 2 BLUE DEVILS (29)HEAT (17) Bryce Anderson 9 Nate Lawarence 2 , John Michael Groce 10 Jared Nelms 6 David Pitts 2 Matthew Pennington 5 Bryan King 6 Travis Williams 2 Sam Everest 2 WessMcKnight2 I ^hanJ{You F o r Y ovir ( A B u sin e ss. ^ bless ml> of you during ihc Qhristms yasoif during Ibr {^mstmas yason, ^dgar A Robocca Osbomo S Family Osborne Service & 24 Hr. Towing Day: 284-2777 Night & Weekend: 909-1931 Edgewood Oil Co. '**’ ph: 284-2777 Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC Through each moment, big and small, may the holiday bring you peace and happiness. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year FORMAC 1484 US Hwy. 64 West Mocksviile, NC 336-751-3372 Jimmy Hodges Norman Forrest P.D. Allen Allen Howies Closod Fri. Doc. 24 Wishing you a happy, healthy holiday season. BB&T )lm can U'll m icanl your business. 119 GaitherStreef 751-5951 • Willow Oal< Shopping Center • 751 -5956 me i. mv im r B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 BUSINESS S P O f L IG H T S A V IN G S up c n o A EVERYDAY ><> 3 U /O S enior C iliza n s D iscounts M e rry G u istm as & H ap p y N e w Y ear! Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 76M938 Prepared For Y2K With Generators From Henry’s Electric Motors Bermuda M iiii’is S e lf-S to ra g e hCD 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance Now Open For Business BERMUDA CARPET CENTERIlKRMUDAQUAY SHOPPINO CI-mtiR Ut ourprormioiuliulThclpyouwilhtllyDW flooc co>tiin| ne^i.• Interior dccoralor on itafT.• Over 40 yean combined eiperience! • Carpet • Vinyl • Tllo • Hardwood • Wallpaper Mon.-Frl. 9 Qm-6 pm; Sat. 9 am*1 pm &411 USHwyISS, Advance ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 - 0 3 0 0 Henryks Electric Motor Service, Inc. Celebrating 30 Yean oE Service IN STOCK Honda Powered 10,S00-Waft Generators 1406 S. Martin Lulhcr King Dr. Wlnston-Salcm, NC (336) 784-4006 Some airlines are canceling (lights for this day. Banks are plan­ ning to have computer personnel on duty as 1999 turns into 2000. Will January 1,2000 dawn a cold winter day without power? Henry's Electric Motor Service has |ust received a number of Honda-powered 10,500-watt generators, which President Steve Brown ordered six months ago. He says lhat this order of genera­ tors will be all that he can obtain (rom Ihe manufacturers until some­ time next year. “The manufacturers are so backlogged that they are not taking any more orders this year," said Brown. “II took me six months to get Ihe ones I have In stock." The Groban generators can operale oil furnaces, gas furnaces, well pumps, electricity, and some sizes of heat pumps. Homeowners who are not on city or county water can use the Groban generator to operate their toilets and water supply from a well. Call Steve or Stan Brown at Henry’s Electric lor more Informallon, in the event ol power Interruption during Ihe Y2K crisis. Stave Brown, who has more than 30 years' experience in mo­ tors, selected the Honda-powered generators because of Us perfor­ mance. 'The manulacturers describe it as 'pure power," said Brown. 'TTie Honda engine is supposed to be Ihe best; and Ihe Groban has a simplicity in its elficlency. It is also computer and electronically friendly." Some of the biggest names In commercial industry regularly turn to Henry's Electric Motor Service, Inc., for new and rebuilt eleo- tric motors. ‘We are proud to celebrate our 30lh anniversary this year," said Steve Brown, President. This Winston-Salem business, begun In 1969 by Henry Brown, is run by sons Steve and Sian Brown. Their expertise covers a wide range ol Industrial motors, Including those which operate complex heating and air conditioning systems, or manufacturing machinery. Clients In furniture and textiles purchase bolh new eleclrlo motors, and rebuilt ones, Irom small horsepower motors up to huge, 1,000-horsepower models. Clients such as Tom Pullen ol Sunnyslde Ice appreciate the insight and quality ol service offered at Henry's. 'We manufacture thousands ol tons ol Ice each summer, and have numerous machines that must operate 24 hours a day," said Pullen, vice-president of the WInslon-Salem business. “Henry's is extremely knowledgeable, not only about how to help you, but whal you need. They can,tell you what will work and what won't. I fttimtlttimiltfiiwwi ] 7K<vteAC6- I iHOMEIMPROVEMENTSi i CERAMICmE-OISTOM I I DECKS • 5CREENED-TIGHT I■ PORCHES • GENERAL REPAIRS |■ • REMODELING • STANPARD & I I DIMENSIONAL SHINGLE ■ 5 ROOFING*CARPORTS* I I RUBBER MEMBRANE ROOFING I FREE ESTIMATES •INSURED I TOM MARESCO, OWNER iC T u i "I always get my motors Irom Henry's, because if I have an emergency, they are right there to help me lix It," said Pullen. Henry's Electric Motor Service is an authorized service center for Groban Generators, manufactured In Chicago. “Newspapers, hospitals, banks all need power. Water is sup­ plied to the county by large pumps, it is best to prepare for the worst, and hope for the best," said Brown. "We give thanks to our Lord and Savior for our laithfui custom­ ers over the years," said Steve Brown. “We have supplied motors to AI^P, Thomasville Furniture, Sara Lee Hosiery, R. J. Reynolds, and many other line businesses." "■ For experts with more than 30 years' experience, consult Henry's Electric Motor Service, located at 1406 S. Martin Luther King Drive In Winston-Salem. Or call Steve or Stan Brown at (336) 784-4006 today. Hours are 7:30 - 4:30, Monday - Friday. Flooring H o u rsi Mon.« Fri. 10«6 S at.l0 >z Carpet & V in yl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & ReHnishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336) 766*0733 20 Years ExperienceNOW OPEN TO THE PUBUC 5919-C James St. ___Clemmons f TorgoTTho " a m ' I e x c a l i b u r I I A W A R D S I Christmas Gifts I ■I Are Here! _ JOrnaments • Key | Rings • Bag _ Tags • Lighters | • Knives • . Clocks I Suita 3 I J 24ia Lntl»llle-CI«mmiini Rd. I ■ (Behind Davie Jewelers) ■ New Hours: 10-S M-F; I I Sat. appt. available | I _ \^ 1 5 U A L . tT U O lO I . ' ' • . .'y 2565 Old Glory Rd. :■ ' ■ . : SulleE CltmmoQS 336-77»-06(M Belvia Stanley-Exienjivc Training ^ KrutinaEJJinger* II yrs. Exp.. Ruik Training (ii'.iiul ()|i('iiiii;4 U l» Advertising PromoHon ‘ I f y o u h a v e n ’ t s h o p p e d a t T im e le s s G ifts , y o u h a v e n ’ t s h o p p e d e n o u g h ’ • Books • Pottery • Kid’s Corner • Home Accents • Gardening Gills for All Occasions 6000 SUadowbrook Mali • Suiie I , ClemmonsUctoilfrumltjniJ.tl’uil 766-3307 S i (Pamt-Ybur-OmL, (fottery &' C (0ee C aje You painlil... Wefircit... You'lllovcit! Coming in December: Children’s Holiday Art Camp • BlnMoy Partiet • Shaweri • i CUuiti • Call For Details 7 6 6 - 6 0 1 9 ^OO^JcmdowbrotJ^Jall^CIerntnon^^ M A IL B O X P A C K & S H IP Rec«lv« m FREE Car Charger W ith Activation In Dacambar O f An AT&T Phona • No Roomlno ChorB«AaMiSO Stolts • No longOMonctChorgtsAcreuSO StotM 2539 L .w i« llljjC ta m m o n . W .. j g g g j 7 6 6 - 3 6 8 8 J a n ie s a y s : HOLIDAY SPECIAL! 20% Or More Off Cveiything In Storel W icker a Rattm n 28% OFF *1* D in in g R o o m a 20% OFF Sleepworthy M attnm e 60% OFF *t* O riental Furniture u p to 80% OFF Sat. 9 to 5; Sun. 10 to 5 Located In T h e a d Qem m onsSdwoI3550 Clemmons Road (Next to the Clemmons Ubraiy) (336)778-2700 l^ock&ville Auto P ride C a r Wa&h C o m p le te A u to m a tic C a r W ash Hwy 601 Mocksvillc, NC • Between Wal-Mart & 1-40 72_S;2_67?_ C O P IE R S U N LIM IT ED.com Sale to be held at 827 N. Liberty St. I2I5-E Link Rd. • Winsion-Salcm___________ Dec.16lh, 17th. 18th, 1999 I: Get monthly Inlernct service, FREE, Just for slopplnB by. —* ^ *7___ a r ^ ____t1_.> ^ J n ] A ..p - - - - s^esr^^ryice'&'^^'g^tTo^of^^^ ______^ -vftV XEROX S3I2 Copier T""BringInThi*Ad “ T•CommercUl Copicfi | Fw $25 DllCOUnt I ’% n lv V T i5 I OnNaitServlcCill | _^^^S ^ilU rw »inK ioiiolb *rrnoikkiijj^^ Full Service Salon & Spa 998-6770 'Hwy 158 i"; 2l/2milesweslo(TangHwd .lies-1119am-7pm' Sal9M-6pA . ■ Mai Gift Certificates Available Make Your ,’^Appointment Today'^ I for the Holidays C Crowder M^Clmhey (Mssociates a Ymir I lonictowti Realtor 2762 Lewlsville-Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons 766-0515 i BmaaesTOiie rire«tone X fH A N a C K “ S Dunlop. Hres Lee Tires GEORGE'S Mlchelln nres VILLAGE GARAGE, INC. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 2570 L e w ls v lll*-C la m m o n s R o ad, C lem m on s 7 6 6 -7 8 6 2 DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISF, RECORD, Dec. 23,1999 - US Inside-Outside Power Propels War Eagles To Another Win Continued From Page B1 ever gel it lumcd up nnd leave It going from start tonnish.itshould be exciting.” Young show­ ered praise on Orsillo, who has nourished in his new sixth-man Graham role.Thc6-7ccntcrama.sscd ISpoints. eight assists, seven rebounds and six blocks against Nonh Ircdcll on Dec. 8. then highlighted his Central perfor­ mance with a pair or lwo*handed flushes. "He's really starting (o focus on the game, letting the ouLsldc things go and keeping his emotions insidcand not on his sleeve," Young said. "He's putting the ball down hard and getting back on D. none of the extra emotion stuff. "When he docs lhat, he's a tremen­ dous player." It's some luxury when an impact Lultic O rsillo playcrlikeOrslllocomcsoffthcbcnch. "We can go either way, with a smaller, quicker lineup or the larger lineup." Young said. "He's doing fine. There's some games that he will start. He's playing his role, and he's happy if he starts and he's happy if he doesn't. He knows he’s going to get his time, and there's (he difference in his maturity this year. He's ju.st playing whatever and wherever we ask him. He's doing his job, and we need lhat.” Notes; Five double-figure scorers plea.\cd Young to no end. "I love that. The only thing better would be seven," Phillips Uniberger he said, laughing.....Phillips' 3()-point games have become incredibly rou­ tine. "Aquiet 3 1 Young said, "and we look him out In the first half and KH)k him out with four minu(c.<> (o go in the fourth quarter." .... Marcus La.ssiier had four points, four assists and four steals and Rod Tenor had three poinLs. four rebounds and two a.ssisLs.....The Domino's Pi//.a Hoops Classic, a first- annual Davie loumamcnt lhat will in­ clude Rockingham County, Northwest Cabarrus and Bishop McGuinnis.is.sct for Dec. 22-23. Game limes :ire 6 and 7:30 p.m. each day. Davie High Boys Basketball Statistics Record: 9-0, 0-0 CPC Gms Pts Rebs Avg Assists Avg Stls ; Phillips 9 238 32 3.5 39 4.3 19 ; Graham 9 123 16 1.7 37 4.1 10 : Orsillo 7 78 29 4.1 25 3.5 7 ; Lukic 9 93 74 8.2 12 1.3 13 Umberger 9 83 92 10.2 41 4.5 18 Lassilcr 9 8!17 1.8 36 4.0 23 Sraic 1 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 , Crump 9 28 25 2.7 2 .0.2 2 ' R. Tenor 9 25 37 4.1 6 0.6 14 ; Gustafson 8 20 9 1.1 5 0.6 3 ; Britton 7 7 3 0.4 12 1.7 6 ; Lynch 5 2 1 0.2 5 1.0 1 ' Sullivan 1 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 ; T. Tenor 4 0 2 0.5 1 0.2 0 ; Peacock 1 0 1 I.O 0 0.0 0 PPG 26.4 13.6 11.1 10.3 9.2 •9.05.0 3.1 2.7 2.5 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3-Po!nters: Phillips 19, Graham 14,Gustafson 2, Lassiter 2. Britton Blocked shots: Orsillo 19, Tenor 9, Phillips 4. Uniberger4. Lukic 3, Gustafson 2 A V In CLEMMONS NEW TEAR’S EVE fe a tu r in g H A M M E R J A C K FREE Champagne Toast & Party Favors Just off 1-40 in Westwood Village Shopping Center 336-766-4484 Home of Thirsty Thursday S7.00 All You Can Drink Draft BUSINESS S P O T L K H f Clemmons Curb Market Says Goodbye With Big Sale : For six years, Clemmons Curb Market has been a gold mine for fresh produce, garden plants and old-faihloned customer service for Clemmons. Now, the store Is closing. ' “Our family appreciates everyone's support over the years," says owner Tom iller. “As we prepare to close the store, we want to wish everyone happy holidays.” , The store is closing at the end of December. Between now and then, everything must go! So visit Clemmons Curb IVIar- ket at 2690 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, to say good bye and pick up Christmas items at great prices. Clemmons Curb Market must sell everything— yard signs. Jams and jellies, and garden supplies such as Insecticides and fertilizers. All store fixtures are on sale, Including tow walk-ln coolers and a large delivery tnick. Although Clemmons Curb Market is going out of business, they are still selling Christmas trees and wreaths, silk floral arrangements and fruit baskets. Fruit baskets are a specialty at Clemmons Curb market. You can add a jar of honey, homemade Jelly or preserves or old fashioned candy to any basket. The silk flower arrangements accented with frasler fir cut­ tings. They make lovely center pieces, wreaths and swags. The wreaths range In size from 8 to 20 Inches. You may order items ahead of time and select your own colors or choose one ^Iready made. Wreaths can be purchased with orwlthout deco­ rations. •: Clemmons Curb Market has old-fashioned candles, such as peppermint sticks, bonbons and chocolate covered pea­ nuts, fruit cakes and apple cider, and nuts of all varieties. • Clemmons Curb Market Is open seven days a week. The telephone number Is 766-3014. Advertising Promotion C la js s ifie d s 766-4126 D e a d lin e T ue sd ay N oon ||||/*Lowesjiito o a s CLEMMONS IM Q Sa?sjQ3S IDsffl (2i D M sbg^ 133)21?^ SfesxD E3s03s ( 0 1 ^ ^ i I M b yV eir iV u ir liio n a l C e n te r w ith O v e r liOO IV a iu ra ! F o o d H e m s • IM u tritio n a l S u p p le m e n tN • H ig h K n e rg y D rinkN • O r)i;an i« P ro d u t^r • V e g e ta r ia n liem N FREE COOKING CLASSES See store for dates or call 766-1608 Class Taught By C hef Thomas P in o J |Hoops Classic To Be Held playal6an(l7.'30inlhcolhcrByni.The Canada team iliat was staled (o p;irtici- pale In ihc varsily loiimaincnl backfj oul Iasi week, pmmpling Davie ciw li Jim Young lo nil Ihe slol wiili Bislmp. Fans can puivtiasc (wo-day passes for S5 insteail of paying $5 each day. Rir more infonnalion. conlaci Young al 751-5905 (work) or 751-1409 (lionic). T B6 - D.WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 £ DavicCouniy'sboysbaskclbiillpro- grail) will hosi Ihe Domino's Plz/a K Hixips Classic Dcc. 22-23. With the viirsity hosting Rocking* E; hatn Counly, Northwest Cabarrus and 5; Bishop McGuinnis ami \\vi JV hosting m. Hickory and West Charloite, the JV ^ icunis will play at 4:30 and 6 p.m. cach Z day in one gym and the vjirsiiics will fJV Wrestlers Roll Over iNorth Davidson 64-12 « Davic County's JV wrestling team ; HKist likely will not come close to ! losing this ye;ir, and North Davidson ‘ found out why lost week. ‘ "We wrestled real well," Coach > M;m WilsonsaiilaftcTa64-l2romp. ( "Like I've said before, we’re real deep t in all the spots and we've got u lot of [ talent." C;u^on Glass, Jordan Kahrs. Mitch* clll3ullard,MattWilson.StevcnJoncs, Den Allred. Jon Michael Goode, Neil Rice and Carl WagstalT had pins, Ja­ cob Gamer got a 15*3 major decision and Justin Johnson and Amiand Von- siatsky took forfeits. "They were a good team, bui they had a few holes that we t(X)k advan­ tage of. Tliey wrestled well, we just had a good night that night." Davic is idle until Jan. 6, when it hosts Eist Durkc. iDavie Claims Third Place iAt Wrestling Tournament “ Continued From I’nge B1 - Mark Maya, a defending stale runner- ;:upal 103. r "Larry wrestled goixj all day long." “ Coach Lowery said. "He doesn’t have I anything lo be ashamed of." ; Although Tony Angell and Coily • Angcllsawtheirperfectrecordsevapo- ; mte. llwy both rebounded to finish I third, and Drew Beck, Josh Stanley. I Jeremy Dailey and Andrew Rudy all *, won four of five to take fifth as Davie > placed nine ofl3 in the top five. ; "Cody got beat by u boy from Fu- I quay-Varina, and that guy is bad," ; Lowery said. "If Cody would have ; been in the other bracket, he would ; have probably won. The guy from , Fuquay-Viuina beat the boy in the ■ finals lO-O." WhileLoweryisneverfulfilledwith . anything less than the best, he seemed plco.sed with Davie's third-place per- for^pnce. partly becausc Ihe field was . loaded and partly because Davic - ; wliich finislKdsecondin aSouth Stokes ; toumanieni - hauled a man short for • the sccond straight weekend. An I llh- • hour skin problem kept sophomore I Adam Sain, the 130-pounder who has • won seven of 10, from participating. ; "You've got 18 teams, this is like r the rcgionals." Lowery said. "You’ve ; got some pretty good people. You’ve got Tuscola. Watauga, Parkland, Fu- quay-Varina. East Burke. I mean, it's a Lowery p«ck gixxl tournament. "Again we had one that didn't get to wrestle. You had to enter so s<x)n or I could have put Jacob Gamer in there." Notes: The team scores: I'u(|uay- Vjirina 199, Tuscola 177, Davie 162, Uandys 149, Watauga l43.East Durkc 114, Charlotte Independence 113. Statesville IQ8, Parkland 97, East Mecklenburg 85, West Forsyth 64. Avery 63, North Forsyth 51. Hickory 45. West Knoxville (Tenn.) 37. West Stokes 18. Fayetteville Smith 15 and Glenn 13......As far iis Davic was CQncemed. the tournament lost stnne of its luster when Lowery was sent lo the showers, an ejection that included two Davie supporters and lef\assisiant Matt Wilson and North Davic coach Ron Kirk at the mat-side controls. "There's no way that should have hap­ pened," Wilson said of ihe ejection, which stemmed from confusion overa score. "All he was doing was going to check the score." j JV's Streak Snapped lAt Alexander Central : By Brian Pitts Z Davie County Enterprise Record : OnthewaytothcJanuarytestinthc > Central Piedmont Conference, Davic ; CountysJVgirlsbaskclballlcamfaited I a pop quiz Friday at Alexander Cen- f tral. \ "Fve been telling them about the I competition we're going lo play," • CoachMikeLafoncsaidanerasliock- • ing 50-38 loss snapped Davie's six- ; game winning streak. "From here on t out, nobody is going lo roll over and • play dead becausc we’re Davie 5 County." I Laibnc said the War Eagles lacked • the intenslly to beat a7-2 Central team : and appeared to lose their edge after • winning five straight by an average • margin of 28..I "I hope that they a|l understand I that," he said. "We need to gel more ; fociisscd in practice bccausc the con- S fercnce schedule is coming iip real ■ quick and we’II see better teams than S ihisinconfercncc. E. "Wc come up here and just didn't S playwell.Itwasn'tprcttyloday,maybe Z. it will be a wake-up call for them." • Lafonc also auributed Davie's . t Stumble lo questionable officiating, as M Davic was whistled for 24 fouls to JiCentral's 13,leading toa I2-poimdif- . M j ferc'ntial for Central at the line. It didn't M, help, however, that Davie missed nine 5 :of 12 attempts while Central made 15 ■.■.•0f24,;v— , ; "What hurt were the type of fouls thal.wcrogciting called," hcsaid. "Wc A te Let The Hype Begin: North Vs..SpLii, Part IV • Let the hype begin: North vs. South, Part rV. IfNorth Davie and Soutli Davie's wrestling teams hold serve , through mid-January, the Piedmont Middle School Conference - championship will boil down to n North-South showdown on the flnal of the regular season Tor the fourth straight year. Both unbeaten teams passed presumably the biggest roadbiocl:. West Rowan, by almost identical scores, and barring an upset, they’ll' settle Ihe dispute Jan. 18 at South; North coach Ron Kirk has grown irrilaled of the North-Soudi talk, even though the talk has only begun. Tm hot brining it up because I try to take one week at a time,” ' Kirk said. "We can't start looking and wonying about South Davie. South could get beat between now and then, and we could get beat between now and then. We’ve both got to wrestle Northwest Cabar- nis." • Davie boys baskeitall coach Jim Young began to worry about his players’ exam results In the aflermatii of Friday’s 94-59 cufUng of Alexander Central. ’Tve hod teams during finals come out very, very llaL But I hope that doesn’t mean they were flat on their finals and sharp here," he •said laughing. , • Young, whose teiun has won by an average of 25 points in nine nonconference games, knows Ihe days of leaning back and kicking his feet on the coffee Uible are numbered. The Central Piedmont Conference is on deck. Td like to go thUK’gh the whole season and be able to sit on the bench with my legs crossed and relax," he said. "But that isn’t going to happen, fn our conference, there’s three of us undefeated (Davie, Reynolds and Ml Tabor) and another one (West Forsyth) has got two losses and two of their best players were suspended the first four games. ...The conference is going to be a war." ■ • Emily Morton of Davie's varsity girls malle her long-awaited renmi Friday, checking into the game in the second quarterat . Alexander Central after missing the fint eight games with mono- nucleosis. ' "We don’t want lo push her too hard or she will be susceptible to a relapse, but we’re excited about her being back,” Coach Carol ■ Cozart saii ”She never says anything, but you could tell she was readytogo." . v V MUiough it could take several weeks, 0>zart is confident that Morton, who made huge contributions as a varsity sophomorcl wilt;: regain her form. , "Shewill," Cozart said. "She is smart. She made a 100 on her : ' calculus exam, and she studies the game.’’ I • SouUt Davie wiesUing coach Howard Riddle expressed - _ empathy for the coach at West Rowan, which squandered a 27-14 , ., lead to North and a 32-12 lead to South. "He thou^t he had a real chance to win, and realistically he’s ■ ;: probably one wnesderaway from beating me and Ron," Riddle said. "He’s one wnatler from maybe being a conference champion. His • first two kids are as good as anybody in the conference." • It took South’s Andrew Darcy, Scott Mamvell and Cootcr ' Arnold a grand touil of 64 seconds to pin their West Montgomery ,' foes, with Darcy pinning in 10 seconds. Maxwell in 37 and Arnold in 17. ' "So Ihe first three matches were over before we could blink an eye," Riddle said. "It was 30-() ^widi two forfeits) before they knew what happened I believe." • Stevens Scores 32 To Pull JV Team Tliroughi By Briun Pitts Davie Couniy Enterprise Record It's u safe bet that Davic County's JV boys basketball team studied long and hard for exams last week bccausc the War Eiiglcs were mentally drained Friday at Alexander Cen­ tral. "They were doing everything right, they were just about two seconds behind," Coach Leo Hmndli said af- Stevens ter brain-dead Davie mustered enough strength torepel the pesky Cougars 52- 46 to remain perfect heading into the holidays. "Your brain's telling you to moveand nothing goes bccausc you're menially burned out." Making Davie'ssevenih straight win perluips more impressive than the 80- 57 average score from the previous six. the War E;igles overcame serious foul t muble and the week-long burden of preparing for exaim and passed tlwirfiritguiclwcksvlrenCcmralsliced the lead lo 46-42 in the closing min­ utes. "Thalw'asagrcallest,"saidBninelll, who was anxious to sec how Davic w ould respond lo u close game. Trust me, I have had my fair share of losses in testerganiesand it's nice to be on the oiher end of them. "Wc played good enough to win. Wc had lo go through nine guys in the finvl quarter bccausc ot fouls, (n tlte first (juarter, they w ere btilhercd by the calls, but In Ihe second, third and fourth they played our game and didn't worry about the fouls." SEAN STEVENS, the sophomore shooiing guard, continued his am:i/- ing twivyearmn. riddling Central with 32 points that nuirked the fifth time in his career that he’s scored 30-plus. Tlie lightning rod poured in 20 first-half points on five 3-pointcrs, then con­ verted three layups in tlic w’aning min­ utes to extend the tcnw>us4642 lead. Tliere's not enough you can say about him," Bmnelli said. "When he's squaaxl up and looks at the rim, he’s not going to miss very many." Dmnelli .said blue-coilarspecialists such as Chris Stein and David Woold­ ridge deserve enonnous credit for Stevens' high-powercd production. "A lot of the credit - and Sean will be Ihe fim one to tell you - is he’s getting some real good screens that give him that extra sccond to look." he said. "Stein and Wooldridge, those dirty workers arc doing ihe job." Instead of chiding Davie's offense for failing lo reach 72 points for the finittimcthisscason.Drunelli assumed Garner Leads Freshman Boys To Victory^ were getting fouls called on standard box-out type of stuff that we've l>een doing uU year, and it just kind of nKssed them up. We let the refereeing get in our game." Davie never led aAer jumping oul lo an 8-6 advanU-.e, trailing by as many as IS In ihe third quarter. "Their foul shots in the first halfarc what got them ahead of us." Lafone said. "I don't think ihcy hnd as many field goals os wc did." Sparked by Deanna Shamcl's in- spircdplayoffihcbcnch,Davicrought back to six down in the fourth quarter. Butitwasucaseoftoo]ittlc,toolaiefor , the War Eagles, who will turn around and play Central at home in their next game, Jan. 4. "1 brought her off the bench in the second half, and shccame in thcrcand ' I mean she was really intense," Lafonc .saidofShamci,whohadascason-high six points. "Wc hadn't had Intensity all day until she got in the game. She did a good job rctounding, ^hc put back a . couplcshols.andIth]nkshchelpedus oul a loL" ' Central's upset makes the Jan. 4 rematch all the more Intriguing. "Oh yeah, we'll be ready when they comeback," Lafonc said. "I don't have any doubts that wc can beat them at = liome." Sarah Williams scored 11 leam- high points on two 3-polnters, and Dawn Singleton added 10. Davie got . six from HcathcrMcDaniel, three from Ryannc McDaniel and two from Brit- . tany.Walkcr. By Brian PitLs Davie County nnlerprisc Record As goes Micah Gamer, so go the Davie County freshman bo^s basket- biill team. Gamer struggled against North Davidson and Davie needed a late chargetowinitsonlycompeiitivegame of the year. Ml. Pleasant held the point guard scoreless during a 17-17 first half, thenGamer came alive in timcfor a27-polntrout. But Gamer put four Impressive quarters together Saturday at Grecns- boro Day, and the result - a 57-33 breeze - strengthened Coach Derck Kumitsky's perception that Gamer is the spark that ignites Davie's blowout engine. He piled up 19 points, seven rebounds, six steals and five assists in one of the greatest all-around perfor­ mances conceivable. "He came out of a little bit of a slump," Kumilsky said. "He always gets the rebounds, the assists and the steals. I call him a stai-stuffcr. You know, he’s like a Scotiic Pippcn, he docs a little bit of everything. "When Micah plays like that, we're a tough out. We're going to he tough to beat becausc when he scores like that, it adds even another dimension to our team." Gamer's missing piece coming into the season was outside shooting. But that doesn't seem to be the case any­ more, as Gamer expanded his reper- toirc with three 3-pointers. - "That'soddforhim,butthat’ssome- thing that he needs to really work on," Kumilsky said. "Obviously he's gone by himself in the gym and worked on it."-'/ — ,, '.pother key to Davie's 6-0 start, lhconcnunsungJoshWallBce,isstart- ^ ing to gel his due, TTic forward-center turned in 11 points and eight rebounds Saturday, enhancing his stance as Davie's biggest surprise. "He has really been a key," Kur- nitsky said. "He's been probably our most consistent pcrfomicr all year. I can't say enough about Josh. And he's probably the most improved player maybe that I've ever coached." Wallace certainly hasn't emerged by accidcnt. He's madcahabitofarriv- ing early and leaving late. "He's become a gym rat and has madehimsclfagrcatluskctball player," Kumilsky said. "He's been a pleasant surprise, and he’s such a nice kid, too. "Without him I don't know where we'd be. He's shooting almost 70 per­ cent from the field." The more the War Eagles win con­ vincingly “ they arc beating people by 20 points a game - the more Kumilsky is asked whether this team can chal­ lenge lost year’s 18-1 mark. Kumilsky, though, would rather bury the com­ parison issue. " Wc can’t become complacent and satisfied with where wc'rc at," said Kumitsky, whose team returns from ihc holiday break on Jan. 3 at East Davidson. "Yeah we're 6-0 and play­ ing well, but wc don't want to bc'satis- fied. Wc want to stay hungry. "I told them wc’rc not going to go undefeated. Somebody isgoing tosteal a game. You're going lo have a bad game- that's nomial, you'rc human. Wc don't even talk about being unde- fealcd." Mall Moser, the team's leading LESSON^Lessons for Biyinners lo Admced ^clalUlngin Cuil<Jr/^fi}o/Mandolif\/B(iss (also: Basle, beginner vIoUn dobro) GIFT CERTinCATES AVAILABLE 83 Q}urt Square. Mocksville ibnUt Dm't Music) (336)751-9390 C e n t r a l C a r o lin a B a n k YourFinandalAdvant^e 148Wat»*rSt.* Downtown MocksviKo Squire bo'-ne • ‘mzu. Yadklnvillo Rd. • M;.Pk8vjlloHionwdvBQI «C00»ftAmiw Clo9lngalip>m. ChrlttmM E n • Rtcptn Uondty at R«0Uiif Tim* DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999^- B7 the defcnsc-wins-championships pos­ ture as Davie held an opponent under 50 for the first time. "With this group, 1 never expcct lo score just 50 points." Ijc said. "Bui;a win is a win. Look at it frtmi a dcfcn- sivcsVandp^Mnt.Wcheldthemtoundcr 50 points. How many games arc you going to lo.sc holding teams lo ^6 points'?" V And Davic will need that kind'^Y defensive effort to sustain perfecti(^ ihmugh the new year. West Chiirloilb and Hickory rcprescnt half the field In the Domino's Pi//a H(X)ps Classic, Davie’s first-annual tournament o;i Dcc. 22-23. / ' • '....... "They arc iw oof llte better teams In the slate, and wc have to be ready ^ r them," Drunelll said. Chris Stein scored eight agaiiut Central, while Jason Hogue had fwr and Denial Davis, Dan Sullivan. W(»}- dridge and Donnlc Vestal two apicfe. scorer al 17.6 points a game, added nine points against Greensboro Diy. Luke Phelps had six, Kurt McNabb and Drian Hunter foureach. McKenzie Willoughby ihrceand Matt Jamcstvyb. West Uses 'Awesome' Defense In Win Continued From Page B1 Behiml McNeil's season-high 13 points, however. North slormcd back and pulled within 38-36on the first of two Schafer free throws. But North- wcstrcboundedSchafer’sstratcgically planned miss on the second try and killed the final three seconds. . "I was very proud of my girls the way they stuck lo their guns and pulled off the deficit," King said, "but I was disappointed with the first quarter. If y/c hiul scoroil just one, two, three points in the first quarter, wc could have won the game. The first quarter killed us." Schafer added seven points, fol­ lowed by Kahre and Spain with five and Lambe, York and Riddle with two. West Rowan 50, North 34 King portrayed Erwin as the great­ est defensive team she has ever seen afier a loss on the first day of the season. Her perception has changed now that she's met West Rowan, which bullied to a 20-4 lead and brcczed. "Tltistcamplaysbcnerdcfcnsclhan what Erwin did, and Erwin was awe­ some," she said. "Tliis team played like guys. Wc turned tlw ball over way too many tinics. Wc just kept giving them the ball. Wc might as well have had assists for the shots they took." Schafer matched the career high of 17 she set earlier in the week against Corrihcr-Llpe. Kalirs added eight, fol­ lowed by Lambe with three and Spain, McNeil and Bates with two. "Schaferpullcd through formewiih some shots." King said. "Nobody else was realty hitting that much, so 1 was real proud of her play." South WrestlersHaving Another Good Season Contiitued From Page B1 Riddle sensed South's improbable destiny when Gobble gave the Tigers their first lead at 33-32 with two lo go. "That was big," Riddle .said of the third-period pin. "That really got the momentum going our way. Once we got to (Gobble al 160). I thought wc had a real good chance." Rice's pin and 39*32 lead, his sev­ enth straight since losing his seventh- grade debut, set the stage for Roberts' match-clinching moment, a ihird-pc- riodpin.Soudi forfeiledat heavyweight to close the scoring. "OnccDJ. won,everybody fcltlikc wehadagoodchana* sending Mitchell oul iherc," Riddle said. "Our bench was up more than theirs, especially after you winfivcinarow,and Mitchell tookcorc of busini^s. Hcscorcd five in the first, scored seven in the second and pinned him In the third. He man­ handled him." The Tigers, who ripped Corriher- Lipe 84-6 and West Montgomery 78- 12carlicr in the week, is five wins from their third perfect regular season in four years. But therc's nothing easy about Northwest Cabarrus, which scored South beforc falling 51-30 last year, on Jan. 6 and unbeaten North Davie on Jan. 18. "West Rowan barely got by North­ west Cabarrus, and Northwest is the type of team that will get better as the year goes along." Riddle said. "They work hard. Uist year wc almost let Northwest sneak up on us, we wcrc kxiking toward North Davie. Hope­ fully, wc can get by them." Notes: Cooler Arnold and Scoil Maxwell stopped West's early run with pins that shaved the gap lo 17-12. "If either one of them would have lost, we lose the match," Riddle said. "Looking back now. they werc just as important us anything." .... Maxwell. Riddle. Gobble and Roberts arc 8-0 and Grant Lakey is 3-0. Kurt Boiler. Dylan Rey­ nolds, Arnold, McNeil. Lowe, Foster. Ricc and Thompson have one loss..... Riddle said Rice has rebounded from a broken ankle. "He's really starting to come Intohisown. DJ. is getting more confidcncc in his ankle and finally getting up 10 speed. After Christmas, he ought lo really crank up.".... The Tigers host M(xircsvilleon Jan. 4.ihen travel to Northwest Cabamis on Jan. 6. Free C re d it H elp SEE »•••••• Steve McCuilouj^h yVe specialize in placing ihe credit challenged in new or pre-owned vehicles! kiac iOeffuWoodAUTOCENTRE $QQ^ ^ Honda»Jct‘p>riymoiah*ChosU’r*KlA I ____n.. ni______4 O OO -VOA A n o __Loan By Phone 1»888*789»CARS Th€ Staff of Fost€R-Rauch Drug W ish You A ... Wm CIviittm Holiday Hours: Open Christmas Eve 8:30 am to 6 pm. Closed Christmas Day. Sunday, DECEMBER 26tli A l l C h r i s t m a s M e r c h a n d i s e 5 0 % off I FMt&irRoitfk Ca. I ■495 Valley Boad » Mocksville « (336) 751-2141 Regular Hours: M-F 6:30-6 • Sal 8:304 • Sun 1:30-5 | M e rry C h ris tm a s To Our Many Valued Customers We’d Like To Extend ^Our Heartfelt Appreciation. May All Good Things Come Your Way This Holiday Season. Open OtUil 4 p m. on Christm as Eve Closed C hristinas Day & Monday. Dcc. 27 Closed Monday. Jan. 3. 2000 GIFTS AND OFFICE SOPPLIES 121 N, Main St. Mocksville, NC Phone:751-3418 Wishing You The Best This Holiday Season! Thanks for Shopping Your Local Wal-Mart. A/aiiU V iaarfaUaxLXm M xstM t■ Open'Til 6pm." y’i WAL*MART Yadkinville Road • Mocksville 'Tis the holiest season o f the year. M ay you be to u ch e d by its m agnificence. M erry Christm as from the S taff & Residents o f Autum n Care o f Mocksville M m tM N C A R EOFIMOCKSViaE 1007 Howard Street Mocksville, NC 27028 751-3535 C A B IN E T -M A K E R S CRAFTSMAN’S CORNER • 521 MILLING ROAD MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROUNA 27028 CloMd DM!. 22,23,24, ISM ft Jan. 3,2000 D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23, 1999 S u p e r S p e c ia ls Two Locations to Serve You 10 Pointer Evan Beam, an eighth grader at North Davie Middle School, shot his first deer, a 10-point buck, on Thanksgiving morning in Union, S.C. The buck weighed 160 pounds and had an almost perfect rack. He was hunting out of a lock-on SBll-cllmbing stand when he shot the buck with a Remington pump 30-06 rille. He lives with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Beam, In Advance._____________________________ Brooks Sinks Hole-In-One sophomore, drilled his first ever hole- in-onc from 156 yard.s out us brother Scan.falhcrLaTTyandgrandfaihcrJcrry Scager watched in dishciicr. GrcgBrookspullcdofToneorgoirs rarest feats Sunday, gelling a hotc-ln* one. Using a 6-iron on Hickory Hill's No. 13 par-3, Brooks, a Davie High Tournaments Scheduled Men's church and men’s open bas­ ketball loumanwnls arc scheduled for Dcc. 31 and Jan. 1 al ihe Bruck Gym ■Die cost is $100 per leam, and ihc (oumaments arc double-climinalion. Call Daniel Drown al 751 -4632 or Tim Banner at 751 • 1239 lo enler. Registration Under Way For K-2 Instructional Basketball The Mocksviltc'Davie Recreadon Dcpartmenl is accepling forms for K- 2 Instructional Daskeiball Program. This program Is designed lo icach basic baskelball skills. This is not a league but on (he Iasi day, ihe children will divide up Into icams just for fun. This program is for males and females grades K-2. This program will be of- fercdalMocksvillcElementaiySclKX)l. niedaicsiJan. 15. Jan. 22. Jan. 29. Feb. 5 and Feb. 12. Each session will lasi 50 minules. Kindergarincrs will Sian a( 9 a.m., Ursl graders al 10 a.m. and second graders al 11 a.m. Preregislralion is rcquired. ihe fee Is $20 and ihe deadline is Jan. 8. Call Ihc rec at 751-2325. W e e k ly S p e c ia ls M on; Baby Flounder. 49 Baby Flounder (a ii you o n Em)..........5.99 Combo of (Bnby Flounder S.Baby Shilmp).....5.99 Salisbury Location Only Tues: Baby Flounder (All You Can Eat}.........3^ 49 Baby Shrimp (ah you can eiii............6.99 8 oz Rib Eye-with salad.................5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby Flounder &Baby Shrimp)....5^ 99 W ed: Baby Flounder (a ii you can Eat)........ Canadian Flounder)------------ . . 5 . 9 9 . 5 . 9 9 Combo of 2 (Baby Flounder &Baby S h rlm p )....5 .9 9 Grilled Chicken/Baby Shrimp/Salad..........6 . 9 9 (all Ahead 2050 )tateiville Blvd • )alitbury, DC |o i, - 6 } 9 - 9 5 o o (lion - Thun iipm ■ gpm - fri - ii am - lo pm iat-3 pm-iopm>{un-u:)oam’9 pm or 8830 Uateiville Blvd • Cleveland, IIC 7 0 1 1 -2 7 8 - 2 2 2 6 Tuei-Thuri -bpm-gpm fri - iat -1, pm' 10 pm - tun -11:30 am - 9 pm Thur: Baby Flounder (a ii you can Eat).........5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby Flounder IB aby S hrim p)....5.99 9oz Chopped Sirloln-wuh salad...6.99 Sun: Baby Flounder (ah you can Eat).........5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby Flounder &Baby Shrimp).... 5.99 Canadian FloundersBaby shHmp)....6.99 Canadian Flounder....................5.99 Sefved with cole sisw i hushpuppies, baked potito, french fries or onion tings No Discount on These Specials • Dine In or Carry Out ___________________Limited Time Only___________________ Make Your Christmas Party Reservations Now :;i - i i . It-:pi One measure of a ' medical Institution's technological capabilities has always JSeen Its surgical capabilities; . How complex are the operations It Is able to perform? And while that measure still holds true, another one has come along; ‘ . How complex an operation can a medical Institution , \ perform with a minimal amount of Invasion to the body?MINIMAL INVW^I^^N CALLS Rowan Regional Medical Center, we have neurosurgeons 1^ 11^ M l C l / ’ l l I C ''outlnely use minimally Invasive procedures to operate on the d i J K v C K T a l V l L L a e splnalcordandnerves. WehavelnterventlonalradlologlstscapaWe of performing malor surgery using an Incision as small as 1/4 Inch. And we have cardiologists who can look Inside your heart by simply Inserting a catheter Into a blood vessel. \ All of which allows for safer, less expensive . , options than traditional surgery, quicker ‘ recovery times, less trauma to the body ‘ and more accurate, efficient proce- ' , ■ . dures. Proving once again ^that less Is often more. . ■ ' ' ' .1, T il ;( \ - Rcwan Regional Medical CEhTTER Ibiir Source Boclbtal Hailduaie. 1 Davie People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,I, Dec. 23,1999; Cl | Mart. Area Jaycees and other volunteers took 19 area children shopping, and bought clothes f a and toys for three others. y a • • ^ ‘ Daniel Shores, 11, eyes some NWO wrestling toys. "I’m looking for something for me * . .^Anthony Hall wheels his basket frond the clothes sectioh. Jaycees and other volunteers help Davie children pick out clothes during the Christmas Cheer project Saturday. / ■•,« \ .. ,, ,,, ,....Photos by MII^Bw^^ * ' 'f ' ' J ' ■ , ‘ C2 - DA.V1E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 Pino News Nora Latham ^noCorrcspotidcm ThcDcccmbcrbrcakfasiatWesley j;C;hapcI United Methodist Church was huge success. The members of ^Westey Chapel would like (o take this opportunity to thank everyone who :made 1999 a success for the church. iThc Building Fund has $86,000 in it. ‘Wc hope It will not be long before wc ^ a k ground for the building. ; J The annual Christmas program at • .^VesleyChapel.woslast Sunday night. ^Approximately 60 members and guests ^njoyedthc program and refreshments. Heath Drown. Andrea Gentry and Christie Gentry spent the week-end with Andrea and Christie's parents, Pete and Madelyn Gentry. Heath and Andrea had a pan in the Christmas ^ program at church. Eihan Doger graduated from North CaroHnaStatcUnlversily Iasi Wednes­ day. He received a double major In general agriculture and agribusiness manogement. These traveling to Ra­ leigh were his grandparents, Harmon and Nora Latham, parents. Bob and Kathy Ellis,parents,JohnnyandRenec Boger, and brother, Patrick of Lexing­ ton, and friends,Ted, Judy and Allison Hoffman of Greensboro, and Amy Isenhour of Tayjorsville. Toni Horton spent a few days last week in Indiana visiting sons, Jamie ond Justin Losh, and other relatives. Jim, Chinera, and Kendra Latham of Newport News, Vo., and Audra Latham of Charleston, S.C. spent the week-end with Harmon and Nora Latham. Also visiting were Ruth Mashbum of Andrews, and Doug. Linda, Amy and Emily Mashbum of Hickory. Tlie Pino-Farmington Homemak­ ers met last week at the home of Toby Hawkins for their December meeting with eight members present. Toby served a delicious lunch to Marie MiIlcr,JanieDixon,LcliaEssic.Louise Dill, Nora Latham, Jean Smith and Carolyn Doger RyanThomas, student at N.C. Slate University, and Lindsay Thomas, stu­ dent at UNC Wilmington arc home for Christmas break with their parents, Ray and Daca Thomas. iHoward Addresses Senior Trotter Club The Senior Trotters met for their "ijionthly meeting Dec. 9 at the Center :2Community Building. There were 24 ^embers and one visitor present. V! Nancy Tutterow. president, wel- ‘cbm^everyone,and Bill Seafordhad [devotions. Minutes of the November . meeting were read and approved, and .'the treasury report given. A note was jrcad from thcRonaldMcDonald House in Winston-Salem, thanking the club for the donation of food and other items given to them in November. "Happy Birthday" wassung to John White and Tom Phillips. Christmas cards werc signed to mail to the shut- in members. Following the short business ses­ sion, Julia Howard was welcomed to tltc club by the president. She told the group it was like coming home to be back in the Center community. She spent many happy days at Center and theCenterchurchwithdearfriendsshc grew up with at school. She told some of the humorous things that has hap­ pened to her or her friends over the years she has been in business and involved in politics. Games were played and gifis ex­ changed before the meal catered by Wink Hendricks. The next meeting will be Jan. I3at 10 a.m., with a vegetable and potato soup lunch. Everyone is to bring a can of vegetables, dessert or drink. If there is no other entertainment, bingo will be played before the meal. Anyone 50 years of age or older is invited to join the group. Pirst Methodist To Hold Christmas Eve Services *' First United Methodist Church of 'Kfocksville will have two special :Christmas services on Christmas Eve, •Friday. Dec. 24. The Christmas Eve Family Cel­ ebration will begin at 8 p.m. The ser­ vice is designed fur families and chil­ dren. Readings and scripture will be New Arrivals ; SMITH ’ * TobyandChristinaSmilhannounce I the birth of their first child, adaughter. jTaylor Marie, on Dcc. 17, 1999, at ; Iredell Memorial, weighing 7 lbs. 3-1/ :2 oz. She was 21 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Charles ;and Sherry DePalmaof Cooleemec. • PatemalgrandparcntsarcTonyand •Diane Smith of Mocksville. FLOWERS Patricia Anderson Flowers and Jo­ seph Atillio DeloSantos announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Tristyn Nicole Flowers, on Nov. 27. 1999.at 1:59 p.m. atCorolina Medical Center in Charlotte. She weighed 7 lbs. lOoz. Maternal grandparents arc Pern Phillippc of Mocksville and Curtis Dean Anderson of Cleveland. N.C. accompanied by anthems and congre­ gational singing of carols. Music for the service will be provided by the Chancel Choir and Hand Bell Choirof First United Methodist Chuivh. The Rev. Charles Turner’s messagi is titled "In the Beginning." The ser­ vice will concludc with each person lighting his candle and singing "Silent Night." Alivenativityscenewillbe on the front lawn of the church. ChristmasEveCommunionwillbe held at 11 p.m. This service will fea­ ture scripture, the singing of carols, and anthems by the Chancel Choir. Turner’s message is titled "The Zero Hour." Holy Communion will be served as a part of.the service. Tliis service will also concludc as each per­ son in the congregation joins in sing­ ing "Silent Night" and lights his own candle. The sanctuary of the church will be decorated withgarlands. wreaths, poin- settias, and a 12-foot Chrismon tree. Nursery care will be provided for the 8 p.m. service but not for the 11 p.m. service. Pastor Charles Turner invites the public to cclttbrate Christmas at eitlicr or both of these services. . 3 Shopping Days Left!........- ■ - ............. - AlCeUarConnnations 704'e37'{030 AmencatiTinedo 704-63H880 BithSBody Bdk Big Lots iwtlaid aios/CatosHusQkknA dare's EoutiqueComfSradsDilarTiee Goni/s KbUtts Sporting Goods Hktayfam Jo3iyis Fstxics Kathame'sKM 704-63IM2I6 704'636'S24I 704-633-5ZSS704-63M3S4 704•633^443704-637-007I 704-63HI60 704-638-240S 704-636-5918 704-797-8SOO 704-647-0001 704-636-1662 704-633-8774 704-647-093S 704-636-9943 704-797-0042 704-637-2280 MeeToys HaitsSMofgin Hauices PivlessSiaeSoiKe Fenit Shack Felling Ristwnt XPemy (tanlNoolt lljioSM . Sjvt ^Hastyles ^ lU s Men>e The Alhieles Foot TheStoeOeMtment WhenhoiiseM Witeh]IJe«e1e(SWdfCaim 704-638^)7SS 704-636^931 704-636-5S43704-638-0599704-637-5476 704-633-0013 704-633-0040 704-636-1S31 704-63^6680 704-633-6030 704-637-6326 704^3fr0966 704-6364)207 704-633-56S4 704^384)608 704-637-7172 704-6364525 704-636-8444 704-637-7750 '■ c /K M 'r r v & i’ Mexiars R E S T A U R A N T Buy 2 Soft Drinks & Ij 1 Dinner Combo (#1-30) ;l And Get Another [•I Dinner ComboFR££ j|vALID SUN.-TIIUR. DINB-IN ONLY | ! I bpim 13/a 1/n II *0f Squalor UsMfValu* | I I J 2«30 LcwUvllla-ClMMMa M C lM iie a s778-030017101. Bra«d St.. ■tatatvlli* • STMtlO IMO S. •trstfwtf Rd, W-S • 7M40M , f m k ' ^ L start Celebrating Christmas Here! Try Our Famulous Margaritas! Sun.-Thurs., 11 am-tOpm Friday H am *!] pm Saturday, Noofi'll pm m m s is ts e i J r We ‘WisH Jou !A Mernj Christmas And !H ap -p y EATONFUNERAL SERVICE, INC."A Caring Tradition Since 1951" 325N. Main Street • Mocksoille, North Carolina (336)751-2148 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CH U RCH CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION SERVICE December 24 • 8:00 P.M. All Are Welcome To Participate In This Very Special Service That Has Been A Tradition At First Presbyterian For Many Years 261 South Main Street, Mocksville (Parking Behind the Church) 751-2507 C o u p le C e le b r a t in g 3 0 th A n n iv e r s r y Calvin anil Laura Carter of Advance will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary on Dec. 23 with a family get-together and dinner in their honor. Tlie couple was married on Dcc. 23,1969 in Lincoln, Neb.. They have two daughters. Celeste Michelle Beacham of Salisbury and Laura Susan Copeland of Charlotte. To our CatttoOe brothers and tUtart •earthing for your Churcft... COME HOME FOR CHRlSTlVtASI Mas« Schedule Satuntty S:30pm Sunday 7:45am 9:1 Sam 11:00am Hispanic 4:00pm Holy Panly CamoUc Churtft 4620 KInnamon React Winston Salem. NC 27103 336-778-2970 iy4pm Chrietmae Maw Schedule Chnstmas Eva 4.-00pm 6:30pm 9:00pm Advent Reconciliation Service 12:00 Midnight December 22 at 7pm ChrittmM Day-Sama as Sunday Schedule \& h ristm ^ frem UCnstis Ice, Cream & Coffee SHop Bermuda Quay Shopping Center H o lid a y H o u rs Dec 24th Open Unlll 6pm * Closed Christmas D»y Dec3Ist • Open Until 6pm • Jin 1st Open 3pm* 9pm Dockside Seafood Restaurant NEW FEATURE Sailor Combination Platters Create your own Petite two Item Combo with: Trout White Fish Popcorn Shrimp Chiciten Tenders Clams Deviled Crab Served with cole slaw, hush puppies, and choice of potato. No substitutions picas. Monday thru Thursday Friday thru Sunday $5.25 $5.95 Dockside Daily Specials M O NDAY TUESDAY W h it o f is h P o p c o rn S h rim p ^ m wm ^ ^ D o vilo d C rab$ 4 .5 0 W h ito fis h , P o p c o rn S h rim p & D o v ilo d C ra b $ 5 .2 5 $ 3 .5 0 P o p c o rn S h rim p & C h ic k e n P o p c o rn ' S h rim p $ 5 . 9 5 $ 5 . 7 5 ^ 5 - 2 5 THURS. $ 4 .5 0 P o rc h or W h ito fis h & FRIDAY & SATURDAY P o rc h , T ro u t o r W h ito fis h . W ith D o v ilo d C ra b SUNDAY P opco rn S hrim p $ 5 .7 5 P o p c o rn S h rim p & W h ito fis h$ 5 .9 5 ____$ 5 .9 5 $ 5 .9 5 17J SERVICE ClIAKOE fOR SINGLE PORTION SERVED FOR T ■ 2520 Lcwisvillc-Cicmmons Rd Clemmons, NC 766-9927 Rennix-Painchaud Couple Wed A t F irst Baptist Church Melissa Dawn Rcnnix or Mocks* vilic and Richard Christopher PainchnudwcrcunitcdininarriagcntS p.m. Dcc. 18, nt Mocksvillc First Bap­ tist Church. The Rev. Archlc Jones officiated. The bride is the duughtcrofMr. and Mre. John Rcnnix ofMocIcsvllje. She isa 1993 groduatcorDavie HighSchool anda 1997and I998groduateorWcst- cm Carolina University where .she re- ceived both a bachclor and master's degrees in biology. She is a teacher with Catawba County Schools. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Painchaud of Staten Is- land. N.Y. He is a 1991 graduate of Tottcnville High School and In 1998 earned a bachelor’s degree In physical education from Western CarolinaUni- verslty. He is a teachcr with Newton* Conover City Schools. Given In marriage by her parents, the bride worea full-length gown with cathedral train made of white silk .■ihantung encrusted with pearls. Ttie bridechoseEllzabcthHuntofMonrDC as her maid of honor. Bridesmaid was Leah Tiberius of Murphy, Shauna WehlmannofSiatesvillc.LauraDames of Graham, and Ashley Holmes of Mocksville. The groom’s brother. Daniel Painchaud, was best man. Grooms­ men werc: Steven Painchaud, the groom's brother, J. Todd Rennix, the bride's brother; Jess McNiel of Wilkesboro, and Christopher Jacobs of Mocksville. Flower giris were Heather Mont­ gomery. cousin of the bride of Bristol, W. Va., and Kristen Ferebce ofMocks- ville. Ring bearer was Joel Montgom­ ery, cousinofthc bride, alsoof Bristol, W. Va.Trai n bearer was Coli n Fcrebce of Mocksville, JcnnaMlchaclofAdvanceattendcd - \ the guest register and her sister. Jordan . I Michael, distributed the programs. Mrs. Richard Christopher Painchaud Lauren and Tara Dyson, cousins of the bride of Kemersville. distributed fa­ vors. Patsy Crenshaw directed the wed­ ding. Music was by: Mike Hendrix, organist; Kathy Ferebce. flautist; Dr. Frank Tolbert, guitarist; and Sharon Tolbert, vocalist. AHer a reception at the church, the couple went on a wedding trip to Or­ lando. Fla. They will be at home in Hickory. Smtm is PuMing m Savings at • /T T V X IL ^ ^ IOF THE EAST COAST T? HHdMS ^ IhillwlMiisQrtw ^ ElMllQlttt % t Ttallers of the East Coast mm H iM a iisCome See Us For Your Holiday DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dtc. 23,1999 - 03 Super Rates Super Yields 6 a 0 5 % » n 6 . 2 4 % . . . 6 .2 5 % 6 .4 5 %APY We’re offering two high-yield Bank of Davie Certificates of Deposit. Purchase an n-month term CD and earn a 6.05% rate, with a 6.24% annual percentage yield. Our 25-month term CD pays a 6.25% rate and has an annual percentage yield of 6.45%. You can open either CD with as little as $500. For more information about these offers and other savings plans, visit or call our office in Mocksville.it's Your Bank B a n k o f DAVIE 1366 Highway 601 Sogth On Mocksville Marketplace} 751-5755 This rate in eltecl as o( Novomber 23,1999. Minimum opening deposit must be maintained to earn the Annuai Percentage Yieid. Therq are penalties for early withdrawal and account terms aie sublect to.ciiange. C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23, 1999 Civitan Club Fonving COOLEEMEE-Agroupofrcsi- dcms mcl at lown hi\U Scpl. 2R lomakc adlffcrcncciniliccommunilywiihlhc urganlzation of a (he Coolccnice Civilan Club. Five prospcclivc members and gucsls altcndcd the meeting conducted by Sieve King and Sieve Allred of the Woodleaf Civilan Club. Since llial first meeting, residents have met seven ninrc Utues, nrficially fomtlng the Cooleemcc Civilan Club Dcc. l3.Thcticwlyfom\cddubisnow accepting members and will hold an­ other organization meeting Jan. 10. at town hall at 7 p.m. For more Information about how lo make the community a bcller placc lo live through ihe C(X)!ecmee Civitan Club, conlact George Jordan at Cool- ccmec Hardware Slore. Christmas Program The Bethlehem Angels of the Bethlehem United Methodist Church pre-school program present a Christmas program for friends and relatives last week. ________- Photo by Robin Fergusson HOLIDAY SALE 2 0 % - 6 0 % O FF Now lliroiijjh I'lul of the yeiii' ^and ^ Interior Designs t'/iiir/cH ci'lixiiilii iiikI i'hrisliiw Liiii'illf IDS Associtiles i-C C'k'inimiin Kil. • C'lcininims • iNfVI l)o(ir In I II (336) 766-9918 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 - CS First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Chiirles Turner, Paslor Sunday Worship Opporlunilies: 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday School and Bible Study ,10:55 am - Traditional Worship Service 'A caring church with a place for you." M erry Christmas from everyone at Town & Country Hardware & Mocksville Builders Supply! All In-Stock p Pointer* BrandOveralls &Carpenter Jeans (Kids sizes available) r . - 15% off I 7 THRU CHRISTMAS AU PO iN nif SPECIAL ORDERS MUST BE IN BY FRIDAY, DEC. 17TH (Wt cqn't guahint— dalivary for Chriitmoi,)’ All In-Stock Rocky® Boots 10% off 1MRU CHRISTMAS (Look for Work Boots coming soon) G^ywr MONITOR* HEATERS Nowl Both locations will closc for Christmas on Wed., Dec. 22 at 3;00 pm and will re-open on Mon., Dec. 27 at the regular time. Town & Country Hardware 642 W illtesboro St., MocUsv'il Opi'n Mcii In / iO.irn K, S tOpni S.il 751-1414 ill) f(> i OOpni O bstetrics and Gynecology Canng Medicaid Pmvidcr for SO years New OB patients welcom e at any stage of pregnancy Free Pregnancy Tests Wo will assist your application for pregnancy- related Medicaid coverage at no lee. PotienI may deliver at eittier Slateivllls hospital 12160avla Avenue ' Statesville,NC 704«73-143S - 9 a m to S p.m. dally u m Russet Potatoes White ™ , L b . Supplies H p Last ■ Regular $3.99 Iceberg Lettuce While ^ Supplies Last M VFBONUSBUY j & ' g a Large Head $1.29 Wittiout MVP Card 14.5-15.25 Ounce Cut Green Beans, Whole Kernel Corn, Sweet Green Peas Green Giant Vegetables While Supplies Last Limit 12 MVPNBONUS 4/$2.64 Without MVP Card Split Chicken Breast While Supplies Last Regular $2.29 While Supplies Last Limit 4 Shank Portion Smoked am Regular $1.49 Buy One, Get One $3.19 Each Without MVP Card Limit 2 ^ Free *'7^ >,31?13.25 Ounce Assorted Ruffles While Supplies Last Most Stores OPEN 24 HOURS Prices in this ad erfoctlve JWIT IFISI 1 ^ 2 3 24 2Sl AU Stores Accept I \ very Item In Our Inventory Will W Sold Near At or Below CostlU T im e I s R u n n in g O u t ! Ladies Diamond Anniversary Diamond SolitairesBand Channel Set White/YeUow Gold 70% O F F ' p i Diamond Earring Studs M G o I d Necklaces Bracelets Anklets Seiko, Citizen & W ittnauer Watches J/ } ( 2 Jimc Jo Jine ! Newtowne Shopping Center • Clemmons • 766-8505 liO ri^ S : Mon.