06-JuneStepping Down ------------- CooleemeePrincipal, Secretary Retiring: P. 8, C9 Index Court Public Records Davie Dateline Weddings 5 6 9 12-15 Obituaries 17 Sports B1-B6 Schools B7-8, C13-14 Classifieds C15-17 Weekend Weather: P. Cloudy, Page 9 Splish, Splash Swimming Pool Opens This Friday: Details, Page 7 DAVIE C O U N T Y 5 0 « E N T E R P R I / E R E C O R D ^ 46 PAGESThur>duv.June3,1993VSI'S 149-160 ...................... D ru g R in g T r ia l P u ts L o c a ls In P ris o n h.»r,» 1:Kt week said the ring was responsible for including several from Davie County. hands." didnJ know enough inforrr.. ... i. i i.w i,W n ,h ,* drastic reductions in thc prison sen By Mike Barnhurdt Davie County Enterprise Record GREENSBORO - A drug ring thai federal au­ thorities began investigating after an early l980s bust in Davie County appears to be busted - with 11 people going to prison and the ring’s leader still at large. Some of those sentenced in U.S. District Court here last week said the ring was responsible for bringing as much as a ton of marijuana and a half ton of cocaine into Davie and surrounding coun­ ties over the past 10 years. The leader of the ring, former Davie resident David M ilton Crews, has not been caught. He could facea sentence of )ife in prison. Among those sentenced !a>t week was his fa­ ther. Jcrry M ilton Crews o f Advance, and others, including several from Davie County. Judge Frank W. Bullock Jr. handed down the prison sentences, mostly shorter prison terms for those responsible for making decisions and han­ dling the most drugs for the netw ork. The shorter terms were ;t reward for providing information. The ironic twist, Bullock said, was that those most involved knew the most, and had the most information to offer prosecutors. Others, "hired hands." didn't know enough information lo merit drastic reductions in the prison sentences. Only one o f those arrested, Ronald Craig "Smokey" Blevins of Advance, refused to offer any information. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and when released, w ill have to perform 100 hours of community service work for each Please S i* Davie — Pa^e 4 Schools Seek $4 M illio n Hy Ridtdlt' l!siiU') Davie County Enterpnse-Aecord Davie school uff$cials say they need almost $4 m illion in county funds to op:rate ne\t year. Head administrators of the health department, water and sewer treatment plants, and education system ca n t forward with their budget rvqucsi> to county commissioners on May 26 at a budget workshop. The school system is re* quested a total budget o f $3.97 m illio n , an increase o f S M l.M 7 more than the prior budget o f S3.46 million. The increase includes salaries forsix additional teachers, three additional exceptional children's teachers, five addi­ tional teacher assistants, a two percent noncertified employee supplement, and money to off­ set decreases from state funds. The proposal includes S2.37 million for renovations and new construction at Davie High School. A budget packet written by members o f the Board o f Education said that the increase was needed to continue to main­ tain and improve the current level of scrviccs provided by the schools. It stated that this in­ crease would provide for the programs, educational goals, facility and equipment needs to operate at thc standard o f ex­ cellence requested by the board and expected by the residents o f the county. The health department pro­ posed a $2.86 million budget. S505,122 more than the current year budget. The increase comes mainly in employees’ salaries. ;-*W e hear nothing but good things about the program." said ( County Commissioner Diane R 5 steT T ^T ‘ -------------- 1 preciative.' The water and sewer treat­ ment plants requested a total budget i>fS1.243.63l. These • reque.stv ..arc preliminary. ‘The Class’ Of Class Of ’93 Jerry Crews: ‘I’m A Gambler, Not A Drug Dealer’ o By M ike Barnhardt D jv ie C<>umv Enterprise Record JerryCrews knows all too well the dangers of drugs. Cocaine controlled his every movement for just about two years. It nearly cost him his busi­ ness - and his life. it has cost him his freedom. Crews w ill spend the next six and a half years in federal prison. It has cost his son his freedom, as well. David M ilton Crews, the leader o f a drug ring that is ac­ cused o f bringing a ton o f mari­ juana and a half ton o f cocaine into this area, is on the run. A multiple offender, he could face life in prison ifcaught. '1 would like to have never seen any drugs in my family," Jerry Crews said while in the YadkinCountyJailawaitingtrial. "Wehaveaclosefamilyanddrugs are tearing it apart.” Words like "criminal legend" and "Davie County Mafia" come to mind when the name Jerry Crews is mentioned. Crewsjust shakes his head and smiles. "lfonlyIhadn'tbeenaCrews." he said. "I've been accused of a lot o f things • about 90 percent of them aren't true. After a while, yourreputalion gets up w ithyou. T m not a drug dealer, never classified myselfas a drug dealer. I’m a bookie. I take bets. I'm a gambler, I ain't no damn drug dealer.” Grew U p Near Hillsdale Crews grew up in the Hillsdale area of Davie County, and com­ pleted the 1 lth grade. He was in the first class to attend Davie High School. He worked in textile plants in Winston-Salem and Mocksville, but said a caraccident in theearlv 1960s killed his friend and left Please See Bad — Page 4 The Crosby Tees Off Thursday-Sunday Celebrities Galore Expected At Charity Golf Tournament The Davie mqtrCl3ss-cl-1995-led-bv-Brad-Van .Hov. Heather McDowell and Melissa Bennix, will receive their diplomas in ceremonies Thursday night, June 3, in the football stadium. For a photo of each of the graduates, as well as articles about some of the students, please turn to section C.— Photo by Robln Fergusson (ty Kimniv Gallagher Davie County Enterprise-Record The eighth-annual Crosby Cc!chrity G o lf Tournament returns to Davie County this week when it beginsThursday on the Bermuda Run Country Club course. This is tlx? 52nd Crosby tour­ nament, started by Bing C rosby. Since his w ife , Kathryn, moved it to Davie County in 1986 from Pebble Beach, C;ilil .. it has become ati alUamateur, all-charity event -ThrGn>>by million forcharity inthosc eight years. This year, more than 75, two- person tc;tms w ill compete for a xhure <>f the $1,5 million purse. L;ist years winners. John Mackovic and Sam Hen­ drix. w ill return to defend their $1211,000 title, which wcnt to their favorite charities. Am ong the celebrities scheduled to appear include Kathleen Sullivan, Boomer Esiason and Julius Erving. Bob Hope plans to be in Davie County again to celebrate' his 90th birthday. Celebrities are paired with corporate sponsor teams. The tournam ent focuses its charitable efforts on drug i abuse prevention. The Crosby schedtJe follows: T hurs(hy, June 3: At 8:30 a.m.. a dnig symposium w ill be Please Siv Crosbv — Pane 10 _ - 2 - DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3, 1993 Hardest Lesson: Graduates Accept Responsibility They have completed lheir courses. The English and math. Biology and chemistry are behind them. Typing and home economics and shop are over. Across the nation, high school students arc receiving their diplomas. Increasingly, they havc bccn told the value o f their diplomas has been reduced by the failure o f the public educational system. Violence and drugs and moral problems have attacked the schools. ';Jong with the rest o f society. Despite the problems, our schools continue to turn out many excellent students who have ambition and determination. They succeed de>pite the problems. Like the hardships o f Abe Lincoln’s log cabin education, some students must overcome the mtxlern equivalents o f those difficulties: Broken families, violence at home and a lack o f moral discipline. Those who succeed often havc leamed a lesson that schools can’t always teach. Students must learn — sooner or later — that their success is up to them. Schools can help. Parents and friends can help. But they must provide the work. Good grades don't always translate into success in the workplace. And the schoolK>y charms they used to gct through school don’t work outside. These days, we are often encouraged to look elsewhere for the blame lbr our problems. That's most obvious in court. A munJer defendant is never to responsible for his crime, an attorney w ill argue. His parents abused him as a child, turning him into a murderer 30 years into the future. No responsibility. No fault. That’s rubbish. Students must learn that. too. A degree from a prestigious college doesn’t instantly translate into a job. A fter the degree, the graduate must search fo r a job. That's no small task. And it's no small adjustment to go from a college community to the grind o f the workplace. To go from professors to bosses. Many students see the big bucks o f professional sports and turn lheir energy in that direction. New Yorker magazine reported recently that there are 518.000 male high school basketball players in the United States. O f those, only 19.000 — four percent — w ill play for college teams. Only one percent w ill play for the major colleges. The NBA has only 367 players. Only 40 or 50 new players are drafted each year. Not good odus. Yet. many students either don't know the odds, or don't realize lhat statistics could apply to lhein. Northeastern University recently surveyed high school athletes and found that 43 percent o f the black players thought they would play for the pros. H alf o f them thought it w ould be easier to make the NBA than to become a doctor or lawyer. A generation ago. a high school diploma was the end of the line for most students. No longer. It's an increasinly small number that doesn't go on for additional education and training. Mtxlern technology requires it. Graduating students face critical decisions about colleges, careers and romance. And it is both a weighty burden — and an absolute delight — that their risks o f success and failure is in their own hands. Good luck to them all. — Dwight Sparks O A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRV6 =$ECORD USPS 149-160 124 South Main Street M ocksville, NC 27028 704/634-2120 Published every Thursday by thc D A V lE C O U N TY PUBLISHING CO. Dwighl Sparks........................Hdm>r-PubJisher Robin Fcrgusson ................General Manager Mikc Barnhardi ...................Managing Editor .. Ronnie Gallagher................... Sports Editor Becky Sn>dcr ................Advertising Director Mocksville Ua>ic Coolevniee Knlerprke Record Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Second Class Postage Paid In M ocLw illc, NC 27028 Subscription Rate% Single Copy, 50 cents M S.uu pcr ycar in tsonn iaroim a $22.50 per year outside North Carolina POSTMASTER Svnd address changes to Davie Countv Enterprisc-Record P.O. Box 525. M ock>vilk. NC 27028 Q® m «eHvafcMfrtfO# □ a > " IS IT JUSt ME OR ARE TME NBA PLAY0 FFS GETTING M0RE PHV5ICAL ?!" In The Mail ... Benefit Helps Chad Lipscomb P ro u d o f A th ie te s To the editor: I am uriiing this lezterfothank several bu<ine>*V' andeveryonewhosupponedacwk-outtohenefit Chad Lipscomb on Fnday. Ma> 2S. hostcd b> the 911 Communication* Dcpanment. Chad, 19. is a patient at For\\ th Memorial Ho'pi* tal. undergoing treatment for a bone marrow disease. He is an active member o f the Smith Grove Firc Department and the Davie County Rescue Squad. Chad isemplo> cd by MillerBui1d* ing anduorks pan-time fo rthe911 Communica­ tions Department. Thanks go to all o f the businesses for their dona­ tions. I appreciate Ronnie Thompson for allow, ing us to use the spacious facilities o f the County Office Building auditorium, and all o f the time and effort given by the participating dispatchers and their families. I would also like to thank the emph'>ecs otD avicC ouniy Ho>pital forall their take-out orders and all of the folks whojoined us for supper. A ll of the mone> raUed w ill gotoward Chad s medical bills. Plant are underway toestabli>h a fund fo r Chad's medical expenses. As soon as plans are final, information w ill be released. The Davie County Firemen's Association and American Red Cross w il| sponsor a Blood Drive Friday. June lS. 2:30-7 p.m. at the Smitfi Grove Ruritan Club on U.S. I5S across from the Smith Grove F1re Department. In dosing,thanks again for all o f the support evcryoneis showing fo r Chad Lipscomb. Details o f futurecsentswill be listed in the Davie County Enterprise and on W DSL radio. Alice lUnes M ocksville Social Services Ignores Problem To the editor: A phone call to Dav ie County Social Services and thejuv enilecourtoffice has e not come through with results. One night in February, a fricndwentjoy riding in another friend's car. They met a young girl and her brother walking. Not thinking, they talked to the children. The children w ent riding. W hile out joy riding, they wrecked the car. M y friend goes to ja il and on to prison. Thechildren are placed on 6 months supervised probation for running away from home. Many call> have been made to social services regarding the children. The children are tw ogirlsage 13 and 10andone l4-year-oldboy. oficnseenwalkingthestreetsofMocksvillealone at night. The streets arc not the place for young girls to be w a lkin g at night. Social Sen ices is aw arc o f this and has been for a long time. A ll they saywhen you report this is "W e'll see to it." The Police are aware o f thi.; and when questioned, they reply "W e sent a report to Social S cn ice V The children's juvenile officer was called regarding the child out late. 1 thought a 13- year-old on superv ised probation should be in at dark u ith her mother. The officer said the mother may have given her permission. What does it tale to get the Davie County Department o f Social Services andjuvenile court officer to open their eyes to these problems? M .B. Link CooIeemee To the editor: 1 attended the D a\ie Hich Athletic Awards night last Thur%day at Davie Hich. both as a parent andacoach. As a parent. 1 w ouId like to thank the coaching staff for all their hardwork and for the long hours of dedicated ser% ice to our young people. Taking pan in athletics teaches our v oung people values and standards that arc part o f the adult world. These ingredients used on the "plav ing fietd' \v ill help ihem to have a more produciiv e life. Coop- cratingwithothers.makingsacrifice>andchoices. pushing one’s self to accomplish a goal, dealing w ith failure and the joy o f success are all le>son> toIeam in facing life.The Dav ie Hich administra­ tion must continue to recognize the impenanve of ourath1eticprogramandcor.tinuetoup-grade and make improvements a> needed. Davie >hoi'lJ striveto be the best in all areas o f our school anti not accept anything less. As acoach. f was very proud o f ourathh:ii> i'n all the spon areas andvery pleased at the number o f athletes thatwon individual honors. I am c'p*- cially proud o f the W ar Eaeles swim team in just their second season, and glad I had the opportu­ nity to work with such a dedicated bunch qf athletes. In the excitement of the es eninc. I om it­ ted thanking my team captains. Brian Tnbbld. Cam Kofte, Kathy Cozanand Eleanor Bailey. for their leadership and hard work. I also failed to mention the accomplishments o f my young div­ ing team. Not only did they place at their first conference meet as freshmen, but all four placed at the Western Regionals. Greg Koko>ki. Melissa Agril!o. Cara Hansen and Melanie McDowell havc a great future. Thank you. Karen Umberger Davie High sw im team coach Who Would You Like To Meet? i m\ Cn>r^ ' Wal<lrot>-tlamlil-MiuilL -Luri-Cunrdl_l)ounn Carter AilvaiiiT “ llarry Tnm iim . I lhmmlit lk' was one of the liest presidents we ever had." I.evingtmi Advance "Hill Clinton. There’s a “ Mark Martin, the race ci)tiple C>r things l'il like tn car driver. That would be ask him,” nice." Advance "Gartlt Brooks. He is still dnwn to Karth even tlmugh lie’s famous." DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Junc 3,1993 -'3 Modest Vacation: Try Turkeyfoot, The tiullhole As scfuvl is cn<littt 2 and vacation lime is near, then? are plenty o f opportunities for all you travelers tired of making the boring trips {t> M yrile Bcuch or the mountains. What's the big deal about those places, anyway? Myrtle Beach is located on a big salty pond. So what? Couldn't you get the same enjoyment vamping out ncx! to Unele Ferd's fishing pond in Turkcyfoot7 If you get too hot. just jum p in the pond. And you don*t have to worry about that nasty undercurrent, or hearing the whistle from the obnoxious teen-age lifeguard. You say the scenery is better in Mvrt(e Mike Barnhardt Heach. lfy o u want n> see a bunch of bikinis or hunks, go huy a Sporls llhisinited. Besides, for every just-right hikini and terrific hunk you sec in Myrtle Beach you*ll see 43 punks and 51 chunks. The pleasure ain't xvorth the pain. And ify o u insist on dining out while on vacation. Tufkcyloot Grocery isjust up the road from the fish pond. Forget the high priced restaurants at M yrtle Beach and go for some cheese and crackers. 11" you're in lhe mo4>d for seafm>d. a can o f sardines ind crackers should hit the spot. ’ lf the fish pond still seems too tranquil, don't fret. You don't have to spend two paychecks on that trip to M yrtle Beach. Just head down the road to Cooleemee. There's enough excitement there to fas( a fife(ime. Go to the Btillholv. and you’ll find all types of people to look at — if people watching is your thing. There's plenty o f water sports available there, too. and plenty o f broken Jitn Beam bottles (all empty, sorry) and smashed Budwciser cans (also empty). If you prefer not to have your water sports on the cutting cdgc — literally — try the Cooleemee Swimming Pool. Heck, not only is the water clean, but it has chlorine, too. And there's other sports and playground equipment there. Yes. there's liopc for those o f us <m limited budgets to have an exciting vacation in 1993. And there are those who like to go to the mountains. Why? About nU I’ve ever seen in the mountains is ... mountains. Big hills covered with trees. We've g(X hills covered with trees in Davie County. Uiv on your back and they look bigger, and you don't have to leave the back yard. Forget those trout fishing ponds that can be found just about anywl>crc in the mountains. Overpriced tourist traps, that's all they arc. If you want to pay a ridiculous 1 amount ofm oney tocatch a few fish. |*m * sure there are several pond owners in these* parts who would be glad to oblige. BYOZ,. (Bring Your Own Zcbco). \) Don't bc sud bccause there aren't any ** Tweetsie Railroads in Davie County. Another overpriced tourist trap. If you want cheap.$ thrills on a cheap ride, go to the Masonic * . Picnic. And face it. Tweetsie Railroad hasn't been the same since Fred Kirby dicd. And these trips up the mountain are rcalf>: rough on the old car. not to mention the pocketbook when you stop for gas. Driving up the nuxintain. you can watch the gas gauge needle go down. Staying hontc helps- the environment, as well. So relax this summer. Enjoy home. Save, some bucks. But don't try to call me. I'll be on niy way to Myrtle Beach, bv wav ofTweetsie. Davie History This photo ol the John and Martha Jane Whisenhunt Waller family, taken in 1914 near the Bailey's Chapel United Methodist Church, includes, from left: standing, Mrs. Monroe (Sally Holt) Waller (1873-1930). Mrs. Clyde (Emma Waller) Sidden (1886-1968), Mr. Lee P. Waller (1887-1952), Mr. Clyde Sidden (1895-1981), Mrs. Jacob (Rosa Waller) Jones (1892-1981), Mr. Monroe Waller (1885-1937), Mrs. George (Sarah Jane Bodsford) Waller (1892-1953), Mr. George Waller (1889-1970), Mr. Kelly Waller (1898-1984), Mrs. Johnny (Sadie Waller) Jones (1900-1965) and Mr. Nat F. Waller (1896-1986). Sitting in chairs, from left. Mrs. Lee (Mattie Salyers) Waller (1888-1972), Mrs. Martha Jane Whisenhunt Wallor (1865-1932). Mr. John Waller (18587-1928) and Mrs. Sam (Amanda Waller) Frye (1894-1972); sitting in laps, Mrs. Clara Waller Safright (1913-1974), Mrs.Mary Waller Bailey (1911-1965) and Mr. Frank Sidden (1915-1969); and on porch, Mr. Henry Waller Sr. (1903-1973), Mr. Clarance Waller (1907-1974), Mr. Willie Waller (1906-1984), Mr. Charlie Waller (1908-1977). Photo submitted by Mr. David Joyner. 1 Laura Williams- Tracy Community Support Has Led To County Line’s S uccesses To the editor. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the people o f Davie and IredelJ counties and especially thc people o f the County .Line fire district. On March 28. 1973. the first organizational meeting o f the County Line Fire Depanment was held. Officers anU directors were elected. Ray Godbey was elected as chief. The fire department was chartered on May 22.1973. Ralph Porter was hired on Feb. 12. 1974. to start construction on ihe building. Our first new pumper was purchased in 1975 for $29,068 plus equipment and our first used tanker for S2,500. The Ladies Auxiliary was organized in No- vem berl975.JackG. Koontzwaselectedchiefin Decem berofl975. We became a rated fire department on Oct. 4. Arts Council Soliciting Donations To thc editor; As usual, when you make your first attempt at something, portions o f it go smoothly and por­ tions o f i t you consider io be a learning experience ‘and remember it for the next year. 1 have experi­ enced some ofboth in our first Arts Council Fund Drive. 1 am still excited, however, at lhe response we have received, particularly from the business community, thus far. We have just gone over the halfway mark o f our $40,000 goal with three Weeks to go. I Many residents and businesses are receiving letters and brochures soliciting support foraw idc variety o f Arts Council projects planned for the 1993*94 fiscal year. If you do not receive infor­ mation on the upcoming Arts Agenda, but would like to, please call the Arts Council office at 634- 3112 and leave your name and address, inform a­ tion w ill be sent toyou as soon as possible. W e are looking forward to an exciting ycarof school and community programming. Jane Simpson Executive Dircctor All-American Cities Not A Beauty Contest To the editor: * W hy didn’t Mocksville/Davie County win in the A ll America Citics contest? One should not liken the A ll Americu Cities -C ontesi to ih e A ll America Bcauty Pageants Totheircredit,the NationalCivicLeague'sAll America Citics Contest is not a beauty contest, it isquite lhe opposite. Thc League is, fortlie most part, seeking cities that have addressed catastrophic problems o f crime, drugs, housing, povcrtyrnflsmploymcnti— racial violence, substandard schools, etc. Fortunately, due to vigilance on thc part of Mocksville/Davie County citizens, our commu­ nity is largely problem free, thus in reality we really arcawinner. Our.effort is tok_cep U that way and make ouj_ community even l>ettcr. That was ourdemonstration to thc A ll America Jury. Kent Mathewsoii, Co-Chairman ' M ock% ville/DavieCountyAll ----------------Americu Committee, Advance 1976. Construction began on the BBQ pit in 1977 and it was first used in October 1977. A brush truck uaspurcjsedfor$600and was equipped to fight grass and wood fires. In 1981 anotherpumper/tankerwaspurchased for $66,484 plus equipment. In 1986 construction began on an addition to the fire station. In the falf o f 1990, our o(d tankerwas taken out o f service and a new pumper/tanker was pur­ chased in 1991 forS121.890plusequipment. In 1992 a new quick responseftrosh truck was purchased and is presently being constructed. Thc cost o f this truck is $55,000 and should be delivered within 30 days. Since the County Line Fire Department was organized, we have raised over $679,000. Tax funds from Davie and Iredell counties have amounted to $365,953. Fund raising suppers has raised over$l92,000, and donations have added another $65,000. We have received four state grants for a total o f $16,500. The Ladies A u xil­ iary has raised several thousand dollars and has purchased almost all o f the tables, chairs, and kitchenequipment,andtheyhavedonated$l4,000 lovvard the purchase o f our trucks. They have supported us for the past 20 years and continue to support us with tlicir outstanding help. During the past twenty years, the County Line Fire Department has spent over S506,5l2dollars for new equipment and buildings, and another $172,405 for operational expenses On behalfof the boardof directors, firefighters, and Ladies Auixiliary o f the County Line Volun­ teer Fire Department. 1 would like to thank this community o f caring people for their support. It has allowed us to work together tohelpeacji other in time o f need. Jack G. Koonu, Chief County Line Volunteer Fire Department Remember, Grads: Money Doesn’t Mean Happiness “ Listen everybody. I want you all to bc quict. l'vc got BenS coffegc yearbook here, and f just wan( to read you M>me o f thc wonderful things about Ben. Be quiet, please.** For those students making the plunge from high school to college or real lifc this week. I want to give you some advice. Though none of us were born yet, 25 years ago thc movic “ The Graduate” was released, starring a young Dustin Hoffman and Annc Bancroft as the neurotic wife o f Dustin*s (Ben's) father's business panncr. Just to bring you up to speed. thLs is thc movie that made Sinton and Garfunkle*s tunc “ Mrs. Robinson** fanums. Now |'nt not encouraging any summer affairs with an older woman, guys, but I wanted to im kc a simple suggestion that during the upcoming lazy summer days you check this one out at thc video store. Like Benjamin Braddock. I*n> sure nw$t ofyou have had your fill in the past weeks o f questions about your future. What w ill you do? What do you want to be? No doubt a lot ofpeoplc have been telling you what a success you already are. and what great things that you have accomplished by completing high school. Your friends ■ are probably saying. “ It*s finally over.** ln the movie. Benjamin Braddock had just graduated from college. He was captain o f thc cross country team, head of the debate club, managing editor o f the college newspaper. The advice to any young person with tlie world at their lingers like Ben: Plastics, son, a big burley ittan says to Ben. slapping him hard enough on the shoulder to spill his ." drink. But Ben wanted his life to be “ different.** After an aduiturous affair with a wonun old enough to be' hi.s mother. Ben falls in love with her daughter. Elaine, chases her to Berkeley. C .A .. and steals her from the alter ' during her wedding to another “ plastics-typc.” When the movic came to theaters 25 years ago, my mother-in-law, who was herself a college student, was for­ bidden by her mother to sce the movie bccause it was con­ sidered to be pretty racy. Believe me. by today's standards, this one could go up against “ Snow White1’ for a G rating. But despite some o f the backlash ;tbout an affair with an older woman, thc movie had a good point. Bcn. an upper-class, white, male, who got a convertible Alfa R0i)K0 for graduation, could live a life collecting material possessions. But he sees that despite their money, the people around hint and ihosc that he is destined to grow up to immitate. are still not happy. So my graduation message to you is this: whether you go on to medical school or start work here in Moeksville, always remember that money doesn’t make happiness, and. like Ben. only you can make your life “ different.*' NOTICE ANNUAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING OF SHEFFIELD-CALAHALN V.F.D. JUNE 7, 1993 • 7:30PM AT SHEFFIELD-CALAHALN FIRE DEPT. 4-OAV!E COUNTY ENTERPRlSK RECORD, Thursilny,juiu' 3,1993 Bad Reputation Has Followed Jerry Crews Co6tlnuod From I’upc 1 CfiTM < H7/h a bmU*» ncck. He >iill suffer* from numbness. cspcci;iUy in the lefl hand. Unable li> do manual labor and uneducated, Crews said hc tumed to gambling. He was first married in 1959, and his son David was bom in I960. His first brush u iih the law cumv in lhe mid-60s. when he served six months in prison for hauVng moon* shinewhisfcey. He got out and began running the By-Lo service station in Clemmons. “ I had my first poker game and started playing cards." he said. "I’ve played cards throughout lhe years." He was always interested in cats, and went into the business in the mid- 1970s. Soon afterthat, he moved back to.Davie County, to the location o ff U.S. 158where his wife now runs the business. "1 made a hell o f a living with used cars." he said. "1 sell more cars whole­ sale than anybody in Davie County." And there was his gambling busi­ ness. Crews said he dealt w ith all types of people, ones \sho wouldn't tolerate a bookie on drugs. ^They (police) think that every, body who does business w ith me is crri$ked. and that’s not the way ii is. 1 do fc^siness w ith every body fromjani* tor<to executives. *Jt ttys 19S1 o r 19S2.1 don't know v>hit it was. but people ihink if you opeh up a car lot. you're in the drug business. "People w ere accusing me o f sell­ ing drugs. 1 got me the reputation for sellrng drugs long before I had ever seen drugs. *Peoplethought I financed David's druj2 business and I hadn't. "11ie only thing I've ever done h gamble. How I got the reputation o f being a drug dealer, ofheing a mean or had person. I don't know." A conspiracy to commit murder conviction in 1975 was a misunder­ standing. Crews taid. He anU another man had taken money from a w oman who wanted a third man killed, btit they didn't intend on carry ing it out. When the man was found dead in M yrtle Beach, at the same lime Crews was there, police came looking for him. Crews said he wasn't responsible, but pled guilty to get police to leave him alone, tle received a suspended sentence. Police. Crews said, haven’t seem interested in his gambling. "Nobody ever said anything about niy gam­ bling. theycompluined about the things I didn’t do." he said. "You can’t be a bookie and a drug dealer because no­ body w ill do business w ith a drug " if you can't trust your bookie, you can't trust nobody." Addicted To Cocaine Crews about lo$t it all from 1988- 1990, when he became addicted to free-basing cocaine. It is during ihis time that he also soldcocaine. He said it w as nothing to get a gram or tw o o f cocaine and share it with a few friends. The problem came, he said, when he began free-basing, a w ayof getting lhe cocaine into the body quicker, producing a more powerful high. Tvehadonedownfa)J all m y life." he suid. "A w oman can leadme thi ough hel!." Hesayshewaslivingwithawoman whcn he began using cocaine. "A t first. 1 thought nobody could get ad­ dicted lo snorting cocaine. Then we £ & W * * ' Jerry Crews: "We have a ctose family and drugs is tearing il aparl." — Photos by Robin Fergusson got into free-basing. Now that's addic­ tive. You can't leave it alone. If you ever touch it. you’re hooked." He started u<ing small amounts, which gradually increased. "You can get rid o f an ounce in tw o or three days. W e would smoke it until we were down in the floor, and then we would look for some more." His car business, and gambling business, both suffered severely. "I didn'tdoany thing. The only thing 1 wanted to do was stay close to that "One morning 1 woke up. messed u p ... and I decided it's time for me to Crew s said the woman he was liv ­ ing w ith tried to have him killed dur­ ing this time, but he w as so messed up on drugs that he wasn't always sure w hat w asreal and what wasunagined. "lq u it. and 1 haven't fooledw ith it since." he said. “Since 1990.1 haven't fooledw ith it. haven’t even seen it." His son. already a convicted drug dealer, didn't like the idea ofhis father taking drugs. Crews said. "David wouldn't come around. He hated that. "I feel lucky tobehere. Whenyou're doping, you don’t know what you’re doing." System Encourages Lies The court system that helped scnd him toprison isn't fair. Crews said.He was charged w iih selling cocaine and carry ing a firearm w hile selling drugs. T m guilty o f the drugs, but not as much as ihey sav,"he said, "l'venever carried a gun." He pled guilty because the sentence would have been longer had he lo*j a court trial. Crews said local police begged people for information on him. offer­ ing to let criminals go if thev would tell them something they could use against Jerry Crew s. Andwhen caught, the prospect ofa lighter sentence looms for those who givcm!ormationonothervCrewshim* self fell victim to that, and offered the government information to help con­ vict Winston-Salem attorney Gary W illiard, according to a federal pros- Most recently, police have been try ing to get him for paying o ff John Stephens (Davie sheriffs sergeant, former detective). "It's been lies after lies after lies." he said. “I don't like John Stephens, but I ain't telling lies on nobody. *IVsajoke. They'll do anything to get a conviction, but l'm not going to tell on my friends. The w ay the federal government works is not right." Crews was held in the Yadkil^ CuumyJoi!. along w iih several others involved in the drug ring headed by his son. They talked, and figured that between them, they had spenlSI34,0W in attorney fees. "You're wasting the money. You might as w ell take a court- ’ appointed attorney." At the tim eofhis arrest. Crewssaid he was jus! beginning 10 land on his. feet after lhe drug addiction. He had re-married.Thebusinesswasworking Butearly onTuesday morning. Dec. 8.1992, officers knocked on the door" lo his home on Overlook Drive in Advance. He got out o f bed to hear officers read him his arrest warrant for being part o f the drug ring headed by Crews has been in custody since that time. The worst part, he said, is being away from hisfamily and friends. He also has two daughters, one w hojusi turned 16. David was espe* ciallyfondofhisyoungestsister.Jerry Crewssaid.Thetwohadplannedtogo together and buy her a new car. but Jerry was in ja il and David is on the run. He arranged 10 have a used car to be ghen 10 her. Jerry said he doesn't know where his son is. but if he did. he wouldn't tell. He admits it w ill be difficult for David to hide. A victim o f a motor­ bike accident as a teen-ager, David Crews has a tracheotomy and speaks wiih a gruff voice. And David has alwaysbeenc)osetohisgrandparenis. who helped to raise him. Crews looks down while talking about his son and family . "1 would like 10 have never seen any drugs in m y fam ily. We have a close fam ily and drugs is tearing it bavie Men Going To Prison As Part Of Drug Ring Continued From Puge I year o f his five years of probation. He w ill also have to undergo sub­ stance abu>e treatment. His attorney. Don Tisdale, said Blcyins w as w illing totake responsi­ b ility for his actions, butdid not want lo him others. Blevins was accused o f making trips to Rorida to buy drugs for the network. 'H e fully ac­ cepts his responsibility and does not seek to place this on someone else," Tisdale said. Blevins apologized 10 his family. ‘ During the time 1 was involved with this,* I was thinking o f m yself... not my fam ily." Blevins said. "I wani to apologize to everybody, especially m y fam ily." The judge seemed upsei that U.S. Attorney Paul W einm an recom­ mended a "light" sentence for Jerry Crews. The judge said lhe government's evidence, based on the testimony of Terry Smith, showed that Crews bought from 8-10 ounces ofcocainc every two weeks fortw o years. Crews claimed the amount was from 1-6 ounces, and that there were lapses in the period in w hich cocaine was pur­ chased. Crews' attorney. Eddie Mitchell, reached an agreement w ith the pros- eculor - an agreement that didn't sit wel| with tiie judge. 3t*s less than h a lf what the goVfcmment*s evidence says." Bul- locE said, " f think lhe government haCpresented enough evidence ... thaCmore than 5 kilos (11 pounds of cocaine). can be attributed to Mr. C rw s. "In view o f the government's own evidence, it seems absurd that the gotem m ent would ask me to ignore thefr own evidence and agree to this setUement,' Bullock said. ije rry Crews was one o f the first people to come forward with assis­ tance,* Weinman, the prosecutor, said. "He has been very candid about hisrolc. I would very much like to see hinjget this redact/ort." ye said Crews offered key infor* maflon that helped convict former atKffney Gary W illiard o f Wjnston- SatCm. JN ge Bullock shook his head. "Ydu offered it (evidence), and now vod!re running away from that." M itchell said his client was not a majbr dealer as far as lhe overall network was concerned, ihat he b o ^ h t the drugs mostly for iheuse of hirm elf and friends. •Jerry Crews has alimited involve­ ment in this matter," Mitchell said. "H c was addicled 10 cocaine. "On Oct. 26. 1990. he stopped using cocaine, stopped getting it and was not involved in the conspiracy any more." Crew s w as doingwell. had his car business running once again and had re-married. M itchell said. "He had made a change in his life and thenthis came up," He a<ked the judge lo consider Crews’ limited involvement in the conspiracy, his age (51) and early cooperation. "l'm uncomfortable w ith the gov. emment backing away from two o f itswitnessesinlhisrase,"JudgeBul- lock said. He then agreed 10 the settlement, and sentenced Crews to 7.5 years in prison, with five years o f probation and aS10.000 fine. He w ill also have toundergosubstanccabuscireatment. A rthur Grey Sm ith o f Davie County was sentenced to five years in prison, w ilh a S3.000 fine, five > ears o f probation and a requirement toundergosubstanccabusetreatment. His ailomey, Clark Fisher, said Smith did not play a major role in the conspiracy. "He liked toparty and was friends with some of those involved in the conspiracy." Fishct said. "The defen­ dant appears to be the least culpable ... and w as the least compensated. He was paid by the week to do chores, mostly manual labor ... chopping wood, driving, cleaning cars." He al*o went along on some trips toPloridaandTexastobuydrugs,but was not ac1uallyinv0lvedinthe trans­ actions, Fisher said. The prosecutor agreed. "Arthur Smith was probably the least involved," Weinman said. "He was one of the first defendants to come to us, and w as candid w ith his answers until questioned about one ' He kept that silence until he en­ tered the guilty plea, and has since given information on that person as well, Weinman said. "He was in a position to take a big hii for a small Curtis Stiles o f Davie County re- ctfivedoneoftbeshorterprisonlerms. and was the only defendant allowed to leave the courtroom on his own. Stiles is sick and under doctor's care, and must report for prison w hen that careTsn't urgent, no later than'Augr4r Siilcs was sentenced to 4 years in prison, w ith five years probation with lOtihoursofcommunityscrviceeach o f those years, and lo undergo sub­ stance abuse treatment. Stiles was a driver for the orgatti* zation,accordingtohisattomey,Mikc “He is a completely different person. If we had went to the same high school, we probably would have been best friends." — IRS Agent Ted Warren talking about Terry Smith "He made no decisions. He was a mute." Grace said. "He went to get the drugs when he was instructed to do so ... even though the amount of drugs he handled were massive." W einm an compared S iiles to Arthur Smith. ~They were salaried employees." Weinman said, "noj par­ ticipants in the profit sharing. TCey "M r. Stiles came to us very early. Weare satisfied he has done his dead- level best to shoot straight w ith us." Stiles said he got out o f the busi­ ness, "h*s in my past," he told the judge. T w o and a half years ago. 1 got to thinking about it and changed my way o f life." N etw ork Partner Sentenced Former Davie resident Terry Grey Smith, a partner and major player in the Crew sdnig distribution network, was called the most cooperative de­ fendant ever in lhe m iddle district o f the federal court system. He provided testimony against several in this conspiracy, and helped authorities catch others in Florida and other places. He even allowed officers to put audio wires on him w hile he made majordrug purchases. Fourofficers testified on Smith's behalf, tw o with more than 18 years service who said they had never tes- tifiedonbehalfofadefendan!before. ATFAgentTed Warren said Smith had helped his department to make a training film . "He's ccnainly changed his lifc around. He's made a lot o f mistakes, but I think he is a fine gentleman." IRS Agem Ted Warren said lie first heard ofTerry Smith in the mid- 1980s. "He is a completely different person than what I had heard of." W'arren said. " If we had gone to the same high school, w e probably w ould havebecnbcstfriends.Terry wanted —todditYore tharrwc logistieullycould- let him do. "W henwe arrested him, he said he thought he had most o f this behind him. His wife and child are the most important things to him and 1 don’t think he woutd do anything lo harm either onc o f them." Weinman said lhat Smiih. if he hadchosen to fight the charges, had a good chance o f obtaininganot guilty verdict. Instead. he took responsibil­ ity for his actions and helped the govcmmentand itscases against oth- Joe Cheshire. Smith's aitomev, said it was a rare chance for an attor­ ney to help somebody w orth helping. “I was seeing a warm. kind, unso­ phisticated man who was desperately in love with his wife and with his parents," Cheshire said. "He has made lhe decision that his fam ily is most importanl and he made the decision to cooperate. ~The law. as designed, has w orked w ith Terry Smith. When he gets out. he w ill be a good citi/en." Smith spoke briefly to the judge. "I'm guilty o f all the things that have been said about me. 1 w ouldlike to thank m y fam ily for staying with me and staying behind me." Thejudge agreed that Smith had been an exemplary defendant, but said it didn't seem right that the networks's partnerand banker would receive a lighter sentence than some who worked forhim . "But there’s got to be some way to reward coopera­ tion with thegovemment."Judge Bul­ lock said. "The involvement o f M r. Smith was significant and ihe cooperation would significantly reduce the sen- Smilh was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison, with 10 years probation. Hemust nlsoundergosubstanceabuse treatment. T w o Attorneys Gohig To Prison T w o Winston*Salem attorneys were also sentenced to prison as their roles in the Crews drug conspiracy werc uncovered in federal court. Gary W illiard was sentenced to _ 11 years in prison, with 200 hours of began repreu*nting some members o f the network. Warren said. lRS Aeent Ted Warren testified that Terry Smith and Jerry Crews said thai they paid W illjard's fees w iih cocaine on several occasions from l9S6-1990.HesaidthatW illiard over-charged Smith for a $17,000 caterer's bill for Smith's wedding. Warren said that in 19S5. Jerry Crews spotted a house for sale at Lake Norman and told his son. David Crew s. Dav id Crews laterbought the house, in W ilIiard's name. W illiard has also put Smith’s w ife on the payroll, although she had no rcaljob and rarely showed up at the office except to pick up a check. W'arren said. Fraser, who also was addicted to cocaine, was sentenced to 4 years in prison with 5 years o f probation and IOOhoursofcommunityserviceeach o f those years. He must undergo sub­ stance abuse treatment. Others Sentenced R andyG ruylinC ruverofD avid- son County. Smith’scousin. was sen- lencedtosityearsinprison,aS20,000 fine, 100 hours o f community ser­ vice for each o f three years super­ vised probation. Vincent Paul C ord, a M iam i. Fla.. man who provided much o f lhe co­ caine bought by the Crews network, was sentenced to 11 years in prison, with fiveyears supervised probation. Because o f previous convictions, he could have faced a life sentence. Jeffrey Dale M abe, a Stokes County man whose testimony led to Smith's arrest, was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison, w ith 10 \ ears proba­ tion. He musi undergo substance abuse treatmem, K e rry M itchell Cham bers of Forss thCounty w as sentenced 1011.5 . years in prison (He also faced firearm and charges involving a minor girl), with 10 vears probation with 100 hours of community service each of those vears. He must undergo sub­ stance abuse treatment. Children Portraits Weddings Sports Engagements 634-2581 0 s t i s b f Q E>OBIN community service for each yearof a fiveyearprobation.aS5,CXX)fineand toutnIergosubs(anccabusetrcatmcnt. W illiard became involved after David Crews was arrested for drugs in Davie County in 1981 and he. along with attorney Bruce Fraser, How Big Is Your Meeting? MEET IN COMFORT! Our Hospitality Suite and Conference Room are ideal for Club Meetings. W'edding Receptions, Seminars, Training Classes, Company Gatherings, and other Social o r business Functions!!! CALL NOW AND MAKE YOUR RESERVATION, YOU’LL GET UNCOMMON ATTENTION TO DETAIL "A N tT S U P E R B *S E R V ie E - 704-634-7310 Comfort Inn • Mocksville 1500 YadklnvMe fld., Mocksvllle, NC 27028 DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1993 - 5. Disdrict Court Thc lolltm m g c;iv> ^vrc di'P*>'* cd o f in lX i\ie D M rici C m tt May 27. Prc>iding va> Judge Suiiuicl A. Calhc>. Pr.w vuting was Gcnrgia Nixon. a>'i>4uitt di>trki attorney. - L it/ E. Ailatnx. driving 77 mph in a 55 mph /one. rcduivd by DA to driving M n^h in a 55 iuph ' one- P*‘> $10 tine and court vo>t>. — Chad U. Uurne>. D W I. <.M Brwlha)v/er rv>u!t>). *ntcnccd to tt) da>> Mbpcnded for 3 ycjf>. pJ> SKW fine and cvurt cu>h. pcMorn> - hr>ur> com nwnily scrvkv w ork, not operate m oior vehicle until properly licensed, w m ply w ith >uh>tanve abusc a><c>^iient. Appculed. _ sJicheUe H. Bcamer. driving t» mph in a 55 mph /one. reduced by DA to improper equipnvni. pay $10 fine and court co>t>; no liability in* >urunce. dismis>cd. — Annie Benson, >im pk a>>ault. d is m ix d . — Leroy Bvn>on. a>>ault on u fem ale, sentenced to 60 day> >u>pended for 2 year>. ^i> $50 tine and court ci>t>. not threaten, huras> or a>>ault pro>ecuting witne>v — W illiam E. Bidd>. driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hv DA to im pri^cr equipnx*nt. pay $10 tlne and court co>iv — Matthew J. B lackw ell, no driverS licertNC. failureto>top for red light. pay $25 tlne and court co>i< ca rrving a concealed weapon. di>mi>'Cd. . ~ Matthew J. Bren>eke. driving u hile ltcens: revoked, reduced by DA to no op:rator's license, prayer for judgm en continued « i condition he pav coun co'ts. — Barry L. Burton, driving 74 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced b> D A to improper cquipnvnt. pav $M) fine and court costs. — Jordan W . D a\id'on. fictitious or cancelled registration, unsafe tire>. pav $25 finc and court costs. — Daniel A. Day. failure to return rental propcn>. dismi>x*d. — India M . Dobson, simple w or­ thless check, dismissed. _ Mala .M. Evans, driung whtle license revoked, reduccxi by DA to improper equipment, prayer for judg­ ment continued on condition she pa> court costs. _ Bobbie S. Francvs. driving while liccnx* revoked, sentenced to 12 months su*pended for 3 years. pa> S200 fine anJ court co>ts. m>t operate motor \ehicle until p ro ^rlv licens- ed: D W I. (Breathal>/er refuscdi. <ntenced to Z i nu>nths <u>pcnded tor 3 > ears, pav $500 fine and court costs, not opvrate motor vehicle un­ til properly licensed, >fvnd 3U da>' in ja il, com ^y w ith sub*ance abuse as>essment. Jennifer L. Gi<het>'ur. driving 76 mph in a 65 mph zm c. rcJuvetl b> D A io in q w p cr equipment, pav $*|0 fine and court costs. - Carm ichael H arris. l)W I. <vnlvnwd ln 12 m.>ntliN >wpomkxl h>r .1 xw r>. p.iv $500 l"mv aml coiirl ciM>. mu i>|vruU' niiilnr w hivlc un­ til pri'pvrlylivcnM-U. s|xnd 7 days in ja il, voinpl> ''iih >uh<anec abux asse.ssment. - Cuthv llo n c u u it. Im v n y . urn {u iliy; DWI. (.11 lirvaihal>vcr re>uh>). »cnlcnccd h' '- " ‘'a>' »u»pcnd«l t'<* 3 years, p iv S UX) linc aml ci«irt oi>l>. m il iip M C m i'lnr vchiclc um il properly lfccnwd. pcr- lorm 4S hcur> community scrvicc M ,uk. comply w ilh >utwancc abu~c assessment. - Sandra E. Iezzi. driving 77 mph in a 65 mph /one. found guilty of driv ing 70 nyh in a 65 mph /one. pay $10 fine and court cost. - Darrell L. Johnson, injury to personal property, distiussed. _ M elis<i M . Jones, driving 95 mph in a 65 mph zone, pav $75 t'me and court ciMs. - LessaW. M asten.drivingwhile license revoked, reduced by D A to no operator’s license, pravvr 1or judg* ment continued on condition she pay court costs. _ M itchell M avlicld. failure to return rental property, dismissed. _ Donald W. McBri<i*. driving68 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced bv DA to imprvper equipment, pay $10 fine and court costs. _ Moll> K. M ilncr. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced h\ DA to im pri^er equipment, pav $10 fine and court costs. _ James P. Morehead. cxtraditnm as fugitive, dismissed. ~- Brvan T. O'Neal. DNM. <10 Breathalyzer resuUsi. dm ing 90 mph in a 65 mph zone, sentenced to 12 months susftnded lor .' vears. pa> $500 fine anJ court costs, not <>perute motor vehicle until prop:r1v liccn%- e d .spend lO da>sinjail.com plv with >ubstance abuse assessnvnt. - Kav Pa>ne. failure to pav stute income tax. praver for judgment con­ tinued on condition sh: pa> court costs: 5 counts failure topav state in­ come tax. dismissed. - Jimm> Earl Pratt, assault and haitcrv. dismissed. - Debra V. Rovse. dm in g 6 / mph in a 45 mph zone, ^i> $25 tinc and court ct>sts; vehicle not reeistered. dismissed. *— Henry S. Rowland, driving mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced bv D A to 1mpr15v r equipnvnt. pa> $10 fine and cixjrt costs. - Francis P. Seats, driving 53 mph in a 35 mph zonc. reduced b> DA to driving 50 mph in a 35 mph /onc. pav $10 fine and court co*ts. - Charles J. Sheets, no driver’s Jicensc. failure to stop for >toppcd bus. disinisvd. - Lonnie D. Shores, com ­ municating thrcat'. breaking anJ cnterine. di'tnis%ed. - (ieoggrey S. Stank*y. Iailure tn pay state income ta \. sciienccd to 30 Ua>> suspcixlcd for 2 vears. pay $ IW fine and court costs. - Rayuuw>d Suleeki. driving 64 mph in a 50 mph zone, reduced b> DA to im prt^crequipnvnt. pay $10 tine and court costs. _ Everen L. Transou. driving 72 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced by DA to driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, pav $10 fine and court costs. - Panola M . W atts, driving 76 mph in a 65 mph /one. reduced by DA to im prtycrequipnvnt. pay $10 fine and court cost.s. - Dwayne E. W er*il. driving u h i1c license revoked, exceeding sil'c speed, senteavd to 12 mmths; DW I. tBreathalyzer refused), *ntenced to 12 months. - Gerald M . Zickmund. driving .sq mph in a 45 mph zoiw. dismiss- cd- D W l. (.16 Breathalyzer resultsi. sentenced to 60 da>s suspended for 2 u*ars. pay $100 fine and court costs, not ofcrate motor vehicle un­ til properly licensed, perform 24 luHirscomnwnitv scrvicework. com­ ply w ith sulfciancc abuse assessment. Kalli*d l o A pjH ur Thc following failetl tnappear for their scheduled court trial. - Eric L Campbell, failure to comply w ith restrictions. - Michelle F. Davis, driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. _ Mclis*u D . Dehatl. probation violation. - Charlc. D ulin. fraud. di>piM l o f m ortfago property. - Shcrry L. G ra'n. drtvinp 71) mph in a 55 mph znn<. ~ Jcrry N. Hartness. >hoplifting cimccatmcn o f gixxls. - Sicvcn R. M nric. driving 78 mph in a 65 mph /one. - Ccvil M>cr>. cm cl6 I" animals. - Michacl J. Ncldiin. no driver's license, exceeding safe speed. - Janws M . Quecn. driving *h ilc license revoked. resist/oMm cl public olTicer. - Andre P. R cid. nurlhless check'closed accounl. _ Elherl J. W allon. driving 86 mph in a 65 mph zone. T rlu ls W u livil The ltillim ing waived lhcir riglil lo a court lrial and paid tin c in advance. - Koberl A. Jenkins, driving 79 mph in u 65 mph zone. - A n d re * T. Kazakc*. exceeding pt>slcd specd. - Brian D . Jordan, expired registration. _ Tracy L Eastcr. failure u> wcar seat belt. - Jcffery S. W illianb. failure to \vear %eat k lt. , . _ Gcorge A. Northern, driving 7ti tnph in a 65 mph zone. _ Linda C. Hum. failure to stop for stop light. Larry C. Jone>. noregistration. no vehicle inspection. - Beth Gilfillan. simple worthless check/closed account. - James E. WatsonJr., driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. - Lawrence H. Rmhn<k. driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. - U nn> A. Kvlc Jr.. failure to wcar seat K’lt. - Frances H. Sor<xki. no child restraint svstem. _ Brian F. W illiaiib. failure-to- wear seat k ll. — JamcsA. Klutz. Iailuretow car scat belt. — DuphniW . McDanicl. failure W weaf scat telt. — Delinda B. Andervon. driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zmc. — Paul F. Dwiggins. no operator s license. _ StcvcnH. Gresham, driving 75 mph in a 65 mph zone. _ WandaJ. Rcdmond. driving 79- mph in a 65 mph zone. — JoscphA.O liver 111. driving /0- mph in a 55 mph zone. — C hristcfhcr Hanlnn. drivingS0 mph in a 65 mph zone. _ M ichad O. Hogan, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — U m u d M . Tart, failure to wear scat belt. — A pril M. Tate, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Billv R. Ro>al. failure to wear scat belt. — C hristtfhcr B. Sam. failure to stop for stif) sign. We Rereerve The R ^ht To Llm lt Quantities. Prices Ui tbis ad good i Wednesday, June 2 thru Tuesday. June 8, 1993. W hole B o tto m R ounds Lb. USDA Choice Beef Untrimmed 20-22 Lbs. Avg. (Sliced FREE1) Boneless Pork Loins W i F00D LI0N Lb. _______ W hole Extra Lean 5-7 Lbs. (~, Average (Sliced FREE1) S m i t h f i e l d Bacon" NOW ON SALE G e t¥ )u r D e c k L iS h a p e F o r S u m m er U S D A C h o ic e B e e f B o t t o m Round Roast C o u n t n - P r id e B r e a s t Filets & Tenders 9 9 : D 1 u $ 1 9 9 ^ - i Lt Center Cut "Boneless” Pork Chops c ed Ripe Strawberries 2 9 Q uart Lb. - Fresh Green Beans/ Tender YeUow Squash/Fresh Pickting Cucumbers/Genuine VidaUa Onions/StaUt - Crisp Cnmchy Cdery ________„ to m tit. B ^ , h h ^ r 'M '[ l'rm tfcu*tr dcxk f.<t i hi*> MumiK' xvitii 0!>m|-iv Pif't. I tV‘h lXxktvti>M ^ iniUcxv ‘tjm* aiKldit! M fc''"fr V‘ lf >lixV..-(',^.ulUxitv S n t. u < ( ' ''T |' * ) Stiiii M.ihcxJu<ivr fxntl t*nunl' tn!imlj.t.«K-a»tit\ 4=u! i>i"lvM IXxkM.unroM lKjnt»rtW .i» vvjtcT ajvlk tit.« n t,l,U n * im t .m tl*c*um f,l.n ithli-^Kk^ kitv* 1 i.im clviuiiiiil»'-"'f Ot if\ Olwii|'* Watif<ttiJf.l W ...K U u rW jiu $ SvJj..t t..r..tu t> ..itx v .,lu h .k -jlU u ,^ il,v.i.tutjlu.L.. t...l«- ,l,f.*,-li 1t rcjX'U w4lvr,|'ti'!n(' .t-;iiiM lum;!ul ‘im ^ n .« < » .* ^ ^ • ,UtiULT. |VW til' nif)i !n>*<nl .«1, .nnl j<fi^Hto i n.>VU Q ^ y ^ P | li>i'UiU vUliiU PTC nyMkherLUMBEl ^ " ™ Z q « ii5S » » » ^ ^ » M » » '“ c u .!0> g r_ | ----------------AND-----------------------^ 5 c f------------------------------------■UILDIN0 SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET MOCK9VILLE, NC 704/634-2167 S E R V l S f A R C > n xJtir-q i't** (kxvl Ait> — SINCE l»S3 A ll X 'a r ic tic s __ $ ^ 2 9 Kaiser RoUs P k g . Lean Roast Beef I Macaroni Salad Corned Beef & Pastrami | ^ ^ O ^ ^K ^S>' $ 0 9 9 Lb. _ n EExtra Low Prices!, KeUogg's Cereal I Q a to r a d e $ 1 0 9 k $ 1 7 9 Rcft. S2.11 6 Pack S tar K is t Tuna 2 / $ Reg. $1.99 64 Oz. A ll Flavors 6.125 Oz. - Lt. Chunk ln Water 2 4 P k. - 1 2 O z. Cans Diet Pepsl, Mtn. Dew. 7-Up PkCrustSbefls noepans tUTana bate < t^B ffltiD ti . . « . « . « „ Pepsi C ola Pet Pie ShcUs <kr > 3 9 - 2 - G t - Rcg. $1.09 2 LtterDiet Mtn. Dcw. Mtn. Dew. Dlct Pcpsl. 1 n q Pcpsl................................ 1 ,v o 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thurstliiy, June 3,1993 Pi iBlir Reconcfc Sheriffs Department The following incidents were re- ported to the Davic County Sheriffs Department. ' • David Lee W il1nvm rtportcd May 25 someone firvdapistol at fam i equip­ ment o ff Riverview Road. • Roger Kisner o f Route I. Ad­ vance reported May 27 a rock was thrown through a window o f a house o ff N.C. 801 near Rcdland Road. • Paul Comatzer reported May 26 that he found surveying equipment in a field offFork-B ixby Road. ♦ Linda Gail M anin o f Lcnoir re­ ported May 2ft a bull rammed into her vehicle parked o ff Comatzer Road. ♦ Joel Chad Newsome o f Route 1. Advance reported May 26 the larceny o f S3 and $13.99 worth o f gas from Quik Pik. Hillsdale. ♦ Kelly Lee Smith o f Route 1, MocksviIlereportedMay26thebreak- ing and entering o f a mobile home in Oakland Heights, -GlcndaShores Anderson of Route l.M ocksvillcrcportcdM ay 25abottle was thrown onto her vehicle at N.C. 901 and County Line Road. ♦ Daisy P. Temple o f Route I, MocksvillereportedM ay25aprowler at a residence o ff Roberson Drive. • V irgil Gray Allen o f Mocksvit!e reported May 21 the breaking, enter­ ing and larceny from a shack. * Chuck Herman Tom pkins o f Route 3. M ocksville reported May 24 the larceny o f SIOworth o f gas from By-l.o, Hillsdale. • Charles K. Pierce o f Route I. M ocksville reported May 24 the lar* ccny o f an a ir com pressor and chainsaw, with a total estimated value o f S533. from a porch o ff Woodvale Road. The following were arrestedby the sheriffsdepartroent. • Michael Hugcne Uoger, 34, of Route 7, M ocksville, charged May 27 with failure to comply w ith court or- -JoyccAnnC regar,46,ofRoutc9, Mocksville,chargcdMay 27 w ith fail­ ure to appear in court. ♦ Charles June Anderson, 63, of 398PineSt.,Mocksville,chargcdMay 26 w ith tw o counts o f failure to appear incourt. • Kenneth Lee Shoffner, 16, of Route 8, M ocksville, charged May 26 with assault. • Roger Dean Reinhardt. 26. of Route 7, Mocksv ille, charged M ay 24 w ith being drunk and disruptive. • Randall Dean Money, 36,ofRoute 2. M ocksville, charged May 25 with communicating threats. - Randy Dean McCrary, 25. of Cooleemee. charged May 25 with communicating threats. • James Murray Dewa!t, 41, of Lakewood Motel, charged May 24 with trespassing and with assault. MocksviWe Police The follow ing incidents were re­ ported to the Mocksville Police De­ partment. • Juanita Lee L ih r o f Yadkinville reported May 30 the larceny o f $400 from a purse at Autumn Care. • James Lytle o f M ocksville re­ ported May 30 the larceny o f $13.04 worth o f gasoline from Amoco, Yad­ kinville Road. • James E. Peoples o f Route 1. Mocksville reported Mav2Sthe break­ ing, entering and larceny o f a gold Seiko watch and nine rings fromJames Barber Shop, M ill Street. • Tracy Lynn Hicks o f Whitney Street reported May 27 a motorist chased and struck her vehicle on M ill­ ing Road. • Michael Baker ofM ocksville re­ ported May 26the attempted breaking andenteringofaresidencconW ilkes- boro Street. - Sylvia W illiam s Blackwell of M ocksville reported May 26 the lar­ ceny ofalicense plate from a vehicle parked at The Oaks, M illing Road. - Opal K. Bailey reported May 24 lhe larceny o f a leaf blower and an extension cord, w ith a total estimated value o f $90. from a residence on Depot Street. • Buster Cleary ofM ocksville re­ ported May 25 the breaking, entering and larceny from Cfeary Auto Sates, Lexington Road, with stolen items and damages estimated at more than $S50. • M ichael Dean Hudson. 31, of M organton,chargedMay31withfirst- degree trespassing. Trial date: July 1. • David Norris Hudson, 36. of Morganton,charged May 31 w ithfirst- degree trespassing. Trial date: July 1. • A lvin Wayne Hudson. 40, of Morganton,chargedMa>31withfirst- degree trespassing. Trial date: July I . -James Mac Ro>d, 34,ofHillsboro, charged May 30 with D W I (refused Breathalyzer). Trial date: July 16. • Jeffrey Scott "Ace" Bailey, 26, o f Route 7. M ocksville. charged May 28 w ith larceny. Trial date: July 22. - B illy Don Byerly. 40, o f 101 Marconi St., charged May 27 with contributing to the delinquency o f a minor. Trial date: July 22. • Gregory Donnell Peoples, 3 l,o f Route 2, Advance, charged May 26 w ith assault on a female and with resisting arrest. Trial date: June 10. T ra ffic Accidents ♦ AMocksvillewomanwascharged with driving w ithout a license after an accident at 4:40 p.m. May 28 on U.S. 601 at Squire Boone PIa/a. According to a report by O fficer Joseph M . BarthaSr.. Robin Deereign Sidden, 29. ofThe Oaks.drove a I9S6 Chevrolet from the shopping center into the path o f a 19S9 Chev roletdriven byBobbyLeeRobertson.63.ofClenv Damage to the car driven by Robertson was estimated at $4,500, to the car driven by Sidden. $3,000. • No charges were filed after an accident at 4:10 p.m. May 27 on Sal­ isbury Street. According to a report by J.M. Bar* tha Sr.. Robert Edgar Charest, 64, of Route 7. Mocksville, was driving a 1991 Dodgetnjck in thcleft lane when a car w ent from the right fane causing a collision, driven by Rodney Pierce Tenor, 30. o f Cooleemee. Damage to the 19S3 Oldsmobile driven by Tenor wasestimated at $900. to the truck driven by Charest, $600. Hi&hwav Patrol The following traffic accident> in Davic Countv were im c>tigjtcd by the N.C. Highwav Patrol. Car Rear-Kmlcd ;« ft M ockville woman's cur was sityck in the rear Mav 2ft on U.S. 60j'. rAvvi>rding to a report by Trooper C *0 . Joncs. Beverly A lle n M e D a n icl. 23. o f Route 1. Mocksville. was drivingu 1992 Ford north on U.S. 601 whcnit was >truck from the rear hv a 1988 Ford station- wagon driven by Kalhkvn W illiam s Smith. 38. o f Route ft. Mocksville. Smith was charged with failure to rvduce speed. ' Damage to McDaniel's car was cMimated at $2,500. to Smith's car. $2,00n. L*ar S lrikcs Kvna-, M ailhox A n Advance driver struck a tciwc and mailhox on M i<ks Church RtMd. According to a report by Trooper L.D . C hapfvll. Danny Ray Teague Jr.. IS. of Advance, was driving a l9S9 Chevrolet west on M t<ks Church Rtkfcl when the car went otl the leti side o f the road and struck a mailhox. a fence, and a tree owned by Florcncc Mock o f Advance. No charges were filed. Damage to Teague's car was estimated at SI .ftW) and to the fence and mailhox. S2(X). Car> Collide O n Fnrk-Itixhv Road An Advance woman was charged with failureto reduce sfced inan ac­ cident Ma> 28. According to a report by Trooper J.R. A llred.C hrisiitu Leigh Bcnnctt. 16. ot Roure2. .Mivkst itic. was driv­ ing a l^ 8ft Chevrolet siationwjgon north on Fork Bixb> R tiul when she flowed for a farm iract>r turning in the road. A l l>S8 Nissan driven hy Sundry Leigh Robin A lU rm . 2h. «»1 Advance struck Ucnncit"s vehicle trom behind. Damage to Bennett’s car was estimated at $750. to A lbcrtv’s ear. Sl.5U0. C ar ll>dniplanvs A Ford driv en by a New Bern man hvdroplaned and hit a guardrail on May 29. According to a report hy Tronper CM). Jones. John PhillipCom icr, 2S. ot New Bcm merged his |yj*K Hord into the right lane o f 140 from ihe U.S. W ll exit. The v.ir hvdroplaned duo t<>vxcess water and spun o ll thc right shoulder before he struck a gujdrail. No charges were filcil. Damage to Conner's car was estimated at $l.4lK). M otorhum e Strikes Cam|>vr Nochargeswere filedwhena Lin- colnton motorisi struck u camper. According to a report hv Trooper C.D. Jones. Harold Dvan G ilheri of l.in c o 1nton was hacking his nn>torhome into a parking lot in Lake Mvers Campground when he struck an uni<cupied eamper heing pulled hv a l*>79 Chevrolet belonging to Norman Allen W ilkinson o f l-lon College. CiilHsiuti O ivtirs At Ikn im d a Qu;i> An Advaive woman was charged w nh l.iilure to v icld in an accident on U.S. I5S on Mav 24. According to a report bv T rw p e r L.A . A iiiiH . Angela M inor F.g- gk'ston. 2 1. t*f Advancewas driv ing .t JW 2 .Mit'<jhishi truck *>uthuew on U.S. l5S aixl Gregory Vaughn M ar­ shall. 34. ofM i*cksville.w asdriving a 199| Chevrolet van west on U.S. 158. Hggleston attempted to make a right turn «iu> U.S. l5S from Ber­ muda Quay Shopping Center when her truck was struck hy Marshall's l:gtileston was charged with failure Damage lothc truck was estimated at $1.2lX>. to the van. Sl.tKM), l)rh e r l.t*uve> Sceiu* A motoris| left the scene o f the ac­ cident after rear-ending another car on N .C . 801 on May 2S. According to a report h\ Trooper T .D . Shaw. Daniel KvleYarbrough. 2 l.o f Lexington, was driving a I9S2 Buick southon N.C. S0l when it wa> struck in tk* rear bv a 1972 Ford pickup driven h> Mark Damon Spencer. 24. o f Lexington. Spencer left the scene. Spcncer was charged w ith D W l and felony hit and run. Damage to Yarbrough’s car was estimated at $450. to Spencer's car. $250. Land Transfers ; The follow ing land transfers were fiicd w ith the Davie County Register o f Deeds. • The transactions arc listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, w ith $2 repre­ senting $ 1,000. ; • Peggy W. Comatzer Warden and Dallas G. Warden to Dick Anderson COnstruction. lnc., 24.94 acrcs,Shadv Grovc, $325. \ • C.S. Drokc and Thclma S. Droke toCubeS. DrokeandThclmaS. Drokc. 2 tracts. Farmington. \ -Tressie G. Beamon toJohn Derck M itchell and Tina Baity M itchell. 1 lot.Shady Grove, $40. *t« Paul W . Ladd and Ann Ladd to L40n Ladd, 6 lots and pans o f 2 lots, Ctprksvillc. ',- John R. Dimar II and Chcryl B. Dimar to Randy Alan Welch and Jody H. Welch. 1 lot. Shady Grove, $470. • Clarence L. Richardson to Dou­ glas S. Huntlcy and LyndaG. Huntley. 3.17acres. M ocksville, $163. • Don G. AngcH and Vera C. An- gell 10 D. Gray Angell Jr.. 2 condo­ minium units, Farmington,$300. • Michael L. Gaither and Cathy G. Gaither 10 Danny Hartness, 27.69 acres. Calahaln, $55. • Wade Calvin Atkins and Wanda M iller Atkins to Rhonda A. Holsc1aw, 3 tracu, Farmington. • DanielLHartnesstoO.B.Crowell Jr. and Carroll J, Crowell, 2 tracts, Mocksville, $36. - Archie Gray Allen and JaynsenJ. AllentoJcnnicB.Abshcr. I lot.Shady Grove, $22. - Paul G. Ferrell Jr. and Briggctt M. pavie fire departments responded to the following calls M ay 24: Fork. I:3 l p.m .. car ftre onrJpalton Road. Mocksville called foP.Qaikup;County Line and Center. 5 :0 ^p .n t,, trailer fire w Morrison R ii5 t> fl" Ridge Road. Mav 25: Smith Grove: 3:53 p.m .. cuti-firc at U.S. 158 and Cedar Creek. C0i1nty Line. 10:22 p.m.. hay on fire on podhev Road o ff Davie Academy Road. May 27: Smith Grove, ft:59 p.m .. power lines down on Sttilhm brook Road o ff U.S. 158. May 28: Cinileemee. 3:05 p.m .. wash down fro1t1 auto accident at N.C. 801 and Spillman Auto Parts: Center, ft: l5 p m .. vehicle tire at 140 and U.S. M . M ay 31: M ocksville. 10: lft a.m .. fire alarm at Centel o llk v on Gaither Street. B aiildin^ P e rm its The follow ing building permits were issued in Davie County in May. The permits are listed by owner or contractor, location, type ofbuilding, -andlee,u'tthSlJ0rcprescm ing$l,000 and'a $20 minimum fce. ^SpringCcllular,Gray Sheek Road, m ojutarbuilding for Centel network, $25|: • , ^L srry McDaniel, M illing Road near^5ain Road. 1,533 square-foot house. $128.59. • Charles Howell, U.S. 601 and EatonStreet, Mocksville, 30- by 120- foot addition to storage facility,$34.50. •MargaretM.Dial.ComatzcrRoad, „1,800 squarc-foothouse, $158.79. - Joan L M artin, U.S. 64 west o f M ocksville,20-by33-foot swimming pool, $20. • George Jurdan and Paul Foster, N.C. 801 at Cooleemee Shopping Center, 2,000 square-foot business building, $69.50. Ferrell to David R. Hcndrix and Donna M . Hendrix,3.37 acres. Shady Grove. $108. • Tar Heel Shooting Center. Inc. to Oak Valley Associates Limited Part­ nership, 46.4 acres and 3784 square feet, Farmington. $470. • James U. Edwards and Mae S. Edwards to Anthony Howard Tilley andTommy RichardsonTillcy. I tract, Calahaln. $40. • James B. Edwards and Mac S. Edwards to Tammy Lynn Richardson and Clifton Charles Richardson, 1 tract, Calahaln. $40. -JcrryM iltonCrcwstoJcrryM i1toi Crews and Dorothy Lynn Crews, 2 tracts, Farmington. • Marianne M . Bond to Frank J. Schilagi, | lot. $351. • W illie Bess Bcnnctt, Delbert E. Bennett and Manha H. Bennett. James Nance and Gamcite Nance. Fred Ellis and Marie Ellis. Bradley F. Bcnnctt and Karen T. Bennett 10 Larry K. McDaniel and Janice McDaniel, 1.23 acres, Clarksville, $16. • Southland Associates, Inc. to Central Carolina Bank and Trust Co., 1.23 acres. Clarksville. - Mark Edward Ebert and Terresa Johnson Ebert to J. Hampton Roop and Elna M . Roop, 7.28acres. Mocks* villc, $232. • Warren R. Hilkert and Esther M. H ilk e rt to T . K yle Swicegood, Katherine C. W all,Jcny F. Swicegood, andJim myCaudlc, I lot, Mocksville, $17. • V irgil Gray Allenand Dorothy C. Allen to Wayne Allen, 5.l3acres. • E>therM. Robertson to M arvin L. Myers, 3.04 acres. Shady Grove. -EsthcrM .RobcrtsonioM arvin L. Myers, Rebecca Myers Kite, Shirley Myers Mycrs, Helen Myers Robert- son. 24.5 acres. Shady Grove. ___ • Stephen E. Gauihreaux and Bar- bara E. Gauthrcaux to Oak Vnltcy Associaicd Lirnitcd Partnership, I lot and part o f l lot, ShadyGrovc,$182. • W illiam D. James and Rebccca S . James to W in -ftc ld U ickc(t Sleellltiin liml litv I Slrnlnnn 1 l«i« Mocksville. • W infield Bickctt Stcelman and Joy L. Stcelman to W illiam D. James and Rebecca N. James. 2 lots. Mocks- villc. • Azalce Stockton and Howard Stockton, Levi Pruitt, Delores Decse and Charles Decse. Lonell Pruitt and Phyllis Pruitt to Curtis Pomcpey and Karen Pomcpcy, .50 acre, Jerusalem. • M .F. Thome Sr. to Rebecca T. W inecoff, 14.57 acres. - M .F. Thorne Sr. to M illard F. Thome Jr., 10.09 acres. • Loman D. Jordan and Blanche S. Jordan 10 Johnny Lee Jordan, I lot. Jerusalem. • Joseph Conway Shelton and RaymondaS. Shelton to Shelton Con­ struction Ser-vices.Inc., 1 lot, Fulton, $ 10. . Kenneth Grant Davis and Teresa Clark Davis to W illiam T. Huddlcand Kim L. Huddle, .46 acres. Farm­ ington, $190. • Ella H. Dalton and Eric N. Dalton toTum crO landa Howell and Marsha L. Howell. 1 lot, Mocksville, $2. • Ronatd C. Beard and Glenda H. Beard to W eldon Kecslcr Hamrick Jr. and Linda Gail Prcvctte Hamrick. I lot. Jerusalem, $56. • Paul P. Cartncr and Lois Marie Cartncr to James Paul Cartncr and Julia L. Canner, 5.03 acres. Calahaln. • Kenny Gray Ellis Jr. to Ausbon Ellis and Dorothy C. Ellis, .63 acres, Farmington. ■ Irene E. Naylor to Vicfccy N. Shelby. I lot. - Carl Hairc to C.F. Ridenhour, Thclma Gregory and David McCray, .51 acrcs, Jerusalem, $8. •ClaraC.W hittakcrtoClaraCartcr W h itta ke r and G erald Eugene W hittaker, I lot, Fulton. • Edwin L Parkcr and Ernestine ~WTParkcr" to Ryan Neal Parker, 1 acre, Farmington. • Donald G. Bowlcs and Wanda C. Bowles to the Town o f M ocksville, .64 acre, Mocksville, S6. • Shirley A. W illiams to Bernie RiivW ilti'im < I tlI w w * Pin*i!»«in« - Howard L. W illiam s and Tcresa D. W illiam s to Steven Lcssard and Rita B. Lc.ssard. .46 acrcs. Shady Grove. $65. - Jeffrey D. Mears and Lisa C. Dotson Mears to George H. Wagner and M ary E. Wagncr, l.5 lots. Farmington.$!30. ♦ Ann \V. Bamhardt to Michael A. Bamhardt andGail W. Bamhardt, 8.29 acres. Fulton. ♦ Doris Pandora Bogcr to Jamcs Monrt>e Bogcr, l0 lots. - Timothy Ray Wood and Brcnda. P. Wood to Brenda F. Wood. 5.25' acres. Famiington. • Jerry W. Cartncr to Donald G. • Davis and Joanne C. Davis, 1 lot,- M ocksville. $25. . ; - Charles W. Walker Jr. and Nancy • Walker to Donald G. Davis and Joanne C. Davis, 2 lots. Mocksville. $3S0. • • Kenneth A. Lanier and Virginia • B. Lanier to Davie Building Partners, .59 acres, M ocksville,$l2. f ) ERAMIC I ^O N C E P T S X V I bnpo ■ ] CuiU W M ,rb 110uns M * a - F r li SieO.SHX>Sal! SHie.lHW 4761 COMMEROXL PLAZA WENCZEL KPT STONEWARE U nport5 A n d D om e>lic Z U M P A N 0 C u ito ra H and P ainted T ile M arble A n d G ranite 919-768>8445 U0NEST0VN RD A HWY 42U THOUSAND TRAILS OAY CAMP ■ lst-Sth GRADERS Great for "Mom’s Day 0ut" EXP E R IE N C E D STAFF Mondays and Tuesdays, Sanv5|im Two 4-ttcck Sessions beginning June 14 and July 19 Location: Huy 64, jusl »esl of Yadkln Rker Price |Mr 4-xieek session (1 Chlld): S120 Call (or member prices or for 2 or more clilld dlscoimls! , (919) 998-4135 or 998-6416 | :riclay,6:45P ;M r_ Rotary Hut - Mocksville, 5 Pa 5k 8 $12.00 ' | R n o n e n w l B v « • B w M fe n - * k * ll- w ..— ^ DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1993^ 7 3GoingToCourtj In Family Fight * Hot temperatures Saturday brought out hundreds to the Cooleemee Swimming Pool on opening day. ^ — Photos by Mike Barnhardt Cooleemee Pool Open For Summer COOLEEMEE - More than 200 s\s immcr> tumcd t>ul Saturday for thc crand <>fvnire o f the town’s >u imm- ing pool. A free day o f swimming wa> o f­ fered in an effort to reviw iniere>t in the pool — and it worked. “ 1 think it’s creat. lt*> better than we thought it would be.” said Dan- nv C iirre ll. who is headin.c a volunteer griHjp trying to save the >wimming fool. Town N urd member?, had talked ahoui d<ning the town’s poo). hut agreed to lea% e it ofvn fiT at least one more sear to see if interest — and money — would invrca>e. Volunteers serxed hr>idogs and hamburger> Saturday. arxJ plan to do that at least <i>ve a nwnth ihrouch the >umnrcr. C trrcll said. “ The fund-raising is coming along real w e ll." Correll said. **Wc*vc had people lo d)nate things, some that weren't cvcn asked to. that ha\e donated a cvuplc o f tho^and dollars worth o f stuff to gct this pool ready and open. **EveryN >dy's g ivin g , from M ixk>vilfe. Salisbury ... there’s been people from all o \er who want to keep thi> pmJ vpvn.” Thc M oeksvillc-D avie Fam ily Y M C A is managing the swimming p<x>l this yeur. and Corrvfl lhinLs that w ill help. Trina Chester o f Salisbuh is the poo| nunager for the summer. "T h e V. ihey’vc taken a lo i o f pride and interest in it." Correll said. Thc swimming pool (^cns Friday. Junc J. and t*iU bc ofvn from I } a.m .-5 p.m . on M ondays. Wedne>days. Fnda>s anJ Saturdays. It w ill be<>fvn from 11 a.m .-8 p.m . on TuesdaV> and Thurnlass (fam ily nights) and from 1-5 p.m . on SunJj>5. Season pjsses to the px>1 arc S120 for a fam ily and $60 for tndi\ iduals. Daily admission passes are 52 per By l.>tm lfo ll Davio County Entorpriso-Record A domestic argument between an estranged h^hand and wifc and the husband’s girlfriend, is s:nding three people (o Superior Court on felony Follow ing a probable cause hear­ ing in Districl Court Ja*i Thursday. Judgc Samuel Cathcy ordered Johnsie ljames.Barcs. o f H k k try Street in CooicctiKc. Bryunt Aathm y W iJvw. of Mocksvillc. and WiLv>n*s sister- in-law. Teresa Angcta Jo>ncr. o f M illing R iud. Mock%ville. b<Hind ovcr for trial in Superior Court. Bja*s facct u chargc ofassault w ith a deadly weapon w ith irtcnt lo k ill or seriously injure. W ilson and Joyner face charges o f assault with a deadly weapon inflicting scrious injury . Judgc Cathcy found no probable cause in the ease agairM W ilstm's estranged wife. Barbara W ilson, on a sim ilar chargc. The incident t<k)k p lx e on March 6. just o ff o f U.S. 64. Barbara W ilson and her sistcr. Teresa Joyrvr were in one u*hiclc and Bryant W ilson and Bares in the iHher. During: conflicting to tin n m htth sides accused the other of follow ing them. W ilson and Joyner said the other couple puMcd in ft*y t o f thcir c jr and stopped them. Barbara W ilson said shu* got out o f her car. as did l>er estranged husband. They talked and when shc leaned down, Barcsbegan striking her. Shc said W ilson and Barcs pulled hcr/m- to thcir car and at son>c point, shc alleges Barcs stabbed her repeatedly in lhc lcg with a knifc. Joyncr said it was when W ilson callcd for help, that shc wcm ti>'thc olhcr car arui tricd lo puH W ilson o ff hcr sistcr. Bryant U llson and Bares testified they were the oncs cut off. and that Joy ncr and W ilson canv around- to Barcs side of the car and bcgan ftt> ting hcr. She said shc w ® stabbc<ltp the hand arU required emergency Bares said it was Joyncrwho>tabb- Bascd on the tcstirnnny. Judge Cathey dismissed an as<aull and bat­ tery charge against Barbara W ilsbn and found no probable cause in tHe He also di4»is«**d the misdemeanor aswull on a female charge against Bry ant W ilum . Davie Woman Critically Injured An Advance woman was critically injured in a w reck in Winston-Salem Ma> 25. Dcnisc Nicole Doss. 19. o f Ad* vancc. wasdrising southon Uniser- sity Parkway at 10:45 p.m. when a car trau*ling the wrong wa> in her lane hit hcr car head-on. Jamc> Arton Hcndcrvm. 39. of Winston*SaW*m. was charged with l)W |. dri>ing the wrong wa\ on a one-way street and carrying qn alcoholic bexerage w ith a broken >eal in hixcar. h>lice later dropped tho%e charges until they complete thcjr investigation. * Di>sswas m critical ctTkJition in in- ten>ivecare Friday at N t*lh Carvtina Bapti't Ho>piul. She bj> a head in­ ju r) . fractured right am> and tvd) !ccs are fractured. Suwm SM Vom C )M 'tn n h ili;-(*;vliU ;!r .,Sul 93 Sedan D eville ''Spujt| EiilU *" NOW * 3 0 , 0 2 1 '93 Seville NOW * 3 6 , 5 2 1 Town board members Grimes Parker, Bob Jordan help pool mgr. Trina Chester cut rtbbon Oldsmobile '93 Eighty-Eight "Sbidfll EdiiUa" '93 Achevia Coupe "SfrMud E<tUtf*" 5tX>#3-97Coppertone S tx*i3H Wa$*2l.97t 18.995Now ’14,697 1 Subarua 3 M *S 2 s ? rs ? m For Kids SPF 30 Water Babies Sunblock ::ckl:-."5PFM.SFF45.4cz. $C58 For Kids SPF 15, Sport SPF 15 Sunblock Lotion 4 oz $481 9* SVX SttCk*2 202$ Wu*30.t741.5 oz. Roll-On 1.7 oz. Solid Assorted Stcki 3-t<tt b> Prices Good Thru 6-12-93 Now *24*920NOW *10,482 >5 i992ueoKnzm Air. Aulo, AktFM Stereo Cassette, Etectric Defrost P^, P/B. '10,995 4SU Cr>ev> L,f*.<"f' W<t<h> l992Chivy Lumina turo Stk 1 4 Door, Air. Auto. AMFM Cass. Custom Wheete. FuD Power,Tilu Cruise. *13,995 ^S' S,-D.v.. . eu.i. , . ^U!1992 CMvy b-io iinoe rrciup Aii, AtVfM Stereo CasseM Pwer Sleering. Pmer Brakes. ‘8.995 $25lk 24 Exposure 100 ASA GA-135-24 Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil $ 1992 OKU Acneivi 5tk 1 ,2 Door, Air, Auto, AWFM Stereo, TJt. Cruise. Custom Wheeis, Pffi, PB '11,99514 oz.i sllhouro v « 5tk I Air, Auto, AMiTM Cass, Custom Vheeti, Leather, Tifl, Cruise, Fufl Power. ■19,995 1991 Geo siorm Sik # 93-55, Air, AWFM Stereo, Povi-er Steering. Po«r Brakes 8.995 "S/ft<wi'<H(' ActJ<< Pt<t^fi L .it <iyo U tt I 1 1 10 i 3 holyei U StatB?ivil1c N C 704-878-9593704-634-2141 Mocksville. NC643 Wilkesboro Street "|(p/ Ju<i/ A K(uicf, Out Cci*mUnm<i 8- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERl*RISE RECORD, T!iursiltiy, .lmiu 3, 1993 COOLEEMEE ELEMENTARY . 5 , i Ps S ^ s fc fc t—— ^ a ^_____________ i T ^ ^ * ’ >■ «*. ^ M ^ s - z .yr-y>>»^«y an *i. r ~ < F M > » r.*^ < .> C 'V r^ a > s re ^ m ^ ^ y y r-s :* > ^ n \ , w ^ - B > i ^ M B ■ Vernon Thompson is retiring this year as principal at Cooleemee Elementary School, a job he has held since replacing V.G. Prim in 1980. — Photos by Robin Fergusson ‘Mr. T Vernon Thompson Stepping Down As CES Principal By; l.a tim W illlm iiv l'riK 1) Dayie County Entefprise*Record C O O U ;B M E K - R etiring C<xtleemcc VJcmentary School l*rin- vipul VcrnonThompson w ill miss ihe respectful calls to *"M r. T “ from >tudvnt> nc\i year. HeTl miss driving wlvu has come to :: be known as ihc school's Coblccmee green lV7() Dodge ihul"s parked in the from lot. Hc >u>> h e \ gviny mmis> snvak- in £ in to the cafeteria to sample liot rojls being htkcd for sdkkil luiidies. *) new principal w ill hc named lo tliv >c)i<x>l iliis >uiiinivr ;ittvr Thomp- .son. 5U. retires inJuly ultcr 13 >ears as principal. Me started work tor I>jvic Coimtv 30 years ago as a teacliing principal at Shady Grove Sclun4. where he taught math and seieiuv. A lter he earned a maslcr's degrev he worked as principal at the all Nack Central l)a vie School a year before integration. A lter 13 vears at Mix*ksville E lem entary School Thom pson replaccd l<xig-limc I)avie Coiinty educator V.G . l*rim as principal of Cook'cwccSchi>ol ii> IVK(). Sometimes the joh was tough. Thompson admits. In tlv beginning his record was olten compared to l*rim 's. M<vv criticism came when soon alter accepting the joh at CtKijccmee. Thompson nas imc ol' ihe top pro|>t*nents o f seeking ae* crcditalion o f the school hy thc Southern Association olCo1lcges and SchiHils. Many parents and leachers werc against spending large amounts ol time on parent surveys and self-evaluations. Today all o f l)avic County*s sch(Hi)s are accredited. Tinlay TI*>mpson said he worries abouJ pareiual apathy aml parents who'd rathercritici/.c theschtxil over the phonc ik m come to school for a conference. “ We scc kids come to scln>ol and what they gct hcrc is about all the- love they g et." he said. Hut he has heen encouraged hy the clTorts o f vijunteers and involvement hy arva corfKinitums. Jixkcy lnc. Iuis supplied T-sJiirl> aml otlicr Mipplic> for many school progr;uns. Thompson saitl his decision to make the lW2/U3 school ycar his last was hased w several reasons. School Secretary Kathleen Spry, who has worked at the *h o o l lor 2S years, w ill retire in Juw . His wife retired from the county this >car. And Thompson said lv ts rel>mg on the philosophy o f a form er teacher. Nell Mayes, who was still doing jumping-jacks w ith her third- graders just before retirement. •‘She said we should nuke a place lo r somconcclsc who’smade educa­ tion their carver."* Thompson said. And w ith hig changes around the corner lb r l)avic County schools. Thi>mpx>ii siid he is ready to pass the responsibility to a new principal. Owcomc4xt>cd c d m tio n . year- aroutnl sdkxiling and the middle school coiuvp( arc just a few ticu trends in education that the system w ill grapple with in the am iing years. 'M f tln> is vMiJi wc uant. then change is gwng to have to come.** he said. Am) TJ)oojp>on w ill x*c a change in his life tm . W ithout the respon- sihili(y o f testing thc h<< rolls cadi morning. he joked, he w ill instead volunteer to cliaperotie field trips and other activities. His golfgamcs needs • some work and w ill scc plenty, he- Thompson w ill rcnxtin at the school most o f the sum nvr. helping with administrative duties and help* iny CiH)lcenve's new principal — who is yet tobc namcd — prepare for thv u(voiuing sditk>) yc:ir. • >. $ S & T r& j2 L ., _dI_r" ,, tLtff*fc3Cl ;— - ie a a w 6 5 U S 5 E * •• , ') B 5 S ; : - . . v , . ------------ " * & U :- " ' ''l' 'W t W ^ ^ < * T 'U . " xs .^ :,H t c . v * t f e F $ f e < a u f '5 ? “We see kids come to school and what they get here is all the love they get.” — Vernon Thompson Retiring CES Principal -J»’lj'ri"S '- '' 'J J VVX.t.'' * " ' Thompson drives lhls 1980 Dodge lhal has been called “Cooleemee Green DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday,June 3,1993 - 9. Davie Datdine Meetings Monday, June 7 l)j> ic C ount) C onunM m ur> meci, 1 p.m .. couni> admini<tr.nitui huiKlinu. l);ttle Huir<l n f KiliicvMitm mvi'is. 7:30 p.m .. Chcrry Si. otfivc. Tuesday, June 8 M ockstW cT tm n H iw nl nu vh . 7 p.m .. ioun hall. D ;n lc Rvpuhlieun W omen inect. 7z.t0p.m .. R:ggy Harrt*m**i h<mn*. For tnorc info. 99S-234I. 9 u.m.-V Monday, June 14 Coolevmce A B C Board mccts. 6:45 p.m .. in hack, o f ABC siorc. C(K)levimv T<w n Board meci>. 7 p.m .. town hall. Thursday, June 17 C ham ber o f C om m erce < DavicVBuMncs> A ficr Hour>**. 54>:30 p.m ..Gantt Pcr>vnncl O lllcc. Squire Bounc Plaza. Ganti and Da\ ic Arts Council ho>i>. 634-3304 lor more info. Ongoing M<>ckstWe K<>tart Club mcvls cvcr>' Tue>diy at 12:10 p.m. at the Rotary Hut. Salisbury St. M ocksville Veterans o f Foreign Wars Post 4024 mevts, Post Hut on Sanford Avc. 7:30 p.m .. 2nd Tuev day each mvnlh. Vcleran> uelvoine. .MocksvilW-I)avle Jaycee> meet every l>t. 3rd Monda>sti the R**tary Hut. 7 p.m. Compas>4onate Friends, *upport group for krvaved parenis. meets every 4th Thursday night at 7:30. East Room. B.C. Brock Building. 622 N. Main St.. M < xbville. Narcotics Anom immv Againvi A il Odds group meets every Sunday. b p.m ..cvcry Thursday. 8p.m .. Room 208, upper level. B rtxk Building. Smoking pcnnitted. t) n y Problem ? NaVcoiics Anonymous Helpline: l-9l9-7S5-72S0. A Icoholici A nonym i*is, Sunday> and Wedncx$ays. 7:30 p.m .. B.C. Brbck Building, upper level. Sunday> each month (pen to all. Drinking pro­ blem ? A d d itio n a l in fo call <)19-725-6U3l. A l*A ium , for ihove who hau* a lo\ed one with a drinking problem. Open meetings Sundays 7:30 p.m .. upper level o f B.C. B rivk building. Am erican l.e^ion P*M 174 tium- thly meeting at the Rotary H ut. 2nd ThursJa> ofeach month at 7 p.m. Veterans wdcome. Mocks>iUe C h ita n Club meets. 6:30 p.m. 2nd. 4th M orilay o f each month at Wcsicrn S(eer. l)avle Sertoma C lub meets, l>t. 3rd Thursday cach month. 6:30 p.m.. Captain Ste>ens. M ixksville. Advance M em orial Post 8719 Veterans o f fvreign War> and Ladies A uxiliary mecis each 4th Tuesday. 7:30 p.m .. a* post honw in Advance. Am erican Association o f Retired Per>ons. Duvie Couni> Chapter, meets 2nd Wednesday ofeach month. 10:30 a.m.. East R<x>m. Brock B!dg. Davle County Right To I.ife meets. 7 p.m .. 3rd Thun>day o f each month in the grand jury room, cour­ thouse. Call 634-5235 or 492-5723. Coo1etimv M em orial VKW Po>t 1119 meets 2nd. 4th Thursdays of each month. 7 p.m .. VFW Hall. N.C. 801. Cooleemee. nivc(. 7 p.m.. vi>mmimhy l>uildiiig. Friday, June 4 CI;irk>tlUv homemukvrs mcci. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 5 T rl-C m m h lleef Field Day al W hipO *W itl Umd i<: Cattle Co.. Cana Rd.. 9 a.m .-3 p.m. Call (i34-(i297 hy June I it' attending. Monday, June 7 MockstW e honiemakcr> meei. |:30 p.m ., county offiu* building. Tuesday, June 8 Kasl Davie homemakers mevt. 10 Re<llund l*>jm-mukut> meel, 7:30 p.m .. Bethlehem United Meth<xlist. Carol>n Smith is hostess. |)ial-A-Storv m inistry for children: 998-7716. ' Blaise lUiptist pr.ner meeting lhursda>s. 7 a.m. (i34-3f>39. Hlfiy<i, M<vksvillc Ri<.ir> Huh hy St. Francis o f Assisi Church. Fridays. 7-10 p.m . S1tl) jackpot. D tielle Kosler C luixian Seniors Cluh meets 4tli Tuenlay each month. Oak Grose Methodist. 10 a.m. Atlvaitcv C hristians Center new church. N.C. 801. Advance. 10 a.m. Sunduy >chml. II a.m. worship. 7 exeningservice. 7:30p.m . Wednes- dav service. Pastur the Rev. Thomas Phillips. 998-9583. Senior Citizens YMCA The folltAving events are olfcrcd by the Davie Family Y M C A . For more inlornution. call 634-9622. Drug Free Program Christian Mipport ym i|> for th.nc necding hclp(<> he free itfdruev Led b> minister. Daniel Brown, l:verv other Saturitiv, 4-6 p.m. Walking Program Non-ntvmhers. Walk on track M on-Fri. 11:30 a.m .-l:30 p.m. $10 per month. Religion May 30-June 4 Revival ai M i< ksvilk Church ot God. 7:15 p.m. nightly. Hvangelis Jeremy LtWle. l7->ear-v!J Jrum Tenn. Singing nightly. Thursday, June 3 Dav ie C hristian Coatition meets. 7 p.m .. Blaise Baptist. 634-7365 tor more info. Sunday, June 5 Fam ily Friend Day at l.ibertv A .M .H . Zitxi. Ctk>1ecmw. l:30dtn* ner. fcllow 4)ip building. Services at Yard vale, fish fr> d M am cvillv A.M .F.. Z iixi. S a.m. >ard sale. 9 a.m . fish tPi. Sponsored by Bud o! Sunday, June 6 H om em m ny at Fulton United Meth**dist. Singing at II a.m. w or­ ship serviceby Martha Hayes' tami- l\. Covered dish lunch to follow. June 7-11 Vacation Bible Schc*>l at Rock Spring Baptist. Harmony. 7-9 p.m. nightly. Int'anls-adult>. Homecoming Hometotiting and revival at Com­ m unity Baptist. Gladstone Rd.. Ct>olcemcc. Guest speaker the Rev. Ron Settle from W hhcville. Singing at each service. I0a .m .. II a.m .. 7 p.m. service* Mon.-Wed. Services Held Services novv being held at M ixksville Assembly trf" God. U.S. 6 0 l. Mocksville. acrossfroin Horn's Truck Stop. l0 a .m . SunJay SchtM)l. 11 a.m. wivship. 6 p.m. service. Pastor TorasD. Waloven. 634-2391 ur 634-7952. I:vcnts otTered tor senior citizens in Davie C<un$y by the I>ivie Coun­ tv Senior Center. B rixk Building. M cvksville. A ll events at the center unless othensise noted. 634-0611. Monday, June 7 New Generation Club meets. ||:3 0 a.m .. cafeteria. Tuesday, June 8 C a n cer/bereavem cni g ro u p meets. 7-9 p.m .. Davie library. Wednesday, June 9 Wa1 M art Senior Dav. 8-10 a.m. Free colfee. doughnutv A .A .R .I1. meets, H):30a.m . east Thursday, June 10 C enter Senior T ro tte r* club meets. I0 a.m.. Center communitv building. Senior Chorus practkvs. I p.m ., east rixim . Monday, June 14 CiHileentiv C lub meets. 10 a.m .. Baptist churvh felltiwship hall. Kast Davie Seniors meet. 10:30 a.m .. Bethlehem church fellowship hall. (!revn M uidow sG o Getters meet. 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, June 15 Free binj*o at YM C A . I p.m .. Cemetery St. Wednesday, June 16 Sara Leeemployees sjorcopen to seniors with Tar Heel card. S-It) a .m .. Farm ington RJ. Cards availableat rvceptionist*sdesk. senior center, for th>se 60'. Parking limited at store, please carp<x>l. Thursday, June 17 Senior c1iorus perU<ms. Triad Methixlist home. Monday, June 21 AdvanceC!ub meets, |0:30a.m .. Advance Bapist fellowship building. D r. SheilNi. fix>t dixio r.9 a .m .*3 p.m .. first a w e . tlr>t s:rved basis. Tuesday, June 22 Oak Grove Clul> meets. 10 a.nt.. fellowship building. Wednesday, June 23 F o rk 5 0 *C lu b meets. I l:30a.m .. Fork C ivic building. Miscellaneous Friday, June 4 |.ast da> o f school. Secondary sehools out at 12:20 p.m.. elementary out at I p.m. Saturday, June 5 5(hh remrfon plans being nude for M ocksville High Class of 1943. For graduates, tcuchers. classmates who began high x hool in 19 » . For more into. Ella Gray Smith. 492-7285 or Dorothy Htnsard Sparks. 9984799. NvigiilKir<iat at Farnunglon Com­ munity Center, 5*8 p.m. Free hot dog supper, entertainment. Bring blanket or lawn chair. Sponsored hy Farm- inwon Cottutiunily Center and Far­ mington Ruritan Club. A ll Farm­ ington residents invited tt' get to know your neighbor. Baked ham supper at Advance V .FAV. P,W 8719. Fivd M ill Rd. Baked ham with raisin since, green beans and ct<n. candiedvanis. rolls, dessert, tea. coffee, Eal in or take out. 5-8 p.m. Sunday, June 6 RohertMNi reunion at Advance M ethiklist lellowship k ill. 1 p.m . Saturday, June 12 H ouard*N all retinliwi at Bethel United Meth.klist, pig picking at 6 p.m. Sunday, June 13 Cm ik reunion for friends and relatives o f George (Badgcrt Ctx>k. Columhus (D tvM Harris<m. and MaryCiH)k BlaUxk. I p m ..W illiam R. Davie VFD. Bring basket. Saturday, June 19 MocksxlUe lliK h Ckiss o f 1953 reunion. 5 p.m .. Smith Grove Ruritan building, for graduates, teachers, classmates. C all Julia Wootcn<7(U>492*723Sor lvey Nell Boger (919) 998-3834. M iss D ark & l.oveiy pageant. S. DavitfJr. H igh.8p.m . Tickets S5 in advance. $4 senior citizens and students, SA at dikir. Available lhrough any club member. Ongoing Veterans Service (MTke hours: M vndav-Tifsdav. 8 a.m.-5 p.m .; Wcdncsda>. 8 a.m .-noifi. Crystal Bal1riMnn D aire Club has dance every 2nd Saturdav, M ivkssi(le Elementarv gvm. S -Il p.m . No chirge. W yo ( iiiii C luh. W vo Road. Far­ mington area, turkey shu*t every Fri­ day and Saturdav nights, 6:30. Bingo In Advance every Fridav night at 6:30. at VFW Post 8719 home. Feed M ill Road. Prcschix4 Story(im c. 30-minute program forchildren age 3-5. every Tuesday. II a .m .. Cooleemee Branch Library. Coo!ecniee Shopp­ ing Center, and Davie County Public Library. N. M ain St.. M ocksville. Music, read-aloud. sKxies. film s, nursery rhymes. Recycle truck parked at Jericho- Hardison Ruritan building exery 3rd Sat.. 8:30-11 a.m. Recreation For more mf"urrtiati<wi <iti u»> <<l these events, call the M<<ksville- Davie Parksand Recre;tfion Dept, at 634-2325. Davie Youth Council F o r9 -l2 g ra d crs. C<xnmunity in­ volved. 2ndand 4th Thursdays. 6:30 p.m .. rec. dcpt. Silverstriders Walk Club Seniors. 50 and up. n>ect M on.. W ed.. F ri..8 -I0 a .m . Summer Day Camp SeniorCise C hild care for sclH*ol age children. Full tim e $50/wcck. part time SI3/day. I.ow ln i|u c t exercise for seniors. Meets Tues.. Thurs.. 8-10 a.m .. />cv. Cooleemee Historic Papers Taken To Georgia Archives A delegation representing the Cooleemee Historical Association travelled to Atlanta. Ga.. to present valuable historic papers for perma­ nent safe-keeping. M ary Foster, widow o f the late Harold Foster o f Cooleemee, headed the delegation which presented pho­ tos. newspaper clippings, and other materials to Georgia State's Southern Labor Archives. Bob Dinwiddie. acting director of the archives, form ally accepted the "Harold Foster C ollection" which Cooleemee Historical Association volunieershadbcenpreparingfortwo years. Members o f CHA's delegation also included Sonya Foster Comatzer ahd her husband Brian o f Salisbury , and James "D oll" and Nancy Foster, both ofCooleemee. The Harold Foster Collection con­ tains information about the formation; of the Cooleemee Cotton M ill V il-; lage. its labor force, and Union Local No. 251 - for w hich Foster served as business agent from the mid-1940s through the m ill's closing by- Burlington Industry in 1969. "We were honored to be able to present these materials and were hosted to a fine reception by the ar­ chives. Thc cotton m ill people were hard-w orking people and they deserve, to be remembered in this w ay," said Mary Foster upon her return. Cooleemec's history group is busy preparing the historic Zachary House for its permanent museum on m ill village life as u ell as planning for its Second Annual Textile Heritage Fes­ tival on Oct. 2. Last year, four thou­ sand people attended. Partly Cloudy Skies Forecast Weekend weather is evpcctcd to bo partly cloudy, according to thc Na­ tional Wcather Service. F riJ jj \ l<Rt s m * i*xpa*kv! h>hv in thc 60s, with highs in tlx* 80» to 90. Saturda>'stemporaluTVs w ill rangv from the 6<k for thc low into the StK for the high. There mav bc 'catterod thundcr>tomis. Myers Couple Has Second Son Bom to Rick and Robin Myers and C J.. was a son and brother. David Lee, on May 16 at Forsyth Hospital. David weighed 8 lbs. 13 ozs. and w as2M /4inches long. The maternal grandparents are Clarence and Peggy Elmore. M aternal great-grandparent is AnabclIe Elmore. The patemal grandparents w ere the late CharlesandGlady s M \ ers. Pater- naJ great-grandparent is George R i­ chard Mvcrs. Extension For nu>rc infornution on any nl thcso csents, call the Duvie Count) Cooperative Extension Service at 634-6297. Thursday, June 3 Bultlm ore-Blxhy lxm iem akers June 21-25 Vacation Bible Sch<a>l at Fork Baptist. Cla*ses for age* 3 to youth (grades 7-l2). Bible study, crafts, games, fun. Church i>6n>ile>ea>t o) M ocksville . For m ore in to . 998-8306. Ongoing B ill am* l*i^gv L<ing o f Advance Tuesday, June 29 Bus trip to Spcnccr and High Point. S l0 p ;r person. U*ave senior center at 8:30 a.m .. return about 6 p.m . Dutch treat lunch. Ongoing Senior citizens news on W DSL every Monday. 9:35 a.m. Jolly Sixties Seniors meet. 2nd Tuesday each month. II a.m .. Mocks United M cthodi< fellowship hall. G reen M eadows G o*G cttcrs meet. 3rd Monday ofeach month. 11:45 a.m.. G rw n Meadows Bapiisi fellowship hall. Correction A recent news story incorrectly stated that Duke Power Company bought 34.22 acrcs in Fork for $160,000. The companv paid SI45.000 ii< the land. Pianist Left Out The pianist for the Tony Michelle Bo1inW ikolai Georgiev Vasilev wed­ ding was inadvertently omitted from last week's article. One o f the pianists was Lorraine Parson. Christina Hamrick kept the guest register. m • • • ' :DINOSAURS AREN’T US | P E T S A N D S U P P U E S FISH* BIRDS1 REFTILES * SMALLANIMALS Located next to K-Mart Carden Shop 6000 Market Square Court • Suite 18 Clemmons (919)766-0281 Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm 10% Senior Citizens Discount Fresh Picked Large Strawberries s5“ Green House Tomatoes Squash & Olher Fresh Produce 704-278-2028 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 to 6 Closed Sunday ___ Wetmore Farms Woodleaf Directions: Huy B01 to lVoodtea/ to te r fldL • f%M andfofeff S ^m WANTED Bv The Davie CounrxArts Council Sliitters Oancers Perlcrmers .Hustclans Bands For ARTS ALIvE 93 Septem ber 18,1993 Masonic Plcnlc Grounds Mocksville, NC Applicaijons Available ♦ Deadline June 25th For More Information Call (704i634-31l2 Saturday Night &m BOWMAN GRAY l-$ tltm Uu STADIUM A N’A's'cW^JSSend W mtlon-Stltm Uun<tp4iGates open lor practice at 6 p.m FIRST RACE AT 8:15 Wmstan Racing Series Flow Chevrolet Twin 50’s Tw o 50-lap races for super-fast Modified cars, plus Sportsman, Street Stock and Stadium Stock eventsl LADIES’ NIGHT! Ftm*to fina *mitttd lor II (no escort r^ulftd). covrtiiy of Fiow ChevroW " | M * J $ 5 0 0 C a s h P r i z e f r o m F l o w t o - s o m e - l u c k y ^ a n ! S I) U M IT <am»w AduR*. is *>l ow — 1» A$w tM 7-tt _. .V V b V r A a#sM i-|t Ch*ew uW « FR£E wm M M<art U T K P Wf f iJ * f f i M *nof*i(m M ___ rn jjy ri. ieonm *,t*m Information about stadium radng: (919) 7234267 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRl'RISE RECORD, Tlmrsdiiy, June 3,1993 SDorts Entertainment, Government Celebreties At Crosby W r W ’ ........... ,,„,. n....i... Jliit't'U )liir Crosby Tees Off In Charity Event C m ilinuvtl From Viinc I hclil in the Bermuda Run Country Club inain txi1lroom. Tho symposium >cts lhv tone for the tournament ln exploring 'lhe Crosby s locus on tlrug education aml ab u * prevention from a business perspective. The Kalhn iVs Choice G olf Kvvnt begins w iih 'u shotgun starl at 12 mx>n. The piirse is $20,000. Krhhiv, .lune 4: The first round begins at 7:30 a.m. from lhe first and 10th tees. At *> a.m ., the Red Tee Challenge, a special golfing event for women ut Old Town Chtb. w ill be told. Playcr> w ill compete for S2U.(XKt in pri/es tor the charities o f their choice. At (> p.m ., the Crosby Clambake. „the tournaiiKiu's thank->ou party lor its volunteers, cclcbriticj> and spon­ sors. w ill bo held, Tickets are ‘required. . _ . : Satur<hiy, Jim v >: The >ecoml Tound begins ay 7:30 a.m. '• Siinclav, Jinn* 6t lh e final round K*gins at 7:30 a.m. The awards ceremony w ill take place on lhe 1 Sth 'grven at 4 p,m. rickets are Sl5 per day aiul are sold during the tourii;uucnl in the spectator ‘ parking areas at TanglewotU Park. Spectators park at Tanglcw i>txl Park w ith bus service provided to Bermuda Run. Buses nmcontinuous- lv from 11 a.m. on Thursday and 6:30 a.m. the remaining days o f the tournam ent. Service lro m .Tanglcw ood stops at 4:30 p.m. daily and from Bermuda Run at 7 p.m. daily. Cochrane On School Forum • Sen.BetsyCochrane(R*Davie)lus been appointed an At-large Member by the Public School Forum o f North Carolina. The forum is a think tank for edu­ cation issues. Forum proposals in ­ clude the Teaching Fellows Program which provides scholarships for bright students interested in pursuing ca­ reers as educators. ,Cochrane. senate m inority whip and ranking m inority member on the EducationMigherEducationCommit- tee. is a charter appointee for the fo­ rum board. . Cochrane represents North Caro- linaon theSouthern Regional Educa­ tion Board, serving also on the SREB Legislative Advisory Committee. Farm Report Deadlines Upcoming June 15 is the final date to report corn grain sorghum, flue<ured to­ bacco and oihcrspring seeded crops to the Davie County ASCS office. ; Zero acreage reports arc also re­ quired to protect a famVscropacrcage txuc. Aug. 1 is thc final date to report summer seeded crops such as soy* beans and othcr crops not planted by ; Junc 15. 1 • Farms participating in thc 1993 - vyhcat and Fccd grain Acreage Re­ duction programs are required to file a ctop acreage report and must also rc- pbrt their set-aside land by June 15 in tirdcr-to rcceivc benefits. Conserva- tfun Reserve Program CRP) partici­ pants are required to file a crop report by thc Junc 15 deadline in order to reccivc their yearly CRP benefits. ; Non-participating farms arc en­ couraged to filc a crop acreage report io establish or maintaina crop acreage fcasc for thc farm. Future year’s ben­ efits arc directly related to the farms ucreagc base winch is thc average of thc last five ycars planted acres. ; Faiturc to filcacropacreagc report may cause the loss o f all program benefits, reduction or loss o f future year's crop acreage base and a loss o f puic auppon for fi<ir.ru m l tnhiKCP. *. Producers wanting to filc a report should visit thc Davie County ASCS drficc ln R<x)tn 111 o f thc Davie <jounty O ffice Building between 8 a*m. and 5 p.m.. Monday-Friday. Pilt ltlHlllV <;ini ('nm|ilK'll O lttf <*llssIlll |tmunar> l lwiiii'> (iar> l'nlliiis Wa> :ic l*antcll Kuthr>n Vrostn |'ri'il itv (Nirdiitu Kick D m W illiam l)vVuiu' Kvt lit UnliMin Run Kl> ('liiid K urvtt Mivliavl Kcliistvln |>cimls Frsui/ ,|i'iilfiT (irvvii |tlltl lllf|)V |loh>rvs llii|K' Kvii llom int |);hli1 lhnldUstmi Hick llur<l A rlv> lm sim M iilllic« U m niiiiv M k lu ll Umnmcv |liin l.iiuriii Cltris l.iinim m Datld l.visiirv |tiilK-rl l.o^j*iii ,|niui Mi’iuliizti Miir> Ami Mnh1v> t;ur> M iirris Hi*lK-rt .Mursv (!nr> Mulv Dcvr Dun Murra> |),oid Nmikiil"H M urk Vitilvr linn l'nstnn <'liarlv> Prhlv (lu ll ltamwv l)alv Rfihvrtsmi Smokv> Ri)liiiM iii ,|imu's It. SlkkiiiK Hill Sm tlrm kh M vl.niii Slvmisim KalliltTii Sulliuin lt.J. 'llimmis |)vimralt Tranclli Micliacl liickcr M . Km iiul WaMi 1trucv W vit/ .|m- Williams (*<i||vvn Zviik Kick llarry K iilf U viiirsilikv (ivuryv Hlaniia tuirnvst lt>m r Austin Carr ltlll) ('lHIS) |tilh .liK? tluprcv Kiiw i:idcr Mikc i:ru /iw c Julius K n iiig llmmicr 1MiMiii Stcu* (iiiru ) **|tiHiiit Hiiimi*' (K^ffrl<m Kn<l (iiilu rt Slvdimm (iraham .|im -M iu lc a f' (irant (irits (iri>liam Sciitt lhim iltim Jim Hurt ltiitili) Hull Rim jiiMi>rski llriici' Jcnncr ,lvrn Kramcr t)ar>lv 1.iimmilca **Niylit T rain" l.am* S liu* l.iiruviil Jnlm M ackink |'.«a Muta>a Wll1lc McCn>v> Stan M iklta .tim Nant/ ('url> Ncal ltiil) l'ackcr Jim Palmvr W'vs Parker !i;irr> IV //tillii 1)urr>l Riinvrs (ialv Sa>vrs .Mart> ScliiittvnlK'lmcr lH iiii Smith Stm* S|)urrkr Jan .Stvmrml lla iik Strain Jim Tu>l<ir Kcll> Tri|iucku Jnv WusliinKt<in Hulk) Waters Alvx W tlh tir t)ihiu Williams |tii) Williams Kri(l Willlamsmi |)miK Wilsiin llvti Wriyht Sam W'>cliv STOCK UP ANDSAVE! CAUF0ROTA DONi 100%" Pi uuLAl.L.Y OWNED AND OPERATED FOR 0VER 45 YEARS HALF GAL *• CTN. f ' i ■ SAVE $1.00 ON DELICIOUSVIDALU ONIONS 5 ^ ®® SAVE ON DELICIOUS GENUINEVlDALM O N I O N S 1 2-LTR BOT. 0 7-UI*, l)H. 1 SAVE 50c ON FRESH & TENDER BROCCOLI B U N C H J U S T —_ SAVE ON U V CRISPY AND FRESH 0 you%. m smm.i iBUY^bDELICIOUS ; L E ^ i C W S O J E ^ ^ ^ fe i^ 5 ^ t< ^ V ^ iij^ j^ ^ i< u ^ ? 1 « S M « S » B ¥ i EMBERS’ S 5 3 S ^ S ^ * W ^ ^ iS ^ jS & tLeanCuisine msmMacaninl and ('litrtr rX£AN m m im fM S i.» ^ M m>iv^>.y-*-'-.EROZENSEOO Willow 0aks Shopping DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday,June 3,1993 -11 Local Governments Eye Joint Utilities Commission •By M ike Bom hardt ,Davic County Enterprise Record • Mocksville's water system is paid for. ; Davie County’s isn't. ; M ocksvillc customers pay consid* crably less than Davie residcntsdo for • Overcoming these obstacles would bc a major job if the tow nsjoin with Davie County in forming some lype o f countywide watcr and scwer utility commission. The idea was discussed at a rvccm niveting o f couniycommis- sionen, and members o f the Mocks* ville and Coolecmcc town boards. "It's nobedof roscs," M ilton Heath o f the N.C. Institute o f Government said, *ll's a jo b if you’re going to get there (equal rates). 1 low important is it to have the same rates for every­ body, and how arc >ou going to get there?" Mocksville public works director John Grey brought up the question after considerable discussion on how the systemscould bcjoined. Hc asked if the rate structures would bc a prob­ lem. "I'm looking at it with thc stand­ point. ifth c town wants to grow, they need us," said County Manager Kcn W indlcy. "But we do have a present rutesiruciurcthatishigherthanihcirV Heath said there are five ways the watcr and sewer systems could bc combined: establishing a sanitary dis­ trict, a water and scwer authority, a metropolitan watcr or scwer district, and through ciiy-counly cooperation. The authority is easiest to crcate. but almost always results in higher rates, hc sirid. because thc only way to raise money is through uscr fees. If all parties arc w tiling to compro­ mise. the city-county cooperation tt ouId be the be<t method. Heath said. The local governments would en­ ter into a contract, w ii!i term* o f that contract negotiable. The system has worked for Winston-SalenVForsyth and Charlotte/Mecklenburg, he said. Before anv decision is made, he TYSON-HOLLY FARMS GRADE DiDUGK EhORANGE THAT HOMETOWN FEELING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!* : SUCH A HOMETOWN FEELING! f & ^ s KLjcrns i9[ <fflE <rim m i nter, Mocksville suggested that futurec.xpansion needs forall systems involvcdbccalculatfcd. PMEs Discussed Davie Health DireciorDcnnis Har­ rington toSd the board members ifiat the Town o f Mocksville had been se­ lected as the public managemenderi- tity (PM E) for complex septic tank A new state law requires that all complex septic systems (single fam­ ily homes w ill not be affected),be inspected regularly.and the owner o f the system must sign a contract with the PME to do that work. A fee scheduled has not been w orked out. but John G rey. Mocksvilfe's public works director, said the town would only seek to re­ coup costs, not make money. The county*shealth department u ill reiamdecisiofi-makingpowereregard* ing septic systems. Currently, there are six such s>s- temsinDavieCounty.Hamngtonsaid. FOR A LL OCCASIONS •ffc Sister’s II S Mccksvtllei /^ 634-1782 WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF! S fflN G R D FET LEAN & TENDER STEAKS T -B O N E $>l69 SAVE ARMOUR STAR MEAT DOGSS A V E $ 1 . 1 0 0L B . J U S T .MARKET FRE5ti 93'f LEAN |GROUND BEEF ,B. $ 1 99 'JUST CAROLLNABRAND YOUNG TURKEYS “ 6 9 1 l)EW, :it OH3 S T ,5 c 4K $ t i 9 9 O JL|2 01 CANS BONELESS BEE W HOLE S fflN G ;:-DEW OK 5PPEB SAVE 50c ON LUNDY’S FINEST SLICED BACON l-L B . P K G$ ^ 1 9 BONELESS BEER STOE EYE OF ROUND LB. $ 0 1 9 . .Ssx4_js* w - - k & t & 3 $ t o M ; : ^ ; f i S 9 # fi') h ^ - - :^ V ^ SUCEDaNCDN ^ * L S S A V ^ 7 o T O N G W A L T N E Y G ltE A T ,. U lliMVA.N SMOKKIlltl<YAN H*>NfcV m i o$l 990.1 tM l A A n | l*lfi.si.U"t:n S 1 99 sl-lcSI.ICKI> t O * M TVRKEYBREASTozJj I’ KG COOKED avw 8 A V iE 2 0 e t) N 8 b E O ^ O A M j gGET<ONE/* m H^3*r?* m > t t ^ - -rS‘t - : \ f -;" ' ^« rw r4 % tm ^ /Z lv m « < .i ^iP K G *^-"V .vii''. i l * *'%i'<^<i5i.-A'f'..' "7*M/.*:r-"S. ti p g v w > ^ -^ ^ ^ m SOLO/PARTY<CUPB jiM i% M P iM f& iit& & m r n ^ m m ^ ^ ^:/20:cr.sPKG. . SOLO PARTY PLATES ■' '--" --^ '"' ''" ^ ^ ^ ^ i0 - 1)BSm^mk ^ c ^ p m k ^ , t s ^ ^ m HOW TO YOUR S' REPRESEN ?EACH rATE TATIVE N.C. Rcp. Julia H<>>tard Davic Countv 1021 Legislative B(dg. Ralelgh, NC 27601-1096 Raleigh (919) 733-5904 Home: (704) 634-3754 . Office: (704) 634-3538 .♦ Dev. JA. Bracken Jj _._ 60 Years in thc *2i ^ Miniilrv of Our lord t*s fatt 5etM H kxb" h J^x: 1*33-1*3 * h g £ Congratulations! fo^ / atn veryproud to __ be xour daughter. y § Low . * & Renee Bracken-Hoover *2P/ Hearing Tests 1 Set For Mocksville Mocksville - Electronic hearing tests w ill be given ai the Bcltone Hearing Aid Service Center on Friday from lOA.M to IPM. Professionally trained Hearing Aid Spccialisu wiU be at our office at (Nationwide Insurance, 2S1 N. Main St.) to perform dw tests. Anyone v>ho has trouble hearing is welcome to have a test using modem electronic equipment to determine if the loss is one which may be helped. Some of the causes of hearing loss will be explained, and diagrams of how the car works w ill be shown. Everyone should have a hearing tesi at !east once a >ear - even people now wearing a hearing aid or those whohave been told nothing couldbe, done for them. Only a hearing test' can determine if you are one o f the many a hearing aid can help. The free hearing tests w ill bc given Friday from lOAM to lPM at (Nationwide Insurance. 281 N. Main St.), To avoid waiting, call for an appointment. Or. if you can’t come | in. call H-80M5l-9884) for itl- home serv ice. ^ T W M t « w M a m » i t g i B m f f l w « a a » i w » w » « ^ $ e / / o / w ' tJOUAwoodDr. WinstixvSakm, SC 2710) . U - UA» ir. iv J L is 11 r.i> I r.K I'K IS fc K M U i(lJ , 1 miramy, JUitu J, r/j.> DaviePeorte Boles-Kreps Couple Speaks Vows Tammy Lynciic BoIcs o f M ixks- viIlc and Alan Wayne Krcps o f Lex­ ington wcrc united in nurriagc al 6 p.m. M ay 22 al Trading Ford Baptist Church. Salisbury, with thc Rcv. Carl Krcps officiating and thc Rcv. David Blanton assisUng in thc candlelight cercmony, •The bride is the daughter o f M r. and Mrs. David Owings o f Mocks* vilIc and W ilHam Doies o f Monroe. She is a l986graduatcofDavic High School and Salisbury Business Col- Thc groom is thc son o f thc Rcv. and Mrs. Carl Krcps o f Ruffin. Hc is a l983graduatcofNonh DavidsonHigh School and Davidson County Com- m unj|y CoJJcgc, H c is employed as managcrofStcvcn*s Lakeside in Lex­ ington. Wedding music was provided hy Kim Lentz, organist. andGina Cohb!c. Thc bridc, given in marriage by her parents, was escorted to thc ahar hy hcr sivp-faihcr. Shc wore a formal gown o f blush (pink) bridal satin. It featured an off- lhtMhou)dcr ncvkIinc w ilh sequins and pearls that came to a V at thc lm quc waistline. Thc bodice and s(ecvcs were covcrcd with schiffli lace appliqued w ith sccd pearls and sequins. Thc sleeves were adomcd w ith satin bow s with pearls. Thc full skirt was cn- circlcd vsithscallopcd schifHi laccand sw ept to a cathcUral train accented by a large satin bow adomcd with se­ quins and sccd pearls. Thc fingertip vcil o f illusion was attached to a licra style hcadpiccc o f pearls. Thc bridc also wore hcr grandmother's pearl chokcr. Thc bridal bouquet consisted o f pink lilics,liIac.crcampcomcs, baby's breath and ivy, Thc bouquet was illu ­ minated by lOm iniaturc white lights. M atron o f honor was Darfcnc Owings.m othcrofihcbridcofM ocks- viIlc. Bridesmaids w rc Jennifer BoIcs, sister-in-law o f thc bride o f Mocks- villc;GlcndaM as*ey,a(m tofthcbride o f Statesville; Erin Lunsford o f Ad- llonorar>' bridesmaid was Sara Bcth M asscy. bridc*s cousin o f Statesville. Glcnn Krcps served as his brother's best man. Ushcrs wcrc David Bolcs. bride's brother o f M ocksvilIc; Cory Wilson, groom’s cousin o f Ratcigh: ScotlBolcs,bridc'sbroihcrofM ocks- vi|lc; and Jcff Basinger, groom 's cousin ofSa1isbury. Flower girls w crc Eii/abcth Sides, bride’s daughter, and Ash1cy Krcps. groom's niecc. Ring bcarcr was Joshua Sides, bride's son. Sftir/cy Do/cs-Simpson Xept thc guest register. Acol>tcs wcrc Cory W ilson and Jcff Basinger. Thc wedding was directed by Mrs. Carolyn Barker. Following a wedding trip to the mountains, thc couple w ill make their home in M ocksvilIc. Reception Immediately follow ing the cer* cnK>ny a rcccption was held in the church fellowship hall. Assisting in serving wcrc Mrs. Connie Koontz, auntof thc groom; Mrs. Sharon Krcps, sistcr-in-lawofihcgroom ;M rs.Linda Basinger and Ms. Brcnda Clement, cousinsofihe groom. Rehearsal D inner On M ay 21 the groom's parents hostcd a rehearsal dinner at Wcstcm Stecr in Salisbury fo r members o f thc wedding party, fam ily and friends. The groom chosc this time to present gifts to hi* gnxjinsincn. Social Events - On M ay 2. a bridal shower was held at thc hom cof thc bridc* s parents. Hostess was Darlcnc Owings. • On A pril 3 the bridc hostcd a bridcsmaid*s luncheon at hcr home. Shc chosc this time to present gifts to hcr bridesmaids. Investing Program To Be A t Library Mrs. Alan Wayne Kreps ... vvas Tammy Lynette Bcles ♦Stacy Anderson is the Bookworm o fth c Week for the last week o f the contest. *Dr. Larry Hungerford w ill present a free program on basic investing in no-load mutual funds onJune 15 from 7-9 p.m. m the library auditorium. AVildflowers: How To Identify Flowers In The W ild And How To Gp>wThcm In Your Garden, by Rick Irqes,giveninm cm oryofM rs.M >rtlc Tqmlinson by John and A nn Sonon. ;N EW BOOKS *AViv R<f<renct Book: D irector}- 0 | Operating G rants: A n Innovu- tiYe Reference D irectory Pinpoint- Jnfc G eneral O perating G rants A fallahle To N onprofit OrganUa* tions, Richard M . Eckstein. rT he Year’s 25 Flnesl C rim e And M ystery Stories, cd. by the staff of mystery Scene. *The Names O f The M ountains. Reeve Undbergh. T hi' Big Lonely. Sam Brown. E in ste in 's I)ream s. A lan Lightman. The D ark W ay. Robert J. Con!cy. The Secret O fC artw heels; Short Stories. Patricia Henley. Am erican S lar; A Love Slory. Jackie Collins. Foxglove. Mary Anne Kelly. The Savage T ra il. Charles E. Friend. The C om stock Cam els. Gary McCarthy. The.M easureO fA Heart.Janettc Oke. M cN ally's R hk. Lawrence Sand- Nonfiction: Eclipse; The Last Days O fT h e C IA . Mark Perry. EducationW ilhout Im pact; How O u r V n h m h ie s Fail The Young. George H. Douglas. Ecolinking;Ever)one'sG uldeTo O nline E nvironm ental In fo rm a ­ tion. Don Rittncr. EulJng W ell; an International Collection O f Recipes. Food Lore, Facts, And Tips From One O fT h e W o rld ’s Best-Known T V Chefs. Burt W olf. The Execution Protocol; lnside Am erica’s C apital Punishment In ­ dustry. Stephen Trombley. EverySlrvel !>Pu>ed W ilh Gold; The Road To Real Success. W oo- Choong Kim. EverythingShe Ever W anted; A T ru e Story O f Obsesslse Love, M urder, And Betrayal. Ann Rule. The E>oluCion O fV seful Th(ngs, Henry Petroski. D on't S lurp Y our Soup: A Basic G uide T o Bus(ness Etiquette, Bctty L Craig. TheC onsum er'sLegalG uideTo Today's Health C are; Y our M edi­ cal Rights A nd H ow To Assert Them , Stephen L. Isaacs. Essentials O f Classic Ita lia n Cooking. Marcella Hazan. CareerSuccessfl*enonalStress; ^ 2 r % ^ t 4-Hers Tour Radio Station Join Friends O fThe Davie County PublicLibrary!Forinform ationabout joining Friends o f thc Library, call Deborah Seats at thclibrary 634-2023. M ocksville L ib ra ry Hours 9*8:30 9-8:30 9-8:30 9-8:30 9 4 9-5:30 2-5 Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Cooleemee L ib ra ry Hours Monday Noon-6 Tuesday*Friday 10-5 Closed for Lunch 1 2 : 3 0 • 1:30 Preschool storytime is at the main and branch libraries cvery Tuesday al 11-11:30 a.m. TheDavieAcadem y4-HCIubm ct al tie Davie Academy Community Building on May 20 to go lo W FM X radio station in Statesville. Ed Robertson gave a tour o f the station and explained some o f the machines they use. C lub m embers stopped by McDonald's for refreshments. On May 2 l,a ll participants o f the BikeAValk-a-Thon for Cystic Fibro­ sis met foracookK>ut, tumed in money raised amounting to S765 for cystic fibrosis research. Prizes were received by all. A trophy was presented to Imogene Combs o f Yadkinville for raising the most money. $214. - Reporter. Angie Godbey Youth Leadership Camp Planned Youth LeadershipTOavic. July 17- 18. is an adventure camp open to rising High School students in Davie County. This two-day/one-night event is designed to develop leadership skills through team building exercises uti­ lizing group initiative courees and activities. A fee o f $40 includes transporta­ tion. lodging, meals at camp and all activities. Youth Leadershipfl>avie is a co­ operative effort o f Davie Fam ily Y.MCA. 634-9622; Davie County 4- H. 634-6297; and M ocksville^avie Parks & Recreation. 634-2325. For more information contact one of the sponsoring agencies. Nails, Howards Plan Reunion The Nails are coming to their old stomping grounds. You'll find them next weekend poking around the Davie County Pub­ lic Library, at Bethel Methodist and Eaton's Baptist churches. The fam ily, descendants o f the late Caleb N ail, w ill be here for a joint reunion w ith the Howards, descen­ dants o f Henry Bates How ards. A brother in the N ail fam ily moved to Indiana from Davie County in the early l800s. The How ards can trace Davie roots back to the early 1800s as well. Around 1900. Ethel Nail married W illiam M iller Howard. And since the Howards have an annual reunion here, they decided to invite the Nails, including the part of the fam ily that moved to the mid- West. Visitors are expected from Ohio and California. They plan to arrive in Davie on" Friday, June II. They w ill tour the county on Saturday, and w ill be at the history room fo r anyone w ho wants to : meet them. They’ll jo in the Howards fo r a pig picking reunion at 6 p.m. at Bethel United Methodist Church. On Sun­ day, they plan to attend church ser-. vices at Eaton*s Baptist. Anyone who thinks they may be • related to either fam ily, or is inter-' ested in meeting them, should contact Janie Swaringen at 998-7827 or Ann Frye at634-2S49. 'S A V E $ 1 0 .0 0 1 Couple Plans Marriage Engagement Announced Regular $14.95. Now Only $ 4 9 5 ^ ^ ^ F with coupon I I 1 O M r. and Mrs. Clark E. Young o f Route I, Mocksville. announce ihe engagementoflhcirdaughtcr,JudithAnnYoungtoClintonW eslcySweatman III, son o f the Rev. and Mrs. C.W. Sweatman Jr. o f Apex. The bride-eleci is a graduate o f Davie High School, Forsyth Technical College. Davidson Community College and M itchell College. She was a de2fl*iWiUftidcnZ3/f3chcoJJcye,wberes)ies!uUiedcriminaljusficcand basic “ laWWforcemenn ---------------------------------------------------i---------------- Sweatman is a graduate o f Fuquay-Varina High School and N.C. State University with a degree in biology. He is working on his master's in marine biology. - The wedding is planned for July 10 at Blaise Baptist Church. M r. and Mrs. H.D. Chapman o f K ing announcc the engagement o f their daughter, Christine Michelle Chapman to H. Lee Rollins, son ofM r.and Mrs. Bruce Rollins o f Mocksville. The bride-elect is a graduate o f Stokes High School and High Point University. She is employed in the University Relations Department at Wake Forest University, ftp Hm* i* d^ n* jM ahvnfnnii.t Uigh_<:ghnn> .in<t Hitrh Point University. He Is self-employed. The wedding is planned for Oct. 30 at W ait Chapel, Wake Forest Univer* sity. T) W9J ®° • (Reg. $14.95) ^ £ £ n m(2) 8 x 10's. (2) 5 x 7's', (10) Wallets and 18 Mini-Portraits |'*» e i v« I S n v M M tfttw rv m m M to N m v tfw ^ n U M n P fM n M M rta M tt | t eMiew4paexi<** w t w — o*K v t*ocie#tx*#otni n u <j^r*>trota w o r * ) u * wIW M IM ^ JiW w M t ttnMMMoW3>>IU*r<*>V>V<n^<'M<'o<M^ngMyo, ' |D(vK*4>* *ngnww>eyn#envwe**l-^nfr<w^w'*f*f<f''wO &a<senfeje| I i e»u tora*or*i CVwemwSwwe i<n>u#i**i Shooting Days/Dates; Thursday thru Monday. June 3-7 I PhotographerHours: Daily 10:OOAM-7:OOPM1Sunday 12:30-5:30PW A Q F *s *rj- WAL*MART PORTRAIT STUDIO 3Mced eUverlised oMei and WE lL MATCH iT< 10 - D A V lE C O U N T Y F * rK M > R lS E R E C O R D . T h u w h y .J u n e 3,1993 Government Celebreties At CrosbySpnrts, E ntertainm ent,lini Tuvlor Crosby _ Tees Off In Charity Event Continued From Vage 1 held in thc Bermuda Run Counirv Club troin hillroom . The symposium >ets the tone for lhe tournament bv exploring 1hc Crosby's fi*cu> on jrvig education and abu%* prevention from a busine>> per>pevtive. Thc Kathnn*s Choice G olf Evenl becins w ith a shotgun start at 12 noon. Thc {xir>e is $20,000. Kridav, June 4: The first round begins ai 7:X) a.m. from the first ur>d 10th tees. A ty .i.m ..th e Red TccChallengc. a* special golfing event fvr women at Old Town O ub. w ill be hi*Id. Plavers w ill compete for S20.M ) in pri/c> ior thc charities o f thcir choice. A t 6 p.m .. thc Crosby Clambake, thc toumanvnt*s ihank*wu party for ♦ *^ils volunteers, cclcbritic* and >pon* iprs. w ill be held. Tickets are ‘required. . _ , ,• Saturday, June ?: The second jound becins ay 7:30 a.ni. : Sunduv. June 6: The final round K g in s at 7:30 a.m. The awards Verctimny w ill take pluceon the lSih -‘erven at 4 p.m. -Tickets arc S15 pcr day and are M>ld during the tournament in the spectator" parking areas at Tanglewtkxl Park. Spectator> park at Tanglcwood Park w ith bus service provided to Rcnnuda Run. Bu*cs runconiinuouv |\ from 11 a.m. on Thursday and 6:?0 a.m. the remaining daysof the tournam ent. Service from .Tanglewoodstops at 4:.V) p.m. daily and*from Bermuda Run at 7 p.m. Cochrane On School Forum - Sen. Betsy Cochrane (R-Davie) has been appointed an At-large Member by the Public School Forum o f North Carolina. The forum is a think tank for edu­ cation issues. Forum proposals in­ clude the Teaching Fellows Program whichprovidesscholarshipsforbright students interested in pursuing ca­ reers as educators. Cochrane, senate minority whip and ranking minority member on the EducationAtigherEducationCommit- tee. is a charter appointee for the fo­ rum board. . Cochrane represents North Caro­ lina on the Southern Regional Educa­ tion Board, serving also on the SREB Legislative Advisory Committee. Farm Report Deadlines Upcoming june 15 is the final date to report com grain sorghum, fluc<ured to­ bacco and other spring seeded crops to the Davie County ASCS office. *. Zcro acreage reports are also re­ quired to protect a famVscrop acreage titte . Aug. I is thc final date to report siimmcr seeded crops such as soy­ beans and other crops not planted by- June 15. ' j Farms participating in thc 1993 - \yhcat and Feed grain Acreage Re­ duction programs arc required to filea crop acreage report and must also re­ port thcir set-aside land by June 15 in order-to receivc benefits. Conserva­ tion Reserve Program CRP) partici- pim tt are required to file a crop report by thc Junc 15 deadline in order to receive thcir yearly CRP benefits. ; Non-participating farms are en­ couraged to file a crop acreage report to establish ormaintain a crop acreage tttse for the farm. Future year’s ben­ efits arc directly related to thc farms acreage base which is thc average of thc last five years planted acres. ’ Failure to file a crop acrcagc report inay causc thc loss o f all program benefits, reduction or loss o f future ________ycar*s crop acreage basc and a loss of Vat ltmmv t;ivii C;im|ilwlt (>!cti l'av4nt Krnvmar> l'1<mnv> (iur> 0>ili"s Wii>:ic l*;irikll Kuthr>n t'rt"h> Frcd ilc Vurdma R kk 1)«"* W tlliain DcVaiu* K itin 1tal*Min Run K1) Chad Ku-rvtt Mivlt4vl FvInstciii l)vrmls Knin/ Jtiiifvr (!rm i |ll>lt |ll>|H- H..|nro llo|K' K in lhmur<l |);nld lluclilli>tmt K kk lhirxl Artv Jnlmsmt MatthvM l.uurnm i1 M lilu lt U nr.im v |>.m l.;uirla t'hrK l.tmm<m 1)a>ld l.visurc R ubtrl l.<^tii- J»tm MinU<izu Mar> Ann M<>hlv> (Iar> Morris RulH-rt M*irsv (iur> Muli- l) itr l)im" Mtirrti> l>atltl Nuutilitmi Mark PintiT liim I’irstnn l'harlv> l'riilv (lall Ramsi> |)alc Rnhtrtsim Smoke) lt<'tihiMiii Jamcs H. Sikklny 11111 Sm tlrm kh Mll.(-.I1I StvU'1MUl Kuthkwi SullUuii lt.J. lhiinms |)tlMinih lruiH 'lli M kliacl Tutki*r M. iim im t W aMi Hriicc W ill/ JiK* Williams C ollnit /in k Kick ltarr> K,,lf lk iilrx h k e (;ii>rye ltlamta Karm^t lh iiv r Austin Curr ihil> Cmis> |lilh Jiw lh ip rw H w Kl<lvr Mike Krti/ii<ie Julius K n !iw 1tiMimcr K sl*w t Sim * (iurvc) ••Bwim ltmmV* (iw U rim i Rixl (iiliw rt Slcdman (Iraham Jim “ Mudcal** <irant (!rils (5resham Stull !liimiltuM Jim Hurt |Vilih> llii1l Run ja«»r>ki Hrticc Jennir JiT fj Kram tr !> rfrilf |.amiffilcu **Mulit Train” l.anc S ln v l^ ru in t Jnliii M a tkin k K»a Mala>u W lllic M tC iiu> Stan M iklta Jim Xant/ l'u rl) Seal Tllll>"l*atkiT- Jlni l'alim r Wcs I’arkcr llarry l'i//u llu l)arr>l R'^vn> fiiiJr .S;i>trs .Marl> SilmMviiluimvr lHan Smith Slcte S;m rrkr Jan Slvnvrud Hank Slram Kili> lripticka Jiw WaslilnKtmi ltuck> Watvrs Alvx Wcltslcr l)miu Williams R<it lN ilHams t'rid WilHamwin |)(*tiU WHs<in itin W rith i S;im W tthc pficc support lor lluc-curcd iobattu. ! Producers wanting to filc a report stiould visit the Davic County ASCS d ffic c in Room 111 o f thc Davic dounty O ffice Building between 8 a m and 5 p.m.. Monday-Friday. uuvALLY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR nVFR 45 YEARS H l w l i M i STOCK UP AND SAVE! ' D O N 1 0 0 % P ! |FRESH TO YOU! SAVE ON D E L IC IO U S ^^^J GENUINE ^ W ^VIDALIA O N I O N S SAVE S1.00 ON DELICIOUS VlDALU ONIONS 199 L B . B A G 2-LTR BOT. _ _ SAVE ON L U V CRISPY AND FRESH CAULffLOWER< HEAD JUST SWT 50c ON FRESH & TENDER BROCCOLI B U N C H J U S T REE 7 -U P ,M ! "DR. I A M i wnrr mm m m wm m i (>W ffl ^ " ML ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T ! ^ ^ ^ r t C T _________________ . _ .......v , „ , f w : f f £ i i 5 i A s * _ jtiM ti® . DELICIOUS.".-. L E U r M : LEAN CjDISWEf., '% T ^ 1 1 0 « « - - - X r j j ^ 6 6 S i # ^ i S ' ^ ^ t o ^ ^ 5 ^• j..', ^ * ! L ^ l^ ^ r * v > » ': , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v f - » < 4 ^ M ^ ^ LLeanCuisine. M \laran<ni and t hrt*t .-. " '^ i M ! ? ; i ' V H l ne SAVE 80edNlEAN CUBDiE^LUTO 3i>p;( ,;-^iv\!n> i lK^pr*ty-" mm^s^^mg. | ' @ N ^ B ^ S g ^ T R p S K fM^Ss^sernmm ‘ " p r a G E p i i ' g i F k o r <you%. $U ^ ^ ^ S f? r # i« ? B S tTt>feiM tv * * » j» c L tj> :i p » c m n « I>AVlF. COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORI), ThursUuy,June 3,1993- 13; #SV*v * '6 s t i$ v s r g m m t » ^ m f i L r - .- - !^ .% ft3 | UMW Retreat Set "I Am W oman" w ill he thc thcmc o f Doris Thurman’s.mcssage for thc l9th Annual M ini Retreat al Ccntcr Uniicd Methodist Church, Monday, Junc 7 as she expands on Women in Solidarity aruund thc W orld. Mrs. Thurman, o f Concord, is thc supportive community mission co­ ordinator for thc W NC United Meth­ odist Women. The covcrcd dish dinner w ill bc served in thc Ccntcr Com m unity Building at 6:30 p.m.. w iih thc p ro -, gram beginning at 7:30 p.m. in thc ~ church sanctuary. -.• Thc evening “ love offering" w ill bcnxcivedforumksigmucdmission$ in honor o f all children o f Davie - County. Center and Salem United Method­ ist Women are co-hosicss. Cornatzer News Elder and Mrs. Ivan W. Ijames Elder And Mrs. Ivan Ijames Honored On 60th Anniversary Elder and Mrs. Ivan W . Ijames of Route I,M ocksville,cefebrated (heir 60thycar o f marriage Sunday, M ay 2, u ith a reception in their honor at the O.R. OsmanZJ.A. Ijames Memorial Fellowship Building. A short sermon given by their grandson. Pastor W haid Rose, was heardbv many friendsand guests who attended. Refreshments were attended and served by nieces and cousins: Mrs. Connie Parker; Mrs. Gladys Feimster, Mrs. Virginis Dooley, Mrs. Marcella Lewis and Mrs. Linda Ijames (god­ daughter o f Eld. and Mrs. Ijames). Mrs. Bessie Newsome attended the Elder and Mrs. Ijames have serv ed G o ld e n A n n iv e rs a ry Lula May and K elly Snii(h o f Route2. M oeksville « ill becelebrating their 50th wedding anniversary from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, June 6. with a reception in the fellowship hall o f Green Meadows Baptist Church. It w ill be hosted by the couple’s children and their spouses: Jcsse and Arvesta McEwen, J.K. and Mary Smith, Stcvc and Patsy Smith, Naaman and Carolyn Smith, all o f Mocksville, John and Julia Jones of Lilbum , Ga., and W illiam Smith o f Winston-Salem, w ith grandchildren serving during the reception. The couple has 14 grandchildren and tw o great-grandchildren. Hy Dottle Potts Comaizer Correspondent Maxine Long and Inez Howard visiled lb rif5 jsifA Jva NcJ) S w jio, al Baptist Hospital where she had sur- gety last Friday. Homer Potts and daughter, Sharon and Lena W all visited M r. and Mrs. W alter O trell and M ac Staley in Churchiand Sunday aftemoon. M r. and Mrs. Carl Frye visited M r. and Mrs. Homcr Potts Friday night., The “Over the H ill Gang" traveled to Boone by bus last Thursday. They visited the old Country Store in Valle Cruses, had lunch at Mom's Restau­ rant, visited a shopping center on the Blue Ridge Parkway and shopped at the Yoder Amish Store in W indsor Crossroads. The Hendricks Reunion was held last Sunday at the home of Juanita PopIin. Among those attending were M r. and Mrs. Brady Barney, M r. and Mrs. Norman Smith, M r. and Mrs. B ill Shoaf. Ava and Clara Barney, M r. and Mrs. Dwayne Smith and Travis. The Comatzer Extension Home Economics Club held its monthly " m eetingatthehomeofDottiePottson ' Tuesday,M ay25,withacovereddish ' luncheon. A ll members were present and two guests. Jo Check and Minnie Comatzer. Jo Cheek presented slides on her visit to Russia and products that she had purchased there. She also demonstratedababygownforprema- wrebabiesat BrennerHospital which they arc in need o f and a knit baby cap. Everyone enjoyed their visit and p ro -; in various capacities on the mission field. He is pastorofCfem ent Grove Church o f God. as w ell as general manager and overseer o f the Church ^ t t t : - t t ^ Faml/y Night Held At Cana West Africa. Kingston, Jamaica and Mindanao, Philippines. They have threechildren:W illiumCulvinljam es, Alm a Christine Ijames and Minnie Ijames Scott. Ttiere are five grand­ children (ihe oldest. W illiam Jeffrey Ijamcs deceased 1983) and there are seven great-grandchildren. The Registershowed 150attended this celebration. The chair they are setting in is the chair they used in courtship, over 60 years ago. Clowns Visit Cooleemee Club The Cooleemee Senior Citizens metM ay24attheFirstBaptistChurch fellowship hall with 40 members and two visitors present. The meeting was called to order by thc president. Afterthe opening prayer, the group sang "W ill There Be Any Stars." Devotions were given by the chap­ lain. Her text was from Isaiah 40:1 -5, T h e People Comforted." Cards were sent to members who Door prizes were won by Ethel Messick and Hannah Jones. Two clowns from the Clown Club had a duel with swords. They also played the W illiam Tell game. Several games were played. The meeting adjourned w ith the club song. The next meeting v> ill be June 14. Mrs. Gregory Lee Hardister ... was Joyce Lynn Jones Cana Homcmakcrs hcld their an­ nual fam ily night on Friday. May 21, at 6:30 p.m. President Vada Beck welcomed approximately 40 members and their families, guests, and ncw community residents to the old Cana Schoolhousc * here they were served acovcred dish Janc W cbb had decorated the build­ ing with pots o f chrysanthemums and cut flower arrangements frum Iiva l gardens. M r. and Mrs. Fred Rich and Mrs. Minnie Pope attended, along w ith Mr. and Mr>. T im Latham and several o f his fam ily members. The history o f conservation was the topic o f thc program prc>cntcd by Latham, u ho w orks for the Dav ic Soil and Water Conservation District. His slideprcsentation showed how fa ru c have come in soil conservation sin:c thc early settlers “ used up the land" and then moved on. The "du>t bow l" era was also a sad result o f ignorance in taking carcofthcland. May 29 Ceremony Unites Couple Joyce Lynn Jones o f Route 4, A d­ vance and Gregor>' Lec Hardister o f Winston*Salem were united in mar­ riage Saturday, May 29, at 2 p.m. at Clemmons Moravian Church. O ffici­ ating at the ceremony was Bishop Burton Rights. The bride is the daughter o f Mrs. Lucille Jones o f Clemmons and the late Bailey Wesslemon Jones. She is a graduateofW estForsythHighSchool and is employed as a school bus driver for Winston-SaIenVForsylh County Schools. The bridegroom is the son o f Mrs. Brenda W ilkens o f Goldsboro and Edwin Lee Hardister o f Greenville. He is a graduate o f Eastern Wayne High School and is employed as a truck driver for Ryder Dedicated Lo- M atron o f honor was Karen Kristine Dodds. Thc bride's daughter, Staci Christina Jones was a junior bridesmaid. Edwin Lee Hardister was his son’s best man. Aftera wedding trip to Ftorida, the couple w ill make tlicir iioine m 7tffc" Recepllon A reception was hcld in the clnirch fellowship building immediately fol­ lowing the wedding ceremony. According to U tham . many new technologies and innovative practices havc since been developed, leading to improved cnv ironmcntal quality. For example, in Davic County, strip-cropping and no-tillplanting sig­ nificantly reduce topsoil erosion, v. hile specially designed stream crossings for caltIc protect stream banks and greatly improve watcr quality. A number o f cost-sharc programs are available through the Soil Conscr- vationScmcctohelplandowncrsfund such management techniques. Latham stated that an>onc who needs further information or assistance >hould con­ tact the Soil and W atcrConscrvaiion District. A fter the program, the hon.cmak- cr> maJe a special >urprise prcscnta- tiontoC hipandR uthEs>icinhofiorof thcir 25th wcddlng anniversary on April 12. DAVIE C O U N TY ^ and Sweet L o v e r’s H aven Present: PB&J for Lunch on the Square 11:30-1:00 June llth featuring Mike Orsillo and the Roughweather Band 6f doet it p t> i> '" Bluearass Dm PB&J mm Peanut Butler & i R c c b o k ^ Ewy Reebok Priced *35 0r More With 5 Bottle Caps From Pepsi Cols Products Reg. 4139 LADIES "Princess' Reg. 4999 MENS "Club C"8 o v s 8 n -m 2 4 Rea. 3439 M LS m i-4 Reo. 49S9Reg 4999msB84600 um LAOteS Nwpot1 Reg. 3999 BOYS88*600 L03Af<? Reg. »99 LADIlSFitness\m er Reg. 5499 g fW Shoe Show lie tiounv Pl.l/<t • Mot h*,villt> * Opt'11 Mon h<tl 'l) '* .S Sun 14 - I)AVIK COUNTY ENTERl'KISK RKCORI>, TlmrstJiiy, .lime .1,1993 Couple Speaks Marriage Vows May 29 M itzi Nunncitc Cleary and Jacob Lec Reavis were united in marriage on Saturday, May 29, at 3 p.m. at Courtney Baptist Churcli. Dr. Phillip J. Beavers ofY adkinvillc officiated. Thc bride is the daughter o f Larry Gene andJudy H. Cleary o f Route 5, Mocksville. She is lhegranUdaughter o f M r. and Mrs. Wade H. Cleary o f Route 6, M ocksvillc. She is a gradu­ ate o f Forbush High S choolin East Bend and is a student at Winston- Salem State University in Winston- Salem. She Is assistant to thc coordi- natorforthe Northwest N.C. Chapter o f the A m erican Red Cross in Yadkinville. The groom is the son o f Sammy D. Reavis o f Yadkinville and the late Beth Moxley Reavis. He is a graduate o f Starm ount H igh School in Boonville and is employed by U nifi ofYadkinvillc. • A program o f wedding music was presented by Mrs. Helcn Church o f Boonville. Vocalists wcrc Brent and Susan RoyatI o f Yadkinville. The bride, givenin marriage by her parents, was escorted by her father. She wore a formal white gown o f English brocade.The sweetheart neck­ line trimmed in a pearl braid led to a Hik’d bodice tind a baM]iic waistline, which was also trimmed in a pearl braid. The long sleeves were tapered and ended in a pearl trimmed point. A full cathedral irain extended from the skirt. A back brocade bow trimmed in pearls complemented the gown. Her headpiece was a large .satin bow trimmedvvithpearlsandcenteredwith a rosette and attached was a cathedral- length veil o f illusion with satin edg­ ing. She carried u bouquet o f white and fuchsia roses, candlelight freesia, aza­ lea blossoms and Unglisb ivy. The bride'sattcndants were Glenda LCIearyofM ocksville,sistcr-in*Iaw ofthc bride;Tamara Beavers andUsa Cravcr, both o f Yadkinville. FlowcrgirlwasHannahRulhCave, cousin o f the bride o f Boonvilte. The best man was the groom's fa­ ther. Sammy D. Rcavis. Thc groom's attendants were Scott Clear)', brother ofthcbridcofMocksviUeandBronson Hawks, cousin o f the bride o f Boonville. Ringbearer was Robert Reavis, brother o f the groom o f Yadkinville. Serving at thc guest register was Misty Weatherman.cousin of the bride Ellis-Angell Engagement Announced M r. and Mrs. Sidney J. Ellis o f Virginia Beach, Va., announce thc engagement o f theirdaughter,Traci Lyn Ellis, to Stephen David Angcll. son o f M r. and Mrs. David M . Angell o f Mocksvil!e. , Miss Ellis is a graduate ofBaysidc High School and Rudy & Kelly School o f Hair Design. She is employed by A Total Concept Salon. Angell is a graduate o f Davie High School and the University o f North Carolina at Chapel H ill. He attends Southeastern Baptist Theological Semi­ nary, where he is president o f the student body. He is employed by London Bridge Baptist Church at Virginia Beach. The wedding is planned for Oct. 2 at London Bridge Baptist Church. Hillm an-Pardue Couple Speaks M arriage vows ofM ocksville. Programs were handed out by Amanda Weatherman, cousin o f thc bride o f Mocksville. Thc wed­ ding was directed by thc groom's aunt, Carolyn G. Rcavis o f Yadkinville. After a wedding trip to the Baha­ mas, the couple w ill make theirhome on Route 2, Boonville. R i'ccplion Immediately follow ing thc ccr- cmony, a reception was hosted by the bride's parents in thc church fellow­ ship hall. Guests were served liam biscuits, vegetable and fruit (rays, pickles, nuts, punch and wedding cake. Those serv­ ing were Evon Bamcs, aunt o f the bride ofTroutville, Va.; Kathy Cavc, aunt o f the bride o f Boonville; and Becky Weatherman, aunt o f the bride o f Mocksville. The reception was ca­ tered by Joan Brown o f Yadkinville and Judy Atkins o f Ararat. Greetcrs were Philip and Peggy Rehearsal On Friday night, May 28. follow ­ ing the wedding rehearsal, a dinner was given at MacLain*s Restaurant in Yadkinville. hosted by Mrs. Hazel Reavis, grandm othcrofthe groom of Y a d k in v ille and M rs. Joan R. Mary Ann Hillm an and James Michael Patduc, both o f Charlotte, were wed Saturday, May 29, in a noon wedding at University City United Methodist Church. The Rev. Bruce Jones was officiating minister. The bride is the daughter o f M r. and Mrs. Robert Hillman of Sumter, S.C. She ls a graduate o f Suniter High School and Winthrop College w itha Holcom b, aunt o f the groom of Yadkinville. Showers • The bride was given a miscella­ neous shower on March 28 at North Oak Ridge Baptist Church Fellow­ ship Building. Hostesses werc Mrs. Louise H. Wagoner, fricnd o f thc groom's fam ily, and aunts o f the groom. Joan R. Holcomb, Carolyn G. Rcavis, and M ary D. Rcavis, all of Yadkinville. • On April 3. thc bride was given a lingerie lunchcon at Casa Gallardo Mexican Restaurant in Winston-Sa- lcm. Attending was M iss Tamara Beavers ofY adkinvillc, Mrs. Glenda L. Cleary, Mrs. Becky Weatherman, Amanda and M isty Weatherman, all ofM ocksville.Thcbride'smolheralso attended. • The bride was given a miscella­ neous shower on May 16 at South Oak Ridge Baptist Fellowship Build­ ing. Hostesses were the bride's aunts. Evon H. Bames o f Troutvil!c, Va.; Kathy Cave o f Boonville: Becky Weatherman o f M ocksvillc; Mary Church, great-aunt o f the bride of Yadkinville; and Carl Bames. uncle o f the bride. t Mrs. Sammy Eugene Waller ... was Cindy Jeanette Royall Couple Is Married At Zion Methodist Cindy Jeanette Royall and Sammy Eugenc W aller werc united in mar­ riage onSaturday, May 29, at 2 p.m. at Zion Methodist Church. The Rev. Albert Bracken performed the cer­ emony. The music was performed by Mrs. Letty Smith o f Mocksville. The bride and groom are 1993 graduates o f Davie High School. The maid o f honor was M rs. Tammy Baker, the bride's sister. The best man was Chris Jarvis o f Advance. The bride had one junior brides­ m aid, M iss C hrissy Lucas o f Rockwell. The usher was Tim Baker, bride's bachelor's degree in medical tcchnol- ogy. She is employed as a medical technologist for First Charlotte Phy­ sicians. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. O lin Purdue o f Mocksville. Ile isagraduateofDavie High School and Appalachian State University with a bachelor's degree in business. He is employedas a regional sales manager for U T lLX Corporation. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at The Hilton at University Place. Charlotte. The couple w ill make their hornc at 1424 Silvermere Way, Charlotte, when they return from their honey­ moon al St. Thomas Island. Mrs. Jacob Lee Reavis ... was Nannette Cleary M o c k s v i t i e F u r n i t u r e & A p p lia n c e 59 Court Square • Downtown Mocksville ALL SIZES ARE ON SALE! brother-in-law . Junior usher was Joshua W aller, groom’s brother. The bride was given in marriage by her parents, Ronnie and Marie Royall o f Mocksville. She was cs- coned by her father. The flower girl was Miss N iki Lucas ofR ockwell. The mother o f the bride was es­ corted out by T im Baker. The mother o f the groom. Mrs. M innie Waller, was escorted by Joshua, her son. A reception followed the ceremony at Sheffield Community Building. The mother o f the bride gave a house-warming party for the couple in April. DIAGONAL QUANTITIES LIMITED 0rv5crwn Menu Display Auto C hannolS*arc 178 C hann*l Cap*blltty BIG 46" DIGITAL 160 ; Viewmg Anglo Picture-in-picture •AuxillaryJackPanel •On-Screen Menu Display Auto Channel Search TH S WEEK ONLY PV4657LK SURROUND SOUND CAPABILITY :: '*•'' ^y,>,vh::' *^tt*f'< ; ' - 1 - s| ^ \ V -A * / " WE'LL TAKE YOUR OLD TV IN TRADE ALL TV'S HAVE BEEN REDUCED FOR THISSALE! ALL TV'S WILL BE DELIVERED AND SET UP AT NO CHARGE! 25" Remote 4 Head Remote On-Screen Menu THIS WEEK ONLY VRS4,r $3 3 9 95 Built-in VCR Plus+ Programming Remote The Quality Goes In BeloreThe Name Goes On! Stereo On Screen SS2563S Programming T h ls W eek O n ly * 5469w5t WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! Mrs. James Michael Pardue ... was Mary Ann Hillman Mocksville Furniture & Appliance, Inc. Downtown Mo<ksville, NC 704/634-5812 704/634-2250 I)AVIR COUNTY ENTEIlPRtSK RF.CORI), Tliurs(liiy,Junu 3,1993 -15 Wedding Preparations Checklist Ytnir wedding day w ill lv hcrc bcforc you know i(! ffy n ii want to he ready and have your special day run Muoolh|y, you have to be organized. Use this cficcMist to /tc<p you kcep all o f your arrangements in order. N(ne M onths lk fn re • Announce your engagement. • Discuss the form ality, size und location o f thc wedding/reception w ilh h<>l)i families. • Sei the wedding date and lime. • Meet with clergyman orjudge lo confirm date and time. • Reserve site fo r ceremony. Klght M onths Tn (io • Discuss wedding budget with your parents. • Determine the approxim ate number o f guests. • Reserve reception site. • Select and invite attendants. • Select wcddingandcngagcmcnt rings and arrange for engraving. Sevi*n M onths To Go • Have your engagement party. • Begin your guest list. • Discuss honeymtxm plans. « Hegin shopping for wedding attire. Flu* M onths To (io • Talk lo the wedding official and oryuniii about m uiiv. decorations and procedure ;ii thc ccremony. • Select fvadings and music for the ceremony. • Schedule rehearsal dinner. • Gei a list o f services and menu possibilities from the caterer or other reception contact. Four M onths 'lb (io • Register at gift and department • Meet with the caterer or club nun;igcr to plan recepiM>n details. • Meet with florist, photographer ;jnd b;jkcr. • Complete honeymoon plans and muke hotel and lravcl reservations. • M ake doctor and dental appointments. • Shop for your trousscau. Three M nnlhs To (Io • O rd e r in vita tio n s, an­ nouncements and other stationery. • Select attire fo r the gnxnn and groomnncn. • C onfirm dclivery datcsofall at­ tire and schedule fiilings for bridal and bridesmaids* gowns. • Purchasc a wedding album and guest books. • Schcduk a wedding portrait. T w o M onths T o (io • Address invitations. • Select bridesm aids' and gnx>msmens* gifts. • Make hxlging arrangements for out-of-town guests and attendants. • Arrange transportation for the bridal party to and from thc ceremony and reception sites. • Coordinate menu plan for the rehearsal dinner with the groom’s • Finalize the arrangements for flowers, menu, wedding cake(s) and • Change insurance policies, charge accounts, bank accounts, w ill, driver’s license and Social Security listing to reflect name/or address • W rite wvdding announcement for newspapers. • Make appointment w ith hair­ dresser for Uie day o f or day before your wedding. ()nv M onth T o (io • M ail invitations. • Send maps to out-oftown guests. • Set up table for wedding gilts. • Record all gifts and w rite thank you notes as the gifts arrive. • N otify the wedding party o f rehearsal time and invite guests to the rehearsal dinner. • Make hags o f rose fvtals or rice for throwing as you leave the reception. • Make arrangements for a dress- ing place for the bridesmaids. • Make a household check for home furnishings that arc still One Tn T w o Wccks • Doub(echeck all arrangements. • Have bVxxl tests dixie and pick up marriage license. • Have final fittings fo ra ll attire. • Address and stamp announcements. • Record each g ifl as i( is received and write a thank you nrtc promptly. • Check <*i all accessories for wed­ ding outfit and for bridesmaids' • Provide photographer with a list tif desired photographs. • Send wedding ann<wncement to lhe photographer, • Draw up a seating plan for the reception; nuke place cards for the bride's table. • Give caterer or reception contact a tinal estimate ofthe number o f peo­ ple attending. • Pack for the hone>m<x'n. The Day Before • Have vour hair done. • Have a manicure, pedicure and • Attend bridesmaids' luncheon; give gifts to attendants. Mr. and Mrs, D onald R. M oody Dance Academy Names Winners Taylor-Moody Wed In Charleston, S.C. Charlene O'neal T av torand Donald R. Moody o f 159 Crestview Drive, Mocksvillcwereunitedinmamageat anooncerem onyMay 16atTheBat- tery Gazebo at W hite Pointe Gardens in Charleston. S.C. The Honorable Charlene W ard officiated at the gar­ den ceremony. ‘ The bride is the daughter o f M r. and Mrs. John H. O'neal o f Route I, M ocksville.S heisal98l graduateof Davie High School and a 1991 gradu­ ate o f Forsyth Technical Community College w ith a degree in nursing. She is employed as a registered nurse in intensive care at N.C. Baptist Hospi­ tal in Winston-SaIem.The groom is the son ofM s. Lessie Moody Isgeit of Route 5, M ocksville. and the late Grady G. Moody. He attended Davie High Schoo| and is employed by Kuhn Studios in Winston-Salem. -. The bride was given in marriage by her daughters. Krista and Brittney Taylor. M aid o f honor was Ms. Tam my B ritt, sister o f the bride. BridesmaidswereMrs.RethaGaither o f Harmony, aunt o f the bride; and Mrs. Lynn Jackson o f James Island. S.C. Junior bridesm aid was Ms. Shanda Gaither of Harmony, cousin o f the bride. U>h<rrs u tw C u rtisG jjib cro fH a r- mony, uncle o f the bride, and John H. O’neal o f Mocksville, father o f the A reception and luncheon follow ­ ing the ceremony was given in the couple's honor at the home o f Norris and Lynn Jackson on the banks of the Ashley River in James |sfand, S.C. After a wedding trip to Jeckyl Is­ land. Ga.. and Daytona Beach, Ra., lhe couple w ill nuke their home on Crestview Drive in Twinbrook Acres in Mocksville. Tbe Davie Dance Academy par* ticipa(ed in a regional dancecompeti- tiononSunday, May l6,attheBenton Convention Center in Winston-Sa- The "I Love Dance" competition includes tap. ballet, modem ballet, jazz, and variety arts Over 10 dance studios from North and South Caro­ lina attended the event. The follow ing Davie Dance stu­ dents received honors: DeEtte Riddle. Jamie Moore and ChristenHoward.lst.beginner-ja.rz; KhristenLangdon.lst.elementary - modemflyrical ballet; Daniel Mauney. 1st, beginner - variety ans; Hilary Davis. 1st. elementary - ballet; SarahCregar, 1st, b e ginner-vari- Jamie Seats, 1 st. elementary » va­ riety arts; Mandy Groce, ist.ju n io r level - variety arts. Dance Group Numbers included: Daniel Mauney, Betsy Naylor. Lea Scott. Khristen Langdon, Laura Bette Riddle. Caitie Arnold, Kristen Carter, Courtney Carter, Mercedes Solo, Andrea W hitley. D iana Tucker, Amanda Sink. Amanda Coffey. T if­ fany Hendricks, and Jordan Carter, 2nd place, elementary - variety arts Hilary Davis. Christen Arrington. Mandy Groce. Monica Duncan, and Sarah Cregar, 3rd place,junior level ♦ • jazz group; Mandy Groce. Christen Arrington, H ilary Davis, Khristen Langdon, Jamie Seats, Monica Duncan. Sarah Cregar, and Courtney Carter. 2nd, junior level - tap group; Daniel Mauney, Betsy Naylor. L-a Scott. Jamie Seats. Amanda Coffey. Mandy Groce. Christen Arrington, H ilary Davis. Khristen Langdon. Monica Duncan.SarahCregar. Laura Bette Riddle, Caitie Am oId. Kristen Carter. Courtney Carter, Mercedes Soto, DianaTucker. Andrea W hitley. Amanda Sink. DeEtte Riddle, Jamie Moore. Christen Howard, and T if­ fany Hendricks, third, production/ song and dance. Kristen Langdon, received overall highest performance score in the age group 9-11 years. She performed a modemflyrical ballet to "Rhapsody in Blue." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee H am pton M i l l e r - H a m p t o n C o u p l e E x c h a n g e W e d d i n g V o w s Sarah Elizabeth Mi1!cr and Charles Lee Hampton o f M ocksville were married in South Carolina May 25. The daughter o f M r. and Mrs. John M iller o f Salisbury, the bride gradu­ ated from North Rowan High School in 1983andattendedRowan-Cabanus Community College. She is a regis­ tered nursing assistant in Salisbury. The son o f the late Clearance and Ethel Hampton o f Mocksville, the bridegroom attendtd Davie High School andisemployed by Cone M ills o f Salisbury. After a wedding trip to Myrtle Beach. S.C., thc couple w ill live in Mocksville. L Popping The Question In Many Different Ways •Just how a marriage gets started can bc as siniple as “ W ill you?" or as imaginative as a three-ring circus. "There's a whole world o f ways to isk. Popping thc question is a fun- loving. lct-it-rip ritual that can be written in the sky or left as a note in ;Hc Himalayas. .;**Men are proposing in much more :reativc. romantic ways.** Barbara Fobcr, editor o f Bride's magazine, observes. “ Since peopk arc dating for a period o f time and maybe liv ­ ing together, they have the luxury of thinking o f very clever and im­ aginative ways o f popping the ques- Her magazine has tvcn printing stories o f unusual prnptbals for the last 10 years, and these are testimony to the lengths — and heights — pro­ spective grixims w ill go. Take P am ! Surcau. He tlew his love from Los Angeles to San Fran­ cisco for a visit to the wine country. W hile floating over thc vineyards in a hot air hal1oon. he pmposcd with a pocm. which he recited in his native French. The sky lu>ked gotkl to a prospec­ tive groom named Tim back in the ‘80s. t<x>. While at a li<u) high schixil f(X)tball game with his girlfriend. Tim excused hinisclf to gct hot dogs. W hile waiting, the uirl noticed a plane flying over thc stadiuitt pulling a banner that read. “ Theresa, w ill you marry m e?" She accepted. Closer to earth. Jonathan Levine ttxik his proposal to the Big Apple Circus in New York City. He look his intended. M ichelle, to a perfor­ mance. during which the ringmaster, to her surprise, let Levine take the microphone in the ring. “ A year ago. if you had asked me if I wanted to run away w ith the circus o r w ith M ichelle. 1 would have said the cir­ cus,** he said. “ I still love the c ir­ cus, but it*s M ichelle I want to run away w ith now.” He then dropped to one knce amI proposed. Mountains also inspire fcats o f in­ ventiveness. When Kristen Freitas visited Nepal, she went to a cafe that her friend back home. Malcolm M it­ chell, had visited 11 months earlier. She found a note he had lett for her, ending w ith the big que>tion. Highways can prompt cleverness, too. In New England, a woman was driving to work when she noticed an enormous, lundpaintcd sign handing from an overpass ahead. Addressing her. it rcud: ‘*1 lo w y<w. w ill you marry me?" If her answer was yes, an arrow directed her to exit at the next rest stop; if no, she wa.s to con­ tinue south on the highway. She followed the arrow and found the prospective groom waiting for her w ith a bottle o f champagne. Proposals also come w ith band- standsoranimals. In New York,jazz musician Lew Anderson (who played Clarihel the Clown on the “ Howdy Doody** television series) proposed to his w ife from the bandstand o f the Red Blazer restaurant where his band plays every Friday night. A Michigan woman found a knight in shining ar­ m or — and a white horse — under her window. W illlord R. Shriver came dressed as a rabbii on Easier Day, 1991. hop­ ping into the heart o f Esmeralda Lozano. This Easter bunny handed her a one-carat diamond ring taken from the top o f a carrot in his Easter basket. Bride’s has reported other clever proposals like the one from a fellow who spelled his w ishes out in radish seeds that nine days later sprouted the words, '*nurry me.** inlhcbackyard o f a California woman. “ There’s something playful and wonderful about th is," says Ms. Tobcr. “ There's a grand gesture here. Also a sense o f security — you wouldn't be doing it if you didn't'. know you were asking your best' friend to marry yo u ." Meadowbrook Terrace Honors Volunteers YadkmValley N- ^ s . The volunteers o f Meadowbrook Terrace o f Davie were invited to a special dinner on Thursday evening in appreciation o f dedication to the residents. • Thc volunteers have shared their talents with them for months, most o f them fo r years. LRon Smith was aw arded volunteer of'th e year. Smith dedicates each Monday evening to share his special talent o f devolion through song and p!ano playing. He plays their favorite hymns us they sing along. ' ■A short program foJJowcd the din- ne[ where Smith received the volun- tcerdf thc year award. Certificates o f appreciation were handed out to all o f — tlio vfllumtftfu . ------------------------------- . .it5t&^V.yfew.'>s$x>>-"J f F : Shown abova are tho volunteers who wero honorod at a dinner by MeadowbtookTorrace ol Davio County. Ron Smith, second from loft, was named volunteer of the year. By M rs. R uby M cB ride Yadkin Valfey Correspondent Yadkin Valley w ill haveOld Fash­ ion Day June 13. There w ill be no brush arbor. Everyone is invited to bring a basket o f food and enjoy lunch after morning worship. There w ill be singing after lunch and no 7:30 p.m. service. Jack Caudle had surgeryonThurs- day for his sinus. He had to stay all night at Medical Park Hospital, but returned home Friday evening. Vemon McBride has been having problems w iih a kidney stone for a week. We all wish him a speedy re­ covery. Lester Hockaday had surgery at Mtfdtev<J Park JJv.vpjfa) a»d is doing fme. Tltere are a lot o f people sick at- home we need to remember in prayer* and all those in the nursing homes. The Men’s Bible Class wcnt last Sunday m oming and had Sunday- School w ith A lvis Wood. He is on the • sick list and needs all our prayers. Maxine Ncw-man has been visiting* her son. Tom and wife, Susan and little "Pete" all last week. Traci W rightand Erick Strei( hado pretty wedding at YadkinValley Bap-* list Church M ay 22 at 2 p.m. She is the1 daughter o f Roy and G ail W right of' our church and Erick is the son o f A l and Kathie Sireit. After the wedding," they left in a horse-drawn carriage, which had a sign behind saying, "Just Hitched." 16 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, June 3,1993 Summer Reading Program Begins With The ‘Folktellers’ The Davie County Public Library 1993 Summer Reading Program be­ gins on Monday, June 7. The internationally-acclaimed ’ Folktellers," Barbara Freeman and Connie Regan*Blake o f Asheville, ari scheduled to perform at 7 p.m. on June 7 in the multvpurpose room of the public library on North Main Street in M ocksville. This program is open for all ages. The Folktcllen perform at confer­ ences. cultural arts events, and major folk music and storytelling festivals across the United States and Canada. They have atso performed throughout Europe, and in Japan. Korea and the Philippines. The statewide thcmc forthis year’s summer reading program is ‘ Books Come In A ll Flavors." The program is open to all young people from toddlers through high school. Reading records w ill be avail­ able at the main library on North Main Street in Mocksville. at the branch library inCoolccmce and on the book­ mobile, beginning June 7. To rcceiveacertificate and special coupons, each summer reading par­ ticipant w ill need to tum in a com­ pleted reading record to the library by Friday. July 23. Certificates and coupons w il! be awarded on Monday. July 26. at the annual ice cream party and final pro- Special programs for todd!er<. preschoolers, school age and yuung adulti ,f^e scheduled throughout June and July. For more information, come by the Davie County Public Library or cull 634-2023 in Mocksville on 284-2805 in Cooleemee. 'd > 5 i.> ^ The Folktellers will perform at 7 p.m. June 7 at public library in Mocksville. Ijames B aptist Honors Veterans A Memorial Day Celebration was heldat ljames Baptist Churvhon Sun­ day. May 30. at 11 a.m. The platform was decorated by peace tillics lacedwith red.white and blue ribbon in memory o f ChiefPeny O fficer. W .L "Lewie" ljames, who served for 23 years in the U.S. Navy. Hand<rocheted flags, made by his wife. Naomi N7mc!james, w cre hung by the flow ers. A ll those attending the ser% ice w ere given small flags as they entered. Marsh Glasscock, a 97-year^ld W orld War I veteran, led his patriotic • fam ily in memories of*H ow it w as/ <Marsh was a “driver" for his officer *;and had never sat dow n in a Model T • before he was assigned to tiw posi- r ;tion. "I leamed fast," G1wscock said. • He w as follow ed with a summary by •M ilto n Tutterow. a son-in-law, o f ’ how it was" in W orld War II. After that. Tuttcrow s scn-m -law, M ike Branham, a veteran o f the Vietnam War told of *how it was" over there, w hich was not pleasant to hear. Larry Tutterow. son o f M ilton, serv ed his lim e in Germany as did his father under different conditions. The last o f the patriotic fam ily to speak w as Mrs. M ilton Tutterow. the former Jane Glasscock. She spoke o f "how it was" to have a father, husband, son tod son-in-law as veterans. She said. "I'm thankful to God they are safe in America now. I'm proud o f my sol­ diers and I'm proud to be an Ameri- The service was concluded w ith a skit by the puppets portraying an M IA frier.d still not heard from, after w hich the audience stood together and a n g "God Bless Amenca." j Shiloh Baptist To Dedicate Land '. ShilohBaptUt Church.321 Depot • St.. recentI> purchased property on 1 EastDepotStreei -w h ich was the • site ot the old • MocksvilIeFlour • M illin g Com - • pany. J The Rev. - Donald Ray • Jenkins, pastor. • said T h e church •plans to utilize ______________ this facility tor Lvro> l)u lin parking and other church related fa- cilities/activities." The property wiJlbededicated Sun­ day. June 13. after the moming wor­ ship service. Dinner w ill follow in Smith*Grace Fellowship Hall. Sunday. June 20. Shiloh w ill cel­ ebrate Leroy Dulin Day. The 11 a.m. worship service w ill be dedicated to Dulin for his 50-plus vears o f service as a deacon at Fairfield and Shiloh Baptist churches. At 1:30 p.m.. the church is hosting an Appreciation Dinner for Dulin. vis­ iting deacons and friends. For further information, call 99S-S27S. YVEDDI Offers Elderly Meals YVED DI offers meals and pro­ grams five das s a w cek for seniors 60 and over at the B.C. Brrck Building. 634-2187 Ext. 78. Adonationis sug­ gested. June 3: Smoked sausage w ith cheese grits, marinated carrots, green beans, dinner roll, pound cake, and cranberryjuice. Program: Bingo. June*4: Spaghetti w ith meat sauce, wholekcmel com. tossed salad, french bread, and citrus sections. Program: Shopping E.N.P. vans. B3333333333333 33333 . 3 June7: Counvy -style steak, pinto beans, mixed greens, dinnerroll. ba­ nana pudding, and orange juice. Pro­ gram: Gayle Gibson, T o ta l Care." June 8: W hite navy beans, pi- miento cheese sandwich, cole slaw, and diced pears. Program: Tornado and fire drill. June 9: Baked chicken. English peas and carrots, tomato wedges, whole wheat bread, and fresh orange. Pro­ gram: Guessing games. DYNASTY Chinese Restaurant 1 1 0 1 Y a d k in v ille R d . (Beside Food Fair) M o c k s v ille , N C (704)634-3833 Different Lunch Specials WeeMy B L Finesl-MandarinrSzechuanr H unanandC 5nlone5e-C uisines-8 *? • P arly Facililies3 3* Orders To Go 3 HOURS Sun-Thur 1 lom*9:30pm M Fri llom-10:30pm ^V f M W ^ H i Sot 4pm-10:30pm , m m s M m M M M a , S p iritu a l R eso u rces Prayer G ood M edicine Ifollowedwithinterestthenew>stone>ofcolumnislLewi>Griz7^rd> heart ailments and near bru<h w ith death earlier this v ear. Though his columns appearregularly in the NVinston-Salem paper. I read themonIy occasionally. But his health concerns arou<ed my attention. Perhaps it is because 1 am a pastor who has been called on to minister in su;h a situation as he was in. G riuard recovered and is now back at his craft as Georgia's most famous wordsmith. Inacolum n that appeared about three u eeks aeo, he wrote of his ordeal. Complications arose, he said, during routine heart vahe replacement surgery - For several djys thereafter, he was near death. The medical people in attendance did every thing they could do. and admitted that it was not enough. Everyone of them confessed after*ard that Grizzard ow ed his life to prayer, and not to their medical efforts to save him. One doctortold o f the many peoplewhom he encounteredwho said they had been praying for G rim rd . A t least one church convened a special prayer senice on his behalf. One woman candidly admitted to her distaste forGrizzard's column, but said she still had pray ed for him. Rcflectingon his experience. Grizzard stated that many doubts hav e now been removed, especially concerning the existence and goodness o f God. Hc praised the efforts o f the doctors and nurses who cared for him. But he reserved his most heartfelt thanks fortho>e who prayed. "Here isw hat 1 w ouldtike to do." he wrote. "I would like to gather all w ho lifted a voice when I stood in need o fit so badly and. one by one. I w ould like to hug them around the neck and say. '1 kn e j ou and thank you form y life.’ And I pray m> self and ask. 'Lord. \ ou know whom you heard from in my behalf. Please let them know there is no end to my gratitude.* Grizzard's miraculous recovery is a sw eettestimony tothe effective­ ness o f prayer and the graciousncss o f God. The divine touch that brought him back from death's doorstep testifies, not to the merits of the recipient, but to the merits o f the giv er. God's goodness is seen not only in the end result, but in the process as well. Many believers displayed their love through prayer and interve>sion. One o f the smartest things I ever did was ignore the counsel of my professor o f practical theology in seminan . He had a lot o f concern s about the advisability o f praying for the sick to be healed. It would * & ^ S By The Rev. Hampton Morgan create unnecessary- problems, he said. It is better, he sjjJ. to pra> for things like more faith andcourage, but not for healing, lfih e s u k are no; healed, thev may begin to doubt God s lo>e. Their faith would be troubled. Their family m ight even become angry with God. A lIofthat. I admit, is po>sible. B u til is tnieresunglhat in my lSyears o f praying for the sick. I have never w itncssed any o f the>e re>ult$. In fact, I hav e nev er seen any undesirable resultcome from pray ing for the healing ofthe sick. Quite a numberhavebeen healed. The recov en o f some has been nothing less than miraculous. Even those who did not receive ph>sical healing still experienced God's love and have bomc their continued infirm ity w ith grace and courage. And the families of thosewho<iied have never suggested that I asked for anything they too did not desire. lntheBible.Jamesadvised thcsicktocallontheeldersofthechurch loanointtocm withoilandprayforthetrhealing.Justtfm yeartheclders o f my church have done tfus tw ice. tn both cases the ailment w as cancer. Medical reports since our prayers have been very encouraging. W hy. we wonder, is )ameV :.dxice not followed more often? 1 am incIinedtobelieN e thatthe problem is w ith us anUnot w ith God. TheLordseemsdisposedtogranthealingmoreoftenihanweseembold enough to ask for it. ‘ You have not.* chided James, 'because you ask not." Jesus certainly encouraged believ ers to ask in prav er e \en for the seemingly impossible- The experience of the church for sev eral centu­ ries afterthe tim e ofC hrist bore w itness ioG od's« illingne>s to heal the sick. The church's renewedinterest in healing prayerand the charismatic c itii o f heaiing is a good sign. Thankful a> ueaM are forthe »onderfv) abilitiesof professional medicine.there remains a need to acknowledge the place o f prayer and divine power in healing. I appreciate Lewis Grizzard's willingness to share his story, and <o encouraee us to continue doing what our faith telIs us makes a difference. Support These Local Businesses MOCKSVILLE BUILDERS SUPPLY “Together We Do lt Better" South Main Street 704-634-5915 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, N.C. 27028 704-634-5148 JOHN N. McDANIEL & SONS Attend The Church Of Your Choice Hwy. 601 S., Mocksville 704-634-3531 Compliments of DAVIE COUNTY FARM BUREAU 977 Yadkinville Road Mocksville, N.C. 704-634-6207 J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers ot DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend |oepot St., Mocksville, N.C. 704-634-2126 EATON FUNERAL HOME A Tradition ofCarin$.... .•25 North Main Street Mivksvilic. NC 2702S 704^34-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY Wilkesboro Street Mocksville, N.C. 27028 704-634-2141 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. Route 6, Box 153 Mocksville, N.C. 27028 704-492-5565 JOHNNIE M. TILLEY PEST C3NTR0L SERVICE 'S*rviCM For Over 21 Yetfs' Loe*Vy Owwd A Op#rstfd • Residenttel • Commercial • Industrial • lnstltutton*t 'Inspection Upon Request' Mock>y]lle 6 3 4 *8 6 0 0 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, N.C. 27028 704-634-2167 FULLER WELDING & FABRICATORS P.O. Box 621 Hwy. 601 S. Mocksville, N.C. 27028 704-634-3712 JEFFC0 CO., INC. Usnu1adunr Ot Hair S*lon Equipment ln The H:ii$dale Commun,ty Route 1 Advance, N.C. 27006 919-998-8193 A C E HARDWARE Of Bermuda Quay Bermuda Quay Shopping Center Wghway158rA*rtnetrN.Cr27006-| a i M 9 1 - l M 7 WUIow_tii>LShoppmaCentef Mocksville KUDDADD REALTY Hillsdale Professional Park Highway 158 & 801, Advance 998-8816 (LEMMONS B O D Y S H O P Complete °aint & Bodywork Foreign & Domestic 06* JON(S, Owner & Operator 5974 Beckner St., Winston-Salem 9 1 9 - 7 6 6 - 8 0 0 2 - A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e - Obituaries DAVIK COUNTY KNTF.RPRISF. RECORD, Thursday, Juno 3,1993 - 17 Advance News Scott D. Angus * * M r. Scott Daniel Angus, 18. of Route 3. Pete Foster Rd., Mocksville, died Tuesday. May 25. 1993. at his bome after being in declining health. *, • Funeral services were Friday. May 28,atEatonFuncralChapelconducted 6y ihe Rcv. Shelby Harbour and Mr. Stan! Riddle. Burial was in Bethel United M cihodisi Church cemetery. • * Memorials may be made lo: Camp ^lanna M inistry, P.O. Box 795. £boleemee. NC 27014. t He was bom A pril 2. 1975, in Homestead, Fla.. a son o f Ronald F. in d Janice Foster Angus o f Route 3, Mocksville. He was a senior at Davie High School, was a member o f the varsity football team and also a mem­ ber o f Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee. Surviving, in addition to his par­ ents, are: his two brothers. Mark T. andBrianT. Angus.bothofthehome; a maternal grandfather, Tom Foster o f Mocksville: and patemal grand- mother,PatTucholskiofSebring.Fla. Ross E. Hobson M r. Ross E. Hobson. 81. o f Har­ mony diedTuesday. May 25,1993. at Davis Community Hospital. He was bom inChampaign. l!l.,on Sepi. 3. 1911. to the late W illiam Thomas and Lelia Welch Hobson. M r. Hobson w as a reiired farmer. Hewas preceded indeath by: his wife. Loma RoweHobson; a son. Junior E. Hobson;onebrother.Cecil B. Hobson; and one sister, Mrs. Opal M arie Harruff. ! Surviving are: one sister, Mrs. M arie H. Clark o f Bucyrus, Ohio and 'one brother, Roy R. Hobson ofMarion. Ohio. A gra> eside service w as conducted Friday. May 28. at 2 p.m. at Claridon Cemetery in Claridon. Ohio. Beulah B. Lewis Mrs. Beulah Beck Lewis, 89, of ,Waikertown. died Tuesday. May 25. ;1993. at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. ; Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Friday. May 28. at Oak Grove Moravian Church, conducted by the Rev. Alan Bames. Burial followed in the Gardens of Memory Mausoleum. Mrs. Lewis was bom in Davie County on July 9. 1903. to John W. ;and Mary Etta Baity Beck. She w as a .member o f Oak Grove Moravian Church, the W alter C. Keams Chap­ ter s29S o f the Order o f the Eastem .Star. and was retired as manager o f 'lhe cafeteria ai W alkertown Elemen­ tary School after 30 years o f service. M rs.Lewiswasprecededindeath by a daughter. Jane Lewis Holbrook. ■ Surviving are: her husband o f 63 vears, Grady H. Lew is o f the home; ;one son, Edgar Lewis. Suwanee, Ga.; Tive grandchildren; one great-grand- ’daughter, one sister. Ina M artin o f tYadkinville; and one brother. Robert fteck ofM ocksville. Memorials may be made to Oak Grove Moravian Church. 'Juanita R. Sapp ; Mrs. Juanita Virginia Ransome Sipp* 71, o f Hca!y Drive, Winston- Salem died Sunday. May 30,1993, at Forsyih.Memoriai Hospital. i She was bom Nov. 7. 1921. in Forsyth County to Charles Emest and Flossie Petree Ransome. She gradu­ ated from Old Town High School on May 21,1940. - ' She was retired from Burger King Corporation and was a memberof M t. Tabor United Methodist Church. Survivingare:lhreedaughtersand sons-in-law. M rs. Richard (G ail) Lum ley and M rs. Donnie (Pam) Rabon. both o f Winston-Salem, and ;Mrs. Richard (Shirley) Alspaugh o f ;Rural Hall; one son and daughter-in- ja w , R.G. (Glenda) Sapp Jr. o f M ocksville; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; one sister. Mar- 'garet Ransome: and one brother, Luther-Cotton (Clara) Ransome. f Shewasprecededindeathbyone sister, M rs. Gaither (M ary Ann) .Creson; and one broiher, Charles M ahin Ransome. { Funeral services were Tuesday, 'June l,atM t.TaborU nitedM ethodist Verlic S. Smith Verlie Lou Shaw Smith.88,ofRoute 2, Hannony. died Satunlay. May 29. 1993. at Rowan Memorial Hospital. She had been in declining health for several >ears and seriously ill for one The funeral was Monday, M a y 3 l, at Rock Spring Baptist Church, con­ ducted by the Rev. JesseSlroud. Burial was in the church cemetery. Born Aug. 4, 1904, in lredell County. Mrs. Smith was the daughter o f lhe late L illie Comer and Thomas Augustus Shaw. She was a member o f Rock Spring Baptist Church. Her husband. Manuel Smith, died in 1972, and a daughter, Betty Lou Smith, died in 1934. Survivors include: three sons, Webster M ., Herbert S. and Robert N. Sm ith.allofHarm ony;twodaughters. Lina M. Ross o f Shallotte and Audrey SmithofSalisbury;fivegrandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Dr. John E. Ward Jr. Dr. John Everett Ward Jr., 52. of Knight Road. Kcmersville died Sat­ urday. May 29, 1993, following a short illness. He was bom in Davie County on Feb. 23, 194l,toJohn EverettW ard Sr. and Maurine Todd Ward. He had been a professor o f Biology at High Point University since 1970. He graduated from Davie County High School and received his B.S. degree from High Point College, his M .A. degree in Biology from Wake Forest University, and his Ph.D. de­ gree in Biology from the University o f South Carolina. He had received many honors and awards during his teaching career. Among them were Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity and Sigma Xi-Scientific Research Society o f Nonh America. He was a member o f the M>co- logical Society o f America, the Asso- ciationofSouiheastemBiologists.and the Nonh Carolina Academy ofS ci- ence. and served as Faculty Marshal at High Point Univcr>ity. He w as active in many community affairs, including the Kernersville Family YM C A . Kcmersville Soccer Association, and Tower Toa>tmas- ter\ Club, and w as the coordinator of the United Way at High Point Univer­ sity. He was a member o f the Main Street United Methodist Church w here he sang in the chancel Choir and had held many other positions, including ChairmanoftheAdministrativeBoard and part-time church school teacher. Surviving are: his w ife. Mrs. Louella Richards Ward o f the home; one daughter. Miss Emily Severin W ard;oneson,JohnEvereitW ard,lIl ofthehome;his mother, Mrs. Maurine Todd Ward ofM ocksville; one sister, Mrs.JudithLeeofYoungHarris.Ga.; and one brother. Maurice Ward of Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday. June 1, at the Main Street United Methodist Church by Dr. Franklin Grice. Dr. J.C. Grose Jr.. the Rev. Kelley R. Jones, and Dr. Harold C. W arlick Jr. Burial was in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to the John F.. W ard Jr. Scholarship Fund, c/ o High Point University. 933 Montlieu Avenue. H ich Point. N.C.__________ Robert Lee Lyons Brother Robert Lee Lyons, f>2, of Route I , Advance,dicd Monday, May 31, 1993, in , Davie C ounty Hospital follow, ingahcartaiiack. He had been in declining health forthreemonths. Lyons was born in D avie County and was added lo the Redland Church o f Christ at an early age. He entered lhe M inistry and had been the pastor o f Rock H ill Church o f Christ in Rowan County for the past 30 years. In addition, he was owner o f Lyons Law n Care. Surviving are: his w ife, Mrs. Ruby B.Lyonsofihehom e;fourdaughiers, Edna Lauren Lyons. M atilda Ann Lyons, and Janice Lee Lyons, all o f Advance, and Carolyn Marie Lyons o f Durham: two grandchildren; one brother. Lester Lyons o f Lewiston; and two $isters, Mrs. Sallie Baker o f Mocksville and Mrs. Eva Mae Haine ofW inston-Sa!em. Funeral serviceswillbeconducted on Thursday. June 3, at 1 p.m. at the Rock H ill Church o f Christ in Rowan County. Brother Allen Sim m onswill officiate and burial w ill follow in the RedlandChurchofChrisicemetcryin Davie County. The fam ily was to receive friends at the Redland Church o f Christ on Wednesday evening. June 2, from 7« Memorials may be made to Hos­ pice o f Davie County. 210 Hospital Street, Mocksville. NC 2702S. "Shorty" Jacobs M r. Charles W esley "Shorty" Jacobs. 70.of 101 7th Street. Lexing- lon. died Saturday night. May 29. 1993, in Lexington Memorial Hospi­ tal. A graveside service with M ilitary Rites were conducted Monday. May 31. in Legion M em orial Park in Cooleemee. O fficiating w as M r. Rob­ ert Creason. The Memorial Honor Guard. District 11, was in charge of lhe M ilitary Rites. M r. Jacobs was bom in Davie County March 23. 1923. to the late C.W . and Irene Seamon Jacobs and was retired from Dakota M ills. He had previously worked w iih Erwin M ills in Cooleemee. During W orld War II he sened with the U.S. Navy in the South Pacific. He was a well know n gardener and small engine re­ pairman. He w as a member or the Lexington VFW . His wife. Lucy Magdalene Head Jacobs preceded him in death on May 9, 1993. Survivorsinclude:threesons.Jerr> Jacobs o f Cooleemee, George Jacobs o f Lexington, and Steve Jacobs of Cleveland: five grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; ihree sisters. Mary Elizabeth Murphy o f Durham. Eunice Daniels o f Mocksville and Margaret Jacobs o f Cooleemee; one brother, Hany Jacobs o f Cooleemee; twostepgrandchildren:onestepgreat- grandchild; one half sister, Pat Lee of Salisbury; and tw o half brothers, David Jacobs o f China Grove and Carl Jacobs ofM ocksville. Sammy Wliitc Samuel Leon "Sammy" W hite Jr.. 3f>, o f Linden Drive. Lawrenccville, Ga..dtedThurvday.M ay27, l993.in Sl. Joseph Hospital in Atlanta follow- ing an illness o f two years. The funeral was conducted Sun- d.iy. M ay31,in Eaton Funeral Home Chapel w ith lhe Rev. DavidGilbreath officiating. Burial was in ljames Crossroads Baptist Church cemetery. Born July 21, 1956. in Iredell County, he was a son o f Samuel Leon W hile Sr. and Nancy Cohen White of Route 8. Mocksville. A 1974graduatcofDavic County High School, hc graduated from Forsyth Technical Institute and held a B.A. degree in architecturalengineer- ing technology from Soulhem Tech­ nical Institute in Marielta.Ga. He was listed in "Who's W ho Among Stu­ dents in American Universities and Colleges" in 1978, and had been se­ lected for biographical documenta- lionm lntcm ationalYouthinAchieve- ment by the board o f directors o f the American Biographical Institute in Raleigh. He hc!dacertificale o f train­ ing in computer aided design from General Electric. Employed by the Hickson Corpo­ ration in Atlanta, Ga.. he w as a former mcmberofljamesCrossroads Baptist Church but was currently a member o f lhe Ro>cwell Slreei Baptist Church in Marietta, w here he also sang in the churchchoir. Survivors, in addition to his par­ ents. include: one brother. Charles W hite o f Pulaski. Va.; his maternal grandmother. Annie B. Cohen o f Route 6. Mocksv ille; and his patemal grandmother. Alberta White o f Route 8. Mocksville. By Kdlth Zim m erm an Advance Correspondent Memorial Day w as observed Sun­ day at the Methodist Church w iih the VFW in charge o f a portion o f the worship service. Many VFW mem­ bers were visitors for lhe occasion. The LAdies Auxiliary also partici­ pated in the service. Small flags w ere given to the children during the children's sermon by Taylor Howard. Mrs. Athene SuUivanofLancaster, Pa., and Mrs. Doris Yontz o f W in- slon-Salem visited lheir aunt. Mrs. Georgia Foster, last week. A lvin and Belly Myers have re­ turned from a 7-day visit with rela­ tives in Florida. They flew to West Palm Beach and w ere house guests o f cou$ins, Robert and Peggy Conrad. While in Palm Beach they visiied other cousins, P.H. and Jo Conrad. Robert and P.H. Conrad are pepper farmers and the Myers visited their farm. Jo Driscoll drove them to H i­ aleah w'here they visited with Dallas, Dickie, Richard, Louisa and Erika Conrad. During their stay the Myers went to Homestead and Perinne and saw damage from Hurricane Andrew. This was Betty Myers' first plane trip and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Mrs. Edith Zimmerman and Mrs. Pauline Hendrixattended Aw ards Day at Nonh Davie Jr. High on Monday m orning. T h e ir granddaughter, Amanda Hendrix, received several awards. Amanda was pleasantly sur- prisedwhen she received the Citizen­ ship Aw ard from the school. M r. and Mrs. Keith Myers and son, Matthew were v isitors at iheM ethod- ist Church Sunday. Mrs. M an Lethia Robertson. Mrs. High school graduate Alex Stock­ ton was presented w jih a Bible Sun­ day at the Mcthodisl Church, a gift from the church. Also a Book o f De­ votions w as given him from the Sallie Sue Peebles Sunday School Class. Michael Zimmerman is also a gradu­ ate. but was not at church Sunday to receive his Bible and Book o f Devo- Mrs.EdithZimmermanwasaSun- day afternoon visitor o f cousins. Florine and James Black in Lexing- • Ourcommunily expresses sympa- thyto Mrs. Maurine Ward in thedeath ofher son. Dr. John E. Ward Jr. *h o died in Kernersville Saturday. Mrs. Luci!leComatzer is confined to her home with a back injury. A speedy recovery is w ished for her. HubenBailcyisapaticntalFofsyih Hospital for observation and treat­ ment. Gel well wishes go out to him. The Homemakers Club visited the nursing homes in thecounty this w eek and gave the residents bananas and oatmeal cookies. Addie Mae Caner and Mrs. Edith Zimmerman were among those en­ joying a bus trip with lhe Senior C iti­ zens on Thursday. Fortv*one people were on the bus. They went to the A m ish Store in H am p io n ville ; shopped at two "Mast" general an- lique slores in Valle Crucis, had lunch al Mom's Restaurant in Boone and drove to Blow ing Rock for tw o hours' shopping in the M all. The "Over The H ill" SeniorCitizens group has mem­ bers from Davie and Forsyth coun­ ties, w hich meets ev ery founh Thurs­ day at Westem Steer in Mocksville. George B. Troulnmn SALISBURY - M r Gcnrge B. TroutmanJr.. 7(>. o f3 l5 S . Clay Si.. died Tuesday. June I. 1993. at lhe VA Medical Center. Born Dec. 25. I9 |7 . in NnrwtHxl. Troutman was a <*on o f ihe lute George and Bossio Turner Trouinun. l:ducated in the public %chtH>N ot Norw ikxl. he was .i graduaie ->l Bi>v wood HichSchn<>l in D.ivieCounty. A W orld War II veteranof the U.S. Arm y, he was a disabled retiree of Cvne M ills.where he w * a fixer. He was a m eritfvr o f Thomas Street Church o f Christ, Survivors are his broiher, L.C. Trouiman ot" Salisburv. y ( 4 e s n .o Y 'i& S ' o f y f 4 a f 't & f r & __________FULL COLOR LIMITED EDITION PRINTS For Father's Day... Gl<e Hlm “Memories" Mett The Artbt In Person Al The Art Connection K*ch Salurd*> 1:00 • 3:00 PM FIRST RELEASE BY JANET DEAN Image Size: l5 > .iX 2 ltt' 1 500 Prints • 25 Artist Proofs » 15 Remarques sowMaikbitAi: The Art Connection 835 Yadklnvllle Road, Mocksville 704-634-2296 v * M 94 J jr ii- Aho Avaitoble At: Reavis Hobby & Framing Mocksville 704*492*5510 Serendipity Shops 41 Court Square 704-2B4-4109 HOURS: 5 Open VVed. • Fri. 5 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM • 3:00 PM Closed Mon. & Tues. ehurch'b>"ihcRevsrRand>"W augh- and Sleve Austin. Burial followed in Ilhe church cemetery. « Row<*rs w ill be accepted or me* ‘morials may be madetothe Mt. Tabor .Uniled Methodist Church Cemetery I I I i mMU m m A Tradition of Caring.,,, Serving thc citizens of I)avie County and surrounding conimunitics. with thc cure and understanding tliat can only ht provided l>y individuals who are uncompromisingly committed to meeting thc needs of their local community. EATON FUNERAL H0ME 7 0 4 -d .M -2 l4 S M iK ksvillf. NC 270:.< $ We think allowing you to return to your normal activities just hours after “No-Stitch” cataractsurgery is a great idea. That’s whyxve started doing it 2-1/2 years ago. "5vtifAfJifrm Ext Center ii iht grandest place in the *or!J anJ I've never been treattJ so professionally by such caring people. I'm looiir.$ forward to fir,ishing tke se*in$ anJ cross stitch projects I haven) h orled on for years n01v /taf / can see so nr//flgd/rt." Hxrel Smooi Mocksville. NC Dr. Richard Epes has performed over 45.000 cataract with lens implant surgeries, indudingover 10.000 of the revolutionary "No-Stitch" procedures in the past 2-IZ2years. “No-Stitch- cataract wilh lens implant surgery usually takes less lhan seven minutes to perform and allows you lo return to your normal activities, without a patch, just hours aflersurgery. . Remcinber: If you’re not sure w ho 10 trust, always trust youreyes to experience. Call Southeastern Eye Center today. 'ltu8l Y011r i:>i>s To Kxpcric11cc. QSoutostemEye Center, <>ntra1 CamlinaSurglral K>v.Vs<K"lalvs. l‘-\. / :i:i 12 ButUrgruuml Auv. (In-ensbom. NC27410/U1l>-2H2-:*000 Mrdlrair A*M*nmrnl .Ucrptrd /10 Hr*tonal Omrr* / For lhr oOtrr n<*arcsl )uu call I H00-ti32*0 l2H C. klrhard Kpr.i. MD J«hn I). Matthews. Ml> l)<inali1 J. tterKin. \ll) Marc A. Ralst<m. Ml) kart ii. Slunrrfphrr. Ul> tihrktnpftrr ti. Ua>. MO Juhn A. .McCrarv. (t(. Mtl For your convenience, you moy be sein by lhe doclors from Soulheosteni Eye Center at the ofTke ofDr. Steve Luymon In Mocksville orAdvunce. 18 - DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, June 3,1993 @MfWtuUtiMi U tU fMfrtl tf/ WbtkiV-itit m i *Owii @mtty M i tfmeiiM @itif ^imiUt W e a re proud o f our M ocksville and D avie County volunteers’ pioneering community spirit, the ro le o f our Town and County, an All-America finalist with 29 o th e r communities across the nation from East P rovid ence, R h o d e Island to O akland, California. 1 9 9 3 All-America City Finalist All-America Citv Committee Co-Chairs Kent Mathewson Sarah Wood Gantt Personnel Central Carolina Bank Lynne Ha!l 1 2^ iv to A 2^ | ' ; - nmTf ca a ‘y Jwy" i F * * ^ ^--------—j 3 m P3, F loririp L ^ r : . 7 . 0' ^-e, s a » ^ 5 ^ & ^ f i n ~ ~-------- £ 'IV' :? ^ v T ^ 7 r r r " ^ — - —r---r*, <-iur/aa »ar«y u ti-e , D, F'. “ t aM1‘^ >-',.ss 7 T Z 7 ~ ~ ~------------------_ a te ^ ^ -^ S F ^ % 2^ ' “ ■ i t & f e E S S ^ u -"<" Crcscy. B ;, AlJ|(| ^ « FvS.er. Tar^y Presentation Made by: Hank VanHoy Kent Mathewson Sarah Wood Perce Musselman Julius Suiter All America City Donations W. G. White and Company Oavie County Hospital ThompsonOrown Wood lngersoll-Rand, Inc. Tarheel Banana Skyline Corporation Bermuda Village Davle County Schools Kathryn Crosby Keith Holland Tom Flynn, City of Charlotte 1992 Davie Leadership Alumni Baker Furniture, Inc. R & J Sports Woodmen of the World United Plywood Ben Franklin Bain Hauser Wayne Webb SaraLee Kyle Swicegood Carolina Medicorp Mocksville Savings Bank Beth Cassidy Funder, Inc. Southern National Bank Horn and Stronach Davidson County Community College Davle County Council of Economic Development ..and thanks to the whole community of citizens working to make MocksvilleTOavie County so great. LeeApparel, Inc Jockey International Duke Power Dyson Clark, Inc. DonAngell Bermuda Run County Club Angell Group, Inc. Janet Dean Robin Fergusson TaylorPrinting Mike Bamhardt United Plywood Lexi"ngton Furniture Crown Drug Distribution Center David Knesel, Carolina Medicorp Davie County Enterprise Record O u t ijiz e L c it t fi a n f ii to .... 3 (a tfiX L jn C .xoi.& fj P io n e e r in g C o m m u n ity S p ir it . . DAVIECO L'NTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday,June 3,1993 - B1 S n o r t s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D a v ie In W e s te rn T it le G a m e S a tu r d a y ;Keene Needs iOnly One Run !ln Victory ; Bv Ronnk Gallagher • OaVie C ourt/ Enterpnse-Reccfd ‘ Has baseball suddenly • beconie a psychic sport. a • Twilight Zone experience? ; lt certainly seemed that wav Iafter Davie Countv's 1-0 vic- «tor> overA.C. Revnohi> Friday : night at Rich Park in a second ; round. 4-A playoff ganie. ' In the top of the seventh, Jeff ; Sziksai launched a potential ; tuo-nin homer otT Duv ie starter : Brock Keene toward the short ; leftfield fence that >u>piciou>I> • died, landing safely in Brad : Mecham'sglove. A dxible play then ended the game, leaving • both coaches drained. “ That hall was out of the ‘ park." said Rocket coach David ; H>att. **Ina<i(uatioo like that. • there'sju* a power greaterthan . us not wanting u> to w in.” • lt was the second straight ;playoff game that Davie coach : David Hunt was holding his '.breath in the seventh inning. ;The War Eagles defeated ;McDoweU in the tirst round I w iih a last-innine raUv for a 2-1 •lead. • “ Sanity?” Hunt »kcd. *Tm :m ore w orried about m> !horse>hoe.** \ Horseshoes? A power greater ;than us? • Something or sonvboJy i> 'certainly kx>king out for thc'e • War Eagks. In the past tour : games, Davie has produced 5. 14. 1 and 4 hits and are -^ ) in • iho^e game>. ; Whatever the reason for : Davie's incredible luck in the ! seventh inning, the War Eagles •advanced to the Final Eight of ;the plavoffs. improv ing to 22-1 !with their 13th straightvictor>. : Starts With Keene • As Hunt w ill point out. a : team doesn't need many hits ‘ when pitchers like Keene are •throwing. • Keene scattered six hits • Please See Keene — P. 4B -•; :< ^ rs .v * Davie second baseman Thad Cassidy takes a swipe at A.C. Reynolds* Phillip Hartig during Davie’s 1^) win. — Photo by Uee Furches Brock And Brack Are Back —18 Miles Apart La>t FrxJav wa> a goxl night for Davie Countv ba>ebull. Brock and Brack were back — I > miles apan. that i-. Two Davie County High School junior lefthanders — Brock Keene and Brack Beal — put on a dazzling display o f masterful pitching. But not on the same field and not in the same county. Keene was shutting down a powerful A.C. Reynolds club in a 14) Davie plavoff v ictor>. Eighteen miles away in Sa!i>bury. Beal was even more impressive, hand- Ronme Gallagher B<ral cuft1ni: Rowan County’s Legion on three hn> in a 7-1 M ixksville win. La't vear. the two pitchers, along with righty Jack Hall, helped Jim Ligh- tle win his third straight Central Pied­ mont Conference jayvee championship. That*s right. It ua> the B rw k. Brack and Jack Show. But due to gradcx Beal didn’t join them on David Huni*s varsity team this ycar. Had he been eligible. Davie would have fielded a >taffof three quaIit> Iefthander> < Keene. Beal and Marcu> King), ranking the staff with anv high >chv>ol in the state. So Beal waited for Legion, even though ciXich Dale Ijames dcvsn*t like to keep pLiyers who are inactive in the spring. Fridav night. Beal probably secured his spot on the roster. He was magnifi­ cent. something no one really expected, considering he hasn't thrown in 10 months. Talk about a well-rested arm. P1troM? Ste (lallauher ~ P. 4B Alex. Central Coming For 7:30 Game By Ronnie Gallashcr Da>ie Ccurty Ent*rjrise-Re^ofd Davie Countv's 2*1 victory over E at Forsyth Tue>day night wa> pretty much like its earlier two games in the 4-A playoffs. The War Eagles drove their fans nuts and left amxhcr oppo­ nent perpkxed. Davie (23^) used four, sixth- inning walks and one bloop single to produce two runs and defeat highlw egarded Joe Legarde. It now advance> to the Western North Carolina chanv pionshipSaturday night, facing Alexander Central, a 5-2 win­ ner over Page. The game was switched from Friday because Alexander Cen­ tral has pbnned its graduation exercises for that night. Gametime is 7:50 p.m. at Rich Park. A scheduled American Legion game hu> bvenpo>ir>invd. And why is Davie in the Western finals? PUyers and coaches alike point to the pit­ ching of lefthanders Marcus King and Brock Keene. Davie has beaten McDowell 2-1. A.C . Revnold> 1-0 i>ce story) and now East. 2-1. For the second time in these playoffs. King started and was followed in the sixth by Keene, who picked up hi> l2th victory against one loss. “ Our pitching staff is domg a great job.** said shortstop Bubba Coleman. “ Toallow on­ ly two runs in three plavotl games is a major accomplish­ ment. 1 give them all the credit.” Bryan Johnson, who scored the tying run. echoed tno>e thoughts. “ Pitching and gotxi detense is why we*re winning.” he said. Coach Dav id Hunt w as elated over his team's lCih come* t>om*behirxj \ ictory o f the year Please See East — P. 4B ;Athletic Banquets Coleman, Jenkins Most Outstanding Bubba Coleman anl Casey Jenkins won the biggest awards during the Davie High School athletic baanquet. held recently in the school cafeteria. They were named Male and Femak Most Outstanding Athlete for 1992-93. Coleman w^s alRonference in football, basketball and baseball. He was the big­ gest winner o f the banquet, taking home four awards: • Most Outstanding Athlete. • Most Valuable p]ayer in baseball. • Most Valuable Player in basketball. • The Golden Helmet Aw ard in football, which wem to the phyer that showed the greatest leadership qualities, desire and effort. Jenkins was all<onference in volkyball but shoulder surgery kept her out ofbasketball. She bounced back to win all<onference honors in softball. Daye, Hendrix Are Cats’ Top Athletes For the first time in the school's existence. North Davie Junior High School did not honor its fre>hmen at the annual athletic banquet. With nirth graders playing on thejay vee teams at the high school, seventh anJ eighth graders took the spotlight. The on­ ly ninth grade team honored was the freshman boys basketball team. North chose Male and Feniafc Athletes o f the Year in each o f the seventh and eighth grades. The eight grade winners were David Daye and Amanda Hendrix. Hendrix Dayc phycd four sports: lVotball. wrestling, track and baseball. He rushed for l,250yurds in foctball and was 164) in wrestling. He wus the leading hitter in ba>ebxill and the best sprinter in track. “ He's very coachable and a good athlete.” said athletic director Ron Kirk. “ He's the kind o f kid you wish you had a halMozen o f." South Honors 57 In Twelve Sports South Davie Junior High doesn't do things like the other shcools when it comes to honoring their youngsters at the athletic banquet. South does not choose athletes o f the year. It simply givesout athletic achieve­ ment awards. Last week, 57 Tiger athktes were honored in 12 different sports. Several, like Allison Foil* Frankie Tatum. Angie Priestley. Josh Bamhardt. Jill Everhardt and Magan Hendrix were m ultiple winners. South had a good year that figures to be Bamhardt even better next year, considering so many seventh graders played athletics at the school. Among the highlights were the 7-8 grade boys basketball team and the girls track team. Angela Fow ler was the North Piedmont Conference’s undefeated shot-puttcr. Football Shane Campbell. Josh Bamhardt. Frankie Tatum. Scott FhnVhl ^ n i Rrtnn XfAfrrf ____________________________________ 7 ^ G irfc Basketball Allison Foil. Erika Summers. Charise Wilson. Angie Priestley. Jodie Stone and Laura CorreIl. 7S Boys Basketball ___ . Please See South — P. 3B Athletic director Buddy Lowery said that Davie had a highly-successful year and was ready to make its mark in the new L'enira) Piedmont Lonierence. which fall. The War Eagles finished in the top three o f the Central Piedmont Conference in nine sports, the best ever. “ 1 think we*re at the point where we're ready to step up to another level.'* Lowery said. “ W e'rejust a step away. Please See Da>ie — P. 3B She also played soccer in Optimist Leagues. “ She’s xery motivated.** said coach Carol Cozart. “ If anyone had a ball, she was out there ready to play. Somctinux it's not the fiashicM kids who win this award. Please See North — P. 3B Colem an ' ', ,2 .,) A V lK C O UNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thurs,l..y.Junc 3 ^ W 3 SCOREBOARD B a s e b a ll LEGlON SCHEDULE M ii> - mi(, :it Burlington 7..u) 27 KING 7:30 28 at Salisbury 7:JU ii) at KannapolLs 7:30 30 WU.Kl!S CO. 7:30 31 CONCORD 7:30 June 2 ;il A ltvnw lc 5 LEXINGTON 6 iil M l. A iry 7 STATESViLLE S al Moorcsvillc i) al M i. Airy . n Wll.KV.S CO. 12 SALISBURY H O IIIO All-Stirs* 14 KANNAPOLIS 15 STATESVILLE 16 al Concord 18 ALBEMARLE 19 MOORESVLL. 20 al Lexington 21 LEXINGTON 23 al Slatcsviilc 25 MT. AIRY ’ 6 al Wilkes Co. 27 MOORESVLL. 28 al Salisbury 30 al Kannapolis .|lllV 2 CONCORD 3 al Albemarle . CAPS DENOTE GAMES. * Doubleheader. M .M im > i , * " 0" " c” '." MWrfM<US____ Mwil K ft*>*<> bt *f* ^ e i*tt CHAMH0HlHlP wwu> C liu 2-A 7:30 7:30 6 7:30 7:30 60 7:30 7:30 7 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 !iO M K (Ml Ccv*h>t 3 C'll’Ofl 2 Cit<o# C*rttW 9. f*i^*v^ 5i.*flGMten9.lMfrM**6etut^f c.t, n.fe-MiH'ai t tu«d,i 6. te ll t>4.>dwn 2 C w v 'e 7 Wttt Su^i t>g<vV> » Bi*r**<">5P*"__ QV4fll|BH>i*US(Mtftl b* tltft4 >1 >*** 1> ■ ia u c o v **< i' ri*twjit*t>Mij*oi «,ee« G"*to<- ite ri «t c m » c*rt-*> " L M itU 6 31 «1 Bcw^e* c *f 'l* 61B*fid«»»nfo*vVi »W ' »1 CM'f|<^* - 1 i 2 Smi»nend tW * <w«.*f*™ in»rvJM* ion.»» - *tW 10 l.lP - * " :^ * * J 9,7 Mf10" lOCt. M9 - *o w tut. MtOe*fi 16 11. 0»** 71 * re>Vi%n 6i6 d*6 i — ii iiMed »60 03? 103 1 * » l t .*__ V8|'*> »ol W *tW 0i*|AP „ vei*< iP — D*n% iu - -•—• •--vt,rvo* in. Butw'. flm< ‘^ ' M* “ ^L,,« |M) flKWdt — ffrM * 1* *• V,3 W* Softball MEN’S CHURCH CPC’s 5eeond Seed and waMtoCC e Z |9^ second =6^ ' T“ ™,iB^/s:sss'LX%ris Jenklns’and Andrea Gentry. (Second row): Head coach Darrell Steele. Kasey Swartz, Jonelte W ,lliard, Janis Barney. Jenniter Bell, Shannon Davis,Jenny Stewart and assistant coach Grady ®arne^' _ photo by Lee Furches j e 5 s 1 : 9 9 < : < | ! t i i'. 1 i i tec en iit - fve<ii,<4 M M |<l - 1.,..• c»***» ” ” ' ' , . . v ' M ^ - ' " - ' - ' * ^V.'. , - - ...» « - ~""= k ', ir w ~ W New Union 5 |st Meihodisi 5 Fork 4 Victory l 3 Blaise 3 Concord 2 Jcricho-Hard 2 Liberty Cenler i Turrentine i Victory 2 o Jerusalem o Green Meadows 0 ! 1 1 1 KJT*" 5 Sj e c e **^crt* 1 84 C 9 6 M f* J 9 ! ’* i s D*Mw"'e J * t*r'ir ft i 0 U t I lS 2 ' * ' 5*UrfMff* *■ *11 *•i - e,H I* * c *»•* $**• ***f'*'1»•-.« o* - ueciM*o** 1 io§ - AiiMs( t. y*sn**Ow* 18 N - *e«w 1■ M i 3< . fft*m I - C^W %' - to^< .7*,Z l F»w ucJ.*o 1 i^ i MEN’S OPEN A ir Titc Hart*s Pi//a Sheffield Sentry Fab Ma>ters Quik Lube Jockey C&D Emerp. Farm. Dragway QST NCHSU PU Y O ffS Forbush Joins Davie In Final Eight Notebook " [Meet The War Eagles Chad Helton w L 6 0 5 I 5 l 4 l 3 3 l 4 l 5 0 5 0 5 CUu M flR$TROUhD -le flih l*'h l »•- Sovtf*m # ii)f* 4, U lt *>»*• 0 $6utfl V*W 14, H.ltM'Ou|^ OiW*<* 8 fVfveti J. Rs* t" trw« 8^yirew s*v> B RicNWd Cov^ 6 Mi*r>>p|ton Heuwd 6. Cyr#< 2 r», Sm<m 9. livfire u i Stec#f>d 8 Rfli6WQ Pe3W 12, NytMeiir" t C o B. ^wirpBn U ^t( 2 Ch*Xt1* 0^^PK f. h6'V' Fo^tf1^ 5 if itr 4T C*rrtr*i 24. TuKC* 1 CMncne P*OiK>trct 9. 0f»>* Co*rfj 4 $eutft $t0*tt 4. M ttl M «*»«W | 3 ith# A«ff>e«ei 13. C iiW i *yxxoeh 0 M.{eer> V . * f« rori^n 0 G4W 9. h<wih MKk<*^V| 9 CM. iw>p*n<w 6. **»> fttxXy" t M(icfcsville l.vyioil baseball coach Dale ljaiiies needs Ins players fr<>m Davie Counts and Forbush. IV>sl 174 is losin.u leads and games with inexperienved players who are making cntirc1> loo" many errors to suit him. But he also loves the fact lhat lhe two high schools have made the final eight in i the state in the 4-A and 2-A W h ile Davie was d e fe a tin g A .C . Revnolds Fri­ day I -0 to move 011 in 4-A. Forhush was beating a H andlem an team. Il*6. The game was played S a tu rd a y aftern<Hin. M u ttlu v 's SlC0N0 R0VN0 UMN4fOUl \ 1 5 1 **tM »•) 6 8 0 #•«*••• '• « e e 8 M i ii 4 e j e v»»M* >e i lCW. | e*uf^-e*iw Sot,tr#rfi w«,r« ii How ui*s Seutn vi^. ^*SeutMW Ptn*t Rn#c*itt ilHorrMm Nith. * VfiSp^ron H<ui-a el f»i«n«*«e V"itn. RoiM*a Pr»on »t Ce^. M . 6 p " CnehoneOs*P'c<t4 H iU n w w C w !••< 124 21. tfV t. * P " .. , ^Cr<rton* ^6*i3ff<< 122 11 •* S *^ S*e.eiU3 6l. Sit.roeo i C ReiXtfi (t M<*oo (22 41. IB* &*rn i i 6 SI lt CM*cn* k4#pefk*f<e M W MtW) t> X»*~* 1 $lMlllS*L3 t0t 181 III - 1n« iii iii - i - v r,.>f e*'iy *K ' 1 '••«• c» -.^ir>*4-t«'« iCe-U<*M**C*.<l 'V f> : * »1 : i- e , w D *•« * »•••« » *-» .w t« i »•„ lre W WcWT '** $ ~ »»Wl» H * | l M 10MU«»0lN SUH CHAMHONSHlP stw u B#%t 2 e‘ 3. V « U12 {lt tltif'f* Bf|'On thampWI Soccer WCMM >T>TI I8UWWMW QU>HTlWHN4U -|» - ll"9' »S - ||IW ^M f “ >M HCHSAA PUY0yrS CUw 4-> fWSt H0VIH0 wemir|t6n N*w H»«o«t' B. C n 2 CMP*i «'* 4. Il|*tt*'>** 71V 3 H<hmw%6 Co*'M| 9. Cimtf 0 Ciem^t fle%# 10. P>res-*H 2" Reifi|h Mi*©«w 6, S*<ihe'n rt<)f* 1Cepe feei 4. liu "f*v| Voi'*^0 0 O^nem M*dtn 3. vin%on Hurl 0 Dwn TfilW> e, WikT<#eten Lrn>r 4 6*nn 1». west M etw h;'l 3 Aj(i|r04' CeM*il 4. *Vitii'» t^"in 2 Gnmv<F 1. Sovtn Mtt^efbui| 0 „. Qtenttofo Pi|t 6. leit C*tio#* 1 iViefire fi*|rydt 11. C««e«e Hutt 1 D*><* Cou<<tr 2. McDa*ti 1 Utt lv i|1h «, he^h V*t> r't*st 1 CitierJe 4%ht*06* 3 Sewtn Ci4>*i 0 StCO*lO WHiN0 . h»»H»ne.trll.W«p*IM'«l * G>ttfiiwe Rote 9. n*h<rgr4 5. fl i» fl*>nn MiW00e 7. Cie* r<l' 4 lh.,0 Tnton 3. Ou^nern *yden 7 *ti*rd<f Certni 3 .0 w 2 Ce*f*o'o P>(« 4. Cwv*r 2 Di*># crwii 1 <i***w* H*|f>t>at 0 (<vfvt.rrfc 1^1' M^Mj*H>>t_gwL QU*RtIPriNAL& iw^n fr> g<*>rt ft? <«"• >1 fli'*i|Ti S i^ ’W" 2. Vf'^i Hea*'d 0 Rse-|M fl>x|M6# 4. Cnipt' H.< 0 C'HPVti 4. Vow"t 1ecwi 1 Soum Mtc» n S«> wow>*en w»d ■ iM__ » M iiw m Rit<|n S4rde<v>t< U3 T jl <1 R»'»»"frMMten <16 0 21. *" • 7 P ”C*tr%bo<e C'i<rt<i i l 6 1 21 »« R^ %8n sovlh M»c» .iW - a*t *"dJ'^e_'J*. tl* tl CH4MrK)HiMlP ViiRlcr And m o of lhe biygesI reasons Forhush advanced wcrc Mix'ksvilic Legion slap. Scoll Mal- thews and David Vogler. Malihcws. a senior, pilched ihe Falcons lo lhe victory. He finish­ ed with a complete game, six- hilier. giving up only three earn­ ed runs. Vogler. a junior tcfihanucr, helped Malthcws with his bai. He slugged a grand slam homer in lhe fir>l inning lo give FoAush a lead il wouldn't relinquish. M;uihewi not only picked up lhe win but also had lwo hits. Voglcr was 10 pitch in lhe Western N.C. semifinals Tuc.sday at Cherryville. Tlial team ousted Forbush last year. 3-2. Remi'iiihvrin# Buck Hunl was asked if could remember a game lhat was won in lhe seventh inning like lhe 2-1 win over McDmvcll in the first round of the 4-A playoffs. He could, naturally. Hunt said about l0years ago. hc was trailing 1-0 in thc seventh. Barry Whillock hit a homer to tie and Tixld Cassidy immcdialcly followed with a homer ol his own to win. TnuRh C(iiderence When realignmcnl l'orms lhe new Cenlr;J Picdmoni Confcreiice ne\l year, il w ill bill itsell as one o f lhe lop softball conferences in the stale. Davie. West Forsyth and South Rowan w ill join perennial playoll participants North Davidson and Soulh Slokes. But nol ulilil Charlotte Pro­ vidence defeated Davie iil the 4-A plavolis this season did Darrell Stc"cle reah/e how lough the Southwestern 4-A Conference is. Provideiwe has wonllie last tour tournament titles and league neighbor Independence has won lw o o f lhe last four slate championships. (irim slcy Wins lhe Ceraral Piedmont Con fcrenee had some divine angel looking over it in the first round of lhe 4-A baseball pki>ollX. Davie, lhe league's lop seed, trailed lhe entire gamc against McDowell, only to get its firsi hil in the seventh, a double down the lelilicld line to win. 2-1. Grimslev. the second seed, gol a double down lhe right field line in the seventh inning lobcai Soulh Mecklenburg. 1-0. ()lher Cc>inniillnienls Grimslev's second round game was scheduled for Saturday against Page. Hunt was asked it" he was going. "N o.lhave another com Hunl milimcnijusta little more im­ portant." he said. Hunl and his w ife c c le b ra te d their 23rd wedding an­ niversary. His players gave him an early anniver­ sary gift by advancing to the lhird round of the playotTs a nighi Had Hunt gone to Greensboro Saturday, hc would've seen a CPC leam bite llw dust. Page ran out lo a 4-0 lead before giving the Whirlies i\« i in lhe sixtii. The final was 4-2. Page. Grimsley finished 16-8. This was lhe tirsl time in tivc ycars lhat Grimsley made the nlayolfs. The lasi lime, in W 8 . the Whirlies defeated Davie in an Spurt: Baseball Position: Catcher. Kamlly: Father Brent; Mother Mcrrilyn: Brother Jerciny. Kavoritc Davie County Restaurant: Skat's. Favorite Foods: Steak, roast, applies, pizza. Favorite D rinks: Mountain Dew. grapefruit juice. Favorite TV Shows: Fresh Prince ot Bel-Air, Home Improvement, Saturday Night Live. . Favorite Movies: A Christmas Story. National Lampoon s t S S i o , : R ock92.107.5. l0 W . B-J00. Favorite M usical Groups O r Singers: Rush. Betty Jean Hoovcn. Barbra Streisand. Favorite Athletes: George Brett, Bo Jackson, Jason Tombcrlin, Kristin Hinshaw. Favorite SportsTeams: Kansas City Royals, Kansas Ci­ ty Chiefs, North Carolina, any leam that plays Duke. Greateit SportsMoment: When I hit a grand shm against Reynolds. (This was filled out before kist week’s double that, beat McDowell in the last inning o f a p!ayoft game). W hy I May Sports A t Davie County: So 1 can get a free “ athletic tea” at Skat's, llo b b its O ther Than Sports: Snow skiing, lawn darts. Future Goals: To graduate from UNC-Chapel H ill and livc happily ever after. .I f 1 Were a MiUionalre For A Day, 1 W ould: B u>Brtan L. a new hood for “ The T;m g" and Jason Tomberlin a ncw hat.” early round game. College Interest Several Davie athletes arc being looked at closely by college recruiters. Gardner-Webb coaches have been watching Bubba Coleman recently and arc making serious overtures to the Davie sliori.stop. He has also been ol'fered chances to play in college in football and basketball as well. Brian Long is getting some at­ tention in coif while Chad Carter is ready to*sign a golf scholarship with Wingate. tIm id (iift The varsity hoys basketball team gave its coach Charles Crenshaw lhe perfect gift after Davie High's athletic banquet last week: articles from two newspapers o f the War Eagles* 64-59 tournanvnt upset o f CPC champion Reynolds. h was also a going-away present. Crenshaw resigned this year alter four vears. Racing U U S!*mlNOS____ &HMMI fcl> SUOlW. WO0iMlt> Ol*lJ>ON________ . . tel70 21 si h*w Mtro.r>l .i.llf Jiei n *r jnM-e>m*UH t'<t^ •< *'«•»• 4n Cent'*1 tl'i 41 CaVf0't|ih ll9 4l 4lDl>cCoM^f'22 mm^,^ '■ -.I.I.* aim ivlOHM X**NlOK r /■ ^lTVATlW „ X v^N fc CVf..< Q-'NNl89CHFlCflAKPv*tv. '4. 5*n{RW^AU^6 fVt 9AU. 1 0 % rflT'l^. 1Vfc EJN<C ftiM^iyP < W4N4 V '^ W t WMHtl lf<M f i^ ;!flW » li« H W « tf. ^e- 9AU. lc M 'iu r W3 nttfrWfl«9 otr. iH CJJMC.C lO ^ W P X i* U Vfr/ J Z , -V| iW w f«JC I^T8 flM WtiU$ * tf. flTHt4. WH»Jf£, &&S: DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy,Junc 3,1993 - B3 *Diaper Dandies ’ ;Freshmen Fit In At High School — And In Some Cases, Made Big Contributions] By R unnIc G allagher Davie County EnterprisfrRecord W hen Davie County school officials firM notified frcshmcn at the tw o ju n io r highs that they w ould be playing al ihe high schm l, the reaction from all sides was prcdictahlc. — It wasn't good. Players wanted to be lop dogs at their ju n io r highs. Parents wanted the same thing. There w ould be transportation pro* blem s. corfridering the ninth graders werc still at thc ju n io r highs. H ow w ould they get to the high school every day? Ten months later all o f the . questions have been answered. u e m e n i For the itu *t part, everything went sm oothly. The freshmen not only played at the high school but some nude an instant impact. • T w o softball players. Joncttc W illia rd and Jen­ nifer Bell, tx>th o f N orth, made the all-C cntral Pied­ m ont Conference team. Tam i Ramsey and Janis Barney, also o f North, were ixher freshmen starters. • Ramsey was the num berthree playeron the var­ sity tennis team. • Beth Campbell o f South Duvie w as number five. • Neil Cornatzer o f N orth wus the starting quarter­ back for the jayvec football team. • James Clement o f South was all-conference in track, w inning the lo n g ju n ip and qualifying fo r the state 4-A mcct. • Chris Nforello o f North was an alR onfercncc per­ form er in wrestling. • M elissaA grillo. Duw n W illardand Cara Hansen played im portant roles fo r the varsity s tw e r icam. And in the end. the perceived problems turned out to be no problem at all. Nervous At First ' W hen fall sports began, several freshmen adm it­ ted to being skeptical. “ Yeah. 1 was kinda nervous.'* said Ramsey, who probably had the biggest im pact o f any ninth grader. ” 1 didn"t know any ofthosc g irls. They seemed a lot older than I was.'* Cornatzer agreed, saying. “ I have a lot o f older friends up there but it was still aw kw aal at first.** Espcciallv when he was thrown into the fray earlier than he expected. W hen Josh W ard was injured, he was suddenly tokl before the second game o f the seasonal North Iredell that he was the Maning quarter- til Among the freshmen making an impact at Davie High School this year were Neil Cor­ natzer (seated) and (from left) Jonette Williard, Laura Moyer and Tami Ramsey. — photo by Ronnle Gallagher back for the jayvec team. “ I was here tat N orth Davie) and some guvs were coming to take me 10 the high school.** he said. “ They told me and 1 thought they w erejoking. W hen Coach told m e. I still wasn*t sure." Cornatzer made his debut in the muddiest, filthiest game he could ever remember pbying in. The con­ test was held, despite a iorrental downpour. But Davie won. “ It was an experience,*' hesaid, grinning. “ I was nervous at first bul once the game started, it came kind o f norm al.*' Perhaps the U>ughcsi transition w;t* nude by M areilo. a 103-pound wrestler, who joined one o f North CaroJina*s most powerful wrestling teams. But he finished w ith the CPC*s best record at that w eight (26-6). “ A t first, he was hesitant,*' said coach Buddy Low ery. “ Bul hew asgoodcnough. A fie rh e goi go­ ing. he fit right in.*' Low ery said wrcstlcrs had an easier chance o f fit­ ting in because thejunior high programs practice w ith the varsity over the holidays. Low ery cxpcck*d Cornatzer to be one o f the lrcshmen wrestlers. But C ornui/er wanted lo be true to his school. And this is where he proved what an all-around athlete he was. ; The only ninlh grade sport offered in ju n io r high was boys basketball, which Cornatzer opted for. Dar­ rell Steele coached that team at North and didn't ex* nect much from his “ w restler" until Cornatzer bccanw an integral part o f die team. 1 “ I still wanted ninth grade athletics here.** C or- natzersaid. “ I felt things were m oving on loo quick and 1 wanted to h : a part o f the schw il. That*s w hy 1 played.*' ! For the record, as soon as basketball season end? ed. he went to Salisbury and won thc statcjunior higH school w restling championship. ', Other freshmen like Laura M oyer and W illia rd pla>ed as many sports as they co u ti. And they rcceiv* ed an early lesson on the rigors o f high school athletics. “ They didn’t realize the lim e and com m ittm ent.'* said scvcer coach Pete Gustafson. “ I had three w’itti me but they were not intim idated." Freshmen made the biggest impact fo r Steele*s soft­ ball team. Four started. “ I told them 1 didn't care what class they were in. I was playing the best p layers." he said. Davie finished the season 15-3 and in thc playoffs fo r an eighth straight year. “ l*d be ki>t w ithout th e m ." Steele said. K verything’s Flnc Low ery, also Davie's athlctic director, was put o r the spot as much as anyone when freshmen were; brought to the high school. He suddenly had more numbers and was forced to beginjayvee teams in soft­ ball. volleyball and soccer. N ow thai the school vear isw inding down. Lowery i> pleased w ith the aJdition o f his trcshmen. “ I think it*s been a pretty smooth tra n sitio n ," he said. “ Transportation has been the biggest inconve­ nience, littte things likethat. Everybody w ill be glad when they get here for g o o d ." According to Cornatzer and Ramsey, there were tw o reasons the transition to Davie H igh was made easy — the coaches and thc opponents. “ The coaches nude you feel real w elcom e." C or­ natzer said. “ I liked it better(thanjunior high),*' said Ramse> “ There's m ore com petition." That type o f attitude was e.xactly what Gustafson expected. “ I thought they coulddo w ell at the high school." he said. “ It's an aggressive class. They’ re all hard- noscd." Davie North ; continued fro m P. 1II ; N ow . we want to do it right all the ; lim e, not ju>t some o f the time. * 'The hooters club has got to get ; bigger and stronger. The more ; people involved, the n vre we can • do fo r these kids and these • fa c ilitie s ." ; M a jo r A w ard* ; There were severaJ m ajor in- ; dividual awards eiven. • T h e Tribble W ard Johnson S p u r g e o n Go>s Aw ard for sportsman- hip went to B rv a n Johnson. plaved to o l- swim m - baseball.Jenkins ; say much but he works huid and ; puis more pressure on him self than • any athlete." Low ery said. ; The Achievment Award was • shared by Jon W ard and Brian • T ribble. W ard was an all-state ' wrestler that won a state champion­ ship. TribW c was an all-Am erican sw im m er who has signed w ith Alabama. “ Both accomplished a bunch." Low ery said. “ You couldn'i give it to one without giving it to the o th e r." W ard also took honw the B ill Peeler Most Dedicated Aw ard. **H e s a c rific e d , dedicated him sclf ... you can use all those w o rd s." Lowery said. Low ery continued: “ It was an unusual year. W e had W ard. Bub- ba and Tribble who all had a super m ix yu>s could plav an>where and were also g ixxl in academ ics." Team Aw ards The follow ing are winners in each sport. M ost Valuable. Most Im proved and a Coaches Aw ard were given. The Coaches Aw ard goes to the athlete who shows effort, attitude and how much he o r she is a team Football M o s t V a lu a b le O ffe n s iv e Linem an: Kevin GooKby. M o s t V a lu a b le D e fe n sive Linem an: Chad Carter. M iftl V abable O ffeihive Back: Jared Eure. M ost Valuable lkfn vsive Back: Jon W'ard. M ost Im proved: Corey Dccsc. H ustle A w a rd : Brian T ribble. M ost lk tlic a te d : Darren Cook. G o ld e n H e lm e t: Bubba Coleman. G irls Soccer M ost V aluable: Becky Cope. M ost lm provvtl: Janu Coleman. Coaches A w a rd : Dana Potts. 1$0>S S<K'ClT M ost V aluable: Ben Edwards. M o s t Im p ro v e d : Scott A w a rd : James Sludcr T uttcrow . C oaches Coulston. V nlle> ball M o s t V a lu a b le : M ic h e lle .McHan. M o s t Im p ro v e d : T ra c ie Scchrest. C oaches A w a rd : A nna Robertson. Bo>s B askvtlxill M o s t V a lu a b le : Bubba Coleman. M o s t Im p ro v e d : G erald Roberts. Coaches A w a rd : Brad Van Hoy. (iIris Basketball M ost Valuable: Andrea Gentry. M ost Im proved: Lori S1uder. C oaches A w a rd : A nna Robertson. W re stlin g M ost V aluable: Jon W ard and Scotty Spry. M ost Im proved: Brad Groce. C oaches A w a rd : Jam es Coulston. Bovs S w im m ing M ost V aluable: Brian Tribble. M ost Im proved: Bryan M cNeil. Coaches A w a rd : Cam Kofke. G irls Swim nUng M ost Im proved: Lori Vogler. Coaches A w a rd : Fdicia Swain. i$m s T ra ck M o s t V a lu a b le T ra c k : H am ilton CuthreII. M ost Valuable Field: James Clement. C tw chesA w ard: Aaron Fender. G irls T ra ck M ost V aluable T ra c k : Lori Sluder. M ost V aluable Field: M aria Newsome. C oaches A w a rd : S h e rri B lackw ell. Baseball M o s t V a lu a b le : Bubba Colem an. M ost Im p rm e d : B m l Mecham. C oachesAw ard: B ralC hapnun and Brvan Johnson. G o ir M ost V aluable: Brian Long. M ost Im proved: Chad C arter. C ouches A w a rd : K arsten Siadsing. Bovs Tennis M ost V aluable: Scut Van Hoy. M ost Im proved: David Snyder. Coaches A w a rd : Brad Van Hoy. G irls Tcim ts M ost V aluable: Kaihy Cozart. M ost Im proved: K elly Archer. Coaches A w a rd : Carrie Brown. S oftball M ost V aluable: Cax*y Jenkins. M o s t Im p ro v e d : S herry M crrell. C oaches A w a rd : A ndrea G entry. C heerleadlng M o s t V a lu a b le : H eather M cD ow ell. Couches Aw a rtl: Dana Potts aiul K risti W alker. continued fro n t P. lB It's the ones like A nunda. who gives it evervthing she ha> and d e u ’lops ga/J!e after gam e." The seventh grade w inners w ere Scott Cornatzer and W e n d i C o rn a tz e r played fo o t­ ball'. wrestling and baseball. “ Scott hasa lo t f tlie eharacterisiivs that Dave has,' C ornatzer l)ave “ HeK irk siid. very likubleaiid uulgoing Cartner played four sports: volleyball, basketball, track and softball. She was the team leader in each. “ She*s an up-and<om ing sta r." >aid softball coach Darrell Steele. Team A w ards Football M ost V;Uuahle: David Daye. M ost Im proved: Allee Boyce. Coaches A w a rd : Jake M arion. S oftball M o s t V a lu a b le : C rysta l Hutchins. M ost Im proved: Page Steed. C ouches A w a rd : A m anda H endrix. 9th Boys Basketball M ost V aluable: Jason M urphy. M o>| Im p ro ve d : Lee Puckeil. Ctwches A w a rd : T im Gilbreath. 7-S IVi>s Baski1ball M ost Valuable: Chris Mevham. M ost Im proved: Eric K istler. Coaches A w a rd : Andv W ard. 7-8 G irls Basketball M o s t V a lu a b le : M a rily n Lennox. M o s t Im p ro v e d : K a th r> n Jackson. C oaches A w a rd : W endi Cartner. W re stlin g M ost N*aluahle: David D a ye .. M ost Im p ro ve d : J e ffW iljo n .. C oaches A w a rd : N athan V olleyball M ost V aluable: Pagc Steed. ; M o s t Im p ro v e d : M c lin d a Richie. ; C oaches A w a rd : B ro o ke Johnson. Baseball M ost Vahiable: Justin Draughn.; M itst Im proved: PhiUip Rogers: Coaches A w a rd : David Dayc* Boys T ra c k i M ost Vahm b!e: Je.v*e Boj)J>.* M ost Im proved: Brad M cN cil: C oaches A w a rd : Jasoh StiK kert. • G irls T ra ck M ost V aluable: Autum n Read. M ost Im p ro ve d : G inger Irb yl C oaches A w a rd : Lato>ha Lyons. ' Checrleading 1 : M ost V ahiable: G inger Irb y .: M o s t Im p ro v e d : T ra cy Delaney. ; C oaches A w a rd : B rooke Johnson. • South continued fro m P. IB Buddy Fn>gge. Frankie Tatum . Josh Barnhardl. Jamie Lyons. Vlh Bovs Basketball Shannon Dutv. Jas<mHarbour. K e lv in D ew alt and T onm iv Andrade. G irls T ra ck Angela Fowler. A llison Foil. : Magan Hendrix. J ill Hverhardt. A iiiieue vv ukHis, LarneJohn>on. M onica Mann and Patrice Young. Boys Track Dustin A llen. Brantley Angell and Aaron ElwotkL S oftball Stacie Sp;ase, N o rn u Blanton. Tonia D illard.-A udreyA V illiank_ and Angie Priestley. (!lrls T tiin h Jolm na M c D a iiic l, Candice Naylor. Bo.vs Tem tis A ndy Parker. W ill Edwards, W illia m Johnson and W illie C o z u rt... f ;k .’ ;'vt . Iiaseball Scott Carter. Brian Cam pbell and Jonath;ui Creason. W restling W illia m Johnson. Brian Etidy. V olleyball Anna S;inun. J ill Hverhardt. I^m na Jim o. Cr>stal Cle;ir>. M isti llo w e ll aikl Magan Hendrix. C heerleadliig C h ris tin a S h o lfn e r, A m y M cCray :tnd Dana H m ks. / C a rrie iJo h itso n C yn d > Jones. rrankie Tatinii '* r r * T r * r r * rs r7 7 rT S r*rrrT rrrr*rT rrr7 7 T T m flfllIJ IJ 7 7 7 r7 7 J S 2 SOCCGRCAMP P vnam o S kills C am p Instructor. John Stark " ^ ^Dates: June 14-19 (Ages 8-14) Time: 9am -12noonCAd. C fV | n p f %4*iloW Locatton: Ctemmons Etemenlarv Schoo|j RegUtnton S e t*yJw w 13 24pnu^W oed<yfcne 14 M m W C k w n s 6 ) * ffllS tiM P HlLL tMPHWBE SHOOTlVG, PASSINGASD DBIBBUNG SKILLS WHOLE TEAMS ARE WELCOMED AND ENCOlMGED 10 COME John Slarii is a 4 jear slartcr lor Wake Forest and one ol lhe ACC's lop scorers, i Now a member of lhe 6 w tM to o P«Mwo ProfessiMul Socctr lfW C i * u i k w i w ^ t i M M 6 M i r - - " - -r7 A / / / / / w ^ / / w f l y / w w / / / / A B> J DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy,June 3,1993 Davie County Baseball ftallagher 4>|itinuvil frinu 1’. IB Ijaines <iki m»i see Beaf*s perform ,m v in Miabury lxii ii didn't surprise him. t t*Braek*s a battler." he said. "W e had thrown l|ih) ihree or four days, Tlie biggest question was or$urance. Wv khew’ he could go lhree innings or oi$ht. Luckily. 1« weni the distance.** | powan coach Jim Dehart is a big Beal fan. (i*W c had trouble with B«tl last year,” Dehart >iijd, "He*s a tough little lefthander.** l'*H e has Salisbury’s num tvr," ljamcs said. *.and we hope to continue that." | fcor Beal to hold Rowan to unly onc unearned 4 n was saying a lot. Several young players were rfut on f/te spot <ta<r to Murters (mm D;tvk unO $orbush still playing in the high school playoffs. jV W e knew we had a suspect defense on the JjehJ," said Ijames. “ We toM Brack. ‘You’w got ij. big boy. You gotta hold it.* " * Ijames even said not pitching for 10 months ijiay be a hlessing in disguise. » “ Last summer, about in July, we thought he was running out o f gas. so maybe he pitched too t(iuch. But lie’s got a good repetoire o f pitches ;fnd now. he has a well-rested arm ." i! While Hunt didn't have Beal this spring, he (hade fhe n*>sf o f his otherjunior lefthander. \ Keene reminds some o f former Legion — and jjurrcnt minor leagucr — Jack Kimel. He is a thinking mun's pitcher jn d bv pmvvd ii against .f.C . Reynolds. Uvcryone praised his perfor­ mance — except him. J His catcher. Giad Helton, said hi> curves were working. • Keene >aid. no they weren't, “ I had a problem with my curve to begin w ith.'" he said, "'l had lo jvly on my fastball and make them chase it. Sometimes, they did and othcr times. I just had tf> put them on the plate and let thcnt hit it. I ‘ "The unjpirc told Chad before the game he ^astVt calling any high stuffso 1 had to keep tJiem low. That's why I tried to go with my <JurveMl because jt dips straight down. I couldn't £ct that to work so I relied on my fastbull.” Asheville Reyit<Ms is kn<nvn as an aggressive cluh at the plate. When Keene walked out for the seventh hokling a prccarious 1*0 lcad. he was thinking again — and thinking hard. “ Jn that situation. 1 thought, ‘ llere it is. the last inning.' 1 was getting a little tired. I tried to keep my composurc. I went out there thinking. *Kevp doingwhat you’ve been doing. Put them in there where theyhit them for outs.* When Jeff Sziksai sent a long drive toward the lefifield wall 3)0 feet away with a man on first, a thousand images flashed thr<xigh Kcene*s mind. “ I thought about it a great deal when it was going u p ," he said wiih a sigh, “ I thought I had gone and blown it.** Leftficldcr Brad Mccham made a leaping grab to >ave Keene. “ 1 was fortunate.** he said, “ M y teammatcs played gtxxl defense behind me.” As odd as it may sound, perhaps thc bcst thing his teammates did was only score one mn. h kept him focused. " lt does bother me whcn we get only one run * ahead.'* he said. “ You know you can't loosen up. You have to stay on them thc whoks game." Ijames loves an attitude like Keene's. And he loves Beal's resiliency. Soon, Brock w ill again join Brack — this time on the Legion team. Ijames can hardly believe that he w ill have four — count 'em. four — of the best lefties in thc Southern Division: Keene. Beal, King and Furbush’s David Vogler. “ You've got to have lcfthandcd pitching.'* Ijames said with a smile. “ And wc*ve got it. That’s our strong suit.'* Atm zingly, Mocksville just missed out on a fifth lcftv, Starmount's Rodney Shore, who chose to play for Mount A in . where he*l! get more playing tinw. But right now. Beal is the story. Fans love to watch him pitch and (tuny mentioned all spring how disapjt>imed they were that he didn*t realize how helpful playing high school ball could have been for him. Oh well. they’d sigh. Maybe he'll k Brock Keene improved his record to 11-1 by pitching a six-hitter against A.C. Reynolds. — Pholo by Lee Furches ■ realize it next yeur. Keene. King and Voglcr have many more months o f work under their belts — but you would have never known it Friday night. “ It's going to take some time to get Brack back in pitcfiing shape." Ijames said. “ The big­ gest thing is. we don't want everybody putting .* great expectations on him.'* Whatever thc expectations, no onc can take away what hc did to his favorite baseball team Friday night. Against Rowan County. Beal was the real deal. W ^ S i w ^ j4^jep&yr**-r: *1 > m '- : . ; : ^ > , • » • * 'y > % -;." .-.> w m .;*m*m M . f s - j ^ C East David Hunt gives his leam some encouragement during Friday's pjayoff game. A.C. Reynolds Steven Cordell tags out 8ubba Coleman in a rundown. — Photos by Lee Furches Keene continued lr<mt 1*. IH apinstihe high-scoring Rockets, who were kept off-balanced by his niixture o f histballs and u ick-:d { “ His curve.s were working."* s)iU Davie catcher Chad Helton. “ Hc had good heat tonight. 1 call­ ed a lot o f outside pitches, making lfjem hit opposite — and m> inside *KeeneV biggest pn>blcin was allowing ihc hrst halter in an inn­ ing to reach base. It happened in l)>e fifth, sixth and seventh. iWheix.Tlud Shockley singled to (Cud offjjtheltop ofthe seventh. it bh)uyhl'-up" second baseman SfrksaE:ivlio_ had onc career h$merJHc,hud driven Mccham b|ck tp_-ilti wall in the second, missipgoul on lk ' long ball. ^“ You’never want thc !in»l man ofi lxrause heVgencrully going to sis>rc..'-*-Hunt said ofShiK'kley. “We knew (Sziksai) was the same gty{w ho hil the olher one hack b|rely iWhen,Sziksui connected on a tuppearvdtobe iver the 310*ftH)i tti<i*strike.pitch, it a emmgli tii g'et over t'4)cu. \ '■..-: . |“ li was su|)j>o>c(l !o be a pitch U^i |md aw;iy and it gt< away from B{(fCk u lilllch il.'* llu ii s;iid. “ lle got it 4Hit over the plateand the kid got a hold o f it again.*' •'l thought it was gone.** Mediant admitted. “ He hit lhal hall hanJ. I krtcw / was pretty dose (to the wall)but. I mean, in a game like this, y<u have to goahcad and catch ii.“ Meclumdid. banging aya"mst the wall. He also had enough presence o f mind to lire back to Bubha Col­ eman at shortstop, whojust miss­ ed doubling offShix*klev at first. Keene was giving thanks to Mecham ulicrward. “ Oh man, when I first saw it. 1 thought I w-as going tobreak down on the mound." the junior left> M id. “ Then. whcn I suw .Mecham go up to vatch it. I heanl the crowd on that sidecheer. When he threw il back in. the side switched over here and cheered. I wasjust jum ­ ping up aivJ down on the mound. 1 was so relieved.'* Hepromptly lorcedClark Har- to end the game. Huni saidol'S/iksai'.s long ball: “ ll was uppretty high. But once I saw Brad start lo slow dow n and still havc his glove up. 1 knew he had a chance then. You know, that kid had a single up the middle hi> -------------------------T------------------------------ sccoiiU link? up so he >howeU me a lot with the stick." Hyatt was disappointed his season ended that way but was gravious in defeat. “ It was a heck ol'a bullgame." he said. “ | give Davie credit. "They're a good ballclub." Both coaches raved atxuit Keene, who ran his record to 11-1. “ He did well for a kid pitching his first playoff game." Hum said. “ Hestayed in command, kept his composurcand didn’t get rattled.** Hyatt w;is impressed. “ He didn*t overpower us. He just made us hit the ball on the ground. I*d rather have somebody like that than somebody who can throw it W (miles per hour).'* The Only Run On the (Xher side, Scott Haney wasjust as flawless, allowing on­ ly four hils. But two came in the bottom of the first. Brad Chapman startcU the rally with a oncHiut single and went to ^ h tfr l^ v h fn - C nl|,|||im *itfiH re>t. But that wasn*t a problem, ac­ cording lo Hyatt. “ He can throw- and throw and ihrow.'* hc said. “ He never gets iired ." In fact, after the first, Haney on­ ly gave up singles to Thad Cassidy in the third and BryanJohnson in the sixth. Hunt was surprised onc run won the game. “ I thought it was going to be a typical A.C. Reynoldsballgame.** hc said. “ They scorealot o f runs and give up a fcw and I thought we*d havc to score a lot to win. “ I guess we scored enough to Nolvs: • A.C. Reynolds, located in Asltevil!c, linishcd its season 16-9. Thc Rockets were tlx* Mountain Athletic Confcrcnee*s number one • Haney's record tell to 9*3. • Davie played solid defense J>eliir,d Kccnc. Second baseman screamer down thc thinl base linc fora double. Mecham*sgroundout to shortstop scored Chapman. Haney had pitched A .C ., Reynolds* 11-6 win over Hunter Huss in the first roundaml entered Friday's game with otdy two days X"assidy roN>cu nic Kivkels' IkVsT hilicr, J.P. Burwell, twice and started the game-ending double p!ay. Jason Tomhcrlin also made a numing. shtx*siring cakh. “ I was pleased with iltc e ffort o f everyone," Hunt >aid. w m fn u cdfrn m 1*. IB — and more importantJv. j|* i 4ih straight win. "O u r kids are in a zone.*' he , • "T h e v V ¥„ i v,*fiUenve in Ihen;wltcs and t tt,n 'i iftinfc tney re mnmiUju-d hv anvcme " Johnson lauyhvU. "C all us ihe Comeback Kids.“ he said. Wy Keputtitfon . J ^ e 5f>,nf^ ac^ wax necessar>' ^hcn Easts ninth-place hitter Vason Parks singled in thc third. He attempted to steal and Cbad Helton s throw went tnto center- held. allowing hint lo reach third. Brow Bvrry's .sacrjfivv fl>- made it Meanwhile. Legardc and his reputation o f throw ing htw was a bit tntmndaiing at fir>t, accordinc to Ktng. b *,'/ ^ .u<> w re (nervous) car- y. he sakj. “ But when we saw Jason T o m krlin really hit it back u p theim ddieat him. wc kncw we vould hit him.“ Tomber- lin ripped a hit through the b<>x in the third and had another to lcft in the fifth. “ It made me feel giHxJ,*' ad­ m itte d D a v ie 's lc a U o ff nun. “ It h^J hvvti a loite time sim e 1 had a hit.* Stilf, the War tiagfcs entered the MMh. trailing by onc. W ith onc kfifiW d"50" lislCd a si^ lc ' " sh<,n " I wasjusi rr>'ing to g cu p ka : or it. Juhnsun said. “ I hil it ufi' the handle but he threw it so hard. 1 got enough o f it.” Then, the waektness 6egan. KmgwalkedandHuntpmch-hiiJason Lanier, who ha* seen limited action. His forceoutputJohnsonon thtrd with hvo outs. Legarde then lried to pick o ff U m er hut the h .ll .sailed into nghHiefd. Johnson scxnxl easily ia hc thc gane. **The first bascman could've played the b a ll," suid Hunt. “ He just didn't. That's highschik>l kids * * y . n >al*s why y»u play ihe W ith the largest cnw d o f the ^yca r verbally bearing down on T om livilln Tombcrlin then watched four • straight balls, forcing in Lanier» with the eventual winning run. > “ Whcn it*s 3-0. it's automatic * wcdon"t swing." Tombcrlin said._* “ I wouldn't havc swung ifit was‘ * 3-2 becauschc was gening w ild."* *. East coach Stcvc Pcgram said hls pitcher wasn't rattfed. just- frustrated. "1 don't think Joc got rattled withthcwalks." Pcgramsaid. “ Et •, was jusl a little frustration on his ; part whcn hc thought hc had thc ; runner picked off and shou!d"vc • been out of the inning.*' Huni aga*ed. “ 1 don*t think he ' was nattlcd. That kid singlehanded- - ly won the xate footba!) champion- • ship.Hcju^said.'Getonmyback i and ride. * So he tried to blow it by ! us and wasjust overthrowing." Keene Slts Them Douii • Kecne Mill had to pitch thc ; seventh and hc forced a groundout ; to Johnson at third and two la^v - liners to King at first. ;. - “ 1 felt I had the fastball rcalK - goingfornv.**saidKeene. ' * ^ Pcgram became ju>t another v coach impressed with Davie*s resiliency, especially in the two-run ; > hth. * * -'1' ; “ Don*t takc anything away from • the Davie haliers," hc said. “ Tho .i went up there ltwking to get on an) wav they could. 1 don*t think ihev : were were up lherc strictly to take. : They were .swinging tbv bai.s., “ They're a lot like us. They scratch and claw and scorc any wav they can. And their guys play great - defense.** Thc teams combined for only i ninc hits. Duvie, w ho has manag- : ed only 19 hits in its last fivi' : gamcs,isS4duringthatspan.Arid : now, the team is one game away from thc .statc champimship scries for thc second time in four year^ “ After two seasons of going out in the first round, this teels great,'* ; Johnson said. ^ Tomberlin, who had two of Davie*s five hil.s, seemed ovcrjoycd.“ l*vc worked for this all my life,** the senior outfielder said. “ Bui this is a team thing. Everybody can do it." ;^' Nolvs: • Lyst ilnished ifs stuson 19-X • tand Helton• Coleman, lohu..< all had onc hil Legarde. lte prtx*eedvd tn"w^lk-— )Lnold Odnrtri^o<H ii^lv JTh;id Cassidy, Duvie's U a former M wksvillcHelton andThad Cassidy S-9 hitters to load lhc bases. “ 1 ihink hc got rattled,*' said Tombcrlin. "O ur funs were getting onhim .** Legarde'.s record fell to b-.V.* Alcxaixlcr Central's coauv[ ' ' ' ' ' “ ? ! " ' ' w ter H e*Legioh;. • Whoever wins Saturday wiul; play thc Nate title series' tit thb« home o f tlv Eastern winner. .1 Davie County Baseball DAV!E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1993 • B5 > fournamentAt Park A Success . J*Hw Ccntr.il Picdmoi< Conference held ils fir*t-:vcr fcrfcball t<uimamenl rcccntly and diose thc only field $fih a grand*twid a* lhv >iie. ^ f lc r a first rournl game at thc sitc of ihe higher $&d, thc semifinal and championship conicsts wcrc ll<ity atMivksville*s Rich Park. ,, ,j5\nd afler it was all said and donc. l)avic otlicials w2rc very plcascd — and nt< just bccausc thc War 6lglcs won thc entire thing.•;fJ ihought it was a rousing success.'* said Davie u^Kh David Hunt. "Financially, it did bctier than wtyvne drcanicd. ljust wish uv could ve gotten our first round game in.*': Dudley. Davie's fir>t round opponent, failed to show but that was the only downside to the ti>urnamenl. : '-We had a good crowd for the championship dame,” said Hunt, “ huasn't as big as the semifinals t)ut you had four teams here. The confercitce will be pleased.*' Davie probably draws baseball fans as well as anyone in the CPC. Winston-Salem sclxmls do not but South Rowan usually brings a good crowd, as it diti in the semifinals. “ The original vote was 7*1 u> have (the baseball tournament).** said Hunt. '*Grimsley was the only school to wtc against it." Area fans should get used lo tlv tournament for­ mat in practically every sport. All of the current CPC schools excvnt Parkland. Grimsley and Dudley will form a new league next year, udding South Stokes and North Davidson. It has already voted to play the baseball tournament. North Davidson will bc thc host next year. Thc CPC will also hold a confcrcnce softball tour­ nament. It too will be at North Davidson. Davie will host the CPC basketball (ountamertt next vear. t o i * trK. f ■ ^ ■ ^ . ■ ^ ^ M s a m » < ^ \ ' :& W ^ ' i ® &W $ & ^ !'^ i^ e E iiM M & m .V._.. ; . -,.*> ,> y.w a •.,'.--'-.. . - - ,-j ;:-,. ',| ',', u ./ I f a fX^t>'f* - /fitf S. W 't '^ mmmm Fans watched Davie beat A.C. Reynolds from behind the rightfield fence. — Photo by Lee Furches Coleman Hits, Keene Pitches l)AVlK BASEBALL (After 26 Games) (Recoril: 22-4) I’liiyer llitth iK A l!Jlits Av(j. Bubba Coleman 77 31 .403 Brad Mecham 62 22 .355 Marcus King 60 21 .350 Brad Chapman 87 30 .345 Ron Armstrong 32 10 .313 Bryan Jolmsnn 78 22 .282 Brock Keene 34 9 .265 Jason Tomberlin 73 19 .260 Tltad Cassidy 45 11 .244 Darby Corrcll 33 8 .242 Chad Helton 47 10 .213 Jack Hall 7 I .143 Jason Day 9 I .111 Jack Fowler 12 I .083 4, H clliin 4. Johnson 3. Armstrong Tombcrlin 2, Corrcll 2, Kccne I. R Ills Mecham 32, Colcman 21. King 19, Johnson 15, Helton 12. Armstrong 10, Chapman 9, Tombcrlin 8, Kcenc 8, Cassidy 7. Corrcll 5. Bryant I. Runs Scored Chapman 29, Coleman 26. Mecliam 25, Tomberlin 19. King 19, Johnson 17, Hclton 10. Cassidy 9, Armstrong 7. Corrcll 3. Kecnc 3. Lanier I, Day I. Hall I. W alks Tomberlin 21. Mecham 18, Coleman 13, Cassidy 10, King 9, Hclton 6, Corrcll 6. Johnson 6. Kccnc 5. Chapman5. Day 5. Kcenc 4, Armstrong 3. Lanicr 2. Bubba Coleman looks back at the umpire lor the call during 1-0 win over A.C. Reynolds. — Photo by Lee Furchos Hume Runs Mecham5. Coleman 3. King 2. Armstrong 2. Johnson I. Hclton I. Triples Coleman 2, Tomberlin 2. Mecham I . l)ouhlts Coleman II. Mecham 9. Chapman 7, King lStchiiiR Player 11' Hits ER ERA Brock Kcenc H W 47 15 1.63 Marcus King 60% 55 23 2.65 Jack Hall 14 15 6 3.00 Darby Corrcll 29 23 15 3.62 Recor<ls Kccnc 11-1. King 5-2. Corrcll 4 -1, Hall 1-0. Strikeouts Kcene 79. King 73. C orrcll 18. Hall II. 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FINISH fS tC o tt Et<fi Qt M tr M ilh Aebit* Htg. Pnct ThtmAtrEichfYOUR CHOlCE/Afttr M*f-h Rebutfttg. Prkt 7htntfttr F A w O *d T h w ^ilW r*y,k*e ^im *W e to w rw *i^< B W O u ^*e O k<AIA*ew fc«iFw i»w * CLEMMONS 2521 Lewlsvllle-Clem m ons Road Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.*6 p.m. 766-8201 MOCKSVILLE 1117 Yadkinvllle Road Mon.*Sat. 6 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun. 9 o.m.*6 p.m 634-2800 PDQ SPECIAL ORDER M ERCHANDISE N O T SUtfJfC r TO SALE PRfCES wittcm|UHDAUTOMOtM.o a * M m a K g B6 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tltiiraliiy, Jiinv 3,1993 Mocksville Legion Baseball ljames Wants — And Needs — His Veterans Back Hy Rmmif (*nllugher Davie County Enterprise-Record ■ Nt> one wtxild havc bct that Glenn High School's soft- ball team would he playing in the playoffs longer than Date ljuinc.s' baseball team. : But that is the case. And ljaines wouldn't mind bring­ ing a few w ith him to Mocksville. . “ Tho.se girls van catch ii, " k« said beforc Monday's 12-l I loss to Concord at Rich Park. “ As u matter of fact. I'd like to have u couple o f them here.” In otiier words, the MocksvUle Legion kisehall team is struggling. The loss to Concord dropped P<>>l 174 to 1 4 ov erall and 1*3 in ihe Southern D ivision. TOe local team, full o f inexperienced players while ljames waits for the bulk ofhis lineupto miurn fnwn the state high school pUyoffs. blew a V-2 lead. ” We knew it wasgoing to k* this b ad." ljames said. “ Whcn you don't put a defens? on the fid d . the other team keeps pecking, pecking and pecking aw-ay and they eventually find your ueakncsx*s." ljames saw the weaknesses in the very first game against King. Three o f the firsi four batlers hit routine grounders lk il were errorvd. The a*suU was six uivarned runs and a 104 loss. U i(cr. M ivksville led W ilkes County 4*2 but iw<> er­ rors started a five-run seventh in a 7 4 loss. “ W e're basically putting two veterans out there so it's nine against tw o ," ljanws said, " ll wvars you down after And Monday niglu, ljames watched hLs team give away another onc. “ We were taking grounders today and I thought. 'H cy. some o f these little suckers are getting bc(tcr.' But w e're falling in a hole. How many can we afford to lose? Not many. W e're working toward the playoffs and we war* to he one o f the top tw o .<eed.s. We d<>n'l need to be three or four. But the league is very balanc­ ed and everybody is knocking everybody else off. *'W e got lucky in beating Rowan, a team we didn't think we'd tvai. But they're like us. They don't have all their players. The rest o f the league — (ike Concord and Kannapolis — d o ." Blow ing The I.ttiri When Concord walked fivcand hil another batler in the boMom o f the fifth inning Monday night. Moeksvillc led 9-2. Corbin Russell had a two-run double in the game. But the pitchers couldn't hold it. P<ht 174 still lcd 10-8 going into the top o f the ninth when Russell, now pit­ ching. got the first tw o outs. W ith a two-strike count on the ihirdbattcr. he hit him . opening thc floodgates. By the time he got out o f it, Concord led 12-ip. ln the bottom o f the ninth. Russell walked and Andre McSwain singled w ith two outs. Todd Styers douhled home Russell but Denver Walker flew out to dccp rightficld lo end the game. Beach Woes? ljames n<*iecd that many o f the Davie boys haven't been com ing ta thc games ~ and hc has a sncaky susp't> cion why. “ W hcn they arc staying away, you think. 'Hm m nt, something's up,' " he said. “ Some o f them may want totake o ffto th c beach. W ell, that'sgoing tobeatou^h decision. They rnay not get to go because we've spot­ ted thc league so nuny games already. We can't affofd to be in fourth when the playoffs sta rt." , .•; ljames wants >nme dedication. . #. > “ That'sexactlyw hat 1 w ant." hc said. “ We have a chance to havc a heck o f a team. W ithasigh. he added, “ lfih c y k ic k us in thetail.(by,| going to thc beach) then they kick us in thc tail. ,. ,. “ IVeVegrtf 15-yearaW kkIs out hcrcright now. Sqim> can hit but can't catch and others can catch but not ^it,. j We necd th(*>c boys to step right in whcn they *re through i w ith th e p la y o ffs ." , ..;, Notes: '■ ' •M o cksvillcfe llto 14 overJI and 1*3 inthc Southerr^, Division. ' ! •C am py W alkerwas4*fo;-6 against Concord. Russell, and McSwain had two hits. • After going l-for-lO with nine strikeouts. Brad: Bovonder hud tw o hits and no Ks against Concord. -, • Russell took thc loss. • Mocksville visits Stanly County Wednesday night: • King 10, Mocksville 4 Nerves Hurt Legion In Opener W ith the bulk o f its starting lineup >till in the high sclnx>l baseball playoffs, the M ocksville Legion ba**ball team opened its season last week w ith a l0 4 loss to K ing at Rich Park. Despite veteran O n iv n Hu>*e)J delivering tw o home runs. Dale ljames watched his tcuni fu ll o f youm w erscom m it three errors in the first iruting that led to six unearned King runs. . Three o f the first four batters hit routine grounders that were 'M ocksvillebcgan itselim b back whcn Russell andCam py W alker, the only veterans playing fo r Po>t l7 4 . scored in the to to n i o f the lirst. W alker reached hise and then Russell creamed a tw i>run homer. K ing scored one in the top o f the second and MocfcsviMe added <wo in the bottom o f the third fo r a 7 4 K ing lead. Russell started things w jjh a solo home tun. Andre M cSwain then walked, went to second on an er­ ror. m.k/e t/t/rd on a gn umJi >ut and scored on a w ild pitch. K ing added a run in the fourth and tw o more in the sixtli. M ocksville managed only three hits, tw o by Russell and otte by leadoff cenicrftelder Russ Pardue from Sturmoum. South Stokcs had nine hits, in ­ cluding a double and hom er from C hris Vernon. Vernon, who attended Forsvth Country- Day last year, was ex­ pected to pby for ljames this sum­ m er. But he moved to M ount T abor's school d istrid and King >natchcd him u p .. Jason R euter started fo r M ocksville. going fm r innings, allow ing seven hits andeight runs. But only two were earned. John David C rider and David Barron also pitched. Barron was cspeeailly impressive, striking out three and gri m e t/p <>nJy one h it in tw o innings. Notvs: • M ocksville le ll to 0-1. • Post 174 was o rig in a lly scheduled to opcn w ith Burlington but the game was canceled. • K ing walked 11 M ocksville • Every<xie on the n M e r played against King except Ja*>n Lott and Brack Beal. • K ing was coached by i)rian H olt, who also coaches West • K ing is in its first year o fe x - istence. playing in the Northern D ivision. • The bulk o f M ocksville*s star* ting )mcup was out. I).n ie and For* bush are still in the high school p!ayolTs. Mocksville 7, Rowan County 1 Beal Impresses Rowan In Win S A LIS B U R Y - A ll Brack Beal needed vvas one run. W hcn his teammates finally did score alter four innings o f zeroes, the lefthander did the rest, allow ­ ing only one unearned run in a 7 -1 victory over arch-rival Rowan County. Beal, w h o d id n 't pitch for Davie H igh School this season, made his debut a memorable one. He finish­ ed w ith a thrce*hi(tcr w hile strik­ ing out 11 and w alking only four. M ocksville gave Beal a 3-0 lead in the fifth . C orhin Russell had an RB1 single and Andrc M cSwain knocked in tw o more w ith another single. Brad Bovender. Ed Fergus and Bcal had consecutive singles in the sixth fo r a 4-0 advantage. Russell hit a towering, three*run hom er over ihe >vorehoard jn thc eighth, upping the m argin to 7-0. Russell, a Bishop McGuinne*s pnn duct, is ona hot streak. Last year, he hit five homers and had 45 RBls fo r the seasori. A fte r o nly tw o games, he already has three round* trippers and seven runs batted in. Rowan nunagcd a run in thc eighth on tw o errors and a w ild pilch. Meanwhile. Davie was pounding D avid Holshouser and the Rowan staff fo r 13 hits. Campy W alker was4*for*5 includingabunt single. Russe(/ was 2*for*5 w ith lo u r R Bls. Todd Stvers had tw o hits as w ell. But the story was BeaL He threw only 7 1 pitches after sex en innings and cruised. He ended w ith a flourish, striking out the side in the Notes: • M ocksville im proved to l- l overall and 1*0 in the Southern D ivision. • Beal is l-0 . • M ocksville struck out 15 times in the gamc and walked twice. • George Daywalt was acting coach w hile Dale ljanv.s and his Glenn HighSchooi team played in the playoffs. • M ocksville got a bit ot" revenge against Holshouser, who had two saves against Post 174 in the Southern D ivision championship series last vear. Kannapolis 9, Mocksville 3 Kannapolis Beats Post 174,9-3 Dale ljam es' reaction after M ocksville's 7 4 loss to W ilkes County SunJay night at Rich Park? W ithout players from Davie and Forbush. this team is hurling. Th re e e rro rs on ro u tin e grounders in the seventh allowed W ilkes County to score five runs and overcome a 4-2 l\M 174 lead, ; lt was M ocksville*s second straight loss and third o f the M ocksville started strong, scor­ ing tw o in the first. Ttxld Styers had an RB1 single aix! an error scored the other. • W ilkes lied ii in tlx* third hut Jason Lott's sacrifice fiy scored Andre McSwain in the fifth. When C iim py W alker singled in Ed Fergus in riic sixth, M ivksville had —a tuM trim .leaiL______________ WDSL BLUEGRAS$ W ith D w ight Barker ;M ocksville had one last chance lb get back in it in the nim h. W alker singled and Cort>in Russell doubled to kad o ff the inning. A n­ dre M cSwain then worked thc p it­ cher to a 34) eount. But he even- tUally struck out and the rally ended. Shorlstop Campy Walker puts the tag on a runner. — Photo by James Barringer ljam es w-.isn't faulting the p it­ ching. John David C rider threw 6 '/i innings giving up eight hits and seven runs, but only four were earned. Jason Reuter pitche<l the fiita h Z tfrm n in g sr -------------- M ocksville finished with l()hits, tw o each by W alker, Russell and McSwain. Styers, Denver W alker, Fergus ,ind Cr;Ucr a ll had one. Notes: • M ocksville is 1-2 overall and 1-1 in theSouthern Division. Russell, Beal Lead Stats Corbin Russcll is onc of only txro veteran playing for lhc Mocksville Lcgion currently. And he's playing like a veteran should. Afler four games. Russell leads thc team in average, homcrs, doubles, at-bats and runs scored. His most eye-popping slal is four homers in four games. Pitching-wise, it took Brack Bcal all of onc. game to take command of the pitching statistics. His eompkte game win against Rowan gave him the lead in innings pitched, wins, ERA and strikeouts. ^' The team batting average is only .243 but the pitching ERz\ is a respectable 3.00. LEGION STATISTICS Through 3 Karnes (Record: 1-2, 1-3) Hitting Rlayer$AB Hits Avg, Corbin Russcll 17 10 .588 J.D. Crider v 2 1 .500 Russ Pardue 2 I .500 Campy Walker 16 6 .375 Denver Walker 8 2 .250 Braek Beal 4 .1 .250 Ttxld Slyers 13 3 .231 Siephen Ashworth 9 2 .222 Andrc McSwain 16 3 .188 Ed Fergus II 2 .182 Jason Lo<t II I .111 Brad Bovcnder 10 1 .100 Russcll 6, C. Walker 5, McSwain 3. Fergus, 1, Beal, Bovender 1, Lott 1. RBls Russell 8, McSwain2, C. Walkerl.Beal 1, Styers 1, Ashworth I, Lott 1, Kuykendall 1. Walks C. Walker 3, Ashworth 3, Pardue 2 McSwain 2, Lott 2, Baker 2, Russcll 1, Beal 1, Styers I, Reuter 1, Kuykendall I. Slolen Bases McSwain 3, Styers I, Ashworth I. Pitching Home Runs Russcll 4. Triples None. Doubles Russell 2. C. Walker I, D. Walker I, Styers I, Lott I. Runs Scored Players lP Hits ER ERA Dedrick Dobson 9 3 0 0.00. Stephen Ashworth 4 8 I 2.25 :• Dcnnis Kuykendall 4 3 1 2.25: Jason Reuter 6'Vi 7 2 2.70 J.D. Crider 7 'h 9 4 4.91 Ed Fergus 2 4 3 13.50 Records Beal 14), ReulerO-l, CriderO-1. Fergus0-1'. Strikeouts Beal 11, Kuykendall 6, Reuter 3, Crider 3.,- Ashworth 2. Saves None. Wilkes 7, Mocksville 4 Errors Hurt In 7th Inning K A N N A P O LIS - When a team has all o f its players and the other doesn't, the results are predictable. And that was the story o f M ocksville's V-3 loss to Kan­ napolis Saturday night. Post 174, still missing players • from Davie County and Forbush. couldn't handle Kannapolis* p it­ ching. Davie could manage on­ ly seven hits and couldn't over­ come a 6-0 Kannapolis lead after only three innings. Bob Jacobs' club sco re d tu o in iheseconU and fo u r in the th ird , chasing M ocksville starter Ed Fergus. C orbin Russell slugged his fourth homer in three games in the founh, a solo shot. ll was 8-1 after five and 8-2 in the sixth after a Russell double and a Steve Ashw orth single. The lead was V-2 after seven. The game's final run scored w hen Dennis Bam m was hit by a pitch w ith the bascs loaded. Russell's hat continued to sizzle. He was 4 -fo r4 . Ashworth had two Each Monday Thru Friday Homing From 10;00 AM To 12:00 Noon TU N E IN 1520 FO R TH E B EST IN B LU EG R A SS M U SIC THANKS THE FOLLOWWG FOR THEK> HELP, 6UPPOBT AND DONATIONS TO MAKE THE 3RD ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT A GREAT SUCCESS _________SENIOR SPONSORS___________ Branch Banking and Trust Company Central.Carolina Bank , : ; .. In<ersoll-Rand Company■ Hendricks Furniture • . J;.,v ’■ i. ',Dariiel'Fumiture Company ,„ ''r% s^^P^Gaify. Prillaman V :'-;: :';x-^.,'/: !:h;5^Z^q66^lle'^vings Bank ' ,';)*:.' ■"}5.Carolina"Drilling Company r McDonalds An Anbri^pus Friend of South Davie JUNIOR SPONSORS ASSOCIATE SPONSORS Davie Driving School Dr. Steve Laymon Southern National Bank Skyline Horn’s Country Kitchen Junker & Son Featherlite " PRIZES DONATED BY YoA’il MttfcwHkAetomtht Swlw^ * l 6 WtU AifecUU* N r t S p r t f e g C M f c Wktk B d * r F e n H w C W H * y - M h H w r t i — MwyUterutiwul Duk1 Farritart Ceep*ay StatsCeurUlde SporU WrthrtBe*FnikUo SPECIAL THANKS TO Evtlg* Manio Ealon 's Funeral Home Twl» C titrt C M Cwri« MlUtr't Ktttauranl ’ T DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Tliursda),June3,j993 -117- Mocksville Legion Baseball Russell Living Up To ‘Player Of Year’ Reputation ’ h took tm k lhrec ganvs for C or­ bin Ru>>ell to make ;i name lor hinisdl' in the Southern l)ix i>ion ol Area }. hil!inc catcher M cO u in n c proved earl) Ihat fm North C arolina e n d e n t P1aver ol the Y ear aw ard ivas no tluke.Russvll And he proved lh;tt ilv v u can pla>. it doe>n't matter il vou"re at a private t>r public >chm l. Ru>sell pla>ed hi> tlrsl >eason ol' Legion ba>ebal1 last vear and finished w ith five honv run> and 45.R Bls. ; At'ter ihrce game> thi> >euson. he Already had pounded four hoiner> dnd had 11 RBIs. ! H is third was a manunoth shot itver the scvreboard ai Newman Park in a 7-1 victory over Rowan County. The ball took an estimated ride o f abtxrt 4(X) fcvt. I Post 174 coach Dale ljaines is already anxious to see how Ru>sell fares after one lim e through the ", * ’Once he u v s arounJ the league dne tin ic, th e y'll start pitching around him .“ ljames said. *'But w e've got (Brad> Mecham and the Qther Davie kids coming that can protect him . And if wecan protect hum. w e 'll be to u g h ." 1 Russell is currently seeing some good pitches, ljames said, because .^ndre M cSwain i> hitting behind him . M cSwain had a tw o-run >ing1e against Rowan. I » ljames said he wasn't w orried I ;iK>ut the catching duties either. I : “ XVe'xe got C orbin behind the plate and w e're sirong th e re ." he sSid. "B u t he is hitting it w ell. He triggers us everv tim e. He’s going I in do a greut jo b .” I ; A fter *Sundav N loss to W ilkes I County, he was lO -ti<-17. | M issing PiTsons K vpurt ' T w o players ljanx*s thought w ould be piaying fo r M ovksu!lc this sea'on are missing, r Returner Korev Smith irom West Forsvth has decided agam^t '*'H e 's going to be w o rk in g ." ljam es said. **He*s gt< a job that vrillhetaking u p a lo fo t'h M im e ." • Starmount*s Rodne> Shore was cbunted on to be a quality pitcher f6r M ocksville. But Starmount p|ayers can chtxi>e between Post 1/4 or M ount A in and he went the iHhet way. **| ihink Mt>um A iry offered him a<hance to play every day when h e V jio t p itch in g ." said ljames. *'XV<*re not going to ofl'er any kid tKat" I**He would have becn that lltth lefthanderthat we*d really like to h iv e ." Shaky S tart ;W hen three o fy o u rh ig h schin>l ttiim s are in the playotTs. the ear­ ly games usually showcase inex­ perience and shaky nerves. *.Ttnl'.s w hat happened in M ocksville's seast>n ofvning. 104 l<$ss to King at Rich Park. V*They were scared." ljames >4id o f his starters. "W e had l 5-year olds on the fie ld ." ;They proved that in the first in- ntng. Three o f the firsi four King b$tter> hit routine gnwnder> that w yrc errored. The*result was >ix unearned mns fo r King before Mocksville got its tum to bat. •M any u fth e starters were from West Forsyih. The Kingcoach was Brian H olt. \V c s l\ ciuch. Chris Vcrnon. an all-Central Piedmont Conference playcr from M ount Tabor, pitched. !"P laying against their coach was eVen more pressure." ljames said. “ And Vemon is a horse. It wasjust too much to ask. W e hoped we*d g$t the jitters out bel'orv we played Salisbury F rid a y." K k k ln g V p D in !lj;im es w*asn't in Salisbury Fri- d iy )n ig h t but when he heard o f M o<ksville*s 7-1 w in. it was still a J)i( o f a hollow victory. ;Hjs Glenn High Schu>l team, the lo jit;in the quarterfinals at A le x­ ander Central. 3-2. 'lt>was nt* a typical ljames per­ formance. Leading 2*1 in the bot­ tom o f the seventh, his pitcher gave up a home run. In the eighth, an ct70r allowed the winning run to tQpe o f Glenn's biggest pro- hh»m< tj-i>rv*v v.;.< U K pf:iyin;' on Legion Notes Alexander C entral's tliit infield. Alexander Central, like Davie County, is m e o l ihe few teams lefl without a grass infield. Glenn has grass. “ We didn't catch it very w ell on d irt." tjanws >aid. “ It really hurt us. O ur inlielders wcre on their heels all night. W e were dum b­ founded defensively." A .C . Reynolds faced the same situation at Rich Park. The Rtx*keis played on grass all sNHMi hut nude tw o errors in a 1 •() loss to the W ar I:agles. Both Glenn and A .C . Reynolds coaches said they practiced on dirt all week prior to their games. “ You can practice on it all you want but ifyo u *re not used to do­ ing it in a game, it's ttxigh to play o n ." ljame> said. “ We did all we could. We just didn't handle it w ell. It's like what Asheville lac­ ed here. Y u i don't lund)e dirt, you lo se ." Assistam Coaches ljames has vhn>vn hi> a>sistanl coaches: George Daywalt and Freddie Transou. “ The staffis intact and rcadv to ro ll." lja 11x*s said. Davwalt is a longtim e lam iliar face. Traasou just pla>ed tor ljames tw o years ago. “ Freddie is tvpical o f the pro­ g ra m ." ljanv> >aid. “ He's loyal, a hard worker and di*e> a gt^xl t»’b coaching the bases. He's a good batting practice pitcher and he 1mdersta11dsthe laneuage. M e a 11d George are a little old. Sometimes, we may say something the kids don't understand. So we need somebody yo u n g ." ljam es said Dayw;dt may be replaeinti him as third base coach. “ I told Gi>irge he wasgetting his hind-end to th ird because I'm get­ ting lonely over there. I haven't had many nm ncrs get to th ird ." K in g ( i 11t Each year. Legion officials are on the hx>ktxit for the biggest eater. A fte r a ll. one o f the perks o f play­ ing Legion is plenty o f fixxl for the players. The early leader ft>r the “ King G u t" awanl is rightfieldcr Andre M cSw ain. A fter one game last week, he ate six hotdogs. tw o Snickers and three Burp! l'u rd iiv S till Sick Sickness has also hurt M ocksville. Leadoff man Russ Pardue o f Starmount has been out fo r a week. “ The fir>< game against K ing he was s ic k ." said ljames. “ We d id n 't know if it was m o noorjust a severe sorc throat. It wasn't mono. He's okay. hejust needed a few days off. “ He’s my leadoff nu n . periixl. He can swing the stick. W e need him back t<x>." i :f W - > 0 £ - - J 5 k 5 S.^*SasS ^>---- K 6 * i t . v » i ® ¥ i » Leadoll hitler Russ Pardue has been out since the lirst game due to sickness. — Photo by James Barringer Proud o f lX iviv ljames scemed just as proud o f Dav ie's run through the playoffs as anvone. “ Things are going right for th e m ." he said. "D a vie 's getting that one big hit when they need it the m ost" W lni*s NvxiV M ocksville w ill have some precious dav> o ff this week. On W ednesday. PtM 174 was scheduled totravel to Stanly Coun- tv in Alhem arle but w on't play again until Saturday when Lex- ineton visits Rich Park. On Sunday. the team gets its first lix'k at Mount A iry . the newest en­ try into the league. That game begins at 6 p.m . in M ount A ir> . Statesville visits Rich Park M onday. The complete schedule is in the Scoreboard on page 2B. Dayton ^ p * - ^ * i ^ * \ ^ ^ p 2 2 40,000 Mile Limited Warranty!| Slzed for Imported sedans and sports vehkles DAYTON METRK2 Steel Betted RadUil Mtoa9eguaranee Great buys today and on down ^ . the road 9 Agres#w*^eason ffeadbosign e LongmdWe *See dealer tcr wnsen Mormawn on tre ufety and wed raertg$ and tor a copy ot brvttd *amn^. ___Stze Pric< 155R12 29 00 155R13 3700 t65Rl3 3900 17S70Rt3 42.00 1BS70Rt3 43 0016S70R1445 50 19S70Rt4 49 00 40,000-Miie Treadwear Limited Warranty* 0ayrtonaSR*dtalsm s S p u d % a te d !' High Pertormance Redto1 r v \ RcJed! ' Dayton L - t L , FAtoage guarantee pton , AI $oatonmdd6$ign , fcx*alcon$ru<ton , Widod *gre^ve toad ‘See doaJer tor wrraen inlormaboo on 6re tatety and spced rab>gs and tor a ■ copyolfrnhcdwarranty. WHTTE P1570R13 Pt6&'70Rl3 Pt557DRt4 Pl9570RH P22S70R15 P2lSB5Rt5 P2t560R14 P23560R15 47.00 4800 54 00 5500 6100 6200 5900 6500 % Radial performance for pickups, vans, RVs! Daytona® Radfrl Stag S tM l BaHad Radial SteotbeJtedradaltortong mitoage and fuol economy Sidewal as thown or btack SSE pmcE HJBELESS 21S65R16 92.00 23^bdniu 94v0 750R16 8700 L o n g tMiUage! MaCK TIRE AT MOCKSVILLE 962 Yadklnvllle Rd. 7 0 4 ^ 3 4 ^ 1 1 5 PRICES GOODAT MOCKSVILLE STORE ONLY Dayton Thorobred Steel $39.0CC Dayton W 5 f i e t t t e U’eage guaranee ptan , Sffong $tod belted, pofye$er body rada< eonitrucson , AgreiMve rt> 6ead M S S e Wde tread gr00ve1 # Fufldepthtipes *See dealer tor wncen information on tre tafety and speed rastg$ and tor a copy ot bruted warranty. Stze Prtee Pl6&S0rt13 TToo" Pt7S<0Rl3 42.00 Pl6S90Rt3 4300 P18S75R14 44 00 Pt9S75R14 4500 P20S75Rt4 4600 P2tS75R14 46 00 P20y75Rl5 4800 P2t^75Rl5 49 00 P22575R15 5000 P23S75Rt5 51 00 PremHim Touring Radial! SCE PRttE StZE PRICE B ^M WVhLiTMd * ~ ** ? * £ £ ? Pl9SWRt5 P20Se5R15 P21S65R15P20S60Rt5 P22S60R15 65 00 6700 69 00 6600 70 00 P21570Rt4 P20S70R15 P2t570R15 P22S70Rt5Pt8S75Rt4 Pt9&75Rt4 67.00 6300 7100 73 00 55 00 60 00 $62.00 “ *Soe doater tor wnttcn intormabon P205mRl5 P2t&75Rt4 P22S75Rt5P23S75Rt5XL 6200 6500 6900 74 00 on tre safety and speed ra8ngs and tor a copy ot lmitod warranty. AI sea$on cead do>gn SmooCi and comtortatie ndo Rugged traction radial for pickups, vans & RVs! J > a ^ M U e a < i* ! s*r- Daytona® Radial Stag e Huskeytreadbarswfflh poworfwl putngacfton e Radal po^esw cord body to smooth rido.handv>g , S *d ccfd be ttttorittbikty _ * K Z E _ -_ C r W E _ P21S75Rt5 65.00 K23^Z5Rt5 69 00 1050Rt5 9100 KS75fl16 9900 23&35Rt6 |94 00 Long 'MUeage! ONE STOP AUTO SERVICE CENTERS Hours: Dally 7:30 A tM :30 PM • Sil. 7:30 AM.1 PM Don’t be fooled by a price quote !' Make sure it includes these items: All Our Prices Include M ounting, Balancing N ew Valve Stem s, and FREE Rotation for the life of the tires. I * - U A V n ..L U U m V W i m V K M K h lU K U , l.m ,.s u u > ^ .-v , , . » « SH AD Y Q H O VK Mrs. Rogers* first gr;ulc chiss has ,lKcn studying animals. On Friday, ;M ay 14, they werc inviccd to Mrs. 2W fllki*r's fiiurlhgM tk class to scc nnd lhcarabou( the animals lhc fourth grad* Icrs havc bccn studying. Thcir class ;had baliy dticks that (licy hatvlic<l in ,'an incubator. They also had a snake, a 'hird, a frog, a hamster, a crayfish, and •mcnlworms.The fourth graders feu<ie 'sttiJcnis touch somc o f lhc animals kand told thc first gradcrswhalthcy had leamed about lhc animals. Sludcntsofthc Week fo rM a y 10- . 14 and M ay 17*21 includc Gtcnn 'Eubanks, Ashley Cornat/cr, Sheryl Eagle, Michacl Combs, Garth Regan, •Trent Young, Jus(<n Lannifrg. f)usiin •Colbcn, Priscilla Ma>hcw, M atth:w ;Conlcy,/cnnifcrRarnMy.JustinLi>ng, ;Christophcr Jones, Josh W allacc, ;DaIfon H.irtman. Sammy M fD ;jm c), PcteCalahan,StevcnCaudill,Christic Robertson, Tiffany Gaddy, Andrew Alien. Chad Coopcr, Alan English, Nataiha M artin, Ash)cy Harim an, Laureen Comatzer. Kcvin Hendrix. Christopher Rogers, Jonathan Doub, Jeremy Bracken, Larry Coble. Josh W allace, E rica S w aim , Sammy McDaniel. Jenny Archer, M aric Rob' cn>on, Brandi Corn;ti/er, and I leather Svvartngcn. DARE graduation was held May 27 at 1 p.m. in thc media ccntcr. Spe­ cial guests included Davie High JROTC, w itlt pa*>cntalion o f colors; 6lh grade Boy Scouts w ith pledge o f allegiance; AshIey Mcisncr, speaking about a personal cxperiencc; and Kathryn Crosby, w ith a celebrity speech about Davie County and the DARE program. Other special aciivi- , (ics consisted o f songs and essays. . The cntirc sixth grade, accompanied by Anna Newman, sang "W c Arc thc Young" and Jason Barney and Ca!lic Bailcy sang solos. The essays about DAREwcrcpresentedbyTrucyBakcr, John Clevenger, Chrissie Comat/er, Eric Kofkc, Greg L m icr, and Jesse Marion. The students vvcrc prcsenled wiih their diptomas and a reception, hosted by Lcesa Church, was held in » ‘the 6th grade w ing. j M O C K S V lLU : M ID I)LK Z Leann Durham won (u ogold med­ als for softball throw and standing longjum p in the recent N.C. Special Olympics. A program on handling emergen­ cies was presented to <tll fiftlt graders on May 27. Thc sixth graders watched a play givcnbytheSouthDavieDramaClass on May 27. A school skating party w ill lx* hcld on June 2 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Clemmons. Awards Day w ill be held on June 4 at 9 a.m. in ihe gym. l>lNKBROOK STARS for May 3l-June 4: Kristi Durham, M itch MuUis. John W ihon, CascyStycrs.JenniferJohnson.Terry Shcmier, Forrest Breedlove. Misty Lespcrancc, Amanda Ammons, Kris Spillman. Allan Moon. Adam Sain, and Andy Page. M O C K S V lU K K L K M K N T A K Y The kindergarten students began “ Happy Bookcr W cck" on Monday, M ay 24, w ith the o ffic M pnx*)a/na- tion.Thcy sang an original song "Nice Suc Km>x had a Media Center." The also presented Mrs. Knox w ith rceipcs from the faculty a.nl staff to pul in Suc’s Cowloric collection. A ll first graders helped ceJebraie Mrs. Knox's retirement as thcy presented an origi­ nal song. The studeniv, wearing cow headbands and black and white cloth­ ing. w ere the "Cow Country Singcry" Thc tcachcrs and assistants ssere 'T h c Moosvjl!e Quarlct times 2." Follow­ ing thc concert, Mrs. Knox was pre­ sented whh a basket o f numerous “ cow" articles. The2ndgradcrscontinucd"Happy Bookcr Week* on Wednesday w ith a parade honoring Mrs. Knox. After thc presentation o f her official cow cor- sagc Mrs. Knox was escorted to her float, a tractor and flatbed decorated w ith hay bales and various farm items. Thc studcms. dressed as cows, fann­ ers, or story book characters, marched to thc rhythm o f a band consisting o f washboards, cowbells, and jugs. Thc students also sang several songs re­ written by Unda Giles. Knox was laierprcsenled w ith a g ifi certificate to buy, ofcourse,abook. On Thursday, thc lfu rd grade ^ ^ — — ■ ^ M ^ —Kath(yn Cmsby was guesl speaker al the Shady Grove Elementary DARE graduation. At right, she signs autographs for school board member David Owens, center, and superintendent Bill Steed. At le lt, high school role m odels lo r the Shady G rove OARE graduates includes, lrom left, Cheryl Coburn. Paul W ondracek and Jeannie Robertson. At right, student Jason Barney sang at the graduation. clas>cs, teachers, and assistants hon­ ored Mrs. Knox w ith a program in lhc mcdiacentcr. A booktitlcd t Remem­ ber W hen.... written and illustrated by all thc children, was presented to Mrs. Knox. Money |$l(X))donatedby the children was given to Mrs. Knox topurchasctx>oksofhcrchoicc forthc library. Book ends forthe mediaccn- ter w erc given in honor o f Mrs. Knox by the teachers and assistants. A spe­ cial shirt was given and everyone sang original songs. A formal reception was given in the media ccnicr in honor o f Mrs. Knox on Friday. May 28. W ith thc end o f school comes the search for lost books. If you find a classroom bookorlibrarybook, send it to the school. If you find one during the summer months, call and bring it by thc school. Students o f thc Week for M ay 24- 28: Zach Yoklcy, Jon Gobble, Blakc Hulchins. Chad Dalton. Shcrclle Carter. M aggie H cndrix, B!ainc W illa rd , Megan Jordan. Ryannc M cD aniel, D om inic Southerland. Rachel McEwcn. Megan Dwiggins. John Boger. W illiam Daywalt, Bryan Sellers, Jana Bailcy. Jeremy Gadner. Adam Chandler, and Brittany Grccn. School System Announces Elementary Districts " 1 - 1 •- .. L.. t:..^ Dr,^.l.,-ici ii*Dnoi1 tilM 1 n<l inr1mUno D:tv5t?Hik?hS' A ll pupils assigned to grades kin­ dergarten through sixth grade w ill at­ tend the school located in the district in which they live. Allpupilsassignedtogradessevcn through nine, whose residence is lo­ cated in thc Pinebrook Elementary School district, the W illiam R. Davie Elementary School district (w ith the exception o f those students who live south o f Hunting Creek) w ill attend North Davie Junior High School. Those students whose residence is located south o f Hunting Creek w ill attend South Davie Junior High School. Those students whose residence is located in the Shady Gmve School district (with the exception of those students who live east o f No Creek Edgar Troutman Named Top Automotive Teacher and onor southofU.S. 64) w ill attend North Davie Junior High School. Those students whose residence is located east of No Creek and on or south o f U.S. 64 w ill attend South Davie Junior High School. Allpupilsassignedtogradessevcn through nine whose residence is lo­ cated in Coolecmce School district. M o cksville E lem entary and M ocksville M iddle district (with the exception o f those students who live on or north o f Main Church Road and on U.S. 158 from Sain Road north to Dutchman'sCrcck and Sain Road east to Road #t642 and including all o f 1642) w ill attend South Davie Junior High School. Those students whose residence is located on or north o f M ain Church Road and on U.S. 158 from Sain Road north to Dutchman’s Creek and Sain M o cksville resident Edgar Troutman has becn named automo­ tive teacher o f thc year in North Caro­ lina by Valvoline Inc. for the third year. Troutman, an automotive instruc- torat West Iredell High School, spon­ sored a team ofstudents who won ihe state finals o f thc C hrysler/A A A Trouble Shooting contest. heJd re­ cently in Charlotte. The students. An­ drew M ullis and David Beatty o f Statesville, w ill advance to the na­ tional finals o f the contest June 14 in Washington, D.C Christina Vest Attends NCCAT Teaching Seminar Road east to Road # 1642 ad including Davie High School, all o f Road # 1642, w ill attend North l f a student assignment is consid- Davie Junior High School. cred a hardship, the parent or guard- A ll pupils assigned to grades 10 ian should submit a request prior to through 12 and whose residence is June 18toreqtiestachangeofassign- located in Davie County w ill attend ment. BUY DIRECT FROM “BUY DIRECT! If You're Paying For Cable, You're Paying TOO MUCH! CO M PLETE SYSTEM ONLY | C U LLO W HEE-Chrisim a L.Vcst o f Advance, a grades 3-5 teacher of cmotionally,mental!yhandicappedat Foicsl Park Elementary School, re* cciillyaiiendedasem m arnttlic North CamlinaCcntcr for the Advancement ofTeacliing. Vest was one o f 23 North Carolina teachers participating in "Coastal Geology and Biology,” May 15-21, 1993, conducted by NCC AT center fellow Dan Fredricks. NCCAT, a unit ofThe University o f North Carolina, provides intellec­ tual renewal experiences for teachers mayear-roundseriesafiuterdiseipli* nary seminars. Teachers from every county in the state have participated in centerprograms since NCCA f was established in 1985. Richard L. Th­ ompson is director. CLEMMONS (Colle<tiblesl)- FLEA MARKET Beside 1-40 In Clemmons _ Westwood Village Shopping Center Friday 2-9; Sat. & Sun. 8-5 766-3099 ‘Your Close-To-Home REAL Flea M a rk e l'___ ThenewCoronet.it’snotjust slmplyamazing. H’samazingiysimpte. With a package ol performance features you won't find on any other rid­ ing mower, the new Coronet is more than a simpler way ol cutting your lawn. It's simply in a class by itself. Stop in and see one today. Plus, see lhe optional Mulching/Leal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shredding attachment that eliminates I tSSmmm— tSmrnrnSmm raking and bagging while nourishing | * * M y W B H r your lawn. The Coronet. Only at your 5lmpMtyrfeatef. $3 7 O T /Mo. w.a.c. s0 DOWN NO PAYM ENTS TIL AUGUST O utdoor Powur Equipm ent Western Auto The Auto Supply Company 766-9109 1329 Lowlsvillo-Clemmons Road. Lowlsyille Over t50 Freo Channels Plus The Following Pay Channels lncludod Enjoy...CNN, HBO, Cinemax, ESPN, Disney, USA, Showtime, and all the best in Sports, 1st Run Movies, Children's Shows, News, TV Classics, AND MUCH MOREI CALL TODAY 1-800-255-ECHO(3246) SATELLITES DffiECT ‘OUR NAME SA YS IT ALL" | F a c f L Cai/ TadayForA _loca> |Auihorued Deaior Free Site Survey i m g g g g g g g g g Telephone(704) 788-7992 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday,June3,1993 - B9 E 3 t 3 * e x J g M S llS :Kathleen Spry has a special love for this kindergartner. :(t's her granddaughter, Mary Spry. ;: — Photos by Robln Fergusson Kathleen Spry’s desk was at the front of the school, so she was the first to greet visitors to Cooleemee. School Secretary After 60 Years, Kathleen Spry Is Retiring S ;> ti& M -;: lt> l.aura Willlams-Trucy Davie County Enterpnse-Recofd C O O LK B H -H - When school bells ring ne\t fall for students at Ci*oleemee School. it w ill be one o f ihv few yeurs that K;tfhleen Spr> hasiVt been there in ru>re than M) Spr> has |iUcd the tarious duties o f svhix>l secretary for nt>re ihan 28 years. But her career al the schixil ixgan long before that. Spry started school in Cooleemee in 1936 andaltcndedall 12 grades in one building. Back then, the school was u wixx!-fr;m ied building with eight rooms on Watt Stree(. During her high sclx>ol years she worked in the office kindling many o f the ad* m inistratixc duties. Her skills obv ituisl> impressed principal V.G. I’riin. ;md in l*)M when uIuxd secretaries uvre added at all Da\ ie ><hixils. Spn returned to her alma nuter. There is nojoh description for an elementary schix>l secretary, she said. *T v c heen nur>e and M oni- Mia.” Spry said. She is usually the first to greet parents at the door and ihe firsl to defuse any angry parents and respond to their questions and comments. Both o f Spry's sons attended Ctx>1eemce school anJ a grand* daughter is in kindergarten there this Many o f the children she greeted at the >chixJ are enrolling their own children there now. •‘That's what makes me feel like it’s iim e to leave.** she said. **This school is one o f m> first loves. And after I lease 1 w ill alwa>s have ties Studenis have changed in the 2X years Spry has watched them grow . They are much snurter at a younger age. she said. “ They are reading lots o f hard words. When I was that age we read ah>ut ‘This is Dan. Dan is a dog.*** But w ith the imellieerve comes a maturity that is less K*coming of students, she said, because o f what they learn on t.\.. students know more about nuture subjects, and they must deal with more prvssurcs. Spry said she’s >ure that her last day o fw o rk in June won’t be her lasi day back at the school. Retirment plans include time for \olunteer work at Coolcemce School. ""l just c.m'i leave." BlG-TfflE ADVANTAGE FOR t;Kethleen Spry: "I’ve been nurse and momma. I will always have ties here K£ DAVIE VILLAGE ASSISTED L IV IN G Retirement Apartments AVAILABLE NOW - featuring — 2 Bedrooms Barrier Free Design 24 Hour Security Grouml Level Access Planned Activities Weekly Housekeeping Laundry Service Emergency Call System for Assistance Scheduled Transportation Priority Status for Admission to I)avie Village Optional Meal Plan Month to Montli Rental For Further Information, Please Call Jerry Cooper or Delia Trivitte 704-634-1515 191 Crestyiew Drive * Mocksvillc, N.C. PART-TlME FARMERS A t Farm Credit, we know part-time farming operations. In fact, we've been making loans to part-time farmers and their cooperatives since 1916. And Farm Credit loan officers know part-time operations first­ hand, which means you don't have to "translate" your business to us. Whether you need short, intermediate or long-term credit to enhance the profitability of your operation, we're ready to put together a loan package that meets your specific requirements. So why not talk to the people who know you best? Call Farm Credit— A big-time advantage for part-time farmers. 4 r D t& a d to tiu ,bamssefagmuliun. WhGentralFamCroditrACA NwttvCsnlraLFamvGreditrAeA- 390 SaKsbwy St. Mocksville, NC 27028 (704)634-2159 John Enin, Branch Manager 3820N.PattersonAve. Winston-Satem,NC27115 (919)661-1263 Date H. Parker, Branch Manager BTO -DAV1E COUNTY ENTKRI’RISKRKCORI), Thundoy.Jun. 3,1993 ^ F7 n jV rt WT GOING TO SCHCOL WS KORE S F sore: r iE CEOOED ro BE A -W m rER'G KHERW W N I GOfft W>.' lXL BE U « N W ® m A w ic M - Foee;T. svreswiNG Ott ffiWWSS. Gey85. w v m E . cQcmicNxv rtKG, m p s to o is G tM WEE W S W « foR UCE' / m . wE E xtyrre SM IVS BAT r>CE>miK TO SOJEVCH A KlOS MABtTlONS 'V<H 1 i Servke, Selection & Savings From The Prescription People Westwood village / / Shopping Center /y Clemmons Bermuda Quay Shopping Center Advance We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities COUPON . MISS W08WttX0,7= ^ 1 HAVE A I 1ES? QUESTION A3MrTOIS MAWlESSOH. / m ^ x\vA \ > & J > ^ T - M J GWEK THW. SOC*tER OR VMER. WERE M l J fiT G W ® TO OlE. VWWS THE wm T o r iE M a m s , k5MT TOEGERS’ _. IM8CM UMS US "SlG PICTW ra ftE Coke Products 2 Liter l i s p 9 r | I E U I ^ lf ^ i) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 j^ ^ ^ B k w m w I V I i ^ ^ ^ Q ^ 1 COUPON — ■ ■ ■ ■ Fiex 115 oz. Shamooo OR Conditioner Or Flex & Go 11 02. $ j6 9 & j M ■ ■ m 1 lf-A*/- D n C E .r;z .^ ■ ll COUPON . Parfums de Coeur Fragrance Body Sprays z w a a iM .j^ T.'< COUPON i Scotch T-120 VHSTape $ 2 3 7 ; Tu= w c a itu Kim f*C*A \5 xuy CCi;TLv-v, ”T VtiE 314 PICTURE EVESTvJ>US, ftES= EMU GOlto *0 ClE, O Jl$tKlES W U .® EWSCT. WE SW M i EX^_OtE. ASD _ _ e , _ _ TCc wwftt5S £ ? A frJ i cauPSE ^ V EWSTEtZ5 fi 1ttT C!M n w w w M . ns to w p .sss1 fiESS. fti. KCM'.5. ua ,>r>5E tOWSS WVuKS.' I SEE WW ?K?V£ WIT Llti. TO VX< W THE i<', ^,CTti<E BiU,. IT MS 1 iN ) CM '>( PEWKTwE coupoN ; Mitchum Solid or 1.5 oz. Roll-On 2 ^5 00 Pampers Infant w s Crawler 40's Boy or Girl Walker 25's Choice With Tmi Coupon ■ M ' » * ■ ■ ■ ■ COUPON I COUPON : MISS WSWWC09. WJLD 'ftE MSASSS 00«. SEATS lN A CltevE AND HANE. A LlTUE DlSOJSStON " SPEWlCUM. 10 U lt TO CBrTE, WETHER CAUNI3MJSM CMSHT TO 3E StojN7i R» UWEM« if* RK. SCUE SEf.SC>N. THt'< 0 HiWEB. TEACH US STV;F W T Wit W - CA’l '-cc<- Folding BBQ Grill =717 $097 I l(QAttends. £ma!205'l3r;e,ii— *|%V <*CV<3 M-{^Vs:umi3's.cr Undergarments Me2-m lSs. R=;-3f25s $4 n475104 10 A TEST TOA1. POUT MlUD _- ITS '- CUiSTON Or WI0W1ES. K55SS 1 VANS « ' TO “ M : ROCM K R Vt-r'T Ht WBE CMS «5 P!ECiO.S, AS0 lD «Afi-Jt 5E ,3 THEV, eoonsS ASOAS TWW STt51rt.J I ttEVER *vL.l^i 7"*- -~: C- lG'CSMCE AS A O jivTX o r ucE 'SS';E r=a^M"..kVi >JTgSfc I fc M M COUPON » — M m *Sf f * — * * * * COUPON .— _—_ "-""- 6 Position r ~ j |l lj /------^< lntexTire Lounge Chair J g |ili( 'C***V) Tube 36” - ^ ^ * $ ^9 9 •370001 $n99 W KS0'*t VIU< 3R5S C6kt *IHTE TWER WEMOl*S? BtOtiSE 3l935 W UA0 EPIC. llNES, TOWSWM/ W D WAHT ro REM WAT A BR» OoES T~ - 1 tlCdDD<.Ws C t - V nw.- ftPP*^4^J . H E W ^ H ^ CJO * •!■ i! ■ i\ ^ W"hThi,) | H^E.>-..6 5-H■ lt O .»«!r) _ ^ ^ ^ = ^ ^ = = ^ vvwyv.. ; - y ^ m H m , w i > m i ^ ■ ■» ^ ^ - ^ Witn Thi* CrovmwDfugt Qtck AHtkeAction WrtkKQDAK $OLDPLUS 4COFifa V * 1.al m s tS QWi9.!lS WE SUSlKT, M HAVE VH ENES tO^CE0 HCM 5CWES3M Cm SM sow nuwi T o n ti iccM is3 ttS BE k>llSE oc \T ? W T «£ W 5VPWH) TOtO. J]ST UET tT SUCEiV ' '"Hfr, I SU J0ST ?«SW "W WEh XHC TUE5S. SWt11Ks5 \f XO'J r(&VT, UiU T0P WttSttf KODAK GOLD PLUS 400 Film lets you capture tne fast-breakmg act:on of sports and otner on-the-move activities t with unsurpassed color accuracy and saturation. No other 400-speed film gives you truer, more accurate color. True Colors More Colors 5 f f o ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ fflB 3 S 5 S S S S a S S ttiife S ttS S ^ ’n Steven’s Seafood Restaurant Reduce red-eye in theflashofamoment. Thursday NightSpecial FrWWWHouwtor Houmtor&SMnp CombiMlton - With French Fries or Baked Potato, Slaw & Hushpupples __ Sunday Night Special UbyShrimp With French Fries or Baked Potato, Slaw & Hushpuppies The ConvenientKODAK CAMEO M otor 110 Cunter.i • llip-u[) flash rciluccs rtd-vu' • iighmeighi. only 5 /: ' long • easy-load: no focusine • raiomauc film udrance . includes K0D.UC G0LD ’U0 Film and baitene. and vouchers wonh up 10 55.00 cm bmli pnMuct ♦ -Ag&,tem ut. / % r^K odakerQUMtRAS. A message from you could make his day. Father's Day is June 20lh. Remember you dad with a greeting card and gift from our Hallmark department and make Dad's day. w Hours: Mond^Ctoied Tues.*Thurs. 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Frl.*Sat. 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 11:30 e.m. to 9:00 p.m. -Phone(704)634-5428- All Fried Foods Cooked In 100H Pure Vegetable Oll Wlicn you care enough to send lhc very bcst. for take out orders Offer Good at Cap'n Steven's Mocksville Location Only 1122 Yadkinville Road • Mocksvillc, NU ►: S B S O S 0 > i W * " j ^ 1 k u i i S#^ liems Good Thru June 2,3,4.4 5.1993 Only. Bermuda Quay Shopping Center, Advance, NC W estwood Village Shopping Center, Clem m ons, NC 6798 Shallowford Rd., The Oaks - Lewisville, NC We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities— ' 9 3 DAVIE COUNTY ENTEKI'ltlSE RECORD, Tliursiluy, Junc 3,1993 - Cl Top3HopeTo Continue With High School Work By Lnura Willfnms-Tracy Davic County Enterprise Record Wilh the top grades lhat helped them get to college, Davie High straight-A seniors plan to continue in college many of the activities lhat made their high school years special. At the prompting ofUniversity ofNorth Caro­ lina at Chapel Hill basketball coach Dean Smitli, top senior Brad Van Hoy plans to try-out fora spot on the junior varsity team this fall. A letter he received shortly after a star performance during a high school game this year niade him more deter­ mined to play in college. Heather McDowell also plans to enter UNC- CH in the fall, possibly pursuing a career in physical therapy.The head cheerleader will tryout to be a junior varsity cheerleader when school begins. And Melissa Rennix, the third top student, will play mallet percussions for the Western Carolina University Marching Band and has played in the jazz, concert and marching band throughout high school. Those activities outside of the classroom are what made high school special, the three seniors said. But on the eve of graduation, the three w ere less cenain about what their futures will hold. Rennix said she is cenain on a career in plant biology. "My grandfather was a nurseryman in West Virginia, andheusedtoshowmeaboutwhat plants could be used for," she said. After attending WCU on a full teaching scholarship, Renni.x will teach biology forseveral years. She plans to rctum to school for a masters and Ph.D degree to re­ search the medicinal value of plants. "Many of the old remedies that people used have been tested and proven to be true," she said. McDowell is considering volunteer work at a hospital this summer to help her decide a career path. "Pyhsical therapy is good because the de­ mand is tliere," she said. VanHoy said he has not yet decided on a major. Each of the students said tlicy were ready to graduate from high school, but they would miss the closeness shared among their friends. ''l'll miss my friends and theteachers wliocare. 1 know l'll bejust a number at Chapel Hill. I'm also going to miss all the southern accents," McDowell said. Rennix and VanHoy said they would like to see some changes made at the high school. VanHoy said often student's maturity is underestimated and he would like tostudenls given moreindepen- dence and freedom. Rennix said she hoped that future students would be given more room to follow their own path,even if that meant thinking and acting differ­ ently than other students. "I would like to see people there become a little morc open-minded and not be judgmental." she said. "If you are a non-conformist they look down on you." On Thursday night, the three seniors will gather onihcstagetodeliverthccommcncementspeeches fortheclass of 1993. Following tradition, Van Hoy plans to remem­ ber the events lhat held the class together. McDowell will speak of the dreams each student holds for tomorrow. Rennix said she will talk of today. "Today is reality, so make the most of it." Heather McDowell and Mellssa RcnnLx look up to Brad Van Hoy. • Photo by Robln Fergusson 5T Junior Marshate Davie High School's brightest students have been names junior marshals for the Classs of '93, and will serve as escorts during commencement exercises Thursday night at 8 in the football sta­ dium. They are, from left: Steve Desch, Kristin Hinshaw, Addie Keeton, Shan­ non Umberger, Christina Robinson,Jen- nifer Cornatzer, Wendy Brown, Cherri Moore, Ben Edwards and Ryan Foster. Not pictured: Rebekah Phillips. - Photo by Robln Fergusson Class Remembers Scott Angus At '<Graduation’ IJy l.uuru W llliuins*Tm cy Davie County Enterprise-Record ' Friends who gathered at ihc funeral of_Scotl Angus Friday heard a song splected by his parents called ‘ ’Graduation.** :jh e songis not aboutagradualion complete with caps and gowns. But God's commencement with a robc and a crown. _ As lhose same high sclxxil students gather this wvek in black graduation robes, a single chair w ill he left emp­ ty for Scott, who de.spite his two-year battle w iih leukemia, would have graduated this week. Mis parents. Janicc and Ronald Angus. willaccept hisdiploma. His fellow classmates w ill wear ribbons "in"lus memory. .IiiM I.ikv (M fier Ki.is • Despite lhe illness. Angus tried lo mainiain a i*>rmal lifesi>le. lle went u> svhoo) >kk and never eomplaineil ahoui the pain. He even kept hi.s position on the ~ ~ r ~ _ varsity footfall tvam. lfh e was too weak to keep up with the other player.s, he stayed alter praclice to finish his laps around the track. **He was determined that ifhe was going to l>e on the track team then he would giv.* as much as the othvr guys.'* his mother said. Scott and liis parents lried to .soothc l)ie coaches* fears about Scott play­ ing in his condition. A iu l in September lte was allowed to play a few minuics at a game. But ihosc moments ofglory did not encourage Scott ata>ut his chanccs for “ A fter that game lv knew he wasn't as strong as he thought he was, His buly could'iu< do what he lhought it could," his mother said. Scoirlcam ed o f his disease two years ago alter battling llu*like symp* ioms for scNcral weeks. He started chemotherapy right away, atul sjvm many days throwing up at school. Tw icc a week he would leave school Pteame See Teen - Page C12 Jan,cc Angus reads poem by Scott's classmate.Students wUI retnember Scott at graduation. C2 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORI>, Tlmmlny,Jimc 3.1993 DAVIE HIGH SCHOOL - CLASS OF 1993 i ^ 1 !•i r A m a n d a D a n ie lR a u G re g o ry C la u d e L o r iH e a th e r R e b e k a h L y n n S o n y a D e n is e Y o n n ie R e n e e T o n y a L o u is e A lle n A lle n A lle n A lle n A llts o nM e lis s a A lle n A tte n A lte n ys&&w%8$i M ic h a e l T h o m a s A n n e s s a R en e e P a u l J o s e p h B illy M ic h a e l A n d e rs o n A tk in s B a rb e r B a m e s Christie Dawn B a m e y Good Luck To Our Graduating Class of ‘93 LLUii Davie County Chamber of Commerce And Members C ooperating for a Better DAVIE COUNTY Congratutotions Class of 1993 Best Wishesfor a very successful future. ^ ^ ^ Crescent Electric *4 0 Membership Corp. 317 Sanford Ave., Mocksville 634-2136 Davie Supply Co. 1469 N. Main St., Mocksville Phone: 634-2859 T O T H E G R A D S MOCKSVILLEAUTOMOTIVE 634-2944 727 S. Main Stre3t Mocksville, N.C. { ' ^ (At The Overhead Bridge) Congratulations On Your Achievements CrownV/Drugs ConGRADulations On Making The Grade! Wc Know You'll Mcct livcry Future Ch;illcngc W ith Suixcsv ,ircj gradu.iicx and their proud famm ct o 9 o ' v * > J SALISBURY MALL I Hwy. 70 a! Jako Alexander Blvd. Salisbury Westwood Village Shopping Center Be,muda 0ua, shopping Center Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Rd. Hwy. 158, Advance Clemmons ^ ^ _ - ^ _ ^ — ^ ^ — ^ - ^ — WAY TO G0 SENIORS! Handi Cupboard 1, 2 & 3 1 . Hwy. 801 at River Bndge • Ctfiieomee 284^141 2 - Hw/. 501 Ptarw • Coc'e*mee 284-2823 3 • hwy. £01 Mcrth, acrcss frcm rizza Hut. Mcc<5wie 634-7797 Spillman's Auto Parts Mam St., Ccdeerree 284-2551 or 284-U54 For All Your Tire Needs! Custom Pipe Bending All the best to you, Grads! May this be the beginning of A LIFETIME OF SUCCESS! ~M Fleet Financenter 1021 Yadklnville Rd., Mocksville, NC Squire Boone Shopping Center PHONE 634-3596 Congratulations Class of ‘93 J.P.GreenMillingCo, Mocksvllle 496 Depot Street 634-2126 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdny,June3,1992 -_C3 DAVIE HIGH SCHOOL - CLASS OF 1993 S h a w n M a tth e w T o n y F r a n k lin S a r a J o B a m e y B a r r B a r tle tt S h e rr iL y n n B la c k w e ll S a n d y D a rle n e J e J ffre y H o u s to n T h o m a s W illia m C h ris tin a S p r in g R o d e ric k N e il B e a u c h a m p B e c k B e c k e r B e ll B e rry R o b e rt W a y n e P a tr ic k F. B r y a n G ra y A la n B re n t B la k e B te d s o e B o d fo rd B o g e r K e lly R en e e P a m e la R e n a P a tty D a rle n e B o g e r B o g e r B o lin A m a n d a E la in e D e n is e M a rie J ° n M ic h a e l B o s tic B o y d B re w e r E r ic a N ic o le B ro w n B o b b y R a y B u rto n .Ta m ic a S h e re la S h a n e C a se y S u s a n M a rie C a in C a m p b e ll C a rp e n te r A m y D e n is e C la rk K ir k H e n ry C le a ry Q u in tin A . C le m e n t C h e ry l Y vo n n e C lin to n A n tw a n C o b u m C o c k e rh a m a m iL e e o le m a n J e s s e E u g e n e J u lie t L y n n C o te m a n C o n n o r C ry s ta l D ia n n e D a r r e n K e ith C o o k C o o k WE SALUTE B ra d le y D u n n C h a p m a n C h a d B ra d y C a rte r We Salute Davie High Class of ‘93 F U R N I T U R E (ritfliincitJ Corneri l l l ; i L j t i , , J W ' M ; f L 1 lC . am> DIAMOND COLD CALLERl HALF PRICE! FREE Gift Wrapping 634-3747 Guy's 14 Karat Gold Hoop Earring Next To Wal-Mart Diamond Earrings 88 SALE! Diamond Earrings Reg. S20 $gaa Djvit Jtwtbrt Gold Ball Earrings $499 14 Karat Dlam ond-Cut Rope Bracelets | ICE EARRINGS FOR HIM *99i S Pink& * * * Lavender Graduation Charms 0*k/#Jew#fs0«vf# Jewe<eri DtvitJtwtitrt 14 Karat Ropes 16"...Sale 59 18"...Sale *69 20"...Sale ‘79 18 inch 14kl. Herringbone Piw#J#wtwrs K a re n C h ris tie R e b e cca N e ll D a rb y W illia m C o o k C op e C o rre ll P a u la D ia n a J a m e s W rig h t K a th r y n V B e th S u z a n n e A n g e lia C o rre ll C oukton C o z a rt C ro tts C ro w le y M iitth e w W U lia m C r y s ta lG a il S te v e n C ra ig A p r ilD a w n D a u g h tre y D a v is D a w s o n D a y w a lt C o ry L ee A d a m T h o m a s A la n C o re y D e W a yn e D ee se D o rs e tt D u lin r J a m e s A r th u r 1 E b rig h t . fy . C la u d e tte W. E d w a rd s f t W illie C la re n c e D a v id N e a l E lm o re E s s ic Ste p h a n ie A n n e A n g e lia C h ris tie A a r o n S c o tt F a h n e s to c k F e a s te r F e n d e r N ic k y W a y n e C ry s ta l D a w n . : : F is h e r F le m in g T a m ic a F o o te G re g o ry D a le ^ ^ G w e n F o rb e s Foster C h r is tia n C. B e n ja m in W. F ro e lic h ^n>e S a n d ra D e n ic e J o h n K e v in N e a l A p r il M a rie G a llih e r G o o te b y G o rd o n * r *121 N. Main Street Mocksv!lle, N.C. 634-3418 d flod Luck, and Best Wishes, Graduates. FULLER WELDING 601 South Mocksville Phone 634-3712 _______ < x & s :> .m , ^ ^ 0 'k > the future hold manv successes! Central Carolina Bank 148 W ater Street, Mocksville Squire Boone Plaza, Yadklnvllle Rd., Mocksville 6 3 4 -6 2 6 1 Cooleem ee Shopping Center, Cooleem ee 2842542 Best Wishes Graduates! We Wish You Success In The Future! Eaton Funeral Home N. Main Street Mocksville. N.C. Congratulations Ctoss of 1993 S $ ^ ^ y > * - . - , For Your fosurance Needs ' Georae McIntyre Sam Nknols James Foster Richard Bazaar Ron Manon We wish you the bestforthefuture! Davie County Farm Bureau 977 Yadkinvllle Road Mocksville, NC Phone: 704-634-6207 w e > u j ' u b u o u u ; e i L . , , Furches Motor Co. 225 Depot St. Mocksville NC Phone 704-634-5948 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thun,duy,June 3,1993 - C5 DAVIE HIGH SCHOOL - CLASS OF 1993 Elizabeth Jean Sherry Graves Gray Jason Sanford Michelle Leigh Green Gregory BradteyHall Kenneth DonaldWayne WendiLee Groce Charles Groce Grubbs, Jr. Gunnoe HeatherDawn JoshuaMilton EmestCliffbrd Christopher Hampton Hardin Hargrove Neal Harris r i ' J g ; - r Tbmmy Wayne Brandy Michelle Amy Jo Harris Harrison Hatley Chad Merrill Helton VISION GEO STORM h W lT H O U R N E W C O M B I N E D S H O W R O O M W E O F F E R E V E N M O R E V E H IC L E S T O S E L E C T F R O M i D I X I EJEEP/EAGLE1 8 7 3 - 9 0 9 4 1-40 West, Highway 21 North • Statesville (behind saoebiush and Ace !toiriwaie) B e ll& H o w a r d C h e v r o k t,h x c . 5 * T H E P E R FE C T G R A D U A TIO N G lF T l G R A D U A T IO N IS A M ILE S T O N E . G lV E Y O U R G R A D U A T E A G lF T T H A T F lT S T H E O C C A S IO N . . . A N E W C A R ! C o n g r a t u ( a t i o n s T 0 T 6 e 9 & z v . . . 1993 Q rads Good Luck, Success, Best Wishes, And Congratulations For Your Excellent Achievement! Foster-Rauch Drug Company Wilkesboro St. Mocksville, NC Phone 634-2141 GRADS *93 NO W TWO LO CATIONS M O C K S V I L L E S A V I N G S B A N K , s s a 232 S. Maln Sl.. Mocksvilte • 704-634-5936 Hwy. 158 at 801, Advance • 919-940-2420 Congratulations 1993 Graduates AmyYelton Sandra Galliher Cheryl Cobum It is with great pleasure that I recognize the above graduates with a $500 scholarship each. We wish them the best of luck and success for the future. J.D. Bell, Owner GOODTIME. GREAT TASTE: Highway 601 Mocksville * mEZ ™ ” s = r — « * “ - s f - * - s = r * " '.Hendrix, Jr. Hemdon Hicks ^ ^ ----- ; l ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ Mamie Reba RobertMichael Jonathan TerryDale CaseyLeigh • Jimmie GiUxrt Michael Ray DiannaSue Jackson WayneJames Jarvts Jenkins Huff Hutchins 6 ""65 Bryan O'Neal EllynVictoria ThomasAaron *>nnuJean Johnson Johnson Johnson Jones Jason Edward JenayLanette Christopher Jjffrey Scot Keaton Keaton AlexKeller Kimel 'tkendra Dawn Marcus WesleyInnis JamieLee kimmer Franklin King Krause Lanier Tina Sue Lanier Tammy Jean Heath Lee Lankford Latham Congratulations ToThe Class of 1993 John McDaniel & Sons, Inc. Hwv. 61 South Mocksville, NC 704-634-3531 You Deserve to Celebrate! Lots of hard work went into getting that diploma. We're proud of your achievement. Miller’s Restaurant 634-2621 MocksvllleInt. 601 & 64 Jahir Genaro Lemm Here’s to the Class J ' of ‘93 YORK EXXON WAL*MART SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Brad Van Hoy has been selected to receive a M.000 scholarship liom the Mocksville Wal-Mart store. We are vory pleased to award this academic scholarship to such an outstanding student. Brad plans to attend the University ot North Carolina at Chapel Hwl. SggSaS p o s te r ’s $ e fo e le rs 171 N,MainStreet 634-2737 Best Wishes For A Bright Future t s THOMSON CROWN WOOD PRODUCTS Bethel Church Road - Mocksvllle 704-634-6241 'Jonathan Lemm Christina Jamie Rene' Kristen L. Lynn Linville Livengood Long William Brian Jason Riley Long Luffman Tracy O'Neall Wendy R. Lyons Mabe Congratulations Class of 1993 Ca*gtow 6tlm GiodtuUw w DtbfiBrow)Groci Chitouno/Diyie DemocnticPirty The C obbler Snop, Inc. Squlre Boone Plaio f704^34^16J Joy Elizabeth Jennifer Leigh Debra Lynn Markland Maxwell Mazingo ■Thomas M. Magallanes 1 ‘93 G ra d u a te s GinaLeigh HeatherR. Mwhelle Lynn McClamrock McDowell McHan : , ffl Michael Ray :Mazingo !: : , v > v : ^ D a v ie A u to P a rts 346 Wilkesboro St. Mocksville, NC Phone: 634-2151Katharine C. McKenzie AmandaDawn Bradley Lee AsWey Canady Meadows Mecham Meisner ib f ig r a t u k it io n s BETSY L. COCHRANE ,V.C. Seiuite JULIA HOWARD ,V.C. House O f Representatives _ ^ - ^ r * K - * 'r '■• ■ . - . - ^ ^ ^ ^ E ^ S i^ " B ^ W :wtir**;**" •**-•*• 't •;. • .'vV :*..v:v;;v* **»*"*•:)'\\:'jJ DIANE FOSTER County Commissioner June, 1993 Dear Graduates, JEFF HARRISON CARI. BOON County C onim m ioner County Commissioner JOE LONG I.ARRY HAYES Countv Commissioner County Commissioner HENRY SIlOUE 0(D tfils KEN IK)GER Clerk o f Court Congratulations on a major accomplishment! A high school diploma is something to be proud of. You have worked hard for many years to reach this milestone and the Republican Party salutes you for this accomplishment. As you plan your future, please remember that you can play an important part in the future of your country by becoming involved in the political process. The Republican party en­ courages you to register to vote and vve invite you to register as a Republican. But regardless of the party with which you choose to register, vve urge you to become familiar with the issues, the candidates, and to vote in the upcoming elections. Once again, congratulations and best wishes. Sincerely, THE DAVIE COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Sherrie Renee Allison Marie Merrell Miller Miller RandaRJason Carol Michele MelindaDale TimGodsk Moon Moore Mortensen Amy Elizabeth Betty May^ Myers Myers He*ccaLyn> * m B u m * S T " ™ * £ ™ 0'2V,oI Myers Neos neely CassieGray MandyMicheUe RonnyDean DavidWayne .-: “ ^ ^ -— ■ Owens,Jr.O'Neal O'Neal M is ty K a y * h o m * S * e W | ^ S f * " “ ^ ^ " " ' Page Patillo Payne Pegram Jason Harold Crystal Dawn Phelps Plott . i Dana LuRae Shannon Lee Angela C. Potts Pratt Price Angela Dawn Lisa Diane Price Reavis Matthews D. Reavis JeremyE. Redd Eric Jason Reeder Melissa Daum Tamara S. Jason Earl Rennix Rhynehardt Rice C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s Class of 1993 We wish you the very best of luck and much success!! Shores Plumbing & Heating j. 1485 North Main Street i Mocksville 634-5653 _____________ JeJfrey S. R ich ards Gerald Mark R. Roberts Anna Louise Robertson Jeanne S. Robertson Jeannie R. Robertson ConqiatuLationi C[aii O f ‘93 Proud to be a Member of the Community 1500 Yadkimille Road MocksvUle, North Carolina 2702N 704-034-7310 C o n g r a tu la tio n s 1 9 9 3 s Katharine’s HALLMARK SHOP Salisbury M all 637-2280 Congratulations 1993 Graduates Bring This Ad For ^0% OFF All Services .’Good Thru June 30,1993 Welcome Jo Out New Employvtt • C faw / CvuJt f Create an Jmaflej Salon M479 N. Main St., Mocksville fOpen: Monday - Saturday 634*5005 Good Luck To The Class of ‘93 From ... •Life • Health Best Wishes 1993 Graduates! •Home •Business Steve Ridennour. Agent BONANZA MOBILE HOMES 704-634-5959 700 Wllkesboro Street Mocksville 300 South Main St.- Grubb Prolessional Blttg. Mocksville, NC 27028 d llC t0 h * > Bus. 704-634-0669 :/ l l l 5 i m C Res. 919-998-5094 > DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1993 - C9 , DAVIE HIGH SCHOOL - CLASS OF 1993 ^ CindyJeanette Todd Daniel RoyaIl Rumple VaterieNtehote SusanGarratt Michael A. BrandonE. Sales Schuyler Schwarte Scott Krysta Yvonne Wendy M. Scott Seamon Shirley Renee Seats KristieDawn Senger Anna Maria Sharpe MistyDawn Shell TracieLynn Shinault KETGfflE GREEK BAKERY Ne*t lo W*lmsrt n n A c o A ft i> n ^VV'l'^!"Je*'^2'?Moekivllle 704*634"9147 Frl. 9:30 6 S*t. 0-5 phillip Lee Shoaf Tammy D. Shores Shirley Anne Meghan B. L*>ri Suzanne Sine Rose Sipprell Sluder Angela C. Smith Eric C. Smith Jeffrey Drew David Wayne Brent A. Smith Snyder Spry GRADUATION... An ending, but also A beginning. Good Luck Class of 19931 Hoechst Celanese Salisbury, NC Manufacturing Excellence Through • Quality • Pride • Technology _ ^ ^ . m Hoechst I iA * J fr* i \ f - v . t e U ^ u E S S M i've done a great job Graduates! Congratulations and best wishes for a brightfuture. DAVIE FLORIST 613 Wllkesboro St. Mocksvllle, N.C. 634-2254 Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday ^ ^ ^ 8 j 0 ^ j n K t o j ^ 0 0 V j J ^ f r t w n d a y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,* < £ , * k J \4$M r f% d L 4 i K Our Hats Are Off To The 1993 Graduates We salute you for a job well done. “Your vote is your voice in America” The Davie County Democrat Party Paid (or by the 0avia County Democrato Party, Doroyiy Giaham, T/eas. Heating & Air Conditioning Company, Inc. CewgtafoMiew> 1993 Gwutoales! COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL OFFICE PHONE: 998-2121 24-Hour Emergency Service . , , _ , . The Davie Couniy Enterprise Record, wilh die help of area businesses, salute lhe Davie High School Class of 1993. A D O U t 1 flLS T|,is special seciion is dedicated to Uie seniors, and includes a photograph, when available, of each senior. The list of _ potential graduates was complete as of Friday, May 28. So look through this section, and congratulate any of theXSSUB • • • graduates you may know; and take special notice at ads from arca businesses that made this issue possible. 50 million people take comfort in it m T m ^ m m ^ A ^ m ^ ^ B ^ * . Melissa Marie MtchaelWayne BrianScott ? ^ ^ ieM- " o , / a n m d , N ^ , , = S 3 S r - ' s r ^ * ^ T w t o rStadsing Steelman StocKton i l : i B f i ; 1 i H F f l H l A H ® H9S ifflW ^ ^ * ^ ™ , . M«.hP»e Bradley Todd Michele Lisa * c = H ^ ™ « « " ' S E T * - 2 ? ^ S * « * * * w : Thompson Tilley Thomas Allen KathyMarUme ^ £ L y n n Vines Walker Walker Sammy Gene Wendy Kay Waller Walk jon Hennts Ward Jennifer Leigh Weir BractteyShane W h i t a k e r Brandon Eric ^ 6 David Whitley Wilkins Angela Kay Williams wnhf>rt Burton MarcusPatrick Paul Jennifer Matthew S f r L Womack Wondracek Leigh Witeon BnceWiteon WinJrey N O T P I C T U R E D IS R A E L J A M E S A N G E L L E V O N F O W L E R N E L S O N B R A D L Y S A M M O N S L A B R O N K E N T R E L L D A L T O N J A N N E B . B O R R E S E N T R A C I A M A N D A B L A L O C K B R E N D A K A Y B A R N E Y S A N D R A L Y N N E S T E V E N S R O N A L D L E E T O W N S E N D W P .T.TA M D A V IS G R A D Y C H R IS T O P H E R M A R K S M T T H J E N N Y M E L IN D A S H E P H E R D R A N D Y L Y N N S H E E T S P A T R O A W . R IL E Y C H R IS T O P H E R R A Y J A R V IS G L E N N E R V D S I R E A V IS , J R J O H N H U B E R T M O O R E , J R S A M T H O M A S M A N O O G U V N J R Brain Power .. I c H A R L E S E . M iL L E R , J R . \ n ^ H ,.h -s b ri^ ,s e n iorsw e.,e c ^ o n a ^ ny K * W m RennU. Lori S,udcr. Brad Van Hoy an r,u ^ K Q O N E Z to -^ S S ^ = K S S r ^ « ^ ~ H Crystal Dawn ZimmermanPenny Anne Young Amy Taylor Yelton AmyLynn WorkmanStacey Yvette Wood D I)AVIK COUNTY KNTKRI'RlSB RECORD,Tlmrsdiiy, June 3,1993 - Cl! DBS Seniors Eam Over $350,000 Ln Schoterships Davie Higli School seniors were rewarded wiih more iltaii $350,000 wonli of scholarships last week al awards day. So were their parents. For the first time, the cer­ emony was held at night, giving Uic parents a chance to sec their children receive the scholar­ ships. ■ "Wc felt like that you nced to bcrcwardedbysecingyoursons and daughters being rewarded,” said Principal Robert Landry. "To the students, this is your nightto be rewarded as you strive towards academic excellence." More than $350,000 in schol­ arships have been awarded at Davic High, by local civic groups and businesses, as well as by colleges and universities. More arc expected. "lVsacompliment 10 you - the faculty, students and parents," Landry said, ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, BETA MU CHAPTER MARY W A LL SEXTON M EM O R IAL SCHOLARSHIP Lori Sludcr ARM Y KOTC SCHOLARSHIP Thomas Becker CATAWHA COLLEGE SCHOL­ ARS AWARDS Rebecca Cope Tommy Hendri\ D AM E HOARD OF REALTORS James Coul$ton DAV|ECOUNTYARTSCOUNClL Jason Luffman DAVIE COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL OFFICE PER­ SONNEL LU C ILLE T. RANDALL M EM O R IAL SCHOLARSHIP Tina Linsillc DAVIE COUNTY CATTLEMENS ASSOCIATION Coitie O'Neal DAVlF. COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Wendi Cunnoe Donna JoncsAngic Price D A V IE CO UNTY RETIR ED TEACHERS KriMcn Long DAVIE CRAF7 ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP Thomas Johnson DAVIE SERTOMA CLUB Krista ESSIC SCHOLARSHIPS Krisi> Bamhaidt <graduaie ‘l)2) Je>>e Cofcnun Slati D^ughtrc> Kri%icn Long Lori Sludcr Jju)i) Tomhctlin K;itiiu Wagncr (gr.tdu* NC TEACHING FELLOWS Mc1- i>vaRenni\ PEACECOLLEGEMUSlC,LEAI)- ERSHIP SCHOLARSHIPS A*h!ey Mcisner RJR N A lllS C O N A TIO N A L M ER IT SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIP Grcg Al(cn RJR VOCATIONAL SCHOLAR* SWPJoyMarttand STUDENT C O U N C IL A ihlcy Meisner UNC-GREKNSUORO Sandra Gallihcr US AIR SCHOLARSHIP Heaiher McDowell W AL-M ART FOUNDATION Brad Van Hoy ; WINSTON-SALEM STATE UNI­ VERSITY Adticnnc Mus$cn WOODMEN OF TH E W O R Ll) SCHOLARSHIPS Loti Atlvn !)f>.tn Dodford Exon Fouler Beit> M>cr> Jason Tomhcrlin M O CKSVILLE*DAVIE HOME BUlLDERSASSOClATtONSamJamv> MOCKSVILLE-DAV|EJAYCEES JamieColeman M O C KSVI|.LE-DA VlE YOUTH llA S K ItA LI. ASSOCIATION Bubba Coleman MOCKSVILLE LION'S CLUII C, FRANK STROUD, JR. SCHOLAR- SHlPAnncssa Atkins M OCKSVILLE ROTARY CLUB Sandra Gallihcr V:ll>n Johnson Heather M cD o*tll Hrad Van Hoy MOCKSVILLE W OMAN'S CLLB S A LLV S O U TH A LL COTTEN SCHOLARSHIP Mclissa Rennix MOCKSVILLE W OMAN’S CLUB COMMUNITY COLLEGE SCllOL- ARSHIPTina Lmvi!le M O R EH EAD FO UND ATIO N NORTHCAROI.INAMEHlTAW ARD Brad Van Hoy NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY/ I)ETACLUBBrad Van Hoy NORTHCAROLINA A 4TS TA TE UNIVERSITY ACADEM IC/FOOT- HALLSCHOLARSHIP Kevin Govl>hy NC ELKS, LODGE #449 Dana Pom Melissa RcnnU Sandra Gallther Anne**a NC FIREMEN’S SCHOLARSHIP Dana Poits NC 4H DEVELOPMENT FUND SCHOLARSHIP Cassie O'Ncal NC GRANGE M UTUAL INSUR­ ANCE COMPANY SCHOLARSHIP Ell>nfohn*on NC NATlONALGUARD Dana Potts NORTH CAROLINA STAT E UNI- VER SlTY W OOD PRODUCTS ® $ s s . ^ Davie High School scholarship winners for 1993 include, from left: row 1 - Melissa Rennix, Cheryl Cobum, Annessa Aikms,EvonFowler,KatinuWagner,BettyMyers,TinaLinvil!e, Angie Price; row 2 - Donna Jones. Jason Luffman, Brandy Steelman, Cassie O’Ncal, Ashley Meisner, Wendi Gunnoe, Rebecca Cope; row 3 - Jenay Kealon, Susan Schuyler, Krysta Scolt, Mamie Isaac, Malt Daughlrey, James Coiilston, Bubba Coleman. Jami Coleman; row 4 - Kendra Kimmer, Sandra Gal!iher,SamJames,ThomasJohnson,GregAllen,EricWilkins, Jason Tomberlin; raw 5 - Brad Van Hoy, Heather McDowell, Amy Yellon, Jennifer Weir, Dana Potts, Lori Sluder; row 6 - Ellyn Johnson, Adam Dorsett, Bryan Bodford, Kristen Long, Dianna ljames. - Photos by Robin Fergusson SCHOLARSHIP h n tn Cuulilon l:nc Wilkim ELROSHIP { t W W ITIIXCSU A M ) KUROfiKAWER) Eric W illim E V A X fiE I. C(>I.I.EOE IIONOR SCHOLARSHIP, M LStC SCHOLAR- SHIPChenlCobum FARM INGTON RVRITAN Lori Alien Malt Daughirc) Teny HoyIe and Robert Landry congratulate Brad Van Hoy on merit award. FOREIGN LAN G UAG E CLUB SCHOLARSWPSusanSchu>]crHcatbcr McDo*cl! FUTURE H O M EM AKER S OF AM ERlCAjHF.RO SCHOLARSHIP BnnJy Sieelman GLEN N W H IT E TR UST, IN MEMORY OF W ILLIA M C. W HITE & M AGGIE H. W HITE Adam Dor*m HIG H PO IN T U N IVER SITY PR ESID EN TIAL SCHO LARSHIP KriMcn Long HUMANE SOCIETY OF DAVIE COUNTY Jennifer Weir JERICHO*HARDISON RURITAN CLUB KcnJra Kimmcr JIL L HELI)ERMAN M EM ORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Chetyl Cobum LE JOUR DES FEM M E CLUB l)ORETHAW H^ONSCHOLARS!UP Mamie Isaac Bviiy M )m LE X IN G T O N FURNITURE Rcbecca M ARS H IL L C O LLEG E GRAYSON SCHOLARSHIP Jenay Kcaion M A R TIN , VANHOY & SM ITH H ISTO RY SCHO LAR SHIP Jason Tombcrlin M CDONALD'S SCHOLARSHIP Chcryl Coburn Sandra Galliher Amy M IT C H E L L C O M M U N IT Y CO LLEG EDianna Ijamcs DanaPous P R E S ID E N T IA L A C A D E M IC H TN ESS AW AR D S: SAR AJO BAR TLETT.TH O M AS B E C K E R . A D A M D O R SETT. D A V ID ESSIC. B R IA N LO N G , HEATHER M C D O W E LL. BR AD M E C H AM , D AN A POTTS. M E L­ ISSA RENNIX . JEANNtE ROB­ ERTSON. JASON TO M BERLlN> B R A D V A N H O V . M A R C U S W O M ACK T A N D Y T E C H N O L O G Y S C H O LA R S (A C A D E M IC TO P T W O PER C EN T) A D A M TH O ­ M AS DORSETT. ELLY N VICTORIA JOHNSON. HEATHER RENEE MCDOWELL. DANA LURAE POTTS. MELISSA DAWN RENNIX3RADLEY TODDVANHOY TANDY TECHNOLOGY SCHOL- ARS-O UTSTAN DIN G STUDENT AW'ARD BRADLEY TODD VANHOY AMERICAN OUTSTANDING HIS­ TO RY AW AR D (G IV E N UY WOODMEN OF THE WORLD) SA- RAH BAHNSON SERVlSTAR A L L AM ERICAN VO CATIO NAL STUDENT JASON DAY OUTSTANDING DRAM A STU­ DENT ACCEPTED TO G O VERNO R'S SCHOOL AND STATE FORENSIC COMPETITION FOR STO R Y TE LLIN G AMBER PJTTMAN : C o n g ra tu la tio n s l^ f c G r a d u a te s Class of 1993 Swicegood-Wall & Assoc., Inc. 300 South Main St. • Mocksville • 634-2222 ~KutlrHcldermaiirdaughtcr-JanetBa!l, firanddaufihter Brlttany Ball In glvlng scholarship to Chcryl Cobum. CLASS OF 1 9 9 3 Good Luck For The F u tu re ForAII O f Your FlowerNeeds Call... Sister*s II cf Mocksville Florist & Gifts 1039 Yadklnvlllo Rd. Mocksville, NC 2702B 704-634-1782 CU - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1993 Janlce Angus, Scott's mother, arranges the car collection ln hls room. Teen Wanted To Be A Normal Student Continued From Page C l at|cr three classes arnl dn\ e to Bap- list Hospital in WinsUxi-Salem for blcxxl work. H c'd rush h x k to x f w l in iim e for fifth periixl. ffhc dix*asv responded well and wcnt into remission. Ho|>e. Then Uisuppuhitnwnt A fter last fallN fooitull perfor­ mance. Davie K iyh's Number 70 learned ihat the disease was hack. The treatments resumed, and ihe side effects were >vmdimvs so hud lhat his legswiHjld swell and he could hardly walk. Only a fcw times did he return to school aftcr homecoming, just to suy hello to his friends and pick up assignments. .ln January , he entered the hospital f<v >evcral grueling day s o f radiation ireatiiK*nl to k ill his btxie marrow cells heforedt<tors atien^ted a mar- row tran>pUnt from his younger hrvthcr. Hrun. The trarbplant went well, and Scott's bod> did not reject the new hone marrou. But at his 100 da> checkup thU A pril, vxaiil> two years since the lir't dugnoNs, dt<tors ctiifinncd th.it the cancer a*l!s were gn>wing again at an alarming rate. “ Scott knew there was nothing they could do for him ."' Angus >aiJ. and he put his fate w iih God. Despite pain, he visited his grand­ mother in Fh>rida for the last time in A pril. And the fam ily tiv k a trip to the zixi on MothcrN U a\. SvtW refux- eU to u v a wheel chair. In the last weeks, he would go to church in C<*>lcomce. and while in tremendous pain, he would pick up the children so they could reach the walcr fountain fur a drink. Scott liw xl fi'e weeks. Sup|xirt Knitn (<t>cl. Comm unity Angu> said her family remained strong during Scott's illrvss and after his dcath because o f faith in Gtx! and >trong comnuinity suppm . The family did not have health in- xurance when Scott tvcame sick. While hills for ho>piLdi/alion and treatment nk>unted. the familv aNo needed helpi>aying for h*spital park­ ing and iiK*aK at the ho%pil.tl caf'cferia. Angus said a friendlv M ixksville gas attendent refusal to taKc a S5 pay - inent for gas she pumped to make ilic trip to WiRxton-Saleni. The family received m<wcy anonwikUi>ly from Sundu> schitil classes. Angus said Sci>tt rewived some m oney through M edicaid and Children's Special Hea1lh Serv ices to puy fur the two years o f treatments. And white the fam ilv hasn't yet received a hill, the average cost for a hone m arrow transplant is S250.000. As for eiik>tional support. Angus said Scott and her family havedruwn >trength fr itii their strtxig religious c<>nvivlii>ns. The hardiN pan w ill he missing Sci<t today, sh.* said. But Angussuid she issure she w ill see Scott one day in htsncn. *"Dying is not the wot>t thing that can happen to you. He is at the feet o f the Lord. What more could you want for v tv r child?” Mrs. Angus holds one ofher son's projects from a technical drawing class. It's Tim e To C E LE B R A TE ! Good Job Graduates! Designers Loft Yadkinville Rd. • Mocksville 654-2318 MILESTONE! ^ / - > ^ y f c . " * - A , ' ^ y ^ 5 > X You finally made it. You’re a high school graduate. You could say you made it over the first big hurdle in life. There will be many more to come. We congratulate you on your successes, and wish you more in the future. D A V IE C O U N TY ENTERPRI/i#ECORD Congratulations Graduates! ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET LUNCH DINNER $J99 S ^ M Kgtttucky to e dChicken. 1131 YadkinvNte Road Mocksville, SC Phone 634-2198 WELL DONE Class Of ‘93 i Graduation Is an Impotent milestone, Class of 1993. You have built a solid foundation for future achievements. GOOD LUCKI INGERSOLHRANP jCONSTRUCnON EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 68 Mocksville, N.C.. /.L .^ .../<-. .U ,1 - An EquaLQpgprtunilvEmpJoyefM/F DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdny,Junc3,1993-C13 O W O C £S N'OUR r »V»om \ * * > « % G n O W ? - A ~ " " JcfTReav1s dons hls graduation duds in class with Danctta Lcwis, Ashlcy Rubin and Lcannc WalIacc. • Photos by Robln Fergusson Jeff Reavis ls Honored W ith Graduation llJ l.iiiira W illiam s-Tracv jobs is to take the class's money 1n D3vie County Enterprise-Record ilic lunchru>m, Along the way hc ; visits other teachers and runs errands )»st like ihe270gradu;tfcsofDawe for thcm. H(gh Schori ihis >ear. Jcfl' Reavis Hism othersaidsheissureR eavis w fll don u black and orange gradiia- is ready for work at Ne\v Hori/ons lion robe and wear a piinted eap. Hntetpriscswhengraduationisovcr. And like tlkv oilier> his parents w ill Finding a sitter for a retarded person pmudI> watch the ccrcn*my. van he difficult. she said. And sinve feut Reavis, who is scvcrly retard- he lias worked at the sheltered etCand attends Movksville M iddle workshop ftc the disabled during two SJhool's developm ental class. sum iners.Reavishasa!readytnade graduationw asam uehittircprivate friends therv. "*The workshop has ev*cnt. becnhcavcnsent.*!shcsaid. Reavis' teachers Tammy Bragg. Reavis said she and her husband Rtilh Johtwm and Mona G riffin Carl would he at tlie ceremony l'ri- planned a spvvi.il eerenx)ny at the day to see thcir son nioxe to the ncu >vhovl Friday for his fam ily and stage o f his life. >vhdo!faculty.Reaviswustoreveive “ 1 think about what could ha\e a cOrtificate made hy ht> teaehers. been and w lut is. H c \ missed a !ot. Before the event Friday, his b u lh c 's h a d a lo tto o ." m otfwr. Connie Reavis, said that alflwugh he um Idn't talk. Reavis was w el|uw are that.this was his speeial d;^C; *'l,know k".s eu*ited. You van see it jn his actions,” she xiid. 5irice he was 6. Reavis has attend* ed'publie selux>l for developmental- ly'disabled students in Davie Coun- t>J A ccording,Bragg. slate law enubles retarded students to remain in!school until they are 21 and arc ready to enter a sheltered workshop nrtoiher program. |*lt"s important for everyone to have a cerciu>ny for schml and make it a big deal.” Bragg said. Reavis is the only graduate o f the ;Vla'ss this >ear.; There are seven students in his class ranging in age friirn 6 to 21. i **We joke with him beeause he thinks he's bad. He*s a senior."* Bragg said. yvith age. Reavis has matured and Teacher Mona Griffin helps Reavis get his cap and gown to fit just right, hefomc a dependable number o f the vl;(ss, Braggsaid. O neufhis favorite Cochrane ChaBenges DCCC Graduates DavidsonCountyConummityCol- a d u lth ig h jd io o ld ip lo m a . M ocksvillc. associate in applied M oeksville. adult high sehool cgji's 2Uth annual commencement Tam m y Diane Bracken o f science degrvc. associalc degree iuir- di|il<ima; Aitgie M ic!tellc Loinait of ;.<cdkis<f.s were held Thursday. May Cooleemce. adult high school sing; Peggy A nn Cowden o l M oeksville. adult high sehool 20|,*:it the college campus in diploma: Janivc Marie Davis o f M ocksville. associate in applied diploma: Miranda Marie Marrs o f Lexington. Cm )leeitiee, adult high sehool sviencedegtve,paralegalteehnology: M o cksville. adult high school *Scn. Betsv L. CiKhrane o f Ad- d ip lo m a ;T im o th y S e o ttH a g u e o f J a n e tA n n C o /a rio fM i> c k s v ille . dip lo m a : R ita Jo M a rtin o f varice.thegraduationspeaker.cn- Cooleemce. adult high school gcncraleduauionaldcvcktpmcnthigh M ocksville, general educational cotiragcd the students to live balanc- diploma; and Gary L w Jacobs o f sehoul c<|uivalency diploma: Sliena development high school ci|uivalcn- cd.*'ineaningful lives that included Cooleem ce. adult high school S u sa n E a stcro rM o cksvillc.a d u ll cydiplom a:DonaldSalvatorMaurice tinwforvvoik,recreatiou.fricndsand <liploma. highsclnM )ldiplom a:C rystall.ynn o f M ocksville, adult high school fam ily, andinvulvem enl in their A ngela Lyn Barnhardt ol' ncrgusonofM ocksville.adtilth igh diploma. coiiiimmities. M ocksville. associatc in applied sehooldiplonui;E vclyn M ayF eltof M ary Trances Patterson o f * science degree, medical record M ocksville. general viliicalional M o cksville, mJuJl high >vhoi>l DCCC's 1993 graduating class in- icchno!ogy:Thnmas Edward Barren- development high school cquivalcn- diploma: W illiam Franklin Phillippe clu3ed: Robbie Elaina B<wttehcr o f tine o f Mocksville. general educa- <-'>' diploma. Jr.ofMik:ksville,genendeducational Advance.adu!tlnghsclim ldiplom a; tional developoment higit schiHil C onnie V icto ria G aylor o f dcvclopmcnthighschooU*<iuiva!cn- DonnaKayBurtonofAdvatice,adult equivalencydiplom a:Jtyce Powell M o cksville, adult high school cydiplom a;P aulaM asienP ow ellof high scliiK)l diploma*. Christopher Boggs o f Mocksville, udult high diploma: l1iillip M iclwcl Mall o f M ocksvillc. adult high school Todd Cantrell o f Advance, adult high scluxil diploiui: Charles Alnn Boyter M ocksville. adult high school diploma; Roger M artin Powell o f schtiol diplom a; Gregory Todd o f M ocksvillc. adult high school diploma: Kelly Charlene Head o f M oeksville, adult high school CaflcrofAdvancc. adult high school diploma: Tcrrcncc Wayne Brown o f M o cksville. adult high school diplom a; Grace Ct>|v Pratt o f dipV>ma; Kathy Am i Culler o f Ad- M ocksville. general educational diploma: Glen lilw o u l llia tl o f M o cksville. adult high sehool van£c. adult high schui| diploma; development high school ei|uivaIeit- M ocksville. adu!t liig li school diploma: Jane( M arie Watson o f Sluy*n M ic k a l Page o f Advance; eydiplom a;ChristalUivvrncBusbcc diploma;/XthleneBlankcnshipHicks M ocksville. general educational ad u jlh ig i)tth o o ld ip lo n M :Jo h n n ic o f M ocksvillc. adult high school o l M ittksville. atlull high sduMil (levelo|)m enihighscluM jc(|uivalen- R aoS tiiderofA dvancc. adult high diploma; Tlures;i Mayliew Church o f diploma: Jeffrey David James o f cydi|ilom a:AngelaReneeW hitaker school diplom a; and C indy M ocksville. adult high school M o cksvillc. adult high school o fM o cksville .a ssivia ie in a p p lie d Beauthamp Trivetle' o f Advance, diploma: Mary Kennedy Collett o f diploma: l.avada Angell Umning o f science dcgrvc. paralegal technology. C O NG R ' , LLATI WE LOVE Jeff Reavis ls proud to havc graduated froin school. Caps & Gowns K ciiitclli Kvruuson (irailiiatus W ith M erit Km m Nuval Academy Kcimcth t.. Ivrguson. smi o f M r. aiul M rs. John ^ ^ J ^ ^ | ^ 8 Ferguson o f2 IV R iverk'tul Drive, Advance. ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ H graduated withm erit from lhe U.S. Naval Academy ^ F ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B on Wednesday, May 2f>. and was comissioned an * i ; " /;'p ^ ^ H ensign in the U.S. Navy. Ivrguson graduated w ith B * ^ f M | H a 3.56 grade point average, finishing 1 l7th out o f E ^ j _. / y f f M 1.051 gradu;<es with a b;fhc1or's degree in physics. R ^ - k * ^ g a ^ B 1 le was pn:sident o f tlte Naval Ac;*lemy Chapter g Q S g h ^ 3 ||^ l o f the Natii<ial Bigte Scout Asscx:iiUion. oversee- H ^ ^ ^ ^ H ing scouting activities at the academy and serving ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ H troops natiixiwide. .. At the Naval Academy, Fergusin hail four rc rg tis o n years o f academic, physical and professional lruining. M ilitary prepara­ tion, a fundamental clcmcnl o f tlv educational program, is conducted through(Kit each year and during summers. Emphasis is on m ilitary leadership and physical fitness. Ferguson attended Davie HighSchool. graduating in 19S9 from the N.C. Selxx)l ofScience and Math in Durham. He w ill be going to Pen­ sacola. Fla.. in the fall as a student naval llight officer. Klvc Kr<iin I>.tvie C inm ty G ratluale Froin WiU<e Forest University Five Davie residents at Wake Forest University were awarded degrees on May 17. Kim Allan Newsom Jr. o f Route 3. Advance earned a bachelor's Laura Anne A m in o f Bermuda Run earned a bachelor's degree. Christopher Todd Frye o f Riwle 5. M<X'ksvillc earned a master's Sherri Annette McDuniel o fR u itc 8. Mocksville. eamedabachelor's John Benson Rowe o f 156 Vine St.. M ocksville, earned a master's Tvut Frum l)av!v K itrn U e K rm Krom lllu h l*oI:it U niversity Sara Amanda McMahan earned a bachclor's o f business administra­ tion and evoitmiics degree and Timodiy Blake King earned a hu-helor*s degree in industrial and organizational psychology from high Point University. A(lvuncv W nm an Iutrns Law |X-gree From Sum fortl U nlvvrslty Am y lilena G alliiuire o f Advance was aw-urded a law degree from Samford University, Birmingham. A la.. duringcommcn<x*mcnt exer­ cises on May 22. M m iricv Todd Atw ood Karns Degree From Carson-Newman Maurice Tixld Atwix>d o f Advance was aw arded a bachelor's degree in political science from Carson-Newmun College. JefferM>n City. Tcnn.. on ,NLiy 8. He is the son o fW ilm a J. Ward. Tw o Front l)axie Aw ardcd Degrees From UNC A t Greensboro Two I>ivic studenls at the Uniwrsity ofN onh Can>lina ;i Greensboro wcre awarded degrivs May 16. Andrea I:. W alserofRoute 2. Advance, graduated withhonors with a bachelor's degree in human development and fam ily studies. Heidi C. Kluge o f Rtule I . Adv;mce earned a bachelor's degree in management and marketing. M k'havl L . HtmcM Graduates From Kent Scl*i<il ()fS <K ial W ork Michael L Howell, sui o fM r. andM rs. Ronakl Howell ofGlad>tone Road. C(H)kvmee. has graduated from the Kent School ofSocial W ork. University ot' Louisville. Ky. with a 4.0 grade point average. He w ill work as a therapist w ith the regional youth center in Jeffer­ sonville. Ind.. and w ill live in Louisville. Ky. K lglit FriKtt DavIe lu irii M ltc h ril Commum'ty College Degrees The follow ing Davie residents were awarded associate degrees from M itchell C<>mmunity C<tflcge. Statesville, on May 28: M arvin Rivers Atkinson, l-aron S. Baughman. Rounna Cromie Canter. Kathy Ann Daywah. Jt4m Bradley Ratledgc, Michelle Annette Riddle, Russell lid- ward Tucker and Tracy B. W aller. Angela R. W hitaker Eutrns Parulepil Technol<vy Associate Degree Angela R. Whitaker, daughter of Sonya and Bobb<> Whitaker o f Route I . Mi>cksvillc, has earned an asstviate degree in paralegal technology from Davidson County Community College on May 20. She is employed by Attorney Dan T . Womble in Qemmons. Clm d Davld Uluckvu-Idcr Karns Degree From UNC-Asheville Chad David Blackwekler, son o fL lo yd Blackwelder o f Moeksville and a l (J88 graduate ofD avie Higlt School, has earned an industrial and engineering management during the University o f North Carolina at Asheville's May l5coim ncncen«nt ccremony. Ten From DavIe K tirn Appalachian State University lXgrees Ten Davie residents earned degrees from Appalachian State Univer­ sity. B<xmc. on May 15 and May 16. Andy Ray Atkins o f M ocksvillc graduated with honors with a bachelor's degree in music, music education, and instrumental music education, grades K -I2. Erid T. Eaton o f Bermuda Run graduated w ith honors with a bachelor's degree in history, secondary education. Kim berly Ann Bolling o f Advance earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education, grades K-6. Jerry Daniel Callahan Jr. o f Bermuda Run earned a bachclor's of business administration degree in marketing. Karen E. Hall o f Mocksville earned a bachelor's degree in elemen­ tary education, grades K-6. Haywood R. Hendrix o f M ocksvillc earneda bachelor's ofbusincss administration degree in infornution systems. Annette W . Johnstone o f M ocksvillc earned a master's degree in English, education and secondary school tvuching. Douglas Landon P<tls o f Mocksville earned a bachelor's o f business administraik>n degree in management. Pamela Joy Stapf o f Mocksvillc eamed a bachek>r's degree in special education, karning disabilities with a m inor in music. 8llt Aimual R ust & D ust Show June 41h-61h At The Pfafflmvn Comimmlly Center 6200 Ya<lkinvllle Huy. • Pfafftowii, NC • Antique Cars • Trucks Tractors & Engines F!ca Mnikcl & Crafts New Toys Kiddy Antlq|io Tractor Pull Traclor Pulls Siiliiixlay • I :()(IPM Frl. & Sal. • C:30PM » Sunday -1:00PM g ADWSSMW: $2°° ChUdrenUnder12FREE N C14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRl'RISE RECORI), TlmrsUiiy, Junc 3,1993 I Dance ensemble, |azz ensemble and flag team award winners at Davie High Include, from |eft: Crystal Davis, most valuable flag; Cheryl Coburn, most valuable jazz ensemble; Krysta Scott, most outstanding flag; Ronda Swaim, most outstanding dance ensemble; Greg Forbes, most improved jazz ensemble; Jill Rowe, most improved flag; and Rhonda Patillo, most improved dance ensemble. Not pictured: Penny Young, mostvaluable dance ensemble. Late Spring Can Be A Busy Time In Garden ''o * $ ; " ■ - 4 . 'ii5 S ^ 3 , . I. i w 'ja g B m i i P * r 'tuMV- / ;^i$fe.- L v y ^ ^ s % >k v d > B # 7 h 5 w K ^ S N ^ £K 5 @ f f l P $ - A S > - > = 3 * M W ' ^ • f c ^ ^ T 7 p V f V '^ * * - f # ^ n M ^ > ^ 9m 1 ' \ \ . . ^ . -? ■ & < . m . v -_____^_______________^ Davle High’s top band awards went to, from left: Greg Allen, Louis Armstrong Jazz Award;.' Annessa Atkins. John Philip Sousa Award; and Aaron Fender, Service Award. — Photos by Robln Fergusson M ost o f D avic C ounty's homeowners that havc a home or­ chard have survived a taic frost and w ill havc fruit this season. Homeowners nccd to protect trce fruits from inscct and diseases now in order to havc fruit later this summer and fall. Insects are out in force and can ruin a fruit crop quite early in thc season, said Darrell Blackw elder. N.C. Cooperative Extension agent. Davic County Center. • Fniit trees need to bc sprayed on a regularschcdulewithasprayof fun­ gicides and insecticides. • Captan and sulfur arc thc fungi­ cides generally used on trcc fruits. Malathion or mcihoxych!or arc the insecticides oficn uscd. s A prc-mixed home fruii spray is most practical for those w ith a small orchard. These home fn iii sprayscomc blended with fungicidcs and insccti- cidcs in one m ix. Home fruit sprays are usually sold in farm supply stores or retail outlets. Homeowners u ilh a large orchard may find it more economical to buy the pesticides separate and blcnd their own mixture. Fruit trees nccd to bc sprayed on a regular basis, about cvcry 10 days. Consistent spravs w ill give constant protcction against insects and disease. Read instructions carefully bcforc spraying. Call the Extension Service at704-634-6297 forhclpw ithm ixing or spraying insecticides. Apple trecsstricken w ith fireblight nccd to have infcctcd !inihs and tw igs removed to kccp from spreading to next ycar'sgrowth. Pruncrs nerd to be dipped into a solution o f bleach and water to prevent spread o f the bacte­ ria. M ix the solution I part blcach to 4 pans w ater. D ip each tim e an infected lim b or twig is cut away. Failure to saniti/e thc pniners could spread the disease over thc entire tree, Dlackwclder said. Heavy fruit sct is a burden to fruit trees. Peach trees tend to sct a tremen­ dous amount o f fruit, especially this scason.Ovcrhalf the pcach fruit nccds to be thinned to produce good quality fruit. Un-thinncd trees don't produce more pounds o f fruit,just more small fruit that w ill not ripcn. Lim b breakage is another problem caused by cxccss fruit. Excess fruit weakens thc health o f thc trce inviting inscct and disease problems. Pcach fruit nccds to be thinned now while the fruit is about 1/2 inch in diam eter. Rem ove fru it that is misshapcncd, inscct damaged or hail damaged. Thin lhc fruit to approxi­ mately 6 inches apart. Plums also respond well to thin­ ning. Thc fruit should bc thinned 4 inches apart as soon as possible. Apples usually drop cxccss fruit during thc growing season. It is un­ necessary to thin apples. f c n * W .El Band awards went to, from left: Tim Fisher and Tom Williamson, most improved_ sophomores; Jeannie Robertson, most valuable senior; Steve Desch, most outstanding junior; Katie Desch, most outstanding sophomore; Wayne Davis, most valuable sophomore; Ryan Foster, most improved junior; and Tommy Becker, most improved senior. EverfttSonMMfyM! FRIfNOS D0N'1 lil fRIENBS DRIVf DRUNK ::ti K ' i •• c-:i North Carotons prefer to receive ^ j i ) ath ertisiiig inserts iii ^ their locai newspaper. Thu m.ijoriiy ol Xm tli ( ‘atulini.tns pivlvi in ic tc iw ;uUviti>iit,u inscit** in llivit ncwsp;ipur ralhvr lh;tn hy n u il; So. if ynii'ic liK>king lor ai>lom vis. wc know ;i pl;uv w liviv youi iu>lom vrs ;uv looking lor you... In their ncwsp;ipvr. Y o u v ;in v o u n ttm u s . North Gnvhms Coimton TheirNewqxqm! i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECOKD,Thursdav.June3,1993 • C15 PU BLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA OAVIECOUNTY CO-EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE • Having qualified as Co-Executn*es o! the Estate ol Sallie 0etl Bal1ey Carter. 2eceased. late ol Davie County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having :ialms against said estate to present them o the undersigned on or belore the 27th Jay ot August, 1993. being three months iom the first day ol putKcaUon, ot this iot<e will be pleaded In bar ol their recov* iry. All persons indebted to sakJ estate wilt >iease make immediate payment to the indersigned. This the 27th day of May. 1993. FrankieC. Everhart. Route4,Box 1008. .e*ington. NC 27292 and Lydia C. Lynch. t825 Spilsby Lane. Winston-Salem. NC *7104, Co-Executriies oi the Estate ol 3aflie Bett Bailey Carter, deceased. 5-274tnp toRTH CAROLINA XAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ol the ■state ol SiMy Edward Markland. deceased ite ol Davie County, NorthCarotina. this Is 3 notify aK persons having d a m against aid estate to present them to the under* tlgned on or before the lOthday ol August. i993. being three months fromthe lirst day il publication or this notice wtfl be pleaded n bar oi their recovery. An persons in- tetited to said estate will please make wnediate payment to the undersigned. This the 6th day ol May, 1993. Esther C. Kenney. Route 1. Box 534. idvance, NC 27006. Executrix ol the Es- ite ol Silty Edward Markland. deceased. -6-5tnp ORTH CAROLINA AVlE COUNTY EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol the State of Margaret Jane Todd Lakey, de­ based. late ol Davie County, Nonn arotina. this is to notify alt persons having aims against said estate to present mem ithe undersigned onor belore the 3rdday I September, 1993, said date being at •ast three months from the date ol first ublcation of this notice, or this notice will e pleaded in bar of their recovery. A!l ersons indebted to said estate win pleaseykefmediatepaymeftttotheundersigned. This 3rd day ol June, 1993. the same tting the first puN<ation date. Cecil Lakey. Executor of the Estate ol Margaret Jane Todd Lakey, deceased. Law Offices of Grady L McOamrock, Jr.. J.D.. P.A. P.O. Box 1144 Mocksviile. NC 27028 Telephone: (704) 634-7502 6-3^tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ot the Estate ol Margaret Frye Hendricks, de­ ceased tote of Davie County, North Caro­ lina. this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the27th day of August, 1993, being three months from the first day of publication, or this notice wiU be pleaded in bar ol their recov­ ery. All persons lndebtedto said Estate will please make immediate payment to tne undersigned. This the 27th day ol May. 1993. Edward Gray Hendricks Jr., 2302 Can* nonball Road, Greensboro. NC 27455. Ex­ ecutor ol the Estate ol Margaret Frye Hendricks, deceased. 5-274tnp CASH For Homeowners Credit Problem s Understood NO APPLICATION FEE 24HR.PRE B * S10,000 for S98/M on. 3 * S25,000 lo r S246/M on. * S40,000 tor S394/M on. Fixed Rates 800-669-8957 u T * j* > Need A Home To (a Your Own? Need A Place To Put tour Ca$e! m o . Need A Vet To Treat Your Pet! SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PUBLIC NOTICE In order that the N C. Department of Transportation comptywith House Bill 1063 as ratified by the 1973 Session ol the General Assembty of North Carolina, rep- resentatrvos ol the professional staff ol the Department ol Transportation and the Board ol Transportation Member lor the Ninth Highway Division will meel with lhe Davie County Board ol Commissioners at a public meeting beginning at 2:00 p.m., •June 7,1993. in tho County Commission­ ers Meeting Room ln the Davie County Administration Building. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss and advise, with the Davie County Board ol Commis­ sioners and other citizens present, pro* posed plans and proposati torthe 1993-94 SecondaryRoadConstructionProgramfor Davie County. The proposed program will be posted in the Courthouse lor public review beginning May 24. 1993. as per G.S. 136-44 8. 5-27-2tnp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Pubhc Hearing will be hekJ by the Davle County Board of Comml$stonorson Monday. June 7,1993, at 2 30 p.m. in the Commlsstoners’RoomoltheOavieCounty Administration Buildmg, 123 South Main Street. Mocksville, NC. to consider the appf<ation of Cooleemee Volunteer Fire Department to linance tne purchase ol a used lire truck. Approval by the County of Davie ol such toan and purchase is re­ quired by the Techn<al Correction Bill en­ acted by U.S. Congresj in October. 1988. All resklents and otner Interested per­ sons are urged to appear and express their views concerning tne proposed toan and purchase. BrendaB Hunter Cierk to the Board Davie County Commissioners 5*27-2tnp NORTH CAR O LIN A D A V lE C O U N TY ADM INISTR ATO R CTA NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator CTA o f the Estate o f Nellie Dyson Kim m er. deceased Iale o f Davie County, North Carolina, this is to no­ tify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before the l3 thdayof August, 1993, being three months from the first day o f publication or this notice w ill be pleaded in bar o f their recovery. A ll persons indebted to said estate w ill please make immeidate pyament lo the under- Thisihe l3th day ofM a y, 1993. Dewey David Kim nier Jr., Route 9. Dux 413, Mocksville, NC 27028. Administrator CTA o f the Estate o f Nellie Dyson Kimmer, deceased. 5-134tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVlE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Havmg qualified as E*ecutnx of the Estate of James Odell Smith, deceased, tate of Davie County. North Carolina, tnis is to notify ail persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the under­ signed on or belore the 3rt dayof Septem­ ber. 1993. said date being at least three months from the date of first publication ol this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 3rd day of June. 1993, the same being tne first publcation date. Elaine H. Smith. Route 2, Box 145, Advance. NC 27006. Executrix ol the Es­ tate ol James Oden Smith, deceased. John T. Brock Brock&8rock. P.A. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 347 Mocksville. NC 27028 (704) 634-3518 6-3^tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate opt James Monroe Wofford, de­ ceased lale ol Davie County, North Caro* Una, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 27th day of August, 1993, being three months from We lirst day of publication, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recov­ ery. Alt persons indebted to sak) Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This ihe24thdayofMay, 1993. Margaret W. Royster, P.O. Box 94, Cooleemee. N.C. 27014. Martin, Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksville. NC 27028 5-27-Mnp NORTH CAROLtNA OAVIECOUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of L. Raymond Twyman, a-k-a L.R. Twyman. deceased tote ol Davie County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having tiaims against said estate topresent them to the undersigned on or belore the 27th day of August. 1993. being three months from the lirst day of publication, or tnis not<e wtll be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day of May. 1993. M. Kathryn Twyman. 3326 Bermuda Viltage. Advance, NC 27006, Executrix ol the Estate ol L. Raymond Twyman, de­ ceased. 5-27-4tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ol the Estate ol Rehard Allen Vmes, deceased, tote ol Davie County. NorthCarohna,this is to notify aU persons having claims against sakj Estate to present them to tne under­ signed on or before tne 27m dayof August, 1993. being three months from the firstday ol publcation or tnis notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Afl persons in­ debted to said estate will please make immedale payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day ol May. 1993. Elizabeth Massey Vines. Route 2. Box 337-A, Advance. NC 27006. Executrix ol the Estate ol R*hard AHen Vines, de­ ceased. 5-27^tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVlE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTICE Hawig quakfied as Admm*trator CTA ol tne Estate ol Lee Maynard Seatord. de- ceasedtote ol Dawe County, North Carolina, tnis is to notify all persons having tiaims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before tne 27tn day ot August. 1993. being three montns !romthe lirst day of publ<ation, or this notice wtU be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will ptea>e make vnmedtite payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day of May, 1993. Kim H. Seatord. Route 3. Box 351-B, Advance. NC 27006, Adnunistrator CTA of tne Estate of Lee Maynard Seatord. de­ ceased. 5-27~»tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVlECOUNTY CO-ADMINISTRATRIX CTA NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Administratrix CTA ol the estate ol Susle Elto Walker Rankin, deceased tote ol Davie County, North CaroUna. thti is to notify all persons having daimsagainst said estate to present them to the undersigned on or betore the 20th day ol August, 1993. being three months lrom the first day of publication or Vtis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovary. All persons indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Thls the 20th day of May. 1993. Mary Sue Lane, 601 HiHcrest Road. Apex. NC 27502 and Ann R, Frick. 442 N. Main Street. Mocksville. NC 27028. Co* executcrs CTA of the Estate ol Susie ERa Walker Rankin, deceased. 5-20-4tnp NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator CTA ol the Estate of Grace Evelyn Groce Felmster, deceased, tote ol Davle County. North Carolina, thls ie to notify all persons havingcialmsagahstsaidEstatelopresent them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day ol September. 1993. being three months from the first day ol publication, or this notice will be pleaded ln bar of their recovery. All persons todebted to said Es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day ol May, 1993. Larry Felmster. 4453 Lockhurst Drive. Plamown, NC 27040. Martin. Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksville. NC 27028 6-34tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYEXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualihed as Eiecutor ol lho Estate of Annie L Aie*ander. deceased, late of Davie County. North Caroima. this is to notify all persons havmg claims agamst said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of August t993. bcmg three months from tne lirst day ot pubhcation. or tNs notice will be pleaded m bar ol their recwery. All per­ sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 20th day o1 May. 1993. Charles E. Ale*ander, P.O. Bo* 371. Cooleemee. N C , E*ecutcr of the Estate ot Anme L Ale>ander. deceased 5-204tnp TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE WlLKES80fl0ST. CURB, GUTTERAND SIDEWALK ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Mayor and Board of Commission­ ers of the Town of Mocksville will receive sealed b(ds at the Town Hall (171 Clement St.,Mocksvi1le. NC 27028) unlil 12.00 noon on Wednesday. Juno 16.1993. Each bid will then pubticfy be openedand read aloud In the commissioner's meeting room. Project Description The Project generalfy consists ol provi­ sion. installation and constructon ol ap- proximatefy 1.400 linear leet of 4’ wide sidewalk undertoinwith51 olcrushed stone and includes approximately 1,400 linear leet ol curb and gutter (2'-6* wide) with driveway entrances, handicapped access ramps, driveway (and walkway) tie-ins. storm sewer tie-ins and gradmg of adp#n- ing towns. The contractdocuments maybeviewed attheTownManagefsoftice(l7lClement St.. Mocksville) or the office of the Town Engineer(773 SanfordAvenue. MxksviKe. NC 27028). Copies ol contract documents may be obtained from the office ol the Engmeer lor a lee ol $25.00 that is refund- able to any indwidual submitting a qualified bid. The project will be awarded onfy to a contractor property licensed under Chap­ ter 87 ol the General Statutes ol North Carolinba. The Town of Mocksville reserves the rightto waive any informalities and to reject any or all bids. By: Terry L BraMey, Manager Date: 6-1-93 6-3-1tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ol the Es­ tate ol Ivan Harding Cope, deceased tote ol Davte County, North Carolina, this is lo notify an persons having ctoims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day ol August. 1993, being tnree montns from the first day of pubi<atK>n. or tnis notice wtll be pleaded in bar of their recovery. An persons indebtedto said Estate wUi ptease make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day ol May, 1993, Norma Jean Cope. Route 4. Box 291, Advance. NC 27006, Executrix ol the Estate ol Ivan Harding Cope, deceased. 5-27^tnp ATTENTION MBEANDWBESUBCONTRACTORS LARCO Const. Co. Is soktimg quotatons lrom MBE andWBE subcontractors lor the State of North Carotina DOT Project No. 5 611196inForsythCounty (US601) The project entails Road widening, millmg. re- surlaang, thermoplastic pavement mark­ ings, pavement markers, and trucking Quotations shouW be in by 6/14^93. Inter­ ested MBEAVBE Subcontractors should contact Bruce Greene at P.O. Box 16279. W-S. NC 27115 or caU (919) 767-3500. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qua!ilied as Administratorol the Estate ol Wiiitam G. Smith, (also known as W<lham Grimes Smith, William Smith, Bi)l G. Smith and B<ll Smith) deceased, tote ol Advance. Davie County. North Carolina, me undersigned does herebynotify alt per­ sons. firms andcorporations havingclaims against the estate of said decedent to ex­ hibit themto the undersigned at PostOtlice Drawer 84, Winston-Salem. North Caro- bna 27102, on or before the 3rd day of September, 1993, or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations indebted to ■ the saidestate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This We 3rd day of June. 1993. RebeccaG. Smith. Administrator ol the Estate of William G. Smith, deceased. Wombte Cartyte Sandridge & Rice Post Office Drawer 84 Winston-Salem. NC 27102 6-3^tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVlECOUNTY INTHE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTfCE Superior Couri Dwision Before the Clerk 92-SP-115 Nancy Potts White (single), Petitioner VS. Arthur Potts and wile. Mary Lee Potts, Ctorence Eugene Potts and wile, Connie S. Potts,Jes$ie Marvin Potts andwile, Kay S Potts. Joanne Potts Stroud and hus­ band. Newman Dudley Stroud, Debbie Potts Bledsoe and husband Theodore Bledsoe. DavtdLee Potts andwfe, Cynthia W. Potts. Annette Potts Bledsoe and hus- bandGary Bledsoe, Pameto Potts ShoMner andhusband Leonard ShoMner,Judy Potts Godbey and husband Roger Godbey, Brenda Sue Bledsoe and husband, Jimmy Bledsoe. Clarence Marvin Potts and wife, Angeto G. Potts, James D. Potts (single). Ruby P. Overcash and husband. Paul Overcash. Dorothy P. Westmoreland and husband James Westmoreland. Pauline Edith Mode and husband Albert Mode. James Freddy Cothren and wife Pat Cothren, and Julia 0. Baity, and Judgment tien creditors of some of the above parties, Buster Phillips, Don Harrold, Grant W. Jeffries. James Latham, United States of America. Treasury Department. Internal Revenue Service, Joel L. Edwards. M.D.. Davie Oil Co.. MocksvWe Buitiers Suppfy Respondents NOTICE OF RESALE Underand by virtue ofthe powerof sale contained in a certain Order of the Honor­ able Kennelh D. Boger, Clerk ol Superior Court ol Davie County, dated February 26,1993, the undersigned Com- misskmhr win otter lor sale at public auc­ tion to the highest bidder lor cash at the Courthouse door at South Main Street, Mocksvilte, North Carotina, at 12:00 noon, on me 11th day ol June, 1993. tond as improved, descnbed in me Petition Med in mis matter on August 18.1992, the same tying and being in Clarksville Township. Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particularfy described as lottows: Pafcel One: BEGINNING at a point in the Eastern margin ol N.C. Highway »601 righvol-way, J.M. Potts* Northwest corner, lhence wrth sati right-of-way North 73 feet to an Iron; thence South 80 degs. East 330 feet to a point in Thelma Caln tine; thence 2 degs. 30 min. East 50.5 leet to a point, Potts' Northeast comerin Cain line; thence North83degs. 30 mln. West 324 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing .5 acre, more or less as sur­ veyed and ptotted by S.L Talbert, R.S., May4,1962. For back title see Deed Book 64. al Page 633. also a portion of Davie County Tax Map C-3-8, dated March 28, 1978. parcel Two: A certain 2.7 acre tract tocated on the Eastern edge ol N.C. H^h- way 601, adjoining me lands ol Robert Davis on me South; Thelma Cain on the East and Wiil Truesdale on me North in CtorksvilleTownship. BEGINNING ataniron pintocatedinan oM road in me Robert Davis line 210 leet East ol the Eastem right-of-way tine of Highway 601 and 86.5 feet North 84 degs. 30 min. West ol an orininal comer, also known as the Robert Davis Northeast cor­ ner; mence in a Northern direction with me center ol oti road and Thelma Cain lire North l9degs. East 287.5 leet to an lron pin in center of said old road; thence again in a Northern direction with center ol oW road North 5 degs. East 135 leet to an Iron pin; thence in a Westem direction wrth WiH Truesdale lme North 84 degs. 30 min. East 323 feel to an iron pin in the Eastern righi> of-way line of Highway 601; thence m a Southern direction with said right4l-way line Soutn 412 feet to an Iron pin in the Eastem edge ol said right^f-way Robert Davis'Northwestcomer,thenceinanEast- ern direction with Robert Davis' line Soutn 84 degs. 30 min. East 210 feet to THE POINTAND PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 2.7 acres, more or less as sur- veyedby S.L Talbert, R.S. March 4.1962. For back title see Deed Book 64. at Page 556 also a portion ol Davie County Tax Map C-3-8 dated March 28.1976. The beginning bid is S5.300.00. Tract II: Parc*l One: BEGINNING at an iron stake on me West side ol U.S. Highway efi01, said stake being 465 leet Northward from the Robert Davis tonds, runs thence witn me West side ol Highway «601 North 4 degs. West 62 leet and North 5 degs. West 138 leet to an iron stake; a new comen mence North 48 degs. West 271 leet to an lron stake in me Hne ol E H Barnard; mence South 3 degs. 30 min. WestwiththelineofE.H.Bamardtoaniron stake; mence South 84 degs. 30 min. East 307 feet to me point and place of BEGIN- NiNG.containing 1.33 acres, more orless. For back title see Deed Book71, at Page 252. also a portion ol Davie County Tax Map C-3-7. dated March 28.1976. EflttfiLLtff: BEGINNING at a stone, comer ol Robert Davis and E H Barnard, and runs tnence Nortn 3 deg. 30min. East 465 leet to an iron pm; mence South 84 deg. 30 min. East 307 leet to an iron pin in me edge of U.S. Highway 601; tnence wttn U.S. Highway 601 South 4 deg. East 148 feel to an iron pin; mence South 200 leet to an iron pin; mence Soutn 2 deg. West 117 leet to an iron pin. Robert Davis hne; mence North 64 deg.30 min. West356feet to the point of BEGINNING, contacting three and five-tenths (3 and 5/10) acres, more or less, as surveyed by SamTaibert, October 14,1963. For back titie see Deed Book 69. at Page 141, also a portion of Davie County Tax Map C-3*7. The beginning bid is 55.300.00. SUBJECT, however, to any prior liens, enojmbrances. restrictions, assessments or taxes of record. Ten percent(lOS) of me amount ol the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee pending confirmation of me sale. This 20th day of May. 1993. Grady L McCtomrock, Jr. NCSB »7866 Commissioner Law Offices ol Grady u McCtomrock. Jr., J.O., P.A. P.O. Box 1144 Mocksville. NC. 27028 Telephone: (704) 634-7502 6-3-2tnp Heed A Heater For Your Two Stater? Find Whit You're Looking For in Thc Classifieds! tt'$ the first place to kxA »rtd th<? /a$t word on buying wlling or renting any item or $vrvice under the tun. When you're in the rrurket for jutt about anything at all...$o to the marketplace that has it all..,!he Cla$$ifiedt! Call 634-2129 TO PLACE YOUR AD Enterprise-Record A U C TIO N Tfcftttt^MrtJ^CotfrtM dKMywfdprop<ttyriOoujttdC^CMciI. SATURDAY JU M E 1g ,1 9 9 3 1Q:OOAM Lxaiion: In Da\ir Ccvrth • offPinesiUe RoeJ Frm Famin$lon uU HuntnilleRoaJto PinoiIIt RodJ. SaU *iHtxon theUftapproi. I lfi mi!ti. Followii|w. Auctionwr’s note: This sato contiiU ol some very rtce ntm hend craMd tumiture wftlaswmeantkyjeKtfnittf»,Thisi»one»atoyoudonotweffltomi».3 Somr ol lhe lltmi for S«k lnctudfi AnuQue Oik Bed. AnVQue Oak Ore$$er, Anti)ue Oak Chest ol 0'a*er$. 0U 0#wr BeH, Oavid Bta$ey Tractor & Equ<menL V/cker Fumitvre. Cannon Bal Bed, Patio Fumflure. Lots ol Whal Not$, Ch6ti Type Fieezer. Kenmore Washer 4 Dryer, 0< Lamps. Krtr/ Vacuum, Cap^ Area Rvg$, 55 gas. Fuel Dam (*tn pump). Oti Records 33 rpm (abum$), Oti Books, Lots ol Dishes, Hew Batr/ Bed, 1983 OtismcMe 6esel Wagon. 1981 Ponuac Boty N<e Sofa and other upholstered foflvtu/e, 3 H P. A> Compressor. {He*) Spindto Shaper. 4 inch Jointer, Maku Be8 Sander, Oti Tools, Hand Cart. New Oueen Size Pencl Post Bed, Some Oti Coins, Hew Pine Hutch, New Comer Huiche$, New Pne P« Sate wrth Beveted GU$s, Variety ol P<tures and Hand Painled rtems, Kermore Mawave. Gas Qnl. Dring Room TaWe 4 Chairs, Several Bcycies, TresOe Tatie (new). Baby Changng Tabte. Vdorian Comer char. Oti Mahogany Srg^ Bed NOTE: 1 old (W. Ollbert 167») W*lnut M*ntle Clock end 1 otd Seth Thcmas clock (wlth wooden works) wlll be sold by confirmation only. MANYUTIItK nt>tSlCX)KUMt:KOUS 10 MWriON! TKRMS: CASH OK AFPKOVM) CHECK • KK)DAVAll.AHl.K ON GK()LNl>SA iniN ieit^ii mh Mim H*AMAceniMieuuiiM'NiiiiwMuitnrAUirA<mxr M W # wuis y t l J i x i‘: Sato Conducted by Auctionoets: B ill Seats m 5. Doi 08 Mocktv>lfe, NC f'hone919-yj8-1217 NCALiS30 Bllly Seats m 5. Doi W'1 Mockivdle. NC l'twoti010096-3510 NCALi3277 RAIN OR SHlNE SATURDAY JUNE 5th - 10:00 AM A.P.S. BUILDING ♦ 5 Ac ± Real Estate consist ol 5 Ac +/• with 542' (ronting Lee Avenue & Zoned Comm. Jewel Steel & Block Insulation Bld. Central Air & Heat in 1t00 Sq.' offices with 3 baths, 2900 sq.' shop. Gas Heat & roll up Door, City Water & Sewage. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & TOOLS Gehl 4510 Skid Loader, Dual Low Boy 7>ailor, Small Till Trailor, Table Saw, 2-Cut OH Saws, 2*Transils, Compressor. Scafling, Hilti Nall Gun, Hand Ptaners, Hand Sanders, Doors & Windows. Space Heater, Small Tools, Used Cars, Tlre Changer, Desk & Office Fumtture, Stove & Relr. Filing Cablnets, phone System, Several Hospilal Beds, Wheel Barrow, Misc. Insulation, Brake Machine, Motor Stand, Bearing Press _________ BflflLEtiatiuAuctloned at 12 Noon & Sale confirmed dayof sale, requiring 10% Deposit, Balance atclosIng, appx. 30 days. Eouipmflnt at 10am • Cash or Good Check. Located: Yadtinv8e Hwy. 601 North, 1 fZ tnOe tott on Lee Avenue (School Bus Garage Rd. • beside Roystet)tosde. NCAL#1t13 Sale Conducted For TOMMY & GENE MILLER By Biirs A-R-A Co. APARTMENTS-REAL ESTATE-AUCTIONS BUI Miller, P.O. Box 970, Yadkinvillo, NC 27055 679-2988 NCAL#38848 •C16 - DAVIE COUNTV KNTERl*KISE KKCOKH, Tliuri<liiy.Jiinc 3,1993 eLASSOTBDS IM itx K rih isw w j BH0BTBBBEB fH Q a a ^ u s 3 M 2 FAMfLIES: 8am-2pm. 284 Coun!ry Lane. Babyclothes. sw rg and toys A M!le of everyjhmg_ _ _ 2 FAMILIES: Saturday. June 5.9 a m. untit. 664 West to Powell Road. Signs?________________________ 2 FAMILIES: Saturday. Somo fur­ niture. boys & girls clothes, men & womens clahes.. spreads, sheets, much moretoo numerousto mention. Cana Road ofl 601 north »i mile. 8 a m, until 2 p.m.________________ 2 Families: Saturday. June 5 at Center Community Shelter on Hwy. 64. Rods 5 Reels, little cars and glassware, tabte. bicycles, radios and items too numerous to mention.___________ 3 FAMILIES BASEMENT SALE at 101 Lakewood Drive 4 Park Avenue. Fri. 6 Sat.. June 4 & 5. 9am4pm. Also Sunday. June 6. tam-5pm. Jewelry, household appliances, lamps, clocks and much more.________________ 3 FAMILIES: Howardtown Road ott Cornatzer ftoad. Friday A Saturday. 3 FAMILIES: Saturday. June 5 1st bnck house on Oeadmcn Road. Look for signs. 9am-2pm______________ 4 FAMILIES: 203 Pine Street. Mocksville. Saturday. 8*5. L>sa Tnvette's residence. Oothes (small • XL), baby izm s. household goods, lots more._____________________ 4 FAMILIES: Saturday. 6am-3pm, 3 Center Street. Cooleemee._______ 4 FamWes: Saturday. June 5, 8 a m. until. Pine Ridge Road near Cooleemee. Lots ol good buys 5 FAMILIES: Fn..June 4.8 a.m. unt.l. Sat.. June 5. 6am-ipm. Home of Johnny Smith. Dulm Rd. otl Hwy. 158. Smiff> Grove. Baby equipment, clothing (infants, toddler boy's, men’s, women's), household items, glassftrass shelt, ski machine, odds and ends. msc.. etc....too much to mention. Ran or snme. Free cc<fee while it lasts Sorry no earty sales 5 FAMILIES: Saturday, May 5. 8am-2pm. l56WhitneyRoad inCratt- : wood. Baby dothes. adult clothes. ; sm. furniture, new makeup, odds & ends. Las o< bargains. Watch tor A.A.R.P. YARD, BAKE & CRAFT SALE. Satvday. 8am-tpm. Senior Center m Brock Buildmg. 622 North Mam Street ________________ BAILEY'S CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH: June 5. 8 a m. untit BARGAINS' Off 801 & Fork Bi*0y Road._________________________ BIG 4 FAMILIES: Fn., June 4 & S at. June 5,8 a.m. until. 1 family movmg. lots of household items, old records, etc. Clothes • mtant to adult. 801 across from Jerusalem Fire Dept. BIG YARD SALE at Walker's Laundry on Avon Street. Friday & Saturday. June 4 & 5. 8am-5pm. DESIGNERS LOFT: 740 Yadk1nv1lie Road. Saturday, June 5, 8am-2pm. DON’T MtSS THIS ONEI B.g com­ munity yard s ale and mini tlea market. Saturday. June 5 .8am-3pm (Ram date M 2 ), corner U.S. 158 & Farmingtcn rtoad at Earle's Auto Center. Selling space available 998-6422.______________________ FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY, June 4 & 5. 200 Avon Street. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. June 4 & 5. 330 Gwyn Street. 8 am until. . Hwy. 601 3 miles south of Mocksville beside Fnendly Center. Saturday. June 5. 7 a m. un6l. Children's clothes, toys, lots ol tools, weddmg dress, fawn mower ano much more. META BREEZE DRIVE: Friday. June • 4th. 1-6 p.m. Saturday. June 5. . 8am-lpm. 3 sofas. 1 sofa bed. end " table, sofa table, coffee tatie. dothes. • odds & enos. Come see ’.MULTI-FAMILY COMMUNITY YARD • SALE: Fox Meadows Development • olf Redland Road. Saturday, June 5. 1 8 a.m. until. H f f i E E & U £ M MUTfTFAMILY: Saturday, June 5. 7am-lpm. 10 miles west ol Mocksville on Hwy 64 at Pnsci1la's Hair Fashions W6-2121. SATURDAY, June 5. 8 a m. until. Household items, pictures, books, clothes, shoes, knik-knaks. videos, jewelry. 601 South 2 miles past Greasy Corner. Lett on Becktown Road. 1 mfeon right. Ram date June 12- ________________________ SATURDAY, June 5. 8am-1pm. Hwy. 801 in Advance near post 0lf1ce. Men's and ladies' clotting, some like new.__________________________ US 601 NORTH lrom Mocksville. ap­ prox. 6 mites, turn left on Liberty Church Road. Vtz mite on left. Blankets, bedspreads, lots ol good items. Sattfday. June 5. 9am-5pm. USED APPLIANCES & PARTS Washers * Dryers * Stoves Main Church Road. ',} m.le 601 North, Mocksville. 492-2201.__________ WILLOW OAK SHOPPING CENTER: Saturday. June 5. 8 a m until. Bun­ ches of clothes, shoes, household goods, etc. Cancelled it rammg COLLIE PUPPIES: AKC registered, ev ceiJent pedgree. wheip4/i5, large lit­ ter aiscount S150 each 341S Yance>vile S t. Greensboro Look tor pmk and blue bOfiS 919-621-9064 and 919421-6526 FREE COLLIE: lovmg. 1 year old. needs to roam on a farm. Loves kids 998-8803 ________ _ _ _ ______ FREE HOUSECAT to good home lt's house broken Call 492-7494 m the mornings p . H . ^ j n r e T ^ i i n 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT. S260 month, rent cniy 634-3941. Beaulllully lum lshed studio apart­ ments lndudes electric, water, gar­ bage, and sewer, only S334 per m onth. We also have 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, available. Pool, basketball courts, laundry and other amenities. Northwood Apartmenta. 704-6344141. MOCK PLACE: Semor Cittzens Atten­ tion! Now takmg applications for 1 bedroom units m Mocksulle. Semor Citizen complex next to Davie Coun­ ty Public Library. Rent based on in­ come. For information call 634-2005 or wnte: Mock Place. P.O. Box 690. Mocksvilte. NC 27028 Equal Hous­ ing Opportunity ________________ MOCKSVILLE » SUNSET TERRACE All Bnck Energy Etfic<ent Apartment 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances turmsh- ed includmg dshwasher. 1' 7 ba'>hs. washer/dryer connections High energy etf10ent heat pump provides central heat and air. Pre*ired for cable TV & phones tasuiated win­ dows 4 doors. No wax k1tchen/ba1n floors. Located m Mocksville behmd Hendrix Furniture on Sunset Dr ott of Hwy. 158. Ottice hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 704-6340168. B [ artment For Rent Gold G o ld l Sllver"Co!ns Rolex Watches P a yln | C iih Don’sFine Jewelers LARRY’S WOODFLOOR SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES IO w nsr: Lairy M cClenney 704/284-6032 S T E E L B U IL D IN G S Factory Sale 24x24 up to 1 0 0 x 3 0 0 Can Deliver And Erect Johnny - 919-3674042 u j p j y g p w * Saturday June 5th • 6:00PM * Cifl Cfowdtr: j Hummel 4 Goeoai F<jwrai. Ctfiectat* M*$< Bo*e*, Cfrttal F<9unne1. M Ati Griii. JetA* 0#en$. Rsutert, Coc*ware Set$, Pvceto Dob. Ouvu. Comfonei$ & Sneet Set$, Eieiwe Equ^mer;t Stere01. ftato$, VCRi, Ctocti, Camcor06i$. >«—m 4 tM<Q-< P»dM« hW 1« t*Wt NOW ACCEPTING APPUCAT!ONS lor two and three bedroom energy ef­ ficient apartments Rent s based on income’ Located at 300 Mil1mg Road close to schools, industry, and shop­ ping. Range, refrigerator, drapes or mini-blmds,outside storage mc<uded. For feasing informaton. pfease phone 704-634-2070. Equal Housing Opportunity.___________________ ONE MONTH’S FREE RENTt THE OAKS! One and two bedroom energy efficients apartments bcated at 268 Milling Rd.. Mock$viMe. NC. Heat pump with central air. washer/dryer connections, range, telrigerator. drapes or min-bl>nds. outside storage included Pre-wired lor phone and cable. 704-6^1-2070. Equal Housing Opportunity_________________ BEDROOM: with TV. air. bath and refrigerator. Private entrance. For a working male, 25 years and older. No dnnking. 634-7917. POULTRY AUCTION First Saturday mght is each month Ne*t sale wll be June 5.7 00 p m at Bill’s Auction House o1 Wyo Road on DanceHaJJRoad 9t^998-32t7 CAROLINA BEACH CONOO: Ocean view, i ' : batns, sleeps 4. cable, phone, watfier, dryer. pool. $375 per week 919-791-5788 FOR SALE 25 Acres on Old Hwy. 158 Call l.U. Randall 6 Howard Realty 634-3536 or 634-5629 , ^ _ F o r ^ ^ E / Z / % 4 *V PROPANE OAS, INC. Sming .Mo(lniIlt .ln</ /Xi>i> (*ounrt for J| )'tan iOtO West fnne$ Street SaH&ury. NC 29t44 f7W^3fro39l SMOOT Tho lami1y of the lato Bertha Smoot acknowledges with appreciation all the thoughtful deeds o( sympathy to them dunng their bereavement A spectaf "THANKS" to the staff and employees at AutumnCare tor your eanng assisianco the past six years The Children & Grandchildren FOR RENT: N Myrtle Beach. 1 block from ocean, ig swimmng pool. W/O fac. avail , sleeps 6. FAMILY ORIENTED, S425/wk Ca*l Jean or Don Pope 9l9-998-:330(h|, 9l9-766-8505<w) __________ N. MYRTLE BEACH: 3-BR. 2-BA patK) home Short walk to beach All amenities, rcludmg pod $600 per 2-BR. 2-BA Condom<mtm. N M>rt/e Beach Short walk to beach Aii ameniies. mciudmg pool $425 per Call Dr. Ramey Kemp. 634-5072 ^ 2 E E y H E Q S l JACOBS The lamily d the late Charles Wesley •'Shorty" Jacobs e*tend tne-r tnanks lor the many acts ot lo^e shown us through me vis;ts. prayers, flowers, food and the beautitui graveside ser­ vice given by Robert Creason and the Memonal Honor Guard D>st II at Legion Memorial Park. Cooleemee. NC. Jerry Jacobs George Of.'S Jacobs Sieve Jacobs Sisters', Brothers' and Grandchi'dren CHILDCARE IN MY HOME 1st shift. Pinebrook School District. 801. 2 miles lrom M 0 Full or part-time. Lunch and snack providsd. 998-2907. IN HOME DAYCARE lor any age. Full- time, part-time, or drop-ms. Flexible hours ano easy access to M 0 Call for more <nfo and rel. 492-5882. Lovlng Mother Of 3 has immediate openings m registered daycare home. Meab. love, and hugs provid­ ed Call 996-9537 ______________ NEED A TRUCK DRIVER for tractor trailer. 998^053. REGISTERED DAY CARE HOME has openngs for ages 18 months to 5 years Cornatzer Road, close to Shady Grove School. W5 weekly, in­ cludes breaklast. lunch and snacks Certified first aid and CPR CaH 998-7429 _ _____ _________ WILL KEEP CHILDREN m my home, first shift Provide breakfast, lunch and snack M ocksville area 634^866______________________ WILL KEEP CHILDREN m my home 1st & 2nd shift, also belore & after school Breaktast. luich. snack. W>li>am R Davie area 492-2013 ANYTiME' Homes For Sale EXTRA NICE-2-BR cotta^ on 8 plus acres Barn, out buitiings. pond Pretty place! Call Red Foust. Howard Realty, 63M 757 or 6^-3530 BY OWNER Hickory Hil Section II 4 Bedroom C0ntemp0ra7 . 3 full baths. 2 hail bams. 3,000 pkjs It. heated ftoor space. Screen porch, bnck patio, full length ol house approx­ imately 100 # wilh covered porch. Oversize double garage. Storage garage lor lawn mower and goll cart. Full irrigahon system, covered pier on take wilh storage toom. 315 water 1ront on 100 acre lake, totally land­ scaped. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! 998-4377 Mon-Thurs after 5pm. 634-5348. 9am-5pm. HOUSE FOR SALE: 166 Halander Drive. Mocksville 634-1445 Days. 634-3332 Evenings Donnie W aller Custom Cabinet Shop * Free Estimates * M0cksv1He. NC 6 919/998-5896 : TRACTOR SALES*SERVICE Parti Available Most Makes SINK FARM EQUIPMENT Old 64 W. a Peatree Rd. Leilngton, NC 1‘ 800 -2 5 8 -6 l1 3 o r 704-787-5138 CQWDEN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS ^7 o 7 ^ o n ^ u e e M T 'o c k s v ille , NC 2762B (704) 6 3 4 -1 4 9 3 (Leave M essage) * Interior 6 Exterior Palntlng * Oec*s * Porch Enclosures * Remodeling * Power Washini&FREE ESTIMATES 2 WILL KEEP CHILDREN >n my home Proviae breaklast. lunch, snacK. ac­ tivities. Deadmon Roac. 998-8303 SUMMER ONlY PREGNANT? FOR INFORMATION AfjQ HELP CALL LOVE LlfiE. 492-5683 omes For Sale 2 Houses and a Day Care Center Send letter ol interest to P 0 Bo* 1148, Mocx,svil^_ 4-Bedroom, 2-oatn. launary room, central air and heat. deck, pavo. shado l553sq tt m f.Vxksvilie city lim>ts 919-765-4690 __________ Country Road LOG HOMES 01 Oavie County See Moael Home 7U-634-5880 5.41 ACREScorner of H*y 801&Joe Road Days704^34-596l. mghts and weekends 704-787-5663 _______ 5.681 ACRES wooded. Buck Seaford Rd Mocksville area 55,000 PER ACRE 634-5852 after 6 p m N. Davte-56 Acres Woods. Timber. Pasture. Water. Nice small home. Prettiest ptice around Call Red Foust at Howard Realty 634-3538 or 634^)757._____________________ NICE ACREAGE TRACTS» Call Red Foust, broker; HOWARO REALTY 634^)757.____________________ OVER 1600 FT. RIVERFRONTAGE: 13-acres Land perks. BeauMul homeSites. Mr. Henr/ Rd . S W. Davie S75.000. Aubrey Realty, 1-7Q4-744-6080________________ RIVERFRONT LOTS: 5 1 acres each Perks, paved road frontage. $20,000/lot Owner tmancmg available with smaii down ana ap- provedcreat Mr Henry Road. S W Davie Aubrey Realty. 1-704-744-6000 MSM XXEfflSm PIEDMONT LAWN CARE: La^n mam(enance. mowmg, leat removal, snrubbery trimmed, piuggmg yard. iervii2ing ano reseeflmg, etc FREE ESTIMATES 998-209V LAWN CARE MoAing. Trimming. Etc 546-2147 Johnnie L. H ellard Hc*uua A U C T IO N S A L E Saturday. June 5th at 10.00 a.m. Estate of Ethcl D. 5wink - Deceased , P irttliom : from \to c b \itlr rjtr 64 W tiiptutC tnitrF ir< /Vpr . rum nghlonSheffltlJ | Rd. G o. 2 m ilf to C tnltr Circle, tum Uj'. on Ctr>ut C>rr!f, 2nJhi>utt pn lrft. lUmi To Be Auctioned: Upright Freezer, 2 Antique Beds, 11 HP Murray Rldlng Mower, Push Mower, Kerosene Heoter, Desk, Antique Couch, Swivel Rocker, Stereo, Straight Chalr, Rocking Chair. 3 Lamps, End Tables, Dishes, (New) Singer Portable Sewing Machine, (New) Steame^Cooker, and many other Kems not listed. NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE * Safcs * Files * Firc Proof Files Rowan Office Furniture ii8 N Van Sveev Sa' $xry. sC Phone: 704-636-8022 A LLPH A SES BOOKKEEPING Personal • Business Sm all Farms A Spccia!ty See:Joyce Rltchle H & R Block Wlllow Oak Shopping C *nttf MocksvIll^ NC 704434-3203 M ^ T O l ' g - . l f t | j . l j , W C & M SERVICES We provide all types of lavn service mowng lavsns. tnmmmg shrubbery cleaning lofS 704-634-5798, FREI ESTIMATES AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE f.tovvmg & Tnmmmg Aeasonab<e Rates Free Esvmaes Johnny Wyatt • 9984732 TUCKER LAWN CARE...Mo*ing Trimming, Mulch. Seoding ALSC Deck Buildmg Discounts tor Ser.io Citizens 996-7283 M E j J i i ' 1! ' ™ LOST: Yelio.v & v.hite large Tom-Ca' near Northv,oods Apts area Answers to Ma» Call 634-6345 M B F ' i ^ ' L— 4/4 WALNUT lor sah? 8 000 tt $350n000 938-3648 alter 5 30 p m FIREWOOD FOR SALE Will Deliver 998-6000 FOR SALE HiC*ory Hi(lMemOersh'C $400. Call 634-2318 Tues.-Sat 634-0526 Sun. 5 Mon FOR SALE: Hot Point 25 chest t>p' freezer Runs good' S125.5 piece ar tique depression bedrcom suitc 5300. 234-2t69 or 993-9562 FOR SALE: La*n moA«r. tra:tc Wheel Horse 6hp, 36 inch cut. $476 Running boaros for F-250 L B . SSi Roger XLT tailgate, $65 . 4 92-5727 K & G SALVAGE SPECIAL 4 'i8 *x V ,." W AFFLI BOARD. ONLY 7.99SHEET. 43 Vanity v,itn ocuofe smk. $l99'ea. 36 Vanity with s:nk. $U9'ea. Ficergias roofmg shm^es. 512 9S'sq.. flc/ roofing. 5 8 56/roil; 1"*12" no. i grade pme shelving. S.95h., Beve edge cedar scmg. 5 29-M. SPECIAL Corrugated f.tetal Roofmg. 8' leng:rs 49 f t . 10. 12 & 14 tt lengths. 59 tt All vinyl wnfloviS m stock. ’ j pnce 29 gauge pre-pamtea 3 ft. *ide ccr- rugatea metal roofmg and Sidmg $J/fr. K 4 G Salvage Materials, located on Hwy. 67 (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on West bank of Yadkin River. 919-699-2124. Expert Installation & Repairs i FREE ESTIMATES: 5 year guarar,tee cn aH ma'eria’s and rtorkjransn-p AUSTIN FENCE COMPANY, INC. 919-631-7879 H U FFM A N ’S DIESEL SERVICE ;Engine R ebuilding & Repairs John Deere • Cum m ins C A T • D etroit Diesel Custom High Performance Engines Buill To Your Specifications (GAS Ct 0 *i# ) Rt. 1 Advance (919) 998-9651 UICBB Heating & A ir Conditioning Co., Inc. CO M M ERCUL/RESm ENTIAL OFFICE PHON6: 998-2121 244toui Enwgmcy S m kt 50 ftti'<wi peo»e rite comfort <fl 4 ' j Auctioneer: Johnnie L. Hellard, NCAiwM j S l l M H t l l l l l H I I M I M * l * M l l l l l t l t ( l * l l * * H H H * M H I H I ( l l t AUCTION SflT. JUNE 5, I 993 • 9:00flM fUn0jie Safurdjy. Vu^6 V. f993 > \ntiquc furniUirc • Antique Cclkctibics • Antique C.layrar • :• ftntaiiti*v*>l<i #f. '. ■Minnie H. Bernhardt iuww -: | icc4t>cn ol S t'4' Fnyn Af<v*i>u7< • H*y. 60t to SOt. lum hrt 10 C h n t)M W FfUV •* &iUtvr>--No-^>cnWltoCr»nvM«tf .Froml*««Sf£«-Hiy frlto80t.hvn*flpafa-. | CftW)ft*fltffrDm>VVmwi-HQWMoOJ><<fc>60t.ruwi<?! U'<icn F d Ib t S ^ 1 Srnal litm ve>^r. Watftut bed. GUu loo titie; Cowed t*ti: E*ctnc heater. Wooden chair* j kUhooany utie (dfoo *at w'M kfls); 0*3 c*xki, 0*d hoo< Umpi; Squaie UM; Depie$vort 1 atiti; Goti tnm g b tin ; Ooi a>iortm*m. Chatty Cathy dafii (2); Cake ptate *'stand, t940 i melal tens, Oti wood sugar bucket; 1930 Baby tx>ttles (3): E^ctne eook sto^e. OAental 3 p*ces; O^n*are auortnwl: orange, pu^e btue, green, rrt, dear, amber, Se*h Thomai* i *ootf*erk ckxk: BJut pt%'g*<i*J hds; Hoe^a< Ump; Se«<ng machine; S<3eboaid, Waih po(3 Slooe chutni (2) Metal itooi* (2> Black cooktng pot; Otd ioOei ckxk; taniemi; PcpUi ] waihitand, VVaier ptcher/gias$ei; Okd 78 rpm ieccrd DUyer & 70 records; Wooden checkei j board. Wtvi 0 p,tcher A bowt. 0*d wooden san bo»; Sphi banet*andmade; Wh-ie Uchert ] cabinet; lance crecker ian Odd tab<e>:: Stone |ais (3); Wood chutn; MA gUss. Co*o<ed 1 bonies; Ol heate*s (2): Mik boroes, pu#Vwtiirg. Crock; Sieepie ctock; ou tamps (2);B*W1 t*iQQt (21- Hop* b*d; Two han<Te (vgi; Ok) jugs; Chrf<fs iocker; Sieieo. Retnge<alor^t6S8 2 quan ^r; Oid stop ^ri; Oas dryer, P*turts/,liames; Oy rrwior. 0aby be<t maRress - *^ * thin liMvth,MstfeMeie!«leit U)tUli lviiii8it • NelInmtlbit In l««diM^*~* lllMl:(ith ei 6ui Ch*tk • *iitmmi owiIt *viHieii *^ Sa« CooAxiKJ Bf * Robert (Uuck) Sm iihcrm »n Roy Yitcs Cooktmtf. NC • 7N 284 278$ NMn*ion$Ukn. NC • 9l9 7tA 3S til-> v NCAL *48<)8 N C Al *2449 r, * 0*w$6t**ie/irwe<wM<bNcS6WS »3*tW*^ A y W ^ ^ 7 y / 7 W 7 7 W ^ /Z r V A ^ //^ W 7 y W A > //7 ////7 .V > OAVIE COUNTV ENTERI'RISK KECOKI), Tliiir.<d<iy. June 3,1993 - C I7 WB8W B B B M B P B f i g i ' i > a - B T je L obi(e Homes For Rent 14x70, private lot. washor/drycr. iefngorator. s(ovc fumisted. Deposit, references required. W00 month 284-2688; 204-6177. AVAILABLE 7*1:2-BR, very nice, cen­ tral air. s(ove. refrigerator, on '■; acto pbvale tot. Prefer older adults S300/mo.. $300 dep. Call 492-7^74. FOR SALE OR RENT '82 Oakwood t4x66. $325 per monlh. References and deposit required. Located Pines Court. H^y. 158. No chifdren. No pets. 996-3395. 2-BR OAKWOOO already set up in -nice park. Assume loan! 3 19-767>715t or 1-800-437-3062. *88 FISHER 14x76*2. deck, out­ building Located at Oeer Run. 6344645 anytime.______________ : > • AOANOONEO HOMEf • * * Assume Low Pa>ments 7fr*-633-n07 _________ HELP SAVE ALAN'S CREDIT! Take over payments $163 64 per month 7CW-633-1107_________ Lee’s Mobile Homes, Volume Fleet­ wood & Horton dealer * 4’ hitch inc. 1993 • 14x70.12,999:14*B0.14.999: 14x50 9.549: 24x44,18.999:24x52. 20,999: 28x60, 26.999: 28x70. 30.999. A)so used hemes. Open 7 'days, Rd. 1923 Norwood. NC 704-474 -3191. 800-777-8652. NEW 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath. Delivered 5 set-up. only $599 down. Accent Mobile Homes, 3856 Patterson Ave.. Winston-Satem. NC. 1400>645^>430. 11.50 APR, 144 months. $151 per month. Sew 1993 14x80,3-BR. 2-BA. includes appliances. furm ture. air, washer/dryer, vinyl starling, steps, electrical hookup, delivery & set-up. Only $164/mo. See at Accent Mobile Homes. 3856 Palterson Ave., Wmston-Sa!em.NC. 1-800-645^430. 9.75 APR, 240 months, 10 percent • OAKWOOO DISCOUNT CENTER . 2 & 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath Homes :• $820 down. $185 per month. . ON THE SPOT RNANCING! v 1-85. Exit 76 Service Road Salisbury. NC 704-633>1107 OAKWOOD - LEXINGTON Factory Discount Pnces Quality Homes 704-249-7041 Vaccum Repair Service fiamDows and all other brands. Sup­ plies on hand. Vacuums For Sale! 998-5890 or 996-7004.__________ BACKHOE SERVICE . Septic ‘ Systems,Any BackhoeWork. Milter 't> Sons Backhoe S ervice. 284*2826._____________________ ' BOGER S KAR KLEEN 28 years experience in complete car cleaning! wax. interior, motors. Call • 998-3189 cr 998-3159. Rt. 2 ■ Mocksville. BRAKE S HEATING & COOLING Furnaces. Heat Pumps. A*r Cond>lion- ing, Plumbing. Hot Water Boi1eis Also Air And Water Purification. STATE LKENSEO. CALL 492-2599. THOM RUTTER PAINTING & WALLPAPERING 284-4211 CHAW LINK FENCE We specialize in residential chain link tences. All estimates are lreo. Alt workmanship and materials come with a written 5 year guarantee. Open all day Saturdays 919-631J879 _ C & M SERVICES We provide all types ot lawn service, mowing towns, trimming shrubbery, cleaning lots. 704-634-5796, FREE ESTIMATES. _____________ Davie Electronics Servicing car stereos, home stereos, VCR's. CO's. CB's. and Nintendo. 18 years ex­ perience. 9t9-998-6179. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER SALES - SERVICE - SUPPLIES __________284-2577 ___________ EXPERIENCED CARPENTER needs odd |Obs Good work for fair price. FREE ESTIMATES. 704492'2255. Ask lorCalvin after 5 pm GENERAL TRACTOR WORK Bush-Hogging • Sub-Soiling Garden Work 998-8824 HALL S CONCRETE Patios. Slabs Wa/kways. Driveways FREE ESTIMATES 492-2108. Pressley Hall HAULING » Sand. Gravel, Dirt, Mulcn Miller 4 Son Backhoe Service 284-2826 LEAKY BASEMENT? Basement Waterproofing Systems guaranteed for the Me ot the home. II you have or are considering finishing a room in your basement, we protea the entire fouu3ahon. Free inspection and estimate. 704^92-7584, ask for Bob. LAWN MOWER SERVICE Repairs Of Any Kmd Any Make Pick4Jp & Delivery Call Bob Eiierbe 998-5490 LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Lmk • Owner Free Estimates 634-3248 MASON ELECTfllC...New )nslallat.on & Repair. Mobile Home Hook-ups Service changes Keith Mason 998-353l_ ___________ Osborne Eleeirlc Co. Unlimited license. Over 25 years experience. FREE ESTIMATES Karl Osborne, owner 634-3398 CUST0UUADE OAVIE JEWELERS ^ y y ^ y ^ y ^ y y y ^ ATTENTION! ^ B u jJ F f f lj^ i B ^ S P "^ ^ ^ ^ JUNE GRADUATES AND SCHOOL DROPOUTS: The Federal Govemmerl provides an amaing, )ree vocational stiis training program for young men and women 16-21 years dd. who are drug-free. Now, tow income lamihes can give their chitiren additional education and joo tra'mg. Young people wW be assigned to a center, poss^ out of state, for aboutoneyear. Tuition, dormitory room and meals are afl free! Spendng money and cfothing altowances are paid to an students. For information call: Or. <J. Edward Brown, NC Dept of Hvmin Resources. 1400*62-7948 Visit orWrite: Job CotpsNCOHR, 1100 Navaho Dr., Ra!eigh, NC 27609 GOVERNMENT NOW TESTING For Following C ivil Semce Jobs Test Preparation <t Tniinin% by State N ational T raining S m lc e , Inc. • Postal Service • Correction Officer • Sociaf Service Ass’t • Nurse's Assistant • Legal Clerk • Clerical Adm. Support • DataTranscriber • C!erk-Typist • Dental Asslstani • and many more WITH STARTING PAY UP TO '14r • No t xpvnence Rocjuirod • Job S ecurity • G reat B enefits • Gov t P ruvules M,iiU Jut) h a m m y • Kuep f'Fuseni Jub W hilu Yuu P ietM fe At Hom e i% S<xrwx* Foo 2 lkx> Mootng *l Days Inn (Wlnilon-Solim) HO & 3336 Sllae Creek Pkwy. Friday, June 11th ONLYI - 10:30 AM or 6:30PM <8*On7im* >>ioPt&* C*it *BwgPwi Service PAINTING ficmodeling • homo repairs. Laigo or smnll. Froo estimates. James Miller 998-8340. H E fi33 EnESi 9 H I H KM uH U fnnn2B H PHIL’S HIGH PRESSURE WASHlNQ Mobile Homes • Vinyl Homos Conctctv - Wood Docks _________ 634-75B4 _______ RICK MILLER CONSTRUCTION Clearing lots. Loader work, will haul dirt-stone-sand 998-0846 ___________ Residential and Commercial Clean­ ing FREE Estimate. References pro­ vided. 492-53)7, "Ask for Deborah." Leave message. STUMP GRINDING • No Yard Damage Milter & Sons Backhoe Service 254-2826___________ SUSAN’S SEWING ALTERATIONS t6 Grove Street Cooieemee, NC 27014 Monday * Friday, 4pm-8pm Saturday 9an>4pm 704-284-2302. Susan Riley TRUCK DRIVING TRAINING Carolina Training Center 1155 Hwy. 66 South Ketnersville. NC 1-800-649-tt77 '85 Renoull Sportwogon: 4-dr.. 71.300 act. m1es, auto., loaded, runs and drives great. Gear shilt cablo broke. Very clean. $425. 492-7889 ’87 Audl 4000 CS: PB. PS. AM/FM Tapo. Power Sun Rool. E.C. Call 634-t182 after 5 p.m. '87 Chev. SHvorado 4x4: Loaded, all options, camper shell, t0,500 price negotiable. 998-3234. '8B 16’ Low Boy Car Hauler: Dove tail, slido-in ramps, factory built. S875. O.B.O. 492-7889._______________ '88 CAMARO: 1 owner, t-tops. V-8, now tires, GC. $5.500. 634-5835. '88 Chcvrotet Celebrity Euiosporh AC. PW. &Cyl. Low 56Kmileago. Ex- cellent condition, $6,000 998-6271. mghls. ______ ‘89 Cadillac Seville STS: 35.000 milos, black with leather interior. 919-760-4022. TRENCHER SERVICE: Water, Gutter. Electrical Lines. Miller & Sons. 284-2826 '89 Lincoln Town Car: Signature series. 34.000 miles, black with black leather interior. 919-760-4022. FOR SALE: Antique Tractor, 1930 In- ternatlonal w lth A-Model engine. 1950 GMC 5-Window plckup. Both run good. S ell or trade. 919J 9J^7021^_____ SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick-Peugeot 700VV. lnnes S l, Salisbury 740-636-1341 VCR CLEANING & REPAIRS VOGLER S TV SERVICE. Advance 998-8172. Will clean homes during summer months. Reasonable rates Referenccslurnished-9l9-940-292t. Will do housekeeping: Weekly. Bi­ weekly. or Full time. Excellent references. 492-2546 '68 American By Rambler. 2-dr, 6-cyl.. auto E*cellent condition, needs pant. 55,0 00 mr<es $650 0 B_0 998-6422. _ '77 Chevrolet Monte Carlo: Good condition. $650. 634-3928 '78 Pontlac Lem ans: Good mechamcat condition 76.000 mites Needs paint. Make offer1 634-0870 '79 Chevy Monte Carlo (parts only) 71.000 act miies.4 4 267cu in V-8, auto. AC. sell parts or whole car 492-7889 *80 Ford Fairmont: 5500 CeolCait- ner. 492-7112. NEWS. '83 NISSAN STANZA: Good car S600. 634-2661 a ffe r3 p m '84 GT Cellca: AC. 4-Cyc with fuel in­ jection. Good condition. $3,800 998-6271. raghts AUTUMN CARE OF MOCKSVILLE seeking Director of Nursing We Offer Management Benefit Package! Contact: Ed Perun, Administrator 704-634-3535 1007 Howard Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Sewing Machine Operators WANTED FULL TIME! Earnings based on skills. First Shift. 4'A day week. Paid holidays, paid vacation. Company subsidized health and life insurance. Please apply in person. Indera Mills Co. 212 W. Birch St. YadkinvMle, NC EOE,M/F PART-TIME CASHIER: Apply at Lowe's Food, Inc.. 907 Mumford Drive. Mocksville. ADV. TO. MGT. $9.25 TO START lnt'l. turn has servoral immediate open­ ings In Catawba and surrounding counties. Ideal lor coltogo students and high school grads. Gain criticnt work o*perience. $17,500in scholar­ ships available. Work in Mocksville. apply in Hickory. Call 704-323-8975 for interview. BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home lor 2 year old. Sept.-May. Advance area. Mon*Wed. 2-9pm.. Thurs. 2-7 p.m ., Sat. 9am-1pm. $80fwk. 919-998-8764.__________________ CUSTOMER SERVICE/DISPATCHER Friendship Cable seeks dependable person to assist with dispatch, light bookkeeping, dala entry and customer service duties In our Mocksvi1loolfice. Will train dedicated, positive and leam spir<ed person in our business Position open im­ mediately, hourly wage negotiable w iih excellent benefils. EOE employer. Fa* or mal resume to: Friendship Cable, P.O. Box 37000. Ir- mo, SC 29063. FAX 803-749-3595. College? Co8ege Bound? $320 tor 2 days. Detaib? N C. National Guard. 634-2633 Jom as a junior or senior. EXPERIENCED GLASS & MIRROR CUTTER: Store front mechantc. Some out of town and overnight. Only experienced drug-free need apply. BSB Glass £ Mirror, Mocksville. 704-634-3966. ______ EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS need­ ed Apply in person to Jetfco. Inc. in Advance Good benefits. FAMILY OF 5 NEEOS HOMEf The rented house they haw lived in tor more lhan 40 years is being sold II you have a farm house or country house that is not m use and you need caretakers, they could use your help. They can pay a modest rent from their disability checks Call Tom Aubrey, broker. 1-704-744-6080 ______ WANTED TO BUY; INDIAN AR- ROWHEAOS. Good prices paid. Call Warner Wilhams m Asheboro. 919-625-6042 (collect), 7am-9am or 5pm-9pm Wanted To Buy CASH For Cars & Trucks FAST MONEY Instant cash lcr any model Major Jarus Gaiage Hwy. 601 South 704-637-3800 AVON WANTS YOUl 704-876-4064 FIRST CHOICE MAINTENANCE SER­ VICE needs individuals to perlorm janitonal services in Clemmons area $5.50/hr. to start, 2 hrs. per mght 919-838-9079 __________________ FULL TIME POSITION: OualificaHons include PC experience, strong com­ munications skills, general office dulues. Submit resume lo: P.O. Bo* 301. Advance. NC 27006_______ FULL TIME SOCIAL WORKER II: OPENING OATE FOR POSITION: 6-18-93. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: WiU be responsible lor Maiern>ty Care Coordmaticn, Child Service Coor- d/na!<on, and other Social Work aspects ol Health Department pro­ grams. QUALIFICATIONS: 8achetor's degree from an accredited school ot social work and 1 year of social work or counseling e*perience: o> an equivalent combination ol train­ ing and experience WORK SCHEDULE: Monday-Fnday, 830 a m • 5:00 p m APPLICATION PRO­ CESS: Submit state application form (PD-l07) to; Denms E. Harnngton, Health Director, Davie County Health Department. P.O. Box 665. Mocksville. NC 27028. "EOUAL OP­ PORTUNITY EMPLOYER” if^fer> STEVE V&^ST liAMES (Vr CARPET V CLEANING * Carpel 4 Upholstery Cleaning * Homes. Businesses & Churches * Water Damage Extraction Service * Over 15 Years Experience * FREE Estimates Mocksvllla, NC 704/492-5781 GOOD WORKERS needed to install cable TV. $6.00 por hour. t-600-800-281t. ask lor PM. HONEST, DEPENDABLE person lor 3rd shift, ful time. $5.00 hour. Apply in person to Chevron Ouik Pik, Cor­ ner 801 4 M0. Help Wonted Part-time position need­ ed for cook and waitress. Apply in person. NO PHONE CALLS. PLEASEf Pizza Hut. Sanford Rd. KFC IN CLEMMONS now hiring cashiers, cooks, and bullet stall. Pay­ ing up lo $500 per hr. Paid vacation to ALL1 Vj price meats? Apply in per­ son: KFC. 2390 Lewisville-Clemmons Road. Clemmons. NC 27012. LAKE MYERS RV RESORT now tak- ing applications for reservatiomst Will require some evenings and weekend work. Seasonal job. 704-492-7736.__________________ LOCAL TRUCKING COMPANY seek- ing heavyduty truck parts manager. Truck parts experience preferred. Computer experience helpful. Call Monday - Friday. 8am-4pm 704-633-0311. E*t. 16. Salisbury. NEED A TRUCK DRIVER for tractor trailer. 9984053, 998-6455. ___ PRESCHOOL TEACHER for 2 year OfdS. Tues.-Thurs. class, 8:30-12:30 beginning in Sept. Send resume to Preschool. PO Box 326, Clemmons, NC 270t2._____________________ SALES POSITION: D>red sales, salary plus commission. Annual compensa­ tion potential $50,000 plus Neat ap­ pearance and good transportation a must. Only serious and dedicated persons needs apply. Ptease call 704-876-2323 for interview. STUDENT NEEDED as temporary dock worker. Some heavy lifting 7am-3pm. Month of June ONLY! Secure Oata Company. 998-5121 Single parent needs occasional weekendchildcare for tOano i5year old boys. Creekwcod Developme>.t. only please. 9984297. IE T t.)im :ii[.).^ rg U .m i Help Wanted: Earn up to $500 per week assen*lmg products at home No e*penence. Into 1-504-646-1700 DEPT NC-5760 ^ ^ . E f c ^ i l t i l o l u i s ^ 766-9691 IMMEDIATE OPENING On All Shifts For Cooks & Wait Sta(( Must Have a Solid Work Record, Good Attitude and Willing to Learn BENEFITS INCLUDE • Competitive starting salary with opportunity for advancement • Group Insurance • Profit sharing • One-week vacation bonus every six months P R I M E l U G A Miiaiieial Services fi/s++tt*ft* l/< f*fi+Ki*t Career Opportunities Financial Strategics Seminar It is our ti<ul to help middle America bccoroe Financially Independent This seminar is designed lo familiarize you with our company and what we can do for families financially We sviU also be discussing lhe many c a t« r opportunities available w ith ourcompany U'e Oikr. • Pirt tirot/FuH lior/4 Otmf/ihip opporlunilirt • >l3Mg<m<nt MiJ Hiikttin^ po$ilion$ • Pikl tninini We w ill begin setting interview times immediately following the seminar| DATEt Monday, June 7th SEATING IS LIMITED Call lo reserve you seat today 919-768-5801 Ask for Ext. 873 Primerica Financial Services is a division o f Primerica Corporation |*rimn (a Companies.- Smith ltarney JsbcJUfifl' FUpiewvg PFS Compw%*i <*i.k^ Shf3T<on tylimin^ l*rimctiQ Financial Service* Commercial Credit The Traveler* C 18 - l)AVlE COUNTV ENTEKPttlSE RECORD, Thursday, June 3,1993 e f * ™ ' < $ $ ft b u y s f 0 t G I F T E D B R R D 5 YOU DON’T HAVE $ TOBEA "GENIUS" TO KNOW YOU CAN GET A GREAT DEAL AT PLAZA .... 1993 ESCORT LX SALE PRICE*9,898 76193' 2 0* . AM/FM SlefW, C«U . At, P.S., P.B , Swk#3192, W Me 0 0 35 APR TOP, $11,625 60. $396 Do*n C t^ o t Trede. Ptui T u 4 •AA»»B#b*» TeC*Wf 1993 MUSTANG IX .SAlEPfllCE*10,495 19371 a Of..SMin, Ai!VWh#i'l.AM/fM 8t*> /#», t m , A'f, P 9 , P.B., M 'lyt5 W >n 6ieeuxea. WWo. • H ST.0 P.|1 l.t)I H M 9 >6wn Cun ef Tri3#. P U T u I F in ' V * Nfr4i* Ti C**i- 1993 RANGER XLT * SALE PRICE Cfvem*B*rB*oStiflW.8n<refliw C ^ ^ \ & % ^ k ^ k Wnd6w. fll'V W m . AWVM 4 W ▼ 1 1 I _ 1 1 l l lCm ..M t,p.i..8eeoT .> 4i). I V l V W H U o lllU P P ,T .O P .|1 1 ,H M 9 . " " 'JW0 0ewn C iw of Tfiie Pfue T u 4 H .1998 8 1993 CROWN VIC. LX .SALE PRICE*19,599 399,” 4 Of, 6 rtn , A .io>IV -l 6y#>e. c u t Afcm, W f* W > 8 ., P.9., * Wnd. P. Of. teeu, AWFM 6iri9, C iu., Tvt WhHi. 0. Wpr*. fl. W>d 0#W #', Bttcke322l. ttV o • •PM Tut.. NO MONEY DOWN 'M >M M * Ti 0MM' f c . 1993 CARGO VAN AuU- AWFM 8tl'K , C iu , Aif, P.8., P.B-, StXk#MM1. ftcwo o iasAPa. ro.p.it7.weac $1,116 Os*nCu^CfTrt-# Pr.iT u4 P lll ^ " ^ r . SALE PRICE*15,888* 299“ami 1993 F-150 XL STEP BUMPER Ae* WNs'<, AWFM 8tveo.P.B.. Stock*t>3333. 63Mo • 125 APRT.O P. |t3.46t.. |709 D»WI C itf w Tna#. * ti T u 4 v7y*:i e l;b i tof $500 M Co— e c i SALE PRICE*11,795* 4 4 A 3 5 ^ 5 l M ^ ^ T p # f Mo. k HUGE REBATES 1993 THUNDERBIRD LX *SALEPRICEM5,395 285*i LOW INTEREST * BIG SAVINGS M ur,- Mvvg.. P'f<, ... . . ». ----- . - .- r*a, fcus., AJr ^,B . P B . P. W rd, P. Of. Lecu, CruM, Tu1 WMff. 8 S<IU, 0. V f& ’K fl. w.nd. Dtfrw.y. 8*.xt • 33S9. wMe • • asAPfl.T.o.p.$*r.t3i.4C.$i,39SDc*nCun of Trisi, PiutTu 4 FH. PICK A CAR . . . PICK A PAYMENT 1993 PROBE 3 Df ,AMFM S'4f*s. C*M. At, P S . P.B. TflWhHl RW>rtf. 0t*8tfK S’.XK •2436.M Wi, 0 6 35 APS. TO P. $!S.909 $999 OcwnC*norTn;* P i.iT u 4 fHtAfW'P*ti*TtO***' ^ SALE PRICE*13,999* 26515 1993 EXPLORER SPORT 4x4 _SALEPWCt*17,999 346” a Of. AWFM SWW. C«« A/, P S P B. P. Wrf<. P. Or. locU. Cm*fc T<t VWH<. 6. s«a. Stoc< • T*34j8 floMo.« e?s APfl. 7 o p. mao3BoU 99 Down Ctsh or TriM. PiuS T u 4 PMI 1992 MUSTANG LX ™. omj. I > ,5 S .^U K W h ^e AMf FU 8 W *, U M , A,t, P J , P.l., P. W r, P. Dr. toeM, Cnw. Lugg^* R in. S*. • P471. *13,695 ^ g 4 J P e r Month 1993AEROSTARXLTWGN. _ SALE PRICE*18,299* 346” 7 P m .T *> T tr* Pe-nt. Aut3. fli> WhH*>M^M S't'ts, C M . Atf, P,S. P B.. P. Wrd., P. Of- lOCU. CfUM.Tit tvne<L 0. Suti, Lv;;*;# fl*x. D wp- *r|. n. v/jx3 D<t:OVl'. StXk • T-32J9, 60Mo 0 8.25APA. T.0 P. $20,603 60. ;y w OawftC«ftorTfi3« Pi^**w 1 tii*f A w e ToDeew 1993 FESTIVA L SALEPRtoE*6,797* 132=1 2 Df.. S4dtn. Stock 13434 60 Mo. 6 8 25 APR. T.0 P. $7,954.20. $297 Oown C*$h or Tre3# Piu$ T u 4 FM i • MWf Reeew Te Dw« IN S TO C K COME IN AND 1993 M A R K V n i TEST DRIVE TODAY!!1993 MERCURY VILLAGER iMMunwnut 1993 COUGAR XR740.LNr*> iv # i' Mwvae#. B»nc» Doe* U w .2 0r. t.n N & > i> W*ML Ati.<U l l ^ N . A M . p « . 9 8. P. w * o o < ^ H K Tn W"**L 8 .1 *» . D u ^ K V i. *. wn, c *'^ r*'. 8 y ^ W * . g^S5F :SttW$$UK95:iiuems offegW I W PwMe,r&iaftananas *U e eit% v*M II$ 0 e w C *w ' erTr>at fam d>iy<r<iH IM 1 «a 1992T6WNCAB_U *w .0ielA*sitM u*M ev.4& K t t MWeuP.Or.UdMsrs5ff^: fc'<lL - sa:tttfaaesa 1992 CONT. SiQ. SERIES « Or, $w*n.Amo. 0 « tt Fu Sveo. C*n . Arf. PJ Wr4>wi. P. Dr. to< Wrwi. CWiyw3 Wj< 8 7 *|Ue"eif% A#fl 11 WDo^C4Wl orTr*a* T ;u le < P |fy o m CMW U*fvK*'W.5srvoe>.4 0<,j*tfifl. *ue. f**ty WNWS. AUtVI SlKM. C iu , V . P.S. P 8. P. WA. B. or «9,998 2 Z 2 ” 1992 TRACER WAGON ■ Dr.. AU<U Su*o. V . P S. P B Wtj*3WC*vSfc *®<M *8,989 1 9 7 « Per Month 1fttSTANZA&&& « w • i m « m ftMw D wCe*i or T q ii. TcMi ol P «yw »A S il1991 EXPLORER XLT 4x4TuTer< P u t.« Or, S*wv Autt.V< EM. fitf* WhWS. AUTM S>V90. C«II. A,r. P.S, P B. P W<L. P. Or. L6du.CAW.TflfthwLBuce*SMa. Uege9efUo.OWrMWpw1 R.Wn. 55re5v.S*.«T^i$7-A *14,695 30g27PtrMonm -wgA'iBgigey— H ISTOKY 1WflttCO S $ @ f i5 B 166* ' 1993 TOPAZ GS w., lMift.Agte, AWFU ^ y e i*., fcf, P 4. P.t, C'UM, T . *y. fceui 6*a. Owye wfft. fl. n"ro7w 0 #w v. Sk. # : " *10,995 19674 P.M. ^.nriTO.T> S.Wrt-DVft#*/.S*. *20,995 97Rer Month «|U] • I »N W |iWD<WCWTffc* TCttic**t f S f ^ *13,6953)04/FWHoMh 1991 MUSTANG LX2 Or.. AUTU Sterw ' " “PB.P.Wrti6w1.P. _T<t W H . Bwck*i PkU)MWC*% S*. iUsK" 15 ri3 P e r Month *3 Uo • l2tS V*q tt m Oew C^vi w^Tri3* Teui ol Pir"*^f* 1980TAURUSGL 4 Oc, M n <U6, M *fM BMW O w u Afc P * P A - P. tW t, P. Ot^^ffM S SS” SalePrice •7,990 ,affliL fcr>S,P.B,Ow,T#Whw.Butsw ■* *5,995 1 7 0 » P«r Uontti WEMORTO.^s*afflBss.*^ *2,995 <sz:yv2M3-* ,i92 IPwHenfli, MftfcB&gaag 1992TAURUSGL*,r B*& 4 C#.. S«4n. A.tt. *MTU Siy*).C4<s.A/.PS.PB.P.Wn, P.DrLeou.CoM.TftW'W.Pw W#i. D«fra«w. D+4f*3 W'pr% 5^ **13,695 g ^ g 4 3 PerMonth I uo IIKM |1 'aM3wCwe _199imDERBlRDfl*;$yS&^ff ® S 9 0 Pw *orth 1990TOPAZGS, Or, S*U-1 X *s. AUfU S)*r*0, C*ii..Af,P.S,P.8.CAW«.SK.«T- ^*6,699 16884 ^^ 42 U4 • ia rv *M »1.1« Oe*t C«*n e» T it* TetW ef Pif***t* 19WTAURUS &5$^fcS5iSK$ ^<6,8501 ^ H h rM tttiVfttaKssr=- 1968 CONT. SIGNATURE t:te> '•" ■ *9,898 » 7 0 6 3 P«r Month WHAT'S A DEGREE GOODFOR? 6 v iflA 0 0 TO RECENTy4 U U Rebate COLLEGE GRADS Toll Free 1-800-548-9717 f l ^ ^ [ j y^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ 98 New Hwy. 64 7 o * d LIN C O LN MERCURY Lexmgton L e x in g to n , N .C . (7 0 4 ) 2 4 3 -2 7 3 1 asi mvi*eiNO p*ivi - i*ei,ooo - URMUOA RtiN.OAVll CO. NEW5BR 4 5 BA BRtC*. :uitom ho<ne, &iuJ<&n cherry **trf tr*3 DR d>ew/rd tk?l sc» corch. 2 car gwage S>lVIA JORDAN H U B E A B D B E A M Y RESDBOUL*COMMHK3AL*BHXX2ATK3N*PBURANCE*REXrAL • DAVIE OFFICE OPEN 14 SUNDAY • More Service ... More Results! 998-8816 f t lM iv r C lR ttl — w if,6 0 6 - S I*. MUOA RUN, OAVIt CO, 3 BR 35 BA"iCM *ty n | pi,rc*xrv on one *>e<. i te.« 9jrag# p*>.ye pcd ti»e «*» ■' s w t , BEV SUPKE 996 2034 :M n ic U e i)v i - ltt>,MO - »!»• MUOA RUN, OAVII CO. 4 BR 3 FULL 2 H*LFBATVjOOR 3ca'*t gy.MBR^a-n u«*» PR*A‘»et bar, Cith ®4 * LR n*,tral O*cot S*uMy BONME PlirT 766S678 113 *IV t*0 i*0 ORIV> — »270,000 — MRMUOA RUN. 5 BR 4 BA e* 13m Far. mif lg t*ffW, hy<e » 4326 SF. *eparaie W>irvj v ji* $unm. 3 patOt 2 Car 94> MUCK UUCH MORE' JiU WALTER LOTS AND LAND C A N M tU ROAD - H T t.0 3S - M O C IIVU (. I l . t l AC*H fV yeat de»eiopm*nt poi*r(i*i C tr % t*trftMtr;nitu'i! g il i*'U5*e Com tg luo, tfCQetrt. %CK&t ^ClEN CASSiDV 704*23-2600 N O n it CRll*ROAO. «170.000. AO­ VANCt. f*etr Sto*, G’Cve Schod ana Mar- Chmont K,t PUT*t<n Woo<Xloc>*n 17 acres Hcrw e>tfi « * c r» ' GR*r POf75 i ) l RIVIRMNO. »12I.OOO>MRMUOA RUN, OAVIt CO. Urge. »t«.rg W */gytcouw v<ra. 24 r<*j secu'tr cou*>- try c<u6 ctynrrurvtf StlVlA jORQA.N to7 10 *ivia m u - tus.ooo - P*r*ect 61 kx yov #eam K«N on tu^O+- SX #1 FVvet H« GO# COifS**^*e «*«** BACC mem&ersNp **iua*e 2* nr secu'>- ty BARBARA ALLEN »»3093 13 O T U N itl ~ |1 10,000 — MIMUOA RUN, OAVK CO. Capture • m*$M<eAI r*eolgo<ttcvf5e end ti*e Cj#tier.rtv24 nr secunfy &ACC memoenh<> « W M BARBARA ALLEN 996-3093 io r t r NioMu*oe — iie*ooo -ReWent*l 6vk3ng M# efBefrrtjda Rjft Country DuC mtmeeftivp u%ck*3ed 24 rv $ecvrit>fgo<tflenn.sWmrTvniny6inin>'aC" V*t*S VXKI FLEUlNG 704*34-3649 K e n iS O M I*R O A O -l*0 .0 0 0 -ll ACR!S p**>g Yad* fl Rr»e< WooM4 op^ wttn ttffim tCf<Bt propetf A ft*ft*rnuA * di»am tor g«ie«y. BETTV POTTS I 147 n#V ORCU - S7l,100 - MRWUOA RUM, OAV1( CO. Pf<T^ eooded t t 0n 4tn 1*rwa# WooCM «nd ksf4 Ore*t v W GLORIA MATTHEWS 99*5062 110 M iw o o a CMCU -IT I,< M t-U I- MUOA RW, DAVII CO. WOOM0 » on cut- e+uc *> n^ghto<nood *itfi 24 nr Mcw<tjr tnd C0u01ry Ck£ m*mti*<tho en<aye SVLVU VOflDAN 99tM27 rt*c u t O Rivi. i*i,o o o • s<4* t <rooa«0 tot eca!ed r &*rx*M R-jn Cotrtry OuO Ontf a few 0* he$# k l U nr ueu'*r W»tn/*e<t*f. Ct>O membeftfup JvirUZ*e BETTY POnS 99M409 102 RtVDIBINO ORtVf • 1*0.000 • MR- MUOA RUN. OAVI| CO. 31« AC«I***i'K l c* *'. feiet on fOth fir*«y <y gcficttZ* P*<c to e PmvtM oene< fv u w g JEFF MNTSER9240240 TRACT • |ASTRIOOl • «1,900 . OAVII CO. 1.4 ACM TRACT cr Yefl^ A w C ^red *•« kx r*yn**-e he<o>r wooded <' MC>. rettr<!