-Sill.; 1-7 Sun. 1 '^ :- C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 A d v a n c e N e w s NcAvton Gray Grubb Rivers F o u r A t D a v ie P la c e C o m p le te C o u r s e s Four employees at Davic Placc Residential Care In Mocksvlllc recently completed medical courses. Dot Gray completed the certified medical technician coursc. ' Melissa Grubb, Vickie Rivers and Annette Newton completd ihe certi­ fied nursing assistant coursc. L o v e F e a s ts , C a n d le S e r v ic e s F r id a y Christmas Eve Love Feast and Candle Services will be held Friday, Dcc. 24. at 2 p.m.. 4:30 p.. and 7:30 p.m. al Macedonia Moravian Church. N.c. 801 a mile north of 1-40. A nursery will be provided. S p e c ia l S e r v ic e P ia n n e d By Edith Zimmerman Advancc Correspondent Amanda Brandon or Orlando, Fla., Is spending the Christmas holldoys with lier children and granddaughter, Brian and Diane Brandon and Bailey. Amanda was among the visitors at the Methodist chureh Sunday. Edyle Bailey ofChlcago is visiting for Christmas. She and her dad, AInn Bailey, were at chuieh Sunday. Our community expresses sympa­ thy to Charlotte Williams In the death of her husband, Wiley Williams, who died at Baptist Hospital Friday night. Six hundred luminaries will be placed in the Methodist Chuieh cem- etcrythlswecklnmcmotyofourlaved ones. A live Nativity will be Monday and Tuesday nights, Dcc. 20-21. Andrea Hendrix of Mynle Bcach, S.C., is spending this week, through The officers and members of Mociisville 2nd Presbyterian Chureh invites the Davie County/Mocksville community to the annual Christm;is Eve Service at 6 p.m. on Friday, Dcc. 24, at 400 Pine St. The children will be featured and there will be Christmas songs by the choir. E a g le N e tw o r k V is its M a ll Twenly woiivin of ihc Eagle Net­ work were all siuiles os they gathered inside Concord Mills Mall on Friday, Dcc. 3, for a day of shopping. The trip was sponsored by Graham Funeral Home. The Eagle Network is asocial group for widows to make new friendships and remain active in (he community For information coniaci Regina Graham at 75M 103. D r a m a T o B e P r e s e n t e d A drama lltlcd Xhrisimas Around ihc World” will be presented al Ijames Baptist ChurchonChrisimasEve, Dcc. 24. at 7:30 p.m. The adult and children choirs will be singing with hand chimes included. Members of the church have written the play and will be the characters In the drama. The public is invited. Admission is frcc.Thcchiirch is located at Sheffield and Ijames Church roads, one mile off U.S. 64 West. 'Hie Rev. John Calhoun, retired missionary, is the interim pastor. The Rev. Tommy Faust, newly clccted pastor, will begin his pastorate on Sun­ day, Jan. 2.2000. r T lm e C a p s u le P a r t y P la n n e d ' Ring in the new millennium by raitend\ng:a one^f-a-klhd party on 1’n\umlay{ pee.30. Bring a amaW in»i I \ I metilo sucK os a piclurc, a past Scmor I Center souvenir, or anything else you would like to be placed In a lime cap­ sule. The lime capsule will be sealed and not opened uniU 2010. Tips will be 'Ofrcced.on>how.to destgn'yourown unique family Time Capsule. As al­ ways. iherc will be refreshments, fun, and prizes. Call (he Senior Center at 7SI-0611 today to sign up. :^enior Fitness Program Starting TheDavleCountyScniorCcnterin. 'eonjunctlon with the Davie Family :YMCA will offer the Senior Fitness yiogram. : This program offers senior adults ; lhcopportunltyforwateracroblcs,and : :;lise of the exercise equipment, sauna, :walkingUackaiulolhercqulpmentthe VMCA has to offer. Registration will open for previous participants on Dcc. 27. The Senior Center will be closed jhat day, but messages left on the an- X ^ h u r c h T o H o s t S e r v ic e I JerusalemDaptis(Church,U.S.601 South, will celebrate the season with •^Ihc annual Christmas Eve Celcbrollon jrthisFridayat6p.m. jj; 'niisinformalserviceisasingingof ^ familiar carols, the reading of the i Chrisimas story, ihc partaking of the C Lord'sSuppcrandlightingofCandles. :• It is Intended for the whole family to ^share together the reason for the sea- ;.'5Son. g . OnNewYcarsEvc,Dcc.3l.begtn- >ning at 8 a.m., a Yes 2 the King Cel- ^o/' K(<i-S k c M collection. 1999 2626 M > Oonnini, NC • 766.7440 > Mui-M tO-S • Sit io-l Christmas, with her mother and sister, Janie Hendrix and Meredith Hendrix. Andrea attended church services Sun­ day al the Methodist church and was a luncheon guest of her grandmother, Edith Zimmerman. ThcSalllc Sue Peebles S.S.Closs, olong with the Men’s Bible Closs, en­ joyed their Christmas party Thursday night at Dockslde in Clemmons with 19 people present. Erma Zlmnterman and daughter, ManhaFoWsof Hwy.801 North, were Saturday visitors of Nancy ZimmcN man and Edith Zimmerman. Frank Markiand remains hospital­ ized at Fonyth Hospital and is slightly Improved. His wife, Margie, is much . better but still confmcd to home. We were glad to sec Sandy Rogers at church Sunday after undergoing major surgery some time ago. The fomlly of Albert and Nell Poole met at their home Monday night for their Chrisimas party. Those uttendlng were their son, Danny Poole and wife, Darlene,thcirthra: daughters,Lynette, Naullc, and Angela; daughter Jannie P. BnMks and husband, Jim Brooks. Mavis Rogers entertained her fam­ ily with a pizza dinner Sundoy at her home honoring granddaughter Rachel Dunn who will turn 11 yeats old Dec. 21. Those prc.sent were Rachel's par­ ents, brother and sister Kent and Kaye Dunn, Eric and Haley Dunn. Also Zollle Rogers and family, his wife Sandy, Christopher and Ellie Rogers,: We are happy to report that Edd and Annalee Myers arc improving after being confined with Illness for the past several weeks. May each of you hove a Blessed and Joyous Christmas and a New Yci\r ofgood health, joy and peoce. j Advance Florist & Gift Baskets M l'illtieiaeK i' — We Deliver— (336) 940-6337 Mon-FfI 9-6. Sat9«3 fftowersfor attO ccM oM Oi MOGRIVWi (336)751g178g swering machine will be accepted be­ ginning at 8 a.m. New participants can call lo register anyiimc before the start date of the program. The winter session will begin on Tuesday,Jan. I l.andrunthroughApril 20onTuesdaysandThursdaysfrom9- 11:30 a.m. There is no cost and it is open to Davic County seniors ogcd 60 and older. Space is limited, so register soon and start the year 2000 right with a healthy exercise routine. ebratlon will be held. It will be filled with lois of praise... preaching... and praying, askli^ God’s Blessing upon endeavors in the coming year. There will be lots of groups and Individuals sharing in song and testimony. There will be a lime of refreshments and fellowship. Everything will conclude around 12:30 a.m. If you have any further questions about these two special opportunities of celebration, call 284-2328 for fur­ ther details. Oak Grove United Methodist Church U .S . 1 5 8 , M o c k s v ille P a s t o r , R e v . C h a r le s S t e w a r t Support These Local Businesses W . G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 MOCKSVILLE BUILDERS SUPPLY "Together We Do It Better" South Main Street 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -5 9 1 5 J . P. GREEN M ILUNG CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot SL, Mocltsvllle, NC 336-791-2126 J C E KOBER HARDWARE 5«lHwy.15fA(ivtn(»,NC2700«336-998-1987 v c x ;l e r 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -4 7 1 4 S P IL L M A N ’S O IL & F E R T IL IZ E R 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 3 3 6 -2 8 4 -2 5 5 1 Evelyn Haynes ■n:ni-3>3l ' Otlle«:(336)7!l-3SM E lM U g t DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mockevllie, NC 27028 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -9 1 4 4 E A T O N FUNERAL HOME A Tradiiion of Caring..,. 325 North Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6-751-2141 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC2702B 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 6 7 f U L L E R i m ^ F Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksvitle, NC 27028 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -3 7 1 2 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jerlclio Road Mocksville, NC2702B 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -5 1 4 8 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC.1tgHwy.8018,8uri«1Advtnee.NC 27006 33B-94IK2341 CWm Hmtloi (nirJO ftan Crs| A. Cwer. Proifcn • Muiia C Cwtr. V« fm. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. *PU« COMTMir 165 Turkey Foot Road Mockavllle.NC 27028 3 3 6 -4 9 2 -5 5 6 5 ^ E n w g y l ^ ^ ^ ^ P.O. Box 506 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 3 6 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 US Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -3 3 5 0 Contemporary UKks>K,NoithCiiciii roBoitWiiwiiliCKttawiai lf)nfKlllKnRdtol»bdntdi,)igmltto ■ itocoBeiodirtf*^------------ iCratempmi;^ J^nd The Church Of Your Choice Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 - C7 Norma Frye Fowler ^ Norma Jean Frye Fowler, 29, of Mocksville, died Sunday, Dcc. 19, 1999. ’ ■ Ms. Fowler was bom July 3,1970 in Davic County to Calvin Eugene Frye of Cooleemee and Colleen Stanley Strain of Mocksville. Her nmiernal grandfather, Mr. Asberry Stanley and paternal grandmother, Catherine N. Frye, and an uncle, Mr. Dennis Slanlcy prccedcd her In death. Ms. Fowler was a graduate of L pavic High School and was cm- ; ployed with Lexington Furniture Co. * in Mocksville. She was a lifelong i member of Calvary Baptist Church Jn Mocksville. Survivors Inclyde: her daughter, April Nicole Fowler and son, Jeremy Dcnjamln Wlllioms. both of the home: her mother and step-father, dollcen S. and Jimmy Strain of ^^ocksvllle; her father and step­ mother, Calvin Eugene and Malinda I^ e of Cooleemee; her fiance*, Brad Robbins of North Wilkesboro; 2 brothers, Danny E. Frye of (^ooleemce and James Aaron Strain Mocksville; her maternal grand* toother, Magdline Morgan of Mocksville; her paternal grandfather, lister E. Frye of Mocksville; and itcveral aunls and uncles. Funeral scrviccs were held Wednesday, Dec. 22 at II a.m. ut Calvary Baptist Church with the Rev. Jim Grydcr officiating. Burial fol* towed in the church cemetery. ; Memorials or coniribmions can ^ made to BettyTrivclte, 1785 U.S. S., Mocksville, for the children. Jewell Denman Purvis ; Mr.JcwellDcnnian"Buil''Purvis, 81, orMocksvillq, died on Saturday, Dcc. 18, 1999 at Vcncor Hospital in Chattanooga, Tcnn., aHcr an ex* tended Illness. . He was the husband dr Ruby A n g c I I Purvis of Stocksville. : M r . Purvis was born In Fairmont on Aug. 3, (918 to the late John p a w s o n Sutvis aiid Elsie Knapp Purvis. He and Ruby were married for over 56 years, i Mr. Purvis was a veteran of World War II, having served in the U.S. Marine Corps for itearly five years. In both the Atlantic and Pacific re­ gions, ending his commitment as a sergeant on Iwo Jima in December, (945. ; He was a charter member of the Mocksville VFW and a life member of both the VFW and DAVs. After the war. Bud and Ruby operated the American Cafe and the American Tiixi Company. Mr. Purvis and his wife later owned and operated C.J. Angell Jewelry and Appliance Co., fiaving purchased the company from {er father. After 46 years "on the ^uarc" in Mocksville, Mr. Purvis retired in I960 and traveled exten­ sively with his wife as a member of Ihe Family Campers and RVers, spending ntost winters In Florida, Mr. Pilrvls was a charter member ofBlaise Baptist Church. I In oddliion to his wife, survivors include: 3 children, Elsie Purvis (rfcCombs of Ratlford, Va., Jewell feenman Purvis Jr., of Hixson, Tenn., and John Robert Purvis . of (.awsonvllle; 8 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchlldien; a brother, John Robert Purvis of Savannah, Oa.; and 3 sisters, Christine Purvis Ralley and Doris Purvis Stubbs of Laurinburg, and Ruth Purvis Trolllnger of Rockwell.. 1 Mr. Purvis was preceded in death by a sister, Morgaret Purvis Gear, of iklcterie. La. J Funeral services were held at featon Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, bcc.21 at 1 p.m. with Ihe Rev.Qlenn Sellers officiating. Burial followed I'n Joppa Cemetery. M ilitary Jraveslde rites were conducted by Iho nth Distrlel Memorial Honor fauanl. I Contributions, lit lieu of flowers, pay be made lo Blaise Baptist phurch, Blaise Church Road, Mocksville Or to Joppa Cemetery, c/ 0 Hugh Larew, P.O. Box 665, J ^ k s y llle ; V. . ' . . Charles Franklin Stroud Mr. Charles Franklin "Frank" Stroud Jr., 93. died Saturday, Dcc. 18, 1999 at Davie Place Residcntlul Core in Mocksville, where he had been a resident for the past 12 years. He was born May 5. 1906 in Hickory, 10 the lute Charles. Franklin Stroud Sr. and Jessie Click Stroud. He moved to Mocksvlllc at an cariy age, where he spent most ofhis life. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and served in the Army/Air Force in World War II. He retired from the Veterans Administration in Winston-Salem in 1973. He was a member of the local American Le­ gion Post. He was an active charter member and organizer of the Mocksville Li­ ons Club, as long as his health per­ mitted. He was the recipient of many awards from the Lions, having been designated a Melvin Jones Fellow in 1981, the highest honor accorded a Lions Club member, and also a Jack Stickley Fellow in 1999. He enjoyed visiting with friends and was espe­ cially interested In politics, sports. Lions Club functions, and the work of the church. He was a lifelong member of First Baptist Church of Mocksvlllc, where he had .served as a Sunday School teacher. He was prccedcd in death by his wife, Rachel Foster Stroud, in 1986; and by a brother, Harry S. Stroud, In 1949. Survivors include: 2 sisters, Mrs. James (Jessie) Hinkle and Louise Stroud, both of Mocksville; 2 nieces; a nephew; and several grand nieces and nephews. A graveside scrvlcc was held in Rose Cemetery In Mocksville on Tuesday,Dcc. 21 at 3 p.m. with the Rev. Bill Davis officiating. Memorials may be considered fur Firsi Baptist Church of Mocksville, 390 N. Main St., or the Mocksville Lions Club, c/o Johnny Walker, 173 Kelly Ave., Mocksville. Mattie Angell Hall Mattie Angell Hall, 103, fomierly of Cana Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, Dcc. 15, 1999, at Mead- owbrook Terrace of Davie. Bom Jan. 13, 1896, in Williams., burg, Ky. to the late John L. and AnnindaRyanAngelKshcwasahome- maker. She was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include2daughters, Eva Eaton of Virginia Beach, Va. and Ruby Christine PratcrofMocksville;2 broth­ ers, Charlie Angell and EdrI Angell, boihofArkansas;andnumerousgrand- children.grcatgrandchildrenand great- great gi^dchildren. . Funeral services will be held at 7 p.m. Dcc.'24, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Ronnie Craddock offici­ ating. Visitation will follow the ser­ vice. Kathleen A. Wennerberg Mrs. Kathleen Ann Wennerberg, 50, of Bermuda Run, Advancc. died Sunday, Dec; 19. 1999. She was born June 17, 1949 to Harold J. and Olga Raseius Schanck and grew up in Woodcilff Lake, N.J. Mrs. Wcimerberg was a member of St. Leo's Catholic Church, a volun­ teer for Brenner Children's Hospital and Hospice of Winsion-Salem/ Forsyth County and a member of Bermuila Run County Club. She is survived by; 2 daughters, Traci Hannah and husband Steve, and Kim Wallers and husband, Bran­ don; a sister, Lorraine Stanley; 2 brothers, John Schanck and Jim Schanck; and a dear friend, Dennis Shea. ' ' Funerar services were held Wednesday, Dec. 22 al St. Leo's Catholic Church at noon by Father James Solari. A Rosary was said on Tuesday evening from 7-9 p.m. at Voglcr & Sons Clemmons Chapel. Memorials may be made lo Hos- • pice of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, IIOO-C S. Stratford Rd., Winston-Snlem,27103-3200 or to Brenner Children's Hospital, Wake Forest University Medical Center, Medical Center Blvd.. Winston-Sa­ lem,27157. William T. Sprinkle Mr. Winfred Thomas (Dub) Sprinkle, 73, of Greenwood Lakes, Advance, died Friday morning, Dcc. 18, 1999 at Kutc B. Reynolds Hos­ pice Home. A gruvestde servlcc was held ut A p.m. Monday, Dcc. 20 at Bethlehem United Methodist Church Cemetery in Advancc by Rev. Mark Weekley. Mr. Sprinkle was born in Win- s\on-Salem. June 9, 1926, son of Foster E. and Ella Mac Leinbach Sprinkle. He attended Oldtown El­ ementary School and R.J. Reynolds High School and served in the U.S. Army during World War 11. Mr. Sprinkle was u member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church and was retired from A.C. Corpora­ tion ofter 42 years of servlcc. Survivors include: his wife, Deity Alspaugh Sprinkle, of the home; 2 daughters. Sarah Huden of Advance, and Mary Self and husband. Gene, of Winston-Salem; 2 granddaugh­ ters; a sister, Sarah M. Holland and husband Ernest of Winston-Salem; and a brother, Alfred Sprinkle and wife Wilma of PfalTtown. In lieu of flowers. ll\c family re­ quests that memorials be made to Bethlehem United Methodist Church Building Fund or to Hospicc. Wiley Seabon Williams Mr. Wiley Seabon Williams, 82, of N.C. 801 South, Advancc, died Friday night. Dcc. 17,1999 al Wake Forest University/Baptist Medical Center. Funeral services were al 2 p.m. Monday in Advancc United Method­ ist Church, with the Revs. David Childress and Lanny Atkins offici­ ating. Burial was in the church ccm- clery. The family requests memorials be considered for the building fund of Advancc United Methodist Church. P.O. Box 2021. Mr. Williams was born in Davic County, June 9,1917 lo the late Rob­ ert and Lulu Barney Williams, and was a self-employed truck farmer. He was a memtM;r of Advance United Methodist Church, and enjoyed all types of outside activities. . He was'preccdcd in“dwlh"by 2' sons. Wayne Clifton Williams in I9S6, and Robert Anderson W ill­ iams, in 1941; and by a brother, Rob­ ert Williams. in 1999. Mr. Williams was raised by his uncle and aunt, Brady and Stella Williams. Survivors include: his wife of 62 years, Charlotte Beauchamp W ill­ iams, of the home; a sister, Annie Myers of Advance; and five neph­ ews. /(inies DeBoyce BrocI: 1943-1999 PFAFITOWN Joseph WnymAiidersou 1930-1999 KING Hubert Clinton Hart 1918-1999 MOCKSVILLE & Ckrles Edtmd Groce 1941 -1999 HAMPTONVILLE & Edward Clifton Cook 1938-1999 MOCKSVILLE JoIm.Gui/ Hamilton .1935-1999 SMITHnELD Curtis Wayne Hill Mr. Curtis Wayne Hill, 54, of Winston-Salem, died Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1999 at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. He was born Jan. 30, 1945 In Davidson County to Betty Goins. Mr. Hill was a member of Grave Baptist Temple. He was vice presi­ dent ofThompson Lubrication. Survivors: his wife, Tonya Triplett Hill of the home; a son. Gray Kent Hill and wife, Melissa; udaugh- ter, Paige Graham Hill and friend, Mark Passerallo of Winston-Salem; his mother, Betty Goins of Winston- Salem; n brother, Troy Wilson of Thom’asville; his father and mother- in-law, Hade and Nancy Triplett of Mocksville; 2 slsters-ln-Iaw and family, Tami and Steve Walker of Mocksville and Tara and Phil Holshouser of Rockwell: 2 brothcrs- In-law and family, Mark and Mickey Triplett. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Friday at Grace Baptist Temple with Pastor Ed Sears and the Rev. Ed BIggcrs olTiciating. Entombment fol- Jowcd in Parklawn Memorial Gar­ dens. Memorials may be made to the American Lung Association of N.C., 3409-D W. Wcndover Ave., Greens­ boro, or the American Cancer Soci­ ety. 1900 S. Hawthorne Rd., Forsyth Medical Park. Suite 622, Winston- Salem. 27103. Braden Owen Jones Mr. Braden Owen (Brad) Jones. 46. of Mocksvillc. died Dec. 17, 1999 at Wake Forest University Bap­ tist Hospital. He was born Nov. 6, 1953 in Forsyth County to Lawrence Braden and Lorenc Dietz Jones. Survivors in addition to his par­ ents: his wife, Rebecca L. Jones of the home; a daughter, Brande M. Jones of Keraersvillc; 3 step-sons, Jocseph Livingood of Mocksville, Murk McGuire Jr. and Michael McGuire, both of Winston-Salem; 5 brothers; a sister, several nieces and nephews; and special friends. Linda Kiser, Candace, Brandy, and Donte. - graveside service was alLp.ni. Wednesday. Dcc. 22 at the National Cemetery in Salisbury with Bishop Bobby Cranfill officiating. Edward Clifton Cook Mr. Edward Clifton Cook, 61, of McClamruck Road. Mocksville. died Sunday. Dec. 12.1999, at his home. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 15, in Eaton Fu­ neral Chapel with the Rev. Norman Frye officiating. Burial followed in Farmington Community Cemetery. The family requests memorials be considered for Underprivileged chil­ dren Fund of Pec Wee Baseball, c/o Mocksville-Davie Recreation Dept.. 644 N. Main St.. Mocksville. Mr. Cook was bom in Caldwell County on Mareh21, 1938 to the late Edward C. and Peari Bowman Cook, he was retired from the U.S. Postal Service with 17 years of servlcc. He had been a refrigerator repairman and was an avid fan of blucgrass music. He coachcd Pee Wee baseball and supported the Girl Scouts. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He was preceded In death by his wife, Glenda Myrick Cook, in 1981, by a son, and by a sister, Shirley Cook. Survivors include: a daughter, Deborah C. Seats of Farmington; a son. Dennis Cook of Mocksville; 2 granddaughters; 2 sisters. Frances Pilcher of Farmington and Carolyn Woods of Cooleemee; a brother. Bob Cook of Hickory; several nieces and nephews; and a close friend, Elsie Simpson of Mocksville. Anner Mildred GuUett Anner Mildred GulIcit,83,ofSaiis- buiy, died Sunday, Dcc. 19. 1999. at The Laurels of Salisbury ufier being in declining health for five years. Born June 8. 1916. in Rowan County, to John and Nettle Morris Gullett, she was cducatedinthe Rowan County sclrools. She was retired from Fiber Industries and was a member of Calvary Baptist Church. Survivingarcasislcr,Johnsic Eagle Sells of Salisbury; and 2 nephews. A graveside scrvlcc was to be held at 2 p.m. Dcc. 22. at Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery by the Rev. Rick Cockerham. ’• “ MemorlulsmaybcmadeloCalvnry Baptist Church.2255Easi Ridge Road, Salisbury, N.C. 28144. Myrtle Evans Marsh Mrs. Myrtle Evans Marsh, 82, of 1625 Sugartown Road. Yadkinvillc, died Sunday, Dcc. 19,1999 at Yadkin Nursing Care Center. She was bom in Yadkin County on Jan. 13,19l7to ihe late James A. and Mary Jane Turner Evans. She was a homemaker and a member of Union Cross Friends. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by 4 brothers. Mrs. Marsh is survived by: 2 sons, Robert L. Evans of Dillon, S.C. and Hubert R. Marsh of King; a daugh­ ter, Avis E. CalUcutt of South Mount; a sister. Dcatc Maccmorc of Joncsville; IOgrandchildren;and 10 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held. Wcdnesday.Dcc. 22 at II a.m. at; Rcavis Funeral Home Yadkinvillc Chapel, with the Rev. Grady Tblterow oHlclating. Burial followed In Union Cross Friends Cemetery. T Maureda Hendrix Jones Mrs. Maureda Hendrix Jones. 79, of Winston-Salem, died Friday, Dec. 17, 1999 at her home. Mrs. Jones was bom July 1,1920 in Davic County to Lewis Thomas • and Sadie Fool Hendrix. Mrs. Jones * was a member of Hope Moravian Church. She was preceded In death by her husband, Billy F. Jones. Surviving are two sons and daughters-in-law. Don Jones and his wife, Diana, of Winston-Salem and Bobby Jones and his wife, Debbie, of Winston- Salem; 3 granddaughters; 2 great­ grandchildren; and a brother, Ovet "Mutt" Hendrix, of Statesville. . Funeral services wt a 11 a.m. Monday, Dec. 20 at Hope Moravian Church by the Rev. Galen E. Hahn. Burial followed in the church grave­ yard. Memorials may be made lo Hope Moravian Church. Hope Church Rd., Winston-Salem, 27103. / O , i S . .•rs-Amntmm _, . F u n e iw l Hom e Uswitotaiisiicel Mod.ville.NC (336)751-1100 A New Name... Greentree Financial un Samt GrralSmlcf. Samr GmiiCon^ptiny Go With the Leader In Manufactured Home Equity Loans ■ AM isunceinI selling itnirtx ■ RcfliunclnR ■ Home c<iuU)' nnancing Call 1-800-5304165 www.conte<oloant.com vL’“ {:t>NS>;CO Wishing you every happiness now and throughout the year. Davie County C h a m b e r O f C o m m e r c e 107 N. Salisbury Si. Mocksville, NC 336-751-3304 Closed Fri.. Dcc. 24ih& Mon.. Dcc. 27ih Sliop ‘Doi/Ig County D avie Place R e s id e n t ia l C a r e (Next to Davie County Hospital) 337 Hospital Street H e r e W e G r o w A g a i n ! We are currently adding a 6,000 sq. ft. addition *We are accepting new residents *We are hiring full and part-time positions on 3 shifts and weekends {attendants - coolcs); *We are seelcing volunteers to help with being a friend to a resident. Moclcsviile - 751-2175 'C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23,1999 H a p p y H o l i d R E A LT Y During this special season Howard Realty and all our agents would like to express our thanks to the many people who allowed us to be a part of the sale, purchase or rental of their property in the past year. Through your confidence in our service, we have had the best year ever in our 29 years of doing business in Davie County. T o e a c h o f y o u w e w i s h a V e r y M e r r y C h r i s t m a s a n d a H a p p y N e w Y e a r ! Julia Howard Connie Kowalske Jane Whitlock M.J. Randall Ken Sales Mary Howard Evelyn Haynes Mike Hendrix VIckI Stovall Jackie Coulston DeRee Plummer Beverly Russ Lee Nolan 3 3 0 S o u t h S a l i s b u r y S t . M o c k s v i l l e , N C ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 Jotin Staven Route Donna T.RouM . WMl«yAdaniK«pp RiekyWitktrtcn CindiWIIktrton Jotont Smith 6«ll« BiaHy D«vilopm«nt JothuaWhhlty jMinlffrWhltlay MIehMl Smith . J«fry Sullivan KathlMn Sullivan Fadoral Inturanca Company Satumlno D. Rodriguaz Quadalupa Romtro ,. Waatslda Chrytler Plymouth Dodge, Ino.Furehaa EntarprlMa, inc. Brandy M. Harriaon Joaaph M. Morriaon IMIIton QrayEvartiaft Halan Bamhardt Evarhart ChrlatopharM.Rakaa . Brandi Rakaa David R. Dowdy Traci X. Dowdy Mary Anna Ranldn Edwarda Donna P. Walkar DavME.Abayta William J. Bail JamlaR.Bail SharvyAnnRaamutMn Eatata of Halan C.Oantt JanlcaMma April Stona PtMipt ft Edwwdt. A NC Corp. AlanSoottOMm . JoAmtQantl AHanE. Holcomb SlaphME.Capuaon VtncamPalir Amort , Patricia Amora Richard Handrteka carol Hondrldia MUdradKallar . JacKKallar Bob Copa Construction CartBrlanUak PhyiilaZant Shapiro Mary L. Chapman Patrick Anthony Tagnani AlfradC.Quarino Cynthia A. Quarino JarryBlaUay ' . PalBlaklay ^ HalanD.Eaton LotttoHaydanHyara Pallia Taylor Myara Swis Conatnidlon Company Jonathan U.Lovalaca PaonyLHamm StavMMutton JaaonS.DMka JMC. Brown . HaroMLCorraltJr. ■ TaraMS.Corralt RobMt Timothy Buroa Sharon QaytoBurflo CadE.FduahaaJr. QinaM.POuahaa ■ - DormanBrown . '■ Nancia Brown.. EdMiW.Kaaion . Jaroma ThomM UMar ' ' Haathar Nicola MWar t Timaa D. Luak i; . ; WUHamV.PoatarJr. RobartV.Haidm YManda a Hardin . AQraato>towlaa Propartlat' CliabathBowdan (MAnaHUman , ftiekyW.Aiaundar:i ; TarMaB.AlaMndar;V- ^ ErioBronmCoiMtruction I ' -TuiyFortiwy ; TIuFottiwy.’.'^. tuunRHotintf •r.;.7:if.-.Or.Rob«tS.taol J ' Gala M. Lauwara LuciS.McCiamrock Sandra B. Henry KImberiyAnn WhKlay Jaramy W. Byrd Angle Mlchala Byrd Plnnacla Group Aaaoe., Inc. JarryCraw* Jana Crawa RIckyaScott ShailaM. Scott Wayne A. Joyner Caatia Conatruction llaryPegram H A S tnveatment DorlaWood Eric P. Davenport Shannon K. Davenport Mortgage Portfolio Servlcea Joeeph Deaign & ConaL Co. Vickie Undey Allen Prator Carol Prator ' RJH HoMlnga McGregor II Pro{>erty JameaL Boettcher JettCllna Gena Cline Dr. Francla Slate Daphne Slate Debbie Qraen Mika Green Jamea MontBomery Diana Montgomery Robert Ortffen AiiceOrtflen OInnyMauro VicklaShapiitl- . EmUyB.Kemp SuracraR. Ino. RonWhMock CapriaWhMoek:. Victoria Slovall .Dr. Joel Edwarda Dreama Spillman Francia P. Fanner StSConetruction Richard THvette RegalFundkigCo.,lno. Jerry Reavla SyhriaReavla ScottGantt JoAnnOantt HarveyHeIra , HarriaHaira SmidiHaIra : Robert T. Lauwar* ' • : EMtR.’PicUir > Connie L Pickier JamaaA.Man(ttoJr. ; ; KannelhD.Ollrtlam . John C. BrM M DanMRMartln Maiania Ann Bail MMtln William T.Hudglna OelrdreW.Hudglna ■, Dennia Johnaon 'Joyce Johnaon John Michael Roblnaon Vicki Lee Robkiton < Eatate of Chriatlne W. Danlela - Harman Bennett ' Mary8.Tee9ue Florence Weaver . , KelthD.8tamea Paula Stamea BobbyWaat - JerriWett BobbyBodford .^.^^•FannleaBodford.'■ Cynthia EinaVbgier 4 Grady LMcClamrocIc Sr. , Conti Mortgage Sandra Knight * •Tony Knight . UrryTyndall Kathryn Tyndall V. JohnOldam Robin OMam lewlaBrett • Loretta Brett ■ Gerald Forte ' JoAnnForte’ ; ‘ ' / BnndaHKilngian ; OougllHnt I AngMWIng D d m N M C w M JiitinOndORlMiW;;: . OoMMMeOMny t : O ra tyH cC lM fM kX ) 'M M PMav/Jaoebt UntftliJMMlM sWwBwWSewB lorlNiloftB OrrMChapal HeianChapal DanMlCOdal ' JannHarLOdall MtehaaiDraughn R^lnaOraughn WUNamAPacktock 1'-. ..i^roeiML. raoBOCic Gerald Pennlnfitan . Mary Pennington:RoyLRaid JanatURekS , ReiocationReaourGelnt ' Rural InMathraFrolact, Ino.Richard Shoraa JudyShoraa MariaT.PtMtr^ - CatharlnaWWiwa ‘ Prudential fMocaUen <, JaaaaC.HanactC. ,, ' ' Batty H.Htnat ' ^ , Sm 4M D .'IM >«iw , t ' j , ;<. nw rR W M ni(< /i \W ^R^Schocfe OAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23,1999- D1 Shady Grove Elementary Special dnys were Monday, G^‘cn Day: Tuesday, Red Day; Wednesday, Dell Day. Tliursday, White Day, and Friday. Red, Green, and Vflihc Day. The kindergarten, first, and second grades celebrated withp;irticsonTtiurs- day, and the third, fourth and nrih grades had iheir p:uiies on Friday. ; A spcclal lhanks for the goodies ' j sent In by Ihe PTA on Tliursday and Friday.\ The PTA would like to wish cvery- ‘ one a safe and "Happy Holidays." Student.^ of ihe week arc John Cockerham, Steven Miichem, Rynn Dunn. Katie Lewis. Karis Riddle. Jen­ nifer Russell, John Flowers, Sergio Fcmandc/.AudrcyMclmyre.Susanna MacFarlanc, Allen Hardy. Sam Moser, , Reccc Harmon, Kaiie Johnson, Currie ' Brewer, Ashley Cope, Andrew , Tubilha Young, and Mat-\ Boswell, Tabill iW Myers. \ CooleemiCooleemec Elementary Compassion Is the character Iraii for December. Students chosen have dcimnstraicd their interest in helping others and fmding wayslodoso. Cool- cemee kids ore compassionate: Shirley Carter.JesslcaShort.AshleighButner, Alecia Sample, Kayla Thompson, Megan Theurer. Justin Burton, ^ Michelle Shadroui, Alex Porter. Am- ’ ber Seivers, James Davenport, Josh Medlin, Caleigh Couch, Tiffany Concll.KoitlinDodd.SamanlhaPricc, Alex Beal, Jeffrey Thompson. Mike Hutcherson, David Anderson,Tyeisha Chunn, Courtney Church, Clayton Smith, Jay Bowles, Kntle Link, Kevin \Vl)itley, Andrew Dennislon, Michelle Hall, Brandon Comatzer, Bre.n Cook, Maggie Carter, Austin Tilley, Omar Deiza, Ryan Leonard, Chelsea Hamilton, Christa Smith, Ashley Spillman,DillonSmith,TravlsCrews, Megan Bameti, Justin Spry, Zaeli Durham, Aaliyah Mussen, Lateashia Oadson, Dennis Arguenta. and Brit­ tany Riffe. Thirty students enjoyed their Ac­ celerated Reader breakfasts in the Media Centeron Friday. Each student chosc bacon, sausage, or ham biscuit, with orange juice to drink. Another second grader, Matt Garretson, made the 25 Point Club. Others who joined thc25Polnl Club were Heather Boger, Jessica Foster, Paul Rath, Kanisha Blanchard, Ryan Carter. Miranda Head. Craig Cleary, Debra Clendenin, Meghan Matthews, Alan Vaughn, Chavis Spry, Nicholas Dillard, MlchelleShadroui,AleciaDowns.DJ. Garretson. und Alex Gamer. Students who read enough to make the SO Point Club were Sarah Moore, Sarah Miller. Brandon Jones, Erin Williams, Justin Downs, and James Davenport. Jeremiah Flowers, Chanelle Gaither, and Terry Williams reached the 75 PolntClub.ChristopherBrogdon sailed into the 125 Point Club. Cameron Yancey climbed into the ISO Point Club. Tyler Miller andGtvgoryDevauU both soared into the 175 and the 200 Point Clubs. Students in Jennifer Custer's class have enjoyed gelling ready for Christ­ mas. Tliey went on u Held trip to Hanes Mall to sec the decorations ond to visit Santa Claus. Tliey alsoenjoyed eating In the mall at Ruby Tuesday's. A spe­ cial thanks to the Davie County ARC for giving the class money to do spe­ cial activities. Students also enjoyed making ornaments for thelrClmstmas tiws.Tlieyhave made heart onmmcnts, chain garland, suckers, and a special gift for their parent.s. Tliey also made thelrown stiK'kings. Going to theSania Shop was n lot of.fun for students, vs ho got to pick out gifts for spcclal family members. Tlie fifth grade classes of Lou Suiphln, Karen Flc'mlng, and Susie Wilcox visited the Davie Village Rest Home to sing carols to the residents. The students also presented cards to Ihe residents to wish them a Mcrr>- Christmas. The students have enjoyed several special treats to celebrate the season. Tliey made reindeer sand­ wiches for a healthy snack to accom- p;my tliclr health unit on Wellness. Tliey enjoyed a special Christmas movie, had a Christmas snack, and played Bingo and Pictlonary, both Christmas related. Students were treated to holiday siories from Dr. Karl Hales and several of his students from Catawba College. Thlsgot each student and teacher In the holiday spirit as they listened lo the stories and sangseveral favorite songs. Tliinl grade classes have continued traveling and learning about Hanuk- kah and Christmas traditions of other cultures. Tliis week some guests from other countries came to visit. To complement the third graders’ studies, theeighth grade Sp;mlsh siudents fmm South Daviepresentedapn^gram about the Christmas, New Year, and Kings' Day celebrations in several Spanish- speaking countries. Some students participated in u nativity scene and joined in Spanish translations of tradl- llonalciuuls. Among theMlddleSchool perfoniiers were several Coolecmce alumni. On Dec. M,tlicsecondgradeclusses of Anne Brown, Tara Lowery, Sharon Nlgro, and Mary Shouse had a Christ­ mas Brunch for their parents. Tlie brunch was well attended and every­ one had a great time, llie children recited ‘Twas the Night Before Christ­ mas" and sang four Christmas songs. Tlie first grade students of Hope Elliot, Amy Garnett, Dawn Ludwlck. and Beverly Stewart all visited the Brock Perfoniilng Arts Center to see a ballet of 'Tlie Nutcracker." Teachers and siudents were delighted by the dancers,especlally,thatofMacKcn/ie Miles, a klndergartner, and Kaylec AllUon, a second grader. In ihc class­ rooms there have been lots of festive activities. In Mrs. Elliot's class, the students have written letters to mail off toSanta.The students in Mrs. Garnett's class have made decorative wreaths to be used as plcturc frames. Mrs. Ludwick's boys and girls visited gingerbreadlane.com on iheir class­ room computer and buili their own gingerbread houses. In Mrs. Stewart's room, the students have enjoyed paint­ ing Christmas omamenls. The kindergarten classes of Janell Yount,PennyJohnson,TammyClodgo and Nancy Harpe have been busy pre­ paring for Ihe holidays. Lots ofspeclal things have been made for families and have been good at keeping sccrets. Tliey have enjoyed lots of holiday books ond music. They got to hear a storyteller and participate in the sing- along with the whole school. On Dec. Continued On Poge D2 Crosby Scholars Participate In Workshop Davie High School Crosby Schol­ ars were back at school Saturday, Dec. 4, along wlih some of their parents, for a weekend workshop about planning for college. Clay Alexander, assistant admis­ sions director at Greensboro College, shared his insight about how students should choose a college and how col­ lege applications arc processed. Scholars were encouraged to use the knowledge of their guidance and career counselors often and to search the Worid Wide Web for infonnation. "Act early, and think hard about what you want and expect fn)m col­ lege," Alexander told students. Nationally alwut 60 percent of stu­ dents do not return to the same college after their freshman year. A few years ago that figure was40 percent, he said. • Duringthesecondhalfofthework- shop, students reviewed college appli­ cations and learned about the process from an admissions officer’s point of view. Tills was the third weekend work­ shop conducted for Crosby Scholars. Tlie next workshop will be held In March. All Davie High Crosby Schol­ ium are a’qulred touttend this workshop at some time In their school career. Tlicrcarcnowmorcthan750schol- ars enrolled in the program In grades 7- 12. Sixth grade students will be invited to join the program in early 2000, ac­ cording lo program director Alan Hyland. Starting in 2002. Crosby Scholars, meeting state graduation requirements and w Ijo have been in the program for two or more successive years, will rcceivca financial reward loasslst with their continuing education. The size of that reward has not yet been deter­ mined, he said. Ho! Ho! Ho! PinebrooK second graders had a lot of fun last week, dressing up like Santa and offering their best *Ho Ho Ho, Merry Chrlstmasr fvlelissa Nichols Is all beard (top left). Students line up for the costume and Ho Ho Ho contests (top right). Puffing on his corncob pipe, Sam Cassidy sports his grandfather's Santa suit (bottom left). Teachers and parents get ready for the fun to begin (bottom right). - PhQtos by Robin Fergusson D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23,1999 Davie Schools Continued From Page D1 , 10. ihcy went lo the Zachary House ; andiookomamcntsforthcirtrcc,heard I things about how Christmas was ccU ! cbraledmanyycarsago.andgotatrcal bag with an orange, nuts and slick candy inside. Mocksville Elementary Carrie Hess and MIlllcFuiion’skln- dcrgartcn class has been busy getting ready for theChrisimashoiidays.They , have enjoyed making wreaths with ; tissue paper, ornaments out of pret* : zels, and reindeer with their feet and ! hand prints. Other than ail of the fun : crafts, the class has learned about the three types of punctuation marks that come at the end of sentences. They have also been reviewing all of the alphabet ieiters. Angelina Etter and Lynn Zoubek’s kindcrganen cia.ss has been learning about the Christmas season. This week ; the class has been making Christmas • ornaments and decoraiing the tree. The class strung popcorn to decoratc it as well. This is the last week they will have high school volunteers. They have bcncHted from their help, and look forward to the Christmas party on Fri* day and Christmas break. Students have been busy during jhls last week before Christmasbrcak. f raft projects and gifts to parents re- I:eivcd flnat touches. Students have beenpracticingtheChristmascarolsto sing at the Young Children's Learning Center as they deliver a Christmas ucal. "Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia" has given us something to laugh about, and other stories have helped us to try to remember that giv­ ing is more important than receiving jJuring this holiday season. ; Susan Wall Smith and Brenda JloUifield's second grade elves have busily worked on 20 December holi­ day stations. The math station was converted intoabakery where the chil- drcnpracticed economics suchas mak­ ing change and writing receipts. The students used their map skills as they .trackcd "Where in the World Would Jhe Gingerbread Man Go."They used five senses to study the trees (ever- ifereens) of this season. ;l ThechildreninWendyDeLuryand Cindy Freeman’s class have been en­ joying Christmas Around the World. It's been a two«weck long adventure U^at has been enjoyed by all. The chil­ dren have levned about the holiday traditions and customs of nine coun- ■tries. They received a souvenir from «ach country they visited. For home- ' 'vvork, each child shared their souve* ^irs and told all about the things they -learned wiihafamilymembcrat home. ‘ StudcntsortheweekofDcc. 13-17: Shaquinta Hairston, Landon Hurt, Ervi n Conyers Jr.. Hannah Spicer, Shon J^elds, Thomas Grintch, Blake Wise, l.eya Kirby, Joshua Callaway, Ryan '.brooks, Collin Copuson, Rachel * Coffman, Cristi Stockner, Modleen Henderson, Catherine Draken, ’Cassandra Spicer, Eve Crook, Lind­ say DIackwell, Kdrlyn Phipps, Megan Cauble, Joshua McDaniel, Haley Allred, Adam McKnight, Drew Hancock and Cady Brown. ; North Davie Middle The following students were se- '^Ucctedasexemplarybuspassengersfor •‘iWovcmber and were honored with ^unch at McDonald's: Chris Moxley, Jason Cooper, Kena Gentry, Marie Robcftson, Jonathan Smith, EricaLone, Jenna Michael, Russ Powell, Tabitha Easling, Jessica Hugging, and Wesley Martin. Explorers Students of the month for Decem* ber on the Explorer team arc Jessica Plemmons, Brittany Holman. Kami Simpson, Sarah Frazier, and Kendra Johnson. R&R Prime Time students forthemonth are HeatherCote, Olivia Sawyers, Erika Smith, Malt Ireland, Alexis Levin, and Brondon Adams. Mrs. Ridenhour's language arts classes have been studying the sea­ sonal classic, "A Christmas Carol." This unit ended with a field trip to the High Point Theatre to watch a profes­ sional prescntationofthisfamous story by Charles Dickens.. Students read a story about the Jewish holidays of Hanukkah. Accelcrated Rcodingended Dcc. 14. Next quarter, students will be studying Greel( mythology. Mr.Carother'ssocialstudiesclasses are completing a study of Africa. The classes look some time to paint their impressions of Africa. Some will sub­ mit their paintings lo the reflections contest in January. Tiny also worked in groups of four or five to write and perform a skit in the Swahili language. • The next area of study will be the Middle East where the leam will learn aboutlhcWorld'sthrcc great religions; Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Ex­ plorers spent three days studying the fundamentals of economics to better understand how people and govern­ ments supply their needs and wants with limited resources. Ms. Mick's scicnce classes arc wrap­ ping up a unit on chemistry. Students have nuule models of molecules and experimented with many chcmical re­ actions. After winter break, students will be working on Soil and Water speeches and reading a science fiction novel, The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm." Mrs. Stewart's math classes are studyingproportionsandrationalnum- bers. They will begin a "Let's Get Real” unit after winter break that will focus on real-life applications using mathskills. Wintcrgeometrieprojects were completed this quarter and the following students were judged win­ ners: 2nd period, 1st, Troy Blakely: 2nd.CarrieSainandMeridith Phillips; and 3rd, Kendra Johnson and Justin Patton. In3rd period, Istplace winners were Andrew Alton and Ben Bogcr, 2nd, Laura Williams; and 3rd. Megan Gamble. 4lh period winners were: 1st, Matt Smith and Lauren Wanucha; 2nd. Charlie Monger and Lea Scott, and 3rd, Amanda King and Ted Randolph. In 6th period. 1 st was shared by Ashley CbmalzcrandWiUiaroHockaday;2nd, Amy Krissak and Tommy Pullen; and 3rd,BrandonAdamsandLucasBoger. In Prime Time, students brought in items for children forStorchou.se For Jesus. Tliey also made holiday pins. Plnebrook Elementary If you have been in the school dur­ ing the last few weeks, you felt it. There was something in the air in the media center. Or better put, therc was something on display. As the children and even the teachers passed through they couldn’t help but look in wonder at the beautiful baskets. This fund­ raiser was an overwhelming success. Through the efforts and support of the Pincbrook family, over $8,600 was raised tobuy fcooks for the media cen­ ter. The winners are: Christmas Bas­ ket, Justin Atwood; Beach & Summer Fun, Richard Taylor; Breakfa.st Bas­ ket, Heather Sanders; Mom’s Pamper Basket, Denise Schaefen Chocolale Lovers, Shannon Queen*, Coffee & Tea Lovers, Howord Funk; Young Anist,JonalhanJcrferies: Young Read­ ers, Stacey Spaugh; Sports Basket, Mike Beeson; Memories Basket, Ada May Carter; Family Fun, Bobbl Shrewsbury: Couch Potato Daskct. Connie Sweat; Great Scents, Linda Smith; Baker's Bosket, Linda Harris: Nature Lovers, Alice Green; Garden Basket, Iona Reavls; School Survival, Robert Miner; Stationary Basket, Karen Key; Baby Basket, Kim Will­ iams; Handyman Basket, HelenCarter, Pet Lovers Basket. Terry King; Mil­ lennium Basket, Mary Brownlow; Wrap-It-Up Basket, Joy Novak; Children’s Games. Nolan Smith; and Car & Travel, Kenny Benge. STARS of the week of Dcc. 17 were: Tony Rivera, Ben Secord, Katherine Lane, Patrick Whaley, An­ gel Bradford, Andrew Sutter, Heather KImel, Megan Foucheux, Lauren Brown, Jessica Dionne, Jordan Tay­ lor, Amanda Bell, Jonathan Roesch, Elizabeth Riddle, Alex Newman, and Joseph Livengood. Central Davie Elementary Media Specialist Debbie Archcr announced tliat students who reachcd their goal of 40 accelerated reading points by Friday, Dec. 17, would be invited to attend the Winter Wonder­ land Party. Fifth grade Spanish students of Betsy Velez recently participated In a contest to design pinatas. All pinutas were on display in the media center. The three winners, Charlie Colbert, Kelly Felts, and James Wilson, were treated to lunch atTaco Bell Tuesday, Dec. 14, with Senora Velez. Students have completed the fln>t round of the National Geography Bee. The following have been selected as classroom winners and will panicipaie in the school bee after the holidays: Colin Bohannon,BiancaByme,Caleb Creason, Michael Domanski, Kelly Felts, Brian Gaither, Bethany Gough,' Lesley McBride, AmyPrcsley,AIIyson Reynolds, Rebecca Riddle, and Justin Thompson. Citizens of the Week for Dcc. 17 were; Justin Barker, Summer Best, Heath Boyd, Tommy Campbell, Isaac Lopcra, Tanner Lowe, Kenny Rivers, Camryn Smith, Corey Taylor, Leigh Ann Weatherman, and Andrew Willard. Citizens of the Month for Decem­ ber included: Trey Archer, Emilee Beauchamp, Heath Boyd, Richard Gibson, Jana Hughes, Justina Ijames, David Pruitt, Pablo Rodriguez, Corey Taylor, Cassandra Tilley, Austin Wood, and Michelle Wright. Bus Students of Ihe Week were Floyd Collins and Jaclyn Smith. Sylvia Smith’s fourth grade class visited the Museum of Anthropology inWinston-SalemonDec. lOaspartof their social studies unit on Native Americans in North Carolina. The sci- enceclassisbeginningastudyofsimple machines. Special rwognition goes to two students; Amy Presley was the Geography Bee winner from theclass, andJustinPhillipscelebrated his birth­ day on Dcc. 13. All students enjoyed holiday ac­ tivities Friday afternoon, Uien left fora two-week vacation. School resumes for students Tuesday, Jan. 4, which is a McDonald's Night. William R. Davie Elementary The PTO meeting was held Dcc. 13 in the school gym. After a short meet­ ing, the program was turned over to Hansel and Grelel. Kindergarten throughsecondgrad- ers presented "This old Gingerbread House." This was a tasty fantasy for young voices by Teresa Jennings. The setting was Hansel and Grctel's gin* gerbread house in the forest. Songs were "This'Old House is Yummyl'* and 'Take One Step," sung by Hansel and Grelel. Another number by the classes was "Sorry." A quintet sang "Everyone Deserves A Home." Tlie final song was"LendAHclpingHand.’' Characters were: Hansel, Ryan Bameycastle; Grelel, Brittany Staton; Bob, 'Tyler Jones, Austin Brown; TV Director, Panic Kurfes; and camera person, Rosa Flores. Animals were Chastity Spry, Alex Henry, Taylor Anderson, Caitlyn Hyde, Chelsea Ledford, Jourdan Blakley, Michcal White, Evan Bullington, Jarrett Walloce, Jeremy Thompson, Tanner Bledsoe. Latrindu Tillery, luid Peyton Blackley. Narrators were Aubrey Apperson, Courtney Moore, Ja’chawn Martinez, Zane Martin, Mary-Kate Beck, Derck Danner, Lauren Outen, TaylorFrank,BrittonyGobble, Jennie- Rae Hager, Allison Anderson, Lind­ say Sanders, Megan Beck, Zachary Lawrence, and Hannah Whittington. The quintet included Hannah Hendrix, Dylan Stumbo, John Weatherman, Krystlc Beam and Spencer Lnnning. Anna Newman, music teacher, di- rcclcdstudents. Spcclal thanks toteach- ers and assistants. Bus, Car and Van Riders of the Week for Dcc. 10 arc Jamie Morrics, Preciosa Curixillo, Justin Whitaker, Brandy Sands, Matthew Speer, Jenni­ fer Whitaker, Kendall Gobble, Jessica Blackburn, Lucy Chavero, Richard Kimbrell, and Alberto Goma. Alyoo Bagshaw and Wanda Dalton'ssecondgradershavebeenbusy working on math facts. They have been reading Christmas books and writing about Ihe holidays. Each stu­ dent made a special gift for their fami­ lies. The Christmas meal was Dec. 9 with 172 guests. Citizensoftheweekfortheweekof Dcc. IGarcBrittanyCranfill,Brittany Gobble, Zone Martin, Hannah Whittington, Lairinda Tillery, Bran­ don Commons, Lannal Rc^riguez, Precious Curbelo, Heather Scherer, TifTanl Bogcr. Kaley Keaton, Richard Kimbrell, Jordan Hendrix, Jeremy Davis, Austin Brown, and Holly Har­ ris. Patti Renegar and Brenda Glasscock's second grade class has been busy writing letters lo classmates throughout the school. The students enjoyed reading "The Polar Express" andmakingamodel tralnoutofcandy. Staff enjoyed dinner at Pole's Res­ taurant in Clemmons on Dec. 14. After a dinner and fellowship, many loured the "Festival of Lights." On Tliursday morning assistants provided a break­ fast for staff OS Secret Santas were identined.Studenlsenjoyed parties on Thursday oftemoon. North Davie students from each team and each grade level prepare to deliver gifts to the Storehouse for Jesus. Students Collect Gifts For Needy North Davie students have been collecting gifts for ihe needy children of Davie County as part of a Prime Time holiday project. Students begin each day with a 25- minuteprimetimecliiss that deals with important teen topics such ascharactcr education, relaiionsliip.s with others, goal setting, respect and rcspt>nsibil- ity, and study skills. During November and cariy De­ cember, each prime time is assigned a poiticularagegroupand students bring in new items to fill shoeboxes with Christmas joy and surprises. Tlien the sliocboxcs are wnipiKHl and lalielcd wiih the appropriale age group and delivered lo the Storehouse for Jesus for distribution to local children. According to past student surveys, this activity is one of the student's favorite prime time projects of the school year. Tiffany Renee HoweU ^ W IL L Y O U M AR R Y ME? € 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ <£)€£>(£> <E> CD O © CE> O I CP Vi* W ir e le s s f o r $10 a m o n t h ! (No more excuses) It's our lowest price ever. All-digital wireless service for just $10 a month. Add unlimited local weekend calling for an extra $10 a month and 100 anytime minutes for another $10 d month. Authorized Sales Representefive ©BELLSOUTH Mobility I DCS* VodhinVolleu NoULQpen at our New Location SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA 1057 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville (336)751-0528 «20<» REBATE wirii octivcrtion of any DCS phone on *30“ service plan or higher. CAll 1:888-327-2001 ttwwMncrth Mrvic* tor cl^th iU O o rM m rn irw lctp o cfa ^ $lOo month.wvithtiOOorrAifmrrwiutit pocu9t.ininu(nlnacetto(podag«or*3S^ PocloQ* "“wtw »och fTKrthTfiicM do not bKkxk ^ rooming, long dritonct. unhirul twvkfl fet. or othw 0PP“" from Bpm Fridoy to 7om Monday. Umted Umt chtt far ntw cuUorwrt. Subiect lo cradit ODnvnL tuh concttotion (M. B«aSouU) MobiStv DCS cthtr mtrictioM. Sm »tor« fcr OIW WSouttt A« DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRI.SE RECORD, Dec. 23, 199^ - D3 Service Group Presents Gifts For 113 Kids On Christmas Day, 113 children of students oltending Forsyth Technical Community College will find under theirlrecsomcthingtheirp;irenisdidn't think would be possible - the presents their children had asked Santa to bring them. Students in Alpha Mu Bela, a ser­ vice friucmily at the college, arc the "elves" that made all of this possible. They compiled a list of children and the gifts they wanted, wrapped pre­ sents that others bought, bought and wrapped presents from cash donations Ihcy received, and then, best of all, presemed the gifts to tlie parents. Tlie fact that all of itiis is done during the last two weeks of the semesler, when research papers and projects are due and final exams are taken, makes the effort of these students even more in keeping with the spirit of Christmas. Tlws anntial event begins just after Thanksgiving, wlien students who need assistance in providing gifts for their children submit theirchildren’s names, ages and the gifts they want for Christ­ mas to the Student Activities Office, A large Christmas tree Is then placed in the lobby of4he Allman Center and "decorated" with angels. Each angel is marked with the sex and ages of the children and the gifts they want. Fac­ ulty, .staff and students then select an angel, purchase the gifts and wrap them, if ihey have lime. If not, Alpha Mu Beta members take carc of wrap­ ping the presents. In addition to those who select an angel, many participate by making a reason lu r m is stidbuii; Christ's Hope, Love, & Peace. — Vicki Stovall H O m R D REALTV 751-35M Brandi Newman, a student in the college transfer program from Advance, wraps presents for tiie Forsyth Tech Angel Tree children.Joyous Holidays to All! cash donation. Tltis year nearly $800 was donated. One student who took u jar lo her classes for two weeks, col­ lected over $60. Tliis year's contribu­ tions came from many sources - indi­ viduals, classr(M)ms of students, cam- pusorganizations and froma business, Fletcher Brothers in Winston-Salenj. Pat Fletcher, a student at Forsyth Tech. and her husband, the owner of RetcherBrothers,wantediohclpsome needy children. When they heard alx)ut the angel trc*e at Forsyth Ta-h, that's where they wanted lo make theirdona- tion. Their donation provided enough money to takecarcof five angels, four who wanted and now will get new bicycles. ■SWICEGOOD <&WALL i R E A L T O R S'd (336) 751-2222 854 Valley Road Mocksville Professional Ct. Mocksville, NC Kyle Swicegood 492-1010 Kathi Wall 998-0170 Jerry Swicegood 751-2478 Sharon Cohen 492-7498 Ellen Grubb 998-7699 Alicia Parker 284-6010 Mackie McDaniel 998-3207 Larry Hayzlip 492-2311 T h e p e r f e c t c h o ic e f o r t h e r a c i n g f a n o n y o u r g i f t l i s t ! Check out OUT Inme H adng Champions, W m m ' s Ciido & Aclion “ cars, models, dieaisl banks aixl moiel Andy's Grocery Inieisocilon ol HKiliv/ny 158 E. & RG(iLiml Hoad, Advance NC (910) 998-4879 D e B B iG B a r m h a r d t J e w e iG R s 314 s. Sa u w i Avt. Stom • 70 W33r«6l8 Across From Liberty 2000 Holiday Millennium j Hours; Coin Mon Jhurs, 9:30 - 5:30 Closed Sun Q 9 9 ^ Don’t Miss Our Christmas Sale! 20-50% Off feature 0{ome o f the 136 Morrison Road Beautiful doublewido on 2.3 acres land is partially cicarod with several fruit trees. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths wilh fireplaco Inden.AMUST SEEI $89,900 NEW CARPET 312 PINE FOREST LANEQreal rwrr« «>in wt.ip aicwYi po<cn one's 4 bed'oofPi ofxJ 2 6JIM Siuaifd on I 70 acret m a pnvai# iMt.ng Call tc«Uj'$1?9.*X) I E>t'e^v nee OWMM • I atwct'ed tarpon on ar I 2c>atni.f.rppiace,iulai INGROUND POOL FULL BASEMENT 764 PINE RIDQE ROAD 1M POOL DRIVE N>cfl brick citoct^t wtn 3 or 4 be<»oom« and 1 bam J Full MsemerM on an ooe ol land OeauLMir lindjcaped $8M»0 NEW LISTING EXCELLENT LOCATION IMFERHWOOO LAM£Gorgeous honw win Quality workrruniNp & OetaJ inrooghoul 50n» & 30A». lormil in & DR. Ig | cornlonaUa larrUy (oom and rK ro<yii. tctcen Ipofcn *252.500 ' US HWf *01^"^3Dn. IDA tancn <n immjciiale conaiion Sunroom lui , a«t room trut eo>J<3 be comtntd to 2nd batn t2»20 wred work^hcp win loft. Oeaut<lul UryJtcapng PotuUe 100*« l<nanor>g toquai.I'ed Cxjy«r. Octte'Ixjrry for inilcne’SB9900 ' UrtHWttMJ I.1C2 »q n conage. tN« i« a giMt tianer home 3 I boo'oorn. t t>atn win naro«oodt m inynaaiais conaton 576,500 jTSRiiOTrt___New contlnjd«n m t>eautiul neightxMnood Oatemem has 2 car garag« and 600 addi unlmtned tquate feel Security Iy»i«n>. tpacKxit maHer w>t». fuepiace. pav«idnv« CaiHotmoredelaH'SuaOOO ' J TNt well mamlained bocfc rancti u kluated on 5 acres I and alM hat a <let•c^ed workthop and ga/age. Only \ $106,000 C()ii;>ratulatioiis 1(1 HitihI;i HonscII iil' Xdviiiici' \ \ im u T nl S75(l ( ash IVoin IV-|)|UM'slom- Opi’ii Houm's tS l H . 'M s waii.uiu:im u K M iii llll.\U:iu\l)>(nlla■:ol•l^s:Ml■y.w \uirii\\> how wifi apcra 1«6 sq (L feature) wS-in cteeb,rtJlsdceJMnffejtroanfer-*—^......^ 129 roiARIS DR-TMrtrat )a nMrNfve n n («f 38a doiUs wtn csrem c« ^ lor eriy (ll8.00aCdlbiy. , 2 BA. Fcnu|l (ir^ ard mv to (kTR ’ A 36R, 2BA hone llowirig locr ptaa bay in brtal^ a/ea. an MaUrgsGRifcortvfFP. (99.900. Call Mary. ......... jCT*35fl.aAalWil»«.s«RVs ta ihx Boa 2 car gni IM l2sl0Q.Calllarii 111000) rjlllritu W WtSffllWiE m ■ OMtq t* 4n 0 W lew o!« Ileu tit* I n VrtUMS RO - braoin Mrnt in ovn I nh & Conatw sM-TKst^USAhniipadBselit Peace, joj, prosperity ...May Uicy all he youts Mocksville • 336-751-9400 m SAM RO * Wd baed ircfci iT Qxk axes 014a xil n 1»3 £1. EL 27i22 cuaAM rti etecx r4i32r.SmCdUvy m XSNGSHU OAX VAU£Y-eea m ard *03*4 EnrsM latsam Us sM ba rs* B «(ijctWt$»4.}OO.Cal-' 3614 US HWY l» SecUed on II acres.3BR. 2i& cusion) bufl home itf rociing chair Iron] porch. Gas logs hrikj fin. oversized and much more >249,900 CiilDebbia. »WUBOONERO-l«il2«)sSFDViWwi]&2aAcn 7it acn GaidenUi. rdtt HTKX. M ev/1 «nmjOO.CaiS» LOT S • 121 AinUW CT • 38R. SAhms rtidouM h m devetfiwl W,SOO. Cil MUi 1-800-539-3383 Hillsdale/Advance • 336-998-8900 i: County Planning Board To Meet Dec. 28 ThcrcwiUlxjamcciinfiofihcDavic less than 30 feel" lo read ’'Anyhtof D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 23,1999 Cnuniy Plannlhg Board on Tljcsday, Dcc. 28. at 7 p.m. in the Commission­ ers Roomof ihc Davie County Admin­ istration Duilding, Mocksvlllc. William GrifTuh has applied to rc- zone approximately 0.68 acres of land fnim Residential (R-20) to Highway Business (H-B). This property Is lo* caiedoffthecaslsidcorRedlandRoad, approximately 300 feet south of N.C. 801 and is Parcel 30 of Davie County TiuMapC-7. Adams EgloffAvani Properties has applied to amend the conditions of the Special Use Permit granted for the Kinderton Development In Dcccmher of 1996. The request involves chang* ingCondltion23\vhlchstatcs"Anylot oflevs than 80 feet at (he building line must be served by a rear alley of not less than 60 feet at the building line tmat be senvd by a rear alley of not less tluin SO feet" This amendment would apply only to (he residential section of Kinderton. The 180 acre property is locatcd off the cast side of Yadkin Valley Roadand the north side of MO and is a portion of Pared I of Davie County Tax Map C*8. All panics and iniercsted citizens arc invited to attend said meeting at which lime they shall have an opportu­ nity to be heard In favor of, or in opposition to Ihc foregoing changes. Prior to the meeting, all persons Inter­ ested may obtain any additional infor­ mation on n proposal or ask any ques­ tions they may have by visiting the planning department on weekdays be­ tween 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. or by telephone at (336)751-3340. DHS Class Of 1990 Planning Reunion The Davie High School Class of 1990 will have a 10-year reunion in the fall of 2000. Davie High School docs not have 4 Corners News By Mnrie While Four Comers Corropondent A large crowd attended Ihc Christ- masprogramlastweek-cndatCouitney Baptist Church. A communion servicc will be held Friday night, Dcc. 2A, at Courtney Baptist Church at 9 p.m. Everyone Is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Haneline, Jerry and Shane PotLs, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hamm and girls, were supper guests Monday night of Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith. Balry Smith is on our sick list. \Vc arc wishing cvciyone a Merry Christ­ mas and a Happy New Year. DIRECTV. Single Systems *99“ Call 1-800-583-1339 Direct Digital Solutions 'othef charges may apply addresses. If you were a member of the class, sent your currcnt address along with those of any out-of-town classmates to: Shannon Covington Williams, 165 W. Church St., Mocksville.NC, 27028. Not That Charge Joey Lee Benson, 19, of U.S. 601 Noclh, Mocksville, was nol charsed with Telony larceny In cunneelion with an tneiileht u( Coolcemee El- emenlary School, a.s was reporlcil Iasi week. \Vc ore Toby (left) anil Tjler (rlfjht) Barker, nnd on Dec. 9,1999, welumeiloncytnrolcl.Mnnmwmiil Pupaw Uanies Kuve us a plz2a purly Dec. 13 at Buck's PUz» In Mocks- vllle. We also hod a Mickey Mouse cake, with a cupcake Tor each of us with Mickey on them. They were hin to eat!! Our parents ore Chris and Kim- lierly DarkerofMocksvllle. Weliove n big sister. Summer (pictured w ith us), w ho Is 4 years old. Grandparents are Billy and Su­ san IJames, and Joe Hellard of Mocksville; and Jerry Barker of Bessemer City. Great-grandparents arc Be.ssle Sparksof Advance; Jcnneltc Barker of Ik'ssemer City; Stonewall Jack­ son ofGastonla; Colean Janies and Kuben Ilellard of Mocksville. A big thank-you toall our family and friends who helped uscelebrate. Also thank-you for all our nice gifts. Ne.\t yeor. Terrible Tivosl! Brad and Michelle Rshel Myers would like to announce the birth of their first child, n son, CiilT Bradley Myers, Jr. ”CJ." Bom on Dec. 6, 1999, at 10:35 a.m. at Forsyth IIos- pHal, he weighed 6 ibs. 9.4 ozs. and wus 20 Inches long. Maternal grandparents are Lindsey and Joyce FIshel of Comatzer. Paternal gnmdmotiier b Faye Myers of Smith G rove. Maternal great-grandparents are Rob and Blanche FLshel of Advance, andMaeStiirrofComatzer; and an aunt,Caro1>nAtvvoodofComatzer. Fitit ClitUtniu Without You Gilbert UeMcDanicI It will be hard to have Chrislmas tills year wilhoul you. I know Ihat you arein a belter place, but I miss you sllll. The calls and coming by to chcck on me meant so very much. Everyday gels harder not having my best friend. I am proud lo have Ihc honor of being your son. All 1 can do now Is walk Ihc same grounds that you walked and help the same people Ihat you helped, listening lo all Ihc kind wonis Ihal they say about you. I am trying lo be the man Ihal you were every day, but il's hard lo nil your shoes. I lhank Cod for giving me Ihc chance lo Icll you how much I love you and Idling you see me living Ihc life that you warned me lo. Thanks for understanding me, idling me be who I am, and being there every lime I needed you. You never let me down. Dad, I miss you and Meiry Chrislmas! Your Loving Son, David Bishop James Ijames would like lo invite you lo a Coniinunity Watchnlght Service at Shiloh Baptisl Church, Depot Street, Mocksville Friday, December 31,1999 ut 11 p.m. Rev. Royace Mycr.<!, Pastor of St. John A.M.E. Zion Churclt will bring the message. Everyone in inviled. Rev. DonaiJ Jenkins-Pastor | Uynnt 1(1 tell ci'cryone l/iiit I .'■'filovem yivi/i.DldneX ' ■. .-Mo'nlgomepi (iillh oil iny heart, y Her'onfl otir Jon are the most Im^rfqnl.thing to me. She Is the besl'tWng that linj lidjipcn lo ii giiy like me. Be It byOoJ or/iiie iliinss /iiip/wn for a reason. Viiii (lai'c my heart baby iinil I Lin e You. Plense don't aii c.up m me. Merry Chrlstnuis. D u r i n g t h i s j o y f u l s e a s o n w e w i s h e a c h o f y o u s a f e t y a n d h a p p i n e s s . Mocksville.NC (336)751-3712 Bible BaptistChurch Independent • Fundamental Ptistor, Don Jones • 336'765-035J u onsHiPVues; Sundiy School •lOtm WonhipS«ivk«*11am Cozy nights and joyful days are our wish for you this holiday season. Shores Plumbing & Heating DAVIK COUNTY ICN TKRPItlSK KECORI), Dec, 23, 1999^ D5 PUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate ol Mamie HutcNns Smith, doceasod. lateol Davia County. North Carolina, thlsis lo notify all persons hoving claims against said estate lo present them to the under* signed on or before Tuesday, March 21. SOOO.salddatebeingalioastthree months from the date of first publicollon of this notice, or this notice wijl bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 16th day of December. 1699, the same being the first publication date. Betty Ann Sn^lth, Exocutrtx ol the Estate of Mamie Hutchins Smith Grady L. McClamnxkJr. Law Offices of; Grody L McClamrock Jr.. J.D., P.A. Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751*7502 1M6^ln STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREOrTORS Having qualified as Administratrix ol the Estatool FRANCIS BOWDEN SEATS, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this is lor>otify all persons having daimsagainst said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 9lh day of March. 2000, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment lo the under* signed. This Is the 9th day of December, 1999. Sue M. Boggs, Administratrix SISDuiin Road f^ocksvllie.NC 27026 12-9*4tn North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol William D. Dunn, late ol Davie County, this Is lo notfy all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the ur>der8igr>ed on or before the 9th day of March. 2000, being three (3) months Ifom the Bret day ol puWicaton or IWs notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recov­ ery. All persons Indebted to saki estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This is the 9th day ol December, 1999. Jerry Wayne Jenkins 1364 Ralph Bowles Road King. North Carolina 27021 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ton Court Square Mocksville. NC 27026,12-9-4tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havingqualifiedasadministratoroflhe Estate ol June Marion Hicks, late of Davie County, State ol North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned onor before March 5,2000, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate please make immediate pay* menl lo the undersigned. This the 2nd day ol December. 1999. Lynne Kicks, Administrator 124 West Depot Sueet Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 336*751*3312 12-2*4tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 99M___ DAVIE COUNTY, Plaintiff, Heirs of George W. Smith, knovm and unknown: tfie Heirs ol M.G. Marsh, known and unknown. F,W. Marsh and Uzzie V. Marsh. Defendants. NOTICE Pursuant to the requirements ol G.S. Sectk)n 105*375. Notice is hereby given lo Heirs ol George W. Smith, known and unknown; the Heirs ol M.G. Marsh, known and unknovm; F.W. Marsh and Uz2ie V. Marsh; Thai a Judgment ol lorectosure will be docketed against the property described below on or before January 1,2000. BEING KNOWN and designated as Lots 15 and 16.of the property of M.G. Marsh and F.W. Marsh known as Marsh Subdivlston. and recorded In Plat Book 2, page 3, Davie County Registry. Being informally known as Tax Parcel l5t60A0017ollheOavle,CountyTaxMap8 os they ore presently constituted. These two lots are located on Honeysuckle Street in Mocksville Township. Execution wiU be Issued on the judg­ ment and the property v^ll be soM as provided by taw. The tax lien, including interest and cost, may be paid before the Judgment Is docketed and at any time thereafter OS allowed by law. Thisthe3rddayof December, 1999. Mary Nol) Richie - Davie County Tax Collector Robert E. Price, Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff OFCOUNSEL . Robert E. Price, Jr. & Associates, P.A. 3400 Healy Drive, Suita B P.O. Box 26364 :• Winston-Salem, NC 27114*6364 Telephone: (336) 760-2870 Facsimile: (336) 760-2479 ., 12*16-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of o Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Sherman L. Lyons and Paula F. Hutchens to Gary L. Lackey. Tnj8loo(s), dated Juno 4,1996, and recorded in Book 239, Page 700, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Dorauilhaving,andre-recordedinDeod Book been made in the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undorsigned, LAWRENCE S. MAITIN, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instru­ ment duly recorded In the Olfice ol the Register ol Deeds of Davie County^ North Carolina, and the holder ol the nolo evi­ dencing said Indebtedness havlngdirected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sate at the Coudhouse Door, in the City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Caro­ lina. at 10:00 a m on Wednesday, De* cember 29,1999, and will sell to the high­ est bidder for cash the foilowlrig described property situated in Davie County. North Carolina, to wit: BEING known and designated as Lol 18 as shown on the Map ol WOODLEE. SECTlONTHREEtocoidedlnPlatBook4 ol Pago 169 in the Otfk:e of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina. Said property Is commonly known os 141 Norma Une. Advance. NC 27006. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the ex­ cise tax and the court costs of Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00). A cash deposit (no personal checks or letters of credit) of five percent (S%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). whichever is greater, wiil bo required at the lime of the salo. Following the expimtlon of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amoums ore immediately due and owing. The right is reserved toadjoum the day of the salo to another day, time, and place certain with* out further publication, upon announce* men! ol the time and place for the sale set forth above. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Noticeof Sole is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance 'AS IS WHERE IS.* This property Is being sokl subloct to the f<«towing items which may affect the tiiie tosakl property: all zoningordinances: matters which would bo diseased by an accurate survey or by on inspection ol the property; ony outstanding taxes, Including but not limited lo ad valorem laxes, v^ich constitute liens upon said property; spe­ cial assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities whk:h constitute liens upon said property; all restrictive covenants, easements. rights-ol*way and any other matters ol record superior lo said Deed of Trust. To the best ol the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owners of the property is(are)ShermanL. Lyonsand Paula F. Hutchens. THISUWFIRMISATTEMPTINQTO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Lawrence S. Maitin Substitute Trustee 7330 Chapel Hill Road. Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 854-1200 12-16-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDfTORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of R. Edith Priester. late of 3226 Bemiuda Village. Davie County. Advance, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corpo­ rations having claims against the estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to the under* sIgnedal380KnoilwoodStreet, Suite700, Winston-Salem, NC 27103*4152, on or before the 20th day ol March. 2000. or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov* eiy. All persons, finns and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under* signed. This the 16th day of December. 1999. Bank of America Exec<.'iorol the Estate of R. Edith Priester 380 Knoliwood Street. Suite 700 Winston-Salem, NC 27103*4152 12*18*4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE ’ CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as. Executor ol the Estate ol Jessie S. Browder, late of Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims against sakl estate to present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 16th day of March. 2000, being three months from the first day of publicatiori or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 16th day of December, 1999. Benjamin Thomas Browder Jr. 2669 Comatzer Rood Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys. LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 12*16-4tn R.M.F. CONSTRUCTION CO., INC; Residential • Commercial New Homes & Remodeling MICHAEL FAAK General Contractor N.C. Ucense 10676 840 Howell Road, Mocksville, NC 336-998-3514 i NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAV;E CREDrrORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Co-Adminis- trators CTA of the Estate of Katio Gough Roavis, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims ogainst said estate to present them lo the under­ signed on or before the 9th day of March. 2000. being three months from the first day ol publication or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in­ debted to said estate Mrill please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 6th day of December, 1999. Bridgett Ingle. Co-Administrator 829 Farmington Road Mocksville. NC 27028 Leslie Reavis, Co-Administrator 222 Rocky Dalo Lane Mocksville. NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys. LLP Ton Court Square Mocksville.NC 27028 12-9-4ln NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Administrator of the Estate of BARBARA FROST, late ol Davie County, this is lo notify alt persons having daimsagainst saidestatetopresenl them to the undersigned on or before the gthdayolMarch,2000,boingthreemonlhs from the first day ol putjiication or this notice wiil be pleoded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 6th day of December. 1999. ROBERT LOUIS FROST 715 WILL BOONE ROAD Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 12-9-4 tn North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estatool RUDIFAAK, lateolDavie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against sakj estate lo present them to Ihe undersigned on or before Ihe 23rd day of March. 2000. being three months from the first day of publk:ation or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ail per* sons Indobtod to said estate will please make immediate payment to tho under­ signed. This Is the 23rd day of December. 1999. Gisela E. Faak. Executrix 606 Howell Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Wade H. Leonard. Jr. Attorney ot Law 34 Tovm Square Mocksville. NC 27028 (336) 751*5020 12-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix of the Estate of Edna G. Smith, iato ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day ol March. 2000, being throe (3) months from tho llrst day of publication or Jhls notice wiil be pleaded in bar ol their recov* ory. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. TNs 9th day of December, 1999. Natalie S. Cash, Executrix' P.O. Box 394 Mocksville; NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy. LLP Attorney at Law | Ten Court Square ' ‘ Mocksville.NC 27028 ' 12*9-4ln North Carolina Davie CountyNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Rtzhugh Lavon Miller, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against saki estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 9th day of March, 2000, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es* late will please moke immediate payment lo the undersigned. This Is the 9th day ol December. 1999. Sylvia M. Lulfman, Executor 154 Meadowviow Road Mocksville. North Carolina 27028 12-9-4in MARTIN SAW SHOP 751-5038 Sharpening;Steel Saws, Carbide Saws Yard Tools, Scissors LARRY’S SERVICE Laying • Sanding»Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner; Un7 McClenney 129 Ukewood Dtivo 336-751-1721 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Davio County Correctional Center Demolition The project consists of demolition ond removal ol: an existing single story prison dormiiorybulidingapproximateiyS.OOOs.f. In area; an existing exercise shelter; un­ derground utility tunnels; and miscella­ neous sidewalks, fencing and other si x related items. Demolitionincludesremoval of lootings ond foundations and disposal of all demolished items off-sito. All excava* tionsof footings, foundations, tunnels, and other underground items shall be back­ filled and pompacted using engineered till. Someasbestosisprosentln tho dormi­ tory building, the underground tunnels, and in the isolation cell building T which shall be removed by the demolition con- tractor. Refer lo the asbestos inspection report for more informalion. Tho existing prison facility is not cur­ rently used to house prisoners at this time. Therefore Ihe Contractor shall have unre­ stricted access lo the site to complete his work. Existing buildings and site related items indicated lo remain shall not be disturbed by Ihe demolition contractor. Sealed bids will be received by Davie County Commission In the County Commission's Room until 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, January 11.2000, at which time they will be publicly opened ond read for the above Project. Bidforms,drawings, andspecilications may be oblained on or after Wednesday, December 15,1999. by calling Torrence Blueprint Co. in Charlotte at (704) 333- 3009 and placing an order Including mak­ ing whatever arrangements necessary for delivery or pickup. Costs for printing and delivery ol the drawing and specifications shall be paid for by tho bidder and wilt nol be returned. A Pre-bid Conference Is scheduled for 10:00am,on Monday. January 3,2000,at the Job site in Mocksville, North Carolina. Attendance to the pre-bid conference is not mandatory; however, the demolition contractor musi visit the site prior lo sub­ mitting a bid to verify all existing condi­ tions. Hemphill Associates * Arctiitects 4425 Randolph Rd.*Suito302 Charlotte, NC 28211 Drawings, speciflcatk>ns. and asbes­ tos inspection report uriil be on file at: • Davie County Administration Build­ ing; • AGO Plan rooms in Charlotte ond Greensboro; • F.W. Dodge Plan Rooms in Chariotto and Raleigh; • C,M.D. Plan Rooms in Chatlotle. 12-23-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICETO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of tho Estate of GEORGE EDGAR MERRELL. jR..deceased,lateofDavie County, North Corolina. thisls to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day oJ March, 2000. being three months from tho first day of publication, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undorsigned. This Is the 16th day ot December. 1999. Oneida H. Merreli. Executrix 1321 Eatons Church Road Mocksville. NC 27028 12-16-4tn North Carolina Davie County Administratrix Notice Having qualified as Administratrix ol the Estate of Edward Clifton Cook, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons having claimsagalnstsald estate topresent them 10 tho undersigned on or before the 23rd day ol March. 2000, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This is the 23rd day of December, 1999. Deborah C. Seals 975 Farmington Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Allomeys, LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 12-23-4tn U/ISECARUER MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CnM (otlnyl (336) 998-8810 FOR SALE; Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442Mocksville, NC NOTICEOF FORECLOSURE SALE Underandbyvirtuoofthoownerofsolo containod in o certain Deed of Trust made by David F. Dwiggins and wife. Barbara S. Dwiggins (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): David F. Dwiggins) to Stahie Linn, Trustoo(s). datod the 20th day of March. 1984 and recorded in Book 12G, Pago 394, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured, by tho said Deed of Trust and tho under­ signed, H.TERRYHUTCHENS.P.A..hav* ing been substituted as Trustee in saki Deed ot Trust by on instnimont duly re­ corded in tho Olfico of tho Register of Deeds of Davie County. North Carolina and the holder of the nolo evidencing saki indebtedness having directed thalthe Deed ol Trust bo foreclosed, the undersigned . Substitute Trustee wiil offer for sale at the Courthouse Door, in Ihe City of Mocksville, Davio County, North Carolina at 3:00 P.M. on Thursday the 6th day ot January, 2000. and wiil sell to tho highest bkider for cash tho following real estate situate In the County ol Davio. North Carolina, and be* ing more particularly described as follows: BEING Lot No. 5. Block VI, of tho R.C. Foster Subdivision, shown on a plat of same duly recorded in Plal Book No. 3, pago 77, Davie County Registry, refer* once lo which is hereby made tor a more compietedescription.and also being siMwn Davie County Tax Map 1-4-14-B13. To* gethorwithlmprovomenlsk)calod thereon; said property being located ot 337 Tot Street. Mocksville. North Carolina. For reference Seo Deed Book 106, Page 607. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay tho tax of Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hundred Dol­ lars (StOO.OO) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property lo be otforod pursuant lo this notice ot sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance 'AS IS, WHERE IS.' Neither the Trustee nor ^e hokler of tho note secured by Ihe deed of trust/ security agreement, or both, being fore­ closed, nor tho officers, directors, attor* neys. employees, agents or authorized reprosontativo of either the Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representa* tion ot warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in. on. at or relating to tho property being offered for salo. and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to ony such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, ond prk)r liens or encumbrances of record ond any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750,00). whichever is greater, will bo required at the lime of the salo. TNs 8th day ot December. 1999. /s/ H. Terry Hutchens. P.A. Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 2505 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville. Nonh Carolina 28302 12-23-2ln North Carolina Davie County Executors Notice Having qualified as Exocutors ot the Estate ot Violet Irene S. Armsvsorthy, de­ ceased. late of Davie County. North Caro* lina. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 23rd day of March, 2000. sakJ date being al least three months trom the date ol first publlcatton ol this notice, or this notice will bo pleaded In bar ol Ihoir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo Ihe under* signed TNs Is tho 23rd day ol December, 1999. the same being the first publication date. Ricky G. Armsworthy, Executor of the Estate of Violel Irene S. Armsworthy Barry K. Armsworthy. Executor ol the Estate ol Violet Irene S. Armsworthy Grady L McClamrock. Jr. Law Qlfkies of Grady L McClamrock, Jr..J.D.,P.A. Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 Telephone: (336)751*7502 12-23-4tn O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE CanArthurBostj^^ Happy40th Birthday, Lynne Dtce'mber24. 199^ Love, Mom & Dad NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE BEFORE THE CLERK 99SP1S3 John H. Canupp and wile. Patlio Jo Canupp, Petitioners, Vs. Julia S. Koontz and husband. Waiter T. Koontz, Defendants. NOTICEOF SALE Under and pursuant to an Order en­ tered by tho Honorable Kenneth D. Boger, Clerk ot Superior Court ot Davio County, Nonh Carolina on 2nd day of December, 1999. and an amorvjed order entered the 16th day of December, 1999, the under­ signed Commissioners will offer tor sale at the Davie County Courthouse door in . Mocksville. Davie County, North Carolina at 10:00 am on January 19,2000 and sell lo the highest bkJder for cash, a certain house and land, located at NC Highway 801, Cooleemee, Davie County. North Carolina, 27014. and more particulariy described as follows: Traci One: Beginning at o point In the Eastern marginolHighway #801,Ihe North­ west corner ol that tract described by deed recorded In Book 66, al page 208, Davie County Registry; thence South 49 degs. East 175 feet to an Iron stake, a new comer; thonce North 41 degs. East 150 tool to a point In the ScMJthem margin of •New Street', thence North 49 degs. West 175 feet lo on Iron stake in the Eastern margin of Highway «801; thence with the Eastern marginot Highway «801 South 41 degs. West 150 feet TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and being a por­ tion ol those lands described by deed in Book 56. al page 340, Dovie County Reg­ istry. FOR BACK title see Deed Book 71, at page 244, Davie County Registry. TRACT TWO: Lot 89. Block A. accord­ ing to a revised map of Edgewood Devel­ opment. property of R.L. and P.E. Foster k>cated in Jerusalem Township, on NC Highway «801. near Cooleemee, Davie County. North Carolina, according lo a map or plal thereof recorded in Map Book 4. page 30. Davie County Registry, lo which reference is made for a more par­ ticular description. BUT THIS LAND Is conveyed subjeci lo certain restrkrtions as to the use thereol running with said land by whomsoever owned; said restrictions which are-ex­ pressly assented to by party of the second part being as follows: 1. Said lots to bo residential and single lamily; 2. No house erected on said tots shall be less Ihal 1200 square feel fk>or space, exclusive of breezeways and garages; 3. No swine, goats, livestock or fowls shall be kepi on the premises. • FOR BACK title see Deed Book 92. page 343 and Deed Book 166, page 854. Davio County Registry. North Carolina. The sale will be subject to property taxes and any other outstanding liens or encumbrances ol record. The highest bid­ der shall be required to deposit ten percent (t0%) of the purchase price on the day ot sale in cash or certified funds. This is the 23rd day of December, 1999. Andrew While. Co-Commisskmer Attorney al Law PO Box 1191 Mocksville.NC 27028 (336) 751*1068 Sally W. Smith, Co-Commlssk>ner Martini Van Hoy, LLP Ten Court ^uare Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2171 12-23-4W RAN DY MILLER & S O N S 295 Miller Road •Meckn ilJe.NC(336) 284-2826 D5 - liAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23,19996LASSIEIEDS PsiAiaCPKl^JSIVE P R O F I T A B U E Yard Sales MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES & FLEA MARKET 25,000 sq. ft. Insldo 653 Wilkosboro S». Sat. & Sun. 9-5 Vondor spacos call 751»2t81. Carolyn’s CollectiblesNow items oachweok, Barbies, Beannlo Babies { solo • 5.00 & up till Christmas) Wo now carry Hot Wheels, antique fumituro, glassware, littio bit of everything. Lay-awayovailabte. Chock us out lor your Christmas needs. Now buying Estates. Mon-Sat 9:30at7i • 6:00pm (336) 751-6252 GARAGE SALE: Thur. and Fri. 8 until. 301 Milling Rd. Lots of furniture. 2 game Tables by Orexel Heritage, 1 cocktail table by Drexel Heritage, glassware, pots. pans, angels, bod sheets, lowels. lots Animals f- ■Art/Artist JANET DEAN’S ART GALLERY On third floor cl SERENDIPITY SHOPS, downtown Mocksvillo. Prints by Janet, Maria Rutter, Ann Frick, and Ralph Grady James. Enter lor FREE “Davie County" print. For Professional Auction Services call: ROWAN AUCTION CO. Salisbury, N. C.(704) 633-0809 KIpJonninas NCALff6340 Farm Machinery NEW FARM EQUIPMENTLow Prices Plows, Disc Harrows. Scoop Pans, Spreaders, Bushogs. Box Glades, Scrape Blades, Gates. Corrals & more. Wo deliver WiiqW Farm Gatos 998-8537 3 PYGMY GOATS ■ nanny, billy S 3-mo-old billy, $120 for all. 751- 0387.__________________________ FOR SALE: 18-yoar-old Appalosa gelding, 3&1/2-Yoaf-oId pony with buggy saddles, nailers, $2000 firm. 264-4759 alter 4:00pm___________ FOR SALE: 2 quarter horse mares, gentle, anyone can ride. FREE TO LOVING home: Large male dog - lab/ retriever mix. Gentle, good with children, loves to play. Call 751-3184._____________ HORSE BOARDING AVAILABLE, West Rowan area. (704) 278- 0446__________________________ PUPPIES FOR SALE: 3-month- old Sharpai mix. First shots given. $20 ea. 492-5933_______________ WANT TO BUY: Beaglo, prefer female. Good lump and track dog. 2 or 3 years old. No deer runner. Will pay good price. Contact Lariv or Mike Head, 492-2745,284- 4669. WiU try dog bofoTO buying. ' Not qun shy. Apartments S100.00 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH’S RENTI NOAPPLICATION FEEl Northwood is now leasing: Furnished Studio, 1Br. and 2Br.' Apartments. Our friendly staff is eager to provide you with small town living at its best. Call Today! : 336-751-4141; 800 Northridqe Court, Mocksvillo ; LARGE 1 BEDROOM apartment, good location, water, sewer & trash pickup furnished. $375/mo. 704- 437-0399______________________ MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TERRACE: • All brick energy . officienl apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings, kitchen appliances, furnished including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heat and air. Prewired for cablo TV & phones. Insulated windovra & doors. No wax kitchen& bath floors. Located in Mocksvillo behind the old Hendricks Fumituro building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. off o( ; Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F a Sal. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. ROOM FOR RENT In my home. Responsible person, for more Info, call /51-2770, leave messaqe. Furniture DINNING ROOM SET WITH 6chairs and china cabinet. $500.00 Call 940*2486 or 492-5788. ^remodeled. S550/mo. No NICE2BR, 1BA. Good location oH of Hwy 801 South of Advance. Recently renHUD. 704-546-5669_____________ NICE 3BR. 2BA near 1-40 at Farmington Road Exit. Central heat & air. Pot ok. No HUD. $725/mo. 704-278-1717 H i Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL AGES - for 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am • 1:45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In • upon availability. Como soo us at 571 S Main St.. Mocksvillo (ocross from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Claudetto or Debra, 751-PLAY{7529)__________ HAVE OPENING FOR one child, newborn to 5 years. . after Christmas., Christian home. 492- 7974 ___________ REGISTERED NURSE HASopenings for infants 6 weeks • 6 months, in Cooieemee area. 1 mile from Jockey. Call 284-2840. MILLER EQUIPMEMTN RENTAL GET BtflnVfOB WINTER Bolical. aeraloc core uluguer iiiiioro lor rent loilayl (3361751-2304 Driver HOME MOST WEEKENDS With Top Pay! Get home 7 oul of every 10 weekends and earn great $$$ •1st-aay health/denial. •401 k w/company match. •Liberal rider program. •90% no-touch freight. Call Roger at: 1-800-282-0131 RECRUITING CALL CENTER 7 DAYS/WEEK 24 HOURS/DAY 1-877-IM4CHTL (1-877-464-2485) W h EOE Lots For Rent ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale ■ Mobile Homes/Sale PRIVATE LOT for rent, for DW only. Junction Rd.. Mocksvillo. Limit 4 people. (3361492-2477 FOR SALE: Sola and Lovosoat, black cloth/ leather. Loss than 2 years old, $300.00. king-sized water bed. mirror headboa.rd and bottom drawers, $150.00. Call 284-4759 after 4:00pm.________________________ SOFA, END TABLES, lovo seat, oak corner hutch, low antlquos, lamps & lots more. 998-8821 - toavoniossaqo. Homes For Rent 3 BR HOME located in Mocksvillo area. 336-909-2147_____________ 4BR, 2BA, LARGE living room, largo kitchen, dining room & don. Secluded location. Beady to movo in. 998-4020___________________ IS. YOUR BENT S4QQ2 3BR Fleetwood Doublewido on 1 aero lot in a nice subdivision. Rent-to- own....Call 767-9977 NICE 2 BR, 1 ba near South Davie. Central heal & air. Pot ok. No HUD. $500/mo. 704-278-1717 3BR, 1 BA HOUSE w/ workshop on 1 acre of land. $91,000. by owner. (336)284-4137 2963 US Hwy 601 S._________________________ 5 ACRES + brand now ‘98 doublewido, 2000 sq. ft., plus old house. plus pasture land, $149,900, Mocksvilld. (336) 492- 5601__________________________ RANCH GBR, 2BA, double car garage, gas log fireplace, one acrd lot. great neighborhood. 3125.000.00. 751 1783 Land For Sale FOR SALE: 5 plus acres, Foui Comers area. Northern Davie County, 900 It. road frontage. $6,000/ acre. 998-3933. Smart Start Technical Assistance Center seeks Consultant tu work with childcarc professionals in Davlc County with the new Quality Enhancement Program (QKP). Must have ability to administer the Environment Rating Scale. Provide (raining, cvaltiution. technical assistance based on the findings of (he scale. Knowledge of childcare licensing requirements and developmcntally appropriate practicc.s n must. Two years cxpericnce in chlldcarc. Bachelor's degree in early childhood education, child development or rehued field required. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Resume must be submitted by December 31, 1999 (o Human Resource Direc(or, 530 N. Spring St.. Winstori-Sulem, NC 27101. tio phone calls pleasc.U ik repo's • •2, 3 or 4 1.4 TIFFIN DIAMOND ring sot, $1.000 value. $600. 998-5580 DIAMOND RINGII 1/2 carat solitaire with t/4 caratwrap. SI.000.00 OBO. FOR SALE: Baby walker - designed liko a car. 2-baby bouncy seats, baby car seat, nil items like new. 336-492-7360 D1RECTV(TM}/SATELLITE $99Includes basic Installation. Call us today. 1-800-889-6869__________ ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED, $200; wheelchair with removable, adjustable foot/ log rests & removable arm rests. Jay cushion ($500 now- barely used). $400.00 (336) 284-2890._________________ FOR SALE: electric treadmill, liko now, $150; oxorcise bike, $50; beigo down-filled winter coat, largo. $25; satellite dish. $100.751-4931 FOR SALE: Girl’s 10-speed. 26“ Huffy bicycle, liko new, redo (wico. $75 998-4689__________________ FOR SALE: Oil circulator, plus 250 gal. drum and stand; and 300-gal. drum and stand. 336-751-9665. 565 HespitarStroet Extension. K & G SALVAGE: 4'x12’x1/2' Shoelrock, 9.95/ ea.; 5/4’ treated decking bds., B\ $3.99/ea.: 10', S4.99/ea.; 12' $5.69/ea. New roofing shingles, S16.95/sq.3' wide blue or green metal roofing, $1.29/; n. ft.; Pergo limalnato flooring, $2.25/IIn. vinyl windows. 22*x30’, $39.95/oa.; 4x8 sheets, burch plywood. 3/A', $34.95/oa., 1/2;, $21^a.6 panel Exterior Stool Door Units, $84.00/ea., 32" Pro-hung Interior doors, $34.95/oa.; Bathroom sinks w/faucel. $14.95/oa.; Range hoods, $14.95/oa.:1/4" interior paneling. $5.95/ea.; 4’x8’ • Cedar Closet liner, $9.95/ea.; BIdg. stone $140 per pallet/140 5q. ft.; * 4'x8’xM /2' In. thick insulation bd. $7.95/oa.; RooHng felt, $6.95/roll. We stoclc stainless steel In sheets & pipe. Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36’ dia. Wo stock pumps & accessories for wells. Formica. $.50/sq. It.; Stool I- beams for sale. Six panel exterior steel door units, $84/ea.K & G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 336-699-2124. SONY PLAYSTATION with six games; extra controller, $150. Tolal Gym 1000. $150. 284-4425 STEAL A BUILDINGII Repossessed 3 Arch Type Steel Buildings. One is New. 25x32, 30x40. Take Over Payments, no Reasonable Offer Refused. 1-600- 222-6335. Serious Buyers Only, WILL BUY JUNK CARS. 284- 4194 and 284-2859 Mobile Homes/Rent 2 BR, 1 ba with W/D, ref; stove, porches, carport on private lot. 111 Caravan Lane, $35o/mo plus $350 deposit.___________ FOR RENT: 2BR, 1BA, limit two people, no pets. Need references. Located' off Deadmon Rd./ Turrentine Ch. Rd., Red Oak Trait, right on Stonoy Lane. Taking applications at 6lh mobile home on Sloney Lane. $499 DN ON select bank some sol-up on nlc«Or. (336)751-0115._____________ S500 DOWN AND MOVE IN. ONLY AT HOME ZONE ________1-800-866-8874________ F ^ tv ^ d ^ M o ^ S f^ id ^ ! Call 767-9977.______________________ LGS HOMES: 7 new singlowido homes, set up and ready to movo in. 6 mos free lot rent with lurchase of any home. Call 998-purcha7625. 3146 Earth Share Merry Christmas Meghan Jade Hadley ’ bam July 30, 1999 to Kena Hood & Peter Hadley 1988 BiRCHWdOD, 2 Bodioom. 2 Bath, recent updates, large deck & outbuilding, paved drive. Can slay on lot. $9500.00 766-3370 1989 14X17 FLEETWOODWIngato, 3BR, 2BA, C/A & heat, W/D, refrigerator; insulated floor, wall & sides. MUST MOVE. (336) 098-3091_______________________ 1994 REDMAN 14X70 mobile homo 2BR, 2BA, stovo and refrigerator, heat pump and AC Included. $15,00^00 Must be moved. 492-2970 SINGLEWIDE SETUP IN PARK 3/2 - TV, VCR. Alarm System from $350.00/ month. Call 528-9566. SLOW OR NO credit? Guaranteed financing with $1900 dn. (336) 751-7734______________________ YEAR END CLOSE OUT SALE All S/W discounted 10%, 6 loft. Call 528-9566. •Bonk Repos*Mortgage Co. has several homes set-up. pay small fee & movo in. (336)751-9140 -_______________ *XMAS SPECIAL Beautiful mansion double 1200 sq. ft. 3Br, 2Bth. del, set. skirt, stops, elect, air. $500 down, $350 pmts. Call 800- 3BR & 2Bth already set-up, take up pmts of $248. (336)751-7439 4 BEDROOM FLEETWOOD doublewido on 5 aero lot In the country, take over the payments, moving to Georgia, equity transfer....CaH 767-0140._________ 499 DOWN ON Doubto & Single Wide repo's. Several to choose from. 2, 3 & 4 Br. available. 336- 466-9615______________________ 94 FLEETWOOD SANDPOINTcomplete remodeled 14x80 3Br, 2Bth, only $19.995. 800-278-3146 97 IMPERIAL 14X72 2Br, 2Blh, vinyl, shingle, new appliances. Home Is loaded. Sell for $22,900, book.$32K. 800-278-3146 97 REDMAN 14X80 3+2 vinyl, 1097 FLEETWOOD SINGLEWIDE,M y 14 paymonts loltXall 767- Now^'hru Jan.Jst • Dobros, Band Inslrumonls, Fiddles, Mandolins, Drums & Keyboards. /Ml Accessories. Layaways. 79 Court Square, Mocksville - ___________7SM934_________V PIANO TUNING i Ropairlna & Rebuilding SeU-players, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 shing, fplc., gas, furn, wash, dryer, range, fridge, d-wash. Book. 36K, sell for $25,995. Del. 800-278- 98 BRIGADIER 14X70 new carpet, appliances, home Is better than now. Book, $29,585. Sell, 24.585, save $5000 dollars. 800-278-3146 98 REDMAN 14X70 3Br. 2Bth, heat pump. Book $25,800, sell, $19.995. 600-278-3146__________ 98 REDMAN, 14X60 3Br, 2Bth, vinyt sdg. shingle root, tire pic. c/alr, $5I}0 down pmt. $269 mnth, call today 679-3519 or 800-278- 3146__________________________ ABANDONED HOME IN Advance - assume pmts or $268. (336) 751- 7734 _____________________ ABANDONED HOME IN Cooieemee. $499 dn & assume pmts of $249. (330)751»7439 ASSUME PAYMENTS $500 down. Call 52B-S198. 1997 LIBERTY MOBILE home located off Redland Rd. Please call 998-6832______________________ 1999 3/2 >14.80 Owner financed $225.00 month. Call 528-5198.__________________ BAD CREDIT? Try our buy-for program • easy loansti (336) 751- DOUBLEWIDE SETUP ready to move into. Must seetoday. Call 528-5198.____________ DOUBLEWIDE. NEW 3 Bedroom, 2Bath .939 acre, deck, heal pump Willboono Rd. ___________998-5816___________ DW ON ACRE lot * owner financing (336) 751-0115. FLEETWOOD STERLING DOUBLE 1800+ sq. ft. fplc. oak cabs, drywall, upgrade T-out. Book, $56,845, sell $39,995. Del, set, your lot SAVEI 800-278-3146 FOR SALE BY Owner: 1985 doublewido on 2.725 acres. 3-bay garage, attached carport, front and back porches. Must sellll $62,500 284-4759 after 4:00pm, leave m e s s a q e .____________ FOR SALE OR rent, 16 acres, mobile home, barn, pasture, private, western Davie County, $550/mo. or $116.000. 940-5723 GUARANTEED FINANCING 2000 Dwn. Bad or no credit OK. 336- 468-9615________ LAND/HOME PACKAGES Ready to move Into. Coll 528- 5198.__________________________ LIKE NEW REPO available. Don't miss oul on on>oxcollont deal. Leader Homo Sales 336-751-0503 0 DN TO Landowners • we do wells, spelics, driveway (336) 751- 7734___________________________ READY TO BE moved Intol 1640 sq. ft. modular home. 3Br/ 3 Bath. Payment under $600. 1-336-751- 7340 REPO'S ON LOT • Guaranteed (336) :Ing regar 751-7439 SAVE THOUSANDS, 97 Horton 14x70, 3Br, 2Bth, vinyl shindo, like new. Book value, $26,983 Sell, $19,995. Call now. 600-276-3146 Happy 17th Birthday Mary Jo! Dec. 23,191)9 Mom <5 lioone Real Estate Wanted I WANT TO buy 3/4 acre to 10 acres. 336-284-2653 Slowly loavQ mossaqo. SSPECIALS Mulflor & tail pipe installed $69.95; ■ Catalilic converter installed $99.95! Roavis Welding ;• 601 N at Corlney Crossing, Yadkinville 336-463-2517________________ ANGIE’S CLEANING SERVIC^ has openings. Taking on new clionls. 10 yrs. oxpeiionco. Call 336-463-5610, leave messaqe. B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME * IMPROVEMENT COMPANY * Your Complete Home Improvement. '' ‘ “ pany.;_^ Bobcat Work:We Do Small Repairs: Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO Box 424 Mocksvillo, NC 27028 CRAFTMASTER CONSTRUCTION Sunrooms, Porches, Garagi Decks, Room Additions, Old Hoi Restorations. Commercial Upfits? Horse Bams. Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades, All types of Shoelrock & Plaster & Flooring Repairs. t Free Estimates Gladly Given 284<' 2566. Statewide call 1-888-291^’ 5620 then 4817.________________^ Kip's Reflnlshing& Chair Caning ; Reasonable Rates «Salisbury, NC * 704-633-0809 t • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'Birtlidcuj, J Usa D/WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23.199!?-D7 ! 6LASSIFIEDS INEiXFENSIVE F E I O F I T A H L B DIREC-TV-$149.00 Installed 1.800-984-0772________ LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard LInk-Ownor Free Estimates ___________998-1798___________ OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your electrical needs. Free Bstlmates. 751-3398. PERSONALTOUCH HOUSECLEANING .Honest, trustworthy housocleaning available. Reasonable rates. Call 336-463-4879; pager- 336-957- 9456._________________________ RABON’S HAULING Haul gravel, sand. 1 will level out gravoL Free Estimates. Call Rabonal (336)998-4499.________ WILL DO: Roofing. Siding, Plumbing, Trim work. Dry wall, Shear wall. Decks, Yard. work. Pressure washing, Single wide tear doMms. Free Esiimatos-Call 492- 7409. statewide #1 CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP and Timesharo Resale Clearinghouse! Don't want yours? - We'll tako ill Buyl Solll RontI Resort Sales lnt'M-800-423-5967. A BEAUTIFUL CANDLELIT, OLD- FASHIONED WEDDING CHAPEL overlooking river. Smoky Mountains. TN. HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGE, cabins, lacuzzl, ordained ministers, no tests. HEARTLAND 1-800-448.8697 (VOWS),http://ww statewide ■RtJ'S INTERESTED IN making up -to $30/ hour to eliminate Christmas bills? MedStaff Carollnas has a place for you if you have hospital exporienco in the last yoar. Call 800-979-9750 or 800-222-9642 ext. 219. ittp;//www.heartlandweddlnqs.com Vehicles 1995 MITSUBISHI MIGHTY Max tnjck. 34,000 original mllos. good shape. $4.500. 940-6850________ 1996 DODGE NEON sporty looking, roar spoiler, only 59,473 miles. Salo price; $5795.00. Call 336-284-4051 or 336-284-6318. FOR SALE • 1989 Black Camaro 5-speed, air, power vrindows, power locks, CD player, excellent condition. $3900.00 492-2453 Great Car______________________ SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 Wanted BUYING STANDING TIMBER and pulp wood. Clear cut or select cut. Shaver Wood Products Tom Hulfman, Forrester (704) 278-9291__________________ WANT TO LEASE land for horso boarding/ training business. Will help with improvemonls. Established professional. 336-765- 7124 (W-S) or 336 971-2105 WANTED: RELIABLE person/ family to run chicken house-layors. Mobile homo and salary provided. 998-5206 Employment THE DAVIE COUNTY Water System has a job opening for water troatmont plant operator. Duties include, but not limited to operation and maintenance of water trealmont plant, sampio collection and analyses of samples ond other duties as assigned. Must bo a high school graduate with a valid North Carolina drivers locense ond hold a minimum level C wator treatment operator certification. Actual starting salary may depend on certification ond experience. Salary Ronge $20,725 - $32,152 Submit applications to: Bnjce M. Pratt,261 Chaffin Strool Mocksville, NC 27028 Oavlo County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment “ Cloverflolds** Cleaning positions avallablo. Full­time Mon • Fri. No evening or weekends. Vocation & Health Insurance. Call 760-4161.________ AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT ICattle Unit. Will milk, feed and care for dairy caltio involved in the research program. Operate, maintain and clean equipment. Requirements: Completion of high school. Perfor one year of farming experience or equivalent. Must have valid driver's license. Employment ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT towork under executlvo director of group homo nqodod. Duties delude completing monthly reports. Invoices, bookkeeping, maintaining filos and records. Experience vrftn Word, Excel, Publisher 98 and Quick Books needed. Experience In DDA group homo would also bo helpful. Degree In Secretarial Science or related Human Service field preferred. Send resumo to: 785 Sanford Ave., Mocksville, NO 27026. Salary range $16,426 • $25,014 with State benefits. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT I Poultry Unit. Feed and care for birds. Oporato, maintain and clean oquipmenl. Assist In Iho conduct of research trials. Requirements: Complotlon of high school. Perfet one year of farming experience or oquivalenl. Must havo valid driver's license. Salary Range $16,426 • $25,014 vrilh Stale benefits. Send Slate application to Piedmont Research Station, 8350 Sherrils Ford Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147 31.19 DO YOU PAY for Christmas thnj the next few seasons? Join Excel Staffing for a lot more reasonsll Wo offer: ‘Sign on Bonus *Flex Schedules •Holiday & Travel Pay 'Direct Deposit •CNA's$10*$11/hr. LPN's$17.$23 /hr.RN's $20-$29/hr. 1-800-883-9235 ext. 328_________ EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/ overtime. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467-7061 or 336-750-9153________________ dale: Friday, December HELP WANTED • Need Tax _______________________ Preparers Jan • ^ r . Computer knowledge helpful. Will train. Base salary plus comiplssion. Spanish helpful, not nocessa^. Clemmons & Mocksville area. (336)778-0149 or 725-1041 (704)276-2624. EOE Closfr CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELreq. Drivers license preferred. Coll 284-4369, Mon.-Ffl., 10am-2pm for apDlIcalion. EOE ^ GENETREXLER ROOFING Now & Old Roofs 24 Years Experience Free Esiimalos 336-284-4571 Employment HELP WANTED: Earn up to $500 per woek assembling products at homo. No oxperience. INFO 1- 504-646-1700 DEPT. NC-5377 NEED MORE MONEY? Don't havo time lor another J.O.B. Earn $1200 lhl5.Wflflkl Call 1-888-304- 4358 -code0030._______________ NEED TRUCK DRIVER, long distance, late model conventional high hp tractors. Good pay. Local Company. 336-751-0144 or 888- 706-9671 SMALL COMPANY LOOKING fordependable, hardwortdng (ult-tlme hourly omplovoe. Call 492-2492. STYLIST/ NAIL TECH. Salon In Advance area looking for stylist and nail technician. 998-6770________ TRACTOR-TRAILER DRIVERneeded for local hauls for business. (No ^ j Class A COL required, current DOT medical, dmg/ alcohol screening req'd, 25 yrs. or older with 3 yrs. mln. traclor-trailer oxperience. Clean record‘a must. Health Ins., vacation & holiday Sand resume to PO Box Mocksville. NC 27028.___________ WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL CARRIER NEEDED: Davie County, early morning hours, 7 days week, rollablo & backup transportation nooded. If Interested, call Jim Short, 751* 4486. iBIflGOi : T U E S D A Y : ; 7 :0 0 P M ■ , Yadkin Moosa Lodge , * Clip m s Ad For Free Pack ' ■ Bring A Friend For n/o J Ul.TKA VtlRF. t>«lNKlNC» WATt-U Division M uiia^ur • Lc Bleu C'nrpiiraliuii is seeking n highly niotlvated inUlviiJu:il with businc.ss management expcricncc to lead, develop, and grow what is already o successful division. Expcricncc managing people, cuiDtnuiiicatiun skills, and analytical thinking required. Computer skilLs a plus. Po.si(ion offers growth within the company. Send resume and compensation history to PO Hox 2093, Advance, NC 27006. Vending Division Mnnuger - Lc Bleu Corporation is seeking a luotivaled individual w iiii vending exponence to manage a regional vending division. Ability lo manage people, develop proposals, and communicate well required. Must have experience in vending. Send resume and compensation history to I’C) Box 209.1, Advance. NC 27006. r m u d a i l l a s e - Valet P osition for Retirem ent Resort Full-time/Part-time, weekends (rotated when possible). Call 998-6112, 8am- 9pm or apply In person at Bermuda Village, Hwy. 801 S., Advance. _ j e r m u d a Housekeepers Bermuda Village is accepting applications for Full-time and Part-time Houselteepers. Please call Connie or Katliy at 998-6703 Davie Family YMCA After School Counselors We are needing counselors at the WR Davie School site After School Program. This is a brand new site that will open January 4,2000. You must tM al least 17 years of age. Positions are available from 2:30 pm-6:00 pm and 3:15 pm-6:00 pm. The pay Is from $5.75-$6.25 an hour and Includes a YMCA membership. Pkaso contact Jenniter Cailner at 751-9622 or stopbyttioY and till out an application. We Love L(ouIIfiobt'rr, A'airina Jat/a #• How to advertise to over a million North Carolinians... for $220! II you hove someliiing to seir, keie's the way lo make your voice heaid. It's the Nottli Catolino Statewide Classified Netwoik. For $220, you con place a 25 wofd ad that will appear In newspopers thrrughout North Cowlina • on oadienco ol over 1.4 million itodeB. Wm sold eveiyliiiiig from mounloin property to beach houses,’front restaurants to steel buildings. Call this newspoper's clossifled odvertising department for detirls.Can Karen: 751-2120 ill D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD The following afTiUalc of Novanl Health Is currently scckingi Wlnston-Salem lIcnllliCQre LPN-OD/OYN Salclliic ofricc in Clemmons. Currcnl NC Uccnscd LPN wiih 2 years of experience in OD preferred. Phlebotomy and IV expcricncc required. Please apply in person or send your resume to: Novaat Health, localecl on the campus of Forsyth Mcdlcal Center, Employment Dcpt.