<r$ U^>eitiie ^M> 1^0 OLOR!A UAf7^CWS 949-i062 a n RIVIRBCNO • »10.000 • R*RMUOA RUN, OAVII CO. Loi ii**UCie in n*greanooU*in24N tecuiJfkndcou>v tr> 0u6 rw * W W ».»U»e BWBARAP ALLEN 94*-X>31 3 U RtVtRMM> ORIVI - tM ,000 ~ Lg kX «10f^ n *i ie<3*y> nwr »t G>eeo 24 v Mcsff| eW odorutf countr> ck* w r* w - lh ^ BARBARA M.LEN 996-3093 CORNA1ZIR ROAO — $44,100 — MICRO*V HIU. 5 ACPES M<KC<nJ go*ovw**n*gnrf<w<fc#ev*w Cto«e# H<so#> H< Ctiurtr> OuO le>e< and op«n OCX NAJL 7CL*4X-5*62 AOVANCt — »42,000 — OAVII CO. Ap- proi 6 *cret. woode<vopen *> pnme hChd. p m n < w w«d h<*tw Oxnr< *wef «*U BETTV POnS 9964409 •tvie to *0—»40.000—unxw oco ta», OAVII CO. Apix01 2 5 4cr*4 ptf*ng v«3»vi Rrrti Oi a wooded cu^o*-tac *t *upef ctow^fi o w u M k*a ;m BETTY P o ns 99frM9 AV k6l ^ U4f,OM — ADVANCI,OAvii co. 4 ea 2 5 BA ancK RANCHcv1s10ffl wi on w o c i 4 aoe* lg kxmai «f»4l. 2 cit 9*r*3e. p*rt M bvnt. 04(<M. eoc< BETTY POTTS 996*409 p to ft11 csioi ROAO - tn ,u o - 0»e 01 Di^e C a*nt,i mo%t Oetir*c*e tou tcnt ^59acret*'gccd^dfrorttye Ne* school Woodedfop<n Counly *ei#f i< ltiy e GRAY POTTS 9964*09 iOT 37 C0UNTRTU0( - »30,000 - OAVM CO. N<e bu*>y M. <Mlna<m Ctoie to Cwnmons V < p e^ and 140. TanqwwoodPaH BEV SLPPVE 996-2034 AovANCt-eie.ooe-oAVii co.t 19 ACflE t*c* >eve< wooded bi *1 pnme aiM Coynt#estefa*W WVMOKhool BETTY POTTS 99*6409 MA*CXtfO*r-fctH*r MXXWd IS (A * y « ai S7.000fKie *ar<t cpen. ge#ey ro*nQ. o« o>oe^t*c Accws to pond sU*< ana' BETTY PO nS99W 69 wocx>yiui *r. 9 . 0Av« co. *&ro> 15 ac«t* at $3,000iacie Wood- wi'openrtedud^oflrrwro*d Pertectkx geu*ay B6TTY POTTS 9964409 RIVKR HtX, HRMUOA RUM. 0AVU CO. Bu**ng c u from t60.C*3>$70.000 24 hr secvxtff. BACC memOer*wp *cfe4ed « pnce STtVU JOfiOAN 9» « 2 7 MI*RT UNI — MERRT WOO* ACRII.$7.SOO/ACFE. Woodedropw btog toi$. iome on iueam h« 4 <*3 to 7 acre tracti Reitr<ied Owner we frfWKa GRAY POTTS 996440B Serving Clemmons, Western Forsyth, & Davie County NEW LISTINGS TOO NEW FOR PHOTO 204 RIVttRtNO ORIVI — tll7 .1 0 0 — •IRMUOA RUN. 4 BH. 25 BA AA/*CH u w n ^ M B rt c^.openfloc#punonone iertl lg t**& y. p<mry Pevacy fence. w«4- ma.nta.ned GLORlA MATTHEWS JAC*ROOCROAfl-OAV«CO.<kxyoi 30 KrM woode*ope*V#re*Wpcnd Layl««. w « to r*ynei C SOO*ae GRAY P o ns 9964409 PtOPU> CRtIRROAO-MARCM FIRRY ACRI*. Be*ut.U ttts al $35 OCO e *n re« Sha<ff & M Scnoo<.courty eater ««aJ m laite il g>o*i*Q »/»* GRAY POTTS »M lR ROAO • Huniw'ytilhffm an'i d *yC B oo en s *arenhed toke. ai wood- ea w W i at prrvacy to» oeOeiy 0*rr<e< w«i Ovxttrf<nance GRAY POHS 99S4409. PtOPU» CRIIKROAO • AOVANCt 1«.» Acei» roe tiM ,oM $uU M brrttw Woode<Vceen ln 1asl yowwg ar*a wtn to<i ol pnvacy Ne* Marcnmor>l F^nui<W GRAY POTTS »64*09 M OC*IVlUI. ROVTI R - L«$ ol prrvacy on 6e4yfcM ««»ed M K r tM fc* moCtie home Pondand$ue#m Mtupwareanear Khooi $3,150 an acre GRAY POTTS RIVIR MU ORIVC . MRMUOA RUN.OAV« CO. V*S 34^MM 7eacft $69,900 Be<mudaR<xtC0unv>CkememeefW0v>. ckded »<n each to< 24 hr $ecunry. WCK1 FLEUlNO 996-1167 OAROlN VAlLIY HCT IV — MOCKtVrUX BeeLfufy ww3ed bO tfi tic so6drvtLon Crfy wa!et/seee</unde<gfOgnd till, tl9.500-$25.500 V^KI FlEMiHG A G E N T R O S T E R TOO NEW FOR PHOTO »02 ir iO lA tl - 1171.000 — MR- MUOA RUN. 3 BR 3 BA COfjTEMP on 17th G*e*n f<e*> M pvmp. carpet, vvty>, ww neuual decor. b»w »nt 2« hr secv^y. tcmmunify PCcl SYLVIA JORDAN «24 »P10U1» - »180,000 «- MR. MUOA *tN . : Bfl. 2 BA CONTEM® '> l OetachedvdUon 17ntar*e#. neu*ralde<cr. | parquet ftr» 24 N iecunty. Ctynmuat, pot* SYLVIA JORDAN 9964677 VAUIT 0A*» ORIVI — ttl.tO O — VAUIT OAKS. 3 BR. 25 84 RA>#CH ■00^4 oel gara9e tfce 9 c*^eFPnGRM cW 9if. In PRM. oft<e ard '1 BA * bVTU Nee p*nVroo* BETTY POTTS nonxt c*K x »0. - oAvit co. *«n» 60 acres ^cor<i'open f>nj>; Peop^s Cree* Rd. $5.700racie Eic b'^ang He$. 0*ner »\H drnde F«anong it* l GRAY POTTS 9064*09 BUSINESS PROPERTY MWr 601 AMO MO - llll,IM . Or-<e Bh3gnnedCS.i400SF Bo<O*<s l^0for e>c eiposu<e Peiteci tor Dacty;Accovf>- tanl3*rtineu ffiTT> POTTS 9964*09 MOBILE HOME PARKS M l TWAIUR MRX ~ »171.000 - W aU O TU i, OAWI CO. Tra*fPa<* »y?t spaces. 6nck hone, county *ser on 45 K>et *\ great too!en conv to W0 Great «v vestment. GRAY POTTS 9964409 FARMM8T0N RD. - »27»,000 • OAVII CO. M00ttx Hom PtKK has ts 75 acre<. 22 so*ces, cotrfy waier, sep6c (sewer avaJ). p*.eti tueeis E>ec m mtmfnt 00- por. GRAY POnS 99&4«9 Davio C o*rty O ffice.............W M U tarftara P. A llow...................» » *3 0 » J Helse C ttU tfy 704-C34>2f00 Adele 0'E w bom o*t...............940*2797 VicM n e m b <........................9 9l-1167 Sylvta Jordan .........................99I-S927 DoMj U m b o ......................... 998*1164 Shlrloy Low l».................... 766*9902 eioria W atthew *....................999*8062 Sally McOMl70.........................7M *1673 Dick N a ll ............. 704-694*8462 fc M le M lt t.......................... 766*5178 Betty P o tta ........................... 998*8409 Oray P o tts...............................998*8409 Bev Sypp1e............................ 998*2034 iim W alker, Maaa8er 724*9372 RELOCATION SERVICES Waeda HarrU, Director ~ 746*5373 M h DI*oe, Relocation Specialist 748*5335 TOLL-FREE 1-800-752-1950 DEDMOND RD. • Construction undor way on M f** Home 3BR, 2BA bnck houso in rural & ji* Carry unbeiovaWy pnced al $72,500. WANOERiNG LANE Gor9 eous 2 5tor/ Sa3 D01 Des<gn 3bednxxm2 t2battvHartfwood tocn $iJi.900 EXCEUENT COMMERCUkL PROPERTYtocaied n vety hyh traftc area Uve in tM for h1 years and r&>Ve a retum o< a fc'ebme $69,000 HWY. 64 EAST • FORK AREA • Great Okk. home $-tuatod on 3 3 acres Appro*, 1300 square M addition done in 1990 includes tiige master bedroom, Ut bath. yreng room 4 Fkonda 100m AM vinyi s*>ng e*terer, new rotf. »1 furnace. app 5 years oU. $89,900. ^ B ^ * * % * i ^ m jk _ Q f c a a 3 9 ie GREENWOOO LAKES • 4 Bedroomstt Bams Perfect home lor Urge fanvty. Huge family room downstairs. Just mm. trom V/tftston-Salem. $124,900. META BREEZE LANE • AdoreaWe 1 'A stofy <xro on quiet cul^Je-sac. Great tor growing vntfy. 3 BR, 2 lull baths plus sitting room 4( master bedroom. Owner is in process ol »Mng e*tenof. A ieal buy el $69,900. FOREST LANE • Absolutely emmaculate lnsWe 4 ouL 2 Bedroom homo in quiet doad end street. 1. wing 100m wtth l110piace, labutous krtchen & basement. $64,900. DEERRUN -Mobtohomewflh3bedrooms.2 batfH Eicefcnt coretton. C .u kxtey for super #Snanirtg$22,900 LAKEWOOO VILLAGE • Great inve$tmenl opportunity • brick rancher wf3 BR, 1 1fl baths and 13 site mobile home park all situated on 5 05 acies. All mobile home sites currently rented with e*celient cash fiow. Brick home may be bought $epara0y at $71,900. House 1 mobrie homo sites pnced at $144,900. CaJI tor further details on this e*ce<ent income produong property. La COMM. BLDG Located ^st ofl Satebury 3t. Eicete#l kcaDon for DoOor*T>n6$l otfce $62500 HICKORY TREE ♦ Chflimng contemporary. Eicefient condition. 3 BFV 1BA, Contra! Air. $66,500. GLADSTONE RO. • Great Fixer-Upper on 1 acre with addibona! tend avaitobte. 3 BR. 2 BA, hjO basemenL $45,000. EXCELLENT BUY12 bedroom, t bath, good conOtxxv 1£ basement. Akeady bringing $325. h rent. Owner says SELL! $29,900. LOTS & LAND SANFORD AVE. • ms 1.t2 aae bt oHere &greatn-towntocabon(ofabusfless($ub^ctto fczon^g). GLADSTONE RD. • 1 Acre Lol $fl.000 DAV1E ACADEMY RDn • 84 Acros. $151.500_____________________ DAVIEACADEMY RD. *MCil75'Lel $10000 LOOKtNG FOR A LOT OF SPACE7 Th» tove.y 2 story otior bnck tome on h 6tonc North Mao St in Moefcsv4e lMture 5 BR's, 2 M baths. hartf*oodfloOTtindmudimo<e 101aoe. GWYNST.-3BR.Lg Uwgroom.Superbuy tofsomeonebredolrentrg Rentalreome codd make pmts $32,900 FAIRWAY DR. • Absototety peried inskie 4 out. All new replacement windows, great solid wood paneling, t .52 Ac. lot. Full basement. Conv. to Winston-Salem. Great detached garage-wwkshop. $79,900. WANDERING LANE • Supor location In well-established neighborhood. 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath brick home on large lot with full basement (partially linishod) and fenced yard. $96,500. 124 E. MAPLE AVL • Beautfu! tir9er home toeatednsuperNeqhborhood.Exceaenihouse • lor growng tamty. PossOy 5 bedrooms. eiceBent shape. Abo a targe outbu&ng 5119.500 HARDISON STREET • Excefient investmen1.2 bedrooms, central air. Jusi rr*nutes from South Dave Jr. rtgh and downtown MockswBe. $J4,500. EDGEWOOD CIRCLE • You will truly like this 3 Bedroom all brick house. With over 1400 square leet, there is plenty ol breaming room. Over an acre tot! $72,500. UNDER CONTRACT MlLLJNG RO. • Remodeled, gas heat new carpet fireptoce, 3 BR, 2 BA. LR. Den, Formal drwQ $62,900 TWMBROOK • Soon to be strted' Your dream home, 3 BR2BA. al bnck Cal for Detads* DEER RUN • 8eautilul 1991 Amoi: manufaetured home on two prtvate wooded lots. 3 BR, 2 lull baths, fireplace in great room, large front and back deck, pavod drive. Loads of amenitiesM A iiene P o lls Jew ell S lokes 634-2097 634-3397 J e ll C iine B illy P utts b.J4 1 22 3 6J4 2097 C raig M ichael 284 2hb3 Mi( h,iei r f9H f S huleiJan H alley 634 0 129 l92-h.f JHJnm cs Uot>sun J U N E , 1 9 9 3 Clemmons B Davie County FI N D E R'S GUIDE Advertisers Index HUBBARD REALTY 2,3,4,5 POTTS REALTY...................7 LIFESTYLE CENTURY 21 ...........9 HOWARD REALTY.................11 PIEDMONT FEDERAL 13 DON’S FINE JEWELRY..............15 SWICEGOOD-WALL A-ASSOC.-_-18, PHOTO AT RIGHT - Bobby Sheets ol North Main Siree!, Mocksville, keeps an Im­ maculate yard at his slatety. historic home. — Photo by Robin Fergusson i i & ^ & i WE THINK M o c k s v i l l e / D a v i e l _ S An ALL-AMERICAN Place To Live! v 300 South Main St. • MocksviUe 919-940-2222 or 704-634-2222 w o a f u i M U i n i M i i u n m , OAVWCaS6R3'>BAV<tvwiBrtketert fl^®T509*r»9^ce.^cutn.>Bccwfcpton Cuwm >M Un CbnffU9** BETTY POTTS m & ■'^‘..L f^r^ y ', -,->y, y.v>-.:'>.- BBBBfflM^OOiMBKMMBOCAnON*mMNCB*SBnAL iOT it e*ecwo*T KANT*no* -U4£M0~MtftUnL58R33atfUNCH. «t# n * w r i 0**J*. prof tirtiSHp^ yvfl Op*tfbcrt*wt.by#rw« Pr*rtte errenceto m sevsvPftf m xa* • DAVB OmCB WEN 14 SUNDAY • M o n S tn ic t... M a n R to h s ! s W 8 8 1 6 DAVIE COUNTY HOMES MORE SERVICE ... MORE RESULTS! wT ii T w m e o e -iti.m -3 to . 2 sBA n#e Tr**On*( hon* <tfwy uJnj ) « FP. rMVil gu w 71*I r ^ W w l FHLYt FlSANCtf*3 S1U.Y McGUiRE7e6ien iiim u j> w n f-u i> .w i-> > w w v*uir, o<rw eo. < e* 3 fu u 2 w f BATHS Fftncfl Prw o<i S *Oded K* Lerr>. 3 FPS. h»w». 3 CM pv VXK) a SYVrtA Xil VMiIY V*W MU - llU,TM « H tU ra S M UM%. 4 Bft 3 BA FUNCH on 3 6 K>M. 24J' f w fronug*. pou wO kwrg e p l» tr« W r frmi EXTRAS'1 VOQ FLEU- PtG Wfril57 H H ^ 9 & 2 n : J * * % y ^ S e N fiB H b H M y j , > # » > i 3^ w w i.m * m i-iiw .w -M v * c e .— 3 Bfl. 1 5 BA H64Ct*yW m ct* hoo« yi tS7S ACRES i tU l t4Weesn M '^> rm7n6rg rrfl Veo*d srd ocwi GRAY POTTS 99M*09 M6ttlVKU, RT. ?, MX tt - |llt.M 0 -*6fl.3BAtUm<l30Tt Mlvmuucn 4 93 tun V<tion ^U H . M htU Wr* ecteege Ovibvtimgs JOHU PETlTTO BA fw* T<s66cr* w * e/1470 ♦ Sf.ryw*l g*i.gtifP. fT>1fc*^ O'##! ncftf fHA-VA FiHU<CiNG U a v B UcGUWE ««.1873 3 *AlCWeet • U7S,M0 • HUOMMWT PUNTATMM ArtFUK. 04Mt CO. < BAS. 3 BA Ccunry French hom# on 5 t*» *tfH B>*-<*j *+m. y w ti trtrtm BEVSUPKE 7M uuxnew **e - im .w e -**e .OWWfTPtUrtATW. »An> CO. 3 8fl.} i BA EUROPEAN 0ES1GN ofl l 5 «'»* M w x g u*» M pM g grt cevw Pfiu *wte Z2S0*4tl 00UQUWBC99*IW2c- m ie i o u BMCM - im .w o - 3 BR2B A tM in rt^ytU « fV » e # ^re r*crii ACRES lW i6vn.Uctmnv<gw; pUr* fwc*S O l o* p u ^ « BETTY POTTS WUC*ltT M. *T. 3. MI 331 - |II.Mt - W flTMOtt. B*V* CO. 3 BA 25 BA SPUT FOYER w%tM cn ue*> *axMd W «.ta» ol pr>K> ^Tf*r>. LR DAGRU UtAf| rn *7 #* lon3 BETTY POTTS W**C*5 AflVA*CL NWT III. RT 1 ~ UI,W - 26R. t BA UOBHE HOUE ON 5 60 ACRES 6<c< c*rJv 6*rm fonon$ M macrtMt oon# hMV^ EietN*PTt*rtft»v»m#i BET- T Y P on ss^4 4» 30 eaowowr Mnrc. o<i,eoe. *Ai-O*0WTPtA*nn0*AWtiM3BR2SBA f r w i ^ h*s et'#rf4i r d •*'»' 8*'dn. S ( i U ^ t U ) C V u n M > ^ r^ BEV SUPPlE 99fr»34 141 trv n tOA» - llM,f06 . H l(» «000 UUUI.OAm C0.-3 6A. 2 5 BA on *W #d 2W Ac?« svea ruU f r»#» r#» Wu 2 tKT| QttU lMf. 2 FPS iS n B U 0 GRAY P0n s 9*WM •0 Ct(ll »PAP - l|)t,IM - MOIYtiL Btvn ce. 3 Bfl. 7 BA >nK> »d iirrfew*. t0 ACRES 6#n ttwri U*>, &■ e*!« 9«S « «nd AC. n<n crpKV>T|t w» 'rt 0<K f4tii rOA&>W2 44« AV0* ITIIIT - 114,110 - HOCtiyUI. 4 BA- 3 BA RANCH *'ttW ^i &vni. 2 FPS «N*oMSu^inQ ^irl. W *yur<co Se*rcui *Ht>& >*r* c* s a »y l^ 3 M D*C< NUL 704.^34.^2 2M w nnh06i Mrrvi - w i,tN ~ WlSTII06L 3 BR. 2 S BA SPUT FOYER i • it fcy ycw*>9 fi^>| Lg GRU efP md A. s^1 ^ t av. K> pwxn « gw Wonder*U rW BETTY POTTS 99^M09 ^locating to the Triad? MWY Ml - UU.OM - UVUKt, 04VttCO. 4 Bfl. ? 5 BA 8A<X RANCH cutiom » en iscm 4 *ces Lg torm<l »w. 2 cv CJr*g*. P*1 fcn bvr*. peM*. pod BETTY POTTS, m * to i ■UttUi UU MU - UU.M -W W vm -3B R .3B A »6vw k«vyrw B »’4920 Sr. 12 H<M. hti. b*n. wUtce. con. aM fir. MUMP 27 ACAES AU. FENCED. OCK HAX 70tt3fc^e2 T J U ^ L . ■ E ixra i Sevxes — o frnoi of Hutixyd Eeetf— rs ^ ^ rea^ e wef ^cu nads durirg o reJoccticfl to a Trod axrrvfy b oji*cn b a ixieo Ku of restierjd neghbattafs in Vr'rsa>-5den. Grscrebcc. Kerra^ondHigh^.ietofionSer.veso^dwtib^sawRto in6vv3uah ond airporaTionswhoare refea^ng to orr/ d^r in ^« ^nod • Pencfid3d r$kcctiofi pxto9e w ff5*en queshcfis cbxi arrvves ifiAeIriod• Gfxv iW cnd pfi maieting pr07cns • trixrrof^cnschocK ^osprfo^ recrecfion, GAjrdprograra^ toes, &ceraad tid core, OTTrwif^ o9 oi king ond orf tiher rserezs *Xjd"$ StufT — w $peod rdocdionpodogefy tti4en *<ft9oeafcc»ss3stf«^cndsfK^^«c^oppQnTCt^$?CQ . Coll today iw youi FREE video tout ol the neighbahoods in the Iriod 748-5326 • l-800-752-1950 Retocation Servk:es m$®. UTTlf MHN 6IM - 444.000 - ltOOC- UFooqwcx iN t-ro iM u o v ,D iraC0.3 BR. 2 BA. B<k R*xh n k«( fwe. Qrr>*-r 6v *. » n u . flr^re f*> og«hw. OKi y i er*r# CkW ^ GRAY POT7S 99BW9 RT. 4 ioeiwooo Cl*Cll MIVI - Ui,OMM - to6EW088, CAYtt CC.3=a, 1 BA RANCH on I 7 ACRES S*flporcA. 0*1 Jli. 15Slisncei N ftt hornt c>01* t0 KN xnrtm *1 m l iU x>eai VO0 FVEU- WG*9Mt67. l.iHhl> 1‘iMl -....... 1U \|. „ k ' ill, M Swicegood-Wall & Associates, Inc. rir- 704-634-2222 / 919-940-2222 QUALfTY CUSTOM BU*-T ore o*rw hcme n beautAi Garden Vatoy Su6dvem 34 BR. 2 fcibah$-2cardetachedgara9e.fulbasement wdh great watshcp. Stonga space. $169j00. EATON RD. • O*ner Says Sale! Ths 2 BR 1 BA Home has 207 Ac. Wry! S*lng. 3 Bay carport. Gas heat 4 Air, A Real Oeal at $45,000. NEW CONSTRUCTION • Oavie Academy Road • 1530 square feet. 3 BR. 2 batns. vauRed great room, tray ceil<ng m master bedroom. Seautifui front porch, masonary firepUce, Large walk-in doset ui M B. Bmtt> to entertainment center. Priced in me 90 s. JUNCTION RD. • Bnck home on tirge tot w/maiter suite & batft. Finished area in basement includes 4th bedroom, central air. Lg. rear deck. Ad*tcrui tind avaitoMe adfirhng property. $89,500. OREST LANE * SOUTH MAIN ♦ Neat Brick Rancher on corner lot with lull basement. New carpet, vmyl 4 paint. Fenced yard. A Bargam at $82,500. SHEFFIELD RD..AtisoU7yknmaaiatoinsde andoutThsbrckranctwhasaioeerfras conan couraenops. ceramc tte baths, martie bywurae<ra7Lsysti*TLfluaVyonall2t.acres._ MR HENRY RD.- Situated quaMy beneath the pines, this brick rancher Is ready tor a new owner. BeauthJ rural setbng. 34 BR, 3 Baths. W base'7>M. al tof $97.0001 % kfa ftw > rt***h ^ ENJOY THE OUTDOORS on the front porch or the rear deck ol trus rvsbc 1 \f2 home in tovefy rural setv>g. Formal <Sning. cathedral ceilu>g. rock lireptoce, 4 BR. 2 baths. 1006 ingrovtd pod. $129,900. LAND 16359ACflESw*n1fcmiedM0.601exL ThabeauAitindhaaroedtrontageh prestgcusCotftryLaneEstatesandhasgreatdffvetcemer*alpotentaLCantedvtdedrao3 separate>acti.Calouo«c»toramasterpton ofde*ttopnent,Aenalphcteandpnce6sL 1 I CHERRY toLL • Kstonc home «i Rual DJve Covtiy.ErtensAteyremodetodrdudngcertrai bt, new wmg araJ pkjn*rg Al s4uafcd on 6 aoes hdudes 30ti0 Shx*Garage $t24,5C0 UNDER COHTRACT STOPwas8ngroeandsddotorsa>»aron renl Owi» 3 BR. 2 k i 6am hare. C*hedral ceirg n great room Jacum n nuster ban PrecyftoorptanPncedrre80s RATLEOGE RD. • 7.8 wooded acres surround tr#3befrocmmcdUarhcme 1680 square feet Etott fumac6tentral w $59,900. CAEEKSIDE DRIVE • BeGeve N or not •here's a (4) Bedroom. R) Bath 1 'A story home. weH maintained wtth qreal detached workshop/garage tor $72,900* Oonl VWitf SOVTHWOOO ACRES • A tn4y eiqusAe home ancomertotnwelestabtehedneqrbcmood. Custom but tor owner wfl> al the extras you Cdn mapne. $127,000. BRED0FREHTWG70wmd2BR,tbath Mc6*e hcme on amcti an acre Feattres rdudeOA,aiaa*ance.carport.deckand rrvered pa80. $29,900 BEAUnFUL BreCK HOME on 3t3acres. ccrrverwrttoWnstofrSatemLargegreatroom 4 CJxrtry kA3wi w<h ea1<i dnr 9 3 BR 2 fcJ tti5hiLesstrunSyearcctt$l39SOO. FORK BIXBY RD. • You have to see rode to appreoate this tastetuOy renovated older 1 trz story tarmhouse. 3 BR. 2 \ t2 baths on 1.39 acres, t,06< sq tt garagefoutt4dg. with bath, workshop 4 toads ot storage. Owner will pay $2,000 ol buyers closing cost. $99,900. UNDEfl CONTRACT TYflNBROOK • Great pnce tor tho nejghoor- hood 3BR, 2 M txtih$. great room! Located h oneolMocksWstasfcstseergareas.Priced MAKETHE1STST»TOCOUMmYUVWG n tr*s practcaty new tog home. Stuated on an a^rtu. acre. E*cefcnt conom OuCuttng & deck.$62000. LAND rtCKORY HJLLI • Great tuttng t i r super area,$15,900. BALTWORF. RO. • Great oomer bu**ng fct $t0J0» NtXON RO. • STATESVILLE 16 5 aoes wflh 500 fi road frontage. $4,450 per acre HARDtSON STREET-BeautMbnckhomeW hrd*dflrxspooousUdwi2or3BR.tirgetot n good nwytorttod Pnced to seT' $58,900. LAND JONES RD. • 3 957 acres in pretty rural set6ng. Eiceient property tor Wotxle Home $17.000 40 ACRESW- Has sewer, 500 <eet ol road frontage\f2 from highway 601 $2.000'Acre. ONASCALEOFTEKthshouseaar<wNfe.A w y preoy 3 BR, 1 oatn home w«i new carpet and part A MUST SEE! $64.500 KCKORY TREE • Fantastic house! Great woodedtotatenddd6ad4ndMreetofief3bti W E S E L L D A V I E C O U N T Y M°rc R e s u lts y i f c 7tl7 LASATI* ee*D x |ltl,M 4 — MW MAOOWMOO*. CUW*WI. 6Bfl. 3 6 BA FRENCH PROV on 2 B7 Kfe u>ffront tot. frwtocks P"v >tiand. bo*t I S*pfrou$e MUCH MOfiE'* DEV SUPPLE j BESKBflMLKXMMERCML*HQjOCA'nON*V6URANCE*BBffAL • DAVIE OFFKE OPEN 14 SUNDAY • Mon Ser*k* ... Mon Rtiutis! 998-8816 HOMES IN CLEMMONS M°reS^swUs! More Res to r is n t i istee* ts r* rts -|M ,M 4 - 3 Bn, 2 BA RANCH uftiw tt*v struci<xi has FP. ^ e»Ht krt. tg MBA, garden t^*eo. bawni Low mart rr*y1 SettWl tam*r rDhd Lieev METZGER : ^ . % . y * 9 * W = . i i Z j : 5 t t $ x - * ^ i i L ilfti 1420 ULCAtM e*fVt » l l l t t M —WATt*fOM — 4 BR. 4 BA 2 flory Trad wtosm, vaufted ceJ and conef FP m FRM. tots ol >1 ca&nets. <otuApoof. NJ*<J flrs Nbhd pod MOflE' UARV GULLCKSON ta r tM w *riw e « — S2i»,He—46R. 3 S BA TRAD * t>tmi *W#*4, pkW *d hy fufl bJlh 9 re4 on m*n. ot*n. 2 Story toier, UBfl maA ton* fcJwj Rr* Com- munil| pool MARY GULLIC*SON |M ) M M iM m r M40 — UM ,HA— wAToifeee. < BR. 2 5 BA TR*o tu» e19uede tiea*fu<v*>M fvougrout 3twy mr*t*ct. *i «ry ti<. 9' eel Or*t t yf oti GORGEOUS1 SHARON GlDDENS tM M M M U II *0A 0-etlM C e - CUMMM WIST — 4 en. 3 BA BR>CK RANCH has had recent u$*ti!es lg d*n. toyef *ft*<o catr>eti, p<<m sU n to aTt<. scf pwfCft, &tmt BONNIE PLITT 7E6-M78 Ton H A *m eu* MM) — ses,soe — 8UN>wm nr. a BR. 2 BA RANCH » ••- cept*xv*l one te>el. w« Undscapwd, r*wfy pa*r>ied *vout. «a g*tage. 2 tw oeck WoodW SHARQN G100ENS. 766-7*0t 1738 CV*IASMMPM *OAO — tl4 7 .tt0 - fL I— OMI. 4 BR. 2 S BA BRK TRAO tes* man 1 yr oti. nunwovt WU.LAR0 766-7363 ioT s7 w m trw re — ta it,M o - 4 BR. 2 6 BA TRAO, coppe< rooM h pofth. tonro<t mstf t>tih e t i* .* *hf^od. MBA and smv>Q m Prry*t* wooded t>*:tyfl MOAE' SHARON QlOOENS 766-7*0t • >•• sTiipucM A>i cieeti -SlS7.S00 - LAIATfl 06W*S. 34 Bfl. 3 BA COMTEMP yt tr, M .* Afwod. oc*n fl» pUn, catn ce<. FP #i LR. £ PftU *7w" »f*« tu/. 4 auto waces. btmt SHARON GlOOENS 766-7401 H I MMtHIUSI — tns,ioe.eo — C U M M *I WtST. 4 Bf. 3 BA BRCK RAUCH */spacous mi Pt*ed betow u i fU 4 B*autWkjto< Twti^oda<aiaye WARRANTY. FAYE FllPPlN. 766^m 70tS WOlS MAO — UI,O M — CU*- m ottt WBSr. MOTrVATED SELLERS. MAKE OFFER'i 3 BR. 2 6 BA FAFMSTYVE. 6f*k pate, V} t poryx. kj BAS. w*ft<n c*jMti, FP wtv<t heartfi ElEA/jOfl NEWTON 76S7D66 A t e ^ ^ io r •< w*riw<*ro — t2n j6 0 — 4 BR. 2 FULL - 2 HALF BA COtX*4lAL mf2 Shyy toytf. 2 FPS. M *3 ftoors, lrfi PRM wfw«t M r^P. * i bsmt ga/age, cVt nvy >aeu2Zi. CATHY CAAVER 721-1324 7117 U U TM M M — I7I4,*M — MW M U O M M M . CUM M S. 4 BR. 2 $ BA FAPMHOUSE. 3 cai gifage. 9rtrsu4dM srN tf.s*^^l^m ra4m lg PPM *ffP MCnE' SHARON G1D0ENS •376 UrTM4ATLS MtVf — |1SI,H4 - CUHM0MS. 4 BA. 3 5 BA BW RA74CH W mri* tO dOwfiKr*n CWmmors SaChidM dogwood Ve« W !n; on 2 7 ao** WAR. flA>4TV. NELL HAMILTON 7 M 1 H SM6M0SS 0niKLAMt-llll,*60- F11I N H M I |ST. 3 BB, 2 S BA VtC- TORiAN *f*repatound porch, caih c*lUBR. ^ waBun ctot m fwced c&r+r bt UC00partUow ELEANOfl NEWTON 44« ser* *A w t u * * ~ i7J,see.ee ~ 3 BR, 1 BA RAhCHon**xo13 S *uw* FuB t*mt *>vf Qti*Q*. sci porch, txjwd te n CfceetoOe*womw^jW^ SUSAN CARTER 788-7001. New Developments Homes Under Construction — Clemmons MOtAVIAN HIW HtS................................................................................. A seduded neighborhood rmnulos from H*y. 42t. County ta*es. water arxt sewef p>us wooded and open to(s a3d to tne appeal cl tM lamity n»gtoorhoed. - DIRECTIONS: H*v*21 »o Clemnw$ Eut. teh o first leK at Marty Ln to ngnt on Messiah Paik Lane. *—■ U«M TtA8 1 2.1 M I,M WttTl HOOMT H M ti4 WATElfOeo ........................................ -.......................... Designed to accommodate any style home, this d>stinctne community offers the (mest lmng. Only one mfe lrom Tanflewood Paik. Ne»gh6orhood pod DfRECTKyJS h40 To Cfemrrons. ent ngni, teft Peace Havtr Ftoad to Waterford SectK>n 3 on nght. LOT 3 H U H IIC M H aN - S)4t.M0. - . U t m m * x 3 B * . t S 94 i<W P>v $vuctonflyealSmalnehd,Baywxxtowi.V*yc»hftfl»iMBn.h<fwdNxxS.6tse«wrk do*s Ciose e shops, Tencieeood CAROLYN HOOGE. 9W-8429 LOT 13 F1Y1 U l0 0 l ItTATKI - -tlO S .M ,- 3 BR. 2 S BA NEW.HOME « .. a das$< uad>tioml styte w'yeat hv>g yea Hr pUn, gardWl U ) wfeto*MoL t*m1 Loe tai raia LINDA UMSTEAO 7609046 u t 71 11 m M v u m i M*2SUutMTtAflMUM.tM m tm n n tlH Wu t H n*D 11 S4.M4 m t u u n tiM U tut1»T1A0 11 ltl,tM nUIT MUKSUH )U-M4| ut •1 tlA0 15 201,W UWIWUAM 7U-7U3 u t M COL I I 221,W amrctAYU 7Jl-im »7 Tl&B 11 » ^ M tttW M W I 7U>7M1 J trr M 2 it,m u iriu u e u o i 7 iH #t|u tm TU0 11 TM HAII < W tfH t 7M*M4|u tm 11 m UITSUUKUOi-uii AvuuMu m cwTse cowrwerww * uoi wvno*emr. TOSS WWTBY AVIRM ~ tt3t,M 0 - CUMMOMS WIST - 3 BA. 2 BA French ProvRANCHonbeawtfufyUnd$capedcor net tot Nm> W.*P, oafc *vsco(rg. ^ k4. oti gar; Mrg CAROLYN HOOGE 969-^429. 1310 ftUH OA*S — |lM ,H 4 - «UH>UMM. 3 BR. 2 BA CONTEMPORARY wMuRed e*4. rack FP, neutra/ deeor, one k*e< LG MBR *rt waft*n ctotet& Prrviiel SHARON GIDOENS 766-740l. Service Results! 17 Q r t iu y , Lifestyle Realty 940-2100 or 766-2192 ^ . - - • y ^ y " :^ ^ ? i 0 ^ - l i ^ - ^ ^ S ^ v h l ' ^ ' ' J'.V -" ' ’" .- '■'■•- - ■ ■'. :- i ' ■< -,;RKWEYR. lSCOTT ANQELL....;:.634-3759 EVELYN HAYNES.. 99*0878 KENNETTSMrm ^;;;7W-7048 ANFTA THOMPSON....634-7653 INA HUNTER ........998-9555 ROBERT STREET.,....99fr8253 . <.v ^ v 5 ^ ' i ' - '• ,''’^ ; r '/-,-'v V '^ r •"--;•'-' ' ;;;: M \ v L A D O ^ N A r o n S ^ : 9 9 f r 2 3 i0 LEE REYNOLDS .996-5541 EUZAWHfTNEY i..63*4991 DONNCPRtoE.r.. 76fr6588 HELEN PEtERSON ...76*4541 RON ANGUS .........634-9555 SUNFLOWER ROAfrBeautiful 4 BR 2 5 BA w,1ull basement. Custom buirt, has all tne features anyone couW ask tor 48 acres. lOfenced. Good hunting. A realshowptace. $242,500.00 COMMANCHE DRIVE-Advance-Se- duded 3 BfV2BA ranch on 5* acres w/ toke & stream. Amenities too numerous to Bst. $5000.00 Redecorating allow­ ance. $179,900.00 t t i i SHALLOWBROOK DRIVE-Advance- Brick Cape Cod-3BFV2.5BA profession­ ally Umdscaped; pool; workshop; targe comer to: much more. $t63.900.00 MT VIEW CHURCH ROAO-WeH buitt custom ranch; Recently painted; outbuildings; pasture; lruil trees; stream; 12,6 acres.$144,500.00 TWIN CEDARS GOLF CLUB ROAD- lmmacutote 3BR^BASptiFoyer iocated on acre ♦ tot; Retax and enfcy ldeoothis unique property; Gotfers dream; Home has much to offer. $129,900 NORTH MAIN STREET-Mocksville- Lovefy historical home buitt in 1893. Some remodeling done; Guest house attached. .72 acre kti; $124,900.00 WILKESBORO STREET-Georgeous Brick home comptetety updated with new gas fumace, gas fumace, gas water heater, central air. Gas togs in kvtng room and den.$98,900.00. TWINBROOK Brand new home just waiting lor you. 3BFV2BA Energy effi­ cient with vaufted ceding in Wing room. Cherrycablnetsthroughout.$93.500.00 COUNTRY LANE*3BR Brick ranch with ingroundpoo^Ooubtecarportandwork* Shop; Convenient to 140. $89,900.00 CRESTVIEW*$79,900.00Whatagreat buytorthisbrick/anchwithbasement,2 car garage and 2 fireptoces. WANDERING LANE-Homeneedsten. der toving care to tum it into a real treasure, Investors delight; $74,000.00 AOVANCE-First time homebuyers. Beautiful home in country. 3BR coRagesitualedon2acres.REDUCED. $65,000.00 E UOCKSVILLE-firet time home owners took a! this deali 2 tots; carport; hard* wood floors; $54,900.00 ADVANCE-2Bedroomcottagesituated on 2 acres. Ideal tocation. Great starter or retirement home; $54,500.00 SHEFFlELD^3reat starter home at $53,900.00 Has tufl basement; large workshop on an acre lot. HWY 15M iREAT BUV FOR THE MONEYConvenientfytocated. Recently updated. $49,900.00 Call Office for Land & Farms 5 to 500 Acres f ; t e m * 3• K ' . W - . :T 4 S -.a v r,S ioT a u*i» WAV • itse.ooo. n*. MUOA RUN N** 5 DR. 5 'i BA TfiAO wSvnroom.*6r*>. Mfsf<m 3c4f$if Fu#f cv$temi;M GoHcoutie >iewt BfiCC memfcmfvp. secur*y SVLVIA JORDAN »16 8627 « ? RESD&fnAL*COMMEROAL*RHjOCAnON*NSKANCE*R&nAL D @ • DAVlE OFFICE OPEN M SUNDAY • 998-8816 BERMUDA RUN HOMES iM ip ra iA S t — itn ,o o o — iu < MUOA RUN, OAVIt CO. 2 BR. 2 BA n» ^Cp#O flOO# pOn »nd » J 0e'*tf*4 pthO hom* «'go»cout« »«?* 24 N s*CuM#. pod SVLVIA jOROAN 9A6827 113 tin o e ITRIIT - l4 t*.*0 0 - tIRMUOA RUN, OAV* CO. 5 Bfl 4 5 BAS>ltBO* *S>*yrrwtU. *jrvm, b4i rm « tiVj rm. tiundry «" be*AU mc*>>9% We* um.;ed GlOfilA MATTHEWS lOT 3» U M I WAY • M * 0 ,M I. I I I - MUOA *UN 4 flF 4’» BA Ti*d e'? i!or, toy«. M btml. eW9*N *iLtit. »*u»fd cH Uon V*e« BEV 00 CATHY 7»C506 11» RTYCIMMO MMVI — t329.040 — URMUOA RUM COW t*T CtUB. G'eat ccwnfrpton*taMgn^centv*wo4bfcMV<d goM court* r*rf*&+<t' lg K i po»cf> •tr*» BEV SUPPLE 99620>4 l l U RtVIR NIU, ORIVI - »301.000 - MRMVOA RUN, OAVIt CO. 3 Bfi 2 5 DA WVSOOQ, dU *tl g4'. *f^rtpcx*. greei cu w ii.p < tM M n M b '^ w i | t . b t m*rtenaxe >*d V<*l FLEU<NO 701 413 FAMWAV ORIVI - mS.OOO - tIRMUOA RUN. 3 BR. 2 6A CONTEMP WlLAn*41 t6 hgw n 24Ni*oxJ>.courv Vyctubtotng Short lVofl O OuCAouWpolt oH<e BEV SUPPlE 9M2034 lOT 3 MOMlANDS • 144I.(M . B(R- MUOARUN^K>*4BR S'iB A2*>*vvC ei’.te PfiU C*f> Lfi 00 U r '1 *.M *J1n 18 cH Ck,0 m*mt*fWp l^Vd' Myc' f-A!5l GRiFFlN 7to3to3 147 RIVtRBlNO DRIVI - t3S1.900. MRMUOA RUN. OAVW CO. 4 BR 3 5 BAFrench P w rus e»w,tft.n«j' F<tx,kxA Vtone paw #ip<wd b#.r-i tjuted C^ W i U nt*t«*v] SAUV B MtGUiRE 101 BINT STRIIT — i a i . l M - MR- MUOARUM. OAVK CO. 4 BR.4$ BA TRAO »r3 n o Sf Lg %ct pr#tn. 2 b*t *.ndo*i lmmaCuUl#' On I acre Goll/ten- n*t.vrvte<ur*> BEV SUPPLE 998-2034 173 IVT CIRCll — UT6.S00 - BtR- MUOA RUN. 5 6R. 3 BA S^UT FOtEH *rjS40, SF «l;h<n 1V4M WT.tf* O ^ *f*jpiee^t $a^e rm Gc>iceu'se '<•• w>#* Su»»r . 4'ue' GlOniA VAT7MEWS 311 B(RMUOA RUN ORIVC - 1103.800 — BtRMUOA RUN. 2 DR 2 BA ccn<*rv P&I'1 »JU M» FP. W »je 'ocm p4'e. 2 CMt4rpCrt 1500 • SF 24N v< u tf BAR- 6AfiA P AilE U 9v&x&i CONDOS & TOWNHOUSES I I I WAtWICU fU C | - t 111.000 - U>NUOA RUN. 0AV1I C8. 2 BR. 25 BAV1n^tr5 cortio hM I t*W U y rtW M rM . pc<tMenil 6KCr. NJ«J M BfiCC mertftp 1 SVLVU JOnOAN. 99MU7 761 KMB*OOU BtOOI N U - IIII.W 4 - BIRHUOA RUN. 3 BR. 25 8A TCAT<MCWE. hzroom, cti frwege etx<t e*>e*y. *nUrged d * i. ?4 tv w<. Couwt Ckjb hwg « 41 twti 6EV SUPPLE 99»«827 301 60UVttW - lt4 I.M 0 - HRMUOA RUN. 0AV1I CO. 4 Bfl. 3 'i BA. 3 + ,* «W» Dec* h#$ itwctxu*r •«»* el u,n>et c^w goAaxTM W*« M cU ft*M S**n* PATSY GPiFFW 7to3&33 314 60irvinv . I13I.W0 . HRMUOA RUN, DAVII Ca 3 BR 3 BA eortt<ro to*nfom< e U rt bet< Wv*< M i GR »TP md ?ro w w > Urge toans 24 rt wc^#i STLVU jOflOA?! 99*6827 T03 KM M 04U RI06I • lllf.M 0 • IIR. MUOA RUN, OAVII CO. 2 fiR 2 BA ctnr*- C C rV )K *nW ^U lO fl.^t4 2CVZ*ltQ* 24N M cut, BiPBVUP AlLEN99fr3D9) IOtT HA*lTON COURT - |IM .M 0 -BlRMUOARUN, DAVII 60.3 BR. 2 BA condo *W jftvq csrteafl rt* o . Sw>vm. BR on m*n, 0U 94ra9e BFCC me#r*erV< ^ - seWiT, S>LVlAXDflDW99Ma27. 733 P ta to o a • llM M I • M M M t RUN, 6AVW CO. 2 BR. 2.5BACortwne C<*v d0tu1tg krtcfwA.brkb!rm.ff»eauwJUBfl Nre dear 8RCC metnfce>*>p wKl. iecv*r SYlVU jOfiOAN 99M827 731 N W O O U • IU IM 0 . MRMUOA RUN. 9AM CO. 2 BR. 25 BA Townhom# •Ved*tiwgoecoui»wmxvm.deck*id ertpMO.CCnwreenhO<KU*d'BCVSUP-PlE 996-20)4 «11 M T U III . |13I.M 0 • RIRMVOA RUN, OAVE CO. 3 BR. 3 BA Cttiwre utnedrN ce4 n UVDfl. vn+ FP Comm«r^ff pod 24 r» iecunf| SYlVU X^C*N 99M827 170 R nrltBtM . 1111,900 • HRMUOA RUN. OAVII ca 3 Bfl. 2 5 BA Conte<np to*n*eme hai a 6fiuUul nrw. decor U c * w i 24 hr $ecirff SYlVU JOROAN 731 n m u o e u ttOM < IIM ,M • M l- MUOA RUN, OAVII CO. 3 BR. 2M BA fCWi40UE e^CAf 9» Erdun<. Coutywd. *mc sirg Li>tfgottcou<i* »>*• BRCC n-4TWV>e *Kl SYlVU JOROA74 99M8Z7. 7M OTM 08>T • I l i l , m • * « * » * W*,iAWee.2BR.2BACorMmeCondo W2fcdedUwjFPwp«r»vsUVDfl.SpK»« *rtj unL Ou0 nweenhp wckde4 SYlVU JOflOAN990*827. N M M 4 RW. 2 Bfl. 24 8A CONTEMP. dramate nr pUn e.'6**,VJ o r*l. sp*z*M rms, 2 derti. ft*rwed LR *M ^ied cN BRCC m*ntf<p SYlVU XFOAN. 99M827. M 2 tOUYIIW - U 6.M 0 - i*MUOA • t* . 64Wf CO. 2 BP. 2 Bt CONDO q one >r>M. perteci to cocpM Wrl m*nt*#*d 24 tv Wgnry BAflBARA ALLEN 996-3C>91 Davie Land Transfers ThcMkwinghndtransfvrswcrtnicd witii thc DivkCounty Rcgistcrof Deeds. The transactions an* listed by parties tavohvd, acTeage, township, and deed *Umps purchased, witii $2 rvprvscnting SlAO. • MkhaelA. Bamhardtand Cail Bam- hardt to James Nbtthew Bamhardt, 7.47 acTMi Fultcn, S32. • Lavone H. Swicvgood to Hany L Leonard and Lois A. Leonard, .12 acre, MocksvUk,$2. • Baiky Walker, indivWually and as tru$lre for Walker heirs and e*ecutor of estateofNbeWalker, Unda Walker, Ken- neth Walker and Iva Walker, Charks W. Walkrr, James F. Walkcr and Loutec W*!ker, J.P. Walker. LudIle W. Dankl, Heien B. Walkerand Maty Salos Walker, Betty W. Daniel lo lb rry LrorunJ and Lob Ann Uonard, S acre* Mocksville, $71. • C Henry Hunt Jr. and Martha E Hunt to Shitoh Baptist Church, 5 acre, Mocksvilk. - Hamki W. Smithand EUine Smith to ShUoh BaptistChurcK3.0l acres, Mocks* vilk,$M. • Nancy M. Brooks and Vemon L * Brooks, and Kenneth Munday to Duke PbwerCo, >1.22 acres, Fulton. $290. • O) de Lskry and Betty Jo Lakcy to Jean R. Shaffer, 4 tots and a portion of 4 k>ts.$H0. • Connie Y. Campbell to Robert Nbnn and fbnnetore Mann, 1.04 acres. Shady Grove, $18. ■ Shettu Drum to Chattotte Ray Drum Brown, 1.45 aovs, Cabhabt • Gknda P. Ludwkk and William R. LudwkV,DianneP.SniderandPaulRkky Snider and Jackie Phelps and Tina O. Phelps to Paul Ricky Snider and Dianne P. Snidef, 5.19 acres, Jerusalem, $15. • Michael Drew Wekh, and Kathkcn D. Wekh to Kathkvn D. Wekh, .92 acrv, S1. • Lue AUce Stewart to Vkky M. Moore and Ray L Moore, 1 lot, Mocksville. • John A. Spillman and Patricia SpilhruntoEddk'AL>tmSpiUman,ltract Jerusalem. • Crady L McClamrock Jr. and Catherine C. NkGamrock to Marilyn C. McOamrock, 2 tracts, Mocksville. • Marilyn C McOamrock to Crady L McCbmrock)r, 5 tracts, Mocksville. • Paul B. Wilbid Jr. and Glenda C. Willard to Jcddy Hilton. 12.15 acres. Jerusalem, $49. • Paul B. Wilbrd Jr. and Glenda C. WUUrdtoBnrmon D. 1 liltenSr- andShdby H. Hilton, 3 03 acres, Jerusalem. $16. • Peter W. Hairston and Lucy D. Hainton to James NL BaUey and Elua- beth M. Baiky, 25 actes, Fulton, $20. • Cralg A. Carter Jr. and Geraldine 8. Carter, tiougUs Rex Carter and Mary Carter. Lester RCarter and Cathy Carter, Brenda CarterHanesand Kenneth Hancs, heir$ ol Sallie G. Carter, and Craig A. Carter Jr. and Lester R. Carter, a>exccu* tors of estate, to Lonnie Gray Hepkrand AnnieSheltonHepler, l5acres,$156. • James Marcus Angell and Brenda KarrisAngeH, David M>ichel Angell and Geraldine Stephens Angell, Robert Michael AngcU and Ebie8. AngeU, Myron Mooney_AngelL Christopher MarkAn-- "geU and NUu CampbeU Angell, Philllp Nbrtin Angell and Rhonda ftlts Angell to Robert Michael Angell and Uruna Mehaffey Angell 6 tracti. MocksviUe. • James Marcus Angell and Brenda Harris AngeJL David Mitchel Angell and Geraldine Slephens Angell, Pobert Mkhael Angell and Leuna Mehaffey An* geU, TUden Madison AngeU and EWfr B. Angell and Myron Mooncy Angell to James Martui Angell and Brcnda I larris Angell, 3 tracts, Mocksville. • James Marcus Angell and Oreoda Harris Angell David Mitchel Angell and Geraldine Slpehens Angell, Robert Mkhael Angell and Lcuna Mehaffey An- gelL TUden Madison Angell and EUie 0, AngeU. Myron Mooney AngelL Christo­ pher Mark Angell and Nina Campbell Angell, and Vhillip Sbrtin Angell and Rhonda Felts Angell to TiUen Madison Angel!and EUic B. Angell 2 tracts, Mocka- vUte. - J*mes Marcus Angell and Brenda i larris Angell David Mitchel AngeU and Geraldine Stephens Angell, Robert Mkhael Angell and Uruna Mehaffey An- gell,TUdtn Madison Angell and EUie B. Angell, Myron Ntoorwy Angpll Christo­ pher Mark Angell and Niru Campbell Angell to David Mitchel Angell and Getaldine Stephens Angell, 2 tracts, Mocksville. • James Marcus Angell and Brenda lbrris Angell, David Mitchel Angell and Getaldine Stephens Angell, Robert Mkhael Angell and Leuna Mcha(fey An- gelL Tilden Madison Angell and Dsie B. Angell, Myron Mooney Angell, Christo­ pher Matk Angell and Nina Campbell AngellPhiUipNbrtinAngellandRhtx*ia Felts Angell lo Myron Mooney Angell 2 tracts, Mocksville. -MadalineMarshallHireandJohnR. Hire Jr.. EUine NbrshaU Yotk and John BbineYorkSr, CeorgeThomas Manhall andPatricbW.NUrshall,JoAnn.SUrshall Smith and James R. Smith, John C. NbrshaU and Adna Marshall William Isaac Marshall and Johnna Hobson ManhaIl.JenniferLcighl.uper,PettyJane Marshall, and David Mark SUrshall to David Matk ManhaU. 3 actvs, Farming- • Madaline Marshall 1 lireand John H- !i<rcjr, Ehuxr NLirshaH Yotk and John 8UineYotkSr..CeotgeThoma*ManhaU andPatridaW..SbrshilLJoAnnNUrshall Smith and James R. Smith, John C. Marshall and Adna NLir*haH, WilIum ls*aac Marshall and Johnna Hobson MarshaU.JenniferU'ighLuper.BcttyJane Marshall and David .Sbrk NUnhall lo Madaline MarshaU 1 lireandJohn R. I lire, 3 aavs, Farmingtotv • Madaline Sbr>hall Hire and John R. Hire |r^ ELiine MarshaU Yock and John BhineYorkSr.,GeorgeThomasMarshall andPamdaVV.Marshall.JoAnnManhall Smith and James R. Smith, John C. Nbrshall and Adna NUtshall, William Isaac Marshall and Johnna Hobson .SbrehallJenniferLfighLuper,BetyJane Marshall and David Mark Nbrshall to Ebine Nbrshall Yotk and John BLine York Sr« 25 acres, Farmington. • Mada!tne XbrshaU Hire and John R. Hire Jr., Ebine ManhaU York and John BbincYotk5r,GeorgcThomasMarsha!l andPatridaW.NbrshaU,JoAnnMarshaU Smith and James R. Smilh, John C. Nbrshall and Adna SUrshall Wil)iam Isaac Marshall and Johnna Hobson Marshall Jennifer Leigh Luper, BettyJane .NbrshaIl and David Mark Marshall 10 GeorgcThomas MarshaU and Patricia W. NbrshaU, 227 acres, Faraungton. • Madaline MarshaU Hire and John R. • I Eire jr* Ebin*rMarsHall York and John BbineYorkSr.,GcorgcThomasMarshaH andPatriciaW.MatshaU,JoAnnMarshaU Smilh and James R. Smith, John C. SbrshaIl and Adna Marshall, William Isaac Marshall and Johnna Hobson .SbrshaU,JennifcrUighLuper,Bettylane Nbrshall and David Mark MarshaU |o Belty Jane Marshall, 3.I8acns, Farming- - Madaline Ntanhall Hire atulJohnR. Hire Jr., Ebine Nbrshall Yotk and John BltintfYorkSr..GeorgeThomasMarshall and Patricia W. Marshall, JoAnn Marshall Smllh and James R. Smith, John C. NbrshaU and Adna Nbrshall Wil!bm Isaac Marshall and Johnna Hobson NtarshalUenniferLeighLupvr,BettyJane Nbrshall and Davfd Nbrk Nbrshall m Jo Ann Marshall Smith and Jarms R. Smllk 3.75 acrvs, Farmingion. - Medaline Nbrshall Hire and John R. 1 lire Jr, Ebine Marshall Y01k and John BbineYork Sr., GrorgeThomasMarshall andPatriciaW.MarriullJoAnnManhall Smilh and James R. Smith. John C. Nbrshall and Adna Marshall WiUiam Isaac Marshall and Johnna Hobson Marshall,JennifeTUSghLuper,Bctt)'Jane NbrshaU and David Matk Marshall to Jennifer Leigh Luper, 3.75 acres. Farm- -Madaline MarshaU Hireand John R- Hire Jr., Ebine Nbrshall Yotk and John Bbine YorkSr., George Thomas Marshall andPatridaW.MarsHill.JoAnnMarshall Smith and James R. Smith, John C. Nbrshall and Adna NbpJull WiUiam Isaac Marshall and Johnna Hobson Marshall Jennifer Urigh Luf*r, RcttyJam Marshall, and David Mark MarshaU to John C NUtshaU and Adna Marshall 4 acres, Farmington. • Mada!inc Nbrshall I fire and John R. !tire )r . EUine NbrshaU York and John BbineY0tkSt.,Ge1ttgcTh0masMarshall and Patricia W. marshalLJoAnn Nbrshall Smith and Jame> R. Smilh, John C. Marshall and Adna Nbrshall, WiUiam isaic Matshall and Johnna Hobson Nbfshall.JvnniferU*ighLuper,BettyJane Nbrshall and David Mark ManJull to William Isaac Marshall and Johnna 1 lob*on MarshilL 45 acrvs, Fam>ington. - Jt4m U McBride and Su/anne L McDride lo Dennis W. Deal and Wanda H. Deal, 1 k>t, Farmingtoa $tW. - Willie BekS Bennelt, Delfcvrt E Bennett and Mattha 11. Rennett James Narwt* and Gamette Nancr, Fnxi Ellv. and Nbrie Blis, Bradkry F. Ikwwlt and Katvn T. Bennett by aitomey in fact, B. Eugene Bennett and B. Eugene Bennett to NbrshallRrHorton, 152acns,CbrksviIk*. 523. - Fred 0. Ellis and Marie C. Blis, Eugene Bennett and Willie Bvs> Bor<r>eN, Paul David Corrrll and Ebine C. CorrvU, 2 tots, JerutiWm, $17. ^WilliamC.Cn-asyand CoUcen P. Creasy to James E. Lewis, 1 U>t.Cabhaln, $10. - 81lly C. FkU» Jr. and VkU S. fieUs to Sherman D. AmoU and Teresa W. Ankvld, t tot, Mocksvilk, $lM. - Wade W. Reeve* and Estelk W. Rev% es, Luther S. Ludwkk and Nob R. Ludwkk,Donakl G. TeagueandNbry R. Teague, Howatd Leon Routh and Katherine R. Routh, Harold D. Faw and Drvnda R. Faw lo W'ade W. Ree\es and EsteUeW. Reevc$, l65acros. - Wade W. Reeves and Esk*lW W. Reeves, Luther S. Ludwkk and Nt'U R. Ludvsick. DonaU G. Teagueand Mary R. Teague, >loward Leon Routh and Katherine R. Routh, Harold D. Faw ar*l 8rendaR..Faw.to£kxukiG.Toaugean4 Nbry R. Teague, 15.12acns. - Jean R. Shaffer to 8illy G. fieUs Jr. and VkkiS. Fields, 1 tract, Mock»vilk‘, $174. - James H. Lytle Jr. and U>is T. Lytle toSharonW. McCrawandTimothy W. McCraw, 1 k>t, Mocksvllk,$13a - Bonnic C Leroy to Keith N.Tho- mas and Lori S. Thomai, 1 trad, Fulton. 5260. ~ Kazaan S. Gravatt Jo)7tcr and Wayne A. Joyner to James F lerbert Lylle Jr. and Lois S. Lytk, 2-plus tob, M «k> ville,S190.-PaulineB. BahosontoNealSmith jndSusanSmlih,.9acn-,Mocksvllltf.$24#l - Roy U Pott> and Diane 11. Putts to )ct(re)" L Shaver and Sherri K. Shavtf# 7acres,Fulttxv$l00. - Larry K. McDjnk-l and Janice/. NkDanwl to RobertAShaverand Mkhek W. ShavtT, 1 tot Mocksville, $IM. ~ Bufotd Smith and Lynda W. SmiihtoRkhard LVanAukenandEUine F. Van Aukm, &W acrvs, Farmington, $lM.- HwryG.Cisnefos,wattao'o( H0usingandUrbanDrvelopmenttoTho- nus N. Karkk and Rosemary Karlek, 62 acres,MocksviUe. - Vkky B. Lankr to Chatks A. Nicbauer and Kalhr>^ L Nkbauer, .45 acre,FuIion,$l34. - Zeno D. Hoots Jr.toGregory L Proctot and Jamit M. Prwtor, 1 ka,Shady Grove,$5l. - Mid-Sute Oil Co. to Mid-Sble Petrokum, 2 tracts. Mocksvilk, $150. ~ Daisy M. Ridenhour lo MiUred Firsler Pennington. 11 acres. Jenisakm. $128. - Oeary Auto Sak*s to C. Henry Hunt Jr. and Martha F- Hunt, 1 trxt, Mocksvilk. - Jerry W. Cartner to Dunald G. Davis and Joanne C Davis, I tot, Mocks­ vilk, $25. - |ohnll. 1 L*>t<, liM ElU lU*its Angel and Charlrt E Angvl, Kathkvn Hools Mcllhalten and David W. McllhattenloMatganrtNlDiaL7i8acres,5hady Crove, $75. ~ John L Bradford and Shelby B. York Bradford to John L Bradford and Sheft>y B. Y01k Bradford as tenants by entireties. 5W acres, Jerusakm. - Frcderkk D. Call and Jur* Call Jerry E Call and Gcrnza CaU to EXiby M. Ridenhour, 8 tots, )emsakm, $120. ~ J,W. Evethardt and Lena B. EverhardttoLarryWayne Luca< and San­ dra Kay Lucas,5acre,Jerusakm, $14. "BoanandbenhourConstruction Co. to Frank T. Alkva and Nancy J. Duncan. 1 tot, Farmington, 514396. • Bobby 0, Mott and Nbrilyn S. Mott to Bobby Ccnc Grvgory, 1.93 acres, Ful- • Earl F. Myen to Tony Keith Myen andAngrbChtkM)Tf%2iMacrcs,Stajy • Citkotp Mortgage to Mkt^el Ray Lt*amon and Carol 0. Lramon, I n*tdo- minium, Farmington, $240. • Gilda Sue L>Tich and Charks Paul KingtoJamesRt^er toman, 1 unit Farm- togttm,$217. • Roy L Potts and Diane H. Potts to Wa)T*e D. Yankre and Rounne Yank«, 10 acres. Shady Cnr> e, $74. - tX*orah Cohen Phelps azxl Latry Dankl Phelps to &*orah Cohen Phelps and U rry Daniel Phelps as tenants by entirety, 1 tot, Cabhala Davie Building Permits- Fhe following buiIdmg permit% were i>sued in Dat ie County in Apnl- The permits are lt*twJ by o»^iT and 01 contiartv>r, l)7v and sizeof build­ ing k<ation. and fw. with $t50 rvpre- xnling $IA ti and a $20 minimum fee. - Roy Harris, Salisbury Stnvt, Mtxkavilk, *44 s^uarv fix>l a<lditit*i to ht>u><",$S6M. - lurry and Ann Andervw. Jw Rtud, 150s<|ujre foot addition to house, 54t. - Jerry Grocv,Conutzer Road, 36- by40-fix>t k w barn.no fix*, (arm e*enip- - Caudell Lumber, Hmgham and Shevk streets, M0cksv1lk, 50- by H>fr*)t war1h0u>< ston* fn w add 1tkx1 to busi- niw, $95. - Xbrk Grubb and Ed Williams, Gtxasy Conwt,36-by to-fixrt crnviwenre itufe,$l51 * Lto)d Jolly, Jolly Rnad, 12- by 28- foot carport. $20. - Kenneth A. Faulkner, N C. 801, Advance. MMsquarWoottousc,$lQl 60. "JamcsNLDoss,SmithRoad, 1,754 square foot house, $14024. ^ Edith and Emcst lb ll, Undvr- pass Road. 1200 kjuarv foot carport. $20. - Rkhanl and 8iltie 8t<k, U 5 601 ni'ar Pine Ridge Rrud, 639 square fuot addition to house, $6854. - Gaty D. 1 (arris, Elmore Road, 8- byl2-fwtaiUiliQaLHwbtkl,ome,$357ii.' -NbrshaU 1 lorton, Counhy Circfc*. Counb)iide EsUte$, 2,450 square fool house,$m.%. - Casikgate Construction, Coun­ try Circle, Countryside Estates, 2500 square foot house, $206J3. - Ray and Vicky Moore, Metabrw^Lw,MocksvUk,l5l2>quarc foothouse,$125.72. - Marhsal| Tyler, Foster Dairy ^01^* 24-by 24-foot addition to house, $20. ~ Ausbon Ellis, Norma Line, l,4U) s(uan* ftK>t hou*t*, $133.12. ~ Dank*l Greene, Hkkory Tree Rikid, 224 s<)uan? ftx)t additkwi to houw, $M24.- Tony Mym, Beauchamp Rtiad. 2J52 squaw fix>t houx*. $197.91. - Myra D. EUis, U5.601 north of Willum R. Davie, 1.4C0squarcfrot lx*ise, $12538. - W. D. ParkvGunClub Road. 3£7S squarv fix't houw, $25729. - David and Carol Powell. Lrfkevkw Road, llKkoty Hill 11, 2jM5 square ftx>t htnikr,$169Cti. -David E Smith Jr., Rainbow Road, 1.400 squarv foot houM?, $114. ~ Joseph and Cynthia Valliert, Houston Beck Road, l,W squanr foot house,$l25.72. - Jcffcry and Amy Taytor, Nbr- ginaland Dukestnx*ts,Cookenuv, l>-b)- l> fod addition to house, H&l4. ~ Rkky and Judy Williams, Beau­ champ Road, 1J47 square foot house, $133.92. - Joseph and Toulip Etchison, l1ilkrest Court, Mocksvilk, ctosing in carport, $4Z96. - RMF Construction, Nbdison Avenue, Mocksvilk, 1^X3 squanr fixrt house,$151.40. - Jamie and Angeb Scott Briar Creek R<ud, 2,4fi0. s*iu.xre-Ax?t houic, - ' $ t t o " " ~ David 1 b rt Jr^ BotwxxxlChurdx Road, 16- by 24-/ovi addition to mobUe home, $53.M. ~ Mike L Hooker, Junie Beau­ champ Road, 2,!62 square foot house, $16950. - Tom and Debbie Pulkn, Beau­ champ Road, 2jC5 square foot house, S2l7.!l. •♦ Dwayne and Susan Allen, Conttnued On Vnge 8 J^^^^^vjW^^Wr*urtj^^ , j F r e s h Water | Pearl ! I Bracelet V $ 7 9 5 -------_ ^ * 3 GREATGIFT IDEAS FOR . DADS 4 G8ADS . ^^*r-.^T-< *y iyft?m Pearl Earrings ^ ) 4mm# * 9 “ ! % 5mm I; $1495 | RUGGED 1 HEAVY MAN'S BIRTHSTONE RING $ 9 9 95@ MAN’S SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING $ 9 9 95^ ^ 1 CARAT TENNIS BRACELET $ 2 9 fi0 0 ° ^ U ____ A LADIES GOLD ,_x NUGGET WkWATCH W18995 L A { SAPPHIRE ' EMERALD OR / RUBY RING i YOURd6Sa CHOICE ;'^ % $ 8 9 9 5 :■: L W ^ _ J ACARAT DIAMOND EARRINGS $ ^ 9 5 ^ # . r Great Gift Idea! ^P C uff Bracelet * . . . . ~A XK K eyR lna $095 *^ * M oney C lip »t™ E n„ „ ing ifir gra,( j , . 6-way '\ ., / II 3ffinJJ * ^ ™ ^ \ i Y ^^^ 1/20 OZ. GENUINE PANDA COIN RING rfj^fe $ 0 0 9 5M R 3 W ^ H s t (x k x ^ m » , r MAN'S 1 DIAMOND INITIAL SIGNET RING jg i6 9 95: 14KGOLD " DOME RING $ 5 9 9 5 ALL MEN'S I .SEIKO &J § XITIZENS V A I WATCHESV I50%11 OFF L J ALL CURRENT S H U S J TRIO 1 WEDDING SETS *99^Sj r MAN’S NUGGET^ WATCH . SOLID GOLD zis' Just in tIme for *^6r Father*i Day ’Vy»‘ *395/ , COL PE :-:;* .> v ^ ^ g 1 IBRI NS 30% OFF S E V E R A L M E N ’S ^ ROLEX ytfATCHESS PRE-OWNED <^> SEVERAL STYLES fvC) STA*T1HO | f $1495» 14KTSAN * fc MARCOS wBRACELET Y V LM<tlme K W *rr*nty | ^ $ i 6 9 95 S O L I D Q O L D G I F T S | ^ * 1 9 95 S^ r MAN’S HEAVY NUGGET RING $ 9 9 9 5 if^ ^ | § w w R B ^ s ^ • O T E L j® 8 ) ;r _________________^ 2 Z _ S O v e r 1 0 0 y e a r s e . v p e r / e ^ ^ ^ ^ M f w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ H „ NEW TOW NE SHOPPING CENTER M-F 9 - 8 [ j ? f e £ l ^ B f f l O p e n W c c k n lg h t 8 7B M s 0s c i T o s M 0 r i H i t i l l 8 .0 0__________________________n.B M M O N 8. N .c. ■ _ _ S A T ^ 9 - 5 . j 0 -------------------------; - ? " - ■ -I —^ ^ ^ ™ .^. . - , . v g ^^ ^ £ x ^ g g s g g £ ^ £ i S £ j £ i g S 2 2 & £ £ & i 2 2 £ & s Z i i £ ^ ' * M ^ ^ ' x m ,* ^ ^ * ™ * A * ‘i* r '~ B 16 Property Taxes: Check On Your Share If you've watched your property plicd by its assessment ratio ~ ihc taxes edge up u bit year after year, percentage o f fair market value sub* never questioning the need for the jecttotax. increase, you could be paying more In determining lhe market value of than your fair share of property Uxes. >00* home, some assessors w ill in* The North Carolina Association of $pectyourhomcinsideandout,while others may get information about itCPAs recommends that you take the timctoperiodicallyrcviewyourprop- erty taxes and. if necessary, appeal assessments that you think are out of line. Thc end result could be a tax * savings for years to come. How Properties A rt Assessed Your property ux represents the assessed value o f your home multi* plied by the local tax rate. The tax rate is set by law and can't be changed on the basis of an individual complaint. However, you may be able to lower percent of the fair market value of your property tax by questioning the )<>ur home in calculating your prop* ifthe fairmarket value o f your home is St$0,000, and your tax assessment is based on 80 percent o f the market value.iheasse*sedvalueofyourhome should be $120,000. If you discover that your assessed value is listed as $140,000. even though this is less amount ofyour property assessment. - The assessed vatueof your homcis equal to its fair rnjuket value as deier- ', mined by a municipal assessor •• u hat the property would sell for - nmlti- from municipal records and relyonly - °n yourproperty report card.you may on an outside view of the home. In *usr a case for appealing your prop* most places, however, assessors w ill crty tax. consider sale prices of recent proper* Also, be oware that you may be lies in determining the market value entiikd to special exemptions, which ofyour home. should be reflected in your property Localities also use different as* taxcalcuhtions. Forexample. in some ses$ment ratios in computing prop* communities, veterans, elderly or erty tox rates, so you need to find out blind people, and people with low how assessments are made in your ir>co<nei may bc entitled to a tax break, community. Some localities use 100 Making an Appeal In making an appeal, it's up to you to prove that your home's assessment isincorrect.Thismcansgatheringtheerty tax, while others ma> use a frac­ tion of tiws nurket vatue in doing the calculation. The difference is critical in understanding your tax rate and determimngUsfaimess,|-*t>rexatnp!c. Qualified Agent Can Help Alleviate Real Estate Concerns Whether you’re a fir%Mimc bu>er. selling your current home or relocat­ ing to a different part of thc country, thesupportofaqualified,knou|edge* able real estate agent can alleviate many of your concerns and ensure a smooth transaction. A professional agent can market your present resi­ dence. help you locate the home of your dreams and assist in making your transfer to an unfamiliar area easier, To find a trained sales associate or broker, you may need to look no fur* ti)er than your own neighborhood or hometown. If a well-established bn>* k kerage is involved in nuny listings and sates, this is a good sign. Speak w ith some o f the agent's past custom* ere about the quality and integrity of service and performance. Successful real estate agents rely heavily on cus- tomcTrtfenak and w ill therefore strive to provide thc very best in customer service and satisfaction. Setupappoimments to*intcrview* % agents and brokers much like an em­ ployer would interview a prospective employee. Inquire about their train- ~* Vrigrfnarketing programs and specific service policies. Also determine how many years o f experience they have, thc number of listings they have had, and the number o f homes they have told within the past few years. More importantly, find out how well they know tiw area. Ask for references,' ,andcheck them out v<y»V tV *.»N »-Vv*V*»t^ * ^ ^ Yourgoal istodctemiincjust how knowledgeable the agents arc. Ques­ tion them on financing, closing cests evidence yo* need to suppott your argument If you can show that there is a mathematical error in your prop­ erty tax cakulation or a factual cm>r on your property, such as listing your one-story home as a two-story resi­ dence, you may bc able to have your assessment lowered in an informal talk w ith the assessor. lf>ou can'i %cttlc thc issue w ith the assesxor.you can appeal your case to the local appeals Kurd, which istypi* cally comprised of ihrec to five local business people. To nuke your case forapropeny tax reduction, take along rclexant materials such as property maps, photographs o f y our home and similar ones in thc ncighboirhood. and most importantly, assessment fig­ ures on at least three comparable and/or local market conditions, de* homes as w ell as sle prices of compa* pending on whether you're a prospec­ tive home buyer or seller, to deter­ mine their expertise. If they know their stuff, they should be able to answer your questions effortlessly. If you're selling your home, lcam what they w ill do if you decide to list with them. How do they plan to mar- kctyourhome? W ill they provide you with a market analysis to help you determine the most effective listing price for your property? W ill they supply regular progress repons and assist with negotiations once you've received offers? If you are relocating to a different part of the country, is youragent con­ nected with a national relocation ser­ vice that w i|| not only expose your present property to incoming trans­ ferees, but assist with your search for a new house? Ask for a written guarantee that .CXCQ:thing 4MnraLwLwil|.bcKieliv-- Aqualificdrcalestateagentshould be able to answer all your questions and provide you with quality service that is courteous and responsive. Find­ ing the right person may take timeand patience, buiwhen purrhasingor sell* tag a home,theselection of a depend- .. .abkagentshouldbetopsonyourlisi. rable homes that sold recently. Ifpos- sible. bring a supporting appraisal fromareccntmongagcrefinancingor home equity loan application. Make sure you know all the dead­ lines and procedures for mating an appeal sothat you don't loseyourcasc on a technicality. To leam how the appealiprocedureishandled,youmay also want to sit in on other appeal board hearings. Although you should have an idea of thc assessment figure you feel is accurate for your home, be prepared to compromise. Determining prop­ erty taxes is in part subjective, so you may wantk>tale a reasonable offerof a reduction from the assessor. Ifyou loseyourcascorstilIarenot satisfied with your assessment, you can appeal to the state review board which follows a procedure similar to tktf ofthe tocalboard. Your last resort is to take yuwcasc to tax court. CPAs point out that this is a more costly option that you should consider only if the potential savings arc likely to exceed the cost o f getting a profes­ sional appraisal, giving up your lime and hiring ihcprofessionals you need to help you w in the case. Don't forget that your prupcrty tixes cover local serv ices, such as the costs for operating schools, libraries, police stations and even transporta­ tion for thec!dcrly. In some instances, increased property taxes may not re* sult from an increase in the market value of your home, but rather from increasedcostsofoperating local ter* DAVIS LANDSCAPING, INC. And Landscaping Supplies Hwy. 801 at Greasy Corner • Cooleemee, N.C. NURSERY: 704-284-6019 on BUS/HOME: 704-284-2177 mmm - - '.> * J ^ V i f i - ^ - ^All Your '° Landscaping Needs! — IN STOCK - • Pine Nuggets • Cedar Chips • Walnut Chips • Creek Sand • Topsoll • Seasoned Hardwood Mulch • *NurseryMlx-* NEV,'18rlck Chips r2 Sizes "--------- • Mlnl Nuggets • Florida Pine Straw • Fertilizer 1 Lime • * White Stone - 2 Sizes • Driveway Tile • Manure ■ • Compost • Pottlng Soil • — WE SPECIAUZE IN — Loading Hours • Fertilizing • Full Landscapes • Driveway Mon.-Fri. Gravel & TMe • Seeding • Overseedlnq 8',0am * 2-spm • Aeration« Core AtraUon _ m D^ * ^ m P otenllalforK rron The sheer amount of information needed to compute your property tax creates thc potential for ermre, There may be a simple mathematical error, property values may havedcdined in your arca, or the assessor may have based his computation on incorrect information about your home. How do you know if thc assessor has accurate information about your home? Go to your local assessor's office andobtain your property report card. Read it carefully. It provides dctailcdinfomutionaboutyourhome. includingthe size ofthehouse and the land, number of baihrooms and fire­ places, construction material and any unique features tlvat may add to your home's value. REUSE THE NEWS. B m a il wsun*NCE stnv<ct Foradviceyou cantrustand valueyou can depend on. We hove rhe profestioool eipefience it takes to recommend fhe rlghi coveroges ot rKe righl prices to suit your jpecif>c in$urtVKe needs ond budget And we bock up ouf promises with superior $er>i<e to grve you tKe mosl volve for your insurance doHary Coll us today. • U t <HwHi *Home *Cor 'k tin tu Brent F.Johrwon ____ 3303Healy Dr. WlnstorvSalem (Across from KAW) 919-768-5227 or Rea. 91949S4440 iNATONwrae I INSURANCE Off 1-40 at Hwy 801 & 158 P 0 Box 11 Advance, NC 27006 Monday-Friday 9-5 P M SPECIALIZING IN RURAL DAVIE COUNTY HOMES AND PROPERTY 998-4606 998-2260 POTTS REALTY 998-2100 Roy L Potts Diane H Potts 998-2700 998-2700 Linda S DiMingham George F Wilson * ^ We . H * . n u iM n r i i u t tirie 1tc/*9ei ’fB Fif*(i!m vu1<1 Hoof nta W*n voca'ta l>J -« . C4*.e< $>8 S00 ASHBURTON LANE - 4 (.a 1 JOfiOAN LANE - $177,000LUfYirw AO - . ''" ''V t < V M : MCCIE COURT -HWYW1SOVTM-C-. w @ w r i FARVLAN0 ACRlSGltNN ALLEHROAD - U 19O >P2C n ,y r* upy*>d t**v « 1' x * Tio4c-t^r^ P-fi> EDGEWOOO CiRClE — C ;-.fAO*W VALLEY RO - 2 60— »» X N<*ORTMILLI-Bf<i' . , '^c<-g 4 b r *- <:r Z^j--^s'<-. V iV* ? • ;, •,■' -c-J:■/•: ».< c >ry ^ : v r v : : ; r “:* ; * ^ * ' , ^ : . 0AVU GAROENS — -:.___CnEEKSJ0E DR- —r.y Lr-7 iy-: :>»• >r,. c- Cv"'"*o ;>jr. »— t_<-j C**.V* CEDAR GROVE CHURCH RO — , . , ^ f - ' 101 CREE*WOOO OR - * cc» ? 3 M;« 'K W f Ful <te*r W ^ Wvet aen »0 *rtpuc* E ip*~a-.« oec» yia»:* Lo* r u n X i .tf**r $37 900 GRANAOA Ofl. - 2 Eem 2b*TMSM Oi* wxd Cv>!(*f * f |nOvSe$ ka yi W »« ise*t $16 000 PARTRJOGE LANE — « fc2m, ye*sayn ••tn f#et<*ce 4 ton Gre« rtvemen c< #>fTi:mefi n tr>e h#irt o< pr*n# kxx‘.Kf> $3V900 AUSTIN LANE — A,.axc A -i AH EBRK*HT RO. — 4 ro : to ^-a rt oxc*N*oe *eaVrt 3 Mx^- : w n * ce c*- »;ce« <5 » :'** i;i^ 3t« D*> xn <*-n w o 3ct/1 *c >:■ " ;rj^ '>:• :o- :*33 ^,^x* W « ;lXCU'W.^^*. Sv^i-. >>j U* '<X) G-eur rv4 -xv-:- ^s *y - fcr3>X LAT WWTAKER R0. — knm*cvUt* ceod*w! — 3 Ba. 15 &A 'j"^*:e S,'^tM cn atC':> j *;ret tencecurxi WT3 9CD Serving Davie County Since 1978 B Lawns Provide Much More Than Just Looks Scientists havc long recognizcdihc environment importancc o f lawn Lawns cool our neighborhoods, rcplenishouro*ygen supply, prevent soil crosion, filler dust and pollen from ihc air, purify water, build lop* soil, reducc sunlight glare, and absorb noise pollution. "Lawns need lo be recognized for the necessary benefits they provide to our health and our future," said Rex Bowcfi,PLCAAmcmber."Morethan 60 million Americans provide some lype o f care for lheir lawns. Whether it isthe homeowneroraprofessional, thecaretaKersofAmerica'sl4million acres of lawns deserve credit for the valuable service they perform bycon- tributing to the betterment of the world’s environment." Proper mowing and u « o f fcrtil- Continued From Vage 6 MerrybrooK A<n>. 1,920 xjuaru fo*>t hou***,$l7V.45. ~ Mi<tuv1 arul Tervu lUmkirdt, N'C8Ul.t.4t6sqiua'foot hou^,$I.W^j. •• W. Michael Kirkpjtri<K. LX*aJmon RiUii. 5<* Mjii.ire fm>t additn*n tohou>v,$SI.38. - Kns UutkltN. US hOl nearVVill* um R. Davie, 4,UXJ squjrt* (ixit ht*u«<\ $W2.%. - Um and Ki+>in Uiwler,Jim l'n e izerareimportant to any lawn mainte­ nance program. Correct use of fcrtil* izer maximizes the environmental qualities of lawns by making them denser. This prevents crosion and run­ o ff of irrigation and rainwater. Over fertilization can directly damage a lawn or make it more vulnerable to insect onddisease pests. Under fertili* zation allows nx>ni for weed growth. Northern cool season grasses should be fertilized in the spring and fall, while southern warm season grasses benefit from late spring, sum­ mer. and early fall fertilizations. For specific fertilization requirements of your lawn, consult your lawn care profcssionaloryourcountyextension Mowing is a critical part of the program. For best rvsu1ts your lawn needs iobc mowed wilh a sharp mower RiuJ,2,057 M|uarv fix>t hous<*,$lM4l. - Rklunl Antlvrv'n, The High­ land*, Uing Crt*by Boulevard, 3.017 M|u.irv f<xi| h<>uv, 5233 b2. - Kalph Hvlchvr, Country Cirrlv. Ci)untr)>idv ILslaks, 2.7lX) xjuarv fix>t h4>UNf.$221H). - Brent and |anvt IUmt>.Ci>unir> - siJe E>tJtev 2.7W s[uarv fi<ot house. S232.7S. - U-mut'l T. Lindm 111. LtVi%idv K'lato,Ci>nul/vrRtud,4.HXlMiuarvfi*i| hnux*.i33h 20 set ot the mowing height that is ideal for the variety of grass you arc grow­ ing. Sharpen your rotary mower monthly during the season, more of* lcn if you hit slones or sticks. Match your mowing schedule to the growth rate of your lawn. You may need lo mow every four or five days in late spring, but by summer you may only need lo mow every 10 to 14days. When you remove more lhan a third of lhc leaf height in a single mowmg. root growth stops and the lawn becomes weaker, thinner, and loses its dark green color. Established lawns need irrigation to supplement natural rainfall. They require more water in hot weather, but may require water in dry cool periods lnholdrywcather, lawns may need as much as one inch of water evcry 5- 7 days. That's equal to three hours of waiering time with the typical lawn sprinkler. Avoid daily watering and watering in evenings as these pruc- ticesencouragediscasc.Thebcsllime lo water is early momtng. Lawns need properly timed fert*1- izerapplicationsto hecomedenteand green. Over fertilization w cakensyour lawn and causes excess top growth. Grasscyc1ing. in conjunction with proper fertilization, enhances the heaithofyourlawn. For more even growihwhcn using medium to full rates, use fertilizers coniaining melhylene urea, ureaformaldchydc, sulfurcoated urea. IBDU, or other slowing available or­ ganic forms of nitrogen. Full enjoyment of a beautiful lawn requires some safely precautions. The family lawnmower should bc treated with great rcspecl. Thc mod­ em rolary mowcr is equipped with important safety features to reduce the likelihood ofaccidental injury to hands or fcct. Follow thc manufacturer’s recommendation of mower maintenance, and never dis­ connect or disable safety devices. Federal and state F:PAs regulate thc use of weed, insect, and disease control pmductson hom? lawns.They The Davie County Hoard of Realtors recently >igned an agree­ ment wilh the federal lkpartment of Mousing and Uiban IX*xe1opment to ensure fair housing vompliaiive. The voluntary agreem*nt is part ot' a national effort b> HUDaiul ihe Na­ tional AsMvialion of Realtors to gujrantvv fair housing practices. It states: “ The eiwl ofhoth HUl>and NAR require vcry specific use of instruc­ tions on thc label o f each of these products.Toprotectyourfamily,lawn. andenvironmcnt. follow label instruc­ tions vcry carefully. For added pro- tcclion, wcar long pants and a fong sleeve shirt whcn applying lawn carc products. Change doihes and wa\h thcm separately from other family •lothing whcn you finish. Slorc unuscd products out of reach of chil­ dren and kcep children and pets off treated lawns until thc treatments arc For morc information, contact Uowers at 634-1810 or thc Profcssisonal LawnCareAssociation o f America at (4W ) 977-5222. in developing and implementing this Agrccntent is affirmatively to further fair biHising through voluntary ellorts that result in the provision of equal housing opportunit> lo all hoiik*scekers regardless nf their race, color, religion, scx, handicap, familial status or natiorui origin.” Connie K<walske, president ofthe l)a\ieCounty l>urd. said all thv l<vu! 'c.il vst;tle agencies had signed the agreement. Davie Building Permit$Fair Housing Goal ri!iii.M ir * y r Highway 801, Route 2 Farmington Conveniently located just 5 miles off of Interstate 40 on Highway 801. Situated on 29 acres. Over 7700 square feet. 6 bedrooms, 6 — l/2-baths.-Features too numerous to list. Priced for immediate sale. $300,000.00 Sam Ogbum, Jr. HOME REAL ESTATE 100 S. Marshall Sl. • Winston-Salem, NC 919-722-1122 (office) 919-722-0127 (home) Your partners in comfort. . . SHORES Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 1485 North Main St. Mocksville (704) 634-5653 We’re The hiside Guys. Sales • Design • Installation- Service Residential & Commercial Comfort Systems •FREE Estimales •Financing Available •Licensed & Insured SINCE 1971 DUKiroWE* C0MTO*TMMWBDUU* numcwmwCIS HEJmWG C0*nUCT0R We Service All Brands, We Recommend Carrier 13 1 A GOOD REASONS X V TO CHOOSE PIEDMONT FEDERAL FOR YOUR NEXT HOME LOAN 1. Piedmont Federal keeps all home loans. We don't sell your mortgage to out-of-state investors. 2. Loan Rates are locked In at application for up to 00 days. If rates go down before you close, you will get the lower rate. U. Closing costs are generally less because we close all loans in our offices and since we make the loans we generally have fewer fees. •1. A ll Piedmont Federal offices are fu ll service. AH applications and closings can be handled at the location most convenient to f>. We approve all loans — Only our approval is necessary and no outside parties are involved (excluding those loans that rc<|uire mortgage insurance). (>. We have fast service. Our experienced personnel make the process move as smoothly and quickly as possible. In fact, closings are generally within .'10 days of application. 7. You’ll get a mortgage loan account book with your Piedmont Kederal loan — Vou*ll - always know-how-muvh^w ve-|wid aml-your— loan balance. 8. You’ll always have ready access to all your account information since we maintain — your-loan.-Wusyou'll l>e dealingwitlvthe same people that made the loan for you. 9. Escrow accounts are not required for iiome loans (except 00% loans). 10. Piedmont Federal’s caring staff is the most important re;u>on of all. Winston-Salem • Kernersville • Clemmons • N. Wilkesboro • Boone Deposits Federally Insured to S100,000 Jessica Kiddle, Jessica Bivins and Laura Spry enjoy lime together at lhe Coolecmee Swimming Pool in Davie Counly. - Photos by M iku Barnhardt Cooleemee Hopes For Busy Year At Swimming Pool Cooleemee • Folks in lhe soulhem Davie County town are hoping fora busy year at the town's publicswmm^ng fx56L" And if lhe 200-plus who weni for a fa v day o f swimming on Memorial Day weekend are any indicalion. tf>ey*)l havejust that. ‘ The swimming pool is located in the town's recreation center o ff Marginal Slreet.offN.C. 801.Take U.S. 601 south from MocksvHle and tum righi on N.C. 801 to reach Cooleeme. Family season passes are available forS120each, with individual passesbeingsold for$60. Daily single admission w ill be S2 perperson. The pool is open from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday. Wednesday, Friday andSa$urday,from 11 a,m.-8p.m.onTuesduysandThursdays. and from 1-5 p.m. on Sundays. m Shawna Sinilh, 6 , lakes a divc from one o f two boards al the Cooleemee Pool. M ulti-Fam ily Housing Building Perm its Up The number of huilding permits issued for multi-family housing is in* causing for the first timcsince 1990. The 38.3 percent incrcasc in multi- family permits since the first quarter of 1992 was accompanied hy a 19.3 pcrccntincrcaseinconstnjctioncosis. Thc 913 units permitted during the first quancT o f 1993 wcrc valued at $29,965,302. Single family home permits re­ mained steady, with 2,663 issued in 1993 compared to 2,677 issued during thcfirMquancrofl992.Thc valucsof the homes permitted during the first quarter of 1993 rosc by 10.2 percent over costs during 1992. The average costofasinglcfamilyhomeincreatcd 10.8 percent over last year’s values to $93,796. Thc total number of building per­ mits issuedduring thc first quarterof 1993 declined 0.4 percent from thc 8.870 permits granted during thc first quarter o f 1992, while total costs dropped 3.6 percent from $607,765,746 during toc same period. ftnrotsforrcbidcntuladditionsand alterations went down hy 9.4 percent from 1992 first quartcrfSgure*to2,187 during l993*> first quarter. Costs for those alterations also dropped, down 14.7 percent to $2S.0W,309, Totalcommcrcialconstruciion(in- eluding ncw construction and addi­ tions and alterations) dropped 1.5 per­ cent to 3.074 units from thc same time bst year, with values down 13.9 per­ cent at $278.|67.030. Commercial additions and alter­ ations permits rose 1.6 percent from 1.849in 1992 to 1.879 in l993.Co<ts decrcascd t6 .t pcrccnt from $l37^77.062in l992to$l I5,46U 9| in 1993. The number o f multi-family housing pcnnits issued during March 1993 doubled and thc value o f those permits tripled o \er values reported a yearago. Multi-familybuildmgpcmutsrvsc 244 pcrccnt over those issued inMarch l992to485 thisycar. Estimated value of those permits reached 339.1 per­ cent over values reported in 1992. Total tcMdcMiai building was up, with an increase of 13.3 percent over the 2,173 units built in 1992. Esti­ mated values increased hy 26.9 pcr­ ccnt to $ 13 1.690.209 i n March 1993. Thc average cost of a single family home was $95,682 in March, up five percent ovcr prices a month catlicr and l3.4 pcrccnt over priccs a year Commercial huilding permits and values dropped from reports a >ear agoto404unitsvalucdat$S3.80l.8SH down 23.2 pcrccnt. Commercial addi- tionsandalicraiionspcrmiisnumhered 697,a l3.9pcrccntincrcascovcrthosc issued in 1992. Total construction permits during March were up 7.6 pcrccnt over tho>c issucdinMatvh 1992. Howcvcr,o>cr- all value o f all permits decreased by 4.8 percent. NEW RESIDENTIAL UNITS AUTHORIZED IN SELECTED NORTH CAROLINA CITIES FIRST QUARTER, 1989 - 1993 4 5 0 0 d 0 0 0 3500 3000 2500 2 0 0 0 v' 0 0 IVUV UMlTS 2 6 77 2 6 6 3 1989 I ^ I I '. ’ fE J 5 r e p o iti'iy c ih - ; S O U R ''E >"VC P iu i c> iaC :<'*fJ/ IQO.i Mocks\ille/Da\le Courtly 1993 All-America Finalist Da\le County Chamber of Conimcrcc 634-3304 *CtVf<ttMf fr'&bM toit Co*tt * Leonard ReaHy 34Town Square 704-634-3875ni &.26 AcresLand $23,000 4D R 2 B A Brick Home $115,000 Ccmmercbl Lot Othtr Homes & Land AsaibbIc Lindi Uonard 7<M34-3650 NEED NEW t.ISTtNGS ta > Ourhomeowners discoimts could helpyou lftftem;nRaMo(vurhi*tki*Anenaw4ytsnLsittgt]wnt»fa!Utirl*ux'.a!l.yi<uk. ’ tit luw ;i vanety of dco unb .Vxl well tn b i l*lp uutvul Aw) i lt<wwneftqurte siucui 1v>v v"^ Mark Jones StQ. 302, Hitlsdale Prol. Park • Advance, NC OWce: 940-2910 • Home: 634-7365 >lllstateYou'rr In p*xj hand*. <y** fcr*Aev (i rT^xe S rt#r i i Kn« HtaU<4^'Scxm nHo! evjA*V.. F O R S A L E B Y O W N E R o 2 j & > > . Hickory Hills Section II 4BM^Co™mpo<ay.3UM»s.2hMM«.3.om.fl.neaedtoo<s»ca.SaeenM^ txefcpafto U teogft d hose a#xm. t00 ft. wcovered pcftn. Overeue Dtt gan^estoragegafagetorbMimawriooitcaaFuitmQaaonsvtimxcowfedDiercn&k» w * 0ra9e room, 315 fL water tront on 100 acre take, totaW tardscaned. fe * p & * m t W y 9&&4377 ktavTh^Aflw 5) / 6a*-SMa fr5 ) m t*x e 1D JUNE SPECIALS Prices Good Thru June 30.1993 20 Year Warranty Tam ko* Fiberglass R oofing * 2 0 " / s *nuare S pecial Buy... F T O j C ab inets rrjH by York1own, Medallion ;r ti^g & Welbome LL, 32 Cabinet DoorStyles Available In 1 Week! H O R K 3 NPrem ium D eluxe V lnyl S id in g 20% OFF (V/hite & Colors) MOCKSVILLE BUILDER’S SUPPLY 814 South Main St.. • Mocksvllle 704-634-5915 or 1-800-255-5863 T . D a n W o m b l e A t t o r n e y a t L a w •BUYING -SELLING -LENDING •REFINANCING -CLOSING • LINES OF CREDIT • CONTRACT REVIEW & Attomij|or ALL Mr M Estoft Ms 3 7 7 0 C lc m m o n s B o a d C lc m m o n s . N C 919-766-8085 MOCKSVILLE SAVINGS BANK • l-stublishnl t'i2t- ,SSB OFFERING A VARIETY OF MORTGAGEJ.OAN SERVICES TO MEET YOUR NEEDS INCLUDING: • Home Purchase or Refinance • Second Mortgage • Home Construction/Permanent Loans (ttilh 1 :ipplivaliun. iinc time vlu>inu iu > K anJ ;uaramccd pvnuancnl mV:rc<l ratel • Home Equity Line of Credit • Land Loans • Home Improvement • Pussl>ook Sa>ings • Certificates o f Deposit • Iiid ixid iia l Retirement —• Accounts . Other Services Include: • Moiiv> M arket Accounts • Checking Accmmls • C livvkiii'4 Account ()xvr<lr;i(t i’rotection ................ 1 Share l.n;iiis ' Safe I)e|>mit Boxes . N ijiht l)i |x>sii • Trau*Ier*s Checks MOCKSVILLE SAVINGS BANK IS Y0UR HOMETOWN SAVINGS BANK! Call or stop by one of our 2 locations todav: FDIC INSURED Hmiie Office 232 S. Main St. M<>cksville. NC 27028 704-634-5936 Hillsdale Ilranch US 158 at S()l Advance, NC 27006 'JIV-V40-242(I a 11 & fM ** «il (704)634-3538 330S. Salisbury SL, Mocksville, NC 27028 H O W A R D R E A L T Y f i (919)998-6463 Oflice Hours: Mon.-Fri. M Sat.9-12 Sun.ByAppt. 18 ^ T I V t l e«n H|1KI Fifm Hy$t totrs MqTt' 20 i;rti (107 TOi iy«i i.*titU) 14 )f tid lr"VXM e4<30 Mfl, *vUe fciiMrs 1 Nd $ua#l. fuffl 6U sM4 9i|U H nng, CC^4I. CJ* tt"Ofr> CAlL COHNlE 350 Raiiroad Street • i'osiUve cash fla* potent.al, weHkopt property. 2 iarge metai buiidmgs iocaied on u*>jstnal site with railroad frontage. UrM p.trvng area Call tor more mfo St4S.OOO CALL JANE UNIQUE • Earty lBOO's farmhou$e on 130 acres. Good pastures, streams, woodsi A protty pfcce1 CALL RED Southwood Aeree • 30R. 2 \t2 Ba. Full Basement. 3 Garage on 17 Acres. Hot |ust a house • A Home! $127,900CALl DtANE 167 Aialea OrWe • Deautitui French Provencial with 4 BR, 3 full & 2 half baths. 4707 sq. h. Library w>*et bar, new rec. room. 25<30. 3<ar garage. 3 fireplaces w<th gas togs $2B7,000 CALL KEN _____ $127,900 • Greenwood Lakes • 4BD, 3 bath home on VI acre. Extra mce with lots of amenties. A must see! CALLJANE Liberty Church Road - E»tra n*e 2 Cedfoom cottago Can eipand m attic Ba<n. outbuildings. pond B* ayes $94,900. CALL flED Farmington • Cedir Forest 3 BO. 2 Bath ranch *iih Urge l>v<ng room */liioptace. family room, screened porch, deck, outbuilding. double tot w stream $82,500. CALL CONNIE 3 BA, 2 112 BA bnck home. Fufl bsmt • partially hmshed. Floored att>c w/permanent stairs Fireplace in d'fung room New roof, oiher updates. 1 Macre $79.9QOCALLABE Howardtown Road • Nice small home on 56 acres CaM for details S19t,500 CALL RED 236 Wandenng Lane • 3860 &q ft. ♦/-. 4BR, 3BA, d'f>ing room, den, fam<ty room, rec room, large laundry room, breakfast area Double carport ^2acie mature tot $121,900 CALL Hwy. 601 South • Refurbished 3 bedroom. 2 \Q bath br<k home on mce tot. 1800 sqft. $74,500 CALL 154 Hsiander Onve • Slater/ 2 story home on one ol the rucest streets m Mocksviile. Fealure$: new windows, gas heat, air, hot water, new carpet (over hardwoods) $149,900 CALL CONNIE 5 r g j^ ^ L H t t' T O R P ^ Twinbrook • 1 1/2 siory basement 2 fireplaces. 3 BO, 2 1/2 baths, giassed porch, deck, beautiful landscaping oveiiookmg lake. Fantastic buy at $99,900. CALL u r s & Elbow Room Plus • Cozy little cottage wiih hardwood floors • outbuiUings. fenced back yard • on S acres. $73,500 CALL OfANE Baths t t-2 story cn tirge tot, paved arr.e, Oeck. oclBuilOng CALLJANE Payments Lower Tl^n Rent - A real Cuy • 3BR. lBA localed m town. Storm wmdo<n$/doors • new heat pump. Hoor covermg. roof, eitra tf$utiton. mo>e-^icoi*jitton. $57,900 CALL JANE Raymond Street* 1373 sq ft. home. new carpet, new root. treshfy parted, heat pump, large front porch, side deck, convenient to hospital and shopt*ng $49,900 CALL KEN 105 Meta Breeze Lane • Cute A cozy descncestfvsi400 sq ft Cape Cod 3 Bedroom. 2 bam. fonced back yard deck Mo>e nght tfi $69,900 CALL CONNIE Marginal Street • Cooleemee- Lots of enras. washer dryer. 6 ce<hng fans, natural gas. hreptice msen. 3 BR. 2 BA. workshop, double garage Eicellent Conditton $65,900 CALL l IT rT 7 h f i W V - 745 South Main Street Converveothr located in town • 1 ’ . story, 4 BR. 1 Bath wiih lots ot potential No maintenance e>tenor. $59,900. CALL Rocky Knoll • Cooleemee • 2 BR. t BA home in e»ceRent conaton on t 6 acre lot. A must see lor that great starter home or rental investment. $59,900 CALL KEN Hwy. 64 West - 3 o' 4 BH <n Ce^er Commuaty Good f.<st time buyer or investment property. $54,900 CALL A Real Dollhouse! • Recpniry remodeled, 2 BedroorrV1 Bath. New Cemral Gas/Heat 4 AC-in town. $52,500 CALL DIANE 114 North Maln Street ♦ Downtown Mocksvilie. 2200 sqlt. eicellent location on Mam St., now being rented, lormer drug slore Great Investment. $52,000 CALL KEN Hickory Tree • This 3 BR. 15 BA home *.th outbu.:^ng sas on io>ei/ landscaped yard with garden space. Priced to sell at $50,900. CALL CONNIE p y r * N. kesboro St. • Great buy on this 4BR. 2BA home tocaied m town, walking distance to shoppmg 4 hospital. Ongrnal p>ne floonng under carpet, new roof, central air. A must we • $42.500 CALLJANE_________ Daniels Road • Great value on 2.25 AC with doublewide. Ail apphances and saiehte distVTV. Good location. $39,900 CALL KEN 42 Maln Street • Cooleemee • 2BR. 1BA, gas heat, central an. new roof, thermal windows, washer/dryer, range, refrigeralor. Good Condition $32,900 CALL KEN COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Hwy. 64 W • Large retail buitiing c>- celient for luiniure o> appliance slore ownei lmancmg available $110,000. Avon Street • 1900 sq.ft. off<e Ndg. « town tocabon. Owner couk1 occupy half and rent half. Central heat and air. $74,000. CALL RED LOTSANDLAND Bethel Ch. Rd.~ EitonAcid-~~ Sek^eod St<oekemei~Bethel Church B1....^....... 0M Angetl Hoid~~~~~~~~ JohnCrctts Rd.~. BuOer MillRcid_BMgeBi............RMge Rl..—~..... _1l.7Ac.xontd M.%M9WK m Ac. $7S,000 „11 Ac. * HOUM tl00.000 _114.SAc.lt»,»0 476 HespHal St— Ofl Ur. Henry R&~Hwy.MEnt-. ~215Ac.$»,500 -U IAC . IU,000 ^IA erti toned 1 • $H,000 „1 1 Aoil$20.60e _Uid. l.ts A:.MI,250 _lredeUCo.l7$Ac. l1.2ltiAC _J07Ac.WU.CHM CheilettWNew Kiven Rd.» Ltoerty Church R i~ — . Ur. Mwry Rd— _19.$Ac, RE KeuM • S97,$M M.$? Ac. $$$,eoo ,.107Ac,$2.4WAC 430 Hosprtal SL~4MHdiplUlSt__ _10W-Ac. ti.2$0/AC ^t>iOflM Codbey B^ rn fTB| ||Tra n Ac. $2,S06 per AC Depot SL (behtad htoore’s)-™— CommercUl Lot $$$.600 Otl R*llroid A»»..............lndu>trUI II Acris $12,6WAC0ffMlllto9 Raid ™ ~ ~-12 Acres $I2.660/ACHkkort H‘» -...... - - Bu>Mhf l 6l $10,660Rldeement______________ I Bldg. Lets »,$00 EA. John Crotts Rd.-Beeuliful Bldg. Slte 1.14 Ac. $(l,M00<k StfHt i i 9 Smill Lots $7,660TeMieon Rd .m*-7< Ac Stresmedffenced $3$,660 Oepet Sl-MZSM__________164 AC ♦ or • $$1,966 Forest Oiks • Harmony^.~.~~~~-~.2 Lots $8,166 EA. WoodUnd-Rousood L«ne ..............Bldg. Let $l$.906Harper Rd. • Ck<nmons .—^,11.51 AC W> $2M,666 LET US H ELP YOU! J v l u i H o w ; n d . C iH I 6 3 4 3 / 5 4 C o n n i c K c )w « » ls k e . C H S , C iH I 6 3 4 - 6 3 4 3 C C C h a p m a n 6 3 4 2 5 3 4 D ia n o F o s t e r 6 3 4 - 5 6 9 2 J a n e W h i l l o c k 6 3 4 - 5 7 0 4 K e n S < ile s . G R I 6 3 4 - 2 6 4 5 M J H a n d n ll . G H I 6 3 4 - 5 6 2 9 R e d F o u s t 6 3 4 - 0 / 5 / A b e H o w a r d III 6 3 4 - 2 0 3 2 M ik e H e n d r ix 6 3 4 - 0 3 9 0 .. n'STH= 11 STUPIDir;*H = ;COWY5TUF!Di :csrm.' w d ? & . . _ ! ’ 1 * CAMPAIGN / 'V W i' | C fc ', I- “ , ,:‘ ijl,,# - , r t R 6 g f dr ^ # c < A - f i ^ 7 , V - '/.. ■' ' ' ^ l^ « T ~ _ n r.- r i S ^ / l / f / j l "YOl CAII ALViiVS TELLTrE NEV.'YKKH<S-THEy T H l!iK 7 ^l5 15 rH 4 '/r7 // " NORTH CAROLINA FARM BUREAU MUTUAL INS. CO. AUTO LIFE FIRE HOME FARM BLUE CROSS COMMERCIAL • LIABILITY • ANNUITY • GEORGE M d N T Y R E - MGR. • SAM UEL NICHOLS • JAMES FOSTER • RICK B AZA A R • RON M A R IO N " OJ7 tA D K IS V IU i RD MOCKSV1LLt NC 27028 « O x ^ fa w Pmnf Hironoh T>,e N ight That No Oil ls D rille d There... IF vW A<EOUTiAwER 3fcLY 0UTLAlV5 WILL C-fiADtJATE - N0TGW9' . ''> . '^ 5 v S m i n q ^ b a r ii C o u n ty | o i 5 0 H jz a u We welcome the newcomers to our community...a 1995 "All America Community" Finalist ^ ^_________________________...JB^^gg^^Crescent Electric ^ jp r Membership Corporation 317San!ordAve. 704-634-2136 Mocksville Index Courts 5, D5 Public Records 6 Davie Dateline 9 Sports B1-B9 Weekend Weather: Whew! Page D 6 Calvin & Hobbes B10 Weddings C2-C5 Obituaries C7 Davie Dateline D6 Heartbreaker Davie Baseball Team Loses In Semi-Finals: Page B1 Banjo Man Carl Wicker Hopes To Teach His Talent To Others: C1 D A V IE C O U N T Y sot T ENTERPRI/ERECORD l'SPS l49-I60 Thursday,June 10,1993 36 PAGES Davie Bombed With Baseball Size Hail By M ike B am hardt Davie County Enterprise Record Hail to Mother Nature. A cold front moving through Davie County Friday evening brought out one o f the worst hail storms folks can remember. The hail • ranging from the size o f marbles to the size ofbaseballs - smashed windows, dented hun­ dreds o f cars, and made wrecks o f crops and vegetable gardens. And by Monday, local insurance agents had fielded hundreds o f calls from Davie residents looking for help paying for storm damage. Dale Blackwelder knows about that damage. The fam ily farm had extensive damage, as did homes in the area o ff U.S. 601 a couple o f miles northwest o f Mocksville. H\Ve were moving hay and had just got done," Blackweldcrsaid."W ewenthom e.lhadjuslpuiled in lhe driveway. It looked like a rcgularcloud, and then heavy lightning hit." There was no waming for the hail. It started coming in chunks the size ofbaseballs. "It started w ith the big chunks. When they hit the ground, it would jum p back up shoulder high*” he said. A 130-foot long metal m ilk bam, about a year old, took a big hit. “Every sheet has got a hole in it ... everytiung from pellet size to holes you could stick your fist through. It went straight through die building. Me and my brother had some windows broken out," he said. Blackwelder thinks the com crop can recover. Please See H ail — Page 4 Garbage Fees To Go Up In Towns By L au ra W illia iro -T ra cy Davie County Enterpnse-Aecord M o c k s v ille ’ s proposed budget won"t affect tax rates this year, but tow n residents may pay more for garbage service. M ocksville’s proposed $3.39 m illio n budget is alm ost S470.000 kss than the previous year. It includes a 5 pcrcent pay increase for tow n employees and increases funding for the arts council, econonuc develop­ ment and adds a new police o f­ ficer, said Tow n M am ger Terry Brallcy. . Water.and sewer raies are not affected by this budget. The property tax rate would remain at $.39 perSI00 proper­ ty value. The increase in garbage ser­ vice fees comes because o f an overall increase in handling D avie C o u n ty's garbage. Although no action has been taken by die county*s board o f commissioners regarding the future o f the county la nd fill, Brallcy said landfill tipping fees are expected to ju m p from $30 per ton o f garbage to $45 per ton. Brallcy said that expense would be passed along to town residents by a doubling o f the landfill fee charged on water bills. . M ocksville residents w ill pay $ 6 every two months for service instead o f the current $3 charge. ■ Brallcy said the tow n w ill hold o ff on several capital pro­ jects that are part o f long-term plans. One o f those is expansion o f sewer lines from Bear Creek to Coolecmee. which is expected to cost as much as $1.5 m illion. “ I believe this year that we have made many good in­ vestments in our com m unity. W e have been n atio na lly recognized for our effo rts.” Brallcy said. The town w ill hold a public hearing onthe proposed budget Monday, June 21 at 8 a.m. at toyvn hall. Message Board Dianna ljames put her feelings on her hat during Davie High School's gradua­ tion ceremony last week. For a story and more photographs, please turn to page D1. — Photo by Mlke Barnhardt Principals Move Within Davie School System By M ik e B arnhnrdt Dnvio Couoly EntorpriwR ecotd There w ill be a tot o f new faces in principal's offices across Davie County when school opens this faJl. In what he called a positive move for the entirc system, superintendent Dr. BOl Steed on Tuesday announced principal assignments for the coming year. O nly M o cksville M idd le School w ill keep the same prin­ cipal. B ill Campbell. Others w ill have new faces. W .G . "D u b " Potts goes from North Davie to be p rin­ cipal at Davie High. Linda .Frec2c w ill rem ainan assistant principal, with one, maybe two assistant principal positions at the high school rem aining unfilled. Robert Landry w ill go from Davie High to be principal at South D avie Junior H igh. Put- sv Crenshaw w ill remain assis­ tant principal there. J e ff A lb a rty goes from M o c k s v ille E lem entary to Cooleemee Elementary, replac­ in g the re tirin g V e rno n Thompson. L a rry Joncs goes fro m Pinebrook to W illiam R. Davie, and M ary Sine, former assistant principal at Shady Grove, w ill become assistant principal for Cooleemee and W illiam R. Davie schools. Larry Bridgcwatcrgocs from Shady Grove Elementary to become principal at N orth Davie Junior High. Lorene M arkland w ill bc assistant prin- " cipai a rN o rth Daviel Julius Suiter moves from South Davie to M ocksville Plcasc See P rinclpab — PaRe 4 Cooleemee Budget Hearing June 17 CO O LEEM EE - A public hear- ing on the tow n's proposed $247,305 budget w ill bc held at 2 p.m.Thursday,June 17,atthetown hall. The town board is expected to approve a budget at a special meet­ ing follow ing the hearing. The proposal includes: - a 5% pay increase for all town employees; - the lease o f two new police cars(Bill Cranfill and Hayden Beck voted for Uie lease. Grimes Parker and Bob Jordan voted against it, with M ayor B ill Gales breaking the lie with a vote to lease the cars); -aS5 landfill fccwillbecharged for residential ga*age collection, to bc added to water and sewer bills; - part-time paid police officers w ill bc cut to auxiliary officers; - die 2 0-cents pcr S1 0 0 property valuation tax rate w ill remain the County Budget Ready For Public Scrutiny By R ii'h d k ' lla ilvy Davie County Enterprise-Record Landfill fees w ill increase for Davie Ctxm ty residents if the county commissioners approve the $22.7 m illio n 1993-*M budget on June 21. A public hearing on the pro­ posed hudget, which also in ­ cludes no lax increases or in ­ crease in the number ofcm m ty employees, w ill be at 7 p.m. Monday. June 21 in the board room on ilie second tloor ofthe county administration building'. The predicted increase in landllll fees w ill cover the costs o f entering an agreement to send trash to a new regional la nd llll in Forsyth County. “ It’s cheaper and we get rid o f the potential environmental problems that come with.a long­ term landfill,** said County Manager Ken W indlcy. W ith this agreenwnt, fees charged to trash haulers would increase fm m $30 to $45 at ton for houselk>ld waste and from $17 to $39 a ton for construc­ tion and dem olition waste. The increase in fees w ill cover costs ofelosing the county’s alreadv existing landfill and buildinu a $500,000 transfer station"to manage the waste that w ill bc sent to Forsyth. Please See L a n d fill — |>u^e 4 ' 2 - D A V IE C O UNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10.1993 FA orial Pa£e State Lottery No Answer For State’s Budget Problems The state legislature is grow ing more and more charmed with the idea o f financing government w ith sute-sponsorcd gambling. A s they scramble to find money fo r the new budget, the legislators seem to be less able to resist the tem ptations a state lottery may hold: as much as $ 2 0 0 m illio n a year. It's easy to ju stify a lottery. A lo t o f people want it. It's a voluntary tax. A lready. N orth C arolinians are slipping up to V irg in ia to buy lottery tickets there. Someone gets lucky and actually wins unthinkable riches. A nd the revenue is going to a w orthy cause — our children's education. It may be easy to ju s tify , but it's hard to defend. The same General Assem bly long ago determined that gam bling is crim inal conduct. That would take some revision. G am bling was made illegal because o f the detrimental effect it has on lives and fam ilies. Fortunes have been lost to gam bling. A nd so have the meager food budgets o f low -incom e fam ilies dream ing o f a w ay to get rich. G am bling is no w ay to ran government. I f the General Assem bly needs more m oney, it should get it the old fashioned w ay: raise taxes. Lotteries are expensive to run. A healthy percentage must go to pay the w inners, for adm inistration and to pay stores that sell the tickets. Sales taxes, by contrast, cost the state little in adm inistration. There has been a push in recent years fo r a referendum on the lo tte ty. Legislators, eager to avoid the fallout fo r approv­ ing a lottery, want the public to decide. They defend that tactic as being dem ocratic. For that m atter, they should also hold a referendum on legislative pay increases. W ould they decide that is ... too dem ocratic. M any states now have lotteries. Some o f those have seen their revenues slipping in recent years. The lotteries haven't been the blessing they were prom ised. O ur state should avoid the trappings o f gam bling. I f our schools need more m oney, raise taxes. G am bling is not the answer. Want Money For Schools? Play Golf At The Crosby There was S l.5 m illio n at stake last week at The Crosby. W hat a golden opportunity to get money fo r a w orthy cause. The first place team divided S120.000 among their favorite charities. The second ptoce finishers included actors Rick Hurst. M . Emmet W alsh. Je ff Beach and ... B ill Steed. The county commissioners have chiseled away at Superinten­ dent B ill Steed's request fo r money in the new budget, cutting the money needed to convert to his m iddle school plan. Has he found another way to get the money — w inning it at The Crosby? It sounded ataost like C ol. O liver N orth and Irangate. A ctu a lly, our B ill Steed was not the B ill Steed among The C r6 sb y'sw 7 n n e rs.T h a rB illS te e d isa D u ke P o w e rco q m ra ie ._ executive in Charlotte. O ur B ill Steed is noted fo r his tennis, not his golf. Superintendent Steed said he had met his namesake at The Crosby and told him he had done wonders fo r his g olf­ ing reputation. — D w ight Sparks DAVIB C O U N TY j BNTERPRVi$ECORD ! USPS 149-160 124 South M ain Street i M ocksville, N C 27028 : 704/634-2120 • PuWUhed every Thursday b> the ; D A V IE C O U N T Y P U B LIS H IN G CO . 1' Dwight Sparks........................ Editor-Publisher ;• Robin Fcrgusson ................ General Manager ; Mike B am hardi........................Managing Editor ; Ronnie G allagher . Sports Editor ;« Becky S nyder.....................Advertising Director • M ocksville Davie Cooleemee t Enterprise Record Journal : 1916-1958 1899-1958 I90l-I971 • Second Class Postage Puid In Mocksvi)le, NC 27028 • Subscription Rate* I Single Copy, 50 cents ; Sl8.00 per ycar in Nonh Carolina • '; 522.50 per year outside North Carolina • POSTMASTER • Scnd address changes to Davie Countv Enterpri>e-Rccord : n P.O. Box 525, Mocksvitk. NC 27028 S NEXT T IM E T E L L H IM T O T A K E J U S T A LlT T Lfc 0 F F T H E T 0 P /.. In The Mail ... SADD Helps Promotion To the editor I would liKe to thank all of the Seniors who signed the L^ne/SADD (Students Again>t Driv­ ing Dnmk) "commencement commitment' agree­ ing tocelcbrate graduation safely by not drinking or riding with a drinking driver. The $tuJeniV participation in this program is evidence to oar community that Uiey arc committed to saving ln e$. Special thank* 10 Rhonda Paiil!o, president of Davie High School's SADD chapter, for her enthusiasm and eagerness in getting the Lan*' SADD promotion off to a great sun. Rhonda saw 10 it that all Davie High seniors received their invitations from Daniel Furniture to come in and sign the 'commencement commitment* and re» ceive their free keepsake chest prior to gradua- Melissa M. Cartner Mocksville Respect The Police To the editor Romans Chapter 13:1*7: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powerv For there is no pow er but of God: the pou en that be are onbined of God. Whosoe\ er resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to toemselves damnation. The role of the police o(ficer has long been oserlooked. They play a very important part tn ..iocicty.fonhe^ellbcing of each community and uetend to take Ui^fbrgrahtNhm tH tt isneces>-. sary for them to be called upon. They each have been placed in position for authority by a higher power who's name is above all. God. When we neglecl to respect 0ieir position, we are disregarding the rule of God. Let*s do our pan in society and go before God on behalf of all law enforcement officers and give them the respect which is due them. In doing so. we are giving Glory to God. In the love of God ♦ His handmaiden. CynthiaGore Seamon M*ocksvil!e Enjoyed Patriotic Display To the editor. On Saturday moming. Ma> 29, around 7 a.m. I was coming from Virginia on M 0 .1 swung off of M 0 at Farmington eut 10 15S to .Mocksvjl!e. Upon arrival up o\ er the tup of Bob Wilson Hill. 1 could not believe all the American Hags t1ymg forMemorial Da>. M> heart w as already heavy, for 1 was returning from Quantico. Va.. from the funeral o f one of my best marine buddies from World War II. My soul and hean were filled with love.joy. pride, honor and sadness for our fallen friends. and by the time 1 came on down by the old MocksviiIe High 5chool mj e> e> w ere so !lcoded 1 could hardly see the street. What a ercettng for awar \eteran driving into a small town in Nonh Carolina. What rea))> put the icing on the cake was that it is mj home town. I will never zbrgez this greeting from a small patriotic town. My stop in Mock>ulle was witn m> ta\orite aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Car! Eaton on Nonh Main Street. Tomm> Eaton Wood>ic-ck, Ga. ijEV<VV<r>S>i ® i JJ Worried About Violence In Schools? V M a rily n M ille r R {iutc 1, M o cksville "lk T u u te ly . W e've heard some liiiil t l1i1y s . " C rissy Steel R m ite I, M iH 'ksvilk' "V v s . l'u ii|)k ' fiy lit iiitd l>rin^ knives to s c h iiiil." C lia w lra llttiv e r R oute 1, M ocksville “ Yes. Y<w ahv.iys hear about yuas in the schools.'" lk t t y M ye rs R oute 2. A (h yn ce " \ e s . 1 h a ve g ra n d ­ c h ild re n iu sch o o l." DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1993 - 3 Conway Twitty Did It His Way — With Country * miiL>rtir *' TUrt nprtnnUnp Hirtnt l#> lkrt nnvl T in iltii #*mi1.l nmin k it rhnin i(nlk lna1 A country music lcgcnd died last wcck. Conway T w ilty — thc Frank Sinatra o f country music — dicd after giving a conccrt. T w itty had a chancc to be a rock and roller when he began in music in the 50s. He chosc country. And like Barbara M andrell says, (hat was back when country wasn't cool. H ow could hc have known that country would become thc most popular music? How could he have known that country music would give him more number one hits than Frank Sinatra. E lvis, The Beatles o r The Rolling Stones? Mike Barnhardt How could hc havc known that country music would make him a legend? H ow could hc liavc known that m orc women would swoon and scream at his than did at E lvis's shows? Hc didn't know any o f these things. Conway T w itty just did the music he likcd the bcst — country. It madc him and a lot o f fans happy and it madc him rich. What was it abou( Conway T w i(iy that madc him so popular, especially among thc womcn? It’s hard to lc ll, but it spumed this story about a new Baptist preacher in town, going down thc street introducing him self. A t thc first house, a woman began scrcaming whcn thc preacher opened thc door. “ Conway T w itty, I can't belicvc it’s Conway T w itty ." She callcd her husband to come and scc. Thc preacher said, "N o , m a'm , I've becn told I look likc Conway T w itty, but I'm thc new Baptist preacher in tow n here to introduce m ys c lf." Thc prcachcr went to thc next housc and rang thc doorbell. The young, attractive woman living thcrc was in thc shower. She wrapped a towel around hcr body and answered thc door. W hcn shc saw thc T w ilty-looka!ikc standing in her doorway, she flung hcr arms up w ith excite­ ment. W hcn she did so, thc towcl fell to thc floor, showing thc prcachcr everything shc was born w ith. “ Oh m y, it’s Conway T w it­ t y ," she scrcamcd. Thc preacher replied, “ H ello, D a rlin '." O f coursc, "H c ilo , D arlin’ " is onc o f T w itty ’s most famous hits. I never could figure out what it was that women found attractive in Conway T w ilty. Thcrc wasn’t a good looking bonc in his body. Hc had tw o tons o f hair combed straight back in thc high wct look madc famous by television preachers. He wasn't sm all, but hc wasn't a musclc man, cither. It must havc bcen the voice. T w itty could opcn his show w ith that dcep, “ H ello, D a rlin " and the women would bc in thc palm o f his hand thc rest o f thc night. Thcy would paint thcir bluc jcans to thcir bodies just to shake thcm when he sang “ Tight F ittin ' Jeans." Conway sang the raunchy country songs about scx and divorce, but hc also had a soft side, singing tcar-jcrkcrs about being a daddy. For somc reason, I ncvcr likcd Conway T w itty. I always thought 1 didn’t likc his : music. M aybc thc real reason was jealously over his ability to woo thc wom cn. Maybc it was bccausc hc had a silly namc. Maybc it was became o f the hair. Maybc it was bccausc hc wasn’t an outlaw , which us young country fans likcd to associate oursclvcs w ith. But I'vc comc to realize it wasn't the music. Because all his hits arc being playcd on thc radio as a tribute. And I find m yself singing along to almost cvcry onc. ‘Oh My Gosh, It’s Time For School!’ Lynn Hall Here’s tfic sccne: lt's 6:49 a.m . and I've bcen awake since 6 :1 0 (w ell not really awake, but I'm up and moving and have one eyc opcn). Lunches have bcen packed, breakfast eaten and it's now one minute until the school bus pulls to a stop at thc top o f foe street. I'm just about to bid farcwcll to m y children and then hcad back to bed for another 45 minutcs o f sleep, whcn I'm suddenly jolted out o f my semi-conscious state into wide-cyed panic. Onc o f my childrcn has just turned back around toward thc door w ith a stickcn look on his/her face. "O H , M Y GOSH! I just remembered. This is thc day w c'rc going to a play and I need S7.38 in cxact change." T a lk about your rude awakenings. At m y house wc call this the "o h , m y gosh" crisis, and wc began cxperiencing them whcn thc kids started school. Up until that lim c, 1 always thought o f m yself as a calm , easy-going kind o f person, who never got rilcd and seldom raised her voice. Suddenly, 1 was D r. Jykell and M s. Hyde. 1 could go from turtle to turbo-chargcd in a matter o f seconds, m y pulsejum ping to hypcr-spccd, and thc thudding in my chcst becoming audi­ ble. Back whcn the kids were in kindergarten and first gradc, thesc O M G s occurrcd almost daily. They've tapcred o ff to tw o o r three times a weck now. O vcr thc years I ’vc kept track o f somc o f our more memorable O MGs and I thought I'd share a fcw to scc if they might sound fam iliar to anyone else. Onc o f my all time favorites gocs like this: you're hurry­ ing the kids to the door because you've just heard what sounds like the bus com ing around thc circle and just as you givc them that final kiss and nudgc toward the drivc. your son w hirls around w ith a stricken look on his facc and cries, "O h , my gosh! I told thc tcachcr yo u'd make thc cookies for Principal Appreciation Day. I nced six dozen chocolatc chip cookics fo r a party this m o rn in g." A varia­ tion on this and one that occurrcd numerous times during the year is the "O h , m y gosh! 1 forgot this is thc day w c'rc going on a field trip and I necd a bag lunch, canncd drink and $2.50 for the b us." O ther dow n-to-thc-w irccrises havc includcd necding a permission slip signed that very day o r th e y'll havc to sit in thc nurse's office while cvcryonc clsc gets to go scc how they makc donuts; today they're supposed to bring an emp­ ty oatmcal box to school to makc a drum for social studies; this is the day w e're supposed to turn in our ideas for a sciencc fair project; shc was just playing w ith thc bunny for a second, but now it's gotten loose somewhere in the living room and can’t bc found; he needs a copy o f four o f last week's newspapers for a w riting project; oh, my gosh! To­ day is his gym day and his clolhcs arc in thc washcr; shc can't find a library book that is duc today; hc's sure hc lcft his shocs by thc front door last night, but now thcy'rc miss­ ing and hc can't go to school barefoot, and so on and so on. I can't tell you how many times I've had to go running up thc h ill from m y house to thc bus slop in my pajamas, signing a permissions slip, slapping pcanut butter onto a couple o f pieces o fb re a d, o r trying to pour a full box o f oatmeal into an cight-ounce measuring cup. The worst, however, is trying to cut out picturcs o f endangered spccics from thc National Geographic w hile on a dead run. O f course, knowing how much I lovc to slecp. and how much I hate getting up in thc m orning, the best one yct was a quick kiss at thc door and thcn an "o h , m y gosh! I just remembered. W c don't havc school tod a y." Senate Seeking A Responsible Budget Budget Ramrodded Through Process By Rep. Julia C. Howard A i 4:30 last Friday m orning, thc House passed its version o f thc statc — fctid ge frW th efiC xttw o -ye arS :----------------- I would likc to explain how thc budgel process should work, and w hat actually occurrcd to produce this S8.8 billion monstcr that I votcd against. Whcn done properly, bills involv­ ing die spending of taxpayers moncy are assigned to an appropriate sub­ committee on the Appropriations Committee. (The Approprialions Committee is madc up of70 members of the House.) Thcrc, the bills arc read and discussed, and it is the responsi- bilityofcachpcrsoninvolvcdtogathcr andprcscnt facts and information about the bills so that when they are askcd to acccpi or rejcct a bill, they can make an informed decision. Whcn this pro­ cess is completed, thc individual bills thcn go to the full Appropriations Committee where thcy are discussed by the entire group, which thcn de­ cides whether the bill should bc amended, voted into the proposed budget, or rcjcctcd. Once thc Budget Bill has passed thcAppropriaiionsCommittcc,afinal drafi of the bill is normally compiled. This takcs about two days, during which time the Housc Financc Cpm- mittcc, madc up of thc other 50 mem- bcrsofthc Housc,usuallyhasachancc to go ovcr the budget proposal. Once printed, the Budget Bill is introduced to thc full Housc for itt first, second, and third readings, with two-day wail­ ing periods between each reading. Thc waiting periods allow legisla­ tors a chancc 10 gaihcr facisand infor­ mation for possible amendments to thc budget andl gives North Carolin­ ians an opportunity to hear about the budget bill so thcy can contact thcir "You should be gravely concerned about the manner in which something as critical as your S8.8 million budget was ramrodded through a physically exhausted, mentally blurred, and bleary-eyed House in the morning's wee hours." Scnatc leaders to appoint members of the Confcrce Commiitcc, which will hash out thc differcnccs between the -tkva*udgct$— representative with any concerns. Voting on thc final budgcl should bc a six or scvcn day proccss. What I havc just described is the way things should havc bccn handled. Unfortunately, this session's pro* ccsswas different. Thc Appropriations/Education Committee is onc of the most impor­ tant in thc House. Thcrc have bccn many meetings, at which cach person was askcd to raic thc bills being con­ sidered from 1-3 with "1** being thc highest priority. The committcc de­ bated about 120 bills, but there wa ncvcr a votc. Thc bills wcrc only ranked. Whcn somc members of thc committcc askcd for thc results, thcy wcrc told hy thc committcc chairmen that thcy could not havc acccs to thcm. Mcmbcrsoflhccommittceiowhich a bill is assigned arc supposed to vote on those bills. Since this was not donc inthe Appropriationsrt2ducalion Com­ mittee (and 1 don't know how many others), you might wonder how those bills got in thc budget proposal. Thc six appropriations subcommit- tcc chainncn, along with the main committcc co-chairmcn, got together and dccidcd what would bc includcd in the ncw budget. Thcy presented thc commiltee with the total package to voic up ur down. No chance to add or delete any of thc recommendations was given. What followed was a com­ plete act of injustice to ihe taxpayers. Every year, thcrc is a competition between ihc House and the Scnatc to scc which can complctc thc budget first. With the Senate's budget pro­ posal in place, the majority party in ihe House dccidcd that thcy wanted thc budget pushed through before thc firstofJune so it could bc said that for thc first time cvcr, thc GcncrU As­ sembly got thcir budget proposals for thc next two years bcforc thc end of May. To do this, thc House rules wcrc suspended with a 2/3 majority vote. With the rules suspended the bud­ get process was conducted in24 hours - with no waiting periods and no way for thc finance committcc io review the budgct and no tiinc for consiiiu- cntsto voice ihciropinions on ihc bill. For those of us who planned lo submit amendments to thc bill, thcrc was no time to contact staff for nccdcd facts. According to tlic Raleigh Ncws and Observer on Saturday, May 29, *Themarathonscssionhadbccnforccd by thc Democrats who control thc Housc. The only deadline thcy faced was thcir own desire to havc a budgct packagcbythccndofMay,oncmonth before it takcs effect July I. k “ Housc Republicans resisted thc all-nighter, saying they wanied to take thc wcckcnd to study thc 344-pagc budgctpackagc that had becnrcportcd ofthcnppropriaiionscommiiiccThurs- day aficmoon. But ihcy wcrc too fcw to block thc Dcmocrats. Thc ncxl step is for thc Housc and Dcmocrat or Republican, you should bc gravely conccmed about thc manner in which something as critical as your S8.8 billion budgct was ram-roddcd through physically- exhausted, mcntally-blurrcd, and bleary-cycd House in thc wce hours of thcmoming.NorthCarolinarcsidcnts dcscrvc wcll-lbought<ml andcarcfully deliberated laws... not those passed whcn the lawmakers can hardly think straight. Wc have donc you a great disservice, and you should bc aware. Thc big news this weck that gener­ ated many, many phone calls was thc Governor's Early Childhood Initia­ tive (onc of those things slipped into thc budgcl without votcinpropcrcom- miitcc procedure) and thc other bills that go along with it. Nooite is advocating thc abusc or ncglcct of childrcn, but such po 1icics lead iu a cuitstam cncroachmcnt on families whose valuc systems do not match thosc of the current "social en­ gineers." 1 fcar that “Smart Start" is another of thcsc programs. Thc"ParcnuasTcachcrs"program, anolhcr of thc governor’s proposals, was begun in Missouri in 1981. PAT would send parent educators intothc homes of childrcn up to agc 3. Thc PAT program has three priori­ ties: io expand thc participation of children in stale-run preschool pro­ grams likc Hcad Start; lo create a system to follow infants from birth through childhood to ensure that lhey get ncccssary immunizations and pre­ ventative hcallh care; and to "make sun? cvcry child bom is wanlcd. guagc in thc Smart Start proposal. For example, “ infant tracking" is supposed lo refer only to kccping records of vaccinations. Wc want thc language to say thal or bc deleted. Thc reason thc leadership of the Senate is willing io work w ith us on ihescchangcsisbccauscwejoincdthe 50 with the understanding our con­ cerns would bc addressed. Whcnabill cannot bc stopped, you worktomodify it to improve it as much as possible. Thc Scnatc voted down H.B. 97 on Tuesday to see it resurrected on Wednesday. By a 25-to-20 vote, the Scnatcsaid no(othebiil lhai raised the limit on cash awards at raffles from S l,000 to $10,00 0. Thc Senate has passed legislation to authori i« B tocalcity or county to 1ct bonds for water and scwcr or infra­ structure on an economic develop­ ment project. The revenue from the plant or factory's taxes would bc used to pay off the bonds (H.B. 1117). A factory worthSlOOmi!lion would pay 51 million in taxes. A select committee has bcen ap­ pointed to reach consensus on how to rcducc premiums for employers and continue benefits for employees be­ cause of rising health carc costs. Thc law on paying child support while the youngster is still in school has bccn changed. If thc student is still in school making passing grades, thcn the support must continue w ithout the custodial parent having to go to court to get support past 18 ycars of age. I was appointed to the Joint Legis­ lative Ethics Committcc for ihis legis­ lative tcrm. Thiscommittec is the peer review for legislators' questionable"3ay-carc a rorbirthw h2^,om hH > 5-R E ^ e T O ll^ Wfn^ -------------- (was 1-6); 12-24 months: 1-6 Jwas l- YourcaJls and letters are apprcci* 7); 2 -3 ycars: l-10(was 1 -12). atcd, and 1 welcome any comments on Wc arc working to define morc anybill.Thisaidsmydclibcrationson specifically or dclclcambiguous lan- tCgjs|a,jon- By Sen, Betsy Cochrane Now thal thc House has passed a budgct,confcrccs from ihe Housc and Senate will bc appointed to iron out thc differcnccs. Thc compromise bill w ill bc the state budgct for 1993-95, which will bc the budgct vote for legislators. Thc Scnatc version has some fis­ cally responsible features that I hope thc Scnatc will stand wiih firmly.Thc Scnatc uscd 5327 million to move thc June 1994 payday for state employees back into June. During the budgct crisisof 1990-91, thegovcmormovcd thc June payday into July to balance the budgel. Thc Scnatc Is now propos­ ing to move ii back to “uncook ihc books". This way thcrc would be 12 paydays a year rather than 11, thcn 13. Thc Scnatc has created a fund for statc facilities to mainlain infrastruc- Wc did not get thc opportunity io debate the policy issue o f S.B. 676 in ChildrertfHuman Rcsourccs. Inappro­ priations. wc challcngcd $20 million lo 12 private-public partncrshipswiih ambiguous language. It secmcd to bc anotherburcaucracy. We also expressed conccms re­ garding thc possible incrcasc in thc costofday*arc forworkingfamilics. We do want io help children, but wc arc fiscally responsible and bclicvc thc family is the primary dccision- maker for children. A moratorium for church day-carc gives thcm a ycarto addrcssthc changc in child-staff ratios. Many will al­ ready mcet thcse raiios. TTic proposed child-staff ratios for OPENWG P00l CHEMICAL SPECIAL We Have: EveM3lear Chlorine Sticks & Tablets - 25lb bag S69.95 Algicide j$5.000FFj j $ 1 0 0 .0 0 1 | Purchase Extended Hours, 1 0 -6 M o n -F ri 10-3 Sut Special SAVINGS on Chlorine ALL THE POOL ACCESSORIES YOU NEED!! 919-766-7587 O j | Beside Dockside L J , Sealood Restaurant N*TioN*L Clemmons RMmVft 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thmday,June 10,1993 Principals Going To Different Schools Conllnued From Puge 1 Elementary, where Pam Jcwcll re­ mains as assistant principal. Mel Fogg goes from $*istant prin­ cipal's position ai the high school (o become principal at Pincbrook Elementary. Larry Lanier remains assistant principal thcre. Linda Jorvs moves from Williani R. Davie to become principal at Shady Grove, where assi>tanl will be Charles Markland. former assistant at North Davie, In nuking the decision. Steed said he looked ai what was best for the system as it changes to the middle school concept. He aUo tried to match individuals with schools and communities. It was the most changes in recent years, Steed said he had tvcn discuss­ ing possible assignments with the principals fnr a year. "1 saw an opportunity to look at admini>trative assignmerts and place pvoplv in the positions tlx*y would be nio>t effective.'* he said. “ Personnel is thc mosl inyortantjobwc dp in.the school system. We try to place peo­ ple where they can he successful. " I think this is a positive move for our school system, a p<sitive move for thc individuals. 1 think they’ll all serve well in these new positions.'* Steed said he tried to match prin­ cipals and a*istants. " ! think they're on good terms and have good work­ ing relationships, building on the strencths of other pcopte. '**No one campaigned for their positions." Steed announced his phns to board of education members during an ex­ ecutive session Monday night. It met with unanimously approval. W h o 's W h e r e ? Davle High South Davle W.G. Potts, principal Robert Landry, principal Linda Freeze, asst.Patsy Crenshaw, asst. North Davle Mocksvllle Elementary Larry Bridgewater, principal Julius Suiter, principal Lorene Markland, assl.Pam Jewell, assl. Mocksvllle Middle Plnebrook Bill Campbell, principal Mel Fogg, principal Larry Lanler, asst. Shady Grove Coo!eemee Llnda Jones, principal Jell Albarty, principal Charles Markland, asst.Mary Slne, asst. William R. Davie Larry Jones, principal Mary Sine, asst. Landfill Fees Up C<mtlnucd Frnm Page 1 According to Windlcy, thc transfer station w ill bc located tt thc current county landfill. If Davie does not cntcrihe regional agreement, the only alternative is for a new landfill to bc built. Landfill fees w<>uld then incrcasc to $70 a ton to cover thc cost of that, Windley estimated. ‘ ‘This is a matter of economics and a matter o f saving money," said Doctor Introduces Former POWs WWSTON*SALEM • Liberated by toe Russian army from a German prison camp on May 1, 1945, Robert Rogers and Anhur Upshaw never knew their paths would cross again. But while taking Rogers* medical history* Dr. Earl Watts heard some* thing familiar. “Anhur and 1 havcbccn friends for years, and 1 remembered a story he to!d me years ago about a flock of ducks that got lost in the fog. flew inio thc wall in the camp and became din- ner," sald Waus, associate professor of internal medicine (cardiology) at toe Bowman Gra>VBaptist Hospital Medical Center. MI filed it on mysbelfofinteresting things, but when! heard Bob repeal it, I knew chey had to bc in the same staIag." Still, Rogers said lhat he and Upshaw met by coincidence vshi1e recoveringfromoutpaticmproccdurcs in BaptUi*t Day Hospital. A$ Watts made his rounds, he learned that Upshaw, too, was in the unit. “Earl said. There's a friend of mine down the hall I thinkyou should meet/ ^*' Roger< recalled. “ I said. Thank you. youcan go. “But he said. No. 1 want to hear this.* Mr. Upshaw and I have spoken several times since.” Rogers, a pi)ot, and Upshaw, a bom­ bardier, boto served in thc Army Air Corps aboard a B -17, a plane nick­ named the Flying Fortress because of iU firepower and durability. Ofthetwo, Rogerspulled toe long­ est stint at Stalag Lufte (A ir Camp) No. I in Bar*. Germany. Gn March 3, 1944, flak and me­ chanical failure combined to cripple his B-l7 in the first attempted daylight bombingrun on Berlin. Fighter planes **andtlak'de 5im3tcdnhe^therFtying- Fonresses in the group. *We decided to give it up over the Dutch coast," Rogers recalled. “Ev­ eryone made it out." Rogers hid $n a shed behind a farm­ house. When the farmer appeared, he drew an American flag in the dirt. “He said. Stay tocre and 1 w ill help you,’ M Rogers recalled. “His brother came along about four hours later. It was an immediate death sentence for thc Dutch to aid a prisoner. *The brotoer said 1 would have to leave,” Rogers sald. “ I went across a fie(d and hid in a drainage ditch. A farpiersaw me and lold mc to come on up: ,H e brought mc in a farmhouse. Th6 lady there spokc high school En- glSh. They had wamcd us to stay away from prosperous places because todie were the ones most likely to bc collaborators. *Shc wanted to know when the invasion was coming. I told her, I need help. I want to get to Belgium,* and asted if she would hclp me. *She said. No, my husband has already called thc Germans.** Six months and 10 days after Rogers' B-17 crashed, Upshaw'sFor- trcis lost thrcc o f its four engines io fiaE after bombing a synthetic-oil re­ finery on the Rhine. 3'Wc had one lhat was still sort of operating but it caught firc," Upshaw recalled. “Oncc an engine caught fire, yo i bad io bail oul because it would bI»w up in a hurry. '*l had figured atourratcofdescent wecouldjusi about make it back over Pa0on's lines," he said. “ About that tinfc, the pilot hit thc bailout buzzer, *Nobody stopped to dcbajc thf Robert Rogers, Arthur Upshaw and Dr. Earl Watts talk about prisoner ol war days. matter. I couldn't sec thc v,ing from ^vherc.Ly»jsJhcplane^did notblow ‘ v 4. ’ i * * y * ^ ^ * ^ r * ^ X ^ * ^ * ^ i ^ f -- - . , n r o n r * r ' up; the engincjust fell off.’ Upshaw parachuted into a German farmer*s garden. “I found m> self looking up into thc muzzel o f a double-barrel shotgun," Thc farmer's wifc gavc him a dif­ ferent reception. “She gavc mc buttermilk and combread,” Upshaw said, laughing. “I imagine she got into some trouble after I left." ln Frankfurt, the way station for prisoners cn route to Banh, Upshaw wasinterrogatcdb) :.Gcrmanlieuicn- "antr*i cairsti!l-s<e him in_his.bl3qk leather jackci as be asked mc.Dojou^Pshawvrasaprisonerin-lhis camp,asshnwn in pain- know German?' “ I had been a stamp collector and knew the word for no. So I said. Ncin.* 1 immediately realized my mistake. “He was ready to shoot me, some sman-alcck American. Ncin was the only word I knew in German.” Rogers and Upshaw wcrc in differ­ ent sections of Stalag Lufic 1, each walled in and separated from thc other by barbcd wirc. ting by another prisoner. on Christmas Day by packing their bags. "We had all been saying. Wc*ll bc homc for Christmas." Rogers said. Tw icc a day. wc lined up fivc deep infront o f our barracks. "Evcr>1 man got on his overcoat, packed his suitcase and we all lined up.** Othcrouilcts included “Barth Hard Although Rogers heard the noise Timcs,tocPOWncwspaper,andhand- and stury, hc and thc other men of written messages smuggled through- North 1 never got to tastc lhc fowl out the camp by slipping them insidc enjoyed by Upshaw and thc others of hollowcdK)ut watches. NonhlL ^Thc incident with lhc ducks camc along about thcsamc timeasthc Batlle of thc Bulge," Upshaw said. ^The duckswcrc haibingersofbettcrthlngs to comc." Although spared from physical abuse. Rogers and Upshaw suffered from malnutrition because of thc mca- gerdict afforded prisoners. Thcyatcrutabagas.somchorscmcat a quarter of a horsc weekly for 1,200 men - and a crude form of pumper­ nickel brcad. **They would dip it in sawdust to kccp it from sticking,** Rogers said.*There wcrc 14 of us in a room and wcwould gct two loaves ofbread. “ Someone would bc appointed tocutitinhunks.Theguywhocutitup tcsy, however. Rogers laicr discov- got last choice." crcd that thc Germans had twice or- Thc prisoners engaged in dered thc cxccution o f men in thc varioushigh jinks to lift thcir spirits, camp, but the camp commandant rc- One stunt involved creating a moving fused. space between men ln !incsduring roll And during the Berlin raids, Jews calls to foil counts. wcrc picked out ond transferred to The POWs confounded thc guards other camps. Thc aid o f a crystal radio cvcn enabled thc POWs to monitor war news. “ We knew morc about thc war than thc Germans guarding us,” Upshaw said. Onc of thc most popular forms of cnicnainmcm was playing pokcr with cards made from Vclvccta cheese packages included in Red Cross carc “ You could gct lwo cards out of each pack," Upshaw said, noting that onc loser repaid a debt by writing a check on notebook paper. After thc war, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. cashcd thc check. Thcrc were limits to German cour- Coolccmec Mayor Bill Galcs. *'ft> will save money if we don't have tt> build onc." Both Wind!cy and Gales said thc advantagcsofjoining thc agreement would outweigh thc disadvantages. "Thc advantage is it won't cost as' much pcr ton,'* said Windlcy.* “ Thcrc won't bc any disadvantages if wc gct a good contract.** **lt will dcpcnd on cast and pricc . 1 If it doesn't go up, thcrc won't be a change," said Galcs. Hail Storm Causes Damage In Davie Continued From Puge 1 Hc's not so sure about other grains, which they hope to harvest later this "lVe nevcrscen an) thing likeit, and 1 hope to never sec anotherone.* Despite thc losses, Blackwcldcrcon- siders his family lucky. No people were hurt. No animals were hurt. Davje Emergency Management Coordinator Johnny Ftye had similar feelings. No storm injuries were re­ ported from across the county, he said. ’ I was on pins and needles. Nobody cot hun. Man, we were lucky, because the weather, it was on thc verge of a disaster." The National Weather Service had issued a tomado warning for Davie County. A tomado had bcen spotted on radar, spinning in the sky above Davie Frye said forecaster*began waming people about 4 p.m. Friday after noon that storms would be likely, and they could be severe. Wamings were i$$ued at 5 p.m. Thc tomado waming was issuedat7;09 p.m. The storm took a similar path from uevt to east across the county, and damage u ent from severe to nonexis­ tent, depending on toe location. It en- tcredthecounty nearSheffield,crossed just east of Mocksville, and went to­ ward Fork before going into Davidson County. The hail was so big. i! was thc size ofa baseball," Fo e said. "It busted out some windows and some v> ent through walls." Hc saw onc car that was caught in thc storm. "lt looked like you had took a ball and chain and beat it all to hell." The storm tosted about 15-20 min­ utes, and left 1*1.5 inches of rain, "lt was moving fast You could sec the clouds rolling." Fryc said the biggest problem is peoplewhodon’tlistenioweatoerwam- ings • or to toe warnings provided by Mother Nature - wamings such as se­ vere, sudden changes in temperature, daikcning skics, and lightning. "MothcrNaturctricstogiveussome waming most of toe time," Frye said. Thc biggest problem is people take these storms for granted. They need to listen to thc wwuher people. Any time youVc got severe thunderstorms, that's where tomados spum off from. "When you hear that rumbling and you see that flash across toe sky, toat means take cover." *Thcy had an 'H' for Hebrew on thcir dog tags," Rogers said. “ Wc had one fellow who said, l'm not Jewish. That*s for Hindu. “A New York policemen got so upsct about it that hc told them he was a Jew. If thcy wcrc going, hc was going. So thcy transferred him, too." As thc war progressed, the prison­ ers could scnsc victory by looking at thc guards. Thc original guards were young, fit and smartly Urcsscd, awarded with camp duty for service on thc Eastern Front. By thc end of thcir stay, Rogers said, guanJs were older, wore World War I uniforms and leg wrappings and used horses and w agons for transpor- Aftcrthc war, Rogers moved from Detroit, Michigan to Lexington and wcnt on to become credit manager for Sealy of thc Carolinas and A High Point native, Upshaw be­ came vicc president o f Holly Famts bcforc retiring to Bermuda Run. Neither man will forgct thc uplift­ ing powcrofhopc - or thc hamburger feast provided by thc Russians aftcr liberating the camp. *They wcnt out, rounded up 100 head o f Gcn 11an cattle and butchered ihcm,” Rogers said. “ Wc had bccf for a day or two, all wc could cat. June is ....JluVationa(J | c R 6S 8 uMontlk jjk A L L ROSES ^ f in an arrangem ent or * n in a b o x ? w30% O ff m k I S ls te r’ s l l c f M c c k s v llle ^ ^ K ---------Florist & Gifts______- _ * m . .I 1039 Yadkinville Rd. • Mocksville, NC 27028 J% Y I 7 0 4 - 6 3 4 - 1 7 8 2 j ^ i N * W S , Ufe...heatth... home...car... business. Call u$ lodoy for the quolity protection ond professional service you deserve. m w>mtMdOttShcw#ltaK H^ «1 H.*6dti*.ftv PW *pKjti44W |NATTONWIDE I INSURANCENeboow>de fei on y M M i NiWdr>M^M<i<^*MWMw<**w*d*>M*WfcwmCa"w>T Jim m y Kelly ftiA.*M*rartUoetiv*.ttv7W|W4M7 DAVlE COUNTV ENTERl>RISE RECORD, ThursUny,Junc 10,1993 ^5- DistrictCourt The lollovving cascs wvrc dispos­ ed of in Davie District Court June }. Presiding was Judge Kobcrt Johnson. PruNcctiling was Georgia Nixon, assistant district attorney. — Bridget L. Adams, driving 7‘> i"ph in a (»5 mph zone, reduced bv DA to imprvper equipment, puy court — Ronald C. Adams. DW|. two counts hit and run. sentenced to 120 day> .Nu>pcjithf for 2 vvaf>, pay $4«) hne and court cost>. not operate motor vehicle until projvrly licens­ ed. fX'rform 48 hours conemmity .<vr- vice, comply xvith sub>4ance abuse assessment. appealed. Reckless driv­ ing. dismissed. — Louanne B. Aldrcdge. DWI. <-M Rreathaly/erh sentenced toMJ days suspended for 2 >ears. pay Sl00 fine and court costs, not operate motor vehicle until profvrly licens­ ed. perform 24 hours conimmity ser­ vice. coiupK' with substance abuse assessment. — ManhaJ. Ander>on. driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced bv DA to driving 74 mph jn a 65 mpii zone, pay court costs. — Amy M . Angell, driving 77 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to impnyvr equipment. pay court court costs, expired license, dismissed. •— Shawn M. Barney, failure to yield for st<p sign, reduced by DA to improper equipment, pay court costs, — Randy L. Barrier, DW |. t.l5 Breathalyzer), sentenced to 60 days suspended f« 2 years, pn Sl00 fine and court custs. not ofVrate muior vehicle until properly licensed, per- form 24 hours community service, comply with substance abuse assessment. — ChristtpherS. Bent(ey, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zixie. reduced by DA to driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay cvun costs. — Elliotic D. Blackwvll. driving 87 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to drK'ing 75 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay S50 fine and coun costs. — Tina M. Bloomfield, injur) to real property, dismissed. — Lincoln Brock, 2 counts proba­ tion viofalion, placed twi intensive probation. ~- Rodney T. Brown, assault in­ flicting >vri<tis injury, dismissed. — Alisa D. Burnette, driving 8l) mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced b> DA to driving SO mph in u 65 ropfj zone, pay $50 fine and court costs. .~ Randy H. Carlton, driving 68 mph in a 55 mph /une. rvduccd b> DA to imprvper equipn>ent. pay court costs; expired license, dismissed. — Danny D. Clark. DW i. fJJ Breathalvver). driving while license revoked, sentenced to 24 months .suspended for 5 years, pty S750 fine and court costs. not op;rate motor vehicle until properly lia*nsed. spend 30 days in jail, house arrest for five months, conyly xvith suhaance abuse as.vessinent, — William G. Davis. DW|. (.|| Breathalyzer), sentenced to 6 months --*v*p6fltto d J iu a .> m ^ and court costs, not operate motor vehicle until properly licensed, per­ form 72 hours community .service, comply with substance abuse assess­ ment: driving 76 mph in a 65 mph zone, dismissed. — Robert B. Dccse. DW|, (.13 Breathalyzerl. sentenced to 12 mbnlhs suspended for 3 years, pay S4tJj fine and coun costs, not operate mt>trtr vehicle until profvrly licens­ ed, serve 7 days in ja il, comply with substance abuse assessment. ,— Joe L. Derr, driving 8 6 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to driving 80 ttyft in a 65 nph zone, pay S50 fine and court cosLs. — Kathleen Donahue, exceeding posted speed, fo{fowmg too cfose(y. pay S25 fine and court costs. ;— Mark M. Fowler, non-support, dismissed. — Steven B. FovvJcr. 2 counts pro­ bation violation, probation revoked. ~ - Bradford Gaither, no driver’s license. payS25 fine andcourt costs: asisault on a female, dismissed. ■~ Melanie D. Gaiiher. driving 76 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced by DA to driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, pay $25 fine and court costs. ;~* Linvilte L. Goad, driving 75 mph in u 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to driving 7(1 mph in a 65 mph /onc, pay court costs. — Timothy C. Grilfin. DW l, (.14 Breathaly/ert. scnienccd to W) days suspended Kir2years. piySMK) fine and court costs, not ojvrate motor vehicle until properly licensed, per­ form 24 lniirs comimmity service, comply with substance abuse assessment. — Charles II. Griggs, driving 54 mph in a 35 mph zone, reduced by DA to driving 45 mph in a 35 mph zone, pay SI0 fine and court costs. — Janet f\ Grogan, driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to impnyer equipment, pay court — Michael D. Grubb. 2 counts assault on a female, dismissed. — Brian K. Hartlage. driving 82 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to impnyer equipment, pay court costs; expired operator's license, dismissed. — Alger F. Mellard. driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced by DA to im prifvr equipment. pay court — BarbaraJ. Holland, possession cocaine, reduced hy DA to misde­ meanor possession of Schedule 11 controlled substance, possession drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 24 months susfvnded for 5 year>. pay S5(X) fine and court costs, submit to any searcher* or drug testing, not possess any controlled substances, comply w ith substance abuse assess­ ment, rcmaincmplo>cd: maintaining dwelling to nunufacture. keep, or sell a controlled substance, dismissed. — Bonnie Ireland, harassing phone call, prayer for judgment continued on conditioft shc have nocontact w iih prosecuting witness. — Ronaid D. James, driving 45 mph in a 35 mph /one. tailure to stop for stop sign, both reduced by DA to improper equipment, piy $25 fine and court costs. Ra>mond R. Lacque. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, driving while license revoked, reduced to no operator's license, sentenced to 60 days suspended for 2 years, pay Sl(K) fine and cmrt costs, not operate nu>tor vehicL* until properly licensed. — Michad W. Livcngood. first degree scvoffensc w ith achitd. waiv­ ed probable cause. C;csc g<vs to Superior Cvurt. First degree rape, dismissed. — Brent G. MarshaM. larceny, reduced by DA to nu>demeanor unauthorized use of im<or vehicle, sentenced to 12 months. Probation violation, probation revoked. — Brenda G. MeKce. driving 86 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced bv DA to driving 75 mph in a 65 mph /one, pay $50 fine and court costs. — Gary M. Meacham. driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced bv DA io driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay court costs. — Alex S. Moorcficld. driv ing 85 mplt in a 65 mph zone, reduced hv DA to driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay $25 line and court costs. — Ricky A . M>vr>. com* cd to 60 dajs suspended for 2 years, pay $100 fine and court costs, not operate motor vehicle until properly licensed, peitbmi 24 hours communi- ' —* |:ddle W . Slmffner, driving while license revoked, sentenced to 24 months suspended for 3 years, pay $3(X) fine and court costs, not operate motor vehicle until properly licensed. — Kelly Smith, harassing phone call, prayer for judgment continued on condition she have m>conlact wjih prosecuting witness. — Angela A. Stewart, DW1. (.14 Breathalyzer), simple possession marijuana, sentenced to 60 days suspended fiv 2 ycar.s, piy $2lX) fine and court cvsts, not ojvratc motor vehicle uniil properly licensed, per­ form 24 hwrs community service, comply w ith substance abuse assess­ ment; reckkss driving, possession drug paraphernalia, dismissed. ~ Angela C. Taylor, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to imprtjvrequipmon<. payeourt ^ Nicole M. Walker, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA to driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay court costs. — Randy S. Wester, simple wor­ thless check. — Beverly Y. While. simple wor­ thless check. — Gary M. Yates, driving 67 mph in a 55 mpli zone, reduced by DA to improper equipment, payeourt costs; no driver's license, vehicle not registered, no liability insurance, dismissed. — George H. Zaki, driving VI mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hy DA to cxccvding safe speed, pay 5100 fine and court cosls. Fu!tcd To A|)jH*ur The following failed toappcar for their scheduled court trial. — Raquel Barreto, driving 77 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Bobhy L. Crump, driving 68 mph in a 55 mph zone. — Joseph M. Gruttadauria. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph /tne. — Chine L Jones, driving 81 mph in u 65 mph zone, no drivvr's license. DWI. — Randall Money, communicating — Mickey W. Roscman. break- ing/enlering a motor vehicle. — TvvanaK. Smoot. 3counts wor­ thless check. Sean A. Stanback, exceeding posted speed. — Herman L TJionxis. driving while license revoked, pt>xession fic­ titious/revoked license, 2 counts possession drug paraphernalia, .sim­ ple possesskin marijuana. — Tammy C. Wood, worthless Trials W aim l The following waived their right to a court trial and paid fine* in advance. — John M. Hillard, improper equipment. ~ Steven N. Reavis, driving 66 mph in a 55 mph zone. — Kric W. Head, improper passing. — TumaraS. Rhynehardt, driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. — Ansley L Kennedy, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Carl R. Minor, driving 60 mph in a 45 mph /one. — Amanda G. Medft*d. failure to wear seat M l. — Felicia D. Strother, failure to wear seat Krll. — Kirt B, Vhillippe. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph z<me. — RobinK, Lynn, failure towear' seat belt- .^ — Jonathan E. Pilcher, vehlcfe riA registered. ""'* — James R. Sell, driving 77 mpttr in a 65 mph zone. *• — Diana T. Hackett, failure rtV' wear seat k*lt. •*•;) — Jason K. Summers, driving 7f< -‘ mpli in :> fiS mph zone. ’• ‘ '«: — OliviaA. Sims.driving 80mph in a 65 mph zone. ^ — Amandi J. Blue, driving 7X? mph in a 65 mph zone. '' ' — Ruth S. Benavidez, driving 80' mph in a 65 mph zone. ;; - ~ Walter D. Brock, excccding-'- safe speed. ■'•• — Mattk’w C. Lock;tfd. fnilutvt4" wear seal K*lt. r ‘‘ — Michikil S. Ferguson; driVirl^ - left of center. ' ■* ’* — Douglas ,M. Jenni%s, failure lc< < wear seat h:lt. *'■ — Harold R. Jackson, exceeding posted speed. — Michael J. Nelden. having open liquor in passenger area of car. *•„ — Robert A. Vandivx:r llftc(*n>; >uming mall beverage while'drivmc*t — Dale E. Parsley, fiulure to wear seat belt. Davie Man Guilty Of Weapon Charge Bv Belli Citssidv Davio County Enterprise-Record William U*e Carier ihought his sawed-otf shoigun w;t* of legal length, but found out differently in Davie Superior Coun June 2. Carter. 46. of Cookx*mcc. was found guilty of possessing a weapon of mass destruction resulting from a November 1991 incident. O fficer Mike Brady ot' the Cooleemee Police Department answered a call ai Carter's house about shots being fired. Carter said he was shutting at a dog. Carter handed the shotgun to Brady. When Brady asked Caner about the gun, Carter said he ih<ught it was legal. Brady later found the overall length of the gun lo be 26'-j inches, a legal length, but the hirrel length was 12'/.* inches, well urxler the legal length of l,t inches. According to Assistant District At­ torney Patsy Bruce, state law defines a weapon o f mass destruction as be­ ing any shoigun with a Kirrel length of less than 18 inches ir an overall length of less than 26 inches. Bruce said, “ This is a weapon capable of creating grcal injury or death to a Lirge amount of people. Mr. Carter knowingly pissessed and used this weapon. He admitted using it in the lown limits of C<xilecmee against this oificer tBradv)on this oc- Carter*s attorney. Tammy Flem­ ing. said Carier had “ no general in­ tent or knowledge as to the length of the gun. T lv fact that he willingly handed the gun over (to Bradv i in-' dicales that he thought the gun was legal.*' A jury deliberated about 15... minutes befive finding Carter guilty.;. Judge Janvs A. Beatj Jr. sentenc- •. ed Carter to 2 vears in prist^i suspended for 3 vears of supervised probation. He was ordervd to per- ' form 40 hours of community scrx icc^* work, pay a $200 fine and court co<tV^ and pay a S4tX) attorne>' feo. Beaty ordered tlw shotgun '• de>troved. -> . Jury Upholds 1991DWI Charge By Bvth CitNsUlv Davie County Enterprise-Record A Davie superior court jury dcliherutedjust over an hour June 3 hefore decidinc a man was guiltv of DW1. Timothy Mark DtkUm, 32. of Route 8. Mi<ksville. vsas charged uith no driver's licenx* and DWI after a Mocksville policeolficer stop­ ped him Dec. 5. l99|. The oHitvr, Tim Blackwelder. nho is no longer with the pWice depart­ ment, said he saw Dixlsm driving a 1977 Ford around lt:36p.m . Dinl- s<>n drove from Country Lane onto U S. W)l ltoided north. Blackvxelder said. “ He canx.* out rapidl>. spinning tire>.** Blackwelder said, which is whal called the officer's attention to Blackwelder paced the car and found Dtxlsiii to be driv ing at around 60 mph in a 45 mph ztxie. He stop- |X'd Dt>d>on and noticed a strong <x!ur ofalcoliol. Dixlstm had trouble walk­ ing to the p.drol car. andafter several phvsival tests. BlaekucUer arrested him 1or DW|. A breatlul>zer test performed shortlv afterward showed a bliH*d alcohol coiMcnt of .18. almost dou­ ble the . 10 k*gal level ofimpairment. Dtxlson apresenied himself during t)ie irial. but did nni areue in his lvhalf. The jury twice asked for ev idence not presented during tlte trial and were lold hy Judge Janvs A. Bealv Jr. that the txily evidence they were to consider was the evidence already ’1 presented. ' ' 1 They indicated once t!iat thev had a verdict, but changed their minds '> and deliber;tfed a few riunutes more before announcing the guiltv vcrdicU, * The charge of no driver's license, i was dismissed, and fXxlson was .. sentenced to 12 montlis in prison. Credit was given for the time he spenj , in jail awaiting trial, aixl imiiiediaie work release was recoziunendvd. He 1 was ordered to not operate a mot<Vr * vehicle until he is properh licen^etf. '• Tears Flow In Vehicle Death Case Bv Bt-lh C;hsid> Davie County Enierprise-Record jnunicating threats, disiiussed. — John ^cTieTs.'TruqiKf"assauft*.' A"Rtnite4 -.-MtH'ksv4UtiaiLm_wJiLU dismissed. w as driving the car in which a friend — Sieve G, Price, driving 67 mph w as killed pVaded no cuitc>l to death in a 55 mph zone, reduced by DA to by vehicle June 3. improper equipment, pay court costs, — C>nlhia M. Prince, driving 78 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced by DA to driving 64 mph in a 55 mph zone, pay $10 fine and court costs. — Todd D. Rump1e,drivingafier drinking on provisional license, sentenced to 60 days suspended for 2 years, pay $100 fine and court costs, not o^ratc motor vehicle un­ til properly licensed, perform 24 hours vomnwniiy service, comply with substance abuse assessment: possession h,*cr under aye. dismissed. — Debrah A. Sanders, driving 88 mplt in a 65 mph zone, pay $75 fine and court costs. — Anna V. Sheets. DWI. (.15 Brealhalyzer). no driver's license/ failure to wear seat belt, driving left of center, sentenced to 120 days suspended f«* 2 year>, piy $250 fine and court costs, not oprutc motor vehicle until properly licensed, per­ form 48 h(Kirs community service, comply with substance abuse assessment. Steven A. Sheets, failure lo wear scat belt, aid and abet l)W l. senienc- Tonie Rokr( Rhinehart. 24. cried on lhe witness stand as he talked about ihe friend. Jolumy Cicero Waller. 45. who was crushed in the fr<mt seal of the car Rhinehart was Rhinehart and two i<hers in the car. Robert Gray Ridingsof Roule 7. Mocksvillc, and James Bugene Waller. 26.ofCtkileenve. were in­ jured in the May 29, 1992 accident. According to Debtirah Brown, assistant district attorney. Rhinehart was driving a borrowed 1978 Datsun on Marginal Street in Cooleemee, just before dark. Rhinehart lost con­ trol o f the car and it went o ff the left side ofihe r<ud. acrossagras>y area, and hit a iree. Brown said Rhinehart told in* vesiigaiing officer.s that he uas the driver, that \v had lxx*n drinking, and that he was under the inllueiice. His bl<HkJ atcolki| level was .14. Waller's iliughter and mother were jn the courtr<kim, and Brown said Wa!ler*s daughier"li>U 'hef"lhai Rhinehart was like a son to J.C. Waller and thal the two had been friends for years. She also said that her father got into the ear knowing that all the <x*cupants had been drinking. Rhinehart suffered cuisand several broken bones in the accident. Rhinehart said it was r.uning heavi­ ly as he drow on Marginal Street and that in trying to avoid hitting a child on a bicycfc. he drove tfu caroff(fie road, but ltM control on the wet grass, slamming into a tree. His aitorwy,*Grady McClamrttck Jr.. asked him how he Jell alxiul the accident. •i'm truly sorry. I wish 1 could bring him back.” Rhinehart >ajd. crying. McClamra-k asked Rhinehart it lic had an alcohol prohlem. and Rbw hati <piictly answered. '*Sor- ta." Waller's mother. Edith, also Rhinehan was “ scared todeath” and -i testified. did not want to go to prison. - ’.* “ We have all sullered great Beaty sentenced Rhtnehart to -2 -I lragedy." >lv said, wipitu tears from years inpri^msuspendcd for 5 years 'here>vsr--Thisinan.-4f4w.gitexJu...pmhalii>ji,_HejA^Norderedto spen^.; prison, it won't bring my son back. 90 days in jail, and w ithm"727uuifs^~ This man iveds help lo get off his alcohol. “ My soiVs death wont have been in vain if this man gets help. He's remorseful,but he needs help. Being sorry is not helping him.*' McClammck told Judge James A. Beaiy Jr. thal Rhinehart blamed himself for the accident and realizes since the accident that he has an alcohol prohlem. He iilso .>aid of relea.se. ioreport toaprvbatiun o f-' ficer. He nuist attend ;rnd complefe a substance abuse program, submit t"A ,r- chemical aitdy>is for alcohol In ' i ^' probation officer, and int consume i>r have alcolu4 in his prex*nce ditrina;^( probation. . (-rj He was also ordered to pay a S300.. w fine and c<xirt costs and S1.175-ttv.,, Rowan Memorial Park for Waller's headstone. . j • ,. ., WDSL BLUE6RA8® With Dwight Barker Each Monday Thru Friday Morning Ftom 10:00 AM To 12:00 Noon TUNE IN 1520 FOR THE BEST IN BLUEQRASS MUSIC m < s > lDINOSAURS AREN'T US PETS AND 8UPPUES FISH - BIRDS* REPTILES • SMALLANIMALS Located next to K-Mart Garden Shop 6000 Market Square Court • Suite 18 Clemmons (9 19) 766-0281 Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm 10% Senior Citizens Discount 325 N. Main SU vl A Traiition ofCaring.,,. - ScrviriK lhe cilizciLS (if Davie County and surrounding conimunitlcs, with the carc and understanding that can only be provided by individuals who arc uncompromisingly committcd to meeting the ‘ needs of their local community. EATON FUNERAL H0M E 704-6J4-2M 8. ' Mocksvillv. NC :702#'' 6 - D A V IE C O U N TY E NTERPRISE RECO RD, T liu rsd iy , Jlm t' 10,1993 PubKc Records L a n d T r a n s f e r s The following land transfers were filed with toe Davie County Register of Deeds. The transactions are listed by par* ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stomps purchased, with S2 repre­ senting $1,000. • Charles Tony Manin and Sherry T. Manin (o Charles Kenneth Martin and Mona A. Martin, .49 acre. Farm­ ington. -M.TimothyPcelerandEliza- iA rre s ts bethV.PeelertoJamesP, B)ackweldcr, 2.34 acres, Jerusalem, SI50. • The New Fortis Corporation to Keilh Allcn SVhanon and Dana Lynn Wharton, 1 lot; Famiingion, 5224. - Larry S. Boyd and Margaret B. Boyd to Bruce W. Perry and Connie C. Perry, 20 acres. Fulton,Sl 10. • Jo Ann H. Helms lo Charles E. Huntcr and Evelyn F. Hunter, 1 lot. Farmington. $25. - Ray E. Knight and Mao' Ann Knight to Mary Ann Knight, 1 lot, Farmington. •James E. Brock and Gclsomina R. Brock to The Brock Family Trust, 7.51 acres. Farmington. • Don G. Angell and Vera C. Angell io Hubert L Shortt and Rose­ mary V. Shortt, 1 condominium unit. Farmington. $319. • Roger P. Spillman and Deborah A. Spillman to Hoyle Baxter Harris Jr. andChristineHams. I lot.Mocksville, S124. • Susic G. Fields to Michelle Lec AshleyandJerry DcanSpillman, 1 lo(, Jerusalem, 58. • Donald L Marsden and Jane Elizabeth Marsden to Tammy Jo MumfordandPhilipS.Mumford, 1 lot. Mocksville.S109. »Judith E. Handlon to Charles W. Morgan and Shirley A. Johnson. I lot, Farmington, S200. • Potts Investments, Inc. toGlenn Johnson Builders. Inc., 2 lots. Shady Grove,S124. • Rick A. Stanley and Janet M. Stanley to Hel1en E. Bennett, 1.19acrcs, Farmington, S56. • Aquajet East. inc. to Douglas E. Buchanan and Jacqueline A, Buchanan, 24.74 acres, CalahalnTumenburg, $360. ♦ Ronald Kaye West to Kaye Potts West, 43.24 acres, Fu!lon. • Mary Stone Smith to Clyde Lakey and BettyJo Lakey. 1 lot. Fulton, 575. •Harold LceReederand Deborah Squires ReedertoClydeen R. Johnson and Pamela L. Johnson, I lot. Mocks- viUe. Sl00. -E .L Riddle and Hazel H. Riddle to Randy Lee Riddle Jr. and Patricia Bumette Riddle, 1.96 acres, Farming­ ton. ; The following w ere arrested by the Davie County Sheriffs Department. ■‘ -KcllyGrayTale.32,ofRouie3. Mocksville, charged June 3 with fail­ ure to comply with court order. ■ ■ Johnny Edward Eason, 30, of Route 2. Mocksville, charged June 3 with assault and with communicating threats. -JohnGarfieldLaws,33,ofCool- eemee, charged June 6 with assault and possession of drugs. '. • Clayton Craig Stanley, 31, of Route 7, Mocksville. charged June 6 with obstructing and delaying and of- - Frederick Allen Fisher. 21, of Winston-Salem, charged June 5 with speeding to elude arrest, failure to heed blue light and siren, possession of a fictitious liccnseand driving while license revoked. ♦ Anthony Lester Hendrix, 27, of Route 7. Mocksville. charged June 4 with failure to comply with court or­ der. • Toby Lee Smith, 23,charged June 4 on an order for arrest. - Mark Anthony Hylton, 24, of Pounding Hill. Va., charged June 3 with assault with a deadly weapon. • Franklin Gray McBride, 55. of Route4, Mocksvil!e, charged May 28 with assault inflicting serious injury. • Charles Michael "Punkin" Dulin, 39, of Rou'e 8. Mocksville. charged May 28 with fraudulently disposing of mortgaged property. - James 0. FowlerJr.. 28, of Cool- eemee. charged May 28 with failure to appeariticourt. ♦ Joseph Edward Henry Cregar. 23, of Route 9. Mocksville. charged May 30 with four counts of failure to ap­ pear in court and failure to comply with court order. ♦ Angela L. McDaniel, 19, of M 0 Trailer Park. Mocksville, charged May 30 with second^legree trespassing. • Randy Dean "Quill" ljames. 28, of Route 7. Mocksville, charged May 31 with two counts of probation viola- • Carolyn Dillard Williams, 45, of Route 6, Mocksville, charged May 3 1 with failure to comply with support • James Corey Mayfield. 24, of Route 1, Mocksville, charged June I with failure to comply with court or­ der, • Anthony William Bal!ew, 20, of Summcrsville.W.Va.,chargedJune 1 with possession of drug paraphernalia and with possession of marijuana. • Daniel EverettMoses, l9.ofA d- vance,charg'edJune 1 withpossession of marijuana and with possession of drug paraphernalia. • Robert DemontThompson, 17,of 1000 Hardison St. No. 12, Mocks­ ville, charged June 2 with assault. -JerryRandallVandall,45.charged June 2 with writing a worthless check. • Cecil L. Myers, 49, of Route 4. Mocksville. charged Junc 3 with fail­ ure to appear in court. • Tony Robert Rhinehardt, 24, of Route 4. Mocksville. charged June 3 with failure to comply with coun or­ der. M o ck sv iH e P o H ce The following incidents were re­ ported to the MocksviHe Police De­ partment. - Roger Cole of Route 6. Mocks- Ville reported June 6 the breaking and entering and larceny of S 2 from a oewspaper rack at the Comfort lnn. Yadkinvil!e Road. • Mike Lee Dwiggins of Route 7. Mocksville reported June 4 someone tried to removed wet cemented poles from the ground at Mando Field. Rich Park. - Lonnie Monroe Thompson of Route 1, Mocksville reponed June 4 the larceny of a license plate from a vehicle parked at Lexington Fumi- - A trash dumpster at The Glen apartments. Milling Road, was seton fire, it was reported on June 4. • Gene Alton Bullis Jr. of North Wilkesboro reported June 2 the lar­ ceny of S11.32 worthof gasoline from Fast Track, Yadkinville Road. - Katherine Brown Foster of Cool- eemee reported June 1 the front wind­ shield to her car parked at Baker Fur­ niture, M illin c Road, had been smashed. ■ Anthony Todd Hollman, 25, of 857 Salisbury St., was chargedJune 2 with carrying a concealed weapon and w ithdischargtngafirearm. Trial date: July 15. - Bobby Marion Booe Jr., 17. of Route 8, Mocksv ille. was charged on June 2with three counts of promoting the prostitution of a minor. Trial date: July 22. He was also served with a May 3 warrant fur aiding and abetting larceny. Trial daie: July 8. TrufHcAceldents • A truck and car collided at 10:40 a.m. June 4 on Depot Street. David M. Towne. 26. ofTaylors- ville. backeda 1992 International truck into a parked 1990 Dodge owned by Shanie Naosha Ratledge of Route 8, Mocksville. reported Officer V.S. Fields. Nocharges were filed. Damage to the car was estimated at S300. The truck was not damaged. • No charges were filed after a rear- end collision at 9 a.m. June 3 at Old Yadkinville Road and U.S. 601. According loa repon by OfficerV. S. Fields, lbrahim Abdel Ghafar Elaasar. 40, of Winston-Salem, had stopped a 1990 Nissan pickup truck at the stoplight uhen it w as struck from the rear by a Dodge truck driv en by- Kenneth Ray Caldwell, 22. of Salis­ bury Street, Mocksville. Damage to the truck driven by Alaasar was estimated at S500. Caldwell's truck was not damaged. • A Route 3, Mocksville teen-ager delivering fiowers was injured uhen the carhe was driving slammed into a utility pole at Main and Pine streets last Thursday at 1 p.m. Joshua Scott Hilton. 16, was taken to Davie County Hospital for treat- mentofinjuries, According to a report by Officer V.S. Fields, Hilton wasdriving a 1986 Ford on Main Street and reached to pick up flowers on the front passenger seat when the car struck the pole. There w ere no skid marks, and Fields estimated Hilton was traveling at 40 mph when the car hit the pole. Damage to the car was estimated at S5,000. ‘ S h e r if f s D e p a rtm e n t The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie County Sheriffs Department. • Janice Campbell Moore of Win- ston-Salem reponed Junc 6 the pas­ senger window to a vehicle parked on W 0 had been broken. - Susan Lautcmann of Winston- Salem reportedJune 6 the larceny of a cellular telephone from a vehicle parked at Bermuda Run. -CynthiaBocockOrsilloofMocks- ville reported June 6 the attempted breaking and entering of a residence at Meta Breeze and Rolling Hills lanes. . • Callie Elizabeth HudsonofRoute 2, Adv ance reported June 6 the break­ ing and entering of a residence off Comatzer Road. • Sherry Lee Hoots of Route 7, Mocksv ille reported June 6 the side of hercar parked offDeadnion Road was struck by an unknown object. • Joei Chad Newsome of Route 1, Advance reported June 5 the larceny of S8.05 worth o f gasoline from Quik Pik 111, Hillsdale. • Thomas Jacob Cope of Advance reportedJune 5 the larceny ofalicense tag from a vehicle parked at Granada and Sonora drives. • Lavonva Yvette Allen ofRoute 6, Mocksville reported June 5 windows u ere knocked out and siding damaged to a house o ff Main Church Road. • Pam M. Simington of Ardcn re­ ported May 4 the larceny ofS70 from a vehicle parkedat Dav ie High School. - Danny Lee Boger of Route 6. Mocksville reported June 4 someone struck a mailbox on Ben Andcrson Roadwith a ball bat. - Jo Perkins of Clemmons reported June 4 the larceny of an estimated $ 100 worth of items from a tent at The Crosby. Bermuda Run. - Ronald Gray Jones of Route 2, Advance reportedJune 4 the breaking and entering of a residence at Liven- goodand Fork-Bixby roads. - Helen McDaniel of Route 1. Ad­ vance reported June 3 someone dam­ aged a mailbox on Redland Road. -Pam Reavis Billips ofMocksvilIe reported June 2 someone poisoned cats in the Craftwood neighborhood. - Harold Campbell o f Route 9. Mocksville reported June 3 the break­ ing and entering of a residence on Ratledge Road. - Xzantippa Miller o f Salisbury reported June 2 someone damaged Cherry H ill Lutheran Church. • David Angell of Mocksville re- ponedJune 2 the windshields to school vehicles parked at Davie High School had been broken. • Emily H. Browder ofTravelers Place. S.C., reported June 2 a rock ficw from under another vehicle, hit­ ting the windshield to the car she was driving on M 0 near Mocksville. - Gracic Ann Hall of Hamptonvi)Ie reportedMay31avchicledamagcda fence at the M 0 westbound rest area. • Brian Scott Taylor of Advance reported May 19 the larceny of a CD player and CDs. with an estimated value ofS300, from a vehicle parked on Brentwood Drive. - Roger Tenor Smoot of Mocks­ ville reported May 30 the larceny of a vehicle from Sunset Drive, Mocks­ ville. He reported on June 1 the lar­ ceny of a radio, speakers and license tag. with a total estimated value of $320. from a vehicle parked o ff U.S. 601 souihofMocksville. • Diana S. Edwards of Route 1, Mocksville reported May 31 the lar­ ceny of $4 worth of gas from Four Brothers Amoco. Center. -MitchellThomasFosterofRoute 7, Mocksville reported May 27 that someone drovc through a fence off Duck Pond Road. H ig h w a y P a tro l • The following traffic accidents in Davie County were investigated by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Tractor-Trailer Strikus Vi*hlclv : A merging tructor-trailer struck a car on M 0 June 6 at 7:45 p.m. According to a report by Trooper J.R. Allred, Larry Burette Prevette, 43, o f Roaring River was driving a 1992 tractor-truiler east i r M 0 in the left lanc. A 1993 Honda driven by Charles Bryson Williams Jr.. 28, of Winston-Sakm, was traveling east on M 0 in the right lune. Prevette at­ tempted to merge into the right fane and struck Williams* car. -,Prevette was charged with im­ proper passing. Truck Rear-En<h' 'l'r<fck ' A pickup iruck driven by a Trinity man rearcndcd another truck onJune l'at 8:15 a.m. - According to a repon by the Highway Patrol, a 1977 Ford truck driven by Irvin David Shakir. 55, of Winston-Salem was stopped in the northbound lane of U.S. 601. A 1993 Ford pickup truck driven by Donald Adam Ford. 21. of Trinity was traveling north on U.S. 60*1 and struck Shakir*> vehicle. Vun Strikes Guardrail A van driven by a Rutherfordton uonian hydroplaned and struck a guardrail at 7:15 p.m., on June 4. According to a report by Trooper J.R. Allred. Jackie Hemingway Joyner. 39, o f Rutherfordton was driving a 1988 Plymouth van cast on 140 in a heavy downpour, when the car hydroplaned, ran off the road, and struck a guardrail. Pickup StrUies Ditch The driver o f a pickup lruck lost contol and struckaditchon N.C. 801 on June 4 as 2:25 p.m. According to a report by Trooper T.D. Shaw. Jon Scott Woodring of Advance was driving a 1979 Dodge pickup truck south on N.C. 80|. when it skidded out of control, ran off the road, and struck a ditch. Cur Hits Fence A DWI charge was filed after a Yadkinville woman struck a fence at 5 p.m. on June 4. According to a report by Trooper David R. McCoy. Tonya Luanne Hoots. 22. of Yadkinville was driv­ ing a 1976 Ford south on N. Pino Road, uhenshe lost control of thecar and ran o ff thc road, striking a fence owned hy LAV. West Jr. of Route 8. Mocksville. Hoot* was iaken h> Davie County Hospital, where she wastrcatcd and released. Hoots w;ts charged nith DWI and driving without a license. Thrvv Yt'hklc-S Collide Three vehicle eollidcdon U.S. 601 on June 4 at 12:15 p.m. According (o a report by Trooper David R. McCoy.a 1993 Fordtruck driven by Jane Blair Bumctte. 16. of Advance and a 1983 Hotxla driven by Amy Jo Ma>on, 16, of Sunny Dell Lane were stopped in the road for school traffic. Shannon Renee Allen, 16, o f Route 3. was driving a 1989 Hyundai, failed to scc Mason, caus­ ing the collusion. The impact caused Mason's car to collide with Burncttc*s truck. Allen was charged with failure to reduce speed. Driver Lt*mcs Scene The driver of a pickup truck car­ rying debris left ihe scene of an acci­ dent on May 30 at 4:15 p.m. According to a report by Trooper J.R. Allred, debris from a pickup truck fell into thc nonhbound lane of Buck Seaford Road striking a 1978 Buick driven by Lavonc Houck Swiccgood of Route 9. The driver of the pickup truck left the scene. Cars Collide Two cars collided on Bear Creek Church Road after the driver of one car crossed the double yellow line on June 3 at 5:45 p.m. According lo a report by Trooper L.A. Amos.a 1979 Fordtruckdriven by Matthew James Eldred, 31, of Yadkinville made a left turn onto M a r r ia g e s Bear Creek Church Rd. A truck driven by Tanya Annette Gentry. 22. Harmony, cro>>ed the double yellow lines, skidding into Eldred. Cars Collide On Exit Ramp Tw o cars collided on an exit ramp May 30 at 4:40 p.m. According to a repon by Trooper J.R. Allred, a cars driven by Athlene Hicks. 57. ofMocksvilIe. and Christi McKinley Cook. 22, ofKemersville. were involved in the accident. F ir e s • Davie lircdcpartmcntsrepondedto thc following calls last week: M ity 3 l: Mocksvi!1e.M:4Ka.m.. fire alarm at 203 Neely St.; Jerusalem. 6:25 p.m., car lire on U.S. M l at Yadkin River. June 1: Mocksville. 6:31 p.m., vehicle lire on U.S. 601 at the HP station. June 2: William R. IXivie. 12:21 a.m., structure lire on US. 601 north at J & H McKnighl V.illet Co. in Yadkin County. Farmington. Sheffield-Calahaln. Mt*ksvillc, and Center called fur backup. Junc 3: Mocksville. 3:23 a.m.. Lexingnm Furniture lire in dust house: Smith Grove. 12:49 p.m., lumber on fire in Bennuda Run; Mitcksvillc. 1:02 p.m.. ;aito accident on North Main Street at First Baptist Church: Sheflield-Calahaln, 5:54 p.m., auto accidcni on Hen Andcrson Road; SmithGrove. 0:<tf p.m.,auto accident at 108 River Road in Ber­ muda Run; Mocksvillc. 9:14 p.m., fire alarm Mox Manul';wluring. June 4: Mocksville. 5:24 p.m., fire alarm at Funder: Smith Grove. 7:57 p.m., tr.ish dump firc on Yadkin Valley Road. Farmington. Advance, William R. I)avie, and Mocksville called for luckup; Coriutzer-Dulin. 10:22 p.m..company transfer; Smith Grove. 7:59 p.m.. tree on power lines on l>)lin Road: William R. Davie. 9:37 p.m.. tree lire on Ralph Ratledge Ruid. Jiffie5; Farmington. Smith Grove, and Mocksvillc, l2 :l5 a.iu.. Iire alarm activation at Hanc* Printahles on Farmington Road; County Line, 3:12 a.m., hay fire on U.S. 64 east at Stroud Brothers Grading: Mockwille and Smith Grove, 1:13 p.m.. tmlanful burning on Garden Valley Road; Farmington. 2:07 p.m., outbuilding fire at Bobbin and Far­ mington R<ul; Jerusalem. 3:22 p.m.. auto uccidciu at Greasy Corner. June 6: Mocksvillc. 3:(X) a.m., auto uccidcnt on Sanf<rd Avenue: Advance and Cornat/er-Dulin, 1:28 p.m.. residential lire alarm on Peoples Creek Road. The following marriage licenses werc recorded with the Davie County Register of Deeds. - Jeffrey Mitchell Settle. 26. of Filbert Streei, Salisbury, and Marsha Anne Seaford, 22. of Old Union Church Road, Salisbwy. - Kelly Graham Sales, 24, o f 116 Holly Lane, Mocksville, and Gina Suzanne Garland, 19, o f Route 9, Mocksvillc. ♦ Edward Lce Hep!er Jr., 26, of Route 3, Mocksville, and Norma Jean Fuller, 38, ofRoute 2, Mocksville. • John Clifton Hummer, 29, of Winston-Salem, and Mandi Elizabeth Crawfonl, 23, ofWinston-Salem. Georgc David Wright, 37,of Route 4, Mocks- ville, andJanice Ruth Manning,41, of Route 4, Mocksville. • Scotty Alan Seaford, 27. ofRoute 1, Mocksville, and Claudia Kris Moore, 24, of Route 2, Mocksville. - Robert Hugh Raisbeck Jr., 30, o f Route 9, Box 63 Mocksville and Ter­ esa Kay Boger, 29, of Route 9, Box 430 Mocksville. » Curtis Dean Anderson, 38, of Cleveland, iY.C., and Ginger Sue Ballard, 27, of Cleveland, N.C. ♦ Johnny Lynn Ring, 34, of Route 2,Mocksvitle and Amy Gayle Barker, 29, ofRoute 2, Mocksville. *tocfcManheivStoil,24,ofRoute 5, Mocksvillc, andTraci LynnWright, 20, of Route 3, Advance. »Russell Dean Workman ll, 21, of Advance, and Angela Christine Robbins, 18, ofRoute 1, Mocksville. * Nelson Carl Walker, 22, of Kem- crsville, and Maria Lynn Moore, 21, of Route 2, Advance. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thuroliiy, Junc JO, 1993 - 7 CTxSVALUE DAYS<S^Wednesday, June 9 thru Sunday, June 13,1993 Luvs Phases Diapers (Girls & Boys) $£97 54, 40, 30 ^ S & 26 Count V Sunflower Seed & Wild Bird Feed (I2 lb . Bucket) $eoo Reg, S6.84 V Werther’s Original Butter Candy (7 oz. Bag) 97°Aeg.Sl.37 « P ■ E A C ifL fE Eagle Tortilla Chips S f l c R e g .S l.3 9 W W Clorox Bleach (1 gallon) 78°Limit 2 ^ Hanes Hanes Premium Men’s Crew Socks 6-Pack $ * 9 7 Reg. S5.46 1 Shell® Rotella T Motor Oil ^ 4 ?6/ Gallon f f i Polaroid® Focus Free 35mm Camera Reg. $29.96 2488 Fedders® Air Conditioner Reg. S297.00 (7,500 BTU) f.todei AiR08F2B 2470 0 ; i2 P S Z > J Heavy Duty All Purpose Tub $ y 0 0 Reg. S8.96 l'S' Wal-Mart Flat Latex Wall Paint ----------U5^rJNammtyJ^ *6*7ca Murray® Street Rage or Girls’ Class Act Bicycles <16"or20") Reg. $54 97 48'0 0 Reinforced Water Hose (V 2 'x5 0 ') $097 Reg. $4.68 V Reg.S129.Bd 3rd Burner Gas Grill s^ 4 8 8 -0 ) ( -► ^j ^ * ' 9 W 4 -T ^VA \F. ' V y E = t 18” Poulan Weedeater GasTrimmer $OA97 Reg. 599.97 Multi-Position Lounger $J97 Stinger Electric Bug Killer (Model UV40) (1 Acre) CUSTOMER APPRECUTWN SALE This Sunday6-8pm • Bounty Paper Towels SV Limit 6 • Rubbermaid Wheeled Trashcans Reg. $10.88 V 7 • Alcohol or Peroxide......16 oz. 4 ^ 1 " • Sam's 2 liter Colas All Ftavors............................2Z*1" • Prestone Anti-Freeze 1 Gallon.........................*2"U m ll2 Reg. $9.84 Chair I With This CouponPepsi Products (Case of 24 • 12 oz. Cans)per? or *5” Without Coupon MANUFACTURER'S COUPON EXP!RATKDN DATE 600-93 $ 1 O F F M Cwtw uiedi err*Mi *«^ * r « 'u « f ^ k M ^ ^ r t U IM «tM nlM C ot«lM M P M I»« nm row towf*vr 00£ * ii* * a il* e0eH,0<Uk1eetwe r RegisierToWinA SUNDAY SHOPPING SPREE l 3^soroittCwtincawt I Awsntod 1« 6:30,7.00 1 7:30 | Name ! Address I Phone One 24-pack, two 12 packs or four 6-packs of l'cpsi$. Oiet Pcpsi<5, O y m l Pcpsi, Mouniwn Dcw®, Diet Mountain Dcw$ or Scvcn-Up® Cd*,De«PtpvMiVU»Die.»dO«lM*»tt»Oiewt1|J»*4 e(Ptp*C* k*. Crjiul Ft7e1 » e e*kewl efA^*<*. 1» C1Vp nd Vimd* n ft|JMfc4*kJRnwUe/TWS*rt*L>Cams> D £w ,W tM )COR H H t* 4hri PLPPU wi n |^*^4 vWirtw u »1 L> m w Cunvvj DklM.T<u>mi 12000-24261 W A L * M A R T WU4URn A0VMTtM0 MlFtCHANttseFOUCT.Isw M n»»AM M ^tfwM w«nuu Mowvw.<** «e »ny trtotwn rMwv u U * tw m> « ra n U M tor (uRhkM. W#Uy »4 «tue i FWi Chect cn m>*y. kt re « w n M M ttte ^9 w M « r» M p a ^tM fn ^ WkeiweulyouesiWttmtiieOffwaeredjC6enn prx*. W« nt*>e re v * ti *r* quSMt*i e nom* w ti putAUe*. UnUHnt*Mflh*a>U*tCft C WALUW STOAtS. WC. Monday-Saturday S-10Yadklnvllle Rd. • Mocksvllle • (704) 634-1266 sundayu* 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, ThursUiiy, Junc 10,1993 County Briefs Cooleemee To Get Fire Truck Thc Coolccmce Volunteer Firc Department will buy n used firc lruck. County commissionerc voted 5-0 Monday to allow thc depeirm>ent to borrow $38,000 for thc used truck. Mark Phelps of the depart­ ment said firefighters needed a ncuvr truck and could not afford a ncw truck. Thc 1981 firc truck will bc thc third truck thc department owns. Tobacco Allotment Tax Approved Saying that tobacco farmers wcrc already bcing hit hard. Com­ missioner Larry Haycs madc a motion Monday to approve a S.40 tax per pound o f tobacco allotment for farmers in lhc couniy. T)ic board approved thc lux and a ncw schcdulc of property values by a 5-0 vote. A ncw state law requires counties to tax tobacco allotments, and thc board approved a ratc lower than the $1.41 suggested by thc state. "1 don't think anybody on this board wants to do anything to tobac* co farmers,” Haycs said. **Thcsc growers arc getting hit from every side anyway.” Meeting Day Changed Bccau« of thc 4th of July holiday weekend, thc Hoard o f Couniy Commissioners will hokl its first July meeting on Tuesday, July 6 at 1 p.m. Thc sccond meeting of thc month, schcduled for July 19 has bccn cancelled. Most of thc board will bc attending a local government conference in Chicago that day. Sr. Center Decision Blasted lty Uiuru Wllliimis-Tracy Dovlo County Gntorpriso-Rocord Senior Center representatives turn* cd out MontUy at lhc Davic County Commissioners meeting upset that they werc left out of a decision lo turn ovcr operation of thc eemer to the lown of Mivksvillc. Members of lhc Senior Advisory Council lcamcd ofthe town'sagrcc* ment to operate lhc center in u newspaper article last Wednesday. County Manager Ken Windlcy did not lcll thc cimncil aboul the decision until Thursday. Windley explained lltit hc had to present the proposal lo lhc hoard of commissioners at a budget workshop before he could meet with thc council. Hut senior council members said Vernon Dull Steps Down At Chamber By Rtchvlk' Hai1v> Davie County Enterprise-Record After fourand a half years ot" giv­ ing out information and spreading Davic County's name losurrounding areas. Vernon Dull is retiring. Dull, ihc ex­ ecutive Uirccior o f the Davic Chamber of Com m crcc. took the job in 1989 after retir­ ing from a su pcrv i* in g position ut Duke enough to help someone and ihis is my way of do­ ing it," said Dull. **But.>ou havcio bc dedicated. There are belter xvays of helping tiian paying taxes.** Dull’s lastday wasJuiv I. Hc said hc will spend his days aficr retirement working on his farm and traveling. *i*ve got plenty io kccp me busy. If I want to do something for my.wlf. I want lo U: able to do il without canccling other appointiiwnts." said _.|Du!L___________ During his time as exevutlve-drrccr tor o f lhc Chamber of Commerce. Dull has joined Davic Couniy with Dull Lead In The Water Qflostly In Home Plumbing System they wcrc conccrncd that counly commissioners wcrc rn< giving duc cons(dcration to senior citizens* conccrns. “ Wc don’t want to bc at the bot­ tom o f thc tntcni pole," said Nancy Tutterow, who is appointed lo thc senior advisory council by thc com­ missioners. Senior citizens want to know who thcy w ill turnto with pro­ blems and questions about the center’s new management, she said. Tuttcrow said shc was conccrncd that thc Mocksvil1c/Davic Parks and Recreation Department was already busy with nuny programs and would not havc time to commit to senior center programs. Shc said shc hoped ihe couniy wasn’t just looking for ways io trim its spending by chang­ ing management at thc center. “ My conccm is why was thc senior ccntcr pickcd io save a littlc moncy rather than the oihcr departments," she said. But Wind!cy said thc county was ablc to savcSl8,00 0 by allowing thc town to run thc senior without cut­ ting any programs. Hc added that several grant oppor­ tunities had bccn missed by thc cur- rcnt management, and hc honcd that town management would bc ablc sccurc morc grant mwicy for thc ccntcr’s operation. Thc management diangc docs mcan lhat iwo county cmp 1oyccs ihat worked c!o.scly with thc seniors will lose thcir jobs at lhc end of Junc. Thc couniy w ill pay thc town $20 ,0 0 0 to operate thc ccntcr begin­ ning in July. Rccrcation Director Mikc Garncr assured council members lhat all of lhc current senior programs would bc continucd, and a fcw ncwoncs, such us a wcllncss and fitness program; would bc added. •!•! Parks and Rccrcution already runs carly morning walking programs for seniors, and it organized Davie County’s first senior games this spring. !* Garncr said it was a natural transi- lion for thc Parks and Rccrcation department to adopt lhc ccntcr. Hc addcd that senior programs would likcly gct morc attention bccausc t ic / will bc administered by a fully* funded department with ad­ ministrators to handle more programs. I » Hc said ncw management might also bc a way o f addressing scnior's>* conccrns about a lack of spacc and' organization at thc centcr. iillicr vhuinlvrs to torm tfic Picdiinmt Truul Ch.unK'r> ut Conuiiercc. According to Dull, this ;illows IXiv ic Count) to promote its strengths and lean on othcr counticN in lhe triad during weakness. Dull has also helped in spreading iltc word iihmi ilie Crnsh> Cekhriiy Golf Tournameni. **We didn*t want lhe attention." said Dull. '*Wc wanted people lo know that thc Crosby was in Davie County, not Clemmons." I)uli .said his greatest accomplish­ ment as executive director was tell* ing as many people as hec<>ukl ahoiif lhe Chamber ot" Commen:e and whai •*J hope I was able to carry the (*hamber of Commerce story to senior citizens, children, and dubs. I wani io see the Cham kr of Com­ merce do as well as il did before and while I was here. This Chamber ties Davie Courty lo lhe rest of lhe Dull said he w ill miss his job for a couple o f reasons. -O f all l)v job.s I*ve had. 1 will hate leaving ihis one most of all because I enjoyed il and also because I realize l*mgetting old." said Dull. Forme^Count>^-Munager- John. Barber w ill bc interim director until a new person is chosen for lhe job. By Mike Barnhardt Davie County Enterprise-Record Lcad is deadly. Although sonic rcccnt reports about lcad in local drinking watcr supplies wcrc misleading, people should takc precautions to prcvcni lcad from bcing ingcstcd inio thcir .And if thcy think they've taken in lcad, thcy should havc thcir blood tcstcd. . That was thc consensus o f Mocksville Public Works Director John Grcy Jr. and Millic Buchanan o f the Clean Water Fund at a public information rcccntly sponsored by thc Davic Environmental Awareness Lcugue. Almost all the lead in drinking water comcs from pipes and fauccts insidc homcs, Grcy said. Thc main culprit appears to bc lcad solders. To lessen lhc risk of ingesting any lead, don’t drink warm or hot water. And lct cold watcr run for a minute or more (Y<u can catch this water for plants and rthcr uscs.), since watcr sitling in u pipc has inoru ihnc lo ab­ sorb lead. “ I’m not standing hcni tclling you lcad is not a problem." Grey said. “ It‘s a poison. Understand thal we have to bc vigilenl to protect oursc!vcs. “ Right now, wc don't sec a pro­ blem cxccpl in sclcctcd households... and cvcry singc onc has bcen lhc result of solder in lhc plumbing," hc said. Thc effects of lcad can bc deadly. It is especially dangerous to small children and pregnant womcn. It can cause brain damage, stunt growth. And in larger amounts, it can kill. Buchanan said lcad can bc ingested from paints, especially dust when sanding or peelings when scraping. Small children and pregnant women should be kept from areas when lhcsc praciiccs arc taking place, shc said. “ Don't ever think about renovating a housc wilh kids or pregnant women there..-. andbecareful fcr yourself," shc said. Ceramics, especially f<reiyn dishes and older ones in lhe U.S., can con­ tain lead, and shouldn’t l>e used for eating purposes, she said. HOT W E E T H E R $ 0 J t t W ^ RECLINER Comfortable multi-position with durable, plush nylon cover. 110-5218 SAVE • SAVE • SAVE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCBS Thursday, Friday & Saturday June 10-12.1993 5 PIECE TRESTLE DINETTE ^3 rza Solid plne base & 4 chairs. Protective table top. PIECE 799 I . 1 9 " AIR CONDITIONERS Don't wait tor the hot weather! We have a large selection of fulWeature models at their lowest pricesl Let us help you select one that best suits you needs. 47-A/C SlarlingAt STAR CHARGE Our own convenient credit plan. COCKTAIL AND 2 END TABLES i W e i4 SAVE SAVE SAVE Beautiful Brass Plated TOUCH LAMP Limited Quanlityl 83-727SK ’•■ -' ',V ''e : M ^ ^ W ^ V '^ @ P CL0SE0UT"" _ ON ALL 1 : I ”* ipAntrsEiSpS'|^.-x& K i > * ^ i ^ w s r - w | : /ANDYARDFURMTURE| .,V-- ^ W ^ V r ¥ | « f « t e I ^IN STOCK! ■ ■V: PicniG Tables 6' ft'^-“>; R e d ^ d o d - S t a in ^ ^ - . •• -• . ; , O ^ I y ; ^ 9 iO O _ |g ^ ii W h ile ^ ^ .^ s H |M / JUMBO DUAL CASSETTE SOUND SYSTEM Play and T -URNITURE & APPLIANCES Phone: 704-634-5739 record like professionals. P1260 VISA M/C Accepted 125 N. Main St. Mocksvllle, NC 27028 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny,June 10,1993 - BV Four-Run Tenth Beats Davie, 7-3 Ronnie Gallagher Hunt Baseball Team Gave Us Plenty Off Thrills D on't ftfcl sorry for Davic County*s baseball team because it lost in the Western 4-A" baseball championship Saturday night at Rich Park. Rejoice. Be happy. This team cave its fans more thrills and excitement in the past two weeks than most fans see in a lifetim e. Davie won its lirsl three p layo ff games by scores o f 2*1, 1-0 and 2-1. Evcry one had deciding moments late in the game. Every fan was on the edge o f his o r her seat in cvcry one. It was great stuff. But it was eerie stuff too. No teant should have won games like Davie did in the 12-day span. A fte r each one, coach David Hunt joked about his horseshoe. O ther coaches left the park shaking their heads. A nd on top o f everything else, all playoff games were at home. The W ar Eagles had no long bus trips. So, entering Saturday's Western Champion ship against Alexander Central, most everone figured somehow,*some w*ay, Davie County* was going to W ilm ington to play in the state finals. “ It's in the stars," one fan said beforehand. “ It's meant to b e ." W hy would fans from Davie County, a school that has seldom received any good luck in athletics since turning 4 -A . suddenly think divine intervention was going to take them to the state championship? First o f all, this is baseball, the only m ajor sport that wins consistently year in and year out. Secondly, the endings o f the first three playo ff games were unbelievable. In the first round. M cD ow ell visited --Woekm!tov-Thi^schoo|.ha*n'LiKcn_to_ihc.__ playoffs since 1975 but going into the bottom o f the seventh. Brad Smith was leading 1-0 — and hurling a no*hitter to boot. One fan told me. "O h w ell, we’re going out in the first round again." No sooner said than the powers from IMease See Gallagher — l \ 5B m m # *p S p ^ ip p S ® ^ i . 4 ip F - - i0 $ * # ^ * & *- v1?', ■* :«225tesc..f- < l^ , y,-r;..fay..% T fS g $i? j &^f iarMfcotwfri>W fc*^'^i<*1? ^V.^T ;^ V # ^ ."* & 3 ^ 'S y S ; H ^ ^ * ^ % H & T * ^ t i& M i^ V i! iP 'X t i *>■>*. v ^ s is 2s ' After tagging out Henry Bruce in a rundown, Bryan Johnson looks toward second base. — P hoto by Jam es B arringer Alexander Central Will Represent Western N.Ci Against New Hanover ; lly R<mnic G ullughcr ’, Davie County Enterprise-Record « Players on the Davie County baseball team w il( now finallybeable totake their graduation beacK trip. i • T h ey'll just have to pay for it. j The W ar Eagles* plans for a free beach trip; to W ilm ington was scratched when Alexander'. Central beat Davie in 10 innings Saturday night.* 7-3. ; The w in gave the C ougars(214) the Western' N orth Carolina championship and throws them into the state final series this weekend at 24-1 W ilm ington New Hanover. Meanw hile. Davic was left to contemplate its winningest season ever. " I'm real proud o f the k id s." said couch David; H unt. "T w o to three weeks from now, they can look back and say they had a good mn. I hope they think they accomplished something. I d o ." Davic (2 3 4 ) put plenty o f runners in scoring position Saturday night but could never get the clutch hit against Alexander Central ace A .Y < Yoder. Several times, a foot here o r there could have meant an RBI hit and possibly a Davie County win. The W ar Eagles executed w ell enough to geV runners to third three times in the Jatter stages o f the ganie but left them stranded. Alexander ' Centraf also threw out runners at the plate and at third. “ It docMt*t count (getting runners to third) un)ess you get them timt last 90 feet." Hunt said. “ W e were so close. But that's baseball. They played good defense." Vlenty O f Zer<ws Neither team had scored many runs in the playoffs but it was tied 3-3 after the top o f the third. Please See Tenth — P. 5B Davie’s Problem: Yoder Didn’t Get Tired By Ronnie G allagher Davie County Enterprise-Record It wasn't so much w hat A .Y . Yoder did Satur­ day night that was the key to AL*xander Central's 7-3 w in over Davie County in the We&tern N .C . baseball finals. It was what he d idn 't do. -Y o d e rd id n *i-g e ttircd ,— The U n iversityofN orth Carolina recruit came into the game at Rich Park having pitched in all three o fh is team's previous p h y o ff games. His coach, Harold Odom, said his arm was tender. He had to be tired, right? Not hardly. The fireballing lefthanderproved to have enough to go 10 fu ll innings, despite throw ing upwards ot" 150 pitches. And natural­ ly . everyone was talking about him afterward. “ Yoder was a real yeoman out there tonight," said O doni. w ho added he never thought o f tak­ ing his star out. despite a couple o fstro lls to the mound. “ He said he wanted to g o ." Davie coach Davi.l Hunt wys certainly sing­ ing his praises. “ He was a real strong kid. he didn't weaken," said Hunt, M o s ^ a h T n fa tu g e d o n ly s ix M T U ff— p rcssu n rm h in tH ie -th re A v-jtJ’eal..welLJf_we In four state playoff games. Yoder has throw n 5 2/> innings against A sheville E rw in, all eight against Glenn and three against Page. A nd he saved his best performance for* last. Yoder has now throw n 262^ o f his teani's 33 innings. “ He's a great p itch e r," said Davie shortstop Bubba Coleman, who reached base all five times against Alexander C entral's ace. “ W ith the Yoder. "1 was impressed. The kid pitched super." A fte r the game, Yoder walked to the bus w ith his arm wrapped in ice. “ That's 34 innings I've pitched since our con­ ference tournament started," he said proudly. could've gotten to him in the firet inning, it might have been d iffe re n t." First Innrng Trouble Davie did get to Yoder for two runs in the first Please See Voder — P. SB £ ‘Coming Home ’ Harold Odom Won Western 4-A Title In His Former Town On His Former Field By Ronnie G ullug1wr Davie County Enterprise-Record Harold Odom w ill be the first to admit that he is a country boy who doesn't like change. He actually proved that when he nKived from M ocksville to Alexander County 18 years ago. The small town he chose U) replace Mocksville was a small tow njust like M ocksville. Odom still lives inTaylorsville and coaches bascbaH at A lex­ ander Central High School. • “ It’sjust like M ocksville and that's what I like about it,” said the form er M ocksville Legion coach andTown Board member. "T aylorsville's population (2,900) is about thesame. Pmbably, the square miles are about the same. And there's good people up here and good people down there. It’s all the sam e." And so is the slow, low-key life styk. H e 'll go to the Coffee Shoppe Restaurant near his home for his morning coffcc. just as he did two decades ago at C*s and M ille r's. H e's active in his church, just as he was at M ocksville Baptist years ago. A fte r each day as Alexander Central's voca­ tional department chairman, Odom goes home to his w ife, Linda, and their five acres o f land. He tends to his garden, filled w ith 150 canteloupe plants that he sells to a couple o f area restaurants or gives to his friends. " I'm pretty much a hom ebody." he says. And, oh yes. there is one more thing Harold Odoni does. He coaches one very good high school baseball team. A 4-A C ountry Flavor In his third try, O doni finally won a Western North North CaroHna bascbaU title Saturdaynight at Rich Park. He was elated he could do it in his form er town in front o f old pals. 1‘leuse See Odom — I*. 5B B R E 3 B 2 *w r*-n— *——^. Harold Odom has taken Alexander Central to 10 playoff appearances in 13 years. — Photo by Ronnie Gallagher .82. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy,Junc 10,1993 Leglon standings AfM III Souihern 0Wliton <lttgu 0 Qime$ o*ty) SCOREBOARD Baseball Concord S ' Surry County. 5 2lenngton < 2 Wilt#i County 4 t Kannapoli| 3 2 Ro*<n Cou*ty * 4MocMviH*-Oavie 3 3Meoff$vi'i# 2 3 StetetviHe 1 fStenty Courrjt 0 5 Setuidi|'i *tiu fii Surry Cou*fy 6. flo*en 3 Concoffl ol Si*f'iy Ceunty 6Bfl Mooreivl*< lt K<nn*0O*'l PM Wii*es Co*"ty 9 SUie*ww 7 Sundiyl iMUlts WJ*tJ Ccgnry 7. Ro*en County 6 Concofo <! Uei’rgton 2 Xlftftl5Clil 9 5llt*lyil>* * Mxkl*-ile 5. Surry Countj 4 L E G IO N S C H E D U L E M a t 2h ;ii Hm1mglon 27 KIN O 28 al Salisbury 2lf at K .iw upvlis WH Kli.S c o CONCORD 30 '1 ;ii A ltvnurlc IIX IN < .IO N <>i Mi \ ii\ S lA ll SVIl.t |. ,ii M oi'iv^villv .i1 Ml A ir\ WI|.K*!S CO s M is iu m v OHIO A llS u is ' K \NN \l'O l IS S IA I I.SV||.LI: ,il C<'lkt>f<l A l.tU M A R l.U M O O R|SV|.t. .tl 1 VMllgh*ll I I U N <5loN .i( SUH'NUllv M l AIRY ;il Wilkc> Co M O O RISV|.l. JS .i1 S.ilishtnv to .ii K.mn.ipi')is .lut> 2 CONCORl) 3 .il A ll’v ill.tlk * C X I‘S D lN O H i (*N M IS l)i>uWclicadcr. voetm ii o*f'( iti* u i 7:30 7:311 7:30 7:3U 7:3t) 730 7-3<l 7 31» t> 7 Ul 7 Ul <.0 7:3» 7 30 7 7 H I 7:30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 Ul 7 30 7 30 7 *0 7 30 7 30 7 10 7:30 7 30 7 .t<1 H O M l: t*r"w <1 ill I t*M «1 i f« < M«M*»0»4 M Ml m 1 » Iiw#r Cn^i <M m w i - i1 - Vi^ni J Nort;i 5t9*i- t MjCa*.- Cl*^8« C* ' U*M..« VCI - UX(t> *C*r* >J Su-1 *» N - 6>i-t- l n* **•«! *» - M<S*i* i l - •«•*»* C *t<r f *>r * ie*} fcifi^ J* 'B* - UtSeinttVyx*! *|-et>n iii6l^';it*M* itt Cl'P^wl w» - ’*•»■ C»-i»»'r *1 lUMf COVNTt 0 C 6 0 Gl*"C'l c<1 6 1 9 **U<r tf I < 1 e **-«« teI 6 6 6 lirty () S i 6 lu;ri 1»6 i 9 6 Ww* 6 1 C e C Ve>t 1t*M * >t J 9 • fw»t » i i i r*w M <nM«t«H 9M «11 m - 1(wn CKM| M m in - 4 I . *fwe • ll»W lHJM) 0* « VXI|<** ioe - wxiirt< i k*<i c*^*i ij ;• - fc#r»**; N* SI - •»»»■ 1 - *ifr ltTT| CtV*J «8» - #y8.<th$*wi V*fl<i utnt**i »t - i Hlgh School NCHSU nuorr$ CUu4-A ifU«et« Ctnt><i i2t 41 ii Wi<rwi*eA hf0 M*re^f 174 1), IV > , t p m A;*ur4t* C*MW II Nfe M|ro^i. In , 1 l *i#lWWrCtf1'Sl It hew H#*Oit<,$*t.,6 iif+ two l2)4| lt ^ |( MewNs<i (2|' 3i. d«i i"d n»« I8i >v«wt et *^|* M<vti'". « i i«d tKT« ■ l^iM*g el »■'£* Mourtl^l. 0(| Kd O iu 2-A C>**r* CtM'S' 4. V<hiltoH 3. W1C * C^<r,.“* W.fl*rtf||4 C ittM w t|ef*#^il) 4lel ^r<e*efl<2) (*«t Weri|6»#f> ii PMxite*, tV t. S l tllt W««l»^> lt WXtW. H . 1 Softball M E N ’ S C H U R C H \V L New Union 5 0 1st MethodLst 5 0 Fork 4 0 Victory I 4 I Concord 3 Blaise 3 3 Liberty 3 3 JcrichO'Hard 3 Center 3 Turrentinc I 4 Grcen Meadows I 5 Victory 2 0 4 Jenisaiem 0 5 iX to N ’ S O P E N w L 9 0 Hart's Pizza 8 1 Sheffield 6 Sentry 5 Quik Lube 4 4 Fab Masters 3 4 Jockey 2 6 C&D Enterp.2 6 Farm. Dragwav 0 6 QST 0 8 Hlgh School WHSU n*YOfFS M C< ’e*#t »! &ff^v** Cer>#i il.l J' rt Ce<*f| m-rr** »t C#fV*i Cl S c. *-t** <1S <3< *t ttfW i2 i> CUn \-k $|MrflML5 Golf The Crosby MI^BiKn h^ttSift3 8e6f l SlXI Cl^.TM^tUrCi>t<8?o#f£ri>-r-Bi^-Dr^nrwe U'W.$i BH»tl $9rffi'-1«r«i ••e«fUK‘ »ffe^i' • .DMt-#IWiW . . . .Cl**Mf*Co^eri hiwiWn-#oortt'i . •. . wr*ro-tta*v........fjie*-ftrtin............$Uiiir>-"lf<fi . .. . St**fv6 >V'#|f......LTWrl B|T4j _ Pwme*'$*|trMet .. Mt«JJ|U^*<........ 0uerw $#flf Wvl •Ntey F*t6e ..........)«,«• l« y tiynvo* Wie» u*n<u> Mwfo : M if|v1 te^B«|»'» B'M*'6 M I >*«t M C>o«i F C*cu> lrul«r« $l-/lV Serw<'**^e *i'f* 6wn 6fV* Swniw#-^#'6#- pt Ceieo.i Oit' w**vse<' i>i5» 1rmes..fi:i9v:t Mo**'l Ml|f|*a MS'Mt CCCM'*<ten i>|ir s C*ovOi *'*i lim t U lnt Me>M W M " Reetriw«»it»r»e 0*t<'tf'frjc*i Sirt^ Swwi#- Sm.tioi<fi Vtwr Sl#r#"W U't' t 6 limmen Bow*e R/<my-imt^ M<06tll6* M «»rw fn*i *Mii<t 63 63 6t- lM 6je5W -lW e iU !i-S J 363 63 « - i9 i «}W ««-lH M 63 6l-i9264 64 64-19}63 66 63-1»? 666»67-19366 64 63-193 6T.64ft3-l*4 6V64-rO-«5 es6>66-;96 6764 es-])i 67.6465-196 6T6S-W-196 62-7361—196 6M^63-'.97 6962 66-199 67-66-67-200 64-6967-200. 66 6666-200 6967 64-300 . U 66 64—200 V *J«- ;<.; «t«»# jn: HO :--;r; «%<r :o> r^fith-70' 6f£! fj-70J fte* **“ ?W 67 *; te»20L 66 ’3t6«2C< 73 ‘^ t i 'T ' er TJ ?0~31C 64 >6 f^2iC M69tl. '66 7; * i.;:: 71 6? 74-2;? | ! | ! j : -2ii 7J ?C f j I j j l *V *iJtKafl55 S ^ ' ! ^ S - ; > - M W ^ 5 ^ P ^ % t ^ 5 S 3 ^ ^ v ‘^ ^ •’■■ "■ ^ ^ W < j ^ - ' > a * i ; t v ^ =-.- <i ^ 5 ^ ^ i > ; ; A i ^ ^ ^ ' ^ 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l - ^ - v- .■ ' . ^ . - ' ' - > : , - ^ ^ . r i ^ Jayvee Soccer Team The Davie County jayvee soccer team went 4-5-1 in its first year o l existence. Team members are (Front row, from te/l): Carrie Bolin, Annie Draman, Heather Johnson, Kelly Robertson and Angela W hitaker. (Second row): Coach Pete G ustalson, Bran­ di Boger, Lindsay Kolke, Tammy Cope, Gretchen Umberger, Laura Moyer, Tanya Phelps and coach Joe Ramsbotham. (Not pictured): Melissa W ooldridge. Melanie McDowell and Gwen­ dolyn Sellers. — Photo by Ronnie Gallagher Odom: ‘Dirt Infield Isn’t All Bad’ YiHi could <iy I)jviv County and Alexander C e n irjl are tw> baNeball*rich program> \s ith din- poor infie1d>. !k>th L)asie C<funt> anU | A 1 e x a n d e r heard the >ame thing Uuriny the rtr%t three round> ol the 4-A | h a N e h a 11 playoli>. A ll of their I o p p o n e n t N hickered ahrnt no gra>s on the infield. But when the two met in the We*tern N.C. ehampimship Satur­ day. there were no vomplaini>. Thev were the only two teams left wiih dirt. Cougar ouch Harold Odom said gra>> Jcv>n't nvvwunly make a ieam better. “ Some of the gras> infield> >ou play on. y«w have no idea where the ball is t\>iny because it'> low or lumpy.” he said, lfyou*re go­ ing to have a grass infieid. \ ou bet­ ter maintain it.** M<nt o f the leam> in ihe Nor­ thwestern 4-A Conference have grass, wiih Watauga fielding the best facility. But it doc»n'l appear Alexander'Cenirul w ill have gra>> any time >txm. “ We can’t have a grass infield.*" he said.Sotiball plays m in all (he uses it. It's used to death. “ If they get a facility just for softball, wc may gra>s it. The >uperiniendant won*t let us do it right now."" I.ike A Title Game Odom said his quarterfinal game against Glenn had all the makings o f a slate champion.ship game. Alexander Central beat Dale ljames* club 3*2 in eight innings. It made up for last year when Glenn slipped past his team in the N.C. Western Finals by the same score. Glenn eventually w or the state ti(le. Odom .said he didn't say much to his plasers beforehand. “ They knew they gave it avvay last year." he *aid. “ Dale had a gixxl ballclub but we panicked and made some bad throws.*" This year, his team got the breaks, hitting a ho:ner in the boi- tom o f the sixth to tie it and then win on an eighth inning error. “ To me. it fell like winning the J i^ # a . . 3 ' Notebook state championship."' Odom said. “ We beat Greensboro Page in the next round (5-2) but it wa>n't ihe same intensity. The players really wanied to tvat Glenn.” C.hilton For Punishment When asked to describe the similarities betueen himself and ljames. M<vksville l.egion coach, Odom chuckled. When my season is over. I go home."* he said. “ 1 like my sum­ mers off. But Dale*s younger than 1 am and he's really into it. He’d coach year-round if'hecould. He*s a gluih>n lor punishuxM)t. But Odom said he had plenty of respect for ljames. ''He*s a giHxJ coach."* he said. “ He strcssc. fundamentals and gets right out there with them and works — and that'swhat it lakes.” Yoder: Bright KuturvV A.V. Y(kL*r has a bright ki>eball future, according to Odom. The 6-2. 195-pound lefthander has already signed with North Carolina. He is also a member of ihe 1 S. Amateur Ol>mpic team lhat w ill play in San Antonio. Texas ihis summer. Ofthe 64 bov s named to the tea;n, he u a> the on­ ly one from this state. “ In all the years Vve coached, he has to be one ofthe top four pit­ chers l"ve had."* said Odom. Ifamc< on Voder When Ijames hcaru that Uavie consistently put runners on third base against Alexander Central slaner A.Y. Yoder butcouldn*i get ihem home, it didn*t surprise him. “ That’s Yoder.’* said the Glenn coach. “ Wc had them at third but he took that last 90 feel away from us tco.** **He*s just a gutsy sucker.” Ijames praised ofYoder. “ He was going to gct to the state finals. He deserves it. l*m real happy hc"s go­ ing to get the chance.” Ijames wus hoping his team would end up playing Davie. “ This is the second araight year, we thought wc*d get that mat- chup.**he said. "Last year. Davie lost and this year, we missed out So how does Ijames see the state finals between the Cougars and Wilmington New Hanover and its star Trot Nixon? “ Yoder may winoncbut I don't see Alexander Central winning two Meet The War Eagles Darby Correll S po rt: Bit.<eball Position: O utficldc F n m i'y: D m e , L uiion . Dana. F avorite !)avie C ounty R tstau ra n t: | M ille r’s. Favorite Foods: Steak, pizza, pinto | beans. Favorite I)rin k s : Chccnvine. Pepsi. Favorite T V Sh<ms: Home Im prove­ ment. The Simpsons. F avorite M ovies: Top Gun. Navy Sca!s. F avorite R adio Stations: Rock 92. W TQ R . I02-JA M Z, 99-FO X . Favorite M usical G roups O r Singers: Eaglcs, Garth Brooks. Favorite A thlete*: John Snmltz. Tom G lavine. S tew A very. F avorite S ports Team s: Atlanta Braves. Greatest S ports M om ent: When I h it a home run in little league. W h y I Play Sports A t Davie C ounty: I love the competition. Hobbies O th e r T han S ports: Hunting, fishing. F u tu re G oals: Make a m illio n dollars. I f 1 W ere a M illio na ire For A Day, 1 W ould: Move away from Davie Countv. o f three.” he said. Cifllv^vs Fall Three teams with former local players fell in the NCAA Baseball Tournament recentlv. C had T riplett and Hast Carolina lo st its first eamc when it tilew a lead in ihc ninth, fall­ ing to South Carolina 6-5. The Pirates then defeated L iberty 6-0 but w as ousted hv Ohio Stale. 6 -2. Mike L<nol;ice and UNCC had a short trip a!u*i winning the Metro l.n u -fa ii' Conference. UNCC lost to Tennessee 7 4 and Rutgers. 5-1. We.%tern Carolina, which ha> Chad Greene on its rvhtcr. lost to LSU. 7-2. but bounced back for a 10-5 win over Miami. The Cata­ mounts then lost to Kent Slate 8*5. CPC Notes... A'<iff> J'rt*n a ro w iil (/w C o ttn t/ Piiuhni>w C o)ift'rcm r.... • When Davie"s fix>iball team meets North Davidson next year to open its nexv confervnce alignment. Randall Ward w ill K' coaching againsi a new Black Knight mentor. Dick CliiK*. whowas 20-3 in two years at Noith. resigned to go back to his alma mater Lcdfbtti. a 2-A r S ^m*n:H jX /^ Z CVfJ.. W*NteS ff4 fiOTMP<<tiy?. TH w r^ i 1&M >- uc*n* i p*m CjNfi<^ w Msu fun fitfT,vwh1fl, ,MiHtP ^*icp W ^ wecvTt1 t^Hf- t* 7Hd tftTM. AnrjHPT^r , ^ U ’-' ^HftULit^ti^W AW AY AHp C:M tCMffP T*l t,>u%. ^ ^wnM-A/NhH? fTW *^ c*m<p xefb fWV< "H- W t> >*)t*VriecmFVti n * iM* **p i* & r * > ffxv, * W -^Jc*'J&fa+t& DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Junc 10,1993 - B3 The Crosby Celebrity Golf Tournament gSB Former Kansas University and Chicago Bear running back Gaie Sayers relaxes with a drink alter lirst round action.Julius Erving is always a lan lavorite at The Crosby. — Photos by Lee Furches Wyche Teams With Ford To Win Crosby Tourney By Ronnie Gallagher Davie County Enterprise-Record BERMUDA RUN — Whcn you're ihc couch o f lhe Tampa Bav Buccanecre, any win is a good win. Thafs how Sam Wyche felt after hc andnartner Yanccy Ford won the eighth annual Croshy Celebri­ ty GolfTournamcnt Sunday afternoon. * Wyche and Ford's final day 65 lcfl them tied with the teams o f Rick Hurst-Bill Steed and M . Emmet Walsh-Jeff Beach at 190. Their hirdie on lhe first playoffhole won the S120,0G0 first plaeenrize. The money w ill go to the charities o f their choice. The total purse was S l.5 million. Wyche flew back to Tampa immediately follow* ing Saturday's round for a wedding. His teani was in a three-way tie after the second round. He fiew backandgct in bed bv4 a.m. Hegot upandheaded for the course three hours later. “ The adrenaline was just flowing,*' he told reporters. It was almost a four-way tie for first but the team o f Pat Boone-Gcorge Sands hogeyed the 18th ho!e. The three teams tied for the top went back to the l6th. The ixher two teams parrcd and Wyche birUied to end it. Wyche and Ford weren't even in the top thrce after the first day. Walsh and Beach wen: tied with Hurst- Steed and Rick Dees-Nick Wchrmann at 1 l-under 61. Wychc’s team was tied with Kathleen Sullivan and Sam Hendrix. But a 63 propelk*d them inioatie on Saiurday with Boonc-Sands and Dees-Wehnnann at 125. Deesand Wehnrann had thebest day, x*oring eight birdies while Sullivan and Hendrix had the worst. They went from a 62 to a 73 and fell out o f conten­ tion' despite havingSunday*s b»t round o f 61 Wyche, who also couched the Cincinnati Bengals to a Super Bowl appearance in 1988. is one o f the more outspoken and popular celebrities at The Crosby. And, he said, it finally felt good to be a winner. Ii was a new experience. “ Doesn't anyone know we were 5-11 last year?*" he asked. ‘Thanks Kathryn’ The ‘First Lady Of Crosby’ Helped Mocksville In City’s Quest For ‘All-American’ Bid By Ronniu Gallagher 0 a"vie Coun^EnterpfiseRecord- lfB ing Croshy wercalivc today, he might be living in Mocksvillc. Sound er.tzy7 Not to his wife. Kathryn. "O h, I knowBing woukl be very happy here," said the Fir>i Lady o fT lic Crosby Sunday afternoon as the eighth annual event was win­ ding down. *'Hecame from a small town and 1 came from a small She grew up in West Columbus, Texas while Bing was originally from Tacoma. Washington. But. she added, he lived in a house on a lake, “ where there was no one. You had to go to church by motor- When Mocksville was chosen as one o f 30 finalists for an All- American city. Kathryn, already a member ofihe Mocksvi1le/Davie Chamber ofCommercc. was more than happy to go to Tampa. Fla. as a representative. “ Don Angcll asked nu to do this and I said yes." she said. “ When I first eamehere with lhe Crosby, I said it would take a lot o f work from ever>one and the people here said yes. “ When Don told me the wonder­ ful honor you had ieceived as one ol' the 30 linalists out o f 400 ap­ plications. I thought (hat was pretty special." ; Crosby was preparing to play in Perry Como's celebrity tournament near Raleiglt. ; “ 1 did not go w ith the ; Mocksville contingent," she said. ; “ They look a big hus. which must have been wonderful fun. Don came and t1cw me loTam pa." •Wlien Croshy arrived al the hotel, she found a lent with 30 • hiMiths for lhe cities. 'Oh, I know Bing would be very happy here. He came from a small town and I came from a small town. Kathryn Crosby “ It was so much fun," she said. “ Our b<H)th had a putting green with two little bunkers on each .side. Anyone who got the ball in your name went into a goldfish bowl for a chance lo win a televi­ sion set. We also gave away L illy Mabe's wi*iderful hambiscuii.sand passed out Crosby visors and Mocksville t-shirts." This is where she really went to work. “ There must have k*en 4.000 visors because I know 1 signed al least that many," she said wiih a smile. “ And I signed the backs o f the t-shirts.'* Croshy has a Bermuda Village apartment and a portrait o f Bing was taken down and shipped lo Tampa, Tl>erc were pictures of “ Kathryn's K ids." (“ where I weni lo a children's center for lhe physically handicappcd.") ■ There were also pins, slating that Mocksvilleis numberiwie. “ I wear lhem on myhal most ol"the lim e." she said. “ We had u goinl lime. There were hamLs from Laredo and Poriersville, Cnlil'. A man dress­ ed like Ben Franklin represented Philadelphia. “ But I really lhink the booih rxATsT Mendoza Goes From Stand-Up Comedian To Television Star NBC Airs ‘Second Chance’ On Tuesday Nights This Fall By Runnit> GaUagher Davie County Enterprise-Record Kathryn Crosby said she loves Mocksville and Davie County. — Photo by Lee Furches from Mocksville/Daviewasby far lhe hesi," she said. Croshy said she always has time to promote Mocksville and Davie County. She even attended the re­ cent I)ARl;graduaiion. “ I was so honored to be there and see the work that the teachers d o." Despite her help. Mocksville was mu named as an All-America city. But sltc remainedundaunied and proud o f the area's elforts. “ You have worked so hard to keep your children clean, keep your families intact tmd to keep your police officers respected." she said. “ Mocksville ls un A ll- American cily." Binu wutikl have ltned ii. Perhaps John Mendoza should have forgotten about gdflast week ^the_CrQ5hyCelcbrity_GolfTour^ nament and stayed in the media tent, listening lo sportswriters in­ terviewing the stars. He could havc watched and learned, since he is going to be one in the fall. Sort of. The stand-up comedian is follow ingin the footsteps o fT itu Allen and Jerry Scinficld by going into the sitcom business. His new series, "TIw Secoiul Half" w ill be based on the life o f a divorced sportswriter who lives in Chicago, ft w ill air on NBC Tuesday nights at 9:30 p.m. Mendoza w ill havc to change his lifestyle now that he is switching gears from stand-up to television. “ I'll have to work,” he said with ‘ a laueh. “ Instandup. I'd sleep until 1 or 2 in the afternoon or play golf all day long. This w ill be the last time 1 play golf in a !ong time.