-DCE1222, 3333 Silas Cnrek Pkwy., Winston-Salem, NC 27103; or call (800) 777- 1876; or locally 718-5420. For more Information regarding current Job postings please call our Joblinc at (336) 718-5300 or toll free (888) 718- 9979. Equal Opponunily Employer. W A F F L E N O W HOUSE ffmNG GRILL OPERATORS, WAITERS/WAITRESSES Also Postlon open for MANAGER TRAINEE C o n t a c t D e b b ie @ 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 2 5 - 0 3 3 7 Im m ediate Em ploym ent O pportunlly For All Three (3) S hifts. A sk A bout 2nd & 3rd S h ift Prem lum I C ALL F O R IN T ER V IEW O R A P P L Y IN P E R S O N AT THE FO LLO W IN G LO CA T IO N S: S13 Jonestown Rd., WlnstOfhSalem 7604417 2314 Ramada Dr., Clemmons 766-9691 C N A ’s To Cover Davie County All Stiifts Pan-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • l\/lust Be Certified 336-724-1197 P i e d m o n t H o m e H e a l t h , I n c . Winston-Salem "7730 homelown company, wo'll treat you like you'd expect." NOW F A Y I|fp!W E E K LY ■ r i t H lrin iC 'A ll(lP M IIia m k . Vmir Pqi^StHlk,'i^U»i A p p ly In P a rs o n A t: 2 4 3 3 Law lavllla-Clm m m onm R o a d CImm monm , NC 2 7 0 1 2 Q S T IN D U S T R IE S , IN C . A leading supplier or po nds, bias and straight cut fabrics, and trim components to the apparel industry, is now accepting applications Tor the rolloMing positions: SEWING MACHINE MECHANICThis applicant must have sewing machine cxpcricncc as well as a good general mechanical background. GENERAL OFFICE PERSONThis applicant must have computer expcricncc and a good general office background. Hcnefi(.s Include: Exccllcm starting pay, paid vacations, 8 paid holidays, group mcdical, life and dental insurance, pruRt sharing and 401K plan. Applications will be accepted at or resumes can ba sent lo; QST Industries, Inc. 140 Uonheart Drive • IVlocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-1000 • EOE mFOOD LION Oiic of the nation's largest and fastest growing supetmarkct chains has Immediate openings \n our Salisbury Distribution Center fon All Warehouse Positions All Shifts Selectors Sanitation Workers Freight Haulers Salvage Dock Workers Food Lion offers ^Outstanding Profit Sharing Plan •Competitive wages •Excellent bencHis If interested please call or pick up an application at any Food Uon store and mail to: R>od Uon PO Box 1330 SaPubury.NC 28145.1330 Attn: Phil Wyatt (704) 633-8250 Exl 2416 EOE Website www.FoodUon.com Are you working in the restaurant business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Are you gelling benolits like THESE? ' High compBlilivB wages • First raise alter 30 days ' • 4 guaranteed raises in 15 months • Paid vacation • 401i< retirement pian • HaaitWDenlal Insurance • Weeldy paycheclts • Paid meai breai<s • Fiexible schedule • Stock options advancement (toward trainer, manager, etc.)* Position salary advi• Eariy closing hours IF NQI. YOU'RE BEiBEING CHEATEDIII ______ _ e hlring^for (tness. (AS AN ADDED INCENTIVE. WE ARE OFFERINQ A $200 SIGN-ON BONUS FOR A LIMITED TIME-WITH THIS AD. . We are currently looking (or:- Waiters/Waitresses, Cashiers- Grill CookCOr^E IN TODAY AND APPLY. WE ARE A FAST-PACED, FUN PLACE TO WORK. We are looking for HIGH energy people that like to work hard and make MONEYII) 6420 Sessions CL Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 . ••W»afeBne^_OQ D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 23, 1999Davie DatEline Thursday, Dec. 23 •My Swj, My Sa\tor* Chlldrtn’s Christ* mas Prognun, Dear Ciwk Dapiisi Church. 7 :^ p.m. Rcfrcshmcnu in fellowship hall al^erpfDgram. Friday, Dec. 24 Christmas CondWlifiht Communion, Mocks United Methodist Church. NC. 801 5., Advance. 10 p.m. Christmas £>« Sen-ke, Episcopal Chua’h of the Ascension at Fork. Familiar carols & scripture tradings. Refreshments following in porUh house. Candlelight Christmas Scr\ icc, Faith & Victory Family Wor^ipCenter. U.S. 601 N.,6p.m. Christmas E « Servicc, Second Prcsb)lc* rian Church, 400 Pine Street. Mocksville. 6 p.m.Christmas songs by choir, children fea­ tured. 'Christmas Around the Worid* drama, Ijames Baptist Church. ShefTield & Ijames Chureh Rd. Play written by membera of churc^ featuring adult & children's choirs & hand chimes. 7:30 p.m. Christmas Ewn Condklight Commun* Ion, Bear Creek Baptist Church, midnight. Christmas Eve Seniccs, Mocksville First Uniled Methodist Chuivh. N. Main St. Christmas E\t Runily Celebration, 8 p.m. ChristmasEveCommunk)nServkrc. 11 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 26 :This b So Embarrassing!* Christmas Play, Episcopal Church of the Ascea^ion at Foriu 11 am. Friday, Dec. 31 Ne^ Year’s Ew Watch Night Scnias Mocks United McdKxIist Church. N.C 801 5.. Advance. 11:30 p.nv Special Events______ Friday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Too Bk»d Driw for Davie County, BfPck IVrfotming Arts Center, 9 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Seniors_____________ All Senior Activities tiikc place nt the Davie County Senior Center located in the Btock Building on North Main Street. M(Kksvillc unless othervvisc noted. Thursday, Dec. 23 Senior Chonu. E.1SI Room. 3 p.m. Monday, Dec. 27 Cookcmee Club, Fir^t Baptist R*llowship Hall. 10 am. Tuesday, Dec. 28 Bridge. Eu Room. 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29 Card & Board Gantes, East Room. 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30 Memories oflchMiltenium.TimcCapsule Party. Nutritkm Site. 2 p.m. Senior Clwru.^, E.xst Rtwm. 3 p.m. J>ouglas P ainting S tc. Interior • Exterior • Toxhmd Colllngi • Ra-pclnti • Orywon • Stoln Spodallct • Prsuure Washing f Fno EstimatosMark Douglas Owner, Oporator(336)778-1645 Mobile; 404-0782 A Ve/uf, FwnuM IOfUsM : B&B Glass & Mirror 702 Siatcsvillc Road • Mocksville 336-751-3966 Closed at 12 Noon on Dec. 23 Reopen Dec. 27 aow d For Wew Yeer'e on 31it Happy Holidays '® To You And Yours < D A V I E F L O R I S T 613 Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville (336)751-2254 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Bridge, Rose Rotim. I p.m. RSVP Birthday Party,Me.TdowbrookTcr- race. 2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5 WaWIart Senior Morning. 8*10 anv Card & Board Games, East Room, 1:30 p.m. RSVPSe^ting'B,' RSVP0mce.9am.-1 p.m. • TliuiBday,Jan.6 Luneh&Lram,WestemSteer.noon. hand­ writing analyst Nell Lewis, Davie County Rh)1hm Band. Carillon of Sallsbuiy,2pm Senior Chorus, East Riwm. 3 p.m. Davie County Stamp Club, East Room. 7 p.m. Rccnzalion M e rry C h ris tm a s A n d A H a p p y N ew Y e a r To All Our Friends And Customers We will close Tliesday, Dec. 21 at 3:00 pm and Reopen on Wednesday, Dec. 29 at 5:00 am M i l l e r s R e s t a u r a n t Hwys sot & 64 751-2621 Merry Christmas from Davie County Farm Bureau Our Mocksville and Advance officcs will be closed for the holiday.s December 23rd at Noon until December 28 at 8:30 am and aI.so on December 31st for New Years. 9io/in 6il Co., and 8nif)^0ljeG8 ai: •fevi V •Juci Piofa Itighway 60t Nonli JIm 'I CcMlilUf KiUJuM ItishwayMt Nonh Comer Salisbury St., & Hwy. 601 Soulh want to wish everyone a S p e c i a l a n d W o n d e r f u l C h r i s t i n a s S e a s o n . 190 N. Main Street • Mocksv^lt, NC 27028 • 33t75l-2l8t Come Celebratewith us atHillsdale Baptist Church Sunday, Dec. 26 One Worship Service • 10:45am Fellowship - 10:00am - Donuts, Coffee & Juice Casual - Come As You Are! Pastor, RT Alderman . Minister of Music, Brent Helton (Church Is located behind CCB on Medical Drive - • 940-6618 MOCKSVILLE hkmutomiw e 962 Yadklnvllle Road 336-751-6115 Closed December 24 & 25 and on January 1 -I, R)f HWfC on ihcsc ciems, oiJI 751-2323. Beginning Jan. 3 Lrt'j CM Fit, Mon.. Wni.. Fri.. 8:3M:I5 am. Rec. Dcpi $ 1 (V^i tonth. JaneltHKki, Kntliy Smith & other fanxxis instmctms under su* pervislon of Rce. staff nKmher. Limit 20. Register in advance. Line Dancing FamiingtonCommunityCcnter.Evtiy'nies- day. Cost: $2. In-stnictot?: Sic\v & Linda Hatley. rtxmofeinfu.c;ill751-3848. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline slxxild be rcporicd by noon Monday of the publication wecL Call75l«2t20wdn)piibytkomce.S.M.nin St. across from the counhousc. from all of us at D w ig g in s M e t a l M a s te r s We're Looking Foward To Your Business In The: ; New Millennium'' 122 Wilkesboro Street Mocksville 336-751-2379 Closed Dec. 241 25 t We would like to wish all our customers and friends the happiest ' of holidays. And We Look Forward To Serving You In 2000. T H E P H O N E P L A C E , IN C .^ 121 Depot Street • Mocksvillc, NC Phone: 336-751-2626 Closing on Dec. 24 at / p.m.; Reopen on Wed, Doc. 29 Closed New Year’s Day Notice of TAX LISTING FOR DAVIE COUNTY All property on hand January 1,2000 both real and personal is subject to taxation regardless ot age and sex of owner. You are no longer required to list motor vehicles which are: currently LICENSED with the North Carolina Department of: Motor Vehicles. These vehicles will be billed by the County after the current registration Is renewed or an application Is made for a new registration. About three months after your registration renewal you will receive a bill from the County^ You will have 30 days to pay the bill before Interest Is added at the rate of 3/4 of 1% per month. Taxpayers must list UNLICENSED vehicles not licensed on January 1, 2000 DURING THE REGULAR LISTING PERIOD, there is no change in the listing requirements for those vehicles. Other property required to be listed In January include: mobile homes, boats and motors, jet skis, aircraft, farm equipment, tools used by carpenters and mechanics, all assets and supplies of businesses, furnishings owned and rented by a landlord. Taxpayers should report any new buildings or any Improvements built on real estate, or any changes to real estate to the Tax Office. The Tax Administrator's Office will be sending listing forms to everyone that listed personal properly in 1999.. If you need to list personal property as Indicated above or report changes to real property and you do not receive a fomi in the mail, please contact the Tax Administrator's Office for the proper forms. EXEMPTION FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED North Carolina excludes from property taxes the first $20,000 In assessed value of owner occupied residence for persons aged 65 or older whose income does not exceed $15,000, or totally and permanently disabled whose Income does not exceed $15,000. If you received the exclusion In 1999, you do not need to apply again unless you have changed your permanent residence. If you received the exclusion in 1999 and your disposable Income in 1999 was above $15,000, you must notify the Assessor. If the person- receiving the exemption has died, the person required by law to list the property must notify the Assessor. Any person who fails to give the notice required by N.C. Law shall not only be subject to loss of the exemption, but also to the penalties provided by N.C. Law. if you did not receive the exclusion but are now eligible, you may obtain a copy of an application from the Assessor. It must be filed by April 15. You must file a listing form to continue to receive the exemption. Listing will begin Januaiy 3,2000 in the Tax Administrator's Office In the County Administration Building. Office listing help Is available Jan. 3-31, 2000. Hours will be 8:30 A.Iul. to 5:00 P.lul. Monday thru Friday. The deadline for listing is January 31,20U0. Completed forms must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Seivlce not later than January 31,2000. All late listings are subject to a 10% penalty. Please make your jeturn early to avoid a late penalty. Davie County Tax Administrator ....... Mary NellRJchle ! I T im e T e r 2€C C ! H a p p y N e > v T e a r ! D A V IE C O U N T Y sot USPS 149-160 Niiiiiiior 52 Tinirsdiiy. Dec. .10, l<m ' ('An American Hero 28 i>a ( ;k .s Plgderton Pigs Sold^| Land Transaction Now Set For March I By Dwight Spurks : D.ivic County Enterprise Rccord ; For some, the sound under Itic Christmas tree was a squealing pig. Bcrl Bahnson has sold his Pigderton pigs, and he said some were' destined to tw Christmas presents. Bahnson is closing his popular Pigderton display at N.C. 801 and 1-40 in Hillsdale. Tlie pigs of Pigderton attracted a steady stream of gawkcrs and quietly poked fun at the neighboring Kindcrton development that promises to bring hundreds of new homes lo the fonner farm land. Bahnson has agreed to sell Pigderton and 22 surrounding acres on the corner to the developers of Kindcrton, ending a tong-run- ning conflict between Bahnson’s farm and the developers. —" ■ Please See B ahnson- Page 4 Mocksville OKs Zoning Clianges, Fees Waived Through January Jofin and Joe Wfilte look tfirough the book, “Utmost Savagery - The Tliree Days of Tarawa,” which details the battle that IVtr. White endured. - Photo by Mike Barnhardt John White Honored A t Ija m ^ Baptist By iVflke Barnhardt Davio County Etileiprise Rccord ' Jolin White remembers that day,in llic early 1940s tike It was yesterilay. ■ A young Davie County mon, he had ! ;entistcU In the U.S. Marines in t942 after learning Ihal he woutd be drafted. It wasn't ' long befon; tie was in the lieal of batile. That day was when his unit was - ■ dispatched |6 Tarawa, an istond about SIX), yants tong and a mile wide.; • ’ -: . Their boat was shot 31)0 yards due', and 'the men had to fend for ihemsetves. Ifeilaw Marines tugged at Wliite’s tegs as he made it to shore. He was ihe only one to make ii from ; his boat to land ...with a weapon. . "When I went on the Island, ihcre were Marines three deep. Our boat had santc, so we didn't have a ciioicc. It’s in my mind as clear' today as it,was the day 1 went In." i ■ Such coiiroge deserves hero status. Joe Caudle thinks so, and the week of - Veteran’s Day, Caudle aiid fellow memlwrs of Ijames BaptislChureh honored White wiih a • plaque and sands Tiom two lima. Caudle had served Ibur years In the Marines, : and wore his uniform to make lhc’prescntotlon.:i “I Just have the utmost respect for John and his generation,'what ihc)'went through,’' Caudle; said. "People today can’t imagine. We’ve : • got It made." He read a passage from the booic, , : , ' "Uimosl Savagery - The Three Days of • Tarawa, which includes several paragraphs :aboutWhile’sotdcol. , . , i, ' The plaque, in part, read: "For y o u r' courage, sacrillce and unselfish duty to • God. countiy, and Corps. Vou arc truly an ' American hero, and wc will (ilways be ' - grateful and proud to shake yoiirhand^” White saw'up closc the horrors of w u at . ' Tarawa. There was no where to step without stepping on a dead Marine or in a shell hole. Please Sk John W hite - Page 4 * By Mike Barnharilt Davie County Enterprise Rccord Mocksvillc has changcd its zoning classifications and dcH- nitions, and residents have a month 10 apply for changcs to their properties without having to pay fees. Changcs will still go through Ihe rc-Eoning process, it’s just that fees will be waived while people get used (o the new plan, said Town Manager Terry Bralley. Several residents spoke at a public hearing earlier this month, some in favor of the changes, and some who oppose tiie town zoning land outside the city limits. Town Attorney Hanjc Van Hoy said that towns, by their nature, are urban and grow and have a stake in the areas just outside the town limits. The new zoning ordinance, he said, is “ We decided we wanted to be a cut above the norm. We always have, and I’m proud of that.* -Steve Walker Town Commissioner more flexible for town officials and developers, while providing more green space than does the pld ordinance. The process of studyjng changing the ordinance started in 1998, said John Gallimore, planning and zoning director. It was prompted by an increase in requests for rezonings and de­ velopments" "lhat were not as:; desirable as what could b« achieved in Mocksville." ' • Residents, town leaders and Please See New Zoning - Page 4 Le Bleu Bottled Water Chose Davie County Business Of The Year By Kimberly Justen Davie County Enterprise Record Jerry Smjth, president and CEO, founded Le Bleu Corporation in 1990. Beginning with a 10-ounce glass bottle of wa­ ter, Le Bieu's product lirie has expanded to in­ clude I6ounce, 1 liter, 1.5'liter and 5 gallon prod­ ucts and now includes NASCAR Premium Bottles Water and employs 165 people. The Advance bottling facility is capable of pro­ ducing 60,000 - 75.000 gallons of water each day. The water comes from two 605-foot deep wells ' on the property. “The water is then purified through our distil­ lation process," said Keith Hester, executive vice president! The Le Bleu plirification process is .patentpending. “It removes bacterio, viruses an^ microorganisms in the water.” Le Bleu has distribulion facilities witiiin North . and Soulh Carolina, and bottling facility in Dal­ las, Texas that produces five gallon products. They have also licensed Central Coca-Cola to bottle and disuibute Le Bleu water in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Delaware, New Jei^ey and New York. The partnership with the Panthers has allowed Le Bleu to take part in many of the Panthers pub­ lic servicc projects, such as the Drug Free, School Smart progriim, which included posters of Pan­ thers team members talking about the importance cfbeingdrug-free, and weekly T-shirt giveaways. “We try to do as much as we can for the local community," said Hester. Recently Le Bleu par- There ate plans to expand in Texas and on the^cipated in the Shady Grove Elementary School West Coast within 18-24 months. The company is also interested in opening facilities in Toronto, Canada, and Cairo, Egypt at the end of 2000. Le Bleu is able to do tills because, their purification process allows the company.to use water local lo Iheir facilities. , , Le Bleu is the official bottled water of tlie Caro­ lina Panthers, NASCAR, and The Alamo in San Anipnio, Texas.' jump rope program and the American Cancer So- ciely Walk. . After the flooding from Hurricane Floyd that affected the East Coast, Le Bleu ran its produc­ tion systems 24 hours a day, seven days a week in order to supply water to the Army CorpsofEngi- neers, while continuing to service their regular Please See Le Bleu • Page 7 Le Bleu Corp. of Advance ftas teamed with several groups to market Its bottled water.' 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999Editorial Pa^ starting All Over: jBegin New Century ^Ith Hope, Peace It seemed an eternity away when I was a boy — the 'ear 2000. And now it's upon us. This weekend. ; All those "999s" in our calendar will become "000s." : When 1 was a boy, preachers routinely predicted the Second Coming would occur with the new millennium, ^ow, that talk has quietened, confined mostly to radical SHristians. Most of us are hoping Jesus waits a little onger. We're having too much fun to be bothered by omething that drastic. What impact would that have on Wall Street? Instead, the more common prediction now has been a ,world wide computer meltdown. Even those predictions Jiave waned as the New Year approaches. I What kind of century has it been for you? I We have been treated to a year of Best-of-the-Millen- jnium and Best-of-the-Centuty lists. Best athletes. Most {important historical figures. Inventions. Historical events. iBooks. Songs. Movies. I. Amusingly, those lists have been dominated by the final half cenWry,' skewed by the events we wimessed. Magellan, the most daring explorer of all time, has been •balanced on the historical scale with Ronald Reagan. [Columbus with Winston Churchill. The latest Joan of Arc hiovie has flopped, so she must not be a significant figure. I It has been an eventful century. Flying machines. Dishwashers. Vacuum cleaners. Pickup trucks. The jlntemet. I Everything has changed... except for us. I Fear still strikes our heart at times. Uncertainty. Love overwhelms us. Joy and despair. Mosquitos still bite us. Doctors can cure all kinds of diseases, but we still die. Our bodies wear out. That Fountain of Youth wasn't in Florida tir anywhere else. I Even though we have invented so many time savers, |we never seem to have enough time. We're as busy as ever, and maybe busier The inventions threaten to consume us. We surf the Internet instead of making chocolate chip 'cookies. We spend hours on "Some Assembly Required" litems instead of taking a walk around the neighborhood. IWe are better acquainted with phony names on the com- Iputer than we are with our very real neighbors. It doesn't have to be that way. We can run the machines instead of them nmning us. We can turn them off and walk outside. Plant tulips instead of watching television. We do have more time, if we seize it. We can spend evenings with our children. We can stockpile ice cream instead of firearms. We can put our faith in God and not Alan Greenspan. And we can post a new calendar with fresh hope that this will start a century of peace. The Cold War has ended. We have made peace with our enemies. The new century begins with promise. — Dwight Sparks D A V IE C O U N T V ENTERPRI/^ECO RD (USPS 149-160) 171 South Main Street P.O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 {336)751-2120 Published viieekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Dwight Sparks ..Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson.. Mike Earnhardt.... RayTutterow....... ......General Manager ........Managing Editor ..Advertising Manager Mocksville Enterprise 1916-1958 Davie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 ' Periodicals Postage Paid In Mocksville, NC 2702S Subscription Rates . Single Copy, 60 Cents, $20 per year In North Carolina, ' $25 per year outside North Carolina POSTMASTER Send address changes to; . , v: Davie County Enterprise Record . P.O. Bon 99, Mocksville, NO 27028 ^ In The Mail... White Christmas Lights All Look Same To the editor I would like lu ihank nil the people who helped wkh the "home town” (heme in downtown Mocks­ ville. I know a tol of work went into It. BulIhavconcqucslion.Whcnhasourtowncver been decoraicd with all while lights? I don't ever remember It being (hat way. We don't live in Germany or some of the other coun(ries (hat have never used anything but while lights. Merchants \ use while llghls all year in ilic windows of ihcir businesses. So when Chrisimascomcs and all while lijhls go up, II is nol any dirrcienl lhan every olhcr day of liic year. We are Ihe only lown lhai I knowonhal has Tour big Irees in Ihe lown square. In years p.isi when Ihey were decoraicd wiih colored lights Ihcy have been so beaulirui. But Ihis year Ihcy just blend in wllh evcrylhing else and you do nol sec their bcauly. I have always laken my children and grandchil­ dren out toscelhcdilTerentChrisimaslight displays during Ihe holidiiys. Bui this year ihcre are very few 10 see. Almost cvciyone has ihe while icicic lights. When you sccone houseyouhave seen Ihcm all, for Ihcy all look alike. Il gels boring after a while. Aracrica has always been colorful al Christmas. Arc wc losing our idenllly? I ccnainly hope nol. Frances O'Neal Mocksville Advance Residents Work To Help Others Totheedilon On behalf of the Advance Volunteer Fire De- poitment and all the volunteeis in the Advance area, a special thank you to all who helped, all who participated, and all who camc to the Fifth Annual Advance Christmas Puirule. We hope everyone enjoyed il as much os wc did. The best pan of this parade is people working together. Our churches, clubs, businesses, property owners, our school and taw enforcement, and especially our volunteer fire departments. Sixyearsago.thcAdvancecommuniiy.withthe help of (he Advance Volunleer Fire Dcpartmen(, started a project called "What Christmas is All About." This year we’ve been fortunate to be able to buy hearing aids for a little boy, help with some power bills, and buy food. We bought over$l ,500 worth of diapersand paperproducls and raised over SIO.OOO forthe folksin (he Eastern partofourstate. We sent over three loads of canned goods and supplies. Letters Welcomed The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its readers. The leiters may be on topic? of local, state, national or intCmalional issues. An cfTort will be made to print all leiters provided they are not libelous, vulgar, or in poor tusle. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All tellers should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature, A telephone number, not to be published, is also requesuxl. Please have letters in the newspaper ofnce by 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Have You Made Any New Year’s Resolutions? Sarah Hartman' Linda Stansberry Lynn'Hitlerow Farmington Advance^, . . ; , '; Mocksv^ “To get mortor)}Bnized.!t,7\^:“lSb.? v have’a lot offtm.” The fun slartson Chrislmas Eve. Santa starts his ' day around 9 u.m. Shady Grove School helped Sania and he was able lo see a family of four children and gave baskets and bags of goodies lo our older communlly members. Wc had a list of over 80 people. Wc were able lo see 38 families. The Advancc communlly sure knows the meaning of Chrislmas. With your help and the help of our volunteers, wc’ll be back next year, the second Saturday in December with aChrislmas Parade, and hope we'll bo able lo continue lo spread goodwill all year round. Linda S. Carter Advancc Lawrence Davis > Advance .. !*I' haven’t'thought about,' it.”" ■" ‘ - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 -■3 Is This Y2K Thing Reality Or Hype? Where w ill you be when the clock strikes midiilght and the calendar rolls from 1999 lo 2000? Have you succumbcd to the hype about the dawning of the new millennium and spent weeks - maybe longer - preparing for the greatest (This may be translated most expensive.) New Year's Eve celebration of your life? . I’d read about plans for New Year's Eve parties that began more than a year ago. Millennium parties have been so widely advertised that I'd started to believe I was the only person on the planet not interested in ringing in the new year by wasting a lot of money just to stay up past my bedtime •and watch strangers stand on their heads. Tickets for some of these parties cost thousands. Nol Tor a Uiick load of confclti and a table laden with the finest hors d'eouvres prepared by a crew of world famous chefs would 1 consider paying that kind of money-even if I could. ^ As it turns out, there are fewcrldiots in the world than I had ’ believed. Across Ihe country, many of these outrageously priced parties have been cancelled due to low ticket sales. Unfortunately, the news of celebration at the dawning of a new millennium has been outweighed by Ihe dreaded catchphrase "Y2K." W ill all the computers and other electronic gadgets upon which wp have come to rely fail us? W ill it bo safe to be on an airplane or in the hospital when the clock strikes 12? W ill we be able to perform ourjobs? W ill wc rcceive bills for things wc didn't buy? Just in case of problems with billing, holding onto things like credit card stale- Jeanne Gaither ments, receipts nnd cancelled checks has been highly recommended during Ihe last few months. Y2K or no Y2K, that's just common sense. W ill we be able to get money from the bank? W ill the bank lose our money? 1 heard a person in a profession that would otherwise lead me to believe her quite intelligent discussing plans to withdraw all her money from the bank. While I don't believe most are going to that extreme, plenty of folks are giving Y2K all the glory they would bestow on a typical snow or ice storm warning, stocking up on Ihe necessities like water, bread, batteries nnd candles. A few of those, who have been especially good this year, even got a new generator from Santa. If the scanners at Ihe grocery store fall, others like me may regret that we didn't join in Ihe tattle for the last loaf of bread and gallon of milk on the shelf on Friday. It will be more than a little difficult lo manually cnlcr prices when none of the items have price tags. Of course, that won't matter >f ll’cre’s no electricity. Some are predicting weeks - even months without power. While I don't doubt that a computer at the power plant could fail, I can't stop thinking that we had to have eleclricity before \ve could have computers. \ Maybe I should be worried. Some are predicting the new year will bring with It Armageddon. ' Ever the skeptic, I expect no more of Y2K than a few minor glitches that won't be hard to Rx. My greatest conccm in the last week of 1999 is how I'll ever get used to writing 00 on my check's. M.D. Obstetrics and Gynecoloqy> Gating Medicaid PmvitlerlaiOyeara N ew OB patients w e lco m e a t any stage o f pregna ncy Free Pregnancy Tests We will assist your application (or pregnancy- " related Medicaid coverage at no tee. Patient may deliver at either Stateivills Kospital 12te Davie Avenue ■ Staleavllla, NC 70«73-1430 - 0 a.m. lo 0 pjn. dally T o w n & C o u n i r v R e m o il e l in g "V ie Do Windows" • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Aluminum Storm Windows • Larson* Storm Doors • Vinyl Siding • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Ceramic Tile • Roofing (fiberglass or colored metal) • Decks • Garages • Room Additions ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 1 4 1 4 David Cozart WayneWall • Gale Sheets WC tfcemed Genera/Confractor Stephen Frye • Deneil Burgess . i l Nobody plaiis to have a leg amputated. Or a stroke,, : , brain surgery or mulriple trauma. Bitt it happens.. . j And when it does, lives can be put on hold, drasnially altered, or even destroyed. , . ■ Tliat’s why we created die EUzabethC.Stanback , Rehabilitation Unit. Here, in tills State-of-the-art . inpatient fadlity, specialists from maiiy different areas , tLIIAI![Tll(.STANBA(K CENABILITAIION UNIT combine their, knowledge to literally put shattered lives back togedier again. So now, people in the Rowan Dedicated TbThe Belief That No Difficulty Is Tbo Great lb OKrcome. area who face life-altering events don’t ; have to alter their goals. lm N R E G IO ^ttL : ■' ■ Medical Center. ....: - '' " V vi- i■i&ia'Source Bor'Ibtalttealthcatt; :, , jthey can take to reach tiiem.r- - , 6 1 2 M o c k s v il l e A v e n u e', S a i-i V b u'i i Y ' ; ' ^ : i - 8 8 8 -55R O W A 'N - ' w^^ . rj. 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 J o h n W h it e H o n o r e d A t I ja m e s B a p t is t Fellow Ex-Marine Leads The Effort Conllnucd From Page 1 There was nothing (o do bu( shoot ul one another. • In less than 72 hours. 6,000 men were killed. • ‘The commandcr of the Island suld It would take a million Marines a hundred years to take the island. We look it in 72 hours/* he said. "A lot of people will (ell you they weren't scared in a combat area, nither they’re lying or they really weren't in a combat area." ^ t’s not that other places White toured were pieces of cake. He was one of only two from his unit that left Guadal Canal without malaria. ^ In 1945, White came back home to Davie County. He still lives in ihe family home place on Ijames Church Road with his wife, Jo. They had two children, Jeff and Rita, and have four grandchildren. Bahnson Selling 22 Acres To Kinderton Developers Continued From Page 1 The land, under contract to be sold In March. Is priced at $2.5 mil­ lion. or more than $100,000 an acrc. Dahnson said it was the most valu­ able property he owned, but it couldn’t be us(?d easily for fanning. With the sale, Bahnson said he will buy his brother's farm In Farm­ ington. That farm, along with the original Win-Mock Farm now being developed as Kinderton, were part of an estate of the late Fred Bahnson, Bert's father. Bahnson will continue (0 share a boundary line with Kinderton that stretches for nearly a mile. Bahnson said he hopes the Farm­ ington property will be safe from the encroachment of developers. “Surely the people in Farmington can look around here and see what happens. But it all begins with a blinking light at the intersection," he said. New Zoning Ordinance Called A landmark’ Decision For Town Joe Caudle (left) with the plaque he presented to John White as a true American hero. - Photo by Mike Barnhardt Census Workers Needed This Spring In Davie County When the Census was taken inl990, an estimated 1.8% of North Carolina's wasn't counted. ^ And the state lost $68 million in federal dollars. ; Lib Woodward, Census area di- ‘ rector, is trying to reach every resi­ dent of Davie County this spring. She ijceds some help. Between now and March 12. she wants a list of people from every neighborhood who can help people to fill out the forms, to make sure that everyone gets the forms. The Cen­ sus workers will receive a competi­ tive wage, and hours arc flexible, she said. Test sUcs for workers will be scl up throughout the county, and weekly tests arc at 2 p.m. Wednes­ days at the Davie County Public Li­ brary. “We want every person in Davie County counted," Woodward said. “We’ve been working for over two years to get every house listed." The need is critical, because ac­ cording to Woodward, only 66 per­ cent of the people returned Census forms in 1990. The short form takes about 10 minutes to fill out, the long form 20 minutes. ; For more information, contact Woodward, Andre Dawkins or Marshall E. Jeffries at336-659-4817 or call toll-free I-888-325-7733. Parker Appointed To Cooleemee Town Board ; COOLEEMEE - Fran Parker Was appointed by Ihe town board Dcc. 21, lo rcplacc Lynn Rumley, who resigned earlier this year. Parker said she has long been inlerested inserving the town, pri- Cooieemee Votes To Join COG : COOLEEMEE - The town board Viylcd Dcc. 21 to Join the Northwest Eiedmont Council of Governments. ^•The board had voted to leave the cbuncil when several members felt the town was not receiving proper assis- lHnccrruml!)cgroup,butMuyorGrady Spry said he believes the town can Benefit from information and grant as- ^stance available through the organi­ zation. The board also voted to hire a new police officer. Eddie Dmm, who for­ merly worked for the department, was hircd to replace Wes Harrington, who recently resigned. A voteon the reappointment of Bob Amos to a three year term on the ABC Board was postponed until the Janua;y meeting. marily interested in recreation, ihc police department and firedeparl- ment and had been considering . running for a seal on the board. HerhusbandGrimcsParkcrisa former town commissioner and has been involved in the town's recreation programs for more than 30 years. The couple lives near the park, police department and pool, she said. Commissioner John Chandler, who nominated her for the posi­ tion, discovered her interest in the (own through her participation in a meeting about the future of Cooleemee. "I have a lot lo learn, but I'm looking forward toit," Parkersaid. . Her term on (he board will ex* pire in December 200 L The oaih of office was also given at the meeting to Scottie Vogler, who was elected to the board in November, and Bill Gibson, who was rc-electcd; Continued From Page 1 planning experts all took part in the process. For eight months, they dis­ cussed what made Mocksville spe­ cial. und then went to work on an ordinance that would help preserve those things, Gallimore said, Tlic Mocksville Planning Board studied the changes for 11 months, and focused on preserving the rights of landowners while raising stan­ dards for development, he said. As with any large-scale changc, there will be some Insecurity and likely some changes, Gallimore said. Generally, zoning ordinances are restrictive, said planning board member Andrew While. ‘This ordi­ nance encourages nexibility, creativ­ ity," he said. Diane Foster called the new or­ dinance "user friendly." It should encourage more residents near or in downtown. "What changes our downtown are people willing lo in­ vest in properly and live here," she said. "Downtown is dependent on people living near there. I fully sup­ port it." Residents such as Randy McDaniel were more skeptical. He said growth appears to be headed toword Ihe extra-territorial area, the one mile around the town limits where the town controls zoning. He questioned the benefits to those resi­ dent. Van Hoy said there would be little changc iherc, as the town already controls zoning in those areas. Eco­ nomic issues, not ordinances, drive developments. Ordinancesjust make devclopmenls better, he said. Wade Dyson commended the town for trying lo better manage growth. "My objection Is ... it Is wrong lo impose regulations on people who live outside the city and can’t vole." Madison Angell asked the board to give properly owners six months to decide if they wonted lo request changes in their zonings. The board adopted the new ordi­ nance unanimously, with rezoning fees waived through January. Board memberStevc Walker said the ordinance was changed correctly ' with a lot of citizen involvement. "We decided we wanted to be a cul above the norm," Walker said. "We always have, and I'm proud of that." Farmers Face Filing Deadline Farmers who suffered 1999 crop losses due 10 a nalural disaster have un(ilFcb.25losignupundcrlhc 1999 Crop Disaster Prognira. The program corapcnsalcs farmcti on any crop that suffered at least a 35 percent loss of nomial yields. niigible farmers will reccivc an ndvancc payment equal to 35 percent of their projected total paymctit us soon as their application is approved. Participants will receive their final payment after all applications have been approved. Inlerested producers may obtain additional information by calling the Farm Service Agency in Lcjiington at I -8(X)-524-3389 or by visiting our of­ fice at 301 E.CcnterSt.lnl.cxington. County Briefs Frye Honored With Resolution The Davie County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution Dec, 20, honoring former EMS director John U Frye for his years of service lo the county. Frye, who became dirtxtor in 1981, tccemly retired. . "Johnny Frye has been an outstanding employee who will be greaUy missed,'* slated the lesolution. County To Take Over Water Line Commissioners voted lo have the county take over the water line on Uvengood Road, which was completed Nov. 26. The project meets all county specifications, occording to public works director David Plolt. Tax Reports Approved By Board Couniy and fircand vehicle tax collection reports for the monthof November were approved by the boanl. At ihe end of the month, 17.46 percent of all 1999 county and fire taxes and 72.06 percent of vehicle had been collected, reported lax odministralor Mary Nell Richie. Valves To Be Replaced At Plant The board unanimously approved spending $34,422 to replace air-operated valves at Ihe couniy water treatment plont with electric valves. Acconling lo water department director Brace Pratt, Ihe failure of more valves could cause the planl to shut down. The current valves have been giying problems and are hard to repair because It's hard 10 obtain pans. More valves at die plant need to be replaced, but those remaining should be included in next year's budget. . , Rezoning Of Property Approved Following apublie hearing, commissioners voted lo rezone .61 acresof land on N.C. 801 near Ftol Mill Road from residential to highway business at die request of Henry R. Johnson. Johnson said he warns lo tear down Ihe old mill building on Ute site and replace it widi a new one surrounded by a fence. . ■ ' Additional Payment To Be Made The board voted to pay a touil of $5,739,95 to Maupln, Taylor and Ellis for legal services concerning Davie County Hospital. County manager Ken Windley had originally set a $5,OOOIimit for these legal services. Equipment Declared Surplus A shredder was deleted from the equipment list for the finance office because it is broken. board also voted to declan; a 1991 Fonl Cro\ra Vlooria, which had beeii used by the fire marshal, and a 1964 International geoerator from the hospital surplus. Apppihtments Made To Boards ■ ; Coramissioiiets volrf to reappoint Laiiy Hayes u a public n ^ b e r to die BcardofHealtliViyiaoCook was reappointed asanurseitKitiba.Kaien Smith' %M.W«|i|iolnted lb Ihe Rur<> Public Transpoitation A d itto y.C o u n cU ,'' Davie YIUICA Holds Annual Christmas Banquet The Davie Family YMCA held its annual board/staff and voluntccrChrist- mas banquet on Thursday, Dcc. 2. The YMCA celebrated its best year in the brief history in Mocksville. "With conlinued support frombusi- ncsses, members, volunteers, siaffand community at large, the Davie Family .YMCA completed a successful Next Ccniury Vision Million Dollarexpan- slon Capital Campaign," said Joe Hennigan, executive director. Hcnnigan went on lo say that the YMCA completed a new child care centcrandstateoflheartfilncsscentcr in 1999 allowing us to serve more participants than at any lime in history. The Davie Family YMCA has over 2,700 members. The YMCA Voluniccroflhe Year was presented to Sarah Wood who has served on the Y Boardof Managers for 1S years and chaired two capital cam­ paigns, which raised over $3.5 mil­ lion. The Davie Couniy Enierprise- Record was presented Ihc Small Busi­ ness of the Year for their conlinued support of the YMCA capital cam­ paign and supportive news coverage of YMCA programs. Jockey Inlcmational was presented ( the Business of Ihe Year for their sup­ port of the YMCA capital campaign as well os donating shins for the I \ an­ nual Resolution Run and Fall Fitness Challenge. Recognized for completing iheir volunteer commitment on the board of managers were: Karon Baysinger, John Bryan. Keith Campbell, Estelle Cranfill, Charles Crenshaw, Maijorie Foster, Paul Jacobs, Hal Monsces, Jim Moore, Dennis Peterman, Rob Raisbcck, Charles Williamsand Sarah Wood. Board ofManagers beginning their terms In 2000 arc: Ted Allen, Neil New Year's Party Goers Advised To Be Safe "5-4-3-2-1... Happy New Year!" . Each year, people gather from ev­ ery comer of the globe to usher in the new year. While Ihe new millennium prom­ ises lo be an evening full of fun and exciiement, Healthy C&it}linians of DavieCounty would like toencourage party goers to be safe and sober as they hit the highways. This new year, the Healthy Carolinians ofDavIe County Substance Abuse Committee would like to share some Important reasons not to drink and drive. Alcohol uschas been Identified asa major national problem, and Is by far our number one drug of abuse. Alco­ hol-related consequences affect not onlydrinkersthemselves,but also their spouses, children, friends, employers as well as strangers.’ . Approximately half of all traffic crashes involve alcohol. According lo dam obtained from theUniversityofNorthCarolinaHigh- way Safely Research Center. In 1998, alcohol was responsible for approxi­ mately 418 fatal car crashes and 469 fatal injuries in North Carolina. In Davie County, five fatalities were at­ tributed to alcohol in 1998. In total, in 1998, morc than 31 auiomobilecrashes and 30 injuries in Davie Couniy have been directly or indirectly linked to alcohol use while driving. Tlwsc crashes cost Davie County residents morc than $1,548 per person In 1997. Law enforcement officers will be cracking down on impaired driving during the moving patrols and sobriety checkpoints across ihe state. North Carolina's driving-whlle-impaircd (DWI) lawsarceven tougher.The new laws allow for selzurc of vehicles used by rcpeal DWI offenders, revokes li­ censes, toughens the penally for DWI olTenders, Incrcases immediate Ad­ ministrative Licensc Revocation from 10 to 30 days, helps police catch un- deragedrivers.permitsdruglestingfor, those arrested for DWI, and strcngth- ens sentence for habitual impaired driv- mg. 'The HcalthyCarollnians of Davie Couniy Substance Abuse Committee hope you and your family have a safe ond enjoyable new year," said Lowana Gardner, health education specialist! "Make your millennium memories Salem Gastroenterology Associates, P. A, William E. Austin, M.D. Randy A. Peters, M.D. William G. BlackanI, Jr., M.D. Michael H. Rubin, M.D. James S. Gibbs, M.D. David R. Wood, M.D. Henry T Mixon, M.D. announce the opening , of ourntsw office in Clemmons beginning January 1,2000. ' 105 Stadium Oaks Drive Clemmons, N.C. 336-712-1234 Accepting New Patients DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 - S Carter, Kathleen Conners, Carl Lam­ bert. Becky Peeler, Maijorie Sinclair and Selma Suiter. Spccial recognition went to Gary Prillaman, who served os Chairperson of the Annual Partnership Campaign for the second year in a row. Wanda Bowles, chairperson for 2000, commended Phyllis Poller, out­ going chairperson, for her dedication to Ihe Davie Family YMCA during the past year. Eniertainment was provided by Barbara Basham on piano and "The Dance of the'Lillie Malchgirr was prcscnied by the YMCA Ballet Class. pleasurable, remind other motorists lo drive safely and sober." If inlerested in obtaining more in­ formation about holiday highway safety or substance abuse prevention, contact Gardner at (336) 751 -8700. D is t r ic t C o u r t The following cases were dis­ posed of in Davie District Court on Dcc. 16. Prcslding was Judge Jimmy L. Myers. Prosecuting were Doug Vreeland and Melanie Holton assis­ tant DAs. —Anthony R. Allen, DWI, sen- lenccd 120 days, suspended 2 years, substance abuse assessment. 48 hours community service, $400, cost; driv- i'ng while license revoked, dis­ missed.. —Milzi Bailey, worthless check, dismissed. —Nell Baker Jr., out-servlce or­ der prohibited, dismissed, requesl of prosecuting witness. —Jeremy A. Black, driving while license revoked, reduced to no li­ cense, unsafe movement, no liability Insurance, sentenced 30 days, sus­ pended 1 year, $50, cost. •'‘-C lint D. Brown, failure to re­ turn reniol property, dismissed. —Dennis L. Burts, contributing to delinquency of a juvenile, prayer for judgment continued on cost: 80 mph in a 70 zone, dismissed. — Ricky B. Carter, worthless check, dismissed. —Daniel Childress, two counts contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, prosecuting witness failed lo appear. —James R. Cuthberison, driving while license revoked, reduced to no license, prayer for judgment contin­ ued on cost; additional lighting equipment violation, dismissed. —Lance J. Dalton, driving while licensc revoked, expired registration card, dismissed. —^Janice W. Davis, 56 mph in a 40 zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, cost; driving while license re­ voked. dismissed. —Steve Dillon, school attendance law violation, prayer for judgment continued on cost. —Brion J. Garreil. driving while license revoked, failure to stop for Slop sign, driving left of center, open container after consuming, dismissed; possession of drug paraphernalia, resisting ofTicer, misdemeanor pos­ session marijuana, sentenced 45 days, suspended 2 years, substance abuse assessment, 24 hours community ser­ vice, $ 150, cost; nee/elude arrest with motor vehicle, sentenced 45 days, suspended 2 years. —Mike Groce, worthless check, dismissed. —Alisha A. Harman, resisting of­ ficer, prayer for judgment continued on cost. —Timothy M. Hayes, driving while license revoked, reduced lo no license, sentenced 60 days. —Giner A. Hunt. 84 mph in a 70 zone, dismised; DWI, open container after consuming alcohol, misde- /M U SIC 0 1IESS0NS_Lessom for Beginners lo Adimccii Spccialuing in Guitar/uaiyo/Mamlolin/lfitss (also: Diisic, bcgiwK'r violiti dobro) GIFT CERTinCATES AVAILABLECounter Point Studio 83 Court Sqmre. MocVj\illc Ihoklt Dm ’i Mmicl (336)751-9390 First United Methodist Church 305 North Main Street, Mocksville Rev. Ctiarles l\imer, Pastor Sunday Worsliip Opportunities: 8:50 am - Informal Contemporary Service 9:50 am - Sunday Sciiooi and Bible Study 0:55 am - Traditional Worsliip Scrvice "A caring church with a place for you." Super Rates Super Yields 6 . 0 5 % . . . 6 .2 4 %... 6 .2 5 % 6 .4 5 %APY We’re offering two high-yield Bank of Davie Certificates of Deposit. Purchase an 11-month term CD and earn a 6.05% rate, with a' 6.24% annual percentage yield. Our 25-month term CD pays a 6.25<>/o rate and has an annual percentage yield of 6.45%. You can open either CD with as little as $500. For more information about these offers and other savings plans, visit or call our office in Mocksville. It's Your Bank B a n k o f D a v ie 1366 Highway 601 South On Mocksville Marketplace), 751-5755 This ralo In offoct as of November 23.1999. Minimum opening deposU must be malnlalned lo earn the Annual Percentage Yield. There are penalties for early vwlhdrawal and account lemis are subject to change., . . ' ■ Momt)crFDlC meonor possession of marijuana, pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended 2 years, substance abuse assessment, 24 hours communiiy service, $200, cost, sur­ render license. —Grady L. Lynch, assault on a female, sentenced 75 days; probation violation, probation revoked, active 45 day sentence. —John W. McCain Jr., 80 mph In a 70 zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment; driving while license revoked, sentenced 120 days, suspended 1 year. $200, cost. — Bradley C. Michael, driving while license revoked, reduced to no license, prayer for judgment contin­ ued on cost; use of foreign license while driving while license revoked, dismissed: 80 mph in a 70 zone, re­ duced to improper equipment, cost. —Debra G. Moore, misdemeanor probation violation, probation re­ voked, active 45 day Sentence. —Lisa F. Mozet exceeding safe speed, cost. —Donald R. Owens, 91 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to careless and reck­ less driving, sentenced 30 days, sus­ pended 1 year, S50, cost; failure to wear seat beU, dismissed. —Chris J. Savario, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, sentenced 45 days, sus­ pended 2 years, $75, cosi; substance abuse assessment. —Russell B. Shoemake, 80 mph in a 70 zone, prayer for judgment con­ tinued on cost. —Thomas H. Shores, failure lo wear seal belt. $25. cost; no license, dismissed; regisu^tion card violation, sentenced 30 days, suspended 2 years, $50. cost. 24 hours community ser­ vice. —Janice Spillman, simple assault. dismissed, request of prosecuting witness, —Teresa B. Taylor, leash law vio­ lation, dismissed. —Vickie E. Thome. 54 mph in 4 45 zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, cost; registration violation, dis­ missed. —Marvin H. Wagoner, failure to yield, dismissed; hit/run failure lo Slop for property damage, prayer for judgment continued on cost. —Danny M. Walker, resisting of­ ficer, dismissed. —Patrick A. Weber, contributing' to delinquency of a juvenile, sen­ tenced 45 days, suspended 2 years. ,S75. cost. 24 hours communiiy ser­ vice. —Hannah M. Wilcox, misde­ meanor possession of marijuana, prayer for judgment continued on cost; possession of drug parjphema- lla, dismissed. NOW through Januaiy 6 8:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Friday Classes begin Monday, January 10,2000 I\ution: $26.75 per credit hour plus fees and books. No tuition or fees for individuals 65 years of age and older. Spring Semester Curriculum Courses COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE DAYS CR.HR. TIME EDU112 EarlyChildhood Credential II T 2 6:30-9:10 PM EDU145 Child Development II M 3 6:30-9:10 PM EDUM6 ChildGuidanee TTi 3 6:30-9:10 PM Spring Semester Continuing Education Courses t^pnernl TnterMt Courses Dates Hours Cost 0000333 Art: Watercolor Painting M 1/24-3/7 6:00-8:00 PM $55 (Beginning to Advanced) 0000396 Beginning Conversational T 2/I-4/4 6:00-8:00 PM $40 Spanish 000045S CPR T&Th 1/11-1/20 6:30-9:30 PM $25 0000402 Doing Business on Internet T 1/18 600-9:00 PM FREE 0000490 Fundamentals of Investing T&Th 1/11-1/27 600-8:00 PM FREE 0000420 Wills & Estates M 3/13 6:00-9:00 PM FREE CiimBUlcr.Tinhnoliigy CitunM Dava Dates Hours Cost 0000338 Basic Computer Skills T 1/11-2/8 6:15-8:15 PM $50 0000342 Basic Computer Skills T 1/18-2/15 9:30-ll:30AM $50 0000363 Basic Computer Skills Hi 2/17-3/16 9:30-11:36aM .$50 0000337 Basic Computer Skills w 2/23-3/22 4:00-6:00 PM $50 0000340 Basic Computer Skills T •2C9-3/28 6:15-8:15PM $50 0000348 Computers: Explore the w 1/19-3/5 1:00-3:30 PM $55 Possibilities 0000371 Keyboarding & Formatting:Th 1/27^/13 5:30-7:30 PM $55 Beginning 0000335 MS Word: Introduction M 1/24-3/20 6:00-8:30 PM $55 0000354 MS Word: Introduction W 1/264/12 9:30AM-12Noon $55 0000336 Office 2000: An Overview T 8:30AM-3:30PM $40 of What's New 0000351 PC Maintenance 1 W 1/26-3/8 6:00-8:30 PM $55 0000345 Using the Internet W 1/19-2/16 6:00-8:00 PM. . $50 0000346 Using the Internet W 3/1-3/29 6:00-8:00 PM $50 0000353 Windows: Introduction F in-2/25 9:00-11:30AM $55 0000349 Windows: InU-oduction W .1/19-3/8 6:15-8:45 PM $55 0000325 Windows: Introduction M 1/24-3/27 . 4:00-6:00 PM $55 0000339 Windows: Inttoductlon Th 2/24-3/27 6:00-8:00 PM $55 0000350 Windows: Introduction T 2/29-5/2 9:3D-il:30AM, $55 faateaaliiMl Tralalug Cgutata nava PatM Hours Coat 0000367 Effective Teacher Training M,T,Th 2/14-3/6 4:00-7:00 PM $55 for Teachers, Assistants & Subs 0000365 ElecUical Contractor's Sat 2/19 , 8:00AM-2:30PM $50 License Renewal Course OOOWffJ First Aid for Child Care Sat 2/12 9:00AM-1:00PM $10 Providers 0000328 Introduction to Machining T 2/8-3/28 . 6:00-9:00 PM $55 0000334 Notary Public Education M & W 3/13 &3/15 7:00-9:00 PM $50 0000529 Real Estate Update: T . ^ 2/15 1:00-5:00 PM $50 Mandatory Course 0000544 Real Estate Elective: W 2/16 1:00-5:00 PM $50 Real Estate Bloopers ■flOOOJfftf Tig Welding T&Th 2/1-3/28 6:00-8:30 PM ’, $60 For more Information or to register . for 2000 Spring claues, contact: Davie Campus 1205 Salisbuiy Road, Mocksville. Noith Carolina 27028 Telephone: 751-2885 • FAX: 751-6192 E-Mail: davie@yadtel.net ' ■ r - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 jH i^ w a v Patrol The following irafficwrccks were •ijivcstigaicil by the N.C. Highway ^Patrol in Davie County. •Driver Faces Two Charges A Mocksvllle leen was charged ^ ith exceeding a safe speed and driv- Hrg left of ccntcr after a wreck on JoJk-Bixby Road ai 10:50 a.m. Dee. ^ 1. Lcalonnic Tyric Ashley, 16, of 108 Dmm Lane, was driving a car (hal went off the road to the right. Ashley rovcr-stccrcd, repotted Trooper y'fenance D. Shaw, causing the car to ! slide across the road to the left. It Iwent down an embankment and struck a barbed wire fencc. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged ACooIcemee woman was chargcd with failure to rcduco speed and hav* ing unsafe lires on a vehicle aHer a wreck on MO at 1:30 p.m. Dcc. 21. Terry Tester Benson. 38, of 1574 Junction Road, failed to stop ihc 1994 Ford pickup she was driving before it struck in ihe rear a 2000 Freightliner driven by Mark Steven PWegcr, 46. of Milan, N.M., reported Trooper Terrance D. Shaw. She told the trooper her vision was partially obstructed by heavy rains. Exceeding Safe Speed Charged A Harmony teen was charged with exceeding a safe speed after a wreck on Deadmon Road at 1:20 p.m. Dcc. 20. Jeremy Wayne Bailey, 17, of 1491 County Line Road, was driv* ing a 1994 Toyota pickup that went off the-road to the right, struck a mailbox and overturned, reported Trooper Terrance D. Shaw. Failure To Reduce Speed Charged An Advance man was chargcd with failure to reducc speed after a wreck on Milling Road at 6:50 a.m. Dcc. 21. David Franklin Barney, 62, of 1805 Fork-Bixby Road, failed to stop the 1983 Oldsmobllc he was driving before it struck in the rear a 1998 Chevrolet driven by Roger Dale Allen, 22, of 623 Howardtown Circle, Mocksville. reported Trooper Terrancc D. Shaw. Von Hits Deer Mary«Lynn Lackey Bullins, 32, of 193 Lakevicw Road, Mocksville, was driving a 1998 Nissan van on Comatzer Road at 8:30 p.m. Dcc. 21 when it struck a deer, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. Driver Faces D\VI Charge A Raleigh man was charged with DWI and driving lefi of ccntcr after a wreck on Godbey Road at 11:30 p.m. Dcc. 22. Roy Lee Curtis, 71, was driving a 1985 Chevrolet van that went off the road to the left and struck several small trees, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. Driver Didn’t Remember A Mocksville man told Trooper C.D. Jones he didn't remember what happened in a wreck at 4:20 p.m. Dcc. 21 on Grcenhill Road. Mark Kenneth Petrishen, 28. of 1638 Ridge Road, Mocksville, was driving a 1979 Ford pickup truck that went off the road to the lefl and stnick a tree, Jones reported. Failure 'Ib Reduce Speed Charged A Mocksville teen was charged with failure to reduce speed after a wreck on 1-40 at 3:50 p.m. Dec. 21. Adam Michael Johnson, 16, of 353 Dobson Road, failed to stop the 1994 Mitsubishi he was driving be- fore It struck the rear of a 1993 Ford driven by Harold Donald Wood, 66, of 196 Wandering Lane, Mocksville, reported Trooper C.D. Jones. fS hetiff s Deoartment ; The following incidents were re* ; ported to the Davie County Sheriffs ; Deportment. - Sam P. Hall of White Dove ;AVay, Mocksville, reported his yel- ; low labrador dog lost or stolen Dcc. :ao. S “ Jamie Wagoner of Ralph i^alledge Road. Mocksville, reported ; Dec. 20. someone broke Intohishome i*jiLnd stole business and tax papers and several pictures. - Davie Wayne Childers reported Dec. 20. someone broke into Advance Methodist ChurchonN.C. sot ondslole money, a microphone and five hymnals. - Gene Lee Hoclschcr reported Dcc. 20. someone hadentcred a mobile home on U.S. 601 North,Mock5ville,stealing a sofa and love seat, stove, chair, four lamps and an entertainment center. - Tony Moore reported Dcc. 21, someone hod used his credit card to purchase tickets by phone. - Andy Smith reported someone had broken into Andy’s Collectibles on U.S. 158inAdvance,stealingamicro- wave, a sign and a vacuum cleaner Dec.21. -RoyHurtofU.S.64West,Mocks- ville, reported Dec. 21, someone had attempted to remove the center caps from a 1967 Chevellc parked in his driveway. - Lonnie Paul Bracken reported Dcc. 22. someone had fired shots into an unoccupied rcsidcncc on Danner Road. - Richard Lyle Hawks of Advance reported a harassing phone call made to his wife Dcc. 22. - Lawrence Day reported a license plate stolen from a car at Ellis Auto Auction Dec. 22. - Dannie Worrell of Main Church Road Extension. Mocksville. reported Dcc. 23, someone had stolen money from his wallet at his rcsidcncc. Arrests -Timothy Scott Smyers. 38. of 132 Klunie Road, Mocksville, was arrested Dcc. 21 for foiltuc to appear in court. Trial dale: Jan. 6. -Sandy Leal Hutchins,30.of 129 Cana Road. Mocksville, was arrested at her home Dcc. 21, for two counts forgery and two counts of obtaining property by false pretense. TVial date: Jan. 13. - LaTonya Alicia Daniels, 23, of 124ManchesterLane, Mocksville,was arrested Dcc. 22. Trial date: Jan. 13. -Justin Franklin Owen, l8,of U8 Hobson Drive, Mocksville, was ar­ rested Dcc. 22 for violating pretrial release. Trial date: Jan. 6. L a n d Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie County Regis­ ter of Deeds. s; The transactions arc listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township and *c d stamps purchased, with $2 rep- rtscnting $1,000. - Alan Scott Gantt and Jo Ann - Katherine F.Tatum, executrix of estate of Ezra Carl Tatum Jr. to Katherine F. Tatum. Kathy Anne Tatum Crews and Ezra Carl Tatum HI. co-truslccs of Family Trust, 203 acres, Jerusalem. - Alan Brent Boger to Ruby C. Boger, 5.19 acres. Clarksville. Gantt to Frank Hayes Daniel, 3.29 ; - Ruby^C. Boger to Alan Brent aires, Calahaln, $47. « • Patricia H. Latta to Ben Owens Construction, 2 tracts, Mock.sville, i60. f . - Mary Louise Fitzgerald to Ber­ muda Village Retirement Center Boger, 7 acres, Clarksville. - Thomas Wayne Lanier to Ken­ neth A. Lanier and Martha Virginia Lanier, half interest each, 8.7 acres, Calahaln, S40. Glenda Brown Carlton to ^im ited Partnership, I,villa, Farm- ^ Samuel Blake.Cariton Jr.. 2,tracts, [|^gton;$Sl6. ShodyGrovc. . S - Bermuda Village Retiremienl •; • Dick Anderson Construction to Senter Limited Partnership to Helen Brent K. Kceval and Valerie P. § Scheuerman, 1 villa, Farmington, Koeval, 1 lot, Shady Grove, $402. S l6 . ; - David W. Bailey Jr., trustee and N -i- Egloff Building Uo; Mary^;- on behalf of John H. Hoots Sr. to S^aroline Gamble, 1 lot, Farmington. Dick Anderson Construction, 1 lot, ^ 4 4 . Shady Grove. - KHS Limited to Charles G. Bates and Dorene T. Bates. I lot. Shady Grove, $60. • David M. Hanes Contracting to Charles Rowe and Courtney Rowe. 1 lot. Farmington. $104. - Shugart Enterprises to Marcus R. Dix and Teresa B. Dix. 1 lot. Mocksville. S233. - Johnson and Company Irrigation Sales to Henry and Belinda Sue Bailey Johnson, .75 acre. Shady Grove. • Tama M. G’Mara to Wayne M. James and Jean S. James, 1 lot, Shady Grove; $38. - Susan S. Hinson and Carroll W. Hinson to Dianne S. Anderson, 28 acres. - Alma C. Shouf to Glenda Shoaf. Bamhardt, I lot, Jerusalem. -G.E. Bamhardt and.Helen Clem­ ent Bamhardt to Robert Bamhardt and Glenda Shoaf Bamhardt, 3 tracts. Mocksville. - A&A Properties to Stephen L. Robertson and Jean P. Robertson. 2.4 acres. Mocksville, $12. • Glcnna R. Hendrix and James Hendrix. Ona R. Hall. Linda R. Gre­ gory and Jim Gregory, Ted S. Rob­ ertson, Ginger R. Yokley and Roger Yokley, Ted J. Robertson, adminis­ trator of estate of Nancy W. Robert­ son to Ann R. Newsome, I acre, $80. - George E. Wilson and Eleanor F. Wilson to Sound Mountain. 3 tracts. Farmington. . - Mark Otis Waller and Leah W, Waller to Dorothy Altman KcnnTdy. 9.86 acres. Calahaln. S3Jl, : . .. - Jerry F. Swicegood and Judy G. Swlceg(^ and T. Kyle Swicegood and Elizabeth S. Swicegood to Brenda Holbrook Wells, 5 acres, Calahaln, $40. • Jeltrey Scott RIcgel and Sharon Amanda RIegcl to Zachary H. Wright and Melody B. Wright, I lot, Farm­ ington, $394. - Whip-O-Will Und & Cattle to Zachary H. Wright and Melody B. Wright, Hot, Clarksville. SI08. - Robert Wayne Sykes and Brenda G. Sykes to Dorothy Ann Culberson. 1 condominium, Farmington, $246. - Betty G. Smith and Stacey Alexander Smith to Betty G. Smith, 7,025 square feet, Mocksville. • Wcstvlew Development Co. and Taittingcr Development Corp. to Castlegate Construction of Clem­ mons, 1 lot. Shady Grove, $42. - Sharon N. Hoglen and Jon L. Hoglcn io Helen B. Thurston, I lot, Farmington, $247. • Sam Cartner and Margaret C. Cartner to David W. Cartner, James P. Cartner and Sam C. Cartner, trust­ ees for Cartner Brothers Trust, 15% interest, 111.8 acres. - David M. Thompson and Mel­ issa R. Thompson to Melissa R. Th­ ompson. 1 tract, Mocksville. - Lorena West to Ernestine Parker and Christine Ward (half interest each), I tract, Fannington. -Thomas H. Graham, executor of estate of Margaret Lucille Ellis to Roverda Ellis Jarvis, Brenda Ellis Graham. Judy Ellis Thompson, and Robbie Lee Ellis, 2 tracts, Fulton. - John Allan Chamblin III and Donna S. Chamblin to Turrentine Baptist Church, 1 lot, Mocksville, $379. _ Janie'Browh Phillips lo Justin Burdette Phillips, 13.67 acres, Mocksville. • Thelma M. Mauldin to Ann M. Shaver. 1.36 acres, Jemsalem. - Sue Markland Howard to Joycc Howard Robertson and Stanley Darnell Robertson, 2 tracts, Shady Grove. ires Davie County fire departments rc- indcd to the following calls. 1^ Dec. 20: Mocksville, 11:13 a.m., wQre alarm. Davie Piocc. [ij Dec. 21: Farmington, 9:43 a.m., j^ to accident, 1*40; Smith Grove as- lasted; Mocksville, 4:21 p.m., auto ac- tAdcnt,GrcenhiURoad;Ccmcrassisled. d Dec. 22: County Line, 5:27 a.m., {^chicle fire, assisting Iredell County f)n MO. • Dec. 23: Advancc, 10:56 a.m., fire tUarm, 108 SpringOeld Drive; Smith NOrovcassisted;SmithGrove, 2:08p.m., jjfire alarm, 374 Yadkin Valley Road; lifarmington assisted; Jerusalem, 2:55 ».m.,firealaim, 154BoxwoodChurch l;Coolccmccassisted;Mocksville, 4:20 p.m., strong odor of ammonia In rcsidcncc, 129 Holman Street. Dec. 24: Mocksville, 2:37 p.m., fire alarm, Davie Village; Advancc, 2:43 p.m., carbon monoxide alarm, 187 LongLeafPincRoad;Comatzcr-Dulln assisted; Jcrosalcm, 3:18 p.m., auto accidcnl, U.S. 601 at Michaels Rood; Jerusalem, 4:l6p.m., Michaels Road. Dec. 25: Smith Grove, 2:11 p.m., lire alarm, 374 Yadkin Valley Road; Farmington assisted. Dec. 26: Advancc, 7:31 a.m., fur­ nace fire,239 Barney Road;Comatzcr- DuIinassistcd;Cenlcr, I2:14p.m.,auto accident, 165(IJames Church Road. Dec. 27: County Line, 10:43 a.m., bnishfire, 1545 DavieAcademy Road; Center assisted. Forsyth Veterinary H ospital of 2556 South Stratford Road is pleased to introduce D r. A rt Taylor as the newest member of their team. "Doc" comes to us from Tennessee where he practiced for 15years, he is certified in ultra sound diagnostics and has special interests in orthopedic and cosmetic surgery. Art and his horse "Dakota " live in the King area and compete in the rodeo sport of team roping. Fiwi£IGH'5 fell collection 1 9 9 9 2626 UivijMUc OaniniuuWd • aamn»cB,NC • 766-7440 • Mtnu-Fri. tO-S • Sit 104 Wireless for $ 1 0 a month! . (No more excuses) It’s qufjlqy/est price ever. All-digital wireless service for just $10 a month. Add unlimited local v’ weekend''calling foi’ an extra $10 a month and 100 anytime minutes for another $10 a month. . \ Authorized Sales Representative ©BELLSOUTHMobility Vadhin Volley •Telficpm SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA 1057 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville (336)751-0528 $20°° REBATE with activation of any DCS phone on ’30°” service plan or higher. CAU1-888-327-2001 l» 39 c^i/fT<loutt. Of you coninckxWufithSJOm-—----------------------------------------cJiooi* IDO qnytimt minutM ior on odd<tioral $10 q month. ^UArni^Aond^^ irMiri «5i5*hnot Includt lo*«. roomina. long unhwvil Mfvin or ottwrooctiont. \AMtend poclogt oppUtt epm Fndoy to 7om tandM UmKtd timt oAtr lor n«w eutlofnm. Sublet to cndit opmoL acm concalotion (at, BcBSouih MobSity DCS T<nm ond Condittoni. oAd cwtoh r othtr r«trictio(W.S« ttOfwfcrd.taai.Ol9W DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 ■ 7 Vice President Keltti Hester stands with a mountain of Le Bleu water waiting lor thirsty cus­ tomers. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Le Bleu Water Continues To Be Popular Continued From Page 1 customers. Additionally, (hey deliv­ ered five tractor trailer loads of wa­ ter for the flood victims. They also discounted priccsduring that time pe­ riod. and delivered water as far south as Georgia and as far north os New York. Their service to the community and dedication lo the Eastern Flood Relief effort were two of the factors that contributed to Lc Bleu being rec­ ognized asthc 1999 “Business ofthe Year” by the Davie County Cham­ ber of Commerce. Said Joan Carter, executive director of the chamber, “ Lc Bleu is always there [for the community)." Hester stands on the floor of the water bottling plant on Cornatzer Road In Advance. jE s Floods. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Rescues at sea. Intemallonal peacekeeping missions. Whenever there's a need, tlie National Guard and Reserve responds. But only with the unselfish support of thousands of employers like you. THANKS RM MAKMG US YOUR BUSNBS. Wreck With Truck, Jail Van Closes 1-40 TREE SERVICE 'A . 336-492-2944 _ ,Free Estimates • Insured ! f l If ! A three-vehicle wrcck on 1-40 Dec. 21 tied up traffic for hours as workers cleared the area. Traffic was rc-rouled from Ihc in­ terstate to U.S. 158 and Country Lane. According to N.C. Highway Pa­ trol Trooper A.J. Farmer, the wrcck began at about 9:45 a.m. when a motorist drove over standing water on the interstate. Amanda Beal Fisher, 24, of ftickory, was driving the 1998 Honda west when it hit the water and went ca>t of control. U went off the road to the left, into the median, and spun around partially in the left lane. ' It was struck by a 1998 Chevrolet van. a Guilford County Sheriff's Department van, driven by Robert Leclair, 50. of Jamestown, that was transporting a prisoner to the Moun­ tain View Correctional Facility in Marion, Farmer reported. The sheriff’s van glanced off of Fisher’s vehicle into the right lane, where it was struck by a tractor trailer driven by Terry Robert Durben, 52, of Kinston. The van slid along the guardrail and overturned, stopping on top of the guardrail. The tractor trailer overturned onto its side. Farmer re­ ported. The prisoner, Raymond Gilley, 42, suffered minor injuries, and was taken to the Davie County Jail. Fisher was citcd for exceeding a safe speed. Super Super Specials Two Locations to Serve You Unemployment Rate Down Davie County's unemployment rate decreased slightly from October to November, according to figures released Monday by the Employment Security Commission of North Caro­ lina. The 3.2 jobless rate for October reduced to 3.0 in November. November unemployment rates for surrounding counties: Yadkin, 2.1; Rowan. 2.6; Davidson, 2.2; Iredell. 2.3; Forsyth, 2.3.’ Ellis Auto Auction I; Auction every Wednesday 6:30 pm OPEN TO DEALERS & PUBLIC BUY OR SELL I 350425 Vehicles Every Week To Choose From . ' • > E llis Auto Auction Phone (336) 2844080 > Highway 601 approximately 10 miles north ^ of Salisbury, and approximately 5 miles south of Mocksville P.O. Box 1018 Cooleemee, NO 27014 ■ F W e e k ly S p e c ia ls M on: Baby Flounder.............................3.49 Baby Flounder (ah you c u e.ii..........5.99 Combo of (Baby Floundar KBaby Shrimp).....5.99 Salisbury Location Only T ues: Baby Flounder (AiivoucanEai).... Baby Shrimp (ah you can eai)....... 8 OZ Rib Eye-with salad............ Combo of 2 (Baby Floundar ABaby Shrimp)....5.' ...5.99 ...6.99 ...5.99 W ed: Baby Flounder (am you c.n Eat).........5.99 Canadian Flounder)...................5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby Floundar CBaby 8hrimp)....5.99 Grilled Chlcken/Baby Shrimp/Salad.....6 .9 9 Call Ahead 1050 )tat«iville Blvd - lalitbunj, DC 7»V*}9-»500 nion - Thun vffl - 9Pm * fri - II am -1 0 pm iit-)pm-iopm>iun-ii:)oim-9 pm o r 8830 )tatf tvlllf Blvd - (Ifviland, DC 7 0 4 -1 7 8 - 1 2 2 6 Tuft-Tliun-^-9pm fii-(it-^pm-iopm«)un-ii:)oam-9 pm Thur: Baby Flounder (mi you can Eat)..............5 .9 9 Combo of 2 (Baby Floundar ABaby Shrimp)....5.99 9oz Chopped Sirloin-wiih salad...6.99 S lin: Baby Flounder (aii you can Eai)..........5.99 Combo of 2 (Baby Floundar «BabyShrimp)....5.99 Canadian Flounder4Baby shrimp) . .....6.99 Canadian' Flounder....................5.99 Se/ved wit/i cote s/aw 4 hushpup/iies, baked potato, french fries or onhn rings , • : Mo Dhcmt on Thest Sftckis • Dine In or Cmy Out Make Your Christmas Party Reservations ■■ ^NoW:^3^:. i 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 CHAMBER FOCUS t Di wi :o\ :sli rc; V I ni tci lit de nt hit mi I Si UD s°> ?l! luda 'illage- R e tir e m e n t R e s o rt Accrcdlicd by the Ajaociallon of Rctlrcmcni Resorts InlcrrullonaP** Ranked i l In North Carolina it In Iho Tup 10 in the Southeast by theAKKI'^ 998-6535 • 1- 800-843-8433 www.bermudavlltflgeOnotmcrcom HOWARD REALTY Residential & Commercial Sales Property Management ph; 336-7S1-3538 &x: 336-751-7632 or visit our web site u( www.howarxircally.coin G antt ^raiasowMEi,ii»D. 96S Yadkinville Rd.R. Scott Gantt Mocksville, NC 336-751-CANT Teleptione (336) 998-2427 DR. JERRY HAUSER FAMILY AND COSMETIC GENERAL DENTISTRY OHIce Hours By Appointment 135 Medical Drive Advance, North Carolina 27006 BB&r 1 6m cantellm uxmtyourbusiness. Since]S72 119GaiihcrSlicct, Moclisvillc. NC 751-5951 Willow Oak Shopping Center, Mocksvillc, NC 751-5956 J THE PHONE PLACE ‘ CELLUIAR SPECIALIST" (336) 751-2626 CELLULAR PHONES PACERS 121 Depot Street Bank of DAVIE Member FDIC 1366Hi9hway60l Soulh •IlnMocksvlteMaikelplace)' m m < tx) C h a m b e r M e m b e r s a n d ^ ^ c I t h e C o m m m i i l y f o r a n O u t s t a n d i n g Y e a r ! Davie County is o tribute to the stability qf the past and the promise qf thefiilure. H)i wheiv tradition meets innovation, when old-time values meet neio-aije optimism. It^ the kind qfplace tvhenfamilies still spend lime together, neighbors are still neighborlu and entrepreneurs still chasedreams. The Davie County Chamber ijf Commerce is glad to beasourceijfiitformation to the communily to visitors and to potential residents and workers. We appreciate the opportunity to represent and.ierve the people rfDavie County THANK YOU members and the community... for yom* support! • • •Reflecting back over 1999 we have experienced an exciting year of activity and growth. ^ New industry and businesses continue to relocate to Davie County and to the Piedmont Triad... the Heartland of North Carolina. ► Chamber Membership continues to grow - 61 New Members (and sm Counting tit 12/31/99) ► 93% Member Retention during 1999 ► April - Professional Women's Luncheon - exceeded previous year's total by 30% R E L A Y S 0 ► June - Co-Sponsor of a tnje Community event - American Cancer Society's Relay for Life -Received national recognition; For Population Calegoiy 30,000-34,999 • ■ I National Award 3rd Place in the Nation... Per Capita - $5.42 Region Five Winner... Highest Per Capita _ Southeast Division Winner ...'Pack the Track" Award g (HgtKstPSttdpaBon by Cancer Sunimisj ■ J5 Don't Forgetto Mark'/our Calendar tot JBI “ 2000 Walkers In 2000” - June 9-10 Davie High School Track-------—------------; ► September - 2nd Annual Davie County Caddy's Toum featuring Caddies from The Vantage - $8,165 contributed to Hospice of Davie County ► December - Hometown Christmas- Co-Sponsor of the largest Mocksville Christmas Parade and -Caddys Lighting on the Square - $800 donated by parade entries to the Jaycees’ Christmas Cheer Fund. Congratulatwns to LeBleu Corporation 1999 Business of the Year 1 Supplie121 N. Main St. Mocl(svilli;.N.C.27028 (336) 7S1-3418 lifts lupplies INGERSOLL-flAND« AIR COMPRESSORS Mocksvillc, NC 27028 ^ 0 s t c r ’ a * ^ P ^ 3 lc & J c I e r 0 171 N. Main Street Mocksvillc, NC 27028 Phone: 336-7SI-2737 Murgurel Foster, Owner f i Eaton’s Funeral Home 32S N. Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2148 f ^ ^ T ^ n i c I f P P v v F i i i ' n i t i i i ' c ■ ■ ■ I I \ l':k>c(i'ie Co., Inc. Courteous 4 Dependable Ser/lee for over 6(1 Yeirs Johnny MirUin • Melissa M. Gartner 8^8 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC 336-75l-2<l92* 336-751-3975 C G B H8W. Water Street Mocksvillc. NC 27028 *751'6261 1047 Yadkinville Road Mocksvillc. NC 27028 • 751-6261 Coolcemcc Shopping Center Coolecmce. NC 27014 • 284-2542 58-3 Court Square Mock.sviIIe.NC 27028 (336)7Sf-28S8 Hours:W’etl-Fri I0am *5pm Sal 10am>3pm SLtjor Credit Cmb Accrpicii DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 - S H a p p y N e w T e a r +CF NET, LLC ACIdanerV^orld A Storehouse lor Jesus A-Quaiity Printers Ablest Service Corp. Advance Chiropractic Clinic Advanced Computer Solutions, LLC ‘ All American Ford-Mercu^, Inc. Almost Home Child Care American Cancer Society Anderson Chip & Pulpwood Andrew While, Altomey at Law Angell Group, Inc. Autumn Care B & R Cleaning Service B'sMlnl Mart B. C. Brock, Jr. Bailey Auto Sales Baker Furniture Co. > Bank of Davie Bar-B-Que House BB&T-Willow Oaks Beauchamp & Associates BeautiControl Ben Franklin Store Benchmark Communications Bermuda Carpet Center Bermuda Run Country Club Bermuda Village Retirement Center Balter Business Bureau, Inc. BI-LO, Inc. Big Brothers/Big Sisters Services, Inc. Bits of Brass ;■ Blake Stallings Distributors, Inc. Bobby Knight State Farm Insurance Boger Real Estate Boggs Building Company, Inc. Bonanza Mobile Homes Boxwood Lodge Bed & Breakfast Brad Carlner Productions Branch Bankings Trust Brandon Rehabilitation, LLC BTI Burger King Restaurant C & D Express Enterprises ■ Caldwell Personnel Services Candles Unlimited, Inc. Cap'n Stevens No. 2 CAROLIANCE Northwesl/Trlad Carolina Christian Books & Gilts Carolina Computer Supply, Inc. Carolina Container Carolina Drilling & Blasting Carolina Dutch Pretzej Company Carolina Finishing Co. Carolina Furniture Specialists, Inc. Carolina Square, Inc. Carolina Tobacco Emporium Cartner Properties ' ” Caudell Lumber Co. CCB ■ Boone Plaza CCB • Cooleemee CCB • Investor Services CenterPolnt Human Services Central Carolina Bank Checkered Rag Canvash , ChrlstyTrucklngCo., Inc. Cleary Auto Sales Coldwell BankerTrlad, Realtors Collette Art & Framing, Inc. Comlort-Bllt Comlort Inn Cooleemee Family Practice Cooleemee Historical Association County of Davie Courtside Sports ' Craig Carter Builder, Inc. Creative Design Company Daniel Furniture & Electric Co., Inc. Data Publishing Davie Auto Parts Company Davie Campus of DCCC Davie County Arts Council Davie Countjf Enterprise Record Davie County Hospital Davie County Schools Davie County United Way, Inc. Davie Dermatology, PA Davie Discount Drug Davie Family YMCA Davie Florist & Greenhouse Davie Funeral Services, LLC . Davie Jewelers Davie Medical Equipment, Inc. Davie Oil Company Davie Vacuum Service Dean's Mini Mart ' Deano’s Bartiecua DESIgn Consortium LLC, DESign Properties, Inc. Domino's Pizza Donald Q. Bowles, CPA Dr. Gary Prlllaman, DDS Dr. Kevin J. Amibrechl DDS, PA Dr. Ronald B. Gantt Duke Power Company DW Benefits, LLC Dynasty Chinese Restaurant Dyson Clark, Inc. Earle's Office Supplies Eaton Fami ' Eaton Funeral Service Edward Jones Edwards, Ballard, Clark, Barrett & Carlson EnergyUnlted EuroDrawer, Inc. t€ A ll C u r Custcm ers N e e d A n o th e r R e a s o n to S H O P D A V IE F IR S T ? When you Buy Products and Services in Davie County, you not only support tlie local business owner... but you also increase tax revenues within the county, which in turn supports the schools and overall services offered by the county ... and, thus, YOU help m aintain a lower tax rate for all! The Davie County C ham ber M em bers gratefully acknow ledge your support. Farm Bureau Insurance - Advance Fami Bureau Insurance of Davie Co. Farmington Dragway Farmland Veterinary Sen/ice, PA Featherlite Sales & Service Rrst Union National Bank RshKTalls Flash of Elegance Focal Point Graphics Foster's Jewelers, Inc. Foster-Rauch Drug Co. Four Oak's Furniture . Fowler Jones Beers Construction Fuller Architectural, Inc. Fuller Welding & Fabricators Funder America, Inc. Gantt Personnel, Inc. GDS/Davle Sanitation Genlle Machine and Tool, Inc. Graham & Boles Properties Graham Funeral Home, Inc. Hall&Vogler Happy House Miniatures Hardee's-BNE Harris Teeter Hayworth-Mliler Funeral Home Hendricks Furniture. Heritage Companies Hickory Hill Golf & Country Club Highway Inn ' Hillsdale Dental Hillsdale Group HMS General Contractors, LLC Homemax Modular Village Horn Oil Company, Inc. Hoviard Realty & Insurance Agency When making future purchasing decisions... T H IN K D A V IE F IR S T ! IKON Office Solutions Image Matters, Inc. Ingersoll-Rand J & J Southeast J. Larry Ledford, CPA J. P. Gieen Milling Co.. James Wall JeHco, Inc. Jim West Electric, Inc. Jockey Intematlonal Jockey Inlematlonal Distribution Center John Barber Johnson Industries Jones Doors, Inc. Just Writel Communications; K& R Cleaners Kaydon Corporation Kelly Insurance Agency - Nationwide Ketchle Creek Bakery KFC of Mocksville, Inc. Kristi's Ice Cream and Coffee Shoppe Lake Myers RV Resort Larew-Wood-Johnson Insurance Larry McDaniel, General Contractor Le Bleu Corporation Leon Carter Lexington Furniture Plant 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Martin, Van Hoy, Smith & Raisbeck McDonald's of Advance, WlcDonaWs Restautam • Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie' ■ Medical Associates ol Davie Midway Campground Resort Mike Brenner Miller's Restaurant Miss Jud/s Dolls & Gifts ' Mocksvilla Apartments jj Mocksville - Davie Jaycees i> Mocksville Builders Supply Mocksville Furniture :! Mocksville Uons Club ;! Mocksville Primary Care i Mocksville Tire & Automotive, inc. J Mocksville Vision Center * Morrison Studevent Funeral Home ■* MRH Bluegrass Productions j Nail, BamhardI & Smith Rnanclal Group New York Ule Insurance '"J North Central Farm Credit, ACA J North Slate Records Mgmt., Inc. ;; Northwood Apartments 'f Norwest Mortgage j Oak Valley Golf Club - Cobblestone f 0 Parker & Parker ' Parks & Sons Insulation Sen/ice • Pennington & Company Really ' ParceA. Musselman J Piedmont Health Care •' Piedmont Legal Associates, PA , Piedmont Mutual Ins. Co. , Piedmont Natural Gas ^ Potman's Restaurant ; Potts Realty, Inc. J Professional Services r Pudding Ridge Golf Club > OST Industries. Inc. OualCholce of NC, Inc. R & J Sports Radio Shack Ramada Inn & Village Conf. Center RIsko's Lawn & Garden Rorer Ace Hardware Rumple Auto Sales, Inc. S. W. Brown & Son, Inc. Samuel's On Main Sara Lee Knit Products SBTDC Scottish Inns Sealord Lumber Company Sears Retail Dealer Store Serendipity Shops Sheffield Lumber & Pallet Co. Sheila Tulterow,- ! Shell Sen/lce, 801.' Shoaf Coal & Sand Company Shores Plumbing & Heating SIgnllle Source One Simply Stitching Skyline Corporation Somerset Court ■ South Point Business Park Southeastern Sewing Sprint Stan Bingham Steele Feed Services, Inc. Sieve Ijames Carpet Cleaning Stokes County Yam Company Subway of Mocksville Sun Printing Company, Inc. Sunset Terrace Apartments Suzanne's Baskets & Gifts Swicegood Commeroial Developers Swicegood, Wall & Associates Synagro/EWR Tanglewood Park Tar Heel Banana Co., Inc. Tarheel O, Inc. Tatum Fantis Taylor Printing Company The Computer Solution The Phone Place, Inc. . Thomson Crown Wood Products Thousand Trails Presen/e Tony Blaklay Town of Cooleemee ' Town of Mocksville Town Square Accessories Trailers ol the East Coast Travel Net Tours, Inc. Trim, inc. Tutterow Sun^eying Company Twin Lakes Aviallori, Inc., . U. S. Postmaster Unifomi Express Venezia Italian Family Restaurant VFJeanswear Vocational Rehabilitation Vulcan Materials Co. ' ■' Wade H. Leonard, Attorney ; Wal-Mart Store . , , • , WDSL Radio ,1520 AM ■ Webb Heating & Air Conditioning Wendy's Restaurant • Western Steer - : ■ -............. I Westslde Chrysler Plymouth Dodge i Whlp-0-Wlll Und & Cattle LLC '' Williams Furniture . ' ' Woodworks Gallery" ■' * “ VVRYandAssociates Yadliln Valley Economic Dev. District Yadkin Valley Telephorie Corp. ' I I -1 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD; Dec. 30,1999 I Emick-Boger ' Engagement Announced , Stephanie Sarah Emick of Salem, Va. and Jason Bullock Bogcr of Mocks- ^^itlc will be married Aug. 26, 2000 at Colonial Avenue Baptist Church in Roanoke, Va. 1, The bride-elect Is the daughter of Tim and Annamary Emick of Salem, ,Va. She is employed by the West Forsyth Family YMCA. ' The groom-to<bc is the son ofTcd and Darlene Boger of Mocksville. He is employed by U.S. Airways. IJames Completes Training ' MarlnePrc.ErickB.Ijanics,sonof Lillion M. Ijames of Mocksville, re­ cently completed basic training at Marine Corps Recnjlt Depot, Parris Island, S.C. Ijames successfully completed 12 Weeks of training designed to chal­ lenge new Marine recruits both physi­ cally and mentally. * . Ijames and fellow rccruits began Ihcir training at S o.ni. by running three ?nilcs and performing calisthenics. In addition to the physical conditioning program, Ijames spent nuincrous hours in classroom and field assignments which included learning first aid, uni- jorm regulations, combat water sur­ vival, marksmanship, hand-to-hand 'combat and ossoned weapons train­ ing. They perfonmcd close order drill and operated as a small infantry unit during Held training. Ijames and other rccruits also rc- ceivcdinstructiononthcMarineCorps' com values - honor, courage and com­ mitment, and what the words mean in guldingpersonal and professional con­ duct. Ijames and fellow recruits ended the training phase with The Crucible, a 54-hour team effort, problem solving evolution which culminated with an emotional ceremony in which the rc­ cruits were presented the Marine Corps Emblem, and were addressed as "Ma­ rines" forthcnrsltimesincebootcamp began. Ijamcsjoins4l,000men and women who will enter the Marine Corps this year from all over the country. He is a 1999 graduate of Davie High School. '^lub Holds Holiday Social Mocksville Garden Club members iheFir5lBoDlislChuichal7D.m.Mcr ^tand theirguests met in December at the Bomc of Ed and Linda Scchrist for theirholidaysocial.withhorsd’oeuvres ^ d a tour of the dccorated home. ^ The Jan. 6 meeting will be held at thePirst Baptist ChuFChal7p.m. Mem­ ber are reminded that they should each bring a dish for the lasting party and rccipesfortheclub'splanncd recipe collection. Proceeds from its sate will bctieFit the Relay for Life, 'M cIntyre Perform s A t W hite H ouse Frederic McIntyre was first violin­ ist with the Duke University String "Pand when they played in the East ■Roomof the WhiteHouscin Washing­ ton, D.C., during Christmas week. ‘^on Born To '^o u p le D e c . 18 Robert Davis Jr. and Valerie Sales •nnouncc (he birth of their son. ^yrecjawuan Davis, on Dec. 18, J1999 at 3:21 o.m. at Forsyth Medi- [cal Center. Kyrec weighed 5 lbs. 14 oz. and e was 19.S inches long. Maternal grandparents an! John k. Ijames and Linda Sales. Paternal randparents arc Robert Sr. and >laxine Davis, all of Mocksville. M aster Gardener Class To Be Offered Tbe Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program is an educational program designed to enhance the pub- liceducation in consumer horticulture. ParticipanU receive 40 hours ofin- depth training in areas such os lawns, fniits, vegetables, trees and ornamen­ tals. Upon completion of the program panicipants will earnthedislinguished title. Master Garxlencr Volunteer. Greg Hoover, agricullurol Exten­ sion agent, horticulture, in Davie County, will coordinote ihe program for the second year. Training sessions will be held al the Davie Bilension Center at 180 S. Main St., Mocksville. The training begins in late January and lasts 10 weeks. Interested gardener candidates should contact Hoover al 751-6297 for additional infonnation and an applica­ tion. Class size is limilcd and a fee will be charged. Selected candidulcs are'expccicd to complete the training, pass a lest, and perromt40hoursornxtensionServicc related volunteer service within a year. Graduates who want 10 m.'iinlain an active status within Ihe Ma,ster Gar­ dener organization are asked to per- fomt 20 hours of Extension volunleer servicc annually. Additional infonnation about the Master Gardener Volunteer prognmi can be obtained at Ihc NC Cooperative Extension web site at; blip;// www.ces.ncsu.edu/depls/hort/con- sumer/masgar/. Cornatzer News ny Dottle Polls Comalzcr Correspondent Weldon Allen has been confined to his room for the past two weeks with 0 back ailment. Aaron Carter received treatment in the hospital for a kidney slone. P i n o N e w s Bob Hayes has been in the hospital for some time, having treaiment for a blood clot. Velma Carterand daughter, Helen, of Davidson County, visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts last Thursday. Alene and Jimmie Jones have been sick at their home. Annie Ruth Allen visited them last Wednesday. She also visited Eva Potis that aftemoon. Betty Bowens and Margaret Dwigglns were Monday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts. Karen,Bishop and children of Chapel Hill spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JamesShoaf, and they visited Doillc and Homer Potts Sunday night. NanundBobSparksvisitedBonnie McDaniel in Davis Hospital last week. Sheisscheduledforsurgerynextweek. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Roland and Betty West celebrated Christmas at Frostland in Cana for Christmas morning brunch. All oftheir children and grandchildren attended. Vernon Dull and daughter, Tina Gobble, entenoined the Langston fam­ ily on Friday, Christmas Eve, at Vernon’s home on Macy Langston Road. Around 30 guests attended. On Sunday, they served dinner to the Dull family al Vernon's home. James and Leila Essie had their annual Christmas dinner at Ashland In Caswell County for the Neal family. Around 60 guests attended. On Christ­ mas night, ihcir children and grand­ children joined ihem at their home on Cana Road for Christmas dinner. Rachel EllisofRoanoke, Va.,spent Christmas with her son and his family. Bob and Kathy Ellis and Ethan Bogcr. Bob and'ise Dill spent Christ­ mas day witli t> jir daughter and her family, Fran and Dennis Craver, in Arcadia. Several other members of their family also enjoyed ihe day to­ gether. Frank and Toby Hawkins enter­ tained her son, Drew and his family, of Bristol, Vo.,on Satui day before Christ­ mas. Prayers arc going oui to the Hugh Loflin family for the loss of their fa­ ther. grandfather, brother and uncle just before Christmas. He meanl a lot loa lot ofpeople and he will be missed. Cana News By John "Cain" Godwin Cana Correspondent Y-2 Cana. We arc ready for this new year in Cana. I see the neighbors stoking the fire in their fireplaces. I am here to let you know that all Cana firewood is Y-2K compliant. I cannot say that about any other firewood. 1 am so excited about this new Millennium. I have our new.ctdendar printed and ready to mail out to our family. This Millennium Celebration femlnds me of when my buddies and I were drivingtheold 1964 PdntiacTem- pest and the odometer rolled over to 0. 1 have that same excitement inside, except this time it is like the whole worid is in the Tempest with me and we are all watching the odometer say­ ing "Go Go Go Go Tempest!" I have a good idea for Postmaster Holyfield at the big Posl Officc in Mocksville. Back when Cana got their mail in the old store there was an old Pol Belly Stove in the center of Ihe building where people came in to thaw out their hands as they said Hi to their neighbors. I suggest that if we have to drive all the way to Mocksville you could al least have a fire for us to stand around. How about it, Ms. Holyfield? I know a guy in County Line who could get you a wood stove. Now that isY-2Kcornptiam. Just a note, guys. On New Years Eve tell your wife you love her. If the power goes out at 12:00 this will help things. I have the sun dial set so we can tell time If the power goes off and the wind blows it over, we can always check our computers. Ha Ha. Is a John Deere Y-2K compliant? 1 have been told dial AllisChalmers arc. Happy belated birthday to Henry West; Happy Bir\hda;^\oEiwnor Cain Blackmorc,; Margaret’ RicH Godwin, and Nancy Pulliam Sullivan. Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent On Christmas Eve Santa and his helpers climbed aboard one of the Advance fire tnicks and drove around the community delivering Christmas goodies and good checr to the sick and shut-ins,plusgil\sfor Ihe needy.These jolly elves and Santa arc part of the program "What Christmas is All About," and each Christmas Eve they arc found bringingjoyondgood will to thecommunily. BrcndaZimmerman of Glen Cove, Long Island, N.Y., spent the Chrisi- mas holidays with her mother, Edith Zimmermim. Monday, Dec. 27 lun- cheonguestsofBrcnda and Edith were JanieZ.Hendrixand daughter, Andrea Hendrix of Mynle Beach. Later in the afternoon Melissa Hendrix and Mercdith Hendrix visited their grand­ mother, Edidi Zimmerman. Frank Markland came home from Forsyth Hospital Dec. 24 after many weeks of hospitalization. A speedy recovery is wished for him. Dave and Cheryl Markland and daughter, Ashley of Hickory, spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, Frank and Margie Markland. The family of the late Walter and Hazel Shun met at the home of Ruth Collette in Winston-Salem on Christ­ mas Eve with 30 family members at­ tending. David and Carole Folmar and chil- drcn Bailey, Paul 111 and Paige of Knoxville,Tenn.,'spenl Christmas with theirparcnls,Paul andSucFolmarand Brack and Judy Bailey. Edithand BrcndaZimmerman were Sunday afternoon visitors of Vemelle Greene inChurehland. Later ihey vis­ ited Eugene and Bess Bennetl In Comat7xr. Amanda Hendrix, student at UNC- Charloite, spent the holidays with her. mother and sister, Janie Hendrix and Meredith Hendrix. She also visited grandparcntsTomandPuulineHcndrix al Fork, and she was a Christmas din­ ner guest of grandmother, Edith Zim­ merman,along with Janie Hcndrixand Andrca Hendrix. Following the performance the group was given a private tour of the inner rooms of the White House. McIntyre became intcreslcd in the violin at age3 and began toiake private lessons at NorthCarolina School ofthe Arts.HeattendedMocksvilleElemen- tary School, K-2, and gave several concerts at Davie County Public Li­ brary during that lime. . Since moving to Durham with his parents, Andy and Betty McIntyre, he has been a member ofthe Duke Uni­ versity String Band and has performed at many festivals and weddings. Frederic is a senior at Durham High School ofthe Arts. Frcderic McIntyre is the grandson of George and Ellene McIntyre, Wood­ land Subdivision, in Mocksville. RBDC - Best Darn ISP in NC To register for u Two Week Are THalOn Ibe Internet In Wlnston-Salem, NC. Now Serving Greensboro area without any long distance charges Call our office at 336-774-1600 Red Barn Data Center Internet Services Dialup Bonded ISDN Unes, $45.00monUy. LowCiutonur-To-UiK Brad Romine, Agent 3770 Clemmons Rd., Suite A Clemmons, NC . 76fr3245 Suie Faim tnsunixe CompaaJet . Home OfTiceji.BlMmifliton. lUinoii —n;- D o c k s i d e S e a f o o d R e s t a u r a n t NEW FEATURE S ailor C om bination Platters Create your own Petite two Item Combo with: Trout Wliite Fish Popcorn Shrimp Chlelccn Tenders Clams Deviled Crab Served with colc slaw, hush puppies, and choice of potato. No substitutions picas. Monday thru Thursday Friday thru Sunday $S.2S $S.9S Dockside Daily Specials IVIONDAY $ 4 .5 0 W h ito fis h . P o p c o rn S h rim p & D o v ilo d C ra b TU E S D A Y P o p c o r n S h rim p & D o v ilo d C ra b $ 5 .2 5 P o p c o rn S tirim p & C h ic k o n $ 5 .9 5 $5.75^ TH U R S . $ 4 .5 0 P o r c h o r W h it o f is h & FRIDAY & SATURDAY P o rc h , T ro u t o r W h ito fis h . W ith .O o v iio d C rn b $ 5 .9 5 $ 5 .9 5 $ 3 .5 0 T ro u t & P o p c o rn S h rim p $ 5 .2 5 S U N D A Y P opcorn S hrim p $ 5 .7 5 P o p c o rn S h rim p & W h ito fis h $ 5 .9 5 S.TSSERVtCK CHARGE FOR SISGUi PORTIOS SERVKl) FOR TWO . 2520 Lcwisville-Clcmmons Rd .: hours Clemmons, NC 766-9927 Mon-Thur4-9 Fri-Sat 4-10 Sun 1I.Q DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 - 11 Four Corners News By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bcck and Greg hosted Q Christmas party at their home Friday night. Those enjoying the party were Mrs. Robert CraH, Doug, Blake and Abby Hill of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Terry CraR and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, Mr.. and Mrs. Mark White and Jessica, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith, Mr. ond Mrs. L.S. Shelton Jr., Gene Shelton, Mr. and iClrs. Dana Triplett, Payton Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. Dow Pender. Mr. and Mrs. LeonardShelton, Abby Ferguson, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Slielton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Saturday night. Mrs. Robert CraH, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Craft and children, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hill and children, Inez Reavis, Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, Mr. and Mrs. Mark White and Jessica, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith, Mr. and Mrs. LS. Shelton Jr., Christopher Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Grmly Bcck and Greg, Dr. Carlo Yuson and Carl Yuson, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Shelton had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shelton and Abby Ferguson Sunday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, Mr. and Mrs. Mark While and Jessica were supper guesu Sunday nightofMr. and Mrs. R.G. Sapp. In Memory of Frank Stroud He wasaunique and religious man, A more dedicated one could not be found. He loved to walk ihe streets and spread the news, Always selling Lions Clubbrooms, He lived a long life, And grieved so much when he lost his wife. Buthetricdhardlocontinuetohclp his fellow man And live according to God's plan. He remained chcerful (o the very end. And I am glad to say he was my good friend. ■Diabetes Research Conducted A t UNC ByLeiilIeH.Ung UNC-CH School of Mcdlcinc CHAPELHILI^Injectionsofpro- teu) fragments prevented the develop­ ment of type-I diabetes in a strain of mice pmne to the disease, according to scientists at Ihc University of North Aleeyah Jordyn Siddcn eel< ebrated her first birthday Dec. 1, 1999. She Is the daughter of James ^nnd Jennifer Siddcn of Rock Hill. S.C. She ei\]oyed o birthday party with fomily and friends Dec. 4. Aleeyah's grandparents are Jennie Nichols ond Furmon Nichols of Rock Hill, S.C; Floyd and Pam RItchIeofRockHill,S.C.;nndAndy Sidden of Florida. Her great'grandparents are Sumter and Emmie Brown, and the late Naomi Nichols of Rock Hill; Ervin and CluIreHutchln of Mocks- vllle; Opal Ritchie of Salisbury; ond Fullle Sidden of Clemmons. Carolina at Chapel Hill. The peptide injections also prevenlcd progression to diabetes in mice on Ihc verge of clinical disease. The.findings published Aug. I in the Journal of Immunology suggest for the first time that peptide-based immunuihempy may benefit people at risk of type-I diabetes. This form of diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body's own immune T cells target and destroy Insulin-producing beta cclts in the [Kincrcas. "We’re taking fragments, or pep- lidcs, (if GAD6S, a protein produced by beta cells, and using ihem to divert Ihe immune system," said Dr. Roland Tisch, assistant professor of microbi­ ology and immunology at the UNC* CH school of Medicine. Tisch has conducted pioneering diabetes immu- noiherapy research. "Our work takes advantage of the highly spccillc recognition by the im­ mune system of beta cells." he said. He noted that type-I diabetes is thought to involve an imbalance be­ tween two typesofTcclls:ThI and Th2. "Under normal physiological con­ ditions, it's thought there's a functional halancc between This and Th2s, and that they regulate one anoiher’s func­ tion and development,” he said. "But in type-I diabetes, lliere appears to be a skewing towards Thl development. And that's thought to be a contributing factor toward induction and progres­ sion of disease." The new study aimed to re-csiab- lish that functional balance between Till and Tl]2 in a strain of micc that spontaneously develop diabetes. In a scries of experiments, non-obese dia- bellc(NOD)mice, 12 weeks old, were given injections of GAD6S peptides. The researchers hoped that some in­ jections might prompt the immune sysicm to produce Th2 cells. *'We were trying to immunize NOD micc under certain conditions to in- duceGAD65-spccillcTh2cells, which in turn W’ould suppress the activity of Till cells."Tisch said. The aniinalsat the agestudied were not overtly diabetic, but were poised to become diabetic. "The pancreas was heavily in­ flamed. the autoimmune process was basically In full gear, the animals were just about tobecomeovertiydiabctic," Tisch said. "So we werc able to show that by immunizing NOD mice at this particular stage with a certain panel of G AD65 peptides, wecould cffeclivcly induce Th2 cells and prevent further pnigressionofdiscase.Theanimalsdo not develop overt diabetes." Why use peptides and not the whole pa)lcin? According to the UNC-CH reseaa’hcr, several reasons apply. "It's a relatively large pmicin and therc's always the possibility that you may induce a cross-reactive response with another protein expressed somewhere in ihc kxly. and elicit an unwanted W e U n d e r s ta n d H o w Im p o r ta n t Y o u r H o m e Is Because your house is your biggest and most valuable possession, you ought to be able to work with someone who really understands all the Ins and outs of residential mortgages and refinancing. You deserve a hometown expert. Someone just like Allen Carter. ALLEN CARTER Vicc Prosidcnt Mortgage Ixnding Bank of Davie Allen has been a residential mortgage expert for 15 years, all of them In Mocksville. We’re proud that he Is part of the team at your bank. Bank of Davie. A true hometown bank. 1 IHe understands the importance of hometown. He is treasurer of the Davie County Crosby Scholars Program, is an active member of the Smith Grove Ruritan Club and has held several offices in that organization, including that of president, and Is a member of the Mocksville/ Davie Homebuilders Association. He and his wife Diane, who owns and runs Diane's Cut/N/Stitch In Mocksville, attend Victory Baptist Church In Cooieemee. They have a son In college and a teenage daughter at home. Allen's mother, JoAnn, was In banking in Davie County several years ago. If you want to talk with someone about financing to buy, build, or make major Improvements, call Allen. He understands and talks hometown. He'll give you a quick response because all decisions are made right here, not at some co^glomferate in another part of the state. IV s Y o u r B a n k B a n k o f D a v ie 1366 Hlghway 601 South On Mocksville Marketplace) 751-5755 immune response," Tisch explained. "However, if you use peptides, and the peptides esscntiallyconsisi of only 16 to 20 amino acids, you minimi/.e that possibility of cross-reaction wiih other cell proteins. In addition, pep­ tides arc far easicrto work with, they're Icsscostlytogencmlcandcan be stored quite cjisily relative to intact native proteins." Thercsearcheremphasizcd that not any GAD65 peptide could Induce Ihc pnnectivccfrcct. "Of a panel of five different pep­ tides, only two were shown lo mediate that effect," he said. That the non-obese diabetic mice studied already showed signs of sig- nificantautoimmunilyhasimplicalions for clinical trials. In their journal re­ port, Tisch and his co-aulhors con­ clude: "These findings may be of im­ portance in designing prophylactic therapies for humans included india- betesprcvention trials,sincesuch Indi­ viduals are currently selected on the basis of having developed significant levels of beta cell autoimmunity." Co-authoR of the report arc UNC- CH postdoctoral researcher Dr. Bo Wang and Dr. David V. Serrcze ofthe Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine.Thisstudywasfunded by grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Juve­ nile Diabetes Foundation. Jackson-Miller Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Jackson of Largo. Fla., announce the engagement of their daughter, Tracy Michelle, to Lance CpI. Benjamin Wade Miller, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Miller of Mocksville and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Miller, formerly of Farmington, and Nancy Nichols of Win- ston-Salcm. The bride-elect is a graduate of Seminole High School in Seminole, Fl^, and attends the University of South Florida in Tampa. \ Miller is a 1998 graduate of Davie High School and is a defense messag­ ing operator with the United States Marine Corps in Albany, Ga. No date has been set for the wedding, which will be held in the First Baptist Church of Indian Rocks in Largo. Fla. i t Pre-Inventory Special i I f f Cellular Phones ' Starting as low as Sl.OO** jBoxra. AUTHORIZED AGENT CLOSED SAT., JAN. 1,2000 No Roaming or Long Distance Charges in NC & SC CAROLINA FREEDOM PLANS • STARTING AS LOW AS $19,95/month*: 121 Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm' , Sat. 9 am-1 pm In# ct Hcrict tnd cniM ip(<rt»il rtqulr«d (w n«»t eu«0(n»» C*rolM tilt pUnt ivatobit to nnr •nd aUtng Mttonwi.M tor unut«d mnulu. Uyig AlrninulHnMUb«us«JlnMfMnmirwrira _____ ___ CvoM nt* puw fflM AM M ■vtWdt h U tnu of NMtt CtroliAL SI S Klnthon ipplM. Otfwr ratmim Sm br M tik ■'>nMc««lnu9ftThtPrmp(ict,lne.iMy.8Muert>o>MlUi. . . A * - . . . 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 Davie Residents Assist Flood Vietims^- Thcspiri(ofgcncrosiiyandhc]ping your fellow man is not dead. Thlsis evident by the oulpouringof 'donations given by Davie County res!- Henu to victims of Hurricane Floyd. Hundreds of residents have given clothes, food, money and otherncedcd Items to the Hood relief cITorts. '' DavieCounlyhasscnthayandfecd to devastated livestock producers, thanks to many locol producere and '('rucking companies. Several hundred roundbalcsofhayand over five tonsof feed have been taken to Floyd victims. •* This docs not count the numerous donations pcopleorgonized and hauled on iheir own. Many more supplies ,^erc donated than were actually sent because oflhcoverwhclmingrcsponsc to the call for help. The donations far exceeded the need, said Phil Rucker, agricultural extension agent. Cooperative Extension organi?ed most of the hay and groin donations, whh the help of the local caitlemen's association, to help assure (he supplies were being given (o needy producers who would appreciate (he gifts. The Davie Cattlemen helped orga- nizealargchayliftonNov. 13. Ander­ son Chip and Pulpwood and Chad FuIler(bothorMocksvillc)aIongwiih Clark Lundy Trucking of Statesville helped transport over ISO round bales of hay (0 producere Down Eas(. The haywasdonaiedbyJoeShamel.Danv'll Crot(5,ChrisJordan,DalcBlackwelder, Vcrious Angell, Jack Seaford, Eaton Farms, Jeff Sml(h and Ronnie McCuiston. J.P.OrecnMillingdonatedfivctons of feed. This feed was a needed source of quick energy for livestock to help combat the added stress the adverse conditions had thrust upon them, Rucker said. "Thanks (o the generosity and ef* forts of so many, the haylift has ac­ complished its mission and will cease opcralion, but as individual requests for hay come in, they will be filled on an os needed basis," Rucker said. Most livestock producers wishing to remain in business received enough supplies to help them start to get back on their fcet.Thcyscndtheirhcartfelt thanks to all that helped them." Dr. Jim Meeker was caflcd upon to utilize his expertise In animal rescue and emergency medicinc tohelpin the efforts to rescue as many animals as possible. Meeker is trained for such events and was an asset' tcrthe rescue efforts. The Davie Couniy Equine Rescue Team also provided much needed manpowerandemergency sup­ plies for the rescue efforts, he said. "Davie County should be proud of ail you as a community did to help people that suflcred great losses due lo Floyd. In a world where it seems bad news dominates (he newscasts, your generosity and positive cffons are a breath of fresh air," Rucker said. Davie Cattlemen President Joe Shame! prepares-to-pllot a load of hay lo flood-stricken farmers Down East. W a tc h n ig h t S e rv ic e P la n n e d , ■ ■‘ACorarauniiy WalchnighiScrvicc will be held at Shiloh Baptist Church. Depot Street, Moeksvillc, at 11 p.m. Friday, Dcc. 31. The Rev. Royace Myers, pastor of St. John AME Zion Church, will bring the message. The Rev. Donald Jenirins is pastor, and Bishop James IJames extends the invitation. S p e c ia l S e r v ic e To B e H e ld Mocksvilie Finit United Methodist Chuich will host a special wmhip service at 11:30 p,m. on Friday, Dec. Therewillbesinging,prayer,scrip- tuie,andaroeditalionbyI^slorChatlcs Turner as those in attendance affirm "He Who Holds the Future." Refreshments and a timeof sharing will be held immediately aller the ser­ vice in the fellowship hall. The church is located at 305 N. Main St., Mocks­ vilie. S t F ra n c is P la n s N e w Y e a r’s E v e M a s s A n d C e le b ra tio n St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Mocksvilie will have a New Year’s Eve mass at 8 p.m. Fri­ day, followed by a catered dinner and New Year’s celebration until mid­ night. The cost is $15 for singles and S25 per couple. Proceeds will ben­ efit (he church's building fund. For more information or to regis­ ter, which is requested, call Father Andrew Draper at 751 -2973. C L A R K S O N Construction Company Custom Built Ilottics/Unclscaplns New Homes • Garages • New Improvements Vinyl Siding • Light Grading & Dump Truck Service Kevin Mark Clariison ■ 303 Four Corners Road • Mocksvilie (3 3 6 ) 998-7404 Merry Christmas from the Davie County Humane Society Liglits Were Purcliased In Honor or Memory of Pels From Diivlc County 1 light in memory of Spanky Peoples by James Peoples 1 light In memory of Abby by Whitney Rogers 2 lights in memory of Miss Wrinkles by Martha A Rldenhour 2 lights in memory of Poochy Brooks by Jim andjaney Urooks 2 lights In memory of Spike Brooks by Jim andjaney Brooks 1 light In memory oflliom as by John Brock I light In memory of AlHc by Dr. Robin Brock 1 lif^ t In memory of Porshe by Dr. Robin Brock 1 light In memory of Frisky by Dr. Robin Brock 4 lights in memory of Tariteel by Cathy Byerly 1 light in memory for the lost ones by Mildred Pennington 2 lights in memory ofjesse by Jamie Smith 1 light In memory of Fluff by Jamie Smith 1 light in memory of Lady by Jamk Smith 1 light In memory of TIsh by Jamie Smith 1 light In memory of Dumplin by Jamie Smith 1 light in memory of Clyde by Tammy & Janet 1 light in memory of Snoopy by Tammy & Janet 1 light In memory of Nig by Tammy & Janet 1 light In memory of Casey by Terri & Kenny Hamm 1 light In memory of Rosie by Terri & ’ Kenny Hamm 10 lights in memory of ail the animals killed at the shelter 1 light in memory of Mrs. Prlss by Neely Alexander 1 light In memory of Pi PI the Cat by Lauren Myers 1 light in memory of Tiffany the Dog by Catherine Crowe 2 lights In honor of Pee-Wee Brooks by Jim andjaney Brooks 2 lights In honor of Muffin by Martha A. Rldenhour 2 lights in honor of Cody & Pepper by Benjy McClamrock 1 light In honor of Finny frock by Margaret Hoyle I light in honor of Shiloh by Cora Nostran 1 light in honor of Becky by Cora Nostran 2 lights in honor of Rex by William S. Smith 2 lights In honor of Bruno by William S. Smith 1 light in honor of Junior by Dr. Robin Brock 1 light in honor of Howard and "Foxy" by Mildred Pennington 1 light in honor Harriet & "Lexle" by Mildred Pennington 1 light In honor of Edna Foster by Mildred Pennington 1 light In honor of the animals by Mildred Pennington 1 light In honor of Buddy by Sarah Teague I light in honor of Dixie by Meredith Cheek 1 light In honor of Cleo by Monica Randall 1 light In honor of Bugster by Jessica Overby 1 light In honor of Snowflake by Meghan Appel t 1 light In honor of Sparkle by Amanda S pa^ 1 light In honor of Gizmo by Ashley Davidson 1 light In honor of Rabbit Jullc by Jenna Durham .1 light in honor of Rueben by Jenna Hendricks 1 light in honor,of Karen Chapin by Amanda Blackwell Smith Grove AME Zion Church U .S . 