*' Mendoza was schedukd to tly to Universal Pictures in Los Angctes Monday moming to begin work on Tilt’ Second Half. The New York native says he loves playing the part o f a sport- swriter since he enjoys sports so much, cspccially following the New York Knicks. But he has to cheer the team from afar, consider­ ing he doesn't travel east very often. “ 1 don*t get back to New York but tw iceayear," hesaid. “ 1 hate flying and getting on a plane for that many hours. 1 just sleep the en­ tire w ay." So he waiches hts precious Knicks by satallite dish. “ Vm a big Knicks fan." he said, "even though I live in California. Vm not a big hockey fan, lt doesn't move ',ast enough fo rm e ." A few ofhis friends from Long l>land have made it as doctors and lawyers, hesaid. but they still find time to get together. “ We were supposedto go to the Final Four but unfonunately. 1 was busv working." M endoza said. “ It_ was like a family growing up. " They're successful in their own right and they're happy for me. 1 am planning to go to Phoenix to watch one o f the games next While giving up rnany ofhis ac­ tivities to work on acting. Mendoza said The Crosby is still high on his list. “ 1 w ill play in The Crosby," he said. “ They do most o f the tour­ naments like this during hiatus." Mendoza, who finished l5th in his first Crosby last ycar, wound up tied for l9th this year at 200," along with four other teams, led by celebrities Stan Makita. Jirn Palmer, Billy Jo Duprce and Billy. Packer. “ We shot t6-undcrso it wasn't bad," he said. "M y putting is a lot better than my driving. And the weather was a lot better," Mendoza admits to being like the fans at limes when he sees the celebrities, especially the sports stars. " 1 get star-struck too," hesaid. “ 1 get to seeJu!tus Erving and Rick Barry, guys like that. These arc guys 1 watched growing up. Now. Tgct to hangout wilh them and tcli jokes and it’s a lot o f fun ." But like everyone else. Mendoza is caught up in the real reason the Crosby is here. “ It’s a xvdl organized thing," he said. “ Everything is for charity. You don't walk out of here with any money and that’s the way it should be. It feels good." Mendoza would like to think his new TV show w ill be as successful as The Crosby. : , . W ill it bcthe best thing on telcvi- s io n n c x lfa ir? , * " I think so ." he said. . B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thurahiy.Junc 10,1993 Western 4-A Baseball Championship ^ s ^ m m Shortstop Henry Bruce makes the play on Brad Chapman during the Cougars' 7-3 victory. — Photos by James BarringerDavle coach David Hunt and Jason Tomberlin watch the action across the diam ond. A nestim atedcrow dofover1,000saw A !exanderC entral beat Davie, m anysittingon the rightfield "M ocksvilte Mountain.' As Ben Glad races toward second base, shortstop Bubba Col­ eman goes airborne to try and save an errant thrcw. f l Brad Chapman had three sacrifice bunts Saturday night Jason Tomberlin is back at first before Les Stewart catches ball Brock Keene s curveballs kept Alexander Central off-balanced for most of the game. I Kena Slone cheers on her bqtoved W ar Eagles.Alexander Central catcher Daniel Church lunges to puts the tag on Davle's Brad Chapman (16) during second lnnlng action. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1993 - BS Western 4-A Baseball Championship Gallagher co'ntinueii l'rom l'. IB above — or somewhere — took control. A routine groundcr was errored. Tvu walks loaded the bases. And then Chad Helton, the number eight hitter, got Davie's first hit. a tun-run dou­ ble that won the gan^. Davie ihen welcomed A.C. Reynolds from Asheville. The Rocket coaches and players seemed to think this was going to be an easy victory. They just had that air about them. They were overconfident. They were coming in herc to blow these hicks away. Davie actually got hits in the first inning o f this one, taking a 1-0 lead. No one exacted it to stand up but Brock Keene still held it going into the seventh inning. Then, he walked a batter and Jeff Sziksai sent a long fly toward the short, leftfleld wall. Now, come on. We've all sccn enough balls carry out of that park. And cvcryone felt this was out too. A.C. Reynolds was going to end Davie’s year, 2-1. Brad Mecham driftcd back to the wall. It was as if he — or somebody — ordered that ball down. It was as if Sziksai*s ball hit an invisible wall. It fell into Mccham’s glove and the ganie ended shortly thereafter. Rocket coach David Hyatt kept his boys against the left- field wall long after Davie's players had left the field. "T hcrc'sjust a power greater than us ntx wanting us to w in ," Hyatt said. Hunt lcft saying, 'T m wor­ ried about my horseshoe.*' Then came Easl Foreyih, a team that seemed more overcon­ fident than A.C. Reynolds. After all, pitcher Joe Lcgardc was coming in. Certainly, the country boys had littk chance against him. This tine, Davie entered the bottom ofthe sixth, trailing 1-0 . The War Eagles had doneTittlc against Legarde, who strutted when he walked and bobbcd up and down in the batter's box. He knew he was good and ap­ peared to know he was going to win. Wrong. That spell, that angelic hand, that something, was about to strike again. Lcgarde gave up a bloop single to Bryan Johnson, who somehow nude it to third. Legarde then lried to pick o ff Jason Lanier, who apparcd dead. This would bc that final nail in the coffin. East would strut o ff the field and await • Alexander Central. But the ball suspiciously swerved into rightfickl. scoring Johnson. Lagarde, who hadn't walked a batter in 11 previous playoff in­ nings, walked three, including the 8-9 hitters, forcing in the winning run. East's fans in thc third base bleachers had made snide com­ ments about Davie tfuoughoul thc game. When it ended, there were no comments. They left, silem and stunned. It was here that 1 wanted somebody to hil me in the mouth. Just to make sure I was awake, you understand. Had I really been watching this? Was Davie really in the Final Four? Was 1 one win away from the publisher paying my way to Wilmington for a frec weekend at the beach? What an intriguing game with Alexander Central this would be. Again, no one could hit A .Y . Yoder, we were told. Alexander Central is m a mission after losing in the Western finals last year. Its coach used to live But Davie scored three runs in thc first two innings, stunn­ ing their own fans for once. And with the score 3-3, thc horscshoc seemed in place. Davie picked one runner o ff in a rundown between third and home. In the seventh, a Cougar stroked a double but tried to stretch it into a triple. He was thrown out. Alexander Central had another runner thrown out at second. But the horscshoc kind of rusted. Wuh a runner on second in the sixth, Thad Cassidy sur­ prised everyone with a long : drive to righwcnter. In any :-• other game, it would havc fallen in. Davie would havc hcid and'.j wc would all be going to the V« beach. Butanovcr-the-shculder, J twisting catch robbcd Cassidy." ‘ In (he eighth, with a runner o n ;: second. Brad MechanVs liner up the middle looked to bc going I through for a hit. But a good, ! running cateh robbcd him. • “ Alexander Central has been ; carrying a horseshoe with them’ ; too,” said Glenn coach Dale »i !jamcs. -; it went 10 innings before the ' Cougars wx>n. Thc" largest : crowd I've ever seen for a high * school game at Rich Park went ; home. ‘ ; But they left with the satisfac-. tion o f knowing that the 4-A playoffs would have been pretty dadblame boring without Davie:- County. > Tenth Odom :ontlnued from P. lB “ I was wondering if anyone *vanted to w in ." said Alexander :oach Harold Odom. “ Both teams .ried to give it away in the first .hree innings." The pitcrcrs took ow r from that x>int. Yoder used his blazing fastball to contain Davie but his :eammates had trouble hitting Brock Keene's siow. tantalizing :uFves. The seventh inning was wild as botfi teams blew chance to end the eapie. *1 in the top o f the inning. Ieadoff batter Malcolm Mallard ripped a double to the centerfidd wall but tried to stretch it intoa triple. He was gunned down for the first out. leaving Odom livid. “ I could've choked h im ." hc said. “ He still hasn't looked at m e." Keene walked the bases loaded and was rcplaccd by another lef­ thander, Marcus King, who got out Coleman ot me inning. In the bottom o f the seventh. Iason Tom krlin was hit by a pitch and Brad Chapman's sacrifice bunt sent him to second. Odom inten­ tionally walked BubbaColeman to get to cleanup hitter Brad Mecham. He sent a drive to the 350 sign in cienter and Tomberlin tagged. A perfect throw by MaUard nailed him. however. Bryan Johnson reached in thc bottom of the eighth but Yoder itruck out the side. In the ninth. Tomberlin again reached second 3ut couldn't score when Henry Bruce made a running stab of Mecham’s liner up the middle. • With the intensity level rising *vith every pitch and thc standing room only crowd holding its 3reath, Davie’s luck ran out in the 10th. After K im forced aneasy popup for the first out, Bruce singled and Ues Stewart got an infield hit. The ninth pJacehitier, BradAbemathy. Lhcn laid dow n a bunt but King had nowhere to throw the ball. The bases were loaded, bringing up Mallard. He sent a sinking line drive to rightficld that Darby Cnrrell tried to catch at his ankfes. It skidded past him and rolled to the fence for j triple, clearing the bases for a 6-3 advantage. The spcedy Mallard then scored on a grounder to Thad Cassidy for the final margin. Davie went dow n quickly in the bottom half o f the inning. Hunt said Correll did all he “ Darby was trying to make a shoestring catch so we could keep the run from scoring." he said. skipped by him. "ifh e plays it safe, he stops the thing but they score two runs and heck, that would've ke n enough to win it. So you*vc got to take a chance in that situation." Needed More In First Coleman looked back to the very first inning as the crudal time for Davie. Yoder and Alexander Cen­ tral appeared ready to crumble to the pressure and a large, vocal Tomberlin reached on an error by Brucc and on Chapman's sacrifice bunt attempt, Yoder threw the toll4n^cenierfieU^CcUeraan-.. walked to load the bases with no outs. Mcchamwalked inthe first run and after a Johnson strikeout. King*s grounder scored Chapman for a 2 -0 lead. Coleman, who was 2-for-2 with three walks, wanted more. "That was the key inning.” he said. " I f (Yoder) gets rattled, maybe we get four or five runs. Wc should have scored more with no outs and the bases loaded. But he got out o fit." Davie added its third run in the second when Cassidy was hit by a pitch w ith one out. Chapman, Col­ eman and Mecham had consecutive singles, scoring Cassidy for a 3-1 lead. But Chapman was thrown out at home trying to score from second. Yodcr then helped his own cause by sending a Keenc fastball out of the park for a two-run h>mcr in the top o f the third, tying the game at 3-3. Yoderand Kcene cuntinucd to work out oftroublc the rest o f thc "(Kecne)pitchcd weU, consider­ ing hc didn't have command o f his pitchcs," Hunt said. "H is fastball really didn*t have that fup. I don't think he relied on his curve too much. That's all that was working for him. I brought Marcus on in thc seventh ... itju st seemed like the thing to do. It kept the lid on for a couple morc inningsand gave us a couple nwre chances." Odom was breathing a sigh of relief afterward. This was thc third time his team has reached the “ We ntade some bad bascrunn- ing mistakes that coukl have cost us the game," hc said. “ Wc played just well enough to w in ." Odom, a former Mocksvillc resi­ dent. said, " I loved coming back. There w as a great crow d and great hospitality. And Davic is a great ba!ldub. "B ut somebody had to lose." Notes: • Alexander Central, the Nor­ thwestern 4-A champ, lost in the Western finals last year to Glenn. • Yoder, headed to North _CarntinaTJm provcdJii .l2 tL .H e . struck out II. • Kcene got no decision and finished his junior year at 12-1. King took the loss and fell to 5-3. • The 7-8-9 hitters had five of thc Cougan' 12 hits. • Chapman, Mecham. King and Correll also had hits for Davie. • Mallard. Brian Waftcr, Yoder. Bruce and Stewart had two hits • Davic had its 14-game winn­ ing streak broken. • Eight of Davie's nine stancrs were seniore — Tomberlin. Chap­ man, Colenun, Mecham, Johnson, King, Corrull and Chad Hclton. Yoder continued from P. IB and he knew he was lucky to get out of it trailing only 2-0. He threw 21 pitchcs before he got thc first out and 28 in the inn­ ing. Two walks and two errors diun't help. " I thought it was nerves more than anything," Yodcr said. " It just took an inning to get the jit­ ters out." Hunt said, “ When you'vc got a power pitcher like him, very often, he’ll make a mistake pitch because he hasn’t found his gmove." Yodcr hit a batter in the second and gavc upanothcr run. But whcn hc crushcd a pitch over thc left- ccntcrficld wall for a two-run homer in die third, it sccmcd to pump him and his teammates up. “ He didn't find his groove un­ til he hit his home run,” Hunt said. “ From that point on, hewasdcad in thc zone. ’ Yodcr still had innings where hc was in,trouNe and still threw a lot pitches. But after the second, he was in command, dousing every Davie threat. "M y arm was tender thc other day but it kind o f worked out of that," Yoder said. " I was alright after 1 got going and got in my groove." He said he took thc crmtion from his homer out to thc mound with him. "W hen thc ballgamc got tight again, 1 felt I needed to do the job I didn’t do in thc first inning and try to win the game." In fact, after his homer, hc rccordcd nine ofhis game-high 1 1 strikeouts. l*arge Crowd An overflowing crowd watched Yoder pitdt but he just laughed when asked if it was the largest number o f fans he'd ever pitched before. “ Conic to a Taylorsville- Caldwell County Legion game if you want to scca crouU,"Tie said. Yodcr added that Alexander Central didn't fccl as much pressure Saturday night as it did earlier in thc wcck when it beat Dale !janics' Glenn club. “ We lost toGlenn latf ycar," he said o f the 4-3 loss. "So when we beat them (3*2). that look the pressure off. 1 don't think anybody expected us to be here after we lost nine players from last year's team. So wc aren’t feeling any pressure. Wc*rc having fun ." Yoder’s next obstadc w ill bc at Wilmington New Hanover, June IM 3 . Wilmington is riding a 24-game winning streak and features s1iort- stop Trot Nixon, thc seventh pick in last week's major league draft. Coleman said the War Eagles and their fans w ill be pulling for the Cougars, like them, a group of small-town people who lovc tneir baseball. " I wish them luck," Coleman said. “ I lx>pe thcy godown east and beat whoever thcy play," » continued from P. lB * In fact, two days before the game, he sccmed a little nervous about his return. ' ‘ 1 hope 1 get a warm reception." he said. “ It's coinc to k good see­ ing some of the old folks but I'm going to have to focus on thc game and talk to them after the game. I have a lot o f dose friends down there. " I still go through there but I don't really visit. I try to read the obituaries to scc if anyone 1 know has died. I haven't seen Rich Park since the new grandstand was b u ilt." Just having two rural, country schools in thc Western finals sent cold chills up his spine. " A lot of people think we’re country bumpkins but Alexander and Davie counties know how to play baseball." he sakl. Odom tokl the story o f scouting the Page-Grimsley second round game in Grcensboro. He overheard “ Where do wc go if wc win this?" “ Taylorsville, wherever the hell that is ," was thc response. Odom bristled at theremark but he's heard it before. Hesays Alex­ ander and Davic has to expect that. So it makcs it sweeter when thc "bum pkins" beat a large, city school, as Alexander Central did over Page, 5-2. "W hen you beat a school with 1.600 studcnti and you’ve only got 925-950 like us, there’s something to be said for that," he said. With a grin, he added. " A ll of Mecklcnbutg is sitting A home. All o f Grccnsboro is sitting at home, '*/l*s jusT Davie and*AJexander^*" and I like that." Great Record Odom is a 1955 graduate o f Laurinburg but said he wasn’t a baseball star. " I was on the team but I wasn't any good," he said. “ 1 learned the game from my Daddy. He dragg­ ed me around to American Legion baseball games." Charles Odom was an athletic director who was one o f the first 10 men inducted into the N.C. American Legion Hall o f Fame. “ The sad part was that it came after his death," Odom said. “ Hc died in 1961 and was inducted in 1966." Odom taught at Stony Point High School in Alexander County for three years when Davie (now Cres­ cent) Electric offered him a public relations job. He stayed for 12 years. “ To be honest, 1 wasn’t happy there." hesaid. " I really wanted to get back into teaching." Thc only coaching he did w as for thc Mocksvillc Legion team in 1964-65. But it wasn’t the best o f times. "1 guess thcy had heard o f my past experiences at Stony Point and offered me th c jo b ." hc explain­ ed. "B u twvwerejustso-so. Ihad only one Davic boy. Garland Allen. And I didn't have a field to practice on. Rich Park was a recrcational facility. It was never offered to me. I never had a practice. "The second vear was a little better. 1 had Earl Shoaf,.kids like that. But you didn't know when some kids would show, especially from the other schooU. “ li was really a bad situation. It’s something 1 reallydon’t like to talk much about. Ijustdidn't have the local ptoyers." Odom was much niore suc­ cessful in pjlitics. After losing in -eouniy^ommUsionerVsracc: in 1968. he ran for Mocksvillc Town Board, winning two straight terms and serving from 1960*73. He was tvaten in 1973 by only 15 votes. “ Wc were the ones who annex­ ed U.S. 601 out to where Western Steer is now ." he said. "Some of us who got it annexed got beat. But I enjoyed it and being around guys like Nick Nbndo." Going To Alexander Odoni finally got back on in thc AlcxandcrSchool System in 1975 but he wasn’t the varsity baseball coach at Central. He coached _frcshman.bqscballandsoftbalLIn_ defeated him in the W otcm finals.; And Saturday, hc was there *^"W e've knocked on the door- twice before." he said. ; • Afier the 7-3 win over Davie, he w as finally able to w alk through it. Successful Atmosphere : : Odom says one o f the main; reasons his teams haw been suc-; cessful is the coaching atmosphere.; Maybe he meant small town at­ mosphere. While he coaches at; Bob GryderStadium. his wife and her friends are on thc hill enjoy­ ing a picnic. "I'm down there sweating my butt o ff and she's eating chicken," he said, shaking his head. His coaching is low-key as well. "I'm not one o f those who chews, chews and chews," Odom said. “ I tell lhe kids what they did w rong and let them know I mean business. But I never embarrass a kid on thc fte 1d. 1 have three kids arul I wouldn't w ant them to be env barrased.".. . . His approach is low-key. He; doesn't try to be anything more than what he is — a high school, baseball coachHn fact, he's turn­ ed down the Taylorsville Legion job. " I like my summers o ff," he said. I just don’t want to fool with it." That doesn’t mean he has no love left for the game, however. "W hat would 1 do without baseball? l'd probably be miserable," he said. “ But 1 have no desire to do it day in and day out like Dale ljames. I’m getting to bc one of the old heads around 1981. the varsity coach stepped aside and Odom began a remarkable run that stiU continues today. Alexander Central is much like Davie in tha it loses in football and basketball but those same athletes win in baseball. This is the l0th time in thc past 13 years that the Cougars have made the state playoffs. Odom’s record at Alexander Central is2l8-78. Overall, in 21 years o f teaching, he is 284-98. "T his is a hotbed for baseball, like Davie is,*' Odom said. “ It always has been. Whcn I was at Stony Point 30 years ago. basket­ ball season woufd start but the boys would be talking baseball. “ I can’t explain it. Go right over there to Burke County and there’s very little interest.” Forty-four of Odom's w ins havc comc in the last two seasons. But last year, Dule Ijames* Glcnn team here as7ar*as age. l'mproE5Hy"on- ly going to tv in it for another four years or so. "l!ovebaseballbutrm also56 years old with two grandchildren. 1 like toganlen and doother things in the sunmier. Four months of baseball is enough. When the' season ends. I’m going home.” • The garden w ill have to wait at ; least for another week. A trip to,; Wilmington for die 4-A state cham-' pionship series is taking priority* right now. . .;£ Odom fdt bad for the Davier County playvrs, who, with a break,;, could just as easily be going east. ;: So he’s playing for the War EagIesL ^ " l ’m playing for Davie," hc said* w ith a smile. “ And I’m playing for Alexander." Whether it’s Taytorsville or. Mocksvillc, the two tcams repre­ sent the same thing to Harold Odom. Neither is too bad a place to live; — or bc involved with baseball.; ArM'sL*9MtStl*ctionof Grandtatw CtOCkSAOd VrtH and MwM Ctoefcs ALWAYS 30% TO 50% OFF SUOO. RETAIL Btt%$ 6#dsundW orfdGtob09 OLDTOWN CLOCK SHOP 3738 REYNOLDA ROAD RHONE 92«- SM7kMON.»FHI. 9:30 5:30; SAT. 10-5^ 9 M Q R C M i . Pyrafl9.9W fr.Cwng —kMrutiwJohn mtkf&$:sMri%fc!? D a « « 'J u n e '1 4 .1 9 t* ^ 8 - t4 ) ; ' S ' " Thne: ^ t 1 2 r iW ; f $ f S # W * fee: $60 pw.we*;riiy ^ x i$ ^ ^ ,f^ UcaMon: Ctenmon>Hememarv School Re0tfntaMtyJNt1324pu<UNfcyJMcUMMi W C k w i i G p THIS CAMP M L EMPtUStfE SHOOTlSG, PASSKG AND DfilB8U.NG SKILLS MHOtf TCAMS ARE tttLC M D AND ENCOURAGtD 10 COME JohnMi$a4sedfsldrtefforWikeForcslandoneollheACC'stopsMrefs. Nowamember B6. DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORI), Thtirxiliiy, Junc 10,1993 Mocksville Legion Baseball fflocksville Back To .500 After 5-4 Win Over Surry By Ronnie Galbighcr Davie County Enforprlso-Record %MOUNT AIRY — Slarm<xmt*x Rodncy Shore had o$hancc to pitch for MiKksvillc*s Legion baseball lepm this ycar. r*Dut )ic optcd for the Southern Division's newest dqtry, Suny County. ;.<Mocksville made him pay for that decision Sun- dqy night, bcating thc first place Surry team, 54. ;iAlllrough Mocksville scorcd only one earned run inthe gamc, thc winning runs came offS liorc, who rcplaccU Cain Shclton in ihe seventh, i Thc victory evened Post 174's record at 3-3, quite ah accomplishment for thc team, according to coach Dale Ijamcs. Players from Davie Counly haven't played due to the state playoffs. ;!**We'vc got lo be happy with 3-3,” ljamcs said. *T m disappointed wc'rc not 5-1 cvcn though wc*re (hc only tcam in the division not at full strength. Wc gavc games away against Concord and North Wllkesboro. But we'rc playing pretty solid and we know wc’rc going to get better." Surry Couwy wus leading the division coming in­ to thc game, “ It Vuis a bigw in forus bccatsc thcy wav in first,” ~ maybc cvcn above their heads, just to bc honcst with you.M Unearned Runs Surry scorcd three imcarned runs in thc first off Brack Beal. Mocksviltc finally got on thcscorcboard against Shelton in the fifth. Beal doubled and Russ Parduc drove him home with a single. Mocksville scorcd two unearned runs in thc seventh lo tic thc gamc. Beal and Cuny>y Walker singled and Parduc washit by a pitch to load tltc bascs. A passed ball scorcd onc and ihc catchcr thcn threw thc ball over Shelton’s head, scoring Parduc. Davic scured the winning runs in thc eighth o ff Shore. Bryan Johnson wa)kcd and RJ. Spcnks follow­ ed with a sinelc. Walkcr singled to load thc bascs. An error on Beal's ball scored both. A ll o f Mocksvillc’s runs camc with two outs. “ That’s a characteristic wc'vc carried ovcr from last year," ljamcssaid. “ W c'vcjust got a lot o f fight. “ This is our sccond comeback. Wc kccp battling, battling, battling. W c’rc ncvcr out o f a game.” Marcus King and Bcal led thc nine-hit attack with two cach. Both arc lcflhandcrs, which surprised ljamcs. “ We've needed lefihandcd batters and against Surry, wc had fivc ofthosc sonofaguns in thc lincup,” hc said. “ What do thcy do? Thcy throw two lcftics' at us. But 1 think about six ofour ninc hits wcrc from lefthanders.'* ljamcs finally had enough players to juggle his lineup and substitute frccly. “ When you can expcrimcntand still win thc game, it’s good,” hc said. Notes: • Bcal went lV i Innings and got his sccond win. • Scott Matthews camc on to gct the save. • Surry County is full o f players who playcd against thc Forbush and Starmount playcrs in high school. • Shclton was tle Nonhwcst2-A Ptaycrof the Year. • Thc top four batters for Mocksville combined for five hits. Mocksville 9, Stanly Co. 6 Matthews’ Debut A Rousing Success iALBEMARLK - One day after Forbush was ousted from the 2-A pbiyoffs, Scott Matthews was still playing baseball — for the Mocksvillc Legion. ;Matthews became only the third veteran to join thc young team. And hc madc his prcscnce count in the 9-6, 10-inning win. Xlatthcws wcnt 2-for-6 , in­ cluding an RBI hit in a three-run ldth. Hc pitched the List Vh inn­ ings and picked up thc win. When Andre McSwain slugged a three-run homer in a five-run fourth, Post 174 led6-l. But aiwtz- ingly, Stanly countered with a five- run seventh, forcing extra innings. In thc topof the lOth, Bovendcr reached base and then scored on a throwing euor. McSwain had a sacrifice fly for anotlur run and Matthews had his RBl. McSwain was the hitting star, going 2-for4 with two runs scored and lour RBIs. Jason L<tt had three hits in six trips. Other phiyers with hits were Campy W;dker, TtxW Styers. Brian Baker and Jason Reuter. Rcutcr started and went into the seventh before being knix*ked out. Stephen Ashworth threw- one inn­ ing and Matthews fisnished up. Notes: • Mocksvillc imprt)ved t<>2-3 in the Southern Division and 2 4 overall. • Walker also scored two runs, knocked in two runs ;uid had two stolen bases. • Lott had two stolen bases and Bovendcr one. • Stanly Couniy remained the division*sonly winless team. The loss dripped Chip Smith’s club to 0-5. Andre McSwain dives back into first base before lhe Stanly County first baseman can bring his glove down for — Photo the tag. by Lee Furches Mocksville 12, Statesville 2 Post 174: 12 Hits, 12 Runs The question in Mocksville*s 12-2 win over Statesville Monday night wasn’t who did hit. It was, who didn’t? * Marcus King, R.J. Speaks. David Vogler and Campy Walker had two hits apiece in the 12-hit at­ tack. And Statesville never threatened again after taking a 2 -0 lead in the top o f thc sccond. MocksvHlti tied it in the botlom- o f the inning on a ,sacrifice fiy by Vogler and an RB1 groundout by Brad Bovcnder. Three nx>rc crossed in the fourth. A iwo-run double by Walker and an RBI double by Speaks br<xtght home the runs. The fourth was wild. After Bovendcr and Stephen Ashworth reached on errors, Mocksvillc’s bats scorched the Statesville pitching. In order: Russ Pardue tripled. -Xmg^ingled^.W alkcr._sjngJed;_ Speaks doubled, Mccltam tripled and Voglcr singled. By the cnd of the inning, Post 174 led, 11-2. The final run came in the seventh on an RBI groundout by Campv’s brother, Denver. Ashworth went six innings on the mound, getting the win. He gave up seven hits and struck out seven. Dennis Kuykendall pitched the final two innings, striking out five. Notes: • Mocksville ln ip fo v e d 'to 4 4 " overall and 4-3 in the Southern Division. 7 i t e : i % r M 'ti< 9 , Todd S(yers watches lhe ball,ln hls glove lor an easy oul agalnsl Stanly Counly. — Photo by Lee,Furchee S BB&T Fifth Annual CUSTOMER A P m C W n O N M Y June 19th, 1993 11 :OOam - 2:00pm Free Hot Dogs and Beverages WhileSupplies Last At Our Willow Oak Branch $Register for Prizes WE APPRECIATE YOlR BUSINESS! W iB W iB iW i< W W i< W M > iW M i< M iW iW itM iB iW iM i( DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Junc 10,1993 - BT- Mocksville Legion Baseball Notes Russell Sidelined With Bum Knee Russcll Mocksville Lcgion players. coQchcs and fans wcrc sunned last wcck whcn hitting siar Corbin Russcll turned up in Afocmarlc for a game with Stanly County with a butu knee. The news has gotten R u s s c ll went with his senior class for a day at E m e ra ld Pointe water park. But he injured the knee on one of the rides and now, he may bc out until the phyoffs. "H e has a tear in thecartilagc.” said coach Dale ljames. “ There is o cut on it and it has to heal before they can do surgery." Russell was schcduk*d to have arthroscopic surgery either Wednesday or Friday. Some reports say he w ill bc out for 10 days. Other reports say 17. “ Doctors say he should be fine,** ljarnes said, “ butsomctimes with this kind o f surgery, you have to go back in. So w e’re keeping our fingers crossed. They say eveothing w ill be fine.” Russell was on fire when he suf­ fered the injury. He had four homcrs in his first ihrcc games. “ We hate it for Corbin.’* ljames said. “ He was going to set every record here at Mocksv ille. Now. it’s going to be playofTtime before he'sbackinshape. lt*sabig blow to us.“ Cuts With the Davie and Forbu.<h players back from the state playoffs, ljames can proceed with the cutting process. “ We’ll cut to 20 aa! get down to 18 by June 25.” said ljames. Atotal of26 playcrsshowed for M ondav’s 12*2 w in over Statesviile. “ We only have 25 uniforms,” said ljames. Davie Veterans ljames was gIad to see Davie's players return to the team. In Mount A iry Sunday, several, like Marcus King. Brad Mechani and Bryan Johnson, stepped right in. “ They had no trouble.” !james said. “ They’ve bcen here for two years and they won't miss a beat. They know the signs and they know how to run the bases. And they’ve been seeing great pitching in the playoffs so it's nobigdeal.” l)avle Newcomers And then, there arc the newcomers like Thad Cassidy and Brock Keene who have to prove thcmselvcs in a hurry. “ With the playoffs, we didn't get a chance to sec a lot ofthese kids and give them playing time.” said ljames. ” We know Cassidy can play defense. We want to see if he can hit.” Keene w ill go frotn high school starter to Legion reliever — at least for now. ” We mighl switch his role.” said ljamcs. ” Hc can handle being a reliever. Hc did that for Davie. W e'll try some other guys as starters and if they can't handle it. he can.” Ijamcs was expecting Brad Chapman, Chad Helton and Ron Armstrong tocome outas well but they never showed. Motthews Hot It didn't take long for Forbush’s Scott Matthews to make his presence fdt. In two games, he has alreadyhadtwo hits, an RBI, a win and a save. came against Surry County, against players hc battled in high school. “ T h e y knewnie."he said. But M at­ thews had lit­ tle trouble. Matthews giving up one hit and striking out two in 1 */* in­ nings. He kads the pitching staff with a 0.00 ERA. “ I threwcurves. that’s about ii." Matthews said. “ Some o f those guys beat us in high >vWxil but they w Shortstop Campy W alker is batting .387 lor Rost 174. ~ Photo by Lee Furches didn't say an>thing. We wanted to cet back at (Surry stancr Cain) Shelton, He was 12-2 in high school.” Ijames is pleased. “ Matthews has done a good job on the mound,” he said. “ Hejustcomes to play and gives it 110 percent every night. And he's getting bet­ ter. He worked hard in the off­ season. He's overpowering at times and has a tremendous curveball." Beach KuM>a Two Davie players, Bubba Col­ eman and Durby Corrdl, did go to the beach for graduation and were expected to be back Wednesday. “ A coupk o f guys needed some time o ff and wc gave it to them,” ljamcs said. “ It’s protxibly a good time to get away from it. “ Bubba was really pumped up for the Alexander Central game so ^ ^ * % $ T . i l'; i.w*v " ^ X ^ Y ^ ' 1 | , i i s i S S r z y -*„ - *^.iK rcv >.,"V.I / / / iX 'K W > A 8 A ?' ' / b * $ $ & i [',' _ , it was a letdown whcn they lost. They've bcen working hard and besides, wc have other players wc want to sec.” Coleman, a shortstop for Davie, w ill probably play second base for the Legion. Verbal Joustlng Campy Walker is funny enough when hc starts talkingjunk — but whcn ljamesjumps inw ith him. it borders on the hilarious. Before Monday night's game with Statesville, Walker went up for batting practice and started groaning aKiut his sore shoulder. “ Good,” Ijan>cs said, teasing his shortstop. “ I've got ftople who can play. You can sit.” “ Say what?” asked Walker. “ 1 said my shoulder hurt. I didn’t say I had an illness.” “ I ain’t got no time for illness.” |james shot back. Jason Reuter throws a pitch during a recent outing. — Photo by James Barringer “ Aw, I ju>t wanted to be babied a little.” Walker said. * * I ain’t got tinie for that either,'' ljames said. W ho's Next? Mocksville is beginning its toughest stretch o f the season. Beginning Wednesday. Post 174 w ill play 12 games in II da>s. The team gocs back to Mount A iry Wednesday and then is. home for Friday*s game with Wilkes County. Saturday's game with Rowan C ounty, Sunday's doub1eheader with the Darke County Diamonds, a traveling all- star team from Ohio. Monday's game w ith Kannapolis and Tucs- dayN came with State>ville. | Car Care ■ Repair Manualsf« » m m E>ch J LSteam Degreaser O r Fuel Injector Cleaner 2 * 9 ' Each/tt%e7itl756i lp *R O lU Carburetor Spray ^ch/nj[.0cis <!lfflWfc Decorator O r Engine Paints O r Primers 3 " W ^B>ch/Ktg. To3.99 Westlev Liquid Polish O r Car Wash]9 9 & r„Ji I M U » *we*y# mmat uiK w n WtM0i fMPf Autolitey A u to T e m p MsiMn A ir Conditioning Compressors «____69.99 89.99 m.99 Each Exch. R-4. DA-6..... Your Net ^ k MCost---------------------------0 w 1 Each After Mail • In Rebate UMfT l6/Reg. Price Thereafter Pennzoil 30 Wt, I0W 30 O r i0W 40 Motor OU 7.75 ' 2 0 S*/e Price ~~.~~~~~~~~. Advance Auto Puts MaIL!n Rebite ~.— uM m case:z*: Reg.Prke \ •>£ Thereafter; "Vl YourNet Cost~ .... ^ EachQtAfarAdvanceAutoParaMail*ln Rebate ^ : l - ^ C T T O $ i " ' “ * I p | I ■ ;3 ^ - f " " - s J C!utch Discs A , m r n g s Pressure Plates Ufi I O O 10 <. C A \ Brake 72*M onth B a tte ry V/ce Grips Locking Pliers088 i Low ¥ A M w » ^ Each Exch.i= Exchxks Croups 34,ach/Mk *tSY>K I0WH 61 AIMJJ 1117 Yadkinville Road Mon.-Sel. 8 e.m.-9 p.m .; Sun. 9 i.m .-6 p.m 2521 Lewisvl le-Clemmons Road Mon.-Sat. 6 i.m .-9 p.m .: Sun. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 766-8201 634-2800 wiKcrai 8 K 8 fflffi J s 2 t 2 S * A .< i f c f i i i t i MPDQ SPECIAL ORDER MERCHANDISE NO T SUHJECT TO SALE PRICES B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy,June 10,1993. Area Sports Cancer Golf Tournament June 19 IERAMIC lO NCEPTS ^ lE R A N l r^ I . flmportsandDomes6c; Vy#CusbnHandPainledTile » Marble and Granite The 1993 American Canccr Society Golf Champiomhip w ill be heldJunc l9at Hickory H ill Coun* iryC lu b in Mocksvilk. . A scrumMc format w ill bc used .ln lhrec mcnand threc vst>men divi­ sions with shot gun Marts ai 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. „ Thc entry fcc h Sl60 pcr four- man team. Included arv green fees, lunch and refreshments. Thcrc w ill bc a hole-iivone conte>l. The tournament k*nefits the Davic County chapter o f the American Cancer 5ivicly. For more infomiation. call Hickory Hill pro Steve Forrc*t ;l 998-8746. Mocksley Wins Steve Mtx*ksley won the first an­ nual Mocksville/Davie Parks and Recreation Departnwni singles tournament. Chris Bailey was In ihe doubles. Mona JoG rifftn teamed with Mary Ann Rankin to defeat Robin and Amy Fergusson. Dayley. SvtoiiU: Jerry Cullk<m, Steve Laym oii, Totn Chuffin utul G lff Biishtim. Closest Tii The Mn ut number 11: David Jordan. Closest To The I’iiw it miml>ur 18: Jerry Callis<m. Longest l>rlve: Robin Benson. Summer BB Camp The Mocksville/Davic Parks and Recreation Department w ill hold a sumnmer basketball canp for boys and girls in grades 3-6 July 19-23 a! ihe Brock Gym. Girls w ill meet from 10 a.m. un­ til 12 p.m. undcr the direction of N1ary Ann Rankin. Boys w ill meet from 4-6 p.m. undcr Darrell Steele. There is a $25 fee, which in­ cludes a vshirt. Registration ends June 25. No one can register after that date. Registration forms can bc pick­ ed up at the Brock Gym. For more information, call Joc Boyette at 634-2325 (day) or 634-3877 (night). SD Golf The third annual South Davie Booster* Club golf toumament was held recendy at Twin Cedars Golf Course. The four-man winning team in the first division included Robin Benson. G.C. Lankford. Price McEwen and Don Comatzer. They ,shot a 57ninder. Second phcc w inners were Gray Barnhardt. Grimes Parker. Brian Cornatzer and Rodney Nail. Sicond Division First: Charlie Bolling. Eddie James. Mike Chapple and Jeff Gunter. Second: Mark Jordan. David Jordan. Ronnie Jordan and Carl Jordan. T hird Division: First: Janies Durham. Ronnie Tavlor. Paul Suvicki and Garv Soccer Camp Davie High School x>ccer coach Pete Gustafson w ill hoW a soccer camp for youths in kindergarten through the ninth grade June 28-July 1 at MocksviUe Middle School. There is a 535 fee for the canip. Youths in kindergarten to third grade w ill pmicipatc fmrn 8:30-10 Grades 4-6 are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Youths in grades 7-9 w ill per­ form from 1-3 p.nt. Brochure* can bc picked up al North or South Davic junior highs. For more infornuiion. call Gusiat"- son at 998-3562 or assistant coach Joc Ramshmham at 634-7822. Volleyball Camp Ansone wishing to attend thc Catawba Team Volkyball Camp should gvt in touch wiih Davie High volleyball coach Sherrie Myers or one o f the junior high coaches for more information. A minimum deposit for$IOO is needed. Tl« team will >4ay on cam­ pus in the dorm rooms for a week. Davie is the Gold Division defending champion. Myers can be reached at Davic High (634-5905). South Davic coach Becky M iller can bc reach­ ed at 634-5941. North Duvic coach Roverda Jarvis can be reached at 998-5555. Prlme Time Wins ROCK H ILL, S.C. - Bubba Coleman wasn't the t*ily athlete from Coolccmcc winning a Most Outstanding Athletc Award last week. While CoL'iiun was winning that honor at Davie High. Britt Osbomc was w inning it in Rock H ill. S.C. after leading the PritneTime soft­ ball team toa NSA Class D world qualifying title. Prime Tinw. made up of players from the A ir Tite leam. which plays in the local recreation leagues, won five straight games in the l5-team toumament. It qualified it for the rvgionals in Atlanta and tlte world tournament in Charlotte. Prime T inv began bv wipine out M ill Rcd 11-2. Tim McCullough led the way with a 3-tor-3 perfor­ mance lhat resulted in three RBls. The Down Boys wcrc thc next victim . 12-5. Osborne. Brian Simpson. Steve Parker. Brian Pitts and McCullough all had two hits. Simpson had three RBIs and Osborne two. The toughest game came against the Cardin;ds. Prime Time entered ihe bottom of the sixth inning trail­ ing. 6-2. But four straight hitsand an An­ dy Everhardt sacrifice lly tied ihe score. The Cardinals w;ilkcd Jason McCra\ to load the hises. Big mistake. Pitts ruined that strategy with an RBI single for the lead. CraigJohnxon knocked in an insurance run. In thc winner*s bracket title game. Prinv Time defeated Phil- Lu-Socks. 5-2. Prime Time was down again, lhis time M) in thc fifth, but ex­ ploded for five runs. Simpson. Uverhardt ;md McCray all singled to lie the score and Pitts followed with another clutch hit. a double, scoring two for a 3 -1 lcud. Johnson and Osbomc added RBIs. In the championship game. Prime Time cruised over Star America, ll-2 . Osborne finished the tournament 1 l-fo r-l7 . McCray was 9-for-l5. Pitts 8 -fo r-l3 and Johnson 7-for-l4. Osborne won thc MVP award despite playing with a pulled mus­ cle. suffered in the first game. Volleyball Tryouts Davie County volleyball coach Sherrie Myers has already an­ nounced the beginning o f practice in the fall. Tryouts w ill be held Aug. 2-5 in the high school gymnasium from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Baseball Expo A baseball expo is coming to Wake Forex University June 9-11. June 12 w ill bc a rain date. Players in the Class o f 1994 or sophomore?, projected by their coaches or thc media to be a col­ lege prosfvct can attend. Prospects can chtxt>c the day thev wish toaltend. Tinvs are from 8:30-12:30 p,in. or 12:304:30 . • ;,... 4781C0MMERCUL PLAZA g @ 9 r e ^ ( > ,= .* * m * L tH W T ti.) K:*~: - ." 919-#68-S445 ^&Ottto$OOWMtoWWWtoWWOMW SHOWROOM H0lRS Won•Fri:8 *S Sat: 8 • 2 BeautifyAnd Protect Your Deck With Ofympic.* Olympic Fresh Deck™ •Oywerywwwod > tm >H ^nH ft *Sm VM *KUM • Co*nl«3#lp« Sugpttni R tuil *$f* s4SALE $ i9 5 PRICE * " O^mple WatetOuifd*“ Wocd Walerproofing Ctear Sealant • U ^tM tM7?K V ^V «M *^***kf6eo'VV 9^ucfift • UwedaJSrMficfl • UriMBMVMM S u jjtjifd R tu3 %2** s44“SALE PRICE Sale Ends June 30,1993 ,CAUDELMEBEJLI "TQtM MU>i0*fl WA» pY ^ * .- A tAHW Iifl C U llO M t* | AND BUILDIflQ SUPPLIES 182 5HEEK STREET MOCKSVILLE, NC 704/634-2167 SERVit>TARGcoatlc*Qt<t*y (kcclA<ucc. SINCE 1933 THREE WAYS---- TO SAVE BIG! $&60 CASH BACK ON SPARK PUIGS AND GLOW PUIGS ($.35 EACH) LIMIT SIXTEEN $2£0 CASH BACK ON OIL FILTERS (S1.25 EACH) LIMIT TWO $350 CASH BACK ON AIR FILTERS ($1.75 EACH) LIMIT TWO • AC-Delco parts and routine maintenance can help your car last longer. Rebate OMer Ends July 5,1993. Cash rebate direct from AC-Delco Ash your ielailer lor details Vbidwhere prohibited t v t i j i 5KjAGUARD Sy Filter 93CA-9527 © i,fHt HA| M<)TOflS ( OHVl>f AC-DELCO. IT’S LIKE BUYING TIME. DAVIE AUTO PARTS 191 Wllkesboro Street Mocksville, NC 704-634-2151 Spaghetti!Spaghetti! MOCKSVILLE SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA YADKINVILLE RD. 634-9424 2PtZZAS w m o M n m M O P T o w o M K r € U U i2ffiEF SMGHETT1 Phone Ahead for Extra Quick" Service $098^ H ^ B mom^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V msiu UttieCaesars®Hzza!Ptezal Ttoo gnat p lm il One low price: Ah*^yil Ahvaysl U d s M id M .C b riU b iM M a iM * a |M k ^ ia m b M < k rin ^ b h a riM ^ e im u k b > ta rrM .h . OAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Jiinu 10,1993 • 119 Newsome Heading To Chattanooga, Tn. Nc>vst>mc D;ivie Coumy w ill j>end one i>askclhall pkiycr to tlto AAU Na­ tional Tounianient. M a ria Newsome, a member ol"ihe t 6 -u n d c r G reensboro li m e ra l< ls. qualified for a spot in the na­ tional (otima- ment .set l'or July 2-10 in Chattanooga. 'Vo. • Meanwhile, a l7*under hoys team conck*d hy Darrell Steele, eame wiihin one game l"rom reaching the national uximament in i:lorida. A 15-undor girls team featuring Elizabeth Greene and Beth Wall, also vame wiihin one win of mak­ ing i(s nationals in Ogden, Utah. Ncwsnmv Advances The Emerald*. who reeruit across the state, went undefeated in pool play before losing to Raleigh in tlie region;d finals. In the state (ouniaincm i:t • Charlotte,Greensborowonhy 10 and 18 points, selling up a rematch with Raleigh in the finals. Down by one point in ihe final seconds, tlie Emerakls rimmed out iwo shots. But the second place finish was gtH>d enough to send them to the nationals. "*lt woukl be a lonv:. long shot for us to win lhe natK>nal chani- ' pionship.** said Emerald eoach : Dave Richardson. "Bui we feel we ; can finish in the top lOto 15 ifw e : play well.*' Newsonv. a 6-2 sophomore ; center, was the tallest p|ayer in the ; Central Piedmont Conference this ; >v<ison but .she is nol lhe lallvsi .Emerald. That distinction is he!d by Hickory's (>4 E lizaM i Nelson. . .Other le;un rnemben. going to I the nation;ds are Addio uolbrt>ok ’. ofStatesville. WesternGuilford*s ’ Beth SchooHleld, Enu*i McMillen .. and Janice W ard. Southwest ; G uilford’s Rosie Arnohl. Raleigh : Broughton's Toni Esposito, • Durham Academy*s Ryan •• Hardester and Katie 0-Connor, 1 Western Alamance's Dee l*innlx ; yiid Eas(em Guilford's Chri>lv ; NfcNeil. • Mcxvsomc is getting uscd to some • new rules, like a 30-second clock ■ arfd iwo 2 0-minute hakes. • r*lt*s an adjustment for the girls > bqt the rules help them prepare for : the college game." Richardson . said. “ It isa good test againsl great ; competition. * Randy Doss, who first saw NCwsome play in a game against .- Reynolds and recruited her. is • Richardson*s assistant. • Hoys Fall In Kinuls • Steele's l7-under boys par- . tt,*ip:i>.v1 in ^y» H io h Hnnpv A A l) AAU Basketball players standing f>-7. MWc really turned it on.'* he said. "Jarcd’ Mllcd them on the boards.'" That set up the l1iuls against Charlotte and again, Steele said, '*no one gave us a chance." . But Davie led 59-57 with under ;i ininti!c k'i"t on Ii<ifV*x liaskel. Later. McCollum*s bucket put Davie ahead 61-59. After Charlotte tied the score. Wilson drove lhe lane and put up a shot. Ml:irst of all. ii vas goaltetv ding." said Steele. "Then the boy knocked Derrick to tl>e l1oor and there was no ca ll." After a limeout. Davie sel up in a 1-3-1 nutchup /one but a backdoor play with nine seconds left put the Royals alkMd 6.1-61. Martin drove to the basket and was grabbed on the arm as he went into the lanc. He tlipped up a jumper, hoping to get two shots. Instead, there was no whistle, the Royals got the rebound and the game ended w ith Charlotc advan­ cing to the l:lorida nationals July 10-17 in Cocoa Beach. McCollum scored 24 against the Royals and averaged 28 points per game. Ilc also drilled 13 three- pointers in the three games. ‘*You see how close we were." Steele said. l5 *U iidi'rT vum There were 55 teams competing in the lligh Hoops, including Mike Dinkins* l5-under Davie team. lt placed third, heating A\cry County. 59-57 and lt>sing to the Greenshoro Bcngals in the semifinals. 67-55. Against Avery. Davie led by seven points in the third period before falling behind hy eight in the fourth. But Dinkins' son Chris scored fiveofthe game's last se\en points. Br;mdon M illsthenhit two free throws to win it. Againsl Greensboro, Dinkins had 13 and Lee Puckett II. Davie County Enterprise Record M9CK TffiE MOCKSVUf 962 Yadkinville Rd. Phone 634-6115 ^jJ|1993 CHEVY^CON^^jONmNS 0 5 'f 7 7 , C ? »230470 Country CoKh Conversion, Loaded wtth all lhe Buttona. DIXIE JEEP/EAGLE l873-90941 Bell&Howard Chevrolct,Inc. 1-77,1-40 West, Highway 21 North • Statesville behind Sagearush & Ace Hardware Tlree, M u Oil Chang* S truts, Shocks • < ll|M !M tS . Hours: 7;30-5:30 M-F « 7:30-1:00 Saturday At S41 a month, it’ssimptythe best cut around. 8 ® ™ » # Gales opwuor practice at 6 p m.M * M ^ s ^ <hmM-- > , FIRST RACE AT 8:15 % S T A D IU M A N % S C W R * J 2 g e n d ■WhvstonRacingSeries I Fun lor lhe Whole Family! NIGHTC o m m e r c ia lC r e d it I 100-LAP SPORTSMAN RACE Plus Modified, Street Stock and Stadium Stock Races t autographed collector card* tor tanal and a DEMOLITION DERBY T ho t w ild and w acky w rccking co n te st! SU M M IT CABLE - SERVICES The Regent !a*n tractor uses a unique axle^nounied mov,mg deck design to gi\e )0u the best cut you can buy. And v.ith our conven.er.t pa)ment plan, >ou can get this Quality for about ten bucks a week. Stop in and see one today. Plus, see the optional Mulching/Leaf Shreddmg attachment that eliminates raking and bagging white nourishing your la,sn. The Regent. 0nly $41 a montM..and only at your SimplicHy dealer. Simplicilt| Outdoor Power Equipment *_^i te a ~3 c*OP' - 19 *g#l t, V CnM'<-au"4-'6fOlE*'n*- PlENTY Of FF>EE Pin*i*,G Information about stadium racing: (919) 723*4267 spon$mansen*s W estern Auto TheAutoSupplyCompany 766-9109 1329 Lewisville-Clemmons Road. Lewisville C a ll In Sports: 634-2120 ’. Fesiival in Bt>onc anU Banner l:lk !. making lhe cliam- ; pi<mship yame yjwinst thv ; Charlotte Royals. Befon: that game w;t% played at • Lees MeRae College. Steele had • already told his boys ik*y were go* j ing to the nationals in Florida. • "W e weru told ilie lup two teams ‘ were going." lie said. “ When we ; won in the semifinals, we were • already thinking aboui how we • vould raise money.'* L But when lhe Royals won in the ! t*hampionship game, 63-61, Steele 1 was told different. • The I)avie Slars entered the lour- t nament with no expectations from ; loumameni officials, who told ; Steele they were expecting the ^ Royals to play the lkimc team. I Watauga Storm. I Davie opened the lirst rotmd 1 with an easy 100-47 whipping of • Lahonte Racing.ofThoinasville. • Forhushjumor Brian McCollum lit • ii up. scoring 34 points. Russ ? James had 16 and Derrick Wilson : 14. 1 Steele's team met W;aauga in the 1 semifinals and Steele had a 1 message for his hoys. • “ I told them Watauga was the 1 lavored team and they would get 1 the home cooking," lte said. Ml • u>1d them we’d have to play against • seven players, counting lhe refs. » Noonelhought we hadachance." ' But Davie hlew the game open ; in the second half, racing to an I 85-62 vivlory. Z McCollum, a 6*5 three-point t gumicr, led the way again with 25 *, while Tyrone Martin had 20. in- ; eluding a vicious slam dunk lhat ;• hrouglu the house down, according ; lo Sieele. Jared I:ure, tk*spite sian- ;' iliny 6-2. diwniJialcd in.sidu againsl HAIL DAMAGE SPECIALISTS $ ^ 5 K S 3 S f ci i n A fj * 11 j U s /] ix A t l 1 1 K I B r M I tVi [1 r^ . ;^-4,fir.> V\ <-? ?j rL ^ W s p S 6 -l* fu te 5 " Fil r^"i.'^r4 k j,ii7 L. : ■- «^| F am ily Fun C enter M i m - G o l f & G a m e s Hwy. 601 North, Just Belore 1-40 • Mocksville 634-4692 Roofing VVe Cover II 18 Challenging Holes OfMlnl-GoH Modem Video Arcade Sidmg Windows ShuttersSUMMER HOURS Tues. - Fri.- 2pm - iopm sat-npm- iopm $un.-lpm-8pm 2 For 1Play Golf- Win A Prize!Pay For 1 game of | Mlnl-Qoll | I PIay Second Game FflEE ■ Fwnims6.30.93 1Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizza Kentucky Fried Chicken 2 Pc. Dinner Footlong Hotdog From Sweet Lover's Haven Mac from McDonalds 6" Sub from Subway Whopper from Burger King Free Game of Mini-Golf Hart's Sub Expires 6*30-93 L - - - - - - J r . . . . . . 1 | Over 25 Video Games | . 25 Tokens *4" . ■ WHh Coupon ■ I Explros 6-30-93 I Have Your Next Birthday Party At Family Fun Center Call For Detallsl See Us For Patio Enclosures Specializing In all types ol home Improvements add a room — kitchen — bath — den — playroom — deck —^: replacement windows — storm windows & doors — garage! : Awnlngs • Patlo Covers e Sunrooms • Financing Available N.< . B lIIL D E H S io .i.i iiiiito n si. VViiisloii Siilviii, \< 2<10.1 919 722 824 (> 24 HOURS THIS lS k BG,FAT W O F MVTIME' HELLfPJ frs TO T » o *jQ rr rOUCtJ W tt ro;WEAS. A OK, ^lS <3W G>ES lHto A BAR. HO. Wf, WE. DOEStiT W WKf 1ET. ce. HXS6H irs k GttOCBt1 STCfcE. <X. W tt*SKT KHTtt. VETS 5tt WS k BA?. VtS s*fcW ti8fc m ^ ^icwirf OF A BAR. RW? SO AH1WAX, TWt«tS W> W, Wtt Vt sws 5W*TUt% 09. t tttAT fitMW3W, 9VT TU\S OTVll <M SMS. W. >ftiL 1 totoET. ev)T tr w s ^_ njHs*( _________^ lU TW ToA rcw. ^W\i- ltAhSmt \rJ ^EKtt uuw . ^ ^ ~ ^ -^ ^ ^ t- ntlK< WE 5WOULD <sCT 6f< MSWtttN6 MACHINE IF YCW PAVE A MACHlSt. WJ Fttl 03UQATEt TO 5ETMRN A BWCU OF CMLS W t) R AW , N>T HME R£C£\\£D \H NE fWST FUCC. \ JWWW A MAomffi, w CAW .W UT TVift ?HOHt RlS<i. W0 MtKWAU^ 7kC C ttiE t GWB=, up mo 1W DVti HMfc TO TAltTOWV TnE MC5E tOV THIHK A3CfJT TWHSS.TAKE TMVS MIU;. WW 00 X& MWK COhf HlVK?3 . WO WkS TWE SW WHO PlWT lCC<tD AT A COW AK0 SM0, *1 TWNK. lXL . ORlW WHATCfcfc CW=S ! OUT OF m SE TWl^S >i'&t r 50UttZE w ? R * * . WB WE\M£R * t ,) TWEt S»Et\ P E BEER 6 lS E tW tm 0 / J l d B * , S ir> c m 'Z W 6 A K W m BEEH'MVMTO S< . to x ic , CD-vera$>EKv PGTW CTIW AUTY/ 1C*lNt 8KK TttOTRMUH ^ WCOtVftMtNCE5. Tfc<E , “" ^OtiMMETRASM_.. APE 1«J StflMG TNERE5 A MFfEWtflQE ?.' C a p ’ n S t e v e n 's Seafood Restaurant iW N p s p m ^^ g m w ^ ^ E * ^ 5 * |jjv.Y>i'jmmSSSierr<;' « @ All FriM FoodS In 100MPunOil (704) U 4 -H U ta k*M tM < M I Offer Good 8t Cap’n Steven’s Mockevllle Locatlon Only Mocksville, ,NC n iww 3 ■ s M M k s a tu 4:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m Frf.-M. 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m Sun, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m 1122 Yadkinville Hoad >v* r urr wste wtssAsts TOOA1. AHD ttW *1 RfcTvftHtD W1 CMA. HWKT svsmtss SOKt PtQP\£ SV6x A3£ H09< WOiD f t W MtiTUEK toU.t OF 7W#S, JER< TUlT '*MHT Q*JVTt V,i M H T TWS TV*Ptto3UM KT PWKT IGNC5E lU MUMS Tf-LViMG Tb \sm TViT \ t TUWfc W£tto » / CON'ft^SAT«« SU00LD 0tttPT re. A Hm m crt wnv inoitiCM R CrownvVDrugs 8t l* lttm i Oood Thru June 1,10,11,4 ia, 1MJ Onfy. P|l ms I .AioN Shampoo or:cmts Conditioner — — — — 15 oz. Bp g | HairSpray &StylingAids $239> S S = yfe sL :& | - ; . T .T .T Your Choice N E U T R O G E N A * ^ Rainbath Spray-on Dry Oil $499 Crown Nail Polish Remover 602. 59' Puffs 175's W hite or Assorted 99« Wash ‘n Curl Curling Shampoo 8oz.s3 39 l!WI Ant ‘n Roach 5 o z . >2 17.5 oz. Bonus $047 Colgili Stand-Up Tube j $ f J j New 4-7“ - 0r^FS5 Rippled Brist|es ^ j^ y * Toothbrushes ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n ^ j p Your Chotet i S ^ g u a B O V $ ^ 4 9TdATHBRUSHES Hummingbird Feeder 9oz, #3408$2» c^ffTennisBalls Can o l 3 $^79 CDVERClRL N ailS lick s 99 ^ 2 & 3 Speed Goggles 2 0 ” ° r . n . Swim Ring 99° THERMDS Flat Top Cooler *7708 $g99 7hckandSch Baby W ipesi Sofl-Jhltk'6ong g Q j> M tfl.> > ln Crown Baby Wipes 80 Count $ 4 67 s6ffiP MennenSpeed Stick t>MfMNCK 2.25 0Z. Deodorant orA nti-P erspirant Stain Away Plus FREEM%MOIll 8.1 0 2 . Or DenturFit 2 .2 0 2 . $]99 POUBtl POW It 32 oz. $ 3 9 9 fidde Dad's funny bene. Father's Day and Shoebox Greetings..,what a perfect n^atch. Send Dad a witty card June 16th. Visit our HaUmark department for a special Shoebox Greeting card. ^^ ^ A fifiw v w j^ tVhen you cue enough tosendthevety best ^ T 5 m u 3 R u 5 ^ B 5 S n g ^ w 5 n A d v a n c e T N ^ ^ ^ ^WMtwood Village Shopping Center, Ctommons, NC 6798 Shallowford Rd,, The Oaks - Lewlsvllle, NC _ ~ - W« R M *v* Tht Rlfiht To Um)l Quantities— „ lu“ “ - -------------------------- ™ E S 2 ^ 1 1 3 H B njS S S S - !l3 DaviePeode l)AVIECOUNTY ENTERI'RISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1993 - Cl 5k Carl Wicker grew up dreaming ol picking the banjo like an elderly neighbor. — Photos by James Barringer S B a n jo M a n C a rl W kherM okes M u s ic O n A D a re Carl Wicker: “ I'd go to bed at night, and the banjo would go 'round and 'round in my By Laura Williums-Triiey Davie County Enterprise-Record As a troy growing up in thc tobacco lands of Lee County, Carl Wicker had a favorilc hobby. At 8 years old, he used to sit on the porch of a elderly neighbor’s house and listen to the old man play thc banjo. "l'd go to bed at night, and it seemed like that banjo would go round and round in my head," he said. For years Wicker dreamed of thc music crcatcd by thc plucking of those few who master the complicated instrument. And while he was in the Air Force in I960 he began to teacft himself. Thc process w-as slow, and it was another 10 years before hc mastered thc banjo. Wicker said. Thc family caught the fever of slring in­ struments and he and his wife, Shirlcy, and their - three sons formed thc Wicker Picker family band. All of their sons bare bccomc ac­ complished musicians. Shirlcy plays thc guitar and writes music. Aftcr ycars of playing and teaching. Wicker won his first ialem competition May 7 in the Silver Arts competition of thc Senior Games. "1 was totallysurpriscd," hc said. Aftcrall, hc was competing against thc likcs of a Minnie Pearl imiiulor, a piano p)ayer, original poetry readings and someone who could play thc harmonica. lt was a dare, said Shirlcy, who is a member oft)ie_DavieArtsCouncil.whichsponsgrcdthc. conlcst..Adding a banjo player to thc contest would add variety to the contest, she said. It's evident that thc dare wasn't too much of a risk for Wickcr, who moves three fingers across the strings of thc banjo with speed. His renditions of "Thc Devil's Dream” and “ Thc World is Waiting for the Sun to Rise," camcd him a first place ribbon and qualified him for a state senior arts competition in October. Playing thc banjo is different from thc guitar, Wickcr said. Instead of strumming the strings, banjo players wear three picks on thcir fingcrs and they pluck each string. A scries of notes arc strung together to crcatc a roll. Wickcr said that aftcr years of listening and playing, hc has developed “ banjo ears." Thcy help him to pick out thc strong melody of a song instead of focusing on thc quick sounds qf in­ dividual notes. ’ Four years ago he joined Southland String Band, which plays at many community func­ tions such as Heritage Day. Wickcr said he was surprisedby thc nuriibcrof p c o p lc jv h O L w n n ltiL to learn about the banjo. From those requests, he started High Hopes Music, banjo and guitar classes that he teaches in his home. And hc found that he had lapped into a good market. Within two weeks qf his first advertisements, hc had 25 students. C After ycars of playing together, cven Shirlcy takes guitar lessons from hcr husband.- •' She has cvcn written a song called “ Mr. Ban­ jo Man,” in which she sings and plays guitar while he accents the song with thc banjo, "Behind evcry successful banjo-ptoying hus­ band is a patient wife," she explained. And then ihelwo_becanihciriiiusi^ “ Whether he’s a'pickin or a'grinmn,'Mr. Banjo man is the king." Carl Wicker and wile Shirley practice picking In their home In Mocksvllle. '<■ Wicker Is teaching guitar and banjo to area resldenl8,> •Ci - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, JliiU' 10,1993 meilly-Shields Couple Speaks Vows U;>i;Katherinc Louise Reilly and Coy •vEfShicIds Jr. were united in marriage £ Saturday, June 5, at 11 a.m. at Our *iLady of Grace Catholic Church in •xGrecnsboro. Father Walter D;.ionJz £ F*arformed the double-ring ceremony. ;^ ;'T h e bride is the daughter of Mr. ^2mdMre. James J. ReillyofRoute I, >Mbcksville. She is also the grand- > foughtcrofMrs. Agnes Reilly and the >tite James P. Reilly of Bronx, N.Y., **atid the late Mr. and Mrs. J.W. •^Patterson of MocksvilIe. -;l* A 1983 graduate of Davie High 'School, she earned a bachelor’s de- r*gree from the University of Nonh r*Carolina-Charlotte in 1988, and is '1 employed as an accountant with Bow- > manGraySchool ofMedicinc in Win- .;iton-Salem. >t*-The bridegroom is the son of Mr. *a6d Mrs, Coy E. Shields Sr. and Mrs. ^Xhn Shields of Charlotte and lhe ‘grandson of Mrs. Came Shields and Ztjie late Melvin Shields of Winston* .*5alem. He is also thegrandson of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Joyner of S. Daytona. Fla. He is a 1979 graduate of East *MeckIenbergHighSchoolanda 19S3 •graduate of the University of North ;Carolina-Chape) Hill w ithabachelor’s ;degree in business administration, and is employed with Guilfotd Business Fonns in Greensboro. The bride, given inmaniagc by her parents and escorted by hcr fnthcr, wore a white suite shantung gtiwn with an open neckline nml short tulip sIccvcs.Thcnecklmcamledgcsofthc sleeves were adorned with pearl trim­ ming nrtduhcodc(l Alencon lacc bod­ ice featured a.basque waistline. The full skirt wi!h chapcl train was al.so edged w ith beaded Alencon lacc.Her threc-lier veiling was sc<illcred vvilh pearls atnl fell front a headpiece of Alencon l;ice and sequins. She wore a necklace of cultured pearls, a gifl from the groom. The bride carried a clusterbouquct of oceanachampagne and w hite roses with mixed greenery. A program of wedding music was presented by Brian Marble, organist; Karl Kaffncr,trompctcr,and Kathleen Martinek. soloist. Matron of honor was Mrs. Tricia R.Scott,sistcrofthebrideofLucama. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Cathy Dyas of Atlanta. Ga.; Mrs. Joni Eakins. sisterof the groom; and Mrs. Jennifer Outen ofCharlotte. Coy E. Shields Sr. was his son’s best man. Groomsmen were David Dyas of Atlanta. Ga.; Robert Wofford of Arlington. Texas; and Robin f r , . J f f i * Mrs. Keith Brient Freeman ... was Amy Jeanette Alexander Couple United In Marriage On June 5 Amy Jeanette Alexanderand Keith 3ricnt Freeman, both of Harrisburg, Avere united in marriage Saturday. June *4« at 3 p.m. at Rocky River Presbyte- •rian Church in Concord. The Rev. James N. Murray officiated at the ^double-ring ceremony. ; '. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ^qd Mrs. Bill Alexander. She is a graduate of Central Cabarrus High ;School and plans to graduate from ;UNC*Charlotte in December with a ^bachelor’s degree in psychology. She !k employedby Sunshine Day Care of !Concord. She is also the granddaugh* jerofMrs.Carl RichieofMocksville. >: The bridegroom is the son of Mr. •?nd Mrs. Millard 0. Freeman. He is a :graduate of West Mecklenburg High lSchool and Wake Forest University twiih abachelor*s degree in history. He js studying at Columbia Theological ‘Seminary in Decatur, Ga., for a Tquster’s of divinity degree. •* A program of wedding music was •presented by organist, Elaine •Tankersley. l l The bride, given in marriage by her ;fathcr, wore a white satinbridal gown 'embellished with iridescent sequins '.a^dpeirls with a sweetheart neckline, ^pgnceis style waistline, and elbow- -*ich"gth pouff sleeves featuring bows. :?Tfce full skin and caihedraMength /^ ir v w a i enhanced with matching j ‘laceappliqucs, pearls and sequins. t*S^e wo(e her mother's fingertip veil 1:;6fsilk"illusion with a matching b^w Eakins, brother-in-law of the groom ofCharlotte. Ring bearer was Quinn Dyas of Atlanta, Ga. Presiding at the guest register and distributing programs were Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sawyer of Grecensboro. The wedding was directed by Machcle McAllister of Grecncsboro. AfterawcddingtriptoWaltDisney World in Orlando, Fla., the couple w ill be at home at 6205 Bay Hill Court,Grcensboro. Rehearsal Dinner The rehearsal dinner was hosted by the groom's parents at the Greens­ boro City Club in Greensboro. Fol­ lowing cocktails, guests were served a choice of beef tenderloin or grilled chicken with vegetables of honey* glazcdcarrots.broccoli.ncwpotatoes and tossed salad. Dessert was choco­ late groom's cake and vanilla ice Reception The bride's parents hosted a recep­ tion for the weddingcouplc and guests in the Atrium of the Embassy Suites Hotel in Greensboro immediately fol* lowing the ceremony. Greeting the guests and presiding at the gift table was Mr. and Mrs. Brad Smith. Piano music was provided by En­ sembles dEncore. Guests were served Italian meat- balls.cajun fricdchicken filets,cock- iail franks in pastry, assorted petite quiche, mini croissant sandwiches of ham, turkey and roast beef, assorted domestic and imported cheeses with assortcdcrackcrs and breads, assorted fruits with chocolate fondue, fresh vegetables with dip and decorative mints. The three-tiered wedding cake was decorated with fresh flowers. The newlyweds hosted a party for their families and friends Saturday evening at the Lakeside Pavilion of the Greensboro-High Point Marriott. Social Events • The members o f Center Home­ makers Club gave a surprise shower for Kathy Reilly at their regular club meeting April 20 at the Center Com­ munity Building. Hostess was Frances O'Neal. Miss Reilly is a member of iheclub. • The couple was honored by Miss Reilly's co*workers with a cocktail party at the Hawthorne Inn in Win* ston-Salem on May 7, • The Equinox Restaurant in FriendlyCenter. Greeensboro was the setting forabridal luncheon hosted by Mrs. David Dyas Jr. on Friday, June 4. Special guests w ere the mothers of the bride and groom. Mrs. Coy E. Shie(d$ Jr. ... was Katherine Louise Reilly East Davie Club Tours Candle Plant lt was March, and Spring was around the corner w hcnthe East Davie Homemakers mct at the home ofBetty Sprinkle with Clyncse Smith as co- hostess. Jo Check, president, presided. Plans were made. Reports werc Club members went on an educa­ tional tour of The Candle Decorators in Elkin. The pn<css of manufactur­ ing candles requires cxpcnMve im­ ported equipment, superior materials, and the individualized creativity of many employees. Each participant received a fragrant candle at the end of tour. This was followed by a buffet lunch and visit to two outlets: Candle Decorators and Chatham Manufac­ turing Company April brought the homemakers to­ gether at the home of Audrey Gilbert with Eva Eaton as co-hostess. Jo Check, presided. Plans for the club's annual quilt project were made final. Nancy Hartman, Extension agent. presented a program on "A Case of Lead.” pointing out sourccsoflcad in lhcenvironmcnf, the dangers o f expo­ sure, and practical ways to reduce the exposure. This w as follow ed by a demonstra­ tion of inexpensive ideas for home decorating. For May at the home of Grace Parrish. Lois Stephens, family issues coordinator, gave a program on 'Ticks in North Carolina”. Information pre­ sented the biological characteristics, diseases transmitted, w ays to control, methods of protection, and procedure forrcmovingticks.Litcraiurcwasdis- uibuted. Home decorating idea for the monlh was swag curtains. Directions forthcirconstnjction werc furnished. Senior ci1i2cn activities in Davie County and the Shepherd Center in Winston-Salem were discussed. Par­ ticipants of the Senior Games werc recognized: Jo Cheek, Grace Parrish, and Lois Stephens. The June meeting w ill be with Minnie Comatzer. Fifty Plusers Hear Riddle, Poem By Margarel Po((s Club Reporter Fork Fifty Plus Club met at the Civic Centeron May 26with 28 mem­ bers and three visitors. The Rev. Ken Evans returned thanks before a meal at 11:30. Ruih Bamey had charge of the devotions. She read a poem, a riddle and prayer. Kemp Bamhardt toldaboutactivi* ties at Brock Center and announced thal Jean and Earnest Seamon had been chosen as Queen and King for the coming year. Frances Jarv is was elected assis­ tant treasurer to serve while G.L, Owens is recuperating from surgery. WehadS25.46inihecolleciion.Door T)rizesv5Tevronb>EdnaHendrixand"" Charles Hinkle. Maxine Correll gave a sunshine report. The club extends sympathy to Robert Lee Seaford, a patient at Whitaker Care in Winston-Salem. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Liti Bailey. Hilda Seaford and Helen Gustavson. Don Bamhardt sang and played the banjo. Iona Stewart won coverall bingo andclub member* played five regular games of bingo with winners being Dick Salicki, Beth Gobble. Buck Carter and Jessie Gobble, Edna Hendrix's name was drawnto bring a coverall prize for next month. D.C. Blakely was welcomed as a new member. The club expresses thanks to Bcmice and Charles Hinkle for serv- mg’ as Queerfani! XmgWsemdfsTdr"' the county. DIFFICULTY IN URINATION? An enlarged prostate may mean you have BPH • BENIGN PROSTATE HYPERPLASIA. One out of three men over 45 have It. II you are over 45 and: • HAVE TROUBLE URINATINQ • URINATE OFTEN • STOP AND START SEVERAL TIMES WHILE URINATINQ • HAVE TROUBLE DELAYINO URINATION - you could havo BPH. II you do have BPH, you may be able to take part In an 18 month cllnlcal research trial lor an lnvestlgatlonal drug. Patients who qualify wlll receive FREE PHYSICAL EXAMS, BLOOD AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING AND MEDICATION. Medical supervision provided by a board certified urologist. ? m FlHment R*March Aeseel*lee lf you are Interested In _partlclpatlng,ptease call 919-768-8062:“ headpiece and silk flowers. Her wedding ring was previously wom by her great-great-grandmother andgreat-grandmother,EmmaMiller Alexander. Heather Biffle was maid ofhonor. Bridesmaidswere: Debbie McCachen, Joy Williams, Gena Godfrey and Laura Lyerly, bride's cousin. Millard Freeman was hisson'sbest man. Ushering were: Eric Sorenson, Robert D. Greco, William Bradley Rudolph and Christopher C. Jenkins. Mrs. Cindy T. Gann and MissJes* sicaSmith kept the guest register. The wedding wasdirected by Mrs. Carol Lyerly, bride*s aunt. Reception The bride's parents hosted a recep­ tion for thecouple and wedding guests in the church fellowship hall immedi­ ately following (he wedding cer­ emony. Assisting with the serving were: Miss Cara Chickanosky, Mrs. Janet Jenkins, Mrs. Linda Richie artd Mrs. Louise Carter. Rehearsal Dinner The bridegroom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Freeman, hosted a dinner for lhe wedding couple, attendants, family members, close friends and out-of- town guests at the church fellowship hallFridaycvening,Mrs.JanclJenkms assisted. After a wedding trip to Asheville, the couple will make their home in Charlotte. " & A - ^ * i i m 8 Delicious Buffet Bars, with the Best Bakery Around, all at one Low Price! $Mnntf<wrM4>lfl/f4B»L«W*11 *nkrnJ It’s the Western Steer'all-you-can-eat Buffet Feast! ■ lluHe! prices lnclu(lu all bars and tliu fresh htikvrv! • Kids under 3 eat FREE! • Kids 3-10,just $2.29!" 8 buffet bars, all fresh, delicious and loaded with >our favorite meats, segctables. salads and desserts. A Ituye hakury full of fresh )east rolls, hot cinnamon hunstyou'se yitf to try these!t, ctkiKies. brownies anil breads.All>mt cun eat inapleasant, friendly atmosphere. S = And unlike m<ist hufTet rvstuiirunts und cufeterlus, Western Steer' hus u separate menu lhat Includes the heM USOA Choice slvaks In lim n! IHglmavfi01 iit 141) M w kstllle :i =a DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1992 - C3 Groce-Barnhardt Couple Married . ThewcddingofLindaSusanGrocc ofYadkinvlllc 10 David "Kenny" Bamhardt of Mocksvillc, was held Saturday, June 5, at 3 p.m. at First Baptist Church o f Yadkinville. The Rev. Richard Eskew officiated at the doub)e>ring ceremony. : • ;A program o f wedding music was presented by Mike Hendrix, organist ofMocksvilie;andguitarist/vocalists, Richard Butler and Elsie Eskew of Yadkinvillc. • ; Thcbride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal gown of white bridal satin. A lace scalloped neckline ted to a fitted bodice adomcd with Venise lace and pearls forming hearts and swirls. Tbe low basque waistline extended into a full shirred satin skirt decorated with Venise lace appliques and pearls. The V*back o f scalloped illusion and lace led to a double satin bow. The full chapel train was en­ hanced with cutouts, beaded lace ap­ pliques, and satin bows. The puffed satin sleeves covered with lace me- dailions led to satin bows and long fitted and tapered sleeves of illusion with pearls and lace ending in a point. Beaded lace hem trimmed the entire skirt. Hcr headpiece was a satin bow. Donita Groce, bride's sister-in-law of Yadkinvillc, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids wcrcJcnniferCampbell, bride's cousin, and Lora Smith, both ofMocksville; Cindi Hendrix, bride’s cousin of Moorcsvillc, and Terri Britton ofYodkinvil(e. Danrll Bamhardl was his son’s best man. Ushering were DeanGroce, bride's brother of Yadkinville; Cory McDaniel, bridegroom's cousin, and Jerry Prater of Mocksvillc; and John Harrington ofHickory. Nancy Beaver o f Mocksvillc kept the guest register. Programs were dis­ tributed by Martha Proctor of Mocksville. Angie Hendrix of Mocksville was wedding director. Honorary guests were Mrs. Collie Sheek of Yadkinvillc and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Groce of Salisbury. The bride's parems are Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Groce of Yadkinville. She is a graduate of Forbush High School and Surry Community Col­ lege with an associate dcgrce in ap­ plied science. She is employed as ex- cculive secrelary for Unifi, Inc. The bridegroom's parents arc Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Barnhardt of Mocksville and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kalish of Lexington. He attended CarvcrHigh School. Winston-Salem, and is employed by lngcrsoH Rand, Mocksvillc, as a rotor mate techni- Thccouplcspenttheirhoncymoon in Wil)iamsburg,Va.,ancr which they w ill make their home in Yadkinville. Reception Following lhe wedding ceremony, the bride's parents were hosts to a reception at the church fellowship building. Greeters were B ill and Shelby Bauguess of Yadkinville, Pam and Barbara McDaniel of Mocksville. Assisting with the serving were Gina Burton,Gcraldine Hendrix. Kac Hendrix ofMocksville, and Louella Barnhardt of Harmony. Birdseed bags were distributed to the guests by Alisha Burton of Mocksvillc. Showers • The bride was honored with a miscellaneous shower on Sunday, April 18, at her home in Yodkinvi(fe, given by the bride's aunts of Mocksville, and friends and neigh­ bors ofYadkinvil(e. • On Friday, May 7, the bride was taken to the Western Steer steakhouse in Mocksvillc for dinner followed by a!ingerieshowergivenbyhcrcousms of Mocksville and sister-in-law of Yadkinville. •Co-workcrvtUnifisurprisedthe bride with a miscellaneous shower and luncheon on Thursday, May 20. Thebride'smotherwasaspccialgucst. • A cookout was held in honor of the couple on Sunday, May 23, at the home o f the groom’s aunt and uncle, Dwight and Louella Bamhardt of Harmony. Attending were all the groom's relatives of Harmony. Spe­ cial guests included the groom's fa- lherand stepmothcrofLexington and the bride's family of Yadkinvillc. Mrs. David “Kenny" Barnhardt ... was Linda Susan Groce T y s o n m o lly F a r m s G ra d e A Whole Chuck Or SnouiderX ^ m > ^ v y ^ ' ^ y - y* #** S S ^ ^ S 2 S ^ , t i . m ^ f t r - > ,-.., s- :i*YX7TN*:• i'4:m’ <<1? iiV- ''; -^Roast $159 K ^ -**y 'v iAX*i *£•'. ■ :^^«fcv(^.t<*ft»> VSD A C hoice B e e f good Wednesday June 9 thru Tuesday, June 15, 1993We Regerre The Right to LUnlt Quantltes rw tw iiS 5 iB e x -' Smoked Picnics Fresh Daily Lean h Ground BeefV S D A C h o ice B e e f Extra LeanIS $ 179 1 L b .u S U * . - 'I PeTch$2"Filets Cantaloupes Swann-Jenkins Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swann Sr. of Laurinburg, S.C., announce the engage- ; ment of their daughter, Linda Diann Swann, to the Rev. Donald Ray Jenkins ; of Mocksville, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dee Jenkins of Weldon. -— Thcbridc*lcclis 4 gradua!eofScotiandHighSchooUnd_WmstQteSakm __ , State University with a bachelor's degree in psychology. She had the highest average in her theology class (International Seminary). She is employed as a ' medical assistant at Laurinburg Internal Medicine Group. Jenkins isagraduate ofWcldon High School and N.C. Central University withabachelofs degree in English; Pembroke University, M.Ed.; University of North Carolina al Greensboro, master's in English and is a Ph.D candidate there. His special honors include: High School class Valedictorian; received ; full scholarships to attend undergraduate school and graduate school; honors ; graduate of N.C. Central. He is pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, Mocksville; and lecturer in English at Winston-Salem State University. The wedding is planned for Saturday, June 26, at 3 p.m. at Union Grove : Baptist Church, Laurinburg. L a rg e T a r t Tangy Limes tiAVlE COUNTY— SweetLoversHaven or dott H ^ mutt p *>tMueerass Do<t PB&J . nn»Piinut- Bulter 8 Jell Present. PB&J for Lunch on lhe Square 11:30 -1:00 June llth featuring Mike Orsillo and the Roughweather Band 10/$| fart » E a c h 27 "*&'^yM S : W k Lb. - Tender Yellow Squash/ Fresh Zucchlnl Squash/ Stalk - Crisp Crunchy Celery I F0 G F00D LI0 N Gourmet v s r f2^ * r r ^ p 9 9 Lb. * s p e a ^ P ^ e d ^ h S S S j3 j g g ^ M D a ily Sub Buns 9 9 4Ct. 2 Liter - Dlcl Cokc, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, >. Sprite, Diet Sprite fk C o k e C la s s i c r996 Pack - 12 Oz. Cans Diet Coke, Cnffclnc Free Y o u E x t r a L o w P r ic e s ! s ^ e .^ ^ te 'T .g s C4 - DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursiluy, June 10,1992 Boger-Raisbeck Couple Speaks Vows ;y TercsaKayBogcr,daughtcrofMr. arid Mrs. Clay B. Bogcr of Route 9, M ocksville, and Robert Hugh Rjusbeck Jr. o f Route 9, Mocksvillc, sori o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hugh Ra)$beck of Laurcl, Md., were mar­ ried Saturday, May 22, at 6:30 p.m. at CcntcrUnltedMethodistChurch.Thc Rey, Ted N. Thomas was officiating ntinlstcr, ;;A program of wedding music was presented bySharon C. Boger,organ- isl.- • Trade D. Chaffin of Durham, bride's cousin, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were: Rita Emllson, bddc'ssisterofWinslon-Satem;Kaihy Crump, bridegroom's sister o f Char* lo(te;MichelleBlakeofOrlando,Fto.; aid Dawn Wyan of Mocksvillc, * Robert Raisbeck was his son's best man. Ushering were: Melvin Keller ofSilverSprings,Md.;GordonBrooks of.Pickerington, Ohio; W itliam Babcock o f Asbury, NJ.; and Gary Cromp, bridegroom's brother-in-law ofChatlolte. Acolytes were Randy Boger, bride's broiher of Sparta, and Scott Bogcr, bride's nephew of Chapel Hill. Child aitendams were Elizabeth Boger and Katherine Boger, bride's nieces ofSparta. Susan Bogcr o f Mocksvillc kept the guest register. Di$lributing pro- grams were Amberand Amy Emilson ofWinston-Salem. The wedding director was Diannc S. Andcrson of Mocksvillc. Birdseed favors were handed out by Scott Bogcr of Chapel Hill. The bride is a graduate of Davie High School and Forsyth Technical Community College with a degree in business. She is employed as a book* keeper forMartin, Van Hoy, Smith & Raisbcck, Attorneys. The bridegroom is a graduate of High Point High School, Wake Forest University with a bachelor's degree in history, minor in politics, and Wake Forest School of Law with a JD de­ gree. Hc was captain of the WFU track andcross country teams. He is a partner with attorneys, Martin, Van iloy, Smith & Raisbcck. Following a honeymoon in Jack­ son Holc, Wyoming, lhc couple will make their home on Route 9,' Mocksvillc. Reception A reception was held at TanglewoodClubhouse fo|lowingthe wedding ceremony. Partits • A dinner was given ln honor of the couple on Saturday, March 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorge W. Martin. Hosting were the attorneys and staff of Martin. Van Hoy, Smith and Raisbeck and thcir spouses. Spe. cial gucsts included Mrs. Louise Boger ofMocksville, the bride's mother, and Robert and Bctty Raisbcck ofLaurel, Md., the groom's parents, • A bridal shower was given ln honorofihecouplcon Sunday,April 18, at Center Community Building. Hoslingwerc Helen Chaffin. Dorothy Powcll, Marlene Swain, Gail Smith. Nancy Tuttcrow, Doris Williams, Bctty Grissom and Earle Jones. • A lingerie shower was given in honor of the groom on Wednesday, April 28, at Western Stccr. Hosting were Sally Smith, Dianne Anderson, Dawn Wyatt, Unda Doby. Kathryn McDaniel, and Joyce Yousc. • A bridc$maid*s luncheon was given on Friday, May 21, at the home ofMrs. Wilma Phipps. Hosting were Jayne Phipps*Boger, Wilma Phipps. Tracie Chaffin and Joyce Beck. • The rehearsal dinner was held Friday, May 21, at Cherries in Clemmons. Hosting were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raisbeck, the groom's parents. Mrs. Robert Hugh Raisbeck Jr. ... was Teresa Kay Boger Pierce-Myers Couple Married On June 5 Yadkin Vallev News Eugenia Lee Pierce of Route 5, Mocksvillc, and Jerry K. Myers of Route 1, Advance, were united in marriage Saturday, June 5, at Eaton's Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Officiating was the Rev. David Gilbreath. The bride, givenin mamage by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pierce and escorted by her father, wore a princess style gown of satin and tulle by Mori Lee. The gown featured a sweetheart neckline with lace trim and off*shouIdershort puffcd sleeves accented with cabbage satin roses. The heavily beaded bodice was adomed wiUi rows o f seed pearls and Alencon lace formingaba$que waist* line. The full shirred skirt featured an overlay of tulle embellished with Alencon lace appliques and pearls. Satin cabbage roses also decorated the back, her headpiece was an armagemcnt o f satin and silk roses with a tulle veil. Mrs. Traci W. Streit was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Jennifer Eaton, Kim Eaton and Christi Moor* ing. Kermit Myers was his son's best man. Ushering wcre the bride's brother, Rodney Pierce; bridegroom's brother, Thomas Myers; and Andy Lipscomb. Child attendants wcre Stephanie Williams, flower girl; and Dustin Harris, ring bearer. ' A program of wedding music was presented by Donna Fissel, pianist; and Linda Moore, soloist. Lisa Spillman kept the gucst regis­ ter. Programs were distributed by Holly Harris. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pierce of Route 5, Mocksville.SheisagraduatcofDavie High School and Forsyth Technical College with an associate degree in architectural technology. She grodu* atedwithhonorsandwasamcmberof Phi Theta Kappa, honorary society. The bridegroom's parents arc M. Kermit Myers of Route 1. Advance, and Mrs. Gail Daves of Hope Mills. HeisagraduateofDavieHighSchool and Davidson Community College. He is employed by Davie County EMS, Mocksvillc. Thecouplespenttheirhoneymoon at Myrtle Beach and Charleston, S,C. Reception A reception was held immediately following the ceremony in the church fellowship hall. The items served consisted of cu­ cumber sandwiches, chicken salad puffs, a fruit spread centerpiece, cheese crackers, and punch. The wedding cake was a four* ticrred cake with fresh cut flouers. Rehearsal Dinner A rehearsal dinner was served Fri­ day evening aftcr the rehearsal to the couple, family and friends. The host­ ess was the groom's mother, Mrs, Gail Bridal Parties • On April 4, a shower was given at Eaton's Baptist Church by the ladies of the church and hosted by E!eanor Eaton, Judy Spillman. Susan Harris, and Karen Harris. • On April 24, a shower was given at Mocks Methodist Church and hostcdby Gail Daves andTerri Miller. • On May 8, a shower was given at Liberty Methodist Church o f Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. William Joe Cartner of Route 9, Mocksville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lori Annette Cartner, to Chris Allen Callison, son ofM r. and Mrs. Jerry Callison of Route 7, Mocksville. The bride-elect is a graduate of Davic High School and Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing, Charlotte. Shc is employed as a registered nurse al Forsyth Memorial Hospital. 7Ca!lison is a graduate of Davie High School and Catawba College with a bachelor’s degree in middle school education. Hc is a teacher at North Davie Junior High School. The wedding is planned for Aug. 7 at First United Methodist Church, Mocksvillc, fy By Mrs, Ruhy McBride Yadkln VafleyCorrespondent The June 3 Davie High graduates from Yadkin Valley Church were: Kathy Walker, Jonathan Hoitel, AllisonMillcr,MarcusKingandBrian Thompson, and Anita Walker last week from her school at Winston- The King Reunion will be at the home of Ruby McBride on June 27. Everyoneisinvited tocomeandbring lunch and cnjoy lunch and fellowship together. Remember Alvis Wood. Jack Caudle, and all others on the sick list. The Yadkin Valley Church com­ munity extend their sympathy to the family of John Ward who died last weekend. He is a brother of Maurice Ward. Old Fashion Day w ill be June 13. There w ill be a fellowship meal after moming worship service, singing dur­ ing the aftemoon and no 7:30 service. Ronnie w ill be speaking at Calvary Church in Elkin during their night service which starts at 6 p.m. Cornatzer News By Dottle Potts ComaUer Correspondent Margaret Potts visited Eva Potts Sunday aftcmoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts and daughters, Sharon Potts and Pam Harpe. attended the 40th anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potts in Wavcrly, Va., Saturday. On Sun­ day tiicy visited Donald Hinkle in Creedmoor. The annual Potts Reunion will be held Sunday, June 13, at toe Nathan Potts homeplace on Howardtown Road. Lunch w ill be served at I p.m. All friends and relatives are invited. Lucy Barney Honored AtRetirementParty Mrs. Jerry K. Myers ... was Eugenia Lee Pierce CooIeemee and hosted by Peggy of Sherry Lawerence, cousin of the Correll. bride, and hosted by Sherry • On May 29. a bridal luncheon and Lawcrencc. Lisa Spillman and Judy lingericshowerwasgivcnatthehomc Spillman, all relatives of the bride. Miss Lucy Barney was honored uiih a >urpri>c retirement party by her 10 ncices and nephesss Saturday, June 5. at the Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Advance. The44titvsts included family and t>iei)d>. The neive> and tvpheusare: Barbara Crotts. Diane Wallace, Brenda Shuimte. Trac> Smith. An­ dy Barney. Robert Barney. Paul Barney Jr.. Randy Barney. Larry Boger and Scott Boger. They presented their aunt with a gold bracelet as a retirement gift. Miss Barney received many other gifts and vards. She retired June 1. from Sara Lee Knit Products on Far­ mington Rtud after 43h >cars ot' • Club Plans Visit To Craft Shop ’: ByJeonSmith Cfub Reporter The Pino-Farmingtopn Homcmak* crs Club mei with Nora Latham on May 26 with vice president Nora Latham presiding. Devotions were given by Louise D ill reading fromGalations, followed by a poem, prayer and a song by members titled MFor The Beauly Of The Earth." A letter was read about the Camp Caraway Cratt Snop*lo*be^5 hhSept7^ 14-15inAsheboro. ; . Ellen Rawlings presented thc pro* gramonticksandtick-bomediseases in North Carolina. Ticks can carry. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and caution should be used when gofng*. into possible tick infested areas. • Refreshments wcre served by the * The club will meet w ith Jean Smitf^; Couple To Marry Mr. and Mrs. Kcith S. Moser of Mocksvillc announce thc engagement of thcir daughter, Kimberly Hope Moscr, to Gary Ray Blalock, son of Suzanne Blalock of Coolecmee and Gary R. Blalock of China Grove. The bride-elect is a graduate ofDavie High School and is working on a degree at Mitchell College. Blalock is a graduate of Davie High School and is employed at Skyline. The wedding is planned for July 3at^edland Pentecostal Church. Register-to-Win D A D ’S D > 3 f Q ffF ; Hammockl resting my Don’t get caught napping. Enter by June 19th! Katharine's HALLMARK SHOP Sulisbury Mull 704-637-2280 DAV!ECOUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday,Junc 10,1993 - G5' tavlor-Richie Couple Married Couple Married On June 5 1 *Mary Paulette TayIor and David Waync Richic were united in mar. riage Saturday, April 24, at 4 p.m. at ttie. havi1lion in the Park Atrium in Littfc Rock, Ark. • ThebridcisthedaughtcrofJimmie and;Mary Marsh or Hcber Springs, ^ rk j She is a 1981 graduate of the ^uyersity of Central Arkansas with a bachelor’s degree in education. She is al977graduateofBccbeHighSchool. She Is employed as general manager of Audio International in Little Rock. • Thcbridegroom isthe sonofDavid and Lois Richie of Mocksville. He is thcgrandson of Josephine Ellis, also of Mocksville. He is a 1979 graduate o| Davie High School. He attended college at the University of Central Arkansas, Arkansas State University, Unlversityof Arkansas at Little Rock and the Community College of the A ir Force. He served as a develop­ ment engineer in the U.S. A ir Force from 1979to 1986. He is thechairman and vice president of Audio Interna­ tional, Inc., a corporate aircraft elec­ tronics company in Little Rock. _ Kris Muradian,justice of the peace, officiated the double-ring ceremony. The music was provided by The Brooks Brothersband featuring Paula Jolly. The pavillion was decorated with hunter green and ivory balloon arches and columns, as well as ivory tulle and ivy. The bride was escorted by her fa­ ther and wore a hand-beaded, lace candlelight gown with a swccthean neckline. The gown featured a drop waist and a full skirt with scalloped edges trimmed w ith pearls. The head­ piece, with short shoulder-length veil, was of ivory tulle and pearls. KarlaJaneSiraccnerofSouthaven, ,Miss., served as foe matron of honor fo;hercousin. Bart Richardson of Alexander, Ark., served as the groom’s best man. Rhonda Patterson of Bryant, Ark., welcomed the guests at the register. Lynn Richardson coordinated the S M u i : . $ Z - -» . ' . . iflT /'< I '" t i - ' V 4 f , , i t 1 . I i - ^ i f i " * ^ - ^ h ^ ^ i ^ i i f t u . . 4 ^ s $ 8 f e % T * ^ ';i# $ A W M ^ j i»s»#*r.! $ T Z i * + m < ^ iiP H v t ^ 'f c # „^ ,M .te iM L l ^ : w * i i H ',’ A '*£**!. >|^-j ..( :Uv • -.- •> >'r-t:s,'jftAj h ^ .r --m ' ;> J ‘ , •-, « > < „ » { Mrs. David Wayne Richie ... ivas Mary Paulette Taylor corsages and boutonnieres. The ushers were Glen Freeman of Yadkinvi!le, uncle of the groom, and Jacob Smith of Mocksville, high school friend of the groom. Reception A rcccptiun was held immediately following the ceremony in another section of the Pavillion. Guests were served cold hors, d'ouevres. The wedding cake was a four-ticrred traditional cake topped with fresh calla lillies and ivy. Lori Ann HinsonofLexingtonand Jeffrey Paul Bailey of Advance were united In marriage, Saturday, June 5, at 2 p.m. at Tyro United Methodist Church.Officiatingatihcdouh1c-rmg ceremony were the Rev. Alan Rice and Kcrmit M. Bailey. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elzavan Davis Hinson Jr. of Lexington, and the late Joan Young Hinson. She is a graduate of Lexing­ ton Senior High School. She is em­ ploy at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Carl Bailey of Ad­ vance. He is a graduate o f Davie High School and Bolton Private Electronic Institute. He is employed by Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Miss Melissa Rowe was maid of honor. Serving as bridesmaids were Mrs. Kelly Lambert, Miss Jamie Bailey, Ms. Shannon Tuttle and Ms. Holly Brown. James Carl Bailey was his son's best man. Ushering were: Marcus Hinson. Steve Tilley, Jeffrey Allen and Donnie Brown. Ashley Potts was ajuniorbride and Tyler Maready,juntor bridegroom. The couple spent their honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico. They w ill make their home at Happy Hill Road, Lex* ington. Reception The couple was honored with a reception at Tyro Fire Department immediately following the wedding ceremony. Mrs. Jefirey Paul Bailey ... was Lori Ann Hinson The groom’s cake was chocolate with chocolate icing and was deco­ rated with sugared grapcs. A second groom's cake was made and deco­ rated by MichelleSmUh.amemberof the British Motoring Club of Arkan­ sas (BMCA) of which the groom and bride arc both members. The cake was decorated to look like Wayne's 1976Triumph TR6. After a seven^Jay cniise to the Western Caribbean, the couple plans to reside in Little Rock. Club Learns About Health Care The Davie County Golden Age Club welcomed BU1 Foster from Fos- ter-Rauch Drug Store as the guest speaker at the June meeting. Foster talked about some of his experiences on his trip to Tampa. Fla., where a group from Mocksville gave a presentation for the finals for the “AllAmerican City." Foster also talked about this country's health care problems - one being the fact 30 million people have no health care insurance. He also pointed out that Davie County does nothaveasufficientnumberoffamily doctors to serve the community. After his talk. Foster answered questions. The club congratulated Louise Stroud on her success as a w inner in the Silver Arts category of the recent Davie County Senior Games. The members expressed their enjoymenC of the Senior Center Week activiti6s * presented at ti)c center during the spe* “ cial time designated to honor senior'* centers. It was announced that the1 YMCA is presenting bingo gameV once a month for seniors. *‘ **; The next meeting w ill be July 7 af * Rich Park when the club w ill hav6 their annual picnic. Cordially Invite you to our The Residents and Stajjoj ^ a c 7 L s n/iLLaas ^x a n d (D^snLng ofDavie Village RetirementApartments Davie VillageAssistedLiving Sunday , June 27', 1993 2-4 pm 191 CrestviewDrive *704-634-1515 C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRI’RISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1993 Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Mrs. Dorothy Carter eniertaincd with a dinner at hcr homc last Tues* day night, June I st. The dinner was in memoryof the late Aunt Sallic Carter. Those attending wcre Thelma (Tip) Koontz, Frankie Everhart, Sue Lynch, Cleo Bertini, Lucille Potts, Belinda Potls, Nannic Lou Sparks, Juanlia Annas and Edith Zimmerman. Mrs. Margarc( Mize o f Cofumbus, Qa., spent from Friday through Mon­ day with her brother and sister-in- law, Albert and Nell Poole. Mrs. Mize came especially to attend hcr 50th class reunion from Mocksville High School, which was held at the Smith Grove Ruritan building. While here Mrs. Mize visited hcr sister, Mrs. Kflfherinc Hanes in Lexington on Fri­ day and Sunday afternoon. She was n visitor at ihe Methodist Church Sun­ day moming. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Poole and daughters, Lynet(e ond Natalie; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks: Mr, and Mrs. Albert Poole; and Mrs. Mize cnjoycd Sunday nighl supper at the Blue Bay in Rowan County. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Comatzcr and son Dennis of Detroit, Mlcb., visited his sister, Mrs. Rede Sheets, on Wednesday. They were accompa­ nied by another sister, Mrs. Sadie Gross of Pfaffiown. The Bradley Club To Visit ‘Holy Land’ By Doris Cope Chib Reporter Elbavillc Seniors met June I for their regular meeting, with 20 mem­ bers and two vistlors present. Kathleen Bailcy, president, called the meeting to order. Devotions were given by Mamle Hartman. Scripture was from Romans. She also read a story about a little boy titled "Pennies ln My Jar." Doris Cope, secretary, called the roll and read minutes of the last meet­ ing. The circle was saddcnedin the loss of a charter member, Mrs. Sallie Carter. Our sympathy goes out to the Carter family. A SI0 memorial was given to the paving fund in her memory. Members planned a trip to "Bedford, Va., June 12, to visit the "Holy Land.” "Happy Birthday" was sung to Athene Spry, Lula Mae Lanier, Kazic Smiley and Ray Purdy. Collection was S25.34. Expenses for gifts and cups were S8. The meeting closed with prayer. For lunch members had a hot dog, hamburgercookout. Comatzcrs also visited Mr. und Mrs. Paul Cornatzcr, Mrs. Miriam Cornatzcr, Mr. tind Mrs. Quincy Comatzcr, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cornatzcr. On Friday, Mrs. Sheets and Mrs. Helen Bogcr drove to Pfafftown to bc with Bradley, Mae, DcnnisondSndieandtotnkcthemout to dinner. Thc Rcv. and Mrs. Marion Fulk, formerly o f the Advance*Mocks charge, were given a retirement re­ ception at Gays Chapel in Wood1eaf on S un<Jay uficntoon. V)o:,efromthis community attending thc reception were Mr. and Mrs. Frank MarMand, Mr. and Mrs. Cokic Joncs, Mr. and Mrs. VirgilPot(s,Mr.andMrs.Albcrf Poole, Mrs. Margaret Mize, Mrs. Junnic Brooks, Mrs. Sarah Scaford and many from thc Mocks Church community. Miss Lucy Bamey was given a surprise retirement party Saturday night. June 4, at the Baptist Fellow­ ship Hall. The party was given by 10 ofMi$s Barney's nieces andncphews. She retired from Sara Lee after43-l/ 2 years. Forty-four family members and friends attended. A gold bracelet, nmong othcr gifts, was presented to Lucy during the party. Alexandria Madison Vogler, 8- wcck-old daughtcrofDick and Sharon Vogler, was Christened Sunday at thc Ho)y Family Catholic Church in C1cmmons. Godparents wcre Lisa Franck and herfiancc, Recce Hardncr. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Dick Vogler and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Franck. Great-grandmothers are Mrs. G.L. Owens, Mrs. Betty Santoli and Mrs. Mary Lethia Robertson. Alexandria has a brother, Dalton. Following the Christening, a reception was givcn at thc homc of Dick and Sharon Voglcr in Marchmont. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis "Jack" Carter spent the weekend in the North Caro­ lina mounlains at Linville. Mrs. Evelyn Holton was admitted to Medicai Park Hospital Monday for possible surgery. Get w dl wishes go out to hcr. VACA1lv:,- BIBLE SC>' E * A ^ E E ; ' 11 rftff.. Vacation Bible School Valentine Village Mayor Jeanne Gilbreath, David “CJ" Gilbreath, Gail "Qd Lady" Godwin and John "Angel" God­ win welcome young people to Vacation Bible School, scheduled lrom 6:30-9 p.m. June 13-17 at Eaton's Bap- tlst Church on Eaton’s Church Road.________________ Ron Booe To Lead Revival A gospel concert and revival will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 12. at SouthwestSchool auditorium in Clem­ mons, sponsored by thc VestMilJ Road Church ofChrist. Evangelistwil!be RonBooeof Davic County. Thc Liberated Gospel Singers and Bill Pratt and the Gospel Crusaders will perform. The event is free, although a love offering w ill be collected. Homemakers Seek Members Are you a “joiner”? If not, Davic County Extension Homemakers clubs want you. . Theclubmcmbcrshavevaricdin- tcrcsts and energies w ho benefit from the N.C.Coopcrative Extension Ser­ vice. lt’spurposc is to strengthen fami- liesthroughcducation.communityser- vicc and leadership development. Activities are unlimited. Groups are meeting during lhcday and at night. Learn more by calling the Exten­ sion Office at 634-6297. Read about us in thc Davie County Enterprise- Record. Meals For The Elderly Offered YVEDDl offers meals and pro­ grams. five days a week, for seniors, 60 and over, at the B.C. Brock Build­ ing, 634-2187, Ext. 78. A donation is suggested. June 10: Meatballs with brown gravy, mashcd potatoes, broccoli cuts, combread, pninesand oatmeal cookie. Program: Word contest with prizes. June 11: Sliced turkey breast, swect potatoes, green beans, grain roll, fresh apple and tomato juice. Program: Shopping with E.N.P. vans. June 14: Chceseburger.carrot and raisin salad, whole parsley potatoes, hamburgerbuns.coconut rounds.and orange juice. Program: Bingo. June 15: Bcef liver with onion gruvy, baby |imas and com. country style tomatoes,biscuit, raspbenyjello with fruit and cranberry juice. /’«»• gram: Show and tel). Junel6:Bakedchicken.blackeyed peas, cote sIaw, dinner roll, sliced peaches and tomatojujce. Program: Friendship Day. Four Corners News and Mrs. Mark White attended the CrosbyClamBakeinWinston-Salem Friday night. Steve Foster is slowly improving after surgery in Winston-Salem. We are wishing him a speedy recovery. ByM arieW hite Four Comers Correspondent ; The Dixon-Shelton Reunion wi)J be held June 13 at Bonkin Lake. All relatives and friends are /nvited to bring a well-filled basket and attend. Lunch w ill be at 1 p.m. "*""MrramhMrsrGradjrBeck-krve------We^ongratulate4ivasLouLzesU.. returned home after spending the dents, Joy Markland and WilUe week-end in Washington, D.C. Elmore, w ho recently graduated from ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and Mr. Davie High School. Reception Honors Volunteers ; TheOlderAmerieanActsprogram rcceptionJune7at 1 p.m.intheDavie (OAA) honored the Davie County County Senior Center's East Room, persons who volunteer in the trans­ portation, congregate nutrition and Each was givcn a certificate of home delivered meals projects with a award signed by Gov. Jim Hunt. DYNASTY Chinese Restaurant 1101 Yadkinville Rd. (Beside Food Fair) Mocksville, NC (704)634-3833 Different Lunch Specials Weekly B * Flnesl Mandarin, Szechuan, Hunan and Cantonese Cuisines g tEEEEEEE ^* Parly Facilities 3 * OrdersToGo 8 HOURS Sun-Thur 11 om-9:30pm Frl lla m -)0 :3 0 p m Sat 4pm -10;30pmS3 Spiritual Resources A Celebration Of Witnessing! The month of June sccms to bc full of times of celebration. School is out, and the children are happy; educational diplomas have bccn received by high school seniors and college graduates, and parties abound. It is also a traditional month for marriage, and thc celebration of that holy event. It is a time of gift buying and giving at our house, and sharing in ihescjoyous occasions. For thc children, we send them off to day camp, or "outside" so that theirtimcofcelcbrationof’noschooVcanbcendureduntillatesummer. For thc seniors and college graduates, wc send them out 'job looking.' For thc newlyweds, we give them some of our pocketbook, and our blessing, that all w ill be well. Yct there was a celebration less than 2,000 years ago, that sent those in thc midst of it, out into the w orld and thc w orld has never been thc same. It wasthc Spirit-filled festival dayofPcntecost when the church was bom. Before His Ascension, Christ had promised His disciples a baptismwiththeHolySpirii(Acis!:4-S).Thatpromisewasfulfiiledon Pentecost. Peter proclaimed the message that sent Jesus' follow ers out into all the world as witnesses. And thc message Petcr gave was this: "Repent and bc baptized evcry one of you in the name of Jcsus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For thc promise is to you and to yourchildren and to all that are far off, evcry one whom the Lord our God calls." (Acts 2:38*39) On that great day of celebration, a wondrous gift w as given to those in that prayerful gathering.Thatgift was the indwellingprescnce of the HolySpirit.Andwlialresults!Thcirwitnessmgtotheforgivenessofsin and theprumiseofetemaHifethroughJcsuschriM.wassoeffectivc that 3.000bccamc follow ers ofJesus on thatday.They became bold in their witnessing! And day aftcrday, there was seen among them, compassion By Shirley Cottle and caring, sharing and unity. Under the discipline and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the New Testament Church became a church of: Proclamation, serv ing, healing, teaching, fellowship, mission, and CELEBRATION. That same pow crthal established the church ofJcsusChrist, is still available to each of us today if wc desire His Presence. "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." The message remains the same • the requirements have not changed. But this gift is different than the tangible ones we give to that graduate or bride and groom, for this gift has consequences to be considered. Some of these arc: We w ill become bold witnesses to the savinggracc of Jesus Christ. We u ill becomeobedient to His leading, where ever that leading may take us. For some it w ill be teaching, for some healing, for some serving, for some sharing. We will be in harmony, unity, and peace among the fellowship of believers. And w e mayriske.xclusionorevenpcrsonal retaliationifthe Holy Spirii directs us to make difficult siands on the many controversial issues of our day. The decision is ours. The gift is one we can receive. May this be our day of Spiritual Celebration. Support These Local Businesses MOCKSVILLE SEAFORD JOHN N. McDANIEL BUILDERS SUPPLY "Together We Do It Better" South Maln Street 704-634-5915 LUMBER COMPANY Jerlcho Road Mocksvllle, N.C. 27026 704-634-5148 & SONS------- Attend The Church 01 Your Choice Hwy. 60t S., Mockivllle 704-634-3531 J. P. OREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksvllle, N.C. 704-634-2126 EATON FUNERAL HOME A Tradition of Caring.... >25 North Main Street Mocksville. SC 27028 704^34-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY Wllkeiboro Street Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-2141 JOHNNIE M. TILLEY PEST CONTROL SERVICE '8*rvkei For Ovw 31 Yeire' Localhf Ownod * Optfrttd • Retidentlel • Comm*rclal • lnduitriel • lnitltutlom '. 'Inspection Upon Request* Jjto cksvU to^J3 4jW 0 ^ CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-2167 FULLER WELDING & FABRICATORS P.O. Box 821 Hwy. 601 S. Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-3712 7 ( O T HARDWARE Of Bermuda Quay Bermuda Quiy 8hopplng C,nl,r HJghwty 151, *dvm c, N.C. 2700« 919-996-1967 WWillow Oik Shopping C,ntef ^ ^ ^ M o c jm W t^ ^ ^ ^ mjHUBEADDm m m Hillsdale Professional Park Highway 15B * 601, Advance _________99&>8816 Compliments of DAVIE COUNTY FARM BUREAU 977 Yadklnvllle Road M ocksville, N.C. 704-634-6207 SHEFFIELD LUMBER * PALLET CO. H oule 6 , Box 153 M ocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-492-5565 JEFFC0 CO., INC. M anufacturer 0 / Hair Se/on Equfpmenl • ln The Hillsdalo Community Route 1 Advance, N.C. 27006 919-998-8193 (LEMMONSBODY SHOP Complete Palnt & Bodywork Foreign & Domestic DON JOMS, Owner & Operator 5974 B#ckntr St., Wlnston-Sa!em919-766-8002 -Attend The Church Of Your Choice- I)AV!E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TlmrsUuy, Junc 10,1993 - C7 Choose Healthy Diet For Family "Bill" Langston William **Bill" Wingate Langston, 82, o f542 Hartncss Road, Staicsvillc. died Sunday, Junc 6, 1993, at Brian Center Nursing Care of Salisbury af- lcrabricf illness. ' The funeral was Tuesday, Junc 8, atFairvicwBaptistChurch,conductcd by the Rev.s Scott Eancs and Wendell Davis. Burial was in Rowan Memo* rial ParkwithMasonicgnivesiderites. Memorials may be made to Fairvlcw Baptist Church, Route 18, Box 44l,Statesville, NC 28677, or to Berry College, in care of5018 Mounl Berry Station, Mount Berry, Ga. 30149. • Born Jan. 22, 1911, in Davie County, Langston was a son of the late Walter Allen and Suzanna Click Langston. A member of Fairview Baptist Church, he was a retired su­ pervisor with John BoyIe & Co. Inc. A past Chapter Dad for the StatcsvilteChaptcrOrdcrofDeMolay, he held the DcMolay Legion of Honor and Cross ofHonor. A DcMolay chap­ ter was named in his honor. . A member of the Oasis Temple, he was a Shriner and member of Statesville Masonic Lodge 27, where he was a past master. - He attended the Davie County schools and Berry School in Mount Berry. Ga. ; His first wife, TheIma Barnes Langston, died Jan. 5, 1974, and his second wife, Polly Wood Cline Langston, died June 7, 1992. Survivors include: a son, Walter Allen Langston. Philadelphia, Pa.; a Daughter, Kay Frances Langston, Kingsville, Texas; two stepsons. Marvin Bobby “Bob" and Billy Ray Cline, both of Statesville; three step* daughters, Bonnie C. Sherrill of Statesville, Geraldine C. Myers of Cleveland, and Ann C. Emmrich of Charlotte; ; Abrother,OallasLangstonofLcx- ington; four sisters. Kate Foster and Ruby Howard, both of Mocksville, Madge Brandon of Salisbury, and HettieHeaiherlyofBeverlyHills.Fla.; two grandchildren; 10 $tepgrandchildren; and 10 stepgreav grandchildren. Zora Jean R. Bowers • Mrs. Zora Jean Russell Bowers, 74,of Peoples Creek Rd., Advance, died Thursday, June 3, 1993, at her home. ; She was bom July 12, 1918, in Macon County, to Charles Wesley and Lucinda Wilson Russell. Mrs. _ Pwrrrrsaaoamambci ufGalimKT^ " 1 "Witty" Fowlor E<lgarKugene "Witty" Fowler, 79, of Neely St., Coolccmce, died Wednesday, June 2, 1993, at Davie County Hospital, Mocksvilleafteran illness ofonc day. Graveside services were Sunday, June 6, at Oakdale Cemetery in Salisbury with the Rev. J.L. Stowe officiating. Born Oct. 12, 1913, in Davie County, hc was a son of the late Willie Arthur and Alice Critc Fowler. Edu- cated in the Davie County public schools, hc was a retired employee of Duke Power Company. He was a member o f New Bethel Baptist Church. Survivors include; a daughter, Dorothy Harris of Badin; a brother, Samuel 0. Fowler of Cooleemce; six sisters,MaryFowlcr,VirginiaAgnew and Hazel Morrison, all of Salisbury, Virginia Williams and Lucille Jones, both of Oakland, Catif., and Nancy Robinson of High Point; two grand­ children; and a companion, Catherine Caner. Belva Foster Belva Rudacil Foster, 101.of365 Bud Foster Road, Cleveland, died Friday. June 4, 1993, in Iredell Me­ morial Hospital in Statesville. The funeral was conducted Mon­ day, June 7, in the Westmoreland Chapel of Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home in Statesville by the Rcv.Shir!ey T. Jones. Burial was in the Providence Presbyterian Churchcemetery. Memorials may be made to Provi­ dence Presbyterian Church Cemetery Fund,Route l.Clevetand27013. Bom April 9, 1892, in Rowan County, she was the daughter of the lateStanfordandJaneTumerRudacil. She was a homemaker and a retired registered nurse. She graduated from Dix Hill Nursing School in 1916 at Raleigh. She was the widow of J.A. "Bud" Foster Sr. who died Dec. 29,1975. A daughter, Josephine Jones, preceded her in death in 1977. She was also preceded in death by three brothers and five sisters. She attended Provi­ dence Presbyierian Church in Cleve- Survivorsinclude:fivesons.James A. Foster Jr. of Mocksville, Hoyle Foster and R. Paul Foster, boih of Salisbury,and Samuel E. "Pap" Fos- terand Keith Foster, both of the home; adaughter,MissJameFostcrofClcvc- land; eight grandchildren. 10 great­ grandchildren; and two stepgrandchildren. Bertie N. White Mrs. Bertie Nnnce White, 60. of Coral Springs. Fla., and formerly of Courtncy Community, died Sunday, June 6,1993, at Cedars University of Miami Hospital in Miami, Fla., after being in declining health. Funeral services were to be held Wednesday,June9,at 2 p.m. at Kraeer Funeral Home in Pompano Beach, Fla. She was bom June 23, 1932, in Surry County, a daughter of Virginia Draughn Nance o f Route 3, Yadkinville,and the late Arvil Nance. She was a homemaker and was of the Baptist faith. Survivorsinadditiontohermoiher, include: her husband, Thomas White of the home; one son, Gary White of Coral Springs, Fla.; one grandson, Steven White of Coral Springs. Fla.; two sisters, Veronia Draughn of Con­ cord and Brcnda Adams of Yadkinville; and three sons, Albert Nance of Yadkinville, Gilbert Nance of Jonesville and Delbert Nance of Lebanon,Tenn. Myra C. Seats Mrs. Myra C. Scats, 55, of Vir­ ginia Beach, Va.. died Sunday. May 30,1993, at Virginia Beach General Hospital. She was bom March 14.1938, in Forsyth County to Hubert W. and Anna York Campbell. Mrs. Seats was managerofNations Bank for 17 years. She was a memberofSt. Michael’s Lutheran Church. Surviving are: her husband. Mr. Richard J. Seats of the home; one daughter, Kathy Seats of Virginia Beach; one son, Jeffrey Seats of Ad­ vance; three stepsons, Richard S. Scats of Advance, John A. Seats of Chester,Va. and Robert G. Seats of Corona.Calif.; six grandchildren; and one sister,SaraC. SinglevichofChar* loite. Funeral services were Thursday, Junc 3, at Ha>wonh-Milcr SilasCreek Chapel. Burial followed in the Gar* dens ofMemory, Walkertown. Memorials may bc made to St. Michael's Lutheran Church Building Fund, Virginia Beach. Va. Ramey F. Kemp Dr. Ramev F. Kemp Sr.. 73. of Halandcr Drise. a former member of the N.C. Hou>e of Representatives, died Tuesday, June H. 19<)3. at his Funeral services will be Thursdav jt 11 The USDA's Food Guide Pyramid is a general guidc that lets you choosc a healthful dict for your family. ‘Thisguidccanbcuscd.withslight modification, for preschoolers, be­ cause children age o f2 to 6 nccd the samc variety of foods as oldcr family members,'* said Dr. Carolyn Dunn, extension maternal and youth nutri­ tion specialist at N.C. State Univer­ sity. “Preschoolers necd nutrient-rich foods, hut sincc they arc smaller, they generally nccd fcwcr calorics," Dunn said. “With thc exception of servings from thc milk group, servings sizes arc smaller,” Thcrc is no changc in thc milk, yogurt and cheese group, because a growing child nccds as much calcium as an adult. A child agc 2 to 6 nccds two servings from this group daily. Each of these is onc serving: I cup of m ilk,8 oz..yogun.l lZ2oi. natural chccsc or 2 oz. processed chccse. Chocolatc-navorcddrinksdon'tcount. i\ 2- to 6-ycar-old necds two serv­ ings cach day from thc meat, poultry, fish and cggs group. A serving is two- thirds of an ouncc of lcan beef, pork, lamb,poultryorfish; l/3cupofcookcd dried hcans; I 1/3 tablespoon o f pea­ nut butter, 3 tablespoons of seeds; or4 tablespoons of nuts. Thc preschooler nccds two serv­ ings of fruit cach day. Each of thc following is a single serving; o small piccc of fru U; 2/3 of a mclon wcdgc; 1/ 2cupoffruitjuicc; l/3cupofbcrrics, sliccd fruit or cooked fruit; or 3 table- spoons of dried fruit. Count only 100 percent fruit juice as fruit. Punches, ades, and most fruit "drinks" contain only a littlc juicc and lots of added sugars. Grapc and orange sodas don't couniasfruitjuice. Prcschoolcrs also nccd 3 servings ofvcgctablcscachday. A serving is 1/ 3 cup o f cooked or raw vegetables or 2/3 cup of raw, tcafy grccns. Six servings of grains, breads and cereals arc required cach day. Half should bc wholc-grain products. J t if * M l Gleatio-nl *M)lar&3-DHclium Ualloons < • Silk & Live Arrangements For AU Occasions • Gift licm$. Candy, Eic. • Wc Deliver To Local Hospitals, Businesses. Residences & Schools WtddittR Equipment Fo' Htnt Hwy 158 • 1/2 mile west ofllillsdale (919) 998-9808 J_U {ist Church. She was a retired school teacher having taught in the Winston- SalemCity Schools,DavidsonCounty Schools, and Woodland Christian School. 1 Surviving are; her husband, Paul 6 axter Bowers Sr. of the home; three sons, John Allen Bowers Sr. and WH- iiam Russell "BiH" .Bowc*^bcah^f ""Winston-SaIem.and Paul BaxterBow- crs Jr. ofWilmington; two daughters, jeanette B. Bruce of Advance and Dianna Lynn BowersofWinston-Sa- km ; eight grandchildren; six great­ grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Mary Russell Jones of Bryson City; and several nieces and nephews. • TuncralserviceswcreSunday.June 6, at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel by the Revs. Floyd Boles and Fred Wood. Burial followed in Parklawn Memorial Gardens, \ MemorialsmaybcmadetoHos- pice of Davic County, P.O. Box 665, Mocksville. NC 27028. Dewey C. Sims • Mr. Dcwey Calvin Sims, 6 8, of 110 Pegg Avenue, Kcmersvillc, died Sunday, June 6,1993, at his home. ; Mr. Sims was born in Patrick County. Va., to Pinkney and Mamie Flynt Sims and was retired as a truck Uriver for Roadway Express. ‘. Mr. Simswas a SVoild War 11 Army Veteran and a member of Teamster Local 391. • Survivingare;hiswifc,JuneLaney Sims of the home; one daughter, Theresa Elaine Sims of NVinston-Sa- lenv, one son, Jeffrey Dewey Sims of the home; one granddaughter; and lhrcc sisters, Mrs. Paul Whitaker of Durham, Mrs. Paul Nelson of Kemersville, and Mrs. C.W. Akersof Mocksville. Funeral scrviccs werc conducted Tuesday, Junc 8, at thc Hayworth- Miller-Cain Funeral HomcChapelhy the Rev. Craig Peak. C. Garr Price Mr. C. Garr Price, 83, of Edcn, died Monday, May 31,1993. Funeral scrviccs were conducted Wednesday. Junc 2, at Leaksville United Methodist Church. Burial fol­ lowed in the Lawson Cemetery. Survivors include: fourdaughtcrs, Mrs._ChMt** {CaroU-H^ Quimwrf- Bermuda Run, Mrs. James Workman, Mrs. Ron Rippy. and Mrs. Kirk Hopkins, all of Greensboto. Pearl F. Barbee Pearl FrcemanBarbce, 95, of 1375 Campbell Road, Woodleaf, died Thursday. June 3, 1993, at Rowan Memorial Hospital. She had been se­ riously ill for three weeks. The funeral was Saturday, June 5, at Summersett Funeral Home Memo­ rial Chapel with the Rev. Jack Luther, former pastor of Gay's Chapel United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial was in the church ccmetery. Memorials may be made to Gay's Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetety Fund,5545WoodkafRoad, Salisbury,NC 28144. BomMarch 19,1898,inCabarrm County, she was a daughterof the late Robcrtand Betty Heron Freeman. She was educated in the Cabarrus County schools. She was a member of Gay's Chapel United Methodist Church, the RowanCounlyHomeDemonstf,iiion Club u,nd s<vutiT chvtcn's clubs tn Cooleemee and Salisbury. She was preceded in death by: her husband, W.R. Batbce, whom she marriedJunc2l, |9l9,in l963;ason, Lee Barbce; and a daughter, Pearl Fayc Batbee. Survivors include; six sons. Brady. Marlin, Don, Fr;ink, Ed and Fred Baibee, aU of Wootttcaf; two daugh­ ters, Irene Millcrand Catherine Gray, both of Woodleaf; a brother, Joe S. Freeman of Concord; 32 grandchil­ dren; 5l great-grandchildren; and three great-grcat-grandchildren. LCiut t'nitod Muludisr Chufdi in Mocksville, Burial will follow m Rose Cemetery with Masonic Graveside RiiCi conducted by the Mocksville Masonic Lodge. The family u ill receive friends from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, at Eaton Funeral Hoiiv. A World War II Army veteran. Dr. Kemp graduated from High Point -High^5ehool^md"Logtfn vonege^>r Chiropractic in St. Louis. He began practice in Mocksville in l9 5l. and was semi-retired. He uus a Mason, a Shriner. and a Rotarian. Survivorsare his wife. Emily Betts Kemp of the home; two sons. Ramey F. Kemp Jr.. of Raleigh and Gregg D. Kemp ofChapcl Hill; one sister. Wilma Felt o f Tetnpe, Ariz.; one brother, Ed Kemp o f High Point; and four grandchildrcn. Pauline S. Gregory Mrs. Pauline Smith Gregory, 92, o f 2508 Campbell Street. Greensboro. diedTuesday, June R. I‘>93. at Moses H. Cotv Memorial Hospital. A graveside service was to be at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 10, at Forest U<nn CcMitiery, Greemlx>ro. A Davie County native, she was a member of Hopeview Presbyterian Church and was retired from Cone Mills. She is survived by her daughter, M rs. Ruth Gregory W all o f Greensboro; a brother, Jack Smith of Greensboro; two grandchildren, nnd two great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Hospice at Greensboro. 2500 Sum­ mit! Ave., Greensboro, N.C. 27405. Ben Franklin PRICE BUSTERS CowLawnOrnamenl. 25'-j long titack and white cow. Add a b>t oi country charm to your I '7.88 ea. Adutt T-ShIrts. 50*t polyester;50*e cotlon crewneck tees in white and assorted batic and faslon colors. Choose from sizes small, medium, latge and e*tia large. SiighUyirreguiar.i.97 ea. Limit r M . # Sequin Appliques 25% Off ■ i ^- v is J & T Sunflower B uih, 7-bloom, yeltow sunflower bush makes a terrific Spring *3.97 ea. Super Sever® Crochet Cotton.l Mercerized cotton thread available in whito or ecm colors. 64 I M.88 ball HEWS. 12*z. Polyflto. J 00** pdyesi9AJocL quality craft Mler. 8 '1.19 12no. Beg Poly-Sllk Bushes Our Entire Selection o1 $1.99. Assorted Colors Mlnl Arringem ints. Choice ot 1oliage, violets, orlmpabens. ■v»\s1.97 Magnetic Photo Album 100-pg. reg. $3.99, limit4 3.47 Crstt Stick*. 1000 ct. 4-in. long wooden craft sticks. A great price for; this slze boxl *1.88 box 704-634-5488 White Poster Board. 22x28-ln, size. Great for many pro|octs. 54 ea.| 5 for $1 Open Mon-Sat 9 lo 9 Sunday 1 to 6 Ben Franklin Willow Oaks Center - Mocksville, NC C8 - DAV!E COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursiluy, June 10,1993 L o c a l M a n L a n d s S p o t O n D a y tim e T V D ra m a lty l.uura Wllllums-Tnivy Davie County Enierpflse-Rocord Turn 011 "A> ihc World Tunis" iiuy aflcrmxti and thc gotxl look> ot' i*)wraclcr Line Lifferiy mighl he l"amiliar to you. Line — uHus Lonnie MeCullougli — is a 1980 graduate of l)avie tliyh Selnx>l and has finally hit the hig screen. McCullough signed a six month contract with CBS rivcnlly. and depending on how well the public responds to his character, he may havc found a home on da>iime television. ' Alter filming for 3'-t weeks for the drama. McCullough said he doesn't \et have pcoplc rushing iq> the streets of New York Ciiy for his autograph. : »i don’t anticipate that happening uny time su>n.** he said. • McCullough. 3l.startedon televi­ sion several years ago as a nesss reporter for stations in Charlotte and Spartanburg. S.C. But his dream »a* to be on TV or in the inwies. His acting experience was limited lo a non-speaking role in a play about Romeo and Juliet in college when McCullough left for New York City Seminar Planned Dr. Larry Hungcrford, reccni)y re­ tired college professor and regular guest on Glen Scott's moming radio show in Winston-Salem, wants people to make tireir hard-earned savings dollars work as hard for them as they work to eam those dollars. Hisfree scminarshelpparticipants select from over 3.000 mutual funds by recommending top no-load (no sa!es fee) mutual funds that can be purchased directly from the fund fam- >ly by calling 800#s. By doing i( them­ selves investors can cut their invest­ ment costs. They pay no commissions or redemption fees and usually lower expense ratios. More than 2,500 people have at­ tended Hungerford's popular free workshops about no-load (no com­ missions) mutual funds at Forsyth County libraries during the 1990s. Hungcrford has been invited to Davie County toconduct a seminar for do-it- yourself investors. He will be at the Davie County library at 7 p.m. Tuesday,June 15, for "basic investing in No-load Mutual Funds," a free seminar for beginning investors. fThere is a S5 charge if participanti would like to keep the seminar materials.) VoglerJoins Firm more than three years ago. He Martcd work as a waiter w hile he gained acting expcrienve in ()IT* ()lT-Broadw-ay plays uul television commercials. His bigge>t success c;une recently when lte K\< otH ni<irv tltm3(X)i>tfivr potential soap stars to phiy the role of Line Lifl'crty. “ I guess it was my gunl day.** he said. Although the soap*s writers have not let him know too much about his character's liiltire. McCullough said it is fun playing a manipulating had guy. llistharaclcr. l.inc.hasreccntly returned to the lklioml town of Oakdale aiul is starting to stir things up. lie said. The lights, tiwlviip, w;mlr<itv <imi lavish attention have kvn *'a little surreal." he said. The work is fun and not loodilficult. It usually takes about an ht*ir lo memori/e lines for the next day"s episinle. And he has found that a vareer as a soap star cin lx* (|uite lucrative — much more so than life as a waiter. “ I lived in some pretty had apart­ ments." he siid with a cl*icklcof!ife before succe>s. And it’s lven easy getling used to ruhhirig eHxnvs with the likes oJ ac* tress lsilecne Fulion. wU> has played l.isa Mitchell on the shinv for more than 30 years. All of the east and writers have been vcrv hclplul. he said, and mme have shovsn htg egos.___________ McCullough said lic ltipes his ex- ptisure on "As the Wt*M Turns" will lead to more theater work or Until he is a househoW name. Iic said. Iie*ll enjoy not having to wear a disguise. Anyong wanting to write the net­ work ;md encourage it to keep McCullough’s character on the air can write to: As The World Turns. 524 W. 57ihSlrcel, New York. NY. I(X)1V.Lonnlc McCullough Ronald H. Vogler has joined PaineWcbber Incorporated as the resi­ dent managerof PaineWcbbert Win* ston-SaIem office. Vogler joined PaineWebber in Febniary 1993 as an investment ex­ ecutive. Prior to that, he was em­ ployed by Merrill Lynch in Winston* Salemfrom 1986to 1993.From 1980 to 1986, Vogler was manager of fi­ nancial planning and capital invest­ ments for Ciba-Geigy in Greensboro. Voglerreceived his undergraduate degrccinbusincss/financefromWest- cmCarolinaUniversity,andhisMBA from Wake Forest University's Babcock School. Vogler is a member ofUieboardofdirectorsofMocksville Savings Bank in MocksviHe. HU My name U JoAnnah Brooke Pierce. I turned 1 year old on May 7lh,lhadepartyand cookou(at my house on Thursday, May 6th. All my friends and their parents were there. I had a Minnie Mouse cake for my friends and achocoUte cake ail ter *e, but 1 waa scartd of it. My pamUs are Chris and Jodi Pkrce. We ttve to TurkeyfooL My mernaw and papaw are Lk>yd and JoAnn Renegar. My Uncle L.G. and Aunt Nisey was there too. My friends took turns riding my pony Lady. I want to thank everyone for my pre­ sents end for coming to my party, W e ’v e (Jot S o m e th in g to C1 r o w A b o u t! Get That Hom etown Feeling and Great Savings Everyday! SAVE 60c 0N TYS0N-H0LLY FARMS CHICKEN LB. JUST SUCH A HOMETOWN FEEUNGI SAVE 70c ON MARKET FRESH (AT LEAST m LEAN) i GROUND BEEF LB. JUST. SAVE 40c 0N DONALD DUCK 100% PURE ORANGE JUICE HALF GAL. CTN. SAVE 60e ON RED SEEDLESS OR M IT E SEEDLESS CALIFORNIA G RAPES LB. JUST.............. SAVE 30c ON DELICIOUS GENUINE VTOAUA ONIONS LB. JUST.. SAVE 31c ON CLOROX REGULAR LIQUID BLEACH GAL._JUG JUST. SAVE 21c ON REG. OR DIET v w ^ l z x 2 LTR. BOTTLE SAVE 40c ON DAISY J & & FL0 UR5 5-LB. BAG SAVE 20c ON DELICIOUS SAVE 80c ON ALL FLAVORS DOUBLE Q PINK FLAVORICH SALMON $l 49 ICE CREAM $ 1 7 9 14.75 OZ. CAN Z, GAL. CTN Willow Oaks Shopping Center, Mocksville ul \Slin l(H.H I > 1(1 M K\LiL M'V^<i _ ^_ _ _ ^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursduy, Junc 10,1993 - D]. Davie S c h o o ls _________ Students Sign Pledge For A Safe Celebration No Alcohol Or Drugs Program Goal DAVIE HIGH ! • Chrisiic Price has hccn named most taluable library assistant for 1992*93. Shc has worked in Davic High library fqr- (wo years and plans (o continue edudation at Davidson County Com* nAm1ty College. : *. ; : SOUTH DAVIE Awards Day was held in lhc gym , • Thccouniywidcpicnic luncheon for alj staff members held at South Davic onJunc7.Administrators prcparedand served this meal. ; Thefacullyandsiaffpicnicwashe!d at;Nichotas Park on June 8. * Junc 11 is the final day for school faculty and staff I RcponcarUsmaybcpickedupatlhc <bool between 8 a.m. and noon and 1 • ! p.m beginning Junc All school dcbts nust be settled before repon cards will .ianded out. W LLtAM R. DAVIE 'Mimi Cunningham and Tcrcsa Bailcy helped their Chapter I classes celebrate a great year of reading. Their students in grades I -3 had an ice cream pahy in celebration of reaching their goal in reading at home. The 5th grade HOT class members who reached lhcir reading goal went to Rich Park June 2 for a pizza party. Thc 6th grade HOTS class went to n volunteer’s house (Kathleen Sh.in:mc!) for u swimming party and a eookK>ut after school. MOCKSVILI.E MIDDLE When one teacher has an exciting idea shc shares it with otbcrs. Earle Barker did jusi lhat wiih thc Acceler­ ated Reading Program.Thc fourthgradc teachers wcrc allowed to usc Barker's lab, utilizing founh grade students this year. Thc success of thc program was a result of hard work on thc pan of both students and teachers. Students read a varictyofbooksworthacertainnumber of points according to their difficulty level. They then tested on thosc books using an Apple computer. Incentives were provided all year to keep the stu­ dents reading. Each nu>nth, KimSmilh. assistant, created a colorful bulletin boardwhercstudentsaddedadispIayos they tested and passed each book, each siudcnireachcdatnilcstoncof|Opoinis. they attended weekly breakfast. Then as points accumulated to 50, thc stu­ dents were given a popcom and video party. When studcn reached lOOpoints they were recognized at an assembly n nwardcdccrtificntcs.eoupcms.andspe- cialpencilsbyBillCampbell,principal. ■ The majority of fourlh graders attain higher than 50 points. Some attained ovcr200pointsandonestudcntrcachcd over 400 points. A final u>t of 3,769 books were re;ul and tested in fourth grade this year by Margaret Jo Brock, Lynn Moore, Duane Hartsell, and Carolyn Tucker. Plans arc being final­ ized to conlinuc die program next year. Nightoflhc Arts was May 13.Thosc students who completed the Books and Bcyond Read Incentive Program were awarded gold medals classes wcrc also recognized as having 100% participa­ tion completion in the program. Thosc classes recognized wcrc Carolyn Tuckcr's. Lynn Moorc's, and Duane HansclVs. Citizens of thc Month of May werc: Marcus Williams. Stcph Branncr, Me- lissaBrady,ChrisScafonLTonyTardell, Emily Harp, Molly Koontz, David Lec Johnson, Erin Grven, Brcnt Rose, Ry Bamcs, and Commcka Arnold. SHADYGROVE Thc third grade students went on a Please Turn To Vugc 1)3 I Iigh school graduation - it's a time to celcbralc thc ending of one part of your life - and the beginning of an- And for many s(udents, it’s a time to party. But several Davic High School studentsmadeacommitmcntthisyear not to drink or use drugs as they cel­ ebrate graduation. The following DHSstudcms signed that commitment, in a program spon- soredby Students Against Drunk Driv­ ing and a local business. Stephanie Thomas, Charles Miller Jr., Patty Bolin, PaulaCorrc!l,Christic Price, Amanda Allen, Evon Fowler, Sonya Denise Allen, Susan Carpen­ ter, Jamic Norman, April Daywalt, Donna Jones, Melissa Rennlx, Traci Blalock, Anna Sharpc, Angie Williams, J. Michael Brannan, Roderick Berry, Michele Moon, Renee Seals, Thomas A. Johnson, Chad M. Helton, Donnie W. Tilley, Sandra D. Gafliher, Robert Scott, Rebekah Allen, Christie Cook, WendyWalls,Tammy Shores, Marcus King, Betty Myers, Jennifer Maxwell, Chrissy Plott, Rebecca N. Cope, Suzy Robertson, Durce Howell, Michelle McHan, Kristie Sengcr, Anna Robertson, Annessa R. Atkins, Brandon Scott, Wendy Seamon, Traci Shinaull, Lori H. Allen, Regan L. Payne, Jenay L. Keaton, Amanda Bostic, Amy J. Hatley, Meghan B.R. Sipprell, GregoryC,Allen,AaronS.Fcnder, Rhonda Patillo, Elizabeth J. Graves, Thomas W. Baker, Allison Miilcr, Jason S. Green, Kristcn Long, Amy Myers, Christian Froe!ich Jr., Angela D. Ptice, Tina Linville,Tracy Foster,' Krysla Y. Scott, Kcith Koontz, Jonathan L. Hottell, Eric J. Reeder, Angelia Feaster, Donald Grubbs, TrocyLyons, Patricia Riley, Cheryl Yvonne Cobum, Jeannie Robertson, Kristi L. Walker, Brad Van Hoy,Crys- * tal Davis, Sherri Lynn Blackwell, Sandy Beauchamp, Heather McDowell, Kathy M. Walker, Dana Potts,Adrienne Musscn, Billy Barnes, Tamara Rhynehardt, Melissa Stroud. Danny Allen, Joshua Hemdon. D H S C la s s O f 1 9 9 3 H a d A 'S p e c ia l' C o m m e n c e m e n t From the special recognition for the late Scott Angus tothesingingof"Friends"bygraduatesChadHellonand Emilee Hooven, the commencement ceremonies for the Davie High School Class of I993 was special. Lead by top seniors BradVan Hoy, HcathcrMcDowcll and Melissa Rennix, the graduates received their diplo* mas last Thursday night before a large crowd in the football stadium. "It was one of thc nicest, best graduations I remember going to," David Owens told fellow members of the DavieCountyBoardofEducation."Ourcongratulations and appreciation to those who planned it. It was very Dr. Bill Steed, superintendent, helped hand out diplo­ mas with Principal Robert Landry. "I don’t know of any graduation in thc state that is any more student oriented than ours," Steed said. "I think it went very well." LJiUF. S 2 T ® Shawn Barney, Tony Barr, Sara Jo Bartlett, Sandy Beauchamp, Jeffrey Beck and Thomas Becker get ready lo take their seats lor graduation ^ a 2 2 K S $ M $ ig g s a B B B roa & a S 8 **C5HE w S m S e9i 'p n * r Principal Robert Undry talks lo graduating senior Jahir Lemm prior to oeremony. Parenls ^ olher reia,ives line up with cameras and the graduates enter football stadlu^ :l «2 2 t ^ Tfce Davie High School Class ol 1998 was ^warded diplomas during commencement ^xercises last Thursday night at the tootbalifstadium. — PhoUeby Mlke Bernhardt ■ D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTF,KPKlSERKCORI>,Tliuniduy.Junc 10,1993 S tu d e n t S c h o la rs lloh!Humphrey l)y.win P cc b lvs Carler Two Earn Academlc Axmrds From WCU Two students from Mocksville recently rcccivcd academic awards from the School of Arts and Scicnccs at Wcstcrn CaroUna Univcreity. Tracy D. Bchl rcccivcd thc Joseph Cmm Scholar­ ship in Mathematics. Tte daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Bohl of Route 3, Mocksvillc. she is a junior majoring in mathcmaiics, where she is a dcan*s list student and a member of Alpha Lambda Delta honorsociety. Shcisa 1990 graduate ofDavie High. Christa M. Humphrey, formeriy of Mocksvillc. rcccivcd thc Communication Coalition Scholarship. A junior majoring in radio and television, she is president of Alpha Epsilon Rho national broadcasting society and a member of Pi Gamma Mu honor society. She is a graduate of Davic High and lives in Tuckascgcc. Joanna Carol Dyson Receives Scholarship From L<tnolr-Rhyne Joanna Carol Dyson, ajunior at Lcnoir-Rhync College, has been awarded a Foreign Study Scholarship to study in Spain thLs fall. A 1991 graduate of Davic High School, she is thc daughter of Eugene and Janc Dyson of Route4, Mocksvillc and thc granddaughter of Adic Lycrcly of Woodlcaf. At Unoir-Rhync, she is mcmter of Epsilon Alpha chapter of Sigma Kappa sorority (recording secretary), received an award for Good of thc Order for work in thc sorority, has bccn involved with Phi Beta Lambda, a business fraternity, and was mcmbcr of thc year. While studying in Spain, she will live with a local family while tak­ ing classes at thc University ofScvillc, lcamingabout Spanish culture and language. Tlldcn Carter Recelvts Citizenship Award At North l>avle Tildcn Carter received the 9th grade outstanding male citizenship award on Monday. May 31. at North Davic Junior High School's awards ccrcmony. Hc is the son of Dcnnis and Debbie Carter of M ill­ ing Road. Mocksvillc. He is thc grandson ofMajor and Edith Lapish of Mocksvillc. Bonnie Thomas of Winston-Salem and Lewis Carter of Advance. Jessica Peebles Is Recognized For Academfc Achlevmient Jessica Peebles, a West Rowan Middle School student, has been rccognizcd for acadcmic achievement as a U.S. National Honor Roll award winner. She is the daughter of Jimmy and Ethel Peebles and will appear in thc acadcmy*s yearkwk. Ryan Ewing Selected For Duke Talent Identification Program Ryan Ewing, a North Davie High School student and son of Delores and Paul Ewing of Advance, has been selected for Duke University's Talent Identification Program for 7th graders. The program honors students who have scored as well or better than the average college-bound high school senior on the SAT or ACT test. Eight From Davle Eam Academic Honors At UNC*Cliarl<>tlv Eight Davie students camed academic honors for thc spring semester at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Maintaining a 3.8 grad; point average and named to the chancellor’s list were: Christie Hope Gentry, a business manajsment majorofRoutc 8, Mocksvillc; and Russell Edwanl Tucker, a history major from Route 4. Mocksville. Maintaining mininwm 3.4 averages and nanvd to the dean’s list w ere: Melissa Lynn Fogg of Route 7. Mocksville; Brcmon Dane Hilton Jr. of Route 4. Mocksvilk; Brennan Nklissa James of Route 7. Mocksvillc; Thomas Rumple of Mocksvillc; Alexandra Slogick of 341 Magnolia Drive. Mocksville; and John Wcslcy Ellis of Route 1. Advance. Alan C. Pfau Elected Tn Western Carnllmt*s .Mnrtar Hoard Alan C. Pfau of Bcrnwda Run was c!cctcd to the Western Carolina University chapter of Mortar Board national honor society for seniors. Thc purpose is to recognizc superior scholarship, leadership and ser­ vice. Pfau is a sport management major. A dean's list student, he is a member of Phi Kappi Phi and Alpha Lambda national horvr societies. He has tecn treasurer and president of the sport management club. A 1990 graduate of Davie High School, he is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Pfau of Advance. CLEMMONS (Colle<liblesl) FLEA MARKET Beside M0 In Clemmons Westwood Village Shopping Center Friday 2-9; Sat. & Sun. 8*5 766-3099 ‘Your Ciose-To-Home REAL Flea Market 1 19 Frnm !kivic Named To Appubchian State Dean's Ust Maintaining minimum 3.25 grade point averages and named to the spring semcMcr dean's list nt Appatochian State University were: Traefa Nk:ole Arnold, a .<wph<mt<xc communications major of Ad­ vance; Cynthia L. Baity. a junior communications major ofMocksvillc; Scott K. Beauchamp, u senior hopsitality management major of Mocksvillc; Tcd P. Budd. a senior managcnwnt major of Advance; David B. Campbell, a junior communications major of Mocksvillc; UniRi Susan Carler, a senior elementary education major ofMocksville; Rodncy W. Cassidy, a senior elementary cducati<m major of M<x:ksvillc; Dawn Leah Elphinst<>ne, a junior ra*reation management major of Advance; Amy Dawn Harbour, a s<5>h0m0rc elementary education major of Mocksvillc; Joy L. Howard,ajunior banking ma­ jor of Advance; Donald Eric Kcatcxi, a senior accounting major of Mocksvillc; Kristy L. Kowalskc, ujunior t11iddlc grades education ma­ jor of Mocksvillc; Christina E. Nail, a senior clcmcntaty education major ofMocksvil1e; Elizabeth Louise Regan, a sophonxirc of Bemwda Run; Jennifer Maric Seats, a s(^homorc ciiuputer scicnccs major of Advance; Tammy Lynn Trivcttc.ajunior informations syMcms majorofHarmony; Kerri Laroc Ward, a sophomore of Mocksvillc; Charles D. Wright, a senior psychology major of Advancc; and Shawn David Young, a sophomore music education major of Mocksvillc. Amy Ijumts Receives Award, Academic Honor At Peacc College Amy Maria ljamcs of Mocksvillc has bccn named to thc dean's list with distinction for the >j>ring semcMcr at Peace College. She also was given the Frances Newton Stccl Award in Bihlc during award ceremonies. A rising sophomore, shc earned the award through religious studies as a freshman. Three Earn Dean's I.(st Honors From Catawba College Maintaining a 3.5 gradc average to bc namcd to thc spring semester dean’s list at Catawba CoUcge were: Christa Truitt and Robin Meadows of Advance, and AngcU Lambcrth of Mocksvillc. Jana l)areite Yokcley Named To 1>ean*s List At Harlon College Jana Darcccc Yokeley of Mocksvillc was named to the spring semester dean’s list at Barton College, Wils<vt, by maintaining a minimum 3.3 grade point average. Sanford R. Jones Honored For Academic* At Atum 1u1ce College Sanford R. Jones ofRoutc4. Advance has k*en namedto thc dean's list for tk* spring quarter at Alamance Community Colk*gc. He is a biomedical engineering technology major. Mellvsu Reimix Recehi-s Scholarship From Western Carolina Melissa D. Rcnnix ofMocksvillehas received S1.000 and Sl,500 scholarships to attend Western Carrtina University this fall. Thc daughter of John and Patricia Rennix of Route 4, Mivksvi1lc. she was a marching and pep band itvmber at Duvie High. She plans to major in biology at WCU. The scholarship* arc based on academic excellence and class ranking. Justln M. Riddle Recognized Hy U.S. AcMevcmen! Academy Justin M. Riddle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Riddle of Advance and grandson 0fVad1 Riddle of Advance and Mrs. and Mrs. William Bceding of Mocksvillc, has been named to thc U.S. National Honor Roll. A North Davic Junior High School student, he will appear in the annual yearbook. Thirteen Named To lXan's Llst At N.C. State University Students imintaining minimum 3.5 gradc averages and namcd to the N.C. State University spring scnvster dean's list wcre: from Mocksvillc — John Richard Heldemun of Tot Street, Gene Scott Kropfeldcr of R<ute 2, Katherine Victor Ugon of Roue 6, Christy Jo Mando, and Catherine E. Sherrill of Route 9; l><>m Advance — John Curtis !Ldgcll of Route 3, Jeffrey Shermer Jarvis of Route 2, Mary Susan Dvw' of Bermuda Run, Harold Wayne Smith of Route 4, and Charles S. Stovall; and Katy Kolken Healy of Clemmons, Alan WiLson Cooper of Rural Hall, and Douglas S. Parker of Marion. Andy Atklns Honored For Perfonnunce As Student,1'eacher Andy Ray Atkins was named an honor teacher by Appalachian State University for his work as band student teacher at North Rivie Junior High and Davie High schools during the spring semester. Hc is the son of thc Rev. and Mrs. Lanny Atkins. Appalachian names honor teachers to recognize superior performance by student teachers as recommended by supervisors. It is noted on the reeinient's transcript.____________________________________ Chip Leonard To Be Orientation Leader At Appaladilan State Chip Leonard of Mcoksvillc was namcd as a freshman orientation leader for thc fall semester at Appalachian Slate University. Orientation leaders arc chosen for leadership qualities and contribu­ tions to thc university, and serve as peer mentors to hclp new students adjust to college life. v & Full Service Salon Located 3 miles east of Mocksville on Hwy. 158 ACRYLIC N A fl^ TVESD AYti..... . SENIOR C rnZ E N P A Y 1 5 % D b to u n l Walk-Ins orAppolntments - 634-1209 Father's Day Special: Wilh Rcg. Cul gcl a FREE Greens Fcc lo golf coursc in Allcghany Counly Open M-F 8:30-5:30 *Sat 8-_2_ More Are Choosing Community College B> l.mira Wllllams-Tr,ie> Davio County Enterpriso-Rocord More l)avie High seniors will at­ tend a conuminily colkge tlm fall than will attend a lour-xear universi­ ty. And 82 percent of ;JI graduates will continue their education past high The results ol a survey ol graduating seniors done hy school career counx*lor Ret lhhson. show> an increasinglrend toward communi­ ty college aitcmlance. In IW2, 3H percent ofgraduating seniors plann­ ed to attend a community college. This year ihe number is 41 percent. “ I wouldn't be surprised lo see even mure students going to com­ munity college.” Hobson said. "More of thc jobs tend to rci|uire more than ahiglt schixildiploma and less than a 4->ear-degrev." Hohs(in said the movement toward cominunily college could also be sprurrcd on hy the schtWs tech prep curriculum, which encourages students to earn technical degrees at the community college level. The opening of Davie County's satellite community cNlcyc could also increase enrollment h> improv- Acciirding tn ihe survey. 33 per­ cent of 1W3 graduates had plans to attend a luur-year university, com­ pared to 36pcrccnt in IW2. Although he had no information about Davie High slodcnts alter graduation from a umveiMiy, llitl>Mm said he thought many of those students ieiuW not to return to Davie County because ofa lack of profes­ sional jobs. He said there were more jobs here that required acomnumit> college or associate degree. Hobson said most Davie High graduates that went on to a universi­ ty or college found that they were well prepareil for higher education Onc percent of the students answering llv l993and IW2 surveys said they wiuld attend ajunior col­ lege. Three percent of the students will allendatrade or husiness school and 4 percent plan to enter the military. Hobson said 16 percent ol the graduates will look fi>r work im­ mediately after graduation. ; Those mmtfxrs are cnisistent with past >cars. he s;itd. ^WBMMBMiBHMBiMtunnBMBBPBnBttanfflBanmnmntnnanmnmar W 4 N T E D By The Davie CoiiiityAris Council S l i i6 c r $ C a n c e r s P e r l c r m e r $ M u s ic ia n s P a n d s _____________ A S z z fks*2 j For ARTS ALIVE ‘93’ September 18,1993 Masonic Plcnlc Grounds S _______Mocksville, NC________ W i Applications Available - Deadline June 25th ^ ForMorc lnfonnalion Call (704) 634-3ll2 \ i R em em ber D ad! Father's Day Is June 201 All Men’s Shoes 1 0% OFF ln House Stock Only • No Special Orders The Cobb!er Shop 5 !no, Squire Boone Plaza. Mocksville 704-634^162 BUY DIRECT FROM fafflS$M "SAVE “BUY DIRECT!” If You're Paying For Cable, You're Paying TOO MUCH! COMPLETE SYSTEM ONLY ’9 0 /Mo.$3 7 ! Father’s Day Special 25% Off Men’s Clothing (Now Thru 6-20-93) Wrangler® • Pointer® • Duckhead ||'e Abo Have: Ladies CIolhing In Sizes 8 46 WoWTanning Beds & Tuxedo Renlals C o u n t r y F r ills 23 Court Square • Mocksvillc (704)634-7309 s0 DOWN NO PAYMENTS TIL AUGUST |E 1 S6S3. Over 150 Free Channels Plus Tho Following Pay Channels Included Enjoy...CNN, HBO, Cinemax, ESPN, Disney, USA, Showtime, and all the best in Sports, 1st Run Movies, Children's Shows, News, TV Classics, AND MUCH MORE! CALL TODAY 1-800-255-E C H O SATELUTESMRECT| *OUR NAME SAYS IT ALL” Call Today For A Authorized Dealor Free Site Survey (704) 788-7992 IILocal Factory BUY DIRECT FROM ffflBS[J? r>aw Srhocfe Continued .Krom l*iiRC 1) 1 field'irip lo Historic Spcnccr Shops in Spcnccr on May 28. Thcy saw a video on transportation in North Carolina, vicwcd tmnsportationcxhibits and rodc a train. Elnora Gorc, Cammic Walkcr, and Judy White accompanicd ihc fourth graders on an outing to Ihc N.C. Zoo in Ashcboro May 26. Studcnts preparcd for thcir trip by painting t-shirts using animal patterns. Rcncc Bai!cy of Sara Lce donated shirts for the acliviiy. Stu­ dents learned mucli nt thc zoo to en­ hance lhe siudy of animals. SiudcMs in Judy White's class cre­ ated animals with special adaptations. First, siudcnts illustratcd.thcncach stu- dcnt presented his or hcr animal lo class members. After thc presentations, stu­ dents made and painted the animals. Studen then wTOtc a descriptive theme abouttheiranimals. s ' y de EmllyWishon ElizabethYokley,JennilerMoore, ZackVck jM h McGarity, Michael Harris, Miriam Br,erley and Kendra Armstrong. Caps & Gowns Keith Chrbtopher lkmhar.lt firaduaUs Fn,m B^nwrinRSchorf Keith Christopher Bernhardt, son of Ellcn B C - ' 5 l Rawlings anJ step-son of Harry ^ * ' 1" ^ " Cana Road. Farminglm. has graduaud with honors from thc Cornell Electrical Enginecrmt S°As a voutli in New Y«k. he was a '4“ai1'"" commander and rcccivcd Ihc Billy Milchdl Award froni thc Civil Air Palrol. A midshipman and graduate of tht Nav> ROTC program, hc was awarded tte SixKi) i American Miliiary Engineering AOTrdJ " ' ‘h" |993 schix< year. Hc plans to attend krJ™ ^ school in the fall at Contll U> pursue a masltr s B c n l|l.ir(U dccrcc in cWctrical cnpnccrinc. Six Students From l>avle Earn IfcRrm UNC AlChurtoMe Si, Davic students at foc Univcrsiy of North Carolina at CharU m * 5 ^ s s s : s r , , ,ri^ G " ^ * m c e camcd a hachelor's dcgrcc ^^ranCanavaciolGallagher ofCooleenicecamcd a master's degret in^ “ S S i « m e ^ e ; a Uichelor's dcgrec in E!dn=y B. King ofCu,lcemec camed a bachek,r's ofbusi^-ss ad- ministration dcgrec in finance an ^ « a^ - . dAaron Gray 0*Ncat of Coo!ccmce camcd a taihUor s u ^m political scicncc. ^ = ^ r r a K X T 2 'S S S = S E = : = E S = = Hospital. RoRALLOCCASto5sS | vjf lf e S i s t e r ’ s I I K^a Hccksvllle| ^ 834-1782 Children Portraits Weddings Sports Engagements 6 3 4 -2 5 8 1 ftotts ly<l COBIN HOW TO REACH YOUR STATE REPRESENT ATIVE N.C. Rep. Julia Howard Davie County 1021 Leglslotlve Bldg. Raleigh. NC 27601-1096 R.l=lgh (919| 733-5904 Home: (704) 634-3754 Ottice: (704) 634-3538 43 Piece P o rtra it collection. RECULARLY $9.95Featuring • One *«10 • Two 5x7"s • Eight Wallets • 32 Mini Portraits WithTMsCoupon N p u / T n w n e Center Fri - Sun June 11 -1 3 Hours: Fri -11-7 • Sat ' 10"6 Sun - Until 1 hour prior to closing ^ , ^ ~ » « « ti* re S200tenatot*dMt*c«V*ifl*1 RECAL IS S S S H b ^ . _™cc- j l Days: Dates: nAVIKCOUNTY L-MTPHPklSK RErown. Thursday. .lune 10.1993 - P3 THE ^ J s m r n r^ m ii> O T x S $ *!to ^ S ^ s % 1 « Putting Starts 6 DEWM.R SALE Selected Merchandise At Graat Prices! i i i i i i i i, i ^ i u Saturday, June 12, 1993 9:30 am - 5:30 pm ., , , w ^ w A i n 0200 Wlkcalxiro hlrccl V_rf* V > ^ v / / ^ N C " . , . , , . ^ ^ ^ ^ . . T h , . l . . . . WATCH NBA CHAMPICNSHIP on Z 100 inch Big Screens FREE Pizza at 8:00 $ 1 .0 0 Longnecks ALL NIG HT Every Game feelv,ie, fleui TtRfflmATOR 1 W»b«ll MONDAY M E M B E R S D A Y SHOOT P 0 0 L FREE 4 -6 RO LLING R 0 C K L0N G N EC K $ 1 .5 0 TllFSDAY L A D IE S N IG H T FREE P 0 0 L ALL DAY 8 B flu TOURftnm enT C ash & Trophy CORONA L0N G N EC K $1 7 5 W E D N E S D ^ r 9 B flll T O U R fiflm tftT (Handicapped) Cash & Trophy M IC H E L 0B LIG HT NIG HT $ 1 .5 0 THURSDAY $ 5 .0 0 ALL-U-CAN-DRINK D R A FT rn^nAV f SATURDAY “ DRINK SHtCIALb S U M M ER SPECIAL $ 1 .0 0 LONGNECKS ALL SPORTS ACTION ON SATELLITE TV SUNDAY NASCAR RACE PARTY $5.00 SHOOT POOL ALL DAY $ 1 .0 0 DRAFT $1 .b 0 BUSCH LIG HT D O O R P R IZ E S P resented a t E n d o f ^ C H ^ ? f E ^ J o r e d b L T ra c k -S id e R a c in g C ollectib le s NfAT nRFSSREQUmED i^ V e C a t e r t C /iL L P r N a t e P a * U e * H;i-:/> Call fcr lnfc HOURS Mon - Sat 12:00 Noon - 2:00am Sunday _ _ _ _ - 1:00pm -1 2:00am W E S T W O O D V IL L A G E S H O P P lN G C E N T E R 2 4 4 8 L E W IS V 1 L L E -C L E M M 0 N S R D , C L E M M O N S 766-4484 0.14-2044 034-1131 . S % s#y § 1 8 , # • • ! - 04 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, June 10,1993 Mocksville High Class Of 1943 Holds Reunion *Bj Ella Gray Smllh Charlie Brown wa$ a$kcd oncc which way he tumed his deck chair ahoard-$hip • facing forward to see whcrc he was going • or backward to scc w here he had been. He replied he'd never been able to get the chair unfolded yet. '' Saturday night, the class of '43 of Mocksville High School looked back* ward to where lhey had bcen. And 50 years brings aboul a (ol of changes. That monopolized a big portion of the conversations of ihc class of '43 at theirclassrcunioncclebratingthc50th anniversaryoftheirhighschoolgradu* aiion. ■ Thcrcwcrechangcsinappearance, With a prevalence of gray in the hair. Some knees might buckle due to age, and some bclts would not, due to extra pounds. But after looking at some of the school pictures of the early forties, it was agreed that appearances had improved. Thomas Eaton read an account of changes that have come about since theirclassgraduated... television, peni* ciilin. polio shols. frozen foods, plas­ tic. copy machines, ballpoint pens, FM radio, tape dccks, electronic type­ writers, word processors, computers and pocket-size calculators. ' Back then people got married first and then lived together. Closets were for clothes, not for coming oul of and Aids were helpers in the principal’s office. You never saw guys wearing earrings or guns at school. • Bunnies were small rabbits and rabbits were noi Volkswagons. Designer jeans were scheming girls named Jean, and fast food was w hat you ate during Lent. Hardware meant hardware and soft­ ware wasn't even a word. *Made in Japan' meant junk and ‘making out* referred to how you did n an exam. Wilkins' andHall'sdrucstoressold ice cream cones for a nickel or dime and foranivkel you could buy a Pepsi or enough stamps to mail one letter and two postcards. Anew Chevy coupe cost $800 • but who could afford one? Gas was I U* agailon. Twenty-five of the original 49 membcRof the graduating class, along with thcirspouses, family, friends and otherc1assmates met at Smith Grove Ruritan building Saturday night, June 5, for their 50-year reunion. A total of 87 wcre present for the fellowship, the tncal catered by the Ruritans and remi­ nisce about school days, war cxperi* cnces, families and grandchildren. Eight deceased members were me­ morialized hy lightingcandlcsaseach was namcd:BillicAmmons,Adelaidc Angell Whitaker, Ross Bameycastle, NormaSmithCook,Clinard LeGrand, Duffec McDonald, Joe Spry and Frances Wison Clements. Also in­ cluded was the class mascot, Bill Collette. Class secretary, Dorothy Sparks, called the roll and each one present re­ sponded with remarks about school experiences, families. Teachers present were Mrs. Helen P. Crenshaw and D.J. Mando of Mocksvil1eandJ.T. HoltofSaIisbury. Berma Foster reaJ an original writ­ ing titled ‘Ten and Now". The pro­ gram ended onacomical note by class president, Ella Gray Smith reading excerpts from "How to know you*re growing old". One way was getting yourcxcrcisc acting as a pallbearer for friends who exercise. You know you're gcttingold when you begin burning the midnight oil at 9 p.m. and it was nearing 9 p.m. so this show had to end. Class members present were George and Joyce (Andcr>on) Goodman. Kaihl>n (Hoots) Rcavis, Lois (McDaniel) Long. Bill and Janet Sanford and Thomas and Orcna (Walker) Rector, all of Winston-Sa* Members of the MHS Class of ‘43 al Saturday's reunion were, from left: seated, Dorothy (Howard) Sparks, Ella Gray Smith, Julia (James) Chamberlain, Lucille fTutterow) Beck, Nell (Boger) Robinson, Pearline (Beck) Seaford; Burma fTucker) Foster, Helen (Dyson) Chaffin, Katherine (Ward) Richardson, Orena CWa!ker) Rector, Lois (McDaniel) Long, lcm; Gilbert and Nclda (Beauchamp) Soficy, Ray and Dorothy (Howard) Sparks, J. C. and Nellie (Sofley) Cook and Eugene and Bcrma (Tucker) Fos­ ter, all of Advance; Denver and Ncll (Bogcr) Robinson. Cary; Carl and Ha/el Gregory, Clemmons; Margaret (Poole) Mize, Columbus, Ga; Rev. Charles and Lclia (Bamcs) Lcm!cy, Mebane;CliveandLucillc(Tuttcrow) Bcck,Harmony;WilliumandPcarline (Beck) Seaford. Dalc and Helen (Dyson) Chaffin, Glenn and Eloisc Seaford, J.N. and Katherine (Ward) Richardson. James and Eleanor Swiccgood, Milton and Jane (Glasscock) Tuttcrow, Ruth (Smith) Hillard. Julia (James) Chamberlain, and E:lla Gray Smith, all of Mocks­ ville. Special guests were Judy L. Collette, wife of class mascot. Bill Collett, Kenny Foster, Robin Fcrgusson and Mike Bamhardt. Otherclassmates and guests attend­ ing wcfcJcsscand Nora Anderson and Avcnellc (Smith) Willard. Winston- Salem; Rayford and Ruby (Morrison) Griffith. Lexington; Floyd Craven, Salisbury;Thomas Eaton. Woodstock, Ga.; Mary Nell (Eaton) Hanes. Win- ston-Salem; Henry and Ann Everhart. Hickory; Hugh Thomas and Opal Howard. Pikevi1le; Rev. Thomas J. and Ann Howard. Kemcrsvillc; Dor­ othy (Hutchins) Smith. Mocksville; Lela (Barnes) Lemley, Kathlyn (Hoots) Reavis, Ruth (Smith) Hillard, James Swicegood, Glenn Seaford; and in back, Dale Chaffin, J.N. Richardson, Nellie (Sofley) Cook, Nelda (Beauchamp) Sofley, Carl Gregory, Jane (Glasscock) Tut- terow, Joyce (Anderson) Goodman, Margaret (Pool) Mize, and Bill Sanford. W. D. Jr. and Joan Booie, J. Roy and Mitzi Foster, David Sr. and Alma Smith, Robert and Mary Foster and guests Robert Jr. and family of Ra­ leigh, Mr. and Mrs.Alben Poole, all of Advancc; Frank and Mildred (Bowles) Couch, Leo Cozart, C.C. and MeI/a Craven, Avilon and Doris Fry e. Marietta (Smith) SeatsandClyde and Helen (Howard) Hendricks, all of Mocksville. Mrs. Crenshaw said it*sajoy to sce former students who have tumed out well in life. The class of '43, along with spouses, claims a surgeon, phar­ macist. banker, army officer (now de­ ceased), carpenters, farmers, sales ctcrks.mechanics.lumberman,office machinist, actress, doctors, nurses, agriculture agent, ministers, house­ wives, florist and landscaper... most Many teachers helped to shape the livesofthisdass.Among thcm.Sallie B. Hunter and Eula Rcavis in c1emen- taryschool.F.N.Shcarouse,E.R.Poole and W.S. Horton, principals during thcir high school years. DJ. Mando, Charles R. Crcnshaw, Helen Page Crenshaw, Christine Warren Daniel, Hazel Taylor Wagner, Meryl B. Lowery, Nancy McIver. G.O. Boose, J.W. Davis, Evelyn Troxlcr, Frances Ramsey and Miss Lillie Mcroney and 14 Are Indicted By Davie Grand Jury The )"o!liminu were indicted h\ u DavieCounty Grand Jur> Tuesdax. ^ r- William Bas> II. m.iintaininc Duelling for the sale ol'a controlled lujMance. f*»'NC>Mon with intent to ]ninufacturc. *oll. deliver a controM- pd sub>tancv, po>>C"im of a eon- |rtjled >ub>lanvc. poxs>sion of >tolen • *— James CollinsJr.. p>'M>Mon of <tolen e<M*ds. hreakine and entering. — Gilheri CoJlw>n Jr.. Jirsi devrvv sexual otlcnsc. — Jame> Dcuah. hahitual l>W| — Janicetiaithcr. aiding and abet­ ting posxesxion with intent to manufacture. >ell. delixer a controll­ ed >ubstanve. — Chad Heiner. p**scs>ion ol stolen giHxlv — Janie Hollcman. p>>scwou ofa controlled suhxijiice. pov*cwion with intent io i)).nailaviiire. >v)I. tlvlnvr a controlled <ihstance. — Caesar Joncx. conspiracy, two counts cavliol hreakmyand entering a motor \ehicle. — Lonnie O'Neal, axxatilt with a deadly weapon wtlielinv serinus — *RichardSullixan. ^xault wilha deadly weapon intlictine serious — J<v Tin!v. huhimul DWI. — Jerry Vandall.otaainingpropvr- K hy false preteiisv. — Gwcndolxn Wilx<wi, maintain­ ing dwelling lor salv ot a controlled siihxtanee. |'*>scsxion with intent to m.inulavlurv. sell, delivcrjvnnirol|. ed suhxtaiuv. poxxexsim *»|* a con­ trolled suh>ianvc. — Tracy Wil%on. sevond degree The Drug War: Help The People First $l\ Laura Williams-Trac> t)avie County Enterprise-Record BE R M VD A-R t^^ieori^es.^nnrsaid:- ed in a publicized w ar ui drugs, hut we fought the warwith ptp-gun.s and )ocuseU <tf? the wrong targets.*" Jar- dent Bill Clinton's top ;dxisors told golfers. cek:hrities and community vtilunteers Thursdax that the war on Jtugs can only be vson by improving lffe vondition> that drive people to ;3ju*C drugs and aleohi4. ;Vernon EL Jordan Jr.. co-chairman itf the presidential transition team and ;{Washingtim attorney, >poke at The Crosby Drug Sympo>ium. J-Siriee nu*vim: the tturnament to lj"avie County in l986. tlie event has rpl^cJ more than S9 million for <,jiiiritahle causes. This year the event i*'cxpected to raise Sl.5 million. • “ For many years we have engag- People abuse drugs tvcause they are dissatisfied w ith their lives. And thoxc lighting to curb drug abuse will not make a dent in the problem until thvy rvcogni/e that p<nvny. p<x>r health and unemployment are factors ih.u cause drug abusc. Jordan, who is a past president of the United Negro College Fund, >aid more young, blackmenare in prison than are in college. One group that is nuking a dif­ ference is TheCrttshy Scholars Pro­ gram. he <iid. which helps poor students attend college and break the cycle of pov'rty. Kavonda I)alton-Ratm. director of The Croxby Scholars Pn»gram. said with chariiyprikveUs in>m the tour- ^hMping-•TTjmcnt:—thc—pn>gram- students at two Winston-Salem high schools attend college. By 19%. the group hopes to he in exvry Forsyth County middle schi>ol and high >chool providing money to >tudents to enable tk*m to succeed in school and attend collcgc. Wi;h a hetter future to look for­ ward to. D.dton-Rann <iid the pro­ gram atiemps to steer students away lrom a dismal future of drugs and alcohol ai*u>e. Allen Washington, anemp!oycc of Sara Lee, one of The Croshy*s primary sp<xis<irs. came to the event from his jot> as a knit fixer in South Carolina to tell how the company*! drug-free xurkplaee pn>gram had af tcctcd his life. ^-De*pite^r*thul4w^udU4uMLhb_ job if Sara Lee officials knew of his drug problem. Washington sought treatment for his addictions through a eompanx->ponsored dmg program. To hi> surprise, he didn"t lose hi> job — and he kicked the addiction. Ttxlax. he said, his highs are go­ ing toehurehand helping his 7-year- old son complete his hnucwork or going to a huscball ganv together. "*l stand todax in front ofa lot of important p:ople today. But xou come lo South Carolina, and you'll find a 7-xcar-old hx who ^iinks l*m pretty important also." he said. Farm Garden Hardware Livestock HorseTack Supplies ti.o r i Courtiiey General Store Route 4 Box 3I7-A • Yadkinville, NC 27055 __________919*4634371__________ Located on Cour1neyfflunlsvlllo Road ntar C 0urtn9y Elementary School 601S ot Yadklnvllfo. IMC Fertilizer Animal Health Restricted-Use Pesticides DealerOnly. Reg.*32.40 Only *26.40 : « § £ - r w s * 6 - Krypton Ftoshlights Set ol 3 batteries included. Reg. ‘14.99 1 On Sale *10.99 E-ZRead Rain Gauges ; On Sale *7.45 Reg.Ust'105.00 On Sale 69.99 Unfon l6Gauge Shotgun Shells 8 shot; by box *5,00 Big Horn Saddle, headstall, breast collar, girth. All included. On Sale '600.00 Dietz® Old Fashion Lanterns. Reg. S22.99 On SaleM6.99 Bartow Pocket Knives On Sele *2.99 blw Grlnderw<Mi4B t Ames® Hose King Front Winding Portable Poly Hose Reel On Sale ‘26.99 Redwood Blfd Feeders Reg.SH.OO-On Sale ‘9.50 3IB. »!«• Ames® Eagle Shovels & Rakes • On Sale ‘3.79 Reg. $126.00 OnSale *83.25 V." Cordless < Drill Variabte Speed. Rev. uamtcxM Electrical Outlets & Switches 59* * Men's Leather Work Gloves *2.50 BallnQTvrtno: For Square Bale *20.50 For Round Bale ^2.50 Eagle Gas Cans &gaton $ize reg. 'tl5 S Sato *955 2'A gaDon ttoe reg. *7.0fl Sato ‘5 06 t <yUton H » tOQ *4.09 Sato *360 12* Thermometers on background. Rog.*i3.49 On Sale'7.96HorM. Buct 0—» M**yq. ftarto* X" Drill, Var. Speed, R«v. Med*lt464 HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. 7AM TO 8PM >SUN.1PMTQ6PM EAT - EAT - EAT What to cat? Where to eat? When to eat? Why you eat? Home Cooked Mea!s ^EIIiSA"utoA,uction Restaurant [Mon.-Fn^am^to 2pm ^ecause iVsp. and low prices7.:svy food 8tfrtWfa ie tlmc ijy'*twe cnfen milk------- u» »i«ie m 9ftiw g aro we wwie Ewtyoue 1» cewe (u<*utiit uuik ua. Te ike<u eut ofbMtielwt - itotiwg Wedmtku/, Jud$jt$Bwklatl uM k l72 ptite aKd EtmtJt 10% eti to ewtyeue, Pmki*g ut w t (n wUuiml. E llis A u t o A u c t io n R e s t a u r a n t Highway 601 South • Mocksvllle • 704-284-4080 (take outs) Approximately 10 miles N. of Salisbury; 5 miles S. of Mocksville GS *N ^ S t e n c i l i n g C l a s s e s -June 12- StencilATote • Shelbl Green Two Classes 10 a.m. -12:00; 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 $12. each class - Tote & Supplies Furnished -----------------------June 19--------------------- 10a.m.tonoon A. Intermediate Stenciling S12 Using Oil Sticks, etc. Includes Supplies. B. Children's T-Shirt Stenciling ■ S10 Shelbl Green teaches the young’unsI 1:30-3:30 C. Stencil a Mailbox - $12 Sue Allen shows you howl D. Calligraphy & Embossing - $15 Supplies included. By Cora Ellen Stroud Please register earlyl Call or s!op by . lor more complete intormation erendiDitv Shops 41 Court Square, Mocksville, NC 634-0555 • Tlnirs. thm Sat. 10 to 4 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1993 - D5 S u p e r i o r C o u r t ' The following cases were dispos­ ed of in Davic Supcriiv Court last . Presidingvvas Judge James A. Bca- ty Jr. Pro>ccuiing were Patsy Bruce and Deborah Brown, assistant district aitorne>s. — Jeffery Paul Barr, 28. of Winslon-Sak*m. second degree sex­ ual offense, pleidcd guihv to attemp­ ted second degree sexual offense, sentenced to 3 years in prison suspended for 5 years, submit to mental health screening, perform 80 hours community service, have no contact with prosecuting witness, pay $500 fine. > - Terry William Bass. 24. of 178 Montview Drive. Mocksvillc. possession of stolen gixxk, maintain­ ing dwelling or motor vehicle to keep 0r sell a controlled substance, posses- $ion of a schedule II controlled substance, sentenced to 5 years in prison su>{vnded (or 5 years, h months intensive supervised proba­ tion. money seized io Duvie school board fund, allow anal>sis for illegal drugs by prvfralion officer, pay $500 fine and court costs; possession w ith inient to imnufacture. sell, deliver cocaine, .sinplc possession of mari­ juana. pt>ssession of drug parapher­ nalia. dismissed. — Larry Wavnc Beam Jr.. 19. of Route 3. M<xksville. resisting or obstructing an officer, dismissed. — Alan Eugene Bennett. 32. of Cooleemec. driving while license permanently revoked, sentenced to 2 vears in prison. — Shirley Reavis Berc*on. 33. of Sheffield Road. Mocksvillc. embezzlement, sentenced to 90 da\s in prison suspended for I year, pay S50 fine and court costs; embezzle­ ment. di>mis>cd. — Wendy Denise BUckwell. of Winsion-Salem. simple assault, dismissed. — Anthony Ray Brewer. 30. of Advance, habitual DWI. sentenced to I year in prison, participate in substance abuse program, work release recommended, credit given for lime speni in jail awaiting trial, pjy uttonvy fee; driving while license permanently revoked, dismissed. ' — Scott Callowav. 26. of Ad- vunvc, pn>bJion violjiim. coniinuvd on prohutiixi. complete communit> service h<>ur>wiihin 60days. probu- lion iran>ierred to Fors>ih Count>. — Heather Rene Campbell, 21. of Statesville. DWI. distni>scd. — Teresa Jones Colenun. 30. of Route 7. Mivksville. DW1, drinking while driving, remanded to District Court judgnvni. sentenced to 60 da) s suspended for 3 years, perform 24 year in prison to run concurrent. — Micky Dewalt. of* Sanford Avenue. Mivksville. ax<mlt indic­ ting serious injury, dismissed. — Scotty Tyrone Dillard. 17. of Route 8. Mocksvillc. ussaull inllic- ling serious injury, rvmandcd lo District Court judgnwni.senienced to 12 nionlhs in prison suspended for 2 years, pay SI(K) fine andcourt costs. — Randall Dwayne Heming. 28. of Coolecithx*. pmbali<wi violation, renunded lo District Court judgmeni. sentenced to 12 months in prison; probation violaiion, remanded to Districi Court judgment, sentenced to 24 months in prison. — William Taft Flcaung, 68. of Harmony, kibilual DWI. .sentenced lo 1 >ear in prison, imnvdiatc work release recommended, credit given for lime spent in jail awuiling trial, participate in substance abuse pro­ gram; driving while license per* manently revoked, disnussed. — Roger Dale Fr)e. 37. of Rouie 7. MivksvlL*. possession of firearms by a felon, sentenced to 5 vears in prison susfvnded for 5 >ears. 6 monlh< intensive probation, perform 80 hours community x*rvicc, pay $300 fine anJ court aws. — Anthony Lcstcr Hcndrix. 26. of Route 7. Mocksvillc. crueh> lo animals, renunded lo District Court judgment, x*nienced to 30 days in — Timoihy Dale Healrix, 33. of Route 2. Mocksville. no driver’s license, renunded lo District Court judgment, scnicnccd u> 30 days suspended lor 1 vear, puy $50 fine and court ciMs. ~ John M. Hillard. >). of Route 8. Mocksvillc, wortNcss check, dismissed; shoplifiing. vnlenced to 2 vears in prison sus^*nded for 1 u*ar, pay cwrt costs by June 18. — Jane Marie Hollenun. 23. of Coolcemee, possession <tf a schedule VI conlrolled >ub>tancc. sentenced to 2 vears in prison susjvnded for 3 vears. pcrftvm 40 hours communitv svrvtce. pjy $100 fine and ci>un costs, pa> $250 aMorncy fee; imnufacturing schedule VI controll­ ed substance, dismissed.— Michael Tikld Klulz. 2V. of Coi>leemee.armed roMvry, pleaded guilty to common law robhcr>. senienced lo 10 v ears in prison to run concurrent wiih sentence being serv­ ed. credii given for time spent in jail awaiting trial, work rekasc recom­ mended; larceny, sentenced to 10 vears in pri*>n io run atexpiration of above sentence, suspended for 5 vears. 6 nnwUh> intensive supervis­ ed prohatiiii. within 72 hours uf release lrom prison rcptvt to probu- lion olficer. perform 80 hours com- — Vivian Mobley, of Winston- Salem. simple assault, dismissed. ~- Eric Ttiomas O’Neal. 25. of Rouie4. Mivksvil(e. DW|. remand­ ed to District Court judgment, sentenced lo 60 days in jail suspend­ ed for I year, perform 24 hours com­ munity service, pay $I(X) fine and court costs; assault on a government official, renunded to District Court judgment, *menccd to 6 months suspended for 1 year, spend 48 hours in jail, pay $ltX) fine. — James Wesley Pt<is. 37. of Roule 6. M<vksvi|le. pn*ulion viola­ tion. sentencvd to 2 years in prison to run concurrent wiih sentence be­ ing served. iTedil given fi>r lin>e spent in jail awaiting trial, work release recommended; probation violation, renunded to District Courtjudgmenl. sentenced to 30 days in jail. — Robert Grey Ridings. 21. of CiKileemee. larceny, scrtcnccd to 12 months in prison suspended for I vear. participate in sutwancc abuse program, fxiy $25 fine and court -JohnSrcightSanfo(dJr..40,ol Sanford Avenue. Mocksville, proba­ tion violalion, sentenced lo 2 >ears in prison, credit was given for time spent in jail awaiting irial; DWI. driving while license jvrmanemly revoked, renunded to District Court judgment, sentenced lo 24 months in prison, complete physical and psvcho1ogical cvaluatiitt and treat* nu:nt; breaking, entering and larcen>. pleaded guilty to breaking, entering, larceny of a motor vehicle, pleaded guilty lo uruulhori/cd u*v of a motor vehicle.senk:nced to6 vcars in prison to run ai expiration of x*nlence be­ ing served, credit given frrtinw spcni in jail awaiting trial, work release recommended, participate in substance atxise progrant — Joe Wavnc Tittle. 35. of Ten­ nessee. habitual DWI. sentenced to 12 months in prison.crcdit given for time spent in jail awaiting trial, par- licipJte in substance abu*e program, imiiwdiale work release recomnwnd- cd;driving while license permanent­ ly revoked, voluntary dismissal. — Jerry Randall Vatxlall, 45. of Rouie 7. M<vksvil!e. ohaining pro- pertv hv falv pretense, x*ntenced to 3 vears in prison, wi<k release recommcndcd. credit given tor lime spent in jail awailing trial, pa> at­ torney fee. ~ Douglas Calvin Walters. 22. of Durham, improper equipment, renunded to District Courtjudgmenl. pay $50 fine and court cos|s; no driver's license, dismissed. — Christvpher Shannon White, 17. Campbell Road. Mix:ksville. lwo — Derrick Wilson. 16. of 1000 Hardison St.. Mivksville. sellingco- caine. possession wiih inlent lo sell or deliver etvainc. conspiracy to sell or deliver ox*aine. senlenced lo 5 >ears in prison suspended for 5 years, f> nionlhs inL*nsive supervised proba­ tion. perfonn 80 hours community servicc. p;iy S300 finc and court costs, pay Sl00 restitution to Davie Sheriffs Department dmg fund, pay $250 attorney fee. — Gwendolyn Sherrill Wilson. 32. of 178 Montview Drive, Mocksvillc. possession of a schedule II controll­ ed substance, maintainingdwclling lo keep or sell a conirollcd substance, sentenced to 2 years in prison suspended for 5 years, 6 months in­ tensive supervised probation, per­ form 80 h(urs community service, allow anal>sis for illepil drugs by probation officer, submil to war­ rantless searches for illegal drugs, pay $300 firv and court cvsts; posses­ sion with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver c<vainc. simpk possession of marijuam. possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed. — Thomas Wayne Wishon. 30, of Route 8, Mocksville, driving while license permanently revoked, sentenced to 2 vears in prison suspended for 3 vears. 6 months in­ tensive supervised pritution. per­ form 80 htvrs community service, surrender driver*s 1icer*e and not operate a ithior vehicle until pn>perly licensed, pmbation lransferred to Vadkin County, pay $200 fine and court cosis. — Randy ljames. 28. of Route 7. Mtvksvillc. two counts of probation violalion. continued on probation, spend 72 hours in jail, pay money hv June 11. perform renuinderofcom- mufii<v service by Junv 18. — Christopher Micah Ellis. 21. of Advance, probation violation, sentenced to3 vears in pris<in. credit given for time spent in jail awaiting lrial. work release reciinmended. — Nathaniel Marc Warner. 23. of New York, probation violation, sentenced to 2ycars in prison, credil given for tinv spent in jail awaiting Cases Continued The followine casc> were c*>n- linued lo a future scssionofsuperior — Rixlney IXvasier Rirncs. DWl. — Wil)iarn Lce Carter, fw<>counts of driving while license revoked. DW|. unsealed wine i*r liquor in passcngcrarva. n<t liability insurance, malicious us: of an explosive. — James Murry Dew*alt. habitual DWI, driving while license per­ manently rcvokcd, resisting or obstrucling officer, failure to yield to emergency vehicle. — Mary Hairston Dickerson, aid and abet DWi. — Richard Evans, bill of particulars. — Eddie Lewis Frost, assault with a deadly weapon infiicting serious — Janice Graham Gaither, aiding and abetting possession with intent to sell or deliver cocaine. — Curtis L. Gray, probation violation. — Terry Gray, conspiring lo sell or deliver cocaine, selling cocaine, possession with intent to sell or deliver cocaine. — William Chris Gregory, assaull vvith a deadly weapon with intent lo kill in!licting .vcri<>u* injury, break­ ing and enlering. murder. — Chad Franklin Hciner. po>ses- sion of stolen gtMxls. — Waller Hogue, driving while license revoked. — AndreHowell. possession with intent to sell or delivcrcivaine. sell­ ing cocainc. — Caesar Jones, pthscssion of stolen go<kK three counts of break­ ing and entering a nu>torvchicle. two ctxmis of larveny. breaking and enter­ ing. conspiracv. — Desean Jones, possession with inteni to sellordcliver avaine. sell­ ing cocainc. — Jack McArthur Kcpley. DWI. resisting or obstructing officer. — Fred Ross Lail, pvhscssion ofa schedule 1 controlled suh*tance. sim­ ple p*issession of a schedule VI con­ lrolled subsUnce. possession of drug paraphernalia. — Siaev Ray l^ne. resisting or ohstruciine. drivine while license Garden Chores Are Plentiful On Warm June Pays permanently revoked. — Robert Linn Lcatherman. two coonts of DW|. — Rocky Marcell Unk, driving after drinking. ~ William V. Mashburn Jr.. tak­ ing indcccm liberties with children. — Tonya Annette NkBride. lwo c<iunts of nodriver*s license, DWI. — Charles Edward Messer, reckless driving. DW|, no driver's license, failure to yield for emergen­ cy vehicle, resisting or obstructing officer, assault with a deuily weapon. — Lonnie Robert O’Neal, assault with a deadly wcapt*t infiicting serious injury. — Ronny Dean 0"Nca1, failure to wear scat beh, failure lo *op for stop­ ped school bus. — Charles Tereno Raniscur. first degree murder. — Kcnnedi Shanks. DWI, resisting or obstructing a public officer. — Richard Eugene Sullivan, assault with a deadly weapon indic­ ting serious injury. ~ James Calvin Tafor Jr., DW|. driving while license revoked. — Amos T>rone Tucker, aiding and abetting murder. ~ Larry Eugene White, lwo counts of nodriver's license, resisting or obstructing officer, assault on a — Davie E. Williams, first degree sex offense on a child. ~ Jeffrey L. Williams, attempting io take big game with gun in closed — Rodncv Edward Wilson Jr.. DWl. — Terry Fl>nt Smoot, two counts of probation violation. Kailvd To Appear The following failed to appear for their scheduled court trial. — Alan D. Alkinson. DWl. no driver's license. — James Willy CollinsJr.. posses­ sion of siokn gixxls, breaking and entering. — Gilbert Ray James. DWI, driv­ ing while license p:rmanenilv — Quinn Cardell Thtinas. DW1. driving while license revoked, resisting ob^ruding a p^>lic officer. Leonard Realty 34 Town Square 7 0 4 -6 3 4 -3 8 7 5 rn 8.26Acrc$ Land $23,000. 4BR2BABrick Home $115,000 Jl.> vOHiiiuiiin .*vcivicv driver's licen»e and not tperate nwxor vehicle until properly licensed, mn he convicted of DWI during >uspension. pay Sl00 fine and coun costs. , — Charle* Steven Duvi>. 49, of SpindaIe. habitual DWI,sentena*d lo _i.vtnrinpri^n workrd^s^recom-__tlicling_scriLXis iniurv prosecuting w iiness or family, allow analysis for illegal drugs by proba- lion officer, pa> S4.5(X) a'siituiion to prosecuting witness, pay $200 fine and court co>u. pay $400 attorney fee; assault with a deadly weapon in- dismissed. sell or deliver cocaine, two counts of selling ctx"ainc, sentenced lo 5 vears in prison suspended for 5 years. 6 mon(hs intensive supervised proha- lion. perfomi 80 hours community service, participate in substance abuse program, allow arulysis for il- mended, credit given for time spent in jail awaiting irial; driving while license revoked, dismissed. • — Christopher Michad Davis. 20. 6f Route 8. Mix'ksville. failing io perform mental health center ses­ sions, sentenced to 60 davs in jail; probation violation, semenced to I — Lcthia McClelland Luke. 35. of Coolcemee. DW1. reckless driving, possession of drug paraphernalia, renunded to Di>tric< C<Ktrtjudgmcm. sentenced io 12 months in prison: DW1, remanded to Db>tricl Court judgment, x:ntenced lo 6 months in prison suspended for 7 days in jail. legal drugs hy probaiionolficcr. sub-" mit to warrantless searches for illegal drugs, pay $500 fine and court cosls, pay $300 restitution h> Davie Sheriffs Department dmg fund, pay $400 attorney fee; tw o c<unts of con­ spiracy to sell or deliver c<x*ainc. dismissed. Wiih ihe arrival of ihc warm June weather, homeow ners arc faced with many chores in their vegetable gar­ dens and landscape. The coot weather of March and April have delayed some of die usual 2Fi AFTERNOON DEllGHTHi ^ ; ‘“ ‘-IV -«:h5 Clf’ *:,. v = M i_ £ . 1 ' i ^ ^ ; - !' r v ‘-X -.-' Fishing In Florida ; Allen and Marjorie Foster of Mocksville caught this catch of large dolphin, including the 45 pounder they are holding, while aboard the "Afternoon Delight," captained by Mike Groves at Whale Harbor Marina, lslamorada, The Keys. i . i ~May activi1ics. Belowarea fewurnely activities that home gardeners should be considering for the month of June. • Watch forinsects in Uie vegetable garden. Bean bcelles can be a prob­ lem on green beans. Continue to spray or dust for insects when necessary. • Early blight can be a problem on tomatoes. Start a sproy program tf practical for tomato plants to prevent early blight. • Blossom*end rot is a problem on tomatoes. A spray of calcium chlo­ ride may help. Keep Ute plants wa­ tered evenly if practical. Take a soil sample io check pH and calcium lev­ els for next season’s crop. • Mulch vegetables and flowers to conserve waterand reduce weed pres­ sure, • Set peppers or iomato plants for a late crop. • Renovate strawberry beds this month. Thin strawberry plants to 6 inches apart to prevent overcrowd­ ing. • Plant sweet potato slips now. • Remove fading pansies now. Replani with summer blooming an­ nuals or perennials. • Prune backazaleas now. Fertilize azaleas with a complete fertilizer and keep them watered for the duration of ihe sumer. • Fertilize trees and shrubs with a slow release fertilizer now. This should be the last application of fertil­ izer for trees and shrubs. • Foliarsprays ofiron will improve colorof pale boxwood and rhododen> • Keep lawnniower blade sharp­ ened often. Sharp mowerblades make the lawn moreattractive, reduce wear on the mow er engine, and reduce inci­ dence of diseases. • Extra watering will be necessary during periods ofdroughi. Potledout- door plants dry out very quickly, es­ pecially those made of clay. 'Cuum*iiul Let - 1 -— Odier Homes & Land Available * Linda Leonard 7MW -3650 NEED NEW LISTINGS HOWARDf:M9S? i# c M 8 * f ; o<&*^kU ;2 f^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m m s iS M k 330 S. Seti*wy St (Coraer 601A 6f) Moctovflk, NC 27028 OfficeHoun: Monfoy^Tkhff g^ S<nntay 9-12 Sad>yhyAppl. - Belt Haven Fsrm ♦ Horse Lover's Oetightl 20 AC (107 more AC Avail.) 14 yr. old farmhouse w/4400 sq.ft.. in­ tow quartan, pool, stables, tum^ut shed, dressage ring, ponds. ttM ,90a CALLCONHIE___________ this 4BR, 2BA home tocated in town, walking dislance to shopping & hospital. Original pine flooring under carpel, new roof, central air. A must see-M 2,S00 CAlLJANE Hwy, 64 WMt * 3 or 4 Bfl in Center Community. Good first time buyer or investment property. S54,B00 CALL KEN 42 Uain StTMt • C oobem w • 2Bfl, 1BA, gas heal, central air, new root, thermal windows, washer/dryer, range, refrigerator. Good Condition -------------*L l......U2,900 CALL KEN LOTS * LAND BMM Ck. M-____IM At t8M M. l1ie06flCW w *W l--------------------------171U 171*06Hw* tU ____________111«. • HMMII6M66 _muuuee.U IU .U ) M tMUfM< k.<MlW W____11U il. t111<*l*UM<etwtiM. lJU m im < l'l*JM 0fl M * M ---------------------11 itfii UtM4M l C fttl N__________Ud-1U U. MMUM f M M ____W W C *W AtlU W 4CM ff M ________________}(T U M IMM ^ N.--------------in u . * t HMM • titsee0N *wi. 1U____________»$ ?U MiAHCUrtW*We Hn** H - »W l-W t.miewti CkMtk * i «1* U. U,ti&lC_1|^*t,U JW *C 6NN|M-<M*Bno *Ae.04*wlCkH lh ^W iM M M l).CMMRM Ui UUM On tobw4 *.fc— M»«nti iiiO T i SttMtf*C OH ttttt| M __________tl icrtl |1l.00tfiCwtUf| mi ,„ . . i r it * i u i uueeMjW W l___________IM |U t tW N aM » Cf0#l M .'b M ftl W |. U i 1.11U. |tl,we0M tox> .................. J i —i u ii (7Jog H«^U.-CMMH. WA4-Hwe|1lljee M ^D AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10,1993 Davie Dateling Meetings Monday, June 14 CcHilmmv Alic lliuril mi-ci>, 6:45 p.m., in hack nf ABC stnre. C<K)lmmv Tim n llmu-u inccts, 7 p.m.. town hall. Thursday, June 17 Chuml>cr iif Coinmvrci' (Davic)"Busincss Aftcr Hours". 5-6:30 p.m.. Gann Pcraxwl Oflicc. S<|uire Buw Plaza. Gant and Davie Arts Council hosts. 6M-3304 for more info. Monday, June 21 I)av(c County Commissioners nitfci, 7 p.m.. county administration building. Saturday, June 26 l)avle Rqrahllcun Min niccl for breakfast. F&F BBQ. S a.m. Monday, June 28 .I>avle Yi*rnti RcpuNlcuns meet. 7 p.m.. Davie counhouv. 634-7661 for more info. Tuesday, July 6 .Datle Rqmhlicans meet. 7:30 p.m., open meeting. Extension For more informatiixi on any of dwso cvcnis. call ihe Davie County CiK)perative Exten>ion Service at 634-6297. Tuesday, June 15 'Advance llomvmukus meet. 1:3o p.m. Center Homemakm meet. 7:30 p.m.. community building. Wednesday, June 16 RectTtificatlon class for private pc>ticide a^licators for people with l993cxpirationdate. I p.m.. Exten­ sion Center meeting rottn. Initial cvrtlficatlon cl;ixs for private pvNicide applicator% (for thoMj without licen>et. 10 a.m.. ex- tension meeting rtx>m. 634-6297 to regiMer. Monday, June 21 - —Kappa - Honu-m;ikvrs' meet. ' 7 p.m.. community building. Hostess iyLcna Souther. Tuesday, June 22 Cornatzir Homemakers meet, noon. Willie Bess Bennett's home. Wednesday, June 23 nightl>. Inl;uiis-;ulult>. June 14-16 Vacation Elil>lv Selim4 at N. Main St. Church of ChriM. 9 a.m.-l2:l5 p.m. daily. June 14-18 \'ilciiti(Mi nililc ScIi<K4 al Choslnul Grtivc UnitLtf Mcihnditf. U.S. 60l. 6:30-8:30 p.m. nightly. Study of "Pcter ThcRix’k." Clojjng program Junc IS witfi m>koul. Vacatlmi llil>lc Schi<il at Sivicty Baptist. 7-9p.m. nightly. Babics thru adults. 7 mits ucst ofMx-ksvillc off U.S. 64 on Society Church RU. Thursday, June 17 M tilhvr-I)uuylilvr "D o ll'" Brunch. Bemiuda Run Counlrv Club. I0a.m.-nwn. SS.:5 adults, children I-and under. S4.50. Di<ls from Doll Museum, nxisic. speaker. Reserva­ tions hy June 14. canceiUtions essen- lial. JoAnn Hughes. 659-0495. Max­ ine Kelly, ‘W5-4250, Nursery reser­ vations to Julie Mustin. 766-SMI. Sponsored by Winston-Salem Chris­tian Women’s Club. June 21-25 Vacation Wl>h? SehwJ at Turren- tine Baptist. Route 7. Mocksville. 6:30-9 p.m. nightly. All ages. Ven­ triloquist Nina \V. Coo^*ron Frida) night. Vacation !iil>le School at Fork Baptist. Classes for ages 3 to \oulh (grades 7-l2l. Bible study, crafts, games, fun. Church is6miieseast of Mocksville. For more info. WS-8306. al store, pltiisc carpiH>l. Thursday, June 17 Senior chorus performs. Triad Methodist home. Monday, June 21 AtliancfClilh meets, l0:30a.m.. Advance B^tist w iott*ip buiiding. Summer Dav Camo l)r. Sliclliwi, fiKit dtxl<ir, 9a.m.-3 p.m.. first mine, first xrvcd basis. Tuesday, June 22 PUBLIC NOTICES Recreation For more information on any of these events, call the Mocksville- Davic l*arksand Rccreation Dept, at 634-2325. NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY IN THEGENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE District Court OMston 87^VD-tB8PaulWWard.Jr. Oak(JrowCltihmeets. I0 a.m.. fellowship building. Wednesday, June 23 Fnrk5n*Club meets.ll:30a.m..Fork Civic building. Tuesday, June 29 Bus lrip to Spencer and High „ . Point. SI0 ^ r person. U-avc senior SeMOrCise center at 8:30 a.m.. return about 6 p.m. Dutch treat lunch. Ongoing Scnlor cHUtns netvs on NVDSL T ,1 ever>' Monday. 9:35 a.m. L l U r 3 T 'V Jolly Sixties Svniors meet. 2nd * ^ ^ * » Tuesday each month. II a.m Mjvks United Methodic fellowship Green Meadows (Io-(Jdters meet. 3rd Monday of each month. 11:45 a.m..Green Meadnws Baptist fellowship Kill. Child cnrv for schml age children. Full lime S50/week, part time SI3/day. Davie Youth Council PLaintiff to r 9-l2grudcrs. Cmimuniiy in­ volved. 2nd and 4th Thursdav.s, 6:30 p.m.. rcc. dcpt. Silverstriders Walk Club Seniors, 50 and up. meet Mon.. Wcd.. Fri.. 8-10 a.m. Low Impact exercise for seniors, Meets Tues.. Thurs., 8*10 a.m.. free. Ongoing Hill and IVyg_i l.i>tiu of Advance DjalvV|Stor> ministry for children: Blalse Baptist pra>er meeting Thursda>s. 7 a.m. 634*3639. Bingo, Mivksville Rttar> Hut. by St. Francis of Assisi Church. Fridays. 7-10 p.m. Slll) jackpot. Diictte hiMer Chri<ian Seniors Club meet>4th Tuesday each month. Oak Grote Methodist. |0 a.m. Adtance Chrlsilans Cvnter new church. N.C. 80I.Advance. I0a.m. Sunday schml. || a.m. worship. 7 evening service. 7:30 p.m. Wednes- dav service. PasjorihcRev. Thomas- Phillip>. 9<A'-9583. SerWccs mm hvliy lul,| a, Mivksville Assembly i*fGod. U.S. 601 acro>s from Horn's. 10 a.m. Sunday Schtol. 11 a.m. worship. 6 p.m. service. Pastor Toras D. Waloven. 6.M-239| or 634-7952. Praver nfct-tintt at Union Ch.irvl -l'ino.Fam.ingt,.n llon>en,akcn, T h u i i ^ M ^ K '" '" .mcet. 1:30 p.m.. Jean Smith's home. • 634-.435. Miscellaneous Saturday, June 12 ll(iuard-Nail minit<i at Bethel United Methodist, pig picking al 6 Stenciling Classes l.eam to stencil al Serendipity Shops. 4l Court Sq.. Mixksville. Junc 12 'lcrvil a loiv. fxto classes. I0a.m.-mxxi. l:3t)-3:3()p.ni.. SI2. Tote, supplx-s lumi>hed. June |y 10 a.m.-noon. intermediate >tenciling. SI2. using ul sticks, su^lie> includ­ ed. children's t-shirt sienciling. $10. 1:30-3:30 p.m. stencil a mailhox. SI2. callignyhy and emhtssing. $15. supplies included. Regi*4er early by stopping hy or calling 634-0555*. Thurs.-Sai. 10 a.m.^ p.m. Sundayr June 13 -------- C<Hik reunion for friends and relatives of Georee (B;iJger) Cwk Columbus (Dock) Harrison, and Mary Gx>k itiahxk, I p.m.. William R. Davie VFD. Bring faskci. Polts rvunlon at Nathan P<ttts homeplace. Hovsardtown Rd.. lunch •_Fflwi»u>. ltljll*C> IIUllCJ. Saturday, June 19 MiKksi|lk- lli^li Class nf 1953 reunion. 5 p.m.. Smith Grove Ruritan building, for graduates, teachers, classmates. Call Julia Wooten(704)492*7238or lvev Nell — [kuxt4ii+MMWiKI8^ For more informati<xi on any of these evenLs. call the Duvie Public Library . 6M-2023. Reading Program Summer program for viung adults lYA). June I0-Julv 29 . For lh0sc entering grades 7 -12. Thursday, June 10 VA special pn^ram.6:30-8 p.m.. oulsidc fun. games. Pic eating con­ test, iug-of-u-ar, water hillcxin, cgg lt>vs. Do not conw dressaJ to impress. Thursday, June 24 VA %pedal pn^ratn. 6:30-8 pm.. VA Grub Night. VAs bring your tavorite honvmadc dish and copy of recipe. ChefJ.P. Wilnnui from Ber­ muda Village to show Unv to make dishes more appealing. Thursday, July 15 VA Mnvft* night. 6:30-8 p,m.. latest video release. Pon^irn, drinks provided. Thursday, July 29 ^ A plz/a parly and cdcbriiv auc­ tion. 6-8 p.m. Earn S2 in librarv bucks _for every . b<H)L read and recorded. Use library bucks to buy items at auction. For sak.* at auction, autographed hooks, autographed items by Nofon Ryan. Randy Travis. Oprah Winfrey. David Letterman. Bill Elliot. Gloria E>tcphan. Frcd Sasage. Tri^ Aikman. Duke Univ poster signed by Coach K.. Gcortia X.vh{->‘ ' ................... Tommy Shores .,-^ ,_ Defendant NOTICE OF SAlE OF LAND UNDER EXECUTION ByvfrtueofanE*ecutiondirectedtotheunder$^ned Shehfl of Davie County, from We Office ol the Clerk ol Court of Davie Cwmty h the above action against the Ndgment debtor,TommyShores. the Sher- ot Davt® County m sell the betow de­ scribed property to the ftighest bidder for cash to satlsfythe execution on the 9th day of Juty, 1993. at 12:00 Noon at the Davie County Courthouse Door. The execution was issued pursuant to JJdgment duty recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Davie County, and the execution is in the amount due under the judgment, hcfuding costs and interest accrue to date in the amount of $35,600.00. The foOowing descnbed property is lo­ cated in Mocksville Township, Davie County, North Caro6na: BEGINNING at a point in the nght of way of SR1405. at the line ofJoe Ashbum' running thence with Ashbum line South 04' 40' 29' East 138.41 feet to an existing iron: running thence South 00* 55"06* East 464.57 feet to a new Iron; running thence South 86* 09‘ O f East 108.89 feet to a cedarpost. a comerwith Ashbum andG,E. Bamhardt: running thence South 85' 33' 35 East 273 33 feel to an existing iron at stone, a comer with Bamhardt and AMs T. J>ames; running thence South 02’ 53’ 26* West530,81 feet to a point, a comer with AwsT. ljamesandhgh| ol wayof Interstate 40 fThere is a marker 7.71 feel North in the foflowing tine)- running thence South 51* 31' 20* West 363.16 feet to a point; running tnence South 53‘ 31' 19* West 170.53 feet to a point, a new comer with Interstate 40 and Grantor running thence North 04' 50' 04* West 1474 68 feet to a point in the nght of way or SR 1405; running tnence South 88* 21*44’ East 111.02 feel to a pointinme nght ol way of SR 1405; running thence Nortn 70* 13' 13* East 65.48 feel to the ^ 2 L f^ place of Beginning, containing '0000 acres, as surveyed 0y Grady L Tutterow. RegisteredLandSurveyor. dated Apnf9.1984. The sate wtll be made subject to aU outstanding taxes and atl focal improve- ments andassessments against the above descnbed property. The highest bidder will be required to make a deposit in the amount of ten {i 0) percent of his bid wrth the remaining amount due on tender ol.the Shenffs.Deed... Upset bids wil be taken for ten (i0) days. Upset bids may be made at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Davie County in an amount exceeding the sale pnce by ten per cent on the first $1,000.00 and hve per cent on the excess above 51.000.00. This the 2nd day of June. 1993. Wtiiiam R. Wooten NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY INTHEGENERAL COURT OFJUSTICE SuperiorCourt Division Before the Clerk 92-M-240Davie County, Piaintitf vs.Amos Stewart Brown. .,-_ ,„ Defendant.NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND UNDER EXECUTION By virtue of a certain execution directed toti>eundersigned from the SuperiorCourt w Davie County, and pursuant to an Order directing Resale entered in the above ac­ tion against the judgment debtor. Amos Stewart Brown. I wW on the 9th day of Juty 1993. al 12.00 noon, al the Davie County courthouse door, in the City of MockavO!e. North Carotina. sefl to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the execution, the par- ceta of real property hereinafter set out. The execution was issued pursuant to pjdgment duty recorded in the cfftce ol tne C*erk of the SuperiorCourt for Davie County, and the execution is In the amount due underthejudgment. Including costs intne amountol$11.800.00. The foltowing descnbed property is k>- catedinktocksviileTownshipandCaiahainTownship. Davie County. North Carolina: The real property listed for taxes W the year 1992 in the name of Amos Stewart Brown, thejudgmentdebtor. and descnbed as fotows: 50.17 acres, more or less, situated in MocksviUe Township and descnbed and Kjentified as Parcel No. 63. onTax Map G3. Davie County Tax Office, and in a will recorded in Fite 178-E-113. Davie County ClerVs Office, and in probate proceedings in File 80-E-24, said off<e. and in a deed recorded in Deed Book 47, page 178. Davie County Registry, to which said records reference is hereby made for a more par- ticutordescription of said tract. This sate wiU be made subject to atl outstandmg taxes and aU iocal improve­ ment assessments against the above^Je- scnbed property not induded in the judg­ ment in the above-entitled cause. This tho 2nd day of June. 1993. William R. Wooten Shenff of Davie County By Lt. C. Hot Howell Execution Officer 6-tO~ttnp NORTH CAROLINA OAVlE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE — District Court Drvision - 93^VD-221 Richard M&hael Dale. Ptointff Tina Renee Dale, Defendant NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: ftna Renee Dale '- ^ F l Ki,'kwtlwII |Ki>iei. Clemson Univ. fiX)tballjersey. UNC leam photo signed by 92-93 team. School Age Programs Prinramshcld Mondivs.7p.m.. library . Bixis ci)ine in all l1avors. „^ | K‘ \A' lto<.Fll^ c Historv. Read oweemee nas been presented to th( ^ ir '*cam^bonrgreU'TrtU day s. Co<SeemeeX<^^nersTn^d"il^viuI. .Make and tasie butier. l<i>k at Davie 8619 tor puWic inspection at the town hall artifacts. and the town's buDetin board. Therewill be a puWic hearingonThurs- day, June 17. 1993, at 2 00 p.m. al the Cooleemee Town Hall, lor the purpose of Thursday, June 24 ■ Cana Homemakers nx*et. 7 p.i community building. Monday, June 28 Senior Citizens ^Cfiofik-nWhontemaktrs meei.7 p.m.. C(X)levmee library. -.Extension Advisory Council din­ ner meeting. Western Stccr. 7 p.m. Recognition of member* going off. coming on council. By Lt. C. Ho« Howell Execution Off<er 6*104tnp PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF COOLEEMEE PUBLIC HEARING The proposed budget for the Town of Cooleemee has been presented to the YMCA •The fo!louing events are offered by lhc Davie Family YMCA. For more infomution. call 634-9622. Drug Free Program ;ChristTan support Kn,ip f„r ,hosc ntcding hclpio bc frce i<drugs. Led by minister. Daniel Bnmn. Every other Saturday. 4-6 p.m. Walking Program .'.Neo-members. Walk on iracl Mon-Fri, ll:30a.m..|:Mp.m. SI0 pcr month. Religion June7-11 ;Vacatlon lllhli- Schi*iI al Rix-k Spring Baptist. Harmony. 7-9 p.m. Events olTered for senior cili/ens in Davie Ctxmty by the Davie Coun- ly Senior Center. Brixk Building. Mocksville. All events at the center unless othenvise noted. 634-0611. Thursday, June 10 Center Senior Trotturs dub meeis. l()a.m.. Ccnicr community building. Senior Cl*irus practices. I p,m.. east rtx)m. Monday, June 14 _ Codlram'cClllli meets. I(l a.nL^ Baptist church fellow.ship hall. K;ist l)avie Seniors nx*et. 10:30 a.m.. Bethlehem church fellowship Ciritii MtuUowsGo Getters meet. I h45 a.m. Tuesday, June 15 Free hlnj>o at YMCA. I p.m.. Cemetery Si. Wednesday, June 16 Sara l.tvi-m ploim ^nrcopcn to seniors with Tar llccl card. #-|() a.m.. Farmington Rd. Cards available al rvceptionist*sdesk. senior center, for llnse W)V Pading limited Hot And Humid Weather Remains In The Forecast ?™°rdin£ mth'e N a ta rw lS & V ™ c c l,1,! “ ” ' ^ " " ^ " ' ^ 1'" ^ ^ t ^ « * te - W h i ^ W ' » h e - « » r . » . X;Salurday*s skics will he variably cloudy, witli a chance ofa lw ,n ., noon thunderstorm. Higlis .should k in near 90 with i, J n ^ tSunday will b cpanlycloud> a*I not"s m . High * r c ^ d , L ifi lhc 80s,wiih lows in lhc 60s.* k ;c*fcc,ed “ >be Mlss Dark & l.ovely pageani. S. DavieJr. High. 8 p.m. Tickets S5 in advance. $4 senior citizens and students. $6 al door. Available through any club mcmk*r. Sunday, June 27 Reunion for dcsccndmis of R.J. and Catherine Dccsc R<jlins. | p.m. lunch. Center Community Buildinu. Friends. reUtives invitcU. Tuesday, June 29 Soil .Matis Garden Clul> one day garden tour thru Chapcl Hill. Ralcigh, Durham.' "6^4-j:60 Tor" reservations. Ongoing Veterans Service Office hours: Monday-Tuesday. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.: Wednesday. 8 a.m.-mnxi. Cr> stal l<uilroont l)ane Club has dance every 2nd Salurdav. Mivksville Elementary gym, 8-il p.m. No durgc. W)o Cun Clul>. Wyo Road. Far­ mington area, turkey shuil every Fri­ day and Saturday nights. 6:.10, **ii*J!o in A(lvuiicv cveiy Friday night al 6:30. al VFW l'ost 8719 home. Feed Mill Hoad. l'reschuu| Sloryliitie. JO-minute program hx children age 3-5. every lucsday, || a.m.. Cooleemee Branch Lihrary. Cooleemee Shopp­ ing Center, iuul Davie Giunty Public Library. N. Main Si.. Mocksville. Music, read-aloud. suvies. lUms. nursery rhymes. Rvt.u-Ic lnick parked al Jericho- Hardison Ruritan buildii^ every 3rd Sat.. 8;30-ll a.m. Rmt'le truck at Union Chapel Uniled Methodisi. 