1 5 8 M o c k s v ilie Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 MOCKSVILIE BUILDERS SUPPLY "Together We Do It Better" South Main Street 336-751-5915 J. P. GREEN MILUNG CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksvilie, NC 336-751-2126 J C E RORER HARDWARE 5431 Hwy. 158 • Advann, NC 27006336-998-1987 V O G L E R & 9 0 N S 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OiL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee. NC 27014 336-284-2551 Evelyn Haynes Bfi:73l-3MI ^ Offlw: (338)751-3538 V. V B m r n ■ m DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-9144 E A T O NFUNERAL HOME A Tradition of Caring.,.. 325 North MainSircci Mocksvillc. NC 27028 336-751-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-2141 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-2167 raLLE Rr.m siiir Precision Laser Cutting and Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksvilie. NC 27028 336-751-3712 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road , Mocksvilie, NC 27028' 336-751-5148 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 601 S. Suita 1 ' Advance, NC 27006338-940-2341BiiUtiolQwilitiCulomllomtldimtriQYtan Ctai| A, Ctfff, Ptttika • Mini# C. txia Vw Pret SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. A tU lX COWUIV 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336>492-5565 0 E i w i g y ] ^ ^ | | | P.O. Box 506 Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-2136 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-998-3350 A ttM p ie Church O fjhur Choke 'Jii- O b itu a rie s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 - 13 Adclie Walker Hendricks Mre. Addie Walker Hcndricks, 94, of Wilkcsboro Street, Mocksvilie, died Monday. Dcc. 27, 1999 at her residence. . Funeral services were Wednes- I day, Dcc. 29 at 11 a.m. at First United ‘ Methodist Church with the Rev. Charles M. Turner Jr. officiating. i Burial was in Rose Cemetery. 4.. The family requests memorials be I considered for First United Method* list Church Building Fund, 305 N. Main St., Mocksvilie or Hospice of ' Davie Couniy, P.O. Dox 848, Mocks- villc. « Mrs. Hcndricks was bom Dec. 22, j 1905 in Davie County to the late C.C. I and Minnie Riddle Walker. She was* ownqr and operator Mocksvilie Cash * Store for 40 years. * She was the oldest living mem* of First United Methodist I Church. She was a charter member* of United Methodist Women and was * recipient of the special membership I award. She was preceded in death by i her husband, George R. Hendricks Jin 1981, Survivors include: her daughter, Mrs. Charles (Christine) Woodruff of Mocksvilie; two grandchildren; a grcai*grandchlld; and a special caregivcr, Ruth Smith. l.Wyolene Bailey Bennett Mrs. Wyolenc Dailey Bennett. 81. of Winston-Salem died Saturday, Dcc. 25,1999 at Davie County Hos- jpltal. * She was bom May 18, 1918 in jDavie Couniy to the late Samuel L. jand Ethel Foster Bailey. Mrs. Bennett Jwas a member of First Baptist ^hurch of Clemmons and was pre- Jceded in death by her husband, Wil- *llam A. Bennett in 1993. and by two brothers. Nelson and foy Bailey. I She was a partner of Bennett and [Bailey Grocery for 32 years. Surviv- !ing are: a son. Timothy Bennett of Honolulu, Hawaii; a sister, Velgh iBailey Spry of Mocksvilie; 3 broth- ):rsi johnny, J^obert, and Jimmy iBaHey, dtl'of Advance. * Funeral services were at 2 p.m. truesday.Dcc. 28 at Hay worth-Millcr kinderton Chapel in Advancc. En- iombment followed in Westlawn bai^ens of Memory in Clemmons. * Memorials may be made to First jBaptist Church of Clemmons, U.S. jI58, Clemmons. J Joseph Hugh Loflin j Mr. Joseph Hugh Loflin Sr.. 90. <of Winston-Salem, died Wednesday. jDcc. 22. 1999. ; He was born May 19, 1909 in |Forsylh County lo the late Lindsey *Joe and Vallle Reavis Loflin. He was 2presidcntofLof1inHandicCo.,alo- Ibacco farmer, ai\d a saw-mill opera* jtor. He attended the Kingdom Hall jo f Jehovah's Witness in Yadklnville. ! He was preceded in death by a I granddaughter. Kim Miller, a grand- 4 son, Sammy Loflin. and a sister, Ottie {sprinkle. t Surviving: his wife of 72 years, jFlossip Rupard Loflin of the home; j6 children. Delano Loflin of S.C.. 4 J.H. Loflin. Jr. of Yadkinville, Pansy fPurches of Mocksvillc, Robert * Sherrill Loflin of Yadklnville. Bar* »bara Ann Loflin of Mocksvilie, and «Charlotte Loflin Miller of Yadkin- tville; 4 sisters, Dora Loflin, Lucille jschnke, Mattie Ward, and Vickic Hollar, 17 grandchildren; 25 great* grandchildren; and two great-great- grandchildrcn. : Alice A. Steele Mrs. Alice A. Siccic, 71, of Ad­ vancc, died Wednesday niglil, Dec. 22,1999,1a Wlnslon-SalemRehabill- lation Center alter a lengthy Illness. She is survived by her husband, John Q. SlccIc Sr. of Winston-Salem Rchnbilltalion Center; 2 sons. John j (Joyce) Steele Jr. of Mocksvilie, and Teny (Betty) Steele of Advancc: 3 daughters, Alice L.SteclcQfthe home, Florence S. Siraraons of Mocksvilie, and Dorothy E. Stecic of Advance: her mother, Lottie V. Studcvent of Clem­ mons; a brother, Pcny Studcvcm of Advance: 2 sisters, Ethel Eccies of Advance, and Ruth Dalton of Win- ston-Salcm;9grandchlidren,and many friends. Funeral services were heidonMon- day, Dcc. 27, at 3 p.m. in the Chapel of Graham Funeral Home In Mocksvilie. Brother SamuelAdamsofllciated, and burial followed in Rcdland Church of Phrist Cemetery. Esther Peoples Draughn Mr. Esther Peoples Draughn, 82, formerly of Salisbury St., Mocksvillc, died late Friday night, Dcc. 24,1999, at Autumn Care of Mocksvillc, where she had been a resident forthepast few yeare. Funeral .services were at 7 p.m. Monday, Dcc. 27, in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Grady Tutterow officiating. Graveside services were at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Dcc. 28, in Bear Creek Bap­ tist Church Cemetery. Tlie family requests memorials be considered for the Bear Creek Baptist Church Building Fund, c/o Mr. Jetjy Hanes, 268 Bear Creek Church Road. Mocksvillc. Mrs. Draughn was bom in Davie County Oct. 12,1917,tothe late Bames and Emma Hutchens Peoples and was a homemaker. She also kept small children in her home. She was a well- known cook and biscuit maker. She enjoyed sewing, crocheting and quilt­ ing. Slic had also been a volunteer worker al local nursing and rest homes. She was secretary lo Residents Coun­ cil al Autumn Care. Mrs. Draughn and been a lifelong member of the Bear Creek Baptist Church. Her husband, Monroe Draughn, died May 23,1966, and she was also preceded in death by four brothers; Ike Peoples, Bill Peoples, Harvey Peoples and Larry Peoples. Survivors: a son, Bill Draughn of Mooresville; a daughter, Wanda Marshall of Salisbury; 3 grandchil­ dren, Timothy Shore, James Montoc Shore and Lisa Michelle Shore; 2 sis- tcis. Luclllc Cline and Lois Cranfdl, both of Salisbury; and several nieces and nephews. Sadie I. Byers Evangelist Sadie I. Byers. 82. of 2666 U.S. 601 N., Mocksvillc. died Dcc. 27.1999, at her home following an extended illness. She was the daughter of ihe late WilliamOscarandLc^ieFrDstljames. She is survived by 2 sons, Aaron Byen of Hanford. Conn., and Carson Byers of Fort Worth, Texas; 4 daugh­ ters. Margie Dixon of Akron, Ohio, Mayrene Smith of the home, Leona Wilson of Cleveland, Ohio, and Vcrlene Gardner of Arvada. Colo.; a brother, WalterljamesofSimpsonville. S.C.; 2 sisters, Omega Ijames of Queens, N.Y., and Lucille Ijames of Mocksvilie; and 16 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held on Friday. Dcc. 31,1999. at I p.m. in ihc chapel of. Graham Funeral Home in Mocksvillc. Bishop Michael Engram will officiate, assisted by Bishop An« thony Kelleyman. Burial will follow in Palmetto Cemeteiy. . The family will meet with friendsat the funeral home Friday at noon. Adelene Jones Hulcher Mrs. Adelene Jones Hulcher» 83, widow of Charles Butler Hulcher, Sr., of Wilkcsboro died Sunday, Dcc. 26,1999 at her home. Funeral services were Wednesday at n a.m. at Wilkcsboro United Methodist Church wlih the Rev. Chris Fitzgerald officiating. Enbombmei'it was at Mounllawn Memorial Park Mausoleum. Mrs. Hulcher was bpm Ocl. 18. 1916 in Davie Couniy lo Elmer and Lila Kurfees Jones. She was retired from the Wilkes County School Sys­ tem after teaching at CC Wnght School ond was a member of Wilkcsboro United Methodist Church. Lclia C. Sowers LeliaCanerSowers,85,ofLexlng- ton, died Monday, Dec. 27, 1999, al Forsylh Medical Center in Winston- Salem. Her funeral service was conductcd at 11 a.m. Dec. 30, at Good Hope United Methodist Church where she was a member, by Ihc Rev. Arthur Holland, with burial following In the church ccmetcry. ShewasbominDavieCountyScpl. 11,1914 to George Carter and Notie Foster Carter. She was preceded in ilcalh by her husband. Waller Franklin Sowers, in 1968; and by 12 brothers and sisters. She wos an active partici­ pant In'Ihc Winston-Salem Farmer's Market for40years and was known for her love of gardening and floweis. Surviving are; 3 sons, George Sow­ ers and wife, Dorothy, Bill Sowers, and bon Sowers and wife, Brenda, all of Davidson Couniy: 6 grandvhildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. '■(!" Lula Brewer Carroll . Mrs. Lula Brewer Carroll, 85, of Winston-Salem, died Saturday, Dcc. 25, 1999 at Kale B. Reynolds Hos­ pice Home. She was born Oct. 8. 1914 in Forsyth Couniy to James Alexander and Gertrude Spaugh Brewer. Mrs. Carroll was a member of Ogborne Memorial Methodist Church and re­ tired from R J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. following 30 years of service. She was preceded In death by her husband, Clarencc Odell Carroll; 2 sons, NVilllam Lewis Carroll and Paul Odell Carroll; 4 brothers, and 3 sis­ ters. Survivors include: 2 sons, George W. Carroll and wife, Gloria of Tuscon, Ariz. and John W. Carroll and Linda of the home; 2 daughters, Elta Lou Inman of the home and Libby Calloway and husband. Bobby ofWinston*Salem;12grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; 3 sisters. Pearl Yokeley. Georgia Edwards of Winston-Salem, and Alice Slallard of Tennessee: 4 sisters'in-law. Mildred Brewer, Frances Brewer, and Pearl Brewerof Winston-Salem, and Mary Belle Newsome of King; and a god­ son. J.T. Thompson and wife. Sadie of Mocksvilie. A graveside service was con­ ducted Tuesday. Dec. 28 al I p.m. at Crestview Memorial Park by Dr. Bobby Roberson and the Rev. B.A. Carroll. Memorials may be made to Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane. Winslon-Salem, 27103. Rachcl White Call Mrs. Rachel WhiteCail, 82,ofPinc Ridge Road, died Tuesday. Dec. 21. 1999, at her residence. Funeral services were Thursday, Dcc. 23. at 2 p.m. al Ijames Baptist Church with the Revs. Phillip Park and FranklinMyersofllcialing. Burial was in the church ccmciery. Mn5.CallwasbomJuly5,l917, in Davie County, to the late Joseph Clark and Samantha Boyd While, and was reiirctl from Wonder Knit where she was a seamstress. She was a member of Liberty United Melhodist Church. She was prcccdcd in death by her husband, Oscar Call in 1987; 4 sister. Audrey Gobble, Cloice Gobble. Naomi Ijames, Esihcr Tutterow; 3 brothers. Carmen While. Aaron While and Fletcher White. Survivors: adaughlcr. Linda Kcplcy and husband Ted of Salisbury; 2 sons. BobbyCallandwifcTctryofSalisbury, Randy Call of Mocksvillc; 2 grand­ children; six sicp-grandchildrcn; 2 sis­ ters, Annie Belle Ingram and husband Reggie of Mocksvillc, and Vemcll Bodcnhamcrof Winston-Salem; and a brother, John Wliiie and wife Jo of Mocksvillc. Andrew Vohar Mr. Andrew "Andy” Voluir, 72. of CcnlcrSireel.Coolccmce, formerlyof Industry, Pa., died Monday, Dcc. 20. 1999. at Iredell Memorial Hospital in Staiesville. Funeral services were Thursday. Dec. 23. at 11 a.m. at St. Francis Catho­ lic Church in Mocksvilie wlih the Revs. Andrew Draper and Ned Bailey offici­ ating. Burial was in Rose Ccmetcry. Mr. Vohar was bom June 17.1927. in Lcetsdale, Pa., to the late George and Mary Mcnosky Vohar, and was retired from Cmciblc Sicel Company in Midland, Pa., wiih 56 years of ser­ vice. He was a member of St. Francis Catholic Church and a fonner member of Christine Parish of Industry, Pa. Fie was an avid sportsman wiih fishing as his great love. He served In the U.S. Amiy Air Force during Worid War II. He was prcccdcd in death by his wife, Mildred Castner Vohar in 1998; and 3 brothers, Michacl. George, and Roben. Survivors include 3 sisters, Marie Vohar of Industry, Pa., Elizabelh Ver7ella of Bellmawr. N.J., Theresa PoHzoto of Corao|>o!is, Pa., and a brother, the Rev. Anlhony Vohar of Pickeringlon. Ohio. WadeL.Haire Mr. Wade L. Haire. 66. of Cleve­ land. N.C., formeriy of Mocksvilie. died Wednesday, Dcc. 8,1999, al Davis Medical Center in Staiesville. Mr.Haircwasbom Dec. 18,1932 in Iredell Couniy lo the late Albert Wiley Haire and Zeda Hodge Hairc Gunter. In addition lo his molher, he Is survived by his wife of 43 yeare, Bar­ bara Koontz Hairc; a son, James L. Hairc and wife Melanie of Cleveland; a daughter, Cathy Haire-Casile of Meridian,Miss.;2grandsons;abrolhcr. Clyde Haire, and a sister. Myrtle II. Vick, boih of Cleveland; and u half sister, Lorclla Bolick of Tampa. Fla. Mr. Hairc wasamembcr ofPrcsby- lerian Faith Church and served his country during the Korean War from 1953-1955 in the U.S. Amjy, where Iw was awarded the Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal. I Graveside services were held Fri- day,Dec. 10,1999,at 11 ii.m.al Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury with the Rev. Shirley Jones officiating. Mcmorialsmay be made lo Rowan- Ircdell Volunteer Fire Dept., c/o Doris Steele, CI>cnauU Rd. Cleveland Rd.. Clevcland.NC27013. DAVIE FllGRAL SERVICE L,L,C. 4 16 V a lle y R d ., M o c k s v ilie , N C • 336-751-3111 Memlvro/l/ie Orrfir o/Z/ic Colt/fn -INM EM ORY- , ^ Opal Sue Sandehir (1021-1998),' Our Family was xvell satisfied with the service we received,’ ' i' ■ ' , ,' J.R, Sandefitf — OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY.— Cindy Grubb Tommy BowlesStaff John Sheehan Graham Hendrix George WaldropSloff Staff Stuff We believe every family deserves a quality, funeral service. That is why we work with you to create a service that best fits your individual needs and budget, without sacrificing quality. Hayw orthMiller. Funehal Home, In c. winslon*salem 765.8181 kemartvlllo 093.2136 rural hsIJ 969.5593 davis countyjcomlng »oon) For The Pen To Be M ig h tier Than The Sword, it illiu st Have Paper. Words on paper. They will always be the most powerful tools human beings use to communicate. They place no limits on how much we can say, and the furthest reaches of the imagination arc the only limits on what we can show. They have the power to make complex ideas simple, and simple ideas powerful. We do more than read them, we hold them. And, from the advertising we see in publications to the letters we receivc in the mall, the things we hold in our hands have the quickest routes to our hearts. Say It Print D A VIE C O U N T Y ECORD .x il 14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 Five Davie teachers Acliieve National Board Certification * Five Icachcrs from Davie Counly liavc achieved the teaching profession's highest standards • National Board Certincation. ‘ Belinda Gamer of MocI<sville. a teacher at South Davie Middle School. Elizabeth Hall Vogler of Mocksville, a tcachcr at Mocks* vlllc Elementary School, Cathy Byerly, a tcachcr at Mocksville Elementary, Victoria M. Bernhardt of Mocksville, a teacher at Reeds School in Davidson County, and Sandra Ciodfeltcr, a teacher at William R. Davie Elementary, join the 2,965 teachers from 48 states to cam the honor. ‘ Garner, a teacher at South Davie since 1994. has been employed by Davie County Schools since 1977, the first 16 at Cooleemce Elementary. She earned a bachelor's degree from Catawba College and a master's of edu­ cation at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She also holds an Academically Oined Liccnsurc. ! At South Davie, Gamer serves as a men­ tor to new teachers. Junior National Beta Club sponsor, member of the PTSA Execu­ tive Board, and is grade chair for sixth grade. Attaining National Board Certification allowed me to rcflcct on the efrectlvencss of what I do in my classroom on a daily basis, examine closely the needs of all my students, and make decisions that benefit all the chil­ dren,” Gamer said. "Through the process I feel I have grown as a tcachcr and a learner." Vogler, a third grade teachcr, has bren at Mocksville Elementary for 18 years and is a 23-year veteran of Davie Schools. "The National Board Certification ptoccss requires classroom teachers to rcllectiveiy examine their teaching practices,” Vogler said. ‘Through self examination and account­ ability to national standanls, teaching Is en­ hanced and peisonai growth is accomplished. When teachers grow as professionals, the children are the real winners." Byerly, a third grade teachcr, has been at Mocksville Elementary for 17 years and In 1990 was the school’s teacher of the year. She camed a b.ichelor's degree in early childhood education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1981 and a master's degree in elementary education in “ When teachers grow as professionals, the children are the real winners.” - Elizabeth Hall Vogler Mocksville Elem. teacher 1984. She Is active in the community, scrv- ing as Q coach for youih socccr» baseball and baskc(ball (cams for the Mocksvlllc-Davic Parks and Rccrcailon Dcpartmeni. Bernhardt has been teaching at Reeds for 23 years, and has taught for 25 years. A first grade teacher, she Is a menlor for new teach- crs. She earned a bachelor's degree in early childhood education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1975. She has a daughter, Katie, a junior at Davie High School. 'i feel that It Is a great honor to have achieved this certification," she salii. “The process was a growth experience which chal­ lenged many ideas and methods I have em­ ployed over the years. It also afilrmed many beliefs that I have long held about the pro­ fession, and its importance and significance in the lives of children. •i am hoping that the process will help the public understand that educating children Is a challenge that most icachcrs take very seriously. Whether board certified or not, the majority of people in this profession continue to educatc themselves about currcnt rcscarch regarding how children leam, and arc also involved in ongoing educational efforts. “I am hoping the national certification process will help to bring more bright icach­ crs. and rcspcci to this profession,*' Bernhardt said. Clodfclter, an educator for 25 years, has ‘ been leaching at William R. Davie for five years. She earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Norlh Carolina at Greens­ boro, and a master's degree In reading and elementary education from Appalachian Stale University. She also received a master’s in educational administration from N.C.-A&T Stale University. “I feel ihat achieving National Board Cer- • tification has helped me as a teachcr to re-; fieci on my leaching practices and adjust them to meet students' needs," Clodfeller said. “It has also assisted me In neiwcrklng with other teachers." The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, founded In 1987, is an Independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan and non- govcmmcnial organization dedicated to rais­ ing the level of teaching exccllencc In class* rooms throughout America. National Board Certification, a voluntary proccss developed by icachcrs and other edu­ cation stakeholders, is achieved through a rigorous performance*based assessment. Ii documents a teacher’s subject matter knowl­ edge; provides cvldencc that icachcrs know how to teach their subjects to students most efi’cclively; and demonstrates a teacher’s abil­ ity lo manage and measure student learning. Most slates, Including North Carolina, offer financial incentives for teachers who obtain board certification. Benchmark Making Improvements In Service tiy Jeanne Gaither Davie County Enterprise Record When a customer calls Benchmark Cable about a problem, he or she can expect service that dayorlhe following day, according lo Michael MacNcilly of Benchmark. Although il may still be difficult to get lhn>ugh during peak calling times, long wailing periods for customer ser­ vice have gone away for the most part, 1m said. j Addressing county commissioners at a meeting Dec. 20 about the company’s progress, MacNcilly said ' the local office is expanding its cus­ tomer service call ccnlcr by five em­ ployees. The company is trying lo maximize the numbcrofcmployccs on the phone during peak calling times. When the local officc Is closed, calls arc answered by a third party center - one reason customers could receive difrcrcnt answers lo the same question, he explained. The biggest reason Bencihmark has received so many calls is ihat custom­ ers have failed to read the material they have been sent. People have trouble understandinghowiheconverter works and remembering il is the tuner for the television, he said. That accounts for about 99 percent of the problems. Manybillingcomplalnishavecomc from people, who have taken advan­ tage of the system's pay per view op­ tions - not realizing how much they were spending, MacNcilly said. Repairs being made in cable that was damaged by consimction work along N.C. 801 should be completed by Febmary, and Benchmark is work­ ing lo expand its system to serve more areas of the county, according to MacNcilly.The company also plans to relocate its Davlcofilce lo Dcpoi Strcci in Mocksville by February. "Wc are here lo be a scrvicc lo this comniuniiy," he said. MacNcilly told ihe board there will probablybesomechannel realignment and pricing changes in the coming year withadditionalchannclsbeingoncrcd. The company is considering oficr- ing a sampler channel each month to give customers an opportunity to vote on whether or not they want that chan­ nel. Despite a rocky sian. Benchmark has pickcd up more customers than il had when il look over Genesis Cable. State's New Year's Customs In Museum Display * Tar Heel cooks across the slate dish up huge servings of piping hot black-eyed peas. And with good rea-' son. ' - According to tradition, you will have a dollar for every pea you cat on New Year’s Day. Some North Carolinians prefer lo eat collard greens to ensure they will have pa­ per money all year, while others de­ vour heaping helpings of turnip greens, hog jowls and peaches to bring health and wealth. • From eating black-eyed peas lo attending religious ceremonies, North Carolinians welcome each new year with a variety of traditions and celebrations. ; The N.C. Museum of History has an exhibit ihat looks at some of the state's well- and lesser-known New Year's customs. This limely exhibit, Reflections and Revelry: New Year's Traditions, also features a hands-on Discovery Ccnlcr with activities $uch as making a Chinese New Year’s banner and fashioning a party hat. The holiday exhibit wilt run un­ til Jan. 30,2000. The Discovery Cen­ ter w ill be open on Wednesdays through Sundays from noon-4 p.m. “ Refleciions and Revelry in­ cludes items, photographs and sto­ ries that represent the diversity of North Carolina's traditions past and present," says,exhibit curator Den­ nis Daniels. “For example, the arti­ facts range from a trophy from a Rose Bowl game that took place in Durham on Jan. 1, 1942, to an enor­ mous homemade dragon head from the annual Chincse-sty le New Year’s parade in Oriental." For centuries North Carolinians have followed the popular tradition of attending New Year's parties. The state's grandest New Year’s Eve par­ lies look place at George and Edith Vanderbilt’s Blltmorc Estate near Asheville. In 1895 Ihe Vanderbilts treated their guests to an extravagant affair, beginning with dinner in the large banquet hall and continuing into the morning with music, danc­ ing and games. In the exhibit see items reminiscent of ihls special oc­ casion, such as a placc setting of the Vanderbilts’ elegant burgundy and gold-rimmed china. Other North Carolinians prefer to spend New Year’s Eve In places of worship. The Christian scrvicc of “watching the old year out" and “waiting for the new one," known as Waich Night, began in the 1700s through the efforts of John Wesley, principal founder of the Methodist church. Tbday' some Christian con­ gregations, such as Home Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, continue to hold these services fiftcd with ser­ mons, prayers and music. Exhibit arlifacls from the slate’s Wulch Night services include a lum-of the-century organ, trombone and Methodist hym­ nal. Many Tbr Heels ring In ihe new year with noise-and plenty of it. Tlii« tradition harks back to when people thought that making noise on Dcc. 31 would scare away evil spirits. At one lime in North Carolina, it was customary for all the steam whistles and bells In a town to sound at mid­ night. Refiections and Revelry brings together an assortment of nolsemak- crs such OS a sicam whistle from a Wilmington tugboat, an 1804 court­ house bell from Raleigh and a toy horn from early 1900s. For two centuries, men In the Gaston County town of Cherryvlllc have brought in Jan. 1 by shooting muskets, a iradiiion that began when the first German settlers went from farm lo farm "shooting In" ihe new year. They thought shooting brought good luck and kept evil spirits away. Today these revelers travel a set route, Slopping at homes along the way. At each house, a crier reclles a New Year’s speech, steps forward and fires a musket loaded only with black powder. In relum for their visli, the shooters receive treats such as pics, coffee and cigars. Reflections and Revelry also highlights New Year's celebrations Credits To Be Distributed V EncrgyUnlti^. a electric coopcra- ■ ' ;,Uve serving central and western North iCarolina, distributed S2.5 million In /^capital credits to Its member-custom- • • r ers this year. ■ Thisamountincludesrcfundsmade |o the estates of deceased customers. ;>l6st of'EnergyUnited's more than ('95,000 customers received capital I'credit refund checks In December, j.' EnergyUnilcd is a not-for-profit lelectric cooperative, meaning that its' •customers own the company and re- , ’ cclve the profits that il produces. The I cooperative's earnings arc invested in , 'Special accounts, allowing •EnergyUnilcd lo ret ire long-term debts, l^bulld equity and have a ready reserve i for emergencies such as severe storm ; damage. .(• "EnergyUpit^'s formula for capi-. .‘tal credit distribution'allows new cus-' . ‘^tomiers and longtime cusiomcre alike Mo shore in the success of the coopera- liye," said R.B. Sloan Jr., .^Ener|^Uniled’schiefexecuti)^oniccr. '^Unlike investor-owned utilities,’ EncrgyUnited is nol driven to create earnings. Wc are in business to pro­ vide superior customer service in the disuibution of electricity and, in doing so, to cover operating expenses and generate a reasonable level of com­ ings. ^'Instead of calling our excess earn­ ings'profils,' vye call them 'margins.' When a publicly traded business has a profil^ that profit is relumed to stock­ holder^ in the form of dividends. Ours is 0 similar proccss. When a coopera­ tive such os EncrgyUnited has a mar­ gin, ihe^ money Is distributed lo its . mcmbcr-owners as' capital credits." Theamountofanindividuarscapl- tal credit check depends on how long the person has been a customer of the cooperative and ihe amount of the customer's monthly electric bllls.rThe amount of the average capftal credit check Issued by EnergyUnilcd for 1999 was$26.45. ' Nicole Rodriguez was killed by a drunk driver while ‘ walking next door to play with her friend. What should you do to stop a friend from driving drunk? Whatever you have to.' Friends don't let friends drive drunkV Gordy’s Stump Removal • F re e E s tim a te s • 772 Wlllboone Rd. Moci<svllli>, NC 27028 (336) 940-5094 Mobile: (3361749-6750 Tbm Gordy, Owner that occur on dales other than De­ cember 31 or January 1. Some North Carolinians observe the Chinese or the Vietnamese New Year,, which lake place In laic January or early February. Other Tar Heels lake pan in Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year, which usually falls in Sep­ tember. The exhibit explores these and other cultural customs. Il includes items such as red Chinese banners with New Year expressions about luck, good fortune and happiness, and a shofar (ram’s horn) that is blown during the most sacred period of Ihe Jewish New Year. In reccnl years many American cities have tumed to a new tradition- -a family-oriented, alcohol-free New Year's Eve celebration of the arts called First Night. The original First Night celebration took place In Bos­ ton in 1976. Since then the event’s popularity has spread lo 217 ci|ies worldwide, including five North Carolina locations, the closest being Winston-Salem. As November and December roll into January, a fresh new millennium lies ahead. In commemoration, come see Reficcilons and Revelry. Enjoy this opportunity lo leam more aboul North Carolina’s New Year’s tradi­ tions. Perhaps you will be inspired to begin one of your own. Notice of TAX LISTING FOR DAVIE COUNTY All property on hand January 1,2000 both real and personal is subleot to taxation regardless of age and sex of owner. You are no longer required to list motor vehicles which are currently LICENSED with the North Carolina Department of Ivlotor Vehicles. These vehicles will be billed by the County alter the current registralion Is renewed or an appllcalion Is made lor a new registralion. About three months after your registration renewal you will receive a bill from the County. You will have 30 days to pay the bill before Interest Is added at the rate of 3/4 of 1% per month. Taxpayers must list UNLICENSED vehicles not licensed on January 1, 2000 DURING THE REGULAR LISTING PERIOD, there Is no change in the listing requirements for those vehicles. Other property required to be listed in January Include; mobile homes, boats and motors, jet skis,- aircraft, farm equipment, tools used by carpenters and mechanics, all assets and supplies of businesses, furnishings owned and rented by a landlord. Taxpayers should report any new buildings or any Improvements built on real estate, or any changes to real estate to the Tax Office. The Tax Administrator’s Office will be sending listing forms to everyone that listed personal property In 1999. If you need lo list personal property as Indicated above or report changes to real property and you do not receive a form in the mail, please contact the Tax Administrator's Office for the proper forms. EXEMPTION FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED North Carolina excludes from property taxes the first $20,000 in assessed value of owner occupied residence for persons aged 65 or older whose Income does not exceed $15,000, or totally and permanently disabled whose Income does not exceed $15,000. If you received the exclusion in 1999, you do not need to apply again unless you have changed your permanent residence. If you received the exclusion In 1999 and your disposable Income In 1999 was above $15,000, you must notify the Assessor. If the person receiving the exemption has died, the person required by law to list the property must notify the Assessor. Any person who fails to give the notice required by N.C. Law shall not only be sub]ect to loss of the exemption, but also to the penalties provided by N.C. Law. If you did not receive the exclusion but are now eligible, you may obtain a copy of an application Irom the Assessor. It must be filed by April IS. You must file a listing form to continue to receive the exemption. Listing will begin Januaiy 3,2000 In the Tax Administrator's Office in the County Administration Building. Office listing help is available Jan. 3-31,2000. Hours will be 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday. The deadline for listing is January 31,2000. Completed forms'must be poslmarl<ed by the U.S. Postal Service not later than Januaiy 31, 2000. All late listings are subject to a 10% penalty. Please make your return early lo avoid a late penalty. Davie County Tax Administrator Mary Neil Richie Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 - B1 Members of Davie's JV team battle to keep control of the ball against Rockingham. - Photo by James Barringer Opponents Are Falling Like Dominos To 11-0 War Eagles Davic High's opponents arc still falling like domi­ nos. But the vareity War Eagles had to come from behind to defeat Northwest Cabamis 79-74 for the Domino's Pizza Hoops Classic title last week at the Davic High gym. Davic is 11-0 and is the No. I seed in the Sam Moir Christmas Classic this week in Salisbuiy. The stunned Eagles went to the lockcr room at the half witho42-25 deficit. N6rthwest'sdefcn.« pressured Davie to 18 tunioveis - at one point a turnover cvciy oljicr possession - and Northwest's offense, led by guanl Malt Hubbard and Lamont McKnight, dropped nine 3 point­ ers. Jim Young, Davie High's coach, opened the sccond half with a man-to-man defense. Something unusual for a team pl.iying three large men in the front court. Young's choicc paid off as Cabamis started throw­ ing the ball away and missing shots. Davie's olTcnse ignited and they outscorcd Northwest 30-16 in the thinl Underdog Tigers Fade In Tight Battle With Bulldogs By Uriun Pills Davic County Entcqirise Record Breaking into the win column against China Grove was certainly sweet, but Tim Kenney’s pmudest moment us South Davie's boys basket* ball coach this year just might have been in the ancrmalhofliist week's 30- point loss lo high-powered West Rowan. ■'(West coach) Eric Epps camc into the lockcr room after the game nnd told them that wc were ihe most improved team in the league, lo keep their heads up and said we gave them all they wanted tonight," Kenney said af\er the heavy-undcrdog Tigers kept il close forahalfbefore fading 62-32 toone of the fincM teams ever usscmbtcd in the Piedmont Middle School Conference. No one could have blamed the Ti­ gers (1*6 overall. 1-5 PiednKint Con­ ference) for playing dead on a day whenthcynecdedamiracleormiracles. Tliey were no match for the Bulldogs on the lalenl scale, and everyone knew it. But even though a Bulldog feast was inevitable.lhegutsyTigcrspoured their hearts ontothe floorandkcpt the game reasonablycompetitiveforahalf, trail­ ing 26-14 and demonstrating ihe dif- ferenccaycar has made foratcamthat hasn't given up despile IS losses in 17 games since last winter. "Last year they beat us in a scrim­ mage 66-11. and we were only down by 12 athalflime," Kenney said. "The kids came oul llred up and gave it all their effort. I lold them they had abso­ lutely nothing to lose, and If you're afraid of these guys you're going to get beat by 50, And they went out there and really pul forth a strong cnbri." What surprised Kenney most was Soulh'sabilitytohnndleWesi’swickcd full-court press. Dustin Mise, David Schweil, Kevin Winters. Michael Gra- van, Corey Wood and Travis Howell withstood the swamiing traps and found point guard Maurice Wilson. "We broke West Rowan’s press, thal press didn't hurt us at all," Kenney said. "The wings did a real good job of getting Maurice ihe ball in the open court where he could bring il over the 10-second line." It wasonlyamaitcroftime,though, unlil West's superior presence took over, nnd the Bulldogs used a 24<IO Ihird-quarter run to squash South's long-shot hopes. "They’re just flat out abcticr team," Kenney said. "They're well-coached, they’re aihletic and they shol the ball very well. They pul it away in the first three minutes of the sccond half, but the guys never gave up at all." Afieralwo-weekbrcakforlheholi- days. South willhavcdveshotslosteal another win or two that would make Ihe sciison a success. "We're shtxjling for two more wins before the end of the year, and if the guys keep impnaving the way they arc, we'll gel those," Kenney said. • Worm Winters ForwjuxI Kevin Winters emerged as perhaps Ihe county’s hottest male prospect last week, scoring IS points in a 56-36 loss to Coniher-Lipe and-12 more against West Rowan. The cn- forceralsodisplayedasmooih touch at' the ling, making 13 of 16 free throws” for the week. "Kevin has really become a nice ball player," Kenney said. "Kevin has a bulldog atlitude on thecoun,and he’s getting better with every game." ■ • Kenney adores the way Winters’ refuses to rcireat against seemingly” bigger and better players, using quick- * ness as his scorebook tickci. ' "He was very aggressive and look it'' to the hoop," Kenney said. "He's not ‘ real lall, but he's very strong forhissize' and he’s awfully quick. He matches up real well.even against the blggerguys.' because they can't keep up wiih him." Notes: Nathan Crowe hit a pair of 3-pointers against West....ThcTlgers' are idle unlil Jan. 4 when they visit Mooresville. They host Northwest' Cabamis on Jan. 6. * Corriher-Lipc 56, South 36 Winters 15:Wilson8;Gravatt5;How*‘ ' ell 3; Crowe and Josh Roesch 2; and Schweit 1. • West Rowan 62, South 32 - Win­ ters 12;Crowe 6; Schweit 5; Wood and Howell 4; and Jeremy Young 1. Gold Medalists Silver Spirits Win At State Games quarter. By the end of ihe quarter, Davic had shaved a 17 point lead down to 3 poinls with efforts from Duane Phillips. Dominic Graham and Larry Umbcrgcr. TheEaglescontinucdwiihan II point run tosiartlhc tounhquartcr. Northwest rallied one Iasi lime togoahead 68-67 at the 3 minute mark. The Trojan defense collapsed as Davie's John Orsillo and Umbcrgcr began scoring under the basket. Duane Phillips, the loumey’s MVP, hit a baseline 3 pointer with just under 3 minutes left lo put the Eagles in the lead at 70*68.' The wild game ended and the Trojan's fate was sealed wiUi 2 free throws at :58 seconds by I^illips and a steal by Rod Tenor. Davic 108, Rocklnghaih 50 ‘ . Davie High advanced to the final game after blasting Rockingham County 108-50 Wednesday night in the first round of the toumamcnt. Duane Phillips led with 26 points followed by Dominic Graham with 23 points. Djordjc Lukic pulled down 12 rebounds and Larry Umbcrgcr had eight rebounds and eight assjsts. TlieDavicSilvcrSpirits3-on-3bas- kctball team won the Gold Medal at the North Carolina Senior Games for the third straight year recently. Playing at East Carolina Univer­ sity, the Silver Spirits won all five games in their age bracket (55 and over), prompting Mike Gizzard of the Greenville Daily Reflectortosay: "The Spirits pul on a clinic in dominating their three games, playing aggressive defense and getting hlgh-pcrccntage shots with constant movement andprc* else passing." The Silver Spirits competed in the National Senior Olympics in October at Orlando, Fla. They finished second In their pool play to advance lo the finals. They won their first game in the finals but lost the sccond, finishing fifth In the nation among 25 teams in their age bracket. National Senior Olympics are held during odd years and icams or indi­ viduals must place first or sccond in thcirstalccompetition during ihecven years. In 1997,thcSilverSpirits repre­ sented North Carolina InTucson, Ari­ zona, for the National Senior Olym- pics. C.W. Allen of Davie County also participated In the 1999 National Se­ nior Olympics in Florida. Competing among 60 players, he finished eighth in golf for his age brocket. Davie County has an active Senior Games program. Senior Games are open to anyone 55 and over. Registra­ tion is held each February and Mareh and the local games arc in April.Therc are events intrackandfield,silver arts, horseshoes, sonball throw,discus,shot, spi n cost!ng, gol f, racquetbal I and many more. North Carolina has added an­ other leam sport, softball. If you arc Interested In being apart of Senior Games, call Senior Games Director, Kathie Streit at the Mocksville-Da^; Recrcalion Department at 751-23^ or Alice Bamctte, Senior Games Ain- bassador, at 492-5475. ; Members of the Silver Spirits include, from left: Coach Earnest Seamon, Nancy Haynes^: Aileen Steelman, Elizabeth Williard, Sue Allen, Rachel Howard, Alice Barnette and Char-; lotte Miller. Not pictured: Lois Green. ■* i War Eagle Girls Hang On For Win Over Alexander Central By Drian Pitts Davic County Entciprise Record TAYLORSVILLE-On the surface, it was nothing more than another December nonconfcrcnce game to determine Christmas /jdumament secdings. ■ To Davic Coiinty's varsity girls and Coach Carol Cozart, it wos so much more. After losing nine of 15 gamesdccidcd by six points or less in her tenun;, Including an 0-for- 4close-garacnitthisseason,Cozartconsidcred -, Friday's game at Alexander Central as close to a must-win as a nonconference game can get, and Santa came early when the War Eagles ' dodged a late bullet and survived 53-46. There's no other way to describe it, it's just nice to pull oneoutat thccnd," Cozart said afler the War Eaglcs(4;5isBin*aclFtsbacl< games to r justithe-thninmcsince 1996, Dtjvie's last winning season. They had lost gomesbyohe.four, five and six points already this year. , "Any lime you've lost the close ones like we have, you want to capitalize on that, and wc did. This wasimportanttous Cozart in terms of showing that we have learned from our mistakes and wc'tt: going to play heads-up when we get into those situations." , Another tortuous loss for Davie seemed likely when Alexander Central cut Davie's 48- 41 lead to 48-46 in a tratter of 84 seconds. Thanks to an ill-timed technical foul that cost just 1:57 leil. Central hit both tech- nical-foul free throws. Davie com­ muted a tuniovcrand Central made it 48-16 on a 3-pointcr with 33 seconds left, prompting flashbacks to hcanbreaking losses to North Iredell (twice). Bishop McGtiinnis and North Davidson. "How many times have we had. those bombs come in at the end of games this year and thought 'Holy , smoke?" said Cozart, who pialsed Davic for keeping iu composure afler what she considered an unwanantedtcchnicalonaplaycr. "The tech was weak. That hurt us.They got the ball and they got points. It put a different complexion on thi) situation." ButDavic'smrfncyplaycr.^enlorpolntguard Tina ^kness. made everything right, hitting Harkness Davie l^ssessio* with a seven-pomt lead and two freeUtrows wit^ 28 sccontisleil fora50-46 lead. Erasing all doubt. Shelby Michael made a steal and free throw to slam the door at S1-46 with 17 seconds left. "We've got some good foul shootcis. but let me just say that you're a little more confident with her coming to the line." Cozart said of Harkness, who saved the day at the line and finished with 23 points, giving her 43 the post two games. "Tina has been there in the crunch, it's her fourth year and obviously she's going to handle the pressure." .Harkness' clinching free throws were sym­ bolic of the War Eagles'latl! stand.-After miss­ ing 11 of 20, they made seven of eight injthe final two minutes, whh Julie McDaniel 'going four of six and Harkness four of (bur,/ '"Typically we've let some of thbsj! (games) get away, but they are learning from Cozart said. "We had a new foul-shot drill that wc put inpracticc,and it's payingoff||ir)U.'-you'vegot to make them or you've got to run, so we'ii going to leam to make some foul shots." • * Notes: Ifthe War Eagles wintheirfirstgame in the Catawba Christmas tournament, which . inns Dcc. 28-30, they will have the most Wips after 10 games since 1996. "It could just as easily be 6-3 (insteadof4-5)-one shot here and one shot there," Cozart said. "They can't go back and change those now, but whai they do havctodoismakcthose l o ^ mean something In tenns of what they're learning.".... Harictiess and Michael (17 points) were Davie's topscdr- ers for the seventh time, "The prls are looking for (Haricness), they want her to ^ re ," Cozart said."AndtheyarelookingforShel^toscore.'' ....McDanieladdedsixpoints.JeirlAiihAngell four, Randl Moore two and LMitcnC:tonii£er ' one." Angell and Sarah Merlau were on thi»e' boards, and Comatzer played hcads-up at the ‘ end," C o ^ said. . ' ‘ i - ,.n2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 Cross Country Awards Tops In Tennis Davia High School award winners in cross country were, from left; sealed ■ Janel Davie High School tennis team award winners for 1999 are, from left: front - Sarah Will- ^Darcy, rnost valuable; Carly Peeler, most Improved; back - Andy Boger, coach’s iams, most improved; bacl< - Sarah Stein, most valuable; Molly Koontz, most valuable; and award; and Travis Ervin, most valuable. Not pictured: Nancy Vogler, most valuable. Not pictured; Erin Chaffin, coach’s award, Erin Heqe most aWilliam Kerlin, most Improved. valuable. T h a n k s f o r i n v i t i n g u s i n t o y o u r h o m e e a c h w e e k . W e 'r e p r o u d t o h e D a v i e C o u n t y 's n e w s p a p e r ! D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTE D w ig k t S fx v k s 'Robin. Fugussofl. Mike'BornKtudlt ■BrionPats Jeanne OailW James 'Barringei' ■Raij T u tte ro w S a n d ^ C o u U o a Je a n n ie ^ T ro tte r K a re n T k ir s t o n . 'R o s e m a ry K a r(e k ECORD S a r a C a m |)b e (l D o v id M o ro n 'R e b e c c a T K u rs to n . K im ju s t e n J o K n S fia rk s M a d e lin e S fia rtts 171 South Main St., Mocksville, NC 27028 m DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 -B3 The War Eagles were hot for the Domino's Hoops Classic last week in the Davie High gym. From left, Duane Phillips soars to the basket under the eye of Djordje Lukic, John Orsilio shoots over an opponent, Lukic muscles his way inside and, Dominic Graham goes to the hoop. - Photos by James Barrlngef S ce n e s F ro m The F irs t D o m in o 's H o o p s C ia s s ic i|:ootball Volleyball Winner i--. Football winners wera, from left; Clint Bailey, outstanding defensive back; Drew Ridenhour, offensive MW; Jeremy Shoffner, outstanding r a nHiro i : defensive back; Bradford Ivey, outstanding defensive lineman; Matt Foster, oustanding offensive lineman; Adam Boger, coach's award; Zeke : ferie, defensive MVP; Thadd Johnson, coach's award. Ricky White (not pictured) received the award for oustanding offensive back. volleyball team Not pictured’ Abby is Brickey, most valuable; Randl Moore, most Improved A JV player drives toward the basket for the War Eagles.Pursued by a Rockingham defender, a JV War Eagle puts up a shot. JV coach Leo Bnjneiii reflects on the game. Jackie Esworthy was killed by a drunk driver one.vyeek after her h^h school graduation. , V .^What should you do to Mop a friend from dHving drunk? • ; VWhatever you hava io. . ; v -iT^fclendedon'^et frlentfidr^^^^^^ , SERVlSmR BARCAiniSofthelVIOniTH X 80 ' - 6 0 % % tmis.W TtOTM 04 IWlOft 2<Pk. Rubber PlashViKlu Combo599 kKllwdv popM oIndK Mow torch a«n« hM4 A niTM nItajMUaAiv* Caudell Lumber and Building Supplies 162 Sheek Streei • 751-2167 LAREW-WbOD-JOHNSON, IN C — Insurance Since 1915 — m ^j Carlnermid PIEDMONTMUTUA INSURANCE, both spKialisIs in Famis a lanu/ticliirat Homes. . ■Aimlwd many years of faming experience ■ becoming an agent. He lias a uniijiie iSerstanding of llie needs of the farm AS INDEPENDENT AGENTS WE CAN OFFER YOU SEVERAL OPTtONS TO THE RATES AND POUCIES YOU NOW HAVE: • Special Packages for Residences, Farms, Bams, Livestock, Animals, and Equipmerif, at low competitive rates. • Package Policies for all sizes of Manufactured Homes] from Singlewides to Doubles to Modular Homes. ■ ' ' Flexible Premium Installment options. > Proiiipl oiiii Fnir Clnim scruice. • 24-Hour Claim assistance from us. CALL us TOP A MO OBLIQATION DISCUSSION AND QUOT 135S.SaUsburySt. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-75W281 130Hwy.e01& • ; Hillsdale, NC 27006 800-25^7777 336-940-2210 B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 SAVINGS up i ; n ( EVERYDAY 1° 3 U Senior Clllz«n» DiacoUnts Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsville-Clemmons Bd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 Mini's S e l f - S t o r a g e ^ 998-9661 '/ Climate ControlV 24 hr Computerized GateV Fenced witti 24 hr lighting '/ Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 '/ Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay llJ6 Commeice Dr., Advance Now Open For Business B E R M U D A C A R P E T C E N T E R , BnRMUDAQUAY SHOPPING CENTER ,U« owprDfmioculwfrhelpyou'niihillyow floorcomint n e ^ • iMciior decoruor on tUfT.> OverAOynntcimblnnlctperWnccI : • Carpet • Vinyl • Tile • Hardwood • Wallpaper : MotvFrl. 0 anvQ pm; Sal. 0 anvl pm 5411 USHwyISS, Advanco (336) 998-0300 H e n r y ’ s Electric Motor Service, Inc. Celebrating JO Yean of Service IN S T O C K H o n d a P o w ere d 10,S00-WaH G e n e ra to rs 1406 S. Marlin Luther King Dr. Winston-Salem, NC' (336) 784-4006 Trophies Plaques Engraving a aifts Suit* 3 I SPPTLIGHT I rtblKttllllfeH lC lm W I A j f l 6* 1 HOME IMPROVEMENTS I € CERAMICmE»CU5T0M DECKS •5CREENEE^^1(3HT PORCHES • C3ENERAL REPAIRS ' REMODELING • STANDARD & DIMENSIONAL SHINGLE ROOFING*CARPORTS* RUBBER MEMBRANE ROOFINGFREE ESTIMATES‘INSURED eTOMMARESCO, OWNERS ^ (336)4634160 ^ Bill Burton of Bermuda Carpet Center in Advance. For Service And Quality Call Bermuda Carpet Center Albert and David Tkatch gaze across a thousand yards of rich beige carpeting in their new showroom at Jones' Windows and Doors, and could not be more pleased. “Bill Burton did a great job," said 71<atch of the Bermuda Carpet Center In Advance, "it would not be the same without Bermuda Car­ pel.” Building contractor David Miller also chose Bermuda Carpet Center to provide fvlocl<3 United Methodist Church's new carpel. The Advance church totally renovated their sanctua^ recently, and con­ tracted with Bermuda Carpet for several hundred yards of multi-col­ ored commercial-grade carpet. Miller said that the church wanted a skilled professional for the job. “It was a pretty big project," said Miller. 'We were very satisfied with the quality of the carpel and the service that Bemiuda Carpet provided.” Bermuda Carpel Center, localeB In the Bermuda Quay Shop­ ping Center In Advance, features a showroom stocked with state-of- the-art samples of carpet, hardwood flooring, ceramic tiles, vinyl and Formica laminated flooring. Bill Burton, who manages Bermuda Car­ pet, gives the same specllic attention to each decorating job and budget, whether II is a huge commercial job, or a small home Improvement. Sales assodate Ron Dollyhigh has 30 years' experience In the industry: and can give skilled advice to customers for their projects. New Innovations In Formica flooring have created a more du­ rable product which looks exactly like hardwood, but Is guaranteed by the manufacturer against water damage, stains, wear, fading and defects. The Formica flooring has a 15-year comprehensive warranty,” said Burton, “and there are no grout lines to colled dirt. It will not scratch or dent as well." The new Formica llooring even has a top laminate so water- resistant that some homeowners have installed it outdoors. In 1997, Formica flooring was voted Dealers' Choice for Best Laminate Floor­ ing Product; and It comes in a diverse number of colors and styles. Bermuda Carpel sells plush grades of Columbus, Shaw, Phila­ delphia and Salem carpels for homes or business. Durable vinyl floors by Armslrong or Congoleum are also popular choices for kitchens, bathrooms, or business showrooms. Other homeowners prefer the glamorous polished beauty of Harris-Tarkett hardwood floors. Manager Bill Burton has more than 20 years' experience; and can offer accurale estimates and the highest quality service installing your new floor covering. Visit Bermuda Carpet Center's showroom for decorating Ideas and displays of elegant ceramic tiles. The Center also has great bar­ gains In carpet and vinyl remnants. Customers wishing to cover bare spaces can purchase area rugs, which can be created from carpet remnants In the store. Gat rid of those worn Iralflo areas in your home or business. Start the new millennium with a new floor covering, with the depend­ able services ol Bermuda Carpet Center. Call (336) 998-0300 for a free estimate today. Or drop by their convenient location right oil in­ terstate 40 at the Highway 801 exit, at 5411 US Highway 158 In Ad­ vance. Hours are Monday — Friday 9-6, and 9-1 on Saturday. "^Floorihg Hourst M o n . ' F r i . 1 0 - 6 S a t . l o * X S p e cia lizin g In .. Carpet & ^ y l Ceramic H ie Hardwood Floors & Reflnlshing Counter Tops tam inated Floors C»36) 766^733 20 Years Experience A/DIV OPEN TO WE PUBUC 5919-C James St. - Clemmons l= 2 li F o r g e t T h e M a lll ^ ■e x c a l ib u r ! ! A W A R D S j I I I Lm uvnic-CKinm oni Rd. ■ <(B*hlnd Davit Jm ltrs) |I> Nm Houn: 10-5 M-F; . ; Sat appt avallabla | 778-2121 MmiUaa Promotion I N o c k & v i l l e A u t o P r i d e l C a r W a s h Complete Automatic Car Wash Hvt/y 601 Mocksvillc, NC * Betv^ven Wal Mnrt & 1-40 COPIERS UNLIMITED.com'icna held at 827 N. Liberty St. 725;2671{______; _i 21_5 J2_Unk Rij. * Wmsion^Salcm__________ Dec. 16th, tTth.iath. 1999 I Gel monthly Internet service, FREE, Just for slopping by. ~| I „ . . _Saies, Sarv7c«'a SugpHes of"airrnajor brands? ............' •Commercial Copier* *21’lberTyavi •NcwReuiluiiowSJOOO.OO ■ _ Cnly^^lm|Uru»Jn|iono^^ I F0rl25DlK0Unl I I OnNailSmlnCill j I-------____________I Janie saiys: ‘HOU M Y SPCCUU 20% OrMom O ff . ( i E veiythkig.^-f i : \ *1 Storaf’ 11 E nd»D ec.3U t * ' Newly Arrived O riental FumHure *** D in in g K oom e 20% OFF *>Shvtnrthy N a H n a fu 80% OFF Eadm D ec. 31mt •at. 9 to 8; SHn. 10 to S Located In TheOd OemmonsSdiod 3550 Q e m m o n s Road (Next to the Q e m m o n s Ubniy) (336)778-2700 Full Service Salon & Spa . 998-6770 *H*y 158 >^2l/2nilles\ftslolTangiewixxl J. Ties r Iri 9 im - 7 pm •, Sil 9 an • 6 p-i'll ♦ />_r\ 'A.j. 1 n.i/ - T Available Make Your iflAppointment Today'f, « for the Holidays C r o w d e rM^Chesneu<x/Issociates Y diir I loinriown KiMltor ClemrTions .J.. JSnwaesnne ‘Firectone » H A N < II ) K ^ Lee Tires G E O R G E ’S Mlchelln Tires V IL L A G E G A B A G E , IN C . C O M P L E T E A U T O M O T IV E R E P A IR S 2570 L .a w isvlllih C le n im o n s R oad, C la m m o n s766-7862 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 - B5^ GNCLiveWeU: VITAM IN S • M IN ERALS • NATURAL COSM ETICS • SPORTS N U TR m O N • HERBS • W EIOHT LOSS • W EIOHT QAIN • HOMEOPATHY • ENERGY I 3623 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons Ql'Lo Shopping Center ro K/rcA*n; ■7 / ^ / ' ' Mon.Sat.lO o m *9 p m•Sun. 1 p m '6 p m / 0 0 ~ Z o ^ 0 Members of the Davie High School varsity boys basketball team include, from left: front - Sean Stevens, fvlarcus Lassiter, Jonathion Britton, Tony Tenor, lyam Lynch; second row - Brittini Young (manager), Duane Phillips, Dominic Graham, Scottie Cfump, Ian Gustafson, Chase Sanders; third row - Nick Arnold (manager), Travis Peacock, Djordje Lukic, John Orsillo, Larry Umberger, Dan Sullivan, Rod Tenor. , C : ^ ( J p p p C ^ o l i d a V S r HOLIDAY SALE 20% -60% OFF m N(i« through end of Ihe yciif r ^ a n d ^ ir Interior Designs ChiirlcM ‘II. Cns.iiilij ilinl Oiihlinc LmviUc I l)S Assdi’liilfs .iS h ll-C ( k -m m o iiv R d. • ( 'ifin iiu n u • D o j'r i " I li (.W>) 7Mi-'Wl« IVIembers of the Davie Higti School varsity girls basketball team include, from left: front - Christina Gfiewski, Elise Whitaker, Julie IVIcDaniei, Tina Harkness, Amber Hamm, Kristen Raynor; second row/ - Lauren Cornalzer, Ashley Williams, Stephanie Hepler, Shelby Michael, Jerri Ann Angell, Emily ti^orton, Randi fvloore, Sarah Ivlerlau, Coach Carol Cozart. BIRTH-------------- THROUGH ADOLESCENCE WINSTON-SALEM PEDIATRICS An Independent Practice for 29 Years A c c e p t i n g N e w P a t i e n t s C a l l T o d a y f o r a n A p p o i n t m e n t 2 8 0 8 M a p l e w o o d A v e . 