4th S;<.. 8 a.m.~l p.m. are hvited to make wrinen or oral com- Town of Cooleemee P.O. Box 1080 Cooleemee. NC27014 Attention: Shirtey Jacobs 704-2$4-214l 6-tO-ttnp June 21. Pistachio Ptx-try. with a sprinkle of song. Sing sillv soncs Mat'dda.i"y ^ " " " ^ ' E E H ^ T ^ " ^ June 28. Luscious Ctx)king Con­ test for kids. Pre-regi>ier. turn in recipe by June 24. Cookbook to be compiled arxI given ixit on 28th. Enter anything, wi|| be caien after Preschool, Toddler Programs — Phija5m Hcld Tucsdays.l7am. library. Prcx'hmil for 3-5 year olds. - 0 minuic iiKldler tin* for 18 months-3 ycars (toddlers must be ac­ companied by parent). June 15, Tuni Frutti Fantasy, inagie and make believe for preschool. Fairytale Float for tixldlers. June 22, Animal Cookies N*Cream. friendly animal> for preschool. Animal Cookies N'Cream. farm animals fortoddlers. June 29, /Xdvcnture Swirl, sailing lhe high seas for preschool. Adven­ ture Swirl, the sky's die limit for loddlcrs, • **^B" iu i iuu y*.a! a pipju.v.y 3ji5t r 3 relief against you has been Med in the above*ntitied action. The nature of tne relief being sought is as tofiows: Absolute dftforce. You are required 10 fiJe a wnnen answer to sucft pleading noi taler than Juty 20, 1993, sati date being 40 days from the first publicatk>n of this nobce, or 30 days from the date acopyol the Comptiint and Sum* "fnonstt personMy served uponybu,w5ani"" ever to titer. After such time, the Ptainbff wiU apply to the Court for the relief sought. 7Ws 10th day of June, 1993. Jennifer 0. Brock Attorney for Plainbff Brock & Brock. PA P.O. Box347 Mocksville. NC 27028 704434-3518 6-10-3tnp C A S H For Homeowners Credit Probtoms Understood NO APPUCATION FEE 24H*.PHE » • $10,000 for S9B/Mon. S • $25,000 for $246/Mon. • $40,000 for $394/Mon. Fixed Rates 800-669-8957 TRACTOR SALES A SERVICE Parts Avallabt. ¥o«t U U n SINK FARM EQUIPMENT OW M W. A PcatrM Rd. Leilngton, NCi-aoo.2sa.eii3 or 704-787-5138 Fo> * ei'X , PROPANE OAS, INC. Stning Motlnillr And lhvit County AW 41 )>dfi 1010 Wesi lnne$ Slreet Sali>bury. NC fflt44 (7CMfe3&639i AmfricaS^tc^tca^fcrmers- SERYICF. CLm ir THURSDAY, JUNE 10,199; 9:00 AM-12:00PM i Oavie CfciroprMtic Clinic 501 Wllkeiboro St. MockivlUe, NC 27028 _______(7 0 4 ) 6 3 4 -2 S 1 2 FKES ELECTROSlC HEARING TEST FREE CHECK VP A U TYPE HEARING AIDS 919-759-212J 1 -8 0 0 -6 8 2 ^1 6 1 PUBLIC NOTICES UNfrED STATES OF AMERICA, FED- ERAL ENERQY REGUtATORY COMMIS­ SION. Notice ol Apt*cation Ready (ot Emironmenta) Anafysb (May 21, 1993). TakenoticethatthetoBowinghydroefcctnc app<cabon has been fJed wtth the FederaJ Enerpy Regutotory Commission and is avaitobto tof public Inspection, a. Type ol Appflcation: Minor Ucense. b. Project No.: 11264400. c. Date fled: March 6.1992. d. App8cant Turbine Industries, hc. e. Name olPrpfecfcCooteemeeDamHydroProject I. Location: On the South Fork o< the Yadkin Rner. DavSe County. Notth Carofcna. g. Wed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act 16 U.S.C. §$791 (a) • 625 (r). h. AppTcam Contact Mr. George S. Cook. Turt*ne In. dustriel. Inc,, 5312 Groometown Road. Greensboro, North CaroBna 27407. (919) 294-9995.1. FERC Contact Mary Goiato (202) 219-2604. | DeadCne Date: See Paragraph 010. (Jufy 20.1993). k. Status o# Environmental Anafy*& This appsca* tion ls ready for environmental anaiysis at trts time • see attached paragraph 010.1. Deseripbone#Project:7hepfepo$edpfejeci facfl*es woukj consist ol: (1) an existing dam 500 feet tortg and 12 feet high; (2) an eusting reservoirwtfi a surface area oi 20 acres at a spttway crest efevation ol 656 feet mean sea tevet and a gros$ s$orsge capasty ol 56 acre-feet: (3) t*o existing penstocks 6 feet in diameter and 64 and 150feet teng. respectivety: (4) an e*ist>r>g powert>ou$e containing two turbine^en- eratof units having a totalcapa6tyol 1,400 fcitowatts: (5) a proposed l5Wooi4ong, 2.4-Uovort transmission hne: and (6) ap­ purtenant fac4ties.The appficant estimates thattneeostoftheprcjetfis$250.000.The average annual generation *tf be approxi­ mately 6.2 g^a*attnours. The dam (s o*fted by Turoine todustnes, Inc. nv Pur­ pose ol Project Al protect eneryy gener­ ated woud oe uti2zed by the appteant for safe to its customers n. This notice abo consists ol the foflowing standard para­ graphs: A4 and 0t0. 0. Araitabte Loca­ tions ol Appkation: A copy ol the app6ca- tion ls avaflatte for inspection and repro­ duction at the Comm<uion's Pubic Refer­ ence And FJes Maintenance 8rancfl. to- cated at 94t Nore> Capitol Sveeu NE.. Room 3104. Washington. D.C. 20426. of by ca8ng (202) 219-1371. A copy b afeo avadabfe for hspecbon and reproduction al Mr. GeorgeS. Cook, 5312 Groometown Road. Green$ooro. Nortn Carolina 27407 (919) 294-9995. A4. Development Appfe- eation~Pub5c notice ol the fifcng ol tne ifutial devetopment appLcation, *nich has aire*dy been grven, escabfcshed the due date for fi&ng competing apptieations or rvotces ol intent. Under tne Commission's regutitortS. any compebng devetopment app<cation must be Ned in response to and in compbance wtn tne pub#c notice d the irv&aJ development apptication. No conv peung aoptications or notices of intent may be Ned in response to tfus not<e. 010. FMg and Servte of Responswe Docu- mer,:s~The appication is rea3y for envi­ ronmental anafysis at this time, and tne Commission is requesting comments, re- pty comments. recommenda'jons, terms and cond<tions. and prescriobons. The Commissjon d^ect5. pursuant to section 4 34 (b) of the regutotions (see Order No. 533 ssued May 6. 1991. 56 Fed. Reg 23103|May20.199l)).tnatalcorTvner.ts, recommendations, terms and eondfons and prescnpwns concerning tne appbca* PUBLfc NOTICE BUOGETHEARING FY 199394 PROPOSED DAVIE COUNTY BUDGETTheFY199&94proposedOavieCovrty budgetwaspresentedtotheOavte County Board o i C cnvrm i 0r 9r t on June 1,1993. The proposed budget totatt $22,725,260: Gentral Fund*S16^04.466 Water-Sewor Fund • $2.243,631 Environmental Protection • $ f .267.768 WaierConsttuct>on - $243,618 Odenrual Revatation • $103,575 CapftalProfccts Fund*$2.132.200 OavteCountyHospfta1Ret»%mentTrust •$230,000The proposed budget catts lor a prop­ erty tax rate of sixty<oe cents (.61) per $100 of property vahjat>on. A copy of the budget proposal is ava2abto lor pubfie in­ spection in the oMce of Clerk to the Board ol the Davie County Commissioners dur­ ing normal business hours ot 6:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Room 250. Davie County Administration BuB4ng,i23SouffiManSveet.Mod»vBe, North Caro6na.A pubte heamg wil be heti at 7;00 pm, Monday. June 21. f993. in the Com- missioners'floom. Davie CourtfyAdminis* tration BuWing. 123 South Main StreeL MocksviBe, North Carofcna to recehre pub- k comments, erther oral of wntten. Al citizens are welcomed and urged to com- mem on the budget proposal al this bme. Brenda B. Hunter Oefctothe8oard Davie CounryCommis$ioners 6-10-2tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYEXECLfTRIX"S NOT!CE Having Quatr*d as Executrtx ol the Estate opl James Monroe Wofford, de­ ceased tote of Davie County, North Caro­ Bna. this te to notify al persons having ctaims against said estate to present them to the unders$gned on or before the 27th day of Augu$l 1993. being three months from the first day ol pubhcation. o< this notce vrtl be ptoaded in bar ol their recov­ ery. A8 persons hdebted to sak1 Estatewin pfease make knme4ate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of May. 1993. Margaret W. Royster. P.O. Sox 94. Cooteemee. N.C. 27014.Martin, Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1066 Mock$vifle. NC 27026 5-274tnp NORTH CAROUNA OAVfE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having quakfied as Executrtx ol the Estate ol L Raymond Twyman, a-k>a LR. Twyman. deceased tote ot Davie County. Non* Carctim. Vvt is to notfy afl persons NORTH CAROUNA DAV)E COUNTYADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTICE Having quabtod as Administrator CTA cl Ihe Estate of Grace Evetyn Groce Feimster. deceased, tote of Davie County. North Carolna. this ls to nobfy a* persons havingdaimsagainstsatiEstatetopresent them to the undersigned on or before tne 3rd day ol September. 1993. being Vuee months from tne fint day of pub&cation. or this notice wfl be ptoaded in bar of their recovery. Al persons indebted to said Es­ tate wfl) pJease make immediate peymeni totheuftdersigned. This the 3rd day ol May. 1993.Larry Feimster. 4453 Loekhursl Drcve, Pfafftown. NC 27040.Martin. Van Hoy and Smrth Drawer 1068 ' MocksviSe. NC 27026 6-3^tnp NORTH CAROLfNA DAVIE COUNTYEXECUTOR'S NOTlCE Having qualified as Executor ot the Estate ot Annie L. A!e*ander, deceased. lateotOavieCounty. NorthCarofma.this is to nobfy atl persons having claim$ NORTH CAROUNA OAVlE COUNTYADMINISTRATRIX CTA NOTICE Having qualfied as Administratrix CTA ol $he Estate ol Eartene Carter Robertson, deceased tote of Dav* County. North Can>- 6na. tnis is to notify al persons haw<g da^nsagainsisaidEsiaietopieseritthem to the undersigned on or before tne 10tn day ol September. 1993. being three months from the first day ol pub6cation. or trus notce w« be p<eaded in bar ol tneir recovery. Al persons indebted to said Es­ tate w<l pfease make imme*ate payment to the undersigned.Thrt the 10tn day ol June. 1993. Dian Hackett, Route 3, Box 156. MocksviBe. NC 27026, Administratrix CTA ti me Estite ol Eartene Carte? Roberson, deceased.6-tCMtnp NORTH CAROUNA OAVtE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having quailed as Ejiecutor ol the Estate ol Mary Eteabem PoRs, deceased tote ol Davie County, this ts to not<fy a8 persons havir>g tiauY» against said Estate to present tr*m to tne unoersigned on or fcetore the tOtn day d September. 1993, betf>g three months from the first day ol pu5fication or tn<s notx:e wtil be pteaded in bar of their recovery. Al persons indebted to said Estate wti piease make immed4te payment to the undersigned This tne 10tndayoUune. 1993. Jerry w . Potts, P.O. Box 37. Advance, NC 27006. E*ecutor of the Estate ol M&7 Ehzaseth Pons, deceased.6*10^to North Carofcna. this is to novt/ al persons agamst sa<5 estaie to present tnem to the haw<gtiaimaegM«saidestatetopre$ent undetsi 9ned0n ot befote aie 20tn dayol them to the unders^ned 00 or before the August 1993. Der>g truee rrxxihs from lhe 27m day ol Auguil 1993. behg rnree l,tst day ol pudeaten. of lhi not<ejmii montns lrom me 6« day ol pu6teaton. or be pteaded m Boi ol e w iecwery^ M per. mis notice w* be ptoaded h bar ol meir sons indebied lo sa<l eslaie_wiii_piease recovery. Al persons indebted lo said es* tate wfl ptoase make imme<Saie payment to tne undersigned. This the 27th day of May. 1993. M. Kathryn Twyman. 3326 Bermuda ViKage. Advance. NC 27006, Executrix ol tne Estate ol L Raymond Twyman. de­ ceased 5-27~ttnp NORTH CAROUNA OAVlE COUNTYEXECUTRtXS NOTICE Havmg quaLfted as E*ecutnx ol the Estate of Rchard AEen Vu*es. deceased, tote ol Davie County. North Carofcna. this is to notfy al persons having dams against sad Estate to present tnem to the under-S3gnedonotbe<oiethe27thdayolAugusL 1993. be#^ three months from tne first dayofpubTcat>onorffusnoocewtfbep*eatied make immediate payment to the undemgned.This tne 20n day ol May.l993. Chartes E. Ale*ander. P.O. Box 371. Cooieemee. N C.. E*ecutor of the Estate ol Annie L Aie*ander. deceased.5-20^tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE OF SERViCEOF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION lnTheDisthct Court 9HND-218 Angeta Ledbener Ptace. VS. P&nt4f DefendantJoshua Pa^ Ptace. TO: Joshua Paul Ptoce TAKE NOTICE thatavenf<ed p^ea3ng, *r . ' ^ , ^ „ rv*rm Vrt8 be Dieaded l» e NUI IV-e tfW « VBiu<ew K^>e^"V n b a T ti thetf recovery. Al persons m- seekingreaifagam tyouhasbeenf*d« " , . ^ V ^ V V .!L j: c 5 L . M ke m eibove^nM *lacton.m enatureclm edebted to sad estate w£ ptease make irrvned<ate payment to the unders>gned. Thts the 27tn day ol May. 1993. Ekzabeth Massey Vines. Route 2. Box 337-A. Advance. NC 27006. Executnx o( the Estate ol Rchard Anen Vines, de- ceasM 5W m p NORTH CAROLINA DAVlE COUinYADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTlCE Hawrg quaM*d as Adm«mstrator CTA cl tre Estate d Lee Maynard Seatord. de­ ceased tote ol Davie County. NorthCarohna. vu$ is to notify a# pe^ons having ctoims aaa^ist sad estate to present tnem to tne urttiervgried on ot betore the 27tn day ol August. 1993. being tnree months from tne first day ol put*caton. or trus notice wtl be f4eaded « bar ol rneir recowry. Al persons indebted to sad estate wfl p*ease make immediate payment to the undersigned. »ee»»s<ie<«i »#-<^«/w>,.^»—. — .— the aSov**ntrted act&v The nature cltne refael betng souyit s as foflows: an abso- V.e dw re based upon one year's *epa- You are requred to make defense to suehpfea4ngnottaterthanJufy20, t993. sad date being 40 days from the first pubLcation ol th<s notice, or from the date Comptaint is reqwred to be Hed.wtuehever is toter, and upon your laibre to do so, the party seeking service againstyou wfl appfy to the Court for the ret>ef sougr.L Thts the 3rd day of June. 1993Hal. Vog*r A F^ming, Anomey$AtLaw By: E. Edward VogW. Jr. AttomeyfprPtointitf P.O. Dra*er970 MocksWie. NC 27028 Telephone: (7W) 634<235 6-10-3tnp NOTICE TOCREDITORS Havingqua^AedasAdrrWustratorolthe Estate olWOkam G. Smrtn. (ateo kno*n as Wi&am Grimes Smitn. V/dbam Srrutn. B.B NOTICE BUDGET HEARING The 1993-94 Budget for the Town ol MockswBe was submmed to the Town Board ol Commissioners of the Town ol MoeksviHe oo June 1.1993. and is avad- abfeforpubbcinspeeticnaitheTewnHafl. A Public Hearing wiB be heti on June 21.1993. al the town Hal al 6 00 a.m. AB ci&zens ate hvtted to attend and give wnt- len or oraf comments on the budgei. The proposed budget iS balanced at $3,399,092.Teny L 8raffey TownManager e-lO-ltnp PUBUC NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT TheTr^CountyMentatHeattnComp^x bodget lor the fiscal year beginning Jufy 01, 1993. wil be presented to the Trt- County Mental HeaKh Comptex Area Board on June 15. 1993, and is ava2aMe lor public inspection at the oMce ol Boots Lones. Cferk to the Boati, l2t West Coun- dl StreeL Saksbury. NC. A Pubtic Heanng wtibeheyat6:30pm.Junei5.1993.al NewHohzonsEnterphses.124V/ikesboro StreeL Mock$vtfe, N.C., at tw<cfi bme any persons who wish to be heard on the bud­ get may appear.GeraM E. Benoey. Budget Ottcer Tri^ounty fAentai HeaRn Autnonty 6-10-1tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVlE COUNTYEXECUTORS NOTICE Haw*3 quatif>ed as Executor ot the Estate ol Margaret Jane Todd Lakey, de­ ceased. late of Davie County. North Carotaa.tfusistonotifytipersons haw>g daims against sad estate to present them zo the undersigned on or betoe tne 3rd day of September. 1993. sad date be*>g at ieast three monffu from tne date d ftrst pubtication ol this notice, or trus not<e wifl be ^eaded in bar c( tneir recovery. AJI persons indebted to sad estate w9 please make ime4ate paymerttothe unders$ned. TTus 3rd day ol June. 1993. tne same being the frst put>hcation date. Cec< Lakey. Executor of tne Esute of Margaret Jane Todd Lakey, deceased Law Ottces of Grady L McCtamrock. Jr., JO.. PA P.O. Box 1144 Mocksw*. NC 27028 Telephone: P04) 634-7502 6-3^tnp Oays from tne issuance date of tnis not*e. AJ repry comments must be tied *'th the Commission wthin 105days from the date oftni$notice. Anyone mayobtain an exten­ sion of time lor tn#se deadbnes from tne Comm&sion orVy upon a sho*ing ol good cause or extraorttrtary circumstances in aeeoreance with 16 CFR 365 2003. Al fargs must: (i)beaiinaacapiti$tettetsthe "yne"^COMMENTar^REPn^COM-' MENTS.* *RECOMMENDATlONS.* *TERMS AND CONDmONS.* Of *PRE» SCRlPTlONS;* (2) set forth in the headtfq the name of tne appiicant and the project numDeroftheapp6cationto*tucnthel&ng responds: (3) furnish the name, address, and telepnone number ol the per>on sub- mtongthetong;and(4)otnerwisecornpfy wtn the requirements ol 16 CFR 385.2001 tNOugh 3652005. AI comments, recom­ mendations. terms and condtons or pre> scnptions must set forth tneir evidentiary basis and otherwise compty with tne re- qjiremeflts ol 16 CFR 4.34 (0). Agendes may! obtain copies of the a 3rtcati0n di- r<cOy from tne app6canL Any ol these documents must be Ned by prwMtng the origina! and the number trf copies require#- h,, iK* fMnm;tt^fl'< fAoutatitins tn: Seoe- contract quotes requested on haubng, mJ-ina,maftangsandvanoustOfDavieCounty to be bd at tne June 15.1993. NCOOT Hflhway Let. Ptease contact Carl Rose &Sons.bc..P.O.Box766.EDon.NC,26621. Pnone i919435-7506. Fax919435-2501. 6-10-1tnp NORTH CAROUNA *DAVlE COUNT1 Th«s the 27tn day ol May. 1993. VAlam Grimes bmrn. w*am »nuU.. 0.» K*n H. Sealord. Route 3. Box 351-B. G 5^ yxj B4 Smrth) deceased, tote of Aavance.Nv *<uuo.Adtf>W»ua.wrf C 7^ w^ Advance. U a r* uounry. nu<vi C « jw » . EXECUTRDCS NOTICE Having qua6fied as Executni 01 the Es­ tate ol hran Harding Cope, deceased tote ol Davie County. Nofth Carotina. ti* is to notifyalpersonshavingctoimsagaktftsad estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27tn day ol August. 1993. being three months lrom the first day of pubfication, or tnis notice wfl be pleaded in baroltheif tecovety.Alpetsons indebted to sad Estate wi# ptoase make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day ol May. 1993. Norma Jean Cope. Route 4. Box 291, Advance. NC 27006. Executrix ol the Estat« 01 kan Harding Cope, deceased. 5-27«ttnp Ar,aoc6. n ^ .w ) ^om^oud.u v.^v. Advance, UavwuowUy,llu,u, w<WMWNl, the Esute ol Lee Maynard Sealord. de- theundersigneddoesherebyootifyalper- ^ 45*0- sons.fmsandcorporationshavv>gcta^ns 5-27^ttnp agair>sttheestateolsaiddecedenttoex- ruM tnem to tne undersigned at Post Office NORTH CAROUNA Dra*er 64. Winston-Satem. North Caro- DAVlE COUNTY fcna 27t02. on or before the 3rd day ol CO-ADMlNlSTRATRU(CTANOBCE September. 1993. or trus notice w* be Having quaLfied as Co-Admirusvauu pteaded in bar ol tneir recovery. Al per- ^2TA^3f-jfta-<aate^rf-Smie^iia^Wafrer_ sons^firms and corporations indebted to Rankin, deceased tote ol Davie County. tnesaklestatewiipieasen^emfi>e<SdtB NortnCarotina.thisistonotifyalpersons paymenttotheundersigned. NORTH CAROUfiA DAVIE COUNTY 1N THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTlCE Superior Court Drvis<on Betore tne Cte* 92-SP-115 Nancy Potts Wh*te (singte). VS. Arthur PoRs and wrfe. Mary Lee Pons. Ctorence Eugene Pons and wtfe. Connie S. Pons. Je$$^ Stannn Pons and wde. Kay .,S- Potts. Joanne Potts_Stroud and hus­ band, Newman Dutfey Svdud. Debbie Potts Bledsoe and husband Theodore EUedsoe.Davdlee Pons andwrfe.Cyr.tnia W. Potts. Annette Potts 6Jed$oe and hus- oand Gary B>edsoe, Pameto PottsSnoffner and husband Leonard Sho#ner. Judy Pofts Godbey and husband Roger Godsey. Brenda Sue Btedsoe and husband. Jimmy Biedsoe. Ctarence ktarwi Potts and wrfe. _Arv^*u n Pons James D. Pctts (nng'el thtsmatteronAugust 18. 1992.thesame, >ying and being in Ctorksvffle Township,; Davie County. North Carofcna, and being - more part>cutoriy descnbed as lottows: Tract I:Parcrt Or>e:BEGlNNiNQ at a pomt in the Eastem marg* ol N.C. Wghway »601 ngnt<4-way. J.M. Potts' Northwest comen thence wth said righl<l-way North 73 !eet to an iron; therce South 80 degs. East 330 leet to a point in Thekna Cain fc>e; thence 2 degs. 30 min. East 50.5 feet to a point Potu'Northeas!comerinCainhne;ftenc6 North83degs.30min.West3241eeitothe POlNT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing .5 acre, more or iess as sur­ veyed and planed by S L Tabert. R S.,. May4.1962.FofbacktitieseeDeedBook 64, at Page 633. ateo a po<tion ol Davie County Tax Map C^3-8. dated March 28. 1976.Parcet Two: A certain 2.7 acre tract toeated on the Eastem edge ol N.C. High­ way 601, 3$otning the tonds of Robert Davis on the South; Thema Cain on the Ea$t and Wfl Truesdafe on the Nortn ft Ctorksvfle T 0wn$h9 . BEGINNING atan iron pin tocated in an1 o*d road in the Robert Davis kne 210 feet East ol the Eastem right<f-way fine ol Highway601 ard65.5feet North64degs 30 min. Yje« ol ah ori$nai comet, aiso known as tne Rooert Davis Nortneastcor*' ner, thence in a Northern 4reetion wth the center of oti road and Thelma Cain 6ne North 19 degs. East 2S7£ feet to an iron pin in eenterol sad o*d road, tnence again 'tn a Nonhem direction wnh center cf oti. road Nortn 5 degs. East 135 feet to an iron par, tnence in a Western d*ection w.tn Wifl Tfuesda* hne Nortn »4 deg$. 30 mn. East 323 leet to an iron pin in the Eastem nght- ot-way tae o1 H»yw.ay 60l; theoce >n a Southem *rection wrth sad ngnt<l-way" tne South 4t2 feet to an tron p<n in the'., Eastem edge ol sad rignt^l-way Robert Dav4' Northwest comer.tr,enee ei an East­ em d>rection w«h Rosert Davis" fne Soun 84 degs 30 mJn. East 210 leet to THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 2.7 acres, more or fess as Sur- veyedbyS.LTaWrt.fl.S.Maw4, i962. For back ti5e see Deed Book 64. at Page 556 a'*o a porjon ol Davie Counry Tax Map C-34 dated ltirch 23.1976 The cegrtflog bd f$ 55,300.00. Tract ll:Parce< O.e; 8EG!NNlNG at an tron stake on tne West sioe d U S. H^nway f60i. sad stake be<ng 465 leet Norrr*afd from tne Robei Da>ns tones, runs thence *rth tne V/est side ol H$nway «601 Nortn 4 degs. West 62 feet ard Nortn 5 degs.' We$t 138 feet to an ion stake; a new comer, thence Nortn 46 degs. West 271 leet to an iron stake in tne tre cl E.H. Barnard: thence South 3 deg$. 30 rrun.. VVest wan the tne cf E.H. Bamard to an on stake; tnence Soutn B4 degs 30 r%n. East 307 feet to the p»rt and pto;e of BEGIN-' NiNG. cor.tairur>g \ .33 acres, rvye or leu. For cack tte see Deed Bock 71. at Page 252. a!so a portcn cf Dav^e Coun^- Tax -MapO-3^.oatedMarcf>26v49>6'— — Parcel 7*q. 8E6lNN!NG at a St 5ne. comer of Rcceft Dav.s and E.H. Bamard. and runs tnence N 0rt*13 deg 30 min. East 465 teet to an uon ptn; trence South 64 deg. 30 min. East 307 feet to a .1 iron pin 'e> tne edge ol U S- H^r^ay 60l;tnence*-*n U.S. H9 rtAay 601 Soutn 4 deg. East 143 teet to an iron puv. tnence South 200 feet to an iron p*n; trence Soutn 2 oeg. West North Carohna. tne ««0 r*^y *• ke»»v« having ciaims against said estate topresent them to the undersigned on or belore the 20o day ol Augu*L 1993. being three months from the first day ol pubTeatioo or this notice wil be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Al persons indebted to sad es­ tate wdl please make immediate payment totheundersigned. This the 20th day ol May. 1993. Ma^ Sue Lane. 601 Hi6crest Road. Apex. NC 27502 and Ann R. Fnck. 442 N. Main Street. MocksviBe. NC 27028. Co- ongrai#rKjuwiiwnwei wn u v w j,^ ..,, by the Commission's regulations to: Seae- tary. Federal Energy Regutoto<y Commis- sm,625North Capitol StreeLN.E..Wash- k>gto<i, D C. 20426 An ad4tional copy rtMttt be sent to: Director. Orviston ol Proiect Review. Office ol Hydropower Ucefising. Federal Energy Regutotory Commission, Room 1027, at the above address. Each ftog must be accompanied by proo1 ol service on afl pe/sons fsied on the service 6st'prepared by the Commission in this procee*ng.inaccofdancewith18 CFR 4.34 (b) and 3852010. Lois 0. Cashefl. Secretary. 6-10-1tnp NORTH CAROUNA OAVlE COUNTY EXECVTOR'S NOnCE Having quaMied as Executor ol the Estate ol Margaret Frye Hendricks, de­ ceased tote ol Oavie Counry, North Caro- toa. this b to notify al persons having daims against sad Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before tne27th day ol August. 1993. being tnre* months lrom the first day ol publication, or this notice wil be ptoaded in bar ol their recov- ery.Alpersons Indebted to said Estate wi# please make immediale payment to u>e undersigned. ' yn*sthe27thdayotMay,1d93. ,'EdwardGrayHendricksJr..2302Can- nofibal Road. Greensboro. NC27455. Ex­ ecutor ol the Estate ol Margarel Frye Heidricks, deceased. 5-274tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having quaMied as Executnx ol tne Esute ol James Odefl Smrth. deceased, tote of Davie County. Nonn CaroCna. this is to notify al persons having daims against said Estate to present them to the under, signed on or betore the 3rd day ol Septem- ber. 1993, sad date being at toast three montns lrom the date ol first pubTcation ol thisnotiee.orthisnotieetttfbepteadedin bar 01 their recovery. Al persons indebted to sad Estate wil please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 3rd day ol June. 1993, the same beu>g the first publication date. Eteine H. Sm<th, Route 2. Bdx 145. Advance. NC 27006. Executrix 01 the Es­ tate ol James Odefi Smith, deceased. JohnT. Brock Brock A Brock. PA Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 347 MocksvOe,NC 27028 P04) 634-3518 6-3~ttnp This the 3rd day ol June. 1993. Rebecca G. Srnth. AdministratofOlthe Estate ol WAam G. Smitn. deceased. Wombto Cartyte Sandridge 1 Rice Post Office Drawer 84 Winsto<vSatem. NC 27102 6-3^tnp- NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE A p e *,n u c,M "^ 7 "''■_■ .TJL, >^_ Having quaMied as Executor ol the ^ ^ # 5 r K 't i i 5 t i ^ ^ pu Estate ol Jane Amanda Seats Tucker, de­executors CTA oj the EsUte ol Susto £ ^ ^ ^ bto & Davie County. Noctn Can> Wa&er tohtin.deceased. ^ this ts to rxAty al persons havingo-i*Htnp daims again$t My e$tate to present them ...... " — * totne"unders^r>edonofbefore the-lOtn- PUBUC NOTICE day ol September, 1993. being three The Davie County Board ol Commis- nwtths lrom the first day ol pub6cation. orsionershasadoptedtneScftedutos.Stan- tru 9 n0ticewiibepteadedinbar 0ltheir dan 5s.andRulesfofthereappraisatolreal recovery. A* persons hdebted to said property et1ecwe January i. 1994.These g$tate w# please make immediate pay- scheArfesareopentopubticexamination menttotheunder$igned. in the offce ol the Davie County Tax Ad- This the 7th day ol June. 1993. n*bsvator, County Administration Budd- Joseph W&am Tucker. Route 5. Box Jng, i23SoumMainSL. MocksviBe, Nortn l65i Woeksviae. N.C. 27026 Ruby P. Overcash and husband. Paui Overcash. Dorothy P. Westmoretand and husoand James Westmoreland. Pauine E&th Mode and husbard Atoert ktode, James Freddy Cothren and wife Pat Cothren, and Juha 0. Baity, and Judgment 6en creditors ol some ol tne above paroes, Buster PhBips. Don Harckl, Grant W. JeMnes, James Latnam, United States ol —Ameoca^Treasury Depart>T>ent, lntemal Revenue Sennce. Joel L Edwards, M.D., Davie Oa Co^ Mocksvtito Bviders Supp^ Respondents NOTKEOF RESALE Under andbyviftue olthe powerot sale contained in a certain Order ol the Honor- ab(e Kenneth D. Boger, Clerk of Superior Court ol Davie County, dated February 26.i993.tneundersignedCom- mtss>oner wil otter lor sato at pu0fac auc­ tion to the highest bdder for cash at the Courthouse door at Soutn Main StreeL MocksviBe, North Caroina, at 12.00 noon, on tne 11th day ol June. 1993. Land as improved, descnbed in the Petoon tied in 1l7lttlU&.*v.*---------thenceNorth84de3 30min.West356feet to tne point cl 9EGlNNiNG. cofitaAng trvee and frve-tenths (3 and S'iO) acres, more or less, as surveyed by SamTabert. Octooer 14.1953. For back ttie see Deed Book 69. at Page l4t, aJ4o a portion ol Davie CcuTfy Tax Map C-3-7. The beginning bd is 55.300.00. SUBJECT, however, to any prior Gens* ^ehcumS^*rTeCTcw,&raSsessmenfs— oftaxescfreeord.Ten percent (10S) ol the amount ol tne hignest bid must be deposited wntn the Trustee pen*ng confirmation ol the saie. This 20tn day ol Mey, 1993. Grady L McCtomrock, Jr, NCS8 »7666 Commissionef Law Otfces ck Grady L McOamrock. Jr.. J D.. P X '" P.O.Bcxtt44 MocksvSe. N.C. 27026 Telephone: f704) 634-7502 6-3-2tnp Martin. Van Hoy and Smrth Drawer 1068 MockSvffle,N.C. 27028 6-lCMtnp Can*na.The Davie County Board ol Commis­ sioners has adopted the Schedutos, Stan­ dards. and Rutos lor appraising real prop­ erty al present use eMedive January 1, 1994.These schedules are open 10 pubfc NORTH CAROUNA eumirutionintheofficeoltheDavieCounty OAVlECOUNTY Tax Administrator. County Administration CO-EXECUTRlX^ NOTlCE Buteng, 123 Soutn Main St. MocksviBe, Having quaMied as Co-Executrixes ol North Caro6na. the Estate ol Sa$e Bett Baitey Carter, Any property owner who asserts that deceased, tote ol Davie Counry. North um<u< is>*r*r*"j -rr-----------r tO the unoerSfgnea un v« UBiv,e v.w —- use effective January 1,1994. are invaBd day ol August, i993. being three months may except to the order and appeal there- lrom the firsi day ol put*cation. or thislromtothePropertyTaxCommissioowitrun noticewiflbepteadedinbatolUwtecov- 30 days ol the date wfien the notice ol the e{y. *g per$ons indebtedto sad estate witt -.^-..^,.M,Hm<tAhArt,,u* Riarvtords. rx=a** maka bnmediate payment to the MEW$. 30 oays 01 vve UOIO r»-.e- « ~ ■ ~ ~ ~ ---- order adopting the Schedutos. Standards, and Rutos was first published (June 10. 1993) N.C.G.S. 105-317(C)(3).By order ol the Davie County Board ol Commissioners June 7,1993.Brenda Hunter Ctork to the Board Davie County Commissioners, 6-l04tnp*1 ery.Aupai*v^-<w""'—--- ptoase make bnmediate payment to me undersigned.This the 27th day ol May. 1993.FranWeC.Everhart.Route4,Boxt006, Lexington. NC 27292 and Lydia C. LyndX 4825 Spibby Lane, WMton-Saiem. NC 27i04, Co-Executrixes ol the Estate 01 Satte Bett Baiey Carter, decea^d.5-27~1tnp Request for Proposals Town of MocksviUe SaIe of Log House on Salisbury St. The Town is accepting bids on the sale and salvage of the log house at the coiner o( SaUsbury St. and Sanfoid Ave. Successful blddet must remove structure and all debris within thirty (30) days of acceptance of bid. Successful bidder must also post a $1,000 certified, check as a deposit. I Proposals must be received by Friday, June 18 at 5pm at MocksviUe Town Hall, For more information contact: JeffWhiteat634-2259 ; D8 • DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, J u jy lM M j____________________________________________________ f l T A f f ^ | B D S rwwMPEMSnZE SBOOETEABU5 » f l = l , ^ H J . M 139 DEER RUN, MockivWe Hwy. 64. Friday. 1-5 and Satufda/, 7-1. 2 Family Yard Sale: Satvday. May 12 at Center Community Center on 64 acroos l^0. Lots of good items, rods & reels, table & chain 3 FAMILIES • Saturday. June 12. Main Church Road. 5th house on left. Fur. niture. appliances, clothes, stereo and much more.______________ 3 FAMILIES: Saturday. 8 a.m. until. 156 to Sain Road, t mile on left. Range hood. World Book En* cyclopedia, children games. Atari games, keyboard, stereo equipment, curtains, bedspread, shoes and lots of ctothes. Rain date June 19. 67 WATTS STREET, COOLEEMEE: Friday. June 11. lOan>3pm. Lots of items, cheap prices. Need space for other items.__________________ 6 Families: 64 East, last brick house on right bebre turning on Cornatzer Road. Lamps, bedspreads, dishes, ctothes. tots more. Fri., June 11 & Sat.. June 12.________________ 9 FAMfLY YARD SALE: Friday & Saturday. V* mile west d 801 on hwy. 158. Lots of good items. Rain or BIG YARD SALE: Friday & Saturday, June 11 & 12. Some old & some new. 601 south oI Hillsdale gdng toward Advance. About 2 miles. Come and took. __________________ CORNATZER ROAD: 2 m<les lrom hwy. 64 east. Saturday. June 12, 8am-2pm, 4 famihes. Bedroom suite, window air conditioner, kitchen, househoti items, clones of many sizes induding infant and toddler, tots more._______________________ FRIDAY ONLYl from 8 a.m. until. DULIN ROAD off 158. Smithgrove area. Misc. new and used items. Stees small to queen si 2e.______ GARAGE SALE: Saturday. June 12.8 a.m. until. Gordon Drtve, Creekwood off Hwy. 801._________________ MOVING SALE: Saturday. June 12.7 a.m. untiL Some furmtve, baby bed, stroller and many other items. Southwood Acres behind Davie High MULTI-FAMILY FLEA MARKET Saturday. June 12. 8am>3pm. New and used dothing. antiques, fur* I niture. Hwy. 64 east on nght across from Hendnx B-B-Q.___________ PLEASANT ACRE off 601 South. 2nd house on left. Saturday. 7am-5pm. , Large size clothes, antiques, what ; nots, lamps and tables.________ SATURDAY 7anv2pm. 601 South - across from EUis Auto Auction. Lad^s ^ clothing, accessories, western ']ewelry anticlotfimgTetc.Tfouseh"old' items, boota. lamps.___________ ; SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 8am-2pm. 64 East near Fork. Baby clothes. . clothes, glassware, wood cratts. •'. • ladies gotf dubs, assortment of baby ;' items, lots more.______________ •SATURDAY, June 12. Walt Wilson * • Road. 3rd house on left. Go carl ^ 2 j & B B jQ s 9 H USED APPLIANCES & PARTS Washers * Dryers * Stoves Main Church Road, M mile 601 North, Mocksville. 492-2201. FOR SALE: 3 Jersey cows. 2 beef heifers. 998-7490._____________ FREE PUPPY 998-8925 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT. $260 month, rent only. 634-3941, Beautifully fuml*hed studlo apart* ments includes electric, water, gar­ bage. and sewer, only $334 per month. We also have 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, available. Pool, basket­ ball courts, laundry and other amenities. Northwood Apartments. 704^344141,________________ MOCK PLACE: Senior Citizens Atten­ tion! Now taking applications for 1 bedroom unts in Mockstille. Senior Citizen complex ne*t to Oavie Coun­ ty Public Library. Rent based on in­ come. For information call 634-2005 or write: Mock Place. P.O. Box 690. Mocksvilie. NC 27028. Equal Hous- ing Opportunity.______________ MOCKSVILLE • SUNSET TERRACE All Brick Energy EtficientApartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pod. basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnish­ ed includmg dshwasher. iVi bams, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heat and air. Prwired for cable TV 4 phones hsulated win­ dows & doors. No wax kitchenrt>ath Moors. Located in Moctevtlle behind Hendrix Furniture on Sunset Or. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1^> M-F & Sat. 10-1& Phone 70*6344168. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for two and tvee bedroom energy ef­ ficient aparments. Rent a based on income! Located at 300 Mllmg Road close to schools, industry, and shop­ ping. Range, refrigerator, drapes or minlbhnds.outs<te storage induded. For leasing information. please phone 704-634-2070. Equal Housing Opportunity. _____________ ONE MONTH S FREE RENT! THE OAKS! Che and two bedroom energy efficients apartments bcated at 268 Milling Rd.. Mocksville. NC. Heat pump with central air. washer/dryer connections, range, refrigerator. drapes or miri-bUnd$, outstie storage included. Pr&wired for phone and cable. 704*6^-2070. Equal Housmg Opporlurity.__________________ BEDROOM: with TV, a>r. bath and refrigerator. Private ertrance. For a working rrule, 25 years and o<der. No drinking. 634-7917. CAROLINA BEACH CONDO: Ocean view, VA baths, sleeps 4. cable, phone, washer, dryer, pool. S375 per week. 919-791-5788.___________ FOR RENT: N. Myrtle Beach. 1 block from ocean. Ig. swimming pool. W/D lac. avail.. sleeps 6. FAMILY ORIENTED, $425tok. Call Jean or Oon Pope 919-998-2330(h); 9l9-766^506(w).______________ N. MYRTLE BEACH: 3-BR. 2-BA patio home. Short walk to beach. All amenities, rcluding pod. 5600 per 2-BR. 2-BA Condominion. N. Myrtle Beach. Short walk to beach. All amemties. including pool. $425 per Call Dr. Ramey Kemp. 634-5072. r o m a i i M f f l a a MOUNCE The family of the late Ocnna Boone Mounce etiend their thanks for the many acts of love shown us through the visits, prayers, flowers and food. Special thanks to Yadtin Valley Bap­ tist Church. Henry 4 Jewell Boone Mike 4 Henry Boone. Jr. Charles 4 Nichde Mounce SMITH The family of the late J. Odell Smith acknowledges with appreciation all the thoughMul deeds of sympathy to them during their bereavement. Thanks for an the tove shown through the prayers, visits, flowrs. food and memoriate. Thanks to the Rev. Wayne Buff and Rev. Lanny Atkins lor the serv>ce in the chjrch. To Larry Carlton and the Masons for the beautiful graveside service. Everyones thoughtfulness will be remembered. Etame Smith Dennis 4 Angie Smith MaOle Howard Sisters 4 Brother WILL BABYSIT: 1st shifl,myhome in the Fork Church area. 996-6086. WILL BABYSIT in my home. 2nd shift. Off Deadmon Road on Wall Wilson Road. 634-9916 after 2 p m, WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home, first shift. Provide breakfast, lunch and snack. Mocksville area. 6344866.____________________ WILL KEEP CHILDREN In my home lst 4 2nd shift, also before 4 after school. Breakfast, lunch, snack. William R. Oavie area. 492-2013 ANYTIME! PREGNANT? FOR INFORMATION ANO HELP CAU.: LOVE LINE. 492-5683 ^ jg ^ ^ 2 3 E ^ flS 3 3 li 2 Houses and a Day Care Center Send letter of interest to: P.O. Box 1148. Modtsville.______________ 4-Bedroom. 2-bath, laundry room, central a>r and heat. deck, patio, shade. 1553 sq. ft. in Mocksville city limits. 919*765^690.___________ Country Road LOG HOMES Ot Oavie County See Model Home 7CW-634-5880 EXTRA NICE*2-BR cottage on 8 plus acres. Barn, out buiUmgs. pond. Pretty place! Can Red Foust. Howard Realty, 63*4757 or 63*4538. BY OWNER HiCkory Hil Sect*n II. 4 Bedroom Contemporary. 3 full baths. 2 half baths. 3,000 pfciS ft. heated ftoor space. Screen porch, brick par>o. full lengih of house approx­ imately 100 ft. with covered porch. Oversize double garage. Storage garage for lawn mower and golf cart. Full irngat*yi system, covered pier on lake with storage room. 315 water front on 100 acre lake, totally land­ scaped. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! 9984377 Mon-Thurs after 5pm. 634-5348. 9am-5pm ___________ HOUSE FOR SALE; 166 Halan<Jer Drive. Mocksville. 634-1445 Days; 634-3332 Evenings. Land For Sale 5.41 ACRES corner of Hwy. 801 4 Joe Road. Days 704634-5961.nighU and weekends 704-787*5663.________ 5.681 ACRESwooded. Buck Sea>ord Rd. Mocksville area. $5,000 PER ACRE. 634-5852 after6p.m. N. Davie-56 Acres Woods. Timber. Pasture. Water. Nice small home. Prettiest place arourd. Call Red Foust at Howard Realty. 6344538 or 6344757.____________________ NICE ACREAGE TRACTS • Call Red Foust, broker; HOWARD REALTY 6344757.____________________ OVER 1600 FT. RIVER FRONTAGE: i3+acres. Land perks. Beautiful homesites. Mr. Henry Rd.. S.W. Davie. $75,000. Aubrey Realty. 1.704.744-6080,_______________ RIVERFRONT LOTS: 5.1 acres each. Perks, paved road frontage, $20,000flot. Owner financing available with small down and ap­ proved credit. Mr. Henry Road. S.W. Davie. Aubrey Realty. 1*704-7444060. Lawn & Garden C 4 M SERVICES We provide all types of lavn service, mowing lawns, tnmming shrubbery, deanmg lots. 704-63t-579B. FREE ESTIMATES._________________ AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE Mowing 4 Trimming Reasonable Rates Free Estimaies Johnny Wyatt - 9984732 TUCKER LAWN CARE...Mowing. Trimming, Mutoh, Seedng. ALSO Deck Buildng. Discounts for Senior Citizens. 996-7283.____________ YOKLEY LAWN CARE Mowing, leaf removal, core aeratmg. seedmg, fertilizing. Free Estimates. 998*3965. ^ B ^ S ftlA U f iE H FOUND: Class nng on chain found at Center bal field. Monday. May 31. Call and identify. ___________ LOST: 14 Kt. god chain necklace with mne pearts durmg graduation e*er* cises at Davie High • REWARD! 9984478 or 9984691. AKC MINIATURE DACHSHUND pup­ pies: Red,2males. 2 females. $150. 4&2*5494-.--------------------------------- CHOW FOR SALE: 5 months old. female, fdl blooded. $50. 998*7814. COLLIE PUPPIES: AKC registered, ex­ cellent pedtgree. whelp 4/15, large lit­ ter discount $150 each. 3415 YanceyviftoSt.. Greenstxro. Look for pink and bkje bows. 919421-9064 and 9194214526. CHILDCARE IN MY HOME 1st shift Pmebrook School DisYict. 801. 2 miles from 140. Full cr part-time. Lunch and snack provxted 998-2907. Loving Mother Of 3 has immediate openings in registered daycare home. Meals, love, and hugs provid- U^L998 a53Z_ ^jj^2E H ^Q E I2E ^H 37Vi ACRES PLUS: $38,000. Owner financing wth good credt and small down payment. Property located off RaUedge Road in Little Egypt. If you like privacy and wildhte this is your place. AuOrey Realty. 1-704-7444080 or 1-919425-9147. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Will Deliver __________9984000__________ FOR SALE: 1 set cement steps. 3 steps high. 999-5103. Miscellaneous FOR SALE: Hickory Hill Membership. $400. Call 634*2318 Tues.-Sat. 6344526 Sun. 4 Mon._________ FOR SALE: TV Antennawi9> pde. $40; 1 room air conditioner plugged into regular socket, $125. 2844535. K 4 G SALVAGE SPECIAL 4'x8'x7u" WAFFLE BOARD, ONLY 7.99fiHEET. 48" Vanity wifi double sink.$199/ea. 36" Vanity with sink, $149/ea. Fiberglass roofing shingles. $12.95/sq.; Roll roofing, $8.95/roll; 1**x12" no. 2 grade pine shelving, $95/ft.: Bevel edge cedar stiing. $ 29rtt: SPECLAL: Corrugated Metal Roofing. 8' lengths .49 h., 10.124 14 ft. Iengms. .59 It. All vinyl windows In stock. V^ price. 29 gauge pre-pamted 3 ft. wide cor­ rugated metal roofmg and siding $l/tt. K 4 G Salvage Materials, located on Hwy. 67 (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on West bank of Yadkin River. 919-699*2124. ^ Q ^ Q ^ ^ ^ Q | ^ ^ Q AVAILABLE 7-1:2-BR. very nice, cen- tral air. sto%e. relngerator. on V? acre private lot. Prefer otier adults. $300/mo, $300 dep. Call 492-7174 CEAN 2 BEDROOM, 2 full baths, washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, central air and heat cn private lot Deposit, re!erence requred. No pets in home. Call 492-5296 after 5 p.m. NICE 3 BEDROOM trailer. 14*75. $400 month. 634*2304. 34-5291. REALLY NICE RVO>*ith CeniralAir. W4Nher Dr>ur. 2-BR. 2-BAonpnvuw kx on 64 We*t. Wvrkins itxple de>ircd. S300/month plu> ‘ $>00 Jeposit 634-2532. j^22I12E^^EGH22i9 2 BEDROOM. 1Vi baths cn large cor­ ner tot. Black top road. La not for safe but rentabte. Good ioca<on. $6500. 998-2675 or 998-8979._________ 2*BR OAKWOOD already set up in nice park. Assume loan! 919-767-7151 or 140^437*3062. •88 FISHER 14x76'.t. deck, out­ building. Located at Deer Run. 6344645 arrytime.___________ ABANDONED HOME! Assume Low Payments ________7CW433-1107________ BANK REPO 70x14 1984 3 bedroom. 2"6*atTTS3!900- " as is. Call Mike 704-528-9449. P0459095 , - frame, oto dresser, old bed and much ;*. more. 8an>12 noon.___________ • Saturday, June 12. 7am-3pm. ; - Household items, pictures, chairs, ; I coffee table, lg. 4 sm. adult clohes 4 •: shoes. Chidrens all sces. Farm­ ington Road to Kennen Crest Drive near Farmington Medical Center. ; Saturday, June 12,8am-2pm. 300 Har- .;dison SL Children clothes, two '- kerosene heaters, chainsaw. washer. •1 dryer. Rain or shine. . Saturday, June 12. Fulter Weldmg 4 l; Fabricators. 8am*l2pm. Girl's ;* dothing. tots of odds and ends. FOR SALE: 1 full blooded Ouarter Horse. 1 Appaloose. 2 saddles. 2 bridles. (1) '73 Gore 2-horse trailer recently refinished. Wll sell all for $2,500. Negoitabte. 996-3732 days. 998-7460 evenings. LARRY’S WOOD FLOOR 1 SERVICE Laying - Sanding - Finishing | FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Larry McClannay 704/284-6032 H U FFM A N ’S DIESEL SERVICE Engine Rebuilding & Repairs John Deere • Cummins CAT • Detroit Diesel Custom HiQh Performance Engines Built To Your Specifications fOAS o o+t*o Rt. 1 Advance (9 1 9 ) 9 9 8 - 9 6 » ! Buying Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Coins Rolex Watches Paying Cash Don's Flne Jewelers NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE * Safes * Files * Firc Proof Files _ Rowan Office Fumiture 119 N. Mm S::wt. S4iKvy. NC Phone: 704-636-8022 e REUSE| THE NEWS. . ALLPHASES B O O K K SK rm e ,;':• PwiorMU • Businea ■;.•: '.'. SmaUFarmA5pteioUy ■ Sw:JeyesRhtNe . H kR M sck WeewOek8hepp*igCwWr UICBB Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. COMMERCLXL/RESmENTIAL OFFICE PHONE: 998-2121 24*Hour Effler9<ncy Servk> 50m*onpeop## t*k* COmtorT ti rt. Oua&ty I S «rv« For O<w 65 V«*f» FILTER BAQS • PARTS • REPAIRS ^ g L B C T g O L B W l u76Weit4mSVMi Winsun-Salem, NC27101 919-724-5578 • 919^59-1144 MELVIN QATTHER . Cep*C#,Swawl >k / X .y^,w *etV<Wi <MffCOOM < w w ^towP*Kwi Ape'<WtrtlVMAW Expert Installation & , Repairs | w E E E sn *M res| 5 year guarantee on al materials andworkmanshlp. AUSTIN FENCE COMPANY, INC. ,91M31-7S7> Sweaters® Things W fflifthiM fift ^tehfw m v n v P 9 v T n n % • Mannequins • Tables • Clothes Racks • Clothes Hangers • Miscellaneous Store Fixtures • Metal Shelving Units Saturday, June 12,1993 9:30 am - 3:30 pm 415 Sanford Avc. Mocksville (Beside The Fire Department) Look For Our SIDEWALK SALE AD Loc*tid Ebcwh<K In thU lisue V » ________ HELPAddmore- winners to our Treasure Chest Contest! Try the New Lock Wednesday, June 16th 4 WINNERS TO DATE! DEBBIE BEAN WANDA BARNEY Houte 7, Mocksville Route 7. Mocksville DAVID BOLES VALERIE BOSTICK Mocksville Route 1, Mocksville OMe74*mond QuMrRing SALE ONLY * 4 " 14 Karat Gokl 8aU Earrings SALEONLY*19900 14Kt. Gold rope Chain for Dad Buy Now For Father*s Day, Graduation, Anniversary <6 More DIAMOND’ ANNIVERSARY RINGS ONSALE! DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING FOR DAD FAEE Ring S w g 4 Qfl Wr***ngt O J W i DIAMOND M4*3747 Next To WsHUrt HMevHto COLI) GAI.LERV 9;3MDalty AU Ctwg# Cards _ E^ert Repatr Werk* DAVlF. COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 10, l'JW -1)9 eL A S S O T E D S nwawPBHaPflB BBOBSABffl • HELP SAVE ALAN*S CREDIT! Take over paymonts $163 64 per monih _________704.633-1)07________ Lee's Mobile Homes, Vokjmo Fleet* wood & Horton dealer ♦ 4’ hitch Inc. 1993-14x70.12,999:14x80.14.999: 14x50.9.599: 24x44,18.999: 24x52. 20,999: 28x60. 26.999: 28x70. 30.999. Also used homes. Open 7 days, Rd. 1923 Norwood, NC 7044744191, 800-777-8652. NEW 2 BEDflOOM, 1 bath. Delivered & set-up, only $599 down. Accent Mobile Homes, 3856 Patterson Ave.. Winston-Satem, NC. 1^00-645^430. 11.50 APR. 144 months, 5l5l per month. New 1993 14x80,3-BR. 2-BA. includes appliances, furniture. air. washer/dryer, vinyl skirting, steps. . electrical hookup, deliwry & set-up. • Only S164/mo. See at Accent Mobile Homes. 3856 Patterson Ave.. Winston-Salem. NC. 1400^4S0430. .•9.75 APR, 240 months, 10 percent OAKWOOD DISCOUNT CENTER 2 & 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Homes 5820 down. $185 per month. ON THE SPOT FINANCING! I*85. Exit 76 Service Road Salisbury. NC ________704-633-1107________ OAKWOOD • LEXINGTON Factory Discount Prices Ouality Homes ________704-249-7041_________ RAY'S HOUSE FOR SALE 1976 60x12. $2,995 7W-528-9449 ____________________P0059095 SHOW MODELDouble wide 3 bedroom, 2 bath. • 523,990. Includes deliwry and setup : in NC. Phone 704-528-9449. P0459095 OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE available. Approximately 500 sq. It. oll Depot Street behind Oavio Travel. Street level near east side parking lot 998-3165. . PIANO TUNNING, REPAIRING. Work Guaranteed Call Watface 8arford ________919-998-2789 SEAFORD PIANO SERVICE Tuning & Repair 704492-2000 or 704-6344158 Jack Seaford Vaccum Repair Service Rainbows and all other brands. Sup­ plies on hand. Vacuums For Sale! 998-5890 or 998-7004._________ BACKHOE SERVICE • Septic Systems,Any BackhoeWork. MII1er & Sons Backhoe Service, 284-2826.___________________ BOGER'S KAR KLEEN 28 years experience in complete car cleaning, wax, interior, motors. Call 998-3189 or 998-3159. Rt. 2 Mocksville. BRAKE'S HEATING & COOLING Furnaces.Heat Pumps,AirCondition- ing. Pfumbmg, Hot Water Boilers. Also Air And Water Purification. STATE UCENSEO. CALL 492-2599, THOM RUTTER PAINTING & WALLPAPERING __________2844211__________ CHAN LINK FENCE We specialize in residential chain link fences. All estimates are fiee. All workmanship and materials come with a wntten 5 year guarantee. Open all day Saturdays. 919-631-7879. Davie Electronics Servicing car stereos, home stereos. VCR's, CD's. CB's, and Nintendo. 18 years ex­ perience. 919-998-6179. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER SALES - SERVICE - SUPPLIES 284-2577 GENERAL TRACTOR WORK Bush-Hoggmg • Sub-Soilmg Garden Work __________998-8824 __________ HAULING • Sand. Gravel, Dut. Mulch. Miller & Son Backhoe Service 284.2826 LEAKY BASEMENT? Basement Waterproofing Systems guaranteed for the lifeot the home. II you have or are considering finishing a room in ycur basement, we protect the entire fomdaton. Free inspection and estimate. 704492-7584. ask for Bob EXPERIENCED CARPENTER needs odd jcbs. Good wrk for fair price. FREE ESTIMATES.704492-2255. Ask for Calvin alter 5 LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link • 0*ner Free Estimates 634-3248__________ MASON ELECTRIC...Newlnstallalion & Repair. Mobile Home Hook-ups. Service changes. Keith Mason 998-3531.____________________ Osborne Electric Co. Unlimited license. Over 25 years experience. FREE ESTIMATES Karl Osborne, owner __________634-3398 __________ PAINTING Remodelr>g • home repairs. Large or small. Free estimates. James Milter 998-6340._____________________ PHIL’S HtoH PRESSURE WASHING Mobile Homes • Vinyl Homes Concrete • Wood Decks 634-7584_________ POWER EOUlPMENT RENTAL Precision Power Equipment Milling Road, Mocksville ________7&1634-9768________ RICK MILLER CONSTRUCTION Cleanng lots. Loader work, will haul dirt-stone-sand __________998-0846__________ Residential and Commercial Clean* lng FREE Estimate References pro­ vided. 492-5317. "Askfor Deborah." Leave message. STUMP GRINDING • No Y»d Damage Miller & Sons Backhoe Service 284-2826_________ SUSAN'S SEWING ALTERATIONS 16 Grove Street CooJeemee, NC 27014 Monday • Friday. 4pm-8pm Saturday 9am4pm 704-284-2302. Susan Riley TRUCK DRIVING TRAININGCarolina Trammg Center 1155 Hwy. 66 South Kemorsville. NC 1-800-849-1177 TRENCHER SERVICE: Waler. Gutter. Electrical Lines. Miller & Sons. 264-2826 VCR CLEANING & REPAIRS VOGLER'S TV SERVICE. Advance. 998-8172 LUXURY MOTOR COACH TOURS Worth Is The Lamb • Crystal Coast Am- pitheatro. July 18-19th. Alabama In Concert • Myrtle Beach, SC, Aug. 21-22nd. Renfro Valle/ Kentucky ♦ Jamboree. Barn Dance, much more. Sept. 10-12th. II interested contact Hall Tours. 919-367-7401 or 919-367-3966. '68 American By Rambler. 24r., $-' ' .' Excellent condition, no<*ds • ..;. 55,000 miles. $650 O.fl.C. 9ae-6422.______________ *73 Grand Torino: 351 engine, automatic. 284-2460 after 4 p.m. '78 Ponliac Lemans: Good mechanical condition. 78,000 miles. Needs paint $600 O.B.O.! 634-0870 ‘87 DODGE COLT: 44.000miles, AC. PS. new tires, extra clean. $3,000. 634-5835.____________________ '88 PRAIRIE SCHOONER: 36 ft., 5th wheel, center living room with slide out wall. $20,000. '87 Fotd 2S0. 19.000 mles,4wheel dnve, auto. 460 engme, 100 gal. capacity. Total package $33,000 or best offer. 6V> miles north ol 1-40 on 601. 704492-23f0.________________ '89 Cadillac Sevilfe STS: 35,000 miles, black with leather interior. 919-7604022.________________ '89 Uncohi Town Car: Signature senes. 34.000 miles, blxk with black lealher mtcrior. 919-7604022. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS We have used parts for sale on Hwy. 601 ott 64 South, approximately 4 miles 998-5103.______________ FOR SALE: Antique Tractor, 1930 In­ ternational with A-Model engine. 1950 GMC 5-Window pickup. Both run good. Sell or trade. 919-998-7021. JOHN DEERE Green 14 It. Tandem Trailer. 6VS It, wide with loading ramps. 998-3177._____________ MF-35 Gas, new tires. new tires, new paint. Good condition. $3500. 919-463-5471 after 6 p.m.______ SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buck-Peugeot 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 740-6364341 Wanted SUPER SINGLE WATERBEO WANTED. Good condition. Call 634-3783. H E fi23 E & u S 31 ^ H PART-TIME CASHIER: Appiy at Lowe's Food, lnc., 907 Mumford Drive. Mocksville. ATTN: $9.25 TO START lnt'i. firm has temporary and perma­ nent openings in Cata*ba and sur­ rounding counties. Ideal for college students and high school grads. Work in Mocksville, apply in Hickory. Call 704-323-8975 for interview.______ AVON WANTS YOU! ________7CM-8764064________ BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home for 2 year old. Sepl.-May. Advance area. MorvWed.,2-9 pxn., Thurs. 2-7 p.m.. Sat, 9am-1pm. $80/wk. 919-996-8761.________________ Be A Decor & MorefToys A Gifts Home Party Demonstratori For FREE Catalog & hformation Call Andrea. 998-2052.____________________ COOKS NEEDED part-tme. 12-8 p.m. Some experience preferred. Appty in person. Meadowbrook Manor, Clem­ mons. Hwy. 158. College? College Bound? $320 for 2 days. Details? N.C. National Guard. 634-2633. Join as a junior or senior. EXPERIENCED GLASS & MIRROR CUTTER: Store front mechanic. Some out of town and overnight. Only experienced drug-free need apply. B&B Glass 4 Mirror. Mocksville. 704-634-3966. BABYSITTER needed In Pinebrook School area. 998-3205 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS need­ ed. Apply In person to Jeffco, Inc <n Advance. Good beneles. FIRST CHOICE MAINTENANCE SER­ VICE needs individuals to perform janitorial services in Clemmons area. $5.50/hr. to start. 2 hrs. per night. 919-838-9079.________________ GOOD WORKERS needed to install cable TV. $6.00 per ' hour 1-B00-800-2811. ask fa Phit. HELP WANTED: Must have knowledge of tire repairelc. Will train. Mock Tire. 962 YadVanvi1le Road. Mocksvilte. 634-6115._________ KFC IN CLEMMONS now hiring cashiers, cooks, and buffet staff. Pay­ ing up to $5.00 per hr. Paid vacation to ALL! V» price meals! Apply m per­ son; KFC. 2390 Lewisviiie*Ciemmons Road. Clemmons, NC 27012. PART-TIME DAYCARE TEACHER: 2-5 days week. Must be 18. Inquire 998-2220.____________________ POLICE OFFICER: Mo*sville Police Department. Minimum requirements: High School Degree, Basic Law En­ forcement School. Applcations ac- copted to June 25._______ POSITION AVAILABLE tof Data En­ try Clerk. Must have excellent com­ puter skills and enjoy a fast pace. Send resume and salary history to Tri-Power. Inc.. P.0 Box 444, Mockswl1e. NC 27028, Aitn: Margaret Lane. No phone calls please. Resumes that knock'em dead. If your job search is gomg noAhere, maybe your resume needs a tine-up. Mac’s Resume Service can give you the professional touch that gets you noticed andgets your footin the docr. Fast lurnarcvnd and reasonaWe pr>c- , ing. Call 634-5750.________ SOMEONE TO SIT with efderly lady $4.00 hour. Some light housework. 99B4Q23.____________________ Single parent needs occasional weekend childcare for 10 and 15year old boys. Creekwood Development. only please. 996-0297._________ WANTED: Experienced cook and dishwasher. Apply in person, Mil!er's Restaurant. FOR SALE 25 Acros on Old Hwy. 158 Cil MJ. Randall 6 Howard Realty ^ 634*3538or634*5629^ Donnie Waller Custom Cabtaet Shop * Free Estimates • Mocksville. NC e 9 1 9 /9 9 8 .5 8 9 0 _____- / g m ? v ^ r >LGks2 ^ ^ CVS10UUADt * T j _—~ ^ r W OUA STORE DAVIE JEWELERS ^ V y y ^ W jj^ ^ ^ y iit ii& e CINDY'S GROOMING SERVICE »01 North • lfl uita OH MO • MockrriB* o tt For *ppi. 7 0 4 * 3 4 ^ 4 tM S E C R E T A R Y /R E C E P T 1 0 N IS T _______ and maintains inventory of needs: recru.t and intennew peopte: complete aspi<ations lcr ekgtie appfcean& key program data; scar^ carts' tests results. SKILLS AND ABILITIES: KnotUedge of cffice practices and procedures: knowteOge cf computers, WordPerfect 5.1 and ctner cff<e equ;pment; accurate typmg sKjiis at an average rate cf speed; experience in contact wth uie public; knatletige cf fJe maintenance; knowledge cf Davie County resources: abJ-ty to work wtn peopie. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE: Graduation from high school or GED; must have had $ecretahal science courses; experience in clerical and secretarial work or any witi be staVoc6d in MocksWle. Salary; Minimum S14.614 Resume Closlno Date: June 17.1993 An Equsl OppottufifyADA Efrptoi#f APPLY TO: £ SDA Director : NWPJTC Sa 280 S. Liberty Street • Wlnston*Salem, NC 27101*5288 , HOT N’ MOW Wlll be opening soon. We are seeking energetic and friendlg team plagers —Starting at SS.OD per hour— PLEASE CALL AMD LEAVE ME55AEE 9 1 9 -5 7 4 -9 4 B 3 00 00 CLERK-TYPISTIII 0 Temporary lull-time position in medical records to include opening & termination of records, liling and general typing lrom dictaphone in a local mental health center in Mocksville. Beginning date June 28th until approximately September 1st. Possibility ol becoming a permanent part- time position in the future. High school education and at least on year of clerical experience required or completion of one year of business college. Starting salary: S14,837. Contact the local Employment Security Commission to arrange taking a typing test; requiring 50wpm and a spelling test requiring at least a 2. EOE. 0 0 0 BANDSAW OPERATOR Baker Furniture has an opening for a bandsaw operator. Must be experienced in finish cutting and free hand cutting. If qualified, apply at: Baker Furniture Baker Furniture PUnt on Milling Road in ModuvUte, NC ^viAEEL^ tilo^^.iE@ 766-9691 IMMEDIATE OPENING On All Shifts For Cooks & Wait Staff Must Have a Solid Work Record, Good Attitude and Willing to Learn BENEFITS INCLUDE Competitive starting salary with opportunity for advancement Group Insurance Prolit sharing One-week vacation bonus every six months PACKAGING " U-THlAU-lMM< — LABELING MockswHe area. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS. Packag ng pad on productions. La5eling at $5 50 ph. • I CALL DE88lcS TEWP5TOOAY FOfl DBMS!! _______919-759-9999 _______ ilS"iDebbie's U UTem ps. Inc. STEVE IJAMES ^y_^C A R P E T- X CLEANING * Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning * Homes, Businesses & Churches * Water Damage Extraction Service * Over 15 Years Experience * FREE Estimates Mocksvllle, NC 704/492-5781 J o b R e s o u r c e C e n te r C o o r d in a to r ^ Perform respcnsWe admri$tratr<e work h coorfoubng a center designed to as$i$t indmduali h M r»kj ol emptoynwit and training. DUTIES: Recrurt and inierviw app6cant$, determine etig64ty tor part>opabon, cate manage eGgtie dent$. coord#ute wth tocal agenoes. anend meetrgs, serve a$ an atfvocata to< M center, dients, and «jperv»e errptoyee$. QUALIFICATIONS: CanMte$ mu$t demonstrate 1) a general to morough knwtedge ol social wort prict<es in case management, 2) mcrovgh kno*'<dge cl tocal iesources avatit4e h Davie Counr/, and 3) kno*todge ol emptoyment and tiaining ieguUtion$ heiphjl A successful canddate must have sVJs to imptement programs, communicate ettectnety in *(4ng and oraUy, e$uttish and ma«tain eflecvne retibon>hip$, hand* several issues at tfie same tvne and sup6rvise emptoyees. Desiratie eiperience and training indude graduaten lrom a lour year cotege or wwewt/ *<n a degree in todat or human sernce$ and eipenence in social *o<k practices an4'or federal programs; A canddate must be wdU^ to drrve wrthh or outtide ol the count/ in tha pertomance d me duties assigned. Person wtf be statened in Mwksvite. ^ APPLYTO: I SDA DlrKtOf*NWPJTC • 2S0 S. Ubwty Street • Wlnston-Stiem, NC 27tOI-528B ATTENTION! ~ ~ S jg T ~ ^ K ^ ^ ^ r*m ^ffl^ ^ ^ ^ ^ JUNE GRADUATES AND SCHOOL DROPOUTS: The Federal Government provides an amazing, free voca&onal stols training program foryoung men and women 16-21 years old, who are drug-lree. Now, tow income families can give their chiWren additional education and job training. Young people w8 be assigned to a center, poss/Wy oul of stale, for about one year. Tuition, dormitory room and meals are aU lieel Spending money and ctoUung al^wances are paid to an students. For Wormatiort call: Dr. J. Edward Brown, NC Dept of Human Resources. M l 14MMHi62-7948 Visit or Whte: Job Cotps^COHR, 1100 Navaho Dr., Raleigh, NO 27609 AUCTION TM Estif c< Bil tnd J>ni> CotfKi wd tome perscrul prop^ty c< Ooug y>d Ovis CoundL SATL)RDAY JUNE 18. 1 9 9 3 1 Q:POAM lflfui/on: ln ftiii> Couruy • vfJPinnille Re&l Frvm Famin$ton uU lhninilltRccJ:$ Pimill< Ro<id. Sdlt *ill bt on th/ Uft cppm. 1 /£ milti. Fotb* ufns. AucbonWa note: This uM consiau ol some ve^ nice new hand cietted furniture' wU M ^xne antique fun<tJ*. TN« n ona wto you do not wara lo rm». SoBW at th< lltmt fur 5uk tnctuU*: Anbque Oak Bed, Antique Oak Oresser, Antique Oak Chest ol Drawers. Oti D<vier 8efl, Davd Biadiey Tractor 4 Equipment, W<ker Furniture. Cannon 6al fied, Paw Furrtiure, loti of What Not$, Chest Type Freezer, Kenmore Washer & Dryer, 0J Lamps, Kirtry Vacuum, Capto Area Rvgs. 55 gas. Fuel Drum (with pump), Oti Records 33 rpm (a6um$), OU Books, Lots of Dshes, New Baty Bed, 1963 Otismobie Diesel Wagon, l93l Pontiac Body, N<e Sofa and other upholstered furniture, 3 H P. Air Compressor. (New) SpreDe Shaper, 4 inch Jointer, Makti 6eR Sander, 0U Toots, Hand Cart. New Queen Stie Pencl Post Bed, Some Oti Coins, New Poie Hutch, New Comer Hutches. New Pro p* Safe #0i 5eveted Gti$s. Variefy cf P<turei nd Hand Painted items. Kenmore Moowav*, Qas Cm, Dring Room TaNe & Chart, Seseral B<>des, TiesUe TaNe (new), Baby Changhg TaNe, Vctorian Comet char, Oti Mahogany Shgfo Bed NOTE: 1 old pw. Ollbert 1679) Welnul Uantle Clock and 1 otd Seth Thomas clock (with wooden worfci) will b# iold 6y contlrmatlon only. MAM'OTllKR FILMS7 0 0 NU.MHROUSTO MtXIlO.N! TKKMS: CASH ORAPPR()VKD CHECK • KOODAYAlUBLF. ON GROUNDS «nmi*u.NOTu«MauR«AyiAP«iwi*mmN»M)TUMw$aucsc<sti»AawM Sale Conducted by Auctioneers: is>i] Blll Seats nt. 5. Do* 68 Mock$vUle. NC Rhone919-99fl-321? NCAHS30 Bllly Seats m. 5,Oo> 990 NtocksvUto. NC Phono9t9-990-351O NCALi3277 D10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy,Junc 10,1993 Pledges Boost Davie United Way To $334,809 ^ ^ . __ . • n __ n r nnw>b r # n ir r i ' The Uniied Way of Davie County Board of Directors' Executive Com­ mittee was informed at its meeting May 24Uhat $334,809 had been piedged to the 1992*93 campaign. : .“Its very difficult to project cam* palgn results early," said Allen Mar­ tin, executive director. “A total of 48 precent ofplcdged funds comes from citizens working out of the county. Final figures cannot be tabulated until all area,United Ways submit their re* ports.” ^ * Bill EsraofLee Apparel and Cam* piign Chair for the 92*93 campaign sal"d: “Each United Way focuses on its own pledges first then processes those to" be sent to other United Ways." * j*TWs year (92^3), we got pledges from Urnted Ways in Rowan, frcdell, Mecklenburg, Union. Cabarrus, tive committee gave final approval to Catawba, Davidson and Forsyth coun- the ‘93 operating budget.Total avail* lies. able funds (pledges plus camcd inter- "More pledges from Forsyth than est) arc expected to be $337,809. Ad- other counties because more of our justments for pledges unahle lo bc citizens work in <hatcoumy. $145,534 collected, local pkdgc<; designated to of the total of$158,22l in *designa* other United Ways leaves a net of lions* came from Forsyth. In the fu* $304,430. turc we hope more remember to ask for a designation form when regular pledge forms are made available." Rick Cole, city executive with BB&T and 1993 president and cam­ paign chairforthe 1993*94 campaign said. “We’re already into planning next fall's campign well before previ­ ous year's results are known." Cote has named his campaigncabi* net. The executive committee ap­ proved his selection. At its May 24 meeting, Uie execu- Agencies will receive $251,870 to support individual nccds of the county's residents and $40,997 was sct aside to cover campaign and office activity costs. "Thanks to our industries," said Sue Callison of lngcrsoll-Rand and United Way of Davie County trea­ surer, "our cost are kept low. l-R and Lce Apparel did bulk mailing over andabovcthcircofporateplcdges.Sara Lee Corporation and CMl/Davie County Hospital provided two loaned executives' for three months last year -a staff value of some $20,312 • and the county provides office space in the B. C. Brock Center on Nonh Main Street." Harold Gibson and Ron Tedder. CPA, specialists in United Way au* dits, presented the '92 fiscal year re­ ports which indicated $5,256 was added to the fund balance during the accounting period. HUBEAtiD M i 6eu>tiw - M*.M* - M ieue* iw . o*vutt. 2 6A 2 eA CC*CO « y« *.«• ^ * a k» K ^* tit* *u n t^ l 2« v t*<st, 6*PB*PA AuEM . M i . i s r i N ( ; s DEALTY l.()TS & L A M ) 9 9 8 -8 8 1 6 I w n m n N M .iiitjN -n M in i.*BA.2SBAFWCM.*#vm^rfc<Wert.cew««a»W . on or* WvW 11 ^rdT|. MTtT| P^Kt V<« M*- I rvW M aO#tiA VUTTMEWS »9» S0® Two Davie Men Arrested For Growing Marijuana '. Two Davie men were arrested last week by the Davie County Sheriffs Department for growing marijuana. residence offFairfield Road. StcvcnGregory ’ Eyes" lvey, 20,of Route 1, Mocksvi!!e, was arrested on June 4 for manufacturing marijuana Timothy Wayne Harris. 35, of and possession of marijuana. Detective Lt. Jimmy Phipps said two marijuana p!anu were found grow- ing on his balcony and outside the bedroomwindow toan apanment lvcy rents off U.S. 601 south of Mocks- ville. I M i v i H ii t - u ii. m - M nna< iw . i enI 1 BA CONTEUP yi < * Grwn Sce ft 9rv ss7w rry • r+J!M Qtest w r* < ]• N MC^*| 5>*^V-'i I pod snvu JC«SW MW 7 Route 7, Mocksville, was chargedon June 3 with manufacturing marijuana and with possession of marijuana. Detective AllcnWhitakcr said four marijuana plants, about 6-8 inches high, were found growing near his m u K U , n. • - iitt,M - i» w co. 3 B» 2I BAer 10 M*M MM KJVW JfX*KC 4 ^ I Sa^ KW ^>KiS V *eenani A H '*^i^l'^ I triK*1 OlC^* UATT"EhS ki*W j vet >1 tw *w xi- tfi.M4 — 1BA 2 s BA <*•tf*i*<r.e *er» n t l . V. **sv >n »*« FP «^»'j^jrtj O'#tf *tf*T fH&,'i PM'K*'C SALtT B Ud^=>E 76*iV3 u ( u a . * * iiu it i - t ii . m - : e a 1 BAVC«;£<VfCX}i0 ACP£S B*:*pcrji ur-i 'r< r^ > 3 natM itr* &»*fl Eu^v< vx**i *s> *^-At BETtt PQTTS M6 6W lM WllT*BM M ll - lll,M 0 - WMTttDM. 36f> 2 > 6A yjT <QtEA a t.: tf 7w ^ '«n*i i; WetPytfrw' M»t* Kfpcry »5» AW**J *t'< fiETT* POttSW Wumswwiwwi-weee-MwaBfeeetKiMU — ni mww, Bim m. 3 e« 2 BA &■«■six- i M# 't. >M^ tr< >* »« y ^ t v« tiwrw 3**ct9HTA Ck**<' V4TPQHS*i**ti9iT.«iDMwooo cncu Bwtt - tii m tc -1041*00«. B*VW CO. 1 Bfl 1 BA ai.<H y 1 r i;BES Sv-ox:* a* j* Kt**i*t fwy v^< c>-w ij KNxitxct <' r*i ucc.to* .Oi FtEvvj BF.RM VDA R l'N H ()M K S ‘Accidental’ Shooting is Investigated By S.D. I n W I MKYI — in > N -M M IU I. 3ftA 2 BA I fUNCM IV ^ 'M S > lW 4 zrxc F» r lP. t**r I 9KI +T+ a SsX*' SUT4T Nr< »»<■ M« *t«| 9rTrAons»M*» " .A shooting reported as being an accident is still under investigation by the Davie County Sheriffs Depart­ ment. SheriffsDetectiveNelsonTunen- tine was called to a shooting at a mobile home at the end of Village Road at 11:08 p.m. last Thursday, ; Cynthia Denise Dalton, 32, of 275 Montview Drive, Mocksville, had suf­ fered powder bums to the check and a cut io the eye after a bullet grazed by her as she lay in a watcrbed, Turren- tine reported. Terrence FranklinWilsonofRoute 1, Mocksville said that Dalton, his girlfriend, was on the bed with their baby when he began cleaning a .357 caHberhandgunwhilesittinginachair beside the bed. The gun accidentally fired. Wilson called emergency penon- neland neighbors anivcdjust afterthe shooting, Turrentine reponed. That night, Dalton also told Tur­ rentine that the shooting was an acci­ dent. S8MfctiI MMH m « m - tm*M - muct.MOOO.ASfkOG 1 6*ys *ve cT<e «$*:• tr 2 2KM StC* attcr kx rJl Mnai B*x ^ **'l eiTT> wnsw**s I)A V IK ( ()V N T Y H ()M K S tert/<Mi w<r.iiM.m*Mtww* ewe. '.f-vi es » » e* TOk3 w w « .tir, vvu— J:»-^i- ^ !-f, S'L> A ;:^CV. w win nnei m u i-M ii.m - lorwuei iv*.ei¥«ce.i6fl <iB* SAiT6C> • y v ^ i,t tS'-t*- — I*r.; r« icvi-i — »*.•'; T O ^I At*:.i'.>--:t: kce * u*TT-C A S M4 Vti 10T II |IM II AT . MM.OM• eiWueAIW 4 SaI i BAT'Me7K>", <>«« U t^^«^>*lrt«r ,tJt*: :r* U»» .A. EE. 0* CATM, T*v«e1611 rn4mwoi. I44i.m. eieue* iw st« *e= t 1 BA 2 **+ vxr= :^<* fW a»" t« C« V*-t*.w *^*i '| :*4 C*JC~*~tr>v*rcu3*T*to+ i n n r c n a i - iM i w - ee*vo* iv*. etncC0.)D<1 )16AS^CH :«.V- .) > ^ itr +.r 1*J1s :? .« w Ei^, r t ^/-» XT' Viw .*e S*tv-•. :«>I1 6E. SL»«tE m.XJ4147 in iiiiw »•«( - iMt.M0 eowvei tvw.0A«ll CO. 4 tfl 15 fil F-K<- p-?. Ml *^,r^s''t:^ w < ;tc nw»j ae*";i <uM :^ w* i^ivK-'-, SA...1 B M u^E :< *tn III m tlU ltN * l - tl>I.M4 - R I>M i IW cet*ri* a t*. a-« »«^ *i pyi *~*r-'<*~< .#•-J l*M l^ J3" XbV r.^,e*4'f' i; U p>^l •'.*•6£. $U<*lt >MjCMIM flKVl 0<m| - |MI.N4 - N IIW t IV*.DA)MC0.4tf) Jfm JwkfSATU00 ) tv f. V! vefl -*r XKx* *eu-M< Ur «* * r iO ^ re ta> iK.'f. fr>#.t f*.i7T "t*H*$ llt UHT in(fT — MII.N4 - U tn s i IW. e***ce.*eP 4 i& iT tu o -itK y m i iivttvNv otni - im.M 0 - u n tilM*HI. * BR 1 i ftA TB*0 n V tf* i 6*»J‘J **1. *r» *r>V+i M>U e*vl t4^ tM"^l ’^X« S*y Orv^jrj vnt.'4 S**AAC'<&XESS 7<*7V.1iiH iu in ie M ta c M c u -ttit.m -u iA T ii N ntM K O ) BACC»jTEvPt«hV»*.■«»* ■*** <k>*< a-{W fP^Lf* ^P6Ujfcmwt^ 4*.*jtt*:*t tv~» SNAAOi acct*.s m :f,\ liH ttttM irU tm i - ltlltM -C U H M II.4 BA 3 1 BA BA» ftA.'Ch ',^ ti3 > ^ .*^ C * w l iW v>1)3t**y.'1W '^yZ7K'tt AAPPU,T? *.tLL nlV::T0'i rtKirj101 17 MAIHII C*ISMH - lll).M* - 1 6» 7 iBA s4** x rv x y » v v ? y ir »-*» -t*r ft' r i* v*3 en nztrt,* -i- v< s»*.« Cet* •- vvti CAACMS NXttE ie>$4S io tiH iin n e M ih M < .iu im -3 B B jse*.'0**CCfVXf<7** V~4l -tAJ B<l • **M •■■»( :»>^ v3" *c» 2 *w i o i y e-->)*i Ctv i: v*cti T ^o i CAA3.V, H006EK>MS 7tSI *M1I1 ttUW - ttlt*M - CUIIM t *||T - 1 BR. 2 BA f-r<f P*s. W«C" V' M*.'*^i4N*KKWdCT'#' <t Sfe A P i* utrvce<yf ijt1 3ti i*- «•; CA^a’ S «C«E » M «IH MVMtUtl «4» - ttll.W 0 - CUMMOM *llT — * 6® 3 BA 6*<» RA?#CM p^» ^*2 'K^-1 -£> U n IJ sr> »ir *m u>^l : ^ » W ‘4 r< w> K>:- tt^ $C*t> E MTT 7i*M*$111 !IUWHlUt> - llll.m .M - CUMMONIW llt.*a- 3 B» B=»:» RA*<H .v*:<xt -^ »-<«5:« » 'ji ,Mjt 6#*-t*> qcr lrrr%yxr*tt4&* AA^B**,T. F**Efi.?01* *i*^UlIU0tt01l C tltlU *l - |ltl.M 4 -m tl MtM4U l. 3 S3 : i BA -,VnCA:A% a^'U*-^XO 60';f C1~:*kV3B >i M. ' ^ i i;W *!lf*< 'ti tXCCM'!i n ElEAJr^> *.EA70*< 7ti-r>E lOT II n il M 1Q*UL^jm .W e. 3 6= Z i BA WoWian Seriously Injured • A Mocksvillc wonun i> listed in serious condition in intert*ive care at Bap(ist HoVpSra^sfio^T^lhrowrT from her car. I According to Trtx>pcrC.D. Jonc>. Dinah Ann Eichison. 33. of Milling f Road. wy$ thrown 40 fect from a rttoving car driven by Herbert Eugene James, 33, of Harmony, after she tried to put the car's gcar shift into park. ; Thc accid*m occurrcdat 2:50 a.m. on June 6 cn County Home Rixid. • Jones said Etchison had been drink­ ing and asked James to pick her up ahd lake hcr home. The two got into ah argumeni and Etchison struck Jamc> in the tacc. said Jonc>. EtchiM>n asked Jame> to stnp thc -vaf.M>pemJ nhe - dtw.-anJ^H;t^w-j vehicle's uear shift inu> park, viid According to Jones, the car wjs tra>cling ah>ut 55 mph and skidded 200 feet. Ekhi>on was tf>n>wn from the car and then the car hit a tree. Etchison was transponcd to Du\ ie County Hospital and was then trtHtofered^L.SapiULJimpitaLJn.. W'inston-Safcm. Etchison was not wearing a seat belt. Joncs Mid that nocturges would be filed. Danuec to the car was estimated at s:,ooo. Full Denture Service W. E. WILLIFORD, D.D.S., P.A. General Dentist Single Denture......................* 1 0 0 00And up Upper & Lower Denture *1 9 5 °°A n d up ■Partials ...................................s 1 5 0 00And Up ‘Simple Extractions..................* 2 0 00And up Repairs & Reline While You Wait Medicaid Accepted Call For Appointment Or Information (704)873-0347 2515 West Front Street (Highway No. 90 Or Taylorsville Rd.) Statesville, NC 28677 m e v ie *w e **t - t*ii.w o - i m i i iw .«1 1« «#. MA i e» j$ flA EA<« f.sKT- ^^-*&v»i' SV| ^| r Kf, »M JA ~iW.-*J XI K!purtr 2 c» Jt *t* S'..’1 jZ?-ZA!i YtbMi? W 0Cimi H U . |lH .M I • IW« C8. S W 3 i &A - fr-<, etv^ 3f XiK ^ i^ vxe *r«.*.* s f >4-. c.w^ 'e*vtt CW-#- ip * eCTT* F>ons *A»«>»WT11 eucwoe1 puuii4TMa - tM lW * - iia. r« tt 5 e*s 3 $ BA * A » i w i i n - M ^ yy *% ^^ ^f*^#i 6« ■ M* ir At>x> c*r *i*« -.*t y i*: 6E. 5v*PvE 'r*XM 117 ALUi4 DH>I - U l7.w e-lilM > 1UUT. BlVW CO. 4 ea 3 »UL 2 N^,f 6ATN ^rV. P->, y <$ noM w i(>i'i Jf^S ^ 3 M i* .>2*i » SU'.U W4M'<ie *e e w n .u n .w .iu *c *w n F U M T 4 T wUMfUt:tifwea.^crrtfm*Trr^m'i — *Cf=ES u*.-, uo^d '**Jt* t-M>UW] BEvS^8 « e u o tfe e i o * ir i. u iiM0 • euom eet rvA*i4Twi ie m iia P 2 s B > t*-^ i< *ji *v*.t>l S^ *l'f* e*r>* S!iM **T>f t»^ 9crvl r~> r>«.i**yt BEv SUP»vE «*XX I H»T M l - ll4I.W0 - UVUN, 84«« CO. 4 b»7 i ftA 8fl<* SV#> :.V3* M en ixe i * Krn 1;rMi 2c*M ^i »1W »^ WKi MW 6£1- tT K)Hs ***l5» I M M IUt LAAI t0&0 - UU.W - MOllVUI -lBfl 1 6A V. 9,* UiZ> U ^ • «M y tjKW l M3 I fct-1 MTHSI tSfOt* v wy>f<c 27 ACflES ALL i? E>X^U"vOk^.vr^*^>*^a-------— --—! n itu u r tv a a < t- llt> .7 M > U fU M M I UUUft.« 6fl 3 BA FW<M on 3 « KTit 21$ f>*» "^- | t»y ccii tK r*^i ?•» »xri « i 8r* E>wy*| VC<U fiEV.SQ M*Vt71 77 * U W N W * - lIM .H t - IU C *W t R U Ttm i, HBUCtei 3 BA 2 S BA EUa>EASCC5*y«aniSK7ri»»rws*es3onrs»»«v>»FflU Mnm« C iiH l 0CyQUV9EN6-'l6<U lM V IIM U -ttM .*M >U tM M M U U I, B4ieCO.-3Bfl 25BAsr«»>J2MArM*K*c | ucx*y r>>*f .»• Wj 2 ya> y*w tttr 2 F^S I 5 « B i4C G<uv pons >MWC9 | WM0W oueuic* - H18.W - 1 Bfl 2fiA1Ml I P#e- * 1 U*x/*r>rt N3*4 on l| ACPES 9 KAl t4n v ryrt; rr^ p**>* Veng u i» i*MJt 6ETT>| P0ns 9W*tMM ceae w*e - «««.w - w a ir* u .»««CO. 1 Bfl 2 &A rnu>*d r*” Axs# O ACSES W" ^#*T[ U*-, wc6*r#i iu r* rtt *C n#e c*W.s^,t2 m D<K M TW4JA Wt2W a ifU l. «J. 7, M I 17 - I11I,M0 - * SA 3 I 6Ae*u<i30r cK<mwMcnitlKM Uoe»m»| evn t4 *jjj «« BM9* &ou*x^s jCx^ PCTiT- I fiO lT «««« M t* - lN .M # - V4UiT •*«». JBfl, 2 S BA fVU<Cn <rtCi24 om 5*-*jt rec St3 r4 FPnGf)U 6b6V.K'PW cr<***0'-iaAffb1MP* h«a | fr4WCCi 6Ent PCTTS M W WUWIT N. tt. 1. M t 11» - SH,W0 -M ITM tt. BAVM C0. 3 6fl 2 S 6A SPliT fCh ER • »vN en ktw eeo>s w *>ce e* y«*<> Pui*n.I mCACflU, ^ef| m h 7 rM CA3 BETTY POTTS w m w i™ u i-» M .m -w 6 a iim .*to -3 BA flAf<CM e'«rr« n 6VN 2 FF5 *'W *W J *v | s«^0*ww»»<e SpKCut ee*W * r * on ^ tt W|W tm CXX HAJl 70A*M W« llt !• tWH*eei - lll.M 0 -l BA 24BArwii V*M<rN*Kn.svy MVS 6*$FP,n4r>W5M#'7tJl r+gw tt0f FKA.VA rwv<irc SAUV UcGUmE t.<n%*<jf< BEV $uP»iE >B.XWin tmiM<a Mni - uti.w • Hiwsi iw.1 6A * BA y 13r «•••*» t; I*^#t ^ r* > 43M $f t*i* r* trf^ k ^ u ^ - 3 :*"ei 2 c* ^ vX " VjC^ UCflE' J.U rt*i*Efl T74 »r2 M i it. M M U #1<c1 - t jr i. m - etee w iM lj BA 2 S BA AXt£A3 -« W «>» aflervte rx3 ;^» >c^i'M ij kG<1 **d ?.« BA k.»i &as;vx .». C*i S’ lVAX*0AS»»M2> llU n > ta M U M *l-U II.M 0 ^ H M M 4 n M . B4tMC0.3B<> 2 S BA AVS6AG CO*r^r a*vpxi V«<‘ ;««-» i<ie-: •» e*J» i''^ w ».* c« f-*rf^r<e *-3 .C*1 riEU'*3 ^ U4 >Al( t t 11 ttT ftM U ~ M2I.M I> U n M < It* . 36A 2 BA ^M '*x- yi jr* c# Cra*x '^ x ^ V w <fi :« *e«: » « jv Cus *»":^i'; w^>* C:C#>.A U4TTKAS W-Kti inr>T cuai - 11r1.tM - eiwve4 iw. s i*3 BA SA.iT FOiifl • ! « . V c ^ r * * ^ M*r,h '> tM IM ^n &Mt/Mbili*a &X^.*w#1_OlCA:A U*TThE#rS » *»ti_ __________ W ll> tiU H > m i.M I> M > M tM .( ( fWCO. 2 6A 2 fiA *jj f x<' V« w" rJ 1« *'*:'#2 ^■ov«*7M 3^Hi«t 2<^ wcvfi xo 5nV> jOA2ANrWW?411 Fti0W41 6# * - ll)l,M0 • BOW*! IW.3BA 2BACOiTEUP>XLAr*w 1 f g-w 2«w t*ev- % cw^ffrt*Jk^?Voit^p»Ui\trc^**p5«v-<« 6EVScPPlE W2C34111 H i M i j M r n * ii(> .M - u m o <■W.2BA 26«W *Jte^4iFP.»rs-»>»w M-« 2t*Um iUMiW ' MC<^r &ArsiA4 P Ai;ES W 3 « ! ^ ^ S lVSTEAO :t69W IIIIU ll OUI - ll<I.M I .U ItlM a.]eS 2B» C&STEVflOBAfll m ,*s*i »«. rx» FP r*.f*. >r& :r< **, lG U6S «2 .i.vt 3CX*1 ►■, i> S>.*AyiGX(s5 :e**^i 10T II F lll MIMI l!T!Tfl - IM.W0 - ) 6» 2BABv«CHvwsrVwder»41 <P ^**<->i ^V5Af i t * '*C>*K ZU4* lc» -4-t .r,< 5#T#.' '1*.>•W L'0Bt WETJC£B 7MC4J’ riijK u m « » « u > M i.M < -u * iw irf.1 6A 2 BA flv<Cn 1 fi:te<<^4i v+ +<*■ x« i*^i K **i ^>SM^MAM »“ >k*>f 2’»»s*c» AW M SMAAy. G5CE?.S :^-74Ct 7111 »0111040 - |II.IM - CUW6WI MIIT. VCT:vATE0 SE:vEfB V*fE C*fE = '' 3 B9 2 5 B» /JAUS7*lt »c»s^c s>gc^fl e3fiS »*»«.scw'i Fs .t,<. N»- EtEv<ce srA:yi :ti ~«4411 lltW M4NI lA*C - lll.m .M - ) B» 1 BA Rv<CM er rv:i3>K'M F^ »^«S» j**je K' K»:« ^« : ">xri Ce%*ttC*^vi »*J h S SuSA>< CAfltE® ru^M’ Bl'SINKSS fR()I>KRTN NWtMlU8M4.-mi.MO.O"<<B>;:y*6CS>tos; b3n>4C^n:iipcwi V«tt5«- ty *;c*>14S8jtA*S BETT> PCTT5 >M**C4 C ()M )()S & T()VVNH()l!SKS (I.K M M ()N S ll()M K S |AU tBII FAIS Ni. Be* M l - M11M0.» 0W*:e - TN fc-.tflN0uSE onw texiA w Of*t 0MCr<>cn r t ife h*t C*i f**^y er Sf*tn tt >J> STMt r,M*xTll7 U l* m *A0 - l3 ll.fM - BIW **60W*0WU UM O *L I BA 3SB* fBESCn p*Ci' y 71> Kf* u « w a w<ttM j ' * « ta Vt>Nxt* UUCH ua>E ' BEV SV»PLE 36*Xti MM UCAM M ni ~ UI1.M0 - W4nlFOtO - 4 BA 4BA2Bjr|TrC*tvn.>*J*MCr<*>3K^*'FP cfPu m a itu o n n **x*xxv *t> t w » o UC*E' VARl 0m,iC*50f< : t t w1 m CUMMMMM H U - ei7.M 0 - c u * eoes. 4 Bfl. 2 5 BA 6AK TFU3 *u r*n I r eti. rv*trovt cu«gn ««*#»1 Ct.Sr' H*t «^cc<3 «U*~ ur> pc*l A SiPt63 MC4lE1 UX* WU>A0 7t*-T3t3 10T M lt1B f04l - U n .M - 4 6A. 2 FuM - 2HA4^B*CaC#aAi.t*oto>w 2 FPS h> ikoi tyi PflU •*■* t*f fP. 30 tV^ v*»>t cu1 *rt> >*fuK1 CAtMV CAA;tA 721-1324UI IM *ttU fM - Uil.M0~4 6ft 3 S BA TfU0 •M n trttfiM ^ N ^U S tfi i cHan.T*n cewn2 M»i Vt« U8A pj\ Kr« hMVi Camrw,A*iuARy cm.K<scy4r66-30«UTII WAtUfOm-UIMM - 4 6A 2 S BA TRA0 cctC*f rooNti » ^jcn LiX^ nttr M» • eew e^t*ti USA *rd MV^ m Pr>*# ra M tK*rQ UOAE! SMAA0N 0<DEHS 766-740t 711? 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M M ce.2fifl 2 BACC^TEW* <» *J**r4>J>'A4 sn 1^7>**>- el, r*,e* 3<ea s*r5 ^ 1 vt 24 ri w^#, ewxAf| PCO 5>LVU X#=3AN i&UZ7JU FIUIO<U-ll4I.M0.MlttM4 IW. B41tico. i BA. 2 BA tiriri Cc^Oc »2 K*i'L*j'TT' U<*-CAj LRC« SC*»-1 **i uT* CLC m<rWW f cv>: SUVA ^ecA.'« WW?Tll NIMNW nMI, Hl«m tw - ll41.M0.2 BA 2 5 BA c*vcr^ ■ w m y<*svM •<• fcATl X l 3>P*C CCL6 r r w ^ c «M#d BEV S<,PPVE «*20MM i sewew - tut,M0 - H iw w iw . »«#C0.<SR.J i BA J «k« ^AX Cw@ W toKticv*- •<• y ^r^*1 ^w JC#OUM AtktiOUAXK S*rr>* PAT- ST GA.FFM 7t»36Diueouviw. im.M0 • wewe* ew. Biv* co. 3 BA. 3 BA «»i*^e u*w^< »ts« cwe**M*GA * F P M ^ > K ^ ^ w * 24r*Mcvt| SWW .C*0A,N »Mti7«11 MTMjU«.|tS.BM • K H M I «*, B4t1 CO.JW3BAcmr^pejp^*cnrUlC<VKr*FP Cyv rxw,*a yr* t#e_-r, SuvuXflaA.N»W427in n — fiiii~iii in —-----------2 BA. 2 5 BA CChTEUP. ayuc<* f**n >%MJtM w *. l->vi,<n 2X * i e>«rv.’«lA*'.»^»3t^ BACC f^osse SYXW JOR3Af4 w*4$7 711HINOW M U • llll.M • M tM t IW. 04Vtf C0.2 BP. 2 9» K*e^srTj tr*-A?^ M* C* WM. 2tW 9»>5» 24 f* t*Oft) BAFBAAA P AllEN"^** l'H M M - K M M M .IH <ce. 3 BA. 2 s BAMMbssr?0"* ^ * » * ^ BUYER SYUVA CAWPMU B0U -1171.111« WOC*WEU. 7 l.|l|4C lll •;» $•«•! i* .f::-y ! « ’•*•»' C Cr'^^M^><'A>4>t Co-1 Kl4C WVSC K^3cn HEvC< CA>S.0» n*tn24CC ptoput c ta i M u • sm.BflB • uvuct. v * | Sf*?i G’rrt Swxf W Uyymd A» Pu^**o* Axe I «»r“ V *3M HyH <r>*l e4MT^' GaAY P0TTSf 111 *rt|IM*B > llll.M 0 • WHMI IW. 04M |M .lv^.Pt<^t<<7AVw *♦• J iw w w fi | :V ffi nje D^>/Ji S'l.’A XPC*.1* K4842*101 16 Bnll N M -lltl,M I - P^M <0 v r. »»»^ ro^ gn r>4-u: r 0 .*» M Co* to>>**H*l ,w i B«»CC ^«r»ew rov*e 2« * »«vff BAA | BAAl A^EN WKB3II m tl MU - UII.MO » UIMWA IW. B4nt|CO. C*flVt 4 * ^ t n r*e V ysv^>* »^ 4 Oy.<^M)4 v t*e/ff 8SCC ^**t#%*s ^3JSrt I B*ABAAl 4LLES >Z 3M3 l6 1 ltW *M Jl6 l-lie i.M 0 -A *w *-!ii> ^^| v*# • S4^C1 R/ Ccv*'*y Cu *^*MV* 5 n^M J <4* twyy f t tfS. • y.-. V1» "-*-*vC *-^> iT ■' « VriEV*^ 7J40t M*: H 6P U Icm ii048-IM .B M -ll*C tl*or*fl#i H^y A9MrSxn •? K*r »:»3l ra^i I 1 H*yjr 13 t*r w ?»j* t, BETTi *C"5 'MW Iui nr eiai - iti.M« ~ »e*ue» iw. B4vu |C0. p^4 e3X>: « y 4- '«'•» A»>: 1*^ *G-*V .*•- GLOA A UATT-EA5 fA Kti IM M!>ND a»al • l71.M0 • M IM 4 IW, | 04*ttW .AxeM<awrj^*iK***7WX015*2« v »K/ri w C«.i^ C vi nr-:*'V: i.im*SfU'.A xe>'< w u :*rtKM B*nr| - tlLBM • $W* « « « a « » «B#<^5* Byi CA.^Tf C^ ^ f >« :' rw «• «4 • Mc/f( A rrw Cvj *^-e^v; i4a>* 6ETT» I *ons mfrAt^112 ff>ltU*8 M ll . >M.B0B • IE*WV8* lw . B4VllC0.^44Ct{K.yK wv <.f-3 ■"“ rf yx*^,-H Pr: VJ* PrttM ^e'^T *;*.t*.EB J24C2CTI4CT | |llt« B *l. tll.M 4• BA»B C0.1.l 4CM | TI4CTyi*;**S #- C^4-*e >i raMK n S*:* 'fTfcri G;0A'A VAT>EAS 9WSW2 M l tnrf>MW • lM.M# • HIMBA IW. B4** CO. uu.fctwr*t-ye<rtcc*^24v w ^f. fc*e^ M; r*^t<rVe litl^4 B*S3V* # ». III imnu*8 Mnt - lM,B0B - 1;« <-. y>-* t#ccr ^v *i^t*^ 2*v*tc.^,.nw'<r*csvr-, ox -^t*>r< BAA&AAA 4;;B. WfrSN3 COMATUt M48 - M4.M0 - mClBIT <U. 5<B£S Sftt*^ V+it>JU » -4^W '41#:<*» ti K<*cn ^A Ceve-| Dx i^ * yd w U fu a - Ml.CM - B*V* C0. *vtni i tpt* «M M ccrf?r»vtf oraN^#r^:^rvi Cxrr, .ir i.u 6ETTY PCTTS M*ti9 in n 104» - M*BM - Mu*woce u t. BivaC0. AXrn2i49M.0^^3>K*<* » '^ 0* » «06»: ,v4>u: <- U^ PCM^ M*'G4 Kor«* 5£T7»pons #nuL^PI6#UIC»U*M U-W .l*-Cr*r, t ~CV MVV4 CCiCI 4 <> k3M ■ } t>^ '>ll' fc^tO ft.XOMXf Cb»“l >tfl>14N GSA1 pcns K*4*«l#t It C9UmitMI - tW.0M-BA*ll C9. ^,<j^ et *fi*co-! C**4aC+i^r* tfcce*;*r* sJC T *v^«p*’ B£V SL»^£ M*.X>4 UIUM >UI.N4-BlYVCat 'K * l eCO*y ti r ysr< *ft* CojY|*n(>U AM c krco eETT* Pcrrs>*MAS ttUCMMOMT>UMn »xe« 1‘ «4 Kftl K $* XCirc u-«x** y f i^ l^ v :^ » u c k ;tti•; x^i kc*f *•!»• BETTf PCns #*4*C4Mocsivut it. i • BAve co. Aw»USCC»r« A»*W»-.WU*< y -4T ^»1 CK« Vf y i.i, EETT> sons »WO tfYtl MU. ttlVU64 IW, 61« C0.6J»N «• yc xc-i*: xe 241 Mcj-f, s*cc ^*t*'v^: «v» K * y<# s«:v.A r«CA.s »Mtt?Htlt> lU I - MtMIt 1*00» AM It $75CO<6E AM OM ^*b^ai kJ-< y ir»- r^a P*ji-ori 0«'^ •< va-< 14« B00< M U . 04*U C0. Kp;K W « r« r-K ‘ 5 Llfl •♦* l 13 KOte* CrUT PQHS «***$Pt0Pltl OEle IBU - MtKM F tllt *C*II.B<4.;*J «1 *: U5 0C0 tKtt ^ f sr*^ 0^Tt ^*oaso*ti*t*'4.ti c.^nJ5rr»<^fc'*»GA»'fr-TTC KAifOin t l 1 0 1 6 . KZW fc*4T*r• m ’«U>l U W3X>2 eVt*yy>k> ^ yu*4f Ic><^*r el Sre**ATit GRA’ PCTTS K***CS I f10PUt CBltK H U • UVMCf 11.1 ic tll rot | ltM.800 S,U>fWW*l A300titC#i f ng *r«i m «» d 3>K> Nf*.' Utr?W ^"4.'C'Gfl>> pons M wMUCNnitTAeill-Binin3ja^m>^ I j> «w i<iJ. oeyi 4*>i W#* fM*<n *<i' 5f*fj I Gw ScA. >^ *C< F« trs« i.i4M GAAt P0TTS | itACTieu~C0ie»tae.SKACFEs Avu v y^K>*f<MC<^hM Aaco: Stf*>*brfr6^ne<r* |Pr%3 9W*% BETTT PQHS »4A59 w ciiw i. Ro<m i - usi sjo >2 * :‘ u v r*4 ^w *sw i3 iM *♦ *r* GAAr P0T7S | n v ti MU M n t • M im e * mn. 8iv u co. iJ4-3S.J6.J7 w f $49 90C 5^-*> A^ Cx.^, CXC I p*ee*v^0 rt>y0*0 •« **Cft <t 2* W 1#CV^1 V<ti | FlEhU#3 99»it«7 IU N> VAUlT MCI H - M C ItfU I B**fJ>, I I^"*tw< jvLr5vvi ^" vi& is*x v<y I FlEW<G 99*H17 IH0fUI CMIB M. - BAV* CO. ^Crt* K »5« wac» ■ M«CW1 p#wh$ PfPH Ohf< M . ii 736Kr* E«C I »Qr«} M1 0WW «r* 9vO* Fr*x*s *.*l GAAT | F>OnS99*W9 .M ()B Il.K ll()M K PARKS M t !IU U I FUI - M7I.BM - HOCtlVUI, I B*va C0. t’lV P»* »71 K M W> hW «V~| 1 • * * en 4S K>n n ye* eciMn ccri U M0 G-'**i rw I •M»M GRAY POTTS MM409 fUW Ht0* IB. • U>l.BM . B*nC C0. W M I I MVPUIWtSlHHSKMieMritUr MO Iiti tfcEsm^Vtb KittM't>>JlW*<PM'l {<K Piar*wocw. |GRAT pons M *m 1 M \ \ l) I A i : i .( ) P M i : M S | {.,111, s 1 llll, I < ,in s lim I I li lllM l..lls MMAVI*H WWWI ...... —.......... _ _ _..AMCkjd^rwveatW0dfTwutMfromH^.421.CountvU»M.w«WAndi»rt«p<us«**Masna rjwFffriots S J ^ jT ^ ^ ^ a & S !CnjoSuknetMjrtyLfltongMonMmanP^»Un* X< , 1 X 1 K < ) S l l l< rt M T lU S I I U3,Nt Dlvk CMrt> 0< fk ..........W M IM «wtaM«tt»tw»..............K t X t i b tkM i P. M M ..............H M H I M y H < M n ........... 7 **lt7 JH*fC» m 764 -4M2M0 MctMU................« > « ^ “ " t M lD 'U M H l...........*4*M t7 M * 4 W t ....................7JJ.JJ7J VkklFta>tet...................H M tt7 h«» N tt......................y W ;l^ liM x...............MMBI #c.y NH*..................2 t2 2 DM1 L u * t............... t M - llM h < h n k ..........................M M W Mktor U>l>...................7M -IN2 #■ W*w, <H4 H 724-SS72 E RELOCATION SERVICES*Urfl H*rril, 0llMtw - 74 *-H71 ^ S ^ BeMi OiXMi *eleeatke S # *lille t — 74^tSSS | w mhrniii i- m im m ^ Deugn*l to aecommod*t< *ny st>4 now.tM 4swxv,< e#rmuMy Qt*tn uw knest Wwg. Onty on# m * from Teng*wood P«k. N^ntiofhood pooJ.D)HCCTWWS U0ToO#ffmoni, et1 ngnt.tottP**C4 H*v*n Fb*3toW4!#ftordS*ct*y)30nr<ht. ttUITMiUCUM rf>outovttn#couify*ndQiwtsmeenceteyHo*iPVpwvwwth<iowwedk<i.Km#WMd<ti. lomi op#A. Si»¥ *Kkti*>3piHFCT>Cf<S SvtitwdFti S. toHamplonfti .Lto Fry*BnogeRd .LonloopftJ \i Wi. toPe<w tiM on un.I M itn ,M to tl AV*MBS m CMTM CWUtlVOWI M UCM M W O f**T. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL * RELOCATION * INSURANCE«RENTALS SvniiiK Da\ iv ( Ouiil>. ( 'lvmmoiis. X W vstvrn l iirsUh 1 Index Courts 5, 8 Weddings C1-C3 Public Records 6 Obituaries C7 Sports B1-B8 Schools D1-D3 Calvin & Hobbes B9 Davie Dateline D6 W a te r W oes County Working On Odor In Eastern Davie: Page 7 H u b b a B u b b a One Of Davie’s Best Athletes Graduates: Page B1 D A V IE C O U N T Y 5 0 t ENTGRPRI/GRECORD L SI’S I49-I60 Thurs(hiy,Jtme 17,1993 36 PAGES irefighters rush to put out truck lire that claimed the life of a Lexington man Friday afternoon on U.S. 64. — Photo by Robin Fergusson Fwo Killed In Fiery Crash On 64 ' Laura W illinm vTravy vie County Enlerpnse-Record Needham Daniel Gainus. 48. of Lexington. was killed when ^iie_wlu>les;ile ine.it truck he w:>s tlrivim wns slnick iiinl seni. 2 A rre s te d F o r M u rd e rs In F o rs y th By Laura W illiam vTraey Davie County Enterprise-Record Two Advance nicn have con­ fessed to killing a elderly cou­ ple al a Winston-Salem conve­ nience More Saturday night. Shcriifsdcpulics l'rom Davie and Fors>th counties arre.sted Rus>cll l)can W orknun, 21. of l.ehity Lane. Advancc at his lather's home on N.C. 801 ahout 1:30 a.m. on Monday. I:ddie Wayne SholTner, 22. nt' 2339 Granada Drive. Ad­ vance. wasarre>ted at his home later that morning. Workman later confessed to slashing the throats o f Arthur Drake. 71, and Janet Drake. 63. ofWinston-Salcm. said Lt. Joe Tuttle of the Fors>th County Sheriffs Department. Both men are charged with two counts of .Jk>L_degree murder. _ Tuttle said both men are charged with murder because the deaths occurred while both were committing a felony by at­ tempting to rob the store. The Drake*s were killed as A rthur Drake worked at Shoffner Workman Carlton*s Food Center on West Clemnionsville Road about 7:45 p.m. M r. Drake was a part-time sales clerk at the store, and his wife often accompanied him to work. Friends of the Drake’s said she was concerned that he might be hurt if the store was robbed. M r. Drake was known for the large number of postcards he owned — a collection hc had hoped w ould get him a page in t7uTGUinncs>rBooK"Uf Woi!d Records. Tuttle said a witness saw Shoflner ;uid W orknun leaving the store in a Monte Carlo. Deputies later received an Please See 2 Arrested — Pagv 4 Two men died Friday in a live-vehide wreck on U.S. 64 that t one truck on fire. Robert Lloyd Dorrill. 61. ofChattanooga. Tenn.. has been arged with two counts of misdemeanor death by vehicle. N.C. ighway Patrol troopers said he swerved into the oncoming lane tiich set o ff a series of crashes. reeling out ofcontrol in the highway. It split apart after it was hit by a traclor-trailer — and soon after it exploded in flames. Gainus’s body burned inside the truck. Milton Henry Welch. 50. ofO livia. was killed when his 1986 traclor-trailer crashed into Gainus's meat truck. The tr.ktor trailer Please See 2 Killed — Page 4 Body Found In Truck; Death Cause Unknown iflan Crushed By Car In Woods A R outr87 "Mocksvillc"man 'as killed on Monday. June 7. 'hen his car he was working on 3parently crushed him against trce. His body wasn’t found until .o days later. Brian Keith Moore. 22. of Howell Road. probably died in­ stantly. said Davie Sheriff Bill Wooten. Wooten said it appeared that Moore h:ul been driving a car through a field. Moore got out of the car todo"some work7and left it in reverse or the gear shifted into reverse. Moore tried to gcl to the wl>eel to stop the ear but was crushed into some trees. Woolen .said. The field was olT Howell Road."The1>od)-was-found by his girlfriend two days later. Wooten said the family had not reported Moore as missing because he was driving when he was last .scen and he didn’t have a driver’s license. Authorities don’t know what caused thedeath ofa Matthews man. whose badly decomposed body was found in Ute cab ofa pickup truck last week. Louis Robert Deacon. 50. could have bcenin the-pickup truck for as long as five days before his body was discovered. Davie Sheriff Bill Wooten said a trucker spotted the body in the pickup truck, which was parked next to trees beside the Western Steer parking lot. The body was found Thurs­ day afternoon. Nearby workers said the truck had been parked there the previous Saturday. Wooten said then: was no evidenceof tbul play. Thebodv ' was sent to the N.C. Medical Examiner’s Office in Chapel H ill for an autopsy. There were a lot of clothes and camping gear in the truck. Wooten said. Iooleem ee A Step Closer To A nnexation V M ike B uriiliardl ivie County Enterprise-Record COOLEEMEE — A resolution of intent to an- x two areas near this town were approved on 3-1 vote ofthe town board Monday night. Only Hayden Beck voted against the resolu- m, which sets the stage for a possible aimexa- >n later in the year. “ It d<KS not biixl you to annex. It d(vs not hind >u not to annex.” administrative intern Duane jrold told board nwmbers before the vote. The move puls the town a step closer to an- :xing specific areas. The areas now kin g considered are much smaller than an area included in an annexation study for the town by the Northwest Piedmont Council of Governments. Two areas are being considered. One would extend the town limits about a half mile down Junction Road, go along property lines just north of Duck Pond Road, crossing Gladstone Road and coming bzi’k to the current town limits. The second area wimld include much ofNorth Coolccmcc and the Edgewood Circle area olT N.C. 801, but ix>t homes along the north side ofN .C . 801. Maps, giving specific boundaries ofthe areas proposed to be annexed, are on display at the town hall. Areas being considered do not include Jockey International or Greasy Corner. Herold said areas had to be taken out ofcon- sideration because at least 12 percent ofany an­ nexation must he adjacent tocurrent town limits, and that a certain percentage ofthe land holdings must l>e llve acre tracts or less. The area includes 120 households.and would bring injust over$9,000 in town tax nxmcy. Add other stale taxes reimbursed to the town such as sales and franchise taxes, and the town would realize from S50,(KX)*S60,000 from the annex­ ation, according to the COG’s report. Although the town hasn’t coiiuniitcd toany an­ nexation, it has a schedule to w hich an annexa­ tion could take place by the end of the year. In July, the board is expected to issue a report, which will include a listing of all property owners , that would be alfected by :lw annexation. It w ill \ be available lor public view at the town hall. j At 7 p.m. Aug. 9, a public lx:aring is schedul­ ed, al which public commeni for or against the annexation w ill be taken. If approved by the board, an anncxationor- dinance could he adopted in Septemlvr, making the annexaiion effective ;is early as Dec. 31. _._• , T 2 - DAVlK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 17,1W3 Editorial Pa£e Senseless Violence: Has Civilization Come To This? How far has eivili/.mion really come if senseless vioIcncc continucs as ii has? An cldcrly couple — a storekeeper aixl his wil'e — were brutally slashed 10 death on Clcmmonsville Road last week. Two young Advance n«n have been charged. The ethnic violence in Bosnia coiiliniics — wiih thousands killed in an endless bloodbath. Then: is 110 peace to be found (here, and neither the Muslim <ir Serb leadcrs seem interested in stopping the killing. Philosophers have often said a thin cord holds us back from the savage violence and senseless acts of animals. Why will some nxm "go bad"? What keeps us all from joihing tliem? For soiiti. fear of puni.shineni is enough to keep lhcm mindful of the law. But for most, it ltiis to be faith in God and the belief that we were pul here for a higher purpose. The belief that love of mankind is a far superior calling. And that killing and w-jnton violence is simply wrong. All those thoughts were forgotten at thc Clcmnvinsville .vliw. Robbery was more important. The desire for money overcame the inhibitions of civilization ... and the value of life. The man and his wife were in the way. SomctinKs. it seems that criminals are motivated by nothing more than the glamor of crime. If (heir lives are empty and meaningless, they assume prestige in the courtroom. They arc thc center ot' attention. Lawyers debate over them. Deputies guard them. Judges ... punish them. How can you explain senseless murder? If they were seeking notoriety, they have found it. If violence excites them, two people have died at their hands. We can only hofc that the courts — and its civilizing force — will do its part to bring sw ift justice. House Speaker May Kill Lottery Bill Even if Gov. Jim Hunt b;)> abandoned his principles. " WiusiT"SfvnKcrT)Iin B!ue Tub" nor. Tliiiirnirciriirmly—------- opposed a state lottery. Now he's ready to allow a referendum. Not Dan Blue. He may bv able to bottle up the bill in subcommittees so long that it never gets out. The Senate last week narrowly passed (he bill. The House may have more sense. As ia.xcs go. the loucr_v is no bargain. Only 34 percent of the revenue will actually go into the tax colters. U l^ ie - resi, 50 percent will go to prizes. 16 percent will go to expenses such as administration and to pay stores for selling lhc tickets. Last week. Senators remembered (hiti other states have shanufully advertised their lotteries. How much would North Carolina spend? Dan Blue — more than Gov. Hunt — seems to have a - 'i*Kl.vt-lUL' of-wliat.Norlh f*itmlina mviU :iml lh-________ 1 M A kEW ,S MOVE wrrH DEEP H 66aET... ...SHE 16 A SuPERB ATtOanSV AND A PeRSONtsUPWE>K>... ...BUT tiERVIEWS LEMDTUEMSElVES TO ltfTE6PRetATIOflS TtiX T PO HOT REPRESEM TTW EVEW STHW X ftP R E S S E P5U W ^M Y CAM PA l6N - f^~rT3 tft ^ ^ ^ P 5*? ® S ^ ^ « 5 E ] * i l !4W W .HJUSi^ M x s e 1 ...9 0 TM GotNG TO HXVE t O LET tfEft <50... HIUARy,YOU'RE F|RED/ E_3La_v i l i l s X _ f l A ^^yLjJLJ».»- t _ j8 _ t i ^ In The Mail ... Hearing Difficult In Davie Superior Court To thc c*iiu>r: June 2~t, 1 had ihc pleasure to serve asajuror on thc Superior Court District in Davic County. I enjoyed it tremen­ dously. It gave me a chance to sec our judicial system at its best. During this time, a blemish camc bv and took it away. As most of the good citizens of Davie County know, the county last year moved in the new courtroom. A modem building, it is; and we, as eiti/ens, should bc proud. Did you know there is a problem with the superior courtroom? The problem is that you cannot hear. You can sit behind the defendant's table or behind the D.A.'s table and it is still hard to hear. People sitting in the courtroom aren'l that important. The most -impormLpenpk.aic the jumrs._Becausc thev_ have to render a verdict on two things: evidence and testimony. The jurors can't hear half of the time. What thejurors cjn hearand quite w eU i$ihe outside noi<c ... traffic going through town, si­ rens. pedestrians. From time to time, defendants do not get a fair trial vxcept for the evidence presented during the trial. If there was something said that w as impor­ tant. I believe that 25-300 of thc time thejurors cannot hearand that, my friends, is terrible, lfyou wcreadcfendantandyouhadajurytrial,wouldn"t >ou w ant to bc sure that thejury heard every w ord said? 1 sure would. I'm making a plea to the good citizens of Davie CountyandtotheSuperiorCourtdisirictofDavie County. Can we have microphones installed in thc courtroom so that all parties can be seen and heard at thc same time? Can we do something about thc outside noise ... soumiprooting the courtroom or better window s w ith better insulat ing rating? I'm sure the court system would like tc serve the public better. As things stand. I feel !iki that our courtroom as a grade of 70 percent. 1 am not talking bad about Davie County anc its courts or no one who works there. Clerk ol Court Ken Boger and his staff do a wonderful jot and we should be proud of them all. But we a: titizens should do our best to see that evcryont who has been accused or having business w ith tht court be represented lCHKr. Anything loweris no acceptable. Everyone w ho has business with Davie court house please stop by and show your appreciatioi to the Clerk of Court and his staff. They need a pa on the back. too. Keith Howard ---------- -~ Ruulj4.Ad^unii* High Schools Needs A Liaison Officer To the cditon A fcwwceks ago I had the privilege of attend­ ing a PTSA meeting at Davie High School. Much tii my*urpfi*e th<^fanmts attanJing u« as well as help it be a safer learning environment? Today, much to mydismay, 1 heard that some­ one in the county has made the decision that thc fiaison officer is not needed and that the funding traditional values wc have held dear. — Dwight Sparks D A V IE C O U N TY ENTERPm/BiECORDM%** numbered by the faculty probably at least two to Thc topic was the hiring of a liaison police officer for the Davie High campus. At the meeting 1 got the impression that the parents and faculty were in agreement that this is a very needed addition to Davie High. The officer would help control violence (and it's there) aswcll as serve as tiines confide in. During these busy times our high school must lots of lime serve as the only positive thing in its students’ lives oras thc only place that a student has to find someone toconfide in and trust. Would this officer not be a plus in helping our high school meet the students' needs USPS 149-160 124 South Main Street -Mocksvi!!c.-NC 27028-- 704/634-2120 Published cvcry Thursday by thc DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Dwight Sparks.................... Editor*Publishcr Robiti Fcryusson ............ General Manager Mike Bamhardt ...................Managing Editor Ronnie Gallagher............... Sports Editor Becky Snyder................Advertising Director Mocksville Davie Cooleemee Knlerprkt? Record Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 l90l-1971 Sccond Class Postage Paid ln Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Ratcs Single Copy, 50 ccnts $18.00 pcr ycar in North Carolina $22.50 pcr ycar outside North Carolina POSTMASTER Send address changes to Davie County Entcrprisc-Record P.O. Uox 525. Mocksville, NC 27028 is not available. l disagree. WhyV3irumtt*one (and one is as important as 10) of our precious young people is killedby theone gunorknife that got past a school official because he/shc was doing what they are paid for... teaching... instead of being forced to accept the role of parent, protector.andguardianofthel.OOO+youngpeopIe at our high school. What do we have to do? Let our opinion be "known. Call school board members. Sign petf: tions. Call Dr. Steed. We cannot afford not to be able to afford to hire this liaison officer to protect our most precious resource - our young people. Diane S. Crotts Mocksville Letters Are W elcomed The Enterprise Record welcome's letters from its readers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or inter- national issues. An effon will be made to print all letters provided they are not libelous vulgar or in poor taste. The editor re­ serves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number is also requested io^est the legttamacy oi the letter. It will not be published. Please have letters in the Enterprise Record office no later than 5 p.m. Mon­ day of the week to be published. What Are Your Summer Vacation Plans? ,|umes ()eker Route 7, Mui'ksvillc "W e're going to l'iiin - svlv;mia imcl llie Cntskill M iiim liiins." Tom C;irkT Cooleemce “ We’re retired. We go when we want to." (>k'im Curler MiK'ksvllle "l'ro b iih ly to visit my grumlki(k in New York.” M .A. Brewer : 3, Mocksville '; “ M y sister is pelting itmr ried so we'll go to Rock; M ount." DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TlmrsUiiy, June 17,1993 - 3 Ramey Kemp, Roy Cartner Improved Quality Of Life !-Nice guys. That's onc of the best ways to describe Roy Cartner ;md Ramey Kemp — two ol* Davie Counly*s finest residents. They truly loved people. Although contact with each of the nwn was limited, I insumily respected each. 1 first nK*t Ramey Kemp while I was in high school. I hurt my back running emss country, and Coach Burt Barger sent me | o see Ranvy Kemp, the ocal chiropractor. I was scared half to leath. Any doctor seured ne then, and they scare me now. It goes iack to when 1 was even younger, and got opped in the head with a rock-loaded dirt lod. It took every person within a couple of niles to hold me down while the doctor put Mike Barnhardt the stitches in my forehead. The doctor didn't like my attitude, and 1 didn’t like his. That fear was increased by the thought of going to a chiropractor. Were these guys really doctors? Did they use hig needles? And the stories 1 heard about them jerking bones around made every bone in my body rattle in fear. The only gotul part, it scemed, was that I got out of school to go to the doctor (Sonic things never change.). Dr. Kemp wasn't the needle-carrying monster that I had imagined. He didn't have the evil grin as he prepared to twist my body into odd contortions, as I had expected. He was nice. He talked to me like 1 was a regular person, like wc were friends. A doctor had never talked to nw like a real person before. Dr. Kemp asked about my school work. He asked me about running and the cross country team. He asked me about Coach Barger. He asked me about my familv. Dr. Kemp explained what was wrong with my hack in terms I could understand. He explained the treatment in terms I could understand. The treatment required repeated visits, which suited mejust fine. It was the. first time I wasn't afraid to go to thc doctor. I got out ofschool. And thc doctor — an adult — treated me. a lowly teen-ager, like 1 was a real per>on. What a guy. And yes. chiropractors really are doctors. My back pain went away, and my walk became more likc mine, and less like Frcd Sanford’s. Later, alter I grew up. Dr. Kemp still treated me likc a friend. He remembered nie. and it niade me feel good. Roy Cartner made an impression on nie, as wcll. ;rn impression I’m surc hc left on^ everybody who ever met hini. I don't remember knowing him while growing up. but I met him around town when l moved back home several years ago. Thc one thing that went with Roy Cartner everywhere hc went was a smile and a kind word. He always asked me about my family. It wasn't one of those fakc small talk greetings. Hc was genuinely concerned. Hcrc was Roy Cartncr asking about mc and my family's wc!farc, and I didn’t cvcn know who hc was or where hc kncw mc from. That’s thc small-townness I hope Mocksville ncvcr grows out of. People car&, about you cvcn if you don’t know them. Thcrc's bcen a lot of talk ubout quality of life in Davic County in rcccnt years. Forgct ;L thc wcalhcr, thc schools and government and * roads and rivcrs. It’s folks likc Roy Cartncr that makc living in Davie County so nicc. Ramcy Kemp and Roy Cartner died last week. We should all try to makc friends with tecn-agcrc as Ramey Kcnip did. and sliow genuine concern for all our neighbors as Roy Cartner did. If wc do that, our quality of life will be the best anywhere for a long time to come. Clothes Washer As Exciting As Ferrari Like every 16-years-old, I used to dream ofmy driver’s icense and a fast, red Ferrari. Now that I’m 23. I’ve been dreaming of a new washer ind dryer. It doesn’t niean that my aspirations iave declined to midget proportions, just hat after years of college and recent- :raduatc laundry status. I was sick of tinging out at laundn/ mats at all hours •f the night. I made my first imjor ap- !iance purchase last week. And boy was . sweet. Like that Ferrari, my Kcnimre has omc pretty nifty features under the hood - like that dual action agitator, thrcc .ater levels and a buacr that w-akcs the ead when the clothes are dry. Not washing clothes in college wasn’t II that bad. You don't need clean clothes > go to class and sleep. But when 1 started working it bccamc a problem. During ne of my first solo trips to a laundromat. some pcrvcrt iund amusement in stealing my underclothes from the asher while 1 read a magazine. Then I started doine laundrv with niv bovfriend at a Laura Williams- Tracy uiidromui ncar Wake"TorVs("UiVivefM[yrlrV<Wir7mign ace. but it was cheap — $.75 per washer. $.25 per dryer. For those of you \sho haven’t been to a laundromat this •cade, washing clothes has become ahiM>st as expensive as n The M ail ... a national health care plan. That place was great until the day I arrived with baskets in arm only to find the place encircled with yellow police lape. having burned to the gmund. Apparently one of those cheap dryvrs started the blaze. For the past year. I’ve been doing laundry at the clubhouse at my apartment conipicx. But man is it expensive. Before I can do laundry I have to start with a pocket full of quarters closely likened to thc stock at thc Franklin mint. Quarters are available in few places on weekends, and l*ve had to devise several sneaky ways to get change for the machines. I used to go to another laundromat and pretend I was do­ ing my laundry there. The lady would exchange my dollars for quarters. I'd tell her the clothes were out in my car. Then l'd nukc a mad dash outsidc and speed away, certain that she was scribbling down my license plate number. It got so that I couldn’t go back in there. Then I started getting quarters from the car wash machine. For some reason the owner was always there wat­ ching me make change and wondering why I didn’t wash my car. All of that ended last weekend when the friendly Sear’s man arrived with my 700 series Kenmore. Ttic"cari.vFiilhufraid"iTlxrlkiif.^uritr he~ruris wljerftRe*spiiT'' cycle begins. But the luxury of doing laundry at my convenience has given me more time to drcam of bigger and belter things. Like a new vacuum cleaner. ountry Needs Fundamental Campaign Finance Reform he editor: f Congress is serious about change - if it is ous about reforming a discredited electoral em - it must support a strong and effective _iJQ-reformj;amp_aip_nJmancmg. The_cam-_ zn finance reform plan proposed by Presidenl nton fits thc bill and should be passed in Ourlegis!ators cannot serve ihe public interest ile beholden to special interests. If we are ng to build a better health care system, reduce deficit and protect our environment, the day* day influence of special interests on our legis- ors must be curbed. Congress must put the tudent Thinks Robert Landry Best High School Principal American people before big money contributors. Candidates are lured toward special interest contributions which have strings attached. The challengers are frequehtly prevented from run­ ning competitive races due to lack of sufficient ^urids.ThtrAmeriean'electorat~process'7s_nor~ working as it should. Partial public financing will retum citizens and voters to thecentral role in elections by telling candidates they don't have to go to the highest bidder locompete. Public financing is the cleanest money in American politics. It is financingtwith "no strings aitached." To pay for partial public financing, we must limit the business lax deduction available to lob* Campaign finance reform must alsocrackdown on PAC contributions. President Clinton’s plan would limit PAC contributions to House candi- - dates'td33”^r«nt^ndSeriafe"candidates to 20 percent of total spending. Soft moneycontribuiions must be strictly regu­ lated and the "soft money loophole" closed so that existing laws cannot be circumvented. We need fundamental campaign finance re­ form to get this country's electoral process back on track. Elizabeth Bohl Route 3. Mocksville Davie History .<viv> fc- \.\ V.SVW<K^7 At Trade Fair With Governor Mocksville banker Knox Johnstone is shown a! a North Carolina Trade Fair in Charlotte with then Gov. Terry Sanlord. The person standing is not identified. Photograph courtesy ol the Davie County Historical and Genealogical Society. l ■ the editor [just founifsbmething out and it upsets me"' ryn)uch.The best principal that Davie High has ers$en isbeing moved to South Davie, and Mr. UsUrepIacing him. Ifit wasn't for Mr. Landry, 1 would not bc in Vool or graduating this coming school year. Mr. ndry has helped me and many other students iduate. He is definitely for the good in people, s doesn't just think they are a bad student. Hc :$ to find the good and bring it out. For this. I owe him my future success and i6ks. I can never do enough to repay him except graduate and try to help to get him to stay at ivysHigh School. Mr. Landry doesn't see one !«{o a problem, hc sees both sides, und thcn he itgshis decision. He will listen to the students than open mind - not a bad attitude. _Mr_Landry is what a high school needs. I've never seen him in a bad mood. Most high school students need someone who they can talk to about their ideas, problems. In five years at the high school, he has done more for the students than the past five principals. Mr. Landry is familiar with the problems at thc high school, and is trying to hclpsolve them - the racial tension, thc violence, weapons and thefts. Mr. Poits is not aware of all thc problems, therefore he cannot help solve them. I have one dream for graduation, that dream is when 1 re­ ceive my diploma, to shake hands, pat Mr. Landry and iell the audience I have this man to thank for all of this, without him being our principal this would not bc. One of the most major achievements at Davie High while Mr. Landry was there is the school wiihin school. They started out with 64 students and ended up with 57. That was to try to prevent high risk dropouts from dropping out. As students and Davie County citizens, not as different age groups, need to fight this decision. 1 think it is time we did something at lhe school board meeting June 30. If we don't succeed, we can say we gave itone hell ofashot. Mr. Landry, I owe next year's opportunity to Mr. Landry, 1 would like to thank you for all you have done for mc and all students you have helped. For I know it is much appreciated. There is no one thing I can do, or say, enough to thank you. Todd A. Edwards Route 5, Mocksville Jtyn n 'l 6beatuMil f t • M>lar & 3-D Hdium Balloons • Silk & Li\c Arrangements ForAll Occasion: • Gift !iems, Candy. Eic. • • Wc Dcli%cr To Local Hospitals, DusinvM>. Rcsidcncc! & Schools Wedding Equipment For Rent ____ Hwy 158 • 1/2 mile west of Hillsdale (919) 998-9808 WANTED Six Teenagers Ages14V2to16 Davle Driving School has openings (or 6 teens who woutd like lo complete their drivers education requirements In one week. Our next teen class begins June 28 through July 2, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Now To Reserve Your Space. (Now Enrolling For Summer C/«s*«sJ DAVIE DRIVING SCHOOL ___W Aftorm tejnSt^2^^^_7M 22^2iE^ti WDSL BLUEGRAS$ W ith D w ig h t B a r k e r Each Monday Thru Friday Morning From 10:00 AM To 12:00 Noon TUNE IN 1520 FOR THE BEST IN BLUEGRASS MUSIC M *lC8 TFf MOCK$WLLE 962 Yadkinville Rd. Phone 634-6115 011 ChiRga Strut*, Weeks AlHwwnts Hours: 7:30-5:30 M-F • 7:30-1:00 Saturday 4 . DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RKCORP. Tliur><ln.t,Jime 17,1993 2 Arrested In Forsyth Murders Slain storekeeper Arthur Drake wanted to get into Guin­ ness Book ol Wortd Records with postcard collection. C<mllmu'<t Krnm l*;iyt* I anonymous tip lnrni someone in D.ivic County le.uliny dcputic> lo Wotkm.m ond Shotl'ncr. **Altcr th;it. thiny> jus* came together." lic said. Tuttle siiitl auihorilics bv1icvc Sho||'ncr anl Workman were trying lo rob tlio store but vcrv seared o!l bctnre they could open ihe cash A search warrant likxl hy dcicc- li\es wanting to search Workman's car reseal ho" Shoffner told details the events. According to the warrant, SholiiKT was attempiny to buy a pack of cigarettes when Worktmn cut Mr. Drake's thr<ut with a l"i4i l1let knife lhev had htwght earlier that day. ShotTner siid lhat Woriman slabb­ ed Mrs. Drake in the hack am! cut her throat. After WutVnun wa> umble to open the ca»h regtxter the iwo L*lt the >tore. Workmanilffcw lhe knileon the tloor hchiml the driver's seat, the warrant said. Sheritfs deputies found what is believed to k the murder weapon by the road on Sides Street near U.S. 158 on Tuesday aflermnn. Authoritit> searched Workman's car and fouiti hlood in the car a1ony with several pairs of blue jeans that appeared to have hliHKl on lhem. The two nt*nare hvinghcld in For­ syth CountyJail without privilegeof hond. They were scheduled lo make their first appearance in court Wednesday. June 16. An man who identified hinv<dfon* ly as a fcltow employee of Workman'sat While Oak Transport in Winston-Salem said employees there were sliocked to hear that Workman had been arrtMed for the murders, especially since they are also friends with his father. Russell Workman Sr.. who works at the grading company. He said Workman's tal!tcr had bcvn given the week olf from work t<*iL*al with lhe crisis in his family. “ The whWc family is pretty well shook up vmotionally." the White Oak emplo)ve said. Wi*kmun. his new wife, pirents and grandparents all live in Advance and ntivcd lo the area from West Virginia several years ago. Ik* said Workntin had got­ ten married just in the past month. The man said most ol Workman*s co-workersdon't beJievc that a hum­ ble and respectful person !ikc Workman could have cmunittcd the murders. ••We can only believe what we feel. it \ n<< the pers<vt we knew. He's very p>lite. He never address- eJ me unless it was "Sir" or 'mister." The cmplmee said Wtvknun'sjob at White Oak would he there f<ir him when he w * available for work. David Orren. wholivesiwotrailcrs up from Shoffner. said he had work­ ed tor a landscape contractor, hut he was unsure if Shoffner w-js working Orren had gone lishing with him serveral times, said he thmght Shofl- ner was try ing toget hislife in order after past tnmhles forging checks. **1 thought he had gnten his life straightened out. I thougU he was do­ ing g«*«d." Orren said. *'He'susuaiiy a pretty level-headed guy. I don’t know what happened Saturday Orren said he was aNo friends w ith Shoffner*s wife. Kathy, whohas two children and is pregnara. Although Workman dix*s not ha\e a previous criminal rec<<d. Sholfncr is well known among sherilt*i deputies for his numerous arre'ts foi obtainmg gti<Nwith forged checks, said Davie County Chcf Detective Boh Lemmons. ‘•All the d:puties knew him well." Lemmons viid. "*He was in coun over and o\er." Teen Jumped, Beaten While Using Telephone A Mocksville teen-agerwas severely beaten as he used a pay telephone at North Main Street and Campbell Road on Tuesday, June S. at 1:50 a.m. Natiun Todd Beckerman. 16. suf­ fered a broken nose and sev ere bruises after he was jumped by a carload of y oung men. Mocksville Police have no motiv e for Uie beating, said Mocksville Potice Detective Wayne Stoneman. Beckermanwas not robbed. Charged w itii assault w ith a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury were: • Jamel!e Leevander Myers, 20, of 132 Geter Road. Woodleaf; • Rufus Dewayne Hunter. 17. o Route S. Mocksville; and - Michael Lee Cline, 18. of Route 1 Mocksville. Each w as placed in tie Dav ie Count; Jail in lieu of a $6,000 bond, pendin; July S preliminary hearings in Davi District Court. Timothy A. Cook. 16, of Route 1 Woodleaf, wascharged w ith aiding an< abemnganassau!twith2deadlyweape1 inflicting serious injury. He w as placei in jail in lieu of a S5.000 bond, aIsi pending a July S appearance in Davi' District Coun. Woman Charged In Stabbing A Route 7, Mocksville woman has been arrested in a June 11 stabbing at . The Oaks Apartments. Ruhiya Peterson Foster. 26.wasar- rested the follow ing day by .N tocksville Police, charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious in* jury, second-degree vespassinc assault on a government official, and resisting, obstructing and delaying an officer. — Photos by Robin Fergusson -Fo* Everett Joyner in the chest with chainsaw file atabout9:30p.m. Frida; He was taken to Davie County Hosp tal, where he was treated and release She was arrested early Saturd; morning. and fought tie officerstr>it to ane>t her. She al>o ran from tl officer. She is scheduled to face tie chare in a preliminary hearing July 22 :eusedofetabbingMarvHi— Davie DistrivVGouft- 2 Killed lnWreck On 64 Continued From Rage 1 was owned by Commercial Equip­ ment Cu. lnc. of Chark>tte. . According to Trooper L.D. Chap* pell. DorriU was traveling west on U.S. 64 at 1:32 p.m. near the eastern end of John Crotts Road when his 1987 Ford crossed the center line and collided with Gainus*s meat truck. , Gainus continued out of control, crossed the center line and collided with Welch’s tracloMrailer. the report said. Gainus*s truck broke in natf and the cab portion caught fire. • The burning truck struck a 1993 Chevrolet truck driven by Carl Henry Hunt Jr., 35, of Angell Road. Mocksville. Hunt was not injured. A 1988 Jecp driven by Harry Lee Lemon Jr., 56. of Lexington was damaged by flying debris but Lemon was not injured. Herman Lnman w as otv of the first motorists todrive up on the scene. He said he saw the burning truck from a milc dow n the road and thought the black smokc was from a house fire. As he approached clw*er he said several cxp!0si0n 4 came from Gainus’s burning iruck. As firefighters from Fork and Mocksville put out the fire in the cab of the burning meat truck, one fireman checked 1w0 small children for cuts. They were pissengers in Dorrill's car. 7 Authorities dosed U.S. 64 from 1:30-9 p.m. while traffic was directed tin(o 7ohn Crotts Road. Rescue workers removed body of Needham Daniel Gainus from charred truck. Area's Largest SelKtton of Grandfather Clocks and Wall and Mantel Clocks ALWAYS 30% TO 50% OFF SUGO. RETAIL Brass Beds and World Globes OLDTOWN CLOCK SHOP3738 REYNOLDA ROAD PHONE 924- BS07 ,M0N.-FR1. 9:30 5:30; SAT. 10-5^ 7 * t M U i t ^4 9J t* C9Mt i* tki%d, M.V. Royal Majesty Bahamas, Key West & Mexico! $ -99*wW ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Let us book your lam4y on a 3 w « N«h! cn*se on board the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V M.V. Royal M^esty and you w i bet ahWe he^ on yo» 3fd 1^ ^ ^ ^ r 4tn passenger 1are R's onfy $99* tor 3-r*grx cruise per 3rd or ^ r 4tft p»s$#nger when ff» 1*tl tew paiwngers «the same^ P w catxn pay me aVead/ tow MvanSartr cn*te rate SurtA) a,*329** The kjds m l meel ttw Hanna Dart>era lr>ends U e Yogi BearS Scoooy-Doo® and George Jetsoo®. VVNe tne groMvups e rwkreeccatie HMce. de<ecuye cuisme. spectaeuW *ho*s and an TW _ - _ , actwhoacked c*suvo. * ° * l tw w uW ^4fli*Mi*iAi*oewMie^"*^'*<MMiu<wen^a^aE>rn^<^fii>w ^**^^1^^^^^^< iTt .ra.u i-iU tO T r< liH il1M li) 'fcI JH*M*«7*^W<;**.r^*^C^C** ^j **>euKX>i*<<"ievmw*eaie.c*araa<roew<*i*ikC>aw'Ayi• flijn » » a » iJ B « i« a u » 'W W M i OefT<nons DAVIE TRAVEL ,J Z *"2* ^ DowntownMockivil^*70W4-2359 gioire-ttre flio^saw NOW ON SAL G e t Y > u r 3 D e c k L iS h a p e F o r S u m m e r k & n m r a Rn;:>( i/ BfJ*tijy w .ifK !M i:. I'rrpAfc unit iUxk lnrabwi mtniitcr wiih Ohinpic. Kir>t, l"n>lt lX\k* faitmv' mi!Jcw *nin< iixhlirt t<> n>torc xtsjr tk\k'< i*ipiul lvJiKv. Next, tH- Dl>m|>iv lX\k Stjin,mth nilti<nt SviilF(iiurJ' lWimiU. inhrJutih aihl|*nitat. IXxkStjInaViM< licJn turtW. i' ivitcf rqxlkitt. i< itnUUrvv n>Uunt <m tlw »uin l"ilm, utxl rnnhk> *. luv4|j.1i11^.txuiititiiKnW.t)i in Olmi|-K-Wjtrf('tunl" WmlCWjr Wjtct|'n*'liOu SvJiiit M|>n>(ntUMt »«»x! nliilc J^miin; tlx* iuiur.iluihw ln'ln^' llumrJi. It rv|<l' xvJtvr. |>n>tiM' agaiiM lumitiil Min ^*a >MbMMi| d.titugi-, |^i>tnh ttitli lfiHX\l««l. .ifhl |»n« iil> J tm!ikii u>ixtani uuti11g.OLYA1PI CAUDELL-.LUMBER f " .CHJHQW*WO*5w*l^p y .f *t*TIVmiCmiOMM- I ANDBUIL0m0 SUPPLIES 162 8HEEK STREET MOCKSVILLE, NC 704/634-2167 SERVlUTAR GcajNcgWxv (kxxlAth<r tiNCE 1ea 3 :: DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursduy, June 17, 1993 - 5 Administmtive Court ______ i The following cases were dispos­ ed of in Daxie Adminisiratixe Court mi June 4. Presiding xvas Magistrate Aim Frxe. Prosecuting xxas Georgia Nix* on. assistant district allorney. — Kay M. Adams. failure lo slop tor slop sign, reduccd hy DA lo itn- propcrequipmont. pay SlO fineand court cosls. — Riehanl B. Andct>on. driving 65 mph in a 50 inph /tnc. rednved hy DA lo improper equipment, pay SlO fine and court costs. — Kuriako Angelop*xilous. ex­ ceeding safe speed, reduced by l)A to impropcrequipment. pay SlO fine aml court c<Ms. . — Carol>n l.. Barnes. driving 68 mph in a 55 mph /one. reduced hy DA lo exceeding safe >peed, pay court costs. — Eli/aklh E. Barren. driving SO mph in a (>5 mph /one. reduced hy DA lo improper equipment. pay SlO fine and court costs. — MarjoricS. Benson.driving80 .mph in a 65 mph /one. reduced by DA to driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone. pay S5 fine and eourl costs. — Roger L. Brexxer. driving 67 mph in a 55 mph /one. reduced hy DA lo drixing (»4 mph in a 55 mph /one. pay S5 fine and vourl costs. — Steven M. Buchannan. no driver's license, dismissed. — Vaughn P. Bumgamer. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph ztxie, reduced hy DA to driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay $5 line and court costs. — BrianA.Carter.driving67mph in a 55 mph /one. redutvd hy DA to improper equipment, piv SlO fine and court costs. — Sharon E. Cheek, expired operator's license, disnusscd. — Donald H. Cole, failure to stop for stop sign, reduced by D/\ to im­ proper equipment, pax SlO fine and court costs. — Terry II. Collier, driving 67 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA to exceeding safe speed, pax court costs. — Kim M. Cowan, drixing 80 mpli in a 65 mph zone. reduced hy DA lo driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay S5 fine and court costs. — David V. Cribhs. driving SO mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA toimpnyorcquipment. pax SlO tine and court costs. — Jennifer L. Crotts. drix ing 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hx DA to exceeding safe speed, pax court costs. — Adrian L. Cmxxder. driving SO mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hx DA to drixing 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay S5 fine and court eosts. — Elser R. Cuthrell. driving 65 mph in a 50 mph zone, reduced hy DA to improjX'r cquipnvnt. pax SlO tine and court costs. — Louann C. Davis, improper >assing. reducedbx DAtoimproper •quipment. pax SlO fine and court ."— Norman J. Default, driving SO nph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hx DA to impn>pcrcquipnvnt. pay SlO tine aml cixirt costs. — Krinn K. Evans. driving 77 mph in a 65 mph zone, rcdiuvd hx DA lo driving 74 nylt in a 65 mph zone, |ux $5 fine and eourl cosis. — Scottie Ferguson, driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, rcduccd hy DA to imprt^x*requipmenl, pay SlO fine and court eosts. — Sandra 1*. Fincher, driving 80 mplt in a 65 mph zone, reduced hy DA to drixing 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay S5 fine and court costs. — Wesley A. Fosler. driving 67 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA toimpropercquipnvnl. pay $10 fine and court costs: failure to xxear seat belt, dismissed. — Hlaine M. Gregory, driving 63 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced hy DA to driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, pay S5 fine and court cosi. — Joanne H. Mall, driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA lo improper equipment, jxiy SlO fine and court c<Ms. ~ Pamela P. Harpe. no driver's license, dismissed. — Timothy S. Harrison, posses­ sion mall beverage under age. vehi­ cle inspcctiixi violation, dismissed. — Johnnie L. Hellard. driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA lo improper cquipnvnt, pay SlO line and court costs. — Stephanie L. Hodges, failureto stop for sii^ sign, dismissed. — George E. Hoke, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hy DA lo improper equipment, pay S10 iine and court costs. — Robert R. Hoke, driving 76 mph in a 65 mph zone, redu-;ed hy l)A to impr<yercquipmcni. pax SlO line and court costs. — Emilce J. Ilooxcn. driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hx l)A to improper cquipnvnl. pax SlO fine and cuirt costs. — Rosemary Hoxxcll. driving 66 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hx DA lo impnycrcquipmcnl. pax SlO line and court costs. — Chin S. Huel. drixing 85 mph in a 65 mph zone, reducvd hx DA to driving 74 mph in a 65 nyh zone, pax S5 fine and court costs. — Dora I). Huskey, drixing SO mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hx l)A to drixing 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pax S5 fine and couri costs. — Franklin D. Johiwm. failure to reduce speed, dismissal. — Emily C. Jones, drixing 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, rcducal hy DA to drix ing 74 nyh in a 65 mpli zone, pax S5 fine and court costs. — William J. Jones, drixing 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced hx DA to driving 54 mph in a 45 mph zone, pax $5 line and court cos|s. — Amanda1>rKiMknxtriving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hx DA to impnipcr cquipnvnt. pax Sill fine and c<xirt costs. — Richard 1.. Klexaiis, drixing 77 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hx l)A to drix ing 70 mph in a 65 mph zone, pax S5 line and court costs. — Julian S. l.anning, drixing 78 mph in a 65 mph zone, rcduccd hy DA to impropercquipnvnl. pay SlO line aml cixirt costs. — Sallxc A. Liner, driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone, rcduced hy l)A lo improper a|uipment, |xix SlO line and court costs. — WilltamC. Maim, driving 77 mph in a 65 mplt zone, reduced hy DA loimprtfcrequipmeni. pay $10 line and court costs. — John L. Manning, expired operator's license, dismissed. — DonisO. Marshall, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hy DA lo impropercquipnvnl. pax $10 line and cwrl eosts, — Virgil 1.. Martin, driving 63 mph in a 50 mph zone, reduced hy DA to driving 59 mph ina 50 mph zone, pay $5 fine and court costs. — Damuxi M. Massey, driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hy DA lo impn5x'requip11vnl. pax SlO fine and court costs. — MargoY. MeClutu. driving 70 mph in a 55 mph /<ine. reduced hy DA lo drixing 64 mph in a 55 mpii zone, pay $5 fine and couri costs. ~ Tina M. Miller, driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, redua*d hy l)A to improper equipment, pax SlO line and court ctMs. — David A. Minter. drixing 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hx DA to i1nprt5xT equipment, pax SlO line and court cosis. — Rickie S. Morgan, driving 84 mph in a 65 yiph zone, reduced hx DA lo driving 75 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay S5 line and court costs. — Jon Mueller, driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zotv. reduced by l)A to im­ proper equipment, pax SlO fine and court costs. — John P. Nickels, drixing 70 mph in a 55 mpli zone, reduced hy DA 10 impriper equipment, pax SlO fine and court costs. — Thomas M. Owens, drix ing 65 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA lo drix ing 64 mph i 11 a 55 mph zone, pay S5 line and cuirt costs: ex­ pired operator's license, dismissed. — Alicia L. Parker, driving 73 mph in a 55 mph zone, rcduccd hx DA to drix ing 64 mph in a 55 mph zone, pay S5 fine and eourl costs. — RcbckahJ. Phillips.driving67 mpli in a 55 mph z1u1c. reduced hx DA to impri^er cquipnvnt. pax SlO line and couri costs. — Jack A. l*loti. f;iilure to stop for stop sign, re1h1ced hx DA to improper equipment, pax SlO fiiv aml couri — Rufus Prince Jr.. drixing 77 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hx DA to impr<iXT cquipnvnt. pax SlO line and court costs. — Richanl D. RossJr.. drixing 77 -mplrin a 65 mph zone, reduced hy |)A to exceeding safe speed, pax court costs. — Connie D. Rote11. drixing 77 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced hy DA to drix ing 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay $5 line and court costs. — Frank H, Short, expired registration, dismissed. — Wesley C. Simpson, driving 80 mpli i11 a 65 mph zone, rcduccd hy DA lo imprtpcr equipment, pay SlO line and couri costs. — l.ouis A. Sinkoc. driving 70 mph i11 a 55 mph zone, rcduccd hy DA lo impropcrcquipmcnt, pay $10 line aml e<xirl cmis. — Cheri T. Smilh. uit*afc passing, dismissed. — Ilarrison L. SmithJr.. driving 77 mph in a 65 mph zonc. reduced hy DA lo driving 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay $5 fine and courl costs. — Jason B. Smith, driving 70 mph in a 65 mph zone, rcdua*d by DA to improper equipment, piy SlO line and court cosis. — David A. Smyle. driving 76 mph in a 65 mph zone, reduced by DA lo drixing 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay $5 line and eourt eosis. — Stephen W. Soxxers. driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA to impr15x r equipment, pay SlO line a11d court costs. — Michael W. Spaugh. expired registration, dismissed. — Dcnese W. Stanley, vehicle in­ spection violation, dismissed. — Anna A. Steelman. driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy l)A (0 driving 64 mplt in a 55 mph zone, pax S5 fine and court costs. — Michael C. Stout, unsafe traf- fice movcnvnl. dismissed. — David C. Trcxlcr. driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy l)/\ lo impnycr cquipnvnt. pay S 10 line and court costs. — l.inda P. Tucker, driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA to impn>percquip11vnt, pax $10 fine and eixirt cosls. — Yvonne L. Turner, driving 80 mplt in a 65 mplt /<>ne. reduced by DA lo drix ing 74 mph in a 65 mph zone, pay S5 line and aiurt costs. — Slephen D. Vestal, drixing 70 mph in a 55 mplt zone, reduced by DA to improper cquipnvnt. pax SlO line and court costs. — Mark XV. Wehh. 110 drixcn. license, dismissed. — Chrisiiyher S. Wc^, drixing 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced hy DA to impriyer cquipnvnt. pax SlO line and court costs. — Buddy E. Williams, vehicle in­ spection viokiiion. dismissal. — Katherine M. Williams, driving 60 mph i11 a 45 mph zone. reduced hx DA lo drix ing 54 mph in a 45 mph zone, pay S5 line and court costs. — PairicX N. W<xnlie, drixing 80 mpli in a 65 mph zone, reduced hx DA to improper cquipnvnt. pax SlO line and cuirt costs. Kiilled To Appear The folloxxing failed to appear for thcir sdicdulcdtrnwHriah---------- — Wesley T. Ahl. drixing 77 mph m a 65 mph zone. — William V. Ammons, drixing 77 mph in a 65 mph zme. — Israel J. A11gell. improper equipment. — Steph;uiie C. Baten. drixing 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Timothy C. Batten, driving 79 1t1ph in a 65 mph zone. — Christie L. Bocttclvr. failure lo xvear seal klt. — Jamie M. Boger, failure lo xxear seat lx'll. — Eddie L. BroxvnJr,. driving 77 mph in a 65 ntph z<mc. ~- Marie A. Brown, driving 79 mph in a 65 1t1ph zone. — Sean M. Cain, driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. — Jason T. Choate, failure lo xxear seal bc1t. — Kristi M. Cornell, driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Rebecca L. Detorre. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Jesse P. Dunlup, driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Gregor>' E. Dunn, driving 76 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Anthony C. Finn, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Franklin E. Fislvr. expired registration. — Donovan J. Gresftmi, driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zixie. — David l.. Grover, driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Barry K. licdgeeoek.driving68 mph in a 55 mph zone. — Danny L. Hedrick.driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zone. — Lesley A. Hensley, drixing xxhile liceitM? revoked. — James II. Hester, drixing 76 mph in a 65 mph zone. — RichatdT. Hubbanl.driving78 mph in a 65 mph /onc. — WilliamJ. Hubbard, drixing 77 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Kay S. Huffman, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Keri U Kccnum. driving 80 mph in u 65 ntph /onc. — Joseph E. Kennedy, driving 87 mph in a 65 mph zone, no driver's — Robert A. Kennedy, driving 84 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Jacinta N. Kimbrough, driving 67 mph in a 55 mph zone. — Allma P. Lee. drixing 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. ~ Edxvin B. Linville. driving 66 mph in a 55 mph zonc. — Dum01xl E. Lowen . driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone, no driver's — Clarence R. Lunslord, driving while Hcenv revoked. — Michael C. Mayberry, driving SO mpli in a 65 mph z01v. failure to wear seal M l. — Patrick D. MeGarey, drixing 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — TracieA. McMahm. drixing 77 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Rayitiixid i.. Mesevher.driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — AimaMle* H^Mu>revdriving- 80 1t1ph in a 65 mph zone. — Christine L. Nease. drix ing 72 mph in a 55 mph z1x1e. expired registration. — Wanda Nelson, drixing 76 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Bryant E. Nesbitt, failure lo xvear seal klt. — Kevin D. O'Neal, driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone. f — Joel K. Parker,driving'79mph in a 65 mph zone. — Joseph D. Patters(xi. failure to scl parking hrake. — Roger M. Phillips, driving 77 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Sandra A. Reavis, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Juan M. Rivcru. driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone. '!';i — Gary U R<ibertson. veliiel<Hn- speciion viotaiion. Si — Francis P. Sculs,- driving^78 mph in a 65 mph zone. >; — Freddie I). ShofTner. drivin$W> mph tn a 55 mph zone. 2 — James D. Skiff, driving 76 njph ina65mphzonc.. j ~- Amy H. Teeters, drix ing jtO mph in a 65 mph zone. | — Renee D. Webb, no child restraint syMcm. 1 — Russel L. Winfrey, driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone. Trials WuIu-d The following xvaivcdthcir right to a eourl lria1 and paid fine, in advance. **- Charles S. ArnoM. expired registration. ~ Barbara L. Atkins, failure to xxear seat K'lt. — Kelly L. Atkinson, drixing 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Mary M. Beam, failure to xxear seat bell. — Roy D. Bentley, failure to wear seat belt, no driver's license. — MarciaD. Cameron, vehicle in­ spection vi(jalion. — Jack E. Collier, failure to xxear seat belt. — Marvin D. Craver. no drixer*s — Placido Gonzales, exceeding safe speed. — Kimberly C. Hayes, failure to xxear seat belt. — BradleyJ. Hess, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — EdwardA. Hill, vehielc in>pec- lion violation. — Jimmy C. Houser, drixing 79 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Timothy E. Hoxxard. drix ing 68 mph in a 55 mph zone. — Stephanie A. Hutchens, failure to comply xvith restrictions. " — Jerry R. Jones, failure to xxear seat bell. — Karl 0. Kinard. drix ing 6S mph in a 55 mplt zone, . — Mark P. Laxxson. drixing 77 rnph in a 65 mph zone. — Elvin Logan, drixing 68 mph in a 55 mph zone. — LeighW. Miller, iailuretostop for stop sign. *~ Nelson B, Sammotb. failure to xvear seat tvli. ^H)radky~0r^rvM7HatUffv~^‘ reduce speol. — Marvin H. Wagoner, failure 10 xxear seat K*lt. — James H. Walker, failure to xxear seat kll. — John E. Walker, drix ing 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. FOR DAD Reg. 29.99 MENS 'Core Jogger" White/Navy S P O R T S ! B tW O R L D ll Reg. 1239 HENS Oxford or boatshoe White or NaturalCanvas S h o e S h o w Ewiy Reebok Priced *35 Or More With 5 Bottie Caps From Pepsi Co!a Products Reg. 41S9 LADIES “Princess" Reg. 49.99 MENS "Club Reg. 54.99 MENS'ClassicLeather" Reg. 4999 MENS'BB4600 Wra" S h o e S h o w *,11111 ',,i! 'l)>l.tSun 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thun<ltiy,June 17, !993 Pubhc Records M o c k s v i U e P o t ic e The following incidents urn* reported lo the MocksviJ)e Police Department. • Mary C. Drown of Mocksville rcportedJunc 13someoncthrcwacan- teloupc ai, breaking lhc windshield lo a carparkcd on Wilkesboro Street, • David Ncil Jarvis of Route 2, MocksviUe reported June 11 someone damaged his vehicle parked on Main Street at the counhouse. ♦DonmeFrankHnDwigginsrcportcd June 11 the larceny of cigarettes from Food Lion, Squire Boone Plaza. ■ Joseph P. Stein of Mocksville re­ ported June 10 the breaking, entering and larceny of $l,000 from Skyline Corp.. Bethel Church Road. Arrats - James Patrick Lambert. 21. of Clement Road, charged June 10 with uttering a forged endorsement. Trial date:July 8. • Andre HowcN, 23, of Route 4. Mocksville. charged June 11 wilh in­ jury to personal pruperty. Trial date: July 8. - Brian LamarGaither, 23,ofStatcs- vit!c, charged June 12 with second- degree trespassing. Trial date: July 8. - Randy Adam Howitnl, 22, of 444 Sanford Ave,, charged June II with possession of marijuana an<l wilh pos- scssionofdrugparaphernalia.TrialdaJe: July 22. -RachelLym>Lambert,19,ofClcm- cntRoad,chargedJune lOwithforging an endorsement. Trial date: July 8. Truffle Accidents • No charges were filed afler an accident on Yadkinville Roadat 1:15 p.m.Junc 12. April Michel1eOliphant.I7.ofRoute 8. MocksviUe. was driving a car on Yadkinville Road and reach down to pickupadrinkbottle.causinghercarto strike in the rear a pickup truck driven byAlfredLandonLcvanofStatcsville, reported Officer V.S. Melds. • Two cars collided at Lexington Road and South Main Street at 1:20 p.m.June 11. According to a report by Officer TL.TiUcy,AnnicLouiseWimmer.66, of Route 7, Mocksville. said she came to the stoplight, entered the intersection to make a right turn and hit a cardriven by Barbara Seamon Anderson, 57. of Route 8. Mocksville. Andersontoldthc officer her light was green when she entered the intersection. No charges were filed. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie County Sheriffs Department. •Terry McDanielofRoute 7. Mocks­ ville reported Juitf 12 the breaking and entering of a residence off Gladstone Road near Cooleemee. • Nelda Brown of Rouie 6. Mocks- vjllereportedJune 12acanofbeerwas thrown through the front window at the ConaCommunity Building. Angell and Cana roads. • Terry Glenn Slater of Route 6. Mocksville reported June 11 the lar­ ceny and cashing of checks, totaling 5700. from a van. • Paul L Stewart of Mocksville re- portedJune 11 the front window screen to a house on Meta Breeze Lane had beentom. • Florence Mac Barringer of Route 7, Mocksville reported June 11 die breaking, entering and larceny of $8.75 from a residence off N.C. 801 near Grubb Road. •JoeVincentLowreportedJune 10 someone drove onto, damaging a yard off Ginny Lane. • A car reported stolen from a Kem- crsvillc man on June 10 was found by Deputy E.M. Parker that night on U.S. 601 at Deadmon Road. • Josephine Carol Poplin of Route 3. Mocksville reported June 10 she had received prank telephone calls. • Priscilla Rose CockcrhamofRoute 4,StatesvillercportedJune |Othebreak- ing. entering and larceny from a house offMidwayRoad. • Robert Wayne RimmerofRoute 4, Statesville reported June 10 the break­ ing. entering and larceny of a fishing rod and reels, with an estimated value of $400, from a residence off Midway Campground Road. - Sarah Hampton of Coolcemcc re­ ported June 10 the larceny of a statue. wiUi an estimated value of $50, from a yard on Junction Road. •John WestleyBailey ll!ofMocks- ville reportedJune 8 someone ihrewan object from a vehicle damaging a ve­ hicle parked at Sunset Apartments. • Ralph Jeffrey Kirk of Route 5. Mocksville reported June 7 the larceny ofgunsfromarcsidenceoffEssicRoad. • Carolyn Annette FosterofMocks- villereportedJune7thatsomconethrew fireworks at her vehic!e on U.S. 601 south of Mocksville, damaging a win- • Sylvia Lynn Stewart of Route 5, Mocksvi)le reported June 9 the break­ ing. entering and larceny from a resi­ dence off Dance Hall Road. • Barry Dale Allen of Advance re­ ported June 9 the larceny of an e<ti- mated$37.28 worthoflumberfromthe back of a pickup truck parked on Laquinta Drive. • Bill Ray Steelman of Route 3. Yadkinville reported June 9 com and tobacco in a field off Liberty Church Road had been damaged by a vehicle. •Richard DanielComatzerofRoute 3. Advance reported June 9 the larceny of a Shell globe from a 1954 gas pump offN.C. 801. C iv il L a w s u it s The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Davie County Clerk of Court. • Jackie L, Knight vs. Russell W. Knight, child support. • Renee Campbell Lapish vs. Vance Allen Lapish. absolute divorce. , • Eleanor Grout Mabe vs. Robert Earl Mabe.distributionofmaritalprop- - Matthew Wayne Dillon Sr. vs. Tina Witt Dillon, absolute divorce. • Michael 1. Groce vs. Virginia Ann Groce, divorce from bed and board, equitable distribution of marital prop­ erty. possession of former marital resi- dence.orderthatdefendantbeprevented from damaging or disposing of marital property. •GuyM.Tumervs.DellaConstroc- tion of N.C.. request recovery, S3357.50. • Davie Social Services on behalfof Flossie I.Scott vs. Stcven Lamont Scott, chiid support, reimbun>e forpast public assistance. • Richard Burton vs. Beverly Ann Burton, request that defendant not as­ sault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or interfere w ith plaintiff. • Eleanor Grout Mabe vs. Jeanette Hyatt, request recovery, $2,l00. • Davie Social Serviccsonbehalfof Tena Bamcy vs. Gary Sheets, volun­ tary support agreement. - Charle< Brent Snydvr and Walter Scott Snyder vs. Glenn Snyder and Sandy L. Snyder, that deedfromJoan S. Snyder to defendants be declared null and void or that property in deed result in constructive trust, in excess$10.000 damages. - Deborah B. Steele vs. Steven L>nn Steele, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. • Ford MutorCrcditCo. vs. William F. Ray. request judgment. S1,037.28. •SuzanneShaverRussvllvs.Jimmy T. Russell, absolute divorce, child cus­ tody, child support. • Bridgette H. Johnson vs. Terrence M. Johnson, divorce from bed and board, child custody, child support, that each pany be fotbid fromdisposing of prop­ erty, possession of motor v ehicle. • Guy M. Tumer lnc. vs. United International Consiniction Co.. Con­ tractors Bonding and Insurance Co., request recovery, 52.830. -Cynthia Agresto vs. Bruce Richard Agresto, absolute divorce. * Jonathan Wade Cleary vs. Robin Ladd, auto accident claim, request for recov ery of money for damage to ve­ hicle. * Hecht’s vs. Ida Palmer, request judgment. $996.24. * Susan Hudson vs. David Hudson, child support. * Angela Ledbetter Place vs. Joshua Paul Place, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. •Jeffcolnc. vs. EngineeredCustom Plastics Corporation, request for com- pensatorydamages,incidental andcon- sequential damages for breach of con­ tract. * Richard Michael Dale vs. Tina Renee Dale, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. *DonaldJamesMcClennyvs.Mari* lyn Jean McCIenny, ab%olute divorce. • First Deposit National Bank vs. Maria J. Agri!lo. request recovery. $3,346.46. L a n d T r a n s f e r s The follow ing land transfers w ere filed withtheDavieCounty Registerof Deeds. The transactions are listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, w ith $2 repre- sentingSl,000. • BobbieW.WallandJamesH. Wall Sr. to Ann Wall Sain. DoroUiy Wall Short, Patsy Wall Younts, and James Hayward Wall Jr.. 1 acre. • Grady L. McClamrock Jr. and Catherine E. McClamrock to Grady L. McClamrock Jr. and Catherine E. McClamrock, 1 lot,Mocksville. • Tommy Lee Ward and Shirley WarU to Potts Real Estate, lnc., 1 lot. Shady Grove, $20. • Jamie D. Reecc and Patricia Y. ReecetoMelanieJ.Scott. I lot.Fulton. $82. • RogerDaleWhaleyUtoJoan C. Whaley. 1 tract. Farmington. • ThonusOmdorffandGloria Omdorff to Janis W. Rogers. 1 lot, Famiington.$152. • RavmondJ.MarklandandRuth S. Markland, D.C. Law rence and Patty Sue Lawrence. Eugene D. Gearren and Doris H.Gearrento David V. Kellerand Emily M. Keller. I lot. Shady Grove. • RavmondJ.MarklandandRuth S. Markland. D.C. Law rence and Patty Sue Law rence. Eugene D. Gearren and Doris H. Gearren to Lavada Ann Markland. 1 lot. Shady Grove. • George Nelson Ewing and Lcigh Anne Ew ing to Deborah A. Troy, 5.15acres. • FrancisR.EllisandLetaGray Ellis to Ralph E. Sprinkle 111 and Deborah E. Sprinkle. 1 acre. Farming- • DonnaLcighBinghamMerriman and William P. Merriman Jr. to Jamie D. Reece and Patricia Y. Reece, 1 lot. Farmington,$196. - SamJ.Caud(eandPauIcueH. Caudle toOak Valley Associates Lim­ ited Partnership, 30.22 acres. Fanning- ton. $363. • Ray F. Sparks and Dorothy H. Sparks to Oak Valley Associates Lim­ ited Partnership. 34.71 acres, Fanning* ton. $490. • Steve Holt Construction Co., Inc., to Jerry W. Fightmaster and Paula U Fighimaster. 1 lot,Farmington.S260. - WilliamJ.EIIistoKennethB. Bunon and Brenda S. Burton. 1 acre, ShadyGrove,$l2. • Pioneer Wood Products. Inc. to Betty Anne Spry, 6.82 acres, Fanning- ton. $55. - C.S. Lea^*rand Ruih Leazer to Jean L. Bull and David P. Bull, 2 lou, Clarksville. • E.C.TatumJr.andKatherineF." Tatum to Ez.ra Carl Tatum [II and Ttna BostTatum,l0.0lacres. • Hetbert L. Dutoit and Donna I. Dutoit to RicharU L. Crouse and Carol A. Crouse. 1 lot. $460. • George David Charles to Jane L Charles, .77 acre, Mocksville. - JohnP.SangiminoandJudithJ. Sangimino to Alva Dennis Smith and Janet Wike Smith. 1 lot. Farmington. $248. H i g h w a y P a t r o l The following traffic accidents in __t>;ivtL> f>uintv were investigated bv the N.C. Highway Patrol. Travtur-Tr.iilur Crosses Center A tractor-trailcr driven by a Fair- view man crossed the center line of U.S. 64 and collided with another vehicle at 2:15 p.m. onJunc 13. According to a report by Trooper L.D. Chapp;ll. Douglas Eugene Bur­ chfield, 51, was driving u 1982 In­ ternational iractor-trailcreast on U.S. 64 when hcsaw traffic had stopped. The truck skidded across lhe center line and collided with a 1990 Chevrolet driven hy WilUrU Talinage Bowman, 57, of Hick<vy. Burchfield was charged with driv­ ing left of center. Cur Skhls (>ff 14(1 A car driven by a Winston-Salem woman skiddcd off 140 after she lost control of die car at 7:35 a.m. on Junc 13. According to a report by Trooper L.D. Chappell, Julie Carol Shouse, "237ol WTrt^iFStfinn^rr^ttYtng~ her 1986 Honda west on 140 on the wet road w hen she lost control of her car and it skidded off the right edge and struck ;ui embankment. l)ri>iT Churyvil A Cleveland. N.C. man wascharg- ed with making an unsafe traffic movement after he coHidcd with another car on June 11 at 2:40 p.m. According to a report by Trooper L.A. Amos. Patrick Hcrschel Ma­ jors, 70, ofQcveland was driving hi> 1992 Ford stationwagon west on U.S. 158 and attempted to makc a left turn into Big Oak Ranch when he struck a 1988 Chrysler driven by Shirley Ann Gaither, 44, of Rtuie 7. Majors was charged with making an unsafe tniffic movcm*nt. Vehicles C'<4U<Jc 0« htierstutv Two cars collided on 140 June 10 at 11:20 a.m.. when a traetor-trailer made contact with a car. ^ rn rd in g J o a rfporlh y.Tr<H>pt?r _ L.D. Chapp:ll,ti l9901nternational tractor-trailcr driven hy James Arthur Tharrington. 39, ofSpring Hope was driving east on 140 in the passing lane when it made contact wUh a 1986 Plynuxtth driven by Roy Leak Sears, 64. of KcrnersvilIe and caus­ ed the car to skid olf the right edge of the road. Tharrington was charged with making an unsafe traffic movement. Car H)<)rop!unes The car driven by a Car) teenager hydroplanedand overturned on 140 on June 10 at 8:00 p.m. According to a report by Trooper J.R. Allred. Edward Mu>ncy, 19. of Cary was driving his 1991 Honda west on 140 w hen the car hydroplan­ ed and ran off the right side of the rvad. The car struck a grove of trce.s and overturned. Wire Cuiisus Accident A Clcmm>ns driver ran off the d on N:C-*8(H—u*-4te-trii*JJtL struck a tree. Gaither was charged with ex­ ceeding a safe speed. avoid a roll of wire in the road on June 7 at 2:15 p,m. According to a report by Trooper David R. McCoy. lX*bra Smith Hauser. 3l.ofClcmmons was driv­ ing her 1987 Ford southon N.C. 801 when she camc upon a ro|| of wire in the road. She was unahle to avoid the wire and ran off the road. Truck Ski<k On (irm d Thedriverof a pickuptrtick skidd­ ed out ofc<xitrol as he went from a paved road lo a gravel road at 3:10 p.m. on Junc 7. According to a report by Trooper L.D. Chapjvll. John Wess Gaither Jr.. 17, of Harmony wa» driving his 1984 Chevrolet pickup truck on Godbey R<xtd at excessive >pecd w hen he reached a gravel portion of the road ;tnd skidded out ofcontrol. He ran off tlv left side ofihe road and A r r e s t s The following were anestcd by the Davie County Sheriffs Depanment. • Dan Richardson, 35, of Burton Road, Advance, charged June 11 with failure to appear tn court. • Edward Clinton Lee, 36, of Angell Road,Mocksville,chargedJune 13witli DWZ andcanyiny a concealed weapon. .- Donnie Ray James, 16, of Casa* bellaDrive,AdvancechargedJune 13 wilh two counto of failure to appear in - Ricky Lewis Ncely, 33, ofJerosa- lem Avcnuc,Cooleemee, charged June 12 with simple ossault. • William Henry Banks, 49, of Hillsborough, charged Junc 10 with communicating threats. ■ Randall DeanMoney, 36.ofRoute 2, Mocksville, chargcd June 10 with failure to appear in court. - Thomas Leroy Manin, 54, of Mocksville. chargcd June 10 with 19 counts of violating N.C. employment security laws. • Wendell Durward Nunn, 29, of Route 2. Advance, charged June 10 with failure to appear in coun on sec- ond-dcgree trespassing and communi­ cating threats charges. • Max Angelo *Cntdcra" Foster, 17, of Route 3, Mocksville, chargcd June 9 with two counts of second-degree tres­ passing. • Ronnie DaleJames. 16, ofRoute 2, Advance, chargcd June 8 with contrib­ uting to the dcliqucncy of a minor. • Larry Wayne "Peanut1* Beam, 19. of Route 3, Mocksville, chargedJune 8 with larceny and with possession of marijuana. -PhillipWayneBowles,20.ofRoute 3, Mocksville, chargcd June 8 with underage possession of beer and con­ tributing to the delinquency of u minor. • Wendell Mathew Tumer, 27, of Route 8, Mocksville, charged June 8 Two Chur^tMl ln Acciiknt Two Mixksville residents were charged in an accidcnt tlut occurred "on Country Lane on June 7 at 1:10 According to a report by Trooper L.D. Chappell, Dennis Wayne Brock,21. ofRi)iite9 wu% drvjng his 1970 Ford east on Cixintrv Lahc. whcn he saw a 1972 Ptxiiiac driven by Virginia Melissa Smith. 48. of *Rnmc-8-traveHrt>Ht^atHpMLRu;uJ- onto Country Lane. Brock skidded into thv the wc>ibounJ lane and struck Smith. Brock*> e,ir then >pun around and caught fire. Brock was charged with driving left of center and Smith w as charged with failure to yield. .*' M a r r i a g e s The following were issued marriage licenses by the Davie County Register of Deeds. • Donald AIIen Peterson, 31, of 141 E. Lexington Road, Mocksville, and LorriDawnB!ackwood,3!.of!4! E. Lexington Road, MocksviUe. • Samuel Gene Waller, 18, of467 S. Main Sl., Mocksville, and Cindy Jeanette Royall, 18, ofRoute 6, Mocks­ ville. • James Anthony Bochette. 20, of Advance, and Susan Lynn Griffin, I 8fc of Advance. -Jerry Kennit Myers, 23,ofRoute 1, Advance and Eugenia Lee Pierce. 20. of Route 5, Mocksville. • Brett Lane Coon. 24, of Newman, lll., andTammy Carol Ovcrcash. 2 l,of; 49 Davie St., Cooleemee. • Stacy Andrew Beck, 34. of Route 8.Mocksville.andLisaDianneCrooks. 25,of329DeerRunDrive,Mocksville.'. with failure tocomply with court order. -James Allen Eldridge, 27, ofRoute 7, Mocksville, charged June 8 on an onlcr for arrest and on June 7 with communicating threats nnd assault on a ■ Donnie Ray James, l6.ofRoute 2, Advance, charged June 7 with driving without a license and with operation a vehicle with an improper registration - Larry Dean "Butch" Sheeks,49, of 22 Duke St., Cooleemee, chargcd June 8 with driving while license penita- nently revoked and with two counts of carrying a concealed weapon. F ir e s Davie fire departments responded to the following calls laM week: ,|tme 7: Mocksville, 1:21 p.m.. auto accident with vehicle tire; Jerusalem, 8:50 p.m.. c<mn>lled bm • ning off Fairfield Church Road. June 9: Center. 12:39 p.m., auto accidcnt on 140; Farmington and Smith Grove. 2:17 p.m., vehicle fire on Farmington Road near Cedar Creek bridge. Jtmc 10; Mocksville, 1:07 p.m.. grass fire on U.S, 64 near the old Dwiggings Store; Mocksville, 3:48 p.m., vehicle tire on the square iu. Mockwille;Ccmer, 8:38 p.m., auto! accident un 140 west of U.S. (>4. ♦* June 11: Advance, 7:38 a.m.. auto, accidcnt on N.C. 801: M.vksville' and Fork, 1:36 p.m., auto accident,* on U.S. 64 cast atJolm Crolt,s Road.- June 13: Mocksville, 2:35 p.m.; auto accident on U.S. (>4 east and John Crotts Road; CooU*cmee and Jerusalem, 5:06 p.tu., tire alarm u( Burlington Industry; Fanttington and Smith Grove, 5:07 p,m.. auto act>. dcm on 140 past Farmington Road' " DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, June 17, 1993 -7 Algae Growth Blamed For Water Odor Problem County Pumping From River 1$) l.uuru W1lliums-Tr.lv} Davie County Enterprise-Record Smelly. nnisty water in (he nor­ thern pan of the countx apparently hjs hcvn Mixed h\ alg.c jirtiwlh al a water plant rescrxoir. And alier weeks of it<ing Mtled water fur drinking. txM>king and brushing ieeih. man> rvsidents <iy their t.ip wjter «> returning to normal. Algae gn*uth spurred on by warm weather al the Yadkin Rivvr water plant caused water at >oiiie 3,0(X) hi>mes and busine>ses in Bermuda Run. Farmington and Red(and com­ munities to become >iale. Water department tiifivia!> say thv water is sate (i> drink. Bruce Pr.ui, dirccloroJthv Daviv County water sx>tem. <iid algae is gro-.xing in the reserxoirbeeause loo httle water is bcing pumpcd from a holding ponJ. Water is pumped from the river 10 the rescrxoir to allow x'Utmems to settle. It is then pumped to the plant and on to homes. But with too little dciiund for the water, it h*» remained in the rcser- xoir where the algae is growing. H'atvr plant worker> haxe begun pumping water straight from the rixer tt' homes, he saiU. but it will take some time for the had water to be t1u>hed from water lines. Meanwhile. it is still uncertain whether countx water customers will hau* t<> pay for ihe water they could not use. County Manager Kvii tVifkJtes said he uoulU ;tsk thv Nurd <ifvommissioners tocou%idcr refunds or disvounts for those affevted. I*ratt said the YaUkin water plant, u hich openai la>v la%i summer, is thv tlr>t in the vouniy with a reserxoir. This >pringN early N>ut with algae has bccn a learning cxpcrienve hr water plant workers, who dnn"t haxe to contend with algae priWeim at the Coolevmve plant. Unless workers learn how n> remove the*algne before itbec»MiK*s a prt>blem. IVaU said the musty w ater problem o>uld happen again nexi summer. Water plant worker> are ireating the rewrvoir with eopp:r >ulfate to kill the algae. Residents in Redland. Farmington and Bermuda Run said the water has Kvn un)li h>usv >inve ihe beginning Clean ekithe> vame from the washing machine smelling mustx. said Janice Nkisner of Bennuda Run. and taking a showcr in the smell> water left an odor. Even lhe ice cubes had to be thrown out. she said. Sarah Spaugh of Farmington began using water from her wdl aftercoun- tx water wa> unfit to tix*. She said she hooked up counts water scxeral xears ago because her uv!! would not prixhve enough water. But s^ce the coutt> water had gone bad she has been usinu her well Many residents in eastern Davie quit using lap water. ‘"I knew it was g<^xl water." she The eountx water smelled (ike mold, she siid. She threw out pit­ chers of iced tea and K<o|jiJe after the smell of the water was %till Washing her clothes in the county water made them smell bad. "You could lake a bath and when xou ran the water it >melted up something John Rankins, personnel manager at Sara Lee Knit I’rtxlusis on Farm­ ington Road, said the water smelled so bad the compam had shipped m more ihan 3(Kl gallons of Nmlcd water tor cnyloxccs to drmk. m Sarah Spaugh said she was glad to have a well as backup. — Photos by Robln Fergusson 2 Resign From Davie County Planning Board By l.utira Wllliams-Trao Davie County Enterpnse-Record The chainnan of the Daxie Coun­ ts planning hoard has reigned from his positionjust weeks after another board fMtfintvr leli. Ray Hamhardt announced his resignation to Planning and Zoning Director Jex<e Boyce in a Max letter. Wa> ne Wehb al>o resigned f>om the Nurd in Max. Earnhardt said his dect*ion to leaxe the board was for pcrstsul reason* He would n»< link his rcMgnation to recent actions by the Nurd ofconv missioners to bx pass a recommenda­ tion by the planning Nurd and ap- proxe an office complex in HitMale. "ljust felt like it wastimc for me to let someone clsc do it. l*m a low- profilekindofgux. Exer>thing isbei- ter left unsaid." Earnhardt said lhal he had faxorcd controlled growih in Daxie County and had enj<ned being a member of a growth nunagement task force. whi:h amongh other things set rule on minimum lot si/cs. Those rules haxe come under attack in recent months by some people who would like the county toallow smaller lots. "The planning Nurd has lots of responsibility but noautU>ritx." Ear­ nhardt suid. The Nurd of couiix commis­ sioners app*nntcd two new members to the planning Nurd at its last meeting. Thv new mctntvrs are AHen V. Snipes of Coolecmev and Garry D. l.ixeng<*kl of Adxaive. They haxe N-en appointed to three xear terms. B<i>vv >aid hv did n<< ihmk there was a "big nknemcnt" among plan­ ning Nurd members to leaxe the Nurd. He «uid memN*r> pcriodicat- lx Nxome tired ofsyrxiiM uihJ decide Hv xaid N<h W’vhh a ti Earnhardt had donv a ginxl job a> planning Nurd memK*rs. and he was looking torxxard to working with the new members. ^ \ < - ^lD IN O S A U R S A R E N ’T US PETS AND SUPPLfiES FISH - BIROS - REPTILES • SMALLANIMALS Located next to K-M art Gariten Shop 6000 Market Square Court • Suite 18 Clemmons a jd l (919) 766-0281 Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm 10% Senior Citizens Discount The Resiclents ancl Staffof 2 ^ a C71 z ty i[[d c j E' Cordially Invite you to our x a n d Q h . s . t i i n ^ o f D a v i e V illa g e R e t i r e m e n t A p a r t m e n t s and at D a v ie V illa g e A ssiste d L iv in g S unday ; June 27, 1993 2 -4 p m 191 C re stvie w D riv e • 7 0 4 -6 3 4 -1 5 1 5 8 - DAVIE COUNTY tiNTKKI*ttlSK HHCORI), TJiursiluy, Jiiiii' 17,1993 District Court The |'ollowmy eases. wvrc iliM>os- cil of in Davie District Cmirt on Juiic 10.l>rcsitling was Judge George T. Fuller. I’rouvming was CVorgia Nix­ on, assistant district attorney. — ||oracc P. Barnette. OWI, (.V> Hrva<ldvvvr>. failure toslop for Mop sign, seiiteived to 6 months suspend­ ed for 2 years, pay S3Mt llne and court costs, pert'orm 72 hours com­ munity service, not ojvr;uc motor vehicle until properly litvim l. com­ ply with suh>lance abuse assessment. . - Graylin T. Hfockuvll. >vvond <lcgree kidnapping, assault on a —ft*1fhtft\ il^Sti>l>-tvl|b |'I t)r.1^ v WC>*P011-teitrttfg-? .iw ...-w .. ■■ ................-,.. itillic(iftg serious injury. dismissal — Johnny G. Carter. 2 counts failure to pay state income tax. two 24 momh sentences, siispciulcil for 5 years, pay $250 fine andamrt cos(s. make K*sli(tili(m: 3 ctimUs failiirv to pay state income tax. tinsafv traffic movement, dismissed. — lleverly M. Considine. driving 79 mph in a 65 mph ztxie. reduced by IM w improper equipment, pay court costs. — Richanl U. Conyers. assault wiih a deadly weapwi. com­ municating threats, dismissed. — Joyce A. Cregar. failure to return rental property. dismissed. — Laverne Dillard, larceny, di>mi>>vd. — Charles Duliii. fraud, di%posal of mortgage property, pay $50 fine and court ciMs. — Stephen H. Dyson. I)VVI, (.11 Ufcathaly/er rcsnlls). sei<enccd to M> tlavs M)>|viHicd t'or 2 yc;ux pay Sl00 luie atul ciKirt costs, not operate motor vehicle until pro|x*rty licens­ ed. perform 24 hours eonuimnity ser­ vice. comply with substance abuse assessment: possession drug paraphernalia, dismissal. — Randy Hvitiing. injury to per­ sonal property, dismissed. — Kerry Gray, no driwr's license, pay S50 fine and court costs. — Sherry Gray, second degree trespassing, sentenced to 3(1 days suspended for 2 years, pay $25 line *nmHxntrHM — Aiilhmy T. llallnvm. second degree trcs{Xissing. >enJenced to 30 Uays Mispcndcd for 2 >var.s, pay 525 fine and c<xirt costs. ~ RichardT. llubbard. driving 78 mph in a (t5 mph zone, reduced by DA to impripcretjiripmcnt. pay court — Andrea K. Jcrnigan, driving 77 mph in a 65 mph /one. reduced by DA lo driving 74 mph in a 65 mph /onc. pay $10 fine and court costs. — Cedric H. Jones. 2 counts larceny, breaking and entering, dismissed. — Michael T, Klui/. simple possession marijuana, dismissed; possession drug par.ipliernalia. sentenced to 30 days. — Frances C. Kurtees. 3 counts forgery of endorsement, sentenced to 24 months in each of the 3 cases, suspended for 3 years, |xiy $2(K) llne and court costs, make restitution, not l>e convicted of similar offense: three counts uttering l'orged endorsement, dismissed.-Johnda L Lalfcrty. l>W l.(.|9 llreathjilyzcrh sentenced to 12 monlbs sus|xinded for 3 years, pay S4(X) fine ;u*l court costs, serve 7 day active sentence, comply with substance abuse assessment, not operate motor vehicle until properly licensed; nodriver's license, expired registration, exceeding {*>slvd >|vcd. dismissed. Randv McCrary. com municating ihreats. disniissed. - Jimmy McClain, g;unbling. pay court costs. - Russell A. PawIowski. driving while licen* revoked, reduced by DA to no o{vrator's license, failure to stop for stop sign. .wwemx*tl to V0 days sus|xikled for 2 years, pay $50 fine ami m irt costs, not operate motor vehicle until properly licensed. - Scth A. Plunkett, driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced by DA to intpnycrcquipnwnl. pay $25 line and court costs; possession of o|>en alcolu>f. prayer for jmlgnivni continued. - S u/Jtnw S. Russell, driving while license revtiked. no chihl restraint system, prayer lbrjudgment continued on payment ofcourt costs; driving while license revoked, vehi­ cle inspection violation, dismissed. — Timothy S. Smyers. driving while license revoked, sentenced h> 24 monlhs. Appealed. Failed To Appear The following failed lo appear for their scheduled court trial. — Brian S. Cobb, driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Vernon K. Giles, probation violation. — Donnie R. James, injury to per­ sonal property, conspiracy. — Douglas l;. Johnson, driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Alfreda T. Redmond, posses­ sion drug paraphernalia, possession ciK'aine. probation violation. — Kenneth l.. Shoffner. simple assault. Trfiifs IViifu<l The following waived tlieir right to a court trial and paid tines in atlwmvc. — John P. Stowers, vehicle in­ spection violalion, — Ha<|iicl Baraio. driving 77 mph in a 65 mpli zone. ~ *Vimoiliy Kilby, failure to wear seat belt. ~ Jonathan l.. Hutchins. driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone. — hdwi(i M. l.inville Jr.. driving 66 mph in a 55 mph zone. — Angcfo M. Boykin, driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. ~ Annahullc H. Muire. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. — Gloria Wright, driving 77 mph "trT 6 5 *m p h 7.mnr -------------------------- ~ Christie Bwitcher. failure to wear seat k'll. ~ Sean M. Cain, driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. ~ DwainJones. impn^cr passing. — JacintaM. Kimbr<xigh. driving 67 mph in a 55 mph zone.«- Freddie Shoffner. driving 66 mph in a 55 mpli zone. — Steven Smith, driving 45 mph rrt a 35 mph /<we. — CViarles S. ArniJd. expired registration. — Roy D. Bentley, no operator's license. — Marvin I). Craver, no operator’s license. ; — WillieC. lilmore.unsafetiresl — KcndniA. Dcniartn. failure l<i wear seat U:lt. • — Lucas C. Soine. driving 77 mpli in a 65 mpli zone. 1 — l.esterP. Darnell Jt-.faiUifc.ui wear seal lvll. '"* ' 1 — Gregory H. Dunn, driving 7(| mph in a 65 mph zone. *' ; — Zachary T. Milligan. driving*7H mph in a 65 ntph z<mv. ; ~ David M. Blake, driving 7V _mpli-iiLa 65 mnh zone. Kristi M. Cornett, driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone. ’ • — Rebecca L. Detorrc. driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. • — Patrick D. McGarey. driving W) mph in a 65 mph zone. ’. — Rayn*md L. Mescvher. driving! 80 mph in a 65 mph z.me. — Angela Whitaker. Iilteringi — Donald B. Correll. failuru .t'>i wear seat h:lt. ; Woman Gets Four Years From Judge SlTbctiR FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 125-127 North Main Street Mocksville, NC A Rivk HiM. S.C. xu>m.m was >entenced to four vcars in prison in l)aviv District Court laM week after pleading guilty to four counts of misdemeanor po>scssiiti ot stolen giHkls. carrying a conce;iled w eapon and simple possession ot marijuana. Pamela Jean Nelson. 30. had been charged witlt two felony counts of possession of>tolen goods, hin those wcre reducevl to misdenx*anors. A hearing on a fugitive warrant was continued. She is apparently wanted in South Carolina in connec­ tion with a grand larceny charge. Nelson's attorney. Rob Raisbcck. salJ*his clienl had a drug problem. uhich had gotten her ii«o tliis trou­ ble. He saidmany oflhe items taken were from lamih menK*rs, Nelson wih arrested last April atier she had punijvd gasoline into her vehicle and then lefl w iiftout pa> iiig. She had lelt a credit card at the sta­ tion. uhich turned <>iil lohave lven stolen. She was later sptiied near the same slalion and arrested. Raisbeck attempted to have her bond reducol on the fugitive warr.tm. , but Judgc George T. Puller lelt the bond at Sl5.lMX) secured. She has lven in jail two months awaiting trial, and her attorney said the lime itijail has lven a learning vx|x*rivnce. VISA • StASTERCARt) Thursday 8:30 - 5:30 Friday 8:30 - 5:30 Saturday 8:30 - 5:00 June 17-19, 1993 Phone: 634-5739 Popular Triple ^ctp Voi Cushion Back o .{ ., M AXIM UM i" CO M FORT ,, H RECLINER "™ KCCttMCtl &P s39900 C0NVLMENT CREDIT DELUX RECLINER Payments! Rocking Felony Charges Are Reduced Felony clurges agaitist three men accused of conspiring to commit a hreak-in and then going through w ith it. were reduced to misdemeanors in Davie District Court la>t week. Darren Wayne Joluwm. Dwayne -Allen.. Kiiui. and Cliarlu> Ray iuimd Perdue had orginally Kx*n clTarged' w iih conspiracy and feli*nious break­ ing and entering, but tlie assistant district attomcy reduced the charges to misdeme;uiors basvd<n their guilty ' JidWMm, )8. ofRouie |, Harmony, was the onl>^one.of.the.lhree w ith a criminal record and wascurrently on probation for misdemeanor larceny. Judge George T. Puller sentenced Johnson to 24 months as a vummit- ted youtblul offender. King7 jv . ,uui )'i* fittv r^ fK r^ " * - | were given 24 months, but those seniences were suspemWd tor the years and llvy were «ir<k.*red to pay *S300 fmes atxi court costs. They both appealed. According lo testimony in court. "/ofmsvfr'^-fw(ht'r--hud-ux*ttJlwt'. males attempting to break inu> a trailer early in ihe morning of April 20. and called police, 'llie suspects tlcd and had lo be chases with the help of Iredell ofllcers and search The break-in was allegedly discuss- edTind planned several weeks prior to actually taking place, thus thv con­ spiracy charge. Two niher suspects involved had their cases continued. -~?B§- Comfortable ^ 4 2 9 Multi-Position * t tfiECLINERS-Many Styles And Colors To Choose From Recuna'flxker^ Offer “SavingsForpads” DYNASTY 1 Chinese Restaurant USE OUR EASY-IN-STORE CHAROEPLAN 5MSurt FofOMil TickEe D o d 'j SeME4 U litk A T.U . a t S le w GE 20" Color TV With Remote Control Lots ol features As Low As SUPER “100” WATT SOUND SYSTEM lull ot leatutos • CD player, dual cassette, powerful spoakors, storage cabinot&much more. Blg 25" Diagonal CONSOLE RCA COLOR TV With remote control & stylish cabinetry. 1101 Yadkinville Rd. (Beside FoodFair) Mocksville, NC ( 7 0 4 ) 6 3 4 - 3 8 3 3 | Different Lunch Specials WeeWy 3 * Finesl Mandarin, Szechuan, Hunan and Canlonesc Cuisines |*P a rly Facilities HOURS 3* Orders To Go Sun-Ihur 11 om-9:30pm Frl Uam-10:30pm All Quantities tire Limited! CONDITIONS OF SALE: ALL MERCHANDISE IS SUBJECT TO PRlOfl SALE AN0 SOLD AS-ISI NO LAYAWAYS. NO HOLD ORDERS. DELIVERY NOT INCLUDED AT THESE LOW PRfCES. STYLES MAY VERY FROM THOSE SHOWN jg| ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Two adjustable shelves occommodafes stereo and VCR components. Easy to assen)bfe. LowAe AIR CONDITIONERS Oon't wail for lhe hoi weather! We have a large selection ol lull-feature models at their lowest prices! Lef os help you se!ecl one lhal best suiis your needs. - Storting At / * m Y A» Low M DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 17, 1993 - B1 *B u b b a ’ Coleman Will Go Down As One Of Davie County’s Greatest Athletes Hv Ronnie Gallagher Davie Counly EnlerprisfrRecord When Bubba Coleman's name was called al (he Davie Counly High School Athletic Banquet, no one needed to say a word. The sumding oration said it all. Coleman had just been named the school's Most Outstanding Athlete for 1992-93. lt was the perfect ending for an athletewho will long be remembered as one of the school's most successful ballplayers of all time. -' His name will be forever linked with the great oncs: Dwayne Grant. Jill Antos, Jingles Ijumes. Angie Browder, the Jacobs brothers. Mole Sprv.... In fact, Colemanjust finished arguably the single most successful ycar in school history. He was all-conference in the three major sports as a senior and played the premier position in each: quarter­ back, point guard and shortstop. Former coaches Bill Peeler and Jack Ward sat at the banquet w racking their brains but they could not remember a player who had accomplished that feat. The award humbled the usually-feisty Coleman. ; "I didn't think I could have a year like this," he said. "I've been fortunate." MVP OfCPC? Coleman wasn't just the Most Outstanding Athlete at Davie during 1992-93. Ask any coach whohad to bat­ tle his toughness, his sheer will to win and his durability and they'll all agree. Jessie Eugene Coleman was also the Most Outstanding Athlete in the Central Piedmont Conference. Evervwhcre hc played, coaches rav­ ed afterwards: • “ Bubba's a great player," said West Forsvth football coach Russell Stone. Coleman Is Named First Team All-State Evcn after his career ended, Bub­ ba Coleman continued to bc honored. Colcman was the only Central Piedmont Confcrencc baseball player to bc namcd to thc Greensboro News <$ Record’s all-state first team, which was announced Monday. Two teammates w*rc honored as well. Brock Keeneand Brad Mccham wcrc namcd to the honorable men­ tion list. "He's a winner." • "He's a gamer," said Grimsley football coach Jeff Smouse. "He's not the best passer and not the best runner. But l'il tcll you what, he's a competitor and he gets the job done. He's a good athlete." • “ Bubba can play basketball above the Division III level," said West basket­ ball coach Denny Key. "1 wish I had him." • "He's one of the best players in the league," said Mount Tabor basketball coach Dick Jamback. The plaudits went on and on. But what Coleman remembers most is the person he didn't know, the mother from Reynolds, who approachcd him after Davie's 64-59 upsct win over Reynolds. "1 love to watch you play." she told him. "It's fun to watch you on the court." "That gave me chill bumps," Col­ eman said. "That was the nicest com­ pliment I got." Earning Thc ConipUments -■-■ Bubba Coleman wasan all-conference quarterback in football, all-conference point guard in The compliments came because Col- basketball and all-conference shortstop in baseball. I*lcase See lluhlia - P. .1H - Photo by Robin Fergusson Best Thing About Bubba: He Was Always A Kid First If there was ever a high school kid who had the right to think of himself as a prima donna, it was Bubba Coleman. As all-conference quarterback of thc foot­ ball team, alkonfcrence point guard of the basketball team and all-conference shortstop n f thc.hascbalUcanL .hccould'vc been lhe ___ perfect example of the cocky, bighcad who thought he was better than everyone. This newspaper could have taken the ,blame. Since the first day of football practice ;on August I, Colcman has had his photo featured in thc spons section 35 — count ‘em, 35 — times. Some people would tell me 1 put him in the paper too often. Others would even have Ronnie Gallagher the gall to tell him the same thing. One woman even called to say we were putting too much pressure on Colcman. Hc wouldn’t be able to handle it. And with that, here’s a lesson on sports photography. A photographer usually follows the action, which means he follows thc ball. And con­ sidering Colcman wns the quarterback. he always took the snap. As point guard, he always brought the ball upcourt. And con- "sidering fic~was-the-feesUuuer.on.ihe_ bascbaH. team and fielded more grounders than anyone, the camera followed him there, too. When I told Coleman about the remarks on his photo being in the newspaper so much, he did exactly what 1 expected. He laughed heartily. You see. Coleman never felt pressure when it came to his high school career. He never tried to act like he was 30 years old. Coleman was a 17-year old kid — and he did his best to bc one. "l"m loving it." he says of his teenage years. "You can have fun with no respon­ sibilities." C‘.;lcman-ivriehL Kid.s should enjoy their youth and act goofy whenever they want. There’s plenty of time to grow up. Perhaps that's the part of Coleman 1 always enjoyed the most. If there was a ball around, it was difficult to get him away from it. Please See Gallagher - V. 3B ‘The Davie Oscars’ Here Are The ‘Fun’ Awards That The Davie County Athletic Banquets Forgot By Ronnte Gallagher Davie County Enterprise-Record Oh sure, three Davie County schools had their athletic banquets, and sure, tfiey gave away a multitude of awards. ;• But in thc words of Bachman Turner Over­ drive, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. : During the past school year, there were 316 photos in this newspaper of athletes and coaches from Davie High, as well as North and South Davie junior highs. There were probably lhal many stories. So, after looking back over the 44 :^ports sections since fall practice began in !Augusl, it is time. , Ladies and gentlemen, thc crack staff.herc at thc Enterprise-Record is proud to present the an­ nual Davie Oscars, the 1992-93 awards that thc athletic banquets forgot: High School Nbile Athlete of the Year: Bub­ ba Colcman. (Sce stories). High School Female Alhktc of the Year: Maria Ncwsomc. Thc 6-2 sophomore was all- confcrence in basketball and track and volleyball coach Sherrie Myers fumed when she wasn’t named in that. Look for her to win all-CPC honors in all three next year. She also made the state track inect in two events and will play in thc AAU national basketball tournament. Junior High Athlete oi the Ycar: Duvid Dayc of North Davie. Like Colcman, he was the heart and soul of every team he was on. Coach of the Year: Davie’s David Hunt and not just because his baseball team made thc state’s Final Four with a school record 23 wins. In his first year as thc football team’s offensive coor­ dinator, hc was instrumental in Davie finishing with its best record since 1987 and by thc end of thc ycar, thc offense was clicking as well as any in the Central Piedmont Confcrencc. Hunt also ran a pretty mean clock during basketball season. Best Newcomer: To frcshimn Tami Ramsey, who was Davie’s number three in tennis, started for the softball team and started for a 19-1 jayvee girls team. Other awards: The Watch That First Step Award: To Michacl Williard, who told soccer coach Pete Gustafson hc couldn’t play because he wys in­ jured — while sleepwalking. Best Slngle-Game Performance: To North Davie's Dayc, who was responsible for441 yards •of total offense in a 35-16 win ovcrTrinity. He had 279 yards on nine carries, an average of 31 yards. He ran thc opening ki"ckoffback SOyards. He was 2-for-2 passing, including a 47-yard scorc. And one 45-yard run was callcd back.: Comeback Player of the Award: To Gerald Roberts, who was seldom heard of as a junior; but was a key starter in football and basketball during his senior year. Comeback Team of thc Year: (Tie): The 7-8 grade Nonh Davie football team, who had its first winning season since 1979 and the 7-8 grade South Davie basketball tean), which went from l- ll in 1992 to 9-3 in 1993. Most Exciting Game: North Davie’s 30-28 football win over Lexington. Honorable Mention: Davie boys over Reynolds: Plcusc Sec Oscars — P.4B- II2-DAVIECOUNTY ENTERI'RISE RECORD, Tliursdny,Junc 17,1993 SCOREBOARD Baseball Hlgh School NCH5JU PUYOfFS W>k**(ton se* H*nei^ tl. **t*fW t(OMr> C#n<ai l2t 51 »t V« *»««*»< f2SWW>d.f**« tfilfW Ce''tr*l «1 Nfe H<nOiff, $»l .8 k\+ttG'0 5. w>|t Wo*M*n 2 KTgt M*fTf<*' 9.*V*bvo 5 ww><* Wet*v 1 1" 2. AV*foyd Jo1*’ Clau 2 * Ch*'Ti^< 12. CfHre Cert'W 4 G'ttr#Cf*vwllMOI it Chrryi*et2* i fr fw C#w§s »1 CK*y>**. 5 lW ti Vt#'<r<t>t^ * P"r<#tO* 0 HC** I. tlM Mcrl*CKT^> ) Vv'|^*t*> ft. P*'r<*IO" 3 AMltnM> (Kt>*l .. W CrC »- 0 S «»» f*e i-N n i ... Urgiti *>! ^v*#**< »” • Nijfli^_V i r- T»4*' 01 *i I l'M r nuiii> LEGION SCHEDULE June 9 al 11 WILKES CO. 12 SALISBURY 13 OHIO All-Stars< 14 KANNAPOUS 15 STATESVILLE 16 at Concord 18 ALBEMARLE 19 MOORESVLL. 20 at Lcxincton 21 LBXlSGTOS 23 at Statesville 25 MT. AlRY 26 at Wilkes Co. 27 MOORESVLL. 28 ai Salisbury 30 at Kannapolis July 2 CONCORD 3 at Albemarle CAPS DENOTE .GAMES. Doublchcadcr. Mt.A- 7:30 7:30 7 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 HOME Leglon standings Aiee III South*m OMilon iL*Sgu* f»r*0t 0*ly) Ksnnapoii$Concord WiUei County ,Mocktvill*.Oavi*Moores>in*Po*an County Sufry County laurgton Slanly County StatesvWe 6aluidey*e gam#i Rowan County at Moch»«iii«.Da*i#, - M0 0f*tviH* 4. L#*SflMff7; States<iHe at Staniy County, pod. iam ’. Concord 13. Suriy County 7 ■ Wil*ei Counfy «f Kannaooi>s. ppd. 5unday'e gamee. Rowan County at Stanly COunty. ppd. KannapoHS 3. le*<ngton 1 . Ce"cord t2. Moores*iHe 0- Mocksville-Oavie 2*7. Darhi County tOhlol 0>«Surry Couniy tt W-Ih#l Cou"ty pod . M00"tm i( »' i '« i • i : <if-' iiC* •»* M « 5 6 9 B;***t *$»««l 3t i 9 8 1 Cm" 't ( C ! {CH6| le 9 6 9 6 Avj** cD*«r $» t : 9 9 0>8*'i JlUc5«»* * 4 5 | 1 w,t*| tUK-f- 0 1 1 1 6 *»'•#• 't HKII><^K4 M »» M0 -UM>llr4* |N tll l1l - |l-> f4.* icii.i V($.|. |,r i 1 w,*>* 0* - Ueem*< 101 - UMii»'« O w l UwMtifl II - fw *-V SI *- »!•«.♦ Fn^>i< $ - 1,*| $< i» M n te i i ioWwiineCei*C'<t* L 0-I i , ) t I I i . *8» - *r*>K* Iti tec>i* ||. - ¥,►! *e i C» )f V,fl • ,J4J •' wMii tov*n wx*mie iid 1* f* e i 9 9 l ii i, i «©»f« * J 9 3 i Co*-»* iiMW* C 1 « » • S»«Mt )»««)« 1» 4 1 t 9 >9"W>> to « i i j .<*V >* : eI 9 t 8 v*e»«» * J eW» i| Jt ) 9 8 ' y;$#i* * 9 9M,**if i' { ; ; ? *.«««' * i 9 T«M it i i 1 r«w P N « **llrtN * ll! 5 u!l.Utftr*i> lMii|> !•»*» 0*-#mii - *'«« t vxuf/# » ;i - wo#-Kf $wu wxn*Mi oiin e 9 e ** t.* t i i e 9 9 *»»<• i 9 9 9 0*eiw «1 9 9 9 *M il i > 9 $K««« ie 9 9 9 »»••«* V^ 9 I 9 >6ff^ H f**df' e i i i e l*>l )M>!JI| III oot tOt » } H1 M tti - II t-**8*Wv^ U4^flW* • »**H B.* *y>k- >» ,>Mi o# _ wtiiM ioi - S'j'HK( ie V a tiw 0 i^ l « - S w « ll C * • • * *»| )9 - it>M V****> H* - *•'»«• SI - * »m< jovu> * r M ■ ') !» •« ■ V - we^*jtvfl l<<r|W* t >» J J I • j *Hll<O^M f '#ii $ t ) e e e i J ^**ircowmr M cim u ^ ^ Nr**d N I 9 9 9 <***** M I • • •0bNi d 1 9 I 9 ».** <* I 9 9 9MM * i 9 9 9 we>^>* J e e ik*N> II ) I 9 9 t#1 II 9 9 9 9]»~v ( | e 9 8 c**t* ?l 3 t } I^<f, »* l 6 t 9 UOif" rt I 9 l 9V 9 9 9 9 onntr if i 9 f >►VI «i i 9 9 9 lC4 f 0 9 I 9n 1 1 9 I 9 **W * 1 9 # 0HrM rt t 9 9 9 totn*> d 1 9 I 9'♦ ii \ 9 9 9 *rw*> < 9 9 9 9n i i i tMi tt i i ittrMCw*l M9 M 1-9ttJi-0>W 9tt W s - I| - H«flM l4**V e» - Uoc<M*-0tT4 1 101 . C*1l C+ft| i y*«#w*P»r# I tt - P »H». # H * «* •• UB*t*^C**l , , , , 8 I W*MfMwC/4» *. 1.| i l 8 8 I IlBMi| I I » 1 9 9 9 I*9» - K*m l* AK<| lu^*> 1t7 C*6vl W»- **i | N . UK^>*> t - 1*9 S 5n w ociim i I I I 9 5 tM tf" 1 ) 9 I1 9 9 0 t<9w s* J l 9 9i 8 | ) Stm>t 9* 9 9 1 9M? 1« ; 9 9 > '^ * t I 9 I | 8 8 9 UcJ.e* » i t l i h » « *| i 9 9 9 M*f** x 9 9 I «* | 8 8 8 *v«e» ft J 9 I >l 3 I 9 l ^ i b I 9 9 ifN*e A I 8 8 C ^w> * * 9 9 S0**n c* 1 « i 9 C*M*> 'l 1 i 9 9 » t t t ?**** ** M r ! 5 twii c+**i in tn i . *MUrt*0i*l W Wl « tt - cv»#i; lwy#-* (««<*> •*-#.# p «»•*> C**CwiiC«^> Uec«h»»5ti*Z lC9 - 0w%* 6ew*i * *xtfr+*D** if n - xr*K* C#w*#* I - k4, USK« SI - C ^*r v2*A*T*7 4, i ? j i 9 ■*Ut«»0«»# ^ ^ * ' S 9 9 9 IM - W'f } lr> »• - ><*M^ I »*e«i Softball MEN’S CHURCH W L New Union 5 0 lsi Mclhodist 5 0 Fork 4 0 4 I Concord 3 2 Blaise 3 3 Libert)3 3 Jericht>-Hard 3 Cenier 3 Turrentine 1 4 __Grccn Mead>ws 1 5 Victor> 2 "X > *" - ^ - Jerusaletn 0 5 MEN’S OPEN W.L_ Air Tite 9 0 Hart's Pi//a 8 I Sheffield 6 Sentry 5 Quik Lube 4 4 Fab Masters 3 4 Jockey 2 6 C&D Entcty.2 6 Farni. Dragway 0 ft QST 0 8 High School NCHSU PUY0ffS Ctrvi'CiM-M6 w etiC w tt7Ct*< CUM 2«>____________ St*tt CMAMN)N$Hlf 5tFlCS•t Nerth D*>t0*oA|Scmh CiiwtW w*<* MrtM 2 1| 1«<6N a. Seu(h & W 4 1 56ulh C/*n>.c* S. l*4'*4 4 $6u!h C'V.><e 11 lrt'Wd 7 S a fe f^ S * ^ V *S f< ^ W '/'.< ,:-'r> :< • • Hold It! This Green Meadows runner puts on the brakes as he pulls in­ to third base during recent recreation church soltball action at Rich Park.Teams play at Cooleemee and Rich Park each Tues­ day and Thursday nights. — Photo by James Barringer Helton: Voice Is Family Tradition M<mivnts following Davie's loss io Alexander Central in the 4*A baseball semifinals, a woman up- priuched War Eagle caicher Chad Helton and began praising him. For his \oiee. Hc(ton had f Notebook [iril ;moiher group lans with pregame rendition national anthem lt*safamiK llvIton pu7vni.* majored in mu>ie in eol* leue,** said Helton. “ It's in ihe eene>." In fact. Hclton had one college ol'ler to attend WilliamJewel Col­ lege in K;uba> City. SU>. 0ut he admitted it was too i'ar l><mi lh>me. Hell<m >aid he s;ing at ihe recent l)avie High graduatiw and some boys choirs. “ I'vc sung all over the state."* he said. Singing the national anthcm before ganvs actually helps him prepare for the action. " I do get nervous.*1 he said, “ I Ceft myself fo just get through it. The game is morc important. But once I'm through and people tell me I've done a good job. I know 1 didn't me>s up. It gets me more "pumpetT up*Tiyfl1tc~gaine;,A— — Helton said he will attend UNC- Chapel Hill in tltc fall and major in business C*and ma>be a minor in musiv,*' he said). 'T ll JtH>k for some choirs at _UNC.'* he said. Siiubbi-U The North Carolina Baseball Coaches Association picked its all- state teams recently but they ob­ viously forgot about Davie County. It didn't surprise War Eagle coach David Hunt. ' Davie is one of 13 counties thal make up Region 7. But it is also ihv nmsi easternmost county, which stretches to Burke and Avery. Hunt said his school is forgotten. **We*re off on one end and we don't play anybody in Region 7.” he said. “ We play WiitsKuvSalcm and Greensboro sch<k>ls in ihe con­ ference and they're in Region 5. We play our nonconfcnmce game> against people who aren't in Region 7. \ ’adkinCounty is inour region but wedon’t play an>body there.” AUnml every pfoyoff team ex­ cept Davie was represented on the NCBCA 4-A all-state team. In the playoffs. Davie met McDowell. A.C. Reynolds. East Forsuh and AlexanderCentral. All had at least one player. Even tirad Smith, sporting a lexs-than im­ pressive 44 pitching rword. made it. But there w-as no Buhki Colenun and his .415 average. There was no Brock Keenc with his 12-1 record and 1.63 ERA. There was no Brad Mccham and his .338 average and 34 RBls. “ The only lime we .see these teams are in ihe playoffs and the teams arc already picked.** Hunt said. “ It's hard to get a coach to say a kid is great w hen he's never seen him — or heard of him.'* In fact, two coaches who lost to Davie w ere named Region coaches of the year. David Hyati of A.C. Reynolds rq>resenied Region 8 and Eust Forsyth"s Steve Pvgram was named in Region 5. Neither had records comparable to Hunt. So'Tvho^wwn- Rvgum_ZLIt. wasn't Hum with his 23-5 record. And it wasn’t Alexander Central*$ Harold Odt*n. whose 21 -6 record took him to the stale 11nals. lt was South Caldwell*s Fred Lanford. South Caldwell, by the way. didn’t Getting Soaked -Legion fanshad to cheer_against the opponents and the raVi; last week at Rich*Parfe' ' - ^ -— Photo by Lee Furches: even win ils n*agU7 T Go figure. Better Luck Two Mcvksville Legion players had much betier luck from the coaches. Forbush*s Scott Matthews was named to tl>e 2-A all*st;<e team. He was the only player from the Nor­ thwest Conference to be named. Corbin Russetl, who played at Bishop McGuinness. was not on­ ly named tothe privateschoolsall- state team bui was also the Player ofthe Year. He shared it with Dan Carlson of Charlotte Latin. Odom Loses Alexander Central cixich Harold Odom, formerly ofMocksville had "no'luckTigainst Wilmmgton &'ew_ Hanover in the 4-A baseball finals. New Hanover, led by Trot Nix­ on, won 13-0 and 8-3. Nixon, tltt seventh pick in the re­ cent major league draft, broke a state record for RBls with 56. He also finished with an 0.40 ERA and a 12-0 record. He hit .520 for the ycar. New Hanovcr lost iLs first game of the season and then won 26 straight. Atexander Central finish­ ed 21-6. <irimsley: State Champ Davie County's baseball team wasn*t the only team finishinglhC last year of the Central Piedntbifl Conference with a bang. __ Realignment will form a new CPCHiexnycar but- Davk*-4nd Grimsley*s girls socccr team havc the league x>meihing lo be proud of in its final spring. . , While Davie was re:iching the Final Four. Grimsley wus winning the state 4-A championship^ beating Raleigh Sanderson. 4-(. Tennis Titles . . Three teams won state chanh pionships in tennis recently: 4-A: Chapel Hill beat Burlington Williams, 5-3. 3-A: Salisbury defeated Lexincton. J ( ^ t f < ^ 9irVATI6M ..^HoeHtCTi-MOey^.TWfe 1s*TTfA i> emu* cor& ¥# m & , lriR46'. ^ e fW twcz$ ^lt- fAMf6 M0 VeUf> t9w>to TM* nHT *Pte Tu;ouT. ^tfrpArrat- WK^fft T>W* c& fop. f\gyf AMD \b CVW(rt5 IN f*tfZ.<ttM>pr WHW lHfc C*\L$t&> *THf2ovJ V) fiP>T Hrf^ H^- .6^ N ^ - X sJ7eMJ<Ti'f^^y HE HA> APVANC6D ABCUf W D -W IK P S C fm WAV <0 flVST W H M H6 lS t,ftU ^ . S Y < H 6 p A tt. l5HEOUT? = 3e>Ao? r t S k = s- 5 ^ x j^3S 5 w 3 i6 Bubba DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, June 17, 1993 -B? ;contlmicd from P, lIt 32jttitn produced un football and basketball teams thal ;m*vcr had a winning season while k* was 1l1ere. Oihcr ;teams knew they co11tcl stop Davie ~ hut could they :siop Buhba7 ; The answvr was usuillv m>. He made every big plny. He was die heart andsoul of every teaiu he was vii. And 01her coaches took notice, t, Especially ilte ones from Grimsley. Coleman per* '.<oiially haunted the Whirlies. ■; ln football, he llirew one long touchdown pass uiul sealed lhe Davie victory with a long scoring run. ' iIn basketball, Grimsley whipped Davie ihrcc times inMecisive fashion. Dut even in a 107*69 loss. Col- ;eiflan never quit, finishing with 19 points and 10 lis^ists. '• I 11 haschill. Coleman had tlitve homers on the >eason. oitt in each of the lhrvo games against <jtfmsley, l'.yt\ think that schm>l is sold on him,*' siid baseball couch David Hunt. ' ‘ He was so easily liked that coaches thought ol'him usone of iheir own. When Jamback heard that Col­ eman’s mother, Jan. was in line for a hip replace­ ment, he visited her in the hospitaL He had just en­ dured ihc xtmc thing. Reynolds coach Howard West nvtdc sure Coleman was invited to a sumnvr baskctbaU camp. Key call­ ed college coaches for Coleman. “ I respect Coach West a lot." he said. "And Jam- back’s a great guy too. l*m glad he ttx>k the time to l;ilk 10 my mom. All of the coaches are grvat. They’re aKvays wishing me luck.** All*Cnnfemice: 5 StrnIghl When Coleman was recently named all-conference in baseball, it was the fifth straight sport that he had been rewanled with that distinction. “ I didn’t think I'd get anything in football," he said. “ When Coach(Randall) Ward congratulated me. that was the biggest shock. I was overwhelmed." His mother is the reason he pLiycd. "lt was the tenth grade and I didn't want to play." he said. "She told me it wouldn’t be right if l didn’t. She s;iid l'd dre;ul not playing. She was right. Alter a couple of weeks, I was glad she said that." Coleman plays for his mother, who was injured in a motorcycle accident a few years ago wlvit she was hit head-on by a truck. "Since tlvn, she always sits at lx>me watching TV. not able to do much," he said. "It's an inspiration to her to be able to come and watch me play — and also Jami this cheerle;tding sister). That’s what she looks forward to." Colcman knows exactly wlk*re his athletic ability comes from — his mother’s side of the family. "M y nmm played high school and collegc basket­ ball." he said proudly. "M y great-unde was Baxter Jordan who played major league baseball. My grand­ mother's husband.Jake Jordan, played all three sports also." Coleman's father dtvsn’t live with the family but he has had plenty of guidance thanks to next door neighbor Grimes Parker, a South Davie Junior High coach and an accomplished athlete during his days at Davie High. He watched Colcntm begin playing sports in t-ball at age five, go to the Woodlcaf Basket­ ball League and thcn join the Davic rec leagues in the fourth grade. “ I would say I'm real, real close to him." said Parker. “ When he was little, l ’d go out in the yard and throw ball with him. I could tell he was going to be a goal athlete. He worked at it." Parker helped off the playing ticlds too. "There wasn’t a man around, just his mom and grandmother. Sometimes, he’d get down on himself and I'd say. 'Okay, Buhba, come on over 10 the house and we'll tato.* h would bejust us two. I’d tell him about the facts of life." Parker would have to put his fool down and discipline Colenun like a father on occasion too, when he found him trampling through his garden, or slux)ting a bb-gunthat shattered the glass in his grand­ mother's car window. Parker still laughs. "He was always a super kid. And Vlt tell yon something. The kids anuind here look up to Btihha. He’s a hero to a lot of the junior high kids. "And wlkMi I l(Hik back at cvcryhmly who has played at Davic. I'd say Bubba is right at the lop ot' the list." Hunt agrvcd with Parker. "After we lost to Alexander Central (in the 4-A semifinals). 1 limked over and saw him signing an autograph for a little kid." Hunt said. "Buhha lus that charisma, like Muggsy Bogues. He’s of small stature and is smiling and ouiyoing. Kids flock to that. "T k' way Buhhi plays draws attention 10 himself." Hunt added. A S|>iviul Name His athletic feats weren’t the only thing that made Colenuin stand out. It was hls name. Just say Bubba and everyone in the Central Pied­ mont Conference knew. Nobody has ever caHcd him Jessie Eugene. "When I was little. Jami was always trying to say brother." heexplained. "It wasn’tcoming out clearly. She mumbled sonwlhing and it came out Bubba. That’s what it's k'cn ever since." Hunt laughed. " I’ve had people offering me money to tell them what his real name is," he said. "I wouldn't, of course. But I tell him. he's too little to be a *Bubha.* " He is not only one of Davie's K,*st athletes ever, he is also one of the tmsl popular. Never did funs berate hiin. They cheered him. In fact, he's probably the only pbyer in Mocksville Legion baseball history to be cheered by Rowan Coun­ ty fans. "Thal’s my unde." he sakl, laughing. "He lives in Salisbury and follows the team and he tells his friends to do it." Coleman would like to hear his name culled in colI- | lege. He has had offers in all three sports hut as oJ' I two weeks ago. ncnie sto<xl out over the i*hers. S0n 1? I have shicd away hccauw ofhis 5-8.150-pound frame: They're crazy, according to Key. • I "It’s going to take a (basketball) coach who ap- 1 preciates that type of kid and sees thal mental I toughness hc has." ! 1 "M y height has an effect." Colcman said. "As faf ] as chances 10 play in coHegc. basehull may be my besl | bet. I never thought I'd gel anything in football st) that's a surprise. But basketball is my favorite sport; I think 1 can play somewhere." Coleman proved it in u recent tryout at Francis Marion Colleue in Florence. S.C. He dazzled the coach, whotofdhini he already had an oral committ­ ment fr01n another 5-7 point guard from Indiana.: "I've never shot like that." Coleman said. "Tht? coach said he really Hked me. He told me to wait on grades and sce if s0mcti1iny opened up. He wants me to pluy and has S2.500 left. I f l’monc of the top six players, there will bc more money." ‘ Coleman is now playing for the Lcgion team and can't envision thcday he won't be a part oforganiz- cd sports. " I'll have to facv it one day and havctochunge.’’ he said. "But right now. I’mjust so accustomed tq playing something every day. I’ll still be involved in' college, or recreation or intramurals. "M y high sch0<1l years were grcat. It’s something thal will stay with meall my life. You can’tjust lei it pass and not lake advantage of what you can doJ **And you necd to have fun doing it." Thut was one constant with Coleman. Wherever he went and whatever he did. he had fun being successful. "He’s a great competitor." said Reynolds' West.' " I know the people of Davie County are sad about him leaving." With a chuckle, he added. "But I’m gIad to sce him go." 1 f S D A V ff 1 k & * * i i R* Gallagher continued front P. lB Before football season, we told a group of players to meet us in Coolcemee for a photo to _.bc.taken at - the Bullhulcv Five players fronrall........ over the county showed up on time. The only one missing was Coleman — and we met right across thc street from his home! His mother hopped in the car and went sear­ ching. " I ’m gonna kill him." she said. He finally showed. He hud been ut the Brock Gym playing basketball. When James Barringer finally set up thc photo, the players cooperated fully. But as soon as Barr­ inger said, "Okay, that’s it," the kid came out in lBubba. ! "C'mon, ya’ll," he yelled, and began leading >thc players around the BuIlhole's rocks. • This was his tcrriloty. He had practically 'grown up walking over these rocKs and sizing up !the swirling current. Bubba was having u great !time. ! What the heck. I thought. 