7 6 5 - 9 0 0 0 Jerry L. Bennett, M.D. Lura \V. Stagg, M.D. Kathy Gross, M.D. Gwyn Kooy-Smith, M.D. Marguerite Wilson, M.D. BUSINESS SPOf LMSHT 5 1 T a m t- Y o u r - O w tL , 'P o tte r y C(0ie Ca^ You paint h... We lire If... You'll love it! Coming In December: Children’i Holiday Art Camp • B irtU uy ParliiM • Shawm • A C latstt • C M For D tla ilt 7 6 6 - 6 0 1 9 6 0 0 0 M c .J o w b n .o k M . ll. C lc m m o n i V I S U A I - .g M A M S C SV..' " .j'VmAII itupio ij 2i«SOIdCloirRd. ; ■ Suite E r CltmmoD]I ix-nm n Belyia Stanley • Exiemive Training Kmiina Eddinger • II yrs. Exp.. Rusk Training ( ii'. iiu l ( )|H 'iiiii;.; r G e t Y o u r B u s i n e s s I n T h e S p o t l i g h t Call 7 6 6 - 4 1 2 6 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 M A IL B O X P A C K & B S H I P RMsalva a F R H Car CHwgar w ith A ctivation In’ D M am lM r O f An AT*T Phona • No Booming CtngataouSO SUM • No ungDWoiKaChonioiAciouU SftiM a»3» L a w la vlll^to m m o n a IW., ^3 3 3 ^ 7 6 6 - 3 6 8 8 ‘ I f y o u haven't s h o p p e fl a ! T inn-less ( lif t s , y o u havvn’t \hoppvd cnouf’h' Books • Pottery Kid’s Corner HonK Accents • Gardening _ GiRs for All Occasions _________—^ 6000 Mtadowbrook Mall-Suite I, C lm m o iu < ^ /.,>r - c ' 7 S S -3 8 0 7- 4 t - f p f - t ^ o i u CLEMMONS I M Q S ) 3 G ^ 7 9 » B E )9 l£ ( ^ IB s i[!9 iij7 IPsicKlg^ rfftoB gfh n m o g V trra a EnsYTVn IVi'w n iu ir itia n a l C t'n ie r w ith O v e r SOO tS a tu ra ! t'o n d Itom .s • l \ u l r i l i o n a l . S u p p lr m r n l. N • l l i f i h K n r r ; < y l l r i n k N • O r g a n i c I T r o d u c r • V e g e t a r i a n llp m N COOKING CLASSES See Store for dates or call 766-1608 Class Taught By C h e fT k o m u P im S -DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 jSy Brian Pills l^ v lc Couniy EnlcrpriscRcconl’ S After watching his icam namwly •avoiiiashockingupscllo West Rowan, JlodhDaviccoachRonKirkconducleil i scir-cunminalion and laid down Ihc ^ w for his wrestlers. The unbcalcn Wildcats apparenlly Ijol the message. niey rc.spondcd from Ihe 44-39 Jiaiibitcrover improved Wcsl Rowan ty smashing Mooicsviile and Wcsl Montgomery 84-0 and 90-0, rcspec- «I In Shutouts lively, last week. "Wc dicln’l make any adjustments, wc just got our heads back together and figured out that wc can be beat If . wc don't wrestle up to our potenlia],” Kirk said after North roared Into Ihc ' ho) (day break 8-Oovcrai I and 5-0 in the Piedmont Middle School Conference. "I just (old them that there's some* body out there walling to beat you, and you about gave West Rowan that op* pottunlty. Our heads were swelled so big. and the circumslanccs that hap­ pened (close friend Darrell Steele's sudden death) didn’t help becausc 1 wasn't Into ((he Wcsl Rowan match)." Elghlh-gradc stalwarts Nick Pane (8-0), Brandon Pane (8-0), Justin Nor- sworthy (8*0). Malachi Gentry (7-0), Jacques Lyons (7-0) and Derek Cor- natzer (7-0) added another coal of pol­ ish to their hot marks as North, which liAs won a staggering 107 of II9 Indi­ vidual matches, devoured Its fourth shutout. While Kirk cxpcclcd n^.thlng less from the super six, four starting sev­ enth graders have been huge in North's |lorth Davie Boys Fall In Two The North Davie boys basketball team's losing streak.reached eight gameswith41-ll and39-231ossesto .,Moorcsville and Downtown, respec- ‘ liWly, last week. Against Moorcsvillc, Cody Stephens had four points, David Or- sil lu three, Zach Chappie (wo and Evan Beam and I^;tc Ramey one each. In the loss to Downtowi], Stephens led (he team's scoring for (he fourth time with eight, followed by Orsillo withsix. Jonathon Motsingerwithfour, Brian Fromal and Beam with (wo apiece and Michael Frogge with one. The Wildcats are off until Jan. 5, when they visit Kannapolis. They host Concord on Jan. 6. tigers Score 53 Points In Win a y l q)av ly Brian Pitts 'le County Enterprise Record ^ Coach Sheila Tribble shrugged t vhcn South Davie’s girls basketball ^cam promised (ha( there would be a present awaiting her on her 51st ^irthday. 'Tlwy said going in that (hey were tijoing (o gel me 51 points." Tribble tsaid. The highesi points ihat wc had K ^red al I year was 41, so 51 ? I jusl sort tb f smiled and said: 'OK, yeah, right.’" The Tigers sure showed Tribble, delivering as advertised and (hen some ^n a 53-28 dismantling of Corriher- ^ip e Iasi week. South lost 47-32 to a piedmont Middle Schiwl Corifcrencc M:liils(, Wes( Rowan, later in (he week. 5 Folks over 21 always dread birth* ^days. But Tribble didn't mind this one, (he inspired Tigers overcame a slow ^lart (0 shred (he Yellow Jackets with 32 sccond-half points, tiicluding the' big 51 with 62 seconds left. ."n "All our gi’ris on ihc bench were: j'going crazy, andhere wc were beating •; them by 20 points. So it was kind of ^weird," Tribble said of the 51st poinL ;CWe did a real outstanding job:’When ; they got in the 40s, (hey started bcliev* Juig they could pull it olT. ^! "I( was a go^ birthday prcsen(." • I Carly Balsley wasn'( salisficd, si* ' fencing her own crowd with a two-to- 1 f row-on layup in the waning seconds. 5 res, the Tiger crowd begged Balsley f to brick it. S "Carly got a breakaway layup with ; io scconds on the clock, and all my 4 parents were standing up going: 'Miss ^ M, miss it,' ” Tribble said. "But she got ^ &ie two and then just looked at me and ' said: Two 10 grow on.'", s HcatherBogerlednlncscorerswith !! 2 points, including a3*pointer, while 2|\ndrca Dwigglns had nine, Ashley 2 'copies eight and Alyse Bowden six. s legan Jordan. Savannah Kowalski Sand Balsley scored four and Brandi \harpc and Alyssa Smith had two. Vulluni EfTort Ctnwhes hate sctllingfor something less, but the Tigers look solace in (he moral victory (hey salvaged against vaunted and heavily-favored West Rowan. "I was the most proud of these girls in this game than I've been in all of them because this game was oneof- if not - the hardest game they've had to play," Tribble said after (hc47*32 loss. "And they never- not one (Ime - gave up. They never gave in to the quick­ ness of (ha( team, and they kept fight­ ing." Most teams would have quit after falling behind l7-2inthe first quarter. Not the Tigers. They picked up (heir chins and played 30-30 ball (he rest of the way. "There were some kids who played above their own ability,Tribble said, "and that's all any coach can ask. We told them this Is agood team, they have a great repulaiion, but il doesn't mean wc can'l beat them and it doesn't mean we can'l play hard baskciball. "Wc lold them we can walk out of here proud of ourselves, even If wc lose, if we play the way we should, or wc can walk away with our heads hanging down. And ihey played hard basketball." Noone played harder than Smith, a reserve center who filled In for a foul- plagued Peoples. "Sheplayed better than she hasever played in her life, 1 guarantee you," Tribble said. "She played her position os well as 1 could ever ask her to play II. She may nol have put the points up there, but when we had to have the giri in position she was there." Boger and Kowalski led ihc scor­ ing with nine each, while Peoples had six, Dwiggins four and Balsley and Harpe two. "Boger had another outstanding game," Tribblesaid. "Bowden played a real good defensive game, Kowalski had her besioffensivegamc and worked haixl, and Harpc gave us some good defense and got some points." The Tigers arc idle until Jan. 4 when they visit Moorcsvillc. They host Northwest Cabarrus on Jan. 6. Man Catches World Record Catfish A Mocksville man has caught a worid record catfish from the Cape Fear River. Lloyd H. Brown Jr. of Cana Road landed the 44-inch blue catfish on Nov. 20, using a 20 pound test line and a rod and reel. m j D IR E C TV . Single Systems *99“ Call 1-800-583-1339 Direct Digital Solutions ’other charges may apply Regular Hours: M f 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 . FMiet-RoucIi Duifl C*. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 ability to contend for what seems like the millionih title for Kirk. Newcom­ ers Jeremiah Raby and Ted Randolph are 7-1. Chris Goode Is 5*0 and Ryan Boehm is 4-0 with four pins. They have come along and come through real strong," Kirk said.’"That helps 0 lot. Moorcsvillc had some real go^ wrestlers, but wc still shut them out." Zac Morton. Ronnie Andary and Michael Simmons - eighth graders with 7-1 records-had ihclr unbeaten dreams dashed at Wes( Rowan. bu( Kirk senses (hat the sample of disop- poinimcnl could mollvale them (he rest of the way. North is idle until a home match on Jan. 5 against Kan­ napolis. "That's part of the game, and it makes them think about it. We're go­ ing to start drilling on technique a lot more Insiead of conditioning and gc( our (cchnique back up to par a litde bi(," said Kirk, who cxpcc(s strong challenges from at least three teams - particularly co-frontrunner South Davie - down the .stretch. "Out of our los( five matches, we've got (hrcc pn:lty good ones, maybe four, becausc I heard West Rowan only bea( J.N. Fries by 10." Notes: William Whitaker is 3-0 In spot duty at heavyweight and Curt Wilson is 4-2.....An unbelievable 72 pcrccn( of the ma(ches have resulted In North pins.....Dennis Mendez, Tho­ mas Landen, Grayson Miller and Kevin Robinson won preliminary matches against South Davie, and Tanner Wil­ son and Jake TuKle won pn:lims over Moorcsvillc. A New Name ... Greentree Financial/«noH> SamtCnatStnict. Samt CrratCotnpany Go With th«L«ader In Manufactured Home Equity Loans ■ Aulsunce In buying or Mtllnit )TXirliotnc ■ RennancinR ■ ttomc cquit)' nnincliiR Call 1-800-530^165 www.conmoloant.<om Hoppy Nqw YQQf from Ciccione's I Nonno Luigi Family Itnlinn Restaurant" 185 North Salisbury SI. • Mocksville, NC 10:30jm-1000|im M-Sal: I I:30jm-I000iim Sun. (336) 751-0358 or 751-0359 EAT IN or TAKE OUT HOMEMADE Pizza, PflSTfl B HOREI I Free C re d it H elp c c c _________________________________________________ S t e v e M c C u l l o u g h ™i 5m-2s£wood IVc specialize in placing the credit challenged in new or pre-owned vehicles! ni»o g e ffU WoodAUTOCENTREHoiula*Jei'p»l*lymouih*ChryslenKlA ^ ^ a r ^ ^ h o n ^ - 8 8 8 j 7 8 9 j C A n g ^ The NaffoTal Fishing Hall of Fame Is including the fresh water ca(ch in its new catch and release di­ vision. Brown’s photograph with the fish will be displayed in the Hall Museum Records Gallery. GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 " 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Specials o£ the Week Irish Spring XT703 Assorted Deodorant Soaps 4.5 oz.Handshield for Dry-Cracked Skin A V In CLEMMONS NEW yEAP’l EVE BASH featuring H A M M E R J A C K iS bii Just off M O HI Westwood Yrflago Shoppmf Contor 336.7fi6.4484^^ Home of Thirsty Thursday S7.00 All You Can Drink Draft Sounds Of The Season North and South Davie middle schools combined their bands and choruses (or a concert at the Brock Performing Arts Center In Mocksville, The groups are shown rehears­ ing for that pre-holiday concert. Photos by Mike Barnhardt Weigh - f - Downy .VIciliodLsi Cliiircli Worl®l][pp. ofjcis Cm Slimbliifs If you feel like a slave to food and are tired of fighting the diet battle, join us for a free orientation session and learn about the Weigh Down Workshop, This is a Christ centered program that teaches us to replace our devotion to the refrigerator wit a deeper and more satisfying devotion to God, Through the 12 week seminar, you learn how to be delivered from the slavery of overeating and dieting, God can change you heart so that you truly have no desire to eat when you are physically hungry. Contact the church office at 998-4020 to sign up for the free orientation to be held January 1 Uh at 7pm, ‘Be Active Kids’ Program Starts In Davie Building on its successful launch earlier this year, Blue Cross and Blue ShleldofNorth Carolina's Be Active Kids fitness and nutrition campaign for preschool children Is expanding (0 day care centers in 28 additional counties. Less (han a year old, Be Acdve Kids has drawn praise from educa* tors and heaUh professionals for iu innovadon and hands-on approach. The program is acdve in 1,200 day carc centers in 10 pilot counties, and with this expansion will soon be up and running in a total of 38 counties across the state. In Davie Couniy, Extension agent Peggy Nuckolls will be (he adminis- (rator. Be Active Kids fills two needs: (he campaign puts resources in (he hands of child corc teachers at mini­ mal cost, and it provides tools to (each young children nutrition and physical fitness habits (hat will carry them into a healthy lifestyle. Recent s(udlcs have shown North Carolina’s children and aduUs among (he least physically fit In the nation. "Be Activc Kids Is a real, hands- on solution that can make a differ­ ence in (he lives of our children," said Bob Grcczyn, presiden( and chief operating officer of BCBSNC. "We simply can'l si( by and let our children grow up behind (he curve. Wi(hou( the basics of good nutrition and fitness, unhealthy children have a greater chancc of becoming un­ healthy adults," Grcczyn said. "Be Activc Kids targets children during (he most impressionableyears of life, and actively helps put them on (he road (o good health.** Educators from the 28 new coun­ ties spcn( a day of state-accredited (raining on Be Acdve Kids in Ra­ leigh on Dec. 14 at N.C. Slate Uni­ versity. Each of these educa(ors, who work for (he N.C. Cooperative Ex­ tension Service, will now go back (o (heir own counties and conduct Be Activc Kids seminars for the day care instructors in their communities. "In more than 12 years of train­ ing child core providers, I have never seen them so enthused and excited,” said Geissler Baker, an educator with (he N.C. Coopcradve Ex(ension Ser­ vice in Greensboro. "They love the simplicity of (he acdvidcs, the ki( contents, and the fact that (he program is fun," said Baker, who was among (he first edu­ cators in the state trained on Be Ac­ tivc Kids." Many stated that (he Be Acdve Kids program would benefit them os much personally os il will the children." Weeks after its April kickoff, Be Active Kids was* honored as a na­ tional finalist - one of (he top 10 pro­ grams in the country - for the 1999 American Association of Health Flans Community Leadership Award. "Be Active Kids is setting our children on course for a lifetime of healthy behaviors," said Shellie Pfohl, executive director of the N.C. Health and Fitness Foundation. "The program promises (o be the most in­ novative pre-school nu(ri(ion and physical activity program in (he na- don." Be Acdve Kids draws (he atten- (ion of children wi(h bright charac- ters and energedc activities mixed with educatloiial lessons. Day care centers receive curricu­ lum ki(s packed with nutrition tips, recipes, physical acdvidcs, heaUh statistics, flash cards, a section on family involvcmcn(, and lesson plans (hat integrate math, science, music and drama. Activities for children are focused around five adventurous charactcrs- Blue the Caring Cub. Glide the bird. Swing (he monkey, a rabbit named Leap and Dart the dog. With these characters as their guides, children can take an imaginary trip to the zoo, go on a picnic, tackle an obstacle course, make heahhy snacks, and much more. Ins(ruc(ors can use the kits repeat­ edly, varying (heir lessons each dme with new tips. Be Activc Kids was developed wi(h (he knowledge and resources of five community leaders - BCBSNC, the N.C Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Healdi, the N.C. Coopcradve Extension Service, (he N.C. Nutrition Network and the N.C. Health and Fitness Foundation. More expansion is planned in the future. "Our goal is to bring (he resources and creativity of Be Activc Kids to children in all 100 North Carolina counties within 5 years," Grcczyn said. W e s t F o rs y th F a m ily M e d ic in e ^ Treating Your Whole Family From Newborns to Seniors Maria Dicboso-Wood, MD Board Certified in Family Medicine Acccpting New Pediatric And Adult Patients k. 766-0547 105 Stadium Oaks Drive, ClemmonsJ EniergyUnited Awards Grant To North Davie m MCM a n RESTAURANT t Enci:gyUnilcd, Ihniush ils Bright » lileas Gmnl Program, has awardeil : . $1,000 to North Davie Middle School to help fund an insituciional projcct r that could not be funded through nor- ; mal school sources. Thisyear,thcclcclricco^)pfundcd *' 24 projects out of 97 suhmiitcd for a o total of $26376.25 In gnmis. All pub- J. lie school teacheis and principals in • !!' BradcsK-l2arecllgibleloapp|yforas ' 5: muchas$2.000pcrproject.Apanelof Judges selects Ihe winning entries, ^ ThewinnlngproJectatNdrthDavie t is "GLOBE" (Global Lcanting and •V Obst^'sUons io Benent the Envirom . mcnt.) GLpBEis a worldwide science and education program coonlinating the work of students, teachers and sci­ entists to study and understand the global environment. It was submitted by teachers Donald Tobat, Becky Delaney, George Newman, Deb Mick and Karen Marlin. Students in each grade will take measurements rt:iaIedloaspccincarca of science they are sttidying. The dam will be entered bn the GLOBE web page; where it will be used wlth.data from 8,000 other worldwide GLOBE schools. This data i; used by scientists to inonitor ihc global eiiviioni;pcnt. ■ ' - f Students will conduct valuable scien- tinc work and immediately see the results of their studies. Eachgrade will implemcntthe vari­ ous GLOBE protocols in their area of study. Sixth-graders will study soils; .seventh graders will study the atmo­ sphere; and cighth-gtadcrs will study water. The $ 1,000 Bright Ideas grant will bcused to buy equipment lobe used by ;thestudenls.StudcnlswilluicGLOBE- futitlshed Uradsal images of North < Davie and ihe'surroundirig area to sc- . lu t study sites. GPS receivers and v : ■ v:.. ^ gruuud ubservutions will help iinagc- intcrprctadon scientists (obcttcr match satellite images (o what is rcallyon the ground. Since 1 §94, EncrgyUnited has pro- vidcd$lS2,66Stofund I73projects.lt Is estimated diat more th ^ 50,000 students have benefited from these projects., Bright Ideas is a statewide projcct of Nonh Carolina’s electric coopera- dvcs. Throughout (he state; more dian $1.9 million In Bright Ideas grants have becnawardcdslnce 1994,enrich­ ing (he educational cxpencnces of more than 400,000 students; , ^1 Buy 2 Soft Drinks & 1 Dinner Ccnnbo (#1-30) ' And Get Aaotber !>■ D iaaer Combo [ f r £e : iVAUD sim .-Tw nt dinb-in only i . II •OfMM larUMM VahM | • • M Lawli JprO ur.Fam uk^. Swk-Tliun^nW llpa., m . 4 , I B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 ^orth Davie Beta Club members Include, from left: row 1 - Madison Owen and Charlie Monger; row 2 - Johnathan Roos, Lauren Wanucha, Amanda King, Lea Scott, Jenny Manzullo; row 3 - Josh Jenkins (sponsor), Meredith Bryson, Lindsay Jackson, Matt Rich, Rebecca Boger, Noia Rich (volunteer): back row - Stacey Phelps, Lauren Price, Heather Cote, Haley Hunt, Erick Scherie. North Davie Beta Club Wins At State Convention The Junior Bcia Club at Norlh bavic Middle School attended the Stale convention Doc. 3-4 at the Holi­ day Inn Four Seasons Convention iCcntcr in Greensboro. Rfly schools competed in com- ^titions such os spelling bee. quiz bowl, speech, (alcnt. arts and crafts, Vnath, sciencc and geography. '' Eighteen students froinNorih Davie participated. The students who took second pjacc in the quiz bowl competition were Johnathan Roos, Jenny I^anzullo, Lindsay Jackson, and Matthew Rich. Meredith Bryson won third place in the geography competition.'r ClubsponsorsarcLccBaileyand Josh Jenkins. Parent chaperones \^erc Nola Rich, and Mr. and Mrs. ^^anzullo. Meredith Bryson was third in geography competition. Second place Quiz Bowl competitors included, from left: Jenny Manzullo, Lindsay Jackson, Matthew Rich and Johnathan Roos. ^ W e a t h e r R e p o r t ' Last Week’s High Sunday, Dec. 26 ^ Ust Week’s Low 37.6° Sunday, Dec. 26 j For mom Davie County *k weather cfata, caff James •George's weather Informa- i iion system at 492-6174. ' Students Earn NCSU Degrees Four Davie students earned de­ grees from N.C. State University at the fall graduation ceremonies Dcc. 15. Beverly Jean Coulston of Mocksville earned'a bachelor’s de­ gree in textile and appnrel niannge- iiient. Mary Rebecca Essie of Essie RoadAlocksviUc.carncd a bachelor’s degree in technology, general horticulture concentration. Dcrck Michael I'ostcr of Milling Road,Mocksville, earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science. Holly Ann Hendricks ofPine Val­ ley Rond,Mocksville, earned a' bachelor’s degree in parks, recre­ ation and tourism management. Pennington & Company is proud and excited to have Briggett Feirell join their team of dedicated REALTORS, Briggett has lived in the Farmington Community for 14 years. She and her husband have four children and are the jproud grandparents of two. Briggett combines her knowledge, skills and jove for 'helping people to make the home buying and selling iexperience easy. She is an experienced agent with a big heart land is ready to help you with aiiy. real estate needs. Call Briggett tixiay 336-751-9400 - . lin g to n Company REALTY Mocksville >336-751-9400 Hillsdale/Advance • 336-998-8900 D e r e k F o s t e r Is V a le d ic t o r ia n F o r N .C . s t a t e C o m m e n c e m e n t A Davie student is one of seven valedictorians recogni/ed by N.C. State University during fall com­ mencement ceremonies Dec. 15. Dcrck Michael Foster maintained a 4.0 grade point average through­ out his college career. The son of Jane J. Foster and the lale L. Don Foster of Milling Road. Mocksville, he earned a bachelor's degree in animal sciencc. He is a 1996 gmduate of Davie High School. At N.C. Stale, Foster was a mem­ ber of Phi Kappa Phi. Gammu Beta Phi, and Gamma Sigma Delta honor societies, the University Scholars program and the CoUege of Agricul­ ture and Life Sciences honors pro­ gram. He received the J, Fulton Lutz Senior Academic Achievement. Award. F o u r N a m e d T o D e a n ' s L i s t Four Davie students at Catawba College were named to the winter semester dean’s list with minimum 3.5 grade point averages: James Keith Cunningham, Peggy Grotberg, Ruth Page and Karen Baysingcr. all of Mocksville. Johnson Earns Degree Wendy Campbell Johnson earned a Iwchclor’sdcgrceinmiddlegradesedu- cation from the University of North Can^llna at Charlotte Dec. 18. Johnson will begin her first teach­ ing iH)sition in January at Concord Middle Schwl where she will leach sixth grade science and social studies. She is the daughter of Biubimt and Randy Brown of Salisbury and Steve Campbell of Sialesville. She is the niece of Pat and Urry Cope of Cool- ecmee. She lives with her husband, Alex, and daughter. Alexis, in Kannapolis. Sheets Inducted To Honor Society JiLson Andrew Sheets of 345 N. Main St.. MiK'ksville, has been in­ ducted into ihe moriar board national honor society at Western Carolina University; Mortar board rccognl/es and en- coiiniges superior scholarship; leader­ ship and service among college se­ niors. To be considered for selection. students must have a 3.0 grade-point avenige and show evidence of leader­ ship and .service to the university and/ or community. Sheets, the son of Sam and Nancy Sheets ofMocksville. is a 1997 gradu­ ate of Davie High School. He is a senior majoring in English. E d u c a t o r s A t t e n d S e m i n a r s Three Davie County educators recently attended seminars at the North Carolina Center for the Ad­ vancement of Teaching in Cullowhee. Glenda B. Smith of Mocksville. grades 9-12 media .specialist at'Mtl Tabor High School, attended the “Smoky Mountain Winter Tradi­ tions” seminar. Frank Little of Advaiice. grades 9-12 marketing nad business teacher at North Davidson Senior High School, attended the “Weaving the Web: Designing Web Pages" semi­ nar. Katherine E. Stewart of Lexing­ ton, grades’ 9-12 vocational nVts teacher at Davie High School, at­ tended the "World of Antiques: Win­ dows To Our Past." W il s o n E a r n s M a s t e r 's D e g r e e Jenay Keaton Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Keaton of Harmony, graduated from We.stern Caro- I i n a University’s graduate school program on Saturday, Dec. 18 with a master’s degree in school coun­ seling. She com­ pleted more than 50 seniesler hours of graduate work, including a practlcum at Erwin Middle School and an internship at Owen High School. Wilson Her achievements at Western in­ clude membership in Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Edu­ cation and Pi Gamma Mu Interna­ tional Honor Society In Social Sci­ ence. She also completed a graduate assistantship as an instructor of freshman study skills classes. Wilson graduated from Davie High School in 1993. In 1997. she earned u bachelor’s degree with hon­ ors from Mars Hill College. She lives in Mars Hill with her husband, Christopher Michael Wil­ son. .Starting in January, she will be employed as a sixth grade counselor at Erwin Middle School. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reeves and J.W. Keaton and the late Frances Keaton. 36U USKWV ISaSec^donllKrH.3BR,2ieA hddbvQveiueddUwraanlii<jl°^. Qi^ itUY divide otl5Kras.aakaDfler ACREAGE tSOOGOOeEYRO-iO£2acmclp«ac«&qiiel4aml<rcel 3 ara KoM crK< 2/3 sal hne tar\ Seat/J douM EAT-IN KITCHEN LOT 2 EASmiDGE -SpaaMS tiadtiofui in pcpjbf omrt/. ftmiocri)anidrraroQRiFPindefl}K {r3s^ed pa)[rscfii carer 11 $244im t H N£VI HWSIRE CT • Ycu Mil x« ^ r« ttJm hs tixli U i&M t2serM 1/hem I AC, ^ rid IJ b<L lazed in Uzinte aiar rin arm ttexo. CH Mir- ISO HICKORy TREE RD-VM^ fijge(MiOA(mtUU$1l9.900.CUta WWXARI8DR • Neaih ccmpleled m Ixme. Swous fviig roan. 3Bfl 21/2 >119,900. Ca DebNe LOT 7 • 120 Autunui Ct • OAK CREST • 3BR, 2BA i c r Ledfords Consign Top Bull Betty Garner, center, of the N.C. Angus Association pre­ sents a plaque to Stewart and Jan Ledford of Cooleemee (or consigning the top performing junior bull at the NCbclp Forage Bull Test. The January '98 son of Paramont Am­ bush out-performed 15 other bulls to earn the accolade. The award was presented before the bull sale on Nov. 13. Three From Davie Earn Degrees Three Davie students at Catawba College completed degree require­ ments following the fall semester. Their graduation date will be May 6, 2000. Karen Allen Baysingcr ofMocks- vllle earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Daniel Brake, son of Michael and Kathleen Brake of Mocksville, earned a bachelor's degree in history and classics. Jared Eure, son of Hennan Eure of Advance and Barbara Collins of Winston-Salem, earned a bachelor’s degree in history. Prudential Carolinas Realty To Open New Office In Tanglewood Prudential Carolinas Really has announced plans to open a satellite office in Tanglewood in January. The office at 4156 Clemmonsville Ro:id in the Tanglewood Commons Shopping Center will serve the Lewisville, Clemmons and Davie County areas. "At Prudential wepride ourselves on our continued responsiveness to customer needs and the delivery of clcarlysuperior,value-added services," said Robert Helms, president andCEO. "The Tanglewood office is just an­ other way to make it even easier forour growing list of clients in the Davie County and Clemmons areas to do business with us." The Tanglewood location will of­ fer clients "one stop shopping" for all their real estate needs, including resi­ dential service, mortgage specialists and free pre-qualification services, a title agency, relocation services and rental assistance. The new olTicc will also be outfitted with the latest tech­ nology, including Prudentiars newest investment, CItrix server-based com-' puling. The Tanglewood location will Ini­ tially accommodate 25 sales assocl- iites, with plans for expansion as the office grows. Audrey Fuhrmann,a20- ycar veteran of the real estate industry, willscrveasofTtcemanager.Fuhrmann has been with the company for \hrcc years and was one of Prudential's top selling agents before being selected to lead the new office this summer. "We are very excited about moving to Tanglewood and have been over­ whelmed by the tremendous positive response from our clients and other members of the real estate commu­ nity,” Fuhrmann said. "As a satellite olHce,wcwillcominueioworkcloscly with our colleagues at 370 Knollwixxl but will bceven more accessible to our clients west of the city. It Is really a great benefit to us all." Part of Prudential's growth in the Clemmons area has been fueled by the solid relationships it has established with builders. "Prudential is a leader in new construction and has found great success partnering with local builders and representing new subdivisions. Because much of this new construc­ tion is taking place west of the city our presence In Tanglewood will strengthenthese relationships and pave the way for. future new construction projects," Fuhrmann said. In addition to Fuhrmann, the Tanglewood office will initially also include Vicki Bullard, Sherri Coram, Peter Heaven, Marylcc Hester, Pat Kinnamon, Gloria Matthews, Kathy Phillips, Jennifer Stroud and Beverly Supple. Fbrmoreinformationaboutthenew office or how you can work with Pru­ dential, call Audrey Fuhrmann at 336- 748-2000, EnergyUnited Foundation Provides Funds For Needy The EnergyUnited Foundation Board of Directors at its November meeting granted $21,835.33 to 14 needy individuals and families. SomeofthegrantsincludedS825.62 to replacc a faulty heating system for a divorced mother with l^our children living at home; $2,650 for prescrip­ tions, truck payment, mortgage and other delinquent bills for a cancer pa­ tient; ond $800 for Insurance and heat­ ing fuel for a 73-year-old widow. Sincc the Foundation wasstarted In 1996, it has given more than $561,744 toindividualsand families with urgent needs and also to non-profit organiza­ tions providing osslsumcc to those in Cedar Log !Homes aSts and Tum-fKfy Saks ColonidStmtuns, Iitc. (336)492-2S08 - r DEADLINE for placing a classified ad 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999 - B9' Weigh Down Workshop ChrlsH.in*U.isod W fljjlu Loss Pmgrom Orlcnlallon: J.m. 3 or 4 .it 7 pm Hopo Moravian Church, Hope Cmirch Rd,, \Vlrtston-S.ilcm Call for more InformaHon, P.llsy (3.%) 766-4S56 Advance Florist & Gift Baskets rmt • laM.Oooil, • OoinMlliiW. — We Deliver— (336) 940-6337 Mnn-Fri B-B. Sal 9-3 Flowers for all Occasions Sister’s II of Mocksville (336) 751-1782 Bible Baptist Church Indeptndent • Fundamental Pa$tor, Don Jones • 336-766-035S WORSHIP.TIUES: Sundiy School • lOim Wonrtip S trvke -llim Sunday Night* 6pm CI«mmoni CMe Center , 2870MlddiebfOOhDr.»Ctemfnone. NO , R . M .F . C O N S T R U a i O N C O . , I N C . Residential • Commercial New Homes & Remodeling MICHAEL FAAK G onoral C ontractor N.C. Uconso 19676 B40 Howell Road, Mocksvillo. NO 336-998-3514 i LARRY’S WOOD FLOORf SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Rnishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner. Larry McClennoy 129Lakowood Drivo 336-751-1721 w 75tis3C«iEZt 330 S. SflUsbury St. (Corner Hwys. 601 & 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 * J OfficcHours:Monday-Priday8-i»Saturday9-12'SundayByAppt* * 4255 Hwy. 601 North - SochxJed now tog homo on larQO pond with 147 acrcs ol wooded land Foat.; Fiold&lono lircplaco. 33x8 covcrcd porch overtooking pond & a full bsmnl. $235,000. C ALL CONNIE. 484 Salisbury St. - Circa 1620 homo In Histortc District. 4-5 Bdrms, 11 Rms. 2-fljno Oas hoal & control air. frosNy painlod, wndcflul 1* ocro tot w/ laroo Ircos 4 many plantings. S179.000 C ALL CONNIE. 1126 Yodklnvllle Rd/601 - 3 bedroom. 2 bath homo wth 1392 squars feol and partial bascmonl. 100 i 400 tot »nod Highway Ekjsiocss $164,500 CALL MIKE. 175 Jack Booo R d - Unkjuo SDR, 2DA bnck ranch w.tMnuil basomeni on 4.2 woodod aoos w/stream. Co?y lock (pic., sunken liv mi., so.no hdwood noos. deck and oult>idg $138,500. CALL JANE. 607 Hwy. 601 N.-Wowcon$l. (Crooicwood Subdiv) 3Sn. 20A, largo mastor. Ho Ito0f3(somo). oxlottoi atono & vinyl. Split bedroom plart-Ouaiity bidg. throughouL $135,500 CALL MARY. 377 Madison Road - New Construcilon - 3 bediixxn. 2 twilh homo wlh 1600 sq It. o< living aroa and 2 Car attached garago. Cathedral codings, dock arvl patio. $129,900 CALL CONNIE. DIRECT OFFICE LINES Julia Howard..,..751-8567 Connio Kowalska....751*6565 JaneWhittock..........751-6560 Jackio Coulslon.......751-6562 Evelyn Haynos........751-6563 Ken Sales...............751-6564 Mary Howard...........751-6566 M.J. Randall............751-6568 Miko Hendrix...........751-6569 Vicki Stovall............751-6561 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT r.bowardrea] ty.com 179 Mr. Honry Rd.-Huntmg. horsos. pnvacy. 25W-Ac. Docks up to Hurting Cr, PLUS '05 3Dn. 20A douWewdo. Poss. owner financing $124,900 or Uotit* home WIO Ae O S89X01 C ALL VICKI. 225 Bear Cr. C hurch R d .-necontly cornpietod, new hoftvj wAargo kitch. & tam. area. 3DR. 2QA. singlo carport &' dock on targo rural tot in Wm. n. Davio scti. dist. 100^. Fmanc. to quat. buyer $94,900 C ALL JANE 1943 Junction Rd. - 1400 sq. It. bhck/vinyl ranch. 30R. IDA. spoco tor odd. DR & DA. Cent hoal ft air. outbldg). Ig tot. now windows, doors & roof. Conv. lolnduslry Movo-incond $92,000 CALL KEN. 131 Oak RMg« U in»*TTw groal starter rumo has 3 bedrooms, 2 luB baths - mamtonanco Iroo- rangoAAon, dishwasher, window binds. Good kxaijon. Can lof showing. $89,900. C ALL KEN. 4124 Hwy. 601 S. - 1996 dotwido on 5 privato, wxxKJ acres. Repo. Equly w/ a kttlo work. 4DR, 2BA, midway between Sal<$- & Mocks., DavkJ schools. Can lor llnarxring opp. $89,900 C ALL VICKI. 2031 Junctton Rd. - Groat starter homo. 30R, 1BA. eatm- lutch, Fplc. In LR, gas fumaco. ccnt. air, gas togs, hot water & range, smgio car oitachod garago & pavod drtvo-on largo tot. $89,900. r ..........-). C ALL JANE. 1520 Main C hurch R d- Poss. 100% financing to qual. buyers 3BR. IDA on 1/2 aero tot. Now windows & doors. Soner to add now vinyl sidng & carpel. Afl uppiiances remaui. $79,900. CALL JANE. 590 Fr«d L a n k r R d- 2BR, 1.50A, sngio wido wth 20x20 ndditnn. Over 1400sq. tL of trying spaco. 32 aaos, numorous outbuktngs. 2<ar detachod garogo. $72,900. CALL CONNIE L O T S S L L A N D OH Chestnut Tf lit_________8J4W-AC. $50,000 Hwy.MI N---------------------37.5W-AC. $150,000 C lIlhtlnRd,-------- Hospitit St. e it_____________U 2Ac $30,000 Valley Tr. 900’W-roid front $173,500 West Church S trttl- .3Ac.$33,620 Hwy. 158-------------,_.14Ac»hous#,$175,000 Hwy.MI B Hwy.601H{bypMi)______9.76AcW-S3»»,965 Mr.H -.10-15 Ac $4,«OOIAc. Hwy. M l Bypii -.57W-Ac. $205,200 — 2.74 Ac. $ 2 2 ^ _1W -A c. $159,000 — 1W-Ae.$«0,000 SWICEGOOD (t^WALL , R K A L I () U S,^ (336) 751-2222 854 Valley Road Mocksville Professional Ct. Mocksville, NC Kyle Swicegood 492-1010 Kalhi Wall 998-0170 Jeriy Swicegood 751-2478 Sharon Cohen 492-7498 Ellen Grubb 998-7699 Alicia Parker 284-6010 Mackie McDaniel 998-3207 Larry Hayzlip 492-2311 need. The EnergyUnited Foundation is a voluntary program funded by EnergyUnited customers who allow their monthly clectric bills to be rounded up to the next highest dollar amount. Ihc tox-deductiblc donations average SO cents per month or $6 a year. Grant applications arc available at any EnergyUnited ofllcc. All grant cppllcatlonsarcthoroughlyrcscarched and reviewed by the EnergyUnited Foundation Board of Directors. If you would like to join the more' than3S,000membersofEncrgyUnited who paiticipateinthe Foundation,con­ tact your local EnergyUnited office. dear’s Wish / i . I We’.d llke^ to thank you for an exciting year and look ahead td^any^ great times In ^the years Vo 'comey Hefe’s hoping /you j see continued success and happlriess now and In ^.the l futureAAII ;'6ur best to you and yours! i .-w iA s r i r lu h ........JRTMCAHOUNALovviy rww homt with a d«t>gner'i toucti A mutl »M horrw. Loit of ilortM M ca. MautiU U M & f>r^ac«. TNi on* r « 3 Mi W toiJay! $a<9,»a B«tiwaeri c .. iwowood t V>an rttwt SDR, 2BA iwmt WualM ort over 1 I nt<gr«brtiooO win tnMu>« lanUcapino. - - aon xdlti JtftpUci & formal anriQ. Oreai l«m i witn wrap around porcn oHar« 4 bedrooms va 2 baini. StuaiM on 1.78 acres In a pnvale setting Call RxUyl 1129,900. ms~ BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 2 0 0 0 D a v i e C o u n t y R e s i d e n t i a l R e c y c l i n g S c h e d u l e 2 0 0 0 Recycling Pickup Dates January February March May June July August September October November Deoember Blue Monday NE from Sparks Rd. to MO 6 "’/20"' T W tF 10"'/24‘^ r 'v I F 4"’/18*" 2 "*^ /l6 /3 0 th 13"’/27"' ' Green Tuesday Bermuda Run, 801 S Underpass to County Ridge Rd. ll*/25*na 4'"/18*^ 2 n d /i6 ih /3 o « h 1 3 th /2 7 ih ll'*’/2.5“' 8 *^/22“'^ 5 th /j9 th 3 r d / i7 t h / 3 is« I4"’/28"’ 12'*’/26th . Red Wednesday South of 64 W. & West of 601 S. & MocklWest. 12"’/26“’ 9"'/23^‘* 8 "’/21’* 3 "*/1 7 tl'/3 1 ' 14^/28''' 1 2 'W 9‘^/23'‘* 6 "’/20"’ 4^18"' l^ / ! 5 'h / 2 9 'h 13*/27th Yellow Thursday 158 to Farmington Exit & Mock. East ]3*/27^ 10"'/24"' 9"'/22"‘‘ 6 ''’/20'*' 4^18"* l“/15‘^/29"’ 13'''/27 10"'/24"’ 7'721‘ 5^19"’ 2 "d /1 6 'h /3 0 "’ 14"’/28th Pinic Monday North of 64 W.&601 N.&West of601 N. 3 r d /i7 lh /3 is < 14"^/28'*' W if F 8 “’/22"‘' 5'*’/19'ith rd/1 'T th/31st3'717 I4'*’/28"’ 1 1'725"’ 9"'23rd 6 "’/20"' 4'7l8th Purple Tuesday 801 S. and East of 801 S. Underpass 4'718"' 1^/15’729'*' 14'‘’/28“' r''/25"’ 9 ® / ^ 6 ‘^/20"’ 4"’/18th l'‘/ 1 5 W ’ l2"’/26"’ iO'^/24"’ T n v 5"’/19"' Orange Wednesday Comatzer Rd. & roads off of to 158, Cooleemee &64 E. 5*^/19'IT 2"7l6ht it/15'72?'^ 12"'/26''' iO'724'^ 7'721^ 5*719'** 2 n d /i6 U ./3 0 * h I 3 W ” I I'725"’ 8'722"‘‘ 6'720" Brown Thursday 801 N & West of 158 to 601 N. 6ht/20"’ 3 , d / i7 ih 2/16'730"’ I3'727'*’ I l'725ht 8'722"‘* 6ht/20"' 3 r d /, 701/3 ,5. 14'728"’ 12*726*^ 9'723'‘‘ 7*721st Land Trust Gets Land On South Yadkin | i; ;, The LandTrusl for Central North ^ Carolina recently purchased land that • will nIfowCalavvba College (o create a Wildlife refuge. The properly will be the largest undeveloped tract ofland In Rowan County under permanenl con­ servation casement. ■ ItislocaicdacrussthcSoulh Yadkin River from Davie County. The LandTrusl, which purchased 300acrcs, announced that ll will pTCsenl the property to Catawba's Center for _ ihe Environment. Catawba, in return, agreed (o a conservation casement, which will protect ihc land's natural value. Localcd seven miles north of Catawba on U.S. 601, Ihc land occu­ pies Ihe area at the confluence of Sec- ondCreckand Ihe South YodkinRiver. The Catawba College South Yadkin 'Wildlire Refuge will provide a learn­ ing environment for Catawba sludenls in Ihc fields of wildlife management and land conservation. . "Aninitialgrantof$500,000from Ihe N.C. Clean Walcr Managemenl Trust Fund provided Ihe firsl big step toward purchasinglhisinipodant front­ age on the Souih Yadkin River Corri­ dor," says Jeff Michael, cxecuiive di­ rector of The LandTrusl. t - The acreage was purchased for ^SSO.OOOfromJoeSlirewalt.ownerof Piedmont Hardwood Lumber Co. The ,LandTrusl and Catawba ore seeking ;addiiional funds for the projecl. Fred .and AliceSlanback, renowned fortheir 'supportofenvironmental causes,have pledged to match dollar for dollar all gifis for the projecl beyond the grant from the N.C. Clean Water Manage­ ment Trust Fund. , "Our LandTrusl board and staff, 9ur Catawba faculty and students and 9urconservation partners have alarger vision of one day acquiring an array of conserved land that could ultimately become a much larger refuge system," says Dr. John Wear Jr., director of ihc Center for ihe Environment and trea­ surer of The LandTrusl. "This, in ef- fecl. would serve ihe missionsof many of our organizations.- water quality prolection, land preservation and the crcationof a funclional wildlire refuge ihal can tw used for educating our budding conservationists.'' Michael notes that this creates a northern anchor in a region where many ^organl2uiiions have been working on Jjwater quality, land conservation.and tJhabiiai proteciion. "We have all ihe ^^conHdence in the world that this'will ^oci os a calalysl for Ihc preservation id management of oiher tracts in the he says.Vi "We arc putting the pieces together 'Sror a much larger conservation quar- stcr," Michael says. "We have had ini- • ^tial conversations with a number of S landowners who ore favorably disposed 7lo land conservation. That mokes us jvcry hopeful that, over the nexl 5-10 even more land will.be pre- . ”i^ m a conservation perspeciivc, s 300 acres is significant," MichacI says. "It's on a tremendous bend in the river. It provides for the proteciion of {.Smites of shoreline," It includes one of Ihe natural areas identified in Catawba professorDr.MikeBranski's "Natural Areas Inventory of Rowan County." The 300-acre tracl is part of the natural heritage of the region. "Dccause so much of Ihe Yadkin River has been impounded with reser­ voirs, you don’l gel lhal glimpse of a natural flowingriverin RowanCounty quite like you do there on the South Yadkin," Michacl says. The bluffs, the wildlife, the waterfowl - it really feels likcyou'restepping back in lime." The land includes uplands and wet­ lands. "We oflcn Ihink in terms of preserving wellands or preserving up­ lands or foresled areas, but the combi­ nation of all of them together on this land and their relation to the surround­ ing areas is significanl," Wear ways. •\VhereDldlheLondGo?’' While the wildlife refuge is Impor- lam loday, its value will increase with time, according to Wear, "h's impor­ tant 10 us now," he says, "but it's really going to be important IS years from now when weall ofasudden look back and say. m a t happened? Where did lhc/andgo7" • The preservation and managemenl of ihis property could ultimately affect Davie and Davidson coumie.s. "This ca^'plemcnts the CooIccmec Planta­ tion, which was a private conservation easemem just up the Yadkin River In ‘ Davie County," Michacl says. "Add lo lhat Boone’s Cave Slate Park In Davidson County, and you begin lo see the pieces lltling together." The wildlife refuge will not be open lo the public on a daily basis, but the Center for the Environment and The LandTrusl indicate that they will ar­ range field trips for thepubllc on speci­ fied dates. "Many details have to be worked oul about the management of this property," Michael says. "Until we answer those questions for our­ selves, we can't lay oul a blueprint of whal the public use might be." The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has served as a consulting pailner on ihc project. This is truly a remarkable partnership," Michael says. "Through internship programs and teaching and Ihe cross fertilisation of ideas, it's a flourishing relationship." Wear believes thal ihe acquisition of Ihis land as a wildlife refuge will have multiple benenis. It acts as a catalyst in a numbcrof ways: the im- provemenl of water quality, the pres­ ervation of wildlife habitat, Ihe exten­ sion of the educational mission of the Center for the Environment and the ' beginning of a'livities lhat will pre­ serve an even greater spanof the South Yadkin Corridor. "This is a wonderful opportunity for theregion," Wear says. Yes Ryan, I w ill marry you!!!! I L o v e Y o u T o o ! T i f f a n y R e n e e H o w e l l This natural area on the South Yadkin River across from Davie County wili be presen/ed by the Land Trust. ' BHRCt^\ST^Sq|<)Dl, . HihI mil Ih)w I» etI cuiiii oul of llir luuidit nfrluldrrn.' ' 1-800-WI-PREVINTS,A iJiiriiHirrlMlilr.\.ri<nrninrrpinli«bmllt. m o ff A ll G if t Ite m s (D ocs Not Inc liiclc Clocks) BARGAIN TABLE A ll Item s $5 - $10 Wed., Dec. 29; Thurs., Dec. 30; & Fri., Dec. 31 Closed Saturday for New Year's Day Reopen Monday, January 3, 2000 171 N. Main St. • Mocksville (336)751-2737 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 - BlIPUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of tho EstaloofMamlaHutchlns Smith,deceased, lateofOavIe County,North Carolina,Uilsls to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under* signed on or before Tuesday, March 21, 2000.saiddatebeIngatleaslthroo months from tho date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar their recovery. All persons indebted to saki estate vrill please make immediate - payment to the undersigned. This 16th day of December. 1999. the . same being the first publk»tk)n date. Betty Ann Smith, Executrix of tho Estate of Mamie Hutchins Smith • Grady L. McClamrock Jr. UwOffk;esof: Grady L McClamrock Jr., J.D.. PA Attomeyforthe Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-7502 12-16^tn SXATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estateof FRANCIS BOWDEN SEATS, deceased, fate of Davfe County. North ' Carollna.thlsistonotlfyanpersonshaving daims against said estate lo present them totheundersignedonorbeforetheQIhday of March, 2000. being three months from . Ihefirstdayofpubiteationorthlsnotlcewlli be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please ' make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. TNs Is the 9th day of December, 1999. Sue M. Boggs, Administratrix 516 Dulln Road Mocksville, NC 27028 12-9*4tn ’ North Carolina Davie County NOTICETO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of William D. Dunn, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of March. 2000, being three (3) months from Ihe flrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to sak] estate wilt please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This is the 9th day of December, 1999. Jerry Wayne Jenkins 1364 Ralph Bowles Road t King, North Carolina 27021 Martin & Van Hoy. LLP * Attorney at Law , Ten Court Square lMocksvitla,.tJC2702a- ...................\ 12-9-4U1 1 NORTH CAROLINA I DAVIE COUNTY . NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Having qualified as Executor of Uw Estate of R. Edith Priester. late of 3226 Bermuda Village. Davie County, Advance, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify an persons, finns and corpo­ rations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the under- signedalSdOKnotiwood Street, Suite 700, Winston-Salem. NC 27103-4152, on or before the 20th day of March. 2000. or iWs Notice win be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, finns and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 16th day of December. 1999. Bank of America Executor of the Estateof R. Edith Priester 380 Knollwood Street. Suite 700 Winston-Salem, NC 27103-4152 12-16-4tn North Carolina Davie County ^ecutors Notice. Having qualified as Executors of tho Estate of Violet Irene S. Armsworthy. de­ ceased, late of Davie County, North Caro­ lina, this Is to notify all persons having dalms against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of March. 2000, sakl dale being at least three months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Alt persons Indebted to sakl estate will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This is the 23rd day of December, 1999. the same being the first publlcallon date. Ricky Q. Annsworthy. Executor of the Estate of Violet Irene S. Annsworthy Bany K. Armsworthy, Executor of the Estate of Violel Irene S. Armsworthy Grady L McClamrock. Jr. Uw Offtees of Grady L McClamrock, Jr.,J.D.,P.A. Attorney for the Estate 161 South MaTn Street Mocksville. NC 27028 Telephone; (336)751-7502 12-234tn North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Fitzhugh Lavon Miller, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of March. 2000. being three (3) ninths frt>m Uie first day of publication or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. - Thl8lsihe9thdayofDecember.1999. SyMa M. Luffrnan, Executor . 154MeadowvlewRo^ Mocksvie, North C&rbtlna 27026 i ■ \ ' ■ • • .12-fMtn- NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE BEFORE THE CLERK 09 SP163 John H. Canupp and wife. Pattie Jo Canupp, Petitioners, Vs. Julia S. Koontz and husband, Walter T. Koontz. Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Under and pursuant to an Order en­ tered by tho Honorable Kenneth D. Boger. Clerit of Superior Court of Davie County. North Carolina on 2nd day of December, 1999. and an amended order entered tho 16th day of December. 1999. the under­ signed Commissioners will offer for sale at the Davie County Courthouse door In Mocksville. Davie County. North Carolina at 10:00 am on January 19,2000and sell to tho highest bkWer for cash, a certain house and land, located at NC Highway 601, Cooleemee, Davie County, North Carolina, 27014, and more partlculariy described os follows; Tract One: Beginning at a point In tho EaslemmargInotHighway«60l.the North­west comer of that tract described by deed recorded In Book 66. at page 208, Davie County Registry; thence South 49 dogs. East 175 feet lo on Iron stake, a new comer; thence North 41 degs. East 150 feet to a point In the Southern margin of •New Strool*, thence North 49 dega. West 175 feet to an Iron stake In tho Eastern margin of Highway «601; thence with the Eastern margin of Highway 1801 South 41 degs. West 150 feet TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and being a por­ tion of those lands described by deed In Book 56, at page 340, Davie County Reg­ istry. FOR BACK title see Deed Book 71. at page 244, Davie County Registry. TRACT TWO} Lot 89. Btock A, accord­ ing lo a revised map of Edgewood Devel- opmenl, property of R.L. and P.E. Foster k)caled in Jemsalem Township, on NC Highway «601. near Cooleemee. Davie County. North Carolina, according to a map or plat thereof recorded )n Map Book 4, page 30. Davie County Registry, to whteh reference is made lor a more par­ ticular description. BUT THIS UND Is conveyed subject ' to certain restrictk)ns as to the use thereof mnnlng with said land by whomsoever owned; said restrictions which are ex­ pressly assentod to by party of the second part being as follows: 1. Said lots lo be residential and singlo family; 2. No house erected on said tots shall be less that 1200 square feet fkwr space, exdusive of breezeways and garages; 3. No swine, goats, livestock or fowls shall be kept on the premises. "FO R BACK titlei see Deed Book 92.^ page 343 and Deed Book 166. page 854, Davie County Regist^, North CaroUna. The sale wiO be subject lo property taxes and any other outstanding liens or encumbrances of record. The highest bid­ der shall be required to deposit ten percent (10%) of the purchase price on the day of sale in cash or certified funds. This Is the 23rd day of December, 1999. Andrew White, Co-Commissk>nftr Attorney at Law PC Box 1191 Mocksvifle.NC 27026 (336)751-1068 Sally W. Smith, Co-Commlssk)ner Martin 4 Van Hoy. LLP Ten Court ^uaro Mocksville. NC 27028 (336)751-2171 12-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of GEORGE EDGAR MERRELL JR., deceased, lateof Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having dalms against said esUite to present them to tho undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 2000, being three months from tho first day of publication, or this notlco will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons Indebted to said estate wilt please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This Is the 16th day of December. NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Executor of the Estate of Jossle S. Bniwder. late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having dalmsagalnsi sakl estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 2000. being three months from the Rrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Alt persons indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 16th day of December. 1999. Benjamin Thomas Browder Jr. 2669 Comatzer Road . Advance. NC 27006 Martin A Van Hoy Attorneys, LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 . 12-16-4tn NOFm-l CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE . ,HAVING QUALIFIED as Co-Admlnls- trators CTA of the Estate of Katie Gough Reavis, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having dalms against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 9th day of March. 2000, belrig three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment'lo the undersigned. This 6th day of December. 1999. • Bridgett Ingle. Co-Administrator' 829Fam\lngtonRoad ■ Mocksville, NC 27028 ' Lesiie Reavis, Co-Admlnlstrator ' 222 Rocky Dale Une - ' Mocksville. NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Attomeys, a P Ten Court ^uare . : /' 'Mocksville, NO 27028 • • ’ - 12-9-4tn 'T- Oneida H. Merrell, Executrix 1321 Eatons Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 12-16-4tn NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Administrator of the Estate of BARBARA FROST, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against saM estate to present them to tho undersigned on or before the 9th dayolMan:h,2000,belngthree months from the first day of pubiicatton or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 6ih day of December, 1999. ROBERT LOUIS FROST 715 WILL BOONE ROAD Modisvllle, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys. LLP Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27026 12-9-4tn NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Underand by virtue olthe ownerof sale contained In a certain Deed ol Tmst made by Davkl F. Dwigglns and wife, Barbara S. Dwigglns (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): David F. Dwigglns) lo Stable Unn, Tmstee(s), dated the 20th day of March. 1984 and recorded in Book 126, Page 394, Davie County Registjy, North Carolina. Default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Tnjst and the under- sJgnod.H.TERRYHUTCHENS.P.A..hav- ing been substituted as Tnistee In sakl Deed ol Tmst by an Instrument duty re­ corded In the Office ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol the note evidondng sakl indebtedness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be foredosed, the.underslgned Substitute Trtjstee will offer for sale ut the Courthouse Door, in the Cl ty of Mocksville. Davis County, North Carolina at 3:00 P.M. on Thursday the 6th day of January. 2000, and win sell lo the highest bkkler for cash the foliowing roal estate situate In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and be­ ing more partk:ular1y described as fdlows; BEING Lot No. 5, Bksck VI, of the R.C. Foster Subdivision, shovm on a plat of same duly recorded In Plat Book No. 3, page 77, Davie County Registry, refer­ ence to v^lch is hereby made for a more complete descriptkx), and also being shown Davie County Tax Map 1-4-14-B13. To­ gether with Improvements k>cated thereon; said property being located al 337 Tol Street. Mocksvllle. North Carolina. For reference See Deed Book 106, Page 607. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Thirty Cents (30e) per One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notlee ol sale Is being offeied for sale, transfer and conveyance 'AS IS, WHERE IS.* Neither the Tmstee nor the hokJer of the note secured by the deed of trust/ security agreement, or both, being fore- dosed, nor the officers, directors, attor­ neys. employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the hoUer of the note make any representa­ tion of warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in. on. at or relating to the property being offered for sate, and . any and aH responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such conditk>n expressly are disdaimed. Also, Ihis property is being sold subject lo all taxes, spedal assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any reconled releases. Acash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred filly dollars ($750.00), whichevori8greater,willbe required althe time of the sate. This 8th day of December, 1999. /s/H. Terry Hutchens. P.A. Substitute Tmstee • 'P.O. Box 2505 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayettevillei North Carolina 28302 12-23-2W North Carolina Davie County . . Administratrix Nottee Having qualified.as Administratrix of the Estate ol Edward Clifton Cook, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against sakl estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of March. 2000, being three months from ths first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned.. This is the 23rd day of December. 1999. : ' Deborah 0. Seats 975 Farmington Road . ' . Mocksville. NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys, a p Ten Court Square. Mod(SVille.NC 27028' 12-23-4t^ North Carolina Davie County NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the . EstateotRUOtFAAK,latoolDavloCounty. this is to notify all persons having dalms against said estata lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day ol March. 2000, being throe months from the first day of publication or tfils notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons indebted lo said estate wilt please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This Is the 23rd day ol December, 1999. Gisela E. Faak. Executrix 606 Howell Road Mocksville, NC 27028 WadeH. Leonard, Jr. Attorney al Law 34 Town Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-S020 12-23-«n NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE CREDITORS NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED AS Executrix of the Estate of Edna G. Smith, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having daims against said estate to present them tothe undersignedon orbelore the 9th day of March. 2000. being throe (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of tholr recov­ ery. All persons indebted to sakl estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 9th day ol December, 1999. Natalie S. Cash, Executrix P.O. Box 394 Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy. LLP Attomey al Law Ten Court Square l^oduvitle, NC 27028 12-9-4tn ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Davie County Correctional Center Demolition The projed consists of demolitkxi and removal ol: an existing single story prison dormitorybuildingapproxlmately5.000s.f. In area; an existing exerdse shelter; un­ derground utility tunnels; and miscella­ neous sidewalks, fendng and other site relateditems.DemolitkMiindudesremoval ol footings and foundations and disposal olall demolished items off-slto. All excava­ tions of footings, foundations, tunnels, and other underground Items shall be back­ filled and compacted using engineered till. Someasbestosispresent in the dormi­ tory building. Ihe underground tunnels, and In the isolation cell building 'I* whk:h shall be removed by the demolition con­ tractor. Refer to the asbestos Inspection report for more infonnation. The existing prison fadllty Is not cur­ rently used lo house prisoners at this time. Therefore the Contractor shall have unre­ stricted access to the site to complete his wori(. ExisUng buildings and site related items indicated to remain shall not be disturt)ed by the demolition contractor. Sealed bids will be received by Davie County Commission in the County Commission's Room until 2:00 P.M. on Tuescfay, January 11,2000. al which time Uiey will be publicly opened and read for the above Project. Bid fonns, drawings, and specifications may bo obtained on or after Wednesday, December 15,1999. by calling Torrence Blueprint Co. In Chartotle at (704) 333- 3009 and pladng an order Including mak­ ing whatever arrangemenls necessary for delivery or pickup. Costs for printing and delivery ol the drawing and spedficattons shall be paid for by the bidder and will not be relumed. A Pre-bid Conference Is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January3,2000. at the Job site In Modtsyille. North Carolina. Attendance to the pre-bkl conference Is not mandatory; however, ihe demolition contractor must visit the site prior to sub­ mitting a bid to verify all existing condi­ tions. Hemphill Assodates - An:hltects 4425 Randolph Rd. • Suite X2 Chariotte. NC 28211 Drawings. specificaUons. and asbes­ tos Inspection report will be on file at: • Davie County Admlnistratton Buikl- Ing; • AGC Plan rooms in Chariotte and Greensboro; • F.W. Dodge Plan Rooms in Chariotte and Raleigh; • C.M.D. Plan Rooms in Chartolte. 12-23-2tn UllSECARUER MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CaCC today! (396) 998-8810 tSALbCars • IhKks Utility Buildings Caiports: AISiiM,AllGahanlzad MltoDogtott 336-751-3442Mocksville, NC IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 99SP111 Before the Clerit IN THE MAHER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY RODNEY S. UUQHLIN AND VIRGINIA M. UUQHUN DATED JULY 21.1995 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 9111N THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC REGISTRY. NORTH CAROUNA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk of Superior Court and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of tmst and be­ cause of default In the payment of the Indebtedness thoreby secured and failure 10 carry out and perfonn the stipulation and agreements therein conlalnod and. pursu­ ant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by sakl deed of trust, the undersigned substitute tmstoe will expose for sate at public auction to the highest biddor for cash at the usual place ol sale at the county courthouse ol said county al 2:00 P.M. on Friday. Janua^ 7. 2000, Ihe following described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon, situated In Davio County. North Carolina, and being more partlculariy described os follows; BEING known anddesignated as Lot 3 as shown on the Map of Oak Valley. Sec­ tion 1 (Oakmont)as Recorded In Plat Book 6at Page 77 In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County. North Carolina. This ^veyance Is made subject lo easements and restrictions of record. Thisdescrlptlon being taken from deed datedJuly 12,1995. and recorded onJufy 21. 1995. In the Register of Deeds for Davie County. North CaR>IIna. And Being moro commonly known as: 120 Oakmont Drive, Advance. NC 27006. The reconl owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register ol Deeds, is/are Rodney S. Laughlin and Virginia M. Uughlin. The property to be offered pursuant lo this notice of sate Is being offered for sale, trtinsferand conveyance *AS IS, WHERE IS.* Neither the Trustee nor the hokler ol the note secured by the deed ol tnjst/ security agreement, or both, being fore­ dosed, nor the officers, directors, attor­ neys. employees, agents or authorized representative of either Tnistee or the hokler of the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to the lilie or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In. on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any arxl all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relating lo any such conditkxi expressly are disdaimed. This sale is made subject lo all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpakJ taxes and assessments Induding but not limited to any transfer tax assodated with the fore­ closure, for paying, if any. A deposit ol five percent (5%) of the amount of the bkl or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). whichever is greater. Is required and must be lenderedin the form of certified funds at the lime of the sale. This sale will be hekt open ten days for upset bkls as required by law. Foltowing the expiration of the statu­ tory upset period, all remaining amounts are Immediately duo and owing. The date of this Notke is December 2, 1999. Elizabeth B. Elis, Substitute Tmstee. 301 S. McDowell Street. Suite 408 Charlotte. North Carolina 28204 (704) 333*8107 12-30-2tn NURTIN SAW SHOP 751-5038 Steel Saws^’carblcl'e Saws Yard Tools, Scissors RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •Mocknille.NC(336) 284-2826 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 98 CVD 424 COUNTY OF DAVIE and TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE, Plaintiff, vs. HEIRS OF JOHN AVERY FOSTER; JOHN LOUIS IJAMES; F. BURTON EATON; ROBERT T. FOSTER; JOHN HENRY FOSTER; HEIRS OF JOHN ' HENRY FOSTER (if deceased); AVER LEE FOSTER;>HEIRS OF AVERY LE^ FOSTER (if deceased); and MOORE'S' DAIRY EQUIPMENT, INC., I LIENHOLDER, Defendants. ; NOTICE OF SERVICE OF { PROCESS BY PUBUCATION 1 TO: Heirs of John Avery Foster, John | Louis l/ames, John Henry Foster, H i' ' of John Avery Foster (if deceased), Avery Lee Foster. Heirs of Avery Lee Foster (If deceased). f TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeklrjg relief against you has been filed in tfie above entitled action. The nature of the relief sought Is the collection and/or forft- closure of property taxes owing on prop­ erty located In Davie County, North Caro­ lina, and being described and dosignattti as follows: Beginning at a stone In tho South of Lexington Road In Clement's line, ning North 3 deg. East 5 chains to a stone, Joe Woodrufrscomer.thence West 1 chah and 68 links lo a stone In the branch; thence with the branch to the Lexington Road, Ctemont's line; thence witp Clement's line 1 chain and 19 links to Ihe Beginning, containing 3/4 ol an acre, mo4) or loss. i Save and except the property con­ veyed In Book 63, Page 251 and Book 58, Page 370, Davie County Registry. Tho subject property Is known as JSOIOAOOde pursuant to the Davie County Tax Maps as the same are presently constituted. You are requested lo make defense to such leading no later than the 8th day of Febmary, 2000, said date being 40 day^ from Ihe first publication of this notice; and upon your failure to do so, the party seek­ ing service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought This the 27th day of December. 199&. Robert E. Prk:eJr. N.C. Slate Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL: ROBERT E. PRICE JR. & ASSOCIATES 3400 Healy Drive. Suite B P.O. Box 26364 V^nston-Salem, NC 27114 Telephone; 336-760-2870 12-30-3&1 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quaiiHed as Co-Executors of the Estate of VEOLA SMITH MILLER, Ial6 of DavieCounty,this Is to notify all persons having daims against sakl estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of Man:h, 2000. being three (^} months from the first day of publication dr this nolk:e will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebled to sakl esr tate vtrill please make immediate payrnem lo the undersigned. ' This is the 30th day ol December. 1999. Gtoria Rose Miller. Co-Executor 1320 Cheny Hill Rd, Mocksville. NC 27028 Daniel Boone Miller Jr., Co-Executor 160 VWnterLocken Drive Salisbury, NO 28144 _____________________12-304tn O A S HPAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, i COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Vo J ] ISl m a r v k a v -uawaw*m»9«et C reate our look.: Bv anait'zir^ coiorit^ and the ck)ihing colors vxw •-eAi; we can work together 10 create a ihai i uniqueh' youn and U eat)' lo re-maie at home. Just call me for v-our free maJoovcr^ Repot Irelud i ImBBBlllT Buunr CMdOtTAMT (336)<92-5249 HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELLING THE TIMBER OFF YOUR PROPERTY? WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR STANDING TIMBER/TIMBERLAND. C A L L 7 0 4 - 8 7 0 - 9 7 8 4 5 O R M O R E A C R E S Austin Hunt Lumber Co. 2762 Hickory Hwy. Statesville, N.G. 28677 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30,1999eLASSIFIEX>S INEiXFENEaVE F E t O F T T A B L E Yard Sales ; MOCKSVILLE ANTIQUES A FLEA MARKET^ 25,000 sq. ft. Insldo 653 Wilkosboro St.Sat. & Sun. 9-5 Vendor spaces call 751 »2181. Carolyn's CollectlbtasNew Items each week, Bart^los, : Beannie Babies ( sate • 5.00 & up ^ till Christmas) We now carry Hot ; Wheels, antique fumllure, ^glassware, little bit of everything. Lay-away available. Check us out for your Christmas needs. Now r: buying Estates. Mon*Sat 9:30am • 6:00pm (336) 751‘6252 3 PYGMY GOATS • nanny, billy & 3-mo-old billy. $120 for all. 751- 0387.__________________________ AKC CHINESE PUGS for sale, M75/ea.. 3 black & 3 fawn. 336- 468-9776______________________ 6LACK ANGUS BULL, 4:yr.old. registered dam, Al sire. Gentle. 998-2515.______________________ FREE TO GOOD home, while Standard Poodle, 10-months-old, neutered, all shots current. 751- S222__________________________ HORSE BOARDING AVAILABLE, West Rowan area. (704) 278- P446__________________________ PUPPIES FOR SALE: 3-monlh- old Sharpal mix. First shots given. $20 ea. 492-5933 Apartments Furniture SOFA, END TABLES, love seat, oak comer hulch, few antiques, lamps & lots more. 998-8821 • leave messaqe. Homes For Rent 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath • In Country Howard Realty 751-3538 3 BR HOME located In Mocksvilie area. 336-909-2147_____________ IS. YOUR RENT S4Q0? 3BR Fleetwood Doublewlde on 1 acre lot in a nice subdivision, Rent-to- own....Call 767-9977_____________ NICE 2 BR, 1 ba near Soulh Davie. Central heat & air. Pet ok. No HUD. $500/mo. 704-278-1717 NICE2BR, 1BA. Good location off of Hwy 801 South of Advance. Recently remodeled. $550/mo. No HUD. 704-546-5669_____________ NICE 3BR, 2BA near 1-40 al Farmington Road Exit. Central heal & air. Pet ok. No HUD. $725/mo. 704-278-1717 S100.00 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH’S RENTl NO APPLICATION FEEINofthwood is now leasing: Furnished Studio, IBr. and 2Br. Apartments. Our friendly staff is eager to provide you with small town living at its best. Call Today! 836-751-4141 BOO Northridqe Court. Mocksvilie JJ^RGE 1 BEDROOM apartment, good location, water, sewer & trash pickup furnished. $375/mo. 704- 2 7 8 - 1 7 1 7 ______________ MOCKSVILLE SUNSETJERRACE: All brick energy >o(ficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, rpool, basketball court & swings. ; (itchen appliances furnished ; n£luding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, iWasher^ryer connections. High i^nergy efficient heat pump provides ! central heat and air. Prewired for Ifcabie TV & phonos. Insulated [windows & doors. No wax kitchen& .hath floors. Located in Mocksvilie itoehind the old Hendricks Furniture (building (now Carolina Precision 'Machinery) on Sunset Dr. off of <}Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & .€at. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. !> !))00M for rent In my horns. iflosDonslbiB parson, for mow info, jiall 751-2770, leave mossaae. Appliances E PORTABLE dishwasher. 3 old. $150; Sharp microwave, year old. $50; washer & dryer. 175: Rheem 10 Seer central air init. $375; 492-7492. Homes For Sale 4BR 2BA 1996 DWMH wllh 5 secluded & wooded acres. 1/4 mite north of Rowan Co., off Hwy 601 S. Call Vtoki at Howard Really 751- 3538 or 492-2943 for details on property and excellent financing opportunity on this bank repo. Great buy at $89,900.____________ S ACRES + brand new ‘98 doubiewide, 2000 sq. ft., plus old house, plus pasture land, $149,900, Mocksvilie. (336) 492- 5601__________________________ RANCH 3BR, 2BA, double car garage, gas log fireplace, one acre lot. great neighborhood. $125,000.00. 751-1783 Lost & Found Art/Artist OaNET DEAN’S ART GALLERY (On third floor of SERENDIPITY (SHOPS, downtown Mocksvilie. i Prints by Janet, Marla Rutter, Ann iFrick,and Ralph Grady James. jEnter for FREE “Davie County" Auctions For Prof«8tlonal Auction Services call: ROWAN AUCTION CO. Salisbury, N. C. (704)6334)M9 Kip Jennlnas NCAL «6340 Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has Immediate openings ■ ALL AGES • for 1st & 2nd shifts (3rd shift possibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am - 1;45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In • upon availability. Come see us al 671 S Main St., Mocksvilie (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Claudette or Debra. 751-PlAY(7529) ' Miscellaneous 1.4 TIFFIN DIAMOND ring set, $1.000 value, $600. 998-5580 DIRECTV(TM)/SATELLITE S99 includes basic installation. Call us today. 1-600-889-6869__________ FOR SALE: Croslev washing machine, heavy duty, $75. 492- 5569__________________________ FOR SALE: Oil circulator, plus 250 gal. drum and sland; and 300-gal. drum and stand. 336-751-9665, 565 Hospital Street Extension. WILL BUY JUNK CARS. 284- 4194 and 284-2859 Mobile Homes/Rent 2BR, 2BA ON private lot, near Lee Plant. $400/mo. 492-2631 FOR RENT: 2BR, 1BA. limit two people, no pets. Need references. Located off Deadmon Rd./ Turrentine Ch. Rd., Red Oak Trail, right on Sloney Lane. Taking applications at 6th mobile homo on Stoney Lane.___________________ FOR RENT: Like new DW on private 1 ac. lol- access to additional acreage. Restricled- qulet family area, Wm. R. Davie School Dlst. $650.00 mo. plus security deposit, ad), lease. 492- 7634 8:00pm-11:OOpm Mobile Homes/Sale CHOICE OF 2 LATE MODEL repo doubles, bolh homos 3BR. 2Bth, good condt. Will del. set. skirt, step, C-air, $500 dn. $350 mnth. 264-4001_______________________ III PRE-APPROVAL by phonelil 15 minutes til answer (336) 751- 7734. /____________________ $2400 DN GUARANTEED financing approved regardless of credit. ^36)751-0115___________ $499 DOWN, 11 repos to choose from. (336)751-7439 LOST: BLACK Labrador, male, in Farmington area. Reward. Day phone: 940-2550; Eve. phone: 940-2547.______________________ LOST: JACK Russell Terrier. 12/26/99. Pudding Ridge Golf Course area. Please call 492- 5676. Answers to Virqil. Lots For Rent REGISTERED NURSE HAS openings for Infants 6 weeks • 6 months, in Cooleemee area, 1 mite from Jockey. Call 284-2840. Farm Machinery NEW FARM EQUIPMENT; . Low Prices Pk)W8, Disc Harrows, Scoop Pans.dreaders, Bushogs, Box Blades, &rape Blades, Gates, Corrals & , more. We deliver t;:»'AWriahtfarmGate8{ PRIVATE LOT for rent, for DW only. Junction Rd.. Mocksvilie. Umit 4 people. (336)492-2477 SEMI-PRIVATE LOT for rent In Advance. Deposit required. 998- 2868. Lots for Sale FOR SALE: Nice wooded lot. Oakland Heights, county water, state rd. Call 492-2226, ask for Wayne._____________ FOR SALE: electric treadmill, like new, $150; exercise bike, $50; be^e down-filled winter coat, large, satellite dish, $100. 751-4931_______________________ For Sale: Hogs, fresh eggs, Call: 336-751-5722___________________ K & G SALVAGE: 4’x12'x1/2” Sheetrock, 9.95/ ea.; 5/4* treated decking bds., B\ $3.99/ea.: 10', $4.99/ea.; 12' $5.69/^ea. New roofing shingles, $16.95/sq. 3' wide blue or green metal roofing, $1.29/; n. ft.; Pergo iimalnate flooring, $2.25/iin. Vinyl windows; 22'x30*, $39.g5/ea.; 4x8 sheets, burch plywood, 3/4”. $34.95/ea., 1/2;, $21/ea.6 panel Exterior Steel Door Units, $84.00/ea.,32" Pre-hung interior doors, $34.95/ea.;Bathroom sinks w/faucet, $l4.95/ea.: Range hoods. $14.95/ea.; 1/4'mlerior paneling, $5.95/ea.; '4'x8' Cedar Closet liner, $9.95/ea.; BIdg. stone $140 per pallet/140 4’xB'x1-1/2' In.'thick Insulation bd.$7.95/ea.; Roofing felt, $6.95/roll.We stocic stainless steel In sheets & pipe. Corrugated culvert pipe up to 36- dia.We stock pumps & accessories for wells. Formica, $.SO/sq. ft.; Steel I- beams for sale. Six panel exterior steel door units, $84/ea. K & G Salvage (Reync 336-699-2124. STEEL BUILDINQS, new, must sell40x60x14 was $17,600 now $10,97160x100x16 was $27,660 now $19,990 60x135x16 was $79,650' now$42,990 . \ 100x176x20 was $129,660 now$78,650 . y :■ -1-800-406:5126 ‘ Snyder’s Cleaning Service Call for a free estimate. • 751 *2706 GEHETREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs 24 Years Experience Free Estimates336-284-4H71 MILLER EQUIPMENTN RENTAL G H READY FOR WINTER Buliciit liefiiiiu curu niuuuer H iiiurutiirruiiituiluv! ......... 1994 REDMAN 14X70 mobile homo 2BR, 2BA, stove and rofrigerator, hoat pump and AC included. $15,000.00 Must bo moved. 492-2970_______________ 1997 FLEETWOOD SINGLEWIDE, Only 14 payments left...Call 767- 9977.__________________________ 1997 LIBERTY MOBILE homo located olf Rodland Rd. Pleaso call 998-6832______________________ 1999 3/2 -14.80 Owner financed $225.00 month. Call 528-5198.__________________ 2BR, 12X65, NEW carpet & vinyl. All appts, A/C, $300/mo. plus $350 dep and job ref. with police rocord. No pets, one child OK - Sheffield. Call 336-492-5801_______________ 3 BDRM 2 bath, ready to move In to. Davie Co. area (336)751-9140 4 BEDROOM FLEETWOODdoublev/ido on 5 acre tot In the country, take over the payments, moving to Georgia, equity transfer....Catt 767-0140._________ 499 DOWN ON Double & Single Wide repo’s. Several to choose from. 2, 3 & 4 Br. available. 336- 468-9615______________________ 94 FLEETWOOD SANDPOINT complete remodeled 14x80 3Br, 2Bth. only $19.995. 800-278-3146 97 IMPERIAL 14X72 2Br, 2Bth, vinyl, shingle, new appliances. Home is loaded. Sell for $22,900, book. $32K. 800-278-3146 97 MODEL. 14X72,3Br. 2Bth. vinyl ....................................it. air. $500 DOWN AND MOVE IN.ONLY AT HOME ZONE ________1-800-866-8874 S59 PER WEEK SPECIALlll 3 BR Fleetwood, Move in Todaylil Call 767-9977.______________________ LGS HOMES: 7 new singtewide homes, set up and ready to move in. 6 mos free tot rent with purchase of any home. Call 998- •READY TO MOVE in? Close to Fork Ch. 2BR + 2BA, 1999 model home, $0 down to approved buyer (336) 751-9140_________________ *XMAS SPECIAL Beautiful mansion double 1200 sq. ft. 3Br, 2Bth, del, set. skirt, steps, elect, air.$500 down, $350 | ‘ *------- 278-3146 ) pmts. Cali 800- 1989 14X17- FLEETWOODWingate, 3BR, 2BA, C/A & heat, W/D, refrigerator; insulated door, wall & sides. MUST MOVE. (336) 998-3091 98 BRIGADIER 14X70 new carpet, appliances, home is better than new. Book. $29,585. Sell. 24.565, save $5000 dollars. 800-278-3146 98 REDMAN 14X70 3Br, 2Bth, heat pump. Book $25,800, sell, $19,995. 800-278-3146__________ 98 REDMAN, 14X8(i 3Br. 2Bth, vinyl sdg. shingle roof, fire pic. c/afr. $5W down pmt. $269 mnth, call today 679-3519 or 600-278- 3146___________^_______________ ?BAO CREDIT? • Come see the Bad Credit Experts at LUV Homes. Anyone can buy a home. Tell your friends & family • LUV Homes Mocksvilie (336)751-7734. Personnel M anagem ent, Inc. l] | D iy E . ^ O Bxc«ll«nt Opportunities We hove an Immediate need for experienced personnel In the following positions: •ASSEMBLY (HEAVY DUTY) S9.00« •MACHINIST S9.00> •GENERAL UBCRERS • CLERICAL (DATA ENTRY] StO.OO* •MAINTENANCE (MECHANICAL) •CLAMP/SQUEEZE FORKUFT OPERATOR •HEAT TREAT HELPERS (2nd 1 3rd SHIFT) PollM/Dmg and TeilIng Required Apply mt 1620 Davl* Av«nu« (SUtakvllle) 704-a71>1210 Paxt 704-871-0927 . . .....^ . roof, del. set,$1000 down. $265 month. Home is like new, priced well below book value. Call284-4001_____________ 97 REDMAN 14X60 3-«-2 vinyl, shlng, fpic., gas, furn, wash, dryer,------- ^’Ige. d-wash. Book, 36K, ;25,995. Dei. 800-278- LARGE SELECTION REPO singles, all priced well below book value, save thousands, call today 284-4001.______________________ OWNER FINANCED • Mobile Home on land. Bad Credit OK. (336) 751-0115_________________ READY TO BE moved Intol 1640 sq. ft. modular home. 3Br/ 3 Bath. Payment under $600. 1-336-751- 7340 '_______________________ SAVE THOUSANDS. 97 Horton 14x70, 3Bf, 2Bth, vinyl shingle, like new. Book value, §26,983 Sell, $19.995. Call now. 800-278-3146 SINGLEWIDE SETUP IN PARK 3/2 • TV, VCR, Alarm System from $350.00/month. Call 528-9566. USED HOME a low payments, 601 South area - Guaranteed financing. (336) 751-0115_________________ YEAR END CLOSE OUT SALE All S/W discounted 10%, 6 left. Call 528-9566. 70WE MONEY ON land? Let us pay it olf & plQco tho home of your dreams on it. All for one low ^oyrnent^ No money downi (336) ASSUME PAYMENTS "$500 down. Cali 528-5198. BEAUTIFUL 2000 MODEL double, 1400 sq ft, f. place glam. bath, large bedrooms, front kit. lots cabinets, all offered at 10K price reduction, coil and savelll 284- 4001___________________. BEST LAND/ HOME package In Davie Co. Lots oH 601S, 601N, I- 40. Homesssinglewide to modular of your dreoms. We Build Dreams. (336) 751-7439_________________ DOUBLEWIDE SETUPready to move Into. Must see today. Call 528-5198.____________ ' DOUBLEWIDE, NEW 3 Bedroom, 2Bath. .939 acre, deck, heat pump Wiiiboone Rd. ___________998-5816__________ FLEETWOOD STERLINGDOUBLE 1800-f sq. ft. fpt-:. oak cabs, drywail, upgrade T-out. Book. $56,845, sell $39,995. Del. set, your lot SAVEI 800-278-3146 GUARANTEED FINANCING 2000 Own. Bad or no credit OK. 336- 468-9615_______________________ LAND/ HOME • approvals 15 minutes, ready to move In one month or less. Low to no closing fees/ low dn pymt. (336) 751-9140 LAND/HOME PACKAGES Ready to move Into. Call 528- 5198. ANGIE’S CLEANING SERVICE has openings. Taking on new clients. 10 yrs. experience. Call 336-463-5610. leave message. B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION YOUR COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Your Complete Home Improverhent Con- - Bobcat Work: We Do Small Repairs: Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 Ref. Available PO Box 424 Mocksvilie. NO 27028 Dave's Music Christmas SpecialNow thru Jan. 1st • Everything on SALE! Guitars, Banjos. Bass, Dobros, Band Instruments, Fiddles, Mandolins, Drums & Keyboards. All Accessories. Layaways.79 Court Square, Mocksvilie ___________751-1934___________ PIANO TUNING Seii-piayers, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 Rooms for Rent LARGE SINGLE ROOM. Uso ofcouch facilities. Inquire at 751- 0625. Leave messaqo. $SPECtALS MuHler & (ail pipe Installed $69.95 Catalitlc converter installed $99.95Reavis Welding 601 N at Cortney Crossing,Yadkinville 336-463-2517__________________ ABC Painting and Renovating‘Quality Workmanship the Old- Fashioned Way" 336-751-3813 DIREC'TV ■ $149.00 Installed ________1-800-984-0772________ Ktp's Refinlshing & Chair Caning Reasonable Rates Salisbury, NC _________704-633-0809_________ LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates ___________998-1798___________ OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your electrical needs.Free Estimates. 751-3398. PERSONAL TOUCH HOUSECLEANING : Honest, trustworthy housecleanlng* available. Reasonable rates. CaTlJ 336-463-487Q; pager- 336-957-t 9456.__________^ J RABON'S HAULING 1Haul gravel, sand. I will level oul^ graver Free Estimates. Call* Rabon at 13361 998-4499. j WILL DO: Rooting, Siding, J Plumbing, Trim work. Dry wall,; Shear wall. Docks, Yard work,’ Pressure washing. Single wide tear! downs. Free Estlmates-Call 492- • 7409.__________________________•. WILL SIT IN homo ot olderly or^ disabled. Will housework, cook & I clean. Have references. * Experienced. Day or nIghL 751-. Statewide BEEN TURNED DOWN? Need a; home loan? BK's, Foreclosures.! late payments- it’s OKI Purchase. Refinance. Debt Consolidation, Home Improvement. Call Nowll Platinum (Capital. 1-800-699-5363.; vmw.platinumcapltal.com CHARITY CARS- Donate your vehicle, tax deductible, free towing. We provide vehicles to needy families. As seen on Oprah and ,,- B c n n u d a H o u s e k e c D e r s Valet P osition for Retirem ent Resort Full-time/Part-time, weekends (rotated where possible). Call 998-6112, 8am- 9pm or apply In person at Bermuda Village, Hwy. 801 S., Advance. Bermuda Village is accppting applications for Full-time and Part-time Housekeepers. Please call Connie or Kathy at 998-6703 How to advertise to over d million NortliCarolinians... for$2201 If you hove something to self, liere's the woy to moke your voice heoid. It’s the Nolh Coralino StotewidoClossifiedNetwoik. ' For $220, you con place o 25 wotd od thot will oppeor in newspopers throughout North Corolino • on oodienco of over 1,4 million reodeis. We've sold everything from moontoin ■ property to beach houses,'(ran) restaurants to steel buildings. Coll this nevwpoper’s dossified Call Karen: 751-2130 DAVIB C O U N TY E N T E R P ^ I / ^ E C p R D Theii get ready to sell. Peole magazlnol 1-800-442-4451, www.charfivcar8.org._________ ' TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS*■No Experience ‘No Problem- CDL, Training & A Job- Earn $35,000 Up Per Yoar- 1-888-776-3740. j DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dec. 30,1999 - B13 6LASSIFIEDS I N E X P E N S I V E P R O E I T A B I i E Statewide AFFORDABLE BREATHTAKING RUSTIC log and elegant contemporary chapoL. Specializing in storybool< weddings. We provide photography, videography, flowers, formalwear. lodging, and more. Ministry of t!ove. 1-800-262-5683.__________ ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL seniors, grads, college students and prior service personnel: you can have all the these benefits wth the North Carolina Army National Guard! For about two days a month and two weeks o year, you can make a difference. You II be eligible for educational benefits like the Montgomery Gl Bill, tuition assistance, and you’ll get an extra paycheck. Call the North Carolina Army National Guard today! 1-800- GO-GUARD. WOOD ESTATE Auction- January 6, lOAm, Charlotte, NC. Tools and Equipment, Tractors, Backhoo/Loader, Mobile Homos, Autos, Trucks, Mowers, 40ft. Trailers. Lilly Auction (704) 821- 9951. www.lillvs.com.#5750. 93 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Laredo, 4x4. nice, $500 down, $275 pmt. D.A.C. 284-4001 93 TOYOTA CAIWRY LE good condt, hwy miles, book $8250, soli $6250. Can flan $500 dn, good credit. 284-4001________________ 94 CHRYSLER LHS, sharp 3K below book, small dn pmt, $250 month. D.A.C. 264-4001_________ 96 PONTAIC BONNEVILLE Co. car, Hwy miles, great condt, book $10,200, sell for $7595, can arrange flan, with small down pmt.2B4-<01 Vehicles SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 FOR SALE - 1989 Black Camaro 5*speed, air, power windows, power locks, CD player, excellent condition. $390d.00 492-2453 Great Car BUYING STANDING TIMBER andpulp wood. Clear cut or select cut. Shaver Wood Products Tom Hulfman, Forrester (704) 278-9291__________________ WANT TO LEASE land for horse boarding/ training business. Will help v^th Improvements. Established professional. 336-765- 7124 (W-S) or 336 971-2105 Employment ••Cloverflelds**Cleaning positions available. Full­ time Mon - Fri. No evening or weekends. Vacation & Heailh Insurance. Call760-4161. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT to work under executive director of group homo needed. Duties include completing monthly reports, Invoices, bookkeeping, maintaining files and records. Experience with Word, Excel, Publlsner 98 and Quick Books needed. Experience in ODA group home woula also be helpful. Degree In Secretarial Science or related Human Service field preferred. Send resume to; 785 Sanford Ave., Mocksvilie, NC 27028._________________________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Frl., 10am-2pm for application. EOE________________ DO YOU PAY for Christmas thnj the next few seasons? Join Excel Staffing for a lot more reasonsll We offer:*Slgn on Bonus *Flex Schedules'Holiday & Travel Pay 'Direct beposit •CNA’s $10-$11/hr. LPN’s$17-$23/hr. RN*s$20-$29/hr.1-600-863-9235 ext. 328_________ EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/ overtime. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467-7061 or 336-750-9153 Employment EXPERIENCED FRONT-END ollgnmont mechanic. (336) 766- 9109__________________________ FRIENDLY NANNY NEEDED for 2 Children, 3 to 5 days/wk. 7:30a to 1:30p 761-5100________________ JOB OPENING FOR motivated Individual, making custom shoes and shoe repair. Must be good with your hands. Starting pay, $6.50 per hour. Experience coufd mean more. Call Andl at 998-0814. LOOKING FOR AFTER school help at Hickory Hill Country Club. General cleaning, cart maintenance & range duties. Contact Jim or David at 998-8746. MACHINE SHOPPART-TIME JANITOR to clean floors, restrooms, spin chips, etc. Job would require around 15 hours/ week. GENERAL MACHINE SHOP HELP. Ideally individual would have had experience v^th conventional lathes and mills as weir as some exposure to CNC turning and machining centers. Standard 40 hours/ wk. Yadkinville. (336-463-23111 Employment NEED MORE MONEY? Don't have time for another J.O.B. Earn $1200 ihlS.WQQkl Call 1-888-304- 4356 -code 0030._______________ NEED TRUCK DRIVER, long distance, late model conventional high hp tractors. Good pay. Local Company. 336-751-0144 or 888- STYLIST/ NAIL TECH. Saion in Advance area looking for stylist and nail technician. 998-6770________ TRACTOR-TRAILER DRIVERneeded for local hauls lor business. (Noovernight) Class A CDL reouired. current DOT medical, drug/ a^ohol screening req'd, 25 yrs. or older v^th 3 yrs. mln. tractor-trailer experience. Clean record a must. Health Ins., vacation & holiday pay. Sand resume to PO Box 994, Mocksvilie. NC 27028. WINSTON-SALEM CARRIER NEEDED:JOURNAL Davie County, early moming hours. 7 days week, reliable & backup transportation needed. Ifinterested, call Jim Short, 751- 4486. Employment SECURITY FORCES, INC.Seelilng custom socurlty ollicers In Mocksvillo, NC. We seek alert, responsible, and mature individuals with the ability to work In a challenging environment.Candidates must bo able lo demonstrate good |udgement. respond to security dufies as assigned. Previous security, police or military experience a plus. Applicants must be a minimum or 21 years ol age, have a satlsractory WOK history, and bo able to evidence a criminal and dmg tree record. You will be provided: •$7.50 to $9.50 pay to stan - with regular increases •401-K retirement plan 'Paid vacation t'(holiday overtime pay .•Paid training •'Stable lull time and part time wotR schedulesWo need team players such as veterans, retireees or anyone who enjoys wori<lng In a prelessionai atmosphere. Apply Immediately at Security Forces, Inc., 1410 Mlllgata Dr., Suite C., V/lnston-Salem, NC or telephcne 338/768/2455 to schedule an Interview. ULTRA PURE tlRINKINQ WATER Division Manager - Le Bleu Corporation is seeking a higiily motivated individual with business management experience to lead, develop, ond grow wiint is already n successful division. Experience managing people, communication skills, and analytical thinking required. Computer skills a plus. Position ofTcis growth within the company. Send resume and compensation history to PO Box 2093, Advance, NC 27006. Vending Division Manager - Le Bleu Corporation Is seeking a motivated individual with vending experience to manage a regional vending division. Ability to manage people, develop proposals, and communicate well required. Must have experience in vending. Send resume and compensation history to PO Box 2093, Advance, NC 27006. D i e t a r y A i d e s Food Service Department has openings (or (till and part-time dietary aides on second shift, 11:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m. No Experience needed.Excellent benelils. Apply in person Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 or call 336-751-3535 (or more m(omialion. 1007 Howard St. • Mocksvilie, NC 27028 . ^ T U M N C A R E O F M O C K S V I I - L E R N ’s & L P N ’s 108 bed facility has full time opening for RN's & LPN's on 3rd shift and part-time for 2nd shift. Piease caii 336-751-3535 or apply In person Monday through Friday 8:30-5:30. 1007 Howard SL • Mocksvilie, NC 27028 % 4 U T IU IW IN C A R E S K S V I L X E GALVALUM E . S O Y G A R W A RRA N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors a Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 MID-STA1E METALS I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I Smart Start Technical Assistance Center seeks Consultant lu work with childcare professionals in Davic County wiih ihc new Qualily Enhancement Program (QEP). Must have ability to administer the Environment Rating Seale. Provide training, evaluation, technical assistance based on the Hndings of the scale. Knowledge o f childcare licensing requirements and developmpntaliy appropriate practices a must. Two, years experience in childcare. Bachelor’s degree in early childhood education, child development or related field required. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Resume must be submitted by December 31. 1999 to Human Resource Director, 530 N. Spring St.. Winston-Salem, NC 27101. No phone calls please!! B in c o T U ESD A Y I I 7:00 PM ; , Yadkin Moose Lodge , ■ Clip This Ad For Free Pack * J Bring A Friend For Two J■ mmmmmmmmmmmm C I S I A s 108 bed (acliity has full time openings for all shifts for CNA's. Flexible schedules. Apply in person or call 336-751-3535 for more iniormalion. Good benelils and competitive salary. 1007 Howard St. • Mocksvilie, NC 27028 . ^.4 U T U M N C A R E O F M O C K S V IL L E jj Sfart the New Year Right! " S ig n u p f o r a JO B to d a y . Available to qualified applicants 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift positions. Make it your New Year's Resolution- to stop by and see how we can help youl CALDW ELL P E R S O N N E L SERVICES !■ 1101 Jericlio Ch. Rd., N locksvUte, NC 27028 751-7447 W HlEBlLlllI NOW HllS|[ni[Sl[l. HIRING G RIU. OPERATORS, W AITERS/WAITRESSES a im P o a tio n open fo r MANAGER TRAINEE Contact Debbie @1-888-425-0337 Immsdlata Employmant Opportunity For All Thraa (3) Shifts. Ask About 2nd a 3rd Shift Prsmluml CALL FOR INTERVIEW OR APPLY IN PERSON AT THE FOLLOWINQ LOCATIONS: 513 Jonestow n Rd., W lnstmKSatom 7604417 2314 Ramada Dr., Clem m ons 7664691 m One of the nation's largest and fastest growing supermarket cliains has immediate openings in our Salisbury Distribution Center for: All Warehouse Positions All Shifts Selectors SBnitation Workers Freight Haulers Salvage Dock Workers Food Lion offers •Outstanding Profit Sharing Plan *Compe(iti\‘e wages ‘ Excellent benefits If interested please call or pick up an application at any Food Lion store and mail to: Food Lion PO Box 1330 Salisbury. NC 28145-1330 Attn: Phil Wyatt (704) 633 8250 Ext. 2416 . EOE Website www.FoodLionxom C N A ’ s To Cover Davie County All Shifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 336-724-1197 P i e d m o n t H o m e H e a l t h , I n c . Winston-Salem *7719 hometown company, we'll treat you like you'd expect." .....- A p p ly In Pmrmon A t: 2 4 3 3 le w /s W lte - C to m m o fM J to a tf GImmmonm, N C 27 0 X 2 . , ,•..........' Are you working in the restaurant business? Are you a hard worker? Are you getting the benefits you deserve? Are you getting benefits like THESE? • High compelllive wages ' First raise alter 30 days ■ 4 guaranteed raises In 15 monttis • Paid vacation • 401k retirement plan • Health/Dental insurance . • Weekly paychecks • Paid meal breaks • Flexible schedule • stock options• Position salary advancement (toward trainer, manager, etc.) hoursE BEING CHEATEDIII ' Business Is GREAT! We are hiring for (all & winter busi­ness. (AS AN ADDED INCENTIlob oiuv<r\ upiiuiio * Position salary i ' Early closing no IF MQI, YOU’RE ing^ft_________________IVE, WE ARE OFFERING A $2Qb SIGN-ON BONUS FOR A'LIM ITED T IM E -W IT H THIS AD. We are currently looking for:-- Waiters/Waitresses, Cashiers - Grill Cook COME IN TODAY AND APPLY. WE ARE A FAST-PACED. FUN PLACE TO WORK. We are looking for HIGH energy , people that like lo work tiard and make MONEYIII 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC • Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 Old Country B14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Dcc. 30.1999Davie Dateline F M g io n Friday, Dec. 31 New Yearns E>t Watch Night Service, Mocks United MdhodUl Church. N.C 801 S., Advance, 11:30 p.m. Community W at^lght Service, Shiloh Baptist Church, Depot St, Mocksvillc, 11 p.m. Message by Rev. Royact Myen of St John AME ZkxL Worship Service, First Unlt^ Methodist Church, 11:30 p.m. Singing, pnyer. scrip­ ture. mcditotkxv Refreshments lo roKow (n rellowjhiphall. Ongoing Mocksvilie Wekyan Church: Hospital Street, Sunday Schnt, 9-.4S a.m. Worship, U am. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rcv.GeofgeTro)tr. 751-5595. £lbaviHe United Methodist Church: Sun- (£iy School. lOam. Worship, II am. Kkls For Christ (ages 3-9) St Youth for Christ (ages 10-12). 1st & 3rd Sun., 3-t:30 p.m. Teens for Ovist meet e>tiy Sun. at Rilton UMC.5-6;30p.m.YoungAdultDibleStudy. Wed.7 p.m. Disciple I Bible Study, -niurs.. 7 p.m. Located in Advance. I^tsior Rev. Jack Wallace. Cooteemee Church ctfGod,Sunday School. 9;45a.m. WofsWpService, 10:45 a.m.Ti)es. f^yCT Meeting, 7 p.ia Wed. Runily Train­ ing liour, 7 p.tn. info about transpotta- tion. call Brother Dale Brcidinger at 284- 218a ComatzerUQitedMethodistChurch:Cbr- lutzcr Rd.-Sunday School, lO&m. Worship, II am. Pastor: Dr. S.B. Warner. Advance United Methodist Church: Sun­ day School. 9:45 am. Worship. II am. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Davki Chikkrs. Locatcd in downtown Advance. F^mningtM United Methodist Church: Sunday School. 10 am. Worship. 11 am. 1939R«mingtonRd.998-3769.Rcv.Dianne Marsdea Oak Gnn« United ^^elhodist Church: U.S. 158. MocksvUle. Sunday School, 9:45 araWorship.il am. ConcordUoitedMetho(UstChui^Cheny Hilt Rd, Mocksvilie. Worship: 11 am. Sun­ day School: 10 am. Rev. Phillip (^uks. IlaniisonUnUcdMethodistChurch: Wor­ ship. 9:45 am. Sunday School, 10:45 am. Uolc L i ^ Choir. 11:30am. UMYF(Tcam Christ) 1st & 3rd Sunday nights. Episcopal Churxh ofthe Good Shepherd, Church SL.Coolcemee. Worship; 9*30 ara Children's Sunday School; 10:45 am. Rev. Edwin Bailey. 336-2&t-2303. Community Baptist Church; Sunday School. 10 am. Sunday Worship. II am. E>-crung ser>'ice, 6 p.m. Wedne^y Bible Study. 7 pm. Gladstone Rood. HiUsdate United MelhocUst Church; Sun­ day Services. 10:30 am. Church for rtext gcncratfen: ir. High. Wed.. 5:30-6-30 p.m. Senior High. Wed. 7-8 pm. Supper/Musk:. 6:30-7 pm. Small gtoup.Moa, Wed.,'nuits.. & Sat Basketball. Tbes., Smith Grove Gym, 8-9:30 pm. Wesley ChapdUnltedMethodIstChut«h: Worship Servkx: 10 am. Sunday School: 10:45 am. Rev. Dianne Marsdea Rd Et-Shaddal Power of Praise Ministry, Northwood Apartments # 704, Sunday School: 10 am. Worship: II am. Sunday owning; 5 p.m. Tuesday Prayer & Bible ^ y . 7:30-9 pra Ftiday Servkx: 7:30 pra PastorValer)eMayrieUPcng.70V636^M». Pentecostal HoUness Church: Sunday School: 10 am. Worship: 11 am. Evening: 6:30pra Wednesday prayer meet- ing&BibIestudy.7:3Qp.m.Rev.JoelBoyles. Holy Cnm Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 S. Worship: 10:30 ara Sunday School: 5tl5 am. Pastor Rev. Glynn Bell. I^focksv0leF!r^Pmb)1crianChurch.26t S. Main Sl Worship: 11 amChunrh School: 9:45am. Sundayevening: Choristers (grades I -5)& Youth (pades 6* 12). 5:30 pm. Pastor, Neal Carter. (336) 751-2507. Mocks UoUcd Methodist Church. N.C 801 S., Advance. Rev. BniceGwya Sunday wotship:8:45& II am.SundaySchool: 10 araSfoUk Grave Methodist Church: Prayer meeting, Saturday mornings, 9 ara HUbdak Baptist Chutth: Sunday Wor< ship,8:30& I0:45araSundayBibleStudy, 9:45 am. Wednesday FeUowshtp Meal. 6 p.m. Children & yauh activiiies & prayer meeting, 6:30 pm,'Pastor R.T. Alderman, 9109406618. FaU) and Victory Family Worship Cen- (V, 1687 Hwy. 601N. Sunday Servkes. 10 im ., 7 pm. Wednesday, 7 p.m. NcwBdfevmP.P.Church.SundaySchod. |0 ara Worship Service, 11 am, Wednes- daynig)ttBible$aidy.5pm.PastarEltzabeth ^fock. Assoc. PostorDenkkMock, Women's Aux. & Bioiheihood Bible Study. 1st & 3nl Thursday. LIbeity Uoitcd Methodtat Church. U.S. M l S.Worship;9:45am.SundaySchooI: 11 am. taUnltcdMdhodlstChurchotMocks- EaHy Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 . am. liaise stn^ng. casual dress, contempo- . - ^ formaL Traditional service, 10:55 ara 305 N. Main SL 336.751-2503, ; ■ fa itw 'j Soosfaip Tabavacfa: Sunday worship, I0;30am.,6;30pm.Wedevenlng, . .7 p ja Rjstcr Jeny L. C o i^ 998-374^'. , Qma Rd~I^xteT*sLone. ^ 'nanntteBap(MChuRli:SundaySch^. . !^4S am.; Worship. 11 am.; Night S e r^,. . i(un. . : ■ ‘ t|iiMTniri Church tith i BixbyRd.SuaSchoot, IOam.Worshlp. 11 (^nLRev.EavrfnT.Baiky.284450a . OW ASloiyM iatatiyfordiiUfm Bill^ ^rggyLohgof Advance.998-T7lf J • Sen-kes at the Oaks. Apt. 7A. Milling Road, 7 pra, Thursdays. Bishop T.R. Rice. Clement G nnt Church of God. Wednes­ day pra>-er sente, 7 pm. Sanirday morning Sobb^ School. lOam. Green Mcadoui Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 am. Worship. 11 am., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 pm. Pastor M.RayDavis,998-3022. Preschool/Parents’ Morning Out. Bethle­ hem United McthodistChun:h.Age2,Tucs. & Tlmrs., 9 am. • nooa Ages 3-4. Mon., T\KS.,’nuitv,9am.'noon.Readincss.Moa .'niurs.9am..nooaCall998-6820forinfa S p e c ia l E v e n ts __________ SatiiitJay, Jan. 15 Ralph Stanley & The Cinch Mountain Boyj, Brock ftrforming M s Center, N. MainSt.,Mocksville,7:30pm. Opening act: T7« Four Oaks Revwe. Adults, $ 18. Students A senk«.S16. BoxofTice: 336-751-3000. D a te s to R e m e m b e r Monday, Jan. 3 fllln j Period Ibr Year 2000 tIcctloM !»■ gins at nowu Board of Elcctkxis Office. Ongoing Aerobics, T\»csdays & Thursdays, Mocks­ vilie EteriKntaiy Schott, 6 p.m. Visit Cooleemee’s Mill Village Museum, 14 Church St. T\»es. & Thurs., 9 a m.-nooa Sats., 11 im.*2p.m. Tours alsQflvailable by oppt Call 2 9 4 ^ . Recycling truck at Center Community Bldg^S-ll am. 1st Saturday. Recycling truck al Unkm Chapel Method­ ist. 4th Saturday. S-11 am.. Recycling truck at Jerkho-llardison Ru- ritanbldg., 3rd Satunlay, 8:30-11 am. Preschool slory1Ime,T\»ei, II am..Davie Couniy Libnoy and Cooleemee branch. 30- minute prograia For chiklren ages 3-5. Mu- sk.read^oud,stories,nims,nutseiyihymes. M e e tin g s _________________ Ongoing Prc^md\T Chib orCooktmee,2nd Sun­ day. Cooleemee Library, 5 pra Call 284- 2975 for info. Davie County Stamp Chib, 1st Tliurs., Davie Sentor Center,? p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recreation Association. Zachary House. I st T\jcsday. 7 pm. WDUam R. Davie Boosters Football & cheerleaders. 3rd TTuusday, Shelter, 6 pra Alcoholics Anonymous. Sundays. 6 p.m, and Wednesdays, 8 pm.. Second Prcsbyie- rian Church basement. Pine S l Call 751- I490or751-7786forinfa.......... Home»chool4-HCh)b,2nd&4diTlicsday, Call 998-8925 for more infa PledmoatTriAdRabhUFaocien.bstSun- day of each month, 2J0 p.m. All rabbit owners wekome. Call 336m9&S8or visit www.piedmonttriadrabblLcom or e-mail ptinOOO@aol.com for more infa Help Yourself Support Group,CancerSer- vka». ItK., 2nd Tuesday, noon-liO p.m. Davie County Library. Bringbag lunch ifyou wish. For mon; info, call 751-0313 or 760- 9983. MOPS(MothenofPrescbooIen). Mace­ donia Moravian Church. Support, fellow­ ship, crafls &. food Children gukkd in own prDgramMOPPETS,9:30-l 1:30am. Regis- traikm fee flexible to of children attending. Scholarships available. For more info, call 9984394.1st &3nlFrkbys. HistMk Davie Inc., 2nd Tuesday. Davie County Public Library, 6:30 p.m. The Aitlst GrtNip, Davie Couniy Library,? p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Ceater Community Development. 3rd Moa, 7 pm. Community Bldg. CooleetneeTQWTiBQard,3rdT\iesday,Tovm Hall. 7 pm. unless otherwise noted. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Coun­ cil, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Bop- tbt FeltowshipHall. Davie Domestic Vk>lenceSen-kes.Sui^ groups for vktims. Sessions free, conTKlen- tial. Tuesdays, 7 pm. and Friday, 10 am. DDVS OfTice in Davie County Office Bldg., 751-3450. Family Violence Pre%-entkm Services of Davie County. Free counseling for vknims ofvnlenceandtheirchiklrcaSeparategroups. Tuesdays,6-7;30p.m.FirstUniledMcihodisi ChurchofMocksvilIe.Call I-800-728-34I3. DavieCounty School Bus EhistrsAssoda' tfen, 2nd Thurs., 7 p.ra Davie County Sr. Center, Brock Bldg. Concerned Bikers Assodatkxi, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, Western Steer. U.S. 601 ot 1-40.7 pra Public welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 a.m.MocksUMC 998-21II. Mocksvilie Garden Club, 1st Thus.. First Baptist Fellowship Hall. 7 pm. MOPS, Mothers oTPrescbMlers, 1st, 3rd Fri.. 9:3011:30 am. Macedonia Moravian Church. $15 registratkm plus small weekly fee. 9984394. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Mon­ day, Cooteeinee Historical Building, 7 pm. Mocksvilie Rotaiy Club, T\iesdays, 12:10 p.ta. Rotary Hut Take Off Founds Sensibly, Bethlehem ' r United Methodist Church, 6:45 p.m. Thurs. Farmington Maaonk Lodge Na 265,2nd Monday, 7:30 pm. at the lodge. . Canccr nipport group, 2nd Tbesday, 7 p.m., Davie Library, forcancerpatiems, f r i^ ^ family. 1-800228.7411 or75I-0313. i ; MocluvilieUonaChib, 1st, 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m., Rotary Qub. . ■ Mockivffie'DBvfeHoaiebttilden.4diThuiv .. day, 7 pm., Captain Steven's. , pii^Bi|b~At^icBoorter«,3rdMonday^ . 7 p.n)*; school cafcterii ; ' • • • ’ Disabled American Veterans No. 75 ond Auxiliary,3rdMot¥lay.7p.m..chaptcchomc, U.S.60l5OUihofMocksviUc. ' Farmlngtrm Ruritan Club, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm„ Farmingtwi Methodist church. HELPS Ministries, Christian recoNcry pro­ gram fur women sexuallyobused as children. Mondays, 7:30 pm., 41 court Square. Room 210. Golden Age Club, 1st Monday, East Room. Sr. Center, Brock Bldg., 10 am. AIxheImenSupportGroup.2ndThursday. 7 pm.. East Room. Sr. Center, Brock Bldg., N. Main SL 751.8770 or 751-0611. Humane Sockty of Davle^Iumane Society Officc. Valley Road, Mocksvillc, 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Breast-feeding Support Group, 2nd Tues­ day, Davie Health Dept., 6*7:30 p.ta Parents Resource Organlaitton (n<0) sup- pot group for families of children with dis­ abilities, 2ndT\ie$day, 7 pm. Call Roscnwry Kropfclderat998-33l 1 foT.locatioa Jericho-Hardison Ruritan CIub,2ndTucs- day. 7 pm., club building. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.-Fri.. 8:30- 11:30 am.. 1-4:30 pm.; TXiesdays. 4:30-7 pm: Teen Heahh Promotion Ginic, 8:30 ant-nooa 2nd. 4lh Satunla)-s, Da>ieCounty Board of Social Serv kes. 4ih Tuesday. 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Mocksvilie AA. Wed.. 8 p.m. ‘ closed mtng. Sun., 8 pm. • open mtng. Call Chris­ tine at 99R-98R5 or Terry 940-5944. Cookemee American L^ton Post 54, Le- gk>nHut.C!adsiotKRoad,7;3Qp.m..l«and 3rd Mondays exccpt hoi Mays. Advance Masonic Lodge Na 710. 2nd T\icsday, 7:30 pm. ot the lodge. MocksvilI^Davie rccreatkia 751 -2325. AAandAI-Anon,Thutsdays,8pm..Eaton's Baptist Church. Nar-Anon for families of drug addicts. Sun* days. 6 pm. Davie Senk>r Center, Brcick Building. MoinSt, Mocksvillc. 998^2657. Davie Couniy Youth Football League Di* rectors, TUes.. 7 pm. Counhousc, Grand Jury Room. UnIledWayboardofdircctors,4th Monday, 5:30 p.m., Brock BUg., Room 208. Mocks>iIle VFW (\»t4024, l\xi I lut, San. fonl A«., 7p.m., 2nd Tuesday. Ad^t)catcs for GIflcd Chiklren. 2nd. 4(h Thursdays, 149 Lakeside Drive. 751-2194. Recnaation Vor more informatkm on these c\-ents, call 751-2325. Beginning Jan. 3 Lct'j G tl n i, Mon,. WbI, Fit., 8:30-9:15 am. Rcc. Dept $ lOmonth. JaneliDnda. Kflthy Smith & other famous instjuctors under su- pcrviskm of Rec. staff member. Limit 20. Register in odvancc. S e n io r s All Senior Activiiks take placc at the Davie County Sentor Center located in the Brock Building on North Main Street, Mocksvillc unless otherwise noted. Thursday, Dec. 30 McmoricsortehMilknIum,TimeCnpsule Party. Nutritkm Site, 2 p.m. Senior Cliorus, East Room. 3 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 4 Bridge, Rose Room. I pm. RSVP Birthday Party, MeodowbtookTer- twc,2pm. Wednesday, Jan. 5 Wal-Mart Senior Morning. 8-IOam. Card & Board Gamcs, (iast Room. 1:30 p.m. RSVPSc\»ing*B,- RSVP0fncc,9ata-1 p.m. Thuisday,Jan.6 Lunch & Leant, Western Steer, norm, hand­ writing analyst Nell Lewis. Davki County Rhythm Band. Carillon of Salisbury, 2 pm. Senior Chorus, East Room, 3 p.nt Da>ie County Stamp Club, East Room, 7 pm. Friday, Jan. 7 Bridge. East Room, I pm. Ehis'65thBIrthday Party,NuuitiUonSite, 2pm.PleascpttrcgisJcr. Monday, Jan. 10 Quilting. East Room, 10 am. Cookemee Club, First Baptist Church fel­ lowship hall. 10am. Tue^y,Jan. 11 Bridge, East Room. I pm. RSVP Birthday Party, Autumn Care. 2:30 pm. Entertainment by Rhythm BarxL Wednesday, Jan. 12 East Da^le Club. Bethlehem UMC fellow- ship hall. 10:30 a.m. Card & Board Games, East Room. 1:30 pm. Da>1c Couniy Rhythm Band. Homestead Hills, 2 p.m. RSVP Sewing •n,'RSVP0fncc,9am.-1 pm. Thursday, Jan. 13 Slhw Eogla Club, ronuct Jo ClKck for time and locatioa Senior Trotten Club, Center Community Bklg.,10am. Senior Chorus, East Room. 3 p.m. Abltelmcr'sSupportGroup.EastRoom,? p.m. Friday, Jan. 14 Bridge. Enst Room. I pm. Da>ie County Rhythm Band, Lourel of Salbbury,2:30pm. Ongoing Slhtr Health Exercises, SenwrCenter. M. W, F, 8J0-9 am. Mock Race, M, W. 10 10:30 am. Senior Nutrition Lunch, noon M-W, 11 am.TTiun&Fri. QuHtlng, every other Monday, 10 am. Bridge, T\jesdays & Fridays, I p,ra SIhvrStrkkn&WalklngPro^u,Daily at Brock Gym6:309 am. Cooleemee El­ ementary, frS am. Smith Grow Gym, 7-9 am.Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items tw Dfl\1e Datellneshould be reported by noon Monday of the publkaikw wtck. Call75l.2l20or drop llbytheofllce.S. Main St. oCTDss from the counhouse. More good reasons to move in a Different directicai. A n n o u n c i n g t h e D o d g e ^ a r E n d E v e n t . G e t g r e a t d e a l s o n e x c it in g D o d g e c a r s a n d t r u c k s . Dodge Caravan $1,250 Cash Allowance *Shoit-term financing for qualified buyers. Dodge Intrepid *1,000 C a ilt Allowance Dodge Dakota Sport Club Cab a month lease for 36 months, with1209Low ^ \ J ^ ^ 1 ^ 9 9 due at signing* Tax, title, and license extra; no security deposit for select lessees. "Actual terms vary by participating dealer. This lease example for qualified lessees is based on MSRP for a 2000 MY 4x2 Dakota Sport Club Cab with a 24B package plus a M95 acouisition fee, and assumes a dealer contribution, which may offect final price. Option to buy at lease end at prc-negotiated price. 15 cenu p« mile for rtUles over 12,000 per year and charge for Mcess wear. Tax, title, liccnse, first month's payment, and ^1,790 down payment due at signing. No security deposit required for select lessees. Residency restrictions apply. o t See The Frieridly Dodge Dealer Ne^ You