1 jumped in with 'lhcm. I also busted my bull on those cold, hurd, .'slippery rocks. ; it was all we could do to get him and his pals out of the w-iter. After all, they had a scrimmage •with North Rowan in about 30 minutes. • Sh(H)l. it was all I could do to pull myself out. •You see. I’m not a kid anymore — at least age- >ise. Bruises stay with muJongcr. ______ ; Colcman pullsno punches ahoui being a kid. This is what he is, take it or leave it. He always seems to have u mischevious grin on his face and always wunis to he doing something — as long us its running, jumping or throwing. "I'm not a troublemaker." he said with a grin. " I don't go looking for troublc. I just like lo ... - iiave fun ahd play sports." Again, he proves there's a difference between being a troublemaker and being a teenager. A troublemaker doesn’t make As and Bs and have a good SAT score like Coleman. There was one story circulating that had Mocksville Legion coach Dale ljnmcs shaking his head. After one p.layoff game tost summer, several of the players spent the night with Coleman, who took them to — where else? — the Bulllmle. They climhcd on a train trestle and jumped off into the Yadkin River. Sure. Coleman had led them down there, but he wasn't being a troublemaker. He was being a kid. And actumly, he felt it was a w,iy of pro­ moting team unity. He had done nothing wrong — basically because they all lived. "You cherish having fun as a kid," Coleman said. So how would Coleman and his Coolcemee buddies spend, say, a lazy Sunday afternoon when there’s nothing to do7 - Coleman saysthey’d go to Wal-Mart, buy a slin-n-slide and make up their own sports. If it's fun and if it's spons, Colem;m will be a part of it. His |vnchani for being a kid has hurt him only once. A .'ter a vmkcV. uii practice at Davie last winter, he playcd in a rec game at the YM- CA and severely sprained his ankle, forcing l1i1n to miss scvcral gamcs.----------------------------------- "1 wasjust playing." hc said with a shrug. "I love to play." Like any kid, Colcman also dreams. "1 dream of being 6-2, 190 pounds and getting a full ride to Carolina," the 5-8, 150-pound Col­ eman says. "Just to play basketball thcrc would be the best thing that could ever happen." Colema11 may yet end up at North Carolina. Assistant coach Randy Weil (now at UNC- Asheville) called, saying he had seen film, liked what hc saw and wanted Coleman to try out for the jayvee team. " If I go there. I'll.see what happens." he said. " I could play intramurals. I’ll play something, l*m always going to K‘ a part ofsports." Was C0lcnuu1 cocky? "He had an air about him," said baseball coach David Hunt. "He didn't strut but hc had that flush.” And he had fun. When he scored on a long touchdown run against Grimsley, he didn’t just nm into the end- zone, He performed a perfect hook slide that _remindcd Hunl baseball season wasn’t far away. When he realized late against Reynolds in the CPC basketball tournament that his team had a chance 10 win, he walked toward his crowd, lif­ ting up his arms, urging them to chccr louder.... It’s hard to imagine it all being over, Coleman lmisltcd his athletic career at Davie i11 the semifinals of the 4-A baseball playoffs, a 7-3 ; loss to Alexander Central. Immediately foUowmgihegame;heuppearcd - - stunned. "It's over." he said. "I'm spccchless. 1 don’t • know what to say." It wax a sad time for the 'ol sports editor too. I coulU .%ee Bubba already growing up. •• No more slip-n-slides. No morc jumping off train trestles. "This yc$tr has gone by so fast," hc said. "I ' guess it will hit me when I*m in college. It’s go-' mg to be a major change when I realize it's not ' going to be like this anymore." • ’• As hard as it is to fathom now, one day, Bubba; Colcnmn will be a full-fledged adult. The touchdown runs, the assists, the doubles against the outfield wall — they’ll only bc memories, albeit wonderful ones. He can sit with friends and reminsice about being a kid — just for old time's sake. "When I get older, l'll have kids and, well, you just ean't go jump in the Bullhole and nin around the rocks," he said. "That's just not the way it is for older people." And right on cue, that mischicvious grin returned. If I know Bubba Colcman, thc "kid " is going • to slay with him forcvcr. It could be 10 years ’ down the road but if the Bullhole calls, he'll be1 '. out there again, splashing around on those cold, ! hard, slippery rocks. • ; And you know what? I may just join him and* .'• bust my butt again — for old lime’s stike, you understand. ^ ^- *':____ ■ BJ - DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRI’RlSK RECOUI), Thursday, June 17,1993 Remembering 1992-93 Athletics Quotes of the Year They Said It.... " f’m uni mu there /<i touch nr ttUih'. /'m <*iif there 1o kill. ” 310-pouml lineman Kevin (bolshy *7'm 36 years old. / can't take that for m answvr. " Soccer coach Pete Gustafs<m w lwn a p!ayvr sulcl he cmddn't plav due C« skvpwalWitg lnjur>. - "it/ech real goinl to beat them. That tvu.t <i team tlnit run its mouth every play. “ Chad Carter ufttr I>avic*s 2>18 foothaQ win over l)iullcy **/Vn tircil of saying if, should'w and but. lfyou talk like t)uit, you souiul likr <t crW><tf>v. “ Football coach Randall Ward after 28-14 loss to Mount Tabor "How h*tg can you tiikc coming close witlu>ut winning some ofthese?"Bovs bask-thall coacb Charles Crenshaw u fter 65*62 low to Norlh l)aviilson. "He can j»vim anything iuul everytlung. ” Swlm coach Karen Umlxrger on Brian Tribhk* "fVv could not bcg, bormw or sleala lm*ket. " North Davit* girls basketball ruich Carol Co/art after 39-18 loss to Thomaxvllle, "They’re no longer cheerleaders. These girls are athletes. " Superlntendant Bill Steed on chmleading squad. "He’s just iu good as anwne we’ve luid here. “ _._ Wrestling coach Buddy Umcry on Jon Ward • W'o one is going to miss those long biu rides to Greensbttro. t !:; Athletic director Lowery on realignment that takes Greensboro schools out of the CPC. Viere's not much point to basketlndl. 117th hockey, you get to hit people. Youth hockey pla>tr Scutt Ntas. ■‘HV came h> wrestle. Soiuh Rowan came to win," L<mery after losing to South, 38-25. "They talked trash aml you dcn'i do that to our girls. We’ll . stick it bad in your face . ” Joyvee basketball coach Sherry Myers ufter 58-20 win over Parkland. ’• 'To me, life is nothing without basketlkiU. " Ail-cnnferencc player Tamica Cain. ' ■ ‘‘Ourkids likeplaying on the rtntd. Staybe it's because uv eat 'out." Soulh Davie 7-8 gradel>oys baskitball coach Barry Whith>ck. •' "He wrestles according to how his vihes are going that day. " *• Lowerv on 103-pound freshman Chris : ' Mareilo. ', "lt wasaheck ofa match to watch a>nla tough oneto coach . " *• Lowery after losing slate wrcstting title lo ;• Cary . 25-22. -; "Nobody in this gym thought we could win but us. “ Crenshaw after hls boys upset first place ^;------— " —____________________________ReynokLs, 64-59. l' "How do you feel when Utrry Bird goes to the line?" *- :;_, . Crenshaw un Hubba Colenwn. ♦. ‘7 never J<nv ur losing. iS'ever wtij 1 scared. I never doubted •jts winning everything. ” ?• Myers after JV girls won CPC title. •' "lt will probably ctit down on the van conversation." *' Mary Ann Rankin <m coaching the boys ten- {'. nls team. ?: •*« * *ll7ten you look at what they’ve got, y<ni wonder how they ever $lost a game. " f Crenshaw ufter losing to Grintsk-y, 10749, •' “ IWuu did 1 like best abota it? More lhithrooms." -I Gustafson on soccer team playing on the :\ high school f<Mithall field for thie first time. N *7/'j iiiie inaking biscuits. You have to start from scratch." \-, South i)avk- hitsebull coach Griiiws Parker ;^ on his inexperieired (eani. :'i. r V ”' •*. "lt »n$ like tlu*plague. Once it started, it swept through the• jieighborhood. “ '' ! Baseball coacb lXiv)d Hunt after an error- ♦: | filled loss to West Mecklenburg. 7- *'We'rc notfeared. But ne are respected. ” ;’r Davie softball coach Darrell Stecle. v '7 want a coach on this campus. ” •; Former Davie princlpul on hls suirch for a • basketlull coach. y "ll'snoi3omctlmgyounonmllyexpecttoseeiita WestForsyth- • Davie game.'' *; llunt after Da>ie's 22-1 win mer thi>Tltans. »;. "Wcdidn't *>dgeabullet. liV ran all the it«y around the stinking ‘.bullet. *' :■ Hunt afterhls team’s 1-0 playiJf baseball :• uin over Mdk>wclL l)AVIE CttOSSWOltl> .• • f->s$:^:v ' ;x>* d.':^'r-;:'::5;::::T;:::'5::-s9:*:::s:;.::l:5'::::T:i:::S:!:::T‘->>i:>.:. -:.'lt.!."-....i; • V...?ix-..<-'.<:^- -t^.^^^^^<iJ:.'^^^^?5:^I^ffi^.M^*.».lfiffl*.'s-*T*M v' '*ls , j j^.^/<i*/f*r'''?' \ bV:‘»*i'i***'i*i'fsV.*»r ' *i'^i*:VMVi*<e^iV*'<*<|^*i*.*i|>*/'< ■; ;*.-;.;••> ^ « 1 — < f O f ^ ^ ? — ^ ^ ^ * t ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > |w ^ T w aTO * ' *'-*^ '*''*.*5' / 'jv !j ^)Y |^ |Y j^ » |» )^ < .*^ *> y ,^ /*i)o'«*|*£*i/jj~ * j* ji? j |i|j| 1 ?^'/Z,yt'.,!5«1X ^ ?/.'.^ ,s‘V':r%'!:*? l,e,e,,r!,*,«5 5*:V^M»*3 '— -:-.;/:-• -+.t-KK— ix>yd " % ^ r ^ :n t^ ^ ^ ^ 7 j^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ife — y O x ^ 2*.* !iViJ< *r*tV* s 'ri'* 'iV * |iV t> |iV n * iV * * * |iV i a V i|*V i|i -•.'’ -* ■ '".*.*-*V"' ' ^ "*.% — ',V?<^ * ^ 4 ^ 4 ^ ,^ T ^ J "_* 1tx o ^ v r:,r<;-------^ :» ,» ^ W " ^ |M iM .^ V .||* 4 V y ^ j ^*i*iN ^ * f* i^ a 'i* :* E V t'g * iV ^ p jtj'jjw |;jtV Z : X j * Y f f j * j ^ t |'|'|l < ;:;> j : ^ * : v S > ! ; : I 1 ^ : $ i - : - i ^ '' i i ! 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'. - r '- j; i, ( ^ y , '5 X ''* ; ^ - C ^ i^ * ^ . 4 X 4 O T j ^ ^ ^' T *V^:'*'*'-/r*^--*,'*-'s-'i i*rt'!*-*fs*****r2*-*i*<o*i*t*ze*i't'n*i':l=**rti*^'i*t'tf I' «-.'*.%*.•. »•■*«.* *^;'.» • 5,*_* • « *,* -<.',*.**,*.".*<u*i*i* -t*.'.***.*<**^'^iN» * • ».» > .» • *.*.♦« * t > V«44 O A r* W»U *. » t*->*.S» I > A ^ »■ ■ • *A^J> 1 * >n**i* a E ti5 :$ E # Across 2. He lvd the foolbaN icam in rushing and scoring. 7. This team wenc unJefcu(cd in littV: league fwthall. S. Shc is Bubha*s cheerleading 11. JK1 <iyned a scU>|.itNhipuiih Alahjm;i Uiiivvrsil>. 12. Jax<Kt oi u hut Unvle Bvn is fuiuous for. 13. His icam has won 6 of ihc la>i 7 CPC champion>hips. 14. Thc first nume *>f a Davie track coach — or thc name of a ci­ ty near Rakigh. 15. Hc broke the sincle-game record for three-pointers (7>. 16. Davie's all-tinv leading scorer in basketball was inducted inio the Catawba Hail of Fame. IV. This sport was pbyed on the Davie football field for the first time. 21. He vauehl u toudiUou n pa^ with IV >ea>nd> lelt to beat West Rowan. 22. Davie has never beaten <his schwi in xkxer or tennis. 23. This catcher sang the na­ tional anthent bcforv Davie*s baseball games. Down I. Hewu>halfot North Davie's 1-2 fre>hman punch in ba>ketball. 3. Hc rushed (or 1.250vjrd> in >ix games. 4. He was ali-conterence in three 5. Slic pbycd vollevball. basket­ ball and stvcer. 6. His blocked puni for a touchdown won the Homecoming Game lbr Davie. 7. He resigned as Duvie’s head basketball coach. 9. He w as thc other kiIf of North Davie’s 1*2 freshman punch in basketball. 10. She was Davie's 1992 Homecoming Queen. 14. He won 26 straight wrestl­ ing nutehcs before lo>ing. 17. She was all-conference in basketball and track. 18. He was (hc CPC's Most Outstanding Player in track. 20. She coached the jav vee girls basketball and varsity vollevball teuins !oaa>mbined 34-10 record/ Meet The War Eagles The Favorites: Rock 92, Steak, Miller’s A vcarlv feature i> “ Meet The War Eagles." Each u eek. a >vnior athlete told ofher favorite this and that. It gate us a gauge onwhat Davie County athletes really enjoyed. Surveyed were 38 athletes, including nine football nlavers. seven basketball players and fivcbascbal(playcrs. Abo. four in *xver. three in volleyball and wrestling, two in tennis and swimming and one each in track, softball and ._i»»i(.________ Herc*s a sanipfing'orwlrarthc>^jiked.-------- Favorite Davie County Rcstuurunt: Thir­ teen diffen;nt restaurants were named but Miller's was the runaway w inncrwith 15 votes. Skats was a distant second with six. Favorite Foods: Fifty-nine different foods were lisied with steak edging out pizza 14 votes to 12. Also getting at least five votes were french fries, hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Burp! But chicken was the most popular food. Listed were chicken, chicken wings, chicken and dumplings, chicken salad, chicken pie and scallion chicken. Favorite Drinks: Twenty-nine different drinks vs ere listed, led by Mountain Dew*s 13 votes. Iced tea had nine and Pepsi had six. Favorile TV Shows: Fifty-three different shows werelisted. led by Home Improvement, ihe landslide winner with 11. Beverly Hills 90210was the only other show with at lea>t five votes. SportCemer and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air each had four. Favorite Movies: Fifty-three nx>vics were listed and only one had at least five votes: Hot Shots. Naked Gun, Top Gun. Aladdin and Wayne's World all had four. _Fuvorite KadjoSuuwms: The clear winner was Rtxk 92 wiih24 vv<es7Y02*-JAM2 had"t5- and WTQR had 13 country listeners. Fourteen different stations were listed, including Mocksville*s own WDSL. which yot one vote. FavoriteGrnups OrSingers: Sixty-twodif- ferent singers or groups were listed with a l970s group winning out: Led Zeppelin with seven votcs. Eric Clapton and Boyt II Men each had six votes. Favorite Athletes: A w hopping 78 different athletes were named, none ntore than (uho elsc'?) Michael Jordan with seven. Larry Bird had six. NoAtlanta Brave had more than one but seven different Braves ~- and one former Brave. Dak* Murphy — were naitvd. Favorite Sports Ttams: lf they voted for Jordan, the>'re going to vote for his team. The Cbivago Bulls tied for favorite tean)* with 10 votes — lying Nonh Carolina. DuRe 1 was next w ith seven votes. The Braves had six1 and the San Francisco 49crs had five. Why 1 Pby Sports In Davie County: The^ nu>st popuhr"answer — sadly enough — wiis* the same as last year “ It’s where I live!'* Another said, "lt*s theonly school in the coun-' ty.“ Another answer: “ My mama makes me:*-. One said he played so he could fiH out a “ Meet ~Th^AVar^aslgs,J~shect.^\ndvja.anothcr said'.' “ 1 nevd the exercise." Only one athlete, Stephanie Fahnstock, put the correct answer: “ It’s a great way to show; dedication to the sch<x>l/' Way to go, Stephanie. 1; Hobbies Other Than Sports: Thirtv-nine different re>fvnscs canw vvnh this one. led bv fishing withsix votes. Swimming vvas next with four and chasing girls had three, along with shopping, wutching television and hunting. And then, there was Dana Potts, who wrote, “ 1 don’t have time for hobbies." If I Could He A MiUionaire For A Day, I Please See Meet - P. 5U Oscars continued from P. IB in basketball and any of the three varsity giris win* over Mount Tabor*. The Foreign Intrigue Award: To foivign exchange student Karsten SuLsing. This p;ipcr spell­ ed his name “ Corst” and “ Korst” before we finally got it right. K-A-R-S-T-K-N is right, isn*t it? Most Photogenic .>ble: Bubha Coleman had his photo featured in this paper 35 times since Aug. 1. Jon Ward had his photo in here 18 times and Jared Eure 13. Most Photogenic Femule: To Shannon Umberger whose photo was featured 18 times. She edged out Newsomc with 17. Most Photogenic C<*ich: Foot­ ball coach Randall Ward and Hunt each had*their photos in this paper Best Birthday Gift: Davie’s football team beat South Rovvan 28-0 on Ward’s birthday. Fan of the Year (who shall re­ main namekss). This dad called up his son’s basketball coach to say he was ruining his kid's chances at a college scholarship. He then call­ ed uphis kid’s baseball coach, say­ ing he was ruining his kid's chances at a college scholarship. We figure the kid will play soccer next year so Dud can blame Pete Gustafson for ruining his kid’s chances at thc World Cup. Or maybe he'll play golf and Randall ‘ Ward can bcblaittvd for mining his PGA chanivs. The KggOn Our Face Award: To thc cheerleaders, who made it lo Greensboro for lhe Cheerwme Cheeroff. io Charlotte for ihc Shrine Bowl, io Winsti*i-Salem for a Wake Fore>l gante and io Florida for thc nationals — but couldn't find time to go to Shclhy and cheer on their own school dunng the girls 4-A basketball playoffs. The Snurte.st Tcmn: To the North Davic 7-8 girls basketball team, with an average of 93.91. Favorite Nickname: Jennifer “ Taco” Bell. Favorite Real Name: Rhumen Love-Lane. The Turnaround Award: To the South Davie freshman boys basketball team, which started the season 1-5 but finished 6-2 to end up at .500. The Bud Luck Award: To Keith Koontz, who broke his wrist on the first day of basketball pryciiee. Most l)omlnuting Team: Thc Daviejayvce girls basketball team, which weni 19-1 and won lhe CPC title. The Frank Sinatra Award: To* silver-toned Chad Helton. ThiF baseball catcher showed off his melodic voice by singing the na^ tional anthem before each pla> off game. Dynasty Makers: To Hum.- whose baseball team has won6 of thc last 7 titles: to Buddy Lowery, whose wrestling team has won 6 of the last 8 titles: to North’.s wrestling cvuch Ron Kirk, who has won 5 of the last 6 titles. > The Goodbye and Good Rid*’ dance Award: To Greensboro Dudley, w'l*> was taken away due to realignment. ' ' . The Future Reference Award:’ Predicted high school stars for the- 1993-94 year: Eure, Umberger. Newsonic, Hamilton Cuthrell,- Carric Brown, AndreaGcntry and Brock Kecnc. ’ t ^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday,June 17,1993 - BS Hunt Has Enjoyed Success Along With Davie’s Players Hunt By Ronnie Galla^hcr Oavie County Enterpris*Record Looking back tm Djvic County's tnr>st >uvcexslul ba>cba1i >e^on in history and coach David Hunt can point to a kiss (hat gtX it all >lartvd. An cmbarra>ing 11-1 loss 10 Mrunt Tabor. That gamccarly in ihc >eu>on gavc the War Eaglcs two quick lo>&cs in the Centra! Pfcdmoni Conference. "ttV were in a hole.*' Hunt said. “ As a coach, you look at hott- we liw. And I thixJght we were going through the motion> instead of getting after it. I ioltl them they're only competition was thcmsehe>. Ifyou play as well as you can and tose. l"m not upset.** The team then went out and scored 22 runs in a nxit <>fWtN Forsyth anJ never looked hack. The team lost onl> one more game in the conference, put together a l4-ganie winning streak and camc within one game of making the state championship series. Hunt really enjoyed himself. Davie finished 23-5, losing in the semihnals to Akunder Central. 7-3. He ua> nwre pmud of team's character than he was the 23 wins. “ When I fir>t started out, a W was the best thing that could happen and an L was the worst." he said. “ When 1 was 21 or 22. the team could make 27 er­ rors but ifw c won. that was all that mattered. It*s not that wav anymore,*' Coming A Long Way Hunt has come a long way from his early years at 1 -A Princeton High School, kvatcd in Johrwon Coun­ ty near Raleigh. He made the playoffs a couple of times but it was nothing like the streak he is on cur­ rently. Davie has won the CPC six ofth: last seven " I remember playing Cardinal-Gibbons one uur and making six dollars from the came atter paying the umpires.'* he said. “ I told the principal 1 was tempted to takc the team out and buy them a coke. ’ * In those dUys. Hunt coached every thing. Princeton, which is still l-A (**arxl just bandy.'* hc says), had only 220 students. “ | coached junior high in the afternoon and varsi­ ty at night." he said. “ Girls htskctball was ihe domi­ nant sport when I was there.*' Princeton, by theway. lost just laM week in the l-A championship baxbali series. Coming Tti Davie Joe Kennedy helped Hunt relocate in thc late 70s to Davie. Hum. who is originally from Denton, and his wife, who is from China Grove, said Mocksville was the biggest city they’d lived in. His first two years. Hunt assisted Ken Bogcr on the baseball team. “ In 1978-79. we finished second to Ashcborowhen they had Chub Little.*' Hunt said. He took over in l9S0 but saw most of the team graduate. He was left with six freshman in thelineup. “ By the third or fourth year, the program really- started getting settled. When we went to 4-A. it coin­ cided with the expansion of the playoffs." Country Sclu>ols It also began a trend in bawball that rural schtx>)x would begin dominating. “ It has to do with demographics.'* Hunt said. ‘There's more space at a place like Davie. Kid> arc playing in a large yard or a pasture. In the city, you see kids at tite YMCA or on the playgrounds shooting “ Mixksville's the biggest urban center Vve ever lived in." he joktU. “ but baseball is important." In 1987. the wheels began turning for Hunt and Davie. That sophonure class. W by Denny Key. join­ ed pla>er> like Terry McClannon and Johnny Rid­ dle. Davie won three straight CPC iilles. had a Jos* ing season in 1990 and has won the last three. '*We*re *<ving kids uho are busting thvir tails to be succeesfu!." Hunt said. “ Myjotiis to nuke m>self obsolete. Everything I enjoy about winning tu> to do wiihthekids.’ * Coleman Hits, Keene Pitches A duo led thc hitting and a duo led thc pit­ ching in Davic County's final statistics for 1993. Hitting-wisc. Bubba Colcman and Brad Mcchatn combincd to lcad four of thc six eatcgorics. Thcy wcrc 1*2 average, homers and RBIs. Brock Kccnc and Marcus King threw thc most, combining for 17 of thc team's 23 wins. Kccnc lcd in victories, ERA. innings pitched' and strikeouts. Hc's only a junior. While thc Davic hitters finished with a .286' average, the pitching had a sparkling 2.38 ERA. While the battcre wcrc walking 120 timcs, thc pitchers wcrc giving up on!y 66 bases on balls. This was thc winningcst season in Davic County baseball history. DAVIE BASEBALL Filial Statistics (Record: 23-5) Player Hitting AB Hits Avg. Bubba Colcman 82 34 .415 Brad Mccham 68 23 .338 Brad Chapman 92 31 .337 Marcus King 66 22 .333 Ron Armstrong 32 m .313 Bryan Johnson 85 23 .271 Jason Ton*crlin 79 21 .266 Brock Kccnc 35 9 .257 Darby Corrcll 38 9 .237 Thad Cassidy J9 II .224 Chad Hclton 53 11 .208 Jack Hall 7 I .143 Jason Day 9 1 .111 Jack Fowler 12 I .083 4, Hcllon 4, Johnson 3, Armstrong 2, Tombcrlin 2. Corrc!l 2, Kccnc 1. RBb Mccham34, Colcman21,King 20, Johnson 15, Hcllon 12, Armstrong 10, ChapmanS7 Tombcrlin 9, Kccnc 8. Cassidy 8, Corrcll 5, Br)'ant 1. Runs Scored Chapman 30. Colcman 26, Mecham 25, Tombcrlin2l. King l9,Johnson 18,Hclton 10, Cassidv 9, Armslronc 7, Corrcll 3, Kccnc 3, Lanier I. Dav 1. Hall I. Walks Tombcrlin 23. Mccham 19. Coleman 16, Cassidy ll,K ing 11, Hclton7, Johnson7 ,Cor­ rcll 6, Kccnc 5, Chapman 5. Day 5, Kccnc 4, Armstrong 3. Lanicr 2. Pitching (<unic Runs Mccham 5. Colcman 3. King 2, Armstrong 2, Johnson 1. Hclton 1. Triples Colcman 2. Tombcrlin 2. Mccham 1. D<iublto Colcman II. Mccham 9. Chapman 7. King Player IP Hits ER ERA Brock Kccnc 73 53 17 1.63 Marcus King 69 M 25 2.54 Jack Hall 14 15 6 3.00 Darby Corrcll 29 23 15 3.62 Records Kccnc 12-1. King 5-3. Corrcil4-l. Hall 14). Strikeouts Kccnc 84. King 77. Corrcll 18. Hall 11. White Sox Undefeated As Area Teams Gear Up For Postseason Is Vic Pani building adyna.sty in the major league (I l-l2>ear olds) division of Davie Anvrican little league baseball? Going into ihis week, it certain- ly>eems that way. HisWhite Sox are 13-0 with two games left. If he w ins the league, it w ill be the >econd straight sea>on he has •Aon the division. The White Sox passed its bigge>t te>t last week by bcaling the sect>nd place Indians, droppmg Maxie Melton's team to 10-3. Another roadblock comes at the Davie Youth Complex (behind North Davie Junior High on Farmington Road) Saturday night at 6 p.m. w hen they face*the third place. 5-3 A's of Steve Ridenhour. The Orioles and Angels are also in the American League. In the Davie National Major Meet Little League Leaeue standings, the Cardinals, coached by Dwight Sparks, defeated the Mudcats 8-2 Saturday and took a half-game lead. The Cards are 94. just ahead of Dan­ ny Correll*> S~1 club. Correll's team had defeated the Cardinals two previous times. The Bra%es are 6-6 anJ the Cubs are 1-12. District Pairings The district little league pta>off> in junior and senior boss, major league boysand girls softball have been posted by district president Mar>hall Hall of Kirg. Davie National and Davie American will have all-star teams participating. The complex should hav e a busy night on July 5. Two baseball tcam> and a girls softta!l team are all scheduled to host games at 7 Ridenhour. the American presi­ dent. said Hall is try ing to change the scheduk. He told Davie of­ ficials he was worried someone may get hurt by foul balls w ith all three being plavcd at the same The district schedule follows: Major League • Davic National will p!av at honic against Southwest at 7 p.m. If the Nationals win.thc> willho>t the Win>lofrSalem Nationals Julv 7. • Davie American wilf h<M Alamance at 7 p.m. Julv 5 wiih the winner Ha«l Rowan Julv 7. Junior Bu>s (13 >ear nI(k) • Davie National will host Alamance Jul> 2 with the winner lacing Davie American, which go( a first round b>c on July >. Senior Buys (14-15 >ear olds) • The Duvie National all-stars travel to High Ptiini July 2. The winner will play at South Forsvih Julv 3. • Davfc American travels to Kernersv ille July 3. Senior (iirts (13*15 year i^d>) Pat ie American wj|| plu> the winner of Southwest For>>th and King Jul> S away from home. Nbjnr(*.irk 111-12 year iM*> Davie Anvrican is set to ho>t KernersvilJe July 5. If it i> vic­ torious. it will hO't SiXJthvse>t in ihe next nxmJ. K>unt t>Ju yrr<if individual pcr- fnn>uince? Is n nuwi rmrmv up its Jt'i^'iu' * ,^m $txhl uorit's ? Cull thc Entrrprist' sports depiinnieni at 6.14-2120. continued frum P. 411 Would: Among the decisions. Darren Crok would put a dome over the Masonie picnic. Chad ~Caner~~wtrritf buy ar. cliphant-- Jason Rice would buy the jacked- up Citation at Bamhartit *s gas sta­ tion. Darby Correll would move away from Davie County. Bryan Johnson would give iito President Clinton. Benjy Frye weuld pay for all of his sp:eding tickets. Denise Boyd woukJ buy"the sophomores some maturity. ‘ ‘And the kst answercame from Karsten Stadsing. who said he*d simply “ go wild." Ronnie Gallagher Gustafson Taking Signups ’Davie High School soccer coach Pfte Gustafeon will hoW a stxcer camp for youths in kindergarten through the ninth trade June 28-July 1 at Mocksville Middle School. •There is a S35 fee for the camp. ‘‘ Youths in kindcrgancn to third grade will purticipate from 8:30-10 a.m. Grades 4-6 are scheduled for 10j30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. ,youths in grades 7-9 will per­ form from 1-3 p.m. Brochures can be picked up at Courtside Sports. R&J Sports or th& Mocksvillc/Davic Parks and Recreation Department. ,Eor more information, call GuMafson at 998-3562 or assistant coach Joe Ratnsborihatn at 634-7822. 93 METRO PER MO. M PMTS. e $69,57 PMTS. 9 $169 W/eales, Tax 1 Tag Down, 9.25%. O.A.C., Rebate lncl. DIXIE JEEP^ACLE Bell&HowArd Chevrok*t,liu.1873-9094 1-77,1^0 West. Highway 21 North • Statesvifle behind Sageonj$A & Ace Hardware Just In Time For... FATHER’S DAY! SUNDAY BOWLING SPECIAL EVERY SUNDAY Start Before 1 PM and BOWL For Just. . . Per Game ALL DAY Until 6PM TREAT DAD AT... WOODLEAF LANES 1811 JakeAlexander Blvd. Watt Sallabury, NC (704*3*6342 The Bugs are coming Farmington Raceway Park "Father’s Day" Sunday - June 20th 1993 Hivy. S0l - 17 niilcs west ofWinston-SaIem Takc exit *180 off Interstate 40 eee Gates Open 8AM \ Full Day of Entertainment Bug Bash rr 1 . *Come see what the news media won’t tel! you-- The chance to see the fastest, meanest and wildest Bugs in the world today! 0 to 100 mph in 6 seconds * YW Show Cars ^ * Over 37 new show car classes * Gigantic Flea Market ^ * Full of used and antique parts Truck Bash ’93 ^ New Parts Vendors Wild outrageous trick & custom trucks ^ F Everything needed to restore your Bug **Speeial Attraction** Quick • DoersUunmers Match Race featuring Don Plemmons’ WTQR/Advance Auto Parts Oldsmobile verses Jerry Williams’ and his Wild Ford Probe Sec thcsc 160MPH quiUed missiles in side by side action! This is the motorsports event that Dad wants to see So bring Dad out cause kids are free! Hot Dogs, HamburKcn. French Fries, Com Doyi, !cc Cold Drioks Snow Cones, Cotton Candy, lcc Ca*ani, Candy Appks, Froh Squeezed Lemonade and morc! Adull$ experience it all for only S12 - Kids Are Free! For more info, on "Father’s Day Bug Bash Nationals" Call (919) 766-1707 116 - DAVlE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tlitirsduy, June 17,1993 Mocksville Legion Baseball Eight Hitting At Least .300 Eight Mocksville Legion playcrs arc hilling iil least ,300, ltxl by Dcnnis Kuykendall's .667 and Corbin Russell's .480. Thc icani batting average is only .269, however. i Pitching-wise, Brack Beal is leading most of the statistics. He has struck out 20 batters in 20 innings and is unbeaten at 2-0. Brock Keene and R.J. Speaks arc perfect with an 0.00 ERA. Twelve different pitchers have already seen uclion and the team ERA is a very good 3.27. Thc team also has thrcc saves. LEGION STATISTICS Through 13 gnincs----- (Record: 8-S, 6 ^)___ Hitting Players AB Hits Avg. Dcnnis Kuykcndiill 3 2 .667 R.J. Speaks 12 6 .500 J.D. Cridcr 2 I .500 CorhinRusscll 25 12 .480 Marcus King 23 9 .391 Campy Walkcr 47 17 .362 Russ Parduc 21 7 .333 Brack Bcal 10 3 .300 Andre McSwain 37 11 .297 Bryan Johnson 17 5 .294 Scotl Mattthcws 7 2 .286 Bubba Colcman 15 4 .267 Brad Mccham 19 5 .263 David Voglcr 17 4 .235 Dcnvcr Walker 27 6 .222 Jason Rcutcr 5 I .200 Brian Bakcr 12 2 .167 Brad Bovendcr 36 5 .139 Stcphcn Ashworlh 18 2 .111 Home Runs Russell 4, McSwain I, King 1, Pardue 1. Triples Pardue 1, Mecham i. Doubles ■ Russell 3, C. Walker 2, D. Walker 2, Col- ;cman2, Speaks 2, Bcal I, Bovcnder I, D. ;Walker 1, King I, Pardue I, Johnson 1, ; Runs Scored ■ C. Walker 14, Russell 9, McSwain 9, Par- •due 8, Boim fcr 7. King 6, Cokman 5. Speaks ;4, Johnson 3, Mccham 3. Bcal 3, Vogler2, D. ;Walker 2. Reuter 1, Kuykendall I. RBls •" Russell 10, McSwain 10, King 8, C. Walker ' 7, Pardue 5, Speaks 4, Voglcr 4, Johnson 3, Kuykendall 2, Mechaiu 2, Walkcr 2, Coleman l,Bqvcnikr 1, Ashworth 1, Matthews I, Beal I, Hoilenack I. Walks Pardue 11. C. Walkcr 9, Spcaks 7, McSwain 7, Russell 6, Ashworth 5, King 3, Johnson 3, Coleman 3, Mecham 3, Vogler 3, Bovcnder 3, Reuter 2, Kuykendall 2, Baker2, HoMcnack 2, D. Walkcr 1, Matthews I. Stolen Bases McSwain 5, Bovcnder 4. Pardue 3. C. Walkcr 2, King I, Johnson I, Colcman I, Ashworth I. Playcrs Brock Keenc R.J. Speaks Marcus King Brack Beal Stephen Ashworth Jason Reuter Dennis Kuykcndi J.D. Crider David Voglcr Darby Correll Scott Matthews Corbin Russell Bcal 24), Kecne 14), King 14), Ashworth 14), Kuykendall 1-0. Matthew* 1-0, Crider 1-2, Reuter 0-1, Russell 0-1. Strikeouts Beal 20, Ashworth 12, Kuykendall 12, King 9, Reulcr 9. Crider 7, Voglcr 7, Keene 6, Mat­ thews 6, Corrcll I, Russell I. Saves Matthews 1, Spcaks I, Kuykendall I . Pitching IP Hits GR ERA 6«3 0 0.00 2 1 0 0.00 8 9 I 1.13 20 19 4 1.80 II 17 3 2.45 14 13 4 2.57 1 12%10 5 ' 3.55 13%13 6 3.85 6%9 3 4.05 4>/j 6 3 6.25 6'A 9 5 7.11 lV>3 2 10.80 Records c ; ( N t t i A i M O f O f l s r o H P O A A f f O N AC-DELC0. IT'S LIKE BUYING TIME. DAVIE AUT0 PARTS 704-634-2151191 Wilkesboro Street Mocksville, NC Diamonds No Match For Post 174 In Exhibitions Mocksville Beats Ohio’s All-Stars 2-0, 7-4 \-:J Mocksvillo proved Sunday that when il comes to hascball, “ Diamonds aren't li>ruvvr," An Ohio-based, traveling leam visited North Carolina on a tour of thc state, beginning in Mocksville. Pos! 174 si*nl ihe Diamond> on ihc road with two losses. In lhe first game, u 2-0 victory. MocKsvil!cgot all thc mns il need­ ed in the fir.M inning. Buhba Col­ eman doubled anU scored on Cam­ py Walker's RBI single. In thc sixth, Walkcrduublcd and scored on bmther Denver’s single. Mocksville lud eight hits, led by Campy Wulkcr. Bry;rn Johnson and Denver Walker, all with two. John David Crider went five in* nings, giving up one hit and strik* ing out three. R.J. Speaks saw his first action on thc mound, pitching thc final two. ln thc second game, 74 win, Mot'k.sville got off to a t|uick start, scoring two in thc first. Andre McSwain hid an RB1 hit and David Voglcr scored on an error. It was 2-2 in the third when Johnson’s RB1 double put Mocksville ahead, 3-2. Il then broke open the game wHh four runs in the founh. Coleman had an Kl31 double and then he scored <m a (w<>-ba>c er­ ror. Russ Pardue had an RBI hit that was followed by Johnson's RBI single which scored Marcus King. Coleman led thc way with three of Mocksvil)e's six bits. Johnson had two and McSwain onc. Darby Correll went4*/j innings, eiving un six hits and four runs. Dcnnis Kuykendall pitched l zA in­ nings of rclicf adn Jason Reuter finished up, gcliing thc Diamonds out 1*2-3 in the seventh. Notes:_________ • Mocksvillc tmproved to R-5'/ overall and 64 in the Southern" Division. • Reuter*.s save was thc team's*,' third. ; " • Darke Couniy will aKo play Kernersville, Salisbury. Wil.swf ‘ and Wilmington. '" , f, Saturday Night Gates open tor practice at 6 p.m. FIRST RACE AT 8:15 -W m s to n RactngSeries STADIUM A NAS'CAR'P&gehd ^un_forth#WholeFsmllyl NIGHTCommercialCredit 100-LAP SPORTSMAN RACE Plus Modified, Street Stock and Stadium Stock Races and a DEM OLITIO N DERBY That w lld and wacky wrecking contest! A M t ta #V « # f - I? *J»»I? > n T T C r U *«•* 6 ,1 - $’ C fitfr w W 6 FREE . n »:. D U u V n . PUr<tYOffREEP*Px.isa f- Ji SU M M IT *KOn CABLE SERVICESInformation about stadium racing: (919) 7234267 seomman s#r« THREE WAYS TO SAVE BIG! $5.60 CASH BACK ON SPARK PLUGS AND GLOW PLUGS ($.35 EACH) LIMIT SIXTEEN $250 CASH BACK 0N 0IL FILTERS (S1.25 EACH) LIMIT TWO $350 CASH BACK 0N AIR FILTERS ($1.75 EACH) LIMIT TWO r$AGUARD9iFilterAC-Delco parts and routine maintenance can help your carlasMonger. Rebate Offer Ends July 5,1993 Cash tetialo dnect lrom AC-Delco Ask youf ietBiler lot details Void where prohibited.93CA95Z7 Quality OI<hmiihiV.--l.ti'1ith<>!>uh-.nu, lnc. Suwm&i Se £6 Vmm Cadillac '91 Sedan Deville Slock#93-t3 Leather lnletior, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Climate Control, Electric Defrost, Tilt, Cruise, Aluminum Wheels, Power Sleerlng. Power Brakes, Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Seats, Power Mirrors, Anti-Lock Brakes, Driver's Side Air Bag and More.11,988 '93 Eighty*Eight Royale "SptM Editiw" Stock# 3-50 Includes Standard Features: 3800 V-6 Engine, Drtvors' S«Jo Air Bag, Titt. Cruise, AnivLockBrakos, Air Conditioning, Power Windows, Powor Locks, Power 6-Way Seats Adjuster, Powor Antenna, Powor Trunk Lld Lock Release, Powor Outside Mirrors. AKVFM Stereo Cassette. Storago Armrest Front Seal, E1octric Rear De1oggor, Aluminum 15* -Wheels AndMnta _____________ Oldsmobile Now $18,995- Drive A \ i w SUBARU IMPREZA SI 9 9 .. StoCk » 3-1315Purchase a brand new Subaru lmpreza for *199per month* with a Slandard Driver's Side Air Bag, 5 Speed Manual Transmission, Alr Conditioning, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Power Windows, Power Locks, Floor Mats & More. AtAPrlcc LlkeThl9, What Are YOU Waiting For? •V$flP ‘117!l. i*» * t t HI <n, '1.$TI Dew « 7 n \ tfB t» » Uenta Pre4>wned Care O Trucks • Factory Program Vehicles ‘flflChevrolet Cor*lca 4 Ooor, Auto, Alr, AWFM Cais,THl, Crulse,Pre, pm, PPN, Pfc, Etoc. Detroit Slk*3S4-1 *5.988' 90 Chevy Cavalfor Wagon AU,Auto,AWFM, m ,C ru lH ,P fi,P fl, Elec.Orfrost.|^ik* m. lsw»ma. iZ_iS9i'MOIdeAehelv* 2Door,Alr, Auto, AWFM ,TIU,Crul*e. Cust.Wheeli,P/S,Pfl, Slka Q3-tB_________M1.995l '92 Chevy S-10 Tahoe Truck Atr,AMflFM Casa, Power Steering, Power Brahes. lstktM-59 _______*8.995' ‘91 Chevy AatroVan 7 Pas*enger, Alr, Auto, pre,P/B,AWFM Btk» 93-50 ______*13.295 t7tiMCJIm m ySlE 4WO Auto, TIH, Crulie, AWFM C tM . 4 Speakers, PA, Pfl, prH,9tL, Alum,WhHtifl.988; 91 Geo Storm AlrCondltlonlng, AWFM Stereo, P fi,P fl lsikt93-ss *fl.995| "lOSuBaruTigaeyl iatlon Wagon • Program var 5Paia.,Alr,AWF6,TlK, Crulte, At( Power Optione ^8Q^S-__ MM81 *92 Chevy Lumioa Euro 4 Door, Alr, Auto, Tllt,CrutseAMZFMCase, Cuil. Wheele, Full Power, lstki93-60 *13.995i '90 Oodot Ram 150 Van 5 Paasengtf, Alr, Auto, ABJFM, TIH,CrulM,P/8,Pfi. lSik< 93-61 ■ *8.995l'90 SllhouetteVan,6Pait . Leather, Auto, Alr, A*VFM kass, 6 Speaker*. Till. Cruise, Alum, wheels, Full Power 1 lsih*3-7M *12.988! ^2 Chevy Astro Van 7 Pasaenger, Alr, Auto, AWFM,Titt, Ctulse, Pfl, 9iB. :stki93.60 *t4.995 '89 Cadta1llc Brougham Auto, Leather, AWFM Ca*s, 6 Speakers, Tllt, Crulse, Full Power Opllons, Wlre Wheels fiik>.i.74-t *8.988l '92 Geo Priim Alr, Auto, AMffM Cass, Pre,Pfl. Etec. Oe(rost Sik< 03.S9_________MQ.995| ‘92 Mercury Sable Alr, AutO, i AWFM Cast,Tltt, Crulee, Full Power. ' ,SM93-5J_______M2.995l‘91 Dodge Dynasty LE 4 Dr. Alr, Auto. AM/FM . Tilt, ‘ Cruise. Fult Power, Driver's Alr Bag, Alum. Wheels SlM>M-gfrl *10.588l MSl(iU\Muffi' Au(p Ptnz(i t ■ it ^yH OM 1 ) } 10 1 3 Folyur Onwu Sl..t.isvillti N C 704 878-9593 -<i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Junc 17,1993 -117 Mocksville Legion Baseball Vogler Pitches, Hits Mocksville To 12-4 Victory By Ronnlc Gnllugher Davie County Enterpriso-Rocord There wcre iwo inain reasons forMocksvillc*s 124 victory over first place Kannapolis Monday night. First, aftcr state high school riayoff games and beach trips. Post 174 finally has its team intavt. Se­ cond, Kannapolis’ ace pitcher Andy Smith signed with thc Oakland A's. Coach Dale ljames was expecting lo sce Smilh but instead watched his hitters booib three other pitchers tbr’ lOhits. . . TheJvinUroppcd_Kimnapolis intoa tie m the loss_ column with Mocksvillc. Kannapolis is 84 while Mocksville is 74. Concord, an 8-1 winner over Wilkes County Monday night, renuins in first at 9-3. Going into last night’s game, eight of the 10 Southern Division teams were within three games of thc top. ljames said it was the toughest he’s seen the league in his five years here. “ I've never seen a league with eight teams this close." he said. “ That's unk*ard of. It’s great for the fans and great for thc players. But it's horrih1e for the teams in the playoffs. You’re not going to have a breather. Every round will be nip and tuck. Thal’s going to wear out a pitching stattV' Vogler All Thc Wny There was nothing wrong with Mocksvillc*s pit­ ching Monday night. Forbush’s David Vogler went .the distance, giving up ninc hits, four runs and strik-- ing out six. He got plenty of hclp offensively. Aftcr R.J. Speaks drove hone Coleman with a run in the third. Post 174 added four in the fourth. Vogler helped his own cause with an RBI single. Brad Bovcndcr lud u sacrifice fiy. Brad Mccham scored on an error and Russ Pardue drove in a run. A sacrifice fiy by Campy Walker in the fifth put Mocksvillc up 6*1. KnnnapoNs closed to 6-2 in the top of the sixth but Mocksvillc added four in the bottom of thc inning, led by Marcus King's two-run single. “ Marcus has a good swing,” said ljames. “ It's compact. The morepitching and more at-hits he sees, the better he'll get as the summer progresses.'* Mccham got an RBI whcn he walked with thc bases _ loaded. Voglergot another RBI on a fielder's choice and Bovender scored on a wild pitch for an 114 Jcad, One nioro run crossed in the eighth when Walker scored an unearned run. ljames’ 1-2 hitters. Coleman and Pardue had good games. Coleman scored three runs and Pardue had ; three hits. But Vogler was the main man. He is onc ofsevcral capable .startcrs ljames can cboosc from. In fact, he was already comparing it to the state finalist tcam of 1989. •‘In 1989, we had horscs but not many ot' them," he explained. “ This ycar. we’ve got a lot — not necessarily horscs but good, solid depth and that's what it’s going lo take. We want livc arms and we want them fresh." Niitcs: • Mocksvillc is 9-5 overall and 74 in the Southern Division. ............ • Mocksville w-aikcd 11 times Monday night. • Vogler’s complete game was the team's second of thc year. Giants Draft Post 174's Russell In 46th Round j Even a suspect kneeUidn't keep ^ocksvillc*s catcher Corbin Hu$s*el! frombeing taken in the re- cfcnt major league baseball draft. [The San I*rtuieisco C^iaftts drafted Rus$cll in the 4Mh*round. :**!t*s a d[ra fl-an d- l9 ll0w ," said 4 ;gion coach Dale ljames. "7They'd like fiir him 10 go to junior col- Russell legeToraycar a6d then sign, especially now with tlie knee. !Russcll's knee tnjur>* has been ope bf speculation and confusion. After hurting it on a water ride at Emerald Point in Greensboro, it wa$ thought he had tom cartilage am! needed arthroscopic surgery. Bu( ftusscH has not been operated onVndsayshcfectsfine. .**The Giants — and us — want a second opinion." said ljamcs. “ He's had no trouble anywhere. He's played the last couple of days, ju!t not at c3chcr. Doctors haven’t okayed that yet.’’ Russell saw action Monday night, in fact, against Kannapolis. He had a tut and scored two runs. J*Il may be a situation where where he can play on it all sum­ mer and have it operated on in the fah," said ljanics. “ Ifhe has ar- hroscopic surgery, it may be 10 lays. Or they may not find inything." Russcll has not signed with a col* .*je, although he has made a cou* !c of visits. .“ He’s seeing what direction he ceds to go and the knee has i[own him off a littte on that,’’ ames said. "He's a kid the Giants vant control of. They think he is otng to fuve a great summer, /fiich hc was having before the nee injury. They think he needs ome stiffcr competition.’’ .ovelace: New Assistant With ljames' assistant coach •redtiie Transou working, he had o*g5t a replacement. Hd thinks he has found a good m'e Hn former lefthander Mike Lovdlacc, a rising junior at UNC- 2ha(lotte. Lovelace won thc Jeciding game in lhe Me1r0 Con­ ference tournament that propelled the 49ers into the NCAA To.urnament. 5‘He’s staying home this sum­mer." ljames said. "Hc's throw- ing baiting practice for us arid" wdrking with the lefthanded pit­ chers. It’s good to have him artiund. !rJust having the knowledge of being in theprogram and knowing what we w-ant is important. He’s been to the big-time (in (hc 1969 statc:.finals) but those guys fell just a litiie shon. Maybc he can give this*team the incentive by telling lhcm what they have to do to get there.’’ Darby On Mound Whcn Darby Correll took the mound Sunday night against the Darke County Diamonds, it was a newexperience. With Brock Kecne and Marcus King dominating the rotation for Davie High, Correll had- little chance to pitch. i*.rte hadn’t nitched in over three weeKs," said ljames. "We had to gct^ta^m d'tim e out there and Sunday was ’a good time to do thttl.r Correll wenl4'/> innings, giving upfftur runs. !*9 e did a good job," ljames Legion Notes said. "He was a little msty on his mechanics but he look it as a work night. He gu the number of pitches in that we were looking for. Every inning, you could sec improve- PitchlnK Depth ljames was glad to sec Corrcll's rapid improvement. CX*pth in the pitching staff is a key in the Southern Division, he said. “ Some teams have already us­ ed thc same pitchers a lot to stay on top. I don’i know how ihcy'il be at playoff time (the first week of July). Either they’ll have fresh arms Iatcr on or have only a few arms and try to get them in a pit­ ching routine of a four or five man staff. 1 don’t know if you can sur­ vive with a four or five man staff. The B0tt0111 There are eight teams fighting for the top spot in the Southern Division but there are also two firmly at thc bottom. Chip Smith’s Stanly County team is 1-7 and Statesville, coach­ ed by Don Strauss, is l-l0. But don't take thcm lightly, says ljames. “ Stanly is as good as anyone. They made nocrrors against us but ihey've been making a lot against everybody dse. Thatjutf shows we bring out the best in the teams. “ But Chip is young and they’re going to get better with every game. Anu we don't play them again until later." Strauss told ljames Qiat his club could have easily been 6-1 at one point with a play here or there. “ There’s no easy night in this league," ljames said. Keeue’s Curves Davie’s rising senior Brock Keene impressed Ijame> in his first outing. Hc helped Mocksville to a w1n**by pitcfiTng 6io "inhtngs oT~ relief lust week. But ljamcs wasn’t too fond of Keene’s lollipop curve balls. "ln high school, you can get a —lotofpcopleouKvitlt-itT^he^aidr— “ But ncrc, there arc no weak hit­ ters in the lineup. These guys are going tojump on that kind of stuff. Brock is working on a decent curvcball. The tollipop is just a changeup and it's loo high." ljamcs is cxpccting Keene, onc of several lcfties on the team, to be a_bighelp, _______________ “ He's going lo be a good one for us. Hc has a good, loose arm. We’d like to gcl him into the star­ ting rotation but he’s an awful good relief man for us." Bubba’s Back Think ljames is happy to have shortstop Bubba Coleman back from the state playoffsand beach? The answer is a resounding yes. "He’s a tremendous glove, the only legitimate glove we have," ljamcs said, "lie's polished — he anchors il all." Campy Walker has tmvcd 10 se­ cond with Bryan Johnson and R.J. Speaks working at third. "We haw Bubba, Campy, R.J. and B.J. and they’re all intcr- changcablc." Denver Walker and Marcus King are first basemen. "Denver’s a lot better defensive­ ly than wethought," said ljames. "We knew he could hit. And Mar­ cus is a good one." "So our infield is set. The more they gct used to each other, by Ju­ ly 4, wc'll bc pretty good defen­ sively." Leaion Dlavers (from left) McSwain, Bovender. Crider. Kuykendall, Vogler and Speaks listen to a very serious Dale ljames. y H 7 ' — Photos by Lee Furches ; , : ^ E S ^ & : After trying to break up a Wilkes County double play, Brad Bovender, atong with the second baseman, look at the results. Mocksville HasBusy Schedule As if it'.s any surprise. M<vksville's Legion ha>a heavy schedule this week. Lexington comes in fi* a makeup game Thursday while Saturday’s ” wushoui'YvitfrRo\vaii C0imt5nvill txrmadc up June 29. - p..)>l 174 giws to Concird Wednesday and is home Thursday aguinst Lexington. Friday against Stanly County and Saturday against Mooresville. On Sunday, it travels to Lexingtonand ihen Lexington comes back lo Rich Park Monday. Owningan American ctassic is simple. 4r Carolina Karatc Association Presents: Carucado Style KARATE in Mocksville, NC • Uarn the art of self defense • Build up your self confidence • Exercise regularly and at your pace CUSS OPEN TO NEW STUDENTS ON: June 21"and 28" LOCATION: Mocksville Elementary Gym, Cemetery St. TIME: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. • Mondays COST: $15” per Month (dlicounli for family enrollment) Classes have been conducted in Davie County since 1972. Experienced instructors teach at all levels: beginner to advanced . Affordable • Hffi Contracts to S!<n For more Information contact; Randy Songer • 998-9462 Tony Hartle • 634-9630 ^ ^ ^ T w m w M T W fflM o u R s m u m M x c m u w m m ^ l The Regent Classic lawn tractor puts such time4wnored American virtues as performance, durability and quality construction into a lawn tractor with the one thing all Americans look lon value. Stop in and sec one today. Plus, see the optional Mulching/Leal Shredding attachment that eliminates raking and bagging while nourishing your lawn. The Regent Classic. 0nly S1699... and only at your Simplicity dealer,Outdoor Powur Equipmont WestemAuto TheAutoSupplyCompany 766-9109 ^ 2 ^ e w ^ v jj^ C je m jm g n ^ o a d ^ L e w M |^ ^ ^ " B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORI), Thursdny,Junc 17,1993 Davie County Tennis i 1 Keith Kiger Gets 1st Win At Farmington Mocksville Ms.Flts The Mocksville Ms.fils has quaMied lor lhe district tournament In Pinehurst. Team members are(lrom left): Betty Marklin, Mary Lib Slate, Robin Fergusson, Kathy Junker, Amy Fergusson, Gigi Marion, Pal Bullock, Nancy GriHith, Marcel Naylor, Patsy Cren­ shaw and Vicki Fleming.— Photo by Mlke Barnhardl iiv m i' m TheVlFL's aN-time leading receiver Steve Largent (second lrom left) took a break from The Crosby Celebrity Gotf Tournament to talk tennis wifh Bermuda Bun pro Bill Appett (lett) and Mocksville*s Scott and Hank Van Hoy.— Photo by Robln Fergusson Ms.Fits Going To Pinehurst Team Wins League Thc Mocksville Ms. Fustcnnis team finished in first place in the Volvo League (3.5 ranking) in Wmston-Sa* lcm anU is competing al the district tournament June 24.27 tn Pinehuret. Thc winners from Pinehurst will advance to toe sectional toumament in Mobile, Ala. The Ms. Fiu were undefeated in nine matches this spring. Coached by Gigi Marion of Mocks- ville,teammemberscomefromMocks- ville and Winnon-Salem, and include: Marion, Robin Fergusson. Amy Fer­ gusson, Vicki Fleming, Patsy Cren­ shaw, PatBullock. Bctty MaiUin, Kathy Junker. Marcle Nayior, Mary Lib Slate, Nancy Griffith and Peggy Andrews. Mocksvillc'x Keith Kigcr pick- cd up his first win of the season rci'cnily ai Farminglon Drayway. Kiger defeated Sct*l Talley <if Vadkinviile in the finals y<iing dead on his dial-in with an 8.18 and a spccf of 82 miles per hour. Along with bis three previous runner-un appearances. Kiger’s win put nim irt first place in thc sportsman points standings at Far­ mington Dragway. Turner 2nd Advance’s Stan Tumcr teamed with Mike Meadows of Clemmons placed sec<md in ihc rccem Triad Team Bass Tournament at Buggs Island. The winners were Grey Gordon and Kent Brown of Winston-Salem. Local Soccer Camp Any girl in grades 9-12 in­ terested in attending thc Catawba Soccer Team Camp lhis summer should contact soccer coach Pete Gustafson ai North Davie Junior High (998-5555) or at his home (998-3562>. Volleyball Tryouts Davie County volle>ball coach Sherrie Myers has already an­ nounced the beginning of practice in the fall. Tryouts will bc held Aug. 2-5 in the high school gymnasium fr0n1 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Summer BB Camp The Mocksvillc/Davie Parks and Recreation Department w ill hold a sumnmer basketball camp for boys and girls tn grades 3-6Juh 19-23 at the Brock Gym. Girls will meet from lOa.m. un­ til 12 p.m. under the direction of Mary Ann Rankin. Boys will meet from 4-6 p.m. under Darrell Steele. There is a S25 fee. which in- Area Sports eludes a t-shirt. Registration ends June 25. No one can register after tha! dale. Registration forms can bc pick­ ed up a( thc Brock Gym. Forfrwre information, call Joe Boyetll*at 634-2325 (day) or 634-3877 (night). Cancer Golf The 1993 American Cancer Soeicty Golf Championship wi)i bc held June 19 at Hickory Hill Coun­ try C!ub in Mocksvilk. A scramble format will be used in three men and three women divi­ sions with .shot gun starts at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Thc entry fec is S160 per fdur- man team, hcluded are green fees, lunch and refreshments. *. Thcrc will be a holc-iri-onc contest. > • Thc tournament bcnefitsiifie Davie County chapter of' thc American Cancer Scviety. For more information, call Hickory Hill pro Steve Forrest al 998-8746. Volleyball Camp Anyone wishing to attend thc Catawba Team Volleyball Camp should get in touch with Da\ ie High volleyball ciuch Sherrie Mycrs or 0i1e of the junior high coaches for mure information. A minimum deposit for 5100 is needed. The team will tiay on cam­ pus in the dorm rooms for a week. Davie is lhe Gold Division defending champion. Myers can be reached at Davit High (634-5905). South Davie coach Bccky Miller can be reach­ ed at 634-5941. North Duvie coach Rovcrda Jams can be reached at 998-5555. Physicals Anyone wishing to play football or any other fall sport at Davie High School should plan to have physicals al the school Thursday. Jufy 29 at 5 p.m. QUAUTYPARTS A u to P a r ts M ATA GREAT PRICE Wiper Refills Each n ir Import Starters Or Alternators **y 4, i B J i M You Can't Buy BeHer Engine Protection [PEOPLF. WHO KNOW USE VUVOUNE k ^ > : FREE Vatvoline Country Club Cissatta or C0 W/Case Purchase 01 Vafooline Motor Oil. Ako Chanc*ToWm The Ufoimata CountrvClub Road Trip *m fco<i For Oec*h| Add... more life to yourcar Eich Excti m3 M h TO WIN TheParolator- Radical Ranger Or 14 Other Ford Ranger Pickups {SM 8tore For OeU»«l & * o tir *SOtiNDSOLUTMN Mufflers Or Tailpipes 16”Havoline 30W T, !0W30 Or !0W40 Motor Oif 97 20 Puroiator AirFUte 88 Va/vo/ine 30WT, !OW 300r /0W40 Motor Oi! Each/Res. To 24.99 S.i/e Price .~~.~~~.~.. MiIt'!n Rebatevalve Cover SLiSSS Gaskets As ^ 9 9 EachQuan UMlT / Cue Price Thereafter Each Fiker/Reg. To 5.99 UMfT2 Reg. Price Thereafter jjE a c h Qt After # # m Maif-/n RebateYourNet Cost$ J Q f f ALL PTHERPUROLATOR UM!T/ Case/Reg. Price ThereafterAtR FILTERS Sport VetourOr Elite Velour Seat Covers 99 Each 40-Ptece SocketSetB S t m iA ti4 tich2-Ton RollerJacks Remanufactured Water Pumos As Low As mr rumps 1 3 * 8 U ^ K ^ r Each Exch. p y . M i grac> r m iiM * q s s ^ _ ____ Each Manufacturer May Vary lndudes Metric And SAE $odt*B Deep Crystsu LiauU Wax J w 410 To 500 CCA r.t>+i tte&’l to 3 iS te a 'HARADA Antennas 99 60-Month Battery SeatCushion 99 Each/Mfa6Mifi GetWash EachEachExch. Prtew OoBd Thni fcfc, June 1>tti. 1f 3 *W tW lw T>w W gh<TaU m *O u*H *i- CLEMMONS 2521 Lewlsville-Clemmons Road Mon,*Sat. 6 a.m.<9 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-6 p. 766-8201 MOCKSVILLE 1117 Yadkinvllle Road Mon.-Sat. 8 o.m.*9 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m.-6 p.m 634-2800 PDQ SPECIAL ORDER M ERCHANDISE N O T SUBJECT TO SALE PRICES DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday,Junc 17,1993 - B9 ! to>; wuxr R E m x .y jH 0 . m THE TCVTHtt MC*£ CCMPUCMED WE. T 9 K S A 6 t * ^ X \ ftE H tt 9TC ZW G^7 ^ V TOOM suEEzmsMlHD ? A BUHOl OF SUSPENDED WATES AU0 lCE PACTlC^S .vM1: WHAT CO iOJ EVEMBO01 HATES UTWftlsrTWNK TuAT CLDUO UXKSUK£? Crown V z Drug$ Sale Items Qood Thru June 16,17,18, & 19,1993 Only. MCM. CAN1 HAVE mb O fc KE<S? ViHEN C SPlT. I SET PRETT< GOOD SMJNA QDHESVOM, BUT , I * 5T1LL NOT G5UmG tAUCM Qk5TAHCE OR A3CVRAC<. *& - I w w < WE Pto8Ltt4 U E S lN TUE M U OF PHL5GM. lF NOJ OCNT GET WAT C*mCAl HUCUS MASS, » J JUST... \ ( ^ ^ CAN lou BtUENE TVE EUC1CU>PEDlA DOESNT UAVE AH EHTR1 FOR JUQTVtigEV^- > - v ' t | _________^___________ ^M G 3Ks7^) J S K * . $ H p > WtoDX V « s TO X HEAR. A80UT A / — . H05ff<. ^ _ V ! ^ ^ | f'-1 *>1 KHW YWAT I UKE TO to**UEH SMAEONE'S - , ^ ! ,> U W 6 TO ME? V T ^ t*5TAREATTUEr^7 $W O H S CHIN, t y ^ I U H00 m RE5ttND TO VWATOER K£S SAHlNG. &JT I KEEP LOOKlN6 AT H\S CHM W 0 CHAM3lH6 VW EXfRESSIOH I U X * Cut7HCAL AT R5ST. TVEN VAGUEU< SEP*ASED, AND UTEft, CtilCTU AMvSED. TCCU t i i s ir t* w w ic r u XU 6ET BWUS toKtSENtRH BME WE 9Efc50U LOSES U\S TfcAlH OF NOUGHT. lU BET W RMW8#L CHMM HAS MADE m A GQODsromXEi lX22222XXXX22222222222222222222222222XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 86 BMW 7351 Ughtton,realsharp $10,500 89 Bronco Full-size, extra sharp. 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Sprays $039 Gyne-Lotrimin »Combo • Disposables • Cream • Inserts Gyne- Your .U2Z_'_ Choice$14" Gyne-Moistrin’ VoQinol Monturuing Qtl 'k^Gyne- ~— > j | ^ ^ Mostrin' 1.5oz. *5 " CorrectoI, Correclol.iF f 30's ^ Cap!e!s,Tablets, or Exlra Gentle $3«. Preferred Stock pologne Spray 2.5 oz. Sg99S21 Value 6 ^C & ^»Aftershavee • 4 1/4 02. Or Hydrogel Post Shave Conditioner $099 JL P%.V'"ksNSa<6s ?'I i Aspen Aftershave 4oz. $ 1 2 99 Men’s White Musk 3 oz. Spray *10" All ,>Lorus Watches 25% Off Mfr. Sugg. Retail All Suncare Products (Lipbalm Not Included) »2 Off Tinactin 4 oz. Aerosol or 1/2 oz. Cream sU 1 $ * 4 9 Ginsana 30's «10* Sensitive Eyes Sensitive Eyes Plus I ^Befm udaaua^hoppm ^S5nSdvSceJN?"Westwooti Village Shopping Center, Clemmone, NC 6798 Shallowford Rd., The Oaks - Lewlsvllle, NC ^ r_ W *J jH rv < Th« Rlflhl To Umlt Q u *n W jM - , U10 • DAVlE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, ThuTOh^Juncj7;j993_ Davie County’s Sommer Fun Land lots Of Funl lots To Po8 The Fun Starts Here! 2 Olympic Size Swimming Pools Free Hot Showers Flush Toilets Plcnlc Tables Laundromat General Store Playground Equipment Fishing Water-Boggan- ShuMleboard Pets on Leash Electrical Hookups Sewage Hookups Two Olympic Size Swimming Pools Dumping Station L P Gas Recreation Hall Paddleboats Hiking Firewood Saturday Night Live Entertainment Level Pull lhiu Sites R<impaye 425 Sites H Cabins \ 2 Villas Skalmq Rink BumperboatsWater*Boggan PaddleboatsMiniature Golf Rampage -.y *- ,^, ^,... > W ';.-v **J ^ ^ £ ^tj< y jS f^ ‘^ i • — T ^ ^ c .v - ^ - '.'- .-.-:^ :^ ..^ y ^ 5 ? /'f'v " ^ S *•V.-.-7 8 W t^^ v ^ * ^ ; jv ^ , _ _ 5^FBFC3 •" ..^•1«Mwww«T<#*IV,.‘ ‘ L‘ <.-; '■',"; 'w«A£> L ^ -to ^ V ^ ^ 7' ,.*'^-v.^'-- -.Wv>-.-'.:,3^irrTV'.. •'>¥• ;t'i >••- ■,"•)..•* ••, t — r.- __2>/^i1' **i4ti*^ S* v *!- ^ •-. w ~ ~ ^ K ^ * ' ,!‘"': *,,;..;'■;■<-•»-*‘^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ » ^ S 3 « i ^ ^ :^ V *« te fc » .;,_, iit-W ''1' * ' *5" -,,•; ,-i'-:~.;*^t ftd t^ ^ ^ -ffiiS ffi^ jM ^ .y & .'^ a M M ^ ^T O * rt'**Tffii5*>jt%2MB • -<v1 ^ f ^&iiV-j *rs**etta*ahe ''*SSEAti4* » * j j j :& SM ag^El E # S . ^ T ^ ^ ^ 2 F 1-*..V ;^ '-,> > ^ w ^ .. 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This is the 10th year for the pageant spon­ sored by the Lc Jour des Femmes Club. Admission is S5 in advance. S6 at the door. The contestants will be judged on per­ sonal interview with judges, poise, lalent. sportswear and cvcningwcar. The purpose of the pageant is to offer young women an incentive to promote their talents and enhance their selfostecm. The winner will receive gifts, including a cash award or scholarship from ihe Doretha Latten Wilson Scholarship fund. Master of ceremonies will be Bill Tabor of Salisbury . Sonya Denise Allen. 18. the daughter of Smitty and Shitley Allen, is a 1993 graduate of Davie High School. She attends Mt. Sinai A.M.E. Zion Church, where she is presidentof the Youth Christian Education ~ Winston-Salem district and a member of the Mt. Zion Spiritual Choir. She has eamed a citizenship awardand an award in track. She plans to attend Fors>th Technical Community College to >tudy nursing and Aurora's Beauty School in Winston-Salem part-time. She said shc is a child of God. and tries to do His will all the time. Her motto: "Al* ays strive to do yourbest and put God in front." Alien says: "Godwill grant me the serenity to accept the things 1 cannot change, but he will give me courage to change the things I can. and God w ill give me all thewisdom to know the difference.* Willetle Rufina Francella Kimbrough. 19. is the daughter of Reginald and Inita Gaither of Mocksvillc, and William and Sandy Kimbrough of Statesville. She is a 1992 graduate of Statesville Se­ nior High School. In high school, she was a member of the FHA. School Beautification Club. Spanish Club and the band. She was also a sponsor for (he 1992 hvntecoming court. She attends Livingstone College. Salisbury, studying elementary education. She is a member of Mount Vernon Pres- bytcrianChurch,Woodleaf.andShifohAME Church. Statesville. Kimbrough believesthat w ithher parents’ blessings.shewillachicve.Hcrmotto:"Love in front. Faith behind. God beside, nothing can come before me." Shanetta Natasha Nichols, 17. is the daughter of Clifford and Connie Nichols of Mocksville. A rising senior at Davie High School, she was nominated to travel abroad to Germany for 10 weeks as an exhange student to study graphic arts and business. She is a member of New Bethel Baptist Church. Mocksville. where she participates on the choir and Usher Board. After graduating. NichoK plans to attend Salisbury Business College and N.C. A<fcT University to stud> business and accounting. She enjoys playing basketball, dancing. going io ihe nuJJ and being with friends and Tina Deshawn Rivers. 16. the daughter of Patricia and Harold Rivers, is a rising junior at R.J. Rey nolds High School. Win- ston-Salem. She is a member of Mt. Zion Holiness Church. Mocksvillc. Rivers is a sports participant and fan. At Reynolds, she wasa memberof theJROTC and was aw arded the Merit and the Military Order of World Wars awards. Her hobbies are singing, reading ♦ espe­ cially fiction, camping and sightseeing. She likes observing interesting building struc- After graduating, she plans to attend the Unitersity of Florida to study architecture. Krysta Yvonne Scott, 17. the daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Clvde E. Scott, is a 1993 graduate of Davie High School, where she wasamcmberoftheForeignLanguaeeGub, HO$A. African-American Society. DHS MarchingandConccrt Bands.StudentCoun- cil and its executiv e committee and DHS flag squad. She is a member of Davie Youth Council, the Youth NAACP and Youth Ad* visor> committee. Her honors and awards: "Who's Who Among American High School Students." Presidential Academic Fitness Award. DARE rote model; Captain. DHS flag squad and presidentofthcYouih AdvisoryCommittee. She is a member of Mainville A.M.E. Zion Church. Mocksville. where she sings in the adult choir and is president of the young adult missionary society. Scott w ill enter the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to pursue a degree in speech pathology and audiology. After ob­ taining herteaching cenificateand attending graduate school, she would like to live and work in Davie County. Hermotto: "If you remember to keep Cod in all you do. all of your dreams w ill come SeniorTrotters TalkAboutFlags, Fathers Gray-Cornatzer Engagement Announced LisaJaneGrayand RobertNeal Comatzerannouncetheirengagementand approaching marriage. An outdoor ceremony will be held Aug. 15 at 5 p.m. at Brookstown Inn. 200 Brookstow n Ave., Winston-Salem. A reception will follow at Darryl's 1880 Restaurant. . -. The bride*Iect is the daughter of Edward Gray and Fairy Gray. She is a 1991 graduate of Central Davidson High School and attended Davidson County Community College. She is employed by Darryl's. , ■ Her fiance is the son of Robert and Debbie Comatzcr of Advance. He is a 1991 graduate of Davie High School and attended Davidson County Commu­ nity College. He is employed by Thomson Crown Wood. The Senior Trotters met for their Flag and Mine.' rcgularmeetingJunc 10at the Center Community Building with 21 mem­ bers present. ClarenccForresilcdinsinging"My Countrv Tis of Thee" and also the PIedgeofAlVegtance to the Mag. 1 fie theme of the program w as Rag Day and Father’s Day. Lib Massey read a poem. *Your Nannie Wilson read a story about her father and the many things he did on the farm as a "jack of all trades". She told about the good times the familv had. making ice cream in the "tum thecronFireezer" and gorngi trips to the mountains and visiting relatives. Her story took many back to the same things they did growing up. Even though fathers and mothers worked hard they always seemed to have timefortheirchildren. As Nannie said. "It was happy times." Novella Safley read the poem "We're very good friends. My Father session in the absence of the president and vice president. It was announced that Ruth Helderman has had heart surgery recently and is in Forsyth Hospital. A motion was approved to lake a love offering to her. Stephanie Chaffin (granddaughter of Helen Chaffin) pledged allegiance to the American Flag in Spanish. Follow ing the song That Grayed Hair Daddy of Mine" MiUard AmJer- son had the blessing and the group went to Cs Restaurant for lunch. Turbyfill-Beauchamp Couple Married Betsy Jean TurbyfiU of Route 2. Walnut Cove and Kenneth Wayne BeauchampofRoute2.Advancewere united in marriage Saturdav.June 12. at 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Walnut Cove. The Rev. Bill Fryar officiatcdatticdoubIe-ringceremony. A program of w edding music was presented by Gary Lovett, organist; and vocalist. Miss Ruth Caner. The bride, given in marriage byher faiher,RichardTurbyfill.woreabridal gown of satin and lace designed with a princess neckline, fitted bodice and full-length skirt with a cathedral train appliqued with sequins and pearls. The bride's sister. Melissa TurbyfiU, was maid ofhonor. Brides­ maids were: Lisa Beauchamp, bridegroom's sister of Advance; and Tina Clodfelter of King. Michael Jones of Mocksville was best man. Ushers were: John Brandon of Advance and Shannon Forrest of Mocksville. Child attendants were Laura Craig of Walnut Cove., flower girl; and DylanMcCannofAliquippa,Pa.,ring bearer. The bride is ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RichardTurbyfill ofWalnut Cove.SheisagraduateofSouthStokcs High School and Forsyth Technical College. She is employed as a trust accounting processor w ith Wachovia Bank &. Trust Company, Winston- The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beauchamp of Route 2. Advance. He is a graduate of Davie High School and is employed as a Dye Control Technician with Sara Lee Knit Products, Winston-Salem. He also owns Carolina Small Engine Co.. Advance. The couplc will live in Advance fol!owng a wedding trip to Myrtle Beach. S.C. Reception The bride's parents hosted a recep­ tion at the church fellowship building immediately following the wedding ceremony. Olher than the four-tiered wedding cake decorated with peach roses, re­ freshments included: party ham rolls, mixed vegetable tray, fruit tray, gela­ tin mold, peanuts, mints, and punch. Rehearsal Dinner Friday evening, the bridegroom's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at Geralds'Kitchen Restaurant. Guests • were served the mcnu oftheirchoice. Mrs. Kenneth Wayne Beauchamp ... was Betsy Jean Turbyfill I C2 - l)AV!E COUNTY ENTKRl’RISK RECORI), Tliiirsiliiy, Jtmc I7JWW June 12 Ceremony Unites Couple At Cooleemee Home April DawnDaywaitofCoofeeniee aridMichaclCharlcsCnrterofMocks- villc vvcre ntarrivd Saturday, June 12, a{ the Coolecmcc honte of ihc bride's p.ircnts. The Rcv. D.C. Sullivan offi­ ciated at the 2 p.m, outdoorccrcmony. Soloist was Karyn Judd of Grecensboro. Tammy Shore of Woodlcaf was maid of honor. Junior bridesmaids were the bride's sister, Jessica Daywalt, and Emi)y Osbome, both of Cooleemee. BobWjlsonofWin.ston-Salcmwas best man. Ushers were: the bride's brother. Skcctcr Daywalt of Wamcr Robins. Ga.; nnd Chris Wyatt of Ad* Chelsa Corrcll of Mocksville was flower girl. Donna Jones of Mocksville kept the guest register. Jason Conel) of MocksviMe gavc out wedding programs. Rebecca Osborne of Cooleemee directed the wedding. Thebride is the daughterofTommy and Hellen Daywalt of Cooleemee. She isa 1993 graduate ofDavie High School. Tlie bridegroom isthe son ofMury Carter of Mocksville imd the lale Charles Homer Carter. He was edti* catcd at Fork Union Mililary Acad­ emy and is a student ut Forsyth Tech­ nical College and an employee nt Eaton Funcrnf f/oitie. After a wedding trip to the beach, the couple will live in Coolcemce. Socfnt Events •A rvccplion was hcld at the bride's parents' home after the wedding. Gucstswcreservedafive-tierwed- ding cake made by thc bride's mother, cheese straws, sausage balls, mints, nuts, punch, fmit tray, vegetable tray and dip. CdiaGibsonandChristitieCorrell assisted with the serving. ♦Arehearsalcookoul wasgivenby ihebritlegroom'smoiheronJune 11 at lhe bride's parents' home with ham­ burgers and hot dogs and all the trim- • A miscellaneous shower was given Saturday, May V, by Celia Gibsonat the bride's parents'fiome in Cooleemee. Club Learns About Y Youth Programs At the June meeting of the Ameri­ can Association of Retired Persons, a check was presented to T.K. Edens who represented the "Partners With Youth" scholarship program at the Davie Family YMCA. Fdens said the program reaches 675 children. No child is turned away because of inability to pay. He also talkedaboutihcscniorprogramsavail- able at the Y. President Louisc Stroud presided at the business meeting, and it was announced that $258 was realized from thc recent garage sale thc club hcld at the scniorcentcr. Ruth Helderman, Senior Center Director, has had heart surgery re­ cently. AARP membcrsvotcd to scnd heragct-wcl|gift. Theclub'snextmcetingwilbcJuly 14, which will be thc annual picnic to be hcld at 5 p.m. in Rich Park at Shelter No. 2. Yadkin Valley News Mrs. Michael Charles Carter ... was April Dawn Daywalt By Mrs. Ruby McBriUv Yadkln Valley Correspondent Our new Sunday School rooms are coming along good. Pray that we can soonbeinthem. Pray for all the sick in the hospi­ tals, homes and nursing homes. Ruby McBride visited Virginia Walker and Katherine Byrd last Sun­ day. Mrs. Byrd is in bed al all times. Katherine needs your prayers for sircng!h lodo her work to carc for her. Mr. and Mrs. John Roy Smith vis- itcdToots ahd Hazel Riddle this week. They boih are doing better. John Roy is much better and Gwynn is also. Letty Bellar, Jared and Tommy visiied Ruby McBride this past week and Letty ar,d Tommy left Saturday to go back to their home in Malakoff, Texas. Jared stayed for a month with Ruby. The King Reunion willbeJune 27, thc fourth Sunday, at the homcof Ruby McBride on 801. Everyone is invited to bring picnic lunch ar.d en­ joy lhe fellowship. The Rev. Ronnie Craddock, Larry Bo!vs and Barbara Smith visited Ruby McBride on Thursday evening. N e w A r r iv a ls A ^ v a n c e N e w s BRAKE Tom,ColleenandCathcrineBrakc ofSanford Avenue announce the birth of a daughter and sister, Caitlyn Alexandra, on May 24 at Davis Hos­ pital at 2:09 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds. 6 ounces and was 20-3/4 inches long. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Scager of Mocksville. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred StewartofElizabethTown and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brake of New Bcm. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Emma Seager of Savona, N.Y. Patcmalgreat-grandparenUareMr, and Mrs.Wayne ManzofMocksvillc and Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Brake of Rocky Mount. CAMPtiELL Terry, Leigh Ann and Allison Campbell announce the binh of a daughierand sister, Megan Paige, on June 5 at lredell Memorial Hospital. Megan weighed 9 lbs. 5 ozs. and was 20-I£ inches long. Maternal grandparents are Burlie and Alice Stevenson of Mocksville. Patcmal grandparents are Jerry and Frances Campbell of Harmony. ROBERTSON Keith and Sherry Robenson of Route 3, Mocksville. announce the binh of a daughter and stsicr. Jennifer Marie, on June 7 at Forsyth Memorial HospifaI. She weighed 6 lbs. 1 oz. Sherry Robertson is the fonner Sherry Fuller ofWinston-Salem. Maternal grandparents are Shirley Fuller of Latham. Ohio, and Dale Fuller of Maxwelton, W.Va. Patemal grandparcntsarePauland Marie Robertson ofRoute2.Advance. Couple Hosts IJv K<)i!li V.wumnmn Advance Correspondent SVe welcome the Rev. and Mrs. Harry Sherrill back to the Advance- Mt*'ksChargcf<>r;in<>iheryear.Whi)e our pastor was away at Conference overihettcckend,Hun>ldZimmemian preached at the Metlu>dist Church Sunday morning. Among the visitors atchurchSundaywereBobandCarul Zimmerman and Mike Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sides and son David spent last Wednesday at Knox- vil(e. Tcnn. David treated his parents to this trip whivh they enjo>ed very much. During their visit to the Zno in Knoxville.Horence(Mrs.Sides)rikle a camel, which was exciting! Mr. and Mrs. Dave Markland of Hounc spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Markland. They also visjtvd Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Euld Myers spent last Thursday inJohnson City. Tenn., vis­ iting Gene and Jackic Markland and Gene's mother, Mrs. Minnie Markland. They also visited Clyde andHclenBacon.GcneMarklandtixik the Myers' on a tour of Johnson City, Watauga Dam and F.lizabcthton. MissesMade1ynandJessicaMyers ofLake Placid. F1a..arrived Friday to spend the weekend with their grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kdd Myers. Sunday aftervhurvh Marcia Goshorn and son F.ddie. Cathy Barney. Madel>n and Jessica Myers, Anna Lce and Edd Myers enjoyed having lunch at Quincy's. Sunday afternoon Party Couple Plans Nov. 14 Wedding Clinton and Frances Ellis cel­ ebrated Memorial Day weekend with a party at their home on N.C. 801, Advance. Forty-two guests attended. Guests were served a variety of food and a bluegrass band from Union Grove provided thc musical entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Leloudis of Clemmons announce the engagement of their daughter. F.ffie Leloudis to Greg Kalevas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kalevas of WinstoivSalem. The bride-elect is a graduate of West Fop>yth 1 ligh School and Forsx ih Comatzer News -noon-Hden^Eoivasgml.QLNptjk^t_.|_ Va., and daughter, Nancy and Harold Sandwanz of Jacksonville, Fla., vis­ ited them. They all attended the Potts Reunion. Raymond Potts of Norfolk, Va.. Comatzer Correspondent The annual Potts Reunion washeld at the Comatzcr-Dulin fire station Sunday. Due to the weather, it was held there instead of the arbor on ~Howardrown" itoadrAmong-the out-— was weekend guestof LeonaJJmvens_| Remember Dadi Father's Day Is June 20! AliMen'sShoes---------- of-town guests werc Mr. and Mrs. Lindy DanielsofColorado and Kathy and Nanette ShennerofSarasota, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potts ofWaverly. .Va., spent lhe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts. On Saturday after- and attended thc reunion. Eva Potts visited her last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Landon Potts of BelcwsCreekvisitedhisgrandmothcr. Lucille Potts Sunday evening. 10% OFF ln House Stock Only • No Special Orders Regular Price Good Thru 6/19 93 The C o b b le r Shop, Inc. Squire Boone Plozo, Mocksville 704-634-4162 R egister - to - W in D A D ’S D A Y O F F Ham m ock! just resting D on’t get caught n ap p in g . E n te r by June 19th! Katharine’s HALLMARK SHOP Salisbury M ull 704-637-2280 R a s te r’s $efrelera 171 N. Main Street MAKE DAD’S DAY. SM*>f* * ^ V ^ n * X i 3 ^ * & 2 & ^rj#<V.**4K y* O n Father's Duy, give u gift thut sht>ws how m uch y m cure. Lee Myers, his fiancc Joy McDaniel and Angell Mycrs visited at the Myers' home. Also. Mrs. Lib CarteramJ Mr. and Mrs. Rommie Bamey.Thc young girls retumvd to Florida on Monday. Taylor Howard was admitted to Forsyth Hospital Wednesday, Junc 16. for observation and treatment. Mrs.HdithZimmcmian, Mrs. Mary Lethia Robertson, Mrs. Lillie Mae PottsandgranddaughterTammicPotts attended the wedding and reception of Debbie Vogler and Jim Robbins Saturday afternoon at Victor )1 Baptist Church in Clemmons. Mrs. Alice Potts had more eye sur­ gery last week at Greensboro. She is rccupcrating at Meadowbrook Manor where she is a resident. Mrs. Evelyn Holton w as readmit­ ted to Medical Park Hospital onTues- day forsurgery. Technical College. She is employed as a concierge for Bermuda Village. Kalevas is a graduate of Reidro*s High School and is part owner of Chris' Steak House. The wedding is planned for Nov. 14 at the tireek Orthodox Church. <J^$& I ® V - V q A ) Special Prices On All Ready Made 8rldal Ve!ls 6 Head P)ccu In Slock V Caur.tiy X d r,i at Ciimfi['il't d^d. * izUo:kivdlt p * 704^34-2748 Y n~i Kours M-F 5pm^pm • Sat fCam4pm ^a* ^ jF ^ ^ ^ 5* ' Q^y<5;V C * < ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ : < * $ p 3 * 4#^>r? * ^ 9 F R E E G r o c e r ie s Saturday,J une49 10:30 a .m .-2 :3 0 p .m . -NationalGuard Armory— U.S. 64, East of Mocksville Ccreal • Bread • Pasta • Juice • Ricc • Corn • • Peas • Deodorant • Crackcrs • Toinato Sauce • • Green Beans • And More This Food Give-Away Is A Ministry O f Jesus O ffered Through: Bring Your Kids :: For Surprises & '; A Puppet Show - :• Schedule 1hetewtllbcam inistrypm - »'• vidcd for all that comc. -* aduh% and rl 1i!d 1cn. and 1; gt<*cf(csvki1lhcitMiibuU'd *♦ ■f thc following times: > I0:30-M:l5 a.m. : T l!:.W*l2:t5p.m. :: I2:30'1:IS p.m. •: If >ou lia>c ati) m*cUs: ;L spiritually, rn*>tinnaHy. or > physically, )c<us has the ;C C H U R C H ^°me '*^ ^ece'>e’ ■": Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons 919-766-9188 A G A P E F A I T H |)AVIE COUNTY ENTERl’KISE RECORI), Tliursiliiy, June 17,1992 - C3 Couple United In Marriage Ceremony Unites Couple Nancy Annc Pagc of Colmnhus, Cta. ain! Jamcs Kimbrough Shcck IV >f Birmingham, Ala., wcrc uniicil in narriage Satunlay. June 12, n( 6 p.m. U .Trinity Episcopal Church in Co* umbus. Thc Rcv. Thomas 0. Jones >fficialcd at the Uouble-ringccremony. The bride is thc daughter of Mr. md Mrs. Hugh Leonard Page of Co- umbus, Ga. She is a graduate of 3rvokstone High School and David- ion College wiih a bachelor's degree. 5heattcndcd graduate school at Wake Forest University and is employed as i leacher in the Georgia schools. The bridegroonVs parents are Mr. tnd Mrs. James Kimbrough Shcek 111 if Greensboro. He is a graduate of *age High School and Wake Forest Jniversity with a bachelor's degree, ^ealso attendedgroduate school there. Ie is a second year law student at rumbertandSchoolofLaw,Birming* iam. Special honors included being a nernber of the Wake Fore$i Univer* ity football team.The groonVs grand- >arenis are Mrs. Horace Dudley Zollins and Jamcs Kimbrough Sheek lf. ofMocksville. Mrs.JoyMayherMallcttofDu!uth, 3a. was matron of honor. Serving as >ridesmaids were: Sara Bamelt Brad- ey of Athens, Ga.; Chris Moore of 3plumbus, Ga.; Pamela Harmann 3agcofBirmingham;BrigitteRoufail jf Charlotte; Mary CandIcr Freed of 3oston, Mass.; Jennifer Watson Slouritsen ofDallas,Texas; Caroline >e PrinceofAustin; Kellee Lawrence *Y<>dctzki ofDanviIle, III. • The groom's father was his best nan. Ushering were: Reginald Lcvcm 3elin of Johnson City, Dale Matthew Earnhardt and Adam Wulker Burrell jf Winston-Salem; Edwin Leonard PageofBirmingham;MichaelDudley 5heekofRaleigh;W'arrenElliotBelin V ^ U k = ^ f v '• /:Vit ' • '-v'; 1 'U-, . /v ; ! iii; : ':^ 'i'- ’■ '^*^ I ^ Mrs. James Kimbrough Sheek IV ... was Nancy Anne Page of Ithaca, N.Y.; Mark Alan Mendenhall ofCharlotte and Bradford Clark Tumer of Louisville, Ky. The couple will honeymoon in Ja­ maica, after which they will be at home in Birmingham. Reception immediately following (he wed­ ding ceremony, the couple was hon­ ored with a reception at ihe Chattahoochee RiverClubinCohmv bus. Hosts were the bride's parents. Ms. Peggy Cooper Cox, datigh(cr ofMr. and Mrs.Jolm CooperofRurnl HallandJohnWi11iamLevisofRouie 9, Mocksvil1e, sonofMrs, Mary Levis ofCockranton, Pa. and the late John Levis, were united in marriage Satur* day,June 12, in a 6:30 p.m. ceremony at T;mglewood Chapel. Thc Rev. Shelby Harbour was officiating min­ ister. Thc bride's daughter was her maid ofhonor. Matronofhonorwas Donna Lowrance, bride's sister. BmccStcvensofJacksonvillc,Fla., served as besl man. Ushering wcrc: thebridegroom'ssons,Jcff,Jnmleand Jason Levis, all of Mocksvillc. Thc bride is a graduate of North Forsyth High School and Forsyth Technical College. She is employed in the operating room at Forsyth Me- morialiiospital. The bridegroom is employed with DavieMcdicalCenterusaphysician*s assistant. Following an un-announccd hon­ eymoon, thc couple will makc their home in Mocksville. Reception A reception was hcld at Tanglewood Manor House immedi­ ately following the ceremony. L iv in g F a r m T o u r The members ofthe Davie County Historical and Geneafogical Society plan to travel to Hom Creek Living Fannon Saturday,June 19. Mecl at the library at 10a.m. with p!ans to arrive at the farm around 11:30. Bringapicnic lunch. Ice and paper products wiH be provided. Following the picnic, the group w ill lourthc farm and retum to Mocks­ ville late in thc afternoon. Visitors are welcome. Mrs. John William Levis ... was Peggy Cooper Cox FABULOUS FLOOR MODEL HOBBYLOCK CLEARANCE! Save on hobbylock* trom WeHI No* l youf eft*"ee 10 » 1 * *00b,*Xl from Pt*ft ti « i * l eofiom pflf#. E**ry floof modii lrem th# no66|iot* 799 'm ryihi"o- o»meei 18 IM bu*pfp*Crt hoe67ttk 77« iI ON SAL£! E.yi roflM wtti ttM*C*d "«• lMVIl »• onuM Ai&*ck*d 6yPt*ff»*u««*t»nfy T*iiyemp<fc.Mnvfr>b^ofetfw>>eU9on*r 8*VE *300 OFFUbi MO w 0#mee 'v n : PFAFF B T H E S E W IN G ROOM 63 30 C e p h li D r., C le m m o n slSert W 0oc*t*to 5MHxxT/ 7 6 6.62 08 R e a d i n g P r o g r a m s A r e O p e n A t P u b l i c L i b r a r y Summer reading programs are scheduled for youth ages toddler through high school. ProgramsfortoddlersareonTucs- day mornings, for school agc youth on Monday nights, and for high school ybuth on Thunday nights. Special programs are also planned. Call 634- 2023 for more information. > . -: NEW BOOKS FICTION: .They Culled Her Mrs. Doc.. Iaflette Oke. Love Comes Soflly. Janette Oke. Fnrrlers* Lune, Anne Perry. ;*"J" ls For Judgment, Sue 3rafton. ; The Paluce of Wisdom, Bob ',larshaIl-Andrews. ' A Postcurd From Rome, David lelwig. Eyes Of Prey. John Sandford. Blood Race, Mark Olshaker. The End O f The Pier, Manha Where There's Smoke, Sandra Clmrms ForThe Eusy l.lfe, Kaye Gibbons. Full From Gruce, Andrew M. Join Friends of ihe Davie County Public Library. Forinformationabout joining, call Deborah Seats at the li­ brary on 634-2023. Sidewalk Sale & Stenciling Classes Saturday, June 19 • 10-4 (N ew S hipm entofA ntiques, Too!)__________ j ^Serendipitv Shops 41 Court Squnre, Mocksville, NC 6344)555 Thurs. thru Sat. 10 to 4 Decorative Shlrt Palntlng by Llnda Harpe Thursday, June 24 - 6:30 to 9 p.m. $10 HOWARD NO WITHDRAWAL NO NERVOUSNESS NO WEIGHT GAIN WRITTEN GUARANTEE 3 5 i I COMPLETE H ow ird M, Fleming's Croup . Hypnoits li the beet oppoi1unlty you'll have to rld yourself ol the bad |' and costly hablt ol smohlng. Howe/d M. Fleming and Assoela1es I Hypnosis Program has about a 9S% success rate • c*n 20,000 cUni> hm*fc$t*dvno*jng#vcvjhtfntypeoihypren pfoywn. Uo$t peep* »ro irend wy11 sv"*<I anywrtft>i*ti.Andyouw4ti3>VfKijngtr/I tt***l<4tHMflVW | WhUM.iyougoltttow-floieftnffetotiCpl t^n< liti lor one month. E»en il yoy fc*i* imoi*<) 1« yew-you un asend 0u» 1emw1 I vtiettoutnst*miner4no<>vx*ef Yog I w we tS$ ha^en » wet $5% o< flow *fo j inend Dontuieif>roneswofdioiivitiefd I vA see to< youi«8. Yru *4 g«t ou wiltten gueranlee.FiN»*«ureaBaH»*vdM Fleming 6 Attoc. S<nunii iI you e>ti t'.art VTKirtJtpcE*perlenceHtCrteigfloli'eioiomecf* 1 Bnfigrto<yogilr*W-youlIcintoptmck- iAg perm*n<nUy tn one evining. te*ve the Mnww leelng g>ui. Bring afl cl yovr c>gs- lerji-ywwoAtreedffttmrteiMwrwui. BHlN0 AS MANY FRIENDS AS P0S$l8lE- STOP SMOKING COUPLtTELYI Mowaid M. Fleming and Associates P.O.O01591 Colonlel Helghts,VA 23B34 WtAnlMTtoB4gHt*BUrW1AnTheBeti.WetenlSe^)Surrt*wToDoOtfPmgrra BRINGA0 FOR BOMUS IN ONE NIGHT! THUBS.. JUNE 24 X. LIZ HOLIDAY INH - NORTH 3050 UNIVERSITY PARKWAY (ACROSS FH0M C0LISEUM) WINST0N-SAlEM, H.C. SEMINAR: 8:00 P.M. REGISTRATION: 7:00-8:00 P.M. L O S E W E IG H T ! THROUGH HYPNOSIS - YOU WILL EXPERIENCE IT!| WRITTEN GUARANTEE 35COMPLETE BE THIN NO STRESS ltfu / be the t*ti thjnce you1 e*ei hi<e toUKEWttiifi PEflUAMENTUII An you K l 0! d t!mg w-lhout UV^9 M ttitf lM*n to 'Ii)fVj OFF* you e1ce1v<e yi<<s kn i*eeii, 1ta1chy, gr*iiy. lned lood$. You! Iiim lo llop oier e4Lng1 You *<l ki.e tM Semvui ieiieV*d. irUied. <ndinCONinOlol)Ouisppeite. And iM ieirroe • iOul get a wniTtCM GUAHANTEE: Fff# *>n-awe to 1 >kwJd U. Fkwy 1 Auoc. 5erw«r #yove*e< need iertof«mt« T H U R S ., J U N E 2 4 HOLIDAY IN N - NORTH S E M IN A R : 6 :0 0 P .M . R E G IS TR A T IO N : 5 : 0 0 -6 :0 0 P .M . ATTEND BOTH SEMINARS , FOR ONLV S55/PERSON SENlOH CITIZEN DISCOUNT*IIJol v,i'.d wilh olher Dncount|Check, Cosh, M,HleiCaiU, Vila Ptonty ol Parking CHowaid Flimlng t Aisoc. 1901 am DlAMON COLD GALLERY / 1r COME ON IN!NEW LOCK NOW ON OUR TREASURE CHEST! Bring in your key & try your luck! RINGS & WEDDING BANDS OaSaleForFate'sDay WEDDING BAND B. '39" SALE C. ‘49” D. ’69“ Vakies4o->2w 18" Rope Chains A. Sale '69” B. Sale *149" C. Sale *225 D. Sale '299 E.Sale‘450 ^ Only 2 lo solll ( ■ * Q entsN uggotStylo | g 7-DiamondClustor wa$^ Wide 14 Korat Gold Herringbone Chains >225 Others From s79 Quality Men’s WATCH SALE Thru Saturday Your Choice *79 95 Save Up To $30 DEER HEADS FOR DAD W 10 Karat Gold Deer Charm For Dad To Wear On Hls Chainl ^ J5 a m i DlAMON, Next to Wal-Mart Mocksville, NC 634-3747 GOLD GALLERY m ^ s H B C4 - D A V IE C O UNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tlm raluy,Jim e 17,1992 Rev. John AlbertBracken Celebrates 60th Anniversary „ „ „ , , , , . L . K . i , n ... , ... ., »,.«♦:,. r t..,~ h M»... tic.™- c i,^ ,it/ i,.,.,,k i^ « r^ k „« .k » , ' D «*,t D .,^ .— n ..:i.i:- „ u m i.—L — _ -.i . . . * , ... - r f Bracken TheRev.JohnAlbert Brackencel- ebrated his 60th anniversary in the ' ministryonSun- day. June 6, at Fishing Creek .Arbor Bapiisi Church in W itk e s b o ro where he serves as pastor. Bracken be- - gan this service v byrccallingsome influcntialpcoplc in his career including the late S.H. Rcnegar, his parents, John G. and Eliza O'Neal Bracken; his wife’s par­ ents, John P. and Alverdia THIey Weatherman; his wife. Lois Weather­ man Bracken, who he credilsas being an invaluable asset to him during his careen and his children. Especially instrumental in his ca- recrwercthelate E.W.Tumer,former pastor of the First Baptist Church in Mocksvillc, and the late T.I. Caudell, former mayor of Mocksvillc. These men taught him four imponant les­ sons from the Bible: to be a good sowen to be one of the wise; good news and bad news came from an­ other world; and lo be responsible to God and man to preach, he said. Bracken was saved at the age of 17. He was called to serve the Lord at age 18, and answered tiiat call at age 19. His first message was from John 1:6 and Matthew 3:1: "There was a man sent from God w hose name was John and this same man entered his ministry tn the wilderness of Judea." He was baptized inlo the fellow­ ship of Bear Creek Baptist Church. That church, along with their pastor at that time, the Rev. D.C. Clanton, saw the necessity to license him to the ministry. In August 1933, Bracken spoke before a panel of reviewers and a full church on the subject of "I Am The Vine And Y ou Are The B ranches" ChadLipscomb Benefits Set A blood drive and doughnut sale in honor ofa Ctivie tevn wiU he held this weekend. Chad Lip<comb. 19. was diagnos­ ed in April with aplasiic anemia. Lipscomb is a volunteer firefighter anU first respjnder with Smith Grove Fire Depannvni, a voluncer with the Davie Rescue Squad, and a dispat­ cher with Davie Communications. Lipscomb is receiving treatment from doctoR at Forsyth Memorial Hospital and may have to undergo a bone marrow iranspJara. The blood drive will be Friday. June 18, from 2:30-7 p.m. at Smith Grove Ruritan Club, acmss from ihe fire department on U.S. 158. Doughnuts will be sokJ Saturday. June 19. at various Davie location*, ._and all proceeds will coio help with Lipscomb's medical expenseVi CHILDREN » PORTRAJTS W EDDINGS • SPORTS ENGAGEMENTS REUNIONS 634-2S81 fif/K f/< I ROBIN (Jo!m 15:6). Upon review, hereceivcd his license to preach. Bracken later moved his membership to Liberty BaptistChurvhwherchewasorUained and served in his first pastoral posi- During his carver, he has pasiorcd eight churches; Liberty Baptist Church. Mocksville, where he served as pastor twice; Sweet Home Baptist Church. Union Grove; BarkersGrove Baptist Church, New Hope; Shady Grove Baptist Church, Wilkesboro; Little Elkin Baptist Churvh, Honda; Lewis Baptist Church, Wilkesboro; and Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church. Wilkesboro. where he has served since 1969. Bracken said it has been his privi­ lege to scrve these churches as pastor, to hold the many revivals, and to bap­ tize the numerous people into the fel­ lowship of churches. Bracken has held revivals in nlnc counties. Hccsiimatcsthat during his career hc has held 300 revivals, and has held an unknown numberof wed­ dings. funerals, and baptisms. During 1956, when he served as pastor in four churches simultaneously, hc held 23 revivals and baptized 87 people. Afierthcmomingscrvice,admner was held in his honorat the Speedway Road Ruritan Building. Wilkesboro. Approximately 125 guests were served roast beef, chicken drumcttcs. chicken nuggets, rolls, and assorted vegctablesand desserts. Special guests of thc pastor'sincludcd his family and a delegation from his home church. Liberty Baptist Church. Bracken was presented a plaque from the people of Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church, honoring his 60 years in thfc ministry. and his 24 years of service to their church. Bracken is the son of the late John G. and ElizaO'Neal Bracken. He mar­ ried the former Lois Weatherman. daughterofJohnP. andAlverdiaTille> Weatherman,onFeb. 1. l941.Heand his wife have three living children, two deceased children, seven grand­ children, and three great-grandchil- G R A N D O P E N I N OF YOUR NEWEST FOOD FAI PRICES IN THIS AD ARE GOO P R IC E S IN T H IS A D A R E G O O D A T A L L FO O D F A IR LO C A TIO N S SUCH A HOMETOWN FEEUHG! ___________O N E ,__________________ i > \ K . E E ALL VARIETIES FROZENKOOL-AID POPS$2.00 SAVE i-UP, MTX. DEW, DR. PE!P E P ! RED OR WHITE SEEDLESSG R A P E S a 6 tM r.77- UIO j*L Jr* r - -; W f f l i;'jG Zflnj SAVE 10c ON FLORIDAGOLD I2 oz, ORANGE JUICE puALCA*U-sugar LvttA. p i- j>i*iA tit ASSORTED O RE-IDA POTATOES AN D FRIES GOLDEN TWIRLS, ZESTIES, CRISPY CRUNCHERS, TATER A.B.C’s OR WAFFLE FRIES ,^Twims W $;p<MEl*,uu*Ocb AC 22 OZ. PKGS. Willow Oaks Shopping l)AV!K COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy,Junt 17,1993 - CS Davie UnitedWayAgencies To Receive Funding Thirty-three United Way funded agencicsAervice areas will be receiv­ ing their second quarterly funded al­ locations about mid June. The agencies arc funded quarterly in March. June, September and De- "As funds from pledges flow into United Way's office," said DeeDce Elleman of Thomson Croxvn Wood and chairperson of United Way's Funds Distribution Committee of the Board of Directors, "they arc passed on to the agencies that in turn respond to health and human service needs of ourcitizenV The success of last fall’s cam­ paign hcrc in Davie County means our supported agencies will receive in 1993 their full funding request with minor adjustments," she said. Agencies/services/programs re­ ceiving funding are: American Red Cross; Appropriate Punishment Op­ tions; Association of Retarded Citi­ zens; Old North State Boy Scout Coun- cil;CanecrServices,Inc.;ChildGuid* ance Program, Bowman Gray School of Medicine; Childrens' Center for Physically Handicapped; American Little League; Crimcsluppers; Davie County Group Home; 4-H Program; Davie Family Y.M.C.A.; Family Services; Liltlc League Nationals; Family Violence Preven­ tion; Farmington Community Asso- ciation;HospiceofDavieCountyand N.C.;TriadCouncil Girl Scouts; New Horiions Enterprises; Retired Senior Volunteer Program; The Salvation Army; Davie Challenge League; a special relief fund of United Way administered by Davie County De­ partment ofSncial Servicc<; Alcohol/Drug Council of N.C.; American Social Health; Autism So­ ciety of N.C.; Childrens' Home Soci­ ety of N.C.; Epilepsy Association of N.C.; Florence Crittenton Services; N.C. Coalition on Adolescent Preg­ nancy; Mediation Network and N.C. Tuberous Sclerosis Society. Ilildi'hrantl HICKORY TREE CROSSING! ALL FOOD FAIR LOCATIONS l i l l l l l SAVE P R IC E S lN T H IS A D U tE C.OOD A T A L L KOOD FA IR LO C A TIO N S SUCH A HOMETOWN FEELING! B U Y O N E , G E T O N EFREE EAGLE RESTAVRA>7 SniE TORTILLA CHIPS 10 OZ. n A H .S A V E S1.3fl 93 % LEAN 24 $#J99 SAYE 30c OS XEESTS SCRAPPLE OR MB. r ^ n 0 LNER PUDDING PKC. BONELESS BEEF SHOULDER STEAK SAYE 8k ON JESSE JOSES MB. $ ^ 59 SLICED BOLOGNA PKC. jtu i Utht UM SAVE 20c ON ASSORTED ROYAL COOKIES 10 C T 0BOX SAYE 80c OS JESSE JOSES 14 0Z. $ 1 59 PORK SAUSAGE Rou nter, Mocksville 2 P r o m o t e d B y W a c h o v i a June E. Hildebrand and B. Diana Grubbs of Advance have been elected trust operations officer at Wachovia Trust Services Inc. in Winston-Sa- Hildebrand is a network analyst and Grubbs is supervisor of the trust vault in the Trust Operations Group. Hildebrand is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Hildebrand of Ber­ muda Run. She joined Wachovia in 1991 after earning a bachelor's degree in business from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Grubbs is a daughter of Mrs. Frances Duggins of Advance. She has uorked in tnistoperations sincejoin- ing Wachovia in 1980. United Way Added To Federal List United Wav of Davie County has been approved by officials of Pied­ mont Triad Area Federal Coordinat- ingCommitteetobelisledinthisfaH's Federal Employee Combined Cam­ paign materials. The local United Way. along with its agencies, will be included as "fed­ erated agencies". Postal employees and other feder­ ally paid workers, as well as federal government retirees including mem­ bers of the armed forces, may now indicate they w ant theirannualpIcdge directed to United Way of Davie County and may specifically indicate which agency if they desire. The annual federal emplo> ees cam­ paign isc0nductedp2ralIe} u ith United Way campaigns throughout the coun­ try. Many United Ways conduct the campaign undercontract withthe fed­ eral government. The 1993 campaign w ill be coor­ dinated by United Way of Greater Greensboro andcorrespond to the area known as the Piedmont Triad. To be approved for listing among the many agencies in the federal ma­ terials, United Way of Davie County had to meet fourteen stringent crite­ ria. Among those were: IRS certified non-profit status; be directed by a volunteer board composed of com­ munity citizens; have a certified an- "substantial presence" in its geo­ graphical area supporting human health and welfare services, benefits, assistance to those in need; certify raised und disirlbuied, This year 33 agencies/service ar­ eas operating in Davie County w ll benefit from S251.S70 raised duripg the 1992 fall United Way campaign. 1 For those | “special” ; Dads in your :- life! RKMYWtiS=UNO We have those Father's Day cards l'or all of your special dads. W Fett*rRauch Drug Co.; 643 Wilkesboro St. • Mocksville, NC; 7044344141 C6 - t)AVlE COUNTY ENTERl’RISK RECORD, Thursday, Junu 17,1993 Arts Council Kicks Off PB&J Series Of Downtown Concerts !)msnhmn workers lclt llicir stul'- ly uilkv> Friilay lor lunch ;nul nui>iv in i)u* >h.it)v o) i)n* Conn .Siju.ire n.ik uccN tluring thc tir>t vtxivert of ihc Miiiimcriiino Po|i>. Bluc> ;md J;i// Ncric>. Mike ()r>illif of thv I>.ivie Fumily YMCA pla>cil a lone yuitarand xmg while t>!llve workers ;uul chiKlrcn gathered under a tent. OrMlloS ifchul was the fir>t of a three-concert series >poiMrvd by the Davie County Arl.s Council and Swect l.owrs Haven. Arls Council Director Jane Simpson said peanul hutter and jelly s;mdwivh will he sold in honor of ihe PB&J ciincerts, Ahtut 50 people canv and went durinp the I 1-; hour shmv. Simpson said. And next month, she expects an even larger crowd when the Southland String l>and plays. That show is >cltcdiilcd lor July V. This year tlie blues concert had lx*cn changcvl to bluegrass music. Jii/z entenainment is planned for the Aug. 13 show, she said. Simpson .said the eoiveri series, which is in its second year, is design­ ed io be a summertime music break for people working downtown. But people uvrking outsideoftoun and children out of school for the sum­ mer can coitK and enjoy the concerts. Mike Orsillo, The Original Rough Weather Band, performs at the first PB&J concert ip. downtown Mocksville. ■ Photos by Robin Fergusson Emiley Louise Gustafson, daughter of Sally and Peter Gustafson of Farmington, enjoys ice cream at concert. Help Still Needed To Complete Fulton Church Renovation TTte renovation to the old FuI(on Methodist Episcopal Church. South, isnearcompletion. But there arc nearly $5,200 worth of renovations are residents can help with to make rcstorationof the church, off N.C. 801 between Advance and Fork, complete. The renovation is a project of His­ toric Davie. "Historic Davie has taken great pride in this project," said board mem­ ber DavidJoyner. "Working together, we have saved a Davie County land­ mark from destruction. "Once restored, the old Fulton Church ill be self-supporting from services such as weddings, meetings and other community functions." In the fall of 1992, the exterior renovations were completed, and re- cent work has concentrated on me interior. The original beaded ceiling has been uncovered and restored io its original condition. Reproduction-an- tique lighting (2 chandeliers and 22 scones) were donated by a member of the church. Walls have been repaired, re-plastered and painted. Workers are now finishing the in­ terior wood trim and flooring. To date, approximately $175,000 has been raised by Historic Davie. "We are very grateful for the nu­ merous donations, ranging from $.89 to $35,000."Joyner said. "Without the interest and generosity of people like you, this project would not be pos­ sible." Projects remaining to be done, and their costs: - stripping and re-staining doors (S500); -re-upholsteringUveepu!pitchairs ($300); . cleaning stained glass windows (no estimate); . purchase of carpet runners and door mais($2,000); • purchase ofcxteriorlights ($400); frteltotion nfhinriinppftl rnmp ($2,000). Anyone interested in makingado- nation should contact: David Joyner “at (919) 99S^537TJ6finFollerat (919>- 998-5341; Terry Stewart at (919) 998 8372 or Don Bowfes at (704) 634 3944. Fork Plans Service Sunday, June 27, Dr. Roy Smith, executive director-treasurer of the Baptist State ConventimvwHHxyb? guest speaker at Fork Baptist Church. SmMtsana; tive of Franklin andmamedtothc former Doris ElizabethPearce. They have three children and five grandchildren. He was edu- Smith cated at Franklin High School, Wake Forest,SoutheastemBaptistTheologi- cal Seminary, Campbell University, N.C. State University, and Emory Univcnity. Smith has served in many areas of the stale convention. Afternoon services will begin at 2, led b"y NirsfCathyYoung.Thiswill 6e anafternoonof"sanging" andtalksby various people. The Rev. Ken Evans is the pastor. Fork Baptist Church is located six miles east of Mocksville or 12 miles west of Lexington, on U.S. 64. N u t r i t i o n S i t e O p e n F o r E l d e r l y Funds arc available to expand ser­ vices through the end of June for senior adults 60 years of age or older. Senior adults are urged to attend thc Davie Nutritiun Center in the B.C. Brock Building on North Main Street Monday-Friday. Programs offered include musical programs, health and nutritioninformationandbingo.There is no charge for these services but donations are encouraged. Transportation will be provided to those who live on an existing route. If you need transportation, call the Davic County Transportation office at 704- 634-2187. S p iritu a l Resources T o H o n o r A F a t h e r By The Rev. !Iumpton MorgonJr. A year ago I gave my father a Purple Heart license plate as a Father’s Day gift. Having seen many of them around, and knowing that he was a Purple Heart veteran, 1 felt it would be a special gift for a special occasion. My mother aided thc effort by securing my father's Army discharge papers and getting the other information 1 needed. Not an easy task, for very little gets by my father’s observant nose. i endured the worst ofpostal service inefficiency and the best of state government efficiency in securing the tag. It took the postal service an astonishing l 8days to get my application for the tag from Advance to Raleigh. Even the old wagon trains could have covered the distance in eight days. So. when the application had not shown up in Raleigh in time for them to process it and return the tag to mc by Father’s Day, I had to go to Plan B. Securing duplicates of all the necessary documentation, I faxed them to my sister in Raleigh, who hand delivered them to the Department of Motor Vehicles. After a three minute wait, she departed with the license plate in hand. A day later she handed it to me. (To the folks at DMV, thank you. To the folks at the Postal Service, better luck next time.) My father is one of those many quiet veterans living without fanfare in our communities. Like countless other men and women of his generation, he entered the Armed Forces of our country during World War 11 tojoin the overthrow of evil tyrants in Germany and Japan. My father was landed in ihe European theater well after D-Day, but in plenty of time to experience the last furious resistance of Hiller’s army. He was w ounded three times. The first iwo were superficial wounds that he hardly noticed, l1ie thjrd nearly took his life. Shrapnel from a mortar shell tore through his abdomen and leg. Looking at the scars from those wounds on many occasions, 1 have often been amazed that he survived. Another inch or tw o inadifferent direction and thosc w hite hot pieces of mctal would havc taken his life. By The Rev. Hampton Morgan *mm Dad w as removed from the combat zone in Germany, eventually to recover in a hospital in England, where he was convalescing when Hitler's generals surrendered on May 7.1945. He w as discharged from the Army at Kennedy General Hospital on July 24 in Memphis. Tennessee. As with the many others wounded in combat, he was awarded the Purple Heart. As a young teenager I tried several limes to get my father to talk about the war. He would answer my questions with one or two sentences each. He never told warstories. In fact, hejust did not want to talk about it. Yet I knew he had a certain unspoken satisfaction in having served and been wounded for his country. When, on Father's Day last year, I presented him with the license plate, he finally began to talk. Not a lot, but more than ever before. The fifth commandment says, "Honor your father and your mother, that yourdays may be long in thc land which the Lord your God is giving you." I found a special way to honor my father last year. Not for being perfect; he is not. Not for being the smartest and strongest man in the neighborhood; he is neither. And not for raising a perfect son; he did not. and I am not. No. 1 honorhim simply forbeing my father. Hecontributed, w ith my mother, to my life. I am pan of the legacy he w ill leave w hen he dies. Many things may change for him and for me, but he will alw ays bc my dad. Support These Local Businesses MOCKSVILLE t UILDERS SUPPLY "Together We Do It Better” South M*ln Street 704-634-5915 SEAF0RD CUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-8148 J0HN N. MeDANIEL & SONS------ Attend The Church 01 Your Choice Hwy. 601 S., Mocksville 704-634-3831 Compliments ol DAVIE COUNTY FARM BUREAU 977 Yadklnvllle Hoad Mocksvllle, N.C. 704-634-6207 J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksvllle, N.C. 704-634-2126 EATON FUNERAL HOME A Tradition of Caring.... 325 North Main Street MovLiviHe, SC 27028 704^34-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY Wllkesboro Street Mocksville, N.C. 27028 704-634-2141 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. Route 6, Box 153 Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-492-5565 JOHNNIE M. TILLEY KOT CONTROL KRVKI 'S*vteM For Ov* 2$ YMra' tociUyOwrttOC Of*tWd " • ReeWentlal • Commercial • lnduMrM • Institutional ‘Inspection Upon Request* MocksvUto M 4 -8 t0 0 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-2167 FULLER WELDING & FABRICATORS P.O. Bo*x821 Hwy.601S. Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-3712 JEFFC0 CO., INC. Manufacturer Of Hslr $slon Equlpmint • ln The HjHsdate Community Route 1 Advance, N.C. 27006 919-998-8193 iW E H A R D W A R E O f k r m u d a Q u a y Bermudi Ouiy Shopping Center Hfohwey 156, Advence, N.C. 2700» > H - M I - l l H Wlllow Oik Shopping Center Mocksville im m DD BEALTY Hillsdale Professional Park Highway 158 & 801, Advance 998-8816 C1EMM0NS BODY SH O P Complete Paint & Bodywork Foreign & Domestic DON JONH, Owner & Operator 5974 Beckner St., WlnstomSalem 919-766-8002 -Attend The Church Of Your Choice- O b itu a rie s DAVlK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdny, June 17, 1993 - C7 Roy H. Cartner Roy HoliCartncr, 74,ofMagnolia Avc., Mocksville dicd Friday, Junc 11, 1993. at Va Medical Center inSalisburyafter being in declin­ ing health. Funeral ser­ vices xvere Sun­ day, June 13, at First United| M e t h o d i s tl ChurchmMocks-1 ville, conducted bythe Rev. I. Donnell Lloyd. Memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church. N. Main Street. Mocksvillc, NC 27028 or to the VA Medical Center. Salisbury. NC 28144 or to the Cemetery Fund of Salem United Methodist Church, c/o Mr.J.T. Winfrey, Routc l,Box 351B, Mocksvillc. NC 27028. HewasbomJan. 1.1919, in Davie County, a son of the late Thomas Glenn and Bessie Barneycastle Cartner. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, his career with the U.S. Postal Service began in 1948 as a letter car­ rier. He was later transferred to a clerk for a short time and was later named as postmastcrin Mocksville w here he served for 17 years. He was a member of First United Methodist Church where he served as treasurer for 23 years. He wasalso very active incom- munity service where he served the Mocksville town board for 11 >ears, and was active in the Mocksville Ro­ tary Club where he had been trea* Survivors include: his wife, Kathleen Boger Cartner of the home; two sons, Philip Cartner of Mocks­ ville and son and daughter-in-law. Richard and Peggy Cartner of Kemersville: two grandchildren; one sister. Pauline CannerofMocksville; and two brothers. Thomas E. Cartner of Indian Trail and Cecil Cartner of Mocksvillc. Hal Festal Bowers ;Mr. Hat Festal Bowers. 68. for­ merly of Cooleemee, died Monday. June 14. 1993, in the V.A. Medical Centerin Asheville after several years of declining health. He had formerly been a resident of the V.A. Medical facility in Salisbury. A graveside service with military rites will be conducted in Legion Memorial Park in Cooleemee at 10 a.m. Thursday,June 17. with the Rev. E.M. James officiating. 1 lth District Memorial HonorGuard, Veteransof Foreign Wars will be in charge of the Military Rites. The family was to re­ ceive friends at Eatons Funeral Home Wcdnesdayevening, June 16. from 7- 9p.m. ;Memorials may be made to the 1 lth DistrictMemorialHonorGuard, 2833 Woodward Road. Winston-Sa- lemiNC 27127................................... Mr. Bowers was bom in Davie County Aug. 2,1924,tothe late Horace Festal and Essie Creason Bowers and had been a patient attendant during his residency at the V.A. Medical Center in Salisbury. He was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include his sister. Mrs. Helen B. Gaitherof Route 4, Mocks­ ville, one niece and one nephew. Trula K. Duncan Mrs. Trula Kinlaw Duncan. 75. widow of the late Herbert W. Duncan of Century Care Nursing Home, Laurinburg. N.C.. died Friday, June 11.1993. Mrs. Duncan was bom Jan. 14, 1918, in Robeson County to the late John Hector and Rosa Ella Williams Kinlaw. Mrs. Duncan was a member of the Regan United Methodist Church. Funeral scrviceswereSunday.June 13, at the Regan United Methodist Church with the Rev. Jerome Smith officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Surviving are: two sons, Mr. Noah K. Duncan of Cary and Mr. Herbert Wayne Duncan of Hope Mills; two daughters, Mrs. Edna Rose Guy of High Point and Mrs. Mary Amanda p|yler of Advance; nine grandchil­ dren; three great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Etura Parnell and MR. MaryCorbitt, both ofLumbertoit. .Memorials may be made to the Regan United Methodist Church, c/o 'Hie Rev. Jerome Smith. Rt. 1, Box 369, Lumberton, NC 28358. Helen L. Crunford Helen Lyerly Cranford, 85, for­ merly of South River Church Road. Woodleaf,died Friday,June 11,1993. at Autumn Carc of Salisbury. The funeral was Sunday. June 13, at South River United Methodist Church with the Rev. John Reeves officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to South RiverUnitedMcthodistChurchCenv cteryFund, South RiverChurch Road. Woodleaf, NC 27054. Born Dec. 3. 1907, in Rowan County, Mrs. Cranford was a daugh­ ter of the late Isaac and Susan Bost Lyerly. She was a homcmakcr and memberofSouihRiverUnited Meth­ odist Church and its Adult Sunday School Class and United Methodist Women and once taught Sunday- school. Herhusband,NcphiCranford.died March 29,1980. Survivors include: foursons, Roy. Bob and Don Cranford, all of Woodleaf. and Jerry Cranford of Mocksville; IOgrandchi!dren;and 11 great-grandchildren. George A. McChmirock Mr. George Alton McClamrock, 89. of 2120 Lynn St., Kannapolis, died Thursday. June 10, 1993, at RowanMemoria1Hospital,Salisbury. The funeral was Saturday, June 12, at Wilkinson Funeral Home Chapel, Concord. Burial was at Oakwood Cemetery. Born May 4, 1904. in Davie County, McClamrock was a son of the lateJoseph SylvestorandCamilla McClamrock. He w as a retired textile employee. His wife, Mattie Nation McClamrock.died in 1991. Survivors include: foursons, Larry Joe and Curtis Darrell McClamrock. both of Concord, and Edward Ray and Alton Donald McClamrock. both of Salisbury; 17 grandchhildrcn*, 12 great-grandchildren; one sister. Rose SumttofKannapolis;andonebrother. Jake McClamrock of Concord. Brian K. Moore Mr. Brian Keith Moore, 22. of Route 8, Liberty BaptistChurchCom- munity. Mocksville, died Monday. June 7. 1993. a! his home from inju­ ries sustained in an auto accident. Mr. Moore was bom in Blueficld. W.Va., to Harry and Chris Bone Moore and was presently employed with Hoopen Construction Company. He had also worked with the Paul Bare & Sons Construction in Win- ston-Salem. He was a member of the Grace United Methodist Church in Bluefield, W.Va. Surviving are: his parents of Route 8. Liberty Church Community. Mocksville; his maternal grandpar­ ents. Charles and Nancy Bone or Bluefield, W.Va.; his patemal grand­ parents. Harry and Eva Moore of Bluefield,Va.;adevoteduncle,Monty Bone ofWest Virginia; a special aunt and uncle, Debbie and Earl Kitts of Bluefield, Va.; and his fiancee, Dixie Bruce ofRoute 8, Mocksville. The body has been taken to RodriguezFuneralHomeinB!uefield, Va., from Eaton Funeral Home in Mocksville. Services were to be held in Bluefield with burial in Roselawn Cemetery in Bluefield, Va. Bernice M. Wilhelm Mrs. Bemice Matthews Wilhelm. 88,ofHarmony,diedFriday.June 11, 1993. at Davis Community Hospital "in Statesville. She wasbom in Yadkin Countyon March 22, 1905. Mrs. Wilhelm was preceded in death by her husband, Marler Joseph Wilhelm in 1981. Surviving are: one daughter, Mrs. lsaac(Polly)MabeofClemmons;one granddaughter; one great-grand* daughter; and one sister, Mrs. Freddie House ofRockyMount. The funeral service was Sunday. June 13, at Hamiony Baptist Church, conducted by the Rev. David F. McHugh. Burial was in Harmony Cemetery. Graveside rites were of­ fered by the Harmony Chapter #331 Order of the Eastem Star. Memorials may be made to Har­ mony Baptist Church, P.O. Box 116, Harmony. NC 28634, JaniesJ. Freeman JamcsJ. Freeman, M.D., Ph.D. of Mcdfonl, N.Y., dicd Sunday, April 18, l903,oneday after his 60th birthday Dr. Freeman was the husband of Allie Howell Freeman, mcrly of Mocks ville. and daugh- tcrofthcalcRcv. and Mrs. Luthcr Roy Howell. At his death, he was an ambulatory OB/ GYN physician and medical director of a clinic in the Health Department. Nassau County, N.Y. Dr. Freeman was bom in I (allsboro tolhc late Monroe Freeman and Esther Mitchell Frccman. He graduated from Williston High School, Wilmingtnn, obtained the bachelor's degree from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Ga., the master’s degree frotn Long Island University. Brooklyn. N.Y. He re­ ceived a Ph.D. in physiology and bio­ chemistry from Georgetown Univer- sityinWashington.D.C.andthemedi- cal degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Dr. Freeman w as on faculty at Howard University from 1967-1970 and at SUNYBuffalowhileattending medi­ cal school. Survivors include: his wife, Allie and three sons, James Jr.. a state po­ liceman with Buffalo State College, Patrick,astatepolicemarVcommunity relations w ith lhe State University of New York at Stony Brook, and Russell, a student at N.C. Central University. Durham. Robert "Doug" Elliott Mr. Robert Douglas "Doug" Elliott. 35. of Route 4. Advance, died Friday. June 11 .1993. He was bom June 28. 1957, in Winston-SalemtoCharlesG."Chuck" and Jane McClanahan Elliott. Mr. Elliott w as preceded in death by his father. Surviving are: his mother, Mrs. Jane Elliott Sink of Winston-Salem; two sisters. Mrs. Jim (Debbie) Sand­ ers of Advance, and Mrs. David (Donna) Nolan of Nashville. Tenn.; three brothers. David Elliott of Fayetteville. John Sink of Winston- Salem. and Eric Sink of Advance; his grandmother. Mrs. Eleanor Elliott of Winston-Salem: and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were Monday, June 14. at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel with the Rev. Bill Chatman officiating. Burial follow ed at Parklaw n Memorial Gardens. Martha Mae Dunn Mrs. Martha Mae Dunn, 62, of 20240EuclidAve.,Euclid,Ohio,died in that city Sunday. June 13, 1993. She was a native of Cleveland. Ohio, but spent herearly adulthood in Mocksville where she was a member of St. John’s AME Zion Church. She is survived by one one. Alvin Dunn of the home; three grandchil­ dren; one brother, Robert Dunn of Cleveland, Ohio; and other relatives. The body will be sent to Morrison- Studevent Funeral Home, where fu­ neral plans are tentatively being planned for Friday, June 18. Richard E. Ashburn Richard Eugene Ashburn, 35. of Hannah Ferry Road, Salisbury, died Friday. June 11, 1993, at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in Winston-Sa- lem. He had been in declining health for several years. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 13, in Clarksbury United Methodist Church cemetery in Iredell County with the Rev. Hardy- Bare officiating. Bom in Lce County, he was a son of the late Harvey Baxterand Helen Lewis Ashbum. He had been em­ ployed by Miller Mechanical Plumb­ ing and Heating in Winston-Salem until his health failed. Survivors include: his wife, Debra Wolfe Ashbum of the home; one son, Bobby Joe Ashburn of Carthage; four daughters, Wendy A. Patterson of West End, Shannon Ashburn of Carthage, Tina Ashbum and Helen l.ynnAshbum,bothofSalisbury;four brothers, Donald Lewis of Charlotte. WayneLewisofAtlanta,Ga.,Clifford Lewis with the U.S. Army stationed inGermany, I Iarvey Ashbum and Joe Ashburn, bolhofMocksvil!e; and one sister, Shirley Poston of Hickory. Clinton F. Shore Mr. Clinton Franklin Shore. 85. of RouteG,BcnAnderson Road,Mocks- villc dicd Sunday, June 13, 1993, at Autumn Care of Mocksville after a lengthy illness. The funeral was to be Wednesday, June 16, al Liberty Baptist Church at 3p.m.,conducted hythcRevs.Marvin Blackburn and Jesse Stroud. Burial was to follow in Rock Spring Baptist Church cemetery. Bom in Iredell County onSept. 15. 1907, to the late Ada Souther and Daniel David Shore, he was retired as a saw operator from Sheffield Pallet Co. He w as a member ofLiberty Bap­ tist Church where he was a former Sunday School teacher formany years and a former Sunday School superin­ tendent. He was preceded in death by his wife. Angie Shaw, in September 1978; two brothers, Dee Glenn Shore and Justin Lemuel Shore; and two sisters. Mrs. Verlie S. Medley and Mrs. Nelia Beck. Surviving are: one son, Clarence C. Shore of Route 6, Mocksville; one daughter.Mrs.Billy(EvonneS.)Felts of Routc 6, Mocksville; six grand* children;fivegreat-grandchildren:and six sisters, Mrs. Hessie S. Moore of Route 3. Yadkinville, Mrs. Lossie S. MartinofRoute 2. Harmony, Mrs. |va S. Bamctte of Route 2, Harmony. Mrs. Annie S. Wilkens of Route 8, Mocksville. Mrs. Lottie S. Brow n of North Wilkesboro and Mrs. Lucy S. Chappell of Elkin. Annie Belle Mullis Annie Belle Carrigan Mullis, 77, of Route 2, Mocksville. died Mon* day,June 14.1993.atForsythMemo* rial Hospital in Winston-Salem. Funeral services w ill bc at 2 p.m. Thursday. June 17. at Smith Grove United Methodist Church, conducted by the Rcv. Ray O'Ferrell. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The body will be placed in the church thirty minutes prior to the service. The family was to receive friends from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday,June 16. at Eatons Funeral Home in Mocksville and also other times at the home of Mn>. Mullison Hwy. 158 East,Mocks* villc. BomDec. 17,1915,inTay1orsviIle, she was a daughter of the late Ben and Mollie Sweet Carrigan. She was re­ tired from Drexe1 Heritage Fumiture Company and had been a member of Smith Grove United Methodist Church for the past forty years. Mrs. Mullis was preceded in death by her husband, William L. Mullis Sr.; three sisters, Dellie Chatham, Betty Smith, and Bessie Harrington; and one brother, Tarrie Carrigan. Survivingare:foursonsanddaugh* tcrs-in-law,WilliamLcwisandShelby Muilis.JimmieGuyandMaricMullis, Tony D. and Bobbie Mullis, all of Mocksville.Terry D. and Judy Mullis of Advance; seven granddaughters: one grandson; three great-grandchil- dren; four sisters, Ruby Smith, Cecil Chatham, Shirley Jolly and Maggie Herman, allofTaylorsville; and three brothers. Clyde Carrigan. Buck Carrigan, and Rom Carrigan, all of Taylorsville; and several nieces and nephews. Essie Vera H. Redmon Mrs. Essie Vera Hiatt Redmon,78, ofHcalyDrive.Winston-Salcm.died Sunday. June 13. 1993. at her resi­ dence. She was bom Dec. 9. 1914. in Carroll County. Va., to Ausby Lee and Missie Childress Hiatt. Mrs. Redmon was a member of Home Moravian Church and was retired from Old Dominion Box Company. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Redmon, and two brothers, Arlie and Cabble Hiatt. Surviving are: three daughters, Mrs. James (Jackie) Rothrock and Mrs. Jerry (Joan) Plott. both of Win- ston-Salem and Mrs. James (Shirley) Salmons of Clemmons; one son. Tommy Redmon of Mocksville; 12 grandchildren; 16 grvat-grandchil- dren; one sister, Mrs. Clessie Hodges ofWinston-Salem; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were Tuesday. June 15. ai Hayworth-Miller Silas CreekChapel with Dr. Robert F.Saw- yer Sr. and the Rev. Lchoma Goode officiating. Burial followed in the Moravian Graveyard. Memorials may be made to The Book of Remembrance of Home Mornviim Cliiirvh Former Legislator Dies At Age 73 II) l.miru Wllliiims-Tnic) Davio County Entorpriso-Rccord Dr. Ramey F. Kemp fuinU success as a l)cm<vrut from a slrongly Republican Davie County in the N.C. Housv of Representatives, l v , - Andhefound F ,V V . , moresuccesson fcy^S>* ’.’.» the greens of ■ ' 1 Hickory Hill golf course. Kemp died June 8 at his Kemp home in Mocksvillc. Hu was 73. Mocksvilfc Mayor D.J. **Nick** Mando remembered Kemp as a loyal representative to the ciunty during his three years in the stale house. Kemp was appointed by Gov. James B. Hunt in 1977 to replace Peter W. Hairston. who became a Superior Court judge. Kemp won his first elec­ tion in 1978. “ Anything we wanted hcre in Davie County he would push for." Mando said. While in tlic House, he served on the Water anJ Air Resouaes commit­ tee. Appropriations committcc and Local Government Coiiunittee. But Davie County w-.is tough on I)cmocrats, Mando said, and Kemp lost his hid for rcelcdion in 1980. All the while, Kempcontinucd his success as a chiropractor. He beganhis practicc in 1951 and that"s how he and Mando became "He used to say. *1 straightened you outV' Mando said. He was active in the State ChiropraeticAsscx*ialion. In 1987 he was a delegate for the state to the First Joint Convention of the American Chiropractic Asu*iation in Las Vegas. Throughout the years. Kcmp steadily improved his grtf game, **l couldn't hokl a stick to him." Man­ do said. Kemp"s political career was strong evidencc ofhis concern for his com­ munity. He served for four xcars as chairman ofthe Demixxatic Party in Davie County. Roy Cartner, Former Commissioner, Dies Long-time MtvKsvilIe residents rememher Roy H. Cartner as the familiar facc of the postmaster. Others her him ed l<mn coiimiis CurtntT Cartner died Jtine 11 at the VA Medical Center in S;tlishurv. He was 74. When Town Manager Terry Bra!le> came to Mocksvillc in 1979. Cartner help:d him to learn many of the town"s faces and nanus. Cartner was elected to the town U>ard several months later, and the two worked toeether until Cartncr left public of­ fice in 1991. -You wouldn't find a more honorable p:rson.*' BraIlex said. *'He cared about all ofthe is>ues and all of the people.'" Mocksvillc Mayor D.J. "Nick" Mando became good friends with Carnter on the town board. Oxer the >ears. Cartner and his wife. Kathleen. and Mando and his wife. Ethel, attended many government meetings and became close friends. Cartner \vas a man of few words, but he was easy to xxork with as a politician anJ as a postnustcr. Man­ do said. ""Roy was rather quiet. He attend­ ed practically all of the board meetings, and he would spvak his opinion on matters. But he wasn’t real xocal.** Cartner k*gan his carver with the U.S. Postal Service in 1948. He started out as a letter carrier. He became a ckrk for a short time and then was named postma>tcr in Mocksville. He serxed in that posi­ tion for 17 xcars. Joyce Angell Stevcns Mrs. Jo>ce Angell Stevens. 49. Route 7, Dutchman Creek communi­ ty. died unexpectedly Monday, June 14. l993atN.C. Baptisl Hospital in Winston-Sakm. Funeral services will be at 3:30 p.m.. Thuftday in Eaton Funeral Chapel with Rev. Shelby Harbour of­ ficiating. Burial will bc in Dutchman Crevk Baptist Church cemetery. Mrs. Stexcns was born August 20. 1943. to Ediu Miller Angell of Route 7, Mocksville and the late Cecil Lee Angell. She was employed w ith Burl­ ington InduMries in MooresviHc. She was a charter member of Victory Baptist Church and had been a member and former secretary of the Cooleemee VFW Auxiliary. Surviving in addition to her mother areherhushmd. MilburnV. "Flop" Stevens of ih? home: two daughters. Donna Lankford Current of Mocksville and Shannon Lankford Sewell of Shreveport. La.; one son. Mike Lankford ofTyro; six grand­ children; two sisters. Linda Angell Hamilton and Nan Angell Hayes, both of Mocksvillc: thruc brothers. Gray Angcll of Advance. Larry Angell ofMocksvil!cand Nat Angcll of Lexington, hermaternal grand-' mother. Coy Susie Millcr of Mocksvillc and her paternal grand­ mother. Nannie Dewey Angell of Mocksvillc. The family will receixe friends at Eatons Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. and at other times at their home on N.C. 801. Memorials ituy be made to the building fund of Victory Bap­ tist Church. P.O. Box 687. Cooleemee. N.C.. 27014. >25 N. M.iin S tnrl A Tradition ofCaring.... Serving the citizens of Davie County and surrounding communities, wilh the care and understanding that can only be provided by individuals who are uncompromisingly committed to meeting the needs of their local community. EATON FUNERAL HOME 704-634-2148 Mocksvillc. NC 27028 $ C 8*D A V IF COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliurstliiv, Jtmv 17,1993 D A D S > T H E * Q R E A T E S T ! Pocket Watches Large Selection of Scenes To Choose From S w is s Q u a r tz M o v e m e n t C lo s e d C a s e 14 Karat San Marcos Bracelet L if e t im e W a r r a n t y $ 1 6 9 9 5 Several Men’s Rolex ' Watches P r e - O w n e d — S e v e r a l S ty le s STARTING AT $ i 4 9 5 0 0 ONYX • SIGNET • STAR SAPPHIRE • LAPIS A ll M e n ’s R in g s m ^ v irn n Largest SelectionOFF of Men’s Rings AnywhereA m MUh,, S *fe > ' i f ®c > ^ s * J £) & M m iimto- ^*ffix#^y V r - ^ ’^ C - * * r ir > y ^ t u i i iWBEUf^ v H i , j i & '? ;'.'v^rs*-!«*> V ^*7i^%irv.^> ' > '^ i r . u Al->! ; ^}:^^Uk^ '*C^^3^ u w ^^' v.A'- DtoMOND CLUSTER • HORSESHOE • NUGGET Colibri Pens 3 0 % 1 ;_ All Men’s Seiko & Citizen’s l\ss ■ Watches 5 0 % O F F A l l C u r r e n t S ty le s M a n ’s N u g g e t ^ W a tc h Solid Gold $ 3 9 5 , - > < £ V -X L '-' Great Gift Idea! $095 ^ Free Eng Cuff Bracelet Key Ring Money Clip 6-Way Knife ; Engraving N ^ t; /: Sbtitr* 90 DAY LAYAWAY NEWTOWNE SHOPPING CENTER, CLEMMONS 766 -8 50 5 D A V IE C O U N TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 17,1993 - D1 D a v i e S c h o d s ________________________ WlLLLVM R. DAVIE ; Parents of the sixth gradc students honored thcm with a swim pany on Friday. May 28, at thc Davic YMCA. ; Several students w*re honored on Awards Day on June 4. Students with perfect attendance were: Kayla James, Brandon Bracken. James Hudson, Steven Whitaker, Andrew Buckles, Justin Dyson, Leigh Ann Moore, Amanda U'agoncr, Bc(h Bracken, Rodcrica Gaither, Scott Whittaker, and AndrewBeck. - Top scorers for the Scicncc Olym­ piad were Jeremy Baifey and Dustin Keaton. - Presidential Academic Fitncss Awards went to PJ. Bamey, Rodcrica Gaither. Chad Mc Bride, Robbie A lead* cws, Alan Bagshaw, Casey Bailey, Aaron Naylor, Suzy Pence, Jessica Smith, and Chris Snow. ' Ann White presented National and Presidential Physical Fitness Awanb. Studentshadto score between 50** and 84 % in five test items tocam a national patch.Thetest items included curl*ups, shuttle mn. sit and reach, mile mn, pull- ups or flexed arm hang. : Wmncrswcre:kindcrganen*Daniel Powell and Katie Speer, first grade - Johnny Cass, Jessica Dyson, Bridgette Lattimorc, KimberlyMcBride. Ma!eia Meadows, Teon Nicholson. Timmy Parker, Ryan Prevctte, Melissa Smidi. Shana Speer. Stephen Turrcntine, Christy York; secortd grade - Brad BlackwcJder, Brandon Bledsoe. Bran­ don Bracken. Kcrri Drye, Julie E!dred, Brianna Foster, Nikki Keeney, !key Lynch, Andrea Mojica. Kelly Mulder. Patrick Payne. Christopher Sherrill. Nicole Steelman, Nicholaus Taylor. Josh Shreve. Tiffany Walker, Candice Whitaker, Amanda White, Jonathan While; fifth grade • Amanda Bailey, JeremyBailcy.ErinBaity.SarahBrakc, Abby Brickey, Linda Culler, David Eldrcd, Denise Genlfc, /cnmTcr McBride, Corri Shoffner, Scon Whittaker. CJ. Wyatt; sixth gradc - Holly Allen, Casey Bailcy, James Blakely, Jason Laird, Aaron Naylor, TlfianyNicholson,Ha!eyO*Neal, Vic­ tor Patti. Kelly Rcnegar, Jessica Smith. JamcsTay1or,JessicaTaylor,Lcighanne White. To earn a Presidential patch, stu­ dents had to achieve a score of 85% or better. Those winners were: Kristen Culler, Bradley Prevctte, Fcmando Zamora. Candice Anderson. Lauren Coley. Justin Dyxm, Adam Johnson, Stacyc Joyner, Crystle Pope, |yam Lynch, D*Vorrest Wallace, Beth Bracken, Chad McBride, and Chris Citizen of the Year Awards went to: Teon Nicholson. Erika Whicker. Lakcesha Hampton, Christy Draughn. Brianna Foster, April Naylor. Andrew Buckles, Lauren Coley, Abby Brickey. Chad McBride, and Suzy Pence. Sixth gradc nominees for the Lois Evans Award were Alan Bagshaw. Holly Allen, Casey Bailey. Chad McBride, Rodcrica Gaither, and Jessica Smith. Congratulations to Jessica Smith, the Lois Evans Award recipient. The fourth gradc students of Alyce Bagshaw werc led by Sarah Borders in singing "This Land U Your Land" and dedicated “From A Distance*' to the sixth gradcctass. Colecn Gaither and Ana Newman w ere honored with a breakfast onTues- Heinemann, Jason Jones. JordonKahrs. April Naylor. Fam>n Stanley. Shari Stephens, Traci Taylor. Amanda Wag­ oner, Angelina Zamora. Bo> d Dewalt. Tommy Browning; fourthgrade • Bran­ don Anderson. Jackie Bailey. Christo­ pher Barnette. Heather Bldesoe. Nlichael Bledsoe, Heather Boger, An­ drew Buckles, Miranda Dillard. Kayla jBmes.TonyaLcdb<tter.JillMcDanicl. Heatfwr Schlcupner. Douglas Shaw, School Briefs Writing Test Scores Could Improve Davie County Schools expect their students to do well. I So when scores in sotnc areas of the state writing tc»t came in near br below state averages, officials began looking for ways for improvements. “ We’re not pleased with how we did, but thLi was the tlrst time fourth graders have taken this test, the first time teachers had to prepare dieir audents forthc test,'* said Mike Hendrix. Davie Schools testing coordinator. "A lot of school systems would have these scores and be tickled. We*re nct in Davic County because we expect better." Congratulations DHS Baseballers Members of Davie High School*s baseball team w ill each receive a congratulatory letter from the board of education for the 1993 season. The War Eagles lost in an extra-inning game in the state semi-finals. Education Board To Meet June 30 Tbeboard ofeducationwill meet at 3:15 p7n)TJune*30lo gtroYcr- cndK)f-the-yearbudget adjustments, and any other business that can be handled. The board's first Monday meeting in July will not be held, and a meeting will be scheduled later in July, said superintendent. Dr. Bill Steed. Middle School Task ForceTo Meet A community task force to handle the transition fromjiwmr high schooJs to middle schools will tegin meeting in about a month, Davie Schools Superimealcnt Dr. Bill Steed told board of education members last week. High School Construction To Begin Officials hope that constructi<xi of a new media center and other -tlaS 5J2Qms at Davie High School will begin by mid-July. Bigopcning for thc projecl was scheduled tor June i3rThcTtcw- construction will be built in front of the current school on U.S. 601 south of Mocksvii(e. Renovations to the current structure w ill bc done next summer, after which ninth graders will be moved to the school. 404 Students Didn’t Miss A Day A total of404 Davie school studenis had pcrfcvt attendance for the 1992-1993 .vhool yearand were awarded a free pass (more than $10,000 total value) to Paramount's Carowinds. Perfect attendance ; fiumberx by school: Davic High. 85; South DavieJr. High, 50; North • pavie Jr. High, 70; Cwlecmec. 34; Mocksville Elementary. 35; '>locksville Middle, 28; Pinebrook, 30; Shady Grove, 60; William !R . Davie, 14. •bld School Activity BusTo Be Sold The board of cducatiiw declared a 1969 Chevrolet bus as surplus properly, aflowing it to^fsoldltithe'pQblic:ThcT)ld-burhdd-been iised by the masonry class. ticipatcd at a station, rcceivcd a punch on a tally card, and then rotated to another station. Each child rcceivcd o ribbon for thcir participation, The rib­ bon color was determined by thc num­ ber of activities completed. Thc fourth through sixth grade stu­ dents participated ina"tcam" Held day. Each class was divided into teams of sevcnorcight students, Each groupof studcnu rotated as a team and com­ pleted 15 sport stations. Each student completed and recorded a score at each station. Team scores weretallied and a team ot each gradc level received a 1st placc bluc ribbon. Second, third and fourth teams were also recognized. All students eamed a participation ribbon. ThcstudcntsparticipatedinthcPresi* dcnlt Council of Physical Fitncss test­ ing in the fall and spring. The five battery tests evaluate children on thcir cndurancc, flexibility, agility, abdomen strength and arm strength. Two hun­ dred and 17 children met thc standards for thc National Fitness Award and 27 children met the Presidential Fitncss Award standard. This was an increase from previous years. The children re* ceived awards. An Improved Fitncss Award was flJsoawankd. TbcstuUenudotbesamc fivc tests both fall and spring. If thc child improves four or all five scores, sheAc receives an improvement rib­ bon. One hundred and sixty onc stu­ dents received improvement ribbons. UNC At Charlotte Degrees Awarded To 4 From Davie The University of North Carolina at Charlotte had its 28th commence- mcnton May 15attheCharlotteColi- scum. Students completed all require­ ments of thcir departments and thc university. WiiliamM. KirkpatrickofMocks- vil!e eamed a master's degree in coun­ seling and guidance/school. John Oscar Riddle of Mocksville eamed a bachelor’s degree in com- putcrscience. Melissa Gail Sofiey ofMocksville eamcd a bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in psychology. Janeil Potts Yount of Mocksville eamcd a master's degree in elemen­ tary education. Student Scholars Heidi Kluge Kurns Speclul Awurd Al UNC-(i [)iplonui Cmmon> Hcidi Charlotte Kluge <if Advuncc was among threegniduatcs tnrccicvc thcJoscph M. Bryan Ahcicvcmcnt and Leadership Award from thc Schwl of Business and Economics at the University of Norih Carolina at Greensboro during the school's recent reception and diploma ceremonies. The award recognizes superior personal achievcment. leadership and service to the sch(K)l and community. She is thc daughter of Gunther and Ruth Kluge of Route I. Advance. She majors in management and political science. Sh: has been Kluge a leader in the campus chaptcr of Deha Sigma Pi husincss hon<r socie­ ty, president for lhc past ycar. and as president of her pledge class and as Connections chairperson. She has bccn a volunteer for Junior Achievement and in teaching thc business basics curriculum to fourth graders. Kluge has been a pecr advis<r in thc Bryan School and served as leader for campus tours. Christy Mlchelle Joyner Makes Cumphdl President’s I.lsl Christy Michclllc scored a 4.0 grade point average and was nam­ ed to the spring semester dcan*s list at Campbell Univcrsitv, Buies Creek. Fourteen Named T<i IX-an's !Jst At UNC-firvensl>um Fourteen Duvie County students al the University of North Carolina at Greensboro maintained a 3.5 or better grade point average and were named to thc spring semester dean's list; from Advjnce — William A. Hubbard of Ri*jte 4, Kimberly J. Hutchison ofRoutc6.JamesS. Money ofRoute 1, William S. Mullin Jr. of 118 Woodbum Placc. Thomas R. Orrcll. Anita Uiuise Pierce of Route 4. Sandra H. Schcrle of 142 Creekwood Drive, Andrea E. Wal>er of Route 2. and Barbara R. Wolntan-Moore of 124 Wood- burn Plave; from Mocksville — Tonya L. McClamrockof 166 HuLndvr Drive. Michael A. Or>illo of 2(1) Crvekside Drive. ReKxca Sue K. Vondra of644 Sanfivd Ave., John P. Williamsof 126 Sun*et Drive No. 34, and Helen L. Yokley. Tara Whittaker; tfurd grade • Tracy day,June 8,tocclebratctocirgradua- Allen. Brandon Angell, Miranda" 'uons. Colecn received her GED and tiameycast!e, Andy Drye, Brandon Anna received her nustefs degree in Gentry, John Glasscock, Amy musiceducation.Pueblo Indians Teach Ceramics Sudie Whalcy and Jerry Jones ac­ companied Uieir5th gradc studcntson a trip to Hiddcnite Gems June 1. Tbe studentslookcdforgcmstoncsinacrcck. in a field, and in dirt sifted into a sluice. These activities were included in a gc* ology lesson. SHADY GROVE Fun Day was Monday, May 31. Kindergarten-third grade studenis took pan in 30 activities. The children par- By Laura Moycr Ninth grade an students at North Davic got the opportunity to experi­ ence the Pueblo Indian method of making black-on-black ceramics. With U)C help of Marilyn Willard of thc Santa Clara Pueblo tribe, ihe students* day^oIorcd pieces were Uansformed into shiny black pottery by an oxygen reduction process.. fThe lack of air gives thc pottery a black The process of making each piece goes back to early Native American traditions. For example. Indian pot­ ters gathered all materials in precise quantities from nature with a sacred promise to waste nothing. (Blue com was sprinkled around toe firing pit as an offering to the Great Spirit for a successful firing.) A combination of day and volcanic ash from New Mexico was mixed until it was suit­ able for molding. At this point, thc day was formed into the desired shape and left to dry. Once dry, it is sanded then coated with a slip of red clay. A smooth stone called a polishing stone must be robbed over thc surface w hile it is still wet to give the object shine. Polishing stones were prized possessions to Uie Pueb­ los w ho would often pass them down from generation to generation. Thc difficulty in finding such a stone prob- J*bly_was the main reason for this. The firing process may appear crude and outdated, but in reality is much more efficient than any other method today, including kilns. A pit must bc dug and a grate with the pottery is set inside. After surround­ ing thc pieces with metal, the struc­ ture is covered with cedar chips. A fite w hich set over all of this is left to bumfor l5minutcsbeforebeingsmol- dered with horse manure for the re­ maining 45. Now the pottery needs to bc re­ moved with caution to examine the fmishedproduc4andcheckforcracks. Black-pn-b1ack pottery generally brtngra ttighcf prieethatvmosuuhet SF Marilyn Willard helps North Davie students pit fire ceramics in Pueblo tradition, from left: Laura Moyer, Genny Masura, Joseph Willard, Lee Trivette, Keli Russell, Amanda Parrish and Naaborle Sackeyfio. ^ ^- kindsofccramics. r w M $ m &'ht'Mztif&sm fc w .ti* *S ^ $ p S M V i.> -> r .ti's v ,': - .'-A9.-.v;".! & S S 3 ^ M $ S ^ *OTu.;.ujy^s%V-^ i K f e s il& '< w & & i** * i $ - '> ^ f f i ^ f t ' 4?is#SB»®ae?#?tf^ft>3i<--------------------------------- mssusssm Principal W.G. Pons got tne joD ol covering"up pit after ceramics-class. Pinebrook Student National Winner In ‘Wishy-Washy’ Contest Pinebrook Elementary first grader Rebecca Boger was a winner in a na­ tional contest celebrating the first de- cadcofMissWishyWashy,achildren's bookbyJoyCowley. More than 11,000 students nation­ wide entered thc contest, with the top 100 selected as winners. Rebeccawas a student in Mrs. Idol's class ot Pinebrook last year. Age 6, she is foe daughter of Mark and Cindy Boger of Route 2, Mocks- vil!e. Rebecca won a big book of the Wishy-Washy Day and a regular size book, boft signed by the author, a Miss Wishy-Washy pin, t-shirt and poster thatinciudedpicluresofallthewinning entries. D2-D AVIK COUNTY KNTKRI’RISE RECORD, Tliursd*y,June 17,1993 H o n o r S tu d e n ts Davie High . The following Davie High Scluxi| sludcntswercnamcdtopthc/VDlKinor roll for thc 4th quarter. TENTHGRADK •. Christopher Anderson. Matthew Anderson, Eleanor Bailey, Robin Bledsoe, Allison Bowden. Janc Burnette, Jatncs Carlvr, Amy Champ, Tamara Cobum. Bcvcrly Coulston, Gail Lynn Davis, Waync Davis, Kaih1ccn Dcsch, Mary Essie, Timo* ihy Wadc Fishi*r, Melissa Hendrix, Jamic Howard. Steven Lanier, Jennifer Mando, KristinMillcr, Audrey Morgan,Tonya Mullis, Heallier Neal.Jodi Pack, Erin A. R;mdlc, William Ray,Jill S. Rowe, JenmfcrStewart, E,K, Tomlinson, C.S. Vantloy, Bcthany Walt, James Wallace. Wesh>n Wallace, Mary E. Waller. Mnmla Whlckcr. llTl!G R A D K Katharine Archer, Sarah Bahnson, Jaimic Bailey, Wendy Brown, DareH Bryant, Seth Carter, Jennifer Cvmal/er,ToddCorvin,Stevc Desch, Benjamin Edwtinis, Ryan Foster, An* dreaGentry,TaraGrccn,Ben Harrison. Kristin Hinshaw, Holly Hobson, Addic Keaton, zXmanda Latham, Am.1nd.1 Ledford. Kristin Lcvcrenz, William R. Davie The following students at William R. DavjcSchoo! were named to the A and A/B honorroll forihc fourth nine weeks grading period. 4th Grude ‘ Jessica Parker, CandiccAnderson. AnUrewBuckles,Jusiin Dyson, Leigh Ann Moore, Jackie Naylor, Amanda White, Lauren Coley, Kayla James, Heather Schlcupner, Chris Bamette, Heather Boger, Will Dunn, Cheryl Jones, StacyeJoyner, Tonya Lebetter, Krystle Pope and Douglas Shaw. 5th Grude Erin Baity, Abby Brickey, Denise Gentle, Corri Shoffner. Sarah Brake, Raehcl Reeves, J.C. Wi!!iard. Matt Foster, Scott Whittaker, Jeremy Bailey. Amanda Brown. Amanda England, Ben Lowdermilk. lyam Lynch, Alicia Manning. DannyTesta and D'Vorrest Wallace. 6th Grude Alan Bagshaw, Casey fiuiley, James Blakley, Dana Coley, Aaron Naylor, Suzy Pence, Jessica Smith, Chris Snow, Roderica Gaither, Chad McBride, Holly Allen. P.J. Barney. Beth Bracken. Mandy Davis, Dustin Keaton. Jason Laird, Robbie Mead­ ows, Stephanie Payne, Kelly Renegar. Alicia Shoffner and James Taylor. Honor Curds Additional honor cards were is­ sued to Adam Markland. Kassy Shoffncr and Jill McDaniel. South Davie Jr. High The following students were named to thc South DavieJunior High School founh quancr honor roli. Sm nlh Grade ' AH A's • Samir Bassiouni, Ashley Bowden, KristinGamcr,SidraLcdfonJ. David Little, Jill Prillaman, Amanda Pruitt, James Robinson. Zekc Sipprell and Audrey Williams A-B honor roll - Chris Armstrong, Allison Blalock, Don Brown. Scott Carter, Jessica Carter, Laura Corrcll. Hillary Davis, Jason Dcsnoycrs, Ryan Dcsnoyers. Amanda Dwiggins, Randy Gcntiy, Mark Goin, Ron Goldstein, Matt Hamrick. Jennifer Hajbin. Jas- mlnc James, Matt James, Benjamin Johnson, Donna Jones, Jessica Jones, Dim Khom, BJ Kiser, Bryan Lakey, Ntonica Mann, Grady McClamrock, Justin McClamrock, Keely McCollum. John Page, Chris Peoples, Oubohvahh Pmmavahn, Raroona Pittman, Emily Randle, Anna Samm, Matt Townsend, Caleb Whitaker, Anya Williams, Melanie Willis and Chuck Phelps. Kighlh Grude All A's • Amy Call. Will Edwards. AHixon Foil. Ashley HoJges, Shannon Holmes. William Johnson, Courtney Jones. I lolly Landry and Allison Little. A-B honor roll • Brantley Angcll, Haley BevX, Heather Bishop. Nonna Blanton. Cand>cc Bowles, Jonathan Bradford. Kristy Burton, Veronica Campbell, Rocky Clark. Tommie CrotK.ToniaDillanlJillEvethardt.Jcn* nifcrGilcs. HealhcrGlass, Will Grimes. Megan Hendrix, Marvi Hivks, Holly Hill,ElliottL>tle,TamaniNtoms,Hrian Myers, Mindy Randolph. Jason Sheets and Erika Summers. NitiHtGmde All A's • Leslie Fender and Robrina Walker. A-B honor roll - Ann Barber, Bcth Campbell, iN lani Oiildress. Brcni CrviLs, Jennifer Gamett, Crystal Harris. Tif fany Harris, Amy Home, Kathy Jones, Marty Link, Amy McCray. Kcnny Myers. Laura Prillaman, Katie Riddle, MelissaShouse,ChristySmith.Natosha Watson and JeffWiHard. ;Mocksville Middle >'^Thc following Mocksville Middle 5^udcnu received A-B honorroll blue ; ‘ SELF-CONTAINED ; • LcannDurham,EvanHodges,Gary .$edmon, Jonathan R>chard> Tommy Smith, Dale Lewis, Jeffrey Redmon, LJ; Williams, Ramaro Scott and Michael Colc. :>*: FOURTH GRADE :*t.;Diana Bahnson, Cindy Baker, !Dturen Cozart, Lauren Grimes, iSto"phanie Hepler. Aaron McClnnnon, Jennifer Moore, Bctsy Naylor, ‘Chcsscny Pharr, Jaime Potts, Luis •Soto, Elizabeth Yokely, Andrea • Dpnkard, Anna McClamrock, Brandy •Sparks, Candic Taylor, Casey Jones, ;Chfis McClamrock, Daniel Potts, ;bonna Julian, Jeremy Link, Jordan :Howcll, Kendra Amtstrong, Kimberly Hilton, Lauren Flippin, Lee Bamcy, Melissa Brady, Miriam Bricrlcy, >T/avis Allcn, Travis Call and Jay "Smith. *^ Shana Brewer, Laurcn Brogdon, -Erin Chaffin, Michael Harris, Jocelyn Jcnkins, Matthew Johnson, Wesley Johnson, Bccky Little, Larissa :Vookabill, Joseph Mcllvenna. Wes ^1iller,TeliscaPenn,Amanda Rogers, Angel Shore, Tamara Young, Chris $caford, Emily Wishon, Justin Beauchamp, Justin Edward.s, Katie Ochihardt. Tripp Hall, Val Stewart, 4ndZachTuck. > •; FIFTH GRADE ;r^Jennifer Burglo, Amy Cushman, ;Layla Goln, Katie Grose, Brandy 'Kuontz, Shelley Sheets, Brandon 'Xjlen, Jerri Ann Angell, Shawn FOR ALL OCCASIONS Sister’s II Mccksville 634-1782 Deanna Liveiigmxl, Bryan McNeil, Chcrri Moorv, Bctli Mull, Teresa A. Pless, Mary E. Phillips, Christina Rohinson, Jonathan Sparks, Mary Catherine Steed, Sunni Tucker, Shan­ non Umix*rgcr. 12TH GRAI>K Lori 1 leaiherAllcn. Yonnlc Rcnce Allen, Anncssa Renee Atkins, A)an Brent Boger, Susan Carpenter. Brad Chapman, Chcryl Coburn, Kuren Cook, Matthew Daughtrey, Tamica Foote. Brandy Harrison, Tara Marie Howell. Dianna Sue ljames. Kristen Long. HeatherMcDowell.CarolMichcle Moon. Angela Price, Melissa Rcnnix. Anna Robertson, Jeannic R. Robert­ son. Cindy Royall. Susan Schuyer. Shirley Renee Scats. Mcghan Sipprell. Lori Sludcr. Brad VanHoy. Kristi Lynn w e 1, Masonry Men Davie High School’s participants in the "Final Four oI Masonry" April 22-23 in Greensboro were, lrom left: David Crotts (instructor), Landon Beaver, Kirk Cleary (3rd region finalistj Walkcr, Angela williams. Jennifer and S am Jam es; Nearly 200 high school students participated in the slate bricklaying and wiison, siacy Wood. masonry championships. ^ Brooks. Lynne-Marie Grey. Emily Harpe, Ashley Holmes, Steven Jones, Heather La.xton, Jon Rowe Lisa Stanley and Latasha White. Richard Broadway, A!csia Dillard. Jessica Dillard. Catherine Dwiggins. Kirby Jones, Brittany Pharr, Hollie Potts, Rebecca Thurston. Wesley Bridges.TisaCampbell,Andrca Dull, Ellen Foust, Molly Koontz.. Heidi Landry, Hollie Lapish, Frederic McIntyre, William Peacock, Olivia Steele, Nancy Vogler, Julia Angell, Katie Beaver, Dana Call, Caroline Hauser, Khristen Langdon, Sarah Stein, Chris Strong and Chris Wcnsil. SIXTHGRADE Zak Agresto, Kcnny Collins, Bryan Cudd, Wesley FrocLich. Erin Greene, Stephanie Howell, Brandi Johnson, Michael 3oncs, Sophia Long, Jenny Schooler, Tasha Hunter, Sopheu Khorn. Kimhcily Whitley, Candacc Joncs,Clinton Lakey, Michael lnscoc and Tamika Self. Ryan Barnes, E!lic Brown. Meredith Harris, Tina Lipford, Jef­ frey Mc!lvcnna, Donna Pennington, Chasity Rose, Paul Sparks, Nicholas Summers, Matthew Tuck, Hannah Whituker,JimmyBooe.LannyCollett, Trent Howell, Adam McClamrock, Tiffany Myers. Amelia Seaford and Elizabeth Steele. ________ Cube Steak U S D A F a m i l y P a c k Chicken Breast L b . C o u n t r y P r i d e Filets & Tenders Fresh Daily Ground C huck/ Gtound Round $ Spare Ribs $159r Fresh Extra Lean Pork 00 D LION 1 Lb Big 8 A ll Meat G w a ltn e y Franks Jum bo Western Cantaloupes c ^ 7 i_ y Limes Each 1 0 / * 1 Tender Yellow Squash/ Fresh Pickling Cucumbers 6 9 Lb. Fresh Dally 3 Lb. Pack Or More Ground Turkey 69 Deli Bonus Buys! Kellogg’s Sugar Frosted Flakes s219 Reg. $3.25 L e a n Boiied Ham Listerine $A39 Reg. $4.89 20 Oz. usm 32 0z Cool M int/ Original Sfouthuiash Macaroni Salad Baked Fresh D ailySub Buns 8cefortx* lSO zBeefaroni/ B e e fRaeioH/Spaghetti With Heat/Mini Ravioli tr Rjvio!i 6 Roll White Bathroom Ttssue 2 L ite r - Dlct Pcpsl, Cnffclnc Frtc Pcpsl, CafTelne Frcc Dlct Pepsl. Crystal Pepsl. Dlct Crvstal Popsl. Mtn. Dcw, Dlct Mtn. Dcw, 7-Up. Dlct 7-Up Pepsi Cola 99 * 24 Pk, • 12 Oz. CaneMt(t. Dciv, Dlet Pepsl. Pepsl ..................6.95 Mom 'n' Pops Sausage Biscuits $ ' Q 9 $2.49 Northern 2/$ 15 0z. Reg. $1.79 Each 3 We R e s e rv e T h e R ig h t T o L im it Q u a n titie s . P ric e s in th is a d g o o d W e d ., J a n c 1 6 th r u T u c s .. J u n e 2 2 . 1 9 9 3 . "V D A V IE C O U N TY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday,Junc 17,1993 - D3 ' ! In The Military Perry Jc>stf Sea«ri^hl Promolcd ll> U.S. Arni> The U.S. President h.h rcpo>ed >pcciul irust und eontldence in the pumoliMii. vainr. t 1Jelity and abilities of Perry Jix*f Seawrighi. and in view of these qualities unJ potential tir inervased respoasibi 1ity. he was pmnioted to captain from sccond lieutenant on June I by order of the Secretary of the Army. Michael J. Vea>ey. licntcnant colonel, general staff, and Chicfofthc Promotions Branch. Seawright was pinned by his wife. Shen>n and Lt. Colonel Moore while his parents and other staff members looked on. A rcceptitw follow­ ed. Seawright and his wife are stationed at Fi. Eustid. Va. He is a native of Duvic Cmnty and is lhe son of Barbara and Perry Seawright. Sttiwriyht Randy Ferguson I)epltncd On Alncruft Currier In Pacific Navy Lt. Randy A. Rrguson. s<ti of John H. and Eariene I). FergUMXi of Bermuda Run. recently dcpltned with Strike Fighter Squadron 146. Naval Air Station. Lcmoore. Calif.. for six months to the Western Pacific as part ofthe aircraft carrier USS Nimitz Bat­ tle Group. The group includes nine suadrons of aircraft aboard the Nimitz. three cmi<ers. a dcMroycr. two submarines and two replenishment ships. The squadron flies the F/A -I 8 Hornet strike fighter, uhich per­ forms airborne combat and attack roles such as providing lire sup­ port to trocps on the gmund. A 1983 graduateofDavie High School. Ferguvonjoincd the Navy !in May 1987. He is a 1987 graduate of the Ui>. Naval Academy. •Annapolis. Md.. with a bachdor's degree. Tvto Receive Prnmoliwis Fn*ti United Slutes Air Force David P. Gibson Jr. has bcen promoted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of major. A btocnvironmental engineer, he is the son of EUzubeth M. and David P. Gibson ofTrophy Club. Texas. He is th: nephew ofLouisc and Paul Walker of Route 2, Mivksville. Amy Y. Vinccntv has been pronutcd in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of senior airnian. A radiologic speciali*<. she is the daughterofWilliam 0 . Arnold of Advance, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Thorn­ ton Sr. of Chri%tian>burg. Va. MHS Class Off ’32 Holds Reunion On June 3. l932,agroupof seniors received thcirdiplomas from Mocks- ville High School. On June 3. 1993. 13 members of that class met at noon forthcirannual class reunion at Wcstem Steer Res­ taurant. The class flower was the red rote. An arrangement of red and while roses was on a table, on w hich were pictures of past reunions. There was a red rose Donna Burton Top School Bus Driver • Donna Burton, a Davie county bus driver has been named winner of the 1993 Tracy Lea Calhoun Memorial Award for safe driving by the N.C. Petroleum Marketers Association. v Burton has been driving a school bus eight years at Shady Grove El- emcntiuy. * Burton was recognized at Monday MMS Students Receive Awards In toe Awards Day program held on June 4 at Mocksviile Midd!e School. Nicholas Summers was selected as toe Student of the Year for his excel­ lence in citizenship, sportsmanship, and academics. :• Presidential Physical Fitness Swards went to: -; Lauren Cozan. Beuy NayIor. Tif­ fany Scott. Richard Broadway. Tisa bampbell, Allen Dyson, Mitchell Garner. Elise Whitaker. Chuck BirUsong, Lanny CoUetUustin Home. RyanRoberts,B!akeSmitoandNicho- tasSummers. ;♦ Presidential Academic Fitness 3wards went to: Chasity Rose, Jeffrey Mcllvenna. Hannah Whitaker. Maitoew Tuck. Nicholas Summers. Paul Sparks. Brandi Johnson. Tasha Hunter, Stephanie Howell. Meredith Harris. Erin Greene. Wesley Froelich and Bryan Cudd. Homeroom Citizens of the Year Robert “Tripp" Hall. Lauren Cozart. Erin Chaffin, Jordan Howell. Shelley Sheets. Jeffrey Anderson. Thad Johnson, Catherine Dwiggins, Sophea Khom, Lanny Collett. Katie Beaver. Matthew Tuck and Leann Durham. Scholarship Is Awarded Lexington Fumiture Industries has - awarded 12 college scholarships, in­ cluding one to a recent Davie High School graduate. All ofthe recipi­ ents graduated from high school this year. To I qualify for the I scholarships.stu-1 dents must be children of full I time employees I ofLexingtonFur- 1 hiture Industries Copt* and meet certain academic require­ ments. Each scholarship will be for $1,500 feand Award Given *• Brandi LeAnn Phillips received jfie Certificate of Award for the "Most putstanding in )he Eighth Grade Band"onMay31 at North Davie Junior High School. \\ She U the | i&ughterofMary I P. Phillips of | Route 8, Mocks- Wile and the late CKarles M. Phillips. I’hillips for each living member and a w hite rose for each deceased member. Over the years, the class has lost 10 boys and one girl. Five of the six surviving "boys’ werc present. Cecil Leagans gave the blessing for the meal - during w hich he asked classmates to pause in memory of the deceased members. No special program w as planned, cvcryonejustchatted with thcirclass- matcs of 61 years ago. Those attending the reunion were: Anna Mac Anderson Owings. Mary Helen Bamcycastle Forrest and her husband Paul, Mae Caudell Howard, Glenn Craven and his w ife "Weezie"; Margaret Collette Edwards, George Evans and his w ife Lois, Helen Grant Bunch. Lillian Howard Sain, Albert E. (Buster) Killian. Mary Louise Lakey Leagans and her husband Paul. Cecil Leagans and his wife Ruby, Ruby Martin Moore. John T. Smith and his son J.T.Jr. ' *’ It was decided that in the future the group will meet on June 3 except when the date falls on Saturday or Sunday, when an alternate date will be chosen. Notes had been prepared to send to members who w ere unable to attend. These were signed by those present. Collections Added To History Room The Manin-Wall Hisiory Roomof the Davie County Public Library has added toe titles listed below to its special collection. They include two titles bought by lhe library, and the others are gifts from the following donors: Joe Brickey, Jo White Linn, Patricia Rosenthal. Nancy Murphy, and the Davie County Historical and Genea­ logical Society. • Ancestors and Descendants of John H. Bradshaw and Scythia Enfield Frittar of Stafford County, Va. • Ancestral roots of 60 colonists who came to New England between 1623 and 1659. Caswell County, North Carolina. Marriage Bonds. • Casw ell County. North Carolina. Will Books 1777-1814. • Caswell County, North Carolina. Will Books 1814-1843. • Caswell County. NorthCarolina. Will Books 1843-1868. • Daniel Boone; The Life and Leg­ end of an American Pioneer. • The Gibson and related families. • Ttie Great Adoptee Book. • A HistoryofGreene County, Va. •TheJoumalofJohnBowne 1650- 1694. • Marriage Record ofWashington County,Tenn., 1787-1840. • Maury County. Tenn.. Deed Ab­ stracts Books D, E, and F. • Nonh Carolina Bastardy Bonds. • On Beyond Lcatherbatk; The Cass Saga. • The Past Is a Key to the Future: A History ofTerra Alta. West Virginia. • Person County, N.C. Compila­ tions; Land Grants. • Person County, N.C. Marriage Records 1792-1868. • Ritchie County in History and Romance. • Rootsintoe Rhineland; America's Heritage in 300 Years of Immigration 1683-1983. • Rowan County Cemeteries ♦ 5 volumes. • Rowan County. N.C.. Marriages 1868-1900. ■ 1770-1790 Census of the Cumberland Settlements in what is now Tennessee. • State Census Records. • Stokes County. N.C Will Ab­ stracts Volumes I and II. • Union Lutheran Church Record Books 1850-1937, Rowan County, N.C. • Virginia Colonial Abstracts. • Virginia Genealogy; Sources and Resources. • Virginia Wills and Administra­ tions 1632-1800. • The Wilcoxson. Boone. Morgan and Allied Families. Mocksville Guard Unit Trains Soldiers night's board of education meeting. She said the award belongs to the school and students on bus 41. Those kids are my kids.- she said. "It's not only my plaque it belongs to 41 -all60ofthem." Norman Boger, Horn Oil Co., pre­ sented the plaque on June 4. What is a gnint? A grunt is the combat soldier, thatpersonwhofrequcmlyfindshim- self wei. cold. dry. hot. mosquitoe- bitten, frost-bitten, just plain bitten by who-knows-what. and generally exposed to whatever else Mother Nature bestow s upon him. All this while told to either train for or fight a w ar. Years ago during the French & Indian War. Major Robert Rogers outlined a fewsimplerules that should guide even combat soldier. Some of the<e are as follows: • Don't forget nothing. • Have >our musket clean as a w histle. hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder and ball, and be ready to march at a minute's warning. • When you’re on the march, act the w ay you w ould if you w as sneak­ ing uponadeer. See the enemy first. • Let the enemy come till he's almost close enough to touch. Then let him have it and jump out and finish him up with your hatchet. Thesefundamentalshavechanged little since 1756. Modem weaponry, however, has improved slightly. A modem infantry platoon contains quite a bit of weaponry and fire­ power, ranging from the primitive bay onet mounted on an M -16 rifle to sophisticated wire-guided missile The infantry platoon contains those specific "grunts" mentioned above: combat soldiers. What does this have to do with Mocksville or Davie County? For sev eral yean now the Mocks­ ville Armory has been the home of infantry soldiers. It still is - and w ill continue to,be regardless ofthe State National Guard reorganization. The, unit performed well during its 1993. annual training period at Ft. Bragg, and waspraised by active duty evalu­ ators forbeing "as goodorbetterthan similar Active Duty Infantry Pla- Anyone interested in becoming a partofthisTeamshouldconiactSFC Gasperson. SFC James, or SSG Combs at 7W-634*2633. Carpenter Bees Can Destroy Wood toe first year. If college requirements are met satisfactorily, toe scholarship w ill be renewed. Rebecca N. Cope is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy E Cope of Advance. She plans toattend Cataw ba College to pursue a career in physical therapy. At Davie High, she was a member of Beta Club. National Honor Society, Spanish Club. HOSA Club. Captain of toe Soccer team and a cheerleader. There have bccn manycomplainu from Davie County residents so far this Spring w ithcarpentcr bccs. These are black and >eIlow bccs that slowly hover near decks or the caves of a house or buildings. The carpenter bee(somctimes called borer bee) re­ semble the common bumble bee. Car­ penter bees have a shiny tail section; bumble bees have a hairy tail section. The carpcntcr bcc is called this because the female bores a half inch hole into wood with its strong jaws. The holes go into the wood for a half an inch and then proceed horizontally for sixor more inches. Wooden decks, soffits, and over­ hangs are prime targets for ca^enter bce attacks. Carpenter bees usually attackrawwood.butpaintedorstained wood is not immune. Cedar, redwood and otoer wood types that usually re­ pels insects will also be attacked. One must take prompt actiononcc toe wood is attacked. The female bee will drill a tunnel in which she builds a large pollen ball. The female lays an egg on the pollen ball.Thcballisscaledoffwiihchewed wood and additional brood cells arc constructed. The fenuIc can lay up to seven pollen balls in a single tunnel. There may be many tunnels in a single board. Lana feed on pollen balls in the cells. The male bee does not sting but is quite territorial and docs tend to harass other bees or people. The female car­ penter bee generally does not sting unless highly agitated or caught. Carpenter becsareactivc nest build­ ers April vhrough June. They are an­ noying wilh thcirbuzzing. drilling and defense of thcir territory. The first bees seen in the season die offby early summer after nesting. Carpenter bees seen after late July are new bees and do not tunnel that year. Carpcntcr bees can completely de­ stroy wood if allow to bore many tunnels over successive years. Eaves of boxing and face plates arc often damaged beyond repair from succes­ sive years of nesting. Many bees will use a single entrance hole. Nesting activity can be reduced by treating entrance holes with insccticides and plugging holes with wooden dowels or wood putty. Sometimes woodpeck­ ers will damage wood searching for emerging larvae. Apply an insecticidal spravordust for killing wasps or bces directly into and around the entrance hole. Homeowners can use Sevin, Dursban or Malathion as a spray or dust. Plug the holes immediately. Always read the instructions before applying any pesticide. Contact the North Carolina CooperativcExtcnsionService, Davie County Center, at 634-6297 if you should have any questions about ap­ plying pesticides. Those reluctant to use insecticides can reduce bees by swatting becs out of the air w iih a tennis racket or use a net to catch toe bee. Sometimes plug­ ging the hole with w ire mesh at nicht while the bee is inside will trap it. but resourceful insect will chew another REUSE THE NEWS. HOW TO REACH YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE N.C. Rep. Julia Hovtard Davie County 1021 Legislative Bldg. Ral#lgh, NC 27601-1096 R*ltlflh (919) 733-6904 Home: (704) 634-3754 Olllee: (704) 634-3536 June is. BUY DIRECT FROM faflSW “SAVE BUY DIRECT!” If You're Paying For Cable, You're Paying TOO MUCH! COMPLETE SYSTEM ONLY $0790 W f /Mo. w.a.c. s0 DOW N NO PAYMENTS TlL AUGUST uWational Q©28 uUontk ALL ROSES in an arrangement or inabox 30% Off Sister’s II cf Mccksville Florist & Gifts 1039 Yadk!nville Rd. • Mocksville, NC 27028 704-634-1782 Over 150 Fiee Channels Plus The Fo#owv>g Pay Channete Included Enjoy...CNN, HBO, Cinemax, ESPN, Disney, USA, Showtime, and all the best in Sports, 1st Run Movies, Children's Shows, News, TV Classics, AND MUCH MORE! CALL TODAY 1-800-255 -ECHO(3246) SATELUTESDKECTI "OUR NAME SAYS ITALL' ILocai Qa|| Today For A Locai Authomted Dealer Free Site Survey f7W)*788*-7992 I BUY DIRECT FROM fDffl$$U D4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tlittrsiluy,Jimc 17,1993 e 1 Chad Lipscomb: "I really miss gelling oul and helping peo­ ple, I wouM rather be out helping olher people than hav­ ing people help me." County Planners to Discuss Two Zoning Proposals -There will be a meeting of lhe Davie County Planning Board on Thursday, June 24, at 7 p.m. in the commissioner's room of the Davie C9 unty Administrative Building. ; New membersGanyD. LivengooU andAIJen V. Snipes will be welcomed. ;J. Emory Crawford submitted a reqiuest to rczone property from Resi­ dential R-20 to Highway Business - Special Use Zoning. This property is locatedoff the west sideofFarminglon Rtiad approximately .1 mile north of 140. Thc property is a 7.345 acre and a2305 acre tract shown as a portion opparcel 36 of Davie County Tax Xfap F-5. Crawford proposes «o ex­ pand his existing Beechtree Place hardware business as well as provide forthc developmentofa 1arge animal ho*pital-cIinic to be operated by Dr. James E. Meeker. DVM. >Ben F. Powell submitted a request to-rezone property from Residential R-20 to Highway Business Special UseZoning for the development of a DIFFICULTY IN URINATION? An enlarged prostate may mean you have BPH - M N IO M PROSTATE HYPERPLASIA. One oul 01 three men over 45 have lt. H you are over 45 and: e'HAV* TROUBll UWNATINO • URINATI o rriN • •TOP AND START SlVlRAL TIMES W H Ill : URINATINO • HAVE TROUBLI DELAVINO URINATION - you could have BPH. If you do have 6PH, you may be able to take part In an ta month cllnlcal research trial lor an Investigational drug. Patlente who qualify wlll receive FRE1 PHYSICAL EXAMS, BLOOD AND OIAQNOSTIC TESTINO AND MEDICATION. Medical supervision provided by a board certified urologist. Aplastic Anemia Y oung M an Adjusting T o Life W ith D isease ? By Mlky !lamhardt Davic County Enterprise Record SMITH GROVB - Chad Lipscomb cnjoys helping people. As a volunteer firefighter and first responder with thc Smith Grove fire Depanment,andasavoluntcerwiththe Davie County Rescue Squad, hc spends his spare lime helping people in emer­ gencies. Even at one of his two jobs, as a dispatcher with Davic Communica­ tions, the l9-year-o!d lakes calls from residento needing help. On April 26, Chad Lipscomb's life changed dramatically. Only the day before, hc had been at an auto accident, helping free a victim from a mangled car. The next moming, he noticed iden­ tical bruises on each elbow. His legs had red splotches. When he began to take a shower to get ready for w ork, he began to fee) a burning sensation in the bottom ofhis feet, "lt felt like someone had set my feet on fire," he said. Lipscomb knew something was wrong, and hc went to thc doctor. He was immediately put in the hospital. The diagnosis: aplastic anemia. Lipscomb’sbonemanowhadquilwotk* ing. "It was a shock at first," he said. "I hadjust bought my truck and I had no notion that I was sick. 1 hadn't really been feeling sick. 1 haven't had any Looking back. Lipscomb said he showed some of the symptoms of aplastic anemia, but shrugged it off as SM 9 > flr tiredness because of hHf lbng^omof** crs ofiera-partiaVmatch in bane mar- %o!unteering and work. *-1 ,L— '" ' - ' - ’—' *u-* •'------- They don't know what caused the disease. Lipscomb doesn't work near any of the chemicals or materials asociated w ith aplastic anemia. "April 26 was thc last Uay 1 worked." he said. "1 w as goingto w urk w hen I got out of the doctor's, but he said no. Since ihen, jt*j ;u>t been a wailing game." Lipscomb still spends nights at the hospital, but comes home most days. Some days hc feels better than others, andcandrivchistrockaroundthecoumy And he w aits. Doctors have tried a serum to nuke his blood marrow work again. "There's aneight-wcekwaitingpcriod.Ifi(uorks. il works on the white blood celJs and builds them back up. There's a 50-50 chance.” Chad Lipscomb had no idea he was sick, and had just bought a new pickup truck. — Photos by Robln Fergusson It's been four weeks, and the Lipscombs areoptimistic.There’sbecn some activity in his bIood cell comis. "It's scared everybody, but we 1eam a lot more about it every day." Lip­ scomb said. He likes the doctors and nurses and others taking care ofhim ut Forsyth Memorial Hospital. If the scmrn doesn't work, a bone marrow transplant will be necessary. Findingamatchisdifficult.BoUtbroth- row, and the only hospital that does a transplant with a partial match is in Charleston, S.C. ^They'll have to kill ever>thing in my body first," he said, "with chemo­ therapy and stu(T. That's going to be hanJ.but ifl'vegoi todoit. 1‘vegot todo it. If we do that. I'll have to be down there for three months." ln the midst of all the problem, co- workers at Davie Communications and others have rallied to help the family, holding fund-raisers and blood drives. And the effort is going to carry over, with a permanent fund being started to help others when the need arises. That suits Lipscombju$t fine. "I really miss working and getting out and helping people." he said. "I would ratherbeout helpingotherpeople rather than having people help me." Lipscomb could face a b!ood marrow transplant. medical facility. This property in* volves a two acre portion of parcel 27 of Davie County Tax Map 1*2. The property is off the southeast side of Vanzant Road (S.R. 1152) approxt* mately .3 of a mile off U.S. 64. Geographic Information Systems Specialist Mitchell Helms will rec­ ommend several amendments to the DavieCoumy AddressingOrdinance. These proposed amendments are de­ signed to streamline the use of this ordinance. The structure numbering intervals in this ordinance are pro­ posed to be increased from 10.56 feet to 26.4 feet. Also, the Amendments Section of the ordinance will be dis- The board will review a seven-lot single family subdivision titled the Fai(ie Bowles Subdivision. This 10.278 acre iract lies on the northern side of Feezor Road (S.R. 1137) and ToweryRoadiniheMocksvilleTown* ship. This property is a portion of parcel 51 ofTaxMapJ~4. Davie Still Looking For Social Services Director A new director ofStvial Services has n<it yet teen sclectcdby a hw d of directors that onl> had nine ap­ plicants to choose from. Board Chairperson Dorothy Graham said the fne-person Social Services board had hojvd to ha\c a new top administrator <xi thcjob by June, but mnv shed<vsn't knowwhcn a director might be hia*d. The board advertised the position this spring after James Clark an­ nounced his resignation in February. Clark v,x*nt to Ri*kingham County to head up a larger department there. The board is looking ftir someone with a master's degree in social work and supervisory experience. Of the nine applications received, only four nw the qualifications. All liavc been interviewed. Graham said, bin the board has not teen able to agree on who to hire. If ihe board docs *elect one of the four applicants. Graham said a deci­ sion could come in tte next two Oiherwise. she said it is possible that the position may te advertised again to increase the applicant pt>ol. "I don't think we have ruled anybody out,** Graham said. *'But at this point 1 don*t know if we will advertise again.*' The board plans io mcvt this week w ith a regional social services direc­ tor to help in the decision. Graham said the dirctior nuy heip them se/ecf one <il" the four candidate* or give some other advice. Karen Smith, a long-time county employee and acting director of the department, did not apply for tlie position. CLEMMONS (Colle<tibles!) FLEA MARKET Beside M0 In Clemmons Westwood Village Shopping Center Friday 2-9; Sat. & Sun. 8-5 766-3099 ‘Your Close-To-Home REAL Flea Market' A 3 W E E K D E L IV E R Y ^ V S 5 S - S 2 5 % If you are lntereated In participating, p1eaae call 919-768-8062■ ■ ■ 111 "i 0ft<r *i»«■« *uiMro 0fFG0U> HIGH SCHOOL CLASS RINGS * 5 2 »&lhe lnttepid Sly/e X J f i J| aid tH Ftihton Collection Styles ^ u. m IDX Cold onty. dKK7WEDX CLASS niNGSsClASSnwG5 HvOriprulQtaKin^BRING THIS A0 Don'* fine Jewefry New Towne Shopping Center • Clemmons • 919-766-6505 lW IH L h H iw iw iw i^ h i> w i> All Partyware Supplies, Giftwrap, Bows, Invitations. ^ o titW tt4 s Fo$tehRauch Drug Co. 643 Wilkesboro St. Mocksville, NC 704-634-2141 I>AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Junc 17,1993 - D5 Weak Support Virtually Kills The Lottery Issue BySen. Beby L Cochrane The lottcr>' bill (SB 11) passed thc Scnatc by thc closcst votc cvcr, 27- 25. Thcrc wcrc twx> days of thc best dcbatc (his session on thc lottery with rvfervn- ^Amcmimcnts wcre offered to rc- tpoVe ihc referendum scction of thc bill sOit would be a straight votc on lottery, hU( tiu< failed 20-27. Another amend- mctiwas oJTered to prevent state dol- larsbcinguscdtoadvcrtisclottery.That tiiktl 24*25. Thcrc werc 14 amend- tQcnts, including one that prevented cartoon figures or earicamrcs aiiractivc tochildrcn frombeing used to advertise lottery. The amendments that passed lowered thc percentage paid to convc- nicncc storvs that sell lottery tickets frotn 8<t tc 7%, and one that estab­ lished rulcs for selling lottery tickets. Thc House leadership opposes lot­ tery. so the close vote in the Senate, which indicates weaksuppon, virtually kills thc lottery for this session. Onc of the strongest arguments presented in dcbatc showed that it would be uncon­ stitutional to make it a referendum. OurSiateConslitulionsUMcsthatlhc power of the people is vcstcd in thcir Gcncral Assembly and thc legislators arc to take a referendum to thc people only forchangcs in lheConsti<ution and for apprtnal ofbonds. TiKutiliticscommittcesofthcHousc and Scnatc havc confirmed thc govcmor'sappointccslo!hcStatc Utili­ ties Commission. These people serve eight yean and arc salaried as judges ($75,000). Thc former chanccllor of Appalachian State University, Dr.John Thomas, was confinned as chainnan of this eight-member boanJ. Sen. Ralph Hunt and Rcp, Judy Hunt werc also confinncd. Thc laws on establishing paternity havc been modified through HB 1119, Budget Process Is In Gear By Rep. Julia C. Howard t ; Thc budget pnxcss is in-gcar. Tfce Sqnatc and House passed budget bills. .Vovv thc diffcrcnvcs have to he ironed out in a con(cnc comniiiiee. Thc Sen­ ate has appointed 22 conferees, and the tlouse 21. Each chamber has mct sepa- ralcly to organize. Meetings arc taking place to lay ground rules for working out differences betw ecn thc budgets. An example: Lct*s say the Dcpt. of Cultural Resources was appropriated $100 million in the Scnatc budget and ■ S50mi!lion in the House budect. When ihc conferees negotiate and discuss thc diffcrcncc, they shouldcome back with a figure from S50-SI00million. ’ Conferees will bc mcctingwhite thc restofusareauendmgregu)arcommit- tte meetings. Conferees are supposed toaddresson!y issues included in cUhcr the Scnatc or the House version of thc 6udgct bill. They are to bring no new issues to the table. A budget iicm that was not included in cUhcr bill is not supposed to bc considered. * ;Onc of the issues to be debated will 6iwhcthcrornot tocorrect an account- ing _maneuverthat u as used a couple of >rars ago to balance thc budget. I -Stateemployees arc paid on the last dayof each montfi. During atight cash- ttosi year, thc Junc 30 pay day was dmgedtoJuIy !,whichmovcditfrom ahtfiscal ycar to thc next year's bud- oct. Of coursc, that madc d>c ycar that was* past, better by about S260 million. In.order to mo>e that July I pay datc tack toJune 30 and into the ycar for ^hich thc people are being paid, will cpst about $300 million today. Some u oUld argue that it isjust an accounting move, and that is correcl. But it is more tfianjust that. • With the current system, uhat we aredoing is uking statecmployces who wtknn-Jur,c and committing money from ncxt >ear*s budget to pay them. Or, to put it another way, wc arc not paying our state employees for thcir Junc work out of this year's budget, h coufd bc argucd that this is not a bal­ anced budget; it may bc a balanced accounting nvovc, but not a balanced budget. When we arc talking about a balanced budget, wc are talking about meeting the expenses of onc ycar wttfi the revenue in thc year the obligation occurs. Thc Scnatc has taken thc posi­ tion that it is time to move that pay day back to Junc 30. Thc House moved the communitycollegcpaydayhack(ahout $28mi!!ion)butdid notmoveanyihtng cIse. Because of thc accounting cost, if we change the pay day back, thcn most of dut money is spent because of the S300 million obligation. If wc do not move the pa)’ day back, then the state has approximately S300 million more, as an accounting proccdurc, thatwccan spend in the budget this year. There are as many as 400 items in the budget pnxcss toberesohed. Mo>t arc items tfut includediffcrent amounts spent on programs, but thcrc have been some bills slipped into thc budget as ncw laws. \Vc should bc working to keep tfx' budget bill a budget process and not a way to make ncw laws, Oncreason this process is notagood way to make ncw laws isbccause ofihe intense pressure. If >ou arc given a bill that is 194 pages long on Thursday evening, and from 5 p.tn. Thursday -5 am. Friday >ou have to read, dcbatc, and decide upon a bill, that is a tight schedule to meet to be making budget decisions, much lcss to bc considcring new laws. In ourarca, state emplo> ces sccm to work hard and ukc pridc in their work and appreciate the Uxpa>cr. But in Ra­ leigh. the State Employee Association (SEA)saysthatsta!ccmployecshavcn't beentrcatcd fairlv.Theydcscrvehiqhcr pay, morerctircmcnt benefits, and they deserve to be able to retire after 28 vears, (and some after 25 >ears). We think allowing you to return to your normal activities just hours after “No-Stitch” cataract surgery is a great idea. That's whywe started doing it 2-1/2 years ago. "5ovfAffljf#m Eye Center is the $randest place in the *orld and I've never been treated so professionally by such caring people. I'm !ooling fomard tofmishing the jfwmg and cross stitch projects I haun't worked on for ytars now that I can ste so *elta%ain." Hud Smoot Mocksvilte,NC Dr. Richard Epes has performed over45.000 caUiracl with lens implant surgeries, includingover 10,000 of thc revolutionary "No-Stitch" procedures in the past 2-\fl years. "No-Stitch" ca!aracl with lens imp!ant surgery usually lakes less tltan seven minutes to perform and allows you to return to your normal activities, without a patch, |ust hours after surgery. Rcmcint>cr: lf you're not surc who to irust, always trust your eyes to experience. Call Southeastern Eye Center loday. Trust Your Kycs To IApcrleiicc. O S o u t h e a s te r n E y e C e n t e r . Cmlral Carolina SurcJmt K>t* As**l.iU-*. I’.V Z 3312 Ikittlvurnunil Ave.. <;rmbtmn>. NC 27410/ 01 !l-2H2-r>(HH) M rdlrdrr.V *lftnm rnt,U rfptri1/-lt)K raU inul1)tfl<r*/t'iirlliriiftU rnrarm l >ourutt 1 illHMi32-Ot2H ' "C 7K fm rd Ktfi-sTtit)-'Jnhn l>.-M.i!th<-UA .XIt).. f)»u.iWJ..fk-r6t/LAU) _M;»rr.,LJbUJufl„\lJL_. Karl (1. Slunrc|pher. Mli Christopher t;. Way, Ml) J<ilm A. McCrary, III. Ml) Foryour con>enlcnce,you may be seen by lhe doctors lrom Soulheustem Eye Center ut the office ofDr. Steve Loymon In Mocksville orAdvonce. which has passed thc Senate. Thc bur- dcnofpmdfrctjuin:Uiouvcn."omcslaiu- lory presumptions has been changcd from "bcyond reasonable doubt" to “clcarandconvincingcvidcnce". With thc ncw blood tesis, thc bill provides that a person may not bc a parent of the child if an cxpcrl concludes, bascd on the best, that thc probability of parent- age is less than 85. In response tocomplaints frumbuild- crs, lenders, home owners and local officials, SB 617 proposes the develop­ ment of a testing program for home inspectors who chargc a fcc. Builders, lenders and home buyers who pay for an inspection want a qualified, knowl­ edgeable person for a consistent evalu­ ation of structure. Legislation has been imroduccd to establish a non-partisan method of re- districting thc state for legislative and congrcssionaldislricu.SU 12l8pn> poscs a commission to revise the dis­ tricts for thc state Scnatc and House and for Congress after the 10-year census, w ith thc General Assembly making the final approval or rcjcction. Incumbent legislators and congrcssmcn would not bcfavorcd,noranypoliticalparty.theo- retically speaking, if a non-partisan commission wen? drawing thclincs.No amcndmcMs by legislators would bc permitted to thc final plan submitted to thc Gcncral Assembly frum the com­ mission. Onc proposal of thc Task Force on Violcncc in Schools ls that principals report to thc local law enforcement authority every incident of sexual ha­ rassment, any fight, any violent act, any action that endangers another student ortcachcr. Thc intcnt ls to stop some of tf% violcncc in schools by involving law enforcement to makc youngsters awarc of ftc serious consequences of thcir unacceptable behavior. Thc same people pushing this issue were advo­ cates a few years back to ban corporal punishment in schools, SigmficantchangesmHB7(8inthc: budget bill havc bcen proposed byn*Z on bchalf of my Senate delegation tp* thc Senate leadership. Because wc joined thc cffon on children's initia­ tives with thc understanding that there were modifications that must bc made or wc could not support thcm, we prc- being listened to and thc leadership is- addressing our concerns. - If you havc conccms on issues or bill$,plcase !ct mc knowaspromptly as Statements from independent con- sultanu show that it will cost $41 mil­ lion to reduce retirement to 28 )ears. ln spitc of that fact, the Staic Employee Association says it isabcncfit, and that tiw only fair way for state cmplo>ces. If satc employees don’t want to work, anddon'lapprcciatcuhat d>c taxpayers (who don't havc a 30 ycar retirement program and yct havc to pay for onc for sutc employees) do for them, thcn thc state employees should findjobs some- uhereclse. I contend that state employees have good benefits. Thc lottery is another big issuc; it haspasscdthc Scnatc. Itwill kcoming first to thc Constitutional Committee in thcHousc.thentothcFinanceCommit- tee, and ifit passes tbcrc,ucwill dcbaie it on fte floor of thc Housc. We arc beginning to see more and nwre people around lhc Legislative Building who do not ha\c a southcm dravsl,whowcarvet>nicelookingcloth- ing (which could not bc described as conservative), anduhohav e somevon- ncction to a micrxnhip or computer system of some t>pc that is *'going to makc thc lottery really pay olf '* And wehaveUx*pcoplcwhowanttfk*chancc in North Carolina to “makc it big.*' And wc havc stacks and stacks of petitions and resolutions saying our state docs not nccd the lottery. Also, we have reports from other staic*about how the lottery has affected them. Othcr than tfx* vendors w ho ben­ efit from thc lottery and some who say theyjust cnjoy pla> ing it. thcrc scems to be little positive benefit to states that havc it. No state that has a lottery is in better financial condition than North Carolina without it. • Thc Big Star chain stopped selling lottery tickets at their grocery stores when they saw that, while they wcrc selling an average ot S1.3 million in See Lv#is1alu re — l*uge 1)10 .B ^ a s g g T c n T » « a « r i ¥ y T r i ~ n ^ C a p ’ n S t e v e n ’ s Seafood Restaurant Thursday Night Special Fried fillet Rounder 01 Founder & Shrimp Combination With French Fries or Baked Potato, Slaw & HushpuppIes Sunday Night Special Baby Shrimp With French Fries or Baked Potato, Slaw & Hushpuppies Monday Closed Tues.-Thurs. 4:00 p.m. tO 9:00 p.m. Ffi.-S*l. 4:00 p.m. tO 10:00 p.m. t1:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Phone (704) 634-5428 for take out orders All Fried Foods Cooked ln 100tt Pure Vegetable Oll Offer Good at Cap’n Steven’s Mocksville Location Only l122YadkinviHeRoad*Mock5viHe,NC to ^ p 2 a A M q j j i & s M w * . |.,. ^ ^ * u * » H t f ^ g t t a s g 3 s g g 8 g g s a f l y t t '' i .u a B B & T Fifth Annual CUSTOMER APPRE<MTK>N DAY June 19th, 1993 11:00am - 2:00pm Free Hot Dogs and Beverages While Supplies Last r At Our Willow Oak Branch < L ive E n te rta in m e n t j (Bring Your Lawn Chairs) Register for Prizes W E A P P R E C IA TE Y O lR BUSINESS! D6 - D A V lE C O UNTY E N TE R l’RlSE RECO RD, Tliursdiiy,Jiinc 17,1993 D a v ie D a t e h n e T ':S I$93 $te*v'fcjjj fiss Meetings Thursday, June 17 Chamber of Comtm*rcc (Davic)**Businvss Aftcr Hours'*. 5-6:30 p,m..Gantt Persmnel Office. Squire Btxmc Pla/a. GanU and Davie Arts Council hosts, 634*3304 lor more into. Coolectmv Town lliKird lmtlgvl puhlie hearing, 2 p.m.. followed hy htyrU meeting, Monday, June 21 l)uvlc Counly C<munlsxloiters meet. 7 p.m.. county administration building. Saturday, June 26 Daviv Republican Men meet for breakfast. F&FB HQ .8 a.m. Monday, June 28 l)avle Young RepuWleans meet. 7 p.m.. courthouse. 6M-766l. I)itvfe NAACP meets. 7 p.m.. New Bethel Church. U.S. 601. Tuesday, July 6 t)uvlc Republicans meet. 7:30 p.m.. open meeting. Ongoing MiK'ksvillv Rolar> Club meets every Tuesday at l2:l0p.m . at the Rotary Hut. Salisbury St. United Way Board of l)lrvclors meet. 4th Monday each momh. 5:30 p.m., B.C. Brock building, room :o8. M<tcksvllfe Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4024 meets. Post Hut on Sanford Avc. 7:30 p.m., 2nd Tues­ day each month. Veterans welcome. Mocksvillc-l)avie Ja>cees meet every 1st, 3rti Mondays at the Rotary Hut. 7 p.m. Coinj)osslntiale Friviuls, support group for kreaved parents, meets 'cvcr>' 4th 'Ihursday night at 7:30, East Rooni. B.C. Brock Building, 622 N. Main St.. Mocksville, Narcotics Anon> mous Against All Odds group meets every Sunday. 6 p.m..cvcryThursday,8p.m., Rtxmi 208. upper level, tirock Building. Smoking pennitted. Drug Problem? Narcotics Anonymous Helpline: |-919-785-7280. Alcoholici Aiton> miMis, Sundays and Wedncxiays. 7:30 p.m.. B.C. Brtx*k Building, upper level. Sundavs each month open to all. Drinking pro­ blem? Additional info call 919-725*6031. American Leglmi Ptt>t 174 mon­ thly meeting at the Rotary Hut. 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Veterans welcome. M<wkstWe Civitan Club meets, 6:30 p.m. 2nd. 4tlt Monday of each month at Western Steer. l>av!e Sertoma Clul> meets, 1st. 3rd Thursday each month. 6:30 p.m.. Captain Stevens, Mocksville. Advance Memorial Post 87(9 Veterans ofForeign Wan* and Ladies Auxiliary nx*cts each 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., ai post homc in Advance. American Association of Retired Persons, Davie County Chapter, meets 2nd Wednesday ofcach month. 10:30 a.m.. East Room. Brock Bldg. Davie Cminty Right To I.lfe meets. 7 p.m.. 3rd Thur>day ofcach month in lhegrandjurv room, cotir- thousc. Call 634-5235*or 492-5723. Cwileemw Mvmoriul VFW Post 1119 meets 2nd, 4th Thursdays of each month. 7 p.m., VFW Hall. N.C. 801, C(Miicemee. Davie Arts Council meets 4th Thursday ofcach month. 7:30 p.m.. Brock Gymoftice on N. Main Street. CiirlnlhIan Lodge No. 17 F&AM meets at the lodge, 2nd, 4th Fridays. 7:30 p.m. ModtiilBv Mawiiic Lwlgt* No. 134 meets 1st, 3rd Tuexlays at 7:30 p.m. at the hxlge. Davie MulUple Sclenisis Support Group meets 3rd TiicxUy ol c;ivh month, 7 p.m.. at YMCA. Coolwmiv American Lvylon Post 54 meets at the Legion Hut, Gladstone Road. 7:30p.m., 1st. 3rd Mondays (cuv{H lio)iday>). Advance Misonlc l.txlge No, 710 meets. 2nd Tuesday ole;di month at 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cancer support group meets 2nd Tuesday at Uivie library. 7 p.m. For cancer patients, friends and family. Call l-800-228-742l or634-0313. Mocksville Lions Club meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays of cii'h month. 7 p.m.. Rotary Htit. Salisbury St. MtKksvllle*l)tivlv Homehulldcrs Assiviation meets 4th Tltursday each month. 7 p.m. at Capt.Steven"s. l)avie lliglt Booster>Chib meets every 3rd Monday oftlte month at the school cafeteria. 7 p.m. l)lu<l>le<i Amcrlvim Veterajis No. 75 and Auxiliary meet on the 3rd Monday. 7:30 p.m.,chafter home on U.S. 601 south ol" Mocksville. Farminglon RuritmiCltilt meets. 2n<l Thur.vday al 7:30 p.m. ai the Far­ minglon Methodist Church. IlKLPS Ministries. Christian recovery priyram for wnticn sexual­ ly abused as children. Monday nights. 7:30,41 Court Square. Rtx'm 210. (704) 634*9030. (joldeti Age Cluli meets 1st Wednesday of each month, |0a.m.. Rotary Hut. Salisbury St.. M<x'ksvillv. Al/heliiurs Siipjxir1 Group tikVts 3rd Thursdiy. 7 p.m.. fellowship hall, Mocksville Church of Christ. North MainStreet across from Bnxk Building. Vcr,i Angcll: W>8-8I66. Ilumanv Soclcty of lXivie meets 2nd Tuesday of each imxiih, county administration building, commis­ sioners* room, 7 p.m. No meeting in June. July ix Aug- Breustfenling Support Group meets, 2nd Tuesday of each month. Davie Health Dept., 6-7:30 p.m. PRO (Parent’s Resource <)rgani/al{<Nil. a support group lor families ofchiKlreii with disabilities meets 2nd Tuesday ofcacli month, 7 p.m. Call Rosemary Kropfelder. 998*3311, for location. Jcrlcho-ILirdison HurUwts iucci. 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., Jericho- Hardison Ruritan building. E x J g n s i g j ^ ^ For more infornution on any of these evcnis. call tlw Davie Coumy Cooperative Kxtension Service at 634-6297. Monday, June 21 Kuppu H<mtemakers meet. 7 p.m.. community building. Hostess is Lena Souther. Tuesday, June 22 Cornut/er Homemakers meet, noon. Willie Bess Bennett's home. Wednesday, June 23 INiio-Fannlnglon Homenmkt-rs meet. 1:30 p.m..Jean Snu'th*s home. Thursday, June 24 Cana Homemakers nx*et, 7 p.m.. community building. Monday, June 28 Ci)oleeiiiev homemakers meet. 7 p.m., Coolcumee library. Kxtension Advisory Council din­ ner meeting. Western Steer. 7 p.m. Recognition of member, going off. coming on council. July 20-22 Kiivlrimineiital issues 3-day seminar on water quality, how aquifers and reservoirs work, how water is purified, geneticselection to produce superior beef, environmen­ tal field biok>gy. Meet at 8:30 a.m. in county office building. Teacher renewal unit approved. $3. Registra­ tion forms available. Opun to puh!ic. YMCA The following events arc offered hy tlte Davie Family YMCA. For more infoinulion. call 634-9622. Drug Free Program Clirlstlmi siip|Mirt gmip for those nccding help to be free ofdrugs. l.cd by minister. Daniel ltmwn. Hvery other Saturday. 4*6 p.m. Walking Program Non*members. Walk on track Mon-Fri, 11:30a.m.-l:30p.m. $10 per month. R e lig io n June 21-23 Vacation Bible Sclu*i| at Jericho Church of Christ, 9 a.m.-l2:15 p.m.. ages 3 yearv12th grade. Special ac­ tivities for grades t-l 2 include skate Monday. 12:30-3 p.m.. golf Tues­ day. l2:30-2:30p.m. S2.50per day. Program Wed. 7:30 p.m. for all ages. Call for registration or info. 492-5291. June 21-25 Vacation lllhle Sclim>l at Turrcn* tine Baptist. Route 7. M<xksvillv. 6:30-9 p.m. nightly. All ages. Ven­ triloquist Nina W. Coo^*r on Friday night. Vacation lllhle Scltool at Fork Baptist. Clitsscs for ages 3 to youlli (grades 7-12). Bible study, crafts, games, fun. Church is 6 mi!cs east of Mocksville. For more info. 998-8306. ViicHtImi lllhle Sch<w>l at Smiih Grove United MethodN. U.S. 158. 7-9 p.m. Presclnxt|-l2th gratle. Bring a friend and your Bible. Vacation ltlhle School at f:dgeu<K>d Hiptist. 7-9 p.m., N.C. S0l. C<xileemee. Sunday, June 27 Ilomecondng at St. Mattheus Lutheran. IXivic Academy Rd.. I p.m. Covcrvd dish meaL Ongoing Bill and IVggy Long ofAdvancc Dial-A*Ston ministry for children: *WX-77lh. ' Blaise lkiptist prayer meeting Thursdaxs. 7 a.m. 634-3639. Bingo. Mix'ksville Rt<ary Hut. by St. Francis of Assisi Church. Fridays. 7-10 p.m. $l(X)jackpot. l)uelte Foster Christian Seniors Club meets 4th Tuesday each month. Oak Grove Methodist. 10 a.m. Advance Christians Center new church. N.C. 80I.Advance. I0a.m. Sunday >cha>l, 11 a.m. worship. 7 evening service. 7:30 p.m. Wednes­ day service. Pastor the Rev. Thomas Phillips, 998-9583. Services nnu being held at Mocksville Assembly of God. U.S. 601 across from Horn’s. 10 a.m. Sunday Schutl, 11 a.m. v<orship. 6 p.m. service. Pastor Toras D. Waloven. 634-2391 or 634-7952. Prayer meeting at Union Chapel United Methodist. 7:30 p.m. Thursdays. 634-2435. g y y g r ^ jjjg S B g livonts olVered for senior citi/ens in Davie Cixinty by the l>avie Coun­ ty Senior Center, Bnxk Building, Mt>eksvi1le. All events at thc center unless otherwise noted. 634-MI I. Monday, June 21 AdviiweChih meets, 10:30 a.m.. Advance Baptist fellowship building. l)r. Shcll<xt, foot dixior, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. first iiime. first ^rvcd basis. Tuesday, June 22 Oak (Iro>e Club meets, 10 a.m., fellowship hiilding. Wednesday, June 23 Fork 50* Club meets, 11:30 a.m.. Fork Civic building. Tuesday, June 29 Bus trip to Spencer and High Point. SlOjvrperson. U*ave senior center at 8:30 a.m.. return about 6 p.m. Dutch treat lunch. Ongoing Settlor citizens netts on WDSL every Monday. 9:35 a.m. Jolly Sixties Seniors meet. 2nd Tuesday each month. II a.m.. Mixks United Mctluxlist fellowship hall. Green Meadows Go-Getters meet. 3rd Monday of each month, ll:45a.m .. Green Meatk>ws l).ipiisi felltMship hall. MisceUaneous_ Friday, June 18 III<H><1 (Irivv at Smiih Grovv Ruritan Club, across from Smith Grove VFD. U.S. iS8. 2:30*7 p.m. Minimum of 60 pints needed. Douglmiils tt) lv sold throughout county Saturday. June 19. All pro­ ceeds to cover Chad Lipscomb's medical cvpcnscs. S|>>nsored by Davie Firemen's Assoc, and American Red Cross, Saturday, June 19 MovksvlUe Hlgli Cbss of 1953 reunion. 5 p.m.. Smith Grove Ruritan building, for graduates, teachers, classmates. Call Julia Wooten (701)492-7238 or lvey Nell Boger (919) 998-3834. Miss Dark & Lotch pageant. S. DavieJr. High.8p.m. Tickets S5 in advance. $A senior citi/ens and students. S/) tit door. Available through any club memlvr. Saturday, June 26 Reunion bamptet and dance for students of Davie CouiMy Training and Central Davie Sduxt. 6:30 p.m.. Holiday Inn. Clemmon>. S20. Wor­ ship/memorial service II a.m. June 27, St. John A.M.L. Zion, north Mocksville. Sunday, June 27 Reunion for descendants of R.J. and Catheritx* Deese RtMins. 1 p.m. lunch. Center Community Building. Friends. reLitives invited. Tuesday, June 29 Soil Males Garden Ctub one day garden tour thru Cltapel Hill. Raleigh. Durham. 998-3260 or 998-6288 liw reservatiixts. July 26-30 Summer eheerlemllng camp for grades K*6. 6-8:30 p.m., Davie High. $25. Ongoing Velerans Service Office hours: Monday-Tuesday, 8 a,m.*5 p.m.: Wednesday. 8 a.m.-mxm. Cr>>hi! lkillrooin l)aixv Cluh )i;is dance every 2nd Saturday. Mix'ksville l*lementary gym. 8-11 p.m. No charge. Wyn Gun Club. Wyo Road. Far* mington area, iurkey >hu>t every Fri­ day and Saturday nighis, 6:30. Bingo in Advance everv Fridav night at 6:30. at VFW Post 8719 home. Feed Mill Road. Pmclto<4 Shintlmv. 30-minute program fix- children age 3-5. cvery Tuesday. II a.m.. Cooleemee Branch Library. Coolccince Shopp­ ing Center, and Davie County Public Library. N. Main St.. Mix'ksville. Music, read-aloud, stories, fdnis. nursery rh>mes. Rec>cle truck parked at Jericho- Hardison Ruritan buildinu everv 3rd Sal., 8:30-ll a.m. Rec>de truck at Union Chapel United Metlhxlist, 4th Sat.. 8a.m.-4 p.m. Recreation For more information on aii> of these c\ents. call the Mtx"ksville- Davie Parksand Rccrc;Uion Dept, at 634-2325. Summer Day Camp Child catY for sclux>l age children. Full iime S50/week, part time Sl3/day. Davie Youth Council For9-l2gratlers. Cnnmunity in­ volved. 2iul and 4th Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.. rec. dept. Silverstriders Walk Club Seniors, 50 and up. meet Mon.. Wed.. Fri.. K-l() a.m. SeniorCise Lo« lmp;Kt exercise for seniors. Meets Tues.. Thurs.. 8-10 a.m.. free. YVEDDI Offers Meals To Elderly YVEDDI offers meals and pro­ grams five daysaweck for seniors 60 and overat the B.C. Brock Building, 634-2187. Ext. 78. A donation is sug­ gested. JUNE 17: Lasagna, hot spiced beets, tossed salad, french bread, and fresh orange. Program: Tall Tales and Jokes. JUNE 18: Salmon croquets, scal­ loped potatoes, collard greens, combread, cherry cobhler, and or* angejuice. Program: Rhonda Micheals takes blood pressures, E.N.P. vans ••r shopping. JUNE 21: Swiss steak, rice, yel­ low squash, cabbage and pineapple salad, strawberry Jello with fruit, bis­ cuit, and cranberry juice. Program: Dr. Shelton - Foot Care. JUNE 22: Hot dog with mustard and onions, baked beans, cole slaw, hot dog bun, chocolate chip cookie, and tomato juice. Program: Piano music by Marie March. JUNE23:Beefstcwwithpotatoes and onions, buttered broccoli, combread, and apple crisp. Program: BibIc quiz. , OPEMNG P00I CHEiCAl SPECU1 We Have: F.ve^Clear Chlorine Slicks & Tablets - 25lb bag $69.95 Algiclde | $500 OFF j | $100.00 i | Purchase | iL - Extended Hours, 10-6 Mon-Fri 10-3 Sat Special SAVINGS on Chlorine [ALLTHE P00L ACCESSORIES YOU NEED!! 919-766-758? Beside Dockside Sealood Restaurant Clemmons those entering grades 7-12. Thursday, June 24 YA specisJ prognim. 6:30-8 p.m...; YA Grub Night. YAs bring your favorite honmadc dish and copy of recipe. ChefJ.P. Wilmart from Hcr*T muda Village to show lxiw to make dishes more appealing. Thursday,July15 YA Mmli' nlgbt, ft:3()-8 p.1n.4v latest videt>re1easv. Popcorn, drinksv provided. '-'-^ Thursday,July29 '-■■■-* YA pl//u party and ivlebriiy au^C tion. 6-8 p.m. F.arn S2 in libraryv bucks for every book read and recorded. Use library bucks to huy i items at auction. Autographed bookV. ' autographed items by Nolan Ryan/' RandyTravts. Oprah Winfrey. David ’, Letterman. Dill Elliot. Gloria; Estephan. Fred Savage. Troy Aikman, Duke Univ. poster signed;- hy Coach K.. Georgia Tcch t-shiYK.~ WFU basketball poster. ClemM>n^ Univ. ftKithall jersey. UNC tean)'. photo signed by 92-U3 leam. ! /, SchoolAge Programs ; ,; Programs hcld Mondays. 7 p.m .i;' library. B(K>ks come in all tlavors: ‘ ,hme 2 1. Pistachio P<vtry. with a ’ sprinkle ofsong. Sing silly songs,-,, recite sillv poems. Film Walt/jnu: ; Matilda. ’ .'--'•' .|ime 28. Luscious Cmking CotV,[.' test for kids. Pre-register, turn in ',' recipe by June 24. Ctnib<Hik to be-i- compiled and given txit on 2Sth.-" Hnter an_Mhing. will be eaten after.- Preschool Programs ;.; Prt^r.tmsheld Tuesda>s. 11 J.m.i •> library. Preschtn>l for 3-5 year olds* •• 20 minute toddler time for ; l 8^ months-3 sxxirs (hKldler>must be av;'r companicd bj' parent). . June 22, Animal Cookies N’Cream. friendlv animals fof- preschool. Animal Ctiokie< N'Crvam. I’arm unimalsfortoddlcrsT ” June 2V, Adventure Swirl, sailing., the high seas for presclk>ol. Adven-- ture Swirl, the sky's Qie limit tor.i tixldlers. Ubrary_ For more informati 1x1 on an> of these events, call the IXivic Public Library. 631-2023. Reading Program St11111t1er progrnm for young adults (YA). June lO-July 2V. For Leonard Realty 34 Town Square 704-634-3875m S.26Acrcs Land S23.000 4BR2DADrickHom e $115,000 Commercial Lot Other Homcs A: Land Available Linda Leonard 7W^34-3650 NKEDNEW / N LISTINGS____________L ^ J HOWARD REALTY (704) 084-3538 (919) 998-0403 330 S. Salisbury St. (Comer60l & 64) MocksvUle, NC 27028 Office Hours: Mowby-Fnd>y 8^ S*turdty9-12 Sunday byAppi. ea# - * r * r - FOR LEASE OR SALE ♦ 350 Railroad St. • Positive cash llow potential, well kept property. 2 targe metal buildings on lndust. site with railroad frontage. Large parking area. Cal' tor Into. $145.000 CALLJANE ^vifntw South Maln Street • A Real Buy, 3BR, 1BA located in town. Storm windowVdoors, now heat pump, floor covering, root, e*tra lnsutotion. Wove- ln condition. $57,900 CALL JANE 154 Haiander Drive • Statety 2 story on one ol the nicest streets In Mocksville. Features: new windows. ?ias heat, air, hot water, new carpet over hardwoods). $135,000 CALL CONNIE 114 North Maln Street • Downtown. Mocksville. 2200 sq.ft. excellent' location on Main St.. now being rented, former drug store. Great Investment. $52,000 CALL KEN LOTS * LAND Btlktl Ck Rd 1|.7 te. itnt4 hl. |11.eflttlCEMl ftoid_________ 171 At. III.HC 0ttH>H<wyM- Kif.lM-------------------IWt.#HetfMllOMWlekl|6e4 tt.-C04^**M___.tUi<t.lUi.OMBtik*l Ckgnh Rd ---------lMm :eMd !• lHW0fl A*|*d Ro*d __________™it *cni l:tK0Joh» Cratii Rd _____l#4.1H kt. HUMB*tUiMOine^- ...................... CM6tj fl<.<ntunmn— M *t. u w m tc0*»ol $l.(N*.M uaari i|.Ce""#rtUl Let 05.6000R l«bM *«•_U4vilrtil II Atm lU.WACM U<IKA| Re»d_________12Atin tll.OOttACHttUry KJ ..... B*tMui| lBtl19,0WRM|tMRl______...,.....«BM| LellH.U0tA.*fcs Cnltl M.-Biiwl<*i BM|. $n*1.tl At. |1I,K6 Olk $lrHt _____— —— 2 $B|H lslt tT.#MT||||IHM 4.tt Ac IVH>MflK^ U$,600ftn*10*li • Hirw"y— -I te(i tt.tto EA. VNW MbHMM LtW-,-M...SMt. lOt lll.K4Htrpti R4.-ChMt*i-------1t lt AC + »19.000 * ‘ MA*M11|,000 ie^-At.lUWAC letl1tM04WH«M«IJI HA^-HewMllM.5WOtH4ultl || P U B LIC N O TIC E S .PAVJE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECO R^Thursdi^vJunH^ f6(tTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OFJUSTICE District Courl Division 87<vo-tea Paul Wlltofd, Jr. Tommy Shores Defendant NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER EXECUTION Byvirtue ol an Executiondireded to the undersigned Sheriff of Davie County, from the Office of the Clerk of Court of Davie County in the above action agatost the Judgment debtor. Tommy Shores.the Sher- iff of Davie County will seU the betow de­ scribed property to the highest bidder for cashtosatisfymeexecutiononthe9thday ot Juty, 1993. at 12:00 Noon at the Davie CeuntyCovrthous*Ooor: PUOLIC NOTICE BUDGET HEARING FY 1993ti4 PROPOSED DAVIE COUNTY BUDGET Ttie FY 199194 proposed Davie County budgetwas presented lothe Davie County Board ol Commissioners on June 1.1993. Pjairtf,H The proposed budget totah $22,725,260: General Fund • $16,504,468 Water-Sewer Fund • $2,243,631 Environmental Protection • $1,267,768 Water Construction ♦ $243,618 Octennial Revaluation • $103,575 Capital Projects Fund-$2,132,200 Davie County Hospittl RetirementTnjst ♦ $230,000 The proposed budget calls tor a prop* erty tax rate of sUty<ne cents (.61) per $100 ol property valuation. A copy o5 the budget proposal is available for public in­ spection in the otfee of Clerk to the Board of the Davie County Commissioners dur- Jng normaLbusinesshours of 8:30 a.m. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ol the Estate opf James Monroe Wolford, de­ ceased tate ol Davie County, North Caro­ lina. this is to notify aU persons having dalms against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 27th day ol August. 1993, being three months trom the lirst day of publication, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to sakJ Estate will ptoase make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of May. 1993. Margaret W. floysfer, P.O. Box 94. Coo)eemee. N.C. 27014. Martin. Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksvilte, NC 27028 5-274tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator CTA of the Estate of Grace Evelyn Groce Feimster, deceased, tote of Davie County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having daims against sakl Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of September. 1993, being three months from the first day of publication, or this notice wifl be ptoaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to sakJ Es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of May, 1993. Larry Fctastor, 4453 Lockhurst Drivo. Pfafftown. NC 27040. Martin. Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksvtile. NC 27028 6-3^tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having quatiHed as Executor of the Estate ol Margaret Frye Hendricks, de­ ceased tote of Davie County, Norlh Caro­ tina, this is to notify an persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the27th day ol August, 1993, being three months from the first day of publication, or this notice will be ptoaded in bar ol their recov­ ery. A)l persons Indebted to said Estatewiil please make knmediate payment to the unders^ned. This the 27th day ol May. 1993. Edward Gray Hendricks Jr.. 2302 Can- nonban Road. Greensboro. NC 27455, Ex­ ecutor ol the Estate ol Margaret Frye Hendricks, deceased. 5-27-*tnp ■ Jhe execution was Issued pursuant to ^ 5:“ p'? ', .M^ ,J lJ 2 f ik M t£ NORTH CAROUNA w ^ » * ‘ “ « “ ^ ^ ^ 2 2 M 2 S T “ o“Ctork of Superior Court for Davie County, and the execution is in the amount due under the judgmenl. including costs and totcrest accrue to date in the amount ol $35.60000. The foflowing described property is to- cated In Mocksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina: BEGINNING at a point in the rignt of way ol SR1405. at the line of Joe Ashbum; running thence with Ashbum line South 04*40*29* East 138 41 feet to an existing iron; runningthence South00' 55' 06' East 464.57 feet to a new ton; running thence South 86* 09" 01' East 108.69 feet to a cedar post, a comerwith Ashbum and G.E. Bamhardt; running thence South 85* 33' 35* East 273.33 feel to an existing iron at stone, a comerwith Bamhardt and AMs T. I^mes; running thence South 02* 53' 26* West 530.81 leet to a point, a comer with AMsT. ljames and rtghtol wayof Interstate 40 fThere is a marker 7.71 feet North in the lo6owing tine): running thence South 51' 31*20* West 363.16 feetto a point; running thexe South 53’ 31' 19' Wesl 170 53 feet to a point, a new comer with Interstate 40 and Granton running thence North 04* 50* 04' West 1474.68 feet to a point in the right of wa^ or SR 1405; running thence South 88'21'44*East111.02feettoapointirtthe right of way of SR 1405; running thence North 70‘ 13 13' East 65.48 feet to the point and ptoce of Beginning, containing t0000 acres, as surveyed by Grady L Tutterow.RegisteredLandSurveyor,dated April 9,1984. The sale wifl be made subject to a9 outstandAg taxes and aQ tocai improve­ ments and assessments againstthe above descnbed property. The highest bidder wti be required to make a deposit in me amount of ten (10) percentofhisbidw<htheremainingamount due on tender of the Shenffs Deed. Upset bids win be taken for ten (10) days. Upset bids may be made at the office ol pte Oerk ot Superior Court ot Davie County in an amount exceeding the sale prie^by ten per cent on the first $1,000.00 anel fwe per cent on the excess above $1,000.00. ,this the 2nd day of June. 1993. WiItiam R. Wooten ! •; Shent1 of Davie County • "♦ ByU. C. HottHowell \ Execution Otf<er ?^ frlfr4tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVlE COUNTY ; * IN THE GENERAL • _e COURT OF JUSTICE Superior Court Division Before the Clerk 92-M-240 Davie County. Ptofrtiff Amos Stewart Brown. * Delendant. * NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND ! UNDER EXECUTION Pyvirtue of a certain execution directed to tjte undersigned from the SuperiorCourt of Dav*e County, and pursuant to an Order dfr4ctipg Resale entered in the above ac­ tio^ against the judgment debtor. Amos Siewan Brown, I wiD on the 9th day of Juty, 19$3. at 12:00 noon, at the Davie County courthouse door, in the City of MocksviDe, North Carotina. seU to the highest bidder fofxash to satisfy the execution, the par- ce^ of real property hereinafter set out. •The execution was issued pursuant to judgment duty recorded in the office of the O*kofttte Superior Court for Davie County, and the execution is in the amount due unier the judgment, induding costs, in tie arrfcuntd$11,800.00. fOw foUowing descnbed property is to- cateilfr)MocksviKe Township andCatohaki Township. Davie County, North Carotina: JThe real property listed fortaxes for the year 1992 in the name of Amos Stewart Bfijwn, thejudgment debtor, anddescribed asJotlcrws: *50.17 acres, more or less, situated in MccksviOe Township and described and kJefUitied as Parcel No. 83,onTax MapG3. Davie County Tax Otfice, and in a wifl rearded In File 178-E-113, Davie County Ctyk> Office, and In probate proceedings h File 80-E-24, said otfice, and in a deed reobrdedinDeedBook47,pagel78,Davie Cotinty Registry, to which sakJ records reference is hereby made lor a more par* ticutor description of said tract. fThis sate will be made subject to aU outstanding taxes and aU tocal Unprove- m wt assessments against the above4e- ec*ied property not included h the |udg- m4il to the above-entitled cause, flhis the 2nd day of June. 1993. •> Witiiam R. Wooten i* j. Sheriff of Davie County ; j , By U. C. Holt Howell j4 | Execution Officer ;1 ' 6-10-4tnp Budding. 123 South Main Street. Mocksvifle. North Carolina. A public hearing wiD be heti at 7,00 p.m.. Monday. June 21.1993. in the Com­ missioners* Room. Davie CountyAdminis- tration BuikJing, 123 South Main Street. Mocksville, North Carotina to receive pub- Uc comments, either oral or written. AU titizens are weteomed and urged to com­ ment on the budget proposal at this time. Brenda B. Hunter Clerk to the Board Davie County Commissioners 6-10-2tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX CTA NOTICE Having quahf*d as Administratrix CTA of the Estate of Eariene Carter Robertson, deceased tote ol Davie County. NorthCaro- tina. this is to nobfy aU persons having daims against saM Estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 10th day of September. 1993. being three months from the first day of publication, or this notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AD persons indebted to said Es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the unders>gned. This the 10th day of June. 1993. Dian Hacketl, Route 3. Box 158. MocksviMe. NC 27028, Administratrix CTA of tne Estate of Eariene Carter Robertson, deceased. 6-10^tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICEOF SALE Under and by virtueof the powerol sale contained in a certain Deed ol Trost ex­ ecuted by Denise S. Shore (Sapp), to Thurman E. Bumette. Trustee, dated the 6th day of June. 1989. and recorded in Book 159, Page 771, m the Office of the Register of Deeds lor Davie County. North Carolina, detauti having been made in tne payment of the indebtedness thereby se­ cured and failure to carry out orpertorm tne stiputouons and agreements therein con­ tained, and the hokJer of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a fore- tiosure tnereol lor the purpose ol satisfy­ ing said indebtedness, and tne Clerk of Court granting permission for the foreclo­ sure. the undersigned Trustee wtfl offer lor sale at pubtic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Mocks- viHe, North Carotina. at 12:00 Noon, on the tst day of Juty. 1993. tne tend, as im­ proved. conveyed in said Deed ol Trust, the same tying and being in MocksvWe Township, Davie County. North CaroUna. and being more particutorty described as BEING known and designated as Lot 77, Btock V, Craftwood Subdivision as the same appearsona ptot thereol recorded in Map Book 4. page 140. Davie County Reg­ istry to which reference is made for a more particutor description. Subject, however, tothe property taxes lor the year 1993. The record owner(s) of this property as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds of this county is/are Denise S. Shore (Sapp). Terms ol the sale, induding the amount ol the cash deposit il any, to be made by the highest bidder at the sale, are: Frve percent (5%) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee pending confirmation of the sale. Dated th« 25th day of May, 1993. Thurman E. Bumette. Trustee 6-17-2tnp EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having quabfied as Executrix ol the Estate of L Raymond Twyman. a-k-a LR. Twyman. deceased tote of Davie County, North Carotina. this Is to notify aU persons having ctoimsagainst saidestateto present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day ol August. 1993. being three months from the first day of pubtication, or this notice wtii be pleaded to bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to sakJ es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day of May, 1993. M. Kathryn Twyman. 3326 Bermuda ViUage. Advance. NC 27006. Executrix ol the Estate ol L. Raymond Twyman. de­ ceased. 5-27^tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVlE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of R<nard AUen Vuies. deceased, tote ol Davie County, North Carotina. trus Is lo notify aU persons havtog daims against said Estate to present them to the under- s>gnedonorbelore the 27th day ol August. 1993, being three months from the first day ol publication or this notice wtil be pleaded « bar ol tneir recovery. Afl persons in­ debted to said estate wtfl piease make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day o* May. 1993. Elizabeth Massey Vines, Route 2, Box 337-A. Advance. NC 27006. Executrix ol the Estate of Rehard Anen Vines, de- 5-27^tnp NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY' ’ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Margaret Jane Todd Lakey, de­ ceased. late of Davle County. North Carotina. this is to notify atl persons having daims against said estate to present them lothe undersigned on orbefore the 3rd day ol September, 1993. said date being al toast three months from the date of first NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Potts, deceased tote of Davie County, this is to notify art persons having ctoims agatost said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day ol September. 1993. being three months from the first day of publication or this n0be9 win be pleaded in pubhcatioo ol this notice, or this not<e will bar of their recovery. Att persons todebted be pleaded to bar of their recovery. All NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTICE Having quatihed as Administrator CTA of the Estate of Lee Maynard Seaford. de­ ceased tote of Davie County. NorthCaroLna, tnis is to notify ail persons having ctoims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day ol August, 1993, being three month$ from the first day ol pubt<atcn. or this notice writ be pleaded in bar of tneir recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate wiU please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day of May. 1993. Kim H. Seaford. Route 3. Box 351-B. Advance. NC 27006. Administrator CTA ot to said Estate wti piease make immediate payment to Uie undersigned. This the tOth day of June. 1993. Jerry W. Potts. P.O. Box 37. Advance. NC 27006, Executor of the Estate ol Mary Elizabeth Potts, deceased. 6-104tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE OFSERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION In The District Court 93^VD-218 Angeto Ledbetter Ptoce. Ptainr.ff VS. Joshua Paul Ptoce, Defendant TO: Joshua Paul Ptoce TAKE NOTICE that a venfied pleadwg seeking refief againstyou has been Med in the above-entitled act*on.The nature ol the retiel being sought ts as loflows: an abso- hjte drvorce based upon one year's sepa- You are required to make delense to such plead^g not totermanJuty20,1993. sakJ date being 40 days lrom the first pubtication of this notice, or from the date ComptointisrequiredtobeNed.whichever to toten and upon your failure to do so. the partyseeking service against you *Mapp#y to the Court lor tne relief sought. This the 3rd day cf June. 1993. Hall. Vog!er & Fleming. Attorneys At Law By: E. Edward Vogter. Jr. Attorney for Ptalntft P.O. Drawer 970 Mocksvtile. NC 27028 Telephone: (704) 6344235 6-10-3tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE _ . . _ _ Having quatif:ed as Executa of toe U>e Estaie ol Lee Maynarti Sealoro. oe- Esrae €l j ^ M6n Newman, deceased ceased- tote ol Davte County. North Carotina, this Is 5-27-Jtnp t0 fHjtrfy afl persons having daims against sakJ Estate to present tnem to tne under- s^ned on or belore the 17th day of Sep- NORTH CAROUNA lember, 1993, being three months from the DAVIECOUNTY first day of publication, or this notice wiU be EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE pleaded to bar of their recovery. An per- Having qualified as Executrix of the Es- 5003 ^ ^ ,0 M * Es,a,e " n P,=a$e tate of Ivan Harding Cope, deceased tote of naketfnmedate payment to the under- Davle County, North Carotina, this is to **91^ - notify atl persons having daims against sakJ estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day ol August. 1993, being three months from the first day ol publication, or tnis notice wW be pleaded ti> ceased, barol their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day ol May, 1993, Norma Jean Cope. Route 4. Box 291, Advance. NC 27006, Executrix ol the Estatn of Ivan Harding Cope, deceased. This the 17th day of June, 1993. Maxine Comatzer Newman. Route 4. Box 74, Advance. NC 27006. Executrix of the Estale ol John AUen Newman, de- 6-174tnp Ptototiff NORTH CAROUNA DAVlE COUNTY INTHE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE District Court Division 93CVD-221 Richard Michael Dale, Ttoa Renee Dale, Defendant NOTICE OF SERVICEOF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: Ttoa Renee Dale TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been Med b the above-entitled action. The nature ol the relief being sought Is as foltows; Absolute divorce. You are required to Meawrinenanswer to such pleading not toter than Juty 20, 1993, sakJ date being 40days from the first PUBUC NOTICE The Davie County Board of Commis­ sioners has adopted the Schedules. Stan­ dards, and Rules for the reappraisal ol real property effective January 1.1994.These schedules are open to public examination in the office ol the Davie County Tax Ad­ ministrator. County Administration BulkJ- tog. 123 South Main St., Mocksville, North Carolina. The Davie County Board of Commis­ sioners has adopted the Schedules. Stan­ dards, and Rules lor appraising real prop­ erty at present use effective January 1, 1994. These schedules are open to public examinationtotheofficeoltheDavieCounty Tax Administrator, County Administ/abon BuikJing, 123 South Maln St., Mocksvifle, North Carotina. Any property owner who asserts that the Schedules, Standards, and Rules for the reappraisal ofreal property or tho Sched­ ules for real property appraised at present NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol tfte Estate of Jane Amanda Seats Tucker, de- 5-27^ tnt> ceased tote of Davie County. North Caro- ’ tina, this is to notify aU persons having ctoims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day ol September, 1993. being three months lrom the first day of pubtication. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to sakJ Estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 7th day of June, 1993. Joseph WiUiam Tucker. Route 5. Box 165, MocksviOe. N.C. 27028. Martin, Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksvilto. N.C. 27028 6-104tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY CO-EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Executrixes ol the Estate of Sallie Bett Bailey Carter, deceased, tote of Davie County, North Carolina, thls is to notify aU persons having datins agatasl sakJ estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th persons indebted to said estate wiU please makeknediatepaymenttomeundersigned. This 3rd day ot June. 1993, the same being the first publication date. Cedi Lakey. Executor ol the Estate ol Margaret Jane Todd Lakey, deceased. Law Offices of Grady L McClamrock. Jr.. J.D., P.A. P.O. Box 1144 Mocksville. NC 27028 Telephone: (704) 634-7502 6-3^tnp NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratorofthe Estate of Wi&am G. Smith, (a&o known as WiUom Grimes Smitn. Wrftiam Smtih. BW G. Smith and BiU Smith) deceased, late of Advance. Davie County. North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notifyaU per­ sons. firms and corporations havtog daims against the estate of sakJ decedent to ex- htoit themto the undersignedat Post Otf<e Drawer 84, Winston-Salem, North Caro­ tina 27102, on or before tne 3rd day of September. 1993, or tnis notce wiU be pleaded in bar of tneir recovery. A l per­ sons. firms and corporations indebted to the sakJ estate wiU please make immedate payment to the understgned. This the 3rd day ol June. 1993. RebeccaG. Smtn. Administrator ol the Estate of Wrfiiam G. Smith, deceased. Womble Cartyle Sandridge & R<e Post Office DraAer84 Winston-Salem. NC 27102 6-34tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVlE COUNTY EXECUTRlX S NOTICE Havmg quabfied as Executrix of the Estate of James OdeN Srmtn. deceased, tote of Davie County. North Carolina, this is to nobfy aU persons having daims against said Estate to present them to the under­ signed on or belore the 3ro day ol Septem­ ber, 1993. said date being at toast three months from the date of first publication ol this notice, or tnis notice wiU be pteaded to bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 3rd day of June, 1993. the samo being the first publication date. Etoine H. Smith. Route 2, Box 145, Advance, NC 27006, Executrix of the Es­ tate of James OdeU Smith, deceased. John T. Brock Brock & Brock. P.A. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 347 Mocksville. NC 27028 (704) 634-3518 6*3-4tnp NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Budget Otficer for the Bermuda Center Sanitary District has submitted to its board of direc­ tors a proposed budget for fiscal year 1993- 1994. The budget caUs for ad vatorem tax of eight cents (8c) per one hundred doUars ($100) valuation of property within the Dis- trid. which is no change. The budget also calls lor no change in sewer and water rates for properties tying within the District The budget also fixes sewer rates forprop- erties tying outside the District, but fur­ nished by the District. A copy of the pro­ posed budget may be examined at Uie otfice ol Bermuda Center Sanitary District, Hillsdale Professtonal Park. Highways 158 and 801, Advance, North Carolina. A copy ol me proposed budget will be mailed to any interestedpersonbycaRingthe Districts office (919-9984906) or by leaving your name and address at the Bermuda Center Sanitary District's office. A public hearing on the proposed budget will be heW at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday. June 22,1993, at the District's office. Ctoude D. Vannoy Budget Officer June 8,1993 6-17-1tnp NORTHCAROUNA 1 DAVIE COUNTY NOTlCEOF SALE Underandbyvirtue of the power of sale contained to a certain Deed(s) ol Trust" executed by fihomes P. Spefiman (Now Oeceased)toJamesO.Buchanan,Trustee, dated the 15th day ol September. 1978, and recorded in 9ock 106. Page224, in the Office ol the Register ol Deeds for Davie County,North Cardra, defauft having been made ln the payment ol the indebtedness thereby secured and lailure to carry out or perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and the holder ol the todebtedness thereby secured having de­ manded a foredosure thereol lor the pur­ pose of satisfying sakJ indebtedness, and the Ctork ot Court granting permission for the foredosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sate at pubtic auctwi to tne hyhest bidder for cash at the copurthouse doorin MocksviUe, NorthCaroTina, at 12:00 Noon, on the.t stdayofJuty1993, thetond,___ as improved, conveyed to sakJ Deed of Trust the same tying and being in Mocks* vifle Township. Davie County, Nortn Caro­ tina, and being more particularly descnbed as foRows: Being aU of Lot »21 RkJgemont Subdi- vision,Sec.l,asappearsfrcmaptotthereof. recorded m Plat book 4. at page 135. Davie County Registry, to which said plat refer­ ence is hereby made lor a more pan<uiar descnption of said tot. Subject, however, to the property taxes fortne year 1993. The record owner{s) of this property as reflected on me records of the Register of' Deeds ol tnis county is/are Rhomes P. Spellman (Now Deceased). Terms ofthe sale, includingme amount ol me cash depos>t. if any. to be made by me highest bidder al tne sale, are: Five percent (5%) ol me amount ol me highest bid must be deposited witn me Trustee's Agent pending confirmation of mesaie. Dated mis 25tn day of May, 1993. Thurman E. Burnette. Trustee, substi­ tuted by me instrument recorded in Book J90, Page 2. Davie Counry Registty, NC. 6-17-2tr.p NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of me Estate ol Donati V. Hottmeyer, deceased tote of Davie County. North Carolina. tn« is lo notify aU persons having daims against said Estate to present mem to me under­ signed on or before me l7tn day of Sep­ tember. 1993. beingthree montns from me first day ot pubCcation. or this notce wiU be pleaded to bar ol their recovery. AM per­ sons indebted to said Estate wiU please make immediate payment to me under- This me 2lst day o< May. 1993. Rebecca A. Hotoneyer, Route 4, Box 98. Advance, N.C. 27006. Mann, Van Hoy and Smrtn Drawer 1C63 . M0Cksvti!e. N.C- 27028 6-17^{np PUBLIC SALE At me regutor meehng of me Oavie County Board ot Education on Monday. June 7.1993. said Board amhonzed me sale of me foitowmg item: 1969 Chevrolet Bus. Manual Transmis- ***This vehicle may be seen at the Davie County School Bus Garage on Highway 601 South. Bidswilt be accepted from June 17,1993. through June 28.1993- Anyone wishing to bkJ on mis item shouU bring a sealed bkJ to me Davie County Schools Administrative Otfices between me hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The bids wifl be opened at 4:00 p.m. on June 28.1993. The Board reserves me righi to reject any and afl bids. 6-17-imp NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX CTA NOTICE Having quatified as Administratrix CTA of me Estate of Carrie M. Rickard, de­ ceased tote of Davie County, North Caro- Ena. this te to notify aU persons naving . ctoims against sakJ Estate to present mem to me undersigned on or before me 17th day of September. 1993. being three months lrom me first day ol pubhcation. or mis notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said es­ tate will please nuke immediate payment to me undersigned. This me 17m day of June, 1gg3. Sharon L CoUins. Route 1, Box 176, Advance. NC 27006. Administratrix CTAof me Estate o> Carrie M. Rickard, deceased. 6-t7^mp publication ol mis notice, or 30 days lrom use effective January 1,1994, are invatid day ol August. 1993, betog three months me dateacopyol me Complaint and Sum- monstopersonaltyserveduponyou,whfch- ever is toter. After such time, the Plaintiff will appty to me Court for me retief sought This 10Uiday ol June, 1993. Jennifer D. Brock Attomey lor Ptointiff Brock & Brock, P.A. P.O. Box 347 Mocksville. NC 27028 704-634-3518 6-10-3mp U may except to the order and appeal there- lromto me PropertyTax Commission within 30 days ol the date when the notice ol me order adopting the Schedules, Standards, and Rules was lirst published (June 10, 1993) N.C.G.S. 105-317(c)(3). By order of me Davie County Board ol Commissioners June 7,1993. Brenda Hunter Clerktothe Board Davio County Commissioners 6-10-4tnp trom the lirst day ol publication, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons todebted to sakJ estate wiU please make immediate payment to me undersigned. This the 27m day of May. 1993. Frank>eC.Everhart.Roul64.Box10C8, Lexington, NC 27292 and Lydia C. Lynch, 4825 Spitsby Lane, Wtoston-Salem, NC 27104, Co-Executrixes ol the Estate ol SaUie Bett Bailey Carter, deceased. 5-274tnp C A S H For Homeowners Credit Probtems Understood NO APPLICATION FEE 24 HR.PRE B • $10,000 (or S98/Mon. 2 • $25,000 tor $246/Mon, • $40,000 for $394/Mon. Fixed Rates 800-669-8957 ^ g 3 K f t J H O T H E R S i E ^ t RINQS DAVIE JEWELERS N y y ^ f l^ |^ ^ f lt ir iy ^ Dan M a rtin Pastor of Bethlehem U.M.C. W IU Be “40” J u n e *7 t h Send condolences: Rt. 1, Box 137 Advance, NC27006 ■- D8 - DAVlE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORP. Tlmrsduy.Junc 17,1993 e L A S S m E D 6 WIMMWBWSnig E B O F m B O S iggjQgiEGaSili 10 FAMILIES ♦ Rain or shme, Friday. June 18,8 a.m. until. 8 mles eastol Mocksville. 3rd house on tight off of Hwy, 158 on B.i)timoro Road. Too many items to lisi. ■ 3 FAMILIES: 44 Davie Street, Ccoleemee. Saturday. June 19. 7 a.m. unb1. Lown m w er. bicycle, jewelry. men • women • children - in- . fants clothing, car seat, tots ol toys, gun cabinet (holds B).___________ 3 FAMILY - FRIDAY & SATURDAY: . June 18 & 19. South of Hllsdale go­ ing towards Advance, about 4 mites on right, lock tor sign. 5 2-Way radios ■ & base station w/antenna. Storage trailer, go6 dubs lLH & RH). bicycles, miscellaneous galore.___________ BASEMENT SALE • 4 FAMILIES: Fri­ day 4 Saturday. 8 a m until. Near M 0 off 801. Creekwood Drive to Brentwood Drive, left at Charlotte Street, lefi on Gordon Drive; or Gor­ don Ow e off Redland Road. Follow signs! Boys, mens & ladies clothes, white uniforms, stereo equipment, collectibles, appliances. AfC. watert>- ed. mag whee>s, lots o# misc. BIG YARO 6 BAKE SALE: Saturday lhe l 9lh, 7 a m. uniiL Go 64 East about ’,i mile across from Wayne's Body Shop.____________________ ■ FRIDAY ONLY! June 18. 8am4pm. Garden Valey. 279 Magnolia Ave. Look for baloons. Baby crib, dinette set, fountain, many miscellaneous FRIDAY & SATURDAY: Jw e 18& 19. 8am-5pm. Sanford Av*nue across Bear Creek Bridge^_____________ GIGANTIC • 6 FAMILIES. Saturday. June 19,8am-2pm. Oothes. d<shes. toys, vains. household tems, jewelry, snoes. oods 'n enos and more. Take 64 West to Shetfield Road then iVj miles on left. MOVING SALE: Friday & Saturday. 8arrv4pm. Everything must go. Liber­ ty Church Road. 1 mileof1601 North on right. Cancelled il raimng. 492-5424.______________________ MULTI-FAMILY: Friday & Saturday. 8 a m untiL In Creekwocdoff 601.317 Brentwood Drive. Manyitems. FoDow SATURDAY, 8amm-2pm, 491 Hospital St. Ext. Items not shown before Two bedroom suites, cotfee table, mat- • ching end tables. Serta sleeper loveseat, rocker and other furniture. Ladies and eens dothing. some new. HousehoU items and old books. SATURDAY, 8 a.m. until. Hwy. 158 next to Snores Plumbing. Boys clothes, car seats, tables, chairs. SATURDAY, 8am-12 noon. 136 Cart- nerStreet behind Lexington Plant (blue house). Cancel if raining. SATURDAY: Garden tractor, plow, go- cart tramesand parts, toys, clothing and more 601 iNorth to Bracken Road. Signs!___________________ SATURDAY, June 19, 8an4pm. Todd Road. 1 tenth mile ofl 801 between Fork and Advance. Glassware, children to adult clothes, furni(ure. Other items too numerous to list. SATURDAY, June 19, Center Picmc Shelter. Huy. 64. 7 a.m. until. SATURDAY, June 19,9am-5pm. 469 Pme Ridge Road, Crafts and misc. SATURDAY: June 19. Flat bottom boat, motor, two tractors, utility trailer, air conditioner, small refrigerator, oil stove, old books, dolls, much more. 601 South to Pme Ridge Road, take «■ right on Broadway Road. Watch lor . signs. 7:30 am. ! USED APPLIANCES & PARTS i ; Washers • Oryers * Stoves | • Main Church Road, r. V: mile 601 North. Mocksville. ; •_____ 492-2201. fp RAT TERRIER PUPPIES ~~ $50 each ‘ 919-463^228 after 5 p.m. 4 * PROPANE OAS, INC.Stning Sfo(knillt And /Ain> County For4l Ytan 10tOWe$t lnne$ Street Sa)HOury. NC 28144 |7Mft36-6391 ie.'::ALLPHASES f,BOOKKKEPWO i| ; :; Pere6nal • Business ; ;y SmtiU Fam i A Spcchtiy • | {.-•'..;.'j Sw: Jeyee FHcMe -rv "-'.1'- : " " '* '- : i *j5;;v-:-iHSRWoek'p,- ;W1Uow 0*k eheppke CwW; fo f5 *:w o *w w < N c V r'.- 7 Q * W 3 a O Animals AKC MINIATURE DACHSHUND pup­ pies: Red. 2 males. 2 females, S150. 492-5494._____________________ ANYONE PURCHASING A SMALL BAY GELDING NAMES "T O Y " wtihin the past 6 to 8 months, please call C0llect 704-636*4115.________ BASSET HOUND PUPPIES. AKC registered. 7 weeks old, dewormed. $150 each. 704-284^8l7._______ CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES: AKC registered, will be ready July 5. 634-5342._____________________ CHINESE PUG PUPPlE&6 weeks old. 492-5363.______________________ COLLIE PUPPIES: AKC registered. Ox- ceiient pedigree, whelp 4/15Jarge lit­ ter discount $150 each7 3 4 is ~ Yanceyvtle St ,Greensboro. Look for pink and bfoe bows. 919-621-9064 and 919-621^526.______________ FOR SALE: 1 full blooded Quarter Horse, 1 Appaloose. 2 saddles. 2 bridles. (1) ‘73 Gore 2-horse trailer recently reSnished. Will sell all for $2,500. Negoitable. 996-3732 days, 998-7460 evenings. FREE KITTENS: Call alter 8 p.m. 998-3678.______________________ GUINEAS FOR SALE: Young and old. Great for eatmg. Also ticks and all kinds of bugs. 492-5306. HOT SUMMER SAVINGS. BeauWul 1-bedroom apartments, energy effi­ cient. all major appliances included We pay water, garbage and sewer You$aveon 1si. 3rd and 6ih months Northwood Apartments. 704-6344141.__________________ MOCK PLACE: Senior Otizen$ Atten­ tion* Now taking appications for 1 bedroom uniCs m Mocksvtle. Semor Cituen compteK next to Davie Coun­ ty Public Library. Rent based on in­ come. For intormation call 634-2005 or wnte: Mock Place. P.O. Box 690. Mocksville, NC 27028. Equal Hous­ ing Opportunity. MOCKSVILLE * SUNSET TERRACE All Brick Energy Efficient Apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court 4 swings. Kifchen appiances furmsh- ed includng dishwasher, u ? baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides ceniral heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insutoted win­ dows & doors No wax kitchertfbath floors. Located in Mocksvile behmd Hendnx Furniture on Sunset Dr. oH of Hwy. 158. Olfice hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 704-634^)168 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for two and three bedroom energy ef­ ficient apartments. Rent is based on income! Located at 300 MiBmg Road close lo schods. industry, and shop­ ping. Range, refrigerator, drapes or mifihtitnds. outside storage mduded. For teasing inbrmalion. ptease phone 704-634-2070. Equal Housing Opportunity. ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT1 THE OAKS! One and two bedroom energy ellicients apartments located at 268 Millmg Rd., Mocksvilto, NC. Heat pump with central air. washer/dryer connections, range, refrigerator, drapes or mm*linds. outsde storage included. Pre-wired for phone and cable. 704-634-2070. Equal Housing Opportunity. FORSALEBYOWNER fJOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION: 3 BR. 2 BA, LR. Kit., DR. 1390 sq.lt. heated; 530 sl carport, porch & storage. Davle County ■ Milling Rd. $82,000 919-998-4632 H U FFM A N ’S DIESEL SEHVICE iEnglne Rebuilding & Repairs John Deere • Cummins CAT • Detroit Dlesel Cusiom High Performance Engines Built To Your Specllicatlons (OAS & 0*l4J flt. 1 Advince (919) B98-B8B1 LARRY’S WOODFLOOR SERVICE Laying • Sanding * Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Larry McClenney 704/284-6032 BEDROOM: with TV. air. bath and refrigerator, Private entrance. For a working male, 25 years and older. No drinking. 634*7917. ^2E3iHEnnEMi CAROLINA BEACH CONDO: Ocean view, JV» baths, sleeps 4. cable, phone, washer, dryer, pool. $375 per week, 919-791-5788.___________ FOR RENT: N. Myrtle Beach, 1 block lrom ocean. Ig. swimming pool. W/D lac. avail., sleeps 6, FAMILY ORIENTED, S425/wk. Call Jean or Oon Pope 9l9-998-2330(h); 919-766-850S(wi._______________ N. MYRTLE BEACH: 3-BR. 2-0A patio — rom erS hort w a lk to beach. A» amenities, including pod. $600 per week. 2-BR. 2-BA Condominium, N. Myrtle Beach. Short walk to beach. All amenities, including pool. $425 per Call 634-5072. ards of Thanks LYONS The entire family ol the late Robert L. Lyons acknowledges withgreatful ap­ preciation every kinfress shown (hemm dunng the illness and after the passmg of their loved cne. Especial­ ly do they thank each of you for your prayers, vstts, calls, food, gifts and flowers. We also e*tend a special thanks for the memorials sent to the Oavie County Hospice Foundation m the memory of Robert L. Lyons H B fflas a g Loving Mother Of 3 has immediate openings m registered daycare home. Meaf5. love, andhugs provid- ed Call 998-9537. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home 1st & 2nd shift, also before 1 alter school. Breakfast, lunch, snack. William R Davie areo 492-2013 ANYTIME) ' For Lease 14*70 MOBLE HOME:2bedrooms. 2 baths, acre pius private k<. deep we>i fJo kids, tk) pets 998-2071 Furniture F O R S A L E 25 Acres on Old Hwy. 158 Ca,i M.J. Randall 6 Howard Realty 634-3538 or 634-5629™ TRACTOR SALES A SERVICE Psrts A vall^ * Mo*t Makes SINK FARM EQUIPMENT Old 64 W. S Peetrw Rd. Lexington, NC 1*800-258*6113 or 704-787-5138 Ouabty 4 Servee For Over 65 Years FILTER BAGS • PARTS • REPAIRS (E tE C T W O L U X j 1176 West 4th Street Winston-Salem. NC 27l01 919-724-5578 • 919-659-1144 MELVIN GAfTHER /C*T*tC*nSfi*euMi A %Jp *VlQ*xrl 4*gtf*wi <% v *Sr*mox*n *Sr*rw % ^otf P*V*n 4Ue*r <W1ra)VKtiUfiS , K jo o r r s c TrCHAIN LINKV )................X X XXX' Expert Installation & Repairs | FREEESTIMATES | 5 year guarantee on aD materials and workmanship. AUSTIN FENCE COMPANY, INC.919-631-7879 omes For Sale Counlry Road LOG HOMES Of Oavie County See Model Homo 704-634-5BB0 EXTRA NICE • 2-BR cottage on 8 plus acres. Barn, out buitiings, pond. Pretty place! Call Red Foust. Howard Realty. 634^757 or 634.3538, BY OWNER Hickory Hili Section If. 4 Bedroom Ccntemporary, 3 full baths, 2 hall baths, 3.000 plus It. heated lloor space. Screen porch, brick patio, full length of house approx- imaiely t00 ft. with covered porch. Oversizo double garage, Storage garage for lawn mower and golf carl. Full frriga6on system, covered pier on lake with storage room. 315 water front on 100 acre fake, totally land­ scaped. BY APPOINTMENT ONLYI 998-4377 Mon-Thurs after 5pm. 634-5348. 9am-5pm.____________ HOUSE FOR SALE: 166 Halander Drive, Mo<*sville. 634-1445 Days; 634-3332 Evenings jgQ 23jQ X 3] 1 ACREwithwell,septic tark and lyhts on Will Boone Road ofl Deadmon Road Wee for n>obtle home or house, S10.000. 998-7296._____________ 37W ACRES PLUS: $38,000. Owner financing wilh good crcdit and small down pa>tnent. Property located otl Ratledge Road in L<ttle Egypt. If you like privacy and wtldlite lhis is your place. Aubr^ Realty. 1-7W-744^080 or 1-919-625-9147.______________ 5.41 ACRES corner of Hwy. 801 4 Joe Road. Days704^34-5961. nights and weekends 704-767-5663. APPROX. 11 ACRES: Land perks. $20.000.offHepferRoad. Borders on small creek 704-6345200 Owner financing. N. Davie-56 Acres Woods. Timber. Pasture. Water. Nice small home. Prettiest ptice around. Call Red Fous! at Havard Rea!ty. 634-3538 or 634-0757.______________________ NICE ACREAGE TRACTS • Call Red Foust, brokfir; HOWARD REALTY 634-0757______________________ OVER 1600 FT. RIVER FRONTAGE: 13-acres Land perks. Beautiful homesi(e$. Mr Henr/ Rd.. S VV. Davie $75,000. Aubrey Realty. 1-704-744-6080. UEnEBOEI RIVERFRONT LOTS: 5.1 acres each. Peiks. paved road lrontage. $20.000/lot. Owner financing available w lh small down and ap­ proved credt. Mr. Henry Road, S.VV. Davie. Aubrey Realty. 1-704-744-6080. ■ M ? C T . m * f c l ' M J . M C A M SERVICES We provide all types of lawn service, mowing lawns, trimming shrubbery, cleaning lots. 704-63t-5798. FREE ESTIMATES.__________________ AFFOROA0LE LAWN CARE Mowing & Trimming Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Johnny Wyatt * 993-t732 M M % 3 E 2 H 3 B BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Call04-634-571l or Thursday and Friday call 919-996-5306 ^Q2B3En^3EQB33 AVAILABLE 7-1:2-BR, very mce. cen­ tral air, stove, relngerator, on W a;re private lot. Prefer otier adults $300/mo., $300 dep. Call 492-7)74 Nice large mobile home on prwate iot Only 2 people preferred 284-6177 or 284-2688. obile Homes For $are TUCKER LAWN CARE...Mowlng, Trimming, Mulch. Seeding. ALSO DfrCk Bui1dhg. Discounts for Senior Citizens. 998-7283.______________ YOKLEY LAWN CARE Mowing, leaf removal, core aeratmg, seeding, fertilizing. Freo Estimates. 998-3965 BBBBEfiSaaB DIET’S MAGIC: Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days at $30 All natural. Controls appetite completely. Qves energy and burns fat. Guaranteed. 1.800^89-9271.________________ FIREWOOD FOR SALE Will Deliver ___________998-6000 ___________ FOR SALE: Hckory Hil> Stembership, $400. Can 634-2316 Tue$.-Sat. 634^526 Sun. 5 Mon. K & G SALVAGE SPECIAL 4 *x 8 'x V ,," WAFFLE BOARD, ONLY 7.99SHEET. 48" Vanity with double sink.$i99/ea. 36" Vanity with sink, $149/ea. Fiberglass roofing shtngies. $12,95/sq.: Roll roofing, $8.95/roll; 1 "xl2 " no. 2 grade pme shelving. $ 95/lt.: Bevel edge cedar sdmg. $.29rtt.; SPECIAL’ Corrugafed ktetal Roofing. 8' lengths .49 It . 10.12& 14 ft. lengths. .59 ft. All vinyl windows in stock. ’.? pnce. 29 gauge pre-painted 3 ft. wide cor­ rugated meial roofmg and siding $i/tt K & G Salvage Materials, located on Hwy. 67 (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on West bank of Yadkln River, 919-699-2124. FOR SALE: Oueen size waterbed. 7 cylinders, mattress, box springs Fits regular frarre.StOO So>doakdmmg room taste w^2 leaves. 8 high back cha.rs. 5400 919-766-1474 or 998-2330 ___ SOFA & MATCHING CHAIR for sa’e 704^92-5503. PREGNANT? FOR INFORMATION AND HELP CALL: LOVE LINE. 492-5683 STEVE IJAMES CARPET CLEANING * Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning * Homes. Busnesses & Churches * Water Damage Extraction Service * Over 15 Years Experience * FREE Estimates Mocksville, NC 704 /492-5781 S & B GUTTERING (919)998-7821 SEAMLESS ALCMOTM GVTTERLNG /nm irtflf 20 Year Homeowner >Vonnnn" • U Colon to chevte from • oU pin cn rem ^ed from ntc • ne* >in>l pater screens free estimates rtferweee upon request tilwortigv*rsntetd .td>*ncf. North Carolina 27006 5. 2 BEDROOM, VA baths on large cor­ ner tot. Black lop road. La not lor sale but rentabb. Good location. $6500 998-2675 or 998-8979.__________ 5-BEOROOM, 3-BATH, wer 2.000 sq ft. 2x6 walls, custom-built Palm Har­ bor. energmiser construction, $48,002. $366 per mOrth. 8.99'APR. tO/ down, 300 months for qualified home buyers. Call Timberiand Homes. 1 ^8 8 2 -2 5 5 2 '88 FISHER 1 4 i7 6 ^. deck, out­ building. Located at Deer Run 634*$645 anytime. *93 Skyline 14x60 2-BR. slidmg'giass doors, skylight, large front and back decks, central air. underpenned. Set up in Deer Run. Storage building in- eluded. S17,500. 919-998-3164. ABANDONED HOME! Assume Low Payments _________704-633-11Q7_________ BANK REPO 70* t4 1984 3 bedroom. 2 bath. $3.900 as is. Call Mke 704-528-9449 ______________________PQ459095 BUY FACTORY DIRECT. SAVE THOUSANDS on uniquety built Pa>m Harbor Homes. 2x6 waIs, energmiser construction. For free cotor literature, call 1-800-882-2552. Timberland Homes. BY OWNER: ‘87 R-Anetl Mc6<le Home. 14x70 and 60x125 wooded tot toca:ed on lntracoasial waferway at Ho<den Beach. 2 bedroom. 2 bath. 905 sq tt Nice quiet family atmosphere with rights to pier, Great get-a-way. Call 634-1326 anytime. Do you qualify for NO DOWN PAYMENT? Inquire at OAKWOOD MOBILE HOMES. 4130 Patterson Avenue. Winston-Salem. 9t9-767-7l50 ar 1^00^37-3062. D onnie W a lle r : Custom Cabinet Shop * Free Estimates * MocksvWe. NC • 3' 919/996-5896 __^ NEW AND USED - OFFICE FURNITURE "; * Safes * Files | * Fire Proof Files- ; Rowan Office Furniture: 116 N M»m S:re*t. S*MSury. NC 1 Phone: 704-636-8022 .* Residential Commercial f Qning S e ^ 3 Bonded • Insured • Licensed 919-998-7174 Serving the Triad “We do it all - Give us a call” Homes • Apartments • Offices Corporate Lodging • Post Construction • Clubhouses I)AVIF, COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdny.June 17,1993 - D9 e L A 8 S m B D S iww.ypgBtaPflg EBOEEEAKtB B ODile Homes For Sale u Lee's Mobile Homes, Volume Fleet­ wood & Horton deater • 4* hiich inc. J993* 14*70,12.999:14x80.14,999: 14x50.9599: 24x44.18,999: 24x52. 20.999: 28x60. 26,999: 28x70. 7 30.999. Also used homes. Open 7 ~ ‘days, Rd. 1923 Norwood. NC • 704*474-3191. 600-777^652. NEW 1993 14x70, 3-BR. 2 full bath. ; range, refrigerator, selup and delivered. St5.999. $850 down, . $184.87 per month. 12.50 APR. 180 • . months. WE FINANCE1 Oakwood Homes, 4130 Patterson Avenue. W inslon^alem. 919-767-7150 or ^1 -8 0 0 4 3 7 ^0 6 2 .________________ ^NEW 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath. Oetivered &'set-up, only 5599 do*n. Accent Mobife Homes. 3856 Patterson Ave.. *Winston-Satem. NC..V80M45<M30. 11.50 APR. 144 months. $151 per . month.________________________ New 1993 14x80,3-BR. 2-BA. includes appliances. Iurniture. air, ** washer/dryer, vinyl storting, steps, electrical hookup, delivery & set-up. Only $164/mo. See at Accent Mobile Homes. 3856 Patterson Ave.. - Wmston-Salem.NC. 1^>>6454>t30. . 9,75 APR. 240 months. 10 percent .OAKWOOD DISCOUNT CENTER 2 & 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Homes $820 down. $185 per month. ON THE SPOT FINANCING! 1-85. Exit 76 Service Road Salisbury, NC _________704-633-1107_________ OAKWOOD . LEXINGTON Factory Discotni Prices Quality Homes• : 704-249-7041 _________ - OPPORTUNITY OF A UFETIME! Own your ow i home in 5 years. New 1. i'4x70. 2 or 3 bedroom for only $303.23permonth.$1,000downpay- ' mem. 12.99APR.deliveryand setup • included. OAKWOOD HOMES. 4130 • Patterson Avenue. Winston-Salem. 919-767-7150 or 1-800437-3062. RAY S HOUSE FOR SALE '. . 1976 60x12. $2995 704-528-9449 . _____________________P0059095 SHOW MODEL Double wide 3 bedroom. 2 bath. $23,990. Indudes delivery and setup in NC. Phone 704-528-9449. P0459095 HELP SAVE ALAN’S CREDITt Take over payments $16364 per montti 701-633-1107 PIANO FOR SALE Wanted: Responsible person to take on low momNy payment on beautilul console piano, no money down. Call loll free: 1-800-533-7953. PIANO TUNNING, REPAIRING. Work Guaranteed Calt Wallace Bar(ord _________919-998-2769 _________ SEAFORD PIANO SERVICE Tuning & Repair 704492-2000 Of 704-6344158 Jack Seaford PUBLIC SALE • MOCKSVILLE MINI STORAGE to sell conterts ol storage spaces (Mdhael E. Boger and Lester Carter) lor unpaid rent. Sale date June 30, 2:00 p.m. ^ j^ 2 Q 2 ^ E 2 I0 IH OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE available. Approximately 500 sq. tt. ofl Oepot Street behind Davie Travel. Street level near east side parking lot. 998-3165. Vaccum Repair Service Rainbows and all other brands. Sup­ plies on hand. Vacuums For Sale! 996-5890 or 998-7004.__________ BACKHOE SERVICE • Septic Systems. Any Backhoe Work. Miller & Sons Backhoe S ervice. 284*2826._____________________ BOGER'S KAR KLEEN 28 years experience m complete car cleaning, *ax, infenor. motors. Call 998-3189 or 998-3159. Rt. 2 Mocksville._____________________ BRAKE'S HEATING & COOLING Furnaces,Heat Pumps.Air Condition­ ing, Plumbing. Hot Water Boilers. Also Air And Water Purification. STATE tXENSEO. CALL 492-2599. TRENCHER SERVICE: Water. Gutter. Electrical Lmes. Miller & Sons. 284-2826 UISBB " Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. COMMEROAL/RESmENmL OFFICE PHONE: 998-2121 2441cur Emergency Service 50 m,tian oecp* ia»» comfort tf» <r u i@ lS H P i W ★ Friday, June 19“ Only • 7:30PM ★ f l j y j Tam & Rob Frozen Grxene$ (F*r>. Srm$, Cr*ken, Hariwrgei, Stea*$, Frczen Vegeuttes _________L < *& y . 8ftNG YOUR COOLERS’!____________________________ Next Scheduled Sata Saturday July 3rd at Natlonal Guard Armory^arl Crowder U i M 1 W rtM fM M i h t* It Mtl Johnnie L. Hellard Huu«» BW* 7 • fci »A«Mxu«K SC 27c:e 919-99M989 919-698*7484 704^34.7796 t BANDSAW OPERATOR Baker Furniture has an opening for a bandsaw operator. Must be experienced in finish cutting and free hand cutting. If qualified, apply at: Baker Furniture ta ker ru rn itu rt PUni on M illing *oad In MotksvUU, NC MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST NEEDEDFO* Farmington Medical Center (Ope*|Jehr, lW ) Must be attractive, personable, dependable and EXPERIENCED In running a busy Medical Practice. Send Resume To: TEAGUE 1503 E. Broad Sl. Statesville, NC 28677 ______________ E O E ____________ M7.: THOM RUTTER PAINTING & WALLPAPERING 28-M2t1___________ CHAtN LINK FENCE We specialize in residential chain link fences. All estimates ore lree. All woikmanshp and materials come with a written 5 year guarantee. Open all day Saturdays. 919-631-7879. Davie Electronics Servicing car stereos, home stereos. VCR"s. CD's. CD's, and Nintendo. 18 years ex­ perience. 9l9-998-6l79._________ ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER SALES - SERVICE - SUPPLIES ___________284-2577 ___________ EXPERIENCED CARPENTER needs odd jcbs. Good work for lair price. FREE ESTIMATES. 704^92-2255^AskJor.CalYin.a!tfiL5_ p.m.___________________________ GENERAL TRACTOR WORK Bush+logging • Sub-Soiling Garden Work ___________998-8824 ___________ HALL'S CONCRETE Patios, Slabs. Walkways. Driveways. FREE ESTIMATES 492-2106. Pressley Hall LEAKY BASEMENT? Basement Waterprootag Systems guaranteed for the life of the home. It you have or are considering fimshmg a room in your basement, we protect theentire foundaton. Free inspection and eslimaie. 704492-7584. ask tor Bob. LINK S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link • Owner Free Estimates ___________634-3248___________ MASON ELECTRIC...New Installation 4 Repair. Mobile Horre Hook-ups Service changes. Ke>th Mason 998-3531-______________________ Osborne Electric Co. Unlimited license. Over 25 years e*penence. FREE ESTIMATES Karl Osborne, owner 634*3396 PHIL'S HIGH PRESSURE WASHING Mobile Homes • Vinyl Homes Concrete • Wood Decks ___________634-7584___________ POWER EOUlPMENT RENTAL Precision Power Equipment Millmg Road, Mocksville _________704-634-9768 _________ RICK MILLER CONSTRUCTION Clearing lots, Looder work. wiH haul dirt-stone-sand ___________9984846 ___________ Residential and Commercial Clean* ing FREE Estimate. References pro­ vided. 492-5317. "Ask for Deborah." Leave message.________________ STUMP GRINDING»NoYard Oamage Miller & Sons Backhoe Service 284-2826 GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Rools 24 Years Experience Free Estimates 704*284*4571 SUSAN'STEWWKratTERATTONS- 16 Grove Street Cooleemee, NC 27014 Monday • Friday. 4pm-8pm Saturday 9am4pm 704-284-2302. Susan Ritey TRUCK DRIVING TRAINING Carolma Training Centor 1155 Hwy. 66 South KernersvtUe, NC 1-800-849-1177________ VCR CLEANING $ REPAIRS VOGLER’S TV SERVICE, Advance. 9984172. PAINTING Remodeling • home repairs. Large or small. Free estimates. James MHer 998-8340._______________________ HAULING • Sand. Grave4. D<rt. Mulch. Miller & Son Backhoe Service 284*2826 •78 Pontiac Lemansz Gooa mechamcal condition 78,000 miles Needs paint. $800 O.B O ! 6344870 9-11 p.m______________________ '81 Volvo: Brown with be<ge interior. $2500 or best ot1er. 634-5700. lQam-5pm. *88 PRAIRIE SCHOONER: 36 ft.. 5th wheel, center living room with slide out wall. S20,000 '67 Ford 250, 19.000 miles. 4 wheel drrve. auto. 460 engme. t00 gal. capacity. Total package $33,000 or best offer 6' z mifes nor(h of 1-40 on 601. 704492-2310 < P thUst Temporary Services Ablest Tcmp Scrvice hu sc\ml openings in thc Da>ic Co. area. We uill be at the MocLs>iHe Empio>mcnt Security Commission on Thurvjjy (6-17/ from 9a.m. until 12 noon. We need: • Material Handler* • Sewlng Machine Operetor* (n M ^ n M M ^ M iH U M i • Packagers • Order Pickers Pkisc bring 2 forms of I.D. itong with p>ut cmplo>mcnt hitiory (incluJe phone numbcn>. CALL FOR DETAILS «96-1111___________________friM w POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PAVlE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Davie County Chamber of Commcrce is seeking a full-tim e Executive Dircctor. The position has responsibility for recruitment of new members for the Chamber, provides support for members, works closely xvlth tioard of Directors. Executive Director also works closely w ith cconomlc development council, providing support anU site data for prospective Industry. Provides Information to lndlvfduaU interested In Dade County and promotes tourism. Position reports to thc Board of Directors of the chamber. Salary range: $18,000 • $22,000 depending on qualifications. Closing date for accepting resumes and applications Is ]uly 16. 1993. Requests for applications may be made to: Joba T. Barber, Oavlc Couoty Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 843, Mocksville, NC 27028. Telephone: 704434-3384 fruoaan ^ e a im b m K Activity Therapist Part-time position available in our progressive 120 bed nursing facility. Competitive pay and an oppurtunity to work with a caring, competent team. Mcdical/Geriatric experience preferred. Apply in person IIVVY 158 919-706-9158 Clemmons. NC | EOE HAIRSTYLISTS Talented professional stylists needed lot busy shopping center salon in Mocksville. N.C. cosme*otogy license required. We olfer guaranteed hour* 1y pay plus tp to 60 percent commis­ sion. Paid vacation, healthlnsurance plan, continuing education and bonuses. Call 1400^767233. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN needed with a minimum ol 10 years ex­ perience. Musl be knowledgeable in all electric procedures from controls lo running conduets. Able to make good sound decisions wthout having to siop and ask. Seil motivated. DRUG FREE. Pay based on ex­ perience. Send resume in confidence to: Personnel Director, PO Box X. c/o Salisbury Post. Salisbury. NC 28144. LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER to care lor "5 5 ^------ekfert^tidy-tn_Clemmorts_arfi3j_7 _, m ^ Q 3 Q 2 j j Q f l ^ H l days per *eek. S250 per week. --------------------------------------------------------- 919-767-2S33(D), 919-766-5100aher 5 p.m. •89 Cadillac Seville STS: 35,000 miles, black with leather interior. 919-7604022.__________________ •89 Lincoln Town Car: Signature senes. 34,000 miles, black with black teather interior. 919-7604022. JOHN DEERE Greert 14 ft. Tandem Trailer, 6Vi ft. wide with loading ramps. 998-3177.______________ MF-35 Qas, new lires. new tires, new paint. Good condition. $3500. 919463-5471 a fter6pm ._______ SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick-Peugeot 700 W. lnnes St., Salisbury _________740-636-1341_________ *87 OODGECOLT; 44,000 miles, AC. PS, new tires, extra clean. 53,000. 634-5835. PART-TIME CASHIER: Apply al Lowe's Food. Inc., 907 Mum(ord Drive. ModtsvWe;_______________ ATTN: S9.2S TO START (deal for college students and high school grads. Work h Mocksville, apply in Hckory. Call 704-323-8975 lor interview. AVON WANTS YOUI _________704-8764064 _________ BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home for 2 year dd. Sepl.-May. Advance area. MorvWed., 2-9 pm.. Thurs. 2-7 p.m . Sat. 9am-1pm. S80/wk. 919-998-8764.__________________ Be A Decor & MoreZToys & Gifts Home Party Demonstrator! For FREE Catalog £ information Call Andrea. 996-2052.______________________ CARPENTER'S HELPER to install car­ ports and patio covers. Experience ho!pful but not necessary. Start at $7 00 per tour. Call 634-5352. COOKS NEEDED parMme. 12-8 p.m. Some experience preferred. Apply in person. MeadowbrookManor, Clem­ mons. Htvy. 158. EXPERIENCED GLASS & MIRROR CUTTER: Store front mechanic. Some out ol town and overnight. Only eiperienced drug-free need apply. B&B Glass & /.Wror. Mocksville. 704-634-3966.__________________ Single parent needs occasional weekendchldcarelor iOand i5year old boys Deekwood Development, only please 9984297. NOW HIRING ALL POSITIONS: App­ ly in person to: COMFORT INN. 1500 Yadkinvile Road. No phone calls, PART-TIME DAYCARE TEAChER: 2-5 days week. Must be 18. Inquire 998-2220._____________________ POLICE OFRCER: MocksvWe Po(ice Depanmenl Minimum requirements: High School Degree, Basic Law En- lorcement School. Applications ac- cepted to June 25.______________ POSITION AVAILABLE for Data En­ try Clerk. Must have excellent com­ puter skiis and enjoy a fast pace. Send resume and salary history to Tri-Power. Inc., P.O. Box 444. Mocksville. NC 27028. Attn: Margaret Lane. No phone calls ptease, Resumes that knock*em dead. II your job search s go>ng nowhere, maybe your resume needs a tune-up. Mac's Resume Service can give you the prolessional touch that gets you noticed and gets your toot in the door. Fast turnaround and reasonable pnc- ing. Call 634-5750.______________ EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS need­ ed. Apply in person to Jeffco. Inc. in Advance. Good beneNs. I flRLINE’S USED WORK GLOTHES 1 J Work Pants 28^0 S2M • Work Shlrts S1 “ * • Larger Sizes Available • , Yudkin Flca Market • Yadkinvillc 2 ® llM).601 Norlh*l.efl on H»y.421 • 1/2 miteon left. Vudkin%ille. 9 • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •*• £?& • Buying Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Coins Rolex Watches Paying Cash Don's Fine Jewelers SALES MANAGER Needed lor Salisbury manulactunng Business with national market in an expanding industry. Company sells accessory and maintenance items plus capital equipment from small to large. Person must provide leadership and supervision for salespeople, and personal selling skifls for big ticket items. This job Is pivotal In our company. Proven success In both sales supervision and personal selling a musl Please state salary requirements. Send resume in confidence to: SUctan D/tfui*z Co. P.O. Drawtf 1147 • Salisbury, NC 26144 ATTN:Adim ..,.„ fe N ^ tt^ E t i^ iu [ s ^ 766-9691 IMMEDIATE OPENING On All Shifts For Cooks & Wait Staff Must Have a Solid Work Record. Good Attitude and Willing to Learn BENEflTS INCLUDE • Competitive starting salary with opportunity for advancement • Group insurance • Profit sharing • One-week vacation bonus every slx months M S 2^g fA YOU*l FREE Conquer Your Future ★ Career Seminar ★ DATE - THURSDAY EVENINQS • June 24th .,,:■ ' -Juhr1st Call to reserve your seal today: 919-940-2500 L THE MISSION OF WORLD MARKETINQ ALUANCE: The kadeii ot Wortd Marttebng are now set to pu$ue tneir dream of buD6ng more tnancal independent tam^es than any bu*ne$i r fu$vyy. (6 lyure tfeome l*tl yea/). We inw<e peopte ltom aa phases ol the Ev$jr*M wohd to e^ore tneir optens with Wortd Maike6ng fccensed repre$entaUve$ trom aB proieuions.... iecunt*s. h$uranee. real euate. etc., mafVebng prole>>ional> and other antrepceneurtal-minded pecpte trom aB wafts ol Lfe. TURN-KEY UARKETlNa- A Revoluttonery New Financial 8ervket ConceptThis is your opportunity to buikl a second income, or tounch a new career and potenbaDy eam an e*eepUonal annuat income by !o6owng our thi$inou Format System.WofM Maiketmg, tnc. oRers you the chance to have yourown Tum-Key Marketing Bu*ine*i with... NO big stan-up costs. NO lrancttite lees. NO fua-bne convnrtment to start. NO e*perience and NO inventory required. Jotf) Wortd Marketing 4uuance and CONQUEB YOUR FUTURE. Three ol the most powertJ forces n Ftfxanctil Services hstory have merged to fom to i *fivii Peopto ai the Right ptace at the R<N Twne* Movement: MUi6weRwutt.fciPwt* i«*grwi»«fwrtfwrtH»N»»»-$*iR* lCt#greUifWtwdr9fcawte*y*ir* PBM*Mt^UdOe^M ____ Wortd Ntarkebng AHiance ls an independent -. markebng company associated with some ol tne largest, most powerful and most respected companies ui the wortd ioday ' witn combined assets ol more man $106 . ■’ SemlnarLocatk>n . HOLlDAYWN WEST ( A m * tte e Torrpk MmcrVm+*J) M~ i‘<!rVi'7i30 to 9t00vi'^*^*r 010 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday,Junc 17,1993 Legislature Debates The Lottery Jiickson llilllniiin IVrkins Local Company Lists Promotions Eurodrawer. Inc.. a North Caro­ lina-based manufacturcrof vinyl<laJ, miter-fold drawer systems, has re­ cently made several additions to the staff of its home office in Mocksville. • Ben F. Jackson. 56. has been ap­ pointed process control manager. He is responsible for quality control and ensuring compliance with OSHA and environmental standards. A graduate of Ohio University, Jackson is a registered professional cngineerin North Carolina. His back­ ground includes 29 years with RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Company, as well as consulting for N.C. Baptist Hospi­ tal. Jackson and his wife Sarah live in Winston-Salem.Theyhavetwogrown children. Robert Hillman. 53. hasjoined the staff as controller. He will oversee financial activities. Hillman, a gradu­ ate of Syracuse University, was direc­ tor of operations and controller of U.S. Stamp. Inc. He and his w ife Pat are residents of Charlotte. Mark A. Perkins, 30.hasjoinedthe staff as international sales manager. His primary responsibility is devel­ oping sales and marketing ihe EurodrawerproductinLatinAmerica. Perkinsholdsdcgrees from N.C. State University and Wake Forest Univer­ sity. His employment background in­ cludes ownership of a contract ser­ vice firm and experience as a manu­ facturing engineer at Mt. Airy Furni­ ture. Perkins lives in Winston-Salem. Lee Urwick. 25. has joined the Eurodrawcr staff as customer service manager. His duties include main­ taining contact with customers and coordinating shipping. Urwick. a graduate of Wingate College, has a background in retail management. He and his wife Jill are residents of High Point. Continued Knrni hiyv 1)5 lottery lickcts each month, their food salcs dropped off hy Sl.l million pcr- month. OnJune 23 at 10 a.m. thcrc will bc a public hcaringon I touscBill960. which says then: arc to bc no ncw taxes with­ out a votc of thc people. If you havc a positionon this issuc,Junc 23 at lOa.m. hcre in the Legislative suilding is thc limc to express it. If you cannot bc there, and you want to send written commcnt.<,scnd thcm(o 1021 Legisla­ tive Building. Raleigh. NC 2760M096. This bill is called "The Taxpayer's Rights Amendment" and w ould bc an amendment to the state constitution. It would bc put to a vote of thc people it’ tf>c General Assembly passes it. The Taxpayers* Rights Amendment would Name That Road Recently people throughout the county have seen the bright fluores­ cent green paper signs that have been posted where private roads or drive­ ways connect to public roads or other private driveways. This action reflects part of the new countywide addressing system that is beingimplcmcntedtohelpemergency response crews in locating people. If you livc on a private drive that has two dwellings and neither of the two can be easily seen from the main foad. then your private road (private drive) w ill need to have a name. "We are taking road name sugges­ tions from people w ho ow n land that adjoins these private roads. The new addresses wili be assigned from the road your house faces or your drive- uay accesses as determined by field f] ERAMIC I r^ O N C E P T S VAcustomHand lmportsandDom5s6c| CustomHandPaintedle *MartteandGranite S'r ' ' . -,..,:-;; <761C0MMERCW1 PLAZA -i& X T,:J '* i < ;" -1 (Jo8MtowB R<L k HWT tit) ^ - y--"; 9I9-7CS-S445 SHOWROOM HOlRS Mon • Fri: 8 • 5 Sal: 8 • 2 Full Denture Service W. E. WILLIFORD, D.D.S., P.A. General Dentist Single Denture ......................*10000And up Upper & Lower Denture $1 9 5 00And Up Partials ...............................$15000And uP Simple Extractions ................*2 0 00And Up Repairs & Reline While You Wait Medicaid Accepted Call For Appointment Or Information (704)873-0347 2515 West Front Street (Highway No. 90 Or Taylorsville Rd.) Statesville, NC 28677 rcquircpolilicianstolook morcc1oscly at spending priorities rather than going ahead and spending any ncw growth and then saying wc nced morc taxes to kccp up. State rcvcnuc is running ahead of cxpcctations;incomctaxcsprojcctcdat around 6-7% arc 20% ahcad. Wc hope that continues bccausc il means: morc pcoplc arc working; making morc moncy;thccconomyls rebounding. l<asl session, thc General Assembly ratified over 900 bills. So far lhis ses­ sion. wc havcratificd about 120outof thc morc than 3,000 bills having bccn introduced in thc two chambers. If wc arcgoing togct out ofhcrc thcearly pan of July, wc arc going to havc to stan having somc late night meetings. Wc must still address thc issue of health carc. Wc are expecting a bill comc out within ihc ncxt two weeks is being prepared in thc Health Carc Ac- ccss Committee. It isacompositc bill in which a number of thc bills havc bccn introduced to address thc health carc concerns havc all hccn put intoonc bill. Thc bill is bcing crafted in such a way thcrc thcrc will bc little cost to thc state, but it will ccrtainly increa*c thc cost to thc public. Thc bill has provi­ sions in it which: require insurance companies to writc hcalthcarcinsurancc;requirc medi­ cal schools to graduate doctorswhoarc primary carc physicians; and require practiccparamctcr forphysicians. Tbcse arc a fcw items that arc in thc bill, but it will givc you an idea about what is bcing pulled together forconsidcration. Thcrcaltorshadrcprcsentativcsfrom both Davie and Davidson counties arc in Raleigh this wcck. I appreciated their coming by tospcak tome, and I enjoyed visitingwithUicm. Thank you for your interest; I hopc you have a good w eck. Hot Weather In The Forecast Weekend weather is cxpcctcd tn bc partly cloudy and h<it. uvcording to the National Weather Service. Friday"s highs should be in the up­ per 80s. with low> in the mid-60*. Temperatures, under purtiy cloudy skies Saturday and SunJay. are ex­ pected to h: near 90. with lows 65-70. There is a chance of scattered afternoon thundcrstornt> Sunda>. workers andcounty staff." said Mitch Helms. Names of private roads should bc agreed upon by all land ou nerson the road.Tocliminateconfusion.anypro- posed road name that is "deceptively similar" cannot be approved. Before calling in to suggest a name for a private road, make sure you have the road number from the bottom of the bright grcen sign. 'Wc would like to thank our citi­ zens of Davic County fortheir contin­ ued participation and support in imple­ menting the E-9M addressing sys­ tem. We believe it will be yet another advantage of residing in Davie County." Helms said. For morc information contact Helms at (704) 634-3340. NEW LISTINGS TOO NEW FOR PHOTO Mi iiiei*eoe «m - in w - (im *6oe 998-8816 2£ ^ |M1 U«e? Mll 0*M - lll tN - AO<H*l « r- j .M rtM imi!nntme-uiMo-cuww6*s)c- DAVIE COUNTY HOMES iaM!wucwMmMi*w<-SMi.w-uruY1 :* ) < il3^'.> 4 :»• :.r-t .>: » »>» ?:"««».• II? uuiiHni - itir.tM - utM*iuiii, »**«:s )'0,: 2-4.Fii:-r w^:.s-s*x*:<*, i«?s v^* )t*i* K<*Snv* »*«•}i wue*woM.im.**e • *uc*w*r n u i*tw **•FUMIlllt8.*.{Aie= 38* !l!V*JX!' *CPfS',i:ra'iiVMi-.«'Ji« H.K^UJWXJ4IUNUll.MI-U(UM.MIUa.iM .’56* ;«aisC-:„vj-aty*.'t»^«t*:-ft i^t»“j>*»« ;.-*^M i*-*<-urt ^tfci *ti E£TT?PCTT$ K*W) BiMmiuuioa-im.w-eeeiwui-36e3 £A y *«• vivi :*~ * iyc V »2 ti#t *tj ur so»vtt n-r* * n>nc r *CSES k,i FEV23 t<‘ Ml miuunwMe-mtrw-Mtiweeeuuii n*p^rr, Sv^ £iTSAS’ A:rr;lU#<C«»1ii?ieiH ftw itiu -iiiim -> i6= jie*Ts*o• :*K.y iy— y ef» SMt4fMLtn W*3H9l-i- <.». *r;i ~i t.jx*: ct e.or$ t«r^ $**»» 6 n.*UM>U*ieU-SIMM«-llH£l8!35a 25 6* EtA>ti'. :iW. y 11 K M 9**oc*rs 4.* KO'r,; j* CMM F6U .*ikVf 2»C « 5 COuG vu/ec *ue*64*i**o*-im.*oe-iER :aiw.Pi i*-.-KVrt V * 3" 1| *CP£S » vti t*fL uc> m '*? pi"> W'j tii S ;iWi E£TT* KlTTS m u ieie. iT. i - tm,m. •»« ce. i Bfi z B* *>':eyo2*:'fi Ki*M.'iiXm ^m &y>*sa# WrqUKOX^i A*^-*^t#^S^) Z'V< GkC6-* VAT WASK6SX2»e ctiti nu - iui.w - Mtitnu.im i ce. 35» 2 6*'e<stC*j^revw I3CACS t*r. Kii- U*:, « r n ^<i 1 »M *C »»■ t*r;ite^i Jt ra C<* H**. Wtinm. lt. r - StU.M0 -«SR. 3 &* C41K lX ,• x"y*'a**Sr<iJ*TM Uc*t'*fltrt t**JtJ ** K>t*y 0v^U*A^ X**l PfTi7T0 "toW1 iuuieuiHni-iiLW -iuui<ui.)BA itBASX'<:M.lC<W^r^W 3r*fPrGAU ayr •n pFV S-<rWi 6*<ilAtyl S<i s*ri-x# 6ETIl f>ons>>tMSauciiu ei iT. i. tei m - iB.eee - wuttteti.iiiee8.)sa2se*SPi.:f0'EA-tt*t#w*xk*d U4Vl^Lr.M t-J,r* lBC*&FU Jtf,r^ hyt*nrd BETTY P0n$ K4MUIUWITIIlT-IH,m-WC*imL4 6fl 3MBv.:» • Kfl * W! Z FPS e-eOOCVVS rw1 3« *i<vre Se*rcki w*iey v i y ^arx:rtryye X« f,u. 7HtyWj10T II TWnM0fl* - m.tW - 3 Bfl 2 5 B* v* T.»> ’<<■• N<^ • r-f- *jr? in fP -4V< $11 *> 7« rf<fKTur FMAV1 ».VCTti SJU.1 Uc0Ufit ^6'173ioi ii Teweoee - m.te# - 3 BA z 1 e* '♦• r-*i,Krs W # U" . y rrjM ^i »1 fP .r,' Mn; Cit* 'Wfrt*V*f*.**CnG S<ktr 8 U*GO*t *tAH^uiuaw niiM ti>iH .M -iiA ie*uoe<tNjUECflSK<vCS o*l^<-- L*T4 UrtiXM'*S3SK iUr* M r4 £«:w 1 pw*^i V <u*w B(TT> P0T1S tM wtinMMi Mni - ui.m-wisrwa. 3 Bfl 2 s6*$PuTfOiER:i*ii**79<MS'*Vf nC#UefPrfl ««rt mt<tM I!tUif.SltM ftM*JrCW6ETTYP0nS umiwwwYi-w.w-itiyaereQwttiiU -161 wuee.nwi C6.16fl. 2 B*. 8<o t o41i| m t *<lMf| >ri rn ar#e#toet 9^W 3*<{*4^WCV» « Gfuv P0TTS 9* MCSit. « i8M*ooe e 1n1 t111i - iw,mH - 1*1weee.e*>*ce.36a iBAfW40i6ni7 4CACS s^ Krt' 0*1 i* K0*'H F^*tKre<ewUK^tlVW<' V-*i ivMrvyi \X^ FUUf<j «4 11|7 raou er>t - iri.ee - tn w iu i. 1 tfi 2 w fu.'«>t^>r^# ^u*^e*CCTT60 Ff<im r«»OK».W^ti Sv{* «*:«• V * M4 / ut*> m BtTTt P0TTS CLEMMONS HOMES 11U ll|I FU* tl,bi Ml - lllt Ml .X K HVi i !lll'tUtici ieo - UM^.W - M* MU*)eSWl.ttlW*eit 4 £3 1 i bH-i*.C" **C> y .' *: *•« *f-yi ' . * -x.i ^ . it-iNrt&xxM Vy>uC"E EE. 14» uiciM uni >|]ii.m - w<tteeie -1 e= *: fi':r -.1. •• s-> v»;' i ’W M iK*t'V*fi> i?« cviiiwwii 1e0 - iu im - aiMweei.«r3 : ‘ 51 £-> T=c *\i -*• * r >! Kr »1‘ >W i► iy r1r 7^ x^ » 73rt M^*-w x«i *sL#teg *CVE* I6T 1* * iriB6l6 - Ut1.W-< aA J f.... - ." MO i* X'.Z’. k. «: v*. »r 2»aS ^fc5kCTi 'nPSUee*f :» »: » tv^ ^'i/ :.- -••> ,*u; C*T-i CRt.|9 i6T 1» eiTiiwe- u 11m -46^ u s *Tw: ■ .•■ Vr- -t- wr^ ».;•: ^i Cv.-yi, pai UWf ie*ii7wmiFete-im.wi-4yt :;u:=i3 :;» *,....*-;•• t ,wu*iU:<r! UC«E'S*W>«uO tliruUt|IIOU>l2II.W-M* IUM*NNl ai**m.i5^ :$yfVVHC<.SE 3:vy*y r^w -: ..-y u ^ ir T a 1 L;#6U*fP uyt &vA>* HU eu*64wn NU - UtltM< WlTUFOtt. 4 ir: v :» "-C ■•» <.;>1> >:» *>titt -':«V<V 3tl, ••;si 4 *•■«: > i4i C<'f 11' >J GC^wtCvi' SrJfit/> Hii ii'ii>cw imi - iiu .w - ium i NiiLiy )S61TSlC ievw^8HkU>^eXJ V*VeeP*tl• VV* UHV1 Va S»sCrvrriv«t»s 5'"4Ay< 1271 llllet41UMM-mi w-eu*w*s.4 69]'M:='=l'.> .--#saje"M*w<-^cn SKvM tS»:o: **H MSs y 2 * K-n ft4AfiASTf SEU IIH tTttMtiUM CUCU - lltt.M - UI*Tll eoe*l.)4 5= 3 9*a>.Uv»yr,v.ik.x«cc^v »1- :*^;n F9^R$PFU3>* >'MIW4M(U4CH:v-i 5^tAC'. SCCC'6 rt6:i*.i lflT lt WUMH ttawet - lllltM - 3 55 2 5 3* vti*syeuyccrwti*7*4i e^<iifeCbryr 'J^ tri tti*-LH rx- i*'J *r,i Cti» u k%x« CVsX'S ienwUMBCt61WH'll4kKe-3r= ZiMSvW :rw r ;ii trjt v e &ii »nM n, :n r vaa W Sxri cn a *^a>t 0cu » v-ii T *xtf ciaX’N *ZXX a<>«SHtiaMtmi(*u-tiii.m-cUKttMift!it-38A 2 64 f'«‘ P-rv flu^r. cr :«BV/^, *^wi,-r: :z ^rci ►*« AP u» a*^K3f>; S,!» r* e-» CWCl*S <0M «*W9IM MWMUIi M« - IIH W - OOtWtl »«7— 46= 3e4iflC'M'<**4i**J>:nwfi:;>■ *'< Pt.it! ?<*M*lMl MVWIUII - Utl.W - cuewe 1llT. 4 9r3 8* 6SC» R*f<M ett*:M n P-cr: >,^ '41 .M 64>/>JSti VAkWi'4UM A4AAtMi F*tEfiA PlN ^*44tiII# WtlC*lliUe - IIH.Mt.|liUM IM.3 ys 21B* ><TCAJfi I »K*VI xr.- tt* <#.Vi8 S eii-* tet ^ VctC csr r ct E;ELSCfl I4ATC*< iiiieuieiu-iiitHe-8um *^]y :6 io TEVP0<Ufil e.VrtW XI FP M ix CS* CM*.# l0 Vga »2 e*<<i CKWl P-.lf S"lA0N C0C<S5 USI UTTUW6e Mni - lll.H0 - CU*W6el 3 682B*flisCM*ijiy4tfi^r^ Vxc^**7<a>*x r3 txtfi Ajiv*< e*i w eeiue c^*#' i'rc^; ,'U Pt*1A0Si 7#i>47flllHUM16U*lfli6 - lU.W - 6UW*enr. 3 BA2 54 KASSh 4 «ic«krji y« **• etl *XK4W '*^l ^.-.•fOrtOut tr. i*>r tt* 3K» flXdti S*LFCti G4> aii MT* wi*i u * - iu*oe w - 3 m t a* W "» ett;< 11 KH F4 tV* *w< »**«< *3 »if. *Crt ktnCoMCCvri»cnrdW5 $UUNOPTlA:i*^C 1 BERMUDA RUN HOMES iei i iurnwiT • two.m • mew* iw. ^4A s eaS t6*TRA3evr^.tir, tnVm Jc#yrf>ic^w ed &yRu*.wi fefCCrr*crV'c MCZ-> SnvUjCACti>H8ti7 n< te w * * 'im ie e • m w » i M . u w te.3 e= ^; .<:»»• tvy rff*l 24 ^ VtVTi S'.|"1 JC=:4.S in tfiaui • iiiiMt • n rn i iui. 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W lo hrst toflat U»ty Ln to nght on ktonan Pajk lane. la tM T IU 3 2.1 U 3 ,lt0 CW *TlW 0W Y 71M424 WATIWOWD .............. -...........Oes<nedtoaccommod4!eany ir^ehome.thid-$!inctmecomnvnityoHefSTnehnettWuifl OfVy one mUe l10m Tang*wood Paik. Ne^hwnood pool.QiPECTiOMS M 0ToC*mr*xi$.i4itf>gM>nPeaceHa.enftoadtoWate<todSecbon3o<inght. TIU 4 XI im M tT1A0 4 I I IM,MtTlA6 4 t l W,MICOL 4 *.l 2S.H4TIU 4 XI lU,N*llTT 4 i.l |U,N0T*AD 4 1.1 TMTlAD 4 a.* TS0 H vu1m 1 t0* Ul T*il M l LU TATI U*A WMA*6 ttTNV c**n* mM1 IWUCUM N fn iT i1 1 -..........................................................................................il p*j tort me counry and Qu*t amBonce ^ u 'l to»e Pepperttee *>tn 6io*raued W$, wmewooded. 10me ooen. Se*ef mcio3edOiHECTtQNS Straifo<d Fti S to Hampton Rl .Lto Ff>e Bndge Rd. L on Loop Fti \t Mi. to Peppef- 11w on lift lel 14 T*46 I 3.1 ttll.OM UUTMUMI lU -lltlUl 13 2-ITT TM tt6*UEATmWI NI>HI1ioti AVtiuui r01 oiiTee co*STiucnow m uc* om1ew 1*T. 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Kt** riKmeMXC, A5a*tMOfn*VOKS*"*r^*: Pf>CV9Weh 6ETTf P0TTSMt**SMiiiuJH-*miMeei4ciiL$:si;*CrE Ax» H»*M!« KneaipeviHi4iUefanrar Rtr-<rr3 CW •< l-*v* GAlr P0TT$ F44ti9 J4C* 1661 16*9 • 841tl C6. *;a:i I »:•« Koi t4W-.ir*a^>y>: U|S * i fcjw V v^i 13 VOnt GA*v PCTTSK*NC1 ptemi crai wu-uuc* run icro. e**yj to e UiDXiK- -tv Sv, ^0« >^ev3 :^- turfeysr^rf* CP*iPOTTS#»W» tftU I0U-M 4> kV»V V | M i? &7N-t f l t r M *• y <o>:»Wi s y.Ki >» x«**« C"* Sr***rt| GB4' Pcns ?»M*Nmpui oiai i 9*e • m ua 11.1 4C8ti reillUeee&*t*ttWrtVixtien*' h'asy>n;ew »■» <n af pw) St* Urywi Ra^*tr GAAi P0tt$ lttM n H T IC m -l4 M M ^M n !i ...liM wii r0 wu* 'fKtVyt n* Sf*:i &•>• Sc' tii *y F.tm .U t 5M*P0nSKI44M1t*a 1 ie*e - c6i*m L s se *:fiE$ « n :- y.c>* Kfl H 'M *MOti SalW ter ^O< vr^ Pf'V3 9#u.1, EEm PonswM W0tltnUL ievTI I - iai t< > *> y »W‘J rx*4 UMMOTCMV* Pxti tr^ K"t>- r k^*.KW UtMnere 6R*t W S W M wu wi Nnt.UMitnK.oin ee.Lm>t».3tH ta:f>M9K0 6e^uaRyiC<utr.Cxe*<ww <vv> « ett IXS « ;i s MCS*| >x*: f.EU'ti W-v<riu8ii vuut un re - woatmi 6« v . *x»j«U #1 «« kUfW< Ctf iWM^VW^WU ll>S»Ui5» VOJFUVAGM*tl<7Ninii ceut n. - et»« ce. *axri N *?« «*> ceee*rai wu - *moi ut »?n t t ^ »wMap*v ••: ki hfliMt. »N w <vj $ *rt • - » «7«» *ttXC«rkn^KTf tw*KMd ER.P0nSMW4 BUSDNESS PROPERTY «1TIAU1 MM-U>MO6-MOCMHU. 141« tO. Tr*W P«> «71 K*:#l t»d *o~* ctvf| ‘If cn 45 r ?«< BMMn cor. ti U3 biM >*BW GfU' PCHS FAIWHTOe 18. • lZ7l,000 . 841U C6. WWU *6*|PU1 ku 15 71 r n t2 K*« ccvT| »t« wn<iMew ».H 1 P**tf STHO bK fl*e^r< «w 6S*i POTTS H M H m m ri - llTI#46 - UVUtt, 14.000-A Sf BlDQ. 3 fc*3rg dCde cAc« e»c* cn|2 KW&M>teWfe>P4lMMl B*o(H>l'4lb' BETTV ROnSWM409 Davlt CoMt| 0ff1ce S S M IH Bertera f. Al#n 8M 30I3 H#lee CeiiNy 704-IS^2l00 Ad4le D'E*tr*eet .........M0-27S7 Vl6kl F1e*leg .................ttS-U t7 iitwto M. Hyp>r..........7 H -tlll l|lvla k f< w ........... H M U 7 De*g U e N ........... S IH lM $*lr1ey lew li ............ 7W -IK2 ttleHe M ettN *i......... t f t M 2 Ully W cMie........... 7M*1I73 Mck M l .................7 0 4 -W W 2 t -.................7 tt5 l7 l U ttf Ntls .................W -I40S 6f*y M U .in.................% U -M Nv feHl# ...................W 26S4 Hm W*tter, M u i|ir ... 724-M72 O FE N 1 -4 S U N D A Y__ RELOCATION SERVICESWee4a H*nti, W ttUt - 741-6373 U ik 0liH, le^cMlwi ^Mclellit74IIM 8 ^ - v ^ TOLL-FREE: HOMttiuny l.S 0 0.7 S 2-18 80 ",,M ‘ R i:.S II> K N T IA I. • C < )N lM i:K C lA I. • R K I.O C A T lt> N • IN S U R A N C K • KluN I A I.S SERVING DAVIE COUNTY. CLEM M O N S & W ESTERN FORSYTH Index Letters 2,3,7 Public Records 6 Sports B1-B8 Weddings C2-C5 Obituaries C7 Calvin & Hobbes D3 Davie Dateline D4 Public Notices D5 Miss Dark & Lovely S o n j a A l l e n W i n s A n n u a l P a g e a n t : D e t a i l s , P a g e C 1 Town Leaders Weekend Weather: Still Hot: P. D4 M o c k s v i l l e , C o o l e e m e e E l e c t i o n F i l i n g O p e n s : D 8 DAVIE C O U N TY 5<K E N T E R P R I / E R E C O R D rsi>s 149-160 Thursday,Juni'24, 1993 32 PAGES M u r d e r S u s p e c t C o u l d H a v e B e e n I n J a i l E d d ie S h o ffn e r S e r v e d 3 8 D a y s O f S ix - Y e a r S e n t e n c e lly l.imru WilliainvTracv Davie County Enterpnse-Record Injust a fcw years. Eddic Wayne Shofliwr had managed lo fi!l a Manila folder with arre>t war­ rants and probation d<x*umcnts. The !;itc>t entry — nmnJer — may bc the last for a while. David Jarvis, the probation officer who kcep> that folder, met Sh<>ffner in September 1991. Shoffner. then 20. had been convicted of w riling four worthle>s check>. The next month, he had fi\ e more counts added to his record, atony w ith several driving infntclions. While on probation, the charges kept coming. ln January 1992. Shoffner was convicted for failing it> return a*nied >tercv and T V equipment from a Statesville rental company. F<wr im>nth> later, he was convicted ofstealing a neighbor's mone> order and making tiic check out to him>elf. The charges finally eaught up w ith Shoffner this past October, and he faced more than 18 year* of prison. According to his six-year sentence, he >hould have been in jail June 20. w hen he svus arrested along with Russell Dean Workman. ofAdvance. for the murders of Arthur Drake. 71.and Janet Drake. 63. in Winston-Salem. His total time in prison last fall: 38 days. Authorities have said thut Workman has con­ fessed to slitting the Drake’s throats, and that Shoffner was an accomplice. Workman has no previous criminal record in Davie County. Shoffner's record is not unlike that of many Vleasv Set* S>stem — Paue 7 County Delays Budget Decision Representative* from the sebo,)l> and the ans council made a h>! diidi appeal for fun­ ding Monday niyfu w li i (c coun­ ty commissioners take a wcck to mull over the proposed S22.7 million budget. The board w i|l vote on the budget at u .>peciaJ miYling June 28 at 7 p.m. School Superintendent Dr. Bill Steed asked the board to reconsider increasing the schi*il budget 14 percent ovcr last ycar. Tbc J993-94 budget that the county is consiJcririg in­ creases school fundina bv almost 9 fcrcent. A 14 percent increase would allowthe system to add six new teachers and a liason officer to help prevent school violence, St<xxl said. *'1 think it is imponant that if we arc to continue to improve as a school system we must be given c.xiru consideration." Stecd sard. Arts Council Director Jane Simpson asked the board to reconsider her request for 57.000 for arts programs for the schook. Commissioners are comideringgiving 56.000 to ihe arts. I f thc county contributes and extra S 1,000 this year, Simpson said she is clligible for another 5 1.000 in matching funds from thc stale. Another resident asked the board to keep the budget as small as p<bsih!e. *'Everyone is alw ays asking for more m oney." Harold Frank said. • ‘ I 'm asking you lo keep thc tax rate as low as possible for thc senior citizens, retired folks and taxpayers. W e've got a back­ breaking load o f taxes as it is." Com m issioner Chairm an Carl Boon said tlte board wanted tin t to consider thc fine points of tlte budget before it votes at a special meeting Mon­ day. Wiggle Worm Worms don'l bother Angela Whitaker, especially when they increase her chances of catching a fish. Angela was taking part in the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commis­ sion’s and Davie 4-H "Operation Catch" last week. For a story and more photographs, please turn to page D1. — Photo by Robin Fergusson Mother, Others Are Charged With Prostituting Girls tiy M ike Bamhardt Duviv County Enterprise Record Three local residents have been arrested for promoting the prosti­ tution of a minor, and a founh has been charged vviih supplying drugs to a minor. Thc minors, all girls, range in age from 11-15. One o f those ar­ rested was their mother. Almost all of the activity oc­ curred in Mocksville, much on Main Street, said Mocksville Po­ lice Officer V.S. Helds, "lt's been a sad situation for a long time." Fields said. "Wedothc foot patrols and a lot of the mer­ chants up on Main Street were inquiring about tie little girls, w hy they were out that late at night. We had contacted social services, and some of the merchants had contact social services." Fields said there wasn’t much police could do unless a law was broken. Two of the girls, age 11 and 13, could be seen walking around town ''at all hours of the night." including well after mid­ night. Police have been investigating the case for several months, and got a break last month. Among those arrested wen; two ieen*agers. Bobby Marion Booe Jr., 17, of Route 8, Mocksville, was charged with three counts of promoting prostitution of a minor (girls rang­ ing in age from 13-15). He was takenintocustodyinlieuofaS6,000 bond, pending a July 22 appear­ ance in Davie District Court. The other cases involved two daughters, age 11 and 13. ofJanie Marie Allen. 3 I,o f 156 Avon St., Mocksville. She was arrestedJune 17 fortwocounts ofpromoiing the prostitution of a minor, distribu* tion of marijuana to a minor and with assault. She was taken into custody in lieu of a S7,000 bond, pending a July 22 appearance in Davie District Court. Her live-in boyfriend, Jeffrey Scott “Ace" Bailey, was charged with selling or delivering a con­ trolled substance to a minor. He was taken into custody in lieu of a $5,000 bond, pending a July 22 appearance in Davie DistrictCourt. James Amold Lambert. 16, was arrested onJune 16forfivecounts of promoting prostitution of a mi­ nor. He was released in the custody ofhis motiier, with a 9 p.m. week- dayand 11 p.m. weekend curfews, and on the condition that he have no contact with juvenile females otherthan family members. Officer Fields said area young people were cooperative in the in­ vestigation, and that the girls had been asked to sell their bodies for Ma long time.” Police reports indi­ cated the girls had been asked to . sell their bodies at home, and in an incident on Clement Street. - Social Services was called after the arrest, and they took the two girls, Fields said. Animalsfoundoithehouseweni also taken after seen by Animal OueliyInvcstigator Earl Hammer. ’They were too .skinnv," Fields said. Cooleemee Wrestles With Budget Decisions By Mike Iltirnimrdt Davie Counly Enterprise Kcmil COOLEEMEE - Town com­ missioners lMrecouldn't agree on a budget fortlie upcoming fiscal year, and their opinions seemed as var- iedasthoscoftownresidcmsspcak- - T ing ai a public hearing last Thurs- department and the police depart- day. Instead, the board voted tocoii- tinuc with the prcsenl,intcrim bud­ get until a newonecould beagrced upon. Majorpointsofcontentionwen! garbage fees, recreation, the fire mem. A proposed budgcthad included a S5 monthly fee for residential garbage collection. Commissioner llaydcn Beck said he didn’t like that charge, and said ihe town had been paying Davie Sanitation too much. The town pays forpickupsat 425 house­ holds, and when checked, trash was picked up at 353 stops. 'Tm sure that we’re overpaying for the houseswe have," Bcck_said. He recommended lhe proposed fee be stricken from the budget. Renegotiating the contract with Davie Sanitation could save money, he said. 'There's not 425 pick ups in Cooleemee.” Healsoencouraged the board to adopt a limit on the number of l'lfa<e See Cnolceinec ~ l':mi. 7 I 2 - l>AVIK COUNTY KNTKRI'RISE RKCORl),Tlmrscluy, June 24, 1993 E d ito ria l P a £ e Little League Season: Boys Show Lots Of Class Thc season cndcd Saturday. My Cardinals playcd diuir last $amc. It cndcd a season lliat sccmcd like both a lifetime... and all too brief. Wc had a winning record, which always makes a Little League season more bearable. But more important, the boys werc simply good kids. They got along well with each other. Thcy didn’t talk back to the coachcs. They didn't act like fools. Thcy were rcspcctful and pleasant. That's pretty remarkable stuff for 11- and l2-ycar-olds. For years thcy have been tltc wide-cycd kids who marveled at the accomplishments of the older baseball players. Now, thcy suddenly realize they are on the verge ofbcing those same big boys thcy have admircd. I have always appreciated the good examples many of the high school athletes have provided. In an agc when aUilcles are cel­ ebrated forbeing obnoxious, some have decidcd to remain gentle­ men in the public eye. Malt Marion - a high school and legion baseball player several years ago -- has long been one of my son's hcroes. It was no small treat for our team to have Marion attend several of theirgames and help tiic team. I had never coached baseball, and never playcd the sport as a boy. 1 didn't tell the team that, but they scemed to know. The umpire had to hc!p me make substitutions one time. Morc embar­ rassing, I ran out to congratulate our boys for winning one game after the fiftli inning. Little League games play six innings. Again, the umpire set mc straight. I covcred most of myshort- comings by recruiting some dads who did know the game. Terry Creason pitched for all the batting practice and was the third base coach - the critical coaching spot. I stayed in the dugoul. My duty was the pcp talk: "Jump on 'em early and don't let up." 1 only yelled at one kid - my son. He took leave of his senses one night and swung on a 3-balls, no strikes count - violating a cardinal rule of baseball. "But Dad, I hit it." I had read many horror stories about coaching Little League 1 knew about the coach that killed a parent in a fight over moving the boy from the catcher's spot to outfield. I knew about megalomanical coaches living out their childhood fantasies -- trying to do as coachcs what they could never do as young players. I knew about belligerent parents who are convinced thcir children arc bound for the Major League ... if only the coach could see their talent. But I had promised my wife a normal season. How normal could it be with me coaching'.’ I wrestled over batting line-ups and pitcher rotations in my mind every evening. But it was fun - for me, and I hope for them. My favorite moments? Walking out to thc mound when the pitcher was in trouble. 1 always wondered what coachcs say to a sttuggling pitcher. Now I know: "Throw strikes, OK?" Our record was 1M , good enough to tie for first place in our league. To celebrate, we look the team to Pizza Hut after the final game. It was there that I discovered the team's real talent is not on thc baseball diamond. It's at the dinner table. Thcy gobbled down two "Big Foot" pizzas in a matter of minutes. And they emptied countless pitchers ofsoftdrinks. I think they could out-cat any team in the league. - Dwight Sparks mmiomsQciALsmTYTmcn HI5 HOUSEKEEPER/ <j*flHL ~*iw'<t*i£jBsy C t_ _"< c.M f lJ .f lM In The Mail ... Parents: Get Involved Tothccdit<>r: As a member of ihe Advisory Council of Souih Davie Jr. High School, 1 feel conipcllcd to write to viu at thi> lime regarding thc proposed vluncvs in principal>hips here in Davie County. I hav c spukcn to wi cnil vniplo) ees in ihe school suiem asking thcir scntimcms in regard to losing iheir principals for no apparent reason, and have hxn told repeatedly that thcy could not express Uttir feelings in writing because of (he threat of hav ing the letter put in their cumulative file. It is a shame that faculty and staff cannol voice their opinions in public for fear of losing theirjohs. I've never know n of anyone in recent history that could vvei1d lhai much power and hotd it ovcr thc heads of (oyal, hardworking employees. If thc cm* plovcc.t of ihc county school ssstem could voice their thoughts on this matter, 95'> of thetn would heartily dissaprove of Dr. Steeds decision to move our principals around like pawns in a chcss game. South Oavic students won so many honors this school yearanU 1 * m pmud of our school, lt hasbecn so becau se of the leadership ofMr.Julius Suiter. Hc is a tremendous driving force to motivate students as well as faculty. Wc need to come out as parents against these proposed changes and act swiftly.Thc time for sitting on our rear ends and doing nothing forthe bciicmwnl ofour young people is over. Lct*s gct involved and lel the school board and Dr. Steed know that w e as concerned citizens and parents are opposed to this abject proposal. Won't >ou please gct involved? Paula Campbell Cooleemce Firefighter’s Effort Was Successful To the editor: I want to personally thank all the v olunteers u ho helped in the Chad Lipscomb Blood Drive on June 19; and fura 1l the people w ho supported usby eiUicr either giving ofbfood orvsith thcir time to make this endeavora success. \Ve doubled our goal w ith a total of 98 pinto. Also, from myself and the Davie County Firefighter's Association, thank you to the chiefs and volunteers whohelpcd with the doughnut sale and thc collection of donations on June 20. Thanks to thc public for making these events a success. We sold all of the doughnuu. lt is always good to know that toere is still a helping hand out there in this day and time. Michael D.AIIen, President Davie County Firefighters Association Lipscomb Family Thankful D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/E R E C O R D USPS 149-160 124 South Main Street Mocksvi!!e, NC 27028 704/634-2120 Pub)i'hed even Thursday bv the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO, Dwight Sparks................... Editor-Publisher Robin Fergusson ................General Manager Mike Barnhardt ................. Managing Editor Ronnic Gallagher.....................Sports Editor Becky Snyder................Advertising Director Mocksvillc Davie C<nilcemee Kntcrprlse Record Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Second Class Postage Paid (n Mock.sville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 cents $18.00 per year in North Carolina $22.50 per year outside North Carolina POSTMASTER Svnd address changes to !>avic Countv Hnlcrprite*Record P.O. Box 525, Mocksvillc, NC 27028 To the editor: We would like to use your paper to thank everyone for the support they have given our family since Chad has been sick. U would be impossible for us to thank everyone personally andhopc they will accept our thanks thisway. The concern people have shown has been incredible. Yadkin Valley Telephone had a blood drive and mettheirgoalof 54 pints.The Fireman's Associa- tionheld a blooddrivc and doubled theirgoal w ith 98 pints, with almost half as first-time donors. The doughnut sale was a tremendous success. To the volunteers and to ihe people who came to donate, we are extremely grateful. With a disease like Chad's, your blood is his life suppon now until his body can produce its own. It is so important that people continue to give bloodsopeople w hodependon it will beable to get it. To all of Chad's friends who have called, visited, sent cardsand gifts, we wouldlike tosend a special thanks. Your being there for him has been so important. To all our friends who have sent food, donations, given blood and their lime to help us out «• words cannol express our thanks. Please remember there are other families w ho have sick loved ones who could use your blood and bone marrow. An hourou( of yourdaycould mean another year of life for someone else. Just remember it could be your family lhat needs help tomorrow. Pleasekeepus in yourprayersbecause lhat is where all our healing is coming from. Jim and Nancy Lipscomb Route 2. Mocksville Letters Are Welcomed The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its readers.The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or inter­ national issues. An effort will be made to print all letters provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor re­ serves the right toedit letters forgrammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number is also requested to test the legitamacy of the letter. It will not be published. Please have letters in the Enterprise Record office no later than 5 p.m. Mon­ day of the week to be published. Do You Follow Legion Baseball? (irm ly Wcstmoivhmil Mucksville “ No, I like cur racing." I'iuiht Alisltvr Route 4. Miicksvillu "N ii. I like l>uscl>iill hut I’m tim nccupiud.” Cluitl Trivittc Kiiute 6, Moeksvillv "Ycs. lfs sumething lo <lu in Movksvillv wherc there’s nut much else to tIo.” Reggie (!nss Kmite 8, Mocksvillc •No. I never liiivc timc.' 1 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TliursUuy,Junc 24,1993 - 3 ; Uncle Roy And Aunt Annie — True Sweethearts ;.;M y dud lost one of his best friends curly 'Mimday irarning. The Oak Grovc community lost its most outstanding residents. And we ;tll lost our "Unde Roy." I)ul the saddest thing of all is liial our "Aunt Annie" lost her beloved sweetheart. Roy Williams died early Monday irorning al Forsyth Hospital. Doctors said it was heart failure. Little did they know. For several years now. Aunt Annie has been in declining health. She has survived catastrophic-------- illness thanks to ihe tender B a rn h a rd t loving care of her sweetheart. Uncle Roy looked after her until a few days before his death. He worried over her. He may have worried himself into sickness — worried over his sweetheart. Cupid knew wlial he was doing when lie sliot his arrow at these two 65 ycars ago. From day one, they were each other's sweethearts. Never have I heard Aunt Annie refer to Unde Roy by any other namc. Never did I hear one raise their voice lo the otlicr. They loved each other, respected each other. They were thc perfect couple — Ihe example of whal love should be like. Uncle Roy and Aunt Annie never had any children. Everyone refers lo them as uncle and aunt, whclhcr they an: blood kin or nol. Tlicy jusi make you feel like a member of thc family. They loved us loo. They loved everybody — a perfect example of what a love of mankind should be. — .Xbove-all-elsc.-UiiclLRoy_iyasji ___ Christian. He was the rock al Oak Grove Melhodisi. If there was one thing you could count on al Oak Grove, it was Uncle Roy. He was always there, ready lo do whatever necessary. He was alw-ays positive, a calm influence alw-ays looking al whut was bcsl for Ihe church. Our family moved from Fork to the Oak Grovc community in tlw late l950s, about lhc time I was born. We rented a housc from Uncle Roy. Romping around Undc Roy's land make up the happiest uxmiorics of my childhood. Swinging from vines, damming a small creek to lry lo make a swimming pool, and eating litilc grcen apples unlil my belly ached; had it not bccn for Uncle Roy's generosity, I iiuy have missed ihesc childhood pleasures. My dad worked wilh Uncle Roy wilh the N.C. Department of Transportation in Forsyth Counly. Al the company Chrislmas parlies, I learned that Uncle Roy was just as well resncclcd al work as he was in h|s____ home community. Everyone looked up to him. My dad and Uncle Roy often rode to work logcihcr, and thcir friendship grew over the years. i : In the l970s, our family switchcd houses with Unde Roy, just up Oak Grovc Church Road from each olhcr. In recent years, the road wasn't the ntain route bclwccn Ihe two houses. There was a pallt through lhc w<x>ds. Over thc ycars, us , kids used that path on a regular basis. A log, and at another lime a board, was used as a foot bridge over thc small creek, or branch i as we called it. Now, there's a regular bridge over thc branch. Uncle Roy used it lo drive his lawnmowcr lo our house. My dad uses it lo drive his lawnmowcr to thcir house. They built the bridge together, cut wood together, worked on lawnmowers together — things lhat make a friend a friend. And every time Unclc Rov came lor a____ visit, he would talk ab<Hit his sweetheart al home. We shouldn't worry for Uncle Roy and Aunt Annie, because God rcw-ards true sWccthcarts. Davie History War Bond Rally This is a photograph of a war bond rally during World War II, showing the north side of court square, Mocksville. Photograph courtesy of the Davie County Historical and Genealogical Sociely. In the mail... Why Was ‘Principal Of Year’ Moved? To lhc editor: 1 would like to express an opinion about the chanfcs in the administration of Davie County Schools. Mr. Suiter selected mc to serve on thc Advisory Council for South Davie. I found him to bc a caring, concerned person for all children. 1 find it hard to hcUevc that this man. who was “Principal of the Year," was placed at the elemen­ tary school. South Davic nccds his leadership as thc school serves a special social-economical urea (hat nccds special strength and caring. Why should a man that has given so much to thc county be put Parents need to get involved within thc schools and thcy w ould soon leam how much good leader­ ship means. Please understand. I am not trying toput down Mr. Landry, but his strength is high school, not junior high or middle school. How will the students at South benefit from leadership that is geared toward high school? Do we as taxpayers wish to givc one man thc “pow er" to mlcourchildrcn's cducaiion in thc way he has demonstrated in thc past few wccks. Maybc it is timc to look at the work of thc supcrintcndant andthcboardofcducalion;aficralUhcyarercspon- siblc to us as citizens of Davie County. Instead of creating chaos • lets help our students get ahcad. Stcvic Dulin Mocksville Principal Changes Nothing But Power Play To the editor: I would like to voice my opinion of thc superintendent's round-robin move of adminis­ trators. Il seems his job should be lo look out for the welfare of the students - not seeing how much power he can have. 1 must also state that I am surprised at our board of education giving him a stamp of approval for such a mixed up mess. - Taking Robert Landry from the high school and placing him at ajunior high doesn’t make much sense ♦• unless there are other reasons. Since Mr. Potts and Mr. Suiter have both had training in middle school concepts ♦ why the moves for them? Isn't this the year the schools arc to move into the middle school mode? So we put a high school and an elementary person in these positions - should be very effective. Also, when the high school picks up the 9th graders - thcy will be dealing with a relatively new principal (trained for middle school), and at least one new assistant principal (maybe two). My next thought - will all these changes put tax dollars to the best use - for students - or will some of our money be used to make Dr. Steed’s changes possible. My last comment - w hy shouldn't Mr. Landry receive credit for some of the good things he has accomplished at the high school - w hat about the school within a school - ifit is successful • let the people know (and show up to add support to the program). Kenneth Lanier. R.Shane Rogers,Janet Rogers. Teresa F. Peacock. Marsha P. Tutterow, Larry Tutterow, Michael Swisher. Patricia Draughn, Gene Draughn, Creola Rogcrs.Jane Tutterow, Milton Tutterow. Pamela Branham, Mike Branham, Wayne Swisher Mocksville Landry’s ‘School Within A School’ Worked To the editor: For the past five years I have served on the Private Industry Council.Thiscouncil serves Davic, Yadkin, Surry, Stokes and Rockingham counties. This organization has several purposes: to oversee thc use of Job Placement Training Act (JTPA) funds, to develop programs supported hy JTPA funds and to help provide financial assistance and training to thc unemployed. Those whom we scrve are cconomica1ly and socially disadvantaged. Tltis clientele must fit al least one of thc following categories: high school dropout, offender, AFDC recipient, on Social Ser­ vices and socially, cconomicaily or physically dis­ abled. Of tfiosc whom wc scrvc, at lc.ut 51 % must bc high school dropouts. Ourjob is rewarding and fnistraling; rewarding because wc sce people become self-supporting and tum their lives around and frusiraling because of lack of funds. Most importantly because the stu­ dents arc dropping out ofhigh school faslcrthan w c can help them. For the past six months I havc bccn involved in planning a summer youth program called “Youth Challenge" for students at risk of dropping out of school. It was through this process that 1 mct Davic Migh'sprincipal, RobcrtLandry,and lcamcd about his “school within a school" program designed to ltclp at risk students complete high school. Thc program tots bccn a tremendous success. Mr. Umdry and his staff have committed ihcnv sclvcstorcducingstudcntdropoutslhroughiniiova- livc lc<icbiog »»d programming. Ii came as n shock to lcam lhat he was snaichcd from such a successful progmm lhat was not yel complctcd.Thcre has bccn norhymcorrcasonforrcccntadmimsiralivcactions of lhc Davic County School Board. As lhc old saying goes, “Wc lcam from our mistakes", nnd we have certainly learned from this one. We lcamcd about thc lack of professionalism and short sightcdncss of the administration and lhc weakness and lackof visionon thc part of lhc school board. Wc have also bccn made awarc of lraw inadequate the school system is in general. Davic County can and must do better than this if we ever hope to improve our social and cconomic climate. Jamcs R. McBridc Mocksville More Letters ... ... On Page 7 L y n n H all ‘MINE!’ Is Worst 4-Letter Word Just about lhc time my children learned to talk, they learned a four-letler word. Il was terrible. Some days ihis was ihe only word they said, and it nearly drove nie crazy. The word was “ MINE!” and it was uttered with about t)iat much emphasis. It meant get your grubby little paws off anv and all of MY dolls. MY books, MY blocks, MY cars, MY anything and everything. And even if it isn’t MINE, I want it. possession is nine-tenth of the law. so scram! 1 can't tell you how many tears and hurt feelings and cven occasional physical reminder of ownership, that this word caused in those early years. The only reassuring fact was that this was supposedly a normal siage children go through and wasn*t jusi something peculiar to my two. I was told lhat with luck lhey would outgrow ihis selfish stage after a few years, a few time-ouis and even a few smacks on the hand for pin­ ching that nice little girl across the strvet just because she reached out and tried to grab our favoriie teddy bear. I remember when my son was around two or three, several friends and I decided to form a play group. There were four of us, three with boys and one with a little girl, all about thc same age. I remember we decided this group would give our children a chancc to learn some social skills, get used to brief separations from mother and allow ihcm a chancc to stari making friends. This was great in theory, but what actually happened when the three other children arrived at the home of the fourth, their eyes grew enormous at the sightof all those **new toys,” and they all made a mad dash for .some object as if this were one of those one-zninutc shopping spreeds at the local toy store. In the meantime, the child who “ owns” these toys, get this stricken look on his face as if his mother has just let loose a swarm of hungry locust to feast on his every nuiterial possession. He suddenly goes berserk, screaming “ MINE! MINE! MINE! while his mother in a very calm voice tries to explain that his friends arc just visiting, that sharing is a virtue and that cvety6ne will be l'risked before leaving. This was a learning experience, because the next week while we awaited the arrival of the other children at our house, my son piled all his favorite belongings into a closet and stood guard at tlie door with a Ncrf rocket launcher. A lot of people think this isjust a childhood thing, a stage childnm go through around three and four, and once it's gone it never returns. But actually that's not totally true. I found it's likely to resurface in adulthood. The olher day as I caught sight-of my daughter hurry out thc front door wearing my brand new, never-been-worn-by-me blouse. I grabbed the Big Squirt Water Gun and chased her all the way up thc street yelling “ MINE!” DIFFICULTY IN URINATION? An enlarged prostale may mean you have BPH ■ BBNION PROSTATE HYPERPLASIA. One out of three men over 46 have It. II you are over 45 and: e HAVE TROUBLE URINATINO e URINATE OPTIN e STOP AND START SiVERAL TIM IS WHILE URINATINO e HAVE TROUBLE DILAYINO URINATIONyou could have BPH. II you do have BPH, you may be able to take part In an 18 month cllnlcal research trial lor an lnvestJgatlonal drug. Patients who qualify wlll receive FRBE PHYSICAL EXAMS, BLOOD AND OIAONOSTIC TESTINQ AND MEDICATION. Medical supervision provided by a board certified urologlst. p m PtM m M l n *M irch A oM laU a II you are Interested In participating, please call 919-768-8062 ' 4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thurstfny. June 24,1993 D OPENIN OF YOUR NEWEST FOOD FAIR PRICES IN THIS AD ARE GOOD II SAVE PRICES IN THIS AD ARE GOOD AT ALL FOOD FAIR LOCATIONS - > W & iSUCH A HOMETOWN FEELING! INTRODUCINSAVE 30c ON DKIE CRYSTALS GRANULATED S X J G A R 5-LB. $ BAG 1.69 SAVE5 \ mn > ° MSAVE 20c ON FLAV-0*RICH ie 0Z. O r k 0 SOUR CREAM ciN. FREE Heinz® (Or } I 00 On AnyH tiat Checkout When You Buy...... ! i 0 2 £ 2 3 ■•■■ Get one 6-pack FBEE with purchase of 3 6-packs of 12 oz. cans! Offer good on all Coca-Cola* products j j ^ j a S * p iFtosct Oul The Bt$l m te & i V iliitrtfU hM t all U JMrtMJ. «i 4ViS unet3 6yC xiC di BfltansCa. Ccuoimd OffirviidfrOT Jun* *6^ M y <, tH l SAVE 18t OS STOUFFEE*SSKCLE SERVE 2 $ O 0 0 L A S A G N A v t O *1.99RtW VJu* $e'WNUftiitrin'UiHVi*UVfi>r^*t*ruNiVi"Wri^fWtinifn*>iUetnu^rt■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m m m m ■ ■ ■ ■ e ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A N TITY [{l(;ilTS K F ,S W illow Oaks Shoppin M t v i M U i i i m r & K n T R n n i DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 24,1993 • 5 iT HICKORY TREE CROSSING! T ALL FOOD FAIR LOCATIONS l l ( l l l l SAVE PRICES IN THIS AD ARE GOOD AT ALL FOOD FAIR LOCATIONS SUCH A HOMETOWN FEELING! SAVE 30c ON BUDDIG SLICED(8 VARIETIES) S A N O W I C I I M E A T S .5 oz. $ "I 00F A V 0 R 1 T E S .S.D.A. GRADE “A” 300 ON ORE-IDA rERTOTS 0 HORMEL LITE & LEAN FRANKS <etcnup4*trIuin Pijulnrn I ,,.„$199 PKG. J - <ft()Hjp Pf<*Hn(tJ wm*.SAVE 60c OX HORMEL BUCK LABEL m > $ 1 79 SLICED BACON PKG. * 1 COOKED HAM jusT 1 " SAVE 400 ON DISH LIQUID DAWN 22 OZ. BOT.0 m SAVEttc O NFABfflCWmNEB_, 200Z. $ J 9 9 ULTRA DOWNY sizE Center, Mocksville I W i T W ' i m I * ■ I J 1 1 1 « « g W W T W i M u ■ ■ > m w i 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny,June 24,1993 Pubtic Records Sheriffs Department The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie County Sherifl's Department. • Renan LindscyCancrofWinston- Salem reponed June 18 the breaking and entering of and damage to a house off Cedar Grove Church Road. • Tma Lockhart Hill of Clemmons reported June 19 the larceny of a car stereo from a car parked off U.S. 158. • Alice Stewart of Mocksville re­ ported June 19 the rear side window was broken to a vehicle parked on Meta Breeze Lane. -AnissaShavera*portedJunc20lhe larceny of S14,60 worth of gas from Chevron, Hillsdale. ♦ Andra Delane Kiger of Route 3, Advance rcportedJune 20 the attempted larceny of a thnx*-whcel all-terrain ve­ hicle from a residence off Beauchamp Road. • Susan Diana Edwards ofRoute 1, Mocksville reported June I 6a vehicle was stolen from a residence of U.S. 64 about a mile west off Mocksville. • Raul Alexander Morris ofRoute 9, Mocksville reported June 17 a prowler at a residence ofT U.S. 158 near Main Church Road. • Douglas Vaughan Cox of Advance reportedJune 17the larcenyofamail- box from in front of a residence on Creekwood Drive. • Jimmy Ray Cagle of Route 6, Mocksville reported June 16 the lar­ ceny of flowers from Jim's Fruit Mar­ ket. U.S. 601 and Liberty Church Road. • Michael Joe Williams of Route 2, Mocksville rcportedJune 16 that a sil­ ver vehicle had been driven onto, dam­ aging a yard off Mallard Road. Farm­ ington. • Sharon Rene Stroud of Route 1, Harmony reported June 15 the break­ ing, entering and larceny of money, household goods and adoll, with a total estimated value of $400, from a resi­ dence off Stroud Mill Road. -G,A. Bagshaw ofRoute 3, Yadkin- ville reported June 15 the breaking, entcringandlarceny ofhouschold goods and food, w ith a total estimated value of S246, from a camper off Ollie Harkey Road. • James Clyde Sloan of Route 5, Mocksville rcportedJune l5thatarock was thrown through Uie windshield of a vehicleonN.C.801bctweenCanaRoad and the Farmington Dragway. • Cathy Clement of Coolcemec re­ ported June 15 that someone had fired shots intoadoorand cutterat the North­ west Child Development Center at Mocksville Middle School, Campbell Road. • John \V, Walker of Route 4, Ad­ vance reponed June 14 the attempted breaking and entering of a house on N.C. 801 near Hillsdale. • Lacey Kim Speer of Route 7, Mocksville reponed June 13 the tor- ceny of jewelry and a wallet from a residence on Wall Stfect, Cooleemee. | Land Transfers T.ie following land transfers were i filed w ith Uie Davie County Rcgisterof Deeds. The transactions are listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 repre- j sentmg$l,000. ! ♦ W. Clay Lawrence and Gay B. ' Lawrence to Kevin Mark Clarkson and I Lorie L Clarkson, 2 acres.Clarksville. , ♦ Birdie Hargrove to Ethel H. Trimiar, 3.85 acres. Jerusalem. • Birdie Hargrove to Comelius Hargrove and Eller Wease Hargrove, j 3.S5 acres, Jerusalem. • Birdie Hargrove to Frances Hallmon, 3.85 acres. Jerusalem. • Birdie Hargroveto Sallie Marie Carr and Pressley Carr. 3.85 acres, Jerusalem. • Birdie Hargrove to Alberta McEacbemandDavidMcEachem. 1.93 acres. Jerusalem. • Birdie Hargrove to Beaurene Polk and William Polk. 3.85 acres. Jerusalem. • Birdie Hargrove to Annie Mae Taggert and Howard Taggert. 3.85 acres, Jerusalem. - Birdic Hargrove to Henry E1ton Hargrove, 3.85 acres, Jerusalem. • Birdie Hargrove to Emcst Hargrove and Nellie P. Hargrove, 3.38 acres. Jerusalem. • RaymondJ. Markland and Ruth S. Markland. D.C. Law rence and Patty Sue Lawrence. Eugene D. Gearren and Doris H. Gearren to John A. Wood and Ange(ia J. Wood, 4 lo(s. Smith Grove. $43. • Jack G. Corriher Sr. and Clara G. Corriher, H.R. Hendrix Jr. and Modene F. Hendrix to James Ray Bullabough and Judi Bullabough, 1 lot, Mocksville,$16. - Paul B. WillardJr. andGlenda KayWillardtoFrankBaxtcrCarterand Donna L Carter. I lot. Mocksville, $172. • Nicholas H. Towns to Paula H. Moore, 1 tmct.Shady Grove, $224. • Larry G. Daniel to Bobby J. Albright. 2.27 acres, Jerusalem. $78. • Joseph R. Budd and Mary Budd, John David Budd and Karen P. Budd, Theodore Paul Budd to Forrest R. Houston and Dorothy E. Houston, 48.33 acres, Farmington, $ 186. • Ben F. Powell and Marie R. Pow ell to Ben F. Powell and Lany A. Pearce, 2.06 acres. Calaha!n. - Theodore S. Davis and Sallie Irene Davis to Susan Jean D. Neely, Larry Stephen Davis, Roger Lee Davis, • B. Eugene Bennett and Willie Bess Bennett. Delbert Bennett and Martha H. Bennett, Bradley Bennett and Karen T. Bennett, D.R. Bennett, James Nance and Gamette Nance to Cynthia Wilkinson, .31 acres. Mocks- ville.S10. - B. Eugene Bennett and Willie Bess Bennett, Delbert Bennett and Martha H. Bennett, Bradley Bennett and Karen T. Bennett, D.R. Bennett, James Nance and Gamette Nance to John M. Russi and Cynthia Russi, .31 acre,Mocksville.S10. • Conway Lackey to Roger P. Spillman and Deborah A. Spi!lman,* 250acres. Jerosalem,$l 00. ■ Conway Lackey to EC. Tatum Jr. and Katherine F. Tatum. 250 acres. Jerusalem,$100. Pistol Permits The following were issued pistol permits by the Davie County Sheriffs Department. • Peggy G. Jones. 50, ofMocksville. • Robert Leroy Baileu Jr.. 43. of Mocksville. • Lorinda S. Contos. 28. of Mocks­ ville. - Stephen Kent Bamey, 35, of Ad­ vance. • Joe Stanley Allen, 36, of Mocks­ ville. - Steven Everette Blackwell, 35. of Advance. - Jack C. Athey. 58, of Cooleemee. • Kenneth Wayne Beauchamp, 24, of Advance. ■ Kenneth Stanley Smith, 45, of Advance. - Michael Norman Rose, 25. of Mocksville. • Michael Eugene Whicker, 40, of Advance. • Tim McInlire. 46, of Bermuda Run. • Claude Revere Hom. 59, ofMocks- ville. • Deborah Boroughs Kelly, 36. of Cooleemee. •James J. Sulier, 55, ofMocksvillc. •Shirley Baker Wall, 63, of Mocks­ ville. - Thomas Michael King. 39, of Ad* - Peggy Koontz Carlton. 37, of Mocksville. - Kenneth Ray Potts, 34, of Ad­ vance. • John J. Hatley. 38, ofMocksvillc. • Jim Brown. 54. of Mocksville. - Paul DiRoma. 42, of Mocksville. • Dora 0. Self. 44, of Mocksville. - James Ray Drum. 58, Mocksville. • Chester L. Chunn. 21. Mocksville. • Charles Frank Ramsey. 51, of Mocksville. • Denis Mueller. 30. of Advance. • Michael Jay Whitaker. 34, of Mocksville. • William Charles Armsworthy, 61. of Advance. • James Talmadge Johnson. 59. of Mocksville. • Charles Ray Marion. 33,ofMocks- ville. Hiahwav Patrol The following traffic accidents in Davie County wore investieatcd hy thc N.C. Highway Patrol. I)ritvr Kaih To Stop A Harmmy man laiIal to stop at a >inp sign and collidcd w ith another car on June 19 at 2:45 p.m. According to a report by Trix>por J.R. Allred. Rohert Penway, 42, of Harmony w * driving hr* 1976 Buick south on N.C. 901 whenhc failed to stop for a stcp sign and u>llidcd w ith a 1988 Chevrolet driven by Heather Dawn Brewer. 17. of Route 1. Pettway was charged with a stop sign violation and driving while license revoked. Damaee to the Buick was e>tinuted at $1,500. rothe Chevrolet. $2,500. l)rlvtT Kalk Aslcvp A Honda driven by a Winston- Salem teen went off the road and struck a ditch after he fell as!ccp. According to a report by Trooper J.R. Allred. A1ex Sean Mthircfield. 18. ofWinsion-Salem was driving a 1986 Hondacust on l40whcn he fell asleep. Whcn he woke up. he had to swcrvc to avoid a vchicC* in front of him. Moorcficld lost ciwtirol ot' the car. causing it to go oiTthc road and striking a ditch. Damage to Mtx>refiddX car was eMimatcd at $750. Car Reur-Kndcd An Advance nun was charged with making an unsafe traffic movement atter an accidcnt June l 6at 1:40 p.m. According to a report by Trooper T.D. Shaw. Mildred Yates Taylor. 67, of Winston-Salem had stopped her 1983 Chrysler at N.C. 801 and an M 0 service ramp, when it was struck front the rear by a 1991 Ford driven by John Home Den>on IV. 38. of Advance. Denson said that he thought Taylor had driven from the yield sign. Damaec to the Ford wus estimated at S800,*to the Chrysler. $3,500. Tct*n KulIs OfT Truck A lival kvnager fell off the back of a truck while moving furniture on June 17 at 7 p.m. According to a report by Trooper L.A. Amos,Jcrry EvereoeWebbJr.. 19. of Route I was silting on the tailgateofa 1986 Dtklgetruck driven by Kelly Wayne Howell. 19. of Route I as the two were nun ing fur­ niture. Wcbb fell off the tailgate and onto the roai. Webb was taken by ambulance to Davie County Hospital, where he was treated and released. The truck was not damaged. Cuis Cnllidc Two cars collided on U.S. 601 at ljames Churvh Road on June 16 at 5:10 p.m. According to a report by Trooper L.A. Amos.Todd Isadorv King. 19. of Virginia was driving a 1987 Chevrolet northwest on U.S. 601 when he attempted to make a left turn onto ljames Church Ro^l, striking a 1987 Otdsimbi!c driven by Walter Tilman Dull. 77. of Route 6. Mocksville. King was charged with making an unsafe traffic movement. Damage to King’s car was estimated at $1,600. to Dull"s car. $I,S(X). Local Ti*fit Charyvd An area teenager was dureed in an accident oiiJunc 17 at 2:45 p.m. According to a report by Trooper J.R. Allred.James Eugene Williams ofRoute 1 had stopped his 1985 Ford behind traftic on U.S. 601 when it was struck by a 1991 Mitsubishi pickup truck driven by Chadwick Randolph W'estmoreland. 19. of Route 5. Westmoreland was charged with failure to reduce speed. Damage to the car was estimated at $1,500. to the pickup. $2,000. MocksviMe Potice The following incidents were re- ponedtotheMocksville Police Depart- ♦ Laura Ann Clement reponed June 18 the burglary of $170 from a resi­ dence on Windward Circle. ♦ Charles F. Bean reported June 18 someone damaged a clay planter a a residence on Fulton Street. ♦ Lawrence D. Mabe of Route 9, Mocksville reponed June 19 the lar­ ceny of an estimated $150 wonh of cigarettes from Food Fair. Willow Oaks Shopping Center. • John W. Bailey of Mocksville re­ poned June 20 the larceny of a plastic water pitcher from Subway. Squire Boone Plaza. • James Ronald McClamrock of Mocksville reported June 17 an esti­ mated $550 worth of damage was done to a house on Gwyn Street. The following were arrested by Mocksville Police. • James Patrick Lambert. 21, of Clement Road, charged June 19 with uttering a forged endorsement. Trial date: July 8. ♦ Andre Howell. 23, of Route 4, Mocksville, charged June 11 with in­ jury to pereonal property. Trial date: July 8. - Perry Quinton Simmons, 29. charged June 14 with larceny. Trial dale: July 15. Traffic Accident Two vehicles were involved in an Arrests The following were arrested by the Davie County Sheriffs Department. • Lillian A. Pruitt, 67, of Legion Hut Road, Cooleemee, charged June l9on an order for arrest for failure to pay taxes. • Lee Vander "Bill" Pruitt, 67, of I^gion Hut Road, Cooleemee, charged Jun 19 on an order forarrest for failure to pay taxes. • Ray Junior Arnold, 29, ofRoute 7, Mocksville, chargedJune 19 with driv­ ing while license permanently revoked and with delaying and obstructing an -AnihonyToddHallman,25,of857 SalisburySt.,Mocksville,chargedJune 18 with second^legree trespassing. ♦ Melinda Sue Pratt, 23, ofRoute4. Mocksville, charged June 18 wiih four counts of failure to appear in court. • Jeffrey Keith "Ozzy" Lee, 21, of Mocksville,chargedJunel 8withbrcak- ing and entering and with three counts of damage to real property. •Susan Diana Edwards,40,ofRoutc 1, Mocksville, charged June 16 with failure to comply with court order. - Gilbert Ray James, 57, of Route 3, Advance, chargedJune 16with failure to appear in court on DWI and driving while license permanently revoked -BrianHillWallswonh,24,ofClem- mons, charged June 17 with assault by pointing a gun and with assault on a • Ronnie Lee Morgan, 23, ofRoute 7, Mocksville, charged June 15 with failure to comply with coun order. -DavidBarryGertzJ5,Mocksville. • James Herman Owens, 47, Ad- • William Whit Slana!and HI. 39, of Advance. • Henry Lee Hollar, 62, Mocksville.^ • Clyde Eugene Hutchens, 45, of Mocksville. • Nayrex Franklin Bamhardt, 44. of Mocksville. • Robert Daniel ClodfeIter, 54, of Bermuda Run. ■ Carl Michael Kimel,44,Advancc. -JoeEdwardJohnson,53,ofMocks- ville. • Lynn Ray Parrish, 48, ofAdvance. • Craig HowardSmith, 24,Advance. • William Michael Owens, 45, of Mocksville. •Thomas Jacob Cope, 69, Advance. -HerbertMiltonJacobs,85,ofCool- eemee. - Charles David Tutterow, 45, of Advance. *VickieSeagleDanicI.55,ofMocks- ville. • En in Gray Daniel. 58, of Mocks­ ville. Fires Davie fircdcpartmcnis responded to the following calls last week: ,1 uni* 15: Cooleemee and Jerusalem. 4:23 a.m.. tire alarm at Burlington Industries. June 18: Smith Grove. 9:10 p.m.. structure firv. Farmington called fnr backup. June l9:County Line. 4:13 p.m.. auto accident at U.S. to and Davie Academy Road; Wi||iamR. Davic. 5:22 p.ni.. field fire off Wagoner Road: SmithGrove. 8:45 p.m..'vehi- cle fire at N.C. 8l)l and 141) exit Fork Man Commits Suicide A Fork nun committed suicide at his home early Sun<l.iy morning. Sheriff Bill Wooten Mid deputies received a domestic vi^cncc call to the home at Route 3. Mocksville. about 2 a.m. June 20. When they arrived Kelly Poindex­ ter Row man Sr.. 38. had shot him>clf in the heaJ with a .38 caliber automatic weapon. Bowman died several hours later at N.C. Baptist Hotpiial. accident on North Main Street at 8:48 p.m. June 15. According to a rcpon by Officer K.L Hunter, Robin Feimster Fergus- son, 37, of542 Gamer St., was slowing a car to make a left tum from North Main w hen it was sirock in the rear by a car drivn by Margaret Sarah Fagan, 16, of 100 E. Maple Ave. Fagan was distracted by the car radio. Hunter re- No charges were filed. WANTED S ix T e e n a g e r s A g e s 14V=to 16 Davie Driving School has openings for 6 teens who would like to- complete their drivers education requirements in one week. Our next teen class begins June 28 through July 2, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Now To Reserve Your Space. (Now Enrolling For Summer Classes) DAVffi DRIVING SCHOOL 10frA North Maln SI.«Mocksville 704-634-SAFE.,,. -MarilynSartainMiller,36,ofRoute 3, Mocksville, charged June 15 with possession of stolen goods. • Twana Elaine Smoot, 30, of Route 7, Mocksville, charged June 10 with thrve counts of failure toappear incourt on worthless check charges. •JohnAllcn Keaton, 19,ofGranada Drive, Advance, charged June 9 with assault. • Kenneth LeeShoffner, 16,ofRoute 8, Mocksville, charged June 14 with failure to appear in court. MP YOUR DOG• •• FOR FREE! Bring your dogs for a free dlp to kill ticks and fleas. We provide the dlp. You do the dipping. Bring a towel and make sure dogs are on a leash. No purchase necessary. DATE: June 26,1993 TIME: 8am-12noon Q SOUTHERN STATES DAVIE FARM SERVKE, INC. 303 Wilkesboro St. • Mocksville, NC704434-5021 DAV!E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdny,June 24,1993 - 7 Cooleemee Delays Budget Vote Continued Krom l*uge 1 tups, or cans, each household could place at thc curb 10 bc collcctcd. This might cncouragc people to recycle a Iittlc more." When makingthat change, thc hoard took the estimated S15,000 in landfill charges it would collect from (hc re­ serves. putting that fund lower than auditors and thcstaterecommcnds, said Ma)orDillGales. "Wc'Jlprobablygcia reprimand from ihe audiior and thc "Wc're running to thc wire," said board member Bill Cranfill. "We'rc ' going to have to have some revenue coming in somewhere. I would tike to sce a landfill charge, either that or a tax increase. That way, it keeps us out of trouble." Cranfill also worried that thc (own wouldn't be able to pay expected in­ creases in landfill tipping fees without the added revenues from the fees charged 10 town residents. There was considcrabic discussion about the swimming pool, wiih Grimes Parker and Boh Jordan asking that enough money be left in thc budget to opcn the pod next summer. So far this > ear, thc sw imitiing pool is approximately 51,000 to the good, with no town money actually spent. A lulaU>fS 16,000hasbecnallocated from reserves for the remainder of thc sunv roer, but it is noi known how much of that will bc used. "Wc budget for everything else," said Commissioner Bob Jordan. T o mc, recreation is just as important. U appears to me, there's goingtobeenough tmncy left in the budget.” Beck said his priorities for (he town were police, garbage and street lights. Town resident Kathy Riddle said thecut in thcrecreationdepartmcni seni thc wrong message toacommiitcc ihai had w orked to keep the sw imming pool opcn.TheS12.600tbudgctcut)saysto me from the board, 'lfyou think you’re haVing trouble keeping thc pool opcn this vcar. wait until next year.’ 1 would like for our youth to be a little higher priority ... than police, garbage and lights." Resident John Ilcnne.< said ihe bud­ get should meet needs first. Thc bud­ get and our laxcs slxiuld primarily lo makc sure that we're well served in those areas of things that we need," Ixss jhan 10 pcrrenl of Cw!ccmcc residents use il>c swimming pool, hc said. "Idon't think llw town slk)uldhavc to provide a swimming pool, unless Arts Council Seeks Program Support Thc l>avie County Arts Council has nu( xvl rcached its tuml raising goal and is soliciting wiiirihutions. Kxeculive I)irccior Jane Simpson said as of Junc 21. thc council had rcccivcd conunitmenis lor $22,450. That isSl7.550 short ol'ihc S4(UKX) Simpson said that although thvrv wcrc M ill several da>s le)i in June, lhc proposed school and community programming U>okcd qucstionalhle. "Since all i*t thc programming pro* posed lor ik* next tlscal year is cx- ccl!cnt, it w<xild bc diHlcult lodccidc whcrc cut> should he nude,"" shc said. Letters and brochures with infor- mation abuu( lhc |W.1-Ui J'umJdri\c ucrc mailed. I) you haw noi receiv­ ed information on ncxl year’s agen­ da and would like to, tr would like lo makc a contribution, contact thc Davie Countv Arts Council at (i.t4 -m 2 . P.O. Hu\ 744. Mocksville. N.C. 27()2S. In The Mail Principal Changes Appear To Be Senseless To lhe editor: I’m writing to sou regarding the changes in principals at all of the schools here. This doesn't make any sense. My daughter w ill begin school shortly at Mocksville Elementary andMr. Albany was doing a goodjob there. Every one that 1 have spoken to said he was just super. If he is doing a goodjob, why does he have to mo\e? Vm sure that Mr. Suiter is a nice person, but after so many > ears in a high school and a junior high school environment, is he qualified io be around K-3 children? I'm thinking he needs 10 stay where he knows the problems and thc chil­ dren he has been around. F it T h e R e lig io n In to T h e L ife s ty le Special G raduation To the editor. Most of these comments have been made be­ fore, however thcy bear repeating. A Catholic priest molesting young boys and girls has sur­ faced again. Il had not gone away, it was just covered up and has resurfaced. It's hard to read a new spaperor watch the nevs s onteIevisionthatyoudonothearofsomepreacher running off with someone's wife, molesting some­ one in his parish or getting caught with his hand in the cookiejar. 1 am in no way painting all preachers and priests w ith the same brush. How ever, you w ould have to use a detail brush not to hit a few . I am not just speaking of television evangelists. 1 haven't ihe space or time to cover their shortcomings. I alw ays thought the true believer. Christian. Jew, Muslim, worked their itinerary around to accommodate their religion, not the other way around. Almost any occasion isancxcuse. such as Mother’s Day. Father’s Day. dinnerengagements, lo reschedule church services. Wouldn't it be more practical to have the parties in question go to church together? What happened to the saying "Families that pray together stay together" or is thaijust a quainl outdated saying? Don't bother calling me, I'm leaving on the next stage. Swede Jurgensen Route 3, Advance G lad T o See L a n d ry Go T o S outh D avie To the editor. Iuas glad 10 read in the paper that Mr. Landry w ould be thc ncw' principal at South Davie Jr. High School. We needed a change, and I feel that Mr. Landry has a lot to offer this school. Maybe with his help and caring, these children w i|| stay in school and graduate. I feel that dwre arc so many that drop out of junior high before they even rcach high school. Of all the senior pictures this year tiwre were so many that started with this group that were no longer in the class. We as parents need to stay behind our children. We need to be in the schools to know what is going on. 1 made the mistake as a parent oftfunking it was the teachcr*sjob todo this, but as parents, we need to stay on top of all things that go on in the schools. Wc have some teachers that I adrni,v very much, and one of thc hes< I know is Ms. Eanes. When she retires it w ill be a lost to lhc school and there will be so many children diai will miss w hat shchastooffcr them. To mc. she w as one of thc best teachers my child ever had. Bul then wc have the other type of teachers and that is what's so sad. I‘\e had to deal with this kind also. To the teenagers: stay in school, get a good cducation,beall you can bc, because you arc a great asset 10 this country. Edith Siradcr Mocksville W r it e r C a lls D a v ie P r i n c i p a l C h a n g e s ‘F a s c i n a t i n g ’ To the editor: Fascinating is the only word that comes to mind when 1 read ihe proposed changes in the school system here in Davie County. My husband and I had three children in three different schools this past year - one at Davie High, one at Mocksville Elementary and one at South Davie Jr. High. This is w hy 1 feel qualified to write to you at this time. Why make these changes if it will not do our children any good. Admittedly, 1 am not on the school board, or have any degrees before or after my name; however, when it comes to the quality of my children’s eeducation, I'm compelled to take a stand on this tssue. Robert Landry is a fme educator and discipli­ narian. This i.s w hat is needed at the high school. "If it isn't broken, why fix it" is what Grandma always said. She had a lotof gumption. Mr. Suiter is a dedicated principal and know * what is going on at all times at South. How can our principal of the year be placed in an elementary school envi­ ronment. without any training in the field of elementary education? I knew him when he was a teacher at the high school, and from there has moved up the administrative ladder. And now is taking on a principalship that is way beIow his qualifications. Does this mean he will lose money in taking this job? I'm sure if he were asked by mosi parents his preference, he would stay at South. We need him there. He is well aware of racial tensions, as well as all of the other problems at South, 1 know of no one else in the county school system that can do the great job Julius Suiter has done. No one. I'm only one person, but I’m angry at a system lhat allows major changes without input from people involved in the decision. Does anyone on the Board of Education have a logical reason for these moves? If so I would like to hear them. I wi>h someone would do something about this situation, I'1) be glad tohelp.Thanks for taking the time to listen to my complaint. Brenda S. Howell Mocksville A d v is o ry C o u n c il M e m b e r A w e s tr u c k B y D e c is io n To the editor. ■ It is time that parents of studcnu in the Davic School System wake up and sce what is going on. I was awestruck when 1 read the papcrtwo weeks ago and found out about thc school principal changes. I hold the school board as w ell as Dr. Steed respon­ sible and accountable forthesc drastic changes, and 1 would like to have some answers to a few qucs- ; Whai arc thc reasons for reassigning all bul one principal in lhc school syslcm? Does anyone havc any input into such decisions other than the super- inicodcm? What specific improvements shall par- enuexpcct tosccasarcsultof these rcassignmcnts? Do such arbitrary decisions without logical reasons for cach specific movc not cause tremendous mo­ rale problems among employees? • I undcrsumd that some of thc principals havc been trained in administration of thc middle school concept. Does this decision not create a waste of time, effort, and money for thc system and these people? Are wc as parents to cxpcci thc “musical chairs"mcthod of principal assignments (ooccuron a yearly basis? If some rcassignmcnts should be made forlogical reasons, w hy not nuke lhoseonly? It seems a strategical movc has been made lo divert a11cmion from certain areas that may be controver­ sial. Thc community secs this as weak leadership. Employees who arc made to fccl likc victimsof administrative decisions and intra-system politics bccoinc less productive employees and everyone loscs, employees, students and parents. Whcrc are thc local dollars are coming from to pay for all of the salary increases? Is Mr. Suiter taking a tremendous pay cut to go to thc elementary school? I don't (hink so. However, Mr. Potts must receive a pay increase to go to the high school. Surely. Rohen Landry won't take a decreased pay 4 ^ # i i & ' ' I wish that Mr. Steed would have asked the public’s opinion before he made these changes. 1 do not see any positive aspects thalcancomc from thesechanges. Bonnie Brown Mocksville Dogs like these are ready for adoplion at the animal shelter. To the editor: 1 would like to thank three special people for makingJune3anighttoremcmbcr.RondaPatillo for remembering two outstanding young people. Jill HeIderman and Scott Angus, and especially for the graduation prayer. As our young people face a new world, they certainly need our prayers. Thanks to Chad Helton and Emily Hoovcn for the song "Friends." The words of that song really touch many of us. Thank>ou, Ronda, Chad, and Emily for showing thc world what fine >oung people we have here in Davie County. T^anksaUo goestoallthe parentsandstudents forthe"pig-pickin" after graduation. What a greai wav to end a special evening. May God continue to bless our fine young people and their parents. Carolyn Martin Advance Why Move Top Principal? To the editor. I would like to know why Julius Suiter, "Prin­ cipal ofthe Year", with the most years of serv ice in the school system was placed in the lowest position of principalship? What is thc advantage for our students by changing all but one principal? Where w as the board of education when this was done? Which one of you would like a slap in thc face like that? Why is ihe superintendent so fired up over the college well underway, when Davie County needs a much improved high school for our children. Genevieve Horton Route 8. Mocksville Plenty Of Dogs Want A Family There arc plenty of furrv t>ienJs at thc PavicCountv Animal Shelter who need u family to uke care of The dogs can bc adofU'd lor a S5 Ice. Spj> ing and neuiering i> free if done in Davie County. Thc Davie Humane Sivivt> will K* at thc shelter Saturday from 10 a.m.-noon to help area residents adopt a dog or puppl>. The shelter is locatcdat the end ot Eaton Road, off South Main Screet m Mt< ksv iUe between the <» erhead bridee and thc car wash. System Not Working to go to S0u1h. Whcrc is thc money coming from? I wish thc county commissioners w ould withhold all local dollars until wc get to thc bottom of these “power plays". laskforallufthcparcMswhorcadihislclicrand agrec wiih me lo call cach of lhc school board members, call Dr. Steed al 634-5921, call each county commissioner. Thc only rccoursc wc havc as parents opposed to thcsc changes is to let lhc county adininisvation know how w c fccl, and want some answers. A grassroou organization is being formed at this time andour first meeting will bc held this week. If you a interested in becoming involved plcasc call mc at 634-9766. For thc sake of our children please takc ti 11w to call and write and voice youropinion. Keith Hilton, Chairperson Svuth Davie Jr. High Advisory Council Ctmliiuivil From I’uuc 1 others c0nv1cicd of non*wolcm vrimcs. M.in> huvv !eumcd to work .1 >sstctn that is Mtoicrioadcd with convictions ihj| misdemeanors no longer mcanjuil lime. Jarvis said. Others opt to sene iheirlime rather than accepting probation, which often include> paving court co%ts and restitutions and meeting with a pro- hation<>Mkcrcvery few wvck>. Ajail sentence is often only a lew weeks or months and when prisoner* are released, thcy are often free from other obligations, he said. The crinunals are bcvoming ar­ rogant. hc siid. and tikist know as much ahoul ihe >hon length ofiheir sentence as ihc district attorney and judge. Conuniuing a crime has become an cconomic calculation — a trade off ofseveral imnths in jaiI for the cconvmic benefits of larceny. Shtiffner was vi>iiing a parole of­ ficer every month, noi Jarvis, when the Drake’s were murdered lasi week. But Jarvis was incensed to learn lhai authorities were linking the crime to onc of his former proba­ tioners. one that he had watched get in and uui ofimuble. Il wus onc more example ofa legal system lhat has weakened under ihe weight of number of cases it miN handle. "*l can't say whether FJdic should haw hcv11 injail last Saturday night.*’ Jarvis .said. "His being out ofjail didii’i causcall ofit. but il didn’t help it either. Heslnuild lwveui least serv­ ed a larger portion ot' his time.” Jarvj* said ShofJner was ihc ivpc of guy who wanted togostraight and stop tangling with the Uw. Hc had started his own lawn care business and was wt<king steads hours. But the criminal mind work> in strange wajs. Jarvis said, and Sh<>ffner would not have iurned down an op­ portunity to make money an easier “ He’s notthis reckless, mw'are-in- the-world 11uniac. It surprised me that he was involved in something like ihi>.** The murder of the Drake’s should spur people lo do s 0med1ing about a criminal ju<4ice system that Jarvis said is noi working an>nn>re. The length of punishment for a crime should be related 10thc severity of the crime. Jarvis said. And after several vears of repeated offenses. Jarvis said Shoffner should have had a tougher sentence. •*1 didn’t even know the Drukes. But if ihal was my parents or grand­ parents. 1 w<xild fight the stupidity of the legal system 10 the N’th degree.” Hopefully, people will demand a change tn the system to keep <>f- lenJet> injai) longer, hcxiid. l^could siari locally in Davie County and spread to ihe state. **h*s unlortunaic ihai everyone >ec> what's happening but no one takes an aciivc stance to stop it.” WDSL BLUEGRAS® W ith D w ig h t B arker Each Monday Thru Friday Moming F10m 10:00 AM To 12:00 Noon TUNE IN 1520 FOR THE BEST IN BLUEGRASS MUSIC • 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERl'RISE RECORI>, Tlnirsiliiy. Jniiu 24,1W3 / i Davie Village [j*DAVE VnMGE BETMMENT APABTMENTS Month to Month Rental Two Bedrooms Fully EquippedKitchens Spacious Floor Plans EmergencyCall System Weekly Housekeeping Water/Sewer and Cable T.V. Barrier Free Design FlexibleMealPlan - @ * ,m d 6 0 A DAVIE VILLAGE ASSISTED LIVMG 24HourSupen/ision&Assistance ScheduledTransportation BeautySalon Private & Semi-Private Rooms Assistance with Personal Care & Hygiene Linen, Laundry & Housekeeping Services Medication Management Three Nutritious Meals Daily Planned Activities 1 § L_J ,;^ '*.V .M iv ::^ :- f .- ■.. _;..,-:;;..,,.-4..-:■>.. - ' , j M y . : • ' '- ... I-.': .'.' * '"'.•'•?•" r.'i<-Z.: : V -' v"' .. •' ■-: :'->S:* ;-v ■;:.. .-^^;'t-:^--':^.'-: ■■ :^ ^ :i:- :-^ > -^ 'h )S iV ! v ^ '^ K y ^ ,.v . '" ’.................. ;'"• '>-;V .- ‘ ^MimC, '’ ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ ' " ;:V.; ;,. A jv iV ,'4 rV ';'4 $ '*'; ■ j;■■ ' - 7 /v.:;:::rxV.rv,'Z,-::.^'-‘7.^i; ','K :H 'i^ , " "'" ^ .:^ y :!:/v -;y ;;y :^ i% ii'.;y v y A 191 Crestview Drive;v :-,v ,.:.',::; , . ■ . ■.,•■ .. .; ... , ; , „ ., .. ..................'J-/.^i:--":;;-,:>-:'V::.'.: - ■ ■. • •'.-« .--v/.;.^-'"^......... '...,.* ■ ; .:;\.. '"v',!.yi N ^ > ;,^ ;-^ -^ ^ :'::x '-;> 'V -'-'-;'. ->.-^vV4,-* >.y-- •••:• .'• '--'---h:'-r^&-* ■ ™ ^ : ^4S ’^ : :*-’: "'-:'v ; :• ' '•:•-••' ;'■?:,■ " ' > - - - ^ S ^ ^ “ i ^ A ; F u r n it u r e <fc. A c c e s s o r ie s in M o d e l 634-1515 -.'v>vv-; >.;.:■■’.,,:.;.-' A p a r t m e n t P r o v id e d C o u r t e s y o f : - ^ - ,;•■ :'1 'r y -^ i:; ••-- > i ^ TheArtConnection ' -,* - , - . . ! i : > ''v . ''. . ^ Daniel Furniture 601 SouthMain St. ..„,. Mocksville,NC 27028 Mocksville,NC 27028 Hwy.601 North ■ > . M u s ic P r o v id e d b y : Southland String Band ,;v.':'::7-':;,: •" ".V v^-:^^^;^>V-^,':Vf: i?.:}V;' ^ : :;0HO-‘:^-v:;> '^ l)AVIE COUNTY KNTKItl'RISE RECORD, Thursday, June 24,1993 - U1 a Legion On 12-Game Winning Streak Ronnie Gallagher Mocksville, Rowan: One Thing In Common CONCORD — lVople may be trying to niukc more out ol" the Mocksvillc-Rowan Legion baseball rivalry than they shouUl. The teams proved last week that they actually have several things in eonimon. Both udk trash when they have to. Coaehes take up for their players — and players take| up for their teammates. And botfi teams nuy consider Concord, not Wuiker each other, us their most hated rival. In one xveek*s time, Mocksville and Rowan each spent a wackv night at Concord's Wehb Field. In lhe past week, both teams traveled down 1-85 and came away with victories — but not without enduring niore shenanigans by the Southern Division*s most infamous athletic officer, Ken Cook. Sunday's Salisbury Post reported that in Rowan's one-run victory Saturday night, a war of words and intimidation began between coach Jim Dchart and Cook. It began in the fifth when Concord scored three runs. Cook, who sits behind the backsu>p and serves as scorekeeper. reportedly began taun­ ting the Rowan catcher and then, even yelled at Dehart, Dehart is a lot like Dale Ijames. He doesn't take any crap, especially when it*s directed at his players. He shot back a few choice words at Cook. "An athletic officer has no right to say anything to a coach,*' Dchart told the Post. Mocksville players chuckled when they heard the story. Cook and Concord had done the same thing to thein a few days earlier in Mocksvillc*s 5-3 victory. Only, they said it was wor>e. Players said Cook was calling Bubba Col­ eman by name, especially when a Coleman error in the fifth allowed Concord to take the lead. « H *s **H w t*l Mocksville Three-Peats Over Post 8 lly l(iinniu (iiilliiKhiT Davie County Enterprise-Rocord The Chicago Bulls weren't the only ones pulling a three- peat this week. The Mocksville Lem on i e a m e a e mextnuton Monuax nitiht 7o civinti names team Bubba Coleman goes airborne to save this throw as a Lexington runner slides into second base. — Photo by Lee Furches three victories over Lexington in a four^lay span. It was the l2th straight vic­ tory for Post 174. the longest since fjarikN took over five years ago. It left the team 144 in the Southern Division and 16-5 overall. “ I'm m>t counting the wins this year." Ijames said with a laugh. “ We u>ed tocount and we*d get tvat. This time, we*re just playing them one at a tinie." Perhaps the worst thing Lex- Plva>v Svv l.vghm — I\ 311 Tribble Signs Scholarship With Alabama By Ronnie Gallagher Davie County Enle/pnse-Record Brian Tribble was describing what he would look like next year at this time. It sounded like he in line for an acting job in a Stephen King movie. His head will be shaved bald. He*ll shave his eyebrows. There will be no hair on hi> body whatsoever. Scary? Maybe in the movies but not in the pool. Tribble, a recent graduate of Davie High, has accepted Pltrase See Gallagher — P. 3U a Tribble swimming scholarship olYer to Alabama University. Even he says it's remarkable, con­ sidering l>avie High Sclnxi1 ha> had a swim teani for only two years. “ It'sataolutely chance that I'm whore I am." he said, ‘i'm real raw and there*s a lot wrong with my strokes." But Jonty Stewart, the Crimson Tide coach, saw potential. Mike Smith, the Davie sw im assis­ tant, contxted Stewart and Tribble sent him film. “ He mast have liked what he saw.“ Tribble said. “ He kept calling me." Tribble chose Alabama over East Carolina and William & Mary. “ Other schools pul me on a deadline." Trib* ble said. “ ECU was offering me a pretty big schoolarshipbut I really didn't want togo there. William & Marv wanted n« for swimming and Patti Leads All-Star Team White Sox Win Third Straight Major Title By Uoimiv G:illagl>cr Davie County Entefprise*Record One defeat isn't going to get Vic Patti down, evcn ifil did end his 11-12 yearold Major League White Sox’s 14-game winning streak in the final game of the season. The White Sox lost to Steve Ridenhour's A's 11-7 last week in front of a surprisingly large and intense crowdat the DavieYouth Complex. “ It really tickles you to see that many people out there supporting little league baseball," he said. The loss reminded Patti of three seasons ago when his White Sox were in ihc same situation and lost the last game. “ I think the boys put too much pressure on themselves to win for me and Gary (Holt, the • assistant)," Patti said. “ But we told the boys it had no meaning. We had won the league. But it’s still tough to see guys ctying." The ganw wasn’t decided by the teatn*s stars, ; either. Victor Patti and Drew Ridenhour. both sons of the coaches, pitched a dead heat through six. But they ranoutofinningsand were replac­ ed. The A *s scored four on a nevv pitcher to win. “ I'm still real proud of tlx* boys,” Patti said. i W m v m The district softball and baseball playoffs will begin at the Davie Youth Complex July 5. — Photo by James Barringer Patti won the American League title for the third straight season. Along with Holt and the Indians’ Maxie Mellon, he will coach the districi all-star te;uu. “ We practiced last night," he said Tuesday morning of his l4*man team. Patti admitted the American League hasn’t done well once the district playoffs begin.’ “ h\s been lvvogame.s and out." he.said. “ But we’ve played some real close games. We'll see if we can do a little better this year." The complete district playoffsehedule for Na­ tional and American teams are below. Nu(fonul Majors The CatUinals, coached by Dwight Sparks, and the Mudcats, coached by Danny Correll, tied for lhe Major League tiiic in lhe National League with I M records. Please Svv l'uttl - 1\ 31$ football. “ Afterthe high school >iaie meet. 1 realized swimming was my sport, If l hadn't done so well. I'd probably tr>' U> pto>' fwthall in college." Bul his performance had college coaches tak­ ing notice. He missed the stale title in the 50 freestyle by one-tenth ofa second. Hewas third in the lOObuttertly. He w;i\ the mythical cham­ pion in the 100 free, considering he swum a 47.5 in his leg of the 400 relay. The individual tinie that won was 48 seconds. He alsodmppedasecond offhis 50 free time, which is basically unheard of. When the season ended, he was all-state and a YMCA all-American. “ What I swam in the 50 would have won the Please Sve Trihhle — P. 3B Key In Midst Of Comeback By Ronnie Gallagher Davie County Enterprise-Record Denny Key's baseball season — and profes­ sional carcer — isn't over after all. The former Davie County High School and Mocksville Legion pitching star left recently for Winter Haven, Fla. and spring training. This is Key’s third season in (he Cleveland Indians organization. Last season, his second with the Indians, he was injured most ofthc year. He finally had doctors look at what he thought was a hemiated disc. His fatlwr, Denny Sr., said. “ They thought it was a henuated disc but opened him up atxl found he had a blood clot and chipped disc wrapped around a nerve." Key, 22. is expected to leave Winter Haven at any time. “ They told him not to bring a car.” he father said. “ Ifhe was in asgood ashapc as his physical therapist said, he’d probably be moving out pretty- soon lo Columbus, Ga." Columbus is Cleveland’s Mid-A team which plays in the South AUantic League. Greensboro's Hornets are also in the league. Another Mocksville Legion star, Jack Kimel, is in lhe Please See Key - P. 3B 112. OAVIE COUNTY KNTERI'UlSK KKCOKt>, Thiirs'tluy. .luiit 24, l9 9 i SCOREBOARD Baseball Legion standings Attt III Soulhein O lililo n |lM0M Qtmtt onlt) ^ Mocvtviiie-Dsv>e 14 < Core em 13 6 KanniDOli* '2 6Ro*an County 10 7W-lkei County 10 6 MooWt'11® 6 10 Suffy County 6 '0le*mgtort 7 U S<anly COunt> 4 1?Sfa<*it<N* 3 15 Sunday'a ieiu lla Su*iy County 7. Ro*an County 5 MceMviiie 12, Letmglon 6 Coneoid 4, Stanly County 2 W-lkei Ccunt> 10. SteieiviVe 7 KannaoNii 10. Meoreiv>ile 6 Monday's ieiulte flcwart Ceunty 6. Suffy County 5 Mockiville 7. L*tmgton 5 Karm#poM 3. Meo>MwH* 2 NViivai County 10. State$>iiie 9 Concofd 1?. Stanly County 0 iM(icksvillt' 5 l.cwingtmi 4 ltlnJfC*< it~ .» .* il u»-» it j i 5 e c• •»»•:' 1 • * : t.-*i j j « j « tn ii * H i » i i.i-i'i- ** *t «) f - J>Xlln>t *«* '•■ ":*■ W« Ce»*«• «.»•»*!•• t* - (:i> ft p:.vi#1 i *i%»» t - w-t*i* *»*w 1» M * t» II 10 .Mm-ks>illf 12 l.vxinycm X Tl-t| $1IJM 13 »•’»• t« t H | MX<|>J* K< X< 111 - «1m «r»« K: » : « c - i t C ?•♦»■? *l'*.#> C*««r ; *»••« ;» • Movk>villc 7 l.i*xingUtn 5 1 e c ■ .e-*fy I: C 3 C e :< ftf c' 1 t i i 1 | I t*tM « M l 1 tii 9»t eoe - i ijo eet m - t ; G-H- i< tt^ N c »••* ........... iti^ye* I twiw< ic» »lii* y jf | voc*t>^# f i l — SJ-P<-' »B - *.ltt>i. j| - Mir* j t . (j.*'!<' }iP H a i* i i 19 iXliK'ksvlllc 14 .Statesville 1 lt|im »« V<M>'( J $’•'•<•'• « ie • * *»-ff p C< •”«• 1 *l'9.* P< iMticksville 11 Stanly County 4 l C0tiNtl M0C*l*illl6*<U M - l' 'B t j j i C o*'t' ii 1 0 C 0 CM>** 16 • 6 o o *.iv*1 'e 4 c c e ««•»- •t i 1 C vt*'W* it i e e o $t*'u >t t*HH |> «l| 1 t*iHf M II «1 *ll|N| CMMl *f #*• *• - *UMti.J< Ht III Ml - M( _ fff * f>*'ir- r* - !'!• I V.iM. ’•? l0l- J>i*-i » Vxu.'# 19 16 - 1^ * «,»»* l"« • »u 31 - ic j* »•* - Co«-«* $B - WwlM<t Dl"< » »• 1 #.»*- f* - “e— irw< M<ivk.sv!llf 21) Mi)i)rv.svllli' 5 itfUi MW*tmii ! $ i u~«.t )f> < 9 $t<*>t )e ! a P "H*-i* e HN<iMN i»i i>nKii tn we m - i Mj eii e*i - « .*’( vC< - Uy.lV * <»»)» l'l U»'|« l'l Mucksvillc 12 Kiiiinii|iulis 4 Swimming Amateur MECT 0N THE HILLi>n(Mp*l MJl Mj| 31 Z1. W-SYMCA Results |tHSOtW U'>IU. »»<-»« f.i> !■•■ • .'■ • ' fiM.< Nf'W> ' V>0*IMf,HUS Sujj"** BM(. lv "’ S .O '> f i9 2 I 9S' .'■1 - Z'>0 '■*» i? W 4ti 3-J.r;co>MiZ t: *> «• i 4n n tvi5 n 2S1 .......b<f*>i 11 ;.i,o' ‘ti! .n ioo<** 11 (-j :<- 21 t? BOrS_____________ M.tfuielH#*f>> J'din *'OV « *' )'j 4S1 V'i i" ;\Hl iV iJ 4fi J<ti /«) .>i Jf*> t*r fst ii ii t «• e>*j w*j<a Ci ■« ;ixi -vijjHOii ;i'i,n ,'i> n w i;;; jM M*i.>. 4'vi *.c^ i', n nt' le"eir*" lfi<utoo 4m *" 4VJ * ■ ^ lM O !> i Hih .n 200 lM I] t* BGfS ’ Miun yioitt iv ^ M i" fr i;fi n?i ;»«i .n ;i*j |.>;* l7 JlH?! 41« .n t<W #rf 11 >»• 26' r -1 2V0 iVl? ?9 fl)l. Vh m tik) tr<<it <1 2| 0}>. Ttn tt> 300 ft'fjil 13 00 011 M»t| ModCft 3<d in 300 6»#»« H 56 3»>. h'h,K lQ O treittll 31 93) 4rd 300 fi«e i ; 14 901. Mh in 700 lU . ’? ^«i >00 toe l?37 9?l. t00 'ift lK rtIR fiO r5 AkiBWh 2f<3-nSOf-r»C5 ?SI««<1 IOO 'l lVI92'. 4!« •" tOO D>HM H lJtiSI. 2(M )ivi2 tR 3fi* ^ i ioom.-i i;or> 33>.«r* .n 4f>-l <Vtt'H Sfii *f*. ,f J(X) fu'. 1 } I M i Ch4d /u*ev H "I t<X' tv^ IV Racing MWMAN 6*AT S*TtBO>rS L*tt RUum MOMFin MV1SI0N rwi iM i25 baai Hqm<(oww M<ie> M^«f Vrmtte<vS#wmC*n> M|<rt WiTXrt C*T*lim Dw*u#t Ktmefnnetim 0roan 1i#iniN^ ArfrM HrtPMKp H.e R*Vh tWirM|ieur<tonfle6#fl )*H'rrtDen $mitn Wi"%ten t«#«Mc{h*|i C^flon V>l'>t'to*n&*m U'6ifta*4i Butn*r Pf1f^0*nU*I<M S<"lW M<r*'*,i««B>lf MiW*t60 6tw<nienKfwVff Johrton Win*ton $i'<m lee M"'t(*1 e 0 0 M*<k Kro!l v11n1i0<1 S**m Sl*>* Mn*l nimton S«wBs,t*e n#t>U<'f|tcnPetwi weed 50ti1hmoMI<n tu»e»*mvon S*^m U*<i C«i Vi.htlcn S* *mCh"t f*m.r< V B B H g Q g ^ ^ g B P H ^ m ; ^ T H i ^ y ; ; ^ | | H • \?r?'&P& JS$ < W & m & >v'"*ehy ;^.,>>;,'; -•' 5 ^ ^ ^ F y ^ > k ^ v v , 5 r > u ^ ? ^ i " - ' " - ' ?‘ A? Swan Dive Andre McSwain does his besl swan dive to gel back into first the Southern Division. Mocksvilte is home Friday night for a 7:30 base during a recent game. The Mocksville Legion is on a roll, p m. game against Mount Airy. having won 12 straight games and taking a two*game lead in — Photo by Lee Furches Eanes Out Of A Job In Albemarle Former Davie Counts i|ii;irler- havk Totmm Hanes is twl ot ;t jol>. Alter thrve >ear> as lie.ul l*K>(- h.ill viuv)> ;il Alhemarle. l:attes" contract ua> not reiiexsed h> ihe Sl.mh Schi"l Hoaul. Jack (i.ts(cf, Notebook lo im e r coach at l.exineton has taken the x lvinatle. m ltitliHL' J-S hoard \oCeil m<l 10 auaru him tenure. "Veacliers are tenured ;tlter the> sj»n their lo 11nh one->eai contract. “ We enonirave our board 10 likik at ltemire)as a lonvienuconv initmcm atvl il tliere issomc(!iinu out ihere lviier for ilx' kiils. \\c sh.>ulil ltxtk at th at/’ aetiny Mipvrintendinl Walter Smith toKl lime* has uuclici) at >ewral col- lcues ami high schtH>ls, including l-ast Lincoln ainl Hillshorouuh Oranve.ua> 2-8 la>l vcar. Alhenntrle will lv in the new Yadkin Valle> 2-A Conlerence next \ear. Whvrv l'<i IN;i> I.vgitm Davie*> lirsf tno viaims i 11 ihv state haschall playolfs — Mcl)oweH and A.C. Reynolds — uill tiou join torccN 011 thc MvD<mvll I.CL'ioi) ie;un. McDovsell is the uestermuo>t Leyion team in the state. A>heville, tiKaled in Buncombe County, has >evcnil hiyh >v)itH>l> in ihc area hut doesn't 1‘teld a Legion team. McDowell started iis program last year, winning eiglu games. lT C Xotrs... A#i/i-> friHii around thc Cviurm Pivtlnumi Confvwicv..,. * Nonh lXividson will throw two new eoaek*s at Da\ie w)1v11 !hv realigned Central Piedmont Con­ ference hegins in the l"all. After 31 years in Welcome. Iuskvtha!l vnavh Pvte Jones i,s step* ping aside .sitli a 4U|-282 rccord. Me w ill re 1u1i11 as athletic director. Rosc<v Turner, thejayvecc(wch lor ihe past five years, will take over. Nonh hitvd Al Ihxtker. t"ormerlv ot Gleiin. as its new t'tx<hall ciwcli. replacing Dick Cline, who went to LcillbrU. MiH'ker was onlj l-Vlasi >v.irai (ile 11n and resigned. He has a los­ ing career record. He was one ol IS applicants and one ot !ive who uere interviewed. Alter several strong >cars in the Central Carolinas split 3-A'2-A Conlerence. sume wonder it" tlte Black KnigUsean keepit up. 'l he> lost the hulk of their V»2 ‘>-2 team and had a ja>vee te;un that wav winless. The (cam does return one ofthe sj,ite's lx*st rushers in Sm>le North was 20-3 in two seasons under Cline. HiH>ker's former schml. Glenti. will he going down to 3*A next * Mount Tabor's llriM Armen- troui has hcvn selected to pla> in the liastAVest All-Star Soccer Ciamea( UNC-ClrLvns|t>roJul> 2/>. S)ie was an honorable mention all- state pick. N.C. A & T Kccniits Kevin Cn>o!sby will have pteniv of company 0t1 the oflciisive aitd defensive lines when he joins the North Carolina A&T ftxnhall team in two months. Coach Bill Haves and of* tensive coor­ dinator ( 10d c M recruited 23 players, in- cludine state. teen are dow n imemen.(iiiolshy •‘Wc set out to go atter linemen because we'll lose a lot next year.'* said Cnxlctte. "W e went after big people and got a lot of them.*' Goolshy stands (>*3 and weighs 3(H) pounds, one of three Aggie recruits who weigh over that limit. Six others are 260 poinds or better. •'Ideally, you want a guy in the 6-3. 6 4 ninge, ah<xit 240-250 pounds. ItN tough taking a 3(W-poumJ guy unless he's 6-6 or 6-7. It’s just tiH) hard to keep the weight down. But vvc*rc pleased with the people we got." N.C. A&T is considered the top program in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference. The Aggies atso recruited one running hack, three defensive backs, two tight ends, one linchackcr. one wide ^ ^ r p ^ | Members of the Winston-Salem Squirts hockey team include (Front row. from left): Rod Taylor. Chad Davis. Eddie For­ rest, Justin Elrod and Vincsnt Longo. (Second row): Brett Adams, Scott Neas, Zachary Parks. Brandy Taylor, Dustin Koufman and Rob Baumgart. Coaches are Jim White and Bob Taylor. Squirts Win Medal In N.C. State Games Scott Nv.ts of Advance and his Wiris(on-Salcm Squirts tcam* ntatvs rvvv11th won a hron/e med.il at the North Carolina State Hockev Games in Fort Bragg. The Squirts, a 10-11 vvar old team, placed second in the Mid- Atlantic Hivkey League during tlte regular season. The tcamgot offto a >low start, losing to Giarlotte on the first da\ but bounced txtck to delV.it Fort Bragg and Raleigh. After losing to Grvcnsboro and Raleigh White, tlie S^iirts linish- ed with a win over Greensboro for the bron/e medal. N'eas wa.s a defensive player. receiver aikl one punter. "We obviously were looking for quarterbacks, offensive and defen­ sive linemen," said Hayes. *'We feel preliy gixxl with tlie outcome ofthis year's recruiting. We were concentrating on 36 players and ended up with 23. Overall. I think wc had a good year." Gm>lsby was an all-conference lineman tius past seanin and was recruited hy several schools. He will major tn engineering. New Coach? Tlte new Daviv Countv vaisitv hovs basketball coach will be ihe fitl!i in eight years of 4*A competition. No one knows who Charles Crensliaw*s successi*r will hc. however. ” Wc have not interviewed anvoite.” stid stipvrititcndattl Bill Steed." He said there were two reasons, for the dela>. One. Itc made prin- cip.il changes, sending Rolvrt Lan­ dry to South Davie atwl bringing North l)avie's Dub PoM> to the high school. Another rc*.ison is that a new assjsiani p 1i11cipal needs to be nameil and that is taking priorit>. Steed sakl lie has p<Mcd tlie jol> in t)ie Norlhwe>t N.C. sclunil sv stems and has talke^l with Charlie Adams and Dick Kiun of the NCHSAA. **l've talked to Dub and we w ant to get to it." said Steed, *'lt*s ob­ viously one of our priorities.*’ <>lWA1lflH Xz^v^M ft <*M rtf^r w t . 'irv f*mcw>ACtoJV ^A*tto« ^ihro &WfAVM VJW ^tow>^4W#ip-1ie u-ot ^o PtttPC ^ * ftoh<e. TW- i>lU>iP pA>t>VS ^IFdW^ TO HP*f Af^fc1H6 ^ t g - PVHN66 v>t^ MK*W rcvoiep f-M i e*it-,we 0tit, nftf<T* 6fF W ft^)fWX' MfcH'^ MltTAWP VCUA imvTH* pv^#t^. c ^ ^ ^ ty iA ’*/ % i " p Q ] J r % • S m , ; : , - < ^ < « ^ ^ 3 - l > * & ^ , # s ^^**^^-^ 0 ' j& -fV r:— , ^ c{<y- j t '• ^ Y f , r -'' /-:W j j ^ WHERE ARE THE RUNNERS PLACEP ?• nCTOT^^^^Mi^^^^> i ^ i 5 Sy S p pC (jS 5 “ p,5 $S|S ; S ay-ISs?m$ S g jN iS : 4 | p |S||4 I>AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORI),Thursday, Junc 24,1993 - UJ Legion i'imlhmvil fmiri'. Mt injMon did Monday night wax iakv a 5-1 adxaniaee intothcbotiomof lhe>iMli. Inacarboiwopv ofthe first two tianvs between lhe teams. Moc^svillc oxcrcauie it U» uiit. Post 174 scored txxoin ihv sixth, two in the seventh and two more in the eiehth. And it accomplish* cd lhe feat xxith onlx three hits. Lexington's throxvingerrors were the main nrason MocKsvi 11e was ahle to win. **Uver> niuht xxe t*mda nexv way tOjiive it axxuy,'* said Lexington’s llrs',-year cuich Steve Younts, '*l thoughl it might he ditYereni this time."After 11 struidit daxs ol' play, ljames i> iuppy his team pets a couple of days off this week. Mo:ksville plays Wednesday at Statesv ille ;uid comes home Fridav against Mount Air>. Atier going to Wilkes Cotitux Saturdax. Mooresville comes in Sundav. Mocksxille then has back*lo* hack games xxith Rowan Counlx Monday and Tue>dax. The Tues* dax tiame xxill be at Rich Purk. :,\Ve‘re tired." ljamcs said. “Ourhats ore sloxx andour legs are gimpx, ju<t from plaxing exerx day. But we've tried to rest peo* pleaiul xxehaxe the dc|ih todo it.” Tliu Coim4iacks ljames likened this three*game hattle xxith Lexington to a plaxofl series. Lexinutonjust mi!dn*t hold a lead: • ln the first game. Lexington led 4-3 in the scxenih hut lo%t 5-4. • In the xvond game. Lexingum led h*l in the sixth onlx to tall i:-s. And going into the h>ttom ol'the sixth Mondax night, it led. 5-1. "*H<>pelulh. ihex nerelhinkim? about us coming back." ljame> Russ Pardue singled u* open thc sixthand Corhin Russell followed w itli a honv run. his first in 45 li had hven so long hetxxeen homers. in fact, that Russcll said he Uidn"t !hink it was going otil. •*l thought it was nuitine.” he said. "1 tiit it olf the hands." The gamestarted slipping axxa> tfom Lexington in the sexenth. Ji>sh Green liad trouhle getting the hall acrossthe plate, throwing 22 pitches in the inning, onlx sexen Tribble "The fans are going to see a good product. We can hit home runs or punch-and-run. They’ll get their money’s worth." — Dale ljames for strikes. Duvid Voglcr walked on four pitches to start the rally and Brad Bovcndcr s;wrilkvd him to second. After Bubba Coleman walked, !*ar- due's long l1y alloxxed Voglcr to tag and rcachthird with txxomits. Russcll then hit a grounder in front of the mound that Green lhrexv into rightfield. scoring Vogler and Coleman to lie the game at 5*5. **Wecould*xe been uit ofthe in­ ning.*' said a frustrated Younts. **(Green) said he could've tagged the runner going home. Well, that*s the thing to do instead ot' throwing it into righttield.'" Daniel Warden cameon to pitch the eighth hut thrcxv 24 pitches before leaxing with a 7-5 deficit. He too was victimi/ed bx l.ex* ington mistakes. A one**ut xxalk to Brad Mecham. an error and a pass* ed bail had runners on second and third. A groundout to second scored Mecham and xxhen the ball wa\ throxxnaway. Brxan Johnson aNo scored. “ We wanted to make their pit­ chers tliroxx a lot of pitches."" !jamcs said. “ Lexington had gi**dpitching." he added, “ fhex plavcd a gtxsJ series. But we just had a big inn­ ing three times in a rtnx. And xxe madeit happenwithoul manx hits. “ We don't xxant to see Lex* ington anxmore." Mocksxille starter Marcus King went the full nine htil gol in trou­ ble in the ninth, allowing runners to reach second and third. “ We werv thinking about taking him out.’* ljames said. “ He was out of gas. But he can coxer first base as xxeM as aiixbtxlx and xxe didn't warttaliHle. cheaphit foheat lls." Russell went 4*tor-4 w hile Brad 4*C e^ V i‘* '^ : flw y 6 ^ y ^ *4 r m$km S a * f i! Gallagher conliimiil lrom I1. IB But the /v.il liiii can>e ii) lhe sexenth inning xxith Mi>cksville It's probably a sure thing that Concord athletic otficer Ken Cook will never invlte Campy Walker over lor Sunday dinner. — Photo by Lee Furches Boxcndcr xxas 2*tor*2 xxith txxo sacrifice hunts. ljames thinks his te;uu has pro- xen to its tans that it isthe premier team in the league. “ We'xe xxon 12 games in a roxx." he said. “ The lans are go­ ing to see a g«n*d pr*xluct xxhen ihcx come out here. We can hit home niiis. xxe can puivh-and*run. They'll gel their money's xxurth. A close call w ill be determined hx lhe crowd iu the plavolfs so we want them out here. These boxs drixe a long wax lo plax down here. With a txxo-game lead in the standings, l|.unes kn<ms the rest ot the Southern Division is taking “ 1 hope thev know we'xe got good pitching."" he said. “ We'd iike to hold tliese scores dow n and proxe it." Niilus: • Alter k-ginning thcscason4-l, l.exingtonlvislost |Oofits last |.V • Russell had four hi<mcrs in his lirst 10 at-kits. • King lhievx 77 sinkcs and 4h balls. He iniproxed to 3-0. • Boxeixler began the season 5-lnr-42. Since then, he is • l he Sixithcrn l)ixi'ion plaxoits l>vgm Julx 4. ciiniimivd from V. lU state the la 't tour years." he said. When Stexxart showed interest, lribble xx.i> ><ild. He !lexx down tora xisit. where he rmmed xxith John Olsen, two-time, ()lvmpic gold medal » inneranda'>Hlant to “ Thev showed me the football stadium, the Bear Br>unt Museum, exerxthing." Trihbiesaid. “ The campus xxas axxesome." Tribble will get 2t) percent in his tirst vear. considcring Stewart had onlx one atkl a halt scholarships to give, after bringing in nine freshmen. “ One of them is fnmi France andis l5thinthexxorU inthe HH) buttertly." Tribble said. “ He’s gelting most of the xholarship. l he rest is being split up between us. Next xear. l*ll get alol more." Whiil A Stiirx Exen Tribble thinks it is remarkable that a sclh*ol as na­ tionally pri*ninent in swimming as Alabama would take a chance on an athlete that has not been a full­ time swimmer. Thc nwn*s team linishcd l7th in the NCAAs last year and tlk? wumen were eighth. zXlong xx ith Tennessee ;uid Vlorida. the Crmisiii Tide is consiUvied among thc SoutheaMern Con- lerence" best. Il*sa larcry lrt>m when Tribble began svxinuning at age nine for Clemmons West. “ l"d do i»ka\ in the champion­ ships. getting inaxbe a hron/e medal excry now and then." he said. “ Buljusl winniiti that built a hunger inside." He moxixJ lo Hickory Hill where he built a friendship and rixalr> with West |-"orsxth"s Scott Danielson, lronicallx. Danielson accepted a swimming scholarship xxith Alahima*s biggest rixal. Auburn. Tribble bughed. “ First, it was Hickorx Hill and Clenunons West. Then West and Davie. And now Alabama and Auburn. “ Most swimmers start training when lhex "rv 10 xcars «4d and train xcar round." he said, "*l*xe hasieallx ba*n swimming forthree xears. six months out ofthe vear. When I getdown there. Jonty said ilT !iaxe xxi<ldclass poiential. he'll redshirt me so 1 can get that extra xcarofvmhiraticc. I wmhln'i i>iiinl ihal at all." I.vaxiiiy Honiv Tlie onlx ilifiicult tkvisiun xxas choosing a 'cluH'l so lar ltoin his M<K*ksxille home. “ It's ktiulol calingaxxax at me but 1 haxe aspirations so high." Tribble said. “ I want lo make the ()lxmpic trials hv lWt>. Ihat"s mx guil Somemay thinkilial'salong shot but 1 tvalistica 1lx think I can do it." He owcs that dream lo his ^ M- CA coach Willie Clenvni. “ He has made me what I am ." Tribble sakl. '*He knoxxs sumuch about swimming. Hecaii put me through ieal hard scisthai I thmk are stupid and ihrcc weeks later. I'll sax thatreallx makcssense. fie also taught me stroke technique. He*s the perfect coach." Now. he'll K* moxing on to Stewart, a South Alrican who has coached in the()lxmpics ainl once lietd the world record in the ltKl "Hc*s xliowed me the little things." Iribhle said. **Hesaid it I could increase the length ot mx stroke bx otv inch. I cmld go frout a 45 to a 43 in the lU) free. The man is so smart." He isalsoa plaxer"scoach xxho cnjo>s all sptirts al ALihania. "I plaxcd Urban (iorilla on his computer." "Tribble said. “ He Walkci ed m the tx me run and xxas on se L'otul when mgled. H third when lhe ba thrown awax.Colt-iiiari “ When I got to third. Coach ljames told me to go home." Walker said. Walker, this xear*x top trash talker in the Southern Dixision. barreled home, cloblvring cat­ cher Mike Starnes and tying the game. “ The catcher was sitting there like a duck." Walker said. “ He thought he had a play but he shotild'xc gotten out ofthe xvav when I'm coming with a full head of steam, rprett> much killed him and that g<< me in trouble down there." Walker was stunned — and amused — by the fans* reaction. “ Thev were veiling. ‘We hate xa'll. Va'll tbleep).* *' Walker The lirst Mocksxille plaxer out of the dugout xxas Coleman. “ Bubba was the tirst one out there to pkk me up." Walker said. “ He startedjaxxing with the I’.A. announcer(reportedlx CtH)ki who had been veiling at “ We're lhe best, vou can't beat U s,“ Walker said Coleman screamed at Cook. “ That gtX us pumpcd up." Walker said. ” Wc knew we were going to xxin. Tlk.* fans were talking junk and we were talking jimk. Thev were cussing When Walker canv to the plate in tl>c eighth. Mocksxille led. 5*3. He rememk*rs that at- b.it xixid1v “ The fans startedvelling. *Hit mtmlxT ll> in the head. Kill him." " said Walker. “ I grounded uit and it was the Mrs* time thev had cheered all mvht," Patti umtimiv(l frnm 1‘. IB Thex willciKich lhe ;dl-star team. “ The Braxes linishcd h*Vand thc Cubs l-|4. lheCardiitilsdefeated theCubs inthe season t"male. 2ll-3. Mlilyi-t (iirls The Braves are leading the Mocksville/Davie Parks and Recreation Department's nmlgel girls soliha!! league. Coached by Daxid Allen, lhe team is undcfcalcd at (i (). The Marlins and Panthers aiv each 4-2. followed by the Tigers at 3-2 and the Sluggers at 2*3. The Rockics aml the RiKkeltes are both tl-5. District l'la>i.lls The <listrict little league play<Uls m |umor anU senior t>i>s. ma|or league lxiysand girls Nifihall haxc heen |xisted by district president Marshall Hall of King. Davie National aml Davie American will have all-star teams participating. 'The complex should haxe a hus\ night on Julv 5. Two baseball teams and a girls solilxil! team are all scheduled to host games al 7 p.m. Ridenhour. the American presi­ dent. saiil Hall is trying to change the schedule. Hc toUf Daxie of­ ficials he was worried someone may gei lmil by |nul l>all> u itli all three being playcd at lhe same The district schedule follows: Ma|ii|- l.vuuuv • l)axie National xxill plax al home against Southwest ai 7 p.m. lltl,e Nationals xvin. lkv will ho4 the WiiishnvSalem Nationals Julv 7. • Davie American will hosi Alamanccat 7 p.m. July 5 with the winner l:asi Ruxxan Julx 7. ,|nni<ir Bo>s (13 >var ulihl • l)avie National xxill litisi Alamance Julx 2 xxiihlhewiimcr facing Davie American, which gol a lirst rouikl i>xc on Julv 3. Seitlnr Boxs |14-lS year iMs) • The lXivie*Nalioitil all*stars iravel to High Poinl Julx 2. The xvinner xxill play at South l-"oisxlh So Walker ran by them holding up live finger>. ihen three lingers, indicating thc l-'ivc lingers, three lingers. “ And then came all lhe obscenities lrom the stands." he said. “ Brad (Mecham) came up to hat. I guess thev thought he was the one who nailed thc cat­ cher — aml doink. the pitcher hit him.** ljames told Walker that pitch was meant for him and he bet­ ter ask Mecham*s forgiveness. “ I to|d Brad I xxu> sorry." Walker said sheepishly. “ If I'd known they were gi*ing to hit him. I'd have gone ahead and let then hit me." Ho*hum. Just two typical Legion nights in Concord. But Concord*s fans in­ timidated neither Rowan or Mocksxille. lfnothing else. CtHik probably lired them up. Walker said both teams feed off ol" a tiery attitude. “ We like Salisbury's plaxers." he said. “ We're a lot alike." Last sea*>n. Brett Hansen, a pitcher from Uast Rowan, was Ronan"s cbieftrash*talker. But Walker said M<x*ksville didn"t hate Hansen because of it. “ We'd haxe gixcii anxthing it Brett Hansen could*xc come up here and plaxed with us." he Walker laughed, remembering the Southern Division’s best 4-ol*7 championship vries last vear. vxhen Rowan swept Mi*cksvi11c in four straight. “ We talked st> much trash — teamwise and wiih the fans." he sjid. “ But they"re okay. Salishurx has some g***d "ol bovs o|t the tield." Concord was in firsi place un­ til it ran into the Mocksvillc- Rowait connection. And the teanis. cspcviall> Moeksville. made quite an impression. “ Thev’ve got a lot of tire." Concord cixich Scott Goins told the Coihonl {rihitnc after the 5*3 loss. “ We need smie of that lire, but we don't need their brashness." They also don't need Ken Cook sitting behind the backstop. Key exen brokehis hand m tour places plax mg lik<hall w ith his assistunts. He loxes loothail." l<i'lMirts Auy. 25 lribble will begin x'hool Aug. 25 and |ixe4iour practitvs K*gin H) dax s later. He*ll go i*n a spwial <liet once hc arrives. “ If tStewaro thtnLs 1 haxe a chaiicc to go far. l*ll stav doxxn there next summer and train." Tribble isn't sure ahuil his ma­ jor. mainlx because hc*s still reel­ ing from the shock ot being recruited bx a national power. “ I ’m really l<*oking ti>rward t«» il.“ he said. “ I just 1oxe the workouts, h"s the imM fun l'xe exer had in mv life. And cxcrvlhing*s laid back ;< Alabama. It*s the kfixI ofprognun I want to he in." And then, there's the shaxing priK*ess. “ h*s an unbelicvahle feeling when vou get in the water wiih iio haironyour btHly." liesaid. Vou just gliJe. You feel faster — vou are faster. When it's SHC cham­ pionship time. 111 be bald." And when he's not swimming? “ I guess I'll have to wear a tohauuan in the winter." contiimv(l from I1. lB league with Charleston. S.C. Kc>.a |V,S<> gMdiJuivol Davie, has been working out xxith his lormer Legion coach Dale ljames at Glenn lligh Schix4 in reeeiit weeks. “ Yeah. Iv started tlmiwing with u s .“ |james said. “ It xxas a real gt**d tiiing. It gave hinisome work and nn kids got something out of it t<ki." ljames said Kcx wasa lillle light al lirst hut began !<xiscning up graduallx. “ Dcnny'sarm is really strong." he said. “ We worked on some mechanical stuffund I think xxhen llC lC ii. IIC w as t>Cynm niti it* s lic k ljatncs lud lo work as hard on getting Kex in the right frame of mind as he did geiting him in top ph>sical condition. “ I think he went ito Winter Haxen) with a very uphvat fvvl* ing." ljames said. **He*s more mature and xvilling to learn." Key*s father echoed those feelings. “ (Phvsivallv l. he*s about 95 per- ceni.** Kev Sr. said. “ He savsthe only thing lv can*t do is a real deep toe touch. Other than that, he*s okay. His legs are in great shape and his arm is in great shape. So he*s rea 1lv k>okinv forward to it.“ Julx 3. • Daxie American travels to Kernersville July 3. SeiiInr Glrls |I> I5 xeiir olds) Daxie American will plax the winner of Southwest Vorsxth and King July 8 axxav from home. ’ Major (iiris l l l - l2 >var *4tls> Davie Anwriean is set lo host Kernersville July 5. If it is xic* lorious. it xxill hosi Sixilhwest in hic next rtkind. " Kiu>n ofa x iiv l iitiliviilnul /nr* fwvHHHv'.’ /x <i /rum foiiVuv ti/> />-x Uvxtw'.*AuyxinnlAtnrifs? Cull //<f lutnr|trisv .x/Mi/> </ty*mnn'W oi M4-2I20. K f f " m r &Gates operHor practice at 6 p m .m * * J ^ S K V f t E f 2 * 1 FIRST RACE AT 8:15 % 5TADIUM A N *A S C 'd H V e 'g e n d ■Wmston Racing Series ! Fun lor the Whole Femltvl Flow Chevrolet 10.0 LADIES’ NIGHT! Female lam admitted tor S1 (no ewort r^ulred). courteiy ot Fto* Chevrokl Added treat: We ll light up the ^ night with a btg pre-July 4th ^ FIREWORKS SHOW! ^ rSPONSORED 0r THE . . f f Winston-Salem Journal 100-Lap Modified Bace PLUS SPORTSMAN, STREET STOCK . AND STADIUM STOCK EVENTS S U M M I T Admition Adufli. 16 kr4 w3#f — $9 A g e e 1 2 - 1 7 - IS _________ r A B tK *9M 6-11 - H Ch**M un*i 6 fflCE eifl1 *ju<t *KOft D TTC fU S C f f W C f i PLENTY Of FREE PAflKINO P U v V J l * sponsmansw.s Information about stadium racing: (919) 7234267 114 - l)AVIK COUNTV KNTKRI>RlSK KKCOKD, Tlmrsdiiy, .luiiv 24, H93 Mocksville Legion Baseball Mocksville 12, Lexington 8 During a 12-game svinning streak, there's a lot for the fans to cheer about. — Photo by Lee Furches Mocksville 5, Lexington 4 Comeback Beats Lexington, 5-4 ln the miM evitiitL' g;imo <>l t)u* NCitr to ditto. Mocksville ilvlV.neU LcxiihMun in a uikI. 54. t(l-iimin^ v<mtv>t ;tl Rich P;irL The team'> eielnh Niiiii^ht win pm MoA>xillv in fir>t ptow in the Southern I)ixision. Hr<*ek Ktvnv u;i> env;iyeil in ;i sciirelevN iluel ;ilfcr !he tup ol ihe >ixth betore Mocksville eau* him the lead with iwo in ilv hottoin ot the l>;miv. Buhba C(>lei>i;m u;t!kvil ;iml >coreU on a wild pitch. Russ l'.ir- due then walked and later scored on u Nivrifiee tly b\ R.J. Speaks. Moeksvillv made it 3*0 in the seventh on Keene's RBI yrutmmii. scoring Vvylcr. Keene eniervd the eiylith with a iuo-hii >huh)iit hut le)l with the score tied at 3*3. . Coacli Dale lj;mtcs hnmulit in • Darby Correll. who only made it • 'one-third ot" an inning. He was • spiked w hilcvovvriM! home p)ate : with tw<iouts. Dennis Kmkem)all took o\er and got the linul out on three strikes. Movk>vil)e had a ^olilon op- Homers Propel Mocksville, 12-8 I.K.XIN(iT(>N — l.vxinyloii was teeling pretty giHni alter tlie lourth inning o! Stinday*s game witlt Mi>.k>ville. ll led (>• I ;uul ap|X*ared ready tostut(t I’ost l74Vs ID-game winning streak. Hut tor the second time in a week, M<vksville tiverv.tme ;t Vost S lead with home run power to win. I2-K. Mi>cksville"seomeb;k:k began in il>e sixth inning wiih a !bur-run ral­ ly. The hig bh>tv.s were RBK by Bryan Johnson und Russ l*anlue. cutting the margin to 6-5. A >ivrim seventh was highlighted by David Vog!er*s grand slam homer, scoring Brad Meeh;tm. Campy Walker and Johnson. One out later. Varduc slammed a lwo-rim >hrt, That put Mocksville up I l-fi. t.CMiigtonaii the lc;*l to 11-8 in ihe sevenlli ;tnd a bases-loaded walk to Utibba Coleman made the tlnal score. Meeham continued his hot >lreak. going 4-|or-5 in;t l2-hit at­ tack. Johiwm w as 3-loro and Par- due 2-lor-f). Brack Br.tl wem 4'» innings, giving up ninehitsandsix runs. IK* was rcp1accvl bv Scott Matttltew>. wti<i uctn thc llnal -V >. giving tip onlv tvso hits attd striking out six. He got the win. Nolvs: • The 11 l)i w in in a row improv • vd Mockswllc tv l5'5overall and The catalyst o( Mocksville’s 12-game winning streak is coach Dale ljames. — Photo by Lee Furches l3-4 in lhe Southern Division. • Mocksul!c worked Lexington pitchers tor 11 walks. • Matthews has pitched onl> l2-'v innings this vearbtu ts 3-t> with two saves. • Meeham has sevcn hits in the past two games. \ngtvr pritmitv to win m the eighth hut Campv Walker struck out with men on lir>l and lhiid to end the inning. But he uould tv hvan) lrom Trailing4-3 in the lx>ttum ot tlie ninth. Nhvk>ville vame ihrough with the uirig run. Il l<>.ulvii Ihe bases with no outs atul IX<vid Vogler scored on Marcus King's double-pl;iv grounder. In the hottom t>fihv u*iiih, Brad Bovender singled, stolesev<md and went to thirwl on Brvan Johnson's sacrifice lxmt. Waiker then had another ■ vfunvv and prinhiced. singlin^!,home BovcmkT with the uame-winner. M a l(llviiN K v i'lif Kcene alktwcd i'tilv tiiice hitshut Matttheus tiiii>hvtl uii)i i)ie win. Movk>vflle had seu*n lw< Nolvs: • Mocksville improved to 12-5 mcrull and |(l-4 in tlte iliWM<m. • Correll had an inch gash on his knee and was taken to tlte hospital. • Bou*ndor xtas 5-lor-42 on lhe season when hc singled in the IWth. • Scott Matthews pitched the ll)lh and got ihe win. He has pit­ ched onlv eight innings bul a!rcadv has a 2-0 tecoikl with luo saxes. He has itDt given up anearned run • Keene siruvk oui nine bin walked scxen. Mocksville 11, Stanly Co. 4 Early Barrage Hands Stanly Loss Mocksv ille wasted little time in putting ils gtme w ith Stanly Coun­ ts awav l;N week ai Rich J’ark in an lt-4 win. Posi l74 scored six runs in the tirst inning, led bv Corbin Russell's run-scormg sjng)e. David Vogler"s two-run triple. Brvan Johnson's savrlice llv ;utd Stephen Ashworth’s RBl single. Jason Reuter aKo scored on an error. Mocksville made it *M in lhe third. Andre McSwain scored on a wild |>itvh. Ashworth scored on Colcmatt's douhle play hall. Cam­ pv Walker's RBI single scored Brad Bovender. Stanl> vut lhe leatl to V-3 in the t'ourth hut a Coleman slugged his first homer ol" the season in the tilth. Boveiulor's single scored Ashworth in the sixth lor the fmat run. Mocksv ille had 15 hits to 12 tot Stanlv. W alker. Bovender. Ashworih. Russell. Vogler and McSwatn all had two lor the Reutvr weni b '»innings, giving up II hits ;uid lour ruits. John David Crider threw l-’ i innings and Deimis Kuxkendall finished up in the ninih. Notes: • Ashworih was hitiing .l5S belore getting tuo hiis. • BoveivJer was hitting .140 belore his iwo hits. • Reuler >truck out tour. June is Ford Truck Month Check These Prices For Your Best Deal! 1993 RANGER XLT >3134 Y O U R ^ SAVH<GS Sliding Rear Window, Rally List Price Wheels, AM/FM Casselle, cari nkr Wr, P.S., P.B. Stock #T3571. p|azaDjsc. 9 ^ | ^ ^ 3 8 Fac. Rebate ■13,133 1,650 1,084 400 f Month $9,999i00 • 60 Mo.. 8.Q% A.RR., *999 OowiCashorTfado, Tota)Paymcnto ‘1 V82.B0. BEDLINERS ONLY $ 1 8 9 ° ° INSTALLED 1993 F-150 Rear Step Bumper, AM/FM Stereo, P.S., P.B. Stock #T- 3396. * O l T 4*J k I # w List Price ‘12,973 Fact. Disc. 350 Plaza Disc. 1,024 Month *11,599|00 • CO Mo.. 8.9% A.Rfl.,*t099 COv>n Cash or Tiado. Tolol Payments M3,047.00. 1993 EXPLOREREDDIE BAUER 4X4 4 Dr., Sedan,Aulo.,SunRool, C o lo P rir< a Rally Wheels, AM/FM Slrereo, . O a lC rllUti Cass., Air, P.S., P.B., P.W., S | P.D.L., Cruise, Tilt, Bucket Seals, Luggage Rack, Delayed Wipers, Rear Window Delroster. Stock #T-3342. 1993 AEROSTAR XLT7 PASSENGER 24,995 Aulo., Rally Wheels, AM/FM Stereo, Cass., Air, P.S., P.B., P.W., P.D.L., Cruise, Tilt Wheel. Luggage Back, Delayed Wipers, Rear Window Delroster. Stock fiT-3197. Sale Price 18,599 1993 VILLAGER LS WAGON 7 PASSENGER Keyless Entry, Auto. Lamp Delay,Aux. AirCond., Auto.,' S a lP P H C P AM/FM Stereo, Cass., Air, * P.S., P.B., P.W., P.D.L., Bucke 9 A A # % ^ % g f Seats, Luggage Rack, ^ L ^ L W H ^ J ' Delayed Wipers. Stock #M- ^ ™ ^ ™ ^ ^ * 3483. Toll Free 1-800-548-9717 PLAZA ?«W LINCOLN MERCURY 98 New Hwy. 64 Lexington L M Lexington, N^p. (704) 243-2731 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RF.CORD,ThursUuy,Junc 24,1993 - BS Mocksville Legion Baseball Mocksville 14, Statesville 1 Post 174 Crushes Statesville Stutcsv il!e is on thc K<tom ot the Southern Di\ision st;uulin^s ;nnI Mtvk>villv jiuUi* Mirv it 'tux ed tlicrclaxt\uvk with;i 14-1 \ictory Thc ganv Nx;hiVi hmken upcit until latc. Denn*r Walker had an RBI single in thc sccotxl aiul Bub- ha Ctilcnun stole hvmv in thc third. State>villc was within 2-l alter thc top of ihc sixth. Po>t 174 thcn hrokc it open in the bottom ot' thc sixth with >ix runs on only (wu hits. Corbin Russcll pot thc hic blow.a tvo-nm single, which helped put Mo;ks\illc alicad S-l. Six morc crossed itt thc eighth. A two-run single hy Brad Mcvham and a thrcc-run hotnc run h\ R.J. Spv.<k> !vJ thc way. Brack Bcal turned in another g<xnl pcrl'onuance. going eight in­ nings. giving up fisc hits and strik­ ing out six. Stephen Ashworth pit- chcd thc ninth. Nolcs: • Davie inynned to 10-5 oxerall • StatcsxilliUe!l to 2-11 • Sixteen pla>crs si\x ;iction and 10 got hits, • Russcll's hit hrokc a l-for-U slump. • Mivksville also walked It) • Bcal threw 61 strike> att<J on­ ly 2V balls. • Leadoli hitter fluhhi Coleman >vorcd thr<v runs and stole three bases. Spcaks scored two runs. • ln his tir>t thrce at4>ats. Bryan John<on saw 12 pitche%, all balls, and walked three timv>. Mocksville 5, Concord 3 Concord Knocked Out Off First Mivk>xillc is provitti to bc g<xkt at first place >howdov<ns. After hcattng K.trttupolis last week. Post 174*met tipwith Con­ cord and bvut it too. 5-5. Trailing 3-2 going into the seventh inning. Mi<'ksv ille scored twice. Campy Walkerhad an RBI single, sci>ring R J. Spcaks. who had doubled. After a Brad Mcvham single, an error on thc pitcher scorcd Walkcr. Bubba CNeman scored thc final run in thc eighth when hc singled and scored on two ernus. Marcus King had given Mocksvillca l-() lcad in thc flr>t with an RBl sinvlc, svt>ring Rus> Parduc. In the fuurth. Parduc kniKkcd in a run. But Cotvord rctihik thc lcad m the fitth. setting upthccontcback. King went S '>inninp*. giving up seven hits and striking out scven. Scott Matthcw> went tIv final two- thirds of thc innine. Mocksvillehadll hits. Mocksville 20, Mooresville 5 __________ Mocksville: 20 Runs, 20 Hits Mooresville l.cginn coach Whites Meadows j|wavs likcs to \i>it Mtx*k>x ille. Hc ju>t wishes he’d get a little hctier trcamicnt. Hi> teain was whxked 20-5 Saturday night, as Mt*ks\ illc bop­ ped 20 hit>. MtvksvilIc >tartcd quickly. scor­ ing the inthe tlrst. Grbin Ru>>ell had an RBl single. R.J. Spcaks an RBl double. Campv Walker a two- run double and Brad Mcvham a run-scoring double. Mcvham kept it up in a >ix-run second with another double, knocking in two rnn>. Brad Bovendcr thcn strokeda thrcc-run homer and Mocksville led 11-2. Walkcr hid a run-s;vring single in the third and Mcchatn completed his hot-hitting night with a two-run homer in thc filth. That put Po>t 174 up. 15-3. Spcaks kniKkcd in thc |6th run in the sixth. Mocksv ille thcn added insult to injury with four morc in thc eighth and did it with thrcc straight pin^h After thrcc walks loaded the hux*s. Brack Beal. Dcnm» Kuyken­ dall and M m David Crider — all pitchers — had RBI singles. Mcvhamllni>hed with si\ RBN and three hits. Speaks aNo had threc. Getting (wo hits uere Walker and \ ’ogler. Notes: • l-'ourtecn dittercnt players svorcd runs and 14 h.ki hits. • Vocler wcnt eight innings, striking out 'ix and giung up eight htt' Ku> ktT)Jall pitvhrtl thv iiinili. Speaks Improves Irt All Areas RJ. Spcaks made thc most progress in a weck*.s iimc in thc legion stats. Thc burly Spcaks hit his first homcr. Hc wcnt from 2 to 5 doubles. Hc wcnt from 4 to 10 runs seorcd. Hc wcnt from 4 to 11 RBls. And to top il till off, ihc rising Forbush senior leuds thc club in BRA with a perfect 0.00 and even has one of ihc team's 4 saves. The team ERA is 3.10. Scott Matthews and Brack BcaJ have 3-0 rccord.s LK(IlON STATISTICS Throunh 20 yumes (Recurd: 15*5» 13*4) Hitting I’lavers A ll llits Avg. J.D. Cridcr 3 2 .666 cnnis Kuykendall 5 3 .600 R.J. Spcaks 29 14 .489 Brack Bcal I5 f).400 Brad Mccham 41 16 .390 Corbin Russcll 52 19 .365 Russ Parduc 48 17 .354 Campy Walkcr 71 25 .352 Bryan Johnson 31 10 .323 Marcus King 39 12 .30S David Vogler 37 II .297 Bubba Colcman 39 II .282 Andrc McSwain 50 14 .280 Scott Mallthcws II 3 .2S0 Jason Rcuter 8 2 .250 Stcvc Ashworth 22 5 .227 Denver Walkcr 36 S .222 Brad Bovcnder 5Q 9 .IS0 Brian Bakcr 12 2 .167 Horne Runs Russcll 14. C. Walkcr 13. Vogler 13, King 12. Speaks II. Mcchatn II. Parduc 10. McSwain 10. Bovendcr 6. Cokman5. Johnson 5. Kuykendall 3. D. Walkcr 3. Ashworlh 2. Beal 2. Cridcr 1. Matihcws 1. Hollcnack 1, Kccnc 1. Wulks C. Walkcr 17, Pardue 15, Cnkman 14. Speaks 11. McSwain 11. Russell 11. Ashworth 8. King 8, Johnson 7. Vogler 7. Bovcnder 7. Mccham 6. Rcuter3. D. Walkcr3.. Hollenack 3. Kuykendall 2, Baker2. Matthews 2. Bcal 1. Keene 1. Corrcll I . Stolen liases Coleman 8. McSwain 6. Bovender6. Pardue 5. C. Walkcr 3. Johnson 2. Mccham 1. King I. Ashworth 1. Russcll 4, Parduc 2. McSwain I. King I. Spcaks I. Mecham 1. Vogler 1. Coleman I. Bovender I. Triplet Purdue h Mccham I. Voglcr. Doubles Russell 6. Spcaks 5, C. Walker 2, D. Walkcr 2, Coleman 2, Spcaks 2. Bca! 2. Mecham 2. Parduc 2. Vogler 2. D. Walkcr 2. Bovendcr I . Rcuicr I. Kuykendall I. King I. Johnson i. Runs Scored C. Walkcr 22. Colcman 17. Russell 15, Par- due 15. McSwain 12. Bovcnder 11. Speaks 10. Mccham 10. King 10. Johnson 9. Vogler 9. Ashworth 5. Beal 4. D. Wa)kcr 2. Kuykendall 2. Reuter 1. Baker I. Hollenack 1. Kccnc 1. Rltls Pitching Players IP Hits KR ERA R.J. Spcaks 2 1 0 0.00 Marcus King 16'.i 16 I 0.55 Brock Kcenc 14 6 2 1.29 Brack Bcal 32M 33 S 2.23 Stephen Ashworth 12 IS 3 2.25 Dennis Kuvkcndall 16 II 5 2.91 J.D. Crider 13«13 6 3.52 Jason Rcutcr 20'/j 24 S 3.54 David Vogler 23-A 26 II 4.18 Scott Matthews l2-.i II 7 4.97 Darby CorrelI 4vi 6 1 5.79 Corbin Russcll P i 3 2 10.80 Recurds Bcal 3-0. Matthcws 3-0. Kina 2-0. Voelcr 2-0. Kccne l^ . Ashworth 1-0, Kuvkcndall 1-0. Rcutcr 1-1. Crider 1-2. Russcll 0-1. Strikeouts Bcal 28, Vogler 19, Kuykendall 18. King 16. Kccne 15, Matthews 14. Ashworth 13. Rcuter 13. Kuvkcndall 12. Cridcr9. Corrcll 1. Russell I. Saves Matthews 2. Speaks 1. Kuykendall 1. SOMTOSOUmON Mufflers Spatz Sphsh GuardsAsLowAs 1 5Each TailpipesAs LowAs 13,99cjdi Each Pair Rem*numctvredEngme Mounts AsLowAs Master Cylinders AsLowAs 3UP TO 630 CCA s 72Month Battery 7m t INSTUUmON 0N M0tT U.S. 4 Utf<MICttS. 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Up to 3»99UM!T2PSR CUSTOMERArfanceAtite^vtTfcedfcwOl ^ »l*M k r**feS ft»h rb * 5parkP!ugs g 9 9 tich Set <'' Upholstery or Rug & CarpetOeaner f 99 m Eich/Y( m t<S m l bt tAch / YOUR CHOICEt*tM% KT« 1 CGT7S UJLUl WlftKYCuUtf0AUT0M0nVIO E A iA m m Special Finish, Wire Hubcap OrMag Wheel Cfeaner 49 Each / YOUR CHOICE 4-Piece Carpeted or j Rubber Floor Mat Sets Each ffOUR CHOICE Mfg. ft 1073, 6682 Prices Good Through Setwdsy, June 26th, 1993 • W i Reserve the Right to Umtt Quantities • Complete Warranty Information Avaltabto at All Advance Auto Parts Stores CLEMMONS 2521 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road Mon.*Sat. 8 a.m.*9 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-6 p,m. 766-8201 MOCKSVILLE 1117 Yadklnvllle Road Mon.*Sat. 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun. 9 o.m.*6 p.m. 634-2800 P O < r SPCCtAL ORDER M ERCHANDISE N O T SUBJECT TO SALEPRlCES 116 - l)AVtE COUNTY ESTEK!>RISE RECORI), Tliursilii>,Junc 24,1993 M o c k s v i l l e L e g i o n B a s e b a l l ___________________________________________________________________________ Russell Signs Scholarship With Louisburg Junior College »■ “ . < * " ^ ^ * - i^ * i" < : . > ( S i^ - W t i; ^ - * $ I ' ■ y r ^ ^ V ,"V.* '*■ :''. ''^ J ;v j ■ -•:. -'v V..---.<tY ;t, V T ^ S ^ i i " ' ' 2 < * ^ ^ v ^<-•' 4 v tt--,* .V j v>-JVz< : " 'S @ 8 # * t ' v $ a t e B i & : # i % j H f r > i--r> I , X -k/. ’> ' l ^ t i f v S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ 9 ' . t ^ t : , > 4 . ^ ^ . ^ .^ '* '- . * ^ < , - • ., K ',. -•/ .;•• ti :V - N - ' . ^». ; . ; . ' . .; ;^_,. . ^ <. - A n d re M cS w ain is ca u g h t in a rundow n an d is tagged o u t d u rin g a re ce n t gam e.— P hoto by Lee F urches W hen C orbin R u " c ll was dratted reccutlv bv thc San l->.in- ci<co Giants. ihey >aiil they wanted to control whcrehe wcnl lo school. Me took their advice and has >igned w ith LouisburgJunior C ol­ lege. one o f ilie nation’s topjunior vol1eee programs. '1 tN iiiv o f thv tv>l in lhe United Slates, bar none.” saiU Legion vouch Dale ljaitvs. " ln the south, only some ol' lhe H orida schtH)ls are up there w ith lhein. That’s wherv Hrien Ta>lor (a bonus baby fo r the New York Yankees) was,goim : before he sitzned.” Couch Russ Frazier said yelling Ru.%sel). lhe N orth Carolina In ­ dependent Schools PLiycr o f the Year, w ill keep thc Hurrivanes on lop. -'C orhin has a live arm and lhe potential to be a fine hitte r.” F rufier said. “ He is the kind of" player we ltx>k lo r and I am pleas­ ed 'hc w ill be w ith us.” Rus>eil'>hitih school stats were evc-popping. He balled .490 w iih siv home ron and 40 RBIs, He got a piece o f the ball consistently, striking out only tw ice a ll season. He was even l3-tor-13 in stolen bases. Russell said he w illjo in tw u ol lja m c s ' G lenn H ig h S chool players. Randy Pegg and Chad Faircloth. ;ti Louisburg. He chose the Hurrivane> over Sparlanburg M ethodist. Pembroke State and Western Carolina. He has tven nursing a knee in ­ jury and now >ays an opperaiion w on’t he necessary until after Legion sea>on is over. “ Louisburg said I was penciled in a> the siamne catcher." Rus>ell >aid. “ They ha\e fall ball bui I II be in rehabilitation then. “ Right ntnv. rrn knivonly hurts when 1 squat. I ’ll tv playing rightt1e!d and first bax* a lo t.” *ljames said. “ That’s where all lhe drafted players go. San Fran* cisco has control o fh im until next year's draft. He could go lo them in a year o r go back in and be drafted again.” King Looking (iou<l College x*outs have been aiten* ding M ocksvjllc Legion games over the past tw o weeks, l<*ikmg at M arcus King. H e’s gol one tan in Concord's Scott Goin>. A fte r throw ing S'.j innings against Po>t 51 in a 5*3 w in last week. Goins (old (he G>ua>ni Tribitnt' “ He was great. T hal’s the best curvebaII w e've seen all year.” Iloim ? R un l)erl>y There were tw o homers last week by unlikely sources (hat turn- ed on the M ocksville fans and turn­ ed the player> on even more so. Against Stunlv County. Bubba Legion Notes M vi'lw n t Russell Co!eiuan hit one toward lhe foul pole in Rich P ark's k*flfivld. A s >oon as he hit it. he dropped lhe bat and just wutvhcd it — Harry Bonds style. Later in the week, light-hitting Brad Bovender sent a three-run shot out and was m obtvd David Vi>gler and Brad Mecham also hit big hom ers in wins. U pping The R m > rtl MoeksviJle was wondering if naming Rich Park Mando Stadium a few year> ago was a good idea. The Legion immediately K*gan los- iny aml h;nl a losing lktm v record com ine iiiu* ihis season But m the midst ol this 12-game w inning streak. M ocksville has w on eight straight in M ando S(adium. The w inning streak is the longest in Dale ljam es' five-years ai M ocksville. Injury M ocksville l<ist a player for three days last week when pitcher D ar­ by C orrell vvas injured in a play at the plate against Lexington. C orrell had raced in to cov er the plate when Daniel W arden came home and slid into C orrell. cutting a gash into the knee. him out and he spil,ed m e.” C o rre ll C orrell <m l '*l didn't vvvi know ti w ;t>cui. {t>rbin *.iw on |Uiii% 'j>ut i^v n and so was m> lcg It U idn't start bleeding until I got up here to lhe ro o m ." C orrell was taken to tfie hospital, where he vvas told he wus out for three days. “ They gave me a choice o f stii* ches o r surgical tape. I took ihe tape. It s not sore. “ li was nothing serious.” said tjames. “ But it was a big loss for us at that point. He needed the l)n rk v C ounly The Darke County Diamonds baseball team is having tun on its tom o f North C a roliiu. It's not winning — but it is ha\ - Darke County went home Sun­ day after a seven-game swing through the Tar Heel state. A fter losing lo Rowan Couroy, it st<H*d 2-14 on the season and was winlcss in N orth Carolina. But coach Don M cD erm ott said the experience was a g u vl consola­ tion prize. “ The trip to N orth Carolina has been a great pleasure lor me per­ so n a lly.” said M vIX vm o lt. a fo rm e r sp o rts w rite r fo r the newspaper in W ashington. N .C and now a political w riter fo r (he G reenville. O hio paper. Darke County draws players from 3S high schools in four coun­ lie s . T en h ig h schools are represented on this year’s team. He form ed the team to give play ers who were cut by the pow erful Grecnv ille . O hio icam a chance to “ M y lhixight was give 20 more kids a chance.” M cD erm ott said. “ A l leu>t. ihey haveanopportuniiy The June 12-19 trip cost each player $700. M cD e rim tt persuad­ ed the parents the trip w ould be good beeau>e o f the quality o f baseball in this state. The D iainm ds siarteU their trip w ith a doubleheader against M ocksville and lost h>ih. Rowan creamed lhem 15-3. K erncrsvillc. W ilson. Raieigh and W 'ilntington also played Darke C ixm ty. “ T hey’re better hitters and bet­ te r defensive players than 1 rem em ber.” M cD erm oti said o f the N orth Carolina teams. D arke County hurried back to O hio fo r a game Sunday in Springfield. O hio, h w ill play 56 games in 44 days. Darke County w ill al>o iravel to Indiana. M ichigan. Kentucky and Illin o is for games and w ill host a wooden bat iournament. “ W e might go nonh next year,” M cD erm ott >uid. hinting the team m ay go to M innesota. * m m m Legion Action T h e a ction has been hot and heavy ove r the last 11 days. B ubba C olem an d rags a bunt d u rin g a g am e w ith Lexington la st w eek (above) w h ile D ale lja m e s has a m e e tin g o l the m inds o n the m ound w ith th re e o l his players (right). — Photos by Lee Furches M ilC K T IR E Hours: M on.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 Saturday 7:30*1:00 AT MOCKSVILLE 962 Yadkinville Rd. 704-634-6115 PR IC ES G O O D AT M OC KSVILLE STO R E O NLY Through Jufy 3rd Dayton • a t i f c t i t «Mfeagfl guarantee pian • Strong steel belted, potyester body radial construction • Aggressive rib tread M & S rated • Wide tread grooves • Full depth sipos *See dealer lor written Information on tire safety and speed ratings and lor a ccpy ol limited warranty. *34.00 P15M0R13 WHITEVVAlLS Slze Price P165/80R13 36.00 P175tiOR13 37.00 P165/80P13 38.00 P185tf5R14 40.00 P195tf5R14 41.00 - P20Sfr5R14 42.00 P215^5R14 44.00 P205^5R15 44.00 P215f75R15 45.00 P225f75R15 47,00 P23&7SR15 48.00 !)AVIE COUNTY KNTKKI'R!SK RECORI>,Tliursduy,Junc 24,1993 -117 4 II-Central Piedmont Conference Keep Your Eye On The Ball I y r Davie County High School freshman Tami Ramsey played three sports in 1992-93. T w e n t y - T h r e e N a m e d A l l - C P C G u t h r e ll N a m e d C o n f e r e n c e ’ s M o s t O u t s t a n d in g In T r a c k A u>l;il ot 2> D u\ic Cnmit> ilhlcics ucrv iuiuioJ ;ill< im tcrvikv in > i\ >porl>. Included ua> unc !’!.*>cr ot' ihc Y ear re cip ie n t in M ;u u illo n C uthrell. \sho ua> iu n v il in ho\> ir.ic L He ua> unJvfottvd in iliv l(X) and 20 meters through the con- t'erenve >ea>ou and rcuiimaN and anchored the 4(H) and «SW) rela\ The ju n io r tlni>livd nitJi a besi tim e o t l0 .4 in th e l(M)and placed sixth in that event in tlve state 4-A track meet in Chapel H ill. The fo llo u in v is a list o l the >prim; spt>Jis winners in the Cen­ tral Piedmont Con1erence: ltasvhall: D a\ie pl;Ked tl\e on the all-conference tcam. Htihha Ctilem an. Hrad Chapman. Brad M echam . Marcus K inu and Brock Keene were all named. Others were Jason Moore. D er­ rick M aynard. Gerald ltirr. Aml> Schenider and M artin Barrow (G rim sley). M ike Berrier. Scootvrr B nuikshireaiid David Carmichael (Parkland), l.avm arr M arshall. A ndre Speaks and Chris Vernon (M ount Tah>r). Scott IXmninc and Ryun Nelson (Reynolds). M ike Patterson and Chad Berrier (South Rowan) and Joey Doue1as tW cst For.svth). Coach o f thv Y ca r: l:rnie l'aw ot lllth p U e South Kowan. P la v v ro fth e W a r:G cra M Parr i>j' Grim sley. SuM m lt: As in kisehtll. no team had more all-conferetKe pla>crs than DavieCounty. C a vy Jenkins. Andrea Gentr>. Jenniter Bell and Jonette NVilliard were all named. Bell and NVilliard are freshmen. Coiifereiwe w inner West Porsvtlt also had four: Jaime Hunter. ( iiiu lntlnger. Katie T ohin ajul Jenniter H oke. O thers w ere N ic o le Brubaker. N icole W ellm an and l.evia GantfVill (M ount Tabor). Sum ;i RolxTts and Simunvr Nelms tS<nilh Rowan). Delin;tli Leonard ainl V ickie Burgess o f Parkland. Dcborah Huitl and Cliristv Owens tRe>milds). Kim Shankle and Jean- nie Lineo (G rim sleyi and Beth Chastain (IX idley), Couch o f the Y ear: West For- sv (fi and fonuer Dav ic coach I)eii- Plax*er o l llie Y ear: Wcst For- s\th and form er Davie, plavcr Jaime Hunter. Soccer: l>.ivie placvd iu<M>n the all-confereiwe list. Beck> C o|vand Denise Boxd were named. Grimsle> had seven pla>ers named while M ount la b o r had livv. W iM l:o r> \ih had three lKathv Hnnis. T vler l n lt/ and C hrist) M cM alioni. Coach n ftlie Y ear: Gnmslc>*s Herk l)cG n iw . one o fth e state's w inninvc't coaches. P la > e ro f(lie Y va r: (irim slev "s I)ehhie l-"urrcstcr. G o lf: Davie had thrve in Brian l.onu. Ch;kl Carter and KarMcn Stad>inu. Others makine the team werc fv>rk> Kemp (G rim >lvy). Jason Liner. M .iii 1ullos and Rv an Shoal (W c 't l'orsvth). l-nxt C orriher i South Rowant. John Jamexon and C harlie Mickev (Revnolds) ainl Jimmy IVtnbortoii (M n m i Tabor). Plav cr ol" the Y ear:G rim slc> "s Kem p, who has M im al v\ith N .C . C o a i'lio l'th i'Y e a n R a ) Bell o f cham pion W cst Foisvih. Teim is: Brad Van Hov made the all-conference team fn*m Davie. O ther winners included Ben R ubin and M att l-earrinuton lM ount Tabor). Bain Storcli and John M illn e r (R evnolds). Jav Lewandowski and Lars Kalfhaus (W est For>vih). I)evane Desai. Brian K inlaw . Jo>h ltelilsoe and B ill Harwell (G rim slev)and Frank l<obinxon (D udlev). P lavcr o f the Y ear: Rubin o f M ount Talxir. C a l l I n S p o r t s : 6 3 4 - 2 1 2 0 Carolina Karate Association Presents: Carucado Style KARATE in Mocksville, NC l.enrn the art o f selfdefeitse lU iilil u p y o tirs e lf confidence Exercise regularly and at your pace r y £ B J E@ucto5 CLASS OPEN' TO NEW STUDF.NTS ON: Junc 2V'and 28™ LOCATION’: Mocksville Elementary Gym, Cemetery St. TIME: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. • Mondays COST: $15” per Month (discounts for family enrollment) Classes /nnv been conduced in Davie Cottntysince 1972. Experienced instructors teach at all levels; beginner to advanced. Affordable • Kfi Contracts to Sign For m ore Information contact: Randy Songer • 998-9462 Tony Hartle • 634-9630 t .<M.VI' TOUR.\,VW.\TS lfO,V llVO VK STVI)EXTS /,V CO.'H'i77nO.% ^l — P hoto b y Lee F u rch e s ” 1 2 M < l'n a ili o f the Year: Raiulv Alexan<ler o f Grim s!cy. B o > s T n k k : llamil(«Hi CuthrcII. James C leuvnt. Chad Alexander and Richard Dunn m;kle it trom Dav ic. Dudley led the wav w ith 14 selections. Andy Roeerx. a former N orth Davie student, made the team to r Wcsi Forsvih. alone vsith Titan teanmutes Brad Tevves. Grcti Vassvr. Marcus V illcp is and Brian Pla>er ol" the Y ear: Davie's C uthrell. wh<« was ondcfcaied in the l(N) and 2(M) meters throuehoiit the conference season and reuionals. Coach o f the Year: M arvin l.;m ihcih o f Du<llev. G irls T ra c k : M aria Ncwsom c. Sherr> Blackwell. Tracie Sechrc't and Christina Cassidv made it for Davie. Dudley led lhe selections w ith II). West Forsvth had four: Julie Smith. Stephanie Ande^on. Nicole Chiilester and Christina A llen. P la ye r oF the Y ear: K im W ilstm . a sprinter and state cham ­ pion t'rom G rim s!cv. Coach o f the Y ear: C ron l:ar- nhardt of"Stxt(h Row an and Charles Nettles n f Dudlev shared the award. “BUY D IR EC T! If You're Paying For Cable, You're Paying ! TOO MUCH! COMPLETE SYSTEM ONLY $ 0 7 9 0 W f /M o. w.a.c. s0 D O W N NO PAYMENTS TIL AUGUST |l" ' [ C H O S ttR E A C t f***HOHiCABLe. Over 150 Fice Channels Plus Tno FoHOAmg Pay Channels Included I Enjoy...CNN, HB0, Cinemax, j ESPN, Disney, USA, Showtime, and all the best in Sports, 1st Run Movies, Children's Shows, News, TV Classics, AND MUCH MORE! CALL TODAY 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 5 5 - E C H O (3246) SATELLITES DIRECT "O U R N A M E S A Y S IT A L L ' Call Today For A Authonzed Deaier Fre6 Site Survey Telephone (704) 786-7992 Dodge Bam Tough 4th of July Celebration & Champtonshlp Rodeo 4th Annual July 2 & 3,1993 Foster R oad (OHHwy.801-N al8pm) Woodleal gates o pen a t 6 pm Presented by: The Morth Davte BurHan Club • Bronco Rlding • Calf Roping • G oat Tying • Team Roping • Cow Girl Barrel Racing • • W ild Brahma Bull Riding • Trick Roping • > Singing Cowboys • Calf Scrable for Kids • • W ild Cow M ilking«_________ Soonsored By Spillman Fuel Oil & Fertilizer Furches Motors Piedmont Honda Feed Bag Tack Shop Sanctioned By Mid Atlantic Rodeo Association For Rodeo . Information: .<M. _- .. I 704-278-2069 Diamond H W orldC lass Production w CIRCLE ® J hARENA“ “SAVE“ BUY DIRECT FROM faBflH “SAVE m 8 Delicious Buffet Bars, with the Best Bakery Around, all at one Low Price! $ trur4^m.diwl I t ’s the W estern Steer all-you-can-eat B uffet Feast! > llulTi't priccs ini'liidi1 all iiiirs auil the lrosh lmkery! • Kids uiitlvr 5 cat KRKK! • Kids 3-ltl,just $2.29! K ImlTi'l lmrs. all frc>h. ildiuim ix aiitl !u;nlcil witlt unir l;>vniitc nivah. Ncgcluhlos. >;iliitK ;unl iksviiN . A lmyv hitkvry lull t>f licsh >e;tst rolK. hot viimamtm huiis (>ou've ^ul ut try tliv>v!), ciHikics. Iuounics ;iml hieadx. A ll )im vtm vit( in ;i |ilcas.itii, (riciiill} ;tinni'|tlivre. ' W ', .|. M , Anil unlike iimsl liufTvt m lm irim ls ainl viiM erlns, WVsli*rn Stccr' hus ii *i'|iar.Uc mvmi that hulmlvs thv hvst USDA ClmUv slviiks fn inxtnf IHyhxMiv 6111 at M 0 M w ksvW v = a 118 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKKPKISE RECORI>, Thursihiy,Jimu 24,1993 Hickory Hill Swimmers 0-2 Hickon> H ill VxU lt*M (licii liiM two suim mcvh VI thc xv;iMii. • The Eels lcll to NVillou Run. 502-2h3 aml loM lo ()M Tov ii. 4.VVj..W J'.i. l.iislny 1*o W llhm Run W illow Run broii^hl ;i laryc m iinlvr ol sv\ immcr% u* |la io n H ill, xsliid> ha\ il> >nulkM lc.im in six >cars. • Thc i3 -l4 ho>> uikl 9-IO yirls won llicir ;yc divisions, houcvcr. |n the 13*14 hoys, Ryan Powv1l leil Hickt<y H ill w ilh wins in the huvksiroU* and h iitc rlly as ihai division out>vorvd W illow Run. 44-33. Svih New nun lixik a lirst in ih c 51)l'rccsiyle whi1eihe medle> rvl.is te a m (lW e ll. W illiam Johnson. ltrad Clark and L a m U nilvrpcrl won. ' The lM 0 yirls won tfieir U ivisitii. 5 M 8 . Meayaii Clark won itvcecvenis: frcc>lvlc. imtividual mcdkv and hreasi>m>ke. N ana Voglcr w tii in a havkNrokv event. The nvdley rvla> team ofC lark. Vogler, Liurvn Davis and Sanih Slein h vk fir>t. Other first>: 9-10 l)M sin n : Jtihnson had two wins. 11-12: Erin Umherger. Brad Clark and U irry Umhcrgcr cach had a win. 15*18: Felicia Swan won two ewnts. The nvdlcv relav team ol" Swan. N ltry Catherine Steed. Klvattor Bailey and Stephanie Carter t*n*k tir>t. O ld Town W ins The hos>actually wor. iheirlvdt ol the nvct w ith ()ld Town team. I W :-IS l)‘ ; hut it wasn*l euuieh. A hie win catno lro iii tlic 13-14 mvdlc> l*u>s relav teait> ll*ow ell. Clark. Newni.in aml l:iik (*nikh!iuM l. Austin I*owell won tivc iinlivklu.tl lirsls. |.arr> U iulvr^er lour. Newman thieeainl R>an l\m c ll. Clark and JnhiiMiti all with two. Ainliew Haihcr li.ul one. ()iher rcl;i> ieains that won were: • The 11-12 freest)le k \im o l Barlvr. Newman. Nick [)avis and Sc*>U liendetvin. • The 13-14 l'rccsiyle k*am ol Powdl. Newman. Crut­ chfield and Uinhcryer. • 'VlK* 15-18 medley team ol l)iisty W lvaton. I)rew Newman, Chris Higenho and Davis. The yirls were md>cored 2 5 3 -W hui the 13-14 d iv i­ sion heat Old Town. 54-35. Clark again led the yirls wiQi three lirsts. Swan and l:rin Um k*rpcr each had two wins. Mvyhon Callahan. Jenniler Gametl and Kristy A rm slriiiti all had o iv lifM place linisli. Tlie 13-14 girls mcvlle> relay teani(Callahan. Garnett. Dana M ullisand Am aiuii Shorl>andtlic freestyle lcaiu (Callahan. Cktrnell. ArnM rong and M ullis) uas a w in­ ner as well. • llickor> H ill is 0-2. • The team is ivached by Karcn Umbcrcer. She is asM%ted hy Kathy Co/art. The 13-14 hovsmedle> relay team svt a team record .igainsj Old Town. • Hiv kor> H ill g>vs ioBrook>iUcJunv 22 and toCfem- inons NS'cst June 24. Airtite Wins Showdown, 15-12 The second big >howdow n o f the M o c k s v illc /D a v ie Parks and Recreation Department's men's open softball league turned out like the first big showdown. Hart*s P itfa fell to A inite for the second time this >ca*m Monday nighl. 15-12. A irtite is 13-0 in the league, w hile H art’s is 11-2. The second loss to A irtite uas more painful than the fir>t. Hart*> led 7-0 afu:r three innings. But in ihc top o f the fourth. A ir­ tite exploded fo r nine runs. Rick Allred began ihecomeback w ith a tw o-run h onvr. Andy Softball Evvrhardl's RBI single brought home another and Craig Johnson’s tw o-run single made it 7-5. Alan Chapman's single lied it al 7-7 and Steve Parker’s iw o-run single pul A irtite up. 9-7. H art’s didn't fold, taking a 12-9 lead into the seventh. But again. A irtite w ouldn't be denied and again, it wasAllred lhal came up w ith the big bknv. His se­ cond homer cut the deficit to 12-10. The bash seemed to fire up hi> lcaiim ialcs. Jason McCray had an RB1 single fo r a 12-11 score. l:\erhardt scored on Brian Pitts’ groundout to tie the game and Johnson and Ron Angus km xkcd in ihe other runs. H art’s w cm dow n inihe seventh q iiiellv. leaving A irtile a ll alone at lhe lop — and undefeated in the los*. column. Knnw (tiiy iiulivuliuih>r tu in i di - i iiiiif> li\h n u n [\'.' Z’An «j ^ ita t ;•«//»<•.' . l/n /j</i;ix tfuri<->.' C all thc \{u irt\ ilr|xtrtm cni a i 6.U -2l20. Pfeiffer Coach To Hold Camp The Davie Youth Com plex behind N onh Davie Junior High School w illb e the siie o fth e Pfeit- fer Collette Youth Baseball Catnp July ll- f5 . C hip Sm ith, a fo rn v r scoul lor the New York Yankees and cur- renily lhe Pfeiffer coach, u ill con­ duct lhe clinic. Donnie Poplin, a scout to r the Seattle M ariners w ill also be there, as w ell as P le illcr player Matt M arion. The cost o f the camp is S55 w hich inctud;s insuranw and an in ­ structional t-shin. Fundimentalson h illin g , fielding, catching and defense w ill be laughi. There w ill also be competitive ganvs between the partici^ints. Camp w ill be from 9 a .m . unlil 12:30 p.m . M onday through Friday. For m ore infonnalion. or for ap- Area Sports p lica tio n s. 034-3433. c a ll M a iio n at Summer BB Camp The M i*ksville Davxr Park>and Recreation Department w ill hold a sumnmcr b;rketball can^ for h>ys and girls in grades 3-(>Julv l ‘>-23 ai the BrtKk Ci>m. There is a $25 tee. which in ­ cludes a t->hirt. R cgi^ration ends June 25. N oonc can register alter that date. Registration form s van be pick­ ed upal lhe Bri>ck Gym . For more inform ation, call Joe Boyette at 634-2325 (day > o r h34-3S77 m id in . YM CACamp lh e l)avic F.umly 'iM C A has 'clicdulcd Miminer vouth girls .iiul bow h.iskcth.ill clinics, tveiim m e July 12. A girls clinic w ill bvJuly l2 -lh : A boys Kiskctball clintc w ill be held Julv 19-23 ainl 2h-3(t; ♦ On July 19-23. kindergarten through scvoiid grade w ill K ‘ from 9-|l):3() a.m. Grades 3-5 w ill go lim n 10-12 oiHm There i ' a S30 p re-iegi'lr.ition for members at Y M C A by June 1 and S35 alter June I. Others w ill be S50. W alls w ill be helped b\ Ci>rey l)eese and Gerald R*^erts. For more in fo riiu tio n . call f>34-9(>22. S p a g h e t t i I S p a g h e t t i ! MOCKSVILLE SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA YAOKINVILLE RO. 634-9424 Aheud (or E tliJ Quick 2 P I Z Z A $wmewtomwo<TOwteoKr c u u i 2 F R E E SPAGHETTI irrn im B m i Litde Caesars ^ ) Pizza!P^za! TWo great plzzasl One low price." Alwaysl Always! 'U Ad*v>t6m tW m *H bti*4+**fny**9**,H w *m m tm i b tiw 4*ind*bkN U **< <f< Cltt]W *^r*U*Tn*vk CUE 8fPUB C c m i n e S c o n ™ CtltBMTIOn On Saturday July 3rd F e a t u r i n g £ ) i S i > U p T p R S GREAT DRINK SPECIALS $1.00 LONGNECKS 75 C DRAFT $2.50 HOUSE HIGHBALLS M O N D A Y MEMBERS DAY SHOOT POOL FREE 4-6 ROLLING ROCK LONGNECK S1.50 T U E S D A Y LADIES NIGHT FREE POOL ALL DAY 8 B n u T O U R n n m e n T Cash & Trophy CORONA LONGNECK S1.75 W E D N E S D A Y 9 BAU TOURflflfllEflT (Handicapped) Cash & Trophy MICHELOB LIGHT NIGHT S1.50 T H U R S D A Y S5.00 ALL-U-CAN-DRINK DRAFT F R ID A Y & S A T U R D A Y DRINK SPECIALS SUMMER SPECIAL S1.00 LONGNECKS ALL SPORTS ACTION ON SATELLITE TV m m NASCAR RACE P A R TY $5.00 SHOOT POOL ALL DAY $1.00 DRAFT S1.00 BUSCH LIGHT DOOR PRIZES Presented at End of EACH RACE Sponsored by Track^ide Racing Collectibles NEAT DRESS REQUIRED We Cater tc ALL Private Parties CallFcrlnfc N o w T a k in g A p p lic a tio n s F ri & S a t N ig h l C o c k ta il W a itr e s s HOURS Mon - Sat 12:00 Noon - 2:00am Sunday 1:00pm - 12:00am WESTWOOD VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER 2448 LEWISV1LLE-CLEMM0NS RD, CLEMMONS 766-4484 : i 6 Davie Peorie DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny,June 24,1993 - Cl : • ''* '* V iv lV i© ',V n - i.. -'% v>vte>^Kffi**'v'iV' m m m ' m >^ k Wyw B S m mp | i B f A **iA 4 A A M ; ^ r ^ ^ 5 u - T’ J ^ : u W ^ > ^ Miss Dark & Lovely for 1993-1994, Sonja Denise Allen. — Photos by Robln Fergusson P a g e a n t C e l e b r a t e $ W c m e n C f T c d a y Sonja Denise AlIen was vruuneU Miss D.U’k & Lovv)y 1993-94 Saturday night in a pageant celebrating "today's woman." H was aptly sponsored by the LeJourdes Femmes (Women ofToday) club. HWe havcemphasis on the non*traditional woman, non*traditional in carccrs,non-trodiiionalinta!ent,"saidMocksvillenativcWillieJ.Tabor, emcee. ’Today’s woman, you have endured many, many crises, but somehow you still rise. Womcn. I am very, very proud of you." Allen. 18, is the daughter of Shirley and Smitty Allen. She isa 1993 graduate of Davie High School and hopes to become a registered nurse andcosmetologisi She will receive a scholarship from the Doretha Wilson Scholarship Fund. First nmner up w as Tina DeShawn Rivcrs, 16, daughter of Patricia and Harold Rivers. Other contestants receiving p!aqucs were: Willette Rufina Francella Kimbrough, 19, daughter ofReginald and !nita Gaithcr ofMocksvillcandWilliamandSandyKimbroughofStatesville;Shancita Namsha Nichols, 17, daughter of Clifford and Connie Nichols of Mocksvi!!e; and Krysta YvonneScoti, 17, daughierof Clyde and Gladys Scott ofMocksville. ,The contestants were judged in playwear, talent and evening gown competitions. A special award was presented to Alice C. Gaithcr, pageant director unable to help organize this year's pageant because of a sick family member. Willie Studevent, club president, thanked club members and the community for support. "We have tried to bring you culture... and help in any way in the community. But we could not do this without your support.” v.v.v ■mVM,\\*"»«»^ 6 - I $>fc Miss Dark a Lovely Sonja Denise Allen with members of her court, lrom left: Shanette Natasha Nichols, Krysta Yvonne Scott, Willette Rufina Francella Kimbrough and Tina DeShawn Rivers. Performing in the opening routine are contestants, from left: Sonja Allen, Willette Kimbrough, Tina Rivers, Krysta Scott and Shanette Nichols. The Uieme of this year’s pageant was “Deja Vu." 11 i ( ' ' i n > / * li’ -,fl ‘“ ‘ '* ’ t!!vif>'!iI ! r . .. N . I V i iV / -w • •... Camille Kimbrough helped Alice Gaither received award with NAACP drawing.for work with pageant. Sonja Allen received a standing ovation when singing Miss Dark & Lovely walks the runway during the playwear "I’m Fully Committed" during talent competition. ■ competitton of Saturday’s pageant. C2 - DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRl'RISE RECORD, Tliiirsdny, June 24,1993 Church-Blair Couple Married Cornatzer News •: Angela Dcnise Churvh o f Rl. 15, Hickory and Slnnley Arthur DlairJr. t>f Mocksvillc wcrc united in marriage, SatwUay,Junel9,at3p.in.atHitdcbr,m First Baptist Church. Officiating at Uic double ring ccretmmy was lhc Rev. Ron Amdt. Thc bridc. given in marriage by hcr father, Kcnncth Church, wore a bridal gown o f white organza featuring n swcclhcart neckline. Basque filtcdhxl- iccbcadedwith pearls andiridcsccnts and shon pouff sleeves. Thc V 'd back was accented w iih a bow ihat c.xiendcd into a cathedral irain. trimmed with Alcncon lace, bcads and pearls. Shc worca veil ofEngli$h illusion that wns eapturcd by a wreath o f silk flowers, beaded with pearls and iridcscent. . Sharon Crump was a honor atten­ dant. Bridesmaids were: Miss Susan Gurley o f Momstown, Tcnn.; Miss Missy Matthews o f Charleston, S.C,; Miss Janei Swaim o f Charlotte; Miss Hcidi Jobcs o f Orlanda, FIa.;Miss Jen­ nifer Blair o f Chapel H ill; and Miss Kellic Wheeler of Raleigh. Stanley Anhur Blair Sr. was his son's best man. Ushering wcrc: David Gurlcy o f Momstown, Tenn.; Mark Sailors o f Matthews; Lcs Holbcrt of G harlottc; B illy B lackw clder o f Wingate; Kcn Simmons o f Hickory; and Chris Krause o f Ra1cigh. A program o f wedding music was presented by Janicc Daincrun. organ­ ist; and Kimberly McPhaticr, vocalist. Thcbridc'sparenti arc M r. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Church o f Rt. 15, Hickory. She is a graduate o f East Bcnd High School and Wingate College wuh a bachelor's degree in public/relations/ conununications. Thc bridegroom is the son o f Mr. Mrs. StanleyArthurBlairJr . ... wasAngefa Denise Church Davidson Landing, Davidson.and Mrs. Stan!eyA. B!airSr. ofM ocks- villc. He is a graduate ofD avic High School and Wingate College with a bachelor's degree in management. After a honeymoon in Bcmiuda, thc couple w ill tnakc their home al 7 l| Rvcvptfon The bride's parents hosted a recep­ tion at Clement Center in Hickory, im­ mediately following thc wedding. By Dolfie Potts Comatzer Correspondent M r. and Mrs. Lonnic Smith Jr. of Jacksonville, Texas, spent the past few weeks here visiting his sister, Lucille E llis nnd othcr relatives. Luciltd has been confined to herhome for the past several months w ith a back ailment. Mrs. Jamcs Sftoaf and daughter, Junettc Day. spent last Monday nnd Club Has Patriotic Meeting The Coolecmcc Senior Citizens met June 14 in the fellowship hall of the First Baptist Church with 37 mem­ bers, two visitors and one new mem­ ber present. lfte meeting was called toorder by thc president. The meeting opened with the sa­ lute to the flag on Flag Day, after which the group sang "M y Country T is ofThcc," followed by prayer. The chaplain had thc devotions, "Little Is Much If God Is In It." Hcr text was taken from Judges 7:9. Minutes, treasurer's report, sun­ shine report and door prizes were given. A trip was also discussed. The Cooleemce Senior Citizens cheerleaders performed. The meeting adjourned w ith the singing o f the club song. The next meeting w ill be June 28. Everyone is asked to bring a cov­ ered dish for lunch. Advance News Mr. and Mrs. Keith Edward Goins ... was Karen Elizabeth Cranford Ceremony Unites Woodleaf Couple Karen Elizabeth KinlcyCranfonl and KcithEdwardGoins,bothofWoodIeaf, were married Saturday, June 20, at 7 p.m. at the bride's parents' home. The Rcv. Ronald Mann officiatcd al the double ring ceremony. Thc bride is thc daughter o f M r. and Mrs. Harlcy KinlcyofW ood!caf. She is a Davie High graduate and is employed by Hocchst-Cclanesc in Salisbury. The bridegroom's parents arc Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goins o f Mocksviltc. He graduated from Davic High School and is employed by Hoechst-Celanvse. The bride w as cscortcd and given in marriage by hcr son, Karl Blake Cranford. Amber Nicole Cranford, bride*s daughter, was a flowcr girl. Ring bearer was Dustin Lee Goins, bridcgroonVsson.Thccouplewillmakc their home in Woodleaf, following a wedding trip to Occan Is!c. IJy E dith Zim m erm un Advance Correspondent Father’s Day was observed at the Methiklist Church Sunday with gifts being given to the oldest fathvr, Rob­ ert Lee Robertson , 76. and to the yongesl father, AlanJones, 29. Parker pens were given these men by the Sallie Sue Peebles Sunday School class. Roy Bamcy was among the visi­ tors at Mcthodist Church Sunday. Newly-weds Eugene and Beatrice H. Myers o f Liberty spent the day Friday w ith his sister, Mrs. M ary Lethia Robertson. Mrs. Lucille Comatzer remains confined to her home by illness. Her condition seems to be somewhat im ­ proved but still has a long way to go for complete recovery. Our community was saddened by the news o f Mrs. L illie Parker's death last week. She died at her home in Sylva. Mrs. Parker and her late hus­ band, J.D. Parker, were in the Shady Grovc school system form any years. He as Principal and shc as a teacher. Those from lhis area attending fu­ neral services for Mrs. Parker were Mrs. Kemp Bamhardt and Miss Mary A nn Barnhardt. form er teachers. Former students attending were Miss Lucy Bamcy, Miss Sallie Elizabeth Comatzer and M r. and Mrs. Cokie Jones. Mrs. Mary Lethia Robertson cel- cbratedherbirlhdayonSaturday,Junc i9 . Her grandchildrcn. Brent and Melany Shoaf, treated hcr to supper Saturday night at the new K & W Caf- Tuesday with M r. and Mrs. Allen Bishop and children in Chapcl H ill. Allen has bccn sick for thc past six m onths w ith term inal disease. Caroline Bishop returned homc with hcr grandmother, Mrs. Shoaf for a few days, M r. and Mrs. T.R. Hamilton o f Crew, Va.,and M r. and Mrs. Lawrencc Hampton o f Richmond, Va., visited M r. and M rs. Hom cr Potts last Wednesday. Thcy also visited Mr. and Mrs. B ill Carter and othcr rela­ tives during thcir stay here. Eva Potts visited Faye Boy!es in M ocksvillc last Thursday. M r. and Mrs. Bob Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Winters and chil­ dren, M r. and Mrs. Richrd Kistlcr and boys, and M r. and Mrs. Brent Winters vacationed at Cherry Grovc Bcach last week. eteria offhighw ay 150. The fam ily o f M r. and Mrs. Frank Markland gathered at his home Sun­ day for a Father's Day dinner. Mrs. Evelyn Holton is recuperat­ ing satisfactorily after surgery last week at Medical Park Hospital. TaylorHoward underw ent tests and treatments at Forsyth Hospital last wcck. He is at home now, but there is a possibility that he w ill be hospital­ ized again this wcck. Mrs. Rhea Potts and Mrs. Recic Sheets werc able to attend church Sunday after an absencc duc to ill- Mrs. Elsie Vogler underwent cata­ ract surgery last week. She is recuper­ ating satisfactorily and was able yto attend church Sunday, with the assis­ tance o f colored glasses. Naylor Voglcr is scheduled for cataract surgery this week at the E>e Centcron Hawthome Road. A speedy recovery is wished for him. Get well wishes go out to Frankie Hackett who is out o f work again due to illness. Edd Myers. 81, was recognized as the oldest father at Advance Baptist Church Sunday. The youngest father wasBillBradley. Fatherwiththemost children was Dave Dixon. M r. and Mrs. Edd X !yer$ celebrated thcir 52nd wedding anniversary June 21. On Sunday they were treated to lunch at Dockside in Clemmons by Cathy and Rommie Bamey, Tracy Smith and Eddie Goshorn in honor o f their anniversary and Father's Day. £ y a GleaUoM H> d> • Mylar & 3-D tlclium Balloons •S ilk& Live Armgcmcnu For All Occasions *Gifihcrm,Candy,Cic. • We Deliver To Local Hospitals, Ousincsses, Residence* &Schools Wtddlng Rquipmtnt For Rent llw yl58-l/2iiiilcw i.s( <if llillsdak (919) 998-9808 a DYNASTY Chinese Restaurant Couple To Marry M r. and Mrs. Wilson A. Sherrill ofM ocksville announce thc engagement of thcirdaughter,Jcnnifcr Lynn Sherrill, to Wayne Warren DavisJr.ofPlymouth, son o f Mrs. Mary Ann Foster o f Ropcr and Mr. Waync Warren Davis Sr. o f St. Louis, Mo. Thc bride<lect is a graduate o f Davie High School and Furman University with a bachelor's degree in elementary education. Shc is completing a graduate degree in Spanishat thc University ofN orth Carolina at Chapcl H ill. Davis is a graduate o f North hedcll High School and thc University ofN onh Carolina at Chapcl H ill wiUi a bachelor’s degree in political scicncc. He is employed by Foster Technical Scrviccs o f Plymouth. The wedding is planned for Aug. 7 at 2 p.m. at First Presb>icrian Church. Mocksvillc. 0EIE1E1EIE!0E!E1E1E|E1EIE1E1E1EIEIE1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 100 Year Celebration Cain Ratledge Jun e27, 1993 Wfflfam fT. Davie Volunteer Flre Department Covered Dish Lunch At 1:00 p.m. Come By and Wish Mr. Cain A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1101 Yadkinville Rd. (BesideFoodFair) 8 Mocksville, NC B (704)634-3833 3| Different Lunch Specials WeeWy I* Finest Mandarin, Szechuan, Hunan and Cantonese Cuisines i I Party Facilities HOUBS Orders To 6o Sun-Thur 11am-9:30pm f i H D M P I i H ' fri Uom-10:30pm f f l B S B B I * ' S d t " " 4pm-10;30pmj^ ^ it a m m a m s 3 a a s s a m m o a f f l8 8 ^ Full Denture Service W . E . W IL U F O R D , D .D .S ., P .A . General Dentist Single Denture ...................$ 1 0 0 00And up Upper & Lower Denture * 1 9 5 00And up Partials ...............................$ 1 5 0 00And up Simple Extractions................$2 0 00And up Repairs & Reline While You Wait M e d i c a id A c c e p t e d C a ll F o r A p p o i n t m e n t O r I n f o r m a t i o n (704)873-0347 2515 West Front Street (Highway No, 90 Or Taylorsville Rd.) - Statesville, NC 28677 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, June 24,1992 - C3 Tucker-Caudle Couple United In Marriage At Tanglewood Angela Darc Tuckcr o f Route 1. Advance, and Joe David Caudle of Mocksville were united in marriage Saturday, June 19, at ihc Arboretum o f TanglewooU at 2 p.m. Officiating was the Rev. Robert Damall. Thebride,givcninm arriagebyher parents, M r. and Mrs. Thomas Tucker and escorted by her father, wore a princess style gown o f satin and lace by M ori Lee. The gown featured a sWeetheart neckline and short puffed sleeves accented w iih a satin bow. •The heavily beaded bodice was jufprned with A!encon lace, pearls, 5u1d' sequins. The back o f the gown Jormed a deep vec in the neckline > tih trailing bowsdown the train. Thc fcadpiecewasanarnngementofsatin jn d silk flowers w ith a tulle veil. V ^M iss Lesley Tucker, sister o f the VKde, was maid o f honor. Brides* maids were Miss Leigh Anne Drane o f Clemmons, Miss K elly Roberts of ^Mocksvilfe, M issAm y Heath ofW in- >ton*SalcmandMissKim berlyHilton j>fMocksvil{e. I 2 . Jamie Caudle w as his brother's best man. Ushering were David Stevenson ofMocksviUc.JasonCregarofMocks- ville and Tim m y Heath o f Winston- Programs and thank you scrolls were presented by Mrs. Cameron Come!ison. The guest register was kept by Miss Kim Driver. Miss Ivey Ciontz o f Advance d i­ rected and performed vocals. The weddtng director was Mrs. Peggy Evans o f Mocksville. Birdseed favors were handed out by Miss Kim berly Hilton o f Mocks* ville. Special decorations and the bride's garter were prepared by Barbara Lambeth, the bride's aunt. Kevin Kerr was the videographer at thc wedding and reception. The bride is a 1989 graduate o f Davie High School. She trained in licensed practical nunceducation and early childhood developm ent at Forsyth Technical Community CoU lege and attended M itchell Commu* nity College. She is employed at Kountry Kom cr Daycare in Advance. The bridegroom's parents arc M r. and Mrs. Edward Caudle o f Mocks* ville. He is A 1989 graduate o f Davie County High School and is a lance corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps. On Aug. 10, he w ill complete his four years o f service. Thecoup!espcntthcirhoneymoon ln a cabin rcsort ln Gatlinburg. Tenn. Reception Immediately follow ing thc cer­ emony. a reception was held in the Monroe and Winston banquet rooms at Holiday Inn ofClemmons. Thc items served consisted o f as­ sorted finger sandwiches, vegetables and dip, fraU spread centerpiece, as­ sorted cheeses and crackers, mixed nuts, and fruit punch from a fountain. Thc wedding cake was a tiered basket weave design, adorned with yellow ro$es, buds and fresh flowers. Reheursol D inner A dinnerwas given by thc groom*s parents on Friday evening at Tanglewood. The menu consisted o f smokedchicken,porkbarbecuc,bakcd beans, potato salad, rolls and eclairs. Soclul Events • A lingerie party was given by the bride's sister, Lesley Tucker, at thc home o f the bride. • A miscellaneous shower was given by thc bride's aunts, Judy Tuckcr, Shelby Hilton, and Barbara Lambeth, at thc home o fM r. and Mrs. Don Tucker. • A 'tim e o f the da>" shower wa> held for the bride by the staff o f Kountry Kom er Daycare at Bogart's in Salisbury. • A pounding shower w as given at the lakeside home o f Steve and Hilda Tumcr. Guests included fam ily o f thc bride's father. • A bridesmaid luncheon was held at Graylyn Conference Center o ff Reynolda Road. A menu o f gazpacho chicken martinique, and steamed veg­ etables was served. A dessert o f ba­ nana pound cakc w ith ice cream and hot fudge sauce was served on thc outdoor patio. The bride chosc this time to present gifts to thc brides-Mrs. Joe David Caudle wasAnge!a Dare Tucker v.*v>s< " f « » » a ti , - * f e V-8 Juice l Sirloin Tips 9 9 < 1 $ 1 6 9 46 Oz. Cocktail R e g u la r ly $ 1 . 3 9 w * F00D LION SpecialK Save 60C/Ib. I v b • Prices tn this ad good Wednesday, My« 1 _ June 23 thru W n O l e Tueadey,June29, USDA Choice ' *"3' Beef ▲ Untrimmed 12 Oz. KeUogg's Cereal R e g u la r ly $ 2 . 6 9 Couple To Marry S c o t T o w e l s Tyson Grade A Jumbo Pack L eg Q u a rte rs 39« *e Rc*crve Tne toght To Umlt Ouanuuci • _Susan Machelle Dulin. daughter of M r. and Mi». Henry Dulin Sr. of Advance and Richard M ichael Heaggins. son of M r. and Mrs. Richard Heaggins o f Statesville announce their engagement. The bride-elect is a graduate o f Davie High School and Winston-Salem State University. She is a (eacherat East Forsyth High School. . Heaggins is a graduate o f South Iredell High School and is employed at Hoecht-Celanese. • The wedding is planned for July 25 at the Tanglewod Bam, Clemmons. ^ x ^ S S - 25% 1 Roll Assorted D ec./ W hite R e g u la r ly 6 9 C B am a G rape Fresh Pork Picnics Corn l 5 i Tender Sweet Yellow L i m e s $ USDA Choice Beef S ir lo in T ip R o a s t All Varieties J im m y D e a n R o U S a u s a g e Ea. SweetTropical r t Q * Mangoes J J V Svveet Juicy Packaged Peaches All Partyware Supplies, Giftwrap, Bows, Invitations. ^ & ttw O A fe , FostehRauch Drug Co. 643 Wilkesboro St. Mocksville, NC 704^34-2141 lasty Cole Slaw 1 Lb. Jelly/Jam Frcsh Baked Reg. Or Wncat Sandwich 6 R e g u la r ly $ 1 . 1 9 Hot Dog Buns Manufacturer's Coupon bxpiratton Date 7 / 1 3 / 9 3 Sweet Packham 3 9 L1 st Imported ^ 5 C 1 $ tham Pears ^ ^ * ^ Lb. Honey Ham $ 0 5 9 rl.0 0 Off .* O n c 24-pack, iw o l2-packs, four 6- : I packs, ctght 2 ilte r bottles. sL< 3 -)l!rr I bottles o r fo u r 6-pack 20 oz. NR Dottles o f Pepsi®. Diet Pepsi®. Caffeine Frcc 1 PcpslS, Caffeine Frcc D lel Pepsl®, I Crystal Pcpsl. D lcl C rystal rcpst, I M ountain D cw 0. Diet M ountain Dcw©. Caffc(nc Frcc M ountain Desv3, nncl 1 Cnffclne Frec Diet M ounlaln Dew®, I * M eaaiateW w .c*tntarrn<M #w iM D **.*M « _ _ • • _1 C*fltlM Fr*e Ottt Mo*aitit Dew *r* n|U tm 4 U O O Q O n iytn ^ B U k irih H lC *. tit. CniW fiM u 4 Dlil .» f i> _ . j » u _ | C^*tai ftf* i m i/e4e*Mke •» Fep^ld. U<. * 1 “ U O U L lO u Cofluimrt: OrU> i . . . t t . ___«.xk» 14» anri/or tk|etl1 clw<r. C<*ipon l . , «uJ£r*0.lf^nU<ffnlet irieelu<nl An*Mt*ti. . twnlliul<t li<iwl C**h*->W l/lOOt KCTAlU:KWr •til rrtmfa<rw )e<v hf ll*- Urr |*W |*i« >tl liw>UbiJ U)WieMwlll»coiit4im#rlu«r«e<n^Jki| '"illle- mtrm|<to<i 2 0 0 0 ^ 2 Liter - Diet Pcpsl, Caffcftte Frec Pcpsl. Caffclncrrcc Dlct PcpsJ, Cn’stal Pepsl. Dlct Cn’stal Pepsl. Mtn. Dcw, Dtct Mtn. Dcw, 7*Up, Dlet 7-Up Pepsi Cola 9 9 * 24 Pk. • 12 Ox, CMS 1 M ln. Dcw, Dlct Pepsl. Pepsl...............6.95 C4 - I>AVIK COUNTY KNTKRl’RISE RKCORI), Tlmrsilti>, .liml' 24,1992 Couple To Marry Charlene Andrea Spann of Advance and DavidWilson SeoltofBurlingkm willbemarricdJuly 10 nl Davis Strcct Unilcd Nlclhc>dist Chiircliin Uur1mylou. The bride-elect is ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Spann of Advance. She is lhe granddaughter of .N !rs. Grace Polls and the laie George C. Potts of Advance. She graduated from N.C. State University with a pre-med degrce and is entering herfourtbyearof medical school at East Carolina University School of Medicine. Scott is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Scott of Burlington. He graduated from N.C. Stale University wiih a degree in industrial engineering and is working loward a master's degree in business administra­ tion from East Carolina University. Arts Council To Honor Supporters The Davie County Arts Cmmeil will honor its supporters Friday at a banquet. Hors D’Oeuvres will be served at 6:30 p.m. June 25. at Hickory Hill Country Club. Dinner begins at 7 p.m. Jane Simpson, executive director of the art> viwnvil. said lhe council's btKird of dirvciors. volunteers, and tmvn ami v<>iuiiy c<>m:iik>ii>nvr> have lven invited to the event. Alter dinner. the per*m who has done the most to promote lhe arts councilSvill be honored with the Art Advtxaie Award. New oHui*r> for new sear w ill also be in>talled. Nail-Carter Couple To Marry Aug. 7 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Nail of Mocksville announce the engagement of lheir daughter. Sharon Lynn Nail, to Paul David Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Carter of Mocksville. The bride-elect isa graduate ofDavieHigh Sch<K>l and aiteinls the nursing program at Forsyth Technical Community College. She is employed at N.C. Baptist Hospital. Caner is a graduate of Davie High School and attends Forsyth Technical Community College. He is employed at Secure Data Co. The wedding is planned for Aug. 7 at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. Y a d k i n V a l l e y N e w s l)y M rs. R uhy M cB ride Yadkin VaUey Correspondent Yadkin Valley choir and Pastor Ronnie Craddock and several other people of the church enjoyed tlte evening service last Sunday. The Ladies Adult Class had break­ fast last Tuesday and then visited Lillian Smith and Dulcie Hauser ut the Clemmons Mvadowbr<x>k M.mor Nursing Home with 15 ladies and a few visitors Gray and Tracy Slater went with the young people of lhe church to Carowinds lo spend the day on Tues­ day last week. Ruby McBride, Jared Bellar. Lorena West and .Kathaleen Black visited Pansy Allen on Friday. Ruby McBride.JaredBellar. Pansy AllcnandHa/clRiddlccnjoycdluncii alK&WonThurMlayforHa/cTsbirth- Remcmbcrall those on the sick list and in nursing homes.Thcre are many. Don't forget the King Reunion to be at Ruby McBride’s home June 28. Bringapicniclunchandenjoytheday together. New Arrivals HUFF Kcvin and Cindy H u ff of Clemmons announce the binh of their son. Ellis Heritage Huff,onJune 17, 1993. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ellis of Advance. Paternal grandparents are Don I luff ofMocksvil!e and Mrs. Linda Patlon ofWinston-Salem. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Louise Peters of Clemmons. Patemal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John S. Huff of Winston- Salem and Mrs. Grace Heritage of Winston-Salem. SPEER Lisa Reavis and Brent Speer of Route 1, Mocksville, announce the FORALLOCCAStoNS i & S l $ t o r * $ I I i Mecksville ^ 634-1782 Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Walker of Morganion announcc the engagement of thcirdaughter, Shelly Lynneltc Walker loNeal Edgcrton Howell, son ofMr. and Mrs. Henry Howell of 129 Femwood Uinc, Mocksville. Thc bridc-clcct is u graduaie of Freedom High School and is ajunior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is an anthropology tnajor. Howell is a graduate of Davic I !igh Svhool and attended Forsyth Technical Community College. He is employed by Food Lion Inc., Bermuda Quay store. . Thc wedding is planned for Saturday, July 17, at Mt. I lomc Baptisi Church in Morganton. § 1 ERAK cc O M M IH :E R A M IC O N C E P IS * Imports and Domestic #CustomHandPatedfile *Ma*leandGmite 4761COHMERCUU- PLAZA (;one<towflM.*HWYtil) 919-768-8-445 BHOWROOMHOtR8 Mon*rrt;&'fi 8 a l:S *2 DAZZLING DIAMOND EARRINGS $099% ^ AT DAVIE ^ ^ JEWELERS W 1DDIN0 DAND8 LA D IIS BANDS $ 1 9 9 5 O lN T S $ 3 9 9 5 lam, D IA M O N D & j G O l D G A U X R Y N m T O W A ^ M A R T ^ O O t o V ^ y O T S ^ y ^ Wedding Planned Naomi Green of Mocksville and Kenneth Green of Rt. 9. Mocksville.- announccthccngagcmcntofthcirdaughlcr,AngclaDcniscGrccnofRl.lioErin Eugene Spry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Spr>- of Mocksville. Thcbridc-clcclisagradualcofDavicHighSchoolandisemplo>cdbyRcvco Drug Company, Winston-Salem. Spry is a graduate of Davic High School. He isemp!ojedby Re-Wu Signs Inc. of Fork. The wedding is planned for Aug. 21 at Jericho Church of Christ. YVEDDI Offers Elderly Meals YVEDD1 offers meals and pro­ grams five days a week for seniors, 60 and over, al U.C. Brock Building. 634-2187. Ext. 78. A donation is sug­ gested. JUNE24:Bakedporkcutlet,sweet potatoes, tossed salad, biscuit, and orangcjuice.Proeram: LouiscStroud at the piano. JUNE 25: Rancho beans, parsley potatoes, cole slaw, corn bread, oaimeal cookie, and cranberry juice. Program: E.N.P. Vans Shopping. JUNE 28: Chopped beef barbe­ cue. baked beans, cole slaw, ham­ burger bun, diced peaches, and or­ ange juice. Program: M arilyn Shaerath. serv ice for the blind. JUNE 29: Meat loaf with brown gravy, parsley poiatoe>, broccoli, whole wheat bread, and pineapple slices. Program: Judy Jordan. C.A.P. JUNE 30; Turkey pot pie. tumip greens, applesauce, while bread and tnmaiojuict!. Program: Piano music by Arline Spear. Reunion Sunday The Louva family will hold a reu­ nion Stmdav, June 27. at 1 p.m. .11 Mount TaU>r United Church nl Christ in Lexington. P)alv>. napkins, cups, forks and >ptk>ns will K‘ provided. Please bring the l"tHkl atkl drink ol" vuur choice. birth of a daughter. Brittany Lisa, on June l6at Forsyth Memorial Hospi­ tal. She weighed 6 lbs. 100«. and was 17-1/2 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Belty and Grady ReavisofRoute 1, Mocks­ ville. Paternal grandparents are Carolyn and Tommy Speer of Route 5, Yadkinvil1e. E3 FREE SERGER i^ r1 i with every Sewing M achine h 0 fr boughtbetween 6/21 & 6/26 _ J j ':5 (offer good on machines S1000'v S: up) Ytm M % j THE 6330 C ephit Dr., Clem m ons SEWING ROOM ''‘" ^ s lo T 00' 0 FEMN6 FOOL CHEiCAL SPECIAL We Have: Evei'Olear Chlorine Sticks & Tablets - 25lb bag $69.95 Alglclde - . . ~* | $5.00 0FF I | $100.00 | ! Purchase | E xte n d e d H o u rs 10-6 M o n -F rl 10-3 S ut Special SAVINGS on Chlorine ALL THE POOL ACCESSORIES YOU NEED!! 919-766-7587 _ _ u ’ Beside Docks:'de C _ J Seafood Restaurant ^ ^ ” ^ ‘ Clemmons NATIONAL ■PA fc POOL lNBTITUTe DAVIK COUNTY ENTF.RI'RlSE RECORD, Thursday, June 24,1913 - C5 Mrs. Todd Philip Reavis ... ivas Paula Broadway Keaton Keaton-Reavis Couple Married Ms. Paula Broadway Keaton, daughterof the late M r. and Mrs.John R. BroadwayofCoo1eemce, andTodd Philip Reavis, son o f M r. and Mrs. Duard Lowell ReavisofM ocksvi!le, wereumtedinmamageSaturday.June 12, at 4 p.m. at the home o fM r. and Mrs. Dallas Ward o f Advance. The Rev. Curtis W ood officiated the out* door ceremony. Soloists were Jonathan Blackbum o f North Wilkesboro and Greg Groce o f Yadkinville. Maid ofhonor was Kris Comatzer ofM ocksville. Bridesmaids were Regeni Foster of Mocksville, Joanne Shore o f Lake Norman, Terry Freeman o f Charlotte, Monica Harris o f Granite Quarry and Kaye D riverofM ocksville. Best man was the faiher o f the groom, Lowell ReavisofM ocksville. Ushers were Danny Reavis of M ocksville, M atthews Reavis o f M o cksville . Lonnie Reavis o f Morganton, Keith Looper o f Mocks- villeandDeanW iIlardofSmithGrovc. Rowergirlwasthedaughterofthe bride. Brittany KeatonofM ocksville. Ring bearer was Ryan Hellard o f Cooleemee. Miniature bride was ihe daughter ofthebride.CaseyKealonofM ocks- ville. Miniature groom was Trey M iller o f Cleveland, N.C. Janie Swanson o f N orth W ilkesboro kept the guest register. Programs and bird seed were dis­ tributed by Scott and Wayne Swanson o f North Wilkesboro. Kathy Broadway o f Cooleemee directed the wedding. Social Events • A reception immediately followed the ceremony. Serving were Peggy W ard. Susan Thomason. Sharon M ille r, S helia Reavis, Dianne Redmond, and Betty Harris. • OnJune 5.abarbccue pig-pickin' and all the trimmings were given for the rehearsal by M r. and Mrs. Duard Lowell Reavis for the groom's par- • A miscellaneous shower was given on June 9 at Thomson Crown Wood Products by Diannc Redmond, Kaye Driver, Marsha Howell, Joanne Shore. Regeni Foster and Lynn Vogler. ‘Youth Explosion’ July 5-7 Advance Baptist Church on N.C. SOI w ill hold a crusade callvd “ Youth Explo>iun: A Crusadc For C hrist" July 5-7 from 7:3()-9 p.m. The spcukr w ill be Pastor Dallas Morales ot' Florence. S.C. Each night the erusadewill feature a different musical gue*t. A group called Rvasin lrom Ashcwlle w ill perform July 5. On the f>th, Lenorv M orale>uili perform .andonJuly 7. Salt Ministries w ill pert"urm. The vruNtde is geared tovsard voung people, but all ages are in­ vited. For mure infonnation call W8-(>302 or W 84')2(). Ic e C re a m • 32 F la v o rs 5 w e e t L o v e r's H a v e n ■Old Fashion Ice Cream & Food— Historic Downtown Mocksville Wednesday, ihursday & Friday 5pm til 9pm Onty June 23, 24& 25 . Foetiong _** i I V I j * 1 " Eat-In or Take-Out Phone: 634-1994 M ilk S hakes • 32 F la v o rs Mocksville Class Of ’53 Holds Reunion The l953classofM ocksvillelligh School held its 40th teunUm Satur­ day, June 19, at Smith Grove Rurilan Building with social hour beginning at 5 p.m. Punch was served as the 77 in attendance renewed old acquainian- Name tags made from lhe 1953 annual pictures were pinned on 35 graduates and four teachers. Other name tags were pinned on five class- matesandallspouscs.Thctab1eswerc decorated with yellow candles, flow , crs in black and while baskets and placemats copied from the class di­ ploma. The Rev. Keith Tutterow, class president, who served as master of ceremony, had two candles lit and asked for a moment o f silence in memory o f the deceased members: Douglas Daniel and Carolyn Smith A fter the meal, prepared by the Ruritans, each one told the groupwhat they had been doing the past 40 years. Certificates w ith gag gifts went to Dean Murray for the most children; D orothy Sm ith Green and Dean Murray for the most grandchildren; Kenneth Lanier for youngest child; John Hodgson for farthest traveled. Thoseattending were: Mrs. Helen Page Crenshaw, Mrs. Esther W all. 9 At lhe reunion, from left: row 1, Jerrylene Vick Riddle, Carmen Green Price. Julia Wright Wooten, J.C. Hutchens, Josephine Mitter Davis, Betty ljames George; row 2, Hazel Wagner, Esther Wall. Dorothy Smith Green, Letty ljames Hinshaw, Tom Meroney, C.W. Allen, Charles Hutchens. Elaine Allen Kent, Ellen Allen Sain, Helen Crenshaw, Josephine A. Foster; row 3, James Boles, Ann Dean Robertson Newsome, Betty Sue Baitey Cagle, Ivey Nell Bowles Boger, Phyllis Green Williams, Billie Harmon Bean, Madeline Boger Shelton, Peggy Beck Whitaker, Betty Cope Doss, Janie White Dixon. Betty Smith Lashmit; back, Sylvia BaB Driver, Howard Sain, Clara Forrest Powell, Dean Murray, Harrell Powell Jr., Betty Spencer Foster, Mary Sue Rankin Lane, Jim Taylor, John Hodgson, Everette Sain, Lloyd Far­ thing, Keith Tutterow, Jimmy Whittaker. Kenneth Lanier, Roy Call, George Haire. Mrs. Josephine A. Foster, Mrs. Hazel Wagner (teachers); M urdo and Betty Sue Bailey Cagle; Robert and Betty Sue Smith Lashmit; B ill and Dorothy Sm ith Green; Jim m y and Retha Whittaker; O'Brian and Janie White Dixon and daughter (classmates); C.W . and Barbara Allen: Bob and Elaine Allen Kent; Howard and Ellen Allen Sain; Harry and Sylvia Ball D rive r; Roger and Peggy Beck W hittaker; Von and Madeline Boger Shelton; James and Shirley Bowles; Edwin and Ivey N ell Bowles Boger. Roy and Jean Call; M ack and Betty Cope Doss; Lloyd and Peggy Far- ihing:RogerandClaraForrcstPowell; Carmen Green Price and sister Edrie;CharlesandPhylVisGrcenWil- liams; George and Lena Haire; B illie Harm on Bean; John and Nancy Hodgson: J.C. and Carol Hutchens; M ack and Betly ljames George; Paul and Letty ljames Hinshaw: Kenneth and Virginia Lanier; Tom Meroney: John and Josephine M iller Davis; Dean and Carolyn Murray; Harrell Powell Jr.; Peteand Mary Sue Rankin Ann Dean Robertson Newsome: Everett and Dianne Sain; Mack and BcttySpcnccrFoster,JimandCarolyn Taylor. Keith and Patricia Tutterow; VestalandJerry1eneVickRiddle;R.G. and Julia W right Wooten. E d u c a t io n B e g in s T o H e lp P u b lic L e a r n F o o d L a b e lin g L a w s It’s time for fouU manufacturcn> to make preparations and lor the public to he educated about the U.S. Fixxl Nutri­ tion Labeling Act. said a N.C. State University professor. “Some companies support it because the labeling nukes their product look good." said Dr. John Rushing, an asso­ ciate professor o f food science and a specialist with the Cooperative Exten­ sion Service at NCSU. F oroihm , particularly smallcrcom- panics, the law. uhich w ill dictate more extensive labels, w ill cost more money. ‘Technically, thcy'rc not gcared up for the labeling. They're not industry specialists with teams o f scientists,” Rushing said. Full nutritional labeling is now re­ quired only w hena food product makes a nutritional claim orwhen the product • such as m ilk or enriched bread - is fortified. Under the new law, uhich becomes effective next May. nutritional labeling w ill be mandatory for most processed foods. Exempt w ill be small busines>es with less than S50,000 in annual sales. In addition to packaging their prod­ ucts with the more complcx labels, manufacturers w ill bc required to ana- lyzcthcirproducKwhcneverthcymakc ingredient or processing changes. The labels w ilt have to include infor­ mation on such things as fat, calories, caloties from fat. total fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, sugars, fiber, protein, sodium, v itamins A and C. calcium and It w ill be optional to feature informa­ tion on such nutrients as potassium, sugaralcohols, thiamin, riboflavin, nia­ cin. vitamin B6. zinc and iodine. Thia­ min. riboflavin and niacin w ere manda­ tory in the past. The trend toward eating foods that are low infat and cholestcrul and high in llherand protein make the labeling law palatable. “ If the consumer uscs it. it w ill be beneficial." Rushing said. M1 think it's going to take a lot o f training to teach consumers to read the labels. I suspect it'll probably take 10 years before it's useful information to consum crV Rushing and other extension spe­ cialists w ill help educate food proces­ sors and consumers. Cooperative Extension is holding a nutritionallabelingconfcrcnceAug.23- 24 at NCSU in conjunction with the N.C. Deparment o f Agriculture, the USDA. the U.S. Dcpanment o f Agri­ culture, the Association o f Food and Drug Officials and the Food Proces­ sors Institute. Geared toward processors, the con- fcrcnccwillfeaturcaworkshoponwhat thc law involves and how manufactur- crs nccd to rework their labels. Rushing and others also w ill work with food agents in each county and w ith state and local regulatory person­ nel. Couple To Marry M r. and Mrs. Charles Eaton ofRoute 8, M ocksville announce the engage* m cntof theirdaughter, Kim Renee Eaton. toJim m y Summers, son ofM r. and Mrs. Jim Summers o f Route 6. Mocksville. The bride-elect is a graduate o f Davie High School and Hairstylist Academy. She is employed at Individually You in Clemmons. Summers is a graduate o f Davie High School. He is employed as a brick mason for Benge Masonry. The wedding is planned for Aug. 7 at Eaton's Baptist Church. toNtmlPARK!l w" * * X h F E A T U R IN G : ^ ^ #* Saturday * July 3 * Rich Park * 7:30pm Gates Open At 6pm • Admission $5 Per Car Bring Lawnchairs, Picnic Baskets, Blankets, Etc., FOR A FUN NIGHT! SPONSORED BY:MOCKSVILLE SAVINGS BANK & DAVIE COUNTY ARTS COUI C6 - DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRI'RISK RKCORI), Tlmrsiliiy, June 24,1993 Special Themes Highlight Library’s Summer Reading Program Vrcsclux>l and Todiller Summer Program a( the M ain Library w ill be Tuesday, Jimc 29, 11 a.m., "Advcn* turc Sw irl": prcscliool, "Sailing the High Seas!**; wdtllcr, "T lic Sky’s ilie Lim it!” School Agc Proyrum at the main library on Monday, Junc 28,7 p.m.. w ill bc the "Luscious Cooking Con­ test." Prvregister und tum in a recipe no later than Junc 24. Recipes w ill go into a cookbook to be given ou< tlie night o f lhc contest. Enter any type dish. Aftcrthejudging.join the feast. Y A (Young Adultscnteringgrades 7*12) Pn>gramat the main library can eam library bucks to be u<cd at an auction partyonJuly 29. Library bucks arc earned by reading books and by attending programs. Thursday, June 24. 6:30-8 p.m. at the main library, bring your favorite homemade dish (with a copy o f the recipe). Chef J.P. W ilmart from Bermuda Village w ill show how to make dishes more ap­ pealing. NliNV BOOKS n crioN The !)n>ki'ti L m il, l;m Mi'Don;ilU Kvt*ry C rtiokvd N tm iiy, Kath; Hogan Trovheek. T |tf H t'K R im ’ R hlv, Theresi Nelson. H er Own Vlucu, Uori Sanders. Ktill Krom Grace, Andrew M. C otiiru<lc C h n rllc , B rian Freemantle. W hispers, Belva Plain. H|ood Rules, John Trenhailc. Angel, Uarhani Taylor. I'll Be ScchiR You, Mary Higgins Clark. The Cut W ho W ent Into The Closet, Lilian Jackson Braun. D w ithya DunwooUy, M atron. Patricia Sprinkle. NONFICTION H orow itz; Hls l.ife And Music. Harold C. Schonberg. T he F in a l P rophecies O f Nostradamus, Hrika Cheethani. The Tlm elessness O f Jesus C hrist: IIk Rclevttiice lrt Today's W orld. Richard C. Halverson. Seeds o f Greatness; The Ten Best-KeptSecretsO fTohil.Sucm s, Denis W aitley. 1066: The Y ear O f The Con- quest, David Howarth. Seeds O f D isquiet; One Deaf W om ati's Experience. Cheryl M. Hcppner. D r,l,arr)S llver'sA dvlceT u Par- Tarheels At Turrentine The Tarheel Slate Quartet will be singing at Turrentine Baptist Church on Sunday, June 27, at 7 p.m. For more information, contact the Rev. Billy Sloop at 998-2366. There is no admission, but a love ollering will be accepted. Four Corners News By M arie W hite Four Corners Correspondent M r. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. Mr. Ronnie Smith. M r. and Mrs. Charles Smith and daughter, and M r. and Mrs. Richard Smith and Brad had Father's Day lunch w ith their father, Kenny Smith and Mrs. Kenny Smith Sunday at Western Steer. Gene and Zachary Shelton o f Ra­ leigh. M r. and Mrs. L.S. Shelton Jr.. and Christopher Shore had Father’s Day lunch with M r. and Mrs. Dana Triplett and children Sunday. A large crow d attended the Dixon- Shelton Reunion la tf Sunday at Bonkin Lake. Mrs. Joyce Parrish is on the sick list. We arc wishing her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. M ark W hite were Sunday dinner gue<tsofM r. and Mrs. Joe White. M r. and Mrs.JoeW hite visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carr Harpe Monday night. Kathy Young To Give Concert Sunday, June 27, at 2 p.m. at Fork Baptist Church. Kathy Young w ill giveaconcen. C hnsttan w ho sharestheloveof Jcsusthroughher testim ony song, was reared inthechurch, be­ gan singing as a youngchild.sing- tng for numerous church services.Young meetings, and civic groups through- out Colorado. She is married to a minister, the Rev. R. Vincent Young, and they have three children. Shawn, Shannon and Shalene. For the past sixyears she has served as minister o f music at Courtney Bap­ tist Church, where Young is pastor, taught private piano and voice les­ sons, and has taught at West Yadkin School. The Rev. Ken Hvans is the pastor and Fred W ilson is the music director. Fork Baptist Church is located on U.S. 64 six miles east o f M ocksville. Residential Commercial '<*ning Se^' Bonded • Insured * Licensed 919-998-7174 Serving the Triad u \Ve do it a ll - Give us a catV' Hom es • Af><trtm cnt$ • O ffic e s C orfw rdte Lotf#iing * Post C o n stru ctio n * C h tM o u scs enlx O n A ltenlltm -D cficll H yper­ a ctivity Disorder, Larry ». Silver. Keeping K ikiv, A llls to ry O f G ardening In Am erica, Massachu­ setts Horticultural Society. HE!EHHNCE N orth C arolina G lvlng: The D i­ rectory' o f the State's Foundations, 19V3 edition: Descriptions of groups offering financial support loan exten­ sive variety o f programs. Jmliciesgive access to groups (1) through the sub­ ject areas o f awards (such as educa­ tion. child welfare, crim inal justice, beautification efforts, literacy, parks and recreation, music, and religious programs among many, .many oth­ ers). (2)lhrotigh the county where the group is located, and (3) through the names o f individuals connected with the foundations. For inform ation ahout joining FViends o f ihe Library, call Deborah Seats at 634-2023. M ocksvllle L ib ra ry Hours Monday 9.8:30 Tuesday y-8:30 Wednesday V-8:30 Thursday 9-8:30 Friday y-5;30 Saturday 9-4 Sunday 2-5 Coolvemee l.ih ra ry Hours Monday Noon-6 Tuesday-Friday 10-5 Closed for Lunch 12:30-1:30 S p i r i t u a l R e s o u r c e s W e d d i n g s & M a r r i a g e By The Rev, Ham pton M organ Jr. June is the month forweddings. Morecouples tie the kno(during this lhiny-day period than in any other. Pastors at some o f the larger churches have been knownto conduct tw o or three w eddings on a single day in June. No sooner has one happy couple said their vows and headed o ff for the reception than the custodians and florists are busy setting up for the next ceremony. lhavcofficiatedatandattendcdquiteanum berofweddingsovcrthe years. Just when I think 1 have seen every thing go wrong that can possibly go w rong, I see something else. Thcre was the time, years ago in the V irgin Islands, when the bride and her fatherarrived forty minutes late. Panicked by theirdisastrously late arrival, they quickly added catastrophe to calamity by rushing down the aisle and taking their placc at the altar before the groom, best man and 1 had any idea what was happening. When we finally slipped in and took our places, everyone's emotions had unraveled. The bride was distraught and embarrassed, and her father was frauIed. Then. w hen I looked down at the groom, the expression on his face terrified me. I prayed he did not have a gun in histuxedo. I believe he would have used it. I am still not certain he ever said. “ I do." It was not a happy occasion. A t another wedding - where I was a guest - it became evident midw ay through the ceremony that something w as not right. Members ofthe wedding pany were whispering to one anothcrwhifethe minister was trying to extol the virtues o f marriage. The groom was w hispering to the best man. who was gesturing to someone sitting w ith the guests. Hvcn the bride tumed around and mouthed a silent message to her nmiher. A t length lhe mother excused herself and returned three or foui minutes later, handing something to the best man. It was the ring. Through it ail the minister demonstrated that he had (earned his seminary lessons well. He kept talking, and thatwonderful smile never left his face. When I preside at a wedding. I try to anticipate any numberofthings that van go wrong. I coach the best man to pick up any rings that are accidentally dropped. I tell the maid o f honor to remember to help the bride w ith her gown and bouquet. I remind the couple not to bum themseh c< with the unity candle. And I even carry a handkerchief to extend toanyonc whu>e tearsgct outofhand. 1 learned thatone the hard Once,lperform edacerem onyforacoupleofdifferentnationalities. The bride w as from the United States and the groom w as a Frenchman. During the ceremony he became so filled w ith the emotion o f the moment that he began to weep uncontrollably and his nose began (odrip profusely. A veritable river. A ll over his tuxcdo. 1 watched helplessly. Finally, he grabbed a pocket handkerchief from his best man's coat and blew his nose loudly. The bride was really touched. And I learned to carry a handkerchief. Several >ears ago, 1 discovered that I was ro t prepared for just anything. It was a small wedding *• bride, groom, close fam ily mem- B y T h e R e v . H a m p t o n M o r g a n x A m Z '3 T > bers. I had led the couple through their vow s, the exchanging o f rings, and so on. I indicated for them to kneel and pronounced the blessing. Helping them both to their feet, I nodded to the groom to signal that the ceremony wasoverand that he couldkisshis new w ife. Before he could do so, she smiled broadly, reached up and kissed an astonished me. Such a look on a groom’s face I never want to w itness again. The Bible introduces Adam and Eve as not only the first members o f the human fam ily, but as the first married couple. Their w edding ceremony was rather uncomplicated compared to most that I perform. After creating her out o f Adam*s own body, God presents Eve to her husband. Understanding immediately w ho she is and what is going on, Adam exclaims "A t la>t!" The story doses w ith this simple statement about marriage. "Therefore shall a man leave his fatherand his mother, and shall ctcave unto his w ife; and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) In his outstanding little book, I M arried You. the late Walter Trobisch says that Genesis 2:24 is "like a deep well filled w ith clear drinking water. You can lower your pail jnto it as long as you live and it w ill never come up empty." It presents three essentials for marriage: leaving, cleaving and becoming one fiesh. "Leaving" involves two things. First, there is the declaration o f the intent to marry. This involves such things as the public announcement o f the marriage, the securing o f a marriage license, and the request for parental btessing. Second, leaving involves both a physical and emo­ tional departure from the homes o f the couple's birth and upbringing to begin a new- home. "Cleaving," the second essential for marriage, includes the aspects o f love and commitment. Love, not just in the sense o f romantic attachment, but love in the sense o f faithfulness, respect, care, and commitment. This kind oflove is basedon promises and hard work. The resuli, which is expressed in a more accurate translation o f the Hebrew word "cleave," is that husband and w ife are "glued" together. Finally, marriage requires a husband and wife to "become one flesh." This describes the sexual aspect o f the relationship. Marriage is thconlybiblicallyrecognizedcontextforascxualrclationshipbeiwecn male and female. W ithin marriage, however, the mutual givingofone's sexual powers to the spouse is highly encouraged and greatly blessed. Marriage has been aroundalongtim e. Even inourgencration. when so many marriages have failed, women and men continue to desire the blessing and happiness o f matrimony. The basic ingredients o f such were defined from the beginning - leaving, cleaving, and becoming one flesh. Marriages that grow and flourish w ill ever seek to leam the w isdom embedded in these three thing>. Support These Local Businesses MOCKSVILLE BUILDERS SUPPLY "Together We Do It Better” South Main Street 704-634-5915 SEAF0RD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, N.C. 27028 704-634-5148 JOHNN. McDANIEL & SONS Attend The Church Of YourCholce Hwy. 601 S., Mocksvllle 704-634-3531 Compliments of DAVIE COUNTY FARM BUREAU 977 Yadklnville Road Mocksvllle, N.C. 704-634-6207 J. P. QREEN MILLING CO., INC. Mikers of DAISY FLOUR We Cuitom Blend Depot St., Mocksvllle, N.C. 704-634-2126 EATON FUNERAL HOME A Tntilition o f C(irin$.... }25 Nonh Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 704^34-2148 FOSTER-RAUCH DRUG COMPANY Wllkesboro Street Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-2141 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. Route 6, Box 153 Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-492-5565 J O H N N IE M . T IL L E Y P E S T C O N TR O L S E R V IC E ‘StrviCM For Over 21 Ytwt' loe4ty Owrwd A Optrattd • Retidentlri • Commercial• lnduatrial • Institutional 'Inspection Upon RequosV Mockavilte 634*8600 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-2167 FULLER WELDING & FABRICATORS P.O. Box 821 Hwy. 601 S. Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028 704-634-3712 JEFFC0 CO., INC. M inuttcturer 01 Halr Sa/on Equ/pment • In The Hiltsdate Community Route 1 Advance, N.C. 27006 • 919-998-8193 A C E HARDWARE Of B *rm uds Quay Bermuda Quay Shopping Center Highway 158, Advance, N.C. 27006 a t a . M M M 7 Willow Oak Shopping C«nt«r Mocksvllle |fflm B D REALTY Hllladale Prolew lonal Park Highway 158 4 801, Advance 998-8816 CLEMMONSBODY SHOP Com plete Paint & Bodywork Foreign & Domestic DON JONH, Owner & Operator 5974 BecknerSt., Winston-Salem 919-766-8002 -Attend The Church Of Your Choice- I)AVlK COUNTY KNTEKl’KlSE RECORD, ThursUuy,Junc 24, 1993 - C7 O b i t u a r i e s Roy A. Williams M r. Roy Adam W illiam s. 85, o f Roulc 9. Oak Grove Church Road. Mix'ksvil1c,died early M onday, June2t. l993.in Forsyth M em o­ rial Hospital af­ ter a year o f de­ clining health. Funeral ser­ vices u erc to be ot 2 p.m . W c d c n e s d a y . June 23. in Oak Grove United Meth* pdistchurchwiththe Revs. Ron Mann and Donald Funderburk officiating. Burial was to follow in the church cemetery. - Memorials may be made to Oak Grove United Methodist Church or the Cemetery Fund o f Oak Grove Church. Route 9, M ocksville. NC 27028. Mr. W illiams was bom in Davic County Sept. 14, 1907, to the late Roben Lee and Nancy RebeccaSum- m en W illiam s and was retired from the N.C. Department o f Transporta­ tion w ith 26 years o f service. He had been a life long member ofOak Grove "United methodist church where he had served as Sundqay School Super­ intendent. was a charter member o f the United Methodist Men and many other capacities o f the church and Sunday School administration. He w as an avid campcr and fisherman and was a well known Samaritan in the Oak Grove Church community. Hewaspreceded in death by three sisters and twobrothers. Survivors include: his wife o f 65 >ears, Annie Beeding W illiam sof the home, and seteral nieces and neph­ ews and cousins. LioIa H. Wardlaw U ola Hairston Wardlaw, 66. of Advance, died Tuesday. June 15. 1993. at Forsyth Memorial Hospital, Winston-Salem after being in declin­ ing h4ealth. The funeral was Saturday. June 19, at Piney Grove United Methodist Church,conductedby the Rev. Charles Watkins. Burial was in the church cemetery. Bom in Davidson County Sept. 25,1927, Mrs. Wardlaw was a daugh­ ter o f the )ate Baxter and M ary Hairston. A homemaker, she was a m cm berofPineyGroveUnitcdMcth- odist Church. She w as preceded in death by her husband. Lewis Wardlaw. Survivors include: one son. Baxter Hairston o f Asheboro; three grand­ children; three great-grandchildren; nine stepchildren; and une sister. Margaret Peoples o f Advance. William "Bill" Cody M r. W illiam Tasbia "B ill" Co<ly, 29, o f Black Mountain, died unex­ pectedly Saturday, June 19, 1993. at the Black Mountain Rehabilitation Center. The body w ill be sent to Noble and Kelsey Funeral Home in Salisbury pending completion o f funeral ar­ rangements. Bom Aug. 20, 1963, in Davie County. Cody was a son o f the late Booker T. and Magdalene W ilson Cody. He graduated from Davie High School and was last employed by Drexel Heritage Furniture Co. in Marion. Survivors include: his maternal grandfather.FloydW ilsonofHickory; his patemal grandmother. Rorence Cody o f Greensboro; six brothers, John Cody and Elmer Van Eaion. both o f M ocksville, Booker S. and Sam Cody, both o f Winston-Salem. Floyd Cody o f Statesville and Ed­ ward Cody o f Washington. D.C. Also, four sisters, Dianna Cody o f Salisbury, M ary Cody and Brida W ilkins, both o f M ocksville. and Deborah Cody o f Winston-Salem. Cochrane On Ethics Board Sen. Betsy Cochranc(R-Davic) has beenappointedtotheLegislativeEth- ics Committee, This appointment is until 1995. ThisJoint Legislative EthicsCom- mittce reviews actions o f members of the General Assembly to determine whether the standard o f ethical be­ havior has been violated. Cochrane servcdaschairmanofthispccrreview committee in 1991-92. Jimmy Lee Spillman M r. Jimmy Lee Spillman. 59. of Route 2, Yadkinvillc, died Sunday. June 20. 1993. at the N.C. Baptist Hospital. He was bom June 10, 1934. in Yadkin County to Benjamin lsaacamJ GoldieAdamsSpi11man.Mr.Spillman was a member o f Forbush Baptist Church and a poultry fanner. He was m arried to Margaret Dinkins Spillman. Surviving arc: his wife, o f the home; one daughter, Annie Marie Spillman o f the home; one sister, A nhnette H obson o f D avidson County;andthrecbrothers,Benjamin C. Spillm.in o f Yadkinville. Herman Spillm an o f Advance, and Calvin Spillman o fM t. A ir)’. Funeral services were Tuesday, June 22. in the Mackie-Gentry Fu­ neral Chapel by the Rev. W illm an Eaton. Burial followed in the Forbush Baptist Church cemetery. Grover A. Hayncs Mr. Grover Allen Haynes. 58, of Route 2, Harmony, died Thursday. June 17. 1993. at lredell Memorial Hospital in Statesville. He was bom in Yadkin County to HurleyJ. and Ina Renigar Haynes. He was a memberofSandy Springs Bap­ tist Church and a farmer. Surviving are: his wife. Nancy Seats Haynesofthe home:one daugh­ ter, Sandra Ha> nes Adams o f Ronda; three sons. Dean and Dale Haynes, both o f Harmony, and Harold Gray HaynesofYadkinville;sixgrandchil- dren;hismotherofHarm ony;andone brother. J.P. Haynes o f Harmony. The funeral was Sunday. June 20. at Sandy Springs Baptist Church by ihe Revs. David Kiser and Grady Trivette. Burial was in the church cemetery. Martha K. I’tige Mrs. Martha Lee Reavis Page. 60, o f Route 4. Pineridge Road. Mocks- villcd icd Monday. June21.1993, in Davie County Hospital after several years o f declining health. Mrs. Page was bom A pril 27.1933. in Yadkin County to the late David M artin Reavis and Daisey Lindley Reavis. She was a homemaker and was educated at W oodleaf School. The funeral w as tobchcld Wednes­ day. June 23, at Needmore Baptist Church,conducted by the Revs. James W hite and Ken Evans. Burial was to follow in the church cemetery. Mrs. Page was prcccded in death by five brothers. B il!y Joe Reavis. DavidM .ReavisJr..Jim Reavis.Paul Reavis and Jack Reavis. S u rvivin g are: her husband, Lawrence Page o f Route 4, Mocks- Kelly P. Bowman Mr.Ke1lyPoindextcrBowman,38. o f Rt. 2, Mocksville. died Saturday. June 20. 1993, at the N.C. Baptist Hospital. A graveside service w as to be held Wednesday, June 23, al 11 a.m. at the Yadkin Valley Baptist Church cem­ etery by the Rev. Ronnie Craddock. M r. Bowman was born in W in­ ston-Salem on July 30. 1954, to Charles and Nellie Norman Bow man. He was a lifelong resident o f W in- ston-Salem and had resided in Davic County for the past two years. M r. Bowman was o f the Moravian faith. H eissurvivedby:hiswife,Brenda Lou Smith Bow man ofthe home: two sons. Oscar Norm an and K elly Poindexter Bowman Jr.. both o f the home. Also surviving arc two sisters, Mrs. Shirley Ann Shouse o f Califor- 7 2>atj W a ifo k i M a u i Yaw. HftuiftUftR Dteaw UacaUau Our ttctk tong lutury vacation to WaikiKiAhui ^ | ^ Q 4 * oten to )oum cry need. *jL t-n p ** .r<tuJed } Si|*i X»r * U<*^it V*f**W-*<u W!rUrl.**..l»1 l>i.<*f<* !"»«I»Mm*t titilu<kf>1rtVl ft«ti ki pffUrfi<gl i(<vTf4unrMtf> llieyi*nOwm<<i4l B^tilW<*m*>* I «tfd inpi/i"«lrt» #<I*W 5Nn*iS»t*U*»p*k«w wwlmNMt S««i e<.rti*Miw l.!l,.r{l *<rN<o NtUUUVUIUfO WJ*d>f*fTf UeU<feil M1IW|*IJ M f«.4»«» ■> 1^* **i/t>IJf tfU «ev.«# Vfi> I Davie Travel Downtown Mocksville 704-634-2359 '^ * fw t» w u » > i^ t-.t»•<;.:t*'i °«ttrxtw t:ui '•: ^M ville; two daughters. Martha Diane njaand KathyC.CannonofAtw ood. Mays and Margie Ruth Taylor, both Ga . an aunti Emma Spach; and a ofR oute l.W oodleaf; fourstepsons, famj|y friend. Jane Craven. Robert Thomas Page and Dennis ^ funeral arrangements are by Albert Page. both ofRoute 4. Mocks- VogIer and Sons Main Slree, Chapel, ville. W illiam B illy Lercy Page o f Winston-Salem. New land, and Jerry Wayne Page o f South Carolina; four grandchildren: seven stepgrandchildren; six great­ grandchildren; four stepgrcat-grand- children; one brother. Jerry G. Reavis o f Route I . Harmony; and f i\ e sisters, Mrs. Maude Reavis Gunter o f Route 1, W oodleaf. M rs. Louise Reavis SteelmanofRouto9,MocksvilIc,Mr*. Elizabeth Reavis Rushing of Route 3, M ocksville. M rs. Bobbie Reavis CranfordofCoofeemeeandMrs.Betty Reavis Thies o f Gladstone Road. Mocksville. Ruby R. Dunn Mrs.RubyRidenhourDunn.69,of E rw in Street, Cooleem ee died Wednesday,June 16.1993,at Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury. A graveside service was held Fri­ day. June 18. at Legion Memorial Park in Cooleemee. conducted by the Rev. Joe Collins. M em orials may be made to Cooleemee United Methodist Church, Cooleemee. SC 27014. She was bom March 5. 1924, in Davie County, a daughter o f the late Cicero Franklin and Saliy McDaniel Ridenhour. She was a member of Cooleemee First United Methodist Church and had been emplo>ed at Erwin M ills. Fiber Industries, and Davie County Hospital. Surv iving are: one daughter. Bar­ bara Chapman o f Coo!eemee; two grandchildren; four sisters. Frances CarterofM ocksville. Margaret Beck o f Cooleem ee. N e ll Jordan o f Salisbury and Nancy BeckofW alnut Cove;andonebrother.BudRidenhour o f Cooleemee. She w as preceded in death by her husband, Fred Elmer Dunn, and a brother. James F. Ridenhour. Frances P. Long Mrs. Frances Pulliam Long. 75. of 2664 Weymouth Rd.. Winston-Sa­ lem died Sunday. June 20. 1993, at her home. She was born Nov. 18. 1917, in Forsyth County to Roy C. and Mamie Linda B. Young Mrs. Linda Burton Young. 89. for­ merly o f Route I. Cleveland, died Monday.June 21. l993.inFiseO aks Nursing Center in Concordwhere she had been a resident for the past 7*1/2 years. Funeral serv ices w ere Tuesday in Yadkin Streams Part Of Study Selected streams in the YadkirvVcc Dcc River Basin w ill he sampled b> volunteers from Forsyth. Surry, Stokcs,Yadkinand Daviecounties July 31 to determine water quality. Volunteers w ill he conducting Bcthnic Monitoring, a low co>t mcthtxl of determining a strvanVs health b> the prvsencc or absence o f certain organ­ isms, such as ma>flies, stonctlics and caddisflies. A similar Bcthnic monitor­ ing project was conducted on the Catawba River Basin lasi >ear. The YadkirtfPcc Dev project is part ofa regional watcrquality project w hkh w ill be coordinated by ltxal council of governments throughout the basin Eatons Funeral Home Chapel with - Oihcr councils o f government in the M r. Randal Burton officiating. Burial project include: Piedm ont Triad was in the Jericho Church o f Christ cemetery. Memorials n u \ be nude to the N.C. Chapter o f Al/heim ers Disease Research. 836 Oak Street. Winston* Salem. NC 27101. Mrs. Young was bom June 29, 1903, in Rowan County to the late W illiam H. and Annie Wyatt Burton and had been a homemaker. She w as a member o f the Jericho Church of Christ and had been a well known community volunteer. Her husband. Samuel Monroe Young.preveded her in death in 1985, and a son, Earl Young, died in 1979. Survivors include: her daughter, M rs. Frank (P o lly ) Baca o f Kannapolis; a son. M itchell C. Young, also o f Kannapolis; five grandchil­ dren; 11 great-grandchildren;andone brother. W . Paul Burton of Accokeek, Md. Martha Dunn Howard Manha Mae Dunn Howard, 62, of Euclid, Ohio, a former resident o f M ocksville. died Sunday. June 13. 1993. at Meredian Huron Hospital in Cleveland. Ohio, after being in de­ clining health. The funeral was Friday. June 18,in the chapel o f Morrison-Studevent Funeral Home, Mocksvil!e,conducted by Elder Wade Rose. Burial was in (Greensboro). W estern Piedmont (Hickory), Pee Dee (Rockingham)and CcniraJina (Charlotte). Funding for the project is thn>ugh a grant by the Div ision ofEnvirvnment.d Management. Volunteers interested in participat­ ing may contact Chuck Sams at t9h>) 727-0663 or Don Donadio at i 9 19 1'N)- 0922 after hours and on weekends. Area's U rgest Selection ol Grar>dfaUier Clocks and Wall and Mantel Clocks ALWAYS 30% TO 50% OFF SUGG. RETAIL Brass Beds and Worid Globes O L D T O W N C L O C K S H O P 3738 REYNOLDA ROAD PHONE 924* 8807 ,MON.-FRI. 9:30-5:30; SAT. 10-5, TatumPulliam. Mrs. Long spent most the National Cemetery o f Salisbury. ofher life in Forsyth and Davie coun­ ties and attended Catawba College. She was a mem ber o f Advant M oravian Church, a member o f Mocksville Womans Club and the Ladies Circle at Advent Moravian Church. She was a substitute teacher in the Forsyth and Davie County schools. She was preceded in death by a son. Kenneth E. Long. Surviving are: her husband. Fred E. Long, whom she married on Feb. 2 1,1939; tw o sons and daughters-in- law, Stephen and Dianne Mahaffey Long o f Greensboro and Alan and Judy Perrell Long o f Danbury; four grandchildren; three godchildren; three sisters. Dorothy K. Retzer o f West Palm Beach. Fla., Audrey Dickey o f Kings Mountain and Gail Westbrook o f West Palm Beach. Ha. Graveside services w ere tobe held Wednesday. June 23. at Westlawn Gardens o f Memory, Clemmons by lhe Rev. Roger Kim ball. Memorials may be made to A d­ vent Moravian Church or Hospice of Winston-SalenVFyrsyth County. Bom Jan. II, 1931, in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Howard wasadaughterof the late Robert and Doretha Dobbins Dunn. She was a homemaker. Herhusband,GaitherHoward.died in 1966. Surviving are: one son, A lvin Dunn o f the home; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren;andonebrother, Robert Dunn o f Clevleand. Ohio HOW TO REACH YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE N .C . Rep. Julia Howard Davie Countv 1021 legIsl*lve Btdg. Ralelgh, NC 27601*1096 Raleigh (919) 733-5904 Home: (704) 634-3754 OWce; (704) 634-3536 m ^DINOSAURS AREN’T US PETS A N D SUPPLIES FISH1 BIRDS - REPTILES • SMALLANIMALS Locateil next to K -M a rt G arden Slu>|> 6000 Market Square Court • Suite 18 Clemmons 0 . u & (919) 766-0281 Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm 10% Senior Citizens Discount $ FREE Blood Pressure Check .Y < & c > ' # > V Z k f i X p \ L a s t . 0 S » H V Sunday In A ^ Each MonthEach Month June 27,1993 1:30 • 5:00 PM $5.00 Charge F o s t e r - R a u c h D r a g C o . Lowes Shopping Clr. • Wilkesboro Street • Mocksville, NC 704-634-2141 N. .M jin > tl.v l A Tradition of Caring.... S e rv in g tlii' c itiz e n s o f l) iiv ic C u u n ty a n d s u rro u n d in g c o m m u n itie s , w ith th e c a re a n d u n d e rs ta n d in g th a t ca n o n ly he p ro v id e d hy in d iv id u a ls w h o a re u n c o m p ro m is in g ly c o m m itte d lo m e e tin g th e needs o f th e ir lo ca l c o m m u n ity . E A T O N F U N E R A L H 0 M E "0 4 -c v 4 -2 t4 S N K k> ulU - NC ri>2.< 0wningan American classic issimple. The Coronet Classic puls such time-honored American virtues as performance, durability and quality construction into a riding mower with the one thing all Americans want: value. Stop in and see one today. Plus, see the optional Mulching/Leaf Shredding attachment that elimi- 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nates raking and bagging while nourishing your lawn. The Coronet Classic. 0nly S1499...and only at your Simplicity dealer. I Simplicity O utdoor Pow er E quipm ent % _ W e s t e r n A u t o ^ W H ^ ^ The Auto Supply Company j y 766-9109 ' i ^ ^ 1329 Lew isvillfrC lem m ons Road. Lew isville CS - DAVIE COUNTV KNTEKl’KISE RECORD, Thursday, .l(ine 24,1993 CornatzerMethodistChurch First Organized In 1902 By Belly Jvnit tiowvns Oiua'h lliMorian In J 902, .i small group o f people In the Comatzcr community bought a liousc ncar ihc present Comat/cr-Dulin Fire Department and organized the Comat/er Methodist Churvh. Thc Rcv. M.H. Vestal was the first pastor and Tom Comatzer was thc first SundaySchoolsupcrimcndcnt.Follow- Ing Vestal as early pastorsof lhe church wcrc: the Revs. W .M . Curtis, C.S. Patrick, LLSm iihartdR cv. Fem'ngion. In 1911, Ance Comatzer gave an acre o f land threc*tcnths ofa ntilc north ofthcprcsentchurchsite.TheoIdhousc in which the church was first organized was lomdown, moved and rebuilt at thc new sitc. This was completed in 1914 withlhc Rcv. J.M. Vamcras pastorand Frank Bailey as Sunday School super­ intendent. Olhcrearly pastors wcrc: thc Rcvs. E. Myers, Rev. Snow, J.H. Brcndall,W .M.Rathbum,r.EHowanl. P.LSmith,J.C.Gcntry,Rcv.Trollingcr, L L . Lyerly, and Foster Lot1in. Early Sunday School superinicn* dcnts were: Georgc McDaniel, Dave Potts, and Mary Allen. Early mcmbcrsof thc church and the year lhcy joined: M r. and Mrs. Tont Comatzcr, tdaJanc McDaniel Hendrix, Mr.andMre.CiccroSmith, 1902;Frank Uailcy, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Bowcns, Agnes McDaniel, Minnie McDaniel M clton, Sallic Nail, 1904; Gcorgc McDanicl, 1909; Jessie Comatzcr and Jack Joncs, 1911. Leona Bowens, 89, is the oldest sur­ viving church member. She was recog­ nized in January for having perfect at- tcndancc at church in 1992, her l9th year o f perfect attendance. On Oct. 4. 1950, thc late Albert E. Bowens purchased 2.4 acresoflandand gavcilforbuildingancwchurvh.Charlic Vogler gave an adjoining acre for a cemetcry. A meeting o f the congrega­ tion was held at thc old churvh and a building committee was elected. The building o f l)ie present churvh was startedin 1951 and completed in 1952. Thc pews and pulpit fumilurc were purchased for thc church. Lighting fix­ tures in thc old church wen: removed and restored by George McDaniel and arc still In use. Thc church bcll was nrovedfmmthcoldchurchtothcpresent location and is still operable. Frec o f debt, thc church was dedi­ cated in 1954 wiih the Rev. W illiam AndcrsonaspastorandGarlandBowcns asSundaySchoolsuperintcndcnt.Latcr pastors wcrc: thc Rcvs. D.D. Broomc, Cameron Dodson, and Carl A. Lain. Duringthcl964-1967tcnnthatLam was pastor, a new educational building was started. Thc Rev. Forrest Church followed as pastor for onc year and during Church’s term, thc educational building was comp!cicJ. On Sunday, Junc28,1970, dedication services were held with Presiding Bishop. Earl G. Hum Jr.. and District Superintendent, Dr. Charles G.Beamon Jr. taking part. Thc Rev. Ardis Paync was pastor. Following Lain as pastor: the Revs. Dwight Ludwig (1967*1968), Forrest Church (1968-1969), Ardis Paync (1969-1973), Jack l.uthcr( 1973-1981), Rex Gibbs (l9tiM 984>, D ill Fanner ( 1984-1987). Thc Rcv. Alvin Popc be­ came pastor in 1987 and is in his sixth Past Sunday School superintendents not previously mentioned: Kcrm it Shoaf, Derry Bamhardt. Bob Ha>es, Tim Allcn and Bob Whitaker. Alvin Whitaker and Boh Powe are current superintendents with M icluel Pope and G.Vcmon Hendrix Sr. as assistants. Three past superintendents. Derry Barnhardt,Kerm it Shoaf and Bob Whitaker, were called into thc profes­ sional ministry. Bamhardt and Sluuf are in the M ethodist Conference ‘Musical Extravaganza’ Is Sunday At The Brock D. Gray Productions w ill sponsor a "musical extravaganza" at 3 p.m. Sun­ day at the Brock Auditorium. A ll churches, youth groups and lo­ cal choirs are invited. Admission w ill beS2. Featured groups w ill be "Friend< in Christ" ofM ocksville, ~The Ambassa­ dors o f Christ" o f Barber, T h e Revela­ tions" o f Kannapolis, "B rother RaymondGray"ofWoodIeaf.thcyoung adulUofFrcedomMissionofWood!eaf, and "Eternity" o f Morganton. Special guest w ill beThurman Lilly, producer o f Gospel Expo on WGHP TV-8 in High Point. Donatd E. Gray is the writer, direc­ tor and producer o f the musical play "Destruction" which was held at thc Brock Auditorium a few months ago. The play shows the effects o f drugs, including crack cocaine and alcohol, can have on young people. The play w ill be performedat Ovens Auditorium, Charlotte, in December. He hopes to utke the show to Atlanta next year. He w ill hold auditions for the play on Thursday, July 8 in Mocksville and Salisbury. Gray, o f Woodleaf, is the grandson o f Bishop W .O.K. Gray and the late Whitaker is in the Baptist ministry. A ll threc arc active ln thcir ministries. Iti 1965, Garland Bowcns gave 1.1 acres for it parking urcii. On Jan. 30, 1969, Comatzcr orga­ nized a charter o f United Methodist Women when Ardis Paync was pastor. Iiitheearly l970s, the church sanc­ tuary was remodeled, including brick­ ing the outside o f the church sanctuary and constructing a new stccplc on top. Thclighledbrickoutdoorhuilctinboard in front o f thc church was crcctcd and the sidewalks wcrc ccmentcd. New car­ pet was installed in thc sanctuary and thc windows wcrc replaced with ncw staincdg1assmcmorialwindows,givcn by church members in memory o f orin honor o f loved ones. In thc mid-1970s, air conditioning was installed in thc sanctuary and thc parking lot and driveways wcrc pavcd. ln 1986, thc project to pad and cover" thc church pcws was started and was succcssfulwithchurchmcmbcredonat- ing a pew in memory o f or in honorof a lovcU onc, Also in 1986, Bob Powe becamca certified lay speaker. I n 1991* he was named Lay Leader O f Thc Year and became a member o f the Gideons. On Sept. 17, 1987, thc church bell wasrungfor200secondstocommcmo- rate thc 200th annivcrsaryof thc signing o f thc U.S. Constitution. Thc bcll was rung by Georgc Hathan Allen, a church member w ho was in the Armed Forces. In 1989, a woodcn mailbox was pur­ chased and placed in the educational building for usc by church members. It was made byJim my Nailand presented to thc church by his father, Robah Nail. In 1990, thc remodeling o f the edu­ cational building began, consisting o f an A-frame roof being ca*cicd and Jtane i8 .... uMationa( ^02S uUontk A L L R O S E S in an arrangement or inabox 3 0 % Off Sister’s II cfMccksville Florist & Gifts 1039 Yadklnville Rd. • Mocksville, NC 27028 7 0 4 - 6 3 4 - 1 7 8 2 5 t f k r t S n f : Cornatzer United Methodist Church as it looks today, located on Cornatzer Road. walkway and a central airconditioning system being installed. Thc roof o f thc church sanctuary was recovered with ncw shingles. In l9 9 l, mini-blinds and valanccs for thc educational building wcrc do­ nated by Sunday School classes. A ncw fioor covering for thc nursery was do­ nated by the womens and mens classes. Several donations have been givcn by church members, including: twoof- fering plates, a woodencredenza witha glass enclosure and an old Bible dis­ played in thc crcdcnza in the vestibule, tworcvcrsiblcparamcntsetswithmatch- ing sto!cs, anorgan forthc sanctuary, an altar set o f a cross and two candle hold­ ers, a large picturcofJcsus which hangs inthcpu!pit,Communionlincns.a Bap­ tismal bowl, two woodcn crosscs, a piano, carpet for thc parsonage, dcctric clocks, a woodcn hymnal 6oard, two fiowcr vases, an intercom system, a large Christian fiag and stand, a largc American flag and stand, a largc ncw Bible, a cand!cUghtcr, a handnJrawn picture o f thc old white frame church that was built in l9ll. a cordless micro­ phone and sound equipment, and out­ door carpet for thc outside entrance to thc church sanctuary. Thcchurch has an active choir under tiKdirectiunofchurchmusician,Maxinc Hendrix. Services are: thc 1st and 3rd Sun­ days. w orship at 9:45 a.m. and Sunday School at 10:45 a.m.; thc 2nd and 4th Sundays, Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and w orship at 10:45 a.m. l)o m il(l IC. (!rn v Minnie Lee Gray. "M y goal is to reach and encourage the young people to let them know that therc is a better way than drugs." A short skit from the play w ill be performed at Sunday’s show. STORE OPEN 9 AM to 9 PM DURINGSALE FREE PEPSI Mocksville Store Only STOREOPEN 9 AM to 9 PM, DURING SALE FREE PEPSIB e n F r a n k lin 0'our Creative Out[et T H E B O S S H A S G O N E E \ T But he hasn't lost his mind because this event is for 3-Days Only! Come In Thurs., Fri. & Sat.for these A S L P E E V A L U E S ^^ H o t Melt GLUE GUN $ e 9 9 22x28" POSTER BOARD (White 0nly) 2-Oz Country Colors ACCENT PAINT Entire Stock Of WICKER V 0 OFF Regular Price GLUE A Q STICKS Clear ioy."xi3% PLASTIC CANVAS 0 ea. 100-Page PHOTO ALBUM 9 9 ea.' ^ U OFF XCUSTOM FRAMING Set of 3 GRAPEVINE WREATHS $ 0 7 7^ t 7 (MATERIALS ONLY) CUSTOM FRAME, MAT, GLASS & HARDWARETAKE 1 5 % • 15% Off offer Is limited to regular priced merchandise In stock, while supplies last. Customer must pay sales tax. Offer vold where prohibited. Some applicable in-store restrictions may apply. Offer valid only on dates shown at participating Ben Franklin Stores. (Sale I’rices Good Tliurs., F ri. <£ Sal., June 24, 25, & 26,1993) *OFF A ll R egular Priced Merchandise D uring These 3-Days Ben Franklin Willow Oak Shopping Cntr. Mocksville, NC U,xvtfc iuutN 11 c,tN i fcKVHl6b Kfcv:UKU, inursuuy,june44, i*yj • ui Feature >fr**$ & & *$ 1 * m $ S & I i Tara Cathoun, 6, tosses her fishing line into the pond Zack Yokely, 6, is proud of his first fish, a bream. • •v ^ s a s : ; / ■ j , V - v '> ' . - * v '" * j ; . - ' B y ’O lF B h Davie Young People Go For The Big One A sJustm B o^erpu lIttlabassand >ji>n. The children partkipatc in Zack Yokely. (>. catyht h i\ fir>t shcllcrackcr from a Davic Count> I)a \ie C oofur,iii\e i:Mcnsion 4-H tl%h. ''V c c , I got one.'* he vellcd. pond last ucck. hc was thinkin*ti proeram v John Scm Bogcr said hc goes .,h<iut what the ll>h iw>u)d t.istc likv Commission OHlccr Tim Lcmon l'ishim: w ith his dad. ’T \c alrvad> on his dinr.cr table. brought thcfishine nxts.;m d hctalk- caueht a h.th> hass," !w said. “ Hc "M a n . ttx*sc arc nkv 'un<. l'n V - ed to the vhiUrcn atx>ut tishinc. w.itor .louuht prvtt> hard.** yonna haw a tish fry ." ' safety, and how to hc safc while ' \ . : Ju>tin vsasamong ah*ut 28children fishing. Blaine W illard. 7. took a different vho wcm fishing la^ week in Uut thechildrcn wcretherc to tish. .tppr<uch. '' I 'm tryinu to catch some “ Operation Catch** sporeorcd hy the “ I'm fishing for bass.“ said Ran- olthcse linlehrcam . f"\e already t!ot N.C. W ildlife Resources Com’mis- dy M iller. 7. “ They're h iv^e r." Justin Boger says this bass and shelicracker are themak- ings for a fish fry. — Photos by Robin Fergusson one. he \aid. *iv .;*v -. I i i t A > . l vV-s'>>,'4.4 ; L '^ ^m^- ; * M , » v - , : u v . j s . < - • r / f : '<•>, : 's><f <» V i p l S S V . Operation Catch allowed Davie youngsters a chance at fishing last week.4-Hers walk lrom pond alter a successful morning at a Davie fish pond. W:%m e ^ f y . f ' u > sh *u > "& ju -i$ j]^ S ^ V frj^ '--'/V i4 H K^ M w m M ' ‘\ r .:-f. V i f t f e r t '^ i'^ v jW 5 tfU : V P S i i i . .,>t7V^.*VUvi* - tM ''5 * " ^ - 4. m im ^g?r n - j& % * m * t ^/ . i Z - , i . '/ H i . " A - .. '->r-]. ^ '' ^ ^ ^ V r ^ S rw & i$ 5 u H s ^«• „ .,,-V ^ * V .S .N tr < & » v fe ? « :.v ? f.\ Wildlife Officer Tim Lemon (second from right) helps a youngster bait their hook.Randy Miller and James Whitley are too busy fishing to talk. Randy is trying to land a bass 1)2 - l>AVIK COONTV KNTKRI>KISK KKC(>KI>, Tlmniiliiy, Jiim' 24, l'JW Civitan Service Award Jo McClamrock (right) accepts a plaque (rom Mocksville Civitan Club President Monte Taylor for outstanding ser­ vice to humanity. The nomination was made by Jessie Hinkle (left). McClamrock has been a club member (or 10 years. April Jobless Rate 5.2 Percent Thc figure compares lo u 4 percent jobless rale a ycar ago. A pril 1993 jobless rates for sur­ rounding counties: Davidson, 5.2 per­ cent; Forsyth, 4.4 percent; Iredell, 4.4 percent; Rowan. 3.7 percent; and Yad­ kin, 4 percent. Cooleemee VFW Installs Officers McDaniel, senior vice commamlcr; Hayden |kck,juniorvicccom mander, BtllGalcs,chaplain;JocCullvvll,quar- lcrmostcr, Jim Oliver, adjutant; Bud McClamrock, 3 ycar trustee; and I’rcd Pierce, scrvicc officer. This is Spry's lhird year as post commander. The new officers w ill take office after thc VFW State Convention Davie’s unemployment rate in ­ creased from 3.9 percent in March to 5.2 percent in April, according to fig­ ures released last weck by the Employ­ ment Security Commission o f Nonh Carolina. I’iist Commander Hdgar 0>bome installed new officers at the June 17 meeting o f the Cooleemee Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 1119, at the Post VFW Hall. Osborne was the firM com­ mander o f the Post, which was char­ tered in 1986. Officers installed for 1993-94 in­ cluded: Jerry Spry, commander, Edd Three Earn Degrees From College Three siiiiL*iiN !m m Adxancc earn­ ed degree> tniin l:lon Ci4legc and the University o f North Carolina at Charlotte in May. John Weslcx Hllis of Advance earned a B .S .T . in electrical engineering technologv from UNC* C at the s c h m l\2Kth coiiBucnccment ceremony May 15. Gr;*luation was held at tite Oiarl<>ttc Ci4isemn. Laura Ashley Wade, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Shelha H.W ade Jr. of Advance, rwcivcd a Badielor ot Arts degree in clcmcnt;irx education lrom l;lon College at commencement ex- H ilV * ¥ erci<es Ma> 22. And A lli> on Renee S m ith. d.iughterofM r. and Mr%. Sidncx l.. Smith o f Advance, received .i Bachelor o fA rts degree in elemen­ tary education from L lw College at commertvenvnt cxerciso May 22. (:l<m Colk%v iv a pm .tfv. civihiv.i- lional college offering degrees in ihe lilvra l arts and career-oriented tields. Hnrollmcnt is approxinuicl> 3.2<Ht students. Allen Honored Tlie Davic Academy4-H Club met June 17 at the Davie Academy Com- munityBuilding. Godbey had de Darryl Black- welder, coopera- hxtension agent,presenteda program on birds and w ildlife. He answered qu tions fo llo w in g his presentation. H i! M y name is John Paul W eath­ erm an. M y firs l W rth d n y xvas Ju n vl6 tli. 1 hud a cookcmt w ith my rumily and friends. M y parenls are Arnoldund RoxanneW euthermun. M y grundparents are Johnsic und Puui W eatherm an and !leverly A rn o ld und James A rn o ld . M y gre a t-g ra n d p a re n ls are Bessie Moose o f Harm ony and Jeanette Surface o f W inston-Salem. Allen Tina Sain served refreshments. D istrict first place honor was awardedtoJulteAllenonhercumula- tive record book in the senior breads division, Sheisamemberofthe DavieAcad- emy 4-H Club and the daughter o f Louise G. Allen and (he late S.B. Allen. -A ngie Godbey. Reporter N o r t h D a v i e L i s t s H o n o r S t u d e n t s The followingNorth DavieJr. I ligh students were named to the 4th quar- ter honor roll: 7 lli C,rutlc A ll A’s - Rebecca Carle. Wendi Cartner, Scott Cornatzer. Tracy Delaney, Renee D ratighn. Ryan Hwing, Jennifer Gajewski. Jennifer 1 larpe,Jennifer I lciidrix, Jamey I lol(, Susan Howard. Kathryn Jackson. Karin M iller. Steven N ail. Jamie Neese,Amanda Niles, Melinda Richie and Russell Senger.. A/H honor roll - Kim Anderson, Meghan Callahan, Zeb Carter. Kevin C haffin. M eredith C li!iard, Chrix Davis. Gene Dwiggins. Angela B ra, K risiy Groce. Rol>eri Ouralzsch, Angie Hamm, Josh Hanes, Leslie llolcom h, Kendall Howard, Brandon Johnson, l:lizahclh K oont/, Krista Lamasters, M arilyn Lennox and Kristine Marello. Jacqueline Massey, Klizabelh Maztngo, Men W. Miller,JasonNeese, l:waO lejarc/yk, Carla Paw>nski. T if­ fany Peoples, Uihan Prcveile, Kim Hvieh, Betsy R)ddle, Jiisiii> Riddle, S ally R iddle, C orric Robertson, Carolyn Rogers, Brooke Rumple, Stacey Svamon, Janie Seats, Clint Slilcs,LouiscSlrand,PaytonTrip!clt, Amanda Tucker, l:rin Umberger, Am anda W eatherm an. Sarah W hitaker, Courtney W illa rd and Suzanne Wyse. K lli Grade A ll A ’s -- H illary Brickvy, Wendy Fislier, W ill I lvge, l)avid Kt#onl/, Kaly M orrow. Philip Rogers. Sara Seamon and Lindsey TayJor. A/B honor roll •* Tee Bahnson, Am y Baldwin, Am ice Barnelle, Sean Boyd, Andrew Brown, Klizaheth B row n, A shley C a rro ll, Bryan C assidy, A llis o n C la rk. James Clevenger, Adam Connor, Missy Cox, Michael Dehaan, Kurt Dimos, Jamie Dyson, Chris Rvans, Pat Finklea, Daryn Glasgo, Matthew Grady and Hilary !lauxer. Amanda Hendrix. Bradley Hicks, Tabitha H icks, T iffa n y H ow ell, Aubrey James, Brooke Johnson, Jer- cmyKcaton.ScottLevcren/,Rhumen Love*Lane, Chris Meacham, Anna Mercier, Kevin Parker, David Polls, Ryan Pow cll,H olly Ramsay, Brandy Shore. Tracy Spry, Page Steed, Jason Stockert and Keith Tate. 9lh Grade A ll A ’s - Tim Carle, Zac Carter and Derek Fosier. A/B honor roll - Paul Bazaar, Dan Callahan. Lcann Carter. Shawn Denson. M onika E llis , Jessica Hutchlson,HeatherJohnson,Tammy Jones and Lindsay KofVc. Melanie M cDowell, Eric Money, Laura Moyer, Adam Niles, Tam i Ramsey, GrelchenUmbcrger, Kristie Vemon, Dawn W illard and Melissa W(Kj|dridge. S<i((<Mt Y o rk DHS Students TouringEurope Two Attend Resource Workshop Joseph Sutt< in and A.ir< >tt Y» >rk were airiongapproxim.itelv IIXfrMriejumor and svni<'r high svh<x>! >iudvnh who attended the Resource Conservation Workshop a< N.C. Si.iiv U niuvsiiy in Raleigh June2<)-25. Tlie Davie Soil and Water Conser­ vation D w rivl selvvietl ihem io aticnd this workshop. Both arc siudcnts at l)av ie I ligh Sclnx>l. York is Uie son of Mr. and Mrs. Junior York of Route 4. M<xk>ville.Sut!onisthesiinofMr.and Mr>. Wa> ne Sution of Route 1, Mocks- ville. A ll ex|xn>es to attend the work* >lh>p are paid for by the Davie Soil and Water Conservation District. The purpose o f this woikshop is to give students an opportuniiy to leam about conservation through a five-day study in >oil en>sion, water quality, forestry management, abundant w ild­ life. urban erosion control, soil conser­ vation practices and Stream watch "Adopi-A-Stream” program. The 1')93 Rcsource Conservation Workshop was sponsored by ihe N.C. Association o f Soil and Water Conser­ vation Districts, the N.C. Chapicr of Soil and Water Conservation Society, and the Department o f Soil Science al N.C. Slate University. The Association represents about 500mcn and women fivm 94 loealsoil and water conservation districts who voluntarily lead programs on soil and w ater conservation. W otk o f the asso­ ciation. lhe commission and the dis­ tricts is supported by the Division o f Soil and Water Conservation in the Dcpamncniofl:iwimnmcnt,Healiliand Natural Resources. £ T > * p 7 'fJ ^ * Hi! M y nume is Ashley M u rle ShofTner. I lurned 2 years old on June 14l1i. I cck-brnted my b irth ­ day w llh m y Pupu>v ShofTner. Ile turned "6 0 ” onJuiie IO tli,M yA unt Connie hud us u cookou( on June 12lh ut m y M uitiuw and Pajiaw ShofTncrMmuxe.\Ve hud l(ilsa fun. I'm lhe duuR htcr <if C arol und Ronald t*cucock. ENJOY MORE AFFO R D ABLE INSURANCE Savewlth Nationwide’s Home & Car Discount! Insure bolh your home ond cor with Nofionwide, ond gel o special moneysaving discount on your homeowners insurance AND another money-saving discounl on your oulo insurance. Call today. ^ > ,M s 3 ju r ‘ » » ',w * ^ j | :< Z * ^ l ^ $ Jimmy Kclly *M» HJk';».., .w ,3ut<i Wfle*OikSMw9Cr<' Vxiit*t.NC M», w m vxis mt *'w'r84iel4283r Pftcw |]&t) 6) 613> NATIONWIDE INSURANCE youi eide Seven Davie High French and Spanish students, one Universily of North Carolina-Chapel H ill sopho­ more jind one parenl w ill be leav ing for I:urope on June 23. Snsan W all ar.d Janet Robertson. French and Spanish teachers at D1 IS, w ill t>e leading the group. ThetourxvillbeginmParis,France, where students w ill visit the Louvre Museum, home of thc Mona Lisa; the F.iffel Tower; Nolre Dame cathedral; the Place de l'Opera; the Tuilcrics Gardens, and other landmarks. A trip to Versailles Palace, built by Louis X IV , w ill show students where in 1919 the treaty was signed ending W orld War 1. A few hours travel from Paris w ill take lhe group to the Chateau Country o f the Loire Valley. Feaiured w ill be the Castles o f Chenonceaux and Chambord, with its 450 rooms and 365 fireplaces. An overnight train ride w ill take them to Madrid, Spain where they w ill visit the Puerta del Sol (M adrid’s “Times Square’); the Plaza de Kspana w ith its Memorial to Cervantes; the Plaza Mayor. Parliament and other areas. The group w ill visit the Prado MuseumhousingihevvorksofSpaiiVs renowned artists, such as £1 Greco, Velasquez, and Goya. Also included is a visit to the 18th century Royal Palace built during thc Bourbon dynasty. From Madrid thc groupw ill gotoToledo.The last stops on tour w ill be El Escorial, home of the Monastery built by King Philip II and the Valley o f the Fallen. Tour participants include: Chris Anderson, Elizabeth Burnette, Chris- tinaCassidy,JaimeC1ement,Jennifer Comat/er. Bradley Lagle, Susan Rec­ tor. Christina Robinson, Lanette Lagle, Janet Robertson, and Susan Wall. College Students Earn Honors Sever.t! M ivksvilL* .irtd IXiwc Counts stuiL*nts li,n v carr>cJ v<>llvcv ;mar<ls ,m<| Iiuni>i>. Ninv sjiJik*iits lrom l>,ivic Couniv wcre n.m tcdlifthc Wcsiern Carolina L:ni\crsitx tkMii"s list it>r ihc spring semester M .V |o quali1x lt>r the dean’s list, siudcnts m iN achiexc at least a 3.5 grade poml average out of .i |^'ssi!ile4 (h in a iegular semester's work o[ not lvss than 12 acadcmic T)ie stmlv/)ls receiving lhe honor were: Alan Carl Plau o f Bermuda Run; Cxnthu Anne Baitv ofRt>ute 5. Mt<'ksville; Michael Stephen Barron ofRoulc 7, Mt<ksxi|le; Tracy Denise Bohl o f Rouie }, MtxksviMe: Daxin Mart Brown o f 2(K> A/.ilea Dnve. M tvksxiHe; Deborah Ann |-vafK vl R<'titc 2. M<cksville; T<>!>i(i l.vv Kcn- nctl) (U Rntiiv 0, M ivksvi)lv; Carrol Sue Roach ofR oulc 3. M ixksv illc; and R olvrt MaMin States ofRoute 2. M ixksvillc. Two students lrom i>avie Count) were namcil to the dean’s |iM ;it the Unixersity o f North Carolina at Asheville. Iltedean's li^ i\ made op ol !ttll-lin v students whn h.ixc achieved a .V5 grade poiiti axerageor 'ltiose sitnk*nls receiving lhe honor wcre Ch.id l).ivid Bl.k.kweUler of Sh*cksville ;unl Nlitzi R.w Troutman ot M ocksville. Thc North (*arolitu National (iti.ifJ AsN<<iali<>n l:duvidioiial Foun­ dation )i;is awardci) l)a iu L. Poiis .i S.^l^) F oiiiuliiion Scholarship. Polts plans to ;iticnd Milehell C'om- munitv College and major in nursing. She is the diughter o f Uuher Potts. And twoMudeiits |rt>m D.tvie High Schoo| aMcndcd the "*L<kiiivj toward Col!ege Seminar” at Meredith C ol­ lege in Raleigh from June 15*18, Those students are Am> Newsom ot Route 3. Advance, and Amanda Ledford o f Route ), Mocksxille. W hile at t!ic seminar, the >fudcnts worked with other high school ui>nien lo examine v;ihv> and to in ­ crease skills in decision im king. goal setting, atkl interpersonal com ­ munications. Thc studenis a|so w ork- cd on siutlx skills, college selection and career planning. CLEMMONS ( C o l l e c t i b l e s ! ) FLEA MARKET Beside 1-40 In Clemmons Westwood Village Shopping Center Friday 2-9; Sat. & Sun. 8-5 766-3099 ‘Your Close-To-Home REAL Flea Market' Nolionwtdo is i*>«'^W**4*»'» W e t h i n k a llo w in g y o u t o r e t u r n t o y o u r n o r m a l a c t iv it ie s j u s t h o u r s a f t e r “ N o - S t it c h ” c a t a r a c t s u r g e r y is a g r e a t id e a . T h a t ’s w h y w e s t a r t e d d o in g i t 2 - 1 / 2 y e a r s a g o . ••/ p rM it Or. H|>es and cautnict surgery m i'ont/if(iw m Kvi* Civitfr very M&My: / /u'(in/ if woultl be gm u <m</ / /nii/ <t M l j/iiTi'. T/iifiKJ urn* tirebri$hterttou'." Sam Nichols Mocksville, NC / l)v. Kiclu)icl K|ies has peifonncd over -l*).000 cataraci wiih lcns int|)lam surgeries, including over l0.000ofthc revolutionarj' "No-Slitch" proccdurcs in the past 2-l^years. "No-Stilch" cataract with lens implant surgery usually takcs less than seven ininulcs to perform and allows you to return to your normal activities, without a patch, just hours aftcrsurgery. Rcmemhcr: Ifyou'rc not stire who to trust, always trust your eyes lo experience. Call Southeastern Rye Center today. 'IViisl Your Hycs 1« l<x|)cilcnce. O S o u t h e a s t e r n E y e C e n t e r , ('t'Hlral <‘;irifll»a .Siir#ilral li>rAsswlatw, l'.A./'.IHlL! It.iiilVtinmmt .Vv,. iSrirnslHiru, M*. '27110 / ll t !KZH2<>000 McilU-an* A»sl«iiiiii'nl Av(i'|ilt*il/ IU kvftUmal tM 1vv*/t'iir ltit* ullHe m'arvsi >mi va1t I <ltl(Mi;tZ*(M2lt f., RU Iiarit i:|ivx. MU Jntui h, Matthvws. Ml) tUmalit .1. Herein. Ml< Marc A. M.ils|on. .MI> Karl 11. Sl<iiu'i'l|flivr. MU Chrlstci|ili<T C. Ha>. Ml> Jvhii A, Mi Crary. III. Ml* Kor ytiu r convenience, you umy be seen liy the doctors from Southeastern Kye C enter ut the office o f I)r. S lew Laym on (n M ocksville orA dvniicc. I>AVIE COUNTY ICNTKRVRlSK RECORI),Tlmrsduy, June 24,1993 - D3; Ott. VWkT T O . BU1 lFtiUAT lF TUERE’S NO ArTERUFE> SUFTO5E Xm lS AUL WE GEf. l'M NOT <aQlNGruE V&X lU W E TO BE ElWNMW itj Ou-Abjorbem NotJtut Oii'Frce iT WWM REWM>ED FOR M oEHMl06. I'D SURE LIKE to KN0Y1 MW Loose of Pressed $ 0 4 9 irs FuNW wort \ m n i m m ^HEX. THAT WAS \ GOOD ONE?HBBT7* * ^ ? ' I* a # , RainbalhYft/ NEVER S£E GCDD AT ir MREM)1WM M0 DAD PRACTICE NESE $ !^ in b iiitf C r o w n x V D r u g $ Solo llo m s G ood T h ru Ju n e 23, 24, 25, & 26,1 9 9 3 O nly. i-. B ' *M:'-|i; 1 WATCHED AN OlD MONlE YUTH MOM lA S f UlG4f. lT DlDNT WWE AM NIOVENC.E. EXPlOSWE ACnoH OR SYfcMitNG WE<E wAs Nom ito SWOOtMG toOOT IV AT &VL. HOT H m S JM EMOTWHS MANIPULATED lS SUCH NElR0 6-1 E\PER\EUCE lTS HARt> 5M THuRsd<*1, Dfl1 4 UGMt WiNd$, Good H usv^'tY . PR06ntSS SLoW, G EVtiNG TISCOu^GE4 • l*W CNtf SURpiNG-NoV tM 1 BElcHiNG. MELVow Rouu^E5S REhoiUS E W S iV E . M«SMoN.CS CcMiNG aLONG >JiVU dEVELopiNC aM P litudE H«H& i^ *HE*tE' ^ V ^ f TUE'i SA1 XOJ SWUU> l KEEP A 106 VWEN t * A V iov TAKE up A sPoer <‘? ^ T TWE UTKAW wORLD X \S ABU2Z A ttu f - MA5B. SWP'S SEQUEL TO -HMSTU HUE^ Wtf>TUE GCCt1 KABV20iE: WE WAVE TO 6W lf / lTS CALLED. Ascm rtcs SU^jL? BE R>RCED TO "CQW.MANOEfc CORiAUDE% SALAMAMER AttD 'ER. SWaLEUknOER BELV1VAMXR \ U'JL ttl THE 6uiV0tt*SS TM^ t6SlW. AH') OUlWJEHS B3M> AVJTUC5S SMULO BE fORCE0 TO REA0 TUElR Si STOR'ES ALO<j0 ENEtM S\U3Ll (I MGUT Cf TVE\R , RoUEU LWES KOB8ES lS lAUSUMG lM WS SVSEP PSSf fjUATS SO FWMi ? ZZZ... SUU, lM GttNG TO K*JNCE ON CALNm ZZ-. UEE WH R)R -. g VWUFE.j6' CMNlM/j® ■£J « . 6 S £ flgHeB$@mssssessssassssw t e 5 S S S S 5 5 ^ ^ ^ Cap’n Steven’s Seafood Restaurant ThursdayNight Special Frtod HM FtouHdw■ ^ ^ ^ n , i ^^^^Pw ■ ^ i^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 ,,,. '; v ; . 0 ^ i < ': h f e ; ; . ; 4 ; > ' > : ; v ^ Wfth French Fries :' ' or Baked Polato, Slaw & Hushpupples , ; Sunday Night Special . Wltti French Fries or Baked Potato, Slaw & Hushpuppies Mondsy Closed Tuai.*Thurs. 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fri.*Sat. 4:00 p.m. lo 10:00 p.m. 11:30 e.m. lo 9:00 p.m. Phone (704) 634-5428 for take out orders All Fried Foods Cooked in lOOtt Pure Vegeteble 011 Offer Good at Cap’n Steven’s Mocksviile Location Only M i i 1122 Y adklnvllle Road • M ocksville, NC t i un6p a ^ p W iw i^g C tffc g w ^ fffK g tt^ g g n ^ 'K4t*fc*w O D ^ r t T i i 9 A ^ S ""“ Wv s . Spray-On Dry Oil PRE-MOtSTTNED (1 1’ WmBiCTERUU. U v (U ttC 1 l> TOWEUTTtS l' No M ore G erm ies Tow elettes 24 s $ j 9 9 S pecialTfcatm ent for ITCHY, FLAKY SCALP "-SCALPICIN' Scalp Relief Medicine Scalpicin STOP ITCHING AND FlAKING OF W 'SEVERE OANORUFF"-SEBDRRHEIC ^=----- DERMATITIS 1.5oz.$ 0 9 9 A Liehter. Cooler Aitcrnatixc! mi l c d S $2?9 V alu C heck’d B g t h r O O m Tissue 4 pk 5 9 « Neptune Distilled or Spring Water 1 gallon 2 / 8 8 c Personal Touch Slim or Slim Twin g ^ f t B S ™ Disposabte5's '^ m 9 9 c y S > e * e e i H e j Flip Flop Sandies For M en, W om en & Children 5 9 ' i * e ^A tC w < V X ^ Take one and write lhum in the morning, Tiic a lhllnuil G<i Well git<ling taid lo a fritnJ. Srnit out lUUnuiL Jcpanmtnl.!rt3»ondeifuUiytotlK««woneup. 50's $ 0 9 9 Buy One Get One Free! Neutrogena Non-Dry Cleansing Lotion $ C 9 9 5.5 0 1. W ilh FREE Toner (8 02.) 5 r — NEV iv : T ~ 03 s ( j u f t 4 u c m ^ N oM oreO uchies u N oM oreltchies No More B u rrw Vour $ Q 6 9 Choice O Sheer, Cool Comfort , 5 u m m e r t a ? FANTYHOSE S1 6 9 E.P.T. Single Stick $< n99 Preganancy Test Double Stick Test ;1 2 99 Hi-Dri Towels 5 7 c F a st r e lie f ■ NrwbUmn S Can**r tor*t■ l»wd* H*tilng Zilactin .25 oz. $ j j 9 9 Rio Chair 2 position #92750 «999 ^ l CltJrAwly WartRemoverSystemor PlantarWartRemover SystemforFeet Q ta rA *a f CkarA*aY / & $B49 Bermuda Quay Shopping Center, Advance, NC Westwood Vlltoge Shopping Center, Clemmoni, NC 6798 Shallow1ord Rd., The Oaks • Lewlsvllle, NC •WeReseMTheHsMToLfiUOuanWi" IM - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. T lim iliiv , June 24, 199} D a v ie D a te lin e Meetings Saturday, June 26 |)axiv l(v|*ih liviin Mvn mvvt lot hrvakl;ivl. I ' \ l : ltH<.>. S .u n Monday, June 28 l)axiv ViHinu ltv|tuh11vans mcvi. 7 p.m .. vumih<nisv. (i>4-7Wtl. • Uaxiv NAAC*I* iiKxiN. 7 p.m .. Ncxx Bciliol Church. U.S. WM. Tuesday, July 6 l)axk* ltm rd u rC n m n iW o n m 'm cct. I p.m.. cmmlx ;iJministruiion building. Julv H tiKviine vaiuvltvd. l);n ie Kvpuhllvim s iticvt. 7:3U p.m .. opvn mcctiiiv. Ongoing Mi>vksxllle R iit;in Club mvvis vxcrx Tuo%tLi> ai l2 :lU p .m . .i( the R<x.irx Hut. .S,ilishm .Si. Vnitvd Wax Board o f l)lm lo rs m cct.4th Mond.ix c.idi month. 5:.H> p.m .. B.C. Brovk huiUitig. n>om:os. M ocksxlllv Yulvrans o i Vorviun Wur> Po't 4024 nuvis. Vo>l Hut on S.inlord Axe. 7:30 p.m .. 2nJ Tucs- dux each n>>nlli. Vctcr.ms uc!vomc. M iKksxillc-D axiv ,|;i.uvvs mod vwr> l't. 3nJ Mond.ixsat llic Koiar> Hut. 7 p.m. Cmnpaxxitmalv Friviuls. suppoit i!nuip lor k 'rca u 'il p.uvnt'. mcvt> vw rx 4iii nujf'Ja> nidit at 7:3U. Bust RtHiin. B.C. Brovk BuiUm v. (i2Z N. Main St.. M ixksxillv. Narcotics Auiiii>m m is AiiainM A ll <)JJs L*mup n)tVH even Sunil.i>. (> p.m.. excr> Thursdjx. Sp.m .. K*s>m MS. up|xr lc u 'l. Bn>vk Huildmv Sm.'kinv pcniiittcd. l> n t! I’roblcm? NarvntiL"x Ammxmvtts H vlplinv lA)Hj.7S5-72SO. Alcoholic, A nonxm uis, Suin!.is> and W vdnvxl.ixs. 7:.tO p.m .. B C Bnvk BuikluiLi. tip jvr ksel. Suinl.i>> e.ich month open to all. I>m knv: pi.>- hlem .' A d d itio n a l m1o vall ^1‘)-725 <>4)31. A m tric;m l.qzion l\M 174 num- lhlx mcvtiiiL! at thv Rot.uA Hut. 2nd Thur*d.ix ot c.ult month at 7 p.m. V ctvuiis uc!ctNitv. MiK'k>>illv V ixlia n Cluh iiwets. (i:50 p.m. 2nd. 4th Moixla> o iv .u h month at Western Skvr. l>axic Svrtmn;i C lub nuvis. N . 3rd Thurxla> each montlt. t>:.ti) p.m.. Captain Stcwiis. Mt>vksxillv .X<JiitiUf M em orial }’<»! .S7)U Vvtvranx otToreun W jts.m d l.udivs Auxilurx tikX'ls vavh 4th TiiV'd.ix. 7:30 p.m ..;tf p*>st home in Adx.ukv. A nurican AssiniatiiNi iif Kvtircd VcrMin>. l)a\K* Coum> Chapter, itkvt> 2nd Wedncxda) ol vach month. 10:30 a.m.. lLv4 Rt*'m . Bn<k BkL* |)a \iv C uuiil) Kiy1tl To l.ilv -mcctx. 7 p.m.. 3rd Thursda> “ t cach month in the tiranU ju r\ riMini. com ■ (h<>u^v. Cull b34-5235',< 4'>2-5723 CtMili'vtiHv M t'tm iri;d V K \\ P<>>i 11IV meets 2nd. 4th ntut'da>N ol each month. 7 p.m ., V |:\V Hall. S.C . S0l. Ctx)leemce. I)a tie A rts C m invil meets 4th Thursda> ol each m*>nth. 7:3l) p.m .. Brovk G >m olllceon N. Mam Street C orinlltian l.o<l^t* Nu. 17 KXA.M meets at theltHlve. 2nd.4th Hridavs. 7:30 p.m. M iw kst il(v .Masimlc l.udyv No. 134 meets 1st. 3rd Ttie*la>s at 7:30 p.m . ai the Itnlge. l)a>iv M u llip lv Sclerosis Supp*ut •Group meeis 3rd Tuesiliy ol each .*m onth. 7 p.m .. ut Y M C A. ; C iKilvtim i* Am erican l.vuiun I’ost ! -54 mooiH ai ihc Lveion llu i. 1 -CladNtone Road. 7:30p.m .. lst. 3rd ; -Mondass <e\cept holida\s). A<l>ancv Masimlc l.iklyv N ii. 711) meets. 2nd Tuestlay ol Cik.lt month ai 7:30 p.m . at the hklyc. Cancer suppurl gniup meets 2nd ; Tuesday at l>avie library. 7 p.m . l;or cancer patients, lriends and tamilv. ;.CalS l-H(H)-22K.742l orh34-03l3. ; • M ocks>illv Uons Cluh meets lsi • and 3rd Th<irsdays<it <Ak"h month. 7 • p.m .. Roiat> llu i. Salishur> St. M oi-kstillv-l> atlv HiN itvlm ililvrs Ass.viation meets 4th Tlniisda> c.ich motuh. 7 p.m. at C apt.SictcnV DaUv lUul> Bmislvrs C luh meets c\e r\ 3id Monda> ol thenuinth at the sch<ml ealeteria. 7 p.m. Disal)lvd American W lvians No. 75 and Auviliar> meet on the 3ul Mond.>v. 7:30 p,m ..cha|iei home on U.S. N )l >fiilh ol' M iKksville. Karm inntm i U tiritan C luh meets. 2tnl rinirsday at 7:30 p.m. al the Var- m inyioti NtelhtKlisi Church. U i:i.l'S .M Inlstrivs. Christian recmcr> pnynim lor w*meii sexual­ ly abused as children. Monday niulits. 7:30.41 Court Si^nue. K»»om 210. (7(M) (>34-*M)30. (Iuldett Auv C lu li meets lst Wednesday ol caeh nioiah. 10 a.m .. R o ta n H ut. Salisbury S l.. M .<ksxille. AI/livim iT> Support ( irniip meets 3rd VhursiLiy. 7 p.m.. lellovsship hall. M i<ksxille Churt.li *t| C'hnst. N»mh Main Street across|rom B nvk Bui!dinti. Vera Anyell: WS-SU>(>. H um aiiv Sm ivl> uF l>.ixlv meets 2nd Tuesday ol eaeh nu<ith. counix administration buiklin^. commis- sitincrs' f(H>m. 7 p.m. No meetiuc m Jtmc. July or Auj!. Brvaslfvw liim Suppiirt C roup meets. 2ndTucsdax olcaeh month, |)axie Health l)ept.. (>-7:3() p.m. lM<<) lV a rv itl's R vsm trcv ()ryaiil/atiiH O . a supp*vt eroup lor lamilies ol Uiildren w itti disabilities meets 2rnl Tuesday o ie .k li month. 7 p.m. Call Rosvnurx Kr**ptekler. ‘W S *33ll. lot hvatioti. .|vriclto-H anlisuit Kuritaiis meet. 2nd Tiiesdax. 7 p m . Jerich<>- llarihson Runt.ui tniiKtinj. j^xtension_ Senior Friday Seniors (>2 and up use Y M ("A liee. S:30-l 1:30 a.m. I*'ndays. Senior Bingo l*lzn l>li^n 3f<l lfk's<l.iy e.iJi month at V M C A . 1-3 p.m. Drug Free Program Chrlstfan Mi|>|Mirl yri<ip lor iliose needing helptol>e trecol drugs. l.cd hx minister. I)aniel Bmxxn. l-xcrx other SaitinLiy. 4-(> p.m. Walking Program N oiM iivm hcrv Walk on track .Mon-l''ri. 11:30 a.m .-l:30 p.m. $10 |v r month. M m June 21-25 Vacullim Bihlv Svltm4 at Vtirren- tine Baptist. Route 7. M ixksx ille. (i:30-1) p.m. niehtlx. All ayes. Vcii- triliH|uis| Niiia W . C *nijvr on l'rnlay Vavaliim Blhlv Sdtool at l:»rk Baptist. Classes |t*r aUc*s 3 to youth vjradcs 7-)2i Bible study, cralts. c.mies. lun Ciuitch is hmilescast ol X|ocksx illc l-'<u m oic in lo . WS-S3tHi. Vacation Bihlv S d u *il at Smith (ir<>ve V nital Metlii*ilist. l'.S I5S. 7-*)p.m. P rtvhikiM 2ihtirade. Briue a iriend atnl xour Bible. X avali<in B ih lv .S tlm ul .>t lAleexuwnl Baptist. 7 ‘» p m . N C. SOI. C**i*kvmee. Senior Citizens lixctHs o llcicil bn svnior ciu/eiis m DaxieC<nmtx hx the l)axieC ouiv tx Senior Ceiitei. B nxk Buildmy. XliK'ksxille. A ll exenisat ilie ceiilcr unless otliensise noled. (>34 lMil I . Tuesday, June 29 lhis lrip 10 S]Kiiccr and lfiph Pnmi. SI0 |v r jKison. l.eaxe scuioi center at S:30 a.m .. M u m about h p.m . {)iiich lrcat lunch. Ongoing Svnlur iili/v n s nvxxs on W I)SI. exeix M oinLix. V;35 a.m. ,|ully Sixties Seniors meet. 2nd Tucsdax cach month. II a.m .. M ivks United M clhodN lelloxxship hall. (ire t‘11 .Meadoxts (in -(lv tlv rs meet. 3nl Moiula> ot eacli month. 11:4.s a.m .(U ccn Me.ukixxs Baptist lelloxxship k ill. ^ j s ^ U a n e o u ^ liome. I'ved M ill Road Vrt'svhiiol S torxlim v. 30 imnuie pioviam loi childten avv 3-5. exei> luestlax. II a.m .. Conlcemee Btaiivh l.ibrarx. Coolccmcc Sliopp- me Ccniei.aitd l)axie Counly i*ublic l.ibrary. N. Mam Si.. M ocksvillc. Music, ie.kl alou<l. stinies. lilm s. nuisetx ihxmes. R vvxilv lruvk paikctl al Jericho- H.ifJi'<>n RiiMi,i;i i>uil<liiy every 3r<l Sat.. S:30-11 a.m. Rvexcle truck at Union Chapel United MctUnliNt. 4th S,it.. S a.m.-4 Recreation^ l or more mti<im.ttn<n on any o| lhese exents. call the M i<ksxillc- |).nte I’arksaful Rvcrc.itioii |)epi. .n ()34.2325. Summer Fun Days S iim iiK T lun Wednesdays. S:30 a.m. l2 :3 tlp m .. l)axie Academy communiix huildiue. l"or children xxho xxilt enter lst yr.ile thru hth erade. I’roeram ends Weil. July 2S. Saturday, June 26 Summer Day Camp June 23-25 l;or moie intorniitu<n on any ol these exents. call ilv l).ixie County Cik>|VMtixe l:x te ii'i"ii Serxice al ti.U h 2 ‘>7. Thursday, June 24 Cana H<Niivmakvrs nvet. ' p m . community lnuldin^ Monday, June 28 CtHileenuv lum tviiiakvrs meet, p.m .. CimUvmce library. K \liiis in n A thisorx Council din­ ner mecimv. Western Stevr. 7 p.m. Reci'Linition ot m eintvix eome i>ll. ci>mmi* on councd July 20-22 r.n x iro iim c iita l issues 3 tlay seminar on xxa(er qim lity. Zi<«» .upiileis and iescixm is w uik. liov% xxater is punfied. eeiictie selection io produce,sutvrior lv e l. euxironmeii- tal Held bioU>i!y. Meet at S:30 a.m. m county olliee huildme. Teacliei renexxal unitapproxed S.V Registra­ tion lornts ax ailable 0 |v n lo pubhe \ aeatimt Bihlv StlnM4 .it Clement Ciroxe C tuiuli ol (iixl. <>:30 S:30 p m A ll aecs. lxan l|.tmcs pasti>r. June 25-26 \ avatiiMt Bihlv Si1im4 al Hardis>>n ( n ifa l Metf>->ifi*t. Jcruh.> H.inlison Rd. l;rnl.iy (v3Up.m . h<<nemade ue cream. Saturday 10 a.m . hotilov lunch scixed. actixitiesoid 4:30p.m . A liases h .y < U | | N 'fJiM fciu lo . 7 Saturday, June 26 Sali-a>hrati<Mi .it Bixln C h u u lio l the l.ix iivj (*x l. Corn.it/vi Kd . Ad- xance. s a m -3 p.m. V.itd s.ile. sp.i^hetli dmner. sitipnv. Duinei S 4.50fvr pLiie. includes d e svit and co1tee oi tea. V40 stl23 tot mme Sunday, June 27 H u itiviH iiiiiiu at Sl. M.itthexx> l.ulheran. I>.ixie Acatk*my Rd.. I p.m. Coxcicd dt>h meal. Songsvrxicv.it luiienline B.iplist. 7 p.m .. hx Taiheel Slate (,)uaitel. |.oxe ollenne ie^eixed. RfUitl<'U li;jn i|in l .nxJ il.incv loi students o| ()axic C'oumy Tr.umne and Venir.tl IXtxie Sclns4.(>:30p.m . Htilulay lun. Clemm*nis. S20. W ot- >hip iiiciiional serxice II a.m. June 27. St John A .M .h . /.ion. iioiih M ,<ksxtlle. Sunday, June 27 Rvtm$iin lor desceiuLmts ot R J. aiul Catheriik' l)eese RNIms. 1 p.m. lunch. (V iii> i Community BuiUlin^ |-riemls. iel.itive> mxiUxi Klit'4 rvim iuii at Ruby McBnde"s home Brine picmc lutvh. Tuesday, June 29 Soil M atts (ia rd v ii C lult one day eatden tour lh iu C'ktpel H ill. Raleieh. Durham. w s 32Ml oi *l*)S <l2SS |<f( IC'CI X ,||l><tls. C hild carv tor sch*Hi| .iee children, |-ull tm ie S50 xxeek. part time M 3 day. Davie Youth Council l-"or V-l2uratlers. C«<mmunitx m- xoKed. 2ndand4|ti Hiursdays. f»:3o p.m .. rec. dept. Silverstriders Walk Club Svniors. 50 .nnl up. meet Mon.. U ed . V n.. S-|0 a.m. SenlorCise laox in i|tK t vw rcisv l<u 'vmoiN Mvct* Tiic^.. Ih u i' . .v |i) .i n) . July 3 Cmuvrt in lltv park. Ruii l*.nk. teatutinc Winsi.m-SaletnSymphony P.aiii>iic music, (i.ites o|vnbp.m . >5 |V f v.ir .S|>iH'(>tetl by M<vksxille Saxuiiis Bank .md D.txie A its Council July 26-30 Ongoing YMCA H ie tollmxine exents .ire olleted by the l)axie l-aimly VMC*A. l oi more m lum uiioti. call />.U-Vh22. Friday, June 25 Shay lesMiits hvyiit. t>-vxeek ses­ sion. I-ridays 7-S p.m. M em lvis lree. $10 oilvrs. Nursery axuilable. Ciuest in>trikior Jell Albarty. Camp Davie Y FuII*liitiv child carvor one-ueek experience. V*s day camp proyram cun enieri.iin and enrich your child. Call !"or more inl"o. Youth Sports Clinics Cllnk*s (i<r tun attd instruction. Ciirls basketball Julx l2-i<>. btiys basketball July l‘J-23, July 2tv30. compelitixe sxxim June 21 -Julv 2. Ju­ lx !V-3(J. clieerlcadin^ clinie June 28-Julx 2. B iU aud lVuuy l.m tu o l Adxance Dial-A-Stoi> im nistiy tor clnldien. Blaisv lkip tisl prayei mccline Thursdays. 7 a.m. b34-3(i31). B iiiyo. M<xksxille Ri<arx Hut. by St. |-'rancis ot As>isi C hurch, |-riday>. 7-10 p.m. s |til jackpot. I>uvtlv l"ostvr Chri^tan Senu*rs Club meels4i)i J uesdax each monih. ()ak (iroxe MethiHlisi. 10 a.m. Adxaucv C hristians C viilvr nexx church. N C. S01.Adx.uice. lOa.m. Sunday sclm *l. 11 a.m. xxorsltip. ? exeaine serxice. 7:30 p.m. Wednes- dax serxice. l*astor the Rex. Thomas Phillips. ‘)‘>s-*)5S3. Svrxicvs iioxt lie iiy lield at M fxksxille Assembly ot (itxl. U.S. (»01 acioss lrom Horn's. 10 a.m. Suiiday SclhHil. II a.m. xxorsliip. h p.m . serxk'c. i'asior Toras I). Waloxen. (Vt4-23*H or t.34-7‘>52. l'ra x v r m vvlinn at Union l'h a |v l ('n itc il M e lhodisi. 7:30 j>.m. Hiursdaxs. (»34-2435. Leonard Reatty 34 Town Square 704-634-3875ro 8.26 Acrc$ Land S23,L*fu 4 DR 2 BA Brick Home Stl5.000 Commcrcial Lot O ilicrllom cs& |jndAvailahlc Linda U*onard 7M-634.J650 NEED N EW y ^ S lT S T IN (iS_____________V * J "Attention Horse Lovers" Opening June 30th OLD STAEE TR&DlNC POST TACK SHOP, SUPPLIES. FEED V Hustriess Hours: Wed., Thurs. & h"ri. 5pm to ‘Jpm Sat. Ham ta lp m - - — - BOBBY LYNCH, OWNER |jicuU ilJm itrs oJf llwy. fiO/ Suuth im <)hl Sltige Hiwil, C H ILD R E N ‘ P O R T R A IT S W E D D IN G S • S P O R TS E N G A G E M E N T S R E U N IO N S 6 3 4 -2 5 8 1 m E > O B I N Library thes, l ii'i re iiilom ciiion on any ol Iis. ,.|II the 1).|HC l*ublk u :u : . ; Reading Program S iim iiivr prouram lor youu adults <VA). June {0-July 2‘). I o lhose enierine erades 7-l2. Thursday, June 24 YA s|Kxlid prouram . (*.30-S p.m. YA (iruh N id il. YAs bring yoti laxonte honvmade dish and copy o rccipe. ChelJ.P. W ilm ari lrom Bet imida V ill.r.v to slioxx lktvv lo mak dishes nunc appealine. Thursday, July 15 YA M oxiv niultl. (v3o-S p m lalC'l xiiicotcle.i'C l'<>fvorn. tirink |)rox ided. Thursday, July 29 YA p i//a party uinl cclcbrny uuc tion. f» K p.m. I:arn S2 in librar; bucks |or exery book read an< recorded. Use hbi.iry bucks to bu; itenisat auction. Auio^r;gihed btn*ks autographed items by Nol.m R yjn Randy Traxis. Oprah W m liey. I)axi. l.elterm an. B ill l:llio t, (H on. l> tephan. l-'red Saxaee. Troy •\iknun. I)uke Unix, p>'tcr Mvnei by Coach K.. (ieoreia lech l-s|urt' W |:U ba>kdball po>tcr. Clemsoi Unix. |ootUdi iersex. UNC teaii photo stgned hx V2-V3 tearn School Age Programs P royrauishelil MoiuUxs. 7 p.m . library. Bit>ks vome in all l!axors. June 28. l.u>cious (*m kine Con- tC't lor kids. l'ie revN er. turn in reci|v by June 24. Ciu*kh*<ik to bc compiled aixl eixcn oirt on 2Sih linter anyihme. xxitl be eaten altei Preschool IViiyraiHsheJd l'ues*J.iys. ] I .i m . library. Pre>.h>Ht| iot 3-5 year olds 2u iuiuuie tiHldlei time lor l> month>-3 yeats iti\K llc i'iiu i» i tv .u- comp.mied by p.irenti. .|uiiv 21). Adxenture S« irl. sailtn^ lhe liij.’h se.i' tor pre'cl>si|. \ k|xen lurc Swirl, the >ky'< the lim it tm tiKldler> Stm inier vhvvrlvadiie eamp loi eiades K l>. h-S 3il p m .. Daxie ih;:h. >2.s Ongoing Yvtvrans Svrxicv ()lllc v houis: .Monil.iy-Tik's<lay. S am .-5 p.m .. Wednesvlay. * a m. nm ii. Crystal UallriHim l);uicv Club has tlaiice exery 2inl S aturday. M iKksxille l:fementaty tryiii. S -II p.m. No cltiree W x n (iu n C lu h . W xoRoad. I:ar* muieton aiea. turkey shu>t exery F ri­ day and Salurday nt-jhts. <>:30. B iiitio in Adxaticv exeiy i->iday nieht al (>:.Vl. al VFW Vi>si S71*i It’s Summer: High In ’80s Forecast T he suimtx*r xxcaihcr >lnmUI coniinuv ihrough ihc xxcvkcnd. acvonlinu lo ihe National Weather Serxice. Skies should bc x;triahl> cloudy on Friday ;tiul Salurday. and mostly cloudy on Suivla>. H id i leinpcraturcs throughout the pcritnl slh>ukl bc in tlw miil-SOs. xxith loxxs c.iclt niu'ht in thc tnid-()Ds. Thcrc w ill bc ;t chancc ol' altcriuHm atnl cxcning lltuiulcrsiornis. For N<>nh aml SotH)t C,iro)ina bc;tvhes. skies xxill bc parl)x sunny xxith a chancc ol' evening thunderstorms, xxith highs in Ihc uppcr-8()s atul loxxs in lhc lo\\ 7l)>. H E Z 1 n HOWARD t= TREALTY (704) 634-3838 (919) 998-6463 33 0 S. S alisbury St. (C o m e r6 0 1 & 6 4 ) M o cksviU e , N C 2 7028 O ffice Hours: Mom fay-Friday & £ Saturday9-I2 SundaybyAppi, 157 Azalea Drive • Beautiful French Pfovencial witn 4 8fl. 3 full 4 2 fuff baths. 4707 sq. ft. Ubrary wV.et bar. new rec. room; 25x30. 3-car garage. 3 fiieptaces with gas logs. $267,000 CALL KEN_____________________ i V H P > 745 South Maln Street ConvenienUy located in town * 1 '/, story. 4 BR. 1 6ath witn tots o( pofentia). No maintenance extenor. $59,900. CALL JANE Milling Road • Quairty throughout tn-s 3 BR. 2 tf2 BA 6nck home. Full Gsmt • partially finished. Floored attic w/permanent stairs. Fireplace In o m g room. New root: other updates. 1 full acre. »79.900 CALL ABE BA home in eicellent cond-tion or acre lot. A must see for that great starter home or rental investment. $59,900 KEN SALES. LOTS & LAND fclMI<BRd- |sleeRl*4__. . .Hw>.1tl_________1|A(.*HsvM |1MM0$«<«l»ed $t {M M *H__—II* I lt.|lllW 6BtlK*l C*eni Rd I *titi ie*N I ■ tH fttt0« A*|<H Hill__________II *tr*l lM.Mt4ek*CreniR<.________M IH<c HfJMe,tlu H>l 6»»4 Vltll Ce. US *t.lUIMCflrf|* F4 ------------------------Ml At. IUJJWRrfH Rj_______II | At. Rl Ha.ll. ttT.U40H4M.f 1U .............ti$TAt. «1666_.l Mtl*IIMM _ierAt.n.<36Ac _UAt.lZ.M6p*fACH*|M(tll —C686ti R6. — .................................Otpel $1 (Nk*d VeWi).Ce«e«rtW tel t$l WOn *i,Vw4 Ail Mat)ntl II Aeitl |1l,606lCon HAN Fe*<________II A<f|| ll|.604'ACfU(»n HiO___________»w«^f l4l 116666Rrf*«eeM_~________« BM|. ieti M.$06 lk.*AtCroniR4-aMvWIW|.Sd*1.llAt.lll.*0 - - _2SeMlitiV*06 i**rti Cs*n» fW 1^At.VlWAC kOl I10*M«1 MMfV Hdl»H«MMI 11IHM*u4*ltl__HAW-HeaMttim l)AVIE COUNTY KNTKRl'RISK RECOKD,Tlmrsiliiy,Junu 24, lOT3 ■ D5 P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THEGENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE District Court Division 87-CVD-1B8 Pflu! Willard. Jr. Plaintill Tommy Shores Defendant NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER EXECUTION Byvtaue o( an Execution directed to the undersigned SheriM ol Davie County, liom ttie Ottiee ol the C1eik ot Court ol Davie County in lha above action against the |udgmentdeblor,TommyShores,theSher- lff of Davle County will aetl the tietow de­ scribed properly to the highest bidder lor cashto satisfy the executionon the 9lh day of Jufy. 1993, a! 12:00 Noon at the Davle County Courthouse Door. The execution was Issued pursuant to Judgment duty recorded ln the office ot lho Clerk ol Superior Court tor Davle County, and the execution Is in the amount due under the judgment. Including costs and interest accrue to dale In the amount of $35,600 00. The lollowing described properly is lo­ cated in MockavWe Township, Davle County, North Carolina: BEGINNING at a point (n the right of way ot SR1405. at the line otJoe Ashburn; running thence with Ashburn line South 04N0'29*East 138.41 feot to an existing Iron; running thence South 00' 65' 06' East 464.57 feet to a new iron; running thence South 66* 09' 01* East 106 89 leet to a cedarpost, a cornerwith Ashburn andO.E. Bamhardt; running thence South 85* 33' 35' East 273 33 feet to an existing iron at stone,a cornerwith Bamhardt and AMs T. Ijames; running thence South 02* 53' 26* West 530.81 feet to a point, a comer with AivisT.ljamesandrlghtofwayoflnterslate 40 n’here is a marker 7.71 leet North in the toUowing line); running thence South 5V 31' 20* West 363.16 feel to apoint; running thence South 53*31' 19*West 170.53 leet to a point, a new comer with Interstate 40 and Grantor; running thence North 04’ 50' 04* West 1474.68 leetto a point in the right ol way or SR 1405; running thence South 88*21'44* East 111.02 leet to a point lnthe right ot way of SR 1405; running thence North 70’ 13' 13* East 65.48 <eet to the point and place ol Beginning, containing 10.000 acres, as surveyed by Grady L. Tutterow.RegisteredLandSurveyor.dated April 9,1934. The sale will be made subject to ail outstanding taxes and all local Improve- mentsandessessmenlsagainsitheabove described property. The highest bidder will be required to make a deposit in the amount ol ten (10) percentothisbidwiththeremainingamount due on tenderol the Sheriff's Deed. Upset bids will be taken for ten (10) days. Upset bids may be made at the office ol the Clerk ot Superior Court of Davle County in an amcunt exceeding the sale price bytenpercenton the firstS1,00000 and live per cent on the excess above $1,000.00. This the 2nd day of June. 1993. William R. Wooten ShenMo( DavieCounty ByLt.C,HoU Howell Execution Otficer 6.tO-4wp NORTH CAROLINA DAVlE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualilied as Executrix ol lho Estate of Donald V. Hollmeyor, deceased la(o of Oavie County. North Carolina, thls Is to nolity all persons having claims ogainst sald Estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 17lh day ol Sep­ tember, 1993, being three months fromthe firstday of pubfrcrafom, or thls notlco will bo p1eadod In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons Indebted to said Estate wilf please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 2tst day of May, 1993. Rebecca A. Holtmeyer, Route 4, Box 90, Advance, N.C. 27006. Martin, Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksvito, N.C. 27028 6-17*4tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate ol John Allen Newman, deceased tote ol Davie County, North Carolina, thisls lo notify all persons having claims against sald Estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 17th day ol Sep­ tember, 1993. being three months from the first day ol publication, or this notice wifl be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All per­ sons Indebted to sald Estate wilt please make immediate paymenl to the under­ signed, Thls the 17ih day of June. 1993. Maxine ComaUer Newman, Route 4, Box 74, Advance. NC 27006. Executrix ol the Estate of John Allen Newman, de­ ceased.6-17*4tnp NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol ihe Estate ofJane Amanda Seats Tucker, de­ ceased tate ol Davie County, North Caro­ lina. this is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 10th day of September, 1993. being three months from the lirst day ot publication, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 7ih day ol June, 1993. Joseph William Tucker, Route 5, Box 165. Mocksville. NC. 27028. Martin, Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksville. NC. 27028 6-10-4tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SuperiorCourt Division Before the Clerk 92-M-240 Davie County, • Amos Stewart Brown, Defendant. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND UNDER EXECUTION Byvirtueofacertainexecutiondirected ; to the undersigned from theSuperior Court ol Davie County, and pursuant to an Order directing Resale entered in the above ac- ; iion against lhe judgment debtor, Amos ■ Stewart Brown, 1 will on the 9th dayol Juty, , 1933, at 12:00 noon, at the Davie County ; courthouse door, In the City of Mocksville, ■ North Carolina, se1t to the highest bidder • lor cash to satisfy the execution, the par- ‘ cels ol real property hereinafter set out. The execution was issued pursuant to . judgment duty recorded in the otfice ol the ' ClerkofOieSuperiorCourtforDavieCounty, ; and lhe execution Is in lhe amount due • under the judgment. Including costs, in the amount of$11,600.00. ; The following described property is lo- • catedinMocksvil1eTownshipandCalahaln ', Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina: ; The real property listed lor taxes for tho • year 1992 In the name of Amos Stewart *. Brown,thejudgmentdebtor,anddescribed ; as lollows: 50.17 acres, more or less, situaled to . Mocksville Township and described and ; ldentifiedas Parce(No. 63, on Tax Map G3, • Davie County Tax Otfice, and in a will ’ recorded in File 178-E-113, Davie County ; Clerk's Otfice, and ln probate proceedings • ln File B0-E-24, said otfice, and In a deed ' rocordedlnDeedBook47, pago178, Davie ! County Registry, to which said records ■ reference is hereby mado for a more par- .’ tlcular description of said tract. ; This sale will be made subject to all ; outstanding taxes and all locaf lmprovo- • menl nssessmenls against tho above-tie* ! scribed property not Included In the judg- ' ment In the above-eniiliod causo. ; This the 2nd day of Juno, 1993. W1lliamR.W00len ! -.' ‘ SheriM ol Davie County > > By Lt. C. Holt Howell \ ',‘/. Execution Oflicer : - j / 0-tO-4lnp PUBLIC NOTICE The Davie County Board ol Commis­ sioners has adopied the Schedules. Stan- dards,and Rules lor the reappraisal ol real property effective January 1,1994. These schedules are open to public examination in the oHice of the Davie County Tax Ad­ ministrator, County Administration Build­ ing, 123 South Main St., Mocksville. North Carolina. The Davie County Board ot Commis­ sioners has adopted the Schedules, Stan­ dards, and Rutes for appraising real prop­ erty at present use effective January 1. 1994. These schedules are open to public examinalioninlheoffice of theDavieCounty Tax Administrator, County Administration Building, 123 South Main Sl., Mocksville, North Carolina. Any property owner who asserts that the Schedules, Stendards, and Rules lor Plaintiff ftereappraisatof real propertyorthe Sched­ ules for real property appraised at present use elfective January 1,1994. are invalid may except to the order and appeal there­ from lo lhe Property Tax Commission within 30 days ol the date when the notice ol the order adopting the Schedules, Standards, and Rules was first published (June 10, 1993)N.C,G.S. 105-317(C)(3). By order ol the Davie County Board of Commissioners June 7,1993. Brenda Hunter Clerk to the Board Davie County Commissioners 6'lO^mp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE District Court Division 93-CVO-221 Richard Michael Dale, Plaintiff NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY SPECIAL ASSeSSMENT TAXES LIENS Under and by virtue of the authority vested Section 105-369 ol tho North Caro­ lina Genor.il Statutes for the Bermuda Cenier Sanllary DistMcl, special assess­ ment tax liens for the year 1992 upon tho real estato described bolow are horeby fldvertisodflsroquiredbysaidstatute.Tho amount advertised will be lncteasod by interest and costs, and lhe omission 0} lnterestahndcostslromthoamountndver- tlsed will not constitute a watver of the taxing unit's ctolm lorthose items. Tho real estate that is subject to tho lien, the name oflhepersontowhomihepropertyis)isled for taxes, and tho principal amount of lhe taxes are set out below. If the taxes remain unpaid, lhe lien will be loteclosed by the taxing unit and the property sold to satisfy the taxing unit’s cfalm for taxes. Thls21st day olJune, 1993. BERMUDA RUN SANITARY DISTRICT By: Grady L. McOamrock, Jr. Attomey for Bermuda Run Sanitary District P.O. Box 1144 Mocksville. NC 27028 Telephone: (704) 634-7502 Taxpayer: David 0. 4 Vifma Eden, FarmingtonTownship, Davle Co.Tex Map (3-28-76) ID i D-8-8-25, Balance 54,200.00, Taxpayer: Reuben D. & Shirley Ham- tel. Farmington Township. Davie Co. Tax Map (3-28-76) 1D » D-0-0-3l, Balance $4,200.00. Taxpayer: BemteeYoung, Farmington Township. DavieCo. TaxMap(3-28-78)lD • D-8-8-29. Balance $4,20000. 6-24-1lnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX CTA NOTICE Havingqual1f1ed as Administratrix CTA ol the Estate of Eartene Carter Robertson, deceasedtoteotDavieCounty.NorthCaro- lina. this Is to notify a<i persons having claims against said Estate to presenl them to the undersigned on or belore the 10th day of September, 1993, being three months from the first day of publication, or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said Es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 10th day ol June. 1993. Dian Hackett, Roule 3, Box 158, Mocksviite. NC 27028. Administratrix CTA ol the Estate of Eariene Carter Robertson, deceased. 6-104tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYADMINISTRATRIX CTA NOTlCE Having qualified as Adminislrairix CTA ol the Estate ot Carrie M. Rickard, de­ ceased tate of Davie County. North Caro- kna. this is to notify all persons having claims against sakJ Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the !7lh day ol September. 1993. being three months from the first day of publication, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebled to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th day ot June, 1993. Sharon L CoNins, Roule 1, Box 176, Advance.NC27006,AdministratrixCTAoi the Estate of Carrie M. Rickard, deceased. 6-17-4tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate ot James Odell Smith, deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina, this Is to nolityall persons having claims agalnsi sald Estate lo present them to the under­ signed on or before the 3rddayofSeptem- ber, 1993, said date being at least three months lrom the date of first publication of this nolice, or lhfs notice will be pleaded ln bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said Estate will p(ease make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 3rd day ol June, 1993. the same being the first publication date. Elaine H. Smith, Roule 2, Box 145, Advance, NC 27006, Executrix of the Es- late of James Odell Smith, deceased. John T. Brock Brock A Brock, P.A. Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 347 Mocksville, NC 27028 (704)634-3518 6-3-41np NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTICE Having quaM10d as Administrator CTA of tho Estalo of Graco Evelyn Groco Folmsier, deceased, lato ol Davio County, North Carolina, this is lo notify all persons havlngclaimsogainstsaidEstatotopiesont them to lho undersigned on or belore lho 3rd day of September, 1993. being lhreo monihs from tho lirst day of publication, or lhls nollco will bo pleaded In bar of tholr recovery. All porsons Indebted to said Es­ talo will please make lmmediaie payment to the undersigned, Thls the 3rd day ol May, 1993. Larry Felmster, 4453 Lockhurst Drive. Plalflown, NC27040. Martin, Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksville. NC 27028 6-3-4tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Underandbyvirtueofthepowerotsale contained ln a certain Deed ol Trust ex­ ecuted by Denise S. Shore (Sapp), lo Thurman E. Bumet10. Trustee, dated lhe 6th day of June. 1989, and recorded In Book 159, Page 771, In the Office of the Register 0! Deeds for Davie County. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of tho Indebtedness thereby se­ cured and lailure tocarryoutor perform the siiputolions and agreements therein con­ tained. and the holder ol the Indebtedness lhereby secured having demanded a fore­ closure thereof for the purpose ol satisfy­ ing said indebtedness, and the Clerk of Court granting permission for the forecto- sure, the undersigned Trustee will oller lor safe at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash at the Courthouse door in Mocks- ville, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on the 1st day ol Juty, 1993, lhe tond, as Im­ proved. conveyed In sakJ Deed of Trust, the same fying and being in Mocksville Township, Davio County. North Carolina, and being more particularly descnbed as BEING known and designated as Lot 77, Block V, Craftwood Subdmsion os tho same appears onoptot thereof recorded in Map Book4, pago 140. Davie County Reg- is(ry{o which reference is made fora more particutor description. Subject, however, to the property taxes lor lhe year 1993, The record owner(s) of this property as reflected on the records of lhe Register of Deedsolthis countyis/are Denise S. Shore (Sapp). Termsoflhesale,includinglheamouni ol the cash deposit, if any, to be made by the highest bidder at the sale, are: Fwa percent (5B«) of the amount ol the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee pendmg confirmation of lhe sale. Dated this 25th day ol May, 1993. Thurman E. Burnetie, Trustee 6-17-2lnp ADVERTISEMENT FOR BlDS Sealed bids wiilbe received ln lhe olfee of theCounty Managerin lhe Davie County Admin)slrairve Building. 123 Soulh Main Street. Mocksville. NorthCarolinaunVl 2.00 p.m. Tuesday, July 27,1993, lor lhe pur­ chase ol Improved real estate owned by the Countyof Davle tocatedat Duke Street, Mocksville, North Carolina. The property consists of more than one acre, improvements and fixtures and is more particularly described in Deed Book 160, page 70. Davie County Registry. Inquiries about lhe property and the sale shoutibe directed totheCounty Man- The bids will be publicly opened at the above time and place. Each bid shall oe accompanied by a deposit ol live percent (S*a) ol the bid in cash, cashier's check or certified check. The deposit of lhe suc­ cessful bidder shall be retained until clos­ ing of the sale. The Board ol Commissioners will con- siderihebids.andaccepione.orrejeclany and all bids at its first meeting in Augusl, 1993. 6-24-4tnp NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE Undor and byvlrtuo ol the power of sa1o conlained In n certain Doed(s) of Trust executed by Rhomes P. Spellman (Now Oecoased)toJamesO. Buchanan.Truslee. dated tho 15th day ol September, 1978, and recorded In Book 106, Page 224,ln the Ollico ol tho Register of Deeds lor Davle County,NorthCarolina.delaulthavingbeen mado in the payment of the indebtedness lhereby secured and failure to carry out or per1orm the stipulations and agreements lhore)n conlained, and the holder of lhe indebtedness thereby secured having de^ rnanded a foreclosure ihereof tor lhe pur­ pose of satisfying sald Indebtedness, and the Clerk ol Court granting permission for lhe foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will oller lor sale at public auction to the highest bidder forcash at lhe copurthouse door In Mocksville, North Carolina, at 12:00 Koon, onlhe 1 slday ol Juty 1993, the land, as Improved, conveyed In said Deed of Trust, the same fying and being in Mocks- vine Township, Oavie County, North Caro- ' Una, and being more particularly doschbed as follows: ■ Being al) of Lot #21 Ridgemonl Subdl- vislon,Sec.l.asappearslromaplatiheieot iecortied(n Ptal book 4, at page 135. Davie County Registry, to whtah said plat refer­ ence is hereby made for a more particular doscriptfon of said lot. Subject, however, to the propertytaxes lortheyear 1993. The record owner(s) ol this property as ieliected on the records of the Register ol Deeds of this county is/are Rhomes P. Spellman (Now Deceased). Termsol the sale, includingthe amount ol lhe cash deposit, if any, to be made by the highest bidder at the sale, are: Ffve percent (5S) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee's Agent pending confirmation of lhe sale. Dated this 25th day of May, 1993. Thurman E. Burnette, Trustee, substi­ tuted by the instrument recorded In Book 190, Page 2, Davie County Registry, NC. 607'2tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estaie ol Mary Elizabeth Potts, deceased late ot Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of September, 1993, being three monfts from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, Ail persons Indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 10th day of June, 1993. jerry W. Potts. P.O. Box 37, Advance, NC 27006, Executorof the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Potts, deceased. 6-10-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate ol Ramey F. Kemp, deceased la!e ol Davie County, North Carolina, this Is 10 notily all persons having claims against said Estate to presenl them to the under- signed on or before the 24th day of Sep­ tember, 1993, being three monihs from lhe lirst day of publication, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons indebted to sakJ Estate will please make Immediate payment 10 the under­ signed. This the 21st day ol June, 1993. Emily B. Kemp. 174 Halander Drive. Mocksville, NC 27028, Executor ol the Estate of Ramey F. Kemp, deceased. Martin. Van Hoy and Smith Drawer 1068 Mocksvillo, NC 27028 6*24-4tnp Tina Renee Dale, Delendant NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: Tina Renee Dale TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking reliel agalnsi you has been liled In the above-entitled aclion. The r>aiure ol lhe rollel being s0ugh1 Is as lollows: Absolute divorce. Youaroiequlredtoliloawrittenanswer to such pleading not taler than July 20, 19S3,salddaiebelng40day8fromlhofirsl publication ol this notice, or 30 days lrom tho date a copy of tho Complalnl and Sum- monslspersonallyserveduponyou.whlch- over Is later. Atler such time, tho Plaintill will apply to the Court for the relief soughl. Thls 10th day ol Juno, 1993. Jennifer 0. Brock Allorney for Plalntill Brock&Brock, P.A. P.O. Box 347 Mocksvlllo, NC 27020 704-634-3518 .* B-1Q-3tnp NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Admlnbtratorol lhe Estate of Wifllam G. Smith, (also known as William Grimes Smith, William Smiih, Bill G. Smith and Bill Smiih) deceased, lato ol Advance, Davio County, North Carolina, tho underslgnoddoos hereby notily nll por­ sons, firms and corporations havingdaims against the estate ol sold decodont to ox- hibltihomtothoundorslgnodaiPostOlfice Drawer 84, Winslon-SaJcm, North Caro­ lina 27102, on or boforo lhe 3rd day of Soptombor, 1993, or this notico will bo pleaded in bar ol tholr recovery. All per­ sons, liims and corporations lndoblod to lhe saidosialo will ploasemakelmmodioio payment to lho undoisignod. Th(s lho 3rdday ofJuno, 1993. Robocca G. Smith, Adminislrator ol tho Estule ol Willlam G. Smilh, deceased. Womblo Carlylo Snnd/idgo & Rico Posl Olflco DraworB4 Winsion-Salom, NC27|02 6-3-4tgp t o - Hetd A Home T Your Own! Nted A Place To Put Your Case? Netd A Vet To Treat Your Pet? NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol the Estato ol Margaret Jane Todd Lakoy. de­ ceased. late ol Davio County, North Carolina. Ihis is lo nolifyallperson3 having claims against said estalo to present them lotheundersignedonorbeforethe3rdday ol September, 1993. said date being at least ihree monlhs lrom the dale ol first publication of this nolice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol thoir recovery. All persons indebted lo saldestate will please makolmediatepaymenttotheufidersigned. This 3rd day ot Juno. 1993, the same being lho first publication dale. Cecil Lakey, Executor ol the Estate ol Margaret J3n0 Todd Lakey, deceased. Law Olfices of Grady L. McOamrock, Jr., JD., P.A. P.O. Box 1144 Mocksville. NC27028 Telephone: (704) 634-7502 6-3-4tnp NORTHCAftOLWA DAVIECOUNTY NOTlCE OF SERVICEOF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION ln The District Court 93-CV0-218 Angela Ledbetter Place, Piaintitl VS. Joshua Paul Place. Defendant TO: Joshua Paul Place TAKE NOTICE that a veri!ied pleading seeking relief against you has been Med in lhe above-entitled actlon.The natureol the relief being sought ls as follows: an abso- JuJ» divo/ce based upon one year's sepa- You are required to make defense lo such pleading not taler than July 20,1993. sald date being 40 days lrom the first publJcatton of this notice, or lrom Uie date Complalntisrequlredtobeliled,whlchever Is later, and upon your failure to do so. (he partyseekJngserviceagalnslyouv,iilappty to the Court for the reliel sought. This the 3rd day ol June, 1993. Hall. Vogler& Reming, Attorneys At Law By: E. Edward Vogier.Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Drawer 970 Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (704) 634-6235 6-10-3tnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate of Ltofa R. Wardiaw. deceased laie of Davie County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estaia to present them to the under­ signed on or belore the 24th day ol Sep­ tember. t993, being ihreemontfw from the lirst day ol publication, orthls notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons todebled to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 2Ut day of June, 1993. BaxterHalrston. 341 EastWard Street, Asheboro. NC 27203, Executor ol the Es­ tate ol Uola R. Wardlaw. deceased Martin. Van Hoy and Sm<th Drawer 1068 Mocksville, NC 27028 6-24-4mp REUSETHENEWS. Vou'vc bveit aftiutid <iiuv '43 Time doc* fly. Oh mcrc> mc A Sliemll then, a Laglc iuw 1 !as 50 years gone by >omchow ? \Vc know and love youvjthoul fail. Happy BUihday Linda Gail!! N((d A Htalir h r Vour Two Seatti! Find lV7i.i/ You're Looking For In Tlie Classifieds! It's the fir>t pUce to look .uui thi* l.ut wtird on buying, selling tir rvntinfl .i»y item or H'rviiu umlur lho sun, When you'rv in the innrkvt /11r just jbou( anything .il all...m lo thv nuikutplace tlut lus il all...ihe Classifie<ls! Call 634-2129 TO PUCE YOUR AD] Enterprise-Record | SATURDAY PJPRV^lVHR ■ ■ ■ ■ u H i9 r 9 v fH flw June26,1993 | J , l f i P J l l l P j l l # l l !l0;00a'"- flam or Shino TH E CONTENTS O F: DAVIDSON C ABIN ET & N O VELTY CO. Welcome, NC * Out of Business 0mECT10NS From Ui*gWi Uk« h ^ *ly MN U W«tom# Bttn*H< n*i4 on f>;M. oeu nfl tf*:M. M> W W1 Fnm iwt*tin S<*n UU W »i> WS K> B>tw 6<W Bi R xj W Wt crow RR tK»i M* on Uti W*Kft ty t>y4 Now & B<as51110 e*ting^»nen • Eloct(ic dnlls • P<ture frames • Spray guns/hows & gauges Boies ol sc>ows • Dro*er pulls • Dowol pins • Floor lans • O010s ol Gtiss • Sand pap<jr • Rad<aJ | aim saw • 2 Table Saws • Horizontal Dtill Press - Delta Oirfl Press • Shaper v,/tabto & heads • 24' Drum Sandor • Band Saw • lnllaUble Drum Sander • Edge Sander • fl' Jom(or & 8haper • fttKto SHatponor - OH Sel Dnil Prost • Dar Ctamps ■ Assortment ol Orop leal Tabio tops, hinges & turd>va10 • Alr cutting & Rubbing machine - Bo*es ol table logs • All sizo band saw b(ados • Sow Otidfls * WrwoJ doll-os • Table tops & frames • Pol BeHy S10ve • Assortment ol Poptor, Oak S Walnut wood • Cofloo Tab!o tops • Wood picturo lramos maker • Wooden Vogs • Oak otfeo Uosk • Pressure Spray lank - Now wood bils • Stencil Sot • Hand Vacuum - Crow-bar • Oig Sandor & Doll Pohsher • Square • Deit sandor - Sledge hammor • Wood Molding - Sump pump • Cross cut Saw - Hoavy Chain • End labto • 4 W JoinJor & Sandor - Table Router • 4* Bolt Oisc Sandor, . - 1 1 — — ■ 1 ■ ANTIQUE RAIL ROAD ITEMS; RR tia tongs • 15-ton RR jack • RR tonlern - RR locks • Rfi books • nn oil cans • RR pictuie • RR hat • Scales • New goose nock tamps • Antiquu Ooat Can • Dili Eiitott raco postor • Doublo corn shoHer • OW Tm ware. Essa_________________ Aucllonttr'i Notes lf you »oik wiih soodcnft$, you don'l w « to miss this ul<. Th<tv arej humlreds of uxxkl piixt$ tahcsold. All nu^lflc< arc oawf brand ^>J to fiwxi w rtin; conJition.; Salt CtiiuiuctfJ by: BOSTICK AUCTION SERVICE - ARTHUR BOSTICK, AUCtiOJM • NCAL 1365 floulo 1. Do* 288-3 • Mocksvillo, NC • Phone: 704492-5992 TERMS:CASH Ofl APPROVED CHECKS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOH ACClOENrSORTHEFTS F000AVAIUBU SOUE ITEMS ADDED OR 0ElETE0 EVERY7HW0 SOLDAS IS WHERE IS 1)6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERl'RISE RECORI), Tlmvsiliiy, June 24, W 3 ASCS Accepting Acreage Reports From Farmers Thc l)avic Cuunty ASCS office is acccpting acrcagc rcpnrls amlccrtifica- lions from fanners. Tlic Junc 15 dead­ line previously announced has bec*n cMcnded ioJuly I due k>lhv vvci weather lliis spring. Fanners participating in the lW 3 wheat and feed grain acreage reduction program arc rvquired to report and cer­ tify planted acrcage to qualify for pro­ gram hcnefiis. F!uc-eurod tobacco pnxJuccr* an? rv<luireU i<> rvport planted acreages to obtain price support benefits. Partici­ pant in tlic lO->car Conservation Re­ serve l*rograin aa* required to report acreages 10 be eligible for annvaI rental pa>menls. Fanners not participating in any pro­ gram in ! 993 arc encouraged to report planted acreages to protect thc fann's crop acreage base. Failure to file a crop acrcage report may cause the loss o f all program ben­ efits, reduction or toss o f future >e;tr*s crop acreage basc and a loss o f price support for flue-cured tobacco. B u y i n g S c r a p G o l d Gold & Silver Coins Rolex W atches Paying Cash Don’s Fine Jewelers F0RSALEBY01ER CONSTRUCTION; 3 BR, 2 BA, LH, Kil., OR, 1390 sq.lt. healed; 530 sf carport, porch & slorage. Oavle County ■ Milling Hd. $82,000 919-998-4632 K fld E | % e/?, PROPANE GAS, INC, .Smmt: Vi>ftmWr .tmf /km r ('i>unft h* 41 ) run 1010 V.'est lnne$ Sffect Saii$6ur>. NC 28t44 (704)636 6391 ALL PHASES BO O KKEEPING Personal • Business Sm all Farms A Spccialty See.Joyc* Ri!chle *i' H & R Block WNIow Oak Shopping Center M o c k *v lll* NC 704434-3203 H U F F M A N ’S DIESEL SERVICE Knyinc Rebuilding & Repairs John Deere • Cummins CAT • Detroit Diesel Custom High Performance Engines Built To Your Specifications (GAS O 0-e$o'j flt. 1 Advance (9 1 9 ) 9 9 8 -9 6 5 1 L A R R Y ’ S W O O D F L O O R S E R V I C E Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Lerry M cClenney 704/284-6032 TRACTOR SALES & SERVICE Paris Available Mo*t Makes SINK FARM EQUIPMENT Old 64 W. 1 Peatree Rd. Lexlngton, NC i-eoo-2sa-6ii3 o r 704-787-5138 Bubbtagum, Hotdogs, Popcorn, a MountainofEans and LOTS O F FUN! M o c k s v i l l e - D a v i e AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL R E M A IN IN G H O M KG AM ES: June 25 • Mt. Airy Junc 27 • Mix>rvwilU* July 2 ♦ C<>ncortl G LA SfflEB D S w n u M i y w ; EBflETCABUS Vnnluccrs wanting to lilc a report should vuntact the ASCS olfive.Room 111 o f the Davie County Office Build­ ing, 8 a,m.-5 p.m. Moiulay-l'"riday. Fanncrs in Davie County who w ill pertonn a conservation practice later should apply now for cost-share funds. The Davie County ASCCommillcc has funds availahic to help eligible produc­ ers e.stahlish or improve permanent gro><, establish a slripcmpping system, install diversions or sod waterways, constmct animal waste control facili* tie.s, plant trees or perfonnotherconser* vation practices. Persons applying for these funds should remember that the practice niu>t, he approved before any work is done. The committee w ill consider requests for eo>l-sharing on July 23. Mave your application on file by this date. T f J ; 1 i * T J l * M 3 FtimWos: Salurday, 0 ii in until 15B to Snin Road ono m1o on loll Koyt>oard. ico skatos. n*ord'.i, <fvck furrufu/o, lorjo;; loys, rdary amentia, infants • chi1dioti • adurt clothing. lot- inal dn>ss. lots ot imsc Ram or shmo 4 Family: Dulm Rond oll Hwy 150 Saturday, 26th. 8;mv2pm Gnls tintiy clofhys ,"U)d baby i!fins Children clothi>s (girls4-7; boys • al sizos). like now houso kght li*turos, bts and tots of oiftc*r iitw s All <tl yard s,ilo pncos 601 North to Angell Road, follow signs 2 families, Friday & Salurday, 25th ft 2Gth. BIG 3 FAMILIES: Satuiday. Juno 20. 8 till 2 Lots ot new andused clothmg Baibio toys, cass tapes books, bods. 25“ conso1o TV. cameras, ciatts. toys, and much more Approi 2 milos south ot radio station on Jencfu> BIG YARD SALE SATURDAY! 8 a m untit 370 Gwyn Street Big Yard Salc: Fnday 8 uiW, Saturday 8-12 4tn houso on nghton Comatzer Road, off Hwy 6-1 Cbihes. shoos, toys, bicycles, lots of miscellaneous EVERYTHNG GOES! Ym want it. t've got it' F ri, Sal , 4 Sun , 8 a m until June 25-27 Take 1-40 East, e>it Tanglewood. turn lell onto80t N, go 1' > mile past church, turn right onto Woodluv O r. Woodlee Dev . follo.v FRIOAY. Ji<ie 25. Y,i(ikm V,Kioy Ro.nl 8<im2pm Lots loridivr gut clothing and toys Ladics nice clothing si:o 3-B Kmgy/e watcibvd lots of misc FRIDAY & SATURDAY: Junu 25th f. 2Gth. 8am3pm UothMium On*t* off H,vy 15B ,vul Redl.tnd Road FRIDAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY: 8 a m nnt>l G>an.ida Drive Advance AC. houselttiditoms. clothes mon> Fnday, JuiK* 25. ti 30-5 30 and Satm- <tay. June26. 8 30-2 00 HomeolEd aru1 Frar<es Hepier on Oulm Hoad neit to Dulm Uniied Methodist Church Women's c<otfmg sizes. M 16. 18 Many other itertti Canceled it rammg Garagc Satc: Saturday, June 26. 9am-2pm 3G0 Country Lane Moving INSIDE YAflO SALE: Saturday. June 2G 8am-2pni. several families 23 Joynt-r Street Cooletmpe MOVING SALE: Salurdiy. June 26 8 a m until Ram or shine 173 H.illandv< Dtive Multi-Family Yard Sato: F’nson Cattip Road oll Grttiii Hill Road '« mile Sa<ufday. Jtviv 26. 8<irn-2pii) C,u luggage earner, electric typewriter, electric heater, baby and adult clothes, guitar househofd. and other Mulli*F.imrfy: S.Uu/d.>y, June 26lh. 7 a m until 457 Tot Street Furniture, computer sottware, bcycle. stetco. air conditioners, baby and children items, etc SATURDAY: 8arn-4prn. 801 between Macedonia Moravian Church and Redland Road SATURDAY, June 26.8an>2pm Tako Jei icho Road to Junction Road Baby bed, baby rtems. children's swings, baked goods, cralts, etc SATURDAY,June 26.8am . until 61 S. between Helen's Ouik Stop and Greasy Corner. Girfs (tots), teen and ladies clothes Misceitineous SATURDAY, June 26. 9am-2pm Beauchamp Road near Mocks Church. Boy's clothes (mfant-sue 6). furniture, toys, turtle sandbox, household, cralts. more. Cancelled it rammg No early birds. SATURDAY: June 26. 8am-3pm Hospital Street Ext. nicoboys to adult clothes, glassware, pictures, books, canmng jars, salt & peppor shakers, curtains, odds & onds Cancelled it raining USED APPLIANCES & PARTS Washers * Dryers * Stoves Mam Church Road, ' .' mile 601 Noilh. Mocksville. 492-2201 FOR SALE 25 Acros ori Old Hwy. 158 Ca,l i.U. Randall 0 Howard Realty ^ 6 3 * 3 5 3 8 o ^ t i M 6 2 9 y y r x K,XXX'V. X \ x> | 5CHAIN LINK FENCEX > x x xx m v x Expert Installation & Repairs I FREE ESTIMATES i 5 yoar guaianioo on n1l maloria1s nnd workmanship. A U S T IN F E N C E C O M P A N Y , IN C . 919-631-7879 i H U d 3 & U 3 f l l SATURDAY, Junc,*2G.Ba m until 445 Sanlor<l Avvmiu Two fam1l10s Canculliid if ramirig TWO-FAMILY: Salurday. Jurirt 2G. fi ,rrn tmW «1 Redwood Slieol. 1st road on itio lott oll Doadmon Road Bnt>y 1ier1re, children and adult ckitfio5 and much rrnre 2 SNAKES (0oas). S200 oach. 634-9091. ANYONE PURCHASING A SMALL BAY GELDING NAMES "T O Y ” wrIhffi Miopasl 6 to 8 imnihs. please call collect 704 G36 -U15 BASSET HOUND PUPPIES, AKC registered. 7 weeks old. dewormed. $150 each 704-284-48tZ BOXER: Wonderful watchdog. 9 months otd. mmtered SI50 Toy Poo- dit*. spayed, delighttul companion $75 Fenctxl yard only 998-8005 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES: AKC registered, will bo ready July 5 6345342 FREE KITTENS: Call at(er 8 pin 998-3078 FREE PUPPES: ’ ; Deagto. ’ .- F.evt 492-249G PAIR OF COCKATIELS for vale 492-2653 YOUNG GUINEAS lor salo Groat lot e<iimi) li<>.*j and all K ids ot tmgr> EJ1artm ent For Rent D o n n ie W a lle r Custom Cabinet Shop * Froo Estimates * Mocksvillo, NC i 9l9/0fl8^806 _L CINDY’S GROOMING SERVICE601 North • m Mlto Oft M0 • MothniM c ^ % T to * t. T 0 4 W 4 M I Quality & Sorvco For 0vet 65 Ytfjr$ FILTER BAGS * PARTS • REPAIRS | E L E C T H O X i U X l 1170 W05t 4th StlGOt Winston-Safom. NC 27101 919-724-5578 • 919-659-1144 MELVIN GAITHERy Loving Mother 01 3 has immediate opomngs in registered daycare fiorno Mo.ys, love, andhugsprovid- od Call 990-9537. MOTHER OF TWO v/ill keep children in inyhomo 1st or 2ndshilt All meals provided Caff 634-3979 WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my homo I sl A 2nd shrii. also before h alter school Breakfast, lunch, snack William R Oavio area 492-2013 ANYTfME' H B ^ B 3 S B S S 3 H BY OWNER: '87 R Aneif fvtob('o Home. 14x70 and E0* 125 woodcd lot locaied on lntracoastal waterway at Holden Beach 2 bedroom. 2 bath. 905 sq ft Nice quict family atmosphere wilh nghts to pier Great get-a way Call 634-1326 anytime CAROLINA BEACH CONDO: Ocean viow. V? baihs. sleeps 4. cable, phono, washer, dryer, pool S375 per week 9t9-79l-5788 FOR RENT: N Myrtlo Beach. 1 block 1rc.mocean.lg swimmingpool, W/D fac a v a il. sfeops 6, FAMILY ORIENTED. S425/wk Call Jean or Don Pope 919-998-2330{h|. 919-766-8505(w) N. MYRTLE BEACH: 3-BR. 2-BA palio home Stiort walk to beach All amenities including pool $600 per week 2-BR. 2 BA Condominium. fJ Myrtle Oeach Shc*i walk to beach All amynities. vicludmg pod $425 per Call 634 5072 HOT SUMMER SAVINGS. 8eauWul 1-bedroom apartments, energy etli- cienl ail rrvi|or appliana.>s included Wo pay water, gatbaty.1 and sewer You ;;M.*on 1st. 3rd ant 6th monihs fiortliw ood Apartments 704 G34 4M1 MOCK PLACE: Sen.or Oti:ens Alien- tion' flow takmg appications lor t bedroom umb m MocksviHe Senior Citi:en compV.** ne*t to Davie Coun­ ty Public Libtary Rent based on in­ come For mk)imahon call 634-2005 or write Mock Place. P O Bo* 690. Mocksville. hJC 27028 Equal Hous­ ing Opportunity MOCKSVILLE • SUNSET TERRACE AH Bfick Energy ElfiCienl Apartment 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swmgs Kilchon appiunces furnish­ ed including dishwaslwr 11; balhs. washer/dryer connections Hign energy etticient heat pumpprovides central heat and air Prewired lor cable TV & phones lnsutoted win­ dows & doors No wax kitchen/bath tloors Located m MocKsvJlo behind Herttiri* Furntture on Sunset Di. olt ol Hwy. 158 Oltice hours 1-6 M-F & Sat 10 12 Phone 704.634 0168 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for two and three bedroom energy ef- ficienl apartments Rent ts based on income’ Located at 300 Mi11mg Road close to schools, industry, and shop­ ping Range, refrigerator, drapes or mmi blmds. outside storage included. For leasing intoimation. please phone 704-634-20 70 Equal Housmg Opporlunity ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT! THE OAKS! Ono and two bedroom energy ellicients apartments located at 268 Milling Rd.. Mocksvilte. NC. Heat pump with cenlral air, washer/dryer connections, iange. refrigerator, drapes or mmi-blmds. outade slorage <ncluded. Pre-wired lor phone and cablo. 704-634-2070 Equal Housmg Opportunity BEDROOM: with TV. air. bath and refrigerator. Privato entrance For a working male. 25 years and older No dnnking. 634-7917 NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE * Sufcs * Files * Firc l'ro(if Files Rowan Office Fumltuie 118 N. Mam Svt>ot. Salisbury, NC Phone: 704-636-8022_____ CJT*I C4r0 Sp*oHi*l 'Vxuvmt HUatf<iwt ^ K 'Snawwo*'* *SMnipoo ^-^oo< PokWrt 4W(*f <wirtiV*uumi C A S H For Homeowners C re d it P roblem s U nderstood NO APPLICATION FEE 2 4 HR. PRE s • 510,000 lo r S 98/M on 5 • S25,000 (or S246/M oi . ■ S40,000 (o r S394/M on. Fixed Rates 600-669-8957 i ; m r g i C T ^ f ^ | Country Road LOG HOMES Of Davie County See f/odol Home 704-634.5880 EXTRA NICE • 2-BR colttge on 8 plus acres. Barn, out buitimgs. pond Pretty place' Call Red Foust, Howard Realty. 63-t-0/57 or 634-3538 HOUSE FOR SALE: 166 Hallander Orivo. Mocksville 634-t445 Days: 634-3332 Cvenmg^. Hwy. 601, 1 m>le past hgh school. 4 rooms. 1 bath, fenced tot. 1 acro plus or minus $49,700 Call Evelyn Haynos 998-0878 or Century 2!/Lifestytes Realty 940-2100 BY OWNER Hickory Hill Section II 4 Bedroom Contemporary. 3 full balhs. 2 half baths. 3.000 plus n heated lloor space Screen porch, bnck patio, full length of house appro*- imately 100 h with ccwered porch Oversize double garage Slorage garage for lawn mower and golf cart Full irnga&on system, ccxered p<er on lake with storage room 315 water front on 100 acre lake, toially iand- scaped 8YAPPOINTMENT ONLY' 998-4377 Mon-Thurs atter 5pm 634-5348. 9am-5pm B K n r . ^ E i i i F n i M CARTNER The fam ily of Roy H Cartner ackno.%ied(>>s with grateful apprecia- t<on every act of kmdncss and carmg sno.vn to us dunng his illness and death Our thanks to o%eryone for the cards, visits, food and flowers KEMP The lamily of Dr Ramey F Kemp acknowledges w>th gratetul apprecia­ tion every kindness shown them dur­ ing his illness and death. Thank you for your prayers, visits, calls, food, memonals and flowers MULLlS The family ol Anmo Belle Carngan Muiiis would like to thank lnends and neighbors for the pray*MS. (lowers, tood. comfoit and support dunng the passing of our loved one. WALL I would like to lhank each and every one tor the beautilul cards and llowers l recoived. espeoally for all the prayers t wish to express my deepest thanks for the food that was brought tJ my hofne. and to such good friends that tookeo after Skin­ ner while 1 was m lhe hospital. A special thanks to Bill Bracken and his lamily andto Mrs. Irene Hutchens. I am so grateful to the ambulance workers tor being so prcmpt and kind with me. May God bless each and everyone of you. Pansy Wall & family FOR SALE: Queen size wateibed. 7 cylinders, mattress, box springs Fits regular frame. $100 Sold oak timmg room table w/2 leaves. 8 high back chairs, S400. 919-766*1474 or 998-2330 PREGNANT? FOR INFORMATION AND HELP CALL' LOVE LINE. 492-5683 U EnEEC TEI 37V, ACRES PLUS: S38 000 Ov.ner financing vsith good crecJt and smaH down payment Properry located &ff Ratledge Road in Little Egypt H ,ou 1ike pnvacy and wilQhfe this >s >our place Aubrey Realty, t-704-744-6030 or 1-919-625-9147 APPROX. 11 ACRES: Lana per*s 520.000. olf Hepler Roao Borders on small creek 704-634-5200 O.'.ner lmancmg APPROX. 111 ACRES land m V/ill.am R Davie area 9i9-998-3930 N. Oavio-56 Acfcs Woods, Timber. Pasture. Water Nice small home Prettiest place around Call Red Foust at Howard Realty. 634-3538 or 634-075/ NICE ACREAGE TRACTS - Call Red FouSt. broker; HOWARD REALTY 634-0757 OVER 1600 FT. RIVER FRONTAGE: l3^acres Land perks Beautiful homesites, Mr Henry R d . S W Oavie. S75.000 Aubrey Really. 1-704*744-6080 RIVERFRONT LOTS: 5 1 acres each Perks, paved road frontage. S20.000Wot Owner financing available with small oown and ap­ proved credit Mr. Henry Road. S W Davie. Aubrey Reait> V704.744-6080 M g p m C T ^ F , n a i C & M SERVICES We provide all types of lawn service, mowmg lawns, tnmmmg shrubbery, cleaning lots. 704-6^-5798. FREE ESTIMATES AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE Mowmg & Trtmmmg Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Johnny Wyatt • 998-t732 TUCKER LAWN CARE.,.Mowintj. Trimming. Mulch. Seedmg ALSO Deck Buildtfig. Discounts for Senior Citizens. 998-7283 YOKLEY LAWN CARE Mowmg. teaf removal, core aeratmg. seodmg. tortil>zmg Free Estimates 998-3965 Miscellaneous FOR SALE: Spring Clearance Sale! Riiwloigh and Avon Producls. Make suie you see our special bargain table at booths 3 & 4. Peters Creek Parkway Flea Market, Saturday 8-5; Sunday 9-5 See Mrs. Head or call 919-765-1198; 919-788-3532 Distributors wanted. « STEVE liAMES CARPET CLEANING * Carpel & Upholstery Cleaning * Homes, Businesses & Churches * Water Damage Extraction Service * Over 15 Years Experience * FREE Esllmalos MocksvWe, NC 704/492-5781 V IE COUNTY KNTKKl>KlSK KKCORI), Tlmrsiluy, June 24,1')93 • 1)7 0 L A S S M E D S n U M W U B M S a O B ER0EEEABH3 » i _______________________ ET'S MAGlC: Lose up t> 30 pounds n 30 days of $30 All n,ilv.il Controls .ippetite compielely Gves energy .m l burns lat Guaranteed 1-800-489-9271 FERNS FOR RENT >autilui. Kish ferns lo enhance your $pecial cccasion Can deliver and )iCk up 704-787-5l30 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Will Deliver 998-6000 )R SALE: 14 K gold diamond and )merald earnng and ring Rmg is 4 < channel set diamond with a 2 K je,ir cut emerald in ite center vvi!h \edding rmg 1rom l*st marnage. Needstogo. Best offer. Will lmance. =arnngs match nng. 492-2489 DR SALE: 18.000 BTUWhirlpocl AC. Sunbeam Gas Gnii. t>pmg tabte. ^ecotd-A-Call. Kenwood Stereo 5epjraies «80 VVatts. 704-634-2754 3R SALE: 1 set 15-mch 5 bolt Honeycombpaltern wheels fit Gen Motors. 1 set Mazda l4nnch 6 bold .vhite spoke pickup wheels 998-3522 _ _ _ K & G SALVAGE PEC(AL rx B ’x ’A t" WAFFLE BOARD, ONLY 7.99<SKEET. 48 Vamty witn double smk.$i99'ea 36“ Vamty with sink, $i49/ea Fiberglass rooting shmgles. 512 95/sq; Roll roofing. S8 95/roll: V'<i2" no 2 grade pme shelvmg. S 95/lt. Bevel edge cedar sdmg. S 29.'tt.; SPECIAL' Corrugatedf.tetatfloofmg 8'fengms 49 f t . 10. l2S 14 ft. lengths. 59 It Ail vinyl windows m stock.' ; price 29 gauge pre-pamted 3 tt wide cor- 'ugated metal roofing and sidmg Si/ft K A G Salvage Materials, located on Hwy. 67 (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on West bank ol Yadkln River. 919-699-2124. obiie Homes For Sale obile^omes. For Rent 4x70 MOBLE HOME:2bedrooms 2 0aths. acre plus pnvate lot. deep weii No kids. No pets. 998-2071. BEDROOM • Jerusalem fo.vnship 550 week 998-8235 Bedroom, t bath, paniy turnished Private io< Prefer olde# couples No HUD $300.mo. $300 dep Call 993-5640. leave message :Bedroom ,privatelot 5250deposit. S300 per month 998-6381 lAD CREDIT? RENT TO OWN 14*70. a!so. 2 bedroom mobile homes tor rent S250 lo 5280 per monin 634-1218 Vice large mobile homeon pnvate loi Or.ly 2 people preferred 284-6t77 or 284-2683 OLDER ADULTS ONLY: 2 bedrrom with AC, stove and refrgerator on pnvate lot. $200 depos<L 5250/mo 492^174 READY TO MOVE fN furmshed apart- ment near Lee Jeans FUly lumish- ed. lights and water included. $400 634-1218 2 BEDROOM, V ; bathson Lvge cor­ ner lot Bl.xk top road U)t not for sale but ientaWe Good location $6500 998-2675 oi 998-8979 ‘83 2*BR. VBA. front porch included, good condrtion 284-2544. ask lor Teresa 8 '88 FlSHER 14x76'.?. deck, out- buifding. Located at Deer Run 634-4645 anytime. ’90 Oakwood: 2-BR. 2 full baths, located at Oeer Run. call Michelle 634.7237 or Sandy 634-957J. '93 Skyline 14x60 2-BR, sfcdmg glass doors, skylight, large front and back decks, central a>r, underpenned. Set up in Deer Run. Storage buildmg in­ cluded. 517.500. 919^99M164. ABANDONED HOMEt Assume Low Payments 704-633-1107 1990 3 BEDROOM; e*cellenl condi­ tion Assume loan with Si .000 down Call Mike 704-528-9449. P0-059095 BUY FACTORY DIRECT. SAVE THOUSANDS on umquety built Palm HaiborHorres 2*6wails.enefgmiser construction For free cola l>ternture. call V800482-2552 Timberland Homes Do you qualify for NO DOWN PAYMENT? Inquire at OAKWOOD M 08ILE HOMES, 4130 Patterson Avenue. Wmston-Saiem 919-767-7150 or 1-800-437-3C62 HELP SAVE ALAN S CREDIT! Take over payments 5163 64 per month 7CW-633-1107 RAY S HOUSE FOR SALE 1976 60*12. $2,995 704-528.9449 P 0 059095 SHOW MODEL Oouble w<1e 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 523.990 tocludPS dehvpry and setup m NC Phone 704-528-9449 P0-059095 WE DO OUROWN FINANCING! Fac­ tory Outlet Homes. Save thousands Limited credit • no credit. Also 6 han­ dyman specials Call Poodle at 70^633-3428 WHY RENT! New 14x70. 2 or 3 bedroom only $995 down Freo delivery and setup Call Oebbie at 704-6334428 U H 3 j3 S ^ E fiE 2 3 OAKWOOD DISCOUNT CENTER 2 & 3 Bedroom. 2 Baih Homes 5820 down. 5185 per month ON THE SPOT FINANCING' 1-85. Exit 76 Service Road Salisbury. NC 7CW-633-1107 5-BEDROOM, 3-BATH, over 2.000 sq tt 2x6 walls. Custom*buiB Palm Har- tior. energmiser construction. 548.002. $366 per month.8.99 APR. i0'cow n. 300 months lc* qualif;od home buyers. Call Timberland Homes. 1-800-882-2552. . ___ '71 Mobile Home: 2-BR. all ap­ pliances. large Bath, bay window, good conotion. Appraised at S3,900 V/ill sacrifice at S2.000if you move 492-2489 OAKWOOO - LEXINGTON Factory Discount Pr<es Quality Homes 704-249-7041 UIEBB Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. COMXERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL OFF(CE PHONE: 998-2121 2444our Emergency Sirvlce 50 trutttcn ptcpto take com!ot 1 un it COWDEN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS ^ - - - " 170 A v o rr5 u e e r5 ^ o c K s w n e rn C T 7 B 5 ^ ^ ^ - "" ^ - (704) 634-1493 (Leave Message; * Interior 4 Exierlor Painting * Decks * Porch Enclosures * Remodeling * Power Washing _________ PIANO TUNNING. REPAIRING. Work Guaranteed Call Wallace Bartord 919-998-2789 SEAFORD PIANO SERVICE Tuning 4 Repair 704^92-2CC0 or 704-634-0158 Jack Seaford PUBLIC SALE • MOCKSVlLLE MINI STORAGE to sen contents of storage spacesiMehaeiE Bogc*andlesi<Jf Carter) fo' unpaia it<it Saie datt- June 30. 2 00 p m Lee's Mobile Homes. Volume Fieet- wood. Hcrton & Clayion dealer • 4 hitcn mc 1993 • 24,52. 21.999 28*60.27.999 28*70 31 999 Also usedhomes Open7cays.Rd t923 NorwOOd. NC 704-474-3191. 800-777-8652 NEW 1993 14x70, 3-BR. 2 full b3th. range, refrigerator, setup and delivered $15.999. SB50 down. S184 87permonth 1250APR,180 months WE FINANCE? Oakuood Homes, 4i30 Patterson Avenue Wmston-Saiem 919-767-7150 or 1-800^37-3062 NEW 2 OR 3 BEDROOM. $995 down only $189 a month Free delivery & setup Call Joe Smith at 704-633-3428 NEW 3 BEDROOM. 14 wide, only 3 years on note Only 2 pa>ments> down. free de'<very ana setup Can J B at 704^33-3428 NEW 4 BEDROOM. 2 batn. $995 down Lim tedtim eotleronly2lett Free delivery and setip. Call J B at 704-633-3428 NEW DOUBLEWIOE! 1992. 1475 sq ft discounted $6000 3-BR. 2-BA Must see trts home Call Debo e at 704-633-3428 NEW REPO: $1,000 down. 7 yis on note. $269 a month. Only 2 left Call Joe Smith ai 704-633-3428 NO CREDIT? Let Poode show you how to get a new home 704-633-3423 '84 14x70 Oairm onl leatures 2-BR. 2-BA w/fireplace, Already setup on 1 ACRE with well, sep(ic tank any lights on Will Boone Road otf Oead- mon Road 510.000 998-7296. OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME! Own your cwn home m 5 years New 14x70. 2 or 3 bedroom for only S303 23 per month. S1,000 down pay­ ment. 12.99 APR. delivery and setup mcluded. OAKWOOD HOMES.4130 Patterson Avenue. Winston-Salem 9l9-767-7l50or 1-800^37-3062. GENERAL TRACTOR WORK Bush Hogging • Sub-Sdlmg Garden Work 998-8824 HALL S CONCRETE Patios. Slabs, Walkways. Driveways FREE ESTIMATES 492-_2t08, Pressley Halt HAULING • Sand. Gravel. Dirt. Mulch Miller & Son Backhoe Servlcc 264-2826 PIANO FOR SALE Wanted: Responsible pei$on to take on low monthly payment on beautiful consolep-ano.nomoneydown Call toll iiee 1-800-533-7953 OFFICE ORRETAlL SPACE a,aiaBie Appro"imaNH/ 500 sq li otf Depot Street cef>n3 Dav;e T/,nei Strt?t‘t level ne.v east sntv p.)t*mq iui 998-3165 Vaccum Repair Service RampOAS and ati other tranas Sup- plies on hand Vacuums Fof Saie' 999-5890 or 998-7004 BACKHOE SERVICE • Sepnc S>stems. Any Backnoe Work Miller & Sons Backhoe S ervice. 284-2826. BOGER'S KAR KLEEN 28 years e*cvffence <n complete car cleaning. wa«. interior motors Call 998-3189 or 998-3159 Rt 2 Mocksviile BRAKE'S HEATING & COOLING Furnaces. Heat Pumps. Air Condition­ ing. Plumbmg Hot Water Boilers Also Air And Water Purification STATE LCENSED. CALL 492-2599. THOM flUTTER PAINTING & WALLPAPERING 284-4211 CHAIN LINK FENCE We speoatize m residential cham lm* fences AH estimates are free Aii workmanship and mate<ials com* With a written 5 year guarantee. Opev. aildaySalurdays 9i9-631-78.'9 Davle Electronics Servicmg car stereos, home stereos. VCR's. CDY CB's. and Nintendo. 18 years ex­ perience 9t9-998-6179 ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER SALES - SERVICE — SUPPLIES 284-2577 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER needs odd jobs Good work tor fair price. FREE ESTIMATES 704-492-2255. Ask lor Calvin after 5 LEAKY BASEMENT? Basemeni Watetproofng Systems guaranteed for the lifeol the home If you have or are considering tmishing a room in your basement, we protect theentire 1oundat>on Free inspection and estimate. 704^92-7584. ask lor Bob. LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Lmk • 0*ner Free Estimates 634-3248 MASON ELECTRIC...Ne* Installation & Repair. Mobile Home Hook-ups Service changes Ketth Mason 998-3531 Osborne Eloclric Co. Unlimited license Over 25 years e*penence. FREE ESTIMATES Kar( Osborne, owner 634-3398 PAINTING Remodeting • home repairs Large or small Free estimates JAMES MLLER 998-8340. PHIL'S HIGH PRESSURE WASHING Mo&r!e Homes - Vmyi Homes Concrete • Wood Decks 634-7584 POWER EQUIPMENT RENTAL Precision Power Equipment Milimg Road. MocksviUe 704-634-9768 RlCK MILLER CONSTRUCTION Ciearmg lots. Loader work, will haul dirt-stone-sand 998-0646 Residcniial and Commercial Clean- lngFREEEstimate Referencespro- video 492-53l7."AskforDeborah" Leave message STUMP GRINDING • No Yarq Damage Miifer & Sons Bac*hoe Service 284-2826 TRUCK DRIVING TRAINING Carolina Trammg Center 1155 HAy 66 South Kerneisviiie. NC 1-800-849-1177 TRENCHER SERVICE: Watei. Guiter Electrical Lmes Miller & Sons. 284-2S26 VCR CLEANING & REPAIRS ■ VOGLER S TV SERVICE Advance 998-8172 JULY 3-8: Branson. Missouri. Space available Dol $532 AUG. 21-22: Renfro Vaitey. KY Dbi $140 SEPT. 4-6: Labor Day Weekend Dollywood. Pigeon Forge. TN V : days at Oollywood. Smokey Mtn JuMee. bulfei breakfast S shoppmg time Dbl S225 OCT. 22-24: Nashville. TN Extra special • call for details Obl. 5249 NOV. 26-28: Lancaster. Reading. Her- shey. PA Christmas shoppmg at Reading. Hershey Park Christmas Candy Lanewith tour guide. 1 dinner and breakfast mcluded Dbl. 5195 OEC. 4-5: Carolma Opiy Chnstmas Show at Myrtle Beach 1 dinner and breakfast included Also Dm e Stampede Dbl $114 CalHordetial Bailey & Howard Tovs. 998-4338 Triple and Quad prices also available ABUNE'S USED WOBK CLOTHES \ W ork Pants 28-40 S2" • W ork Shlrts S1 ” J Larger Sizes Available __________ « Yadkin Flea Markcl • Yudkinville e Huy. 601 North - l.eft un ll« y . 421 -1/2 mile on k ft, Yiltlklnvllle. e e e e V i V i '68 Dodge W rcckcr: Good condition Contact M *o at 492-7303 '78 Pontiac Lcm ans: Good mechaniMlconrtition 7B,000miles Needs pamt S800 0 B 0 163-i-0S70 9-11 p m '81 Volvo: Brown with beige mlcnor 52500 or besl ofler 634-5700. iOam-5pm '83 Buick Regal Lld. Bad motor Needs crankshaft Cau Mike at 492-7303 '84 FORD BRONCO 4x4: » 2 engme. PS, PB. AC. cruise ccnirot, AM/FM cassette, chrome wheels & w/letter t>res Excellent conditon. 634-3186 days, 634-0383 mghts '87 DODGE COLT: 44.COO miles. AC. PS. new Vres. extra doan. 53.000 634-5835 '89 Cadillac Seville STS: 35.000 miles, black with leather mtenor 919-760-4022. '89 Lincoln Town Car: Signature senes 34.000 mites, b/ack wifh olack leather inienoi 919-760^022 FREE ESTIMATES 5 M EDICAL RECEPTIONIST N E E D E D FO R Farmington Medteal Center (O fw b g M y ,1 tN ) Must be attractive, personable, dependable and EXPERIENCED In running a busy Medical Practice. Seml Resume To: TEAGUE 1503 E. Broad Sl. Statesville, NC 28677 EO F.________________________MK '92 Prowler 22 (1. Travel Trailer: Separate BR. bathroomwith shower Loaded Usediweek.NewS15.000. w illsacnfice$13,500 Cailatter6 pm 998-8697. JOHN DEERE Green 14 tt. Tandem Tra-ler. 6': ft wide wth loadmg rainps 998-3177 POP-UP CAKVER FOR SALE: Can­ vas. 2 >ears old New telng*rator $900. negotiable 634537t. SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick-Peugeot 700 W lnnes S t. Sahsbury 740-636-1341 PROFESSIONAL would hke to ient 2-8R cottage convenient to Mocksvitie References Can atter 6 pm 993-8697 H B s n n E n n n n n ATTN: S9.25 TO START Ideal tor ctiiege students and high schoo! grads Wo/k n f,focksvilie apply m Hckor> Call 704-323-6975 tor mtervie* AMERtCA S FINEST SERVICE CO. .s now hiimg Rest Area aitenoants f.taie. female m Davie County 1-40 East & West Apply m person to Mrs Graoe Han or cail afte< 7 p m 919-468-9163 Be A Decor 4 More/Toys 4 Gilts Home Party Demonstrator! For FREE Catalog & Information Call Anorea. 995-2052 DEPENDABLE CARtNG LADY wanted to iive-mwithdisabtedwoman. Sun day alternoon until Thursday alter- noon knowieageolaidotficttietrinu shots helpful 634-3489 or 998-2023 after 5 30 pm. only EXPERIENCED GLASS & MIRROR CUTTER: Store front mechanic Some out ol town and cvernight. Oniy expenenced drug-lree need apply B&B Glass & Mirror, Mocksviile 704-634-3966 FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTORS: Jim Walter Homes has woA available for contract with trammg sub-contractots m all parts of North Carol<ia. pleiity ot work, subcontractor must have adequate crav. tools and transporta­ tions. Contact Jim Henderson. 1-800-283-6m g j g i 2 3 E n n H n H AVON WANTS YOU! - ‘. : 701-876-406-1 FULL TIME WORKER nteded on SOD FARMinSouthDavie Musthavoex- perience operaiing and mamtammg . equ’pment Phonebetv^en7;30and 8 00 am weekdays. 919-998-9755 GIRLS WANTED from tC. SC & TH. between 7-l9 to compete m this year's l993Chailottepageants Over $20,000 m pnzes and scholarships Call today l-800-PAGEANT. EXT 6860 (1-800-724-3268) HAOTSTYllSTS Talented p<ofcssionai sryiists needed - lor busy shoppmg center salon in Mocksvi!ie N C cosmctology license required. We olfer guaranteed hour­ ly pay plus up lo 60 percent commis­ sion Paidvacation, he<1th insurance plan, continuing education and bonuses Calll-800-47fr7233 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN needed with a minimum of t0 >ears ex­ perience. Musi be knowledgeable m all electric procedures lrom controls to runmng conduets Able to ma»e good soury oeciSions v.nnout havmg to slop and ask. Se*l motivated. ORUG FREE. Pay based on ex­ perience Sendresumemconf.Qence to Personnel Director, PO Bo* X. c/o Salisbury Pcst. Salisbury. NC 28144 LEAD TEACHER: Degree <n childcare pre!erred or 1 year m cMdcare e*- penence Curent medical and TB re­ quired Must be 18 or oloer M ocksviile Child Development Center. 634-5298 *No expertence necessary, v.ork at •$700 00'v,eek potential 'Process f,tortgage Re^ncs *For mlormaiion send SASE to S La Dou< Prcccss1r.3 P 0 Box 230522 Dallas. TX 75228 *Or call 214-994-3560 PRECIOUS BABY BOY see*stu!l.t'rr* nanny/au pair starting mt3- Septemoer. Must be creative energetic and mature fc* a profes­ sional coupie. We wii proviae e«-‘ - ceiient salary anq benefits References required Reply to 919-761-5100. ask tor f,ts McKmney Resumes that knock'em dead, lt >our job search s go>ng noAhere. ma>be your resume needs a tune-up. Mas's Resume Service can gr*e you the professiond toucn thai gets >ou noticed and gets ycur foot m the cocr. Fast tum^ound ano reasonaoie pr>c- mg Call 634-5750 Single parent needs ccca5<cna: weekenacfiiidcare lor lOand l5year- oid boys Creekwood Development, only please 998^)297 WEEKEND EMPLOYMENT: Serv.ce Station e*p*3nence requrea Ca'i Anderson Eoon. Farm1ng;0n Road i 1-40 99B-5140 /X3K&M0THERS m % ^ i R,N6Sw S y ^ > S L tfS v 605,01(1 ^*OE ^ 3 te 2 5 ^ ^ ^ 8 ^ w ouR sione DAVIE JEWELERS ^ ^ x ^ y jy y j^ ^ ^ j^ ^ y ^ M ^ GENE T*EXLER B00FING New & Old Roofs 24 Years Experience Free Estimates 704-284^571 ^ V ^ ^ E L ^ t i l O [ U ^ l E . e 766-9691 IMMEDIATE OPENING On All Shifts For Cooks & Walt Stafl Must Have a Solid Work Record, Good Attitude and Willing to Learn BENEFITS INCLUDE • Competitive starting salary with opportunity (or advancement • Group Insurance • Prolit sharing • One-week vacation bonus every six months ATTENTION! ^ ^ g u , _ ^ ^ ^ Q f c ^ ^ ^ ^ g p 1 ^ ^ ^ JU N E G R AD U ATES AN D SC H O O L D R O PO UTS: The Federal Government provides ar. amaz^g. ltee vocational sUis training program lor young men and women 16-21 years dd,who are drug-free. . Now. tow income families can give their ch)Uren add,Vonal educatxan and jod training. Young people wD be assigned to a center, pos$iWy outolstate, for about one year. Tuition, dormitory room and meals are afl lree! Spen6ng money and dothing aJkwances are paid to aV students. For Wormabon call: Dr. J. Edward Brown, NC DepL ot Human Resources. 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 2 - 7 9 4 8 Visit or Write: Job Corp&fNCDHR, 1100 Navaho 0r., Raleigh, NC 27609 i D8 - DAVIK COLNTY KN l KRl'KlSK KKCOK[), ThursUay,Junt 14.1993 Making the presentolion for the Cooleemee Pool. Irom left: Sherman Arnold, Danny Correll, Nancy Brown and Tiny Steele. Jockey Tri-A-Thon Raises $1,500 For Swimming Pool Thc cmplo>ees o f Jockcy lnicma- tional. Inc. hosted and participated in thc third annual Jtxkcy Tri-A-Thon to kncfuUKCoo1cvinecSwimmingPix)|. They raisedapprm iitutely$l.5(X) as a donation to thc pool toofTsci opcr- atingcosi. Dannv Corrcll o f the Cooleemee Suimminp Pix>l Committee rceeived thc donation from Nancy Brown. su­ pervisor and ehainnan o f ihc Tri-A- ThonComitiec."Joekcyhopestheehil- Urcn o f thc arc;> can continuc to cnjoy thc swimming pool for nuny morc years.” Brown said. Filing For Town Elections Opens On Friday, July 2 Filings v. ill begin at noon Friday. July 2. for the mayor and fisc com* missioners for thc Town o f Mocks* villc. mayor and two commissioners for the Tow n o f Cooleemee. and for one board member for the Bermuda CenterSanitary District. A ll three elections are non-parti* san. and filing fee for each scat is 55. The filing period w ill end at noon Friday. Aug. 6. This is the first year for a non­ partisan and four-> car staggered terms for the commissioners for the Town o f Mocksvil!e. The three candidates who receive the highest number of votes w ill hc elected for four-vear terms, while the two candidatesuho receive the next highest number of votes w ill be el.*v!ed for two-vear terms. Thc candidate for ma>or uho receiv cs the highest number of votes shall be elected foratwo->ear term. The terms for the may or. and com­ m issioners fo r the Tow n o f Cooleemee. are for four y ears, and the board member for the Bermuda Cen­ ter Sanitary D istrict shall also be elected for a four-year term. If questions, you may contact the Davie County Board o f Elections at 634-2027. Monday*Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Tax Base Allows Low Town Rates It) Laura W llllams*Tr.icy Davie County EnterpnsfrRecord M ocksvilk town viimmsMnner> approved a S3.3^ m illion hudgct Monday thui w ill not rat>e ta\cs nvxt Piopcit> Ut, rates wtil remain at $.39 p erS llU ol propeny valuc. but fees for garHige pickup vsill incrcusc from S3 to $6 every two months. Water and >cwer raL*s are not affcctcd. Thc board approved the budget at an 8 a.m. public hearing that no residents attended. The 1993-94 budget's largest ex­ penses are for operation o f the police department and recreation depart­ ment. M ixksville and county ad­ m inistrators agreed to allow . M ocksvillc'Davic Parksand Recrea­ tion Department employees to operate thc Senior Center at the B.C. Brock building next year. The coun­ ty u ill pay ,Mocksvillc $20.(XX) tor the service, saving itsc!f $18,000. Town employees w ill receive a 5 percent pay increase, and a police of- County Briefs C o u n t y C o n s id e r s L a n d f i ll S t u d y County m nm issioncni are considering pay ing a consulting firm to determine the most cost-efficient way to handle trash. The board has received an offer by the Raleigh engineering firm o f Dewberry and Davis to study whether the eiwnty shouKl build a new landfill or ship its trash to a regional landfill in Winston-Salem. New Mate landfill reguUlions have made dealing w ith solid waste much more expensive than in the past. New landfills nvst he lined with a thick, plastic liner and must hc monitored lo r waste run-oll. Dewberry and lXivis would conduct the study for no morc than $5,200. Commissioner Jeff Harrison expressed concern over thc need for the study and its cost Monday night. The board w ill \otc during a special meeting June 28. D a v ie S a n it a t i o n R a t e s M a y G o U p County C(xnmissioner> are considering alltnving l)avic Sanitation to increase its rates on its 3.3(H) customers to n.akc i.(. for higher costs to dispose ol garbage. The U urd is considering a priposal to rai>c the rates hy $2.44 each month. ...C<yiUtli>sionerss;ud^Mond;iy.tluLtliay^v;iitcdiiLsiudy.tlkLivduLiiJcc. granting franchis; rights to l)avie Sanitatim and would vote on the proposed increase June'28. County Settles Disputs Out Of Court A lic r a year o f negiiiations. the l)avic County Hoard o f Commis­ sioners agrcvd Monday night to set­ tle its dilTereiwesuitli Cm ipton Con* stniction C<inpany and jxiy its t;th for the Yadkin River Water Plant. Davie County w ill pay $8l.(KX)to Compton. The money had been budgeted to pay for the o>mplction ol the project. County Manager Ken Windlcy s.iid atter a meeting in closed session that the board had been considering its legal options alter members were unhappy with Compt<wi's perfor­ mance during construction o f the water plant. The plant 15xned more than six monihs late last year after a scries o f tint* delays. Windlcy said the board felt that some o f the delays were not legitimate. County Attorney Boh Price said it was ohvious before the project was comp!clcd last year that the two sides would have difficulty determining what the county owed the construc­ tion company for its w t*k. He said the county u>nsidcred suing the com­ pany but felt that the e;r*e had gone on long cn<*igh and decided to settle out o f court. A fter negotiations, the company and the county agreed on $8l.(XX)as the final payment. W indlcy said the plant was operating w dl now. A fter the same executive sessinn. the board voted to pay $2.(XX) tn Shelby Insurance to settle a dispi o ve rw a te r damage at a llillsd; Price said the county did not accc responsibility for a bustcd c*<un watcr pipe tlut caused uuter damuj in thc honk?. But he said tiic hturd !i that it was k tte r to settk* for $2.(K. than risk the expense of court. Price saidoriginally thc insurun<. company , which coscrcd the co>t« repairs to thc water-danuged hoim wanted $4.(lM) in damaues. liver u ill h: added to the iow n'* The budget aNo incliklc' inere.is- ed lunding toreconomicdeveli>pment und the Art> Couneil. Town Manager Terry BralL-y >aid he was glad that lhi* yt:ir's budget rcduccs thc amount ol ntoncy the iown spends on recreatim. While the item is >till one o f the UrgeM in the town's budget. Bralley said the town had reduced its share ol"the toial co>t o f recreatiiwi provided by the town and county. Bralley said the town's tax has: ha> increased dramatically in the past 25 years, which has a!lowcdthc town to steadily lower the tax rate. In l% 5 the town*s tax rate was SI per SlOO o f propeny value, and the tax base was valued at less than $20 million. But as the tow n beeaitv more in­ dustrialized starting in 1975 the rate has dropped to its prex*nt level of $.39. The lax base is now valued at more than $180 m illion. The town's 17 largc>t companies pay 53 percent o f ;ill property tax revenues to the town budget, he said. NHW LISTINGS l ittin iu u ia o * -im .M .u tu ( i.4 ii. irvu. 2 Kiu ur*v *m - st <.v^- w-v,* v -. iw t eutie i e u - im w - e u w i <== .•■ 5 g M S * < i i . d v t i ; ^ a S E > ^W ^ tU4 liM U t - |iim - CUaVOM A |I|IN L ; D AVIE COUNTY Oavla Cow*ty O lflc t 886<I816 Barbara P. A la n.............981-3083 HtUn C aiildy 704-634.2600 A d ilt O'Entremont ........ 940-2787 Vicki F1tmln<...................991-1167 BrtndaM. Harpcr-.........-766>9632 fflJBEAD DEALT1 D ] fr w i j i x j ^ x J 9 9 8 - 8 8 1 6 L •»:s« 101 l|W ltC*Wl *M14f#e- tM> MS- UI>UI ro u 8 *i> i-iTt.ee-w n u u t i* ;eisi-, CLEM M O N S TUI Mtl »41« l6 .Mi 111 -11« Mt X *•« tVi .- *•« a .(=<<,SC y ~« *«• - a .* x«t x - y v- t >• ••! C*i i*ra cr y*-y Kt v x i i *r*^-."<> lim ill!IH IU > lm .W < M **U M *H M t.cuwweei.tsfl) i y fstvr* « v . v : r •:•» *>:-x> .1 :.^.x.ir. n - C M t ; ^ V.O*V^{ 3E. u » u ( iw tin i- u i:.w - wiTiweee -« s= ._'l .'<'..*'f> .-^30 V*^'-l 'W.-o1 v:<=t w . JfJI CVtll»«MI («10 - mr.M4 - CUlNMt t ie ii*w m w e e i-im w - i6 fl :*'.-.i-2-^ f5»Ca^<«JV^i*-TV .N»s N^3Vcri veev.H< ■• *> -. :vT ;i »Z ••• *t- »t.-.- C*f"* cei,ts in m **ntie<8 - im w - «i* i i e« •»»: llt lK lH I W t - lilim - i; i 1‘ 3‘ TSi; ::c ttllU U t|ll(U *lllt.tM > N l «UN«MMlai«««<l 1;5 ;*^*4iw^:-.it ):r>>>r >rv.- -r» k-«- * ,-ftt^ ru r .jtew .n vC^t SnW. HUk iM u m N U -iM N *> *iriH e n <y» H>i n>ittim tin i - iiii* M * u i* tii M ini e- ] t =i '^ : i vv~v ?««--'j ^* > rj *-.ve:^v »*^ r*‘ ^i*r^ vx» •»r O ^ v i ^tcys WAC#> in iu n n im m t- tin m - aonMw < 6») 5 £* 6^* CV,> ; - « y j.^~?«» C#-^zi S*c,oM v<;.,o: Vft »--; y 2* t «i AW.T> •.£- iei ir IMHIi(IOIVM - ||||JN - 3 5= 2 1 61 iet J )IIK H (lttkM . ||lt.MD - 3 »a : 5 3» .%»■rv x - y*l v*r ^*t) 5#i»^xw r*.:wrWja v*t •><i m .-» • ^3:*i Cct# y ^ ji T »xd C*^.*S m i»M m m *u~im m ~cuM «M M »m -) i- 2 M f'r<* *■?» SA*<" s« :«,'V | ^MK*;<4ts •*< o '** A 6 :*• *^K^% s»i xi 'r* r ; CVA''i lit e iw iu ii ■«« - iiiiM - tu**eel *u i-4£= 3 i* 6=C« «*•»>•„ •*; KK' W «t .} >-r< tc w:* iyrt tO, tit siiMHtuM - uii.w-eu*we«e wm. < nr u u ii Mi)i - iiir m - oieiei u il'. #**'l i*uc"w i-iifi> e*-luc*w iTK U Tirw iui- f*»». (t*i| CS *.{* it- )i* 21. *^« -s ‘ . i;ai5 • * iH i - iyieee-u*uiet.entice. <:- i «. 3* !iMiMtfi srv>'jv^ £*ct 500 *ITTf PCni M W M ieiui u a itu - M u m .M c u tu - j y nilttU IU *H *> IIIO N -W IIW O N U U t.t a* 3 91 -A'.C- y H *:•*» 2*i -.r *M t^ frru i*t '.^% rtT .f^, ir? tlTRAJ".O fLtV'ti>:*vf 10t u n m itin - m i.w - n tA 3»e* T=*: ii-V uutv* ie *e -iiu o o *-*tie e i*L e*»«co.ii8u 1e!3e= :sB*t^ac#^,:c5o<.^!jr.-M * bOf3UW££*W«•Mtw e*ilUCW-U1l>6l-3 8R 26* !M1 6#-l -j- Ut-.'K"jn ‘' i y *1 ^CS£5 > y*> :t ‘ •*;• •*• -e*i -^ ?t« *N-) c i y ;v j* 8£T71 K^$ m u itu . iT. 1 - 11n m e*it co. 3 2= 2 5* r'2 •»>} 1:v1 ^J*'M 24«3C i*.j ^ >>i &y-e w*v h#jfn;t# t<nra-, A4^*^ixi^>psr^ClC*JV*T ko cun iflt8 - 1u1.w - M Nii)iu. e iiii ee. i£= !E i’. f « : m « O ‘:=£5 u-. v n r U*-. ^C>IVUI. »t. 1 - ltll.lN - 4 M :6 iriiv: 'X,. cO**-Vs*C*<B*H VJM>- *U :tl friJ U *.f *: .<x J.^v4-;> X*>*. Ftt,rto :to.>M IU I1 0 illH lll> IU .M -ltU I1 U II.)e a 25& > u ^ N t i. ; ix ^ r a 3r*FP<-CnU x,&•r tev ^{« ,-• t g4 n !^ :v-! S». ;4n-x< 6€7T» ^onsw4iA*itt m*twoeo o*>vc - iii.see - ttia*M u. , c« w uciiit Dt 11.1, u i :» - ie ,m - witnou.ttVlt C0. 3 8fl2 5 M S<XlT fCiES «^t*l V 14» «u*l a *V iflp^t! Air» ^iCflGRUMt|*• r 7t1 aroetTT» P0T7S * * W««• 116» IT*lT - II4.W - NKlllUL 1 Bfl. 1 fl*BAN> • OT - tV* 1 f<>S • «VtV"v\; fytr >-0««C Sc*x>-1 M *<W W J^aW rtfM * X« ior II t« IIH H I - ltl.t4t - 3 ea 2 5 6* *«• T-» urJ »tr« *.f,< MAj ^ t fP f*tvi 5<i r. ft« w ytoW fHAv*flMWiG SkL1UKLPErt6in 10? U tlW IN I - MI.M9 - 3 8fl 3 i M ^ . T.t> ro-jp«r«»UT. Sf **ve^i >uFP ^<yt*^ Ot* rtfC Ft<*V* HMOiA SMtt 8 U(GV^E 76*1|:j UIUCLN*t 11«.n I - |<l.tM-2VK 18AUv6iE K*f£0HSe0*CF£SBx«toioiNrt*w»ojr*s»*«* nr* e*ua*; tu rn p W i fc» yv^i 6tTT> POTTS iHiimMHnuiu.m-*iitiML)H n0» S?IIT »0'tB 't »•; «a fc**i<r*r i;CRUefP *rj r«< w u *r{u:f a«)» rtvi>tuxrV6tfTTfUTtS umi NM Mii - m.M« - na<uiM «x* iui-101IIU N , e*«i C0. ) &A 26» 8-<» FUxfi «u«f*« 9 .w *lrl 3r" »« 3-r**V*19rf>- »*• 914<"*r*On** ca*.PtiTTSKiiW im e e u c iu iu * - iu t.M o -n n u « i eii.) 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K n '. a s r ^ J a s T " '«*«'«■ * • N l ' . V V I ) K V K I , ( ) P M K N T S l l 111n cs 1 n < lv r ( o n s tn ic tim i ( lv m n 11m s M0M*VI4N MIISHTt..................................................................................................A MClud«d n^gh 6ffn 00d rrunuei fro<n H*y 421 County u>e*. water and te*y piut *oo6*j 4M ooen >ct> *M io the appeal ol tM tam-fy ne^reornoooQ^CCTjON^H*y421 toCl#mmons Ent. ktt t3tirit kffl»1 UarTr Ln lo'>jW oo kXnwn Park Lane let »4 TiAD 1 I I |ll.te e CHI*1lW60WIV 7SH424 w A ii*rotD .....................................-.....................................................................0e*fln*d lo accommo64!e any tt><e nome. tn.* tint-ncti>e corrriuMy olt#fi ire fjieii b>mg ^ j, one m.^ Irom Tang**oo<3 Park Ne^h60<rood pooJ pmfCnON9 i40 ToC^mmoni. e« litflM ieH Pe*:eHj.en FbadtoWa!e'i<xdSect«n 3w Nv sum j M0l ilt1 A tl JD0l U I TATI U*0A WIUAH0 CATNT CflAVIR WAE0W ftU>NNk MART fiUUICKWN MAtT eUUICStON HAIT 0UUICKMN M FM *T*II .....................................................................................................•> >ou k>ie ihe couiry and Qv<H amotwxe >ou * k>e P,vptviiee *>w >ti owfwed tols sorne *cocSW some cpen Se*e< inc>o3edDjnfCTiON^Sl>a!lw3fijS la Hafrpicn to ,Lto Ff>e Brtige Rd , L0n Locp fXi11 Mi lo Pepp#f' llt 14 TtAft i 1.1 lllf,0e0 lAlLY M<tWXI T4H IUlet 12 J-ITt TK0 Ql0tlA HATTHIWS l t l l t l lL0Tt AVAIlAHI f0* CUtT0H C0N(TIUCtH9N IN EACH 0ftll0PM|NT. 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S 9 M I2 7 Oou| Lamb*....................891-1164 8hlfliy te w li........... 766*6802 Gloria Matthaw* ......... 886-6062 Sally McGulr............. 766*1673 Dlck N all................. 704-634-5462 k ia lo m \ ................. 766*8676 M ty Pott* ................. 886-6408 Qray F e tti..................... 886-6408 U i 6eppta ................. 886-2034 J l* Walh*r, M aaaf*r... 724-8372 - — O P C N l* 4 8 U N D A Y RELOCATION SERVICES Waada H inH , 0irtctor — 74I-S37j M ^ Diioa. Ralocallon Sp*clal|it 74I-8M S ^ TOLL*FREE: HCWKJJTY 1 *8 0 0 *7 5 2 *1 9 5 0 ^ " “ ^ ” "• K i;S tl> I N I IA I . • C O .M M K K C lA l. • K I I.O C A I IO N • IN S H K A N t'K • K K N 'I A I . S ^ ^ ^ *S E R V IN G l> A V IK C O U N T Y . C L E M M O N S & W E S T E R N F O R S Y T H